"Dragon Son-in-law" a.k.a. Millionaire Son-in-law, Charlie Wade Story. Translated by Junlee (aka Jungal2000)

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Charlie Wade is a househusband son-in-law whom everyone looks down upon. However, unknown to them, his true identity is that of the young master from a top-tier family. Those who once belittled him will eventually kneel before him, trembling with fear and calling him "Master!" ...

The MC is Charlie Wade, and there's this girl Claire Wilson. They're in this savage clapback novel called "Ultimate Dragon Honcho", penned by this dude Ye Gongzi. Everyone knew Charlie Wade was the son-in-law of the Wilson family. Like, Grandpa Wilson legit pulled this broke boy outta nowhere and made him marry his grand daughter/princess, Claire. But bro's got no skills, no dough 💸, and Claire had to deal with so much BS 'cause of him. He even had the nerve to ask for money during Grandma Wilson's big party, making Claire hella embarrassed 😳. They kicked Charlie Wade out, but then plot twist! 🌀 Some butler dude shows up. Turns out, Charlie Wade's actually from the uber-rich Wade clan. The butler's like, "Come home, fam." But since his parents were, like, done dirty by the Wade fam, he's like "Nah." But he did take his grandpa’s black card loaded with 10 billion. 💳💰 #MicDrop

Author: Charlie Wade
Category: Urban Fiction
Status: Ongoing
Last Updated: October 18, 2023
Last edited:

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

As Virtuoso knelt on the ground, tears streaming down his face, Marissa instinctively took a few steps back, freeing herself from his grip. With a serious expression, she said, "Virtuoso, you know my character. When I agreed to marry you, we made a gentleman's agreement with three conditions. Do you remember them?"

Virtuoso, his eyes red from crying, nodded weakly, "I remember, I remember every word! Honey, I was foolish, I beg you, forgive me this one time—just this once, please!"

Marissa's expression remained stern as she responded, "Virtuoso, I want you to tell me what those three conditions were."

Virtuoso felt a sharp pain in his chest as he stammered, "The first condition of the gentleman's agreement was that no matter the time or circumstance, if—if…"

Marissa pressed, "If what?"

Virtuoso sighed deeply, "If Drake ever wanted to take you back, I would have to divorce you unconditionally, without any hesitation."

Marissa nodded, then asked, "And the second condition?"

Virtuoso replied, "The second condition was that after our marriage, I could not prevent you from meeting Drake as a friend."

Marissa continued, "And the third condition?"

Virtuoso murmured, "The third condition was that you married me not out of love, but to have a stable family. Therefore, both of us were to maintain moral boundaries. If either of us developed feelings for someone else or had an affair, we were to inform the other in advance and part ways peacefully."

Marissa acknowledged with a calm "Mm," and said, "Since you remember, there's no need for me to say more. I'll return to my family home today, and tomorrow morning, we'll go through the divorce procedures. Please prepare the divorce agreement tonight. Our children are grown, so there's no need to worry about custody. As for the property, I don't want a single cent. Let's leave it at that."

With that, Marissa turned to leave.

In desperation, Virtuoso crawled to her, grabbing her suitcase, and pleaded, "Honey, you don't know the whole story from back then..."

"Valeria—Valeria nearly lost her life saving me, and in the end, she lost an arm. I wanted to compensate her, but she—she said she had secretly loved me for years and didn't want to leave with any regrets..."

"I was overwhelmed with gratitude and emotion at the time, so we... we..."

"I swear to heaven, Marissa, I only betrayed you that one time, and only that one time!"

"I beg you, for the sake of our twenty-plus years of marriage, for the sake of our children, forgive me this once! I'm begging you!"

Marissa looked him in the eyes and replied earnestly, "Virtuoso, there are many ways to repay someone. Why did you choose the one that involved betraying our marriage?"

Virtuoso sobbed, "Honey, I—I was confused at the time!"

Marissa waved her hand dismissively, "Whether you were confused or not doesn't matter. What matters is that you made your choice. Since you've made your choice, you need to take responsibility for it."

Then, with a serious tone, she added, "If we can finalize our divorce tomorrow, we can still be friends, even if we're no longer husband and wife. But if you refuse to part peacefully, then I'll have no choice but to take you to court. You know that a court case will be public, and as someone with a reputation, there's no need to make this ugly, right?"

Tears streamed down Virtuoso's face as he choked out, "Honey, what do I need to do to earn your forgiveness? Just tell me, and I'll do whatever it takes—even if I have to go through fire and water!"

Marissa smiled faintly, "Virtuoso, I'm sorry, but I truly can't forgive you."

Virtuoso began to tremble, his voice shaking as he asked, "Honey, we've been married for over twenty years. Are you really going to be so heartless?"


Marissa looked at Virtuoso and asked, "Do you know why I was so deeply in love with Drake back then?"

Virtuoso froze, his entire body stiffening. He stared at Marissa, his voice hoarse as he asked, "Why?"

Marissa let out a few bitter laughs, her voice filled with sorrow and pain as she began, "When Drake was about to get married, I went to confess my feelings to him, just like Valeria did with you."

"I even considered giving myself to him, and my reasons were exactly the same as hers."

"I told him, 'Drake, I've loved you for so many years without any outcome. If you truly don't love me, if you're unwilling to give me a future, then please don't let me leave with this final regret.'"

"I also said, 'Drake, a woman's most precious gift is her chastity, and it is precious because every woman wishes to give it to the man she loves the most. I wish to give my chastity to you.'"

As she spoke, Marissa's voice began to choke with emotion. She looked at Virtuoso, tears in her eyes, and continued, "But the biggest difference between Drake and you is that Drake refused me without hesitation! He told me that he would never destroy my future! Just for this reason alone, you'll never be able to compare to him!"

Virtuoso was left speechless.

He felt his face burning with shame, so much so that he could barely keep his eyes open.

Seeing his silence, Marissa sighed and said, "Virtuoso, we've been husband and wife for years. Can we part on good terms?"

Tears streamed down Virtuoso's face.

He wanted to say something to apologize, to beg for forgiveness, and to find a way to convince Marissa to stay.

But as he recalled Marissa's confession—her desperate plea to Drake, mirroring Valeria's plea to him—and how Drake had rejected her, he realized he had no ground to stand on.

He knew deep down that there was no excuse for his actions, and that once Marissa made a decision, she would not turn back.

As he was struggling with what to do, an urgent knock on the door interrupted them. The butler called out from outside, "Young Master, the Old Master has summoned you immediately! He says there's an extremely urgent matter that you must attend to right away!"

Virtuoso was startled. He had been in the shower earlier, and when he came out, his wife was asking for a divorce. He had no idea that the Salvador family was now under intense scrutiny due to the announcement from Japan's National Security Agency, pushing them into the eye of the storm.

At that moment, he didn't want to go anywhere—he only wanted to do everything he could to keep his wife from leaving. But his father's authority was not something he could defy. The butler had mentioned that the matter was of the utmost urgency, and any further delay would surely incur his father's wrath.

Realizing this, he reluctantly called out through the door, "Alright, you go ahead. I'll get dressed and come over immediately!"


After the butler left, Virtuoso turned to Marissa, pleading, "Honey, can we talk again when I get back?"

Marissa shook her head and replied, "There's nothing left for us to discuss. You should hurry to see the Old Master."

Without another word, and while Virtuoso was momentarily distracted, she grabbed her suitcase, opened the door, and left.


As Virtuoso watched Marissa's resolute figure disappear without so much as a glance back, an overwhelming pain clenched his heart, leaving him breathless.

He had long known that Marissa didn’t truly love him. He had also long been aware that the person who held her heart was Drake.

What Marissa didn’t realize, however, was that Virtuoso had always been more cunning and resourceful than she gave him credit for. Although he outwardly never interfered with her privacy, behind the scenes, he had meticulously tracked her every move.

Many years ago, when smartphones first gained Wi-Fi connectivity, Virtuoso hired top-notch hackers to rigorously monitor their home network. Through the tools provided by these hackers, he could fully observe what apps and websites Marissa accessed whenever her phone connected to their Wi-Fi.

Because of this, he knew that for many years, nearly every day, Marissa would secretly visit a certain online photo album whenever he wasn't around.

To uncover what secrets she might be hiding in that album, he even went as far as purchasing the company that operated the online photo album through a shell corporation.

By acquiring the company, Virtuoso gained access to all its user data, including everything Marissa had uploaded or viewed. Through the database, he could see everything clearly.

Thus, he discovered that Marissa frequently visited that online album to look at old photos of herself with Drake or at pictures of Drake alone.

This knowledge tormented Virtuoso to no end.

He couldn’t bear the thought that his beloved wife was still pining for another man, even one who had long since passed away.

How could it be that all his efforts and sacrifices meant less to her than a dead man?

Because of this, Virtuoso had harbored a deep-seated hatred for Drake. Even though Drake had been dead for years, Virtuoso’s hatred for him remained as intense as ever, never diminishing in the slightest.

But all these years, Virtuoso had consoled himself with the idea that he was the "ultimate beneficiary." He rationalized that no matter how much Marissa loved Drake, she had still married him, given him two children, and lived by his side.

In the end, Virtuoso believed that he was the only man in Marissa’s life, and that fact alone represented an absolute victory.

However, Marissa’s determined departure shattered that illusion of victory, leaving it in ruins.

Despite the burning hatred in his heart, Virtuoso knew that his father was waiting for him on urgent business. He forced himself to calm down, wiped away his tears, splashed cold water on his face, and hurried to his father’s study, still wrapped in his bathrobe.

Harrison’s study was larger than the living room of most villas. It served as more than just a place for reading and contemplation—it was the nerve center of the entire Salvador family, akin to the imperial study of an ancient emperor.

Here, Harrison not only read and engaged in personal reflection but also made critical decisions for the family. Many of the decisions that impacted the Salvador family, and even the national business landscape, were made in this very room.

At this moment, Harrison had gathered all the second-generation members of the Salvador family. Besides Virtuoso, the others present were Virtuoso, Viraj, Virat, Virgle, Vireo, and Viron.

Harrison had five sons and two daughters.

Because he had been entangled in a struggle with Marissa, Virtuoso was the last to arrive.


As soon as he entered, he noticed that his father and six younger siblings were all looking flustered.

This made his heart skip a beat.

In his memory, his father had always been calm and composed, unflappable even in the face of adversity. Why was he so panicked today?

Moreover, he noticed that the looks his younger siblings were giving him were quite strange.

Their gazes were filled with tension, fear, sympathy, and even pity.

So, he anxiously asked, "Dad, what on earth has happened?"

Harrison looked up at him, a hint of guilt in his expression, and asked, "Did you not see the news alert?"

Virtuoso glanced down at his pyjamas and awkwardly replied, "What alert? I was just in the shower, and after I finished, the butler said you needed me, so I rushed over without even grabbing my phone."

Harrison sighed, his expression complicated. "Virtuoso, you need to understand that some things require a broader perspective. Being in my position means I must consider the bigger picture and not get too caught up in familial feelings!"

Virtuoso was somewhat taken aback.

He didn't quite understand why his father suddenly said such things.

Furthermore, his father's tone seemed to carry a hint of seeking forgiveness.

It's worth noting that their grandfather had always been extremely strict with his descendants!

Previously, during a family meeting, Viron's son, Ronan, had spoken out of turn in front of their grandfather, upsetting him, and was met with dozens of slaps from his own father, nearly losing consciousness before their grandfather was satisfied.

This clearly indicated that their grandfather would never admit fault to his descendants.

So, why was he saying this now?!

Harrison, the head of the Salvador family, had never once admitted fault to his children or grandchildren in his life.

He had always been extremely domineering, reminiscent of ancient emperors.

To ancient rulers, the state and their power were paramount, while children would never come first.

His views were no different.

The foundation of the Salvador family and his unshakeable position as head of the family were the most important things to him.

In the face of these, what did children and grandchildren amount to?

However, this time, he never imagined that Japan's National Security Bureau would uncover his dealings with high-ranking officials of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces!

They even discovered Raven's true identity as Virtuoso's illegitimate daughter and his own granddaughter!

Now, the entire nation knew that Harrison was a scoundrel willing to sacrifice his own granddaughter for profit!

He was left wondering how his children and grandchildren would view him.

After all, any father or grandfather who committed such acts would surely disappoint their children and grandchildren, perhaps even drive them away.

Thus, Harrison was acutely aware: "This incident has surely led to my public disgrace and significant losses for the Salvador family. If I don't manage the internal repercussions properly, I may very well lose all credibility as the head of the family! The Salvador family could even be on the brink of collapse!"

"Right now, it's a critical moment for the Salvador family! I must do everything I can to calm Virtuoso's mindset. If he finds out that I betrayed his biological daughter, and if he can't understand or tolerate me on any level, he might lead a rebellion against me, and that would create severe internal strife!"

"As long as I can keep him steady, everyone else will follow suit!"


At this moment, Virtuoso still couldn't grasp what had just happened, nor did he realize the gravity of the situation. He looked toward Old Master Salvador and asked, "Dad, what's going on?"

The old master let out a heavy sigh, regret weighing heavily on his words. "Ah, it's about Raven..."

Virtuoso's heart skipped a beat as he hurriedly asked, "Have you found Raven?"

The old master shook his head slowly. "Not yet, Virtuoso. About Raven... I owe you an apology. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

Virtuoso was stunned by his father's sudden apology. He quickly responded, "Dad, what are you saying? Just tell me what happened. Even if we can't save Raven in the end, I won't blame you."

In his mind, Virtuoso believed that the old master had already done everything possible to save Raven. The difficulty of the task was evident, especially since the incident occurred in Japan, far beyond the Salvador family's reach. If something went wrong during the rescue, leading to failure or, worse, Raven's death, it would be understandable.

The old master sighed deeply again. "This is all my fault. The rescue mission for Raven was fraught with challenges from the start. Raven committed a serious crime in Japan, something that can't be resolved with money."

His eyes reddened with shame as he choked on his words. "Virtuoso, knowing how difficult it would be to rescue Raven, I secretly made a deal with the top brass of Japan's Self-Defense Forces."

Virtuoso froze, blurting out, "A deal? What kind of deal? How could you make a deal with the Self-Defense Forces? They were the ones who captured Raven and the other fifty-something experts!"

The old master sighed again, his tone filled with regret. "I wanted to maximize our benefits, so I devised a plan with the Self-Defense Forces. On one hand, it would allow them to claim another victory in the eyes of the Japanese public, and on the other hand, it would help us establish a strong relationship with them. Ultimately, it was all for the benefit of the Salvador family."

Virtuoso was utterly shocked. "Dad, what do you mean by this? Are you saying the rescue mission was just an act?"

The old master responded with pain in his voice, "I had no choice!"

Trying his best to keep his emotions in check, Virtuoso demanded, "You've mentioned a news alert several times. What exactly is this news alert?"

The old master signaled to Virtuoso, the second son, who promptly handed his phone to Virtuoso. "Big brother, take a look at this article first."

Virtuoso took the phone and carefully read the article word by word. As he finished, his face contorted in rage.

"This old man actually used my daughter as a bargaining chip to appease the Japanese Self-Defense Forces! Does he have any humanity left?"

"No wonder Marissa found out about Raven! No wonder she suddenly wants a divorce! It turns out that Japan's National Security Agency dug up everything!"

Thinking of how his wife, Marissa, had just stormed out over Raven and was now demanding a divorce, combined with this bombshell revelation, Virtuoso felt his legs weaken beneath him.

He glared at the old master, his voice filled with fury. "Raven is your granddaughter! How could you do this? Do you realize that because of your actions, Raven's life is now uncertain, and Marissa is leaving me? Why did you do this? Why?"

The old master spoke firmly, "Virtuoso, even if I hadn’t made this deal, we still wouldn’t have been able to save Raven!"

Virtuoso gritted his teeth, responding, "So because we couldn't save her, you decided to make her a pawn in your game? To curry favor with the Self-Defense Forces?"

Seeing Virtuoso's hostile attitude, the old master frowned slightly, his tone turning colder. "As I said, I did this for the benefit of the Salvador family."

Virtuoso couldn't contain his anger any longer and shouted, "The Salvador family's benefit? Does that justify sacrificing my daughter's life?!"


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
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As Virtuoso knelt on the ground, tears streaming down his face, Marissa instinctively took a few steps back, freeing herself from his grip. With a serious expression, she said, "Virtuoso, you know my character. When I agreed to marry you, we made a gentleman's agreement with three conditions. Do you remember them?"

Virtuoso, his eyes red from crying, nodded weakly, "I remember, I remember every word! Honey, I was foolish, I beg you, forgive me this one time—just this once, please!"

Marissa's expression remained stern as she responded, "Virtuoso, I want you to tell me what those three conditions were."

Virtuoso felt a sharp pain in his chest as he stammered, "The first condition of the gentleman's agreement was that no matter the time or circumstance, if—if…"

Marissa pressed, "If what?"

Virtuoso sighed deeply, "If Drake ever wanted to take you back, I would have to divorce you unconditionally, without any hesitation."

Marissa nodded, then asked, "And the second condition?"

Virtuoso replied, "The second condition was that after our marriage, I could not prevent you from meeting Drake as a friend."

Marissa continued, "And the third condition?"

Virtuoso murmured, "The third condition was that you married me not out of love, but to have a stable family. Therefore, both of us were to maintain moral boundaries. If either of us developed feelings for someone else or had an affair, we were to inform the other in advance and part ways peacefully."

Marissa acknowledged with a calm "Mm," and said, "Since you remember, there's no need for me to say more. I'll return to my family home today, and tomorrow morning, we'll go through the divorce procedures. Please prepare the divorce agreement tonight. Our children are grown, so there's no need to worry about custody. As for the property, I don't want a single cent. Let's leave it at that."

With that, Marissa turned to leave.

In desperation, Virtuoso crawled to her, grabbing her suitcase, and pleaded, "Honey, you don't know the whole story from back then..."

"Valeria—Valeria nearly lost her life saving me, and in the end, she lost an arm. I wanted to compensate her, but she—she said she had secretly loved me for years and didn't want to leave with any regrets..."

"I was overwhelmed with gratitude and emotion at the time, so we... we..."

"I swear to heaven, Marissa, I only betrayed you that one time, and only that one time!"

"I beg you, for the sake of our twenty-plus years of marriage, for the sake of our children, forgive me this once! I'm begging you!"

Marissa looked him in the eyes and replied earnestly, "Virtuoso, there are many ways to repay someone. Why did you choose the one that involved betraying our marriage?"

Virtuoso sobbed, "Honey, I—I was confused at the time!"

Marissa waved her hand dismissively, "Whether you were confused or not doesn't matter. What matters is that you made your choice. Since you've made your choice, you need to take responsibility for it."

Then, with a serious tone, she added, "If we can finalize our divorce tomorrow, we can still be friends, even if we're no longer husband and wife. But if you refuse to part peacefully, then I'll have no choice but to take you to court. You know that a court case will be public, and as someone with a reputation, there's no need to make this ugly, right?"

Tears streamed down Virtuoso's face as he choked out, "Honey, what do I need to do to earn your forgiveness? Just tell me, and I'll do whatever it takes—even if I have to go through fire and water!"

Marissa smiled faintly, "Virtuoso, I'm sorry, but I truly can't forgive you."

Virtuoso began to tremble, his voice shaking as he asked, "Honey, we've been married for over twenty years. Are you really going to be so heartless?"


Marissa looked at Virtuoso and asked, "Do you know why I was so deeply in love with Drake back then?"

Virtuoso froze, his entire body stiffening. He stared at Marissa, his voice hoarse as he asked, "Why?"

Marissa let out a few bitter laughs, her voice filled with sorrow and pain as she began, "When Drake was about to get married, I went to confess my feelings to him, just like Valeria did with you."

"I even considered giving myself to him, and my reasons were exactly the same as hers."

"I told him, 'Drake, I've loved you for so many years without any outcome. If you truly don't love me, if you're unwilling to give me a future, then please don't let me leave with this final regret.'"

"I also said, 'Drake, a woman's most precious gift is her chastity, and it is precious because every woman wishes to give it to the man she loves the most. I wish to give my chastity to you.'"

As she spoke, Marissa's voice began to choke with emotion. She looked at Virtuoso, tears in her eyes, and continued, "But the biggest difference between Drake and you is that Drake refused me without hesitation! He told me that he would never destroy my future! Just for this reason alone, you'll never be able to compare to him!"

Virtuoso was left speechless.

He felt his face burning with shame, so much so that he could barely keep his eyes open.

Seeing his silence, Marissa sighed and said, "Virtuoso, we've been husband and wife for years. Can we part on good terms?"

Tears streamed down Virtuoso's face.

He wanted to say something to apologize, to beg for forgiveness, and to find a way to convince Marissa to stay.

But as he recalled Marissa's confession—her desperate plea to Drake, mirroring Valeria's plea to him—and how Drake had rejected her, he realized he had no ground to stand on.

He knew deep down that there was no excuse for his actions, and that once Marissa made a decision, she would not turn back.

As he was struggling with what to do, an urgent knock on the door interrupted them. The butler called out from outside, "Young Master, the Old Master has summoned you immediately! He says there's an extremely urgent matter that you must attend to right away!"

Virtuoso was startled. He had been in the shower earlier, and when he came out, his wife was asking for a divorce. He had no idea that the Salvador family was now under intense scrutiny due to the announcement from Japan's National Security Agency, pushing them into the eye of the storm.

At that moment, he didn't want to go anywhere—he only wanted to do everything he could to keep his wife from leaving. But his father's authority was not something he could defy. The butler had mentioned that the matter was of the utmost urgency, and any further delay would surely incur his father's wrath.

Realizing this, he reluctantly called out through the door, "Alright, you go ahead. I'll get dressed and come over immediately!"


After the butler left, Virtuoso turned to Marissa, pleading, "Honey, can we talk again when I get back?"

Marissa shook her head and replied, "There's nothing left for us to discuss. You should hurry to see the Old Master."

Without another word, and while Virtuoso was momentarily distracted, she grabbed her suitcase, opened the door, and left.


As Virtuoso watched Marissa's resolute figure disappear without so much as a glance back, an overwhelming pain clenched his heart, leaving him breathless.

He had long known that Marissa didn’t truly love him. He had also long been aware that the person who held her heart was Drake.

What Marissa didn’t realize, however, was that Virtuoso had always been more cunning and resourceful than she gave him credit for. Although he outwardly never interfered with her privacy, behind the scenes, he had meticulously tracked her every move.

Many years ago, when smartphones first gained Wi-Fi connectivity, Virtuoso hired top-notch hackers to rigorously monitor their home network. Through the tools provided by these hackers, he could fully observe what apps and websites Marissa accessed whenever her phone connected to their Wi-Fi.

Because of this, he knew that for many years, nearly every day, Marissa would secretly visit a certain online photo album whenever he wasn't around.

To uncover what secrets she might be hiding in that album, he even went as far as purchasing the company that operated the online photo album through a shell corporation.

By acquiring the company, Virtuoso gained access to all its user data, including everything Marissa had uploaded or viewed. Through the database, he could see everything clearly.

Thus, he discovered that Marissa frequently visited that online album to look at old photos of herself with Drake or at pictures of Drake alone.

This knowledge tormented Virtuoso to no end.

He couldn’t bear the thought that his beloved wife was still pining for another man, even one who had long since passed away.

How could it be that all his efforts and sacrifices meant less to her than a dead man?

Because of this, Virtuoso had harbored a deep-seated hatred for Drake. Even though Drake had been dead for years, Virtuoso’s hatred for him remained as intense as ever, never diminishing in the slightest.

But all these years, Virtuoso had consoled himself with the idea that he was the "ultimate beneficiary." He rationalized that no matter how much Marissa loved Drake, she had still married him, given him two children, and lived by his side.

In the end, Virtuoso believed that he was the only man in Marissa’s life, and that fact alone represented an absolute victory.

However, Marissa’s determined departure shattered that illusion of victory, leaving it in ruins.

Despite the burning hatred in his heart, Virtuoso knew that his father was waiting for him on urgent business. He forced himself to calm down, wiped away his tears, splashed cold water on his face, and hurried to his father’s study, still wrapped in his bathrobe.

Harrison’s study was larger than the living room of most villas. It served as more than just a place for reading and contemplation—it was the nerve center of the entire Salvador family, akin to the imperial study of an ancient emperor.

Here, Harrison not only read and engaged in personal reflection but also made critical decisions for the family. Many of the decisions that impacted the Salvador family, and even the national business landscape, were made in this very room.

At this moment, Harrison had gathered all the second-generation members of the Salvador family. Besides Virtuoso, the others present were Virtuoso, Viraj, Virat, Virgle, Vireo, and Viron.

Harrison had five sons and two daughters.

Because he had been entangled in a struggle with Marissa, Virtuoso was the last to arrive.


As soon as he entered, he noticed that his father and six younger siblings were all looking flustered.

This made his heart skip a beat.

In his memory, his father had always been calm and composed, unflappable even in the face of adversity. Why was he so panicked today?

Moreover, he noticed that the looks his younger siblings were giving him were quite strange.

Their gazes were filled with tension, fear, sympathy, and even pity.

So, he anxiously asked, "Dad, what on earth has happened?"

Harrison looked up at him, a hint of guilt in his expression, and asked, "Did you not see the news alert?"

Virtuoso glanced down at his pyjamas and awkwardly replied, "What alert? I was just in the shower, and after I finished, the butler said you needed me, so I rushed over without even grabbing my phone."

Harrison sighed, his expression complicated. "Virtuoso, you need to understand that some things require a broader perspective. Being in my position means I must consider the bigger picture and not get too caught up in familial feelings!"

Virtuoso was somewhat taken aback.

He didn't quite understand why his father suddenly said such things.

Furthermore, his father's tone seemed to carry a hint of seeking forgiveness.

It's worth noting that their grandfather had always been extremely strict with his descendants!

Previously, during a family meeting, Viron's son, Ronan, had spoken out of turn in front of their grandfather, upsetting him, and was met with dozens of slaps from his own father, nearly losing consciousness before their grandfather was satisfied.

This clearly indicated that their grandfather would never admit fault to his descendants.

So, why was he saying this now?!

Harrison, the head of the Salvador family, had never once admitted fault to his children or grandchildren in his life.

He had always been extremely domineering, reminiscent of ancient emperors.

To ancient rulers, the state and their power were paramount, while children would never come first.

His views were no different.

The foundation of the Salvador family and his unshakeable position as head of the family were the most important things to him.

In the face of these, what did children and grandchildren amount to?

However, this time, he never imagined that Japan's National Security Bureau would uncover his dealings with high-ranking officials of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces!

They even discovered Raven's true identity as Virtuoso's illegitimate daughter and his own granddaughter!

Now, the entire nation knew that Harrison was a scoundrel willing to sacrifice his own granddaughter for profit!

He was left wondering how his children and grandchildren would view him.

After all, any father or grandfather who committed such acts would surely disappoint their children and grandchildren, perhaps even drive them away.

Thus, Harrison was acutely aware: "This incident has surely led to my public disgrace and significant losses for the Salvador family. If I don't manage the internal repercussions properly, I may very well lose all credibility as the head of the family! The Salvador family could even be on the brink of collapse!"

"Right now, it's a critical moment for the Salvador family! I must do everything I can to calm Virtuoso's mindset. If he finds out that I betrayed his biological daughter, and if he can't understand or tolerate me on any level, he might lead a rebellion against me, and that would create severe internal strife!"

"As long as I can keep him steady, everyone else will follow suit!"


At this moment, Virtuoso still couldn't grasp what had just happened, nor did he realize the gravity of the situation. He looked toward Old Master Salvador and asked, "Dad, what's going on?"

The old master let out a heavy sigh, regret weighing heavily on his words. "Ah, it's about Raven..."

Virtuoso's heart skipped a beat as he hurriedly asked, "Have you found Raven?"

The old master shook his head slowly. "Not yet, Virtuoso. About Raven... I owe you an apology. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

Virtuoso was stunned by his father's sudden apology. He quickly responded, "Dad, what are you saying? Just tell me what happened. Even if we can't save Raven in the end, I won't blame you."

In his mind, Virtuoso believed that the old master had already done everything possible to save Raven. The difficulty of the task was evident, especially since the incident occurred in Japan, far beyond the Salvador family's reach. If something went wrong during the rescue, leading to failure or, worse, Raven's death, it would be understandable.

The old master sighed deeply again. "This is all my fault. The rescue mission for Raven was fraught with challenges from the start. Raven committed a serious crime in Japan, something that can't be resolved with money."

His eyes reddened with shame as he choked on his words. "Virtuoso, knowing how difficult it would be to rescue Raven, I secretly made a deal with the top brass of Japan's Self-Defense Forces."

Virtuoso froze, blurting out, "A deal? What kind of deal? How could you make a deal with the Self-Defense Forces? They were the ones who captured Raven and the other fifty-something experts!"

The old master sighed again, his tone filled with regret. "I wanted to maximize our benefits, so I devised a plan with the Self-Defense Forces. On one hand, it would allow them to claim another victory in the eyes of the Japanese public, and on the other hand, it would help us establish a strong relationship with them. Ultimately, it was all for the benefit of the Salvador family."

Virtuoso was utterly shocked. "Dad, what do you mean by this? Are you saying the rescue mission was just an act?"

The old master responded with pain in his voice, "I had no choice!"

Trying his best to keep his emotions in check, Virtuoso demanded, "You've mentioned a news alert several times. What exactly is this news alert?"

The old master signaled to Virtuoso, the second son, who promptly handed his phone to Virtuoso. "Big brother, take a look at this article first."

Virtuoso took the phone and carefully read the article word by word. As he finished, his face contorted in rage.

"This old man actually used my daughter as a bargaining chip to appease the Japanese Self-Defense Forces! Does he have any humanity left?"

"No wonder Marissa found out about Raven! No wonder she suddenly wants a divorce! It turns out that Japan's National Security Agency dug up everything!"

Thinking of how his wife, Marissa, had just stormed out over Raven and was now demanding a divorce, combined with this bombshell revelation, Virtuoso felt his legs weaken beneath him.

He glared at the old master, his voice filled with fury. "Raven is your granddaughter! How could you do this? Do you realize that because of your actions, Raven's life is now uncertain, and Marissa is leaving me? Why did you do this? Why?"

The old master spoke firmly, "Virtuoso, even if I hadn’t made this deal, we still wouldn’t have been able to save Raven!"

Virtuoso gritted his teeth, responding, "So because we couldn't save her, you decided to make her a pawn in your game? To curry favor with the Self-Defense Forces?"

Seeing Virtuoso's hostile attitude, the old master frowned slightly, his tone turning colder. "As I said, I did this for the benefit of the Salvador family."

Virtuoso couldn't contain his anger any longer and shouted, "The Salvador family's benefit? Does that justify sacrificing my daughter's life?!"
There's a fire on the mountain. 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Jun 22, 2024
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Marissa nodded slightly. Ever since she married Virtuoso, she had never interfered in his work. In her mind, matters of men were not something she needed to meddle with. Consequently, she never asked about the details of Virtuoso's work.

Noticing the exhaustion on his face, Marissa gently suggested, "You should change out of your clothes first. I'll draw you a bath. Take a good soak, and when you go to bed tonight, turn off your phone. You’re not allowed to wake up tomorrow until you’ve slept in."

Virtuoso was touched by her care and quickly replied, "My dear, there's no need to trouble yourself. I can handle the bath."

Marissa insisted, "The water in the tub is from my bath earlier. It will take some time to refill it with fresh water. Why don't you change your clothes and rest for a while?"

Virtuoso smiled warmly, "It's fine. I'll just soak in the water you used. It won't take long."

Blushing slightly, Marissa protested, "That's not appropriate! Used bath water isn’t clean. Let me draw you a fresh bath."

"No need, no need," Virtuoso chuckled, quickly heading into the bathroom. As he undressed, he said, "How could the water my wife used be anything but clean? Don’t worry, I’ll just relax in it for a bit."

Seeing him completely undress, Marissa could only shake her head in resignation. "Alright then, enjoy your soak. If the water cools down, just add some hot water. I'll be on the bed reading."

"Got it!" Virtuoso laughed. "You go ahead!"

Marissa left the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She then lay down on the comfortable, luxurious bed and reached for a book titled Anna Karenina from the bedside table.

This masterpiece by the Russian author Leo Tolstoy tells the tragic story of Anna Karenina in her pursuit of love. Marissa had read this book countless times; she could recite many passages word for word. Yet, every now and then, she would pick it up again to read.

Sometimes, she felt a strange kinship with the book's protagonist. Like Anna, she was born into nobility, a graceful and charming lady in the eyes of others. However, she had never truly found the love she sought.

Her husband, much like Anna’s, was absorbed in his career. Though he loved her dearly, his rigid and conservative nature made her feel an overwhelming sense of emptiness and despair.

The only comfort she could find in her life was through her children.

Ironically, while Anna encountered her true love in the midst of her bleak marriage, Marissa’s life had taken the opposite path. She entered marriage with Virtuoso only after experiencing true love—love that she could never have.

Anna’s story ends in suicide, but Marissa had never considered taking her own life. Still, from the moment she married Virtuoso, she knew that the love in her life had died.

As she casually flipped through a few pages, Marissa's mind inevitably drifted back to thoughts of that man.

For over twenty years, his image had never left her thoughts. Almost every night, she fell asleep thinking of him—Drake Wade, the love of her life.

Remembering Drake, Marissa couldn’t help but reach for her phone.

Unlocking it, she opened her browser and typed in a long and complicated web address. It led her to an online photo album, a private collection she had created over a decade ago.

In this secret album, she had stored all the photos she had taken with Drake, as well as every picture of him she could find. She had converted them all to digital form and uploaded them here. The account and password were known only to her. Whenever she had a moment, she would open this album, look through the photos, then silently log out and erase all traces of her visit.

At this moment, as Drake's handsome face appeared on her screen, Marissa couldn't hold back her tears. Two streams of hot tears ran down her face as she gently caressed his image on the screen with her finger, whispering softly, "Drake, you’ve been gone for so many years. Why can't I forget you?"


Marissa truly loved Drake with all her heart.

Unlike Drake’s wife, who met him while studying abroad, Marissa and Drake had grown up together, practically inseparable since childhood.

Both hailed from prominent families of Eastcliff, and they attended the best schools together from kindergarten through high school. In several graduation photos, you could spot Marissa and Drake standing together, their expressions changing as they aged, but always side by side.

Drake was exceptional from a young age, and even as a child, Marissa loved being around him. By the time they reached middle school, she realized she was in love with him. From that moment on, her feelings for Drake never wavered, and she never hid her admiration.

Whenever Drake played on the field, Marissa would be there cheering him on. When he performed on stage, playing guitar and singing, she would be the first to applaud and shout his name.

Soon, it became common knowledge among the children of the city's elite: Marissa was in love with Drake.

The Klein and Wade families had always been close, their patriarchs were sworn brothers—so close that the thought of a union between Marissa and Drake filled both families with joy. The parents did everything they could to bring the two together.

Marissa herself couldn’t wait to marry Drake and become his wife.

But there was one problem: Drake simply refused.

He told her, “I’ve always seen you as a little sister. How could I ever see you as anything else?”

Drake’s father was furious. Unable to persuade his son, he slapped him across the face, calling him a fool for wasting so many years of Marissa's life. But even before the swelling on his cheek had gone down, Drake had already left for abroad.

Without hesitation, Marissa packed her bags and followed him to America. But fate played a cruel trick on her—there, Drake met the woman who would become Charlie’s mother, and he found his true love.

Yet, Marissa didn’t give up. She held on to her hopes, right up until the night before Drake’s wedding.

That night, she still prayed for a miracle, hoping that by morning, Drake would show up at her door with his best men to take her as his bride.

But Drake never came.

Instead, he got married.

The couple led the Wade family to new heights, and everyone in Eastcliff praised them as a match made in heaven. Only Marissa cried herself to sleep every night.

She believed she was the woman who loved Drake the most in this world. But fate had other plans—Drake had chosen someone else.

When Drake made his unshakable choice to marry another, Marissa cried until she had no tears left. But even after wiping away her tears, she continued to love him deeply, waiting patiently like a stone maiden, hoping he would one day change his mind.

But Drake never turned back.

When he married, Marissa accepted it with a heavy heart and, with the same resignation, accepted Virtuoso’s years of relentless pursuit.

Years later, when Drake passed away, Marissa cried uncontrollably once more. That time, she cried so hard she had to be rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment. The Salvador family kept it quiet—no one, not even her own family, knew about it.

Virtuoso said nothing because he was ashamed. He couldn’t bear the thought of others knowing that his beloved wife, whom he loved deeply, had nearly died from grief over another man’s death.

For a long time after, Virtuoso devoted himself to caring for her, never once blaming Marissa, for he knew there was no point. After all, Drake was gone. Now that she had cried all her tears, Drake could no longer threaten their relationship—so why bother holding it against her?

But then something unexpected happened. A few years ago, a southern provincial TV station aired a show called I Am a Singer. Marissa, always a music lover, watched it religiously every week, so Virtuoso joined her for a few episodes.


Each episode, Virtuoso and Marissa would eagerly discuss who sang better and whose arrangement stood out. They watched with rapt attention, thoroughly enjoying the show together.

But one day, everything changed. A female singer named Huang Qishan performed a cover of the song Can’t Live Without You. The moment Marissa heard the lyrics, her emotions crumbled. She covered her face, weeping uncontrollably in front of the television.

The lyrics of that song were etched in Virtuoso’s memory:

"You opened your arms and melted me,
You pinched your fingertips and crushed me,
You stirred up the storm and swept me away,
You raised the waves and abandoned me.
The two of us, it’s so unfair,
You control love and hate entirely.
But today, I can no longer live without you,
Whether you love me or not."

Huang Qishan’s voice was powerful and evocative. When she reached the most emotional part of the song, it was as if she was pulling the listener's very soul apart.

Seeing Marissa lose control and cry like that, Virtuoso instinctively reached out to hold her, but to his shock, Marissa refused to be comforted. She sobbed through the entire song and then locked herself in the bedroom, crying for over an hour.

Virtuoso’s mood took a dark turn that day. He knew full well why Marissa was in such anguish over that song—it was all because of Drake, who had been dead for more than ten years!

The lyrics were a perfect reflection of Marissa’s feelings for Drake.

Years ago, it was Drake who melted her heart, who crushed it, who swept her away and then abandoned her!

Her love was entirely controlled by Drake. Whether he loved her back or not, she could never let him go. Even though they had been physically and spatially separated for so long, her heart had never truly left him!

In that moment, Virtuoso couldn’t stop his own tears from falling.

He didn’t understand—what was it about Drake? While alive, he made his wife love him so desperately, and even in death, after all these years, he could still make her cry like this?

At that moment, Virtuoso’s hatred for Drake grew, even more than when Drake was alive! He even harbored thoughts of desecrating Drake’s grave, of scattering his bones to the wind!

As for Marissa, she had only ever loved one person in her life, and that person was Drake. Virtuoso was nothing more than the step she took after Drake’s wedding.

Back then, all of Eastcliff was astounded by Drake’s grand wedding, while also feeling pity for Marissa. Strong-willed and unwilling to be looked down upon, Marissa agreed to Virtuoso’s pursuit.

But she never loved him. From the day of their marriage to today, over twenty years later, her feelings hadn’t changed.

It wasn’t that Marissa was cold-hearted; it was just that love could not be forced. No matter how much she tried to convince herself otherwise, she couldn’t make herself love him.

Now, as she looked at a photo of Drake, recalling those days, two more streams of tears rolled down her cheeks.

She put on her Bluetooth earphones and played Can’t Live Without You once more. As the song began, she whispered to herself, “Drake, it was so unfair between us. I’ve loved you for nearly forty years, why couldn’t you give me even one chance?”

"If you had given me a chance back then, I wouldn’t have been worse than anyone else."

"If you had given me a chance, maybe you wouldn’t have died so young.”

As the song reached its most emotional point, Marissa’s tears began to flow uncontrollably.

At that very moment, her phone buzzed with multiple notifications. The most striking one was: “Japan’s National Security Agency releases shocking news—Salvador family scandal exposed!”

Chapter 2219: Shocking Revelations

As the eldest daughter-in-law of the Salvador family, Marissa’s first reaction upon seeing the push notification was to immediately click on it to see what was going on. Though she rarely got involved in her husband or the Salvador family’s affairs, she was still a part of the family and had heard about many things.

She had been deeply shaken when her son and daughter were kidnapped in Japan and nearly killed. That incident had left her with lingering fears and made her pay more attention to what was happening in Japan.

She was also aware of the fact that Raven had wiped out the entire Matsumoto family. Although she thought this was an extreme measure, Virtuoso had been furious at the time and was resolute in his decision, leaving no room for discussion.

Later, when Raven and a group of Salvador family experts were captured by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, Marissa knew it had a significant impact on the Salvador family, greatly weakening their overall strength. She had noticed Virtuoso’s growing worry ever since.

However, she had no knowledge of Virtuoso’s plans to rescue Raven.

So, when she saw this push notification, her curiosity was piqued.

Upon opening it, she discovered that the Japanese National Security Agency had released a statement claiming that after Salvador family operatives murdered the entire Matsumoto family, they were captured by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces stationed in Osaka. The main culprit, Raven Salvador, was also arrested. However, the Salvador family allegedly colluded with high-ranking officials in the Self-Defense Forces to swap Raven from the custody of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, leading to her disappearance.

The statement went on to say that the Japanese National Security Agency issued a stern protest against the Salvador family, demanding that Raven be returned to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police immediately. If not, the Salvador family would be permanently banned from Japan, with only 24 hours to comply.

Marissa was shocked and confused. She muttered to herself, “Why would they go to such great lengths and take such a huge risk for Raven? This doesn’t match my husband’s usual way of doing things. Not just him, even my father-in-law Harrison isn’t the kind of person who would make such a decision!”

Her confusion deepened as she continued reading.

The statement further alleged, “The Salvador family wasn’t truly interested in rescuing Raven; they only saw her as a pawn in a larger game. On the one hand, they planned to hand her over to the Self-Defense Forces to gain favor, while on the other, they aimed to use this situation to appease the family of Raven’s mother, Valeria. After all, the Stormrider family is one of the four major martial arts families in China and an important ally the Salvador family wants to win over.”

Marissa was stunned. “Raven is Valeria’s child?! How have I never heard of this before?!”

Marissa knew Valeria. She had been her husband Virtuoso’s personal bodyguard for years. Later, Valeria left the Salvador family after losing a limb while saving Virtuoso.

“But when did Valeria have a daughter? And why did she send her daughter to the Salvador family to serve as Virtuoso’s bodyguard?”

“And why does Valeria’s daughter carry the Salvador surname?!”

As she read on, the next paragraph revealed an earth-shattering scandal that left Marissa utterly speechless!

The statement claimed that Raven was the illegitimate daughter of Virtuoso and Valeria, a child born from their affair. Valeria had hidden this fact and sent her daughter to the Salvador family!

When Marissa read this, it was as if she had been struck by lightning.

Even though there was no concrete evidence provided in the statement, her intuition as a woman told her that everything written here was true!

She couldn’t believe that the man she thought loved her deeply and had been loyal to her had betrayed her!

And not just recently, but twenty years ago!

Not only that, but he had even fathered an illegitimate daughter!


What made it worse was that his illegitimate daughter had been living in the Salvador family as a bodyguard all these years, right under her nose! The betrayal Marissa felt was complete, leaving her cold to the core.

Struggling to control her trembling hands, she continued reading. The further she went, the more disgusted she felt. Even the Japanese National Security Agency condemned the Salvador family, saying that they were worse than animals. They would even sacrifice the lives of their own daughter and granddaughter for profit, showing a cruelty that was beyond belief.

By this point, Marissa’s scalp was tingling with shock.

She looked at the wedding photo of her and Virtuoso on the wall and reflected on their many years of marriage. A wave of nausea overtook her. But then, a sense of liberation washed over her.

Without saying a word, she got out of bed, went to the walk-in closet, and took out a suitcase. She quietly packed a few pieces of clothing, changed into an outfit suitable for going out, and without hesitation, grabbed the suitcase and prepared to leave.

Just then, the bathroom door opened.

Virtuoso, wrapped in a towel, emerged and was shocked to see Marissa with a suitcase, seemingly about to leave. He asked in surprise, “Honey, where are you going so late?”

Marissa looked at him with a calm and expressionless face. She said, “Virtuoso, let’s get a divorce.”

Virtuoso was struck as if by lightning, panicking as he blurted out, “What’s going on, honey? What’s this all about? If I’ve done something wrong, just tell me, and I’ll change, okay?”

Marissa stared into his eyes and calmly asked, “Virtuoso, for the sake of our many years together, I’m going to ask you a question now. Please answer truthfully, without a single lie. Can you do that?”

Although Virtuoso felt guilty, he still firmly said, “Ask away, honey. I’ll answer truthfully, I promise.”

Marissa didn’t beat around the bush. “Okay, then let me ask you, is Raven your illegitimate daughter with Valeria?”

Virtuoso’s world shattered at that moment.

He never in his wildest dreams expected that Marissa’s first question would hit right at the one thing he was most ashamed of.

Panic overwhelmed him. He didn’t know how to respond.

Should he deny it? Knowing Marissa’s personality, if she was asking, she was likely convinced of it. A simple denial might not be enough to convince her and could leave her even more disappointed.

But if he couldn’t deny it, then he would have to admit it.

However, admitting it would confirm his infidelity, and since this had happened over twenty years ago, anyone in Marissa’s position would be furious to learn that their spouse had not only cheated but had fathered an illegitimate child.

If that happened, Marissa would surely leave him without a second thought.

While Virtuoso was completely at a loss, panicking and unsure of what to do, Marissa sighed softly and gave a faint smile. “Enough, I won’t make this hard for you. Let’s just divorce. We can part on good terms.”

Virtuoso felt like his world was crumbling. He dropped to his knees with a thud, grabbing Marissa’s legs, choking up as he pleaded, “Honey, I was wrong! Honey! That time, I was just confused. I didn’t expect Valeria to have Raven after that one time. Please, forgive me just this once, honey! I can’t lose you, honey!”


As Virtuoso knelt on the ground, tears streaming down his face, Marissa instinctively took a few steps back, freeing herself from his grip. With a serious expression, she said, "Virtuoso, you know my character. When I agreed to marry you, we made a gentleman's agreement with three conditions. Do you remember them?"

Virtuoso, his eyes red from crying, nodded weakly, "I remember, I remember every word! Honey, I was foolish, I beg you, forgive me this one time—just this once, please!"

Marissa's expression remained stern as she responded, "Virtuoso, I want you to tell me what those three conditions were."

Virtuoso felt a sharp pain in his chest as he stammered, "The first condition of the gentleman's agreement was that no matter the time or circumstance, if—if…"

Marissa pressed, "If what?"

Virtuoso sighed deeply, "If Drake ever wanted to take you back, I would have to divorce you unconditionally, without any hesitation."

Marissa nodded, then asked, "And the second condition?"

Virtuoso replied, "The second condition was that after our marriage, I could not prevent you from meeting Drake as a friend."

Marissa continued, "And the third condition?"

Virtuoso murmured, "The third condition was that you married me not out of love, but to have a stable family. Therefore, both of us were to maintain moral boundaries. If either of us developed feelings for someone else or had an affair, we were to inform the other in advance and part ways peacefully."

Marissa acknowledged with a calm "Mm," and said, "Since you remember, there's no need for me to say more. I'll return to my family home today, and tomorrow morning, we'll go through the divorce procedures. Please prepare the divorce agreement tonight. Our children are grown, so there's no need to worry about custody. As for the property, I don't want a single cent. Let's leave it at that."

With that, Marissa turned to leave.

In desperation, Virtuoso crawled to her, grabbing her suitcase, and pleaded, "Honey, you don't know the whole story from back then..."

"Valeria—Valeria nearly lost her life saving me, and in the end, she lost an arm. I wanted to compensate her, but she—she said she had secretly loved me for years and didn't want to leave with any regrets..."

"I was overwhelmed with gratitude and emotion at the time, so we... we..."

"I swear to heaven, Marissa, I only betrayed you that one time, and only that one time!"

"I beg you, for the sake of our twenty-plus years of marriage, for the sake of our children, forgive me this once! I'm begging you!"

Marissa looked him in the eyes and replied earnestly, "Virtuoso, there are many ways to repay someone. Why did you choose the one that involved betraying our marriage?"

Virtuoso sobbed, "Honey, I—I was confused at the time!"

Marissa waved her hand dismissively, "Whether you were confused or not doesn't matter. What matters is that you made your choice. Since you've made your choice, you need to take responsibility for it."

Then, with a serious tone, she added, "If we can finalize our divorce tomorrow, we can still be friends, even if we're no longer husband and wife. But if you refuse to part peacefully, then I'll have no choice but to take you to court. You know that a court case will be public, and as someone with a reputation, there's no need to make this ugly, right?"

Tears streamed down Virtuoso's face as he choked out, "Honey, what do I need to do to earn your forgiveness? Just tell me, and I'll do whatever it takes—even if I have to go through fire and water!"

Marissa smiled faintly, "Virtuoso, I'm sorry, but I truly can't forgive you."

Virtuoso began to tremble, his voice shaking as he asked, "Honey, we've been married for over twenty years. Are you really going to be so heartless?"


Marissa looked at Virtuoso and asked, "Do you know why I was so deeply in love with Drake back then?"

Virtuoso froze, his entire body stiffening. He stared at Marissa, his voice hoarse as he asked, "Why?"

Marissa let out a few bitter laughs, her voice filled with sorrow and pain as she began, "When Drake was about to get married, I went to confess my feelings to him, just like Valeria did with you."

"I even considered giving myself to him, and my reasons were exactly the same as hers."

"I told him, 'Drake, I've loved you for so many years without any outcome. If you truly don't love me, if you're unwilling to give me a future, then please don't let me leave with this final regret.'"

"I also said, 'Drake, a woman's most precious gift is her chastity, and it is precious because every woman wishes to give it to the man she loves the most. I wish to give my chastity to you.'"

As she spoke, Marissa's voice began to choke with emotion. She looked at Virtuoso, tears in her eyes, and continued, "But the biggest difference between Drake and you is that Drake refused me without hesitation! He told me that he would never destroy my future! Just for this reason alone, you'll never be able to compare to him!"

Virtuoso was left speechless.

He felt his face burning with shame, so much so that he could barely keep his eyes open.

Seeing his silence, Marissa sighed and said, "Virtuoso, we've been husband and wife for years. Can we part on good terms?"

Tears streamed down Virtuoso's face.

He wanted to say something to apologize, to beg for forgiveness, and to find a way to convince Marissa to stay.

But as he recalled Marissa's confession—her desperate plea to Drake, mirroring Valeria's plea to him—and how Drake had rejected her, he realized he had no ground to stand on.

He knew deep down that there was no excuse for his actions, and that once Marissa made a decision, she would not turn back.

As he was struggling with what to do, an urgent knock on the door interrupted them. The butler called out from outside, "Young Master, the Old Master has summoned you immediately! He says there's an extremely urgent matter that you must attend to right away!"

Virtuoso was startled. He had been in the shower earlier, and when he came out, his wife was asking for a divorce. He had no idea that the Salvador family was now under intense scrutiny due to the announcement from Japan's National Security Agency, pushing them into the eye of the storm.

At that moment, he didn't want to go anywhere—he only wanted to do everything he could to keep his wife from leaving. But his father's authority was not something he could defy. The butler had mentioned that the matter was of the utmost urgency, and any further delay would surely incur his father's wrath.

Realizing this, he reluctantly called out through the door, "Alright, you go ahead. I'll get dressed and come over immediately!"


After the butler left, Virtuoso turned to Marissa, pleading, "Honey, can we talk again when I get back?"

Marissa shook her head and replied, "There's nothing left for us to discuss. You should hurry to see the Old Master."

Without another word, and while Virtuoso was momentarily distracted, she grabbed her suitcase, opened the door, and left.


As Virtuoso watched Marissa's resolute figure disappear without so much as a glance back, an overwhelming pain clenched his heart, leaving him breathless.

He had long known that Marissa didn’t truly love him. He had also long been aware that the person who held her heart was Drake.

What Marissa didn’t realize, however, was that Virtuoso had always been more cunning and resourceful than she gave him credit for. Although he outwardly never interfered with her privacy, behind the scenes, he had meticulously tracked her every move.

Many years ago, when smartphones first gained Wi-Fi connectivity, Virtuoso hired top-notch hackers to rigorously monitor their home network. Through the tools provided by these hackers, he could fully observe what apps and websites Marissa accessed whenever her phone connected to their Wi-Fi.

Because of this, he knew that for many years, nearly every day, Marissa would secretly visit a certain online photo album whenever he wasn't around.

To uncover what secrets she might be hiding in that album, he even went as far as purchasing the company that operated the online photo album through a shell corporation.

By acquiring the company, Virtuoso gained access to all its user data, including everything Marissa had uploaded or viewed. Through the database, he could see everything clearly.

Thus, he discovered that Marissa frequently visited that online album to look at old photos of herself with Drake or at pictures of Drake alone.

This knowledge tormented Virtuoso to no end.

He couldn’t bear the thought that his beloved wife was still pining for another man, even one who had long since passed away.

How could it be that all his efforts and sacrifices meant less to her than a dead man?

Because of this, Virtuoso had harbored a deep-seated hatred for Drake. Even though Drake had been dead for years, Virtuoso’s hatred for him remained as intense as ever, never diminishing in the slightest.

But all these years, Virtuoso had consoled himself with the idea that he was the "ultimate beneficiary." He rationalized that no matter how much Marissa loved Drake, she had still married him, given him two children, and lived by his side.

In the end, Virtuoso believed that he was the only man in Marissa’s life, and that fact alone represented an absolute victory.

However, Marissa’s determined departure shattered that illusion of victory, leaving it in ruins.

Despite the burning hatred in his heart, Virtuoso knew that his father was waiting for him on urgent business. He forced himself to calm down, wiped away his tears, splashed cold water on his face, and hurried to his father’s study, still wrapped in his bathrobe.

Harrison’s study was larger than the living room of most villas. It served as more than just a place for reading and contemplation—it was the nerve center of the entire Salvador family, akin to the imperial study of an ancient emperor.

Here, Harrison not only read and engaged in personal reflection but also made critical decisions for the family. Many of the decisions that impacted the Salvador family, and even the national business landscape, were made in this very room.

At this moment, Harrison had gathered all the second-generation members of the Salvador family. Besides Virtuoso, the others present were Virtuoso, Viraj, Virat, Virgle, Vireo, and Viron.

Harrison had five sons and two daughters.

Because he had been entangled in a struggle with Marissa, Virtuoso was the last to arrive.


As soon as he entered, he noticed that his father and six younger siblings were all looking flustered.

This made his heart skip a beat.

In his memory, his father had always been calm and composed, unflappable even in the face of adversity. Why was he so panicked today?

Moreover, he noticed that the looks his younger siblings were giving him were quite strange.

Their gazes were filled with tension, fear, sympathy, and even pity.

So, he anxiously asked, "Dad, what on earth has happened?"

Harrison looked up at him, a hint of guilt in his expression, and asked, "Did you not see the news alert?"

Virtuoso glanced down at his pyjamas and awkwardly replied, "What alert? I was just in the shower, and after I finished, the butler said you needed me, so I rushed over without even grabbing my phone."

Harrison sighed, his expression complicated. "Virtuoso, you need to understand that some things require a broader perspective. Being in my position means I must consider the bigger picture and not get too caught up in familial feelings!"

Virtuoso was somewhat taken aback.

He didn't quite understand why his father suddenly said such things.

Furthermore, his father's tone seemed to carry a hint of seeking forgiveness.

It's worth noting that their grandfather had always been extremely strict with his descendants!

Previously, during a family meeting, Viron's son, Ronan, had spoken out of turn in front of their grandfather, upsetting him, and was met with dozens of slaps from his own father, nearly losing consciousness before their grandfather was satisfied.

This clearly indicated that their grandfather would never admit fault to his descendants.

So, why was he saying this now?!

Harrison, the head of the Salvador family, had never once admitted fault to his children or grandchildren in his life.

He had always been extremely domineering, reminiscent of ancient emperors.

To ancient rulers, the state and their power were paramount, while children would never come first.

His views were no different.

The foundation of the Salvador family and his unshakeable position as head of the family were the most important things to him.

In the face of these, what did children and grandchildren amount to?

However, this time, he never imagined that Japan's National Security Bureau would uncover his dealings with high-ranking officials of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces!

They even discovered Raven's true identity as Virtuoso's illegitimate daughter and his own granddaughter!

Now, the entire nation knew that Harrison was a scoundrel willing to sacrifice his own granddaughter for profit!

He was left wondering how his children and grandchildren would view him.

After all, any father or grandfather who committed such acts would surely disappoint their children and grandchildren, perhaps even drive them away.

Thus, Harrison was acutely aware: "This incident has surely led to my public disgrace and significant losses for the Salvador family. If I don't manage the internal repercussions properly, I may very well lose all credibility as the head of the family! The Salvador family could even be on the brink of collapse!"

"Right now, it's a critical moment for the Salvador family! I must do everything I can to calm Virtuoso's mindset. If he finds out that I betrayed his biological daughter, and if he can't understand or tolerate me on any level, he might lead a rebellion against me, and that would create severe internal strife!"

"As long as I can keep him steady, everyone else will follow suit!"


At this moment, Virtuoso still couldn't grasp what had just happened, nor did he realize the gravity of the situation. He looked toward Old Master Salvador and asked, "Dad, what's going on?"

The old master let out a heavy sigh, regret weighing heavily on his words. "Ah, it's about Raven..."

Virtuoso's heart skipped a beat as he hurriedly asked, "Have you found Raven?"

The old master shook his head slowly. "Not yet, Virtuoso. About Raven... I owe you an apology. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

Virtuoso was stunned by his father's sudden apology. He quickly responded, "Dad, what are you saying? Just tell me what happened. Even if we can't save Raven in the end, I won't blame you."

In his mind, Virtuoso believed that the old master had already done everything possible to save Raven. The difficulty of the task was evident, especially since the incident occurred in Japan, far beyond the Salvador family's reach. If something went wrong during the rescue, leading to failure or, worse, Raven's death, it would be understandable.

The old master sighed deeply again. "This is all my fault. The rescue mission for Raven was fraught with challenges from the start. Raven committed a serious crime in Japan, something that can't be resolved with money."

His eyes reddened with shame as he choked on his words. "Virtuoso, knowing how difficult it would be to rescue Raven, I secretly made a deal with the top brass of Japan's Self-Defense Forces."

Virtuoso froze, blurting out, "A deal? What kind of deal? How could you make a deal with the Self-Defense Forces? They were the ones who captured Raven and the other fifty-something experts!"

The old master sighed again, his tone filled with regret. "I wanted to maximize our benefits, so I devised a plan with the Self-Defense Forces. On one hand, it would allow them to claim another victory in the eyes of the Japanese public, and on the other hand, it would help us establish a strong relationship with them. Ultimately, it was all for the benefit of the Salvador family."

Virtuoso was utterly shocked. "Dad, what do you mean by this? Are you saying the rescue mission was just an act?"

The old master responded with pain in his voice, "I had no choice!"

Trying his best to keep his emotions in check, Virtuoso demanded, "You've mentioned a news alert several times. What exactly is this news alert?"

The old master signaled to Virtuoso, the second son, who promptly handed his phone to Virtuoso. "Big brother, take a look at this article first."

Virtuoso took the phone and carefully read the article word by word. As he finished, his face contorted in rage.

"This old man actually used my daughter as a bargaining chip to appease the Japanese Self-Defense Forces! Does he have any humanity left?"

"No wonder Marissa found out about Raven! No wonder she suddenly wants a divorce! It turns out that Japan's National Security Agency dug up everything!"

Thinking of how his wife, Marissa, had just stormed out over Raven and was now demanding a divorce, combined with this bombshell revelation, Virtuoso felt his legs weaken beneath him.

He glared at the old master, his voice filled with fury. "Raven is your granddaughter! How could you do this? Do you realize that because of your actions, Raven's life is now uncertain, and Marissa is leaving me? Why did you do this? Why?"

The old master spoke firmly, "Virtuoso, even if I hadn’t made this deal, we still wouldn’t have been able to save Raven!"

Virtuoso gritted his teeth, responding, "So because we couldn't save her, you decided to make her a pawn in your game? To curry favor with the Self-Defense Forces?"

Seeing Virtuoso's hostile attitude, the old master frowned slightly, his tone turning colder. "As I said, I did this for the benefit of the Salvador family."

Virtuoso couldn't contain his anger any longer and shouted, "The Salvador family's benefit? Does that justify sacrificing my daughter's life?!"
The beginning of many more troubles to come


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Sep 18, 2023
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"Consider the Snow family—two fathers and their sons—living a life of affluence and entitlement. Despite their wealth and privilege, they often make choices that seem contrary to commonsense. Why is this? Several factors are at play. Their emotional biases might lead them to prioritize immediate desires over long-term well-being. The pride and sense of entitlement that come with their privileged status can skew their judgment, making them more inclined to make decisions based on maintaining their status rather than on rational thinking. Social pressures within their circle could further influence their choices, pushing them away from what might be considered sensible. Additionally, cognitive biases and ingrained habits of wealth and privilege can make it difficult for them to adjust their behaviors. How does the misuse of riches and a mindset driven by greed further exacerbate their disconnection from commonsense and rational decision-making?" Is being rich really this bad? if so it's better to be broke but happy.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Old Master Salvador coldly remarked, "Don't forget, she is just an illegitimate daughter, whose identity cannot see the light of day!"

Virtuoso angrily retorted, "So what if she's an illegitimate daughter? She's still my daughter!"

Old Master Salvador, equally furious, demanded, "What? Are you questioning my decision? Are you planning to settle scores with me later?"

Virtuoso gritted his teeth and said, "Because of your actions, my own daughter has gone missing, and now my wife wants to divorce me!"

Old Master Salvador coldly responded, "Don't think it was I who harmed Raven. The one who truly harmed her is you!"

"If you hadn't ordered her to wipe out the entire Matsumoto family, how could the Japanese government hate her so deeply?"

"Your daughter became Japan's most wanted criminal because she followed your orders!"

"Given the crimes you had her commit, under Japanese law, she would inevitably face death!"

"So remember, this is all your fault! Yours, not mine!"

Upon hearing this, Virtuoso’s expression changed as if struck by lightning, and soon after, it was replaced by deep shame.

Old Master Salvador was right.

If Virtuoso hadn't insisted on exterminating the Matsumoto family, Raven would not have ended up in such a dire situation!

Therefore, as he listened, his anger was gradually replaced by guilt and self-blame.

Seeing an opportunity to turn the situation around, Old Master Salvador pressed on, raising his voice, "So even if I hadn't taken action, Raven would still not have survived! How can you say I harmed her? Even if she didn't make it, the main responsibility lies with you, not me!"

"In fact, it’s because of my actions that Raven now has a chance to survive!"

"You must understand, she is currently missing! This means she is neither in the hands of the Japanese police nor the Japanese Self-Defense Forces. There’s a possibility she might find a way to survive!"

Virtuoso, now completely deflated, knew deep down that with Raven's crimes, the only possible outcome in the Japanese legal system was the death penalty. Old Master Salvador was right—if Raven did die, more than half the blame would be his.

At this moment, Old Master Salvador’s voice turned cold again as he continued, "As for Marissa, if she wants to divorce you, let her!"

"Unlike us, the Klein family holds high positions and places great importance on reputation. Your illegitimate daughter’s existence being exposed is something they would find utterly disgraceful. Even if Marissa doesn’t want to divorce you, her family will certainly pressure her to do so to save face."

"In any case, the Klein family has already fulfilled their historical duty to the Salvador family. We have no future need for them, so a divorce might actually be a good thing."

Virtuoso, utterly dejected, muttered, "But my feelings for Marissa are genuine."

"I know that," Old Master Salvador scoffed. "But do you know what disappoints me the most about you?"

Virtuoso, bewildered, shook his head.

Old Master Salvador sternly reprimanded, "What disappoints me the most is how utterly submissive you are in front of Marissa! As a man of the Salvador family, how can you stoop so low before a woman?"


Facing his father’s rebuke, Virtuoso spoke in pain, “Dad, isn't that how relationships are? There's always one person more invested than the other. Besides, Marissa has been by my side all these years, living a steady life with me. If anything, it’s me who has let her down…”

Harrison waved his hand dismissively, showing a bit of impatience. “Enough about Marissa. Now is not the time to discuss your love life. The most important thing right now is how we handle the trouble we’re in!”

“That’s right, brother!” The second brother, Viridian, said with a worried expression. “We’ve really stirred up a hornet’s nest this time. All of Japan is furious with the Salvador family, and even the people back home see us as heartless and ruthless. The internet is full of criticisms against us. When the stock market opens tomorrow, our listed companies’ shares will surely plummet, and the losses will be immeasurable!”

The third brother, Viraj, blurted out, “And now, even our own people might lose faith in us because of Raven’s situation. The kids may have already heard about it, and if they have, they’re probably having second thoughts.”

Harrison’s face darkened as he said, “Go back and make it clear to your kids! The reason I decided to cooperate with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces by using Raven is, on one hand, because she’s an illegitimate daughter, not a legitimate one, and on the other hand, because Raven was already doomed. So, tell your kids not to overthink this! And make sure they don’t discuss this matter within the family. Anyone who disobeys will be sent to South America for three years!”

Hearing this, everyone’s expressions turned serious.

It was obvious that the old man felt this situation was extremely shameful. As the mastermind behind it, once it was exposed, he would surely feel deeply humiliated.

So, everyone silently agreed to keep quiet. No one spoke, and no one even nodded.

This is the wisdom of the Salvador family’s offspring.

They all knew how much the old man valued his reputation and authority, so once he considered this incident a scandal that shouldn’t be mentioned, they wouldn’t even respond, pretending it never happened.

Seeing everyone fall silent, Harrison’s expression softened slightly. He then spoke, “I’m going to arrange a few things now, and you all better listen carefully!”

Everyone stepped forward respectfully and said, “Dad, we’re listening!”

Harrison coldly instructed, “First, starting now, contact every media outlet we can reach and pay them to delete the reports!”

“Second, reach out to all social media platforms, apps, and networks, and demand they remove the Salvador family’s issue from all trending lists and delete any negative content!”

“Third, deploy the internet troll farm to deny the rumors. Claim that this entire incident is baseless and fabricated by our competitors. Also, state that Raven is not related to the Salvador family! Anyone who dares to spread rumors online or on any media platform must face the legal consequences!”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Harrison sighed and said, “Given the current situation, the Salvador family can only resort to crisis management.”

“If the crisis management is done well, it’s not impossible to turn the tide.”

“Of course, turning the tide is only possible with domestic public opinion. The Japanese public and government now hate the Salvador family to the core. No matter how much we try, we can't clear our name in Japan. In the future, we can forget about making money from the Japanese, and there will undoubtedly be full-scale retaliation from Japan against the Salvador family.”


Virtuoso forced himself to temporarily put aside thoughts of Marissa and Raven, and asked, “Dad, have you estimated how much damage this incident will cause us?”

Harrison sighed, “It’s hard to say for sure at this point. Japan is the largest market in Asia besides our own country. The losses this will cause us now and in the future are immeasurable.”

“Moreover, Japanese companies have been deeply involved in overseas markets for many years, including in the U.S. and Europe. If they really target the Salvador family abroad, all our overseas expansions will be heavily affected!”

The second brother, Viridian, pressed on, “Dad, isn’t there any way we can mend relations with the Japanese government?”

“Mend relations?” Harrison gave a bitter smile. “How? If we could find Raven and hand her over to the Japanese judiciary, we might be able to salvage a bit. But with Raven missing, what can we do?”

Virtuoso quickly suggested, “Then we need to find Raven! If we can hand her over to the Japanese judiciary along with a sincere public apology and, if possible, a monetary compensation, this matter might ease up!”

Harrison waved his hand dismissively, “Forget about compensation. Even if we wanted to pay, there’s no one left to compensate. The entire Matsumoto family has been wiped out. Even if we wanted to compensate their relatives, we’d first have to find them! That would only further provoke the Japanese public.”

Hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

This situation is indeed different from ordinary criminal cases.

In typical cases, as long as compensation is paid to the victims' families and they voluntarily issue a letter of forgiveness, it can lead to a more lenient legal and public opinion outcome.

However, with Raven wiping out the entire Matsumoto family, including Matsumoto’s son who had even changed his surname after following his mother, there are no surviving relatives to compensate.

Therefore, even if the Salvador family wanted to offer compensation, there’s no one left to pay.

Virtuoso said with a frustrated expression, “Given that, we should prepare on two fronts. On one hand, we need to push forward with crisis management, and on the other hand, we must quickly locate Raven!”

After speaking, he glanced regretfully at Virtuoso and said seriously, “Big brother, don’t take this the wrong way, but this whole mess started because of you. If you hadn’t gotten involved with Valeria back then, there wouldn’t be a troublesome illegitimate daughter like Raven now.”

Hearing his brother suddenly turn on him, Virtuoso frowned and said coldly, “Viridian, that was twenty years ago. What’s your intention in bringing it up now, in front of Dad and the others?”

Virtuoso hadn’t expected his brother to be so sharp. In an instant, Virtuoso saw through his intentions and preemptively accused him of moral manipulation.

He had intended to shift the blame for the current mess onto Virtuoso in front of their father, essentially helping their father deflect responsibility while also tarnishing his brother’s reputation.

However, Virtuoso was quick-witted, and managed to deflect the blame back onto him.

So, Viridian quickly responded, “You’re right, big brother. Raven is already over twenty, and there’s no point in dwelling on the past. But let’s talk about the recent events. If you had been a little more level-headed when Cameron and Camilla were kidnapped, and not acted impulsively by ordering Raven to wipe out the Matsumoto family, things wouldn’t have escalated to this point! Ultimately, it’s all because of the trouble you caused!”


Viridian had a plan—a combination of attacks.

His first strike was aimed at attacking Virtuoso’s inability to control his lower half all those years ago, which led to the current mess.

The second strike was aimed at attacking Virtuoso’s violent nature, which led him to order the massacre of an entire family, ultimately bringing disaster upon them all.

Although the first strike missed, the second one landed squarely on Virtuoso’s face.

The other Salvador family members, hearing this, immediately showed expressions of agreement.

After all, these problems in Japan had nothing to do with them, yet they were all being dragged into it because of Virtuoso’s actions.

Virtuoso’s expression became extremely ugly. The order to wipe out the Matsumoto family was indeed given by him to Raven.

However, there was one thing he couldn’t say.

At the time, the old man had given him implicit instructions, suggesting that once the culprits were found, they should be dealt with severely.

Had it not been for the old man’s tacit approval, Virtuoso might not have dared to give Raven the order to wipe out the entire family.

But this was something he couldn’t say, nor did he dare to say.

He knew that, concerning the massacre of the Matsumoto family, on one hand, he did indeed give the order, and on the other hand, he had been a bit impulsive at the time.

When he found out that his children had been kidnapped by Yoshito, and that Matsumoto had nearly killed Camilla and Cameron, Virtuoso was consumed with rage.

Yoshito’s attempt to kill his children was, in his eyes, an unforgivable act of treason.

If he had only killed Yoshito, it wouldn’t have satisfied his anger.

Moreover, Yoshito had acted with such insidiousness that if only he were killed, other members of the Matsumoto family would surely seek revenge. At that time, they would undoubtedly use even more sinister methods against him.

So, partly to vent his anger and partly to eliminate any future threats, he decided to have Raven lead the Salvador family’s experts and wipe out the entire Matsumoto family.

However, who could have predicted that after wiping out the Matsumoto family, Raven wouldn’t be able to escape?

If she had escaped, there would have been no evidence of the massacre. Even if all of Japan suspected that the Salvador family was behind it, it wouldn’t have mattered. Without proof, who cared what those people said?

But the problem arose when Raven and the other Salvador family experts were captured by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces while fleeing Japan.

This instantly pushed the whole situation into a deep abyss beyond Virtuoso’s control.

Now, with Viridian attacking him over this matter, he didn’t know how to respond.

Seeing his elder brother at a loss for words, Viridian immediately realized he had struck a nerve. He quickly pressed his advantage, saying:

“Big brother! We are still counting on you to lead us and the entire Salvador family to new heights, but if you can’t control your temper and character, the Salvador family may suffer greatly under your leadership!”

“Don’t blame me, your younger brother, for being blunt; I’m only saying this for the future well-being of the Salvador family! As the future leader of the Salvador family, you must be able to listen to different opinions, so that we, your younger siblings, can better assist you. Don’t you agree?”

As soon as Viridian finished speaking, Virtuoso’s face turned green with anger!


Virtuoso was a smart man, so he fully understood how much malice was hidden behind his brother's seemingly sincere words.

He gritted his teeth in anger, thinking to himself, "Viridian, oh Viridian! You really took the opportunity to kick me while I'm down, didn't you?!"

"Sure, I share some responsibility in this whole mess, but the one who dragged the Su family into this precarious situation isn't me, it's the old man! But this bastard, Viridian, in front of everyone, dumped all the blame on me, forcing me to bear this burden!"

"If I take the blame, I’ll become the scapegoat for everything."

"But if I refuse, who knows what the old man will think. He’ll definitely resent me!"

"Moreover, that bastard Viridian keeps bringing up in front of the old man that I’m the future head of the Su family, talking about how he'll support me. Isn't this just a way to kill me with words?!"

"The old man is still alive! And he’s still in complete control of the entire Su family! But Viridian keeps repeating that I’m the future head in front of him—he's trying to make the old man hate me!"

"Historically, long-lived emperors were always most wary of their crown princes. To them, the prince was always coveting the throne, always desiring power. So naturally, they believed the prince wished for their death!"

"Deep down, the old man must have similar concerns about me!"

"Now, with Viridian bringing it up, the old man's wariness towards me will only grow stronger!"

"And that's not all! By doing this, Viridian is secretly helping the old man out of a tight spot!"

"Originally, it was the old man who was the cold-blooded bastard, willing to trade his granddaughter’s life for profit!"

"But thanks to Viridian's relentless attacks, all the blame is now falling on me! The old man must be quite pleased with Viridian’s moves! This is so infuriating!"

Just as Virtuoso predicted.

As soon as Viridian finished speaking, the old man’s expression softened considerably.

He thought to himself, "Someone’s got to take the fall for this mess, as the saying goes, 'better him than me.' Since Viridian has cleanly shifted the blame to Virtuoso, I can breathe easier."

So, he coldly asked, "Virtuoso! What do you have to say about what Viridian just mentioned?"

Virtuoso felt like he could die on the spot.

"What can I say? Can I actually say anything? What I really want to say is that Viridian is talking complete nonsense! But can I say that? Can I really say that?"

"If I say that Viridian is spouting nonsense, wouldn't that just shift the blame back onto you, old man? With your vengeful nature, how could I possibly have a good life after that?"

Sighing deeply in his heart, Virtuoso thought, "Ah! No matter what, I have to swallow this bitter pill!"

So, with a face full of shame, he said, "Dad, I admit it. Viridian is right. This whole thing is my fault; I was wrong. Don't worry, I’ll definitely learn from this and correct my mistakes in the future!"

Harrison immediately felt the heavy burden in his chest dissipate.

After all, no one likes to take the blame. Even the closest of kin will try to pass the buck, like when a child gets sick, the husband blames the wife for not taking proper care, and the wife blames the husband for being inattentive; or when they're late and miss the bus, the husband blames the wife for taking too long to get ready, while the wife blames the husband for driving too slowly.

In any case, as long as you can shift the blame to someone else, even if it’s your own son, it's something to celebrate.

He nodded slightly, his tone serious as he said, "As the eldest son of the Salvador family, you’ve been too impulsive. You really need to smooth out those rough edges of yours."

Clearing his throat, he continued, "Ahem, here's the deal! From now on, until this matter is fully resolved, you should stay out of the public eye. Quietly go to Australia for a while, and we’ll talk after the storm passes!"

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Upon hearing the old man's decision, Virtuoso nearly spat blood in frustration!

"Seriously? The old man causes a mess and now I have to lay low in Australia? What kind of nonsense is this?"

He quickly protested, "Dad, I understand that you want me out of the public eye for now, but does it really have to be Australia? There are still so many issues at the group, and I need to figure out how to salvage things with Marissa!"

The old man, Harrison, responded coldly, "If you stay here, the paparazzi will be on you 24/7. And don’t forget, there are many families waiting for a chance to take advantage of us. You’re their weak spot!"

"So, I think it’s best for you to lay low in Australia. We have a seaside villa in Queensland, right? Go there and relax. I'll handle things here."

Virtuoso felt on the verge of a breakdown.

In his mind, he seethed, “Sending me to Australia now is just setting me up as a moving target to draw fire. If I stay, it’s still being portrayed that the old man betrayed his granddaughter. But if I run, who knows how they’ll twist the story?”

"And besides, I’m the Executive Vice Chairman of the group, the second-in-command. If I leave, who will take over my duties? Are you suggesting Viridian will? If that fool takes over my role, he’ll be in charge when I return, and I’ll be sidelined!”

As Virtuoso was trying to come up with a way to refuse the old man's plan, Harrison cut him off, "Viridian, arrange a flight for your brother. He leaves tonight. You'll temporarily take over his duties at the group."

Hearing this, Viridian’s heart nearly soared with excitement.

However, he kept his enthusiasm in check and respectfully replied, “Don’t worry, Dad. I’ll arrange the flight right away!”

Virtuoso pleaded, “Dad, even if you insist I go, can you at least give me two more days? I need to talk things over with Marissa first!”

Harrison waved his hand dismissively, “There’s nothing more to discuss. From what I know about Marissa, she won’t reconcile with you, so you might as well cut your losses and finalize the divorce!”

Virtuoso’s voice was nearly in tears.

If he had to leave, it meant an array of issues would be left unresolved.

Not only was there the matter of his wife, but also the issue of the group’s heir, and he still wanted to search for Raven. After all, she was his flesh and blood. With her fate uncertain, he needed to find her—what if she was still alive?

If he found her, he could arrange a safe haven for her, letting her live in some remote corner of the world, hidden from sight.

But if someone from the Salvador family or the Japanese found her first, she would be doomed!

Seeing Virtuoso’s reluctance, Harrison’s voice hardened, “What’s this? Are you disregarding my orders?”

Realizing he had no room to negotiate, Virtuoso nodded resignedly, “Alright, Dad. I’ll go tonight.”

Satisfied, Harrison nodded and said, “Good. Pack up and say goodbye to Cameron and Camilla. You’ll be leaving in an hour.”

As Virtuoso was being called away by the butler, Cameron and Camilla were still in their study, glued to their computer screens.

Their mother, Marissa, had called them while driving back to her family’s home after leaving.

On the phone, Marissa calmly informed them about Raven’s situation, leaving Cameron and Camilla in stunned silence.


It’s hard for any young person in their twenties to immediately accept the reality of having a half-sibling they never knew about. Especially for Camilla.

She, like her mother, Marissa, has a strict moral code regarding relationships.

Though she’s never been in a relationship herself, if such a situation happened to her, she would, without hesitation, divorce her partner, just like her mother would.

So, while she struggled to accept this new reality, she unconditionally supported her mother’s decisions.

Cameron, on the other hand, had a somewhat traditional view of masculinity.

He believed that a man of their father's stature would almost certainly struggle with lifelong fidelity. Wealthy men rarely content themselves with just one partner, so occasional indiscretions were seen as normal in his circles.

After all, growing up in the upper echelons of society, he’d seen his fair share of such affairs. It was common to find men with illegitimate children, and in his world, it was practically routine.

He’d even seen a tech billionaire flaunt his numerous affairs and children on social media without a second thought.

Compared to that, if their father only had a brief affair with his bodyguard resulting in one child, Cameron considered their father relatively modest and family-oriented.

Moreover, women in their social circles were also accustomed to such situations.

Of course, he kept this perspective to himself, knowing that his mother and sister would likely berate him if he tried to justify their father’s actions.

Camilla was enraged.

She empathized deeply with her mother’s feelings. If she were in her mother’s shoes, she would have left her partner without a second thought. She told Marissa on the phone, barely containing her fury, “Mom, I support your decision to divorce Dad! Making such a mistake and hiding it for so long is unforgivable! When I see him, I’ll make sure to confront him directly!”

Marissa, however, was calm. She replied, “Camilla, I’m telling you this because you and your brother are adults now and have the right to know. However, this is a matter between your father and me, so you don’t need to confront him on my behalf.”

“After the divorce, you and Cameron can choose to stay with the Salvador family, move to your grandmother’s house, or even live on your own. I have no objections.”

“Future family gatherings at your grandfather’s or grandmother’s house should continue as usual. It’s just that your father and I will no longer attend each other’s family events. Everything else will remain the same.”

Camilla was reluctant. “Mom! Don’t you think we should confront that woman named He? It’s outrageous that she seduced someone else's husband and had a child!”

“No need,” Marissa said gently. “She’s a victim too. I don’t blame her. Love is a personal choice, and there’s no right or wrong in it.”

With a hint of sobbing in her voice, Camilla asked, “Mom, what are your plans moving forward?”

Marissa smiled and replied, “I don’t have any specific plans. Once your father comes to his senses, we’ll finalize the divorce. If he comes to his senses quickly, I’ll just go out and clear my mind. If not, I’ll take a trip.”

Camilla hurriedly asked, “Mom, where do you plan to go?”

Marissa smiled slightly and answered with two words: “Aurous Hill!”


Marissa had long harbored the desire to visit Aurous Hill—a longing buried in her heart for nearly twenty years.

Ever since the death of Drake and his wife, she had yearned to see Aurous Hill, the place where Drake had spent his final days.

As a woman who had loved him for most of her life, she deeply wished to walk the streets of Aurous Hill, to experience it for a while, and to search for traces of Drake’s presence.

However, as a married woman, her sense of morality had always reminded her that going to Aurous Hill would be unfair to her husband.

Paying a quiet visit to Drake’s ancestral grave had been the extent of her guilt towards Virtuoso, and going to Aurous Hill seemed inappropriate.

But now, with the moral constraints gone, and Virtuoso’s infidelity having shattered their gentleman’s agreement, she felt free to pursue her wish of visiting Aurous Hill.

As soon as Camilla heard her mother’s plan to go to Aurous Hill, she excitedly said, “Mom! Brother and I were just planning to go to Aurous Hill. Why don’t we go together?”

Marissa asked with curiosity, “What are you two going to Aurous Hill for? I hadn’t heard about it.”

Cameron quickly explained, “Mom, I’m going there for business and thought of taking Camilla along for a tour. If you’re coming too, I can arrange the flight and hotel!”

Marissa smiled, “No need to book a hotel. Your grandfather has an old house in Aurous Hill that’s been maintained all these years. We can stay there.”

Camilla was surprised, “Mom, Grandpa has a house in Aurous Hill? I’ve never heard of it before.”

Marissa laughed, “Your father has always been a bit superstitious about Aurous Hill, so we haven’t been there. That’s why you didn’t know about the house.”

She continued, “Your grandfather’s old house in Aurous Hill is quite remarkable. It’s right next to the Presidential Palace. The house dates back to the Ming Dynasty and was inhabited by significant figures through the Qing Dynasty and the Republic era. It was only in the 1970s that your grandfather bought it for a hefty sum. He and your grandmother would occasionally spend some time there.”

Cameron, recalling his father’s aversion to Aurous Hill, remembered the past.

He had heard about how his mother’s beloved Drake had died in Aurous Hill, which made him feel conflicted.

At that moment, Camilla, without hesitation, said, “Mom, why don’t you come to Grandpa’s house tonight to rest? We can head to Aurous Hill early tomorrow morning!”

Marissa agreed, “Alright. And don’t discuss my issues with your father. This is between him and me. Regardless, it only affects our relationship, not how we get along with him or how he relates to you. Understood?”

Cameron and Camilla replied in unison, “Understood, Mom.”

Satisfied, Marissa said, “Okay, I’m heading to your grandmother’s house now. I’ll talk to you later.”


Camilla hurriedly said, “Mom, make sure to rest well tonight. I’ll give you a call tomorrow morning!”


After hanging up, Cameron expressed his concern, “Camilla, Dad has always been a bit touchy about Aurous Hill. If we go there with Mom now, won’t he be extremely upset?”

Camilla scoffed, “So what if he gets upset? He has a mistress and flaunts her in front of us. How does he think we feel?”

Pausing, Camilla added angrily, “Honestly, I want to confront him about this. Us going to Aurous Hill is a clear signal that he’s the one at fault!”

Cameron awkwardly said, “Well, as children, it’s tough for us to address these things…”

He continued, “There are so many wealthy people in the world, and many of them have affairs. Dad was just misguided once. Among these people, he’s actually one of the better ones.”

Camilla, serious, asked, “How can you say that? Just because someone is wealthy, does that mean they can be unfaithful in marriage?”

Cameron quickly responded, “I didn’t mean it like that. I just think Dad’s actions aren’t extremely severe. If he sincerely repents, it might be forgivable. Mom’s decision to divorce him so resolutely seems a bit hasty. After over 20 years of marriage and us two kids, can’t she give Dad another chance?”

Camilla firmly replied, “That’s classic ‘scumbag’ thinking! It’s a matter of principles! Let me ask you, if you were married and your wife cheated on you, would you forgive her?”

“Me?” Cameron awkwardly replied, “It’s not quite the same. Men cheating and women cheating are different issues…”

“How are they different?” Camilla said, increasingly frustrated. “Is there a double standard for cheating in marriage? Men can be forgiven, but women can’t? Cameron! After knowing you all these years, this is the first time I’ve realized how politically incorrect you are!”

“I’ll tell you this! If you ever make such a mistake in the future, even if your wife forgives you, I won’t! I’ll disown you as my scumbag brother!”

Feeling thoroughly rebuked, Cameron awkwardly said, “Oh my goodness, your words are so harsh. I haven’t done anything wrong, so why am I a scumbag?”

Camilla coldly responded, “This mindset is classic scumbag thinking! Just because you have some money doesn’t make you entitled to fool around?”

“If you really want to live that way, don’t pursue Haidee. After all, she’s a refined lady. You, with your scumbag mindset, don’t deserve her!”

“I suggest you marry a celebrity from the entertainment industry who is solely interested in money and marrying into a rich family. At least then you can set clear terms: you provide her with enough money and a good life, and she doesn’t interfere with your affairs with other women. Isn’t that a win-win?”

Cameron, feeling gloomy, replied, “Alright, I was wrong. I admit it.”

Quickly changing the topic, he said, “Anyway, I’ll arrange the flight. We’ll head to Aurous Hill together tomorrow morning!”

Camilla saw through his attempt to divert the conversation and pressed on, “Cameron! Respecting women and your partner is a fundamental principle for every man. If you become a scumbag, I won’t have you as my brother!”


That night, the entire Eastcliff was in an uproar.

The Salvador family’s disaster in Japan had drawn the attention of the Japanese National Security Agency, causing a huge blow to their reputation and influence.

Meanwhile, the other families in Eastcliff, led by the Wade family, began to prepare for action.

With the Salvador family having lost a significant number of their top experts and offending international tycoons, they would need to tighten their grip and lay low. This presented a prime opportunity for other families to chip away at the Salvador family’s power.

Claudius was especially excited about this turn of events.

He felt that this was a sign from the heavens.

The Wade family's second spring was finally at hand!

So, he gathered all his children except Marina and immediately formulated a three-year plan.

From now on, for the next three years, the Wade family would launch a full-scale offensive against the Salvador family, just as the Salvador family once did against them!

Not only would they seek to topple the Salvador family from their pedestal, but they would also aim to surpass them, leaving the Salvador family far behind and reclaiming the title of the top family in the nation!

However, Claudius did not plan to act immediately. He chose the day of this year’s Tomb-Sweeping Day for their declaration of war.

He excitedly told his children, “This year’s Tomb-Sweeping Day will bring together all branches of the Wade family at WadeTomb Mountain!”

“At that time, I will conduct the grandest ancestral ceremony to remind all Wade family members that we are a well-established and once-glorious super family! I want every Wade family member to take pride in the Wade surname!”

“It will be a moment of unparalleled unity for the Wade family!”

“At the ceremony, I will rally all Wade family members to unite against the Salvador family and demand that Virtuoso, the mastermind behind the Anti-Wade Alliance, be severely punished!”

“The moment the entire Wade family is united in their enmity will be the perfect time to launch our full-scale attack on the Salvador family!”

Ciprian, the eldest son, was already stirred with excitement and said, “Dad! When the time comes, we should also form an Anti-Salvador Alliance! We need to cut Salvador family’s assets in half and push them out of the top three families in Eastcliff!”

Claudius sneered, “In Eastcliff, many families have grievances against the Salvador family. The ones with the deepest grudge are us and then the Snow family. If we raise the banner against the Salvador family, the Snow family will surely follow!”

“What’s crucial now is to get Little Charlie married to Haidee from the Snow family as soon as possible!”

“Once they are married, the Snow family will undoubtedly support the Wade family wholeheartedly! At that point, the Salvador family will be powerless to resist and will be at our mercy!”

Ciprian asked, “Dad, didn’t you say before that you wanted Little Charlie to try to win over Camilla?”

Claudius waved his hand and coldly laughed, “I thought that since the Salvador family was stronger than us in many aspects, confronting them head-on wouldn’t work. So, I suggested Little Charlie pursue Camilla instead.”

“But who would have thought that the Salvador family would suffer such a series of setbacks in Japan? They’re now severely weakened. We can directly confront them without needing Little Charlie to marry their daughter.”

Claudius laughed heartily, saying, “Haha, truly, heaven has opened its eyes! Heaven has opened its eyes!”

His third son, Emil, asked, “Dad, what if Little Charlie is unwilling to marry the Snow family’s daughter?”

Claudius, with a mysterious smile, replied, “Little Charlie will also attend the Tomb-Sweeping Day. At that time, I will publicly announce our plan for revenge against the Salvador family in front of all the Wade family members. I’ll then use the opportunity to arrange his marriage with the Snow family to strengthen our overall power and keep the Salvador family underfoot. The grudge against our parents is irreconcilable. I believe he won’t refuse!”


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Jun 22, 2024
Reaction score

Upon hearing the old man's decision, Virtuoso nearly spat blood in frustration!

"Seriously? The old man causes a mess and now I have to lay low in Australia? What kind of nonsense is this?"

He quickly protested, "Dad, I understand that you want me out of the public eye for now, but does it really have to be Australia? There are still so many issues at the group, and I need to figure out how to salvage things with Marissa!"

The old man, Harrison, responded coldly, "If you stay here, the paparazzi will be on you 24/7. And don’t forget, there are many families waiting for a chance to take advantage of us. You’re their weak spot!"

"So, I think it’s best for you to lay low in Australia. We have a seaside villa in Queensland, right? Go there and relax. I'll handle things here."

Virtuoso felt on the verge of a breakdown.

In his mind, he seethed, “Sending me to Australia now is just setting me up as a moving target to draw fire. If I stay, it’s still being portrayed that the old man betrayed his granddaughter. But if I run, who knows how they’ll twist the story?”

"And besides, I’m the Executive Vice Chairman of the group, the second-in-command. If I leave, who will take over my duties? Are you suggesting Viridian will? If that fool takes over my role, he’ll be in charge when I return, and I’ll be sidelined!”

As Virtuoso was trying to come up with a way to refuse the old man's plan, Harrison cut him off, "Viridian, arrange a flight for your brother. He leaves tonight. You'll temporarily take over his duties at the group."

Hearing this, Viridian’s heart nearly soared with excitement.

However, he kept his enthusiasm in check and respectfully replied, “Don’t worry, Dad. I’ll arrange the flight right away!”

Virtuoso pleaded, “Dad, even if you insist I go, can you at least give me two more days? I need to talk things over with Marissa first!”

Harrison waved his hand dismissively, “There’s nothing more to discuss. From what I know about Marissa, she won’t reconcile with you, so you might as well cut your losses and finalize the divorce!”

Virtuoso’s voice was nearly in tears.

If he had to leave, it meant an array of issues would be left unresolved.

Not only was there the matter of his wife, but also the issue of the group’s heir, and he still wanted to search for Raven. After all, she was his flesh and blood. With her fate uncertain, he needed to find her—what if she was still alive?

If he found her, he could arrange a safe haven for her, letting her live in some remote corner of the world, hidden from sight.

But if someone from the Salvador family or the Japanese found her first, she would be doomed!

Seeing Virtuoso’s reluctance, Harrison’s voice hardened, “What’s this? Are you disregarding my orders?”

Realizing he had no room to negotiate, Virtuoso nodded resignedly, “Alright, Dad. I’ll go tonight.”

Satisfied, Harrison nodded and said, “Good. Pack up and say goodbye to Cameron and Camilla. You’ll be leaving in an hour.”

As Virtuoso was being called away by the butler, Cameron and Camilla were still in their study, glued to their computer screens.

Their mother, Marissa, had called them while driving back to her family’s home after leaving.

On the phone, Marissa calmly informed them about Raven’s situation, leaving Cameron and Camilla in stunned silence.


It’s hard for any young person in their twenties to immediately accept the reality of having a half-sibling they never knew about. Especially for Camilla.

She, like her mother, Marissa, has a strict moral code regarding relationships.

Though she’s never been in a relationship herself, if such a situation happened to her, she would, without hesitation, divorce her partner, just like her mother would.

So, while she struggled to accept this new reality, she unconditionally supported her mother’s decisions.

Cameron, on the other hand, had a somewhat traditional view of masculinity.

He believed that a man of their father's stature would almost certainly struggle with lifelong fidelity. Wealthy men rarely content themselves with just one partner, so occasional indiscretions were seen as normal in his circles.

After all, growing up in the upper echelons of society, he’d seen his fair share of such affairs. It was common to find men with illegitimate children, and in his world, it was practically routine.

He’d even seen a tech billionaire flaunt his numerous affairs and children on social media without a second thought.

Compared to that, if their father only had a brief affair with his bodyguard resulting in one child, Cameron considered their father relatively modest and family-oriented.

Moreover, women in their social circles were also accustomed to such situations.

Of course, he kept this perspective to himself, knowing that his mother and sister would likely berate him if he tried to justify their father’s actions.

Camilla was enraged.

She empathized deeply with her mother’s feelings. If she were in her mother’s shoes, she would have left her partner without a second thought. She told Marissa on the phone, barely containing her fury, “Mom, I support your decision to divorce Dad! Making such a mistake and hiding it for so long is unforgivable! When I see him, I’ll make sure to confront him directly!”

Marissa, however, was calm. She replied, “Camilla, I’m telling you this because you and your brother are adults now and have the right to know. However, this is a matter between your father and me, so you don’t need to confront him on my behalf.”

“After the divorce, you and Cameron can choose to stay with the Salvador family, move to your grandmother’s house, or even live on your own. I have no objections.”

“Future family gatherings at your grandfather’s or grandmother’s house should continue as usual. It’s just that your father and I will no longer attend each other’s family events. Everything else will remain the same.”

Camilla was reluctant. “Mom! Don’t you think we should confront that woman named He? It’s outrageous that she seduced someone else's husband and had a child!”

“No need,” Marissa said gently. “She’s a victim too. I don’t blame her. Love is a personal choice, and there’s no right or wrong in it.”

With a hint of sobbing in her voice, Camilla asked, “Mom, what are your plans moving forward?”

Marissa smiled and replied, “I don’t have any specific plans. Once your father comes to his senses, we’ll finalize the divorce. If he comes to his senses quickly, I’ll just go out and clear my mind. If not, I’ll take a trip.”

Camilla hurriedly asked, “Mom, where do you plan to go?”

Marissa smiled slightly and answered with two words: “Aurous Hill!”


Marissa had long harbored the desire to visit Aurous Hill—a longing buried in her heart for nearly twenty years.

Ever since the death of Drake and his wife, she had yearned to see Aurous Hill, the place where Drake had spent his final days.

As a woman who had loved him for most of her life, she deeply wished to walk the streets of Aurous Hill, to experience it for a while, and to search for traces of Drake’s presence.

However, as a married woman, her sense of morality had always reminded her that going to Aurous Hill would be unfair to her husband.

Paying a quiet visit to Drake’s ancestral grave had been the extent of her guilt towards Virtuoso, and going to Aurous Hill seemed inappropriate.

But now, with the moral constraints gone, and Virtuoso’s infidelity having shattered their gentleman’s agreement, she felt free to pursue her wish of visiting Aurous Hill.

As soon as Camilla heard her mother’s plan to go to Aurous Hill, she excitedly said, “Mom! Brother and I were just planning to go to Aurous Hill. Why don’t we go together?”

Marissa asked with curiosity, “What are you two going to Aurous Hill for? I hadn’t heard about it.”

Cameron quickly explained, “Mom, I’m going there for business and thought of taking Camilla along for a tour. If you’re coming too, I can arrange the flight and hotel!”

Marissa smiled, “No need to book a hotel. Your grandfather has an old house in Aurous Hill that’s been maintained all these years. We can stay there.”

Camilla was surprised, “Mom, Grandpa has a house in Aurous Hill? I’ve never heard of it before.”

Marissa laughed, “Your father has always been a bit superstitious about Aurous Hill, so we haven’t been there. That’s why you didn’t know about the house.”

She continued, “Your grandfather’s old house in Aurous Hill is quite remarkable. It’s right next to the Presidential Palace. The house dates back to the Ming Dynasty and was inhabited by significant figures through the Qing Dynasty and the Republic era. It was only in the 1970s that your grandfather bought it for a hefty sum. He and your grandmother would occasionally spend some time there.”

Cameron, recalling his father’s aversion to Aurous Hill, remembered the past.

He had heard about how his mother’s beloved Drake had died in Aurous Hill, which made him feel conflicted.

At that moment, Camilla, without hesitation, said, “Mom, why don’t you come to Grandpa’s house tonight to rest? We can head to Aurous Hill early tomorrow morning!”

Marissa agreed, “Alright. And don’t discuss my issues with your father. This is between him and me. Regardless, it only affects our relationship, not how we get along with him or how he relates to you. Understood?”

Cameron and Camilla replied in unison, “Understood, Mom.”

Satisfied, Marissa said, “Okay, I’m heading to your grandmother’s house now. I’ll talk to you later.”


Camilla hurriedly said, “Mom, make sure to rest well tonight. I’ll give you a call tomorrow morning!”


After hanging up, Cameron expressed his concern, “Camilla, Dad has always been a bit touchy about Aurous Hill. If we go there with Mom now, won’t he be extremely upset?”

Camilla scoffed, “So what if he gets upset? He has a mistress and flaunts her in front of us. How does he think we feel?”

Pausing, Camilla added angrily, “Honestly, I want to confront him about this. Us going to Aurous Hill is a clear signal that he’s the one at fault!”

Cameron awkwardly said, “Well, as children, it’s tough for us to address these things…”

He continued, “There are so many wealthy people in the world, and many of them have affairs. Dad was just misguided once. Among these people, he’s actually one of the better ones.”

Camilla, serious, asked, “How can you say that? Just because someone is wealthy, does that mean they can be unfaithful in marriage?”

Cameron quickly responded, “I didn’t mean it like that. I just think Dad’s actions aren’t extremely severe. If he sincerely repents, it might be forgivable. Mom’s decision to divorce him so resolutely seems a bit hasty. After over 20 years of marriage and us two kids, can’t she give Dad another chance?”

Camilla firmly replied, “That’s classic ‘scumbag’ thinking! It’s a matter of principles! Let me ask you, if you were married and your wife cheated on you, would you forgive her?”

“Me?” Cameron awkwardly replied, “It’s not quite the same. Men cheating and women cheating are different issues…”

“How are they different?” Camilla said, increasingly frustrated. “Is there a double standard for cheating in marriage? Men can be forgiven, but women can’t? Cameron! After knowing you all these years, this is the first time I’ve realized how politically incorrect you are!”

“I’ll tell you this! If you ever make such a mistake in the future, even if your wife forgives you, I won’t! I’ll disown you as my scumbag brother!”

Feeling thoroughly rebuked, Cameron awkwardly said, “Oh my goodness, your words are so harsh. I haven’t done anything wrong, so why am I a scumbag?”

Camilla coldly responded, “This mindset is classic scumbag thinking! Just because you have some money doesn’t make you entitled to fool around?”

“If you really want to live that way, don’t pursue Haidee. After all, she’s a refined lady. You, with your scumbag mindset, don’t deserve her!”

“I suggest you marry a celebrity from the entertainment industry who is solely interested in money and marrying into a rich family. At least then you can set clear terms: you provide her with enough money and a good life, and she doesn’t interfere with your affairs with other women. Isn’t that a win-win?”

Cameron, feeling gloomy, replied, “Alright, I was wrong. I admit it.”

Quickly changing the topic, he said, “Anyway, I’ll arrange the flight. We’ll head to Aurous Hill together tomorrow morning!”

Camilla saw through his attempt to divert the conversation and pressed on, “Cameron! Respecting women and your partner is a fundamental principle for every man. If you become a scumbag, I won’t have you as my brother!”


That night, the entire Eastcliff was in an uproar.

The Salvador family’s disaster in Japan had drawn the attention of the Japanese National Security Agency, causing a huge blow to their reputation and influence.

Meanwhile, the other families in Eastcliff, led by the Wade family, began to prepare for action.

With the Salvador family having lost a significant number of their top experts and offending international tycoons, they would need to tighten their grip and lay low. This presented a prime opportunity for other families to chip away at the Salvador family’s power.

Claudius was especially excited about this turn of events.

He felt that this was a sign from the heavens.

The Wade family's second spring was finally at hand!

So, he gathered all his children except Marina and immediately formulated a three-year plan.

From now on, for the next three years, the Wade family would launch a full-scale offensive against the Salvador family, just as the Salvador family once did against them!

Not only would they seek to topple the Salvador family from their pedestal, but they would also aim to surpass them, leaving the Salvador family far behind and reclaiming the title of the top family in the nation!

However, Claudius did not plan to act immediately. He chose the day of this year’s Tomb-Sweeping Day for their declaration of war.

He excitedly told his children, “This year’s Tomb-Sweeping Day will bring together all branches of the Wade family at WadeTomb Mountain!”

“At that time, I will conduct the grandest ancestral ceremony to remind all Wade family members that we are a well-established and once-glorious super family! I want every Wade family member to take pride in the Wade surname!”

“It will be a moment of unparalleled unity for the Wade family!”

“At the ceremony, I will rally all Wade family members to unite against the Salvador family and demand that Virtuoso, the mastermind behind the Anti-Wade Alliance, be severely punished!”

“The moment the entire Wade family is united in their enmity will be the perfect time to launch our full-scale attack on the Salvador family!”

Ciprian, the eldest son, was already stirred with excitement and said, “Dad! When the time comes, we should also form an Anti-Salvador Alliance! We need to cut Salvador family’s assets in half and push them out of the top three families in Eastcliff!”

Claudius sneered, “In Eastcliff, many families have grievances against the Salvador family. The ones with the deepest grudge are us and then the Snow family. If we raise the banner against the Salvador family, the Snow family will surely follow!”

“What’s crucial now is to get Little Charlie married to Haidee from the Snow family as soon as possible!”

“Once they are married, the Snow family will undoubtedly support the Wade family wholeheartedly! At that point, the Salvador family will be powerless to resist and will be at our mercy!”

Ciprian asked, “Dad, didn’t you say before that you wanted Little Charlie to try to win over Camilla?”

Claudius waved his hand and coldly laughed, “I thought that since the Salvador family was stronger than us in many aspects, confronting them head-on wouldn’t work. So, I suggested Little Charlie pursue Camilla instead.”

“But who would have thought that the Salvador family would suffer such a series of setbacks in Japan? They’re now severely weakened. We can directly confront them without needing Little Charlie to marry their daughter.”

Claudius laughed heartily, saying, “Haha, truly, heaven has opened its eyes! Heaven has opened its eyes!”

His third son, Emil, asked, “Dad, what if Little Charlie is unwilling to marry the Snow family’s daughter?”

Claudius, with a mysterious smile, replied, “Little Charlie will also attend the Tomb-Sweeping Day. At that time, I will publicly announce our plan for revenge against the Salvador family in front of all the Wade family members. I’ll then use the opportunity to arrange his marriage with the Snow family to strengthen our overall power and keep the Salvador family underfoot. The grudge against our parents is irreconcilable. I believe he won’t refuse!”
The Wade family shouldn't be too quick to rejoice. Their own troubles are on de way.
Well done Immortal Junlee


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Reaction score

Upon hearing the old man's decision, Virtuoso nearly spat blood in frustration!

"Seriously? The old man causes a mess and now I have to lay low in Australia? What kind of nonsense is this?"

He quickly protested, "Dad, I understand that you want me out of the public eye for now, but does it really have to be Australia? There are still so many issues at the group, and I need to figure out how to salvage things with Marissa!"

The old man, Harrison, responded coldly, "If you stay here, the paparazzi will be on you 24/7. And don’t forget, there are many families waiting for a chance to take advantage of us. You’re their weak spot!"

"So, I think it’s best for you to lay low in Australia. We have a seaside villa in Queensland, right? Go there and relax. I'll handle things here."

Virtuoso felt on the verge of a breakdown.

In his mind, he seethed, “Sending me to Australia now is just setting me up as a moving target to draw fire. If I stay, it’s still being portrayed that the old man betrayed his granddaughter. But if I run, who knows how they’ll twist the story?”

"And besides, I’m the Executive Vice Chairman of the group, the second-in-command. If I leave, who will take over my duties? Are you suggesting Viridian will? If that fool takes over my role, he’ll be in charge when I return, and I’ll be sidelined!”

As Virtuoso was trying to come up with a way to refuse the old man's plan, Harrison cut him off, "Viridian, arrange a flight for your brother. He leaves tonight. You'll temporarily take over his duties at the group."

Hearing this, Viridian’s heart nearly soared with excitement.

However, he kept his enthusiasm in check and respectfully replied, “Don’t worry, Dad. I’ll arrange the flight right away!”

Virtuoso pleaded, “Dad, even if you insist I go, can you at least give me two more days? I need to talk things over with Marissa first!”

Harrison waved his hand dismissively, “There’s nothing more to discuss. From what I know about Marissa, she won’t reconcile with you, so you might as well cut your losses and finalize the divorce!”

Virtuoso’s voice was nearly in tears.

If he had to leave, it meant an array of issues would be left unresolved.

Not only was there the matter of his wife, but also the issue of the group’s heir, and he still wanted to search for Raven. After all, she was his flesh and blood. With her fate uncertain, he needed to find her—what if she was still alive?

If he found her, he could arrange a safe haven for her, letting her live in some remote corner of the world, hidden from sight.

But if someone from the Salvador family or the Japanese found her first, she would be doomed!

Seeing Virtuoso’s reluctance, Harrison’s voice hardened, “What’s this? Are you disregarding my orders?”

Realizing he had no room to negotiate, Virtuoso nodded resignedly, “Alright, Dad. I’ll go tonight.”

Satisfied, Harrison nodded and said, “Good. Pack up and say goodbye to Cameron and Camilla. You’ll be leaving in an hour.”

As Virtuoso was being called away by the butler, Cameron and Camilla were still in their study, glued to their computer screens.

Their mother, Marissa, had called them while driving back to her family’s home after leaving.

On the phone, Marissa calmly informed them about Raven’s situation, leaving Cameron and Camilla in stunned silence.


It’s hard for any young person in their twenties to immediately accept the reality of having a half-sibling they never knew about. Especially for Camilla.

She, like her mother, Marissa, has a strict moral code regarding relationships.

Though she’s never been in a relationship herself, if such a situation happened to her, she would, without hesitation, divorce her partner, just like her mother would.

So, while she struggled to accept this new reality, she unconditionally supported her mother’s decisions.

Cameron, on the other hand, had a somewhat traditional view of masculinity.

He believed that a man of their father's stature would almost certainly struggle with lifelong fidelity. Wealthy men rarely content themselves with just one partner, so occasional indiscretions were seen as normal in his circles.

After all, growing up in the upper echelons of society, he’d seen his fair share of such affairs. It was common to find men with illegitimate children, and in his world, it was practically routine.

He’d even seen a tech billionaire flaunt his numerous affairs and children on social media without a second thought.

Compared to that, if their father only had a brief affair with his bodyguard resulting in one child, Cameron considered their father relatively modest and family-oriented.

Moreover, women in their social circles were also accustomed to such situations.

Of course, he kept this perspective to himself, knowing that his mother and sister would likely berate him if he tried to justify their father’s actions.

Camilla was enraged.

She empathized deeply with her mother’s feelings. If she were in her mother’s shoes, she would have left her partner without a second thought. She told Marissa on the phone, barely containing her fury, “Mom, I support your decision to divorce Dad! Making such a mistake and hiding it for so long is unforgivable! When I see him, I’ll make sure to confront him directly!”

Marissa, however, was calm. She replied, “Camilla, I’m telling you this because you and your brother are adults now and have the right to know. However, this is a matter between your father and me, so you don’t need to confront him on my behalf.”

“After the divorce, you and Cameron can choose to stay with the Salvador family, move to your grandmother’s house, or even live on your own. I have no objections.”

“Future family gatherings at your grandfather’s or grandmother’s house should continue as usual. It’s just that your father and I will no longer attend each other’s family events. Everything else will remain the same.”

Camilla was reluctant. “Mom! Don’t you think we should confront that woman named He? It’s outrageous that she seduced someone else's husband and had a child!”

“No need,” Marissa said gently. “She’s a victim too. I don’t blame her. Love is a personal choice, and there’s no right or wrong in it.”

With a hint of sobbing in her voice, Camilla asked, “Mom, what are your plans moving forward?”

Marissa smiled and replied, “I don’t have any specific plans. Once your father comes to his senses, we’ll finalize the divorce. If he comes to his senses quickly, I’ll just go out and clear my mind. If not, I’ll take a trip.”

Camilla hurriedly asked, “Mom, where do you plan to go?”

Marissa smiled slightly and answered with two words: “Aurous Hill!”


Marissa had long harbored the desire to visit Aurous Hill—a longing buried in her heart for nearly twenty years.

Ever since the death of Drake and his wife, she had yearned to see Aurous Hill, the place where Drake had spent his final days.

As a woman who had loved him for most of her life, she deeply wished to walk the streets of Aurous Hill, to experience it for a while, and to search for traces of Drake’s presence.

However, as a married woman, her sense of morality had always reminded her that going to Aurous Hill would be unfair to her husband.

Paying a quiet visit to Drake’s ancestral grave had been the extent of her guilt towards Virtuoso, and going to Aurous Hill seemed inappropriate.

But now, with the moral constraints gone, and Virtuoso’s infidelity having shattered their gentleman’s agreement, she felt free to pursue her wish of visiting Aurous Hill.

As soon as Camilla heard her mother’s plan to go to Aurous Hill, she excitedly said, “Mom! Brother and I were just planning to go to Aurous Hill. Why don’t we go together?”

Marissa asked with curiosity, “What are you two going to Aurous Hill for? I hadn’t heard about it.”

Cameron quickly explained, “Mom, I’m going there for business and thought of taking Camilla along for a tour. If you’re coming too, I can arrange the flight and hotel!”

Marissa smiled, “No need to book a hotel. Your grandfather has an old house in Aurous Hill that’s been maintained all these years. We can stay there.”

Camilla was surprised, “Mom, Grandpa has a house in Aurous Hill? I’ve never heard of it before.”

Marissa laughed, “Your father has always been a bit superstitious about Aurous Hill, so we haven’t been there. That’s why you didn’t know about the house.”

She continued, “Your grandfather’s old house in Aurous Hill is quite remarkable. It’s right next to the Presidential Palace. The house dates back to the Ming Dynasty and was inhabited by significant figures through the Qing Dynasty and the Republic era. It was only in the 1970s that your grandfather bought it for a hefty sum. He and your grandmother would occasionally spend some time there.”

Cameron, recalling his father’s aversion to Aurous Hill, remembered the past.

He had heard about how his mother’s beloved Drake had died in Aurous Hill, which made him feel conflicted.

At that moment, Camilla, without hesitation, said, “Mom, why don’t you come to Grandpa’s house tonight to rest? We can head to Aurous Hill early tomorrow morning!”

Marissa agreed, “Alright. And don’t discuss my issues with your father. This is between him and me. Regardless, it only affects our relationship, not how we get along with him or how he relates to you. Understood?”

Cameron and Camilla replied in unison, “Understood, Mom.”

Satisfied, Marissa said, “Okay, I’m heading to your grandmother’s house now. I’ll talk to you later.”


Camilla hurriedly said, “Mom, make sure to rest well tonight. I’ll give you a call tomorrow morning!”


After hanging up, Cameron expressed his concern, “Camilla, Dad has always been a bit touchy about Aurous Hill. If we go there with Mom now, won’t he be extremely upset?”

Camilla scoffed, “So what if he gets upset? He has a mistress and flaunts her in front of us. How does he think we feel?”

Pausing, Camilla added angrily, “Honestly, I want to confront him about this. Us going to Aurous Hill is a clear signal that he’s the one at fault!”

Cameron awkwardly said, “Well, as children, it’s tough for us to address these things…”

He continued, “There are so many wealthy people in the world, and many of them have affairs. Dad was just misguided once. Among these people, he’s actually one of the better ones.”

Camilla, serious, asked, “How can you say that? Just because someone is wealthy, does that mean they can be unfaithful in marriage?”

Cameron quickly responded, “I didn’t mean it like that. I just think Dad’s actions aren’t extremely severe. If he sincerely repents, it might be forgivable. Mom’s decision to divorce him so resolutely seems a bit hasty. After over 20 years of marriage and us two kids, can’t she give Dad another chance?”

Camilla firmly replied, “That’s classic ‘scumbag’ thinking! It’s a matter of principles! Let me ask you, if you were married and your wife cheated on you, would you forgive her?”

“Me?” Cameron awkwardly replied, “It’s not quite the same. Men cheating and women cheating are different issues…”

“How are they different?” Camilla said, increasingly frustrated. “Is there a double standard for cheating in marriage? Men can be forgiven, but women can’t? Cameron! After knowing you all these years, this is the first time I’ve realized how politically incorrect you are!”

“I’ll tell you this! If you ever make such a mistake in the future, even if your wife forgives you, I won’t! I’ll disown you as my scumbag brother!”

Feeling thoroughly rebuked, Cameron awkwardly said, “Oh my goodness, your words are so harsh. I haven’t done anything wrong, so why am I a scumbag?”

Camilla coldly responded, “This mindset is classic scumbag thinking! Just because you have some money doesn’t make you entitled to fool around?”

“If you really want to live that way, don’t pursue Haidee. After all, she’s a refined lady. You, with your scumbag mindset, don’t deserve her!”

“I suggest you marry a celebrity from the entertainment industry who is solely interested in money and marrying into a rich family. At least then you can set clear terms: you provide her with enough money and a good life, and she doesn’t interfere with your affairs with other women. Isn’t that a win-win?”

Cameron, feeling gloomy, replied, “Alright, I was wrong. I admit it.”

Quickly changing the topic, he said, “Anyway, I’ll arrange the flight. We’ll head to Aurous Hill together tomorrow morning!”

Camilla saw through his attempt to divert the conversation and pressed on, “Cameron! Respecting women and your partner is a fundamental principle for every man. If you become a scumbag, I won’t have you as my brother!”


That night, the entire Eastcliff was in an uproar.

The Salvador family’s disaster in Japan had drawn the attention of the Japanese National Security Agency, causing a huge blow to their reputation and influence.

Meanwhile, the other families in Eastcliff, led by the Wade family, began to prepare for action.

With the Salvador family having lost a significant number of their top experts and offending international tycoons, they would need to tighten their grip and lay low. This presented a prime opportunity for other families to chip away at the Salvador family’s power.

Claudius was especially excited about this turn of events.

He felt that this was a sign from the heavens.

The Wade family's second spring was finally at hand!

So, he gathered all his children except Marina and immediately formulated a three-year plan.

From now on, for the next three years, the Wade family would launch a full-scale offensive against the Salvador family, just as the Salvador family once did against them!

Not only would they seek to topple the Salvador family from their pedestal, but they would also aim to surpass them, leaving the Salvador family far behind and reclaiming the title of the top family in the nation!

However, Claudius did not plan to act immediately. He chose the day of this year’s Tomb-Sweeping Day for their declaration of war.

He excitedly told his children, “This year’s Tomb-Sweeping Day will bring together all branches of the Wade family at WadeTomb Mountain!”

“At that time, I will conduct the grandest ancestral ceremony to remind all Wade family members that we are a well-established and once-glorious super family! I want every Wade family member to take pride in the Wade surname!”

“It will be a moment of unparalleled unity for the Wade family!”

“At the ceremony, I will rally all Wade family members to unite against the Salvador family and demand that Virtuoso, the mastermind behind the Anti-Wade Alliance, be severely punished!”

“The moment the entire Wade family is united in their enmity will be the perfect time to launch our full-scale attack on the Salvador family!”

Ciprian, the eldest son, was already stirred with excitement and said, “Dad! When the time comes, we should also form an Anti-Salvador Alliance! We need to cut Salvador family’s assets in half and push them out of the top three families in Eastcliff!”

Claudius sneered, “In Eastcliff, many families have grievances against the Salvador family. The ones with the deepest grudge are us and then the Snow family. If we raise the banner against the Salvador family, the Snow family will surely follow!”

“What’s crucial now is to get Little Charlie married to Haidee from the Snow family as soon as possible!”

“Once they are married, the Snow family will undoubtedly support the Wade family wholeheartedly! At that point, the Salvador family will be powerless to resist and will be at our mercy!”

Ciprian asked, “Dad, didn’t you say before that you wanted Little Charlie to try to win over Camilla?”

Claudius waved his hand and coldly laughed, “I thought that since the Salvador family was stronger than us in many aspects, confronting them head-on wouldn’t work. So, I suggested Little Charlie pursue Camilla instead.”

“But who would have thought that the Salvador family would suffer such a series of setbacks in Japan? They’re now severely weakened. We can directly confront them without needing Little Charlie to marry their daughter.”

Claudius laughed heartily, saying, “Haha, truly, heaven has opened its eyes! Heaven has opened its eyes!”

His third son, Emil, asked, “Dad, what if Little Charlie is unwilling to marry the Snow family’s daughter?”

Claudius, with a mysterious smile, replied, “Little Charlie will also attend the Tomb-Sweeping Day. At that time, I will publicly announce our plan for revenge against the Salvador family in front of all the Wade family members. I’ll then use the opportunity to arrange his marriage with the Snow family to strengthen our overall power and keep the Salvador family underfoot. The grudge against our parents is irreconcilable. I believe he won’t refuse!”
Funny families 🤣 😂 🤣. The only dragon among men is coming for you all. When the time comes you'll know that both families are mere ants in the eyes of the dragon Charlie


Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
Them forget that Charlie is the one behind this all 😉

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

- Eastcliff, the Klein Family Home

Before Marissa even arrived, her parents and siblings had already heard about the scandal involving the Salvador family and Virtuoso's illegitimate daughter.

So, while Marissa was still on her way, the rest of the Klein siblings rushed back home at the call of Old Master Klein.

Old Master Klein and Old Madam Klein were well aware of Marissa's temperament. They knew that once she learned of this, she would immediately return to her family. So, they didn't call her or have anyone else do so. The whole family had gathered, waiting for her return.

When Marissa's car drove into the Klein family's grand estate, her parents and siblings came out to greet her.

Seeing her entire family waiting for her, Marissa was deeply touched.

Unlike other business families, the Klein family had held high positions for generations, so money was never a big deal for them.

Because they didn't care about money, there were no power struggles among the Klein siblings.

Among the Klein descendants, some followed in Old Master Klein’s footsteps and had promising careers; others focused on their studies at top universities or research institutes; some became reclusive scholars with billions in assets but kept a low profile.

As for Marissa and her sisters, they all had their own emotional fulfillments.

Under Old Madam Klein's upbringing, the Klein women were not career-driven but excelled at managing their households, embodying the traditional virtues of Chinese women.

As soon as Marissa stepped out of the car, Old Madam Klein hurried over, taking her hand with concern and saying softly, “Marissa, you must have been wronged.”

Marissa smiled slightly and replied, “Mom, don’t say that. I really don’t feel wronged at all.”

Old Master Klein spoke up, “Marissa, it’s been a while since our whole family was together. I’ve had someone light the charcoal; let’s have a meal together with our copper pot hotpot!”

One of the favorite dishes of the older generation in Eastcliff is copper pot hotpot.

Unlike the electric or gas stoves used elsewhere, Eastcliff’s traditional copper pot hotpot requires a hollow copper pot heated with charcoal— a method passed down from the imperial palace.

In Eastcliff’s harsh winter, enjoying hotpot from a copper pot is a superb delight.

As native Eastcliffers for five generations, the Klein family cherished this tradition deeply.

However, over the years, as the children grew up and started their own families, it became rare for everyone to gather together. Although they often visited their parents, getting everyone together was no easy feat.

Thus, Old Master Klein was eager to enjoy a family meal and create a warm atmosphere, rather than having everyone come over just to comfort Marissa, which might have an adverse effect.

As expected, when the siblings heard about the hotpot, their excitement overcame the late hour.

The youngest, Hailee, Marissa’s little sister, eagerly linked arms with Marissa and said cheerfully, “Second sister, I’m free these days and was thinking of staying with Mom and Dad. How about we share a room?”

Marissa smiled and said, “Tonight is fine, but tomorrow I’m heading to Aurous Hill.”

“What?!” The others looked at Marissa in surprise.

Old Master Klein, Roger, asked, “Marissa, are you going to Aurous Hill? For Drake?”

Marissa nodded and replied, “Yes, Dad. I’ve always wanted to go, but circumstances didn’t allow it. Now that there are no more obstacles, I want to go as soon as possible and fulfill a wish.”

Roger’s expression turned somber as he reflected, “Not being able to have Drake as a son-in-law is my greatest regret in this life.”


Roger let out a sigh, causing a tinge of regret to ripple across everyone present.

“Don’t bring up old wounds,” the elderly Mrs. Klein chided, pinching him sharply on the waist. “Get the kids inside and prepare for dinner!”

Roger sighed again, “Ah, Marissa’s grown up so much. She understands things better than we do. What I said was just the truth. No need to be overly sensitive.”

Standing nearby, Marissa nodded and replied seriously, “Mom, I’m not upset or hurt about this at all. So, you don’t need to be too sensitive.”

Mrs. Klein looked astonished, “Marissa, after Virtuoso kept this from you for so many years, you’re really not angry?”

Marissa shook her head, “I’m not angry. In fact, I feel relieved.”

Roger smiled broadly, “That’s great! Relief is a good thing! Honestly, for years, I’ve felt you weren’t happy. Now that you’ve moved past it, I’m genuinely happy for you!”

Marissa nodded sincerely and smiled, “Thank you, Dad!”

Roger laughed heartily and waved, “Let’s go, let’s go, it’s time for hotpot! Jomari, you three brothers better join me for a few drinks later!”

As the eldest son of the Klein family, Jomari nodded without hesitation, “Sure thing, Dad! Tonight, the three of us will drink with you properly!”

Marissa’s sister, Linette, quickly chimed in, “Dad, do we have any red wine at home? The three of us will drink with you too!”

The youngest sister, Hailee, added with a smile, “That’s wonderful, Dad. I’ll drink with you along with Eldest Sister and Second Sister!”

Roger was instantly delighted, laughing joyfully, “Great! Since you three sisters couldn’t make it for New Year’s Eve, let’s consider today our New Year celebration!”

Hailee hurriedly explained, “Dad, we wanted to be here for New Year’s, but you wouldn’t let us.”

Roger explained seriously, “You’ve married into the Shen family, and you should spend the New Year with your in-laws. Your two sisters are the same. It’s the way things are. Your three brothers come to spend New Year with me and your mother. If you three sisters came too, people might say I’m selfish, only thinking of my own family.”

Hailee quickly responded, “Got it, Dad. I’ve promised Sean that we’ll come back to celebrate with you next New Year’s Eve.”

Roger chuckled, “We’ll talk about it then. See how Sean feels. If he’s not willing, don’t push it.”

With that, the three sons and three daughters of the Klein family accompanied the elderly couple to the dining room.

In the dining room, the family’s chef had already set a beautiful brass pot on the table, with glowing charcoal flames in the center and a pot of clear broth simmering. The table was adorned with freshly sliced lamb meat of various cuts.

Eastcliffers are very particular about lamb, generally avoiding the machine-sliced lamb rolls from hotpot restaurants. They prefer freshly hand-cut lamb.

Hand-cut lamb is quite sophisticated, with different parts of the lamb having various names, like shoulder meat, tenderloin, large and small trefoils, and cucumber strips.

Each type of meat has its own cutting style, with varying sizes and thicknesses, and the distinctions are numerous.

The Klein family rarely flaunts their wealth or indulges in lavish lifestyles. They are meticulous, but not about showiness or price. Instead, they focus on taste and essence.

For example, their taste in food is exceptionally refined.

The fried dough sticks from the alleyway vendor, which the family has enjoyed for ten years, never become tiresome. However, if they try a place with slightly inferior skills—even just a bit—they find it nearly inedible.

Old Mr. Klein had no particular vices in his life, except for his love of smoking.


Old Mr. Klein had a particular fondness for cigarettes from a factory in southern Yunnan.

After smoking these cigarettes for twenty years, the factory upgraded its production process, changing the formula and the materials for the paper and filters. Everyone thought the new version was more refined and upscale, with only a slight difference in taste. But Old Mr. Klein couldn’t get used to the new flavor and found it unsatisfactory.

Eventually, this issue even made him ill.

Hearing of his illness and hospitalization, a former subordinate of Old Mr. Klein rushed over to visit. When he learned that the cause was the changed taste of the cigarettes, he arranged for the factory to restart the old production line that had been dismantled and was about to be scrapped, just for Old Mr. Klein. This restored the original flavor and cured his affliction.

However, Old Mr. Klein felt guilty for using his influence. He had his second son, Oliver, verify the costs of reopening the production line and paid for it out of his own pocket, ensuring he felt justified in accepting this privilege.

The children of the Klein family inherited their father’s meticulous nature. The more refined they were, the more sophisticated their lives became.

So, not only did the family members have high education and strong capabilities, but they also embraced the traditional virtues of the Chinese people: kindness, humility, and frugality.

At this moment, the Klein family was gathered around the table, enjoying hotpot and fine wine. The eight of them chatted animatedly, and their spirits were high.

Originally, everyone had been concerned that Marissa’s mood might be down. However, they were pleasantly surprised to see her in an incredibly relaxed and comfortable state.

The close family could tell that her ease wasn’t feigned, so they all breathed a sigh of relief.

The elderly couple was especially happy. Over the years, all six of their children had married and were doing exceptionally well. Although each one’s life was flawless, they had always been concerned about Marissa.

This concern stemmed from knowing that Marissa had long loved Drake in vain. After Drake’s marriage, her decision to marry Virtuoso had been a rash, emotional reaction.

The night before her wedding, Marissa had cried in her mother’s arms, with her sister Linette and younger sister Hailee comforting her. They were all heartbroken.

The three women tried to persuade her to reconsider, but she remained adamant.

In the years since the marriage, despite Virtuoso’s deep affection for Marissa, only her family could see that she had never truly been happy. Especially after Drake’s untimely death, she had become even more reserved and had started practicing Buddhism, living a life of a lay practitioner at home.

But now, it was clear to everyone that Marissa was genuinely relieved.

Old Mr. Klein, thinking about Marissa’s trip to Aurous Hill, asked, “Marissa, how long do you plan to stay in Aurous Hill?”

Marissa considered for a moment and replied, “Dad, I’m not sure yet. I’ll just see how it goes.”

Old Mr. Klein asked, “Who will be accompanying you?”

Marissa responded, “Cameron and Camilla will be with me.”

Old Mr. Klein nodded, “The old house in Aurous Hill has been well maintained. It’s been many years since you’ve been there. You can spend some time there. If your mother and I have nothing pressing, we might go to Aurous Hill ourselves in a few days. The winter in Eastcliff is too dry, and your mother has been saying she wants to spend a few days in the south.”


While the Klein family enjoyed a harmonious gathering, Virtuoso was preparing for his departure to Australia.

This situation had left him feeling quite passive; Old Mr. Klein had clearly instructed him to lay low for a while, and he had no choice but to comply.

Before leaving, Virtuoso called Cameron and asked, "Cameron, could you and your sister come to my study?"

Cameron quickly responded, "Sure, Dad, we'll be there shortly."

After ending the call, Cameron told Camilla, "Dad wants us in the study."

Camilla, still upset, replied, "You go ahead. I don’t want to see him!"

Camilla struggled to accept that her father had betrayed her mother and fathered a child just a year younger than her, making her unwilling to face Virtuoso at this moment.

Cameron tried to reason with her, "Camilla, this is a matter between Mom and Dad. We, as children, should try not to get too involved. You can’t cut off relations with him just because of a mistake he made over twenty years ago."

Camilla firmly said, "I’m not cutting off ties, just not ready to see him right now. You go alone."

Cameron awkwardly asked, "If Dad asks about you, what should I say?"

Camilla replied without hesitation, "Just tell him I don’t want to see him at the moment."

Seeing that Camilla was serious, Cameron sighed and said, "Alright, I’ll go see him first."

Cameron then left for Virtuoso’s study.

The Salvador family villa was vast, resembling a castle. Although the entire family lived together, they resided in different sections of the villa.

Cameron descended the stairs to Virtuoso’s study. After knocking and entering, she found Virtuoso looking aged and troubled, smoking a cigarette with a forlorn expression.

Virtuoso, surprised by Cameron’s arrival, asked, "Where is your sister?"

Cameron awkwardly explained, "Camilla is a bit—"

Virtuoso sighed with a wry smile, "She must be very angry with me."

Cameron responded, "She’s stubborn. Honestly, she should have been used to this by now."

Virtuoso sighed again, "In the end, I’ve let down your mother and both of you."

Cameron quickly reassured him, "Dad, don’t be too hard on yourself. There’s no absolute right or wrong in matters of the heart. You don’t need to be overly self-reproachful."

Virtuoso waved his hand, "Who you like or don’t like isn’t a matter of right or wrong, but once married, one must be responsible for their marriage and their partner. I failed in that regard, and it’s only natural for Camilla to be upset."

He continued, "I asked you both to come because your grandfather wants me to go to Australia to lay low. I’m leaving tonight and might not be back for a while."

"Australia?!" Cameron exclaimed, "Dad, why is Grandpa sending you to Australia now, and why the rush? Even if the situation is serious, it doesn’t seem necessary to go that far."

Virtuoso smiled bitterly, "This scandal is between me and your grandfather. By sending me to Australia, Grandpa is making me the scapegoat and distracting the media. Once I leave, the media will likely focus on my sudden departure, diverting their attention away from other matters."


Cameron, outraged, said, "Dad! Grandpa's actions are outrageous! He betrayed Raven—if he’s willing to sell out his own granddaughter, how can he not use you as a scapegoat now? It’s unacceptable to throw you under the bus instead of solving the problem directly!"

Virtuoso raised his hand, saying, "You can say this here, but don’t mention it outside these walls. Your grandfather’s temperament is like this—he always prioritizes his own interests above all else."

"In his view, personal gain comes first, and nothing is off-limits when it comes to sacrificing others."

"If he can sell Raven to the Japanese Self-Defense Forces today, who knows if tomorrow he might sell one of us to some interest group? So remember these words when dealing with him: ‘Accompany a king, like accompanying a tiger!’"

Cameron nodded quietly.

Virtuoso continued, "By the way, after I leave, please spend more time with your mother and apologize to her on my behalf. Also, keep an eye on her—see where she goes, who she meets, and report any significant developments to me."

He added quickly, "Don’t get me wrong; I’m not asking you to spy on her. I just want to try and salvage my marriage with your mother, and having you as an ally might help."

Cameron nodded, "Dad, I understand. Don’t worry."

He then added, "By the way, Mom said she’s going to Aurous Hill tomorrow. Camilla and I are going there too."

"Aurous Hill?!" Virtuoso asked, "Why is Mom going to Aurous Hill?"

Cameron hesitated, "Maybe she just wants to clear her mind. I’m not entirely sure."

Virtuoso’s expression darkened significantly.

He knew very well why Marissa was going to Aurous Hill.

He thought with a clenched jaw, "Aurous Hill is where Drake died!"

"She’s had lingering feelings for Drake for years. Her desire to visit Aurous Hill must have been brewing for a long time!"

"Just as the news of my affair and illegitimate child breaks, she immediately decides to go to Aurous Hill to remember Drake. How can she have any respect for me? This is too much!"

"If people find out she’s going to Aurous Hill to mourn Drake right after the scandal breaks, where will I hide my face?"

Virtuoso seethed with anger.

Seeing Virtuoso’s grim expression, Cameron realized she had said the wrong thing and quickly changed the subject, "Dad, when do you leave? I’ll see you off."

Virtuoso composed himself, retracting his thoughts, and said, "I need to leave in ten minutes. Grandpa arranged for me to go to Australia, and your second uncle has been stirring things up behind the scenes. While I’m gone, you and Camilla need to be careful of him."

"Second uncle?" Cameron asked, frowning, "He’s always been obedient to you. Why is he turning against you now?"

Virtuoso sneered, "Throughout history, no matter how many sons an emperor has, he only ever chooses one to be the heir. To ensure the heir’s success, he weakens the other sons’ power to prevent rebellion. Your second uncle wants to be the heir, so he’s doing everything he can to undermine me."

Cameron gritted her teeth, "It’s shocking to see him turn against you so suddenly after being so polite and accommodating!"

Virtuoso sighed, "Your second uncle is a typical smiling tiger, all sweetness on the surface but with a knife hidden underneath. I’ve been careless and fell into his trap this time. When I return, he’ll pay for it!"


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Jun 22, 2024
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- Eastcliff, the Klein Family Home

Before Marissa even arrived, her parents and siblings had already heard about the scandal involving the Salvador family and Virtuoso's illegitimate daughter.

So, while Marissa was still on her way, the rest of the Klein siblings rushed back home at the call of Old Master Klein.

Old Master Klein and Old Madam Klein were well aware of Marissa's temperament. They knew that once she learned of this, she would immediately return to her family. So, they didn't call her or have anyone else do so. The whole family had gathered, waiting for her return.

When Marissa's car drove into the Klein family's grand estate, her parents and siblings came out to greet her.

Seeing her entire family waiting for her, Marissa was deeply touched.

Unlike other business families, the Klein family had held high positions for generations, so money was never a big deal for them.

Because they didn't care about money, there were no power struggles among the Klein siblings.

Among the Klein descendants, some followed in Old Master Klein’s footsteps and had promising careers; others focused on their studies at top universities or research institutes; some became reclusive scholars with billions in assets but kept a low profile.

As for Marissa and her sisters, they all had their own emotional fulfillments.

Under Old Madam Klein's upbringing, the Klein women were not career-driven but excelled at managing their households, embodying the traditional virtues of Chinese women.

As soon as Marissa stepped out of the car, Old Madam Klein hurried over, taking her hand with concern and saying softly, “Marissa, you must have been wronged.”

Marissa smiled slightly and replied, “Mom, don’t say that. I really don’t feel wronged at all.”

Old Master Klein spoke up, “Marissa, it’s been a while since our whole family was together. I’ve had someone light the charcoal; let’s have a meal together with our copper pot hotpot!”

One of the favorite dishes of the older generation in Eastcliff is copper pot hotpot.

Unlike the electric or gas stoves used elsewhere, Eastcliff’s traditional copper pot hotpot requires a hollow copper pot heated with charcoal— a method passed down from the imperial palace.

In Eastcliff’s harsh winter, enjoying hotpot from a copper pot is a superb delight.

As native Eastcliffers for five generations, the Klein family cherished this tradition deeply.

However, over the years, as the children grew up and started their own families, it became rare for everyone to gather together. Although they often visited their parents, getting everyone together was no easy feat.

Thus, Old Master Klein was eager to enjoy a family meal and create a warm atmosphere, rather than having everyone come over just to comfort Marissa, which might have an adverse effect.

As expected, when the siblings heard about the hotpot, their excitement overcame the late hour.

The youngest, Hailee, Marissa’s little sister, eagerly linked arms with Marissa and said cheerfully, “Second sister, I’m free these days and was thinking of staying with Mom and Dad. How about we share a room?”

Marissa smiled and said, “Tonight is fine, but tomorrow I’m heading to Aurous Hill.”

“What?!” The others looked at Marissa in surprise.

Old Master Klein, Roger, asked, “Marissa, are you going to Aurous Hill? For Drake?”

Marissa nodded and replied, “Yes, Dad. I’ve always wanted to go, but circumstances didn’t allow it. Now that there are no more obstacles, I want to go as soon as possible and fulfill a wish.”

Roger’s expression turned somber as he reflected, “Not being able to have Drake as a son-in-law is my greatest regret in this life.”


Roger let out a sigh, causing a tinge of regret to ripple across everyone present.

“Don’t bring up old wounds,” the elderly Mrs. Klein chided, pinching him sharply on the waist. “Get the kids inside and prepare for dinner!”

Roger sighed again, “Ah, Marissa’s grown up so much. She understands things better than we do. What I said was just the truth. No need to be overly sensitive.”

Standing nearby, Marissa nodded and replied seriously, “Mom, I’m not upset or hurt about this at all. So, you don’t need to be too sensitive.”

Mrs. Klein looked astonished, “Marissa, after Virtuoso kept this from you for so many years, you’re really not angry?”

Marissa shook her head, “I’m not angry. In fact, I feel relieved.”

Roger smiled broadly, “That’s great! Relief is a good thing! Honestly, for years, I’ve felt you weren’t happy. Now that you’ve moved past it, I’m genuinely happy for you!”

Marissa nodded sincerely and smiled, “Thank you, Dad!”

Roger laughed heartily and waved, “Let’s go, let’s go, it’s time for hotpot! Jomari, you three brothers better join me for a few drinks later!”

As the eldest son of the Klein family, Jomari nodded without hesitation, “Sure thing, Dad! Tonight, the three of us will drink with you properly!”

Marissa’s sister, Linette, quickly chimed in, “Dad, do we have any red wine at home? The three of us will drink with you too!”

The youngest sister, Hailee, added with a smile, “That’s wonderful, Dad. I’ll drink with you along with Eldest Sister and Second Sister!”

Roger was instantly delighted, laughing joyfully, “Great! Since you three sisters couldn’t make it for New Year’s Eve, let’s consider today our New Year celebration!”

Hailee hurriedly explained, “Dad, we wanted to be here for New Year’s, but you wouldn’t let us.”

Roger explained seriously, “You’ve married into the Shen family, and you should spend the New Year with your in-laws. Your two sisters are the same. It’s the way things are. Your three brothers come to spend New Year with me and your mother. If you three sisters came too, people might say I’m selfish, only thinking of my own family.”

Hailee quickly responded, “Got it, Dad. I’ve promised Sean that we’ll come back to celebrate with you next New Year’s Eve.”

Roger chuckled, “We’ll talk about it then. See how Sean feels. If he’s not willing, don’t push it.”

With that, the three sons and three daughters of the Klein family accompanied the elderly couple to the dining room.

In the dining room, the family’s chef had already set a beautiful brass pot on the table, with glowing charcoal flames in the center and a pot of clear broth simmering. The table was adorned with freshly sliced lamb meat of various cuts.

Eastcliffers are very particular about lamb, generally avoiding the machine-sliced lamb rolls from hotpot restaurants. They prefer freshly hand-cut lamb.

Hand-cut lamb is quite sophisticated, with different parts of the lamb having various names, like shoulder meat, tenderloin, large and small trefoils, and cucumber strips.

Each type of meat has its own cutting style, with varying sizes and thicknesses, and the distinctions are numerous.

The Klein family rarely flaunts their wealth or indulges in lavish lifestyles. They are meticulous, but not about showiness or price. Instead, they focus on taste and essence.

For example, their taste in food is exceptionally refined.

The fried dough sticks from the alleyway vendor, which the family has enjoyed for ten years, never become tiresome. However, if they try a place with slightly inferior skills—even just a bit—they find it nearly inedible.

Old Mr. Klein had no particular vices in his life, except for his love of smoking.


Old Mr. Klein had a particular fondness for cigarettes from a factory in southern Yunnan.

After smoking these cigarettes for twenty years, the factory upgraded its production process, changing the formula and the materials for the paper and filters. Everyone thought the new version was more refined and upscale, with only a slight difference in taste. But Old Mr. Klein couldn’t get used to the new flavor and found it unsatisfactory.

Eventually, this issue even made him ill.

Hearing of his illness and hospitalization, a former subordinate of Old Mr. Klein rushed over to visit. When he learned that the cause was the changed taste of the cigarettes, he arranged for the factory to restart the old production line that had been dismantled and was about to be scrapped, just for Old Mr. Klein. This restored the original flavor and cured his affliction.

However, Old Mr. Klein felt guilty for using his influence. He had his second son, Oliver, verify the costs of reopening the production line and paid for it out of his own pocket, ensuring he felt justified in accepting this privilege.

The children of the Klein family inherited their father’s meticulous nature. The more refined they were, the more sophisticated their lives became.

So, not only did the family members have high education and strong capabilities, but they also embraced the traditional virtues of the Chinese people: kindness, humility, and frugality.

At this moment, the Klein family was gathered around the table, enjoying hotpot and fine wine. The eight of them chatted animatedly, and their spirits were high.

Originally, everyone had been concerned that Marissa’s mood might be down. However, they were pleasantly surprised to see her in an incredibly relaxed and comfortable state.

The close family could tell that her ease wasn’t feigned, so they all breathed a sigh of relief.

The elderly couple was especially happy. Over the years, all six of their children had married and were doing exceptionally well. Although each one’s life was flawless, they had always been concerned about Marissa.

This concern stemmed from knowing that Marissa had long loved Drake in vain. After Drake’s marriage, her decision to marry Virtuoso had been a rash, emotional reaction.

The night before her wedding, Marissa had cried in her mother’s arms, with her sister Linette and younger sister Hailee comforting her. They were all heartbroken.

The three women tried to persuade her to reconsider, but she remained adamant.

In the years since the marriage, despite Virtuoso’s deep affection for Marissa, only her family could see that she had never truly been happy. Especially after Drake’s untimely death, she had become even more reserved and had started practicing Buddhism, living a life of a lay practitioner at home.

But now, it was clear to everyone that Marissa was genuinely relieved.

Old Mr. Klein, thinking about Marissa’s trip to Aurous Hill, asked, “Marissa, how long do you plan to stay in Aurous Hill?”

Marissa considered for a moment and replied, “Dad, I’m not sure yet. I’ll just see how it goes.”

Old Mr. Klein asked, “Who will be accompanying you?”

Marissa responded, “Cameron and Camilla will be with me.”

Old Mr. Klein nodded, “The old house in Aurous Hill has been well maintained. It’s been many years since you’ve been there. You can spend some time there. If your mother and I have nothing pressing, we might go to Aurous Hill ourselves in a few days. The winter in Eastcliff is too dry, and your mother has been saying she wants to spend a few days in the south.”


While the Klein family enjoyed a harmonious gathering, Virtuoso was preparing for his departure to Australia.

This situation had left him feeling quite passive; Old Mr. Klein had clearly instructed him to lay low for a while, and he had no choice but to comply.

Before leaving, Virtuoso called Cameron and asked, "Cameron, could you and your sister come to my study?"

Cameron quickly responded, "Sure, Dad, we'll be there shortly."

After ending the call, Cameron told Camilla, "Dad wants us in the study."

Camilla, still upset, replied, "You go ahead. I don’t want to see him!"

Camilla struggled to accept that her father had betrayed her mother and fathered a child just a year younger than her, making her unwilling to face Virtuoso at this moment.

Cameron tried to reason with her, "Camilla, this is a matter between Mom and Dad. We, as children, should try not to get too involved. You can’t cut off relations with him just because of a mistake he made over twenty years ago."

Camilla firmly said, "I’m not cutting off ties, just not ready to see him right now. You go alone."

Cameron awkwardly asked, "If Dad asks about you, what should I say?"

Camilla replied without hesitation, "Just tell him I don’t want to see him at the moment."

Seeing that Camilla was serious, Cameron sighed and said, "Alright, I’ll go see him first."

Cameron then left for Virtuoso’s study.

The Salvador family villa was vast, resembling a castle. Although the entire family lived together, they resided in different sections of the villa.

Cameron descended the stairs to Virtuoso’s study. After knocking and entering, she found Virtuoso looking aged and troubled, smoking a cigarette with a forlorn expression.

Virtuoso, surprised by Cameron’s arrival, asked, "Where is your sister?"

Cameron awkwardly explained, "Camilla is a bit—"

Virtuoso sighed with a wry smile, "She must be very angry with me."

Cameron responded, "She’s stubborn. Honestly, she should have been used to this by now."

Virtuoso sighed again, "In the end, I’ve let down your mother and both of you."

Cameron quickly reassured him, "Dad, don’t be too hard on yourself. There’s no absolute right or wrong in matters of the heart. You don’t need to be overly self-reproachful."

Virtuoso waved his hand, "Who you like or don’t like isn’t a matter of right or wrong, but once married, one must be responsible for their marriage and their partner. I failed in that regard, and it’s only natural for Camilla to be upset."

He continued, "I asked you both to come because your grandfather wants me to go to Australia to lay low. I’m leaving tonight and might not be back for a while."

"Australia?!" Cameron exclaimed, "Dad, why is Grandpa sending you to Australia now, and why the rush? Even if the situation is serious, it doesn’t seem necessary to go that far."

Virtuoso smiled bitterly, "This scandal is between me and your grandfather. By sending me to Australia, Grandpa is making me the scapegoat and distracting the media. Once I leave, the media will likely focus on my sudden departure, diverting their attention away from other matters."


Cameron, outraged, said, "Dad! Grandpa's actions are outrageous! He betrayed Raven—if he’s willing to sell out his own granddaughter, how can he not use you as a scapegoat now? It’s unacceptable to throw you under the bus instead of solving the problem directly!"

Virtuoso raised his hand, saying, "You can say this here, but don’t mention it outside these walls. Your grandfather’s temperament is like this—he always prioritizes his own interests above all else."

"In his view, personal gain comes first, and nothing is off-limits when it comes to sacrificing others."

"If he can sell Raven to the Japanese Self-Defense Forces today, who knows if tomorrow he might sell one of us to some interest group? So remember these words when dealing with him: ‘Accompany a king, like accompanying a tiger!’"

Cameron nodded quietly.

Virtuoso continued, "By the way, after I leave, please spend more time with your mother and apologize to her on my behalf. Also, keep an eye on her—see where she goes, who she meets, and report any significant developments to me."

He added quickly, "Don’t get me wrong; I’m not asking you to spy on her. I just want to try and salvage my marriage with your mother, and having you as an ally might help."

Cameron nodded, "Dad, I understand. Don’t worry."

He then added, "By the way, Mom said she’s going to Aurous Hill tomorrow. Camilla and I are going there too."

"Aurous Hill?!" Virtuoso asked, "Why is Mom going to Aurous Hill?"

Cameron hesitated, "Maybe she just wants to clear her mind. I’m not entirely sure."

Virtuoso’s expression darkened significantly.

He knew very well why Marissa was going to Aurous Hill.

He thought with a clenched jaw, "Aurous Hill is where Drake died!"

"She’s had lingering feelings for Drake for years. Her desire to visit Aurous Hill must have been brewing for a long time!"

"Just as the news of my affair and illegitimate child breaks, she immediately decides to go to Aurous Hill to remember Drake. How can she have any respect for me? This is too much!"

"If people find out she’s going to Aurous Hill to mourn Drake right after the scandal breaks, where will I hide my face?"

Virtuoso seethed with anger.

Seeing Virtuoso’s grim expression, Cameron realized she had said the wrong thing and quickly changed the subject, "Dad, when do you leave? I’ll see you off."

Virtuoso composed himself, retracting his thoughts, and said, "I need to leave in ten minutes. Grandpa arranged for me to go to Australia, and your second uncle has been stirring things up behind the scenes. While I’m gone, you and Camilla need to be careful of him."

"Second uncle?" Cameron asked, frowning, "He’s always been obedient to you. Why is he turning against you now?"

Virtuoso sneered, "Throughout history, no matter how many sons an emperor has, he only ever chooses one to be the heir. To ensure the heir’s success, he weakens the other sons’ power to prevent rebellion. Your second uncle wants to be the heir, so he’s doing everything he can to undermine me."

Cameron gritted her teeth, "It’s shocking to see him turn against you so suddenly after being so polite and accommodating!"

Virtuoso sighed, "Your second uncle is a typical smiling tiger, all sweetness on the surface but with a knife hidden underneath. I’ve been careless and fell into his trap this time. When I return, he’ll pay for it!"
House on fire😀

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

As Virtuoso and his son were in the middle of their conversation, Virtuoso's phone suddenly rang. The screen displayed the caller: his younger brother, Viridian.

Recalling how Viridian had ruthlessly kicked him when he was down at a critical moment, Virtuoso's heart filled with bitterness, souring his mood.

He pressed the speakerphone button and coldly asked, "What do you want?"

Viridian chuckled, "Big Brother, the car is ready, and so is the plane. It's time to take you to the airport."

Virtuoso clenched his teeth and replied in a frosty tone, "Fine. I'll have a few words with Cameron and then head down."

Viridian quickly urged, "Big Brother, don't delay. Father is waiting for me to report back. His exact words were that you need to leave as soon as possible—the quicker, the better."

Virtuoso could only suppress his anger and say, "Alright, I'll be down in five minutes!"

"Good, Big Brother," Viridian responded with a laugh. "I'll be waiting at the door to personally escort you to the airport!"

Without another word, Virtuoso hung up the phone.

Turning to Cameron, he said with significant meaning, "These days, you need to spend more time with your mother. If anything comes up, report to me immediately."

Cameron, who still harbored hopes that his parents could reconcile, nodded earnestly. "Dad, don't worry. I understand."

Virtuoso nodded back, stood up, and grabbed his suitcase. "Alright, I'm leaving now."

Cameron quickly asked, "Dad, when will you be back?"

Virtuoso shook his head. "That depends on your grandfather's wishes. I don't know exactly when."

With that, Virtuoso waved his hand dismissively. "No more talking."

He then pulled his suitcase and headed for the door.

Cameron rushed ahead and took the suitcase from his hand. "Dad, let me take you to the airport!"

Virtuoso said, "No need. Just see me off downstairs and then go back."

In the spacious villa courtyard, a Lexus luxury van was already waiting.

The Toyota Alphard was considered the pinnacle of luxury vans in the country, but this new Lexus model was even a notch above that.

Viridian stood outside the car door, smiling as he watched Virtuoso approach.

Before Virtuoso could reach him, Viridian hurriedly stepped forward, all smiles and warmth. "Ah, Big Brother, please get in the car. We need to head out quickly!"

Virtuoso coldly retorted, "I’m the one leaving, not you. Why are you in such a hurry?"

Viridian, unperturbed, continued to smile. "Big Brother, I'm just looking out for you! Father is pressing for time. If you're even a bit slow, he'll be displeased again!"

Virtuoso was already fuming inside. He wanted to give Viridian a piece of his mind, but Viridian kept using their father as a shield. If he showed any anger, Viridian would no doubt run back and badmouth him to their father.

Left with no choice, Virtuoso had to swallow his anger and said, "Since it's Father's order, let's get going!"

He then called the driver over to take the suitcase from Cameron and load it into the van. Turning to his son, he said, "Cameron, take good care of your mother and sister."

Cameron responded quickly, "I will, Dad. Don’t worry."

Virtuoso said nothing more, stepping into the back seat of the luxury van and signaling Cameron to go back.

Viridian, grinning from ear to ear, sat down next to Virtuoso and told Cameron, "Alright, Cameron, you should go rest. I’ll make sure your father gets on the plane."

Then, he turned to the driver and commanded, "Alright, let's go!"


The driver immediately started the car, and it sped off, leaving a trail of dust behind.

As Cameron watched the luxury van exit the villa's courtyard, a deep sense of loss engulfed him.

Tonight was almost more unbearable than the night he and his sister Camilla were kidnapped. Back then, they were only facing the threat of death. But tonight, he had to endure the devastating news that his father had an illegitimate daughter, the breakdown of his parents' marriage, his father's sudden fall from grace, and the abrupt decision to send him off to Australia.

His mind was overwhelmed—not only with concerns about his parents' relationship and his father's future, but also with anxiety about his own fate.

Before tonight, his father had been the heir apparent of the entire Salvador family. And he, in turn, was naturally next in line after his father. But tonight's events had turned everything upside down.

His father had lost the favor and trust of the family patriarch. If his father were to fall from grace and never recover, Cameron’s future would be bleak. And if his second uncle, Viridian, were to become the new heir, Cameron would have no chance at all.

Troubled and dejected, Cameron wandered back to his sister Camilla’s study. She was still at her computer, meticulously comparing photos of male passengers at Japanese airports.

Seeing Cameron return, Camilla glanced at him and asked irritably, "What did Dad want? Was he trying to make excuses for himself?"

"No," Cameron sighed deeply. "Dad's been sent to Australia by Grandpa."

"What?!" Camilla exclaimed in shock. "Dad's been sent to Australia? When did this happen?"

"Just now," Cameron said, his face filled with worry. "Dad packed his bags and left. Second Uncle took him to the airport."

Camilla was baffled. "Why would Grandpa send Dad to Australia? All this drama with Dad boils down to his relationship with Raven, right? For someone of Dad’s status, having an illegitimate daughter exposed isn’t even that big of a deal. Why would Grandpa go to such lengths?"

Cameron explained, "Dad said Grandpa wants him to take the blame."

Camilla's heart sank, and she blurted out, "This is bad—really bad. With Dad gone, Grandpa is definitely going to dump all the blame on him."

Nervously, Camilla added, "I bet Grandpa will publicly declare that it was Dad who decided to sell out Raven. That way, he can absolve himself of the guilt of betraying his own granddaughter, while Dad gets stuck with the horrible reputation of betraying his own daughter!"

Cameron sighed in resignation. "There's nothing we can do about it. Grandpa ordered Dad to leave tonight, and he couldn't refuse."

Camilla looked at Cameron with determination and said seriously, "Cameron, the Salvador family is about to change."

Cameron asked, "You feel it too?"

Camilla nodded gravely. "Cameron, I don't care about money or power. I'm just a girl, so I don't stand to inherit much anyway. But you're different. If Dad can't rise again, then your future is ruined."

Cameron covered his face, filled with anxiety. "But what can we do? It's obvious Grandpa is desperate to shift the blame, and Dad is the perfect scapegoat."

He added, "Besides, the charge of betraying his own daughter is too harsh. If that crime sticks to Dad, his public image will be utterly destroyed. Just based on that, Grandpa would never let him inherit the position of family head."

At this point, Cameron sighed deeply. "Our family might never recover from this."

Camilla's brows furrowed tightly. She gritted her pearly white teeth and declared resolutely, "No way! We must help Dad reclaim his position as the heir!"

Cameron blurted out, "How?"

Camilla replied coldly, "Don't ask yet. Tomorrow, we’ll go to Aurous Hill with Mom and stay away from this mess for now. As for how to help Dad take back everything, I have my ways!"


Half an hour later.

A privately modified Boeing 747 took off from Eastcliff Airport, slicing through the night sky.

This aircraft, identical in model to the U.S. President’s Air Force One, could carry up to 467 passengers if configured in a typical three-class layout. However, tonight, aside from the crew, there was only one passenger on board—Virtuoso.

The flight from Eastcliff to Queensland, Australia, spans approximately 9,000 kilometers. For such a long route, a smaller private jet would have been unable to fly directly. Only a large aircraft like the 747, with a range exceeding 10,000 kilometers, could complete the journey nonstop.

Virtuoso sat inside the aircraft, his mood bleak. As he watched the bright lights of Eastcliff grow distant, his heart grew heavier with each passing moment.

Just twenty minutes after takeoff, a series of photos were sent to the inboxes of reporters at several major media outlets in Eastcliff.

The photos, taken from a distance, documented Virtuoso’s entire departure—from leaving for the airport, to passing through security, to boarding the plane. Though the night made the images somewhat grainy and blurred, the photographer had managed to capture the scene clearly enough to identify Virtuoso at a glance.

In addition to sending these photos, the photographer also tipped off the reporters with a piece of shocking news:

“The truth behind the Raven incident is that the Salvador family patriarch, Harrison, was not involved at all. The one who conspired with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and betrayed Raven was none other than her biological father, Virtuoso!”

The tipster continued, “Virtuoso wanted Raven dead to ensure her identity as his illegitimate daughter would remain a secret, forever buried!”

Moreover, the source revealed, “After the truth came to light, Virtuoso’s wife, Marissa, immediately returned to her family and insisted on divorcing him. Virtuoso, fearing exposure as the mastermind, fled Eastcliff overnight for Australia, leaving his father, Harrison, to take the fall.”

Reporters who received this explosive information were quick to break the news.

As soon as the story hit, it caused an immediate uproar.

Previously, Japan's National Security Agency had claimed that the Salvador family patriarch, Harrison, had betrayed Raven. However, the version of events implicating Virtuoso seemed more plausible to the Chinese public.

There were several reasons for this:

First, Raven was Virtuoso’s illegitimate daughter. Given Virtuoso’s desire to protect his reputation, marriage, and public image, it was plausible that he would go to great lengths to prevent Raven’s identity from being exposed. Thus, he had a strong motive for wanting her dead.

Second, Virtuoso was known to be ruthless and inhumane, having ordered the massacre of the entire Matsumoto family in Japan. His cold-blooded nature lent credibility to the idea that he would kill Raven to keep his secret.

Third, Virtuoso’s immediate departure for Australia on the same night the scandal broke only reinforced suspicions. His hasty exit was seen as an undeniable sign of guilt.

As the news spread like wildfire, Virtuoso quickly became the most despised figure in the country.

He was accused of ordering the massacre of the Matsumoto family, betraying his own daughter, and cowardly fleeing the country to escape the consequences of his actions.

In response, the internet was flooded with calls to condemn Virtuoso.

But at this moment, high above the clouds, Virtuoso remained oblivious to the storm brewing below.


Scene: The Study of Master Harrison

Viridian held a tablet in his hand, beaming as he presented the latest media reports and online comments to his father, Master Harrison.

"Father," Viridian began, his voice laced with sycophantic cheer, "with this, no one will blame you for what happened to Raven."

Master Salvador nodded in satisfaction, a wave of relief washing over him. As one ages, the value of reputation becomes paramount, especially for someone like him. He had spent his life cultivating an image of wisdom and success, becoming an idol to many. With retirement on the horizon, the last thing he wanted was for his reputation to be tarnished by a single misstep.

The situation with Raven had threatened to ruin everything. The thought of his legacy being marred by scandal had kept him awake at night. He had been desperate to shift the blame, to wash his hands clean of the whole affair. Yet, until now, he hadn't seen a way out. After all, the information had been exposed by Japan’s National Security Agency, and the facts were indisputable—there was no way to deny it.

But Viridian's cleverness had surprised him. Originally, Master Salvador had planned to send his eldest son, Virtuoso, to Australia and pin the massacre of the Matsumoto family on him. But the notion of evading responsibility for colluding with Japan’s Self-Defense Forces to betray Raven seemed far-fetched, even to him.

Yet, Viridian had managed to craft a plan that was nothing short of brilliant. He had arranged for someone to secretly photograph Virtuoso boarding a plane, then anonymously sent a fabricated story to the media. In no time, all the blame had shifted to Virtuoso.

Viridian's strategy of "diverting the disaster eastward" was textbook perfection. The narrative was clear, the logic sound. Even though most of it was fabricated, it was convincing enough to sway the public.

Master Salvador was elated. Preserving his legacy was more important than anything else. He had no desire to go down in history as a disgraced old man. Now, he could relax, knowing his reputation was intact.

Despite his joy, he couldn’t openly praise Viridian. Instead, he sighed, feigning regret. "Ah, this will be a great burden for Virtuoso."

Viridian seized the opportunity, echoing the sentiment with a sigh of his own. "Yes, Father, this will indeed be hard on Brother."

Then, with a shift in tone, Viridian added earnestly, "But Father, let’s be honest. Anyone in our family can afford to lose face, except you! You are the pillar of the Salvador family, the guiding star for all seven of us siblings, and the founding emperor in the eyes of our descendants. Your life must remain untarnished by a stain like Raven."

He continued, "For the sake of your illustrious name and image, it's only right that Brother shoulders this burden for you."

These words struck a chord deep within Master Salvador. He couldn’t contain his joy any longer. Stroking his beard, he chuckled, "Viridian, you’re absolutely right! You’ve done an excellent job today, and I won’t forget it."


Scene: Media Frenzy and Family Tensions

News about Virtuoso had suddenly dominated headlines across every media outlet. The Salvador family was in an uproar. Camilla and Cameron were fuming. Cameron even tried to confront their grandfather, but Camilla stopped him each time.

Camilla understood that their grandfather was deliberately sacrificing their father to protect himself. Confronting Master Salvador now would only provoke him further. Instead, she chose to keep quiet and plan for the future. Tomorrow morning, she and their mother would follow through with their planned trip to Aurous Hill.

Camilla already had her own strategy to help their father turn the situation around, but she knew she needed to wait for the right moment.

Scene: The Stormrider Family's Withdrawal

Meanwhile, the Stormrider family swiftly withdrew all their experts from the Salvador family’s affairs. Hellian, Raven’s maternal grandfather and the head of the Stormrider family, issued an internal order that no member of the Stormrider family was to work for the Salvador family until they received a clear explanation.

Hellian also called Master Harrison, demanding an explicit explanation. Though Master Salvador promised to address the issue, he had no intention of taking Hellian seriously. His sole focus was on preserving his own reputation, and he no longer cared about the Stormrider family's opinions.

Given the exposure of his collaboration with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, Master Salvador knew that neither he nor Virtuoso could expect further support from the Stormrider family. He saw no point in wasting more energy on the Stormrider family.

Scene: Raven's Restless Night

That night, Raven, under surveillance at the Isaac Hotel, remained unaware of the turmoil outside. She lay on the luxurious bed, tossing and turning, her mind consumed by thoughts of Charlie.

She couldn’t understand how this man possessed such immense power or why he had saved her life.

“I went there with the intention of killing him, yet he didn’t seek revenge. Instead, he saved me. Is this what people call ‘returning kindness for harm’?” Raven pondered. “If that’s the case, he really is extraordinary.”

Scene: Arrival in Aurous Hill

Early the next morning, a private jet landed in the serene ancient city of Aurous Hill. This jet belonged to Jomari, the eldest son of the Klein family. Marissa, unwilling to travel on the Salvador family’s aircraft, so Jomari sent his own plane to take her over.

As the plane came to a stop, Marissa, accompanied by her children, descended the stairs, her heart racing. She had dreamed of coming to Aurous Hill for nearly twenty years. Every night, she would fall asleep murmuring Drake's name, and every thought of him led her to Aurous Hill.

Drake had been her one true love. He had died in Aurous Hill two decades ago, and now she was finally here to pay her respects, her emotions were anything but calm.

As the family reached the airport arrival hall, a middle-aged man approached them respectfully. "Second Miss, you must be exhausted from your journey."


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Reaction score

As Virtuoso and his son were in the middle of their conversation, Virtuoso's phone suddenly rang. The screen displayed the caller: his younger brother, Viridian.

Recalling how Viridian had ruthlessly kicked him when he was down at a critical moment, Virtuoso's heart filled with bitterness, souring his mood.

He pressed the speakerphone button and coldly asked, "What do you want?"

Viridian chuckled, "Big Brother, the car is ready, and so is the plane. It's time to take you to the airport."

Virtuoso clenched his teeth and replied in a frosty tone, "Fine. I'll have a few words with Cameron and then head down."

Viridian quickly urged, "Big Brother, don't delay. Father is waiting for me to report back. His exact words were that you need to leave as soon as possible—the quicker, the better."

Virtuoso could only suppress his anger and say, "Alright, I'll be down in five minutes!"

"Good, Big Brother," Viridian responded with a laugh. "I'll be waiting at the door to personally escort you to the airport!"

Without another word, Virtuoso hung up the phone.

Turning to Cameron, he said with significant meaning, "These days, you need to spend more time with your mother. If anything comes up, report to me immediately."

Cameron, who still harbored hopes that his parents could reconcile, nodded earnestly. "Dad, don't worry. I understand."

Virtuoso nodded back, stood up, and grabbed his suitcase. "Alright, I'm leaving now."

Cameron quickly asked, "Dad, when will you be back?"

Virtuoso shook his head. "That depends on your grandfather's wishes. I don't know exactly when."

With that, Virtuoso waved his hand dismissively. "No more talking."

He then pulled his suitcase and headed for the door.

Cameron rushed ahead and took the suitcase from his hand. "Dad, let me take you to the airport!"

Virtuoso said, "No need. Just see me off downstairs and then go back."

In the spacious villa courtyard, a Lexus luxury van was already waiting.

The Toyota Alphard was considered the pinnacle of luxury vans in the country, but this new Lexus model was even a notch above that.

Viridian stood outside the car door, smiling as he watched Virtuoso approach.

Before Virtuoso could reach him, Viridian hurriedly stepped forward, all smiles and warmth. "Ah, Big Brother, please get in the car. We need to head out quickly!"

Virtuoso coldly retorted, "I’m the one leaving, not you. Why are you in such a hurry?"

Viridian, unperturbed, continued to smile. "Big Brother, I'm just looking out for you! Father is pressing for time. If you're even a bit slow, he'll be displeased again!"

Virtuoso was already fuming inside. He wanted to give Viridian a piece of his mind, but Viridian kept using their father as a shield. If he showed any anger, Viridian would no doubt run back and badmouth him to their father.

Left with no choice, Virtuoso had to swallow his anger and said, "Since it's Father's order, let's get going!"

He then called the driver over to take the suitcase from Cameron and load it into the van. Turning to his son, he said, "Cameron, take good care of your mother and sister."

Cameron responded quickly, "I will, Dad. Don’t worry."

Virtuoso said nothing more, stepping into the back seat of the luxury van and signaling Cameron to go back.

Viridian, grinning from ear to ear, sat down next to Virtuoso and told Cameron, "Alright, Cameron, you should go rest. I’ll make sure your father gets on the plane."

Then, he turned to the driver and commanded, "Alright, let's go!"


The driver immediately started the car, and it sped off, leaving a trail of dust behind.

As Cameron watched the luxury van exit the villa's courtyard, a deep sense of loss engulfed him.

Tonight was almost more unbearable than the night he and his sister Camilla were kidnapped. Back then, they were only facing the threat of death. But tonight, he had to endure the devastating news that his father had an illegitimate daughter, the breakdown of his parents' marriage, his father's sudden fall from grace, and the abrupt decision to send him off to Australia.

His mind was overwhelmed—not only with concerns about his parents' relationship and his father's future, but also with anxiety about his own fate.

Before tonight, his father had been the heir apparent of the entire Salvador family. And he, in turn, was naturally next in line after his father. But tonight's events had turned everything upside down.

His father had lost the favor and trust of the family patriarch. If his father were to fall from grace and never recover, Cameron’s future would be bleak. And if his second uncle, Viridian, were to become the new heir, Cameron would have no chance at all.

Troubled and dejected, Cameron wandered back to his sister Camilla’s study. She was still at her computer, meticulously comparing photos of male passengers at Japanese airports.

Seeing Cameron return, Camilla glanced at him and asked irritably, "What did Dad want? Was he trying to make excuses for himself?"

"No," Cameron sighed deeply. "Dad's been sent to Australia by Grandpa."

"What?!" Camilla exclaimed in shock. "Dad's been sent to Australia? When did this happen?"

"Just now," Cameron said, his face filled with worry. "Dad packed his bags and left. Second Uncle took him to the airport."

Camilla was baffled. "Why would Grandpa send Dad to Australia? All this drama with Dad boils down to his relationship with Raven, right? For someone of Dad’s status, having an illegitimate daughter exposed isn’t even that big of a deal. Why would Grandpa go to such lengths?"

Cameron explained, "Dad said Grandpa wants him to take the blame."

Camilla's heart sank, and she blurted out, "This is bad—really bad. With Dad gone, Grandpa is definitely going to dump all the blame on him."

Nervously, Camilla added, "I bet Grandpa will publicly declare that it was Dad who decided to sell out Raven. That way, he can absolve himself of the guilt of betraying his own granddaughter, while Dad gets stuck with the horrible reputation of betraying his own daughter!"

Cameron sighed in resignation. "There's nothing we can do about it. Grandpa ordered Dad to leave tonight, and he couldn't refuse."

Camilla looked at Cameron with determination and said seriously, "Cameron, the Salvador family is about to change."

Cameron asked, "You feel it too?"

Camilla nodded gravely. "Cameron, I don't care about money or power. I'm just a girl, so I don't stand to inherit much anyway. But you're different. If Dad can't rise again, then your future is ruined."

Cameron covered his face, filled with anxiety. "But what can we do? It's obvious Grandpa is desperate to shift the blame, and Dad is the perfect scapegoat."

He added, "Besides, the charge of betraying his own daughter is too harsh. If that crime sticks to Dad, his public image will be utterly destroyed. Just based on that, Grandpa would never let him inherit the position of family head."

At this point, Cameron sighed deeply. "Our family might never recover from this."

Camilla's brows furrowed tightly. She gritted her pearly white teeth and declared resolutely, "No way! We must help Dad reclaim his position as the heir!"

Cameron blurted out, "How?"

Camilla replied coldly, "Don't ask yet. Tomorrow, we’ll go to Aurous Hill with Mom and stay away from this mess for now. As for how to help Dad take back everything, I have my ways!"


Half an hour later.

A privately modified Boeing 747 took off from Eastcliff Airport, slicing through the night sky.

This aircraft, identical in model to the U.S. President’s Air Force One, could carry up to 467 passengers if configured in a typical three-class layout. However, tonight, aside from the crew, there was only one passenger on board—Virtuoso.

The flight from Eastcliff to Queensland, Australia, spans approximately 9,000 kilometers. For such a long route, a smaller private jet would have been unable to fly directly. Only a large aircraft like the 747, with a range exceeding 10,000 kilometers, could complete the journey nonstop.

Virtuoso sat inside the aircraft, his mood bleak. As he watched the bright lights of Eastcliff grow distant, his heart grew heavier with each passing moment.

Just twenty minutes after takeoff, a series of photos were sent to the inboxes of reporters at several major media outlets in Eastcliff.

The photos, taken from a distance, documented Virtuoso’s entire departure—from leaving for the airport, to passing through security, to boarding the plane. Though the night made the images somewhat grainy and blurred, the photographer had managed to capture the scene clearly enough to identify Virtuoso at a glance.

In addition to sending these photos, the photographer also tipped off the reporters with a piece of shocking news:

“The truth behind the Raven incident is that the Salvador family patriarch, Harrison, was not involved at all. The one who conspired with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and betrayed Raven was none other than her biological father, Virtuoso!”

The tipster continued, “Virtuoso wanted Raven dead to ensure her identity as his illegitimate daughter would remain a secret, forever buried!”

Moreover, the source revealed, “After the truth came to light, Virtuoso’s wife, Marissa, immediately returned to her family and insisted on divorcing him. Virtuoso, fearing exposure as the mastermind, fled Eastcliff overnight for Australia, leaving his father, Harrison, to take the fall.”

Reporters who received this explosive information were quick to break the news.

As soon as the story hit, it caused an immediate uproar.

Previously, Japan's National Security Agency had claimed that the Salvador family patriarch, Harrison, had betrayed Raven. However, the version of events implicating Virtuoso seemed more plausible to the Chinese public.

There were several reasons for this:

First, Raven was Virtuoso’s illegitimate daughter. Given Virtuoso’s desire to protect his reputation, marriage, and public image, it was plausible that he would go to great lengths to prevent Raven’s identity from being exposed. Thus, he had a strong motive for wanting her dead.

Second, Virtuoso was known to be ruthless and inhumane, having ordered the massacre of the entire Matsumoto family in Japan. His cold-blooded nature lent credibility to the idea that he would kill Raven to keep his secret.

Third, Virtuoso’s immediate departure for Australia on the same night the scandal broke only reinforced suspicions. His hasty exit was seen as an undeniable sign of guilt.

As the news spread like wildfire, Virtuoso quickly became the most despised figure in the country.

He was accused of ordering the massacre of the Matsumoto family, betraying his own daughter, and cowardly fleeing the country to escape the consequences of his actions.

In response, the internet was flooded with calls to condemn Virtuoso.

But at this moment, high above the clouds, Virtuoso remained oblivious to the storm brewing below.


Scene: The Study of Master Harrison

Viridian held a tablet in his hand, beaming as he presented the latest media reports and online comments to his father, Master Harrison.

"Father," Viridian began, his voice laced with sycophantic cheer, "with this, no one will blame you for what happened to Raven."

Master Salvador nodded in satisfaction, a wave of relief washing over him. As one ages, the value of reputation becomes paramount, especially for someone like him. He had spent his life cultivating an image of wisdom and success, becoming an idol to many. With retirement on the horizon, the last thing he wanted was for his reputation to be tarnished by a single misstep.

The situation with Raven had threatened to ruin everything. The thought of his legacy being marred by scandal had kept him awake at night. He had been desperate to shift the blame, to wash his hands clean of the whole affair. Yet, until now, he hadn't seen a way out. After all, the information had been exposed by Japan’s National Security Agency, and the facts were indisputable—there was no way to deny it.

But Viridian's cleverness had surprised him. Originally, Master Salvador had planned to send his eldest son, Virtuoso, to Australia and pin the massacre of the Matsumoto family on him. But the notion of evading responsibility for colluding with Japan’s Self-Defense Forces to betray Raven seemed far-fetched, even to him.

Yet, Viridian had managed to craft a plan that was nothing short of brilliant. He had arranged for someone to secretly photograph Virtuoso boarding a plane, then anonymously sent a fabricated story to the media. In no time, all the blame had shifted to Virtuoso.

Viridian's strategy of "diverting the disaster eastward" was textbook perfection. The narrative was clear, the logic sound. Even though most of it was fabricated, it was convincing enough to sway the public.

Master Salvador was elated. Preserving his legacy was more important than anything else. He had no desire to go down in history as a disgraced old man. Now, he could relax, knowing his reputation was intact.

Despite his joy, he couldn’t openly praise Viridian. Instead, he sighed, feigning regret. "Ah, this will be a great burden for Virtuoso."

Viridian seized the opportunity, echoing the sentiment with a sigh of his own. "Yes, Father, this will indeed be hard on Brother."

Then, with a shift in tone, Viridian added earnestly, "But Father, let’s be honest. Anyone in our family can afford to lose face, except you! You are the pillar of the Salvador family, the guiding star for all seven of us siblings, and the founding emperor in the eyes of our descendants. Your life must remain untarnished by a stain like Raven."

He continued, "For the sake of your illustrious name and image, it's only right that Brother shoulders this burden for you."

These words struck a chord deep within Master Salvador. He couldn’t contain his joy any longer. Stroking his beard, he chuckled, "Viridian, you’re absolutely right! You’ve done an excellent job today, and I won’t forget it."


Scene: Media Frenzy and Family Tensions

News about Virtuoso had suddenly dominated headlines across every media outlet. The Salvador family was in an uproar. Camilla and Cameron were fuming. Cameron even tried to confront their grandfather, but Camilla stopped him each time.

Camilla understood that their grandfather was deliberately sacrificing their father to protect himself. Confronting Master Salvador now would only provoke him further. Instead, she chose to keep quiet and plan for the future. Tomorrow morning, she and their mother would follow through with their planned trip to Aurous Hill.

Camilla already had her own strategy to help their father turn the situation around, but she knew she needed to wait for the right moment.

Scene: The Stormrider Family's Withdrawal

Meanwhile, the Stormrider family swiftly withdrew all their experts from the Salvador family’s affairs. Hellian, Raven’s maternal grandfather and the head of the Stormrider family, issued an internal order that no member of the Stormrider family was to work for the Salvador family until they received a clear explanation.

Hellian also called Master Harrison, demanding an explicit explanation. Though Master Salvador promised to address the issue, he had no intention of taking Hellian seriously. His sole focus was on preserving his own reputation, and he no longer cared about the Stormrider family's opinions.

Given the exposure of his collaboration with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, Master Salvador knew that neither he nor Virtuoso could expect further support from the Stormrider family. He saw no point in wasting more energy on the Stormrider family.

Scene: Raven's Restless Night

That night, Raven, under surveillance at the Isaac Hotel, remained unaware of the turmoil outside. She lay on the luxurious bed, tossing and turning, her mind consumed by thoughts of Charlie.

She couldn’t understand how this man possessed such immense power or why he had saved her life.

“I went there with the intention of killing him, yet he didn’t seek revenge. Instead, he saved me. Is this what people call ‘returning kindness for harm’?” Raven pondered. “If that’s the case, he really is extraordinary.”

Scene: Arrival in Aurous Hill

Early the next morning, a private jet landed in the serene ancient city of Aurous Hill. This jet belonged to Jomari, the eldest son of the Klein family. Marissa, unwilling to travel on the Salvador family’s aircraft, so Jomari sent his own plane to take her over.

As the plane came to a stop, Marissa, accompanied by her children, descended the stairs, her heart racing. She had dreamed of coming to Aurous Hill for nearly twenty years. Every night, she would fall asleep murmuring Drake's name, and every thought of him led her to Aurous Hill.

Drake had been her one true love. He had died in Aurous Hill two decades ago, and now she was finally here to pay her respects, her emotions were anything but calm.

As the family reached the airport arrival hall, a middle-aged man approached them respectfully. "Second Miss, you must be exhausted from your journey."
Welcome to the land of the dragon. You're all going to taste the sumptuous meal of the dragon


Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
I just wonder how many girls will be wanting Charlie now


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Sep 8, 2023
Reaction score
Raven don't be shocked it's because you're beautiful and worth something, that's why Charlie sparred you... See how ruthless Charlie was against the men_he spared the rest also because they were useful... Nothing extra ordinary about that. Charlie is just doing what a smart person would.

As Virtuoso and his son were in the middle of their conversation, Virtuoso's phone suddenly rang. The screen displayed the caller: his younger brother, Viridian.

Recalling how Viridian had ruthlessly kicked him when he was down at a critical moment, Virtuoso's heart filled with bitterness, souring his mood.

He pressed the speakerphone button and coldly asked, "What do you want?"

Viridian chuckled, "Big Brother, the car is ready, and so is the plane. It's time to take you to the airport."

Virtuoso clenched his teeth and replied in a frosty tone, "Fine. I'll have a few words with Cameron and then head down."

Viridian quickly urged, "Big Brother, don't delay. Father is waiting for me to report back. His exact words were that you need to leave as soon as possible—the quicker, the better."

Virtuoso could only suppress his anger and say, "Alright, I'll be down in five minutes!"

"Good, Big Brother," Viridian responded with a laugh. "I'll be waiting at the door to personally escort you to the airport!"

Without another word, Virtuoso hung up the phone.

Turning to Cameron, he said with significant meaning, "These days, you need to spend more time with your mother. If anything comes up, report to me immediately."

Cameron, who still harbored hopes that his parents could reconcile, nodded earnestly. "Dad, don't worry. I understand."

Virtuoso nodded back, stood up, and grabbed his suitcase. "Alright, I'm leaving now."

Cameron quickly asked, "Dad, when will you be back?"

Virtuoso shook his head. "That depends on your grandfather's wishes. I don't know exactly when."

With that, Virtuoso waved his hand dismissively. "No more talking."

He then pulled his suitcase and headed for the door.

Cameron rushed ahead and took the suitcase from his hand. "Dad, let me take you to the airport!"

Virtuoso said, "No need. Just see me off downstairs and then go back."

In the spacious villa courtyard, a Lexus luxury van was already waiting.

The Toyota Alphard was considered the pinnacle of luxury vans in the country, but this new Lexus model was even a notch above that.

Viridian stood outside the car door, smiling as he watched Virtuoso approach.

Before Virtuoso could reach him, Viridian hurriedly stepped forward, all smiles and warmth. "Ah, Big Brother, please get in the car. We need to head out quickly!"

Virtuoso coldly retorted, "I’m the one leaving, not you. Why are you in such a hurry?"

Viridian, unperturbed, continued to smile. "Big Brother, I'm just looking out for you! Father is pressing for time. If you're even a bit slow, he'll be displeased again!"

Virtuoso was already fuming inside. He wanted to give Viridian a piece of his mind, but Viridian kept using their father as a shield. If he showed any anger, Viridian would no doubt run back and badmouth him to their father.

Left with no choice, Virtuoso had to swallow his anger and said, "Since it's Father's order, let's get going!"

He then called the driver over to take the suitcase from Cameron and load it into the van. Turning to his son, he said, "Cameron, take good care of your mother and sister."

Cameron responded quickly, "I will, Dad. Don’t worry."

Virtuoso said nothing more, stepping into the back seat of the luxury van and signaling Cameron to go back.

Viridian, grinning from ear to ear, sat down next to Virtuoso and told Cameron, "Alright, Cameron, you should go rest. I’ll make sure your father gets on the plane."

Then, he turned to the driver and commanded, "Alright, let's go!"


The driver immediately started the car, and it sped off, leaving a trail of dust behind.

As Cameron watched the luxury van exit the villa's courtyard, a deep sense of loss engulfed him.

Tonight was almost more unbearable than the night he and his sister Camilla were kidnapped. Back then, they were only facing the threat of death. But tonight, he had to endure the devastating news that his father had an illegitimate daughter, the breakdown of his parents' marriage, his father's sudden fall from grace, and the abrupt decision to send him off to Australia.

His mind was overwhelmed—not only with concerns about his parents' relationship and his father's future, but also with anxiety about his own fate.

Before tonight, his father had been the heir apparent of the entire Salvador family. And he, in turn, was naturally next in line after his father. But tonight's events had turned everything upside down.

His father had lost the favor and trust of the family patriarch. If his father were to fall from grace and never recover, Cameron’s future would be bleak. And if his second uncle, Viridian, were to become the new heir, Cameron would have no chance at all.

Troubled and dejected, Cameron wandered back to his sister Camilla’s study. She was still at her computer, meticulously comparing photos of male passengers at Japanese airports.

Seeing Cameron return, Camilla glanced at him and asked irritably, "What did Dad want? Was he trying to make excuses for himself?"

"No," Cameron sighed deeply. "Dad's been sent to Australia by Grandpa."

"What?!" Camilla exclaimed in shock. "Dad's been sent to Australia? When did this happen?"

"Just now," Cameron said, his face filled with worry. "Dad packed his bags and left. Second Uncle took him to the airport."

Camilla was baffled. "Why would Grandpa send Dad to Australia? All this drama with Dad boils down to his relationship with Raven, right? For someone of Dad’s status, having an illegitimate daughter exposed isn’t even that big of a deal. Why would Grandpa go to such lengths?"

Cameron explained, "Dad said Grandpa wants him to take the blame."

Camilla's heart sank, and she blurted out, "This is bad—really bad. With Dad gone, Grandpa is definitely going to dump all the blame on him."

Nervously, Camilla added, "I bet Grandpa will publicly declare that it was Dad who decided to sell out Raven. That way, he can absolve himself of the guilt of betraying his own granddaughter, while Dad gets stuck with the horrible reputation of betraying his own daughter!"

Cameron sighed in resignation. "There's nothing we can do about it. Grandpa ordered Dad to leave tonight, and he couldn't refuse."

Camilla looked at Cameron with determination and said seriously, "Cameron, the Salvador family is about to change."

Cameron asked, "You feel it too?"

Camilla nodded gravely. "Cameron, I don't care about money or power. I'm just a girl, so I don't stand to inherit much anyway. But you're different. If Dad can't rise again, then your future is ruined."

Cameron covered his face, filled with anxiety. "But what can we do? It's obvious Grandpa is desperate to shift the blame, and Dad is the perfect scapegoat."

He added, "Besides, the charge of betraying his own daughter is too harsh. If that crime sticks to Dad, his public image will be utterly destroyed. Just based on that, Grandpa would never let him inherit the position of family head."

At this point, Cameron sighed deeply. "Our family might never recover from this."

Camilla's brows furrowed tightly. She gritted her pearly white teeth and declared resolutely, "No way! We must help Dad reclaim his position as the heir!"

Cameron blurted out, "How?"

Camilla replied coldly, "Don't ask yet. Tomorrow, we’ll go to Aurous Hill with Mom and stay away from this mess for now. As for how to help Dad take back everything, I have my ways!"


Half an hour later.

A privately modified Boeing 747 took off from Eastcliff Airport, slicing through the night sky.

This aircraft, identical in model to the U.S. President’s Air Force One, could carry up to 467 passengers if configured in a typical three-class layout. However, tonight, aside from the crew, there was only one passenger on board—Virtuoso.

The flight from Eastcliff to Queensland, Australia, spans approximately 9,000 kilometers. For such a long route, a smaller private jet would have been unable to fly directly. Only a large aircraft like the 747, with a range exceeding 10,000 kilometers, could complete the journey nonstop.

Virtuoso sat inside the aircraft, his mood bleak. As he watched the bright lights of Eastcliff grow distant, his heart grew heavier with each passing moment.

Just twenty minutes after takeoff, a series of photos were sent to the inboxes of reporters at several major media outlets in Eastcliff.

The photos, taken from a distance, documented Virtuoso’s entire departure—from leaving for the airport, to passing through security, to boarding the plane. Though the night made the images somewhat grainy and blurred, the photographer had managed to capture the scene clearly enough to identify Virtuoso at a glance.

In addition to sending these photos, the photographer also tipped off the reporters with a piece of shocking news:

“The truth behind the Raven incident is that the Salvador family patriarch, Harrison, was not involved at all. The one who conspired with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and betrayed Raven was none other than her biological father, Virtuoso!”

The tipster continued, “Virtuoso wanted Raven dead to ensure her identity as his illegitimate daughter would remain a secret, forever buried!”

Moreover, the source revealed, “After the truth came to light, Virtuoso’s wife, Marissa, immediately returned to her family and insisted on divorcing him. Virtuoso, fearing exposure as the mastermind, fled Eastcliff overnight for Australia, leaving his father, Harrison, to take the fall.”

Reporters who received this explosive information were quick to break the news.

As soon as the story hit, it caused an immediate uproar.

Previously, Japan's National Security Agency had claimed that the Salvador family patriarch, Harrison, had betrayed Raven. However, the version of events implicating Virtuoso seemed more plausible to the Chinese public.

There were several reasons for this:

First, Raven was Virtuoso’s illegitimate daughter. Given Virtuoso’s desire to protect his reputation, marriage, and public image, it was plausible that he would go to great lengths to prevent Raven’s identity from being exposed. Thus, he had a strong motive for wanting her dead.

Second, Virtuoso was known to be ruthless and inhumane, having ordered the massacre of the entire Matsumoto family in Japan. His cold-blooded nature lent credibility to the idea that he would kill Raven to keep his secret.

Third, Virtuoso’s immediate departure for Australia on the same night the scandal broke only reinforced suspicions. His hasty exit was seen as an undeniable sign of guilt.

As the news spread like wildfire, Virtuoso quickly became the most despised figure in the country.

He was accused of ordering the massacre of the Matsumoto family, betraying his own daughter, and cowardly fleeing the country to escape the consequences of his actions.

In response, the internet was flooded with calls to condemn Virtuoso.

But at this moment, high above the clouds, Virtuoso remained oblivious to the storm brewing below.


Scene: The Study of Master Harrison

Viridian held a tablet in his hand, beaming as he presented the latest media reports and online comments to his father, Master Harrison.

"Father," Viridian began, his voice laced with sycophantic cheer, "with this, no one will blame you for what happened to Raven."

Master Salvador nodded in satisfaction, a wave of relief washing over him. As one ages, the value of reputation becomes paramount, especially for someone like him. He had spent his life cultivating an image of wisdom and success, becoming an idol to many. With retirement on the horizon, the last thing he wanted was for his reputation to be tarnished by a single misstep.

The situation with Raven had threatened to ruin everything. The thought of his legacy being marred by scandal had kept him awake at night. He had been desperate to shift the blame, to wash his hands clean of the whole affair. Yet, until now, he hadn't seen a way out. After all, the information had been exposed by Japan’s National Security Agency, and the facts were indisputable—there was no way to deny it.

But Viridian's cleverness had surprised him. Originally, Master Salvador had planned to send his eldest son, Virtuoso, to Australia and pin the massacre of the Matsumoto family on him. But the notion of evading responsibility for colluding with Japan’s Self-Defense Forces to betray Raven seemed far-fetched, even to him.

Yet, Viridian had managed to craft a plan that was nothing short of brilliant. He had arranged for someone to secretly photograph Virtuoso boarding a plane, then anonymously sent a fabricated story to the media. In no time, all the blame had shifted to Virtuoso.

Viridian's strategy of "diverting the disaster eastward" was textbook perfection. The narrative was clear, the logic sound. Even though most of it was fabricated, it was convincing enough to sway the public.

Master Salvador was elated. Preserving his legacy was more important than anything else. He had no desire to go down in history as a disgraced old man. Now, he could relax, knowing his reputation was intact.

Despite his joy, he couldn’t openly praise Viridian. Instead, he sighed, feigning regret. "Ah, this will be a great burden for Virtuoso."

Viridian seized the opportunity, echoing the sentiment with a sigh of his own. "Yes, Father, this will indeed be hard on Brother."

Then, with a shift in tone, Viridian added earnestly, "But Father, let’s be honest. Anyone in our family can afford to lose face, except you! You are the pillar of the Salvador family, the guiding star for all seven of us siblings, and the founding emperor in the eyes of our descendants. Your life must remain untarnished by a stain like Raven."

He continued, "For the sake of your illustrious name and image, it's only right that Brother shoulders this burden for you."

These words struck a chord deep within Master Salvador. He couldn’t contain his joy any longer. Stroking his beard, he chuckled, "Viridian, you’re absolutely right! You’ve done an excellent job today, and I won’t forget it."


Scene: Media Frenzy and Family Tensions

News about Virtuoso had suddenly dominated headlines across every media outlet. The Salvador family was in an uproar. Camilla and Cameron were fuming. Cameron even tried to confront their grandfather, but Camilla stopped him each time.

Camilla understood that their grandfather was deliberately sacrificing their father to protect himself. Confronting Master Salvador now would only provoke him further. Instead, she chose to keep quiet and plan for the future. Tomorrow morning, she and their mother would follow through with their planned trip to Aurous Hill.

Camilla already had her own strategy to help their father turn the situation around, but she knew she needed to wait for the right moment.

Scene: The Stormrider Family's Withdrawal

Meanwhile, the Stormrider family swiftly withdrew all their experts from the Salvador family’s affairs. Hellian, Raven’s maternal grandfather and the head of the Stormrider family, issued an internal order that no member of the Stormrider family was to work for the Salvador family until they received a clear explanation.

Hellian also called Master Harrison, demanding an explicit explanation. Though Master Salvador promised to address the issue, he had no intention of taking Hellian seriously. His sole focus was on preserving his own reputation, and he no longer cared about the Stormrider family's opinions.

Given the exposure of his collaboration with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, Master Salvador knew that neither he nor Virtuoso could expect further support from the Stormrider family. He saw no point in wasting more energy on the Stormrider family.

Scene: Raven's Restless Night

That night, Raven, under surveillance at the Isaac Hotel, remained unaware of the turmoil outside. She lay on the luxurious bed, tossing and turning, her mind consumed by thoughts of Charlie.

She couldn’t understand how this man possessed such immense power or why he had saved her life.

“I went there with the intention of killing him, yet he didn’t seek revenge. Instead, he saved me. Is this what people call ‘returning kindness for harm’?” Raven pondered. “If that’s the case, he really is extraordinary.”

Scene: Arrival in Aurous Hill

Early the next morning, a private jet landed in the serene ancient city of Aurous Hill. This jet belonged to Jomari, the eldest son of the Klein family. Marissa, unwilling to travel on the Salvador family’s aircraft, so Jomari sent his own plane to take her over.

As the plane came to a stop, Marissa, accompanied by her children, descended the stairs, her heart racing. She had dreamed of coming to Aurous Hill for nearly twenty years. Every night, she would fall asleep murmuring Drake's name, and every thought of him led her to Aurous Hill.

Drake had been her one true love. He had died in Aurous Hill two decades ago, and now she was finally here to pay her respects, her emotions were anything but calm.

As the family reached the airport arrival hall, a middle-aged man approached them respectfully. "Second Miss, you must be exhausted from your journey."

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

As the conversation unfolded, an elderly steward of the Klein family in Aurous Hill spoke up.

This old steward was someone Marissa had met when she was younger. Over the past twenty years, the steward had been stationed in Aurous Hill, taking care of the old mansion. Meanwhile, Marissa had married into the Salvador family, so the two had not seen each other since.

However, Marissa recognized him at first glance and respectfully said, "Uncle Wang, I hope you’ve been well!"

After greeting him, she quickly instructed her two children, "Cameron, Camilla, greet Grandpa Wang."

Cameron and Camilla promptly and respectfully said, "Hello, Grandpa Wang!"

The old steward hurriedly bowed in gratitude, somewhat flustered by the attention. He then said to Marissa, "I never expected Second Miss to remember me."

Marissa smiled warmly. "How could I forget? You were once in charge of the mansion next to the Prince Gong’s Mansion in Eastcliff. After my father donated that property to the state to become a museum, you came to Aurous Hill."

The old steward nodded repeatedly, reminiscing. "After I came to Aurous Hill, I returned to Eastcliff twice a year to report to the master. But each time, it was a quick trip—reporting and then rushing back, so I never had the chance to see you again."

He sighed, adding, "Ah, Second Miss, you haven’t been to Aurous Hill in over twenty years, have you? I remember that before you got married, you would visit with the master and madam every year. But after that, you rarely came."

Marissa nodded. "After Drake passed away in Aurous Hill, I never returned."

Upon hearing this, the old steward’s body stiffened. He couldn’t help but sigh, "You’re speaking of Master Drake... Truly, heaven is jealous of his talent."

Marissa pressed on, "Uncle Wang, you were in Aurous Hill when Drake had his accident. Do you know anything about what happened back then?"

The old steward looked regretful. "When Master Drake came to Aurous Hill, the master had informed me. He said Master Drake might have had some conflicts with the family and, combined with the pressures from Eastcliff, came to Aurous Hill to relax. The master asked me to invite Master Drake and his family to stay at the old mansion for a few days and told me to let Master Drake know that if he wished, they could stay at the mansion as if it were their own home."

Marissa hurriedly asked, "And then? Did they come?"

The old steward shook his head. "Master Drake came by once, but he only paid a visit, asked me to thank the master, but declined to stay."

Marissa asked again, "Did he say anything else?"

The old steward pondered for a moment and replied, "At that time, Master Drake mentioned that he was dealing with some issues and didn’t want to trouble the Klein family, so he expressed his thanks and then left."

Marissa nodded, feeling a bit downcast, her expression tinged with melancholy.

The old steward quickly added, "Second Miss, let’s not talk here. The car is waiting outside. Let’s head home first!"

Marissa nodded. "Alright, Uncle Wang, let’s go home."

Outside the airport, three Hongqi (a luxury automobile brand in China) sedans were lined up.

Marissa said to Cameron and Camilla, "Cameron, Camilla, you two can sit in the car behind. I’ll sit in the middle car and chat with your Grandpa Wang."

The siblings naturally agreed and boarded the last Hongqi.

The old steward opened the rear door of the middle Hongqi for Marissa. After she got in, he took the passenger seat.

As the convoy drove away from the airport, Marissa asked the old steward, "Uncle Wang, I want to ask you something."

The old steward replied, "Second Miss, please feel free to ask!"

Marissa said, "Uncle Wang, I heard that Drake came to Aurous Hill to settle down with his wife and child. Since he didn’t want to stay at our old mansion, where did he end up living?"

The old steward explained, "Master Drake liked the old mansion very much. He asked me to help him find a slightly more secluded place."

"That mansion used to belong to a prominent figure in the military. After he fled, it was left to others to manage. Over time, the mansion became abandoned."

"But Master Drake liked it, so he rented it and personally renovated it."

Marissa, suddenly excited, said, "Uncle Wang, can you take me to see it?"


At this moment, Charlie had just rolled his electric scooter out of the gates of the luxurious Thomson Elite villa.

Claire’s company had resumed work after the Spring Festival break, and his father-in-law, Jacob, had also returned to his duties at the Calligraphy and Painting Association.

In the morning, Elaine, still relying on her crutches, prepared breakfast. After Jacob and Claire finished eating, they each drove off in their BMWs to attend to their business. Charlie, after tidying up the house, prepared to head out to buy some meat and eggs.

Although the small vegetable garden at home could supply most of the family's needs for vegetables and fruits, meat and eggs still had to be bought from the market.

As Charlie rode out, he didn’t rush to leave. Instead, he parked his scooter by the roadside in the Thomson Elite villa area, propped his feet on the ground, and pulled out his phone to call Isaac.

Last night, the various scandals surrounding the Salvador family had broken out, and Charlie had watched every single one of them.

Public opinion initially condemned Harrison, but soon shifted to target Virtuoso. Charlie could see at a glance that this was Harrison’s attempt to save himself.

It seemed that there was now discord within the Salvador family, which was extremely encouraging news for Charlie.

Although he still couldn’t confirm whether the Salvador family was responsible for his parents' deaths, just for having once formed the Anti-Wade Coalition, Charlie was determined to make the Salvador family pay a steep price.

Now that the Salvador family was beginning to fracture from within, it was naturally an ideal situation for him.

His current focus was on how to further this internal collapse and push the Salvador family down a path of no return.

In his view, Raven was undoubtedly the key weapon in further dismantling the Salvador family.

As soon as Isaac answered the call, Charlie asked, "Old Craven, how are Raven and the others doing now?"

Isaac quickly replied, "Young Master, I just had breakfast delivered to them. According to the delivery person, they are all doing well."

Charlie asked, "After cutting off their communication with the outside world, they didn’t cause any trouble, did they?"

"No," Isaac chuckled. "Those crew members are so afraid of others finding out they’ve returned that even if you gave them a phone, they wouldn’t dare make a call."

"And what about Raven? How’s she doing?" Charlie inquired.

Isaac said, "According to my men, she doesn’t seem to have any complaints. However, she did ask about you."

Charlie, intrigued, asked, "Oh? What did she ask?"

Isaac smiled and replied, "She asked when you would be visiting her. She said she has something she wants to discuss with you."

"Hmm." Charlie checked the time. It was only half-past nine in the morning. As long as he could buy the meat by eleven, it wouldn’t delay Elaine from cooking lunch. So he said, "Alright, I’ll go over in a bit."

"Very well, Young Master," Isaac responded respectfully. "Would you like me to drive over and pick you up?"

"No need. I’ll ride my scooter; it’s convenient enough."

Regarding Raven, Charlie didn’t have much affection for her.

Though she was extremely beautiful with a striking figure, her heart was equally ruthless.

If he hadn’t deduced that she was Virtuoso’s illegitimate daughter, he would never have spared her life.

The reason for keeping her alive was to make the Salvador family suffer.

After all, it’s easy to kill off a key player in the Salvador family, but creating an enemy from within is far more challenging.

If he could make Raven view the Salvador family as her mortal enemy, just as he did, the Salvador family would face countless more troubles in the future.


This was Charlie's purpose in keeping Raven alive.

He planned to send Raven back to Eastcliff when the time was right.

After putting away his phone, he twisted the throttle on his electric scooter. The small scooter made a buzzing sound as it quickly sped away.

After exiting the Thomson Elite community, Charlie had just turned right, intending to go to Isaac’s hotel, when he heard a familiar voice, slightly nervous, calling out from behind, "Brother-in-law!"

Instinctively, Charlie turned his head and saw a familiar woman on the sidewalk behind him, waving at him.

"Wendy?" Charlie recognized the woman and felt puzzled.

His family had been at odds with Madam Wilson's family for quite some time now. The two families had been like fire and water for a long time.

Not only would they not greet each other if they met, but if his mother-in-law Elaine saw any of them from the balcony, she would curse at them for an hour to vent her anger.

So, he was a bit confused as to why Wendy was calling out to him.

Moreover, when did she start addressing him as "brother-in-law"? Hadn’t she always called him a loser?

With this in mind, he frowned and asked, "What do you want?"

Wendy quickly ran a few steps to catch up with Charlie, blushing slightly as she asked, "Brother-in-law, where are you headed?"

Charlie replied coldly, "I'm going to buy groceries. What do you need?"

Wendy bit her lip lightly, feeling a bit nervous as she asked, "Brother-in-law, could you take me to Pearl River Residences? It’s not far from here, just a 20-minute ride on your scooter."

Charlie looked her up and down, noticing that she was dressed quite formally and had applied light makeup. He sneered and said, "You, the proud Wilson family's eldest daughter, riding on my scooter? Isn't that a bit too degrading? What, are you planning to mock me like before?"

Hearing this, Wendy immediately hung her head in shame.

At this moment, she couldn’t help but recall the time she had seen Charlie outside the Emgrand Group building, riding this very scooter, while she sat in Gerald White’s Bentley.

"Back then, I never even looked at Charlie as a person. I always thought he was just a complete freeloader, a nobody. I didn’t even give him a second glance."

"But who could have predicted that just over half a year later, Charlie would become one of the most powerful figures in Aurous Hill, while I’ve fallen so low that I have to take a job as a 200-yuan-a-day hostess to support my family?"

"And now, to save some money for my grandmother, father, and brother’s meals, I can’t even bring myself to spend on a bus fare or call a taxi."

With these thoughts, she mustered her courage and spoke humbly, "Brother-in-law, please don’t tease me. Our family has fallen so low; I’m no longer the Wilson family’s eldest daughter."

She then lifted her head, her eyes red with guilt, and said, "Brother-in-law, I was wrong before. It was all my fault. I shouldn’t have looked down on you or opposed you and Sister Claire. Life has taught me many hard lessons, and I’ve come to deeply realize my mistakes. I hope you can be the bigger person and not hold a grudge against me."

As Wendy said this, Charlie was somewhat surprised.

He hadn’t expected Wendy to say something like this.

Even more surprising was the sincerity in her tone and demeanor.

He could tell that Wendy’s apology was heartfelt and not just empty words.

Seeing that Wendy was genuinely remorseful and sincerely aware of her mistakes, Charlie’s attitude softened slightly. He said calmly, "To recognize one’s mistakes and correct them is a great virtue. If you truly realize your past mistakes, it’s not too late to change now."


Hearing Charlie's words, Wendy quickly nodded, her voice choked with emotion as she sincerely said, "Brother-in-law, you're absolutely right. I've truly woken up now. I'm no longer the arrogant, uneducated, and shallow eldest daughter of the Wilson family who looked down on others."

As she spoke, she unzipped her down jacket slightly, revealing the blue uniform of a hostess underneath, and continued, "Brother-in-law, look, I’ve even started finding work on my own. I’m working as a greeter at the newly opened Pearl River Residences community."

Charlie curiously asked, "Why did you start working as a greeter? If I remember correctly, you’re a college graduate. Couldn’t you find a better job than this?"

Wendy lowered her voice, deeply ashamed, and explained, "Brother-in-law, to tell you the truth, my dad and my brother were both crippled just before the New Year because they tried to harm my aunt. Now, they can only lie in bed and do nothing. My grandmother is also old and hasn’t recovered from the shock my aunt gave her recently, so she can’t work either. That’s why I have to go out and earn money to support the family."

As she spoke, Wendy began to sob, her voice choking as she continued, "But... but I can’t find a regular job because those kinds of jobs only pay at the end of the month. But my dad, my brother, and my grandmother are all at home waiting for me to bring back money to feed them."

"So... so I can only take on jobs like being a hostess that pay daily."

Charlie nodded slightly.

He had already noticed how dire the Wilson family’s situation had become when he saw Madam Wilson helping customers with plastic bags in the supermarket while he was shopping with his father-in-law before the New Year.

At that moment, he knew that the Wilson family had hit rock bottom.

They used to live comfortably, benefiting from Donald Waever's support.

But things changed when Noah and Harold made a grave mistake by kidnapping both Marina and Elaine, causing Donald to completely fall out with Marina.

Eventually, when Donald discovered Charlie’s identity as the eldest son of the Wade family, he had no choice but to submit to Charlie and seek a way out.

Now, with Donald reduced to being a lackey for Orvel, there was no way he could continue to support the Wilson family.

Had it not been for Charlie leaving a small lifeline for them, the Wilson family would have long been thrown out by Donald.

However, Charlie didn’t leave this lifeline out of pity for them.

He believed, as ancient sages once said, that evil people are best dealt with by other evil people.

So, instead of kicking them out of Thomson Elite, he let them stay and suffer the consequences.

That’s why Donald had arranged for Verity and the other two women to be released early.

Charlie had already figured out Madam Wilson’s nature. He knew that if she saw Verity and the other two living in the same villa as her, she would do everything she could to drive them out, inevitably offending Verity in the process.

And as expected.

Initially, Verity and the others were grateful to Madam Wilson. If she had treated them well, they would have repaid her kindness, and at least the Wilson family would have had some help to survive.

But Charlie knew Madam Wilson would never choose that path.

So he deliberately let Madam Wilson experience the feeling of "lifting a rock only to drop it on one’s own feet."

What was once an advantage turned into a liability, and this was bound to cause Madam Wilson great suffering.

And indeed, Madam Wilson did not disappoint him.

Now, with Madam Wilson struggling to support a family of four, it fell on Wendy to shoulder the burden of supporting the family.


Charlie looked at Wendy standing before him. Although his impression of her had improved slightly, he still didn't feel much sympathy for her situation.

He calmly said, "Pearl River Residences isn’t far from here. You can take a taxi; the starting fare should get you there."

Wendy hurriedly replied, "Brother-in-law, I’m trying to stretch every penny. I can’t even bear to take the bus, let alone a taxi."

She pointed to the high heels on her feet and continued, "I was planning to walk there to save money. I just happened to see you passing by and gathered the courage to apologize to you and ask if you could give me a ride."

In truth, Wendy had developed some affection for Charlie. Ever since that day before the New Year, when many prominent figures in Aurous Hill came to pay their respects to Charlie, she realized she had made a colossal mistake by looking down on him.

She also realized that the Charlie of today was no longer the Charlie of the past.

Moreover, Charlie had always been very kind to Claire, which Wendy had noticed.

As a result, her view of Charlie had undergone a dramatic change.

When she saw Charlie riding past on his bike today, she gathered the courage to call out to him.

In her heart, she hoped to use this opportunity to reconcile with Charlie.

However, Charlie still felt no particular fondness for Wendy, so he responded, "I have something to do, and it’s not on the way to Pearl River Residences, so I can’t give you a ride."

Although Wendy felt disappointed, she didn’t persist. She nodded cheerfully and said, "That’s alright, brother-in-law. You go ahead with your business. I’ll walk over."

Charlie noticed that she was still wearing high heels, making the walk to her destination at least a 40-minute journey. He felt a slight pang of sympathy and said, "Alright, let’s exchange WeChat contacts. I’ll transfer some money to you."

Wendy instinctively responded, "No need, brother-in-law. I can’t take your money."

Charlie replied calmly, "Just because you sincerely called me 'brother-in-law,' it’s only right that I help you. If it were your sister who saw you, she would definitely help you too."

Claire had always been kind-hearted and not one to hold grudges. If she saw Wendy in this state, she would undoubtedly offer assistance.

Hearing this, Wendy felt both touched and ashamed. She choked up and said, "Brother-in-law, after how I treated you before, you’re still willing to help me. I really... I really..."

She couldn’t help but start crying.

Today, she finally understood what it meant to "repay evil with good."

If it were anyone else, they would likely seize this moment to mock and trample on her, especially after how she had wronged them.

But not only did Charlie not mock or ridicule her, he was even willing to help, something she had never expected.

At this point, Charlie said, "Alright, stop crying and don’t refuse. Let’s exchange WeChat contacts quickly; I have something to do, so I need to go soon."

Wendy nodded repeatedly, but when she reached into her pocket, she realized that she didn’t have her phone.

Her phone had long been confiscated by Donald’s people.

Feeling anxious and uneasy, she stammered, "Brother-in-law, I... I... I don’t have a phone."


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Jun 22, 2024
Reaction score

As the conversation unfolded, an elderly steward of the Klein family in Aurous Hill spoke up.

This old steward was someone Marissa had met when she was younger. Over the past twenty years, the steward had been stationed in Aurous Hill, taking care of the old mansion. Meanwhile, Marissa had married into the Salvador family, so the two had not seen each other since.

However, Marissa recognized him at first glance and respectfully said, "Uncle Wang, I hope you’ve been well!"

After greeting him, she quickly instructed her two children, "Cameron, Camilla, greet Grandpa Wang."

Cameron and Camilla promptly and respectfully said, "Hello, Grandpa Wang!"

The old steward hurriedly bowed in gratitude, somewhat flustered by the attention. He then said to Marissa, "I never expected Second Miss to remember me."

Marissa smiled warmly. "How could I forget? You were once in charge of the mansion next to the Prince Gong’s Mansion in Eastcliff. After my father donated that property to the state to become a museum, you came to Aurous Hill."

The old steward nodded repeatedly, reminiscing. "After I came to Aurous Hill, I returned to Eastcliff twice a year to report to the master. But each time, it was a quick trip—reporting and then rushing back, so I never had the chance to see you again."

He sighed, adding, "Ah, Second Miss, you haven’t been to Aurous Hill in over twenty years, have you? I remember that before you got married, you would visit with the master and madam every year. But after that, you rarely came."

Marissa nodded. "After Drake passed away in Aurous Hill, I never returned."

Upon hearing this, the old steward’s body stiffened. He couldn’t help but sigh, "You’re speaking of Master Drake... Truly, heaven is jealous of his talent."

Marissa pressed on, "Uncle Wang, you were in Aurous Hill when Drake had his accident. Do you know anything about what happened back then?"

The old steward looked regretful. "When Master Drake came to Aurous Hill, the master had informed me. He said Master Drake might have had some conflicts with the family and, combined with the pressures from Eastcliff, came to Aurous Hill to relax. The master asked me to invite Master Drake and his family to stay at the old mansion for a few days and told me to let Master Drake know that if he wished, they could stay at the mansion as if it were their own home."

Marissa hurriedly asked, "And then? Did they come?"

The old steward shook his head. "Master Drake came by once, but he only paid a visit, asked me to thank the master, but declined to stay."

Marissa asked again, "Did he say anything else?"

The old steward pondered for a moment and replied, "At that time, Master Drake mentioned that he was dealing with some issues and didn’t want to trouble the Klein family, so he expressed his thanks and then left."

Marissa nodded, feeling a bit downcast, her expression tinged with melancholy.

The old steward quickly added, "Second Miss, let’s not talk here. The car is waiting outside. Let’s head home first!"

Marissa nodded. "Alright, Uncle Wang, let’s go home."

Outside the airport, three Hongqi (a luxury automobile brand in China) sedans were lined up.

Marissa said to Cameron and Camilla, "Cameron, Camilla, you two can sit in the car behind. I’ll sit in the middle car and chat with your Grandpa Wang."

The siblings naturally agreed and boarded the last Hongqi.

The old steward opened the rear door of the middle Hongqi for Marissa. After she got in, he took the passenger seat.

As the convoy drove away from the airport, Marissa asked the old steward, "Uncle Wang, I want to ask you something."

The old steward replied, "Second Miss, please feel free to ask!"

Marissa said, "Uncle Wang, I heard that Drake came to Aurous Hill to settle down with his wife and child. Since he didn’t want to stay at our old mansion, where did he end up living?"

The old steward explained, "Master Drake liked the old mansion very much. He asked me to help him find a slightly more secluded place."

"That mansion used to belong to a prominent figure in the military. After he fled, it was left to others to manage. Over time, the mansion became abandoned."

"But Master Drake liked it, so he rented it and personally renovated it."

Marissa, suddenly excited, said, "Uncle Wang, can you take me to see it?"


At this moment, Charlie had just rolled his electric scooter out of the gates of the luxurious Thomson Elite villa.

Claire’s company had resumed work after the Spring Festival break, and his father-in-law, Jacob, had also returned to his duties at the Calligraphy and Painting Association.

In the morning, Elaine, still relying on her crutches, prepared breakfast. After Jacob and Claire finished eating, they each drove off in their BMWs to attend to their business. Charlie, after tidying up the house, prepared to head out to buy some meat and eggs.

Although the small vegetable garden at home could supply most of the family's needs for vegetables and fruits, meat and eggs still had to be bought from the market.

As Charlie rode out, he didn’t rush to leave. Instead, he parked his scooter by the roadside in the Thomson Elite villa area, propped his feet on the ground, and pulled out his phone to call Isaac.

Last night, the various scandals surrounding the Salvador family had broken out, and Charlie had watched every single one of them.

Public opinion initially condemned Harrison, but soon shifted to target Virtuoso. Charlie could see at a glance that this was Harrison’s attempt to save himself.

It seemed that there was now discord within the Salvador family, which was extremely encouraging news for Charlie.

Although he still couldn’t confirm whether the Salvador family was responsible for his parents' deaths, just for having once formed the Anti-Wade Coalition, Charlie was determined to make the Salvador family pay a steep price.

Now that the Salvador family was beginning to fracture from within, it was naturally an ideal situation for him.

His current focus was on how to further this internal collapse and push the Salvador family down a path of no return.

In his view, Raven was undoubtedly the key weapon in further dismantling the Salvador family.

As soon as Isaac answered the call, Charlie asked, "Old Craven, how are Raven and the others doing now?"

Isaac quickly replied, "Young Master, I just had breakfast delivered to them. According to the delivery person, they are all doing well."

Charlie asked, "After cutting off their communication with the outside world, they didn’t cause any trouble, did they?"

"No," Isaac chuckled. "Those crew members are so afraid of others finding out they’ve returned that even if you gave them a phone, they wouldn’t dare make a call."

"And what about Raven? How’s she doing?" Charlie inquired.

Isaac said, "According to my men, she doesn’t seem to have any complaints. However, she did ask about you."

Charlie, intrigued, asked, "Oh? What did she ask?"

Isaac smiled and replied, "She asked when you would be visiting her. She said she has something she wants to discuss with you."

"Hmm." Charlie checked the time. It was only half-past nine in the morning. As long as he could buy the meat by eleven, it wouldn’t delay Elaine from cooking lunch. So he said, "Alright, I’ll go over in a bit."

"Very well, Young Master," Isaac responded respectfully. "Would you like me to drive over and pick you up?"

"No need. I’ll ride my scooter; it’s convenient enough."

Regarding Raven, Charlie didn’t have much affection for her.

Though she was extremely beautiful with a striking figure, her heart was equally ruthless.

If he hadn’t deduced that she was Virtuoso’s illegitimate daughter, he would never have spared her life.

The reason for keeping her alive was to make the Salvador family suffer.

After all, it’s easy to kill off a key player in the Salvador family, but creating an enemy from within is far more challenging.

If he could make Raven view the Salvador family as her mortal enemy, just as he did, the Salvador family would face countless more troubles in the future.


This was Charlie's purpose in keeping Raven alive.

He planned to send Raven back to Eastcliff when the time was right.

After putting away his phone, he twisted the throttle on his electric scooter. The small scooter made a buzzing sound as it quickly sped away.

After exiting the Thomson Elite community, Charlie had just turned right, intending to go to Isaac’s hotel, when he heard a familiar voice, slightly nervous, calling out from behind, "Brother-in-law!"

Instinctively, Charlie turned his head and saw a familiar woman on the sidewalk behind him, waving at him.

"Wendy?" Charlie recognized the woman and felt puzzled.

His family had been at odds with Madam Wilson's family for quite some time now. The two families had been like fire and water for a long time.

Not only would they not greet each other if they met, but if his mother-in-law Elaine saw any of them from the balcony, she would curse at them for an hour to vent her anger.

So, he was a bit confused as to why Wendy was calling out to him.

Moreover, when did she start addressing him as "brother-in-law"? Hadn’t she always called him a loser?

With this in mind, he frowned and asked, "What do you want?"

Wendy quickly ran a few steps to catch up with Charlie, blushing slightly as she asked, "Brother-in-law, where are you headed?"

Charlie replied coldly, "I'm going to buy groceries. What do you need?"

Wendy bit her lip lightly, feeling a bit nervous as she asked, "Brother-in-law, could you take me to Pearl River Residences? It’s not far from here, just a 20-minute ride on your scooter."

Charlie looked her up and down, noticing that she was dressed quite formally and had applied light makeup. He sneered and said, "You, the proud Wilson family's eldest daughter, riding on my scooter? Isn't that a bit too degrading? What, are you planning to mock me like before?"

Hearing this, Wendy immediately hung her head in shame.

At this moment, she couldn’t help but recall the time she had seen Charlie outside the Emgrand Group building, riding this very scooter, while she sat in Gerald White’s Bentley.

"Back then, I never even looked at Charlie as a person. I always thought he was just a complete freeloader, a nobody. I didn’t even give him a second glance."

"But who could have predicted that just over half a year later, Charlie would become one of the most powerful figures in Aurous Hill, while I’ve fallen so low that I have to take a job as a 200-yuan-a-day hostess to support my family?"

"And now, to save some money for my grandmother, father, and brother’s meals, I can’t even bring myself to spend on a bus fare or call a taxi."

With these thoughts, she mustered her courage and spoke humbly, "Brother-in-law, please don’t tease me. Our family has fallen so low; I’m no longer the Wilson family’s eldest daughter."

She then lifted her head, her eyes red with guilt, and said, "Brother-in-law, I was wrong before. It was all my fault. I shouldn’t have looked down on you or opposed you and Sister Claire. Life has taught me many hard lessons, and I’ve come to deeply realize my mistakes. I hope you can be the bigger person and not hold a grudge against me."

As Wendy said this, Charlie was somewhat surprised.

He hadn’t expected Wendy to say something like this.

Even more surprising was the sincerity in her tone and demeanor.

He could tell that Wendy’s apology was heartfelt and not just empty words.

Seeing that Wendy was genuinely remorseful and sincerely aware of her mistakes, Charlie’s attitude softened slightly. He said calmly, "To recognize one’s mistakes and correct them is a great virtue. If you truly realize your past mistakes, it’s not too late to change now."


Hearing Charlie's words, Wendy quickly nodded, her voice choked with emotion as she sincerely said, "Brother-in-law, you're absolutely right. I've truly woken up now. I'm no longer the arrogant, uneducated, and shallow eldest daughter of the Wilson family who looked down on others."

As she spoke, she unzipped her down jacket slightly, revealing the blue uniform of a hostess underneath, and continued, "Brother-in-law, look, I’ve even started finding work on my own. I’m working as a greeter at the newly opened Pearl River Residences community."

Charlie curiously asked, "Why did you start working as a greeter? If I remember correctly, you’re a college graduate. Couldn’t you find a better job than this?"

Wendy lowered her voice, deeply ashamed, and explained, "Brother-in-law, to tell you the truth, my dad and my brother were both crippled just before the New Year because they tried to harm my aunt. Now, they can only lie in bed and do nothing. My grandmother is also old and hasn’t recovered from the shock my aunt gave her recently, so she can’t work either. That’s why I have to go out and earn money to support the family."

As she spoke, Wendy began to sob, her voice choking as she continued, "But... but I can’t find a regular job because those kinds of jobs only pay at the end of the month. But my dad, my brother, and my grandmother are all at home waiting for me to bring back money to feed them."

"So... so I can only take on jobs like being a hostess that pay daily."

Charlie nodded slightly.

He had already noticed how dire the Wilson family’s situation had become when he saw Madam Wilson helping customers with plastic bags in the supermarket while he was shopping with his father-in-law before the New Year.

At that moment, he knew that the Wilson family had hit rock bottom.

They used to live comfortably, benefiting from Donald Waever's support.

But things changed when Noah and Harold made a grave mistake by kidnapping both Marina and Elaine, causing Donald to completely fall out with Marina.

Eventually, when Donald discovered Charlie’s identity as the eldest son of the Wade family, he had no choice but to submit to Charlie and seek a way out.

Now, with Donald reduced to being a lackey for Orvel, there was no way he could continue to support the Wilson family.

Had it not been for Charlie leaving a small lifeline for them, the Wilson family would have long been thrown out by Donald.

However, Charlie didn’t leave this lifeline out of pity for them.

He believed, as ancient sages once said, that evil people are best dealt with by other evil people.

So, instead of kicking them out of Thomson Elite, he let them stay and suffer the consequences.

That’s why Donald had arranged for Verity and the other two women to be released early.

Charlie had already figured out Madam Wilson’s nature. He knew that if she saw Verity and the other two living in the same villa as her, she would do everything she could to drive them out, inevitably offending Verity in the process.

And as expected.

Initially, Verity and the others were grateful to Madam Wilson. If she had treated them well, they would have repaid her kindness, and at least the Wilson family would have had some help to survive.

But Charlie knew Madam Wilson would never choose that path.

So he deliberately let Madam Wilson experience the feeling of "lifting a rock only to drop it on one’s own feet."

What was once an advantage turned into a liability, and this was bound to cause Madam Wilson great suffering.

And indeed, Madam Wilson did not disappoint him.

Now, with Madam Wilson struggling to support a family of four, it fell on Wendy to shoulder the burden of supporting the family.


Charlie looked at Wendy standing before him. Although his impression of her had improved slightly, he still didn't feel much sympathy for her situation.

He calmly said, "Pearl River Residences isn’t far from here. You can take a taxi; the starting fare should get you there."

Wendy hurriedly replied, "Brother-in-law, I’m trying to stretch every penny. I can’t even bear to take the bus, let alone a taxi."

She pointed to the high heels on her feet and continued, "I was planning to walk there to save money. I just happened to see you passing by and gathered the courage to apologize to you and ask if you could give me a ride."

In truth, Wendy had developed some affection for Charlie. Ever since that day before the New Year, when many prominent figures in Aurous Hill came to pay their respects to Charlie, she realized she had made a colossal mistake by looking down on him.

She also realized that the Charlie of today was no longer the Charlie of the past.

Moreover, Charlie had always been very kind to Claire, which Wendy had noticed.

As a result, her view of Charlie had undergone a dramatic change.

When she saw Charlie riding past on his bike today, she gathered the courage to call out to him.

In her heart, she hoped to use this opportunity to reconcile with Charlie.

However, Charlie still felt no particular fondness for Wendy, so he responded, "I have something to do, and it’s not on the way to Pearl River Residences, so I can’t give you a ride."

Although Wendy felt disappointed, she didn’t persist. She nodded cheerfully and said, "That’s alright, brother-in-law. You go ahead with your business. I’ll walk over."

Charlie noticed that she was still wearing high heels, making the walk to her destination at least a 40-minute journey. He felt a slight pang of sympathy and said, "Alright, let’s exchange WeChat contacts. I’ll transfer some money to you."

Wendy instinctively responded, "No need, brother-in-law. I can’t take your money."

Charlie replied calmly, "Just because you sincerely called me 'brother-in-law,' it’s only right that I help you. If it were your sister who saw you, she would definitely help you too."

Claire had always been kind-hearted and not one to hold grudges. If she saw Wendy in this state, she would undoubtedly offer assistance.

Hearing this, Wendy felt both touched and ashamed. She choked up and said, "Brother-in-law, after how I treated you before, you’re still willing to help me. I really... I really..."

She couldn’t help but start crying.

Today, she finally understood what it meant to "repay evil with good."

If it were anyone else, they would likely seize this moment to mock and trample on her, especially after how she had wronged them.

But not only did Charlie not mock or ridicule her, he was even willing to help, something she had never expected.

At this point, Charlie said, "Alright, stop crying and don’t refuse. Let’s exchange WeChat contacts quickly; I have something to do, so I need to go soon."

Wendy nodded repeatedly, but when she reached into her pocket, she realized that she didn’t have her phone.

Her phone had long been confiscated by Donald’s people.

Feeling anxious and uneasy, she stammered, "Brother-in-law, I... I... I don’t have a phone."
Great job Immortal Junlee


Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score

As the conversation unfolded, an elderly steward of the Klein family in Aurous Hill spoke up.

This old steward was someone Marissa had met when she was younger. Over the past twenty years, the steward had been stationed in Aurous Hill, taking care of the old mansion. Meanwhile, Marissa had married into the Salvador family, so the two had not seen each other since.

However, Marissa recognized him at first glance and respectfully said, "Uncle Wang, I hope you’ve been well!"

After greeting him, she quickly instructed her two children, "Cameron, Camilla, greet Grandpa Wang."

Cameron and Camilla promptly and respectfully said, "Hello, Grandpa Wang!"

The old steward hurriedly bowed in gratitude, somewhat flustered by the attention. He then said to Marissa, "I never expected Second Miss to remember me."

Marissa smiled warmly. "How could I forget? You were once in charge of the mansion next to the Prince Gong’s Mansion in Eastcliff. After my father donated that property to the state to become a museum, you came to Aurous Hill."

The old steward nodded repeatedly, reminiscing. "After I came to Aurous Hill, I returned to Eastcliff twice a year to report to the master. But each time, it was a quick trip—reporting and then rushing back, so I never had the chance to see you again."

He sighed, adding, "Ah, Second Miss, you haven’t been to Aurous Hill in over twenty years, have you? I remember that before you got married, you would visit with the master and madam every year. But after that, you rarely came."

Marissa nodded. "After Drake passed away in Aurous Hill, I never returned."

Upon hearing this, the old steward’s body stiffened. He couldn’t help but sigh, "You’re speaking of Master Drake... Truly, heaven is jealous of his talent."

Marissa pressed on, "Uncle Wang, you were in Aurous Hill when Drake had his accident. Do you know anything about what happened back then?"

The old steward looked regretful. "When Master Drake came to Aurous Hill, the master had informed me. He said Master Drake might have had some conflicts with the family and, combined with the pressures from Eastcliff, came to Aurous Hill to relax. The master asked me to invite Master Drake and his family to stay at the old mansion for a few days and told me to let Master Drake know that if he wished, they could stay at the mansion as if it were their own home."

Marissa hurriedly asked, "And then? Did they come?"

The old steward shook his head. "Master Drake came by once, but he only paid a visit, asked me to thank the master, but declined to stay."

Marissa asked again, "Did he say anything else?"

The old steward pondered for a moment and replied, "At that time, Master Drake mentioned that he was dealing with some issues and didn’t want to trouble the Klein family, so he expressed his thanks and then left."

Marissa nodded, feeling a bit downcast, her expression tinged with melancholy.

The old steward quickly added, "Second Miss, let’s not talk here. The car is waiting outside. Let’s head home first!"

Marissa nodded. "Alright, Uncle Wang, let’s go home."

Outside the airport, three Hongqi (a luxury automobile brand in China) sedans were lined up.

Marissa said to Cameron and Camilla, "Cameron, Camilla, you two can sit in the car behind. I’ll sit in the middle car and chat with your Grandpa Wang."

The siblings naturally agreed and boarded the last Hongqi.

The old steward opened the rear door of the middle Hongqi for Marissa. After she got in, he took the passenger seat.

As the convoy drove away from the airport, Marissa asked the old steward, "Uncle Wang, I want to ask you something."

The old steward replied, "Second Miss, please feel free to ask!"

Marissa said, "Uncle Wang, I heard that Drake came to Aurous Hill to settle down with his wife and child. Since he didn’t want to stay at our old mansion, where did he end up living?"

The old steward explained, "Master Drake liked the old mansion very much. He asked me to help him find a slightly more secluded place."

"That mansion used to belong to a prominent figure in the military. After he fled, it was left to others to manage. Over time, the mansion became abandoned."

"But Master Drake liked it, so he rented it and personally renovated it."

Marissa, suddenly excited, said, "Uncle Wang, can you take me to see it?"


At this moment, Charlie had just rolled his electric scooter out of the gates of the luxurious Thomson Elite villa.

Claire’s company had resumed work after the Spring Festival break, and his father-in-law, Jacob, had also returned to his duties at the Calligraphy and Painting Association.

In the morning, Elaine, still relying on her crutches, prepared breakfast. After Jacob and Claire finished eating, they each drove off in their BMWs to attend to their business. Charlie, after tidying up the house, prepared to head out to buy some meat and eggs.

Although the small vegetable garden at home could supply most of the family's needs for vegetables and fruits, meat and eggs still had to be bought from the market.

As Charlie rode out, he didn’t rush to leave. Instead, he parked his scooter by the roadside in the Thomson Elite villa area, propped his feet on the ground, and pulled out his phone to call Isaac.

Last night, the various scandals surrounding the Salvador family had broken out, and Charlie had watched every single one of them.

Public opinion initially condemned Harrison, but soon shifted to target Virtuoso. Charlie could see at a glance that this was Harrison’s attempt to save himself.

It seemed that there was now discord within the Salvador family, which was extremely encouraging news for Charlie.

Although he still couldn’t confirm whether the Salvador family was responsible for his parents' deaths, just for having once formed the Anti-Wade Coalition, Charlie was determined to make the Salvador family pay a steep price.

Now that the Salvador family was beginning to fracture from within, it was naturally an ideal situation for him.

His current focus was on how to further this internal collapse and push the Salvador family down a path of no return.

In his view, Raven was undoubtedly the key weapon in further dismantling the Salvador family.

As soon as Isaac answered the call, Charlie asked, "Old Craven, how are Raven and the others doing now?"

Isaac quickly replied, "Young Master, I just had breakfast delivered to them. According to the delivery person, they are all doing well."

Charlie asked, "After cutting off their communication with the outside world, they didn’t cause any trouble, did they?"

"No," Isaac chuckled. "Those crew members are so afraid of others finding out they’ve returned that even if you gave them a phone, they wouldn’t dare make a call."

"And what about Raven? How’s she doing?" Charlie inquired.

Isaac said, "According to my men, she doesn’t seem to have any complaints. However, she did ask about you."

Charlie, intrigued, asked, "Oh? What did she ask?"

Isaac smiled and replied, "She asked when you would be visiting her. She said she has something she wants to discuss with you."

"Hmm." Charlie checked the time. It was only half-past nine in the morning. As long as he could buy the meat by eleven, it wouldn’t delay Elaine from cooking lunch. So he said, "Alright, I’ll go over in a bit."

"Very well, Young Master," Isaac responded respectfully. "Would you like me to drive over and pick you up?"

"No need. I’ll ride my scooter; it’s convenient enough."

Regarding Raven, Charlie didn’t have much affection for her.

Though she was extremely beautiful with a striking figure, her heart was equally ruthless.

If he hadn’t deduced that she was Virtuoso’s illegitimate daughter, he would never have spared her life.

The reason for keeping her alive was to make the Salvador family suffer.

After all, it’s easy to kill off a key player in the Salvador family, but creating an enemy from within is far more challenging.

If he could make Raven view the Salvador family as her mortal enemy, just as he did, the Salvador family would face countless more troubles in the future.


This was Charlie's purpose in keeping Raven alive.

He planned to send Raven back to Eastcliff when the time was right.

After putting away his phone, he twisted the throttle on his electric scooter. The small scooter made a buzzing sound as it quickly sped away.

After exiting the Thomson Elite community, Charlie had just turned right, intending to go to Isaac’s hotel, when he heard a familiar voice, slightly nervous, calling out from behind, "Brother-in-law!"

Instinctively, Charlie turned his head and saw a familiar woman on the sidewalk behind him, waving at him.

"Wendy?" Charlie recognized the woman and felt puzzled.

His family had been at odds with Madam Wilson's family for quite some time now. The two families had been like fire and water for a long time.

Not only would they not greet each other if they met, but if his mother-in-law Elaine saw any of them from the balcony, she would curse at them for an hour to vent her anger.

So, he was a bit confused as to why Wendy was calling out to him.

Moreover, when did she start addressing him as "brother-in-law"? Hadn’t she always called him a loser?

With this in mind, he frowned and asked, "What do you want?"

Wendy quickly ran a few steps to catch up with Charlie, blushing slightly as she asked, "Brother-in-law, where are you headed?"

Charlie replied coldly, "I'm going to buy groceries. What do you need?"

Wendy bit her lip lightly, feeling a bit nervous as she asked, "Brother-in-law, could you take me to Pearl River Residences? It’s not far from here, just a 20-minute ride on your scooter."

Charlie looked her up and down, noticing that she was dressed quite formally and had applied light makeup. He sneered and said, "You, the proud Wilson family's eldest daughter, riding on my scooter? Isn't that a bit too degrading? What, are you planning to mock me like before?"

Hearing this, Wendy immediately hung her head in shame.

At this moment, she couldn’t help but recall the time she had seen Charlie outside the Emgrand Group building, riding this very scooter, while she sat in Gerald White’s Bentley.

"Back then, I never even looked at Charlie as a person. I always thought he was just a complete freeloader, a nobody. I didn’t even give him a second glance."

"But who could have predicted that just over half a year later, Charlie would become one of the most powerful figures in Aurous Hill, while I’ve fallen so low that I have to take a job as a 200-yuan-a-day hostess to support my family?"

"And now, to save some money for my grandmother, father, and brother’s meals, I can’t even bring myself to spend on a bus fare or call a taxi."

With these thoughts, she mustered her courage and spoke humbly, "Brother-in-law, please don’t tease me. Our family has fallen so low; I’m no longer the Wilson family’s eldest daughter."

She then lifted her head, her eyes red with guilt, and said, "Brother-in-law, I was wrong before. It was all my fault. I shouldn’t have looked down on you or opposed you and Sister Claire. Life has taught me many hard lessons, and I’ve come to deeply realize my mistakes. I hope you can be the bigger person and not hold a grudge against me."

As Wendy said this, Charlie was somewhat surprised.

He hadn’t expected Wendy to say something like this.

Even more surprising was the sincerity in her tone and demeanor.

He could tell that Wendy’s apology was heartfelt and not just empty words.

Seeing that Wendy was genuinely remorseful and sincerely aware of her mistakes, Charlie’s attitude softened slightly. He said calmly, "To recognize one’s mistakes and correct them is a great virtue. If you truly realize your past mistakes, it’s not too late to change now."


Hearing Charlie's words, Wendy quickly nodded, her voice choked with emotion as she sincerely said, "Brother-in-law, you're absolutely right. I've truly woken up now. I'm no longer the arrogant, uneducated, and shallow eldest daughter of the Wilson family who looked down on others."

As she spoke, she unzipped her down jacket slightly, revealing the blue uniform of a hostess underneath, and continued, "Brother-in-law, look, I’ve even started finding work on my own. I’m working as a greeter at the newly opened Pearl River Residences community."

Charlie curiously asked, "Why did you start working as a greeter? If I remember correctly, you’re a college graduate. Couldn’t you find a better job than this?"

Wendy lowered her voice, deeply ashamed, and explained, "Brother-in-law, to tell you the truth, my dad and my brother were both crippled just before the New Year because they tried to harm my aunt. Now, they can only lie in bed and do nothing. My grandmother is also old and hasn’t recovered from the shock my aunt gave her recently, so she can’t work either. That’s why I have to go out and earn money to support the family."

As she spoke, Wendy began to sob, her voice choking as she continued, "But... but I can’t find a regular job because those kinds of jobs only pay at the end of the month. But my dad, my brother, and my grandmother are all at home waiting for me to bring back money to feed them."

"So... so I can only take on jobs like being a hostess that pay daily."

Charlie nodded slightly.

He had already noticed how dire the Wilson family’s situation had become when he saw Madam Wilson helping customers with plastic bags in the supermarket while he was shopping with his father-in-law before the New Year.

At that moment, he knew that the Wilson family had hit rock bottom.

They used to live comfortably, benefiting from Donald Waever's support.

But things changed when Noah and Harold made a grave mistake by kidnapping both Marina and Elaine, causing Donald to completely fall out with Marina.

Eventually, when Donald discovered Charlie’s identity as the eldest son of the Wade family, he had no choice but to submit to Charlie and seek a way out.

Now, with Donald reduced to being a lackey for Orvel, there was no way he could continue to support the Wilson family.

Had it not been for Charlie leaving a small lifeline for them, the Wilson family would have long been thrown out by Donald.

However, Charlie didn’t leave this lifeline out of pity for them.

He believed, as ancient sages once said, that evil people are best dealt with by other evil people.

So, instead of kicking them out of Thomson Elite, he let them stay and suffer the consequences.

That’s why Donald had arranged for Verity and the other two women to be released early.

Charlie had already figured out Madam Wilson’s nature. He knew that if she saw Verity and the other two living in the same villa as her, she would do everything she could to drive them out, inevitably offending Verity in the process.

And as expected.

Initially, Verity and the others were grateful to Madam Wilson. If she had treated them well, they would have repaid her kindness, and at least the Wilson family would have had some help to survive.

But Charlie knew Madam Wilson would never choose that path.

So he deliberately let Madam Wilson experience the feeling of "lifting a rock only to drop it on one’s own feet."

What was once an advantage turned into a liability, and this was bound to cause Madam Wilson great suffering.

And indeed, Madam Wilson did not disappoint him.

Now, with Madam Wilson struggling to support a family of four, it fell on Wendy to shoulder the burden of supporting the family.


Charlie looked at Wendy standing before him. Although his impression of her had improved slightly, he still didn't feel much sympathy for her situation.

He calmly said, "Pearl River Residences isn’t far from here. You can take a taxi; the starting fare should get you there."

Wendy hurriedly replied, "Brother-in-law, I’m trying to stretch every penny. I can’t even bear to take the bus, let alone a taxi."

She pointed to the high heels on her feet and continued, "I was planning to walk there to save money. I just happened to see you passing by and gathered the courage to apologize to you and ask if you could give me a ride."

In truth, Wendy had developed some affection for Charlie. Ever since that day before the New Year, when many prominent figures in Aurous Hill came to pay their respects to Charlie, she realized she had made a colossal mistake by looking down on him.

She also realized that the Charlie of today was no longer the Charlie of the past.

Moreover, Charlie had always been very kind to Claire, which Wendy had noticed.

As a result, her view of Charlie had undergone a dramatic change.

When she saw Charlie riding past on his bike today, she gathered the courage to call out to him.

In her heart, she hoped to use this opportunity to reconcile with Charlie.

However, Charlie still felt no particular fondness for Wendy, so he responded, "I have something to do, and it’s not on the way to Pearl River Residences, so I can’t give you a ride."

Although Wendy felt disappointed, she didn’t persist. She nodded cheerfully and said, "That’s alright, brother-in-law. You go ahead with your business. I’ll walk over."

Charlie noticed that she was still wearing high heels, making the walk to her destination at least a 40-minute journey. He felt a slight pang of sympathy and said, "Alright, let’s exchange WeChat contacts. I’ll transfer some money to you."

Wendy instinctively responded, "No need, brother-in-law. I can’t take your money."

Charlie replied calmly, "Just because you sincerely called me 'brother-in-law,' it’s only right that I help you. If it were your sister who saw you, she would definitely help you too."

Claire had always been kind-hearted and not one to hold grudges. If she saw Wendy in this state, she would undoubtedly offer assistance.

Hearing this, Wendy felt both touched and ashamed. She choked up and said, "Brother-in-law, after how I treated you before, you’re still willing to help me. I really... I really..."

She couldn’t help but start crying.

Today, she finally understood what it meant to "repay evil with good."

If it were anyone else, they would likely seize this moment to mock and trample on her, especially after how she had wronged them.

But not only did Charlie not mock or ridicule her, he was even willing to help, something she had never expected.

At this point, Charlie said, "Alright, stop crying and don’t refuse. Let’s exchange WeChat contacts quickly; I have something to do, so I need to go soon."

Wendy nodded repeatedly, but when she reached into her pocket, she realized that she didn’t have her phone.

Her phone had long been confiscated by Donald’s people.

Feeling anxious and uneasy, she stammered, "Brother-in-law, I... I... I don’t have a phone."
This Charlie just making all the women to fall for him not enjoying them is my problem with him 😕


Martial Arts Master
Jul 21, 2024
Reaction score

As the conversation unfolded, an elderly steward of the Klein family in Aurous Hill spoke up.

This old steward was someone Marissa had met when she was younger. Over the past twenty years, the steward had been stationed in Aurous Hill, taking care of the old mansion. Meanwhile, Marissa had married into the Salvador family, so the two had not seen each other since.

However, Marissa recognized him at first glance and respectfully said, "Uncle Wang, I hope you’ve been well!"

After greeting him, she quickly instructed her two children, "Cameron, Camilla, greet Grandpa Wang."

Cameron and Camilla promptly and respectfully said, "Hello, Grandpa Wang!"

The old steward hurriedly bowed in gratitude, somewhat flustered by the attention. He then said to Marissa, "I never expected Second Miss to remember me."

Marissa smiled warmly. "How could I forget? You were once in charge of the mansion next to the Prince Gong’s Mansion in Eastcliff. After my father donated that property to the state to become a museum, you came to Aurous Hill."

The old steward nodded repeatedly, reminiscing. "After I came to Aurous Hill, I returned to Eastcliff twice a year to report to the master. But each time, it was a quick trip—reporting and then rushing back, so I never had the chance to see you again."

He sighed, adding, "Ah, Second Miss, you haven’t been to Aurous Hill in over twenty years, have you? I remember that before you got married, you would visit with the master and madam every year. But after that, you rarely came."

Marissa nodded. "After Drake passed away in Aurous Hill, I never returned."

Upon hearing this, the old steward’s body stiffened. He couldn’t help but sigh, "You’re speaking of Master Drake... Truly, heaven is jealous of his talent."

Marissa pressed on, "Uncle Wang, you were in Aurous Hill when Drake had his accident. Do you know anything about what happened back then?"

The old steward looked regretful. "When Master Drake came to Aurous Hill, the master had informed me. He said Master Drake might have had some conflicts with the family and, combined with the pressures from Eastcliff, came to Aurous Hill to relax. The master asked me to invite Master Drake and his family to stay at the old mansion for a few days and told me to let Master Drake know that if he wished, they could stay at the mansion as if it were their own home."

Marissa hurriedly asked, "And then? Did they come?"

The old steward shook his head. "Master Drake came by once, but he only paid a visit, asked me to thank the master, but declined to stay."

Marissa asked again, "Did he say anything else?"

The old steward pondered for a moment and replied, "At that time, Master Drake mentioned that he was dealing with some issues and didn’t want to trouble the Klein family, so he expressed his thanks and then left."

Marissa nodded, feeling a bit downcast, her expression tinged with melancholy.

The old steward quickly added, "Second Miss, let’s not talk here. The car is waiting outside. Let’s head home first!"

Marissa nodded. "Alright, Uncle Wang, let’s go home."

Outside the airport, three Hongqi (a luxury automobile brand in China) sedans were lined up.

Marissa said to Cameron and Camilla, "Cameron, Camilla, you two can sit in the car behind. I’ll sit in the middle car and chat with your Grandpa Wang."

The siblings naturally agreed and boarded the last Hongqi.

The old steward opened the rear door of the middle Hongqi for Marissa. After she got in, he took the passenger seat.

As the convoy drove away from the airport, Marissa asked the old steward, "Uncle Wang, I want to ask you something."

The old steward replied, "Second Miss, please feel free to ask!"

Marissa said, "Uncle Wang, I heard that Drake came to Aurous Hill to settle down with his wife and child. Since he didn’t want to stay at our old mansion, where did he end up living?"

The old steward explained, "Master Drake liked the old mansion very much. He asked me to help him find a slightly more secluded place."

"That mansion used to belong to a prominent figure in the military. After he fled, it was left to others to manage. Over time, the mansion became abandoned."

"But Master Drake liked it, so he rented it and personally renovated it."

Marissa, suddenly excited, said, "Uncle Wang, can you take me to see it?"


At this moment, Charlie had just rolled his electric scooter out of the gates of the luxurious Thomson Elite villa.

Claire’s company had resumed work after the Spring Festival break, and his father-in-law, Jacob, had also returned to his duties at the Calligraphy and Painting Association.

In the morning, Elaine, still relying on her crutches, prepared breakfast. After Jacob and Claire finished eating, they each drove off in their BMWs to attend to their business. Charlie, after tidying up the house, prepared to head out to buy some meat and eggs.

Although the small vegetable garden at home could supply most of the family's needs for vegetables and fruits, meat and eggs still had to be bought from the market.

As Charlie rode out, he didn’t rush to leave. Instead, he parked his scooter by the roadside in the Thomson Elite villa area, propped his feet on the ground, and pulled out his phone to call Isaac.

Last night, the various scandals surrounding the Salvador family had broken out, and Charlie had watched every single one of them.

Public opinion initially condemned Harrison, but soon shifted to target Virtuoso. Charlie could see at a glance that this was Harrison’s attempt to save himself.

It seemed that there was now discord within the Salvador family, which was extremely encouraging news for Charlie.

Although he still couldn’t confirm whether the Salvador family was responsible for his parents' deaths, just for having once formed the Anti-Wade Coalition, Charlie was determined to make the Salvador family pay a steep price.

Now that the Salvador family was beginning to fracture from within, it was naturally an ideal situation for him.

His current focus was on how to further this internal collapse and push the Salvador family down a path of no return.

In his view, Raven was undoubtedly the key weapon in further dismantling the Salvador family.

As soon as Isaac answered the call, Charlie asked, "Old Craven, how are Raven and the others doing now?"

Isaac quickly replied, "Young Master, I just had breakfast delivered to them. According to the delivery person, they are all doing well."

Charlie asked, "After cutting off their communication with the outside world, they didn’t cause any trouble, did they?"

"No," Isaac chuckled. "Those crew members are so afraid of others finding out they’ve returned that even if you gave them a phone, they wouldn’t dare make a call."

"And what about Raven? How’s she doing?" Charlie inquired.

Isaac said, "According to my men, she doesn’t seem to have any complaints. However, she did ask about you."

Charlie, intrigued, asked, "Oh? What did she ask?"

Isaac smiled and replied, "She asked when you would be visiting her. She said she has something she wants to discuss with you."

"Hmm." Charlie checked the time. It was only half-past nine in the morning. As long as he could buy the meat by eleven, it wouldn’t delay Elaine from cooking lunch. So he said, "Alright, I’ll go over in a bit."

"Very well, Young Master," Isaac responded respectfully. "Would you like me to drive over and pick you up?"

"No need. I’ll ride my scooter; it’s convenient enough."

Regarding Raven, Charlie didn’t have much affection for her.

Though she was extremely beautiful with a striking figure, her heart was equally ruthless.

If he hadn’t deduced that she was Virtuoso’s illegitimate daughter, he would never have spared her life.

The reason for keeping her alive was to make the Salvador family suffer.

After all, it’s easy to kill off a key player in the Salvador family, but creating an enemy from within is far more challenging.

If he could make Raven view the Salvador family as her mortal enemy, just as he did, the Salvador family would face countless more troubles in the future.


This was Charlie's purpose in keeping Raven alive.

He planned to send Raven back to Eastcliff when the time was right.

After putting away his phone, he twisted the throttle on his electric scooter. The small scooter made a buzzing sound as it quickly sped away.

After exiting the Thomson Elite community, Charlie had just turned right, intending to go to Isaac’s hotel, when he heard a familiar voice, slightly nervous, calling out from behind, "Brother-in-law!"

Instinctively, Charlie turned his head and saw a familiar woman on the sidewalk behind him, waving at him.

"Wendy?" Charlie recognized the woman and felt puzzled.

His family had been at odds with Madam Wilson's family for quite some time now. The two families had been like fire and water for a long time.

Not only would they not greet each other if they met, but if his mother-in-law Elaine saw any of them from the balcony, she would curse at them for an hour to vent her anger.

So, he was a bit confused as to why Wendy was calling out to him.

Moreover, when did she start addressing him as "brother-in-law"? Hadn’t she always called him a loser?

With this in mind, he frowned and asked, "What do you want?"

Wendy quickly ran a few steps to catch up with Charlie, blushing slightly as she asked, "Brother-in-law, where are you headed?"

Charlie replied coldly, "I'm going to buy groceries. What do you need?"

Wendy bit her lip lightly, feeling a bit nervous as she asked, "Brother-in-law, could you take me to Pearl River Residences? It’s not far from here, just a 20-minute ride on your scooter."

Charlie looked her up and down, noticing that she was dressed quite formally and had applied light makeup. He sneered and said, "You, the proud Wilson family's eldest daughter, riding on my scooter? Isn't that a bit too degrading? What, are you planning to mock me like before?"

Hearing this, Wendy immediately hung her head in shame.

At this moment, she couldn’t help but recall the time she had seen Charlie outside the Emgrand Group building, riding this very scooter, while she sat in Gerald White’s Bentley.

"Back then, I never even looked at Charlie as a person. I always thought he was just a complete freeloader, a nobody. I didn’t even give him a second glance."

"But who could have predicted that just over half a year later, Charlie would become one of the most powerful figures in Aurous Hill, while I’ve fallen so low that I have to take a job as a 200-yuan-a-day hostess to support my family?"

"And now, to save some money for my grandmother, father, and brother’s meals, I can’t even bring myself to spend on a bus fare or call a taxi."

With these thoughts, she mustered her courage and spoke humbly, "Brother-in-law, please don’t tease me. Our family has fallen so low; I’m no longer the Wilson family’s eldest daughter."

She then lifted her head, her eyes red with guilt, and said, "Brother-in-law, I was wrong before. It was all my fault. I shouldn’t have looked down on you or opposed you and Sister Claire. Life has taught me many hard lessons, and I’ve come to deeply realize my mistakes. I hope you can be the bigger person and not hold a grudge against me."

As Wendy said this, Charlie was somewhat surprised.

He hadn’t expected Wendy to say something like this.

Even more surprising was the sincerity in her tone and demeanor.

He could tell that Wendy’s apology was heartfelt and not just empty words.

Seeing that Wendy was genuinely remorseful and sincerely aware of her mistakes, Charlie’s attitude softened slightly. He said calmly, "To recognize one’s mistakes and correct them is a great virtue. If you truly realize your past mistakes, it’s not too late to change now."


Hearing Charlie's words, Wendy quickly nodded, her voice choked with emotion as she sincerely said, "Brother-in-law, you're absolutely right. I've truly woken up now. I'm no longer the arrogant, uneducated, and shallow eldest daughter of the Wilson family who looked down on others."

As she spoke, she unzipped her down jacket slightly, revealing the blue uniform of a hostess underneath, and continued, "Brother-in-law, look, I’ve even started finding work on my own. I’m working as a greeter at the newly opened Pearl River Residences community."

Charlie curiously asked, "Why did you start working as a greeter? If I remember correctly, you’re a college graduate. Couldn’t you find a better job than this?"

Wendy lowered her voice, deeply ashamed, and explained, "Brother-in-law, to tell you the truth, my dad and my brother were both crippled just before the New Year because they tried to harm my aunt. Now, they can only lie in bed and do nothing. My grandmother is also old and hasn’t recovered from the shock my aunt gave her recently, so she can’t work either. That’s why I have to go out and earn money to support the family."

As she spoke, Wendy began to sob, her voice choking as she continued, "But... but I can’t find a regular job because those kinds of jobs only pay at the end of the month. But my dad, my brother, and my grandmother are all at home waiting for me to bring back money to feed them."

"So... so I can only take on jobs like being a hostess that pay daily."

Charlie nodded slightly.

He had already noticed how dire the Wilson family’s situation had become when he saw Madam Wilson helping customers with plastic bags in the supermarket while he was shopping with his father-in-law before the New Year.

At that moment, he knew that the Wilson family had hit rock bottom.

They used to live comfortably, benefiting from Donald Waever's support.

But things changed when Noah and Harold made a grave mistake by kidnapping both Marina and Elaine, causing Donald to completely fall out with Marina.

Eventually, when Donald discovered Charlie’s identity as the eldest son of the Wade family, he had no choice but to submit to Charlie and seek a way out.

Now, with Donald reduced to being a lackey for Orvel, there was no way he could continue to support the Wilson family.

Had it not been for Charlie leaving a small lifeline for them, the Wilson family would have long been thrown out by Donald.

However, Charlie didn’t leave this lifeline out of pity for them.

He believed, as ancient sages once said, that evil people are best dealt with by other evil people.

So, instead of kicking them out of Thomson Elite, he let them stay and suffer the consequences.

That’s why Donald had arranged for Verity and the other two women to be released early.

Charlie had already figured out Madam Wilson’s nature. He knew that if she saw Verity and the other two living in the same villa as her, she would do everything she could to drive them out, inevitably offending Verity in the process.

And as expected.

Initially, Verity and the others were grateful to Madam Wilson. If she had treated them well, they would have repaid her kindness, and at least the Wilson family would have had some help to survive.

But Charlie knew Madam Wilson would never choose that path.

So he deliberately let Madam Wilson experience the feeling of "lifting a rock only to drop it on one’s own feet."

What was once an advantage turned into a liability, and this was bound to cause Madam Wilson great suffering.

And indeed, Madam Wilson did not disappoint him.

Now, with Madam Wilson struggling to support a family of four, it fell on Wendy to shoulder the burden of supporting the family.


Charlie looked at Wendy standing before him. Although his impression of her had improved slightly, he still didn't feel much sympathy for her situation.

He calmly said, "Pearl River Residences isn’t far from here. You can take a taxi; the starting fare should get you there."

Wendy hurriedly replied, "Brother-in-law, I’m trying to stretch every penny. I can’t even bear to take the bus, let alone a taxi."

She pointed to the high heels on her feet and continued, "I was planning to walk there to save money. I just happened to see you passing by and gathered the courage to apologize to you and ask if you could give me a ride."

In truth, Wendy had developed some affection for Charlie. Ever since that day before the New Year, when many prominent figures in Aurous Hill came to pay their respects to Charlie, she realized she had made a colossal mistake by looking down on him.

She also realized that the Charlie of today was no longer the Charlie of the past.

Moreover, Charlie had always been very kind to Claire, which Wendy had noticed.

As a result, her view of Charlie had undergone a dramatic change.

When she saw Charlie riding past on his bike today, she gathered the courage to call out to him.

In her heart, she hoped to use this opportunity to reconcile with Charlie.

However, Charlie still felt no particular fondness for Wendy, so he responded, "I have something to do, and it’s not on the way to Pearl River Residences, so I can’t give you a ride."

Although Wendy felt disappointed, she didn’t persist. She nodded cheerfully and said, "That’s alright, brother-in-law. You go ahead with your business. I’ll walk over."

Charlie noticed that she was still wearing high heels, making the walk to her destination at least a 40-minute journey. He felt a slight pang of sympathy and said, "Alright, let’s exchange WeChat contacts. I’ll transfer some money to you."

Wendy instinctively responded, "No need, brother-in-law. I can’t take your money."

Charlie replied calmly, "Just because you sincerely called me 'brother-in-law,' it’s only right that I help you. If it were your sister who saw you, she would definitely help you too."

Claire had always been kind-hearted and not one to hold grudges. If she saw Wendy in this state, she would undoubtedly offer assistance.

Hearing this, Wendy felt both touched and ashamed. She choked up and said, "Brother-in-law, after how I treated you before, you’re still willing to help me. I really... I really..."

She couldn’t help but start crying.

Today, she finally understood what it meant to "repay evil with good."

If it were anyone else, they would likely seize this moment to mock and trample on her, especially after how she had wronged them.

But not only did Charlie not mock or ridicule her, he was even willing to help, something she had never expected.

At this point, Charlie said, "Alright, stop crying and don’t refuse. Let’s exchange WeChat contacts quickly; I have something to do, so I need to go soon."

Wendy nodded repeatedly, but when she reached into her pocket, she realized that she didn’t have her phone.

Her phone had long been confiscated by Donald’s people.

Feeling anxious and uneasy, she stammered, "Brother-in-law, I... I... I don’t have a phone."
I really like this new Wendy

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

"You don’t have a phone?!"

Charlie was utterly astonished by Wendy's revelation. In this day and age, even street vendors carry smartphones, so it was hard to believe that a young, fashionable girl like Wendy didn’t own one.

Wendy, seeing Charlie’s disbelief, felt even more embarrassed. She stammered, "Brother-in-law, my phone was... taken by Donald’s people."

She lowered her head in shame. Her words made her feel utterly humiliated. The Wilson family had indeed fallen into dire straits. Not even being able to afford a single phone spoke volumes about their poverty.

Charlie quickly grasped the situation. After Donald pledged allegiance to him, he harbored a deep grudge against the Wilson family. Knowing their animosity, Donald had done everything in his power to ruin them.

In reality, Charlie could easily restore their former status by just giving Donald a nod. Donald would reinstate their previous living conditions, and might even invest further in the Wilson family to revive them. Reviving the Wilson family would only require tens of millions, a small sum for Donald, despite his losses.

However, Charlie had no intention of doing so. The Wilson family's downfall was entirely their own fault, particularly the old lady and Noah, who had persistently schemed against him and his family.

Thus, their punishment must be fitting. Charlie decided to extend a small gesture of kindness to Wendy as a reward for her repentance and sincere apology, but nothing more.

Charlie was a man of clear judgment. As long as someone wasn’t guilty of a capital offense and genuinely repented, he would grant some leniency. For example, although Donald's son, Quintin, was a scoundrel, his crimes weren’t severe enough to warrant death. Similarly, while Donald and his eldest son, Xander, were arrogant, their crimes also didn’t justify death.

Therefore, despite their many tribulations, the father and son had managed to survive. However, Donald’s brother-in-law, Kobi Reynolds, was beyond redemption. His misdeeds had been so grievous that no amount of repentance could redeem him. Even if he spent his life doing good deeds, he would still be beyond salvation.

At that moment, Charlie pulled out a fifty-yuan note from his pocket and handed it to Wendy. "Here, take this fifty yuan for the taxi."

Wendy hesitated, unsure whether to accept the money. Though it was only fifty yuan, it was a significant amount for her and could make a big difference.

Her daily job paid just two hundred yuan, and this money would not only cover her own meals but also buy some basic medicine for Noah and Harold. With their current condition, they needed several tens of thousands for quick recovery, but due to lack of funds, they had to rely on slow and insufficient self-rehabilitation.

With inadequate nutrition, it's uncertain if they would even be able to walk a year from now. Wendy hoped to earn as much as possible, even if just a few extra yuan, to buy her father and brother some ribs or bones for soup.

Thus, she bowed deeply to Charlie and sincerely said, "Thank you, Brother-in-law. I really need the money, so I won’t be polite."

She took the fifty yuan with both hands.

Charlie nodded and said, "Use it for the taxi. It should cost about ten yuan."

Wendy was reluctant, but she dared not defy him. "Alright, Brother-in-law. Thank you!"

Charlie replied, "Good. Hurry up, then. I’ll be leaving as well."

Wendy answered softly, "Our clients usually come from around ten in the morning until after seven, so we finish work around seven-thirty."

Charlie nodded and said, "Alright, then. Make sure to get there on time."


Wendy quickly bowed again and said, “Brother-in-law, please drive safely and take care on the road.”

“Mm, I’m leaving now.”

Charlie waved at her and revved up the electric scooter, speeding away.

As she watched Charlie’s retreating figure, Wendy felt a whirlwind of emotions. At that moment, her greatest wish wasn’t to earn more money or gain the favor of wealthy patrons.

What she yearned for most was to be seated on the back of Charlie's electric scooter. She imagined that the back seat must be incredibly comforting and secure.

Charlie rode his electric scooter to Isaac’s hotel. Isaac was waiting at the entrance, looking eager.

Seeing Charlie approach, he hurried forward, saying, “Young Master, your status really doesn’t suit riding such an electric scooter. Why aren’t you using the sports car Mr. Ward and Mr. White gave you? Don’t you like sports cars?”

Charlie nodded, “Those cars aren’t practical. Besides, they’re too flashy. They attract everyone’s attention and make people want to take pictures. I don’t like being so ostentatious.”

Isaac quickly replied, “Then let me arrange a low-key luxury car for you. How about a Phaeton?”

Charlie waved his hand, “No need. I’m used to the electric scooter. Aurous Hill isn’t very big, and it’s enough to get around with this. But the battery’s low since I haven’t charged it recently. Have someone take care of that later.”

He parked the scooter at the entrance and urged, “Let’s go. Take me to see Raven.”

Isaac immediately instructed one of the valet attendants, “Quickly park Mr. Wade’s scooter, clean it inside and out, and charge the battery.”

“Understood, Mr. Craven!”

The attendant responded and hurried to take care of the scooter.

Charlie followed Isaac into the hotel, and they headed straight for the top floor. This floor was the executive level, reserved for top executives and dignitaries.

The executive level was designed to be relatively isolated, with several executive areas built during construction. Each area had only one entrance, one elevator, and one stairwell, separated from other executive levels by reinforced concrete walls. This design ensured greater safety, privacy, and ease for security personnel.

If it were a regular floor, with multiple elevators, stairwells, and sky bridges, security would be much more challenging for high-profile guests.

Raven was staying in one of these executive areas, and Isaac had stationed many trusted guards there to ensure complete security.

At that moment, Raven was wearing a form-fitting sports outfit provided by the hotel staff, practicing her internal martial arts in the living room. For a martial artist like her, talent alone was insufficient. Daily practice was essential.

Becoming a martial arts expert required years of relentless practice. However, Raven felt that she couldn’t focus and immerse herself in her training. Every time she tried to concentrate, Charlie’s image inevitably came to mind.

Just as she struggled to find her focus, the doorbell rang. Instinctively, she felt it might be Charlie and her heart leapt with joy.

She quickly dashed to the door and opened it. When she saw Charlie standing outside, her face lit up with a smile as she exclaimed, “Mr. Wade, you’re finally here!”

But then, she noticed that she was only wearing a sports outfit and was covered in sweat. Shocked, she screamed, “Oh no! Mr. Wade, please wait a moment!”

With that, she hurriedly closed the door.


Charlie hadn't even had a chance to fully take in Raven's perfect figure and curves before she had already shut the door.

At that moment, Raven, feeling embarrassed and flustered, quickly grabbed a bathrobe to cover herself. With a red face, she hurried back to open the door.

Facing Charlie, her face was as flushed as the morning sunrise, and she timidly said, “I’m sorry, Mr. Wade. I was a bit too hasty when I opened the door just now.”

Despite being a formidable martial artist, Raven was still a virgin in terms of romantic experience. Thus, her usual composure and martial prowess gave way to a youthful, shy demeanor in front of Charlie.

Charlie, too, felt a bit awkward.

Much like Dianne, who had an impeccable figure due to years of rigorous training, Raven had made a striking impression on Charlie, even though the situation had been sudden and rushed. However, unlike Dianne, who had a charming, approachable aura, Raven exuded a natural, chilling elegance.

To put it bluntly, while Dianne could seem like the girl-next-door that all men adored, Raven had a more aloof and dangerous allure. It wasn’t merely the discomfort in Charlie's presence; Raven’s demeanor was always one of distant and untouchable beauty, giving most men a sense of cold danger.

After adjusting his own demeanor, Charlie asked, “Ms. Salvador, are you satisfied with your stay here?”

Raven quickly replied, “I’m very satisfied. I heard this is the best hotel in Aurous Hill. I didn’t expect Mr. Wade to be so considerate and trouble yourself for this.”

Charlie waved his hand dismissively, “It’s no trouble at all. This hotel is entirely under Old Craven’s management. Arranging a few rooms is just a small task for him.”

Realizing Charlie was still standing at the door, Raven hurriedly stepped aside and gestured for him to enter, saying, “Mr. Wade, please come in and make yourself comfortable.”

Charlie nodded and stepped into the room.

As it was a luxurious executive suite, Raven invited Charlie to sit on the sofa in the living room. Once Charlie was seated, she quickly brewed a cup of tea from the hotel’s selection and handed it to him with respect, “Mr. Wade, please enjoy this tea.”

Charlie smiled slightly, thanked her, and then asked, “Ms. Salvador, I’m not sure if you’ve had a chance to watch the news.”

“No,” Raven replied, her expression slightly uncomfortable as she adjusted a stray lock of hair. She stammered, “I… I didn’t sleep well last night. I only managed to fall asleep in the early morning, and after waking up, I did some training before you arrived.”

Charlie nodded and began to explain, “I should update you. Yesterday, the Japanese National Security Agency released a statement exposing your grandfather, Harrison, and his dealings with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces.”

Raven’s face darkened with a trace of resentment as she responded, “He is not my grandfather. I have no such relative.”

Charlie replied, “I understand how you feel.”


Raven, feeling somewhat embarrassed, said, “I’m sorry, Mr. Wade. I shouldn’t have interrupted you. Please, go on.”

Charlie continued, “However, not long after, the media discovered that your father, Virtuoso, had taken a late-night flight to Australia. The media quickly shifted their focus, now claiming that it wasn’t your grandfather, Harrison, who betrayed you, but your father, Virtuoso. They say he betrayed you to silence you and to permanently bury the secret of your being his illegitimate child.”

Raven’s face grew pale as she replied, “That... that’s not impossible.”

Charlie asked, “Which scenario do you believe is more likely?”

Raven pondered for a few minutes before answering, “Mr. Wade, I’m more inclined to believe that Harrison betrayed me.”

Charlie looked at her with interest and asked, “Oh? Why is that?”

Raven explained seriously, “I’ve been around my father for a few years now. Although he is ruthless in his actions, he has deep feelings for his blood relatives. He is very concerned about Cameron and Camilla. After learning my true identity, he has been very attentive to me. I don’t think he would kill me to silence me. If he really wanted to do that, he wouldn’t have kept me in the Salvador family after finding out I was his daughter.”

She continued, “As for Harrison, from the outside, he appears to be a legendary old-time successful businessman, similar to Hong Kong’s Li Ka-shing—kind and benevolent. But in reality, he is extremely ruthless.”

“Moreover, his ruthlessness knows no bounds. No matter who it is, as long as they touch his interests, he won’t spare them! Even his own grandchildren are no exception!”

“So, I believe the possibility of Harrison betraying me is higher!”

Charlie nodded in agreement, saying, “I actually share your view. Although I don’t know the characters of these two men, based on the sequence of events and the underlying logic, it seems more likely that Harrison is the mastermind. Virtuoso’s trip to Australia was likely just a distraction, a mobile target to draw attention away, an easy target that could only be hit and not retaliate.”

Raven sighed, “Harrison has always held the power in the Salvador family. Even though my father is the eldest son and the designated heir, he has no real authority within the Salvador family because every key figure in the Salvador family reports directly to Harrison.”

“My father didn’t dare to build his own faction because Harrison is extremely sensitive about this matter. If my father tried to build his own power under Harrison’s nose, Harrison would surely be furious and might even strip him of his position as heir.”

“So, from any angle, Harrison is definitely the mastermind behind this.”

Raven’s expression grew somber as she added, “However, whether my father was involved and to what extent, I don’t know. He might have been completely unaware or might have known but not opposed it.”

Charlie asked, “What are your plans moving forward?”

Raven replied quickly, “I don’t dare to make any plans. When Mr. Wade saved me, I already said that I would follow your instructions.”

Charlie nodded and asked, “If one day I need you to help me deal with the Salvador family, would you be willing?”

Raven answered without hesitation, “I’m willing to deal with the Salvador family! From my mother to me, we have served the Salvador family diligently, always prepared to sacrifice ourselves for them. But to my surprise, the Salvador family members have been so heartless towards us. This grudge, I must avenge!”

Then she looked at Charlie with a hint of pleading, “Mr. Wade, may I ask you one thing?”

Charlie nodded, “Speak.”

Raven said earnestly, “Mr. Wade, I have no objections to dealing with the Salvador family, Harrison, or any other Salvador family members. However, I don’t want to confront my father or my two half-siblings. Apart from them, any other Salvador family members are my enemies!”


Raven's reluctance to take action against her biological father and half-siblings did not displease Charlie; instead, it brought him some relief.

In Charlie's view, if a person could betray their own siblings or biological parent, he would have serious reservations about them. He believed that a person, no matter how wicked, should retain some semblance of humanity. If someone lost their humanity entirely, they could, despite their obedience today, still betray him tomorrow.

Thus, Charlie was reassured that while Raven had wiped out the Matsumoto family, she had not lost her humanity. Her actions were driven by orders, much like a soldier following commands.

Charlie said, “We both have deep grudges against the Salvador family. You hate Harrison, and I hate Virtuoso. You need Harrison to give you an explanation, and I need Virtuoso to give me one. Therefore, we should cooperate as much as possible when dealing with the Salvador family.”

Raven hesitated before asking, “Mr. Wade, is your hatred for my father because of the Anti-Wade Alliance?”

Charlie nodded, his voice cold. “Back then, Virtuoso led the Anti-Wade Alliance and organized a group to target my father. Although I don’t yet know the extent of his involvement in my parents' deaths, the mere existence of the Anti-Wade Alliance makes him my enemy.”

Raven asked, “Mr. Wade, would you kill my father because of the Anti-Wade Alliance?”

Charlie thought for a few seconds and replied solemnly, “If Virtuoso’s Anti-Wade Alliance was not directly responsible for my parents’ deaths or did not participate directly, I wouldn’t resort to indiscriminate killing like Virtuoso did with the Matsumoto family. I would only impose a punishment proportional to his actual crimes.”

He then added with a cold expression, “However, if he has an undeniable responsibility for my parents' deaths, I will certainly take his life. His head will serve as a tribute to my tragically deceased parents!”

Raven nodded lightly.

Although she deeply hoped that Charlie would never have to confront her biological father, she knew she had no control or right to influence his decisions regarding revenge. Charlie was not only far stronger than her but also the one who had saved her life. She had no right to interfere with his decisions regarding avenging his parents.

So, she could only silently pray that her father, Virtuoso, was not the culprit behind Charlie’s parents' deaths. Otherwise, with Charlie’s strength, killing him would be all too easy.

Thinking of this, Raven looked at Charlie and, after some consideration, asked, “Mr. Wade, when can I contact my mother?”

Charlie replied, “Not yet. Please wait a little longer. Your current status is too sensitive. News about you is causing a stir across Asia, and the Japanese government is eager to capture you and convict you. If news of your survival leaks out, I won’t be able to protect you.”

He continued, “I suggest you wait patiently. Once the time is right, I will arrange for you to contact your mother.”

Raven nodded gently and said respectfully, “Understood, Mr. Wade. I will follow your instructions.”

Charlie nodded and said, “For now, rest here and recover.”

Raven replied, “Yes, Mr. Wade.”

Charlie recalled something and asked curiously, “By the way, I noticed when I came in that you seemed to be training?”

Recalling her previous state in a sports bra and shorts, Raven blushed slightly and nodded, “Yes, Mr. Wade. I practice martial arts daily.”

Charlie asked with interest, “What do martial artists usually practice during training?”

Raven answered honestly, “I practice the Stormrider family’s traditional Form-Intention Fist every morning.”

Charlie inquired further, “Form-Intention Fist? Is it a unique skill of the Stormrider family?”

Raven clarified, “Not exactly. Form-Intention Fist is actually an internal martial art, which is not unique to the Stormrider family.”

Charlie, having learned Wing Chun during his childhood due to his family’s martial arts tradition, was intrigued by the discussion.
Last edited:


Martial Arts Master
Oct 5, 2023
Reaction score
Lots of mention of Stormrider in this chapter. Just substitute "He" when it doesn't make sense in the sentence, then you got it 🙂


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Jun 22, 2024
Reaction score

"You don’t have a phone?!"

Charlie was utterly astonished by Wendy's revelation. In this day and age, even street vendors carry smartphones, so it was hard to believe that a young, fashionable girl like Wendy didn’t own one.

Wendy, seeing Charlie’s disbelief, felt even more embarrassed. She stammered, "Brother-in-law, my phone was... taken by Donald’s people."

She lowered her head in shame. Her words made her feel utterly humiliated. The Wilson family had indeed fallen into dire straits. Not even being able to afford a single phone spoke volumes about their poverty.

Charlie quickly grasped the situation. After Donald pledged allegiance to him, he harbored a deep grudge against the Wilson family. Knowing their animosity, Donald had done everything in his power to ruin them.

In reality, Charlie could easily restore their former status by just giving Donald a nod. Donald would reinstate their previous living conditions, and might even invest further in the Wilson family to revive them. Reviving the Wilson family would only require tens of millions, a small sum for Donald, despite his losses.

However, Charlie had no intention of doing so. The Wilson family's downfall was entirely their own fault, particularly the old lady and Noah, who had persistently schemed against him and his family.

Thus, their punishment must be fitting. Charlie decided to extend a small gesture of kindness to Wendy as a reward for her repentance and sincere apology, but nothing more.

Charlie was a man of clear judgment. As long as someone wasn’t guilty of a capital offense and genuinely repented, he would grant some leniency. For example, although Donald's son, Quintin, was a scoundrel, his crimes weren’t severe enough to warrant death. Similarly, while Donald and his eldest son, Xander, were arrogant, their crimes also didn’t justify death.

Therefore, despite their many tribulations, the father and son had managed to survive. However, Donald’s brother-in-law, Kobi Reynolds, was beyond redemption. His misdeeds had been so grievous that no amount of repentance could redeem him. Even if he spent his life doing good deeds, he would still be beyond salvation.

At that moment, Charlie pulled out a fifty-yuan note from his pocket and handed it to Wendy. "Here, take this fifty yuan for the taxi."

Wendy hesitated, unsure whether to accept the money. Though it was only fifty yuan, it was a significant amount for her and could make a big difference.

Her daily job paid just two hundred yuan, and this money would not only cover her own meals but also buy some basic medicine for Noah and Harold. With their current condition, they needed several tens of thousands for quick recovery, but due to lack of funds, they had to rely on slow and insufficient self-rehabilitation.

With inadequate nutrition, it's uncertain if they would even be able to walk a year from now. Wendy hoped to earn as much as possible, even if just a few extra yuan, to buy her father and brother some ribs or bones for soup.

Thus, she bowed deeply to Charlie and sincerely said, "Thank you, Brother-in-law. I really need the money, so I won’t be polite."

She took the fifty yuan with both hands.

Charlie nodded and said, "Use it for the taxi. It should cost about ten yuan."

Wendy was reluctant, but she dared not defy him. "Alright, Brother-in-law. Thank you!"

Charlie replied, "Good. Hurry up, then. I’ll be leaving as well."

Wendy answered softly, "Our clients usually come from around ten in the morning until after seven, so we finish work around seven-thirty."

Charlie nodded and said, "Alright, then. Make sure to get there on time."


Wendy quickly bowed again and said, “Brother-in-law, please drive safely and take care on the road.”

“Mm, I’m leaving now.”

Charlie waved at her and revved up the electric scooter, speeding away.

As she watched Charlie’s retreating figure, Wendy felt a whirlwind of emotions. At that moment, her greatest wish wasn’t to earn more money or gain the favor of wealthy patrons.

What she yearned for most was to be seated on the back of Charlie's electric scooter. She imagined that the back seat must be incredibly comforting and secure.

Charlie rode his electric scooter to Isaac’s hotel. Isaac was waiting at the entrance, looking eager.

Seeing Charlie approach, he hurried forward, saying, “Young Master, your status really doesn’t suit riding such an electric scooter. Why aren’t you using the sports car Mr. Ward and Mr. White gave you? Don’t you like sports cars?”

Charlie nodded, “Those cars aren’t practical. Besides, they’re too flashy. They attract everyone’s attention and make people want to take pictures. I don’t like being so ostentatious.”

Isaac quickly replied, “Then let me arrange a low-key luxury car for you. How about a Phaeton?”

Charlie waved his hand, “No need. I’m used to the electric scooter. Aurous Hill isn’t very big, and it’s enough to get around with this. But the battery’s low since I haven’t charged it recently. Have someone take care of that later.”

Stormrider parked the scooter at the entrance and urged, “Let’s go. Take me to see Raven.”

Isaac immediately instructed one of the valet attendants, “Quickly park Mr. Wade’s scooter, clean it inside and out, and charge the battery.”

“Understood, Mr. Craven!”

The attendant responded and hurried to take care of the scooter.

Charlie followed Isaac into the hotel, and they headed straight for the top floor. This floor was the executive level, reserved for top executives and dignitaries.

The executive level was designed to be relatively isolated, with several executive areas built during construction. Each area had only one entrance, one elevator, and one stairwell, separated from other executive levels by reinforced concrete walls. This design ensured greater safety, privacy, and ease for security personnel.

If it were a regular floor, with multiple elevators, stairwells, and sky bridges, security would be much more challenging for high-profile guests.

Raven was staying in one of these executive areas, and Isaac had stationed many trusted guards there to ensure complete security.

At that moment, Raven was wearing a form-fitting sports outfit provided by the hotel staff, practicing her internal martial arts in the living room. For a martial artist like her, talent alone was insufficient. Daily practice was essential.

Becoming a martial arts expert required years of relentless practice. However, Raven felt that she couldn’t focus and immerse herself in her training. Every time she tried to concentrate, Charlie’s image inevitably came to mind.

Just as she struggled to find her focus, the doorbell rang. Instinctively, she felt it might be Charlie and her heart leapt with joy.

She quickly dashed to the door and opened it. When she saw Charlie standing outside, her face lit up with a smile as she exclaimed, “Mr. Wade, you’re finally here!”

But then, she noticed that she was only wearing a sports outfit and was covered in sweat. Shocked, she screamed, “Oh no! Mr. Wade, please wait a moment!”

With that, she hurriedly closed the door.


Charlie hadn't even had a chance to fully take in Raven's perfect figure and curves before she had already shut the door.

At that moment, Raven, feeling embarrassed and flustered, quickly grabbed a bathrobe to cover herself. With a red face, she hurried back to open the door.

Facing Charlie, her face was as flushed as the morning sunrise, and she timidly said, “I’m sorry, Mr. Wade. I was a bit too hasty when I opened the door just now.”

Despite being a formidable martial artist, Raven was still a virgin in terms of romantic experience. Thus, her usual composure and martial prowess gave way to a youthful, shy demeanor in front of Charlie.

Charlie, too, felt a bit awkward.

Much like Dianne, who had an impeccable figure due to years of rigorous training, Raven had made a striking impression on Charlie, even though the situation had been sudden and rushed. However, unlike Dianne, who had a charming, approachable aura, Raven exuded a natural, chilling elegance.

To put it bluntly, while Dianne could seem like the girl-next-door that all men adored, Raven had a more aloof and dangerous allure. It wasn’t merely the discomfort in Charlie's presence; Raven’s demeanor was always one of distant and untouchable beauty, giving most men a sense of cold danger.

After adjusting his own demeanor, Charlie asked, “Ms. Salvador, are you satisfied with your stay here?”

Raven quickly replied, “I’m very satisfied. I heard this is the best hotel in Aurous Hill. I didn’t expect Mr. Wade to be so considerate and trouble yourself for this.”

Charlie waved his hand dismissively, “It’s no trouble at all. This hotel is entirely under Old Craven’s management. Arranging a few rooms is just a small task for him.”

Realizing Charlie was still standing at the door, Raven hurriedly stepped aside and gestured for him to enter, saying, “Mr. Wade, please come in and make yourself comfortable.”

Charlie nodded and stepped into the room.

As it was a luxurious executive suite, Raven invited Charlie to sit on the sofa in the living room. Once Charlie was seated, she quickly brewed a cup of tea from the hotel’s selection and handed it to him with respect, “Mr. Wade, please enjoy this tea.”

Charlie smiled slightly, thanked her, and then asked, “Ms. Salvador, I’m not sure if you’ve had a chance to watch the news.”

“No,” Raven replied, her expression slightly uncomfortable as she adjusted a stray lock of hair. She stammered, “I… I didn’t sleep well last night. I only managed to fall asleep in the early morning, and after waking up, I did some training before you arrived.”

Charlie nodded and began to explain, “I should update you. Yesterday, the Japanese National Security Agency released a statement exposing your grandfather, Harrison, and his dealings with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces.”

Raven’s face darkened with a trace of resentment as she responded, “Stormrider is not my grandfather. I have no such relative.”

Charlie replied, “I understand how you feel.”


Raven, feeling somewhat embarrassed, said, “I’m sorry, Mr. Wade. I shouldn’t have interrupted you. Please, go on.”

Charlie continued, “However, not long after, the media discovered that your father, Virtuoso, had taken a late-night flight to Australia. The media quickly shifted their focus, now claiming that it wasn’t your grandfather, Harrison, who betrayed you, but your father, Virtuoso. They say he betrayed you to silence you and to permanently bury the secret of your being his illegitimate child.”

Raven’s face grew pale as she replied, “That... that’s not impossible.”

Charlie asked, “Which scenario do you believe is more likely?”

Raven pondered for a few minutes before answering, “Mr. Wade, I’m more inclined to believe that Harrison betrayed me.”

Charlie looked at her with interest and asked, “Oh? Why is that?”

Raven explained seriously, “I’ve been around my father for a few years now. Although he is ruthless in his actions, he has deep feelings for his blood relatives. Stormrider is very concerned about Cameron and Camilla. After learning my true identity, he has been very attentive to me. I don’t think he would kill me to silence me. If he really wanted to do that, he wouldn’t have kept me in the Salvador family after finding out I was his daughter.”

She continued, “As for Harrison, from the outside, he appears to be a legendary old-time successful businessman, similar to Hong Kong’s Li Ka-shing—kind and benevolent. But in reality, he is extremely ruthless.”

“Moreover, his ruthlessness knows no bounds. No matter who it is, as long as they touch his interests, he won’t spare them! Even his own grandchildren are no exception!”

“So, I believe the possibility of Harrison betraying me is higher!”

Charlie nodded in agreement, saying, “I actually share your view. Although I don’t know the characters of these two men, based on the sequence of events and the underlying logic, it seems more likely that Harrison is the mastermind. Virtuoso’s trip to Australia was likely just a distraction, a mobile target to draw attention away, an easy target that could only be hit and not retaliate.”

Raven sighed, “Harrison has always held the power in the Salvador family. Even though my father is the eldest son and the designated heir, he has no real authority within the Salvador family because every key figure in the Salvador family reports directly to Harrison.”

“My father didn’t dare to build his own faction because Harrison is extremely sensitive about this matter. If my father tried to build his own power under Harrison’s nose, Harrison would surely be furious and might even strip him of his position as heir.”

“So, from any angle, Harrison is definitely the mastermind behind this.”

Raven’s expression grew somber as she added, “However, whether my father was involved and to what extent, I don’t know. Stormrider might have been completely unaware or might have known but not opposed it.”

Charlie asked, “What are your plans moving forward?”

Raven replied quickly, “I don’t dare to make any plans. When Mr. Wade saved me, I already said that I would follow your instructions.”

Charlie nodded and asked, “If one day I need you to help me deal with the Salvador family, would you be willing?”

Raven answered without hesitation, “I’m willing to deal with the Salvador family! From my mother to me, we have served the Salvador family diligently, always prepared to sacrifice ourselves for them. But to my surprise, the Salvador family members have been so heartless towards us. This grudge, I must avenge!”

Then she looked at Charlie with a hint of pleading, “Mr. Wade, may I ask you one thing?”

Charlie nodded, “Speak.”

Raven said earnestly, “Mr. Wade, I have no objections to dealing with the Salvador family, Harrison, or any other Salvador family members. However, I don’t want to confront my father or my two half-siblings. Apart from them, any other Salvador family members are my enemies!”


Raven's reluctance to take action against her biological father and half-siblings did not displease Charlie; instead, it brought him some relief.

In Charlie's view, if a person could betray their own siblings or biological parent, he would have serious reservations about them. Stormrider believed that a person, no matter how wicked, should retain some semblance of humanity. If someone lost their humanity entirely, they could, despite their obedience today, still betray him tomorrow.

Thus, Charlie was reassured that while Raven had wiped out the Matsumoto family, she had not lost her humanity. Her actions were driven by orders, much like a soldier following commands.

Charlie said, “We both have deep grudges against the Salvador family. You hate Harrison, and I hate Virtuoso. You need Harrison to give you an explanation, and I need Virtuoso to give me one. Therefore, we should cooperate as much as possible when dealing with the Salvador family.”

Raven hesitated before asking, “Mr. Wade, is your hatred for my father because of the Anti-Wade Alliance?”

Charlie nodded, his voice cold. “Back then, Virtuoso led the Anti-Wade Alliance and organized a group to target my father. Although I don’t yet know the extent of his involvement in my parents' deaths, the mere existence of the Anti-Wade Alliance makes him my enemy.”

Raven asked, “Mr. Wade, would you kill my father because of the Anti-Wade Alliance?”

Charlie thought for a few seconds and replied solemnly, “If Virtuoso’s Anti-Wade Alliance was not directly responsible for my parents’ deaths or did not participate directly, I wouldn’t resort to indiscriminate killing like Virtuoso did with the Matsumoto family. I would only impose a punishment proportional to his actual crimes.”

Stormrider then added with a cold expression, “However, if he has an undeniable responsibility for my parents' deaths, I will certainly take his life. His head will serve as a tribute to my tragically deceased parents!”

Raven nodded lightly.

Although she deeply hoped that Charlie would never have to confront her biological father, she knew she had no control or right to influence his decisions regarding revenge. Charlie was not only far stronger than her but also the one who had saved her life. She had no right to interfere with his decisions regarding avenging his parents.

So, she could only silently pray that her father, Virtuoso, was not the culprit behind Charlie’s parents' deaths. Otherwise, with Charlie’s strength, killing him would be all too easy.

Thinking of this, Raven looked at Charlie and, after some consideration, asked, “Mr. Wade, when can I contact my mother?”

Charlie replied, “Not yet. Please wait a little longer. Your current status is too sensitive. News about you is causing a stir across Asia, and the Japanese government is eager to capture you and convict you. If news of your survival leaks out, I won’t be able to protect you.”

Stormrider continued, “I suggest you wait patiently. Once the time is right, I will arrange for you to contact your mother.”

Raven nodded gently and said respectfully, “Understood, Mr. Wade. I will follow your instructions.”

Charlie nodded and said, “For now, rest here and recover.”

Raven replied, “Yes, Mr. Wade.”

Charlie recalled something and asked curiously, “By the way, I noticed when I came in that you seemed to be training?”

Recalling her previous state in a sports bra and shorts, Raven blushed slightly and nodded, “Yes, Mr. Wade. I practice martial arts daily.”

Charlie asked with interest, “What do martial artists usually practice during training?”

Raven answered honestly, “I practice the Stormrider family’s traditional Form-Intention Fist every morning.”

Charlie inquired further, “Form-Intention Fist? Is it a unique skill of the Stormrider family?”

Raven clarified, “Not exactly. Form-Intention Fist is actually an internal martial art, which is not unique to the Stormrider family.”

Charlie, having learned Wing Chun during his childhood due to his family’s martial arts tradition, was intrigued by the discussion.
Another exciting week has just began. Tnx Immortal Junlee

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
Lots of mention of Stormrider in this chapter. Just substitute "He" when it doesn't make sense in the sentence, then you got it 🙂
Hahaha! Dang, the chinese version's last name is He.... Damn!!! I replaced all He as Stormrider.. Thanks for pointing... I tried to edit it. Please let me know if i missed some

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