"Dragon Son-in-law" a.k.a. Millionaire Son-in-law, Charlie Wade Story. Translated by Junlee (aka Jungal2000)

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Charlie Wade is a househusband son-in-law whom everyone looks down upon. However, unknown to them, his true identity is that of the young master from a top-tier family. Those who once belittled him will eventually kneel before him, trembling with fear and calling him "Master!" ...

The MC is Charlie Wade, and there's this girl Claire Wilson. They're in this savage clapback novel called "Ultimate Dragon Honcho", penned by this dude Ye Gongzi. Everyone knew Charlie Wade was the son-in-law of the Wilson family. Like, Grandpa Wilson legit pulled this broke boy outta nowhere and made him marry his grand daughter/princess, Claire. But bro's got no skills, no dough 💸, and Claire had to deal with so much BS 'cause of him. He even had the nerve to ask for money during Grandma Wilson's big party, making Claire hella embarrassed 😳. They kicked Charlie Wade out, but then plot twist! 🌀 Some butler dude shows up. Turns out, Charlie Wade's actually from the uber-rich Wade clan. The butler's like, "Come home, fam." But since his parents were, like, done dirty by the Wade fam, he's like "Nah." But he did take his grandpa’s black card loaded with 10 billion. 💳💰 #MicDrop

Author: Charlie Wade
Category: Urban Fiction
Status: Ongoing
Last Updated: October 18, 2023
Last edited:


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
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Jun 4, 2023
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Dragon Among Men
Oct 6, 2023
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KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 4, 2023
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The idea that people are dming you to work out how to find stuff is hilarious 😂
I don't get it why they have hard time to find the story. You wouldn't believe some even ask me where is certain threads, for me to find it for them


Dragon Among Men
Oct 6, 2023
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I don't get it why they have hard time to find the story. You wouldn't believe some even ask me where is certain threads, for me to find it for them
Shameful acts of a mysterious sect to distract the founder

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Kazusaki roared in anger, "I've already been ruined by you two dogs, and now you want to kick me while I'm down?!"

With that, he pulled out his phone, found a recording, and said coldly, "Everyone, listen to how these two dogs plotted against Miss Walker!"

He immediately played the recording.

On the call, Ryan's voice came through: "Mr. Hashimoto, my sister is planning to leave for Japan tomorrow. My father asked me to check if everything is arranged on your end. Make sure she doesn't come back alive!"

Kazusaki laughed, "Rest assured, Mr. Walker. I have everything prepared. No one will suspect a thing."

Ryan sounded satisfied, "That's great! Once Sarah is dead, we will make greater concessions in our cooperation with your company, and the promised personal benefits will all be fulfilled. Looking forward to our deep future collaboration!"

Kazusaki laughed heartily, "No worries, Mr. Walker. Tell your father, Mr. Benjamin, that I guarantee Sarah will have no return from Japan!"

Ryan, excited, replied, "Great! I'll wait for your good news!"

Hearing this, Benjamin was completely panicked. He pointed at Kazusaki and roared in anger, "Hashimoto, you damned Japanese! Not only did you fail, but you also secretly recorded the call! You're a born traitor!"

Kazusaki, equally furious, shouted back, "To hell with you, Benjamin! I was living comfortably in Japan as the Vice President of Nippon Steel, a top elite. But you and your bastard son dragged me into this mess! If it weren't for you, how would I end up like this today?"

Ryan quickly looked at Charlie, knelt on the ground, and choked out, "Master Wade, this was all my father's idea. I was just following his orders. Please, have mercy on me!"

Ryan's sudden kneeling stunned both his father, Benjamin, and Kazusaki.

Benjamin never imagined that his son would betray him at the most critical moment and immediately distance himself.

In that instant, he wanted to scold Ryan but swallowed his words.

Though his heart was bleeding, he consoled himself, "Ryan's actions are understandable. Since the truth is out, and Charlie with dozens of his men are here, there's no chance for a comeback. It's better to sacrifice myself and save him."

With this thought, he sighed deeply and said, "Master Wade, the whole plan was mine alone. Ryan only passed messages between me and Hashimoto. If you must punish someone, punish me alone and spare Ryan. I beg you!"

He knelt down and kowtowed to Charlie, pleading, "Master Wade, I beg you! Please!"

Tears choked his voice as he sobbed.

Charlie watched all this coldly and said, "Save it. None of you—Walker family or Hashimoto—will escape!"

Then, he cleared his throat and continued, "Regarding the Walker family's affairs, I shouldn't make decisions. Let's have Old Master Walker as a witness!"

With that, Charlie snapped his fingers and called out, "Someone, bring out Old Master Walker!"


Benjamin and his son, Ryan, were already mentally broken. Hearing that Charlie was bringing Old Master Walker, they were struck by fear, their bodies trembling violently.

Both thought, "Isn't the old man already demented? He can't even control his bladder! What's Charlie doing by bringing him here?"

Benjamin felt a chill down his spine, despair creeping in, "Could the old man have recovered fully?! If so, we're finished!"

Just then, the Walker family's butler, Uncle Dondie, accompanied Old Master Walker into the hall.

The old man, appearing vigorous and stern, showed no signs of dementia.

Benjamin and Ryan were bewildered and terrified. They couldn't comprehend how the old man, who had urinated his pants in the hospital this morning, could now seem fully recovered.

As Old Master Walker entered, he glared sharply at Benjamin and Ryan, angrily rebuking, "You bastards! Did you really think you could get away with everything?! Not only did you plot against Sarah, but you also dared to drug me! Do you have any humanity left?!"

Benjamin, terrified, crawled on his knees to the old man, crying, "Dad, I was wrong! I was possessed by an evil spirit! Please forgive me!"

Old Master Walker, enraged, shouted, "Forgive you? You still have the nerve to ask for forgiveness?! Do you know that according to the Walker family's ancestral laws, your crime is punishable by death!"

Benjamin, sobbing, pleaded, "Dad, I made a terrible mistake, but I was forced into it!"


Old Master Walker roared, slapping Benjamin across the face.

Clutching his cheek, Benjamin wailed, "Dad! I'm your eldest son! According to our ancestral rules, the eldest son should inherit the family. Why didn't you make me the head of the Walker family? Why let that little girl, Sarah, take the position? If you had made me the head, I wouldn't have made such a grave mistake!"

Old Master Walker, seething with anger, slapped him again, "You wretched fool! Still making excuses? If not for Master Wade's generous help and strategic planning, Sarah would have been killed by you two! I would have been poisoned into dementia by you! Do you think you can escape this?"

Ryan, desperate to save himself, cried, "Grandfather, I was just following father's orders. Everything was his plan. Please spare me, as your eldest grandson."

Old Master Walker pointed at Ryan, "Shameless, irresponsible, a betrayer! How could our family produce such a disgrace!"

He looked coldly at the father and son, "You two have disgraced the Walker family. For such heinous crimes, you must be punished according to family law! No one can plead for you!"

He turned to Uncle Dondie, "Dondie, you've served the Walker family for many years. Tell me, according to our family laws, how should these two be punished?"

Uncle Dondie, with a stern voice, said, "According to the first rule of the Walker family laws: Those who harm their kin, die! Those who plot patricide, die!"

Ryan nearly fainted from fear, crying, "Grandfather! We live in a lawful society now, not the old feudal times! You have no right to kill us! If you do, you'll be executed too!"

Benjamin, choking with sobs, said, "Dad, if you won't forgive us, hand us over to the judicial authorities! Let them judge us. Whatever sentence they give, we will accept."

Benjamin knew well that neither he nor his son would face the death penalty in a public trial.

In his mind, he thought, "After all, my son and I didn't kill anyone ourselves. The real killers were the ones hired by Kazusaki in Japan."


Benjamin thought, "If we compensate the families of the three victims generously and obtain their forgiveness, the court will surely reduce our sentences."

"Maybe we can offer each family 20 or 30 million, or even 50 million if necessary. Their families will be overjoyed, and they'll surely write letters of forgiveness and plead for leniency on our behalf."

Old Master Walker knew well that they no longer lived in feudal times and that those ancient family laws were no longer applicable.

So, he couldn't really have Benjamin and Ryan executed in front of everyone.

Even if the law allowed it, he couldn't bring himself to do it.

He hated this father and son pair deeply, but they were still his flesh and blood.

The Walker family wasn't particularly large, and killing them would weigh heavily on his conscience and dishonor his ancestors.

Parents everywhere face this struggle. Even when knowing their child is as vicious as a wolf, they can't bear to kill them.

Old Master Walker was deeply conflicted. At one point, he considered handing them over to the judicial system, where they would face long prison sentences or even life imprisonment.

But then he remembered Charlie.

He thought, "Master Wade intervened solely for Sarah's sake. If I handle this in a way that doesn't satisfy Master Wade, wouldn't I be offending him?"

With this in mind, he turned to Charlie, bowing respectfully, "Master Wade! The Walker family produced these two disgraceful members. Without your intervention, me and my granddaughter Sarah would have met tragic ends. Now, these two criminals are here. Whatever you decide, be it execution or other punishment, is entirely up to you!"

Benjamin, hearing this, immediately kowtowed to Charlie, crying, "Master Wade, please hand us over to the judicial authorities!"

Ryan also sobbed, pleading, "Master Wade, we aren't worth your time. Please let the law punish us."

Ryan understood that while prison would be painful, survival was paramount. With enough money and connections, they could ensure some comfort even behind bars.

Charlie smiled calmly and turned to Sarah, "Sarah, what do you think?"

Sarah, standing beside Charlie, took a deep breath and looked at her grandfather. The scene of betrayal and cruelty had shattered her once naive trust in family bonds. She stepped forward, addressing both her grandfather and Charlie.

"Grandfather," she began, her voice steady, "our family has always valued righteousness and integrity. What Benjamin and Ryan did is unforgivable. Yet, as much as I despise them for their actions, I also recognize the importance of justice and mercy."

Turning to Charlie, she continued, "Master Wade, I owe my life to you. You saved me and our family's honor. I believe true justice lies in the balance of law and compassion. Let them face the judicial system. They should be judged by the law of the land, and if it permits, they should atone for their crimes by helping the families of their victims."

Charlie nodded, his eyes reflecting a mix of approval and contemplation. He then addressed the room, "Very well. Benjamin and Ryan will be handed over to the authorities. Justice will be served through the proper channels, and they will face the consequences of their actions. As for compensating the victims' families, that will also be arranged."

Sarah felt a weight lift from her shoulders, knowing that a just decision had been made. The room, though tense, seemed to collectively exhale as the matter reached a resolution.

Charlie, ever the calm force in the storm, added, "Remember, justice isn't just about punishment. It's about making things right and ensuring that such betrayals never happen again."

With that, the fate of the Walker family's disgraced members was sealed, setting a precedent for accountability and justice within the family and beyond.


Sarah was deeply conflicted. She despised Benjamin and Ryan for their actions, but deciding their fate was a burden she wasn’t eager to bear. The bonds of blood and the fear of causing her grandfather more pain weighed heavily on her.

She knew her grandfather well. Despite his severity and current anger, he valued family above all and wouldn't truly wish for the death of his son and grandson.

Looking at Charlie, she spoke sincerely, "Master Wade, despite everything they've done, they are still family, my blood relatives. I hope you can spare their lives."

Upon hearing this, three people sighed in relief: Benjamin, Ryan, and Old Master Jim.

For Benjamin and Ryan, Sarah’s words were a reprieve, a chance at life.

Old Master Walker, too, felt a weight lift. He feared that Sarah’s hatred might drive her to demand their deaths, something he couldn’t openly oppose before Charlie.

Benjamin, overwhelmed with gratitude, kowtowed repeatedly, choking on his words, "Sarah, your mercy will never be forgotten by your uncle."

Ryan also wept, "Thank you, Sarah, for your kindness."

Charlie, having anticipated this outcome, looked at the relieved faces of Benjamin and Ryan, and spoke calmly, "Since Sarah has decided to spare your lives, I will respect her wishes."

He then added sternly, "But remember, while you may escape death, you will not escape punishment."

Benjamin hurriedly said, "Master Wade! My son and I are willing to surrender to the police right now and face legal justice."

Ryan nodded vigorously, "Yes, Master Wade, we’ll go turn ourselves in immediately!"

Charlie sneered, "How convenient for you. If you surrender, the courts may show leniency due to your voluntary confession, resulting in lighter sentences."

Benjamin pleaded, "Master Wade, even with a confession, we’ll still face at least a decade in prison."

Charlie waved his hand dismissively, "Forget about surrendering. The legal route isn’t necessary."

Old Master Walker, puzzled, asked, "Master Wade, what do you propose?"

Charlie explained, "I don’t trust them. Even in prison, they could pose a future threat to Sarah. I have another solution that will keep them alive and eliminate any danger to Sarah."

Everyone in the room was silent, hanging on Charlie’s every word. Sarah felt a mix of curiosity and apprehension, hoping that Charlie’s plan would ensure her safety without crossing moral lines.

Charlie continued, "They will be sent far away, to a place where they will have no influence and cannot reach Sarah or anyone else in the family. They will live, but under strict conditions, cut off from their previous lives."

Benjamin and Ryan looked terrified but understood there was no room for negotiation. This was their only chance at life, albeit a heavily restricted one.

Old Master Walker, despite his mixed feelings, nodded in agreement, "Master Wade, I trust your judgment. Whatever you decide is for the best."

Charlie looked at Sarah, who nodded in acceptance. She trusted Charlie completely and believed this was a fair compromise.

With the decision made, the tension in the room dissipated slightly. Charlie’s authority and wisdom had once again restored order and ensured that justice was served without unnecessary bloodshed.

The Walker family would rebuild from here, with Sarah leading with integrity and strength, backed by the unwavering support of her grandfather and the wise counsel of Master Wade.


Benjamin nervously asked, "Master Wade, what solution do you propose?"

Charlie responded loudly, "Benjamin, I plan to send you and your son far away, to a place where you will never be able to return."

When Benjamin and Ryan heard this, their first thought was of the Weigard family father and son, who were sent to the foot of Evergreen Mountain by Charlie. That area is known for its harsh winters, with temperatures dropping to -20 or even -30 degrees Celsius. They wondered how the Weigard family had managed to survive there.

Thinking about the harsh environment at the foot of Evergreen Mountain, Ryan cried out, "Master Wade, please, I beg you, let us go to prison. We don’t want to go to such a cold and terrible place."

Charlie sneered, "Don't worry, I won’t send you to Evergreen Mountain. I have a different arrangement for you."

He then called out, "Old Isaac, come in."

From outside the door, Isaac stepped in immediately and respectfully asked, "Master Wade, what can I do for you?"

Charlie asked, "Old Isaac, I heard you invested in a diamond mine in Africa?"

"Yes," Isaac nodded, "I did invest in a diamond mine, located in Sierra Leone, Africa."

Charlie inquired, "What’s the environment like there?"

Isaac laughed, "That place is in West Africa, one of the least developed countries in the world, consistently ranking at the bottom globally for years. It's unimaginably poor."

"Moreover, the climate there is terrible. It's a tropical monsoon climate, with temperatures often above 40 degrees Celsius and rarely dropping below 15 degrees. It's hot and humid, and many men suffer from rashes in such conditions. The place is infested with mosquitoes and rife with various infectious diseases. If it weren't for the diamond mines, it would have been abandoned long ago."

Upon hearing this, Benjamin and Ryan were trembling with fear.

Charlie, with a smile on his face, said, "It sounds like Sierra Leone is a perfect place for exile!"

He pointed at Benjamin and Ryan and said, "Old Isaac, send these two to Sierra Leone tonight. Assign them to your diamond mine and make them work in the river collecting diamonds alongside the local workers. Provide them with food and shelter but no wages, and ensure their living conditions are identical to those of the local workers. Also, keep a close watch on them, making sure they don’t return for at least twenty years. Whether they can come back after twenty years will depend on their behavior during that time."

Hearing this, Benjamin and Ryan nearly fainted.

Benjamin, sobbing, pleaded, "Master Wade, please spare us! If we go to Sierra Leone, we'll die from dysentery or other infectious diseases within months. It would be better to shoot us now."

Isaac reassured them, "Mr. Walker, don’t worry. Although the natural and human conditions in Africa are indeed poor, we Chinese investors are very humane. We have professional doctors and ample medical supplies at every site, ensuring your health."

Ryan wailed, "I don’t want to go to Africa, I don’t want to go to Sierra Leone to dig for diamonds! Please, send me to prison instead. Let the law punish me, please!"

Benjamin also kept begging, "Master Wade, please be kind and let us turn ourselves in!"

Charlie sneered, "Do you think you have the right to choose? That’s a pipe dream!"

He then turned to Isaac and instructed, "Old Isaac, have your men take them away immediately and arrange a plane to send them to Sierra Leone as soon as possible, preferably this afternoon!"


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
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Kazusaki roared in anger, "I've already been ruined by you two dogs, and now you want to kick me while I'm down?!"

With that, he pulled out his phone, found a recording, and said coldly, "Everyone, listen to how these two dogs plotted against Miss Walker!"

He immediately played the recording.

On the call, Ryan's voice came through: "Mr. Hashimoto, my sister is planning to leave for Japan tomorrow. My father asked me to check if everything is arranged on your end. Make sure she doesn't come back alive!"

Kazusaki laughed, "Rest assured, Mr. Walker. I have everything prepared. No one will suspect a thing."

Ryan sounded satisfied, "That's great! Once Sarah is dead, we will make greater concessions in our cooperation with your company, and the promised personal benefits will all be fulfilled. Looking forward to our deep future collaboration!"

Kazusaki laughed heartily, "No worries, Mr. Walker. Tell your father, Mr. Benjamin, that I guarantee Sarah will have no return from Japan!"

Ryan, excited, replied, "Great! I'll wait for your good news!"

Hearing this, Benjamin was completely panicked. He pointed at Kazusaki and roared in anger, "Hashimoto, you damned Japanese! Not only did you fail, but you also secretly recorded the call! You're a born traitor!"

Kazusaki, equally furious, shouted back, "To hell with you, Benjamin! I was living comfortably in Japan as the Vice President of Nippon Steel, a top elite. But you and your bastard son dragged me into this mess! If it weren't for you, how would I end up like this today?"

Ryan quickly looked at Charlie, knelt on the ground, and choked out, "Master Wade, this was all my father's idea. I was just following his orders. Please, have mercy on me!"

Ryan's sudden kneeling stunned both his father, Benjamin, and Kazusaki.

Benjamin never imagined that his son would betray him at the most critical moment and immediately distance himself.

In that instant, he wanted to scold Ryan but swallowed his words.

Though his heart was bleeding, he consoled himself, "Ryan's actions are understandable. Since the truth is out, and Charlie with dozens of his men are here, there's no chance for a comeback. It's better to sacrifice myself and save him."

With this thought, he sighed deeply and said, "Master Wade, the whole plan was mine alone. Ryan only passed messages between me and Hashimoto. If you must punish someone, punish me alone and spare Ryan. I beg you!"

He knelt down and kowtowed to Charlie, pleading, "Master Wade, I beg you! Please!"

Tears choked his voice as he sobbed.

Charlie watched all this coldly and said, "Save it. None of you—Walker family or Hashimoto—will escape!"

Then, he cleared his throat and continued, "Regarding the Walker family's affairs, I shouldn't make decisions. Let's have Old Master Walker as a witness!"

With that, Charlie snapped his fingers and called out, "Someone, bring out Old Master Walker!"


Benjamin and his son, Ryan, were already mentally broken. Hearing that Charlie was bringing Old Master Walker, they were struck by fear, their bodies trembling violently.

Both thought, "Isn't the old man already demented? He can't even control his bladder! What's Charlie doing by bringing him here?"

Benjamin felt a chill down his spine, despair creeping in, "Could the old man have recovered fully?! If so, we're finished!"

Just then, the Walker family's butler, Uncle Dondie, accompanied Old Master Walker into the hall.

The old man, appearing vigorous and stern, showed no signs of dementia.

Benjamin and Ryan were bewildered and terrified. They couldn't comprehend how the old man, who had urinated his pants in the hospital this morning, could now seem fully recovered.

As Old Master Walker entered, he glared sharply at Benjamin and Ryan, angrily rebuking, "You bastards! Did you really think you could get away with everything?! Not only did you plot against Sarah, but you also dared to drug me! Do you have any humanity left?!"

Benjamin, terrified, crawled on his knees to the old man, crying, "Dad, I was wrong! I was possessed by an evil spirit! Please forgive me!"

Old Master Walker, enraged, shouted, "Forgive you? You still have the nerve to ask for forgiveness?! Do you know that according to the Walker family's ancestral laws, your crime is punishable by death!"

Benjamin, sobbing, pleaded, "Dad, I made a terrible mistake, but I was forced into it!"


Old Master Walker roared, slapping Benjamin across the face.

Clutching his cheek, Benjamin wailed, "Dad! I'm your eldest son! According to our ancestral rules, the eldest son should inherit the family. Why didn't you make me the head of the Walker family? Why let that little girl, Sarah, take the position? If you had made me the head, I wouldn't have made such a grave mistake!"

Old Master Walker, seething with anger, slapped him again, "You wretched fool! Still making excuses? If not for Master Wade's generous help and strategic planning, Sarah would have been killed by you two! I would have been poisoned into dementia by you! Do you think you can escape this?"

Ryan, desperate to save himself, cried, "Grandfather, I was just following father's orders. Everything was his plan. Please spare me, as your eldest grandson."

Old Master Walker pointed at Ryan, "Shameless, irresponsible, a betrayer! How could our family produce such a disgrace!"

He looked coldly at the father and son, "You two have disgraced the Walker family. For such heinous crimes, you must be punished according to family law! No one can plead for you!"

He turned to Uncle Dondie, "Dondie, you've served the Walker family for many years. Tell me, according to our family laws, how should these two be punished?"

Uncle Dondie, with a stern voice, said, "According to the first rule of the Walker family laws: Those who harm their kin, die! Those who plot patricide, die!"

Ryan nearly fainted from fear, crying, "Grandfather! We live in a lawful society now, not the old feudal times! You have no right to kill us! If you do, you'll be executed too!"

Benjamin, choking with sobs, said, "Dad, if you won't forgive us, hand us over to the judicial authorities! Let them judge us. Whatever sentence they give, we will accept."

Benjamin knew well that neither he nor his son would face the death penalty in a public trial.

In his mind, he thought, "After all, my son and I didn't kill anyone ourselves. The real killers were the ones hired by Kazusaki in Japan."


Benjamin thought, "If we compensate the families of the three victims generously and obtain their forgiveness, the court will surely reduce our sentences."

"Maybe we can offer each family 20 or 30 million, or even 50 million if necessary. Their families will be overjoyed, and they'll surely write letters of forgiveness and plead for leniency on our behalf."

Old Master Walker knew well that they no longer lived in feudal times and that those ancient family laws were no longer applicable.

So, he couldn't really have Benjamin and Ryan executed in front of everyone.

Even if the law allowed it, he couldn't bring himself to do it.

He hated this father and son pair deeply, but they were still his flesh and blood.

The Walker family wasn't particularly large, and killing them would weigh heavily on his conscience and dishonor his ancestors.

Parents everywhere face this struggle. Even when knowing their child is as vicious as a wolf, they can't bear to kill them.

Old Master Walker was deeply conflicted. At one point, he considered handing them over to the judicial system, where they would face long prison sentences or even life imprisonment.

But then he remembered Charlie.

He thought, "Master Wade intervened solely for Sarah's sake. If I handle this in a way that doesn't satisfy Master Wade, wouldn't I be offending him?"

With this in mind, he turned to Charlie, bowing respectfully, "Master Wade! The Walker family produced these two disgraceful members. Without your intervention, me and my granddaughter Sarah would have met tragic ends. Now, these two criminals are here. Whatever you decide, be it execution or other punishment, is entirely up to you!"

Benjamin, hearing this, immediately kowtowed to Charlie, crying, "Master Wade, please hand us over to the judicial authorities!"

Ryan also sobbed, pleading, "Master Wade, we aren't worth your time. Please let the law punish us."

Ryan understood that while prison would be painful, survival was paramount. With enough money and connections, they could ensure some comfort even behind bars.

Charlie smiled calmly and turned to Sarah, "Sarah, what do you think?"

Sarah, standing beside Charlie, took a deep breath and looked at her grandfather. The scene of betrayal and cruelty had shattered her once naive trust in family bonds. She stepped forward, addressing both her grandfather and Charlie.

"Grandfather," she began, her voice steady, "our family has always valued righteousness and integrity. What Benjamin and Ryan did is unforgivable. Yet, as much as I despise them for their actions, I also recognize the importance of justice and mercy."

Turning to Charlie, she continued, "Master Wade, I owe my life to you. You saved me and our family's honor. I believe true justice lies in the balance of law and compassion. Let them face the judicial system. They should be judged by the law of the land, and if it permits, they should atone for their crimes by helping the families of their victims."

Charlie nodded, his eyes reflecting a mix of approval and contemplation. He then addressed the room, "Very well. Benjamin and Ryan will be handed over to the authorities. Justice will be served through the proper channels, and they will face the consequences of their actions. As for compensating the victims' families, that will also be arranged."

Sarah felt a weight lift from her shoulders, knowing that a just decision had been made. The room, though tense, seemed to collectively exhale as the matter reached a resolution.

Charlie, ever the calm force in the storm, added, "Remember, justice isn't just about punishment. It's about making things right and ensuring that such betrayals never happen again."

With that, the fate of the Walker family's disgraced members was sealed, setting a precedent for accountability and justice within the family and beyond.


Sarah was deeply conflicted. She despised Benjamin and Ryan for their actions, but deciding their fate was a burden she wasn’t eager to bear. The bonds of blood and the fear of causing her grandfather more pain weighed heavily on her.

She knew her grandfather well. Despite his severity and current anger, he valued family above all and wouldn't truly wish for the death of his son and grandson.

Looking at Charlie, she spoke sincerely, "Master Wade, despite everything they've done, they are still family, my blood relatives. I hope you can spare their lives."

Upon hearing this, three people sighed in relief: Benjamin, Ryan, and Old Master Jim.

For Benjamin and Ryan, Sarah’s words were a reprieve, a chance at life.

Old Master Walker, too, felt a weight lift. He feared that Sarah’s hatred might drive her to demand their deaths, something he couldn’t openly oppose before Charlie.

Benjamin, overwhelmed with gratitude, kowtowed repeatedly, choking on his words, "Sarah, your mercy will never be forgotten by your uncle."

Ryan also wept, "Thank you, Sarah, for your kindness."

Charlie, having anticipated this outcome, looked at the relieved faces of Benjamin and Ryan, and spoke calmly, "Since Sarah has decided to spare your lives, I will respect her wishes."

He then added sternly, "But remember, while you may escape death, you will not escape punishment."

Benjamin hurriedly said, "Master Wade! My son and I are willing to surrender to the police right now and face legal justice."

Ryan nodded vigorously, "Yes, Master Wade, we’ll go turn ourselves in immediately!"

Charlie sneered, "How convenient for you. If you surrender, the courts may show leniency due to your voluntary confession, resulting in lighter sentences."

Benjamin pleaded, "Master Wade, even with a confession, we’ll still face at least a decade in prison."

Charlie waved his hand dismissively, "Forget about surrendering. The legal route isn’t necessary."

Old Master Walker, puzzled, asked, "Master Wade, what do you propose?"

Charlie explained, "I don’t trust them. Even in prison, they could pose a future threat to Sarah. I have another solution that will keep them alive and eliminate any danger to Sarah."

Everyone in the room was silent, hanging on Charlie’s every word. Sarah felt a mix of curiosity and apprehension, hoping that Charlie’s plan would ensure her safety without crossing moral lines.

Charlie continued, "They will be sent far away, to a place where they will have no influence and cannot reach Sarah or anyone else in the family. They will live, but under strict conditions, cut off from their previous lives."

Benjamin and Ryan looked terrified but understood there was no room for negotiation. This was their only chance at life, albeit a heavily restricted one.

Old Master Walker, despite his mixed feelings, nodded in agreement, "Master Wade, I trust your judgment. Whatever you decide is for the best."

Charlie looked at Sarah, who nodded in acceptance. She trusted Charlie completely and believed this was a fair compromise.

With the decision made, the tension in the room dissipated slightly. Charlie’s authority and wisdom had once again restored order and ensured that justice was served without unnecessary bloodshed.

The Walker family would rebuild from here, with Sarah leading with integrity and strength, backed by the unwavering support of her grandfather and the wise counsel of Master Wade.


Benjamin nervously asked, "Master Wade, what solution do you propose?"

Charlie responded loudly, "Benjamin, I plan to send you and your son far away, to a place where you will never be able to return."

When Benjamin and Ryan heard this, their first thought was of the Weigard family father and son, who were sent to the foot of Evergreen Mountain by Charlie. That area is known for its harsh winters, with temperatures dropping to -20 or even -30 degrees Celsius. They wondered how the Weigard family had managed to survive there.

Thinking about the harsh environment at the foot of Evergreen Mountain, Ryan cried out, "Master Wade, please, I beg you, let us go to prison. We don’t want to go to such a cold and terrible place."

Charlie sneered, "Don't worry, I won’t send you to Evergreen Mountain. I have a different arrangement for you."

He then called out, "Old Isaac, come in."

From outside the door, Isaac stepped in immediately and respectfully asked, "Master Wade, what can I do for you?"

Charlie asked, "Old Isaac, I heard you invested in a diamond mine in Africa?"

"Yes," Isaac nodded, "I did invest in a diamond mine, located in Sierra Leone, Africa."

Charlie inquired, "What’s the environment like there?"

Isaac laughed, "That place is in West Africa, one of the least developed countries in the world, consistently ranking at the bottom globally for years. It's unimaginably poor."

"Moreover, the climate there is terrible. It's a tropical monsoon climate, with temperatures often above 40 degrees Celsius and rarely dropping below 15 degrees. It's hot and humid, and many men suffer from rashes in such conditions. The place is infested with mosquitoes and rife with various infectious diseases. If it weren't for the diamond mines, it would have been abandoned long ago."

Upon hearing this, Benjamin and Ryan were trembling with fear.

Charlie, with a smile on his face, said, "It sounds like Sierra Leone is a perfect place for exile!"

He pointed at Benjamin and Ryan and said, "Old Isaac, send these two to Sierra Leone tonight. Assign them to your diamond mine and make them work in the river collecting diamonds alongside the local workers. Provide them with food and shelter but no wages, and ensure their living conditions are identical to those of the local workers. Also, keep a close watch on them, making sure they don’t return for at least twenty years. Whether they can come back after twenty years will depend on their behavior during that time."

Hearing this, Benjamin and Ryan nearly fainted.

Benjamin, sobbing, pleaded, "Master Wade, please spare us! If we go to Sierra Leone, we'll die from dysentery or other infectious diseases within months. It would be better to shoot us now."

Isaac reassured them, "Mr. Walker, don’t worry. Although the natural and human conditions in Africa are indeed poor, we Chinese investors are very humane. We have professional doctors and ample medical supplies at every site, ensuring your health."

Ryan wailed, "I don’t want to go to Africa, I don’t want to go to Sierra Leone to dig for diamonds! Please, send me to prison instead. Let the law punish me, please!"

Benjamin also kept begging, "Master Wade, please be kind and let us turn ourselves in!"

Charlie sneered, "Do you think you have the right to choose? That’s a pipe dream!"

He then turned to Isaac and instructed, "Old Isaac, have your men take them away immediately and arrange a plane to send them to Sierra Leone as soon as possible, preferably this afternoon!"
Charlie Wade the tactical planner. 🙌🙌🙌


Martial Arts Master
Jul 21, 2024
Reaction score

Kazusaki roared in anger, "I've already been ruined by you two dogs, and now you want to kick me while I'm down?!"

With that, he pulled out his phone, found a recording, and said coldly, "Everyone, listen to how these two dogs plotted against Miss Walker!"

He immediately played the recording.

On the call, Ryan's voice came through: "Mr. Hashimoto, my sister is planning to leave for Japan tomorrow. My father asked me to check if everything is arranged on your end. Make sure she doesn't come back alive!"

Kazusaki laughed, "Rest assured, Mr. Walker. I have everything prepared. No one will suspect a thing."

Ryan sounded satisfied, "That's great! Once Sarah is dead, we will make greater concessions in our cooperation with your company, and the promised personal benefits will all be fulfilled. Looking forward to our deep future collaboration!"

Kazusaki laughed heartily, "No worries, Mr. Walker. Tell your father, Mr. Benjamin, that I guarantee Sarah will have no return from Japan!"

Ryan, excited, replied, "Great! I'll wait for your good news!"

Hearing this, Benjamin was completely panicked. He pointed at Kazusaki and roared in anger, "Hashimoto, you damned Japanese! Not only did you fail, but you also secretly recorded the call! You're a born traitor!"

Kazusaki, equally furious, shouted back, "To hell with you, Benjamin! I was living comfortably in Japan as the Vice President of Nippon Steel, a top elite. But you and your bastard son dragged me into this mess! If it weren't for you, how would I end up like this today?"

Ryan quickly looked at Charlie, knelt on the ground, and choked out, "Master Wade, this was all my father's idea. I was just following his orders. Please, have mercy on me!"

Ryan's sudden kneeling stunned both his father, Benjamin, and Kazusaki.

Benjamin never imagined that his son would betray him at the most critical moment and immediately distance himself.

In that instant, he wanted to scold Ryan but swallowed his words.

Though his heart was bleeding, he consoled himself, "Ryan's actions are understandable. Since the truth is out, and Charlie with dozens of his men are here, there's no chance for a comeback. It's better to sacrifice myself and save him."

With this thought, he sighed deeply and said, "Master Wade, the whole plan was mine alone. Ryan only passed messages between me and Hashimoto. If you must punish someone, punish me alone and spare Ryan. I beg you!"

He knelt down and kowtowed to Charlie, pleading, "Master Wade, I beg you! Please!"

Tears choked his voice as he sobbed.

Charlie watched all this coldly and said, "Save it. None of you—Walker family or Hashimoto—will escape!"

Then, he cleared his throat and continued, "Regarding the Walker family's affairs, I shouldn't make decisions. Let's have Old Master Walker as a witness!"

With that, Charlie snapped his fingers and called out, "Someone, bring out Old Master Walker!"


Benjamin and his son, Ryan, were already mentally broken. Hearing that Charlie was bringing Old Master Walker, they were struck by fear, their bodies trembling violently.

Both thought, "Isn't the old man already demented? He can't even control his bladder! What's Charlie doing by bringing him here?"

Benjamin felt a chill down his spine, despair creeping in, "Could the old man have recovered fully?! If so, we're finished!"

Just then, the Walker family's butler, Uncle Dondie, accompanied Old Master Walker into the hall.

The old man, appearing vigorous and stern, showed no signs of dementia.

Benjamin and Ryan were bewildered and terrified. They couldn't comprehend how the old man, who had urinated his pants in the hospital this morning, could now seem fully recovered.

As Old Master Walker entered, he glared sharply at Benjamin and Ryan, angrily rebuking, "You bastards! Did you really think you could get away with everything?! Not only did you plot against Sarah, but you also dared to drug me! Do you have any humanity left?!"

Benjamin, terrified, crawled on his knees to the old man, crying, "Dad, I was wrong! I was possessed by an evil spirit! Please forgive me!"

Old Master Walker, enraged, shouted, "Forgive you? You still have the nerve to ask for forgiveness?! Do you know that according to the Walker family's ancestral laws, your crime is punishable by death!"

Benjamin, sobbing, pleaded, "Dad, I made a terrible mistake, but I was forced into it!"


Old Master Walker roared, slapping Benjamin across the face.

Clutching his cheek, Benjamin wailed, "Dad! I'm your eldest son! According to our ancestral rules, the eldest son should inherit the family. Why didn't you make me the head of the Walker family? Why let that little girl, Sarah, take the position? If you had made me the head, I wouldn't have made such a grave mistake!"

Old Master Walker, seething with anger, slapped him again, "You wretched fool! Still making excuses? If not for Master Wade's generous help and strategic planning, Sarah would have been killed by you two! I would have been poisoned into dementia by you! Do you think you can escape this?"

Ryan, desperate to save himself, cried, "Grandfather, I was just following father's orders. Everything was his plan. Please spare me, as your eldest grandson."

Old Master Walker pointed at Ryan, "Shameless, irresponsible, a betrayer! How could our family produce such a disgrace!"

He looked coldly at the father and son, "You two have disgraced the Walker family. For such heinous crimes, you must be punished according to family law! No one can plead for you!"

He turned to Uncle Dondie, "Dondie, you've served the Walker family for many years. Tell me, according to our family laws, how should these two be punished?"

Uncle Dondie, with a stern voice, said, "According to the first rule of the Walker family laws: Those who harm their kin, die! Those who plot patricide, die!"

Ryan nearly fainted from fear, crying, "Grandfather! We live in a lawful society now, not the old feudal times! You have no right to kill us! If you do, you'll be executed too!"

Benjamin, choking with sobs, said, "Dad, if you won't forgive us, hand us over to the judicial authorities! Let them judge us. Whatever sentence they give, we will accept."

Benjamin knew well that neither he nor his son would face the death penalty in a public trial.

In his mind, he thought, "After all, my son and I didn't kill anyone ourselves. The real killers were the ones hired by Kazusaki in Japan."


Benjamin thought, "If we compensate the families of the three victims generously and obtain their forgiveness, the court will surely reduce our sentences."

"Maybe we can offer each family 20 or 30 million, or even 50 million if necessary. Their families will be overjoyed, and they'll surely write letters of forgiveness and plead for leniency on our behalf."

Old Master Walker knew well that they no longer lived in feudal times and that those ancient family laws were no longer applicable.

So, he couldn't really have Benjamin and Ryan executed in front of everyone.

Even if the law allowed it, he couldn't bring himself to do it.

He hated this father and son pair deeply, but they were still his flesh and blood.

The Walker family wasn't particularly large, and killing them would weigh heavily on his conscience and dishonor his ancestors.

Parents everywhere face this struggle. Even when knowing their child is as vicious as a wolf, they can't bear to kill them.

Old Master Walker was deeply conflicted. At one point, he considered handing them over to the judicial system, where they would face long prison sentences or even life imprisonment.

But then he remembered Charlie.

He thought, "Master Wade intervened solely for Sarah's sake. If I handle this in a way that doesn't satisfy Master Wade, wouldn't I be offending him?"

With this in mind, he turned to Charlie, bowing respectfully, "Master Wade! The Walker family produced these two disgraceful members. Without your intervention, me and my granddaughter Sarah would have met tragic ends. Now, these two criminals are here. Whatever you decide, be it execution or other punishment, is entirely up to you!"

Benjamin, hearing this, immediately kowtowed to Charlie, crying, "Master Wade, please hand us over to the judicial authorities!"

Ryan also sobbed, pleading, "Master Wade, we aren't worth your time. Please let the law punish us."

Ryan understood that while prison would be painful, survival was paramount. With enough money and connections, they could ensure some comfort even behind bars.

Charlie smiled calmly and turned to Sarah, "Sarah, what do you think?"

Sarah, standing beside Charlie, took a deep breath and looked at her grandfather. The scene of betrayal and cruelty had shattered her once naive trust in family bonds. She stepped forward, addressing both her grandfather and Charlie.

"Grandfather," she began, her voice steady, "our family has always valued righteousness and integrity. What Benjamin and Ryan did is unforgivable. Yet, as much as I despise them for their actions, I also recognize the importance of justice and mercy."

Turning to Charlie, she continued, "Master Wade, I owe my life to you. You saved me and our family's honor. I believe true justice lies in the balance of law and compassion. Let them face the judicial system. They should be judged by the law of the land, and if it permits, they should atone for their crimes by helping the families of their victims."

Charlie nodded, his eyes reflecting a mix of approval and contemplation. He then addressed the room, "Very well. Benjamin and Ryan will be handed over to the authorities. Justice will be served through the proper channels, and they will face the consequences of their actions. As for compensating the victims' families, that will also be arranged."

Sarah felt a weight lift from her shoulders, knowing that a just decision had been made. The room, though tense, seemed to collectively exhale as the matter reached a resolution.

Charlie, ever the calm force in the storm, added, "Remember, justice isn't just about punishment. It's about making things right and ensuring that such betrayals never happen again."

With that, the fate of the Walker family's disgraced members was sealed, setting a precedent for accountability and justice within the family and beyond.


Sarah was deeply conflicted. She despised Benjamin and Ryan for their actions, but deciding their fate was a burden she wasn’t eager to bear. The bonds of blood and the fear of causing her grandfather more pain weighed heavily on her.

She knew her grandfather well. Despite his severity and current anger, he valued family above all and wouldn't truly wish for the death of his son and grandson.

Looking at Charlie, she spoke sincerely, "Master Wade, despite everything they've done, they are still family, my blood relatives. I hope you can spare their lives."

Upon hearing this, three people sighed in relief: Benjamin, Ryan, and Old Master Jim.

For Benjamin and Ryan, Sarah’s words were a reprieve, a chance at life.

Old Master Walker, too, felt a weight lift. He feared that Sarah’s hatred might drive her to demand their deaths, something he couldn’t openly oppose before Charlie.

Benjamin, overwhelmed with gratitude, kowtowed repeatedly, choking on his words, "Sarah, your mercy will never be forgotten by your uncle."

Ryan also wept, "Thank you, Sarah, for your kindness."

Charlie, having anticipated this outcome, looked at the relieved faces of Benjamin and Ryan, and spoke calmly, "Since Sarah has decided to spare your lives, I will respect her wishes."

He then added sternly, "But remember, while you may escape death, you will not escape punishment."

Benjamin hurriedly said, "Master Wade! My son and I are willing to surrender to the police right now and face legal justice."

Ryan nodded vigorously, "Yes, Master Wade, we’ll go turn ourselves in immediately!"

Charlie sneered, "How convenient for you. If you surrender, the courts may show leniency due to your voluntary confession, resulting in lighter sentences."

Benjamin pleaded, "Master Wade, even with a confession, we’ll still face at least a decade in prison."

Charlie waved his hand dismissively, "Forget about surrendering. The legal route isn’t necessary."

Old Master Walker, puzzled, asked, "Master Wade, what do you propose?"

Charlie explained, "I don’t trust them. Even in prison, they could pose a future threat to Sarah. I have another solution that will keep them alive and eliminate any danger to Sarah."

Everyone in the room was silent, hanging on Charlie’s every word. Sarah felt a mix of curiosity and apprehension, hoping that Charlie’s plan would ensure her safety without crossing moral lines.

Charlie continued, "They will be sent far away, to a place where they will have no influence and cannot reach Sarah or anyone else in the family. They will live, but under strict conditions, cut off from their previous lives."

Benjamin and Ryan looked terrified but understood there was no room for negotiation. This was their only chance at life, albeit a heavily restricted one.

Old Master Walker, despite his mixed feelings, nodded in agreement, "Master Wade, I trust your judgment. Whatever you decide is for the best."

Charlie looked at Sarah, who nodded in acceptance. She trusted Charlie completely and believed this was a fair compromise.

With the decision made, the tension in the room dissipated slightly. Charlie’s authority and wisdom had once again restored order and ensured that justice was served without unnecessary bloodshed.

The Walker family would rebuild from here, with Sarah leading with integrity and strength, backed by the unwavering support of her grandfather and the wise counsel of Master Wade.


Benjamin nervously asked, "Master Wade, what solution do you propose?"

Charlie responded loudly, "Benjamin, I plan to send you and your son far away, to a place where you will never be able to return."

When Benjamin and Ryan heard this, their first thought was of the Weigard family father and son, who were sent to the foot of Evergreen Mountain by Charlie. That area is known for its harsh winters, with temperatures dropping to -20 or even -30 degrees Celsius. They wondered how the Weigard family had managed to survive there.

Thinking about the harsh environment at the foot of Evergreen Mountain, Ryan cried out, "Master Wade, please, I beg you, let us go to prison. We don’t want to go to such a cold and terrible place."

Charlie sneered, "Don't worry, I won’t send you to Evergreen Mountain. I have a different arrangement for you."

He then called out, "Old Isaac, come in."

From outside the door, Isaac stepped in immediately and respectfully asked, "Master Wade, what can I do for you?"

Charlie asked, "Old Isaac, I heard you invested in a diamond mine in Africa?"

"Yes," Isaac nodded, "I did invest in a diamond mine, located in Sierra Leone, Africa."

Charlie inquired, "What’s the environment like there?"

Isaac laughed, "That place is in West Africa, one of the least developed countries in the world, consistently ranking at the bottom globally for years. It's unimaginably poor."

"Moreover, the climate there is terrible. It's a tropical monsoon climate, with temperatures often above 40 degrees Celsius and rarely dropping below 15 degrees. It's hot and humid, and many men suffer from rashes in such conditions. The place is infested with mosquitoes and rife with various infectious diseases. If it weren't for the diamond mines, it would have been abandoned long ago."

Upon hearing this, Benjamin and Ryan were trembling with fear.

Charlie, with a smile on his face, said, "It sounds like Sierra Leone is a perfect place for exile!"

He pointed at Benjamin and Ryan and said, "Old Isaac, send these two to Sierra Leone tonight. Assign them to your diamond mine and make them work in the river collecting diamonds alongside the local workers. Provide them with food and shelter but no wages, and ensure their living conditions are identical to those of the local workers. Also, keep a close watch on them, making sure they don’t return for at least twenty years. Whether they can come back after twenty years will depend on their behavior during that time."

Hearing this, Benjamin and Ryan nearly fainted.

Benjamin, sobbing, pleaded, "Master Wade, please spare us! If we go to Sierra Leone, we'll die from dysentery or other infectious diseases within months. It would be better to shoot us now."

Isaac reassured them, "Mr. Walker, don’t worry. Although the natural and human conditions in Africa are indeed poor, we Chinese investors are very humane. We have professional doctors and ample medical supplies at every site, ensuring your health."

Ryan wailed, "I don’t want to go to Africa, I don’t want to go to Sierra Leone to dig for diamonds! Please, send me to prison instead. Let the law punish me, please!"

Benjamin also kept begging, "Master Wade, please be kind and let us turn ourselves in!"

Charlie sneered, "Do you think you have the right to choose? That’s a pipe dream!"

He then turned to Isaac and instructed, "Old Isaac, have your men take them away immediately and arrange a plane to send them to Sierra Leone as soon as possible, preferably this afternoon!"
How cruel is master wade


Beauty and Beast
Dec 15, 2023
Reaction score
Nah.. I lost her. She is like chocolate, sometimes you see her sometimes you don't. My heart is secretly broken that I am even considering to join master @brits in his university. The pain is comparable.. to lose Julia and to become a virgin, both are a torture and a torment.
i m not chocolate u make me shy my king 😊

and don go to brits plizz :D

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

Isaac, upon hearing the instructions, immediately responded without hesitation, "Yes, Master Wade! I’ll arrange a plane right away and send the two of them to Sierra Leone. I’ll also ensure there’s a team monitoring them 24/7, leaving them no chance to escape!"

Charlie nodded in satisfaction, then pointed to Kazusaki and said, "By the way, send our Japanese friend here along with them."

Kazusaki, upon hearing this, burst into tears and pleaded desperately, "Mr. Wade, it was this Walker father and son duo who orchestrated everything! They are the masterminds; I’m just an errand runner. Please, you can't send me to Sierra Leone. I beg you to let me go!"

Charlie sneered, "Kazusaki, do you think you can escape responsibility just because you’re not the mastermind? Let me tell you, your actions are just as despicable as theirs!"

He then instructed Isaac, "Old Isaac, once Kazusaki arrives in Sierra Leone, he is to be treated exactly the same as Benjamin and Ryan. No preferential treatment whatsoever, understood?"

Isaac nodded firmly, "Master Wade, rest assured, I will handle it properly!"

Charlie turned to Old Master Walker Jimo and asked, "Old Master, are you satisfied with how I’m handling this?"

Old Master Walker, a man who had been decisive and ruthless in the business world his whole life, had secretly warned himself to show no mercy if he ever turned the tables on Benjamin and Ryan after discovering their plot against him. However, when it came down to it, he found he couldn’t completely sever his familial ties.

After all, they were his own son and grandson. If he were to have them killed, it would be a tragedy of a white-haired man sending off black-haired ones. The old saying "A tiger, though cruel, does not eat its cubs" rings true. History has seen many instances of sons killing their fathers, but rarely fathers killing their sons.

Old Master Walker was no different.

Though he had enjoyed immense success throughout his life, he couldn’t escape the emotions of an ordinary man. What is an ordinary man? One who cannot sever ties of the seven emotions and six desires. At this critical moment, he couldn’t sever his ties of kinship.

It was because of this that he handed the two over to Charlie. Now, Charlie decided to send them to Sierra Leone. Although the conditions would be extremely harsh, at the very least, he spared their lives.

This decision brought Old Master Walker a sigh of relief.

He quickly and respectfully said to Charlie, "Master Wade, I have no objections to whatever decision you make!"

Charlie nodded and then asked Sarah, "Wanting, do you have any objections? If you do, feel free to speak."

Sarah hurriedly replied, "Master Wade, I have no objections. I’ll follow your arrangements!"

Charlie said, "Since no one has any objections, we’ll proceed as planned. Old Isaac, have them taken away. I don't want to see them here any longer."

Isaac immediately ordered a few men in black, "Take these three away and guard them strictly! Ensure there are no mishaps, understood?"


The crowd quickly responded, “Understood!”

With that, they escorted the three men out. Benjamin and Ryan pleaded tearfully. Benjamin turned to Old Master Walker, crying out, “Dad, for the sake of our father-son bond, please beg Master Wade to spare me! If not, I might die in Sierra Leone!”

Old Master Walker felt a sharp pain in his heart.

Charlie had decreed that they must stay in Sierra Leone for twenty years. Benjamin, already over 50, might not survive two decades in such an impoverished and underdeveloped place. There was a real chance this could be the last time the father and son saw each other.

Ryan, legs weak and being dragged away, desperately begged, “Grandfather, I’m only in my twenties. I don’t want to waste the best years of my life in Sierra Leone. Please help me, Grandpa!”

Old Master Walker struggled internally, but Charlie commanded sternly, “Gag them!”

Several black-clad men immediately stuffed their mouths, and the room fell silent. The three men were then dragged out.

Seeing this, Old Master Walker realized there was no turning back. He sighed deeply, seeming to age ten years in that moment.

Charlie observed his reaction, shaking his head slightly. He spoke clearly, “Old Master Walker, you know better than I do that raising tigers invites calamity. You must think of Sarah, as well as yourself. If these two are not eliminated, they will become her greatest threat once you're gone.”

Charlie continued with a faint smile, “As long as I, Charlie, am here, I won’t let them truly endanger Sarah. By confining them to Sierra Leone, I am sparing their lives. Otherwise, if they come after Sarah again, they will be utterly destroyed.”

Old Master Walker was taken aback. He looked at Sarah and then bowed to Charlie. “Master Wade, you are right. Let them fend for themselves in Sierra Leone.”

Turning to Sarah, he said, “Sarah, now that you are back, the position of Chairman of the Walker Group is yours again. You will handle all affairs of the company from now on.”

Sarah nodded respectfully, “Yes, Grandpa. I understand.”

Old Master Walker advised, “Sarah, I don't need you to aggressively expand the Walker Group. Just keep it stable and prevent it from declining. Avoid risky international ventures. I’d rather the Walker Group not engage in any overseas business than see you in danger again, understand?”

Sarah nodded gently, “Don’t worry, Grandpa. I will prioritize safety. However, I believe we can still pursue international collaborations. There’s no need to be overly cautious because of this incident.”

She paused, then added, “This time, with Master Wade’s help, I secured a deal with Nippon Steel. Chairman Watanabe of Nippon Steel signed an agreement with me in Japan. We will establish a joint venture, with both parties contributing equally, but Nippon Steel agreed to give us 60% of the shares.”

“What?!” Everyone was stunned, speechless.

Nippon Steel had always been extremely dominant in negotiations, refusing to relinquish controlling shares even if offered 60% of the profits. To hear that they would not only give up control but also an additional 10% of shares seemed like a dream!


Old Master Walker initially thought that after Sarah’s perilous encounter in Japan, where she faced betrayal from both within the Walker family and external forces, it would be best for her to abandon any plans for international expansion or collaborations. He wanted to protect her from future dangers.

But never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that Sarah could secure such a lucrative deal with Nippon Steel.

Nippon Steel is a global titan in the steel industry, holding significant influence. For a company like the Walker Group, partnering with them typically meant humbly courting their favor, preparing land and all local arrangements, and then inviting Nippon Steel to grace them with their cooperation.

This kind of arrangement felt akin to tidying up a bedroom meticulously and then pleading with a guest to stay over—a gesture of utmost humility.

Generally, the more unequal the partnership, the more imbalanced the agreement would be. It often involved the local company investing heavily and getting a small share, while the larger company invested little and took the lion’s share—one of the most common forms of unequal treaties.

But who would have thought that Sarah could flip the balance between the Walker Group and Nippon Steel, getting them to invest heavily while taking a smaller share? This was something no one had dared to imagine before.

Many in the boardroom thought this was too good to be true.

However, they dared not directly question Chairman Sarah, so they murmured among themselves.

Soon, an elderly board member stood up and said, “Chairman, as far as I know, Nippon Steel has never been willing to relinquish control. Are you sure they will honor this agreement as stated? Or is there any hidden clause or harsh agreement in it?”

Indeed, contract traps are quite common. Many veteran capitalists love to set traps for their partners within contracts.

Many entrepreneurs, at the start of their ventures, receive generous investments from capitalists and decide to go all out. If they succeed, everyone is happy. But if they fail, trouble follows.

Some investors demand an unlimited liability clause in the contract. Though it’s just a few words, the consequences can be devastating for the invested party. If things go south and money is lost, the investor can demand the entrepreneur personally repay all the investment, potentially leading to their financial ruin.

For instance, the case of the mobile phone entrepreneur Lao Luo, who signed an unlimited liability clause and ended up owing 400 million in debt after his business failed.

Many company founders, unable to compensate their investors, were eventually ousted from their own companies, went bankrupt, or even ended up in jail.

Thus, the board members were worried that Sarah’s agreement might contain similar perilous clauses.

Without much explanation, Sarah retrieved a contract from her bag and said, “This is the original agreement signed by Nippon Steel’s Chairman Watanabe. You can review it and see if there are any problematic clauses.”

The elderly board member took the contract, and the rest quickly gathered around to examine it.

Even Old Master Walker couldn’t resist and stepped forward to take a closer look.


When everyone saw the contract, their eyes widened with astonishment.

This was indeed an official contract, with clear and precise terms, devoid of any ambiguous clauses or hidden operational risks.

Upon reaching the end, they confirmed it bore the official stamp of Nippon Steel and the personal signature of Chairman Arata Watanabe, validating it as an authentic and effective agreement.

Immediately, everyone’s faces lit up with joy.

The elderly board member, barely able to contain his excitement, exclaimed, “I’ve never seen Nippon Steel sign such a generous contract. This is unprecedented! Our chairman’s influence is truly remarkable—this alone is worth billions!”

Others quickly chimed in with their agreement, “Absolutely, Chairman Walker securing such a favorable deal with Nippon Steel is unheard of in their history. If we announce this publicly, our stock price will undoubtedly skyrocket.”

One board member glanced at the time and blurted out, “The news of Chairman Walker’s safe return has probably already been released by the media, which is a significant positive. Now, with this contract from Nippon Steel, we have a double benefit. When our stock trading resumes, we’re sure to see a series of limit-ups, boosting our market value by at least 30 to 40 percent.”

“Chairman Walker, you’ve truly propelled the Walker Group forward this time.”

Sarah earnestly responded, “The successful negotiation with Nippon Steel, and the favorable terms we received, are entirely due to Master Wade’s assistance. Chairman Watanabe of Nippon Steel signed this agreement solely out of respect for Master Wade. So, all credit goes to him.”

She then turned to Charlie, sincerely saying, “Master Wade, I owe everything to you. Without you, I would have perished in Japan; without you, my grandfather’s brain would have been destroyed by poison; and securing these favorable terms from Nippon Steel would have been impossible. I am eternally grateful.”

Charlie smiled gently, “No need to be so formal. This is what friends do for each other. It was a simple favor.”

He then stood up and said, “Sarah, you just got back and have many matters to address in the company. I won’t disturb you further. I’ve been away for a few days and need to get back home.”

Sarah, feeling a pang of reluctance, said, “Master Wade... would it be convenient for you to join us for lunch? We haven’t had a chance to properly thank you for all you’ve done.”

Charlie chuckled, “I’ve already said there’s no need to be so formal. You should focus on your work now. We can have lunch anytime after you’ve settled things here.”

Old Master Walker also chimed in, “Indeed, Sarah. Master Wade has been away from home for several days for your sake. It’s best he returns home to put his family at ease.”

Sarah nodded reluctantly, “Master Wade, let me at least see you out.”

“No need,” Charlie replied. “Take advantage of having everyone here and continue your work discussions. With your return and the new deal with Nippon Steel, you should hold a press conference tomorrow to maximize the impact. This will benefit both you and the Walker Group.”

Sarah nodded gratefully, “Understood, Master Wade. I will follow your advice. Please take care, and I will arrange a proper banquet soon. You must attend.”

Charlie smiled, “Of course, I’ll be there.”

He then waved to Old Master Walker, “I’ll take my leave now.”

Old Master Walker bowed deeply, “Safe travels, Master Wade.”

Charlie walked out of the meeting hall, where Isaac and Orvel were waiting respectfully.

Seeing him emerge, Isaac quickly stepped forward and asked in a low voice, “Young Master, the car is ready. Shall I take you home?”

Charlie replied calmly, “Yes, let’s go home.”

Orvel approached and hesitantly said, “Master Wade, your aunt has been in the slum for nine days now. She’s been wailing and causing disturbances, with neighbors making several 911 complaints. Should we let her go?”

Charlie considered for a moment before responding.


Charlie was slightly taken aback and asked, "It's been nine days? Why hasn't she been released yet? I said seven days, didn't I?"

Orvel, looking a bit embarrassed, replied, "Master Wade, I felt that you should give the final approval before releasing her. I didn’t want to make a decision on my own."

Isaac exclaimed, "Orvel, why haven't you released her yet? Aunt has a terrible temper. If you don’t release her on time, she might retaliate against you!"

Orvel chuckled and scratched his head, "Well, I thought Master Wade was busy saving Miss Walker in Japan and then had to travel back. So I didn’t call to bother him and decided to wait until he returned."

Charlie nodded, "Alright, go ahead and release her."

Orvel promptly responded, "Yes, Master Wade, I’ll arrange it right away."

At this point, Isaac suggested to Charlie, "Young Master, I think it's best if you go personally and explain that the delay was your decision. Otherwise, when she returns to Eastcliff, she will definitely retaliate against Orvel."

Orvel immediately said, "Let her come at me if she dares! I, Orvel, have faced death once and am not afraid of her."

Isaac waved his hand and said seriously, "You don’t understand your Aunt's ways. She holds grudges and has many methods at her disposal. If the Young Master offends her, she wouldn’t dare do anything. But if you offend her, she won’t just come after you; she might even target your family and friends."

Hearing this, Orvel became visibly nervous. However, not wanting Charlie to think less of him, he bravely said, "It's okay. I, Orvel, am not easily scared."

Isaac sighed, understanding Marina's vengeful nature all too well. Since Charlie had already deeply offended Marina, this minor infraction would pale in comparison to the larger grudge.

Charlie laughed and said, "Well, adding another flea bite doesn't matter at this point. I'll go see my aunt myself."

Orvel felt immensely grateful and bowed respectfully, "I'm sorry for causing trouble, Master Wade."

Charlie waved his hand, "No need to say that. You're just following my orders. How can that be causing me trouble?"

He then turned to Isaac, "Old Isaac, prepare the car. Let's go together."

"Yes, Young Master."

At that moment, Marina was screaming curses at the top of her lungs in the rental house, "Charlie, you liar! The seven days are over, why haven’t you released me?"


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Reaction score

Isaac, upon hearing the instructions, immediately responded without hesitation, "Yes, Master Wade! I’ll arrange a plane right away and send the two of them to Sierra Leone. I’ll also ensure there’s a team monitoring them 24/7, leaving them no chance to escape!"

Charlie nodded in satisfaction, then pointed to Kazusaki and said, "By the way, send our Japanese friend here along with them."

Kazusaki, upon hearing this, burst into tears and pleaded desperately, "Mr. Wade, it was this Walker father and son duo who orchestrated everything! They are the masterminds; I’m just an errand runner. Please, you can't send me to Sierra Leone. I beg you to let me go!"

Charlie sneered, "Kazusaki, do you think you can escape responsibility just because you’re not the mastermind? Let me tell you, your actions are just as despicable as theirs!"

He then instructed Isaac, "Old Isaac, once Kazusaki arrives in Sierra Leone, he is to be treated exactly the same as Benjamin and Ryan. No preferential treatment whatsoever, understood?"

Isaac nodded firmly, "Master Wade, rest assured, I will handle it properly!"

Charlie turned to Old Master Walker Jimo and asked, "Old Master, are you satisfied with how I’m handling this?"

Old Master Walker, a man who had been decisive and ruthless in the business world his whole life, had secretly warned himself to show no mercy if he ever turned the tables on Benjamin and Ryan after discovering their plot against him. However, when it came down to it, he found he couldn’t completely sever his familial ties.

After all, they were his own son and grandson. If he were to have them killed, it would be a tragedy of a white-haired man sending off black-haired ones. The old saying "A tiger, though cruel, does not eat its cubs" rings true. History has seen many instances of sons killing their fathers, but rarely fathers killing their sons.

Old Master Walker was no different.

Though he had enjoyed immense success throughout his life, he couldn’t escape the emotions of an ordinary man. What is an ordinary man? One who cannot sever ties of the seven emotions and six desires. At this critical moment, he couldn’t sever his ties of kinship.

It was because of this that he handed the two over to Charlie. Now, Charlie decided to send them to Sierra Leone. Although the conditions would be extremely harsh, at the very least, he spared their lives.

This decision brought Old Master Walker a sigh of relief.

He quickly and respectfully said to Charlie, "Master Wade, I have no objections to whatever decision you make!"

Charlie nodded and then asked Sarah, "Wanting, do you have any objections? If you do, feel free to speak."

Sarah hurriedly replied, "Master Wade, I have no objections. I’ll follow your arrangements!"

Charlie said, "Since no one has any objections, we’ll proceed as planned. Old Isaac, have them taken away. I don't want to see them here any longer."

Isaac immediately ordered a few men in black, "Take these three away and guard them strictly! Ensure there are no mishaps, understood?"


The crowd quickly responded, “Understood!”

With that, they escorted the three men out. Benjamin and Ryan pleaded tearfully. Benjamin turned to Old Master Walker, crying out, “Dad, for the sake of our father-son bond, please beg Master Wade to spare me! If not, I might die in Sierra Leone!”

Old Master Walker felt a sharp pain in his heart.

Charlie had decreed that they must stay in Sierra Leone for twenty years. Benjamin, already over 50, might not survive two decades in such an impoverished and underdeveloped place. There was a real chance this could be the last time the father and son saw each other.

Ryan, legs weak and being dragged away, desperately begged, “Grandfather, I’m only in my twenties. I don’t want to waste the best years of my life in Sierra Leone. Please help me, Grandpa!”

Old Master Walker struggled internally, but Charlie commanded sternly, “Gag them!”

Several black-clad men immediately stuffed their mouths, and the room fell silent. The three men were then dragged out.

Seeing this, Old Master Walker realized there was no turning back. He sighed deeply, seeming to age ten years in that moment.

Charlie observed his reaction, shaking his head slightly. He spoke clearly, “Old Master Walker, you know better than I do that raising tigers invites calamity. You must think of Sarah, as well as yourself. If these two are not eliminated, they will become her greatest threat once you're gone.”

Charlie continued with a faint smile, “As long as I, Charlie, am here, I won’t let them truly endanger Sarah. By confining them to Sierra Leone, I am sparing their lives. Otherwise, if they come after Sarah again, they will be utterly destroyed.”

Old Master Walker was taken aback. He looked at Sarah and then bowed to Charlie. “Master Wade, you are right. Let them fend for themselves in Sierra Leone.”

Turning to Sarah, he said, “Sarah, now that you are back, the position of Chairman of the Walker Group is yours again. You will handle all affairs of the company from now on.”

Sarah nodded respectfully, “Yes, Grandpa. I understand.”

Old Master Walker advised, “Sarah, I don't need you to aggressively expand the Walker Group. Just keep it stable and prevent it from declining. Avoid risky international ventures. I’d rather the Walker Group not engage in any overseas business than see you in danger again, understand?”

Sarah nodded gently, “Don’t worry, Grandpa. I will prioritize safety. However, I believe we can still pursue international collaborations. There’s no need to be overly cautious because of this incident.”

She paused, then added, “This time, with Master Wade’s help, I secured a deal with Nippon Steel. Chairman Watanabe of Nippon Steel signed an agreement with me in Japan. We will establish a joint venture, with both parties contributing equally, but Nippon Steel agreed to give us 60% of the shares.”

“What?!” Everyone was stunned, speechless.

Nippon Steel had always been extremely dominant in negotiations, refusing to relinquish controlling shares even if offered 60% of the profits. To hear that they would not only give up control but also an additional 10% of shares seemed like a dream!


Old Master Walker initially thought that after Sarah’s perilous encounter in Japan, where she faced betrayal from both within the Walker family and external forces, it would be best for her to abandon any plans for international expansion or collaborations. He wanted to protect her from future dangers.

But never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that Sarah could secure such a lucrative deal with Nippon Steel.

Nippon Steel is a global titan in the steel industry, holding significant influence. For a company like the Walker Group, partnering with them typically meant humbly courting their favor, preparing land and all local arrangements, and then inviting Nippon Steel to grace them with their cooperation.

This kind of arrangement felt akin to tidying up a bedroom meticulously and then pleading with a guest to stay over—a gesture of utmost humility.

Generally, the more unequal the partnership, the more imbalanced the agreement would be. It often involved the local company investing heavily and getting a small share, while the larger company invested little and took the lion’s share—one of the most common forms of unequal treaties.

But who would have thought that Sarah could flip the balance between the Walker Group and Nippon Steel, getting them to invest heavily while taking a smaller share? This was something no one had dared to imagine before.

Many in the boardroom thought this was too good to be true.

However, they dared not directly question Chairman Sarah, so they murmured among themselves.

Soon, an elderly board member stood up and said, “Chairman, as far as I know, Nippon Steel has never been willing to relinquish control. Are you sure they will honor this agreement as stated? Or is there any hidden clause or harsh agreement in it?”

Indeed, contract traps are quite common. Many veteran capitalists love to set traps for their partners within contracts.

Many entrepreneurs, at the start of their ventures, receive generous investments from capitalists and decide to go all out. If they succeed, everyone is happy. But if they fail, trouble follows.

Some investors demand an unlimited liability clause in the contract. Though it’s just a few words, the consequences can be devastating for the invested party. If things go south and money is lost, the investor can demand the entrepreneur personally repay all the investment, potentially leading to their financial ruin.

For instance, the case of the mobile phone entrepreneur Lao Luo, who signed an unlimited liability clause and ended up owing 400 million in debt after his business failed.

Many company founders, unable to compensate their investors, were eventually ousted from their own companies, went bankrupt, or even ended up in jail.

Thus, the board members were worried that Sarah’s agreement might contain similar perilous clauses.

Without much explanation, Sarah retrieved a contract from her bag and said, “This is the original agreement signed by Nippon Steel’s Chairman Watanabe. You can review it and see if there are any problematic clauses.”

The elderly board member took the contract, and the rest quickly gathered around to examine it.

Even Old Master Walker couldn’t resist and stepped forward to take a closer look.


When everyone saw the contract, their eyes widened with astonishment.

This was indeed an official contract, with clear and precise terms, devoid of any ambiguous clauses or hidden operational risks.

Upon reaching the end, they confirmed it bore the official stamp of Nippon Steel and the personal signature of Chairman Arata Watanabe, validating it as an authentic and effective agreement.

Immediately, everyone’s faces lit up with joy.

The elderly board member, barely able to contain his excitement, exclaimed, “I’ve never seen Nippon Steel sign such a generous contract. This is unprecedented! Our chairman’s influence is truly remarkable—this alone is worth billions!”

Others quickly chimed in with their agreement, “Absolutely, Chairman Walker securing such a favorable deal with Nippon Steel is unheard of in their history. If we announce this publicly, our stock price will undoubtedly skyrocket.”

One board member glanced at the time and blurted out, “The news of Chairman Walker’s safe return has probably already been released by the media, which is a significant positive. Now, with this contract from Nippon Steel, we have a double benefit. When our stock trading resumes, we’re sure to see a series of limit-ups, boosting our market value by at least 30 to 40 percent.”

“Chairman Walker, you’ve truly propelled the Walker Group forward this time.”

Sarah earnestly responded, “The successful negotiation with Nippon Steel, and the favorable terms we received, are entirely due to Master Wade’s assistance. Chairman Watanabe of Nippon Steel signed this agreement solely out of respect for Master Wade. So, all credit goes to him.”

She then turned to Charlie, sincerely saying, “Master Wade, I owe everything to you. Without you, I would have perished in Japan; without you, my grandfather’s brain would have been destroyed by poison; and securing these favorable terms from Nippon Steel would have been impossible. I am eternally grateful.”

Charlie smiled gently, “No need to be so formal. This is what friends do for each other. It was a simple favor.”

He then stood up and said, “Sarah, you just got back and have many matters to address in the company. I won’t disturb you further. I’ve been away for a few days and need to get back home.”

Sarah, feeling a pang of reluctance, said, “Master Wade... would it be convenient for you to join us for lunch? We haven’t had a chance to properly thank you for all you’ve done.”

Charlie chuckled, “I’ve already said there’s no need to be so formal. You should focus on your work now. We can have lunch anytime after you’ve settled things here.”

Old Master Walker also chimed in, “Indeed, Sarah. Master Wade has been away from home for several days for your sake. It’s best he returns home to put his family at ease.”

Sarah nodded reluctantly, “Master Wade, let me at least see you out.”

“No need,” Charlie replied. “Take advantage of having everyone here and continue your work discussions. With your return and the new deal with Nippon Steel, you should hold a press conference tomorrow to maximize the impact. This will benefit both you and the Walker Group.”

Sarah nodded gratefully, “Understood, Master Wade. I will follow your advice. Please take care, and I will arrange a proper banquet soon. You must attend.”

Charlie smiled, “Of course, I’ll be there.”

He then waved to Old Master Walker, “I’ll take my leave now.”

Old Master Walker bowed deeply, “Safe travels, Master Wade.”

Charlie walked out of the meeting hall, where Isaac and Orvel were waiting respectfully.

Seeing him emerge, Isaac quickly stepped forward and asked in a low voice, “Young Master, the car is ready. Shall I take you home?”

Charlie replied calmly, “Yes, let’s go home.”

Orvel approached and hesitantly said, “Master Wade, your aunt has been in the slum for nine days now. She’s been wailing and causing disturbances, with neighbors making several 911 complaints. Should we let her go?”

Charlie considered for a moment before responding.


Charlie was slightly taken aback and asked, "It's been nine days? Why hasn't she been released yet? I said seven days, didn't I?"

Orvel, looking a bit embarrassed, replied, "Master Wade, I felt that you should give the final approval before releasing her. I didn’t want to make a decision on my own."

Isaac exclaimed, "Orvel, why haven't you released her yet? Aunt has a terrible temper. If you don’t release her on time, she might retaliate against you!"

Orvel chuckled and scratched his head, "Well, I thought Master Wade was busy saving Miss Walker in Japan and then had to travel back. So I didn’t call to bother him and decided to wait until he returned."

Charlie nodded, "Alright, go ahead and release her."

Orvel promptly responded, "Yes, Master Wade, I’ll arrange it right away."

At this point, Isaac suggested to Charlie, "Young Master, I think it's best if you go personally and explain that the delay was your decision. Otherwise, when she returns to Eastcliff, she will definitely retaliate against Orvel."

Orvel immediately said, "Let her come at me if she dares! I, Orvel, have faced death once and am not afraid of her."

Isaac waved his hand and said seriously, "You don’t understand your Aunt's ways. She holds grudges and has many methods at her disposal. If the Young Master offends her, she wouldn’t dare do anything. But if you offend her, she won’t just come after you; she might even target your family and friends."

Hearing this, Orvel became visibly nervous. However, not wanting Charlie to think less of him, he bravely said, "It's okay. I, Orvel, am not easily scared."

Isaac sighed, understanding Marina's vengeful nature all too well. Since Charlie had already deeply offended Marina, this minor infraction would pale in comparison to the larger grudge.

Charlie laughed and said, "Well, adding another flea bite doesn't matter at this point. I'll go see my aunt myself."

Orvel felt immensely grateful and bowed respectfully, "I'm sorry for causing trouble, Master Wade."

Charlie waved his hand, "No need to say that. You're just following my orders. How can that be causing me trouble?"

He then turned to Isaac, "Old Isaac, prepare the car. Let's go together."

"Yes, Young Master."

At that moment, Marina was screaming curses at the top of her lungs in the rental house, "Charlie, you liar! The seven days are over, why haven’t you released me?"
Marina, you should be grateful you are still alive. If you know what's good for you keep mute before he changes his mind to tame you forever

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

"You're all just Charlie's lackeys! If you don't let me out, I'll make sure to settle the score with each one of you once I'm free!"

"Do you really think I'm as easy to mold as clay? Let me out immediately!"

Marina's curses grew more frantic, her anger escalating to the point where she started coughing uncontrollably. "Cough, cough, cough... If you don't let me out soon, I'll throw every one of you into the Yangtze River to feed the fish! I'll kill you all, wipe you out completely, and ensure none of you can reincarnate!"

It was no wonder Marina was hysterical. After spending nine days living like the lowest of the low, she was on the verge of a total breakdown.

Adding to her misery, Aurous Hill, located south of the Yangtze River, was damp in the winter. Her rented room had no air conditioning or heating, leaving her to cry under damp blankets each night.

From the moment she moved in, she'd been counting down the days, hoping to escape after the promised seven days. But to her horror, just as she was about to be freed, Orvel refused to let her go.

This wasn’t just infuriating for Marina; it was terrifying. She feared Charlie would change his mind, nullify the seven-day promise, and indefinitely keep her under house arrest.

To draw attention and put pressure on Charlie and his lackeys, she screamed and cursed daily, hoping the neighbors or even the police would intervene. However, she didn't know that Orvel had already relocated all the neighbors the day before.

The entire building, including the landlord, housed thirty residents, but now only Marina remained. Everyone else was enjoying a free stay at a five-star hotel. So, her yelling fell on deaf ears. Even when her voice grew hoarse, no one came to check on her.

Frustrated beyond measure, Marina took out her phone and video-called her father, Claudius, who was far away in Eastcliff.

As soon as the video connected, Marina cried out, "Dad, please make Charlie release me! I can't take this any longer. If he doesn't let me out, I'd rather die here!"

On the screen, Claudius sighed helplessly. He knew his daughter well and understood she wouldn’t actually harm herself. He calmly said, "Marina, don't be so agitated. It's only been two days. Be patient. Little Charlie won't keep you there forever. He might let you go in a couple of days."

Marina sobbed, "Dad, you don't understand what these nine days have been like for me. I've never suffered like this in my entire life! If you don't ask Charlie to release me, he might not let me go tomorrow or ever. What if he keeps me here indefinitely?"

She continued to plead, "Dad, I'm begging you, please call him and ask him to release me."

Claudius responded earnestly, "Marina, I finally managed to persuade Geraldo to get Little Charlie to agree to come back for the Tomb-Sweeping Day ancestral rites. This is crucial for the Wade family. We can't afford any mistakes. If your issue causes Little Charlie to change his mind, it would be a huge loss for our family."

Marina finally understood. Her father was unwilling to pressure Charlie, fearing it would offend him.

Realizing she couldn't rely on her own father, she broke down further, crying, "Dad, what if Charlie never lets me go? What will I do then?"

Her father quickly replied, "Oh Marina, if Little Charlie still hasn't released you by the Tomb-Sweeping Day, I promise I'll demand an explanation from him."

Marina was distraught. "Dad, Tomb-Sweeping Day isn't until April, which is nearly two months away!"


These excruciatingly harsh days were more than Marina could bear. Waiting until the Tomb-Sweeping Day to be released felt like a death sentence.

Claudius tried to console her, "Alright, Marina, just hold your temper and wait a few more days. If Little Charlie still doesn’t release you, I'll give him a call."

Marina felt a thousand grievances but didn’t dare to say more. She thought to herself, "Now I understand that in my father's eyes, Charlie is the most important person in the Wade family."

"After all, if he marries Geraldo's daughter, Haidee, he’ll be one of the heirs to the Snow family's trillion-dollar fortune, which is a tremendous benefit for the Wade family."

"In this situation, how can an already married daughter like me compare to Charlie in my father's eyes?"

"Sigh, it looks like I have to swallow my pride and endure this."

Resigned, she said, "Okay, Dad, I understand. I'll wait patiently for a few more days. But if Charlie doesn’t let me go in three to five days, you must call him."

Her voice broke as she continued, "Dad, I'll hang up now."

"Alright, hang up."

As the video call ended, tears streamed down Marina's face uncontrollably.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Startled, Marina jumped out of bed and ran to the door, yanking it open.

Without seeing who it was, she angrily yelled, "You bastards! When are you going to let me out?"

Charlie stood there, frowning at the sight of her darkened skin and swollen eyes. He said, "Aunt, Aurous Hill’s weather is so damp and cold, and you've been here for nine days. Why is your temper still so high?"

Seeing it was Charlie, Marina furiously demanded, "Charlie, you promised to let me go after seven days. It's been nine days now, why haven't you released me?"

Noticing Orvel beside Charlie, she angrily pointed at him, "It's this bastard who held me for two extra days. He deserves to die!"

Charlie replied coldly, "Keeping you for two extra days was my decision."

"Your decision?" Marina asked indignantly, "You clearly said seven days. Why change it to nine? On what grounds?"

Charlie chuckled lightly, "You're my aunt. It's rare for you to visit. How could you leave after just seven days? You should stay a bit longer, don’t you think?"

Marina was livid at Charlie's flippant attitude. "Charlie, stop pretending to care. I know your tricks. You'd better let me go right now."

Charlie shook his head slightly and sighed, "It seems nine days weren't enough to quell your anger. Eastcliff is dry and your temper will only worsen if you return. I think you should stay in Aurous Hill a few more days until your anger subsides completely."

With that, he turned to Orvel and said, "Orvel."


Orvel quickly bowed, "Master Wade, what are your orders?"

Charlie smiled, "My dear aunt needs to stay in Aurous Hill for a few more days. During this period, please continue to keep a strict watch over her, just like before."

Orvel asked, "Master Wade, how many days are we talking about?"

Charlie thought for a moment and then said, "Let's make it another seven days. A full week is easy to keep track of. If seven days aren't enough, it will show my aunt's liver fire is indeed too intense, and we might need to go for a longer treatment."

Orvel laughed, "Understood, Master Wade!"

In Charlie's mind, he thought, "Marina, you think you can act like the Queen Mother descending to Earth just because you’re the eldest daughter of the Wade family? You came to Aurous Hill to throw your weight around and still haven't repented. Since you’re stubborn, don't blame me for being ruthless. Today, I will see if I can't tame you!"

Hearing Charlie's words, Marina's face turned deathly pale. Her tone immediately softened as she tearfully pleaded, "Charlie! You can’t do this! I've already been tormented beyond recognition these nine days. Do you know what kind of life I've been living? The food is tasteless, and I have no facial cleanser, no masks, not even eye cream."

"My skin condition is terrible now. It will take at least a month to recover. If you keep me here for another seven days, my skin will be completely ruined."

Charlie's smile vanished, and he spoke sternly, "My dear aunt, you still don't understand why I'm keeping you in Aurous Hill, in this place."

"I'm keeping you here to teach you to curb your temper and learn to behave humbly. If you can manage that, I’ll let you go. If not, you’ll stay here until you do!"

"As for your skin, what does that have to do with me?"

Marina was furious inside, but outwardly she put on a pitiful expression and begged, "Little Charlie, I'm your aunt. We're family. How can you treat me like this?"

Charlie laughed, "Oh, now you consider me family? When you came from Eastcliff to boss me around, why didn’t you treat me as family? When you spoke rudely to my mother-in-law, where was the family sentiment then?"

Marina was deeply embarrassed and tried to argue, "I... I was doing it for your own good."

Charlie laughed, "So all that was for my good, huh?"

Marina flattered him, "Of course! I'm your aunt. If I don't look out for you, who will?"

Charlie clapped his hands, smiling, "That's so convenient. Aunt, what I'm doing now is also for your good. Don't let my filial piety go to waste!"

Then, his expression turned serious as he looked at Marina, "I’ll give you two choices."

"First, stay here obediently for another seven days. During these seven days, no swearing, no going crazy, no whining or shouting."

"If you behave well, I'll have someone let you go after seven days."

Marina hurriedly asked, "What’s the second choice?"

Charlie replied coldly, "The second choice is to stay here for a month. During this month, you can curse, go crazy, and shout all you want. After a month, I’ll decide based on my mood."

"If I'm in a good mood, you can go back."

"But if I'm not, sorry, I might have to host you a bit longer and show you more of my hospitality!"


Marina had finally surrendered.

Though she still harbored a deep hatred for Charlie, his latest words left her with no room to negotiate or defy him any further.

She realized that Charlie's personality and methods were beyond her control.

Moreover, Aurous Hill was Charlie's territory, and even their patriarch sided with him now. Her only option was to endure.

Unable to challenge him, she had to bow to reality.

Suppressing all her anger and resentment, she said obediently, "Fine, I'll choose the first option."

Charlie nodded and turned to Orvel. "Orvel, you heard her. For the next seven days, keep a strict watch on her. If there's any shouting or trouble, inform me immediately!"

Orvel stood straight and responded loudly, "Rest assured, Master Wade. I will ensure strict surveillance!"

Charlie acknowledged with a hum and added, "If she behaves well, send her to the airport after seven days without needing to ask me."

"Understood, Master Wade!"

Charlie looked at Marina seriously and said, "Aunt, keeping you in Aurous Hill is not my goal. The real lesson is for you to learn to respect others. I've said all I need to say. Take care."

With that, he turned and left, not bothering to hear her response.

Inside, Marina was seething with anger, but she dared not show it.

She didn't even dare to shout and vent her frustrations, fearing retaliation from Charlie's subordinates.

Leaving the urban village, Orvel, feeling both grateful and ashamed, said to Charlie, "Master Wade, I'm sorry I didn't handle things well and caused you trouble."

Orvel felt genuinely remorseful.

Charlie had instructed him to release Marina after seven days, but he hesitated and waited to report back to Charlie first, which led to this mess.

He didn't anticipate the consequences of offending someone like Marina, who was a formidable figure. She could easily ruin Orvel and his family if she wanted to.

He was grateful to Charlie for stepping in and taking the blame.

He was also thankful to Isaac for the timely reminder that helped him avoid a worse situation.

Charlie waved off his thanks. "You're working for me; no need for formalities."

Then he turned to Isaac. "Old Isaac, keep a close watch on Raven's situation and monitor the Salvador family's movements."

Isaac nodded immediately. "Rest assured, Young Master. I'll have our Eastcliff contacts keep an eye on the Salvador family."

"Alright. Orvel, get back to work. Old Isaac, drive me home."

Seated in Isaac's Rolls-Royce, Charlie made a call to Nanako in Japan.

He wanted to assure her of his safety and get an update on the situation in Japan.


The escape of such an important prisoner like Raven was an unacceptable blow to the Japanese police, the Self-Defense Forces, and the entire nation.

As soon as the call connected, Nanako's voice came through, "Charlie-kun, you've arrived in Aurous Hill, haven't you?"

Charlie smiled, "Yes, how did you know?"

Nanako chuckled, "I've been following the news in Aurous Hill. I saw reports that Miss Walker has returned. If she's back, it means you must be there too."

"That's right." Charlie smiled faintly. "We arrived this morning. I went straight to the Walker Group, so I didn't get a chance to check in with you. Sorry about that."

Nanako laughed softly, "Charlie-kun, you're too polite. You have important matters to attend to. You don't need to contact me immediately. Just let me know once you're free, like now."

Charlie felt a warm sensation in his heart. Nanako was truly considerate and understanding. Whoever married such a woman would be blessed for life.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he asked, "Nanako, is there any news from Tokyo?"


Nanako continued, "There was a major incident in Tokyo two nights ago. Raven, the main culprit behind the Matsumoto family's massacre, escaped from prison! The news broke yesterday afternoon. They say Raven was swapped out and has vanished into thin air. The police and Self-Defense Forces are going crazy, searching nationwide for her."

She added, "This has caused a huge scandal in Japan. The head of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department resigned this morning. One of my father's friends, a high-ranking official in Tokyo's National Security Bureau, has been appointed as the new head."

Charlie couldn't help but laugh.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department was indeed in big trouble.

It was clear that the Salvador family and the Self-Defense Forces were secretly colluding.

Based on the ship captain's testimony, the Self-Defense Forces initially handed Raven over to the police, then schemed with the Salvador family to swap her out and let the police take the fall.

They intended for the police to bear the blame, while the Self-Defense Forces would re-capture Raven, thereby enhancing their influence in Japan.

However, Charlie's intervention threw a wrench into their plans, and he brought Raven back to China.

As a result, the Self-Defense Forces didn't suffer much. The police took the blame, while the Self-Defense Forces only ended up empty-handed.

But the Tokyo police were in deep trouble. They lost the prisoner and bore all the responsibility. If they couldn't find Raven, it would be a disgrace to Japan's judicial system.

Charlie told Nanako, "Your ship's captain and crew are on their way back. Once they return, they'll tell you that I captured Raven."

Nanako was astonished. "What?! Charlie-kun, how did you capture Raven? Do you two know each other?"

Charlie chuckled, "We have some personal grudges. After setting sail, she tried to kill me at sea. Unfortunately for her, she's not as skilled as I am, so I captured her."

Nanako quickly asked, "Are you okay, Charlie-kun?"

"I'm fine." Charlie laughed. "Raven is in my custody now, but please keep this a secret for me."

Without hesitation, Nanako said, "Don't worry, Charlie-kun. I'll keep your secret!"

Charlie added, "Oh, by the way, Nanako, you mentioned the new head of the Tokyo police is a friend of your father's?"

"Yes." Nanako explained, "He's my father's college classmate and one of his close friends."

Charlie smiled, "In that case, I'll send him a grand gift as a gesture of goodwill."


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Reaction score

"You're all just Charlie's lackeys! If you don't let me out, I'll make sure to settle the score with each one of you once I'm free!"

"Do you really think I'm as easy to mold as clay? Let me out immediately!"

Marina's curses grew more frantic, her anger escalating to the point where she started coughing uncontrollably. "Cough, cough, cough... If you don't let me out soon, I'll throw every one of you into the Yangtze River to feed the fish! I'll kill you all, wipe you out completely, and ensure none of you can reincarnate!"

It was no wonder Marina was hysterical. After spending nine days living like the lowest of the low, she was on the verge of a total breakdown.

Adding to her misery, Aurous Hill, located south of the Yangtze River, was damp in the winter. Her rented room had no air conditioning or heating, leaving her to cry under damp blankets each night.

From the moment she moved in, she'd been counting down the days, hoping to escape after the promised seven days. But to her horror, just as she was about to be freed, Orvel refused to let her go.

This wasn’t just infuriating for Marina; it was terrifying. She feared Charlie would change his mind, nullify the seven-day promise, and indefinitely keep her under house arrest.

To draw attention and put pressure on Charlie and his lackeys, she screamed and cursed daily, hoping the neighbors or even the police would intervene. However, she didn't know that Orvel had already relocated all the neighbors the day before.

The entire building, including the landlord, housed thirty residents, but now only Marina remained. Everyone else was enjoying a free stay at a five-star hotel. So, her yelling fell on deaf ears. Even when her voice grew hoarse, no one came to check on her.

Frustrated beyond measure, Marina took out her phone and video-called her father, Claudius, who was far away in Eastcliff.

As soon as the video connected, Marina cried out, "Dad, please make Charlie release me! I can't take this any longer. If he doesn't let me out, I'd rather die here!"

On the screen, Claudius sighed helplessly. He knew his daughter well and understood she wouldn’t actually harm herself. He calmly said, "Marina, don't be so agitated. It's only been two days. Be patient. Little Charlie won't keep you there forever. He might let you go in a couple of days."

Marina sobbed, "Dad, you don't understand what these nine days have been like for me. I've never suffered like this in my entire life! If you don't ask Charlie to release me, he might not let me go tomorrow or ever. What if he keeps me here indefinitely?"

She continued to plead, "Dad, I'm begging you, please call him and ask him to release me."

Claudius responded earnestly, "Marina, I finally managed to persuade Geraldo to get Little Charlie to agree to come back for the Tomb-Sweeping Day ancestral rites. This is crucial for the Wade family. We can't afford any mistakes. If your issue causes Little Charlie to change his mind, it would be a huge loss for our family."

Marina finally understood. Her father was unwilling to pressure Charlie, fearing it would offend him.

Realizing she couldn't rely on her own father, she broke down further, crying, "Dad, what if Charlie never lets me go? What will I do then?"

Her father quickly replied, "Oh Marina, if Little Charlie still hasn't released you by the Tomb-Sweeping Day, I promise I'll demand an explanation from him."

Marina was distraught. "Dad, Tomb-Sweeping Day isn't until April, which is nearly two months away!"


These excruciatingly harsh days were more than Marina could bear. Waiting until the Tomb-Sweeping Day to be released felt like a death sentence.

Claudius tried to console her, "Alright, Marina, just hold your temper and wait a few more days. If Little Charlie still doesn’t release you, I'll give him a call."

Marina felt a thousand grievances but didn’t dare to say more. She thought to herself, "Now I understand that in my father's eyes, Charlie is the most important person in the Wade family."

"After all, if he marries Geraldo's daughter, Haidee, he’ll be one of the heirs to the Snow family's trillion-dollar fortune, which is a tremendous benefit for the Wade family."

"In this situation, how can an already married daughter like me compare to Charlie in my father's eyes?"

"Sigh, it looks like I have to swallow my pride and endure this."

Resigned, she said, "Okay, Dad, I understand. I'll wait patiently for a few more days. But if Charlie doesn’t let me go in three to five days, you must call him."

Her voice broke as she continued, "Dad, I'll hang up now."

"Alright, hang up."

As the video call ended, tears streamed down Marina's face uncontrollably.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Startled, Marina jumped out of bed and ran to the door, yanking it open.

Without seeing who it was, she angrily yelled, "You bastards! When are you going to let me out?"

Charlie stood there, frowning at the sight of her darkened skin and swollen eyes. He said, "Aunt, Aurous Hill’s weather is so damp and cold, and you've been here for nine days. Why is your temper still so high?"

Seeing it was Charlie, Marina furiously demanded, "Charlie, you promised to let me go after seven days. It's been nine days now, why haven't you released me?"

Noticing Orvel beside Charlie, she angrily pointed at him, "It's this bastard who held me for two extra days. He deserves to die!"

Charlie replied coldly, "Keeping you for two extra days was my decision."

"Your decision?" Marina asked indignantly, "You clearly said seven days. Why change it to nine? On what grounds?"

Charlie chuckled lightly, "You're my aunt. It's rare for you to visit. How could you leave after just seven days? You should stay a bit longer, don’t you think?"

Marina was livid at Charlie's flippant attitude. "Charlie, stop pretending to care. I know your tricks. You'd better let me go right now."

Charlie shook his head slightly and sighed, "It seems nine days weren't enough to quell your anger. Eastcliff is dry and your temper will only worsen if you return. I think you should stay in Aurous Hill a few more days until your anger subsides completely."

With that, he turned to Orvel and said, "Orvel."


Orvel quickly bowed, "Master Wade, what are your orders?"

Charlie smiled, "My dear aunt needs to stay in Aurous Hill for a few more days. During this period, please continue to keep a strict watch over her, just like before."

Orvel asked, "Master Wade, how many days are we talking about?"

Charlie thought for a moment and then said, "Let's make it another seven days. A full week is easy to keep track of. If seven days aren't enough, it will show my aunt's liver fire is indeed too intense, and we might need to go for a longer treatment."

Orvel laughed, "Understood, Master Wade!"

In Charlie's mind, he thought, "Marina, you think you can act like the Queen Mother descending to Earth just because you’re the eldest daughter of the Wade family? You came to Aurous Hill to throw your weight around and still haven't repented. Since you’re stubborn, don't blame me for being ruthless. Today, I will see if I can't tame you!"

Hearing Charlie's words, Marina's face turned deathly pale. Her tone immediately softened as she tearfully pleaded, "Charlie! You can’t do this! I've already been tormented beyond recognition these nine days. Do you know what kind of life I've been living? The food is tasteless, and I have no facial cleanser, no masks, not even eye cream."

"My skin condition is terrible now. It will take at least a month to recover. If you keep me here for another seven days, my skin will be completely ruined."

Charlie's smile vanished, and he spoke sternly, "My dear aunt, you still don't understand why I'm keeping you in Aurous Hill, in this place."

"I'm keeping you here to teach you to curb your temper and learn to behave humbly. If you can manage that, I’ll let you go. If not, you’ll stay here until you do!"

"As for your skin, what does that have to do with me?"

Marina was furious inside, but outwardly she put on a pitiful expression and begged, "Little Charlie, I'm your aunt. We're family. How can you treat me like this?"

Charlie laughed, "Oh, now you consider me family? When you came from Eastcliff to boss me around, why didn’t you treat me as family? When you spoke rudely to my mother-in-law, where was the family sentiment then?"

Marina was deeply embarrassed and tried to argue, "I... I was doing it for your own good."

Charlie laughed, "So all that was for my good, huh?"

Marina flattered him, "Of course! I'm your aunt. If I don't look out for you, who will?"

Charlie clapped his hands, smiling, "That's so convenient. Aunt, what I'm doing now is also for your good. Don't let my filial piety go to waste!"

Then, his expression turned serious as he looked at Marina, "I’ll give you two choices."

"First, stay here obediently for another seven days. During these seven days, no swearing, no going crazy, no whining or shouting."

"If you behave well, I'll have someone let you go after seven days."

Marina hurriedly asked, "What’s the second choice?"

Charlie replied coldly, "The second choice is to stay here for a month. During this month, you can curse, go crazy, and shout all you want. After a month, I’ll decide based on my mood."

"If I'm in a good mood, you can go back."

"But if I'm not, sorry, I might have to host you a bit longer and show you more of my hospitality!"


Marina had finally surrendered.

Though she still harbored a deep hatred for Charlie, his latest words left her with no room to negotiate or defy him any further.

She realized that Charlie's personality and methods were beyond her control.

Moreover, Aurous Hill was Charlie's territory, and even their patriarch sided with him now. Her only option was to endure.

Unable to challenge him, she had to bow to reality.

Suppressing all her anger and resentment, she said obediently, "Fine, I'll choose the first option."

Charlie nodded and turned to Orvel. "Orvel, you heard her. For the next seven days, keep a strict watch on her. If there's any shouting or trouble, inform me immediately!"

Orvel stood straight and responded loudly, "Rest assured, Master Wade. I will ensure strict surveillance!"

Charlie acknowledged with a hum and added, "If she behaves well, send her to the airport after seven days without needing to ask me."

"Understood, Master Wade!"

Charlie looked at Marina seriously and said, "Aunt, keeping you in Aurous Hill is not my goal. The real lesson is for you to learn to respect others. I've said all I need to say. Take care."

With that, he turned and left, not bothering to hear her response.

Inside, Marina was seething with anger, but she dared not show it.

She didn't even dare to shout and vent her frustrations, fearing retaliation from Charlie's subordinates.

Leaving the urban village, Orvel, feeling both grateful and ashamed, said to Charlie, "Master Wade, I'm sorry I didn't handle things well and caused you trouble."

Orvel felt genuinely remorseful.

Charlie had instructed him to release Marina after seven days, but he hesitated and waited to report back to Charlie first, which led to this mess.

He didn't anticipate the consequences of offending someone like Marina, who was a formidable figure. She could easily ruin Orvel and his family if she wanted to.

He was grateful to Charlie for stepping in and taking the blame.

He was also thankful to Isaac for the timely reminder that helped him avoid a worse situation.

Charlie waved off his thanks. "You're working for me; no need for formalities."

Then he turned to Isaac. "Old Isaac, keep a close watch on Raven's situation and monitor the Salvador family's movements."

Isaac nodded immediately. "Rest assured, Young Master. I'll have our Eastcliff contacts keep an eye on the Salvador family."

"Alright. Orvel, get back to work. Old Isaac, drive me home."

Seated in Isaac's Rolls-Royce, Charlie made a call to Nanako in Japan.

He wanted to assure her of his safety and get an update on the situation in Japan.


The escape of such an important prisoner like Raven was an unacceptable blow to the Japanese police, the Self-Defense Forces, and the entire nation.

As soon as the call connected, Nanako's voice came through, "Charlie-kun, you've arrived in Aurous Hill, haven't you?"

Charlie smiled, "Yes, how did you know?"

Nanako chuckled, "I've been following the news in Aurous Hill. I saw reports that Miss Walker has returned. If she's back, it means you must be there too."

"That's right." Charlie smiled faintly. "We arrived this morning. I went straight to the Walker Group, so I didn't get a chance to check in with you. Sorry about that."

Nanako laughed softly, "Charlie-kun, you're too polite. You have important matters to attend to. You don't need to contact me immediately. Just let me know once you're free, like now."

Charlie felt a warm sensation in his heart. Nanako was truly considerate and understanding. Whoever married such a woman would be blessed for life.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he asked, "Nanako, is there any news from Tokyo?"


Nanako continued, "There was a major incident in Tokyo two nights ago. Raven, the main culprit behind the Matsumoto family's massacre, escaped from prison! The news broke yesterday afternoon. They say Raven was swapped out and has vanished into thin air. The police and Self-Defense Forces are going crazy, searching nationwide for her."

She added, "This has caused a huge scandal in Japan. The head of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department resigned this morning. One of my father's friends, a high-ranking official in Tokyo's National Security Bureau, has been appointed as the new head."

Charlie couldn't help but laugh.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department was indeed in big trouble.

It was clear that the Salvador family and the Self-Defense Forces were secretly colluding.

Based on the ship captain's testimony, the Self-Defense Forces initially handed Raven over to the police, then schemed with the Salvador family to swap her out and let the police take the fall.

They intended for the police to bear the blame, while the Self-Defense Forces would re-capture Raven, thereby enhancing their influence in Japan.

However, Charlie's intervention threw a wrench into their plans, and he brought Raven back to China.

As a result, the Self-Defense Forces didn't suffer much. The police took the blame, while the Self-Defense Forces only ended up empty-handed.

But the Tokyo police were in deep trouble. They lost the prisoner and bore all the responsibility. If they couldn't find Raven, it would be a disgrace to Japan's judicial system.

Charlie told Nanako, "Your ship's captain and crew are on their way back. Once they return, they'll tell you that I captured Raven."

Nanako was astonished. "What?! Charlie-kun, how did you capture Raven? Do you two know each other?"

Charlie chuckled, "We have some personal grudges. After setting sail, she tried to kill me at sea. Unfortunately for her, she's not as skilled as I am, so I captured her."

Nanako quickly asked, "Are you okay, Charlie-kun?"

"I'm fine." Charlie laughed. "Raven is in my custody now, but please keep this a secret for me."

Without hesitation, Nanako said, "Don't worry, Charlie-kun. I'll keep your secret!"

Charlie added, "Oh, by the way, Nanako, you mentioned the new head of the Tokyo police is a friend of your father's?"

"Yes." Nanako explained, "He's my father's college classmate and one of his close friends."

Charlie smiled, "In that case, I'll send him a grand gift as a gesture of goodwill."
Charlie Wade will always come out with another cunning ideas. He's now going to add the head of the Tokyo Police to his entourage. He'll definitely expose the special forces and the Salvador family deals..😀😀😀


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Jun 22, 2024
Reaction score

"You're all just Charlie's lackeys! If you don't let me out, I'll make sure to settle the score with each one of you once I'm free!"

"Do you really think I'm as easy to mold as clay? Let me out immediately!"

Marina's curses grew more frantic, her anger escalating to the point where she started coughing uncontrollably. "Cough, cough, cough... If you don't let me out soon, I'll throw every one of you into the Yangtze River to feed the fish! I'll kill you all, wipe you out completely, and ensure none of you can reincarnate!"

It was no wonder Marina was hysterical. After spending nine days living like the lowest of the low, she was on the verge of a total breakdown.

Adding to her misery, Aurous Hill, located south of the Yangtze River, was damp in the winter. Her rented room had no air conditioning or heating, leaving her to cry under damp blankets each night.

From the moment she moved in, she'd been counting down the days, hoping to escape after the promised seven days. But to her horror, just as she was about to be freed, Orvel refused to let her go.

This wasn’t just infuriating for Marina; it was terrifying. She feared Charlie would change his mind, nullify the seven-day promise, and indefinitely keep her under house arrest.

To draw attention and put pressure on Charlie and his lackeys, she screamed and cursed daily, hoping the neighbors or even the police would intervene. However, she didn't know that Orvel had already relocated all the neighbors the day before.

The entire building, including the landlord, housed thirty residents, but now only Marina remained. Everyone else was enjoying a free stay at a five-star hotel. So, her yelling fell on deaf ears. Even when her voice grew hoarse, no one came to check on her.

Frustrated beyond measure, Marina took out her phone and video-called her father, Claudius, who was far away in Eastcliff.

As soon as the video connected, Marina cried out, "Dad, please make Charlie release me! I can't take this any longer. If he doesn't let me out, I'd rather die here!"

On the screen, Claudius sighed helplessly. He knew his daughter well and understood she wouldn’t actually harm herself. He calmly said, "Marina, don't be so agitated. It's only been two days. Be patient. Little Charlie won't keep you there forever. He might let you go in a couple of days."

Marina sobbed, "Dad, you don't understand what these nine days have been like for me. I've never suffered like this in my entire life! If you don't ask Charlie to release me, he might not let me go tomorrow or ever. What if he keeps me here indefinitely?"

She continued to plead, "Dad, I'm begging you, please call him and ask him to release me."

Claudius responded earnestly, "Marina, I finally managed to persuade Geraldo to get Little Charlie to agree to come back for the Tomb-Sweeping Day ancestral rites. This is crucial for the Wade family. We can't afford any mistakes. If your issue causes Little Charlie to change his mind, it would be a huge loss for our family."

Marina finally understood. Her father was unwilling to pressure Charlie, fearing it would offend him.

Realizing she couldn't rely on her own father, she broke down further, crying, "Dad, what if Charlie never lets me go? What will I do then?"

Her father quickly replied, "Oh Marina, if Little Charlie still hasn't released you by the Tomb-Sweeping Day, I promise I'll demand an explanation from him."

Marina was distraught. "Dad, Tomb-Sweeping Day isn't until April, which is nearly two months away!"


These excruciatingly harsh days were more than Marina could bear. Waiting until the Tomb-Sweeping Day to be released felt like a death sentence.

Claudius tried to console her, "Alright, Marina, just hold your temper and wait a few more days. If Little Charlie still doesn’t release you, I'll give him a call."

Marina felt a thousand grievances but didn’t dare to say more. She thought to herself, "Now I understand that in my father's eyes, Charlie is the most important person in the Wade family."

"After all, if he marries Geraldo's daughter, Haidee, he’ll be one of the heirs to the Snow family's trillion-dollar fortune, which is a tremendous benefit for the Wade family."

"In this situation, how can an already married daughter like me compare to Charlie in my father's eyes?"

"Sigh, it looks like I have to swallow my pride and endure this."

Resigned, she said, "Okay, Dad, I understand. I'll wait patiently for a few more days. But if Charlie doesn’t let me go in three to five days, you must call him."

Her voice broke as she continued, "Dad, I'll hang up now."

"Alright, hang up."

As the video call ended, tears streamed down Marina's face uncontrollably.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Startled, Marina jumped out of bed and ran to the door, yanking it open.

Without seeing who it was, she angrily yelled, "You bastards! When are you going to let me out?"

Charlie stood there, frowning at the sight of her darkened skin and swollen eyes. He said, "Aunt, Aurous Hill’s weather is so damp and cold, and you've been here for nine days. Why is your temper still so high?"

Seeing it was Charlie, Marina furiously demanded, "Charlie, you promised to let me go after seven days. It's been nine days now, why haven't you released me?"

Noticing Orvel beside Charlie, she angrily pointed at him, "It's this bastard who held me for two extra days. He deserves to die!"

Charlie replied coldly, "Keeping you for two extra days was my decision."

"Your decision?" Marina asked indignantly, "You clearly said seven days. Why change it to nine? On what grounds?"

Charlie chuckled lightly, "You're my aunt. It's rare for you to visit. How could you leave after just seven days? You should stay a bit longer, don’t you think?"

Marina was livid at Charlie's flippant attitude. "Charlie, stop pretending to care. I know your tricks. You'd better let me go right now."

Charlie shook his head slightly and sighed, "It seems nine days weren't enough to quell your anger. Eastcliff is dry and your temper will only worsen if you return. I think you should stay in Aurous Hill a few more days until your anger subsides completely."

With that, he turned to Orvel and said, "Orvel."


Orvel quickly bowed, "Master Wade, what are your orders?"

Charlie smiled, "My dear aunt needs to stay in Aurous Hill for a few more days. During this period, please continue to keep a strict watch over her, just like before."

Orvel asked, "Master Wade, how many days are we talking about?"

Charlie thought for a moment and then said, "Let's make it another seven days. A full week is easy to keep track of. If seven days aren't enough, it will show my aunt's liver fire is indeed too intense, and we might need to go for a longer treatment."

Orvel laughed, "Understood, Master Wade!"

In Charlie's mind, he thought, "Marina, you think you can act like the Queen Mother descending to Earth just because you’re the eldest daughter of the Wade family? You came to Aurous Hill to throw your weight around and still haven't repented. Since you’re stubborn, don't blame me for being ruthless. Today, I will see if I can't tame you!"

Hearing Charlie's words, Marina's face turned deathly pale. Her tone immediately softened as she tearfully pleaded, "Charlie! You can’t do this! I've already been tormented beyond recognition these nine days. Do you know what kind of life I've been living? The food is tasteless, and I have no facial cleanser, no masks, not even eye cream."

"My skin condition is terrible now. It will take at least a month to recover. If you keep me here for another seven days, my skin will be completely ruined."

Charlie's smile vanished, and he spoke sternly, "My dear aunt, you still don't understand why I'm keeping you in Aurous Hill, in this place."

"I'm keeping you here to teach you to curb your temper and learn to behave humbly. If you can manage that, I’ll let you go. If not, you’ll stay here until you do!"

"As for your skin, what does that have to do with me?"

Marina was furious inside, but outwardly she put on a pitiful expression and begged, "Little Charlie, I'm your aunt. We're family. How can you treat me like this?"

Charlie laughed, "Oh, now you consider me family? When you came from Eastcliff to boss me around, why didn’t you treat me as family? When you spoke rudely to my mother-in-law, where was the family sentiment then?"

Marina was deeply embarrassed and tried to argue, "I... I was doing it for your own good."

Charlie laughed, "So all that was for my good, huh?"

Marina flattered him, "Of course! I'm your aunt. If I don't look out for you, who will?"

Charlie clapped his hands, smiling, "That's so convenient. Aunt, what I'm doing now is also for your good. Don't let my filial piety go to waste!"

Then, his expression turned serious as he looked at Marina, "I’ll give you two choices."

"First, stay here obediently for another seven days. During these seven days, no swearing, no going crazy, no whining or shouting."

"If you behave well, I'll have someone let you go after seven days."

Marina hurriedly asked, "What’s the second choice?"

Charlie replied coldly, "The second choice is to stay here for a month. During this month, you can curse, go crazy, and shout all you want. After a month, I’ll decide based on my mood."

"If I'm in a good mood, you can go back."

"But if I'm not, sorry, I might have to host you a bit longer and show you more of my hospitality!"


Marina had finally surrendered.

Though she still harbored a deep hatred for Charlie, his latest words left her with no room to negotiate or defy him any further.

She realized that Charlie's personality and methods were beyond her control.

Moreover, Aurous Hill was Charlie's territory, and even their patriarch sided with him now. Her only option was to endure.

Unable to challenge him, she had to bow to reality.

Suppressing all her anger and resentment, she said obediently, "Fine, I'll choose the first option."

Charlie nodded and turned to Orvel. "Orvel, you heard her. For the next seven days, keep a strict watch on her. If there's any shouting or trouble, inform me immediately!"

Orvel stood straight and responded loudly, "Rest assured, Master Wade. I will ensure strict surveillance!"

Charlie acknowledged with a hum and added, "If she behaves well, send her to the airport after seven days without needing to ask me."

"Understood, Master Wade!"

Charlie looked at Marina seriously and said, "Aunt, keeping you in Aurous Hill is not my goal. The real lesson is for you to learn to respect others. I've said all I need to say. Take care."

With that, he turned and left, not bothering to hear her response.

Inside, Marina was seething with anger, but she dared not show it.

She didn't even dare to shout and vent her frustrations, fearing retaliation from Charlie's subordinates.

Leaving the urban village, Orvel, feeling both grateful and ashamed, said to Charlie, "Master Wade, I'm sorry I didn't handle things well and caused you trouble."

Orvel felt genuinely remorseful.

Charlie had instructed him to release Marina after seven days, but he hesitated and waited to report back to Charlie first, which led to this mess.

He didn't anticipate the consequences of offending someone like Marina, who was a formidable figure. She could easily ruin Orvel and his family if she wanted to.

He was grateful to Charlie for stepping in and taking the blame.

He was also thankful to Isaac for the timely reminder that helped him avoid a worse situation.

Charlie waved off his thanks. "You're working for me; no need for formalities."

Then he turned to Isaac. "Old Isaac, keep a close watch on Raven's situation and monitor the Salvador family's movements."

Isaac nodded immediately. "Rest assured, Young Master. I'll have our Eastcliff contacts keep an eye on the Salvador family."

"Alright. Orvel, get back to work. Old Isaac, drive me home."

Seated in Isaac's Rolls-Royce, Charlie made a call to Nanako in Japan.

He wanted to assure her of his safety and get an update on the situation in Japan.


The escape of such an important prisoner like Raven was an unacceptable blow to the Japanese police, the Self-Defense Forces, and the entire nation.

As soon as the call connected, Nanako's voice came through, "Charlie-kun, you've arrived in Aurous Hill, haven't you?"

Charlie smiled, "Yes, how did you know?"

Nanako chuckled, "I've been following the news in Aurous Hill. I saw reports that Miss Walker has returned. If she's back, it means you must be there too."

"That's right." Charlie smiled faintly. "We arrived this morning. I went straight to the Walker Group, so I didn't get a chance to check in with you. Sorry about that."

Nanako laughed softly, "Charlie-kun, you're too polite. You have important matters to attend to. You don't need to contact me immediately. Just let me know once you're free, like now."

Charlie felt a warm sensation in his heart. Nanako was truly considerate and understanding. Whoever married such a woman would be blessed for life.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he asked, "Nanako, is there any news from Tokyo?"


Nanako continued, "There was a major incident in Tokyo two nights ago. Raven, the main culprit behind the Matsumoto family's massacre, escaped from prison! The news broke yesterday afternoon. They say Raven was swapped out and has vanished into thin air. The police and Self-Defense Forces are going crazy, searching nationwide for her."

She added, "This has caused a huge scandal in Japan. The head of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department resigned this morning. One of my father's friends, a high-ranking official in Tokyo's National Security Bureau, has been appointed as the new head."

Charlie couldn't help but laugh.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department was indeed in big trouble.

It was clear that the Salvador family and the Self-Defense Forces were secretly colluding.

Based on the ship captain's testimony, the Self-Defense Forces initially handed Raven over to the police, then schemed with the Salvador family to swap her out and let the police take the fall.

They intended for the police to bear the blame, while the Self-Defense Forces would re-capture Raven, thereby enhancing their influence in Japan.

However, Charlie's intervention threw a wrench into their plans, and he brought Raven back to China.

As a result, the Self-Defense Forces didn't suffer much. The police took the blame, while the Self-Defense Forces only ended up empty-handed.

But the Tokyo police were in deep trouble. They lost the prisoner and bore all the responsibility. If they couldn't find Raven, it would be a disgrace to Japan's judicial system.

Charlie told Nanako, "Your ship's captain and crew are on their way back. Once they return, they'll tell you that I captured Raven."

Nanako was astonished. "What?! Charlie-kun, how did you capture Raven? Do you two know each other?"

Charlie chuckled, "We have some personal grudges. After setting sail, she tried to kill me at sea. Unfortunately for her, she's not as skilled as I am, so I captured her."

Nanako quickly asked, "Are you okay, Charlie-kun?"

"I'm fine." Charlie laughed. "Raven is in my custody now, but please keep this a secret for me."

Without hesitation, Nanako said, "Don't worry, Charlie-kun. I'll keep your secret!"

Charlie added, "Oh, by the way, Nanako, you mentioned the new head of the Tokyo police is a friend of your father's?"

"Yes." Nanako explained, "He's my father's college classmate and one of his close friends."

Charlie smiled, "In that case, I'll send him a grand gift as a gesture of goodwill."
Why do I ve de feeling Charlie might send Raven back to Japan? This Charlie guy is too ruthless 😀

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

Nanako was taken aback by what she heard and asked, "Charlie-kun, what kind of big gift are you planning to give him?"

Charlie smiled and said, "I bet he's still racking his brains over why Raven suddenly disappeared and how someone managed to switch her out without anyone noticing."

Nanako nodded, "That's true. My father mentioned that the man is under a lot of pressure right now. This kind of high-stakes task is challenging because the public has such high expectations. If he succeeds, everyone will be happy, but if he fails, he could face the public's wrath."

Charlie agreed, "You're right. This situation is like a double-edged sword—if he handles it poorly, it could end up hurting him."

He then added with a grin, "But the gift I'm giving him will turn that double-edged sword into a single-edged one!"

Nanako was even more astonished, "Charlie-kun, what do you mean? Turning a double-edged sword into a single-edged one?"

"Exactly," Charlie said with a smile. "With my gift, he won't have to worry about that sword cutting him."

Nanako quickly asked, "Charlie-kun, what exactly is this gift?"

Charlie laughed, "Tell him that Raven was swapped out because of a secret alliance between the Salvador family and the Japanese Self-Defense Forces. They orchestrated the whole thing—a case of 'swapping the prince with a civet cat'—and then shifted the blame onto the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department."

"What?!" Nanako's voice was filled with shock. "Charlie-kun, are you serious? The Salvador family really colluded with the Self-Defense Forces?"

Charlie asked, "When have I ever lied to you?"

Nanako quickly clarified, "Charlie-kun, that's not what I meant. It's just that this is so mind-blowing! The Self-Defense Forces are Japan's military. How could they do something so absurd?"

Charlie chuckled, "Well, as the saying goes, 'where there's profit, there's a way.' The Salvador family is just too powerful—they can cover the sky with one hand. Tell your father's friend to focus his investigation on the Self-Defense Forces, and he's bound to make significant progress."

He continued, "As long as your uncle can find solid evidence of the collusion between the Self-Defense Forces and the Salvador family, even if he can't capture Raven, he can at least help the Tokyo Police reclaim their honor with a beautiful comeback!"

Nanako understood immediately. Before Charlie had shared this information, the key to this matter was whether her uncle could successfully capture Raven. But now, the focus had shifted entirely.

If her uncle could find irrefutable evidence proving that the Salvador family and the Self-Defense Forces were behind the switch, the Tokyo Police could instantly clear themselves of any wrongdoing, pushing all the blame onto the Salvador family and the Self-Defense Forces!

Overwhelmed with joy, Nanako exclaimed, "Charlie-kun, let me thank you on my uncle's behalf for this incredible gift! If this problem is resolved, I'll make sure my uncle properly thanks you! He'll personally come to express his gratitude!"

Charlie smiled, "No need to be so formal. As long as he can return the favor when I'm in Japan or if I ever need his help there, that's more than enough."

Nanako responded quickly, "Rest assured, Charlie-kun! My uncle is a man of deep loyalty and gratitude. If he can turn the tables with your help, he'll never forget your kindness!"

Charlie chuckled, "Then let me give you one more tip—tell him to thoroughly investigate the Maritime Self-Defense Forces that were patrolling last night. The traitor is definitely among them. If he rounds them up and interrogates them one by one, he'll find the breakthrough he's looking for!"

Nanako thought for a moment and said, "But the Self-Defense Forces have a higher rank than the police. Arresting them directly might be difficult, and their internal hierarchy could interfere with the investigation."


Charlie chuckled, "Wasn't he with the Homeland Security Department before? As far as I know, Homeland Security is critical to any country, so their rank must be higher than the military's. Tell him to reach out to his former colleagues or superiors and have Homeland Security handle the arrest. I doubt the Self-Defense Forces would dare to interfere."

He paused for a moment before continuing, "Once Homeland Security detains them, they can be handed over to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police for interrogation. No matter how many people are captured, isolate and interrogate them individually—you're bound to uncover crucial information!"

Nanako couldn't help but exclaim, "Charlie-kun, that's a brilliant plan! I'll tell him right away! Thank you so much on his behalf!"

Charlie smiled, "Alright, go ahead and tell him. I’m looking forward to watching this dramatic turnaround unfold!"

Charlie had only shared with Nanako that the Salvador family and the Self-Defense Forces were involved in swapping Raven. However, he didn’t reveal that the entire operation was a ruse orchestrated by both parties—what appeared to be a release was merely a handover from one side to the other.

He chose not to disclose these details because, coming from him, they wouldn’t hold much weight.

Moreover, the more clues he provided, the more likely they would distract from the main focus.

So, he simply mentioned the covert deal between the Salvador family and the Self-Defense Forces and left the rest for Nanako's uncle to uncover on his own. This way, the discovery would have a more significant impact.


Meanwhile, in Eastcliff, at the Salvador family residence.

The prolonged silence from Raven and the crew left Old Master Harrison deeply anxious.

Virtuoso was equally troubled, unable to eat or sleep with the situation weighing on him.

However, Virtuoso was unaware of the true nature of the events.

He believed that an accident occurred during the Salvador family's rescue operation for Raven.

Feeling increasingly agitated, he asked Harrison, "Dad, what's really going on here? Weren't our people supposed to bring Raven back via the water route? Why did all communication suddenly cease, with only the ship being intercepted by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces? Where did Raven go?"

Harrison, frustrated, replied, "How should I know? I know as much as you do. How am I supposed to answer your questions?"

Sensing his father's anger, Virtuoso quickly apologized, "Dad, please calm down. I wasn't blaming you. It's just that this whole situation is so bizarre. I can't relax until we find Raven."

Harrison coldly said, "I've already sent people to Japan to investigate. As soon as there's any news, I'll inform you immediately."

Virtuoso, still worried, sighed and said, "Dad, who did you communicate with in the Japanese Self-Defense Forces? Could you give me their contact information? I could call them to see if we've missed any leads."

Hearing this, Harrison felt a surge of anger. He thought, "Give you the contact information? That guy from the Self-Defense Forces thinks I double-crossed him and is demanding an explanation. If you call him now, won't my entire plan be exposed?"

With this in mind, he darkened his expression and said, "I told you, I've sent people to investigate. Any updates will be shared with you. Do you have a problem with my arrangements?"


Virtuoso, sensing his father's growing anger, quickly stood up and bowed, saying, "Father, please don't be angry. That's not what I meant. I'm just deeply worried about Raven. After all, she's my flesh and blood. With her fate unknown and her whereabouts uncertain, I can't help but be anxious."

Old Master Harrison fixed him with a cold stare, enunciating each word, "Shoudào, to achieve great things, one must have an unshakable heart, as if the collapse of Mount Tai wouldn't stir them. If the disappearance of a mere illegitimate daughter makes you panic like this, how can I trust you to manage the Salvador family when this old man breathes his last?"

These words sent a shiver down Virtuoso's spine. He thought anxiously, "The Old Master is starting to doubt my inner strength and capabilities. This is a bad sign!"

"If I keep showing too much concern over Raven, the Old Master will surely think I'm too weak and unfit to inherit the Salvador family headship."

"It would be a huge loss if my worries over Raven clouded the Old Master's judgment about the successor."

With this in mind, Virtuoso stiffened his expression and declared, "Father, rest assured! No matter what happens, I won't let this situation affect me!"

The Old Master eyed him suspiciously and said in a cold tone, "Whether or not you're affected isn't up to your words, but to what these old eyes see."

Virtuoso quickly replied, "Father, you're absolutely right! I will prove myself through my actions."

Old Master Harrison gave a brief nod and waved his hand dismissively, "Alright, you may go now."

Virtuoso bowed deeply, "Yes, Father, I'll take my leave."

The Old Master reminded him sternly, "If Raven is still alive, I believe she will contact you. If she does, you must inform me immediately!"

Virtuoso didn't hesitate to answer, "Father, you have my word. If Raven contacts me, I'll report to you at once!"

The Old Master grunted in acknowledgment and waved him off, "Go."

Virtuoso quickly turned and left the study, his back drenched in cold sweat.

Having lived in a powerful and wealthy family for so long, Virtuoso increasingly realized that a prestigious household was no different from an ancient royal palace.

The head of such a family was akin to the emperor of old, and his children were like the princes vying for favor.

Although he had been designated as the "Crown Prince" to inherit the Salvador family, the Old Master still held all the power. Virtuoso had to tread carefully, always on thin ice.

One wrong word could easily anger the Old Master, leading to his ruthless dismissal.

History was full of crown princes who lost favor due to a single misstep.

During the Western Han Dynasty, Emperor Jing of Han deposed Crown Prince Liu Rong;

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Emperor Zhang deposed Crown Prince Liu Qing;

In the Three Kingdoms period, Sun Quan deposed Crown Prince Sun He.

The parallels between these ancient princes and his current situation were all too clear to Virtuoso.


Even Tang Taizong's eldest son, Li Chengqian, was deposed for defying his father. But the most tragic story comes from the Qing Dynasty. Aisin Gioro Yinzhen, the Yongzheng Emperor's elder brother, was twice made Crown Prince and twice deposed by their father, the Kangxi Emperor. He spent the rest of his life under house arrest, a fate as pitiful as it was tragic.

Virtuoso worried that if his father became dissatisfied with him due to the Raven situation, he might also be stripped of his position. That would mean a disastrous loss, with a lifetime of effort going down the drain.

With this in mind, Virtuoso resolved to control his emotions concerning Raven when in front of his father. He couldn't allow his father to harbor any dissatisfaction.

After all, while a daughter is important, the position of the head of the Salvador family is even more so—especially when the daughter in question is an illegitimate child.

Meanwhile, the Old Master himself was feeling a mixture of anger and anxiety. His outburst towards Virtuoso was partly to cover up his own guilt.

After all, it was the Old Master who had made the decision to betray Raven.

He had already calculated that Raven's crimes in Japan were so severe that it would be incredibly costly to bribe the authorities to release her. Moreover, doing so could severely offend the Japanese government.

So, he devised a plan to collaborate with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces: he would secure Raven's release, only to have her rearrested, thereby gaining favor with the Self-Defense Forces.

After all, the Self-Defense Forces wield considerable influence in Japan. Maintaining a good relationship with them could greatly benefit the Salvador family's future dealings in Japan and their collaboration with the Japanese government.

However, the Old Master never anticipated that this seemingly flawless plan would encounter such significant complications.

Raven's disappearance had put him in a difficult position.

On one hand, he didn't know how to explain the situation to the Self-Defense Forces or how to quell the Japanese public's anger toward the Salvador family.

On the other hand, he didn't know whether Raven was dead or alive. If she was still alive, did she know about his betrayal? And if she did, would she seek revenge against him in the future?

As he fretted over these thoughts, his most trusted subordinate hurried over and whispered, "Old Master, Shoji Honda Shoji from the Japanese Self-Defense Forces has called again. He says we have 24 hours. If we don't hand over Raven within that time, we'll lose the $1 billion deposit we paid them."

"Furthermore, Shoji is extremely angry. He believes we're deliberately toying with them and has threatened that if we don't hand over Raven, he'll become our enemy, and we'll need to watch our backs in the future."

The Old Master let out a frustrated sigh and cursed, "Damn it! Where the hell has Raven gone? A living person can't just vanish into thin air!"

The subordinate quickly added, "All of Japan's police are searching for her, and the Self-Defense Forces are rigorously inspecting all ships. If she's still in Japan, it's only a matter of time before they find her. If she's already left Japan, she must have done so by sea. Given the time since her disappearance, she should already be back in China."

The Old Master's brow furrowed deeply as he responded coldly, "If it's the former, then it can still be handled. But if it's the latter, then we're in trouble. If she's returned to China and hasn't contacted the Salvador family, it's likely she knows the truth! If that's the case, we'll have a serious problem on our hands!"

He quickly gave an order, "Lester, immediately send someone to monitor the Stormrider family. If Raven has indeed returned to China and doesn't contact us, she will definitely reach out to her mother's family. Keep a close watch on every move the Stormrider family makes, and report back to me at the slightest sign of activity!"


In Tokyo, Japan, Suzuki Tomohisa, a 48-year-old, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of his newly assigned office, deeply troubled. Suzuki had just been appointed as the new Commissioner of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Before this, he had been a mid-to-senior-level officer in the Homeland Security Department, known for his exceptional investigative skills and hard-nosed approach. His reputation within Homeland Security was well-established.

However, the recent revelation of Raven’s switch had shocked the entire nation of Japan. The government was at its wits’ end, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department was under intense scrutiny. In a desperate move, the Japanese government assigned Suzuki to take charge.

But Suzuki had no desire to take on this mess. Being a shrewd man, he had always kept a distance from cases that caused nationwide uproar. Solving such a case would indeed bring great acclaim, but failure would result in widespread disappointment.

Suzuki had built his career through steady, methodical work, gradually accumulating experience, success stories, and a solid reputation. He preferred tackling cases that were challenging but not overly difficult.

This case, however, was incredibly challenging and fraught with difficulties—something he had no intention of getting involved in. He had worked hard to reach his current position and could have continued his steady approach until retirement, leaving with nationwide respect.

Now, faced with this daunting task, success could propel him forward, but failure would undo all his years of carefully built achievements.

It was like a gambler who had already won a lot of money and planned to play a few more hands before cashing out. But now, the dealer was asking him to go all-in, risking everything he had won. Only a fool would agree to such a gamble.

Yet, Suzuki had no choice. After all, as a government official in Homeland Security, he was essentially a civil servant. When the Japanese government gave him orders, there was no room for negotiation.

Now, his future was in the hands of a foreign woman he had never met. All he knew was that her name was Raven, and she was the main culprit behind the Matsumoto family massacre. If he could capture her, he would gain national fame. But if he failed, he would disappoint the Japanese public and be branded a national disgrace.

As for where Raven might be or whether she was even alive, Suzuki had no clues.

Even if he couldn’t find her, he needed to figure out how she managed to disappear right under everyone’s noses. The stand-in had already died of poisoning, and the officers responsible for her transport had mysteriously vanished, leaving the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department without a single valuable lead.

As Suzuki racked his brain, unsure of where to begin, his deputy walked in, awkwardly announcing, “Mr. Suzuki, there are many media reporters outside. Not only do we have domestic outlets like NHK and Asahi Shimbun, but also top international media like BBC and CNN. They all want to interview you.”

“Interview me?” Suzuki frowned. “I just took office; what’s there to interview?”

The deputy replied, “They want to know the latest developments in the Raven Salvador disappearance case.”


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Jun 22, 2024
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Nanako was taken aback by what she heard and asked, "Charlie-kun, what kind of big gift are you planning to give him?"

Charlie smiled and said, "I bet he's still racking his brains over why Raven suddenly disappeared and how someone managed to switch her out without anyone noticing."

Nanako nodded, "That's true. My father mentioned that the man is under a lot of pressure right now. This kind of high-stakes task is challenging because the public has such high expectations. If he succeeds, everyone will be happy, but if he fails, he could face the public's wrath."

Charlie agreed, "You're right. This situation is like a double-edged sword—if he handles it poorly, it could end up hurting him."

He then added with a grin, "But the gift I'm giving him will turn that double-edged sword into a single-edged one!"

Nanako was even more astonished, "Charlie-kun, what do you mean? Turning a double-edged sword into a single-edged one?"

"Exactly," Charlie said with a smile. "With my gift, he won't have to worry about that sword cutting him."

Nanako quickly asked, "Charlie-kun, what exactly is this gift?"

Charlie laughed, "Tell him that Raven was swapped out because of a secret alliance between the Salvador family and the Japanese Self-Defense Forces. They orchestrated the whole thing—a case of 'swapping the prince with a civet cat'—and then shifted the blame onto the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department."

"What?!" Nanako's voice was filled with shock. "Charlie-kun, are you serious? The Salvador family really colluded with the Self-Defense Forces?"

Charlie asked, "When have I ever lied to you?"

Nanako quickly clarified, "Charlie-kun, that's not what I meant. It's just that this is so mind-blowing! The Self-Defense Forces are Japan's military. How could they do something so absurd?"

Charlie chuckled, "Well, as the saying goes, 'where there's profit, there's a way.' The Salvador family is just too powerful—they can cover the sky with one hand. Tell your father's friend to focus his investigation on the Self-Defense Forces, and he's bound to make significant progress."

He continued, "As long as your uncle can find solid evidence of the collusion between the Self-Defense Forces and the Salvador family, even if he can't capture Raven, he can at least help the Tokyo Police reclaim their honor with a beautiful comeback!"

Nanako understood immediately. Before Charlie had shared this information, the key to this matter was whether her uncle could successfully capture Raven. But now, the focus had shifted entirely.

If her uncle could find irrefutable evidence proving that the Salvador family and the Self-Defense Forces were behind the switch, the Tokyo Police could instantly clear themselves of any wrongdoing, pushing all the blame onto the Salvador family and the Self-Defense Forces!

Overwhelmed with joy, Nanako exclaimed, "Charlie-kun, let me thank you on my uncle's behalf for this incredible gift! If this problem is resolved, I'll make sure my uncle properly thanks you! He'll personally come to express his gratitude!"

Charlie smiled, "No need to be so formal. As long as he can return the favor when I'm in Japan or if I ever need his help there, that's more than enough."

Nanako responded quickly, "Rest assured, Charlie-kun! My uncle is a man of deep loyalty and gratitude. If he can turn the tables with your help, he'll never forget your kindness!"

Charlie chuckled, "Then let me give you one more tip—tell him to thoroughly investigate the Maritime Self-Defense Forces that were patrolling last night. The traitor is definitely among them. If he rounds them up and interrogates them one by one, he'll find the breakthrough he's looking for!"

Nanako thought for a moment and said, "But the Self-Defense Forces have a higher rank than the police. Arresting them directly might be difficult, and their internal hierarchy could interfere with the investigation."


Charlie chuckled, "Wasn't he with the Homeland Security Department before? As far as I know, Homeland Security is critical to any country, so their rank must be higher than the military's. Tell him to reach out to his former colleagues or superiors and have Homeland Security handle the arrest. I doubt the Self-Defense Forces would dare to interfere."

He paused for a moment before continuing, "Once Homeland Security detains them, they can be handed over to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police for interrogation. No matter how many people are captured, isolate and interrogate them individually—you're bound to uncover crucial information!"

Nanako couldn't help but exclaim, "Charlie-kun, that's a brilliant plan! I'll tell him right away! Thank you so much on his behalf!"

Charlie smiled, "Alright, go ahead and tell him. I’m looking forward to watching this dramatic turnaround unfold!"

Charlie had only shared with Nanako that the Salvador family and the Self-Defense Forces were involved in swapping Raven. However, he didn’t reveal that the entire operation was a ruse orchestrated by both parties—what appeared to be a release was merely a handover from one side to the other.

He chose not to disclose these details because, coming from him, they wouldn’t hold much weight.

Moreover, the more clues he provided, the more likely they would distract from the main focus.

So, he simply mentioned the covert deal between the Salvador family and the Self-Defense Forces and left the rest for Nanako's uncle to uncover on his own. This way, the discovery would have a more significant impact.


Meanwhile, in Eastcliff, at the Salvador family residence.

The prolonged silence from Raven and the crew left Old Master Harrison deeply anxious.

Virtuoso was equally troubled, unable to eat or sleep with the situation weighing on him.

However, Virtuoso was unaware of the true nature of the events.

He believed that an accident occurred during the Salvador family's rescue operation for Raven.

Feeling increasingly agitated, he asked Harrison, "Dad, what's really going on here? Weren't our people supposed to bring Raven back via the water route? Why did all communication suddenly cease, with only the ship being intercepted by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces? Where did Raven go?"

Harrison, frustrated, replied, "How should I know? I know as much as you do. How am I supposed to answer your questions?"

Sensing his father's anger, Virtuoso quickly apologized, "Dad, please calm down. I wasn't blaming you. It's just that this whole situation is so bizarre. I can't relax until we find Raven."

Harrison coldly said, "I've already sent people to Japan to investigate. As soon as there's any news, I'll inform you immediately."

Virtuoso, still worried, sighed and said, "Dad, who did you communicate with in the Japanese Self-Defense Forces? Could you give me their contact information? I could call them to see if we've missed any leads."

Hearing this, Harrison felt a surge of anger. He thought, "Give you the contact information? That guy from the Self-Defense Forces thinks I double-crossed him and is demanding an explanation. If you call him now, won't my entire plan be exposed?"

With this in mind, he darkened his expression and said, "I told you, I've sent people to investigate. Any updates will be shared with you. Do you have a problem with my arrangements?"


Virtuoso, sensing his father's growing anger, quickly stood up and bowed, saying, "Father, please don't be angry. That's not what I meant. I'm just deeply worried about Raven. After all, she's my flesh and blood. With her fate unknown and her whereabouts uncertain, I can't help but be anxious."

Old Master Harrison fixed him with a cold stare, enunciating each word, "Shoudào, to achieve great things, one must have an unshakable heart, as if the collapse of Mount Tai wouldn't stir them. If the disappearance of a mere illegitimate daughter makes you panic like this, how can I trust you to manage the Salvador family when this old man breathes his last?"

These words sent a shiver down Virtuoso's spine. He thought anxiously, "The Old Master is starting to doubt my inner strength and capabilities. This is a bad sign!"

"If I keep showing too much concern over Raven, the Old Master will surely think I'm too weak and unfit to inherit the Salvador family headship."

"It would be a huge loss if my worries over Raven clouded the Old Master's judgment about the successor."

With this in mind, Virtuoso stiffened his expression and declared, "Father, rest assured! No matter what happens, I won't let this situation affect me!"

The Old Master eyed him suspiciously and said in a cold tone, "Whether or not you're affected isn't up to your words, but to what these old eyes see."

Virtuoso quickly replied, "Father, you're absolutely right! I will prove myself through my actions."

Old Master Harrison gave a brief nod and waved his hand dismissively, "Alright, you may go now."

Virtuoso bowed deeply, "Yes, Father, I'll take my leave."

The Old Master reminded him sternly, "If Raven is still alive, I believe she will contact you. If she does, you must inform me immediately!"

Virtuoso didn't hesitate to answer, "Father, you have my word. If Raven contacts me, I'll report to you at once!"

The Old Master grunted in acknowledgment and waved him off, "Go."

Virtuoso quickly turned and left the study, his back drenched in cold sweat.

Having lived in a powerful and wealthy family for so long, Virtuoso increasingly realized that a prestigious household was no different from an ancient royal palace.

The head of such a family was akin to the emperor of old, and his children were like the princes vying for favor.

Although he had been designated as the "Crown Prince" to inherit the Salvador family, the Old Master still held all the power. Virtuoso had to tread carefully, always on thin ice.

One wrong word could easily anger the Old Master, leading to his ruthless dismissal.

History was full of crown princes who lost favor due to a single misstep.

During the Western Han Dynasty, Emperor Jing of Han deposed Crown Prince Liu Rong;

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Emperor Zhang deposed Crown Prince Liu Qing;

In the Three Kingdoms period, Sun Quan deposed Crown Prince Sun He.

The parallels between these ancient princes and his current situation were all too clear to Virtuoso.


Even Tang Taizong's eldest son, Li Chengqian, was deposed for defying his father. But the most tragic story comes from the Qing Dynasty. Aisin Gioro Yinzhen, the Yongzheng Emperor's elder brother, was twice made Crown Prince and twice deposed by their father, the Kangxi Emperor. He spent the rest of his life under house arrest, a fate as pitiful as it was tragic.

Virtuoso worried that if his father became dissatisfied with him due to the Raven situation, he might also be stripped of his position. That would mean a disastrous loss, with a lifetime of effort going down the drain.

With this in mind, Virtuoso resolved to control his emotions concerning Raven when in front of his father. He couldn't allow his father to harbor any dissatisfaction.

After all, while a daughter is important, the position of the head of the Salvador family is even more so—especially when the daughter in question is an illegitimate child.

Meanwhile, the Old Master himself was feeling a mixture of anger and anxiety. His outburst towards Virtuoso was partly to cover up his own guilt.

After all, it was the Old Master who had made the decision to betray Raven.

He had already calculated that Raven's crimes in Japan were so severe that it would be incredibly costly to bribe the authorities to release her. Moreover, doing so could severely offend the Japanese government.

So, he devised a plan to collaborate with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces: he would secure Raven's release, only to have her rearrested, thereby gaining favor with the Self-Defense Forces.

After all, the Self-Defense Forces wield considerable influence in Japan. Maintaining a good relationship with them could greatly benefit the Salvador family's future dealings in Japan and their collaboration with the Japanese government.

However, the Old Master never anticipated that this seemingly flawless plan would encounter such significant complications.

Raven's disappearance had put him in a difficult position.

On one hand, he didn't know how to explain the situation to the Self-Defense Forces or how to quell the Japanese public's anger toward the Salvador family.

On the other hand, he didn't know whether Raven was dead or alive. If she was still alive, did she know about his betrayal? And if she did, would she seek revenge against him in the future?

As he fretted over these thoughts, his most trusted subordinate hurried over and whispered, "Old Master, Shoji Honda Shoji from the Japanese Self-Defense Forces has called again. He says we have 24 hours. If we don't hand over Raven within that time, we'll lose the $1 billion deposit we paid them."

"Furthermore, Shoji is extremely angry. He believes we're deliberately toying with them and has threatened that if we don't hand over Raven, he'll become our enemy, and we'll need to watch our backs in the future."

The Old Master let out a frustrated sigh and cursed, "Damn it! Where the hell has Raven gone? A living person can't just vanish into thin air!"

The subordinate quickly added, "All of Japan's police are searching for her, and the Self-Defense Forces are rigorously inspecting all ships. If she's still in Japan, it's only a matter of time before they find her. If she's already left Japan, she must have done so by sea. Given the time since her disappearance, she should already be back in China."

The Old Master's brow furrowed deeply as he responded coldly, "If it's the former, then it can still be handled. But if it's the latter, then we're in trouble. If she's returned to China and hasn't contacted the Salvador family, it's likely she knows the truth! If that's the case, we'll have a serious problem on our hands!"

He quickly gave an order, "Lester, immediately send someone to monitor the Stormrider family. If Raven has indeed returned to China and doesn't contact us, she will definitely reach out to her mother's family. Keep a close watch on every move the Stormrider family makes, and report back to me at the slightest sign of activity!"


In Tokyo, Japan, Suzuki Tomohisa, a 48-year-old, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of his newly assigned office, deeply troubled. Suzuki had just been appointed as the new Commissioner of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Before this, he had been a mid-to-senior-level officer in the Homeland Security Department, known for his exceptional investigative skills and hard-nosed approach. His reputation within Homeland Security was well-established.

However, the recent revelation of Raven’s switch had shocked the entire nation of Japan. The government was at its wits’ end, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department was under intense scrutiny. In a desperate move, the Japanese government assigned Suzuki to take charge.

But Suzuki had no desire to take on this mess. Being a shrewd man, he had always kept a distance from cases that caused nationwide uproar. Solving such a case would indeed bring great acclaim, but failure would result in widespread disappointment.

Suzuki had built his career through steady, methodical work, gradually accumulating experience, success stories, and a solid reputation. He preferred tackling cases that were challenging but not overly difficult.

This case, however, was incredibly challenging and fraught with difficulties—something he had no intention of getting involved in. He had worked hard to reach his current position and could have continued his steady approach until retirement, leaving with nationwide respect.

Now, faced with this daunting task, success could propel him forward, but failure would undo all his years of carefully built achievements.

It was like a gambler who had already won a lot of money and planned to play a few more hands before cashing out. But now, the dealer was asking him to go all-in, risking everything he had won. Only a fool would agree to such a gamble.

Yet, Suzuki had no choice. After all, as a government official in Homeland Security, he was essentially a civil servant. When the Japanese government gave him orders, there was no room for negotiation.

Now, his future was in the hands of a foreign woman he had never met. All he knew was that her name was Raven, and she was the main culprit behind the Matsumoto family massacre. If he could capture her, he would gain national fame. But if he failed, he would disappoint the Japanese public and be branded a national disgrace.

As for where Raven might be or whether she was even alive, Suzuki had no clues.

Even if he couldn’t find her, he needed to figure out how she managed to disappear right under everyone’s noses. The stand-in had already died of poisoning, and the officers responsible for her transport had mysteriously vanished, leaving the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department without a single valuable lead.

As Suzuki racked his brain, unsure of where to begin, his deputy walked in, awkwardly announcing, “Mr. Suzuki, there are many media reporters outside. Not only do we have domestic outlets like NHK and Asahi Shimbun, but also top international media like BBC and CNN. They all want to interview you.”

“Interview me?” Suzuki frowned. “I just took office; what’s there to interview?”

The deputy replied, “They want to know the latest developments in the Raven Salvador disappearance case.”
The nightmare of Salvador family is just at hand

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Suzuki , visibly irritated, barked out orders: “Tell them that there’s been no progress on this matter yet. If there is any substantial development, I’ll announce it through a press conference to the national and international media.”

His deputy nodded, “Understood, Mr. Suzuki. I’ll inform them immediately!”

As the deputy turned to leave, Suzuki called out, “Oh, and from now on, no media reporters are allowed to enter the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department without an invitation or explicit permission!”

“Got it, sir!”

Once alone, Suzuki rubbed his temples, visibly agitated, muttering to himself, “Nothing good ever comes from being thrown into a crisis like this! This case is under such intense scrutiny—not just from the entire country but even from overseas media. One wrong move, and my reputation could be ruined. Damn, this is tough!”

As he was lost in thought, his phone suddenly rang.

The sound sent a shiver down his spine, making his temples throb with stress. Lately, he dreaded every phone call, not just because journalists had been relentless in their attempts to obtain his number for an interview, but because high-ranking government officials kept pressuring him for updates on the case.

The constant inquiries were wearing him down.

When he glanced at the screen, he was surprised to see the caller was none other than Nanako, the daughter of his close friend.

The Suzuki and Ito families had been close for generations. Suzuki and Takehiko had been best friends since childhood and attended the same university. Though not blood-related, their bond was as strong as that of brothers.

To Suzuki, Nanako was like his own daughter.

Seeing her name brought him a sense of relief. He answered the call, forcing a smile as he asked, “Nanako, what made you think of calling me today?”

Nanako quickly replied, “Uncle Suzuki, I heard you’ve been reassigned to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department to investigate Raven’s disappearance?”

“That’s right,” Suzuki confirmed. “How did you hear about it?”

“Yes, I heard,” Nanako said. “Uncle Suzuki, have you found any useful leads?”

Suzuki sighed, “So far, we’ve got nothing. Raven has vanished without a trace.”

After a brief pause, Nanako spoke cautiously, “Uncle Suzuki, I have a very close friend who just called me and shared a bit of information. I immediately thought of you and wanted to pass it along, hoping it might help.”

Suzuki’s heart skipped a beat as he asked eagerly, “Nanako, are you serious? Who is this friend, and what did they tell you?”

Nanako responded with a serious tone, “Uncle Suzuki, I’m sorry, but I can’t disclose my friend’s identity.”

She continued, “As for the lead, my friend told me that Raven’s quiet disappearance wasn’t due to any failures on the part of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. The issue lies with the Salvador family and the Japan Self-Defense Forces.”

“The Self-Defense Forces?” Suzuki was stunned. “Are you saying they’re involved in this?”

“Yes,” Nanako said. “My friend said that the Salvador family and the Self-Defense Forces worked together to switch Raven, then deliberately pinned the blame on the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.”

Suzuki quickly asked, “So, what’s their ultimate goal? Are they trying to bring Raven back to the Salvador family?”

“No,” Nanako replied. “Their goal is to first shift the blame for the switch onto the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, then have the Japan Self-Defense Forces capture Raven at sea and claim all the credit.”

“What?!” Suzuki was shocked, blurting out, “Nanako, are you sure about this?”

Nanako firmly stated, “This is what my friend told me, and I trust him. He said if you want to follow this lead, you should use your connections in the National Security Department to detain and interrogate the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force members who were patrolling Tokyo Bay yesterday. You might find a breakthrough.”


Nanako’s words completely shattered Suzuki's previous assumptions and deductions about the case. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that the Japan Self-Defense Forces could be involved in such a scandalous affair. A surge of intense anger washed over him!

Clenching his teeth, Suzuki growled, “Nanako, thank you and your friend for the tip. I’ll make sure to bring in everyone involved for immediate interrogation!”

Nanako smiled, “Uncle Suzuki, I hope this lead proves useful to you.”

Suzuki affirmed, “Nanako, if this lead is genuine, you’ve just handed me a huge favor!”

With that, Suzuki hurriedly said, “Nanako, I need to go now and make arrangements to detain those responsible!”

“Alright, Uncle Suzuki!”

After hanging up, Suzuki immediately contacted his former superior at the National Security Department.

The lead provided by Nanako was of immense importance. If the Self-Defense Forces were truly involved in the switch of Raven, this wasn’t just a national disgrace but a major homeland security incident that needed thorough investigation.

Upon hearing about the situation, the leaders at the National Security Department took it very seriously. They promptly dispatched a high-level team of homeland security experts to collaborate fully with Suzuki in investigating the matter.

Meanwhile, the relevant officials within the Self-Defense Forces were still oblivious to the fact that their plot had been uncovered.

They were continuously pressuring the Salvador family, demanding that they hand over Raven.

With the entire nation closely following this case, capturing Raven would secure a major victory for the Self-Defense Forces.

However, even if the Salvador family refused to hand her over, it wouldn’t be a big problem. After all, with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department taking the fall, the Self-Defense Forces' top brass wouldn’t face any repercussions, and they had a billion-dollar deposit as compensation.

In summary, the Self-Defense Forces believed that, although their operation wasn’t a grand success, it was at least a deal where they wouldn’t lose out.

Little did they know that the Metropolitan Police Department, in collaboration with the National Security Department, had already set their sights on them!

An invisible net was slowly closing in on certain high-ranking officials within the Japan Self-Defense Forces!

At this moment, Charlie had just returned home.

As he opened the door, he heard the lively chatter coming from the dining room.

Claire was engaged in conversation with someone. Upon hearing the door open, she quickly came to check, and upon seeing that it was Charlie, her face lit up with joy, “Honey! Why didn’t you give me a heads up? You just came back without a word!”

Charlie smiled, “I just finished my business, and since a client happened to be in Japan and was flying back on a private jet, I hitched a ride.”

Claire nodded and walked over to take his hand, smiling as she said, “Honey, it takes two or three hours to fly from Japan. You must not have had lunch, right?”

Charlie chuckled, “No, I came straight home after finishing up.”

Claire grinned, “Then you’ve returned at the perfect time. Elsa just got back from Eastcliff today, and I invited her over for dinner. We just opened a bottle of red wine. Come, join us!”

With that, she led Charlie into the dining room.

Inside, Elsa was chatting with Jacob and Elaine. The moment she saw Claire leading Charlie by the hand, her face lit up with delight!

She had spent a few days in Eastcliff over the New Year holiday and had been missing Charlie the whole time. So, as soon as she landed this morning, she couldn’t wait to bring gifts and visit Claire.

While she said she came to see Claire, in reality, she was eager to see Charlie.


But upon arriving, Elsa found that Charlie wasn’t home.

It turned out that Charlie had been called away to Japan a few days earlier due to an urgent matter and had yet to return.

This left Elsa feeling a bit downhearted. The excitement she initially felt faded rapidly.

Half an hour ago, Claire’s family had invited her to stay for lunch. She hesitated, thinking that with Charlie not at home, staying would be a wasted opportunity to get close to him.

She had considered declining and waiting for another visit, but Claire's warm hospitality was hard to refuse, so she reluctantly agreed.

However, to her surprise, just before the meal, Charlie returned home!

So now, Elsa looked at Charlie with eyes full of excitement and joy.

Jacob and Elaine were also delighted to see Charlie back.

Jacob, having spent several days at home facing Elaine during the break of his calligraphy association, was nearly driven to madness. Seeing Charlie return was a great relief for him.

As for Elaine, she was even more thrilled. With great enthusiasm, she said, “Oh, my dear son-in-law, you’re finally back after all these days! You have no idea how much I missed you!”

As she spoke, her eyes couldn’t help but dart to Charlie’s hands.

Recently, every time Charlie went out of town, he would bring back all sorts of high-end gifts for her. Naturally, she was looking forward to seeing what gift he might have brought back this time.

However, Charlie’s hands were empty, and it didn’t seem like he had prepared anything.

Elaine felt a twinge of disappointment, but she didn’t show it. After all, her attitude toward Charlie had completely changed from before.

She genuinely believed now that Charlie was an exemplary son-in-law.

Even though he didn’t bring her a gift this time, apart from a little disappointment, she wasn’t upset.

Charlie quickly realized that coming back in a rush and not preparing a small gift for Elaine might have left her a bit disappointed.

So, he sat down beside Elaine and smiled, “Mom, I’m really sorry. I was planning to buy you some gifts in Japan, but a friend suddenly offered me a ride back on a private jet, so I didn’t have time to shop.”

Elaine waved her hand quickly, “Oh, my good son-in-law, as long as you have me in your heart, that’s enough to make me happy! There’s no need to buy gifts every time!”

Charlie nodded and casually added, “Mom, I’ll transfer 200,000 yuan to you on WeChat later. You can buy whatever you like; just consider it a small token from me.”

Upon hearing this, Elaine was overjoyed and asked excitedly, “Oh my gosh, my good son-in-law! Are you serious?!”

Charlie laughed, “Would I lie about that? Just wait a moment; I’ll transfer it now.”

With that, he took out his phone and transferred 200,000 yuan to Elaine via WeChat.

Elaine received the notification, opened it, and saw that Charlie had indeed transferred 200,000 yuan. Overjoyed, she quickly accepted the money, clapping her hands and exclaiming, “Oh, how lucky am I to have such a wonderful son-in-law!”

Jacob, shaking his head repeatedly, said to Charlie, “Good son-in-law, you should give your mom a little less money. She gets so carried away when she has money. Do you know how much stuff she’s bought online since she broke her leg? She’s almost filled an entire room!”

Elaine shot him a glare and snapped, “Jacob, keep your mouth shut and stop spouting nonsense! What business is it of yours? I think you’re just jealous that my son-in-law treats me so well!”

Jacob retorted angrily, “You’re the one talking nonsense!”

Elaine smirked, “Oh, am I? If I’m talking nonsense, why are your lips moving?”

Jacob, his face turning red with anger, huffed, “I can’t be bothered arguing with a vulgar woman like you!”


As Jacob and Elaine were about to start bickering again, Claire quickly intervened to defuse the situation. “Oh, come on, Dad, Mom! Can’t you two just have a conversation without picking a fight? Charlie just got back, and Elsa is here too. Let’s not make a scene.”

Jacob glared at Elaine, but with a cold huff, he relented. “For the sake of our daughter, I’ll let it go this time!”

Elaine scoffed, “Listen to yourself, as if I’m eager to argue with you.”

She turned her head away, no longer looking at Jacob.

At this point, Elsa, feeling a bit awkward, turned to Claire and said, “By the way, Claire, Haidee is coming to Aurous Hill for a concert next month. Shall we go together?”

Claire smiled and said, “Charlie already promised to take me. He knows Haidee and said he could get front-row tickets.”

Elsa was shocked and looked at Charlie, asking, “Charlie, you know Haidee?!”

Charlie nodded, “Yes, I know her. Miss Snow is a client of mine; I’ve helped her with feng shui in the past.”

Elsa exclaimed, “Wow, that’s amazing! You must be pretty close with her then. Could you help me get a front-row ticket too? I’ll pay you double for it!”

She quickly clasped her hands together in a pleading gesture, “Charlie, I’ve been a fan of Haidee for as long as Claire has. I’d love to sit in the front row at her concert.”

With a sigh, Elsa added, “But her front-row tickets are almost impossible to get. As soon as they go on sale, all the rich kids from around the country swarm in like flies and snatch up the best seats. I’ve tried several times but never succeeded, so I’m counting on you.”

Hearing this, Charlie felt a headache coming on.

He had already promised Haidee that he would attend her concert, and then he promised his wife, Claire, that he would take her to see Haidee’s concert.

Taking his wife to see a concert by someone he had an engagement with since childhood was already awkward enough. Now, Elsa wanted to join in too!

Charlie had long known that Elsa liked him. He also knew that she was bold and straightforward. Back when the three of them went to a hot spring together, she had the guts to confess to him when Claire fell asleep. If she attended Haidee’s concert, who knows how chaotic things might get?

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Charlie said, “Elsa, I’m really sorry, but I don’t think I can help you with this. I’ve already spoken to Miss Snow, and she told me she could only provide me with two tickets at most.”

“You know, my relationship with Miss Snow is just a client-service provider relationship. The fact that she’s willing to give me two front-row tickets is already very generous of her. I really don’t feel comfortable asking for more.”

Hearing this, Elsa didn’t doubt him. She thought to herself, “Haidee’s concert tickets are notoriously hard to get, and front-row seats are worth their weight in gold.”

“Charlie just helped her with feng shui, so getting two front-row tickets is already a big deal. Asking for more would make Charlie seem inconsiderate. I can’t let him be looked down upon just to get me a ticket!”

With this in mind, she quickly said, “Then I’ll try to find another way. If I can get a ticket in the first five rows, I’ll be more than satisfied.”

Charlie felt a slight sense of relief at this.

He figured that if he couldn’t stop Elsa from attending the concert, it would be better if she sat a bit farther away from him and Claire.

At least this way, the pressure on him would be a little less.

Charlie knew that if he asked Haidee for three tickets, she wouldn’t refuse and would probably give him three seats together.


What if Elsa insisted on sitting next to him? Charlie couldn't let that happen. Resolute, he decided not to agree to her request for a ticket. She would have to find her own way to get one. The best scenario would be if she couldn’t get a front-row seat, but even if she did, as long as she wasn’t sitting next to him, there was nothing to worry about.

At this moment, Elsa turned to Claire and suggested, “Claire, how about we go shopping this afternoon?”

Claire glanced at Charlie and then whispered to Elsa, “Elsa, I think I’ll pass this time. I have to go back to work in a few days, and Charlie just got back after being away for a while. I want to spend more time with him.”

Elsa was taken aback.

She could tell that Claire was speaking from the heart. This realization struck her hard, making her understand that Claire, who had always seemed indifferent to matters of the heart, might have truly fallen in love with Charlie.

This thought brought a deep sense of sadness to Elsa.

She had always believed that Claire married Charlie under pressure from her grandfather and that she didn’t genuinely love him. In that case, pursuing Charlie wouldn’t have weighed on her conscience.

But if Claire really loved Charlie, it would mean they were mutually in love. In that case, stepping in would be morally wrong.

For a brief moment, Elsa considered giving up on pursuing Charlie.

If she were to give up, there would be no reason for her to stay in Aurous Hill.

After all, the chairman of the Emgrand Group had yet to make an appearance, and Elsa's family had already given up on the idea of connecting with him.

When Elsa went home for the New Year, her family hoped she would resign from her position at Emgrand Group and return to Eastcliff to further her career.

However, Elsa had been unwilling to leave Aurous Hill because she didn’t want to give up on Charlie.

But now, for the first time, Elsa felt a sense of hesitation.

She briefly entertained the thought of leaving Aurous Hill and returning to Eastcliff to focus on her career and preserve her friendship with Claire.

After all, no matter how much effort she put into pursuing Charlie, it seemed unlikely she would ever get the return she hoped for. In the end, it might all be in vain.

However, whenever she thought about how Charlie had saved her multiple times, she couldn’t suppress her strong feelings of admiration and love for him.

She knew that if she gave up on Charlie, she might never find another man who could make her feel the same way.

After much contemplation, Elsa made up her mind: “I’m staying in Aurous Hill and will continue to fight for him!”

“If Charlie is willing to accept me, I won’t hesitate, even if the whole world looks down on me!”

“But if there ever comes a day when Claire confirms she’s pregnant, I’ll withdraw without hesitation. I’ll return to Eastcliff and never see Charlie again!”


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Jun 22, 2024
Reaction score

Suzuki , visibly irritated, barked out orders: “Tell them that there’s been no progress on this matter yet. If there is any substantial development, I’ll announce it through a press conference to the national and international media.”

His deputy nodded, “Understood, Mr. Suzuki. I’ll inform them immediately!”

As the deputy turned to leave, Suzuki called out, “Oh, and from now on, no media reporters are allowed to enter the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department without an invitation or explicit permission!”

“Got it, sir!”

Once alone, Suzuki rubbed his temples, visibly agitated, muttering to himself, “Nothing good ever comes from being thrown into a crisis like this! This case is under such intense scrutiny—not just from the entire country but even from overseas media. One wrong move, and my reputation could be ruined. Damn, this is tough!”

As he was lost in thought, his phone suddenly rang.

The sound sent a shiver down his spine, making his temples throb with stress. Lately, he dreaded every phone call, not just because journalists had been relentless in their attempts to obtain his number for an interview, but because high-ranking government officials kept pressuring him for updates on the case.

The constant inquiries were wearing him down.

When he glanced at the screen, he was surprised to see the caller was none other than Nanako, the daughter of his close friend.

The Suzuki and Ito families had been close for generations. Suzuki and Takehiko had been best friends since childhood and attended the same university. Though not blood-related, their bond was as strong as that of brothers.

To Suzuki, Nanako was like his own daughter.

Seeing her name brought him a sense of relief. He answered the call, forcing a smile as he asked, “Nanako, what made you think of calling me today?”

Nanako quickly replied, “Uncle Suzuki, I heard you’ve been reassigned to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department to investigate Raven’s disappearance?”

“That’s right,” Suzuki confirmed. “How did you hear about it?”

“Yes, I heard,” Nanako said. “Uncle Suzuki, have you found any useful leads?”

Suzuki sighed, “So far, we’ve got nothing. Raven has vanished without a trace.”

After a brief pause, Nanako spoke cautiously, “Uncle Suzuki, I have a very close friend who just called me and shared a bit of information. I immediately thought of you and wanted to pass it along, hoping it might help.”

Suzuki’s heart skipped a beat as he asked eagerly, “Nanako, are you serious? Who is this friend, and what did they tell you?”

Nanako responded with a serious tone, “Uncle Suzuki, I’m sorry, but I can’t disclose my friend’s identity.”

She continued, “As for the lead, my friend told me that Raven’s quiet disappearance wasn’t due to any failures on the part of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. The issue lies with the Salvador family and the Japan Self-Defense Forces.”

“The Self-Defense Forces?” Suzuki was stunned. “Are you saying they’re involved in this?”

“Yes,” Nanako said. “My friend said that the Salvador family and the Self-Defense Forces worked together to switch Raven, then deliberately pinned the blame on the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.”

Suzuki quickly asked, “So, what’s their ultimate goal? Are they trying to bring Raven back to the Salvador family?”

“No,” Nanako replied. “Their goal is to first shift the blame for the switch onto the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, then have the Japan Self-Defense Forces capture Raven at sea and claim all the credit.”

“What?!” Suzuki was shocked, blurting out, “Nanako, are you sure about this?”

Nanako firmly stated, “This is what my friend told me, and I trust him. He said if you want to follow this lead, you should use your connections in the National Security Department to detain and interrogate the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force members who were patrolling Tokyo Bay yesterday. You might find a breakthrough.”


Nanako’s words completely shattered Suzuki's previous assumptions and deductions about the case. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that the Japan Self-Defense Forces could be involved in such a scandalous affair. A surge of intense anger washed over him!

Clenching his teeth, Suzuki growled, “Nanako, thank you and your friend for the tip. I’ll make sure to bring in everyone involved for immediate interrogation!”

Nanako smiled, “Uncle Suzuki, I hope this lead proves useful to you.”

Suzuki affirmed, “Nanako, if this lead is genuine, you’ve just handed me a huge favor!”

With that, Suzuki hurriedly said, “Nanako, I need to go now and make arrangements to detain those responsible!”

“Alright, Uncle Suzuki!”

After hanging up, Suzuki immediately contacted his former superior at the National Security Department.

The lead provided by Nanako was of immense importance. If the Self-Defense Forces were truly involved in the switch of Raven, this wasn’t just a national disgrace but a major homeland security incident that needed thorough investigation.

Upon hearing about the situation, the leaders at the National Security Department took it very seriously. They promptly dispatched a high-level team of homeland security experts to collaborate fully with Suzuki in investigating the matter.

Meanwhile, the relevant officials within the Self-Defense Forces were still oblivious to the fact that their plot had been uncovered.

They were continuously pressuring the Salvador family, demanding that they hand over Raven.

With the entire nation closely following this case, capturing Raven would secure a major victory for the Self-Defense Forces.

However, even if the Salvador family refused to hand her over, it wouldn’t be a big problem. After all, with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department taking the fall, the Self-Defense Forces' top brass wouldn’t face any repercussions, and they had a billion-dollar deposit as compensation.

In summary, the Self-Defense Forces believed that, although their operation wasn’t a grand success, it was at least a deal where they wouldn’t lose out.

Little did they know that the Metropolitan Police Department, in collaboration with the National Security Department, had already set their sights on them!

An invisible net was slowly closing in on certain high-ranking officials within the Japan Self-Defense Forces!

At this moment, Charlie had just returned home.

As he opened the door, he heard the lively chatter coming from the dining room.

Claire was engaged in conversation with someone. Upon hearing the door open, she quickly came to check, and upon seeing that it was Charlie, her face lit up with joy, “Honey! Why didn’t you give me a heads up? You just came back without a word!”

Charlie smiled, “I just finished my business, and since a client happened to be in Japan and was flying back on a private jet, I hitched a ride.”

Claire nodded and walked over to take his hand, smiling as she said, “Honey, it takes two or three hours to fly from Japan. You must not have had lunch, right?”

Charlie chuckled, “No, I came straight home after finishing up.”

Claire grinned, “Then you’ve returned at the perfect time. Elsa just got back from Eastcliff today, and I invited her over for dinner. We just opened a bottle of red wine. Come, join us!”

With that, she led Charlie into the dining room.

Inside, Elsa was chatting with Jacob and Elaine. The moment she saw Claire leading Charlie by the hand, her face lit up with delight!

She had spent a few days in Eastcliff over the New Year holiday and had been missing Charlie the whole time. So, as soon as she landed this morning, she couldn’t wait to bring gifts and visit Claire.

While she said she came to see Claire, in reality, she was eager to see Charlie.


But upon arriving, Elsa found that Charlie wasn’t home.

It turned out that Charlie had been called away to Japan a few days earlier due to an urgent matter and had yet to return.

This left Elsa feeling a bit downhearted. The excitement she initially felt faded rapidly.

Half an hour ago, Claire’s family had invited her to stay for lunch. She hesitated, thinking that with Charlie not at home, staying would be a wasted opportunity to get close to him.

She had considered declining and waiting for another visit, but Claire's warm hospitality was hard to refuse, so she reluctantly agreed.

However, to her surprise, just before the meal, Charlie returned home!

So now, Elsa looked at Charlie with eyes full of excitement and joy.

Jacob and Elaine were also delighted to see Charlie back.

Jacob, having spent several days at home facing Elaine during the break of his calligraphy association, was nearly driven to madness. Seeing Charlie return was a great relief for him.

As for Elaine, she was even more thrilled. With great enthusiasm, she said, “Oh, my dear son-in-law, you’re finally back after all these days! You have no idea how much I missed you!”

As she spoke, her eyes couldn’t help but dart to Charlie’s hands.

Recently, every time Charlie went out of town, he would bring back all sorts of high-end gifts for her. Naturally, she was looking forward to seeing what gift he might have brought back this time.

However, Charlie’s hands were empty, and it didn’t seem like he had prepared anything.

Elaine felt a twinge of disappointment, but she didn’t show it. After all, her attitude toward Charlie had completely changed from before.

She genuinely believed now that Charlie was an exemplary son-in-law.

Even though he didn’t bring her a gift this time, apart from a little disappointment, she wasn’t upset.

Charlie quickly realized that coming back in a rush and not preparing a small gift for Elaine might have left her a bit disappointed.

So, he sat down beside Elaine and smiled, “Mom, I’m really sorry. I was planning to buy you some gifts in Japan, but a friend suddenly offered me a ride back on a private jet, so I didn’t have time to shop.”

Elaine waved her hand quickly, “Oh, my good son-in-law, as long as you have me in your heart, that’s enough to make me happy! There’s no need to buy gifts every time!”

Charlie nodded and casually added, “Mom, I’ll transfer 200,000 yuan to you on WeChat later. You can buy whatever you like; just consider it a small token from me.”

Upon hearing this, Elaine was overjoyed and asked excitedly, “Oh my gosh, my good son-in-law! Are you serious?!”

Charlie laughed, “Would I lie about that? Just wait a moment; I’ll transfer it now.”

With that, he took out his phone and transferred 200,000 yuan to Elaine via WeChat.

Elaine received the notification, opened it, and saw that Charlie had indeed transferred 200,000 yuan. Overjoyed, she quickly accepted the money, clapping her hands and exclaiming, “Oh, how lucky am I to have such a wonderful son-in-law!”

Jacob, shaking his head repeatedly, said to Charlie, “Good son-in-law, you should give your mom a little less money. She gets so carried away when she has money. Do you know how much stuff she’s bought online since she broke her leg? She’s almost filled an entire room!”

Elaine shot him a glare and snapped, “Jacob, keep your mouth shut and stop spouting nonsense! What business is it of yours? I think you’re just jealous that my son-in-law treats me so well!”

Jacob retorted angrily, “You’re the one talking nonsense!”

Elaine smirked, “Oh, am I? If I’m talking nonsense, why are your lips moving?”

Jacob, his face turning red with anger, huffed, “I can’t be bothered arguing with a vulgar woman like you!”


As Jacob and Elaine were about to start bickering again, Claire quickly intervened to defuse the situation. “Oh, come on, Dad, Mom! Can’t you two just have a conversation without picking a fight? Charlie just got back, and Elsa is here too. Let’s not make a scene.”

Jacob glared at Elaine, but with a cold huff, he relented. “For the sake of our daughter, I’ll let it go this time!”

Elaine scoffed, “Listen to yourself, as if I’m eager to argue with you.”

She turned her head away, no longer looking at Jacob.

At this point, Elsa, feeling a bit awkward, turned to Claire and said, “By the way, Claire, Haidee is coming to Aurous Hill for a concert next month. Shall we go together?”

Claire smiled and said, “Charlie already promised to take me. He knows Haidee and said he could get front-row tickets.”

Elsa was shocked and looked at Charlie, asking, “Charlie, you know Haidee?!”

Charlie nodded, “Yes, I know her. Miss Snow is a client of mine; I’ve helped her with feng shui in the past.”

Elsa exclaimed, “Wow, that’s amazing! You must be pretty close with her then. Could you help me get a front-row ticket too? I’ll pay you double for it!”

She quickly clasped her hands together in a pleading gesture, “Charlie, I’ve been a fan of Haidee for as long as Claire has. I’d love to sit in the front row at her concert.”

With a sigh, Elsa added, “But her front-row tickets are almost impossible to get. As soon as they go on sale, all the rich kids from around the country swarm in like flies and snatch up the best seats. I’ve tried several times but never succeeded, so I’m counting on you.”

Hearing this, Charlie felt a headache coming on.

He had already promised Haidee that he would attend her concert, and then he promised his wife, Claire, that he would take her to see Haidee’s concert.

Taking his wife to see a concert by someone he had an engagement with since childhood was already awkward enough. Now, Elsa wanted to join in too!

Charlie had long known that Elsa liked him. He also knew that she was bold and straightforward. Back when the three of them went to a hot spring together, she had the guts to confess to him when Claire fell asleep. If she attended Haidee’s concert, who knows how chaotic things might get?

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Charlie said, “Elsa, I’m really sorry, but I don’t think I can help you with this. I’ve already spoken to Miss Snow, and she told me she could only provide me with two tickets at most.”

“You know, my relationship with Miss Snow is just a client-service provider relationship. The fact that she’s willing to give me two front-row tickets is already very generous of her. I really don’t feel comfortable asking for more.”

Hearing this, Elsa didn’t doubt him. She thought to herself, “Haidee’s concert tickets are notoriously hard to get, and front-row seats are worth their weight in gold.”

“Charlie just helped her with feng shui, so getting two front-row tickets is already a big deal. Asking for more would make Charlie seem inconsiderate. I can’t let him be looked down upon just to get me a ticket!”

With this in mind, she quickly said, “Then I’ll try to find another way. If I can get a ticket in the first five rows, I’ll be more than satisfied.”

Charlie felt a slight sense of relief at this.

He figured that if he couldn’t stop Elsa from attending the concert, it would be better if she sat a bit farther away from him and Claire.

At least this way, the pressure on him would be a little less.

Charlie knew that if he asked Haidee for three tickets, she wouldn’t refuse and would probably give him three seats together.


What if Elsa insisted on sitting next to him? Charlie couldn't let that happen. Resolute, he decided not to agree to her request for a ticket. She would have to find her own way to get one. The best scenario would be if she couldn’t get a front-row seat, but even if she did, as long as she wasn’t sitting next to him, there was nothing to worry about.

At this moment, Elsa turned to Claire and suggested, “Claire, how about we go shopping this afternoon?”

Claire glanced at Charlie and then whispered to Elsa, “Elsa, I think I’ll pass this time. I have to go back to work in a few days, and Charlie just got back after being away for a while. I want to spend more time with him.”

Elsa was taken aback.

She could tell that Claire was speaking from the heart. This realization struck her hard, making her understand that Claire, who had always seemed indifferent to matters of the heart, might have truly fallen in love with Charlie.

This thought brought a deep sense of sadness to Elsa.

She had always believed that Claire married Charlie under pressure from her grandfather and that she didn’t genuinely love him. In that case, pursuing Charlie wouldn’t have weighed on her conscience.

But if Claire really loved Charlie, it would mean they were mutually in love. In that case, stepping in would be morally wrong.

For a brief moment, Elsa considered giving up on pursuing Charlie.

If she were to give up, there would be no reason for her to stay in Aurous Hill.

After all, the chairman of the Emgrand Group had yet to make an appearance, and Elsa's family had already given up on the idea of connecting with him.

When Elsa went home for the New Year, her family hoped she would resign from her position at Emgrand Group and return to Eastcliff to further her career.

However, Elsa had been unwilling to leave Aurous Hill because she didn’t want to give up on Charlie.

But now, for the first time, Elsa felt a sense of hesitation.

She briefly entertained the thought of leaving Aurous Hill and returning to Eastcliff to focus on her career and preserve her friendship with Claire.

After all, no matter how much effort she put into pursuing Charlie, it seemed unlikely she would ever get the return she hoped for. In the end, it might all be in vain.

However, whenever she thought about how Charlie had saved her multiple times, she couldn’t suppress her strong feelings of admiration and love for him.

She knew that if she gave up on Charlie, she might never find another man who could make her feel the same way.

After much contemplation, Elsa made up her mind: “I’m staying in Aurous Hill and will continue to fight for him!”

“If Charlie is willing to accept me, I won’t hesitate, even if the whole world looks down on me!”

“But if there ever comes a day when Claire confirms she’s pregnant, I’ll withdraw without hesitation. I’ll return to Eastcliff and never see Charlie again!”
Tnx Grandmaster Junlee


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Reaction score

Suzuki , visibly irritated, barked out orders: “Tell them that there’s been no progress on this matter yet. If there is any substantial development, I’ll announce it through a press conference to the national and international media.”

His deputy nodded, “Understood, Mr. Suzuki. I’ll inform them immediately!”

As the deputy turned to leave, Suzuki called out, “Oh, and from now on, no media reporters are allowed to enter the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department without an invitation or explicit permission!”

“Got it, sir!”

Once alone, Suzuki rubbed his temples, visibly agitated, muttering to himself, “Nothing good ever comes from being thrown into a crisis like this! This case is under such intense scrutiny—not just from the entire country but even from overseas media. One wrong move, and my reputation could be ruined. Damn, this is tough!”

As he was lost in thought, his phone suddenly rang.

The sound sent a shiver down his spine, making his temples throb with stress. Lately, he dreaded every phone call, not just because journalists had been relentless in their attempts to obtain his number for an interview, but because high-ranking government officials kept pressuring him for updates on the case.

The constant inquiries were wearing him down.

When he glanced at the screen, he was surprised to see the caller was none other than Nanako, the daughter of his close friend.

The Suzuki and Ito families had been close for generations. Suzuki and Takehiko had been best friends since childhood and attended the same university. Though not blood-related, their bond was as strong as that of brothers.

To Suzuki, Nanako was like his own daughter.

Seeing her name brought him a sense of relief. He answered the call, forcing a smile as he asked, “Nanako, what made you think of calling me today?”

Nanako quickly replied, “Uncle Suzuki, I heard you’ve been reassigned to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department to investigate Raven’s disappearance?”

“That’s right,” Suzuki confirmed. “How did you hear about it?”

“Yes, I heard,” Nanako said. “Uncle Suzuki, have you found any useful leads?”

Suzuki sighed, “So far, we’ve got nothing. Raven has vanished without a trace.”

After a brief pause, Nanako spoke cautiously, “Uncle Suzuki, I have a very close friend who just called me and shared a bit of information. I immediately thought of you and wanted to pass it along, hoping it might help.”

Suzuki’s heart skipped a beat as he asked eagerly, “Nanako, are you serious? Who is this friend, and what did they tell you?”

Nanako responded with a serious tone, “Uncle Suzuki, I’m sorry, but I can’t disclose my friend’s identity.”

She continued, “As for the lead, my friend told me that Raven’s quiet disappearance wasn’t due to any failures on the part of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. The issue lies with the Salvador family and the Japan Self-Defense Forces.”

“The Self-Defense Forces?” Suzuki was stunned. “Are you saying they’re involved in this?”

“Yes,” Nanako said. “My friend said that the Salvador family and the Self-Defense Forces worked together to switch Raven, then deliberately pinned the blame on the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.”

Suzuki quickly asked, “So, what’s their ultimate goal? Are they trying to bring Raven back to the Salvador family?”

“No,” Nanako replied. “Their goal is to first shift the blame for the switch onto the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, then have the Japan Self-Defense Forces capture Raven at sea and claim all the credit.”

“What?!” Suzuki was shocked, blurting out, “Nanako, are you sure about this?”

Nanako firmly stated, “This is what my friend told me, and I trust him. He said if you want to follow this lead, you should use your connections in the National Security Department to detain and interrogate the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force members who were patrolling Tokyo Bay yesterday. You might find a breakthrough.”


Nanako’s words completely shattered Suzuki's previous assumptions and deductions about the case. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that the Japan Self-Defense Forces could be involved in such a scandalous affair. A surge of intense anger washed over him!

Clenching his teeth, Suzuki growled, “Nanako, thank you and your friend for the tip. I’ll make sure to bring in everyone involved for immediate interrogation!”

Nanako smiled, “Uncle Suzuki, I hope this lead proves useful to you.”

Suzuki affirmed, “Nanako, if this lead is genuine, you’ve just handed me a huge favor!”

With that, Suzuki hurriedly said, “Nanako, I need to go now and make arrangements to detain those responsible!”

“Alright, Uncle Suzuki!”

After hanging up, Suzuki immediately contacted his former superior at the National Security Department.

The lead provided by Nanako was of immense importance. If the Self-Defense Forces were truly involved in the switch of Raven, this wasn’t just a national disgrace but a major homeland security incident that needed thorough investigation.

Upon hearing about the situation, the leaders at the National Security Department took it very seriously. They promptly dispatched a high-level team of homeland security experts to collaborate fully with Suzuki in investigating the matter.

Meanwhile, the relevant officials within the Self-Defense Forces were still oblivious to the fact that their plot had been uncovered.

They were continuously pressuring the Salvador family, demanding that they hand over Raven.

With the entire nation closely following this case, capturing Raven would secure a major victory for the Self-Defense Forces.

However, even if the Salvador family refused to hand her over, it wouldn’t be a big problem. After all, with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department taking the fall, the Self-Defense Forces' top brass wouldn’t face any repercussions, and they had a billion-dollar deposit as compensation.

In summary, the Self-Defense Forces believed that, although their operation wasn’t a grand success, it was at least a deal where they wouldn’t lose out.

Little did they know that the Metropolitan Police Department, in collaboration with the National Security Department, had already set their sights on them!

An invisible net was slowly closing in on certain high-ranking officials within the Japan Self-Defense Forces!

At this moment, Charlie had just returned home.

As he opened the door, he heard the lively chatter coming from the dining room.

Claire was engaged in conversation with someone. Upon hearing the door open, she quickly came to check, and upon seeing that it was Charlie, her face lit up with joy, “Honey! Why didn’t you give me a heads up? You just came back without a word!”

Charlie smiled, “I just finished my business, and since a client happened to be in Japan and was flying back on a private jet, I hitched a ride.”

Claire nodded and walked over to take his hand, smiling as she said, “Honey, it takes two or three hours to fly from Japan. You must not have had lunch, right?”

Charlie chuckled, “No, I came straight home after finishing up.”

Claire grinned, “Then you’ve returned at the perfect time. Elsa just got back from Eastcliff today, and I invited her over for dinner. We just opened a bottle of red wine. Come, join us!”

With that, she led Charlie into the dining room.

Inside, Elsa was chatting with Jacob and Elaine. The moment she saw Claire leading Charlie by the hand, her face lit up with delight!

She had spent a few days in Eastcliff over the New Year holiday and had been missing Charlie the whole time. So, as soon as she landed this morning, she couldn’t wait to bring gifts and visit Claire.

While she said she came to see Claire, in reality, she was eager to see Charlie.


But upon arriving, Elsa found that Charlie wasn’t home.

It turned out that Charlie had been called away to Japan a few days earlier due to an urgent matter and had yet to return.

This left Elsa feeling a bit downhearted. The excitement she initially felt faded rapidly.

Half an hour ago, Claire’s family had invited her to stay for lunch. She hesitated, thinking that with Charlie not at home, staying would be a wasted opportunity to get close to him.

She had considered declining and waiting for another visit, but Claire's warm hospitality was hard to refuse, so she reluctantly agreed.

However, to her surprise, just before the meal, Charlie returned home!

So now, Elsa looked at Charlie with eyes full of excitement and joy.

Jacob and Elaine were also delighted to see Charlie back.

Jacob, having spent several days at home facing Elaine during the break of his calligraphy association, was nearly driven to madness. Seeing Charlie return was a great relief for him.

As for Elaine, she was even more thrilled. With great enthusiasm, she said, “Oh, my dear son-in-law, you’re finally back after all these days! You have no idea how much I missed you!”

As she spoke, her eyes couldn’t help but dart to Charlie’s hands.

Recently, every time Charlie went out of town, he would bring back all sorts of high-end gifts for her. Naturally, she was looking forward to seeing what gift he might have brought back this time.

However, Charlie’s hands were empty, and it didn’t seem like he had prepared anything.

Elaine felt a twinge of disappointment, but she didn’t show it. After all, her attitude toward Charlie had completely changed from before.

She genuinely believed now that Charlie was an exemplary son-in-law.

Even though he didn’t bring her a gift this time, apart from a little disappointment, she wasn’t upset.

Charlie quickly realized that coming back in a rush and not preparing a small gift for Elaine might have left her a bit disappointed.

So, he sat down beside Elaine and smiled, “Mom, I’m really sorry. I was planning to buy you some gifts in Japan, but a friend suddenly offered me a ride back on a private jet, so I didn’t have time to shop.”

Elaine waved her hand quickly, “Oh, my good son-in-law, as long as you have me in your heart, that’s enough to make me happy! There’s no need to buy gifts every time!”

Charlie nodded and casually added, “Mom, I’ll transfer 200,000 yuan to you on WeChat later. You can buy whatever you like; just consider it a small token from me.”

Upon hearing this, Elaine was overjoyed and asked excitedly, “Oh my gosh, my good son-in-law! Are you serious?!”

Charlie laughed, “Would I lie about that? Just wait a moment; I’ll transfer it now.”

With that, he took out his phone and transferred 200,000 yuan to Elaine via WeChat.

Elaine received the notification, opened it, and saw that Charlie had indeed transferred 200,000 yuan. Overjoyed, she quickly accepted the money, clapping her hands and exclaiming, “Oh, how lucky am I to have such a wonderful son-in-law!”

Jacob, shaking his head repeatedly, said to Charlie, “Good son-in-law, you should give your mom a little less money. She gets so carried away when she has money. Do you know how much stuff she’s bought online since she broke her leg? She’s almost filled an entire room!”

Elaine shot him a glare and snapped, “Jacob, keep your mouth shut and stop spouting nonsense! What business is it of yours? I think you’re just jealous that my son-in-law treats me so well!”

Jacob retorted angrily, “You’re the one talking nonsense!”

Elaine smirked, “Oh, am I? If I’m talking nonsense, why are your lips moving?”

Jacob, his face turning red with anger, huffed, “I can’t be bothered arguing with a vulgar woman like you!”


As Jacob and Elaine were about to start bickering again, Claire quickly intervened to defuse the situation. “Oh, come on, Dad, Mom! Can’t you two just have a conversation without picking a fight? Charlie just got back, and Elsa is here too. Let’s not make a scene.”

Jacob glared at Elaine, but with a cold huff, he relented. “For the sake of our daughter, I’ll let it go this time!”

Elaine scoffed, “Listen to yourself, as if I’m eager to argue with you.”

She turned her head away, no longer looking at Jacob.

At this point, Elsa, feeling a bit awkward, turned to Claire and said, “By the way, Claire, Haidee is coming to Aurous Hill for a concert next month. Shall we go together?”

Claire smiled and said, “Charlie already promised to take me. He knows Haidee and said he could get front-row tickets.”

Elsa was shocked and looked at Charlie, asking, “Charlie, you know Haidee?!”

Charlie nodded, “Yes, I know her. Miss Snow is a client of mine; I’ve helped her with feng shui in the past.”

Elsa exclaimed, “Wow, that’s amazing! You must be pretty close with her then. Could you help me get a front-row ticket too? I’ll pay you double for it!”

She quickly clasped her hands together in a pleading gesture, “Charlie, I’ve been a fan of Haidee for as long as Claire has. I’d love to sit in the front row at her concert.”

With a sigh, Elsa added, “But her front-row tickets are almost impossible to get. As soon as they go on sale, all the rich kids from around the country swarm in like flies and snatch up the best seats. I’ve tried several times but never succeeded, so I’m counting on you.”

Hearing this, Charlie felt a headache coming on.

He had already promised Haidee that he would attend her concert, and then he promised his wife, Claire, that he would take her to see Haidee’s concert.

Taking his wife to see a concert by someone he had an engagement with since childhood was already awkward enough. Now, Elsa wanted to join in too!

Charlie had long known that Elsa liked him. He also knew that she was bold and straightforward. Back when the three of them went to a hot spring together, she had the guts to confess to him when Claire fell asleep. If she attended Haidee’s concert, who knows how chaotic things might get?

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Charlie said, “Elsa, I’m really sorry, but I don’t think I can help you with this. I’ve already spoken to Miss Snow, and she told me she could only provide me with two tickets at most.”

“You know, my relationship with Miss Snow is just a client-service provider relationship. The fact that she’s willing to give me two front-row tickets is already very generous of her. I really don’t feel comfortable asking for more.”

Hearing this, Elsa didn’t doubt him. She thought to herself, “Haidee’s concert tickets are notoriously hard to get, and front-row seats are worth their weight in gold.”

“Charlie just helped her with feng shui, so getting two front-row tickets is already a big deal. Asking for more would make Charlie seem inconsiderate. I can’t let him be looked down upon just to get me a ticket!”

With this in mind, she quickly said, “Then I’ll try to find another way. If I can get a ticket in the first five rows, I’ll be more than satisfied.”

Charlie felt a slight sense of relief at this.

He figured that if he couldn’t stop Elsa from attending the concert, it would be better if she sat a bit farther away from him and Claire.

At least this way, the pressure on him would be a little less.

Charlie knew that if he asked Haidee for three tickets, she wouldn’t refuse and would probably give him three seats together.


What if Elsa insisted on sitting next to him? Charlie couldn't let that happen. Resolute, he decided not to agree to her request for a ticket. She would have to find her own way to get one. The best scenario would be if she couldn’t get a front-row seat, but even if she did, as long as she wasn’t sitting next to him, there was nothing to worry about.

At this moment, Elsa turned to Claire and suggested, “Claire, how about we go shopping this afternoon?”

Claire glanced at Charlie and then whispered to Elsa, “Elsa, I think I’ll pass this time. I have to go back to work in a few days, and Charlie just got back after being away for a while. I want to spend more time with him.”

Elsa was taken aback.

She could tell that Claire was speaking from the heart. This realization struck her hard, making her understand that Claire, who had always seemed indifferent to matters of the heart, might have truly fallen in love with Charlie.

This thought brought a deep sense of sadness to Elsa.

She had always believed that Claire married Charlie under pressure from her grandfather and that she didn’t genuinely love him. In that case, pursuing Charlie wouldn’t have weighed on her conscience.

But if Claire really loved Charlie, it would mean they were mutually in love. In that case, stepping in would be morally wrong.

For a brief moment, Elsa considered giving up on pursuing Charlie.

If she were to give up, there would be no reason for her to stay in Aurous Hill.

After all, the chairman of the Emgrand Group had yet to make an appearance, and Elsa's family had already given up on the idea of connecting with him.

When Elsa went home for the New Year, her family hoped she would resign from her position at Emgrand Group and return to Eastcliff to further her career.

However, Elsa had been unwilling to leave Aurous Hill because she didn’t want to give up on Charlie.

But now, for the first time, Elsa felt a sense of hesitation.

She briefly entertained the thought of leaving Aurous Hill and returning to Eastcliff to focus on her career and preserve her friendship with Claire.

After all, no matter how much effort she put into pursuing Charlie, it seemed unlikely she would ever get the return she hoped for. In the end, it might all be in vain.

However, whenever she thought about how Charlie had saved her multiple times, she couldn’t suppress her strong feelings of admiration and love for him.

She knew that if she gave up on Charlie, she might never find another man who could make her feel the same way.

After much contemplation, Elsa made up her mind: “I’m staying in Aurous Hill and will continue to fight for him!”

“If Charlie is willing to accept me, I won’t hesitate, even if the whole world looks down on me!”

“But if there ever comes a day when Claire confirms she’s pregnant, I’ll withdraw without hesitation. I’ll return to Eastcliff and never see Charlie again!”
This dragon is really boring. How can you be wasting all this resources without cultivating. Immortal Junlee, thank you very much.


New member
Oct 12, 2023
Reaction score

Suzuki , visibly irritated, barked out orders: “Tell them that there’s been no progress on this matter yet. If there is any substantial development, I’ll announce it through a press conference to the national and international media.”

His deputy nodded, “Understood, Mr. Suzuki. I’ll inform them immediately!”

As the deputy turned to leave, Suzuki called out, “Oh, and from now on, no media reporters are allowed to enter the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department without an invitation or explicit permission!”

“Got it, sir!”

Once alone, Suzuki rubbed his temples, visibly agitated, muttering to himself, “Nothing good ever comes from being thrown into a crisis like this! This case is under such intense scrutiny—not just from the entire country but even from overseas media. One wrong move, and my reputation could be ruined. Damn, this is tough!”

As he was lost in thought, his phone suddenly rang.

The sound sent a shiver down his spine, making his temples throb with stress. Lately, he dreaded every phone call, not just because journalists had been relentless in their attempts to obtain his number for an interview, but because high-ranking government officials kept pressuring him for updates on the case.

The constant inquiries were wearing him down.

When he glanced at the screen, he was surprised to see the caller was none other than Nanako, the daughter of his close friend.

The Suzuki and Ito families had been close for generations. Suzuki and Takehiko had been best friends since childhood and attended the same university. Though not blood-related, their bond was as strong as that of brothers.

To Suzuki, Nanako was like his own daughter.

Seeing her name brought him a sense of relief. He answered the call, forcing a smile as he asked, “Nanako, what made you think of calling me today?”

Nanako quickly replied, “Uncle Suzuki, I heard you’ve been reassigned to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department to investigate Raven’s disappearance?”

“That’s right,” Suzuki confirmed. “How did you hear about it?”

“Yes, I heard,” Nanako said. “Uncle Suzuki, have you found any useful leads?”

Suzuki sighed, “So far, we’ve got nothing. Raven has vanished without a trace.”

After a brief pause, Nanako spoke cautiously, “Uncle Suzuki, I have a very close friend who just called me and shared a bit of information. I immediately thought of you and wanted to pass it along, hoping it might help.”

Suzuki’s heart skipped a beat as he asked eagerly, “Nanako, are you serious? Who is this friend, and what did they tell you?”

Nanako responded with a serious tone, “Uncle Suzuki, I’m sorry, but I can’t disclose my friend’s identity.”

She continued, “As for the lead, my friend told me that Raven’s quiet disappearance wasn’t due to any failures on the part of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. The issue lies with the Salvador family and the Japan Self-Defense Forces.”

“The Self-Defense Forces?” Suzuki was stunned. “Are you saying they’re involved in this?”

“Yes,” Nanako said. “My friend said that the Salvador family and the Self-Defense Forces worked together to switch Raven, then deliberately pinned the blame on the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.”

Suzuki quickly asked, “So, what’s their ultimate goal? Are they trying to bring Raven back to the Salvador family?”

“No,” Nanako replied. “Their goal is to first shift the blame for the switch onto the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, then have the Japan Self-Defense Forces capture Raven at sea and claim all the credit.”

“What?!” Suzuki was shocked, blurting out, “Nanako, are you sure about this?”

Nanako firmly stated, “This is what my friend told me, and I trust him. He said if you want to follow this lead, you should use your connections in the National Security Department to detain and interrogate the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force members who were patrolling Tokyo Bay yesterday. You might find a breakthrough.”


Nanako’s words completely shattered Suzuki's previous assumptions and deductions about the case. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that the Japan Self-Defense Forces could be involved in such a scandalous affair. A surge of intense anger washed over him!

Clenching his teeth, Suzuki growled, “Nanako, thank you and your friend for the tip. I’ll make sure to bring in everyone involved for immediate interrogation!”

Nanako smiled, “Uncle Suzuki, I hope this lead proves useful to you.”

Suzuki affirmed, “Nanako, if this lead is genuine, you’ve just handed me a huge favor!”

With that, Suzuki hurriedly said, “Nanako, I need to go now and make arrangements to detain those responsible!”

“Alright, Uncle Suzuki!”

After hanging up, Suzuki immediately contacted his former superior at the National Security Department.

The lead provided by Nanako was of immense importance. If the Self-Defense Forces were truly involved in the switch of Raven, this wasn’t just a national disgrace but a major homeland security incident that needed thorough investigation.

Upon hearing about the situation, the leaders at the National Security Department took it very seriously. They promptly dispatched a high-level team of homeland security experts to collaborate fully with Suzuki in investigating the matter.

Meanwhile, the relevant officials within the Self-Defense Forces were still oblivious to the fact that their plot had been uncovered.

They were continuously pressuring the Salvador family, demanding that they hand over Raven.

With the entire nation closely following this case, capturing Raven would secure a major victory for the Self-Defense Forces.

However, even if the Salvador family refused to hand her over, it wouldn’t be a big problem. After all, with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department taking the fall, the Self-Defense Forces' top brass wouldn’t face any repercussions, and they had a billion-dollar deposit as compensation.

In summary, the Self-Defense Forces believed that, although their operation wasn’t a grand success, it was at least a deal where they wouldn’t lose out.

Little did they know that the Metropolitan Police Department, in collaboration with the National Security Department, had already set their sights on them!

An invisible net was slowly closing in on certain high-ranking officials within the Japan Self-Defense Forces!

At this moment, Charlie had just returned home.

As he opened the door, he heard the lively chatter coming from the dining room.

Claire was engaged in conversation with someone. Upon hearing the door open, she quickly came to check, and upon seeing that it was Charlie, her face lit up with joy, “Honey! Why didn’t you give me a heads up? You just came back without a word!”

Charlie smiled, “I just finished my business, and since a client happened to be in Japan and was flying back on a private jet, I hitched a ride.”

Claire nodded and walked over to take his hand, smiling as she said, “Honey, it takes two or three hours to fly from Japan. You must not have had lunch, right?”

Charlie chuckled, “No, I came straight home after finishing up.”

Claire grinned, “Then you’ve returned at the perfect time. Elsa just got back from Eastcliff today, and I invited her over for dinner. We just opened a bottle of red wine. Come, join us!”

With that, she led Charlie into the dining room.

Inside, Elsa was chatting with Jacob and Elaine. The moment she saw Claire leading Charlie by the hand, her face lit up with delight!

She had spent a few days in Eastcliff over the New Year holiday and had been missing Charlie the whole time. So, as soon as she landed this morning, she couldn’t wait to bring gifts and visit Claire.

While she said she came to see Claire, in reality, she was eager to see Charlie.


But upon arriving, Elsa found that Charlie wasn’t home.

It turned out that Charlie had been called away to Japan a few days earlier due to an urgent matter and had yet to return.

This left Elsa feeling a bit downhearted. The excitement she initially felt faded rapidly.

Half an hour ago, Claire’s family had invited her to stay for lunch. She hesitated, thinking that with Charlie not at home, staying would be a wasted opportunity to get close to him.

She had considered declining and waiting for another visit, but Claire's warm hospitality was hard to refuse, so she reluctantly agreed.

However, to her surprise, just before the meal, Charlie returned home!

So now, Elsa looked at Charlie with eyes full of excitement and joy.

Jacob and Elaine were also delighted to see Charlie back.

Jacob, having spent several days at home facing Elaine during the break of his calligraphy association, was nearly driven to madness. Seeing Charlie return was a great relief for him.

As for Elaine, she was even more thrilled. With great enthusiasm, she said, “Oh, my dear son-in-law, you’re finally back after all these days! You have no idea how much I missed you!”

As she spoke, her eyes couldn’t help but dart to Charlie’s hands.

Recently, every time Charlie went out of town, he would bring back all sorts of high-end gifts for her. Naturally, she was looking forward to seeing what gift he might have brought back this time.

However, Charlie’s hands were empty, and it didn’t seem like he had prepared anything.

Elaine felt a twinge of disappointment, but she didn’t show it. After all, her attitude toward Charlie had completely changed from before.

She genuinely believed now that Charlie was an exemplary son-in-law.

Even though he didn’t bring her a gift this time, apart from a little disappointment, she wasn’t upset.

Charlie quickly realized that coming back in a rush and not preparing a small gift for Elaine might have left her a bit disappointed.

So, he sat down beside Elaine and smiled, “Mom, I’m really sorry. I was planning to buy you some gifts in Japan, but a friend suddenly offered me a ride back on a private jet, so I didn’t have time to shop.”

Elaine waved her hand quickly, “Oh, my good son-in-law, as long as you have me in your heart, that’s enough to make me happy! There’s no need to buy gifts every time!”

Charlie nodded and casually added, “Mom, I’ll transfer 200,000 yuan to you on WeChat later. You can buy whatever you like; just consider it a small token from me.”

Upon hearing this, Elaine was overjoyed and asked excitedly, “Oh my gosh, my good son-in-law! Are you serious?!”

Charlie laughed, “Would I lie about that? Just wait a moment; I’ll transfer it now.”

With that, he took out his phone and transferred 200,000 yuan to Elaine via WeChat.

Elaine received the notification, opened it, and saw that Charlie had indeed transferred 200,000 yuan. Overjoyed, she quickly accepted the money, clapping her hands and exclaiming, “Oh, how lucky am I to have such a wonderful son-in-law!”

Jacob, shaking his head repeatedly, said to Charlie, “Good son-in-law, you should give your mom a little less money. She gets so carried away when she has money. Do you know how much stuff she’s bought online since she broke her leg? She’s almost filled an entire room!”

Elaine shot him a glare and snapped, “Jacob, keep your mouth shut and stop spouting nonsense! What business is it of yours? I think you’re just jealous that my son-in-law treats me so well!”

Jacob retorted angrily, “You’re the one talking nonsense!”

Elaine smirked, “Oh, am I? If I’m talking nonsense, why are your lips moving?”

Jacob, his face turning red with anger, huffed, “I can’t be bothered arguing with a vulgar woman like you!”


As Jacob and Elaine were about to start bickering again, Claire quickly intervened to defuse the situation. “Oh, come on, Dad, Mom! Can’t you two just have a conversation without picking a fight? Charlie just got back, and Elsa is here too. Let’s not make a scene.”

Jacob glared at Elaine, but with a cold huff, he relented. “For the sake of our daughter, I’ll let it go this time!”

Elaine scoffed, “Listen to yourself, as if I’m eager to argue with you.”

She turned her head away, no longer looking at Jacob.

At this point, Elsa, feeling a bit awkward, turned to Claire and said, “By the way, Claire, Haidee is coming to Aurous Hill for a concert next month. Shall we go together?”

Claire smiled and said, “Charlie already promised to take me. He knows Haidee and said he could get front-row tickets.”

Elsa was shocked and looked at Charlie, asking, “Charlie, you know Haidee?!”

Charlie nodded, “Yes, I know her. Miss Snow is a client of mine; I’ve helped her with feng shui in the past.”

Elsa exclaimed, “Wow, that’s amazing! You must be pretty close with her then. Could you help me get a front-row ticket too? I’ll pay you double for it!”

She quickly clasped her hands together in a pleading gesture, “Charlie, I’ve been a fan of Haidee for as long as Claire has. I’d love to sit in the front row at her concert.”

With a sigh, Elsa added, “But her front-row tickets are almost impossible to get. As soon as they go on sale, all the rich kids from around the country swarm in like flies and snatch up the best seats. I’ve tried several times but never succeeded, so I’m counting on you.”

Hearing this, Charlie felt a headache coming on.

He had already promised Haidee that he would attend her concert, and then he promised his wife, Claire, that he would take her to see Haidee’s concert.

Taking his wife to see a concert by someone he had an engagement with since childhood was already awkward enough. Now, Elsa wanted to join in too!

Charlie had long known that Elsa liked him. He also knew that she was bold and straightforward. Back when the three of them went to a hot spring together, she had the guts to confess to him when Claire fell asleep. If she attended Haidee’s concert, who knows how chaotic things might get?

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Charlie said, “Elsa, I’m really sorry, but I don’t think I can help you with this. I’ve already spoken to Miss Snow, and she told me she could only provide me with two tickets at most.”

“You know, my relationship with Miss Snow is just a client-service provider relationship. The fact that she’s willing to give me two front-row tickets is already very generous of her. I really don’t feel comfortable asking for more.”

Hearing this, Elsa didn’t doubt him. She thought to herself, “Haidee’s concert tickets are notoriously hard to get, and front-row seats are worth their weight in gold.”

“Charlie just helped her with feng shui, so getting two front-row tickets is already a big deal. Asking for more would make Charlie seem inconsiderate. I can’t let him be looked down upon just to get me a ticket!”

With this in mind, she quickly said, “Then I’ll try to find another way. If I can get a ticket in the first five rows, I’ll be more than satisfied.”

Charlie felt a slight sense of relief at this.

He figured that if he couldn’t stop Elsa from attending the concert, it would be better if she sat a bit farther away from him and Claire.

At least this way, the pressure on him would be a little less.

Charlie knew that if he asked Haidee for three tickets, she wouldn’t refuse and would probably give him three seats together.


What if Elsa insisted on sitting next to him? Charlie couldn't let that happen. Resolute, he decided not to agree to her request for a ticket. She would have to find her own way to get one. The best scenario would be if she couldn’t get a front-row seat, but even if she did, as long as she wasn’t sitting next to him, there was nothing to worry about.

At this moment, Elsa turned to Claire and suggested, “Claire, how about we go shopping this afternoon?”

Claire glanced at Charlie and then whispered to Elsa, “Elsa, I think I’ll pass this time. I have to go back to work in a few days, and Charlie just got back after being away for a while. I want to spend more time with him.”

Elsa was taken aback.

She could tell that Claire was speaking from the heart. This realization struck her hard, making her understand that Claire, who had always seemed indifferent to matters of the heart, might have truly fallen in love with Charlie.

This thought brought a deep sense of sadness to Elsa.

She had always believed that Claire married Charlie under pressure from her grandfather and that she didn’t genuinely love him. In that case, pursuing Charlie wouldn’t have weighed on her conscience.

But if Claire really loved Charlie, it would mean they were mutually in love. In that case, stepping in would be morally wrong.

For a brief moment, Elsa considered giving up on pursuing Charlie.

If she were to give up, there would be no reason for her to stay in Aurous Hill.

After all, the chairman of the Emgrand Group had yet to make an appearance, and Elsa's family had already given up on the idea of connecting with him.

When Elsa went home for the New Year, her family hoped she would resign from her position at Emgrand Group and return to Eastcliff to further her career.

However, Elsa had been unwilling to leave Aurous Hill because she didn’t want to give up on Charlie.

But now, for the first time, Elsa felt a sense of hesitation.

She briefly entertained the thought of leaving Aurous Hill and returning to Eastcliff to focus on her career and preserve her friendship with Claire.

After all, no matter how much effort she put into pursuing Charlie, it seemed unlikely she would ever get the return she hoped for. In the end, it might all be in vain.

However, whenever she thought about how Charlie had saved her multiple times, she couldn’t suppress her strong feelings of admiration and love for him.

She knew that if she gave up on Charlie, she might never find another man who could make her feel the same way.

After much contemplation, Elsa made up her mind: “I’m staying in Aurous Hill and will continue to fight for him!”

“If Charlie is willing to accept me, I won’t hesitate, even if the whole world looks down on me!”

“But if there ever comes a day when Claire confirms she’s pregnant, I’ll withdraw without hesitation. I’ll return to Eastcliff and never see Charlie again!”
It seems that the author has forgotten that Elsa meet Charlie and Haidee in Eastcliff when they were ice skating and Charlie said that the Snow family sponsored him as an orphan. (Chapter 1610)

Maximus Kane

Ultimate Grandmaster
Sep 30, 2023
Reaction score
It seems that the author has forgotten that Elsa meet Charlie and Haidee in Eastcliff when they were ice skating and Charlie said that the Snow family sponsored him as an orphan. (Chapter 1610)
Chinese authors are very forgetful, even in Dustin's story that author keeps forgetting some things


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Sep 17, 2023
Reaction score
It seems that the author has forgotten that Elsa meet Charlie and Haidee in Eastcliff when they were ice skating and Charlie said that the Snow family sponsored him as an orphan. (Chapter 1610)
Perfectly said. They met in Japan, why author forgets his own writings.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
It seems that the author has forgotten that Elsa meet Charlie and Haidee in Eastcliff when they were ice skating and Charlie said that the Snow family sponsored him as an orphan. (Chapter 1610)
The writer hasn’t forgotten those details. However, the encounter between Charlie and Haidee in Eastcliff during skating is supposed to be a secret between Elsa and Charlie. Elsa should act as if it never happened to comply with the secrecy. If Claire learns about this encounter, she might ask a lot of questions, given she only knows that Charlie and Haidee met due to the product endorsement and again in Eastcliff for Feng Shui.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

At the same time, in the Salvador family home in Eastcliff.

The disappearance of Raven had deeply troubled Harrison and his son Virtuoso, but it had barely affected the mood of Camilla and Cameron.

The siblings were unaware of Raven's true identity and only saw her as a servant in the household. Moreover, since Raven was always Virtuoso’s personal bodyguard and had little interaction with them, the siblings naturally had little concern for her situation.

Currently, the siblings were in Camilla’s study, each working on a computer, sifting through surveillance screenshots compiled by their subordinates.

The screenshots featured young Asian men’s faces.

All of them were Salvador family staff members, captured from surveillance footage at major Japanese airports over the past few days, as per Camilla's request.

Their task was to continuously review these screenshots, attempting to find any trace of Charlie.

Unfortunately, the volume of surveillance footage was overwhelming, with passenger numbers at several major airports exceeding several million within just a few days.

Finding Charlie among these millions was no easy feat.

After several days of combing through the footage, the siblings still had not found Charlie’s image.

Cold and elegant Camilla had bloodshot eyes from days of staring at the computer screen, her eyes dry and uncomfortable. Nevertheless, she kept applying eye drops and continued her search.

Cameron, having promised his sister to assist in finding their benefactor, was determined not to slack off and worked tirelessly day and night.

As they neared filtering through nearly a million screenshots without finding Charlie, Cameron, looking exhausted, said to Camilla, "Camilla, this is really tough. I don’t know when it will end."

Camilla, while still scanning the screenshots, responded seriously, "There are over three million people to identify. We've done nearly one million, which is about a quarter of the total. I believe if we finish reviewing all three million, we’ll definitely find a lead on our benefactor!"

Cameron sighed and said, "Camilla, don’t push yourself so hard. Look at your eyes, they’re as red as a rabbit’s. Why don’t you take a break and then continue?"

Camilla replied, "I’m not tired at all. If you’re tired, you can take a ten-minute break."

"Ten minutes?!" Cameron said awkwardly, "Sister, you should stop calling yourself Camilla Salvador and start calling yourself Salvador the Exhausted! If we keep going like this, I might go blind!"

Camilla, a bit irritated, said, "If you don’t want to look, I’ll do it myself!"

Cameron hurriedly explained, "That’s not what I meant. I just wanted to take a short break."

He quickly got up, poured two cups of tea, handed one to Camilla, and smiled, "Here, Camilla, have some tea and take a few minutes to rest. Even in class, there are breaks, right? You shouldn’t overwork yourself."

Camilla took a sip of her tea and said, "These recordings are static, but people are not. If we don’t find our benefactor’s lead soon, what if his movements change again? What if we finally find a clue and follow it, only to discover he’s already gone?"


As Camilla continued, her fatigue evident, she said, "The key issue is that only the two of us have actually met our benefactor. So, this identification work can only be done by us. Finding help is practically impossible."

Cameron nodded helplessly, "You’re right. We need to work faster and find a lead on our benefactor as soon as possible!"

Then Cameron remembered something and added, "By the way, Camilla, I’m heading to Aurous Hill in a few days. Do you want to come along?"

Camilla asked curiously, "What’s the trip to Aurous Hill for?"

Cameron replied somewhat sheepishly, "I’ve arranged for a sponsorship deal with Haidee’s concert. She’s holding her first concert of the year in Aurous Hill on February 2nd. I promised her a ten million donation to a Aurous Hill charity, so I want to go ahead and make the arrangements. I’ll also visit various welfare homes, orphanages, and other charitable organizations in Aurous Hill to assess their needs and potentially increase the donation to twenty million."

With a serious expression, Cameron added, "Since it’s for charity, it’s important to be thorough!"

Camilla, with a mischievous smile, teased, "Ah, so it’s really about pursuing Haidee! No wonder you’re so enthusiastic!"

Cameron quickly denied, "Don’t jump to conclusions. I’m going there for charity. Besides, Haidee won’t be there. How can you say it’s for her?"

Camilla rolled her eyes and said, "Oh, come on. I know you too well. You just want to make sure everything is perfect, so Haidee will be impressed. Promising ten million and then donating thirty million will definitely make you look like someone with strong social responsibility. I’m right, aren’t I?"

Cameron, slightly embarrassed, said, "Alright, alright. You’re too smart. Nothing escapes your sharp eyes. Fine, you caught me."

Camilla nodded with a smile, "As long as you admit it."

Cameron sighed and asked, "Camilla, have you ever heard the saying from our ancestors?"

Camilla replied promptly, "Stop beating around the bush and just say it!"

Cameron said seriously, "Our ancestors said, ‘To see through things without exposing them is the highest level of wisdom.’"

Camilla dismissed, "Talking to you doesn’t need to reach the highest level. Ordinary wisdom is enough."

"You little brat!" Cameron mockingly scolded, then changed the subject, "Anyway, are you coming or not? If you come with me, it’s perfect because I’m not familiar with Aurous Hill."

Camilla shook her head, "No, I’m not going anywhere until I find our benefactor!"

Cameron quickly tried to persuade her, "Come on, Camilla, just come with me. Finding our benefactor is just about going through the computer screenshots. We can take our laptops with us and continue the search on the road or in the hotel. It won’t be a waste of time!"

Camilla responded disinterestedly, "I still don’t want to go. You’re going there to lay the groundwork for pursuing Haidee. What’s my purpose in going?"

Cameron countered, "Don’t you want to get some fresh air? The atmosphere at home has been so tense lately. Dad and Grandpa are always scowling. Don’t you feel it? Taking this chance to get away for a few days might be a good change."

After a moment’s hesitation, Camilla nodded slightly, "You’ve got a point. Alright, I’ll go. It’s a good opportunity to clear my mind."


Even without Cameron mentioning it, the highly perceptive Camilla had already noticed the recent tension in the family atmosphere. Coupled with the constant news coverage from Japan about Raven’s situation, Camilla realized that the Salvador family had gotten themselves into significant trouble in Japan while trying to save Raven.

However, she couldn't understand why her father was expending such effort on Raven.

Logically, Raven was just a servant of the Salvador family.

If something happened to a servant, the family only needed to provide a generous compensation to her family and a monthly allowance—no need for such a grand operation to rescue her from the Japanese police.

The cost involved was astronomical, at least hundreds of times more than the compensation and allowance. It seemed entirely impractical.

Cameron voiced his thoughts, “Camilla, with the commotion Dad and Grandpa are causing to rescue Raven, what do you think they’re after?”

Camilla shook her head, “I’m not sure, but I’m sure Dad and Grandpa have their reasons.”

Cameron said, “I keep thinking this doesn’t make sense. Raven can’t help the Salvador family make money. Spending so much to rescue her seems pointless!”

Camilla shrugged and laughed awkwardly, “I don’t get it either, so I’m just going to stop thinking about it.”

Cameron pondered for a moment and suggested, “Could it be that they’re trying to boost the loyalty of the servants to the Salvador family?”

Camilla shook her head, “There were over fifty people captured together, and only Raven was rescued. The servants might feel it’s unfair and have mixed feelings.”

“True,” Cameron sighed, “I just can’t figure it out.”

Camilla spoke up, “Enough of this. It’s not our concern. Let’s focus on finding our benefactor. The family desperately needs top experts. If we can find our benefactor and have him assist the Salvador family, it will greatly alleviate the current crisis.”

Cameron nodded, “You’re right! The benefactor’s abilities are far beyond Raven’s. If we can get him to stay and help the Salvador family, it would be a tremendous achievement!”


In Tokyo, Japan.

On one particular afternoon, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police and the Department of Homeland Security teamed up to apprehend all the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force personnel who were patrolling Tokyo Bay the night Raven went missing. They were all detained and isolated for individual interrogations.

Within a country, the most authoritative and prioritized department is the Department of Homeland Security.

For a nation, nothing is more crucial than national security.

So, when the Department of Homeland Security takes action, everyone else must step aside.

It’s similar to the situation in the United States.

In the U.S., there are well-known federal agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and NSA.

- FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation): Part of the Department of Justice, responsible for major domestic cases and those crossing multiple jurisdictions, especially states.
- CIA (Central Intelligence Agency): Handles foreign intelligence on governments, corporations, and terrorists.

While the FBI and CIA are frequently depicted in media and are well-known globally, the NSA (National Security Agency) is less familiar.

- NSA: The largest intelligence agency in the U.S. government, employing the most computer scientists, mathematicians, and linguists worldwide. Although they rarely appear in public, their operational priority is unmatched in the U.S.


In Japan, the Department of Homeland Security wielded immense power.

If the Department of Homeland Security apprehended Self-Defense Force members for interrogation on grounds of national security, even the highest-ranking Self-Defense Force commanders had no authority to interfere or question their actions.

The Self-Defense Force members were well aware of this fact. They knew that crossing paths with the Department of Homeland Security usually meant severe consequences. Even if they didn’t face death, they would suffer significant punishment.

The formidable reputation of the Department of Homeland Security meant that among the captured Self-Defense Force members, those with weaker psychological resilience quickly began to crack under pressure.

The Department of Homeland Security comprised some of the most elite individuals in the country. Their members were not only highly skilled but also seasoned veterans of numerous covert operations. Even in peacetime, they were battle-hardened and tested in real-world scenarios.

Compared to these elite operatives, the Self-Defense Force soldiers with limited practical experience seemed almost childlike in their naivety.

As a result, the Department of Homeland Security swiftly exploited the weaknesses of those less resilient Self-Defense Force members, leading to a rapid breakthrough in their investigation.

Within hours, the entire sequence of events had been pieced together.

Suzuki was thrilled to confirm that Nanako was indeed correct. The Self-Defense Force had colluded with the Salvador family from China to swap Raven during her transfer. Their most underhanded tactic was deliberately sabotaging the Tokyo Metropolitan Police's responsibility during Raven's handover, shifting all blame onto them and causing enormous injustice to the Tokyo police.

Moreover, their motive for collaborating with foreign forces and swapping out domestic criminals was to gain personal glory and social recognition!

This enraged Suzuki!

In his view, the Self-Defense Force’s scheme was akin to a group of thieves burning down their own house and then seeking praise for putting out the fire!

Having clarified the situation, the Department of Homeland Security immediately convened an emergency meeting with the cabinet to discuss countermeasures.

The cabinet was shocked!

They could hardly believe that such foolish high-ranking officials in the Self-Defense Force would act recklessly for personal gain, causing significant damage to the country!

Thus, the cabinet and the Department of Homeland Security swiftly formulated a response plan:

1. Secretly Arrest All Involved High-Ranking Self-Defense Force Officers: Once apprehended, the full details of the case would be made public, outlining the entire conspiracy between the Salvador family and the Self-Defense Force, and revealing the farce of the supposed rescue operation.

2. Demand the Salvador Family Hand Over Raven: The Salvador family was given 24 hours to surrender Raven to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police. Failure to comply would result in the permanent banning of the Salvador family’s business in Japan and a lifetime restriction on entry for the Salvador family’s direct relatives.

That night, three high-ranking Self-Defense Force officials were arrested at their homes.

These three had previously received accolades from the Japanese Self-Defense Force and government for their successful capture of Raven and others at Osaka Airport.

Now, they had all become prisoners for endangering national security.

Simultaneously, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, in collaboration with the Department of Homeland Security, issued a global announcement.

A tidal wave of backlash against the Salvador family was about to crash down!


In the dead of night, in Eastcliff, Virtuoso returned to his home, visibly dejected.

His mood was a turbulent mix of emotions. That evening, Valeria, Raven's biological mother, had come to see him at Salvador Group. Upon meeting, she anxiously inquired about Raven's whereabouts.

However, Virtuoso was at a loss for words. He had no idea where Raven had gone. It was as if she had vanished into thin air, leaving no trace behind.

Valeria, who had lost an arm, had begged and even knelt before Virtuoso, hoping he would make every effort to find her daughter, given that Raven was his own child.

Virtuoso had agreed. Raven was indeed his biological daughter, as confirmed by DNA results. Moreover, Valeria had once saved his life, and the loss of her arm was a sacrifice made in that very act of saving him.

So, out of respect for his own daughter and his benefactor, Virtuoso could not refuse. Yet, his heart was heavy with concern.

It was the first time he had encountered such a situation. For the first time, there was no clue about someone's whereabouts.

Given Salvador family's extensive connections and resources, there had always been information available for anyone they sought. But this time, no trace could be found.

The fear was not just about the difficulty in locating Raven. It was the terrifying possibility that Raven might no longer be alive.

Upon returning home, Virtuoso felt a profound sense of heaviness.

As Virtuoso pushed open the bedroom door, a stunning middle-aged woman emerged from the bathroom. She had just removed her makeup, taken a shower, and her long hair was wrapped in a towel. Despite the removal of her makeup, her skin remained smooth and radiant, revealing her natural beauty and meticulous self-care.

This woman was Virtuoso’s lifelong love, his wife, Marissa Klein.

The Klein family held substantial power in Eastcliff. Although they might lag behind Salvador family in assets, their background, status, connections, and overall strength were comparable, if not superior, to the Salvador family.

In some respects, the Klein family was even stronger than the Salvador family. After all, in any part of the world, wealth is not the sole measure of power.

Marissa had once been the most admired socialite in Eastcliff, without comparison. Her family background made her the dream lover of many wealthy second-generation elites in Eastcliff, including Virtuoso.

Even though Marissa was now in her fifties and had borne two children, she maintained her beauty and allure as if she were in her thirties, thanks to her excellent self-care.

Seeing Virtuoso’s weary return, Marissa expressed her concern, "Why did you come back so late today? Are you tired?"

Virtuoso forced a smile and replied, "It's nothing. I'm not tired. There have been a lot of things happening these past few days."


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Jun 22, 2024
Reaction score

At the same time, in the Salvador family home in Eastcliff.

The disappearance of Raven had deeply troubled Harrison and his son Virtuoso, but it had barely affected the mood of Camilla and Cameron.

The siblings were unaware of Raven's true identity and only saw her as a servant in the household. Moreover, since Raven was always Virtuoso’s personal bodyguard and had little interaction with them, the siblings naturally had little concern for her situation.

Currently, the siblings were in Camilla’s study, each working on a computer, sifting through surveillance screenshots compiled by their subordinates.

The screenshots featured young Asian men’s faces.

All of them were Salvador family staff members, captured from surveillance footage at major Japanese airports over the past few days, as per Camilla's request.

Their task was to continuously review these screenshots, attempting to find any trace of Charlie.

Unfortunately, the volume of surveillance footage was overwhelming, with passenger numbers at several major airports exceeding several million within just a few days.

Finding Charlie among these millions was no easy feat.

After several days of combing through the footage, the siblings still had not found Charlie’s image.

Cold and elegant Camilla had bloodshot eyes from days of staring at the computer screen, her eyes dry and uncomfortable. Nevertheless, she kept applying eye drops and continued her search.

Cameron, having promised his sister to assist in finding their benefactor, was determined not to slack off and worked tirelessly day and night.

As they neared filtering through nearly a million screenshots without finding Charlie, Cameron, looking exhausted, said to Camilla, "Camilla, this is really tough. I don’t know when it will end."

Camilla, while still scanning the screenshots, responded seriously, "There are over three million people to identify. We've done nearly one million, which is about a quarter of the total. I believe if we finish reviewing all three million, we’ll definitely find a lead on our benefactor!"

Cameron sighed and said, "Camilla, don’t push yourself so hard. Look at your eyes, they’re as red as a rabbit’s. Why don’t you take a break and then continue?"

Camilla replied, "I’m not tired at all. If you’re tired, you can take a ten-minute break."

"Ten minutes?!" Cameron said awkwardly, "Sister, you should stop calling yourself Camilla Salvador and start calling yourself Salvador the Exhausted! If we keep going like this, I might go blind!"

Camilla, a bit irritated, said, "If you don’t want to look, I’ll do it myself!"

Cameron hurriedly explained, "That’s not what I meant. I just wanted to take a short break."

He quickly got up, poured two cups of tea, handed one to Camilla, and smiled, "Here, Camilla, have some tea and take a few minutes to rest. Even in class, there are breaks, right? You shouldn’t overwork yourself."

Camilla took a sip of her tea and said, "These recordings are static, but people are not. If we don’t find our benefactor’s lead soon, what if his movements change again? What if we finally find a clue and follow it, only to discover he’s already gone?"


As Camilla continued, her fatigue evident, she said, "The key issue is that only the two of us have actually met our benefactor. So, this identification work can only be done by us. Finding help is practically impossible."

Cameron nodded helplessly, "You’re right. We need to work faster and find a lead on our benefactor as soon as possible!"

Then Cameron remembered something and added, "By the way, Camilla, I’m heading to Aurous Hill in a few days. Do you want to come along?"

Camilla asked curiously, "What’s the trip to Aurous Hill for?"

Cameron replied somewhat sheepishly, "I’ve arranged for a sponsorship deal with Haidee’s concert. She’s holding her first concert of the year in Aurous Hill on February 2nd. I promised her a ten million donation to a Aurous Hill charity, so I want to go ahead and make the arrangements. I’ll also visit various welfare homes, orphanages, and other charitable organizations in Aurous Hill to assess their needs and potentially increase the donation to twenty million."

With a serious expression, Cameron added, "Since it’s for charity, it’s important to be thorough!"

Camilla, with a mischievous smile, teased, "Ah, so it’s really about pursuing Haidee! No wonder you’re so enthusiastic!"

Cameron quickly denied, "Don’t jump to conclusions. I’m going there for charity. Besides, Haidee won’t be there. How can you say it’s for her?"

Camilla rolled her eyes and said, "Oh, come on. I know you too well. You just want to make sure everything is perfect, so Haidee will be impressed. Promising ten million and then donating thirty million will definitely make you look like someone with strong social responsibility. I’m right, aren’t I?"

Cameron, slightly embarrassed, said, "Alright, alright. You’re too smart. Nothing escapes your sharp eyes. Fine, you caught me."

Camilla nodded with a smile, "As long as you admit it."

Cameron sighed and asked, "Camilla, have you ever heard the saying from our ancestors?"

Camilla replied promptly, "Stop beating around the bush and just say it!"

Cameron said seriously, "Our ancestors said, ‘To see through things without exposing them is the highest level of wisdom.’"

Camilla dismissed, "Talking to you doesn’t need to reach the highest level. Ordinary wisdom is enough."

"You little brat!" Cameron mockingly scolded, then changed the subject, "Anyway, are you coming or not? If you come with me, it’s perfect because I’m not familiar with Aurous Hill."

Camilla shook her head, "No, I’m not going anywhere until I find our benefactor!"

Cameron quickly tried to persuade her, "Come on, Camilla, just come with me. Finding our benefactor is just about going through the computer screenshots. We can take our laptops with us and continue the search on the road or in the hotel. It won’t be a waste of time!"

Camilla responded disinterestedly, "I still don’t want to go. You’re going there to lay the groundwork for pursuing Haidee. What’s my purpose in going?"

Cameron countered, "Don’t you want to get some fresh air? The atmosphere at home has been so tense lately. Dad and Grandpa are always scowling. Don’t you feel it? Taking this chance to get away for a few days might be a good change."

After a moment’s hesitation, Camilla nodded slightly, "You’ve got a point. Alright, I’ll go. It’s a good opportunity to clear my mind."


Even without Cameron mentioning it, the highly perceptive Camilla had already noticed the recent tension in the family atmosphere. Coupled with the constant news coverage from Japan about Raven’s situation, Camilla realized that the Salvador family had gotten themselves into significant trouble in Japan while trying to save Raven.

However, she couldn't understand why her father was expending such effort on Raven.

Logically, Raven was just a servant of the Salvador family.

If something happened to a servant, the family only needed to provide a generous compensation to her family and a monthly allowance—no need for such a grand operation to rescue her from the Japanese police.

The cost involved was astronomical, at least hundreds of times more than the compensation and allowance. It seemed entirely impractical.

Cameron voiced his thoughts, “Camilla, with the commotion Dad and Grandpa are causing to rescue Raven, what do you think they’re after?”

Camilla shook her head, “I’m not sure, but I’m sure Dad and Grandpa have their reasons.”

Cameron said, “I keep thinking this doesn’t make sense. Raven can’t help the Salvador family make money. Spending so much to rescue her seems pointless!”

Camilla shrugged and laughed awkwardly, “I don’t get it either, so I’m just going to stop thinking about it.”

Cameron pondered for a moment and suggested, “Could it be that they’re trying to boost the loyalty of the servants to the Salvador family?”

Camilla shook her head, “There were over fifty people captured together, and only Raven was rescued. The servants might feel it’s unfair and have mixed feelings.”

“True,” Cameron sighed, “I just can’t figure it out.”

Camilla spoke up, “Enough of this. It’s not our concern. Let’s focus on finding our benefactor. The family desperately needs top experts. If we can find our benefactor and have him assist the Salvador family, it will greatly alleviate the current crisis.”

Cameron nodded, “You’re right! The benefactor’s abilities are far beyond Raven’s. If we can get him to stay and help the Salvador family, it would be a tremendous achievement!”


In Tokyo, Japan.

On one particular afternoon, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police and the Department of Homeland Security teamed up to apprehend all the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force personnel who were patrolling Tokyo Bay the night Raven went missing. They were all detained and isolated for individual interrogations.

Within a country, the most authoritative and prioritized department is the Department of Homeland Security.

For a nation, nothing is more crucial than national security.

So, when the Department of Homeland Security takes action, everyone else must step aside.

It’s similar to the situation in the United States.

In the U.S., there are well-known federal agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and NSA.

- FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation): Part of the Department of Justice, responsible for major domestic cases and those crossing multiple jurisdictions, especially states.
- CIA (Central Intelligence Agency): Handles foreign intelligence on governments, corporations, and terrorists.

While the FBI and CIA are frequently depicted in media and are well-known globally, the NSA (National Security Agency) is less familiar.

- NSA: The largest intelligence agency in the U.S. government, employing the most computer scientists, mathematicians, and linguists worldwide. Although they rarely appear in public, their operational priority is unmatched in the U.S.


In Japan, the Department of Homeland Security wielded immense power.

If the Department of Homeland Security apprehended Self-Defense Force members for interrogation on grounds of national security, even the highest-ranking Self-Defense Force commanders had no authority to interfere or question their actions.

The Self-Defense Force members were well aware of this fact. They knew that crossing paths with the Department of Homeland Security usually meant severe consequences. Even if they didn’t face death, they would suffer significant punishment.

The formidable reputation of the Department of Homeland Security meant that among the captured Self-Defense Force members, those with weaker psychological resilience quickly began to crack under pressure.

The Department of Homeland Security comprised some of the most elite individuals in the country. Their members were not only highly skilled but also seasoned veterans of numerous covert operations. Even in peacetime, they were battle-hardened and tested in real-world scenarios.

Compared to these elite operatives, the Self-Defense Force soldiers with limited practical experience seemed almost childlike in their naivety.

As a result, the Department of Homeland Security swiftly exploited the weaknesses of those less resilient Self-Defense Force members, leading to a rapid breakthrough in their investigation.

Within hours, the entire sequence of events had been pieced together.

Suzuki was thrilled to confirm that Nanako was indeed correct. The Self-Defense Force had colluded with the Salvador family from China to swap Raven during her transfer. Their most underhanded tactic was deliberately sabotaging the Tokyo Metropolitan Police's responsibility during Raven's handover, shifting all blame onto them and causing enormous injustice to the Tokyo police.

Moreover, their motive for collaborating with foreign forces and swapping out domestic criminals was to gain personal glory and social recognition!

This enraged Suzuki!

In his view, the Self-Defense Force’s scheme was akin to a group of thieves burning down their own house and then seeking praise for putting out the fire!

Having clarified the situation, the Department of Homeland Security immediately convened an emergency meeting with the cabinet to discuss countermeasures.

The cabinet was shocked!

They could hardly believe that such foolish high-ranking officials in the Self-Defense Force would act recklessly for personal gain, causing significant damage to the country!

Thus, the cabinet and the Department of Homeland Security swiftly formulated a response plan:

1. Secretly Arrest All Involved High-Ranking Self-Defense Force Officers: Once apprehended, the full details of the case would be made public, outlining the entire conspiracy between the Salvador family and the Self-Defense Force, and revealing the farce of the supposed rescue operation.

2. Demand the Salvador Family Hand Over Raven: The Salvador family was given 24 hours to surrender Raven to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police. Failure to comply would result in the permanent banning of the Salvador family’s business in Japan and a lifetime restriction on entry for the Salvador family’s direct relatives.

That night, three high-ranking Self-Defense Force officials were arrested at their homes.

These three had previously received accolades from the Japanese Self-Defense Force and government for their successful capture of Raven and others at Osaka Airport.

Now, they had all become prisoners for endangering national security.

Simultaneously, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, in collaboration with the Department of Homeland Security, issued a global announcement.

A tidal wave of backlash against the Salvador family was about to crash down!


In the dead of night, in Eastcliff, Virtuoso returned to his home, visibly dejected.

His mood was a turbulent mix of emotions. That evening, Valeria, Raven's biological mother, had come to see him at Salvador Group. Upon meeting, she anxiously inquired about Raven's whereabouts.

However, Virtuoso was at a loss for words. He had no idea where Raven had gone. It was as if she had vanished into thin air, leaving no trace behind.

Valeria, who had lost an arm, had begged and even knelt before Virtuoso, hoping he would make every effort to find her daughter, given that Raven was his own child.

Virtuoso had agreed. Raven was indeed his biological daughter, as confirmed by DNA results. Moreover, Valeria had once saved his life, and the loss of her arm was a sacrifice made in that very act of saving him.

So, out of respect for his own daughter and his benefactor, Virtuoso could not refuse. Yet, his heart was heavy with concern.

It was the first time he had encountered such a situation. For the first time, there was no clue about someone's whereabouts.

Given Salvador family's extensive connections and resources, there had always been information available for anyone they sought. But this time, no trace could be found.

The fear was not just about the difficulty in locating Raven. It was the terrifying possibility that Raven might no longer be alive.

Upon returning home, Virtuoso felt a profound sense of heaviness.

As Virtuoso pushed open the bedroom door, a stunning middle-aged woman emerged from the bathroom. She had just removed her makeup, taken a shower, and her long hair was wrapped in a towel. Despite the removal of her makeup, her skin remained smooth and radiant, revealing her natural beauty and meticulous self-care.

This woman was Virtuoso’s lifelong love, his wife, Marissa Klein.

The Klein family held substantial power in Eastcliff. Although they might lag behind Salvador family in assets, their background, status, connections, and overall strength were comparable, if not superior, to the Salvador family.

In some respects, the Klein family was even stronger than the Salvador family. After all, in any part of the world, wealth is not the sole measure of power.

Marissa had once been the most admired socialite in Eastcliff, without comparison. Her family background made her the dream lover of many wealthy second-generation elites in Eastcliff, including Virtuoso.

Even though Marissa was now in her fifties and had borne two children, she maintained her beauty and allure as if she were in her thirties, thanks to her excellent self-care.

Seeing Virtuoso’s weary return, Marissa expressed her concern, "Why did you come back so late today? Are you tired?"

Virtuoso forced a smile and replied, "It's nothing. I'm not tired. There have been a lot of things happening these past few days."
The Salvador family about to go down.
No way to escape de trap of Charlie, THE-DRAGON-SON-INLAW

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

Marissa nodded slightly. Ever since she married Virtuoso, she had never interfered in his work. In her mind, matters of men were not something she needed to meddle with. Consequently, she never asked about the details of Virtuoso's work.

Noticing the exhaustion on his face, Marissa gently suggested, "You should change out of your clothes first. I'll draw you a bath. Take a good soak, and when you go to bed tonight, turn off your phone. You’re not allowed to wake up tomorrow until you’ve slept in."

Virtuoso was touched by her care and quickly replied, "My dear, there's no need to trouble yourself. I can handle the bath."

Marissa insisted, "The water in the tub is from my bath earlier. It will take some time to refill it with fresh water. Why don't you change your clothes and rest for a while?"

Virtuoso smiled warmly, "It's fine. I'll just soak in the water you used. It won't take long."

Blushing slightly, Marissa protested, "That's not appropriate! Used bath water isn’t clean. Let me draw you a fresh bath."

"No need, no need," Virtuoso chuckled, quickly heading into the bathroom. As he undressed, he said, "How could the water my wife used be anything but clean? Don’t worry, I’ll just relax in it for a bit."

Seeing him completely undress, Marissa could only shake her head in resignation. "Alright then, enjoy your soak. If the water cools down, just add some hot water. I'll be on the bed reading."

"Got it!" Virtuoso laughed. "You go ahead!"

Marissa left the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She then lay down on the comfortable, luxurious bed and reached for a book titled Anna Karenina from the bedside table.

This masterpiece by the Russian author Leo Tolstoy tells the tragic story of Anna Karenina in her pursuit of love. Marissa had read this book countless times; she could recite many passages word for word. Yet, every now and then, she would pick it up again to read.

Sometimes, she felt a strange kinship with the book's protagonist. Like Anna, she was born into nobility, a graceful and charming lady in the eyes of others. However, she had never truly found the love she sought.

Her husband, much like Anna’s, was absorbed in his career. Though he loved her dearly, his rigid and conservative nature made her feel an overwhelming sense of emptiness and despair.

The only comfort she could find in her life was through her children.

Ironically, while Anna encountered her true love in the midst of her bleak marriage, Marissa’s life had taken the opposite path. She entered marriage with Virtuoso only after experiencing true love—love that she could never have.

Anna’s story ends in suicide, but Marissa had never considered taking her own life. Still, from the moment she married Virtuoso, she knew that the love in her life had died.

As she casually flipped through a few pages, Marissa's mind inevitably drifted back to thoughts of that man.

For over twenty years, his image had never left her thoughts. Almost every night, she fell asleep thinking of him—Drake Wade, the love of her life.

Remembering Drake, Marissa couldn’t help but reach for her phone.

Unlocking it, she opened her browser and typed in a long and complicated web address. It led her to an online photo album, a private collection she had created over a decade ago.

In this secret album, she had stored all the photos she had taken with Drake, as well as every picture of him she could find. She had converted them all to digital form and uploaded them here. The account and password were known only to her. Whenever she had a moment, she would open this album, look through the photos, then silently log out and erase all traces of her visit.

At this moment, as Drake's handsome face appeared on her screen, Marissa couldn't hold back her tears. Two streams of hot tears ran down her face as she gently caressed his image on the screen with her finger, whispering softly, "Drake, you’ve been gone for so many years. Why can't I forget you?"


Marissa truly loved Drake with all her heart.

Unlike Drake’s wife, who met him while studying abroad, Marissa and Drake had grown up together, practically inseparable since childhood.

Both hailed from prominent families of Eastcliff, and they attended the best schools together from kindergarten through high school. In several graduation photos, you could spot Marissa and Drake standing together, their expressions changing as they aged, but always side by side.

Drake was exceptional from a young age, and even as a child, Marissa loved being around him. By the time they reached middle school, she realized she was in love with him. From that moment on, her feelings for Drake never wavered, and she never hid her admiration.

Whenever Drake played on the field, Marissa would be there cheering him on. When he performed on stage, playing guitar and singing, she would be the first to applaud and shout his name.

Soon, it became common knowledge among the children of the city's elite: Marissa was in love with Drake.

The Klein and Wade families had always been close, their patriarchs were sworn brothers—so close that the thought of a union between Marissa and Drake filled both families with joy. The parents did everything they could to bring the two together.

Marissa herself couldn’t wait to marry Drake and become his wife.

But there was one problem: Drake simply refused.

He told her, “I’ve always seen you as a little sister. How could I ever see you as anything else?”

Drake’s father was furious. Unable to persuade his son, he slapped him across the face, calling him a fool for wasting so many years of Marissa's life. But even before the swelling on his cheek had gone down, Drake had already left for abroad.

Without hesitation, Marissa packed her bags and followed him to America. But fate played a cruel trick on her—there, Drake met the woman who would become Charlie’s mother, and he found his true love.

Yet, Marissa didn’t give up. She held on to her hopes, right up until the night before Drake’s wedding.

That night, she still prayed for a miracle, hoping that by morning, Drake would show up at her door with his best men to take her as his bride.

But Drake never came.

Instead, he got married.

The couple led the Wade family to new heights, and everyone in Eastcliff praised them as a match made in heaven. Only Marissa cried herself to sleep every night.

She believed she was the woman who loved Drake the most in this world. But fate had other plans—Drake had chosen someone else.

When Drake made his unshakable choice to marry another, Marissa cried until she had no tears left. But even after wiping away her tears, she continued to love him deeply, waiting patiently like a stone maiden, hoping he would one day change his mind.

But Drake never turned back.

When he married, Marissa accepted it with a heavy heart and, with the same resignation, accepted Virtuoso’s years of relentless pursuit.

Years later, when Drake passed away, Marissa cried uncontrollably once more. That time, she cried so hard she had to be rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment. The Salvador family kept it quiet—no one, not even her own family, knew about it.

Virtuoso said nothing because he was ashamed. He couldn’t bear the thought of others knowing that his beloved wife, whom he loved deeply, had nearly died from grief over another man’s death.

For a long time after, Virtuoso devoted himself to caring for her, never once blaming Marissa, for he knew there was no point. After all, Drake was gone. Now that she had cried all her tears, Drake could no longer threaten their relationship—so why bother holding it against her?

But then something unexpected happened. A few years ago, a southern provincial TV station aired a show called I Am a Singer. Marissa, always a music lover, watched it religiously every week, so Virtuoso joined her for a few episodes.


Each episode, Virtuoso and Marissa would eagerly discuss who sang better and whose arrangement stood out. They watched with rapt attention, thoroughly enjoying the show together.

But one day, everything changed. A female singer named Huang Qishan performed a cover of the song Can’t Live Without You. The moment Marissa heard the lyrics, her emotions crumbled. She covered her face, weeping uncontrollably in front of the television.

The lyrics of that song were etched in Virtuoso’s memory:

"You opened your arms and melted me,
You pinched your fingertips and crushed me,
You stirred up the storm and swept me away,
You raised the waves and abandoned me.
The two of us, it’s so unfair,
You control love and hate entirely.
But today, I can no longer live without you,
Whether you love me or not."

Huang Qishan’s voice was powerful and evocative. When she reached the most emotional part of the song, it was as if she was pulling the listener's very soul apart.

Seeing Marissa lose control and cry like that, Virtuoso instinctively reached out to hold her, but to his shock, Marissa refused to be comforted. She sobbed through the entire song and then locked herself in the bedroom, crying for over an hour.

Virtuoso’s mood took a dark turn that day. He knew full well why Marissa was in such anguish over that song—it was all because of Drake, who had been dead for more than ten years!

The lyrics were a perfect reflection of Marissa’s feelings for Drake.

Years ago, it was Drake who melted her heart, who crushed it, who swept her away and then abandoned her!

Her love was entirely controlled by Drake. Whether he loved her back or not, she could never let him go. Even though they had been physically and spatially separated for so long, her heart had never truly left him!

In that moment, Virtuoso couldn’t stop his own tears from falling.

He didn’t understand—what was it about Drake? While alive, he made his wife love him so desperately, and even in death, after all these years, he could still make her cry like this?

At that moment, Virtuoso’s hatred for Drake grew, even more than when Drake was alive! He even harbored thoughts of desecrating Drake’s grave, of scattering his bones to the wind!

As for Marissa, she had only ever loved one person in her life, and that person was Drake. Virtuoso was nothing more than the step she took after Drake’s wedding.

Back then, all of Eastcliff was astounded by Drake’s grand wedding, while also feeling pity for Marissa. Strong-willed and unwilling to be looked down upon, Marissa agreed to Virtuoso’s pursuit.

But she never loved him. From the day of their marriage to today, over twenty years later, her feelings hadn’t changed.

It wasn’t that Marissa was cold-hearted; it was just that love could not be forced. No matter how much she tried to convince herself otherwise, she couldn’t make herself love him.

Now, as she looked at a photo of Drake, recalling those days, two more streams of tears rolled down her cheeks.

She put on her Bluetooth earphones and played Can’t Live Without You once more. As the song began, she whispered to herself, “Drake, it was so unfair between us. I’ve loved you for nearly forty years, why couldn’t you give me even one chance?”

"If you had given me a chance back then, I wouldn’t have been worse than anyone else."

"If you had given me a chance, maybe you wouldn’t have died so young.”

As the song reached its most emotional point, Marissa’s tears began to flow uncontrollably.

At that very moment, her phone buzzed with multiple notifications. The most striking one was: “Japan’s National Security Agency releases shocking news—Salvador family scandal exposed!”

Chapter 2219: Shocking Revelations

As the eldest daughter-in-law of the Salvador family, Marissa’s first reaction upon seeing the push notification was to immediately click on it to see what was going on. Though she rarely got involved in her husband or the Salvador family’s affairs, she was still a part of the family and had heard about many things.

She had been deeply shaken when her son and daughter were kidnapped in Japan and nearly killed. That incident had left her with lingering fears and made her pay more attention to what was happening in Japan.

She was also aware of the fact that Raven had wiped out the entire Matsumoto family. Although she thought this was an extreme measure, Virtuoso had been furious at the time and was resolute in his decision, leaving no room for discussion.

Later, when Raven and a group of Salvador family experts were captured by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, Marissa knew it had a significant impact on the Salvador family, greatly weakening their overall strength. She had noticed Virtuoso’s growing worry ever since.

However, she had no knowledge of Virtuoso’s plans to rescue Raven.

So, when she saw this push notification, her curiosity was piqued.

Upon opening it, she discovered that the Japanese National Security Agency had released a statement claiming that after Salvador family operatives murdered the entire Matsumoto family, they were captured by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces stationed in Osaka. The main culprit, Raven Salvador, was also arrested. However, the Salvador family allegedly colluded with high-ranking officials in the Self-Defense Forces to swap Raven from the custody of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, leading to her disappearance.

The statement went on to say that the Japanese National Security Agency issued a stern protest against the Salvador family, demanding that Raven be returned to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police immediately. If not, the Salvador family would be permanently banned from Japan, with only 24 hours to comply.

Marissa was shocked and confused. She muttered to herself, “Why would they go to such great lengths and take such a huge risk for Raven? This doesn’t match my husband’s usual way of doing things. Not just him, even my father-in-law Harrison isn’t the kind of person who would make such a decision!”

Her confusion deepened as she continued reading.

The statement further alleged, “The Salvador family wasn’t truly interested in rescuing Raven; they only saw her as a pawn in a larger game. On the one hand, they planned to hand her over to the Self-Defense Forces to gain favor, while on the other, they aimed to use this situation to appease the family of Raven’s mother, Valeria. After all, the Stormrider family is one of the four major martial arts families in China and an important ally the Salvador family wants to win over.”

Marissa was stunned. “Raven is Valeria’s child?! How have I never heard of this before?!”

Marissa knew Valeria. She had been her husband Virtuoso’s personal bodyguard for years. Later, Valeria left the Salvador family after losing a limb while saving Virtuoso.

“But when did Valeria have a daughter? And why did she send her daughter to the Salvador family to serve as Virtuoso’s bodyguard?”

“And why does Valeria’s daughter carry the Salvador surname?!”

As she read on, the next paragraph revealed an earth-shattering scandal that left Marissa utterly speechless!

The statement claimed that Raven was the illegitimate daughter of Virtuoso and Valeria, a child born from their affair. Valeria had hidden this fact and sent her daughter to the Salvador family!

When Marissa read this, it was as if she had been struck by lightning.

Even though there was no concrete evidence provided in the statement, her intuition as a woman told her that everything written here was true!

She couldn’t believe that the man she thought loved her deeply and had been loyal to her had betrayed her!

And not just recently, but twenty years ago!

Not only that, but he had even fathered an illegitimate daughter!


What made it worse was that his illegitimate daughter had been living in the Salvador family as a bodyguard all these years, right under her nose! The betrayal Marissa felt was complete, leaving her cold to the core.

Struggling to control her trembling hands, she continued reading. The further she went, the more disgusted she felt. Even the Japanese National Security Agency condemned the Salvador family, saying that they were worse than animals. They would even sacrifice the lives of their own daughter and granddaughter for profit, showing a cruelty that was beyond belief.

By this point, Marissa’s scalp was tingling with shock.

She looked at the wedding photo of her and Virtuoso on the wall and reflected on their many years of marriage. A wave of nausea overtook her. But then, a sense of liberation washed over her.

Without saying a word, she got out of bed, went to the walk-in closet, and took out a suitcase. She quietly packed a few pieces of clothing, changed into an outfit suitable for going out, and without hesitation, grabbed the suitcase and prepared to leave.

Just then, the bathroom door opened.

Virtuoso, wrapped in a towel, emerged and was shocked to see Marissa with a suitcase, seemingly about to leave. He asked in surprise, “Honey, where are you going so late?”

Marissa looked at him with a calm and expressionless face. She said, “Virtuoso, let’s get a divorce.”

Virtuoso was struck as if by lightning, panicking as he blurted out, “What’s going on, honey? What’s this all about? If I’ve done something wrong, just tell me, and I’ll change, okay?”

Marissa stared into his eyes and calmly asked, “Virtuoso, for the sake of our many years together, I’m going to ask you a question now. Please answer truthfully, without a single lie. Can you do that?”

Although Virtuoso felt guilty, he still firmly said, “Ask away, honey. I’ll answer truthfully, I promise.”

Marissa didn’t beat around the bush. “Okay, then let me ask you, is Raven your illegitimate daughter with Valeria?”

Virtuoso’s world shattered at that moment.

He never in his wildest dreams expected that Marissa’s first question would hit right at the one thing he was most ashamed of.

Panic overwhelmed him. He didn’t know how to respond.

Should he deny it? Knowing Marissa’s personality, if she was asking, she was likely convinced of it. A simple denial might not be enough to convince her and could leave her even more disappointed.

But if he couldn’t deny it, then he would have to admit it.

However, admitting it would confirm his infidelity, and since this had happened over twenty years ago, anyone in Marissa’s position would be furious to learn that their spouse had not only cheated but had fathered an illegitimate child.

If that happened, Marissa would surely leave him without a second thought.

While Virtuoso was completely at a loss, panicking and unsure of what to do, Marissa sighed softly and gave a faint smile. “Enough, I won’t make this hard for you. Let’s just divorce. We can part on good terms.”

Virtuoso felt like his world was crumbling. He dropped to his knees with a thud, grabbing Marissa’s legs, choking up as he pleaded, “Honey, I was wrong! Honey! That time, I was just confused. I didn’t expect Valeria to have Raven after that one time. Please, forgive me just this once, honey! I can’t lose you, honey!”


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Reaction score

Marissa nodded slightly. Ever since she married Virtuoso, she had never interfered in his work. In her mind, matters of men were not something she needed to meddle with. Consequently, she never asked about the details of Virtuoso's work.

Noticing the exhaustion on his face, Marissa gently suggested, "You should change out of your clothes first. I'll draw you a bath. Take a good soak, and when you go to bed tonight, turn off your phone. You’re not allowed to wake up tomorrow until you’ve slept in."

Virtuoso was touched by her care and quickly replied, "My dear, there's no need to trouble yourself. I can handle the bath."

Marissa insisted, "The water in the tub is from my bath earlier. It will take some time to refill it with fresh water. Why don't you change your clothes and rest for a while?"

Virtuoso smiled warmly, "It's fine. I'll just soak in the water you used. It won't take long."

Blushing slightly, Marissa protested, "That's not appropriate! Used bath water isn’t clean. Let me draw you a fresh bath."

"No need, no need," Virtuoso chuckled, quickly heading into the bathroom. As he undressed, he said, "How could the water my wife used be anything but clean? Don’t worry, I’ll just relax in it for a bit."

Seeing him completely undress, Marissa could only shake her head in resignation. "Alright then, enjoy your soak. If the water cools down, just add some hot water. I'll be on the bed reading."

"Got it!" Virtuoso laughed. "You go ahead!"

Marissa left the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She then lay down on the comfortable, luxurious bed and reached for a book titled Anna Karenina from the bedside table.

This masterpiece by the Russian author Leo Tolstoy tells the tragic story of Anna Karenina in her pursuit of love. Marissa had read this book countless times; she could recite many passages word for word. Yet, every now and then, she would pick it up again to read.

Sometimes, she felt a strange kinship with the book's protagonist. Like Anna, she was born into nobility, a graceful and charming lady in the eyes of others. However, she had never truly found the love she sought.

Her husband, much like Anna’s, was absorbed in his career. Though he loved her dearly, his rigid and conservative nature made her feel an overwhelming sense of emptiness and despair.

The only comfort she could find in her life was through her children.

Ironically, while Anna encountered her true love in the midst of her bleak marriage, Marissa’s life had taken the opposite path. She entered marriage with Virtuoso only after experiencing true love—love that she could never have.

Anna’s story ends in suicide, but Marissa had never considered taking her own life. Still, from the moment she married Virtuoso, she knew that the love in her life had died.

As she casually flipped through a few pages, Marissa's mind inevitably drifted back to thoughts of that man.

For over twenty years, his image had never left her thoughts. Almost every night, she fell asleep thinking of him—Drake Wade, the love of her life.

Remembering Drake, Marissa couldn’t help but reach for her phone.

Unlocking it, she opened her browser and typed in a long and complicated web address. It led her to an online photo album, a private collection she had created over a decade ago.

In this secret album, she had stored all the photos she had taken with Drake, as well as every picture of him she could find. She had converted them all to digital form and uploaded them here. The account and password were known only to her. Whenever she had a moment, she would open this album, look through the photos, then silently log out and erase all traces of her visit.

At this moment, as Drake's handsome face appeared on her screen, Marissa couldn't hold back her tears. Two streams of hot tears ran down her face as she gently caressed his image on the screen with her finger, whispering softly, "Drake, you’ve been gone for so many years. Why can't I forget you?"


Marissa truly loved Drake with all her heart.

Unlike Drake’s wife, who met him while studying abroad, Marissa and Drake had grown up together, practically inseparable since childhood.

Both hailed from prominent families of Eastcliff, and they attended the best schools together from kindergarten through high school. In several graduation photos, you could spot Marissa and Drake standing together, their expressions changing as they aged, but always side by side.

Drake was exceptional from a young age, and even as a child, Marissa loved being around him. By the time they reached middle school, she realized she was in love with him. From that moment on, her feelings for Drake never wavered, and she never hid her admiration.

Whenever Drake played on the field, Marissa would be there cheering him on. When he performed on stage, playing guitar and singing, she would be the first to applaud and shout his name.

Soon, it became common knowledge among the children of the city's elite: Marissa was in love with Drake.

The Klein and Wade families had always been close, their patriarchs were sworn brothers—so close that the thought of a union between Marissa and Drake filled both families with joy. The parents did everything they could to bring the two together.

Marissa herself couldn’t wait to marry Drake and become his wife.

But there was one problem: Drake simply refused.

He told her, “I’ve always seen you as a little sister. How could I ever see you as anything else?”

Drake’s father was furious. Unable to persuade his son, he slapped him across the face, calling him a fool for wasting so many years of Marissa's life. But even before the swelling on his cheek had gone down, Drake had already left for abroad.

Without hesitation, Marissa packed her bags and followed him to America. But fate played a cruel trick on her—there, Drake met the woman who would become Charlie’s mother, and he found his true love.

Yet, Marissa didn’t give up. She held on to her hopes, right up until the night before Drake’s wedding.

That night, she still prayed for a miracle, hoping that by morning, Drake would show up at her door with his best men to take her as his bride.

But Drake never came.

Instead, he got married.

The couple led the Wade family to new heights, and everyone in Eastcliff praised them as a match made in heaven. Only Marissa cried herself to sleep every night.

She believed she was the woman who loved Drake the most in this world. But fate had other plans—Drake had chosen someone else.

When Drake made his unshakable choice to marry another, Marissa cried until she had no tears left. But even after wiping away her tears, she continued to love him deeply, waiting patiently like a stone maiden, hoping he would one day change his mind.

But Drake never turned back.

When he married, Marissa accepted it with a heavy heart and, with the same resignation, accepted Virtuoso’s years of relentless pursuit.

Years later, when Drake passed away, Marissa cried uncontrollably once more. That time, she cried so hard she had to be rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment. The Salvador family kept it quiet—no one, not even her own family, knew about it.

Virtuoso said nothing because he was ashamed. He couldn’t bear the thought of others knowing that his beloved wife, whom he loved deeply, had nearly died from grief over another man’s death.

For a long time after, Virtuoso devoted himself to caring for her, never once blaming Marissa, for he knew there was no point. After all, Drake was gone. Now that she had cried all her tears, Drake could no longer threaten their relationship—so why bother holding it against her?

But then something unexpected happened. A few years ago, a southern provincial TV station aired a show called I Am a Singer. Marissa, always a music lover, watched it religiously every week, so Virtuoso joined her for a few episodes.


Each episode, Virtuoso and Marissa would eagerly discuss who sang better and whose arrangement stood out. They watched with rapt attention, thoroughly enjoying the show together.

But one day, everything changed. A female singer named Huang Qishan performed a cover of the song Can’t Live Without You. The moment Marissa heard the lyrics, her emotions crumbled. She covered her face, weeping uncontrollably in front of the television.

The lyrics of that song were etched in Virtuoso’s memory:

"You opened your arms and melted me,
You pinched your fingertips and crushed me,
You stirred up the storm and swept me away,
You raised the waves and abandoned me.
The two of us, it’s so unfair,
You control love and hate entirely.
But today, I can no longer live without you,
Whether you love me or not."

Huang Qishan’s voice was powerful and evocative. When she reached the most emotional part of the song, it was as if she was pulling the listener's very soul apart.

Seeing Marissa lose control and cry like that, Virtuoso instinctively reached out to hold her, but to his shock, Marissa refused to be comforted. She sobbed through the entire song and then locked herself in the bedroom, crying for over an hour.

Virtuoso’s mood took a dark turn that day. He knew full well why Marissa was in such anguish over that song—it was all because of Drake, who had been dead for more than ten years!

The lyrics were a perfect reflection of Marissa’s feelings for Drake.

Years ago, it was Drake who melted her heart, who crushed it, who swept her away and then abandoned her!

Her love was entirely controlled by Drake. Whether he loved her back or not, she could never let him go. Even though they had been physically and spatially separated for so long, her heart had never truly left him!

In that moment, Virtuoso couldn’t stop his own tears from falling.

He didn’t understand—what was it about Drake? While alive, he made his wife love him so desperately, and even in death, after all these years, he could still make her cry like this?

At that moment, Virtuoso’s hatred for Drake grew, even more than when Drake was alive! He even harbored thoughts of desecrating Drake’s grave, of scattering his bones to the wind!

As for Marissa, she had only ever loved one person in her life, and that person was Drake. Virtuoso was nothing more than the step she took after Drake’s wedding.

Back then, all of Eastcliff was astounded by Drake’s grand wedding, while also feeling pity for Marissa. Strong-willed and unwilling to be looked down upon, Marissa agreed to Virtuoso’s pursuit.

But she never loved him. From the day of their marriage to today, over twenty years later, her feelings hadn’t changed.

It wasn’t that Marissa was cold-hearted; it was just that love could not be forced. No matter how much she tried to convince herself otherwise, she couldn’t make herself love him.

Now, as she looked at a photo of Drake, recalling those days, two more streams of tears rolled down her cheeks.

She put on her Bluetooth earphones and played Can’t Live Without You once more. As the song began, she whispered to herself, “Drake, it was so unfair between us. I’ve loved you for nearly forty years, why couldn’t you give me even one chance?”

"If you had given me a chance back then, I wouldn’t have been worse than anyone else."

"If you had given me a chance, maybe you wouldn’t have died so young.”

As the song reached its most emotional point, Marissa’s tears began to flow uncontrollably.

At that very moment, her phone buzzed with multiple notifications. The most striking one was: “Japan’s National Security Agency releases shocking news—Salvador family scandal exposed!”

Chapter 2219: Shocking Revelations

As the eldest daughter-in-law of the Salvador family, Marissa’s first reaction upon seeing the push notification was to immediately click on it to see what was going on. Though she rarely got involved in her husband or the Salvador family’s affairs, she was still a part of the family and had heard about many things.

She had been deeply shaken when her son and daughter were kidnapped in Japan and nearly killed. That incident had left her with lingering fears and made her pay more attention to what was happening in Japan.

She was also aware of the fact that Raven had wiped out the entire Matsumoto family. Although she thought this was an extreme measure, Virtuoso had been furious at the time and was resolute in his decision, leaving no room for discussion.

Later, when Raven and a group of Salvador family experts were captured by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, Marissa knew it had a significant impact on the Salvador family, greatly weakening their overall strength. She had noticed Virtuoso’s growing worry ever since.

However, she had no knowledge of Virtuoso’s plans to rescue Raven.

So, when she saw this push notification, her curiosity was piqued.

Upon opening it, she discovered that the Japanese National Security Agency had released a statement claiming that after Salvador family operatives murdered the entire Matsumoto family, they were captured by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces stationed in Osaka. The main culprit, Raven Salvador, was also arrested. However, the Salvador family allegedly colluded with high-ranking officials in the Self-Defense Forces to swap Raven from the custody of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, leading to her disappearance.

The statement went on to say that the Japanese National Security Agency issued a stern protest against the Salvador family, demanding that Raven be returned to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police immediately. If not, the Salvador family would be permanently banned from Japan, with only 24 hours to comply.

Marissa was shocked and confused. She muttered to herself, “Why would they go to such great lengths and take such a huge risk for Raven? This doesn’t match my husband’s usual way of doing things. Not just him, even my father-in-law Harrison isn’t the kind of person who would make such a decision!”

Her confusion deepened as she continued reading.

The statement further alleged, “The Salvador family wasn’t truly interested in rescuing Raven; they only saw her as a pawn in a larger game. On the one hand, they planned to hand her over to the Self-Defense Forces to gain favor, while on the other, they aimed to use this situation to appease the family of Raven’s mother, Valeria. After all, the Stormrider family is one of the four major martial arts families in China and an important ally the Salvador family wants to win over.”

Marissa was stunned. “Raven is Valeria’s child?! How have I never heard of this before?!”

Marissa knew Valeria. She had been her husband Virtuoso’s personal bodyguard for years. Later, Valeria left the Salvador family after losing a limb while saving Virtuoso.

“But when did Valeria have a daughter? And why did she send her daughter to the Salvador family to serve as Virtuoso’s bodyguard?”

“And why does Valeria’s daughter carry the Salvador surname?!”

As she read on, the next paragraph revealed an earth-shattering scandal that left Marissa utterly speechless!

The statement claimed that Raven was the illegitimate daughter of Virtuoso and Valeria, a child born from their affair. Valeria had hidden this fact and sent her daughter to the Salvador family!

When Marissa read this, it was as if she had been struck by lightning.

Even though there was no concrete evidence provided in the statement, her intuition as a woman told her that everything written here was true!

She couldn’t believe that the man she thought loved her deeply and had been loyal to her had betrayed her!

And not just recently, but twenty years ago!

Not only that, but he had even fathered an illegitimate daughter!


What made it worse was that his illegitimate daughter had been living in the Salvador family as a bodyguard all these years, right under her nose! The betrayal Marissa felt was complete, leaving her cold to the core.

Struggling to control her trembling hands, she continued reading. The further she went, the more disgusted she felt. Even the Japanese National Security Agency condemned the Salvador family, saying that they were worse than animals. They would even sacrifice the lives of their own daughter and granddaughter for profit, showing a cruelty that was beyond belief.

By this point, Marissa’s scalp was tingling with shock.

She looked at the wedding photo of her and Virtuoso on the wall and reflected on their many years of marriage. A wave of nausea overtook her. But then, a sense of liberation washed over her.

Without saying a word, she got out of bed, went to the walk-in closet, and took out a suitcase. She quietly packed a few pieces of clothing, changed into an outfit suitable for going out, and without hesitation, grabbed the suitcase and prepared to leave.

Just then, the bathroom door opened.

Virtuoso, wrapped in a towel, emerged and was shocked to see Marissa with a suitcase, seemingly about to leave. He asked in surprise, “Honey, where are you going so late?”

Marissa looked at him with a calm and expressionless face. She said, “Virtuoso, let’s get a divorce.”

Virtuoso was struck as if by lightning, panicking as he blurted out, “What’s going on, honey? What’s this all about? If I’ve done something wrong, just tell me, and I’ll change, okay?”

Marissa stared into his eyes and calmly asked, “Virtuoso, for the sake of our many years together, I’m going to ask you a question now. Please answer truthfully, without a single lie. Can you do that?”

Although Virtuoso felt guilty, he still firmly said, “Ask away, honey. I’ll answer truthfully, I promise.”

Marissa didn’t beat around the bush. “Okay, then let me ask you, is Raven your illegitimate daughter with Valeria?”

Virtuoso’s world shattered at that moment.

He never in his wildest dreams expected that Marissa’s first question would hit right at the one thing he was most ashamed of.

Panic overwhelmed him. He didn’t know how to respond.

Should he deny it? Knowing Marissa’s personality, if she was asking, she was likely convinced of it. A simple denial might not be enough to convince her and could leave her even more disappointed.

But if he couldn’t deny it, then he would have to admit it.

However, admitting it would confirm his infidelity, and since this had happened over twenty years ago, anyone in Marissa’s position would be furious to learn that their spouse had not only cheated but had fathered an illegitimate child.

If that happened, Marissa would surely leave him without a second thought.

While Virtuoso was completely at a loss, panicking and unsure of what to do, Marissa sighed softly and gave a faint smile. “Enough, I won’t make this hard for you. Let’s just divorce. We can part on good terms.”

Virtuoso felt like his world was crumbling. He dropped to his knees with a thud, grabbing Marissa’s legs, choking up as he pleaded, “Honey, I was wrong! Honey! That time, I was just confused. I didn’t expect Valeria to have Raven after that one time. Please, forgive me just this once, honey! I can’t lose you, honey!”
The fall of the Salvador family. Charlie the orchestra 😀😀😀

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