"Dragon Son-in-law" a.k.a. Millionaire Son-in-law, Charlie Wade Story. Translated by Junlee (aka Jungal2000)

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Charlie Wade is a househusband son-in-law whom everyone looks down upon. However, unknown to them, his true identity is that of the young master from a top-tier family. Those who once belittled him will eventually kneel before him, trembling with fear and calling him "Master!" ...

The MC is Charlie Wade, and there's this girl Claire Wilson. They're in this savage clapback novel called "Ultimate Dragon Honcho", penned by this dude Ye Gongzi. Everyone knew Charlie Wade was the son-in-law of the Wilson family. Like, Grandpa Wilson legit pulled this broke boy outta nowhere and made him marry his grand daughter/princess, Claire. But bro's got no skills, no dough 💸, and Claire had to deal with so much BS 'cause of him. He even had the nerve to ask for money during Grandma Wilson's big party, making Claire hella embarrassed 😳. They kicked Charlie Wade out, but then plot twist! 🌀 Some butler dude shows up. Turns out, Charlie Wade's actually from the uber-rich Wade clan. The butler's like, "Come home, fam." But since his parents were, like, done dirty by the Wade fam, he's like "Nah." But he did take his grandpa’s black card loaded with 10 billion. 💳💰 #MicDrop

Author: Charlie Wade
Category: Urban Fiction
Status: Ongoing
Last Updated: October 18, 2023
Last edited:


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Sep 17, 2023
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Charlie felt a sudden, uncontrollable twitch in his eyelids. Without hesitation, he turned his head sharply, twisted the throttle on his electric scooter, and sped away.

Marissa, watching Charlie disappear, hurriedly dashed out to follow him. By the time she reached the street, Charlie was already nowhere in sight.

She stood at the entrance, feeling a deep sense of loss, anxiously scanning the area while muttering to herself, "Could it be that I was seeing things?"

Turning to the old housekeeper who had followed her, she asked urgently, "Uncle Wang, did you see a young man who looked remarkably like Drake?"

Though the housekeeper had only glimpsed Charlie briefly, he replied with unwavering certainty, "Miss Klein, I did see a young man riding an electric scooter. He really did resemble Mr. Wade quite a bit!"

Marissa's excitement was palpable, causing her voice to tremble as she spoke, "Yes, yes! Since you saw him too, it means I wasn’t imagining things, nor was it an illusion."

She continued, bewildered, "But how could there be two people who look so alike in this world? And that young man looked to be only in his twenties. How could he resemble Drake so closely?"

The old housekeeper sighed softly, "The world is vast. Occasionally, two people can look very similar without having any real connection. It’s not that strange."

Marissa nodded, "You're right, Uncle Wang. With so many people in this world, it’s not unusual to find two who look alike."

She then exclaimed, her excitement unable to be contained, "But even if there is someone who looks like Drake, he shouldn’t be here! This place—this is Drake’s former residence! If he has no connection to Drake, it would be an extraordinary coincidence!"

The old housekeeper furrowed his brow, acknowledging her point.

He admitted that while someone looking like Wade Drake wasn’t too surprising, finding him at Drake’s former home was an uncanny coincidence—almost eerie.

At that moment, a thought struck him, and he said, "Miss Klein, I just remembered—Mr. Wade had a son!"

Marissa nodded, "Yes, Drake did have a son. However, when his son was born, I was pregnant with Cameron, and since Virtuoso had significant issues with Drake, I lost contact with the Wade family. So, I’ve never met his son."

She continued, "After Drake and Victoria’s unfortunate deaths, their son disappeared. I haven’t heard any news about him since."

The old housekeeper, now animated, said, "That fits! Drake and Miss Victoria had their incident in Aurous Hill, and their son also went missing there. And that young man just now resembled Mr. Wade so closely. It seems very likely that he’s Mr. Wade’s son!"

Marissa's tears welled up again, her heart aching as she said, "If he is truly Drake’s son, he must have been only eight years old when Drake passed. Not having returned to the Wade family all these years—imagine what he must have gone through in those decades."

The old housekeeper sighed, "He was riding a shabby electric scooter. It seems his life hasn’t been easy."

Marissa looked at the old housekeeper with determination and pleaded, "Uncle Wang, please find a way to locate him. As someone who was close to his father, I must help him if he’s struggling!"

The housekeeper pondered for a moment and said earnestly, "Miss, I must be honest. If this young man has been living at the lower rungs of society, his abilities, outlook, and education might not be very strong."

He added, "Moreover, if he’s been struggling, he might become reliant on you if he learns of your identity. There’s an old saying, ‘It’s easy to invite the gods, but hard to send them away.’ You need to think this through carefully before offering help."

Marissa sighed, "Don’t worry about that. If I can find him, I won’t discuss too much with him."

She continued, "My plan is to give him a sum of money, claiming it’s repayment for a debt I owed his father, settling it with interest. I’ll give him fifty million. What he does with it afterward is up to him."

"Alright," the old housekeeper said, relieved that she had a thoughtful plan. "I’ll start inquiring about him right away!"


Meanwhile, Charlie had already ridden several hundred meters away on his scooter. To avoid being tracked by Marissa, he didn’t even stop to buy groceries and headed straight to Thomson Elite.

On the way, he called Isaac and instructed, "Old Craven, someone visited my parents' old house today. Find out who it was and report back to me."

Isaac, surprised, asked, "Young Master, did you visit the old house today?"

"Yes," Charlie replied. "I saw a woman there who called me by my father's name. I need you to investigate her identity and find out if she’s a friend or foe, and what her connection is to my father."

"Understood," Isaac said without hesitation. "I’ll get on it right away!"

Charlie continued, "Also, I need you to check on the current status of the old house, including when the case will be judged and when the house will be auctioned off. I intend to buy it."

"Alright, Young Master. I’ll look into it."

Later, Charlie picked up some groceries at a nearby supermarket and was heading home when Isaac's call came through.

"Young Master, I have results for both matters."

Charlie acknowledged, "Go ahead."

Isaac reported, "The woman who visited your parents' former residence is Miss Marissa Klein, the second daughter of the Klein family from Eastcliff."

Charlie frowned, "The Klein family? Marissa? Who are they?"

Isaac explained, "Marissa is the wife of Virtuoso Salvador."

"What?" Charlie was taken aback. "Virtuoso's wife? The mother of Cameron and Camilla?"

"Yes," Isaac confirmed. "She is indeed the mother of Cameron and Camilla. She arrived in Aurous Hill this morning."

Charlie asked, "Why would she be at my parents' former residence? Did she know my father?"

Isaac clarified, "You might not be aware, but Marissa had always had feelings for your father, even though he didn’t choose her back then."

Charlie was both surprised and somewhat uncomfortable. It was indeed unexpected that Virtuoso's wife had feelings for his father.

Considering that news about Raven, Virtuoso’s illegitimate daughter, had just been exposed by Japanese media last night, it was quite hasty for Marissa to arrive in Aurous Hill today and visit his parents’ old residence. If Virtuoso knew, he might be furious.

Isaac continued, "Regarding the house, I have some updates."

Charlie urged, "Tell me quickly!"

Isaac elaborated, "The case of the house’s owner is about to be finalized. The amount involved in his illegal fundraising is substantial, and with the broken financial chain, he is unable to repay the debts. Besides imprisonment, it’s highly likely that all his assets, including the house, will be seized to compensate the victims. Once the verdict is passed, the house will be promptly put up for judicial auction. It could be listed within a week!"

Charlie’s spirits lifted at the news. "Register me for the auction. No matter what, I must buy back that house!"

Isaac affirmed, "I’ll take care of it, Young Master!"

Charlie then added, "For now, keep a close watch on Marissa. Since she knew my father, she might be able to deduce my identity. My identity must remain hidden for now, so try to ensure she doesn’t find me."


“Understood, Young Master!”

After hanging up, Charlie couldn’t help but feel a headache coming on. It seemed like there was an uncanny, almost sinister magnetic pull between him and the Salvador family.

Despite his ongoing intent to hold the Salvador family accountable for their past actions against him, and despite not having yet approached them for retribution, he kept finding himself entangled with members of the Salvador family.

First, he had rescued Cameron and Camilla by chance in Japan, without knowing they were Virtuoso’s children. Then, he had narrowly missed meeting Virtuoso himself in a Tokyo hospital—had he known it was Virtuoso, he might have made a scene right there. His temper was such that he might not have killed Virtuoso on the spot, but he would have certainly inflicted severe punishment and taken his time to exact revenge.

And then, even more absurdly, upon returning from Japan, he had rescued Raven, only to find out she was Virtuoso’s illegitimate daughter!

In a bizarre twist of fate, Charlie had now helped all three of Virtuoso’s children. The irony? They were all his enemies' children!

The ongoing coincidences—rescuing his adversaries' children time and again—left Charlie feeling powerless against fate’s cruel jest. Now, as if it wasn’t enough, he had stumbled upon Marissa, Virtuoso’s wife, and mother to Cameron and Camilla. Even worse, Marissa had harbored feelings for his father for many years...

Charlie felt overwhelmed by this absurdity and muttered in frustration, “What kind of messed-up situation is this?”

He silently vowed that when he eventually confronted Virtuoso, he would not only make him pay for his role in the Anti-Wade Alliance but also for the fact that Charlie had saved his three children.


Meanwhile, Marissa was doing everything in her power to locate Charlie. However, her knowledge about him was limited, leaving her at a loss on where to start.

Although the old steward had been in Aurous Hill for many years, the Klein family’s high status meant their operations were generally discreet. As a representative of the Klein family in Aurous Hill, the steward was rather reserved. Although he knew many local high-level figures, he had little knowledge of street-level affairs.

Thus, he had decided to start by investigating from the time of Drake’s accident. He was looking into the orphanages and welfare institutions that received orphans after the accident, as well as the local adoption records, in hopes of finding clues about Charlie.

In terms of local connections, the steward’s network, though well-established, was still significantly inferior to Isaac’s. As the representative of the Wade family in Aurous Hill, Isaac’s primary task was to establish a strong foundation there. He had built his network in Aurous Hill with considerable visibility and was far ahead of the steward in terms of connections.

When the steward began investigating Charlie, Isaac had already obtained the news and reported back to Charlie.

Upon hearing that they were starting with orphanages and adoption records, Charlie was partially relieved. Normally, this approach wouldn’t be wrong. However, the problem was that this lead had been cut off by Stephen Thompson shortly after his parents’ deaths.

Stephen had severed all possible leads, including those related to the welfare institutions where Charlie had lived, manipulating the situation from behind the scenes. As a result, any external investigation would yield no results.

Now, Marissa trying to follow this lead to find him was like chasing shadows.


After leaving Charlie’s old home, Marissa felt a mix of nostalgia and melancholy. On one hand, she missed Drake, and on the other, seeing Charlie had stirred up memories of her youth, as he bore a striking resemblance to Drake.

Back at the Klein family’s residence in Aurous Hill, a sumptuous lunch had been prepared by the servants. Cameron had just returned from making a donation to the welfare institute. Seeing his mother arrive, he quickly asked, “Mom, where did you go this morning?”

Marissa snapped out of her reverie and answered absentmindedly, “Oh, I didn’t go anywhere special. Uncle Wang took me around a bit.”

At that moment, a maid entered the room respectfully and said, “Second Miss, lunch is ready.”

Marissa nodded and instructed Cameron, “Go call your sister for lunch. What is she doing? Lately, she’s been shutting herself in her room all day. As soon as we arrived in Aurous Hill, the first thing she did was lock herself away. It’s quite odd.”

Cameron chuckled, “Camilla has been trying to find our benefactor—the young man who saved us in Japan.”

Marissa’s expression changed to one of realization. She asked, “Have there been any leads?”

Cameron shook his head and sighed, “It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. We haven’t figured out if he’s Chinese or a Chinese expatriate, nor do we know if he’s in Japan or back in China.”

Marissa said earnestly, “He saved both of your lives. If it weren’t for him, you might have been in grave danger long ago. Such a great debt of gratitude deserves to be repaid properly.”

She then asked, “What leads do you have about this benefactor? Share them with me; perhaps I can help find a way.”

Cameron shrugged and said, “We don’t have many clues. We’ve only seen him once and know what he looks like. Beyond that, there aren’t any valuable clues.”

Marissa suggested, “How about we offer a reward? We can say we want to find our lifesaver and thank him in person. If he sees the reward, he might contact us.”

Cameron replied, “Camilla considered that, but she thinks it’s unlikely. She believes our benefactor is an extraordinary person who probably doesn’t need money. Even if he sees the reward, he might not contact us.”

Marissa nodded in agreement, “That’s true. If he wanted money, he would have asked for it when he saved you, or at least left some contact information. Given that we only remember his appearance, finding him among countless people is indeed very difficult.”

Cameron added, “I’ve also advised Camilla, but she’s unwilling to give up.”

He then shook his head and said, “I’ll go call Camilla for lunch.”

“Okay, go ahead,” Marissa responded.

Soon, Camilla emerged from her room, reluctantly, dressed in home pajamas. She carried an iPad and was scrolling through images on the screen.

As she entered the dining room, her attention remained focused on the iPad. Marissa inquired, “Camilla, I heard from your brother that you’re searching for our benefactor. Have you made any progress?”


Camilla, not lifting her head, said, “No progress yet. I still haven’t found him in the footage.”

Marissa responded seriously, “Some things are destined. If it’s meant to be, even if you don’t search for it, it will come to you. If it’s not, no matter how hard you look, it won’t happen.”

Camilla quickly retorted, “I don’t want to leave things to chance. It’s too unreliable. There are so many people in the world. The chance of running into someone again by coincidence, especially someone we’ve met in a foreign country, is almost zero. If I don’t actively look for him, I might never find him.”

She added with a touch of melancholy, “Memory isn’t great on its own. Not everyone can remember every detail perfectly. Many things need to be repeatedly reviewed to be remembered clearly, like memorizing texts when we were young.”

“In the first few days after returning from Japan, I could clearly recall the image of our benefactor. But now, after so many days, his appearance is becoming more and more blurred. Even though I’ve been trying to reinforce my memory, it’s still not working. I’m afraid I’ll forget what he looks like if this continues.”

Camilla looked up at Marissa and Cameron, and asked, “Mom, Brother, have you ever felt that the more you try to remember someone’s appearance, the easier it is to forget?”

Cameron thought for a moment and said, “It depends on the person. If you see them often, you won’t forget them. But for someone you’ve only seen once, it’s true that after a while, you’ll only have a vague outline left in your memory.”

Marissa nodded in agreement, “Camilla is right. Memory needs to be continually reinforced to be firmly imprinted.”

As she spoke, she thought of Drake. Despite her deep love for him, in the nearly twenty years since his death, if she hadn’t looked at his photos every day, his image would have gradually faded from her mind.

With a sigh, Marissa asked Camilla, “Camilla, can you describe what your benefactor looks like?”

Camilla thought for a moment and said, “One word to describe him is handsome. Two words—very handsome. Three words—extremely so handsome. Four words—cool and extremely handsome.”

Marissa laughed, “Is he really that exaggerated?”

Camilla replied earnestly, “Mom, I’m not exaggerating at all. He’s incredibly handsome and cool!”

She continued, her face showing admiration, “Back then, the Iga ninja brought a group of ninjas to kill him, but he took them all down in just a few moves. The Iga ninja was so scared that he was trembling and asked who he was. Guess what he said?”

Marissa shook her head, asking, “What did he say?”

Camilla stood up and, imitating Charlie’s cold demeanor, said, “He said, ‘I’m your dad, and I’m here to take your life!’”

Marissa chuckled, “He sounds pretty arrogant.”

“More than arrogant!” Camilla said seriously, “He was off the charts! I’ve never seen anyone so arrogant! He didn’t even take those ruthless Japanese ninjas seriously. Killing them was like chopping vegetables. It was incredible!”

She added, slightly frustrated, “The worst part is that he was rude to my brother and me. I asked him to lend me a phone to call Dad, and he refused, saying it was a private item. How arrogant!”

Marissa laughed, “He probably didn’t want you to have his number to avoid tracing his identity.”

“Exactly!” Camilla said angrily, “He’s very cunning and left no clues! Before he left, I said ‘see you in the world,’ and he said, ‘We won’t meet again.’ Thinking back on it, it really annoys me! It’s such an insult! So, I’m determined to find him and ask him, ‘You said we wouldn’t meet again, so how do you feel now that you’ve met me again?’”
Wonderful job Junlee. It is shaping up very well. Loved the way you wrote....!

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Camilla said, "I want to go back and find a divination master to consult. Maybe they can give me a clue."

Cameron couldn't help but laugh. "Didn't you just say you don't believe in that sort of thing?"

Camilla responded earnestly, "I don’t have many other options. It’s worth a try."

Turning to her mother, Marissa, Camilla asked, "Mom, are there any famous masters in Eastcliff? You’re always going to temples to burn incense and make donations. Don’t you know any accomplished monks?"

Marissa replied seriously, "Don't be silly. Monks practice Buddhism, while divination is a Daoist practice!"

Camilla quickly asked, "Do you know any skilled Daoist priests? I’d like to ask one to cast a divination for me."

Marissa thought for a moment and said, "I’m not sure. It’s been many years since I last asked someone for divination. The last time I did, you were about the same age as now."

As she spoke, she couldn’t help but think of Drake and felt a pang of nostalgia.

She continued, "By the way, I heard that the Wade family recently repaired their ancestral tomb and invited Master Lai, a descendant of the Lai family from the U.S. Your grandfather is acquainted with Master Lai. If you really want a divination, you could ask your grandfather if Master Lai is still in Eastcliff."

"Master Lai?" Camilla frowned and asked, "I haven’t heard of him before. Is he really that skilled?"

Marissa said, "Master Lai is a descendant of Buyi Lai , a famous Feng Shui master from the Song Dynasty. He is well-versed in Feng Shui, physiognomy, and the Five Elements and Eight Trigrams. He is probably the most accomplished master in the world today."

Camilla gasped, "He’s that impressive?! I’ll call Grandpa right away!"

She quickly took out her phone and dialed her grandfather, Roger.

When the call connected, Camilla asked, "Grandpa, Mom mentioned you know a master skilled in the Five Elements and Eight Trigrams named Master Lai. Is that true?"

Roger Klein responded in surprise, "Camilla, why are you asking about this?"

Camilla replied, "Grandpa, I’m trying to find my lifesaver, but I haven’t made much progress. I thought maybe a divination could help me find a breakthrough."

Roger said, "Master Lai went back to the U.S some time ago."

"What? He left?" Camilla said, disappointed, "When did he leave?"

Roger explained, "Not long ago, before the New Year. After arriving in China, he stayed in WadeTomb Mountain for over three years. He must have wanted to return by now."

Camilla said regretfully, "What a stroke of bad luck. Do you know any other masters, Grandpa?"

Roger replied, "I know many masters, but only Master Lai truly deserves the title."

He then added, "I’ll ask Master Lai for you. If he’s willing, he can perform the divination directly for you."

Camilla asked in amazement, "Grandpa, are you serious?"

Roger chuckled, "Do you think I’d lie to you? The main issue is Master Lai’s age and his somewhat eccentric temperament. I can’t guarantee he’ll agree to help."


Camilla quickly said, "No problem, just ask for me."

She then asked, "By the way, Grandpa, if he’s willing to help, will I need to go to the U.S.?"

"No need," Roger replied. "Master Lai has great abilities. If he agrees, I’ll give him your birth details and briefly explain what you want to inquire about. That should be sufficient."

Camilla was astonished. "It’s that amazing?"

Roger smiled, "The divination and the Eight Trigrams are the pinnacle of our ancestors’ wisdom. It’s said that even today, we only grasp the surface of their true power."

He continued, "It’s nighttime in the U.S. now, so it’s not easy to contact Master Lai. Why don’t you wait patiently? In the evening, when it’s morning in the U.S., I’ll call him."

Camilla said quickly, "Thank you, Grandpa!"

At this moment, Charlie had hurried home and prepared lunch.

Despite having a broken leg, Elaine persisted with crutches to help him in the kitchen.

After a flurry of activity, Elaine said with a guilty expression, "Good son-in-law, it should have been my job to cook for you. But with my leg, I’ve had to trouble you to cook yourself. I feel really bad about it!"

Charlie smiled slightly. "Mom, no need to be so polite. I don’t have much else to do, and it’s only right to help out around the house."

He then said to Elaine, "Mom, Claire and Dad should be arriving soon. I’ll make some tomato egg soup. When they’re back, we can have our meal."

Elaine quickly replied, "You’re really working hard, good son-in-law. I’ll wash the tomatoes for you!"

Charlie finished preparing the meal, and his wife, Claire, along with his father-in-law, Jacob, arrived home in their cars.

As soon as Claire came in, she excitedly told Charlie, "Honey, today Deputy Director Doris York from Emgrand called me. She said their six-star hotel currently under construction is about to start the overall internal renovation design bidding!"

"Really?" Charlie feigned surprise. "That sounds like a massive project."

Claire was thrilled. "Not just massive—it's huge! The Emgrand's six-star hotel project started last year with an investment of 2 billion RMB. The main construction is almost complete, so now they’re finalizing the interior design plans. Once the main construction is done, they’ll start the hard and soft interior fittings!"

She continued, "The hotel has a budget of 20 billion RMB. Half is for land and infrastructure, while the other half is almost entirely for later renovations. The hard fittings alone will be at least 300 million RMB, and the soft fittings, including top-tier furniture, bedding, bathrooms, and appliances, will be around 600-700 million RMB. Now, top domestic brands in home furnishings, bathrooms, and decorative materials are flocking to Aurous Hill for the upcoming bids!"

Charlie asked with a smile, "So how much has Emgrand budgeted for the renovation design?"

Claire said, "For commercial renovation design, the usual rate is around 300 RMB per square meter. With a total operational area of 130,000 square meters and accounting for duplicate designs in similar room types, the design work amounts to at least 70,000-80,000 square meters. The design fee alone will be 20-30 million RMB!"

Elaine, overhearing, was astonished. "Goodness! Claire! Are you joking? Just for renovation, the design fee is 20-30 million RMB?!"

Claire nodded seriously. "It’s not a joke. This is a relatively low estimate. For large design firms or renowned designers, the price could be even higher—about 800 to 1,000 RMB per square meter!"


Upon hearing this, Elaine exclaimed, "Goodness! If the design fee per square meter is 800 to 1,000 RMB, doesn’t that mean the total would be 50-60 million RMB? That’s terrifying!"

Claire smiled and said, "It’s not as shocking as you think. Some internationally renowned designers charge over 100 million RMB just for the exterior design of a building!"

Elaine touched her chest and hurriedly asked, "My dear, are you planning to take on this project?"

Claire replied earnestly, "Of course I want to, but my studio isn’t large enough. Taking on such a project means I’d face fierce competition during the bidding process, and there’s so much preliminary work involved. If I were to bid, I’d need to invest all my energy immediately to prepare..."

She sighed, "Our company is still quite small. I’m worried we might not be able to handle such a large project."

Elaine was puzzled. "Isn’t design just about using a computer? What’s there to handle?"

Claire explained, "It’s not that simple. With over 100,000 square meters of operational space, there are dozens of room types, various restaurants, leisure and entertainment areas, administrative offices, and security planning. The overall design workload is immense."

"Imagine it like making an animated film. People might think it’s just about drawing pictures, but in reality, each second of animation requires twenty frames. A feature-length film needs tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of frames. The effort behind it involves hundreds of people working for years."

She continued, "Our studio is small, and even if we get the project, we can't complete it alone. We’d need to subcontract parts to other design studios, requiring at least dozens of designers and over six months to finish..."

"And that’s just the first phase. During construction, we’d need to follow up closely. The construction period alone would be at least a year, making the total project duration about a year and a half."

"With dozens of designers and a year and a half, good designers earn hundreds of thousands annually, and ordinary ones at least 200,000. So the salary costs alone would exceed 10 million RMB!"

Elaine was astonished. "Good heavens! Just the salaries amount to over 10 million RMB? That’s outrageous!"

Claire said seriously, "That’s the reality. And this is a conservative estimate. If the project duration extends or there are many revisions, the time and labor costs will increase."

Charlie, curious, asked, "Honey, what are you planning to do? Are you going to pursue this?"

Claire nodded. "Even though my studio isn’t very strong, I still want to try. If I manage to win this project, I can use it as an opportunity to merge a few smaller design teams. By the end of the project, my studio could rise to a medium-to-large scale!"

She then expressed some concern, "But my studio is indeed small. With so many companies bidding, I’m not sure how confident I am."

Charlie smiled and said, "Honey, if you’re interested, just go for it. If you succeed, it’s a fantastic opportunity. If not, we don’t lose much—just some effort. What do you think?"

Claire nodded lightly and said, "I just want to give it a shot. So starting today, I’ll have the team work overtime to develop the plans and prepare the bid!"

She added, "However, I’ve heard that many design companies try to gain such large contracts through connections, and some even bribe high-level executives at Emgrand. I wonder if Emgrand will engage in any shady practices..."

Charlie laughed, "A giant corporation like Emgrand, valued at over a hundred billion, wouldn’t resort to shady tactics for a design project worth a few tens of millions. It’s highly unlikely."


Despite his words, Charlie was already determined to discreetly ensure that Claire would receive the project. Since the Emgrand was part of his business, and given his wife’s keen interest in this project, it was only natural to give her a chance to prove herself.

He reassured Claire, "Claire, don’t worry about the details right now. Just focus on your preparations. I believe in your abilities!"

Claire nodded resolutely. "I’ll do my best and strive to win this major project!"

After lunch, Claire went to the office, and Charlie retired to his room to call Doris.

As soon as Doris answered, she said, "Young Master, you’re calling about the bid for your wife, right?"

Charlie smiled, "You guessed it."

Doris responded, "Young Master, I originally planned to directly assign the hotel’s design project to your wife’s company. However, I was concerned that if we did it outright, your wife might have doubts. So, I decided to hold a bidding process to make it seem more natural. This way, her company can compete for the project internally."

Charlie praised, "Doris, you handled this excellently and thoughtfully. My idea is the same as yours: let Claire participate in the bidding normally, while we internally ensure her studio gets the project. This way, she’ll feel it’s a fair competition."

Doris assured, "You can rest assured, Young Master. I’ll take care of everything."

Charlie asked, "When does the group plan to officially start the bidding?"

Doris replied, "I plan to give a week to prepare the initial draft. The bidding will begin a week from now."

"Great, then I’ll leave this to you."

After ending the call with Doris, Charlie considered that there were no pressing matters for the afternoon, so he decided to stay in.

Remembering his promise during the New Year to prepare some medicinal pills as gifts, he decided to use this free time to refine them.

He called Alan Ward. When Alan answered, he asked respectfully, "Master Wade, how can I assist you?"

Charlie said, "Alan, please prepare some medicinal materials and deliver them to my home this afternoon."

Realizing Charlie was likely planning to refine pills, Alan responded excitedly, "Master Wade, just let me know what materials you need, and I’ll make sure the best ones are prepared and sent over immediately!"

Charlie said, "I’ll send you the list of ingredients via WeChat. Please prepare them according to my requirements."

Alan replied without hesitation, "No problem, Master Wade. Send me the list, and I’ll have Dianne deliver them to you once they’re ready!"


Hearing that Charlie was planning to refine pills again, Dianne was thrilled beyond words. Her excitement wasn’t so much about the medicinal pills themselves but because her father had given her the opportunity to deliver the materials to Charlie, which meant she could finally see him.

Recently, Dianne had been spending her winter break at home, and aside from her daily training, she found herself rather bored. She had been hoping for a chance to meet Charlie again, even considering asking him for further guidance. However, she had heard that Charlie had been quite busy lately, so she hesitated to disturb him.

The opportunity to deliver the materials was perfect. She could use it as a chance to visit Charlie and perhaps invite him over to her home.

Alan, having prepared all the medicinal materials according to Charlie’s requirements, packed them neatly into a box and handed it to Dianne. He instructed, “Dianne, take these materials to Master Wade at the Thomson Elite.”

Dianne eagerly responded, “Okay, Dad! I’ll drive over to Master Wade’s house right away!”

Alan nodded and added, “Wait a moment.”

He then went to the safe, retrieved an exquisitely crafted rosewood box, and handed it to Dianne. “This is a top-grade purple ginseng, over four hundred years old. It’s even better than the three-hundred-year-old ginseng Master Wade bought at the auction. Please take it to him and say it’s from me as a gesture of respect.”

Dianne carefully accepted the box and said earnestly, “I understand, Dad. I’ll make sure to personally deliver this ginseng along with the other materials to Master Wade.”

Alan nodded, feeling reflective. “I remember at the last Traditional Chinese Medicine Expo, Master Wade spent a fortune on that three-hundred-year-old purple ginseng. Shortly after, he produced the Rejuvenation Pill. So I suspect this top-grade ginseng might be used for making another batch of Rejuvenation Pills. With this ginseng, Master Wade might be able to produce more.”

Dianne quickly responded, “Dad! I won’t be asking Master Wade for anything this time. Last time, I felt so awkward asking him for the medicinal pills. I was really uncomfortable…”

Alan reassured her, “Don’t worry. Just deliver the ginseng, and nothing else. If Master Wade uses it to make the Rejuvenation Pills, I’m sure he won’t forget about our Ward family.”

Feeling relieved, Dianne said, “Alright, I’ll head over now!”

“Go ahead.”

Dianne drove off and made her way to Thomson Elite.

Half an hour later, she arrived at Charlie’s villa. As she rang the doorbell, Elaine was taking an afternoon nap on the third floor.

Charlie came down from the second floor, opened the gate, and smiled when he saw Dianne. “Dianne, thank you for making the trip.”

In front of Charlie, Dianne always felt a bit awkward and nervous. She stammered, “M-Master Wade, how have you been recently?”

Charlie smiled, “I’m doing well. Why do you ask?”

Dianne quickly explained, “I heard you’ve been very busy lately and even went to Japan for Sister Sarah’s matter. I was worried you might be too tired…”

Charlie waved his hand dismissively. “It’s nothing. These small matters are not much trouble for me.”


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Jun 22, 2024
Reaction score

Camilla said, "I want to go back and find a divination master to consult. Maybe they can give me a clue."

Cameron couldn't help but laugh. "Didn't you just say you don't believe in that sort of thing?"

Camilla responded earnestly, "I don’t have many other options. It’s worth a try."

Turning to her mother, Marissa, Camilla asked, "Mom, are there any famous masters in Eastcliff? You’re always going to temples to burn incense and make donations. Don’t you know any accomplished monks?"

Marissa replied seriously, "Don't be silly. Monks practice Buddhism, while divination is a Daoist practice!"

Camilla quickly asked, "Do you know any skilled Daoist priests? I’d like to ask one to cast a divination for me."

Marissa thought for a moment and said, "I’m not sure. It’s been many years since I last asked someone for divination. The last time I did, you were about the same age as now."

As she spoke, she couldn’t help but think of Drake and felt a pang of nostalgia.

She continued, "By the way, I heard that the Wade family recently repaired their ancestral tomb and invited Master Lai, a descendant of the Lai family from the U.S. Your grandfather is acquainted with Master Lai. If you really want a divination, you could ask your grandfather if Master Lai is still in Eastcliff."

"Master Lai?" Camilla frowned and asked, "I haven’t heard of him before. Is he really that skilled?"

Marissa said, "Master Lai is a descendant of Buyi Lai , a famous Feng Shui master from the Song Dynasty. He is well-versed in Feng Shui, physiognomy, and the Five Elements and Eight Trigrams. He is probably the most accomplished master in the world today."

Camilla gasped, "He’s that impressive?! I’ll call Grandpa right away!"

She quickly took out her phone and dialed her grandfather, Roger.

When the call connected, Camilla asked, "Grandpa, Mom mentioned you know a master skilled in the Five Elements and Eight Trigrams named Master Lai. Is that true?"

Roger Klein responded in surprise, "Camilla, why are you asking about this?"

Camilla replied, "Grandpa, I’m trying to find my lifesaver, but I haven’t made much progress. I thought maybe a divination could help me find a breakthrough."

Roger said, "Master Lai went back to the U.S some time ago."

"What? He left?" Camilla said, disappointed, "When did he leave?"

Roger explained, "Not long ago, before the New Year. After arriving in China, he stayed in WadeTomb Mountain for over three years. He must have wanted to return by now."

Camilla said regretfully, "What a stroke of bad luck. Do you know any other masters, Grandpa?"

Roger replied, "I know many masters, but only Master Lai truly deserves the title."

He then added, "I’ll ask Master Lai for you. If he’s willing, he can perform the divination directly for you."

Camilla asked in amazement, "Grandpa, are you serious?"

Roger chuckled, "Do you think I’d lie to you? The main issue is Master Lai’s age and his somewhat eccentric temperament. I can’t guarantee he’ll agree to help."


Camilla quickly said, "No problem, just ask for me."

She then asked, "By the way, Grandpa, if he’s willing to help, will I need to go to the U.S.?"

"No need," Roger replied. "Master Lai has great abilities. If he agrees, I’ll give him your birth details and briefly explain what you want to inquire about. That should be sufficient."

Camilla was astonished. "It’s that amazing?"

Roger smiled, "The divination and the Eight Trigrams are the pinnacle of our ancestors’ wisdom. It’s said that even today, we only grasp the surface of their true power."

He continued, "It’s nighttime in the U.S. now, so it’s not easy to contact Master Lai. Why don’t you wait patiently? In the evening, when it’s morning in the U.S., I’ll call him."

Camilla said quickly, "Thank you, Grandpa!"

At this moment, Charlie had hurried home and prepared lunch.

Despite having a broken leg, Elaine persisted with crutches to help him in the kitchen.

After a flurry of activity, Elaine said with a guilty expression, "Good son-in-law, it should have been my job to cook for you. But with my leg, I’ve had to trouble you to cook yourself. I feel really bad about it!"

Charlie smiled slightly. "Mom, no need to be so polite. I don’t have much else to do, and it’s only right to help out around the house."

He then said to Elaine, "Mom, Claire and Dad should be arriving soon. I’ll make some tomato egg soup. When they’re back, we can have our meal."

Elaine quickly replied, "You’re really working hard, good son-in-law. I’ll wash the tomatoes for you!"

Charlie finished preparing the meal, and his wife, Claire, along with his father-in-law, Jacob, arrived home in their cars.

As soon as Claire came in, she excitedly told Charlie, "Honey, today Deputy Director Doris York from Emgrand called me. She said their six-star hotel currently under construction is about to start the overall internal renovation design bidding!"

"Really?" Charlie feigned surprise. "That sounds like a massive project."

Claire was thrilled. "Not just massive—it's huge! The Emgrand's six-star hotel project started last year with an investment of 2 billion RMB. The main construction is almost complete, so now they’re finalizing the interior design plans. Once the main construction is done, they’ll start the hard and soft interior fittings!"

She continued, "The hotel has a budget of 20 billion RMB. Half is for land and infrastructure, while the other half is almost entirely for later renovations. The hard fittings alone will be at least 300 million RMB, and the soft fittings, including top-tier furniture, bedding, bathrooms, and appliances, will be around 600-700 million RMB. Now, top domestic brands in home furnishings, bathrooms, and decorative materials are flocking to Aurous Hill for the upcoming bids!"

Charlie asked with a smile, "So how much has Emgrand budgeted for the renovation design?"

Claire said, "For commercial renovation design, the usual rate is around 300 RMB per square meter. With a total operational area of 130,000 square meters and accounting for duplicate designs in similar room types, the design work amounts to at least 70,000-80,000 square meters. The design fee alone will be 20-30 million RMB!"

Elaine, overhearing, was astonished. "Goodness! Claire! Are you joking? Just for renovation, the design fee is 20-30 million RMB?!"

Claire nodded seriously. "It’s not a joke. This is a relatively low estimate. For large design firms or renowned designers, the price could be even higher—about 800 to 1,000 RMB per square meter!"


Upon hearing this, Elaine exclaimed, "Goodness! If the design fee per square meter is 800 to 1,000 RMB, doesn’t that mean the total would be 50-60 million RMB? That’s terrifying!"

Claire smiled and said, "It’s not as shocking as you think. Some internationally renowned designers charge over 100 million RMB just for the exterior design of a building!"

Elaine touched her chest and hurriedly asked, "My dear, are you planning to take on this project?"

Claire replied earnestly, "Of course I want to, but my studio isn’t large enough. Taking on such a project means I’d face fierce competition during the bidding process, and there’s so much preliminary work involved. If I were to bid, I’d need to invest all my energy immediately to prepare..."

She sighed, "Our company is still quite small. I’m worried we might not be able to handle such a large project."

Elaine was puzzled. "Isn’t design just about using a computer? What’s there to handle?"

Claire explained, "It’s not that simple. With over 100,000 square meters of operational space, there are dozens of room types, various restaurants, leisure and entertainment areas, administrative offices, and security planning. The overall design workload is immense."

"Imagine it like making an animated film. People might think it’s just about drawing pictures, but in reality, each second of animation requires twenty frames. A feature-length film needs tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of frames. The effort behind it involves hundreds of people working for years."

She continued, "Our studio is small, and even if we get the project, we can't complete it alone. We’d need to subcontract parts to other design studios, requiring at least dozens of designers and over six months to finish..."

"And that’s just the first phase. During construction, we’d need to follow up closely. The construction period alone would be at least a year, making the total project duration about a year and a half."

"With dozens of designers and a year and a half, good designers earn hundreds of thousands annually, and ordinary ones at least 200,000. So the salary costs alone would exceed 10 million RMB!"

Elaine was astonished. "Good heavens! Just the salaries amount to over 10 million RMB? That’s outrageous!"

Claire said seriously, "That’s the reality. And this is a conservative estimate. If the project duration extends or there are many revisions, the time and labor costs will increase."

Charlie, curious, asked, "Honey, what are you planning to do? Are you going to pursue this?"

Claire nodded. "Even though my studio isn’t very strong, I still want to try. If I manage to win this project, I can use it as an opportunity to merge a few smaller design teams. By the end of the project, my studio could rise to a medium-to-large scale!"

She then expressed some concern, "But my studio is indeed small. With so many companies bidding, I’m not sure how confident I am."

Charlie smiled and said, "Honey, if you’re interested, just go for it. If you succeed, it’s a fantastic opportunity. If not, we don’t lose much—just some effort. What do you think?"

Claire nodded lightly and said, "I just want to give it a shot. So starting today, I’ll have the team work overtime to develop the plans and prepare the bid!"

She added, "However, I’ve heard that many design companies try to gain such large contracts through connections, and some even bribe high-level executives at Emgrand. I wonder if Emgrand will engage in any shady practices..."

Charlie laughed, "A giant corporation like Emgrand, valued at over a hundred billion, wouldn’t resort to shady tactics for a design project worth a few tens of millions. It’s highly unlikely."


Despite his words, Charlie was already determined to discreetly ensure that Claire would receive the project. Since the Emgrand was part of his business, and given his wife’s keen interest in this project, it was only natural to give her a chance to prove herself.

He reassured Claire, "Claire, don’t worry about the details right now. Just focus on your preparations. I believe in your abilities!"

Claire nodded resolutely. "I’ll do my best and strive to win this major project!"

After lunch, Claire went to the office, and Charlie retired to his room to call Doris.

As soon as Doris answered, she said, "Young Master, you’re calling about the bid for your wife, right?"

Charlie smiled, "You guessed it."

Doris responded, "Young Master, I originally planned to directly assign the hotel’s design project to your wife’s company. However, I was concerned that if we did it outright, your wife might have doubts. So, I decided to hold a bidding process to make it seem more natural. This way, her company can compete for the project internally."

Charlie praised, "Doris, you handled this excellently and thoughtfully. My idea is the same as yours: let Claire participate in the bidding normally, while we internally ensure her studio gets the project. This way, she’ll feel it’s a fair competition."

Doris assured, "You can rest assured, Young Master. I’ll take care of everything."

Charlie asked, "When does the group plan to officially start the bidding?"

Doris replied, "I plan to give a week to prepare the initial draft. The bidding will begin a week from now."

"Great, then I’ll leave this to you."

After ending the call with Doris, Charlie considered that there were no pressing matters for the afternoon, so he decided to stay in.

Remembering his promise during the New Year to prepare some medicinal pills as gifts, he decided to use this free time to refine them.

He called Alan Ward. When Alan answered, he asked respectfully, "Master Wade, how can I assist you?"

Charlie said, "Alan, please prepare some medicinal materials and deliver them to my home this afternoon."

Realizing Charlie was likely planning to refine pills, Alan responded excitedly, "Master Wade, just let me know what materials you need, and I’ll make sure the best ones are prepared and sent over immediately!"

Charlie said, "I’ll send you the list of ingredients via WeChat. Please prepare them according to my requirements."

Alan replied without hesitation, "No problem, Master Wade. Send me the list, and I’ll have Dianne deliver them to you once they’re ready!"


Hearing that Charlie was planning to refine pills again, Dianne was thrilled beyond words. Her excitement wasn’t so much about the medicinal pills themselves but because her father had given her the opportunity to deliver the materials to Charlie, which meant she could finally see him.

Recently, Dianne had been spending her winter break at home, and aside from her daily training, she found herself rather bored. She had been hoping for a chance to meet Charlie again, even considering asking him for further guidance. However, she had heard that Charlie had been quite busy lately, so she hesitated to disturb him.

The opportunity to deliver the materials was perfect. She could use it as a chance to visit Charlie and perhaps invite him over to her home.

Alan, having prepared all the medicinal materials according to Charlie’s requirements, packed them neatly into a box and handed it to Dianne. He instructed, “Dianne, take these materials to Master Wade at the Thomson Elite.”

Dianne eagerly responded, “Okay, Dad! I’ll drive over to Master Wade’s house right away!”

Alan nodded and added, “Wait a moment.”

He then went to the safe, retrieved an exquisitely crafted rosewood box, and handed it to Dianne. “This is a top-grade purple ginseng, over four hundred years old. It’s even better than the three-hundred-year-old ginseng Master Wade bought at the auction. Please take it to him and say it’s from me as a gesture of respect.”

Dianne carefully accepted the box and said earnestly, “I understand, Dad. I’ll make sure to personally deliver this ginseng along with the other materials to Master Wade.”

Alan nodded, feeling reflective. “I remember at the last Traditional Chinese Medicine Expo, Master Wade spent a fortune on that three-hundred-year-old purple ginseng. Shortly after, he produced the Rejuvenation Pill. So I suspect this top-grade ginseng might be used for making another batch of Rejuvenation Pills. With this ginseng, Master Wade might be able to produce more.”

Dianne quickly responded, “Dad! I won’t be asking Master Wade for anything this time. Last time, I felt so awkward asking him for the medicinal pills. I was really uncomfortable…”

Alan reassured her, “Don’t worry. Just deliver the ginseng, and nothing else. If Master Wade uses it to make the Rejuvenation Pills, I’m sure he won’t forget about our Ward family.”

Feeling relieved, Dianne said, “Alright, I’ll head over now!”

“Go ahead.”

Dianne drove off and made her way to Thomson Elite.

Half an hour later, she arrived at Charlie’s villa. As she rang the doorbell, Elaine was taking an afternoon nap on the third floor.

Charlie came down from the second floor, opened the gate, and smiled when he saw Dianne. “Dianne, thank you for making the trip.”

In front of Charlie, Dianne always felt a bit awkward and nervous. She stammered, “M-Master Wade, how have you been recently?”

Charlie smiled, “I’m doing well. Why do you ask?”

Dianne quickly explained, “I heard you’ve been very busy lately and even went to Japan for Sister Sarah’s matter. I was worried you might be too tired…”

Charlie waved his hand dismissively. “It’s nothing. These small matters are not much trouble for me.”
Tnx Immortal Junlee


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Sep 21, 2023
Reaction score

Camilla said, "I want to go back and find a divination master to consult. Maybe they can give me a clue."

Cameron couldn't help but laugh. "Didn't you just say you don't believe in that sort of thing?"

Camilla responded earnestly, "I don’t have many other options. It’s worth a try."

Turning to her mother, Marissa, Camilla asked, "Mom, are there any famous masters in Eastcliff? You’re always going to temples to burn incense and make donations. Don’t you know any accomplished monks?"

Marissa replied seriously, "Don't be silly. Monks practice Buddhism, while divination is a Daoist practice!"

Camilla quickly asked, "Do you know any skilled Daoist priests? I’d like to ask one to cast a divination for me."

Marissa thought for a moment and said, "I’m not sure. It’s been many years since I last asked someone for divination. The last time I did, you were about the same age as now."

As she spoke, she couldn’t help but think of Drake and felt a pang of nostalgia.

She continued, "By the way, I heard that the Wade family recently repaired their ancestral tomb and invited Master Lai, a descendant of the Lai family from the U.S. Your grandfather is acquainted with Master Lai. If you really want a divination, you could ask your grandfather if Master Lai is still in Eastcliff."

"Master Lai?" Camilla frowned and asked, "I haven’t heard of him before. Is he really that skilled?"

Marissa said, "Master Lai is a descendant of Buyi Lai , a famous Feng Shui master from the Song Dynasty. He is well-versed in Feng Shui, physiognomy, and the Five Elements and Eight Trigrams. He is probably the most accomplished master in the world today."

Camilla gasped, "He’s that impressive?! I’ll call Grandpa right away!"

She quickly took out her phone and dialed her grandfather, Roger.

When the call connected, Camilla asked, "Grandpa, Mom mentioned you know a master skilled in the Five Elements and Eight Trigrams named Master Lai. Is that true?"

Roger Klein responded in surprise, "Camilla, why are you asking about this?"

Camilla replied, "Grandpa, I’m trying to find my lifesaver, but I haven’t made much progress. I thought maybe a divination could help me find a breakthrough."

Roger said, "Master Lai went back to the U.S some time ago."

"What? He left?" Camilla said, disappointed, "When did he leave?"

Roger explained, "Not long ago, before the New Year. After arriving in China, he stayed in WadeTomb Mountain for over three years. He must have wanted to return by now."

Camilla said regretfully, "What a stroke of bad luck. Do you know any other masters, Grandpa?"

Roger replied, "I know many masters, but only Master Lai truly deserves the title."

He then added, "I’ll ask Master Lai for you. If he’s willing, he can perform the divination directly for you."

Camilla asked in amazement, "Grandpa, are you serious?"

Roger chuckled, "Do you think I’d lie to you? The main issue is Master Lai’s age and his somewhat eccentric temperament. I can’t guarantee he’ll agree to help."


Camilla quickly said, "No problem, just ask for me."

She then asked, "By the way, Grandpa, if he’s willing to help, will I need to go to the U.S.?"

"No need," Roger replied. "Master Lai has great abilities. If he agrees, I’ll give him your birth details and briefly explain what you want to inquire about. That should be sufficient."

Camilla was astonished. "It’s that amazing?"

Roger smiled, "The divination and the Eight Trigrams are the pinnacle of our ancestors’ wisdom. It’s said that even today, we only grasp the surface of their true power."

He continued, "It’s nighttime in the U.S. now, so it’s not easy to contact Master Lai. Why don’t you wait patiently? In the evening, when it’s morning in the U.S., I’ll call him."

Camilla said quickly, "Thank you, Grandpa!"

At this moment, Charlie had hurried home and prepared lunch.

Despite having a broken leg, Elaine persisted with crutches to help him in the kitchen.

After a flurry of activity, Elaine said with a guilty expression, "Good son-in-law, it should have been my job to cook for you. But with my leg, I’ve had to trouble you to cook yourself. I feel really bad about it!"

Charlie smiled slightly. "Mom, no need to be so polite. I don’t have much else to do, and it’s only right to help out around the house."

He then said to Elaine, "Mom, Claire and Dad should be arriving soon. I’ll make some tomato egg soup. When they’re back, we can have our meal."

Elaine quickly replied, "You’re really working hard, good son-in-law. I’ll wash the tomatoes for you!"

Charlie finished preparing the meal, and his wife, Claire, along with his father-in-law, Jacob, arrived home in their cars.

As soon as Claire came in, she excitedly told Charlie, "Honey, today Deputy Director Doris York from Emgrand called me. She said their six-star hotel currently under construction is about to start the overall internal renovation design bidding!"

"Really?" Charlie feigned surprise. "That sounds like a massive project."

Claire was thrilled. "Not just massive—it's huge! The Emgrand's six-star hotel project started last year with an investment of 2 billion RMB. The main construction is almost complete, so now they’re finalizing the interior design plans. Once the main construction is done, they’ll start the hard and soft interior fittings!"

She continued, "The hotel has a budget of 20 billion RMB. Half is for land and infrastructure, while the other half is almost entirely for later renovations. The hard fittings alone will be at least 300 million RMB, and the soft fittings, including top-tier furniture, bedding, bathrooms, and appliances, will be around 600-700 million RMB. Now, top domestic brands in home furnishings, bathrooms, and decorative materials are flocking to Aurous Hill for the upcoming bids!"

Charlie asked with a smile, "So how much has Emgrand budgeted for the renovation design?"

Claire said, "For commercial renovation design, the usual rate is around 300 RMB per square meter. With a total operational area of 130,000 square meters and accounting for duplicate designs in similar room types, the design work amounts to at least 70,000-80,000 square meters. The design fee alone will be 20-30 million RMB!"

Elaine, overhearing, was astonished. "Goodness! Claire! Are you joking? Just for renovation, the design fee is 20-30 million RMB?!"

Claire nodded seriously. "It’s not a joke. This is a relatively low estimate. For large design firms or renowned designers, the price could be even higher—about 800 to 1,000 RMB per square meter!"


Upon hearing this, Elaine exclaimed, "Goodness! If the design fee per square meter is 800 to 1,000 RMB, doesn’t that mean the total would be 50-60 million RMB? That’s terrifying!"

Claire smiled and said, "It’s not as shocking as you think. Some internationally renowned designers charge over 100 million RMB just for the exterior design of a building!"

Elaine touched her chest and hurriedly asked, "My dear, are you planning to take on this project?"

Claire replied earnestly, "Of course I want to, but my studio isn’t large enough. Taking on such a project means I’d face fierce competition during the bidding process, and there’s so much preliminary work involved. If I were to bid, I’d need to invest all my energy immediately to prepare..."

She sighed, "Our company is still quite small. I’m worried we might not be able to handle such a large project."

Elaine was puzzled. "Isn’t design just about using a computer? What’s there to handle?"

Claire explained, "It’s not that simple. With over 100,000 square meters of operational space, there are dozens of room types, various restaurants, leisure and entertainment areas, administrative offices, and security planning. The overall design workload is immense."

"Imagine it like making an animated film. People might think it’s just about drawing pictures, but in reality, each second of animation requires twenty frames. A feature-length film needs tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of frames. The effort behind it involves hundreds of people working for years."

She continued, "Our studio is small, and even if we get the project, we can't complete it alone. We’d need to subcontract parts to other design studios, requiring at least dozens of designers and over six months to finish..."

"And that’s just the first phase. During construction, we’d need to follow up closely. The construction period alone would be at least a year, making the total project duration about a year and a half."

"With dozens of designers and a year and a half, good designers earn hundreds of thousands annually, and ordinary ones at least 200,000. So the salary costs alone would exceed 10 million RMB!"

Elaine was astonished. "Good heavens! Just the salaries amount to over 10 million RMB? That’s outrageous!"

Claire said seriously, "That’s the reality. And this is a conservative estimate. If the project duration extends or there are many revisions, the time and labor costs will increase."

Charlie, curious, asked, "Honey, what are you planning to do? Are you going to pursue this?"

Claire nodded. "Even though my studio isn’t very strong, I still want to try. If I manage to win this project, I can use it as an opportunity to merge a few smaller design teams. By the end of the project, my studio could rise to a medium-to-large scale!"

She then expressed some concern, "But my studio is indeed small. With so many companies bidding, I’m not sure how confident I am."

Charlie smiled and said, "Honey, if you’re interested, just go for it. If you succeed, it’s a fantastic opportunity. If not, we don’t lose much—just some effort. What do you think?"

Claire nodded lightly and said, "I just want to give it a shot. So starting today, I’ll have the team work overtime to develop the plans and prepare the bid!"

She added, "However, I’ve heard that many design companies try to gain such large contracts through connections, and some even bribe high-level executives at Emgrand. I wonder if Emgrand will engage in any shady practices..."

Charlie laughed, "A giant corporation like Emgrand, valued at over a hundred billion, wouldn’t resort to shady tactics for a design project worth a few tens of millions. It’s highly unlikely."


Despite his words, Charlie was already determined to discreetly ensure that Claire would receive the project. Since the Emgrand was part of his business, and given his wife’s keen interest in this project, it was only natural to give her a chance to prove herself.

He reassured Claire, "Claire, don’t worry about the details right now. Just focus on your preparations. I believe in your abilities!"

Claire nodded resolutely. "I’ll do my best and strive to win this major project!"

After lunch, Claire went to the office, and Charlie retired to his room to call Doris.

As soon as Doris answered, she said, "Young Master, you’re calling about the bid for your wife, right?"

Charlie smiled, "You guessed it."

Doris responded, "Young Master, I originally planned to directly assign the hotel’s design project to your wife’s company. However, I was concerned that if we did it outright, your wife might have doubts. So, I decided to hold a bidding process to make it seem more natural. This way, her company can compete for the project internally."

Charlie praised, "Doris, you handled this excellently and thoughtfully. My idea is the same as yours: let Claire participate in the bidding normally, while we internally ensure her studio gets the project. This way, she’ll feel it’s a fair competition."

Doris assured, "You can rest assured, Young Master. I’ll take care of everything."

Charlie asked, "When does the group plan to officially start the bidding?"

Doris replied, "I plan to give a week to prepare the initial draft. The bidding will begin a week from now."

"Great, then I’ll leave this to you."

After ending the call with Doris, Charlie considered that there were no pressing matters for the afternoon, so he decided to stay in.

Remembering his promise during the New Year to prepare some medicinal pills as gifts, he decided to use this free time to refine them.

He called Alan Ward. When Alan answered, he asked respectfully, "Master Wade, how can I assist you?"

Charlie said, "Alan, please prepare some medicinal materials and deliver them to my home this afternoon."

Realizing Charlie was likely planning to refine pills, Alan responded excitedly, "Master Wade, just let me know what materials you need, and I’ll make sure the best ones are prepared and sent over immediately!"

Charlie said, "I’ll send you the list of ingredients via WeChat. Please prepare them according to my requirements."

Alan replied without hesitation, "No problem, Master Wade. Send me the list, and I’ll have Dianne deliver them to you once they’re ready!"


Hearing that Charlie was planning to refine pills again, Dianne was thrilled beyond words. Her excitement wasn’t so much about the medicinal pills themselves but because her father had given her the opportunity to deliver the materials to Charlie, which meant she could finally see him.

Recently, Dianne had been spending her winter break at home, and aside from her daily training, she found herself rather bored. She had been hoping for a chance to meet Charlie again, even considering asking him for further guidance. However, she had heard that Charlie had been quite busy lately, so she hesitated to disturb him.

The opportunity to deliver the materials was perfect. She could use it as a chance to visit Charlie and perhaps invite him over to her home.

Alan, having prepared all the medicinal materials according to Charlie’s requirements, packed them neatly into a box and handed it to Dianne. He instructed, “Dianne, take these materials to Master Wade at the Thomson Elite.”

Dianne eagerly responded, “Okay, Dad! I’ll drive over to Master Wade’s house right away!”

Alan nodded and added, “Wait a moment.”

He then went to the safe, retrieved an exquisitely crafted rosewood box, and handed it to Dianne. “This is a top-grade purple ginseng, over four hundred years old. It’s even better than the three-hundred-year-old ginseng Master Wade bought at the auction. Please take it to him and say it’s from me as a gesture of respect.”

Dianne carefully accepted the box and said earnestly, “I understand, Dad. I’ll make sure to personally deliver this ginseng along with the other materials to Master Wade.”

Alan nodded, feeling reflective. “I remember at the last Traditional Chinese Medicine Expo, Master Wade spent a fortune on that three-hundred-year-old purple ginseng. Shortly after, he produced the Rejuvenation Pill. So I suspect this top-grade ginseng might be used for making another batch of Rejuvenation Pills. With this ginseng, Master Wade might be able to produce more.”

Dianne quickly responded, “Dad! I won’t be asking Master Wade for anything this time. Last time, I felt so awkward asking him for the medicinal pills. I was really uncomfortable…”

Alan reassured her, “Don’t worry. Just deliver the ginseng, and nothing else. If Master Wade uses it to make the Rejuvenation Pills, I’m sure he won’t forget about our Ward family.”

Feeling relieved, Dianne said, “Alright, I’ll head over now!”

“Go ahead.”

Dianne drove off and made her way to Thomson Elite.

Half an hour later, she arrived at Charlie’s villa. As she rang the doorbell, Elaine was taking an afternoon nap on the third floor.

Charlie came down from the second floor, opened the gate, and smiled when he saw Dianne. “Dianne, thank you for making the trip.”

In front of Charlie, Dianne always felt a bit awkward and nervous. She stammered, “M-Master Wade, how have you been recently?”

Charlie smiled, “I’m doing well. Why do you ask?”

Dianne quickly explained, “I heard you’ve been very busy lately and even went to Japan for Sister Sarah’s matter. I was worried you might be too tired…”

Charlie waved his hand dismissively. “It’s nothing. These small matters are not much trouble for me.”
Thank you thank you thank you!!!

What do we do to deserve 20 to 30 chapters a day? 🙂

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

“That's great!” Dianne smiled sweetly and handed Charlie the medicine box and the rosewood box. “Master Wade, the medicine box contains the materials you requested, and this rosewood box holds a top-grade purple ginseng over four hundred years old. My dad said he came across it by chance and thought it would be very useful for you, so he asked me to deliver it to you.”

Charlie was a bit surprised. “A four-hundred-year-old top-grade purple ginseng? Where did your father find such a rare item?”

Dianne stuck out her tongue. “I don’t know. My dad has a lot of sources for medicinal materials from all over the country. Whenever a supplier gets their hands on something extraordinary, they bring it to him first. So, I guess that’s how he got it.”

Charlie nodded, thinking to himself, “I’ve used up most of the thirty Rejuvenation Pills I made last time, keeping a few and distributing or selling the rest. I was hoping to make more, but finding top-grade purple ginseng over three hundred years old is quite challenging. I didn’t expect Alan to send this so soon…”

In fact, although Charlie didn’t have a three-hundred-year-old ginseng, he did possess a thousand-year-old snow ginseng from his mother’s family. The value of a thousand-year-old snow ginseng far exceeds that of a three-hundred-year-old purple ginseng. Using such a precious material to make Rejuvenation Pills would be a bit of a waste.

According to the Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture, the uses of a thousand-year-old snow ginseng are far more extensive than a three-hundred-year-old purple ginseng!

Charlie examined the top-grade purple ginseng Dianne had brought and remarked, “This purple ginseng is even better than the one I bought at the auction. Your father must have spent quite a bit on it. It’s really too generous…”

Dianne quickly replied, “Master Wade, please don’t say that. With all the favors you’ve done for our Ward family, even if you were to take all our family assets, it would be well deserved!”

Charlie laughed and teased, “You’re really generous with your family’s resources. Your family has worked hard for generations to build up their fortune, and now you’re just handing it all over to me?”

Shifting to a more serious tone, he said, “Alright, I’ll accept this purple ginseng. Please thank your father for me. Also, let him know that when I make pills from this ginseng, I’ll definitely send him one.”

Dianne was thrilled and bowed deeply. “Thank you so much, Master Wade!”

Charlie smiled and said, “It’s no trouble. Don’t be so formal.”

He then invited her, “Dianne, come in and have a seat. I’ll make you a cup of tea.”

Dianne instinctively agreed but then hesitated and asked, “Master Wade, is your wife at home? If she sees me, might she be upset?”

Charlie laughed, “No, she’s not here. Claire is very friendly and hospitable. If she were here, she would definitely welcome you personally.”

Dianne asked in surprise, “Your wife isn’t home?”

“No,” Charlie replied casually. “She’s busy with work and already returned to the office. It’s just my mother-in-law at home.”

Dianne quickly said, “In that case, I shouldn’t go in. I wouldn’t want to cause any trouble if your mother-in-law misunderstands.”

Charlie chuckled, “Don’t worry. My mother-in-law injured her leg and usually stays in her room for her afternoon nap. She rarely comes downstairs.”

Relieved, Dianne smiled and said, “Well, I’ll take you up on that offer and have a cup of tea!”

Charlie moved aside with a gesture. “Please come in!”


Seeing Charlie’s sincere invitation, Dianne nodded and happily followed him into the villa.

Once inside, Charlie invited Dianne to sit on the sofa in the living room and then went to prepare some tea.

Dianne carefully held the tea that Charlie had brewed and said, “By the way, Master Wade, I visited Sister Sarah a few days ago!”

“Oh?” Charlie asked curiously, “Did you go to her company or her home?”

“I went to her home,” Dianne said. “I was worried that after everything she’s been through, she might be feeling down, so I decided to check on her.”

Charlie nodded, remembering that since resolving the Walker family crisis and helping Sarah reclaim her position as the heir, he had not had time to visit her. He asked Dianne, “How is Sarah doing now?”

Dianne tilted her head and replied, “Sister Sarah is doing quite well.”

She then recalled something and added, “Oh, and Master Wade, Sister Sarah has a purebred Akita dog at home, and it’s so adorable! I don’t think you could find one with a better pedigree in Aurous Hill. She said it was a gift from one of your friends?”

“Yes,” Charlie smiled and said. “A few days ago in Japan, I stayed at a friend’s house who had several Akitas. Seeing that Sarah liked them, he gave her one.”

Dianne looked envious and said, “The Akita is named Little Yuu, and it’s a female. I’ve already asked her to let me have one of Little Yuu’s puppies when she grows up!”

Charlie laughed, “Well, you’ll have to wait at least a year for that.”

Dianne replied, “That’s fine. A year will pass quickly.”

She then asked Charlie, “By the way, Master Wade, do you have some time in the next few days?”

Charlie asked with interest, “Is there something you need?”

Dianne, a bit shy, said, “Since I won the championship against Nanako in the last competition, I’ve been practicing hard at home. But I feel my progress is slow, mainly because I don’t have a seasoned coach to guide me. If you have the time, I would like to invite you to my home and give me some guidance. I hope it’s convenient for you…”

Charlie thought for a moment and smiled, “That’s a small matter. How about this: once I’ve finished refining the medicine, I’ll invite everyone to a meal and bring the medicine with me. I’ll ask your father to prepare a banquet and invite everyone to your home. I’ll come a few hours early to give you some guidance.”

Dianne was excited and said, “That would be wonderful, Master Wade! I’ll go back and tell my dad to prepare the best banquet!”

Charlie nodded and smiled, “By the way, do you know who gave your sister’s Akita to her?”

Dianne shook her head, “Sister Sarah said it was from a friend of yours, but she didn’t specify who.”

Charlie smiled, “It was Nanako, the one you competed against.”

“Ah?!” Dianne exclaimed, “It was her?”

Charlie nodded, “Yes, it was.”

Dianne quickly asked, “Master Wade, how is Nanako’s injury? I didn’t manage the medicine you gave me very well during the competition and accidentally hurt her. I’m worried about how she’s recovering…”

Dianne felt guilty and said, “Actually, Nanako’s strength has always been much greater than mine. The championship should have been hers. I only won because of the miraculous medicine you provided. Even though I won the competition, it feels less than honorable…”

Charlie waved his hand, “Dianne, there’s no need to feel dishonorable. Competitions are about personal skill and how well one controls the rules. Although your strength was partly enhanced by the medicine, it is still your personal skill. Moreover, you passed the doping test, which proves you didn’t use any prohibited substances, so everything was within the competition rules.”

He continued, “It’s like the sharkskin swimsuits used in swimming competitions.”

“These high-tech swimsuits reduced resistance in the water significantly. Swimmers like Phelps broke 14 world records in just a month with the help of these swimsuits. It’s not dishonorable when the rules didn’t prohibit their use.”

Dianne nodded slightly, “I understand what you mean…”

Charlie smiled, “Competitions are all about playing by the rules, so you don’t need to feel burdened. You should continue participating in international competitions and strive to bring more glory to the country!”

Dianne responded eagerly, “Okay, Master Wade. I will definitely give it my all and win more championships!”

She glanced at the time and said shyly, “Master Wade, you must have other things to do this afternoon. I won’t keep you. Please don’t forget the arrangement we discussed…”

Charlie nodded, “Don’t worry. I’ll contact your father once I’ve finished refining the medicine.”

Dianne stood up, respectfully saying, “Master Wade, I’ll take my leave now. Please stay well.”

Charlie also stood up and said, “I’ll see you out.”


After seeing Dianne off and watching her leave, Charlie returned to the second-floor bedroom he shared with Claire, carrying the medicinal herbs she had brought.

The herbs Dianne sent were enough for him to refine a batch of Resurrection pills and another batch of Rejuvenation pills.

While the Resurrection Pills were no longer of much use to him personally, they were incredibly effective for ordinary people. Sarah, for instance, survived a dire situation in Japan thanks to one of these pills.

Therefore, refining a batch of these Resurrection Pills and gifting them to Alan Ward, George White, Samuel Turner, and Simon Thorpe was a fitting way to repay their gifts from years past.

As for the Rejuvenation pills, Charlie planned to refine another batch, giving one to Alan while keeping the rest for emergencies.

By the end of the afternoon, Charlie had successfully refined thirty Resurrection Pills and thirty Rejuvenation pills.

As he looked at the newly made pills, Charlie suddenly remembered his mother-in-law, Elaine.

In truth, with her minor injury of a broken leg, just a quarter of a Resurrection Pill would be enough to get her up and about.

And he had thirty pills in total.

Calculating that, he could afford to have her break her leg a hundred and twenty times.

At that moment, Charlie hesitated, wondering if he should give her a bit of the pill residue to speed up her recovery.

But he quickly dismissed the thought, muttering, "Forget it, she doesn't deserve it!"


At the same time Charlie was busy with the pills, in Eastcliff, Roger Klein called Master Lai, who was on the other side of the ocean.

Despite being over a hundred years old, Master Lai remained in excellent health thanks to taking Rejuvenation pills. He usually rose at five in the morning, practiced Tai Chi, followed by Five Animals Exercise, and then used three ancient coins to perform a simple divination.

Master Lai's method of divination involved three ancient coins, which was a common practice in divination. Unlike most feng shui masters, Master Lai’s coins were rare and precious.

The largest coin was a priceless Warring States three-hole copper coin.

The other two coins were extremely rare Tai Xia Zhen Xing coins.

Many who had spent their lives collecting ancient coins might never even see one of these coins.

As he finished his divination and was contemplating the results of the copper coins, Roger’s call came through.

Master Lai answered the call with a smile, "I was just curious why today's divination suggested an old acquaintance coming, yet seemed distant as if separated by mountains and rivers. Your call came just in time."

Roger sighed, "Master Lai, your insight is indeed remarkable. I am deeply impressed."

Master Lai laughed, "Roger, there's no need for flattery between us. What’s the matter so early in the morning?"

Roger replied, "Master Lai, my granddaughter has been trying to find her savior but has had no luck. I was hoping you could perform a divination to give her some clues. Would you be able to help?"

Master Lai smiled, "Your granddaughter understands the value of gratitude. In that case, provide me with her birth date and time, and some details about her rescue. I'll perform a divination for you."

Roger quickly gave Master Lai Camilla’s birth date, as well as the details of her and Cameron’s kidnapping experience in Japan.

Master Lai muttered to himself, "The incident occurred in Japan. Japan is east of China, which corresponds to the Azure Dragon position in feng shui..."

He then calculated and took up the ancient coins on his desk, closing his eyes as he shook them in his palm before casting them.

The result caused his brows to furrow deeply. He said, "Strange! Roger, the divination for your granddaughter shows a sign of seeking a dragon!"

"Seeking a dragon?!" Roger asked in surprise, "Master Lai, what does seeking a dragon mean?"

Master Lai said seriously, "Seeking refers to the search, and dragon refers to a true dragon. This divination indicates that the person your granddaughter is searching for has an extraordinarily strong and significant fate."


Roger was both surprised and inwardly delighted upon hearing this.

He couldn’t help but smile and said, "Master Lai, it is said that this person could single-handedly defeat many top Japanese ninjas. His strength is indeed extraordinary. Having a tough fate seems quite normal, right?"

Master Lai responded with great seriousness, "Roger, many people have tough fates. Just look at widows with unlucky marriages; their fates are as hard as iron. However, the fate of a true dragon is extremely rare. If we were in ancient times, one might not necessarily become the Emperor, but certainly a prince or a high-ranking official, far from an ordinary person!"

Roger pondered for a moment and then asked earnestly, "Master Lai, my granddaughter is eager to find this person. Could you possibly give a hint?"

Master Lai sighed, "This person's fate is one level higher than mine. I cannot see through it."

Roger exclaimed, "Master Lai, there are fates you cannot see through?!"

Master Lai gave a wry smile and said, "Fates are like ancient official ranks. The higher the rank, the more it suppresses others. Once it surpasses my level, it is beyond my ability to discern."

Roger asked in astonishment, "If you cannot see through it, how do you know it is a true dragon’s fate?"

Master Lai replied with a smile, "My fate is that of a python, which is second only to a dragon in the principles of destiny and geomancy. Just as a prime minister is subordinate only to the emperor, a fate that I cannot see through must be that of a true dragon."

As he spoke, he recalled Charlie’s appearance with profound respect and said, "I once had the honor of meeting someone with a true dragon’s fate. That person’s abilities far exceeded ordinary imagination. Although I don’t know how capable the person your granddaughter is seeking is, it certainly won’t be lacking."

Master Lai had always held deep respect for Charlie.

Back then, he had foreseen his own impending end and also saw an opportunity in the East that could extend his life, which is why he agreed to Claudius’s request to go to Eastcliff and find a geomantic treasure for the Wade family.

It was only upon arriving at the Wade family’s home that he realized Charlie was in a predicament of a dragon trapped in a shallow pool.

At that time, Charlie was at the lowest point of his life and fate, far beneath Master Lai’s level.

That’s why he was able to predict Charlie’s fortune.

After Charlie broke free from his predicament, his fate soared to unprecedented heights. From that moment on, Master Lai could no longer discern Charlie’s destiny.

Now, Master Lai couldn’t determine whom Camilla was looking for, so he could be certain that this person Camilla was seeking must be of true dragon’s fate.

Roger, upon hearing this, sighed helplessly, "It seems that my granddaughter will have to put in more effort to find this person!"

Master Lai said seriously, "Roger, I would advise against your granddaughter continuing the search."

Roger asked in surprise, "Why? Master Lai, what do you mean?"

Master Lai responded earnestly, "The hexagram indicates that your granddaughter’s fate is in conflict with the person she is seeking, who possesses a supreme dragon’s fate. It’s like comparing a bicycle to a high-speed freight train. If they don’t collide, they can coexist peacefully. But if they do collide, the bicycle has no chance of winning."

Roger, hearing this, couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

He had great trust in Master Lai.

Thus, he quickly said, "Master Lai, thank you for your advice. I will call my granddaughter right away and tell her to stop looking."


Master Lai nodded solemnly and said, “She should stop searching. Otherwise, it’s like a moth to the flame; she’ll only end up hurting herself.”

Roger thanked him repeatedly, then quickly hung up and sent Camilla a video call.

He chose to use a video call because he knew that once the call was answered, it would default to speaker mode. This way, not only Camilla but also his daughter, Marissa, and granddaughter, Cameron, would hear the message.

Roger feared that Camilla might not believe in divination and might even be more determined to proceed if she were warned of danger. Therefore, he wanted to inform them all together, hoping that even if he couldn’t persuade Camilla, Marissa and Cameron could help.

It was dinner time, and Camilla was indeed having a meal with her mother and brother. Upon receiving the video call from her grandfather, she felt a surge of excitement, thinking it might be news from the divination, and immediately answered the call.

As the video connected, Roger greeted with a smile, “Camilla, what are you up to?”

Camilla replied, “I’m just about to eat, Grandpa. How about you?”

Roger said, “I’ve already finished.”

He then asked, “How about your mom and brother?”

Camilla quickly switched the camera to include her mother and brother in the frame and said, “Mom and brother are here too. By the way, Grandpa, did you ask the master for help?”

Roger nodded, “Yes, I did.”

Camilla, unable to hide her excitement, asked, “Really? Did the master give any clear clues?”

Roger hesitated for a moment, sighed softly, and said, “Camilla, Master Lai did a divination for you. However, the hexagram shows that the person you’re looking for has an extremely high and tough fate. Even Master Lai couldn’t discern any clues related to him.”

“Ah?” Camilla said in deep disappointment, “Grandpa, didn’t you say this Master Lai was very skilled? How could he not find any clues at all?”

Roger explained, “It’s not that he couldn’t find clues; it’s that he couldn’t see through it. Even Master Lai’s fate is a level below the person you’re looking for.”

Camilla, frustrated, said, “What does ‘level below’ mean? It seems like Master Lai couldn’t find any clues and is just using that as an excuse.”

Marissa quickly interjected, “Camilla, don’t be disrespectful!”

Camilla retorted, “Mom, isn’t that the truth? If Master Lai could find something, he should say so. If not, he should admit it instead of making excuses about different levels of fate.”

Cameron spoke up, “Camilla, don’t be so extreme. If Master Lai were a scammer, he wouldn’t tell you he couldn’t see through it. He’d give vague or baseless answers.”

“For instance, he might say the person you’re looking for is in the northwest and leave the rest to you. Whether you find them or not would be no concern of his.”

“Since Master Lai has explicitly said he cannot see through it, I believe he’s not making excuses.”

Although Camilla didn’t believe in this, she chose not to argue further and said reluctantly, “Since even Master Lai cannot see through it, I’ll have to rely on myself to find this person.”

Roger quickly said, “Camilla, listen to your grandfather’s advice. It’s best not to continue searching for this person.”


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 4, 2023
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The part where Diana takes the herbs to Charlie's home kinda sounds the same as before

Charlie checked Allan on wechat
Diana was sent to take the herbs
Diana asked for a favor.....


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
Reaction score
I believe it's Dustin.
Charlie comes from a wealthy family Dustin comes from a powerful family that even the imperial court has to be wary of. Charlie's family wealth can't amount to that of Dustin's. Be it in terms of monetary value, Resources in terms of herbs, martial art techniques and even military.
Charlie is a potential heir to a business heritage. Dustin is a potential heir to a powerful throne almost as powerful as the imperial court.
Charlie obtained a mystery ability by chance or fate. Dustin was born with a special ability (kirin tattoo).
Charlie has some level of control in the business. Dustin has some level of control in national affairs. (World shaking list; his breathe can be heard throughout the country although we know him to be low key).
Dustin is a practitioner of martial art and could perfect his cultivation. The nine mystical scrolls enhanced Charlie cultivation. Unless charlie stumbles on more techniques before he can take his abilities to higher level
Although we don't have information of Charlie's cultivation cap. So we can say for now.
Both are excellent healers.


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
Reaction score
In terms of martial art prowess. John white leads. While levi garrison seconds

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score


Camilla’s eyes widened as she heard her grandfather tell her to stop searching. Confused, she asked, “Grandfather, why?”

Roger’s response was vague, “There’s no benefit in continuing the search. It’s better to let it go.”

Camilla frowned, her resolve unshaken. “Grandfather, the person I’m looking for saved my brother and me! He saved our lives! No matter what, I will keep searching. Even if I never find him, I won’t give up!”

Roger’s tone became urgent, his voice more serious, “This isn’t just about whether you find him or not! This is about your future safety!”

“My safety?” Camilla asked, puzzled. “What does this have to do with my future?”

Roger explained sternly, “Master Lai said that your fates clash. His destiny is far stronger and higher than yours. If you never find him, nothing will happen. But if you do, it’ll be like a moth drawn to a flame—you're the one who will get burned.”

Camilla immediately retorted, “Grandfather, I mean no disrespect, but I think what Master Lai said is nonsense!”

Without hesitation, she continued, “If my benefactor is truly this ‘fire’ and I am a moth, why didn’t I get burned when he saved my life? Instead, I was rescued! To me, this so-called master is just making things up!”

Roger sighed heavily, “Ah... Fate is not something you can argue against. It’s true he saved you before, but Master Lai is talking about the future!”

Camilla’s voice was firm, “I don’t care about the future. All I know is that he saved my life. I just want to find him and thank him in person. If our fates really do clash, then so be it—I’m willing to return the life he saved.”

Roger, usually calm, uncharacteristically raised his voice, “Camilla! Don’t speak recklessly! Master Lai’s words are not to be taken lightly. You must listen!”

Shaking her head, Camilla stood her ground, “This is all superstitious nonsense. I refuse to listen!”

From the side, Marissa, her mother, spoke seriously, “Camilla, the study of the divination and the Eight Trigrams is the pinnacle of ancient wisdom, not superstition. Master Lai is the most renowned geomancer in the world today. You must treat this with reverence.”

With a stern look, Marissa continued, “I agree with your grandfather. You should stop searching—let this end here.”

Camilla’s eyes reddened with frustration, “Mom, how can you believe in these things? You’re an educated woman from a top university; you should believe in science!”

Marissa responded earnestly, “Camilla, how do you know the divination isn’t science?”

“It’s all just old superstitious thinking! How can there be any science in that?” Camilla shot back. “If it were scientific, why doesn’t it just tell me where to find my benefactor? Instead, it talks about clashing fates and burning moths. I won’t believe such nonsense!”

With a stern expression, Marissa replied, “The divination and Eight Trigrams are based on centuries of observation and reflection on the universe. They form a philosophy, one could even say a science!”

She paused, then added, “Have you ever wondered how the Mayans could predict solar eclipses with such accuracy over three thousand years ago?”


“What’s even more impressive,” Marissa continued, “is that the ancient Mayans’ calendar aligns almost perfectly with modern scientific calculations. The margin of error is so small that it only deviates by one day every five thousand years. Do you think that’s superstition too?”

Camilla was momentarily speechless, unable to find a rebuttal. All she could do was insist stubbornly, “There’s no real evidence for this. Anyway, I definitely won’t believe it!”

Marissa sighed, her tone still serious. “When we were young, our generation had a more balanced understanding of both Eastern and Western cultures. We never blindly believed one was superior to the other. We looked at things objectively and critically. But by the time your generation—those born in the 90s and 2000s—grew up, Western culture started to dominate completely.”

“You all believe in science, in the internet, but you refuse to believe in the essence of what our ancestors left behind for thousands of years. You’ve even dismissed it as feudal superstition. This, in itself, is a form of ignorance!”

Feeling a bit defiant, Camilla asked, “According to our ancestors, does everything have a predetermined fate? Are you saying that even what I eat today or where I go is already destined?”

Marissa spoke earnestly, “You might think that everything in the world is determined by your choices and not by fate. But have you ever considered that from the smallest grain of sand to the vastness of the universe, everything operates according to its own set of rules? The larger the perspective you take, the more unchangeable that fate becomes.”

Camilla immediately asked, “Mom, tell me then, what’s the fate of a grain of sand? It could stay in the desert, become part of a river, sink to the ocean floor, or even be made into glass or concrete. Are you telling me that fate has a plan for each and every grain of sand?”

Shaking her head, Marissa explained, “As I said earlier, you must view fate from a broad perspective. You can’t scrutinize it from a narrow, microscopic view.”

“When you look at it up close, a grain of sand seems insignificant, not worth mentioning. There are countless grains of sand, and it might seem impossible for fate to chart the course for each one.”

“But do you know how many stars like the sun exist in the universe?”

Camilla was at a loss for words, her face showing her confusion.

Marissa continued, “Camilla, when you focus narrowly, it’s easy to dismiss a grain of sand as too small to matter. But from a broader perspective, even the Earth itself is nothing more than a grain of sand in the universe—perhaps even less.”

“Do you young people love science? Then let me tell you this: in the observable universe, based on both observation and scientific deduction, there are roughly two trillion galaxies. Did you hear that? Two trillion!”

“And each galaxy has at least hundreds of billions, if not trillions, of stars. Our sun is just one of hundreds of billions of stars in the Milky Way. In the grand scheme of things, the sun is completely ordinary. Compared to the universe, the sun is smaller than a grain of sand.”

“There are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on Earth. If you think there are too many grains of sand for each one to have a destiny, then tell me this: does a star, which is a hundred times larger than the Earth, deserve to have a fate?”

Marissa’s words struck Camilla like a bolt of lightning. She stood there, speechless, unable to respond.

She had never considered the world from such a perspective before. As her mind tried to grasp the enormity of the universe, she couldn’t help but feel her own insignificance and ignorance.

If the sun was merely a grain of sand in the vastness of the cosmos, then the Earth itself could only be a speck of cosmic dust.

And if humanity had to live on this speck of cosmic dust, then what did humans amount to?

And how much could the science that humans had managed to grasp within this speck of dust truly represent all that existed in the universe?

Chapter 2303: Embracing the Cosmic Order

Seeing that Camilla no longer continued to argue, Marissa sighed softly and spoke with utmost sincerity, “Camilla, you must understand that among the over two trillion galaxies, every star operates under its own set of laws. So how can the destinies of a mere few billion people matter?”

She clasped her hands together, her voice filled with reverence. “I used to frequently visit temples to burn incense and pray. Both you and your brother, along with your father, think I’m indulging in feudal superstition. But Buddhism teaches that even a single grain of sand contains an entire world.”

“Even the smallest grain holds infinite depth within itself.”

“In comparison, a galaxy is just a speck of dust in the universe, yet within it lies another vast and boundless world.”

“The divination teaches us that everything in the universe, from the tiniest dust particle to the grandest star, follows its own rules. You might not understand it, but you must respect it. Do you understand?”

Camilla quickly nodded, her voice gentle and obedient. “Mom, I understand. I’m sorry. I was too shallow before, not understanding the divination, the Eight Trigrams, or destiny…”

Marissa smiled slightly. “Everything in the world has its own order. Once you discover its rules, you can see its past, present, and future.”

“It’s like how the ancients learned the patterns behind celestial phenomena and gradually mastered the ability to predict the weather.”

“Or how modern astronomers understand the movements of the sun and the moon, allowing them to accurately predict solar and lunar eclipses, even tracing them back thousands or tens of thousands of years.”

“The essence of the divination is summarizing the laws that govern the universe and humanity.”

“Once you grasp these laws, you can discern the past, present, and future of events and individuals.”

“Since Master Lai advised you to stop searching, you should obediently follow his guidance. Both you and your brother are my everything. When you had that accident in Japan, I nearly had a heart attack. From now on, I cannot bear any more risks to your lives.”

Camilla instinctively asked, “Mom... Could Master Lai be wrong in his calculations?”

Quick to explain, she added, “I’m not doubting the divination. I just feel that it’s like solving a math problem—if there’s even a tiny mistake, the results can deviate greatly. It’s like the saying, ‘A miss is as good as a mile.’”

Marissa shook her head earnestly. “The Earth orbits the sun once a year without any deviation. The solar system orbits the center of the Milky Way every 250 million years, and it remains precise. This is the rigor of these laws!”

“The laws of the divination are as precise as those of astronomy. Master Lai is the most profound expert in the divination today—there’s no one like him. He couldn’t possibly be wrong!”

“Since he says you’re like a moth to a flame, you must stay away from that fire. The farther you stay, the better! If you refuse to listen and insist on finding him, I’ll have your father send you abroad immediately!”

Marissa continued, “Harvard Business School starts in August, and there’s still half a year left. If you won’t listen, you should go there soon!”

“No, Mom!” Camilla quickly protested. “You’re asking me to go to the United States alone. The school hasn’t started yet, the dorms aren’t open, and I don’t know anyone there. It would be so inconvenient...”

Marissa responded firmly, “There’s nothing inconvenient about it. Your father bought a villa near Harvard University last year. You can live there with a butler, servants, and a personal assistant. It will be very convenient for you. If it’s really a problem, I can accompany you.”

Hearing this, Camilla urgently pleaded, “Mom, I don’t want to go to the United States right now... Can’t I just listen to you and stop searching?”

As she spoke, deep down, Camilla felt a surge of unwillingness…

“But in my heart, I have a thousand reasons not to give up searching for my lifesaver…”

Camilla stood silent, the weight of her mother's words pressing down on her. The room felt smaller, the air thicker with unspoken emotions. She glanced at her mother, seeing the unwavering conviction in her eyes, and felt a conflict brewing within her.

“I... I understand, Mom,” she finally whispered, her voice barely audible. “I’ll stop searching.”

Marissa placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Good. Trust in the universe’s order. Everything happens for a reason.”

Camilla nodded slowly, though her heart still ached with determination. She had always believed that her benefactor deserved her gratitude, and the thought of abandoning her quest felt like letting go of a part of herself.

“But...” she began, hesitating.

Marissa turned to face her fully, her expression softening. “Camilla, sometimes letting go is not giving up. It’s understanding that there are forces beyond our control. Embrace this wisdom, and you’ll find peace.”

Camilla took a deep breath, trying to reconcile her desire to search with her mother’s steadfast beliefs. She knew that her journey was not just about finding someone who saved her life; it was also about understanding her place in the vast tapestry of existence.

As the conversation drew to a close, the room settled into a heavy silence. Camilla felt the enormity of the universe pressing in, yet a small spark of hope remained within her. Perhaps, in letting go, she would discover a new path—a path that honored both her quest and the cosmic order her mother so passionately believed in.

With a final, lingering look at her mother, Camilla turned away, her mind racing with thoughts of destiny, science, and the intricate dance between fate and free will. The journey ahead was uncertain, but one thing was clear: the search for her benefactor was intertwined with a deeper understanding of the universe itself.

And so, with a heavy heart and a flicker of determination, Camilla began to navigate the complexities of her world, seeking not just answers about her past, but also her place in the grand scheme of things.


“But… Mom has made her stance so clear. Knowing her, even though she’s usually gentle, once she makes a decision, there’s no room for negotiation.”

“So, if I stubbornly continue searching for him, Mom will definitely send me to the United States, just like she said.”

“If I’m in the U.S., thousands of miles away from home, it’ll be even more impossible to find him…”

“I have no choice but to lie to calm Mom down… and secretly continue my search for him.”

At this moment, Marissa was unaware of her daughter's thoughts. Upon hearing that she was willing to give up the search, she felt a wave of relief wash over her.

She then turned to Cameron, her tone serious. “Cameron, the reason I gave you this name is because I want you to know right from wrong and distinguish between them. The risks in your sister’s situation are very clear, as I’ve explained. For her safety, you must remember: you absolutely cannot secretly help her search for anyone. Do you understand?”

Hearing this, Cameron immediately responded, “Don’t worry, Mom. I’ve always had great respect for our traditional Chinese culture. Since the master has spoken, I won’t help Camilla find anyone!”

Cameron meant every word.

Nowadays, some young people, influenced by Western culture, are quick to criticize Chinese traditions. One of the most attacked is traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

At his age, Cameron had also harbored some biases against TCM, feeling it lacked scientific grounding and clinical evidence. But when he was nineteen, he experienced something that changed his view. He had a persistent low-grade fever for over a month. Every test possible was done, and every antibiotic was tried, but nothing worked.

Out of desperation, his family took him to see a renowned TCM practitioner. The doctor diagnosed him with "dampness invasion" and performed acupuncture, followed by prescribing a medicinal brew. After taking it, he recovered almost instantly.

Since that incident, Cameron realized that anything that has lasted for centuries must have its merits. Traditional Chinese medicine had accompanied Chinese civilization for five thousand years. The wisdom within was not something a young man like him could easily dismiss.

His respect for traditional culture grew from then on, including the divination and the Eight Trigrams.

Camilla, hearing her brother’s words, felt her heart sink even further into despair. She knew that if even her brother refused to help, she would truly lose all her support. In this situation, did she still have any chance of finding her benefactor?

Since being rescued in Japan, not a day went by where she didn’t think about Charlie and the details of that fateful rescue.

Charlie had become part of her very soul.

Even if it meant flying into the fire like a moth, she wasn’t willing to give up.

At this moment, Marissa looked at Camilla and spoke in an undeniable tone, “Camilla, I plan to stay in Aurous Hill for a while. During this time, you will stay with me. There’s no need for you to go anywhere else!”


Marissa indeed wanted to stay in Aurous Hill for a while.

It wasn’t just because she missed Drake, but also because she genuinely liked this warm and humid riverside city with its rich history. Additionally, she couldn’t stop thinking about the old house Drake had once rented.

She wanted to stay in Aurous Hill, buy that house, and restore it. If no major events arose in the future, she could even see herself settling down there permanently.

Back then, after watching the man she loved marry another woman, Marissa lost all faith and hope in love, which was why she married Virtuoso. However, after marriage, there was only kinship between her and Virtuoso—never love.

When Virtuoso’s betrayal came to light, even the remnants of kinship between them vanished.

Though they hadn’t divorced yet, Marissa had made up her mind—she would no longer force herself for the sake of anyone else.

From that moment on, she wanted to live life her way. Settling in Aurous Hill was the first step.

Upon hearing that her mother wanted her to stay in Aurous Hill, Camilla was internally resistant.

She thought to herself, "Whether it’s the Salvador family or the Klein family, their power base is in Eastcliff. Only in Eastcliff can I mobilize more resources to help me find him."

"But if I stay with Mom in Aurous Hill, I’ll have no resources to draw on. And with Mom so strongly opposed to my search, staying under her watchful eye would make it impossible to find him..."

These thoughts left Camilla feeling deeply frustrated, so she didn’t immediately respond to her mother.

Noticing the hesitation and reluctance on her daughter’s face, Marissa frowned and asked, “What’s wrong? Are you not planning to agree?”

Camilla quickly replied, “No, Mom. I’d love to stay in Aurous Hill with you, but to be honest, I’m afraid I won’t get used to living here for too long…”

Marissa nodded, asking, “Tell me, what won’t you get used to?”

Counting on her fingers, Camilla explained, “Well, Eastcliff’s winters are always dry, but Aurous Hill is so humid…”

Without missing a beat, Marissa responded, “That’s easy. I’ll have the best central dehumidification system installed in your room right away. We’ll track Eastcliff’s humidity in real-time. If the air humidity in Eastcliff is 10%, we’ll make sure your room stays at 10%, not even a percentage off!”

Camilla felt her head spinning. She quickly added, “It’s not just the humidity, Mom. It’s also the food… I’m not really used to the cuisine here.”

Marissa waved her hand dismissively, saying, “That’s not an issue. I’ll have our chef from Eastcliff come over. You’ve always loved the food he makes at home, right? And since your father’s off in Australia, the chef has nothing to do at home anyway. I’ll get him to come over today, so by tomorrow morning, you’ll have your familiar meals.”

Camilla, feeling awkward, stammered, “But… Mom… I can stay here with you, but my brother still has to go back. If you bring the chef to Aurous Hill, what will he eat when he returns?”

Before Marissa could respond, Cameron immediately jumped in, resolutely saying, “Don’t worry about me! I’m fine! I’ll just eat out every day—it’s no big deal. I’m a bachelor, and it’s easy for me. As long as I’m full, I’m good!”


Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
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Camilla’s eyes widened as she heard her grandfather tell her to stop searching. Confused, she asked, “Grandfather, why?”

Roger’s response was vague, “There’s no benefit in continuing the search. It’s better to let it go.”

Camilla frowned, her resolve unshaken. “Grandfather, the person I’m looking for saved my brother and me! He saved our lives! No matter what, I will keep searching. Even if I never find him, I won’t give up!”

Roger’s tone became urgent, his voice more serious, “This isn’t just about whether you find him or not! This is about your future safety!”

“My safety?” Camilla asked, puzzled. “What does this have to do with my future?”

Roger explained sternly, “Master Lai said that your fates clash. His destiny is far stronger and higher than yours. If you never find him, nothing will happen. But if you do, it’ll be like a moth drawn to a flame—you're the one who will get burned.”

Camilla immediately retorted, “Grandfather, I mean no disrespect, but I think what Master Lai said is nonsense!”

Without hesitation, she continued, “If my benefactor is truly this ‘fire’ and I am a moth, why didn’t I get burned when he saved my life? Instead, I was rescued! To me, this so-called master is just making things up!”

Roger sighed heavily, “Ah... Fate is not something you can argue against. It’s true he saved you before, but Master Lai is talking about the future!”

Camilla’s voice was firm, “I don’t care about the future. All I know is that he saved my life. I just want to find him and thank him in person. If our fates really do clash, then so be it—I’m willing to return the life he saved.”

Roger, usually calm, uncharacteristically raised his voice, “Camilla! Don’t speak recklessly! Master Lai’s words are not to be taken lightly. You must listen!”

Shaking her head, Camilla stood her ground, “This is all superstitious nonsense. I refuse to listen!”

From the side, Marissa, her mother, spoke seriously, “Camilla, the study of the divination and the Eight Trigrams is the pinnacle of ancient wisdom, not superstition. Master Lai is the most renowned geomancer in the world today. You must treat this with reverence.”

With a stern look, Marissa continued, “I agree with your grandfather. You should stop searching—let this end here.”

Camilla’s eyes reddened with frustration, “Mom, how can you believe in these things? You’re an educated woman from a top university; you should believe in science!”

Marissa responded earnestly, “Camilla, how do you know the divination isn’t science?”

“It’s all just old superstitious thinking! How can there be any science in that?” Camilla shot back. “If it were scientific, why doesn’t it just tell me where to find my benefactor? Instead, it talks about clashing fates and burning moths. I won’t believe such nonsense!”

With a stern expression, Marissa replied, “The divination and Eight Trigrams are based on centuries of observation and reflection on the universe. They form a philosophy, one could even say a science!”

She paused, then added, “Have you ever wondered how the Mayans could predict solar eclipses with such accuracy over three thousand years ago?”


“What’s even more impressive,” Marissa continued, “is that the ancient Mayans’ calendar aligns almost perfectly with modern scientific calculations. The margin of error is so small that it only deviates by one day every five thousand years. Do you think that’s superstition too?”

Camilla was momentarily speechless, unable to find a rebuttal. All she could do was insist stubbornly, “There’s no real evidence for this. Anyway, I definitely won’t believe it!”

Marissa sighed, her tone still serious. “When we were young, our generation had a more balanced understanding of both Eastern and Western cultures. We never blindly believed one was superior to the other. We looked at things objectively and critically. But by the time your generation—those born in the 90s and 2000s—grew up, Western culture started to dominate completely.”

“You all believe in science, in the internet, but you refuse to believe in the essence of what our ancestors left behind for thousands of years. You’ve even dismissed it as feudal superstition. This, in itself, is a form of ignorance!”

Feeling a bit defiant, Camilla asked, “According to our ancestors, does everything have a predetermined fate? Are you saying that even what I eat today or where I go is already destined?”

Marissa spoke earnestly, “You might think that everything in the world is determined by your choices and not by fate. But have you ever considered that from the smallest grain of sand to the vastness of the universe, everything operates according to its own set of rules? The larger the perspective you take, the more unchangeable that fate becomes.”

Camilla immediately asked, “Mom, tell me then, what’s the fate of a grain of sand? It could stay in the desert, become part of a river, sink to the ocean floor, or even be made into glass or concrete. Are you telling me that fate has a plan for each and every grain of sand?”

Shaking her head, Marissa explained, “As I said earlier, you must view fate from a broad perspective. You can’t scrutinize it from a narrow, microscopic view.”

“When you look at it up close, a grain of sand seems insignificant, not worth mentioning. There are countless grains of sand, and it might seem impossible for fate to chart the course for each one.”

“But do you know how many stars like the sun exist in the universe?”

Camilla was at a loss for words, her face showing her confusion.

Marissa continued, “Camilla, when you focus narrowly, it’s easy to dismiss a grain of sand as too small to matter. But from a broader perspective, even the Earth itself is nothing more than a grain of sand in the universe—perhaps even less.”

“Do you young people love science? Then let me tell you this: in the observable universe, based on both observation and scientific deduction, there are roughly two trillion galaxies. Did you hear that? Two trillion!”

“And each galaxy has at least hundreds of billions, if not trillions, of stars. Our sun is just one of hundreds of billions of stars in the Milky Way. In the grand scheme of things, the sun is completely ordinary. Compared to the universe, the sun is smaller than a grain of sand.”

“There are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on Earth. If you think there are too many grains of sand for each one to have a destiny, then tell me this: does a star, which is a hundred times larger than the Earth, deserve to have a fate?”

Marissa’s words struck Camilla like a bolt of lightning. She stood there, speechless, unable to respond.

She had never considered the world from such a perspective before. As her mind tried to grasp the enormity of the universe, she couldn’t help but feel her own insignificance and ignorance.

If the sun was merely a grain of sand in the vastness of the cosmos, then the Earth itself could only be a speck of cosmic dust.

And if humanity had to live on this speck of cosmic dust, then what did humans amount to?

And how much could the science that humans had managed to grasp within this speck of dust truly represent all that existed in the universe?

Chapter 2303: Embracing the Cosmic Order

Seeing that Camilla no longer continued to argue, Marissa sighed softly and spoke with utmost sincerity, “Camilla, you must understand that among the over two trillion galaxies, every star operates under its own set of laws. So how can the destinies of a mere few billion people matter?”

She clasped her hands together, her voice filled with reverence. “I used to frequently visit temples to burn incense and pray. Both you and your brother, along with your father, think I’m indulging in feudal superstition. But Buddhism teaches that even a single grain of sand contains an entire world.”

“Even the smallest grain holds infinite depth within itself.”

“In comparison, a galaxy is just a speck of dust in the universe, yet within it lies another vast and boundless world.”

“The divination teaches us that everything in the universe, from the tiniest dust particle to the grandest star, follows its own rules. You might not understand it, but you must respect it. Do you understand?”

Camilla quickly nodded, her voice gentle and obedient. “Mom, I understand. I’m sorry. I was too shallow before, not understanding the divination, the Eight Trigrams, or destiny…”

Marissa smiled slightly. “Everything in the world has its own order. Once you discover its rules, you can see its past, present, and future.”

“It’s like how the ancients learned the patterns behind celestial phenomena and gradually mastered the ability to predict the weather.”

“Or how modern astronomers understand the movements of the sun and the moon, allowing them to accurately predict solar and lunar eclipses, even tracing them back thousands or tens of thousands of years.”

“The essence of the divination is summarizing the laws that govern the universe and humanity.”

“Once you grasp these laws, you can discern the past, present, and future of events and individuals.”

“Since Master Lai advised you to stop searching, you should obediently follow his guidance. Both you and your brother are my everything. When you had that accident in Japan, I nearly had a heart attack. From now on, I cannot bear any more risks to your lives.”

Camilla instinctively asked, “Mom... Could Master Lai be wrong in his calculations?”

Quick to explain, she added, “I’m not doubting the divination. I just feel that it’s like solving a math problem—if there’s even a tiny mistake, the results can deviate greatly. It’s like the saying, ‘A miss is as good as a mile.’”

Marissa shook her head earnestly. “The Earth orbits the sun once a year without any deviation. The solar system orbits the center of the Milky Way every 250 million years, and it remains precise. This is the rigor of these laws!”

“The laws of the divination are as precise as those of astronomy. Master Lai is the most profound expert in the divination today—there’s no one like him. He couldn’t possibly be wrong!”

“Since he says you’re like a moth to a flame, you must stay away from that fire. The farther you stay, the better! If you refuse to listen and insist on finding him, I’ll have your father send you abroad immediately!”

Marissa continued, “Harvard Business School starts in August, and there’s still half a year left. If you won’t listen, you should go there soon!”

“No, Mom!” Camilla quickly protested. “You’re asking me to go to the United States alone. The school hasn’t started yet, the dorms aren’t open, and I don’t know anyone there. It would be so inconvenient...”

Marissa responded firmly, “There’s nothing inconvenient about it. Your father bought a villa near Harvard University last year. You can live there with a butler, servants, and a personal assistant. It will be very convenient for you. If it’s really a problem, I can accompany you.”

Hearing this, Camilla urgently pleaded, “Mom, I don’t want to go to the United States right now... Can’t I just listen to you and stop searching?”

As she spoke, deep down, Camilla felt a surge of unwillingness…

“But in my heart, I have a thousand reasons not to give up searching for my lifesaver…”

Camilla stood silent, the weight of her mother's words pressing down on her. The room felt smaller, the air thicker with unspoken emotions. She glanced at her mother, seeing the unwavering conviction in her eyes, and felt a conflict brewing within her.

“I... I understand, Mom,” she finally whispered, her voice barely audible. “I’ll stop searching.”

Marissa placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Good. Trust in the universe’s order. Everything happens for a reason.”

Camilla nodded slowly, though her heart still ached with determination. She had always believed that her benefactor deserved her gratitude, and the thought of abandoning her quest felt like letting go of a part of herself.

“But...” she began, hesitating.

Marissa turned to face her fully, her expression softening. “Camilla, sometimes letting go is not giving up. It’s understanding that there are forces beyond our control. Embrace this wisdom, and you’ll find peace.”

Camilla took a deep breath, trying to reconcile her desire to search with her mother’s steadfast beliefs. She knew that her journey was not just about finding someone who saved her life; it was also about understanding her place in the vast tapestry of existence.

As the conversation drew to a close, the room settled into a heavy silence. Camilla felt the enormity of the universe pressing in, yet a small spark of hope remained within her. Perhaps, in letting go, she would discover a new path—a path that honored both her quest and the cosmic order her mother so passionately believed in.

With a final, lingering look at her mother, Camilla turned away, her mind racing with thoughts of destiny, science, and the intricate dance between fate and free will. The journey ahead was uncertain, but one thing was clear: the search for her benefactor was intertwined with a deeper understanding of the universe itself.

And so, with a heavy heart and a flicker of determination, Camilla began to navigate the complexities of her world, seeking not just answers about her past, but also her place in the grand scheme of things.


“But… Mom has made her stance so clear. Knowing her, even though she’s usually gentle, once she makes a decision, there’s no room for negotiation.”

“So, if I stubbornly continue searching for him, Mom will definitely send me to the United States, just like she said.”

“If I’m in the U.S., thousands of miles away from home, it’ll be even more impossible to find him…”

“I have no choice but to lie to calm Mom down… and secretly continue my search for him.”

At this moment, Marissa was unaware of her daughter's thoughts. Upon hearing that she was willing to give up the search, she felt a wave of relief wash over her.

She then turned to Cameron, her tone serious. “Cameron, the reason I gave you this name is because I want you to know right from wrong and distinguish between them. The risks in your sister’s situation are very clear, as I’ve explained. For her safety, you must remember: you absolutely cannot secretly help her search for anyone. Do you understand?”

Hearing this, Cameron immediately responded, “Don’t worry, Mom. I’ve always had great respect for our traditional Chinese culture. Since the master has spoken, I won’t help Camilla find anyone!”

Cameron meant every word.

Nowadays, some young people, influenced by Western culture, are quick to criticize Chinese traditions. One of the most attacked is traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

At his age, Cameron had also harbored some biases against TCM, feeling it lacked scientific grounding and clinical evidence. But when he was nineteen, he experienced something that changed his view. He had a persistent low-grade fever for over a month. Every test possible was done, and every antibiotic was tried, but nothing worked.

Out of desperation, his family took him to see a renowned TCM practitioner. The doctor diagnosed him with "dampness invasion" and performed acupuncture, followed by prescribing a medicinal brew. After taking it, he recovered almost instantly.

Since that incident, Cameron realized that anything that has lasted for centuries must have its merits. Traditional Chinese medicine had accompanied Chinese civilization for five thousand years. The wisdom within was not something a young man like him could easily dismiss.

His respect for traditional culture grew from then on, including the divination and the Eight Trigrams.

Camilla, hearing her brother’s words, felt her heart sink even further into despair. She knew that if even her brother refused to help, she would truly lose all her support. In this situation, did she still have any chance of finding her benefactor?

Since being rescued in Japan, not a day went by where she didn’t think about Charlie and the details of that fateful rescue.

Charlie had become part of her very soul.

Even if it meant flying into the fire like a moth, she wasn’t willing to give up.

At this moment, Marissa looked at Camilla and spoke in an undeniable tone, “Camilla, I plan to stay in Aurous Hill for a while. During this time, you will stay with me. There’s no need for you to go anywhere else!”


Marissa indeed wanted to stay in Aurous Hill for a while.

It wasn’t just because she missed Drake, but also because she genuinely liked this warm and humid riverside city with its rich history. Additionally, she couldn’t stop thinking about the old house Drake had once rented.

She wanted to stay in Aurous Hill, buy that house, and restore it. If no major events arose in the future, she could even see herself settling down there permanently.

Back then, after watching the man she loved marry another woman, Marissa lost all faith and hope in love, which was why she married Virtuoso. However, after marriage, there was only kinship between her and Virtuoso—never love.

When Virtuoso’s betrayal came to light, even the remnants of kinship between them vanished.

Though they hadn’t divorced yet, Marissa had made up her mind—she would no longer force herself for the sake of anyone else.

From that moment on, she wanted to live life her way. Settling in Aurous Hill was the first step.

Upon hearing that her mother wanted her to stay in Aurous Hill, Camilla was internally resistant.

She thought to herself, "Whether it’s the Salvador family or the Klein family, their power base is in Eastcliff. Only in Eastcliff can I mobilize more resources to help me find him."

"But if I stay with Mom in Aurous Hill, I’ll have no resources to draw on. And with Mom so strongly opposed to my search, staying under her watchful eye would make it impossible to find him..."

These thoughts left Camilla feeling deeply frustrated, so she didn’t immediately respond to her mother.

Noticing the hesitation and reluctance on her daughter’s face, Marissa frowned and asked, “What’s wrong? Are you not planning to agree?”

Camilla quickly replied, “No, Mom. I’d love to stay in Aurous Hill with you, but to be honest, I’m afraid I won’t get used to living here for too long…”

Marissa nodded, asking, “Tell me, what won’t you get used to?”

Counting on her fingers, Camilla explained, “Well, Eastcliff’s winters are always dry, but Aurous Hill is so humid…”

Without missing a beat, Marissa responded, “That’s easy. I’ll have the best central dehumidification system installed in your room right away. We’ll track Eastcliff’s humidity in real-time. If the air humidity in Eastcliff is 10%, we’ll make sure your room stays at 10%, not even a percentage off!”

Camilla felt her head spinning. She quickly added, “It’s not just the humidity, Mom. It’s also the food… I’m not really used to the cuisine here.”

Marissa waved her hand dismissively, saying, “That’s not an issue. I’ll have our chef from Eastcliff come over. You’ve always loved the food he makes at home, right? And since your father’s off in Australia, the chef has nothing to do at home anyway. I’ll get him to come over today, so by tomorrow morning, you’ll have your familiar meals.”

Camilla, feeling awkward, stammered, “But… Mom… I can stay here with you, but my brother still has to go back. If you bring the chef to Aurous Hill, what will he eat when he returns?”

Before Marissa could respond, Cameron immediately jumped in, resolutely saying, “Don’t worry about me! I’m fine! I’ll just eat out every day—it’s no big deal. I’m a bachelor, and it’s easy for me. As long as I’m full, I’m good!”


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Jun 22, 2024
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Camilla’s eyes widened as she heard her grandfather tell her to stop searching. Confused, she asked, “Grandfather, why?”

Roger’s response was vague, “There’s no benefit in continuing the search. It’s better to let it go.”

Camilla frowned, her resolve unshaken. “Grandfather, the person I’m looking for saved my brother and me! He saved our lives! No matter what, I will keep searching. Even if I never find him, I won’t give up!”

Roger’s tone became urgent, his voice more serious, “This isn’t just about whether you find him or not! This is about your future safety!”

“My safety?” Camilla asked, puzzled. “What does this have to do with my future?”

Roger explained sternly, “Master Lai said that your fates clash. His destiny is far stronger and higher than yours. If you never find him, nothing will happen. But if you do, it’ll be like a moth drawn to a flame—you're the one who will get burned.”

Camilla immediately retorted, “Grandfather, I mean no disrespect, but I think what Master Lai said is nonsense!”

Without hesitation, she continued, “If my benefactor is truly this ‘fire’ and I am a moth, why didn’t I get burned when he saved my life? Instead, I was rescued! To me, this so-called master is just making things up!”

Roger sighed heavily, “Ah... Fate is not something you can argue against. It’s true he saved you before, but Master Lai is talking about the future!”

Camilla’s voice was firm, “I don’t care about the future. All I know is that he saved my life. I just want to find him and thank him in person. If our fates really do clash, then so be it—I’m willing to return the life he saved.”

Roger, usually calm, uncharacteristically raised his voice, “Camilla! Don’t speak recklessly! Master Lai’s words are not to be taken lightly. You must listen!”

Shaking her head, Camilla stood her ground, “This is all superstitious nonsense. I refuse to listen!”

From the side, Marissa, her mother, spoke seriously, “Camilla, the study of the divination and the Eight Trigrams is the pinnacle of ancient wisdom, not superstition. Master Lai is the most renowned geomancer in the world today. You must treat this with reverence.”

With a stern look, Marissa continued, “I agree with your grandfather. You should stop searching—let this end here.”

Camilla’s eyes reddened with frustration, “Mom, how can you believe in these things? You’re an educated woman from a top university; you should believe in science!”

Marissa responded earnestly, “Camilla, how do you know the divination isn’t science?”

“It’s all just old superstitious thinking! How can there be any science in that?” Camilla shot back. “If it were scientific, why doesn’t it just tell me where to find my benefactor? Instead, it talks about clashing fates and burning moths. I won’t believe such nonsense!”

With a stern expression, Marissa replied, “The divination and Eight Trigrams are based on centuries of observation and reflection on the universe. They form a philosophy, one could even say a science!”

She paused, then added, “Have you ever wondered how the Mayans could predict solar eclipses with such accuracy over three thousand years ago?”


“What’s even more impressive,” Marissa continued, “is that the ancient Mayans’ calendar aligns almost perfectly with modern scientific calculations. The margin of error is so small that it only deviates by one day every five thousand years. Do you think that’s superstition too?”

Camilla was momentarily speechless, unable to find a rebuttal. All she could do was insist stubbornly, “There’s no real evidence for this. Anyway, I definitely won’t believe it!”

Marissa sighed, her tone still serious. “When we were young, our generation had a more balanced understanding of both Eastern and Western cultures. We never blindly believed one was superior to the other. We looked at things objectively and critically. But by the time your generation—those born in the 90s and 2000s—grew up, Western culture started to dominate completely.”

“You all believe in science, in the internet, but you refuse to believe in the essence of what our ancestors left behind for thousands of years. You’ve even dismissed it as feudal superstition. This, in itself, is a form of ignorance!”

Feeling a bit defiant, Camilla asked, “According to our ancestors, does everything have a predetermined fate? Are you saying that even what I eat today or where I go is already destined?”

Marissa spoke earnestly, “You might think that everything in the world is determined by your choices and not by fate. But have you ever considered that from the smallest grain of sand to the vastness of the universe, everything operates according to its own set of rules? The larger the perspective you take, the more unchangeable that fate becomes.”

Camilla immediately asked, “Mom, tell me then, what’s the fate of a grain of sand? It could stay in the desert, become part of a river, sink to the ocean floor, or even be made into glass or concrete. Are you telling me that fate has a plan for each and every grain of sand?”

Shaking her head, Marissa explained, “As I said earlier, you must view fate from a broad perspective. You can’t scrutinize it from a narrow, microscopic view.”

“When you look at it up close, a grain of sand seems insignificant, not worth mentioning. There are countless grains of sand, and it might seem impossible for fate to chart the course for each one.”

“But do you know how many stars like the sun exist in the universe?”

Camilla was at a loss for words, her face showing her confusion.

Marissa continued, “Camilla, when you focus narrowly, it’s easy to dismiss a grain of sand as too small to matter. But from a broader perspective, even the Earth itself is nothing more than a grain of sand in the universe—perhaps even less.”

“Do you young people love science? Then let me tell you this: in the observable universe, based on both observation and scientific deduction, there are roughly two trillion galaxies. Did you hear that? Two trillion!”

“And each galaxy has at least hundreds of billions, if not trillions, of stars. Our sun is just one of hundreds of billions of stars in the Milky Way. In the grand scheme of things, the sun is completely ordinary. Compared to the universe, the sun is smaller than a grain of sand.”

“There are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on Earth. If you think there are too many grains of sand for each one to have a destiny, then tell me this: does a star, which is a hundred times larger than the Earth, deserve to have a fate?”

Marissa’s words struck Camilla like a bolt of lightning. She stood there, speechless, unable to respond.

She had never considered the world from such a perspective before. As her mind tried to grasp the enormity of the universe, she couldn’t help but feel her own insignificance and ignorance.

If the sun was merely a grain of sand in the vastness of the cosmos, then the Earth itself could only be a speck of cosmic dust.

And if humanity had to live on this speck of cosmic dust, then what did humans amount to?

And how much could the science that humans had managed to grasp within this speck of dust truly represent all that existed in the universe?

Chapter 2303: Embracing the Cosmic Order

Seeing that Camilla no longer continued to argue, Marissa sighed softly and spoke with utmost sincerity, “Camilla, you must understand that among the over two trillion galaxies, every star operates under its own set of laws. So how can the destinies of a mere few billion people matter?”

She clasped her hands together, her voice filled with reverence. “I used to frequently visit temples to burn incense and pray. Both you and your brother, along with your father, think I’m indulging in feudal superstition. But Buddhism teaches that even a single grain of sand contains an entire world.”

“Even the smallest grain holds infinite depth within itself.”

“In comparison, a galaxy is just a speck of dust in the universe, yet within it lies another vast and boundless world.”

“The divination teaches us that everything in the universe, from the tiniest dust particle to the grandest star, follows its own rules. You might not understand it, but you must respect it. Do you understand?”

Camilla quickly nodded, her voice gentle and obedient. “Mom, I understand. I’m sorry. I was too shallow before, not understanding the divination, the Eight Trigrams, or destiny…”

Marissa smiled slightly. “Everything in the world has its own order. Once you discover its rules, you can see its past, present, and future.”

“It’s like how the ancients learned the patterns behind celestial phenomena and gradually mastered the ability to predict the weather.”

“Or how modern astronomers understand the movements of the sun and the moon, allowing them to accurately predict solar and lunar eclipses, even tracing them back thousands or tens of thousands of years.”

“The essence of the divination is summarizing the laws that govern the universe and humanity.”

“Once you grasp these laws, you can discern the past, present, and future of events and individuals.”

“Since Master Lai advised you to stop searching, you should obediently follow his guidance. Both you and your brother are my everything. When you had that accident in Japan, I nearly had a heart attack. From now on, I cannot bear any more risks to your lives.”

Camilla instinctively asked, “Mom... Could Master Lai be wrong in his calculations?”

Quick to explain, she added, “I’m not doubting the divination. I just feel that it’s like solving a math problem—if there’s even a tiny mistake, the results can deviate greatly. It’s like the saying, ‘A miss is as good as a mile.’”

Marissa shook her head earnestly. “The Earth orbits the sun once a year without any deviation. The solar system orbits the center of the Milky Way every 250 million years, and it remains precise. This is the rigor of these laws!”

“The laws of the divination are as precise as those of astronomy. Master Lai is the most profound expert in the divination today—there’s no one like him. He couldn’t possibly be wrong!”

“Since he says you’re like a moth to a flame, you must stay away from that fire. The farther you stay, the better! If you refuse to listen and insist on finding him, I’ll have your father send you abroad immediately!”

Marissa continued, “Harvard Business School starts in August, and there’s still half a year left. If you won’t listen, you should go there soon!”

“No, Mom!” Camilla quickly protested. “You’re asking me to go to the United States alone. The school hasn’t started yet, the dorms aren’t open, and I don’t know anyone there. It would be so inconvenient...”

Marissa responded firmly, “There’s nothing inconvenient about it. Your father bought a villa near Harvard University last year. You can live there with a butler, servants, and a personal assistant. It will be very convenient for you. If it’s really a problem, I can accompany you.”

Hearing this, Camilla urgently pleaded, “Mom, I don’t want to go to the United States right now... Can’t I just listen to you and stop searching?”

As she spoke, deep down, Camilla felt a surge of unwillingness…

“But in my heart, I have a thousand reasons not to give up searching for my lifesaver…”

Camilla stood silent, the weight of her mother's words pressing down on her. The room felt smaller, the air thicker with unspoken emotions. She glanced at her mother, seeing the unwavering conviction in her eyes, and felt a conflict brewing within her.

“I... I understand, Mom,” she finally whispered, her voice barely audible. “I’ll stop searching.”

Marissa placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Good. Trust in the universe’s order. Everything happens for a reason.”

Camilla nodded slowly, though her heart still ached with determination. She had always believed that her benefactor deserved her gratitude, and the thought of abandoning her quest felt like letting go of a part of herself.

“But...” she began, hesitating.

Marissa turned to face her fully, her expression softening. “Camilla, sometimes letting go is not giving up. It’s understanding that there are forces beyond our control. Embrace this wisdom, and you’ll find peace.”

Camilla took a deep breath, trying to reconcile her desire to search with her mother’s steadfast beliefs. She knew that her journey was not just about finding someone who saved her life; it was also about understanding her place in the vast tapestry of existence.

As the conversation drew to a close, the room settled into a heavy silence. Camilla felt the enormity of the universe pressing in, yet a small spark of hope remained within her. Perhaps, in letting go, she would discover a new path—a path that honored both her quest and the cosmic order her mother so passionately believed in.

With a final, lingering look at her mother, Camilla turned away, her mind racing with thoughts of destiny, science, and the intricate dance between fate and free will. The journey ahead was uncertain, but one thing was clear: the search for her benefactor was intertwined with a deeper understanding of the universe itself.

And so, with a heavy heart and a flicker of determination, Camilla began to navigate the complexities of her world, seeking not just answers about her past, but also her place in the grand scheme of things.


“But… Mom has made her stance so clear. Knowing her, even though she’s usually gentle, once she makes a decision, there’s no room for negotiation.”

“So, if I stubbornly continue searching for him, Mom will definitely send me to the United States, just like she said.”

“If I’m in the U.S., thousands of miles away from home, it’ll be even more impossible to find him…”

“I have no choice but to lie to calm Mom down… and secretly continue my search for him.”

At this moment, Marissa was unaware of her daughter's thoughts. Upon hearing that she was willing to give up the search, she felt a wave of relief wash over her.

She then turned to Cameron, her tone serious. “Cameron, the reason I gave you this name is because I want you to know right from wrong and distinguish between them. The risks in your sister’s situation are very clear, as I’ve explained. For her safety, you must remember: you absolutely cannot secretly help her search for anyone. Do you understand?”

Hearing this, Cameron immediately responded, “Don’t worry, Mom. I’ve always had great respect for our traditional Chinese culture. Since the master has spoken, I won’t help Camilla find anyone!”

Cameron meant every word.

Nowadays, some young people, influenced by Western culture, are quick to criticize Chinese traditions. One of the most attacked is traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

At his age, Cameron had also harbored some biases against TCM, feeling it lacked scientific grounding and clinical evidence. But when he was nineteen, he experienced something that changed his view. He had a persistent low-grade fever for over a month. Every test possible was done, and every antibiotic was tried, but nothing worked.

Out of desperation, his family took him to see a renowned TCM practitioner. The doctor diagnosed him with "dampness invasion" and performed acupuncture, followed by prescribing a medicinal brew. After taking it, he recovered almost instantly.

Since that incident, Cameron realized that anything that has lasted for centuries must have its merits. Traditional Chinese medicine had accompanied Chinese civilization for five thousand years. The wisdom within was not something a young man like him could easily dismiss.

His respect for traditional culture grew from then on, including the divination and the Eight Trigrams.

Camilla, hearing her brother’s words, felt her heart sink even further into despair. She knew that if even her brother refused to help, she would truly lose all her support. In this situation, did she still have any chance of finding her benefactor?

Since being rescued in Japan, not a day went by where she didn’t think about Charlie and the details of that fateful rescue.

Charlie had become part of her very soul.

Even if it meant flying into the fire like a moth, she wasn’t willing to give up.

At this moment, Marissa looked at Camilla and spoke in an undeniable tone, “Camilla, I plan to stay in Aurous Hill for a while. During this time, you will stay with me. There’s no need for you to go anywhere else!”


Marissa indeed wanted to stay in Aurous Hill for a while.

It wasn’t just because she missed Drake, but also because she genuinely liked this warm and humid riverside city with its rich history. Additionally, she couldn’t stop thinking about the old house Drake had once rented.

She wanted to stay in Aurous Hill, buy that house, and restore it. If no major events arose in the future, she could even see herself settling down there permanently.

Back then, after watching the man she loved marry another woman, Marissa lost all faith and hope in love, which was why she married Virtuoso. However, after marriage, there was only kinship between her and Virtuoso—never love.

When Virtuoso’s betrayal came to light, even the remnants of kinship between them vanished.

Though they hadn’t divorced yet, Marissa had made up her mind—she would no longer force herself for the sake of anyone else.

From that moment on, she wanted to live life her way. Settling in Aurous Hill was the first step.

Upon hearing that her mother wanted her to stay in Aurous Hill, Camilla was internally resistant.

She thought to herself, "Whether it’s the Salvador family or the Klein family, their power base is in Eastcliff. Only in Eastcliff can I mobilize more resources to help me find him."

"But if I stay with Mom in Aurous Hill, I’ll have no resources to draw on. And with Mom so strongly opposed to my search, staying under her watchful eye would make it impossible to find him..."

These thoughts left Camilla feeling deeply frustrated, so she didn’t immediately respond to her mother.

Noticing the hesitation and reluctance on her daughter’s face, Marissa frowned and asked, “What’s wrong? Are you not planning to agree?”

Camilla quickly replied, “No, Mom. I’d love to stay in Aurous Hill with you, but to be honest, I’m afraid I won’t get used to living here for too long…”

Marissa nodded, asking, “Tell me, what won’t you get used to?”

Counting on her fingers, Camilla explained, “Well, Eastcliff’s winters are always dry, but Aurous Hill is so humid…”

Without missing a beat, Marissa responded, “That’s easy. I’ll have the best central dehumidification system installed in your room right away. We’ll track Eastcliff’s humidity in real-time. If the air humidity in Eastcliff is 10%, we’ll make sure your room stays at 10%, not even a percentage off!”

Camilla felt her head spinning. She quickly added, “It’s not just the humidity, Mom. It’s also the food… I’m not really used to the cuisine here.”

Marissa waved her hand dismissively, saying, “That’s not an issue. I’ll have our chef from Eastcliff come over. You’ve always loved the food he makes at home, right? And since your father’s off in Australia, the chef has nothing to do at home anyway. I’ll get him to come over today, so by tomorrow morning, you’ll have your familiar meals.”

Camilla, feeling awkward, stammered, “But… Mom… I can stay here with you, but my brother still has to go back. If you bring the chef to Aurous Hill, what will he eat when he returns?”

Before Marissa could respond, Cameron immediately jumped in, resolutely saying, “Don’t worry about me! I’m fine! I’ll just eat out every day—it’s no big deal. I’m a bachelor, and it’s easy for me. As long as I’m full, I’m good!”
Stubborn Camilla

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
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Sep 4, 2023
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Cameron spoke up again, “Oh, right. I won’t be leaving Aurous Hill anytime soon. Miss Snow’s concert is about to begin, and I want to stay and help with the preparations. I’ll leave after it’s over.”

Camilla couldn’t believe it—her brother had a knack for kicking her while she was down!

She glared at Cameron, puffing her cheeks in frustration, then turned to Marissa and said, “Mom, I didn’t bring enough clothes this time, and I’m also missing a lot of my daily necessities. If I stay in Aurous Hill for just three to five days, it’s fine, but if it’s for longer, it’s going to be quite a hassle…”

Marissa waved her hand dismissively, “That’s easy. The housekeepers at home aren’t busy anyway. I’ll have them pack all your personal things and send them over.”

She continued, “If there’s anything else you’re not happy with, just tell me. I’ll take care of everything. If you don’t like the layout or the furniture in your room here, I can have everything from your room at home packed up and air-shipped. We can set it up here exactly the same way. Any other problems? Just let me know, and I’ll solve them for you.”

Camilla was speechless.

She couldn’t believe how determined her mother was, not giving her a single chance to escape.

With no other option, she sighed and nodded reluctantly, “Alright, Mom. I understand. I don’t have any other issues. Let’s do it your way…”

Marissa smiled, finally relieved. “You should stop thinking about running off to find that ‘savior’ of yours. Stay here with me in Aurous Hill. After school starts, if I’m free, I’ll go to the U.S. with you as your guardian. Once you finish your MBA, we’ll come back together.”

Camilla realized her mother was taking every precaution, ensuring she wouldn’t have the opportunity to secretly search for her mysterious benefactor.

All she could do was nod, resigned, “Fine, I’ll listen to you…”

Marissa let out a deep breath. In her heart, she thought, *As long as I keep Camilla here in Aurous Hill and watch her closely, she won’t have a chance to meet that man whose fate clashes with hers, the one who’s like a moth drawn to a flame.*

“If I can keep her away for the next few months, once she’s in the U.S. for school, her chances of finding him will dwindle. Maybe, in time, she’ll forget about him altogether…”

But Marissa underestimated Camilla’s resolve.

While their personalities were quite different, Camilla had inherited the same stubborn determination from her mother.

Back in the day, Marissa had deeply loved Drake for many years. Despite his repeated rejections, she had never given up, no matter how many people tried to dissuade her.

Similarly, Camilla was set on finding Charlie. No matter how many people stood in her way, her heart remained unwavering.

Marissa could never have guessed that the man Camilla was so desperate to find was the same young man she had met today at the gate of Drake’s old residence—the one riding an electric scooter.

That young man lived in the luxurious Thomson Elite, just three to five kilometers from where they were now.

Little did she know, by keeping Camilla in Aurous Hill, she wasn’t steering her away from the flame.

Instead, she was keeping her dangerously close to it…


While Camilla temporarily suppressed her inner impulse and decided to stay in Aurous Hill, Wendy was still busy at Shangmei Events Planning Company.

It was already late afternoon, and earlier that day, Wendy had officially taken over the company.

Determined not to disappoint Charlie, she spent the entire afternoon meticulously reviewing all of the company's financial records since its founding.

She started by listing the names of all the hostesses who had been mistreated by the company. Then, she evaluated their losses based on the events they participated in, calculating the total amount of compensation owed to them.

Afterward, she contacted all the current and former hostesses, asking them to return to the company for a meeting. She even had help in tracking down those who had resigned or had been forced by the previous boss, Jack, to work in karaoke bars.

By dinner time, the entire Shangmei Events Planning Company was packed with hostesses.

There were already over a hundred women still working for the company. Adding those who had left, redeemed themselves, or were coerced into working at KTVs, nearly 300 women filled the office.

Most of these hostesses were between the ages of 18 and 25, with few over 25. While not every one of them could be described as stunningly beautiful, many were quite attractive.

Moreover, each hostess was at least 165 cm tall, with a slim and proportional figure. Compared to other professions, they had relatively higher standards of appearance.

With nearly 300 young, pretty women crowded together, the atmosphere was like a massive flock of sparrows, chirping away incessantly.

They had been summoned with the news that the company had changed ownership and that they were there to settle their accounts. However, they were puzzled as to why Jack, whose company had been highly profitable, had suddenly transferred ownership.

They were also curious about how the company would settle their long-overdue payments.

Those who had left the company were even more surprised and didn’t dare hope that the company would repay the money it owed them.

Seeing the large crowd, Wendy felt a bit nervous.

Although she had never run a business before, she had seen her share of the corporate world during her time at the Wilson Group. This gave her more composure compared to the girls in the room.

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she spoke into the microphone, “Everyone, please quiet down. We’re about to start the meeting.”

The chatter gradually died down as the hostesses turned their attention to Wendy, waiting for what she would say next.

Clearing her throat, Wendy said seriously, “First, I’d like to announce that all the shares of Shangmei Events Planning Company have now been transferred to me. In my hands are copies of the official documents from the business registry confirming the transfer. You’re welcome to pass them around. You can also verify the company’s registration online and see that the shareholder has indeed been changed from Jack Lalor to Wendy Wilson.”

The girls seated in the front row immediately took the documents and began passing them around. Many others pulled out their phones to check the company’s registration online.

As they confirmed the information, the entire room realized that Wendy was now the owner of Shangmei Events Planning Company!

Those who didn’t know Wendy were baffled, wondering who she was and how she had become the new boss of the company.

Meanwhile, those who had worked with Wendy were even more confused.

They couldn’t understand why someone as ruthless as Jack would hand over the company to Wendy.


Seeing that everyone had received the message, Wendy continued, "I called everyone here today to announce a few important matters."

"The first matter is that Jack and Sharon have returned some of the money they've taken from all of you over the years!"

The room erupted in shock!

A girl blurted out, "What?! Jack and Sharon actually returned the money?! Are you serious? Those two scoundrels giving back money? How is that even possible?!"

Wendy seriously replied, "It’s true. Both of them have done so many evil deeds that my brother-in-law has sent them to KTV to work off their debt. Sharon will be serving drinks, and Jack will be working as a toilet host. They’re both working at Marion’s place, and I believe they’ve started their jobs tonight. If any of you know someone who works there, feel free to call and confirm."

Immediately, several hostesses pulled out their phones. Some sent messages, while others made calls.

It didn’t take long before a girl exclaimed, "Oh my god! It’s true! Jack and Sharon are really working at the KTV! This is so satisfying!"

"Yeah, yeah! One of my friends confirmed it too. It's definitely them!"

A girl who knew Wendy quickly asked, "Wendy, who exactly is your brother-in-law? How does he have so much power, even over someone like Jack?"

"My brother-in-law..." Wendy paused, then spoke with a tone of admiration, "He’s a legendary hero!"

Everyone in the room had, at one point, been bullied or exploited by Jack.

They had long hated him to the core.

So, when they heard this news, they erupted in cheers and applause, the room echoing with excitement.

Once the applause finally died down, Wendy spoke again, "The second matter concerns the distribution of the money."

"Jack and Sharon returned about 4 million yuan. After setting aside 500,000 for the company's future operating costs, the remaining 3.5 million will be returned to all of you."

The girls were stunned, their mouths wide open in disbelief!

None of them had expected that the first thing Wendy would do upon taking over the company would be to return a massive 3.5 million yuan to them...

Wendy continued, "I’ve already calculated the distribution ratios. While this amount won’t fully compensate everyone for their total losses, it will provide some relief. In a moment, I’ll post the list of names and compensation amounts. If there are no issues, please sign to confirm, and our finance team will immediately process the payments."

After finishing, Wendy added, "To be honest, we’ve already withdrawn the 3.5 million in cash this afternoon."

She then gave a signal to the finance team, who called over several strong men from the next room.

Each man carried a large suitcase. They placed the cases on the conference table and opened them, revealing stacks upon stacks of red banknotes.

The nearly 300 girls erupted in excited screams, and one even shouted at the top of her lungs, "Long live Wendy!"

Thunderous applause echoed again in the room.

At that moment, Wendy had successfully won the hearts and loyalty of the girls present, marking her triumphant first step in taking over Shangmei Events Planning Company...


Surrounded by thunderous applause and cheers, Wendy felt a bit embarrassed. She took a deep breath and continued, “The third thing I want to announce is that Shangmei Events Planning Company will now operate under a completely new model. Here's how we plan to move forward…”

Nearly 300 girls in the audience eagerly awaited her next words.

Wendy spoke earnestly, “First, Shangmei will continue, just like before, to provide event hosting services to major enterprises, organizations, and individual clients in Aurous Hill. Since we’re all women and share similar experiences, we are like sisters. If any of you wish to stay in this industry, I hope you will choose to continue working with Shangmei.”

“Secondly,” she declared with conviction, “I solemnly promise you all that if you choose to stay with Shangmei, we will never again exploit your labor or the results of your hard work like in the past!”

“We will adopt a transparent profit-sharing model in our cooperation moving forward!”

“The details are as follows: The company will coordinate the work, and all commissions will be shared openly. For every event, the company will only take 20% to cover operational costs, and the remaining 80% will go directly to you!”

The moment the crowd heard they would get 80% of the commission, cheers of excitement erupted!

In this industry, no company had ever offered such a high percentage of profit sharing!

Normally, the standard was a 50-50 split, while someone like Jack would only give 20% to 30% to the event hosting girls. Not only was the share low, but he would also pressure them into signing binding contracts. Once signed, the girls would barely get 10% of the cut.

In comparison, Wendy's offer was a breath of fresh air—completely unheard of!

Deep down, Wendy knew this profit-sharing model was incredibly generous. After accounting for operational costs, financial expenses, and staff wages, the company’s profit margin would be razor-thin—possibly less than 5%.

However, she reminded herself of the trust that Charlie had placed in her. She couldn’t afford to disappoint him.

“If I turn into someone like Jack, only thinking about squeezing every last bit out of the employees, Charlie would surely be disappointed in me,” she thought. That’s why she made this bold decision.

At the same time, she held onto a belief that kept her motivated.

“If I work hard, put my heart into this, and build a good reputation, more and more girls will join Shangmei, and we’ll take on more events. Even though the profit margins are lower, once I expand the business, the company’s profits will still be substantial.”

“For example, if we make 10 million in revenue a year and the profit margin is 20%, the profit is 2 million. But if we make 100 million in revenue, even at a 5% margin, that’s still 5 million in profit!”

“So, I must not focus on short-term gains. I need to take the long view! By offering better pay and profit-sharing, I’ll gain the loyalty of these girls and attract even more to join Shangmei.”

“My first goal is to make Shangmei the biggest event hosting company in all of Aurous Hill!”

“I’ll give it my all, and when I succeed, my brother-in-law will see me in a new light!”

At this moment, the girls in the audience were completely captivated by Wendy’s words.

A transparent company, generous profit-sharing, and the fact that Wendy was willing to return the money that Jack had taken from them—all of this earned her their trust.

By now, almost every girl had made up her mind.

Wendy continued, “Currently, the company has 500,000 in operating funds. I’ve already placed an order for three 13-seater vans, dedicated to providing free shuttle services for our employees.”

She paused, looking a little embarrassed, and added, “However, since most of our funds are being used to compensate all of you, we could only afford to buy three vans for now…”

“If we continue to grow, and we have more employees than expected, three vans might not be enough, even if they run back and forth all day…”


“As a result, when we begin operations, some of you may not immediately have access to the shuttle service…”

“Our shuttle buses will initially prioritize employees who live farther away, or those who need to start work early or finish late.”

“But I promise all of you that once the company starts earning more, we will gradually add more shuttle buses!”

“Eventually, we will have our own fleet, ensuring that no matter the weather—whether it's scorching heat, freezing cold, or rain—we will have transportation for every event, ensuring every one of you will be picked up and dropped off!”

The crowd erupted once again in thunderous applause!

Many of the girls in the audience had tears in their eyes, overwhelmed with emotion.

Most of them had chosen to work as event hosting girls because they had no better means of survival. Their families were struggling, and they didn’t have many other options.

Every day, they endured long hours, harsh weather, and meager pay, often being mistreated wherever they went. At work, they were exploited by their bosses; at events, they were pushed around by clients.

In short, almost no one ever respected them, nor did anyone care about their well-being.

But now, Wendy's speech had deeply touched their hearts, making them feel warmth and care for the first time.

Suddenly, one woman stood up and said with excitement, “Wendy, from now on, I’ll follow you!”

“Yes, Wendy! I’ll work with you too!”

“I’ve been working as an event hosting girl since I graduated from high school, trying to help my family pay off debt. It’s been six years of hardship with no reward, but hearing what you just said makes me feel a sense of joy I’ve never felt before. Count me in!”

“Exactly! No company has ever treated us like human beings before, but now Wendy is treating us like sisters! What more do we need to consider? I’m joining too!”

As more and more people shared their heartfelt thoughts, the entire room was ignited with passion!

Everyone was now rushing to declare their decision, firmly choosing to join!

Wendy, unable to hide her excitement, said, “Alright! Let’s take a quick vote. Sisters, if you’re interested in continuing to work with Shangmei Events Planning Company, please raise your hand!”

In an instant, a wave of hands shot up across the room!

There were even more hands than expected, as some girls, overwhelmed with excitement, had raised both of theirs.

Wendy glanced around and noticed that almost every single person had raised their hand high, with expressions full of excitement and anticipation.

There was no hesitation, no doubt, and no reluctance in any of their faces—only excitement and sincerity.

It was clear that every single one of them truly wished to join this new and reformed Shangmei Events Planning Company!


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Sep 19, 2023
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Cameron spoke up again, “Oh, right. I won’t be leaving Aurous Hill anytime soon. Miss Snow’s concert is about to begin, and I want to stay and help with the preparations. I’ll leave after it’s over.”

Camilla couldn’t believe it—her brother had a knack for kicking her while she was down!

She glared at Cameron, puffing her cheeks in frustration, then turned to Marissa and said, “Mom, I didn’t bring enough clothes this time, and I’m also missing a lot of my daily necessities. If I stay in Aurous Hill for just three to five days, it’s fine, but if it’s for longer, it’s going to be quite a hassle…”

Marissa waved her hand dismissively, “That’s easy. The housekeepers at home aren’t busy anyway. I’ll have them pack all your personal things and send them over.”

She continued, “If there’s anything else you’re not happy with, just tell me. I’ll take care of everything. If you don’t like the layout or the furniture in your room here, I can have everything from your room at home packed up and air-shipped. We can set it up here exactly the same way. Any other problems? Just let me know, and I’ll solve them for you.”

Camilla was speechless.

She couldn’t believe how determined her mother was, not giving her a single chance to escape.

With no other option, she sighed and nodded reluctantly, “Alright, Mom. I understand. I don’t have any other issues. Let’s do it your way…”

Marissa smiled, finally relieved. “You should stop thinking about running off to find that ‘savior’ of yours. Stay here with me in Aurous Hill. After school starts, if I’m free, I’ll go to the U.S. with you as your guardian. Once you finish your MBA, we’ll come back together.”

Camilla realized her mother was taking every precaution, ensuring she wouldn’t have the opportunity to secretly search for her mysterious benefactor.

All she could do was nod, resigned, “Fine, I’ll listen to you…”

Marissa let out a deep breath. In her heart, she thought, *As long as I keep Camilla here in Aurous Hill and watch her closely, she won’t have a chance to meet that man whose fate clashes with hers, the one who’s like a moth drawn to a flame.*

“If I can keep her away for the next few months, once she’s in the U.S. for school, her chances of finding him will dwindle. Maybe, in time, she’ll forget about him altogether…”

But Marissa underestimated Camilla’s resolve.

While their personalities were quite different, Camilla had inherited the same stubborn determination from her mother.

Back in the day, Marissa had deeply loved Drake for many years. Despite his repeated rejections, she had never given up, no matter how many people tried to dissuade her.

Similarly, Camilla was set on finding Charlie. No matter how many people stood in her way, her heart remained unwavering.

Marissa could never have guessed that the man Camilla was so desperate to find was the same young man she had met today at the gate of Drake’s old residence—the one riding an electric scooter.

That young man lived in the luxurious Thomson Elite, just three to five kilometers from where they were now.

Little did she know, by keeping Camilla in Aurous Hill, she wasn’t steering her away from the flame.

Instead, she was keeping her dangerously close to it…


While Camilla temporarily suppressed her inner impulse and decided to stay in Aurous Hill, Wendy was still busy at Shangmei Events Planning Company.

It was already late afternoon, and earlier that day, Wendy had officially taken over the company.

Determined not to disappoint Charlie, she spent the entire afternoon meticulously reviewing all of the company's financial records since its founding.

She started by listing the names of all the hostesses who had been mistreated by the company. Then, she evaluated their losses based on the events they participated in, calculating the total amount of compensation owed to them.

Afterward, she contacted all the current and former hostesses, asking them to return to the company for a meeting. She even had help in tracking down those who had resigned or had been forced by the previous boss, Jack, to work in karaoke bars.

By dinner time, the entire Shangmei Events Planning Company was packed with hostesses.

There were already over a hundred women still working for the company. Adding those who had left, redeemed themselves, or were coerced into working at KTVs, nearly 300 women filled the office.

Most of these hostesses were between the ages of 18 and 25, with few over 25. While not every one of them could be described as stunningly beautiful, many were quite attractive.

Moreover, each hostess was at least 165 cm tall, with a slim and proportional figure. Compared to other professions, they had relatively higher standards of appearance.

With nearly 300 young, pretty women crowded together, the atmosphere was like a massive flock of sparrows, chirping away incessantly.

They had been summoned with the news that the company had changed ownership and that they were there to settle their accounts. However, they were puzzled as to why Jack, whose company had been highly profitable, had suddenly transferred ownership.

They were also curious about how the company would settle their long-overdue payments.

Those who had left the company were even more surprised and didn’t dare hope that the company would repay the money it owed them.

Seeing the large crowd, Wendy felt a bit nervous.

Although she had never run a business before, she had seen her share of the corporate world during her time at the Wilson Group. This gave her more composure compared to the girls in the room.

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she spoke into the microphone, “Everyone, please quiet down. We’re about to start the meeting.”

The chatter gradually died down as the hostesses turned their attention to Wendy, waiting for what she would say next.

Clearing her throat, Wendy said seriously, “First, I’d like to announce that all the shares of Shangmei Events Planning Company have now been transferred to me. In my hands are copies of the official documents from the business registry confirming the transfer. You’re welcome to pass them around. You can also verify the company’s registration online and see that the shareholder has indeed been changed from Jack Lalor to Wendy Wilson.”

The girls seated in the front row immediately took the documents and began passing them around. Many others pulled out their phones to check the company’s registration online.

As they confirmed the information, the entire room realized that Wendy was now the owner of Shangmei Events Planning Company!

Those who didn’t know Wendy were baffled, wondering who she was and how she had become the new boss of the company.

Meanwhile, those who had worked with Wendy were even more confused.

They couldn’t understand why someone as ruthless as Jack would hand over the company to Wendy.


Seeing that everyone had received the message, Wendy continued, "I called everyone here today to announce a few important matters."

"The first matter is that Jack and Sharon have returned some of the money they've taken from all of you over the years!"

The room erupted in shock!

A girl blurted out, "What?! Jack and Sharon actually returned the money?! Are you serious? Those two scoundrels giving back money? How is that even possible?!"

Wendy seriously replied, "It’s true. Both of them have done so many evil deeds that my brother-in-law has sent them to KTV to work off their debt. Sharon will be serving drinks, and Jack will be working as a toilet host. They’re both working at Marion’s place, and I believe they’ve started their jobs tonight. If any of you know someone who works there, feel free to call and confirm."

Immediately, several hostesses pulled out their phones. Some sent messages, while others made calls.

It didn’t take long before a girl exclaimed, "Oh my god! It’s true! Jack and Sharon are really working at the KTV! This is so satisfying!"

"Yeah, yeah! One of my friends confirmed it too. It's definitely them!"

A girl who knew Wendy quickly asked, "Wendy, who exactly is your brother-in-law? How does he have so much power, even over someone like Jack?"

"My brother-in-law..." Wendy paused, then spoke with a tone of admiration, "He’s a legendary hero!"

Everyone in the room had, at one point, been bullied or exploited by Jack.

They had long hated him to the core.

So, when they heard this news, they erupted in cheers and applause, the room echoing with excitement.

Once the applause finally died down, Wendy spoke again, "The second matter concerns the distribution of the money."

"Jack and Sharon returned about 4 million yuan. After setting aside 500,000 for the company's future operating costs, the remaining 3.5 million will be returned to all of you."

The girls were stunned, their mouths wide open in disbelief!

None of them had expected that the first thing Wendy would do upon taking over the company would be to return a massive 3.5 million yuan to them...

Wendy continued, "I’ve already calculated the distribution ratios. While this amount won’t fully compensate everyone for their total losses, it will provide some relief. In a moment, I’ll post the list of names and compensation amounts. If there are no issues, please sign to confirm, and our finance team will immediately process the payments."

After finishing, Wendy added, "To be honest, we’ve already withdrawn the 3.5 million in cash this afternoon."

She then gave a signal to the finance team, who called over several strong men from the next room.

Each man carried a large suitcase. They placed the cases on the conference table and opened them, revealing stacks upon stacks of red banknotes.

The nearly 300 girls erupted in excited screams, and one even shouted at the top of her lungs, "Long live Wendy!"

Thunderous applause echoed again in the room.

At that moment, Wendy had successfully won the hearts and loyalty of the girls present, marking her triumphant first step in taking over Shangmei Events Planning Company...


Surrounded by thunderous applause and cheers, Wendy felt a bit embarrassed. She took a deep breath and continued, “The third thing I want to announce is that Shangmei Events Planning Company will now operate under a completely new model. Here's how we plan to move forward…”

Nearly 300 girls in the audience eagerly awaited her next words.

Wendy spoke earnestly, “First, Shangmei will continue, just like before, to provide event hosting services to major enterprises, organizations, and individual clients in Aurous Hill. Since we’re all women and share similar experiences, we are like sisters. If any of you wish to stay in this industry, I hope you will choose to continue working with Shangmei.”

“Secondly,” she declared with conviction, “I solemnly promise you all that if you choose to stay with Shangmei, we will never again exploit your labor or the results of your hard work like in the past!”

“We will adopt a transparent profit-sharing model in our cooperation moving forward!”

“The details are as follows: The company will coordinate the work, and all commissions will be shared openly. For every event, the company will only take 20% to cover operational costs, and the remaining 80% will go directly to you!”

The moment the crowd heard they would get 80% of the commission, cheers of excitement erupted!

In this industry, no company had ever offered such a high percentage of profit sharing!

Normally, the standard was a 50-50 split, while someone like Jack would only give 20% to 30% to the event hosting girls. Not only was the share low, but he would also pressure them into signing binding contracts. Once signed, the girls would barely get 10% of the cut.

In comparison, Wendy's offer was a breath of fresh air—completely unheard of!

Deep down, Wendy knew this profit-sharing model was incredibly generous. After accounting for operational costs, financial expenses, and staff wages, the company’s profit margin would be razor-thin—possibly less than 5%.

However, she reminded herself of the trust that Charlie had placed in her. She couldn’t afford to disappoint him.

“If I turn into someone like Jack, only thinking about squeezing every last bit out of the employees, Charlie would surely be disappointed in me,” she thought. That’s why she made this bold decision.

At the same time, she held onto a belief that kept her motivated.

“If I work hard, put my heart into this, and build a good reputation, more and more girls will join Shangmei, and we’ll take on more events. Even though the profit margins are lower, once I expand the business, the company’s profits will still be substantial.”

“For example, if we make 10 million in revenue a year and the profit margin is 20%, the profit is 2 million. But if we make 100 million in revenue, even at a 5% margin, that’s still 5 million in profit!”

“So, I must not focus on short-term gains. I need to take the long view! By offering better pay and profit-sharing, I’ll gain the loyalty of these girls and attract even more to join Shangmei.”

“My first goal is to make Shangmei the biggest event hosting company in all of Aurous Hill!”

“I’ll give it my all, and when I succeed, my brother-in-law will see me in a new light!”

At this moment, the girls in the audience were completely captivated by Wendy’s words.

A transparent company, generous profit-sharing, and the fact that Wendy was willing to return the money that Jack had taken from them—all of this earned her their trust.

By now, almost every girl had made up her mind.

Wendy continued, “Currently, the company has 500,000 in operating funds. I’ve already placed an order for three 13-seater vans, dedicated to providing free shuttle services for our employees.”

She paused, looking a little embarrassed, and added, “However, since most of our funds are being used to compensate all of you, we could only afford to buy three vans for now…”

“If we continue to grow, and we have more employees than expected, three vans might not be enough, even if they run back and forth all day…”


“As a result, when we begin operations, some of you may not immediately have access to the shuttle service…”

“Our shuttle buses will initially prioritize employees who live farther away, or those who need to start work early or finish late.”

“But I promise all of you that once the company starts earning more, we will gradually add more shuttle buses!”

“Eventually, we will have our own fleet, ensuring that no matter the weather—whether it's scorching heat, freezing cold, or rain—we will have transportation for every event, ensuring every one of you will be picked up and dropped off!”

The crowd erupted once again in thunderous applause!

Many of the girls in the audience had tears in their eyes, overwhelmed with emotion.

Most of them had chosen to work as event hosting girls because they had no better means of survival. Their families were struggling, and they didn’t have many other options.

Every day, they endured long hours, harsh weather, and meager pay, often being mistreated wherever they went. At work, they were exploited by their bosses; at events, they were pushed around by clients.

In short, almost no one ever respected them, nor did anyone care about their well-being.

But now, Wendy's speech had deeply touched their hearts, making them feel warmth and care for the first time.

Suddenly, one woman stood up and said with excitement, “Wendy, from now on, I’ll follow you!”

“Yes, Wendy! I’ll work with you too!”

“I’ve been working as an event hosting girl since I graduated from high school, trying to help my family pay off debt. It’s been six years of hardship with no reward, but hearing what you just said makes me feel a sense of joy I’ve never felt before. Count me in!”

“Exactly! No company has ever treated us like human beings before, but now Wendy is treating us like sisters! What more do we need to consider? I’m joining too!”

As more and more people shared their heartfelt thoughts, the entire room was ignited with passion!

Everyone was now rushing to declare their decision, firmly choosing to join!

Wendy, unable to hide her excitement, said, “Alright! Let’s take a quick vote. Sisters, if you’re interested in continuing to work with Shangmei Events Planning Company, please raise your hand!”

In an instant, a wave of hands shot up across the room!

There were even more hands than expected, as some girls, overwhelmed with excitement, had raised both of theirs.

Wendy glanced around and noticed that almost every single person had raised their hand high, with expressions full of excitement and anticipation.

There was no hesitation, no doubt, and no reluctance in any of their faces—only excitement and sincerity.

It was clear that every single one of them truly wished to join this new and reformed Shangmei Events Planning Company!

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

With the support of all the ceremonial hostesses, Wendy successfully took her first step in taking over Shangmei Events Planning Company.

She worked late at the company, barely catching the last bus home. Exhausted, she dragged her tired body back to the luxurious villa at Thomson Elite.

Ever since Wendy started working, the Wilson family had just managed to scrape by without starving. While they couldn't afford to provide Madam Wilson, Noah, and Harold with regular meals of vegetables and meat, at least they could steam a pot of plain white rice to stave off hunger.

When Wendy returned home, Madam Wilson had just finished serving Noah and Harold their rice. Now, she sat alone, mixing hot water with half a bowl of rice, sprinkling in some salt before eating quietly by herself.

Seeing Wendy come back, Madam Wilson couldn’t help but complain, "Wendy, why are you so late today? I’ve been taking care of your father and brother all by myself, and I’m completely worn out. You should have come home earlier to help me."

Feeling guilty, Wendy apologized, "Sorry, Grandma. I had a lot of work at the company, so it took longer than I expected."

Madam Wilson frowned in dissatisfaction, "Aren't you just a ceremonial hostess? Once the job is done, you should take your pay and come home. How could it drag on this late?"

From the bed, Harold chimed in, "Yeah, Wendy, I was really craving some pork and preserved egg congee today. I thought you'd earn enough to buy half a pound of pork and a couple of preserved eggs, but we’ve been waiting until now..."

Noah, lying next to Harold, sighed heavily, "Wendy, your dad's been having muscle cramps these past few days. The pain is unbearable, and it’s taking forever to subside. It seems like I’ve been severely malnourished and low on calcium. Can you get me a box of calcium supplements?"

Seeing her father and brother looking so pitiful, Wendy’s heart ached. She really wanted to tell them everything about her day—that Charlie had given her a great opportunity to manage a company with a salary of ten thousand yuan a month.

But remembering Charlie’s advice to keep things quiet and avoid unnecessary complications, she swallowed her words. Instead, she said, "Dad, Brother, just hang in there a bit longer. The company has promoted me to a management position, and I’ll be earning ten thousand yuan a month now. Tomorrow, I’ll ask finance to advance me half of the month's salary. We’ll definitely improve our living situation."

Noah’s eyes lit up, "Wendy, are you serious? You’ve really become a manager?"

Harold quickly added, "Wendy, are you really getting ten thousand yuan a month?"

Wendy nodded earnestly, "Yes, it’s true. I’ll be earning ten thousand yuan a month."

As she spoke, she pulled out the latest iPhone that Charlie had bought her, her heart filled with gratitude, "The boss even noticed I didn’t have a phone for work, so he bought me one as a gift."

"What?!" Harold exclaimed excitedly, "Sis, you’re really going places! A phone worth more than ten thousand, and your boss just gives it to you? He’s incredibly generous!"

Madam Wilson, sitting nearby, was so moved that her eyes filled with tears. Choking up, she said, "Wendy, if you can really bring in ten thousand a month, that’s over three hundred a day! With that kind of money, life is going to get a lot easier for all of us!"

She started calculating out loud, "Right now, pork is about twenty yuan a pound, and plain rice is around three yuan a pound. For the four of us, a pound of pork and two pounds of rice a day, plus some vegetables, would only cost seventy or eighty yuan. If we add in some milk to help with the calcium, a hundred yuan would be more than enough. Noah and Harold could even get some medicine to speed up their recovery. Even if we spend another hundred a day, we’ll still have a hundred left over!"


Tears streamed down Harold’s face as he said, “Grandma, I can finally eat meat every day…”

“Yes…” Madam Wilson sighed and continued, “Once you and your father recover, you can both find jobs. We don’t expect to make a fortune, but if the two of you can earn five or six thousand yuan a month each, we’ll be doing fine. At that point, our family income will be fifteen or sixteen thousand yuan a month, and that’s when our hard times will really be over!”

Hearing this, Wendy felt a deep sense of melancholy.

She thought to herself, "The Wilson family wasn’t always wealthy, but we had assets worth tens of millions, maybe even billions… Back then, we would easily spend tens of thousands of yuan each month just on food."

"But despite that, no one was ever satisfied. Everyone wanted more, constantly trying to climb higher socially…"

"Now, after everything we’ve been through, my family’s expectations for life have plummeted dramatically."

"They used to be unhappy no matter how good the food was, but now, as long as they can eat meat once a day and save a little money, they think it’s the best life they could hope for…"

"Though it’s heartbreaking to think about, it’s also painfully ironic."

As these thoughts crossed her mind, the image of Charlie appeared in Wendy’s head. She reflected, "People like Charlie are truly grounded. Even in the hardest of times, he lived with humility and perseverance. And even after becoming the respected Master Wade in Aurous Hill’s upper class, he remained true to himself, living a simple life with Claire."

Moved by these thoughts, Wendy quietly took out her phone and added Charlie on WeChat.

At that moment, Charlie had just finished eating when Alan Ward called him. As soon as Charlie answered the call, Alan respectfully said, “Master Wade, Dianne told me that you asked me to host a banquet for everyone at my house. I was wondering when it would be convenient for you?”

Charlie replied, “Today is Thursday, so let’s schedule it for Friday evening. How does that sound to you?”

Alan, full of respect, said, “My time is entirely flexible. Everything is up to your schedule, Master Wade.”

“Great, let’s settle it for Friday evening then. Please help me invite everyone,” Charlie instructed.

Alan quickly responded, “Master Wade, let me confirm the guest list with you to make sure it's correct.”

“Go ahead,” Charlie replied.

Alan listed the names: “First, there’s Miss Walker and Old Master Walker from the Walker family. Then, we have Dr. Simon Thorpe, followed by Mr. Isaac Craven, Sea City’s richest man Samuel Turner, Lord Orvel Heller, George from the White family, and Lorden Weigard from Mystical Labs.”


Charlie said, “Don’t forget to invite Doris York, the Vice Chairman of the Emgrand Group.”

Alan immediately replied, “Of course, Master Wade. I’ll give Vice Chairman York a call shortly.”

Charlie said, “Thanks for arranging everything.”

Alan, filled with respect, responded, “Master Wade, there’s no need to be so polite with me! Just let me know if you need anything, and I’ll take care of it.”

Charlie gave a small nod and smiled, “I’ll come by a few hours early to give Dianne some guidance and bring you a small gift.”

Hearing this, Alan was so excited his voice trembled slightly. He realized that Charlie might be offering him a Rejuvenation Pill, and overwhelmed with excitement, he blurted out, “Master Wade! I can’t thank you enough!”

Charlie chuckled, “No need to thank me. Let’s leave it at that, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Absolutely, Master Wade. See you tomorrow!”

After hanging up the call with Alan, Charlie noticed a notification in his WeChat contact list—a new friend request.

When he opened it, he saw that it was from Wendy. He accepted the request without hesitation.

Immediately after, Wendy sent a message: “Brother-in-law, I’ve settled everything at the company. About 300 event hostesses have agreed to work with us. Just wanted to update you!”

Charlie was a little surprised by the number and thought she must have done a pretty good job. He replied, “Very well, keep up the good work.”

Wendy quickly responded, “Thank you, brother-in-law. I’ll give it my best!”

She followed up with another message: “Brother-in-law, I have a small request…”

Charlie asked, “Go ahead.”

Wendy hesitated before saying, “Brother-in-law, there are a lot of expenses at home right now. Would it be okay if I got half a month’s salary in advance?”

Understanding that she must be facing some difficulties, Charlie agreed readily and replied, “No problem, just let the finance department know.”

Wendy immediately sent a grateful emoji and said, “Thank you so much, brother-in-law!”


Charlie didn’t have too many thoughts about Wendy. Initially, he had only wanted to help her a little and give her some money to get through her current difficulties, as she seemed genuinely remorseful for her past mistakes.

However, after discovering that she had been bullied, and seeing how Jack and Sharon were taking things too far, Charlie couldn’t help but have the urge to rid the world of such scoundrels. As a result, he handed over Jack's Shangmei Events Planning Company for Wendy to manage.

That said, Charlie still had some reservations about Wendy. He decided that while she would manage the company, she could only receive a monthly salary of ten thousand yuan. This restriction was put in place to limit her earnings and power, ensuring that she stayed grounded and focused on her responsibilities, rather than getting carried away like before.

Wendy, however, wasn’t thinking that far ahead. She was deeply grateful for how much Charlie had helped her and was simply determined to do her best to manage the company well.

Adopting a “less said, the better” approach, Charlie didn’t bother telling his wife, Claire, about this matter. Besides, Claire had been extremely busy lately. After dinner, she headed straight to the study to continue her work without wasting a moment.

Claire was currently preparing for the bidding process to renovate the Emgrand Group’s six-star hotel. She was at a pivotal point in her career, with a remarkable drive and determination to succeed. She had expressed to Charlie how much she wanted to share the financial burdens of the family.

Seeing his wife working overtime even after her regular work hours, Charlie couldn’t help but feel a bit of heartache for her.

So, he washed some fruit and brought it upstairs to the study.

In the study, Claire was fully engrossed in drafting design plans on her computer. Charlie, not wanting to startle her by suddenly appearing, cleared his throat softly to get her attention.

“Ahem, Claire.”

Claire looked up and saw Charlie, smiling warmly, “Hubby, what brings you here?”

Charlie walked over, placed the fruit on the desk, and said, “I brought you some fruit. You should eat more. Spending so much time in front of the computer exposes you to radiation. Eating fruit and getting more vitamins can help mitigate that.”

Claire beamed sweetly, “Thank you, hubby!”

She picked up the largest, ripest strawberry from the fruit plate, but instead of eating it, she held it up to Charlie’s mouth and playfully said, “Hubby, you eat this one!”

Charlie chuckled, “I’ve already eaten. You have it. Don’t worry about me.”

Claire pouted, pretending to be upset, “If you don’t eat it, I won’t eat either.”

She then muttered in mock annoyance, “You won’t even eat it when I’m offering it to you? That’s really hurtful…”

Hearing this, Charlie quickly opened his mouth and not only took the strawberry, but he also gently bit down on two of Claire’s fingers, making her giggle as he playfully held her fingers in his mouth.


"Ah!" Claire exclaimed in surprise, realizing that Charlie had playfully ambushed her. Feigning shock, she said, "Oh no! I kindly fed the puppy, and the puppy bit me!"

Charlie let go of her fingers, still chewing on the strawberry, and mumbled, "Oh really? You’re calling your husband a puppy? Then what does that make you?"

With a proud hum, Claire replied, "If you’re the puppy, then I’m clearly the puppy’s owner!"

Charlie laughed, "If I'm a puppy, then you're the bone I'm holding in my mouth."

Claire chuckled, "Who compares people to bones? That’s such a weird analogy..."

Charlie, now more serious, responded, "Don’t you know how fiercely a puppy protects its food? Once a bone is in its mouth, nothing—absolutely nothing—can make it let go. If anyone dares to try, it’ll fight tooth and nail!"

Claire was touched by Charlie's sincerity. Feeling a little shy, she softly said, "Well then, I suppose I’ll have to be that bone for you to hold on to."

Charlie laughed heartily and said, "Don’t just talk, have some fruit!"

Claire nodded, picked up two more strawberries, and fed one to Charlie before taking a bite from the other herself.

Charlie glanced at her computer screen and noticed the massive design draft she was working on. Unable to hold back his curiosity, he asked, "Wife, are you designing this entire project by yourself?"

Claire explained, "Not exactly. Right now, I’m just creating a rough draft. For the bidding process, we don’t need an extremely detailed design—just an outline that shows the general concept."

"When it comes time to submit the bid, we’ll present this design along with a detailed renovation budget. But since my studio is still small, we’ve all been working nonstop. I’m handling the design drafts, while others are focusing on coordinating material suppliers and calculating the costs. That’s the truly daunting part—connecting with over a hundred suppliers and managing thousands of different items."

Charlie nodded, feeling concerned. "Don’t overwork yourself. Remember to balance work and rest."

Claire smiled, "Don’t worry. It's just a few more days. Once we submit the bid package, it’s all up to the Emgrand Group’s internal review. If we win the bid, I’ll immediately expand the team. If we don’t, it’ll still be good practice."

With determination, she added, "If this project succeeds, you won’t have to work so hard and carry the entire burden of supporting our family."

"Our expenses have grown so much, especially the annual property fees for the villa, which are in the tens of thousands. And that’s just the beginning."

"I’ve been reinvesting most of my studio’s profits to scale up, so I haven’t been able to contribute much to the household finances. That’s why I’m determined to win this project and help ease the burden."

Charlie knew Claire’s character well. She never cared much about money and had few material desires when it came to daily life. Her current drive to succeed was purely for the sake of their family.

With a heartfelt tone, he softly said, "Wife, thank you."

Claire, in turn, seriously replied, "I should be the one thanking you. For so long, you’ve been the one holding everything together, while my parents and I have only added to your burden..."

Charlie quickly interjected, "What are you talking about? It's a husband's duty to provide for the family. Remember the first three years of our marriage, when I didn’t make a single penny? All I did was cook, clean, and do the laundry, and you never once complained. How could I mind taking on more now?"

Claire smiled gently, her words full of sincerity, "What’s most important is that we continue to understand and support each other, just like we always have. That means more than money. Back then, even though you didn’t earn anything, you took such good care of me and the house. That was far more valuable than any income."

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
Hello guys, here's a message for everyone following this thread:

I will be sharing 10 additional chapters of this story shortly to meet my weekly posting goal. Following that, I won’t be committing to any posts for the next four weeks, as I plan to dedicate most of my time to my family and friends during my holiday break in 🇵🇭 . I might share a few updates here and there if time permits, but please understand that this won’t be my main focus during my time off. Thank you for your understanding, and let’s stay connected! Don’t forget to explore other stories available here on Kijiji. Stay safe and keep enjoying! 🤟


Martial Arts Master
Jul 21, 2024
Reaction score
Hello guys, here's a message for everyone following this thread:

I will be sharing 10 additional chapters of this story shortly to meet my weekly posting goal. Following that, I won’t be committing to any posts for the next four weeks, as I plan to dedicate most of my time to my family and friends during my holiday break in 🇵🇭 . I might share a few updates here and there if time permits, but please understand that this won’t be my main focus during my time off. Thank you for your understanding, and let’s stay connected! Don’t forget to explore other stories available here on Kijiji. Stay safe and keep enjoying! 🤟
Thanks immortal. I understand. I just wish you and your family a good time .


Demonic Cultivator
Sep 24, 2023
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Hello guys, here's a message for everyone following this thread:

I will be sharing 10 additional chapters of this story shortly to meet my weekly posting goal. Following that, I won’t be committing to any posts for the next four weeks, as I plan to dedicate most of my time to my family and friends during my holiday break in 🇵🇭 . I might share a few updates here and there if time permits, but please understand that this won’t be my main focus during my time off. Thank you for your understanding, and let’s stay connected! Don’t forget to explore other stories available here on Kijiji. Stay safe and keep enjoying! 🤟
Enjoy your holiday


Young Master
Sep 26, 2023
Reaction score
Hello guys, here's a message for everyone following this thread:

I will be sharing 10 additional chapters of this story shortly to meet my weekly posting goal. Following that, I won’t be committing to any posts for the next four weeks, as I plan to dedicate most of my time to my family and friends during my holiday break in 🇵🇭 . I might share a few updates here and there if time permits, but please understand that this won’t be my main focus during my time off. Thank you for your understanding, and let’s stay connected! Don’t forget to explore other stories available here on Kijiji. Stay safe and keep enjoying! 🤟
Dear Master Junlee

Thank you for the effort. Also please go enjoy the holiday.

(1) We don't want your injuries/demise on our conscience should your wife ever find you buried in the computer doing another Charlie Wade translation
(2) You gotta make sure the wife and kids don't spend you money as well (like Charlies Mother in Law Elaine)!!! 😂

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