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The Lawyer’s Romance in Law

Novel The Lawyer’s Romance in Law is an amazing story about a young woman Elias Winters and rich people Amanda Bailey. After being secretly married for a year, Elias Winters brought his mistress home but was confronted by his wife, Amanda Bailey, who presented him with a positive pregnancy test. Falsely accusing her of infidelity, he vowed never to see her again. Four years later, Amanda returned to the country as a successful barrister, causing Elias to cling to her and beg for reconciliation. He even went as far as kneeling in the rain, seeking her forgiveness. However, Amanda remained unmoved. It was then that their child rushed out and asked about Elias. He was shocked because he had always believed that she had aborted the child. To his surprise, the little one standing before him was a spitting image of himself!
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KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 460 Hypnosis.

Inside the car, Elias had been looking out of the window while being lost in thought.

Rosie didn't disturb him and sat quietly beside him as she played with her phone.

After a while, he turned to her and asked in a deep voice, "This doesn't seem like the direction to the hospital. Where are we going for the check-up?"

"Eli, the doctor was too busy, so I arranged for the check-up at our family's hospital. I will take the results to that doctor afterward. Our hospital is a private one, so the examination. will be quick and won't delay you for long. Rosie explained.

Hearing that, he didn't say anything else, but his brows furrowed slightly, and they continued. the journey in silence.

Half an hour later, the car slowly came to a halt before being parked in the hospital parking lot.

Elias and Rosie got out of the car and walked toward the hospital's main building.

After Rosie took him through a series of examinations, she led him to the doctor's office, which had a sign that read "Neurology."

But the moment Elias entered that office, he felt heavy-headed. Suddenly, he heard the sound of a bell, and he stopped in his tracks.

After noticing that, Rosie asked, "Eli, what's wrong?"

"Did you hear a bell ringing?"

"No, I didn't. I didn't hear any sounds." Rosie innocently shook her head.

Eli thought it was just his imagination and walked into the office.

The next moment, Rosie pointed to a single couch and said, "Eli, please sit here. The doctor will be here to examine you soon. There are blood clots in your brain after the car accident, and it's dangerous if they spread, so we need to recheck it."

Eli didn't give much thought to it and sat on the couch. He had a feeling that something was off but could not put his finger on it.

"Why isn't the doctor here yet?”

"It won't be long. Let me make a call to remind them. They might be busy at the moment." Rosie smiled and left the office.

In the corridor, Rosie dialed a phone number and said, "I'm out now. Hurry up, but don't let him suspect anything. Also, don't take too long. He gets irritable easily, and he has a bad temper." "Don't worry, Miss Momsey. I'm an expert at this."

After Rosie left the office, Elias suddenly heard a faint sound of a bell in the air.

He furrowed his brows and looked around, but he couldn't see any trace of a bell.

Is it just my imagination again?

Elias felt increasingly drowsy and sleepy as he lay on the single couch. He wanted to sleep, but the doctor still hadn't arrived after a long time, and he was getting impatient.

At that moment, a white lab coat woman entered the office. She closed the door and sat next to him before saying with a gentle smile, "Mr. Winters, I'm sorry for being late. Let's begin now."

Begin? Begin what?

Isn't it a brain examination? They had just taken a CT scan, so why do they need to start again?

Elias couldn't understand what the doctor was doing, but he was getting increasingly tired, and his eyelids were getting heavier.

Following that, he heard the female doctor say, "You can take a nap if you're feeling sleepy."

Suddenly, a series of bell sounds echoed incessantly in his ears. Elias slowly closed his eyes, and the sounds became fainter and fainter until he completely lost consciousness. He soon entered a bizarre dream.

Elias seemed to enter a dark world and kept walking forward until he saw a ray of light and a villa.

He pushed open the door and saw a pitiful woman kneeling on the ground while another woman slapped her.

He approached and saw that the woman on the ground was Rosie, and the woman slapping her was Amanda.

Elias was puzzled as he watched this scene.

He heard Amanda say to Rosie, "Who do you think you are, trying to steal my man? Even though I've done so many things to hurt Elias, he still chose me! Because he's just a jerk! He doesn't like any woman who treats him well. He likes someone like me, who plays hard to get!"

"Why do you treat Elias like this? He hasn't done anything wrong to you. Why do him wear a cuckold's hat and deceive him into raising you and other men's children? It's unfair to him!" Rosic cried. "He's doing it willingly. He likes me so much that he's willing to raise my illegitimate child. What's it to you?" Amanda sneered.

As Elias watched this scene, he felt as if his mind was exploding.

He angrily turned around and tried to escape but found himself in another room as soon as he turned around. Inside, he heard the sounds of passionate lovemaking between a man and a woman.

With trembling hands, he pushed open the door and saw a couple making love on the bed. When he saw the woman's face clearly, his heart felt like it had been stabbed!

The woman on the bed was Amanda!

Elias widened his eyes in shock as he looked at the scene in front of him where Amanda shamelessly slept with other men and completely disregarded his feelings.

He suddenly rushed forward and kicked the man off the bed while Amanda arrogantly pulled up the covers, saying, "Did you see that? It's good that you did. Now, I don't have to lie and deceive you anymore. The child isn't yours, but so what? You love me and won't mind. raising the child for me, right?”

Elias looked at the beautiful yet detestable face in front of him, wishing he could strangle this woman to death.


"Get out! Get lost! Get out of my world!"

Elias woke up from his dream and opened his eyes abruptly. His pitch-black eyes stared at the ceiling, and his gaze was fierce.

Soon, he realized it was just a dream. He was still in the doctor's office, and the doctor was nowhere to be seen. Sitting in front of him was Rosie.

"Eli, what happened to you just now? Don't scare me. Are you okay? Why do you look 50 pale, and why are you sweating so much?" Rosie wiped the cold sweat off his forehead with at tissue.

Elias grabbed her wrist, and she froze. She looked at him with a guilty expression and was unsure if the hypnosis had worked.

He stared at her for a long time before releasing her wrist.

With that, Rose cautiously asked. Eli. what happened to you just now

"It's nothing evidentally fell adeep"

Well the doctor and 'reventering well but your deep quality isn't good, which isn't beneficial for your recovery Roxie pretended to be unaware of what happened.

Flint closely end up and walked out of the doctor's office. He felt like he had only slept f

esod ten minutes in the office, but when he glanced at his watch, he realized he had slept for th

After waking up from such a strange dream, he airprisingly started to have some truest in

Suddenly, he felt guilty toward her but didn't know where this guilt came from.

unsure if the hypnosis had worked.

He stared at her for a long time before releasing her wrist.

With that, Rosie cautiously asked. 'Eli, what happened to you just

"It's nothing. Faccidentally fell asleep."

"Well, the doctor said you're recovering well, but your sleep quality isn't good, which isn't beneficial for your recovery" Rosie pretended to be unaware of what happened.

Elias slowly stood up and walked out of the doctor's office. He felt like he had only slept for ten minutes in the office, but when he glanced at his watch, he realized he had slept for three hours.

After waking up from such a strange dream, he surprisingly started to have some trust in Rosie

Suddenly, he felt guilty toward her but didn't know where this guilt came from.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 461 Being Possessed

After leaving the hospital, Rosie glanced at the man's profile, eager to gauge the effects of the earlier. hypnosis Hence, she asked tentatively. "Eli, what should we do now?"

Elias stopped walking, his gaze clouded with confusion upon hearing this. It appeared that he, too, had forgotten his intended course of action. He turned to face the woman behind him and asked, "What would you like to do?

"I... Well, it's already noon, and my stomach's growling. How about we grab some lunch?" she suggested.

Instead of declining, he nodded and replied, "Sure, let's go."

As they strolled toward the parking lot, her heart swelled with joy as she observed his retreating figure. Inwardly, she pondered, Is it working? Could this signify the success of the earlier hypnosis? At least he no longer rejects my presence. Heh... If this keeps up, perhaps I'll become the sole occupant of his thoughts and heart. Suppressing her excitement, she followed behind him and entered the car.

Once they settled into the vehicle, the driver navigated away from the hospital.

Throughout the ride, Elias remained silent. His mind seemed occupied by the faint, mystical sound of bells. However, no bells were in sight when he scanned his surroundings.

Meanwhile, Rosie noticed his strange demeanor. Hence, she feigned concern and inquired, "Eli, are you okay? Do you have a headache again?"

"No. By the way, did I talk in my sleep at the doctor's office earlier? Also, is the doctor a woman?" He only remembered seeing a female doctor as she entered the room, and then an inexplicable drowsiness overcame him. During this time, he drifted into a prolonged dream. Eventually, he awoke, only to realize that three hours had slipped unnoticed.

She feigned a puzzled expression and remarked, "Yes, it was a female doctor. However, you didn't talk in your sleep. Perhaps you were simply exhausted and dozed off."

Then, he fell into contemplative silence and said nothing.

For the rest of the day, Elias was quite accommodating toward Rosie. He didn't return to the company but dedicated the entire day to her. Even he couldn't fathom the reason behind his actions. It felt as though an inner voice urged him that he cherished her above all else.

As night fell, he dropped her off near the Momsey Residence. She beamed as she unfastened her seatbelt, ready to exit the car and return home. In the meantime, he also stepped out of the car, accompanying her to the residence's gate to bid farewell.

"Eli, thank you for today. You've spent the entire day with me."

Head inside. It's getting late," Elias replied.

"Alright then, see you tomorrow. By the way, I've recently learned two new dishes. Ill prepare them for you tomorrow and bring them to your office, Rosie said with a joyful smile before darting toward the villa

Just then, Taylor stepped out of the villa and was met with an astonishing sight. He blinked in disbelief. momentarily wondering if his eyes were playing tricks on him. Nonetheless, he was taken aback by Elias uncharacteristic gentleness toward his sister

After seeing her safely inside. Elias swiftly retreated into his car. Despite feeling peculiarly dazed, the prospect of overtime work didn't cross his mind. He only wanted to head home and enjoy a restful night's sleep.

Soon. the car pulled away, and Rosie hummed merrily as she ascended the steps. She unexpectedly encountered her brother standing there in a daze. "Taylor, what brings you out here? Anyway, I'm utterly exhausted today, so I'm heading to bed," she said.

Suddenly, he grabbed her arm and asked anxiously, "Hold on! What's going on between you and Elias?

"It's exactly as you witnessed. Eli has been treating me well," she responded with an irrepressible giggle. The present scenario delighted her, and she secretly wished Elias would always treat her this way. Taylor appeared perplexed upon hearing this and struggled to comprehend their current relationship. The inexplicable change in Elias' demeanor led him to believe that the man had been possessed, as he now acted contrary to his usual demeanor. "That doesn't seem right. Even after he lost his memory, he wouldn't treat you so warmly. Despite not rejecting you, I've noticed him avoiding you. And now, he's suddenly so close to you, his indifference replaced with intimacy. What exactly transpired between you two?" he asked. In a sudden realization, he blurted out, "Did you two... You know?" The only explanation he could conjure for such a drastic change in a man was a romantic involvement.

Rosie blushed and playfully punched her brother. "What are you insinuating? Eli would never do that. No way!"

"Well then, what is it? Is he possessed or something? How could you possibly be with such a fickle man?" he inquired, his curiosity undeterred.

Though she knew everything, she chose silence as her response.

However, the notion of Elias being possessed wasn't entirely off the mark. Unbeknownst to him, he had willingly succumbed to the art of hypnosis. The hypnotist had skillfully interwoven Rosie into the man's memories, prompting him to accept her.

"I'd rather not tell you. Isn't this a positive development?" She grinned before sauntering into the villa, leaving Taylor in bewilderment.

Meanwhile, Yacob had successfully sneaked into the grand Lawrence Estate under the guise of a gardener, tending to flowers and clearing weeds. Yet, this wasn't his primary objective-his foremost task was safeguarding Aiden.

However, two days had passed, and he hadn't caught sight of the little guy anywhere within the sprawling estate.

Since the previous incident, Symeon had relocated Aiden to another villa. Hence, Yacob had to search relentlessly.

While clearing the weeds with a fellow gardener, Yacob asked, "Do you know where the master's illegitimate son might be?"

The gardener eyed him warily before responding. "What are you getting at? It's wise not to delve into the master's private matters. You might end up losing your job."

Yacob offered a knowing smile as he lit a cigarette. Im not prving Tve just heard of the master & fondnes for the little guy My concern is that if the boy happens to venture into my working area to play and I fail to recognize him, any mishap would undoubtedly lead to my undoing. Wouldn't the master be furious?

His explanation seemed to allay the gardener's concerns since this apprehension was natural in their line of work.

Meanwhile, similar concerns were shared by all servants within the Lawrence Estate. They feared that serving Aiden inadequately might lead to Symeon's punishment. Thus, word had spread that catering the little guy was no trifling task.

Then, the gardener patted Yacob's shoulder and reassured him, "Don't sweat it too much. Just keep your distance when you encounter Mr. Aiden. Even if a mishap occurs, it won't be pinned on you. Moreover, he hardly ever ventures into our area. So, don't worry."

Just then, a car slowly passed by their vicinity. The gardener pointed and informed, "See that car? It's the one that fetches Mr. Aiden to and from school every day."

Following his gesture, Yacob's gaze settled on the car heading toward Villa No. 1. Suddenly, he said, "Oh, my stomach's acting up. I need a bathroom break. Can you cover for me for a while?" Then he grimaced in discomfort.

"You're full of excuses as always. Hurry, though, my shift is almost over," the gardener grumbled. "Okay, I'll be right back."


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 462 Why Is He So Fickle?

Yacob conjured up a stomach ache excuse to trail the car. He wanted to find out which villa it was heading 10. Eventually, he noticed the car pulled up in front of Villa No. 2, where Symeon and Aiden disembarked

Despite his concerns. Yacob felt a sense of relief upon observing the little guy, who seemed displeased yet unharmed. Then, he thought, Lawrence likely remains oblivious to the truth, thus maintaining his affection for the little guy. Nonetheless. I must rescue the little guy before this lunatic uncovers the truth.

Hence, he stood by, watching Aiden enter Villa No. 2 before departing with a sense of reassurance. He planned to talk to Aiden later that night.

After returning to his post, Yacob suddenly noticed the car driving out again. He instinctively lowered his head and resumed weeding the grass. He feared that Symeon, sitting inside the vehicle, might recognize him.

The car passed by in silence, and only then did Yacob dare to look up. He breathed a sigh of relief as he noticed Symeon was engrossed in his phone, showing no inclination to glance out from the ear window. Then, his thoughts drifted to Amanda, wondering how she was faring back in the country. He knew about Elias' amnesia and inferred that she must endure a trying period. Sighing, he murmured. "Mr. Winters, please regain your memory soon. I fear I cannot rescue Aiden alone. He knew that he could only silently watch over the little guy.

As the night deepened, the entire estate succumbed to a deep slumber. Yacob reverted his original appearance and silently entered Villa No. 2. Once inside, he ascended the stairs to Aiden's master bedroom and gently pushed open the door. Just as he expected, the little guy was sleeping inside.

Initially, he had merely intended to glance at the child and depart. However, a faint whimpering caught his ear, and he furrowed his brow as he listened.

"Mommy... Does Daddy not want us again, Mommy..."

Aiden's plaintive murmur tugged at Yacob's heartstrings, even against his resolute nature. Never before had he felt such empathy for a child's sorrow.

So, he approached and gently stroked the little guy's head. He couldn't help but mutter, How could Mr. Winters not want you? He cherishes you more than anything, but he's just unable to be with you now. When Mr. Winters regains his memory, he'll destroy Lawrence Estate and bring you back to his side.

Aiden seemed to sense someone touching him and opened his eyes in fear. When he saw it was Yacob, he exclaimed in surprise. "Is it you, Yacob? Are you here to take me home? Did Daddy send you?" The baby climbed out of bed and rushed into Yacob's arms.

Yacob held the small body tightly and said. "Yes, your daddy asked me to come."

When are we leaving? I don't want to stay here anymore. It's lonely without Mommy or you Everything's so boring." Aiden's frustration had reached its peak. He felt utterly lifeless and devoid of purpose within the estate's confines.

Yacob suddenly felt guilty and didn't know how to explain it to the child. He thought for a long time before saying. "Soon, we will take you back very soon. Your daddy has been a little busy recently When he's done, he will come and pick you up. You're going to kindergarten, right? Haven't you seen your old Triends? Why are you still unhappy!

I can't find my old friends, and they don't want to play with me anymore" Aiden pouted in grievante Yacob hugged the child rightly and reassured him. "You can make new friends. Don't "What about you? Will you stay with me? It's lonely here by myself"

"Of course, your daddy specifically asked me to accompany you. I'm here every day, planting flowers and weeding over there. If you're free, you can play with me, okay?"

"Yay!" Aiden was finally happy to see a familiar face.

At the sight of the little guy's smile, Yacob's mood improved greatly.

Back in the country, Amanda decided to go to the Winters Enterprise. She was growing restless just sitting around in the hotel. Since she knew Elias had initiated an investigation, she could discern that progress should be underway. Also, she couldn't afford to place too much trust in Rosie.

Determined, Amanda decided to visit the company. She approached the receptionist and expressed her desire to meet him. After a call through the secretary's internal line, she was directed to the 17th floor and started heading toward the president's office.

Suddenly, the secretary intervened and blocked her path. "Miss Bailey, could you please wait for a moment? Mr. Winters is currently occupied and might not have time to see you."

"It's nearly noon. What's keeping him so occupied? I just want to say a few words. If he's busy, I'll leave."

Amanda was about to proceed, but the secretary stood firm, blocking her way. "Please understand, Miss Bailey. Mr. Winters is genuinely preoccupied. Forcing an entry might lead to repercussions for me. It's not easy to secure employment..."

After hearing this, she was almost persuaded, understanding the challenges of being an employee. She didn't wish to make things more difficult for them.

Hence, she turned toward the waiting area when laughter reached her ears from behind the office door. Then, she thought, Huh? A woman's laughter? This voice... It sounds strangely familiar. What is going on?

Perplexed, Amanda turned back and approached the office door. She strained to listen and could clearly discern Rosie's laughter from inside. Her eyes widened in disbelief.

In the meantime, the secretary, standing beside her, noticed her intention to barge in. Hence, the secretary hastily intervened to stop her. "Miss Bailey, the waiting area is that way!

"Get out of my way!" Amanda brushed the secretary aside, pushed open the door, and entered

The door swung open, and she saw Elias and Rosie sharing a meal in the meeting area. Rosie had brought the lunchbox, and the scene left Amanda in disbelief. Is this the lunchbox prepared by her? The secretary was mortified and stammered, "1-I'm sorry. Mr. Winters. I couldn't stop Miss Bailey She insisted on barging...

He had earlier caught sight of Amanda entering. Moreover, he could also notice her visage contorted with displeasure and her eyes simmering with fury. Hence, he glanced at the secretary and asserted. Its none


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 463 Our Son?

"Do you have something to talk to me about?" Elias looked at her, feeling a strange sensation in his chest that he couldn't describe.

"I did have something to talk to you about, but it seems that it's not important anymore. You two can continue with your business," said Amanda before turning around to leave. Rosie was rejoicing in her heart. Everything was heading in the direction she wanted.

Unexpectedly, the man sitting on the couch suddenly stood up and walked toward Amanda. In just a few steps, his long legs brought him in front of her, and he grabbed her wrist. "What do you want?" Amanda looked back angrily.

Elias tightly held her wrist, not even knowing what he wanted to do. It was just an instinctual desire to hold onto her and not let her go.

At this moment, Rosie walked over to them and hypocritically intervened. "Amanda, since you're here to talk to Elias, why are you in such a hurry to leave? Did I interrupt your conversation? I can go out first if that's the case."

She seemed very tactful, wanting to leave the office. However, the man spoke up. "Sit back down. If there s something she wants to say, she can just say it. There's nothing you can't listen to." Rosie was quite satisfied with the man's response and had no choice but to go back and sit on the couch.

Amanda simply closed the office door, retracted her hand, and then went to sit in the reception area. She looked at this pair of “cheaters” and said, “Alright, since you want me to say it, then I'll say it. I just want to ask how your investigation is going. Isn't it like what I said-that everyone in our circle knows how much you used to hate Rosie?"

Upon hearing this, Rosie changed color drastically. How dare this b*tch ask Elias to look into this! "Amanda, what do you mean-

"What do I mean? Am I not telling the truth? But the truth is so cruel." Amanda crossed her arms and looked at Elias, waiting for his answer.

Elias pinched the space between his eyebrows, feeling a headache from hearing the argument between the two women. He said, "What you said is true, and my investigation yielded the same result."

Then, why are these two people having lunch together in his office? Eating the boxed lunch prepared by Rosie? I couldn't understand this! I really couldn't understand!

Rosie's eyes widened in astonishment. "Eli-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Elias interrupted, "But when I had a car accident and almost ended. up in a vegetative state, she was the one who stayed by my side without leaving. So, I don't need to be too heartless toward her now."

Both Amanda and Rosie's expressions changed at these words.

Amanda looked incredulous. What did this mean? Did Elias, who had lost his memory, start to appreciate Rosie?

On the other hand, Rosie went from disbelief to happiness, but she felt that the man's changes were all thanks to that miraculous hypnosis.

"So, are you choosing her? Do you like her? Are you becoming interested in her?" Amanda questioned aggressively.

Flas frowned. "I just think that people can change. She seems to be doing nothing wrong now, so there's no need to be ruthless toward her."

Ha! Amanda felt that this man had changed; it seemed he was leaning toward Rosie now. "Could you please leave us alone for a moment? I have something to discuss with my lawful husband. You're being kind of a nuisance. Her face turned cold as she turned to look at Rosie.

Rosie stood up helplessly. "Well then, Elias, I'm going back first. Take care of yourself, especially since you haven't fully recovered. Follow the doctor's advice," she said. After that, she reluctantly looked back at Elias and finally left the office, closing the door behind her.


got up and walked to the office door. Suddenly, she swung the door open, and sure enough. Roste stood outside, seemingly preparing to eavesdrop.

When the door swung open, Rosie was first startled, her eyes widening. Then, she smiled awkwardly. saying, "I-I was just about to leave. You two have a nice chat. I just wanted to close the door." With that, she turned around and left in embarrassment.

Amanda witnessed her leaving and then closed the door, locking it to prevent anyone from interrupting their conversation.

Elias watched all of these actions.

She turned around and saw him sitting on the couch. She couldn't bear it anymore and asked right away. "So, what do you want now? Are you planning to cheat again? Don't use your memory loss as an excuse. If you tell me that you're interested in her, I'll leave immediately and won't disturb your time together."

At this moment, Elias was inwardly conflicted. His reason told him that he wasn't interested in Rosie, but there was a voice in his heart telling him to be kinder to her because he owed her so much. But what did he owe Rosie? He couldn't even figure it out himself. But... what does it mean to cheat again? This phrase made Elias unhappy, and he retorted, "What do you mean by cheating again? Did I cheat before?" He didn't feel like someone who was unfaithful in a marriage. How could he have cheated?

Amanda was about to explode with rage. How could this man be so infuriating? She didn't want to provoke him, but he kept going astray. At this rate, when would she manage to bring Aiden back?

"What do you think? You're already a se mbag, to begin with, and now you want to continue cheating under the excuse of memory loss? I'm caring about you, but what about you? Do you know that our son is being held captive, waiting for you to save him? But instead, you come here and flirt with another woman after losing your memory!"

Unable to take it anymore, she blurted out everything on her mind without considering whether it would upset Elias' brain.

"What do you mean by being held captive? What do you mean by our son?" Elias still hadn't investigated the true origin of this child, so he couldn't be sure if the child was his or not.

Amanda was almost laughing out of anger and sat down on the couch. "That's right! It's our son. When will you recover your memory? I'm on the verge of a breakdown. Do you know that? Every time I think there's. hope, you lean toward Rosie!"


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 464 It's Been a While

Elias remained alert and slowly spoke. "It's hard to say if he is my son. Are you trying to deceive me into rescuing the son of you and your lover?"

He didn't want to doubt Amanda, but the paternity test inade it difficult for him to let his guard down. He had to investigate thoroughly before concluding whether or not the child was his.

Amanda's heart sank at his words. She couldn't bear to stay for another second. Immediately, she stood up, picked up her bag, and turned to leave the office; tears streamed down her face as she walked away. If she stayed any longer, she was afraid she wouldn't be able to resist slapping this man across the face.

Elias sat on the couch this time, watching as the woman slammed the door and stormed out of the office. He had to investigate everything before he could determine the truth quickly. Otherwise, he couldn't distinguish whether Amanda's words were true or false.

After getting up and returning to his desk, he called his assistant on the intercom. Within a minute, the assistant entered the office, looking flustered. "Mr. Winters, you called for me. Is there something wrong? He was busy at his workstation and was taken aback when his boss suddenly called him into the office.

"How is the investigation I asked you to do? What is my current marital status? Am I married or divorced?" Elias asked.

The assistant answered, "Oh, I just received a call from the relevant department. They said you're currently married, and if your marriage certificate is missing, it can be reissued-"

So, what Amanda said about remarrying was true? Elias cut the assistant short. "What else? Did I have a child with Amanda? What happened before my car accident? Why did I have the accident in the first place?"

The assistant looked confused by the questions. "Um... I haven't found out about those things yet. And almost no one knew about your car accident, not even me, until a few days ago. I don't know when you had the accident or when you woke up. As for your marriage to Miss Bailey, only a few people know about it, and even fewer people know about the child."

Elias' face darkened, and he waved his hand, signaling for the assistant to leave.

The assistant had no choice but to leave the office and close the door.

Elias felt that something must have happened before his car accident-something intense. The accident must be related to the paternity test, but it wasn't just because of the test.

Since the accident, whenever he used his brain for too long, he would get a headache. And now, his headache was starting again.

He opened the drawer and took out some painkillers, swallowing two pills.

Amanda wandered aimlessly on the street, not knowing where to go.

At this moment, Aiden made an international long-distance call to her. She sat on a nearby bench and answered the phone. Aiden's excited voice came through the phone, saying, "Mommy Mommy. I saw Mr. Yacob! Mr. Yacob said he will play with me every day"

She immediately perked up. Yacob managed to sneak in there so quickly? He didn't even call me to let her brow

Maybe it was inconvenient for him to call from Lawrence Estate. "Aiden, did you really see Mr. Yacob?" she asked

"Yeah. Mr. Yacob came to see me in my room. He said we'll be able to go home soon, and he will play with me every day." Aiden replied.

Amanda couldn't help but feel nervous. Yacob had sneaked into Lawrence Estate now. If he were found out by Simon again, Simon would definitely kill him this time. "Aiden, listen to me. You mustn't tell anyone about Mr. Yacob. Do you understand?"

"But Mommy, can't I tell Mr. Lawrence too?" Aiden asked innocently.

Amanda's heart jumped up into her throat. She immediately stopped him, saying, "Exactly! Especially Mr. Lawrence. You absolutely mustn't tell him where Mr. Yacob is."

"Why? I don't think Mr. Lawrence is a bad person. Even though he's stern, he hasn't bullied me," replied Aiden. After these days of spending time together, he had come to believe that Symeon wasn't a bad person despite his foul temper.

Amanda's heart skipped a beat. At this rate, Aiden might end up getting along peacefully with that Lawrence guy! She patiently explained to her son, "It's because... they have a grudge against each other, so you can't say anything. You got it? Be good and stay there. Mr. Yacob will play with you every day, but anyone, or Mr. Yacob won't be able to stay there anymore."

"Okay, Mommy, I got it."

At that moment, Symeon's voice rang on the other end as he called Aiden to come over to eat. Then, Amanda heard the man's voice through the phone. "Why do you always call him during his mealtime? Don't you know it would affect his appetite?"

"It was Aiden who called me. How would I know when he's eating?" She couldn't speak nicely to this man. Had it not been for this lunatic, she wouldn't have ended up in this situation, and Elias wouldn't have had the car accident and lost his memory.

"You'd better cut down on the number of times you talk to him. That way, he can slowly forget about you," Symeon said coldly. He didn't want to see Aiden constantly talking to Amanda over the phone in front of him.

Amanda suppressed her anger and said, "He needs time to adjust, no? If you suddenly cut off his emotional support like this, what kind of trauma will it leave on his young mind? Will you take responsibility for healing him if he ends up with mental scars? It will be too late for you to come to me then."

There was silence on the other end of the line for a few seconds. After that, he hung up.

She looked at the disconnected phone and felt an inexplicable worry. At this rate, will Symeon discover the truth? What if Elias couldn't recover his memory... She wanted to go to the hospital and ask the doctor about it Just as she stood up and was about to leave, she bumped into a man's chest.

She looked up and was surprised to see Simon. "Simon why are you here? I haven't seen you in a while... I felt like they hadn't seen each other in a century, and this person was almost disappearing from her memory

Seeing her surprised expression, Simon replied with a chuckle, "It's been a long time indeed, but you don't have to be so astonished. We're not complete strangers Speechless. Amanda forced a smile and lowered her head. She felt that Simon was the person she owed the most to.

Simon saw her awkward expression and deliberately changed the subject. "By the way, how have you been lately? Is Elias treating you and your son well? I believe he'll cherish the time he spends with you and your son this time. After all the effort he put into bringing Amanda and her child back, he would definitely take extra care of them to make up for the lost time.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Chapter 465 Elias Gets Jealous

Amanda forced a bitter smile, not wanting to bring up the matter. It's hard to put into words. Besides, she didn't want Simon to laugh at her after she told him the story.

I have something to take care of. Let's talk another time. I have to go"

Amanda had been avoiding Simon's gaze, not wanting to say another word. After all, I don't have the right to talk to him, and I probably deserve it.

He could tell something was wrong with her, so he reached out to stop her. "Are you avoiding me? Although we can't be lovers, we were good partners and good friends once. Can I not even talk to you now?"

"I-I'm busy. Let's talk another day, okay?"

Clearly, she was feeling uneasy, so Simon couldn't bring himself to pressure her further. He withdrew his arm. "You're trying to avoid Elias seeing us together, aren't you? He's the winner now. Why would he be afraid of me, especially when I'm out of the game?"

His words carried a hint of self-mockery.

Amanda was stunned momentarily, but she was no longer facing away from him. After all, she could run, but she couldn't hide.

"It's not what you think, Simon. Elias isn't that kind of person. How about this? Let's find a place to sit and talk. We shouldn't talk on the roadside.""""

Simon smiled. "Sure. That's a good idea. Besides, I owe you a meal. I'll make up for it tonight. Therefore, allow me to treat you to dinner."


Amanda looked up at the sky and belatedly realized that it had turned dark. I can't believe I spent the afternoon wandering on the streets. The time sure passes quickly!

At the same moment, a car passed them. The pair didn't notice that Elias was sitting inside the car.

Meanwhile, Elias looked out of the window of his car with a gloomy expression. He happened to spot the pair on the street. He couldn't help but furrow his brows as he fixed the handsome man and the beautiful woman with a stare.

Is that what Amanda did when she said she loved me? By allowing another man to touch her in public? Who is that man? Is she cheating on me? Elias was enraged by the thought. It turned out his wife was a promiscuous woman. To think they weren't divorced yet fueled his anger.

In the clubhouse, Simon brought Amanda to a private room to ensure they could eat with privacy

The waiter served them the dishes and left the room immediately, leaving the two in awkwardness. Amanda focused on eating, not feeling like communicating with Simon, even if it was just making eye contact

You seem down lately. Do you mind telling me what happened?"

Elias noticed the troubled look on Amanda's face at first sight when they met up. He had been trying to ask her but didn't find the opportunity.

Amanda paused for a moment before looking up with a smile. "You think so? But I've been doing well recently."

"If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine." Simon didn't want to push her, so he changed the topic. "By the way, how's Aiden doing recently? Has he adapted to the local kindergarten? I passed the kindergarten several times but never saw him playing outside."

Amanda's expression darkened at the mention of Aiden. She just kept eating without answering.

The change in her expression didn't go unnoticed by Simon. He asked with a frown, "What's wrong? Did something happen to him?"

"No!" Her head snapped to him, and she explained, her voice uncertain. "Nothing happened to Aiden. He's fine. He has been staying at home all this time. Everything's fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, that's right. Nothing happened. You're hungry, aren't you? Let's dig in. We should leave after the meal. I don't feel like staying here." Amanda continued eating. Even though she had no appetite at all, she forced herself to eat.

Simon was puzzled. "Why don't you want to stay?"

"I've told you. I've been busy recently..."

Simon fell silent, but he knew Amanda was only making up an excuse because he hadn't heard of her doing any job recently. After failing to reach out to Amanda, their client came to him instead.

He stared at her without saying a word, causing her to fidget in her seat. She felt that she shouldn't befriend Simon anymore. It's best to cut ties with him.

"Excuse me. I'm going to the restroom." Then, Amanda got up and left the private room.

Simon sat alone in the room. He looked at her plate, which was still full of food. He could tell Am no appetite, yet she kept stuffing food into her mouth.

His intuition told him that something had indeed happened, but she refused to tell him.

Amanda walked toward the restroom just to avoid Simon's prying gaze. She didn't know why she felt guilty when she was meeting his eyes.

It's as if I've wronged him.

The next moment, Amanda froze in place before she turned the corner. Her eyes widened in shock as she stared at the man who walked toward her.

It's Elias' What is he doing here? Is he meeting up with his clients?

Elias caught sight of her as well. He walked straight up to her and accused, "How dare you accuse me of cheating when you re meeting another man in a private room here? What are you two up to?"

His words were laced with jealousy. Anyone could see that he was jealous, but he thought otherwise.

Amanda got angry at his harsh words. "Stop talking nonsense! I'm just having dinner with a friend!"

"Having dinner? What's the need to do that in a private room? I bet you two are having an affair." Elas sneered, his voice full of disdain.

"Watch your mouth, Elias! You're making a groundless accusation! I wouldn't have chosen only to have dinner here if I cheated on you. I could've slept with him now."

As soon as she finished speaking. Elias felt anger swell within him. He grabbed her chin and pinned her against the wall. "Sleeping with him? Have you f*cking forgotten that you are still my wife? You're not sleeping with him!"

"Oh? Now I'm your wife? Then, why are you entangled with Rosie? Don't tell me you've fallen for her."

The two started another round of argument. Since they were burning with anger, neither one was willing to back down.

Amanda didn't want to argue with Elias, nor did she want to provoke him, but she couldn't bear it anymore.

Tightening his grip on her chin, Elias spoke through gritted teeth. "I've told you many times. She was the first person I saw when I woke up. No matter how much I used to dislike her, she had done nothing wrong since I woke up. I don't need to treat her like an enemy."

Amanda sneered. "I bet you have ulterior motives. After all, you lost your memory and don't remember anything. You can do whatever you want. Who am I to blame you?"

"Amanda! I warn you, mind your words. I've told you that I'll investigate the matter. Once I find out the truth, everything will go back to normal." Elias finally let go of her chin, but his eyes glared at her.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 466 Since We Were Once Husband and Wife

The sudden anger from Elias stunned Amanda and left her shocked for a while.

Finish your meal and come home immediately. I have to tell you that I won't spare you if you dare fool around with that man here!"

He suddenly leaned close to her car and gritted his teeth as if he wanted to grab and lock her up.

"What if I don't?" she asked.

"What if you don't?" He sneered while grabbing her delicate neck and pressing his forehead against hers and said in a low voice, "If you don't listen to me, I'll make you understand what it means to be ruthless."

"What are you going to do?" Although she knew he had lost his memory now, she couldn't help but feel anxious because his temper hadn't changed.

"I'm going to kill that wild man. Believe me, I can do it," he said word by word, and his expression didn't look like he was joking.

"Are you crazy? You don't even know who that person is!"

"I don't care who he is. What does it have to do with me?"


"Go home immediately! Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!" He emphasized again.

She smiled. "Go home? Where should I go? Did you ask me to go home, and didn't you kick me out? If I go back to the hotel, what does it do with you? I'll go back whenever I want."

After speaking, Amanda turned around and was about to return to the private room, but unexpectedly, he grabbed her back. "Go back to the Winters Estate!"

She was stunned and looked into his eyes while thinking she had misheard.

At this moment, Simon walked out of the private room as he hadn't seen her return for a long time, so he was worried and decided to come out and look. Unexpectedly, he saw this scene after taking a few steps, as he didn't expect Elias to be there.

"Mr. Winters, I didn't expect to see you here. What a coincidence," Simon said.

Elias' face instantly turned cold upon hearing his voice. He pulled her behind him and sneered. "What? Can't I be here? Or am I disturbing your dinner?"

The jealousy coating his words was overflowing. Even a fool could hear it.

Sumon smiled. "She is already your wife, and I didn't expect you to be jealous for no reason. Don't worry. I don't have any thoughts about her anymore. We were just having a meal as friends as it was a meal I owed her a long time ago."

Yacob kept the news of Elias' accident tightly under wraps so almost no others knew about it. Therefore. Simon didn't know about his amnesia.

Elias said, "My wife doesn't need male friends or having a meal alone with male friends Do you understand what I mean?"

"Since you've made it clear, how could I not understand? In that case, I won't disturb you and will leave first. Simon didn't want to cause trouble for Amanda as she was with Elias now, and he shouldn't cause any problem for her.

"Amanda, I've settled the bill and will leave first. I won't see you off as you should return with Mr. Winters. We'll meet again when we have the chance."

She hesitated to speak and could only nod. "Goodbye."

She watched Simon leave and felt that they probably wouldn't meet again as she could feel it.

Suddenly. Elias looked at her with a reluctant gaze and said strangely, "If you can't bear to part with him. go after him."

Only then did she come back to her senses. She then looked at Elias' handsome face and sarcastic, thin lips and coldly snorted without saying a word.

Elias could confirm from Simon's words that he must have loved this woman before he lost his memory, and he would often get jealous.

He grabbed her wrist. "Let's go home."

At this moment, his assistant chased after him and found him. "Mr. Winters, why haven't you returned for so long? Mr. Worcester and the others are looking for you."

"You just tell them I have something to do, and I'm leaving first."

"Huh?" The assistant was confused, but after seeing Amanda, he understood everything and could only watch as she and Elias left.

Winters Estate.

After Elias brought Amanda back to the estate, he pulled her into the bedroom.


She was pushed onto the bed, and she couldn't help but cry out while struggling to sit up. "What are you trying to do?"

However, he suddenly pounced on her while pressing her down on the bed, observed her face up close. and said, "Since we were once husband and wife, we've done intimate things before. What's wrong with getting on the bed? Is it necessary to be so surprised? Unless our marital relationship had already broken before I had the accident."

Otherwise, why will there be a paternity test? He couldn't understand under what circumstances he would do a paternity-fest.

He must have discovered that she had a lover or that the child didn't resemble him as he grew older, so he did a paternity test and found out that the child wasn't his. This made him furious, and his emotional outburst during the car accident caused him to lose his memory.

He reasoned through the events before his car accident in his mind. It shall be like this....

However, Amanda was afraid that he would exhaust her After all, he had just had a car accident, and his wounds hadn't completely healest

He wrapped his long arms around her slender waist and chuckled "You don't need to worry about that Tell me if you're willing, but you're a little resistant now.

I am not resistant, but I just don't have the mood! Now, Yacob and the others are seriously injured and hiding in Lawrence Estate to protect Aiden's safety while Elias has lost his memory again. Hoe can I have the mood for that?

"You infuriate me! Go away! She pushed the man off her, and he didn't force her anymore while saying. It seems that our marital relationship wasn't that harmonious before I lost my memory"

She looked at him with a puzzled expression, but he smiled. "I just want to know why the first person I saw when I opened my eyes after the accident wasn't you but Rosie, whom I hate the most."

"This is because I went to save our son but didn't succeed. After I left, Rosie took advantage of the opportunity"

"I just want to know where our child is now and why he needs others to save him. Was he kidnapped or suffering?" Elias was curious.

How could Amanda have this kind of attitude if it was a kidnapping? She would have been anxious and in tears a long time ago.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 467 Conniving B*tch

Amanda fell silent.

Is it a case of kidnapping? I doubt it. With Aiden right next to Symeon's side, he's practically being showered with affection to the point of being spoiled. Even if he wants the stars from the sky, Symeon would likely figure out a way to get them for him.

Amanda said, "When you investigate and find out the truth, or when you regain your memory, everything will become clear."

Elias fell silent, fixing his gaze on her. "Then, let's wait until I've thoroughly investigated the paternity test first."

With that, he got up and prepared to leave the bedroom.

Suddenly, his phone rang. Elias picked up the call, and Rosie's voice came through. "Eli, there's a heavy rainstorm predicted tonight, and I'm terrified of thunder. Could I stay at your place for the night? Taylor is away on a business trip, and I'm really scared."

He hesitated for a few seconds and then responded, "I'll have the driver come pick you up."

"Thank you, Eli!"

The room was so quiet that Amanda could hear each word of their conversation with utmost clarity.

Isn't it an obvious scheme to stay overnight? Can't Elias see through it?

She couldn't hold back her anger. "Can't you see that she's doing it on purpose? She just wants to come over and sleep here! Scared of thunder? Even if Taylor isn't at home, aren't there other people in the Momsey Residence? Can they really let her stay all alone in such a huge villa?"

Even if the Momsey family members are not around, there are still servants and housekeepers!

Elias glanced at her indifferently. "So what if I can see through it? She was the first person I saw when I regained consciousness. Kindness deserves gratitude in return, and besides, there are plenty of rooms here. What's the harm in letting her stay here?"

Having said that, he strode out of the bedroom.

Amanda sat alone on the bed, and her mind was a mix of emotions. The amnesiac Elias appeared to have developed a soft spot for Rosie.

Although Rosie had saved Aiden before, Amanda was also grateful to her. However, Rosic always tried to break up their little family of three. How could she tolerate it? Midnight.

Amanda noticed that Elias didn't return to the room to sleep. It seemed that he wouldn't be coming back tonight Can't he possibly share a room with Rosie, right?

The thought made her scalp prickle. Acting swiftly, she rose from the bed and left the bedroom.

Just as she did, she happened to see the housekeeper walking toward the elevator. She inquired. "Where is Mr Winters? He's not going to sleep with Rosie, is he?"

"How could that be? Don't worry Mr Winters is in his study, but we're not allowed to disturb him. So, I have no idea what he's doing in there

After hearing his words, Amanda breathed a sigh of relief.

Amanda, why are you here?"

Suddenly. Rosie's voice came from behind her. Amanda turned around and saw Rosie walking toward her

th a look of disbelief

Roste had thought that after Elias kicked Amanda out that day, it wouldn't be easy for her to return to the Winters Estate, but what was this situation now?

The housekeeper looked at the two of them and silently walked away. I should inform Mr. Winters about ther

Neither of them noticed that he had quietly left.

"What's the matter? Is it strange to see me, Elias' lawful wife, here? Do you think that by stealing our marriage certificate, I'm no longer the mistress of this place? Are you naive or just plain foolish? Remember we've already officially registered our marriage at the city hall."

Rosie let out a cold laugh. "How shameless can you get! Where were you when Eli had his accident? And what about that paternity test? How dare you call yourself the mistress of this place? Elias placed so much trust in you, and you actually betrayed him. I won't allow you to hurt Elias anymore!"

Amanda was utterly fed up with arguing with this lunatic and had no interest in saying anything more.

"Rosie, heed my warning-don't try to wedge yourself between Elias and me anymore, or I might do things you can't even imagine."

"And what might that be? Will you abduct me or even kill me?" Rosie didn't believe that Amanda could do anything outrageous. After all, Amanda had her own ethical standards and always portrayed herself as a righteous lawyer.

Amanda sneered. "If you push me to the brink, anything is possible."


Just as Rosie was about to retort angrily, she caught sight of Elias coming up the stairs.

She immediately put on a pitiful and aggrieved look. "Amanda, why are you so against me? I just wanted to stay over for one night. I'm really scared of thunder, and Eli also agreed..." Amanda observed her melodramatic act. Just a while ago, she exuded such pride, yet now her tune had wiftly changed.

Ar that very moment, Amanda also discerned faint footsteps behind her. She couldn't help but turn around and see Elias standing behind her.

Confronted with this sudden shock, Amanda was somewhat flustered.

Ehas looked at them expressionlessly and remarked, "Why not continue your argument? Weren't you quar intimidating just now Can you really resort to violence if I push you to the brink?"

How ridiculous.

Roste, this crazy woman, is really good at playing the victim. What a conniving b*tch she is!

"Give it a shot then"

After saying that. Amanda couldn't be bothered to pay any attention to the two people in front of her. She turned around and walked back to the bedroom, forcefully shutting the door with a resounding thud. Hearing the loud door slam, Rosie trembled in fear. Tearfully, she walked up to Elias and said in a pitiful voice, "Eli, I didn't mean to make Amanda angry. It's just

"Enough, don't say any more. Go back to sleep. It's already raining outside.

"But I still get scared when I'm alone in the room and hear thunder...

Rosie was poised to enact her dramatics once more, inching closer to Elias in an attempt to persuade him to stay with her tonight.

Although Elias saw through her intentions, an inner voice continuously urged him not to reject Rosie. However, somewhere deep inside, a touch of reluctance left him in a state of internal conflict and uncertainty.

"Are you suggesting that I sleep in the same room with you?" Elias directly exposed Rosie's intention.

Rosie lowered her head slightly, exuding an air of shyness. However, before she could say anything. Elias dashed her hopes with his next words. "Let the nanny sleep with you. If you're still scared. I'm left with no alternatives.

With that said, he turned away and left mercilessly.

Left alone in the corridor, Rosie was at a loss and even found it amusing.

Should I label him an unyielding macho or clueless about romantic cues?

I've taken it to this level, yet he still suggests having the nanny sleep with me. Does he really have no sense of romance?


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 468 A Stranger's Call

Rosie hurriedly caught up with the man, grabbing his arm. "Eli, can you accompany me for a while?"

The man stopped and turned to look at her. "It's late, and I'm tired. I have a busy day tomorrow. If you're scared, you can talk to the nanny. Besides, there's nothing a grown man like me can talk to a young woman like you about."

With that. Elias removed her hand and walked away.

Rosie watched his cold back and gritted her teeth in anger.

Amanda couldn't sleep all night, her mind filled with thoughts of that despicable man.

The more she thought about him, the angrier and more aggrieved she felt.

"Elias, who do you think you are? You were so cruel to me four years ago and still treat me the same now. Do you think you're all that because you have amnesia? I'll get into a car accident tomorrow and get amnesia too. Let's see who's afraid of whom then!"

She was so angry that she paced back and forth in her bedroom.

In the early morning hours, she estimated the time and realized that it was almost nighttime at Lawrence Estate, so she decided to call Yacob to discuss what to do next.

Amanda dialed Yacob's phone, and it rang for a long time before he answered.

Then, she heard Yacob deliberately lowering his voice on the other end. "Why are you calling me at this hour? I was searching everywhere for a bathroom." "Isn't it nighttime there? Shouldn't you be off work by now? What are you afraid of?"

"I applied for the night shift patrol and am currently on duty. What's up?"

"Well, if you're busy, then forget it. I just wanted to ask how things are over there. I received a call from Aiden, and he said he was happy to see you."

Yacob's voice came through the phone. "I can't do anything here besides secretly protecting Aiden. By the way, how is Mr. Winters? Has he regained his memory?"

"No, not only has he not regained his memory, but he has also started to appreciate Rosic Amanda's mood was somewhat depressed.

"What? How is that possible? It's all my fault. I should have taken care of her before I left, or else she wouldn't have misled Mr. Winters."

Amanda sighed. "Let's not talk about that. Tell me what I should do now. How can we help him regain his memory?"

"Don't worry, I'll think of something. I know a psychologist who might be able to help. Let me look for that doctor, and I'll let you know if there's any news." "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Amanda felt relieved. At least she felt there was still hope.

Elias amnesia was indeed a psychological issue, so it was necessary to find a psychologist. She wondered why she hadn't thought of it before.

The next morning, early dawn.

Amanda had only fallen asleep after five in the morning, so she didn't know when Elias had left.

The car was already waiting in front of the villa for him to get in.

"Mr. Winters, there's a meeting at 9 a.m., a meeting with overseas clients at 2 p.m., and a dinner party in the evening...

The assistant reported Elias' schedule, which Elias acknowledged before getting into the car.

Suddenly, Rosie's voice came from behind. "Eli, wait for me!"

The man turned around and frowned. "What are you doing here? I'm going to work, not to have fun. I can't take you with me."

Moreover, it was impossible for him to focus on work with a woman by his side, especially when that woman was Rosie.

Rosie ran up to him. "Eli, I won't disturb you at work. Can I hitch a ride with you back home? I've already researched it. You will pass by my house on your route to the company. Just drop me off at the intersection, and I'll only have to walk a few hundred meters to get home."

With that said, the man had no choice but to let her get in the car.

After getting in the car, Elias instructed the driver, "Send her home first."

"No, that's not necessary. Just drop me off at the intersection of Volund Road. It's only a few hundred meters away from home, and I can take a walk," Rosie insisted.

The man didn't say anything more.

So, the driver drove the car to the intersection of Volund Road, and Rosie unfastened her seatbe hesitation, waved goodbye to the man, and walked away.

Yet, after Elias' car left, Rosie stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around to watch the car disap into the street. A sinister smile appeared on her lips. At Winters Estate.

Amanda woke up in the afternoon. The nanny had come and knocked on her door several times before but failed to wake her up. In the end, she only woke up when she received a phone call.

Upon hearing the ringtone, she instantly became alert and reached for her phone. She thought it might be Yacob calling with news about the psychologist, but when she picked up the phone, she saw it was an unfamiliar number.

She answered the call with a disappointed expression, and a strange man's voice came from the other coat. "Miss Bailey, can we meet up? I have a case I would like to entru to you."

It turned out the stranger was looking for her to be his defense attorney, but she had so many things to handle right now, and she wasn't in the mood to help defend someone else. Moreover, she would only cause harm to her client if she took on a case in her current state. She couldn't focus at all.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not taking on any cases recently, I'm busy with my own personal matters..."

But the man on the phone started crying before Amanda could finish her sentence. "Miss Bailey, I beg you. I know you're a very capable lawyer, and my daughter would die in vain if you refused to help me 1 can't accept that. My daughter was only three years old

Three years old? The same age as Aiden. What happened? This piqued her curiosity.

Amanda couldn't help but ask, "If you don't mind me asking, can you briefly tell me what happened?"

"My daughter was killed by a monster. I want to die with her, but I can't stand to watch that monster go free. He hired the best lawyer and might only spend a few years in prison or even not go to prison. Miss Bailey, I beg you. Please help me!"

As a lawyer, Amanda's sense of justice was completely ignited. This was another tragic case, and it involved a poor little girl.

Although she couldn't work on this case, she could hand it over to Simon. He had a good reputation in the legal profession and was particularly skilled in these types of cases.

"Let's meet up then. I may not be able to advocate for you, but I can introduce you to a friend of mine who is very good at these kinds of cases. His name is Simon Nicholson." "Is it Simon Nicholson from Justice & Associates? I've already tried to contact him, but his secretary rejected me and wouldn't even meet with me."


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Jun 22, 2024
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Chapter 468 A Stranger's Call

Rosie hurriedly caught up with the man, grabbing his arm. "Eli, can you accompany me for a while?"

The man stopped and turned to look at her. "It's late, and I'm tired. I have a busy day tomorrow. If you're scared, you can talk to the nanny. Besides, there's nothing a grown man like me can talk to a young woman like you about."

With that. Elias removed her hand and walked away.

Rosie watched his cold back and gritted her teeth in anger.

Amanda couldn't sleep all night, her mind filled with thoughts of that despicable man.

The more she thought about him, the angrier and more aggrieved she felt.

"Elias, who do you think you are? You were so cruel to me four years ago and still treat me the same now. Do you think you're all that because you have amnesia? I'll get into a car accident tomorrow and get amnesia too. Let's see who's afraid of whom then!"

She was so angry that she paced back and forth in her bedroom.

In the early morning hours, she estimated the time and realized that it was almost nighttime at Lawrence Estate, so she decided to call Yacob to discuss what to do next.

Amanda dialed Yacob's phone, and it rang for a long time before he answered.

Then, she heard Yacob deliberately lowering his voice on the other end. "Why are you calling me at this hour? I was searching everywhere for a bathroom." "Isn't it nighttime there? Shouldn't you be off work by now? What are you afraid of?"

"I applied for the night shift patrol and am currently on duty. What's up?"

"Well, if you're busy, then forget it. I just wanted to ask how things are over there. I received a call from Aiden, and he said he was happy to see you."

Yacob's voice came through the phone. "I can't do anything here besides secretly protecting Aiden. By the way, how is Mr. Winters? Has he regained his memory?"

"No, not only has he not regained his memory, but he has also started to appreciate Rosic Amanda's mood was somewhat depressed.

"What? How is that possible? It's all my fault. I should have taken care of her before I left, or else she wouldn't have misled Mr. Winters."

Amanda sighed. "Let's not talk about that. Tell me what I should do now. How can we help him regain his memory?"

"Don't worry, I'll think of something. I know a psychologist who might be able to help. Let me look for that doctor, and I'll let you know if there's any news." "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Amanda felt relieved. At least she felt there was still hope.

Elias amnesia was indeed a psychological issue, so it was necessary to find a psychologist. She wondered why she hadn't thought of it before.

The next morning, early dawn.

Amanda had only fallen asleep after five in the morning, so she didn't know when Elias had left.

The car was already waiting in front of the villa for him to get in.

"Mr. Winters, there's a meeting at 9 a.m., a meeting with overseas clients at 2 p.m., and a dinner party in the evening...

The assistant reported Elias' schedule, which Elias acknowledged before getting into the car.

Suddenly, Rosie's voice came from behind. "Eli, wait for me!"

The man turned around and frowned. "What are you doing here? I'm going to work, not to have fun. I can't take you with me."

Moreover, it was impossible for him to focus on work with a woman by his side, especially when that woman was Rosie.

Rosie ran up to him. "Eli, I won't disturb you at work. Can I hitch a ride with you back home? I've already researched it. You will pass by my house on your route to the company. Just drop me off at the intersection, and I'll only have to walk a few hundred meters to get home."

With that said, the man had no choice but to let her get in the car.

After getting in the car, Elias instructed the driver, "Send her home first."

"No, that's not necessary. Just drop me off at the intersection of Volund Road. It's only a few hundred meters away from home, and I can take a walk," Rosie insisted.

The man didn't say anything more.

So, the driver drove the car to the intersection of Volund Road, and Rosie unfastened her seatbe hesitation, waved goodbye to the man, and walked away.

Yet, after Elias' car left, Rosie stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around to watch the car disap into the street. A sinister smile appeared on her lips. At Winters Estate.

Amanda woke up in the afternoon. The nanny had come and knocked on her door several times before but failed to wake her up. In the end, she only woke up when she received a phone call.

Upon hearing the ringtone, she instantly became alert and reached for her phone. She thought it might be Yacob calling with news about the psychologist, but when she picked up the phone, she saw it was an unfamiliar number.

She answered the call with a disappointed expression, and a strange man's voice came from the other coat. "Miss Bailey, can we meet up? I have a case I would like to entru to you."

It turned out the stranger was looking for her to be his defense attorney, but she had so many things to handle right now, and she wasn't in the mood to help defend someone else. Moreover, she would only cause harm to her client if she took on a case in her current state. She couldn't focus at all.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not taking on any cases recently, I'm busy with my own personal matters..."

But the man on the phone started crying before Amanda could finish her sentence. "Miss Bailey, I beg you. I know you're a very capable lawyer, and my daughter would die in vain if you refused to help me 1 can't accept that. My daughter was only three years old

Three years old? The same age as Aiden. What happened? This piqued her curiosity.

Amanda couldn't help but ask, "If you don't mind me asking, can you briefly tell me what happened?"

"My daughter was killed by a monster. I want to die with her, but I can't stand to watch that monster go free. He hired the best lawyer and might only spend a few years in prison or even not go to prison. Miss Bailey, I beg you. Please help me!"

As a lawyer, Amanda's sense of justice was completely ignited. This was another tragic case, and it involved a poor little girl.

Although she couldn't work on this case, she could hand it over to Simon. He had a good reputation in the legal profession and was particularly skilled in these types of cases.

"Let's meet up then. I may not be able to advocate for you, but I can introduce you to a friend of mine who is very good at these kinds of cases. His name is Simon Nicholson." "Is it Simon Nicholson from Justice & Associates? I've already tried to contact him, but his secretary rejected me and wouldn't even meet with me."
You are simply amazing Immortal Gily


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Chapter 469 Meeting With Simon?

It's okay. I'll help you contact Mr. Nicholson. He probably doesn't know the details. If he knew about your situation, he would definitely take on this case."

One had to know that Simon's secretary was a snob and never took on cases from ordinary people.

"Alright, I'll wait for you at Lily Cafe. Don't be late."

"Okay, I'll be right there."

Amanda immediately got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up. Then, she changed into a new set of clothes, called Boris to lend her a car, and left the mansion.

After she left, he called Elias to report the situation. Since Elias was meeting with a client at the other end of the phone, he casually responded, "Got it."

While driving, Amanda contacted Simon. She studied law in order to uphold justice and had no reason to stand by and do nothing now that something like this had happened.

The call took a long time to connect, and she heard Simon's voice on the other end, saying, "Amanda? I never expected you to call me voluntarily. After what happened yesterday, I thought you would never call me again."

Though she was indeed embarrassed to call Simon, this matter was urgent, and she couldn't worry about that now.

"Simon, listen. It's urgent. A case has been presented to me, but I'm not in an appropriate state to advocate for it right now and would like to hand this case over to you. In simple terms, it's about a three-year- old girl who a boy killed. It is said that the other party has hired a lawyer, and there is a high possibility that the case will result in probation. The father..."

Before Amanda could finish her sentence, Simon questioned, "Is this case real? Are you sure you haven't been deceived? If such a heinous case does exist, there's no reason for me not to know about it. Idea with the police and the court every day, so how could I not know if there really is such a heinous case? Are you sure it was one of the parties involved who contacted you?"

Suddenly, Amanda calmed down. The car had already slowly stopped near Lily Cafe.

She found a random parking space and then picked up her phone to continue the conversation with Simon.

"The person who called claimed to be the girl's father. Why would someone make up such a case and contact me if it's fake? And why did they ask me to meet at Lily Cafe?" "Have you arrived at the cafe? Don't go inside yet. Wait for me. I'll be there soon. I just happen to be somewhere near Lily Cafe."


Once the call ended. Amanda fell into contemplation and confusion.

She didn't think it was a scam. Why would someone make up such a tragic story to deceive her and what was the purpose of doing so?

After getting out of the car, Amanda arrived outside the cafe and looked inside but couldn't find any middle-aged man with the voice she heard on the phone.

A while later, Simon appeared behind her. "Amanda."

She turned around. "Simon, you're here."

“I made some calls just now. There haven't been any cases like you described recently, and a case of this nature would definitely be in the news, but I haven't seen any of such news. Are you sure it was one of the parties involved who contacted you?".

Amanda frowned and didn't speak. Instead, she took out her phone and dialed the unfamiliar number that called her earlier.

Unexpectedly, the phone prompted that it was turned off.

What does this mean? Did he call me to meet him here and then turn off his phone? Could it really be like what Simon said, that this was just a trick?

"That's strange; it's turned off. Could it really be just a trick to get me to come out? But why would they deceive me?" Amanda looked up at Simon.

In the meantime, Simon was also puzzled by the meaning behind the call and said, "It could be one of your enemies. You've fought against the odds in many cases to uphold justice, and those people all hate you to the core."

Speechless, Amanda wondered if her enemies had come to seek revenge on her again.

"Let me send you home. Otherwise, someone might come to take you away later," Simon said.

Amanda took another look inside the cafe through the window, but there were only a few people inside. all of whom were handsome men and beautiful women. There was no middle-aged man with the voice she heard on the phone.

So, had she been deceived?

Just as she turned around to leave, she noticed a familiar figure in the cafe. The person looked like Rosie.

Amanda thought she might have been mistaken, but when she walked closer and took a closer look, she saw that it was Rosie.

How could Rosie so coincidentally be inside the cafe?

"Amanda, what are you looking at? Let's go."

"Huh? Oh, nothing. I saw someone I know."

Afterward, she turned around and left with Simon but still couldn't figure out who the man who called her was and why he wanted to deceive her.

Once inside the car, Simon couldn't help but feel puzzled. That person called you to trick you into coming out, but nothing happened when you arrived? They would have taken you away even if they wanted to retaliate against you."

After receiving her call, Simon rushed over, afraid that he would be a step too late and Amanda would be taken away.

Yeah, it s strange. No one came to talk to me while I was waiting for you to arrive "

That evening. Elias returned to the mansion, and the Ingler greeted him.

"Mr Winters, you're home. Would you like to have dinner!

"No Where's Amanda' Has she returned?"

"Miss Bailey has returned, but she came back with Simon, and he left after dropping her off Boris reported truthfully

Ehas stopped in his tracks and frowned at him. "Sumon? How did she get involved with him again?"

Boris remained silent because he didn't know what had happened while Ammanda was out

Then, Elias walked straight into the villa, determined to find Amanda and get some answers. Did she leave m a hurry today just to have a private meeting with Simon and even let him drop her off at home? She simply had no regard for him, her legal husband.

Yet, before he reached Amanda's room, his phone vibrated.

He glanced at it and saw that it was a call from Taylor, so he answered the phone. "What's the matter

"Where is Rosie? She has yet to return home all day. Wasn't she at your place last night? I called today, and the butler said she came home in the morning with you. However, she still hasn't returned home. What s going on?"

Elias immediately frowned. "What did you say? Rosie hasn't come home? You haven't seen her all day?"

"Yes! I can't reach her on the phone either. Where did she go?"

"I dropped her off at home this morning. How would I know where she went?" Elias felt that this was not
his fault.

But his answer made Taylor even more furious on the other end of the phone. "What kind of response that? Are you trying to deceive me? She's missing, and I can't find her, no matter how hard I look. Help me find her. You have such a wide network, after all."

After saying that, Taylor hung up the phone.


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Chapter 470 Disappearance

Elias looked at the disconnected call on his phone and remembered that he had dropped off Rosie at the intersection of Volund Road this morning. Could she have disappeared there? Moreover, how could a living person just disappear? Could she have been kidnapped?

The man immediately turned around, and the butler followed behind him. "Mr. Winters, aren't you going to look for Mrs. Winters?"

"No. Prepare the car. We're going to Volund Road."


Boris didn't know who had called or what had happened, but since Elias had ordered him to prepare the car, he could only comply.

At the same time, Amanda stood by the window in her room, watching the man get out of the car and walk toward the villa, only to get back in the car and leave. What does this mean? Is he not coming back tonight?

She instinctively turned and left the bedroom, chasing after him. Then, she arrived in front of the man's car and tapped on the window.

The man inside the car saw her and rolled down the window. "What's the matter?"

"Where are you going? It's almost midnight, and you're still leaving to go somewhere?" How was he going to recover his health with such a work schedule?

"Go to bed first. I have something to take care of."

After saying that, the man was about to roll up the window, but Amanda persisted and asked, "What exactly are you going to do?"

"Rosie has gone missing, and I'm going to look for her

As soon as he finished speaking, he rolled up the window, and the driver slowly drove away.

Amanda was left standing there, confused.

Missing? How could she go missing? She remembered seeing Rosie inside the cafe when she was lured there by that unknown phone call today. How could she suddenly disappear for no reason? Amanda picked up her phone and dialed Rosie's number. As expected, it was unreachable and turned off.

For some reason, she had a bad feeling and a hunch that the unknown phone call and Rosie's disappearance might be connected.

After all, she didn't believe in coincidences.

Amanda dialed the number of the unknown man who had called her earlier that day but found it was also turned off.

At the intersection of Volund Road, Elias' car slowly stopped by the roadside. He exited the car and looked around to see four surveillance cameras in the area. These cameras should be able to track Rosie's whereabouts

"Check the surveillance footage."


His bodyguard turned and left.

While standing at the intersection, Elias regretted not sending Rosie back to her doorstep this morning. If he had done so, this wouldn't have happened.

The distance between the Momseys' villa and this place was only 400 meters, but even if something had happened, such a distance was...

After a while, the bodyguard returned and played the surveillance video he had just captured on his phone.

"Mr. Winters, this is Miss Momsey, captured on the surveillance footage. Her whereabouts are unknown after she walked to the end of this road, though. The alleyway she turned into is a blind spot for the cameras, so nothing was recorded."

So, something must have happened in that alleyway.

Elias looked at the bodyguard and instructed, "Go and see if any cars have been parked for a long time on that road. Then, check their dashcam footage."


The bodyguard was about to leave when Elias' phone started vibrating again. He picked it up and saw that it was a call from Taylor.

After answering the call, he heard Taylor's panicked voice come through. "Elias! Could my sister have been kidnapped? I can't find her anywhere, and I can't think of any other reason for her to have disappeared."

At that moment, another call came in, and it was from Rosie!

A look of surprise flashed in Elias' dark eyes as he said, "Rosie is calling. I'll answer the call and tell you later.

He hung up on Taylor and answered Rosie's call, but he heard a rough male voice instead of a woman's voice. "Your girl is in my hands. Bring 1.5 million in cash for the ransom if you want to save her. Otherwise, I'll end her. I'll inform you of the specific location later. Prepare the cash and wait for my call"

With that, the man hung up without giving Elias a chance to speak.

Elias looked at the phone and immediately told the bodyguard, "Track the location of this number."

Soon, the bodyguard found the location. "Mr. Winters, the location of this number is on another street not far from us. It's a crowded street, which makes it difficult for us to catch the person..." The street next to them had one of the bustest night markets in the city, so the culprit might have chosen it to confuse him and stall for time.

"There's no need to catch them. Wait for the next call."

Then, the phone rang again, and Elias looked at it. It was Taylor calling. A trace of disappointment appeared in Elias' eyes as he answered it "How is it? Did Rosie call you?"

"It was from Rosie's phone, but it was from the kidnapper. She has indeed been kidnapped."

Taylor, on the other end of the line, exploded in anger. "What? She's been kidnapped? How much do they want? Where will the exchange take place?" They want 15 million in cash but have yet to mention the location. Let's wait for their call."

"I'll prepare the cash!"

After Taylor hung up. Elias could only go home and wait for the call.

Winters Estate.

After returning home, Elias didn't go to his room but sat on the couch in the living room, lost in thought and silently waiting for the kidnapper's call. Then, he heard footsteps coming down the stairs and looked up to see Amanda walking down from upstairs.

She asked, "What's the situation? Have you found Rosie?"

"Not yet. Why do you care when you don't like her?"

"I may not like her, but do my feelings for her matter in life-or-death situations? Even if I dislike her. I wouldn't want her to go missing."

Elias sneered. "She's been kidnapped, probably by my enemies."

Since the man used the words, "Your woman is in my hands," when he called, Elias thought this matter might be directed at him.

"Kidnapped?" Amanda looked shocked and immediately remembered seeing Rosie at the cafe earlier that day. She was fine then, so how could she suddenly be kidnapped? Her shock piqued Elias' interest, and he asked, "Why are you so surprised?"

"When was she kidnapped? I saw her at a cafe this afternoon. How could she suddenly be kidnapped?"

"What? When did you see her?" Elias sat up straight, suddenly becoming alert.

Amanda carefully recalled the time the unknown man had called her and then calculated the time she had driven to the cafe.

"It was around 2:

30 p.m. I went to a cafe to meet someone and saw her there too. How could she be kidnapped?" Elias frowned.


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Chapter 471 I'll Deal With You When I Return

In other words, Rosie didn't return home that morning and then appeared at a cafe at 2:30 p.m. So, the kidnapping must have taken place between the afternoon and evening.

Elias looked at Amanda and asked, "Which cafe was it?"

"It's the Lily Cafe on Tessin Road."

After getting the name, Elias immediately picked up his phone and dialed the bodyguard's number, giving orders, "Go to the Lily Cafe and check the surveillance footage from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Rosie went to that cafe."

"Yes, Mr. Winters."

After hanging up the phone, Elias returned to reality and looked at Amanda, asking, "Why did you go to that cafe?"

"I... went to meet a friend."

She chose to keep the phone call from the stranger a secret. After all, she had no evidence and hadn't even seen the man. Even if she told Elias, he might not believe her.

Elias let out a disdainful laugh. "A friend... Are you talking about Simon Nicholson? I interrupted your date yesterday, and you two made up for it today while I wasn't home. You two seem quite close."

"That's nonsense!"

"You shouldn't have let him send you home. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known about date today," Elias mocked her, clearly showing his jealousy.

"Elias, you've gone too far. Today, I..."

She stopped halfway through her sentence, suddenly realizing that Rosie appeared at that cafe before she was kidnapped. How could there be such a coincidence? Could the stranger who called her today want to kidnap her but mistook Rosie for her? It seemed possible.

"Why did you stop? I'd like to hear the rest of your explanation." Amanda suddenly became serious and asked Elias, "Are you sure that the person who kidnapped Rosie is your enemy? 1 also received a call from a stranger today, asking me to go to the Lily Cafe. Could the kidnapper who wanted to kidnap me mistook Rosie for me?"

"What happened? Who called you?"

It was an unknown number that I didn't recognize However, the guy told me he wanted me to be his defense lawyer and described a very brutal case. I couldn't refuse him, so I agreed meet with him and thought about handing the case over to Simon, but he said he had neve heard of such a case and thought I might be tricked. That's why he appeared at the cafe. H was there to protect me, afraid that something might happen to me."

After Amanda finished speaking, instead of understanding her, Elias became even angrier and sarcastically said, "So, when encountering such a situation, the first person you think of is not your husband, but your former colleague? Are you sure our relationship was harmonious before my car accident?"

"I... Can you be more reasonable? Simon is a lawyer. Since I can't take this case right now, of course, I would hand it over to him. You're not a lawyer, so what's the use of coming to you for this kind of thing?" Amanda was furious. The man was deliberately picking a fight.

Right then, the bodyguard called, and Elias answered the call. "Speak!"

The bodyguard on the other end of the line reported, "Mr. Winters, we checked the surveillance footage. Miss Momsey did enter that cafe but left around 3 p.m. We don't know where she went after that, and the street surveillance didn't capture her figure."


After hanging up the phone, Elias fell silent. They were stuck in a dead end again.

A while later, Elias looked at Amanda and said, "Let me see the unknown number that called you today."

The kidnapper's phone couldn't be reached now, and he wanted to see if the phone number Amanda received was the same as the one he received.

Amanda took out her phone and showed him the phone number. After looking, Elias realized it was not the same number.

That meant the kidnapper might have used a different phone number for each call, which meant that locating him would be meaningless.

Boris walked in and said, "Mr. Winters, Mr. Momsey is here. He said he has something to discuss with you. I couldn't stop him, and he insisted on coming in...

Before he finished speaking, Taylor's voice had already entered the living room. Elias. I have the cash ready Did you receive the call

Taylor walked nuo the living room anxiously and noticed that Amanda was also present so be restrained himself a luule

Glancing at Boris, Elias said, "You can leave. We do have something to discuss."

"Yes, Mr. Winters."

Boris left the living room and asked the cleaning maid to leave too.

Suddenly, the phone on the coffee table vibrated as a call came in.

The three of them looked at the phone vibrating on the coffee table at the same time. Taylo urged, "Answer it quickly. It might be the kidnapper. Looking at the time, he might be callin to give us the location." Elias answered the call and put it on speakerphone. The stranger's voice came from the other end. "Elias, is the money ready? I've given you plenty of time, and the amount of money I asked for is nothing to you."

"Stop talking nonsense. The money is ready. Where do we make the exchange? If you're onl in it for the money, I suggest that you not harm Rosie. Let me warn you, if she loses a single strand of hair, her brother will never forgive you."

Amanda found it strange when she heard Elias' words. Why would he mention Taylor at suc a moment? Clearly, the kidnapper was his enemy, so why would they be afraid of Taylor?

At that moment, Taylor couldn't help but shout, "Don't touch my sister, or I won't spare you!

The man on the other end of the phone laughed. "Enough with the chit-chat. Hurry up and bring the money over, or I might accidentally kill my hostage. Go to 45 Empyrean Street. I'll be waiting there." After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Elias looked at the hung-up call and had a hunch that this person wouldn't make the exchange so easily.

"I'll go there now." Taylor turned around to leave, but Elias stood up and shouted to stop him. "How will you contact the kidnapper when you get there? The kidnapper only calls me."

"Come with me then. Hurry up and save Rosie." Taylor turned back and yelled at Elias.

However, Elias glanced at Amanda and ordered, "Stay home and don't go anywhere. I'll deal with you when I return."

Since the kidnapper's target was Amanda, she couldn't move about either, as it would be even more troublesome if both of them were kidnapped together. After that. Elias and Taylor left together, tighten because her premonition had come true.

However, she didn't notice a sneaky figure upstairs quietly sneaking into her room and the leaving quietly.

Amanda sat on the couch, praying that Rosie would be rescued. After all, she was Aiden's savior, and Amanda didn't want anything to happen to Rosie.


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Chapter 472 I'm Going To Save Elias

Elias drove Taylor to the location the kidnappers had mentioned but found no one there talk to them.

"What the hell is going on? Did we get tricked? We are at 45 Empyrean Street, so where an they?" When Taylor couldn't see anyone coming to exchange with them or receive any from the kidnappers, he became impatient and anxious.

Elias didn't respond. Instead, he looked around, searching for suspicious individuals.

But too many people were here, making identifying anyone difficult. The kidnapper was cunning for deliberately choosing a crowded place like this.

Suddenly, the phone rang, and both looked at the phone in Elias' hand. It was another unfamiliar number.

Elias immediately answered the call. "We've been here for a while. Where are you? Don't te me you're stuck in traffic. I'll end you if you play any tricks on me."

His patience was running out. The kidnapper was too cunning and was toying with them.

The man on the other end of the phone laughed. "There are too many people here, so it's not convenient for us to make the exchange. Let's change the location again. I'll send address on your phone."

After speaking, he hung up the phone again, not allowing Elias a chance to speak.

Elias looked at the phone and couldn't help but curse, "D*mn it! They want to change to another location."

"What the hell is going on? They're going to change the location? Are we just going to do whatever they say and go wherever they want? They're deliberately messing with us!" Taylor couldn't control his emotions either. Although he was eager to save Rosie, anyone would get angry after discovering they had been played with.

Elias didn't say anything but turned to get into the car, angrily shouting at Taylor, "Get in the car!"

Taylor had no choice but to get in the car with him.

"Once I find the kidnapper, I'll kill him for sure! How dare he play with me! D'mn it" Taylor cursed as she fastened her seatbelt. Soon, a text message came in with the next location.

Elias drove to the next location, which was in the suburbs. It was crowded everywhere be but was now deserted.

What did this kidnapper want?

It didn't seem like he wanted to make a trade with them but rather play with them.

By now, the sky was gradually darkening, and it looked like it could rain at any moment.

Suddenly, the phone rang again, and Elias answered, "Don't tell me you're changing the location again. Let's make the exchange here!"

The two men had reached their peak and were frustrated by the repeated changes in location.

The man on the phone continued to laugh. "We can make the exchange here, but the money needs to be placed in a safe place. I'll send someone to retrieve it, and definitely won't show up in person." "Where should we put it? Hurry up and tell me!" Elias shouted angrily into the phone.

"There's an abandoned factory ten meters ahead. Put the money there, and I'll send someone to retrieve it. Then return home. Your woman will appear before you once we receive the money."

Elias sneered. "Why should I trust you? What if you take the money and still don't release her? You don't seem trustworthy."

"Mr. Winters, I advise you to trust me, or else your woman will die in my hands. I'm only after the money and need it urgently, so I don't want to harm anyone."

Elias glanced at Taylor. The latter had heard the entire conversation since the call was put on speaker.

The man on the other end of the phone hung up again, and Taylor looked toward the abandoned factory in front of them and said. "Let's put the money there. We have no other choice and can only take a gamble."

Then, Elias called his bodyguard and instructed. "Continue to track the location of these numbers, even if they keep changing SIM cards every time!"

After hanging up the phone, Elias started the car's engine and drove toward the abandoned factory in the distance.

When they arrived at their destination the two got out of the car and placed the money in the center of the factory They looked around to ensure no one was around before reluctaraly leaving

On the way back, Taylor kept muttering, "If this kidnapper dares to play me, I'll twist his head off and kick it around."

"This kidnapper should only be after the money and won't harm anyone. If he does kill his hostage, he won't be able to escape. We'll find him, no matter where he's hiding."

"You're right. The kidnapper doesn't seem stupid, so he shouldn't harm anyone."

Meanwhile, at the mansion.

Amanda was waiting for them to return when she suddenly received a call from an unfamiliar number.

It was the same middle-aged man who called her at noon.

Wasn't his phone turned off? Why has he turned it on again?

Amanda hesitated for a few seconds, then answered the call, "Hello?"

"Miss Bailey, come to the abandoned factory."

"Who are you? Why did you trick me into going to the cafe earlier? Why should I listen to you and go to some abandoned factory?"

The man on the other end of the phone laughed. "Miss Bailey, don't you understand the current situation? I originally wanted to kidnap you, but since you refused to enter the cafe, 1 had no choice but to kidnap Rosie Momsey. Both Rosie Momsey and Elias Winters are in the abandoned factory, and Elias is injured. Don't you want to save them? You claim to uphold. justice, but two innocent people are now injured because of you. Are you just going to stand by and do nothing?"

Upon hearing that, Amanda widened her eyes in shock. So, this isn't Elias' enemy, but mine?

"What happened to Elias? What did you do to him?"

"You'll see when you come. I didn't know he was already seriously injured. If I had known. I would have been gentler. Now, there's so much blood flowing out from him, and I have no idea how to treat a wound. It seems that Rosie doesn't know how to do it either. Are you sure you're not coming to take a look?"

He's bleeding....

Her face turned pale as a sheet of paper

Elias had just recovered from the injuries he sustained in the car accident and now he was injured again and bleeding...

After quickly hanging up the phone, Amanda rushed out of the villa. Boris wanted to stop her, but she ignored him and drove away.

"I'm going to save Elias! He's injured!"

"Mrs. Winters, where are you going to save him? How could Mr. Winters be injured?"

Boris only wanted to stop her and didn't want to harm her, so he could only watch as she drove away from the mansion.

However, a long time after Amanda left the mansion, Elias returned to his car and parked it outside.

The surprised Boris saw Elias' car and hurriedly ran over, holding an umbrella, "Mr. Winters, are you okay?"

"Why would you ask that?" The man got out of the car and took the umbrella handed to him by Boris while walking toward the mansion.


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Chapter 473 Framed

Boris explained anxiously, "But Mrs. Winters said she was going to save you. She got in a car and left. I couldn't stop her."

"Save me?" Elias stopped in his tracks and looked at the butler. "Where did she go to save me I'm perfectly fine. Why would she need to save me?" Boris looked confused. "I don't know either. I only heard her say she was going to rescue you but couldn't stop her."

"You're useless!"

Elias turned around and was about to get in the car to find her. It was raining heavily, and something could go wrong if Amanda went out alone.

However, Taylor stopped him. "What could happen to Amanda? The most important thing right now is to save Rosie. Didn't the kidnappers tell us to return here and wait? Let's wait. They will only call you, so what should I do once you leave?"

Elias frowned and pushed Taylor's hand away. He turned and walked back into the villa, calling Amanda while doing so.

At first, the call went through, but no one answered. Later, the phone went out of service.

Where did she go? How could her phone be out of service? Did she run away? Did she realize she couldn't deceive me anymore and wanted to escape?

Elias couldn't help but start to have wild thoughts.

While he sat on the couch in the living room, the nanny brought him a towel to wipe off the rainwater, but he ignored her. He kept calling Amanda repeatedly, but her phone was still out of service.

Taylor couldn't stand it anymore. "Enough already! What could possibly happen to Amanda when she went out alone? The kidnappers still have Rosie right now, and she might be in danger. How can you let someone else distract you at such a moment?"

Just then, a bodyguard came in and said, "Mr. Winters, we have located the location of every phone number, and we f-found..."

"What did you find? Spit it out!" Elias was extremely frustrated at the moment and had no patience left

"We found that the location of the third call from the kidnappers is in this mansion

As soon as these words came out, both men showed different degrees of shock on their faces.

"What did you say? Here?" Elias thought he had misheard. The location of the kidnappers" call was in the estate. What did that mean? The kidnappers were here? Taylor cursed, "D*mn it! So, it was an inside job? No wonder the kidnapping went so smoothly."

The bodyguard continued, "A-And..."

"If you have something to say, just say it! Why are you beating around the bush?" Elias was furious. The kidnappers came from his own, making him feel played. Though embarrassed, the bodyguard still answered truthfully, "We traced the call to Mrs. Winters' room, and we found a phone and a voice changer in her room." Elias looked shocked and couldn't speak for a while.

Meanwhile, Taylor also took a while to react. "What does that mean? So, Amanda kidnapped. Rosie and used a voice changer to pretend to be the kidnapper? Did she go out just now to retrieve the ransom money, or is she going to release Rosie?"

Just then, the butler walked in with a look of joy. "Mr. Winters, Miss Momsey has been brought back unharmed."

"Eli, Eli! Sob, I was so scared..."

Rosie walked out from behind the butler. She looked dirty and tearful and wanted to throw herself into Elias' arms.

But Elias suddenly stood up and walked out of the villa, pushing her into Taylor's arms.

Taylor held his sister and looked at Elias' back. "What are you going to do?"

"Taylor, what's going on with Eli?"

"Well, it's hard to explain. I didn't expect the mastermind behind this kidnapping to be Amanda, She..." Taylor still couldn't believe Amanda would do such a thing, but the evidence was there, and there was no way to deny it.

"What? How could this be? Even if Amanda hates me, she wouldn't do something like this..."

"How would I know? Let's follow Elias to take a look. I think she's going to where we just lett the ransom. We'll know once we see" Taylor turned around and was about to leave.

Rosie watched her brother's back, and a strange smile appeared on her face, but she burst into tears again the next second

"Taylor, wait for me. I'm coming with you. I don't believe it was Amanda who did this!"

Outside the abandoned factory, Amanda parked the car outside and rushed into the factory but didn't see anyone. Instead, she saw a bag of cash.

She walked up and opened the bag. When she realized it was filled with cash, she seemed to realize something was wrong.

It seemed like she had been tricked....

There were about 1.5 million dollars in these banknotes, which should be the ransom that Elias and Taylor had left.

But there was nothing else here besides the money, and there weren't any traces of a fight.

Where did Elias go...

Amanda was about to turn around and leave when she suddenly heard tires rolling on the road outside.

Is there a car outside?

Then, she heard the sound of a car door opening, followed by heavy and urgent footsteps. After that, she saw Elias standing in front of her.

The moment Elias walked into the factory, he prayed in his heart, Please don't let it be Amanda, please...

But there she was.

A while later, Taylor and Rosie arrived.

Amanda looked at the three of them in confusion. Elias seemed to be uninjured.

With a choked voice, Rosie cried, "Amanda, why did you do this to me? How could it be you? Are you here to take the ransom? I know you hate me, but I never thought you would kidnap me. Why did you do this..."

After speaking, Rosie started to cry softly, looking just like a conniving b*tch, both hypocritical and deceitful. Amanda had the urge to slap her.

Taylor also looked puzzled 'Amanda, you weren't such a person before. Why did you start uving such methods? I know you don't like Rosie and think she's interfering with your relationship with Elias. But such behavior is really unacceptable You're out of your mind You're a lawyer who upholds justice How could you break the law?"

didn't do anything! I came because I received a call saying that Elias was kidnapper. Are you all crazy?" However, her attempt to explain was futile.

Elias stared at her intently as if trying to see through her.

Finally, he spoke. "Are you still trying to quibble your way out of this? We found the kidnapper's phone and voice changer in your room. How are you going to explain that?"

Faced with the man's angry roar, Amanda couldn't help but tremble, her face filled with disbelief. "What did you say? The kidnapper's phone? A voice changer? How is that possible?"


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Chapter 474 Locked in the Basement

Amanda, her mind in complete disarray, couldn't believe the kidnapper's phone was found in her room-how was that even possible?

"Amanda, even if you despise me, you shouldn't do this. I was really scared. Do you know how terrifying the kidnapper was? I almost got killed..." Rosie sobbed, leaning into her brother's embrace. Taylor sighed and comforted his sister, "It's okay. It's okay now."

"You two go back to the car!" Elias ordered the two without turning his head around.

"Eli, don't be too harsh on Amanda. Maybe... she was just confused for a moment. I believe she wouldn't do something like this when she's in her right mind..." Rosie shouted toward Elias' back in a feigned sympathetic tone while Taylor pulled her away, leaving behind the rainy, gloomy, and damp-smelling factory.

Rosie looked back at the man's angry silhouette, unable to suppress a smirk.

As the footsteps of the Momsey siblings grew distant, Elias walked step by step toward Amanda, his gaze reminiscent of someone looking at a lunatic.

Amanda kept shaking her head, her feet pushing back involuntarily, tears streaming down her pale face. "It wasn't me. I'm not the kidnapper, I really am not..."

"What do you mean 'not?' The evidence is conclusive. What do you want all this money for?!" Elias grabbed Amanda by the neck, his anger not directed at the ten million in cash but at Amanda's motives. With the slightest mistake, Rosie could've been killed. Did Amanda really want to kill Rosie?

"Why don't you believe me? I told you I came here because of that phone call, the one who called me during the day. He said you were injured, so I came here!"

"How do you explain the kidnapper's phone and SIM card in your room then? What about that voice changer?"

"Those aren't mine; someone must be trying to frame me!" Amanda's mind raced, but she couldn't figure out who would want to set her up.

She initially thought the caller was her enemy, but now it seemed that it seemed more complicated than that.

If it were just her enemy, they could've killed her outright But now, they were trying to drive a wedge between her and Elias, and Amanda couldn't fathom who the mastermund behind it this was.

Elias forcibly dragged her away from the abandoned factory, reeking of mold.

With a loud rumble, the sky started thundering again, and the raindrops grew larger. It seemed that this rain wouldn't stop anytime soon.

"Where are you taking me? Let go of me!" Amanda struggled, attempting to pull her hand. away, but she couldn't outmatch the man's strength no matter how.

Elias shoved her into the car, then slammed his foot on the gas pedal, speeding away in the heavy rain.

Meanwhile, the Momsey siblings stood there, completely bewildered.

"Eli, you can't leave us behind! What about us?!"

"What else?" Taylor countered. "He has clearly left you to me. Come on, let's go. It's pouring rain, and you've been through quite a scare. Go home, take a hot shower, and get a good night's sleep." Taylor helped his sister into the car, but Rosie remained stubborn. "No, Taylor, I'm not going back. I want to go to the Winters Estate. Send me there."

"Why do you want to go there? The two of them are surely going to have a big fight. Are you planning to mediate? What if you get injured in the process? Don't intervene at a time like this!"

"But Eli is still injured," Rosie reasoned. "I don't want him to get too agitated; it might cause his wound to reopen. Please, let's go to the Winters Estate."

Taylor had no other choice; his sister was determined to go. If he didn't drive her there, she might just brave the rain and walk there herself.

Later, at the Winters Estate, Elias flung Amanda onto the living room couch after taking her back by force.

Boris, who had followed them inside, attempted to intervene as he watched his master about to get physical with a woman. However, Elias shouted at everyone, "Get out! All of you get out' No one is allowed in"

At that Boris had no choice but to silently withdraw

Amanda collapsed on the couch, tears streaming down her lace Above, thunder rumbled louder and louder and in front of her was the menacing figure of Elias She felt there way to escape.

Suddenly, he pressed her down on the couch, his face contorted in anger. "What else can't you do when you're capable of something like this?!"

He now strongly suspected that Amanda was lying to him, and the child might not even be his, hence the paternity test results.

"What have I done? I've told you it wasn't me! Why don't you believe me?"

"How can I believe you? There's concrete evidence and witnesses. How can I believe you? Have you really become this ruthless, Bailey?"

Just then, Taylor and Rosie burst in, and despite Boris' efforts to stop them, they entered the room.

"Eli, no! Don't do this! You'll strangle Amanda!" Rosie rushed forward, grabbing the man's arm.

A headache immediately overcame Elias upon hearing the woman's voice, and he shoved Rosie onto the floor.

"What are you two doing here?" Elias angrily shouted at the siblings.

Taylor helped his sister up and snapped toward Elias' back. "Why take it out on my sister, when your woman has done wrong?! If she hadn't been worried about your emotional state. and insisted on coming, I couldn't be bothered to come and watch you two argue!" "Get out!" the man continued to shout, his headache worsening.

Pretending to look very concerned, Rosie dissuaded him, "Eli, don't get angry. You need to stay calm. Otherwise, it could stimulate the blood clot in your brain. Please, don't be angry. I'm fine now. Don't argue with Amanda; I believe she won't do this again."

"What are you, crazy? How can you still be so forgiving when she has kidnapped you?! She planned a kidnapping! If Elias really cares about you, he should hand Amanda over to the police! Otherwise, every time you get close to Elias, Amanda will come after you. For all we know, she might kill you on a whim when she's upset! What are you going to do then?!" Taylor snapped. "No, Amanda wouldn't-"

"That's enough! Stop arguing! Mr. Jones, lock Amanda in the basement until she realizes her mistake!

Hearing Elias' command. Bors and the security guards rushed in Although they felt uncomfortable about it they still followed orders and took Amanda away


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Chapter 475 You Actually Want Me Dead!

"Why are you locking me up? I already told you it wasn't me! Why do you believe Rosie but not me? Just because those things were found in my room that I did it?! Have you never heard of 'framing?!" Amanda shouted angrily at Elias while being taken away by the bodyguards.

Alas, Elias was suffering from a splitting headache right then. He tried standing up only to slump weakly onto the couch, holding his head and groaning in pain.

"Eli! Are you okay? Quickly get the car ready to take him to the hospital!" Rosie panicked upon seeing Elias' condition. It seemed he had been triggered again.

Although the doctor had warned against stressing Elias, he had faced plenty of stress since leaving the hospital without authorization. She was genuinely worried that he might end up in a worse state. Amanda, seeing this, also panicked and widened her eyes. "Elias!"

She tried to rush over but was held back tightly by the bodyguards, unable to move.

At this moment, Elias, lying on the couch, looked at Amanda and said, "Throw her into the basement! Did I not make myself clear?! I will go to the hospital myself!"

The two bodyguards forcibly led Amanda away, out of everyone's sight. Rosie tried to support Elias, but he avoided her, struggling with the headache, and told Boris, "Get the car. Take me to the hospital." Elias could feel he was reaching his limits; he needed medical attention.

Indeed, within seconds of standing up and before he could leave the living room, blood. sprayed from his mouth, and his tall figure fell heavily to the ground, making a dull thud.

Everyone was shocked. Boris was the first to react, rushing over to help him and shouting, "Someone, quickly! Get Mr. Winters to the hospital!"

Rosie was also stunned by the sight. There was blood on the floor, and he had actually coughed up blood.....

What did that entail?

Rosie stood frozen in place, unsure of how to react. She was genuinely afraid Elias night slipy into a coma again and become a vegetable, never waking up again.

Hospital, inside the ward.

It was already the early morning of the second day when Elias stirred. The rain outside was still falling heavily, and the sky was overcast, mirroring his current mood. The first person he saw after opening his eyes was Rosie.

It was only after he realized that Rosie was the woman whom he despised the most before losing his memory that he understood why he always felt a deep sense of aversion wheneve he saw her. "Eli, you're awake! Do you want some water?" Rosie, delighted to see him awake, quickly got up to fetch some water.

Elias didn't stop her and slowly sat up, leaning against the headboard. His head still throbber slightly, but memories of the previous day flooded back.

He couldn't help but frown...

So, Amanda kidnapped Rosie, and now Amanda was locked up

Rosie handed him a glass of water. "Eli, drink some water."

in the basement.

Elias didn't reach for it; instead, he asked her, "When am I getting discharged?"

"The doctor said they need to observe you for another two more days because the bleeding in your head seems to have spread, and you even coughed up blood. I don't really understand all the medical terms the doctor used, but in short, they want to keep you under observation for another two days.

Elias remained silent, lost in thought.

Regardless of what Rosie said to him, he ignored her. In the end, she could only sit quietly on the side, waiting for him to speak.

The sky outside the window remained grey and had been raining all day. It wasn't until the evening that Elias suddenly spoke, "Go to the Winters Estate and get something for me. It's in the first drawer of the study desk, in a file folder."

"But I don't feel comfortable leaving you here alone. I can ask my brother to go get it—"

"I want you to go!" Elias' tone was firm. He wanted to get away from Rosie, whom he felt was monitoring him 24/7 and suffocating him.

"Okay, okay, I'll go. Don't be angry Rosic reluctantly turned and left the hospital room Alter closing the door, she instructed the bodyguard, who was standing guard. "You must not leave this place You absolutely cannot let El be discharged prematurely


Amanda had been trapped in the basement of Winters Estate for a whole night. Apart from being given food and water, no one came to see her.

Still, she worried about Elias' condition, not knowing how he was faring at the hospital.

Suddenly, the sound of the door opening came from outside.

Amanda immediately stood up and leaned against the door frame, shouting, "Let me out! Let me out!"

However, upon meeting the newcomer, she fell silent. She didn't even want to entertain the individual.

Rosie walked into the basement, stood at the door, and looked at Amanda, who was imprisoned inside, laughing maniacally. "Look at you, poor little thing. Why isn't Eli on side this time, huh? Can you even sleep in a place like this at night?"

"F*ck off, you wretched b*tch!"

"How dare you curse me even in your state?! Do you think I wanted to come and see you? I just wanted to see how miserable you are."

"Just you wait, Rosie Momsey!" Amanda gritted her teeth and looked at Rosie outside. She shouldn't have had a trace of pity for Rosie. This woman was truly despicable.

However, Rosie responded with an even more maniacal laugh. "Wait for what? For Eli to come back and deal with you? He doesn't believe a word you say now, and you think you can deny it when they've found physical evidence in your room?"

Suddenly, an idea hit Amanda-Rosie was the mastermind!

Rosie was at the cafe when she was lured there by the mysterious call! If Simon hadn't shown up

in time, she might have been the one kidnapped.

"So, it was you, Momsey! You set me up! You lured me to that cafe that day! You hired people to kidnap me!" Amanda thundered.

Rosie laughed in response. "You're quite clever. That's right, I hired people to kidnap you, but you found yourself a savior. I couldn't do anything, but how could my plan go to waste? So, I decided to get myself kidnapped. Blame yourself for it Why did you bring in Simon? Without him, maybe Fli would have gone all out to save you, even though your dead body might be all there's left by the time they find you? "You wicked wench. You actually want me dead!"

"How can Eli be with me if you don't die?! It's on you for standing between us like a wall!"


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Chapter 476 Escape From the Estate

Amanda nearly laughed from rage. In fact, she was on the verge of madness.

"Do you think that without me, Elias would fall for you? Let me tell you! My existence plays no factor in Elias' interest in you! Even without me, he would never choose you! You lunatic

Her words successfully angered Rosie, and her hands trembled in rage. "What did you just call me? I dare you to repeat it! Who are you calling a lunatic?"

"You, of course! Are you not crazy? Why did you stay in a mental hospital if you're sane ther You think Elias doesn't like you because of my existence? He looks down on you from the bottom of his heart, and it has nothing to do with any woman. You've known each other for so long; if he really liked you, he would have been with you long ago. Why would he wait until now? Elias isn't the kind of man who hesitates. If he truly likes a woman, he'll do whatever it takes to keep her by his side!"

Amanda wanted to provoke the lunatic and use her to escape.

"Y-You! Just you wait!" Rosie, seething with anger, turned to the bodyguard aside and demanded, "Open the door!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Miss Momsey. Mr. Winters said that no one except him is allowed to visit Mrs. Winters."

The words "Mrs. Winters" from the bodyguard's mouth angered Rosie again, and she shouted, "Open the door! Why did Elias ask me to come back?! It's for me to see Bailey! So, open

the door! How would I know if she repented if I didn't go in? How am I supposed to explain it to Eli, huh?!"

"I..." The bodyguard was still hesitant, not knowing what to do.

"Do you want me to call Elias and get his approval? Do you want to be fired right after starting your job?" Rosie threatened, acting as if she were the mistress of the estate.

The bodyguard didn't want to anger the young woman either, for it seemed that Elias had been treating Rosie quite well lately, so she probably wouldn't lie.

Reluctantly, the bodyguard opened the door to the basement, giving Amanda a chance to escape.

Rosie walked into the basement and wanted to close the door, for she wanted to teach Amanda a lesson there and then.

Lo and behold, Amanda grabbed her hair, causing her neck to arch backward in pain. "Ah My hair! Let go!"

"Let go? Didn't you come in here for me to pull your hair? Why are you screaming? Do people like you know what pain is? Who do you think you are to act all high and mighty here? Do you really think your plan is seamless?"

Amanda kicked Rosie to the ground and yanked out a handful of her hair before tossing he aside. She then opened the door to the basement and escaped, locking Rosie inside the room.

Furious, Rosie got up from the ground and frantically pounded on the door. "Amanda, you b*tch! Let me out! Let me out!"

Naturally, Amanda paid no attention to her. Quietly, she reached the basement exit only to find the bodyguard standing outside.

How could she escape when confronting the bodyguard physically was not an option?

Amanda searched the area for something she could use to distract the bodyguard. Finally, she noticed a wristwatch on her wrist. She quickly removed it and hurled it toward a dark corner.

The bodyguard, hearing the sound, immediately became alert, looking around and heading toward the dark corner.

Seizing the opportunity, Amanda dashed out like a gust of wind, disappearing before the bodyguard could react,

However, Winters Estate was vast, and even if she managed to escape the estate, it was located in the suburbs. She would be exhausted and stranded before reaching safety.

What should she do....

Amanda contemplated and finally decided to trouble Simon. Though she really didn't have the humility to call him again, she had no one else to ask for help now. Then again, there was another issue. The bodyguards had confiscated her phone before throwing her into the basement, cutting off her contact with the outside world. The rain continued to pour, and it was getting heavier.

Amanda sought refuge behind a building while trying to figure out how to call Simon. She needed to find a phone first.

"Mrs. Winters! What are you doing here?"

Suddenly, a housemaid from the Winters Estate passed by and was startled to see Amanda standing there. She didn't know how to react.

Amanda quickly pulled the housemaid toward her and covered his mouth. "Don't scream. please! I'm begging you!"

The housemaid nodded desperately, and Amanda released her grip.

The housemaid took a few breaths of fresh air and looked at her. "Mrs. Winters, how did yo get out here? Mr. Winters will be furious if he finds out." "How is Elias? Has he returned from the hospital?" Amanda asked, her eyes filled with concern.

The housemaid felt sorry for her. Despite how Elias treated Amanda, she still cared about Elias' well-being.

"He hasn't returned yet. According to Mr. Jones, the hospital wants to observe him for another two days. But Mr. Winters is fine now and resting in the ward."

"Can I borrow your phone for a call? I can't stay here; I have to get out."

The housemaid hesitated. "Are you planning to escape, Mrs. Winters? Mr. Winters will be furious if he finds out. You shouldn't."

Amanda was on the verge of tears. "Please, I'm begging you. Let me use your phone. I can't stay here; I have to get out."

She hadn't contacted Aiden all day, and he would surely cry if he couldn't reach her.

Since returning home, Amanda would call Aiden several times a day. No matter how trivial the topic, Aiden would share it with her, and she would always listen attentively.

It had been so long since she last spoke to her baby boy, and she worried he might throw at tantrum over there. Aiden was usually well-behaved, but no one could calm him down when he got upset. Seeing Amanda on the verge of tears, the housemaid's heart softened, and she lent her the phone.

Amanda took the phone and thanked her profusely. "Thank you. Don't worry; no matter what happens, I won't reveal your involvement."

Then she desperately searched her mind for Simon's phone number. After a while, she managed to recall the last few digits. She dialed the number, her heart pounding, afraid of dialing the wrong one. Time was running out, and she couldn't stay in one place for too long. especially with the bodyguard likely discovering her escape and searching for her.


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Chapter 477 Taken Away by Simon

Beep... Beep...

The call went through, and a man's languid voice came through on the other end as if his peaceful dream had been interrupted.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Simon! It's me. Can you... please save me? Elias has locked me up. I escaped just now, but they've already found out and are trying to catch me. I don't know where to go either after leaving the estate..." "Amanda? What happened? Why did Elias lock you up? Are you okay? Wait for me. I'll com right away."

The next split second, a woman's voice abruptly came from the other end of the phone. "Who the hell are you? Are you crazy, calling a man to save you in the middle of the night? What's wrong with you? Are you about to die?"

A woman's voice? Simon already has a woman in his life?!

It was inappropriate for her to disturb his life, especially now.

"I'm sorry for bothering you," said Amanda and hung up the phone directly. After a deep sigh, she handed the phone back to the housemaid. "Here you go."

Just then, sounds of the bodyguards searching for her came from behind. It seemed that the had started searching the entire estate.

At that, Amanda quietly pleaded with the housemaid. "Please don't tell them that you've seer me, okay?"

"Okay, Mrs. Winters. Please take care."


So, in the pouring rain, Amanda ran to another part of the estate. She couldn't let herself be caught again. She had to get out.

Amanda searched the vast estate and finally found a small dog hole at the base of a wall. should've been the exit for the dog Elas used to keep.

He rarely came home when she and Eltas married but deliberately kept a dog in the house When he returned, he would rather spend time with the dog than spare her a glance. It was a cruel aoay that, in Hias eyes, she was worth less than a dog

Less than half a year later, the dog died due to an accident. Since then, Elias never kept a p again and would never come home, for he had even fewer reasons to do so. Now, this dog hole had unexpectedly become her lifeline.

Amanda didn't want to crawl through the dog hole, but she didn't have a better option.

Rainwater trickled down her cheeks, and she couldn't distinguish whether it was her tears the rain. She eventually made her way to the dog hole, slowly crouched down, and then crawled out through it. After emerging from the dog hole, Amanda felt even more lost.

Outside the hole was a dense forest with no clear direction. How was she supposed to find her way?!

But going back was not an option; she would surely be locked in the basement again.

It was a rainy night, pitch black, with only the estate's lights illuminating the nearby area. Beyond that, everything was shrouded in darkness.

Amanda gazed into the distance, gritted her teeth, and headed in one direction. She was confident that she would eventually find her way out.

Braving the heavy rain, she navigated through the woods, her clothes soaked and her body trembling from the cold. She knew she was likely to catch a severe cold, but at this point, she couldn't afford to think about it. Her priority was to make it out.

In the hospital, Elias was about to rest his eyes for a moment when his phone suddenly rang.

"Speak!" he answered the call in annoyance.

"We have a problem, sir." The anxious voice of a bodyguard came from the other end of the phone. "Miss Bailey has escaped. We've searched the entire estate and can't find her anywhere. We finally spotted her on the surveillance cameras heading toward a wall, and then she disappeared. There's a dog hole there; she might have escaped the estate!"

"What!" Elias sat up abruptly, roaring in anger. "You useless bunch! You can't even keep an eye on one woman! Go and find her immediately!"

"Mr. Winters, Miss Momsey insisted I open the door. As soon as she went in, Miss Bailey ran out and locked her inside..."

Before the bodyguard could finish his sentence, Elias shouted. Just go find her' Don't bother coming back if you can't find her!" "Yes!"

After hanging up the phone, Elias' anger surged to new heights.

How dare that d*mn woman run away?! Where does she want to run to? And that Rosie Momsey is nothing but a troublemaker! Who said she could open the door to the basement?!

Elias had the impulse to rush back to the estate immediately, but a sudden bout of dizziness forced him to lie back down in bed.

Amanda had no idea how long she had been walking in the vast forest. She couldn't see the lights of the estate anymore and was beginning to doubt if she would ever find a way out. She even started hallucinating, trembling, and her legs weakening.

When would she finally get out of this forest...

She stumbled and fell to the ground, her body covered in a mixture of mud and rainwater. She felt like she might die there, but then she saw a road just a few steps away.

Summoning the last shreds of her consciousness, Amanda struggled to her feet and staggered toward the edge of the forest. She finally reached the road but hadn't caught her breath when the headlights of an approaching car blinded her. Terrified, she fell back to the ground, and the sound of screeching brakes echoed in the rain.

The car came to a stop in front of her, and she shielded her eyes to see the vehicle.

A car? I'm saved!

Amanda was about to stand up to ask for a ride when she realized the man getting out of the car was Simon, who rushed to her after taking a moment to recognize her. "Amanda! What happened to you? Get in the car."

He helped her into the car, finally sheltering her from the heavy rain. Amanda sat in the backseat, gazing at the man in the driver's seat, finally recognizing him as Simon.

Amanda was running a high fever by this point, and her consciousness was becoming unclear.

"Simon... Is that you?"

"It's me, Amanda. Don't be afraid. I'll take you to the hospital. You might have a high fever. How long were you running in the rain? Why are you so wet? And why did Elias lock you up? What happened. Simon asked a barrage of questions as he drove, but when he turned around to look at

Amanda, he realized that she had fallen asleep. She must have fallen into a fever-induced coma. He needed to get her to the hospital quickly. However, suddenly, a group of

bodyguards appeared in front of their car. They seemed to have come from the mansion and were probably trying to take Amanda back.

"Hand our Madam back!" one of them shouted angrily, pounding on the car window.

Simon paid them no attention. He stepped on the gas pedal, and the car sped away. The bodyguards automatically moved to the sides, fearing they might be hit by the speeding vehicle. They could only watch helplessly as Simon took away their Madam.


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Chapter 478 Who Is This Simon?

After driving a considerable distance, they finally managed to lose the group of bodyguard and Simon breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at Amanda in the back seat, who had fallen unconscious. He knew getting her to the hospital was now a top priority.

At that, he sped up, heading toward the downtown hospital. However, the rain was getting intensifying, seemingly conspiring to slow him down.

During this time, Simon's phone kept ringing, displaying a woman's name-Violet. Howeve he never answered any of them. Seventeen missed calls later, she finally gave up and didn't call again.

Meanwhile, Elias had been anxiously waiting in the hospital, eager to return to the estate an see what had happened. However, the doctor insisted he stay put, and a nurse stationed. herself at the nurses' station. One had to pass by the station to reach the elevator, leaving no opportunity for him to sneak away.

He kept his eyes glued to his phone, waiting for a call from his bodyguards.

Why haven't they called yet? Haven't they found her?

He cursed their incompetence, unable to believe they couldn't even keep track of one woman.

Elias was growing increasingly impatient and felt a throbbing headache starting to form. He leaned against the bed, his eyes fixed on the phone screen, feeling restless.

For some reason, he felt a growing sense of unease, as if he feared that Amanda had indeed. managed to escape.

Finally, the phone vibrated. Elias immediately picked it up, unlocked the screen, and put it to his ear. "How is it? Have you found her?"

The bodyguard on the other end of the phone stammered, "Mr. Winters, Mrs. Winters, she... she escaped from the estate through a dog hole and got into a car. We couldn't stop her, and it seemed like they had planned it in advance. I checked the car's license plate, and it belongs to Simon Nicholson, the founder of Justice & Associates, which means Mrs. Winters left with this Mr. Nicholson"

The bodyguard sand something else on the phone, but Elias couldn't hear it anymore All the registered was the fact that Amanda had left with someone named Simon Nicholson

Who is this Simon Nicholson, and where did this guy come from?!

Alas, he couldn't recall anyone by that name due to his amnesia.

At that, Elias turned grimmer by the second, and he even began to suspect that Simon mig be the man Amanda was seeing behind his back.

Elias' head started throbbing intensely, and he felt dizzy. He clutched his head with one hand, trying to endure the pain, and asked, "Did Amanda know this Simon Nicholson for a long time?"

"We... We're not sure about that."

"Find it out then! What are you waiting for? Get me the address of this Simon Nicholson!"

"Yes, sir!"

After hanging up the phone, Elias lay back on the bed, his severe headache making his phon slip from his grasp and fall to the floor.

His head was pounding, and he felt like his thoughts were a tangled mess, causing him. excruciating pain.

With a painful groan, Elias pressed the call button above his head.

In a matter of seconds, a doctor and a nurse rushed into the ward. Elias, unable to hold on any longer, closed his eyes, gradually losing consciousness.

Meanwhile, Simon had just brought Amanda into the same hospital. If Elias knew how close he was to Amanda at that moment, he would have crawled if he had to, just to get her back.

The next day, when Amanda opened her eyes again, she found herself lying in Simon's house. Since returning to the country, she had only been to Simon's house a few times, but she remembered it vividly because of its unique interior design.

Amanda sat up and remembered the previous night's events-how she had escaped from the estate through the dog hole and narrowly avoided being hit by a car.

Had Simon saved me?

At that inoment, the door to the room opened, and Simon, now dressed casually, walked in carrying a mug of ginger tea. He was surprised to see her awake You're awake? Great' Ive reheated this ginger tea several times overnight, waiting for you to wake up and drink a "

Amanda cleared her throat and replied, "Thank you, before taking the beverage from hum and drinking it all in one go.

As she looked at Simon, she couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt. She owed him so much. During her four years abroad, Simon had helped her tremendously, which was why Aider had been so eager to matchmake them. But...

Suddenly, she recalled the voice of a woman she had heard when she called for help last night.

"Simon, are you...


"Are you seeing someone?" Amanda asked cautiously.

Simon didn't deny it. "Not really. She's just someone my family introduced me to. She keep pestering me despite me telling her that we're not a good fit. Yet, she won't listen."

So, in the end, Simon hadn't reconciled with Lunabelle.

Amanda wanted to get out of bed, but Simon stopped her. "What are you doing? You ran ou in the rain last night and had a high fever, reaching up to 104°F. We just managed to bring it down this morning. What were you planning to do now?"

"I should leave; I can't bother you any longer. Otherwise, that girl might misunderstand. She already seemed a bit confused on the phone last night."

Simon frowned. "I've already told you, she and I won't work. And you'll be doing me a favor if you can help me get rid of her. I can't give her a future, and I don't want to waste her time. Amanda had nothing more to say, but she genuinely wanted Simon to start anew and have his own happy life.

"Lie back down. Your body is still weak. How long were you in the rain to get such a high fever? And why did Elias lock you up? Didn't you two make up? Isn't he spoiling you now? How did things suddenly change? Did you have a fight?"

Last night, while taking care of her, Simon analyzed that the two might've had some conflicts. lately, or Elias wouldn't have been so confrontational during their last encounter at the club, as if he didn't know tha Simon and Amanda were old acquaintances.

In reality, Simon was unaware of Elias' amnesia caused by the car accident, and Amanda didn't want to disclose it either, for if the information were spread, the Winterses might cause trouble again, perhaps even using Elias' amnesia against him to remove him from power

"It's nothing By the way can you help me get a new SIM card I haven't talked to Atden for two days, and he'll definitely cry if he can't reach me. Amanda looked at Simon with urgency.

Despite already sensing something was amiss, he didn't confront her and simply nodded. "Alright, you continue to rest. I'll go get you a new one and be back soon."

Once Simon left the room, Amanda lay on the bed, feeling an inexplicable worry. Would Elias Winters let her go if he found out she had run away? Would he cause trouble for Simon?


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Chapter 479 Mr Winters Is Furious

The answer was inevitable.

Despite his amnesia, Elias still had his explosive temper, like a ticking time bomb.

In the hospital, when Elias woke up, he found Rosie, the woman he used to despise the mo and now, he seemed to have rediscovered that feeling of disdain for her.

Meanwhile, Rosie approached Elias with delight when she saw that he had awoken. "Eli, you're awake! You're finally awake. You scared me. When the hospital called me yesterday, was so scared I cried." Ignoring her feigned concern, he sat up and noticed the bandage on Rosie's forehead. Curiosity prompted him to ask, "What happened to your head?"

As such, Rosie launched into another round of her melodramatic performance. "Eli, I just wanted to check on Amanda, but she locked me inside and then ran away, injuring me in th process...

She thought that by saying that, Elias would be even more disappointed in Amanda. However, to her surprise, Elias flipped out. "What did you say? You went in and let her out? Who gave you the right to go in there? I kept her locked up to keep everyone out! What righ do you have? Speak!"

He was already in a terrible mood because Amanda had run away, but now that he knew it was Rosie's foolishness that had caused it, his anger intensified.

Rosie stammered in response, "Eli, I... I didn't mean to. I'm sorry."

"Get out! I don't want to see you!" Elias roared. Rosie felt a sense of familiarity in his words. It was something she often heard from him in the past.

Why is it that even when he has lost his memory, can he still blurt this phrase out? Is his dislike for me still so intense despite not remembering a thing? No, impossible!

Rosie refused to believe this cruel reality.

Just then, a knock came from outside the ward. "Come in Elias ordered, still seething

A bodyguard entered and handed Elias a file. "Sir, this is the information I found about Simon, as well as his address"

Elias glanced at the file, and his eyes filled with increasing anger

So, Nicholson had been acquainted with Amanda for the past four years while she was abroad! So. Can this child possibly be Simon's?

Unconsciously, Elias Winters recalled the paternity test report at home, and his headach flared up again.

He suppressed the headache and continued to look at the information. After finding Sim address, he threw off the covers and tried to leave.

Seeing that, Rosie hurriedly stopped him. "Eli, what are you doing? The doctor said. to be observed for two more days. Besides, you lost consciousness again yesterday. You ca leave-" But before she could finish her sentence, Elias shouted angrily, "Get out of my way! If it weren't for you, Amanda wouldn't have escaped! What right do you have to stop me now?

Get lost!"

Elias had finally lost his patience with Rosie. He pushed her onto the bed and walked out c the room, with the bodyguard following closely behind.

"Go find Simon," he ordered.

"Yes, sir!"

"I want to go too, Eli!" Rosie got up and chased after him, but Elias had no time to deal with. her. He was solely focused on one thing: finding Amanda and bringing her back! Amanda kept saying she wanted to save the child and that the child was in danger, but she couldn't provide any details about the child's whereabouts. It was all very suspicious.

As he stepped out of the ward, a nurse tried to impede Elias, but the bodyguard stepped forward to block her.

In Simon's house, Amanda lay on the bed, feeling a bit bored and achy all over. Her fever had subsided, so she decided to get up. She put on her robe and walked out of the bedroom. heading downstairs. The housekeeper was preparing lunch, and the delicious aroma filled the air.

The housekeeper noticed her and couldn't help but exclaim, "Miss Bailey, why are you up? Mr. Nicholson specifically instructed me to take care of you and make sure you rest well If you need anything, just let me know. You don't have to get up

"It's okay, I've been lying in bed for too long I just wanted to stretch my legs a bit. You can continue with your work Dont mind me, Amanda said with a side.

Hearing her response, the housekeeper nodded and said, "Alright, then. I'll continue preparing lunch. If you have any special requests, please let me know. But considering your current condition, it's better to have something light. Too much oily food might not sit well with you."

"I don't have any specific cravings; just make whatever you think is best, ma'am. I'll eat whatever I can manage, though I doubt I can eat much."

"Okay, then. Have a rest on the couch. I'll prepare you a fruit platter to whet your appetite."

"Thank you," Amanda replied and sat on the couch. She checked the time and wondered whi Simon hadn't returned yet.

It had been a while since Aiden could reach her, and she bet the boy must be worried sick. Thankfully, Yacob was there to comfort him.

Finally, sounds of heavy footsteps approached from outside the door. Amanda immediately.

and turned to look. Sure enough, Simon had returned.

"You're back! Did you get the SIM card?"

"Of course, I also bought you a new phone. The SIM card is already inserted," Simon replied as he handed her the phone.

Amanda happily took the phone and quickly made a video call to Aiden.

Not three seconds later, the call connected, and Aiden appeared on the screen, looking like a crying mess. His eyes were red, and his voice choked, "Mommy... sob... why didn't you call me for two days? Do you not love me anymore? Why didn't you call me? You promised to call me every day. Mommy, you broke your promise..."

Seeing that the little guy was gravely upset, Amanda tried to comfort him. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I lost my phone two days ago, and I called you right away after getting a new one. I'm really sorry. It won't happen again."

"Hmph... I'm angry. You didn't call me for two days. I dreamt that you held another child's hand and didn't care about me."

"That will never happen, silly. I will never abandon you. I will only ever hold your hand. Don't cry, okay?" Amanda felt so heartbroken that she wished she could reach into the screen, hold her baby, and wipe away his tears.

"Alright, I forgive you this time, Mommy, because I promised I'll always forgive you

"Thank you, Aiden. You're such a good boy. Whether it was due to her illness or emotional vulnerability. Amanda's tears also began to flow


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Chapter 480 Will You Imprison Me Again?

Simon also approached and couldn't help but greet, "Aiden, do you remember who I am?"

The little one with red, teary eyes in the video chat suddenly widened them and joyfully shouted, "Mr. Simon, it's you!"

Upon hearing this long-lost term of address, both Amanda and Simon exchanged a stunne look, and the atmosphere became somewhat awkward.

Nevertheless, Simon smiled and greeted little Aiden, "Yes, it's me. I heard you were crying. You're a man. You can't cry so easily."

"I didn't cry... I was just afraid that Mommy wouldn't answer my calls. I was afraid somethin happened to Mommy."

Amanda handed the phone to Simon, gesturing for him to chat with Aiden for a while.

Simon took the phone casually and began chatting with the little guy, his laughter tender. and affectionate. "Really? So, you were worried about your mommy, huh? That's very good of you. She lost her phone but quickly got a new one and called you after getting a new SIM card. She wasn't avoiding your calls, alright? Don't be upset anymore."

Watching Simon patiently talk to Aiden on the side, her guilt toward him deepened. She owed Simon so much kindness. How could she ever repay it?

Just then, the doorbell outside rang, and the housekeeper hurriedly walked out of the kitchen, saying, "I'll answer it."

A few seconds later, the housekeeper came running back, her face filled with fear. "Mr. Nicholson, the person outside says he wants to discuss work with you. It was a pre-arranged appointment, but as soon as I opened the door, he barged in aggressively-"

Before she could finish her sentence, the living room door was kicked open from the outside. Amanda was startled, her body trembling uncontrollably. She turned to look, her face filled with shock as she stared at the intruder.

Meanwhile, Aiden was still shouting from the other end of the phone. "Mr. Simon, when will you take me out to play? You said you would take me out to play last time, but you never did. You're lying to me..." Simon furrowed his brows and said to the little guy, "I have something to attend to here, so I'll hang up now I'll call you back tonight. Be a good boy and eat and sleep, okay?"

With that, he hung up the phone and stood up, looking at Elias, who had suddenly barged in with a fierce and menacing look, looking like he would go on a killing spree at any moment

Mr. Simon?

The use of this term made Elias clench his fists tightly, his knuckles cracking.

So, that child is really Amanda and this b*stard's?! So, my suspicions were right! I got into the car because I read the paternity test!

Seeing Elias' terrifying and ominous appearance, Amanda stepped forward and said, "Ple. don't cause a scene at Simon's house. I asked for his help. I escaped because I wanted to ca my son. He hasn't been able to reach me for two days. He missed me-"

Alas, before Amanda could finish her words, Elias roared, "Whose son is he? Yours with th b*stard, isn't he?! You keep insisting that the child is mine, but what about that paternity te you and this wild man his parents? You kept saying that the child is mine! What about the paternity test? And take him out to play?! Explain it to me! I demand a valid explanation

After his furious outburst, Elias' head started to ache again.

Just at this moment, Rosie and the bodyguard, who caught up from behind, also entered the room.


"Mr. Winters!"

The two shouted in unison, but the man didn't even turn around to look at them.

At this moment, Elias was consumed by anger, wishing he could strangle Amanda right ther and there. However, this was Simon's house, so he had to restrain himself.

Amanda shivered under the yelling but quickly regained her composure. "It's not what think at all. You'll understand everything once you regain your memories."

Standing beside them, Simon was utterly confused, unable to comprehend the meaning of their conversation. He had no knowledge of Elias' amnesia due to the car accident, so Elias" words made no sense to him.

Suddenly, Elias felt his brain lacking oxygen, and his body became unsteady.

Rosie rushed to support him immediately. "Eli, are you okay? Let's go back to the hospital. Your body can't handle this stress-

However, before she could finish her words, Elias pushed her away, and she fell into the arms of the bodyguard.

Upon seeing Rosie, Simon became even more perplexed. He couldn't help but ask, 'Rasic? Weren't you in a mental hospital When did you get our? And wasn't Elias always despising you? How did you two reconnect?"

Simon's words deeply wounded Rosie, and she angrily retorted, "Shut up, you two-timing couple! If it weren't for you, Elias wouldn't be like this, and he wouldn't have-"

"Shut your mouth and get out!" Elias couldn't take it any longer and yelled at Rosie, who wa standing behind him.

Rosie stood frozen in place, staring blankly at Elias as she wore a grieving look.

Silence filled the air as traces of tension lingered.

Elias took two steps forward, his pitch-black eyes boring into Amanda as he enunciated, "Amanda, come here. You are still my legal wife. You have no reason to be with other men. I'll give you another chance. Come back to me right now."

Amanda hesitated and didn't dare go over. She knew that if she returned to Elias, given his current state of amnesia, he would surely imprison her again, which would lead to Aiden. losing contact with her again. Who knew what would happen then?!

Meanwhile, Simon stepped in and spoke on her behalf when he caught her indecision. "Although I don't know what has happened between you two, please rest assured that there is nothing improper between Amanda and me. She caught a high fever from being in the rain last night, nearly 104 degrees, and only just recovered this morning. She needs rest and should not be jostled around. Let her stay for two more days before returning."

However, Elias did not pay attention to Simon or acknowledge his words. Instead, he fixed his eyes on Amanda, waiting for her response. Seeing that she had not taken a step forward, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'll give you one more chance. Come over here and come home. with me immediately! This is our family matter, and we don't need outsiders interfering!"

"If I go back with you," Amanda asked uncertainly, "will you still imprison me? Will you cut off my contact with the outside world?"

"Of course! Even if you're my wife, you must face the consequences of your wrongdoing. Your previous act of kidnapping Rosie was over the line. I cannot turn a blind eye to it." Every word Elias said felt like a needle piercing Amanda's heart, hitting the mark.


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Chapter 481 Amanda, You're Ruthless Enough

Amanda was in a state of complete desperation as she felt helpless in trying to awaken Elias, who had lost his memory. And she couldn't find a way to peacefully get along with him.

"I refuse to go back with you! Since I have too many things to do, I can't be imprisoned by you. I just can't!" She turned around angrily and refused to look at that man again as she feared that even a single glance would make her lose her resistance and be trapped in the mansion once more.

Even Simon was taken aback as soon as those words left her mouth. His intuition told him that something irreparable must have occurred between these two individuals, and Elias" behavior towards Rosie was also peculiar.

Who in their circle didn't know how much Elias used to despise Rosie? How could he bear to be in the same vicinity as her?

Although Elias was only a few steps away from Amanda, it felt like insurmountable obstacles. separated them. "Don't force me! I'll say it one last time! Come here!"

However, Amanda ignored him as she believed that Elias, with his lost memory, was simply being unreasonable and incapable of communication.

It seemed that she would have to rely on herself and Yacob to save Aiden.

She couldn't go back this time, no matter what. How could she execute her plan if she returned and was imprisoned by Elias for a year or two? It was even more absurd to think about awakening his memory. His heart sank completely when he observed her resolute expression as he was certain that the DNA test was accurate since he had conducted it himself.

The car accident and the DNA test were connected, and her lover should be the man standing before him, Simon.

He let out a self-deprecating laugh. "I was so naive like a foolish dreamer hoping you would. choose me over your lover. How could that ever be possible? If you truly cared for me, how could you have a child with another man? Amanda, you're heartless enough, but I won't accept, If you don't come with me today, you'll be begging on your knees tomorrow!"

After speaking, he turned around without looking back and left.

She was flustered, so she turned around, but all she saw was the man's retreating figure. "Elias! Can't you stop causing trouble? I don't have a lover, and I haven't had a child with anyone else! It's not at all what you think. Do you suffer from delusional disorder or something?"

She rushed forward as she intended to explain earnestly to him.

However, her head spun, and she collapsed before taking a few steps. Simon, who was behind her, quickly reached out and supported her.

"Rosanne, please help Miss Bailey back to her room to rest quickly."

"Yes, Mr. Nicholson." The nanny finally gathered the courage to approach and assisted the unconscious Amanda toward her room upstairs. Outside the Nicholsons' place.

Elias, who was consumed by anger, had got back into the car. The bodyguards and Rosie also entered.

"Mr. Winters, where are we going now?" The bodyguard glanced at Elias through the rearview mirror and saw that the man wore a sour expression that no one dared to provoke. Rosie sat in the car and refrained from speaking casually as she feared that if this man became displeased, he would kick her out of the car.

"To the company!"

"Mr. Winters, you just left the hospital secretly. We should go back and rest-

The bodyguard's words were cut off when he saw the intense gaze of Elias in the rearview mirror, so he fell silent immediately.

Rosie wanted to say something but hesitated and decided against it. At this moment, Elias resembled an enraged beast. And so, the bodyguard drove him to Winters Enterprise.

When Elias stepped out of the car, Rosie attempted to follow him but was stopped by a shutting car door in front of her face.

"Miss Momsey has been through a traumatic experience due to the recent kidnapping." Elia commanded, "Please take her back to the Momsey Residence to rest as I don't want to disturb her for the time being to let her rest properly."

"Eli! I'm worried about you, and I'm fine!" She could clearly sense that he was pushing her away, as if he had returned to his past self and slowly growing distant and disinterested.

The bodyguard nodded. "Yes, I will ensure she arrives safely."

After Elias left, the bodyguard looked at Rosie in the car. "Miss Momsey, I'll take you back. Given Mr. Winters' current state, you'll only be scolded even if you go up, so let him be alone for a while."

She retreated into her seat and said nothing more, then allowed the bodyguard to drive her back to the Momsey Residence.

However, she discreetly took out her phone and sent another message to the psychologist. 'When is the next therapy session? He's starting to distance himself from me.'

Soon, she received a reply. 'I happen to have some free time these days. If you can get him to come, three hours will be sufficient."

A wicked smile appeared on her lips as she swiftly typed a response. "Then, let's schedule it. for tomorrow. Please clear your schedule.

After sending the message, she smiled and gazed out of the car window, but her smile took on a sinister aura.

She would try again if hypnosis didn't work once since she was determined to make him fall in love with her, so she would never give up easily.

In the evening.

Amanda leaned against the headboard, but her mind was still occupied by Elias' furious. departure earlier in the day. However, she detected a hint of disappointment in his anger.

She didn't want him to be disappointed in her. Even though she couldn't awaken him, whot had lost his memory, she didn't want to give up on him. She still wanted to be with him and didn't want to abandon him when she saved Aiden.

It hadn't been easy for the three of them to live together. How could they give up so easily due to this setback?

He would surely despise her if he knew that she had given up on their family so easily with his lost memory,

He had expressed his desire for her to stay by his side forever on more than one occasion when he recalled the numerous experiences they had shared.

Lost in her thoughts, she couldn't help but let out a deep sigh, thus tears streaming down her face.

Suddenly, the bedroom door swung open, so she hastily wiped away her tears and looked up. It was Simon.

She mustered a smile and asked, "Simon, is there something I can help you with?"

"Amanda, you're crying?"

"No, I just felt a bit drowsy earlier, so my eyes were a little sore. By the way, is there something you need?"

He replied, "Oh, I have an important dinner tonight, and I might have to attend it. Can you stay home alone? Rosanne is also here, so you can reach out to her if you need anything. I'll ask her to keep you company."

"I'll be fine. You can go ahead as I've recovered from the fever but am just a bit weak. I've also my medication, so I'll have a video call with Aiden tonight and then go to bed."

He nodded. "Alright, if you need anything, just call me immediately, and I'll come back right away."

"Okay, I understand. You should leave quickly, and it's not good to be late."

"Okay, please get some rest and sleep early."

After hearing him close the door, she couldn't help but sigh again as she couldn't burden him like this anymore.


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Chapter 482 Slapped

There was another knock on the door, most likely the nanny.

Amanda instructed, "Please come in."

The nanny entered with a plate of chicken soup. "Miss Bailey, you didn't eat much earlier. How can you not eat when you're sick? Please have some soup to nourish yourself." "Thank you. Just leave it here, and I'll drink it later."

"Okay, you can leave the plate here when you're finished, and I'll come to collect it."

The nanny placed the soup on the bedside table and left.

Amanda glanced at the light soup, but she had no appetite, so she turned over, closed her eyes, and tried to sleep..

She had a long and chaotic dream.

Later, she faintly heard a commotion, which grew louder and clearer and made it impossible. for her to fall back asleep.

She slowly opened her eyes and could clearly hear the commotion coming from downstairs. It sounded like the nanny was arguing with a woman.


Since she couldn't sleep anyway, she got up and saw what was happening.

She wore her robe and walked out of the bedroom, and the noise became even more audible.

"Let me in! Who do you think you are, a nanny, to stop me from entering? Simon would never stop me from entering!"

"Miss Lynch, please stop causing trouble for me. Mr. Nicholson specifically instructed that you cannot enter if you visited recently, and I can't do anything about it."

"Why can't I go in? Why is he treating me like this because of that woman on the phone? Doesn't he want me anymore?"

Following the sound, Amanda arrived downstairs and saw the nanny blocking a beautiful young woman outside the door. The woman had an arrogant and domineering look; thus, she refused to leave. Upon seeing Amanda descending from upstairs, Violet Lynch's anger surged "It's you! It's because of you that Simon has canceled our date! How shameless can a woman like you be!"

"Miss Lynch, please leave!" The nanny quickly stepped forward to stop her.

Unexpectedly, Violet pushed the nanny aside and walked straight toward Amanda. Without saying a word, she slapped Amanda in the face.

The nanny beside them was stunned and shouted, "Miss Lynch, how can you hit someone?"

"Why can't I hit her? I'll hit a shameless woman like her every time I see her."

Violet's anger was evident in her words. She was already furious, but she never expected that he would bring this woman home.

I have never lived here before, so why does this woman have the right to?

Amanda looked at the woman in front of her and asked, "What gives you the right to hit someone?"

"You're Simon's ex-girlfriend, right? Old Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson have mentioned. you and they said they would never agree to let you into the Nicholsons as you're always. pestering him. Who do you think you are? Do you think he is some kind of savior? What gives you the right to bully him? He finally had a chance to start a new relationship, and now you're here to cause trouble again!"

Violet had always known that there was a woman in Simon's heart that he couldn't forget, but she was willing to wait. She had waited a long time, and finally, he had relaxed a bit and agreed to go on a date with her, but a phone call had shattered all her dreams.

"You're Simon's new girlfriend?" Amanda questioned.

Girlfriend? Not really. He reluctantly agreed to have a meal with Violet, but she felt it was progress! "If it weren't for you, we might have already become boyfriend and girlfriend by now." Violet's face was full of resentment as she coldly snorted.

Amanda looked at the woman in front of her and said, "First of all, I'm sorry, as I didn't know he was in a new relationship. The situation was urgent then, and I didn't mean to disturb. you. Besides, I have no relationship with him other than being ordinary friends. Please don't misunderstand. You can continue to date him, and I will never be a hindrance between you two."

Violet looked Amanda up and down. At this moment, Amanda had a plain face and looked a bit sickly, but her temperament and features revealed that she was a beautiful woman.

Violet sneered disdainfully. "Nice words. You live in Simon's house and occupy his time. every day. Thus, he even stopped answering my calls. How can I continue to date him? You're hypocritical, so Old Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson don't like you as you're good at pretending. Please show some real action!"

Amanda nodded as she indeed needed to take real action and not trouble him anymore. She had to solve her own problems.

Furthermore, he should not be involved in this dispute as she couldn't let him. get because of her again.

"Okay, sorry, I'll leave now, and you just wait here for Simon to return. Don't let me disturb your enjoyment, and I hope you can make up for his emotional loss."

Amanda went upstairs after she said that. The nanny immediately approached her, "Miss Bailey, you can't leave as I won't be able to explain to Mr. Nicholson if you leave. How can I tell him?"

Violet, who was on the side, sarcastically answered, "What else can you say? Just tell the truth. Can you stop her if she insists on leaving?"

Amanda showed a helpless smile. "Yes, please tell Simon I insisted on leaving, and I don't want to bother him anymore. I'm already fine now, so I will handle things independently. Let him live his own life." After speaking, she quickly went upstairs, changed into a different outfit, then took her phone and went downstairs.

The nanny couldn't help but try to persuade her, "Miss Bailey, why don't you wait for Mr. Nicholson to come back and talk to him yourself? I really can't take charge of this."

The nanny was worried that Simon would be angry with her because of Amanda's departure.

"No need for it. I heard him saying that you cared for me last night, changed my clothes, and helped me to lower my fever. You really went through a lot of trouble. Thank I'm leaving now as I have something to take care of."

Amanda left the house without even wearing the new clothes that Simon bought for her. Instead, she wore her old clothes.

After seeing her completely leave, Violet felt relieved and sat on the sofa; she looked at the nanny, "Alright, please stop staring. Can you stop her if she insists on leaving? Please pour me a glass of water, as I'm a bit thirsty,"

The nanny couldn't help but sigh as she made her way to the kitchen as she still needed to figure out a way to contact Simon and give him an update. However, Simon had specifically mentioned that the event he attended that evening was exclusive and prohibited the use of phones.

It was already approximately ten o'clock at night when Simon finally departed from the you, Rosanne.


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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 483 Strike Back

Upon hearing the nanny's sigh, Violet deliberately picked a fight. "Why are you sighing? I find it strange how you treat me. You've known me for so long, yet you're not as kind to me. However, it's the first time you meet that woman, right? Why are you so concerned about her? Don't you think she's a homewrecker? She's ruining someone else's relationship!"

"Miss Lynch, please watch your words. Miss Bailey isn't that kind of person. Mr. Nicholson only brought her back because she had a high fever. What a poor girl. Besides, she has been emphasizing that there's nothing between her and Mr. Nicholson. They're just friends. I heard that they met abroad four years ago. You might get sick by getting jealous over nothing."

After the nanny finished speaking, she entered the kitchen without waiting for Violet's response.

Watching the nanny's back, Violet couldn't help but let out an ironic laugh. She's a mere nanny! How dare she disrespect me? Who does she think she is?

After Amanda left Simon's house, she belatedly realized that she had nowhere to go. She couldn't even go to a hotel, as she didn't have her ID or bank card. She had absolutely nothing.

She had no idea how long she had been walking, but she eventually arrived at a park. Couples in love were making out in dark corners.

She stood there alone, feeling out of place. As she had nowhere to go, she sat on a bench and stared at her phone absentmindedly.

Suddenly, her phone rang again. It was a call from Aiden.

A glimmer of hope illuminated her eyes as she quickly answered the call. "Aiden!"

However, on the other end of the phone, Symeon spoke up. "It seems like you still have phone with you."

The smile on Amanda's face disappeared instantly. "It's you? Where's my son?"

"Your son? You've abandoned him, so he's my son now. You're nothing but a tool to comfort him. Once he grows up, he won't need you anymore."

She clenched her fists, wishing nothing more than to tear the lunatic apart. "I couldn't care

less about you. Where's Aiden? He can only fall asleep after talking to me on the phone every night. Give him the phone."

"He's asleep. He has been crying all day. I heard that he had a long video call with. you this afternoon. Now, he's in bed."

So, he's just asleep. Amanda breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other end of the phone, Simon sneered. "Why haven't you been answering these past few days? If you've already decided not to answer, why did you contact me again? It's better to cut things short than suffer. Aiden is still young and will get over it in a short time. You don't need to go through all this."

"My phone was broken! I just bought a new one today and got a new SIM card!"

The thought of Symeon and Melissa turning her life upside down frustrated Amanda. They're not getting away with it! Melissa keeps setting me up. It's only fair if I give her a taste of her own medicine. Tightening her grip on the phone, Amanda suddenly asked, "Did you look into Melissa. Walters like I asked you to?"


"I advise you to look into the matter. She came to Cludan for me. Don't you find her suspicious?"

"It doesn't matter. As long as I have my son, I don't care about anything else."

Symeon wasn't interested in Melissa at all. As long as she didn't pose a threat to him, he didn't care about her.

Amanda took a deep breath and said, "What if she could threaten Aiden's safety?"


"Don't you find it strange? She had been observing you since you set foot in Cludan. Why does she need to observe you? Because she wants to kidnap Aiden. The only reason I followed you to Esmos last time was that she took Aiden there. I gave her a large sum of money to bring Aiden back to me. Now, she shows up again. She wants to kidnap Aiden again and ask me for ransom. When she realized Aiden wasn't with me, she disappeared. I think she might have gone to you. You better stick to Aiden like glue. She is a resourceful woman, and I don't want her to succeed again."

Melissa isn't the only person who can set others up. It's my time to create obstacles in her way.

Symeon, on the other end of the phone, remained silent for a long time before saying. Tll have someone check her out. I won't let anyone lay a finger on Aiden as long as he's with me. If she's planning to hurt my son, I'll kidnap her first."

After that, he hung up the phone. Amanda, on the other hand, smiled. She had achieved her goal.

Let the two fight. Only then would I have a chance to save Aiden. When Symeon meets Melissa, the truth will come to light. By then, he'll realize that his child isn't Aiden but Melissa's daughter. When the two finally met each other head-on, she would contact Yacob for help.

Meanwhile, in the Nicholson Residence, Simon had left the party early because he was worried about leaving Amanda alone at home. Therefore, he wanted to go back and check on her.

As soon as he entered the house, he found Violet sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking like she was about to fall asleep.

At the same time, the nanny came out of her room and addressed him, "Welcome home, Mr. Nicholson."

Violet heard their voices and immediately opened her eyes. She was surprised to see him when she turned her head. She got up from the sofa with a smile. "Simon, you're back! I've been waiting for you!" He wasn't happy to see her. Instead, he frowned and mumbled, "What are you doing here?"

Before she could answer, he turned to the nanny and asked, "Did Miss Bailey drink the soup? What about the medicine?"

Hanging her head low, the nanny fumbled for an answer.

Simon's eyes flitted from her face to Violet's as he demanded, "What's going on?"

"Mr. Nicholson, it's all my fault for not keeping Miss Bailey. She left earlier."

"Left?" Simon's voice cracked as though the news shocked him.

His reaction took Violet aback. It was her first time to see this side of him.

"It's because of Miss Lynch that Miss Bailey had to leave..." The nanny didn't want to take the blame, so she came clean with Simon.

Violet looked incredulous as she exclaimed, "Hey! What the hell are you talking about? What's with the accusation? She chose to leave on her own. It has nothing to do with me!"

"Miss Lynch, you were so harsh and even slapped her. You said such hurtful words. If it were me, I would've left too..."

Slapped? The keyword buzzed in Simon's mind.

Furious, he yelled at Violet, Violet Lynch! Who gave you the right to slap her? You have no right to do so!

"Simon, please listen to me. I didn't mean to. I was just blinded by rage. I didn't-" Violet panicked. Not knowing how to justify herself, she regretted slapping Amanda


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 484 Help Me, Elias!

"Enough talking. Now, please leave my house. It seems like we aren't meant for each other, and I'll explain it to my parents."

Simon now fully understood that if he didn't like Violet, he should be more honest with her. It was the only kind thing to do.

Leading her on without telling her he wasn't interested in her would only hurt her in the end.

"Simon, how could you? We-" Violet was on the verge of tears. She just realized that Simon. was really angry, and no words could appease his anger.

"Please leave. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have made it difficult for both of us. When it comes to love, you either have feelings for that person, or you feel nothing at all. Time won't change anything." Simon made it clear. He didn't want to have anything to do with Violet anymore.

"Simon, don't do this to me. I've learned from my mistakes. It won't happen again. I didn't mean to hurt her. I was just too angry at that moment. She has explained everything to me, clarifying that there's nothing between you two. Now, I believe her. I really do."

Violet's mind was in chaos. She wished to get Amanda to back her, but she didn't know where to begin.

Her attitude gave Simon a headache. He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath before saying, "Miss Lynch, our parents only introduced us to each other in the hope. that we could get along. Obviously, I've tried, but we aren't meant to be. So, let's not waste each other's time."

"You only had meals with me once and even left halfway through that time. What gives you the right to make that conclusion? You're only angry because I chased that woman away! Why do you have to jump to conclusions? I'll find her and bring her back! Just you wait!" After that, Violet turned around and ran away without looking back. She was afraid that staying would give him the chance to say more hurtful words to her.

Watching her run away, Simon sighed softly and looked at the nanny. "Just wait at home. If Amanda comes back, call me immediately. I'm going out to find her."

"All right, but Mr. Nicholson, please take a coat with you. When Miss Bailey left, she was still wearing the same clothes as when she first arrived here. Even more, the clothes aren't completely dry." Simon frowned at the statement as he waited for the nanny to bring him the coat.

Amanda is neglecting her health! Has she gone to Elias by any chance?

He couldn't think of anywhere else Amanda could go at the moment, but considering Elias" fierce expression and his admission that he would imprison her if she returned, she probably wouldn't head to him. Then, where did she go?

Meanwhile, the sky had turned dark. The night fell on Imperia. Neon signs dotted the buildings, creating a lively atmosphere.

Amanda wandered down the streets without anywhere to go.

Don't tell me I have to sleep on a park bench tonight.

She looked at the couples in the park, feeling a pang of bitterness. What's wrong with


my life?

She stood and glanced at her phone before she smiled. She suddenly felt hungry, but she couldn't do anything without money.

Suddenly, she noticed the watch on her wrist. She remembered that it was a prestigious brand. Since it was a gift from Elias before he lost his memory, she decided to sell the watch. Otherwise, she would have to sleep on the streets tonight.

Amanda finally had cash with her after selling the watch and could afford to stay in a hotel tonight. However, she didn't have an ID, so she could only look for an unlicensed inn to stay in.

Late that night, she started to regret choosing the inn because it began to make her uncomfortable.

The place had poor sanitation, and the room was too small, while it also emanated a strange smell.

After locking the door, she scanned the room and decided to make do for one night and find. another place tomorrow.

At midnight, she was startled awake by the frenzy of door-knocking from outside. She stared. at the door in fear, shouting, "Who is it?"

However, there was no answer from the outside. The person continued to knock on the door, causing her to huddle in her bed, not daring to move. The knocks on the door never stopped, as if the person outside was trying to break down the door.

Amanda quietly got off the bed and slowly moved to the door as she tried to see who was outside through the peephole.

She was so nervous that cold sweat trickled down her forehead. Even her mouth quivered in fear. She looked through the peephole, only to find an eye looking in from the other side..

The sight frightened her. Stumbling, she fell to the floor. Her eyes widened, and her face paled. Did I just see a ghost?

Then, another round of knocking on the door started again. Each knock was louder than the last, giving her a feeling that the door would break at any moment.

Amanda felt her legs go weak. She crawled onto the bed to pick up her phone. The first. number that came to her mind was Elias'. It was the only number she could remember, as though it was her nature. She dialed the number with trembling hands while the sound of frantic knocking continued. outside. She felt like she was on the verge of a breakdown.

Finally, the call connected. A cold voice came through the phone. "Who is this?"

"Help me, Elias!"

Upon hearing Amanda's voice, Elias, who had calmed down, instantly exploded with anger. "Help you? Help you from what? Amanda, do you think it's funny to play tricks on me? Are you trying to show off? You must be out of your mind!"

At that, he hung up the phone.

Amanda stared at the screen. He ends the call before I can say anything.

Suddenly, a raspy voice came from outside. "Darling, come on! Open the door! I'm freezing to death out here! Stop messing around and just open it. We were just arguing. Do you seriously want me to sleep in the hallway?"

Looking at the door in confusion, she had a feeling that the man was a human trafficker. Even more, he made up a story. The other tenants who heard him would never come out to intervene. After all, they would just think it was a quarrel between a husband and wife.

Therefore, she dialed Elias' number again. The call finally connected after a long time. His voice, on the other end, was extremely irritable. "Will you ever stop? I'm warning you, if you call again, I'll come over and kill both of you!"

"Elias, please don't hang up! Please come and rescue me! I don't have enough time to explain everything to you. If you don't come to my rescue now, you won't have the opportunity to kill me later-Ah!" Before she could complete her sentence, someone forcefully kicked open the door, causing her to scream in terror. At the same time, her phone slipped from her grasp.

She quickly retrieved the phone and clutched it tightly in her hand.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 485 Come Out Here!

The door was kicked open, and a tall, burly man walked in with a lecherous grin. "Honey, come back home with me. Let's not make a scene. We were just having a little argument. Do you really want to run away from home? Let's go!"

The man forcefully grabbed her wrist and tried to take her away.

"Who are you? Let go of me! Help, someone!"

Despite Amanda's frantic screams, there was no one in sight. It felt as though the entire city. had been abandoned.

Undeterred, the man forcefully dragged her out of the motel. As they passed the front desk, the woman on duty seemed unfazed by the situation and remarked, "Keep it down, folks. Guests are sleeping. If you two want to argue, do it at home."

"This is the payment for the broken door. Sorry about that. My wife and I just had a little disagreement, and she's running away from home. It won't happen again. Sorry for the trouble."

Amanda shook her head frantically. "It's not like that at all! I don't even know him! Call the police, please! He's a human trafficker! I don't know him, and I'm not his wife!"

"Fine, I don't care about your family matters. Just go on your way, and don't disturb others. trying to rest."

And so, the man arrogantly dragged Amanda out of the small motel and onto the street. It was already 4 a.m., and the streets were deserted.

"What the heck are you going to do? Are you a human trafficker?"

With a face full of stubble, the man couldn't help but chuckle. "Stop pretending to be innocent. Anyone staying in a place like that isn't exactly a model citizen. You'd be better off coming with me. At least you'll have a place to sleep."

"Let go of me! Get lost!" Amanda fought desperately, attempting to pull her hand back, but she was no match for a man nearly three times her size.

"You're just a nobody without even an ID. Who would care if you drop dead? Stop making a scene."

Relentlessly, the man continued to drag her toward the car parked by the roadside. Amanda yelled in desperation, but there was no one around to hear her cries. Besides, this area was a red-light district with terrible security.

Amanda watched helplessly as she was about to be pulled into the car. She glanced at her phone and realized Elias would not rescue her.

She dialed 911 directly, but before the call could go through, the man snatched her phone and attempted to wrest it from her grasp.

Amanda clung to her phone with unwavering determination, resolute in not letting it bet taken away. She needed it to call Aiden.

"Give me the phone! Are you looking for death?" the man growled in frustration.

Amanda seized the man's hand and sank her teeth into it as if wishing she could tear off a piece of his flesh. The man howled in pain and retaliated by kicking her in the stomach, sending her tumbling roughly a meter away.


Wincing in pain, she clutched her aching stomach, but there was no time to dwell on the agony. She seized the opportunity to scramble to her feet and sprinted in the opposite direction.

However, the man quickly caught on and chased after her. "Stop right there! Don't you dare run!"

Amanda sprinted with all her might, determined not to let him capture her. She couldn't afford to be caught.

The man delivered a powerful blow to her neck in the next moment, causing a surge of dizziness, and she collapsed to the ground.

Elias, at the president's office of Winters Enterprise, didn't bother going back home because he knew sleep wouldn't come easy. His thoughts were consumed by vivid images of Amanda standing beside Simon, and the tone of the child's voice on the phone, addressing Simon affectionately as if he were their father.

The mere thought of it filled him with fury.

He sat in his office and smoked several packs of cigarettes. The smell of tobacco permeated the room.

It wasn't until close to 4 a.m. when he received that desperate call from Amanda that he felt like his lungs were about to burst with anxiety.

Then, when a second call came in, Elias began to suspect that something was terribly amiss. The call abruptly ended, as though a real emergency had occurred.

What could possibly happen to Amanda at Simon's place?

Could that useless Simon not even protect Amanda?

Elias frowned as he looked at his phone. He attempted to redial, but the call couldn't connect

His intuition screamed at him that something had gone terribly wrong.

Quickly extinguishing his cigarette in the ashtray, he snatched his suit jacket and left the office without a second glance.

He sped all the way to the Nicholson Residence.

After ringing the doorbell, the maid hesitated to open the door and communicated with him. through the intercom, "Mr. Winters, what brings you here again? Mr. Nicholson isn't at home, and Miss Bailey isn't here either. The people you're looking for aren't here; only I'm at home."

Only the maid is home? Can something have truly gone wrong?

Elias looked at the video doorbell and asked, "Where did Simon go? Where did Amanda go? Why aren't they at home?"

"Miss Bailey was asked to leave by Miss Lynch, and Mr. Nicholson went out to find Miss Bailey."

It was a tangled mess of a situation.

Elias grew increasingly impatient. "Who is Miss Lynch? Just explain everything!"

"Miss Lynch is Mr. Nicholson's blind date. She's quite fond of Mr. Nicholson, but Mr. Nicholson-"

Before the maid could finish her sentence, Elias had already pieced together the puzzle. He turned on his heels and retreated to his car, leaving the premises.

So, now, Amanda has disappeared, and Simon's clueless about her whereabouts. She was driven away by Simon's blind date.

What on earth is happening?

Isn't Simon her boyfriend? Why is he on a blind date?

What is the relationship between Amanda and Simon?

Amidst a whirlwind of questions, Elias couldn't afford to ponder them all. He needed to find Amanda first.

Inside the car, Elias made a phone call. "Get me the location of a phone number right now. I need to know the location immediately." "Yes, give me a few minutes."

After three minutes, a message appeared on Elias' phone, confirming that the phone's location had been successfully determined. Elias hit the gas and headed toward the location.

The late-night streets were eerily empty, so speeding wasn't a concern. The usual half-hour journey only took him a little over ten minutes to reach the pinpointed location. However, there was no sign of anyone when he got out of the car.

Where could she be?

Elias instantly became furious and dialed the phone again. "Are you absolutely certain the location is here? I don't see a soul in sight. What the hell am I supposed to find?" "Mr. Winters, the phone's GPS location is undoubtedly here. There is absolutely no mistake!"

He ended the call and dialed Amanda's phone number.

Suddenly, a faint ringtone echoed from somewhere nearby.

Frowning, Elias followed the sound and found the phone discarded in a nearby flowerbed. He picked it up and noticed that his own phone number was displayed on the screen. To his surprise, it wasn't a saved contact name but his phone number.

This seemed to be a new phone with no contacts saved. In an instant, he realized Amanda had memorized his number and used it to call for help.

Suddenly, an overwhelming sense of unease washed over him.

Where could she be now?

With a panicked expression, Elias scanned his surrounding


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Jun 22, 2024
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Chapter 485 Come Out Here!

The door was kicked open, and a tall, burly man walked in with a lecherous grin. "Honey, come back home with me. Let's not make a scene. We were just having a little argument. Do you really want to run away from home? Let's go!"

The man forcefully grabbed her wrist and tried to take her away.

"Who are you? Let go of me! Help, someone!"

Despite Amanda's frantic screams, there was no one in sight. It felt as though the entire city. had been abandoned.

Undeterred, the man forcefully dragged her out of the motel. As they passed the front desk, the woman on duty seemed unfazed by the situation and remarked, "Keep it down, folks. Guests are sleeping. If you two want to argue, do it at home."

"This is the payment for the broken door. Sorry about that. My wife and I just had a little disagreement, and she's running away from home. It won't happen again. Sorry for the trouble."

Amanda shook her head frantically. "It's not like that at all! I don't even know him! Call the police, please! He's a human trafficker! I don't know him, and I'm not his wife!"

"Fine, I don't care about your family matters. Just go on your way, and don't disturb others. trying to rest."

And so, the man arrogantly dragged Amanda out of the small motel and onto the street. It was already 4 a.m., and the streets were deserted.

"What the heck are you going to do? Are you a human trafficker?"

With a face full of stubble, the man couldn't help but chuckle. "Stop pretending to be innocent. Anyone staying in a place like that isn't exactly a model citizen. You'd be better off coming with me. At least you'll have a place to sleep."

"Let go of me! Get lost!" Amanda fought desperately, attempting to pull her hand back, but she was no match for a man nearly three times her size.

"You're just a nobody without even an ID. Who would care if you drop dead? Stop making a scene."

Relentlessly, the man continued to drag her toward the car parked by the roadside. Amanda yelled in desperation, but there was no one around to hear her cries. Besides, this area was a red-light district with terrible security.

Amanda watched helplessly as she was about to be pulled into the car. She glanced at her phone and realized Elias would not rescue her.

She dialed 911 directly, but before the call could go through, the man snatched her phone and attempted to wrest it from her grasp.

Amanda clung to her phone with unwavering determination, resolute in not letting it bet taken away. She needed it to call Aiden.

"Give me the phone! Are you looking for death?" the man growled in frustration.

Amanda seized the man's hand and sank her teeth into it as if wishing she could tear off a piece of his flesh. The man howled in pain and retaliated by kicking her in the stomach, sending her tumbling roughly a meter away.


Wincing in pain, she clutched her aching stomach, but there was no time to dwell on the agony. She seized the opportunity to scramble to her feet and sprinted in the opposite direction.

However, the man quickly caught on and chased after her. "Stop right there! Don't you dare run!"

Amanda sprinted with all her might, determined not to let him capture her. She couldn't afford to be caught.

The man delivered a powerful blow to her neck in the next moment, causing a surge of dizziness, and she collapsed to the ground.

Elias, at the president's office of Winters Enterprise, didn't bother going back home because he knew sleep wouldn't come easy. His thoughts were consumed by vivid images of Amanda standing beside Simon, and the tone of the child's voice on the phone, addressing Simon affectionately as if he were their father.

The mere thought of it filled him with fury.

He sat in his office and smoked several packs of cigarettes. The smell of tobacco permeated the room.

It wasn't until close to 4 a.m. when he received that desperate call from Amanda that he felt like his lungs were about to burst with anxiety.

Then, when a second call came in, Elias began to suspect that something was terribly amiss. The call abruptly ended, as though a real emergency had occurred.

What could possibly happen to Amanda at Simon's place?

Could that useless Simon not even protect Amanda?

Elias frowned as he looked at his phone. He attempted to redial, but the call couldn't connect

His intuition screamed at him that something had gone terribly wrong.

Quickly extinguishing his cigarette in the ashtray, he snatched his suit jacket and left the office without a second glance.

He sped all the way to the Nicholson Residence.

After ringing the doorbell, the maid hesitated to open the door and communicated with him. through the intercom, "Mr. Winters, what brings you here again? Mr. Nicholson isn't at home, and Miss Bailey isn't here either. The people you're looking for aren't here; only I'm at home."

Only the maid is home? Can something have truly gone wrong?

Elias looked at the video doorbell and asked, "Where did Simon go? Where did Amanda go? Why aren't they at home?"

"Miss Bailey was asked to leave by Miss Lynch, and Mr. Nicholson went out to find Miss Bailey."

It was a tangled mess of a situation.

Elias grew increasingly impatient. "Who is Miss Lynch? Just explain everything!"

"Miss Lynch is Mr. Nicholson's blind date. She's quite fond of Mr. Nicholson, but Mr. Nicholson-"

Before the maid could finish her sentence, Elias had already pieced together the puzzle. He turned on his heels and retreated to his car, leaving the premises.

So, now, Amanda has disappeared, and Simon's clueless about her whereabouts. She was driven away by Simon's blind date.

What on earth is happening?

Isn't Simon her boyfriend? Why is he on a blind date?

What is the relationship between Amanda and Simon?

Amidst a whirlwind of questions, Elias couldn't afford to ponder them all. He needed to find Amanda first.

Inside the car, Elias made a phone call. "Get me the location of a phone number right now. I need to know the location immediately." "Yes, give me a few minutes."

After three minutes, a message appeared on Elias' phone, confirming that the phone's location had been successfully determined. Elias hit the gas and headed toward the location.

The late-night streets were eerily empty, so speeding wasn't a concern. The usual half-hour journey only took him a little over ten minutes to reach the pinpointed location. However, there was no sign of anyone when he got out of the car.

Where could she be?

Elias instantly became furious and dialed the phone again. "Are you absolutely certain the location is here? I don't see a soul in sight. What the hell am I supposed to find?" "Mr. Winters, the phone's GPS location is undoubtedly here. There is absolutely no mistake!"

He ended the call and dialed Amanda's phone number.

Suddenly, a faint ringtone echoed from somewhere nearby.

Frowning, Elias followed the sound and found the phone discarded in a nearby flowerbed. He picked it up and noticed that his own phone number was displayed on the screen. To his surprise, it wasn't a saved contact name but his phone number.

This seemed to be a new phone with no contacts saved. In an instant, he realized Amanda had memorized his number and used it to call for help.

Suddenly, an overwhelming sense of unease washed over him.

Where could she be now?

With a panicked expression, Elias scanned his surrounding
What an intriguing story. Thanks so much Immortal Gily for the updates


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 486 Eyes Turned Red With Fury

As Elias took in his surroundings, he suddenly realized that this place seemed to be the red-light district.

Could it be possible that Amanda has been abducted by human traffickers?

The mere thought of this possibility sent a pounding ache through his head, and he tightly gripped the phone Amanda had left behind. He swiftly dialed his bodyguard's number and commanded, "Gather the team and find Amanda. Search every nook and cranny of Imperia and bring her back to me!"

"Understood. I'm on it!"

After ending the call, Elias gasped for breath and suddenly felt dizzy. His body collapsed to the ground.

Right where he had discovered Amanda's phone moments ago, his eyes caught sight of a few fresh drops of blood - still glistening as if freshly spilled.

Struggling to regain his composure, Elias reached out and brushed his fingers over the crimson stains. In an instant, his eyes turned red with fury.

He had a strong premonition that Amanda left behind these bloodstains.

In his mind, vivid scenes of Amanda's possible ordeal flashed before him. The more he dwelled on it, the more his head throbbed, and his remorse deepened.

If only he had foreseen this, he would have spirited Amanda away today, by any means necessary.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed with an incoming call.

Elias anticipated it might be his bodyguard with some leads, so he hastily picked up the call. However, he wasn't prepared to hear Simon's anxious voice on the other end.

"I heard from Rosanne that you came to my house. How's it going? Any updates? I've been searching high and low, but Amanda is still nowhere to be found."

"You're just a useless mess! You have a blind date, and yet you're fooling around with. Amanda, a married woman! Let me tell you, I found her phone in the red-light district, and there were even a few drops of blood on the ground. If anything happens to Amanda, I won't spare you!"

With that, Elias abruptly cut the call, refusing to waste another word on Simon. His top priority was locating Amanda as swiftly as possible.

Suppressing the throbbing headache, Elias returned to his car, determined to scour the area for any leads.

He had a nagging feeling that she should be close by. Since this was the red-light district, could it be possible she had been forcibly taken into one of those bars or nightclubs?

With this in mind, he drove from one hotel to another. When he passed a nightclub, he continued without stopping.

This particular club was owned by someone he knew, and it catered to the rich and powerful clientele. He couldn't believe they would be involved in such sordid and disgraceful activities.

Elias entered the nightclub, the deafening music instantly furrowing his brow in As he stepped inside, a swarm of women attempted to engage him in conversation.

Without any hesitation, he firmly pushed them away and used lip language to convey his message. Get lost.

The women's seductive smiles froze on their faces, their disappointment evident as they turned to leave.

Elias proceeded to barge into one private room after another, forcefully kicking the doors. open. However, the person he was searching for remained elusive.

"Ah! Who's this? How did someone just barge in like that? Where's security?"

"Who do you think you are? Who let you in?"

Elias entered the largest private room that was filled with men and women. Among them were a few familiar faces from his social circle.

After thoroughly searching the room and finding no trace of Amanda, he intended to pivot. and make his exit.

Unexpectedly, a man's voice called out from behind, "Isn't this Mr. Winters? Long time no see! What brings you here?"

"It really is Elias Winters. Elias, where have you been lately? We haven't heard from you."

Elias halted in his tracks and glanced back at the people in the private room. Even those who didn't recognize him initially quickly adopted a more accommodating attitude and offered him friendly smiles upon hearing his name.

As he observed these men and women, a sense of revulsion washed over him.

Are these my friends from before I lost my memory? Have I really been friends with these people?

"Trash," Elias muttered softly under his breath before turning away apathetically.

Everyone present appeared bewildered, completely oblivious to the reason behind his unexpected reaction.

"What... What does Mr. Winters mean? We didn't provoke or offend him. He came in on his own."

"Alright, Mr. Winters has a bad temper. Who doesn't know that? It's his territory, so let's just bear with it. Come on, let's get back to enjoying ourselves." With that, the men and women in the private room resumed their revelry.

Meanwhile, a bucket of water suddenly splashed onto Amanda's face. The bone-chilling sensation instantly jolted her back to consciousness.

Amanda's eyes snapped open. After she wiped the icy water off her face, her expression. turned to one of terror as she surveyed her surroundings. When she spotted the overweight man, her heart sank. It meant that her previous escape attempt had failed; instead, this man had captured her. She glanced at her hand and discovered her phone was missing.

How am I supposed to contact Aiden now?

"Where is my phone? Give it back to me!" Amanda yelled at the man, and her voice seemed capable of shattering the entire room.

The man was taken aback, unprepared for such a powerful voice from this seemingly delicate woman.

"Why are you yelling? Are you trying to attract the police? I've already tossed your phone. somewhere, and I'm not about to fetch it for you. Besides, do you think I'd let you use your phone to call the cops? Dream on!"

"What do you want from me? Let me go!"

Amanda struggled to stand up and made her way toward the exit. She knew deep down that she couldn't truly escape, but she wanted to give it a try.

To her surprise, the man didn't stop her. He simply watched as she walked away.

However, as soon as she opened the door, she found herself confronted by two menacing men who angrily barked at her, "Get back inside!"

The door slammed shut with a loud thud.

Behind her, the man couldn't help but release a mocking laugh. "Hahaha, run if you want! Go ahead, run! Do you really think you can escape once you're in here? Where do you think you can run to? Do people without IDs naively think they can take on the world all by themselves?"

"You're now involved in charges of illegal detention, human trafficking, physical abuse, intentional harm, and more-"

Before Amanda could finish her sentence, the man sneered. "Quite well-versed in the law, aren't you? But why didn't you know to stay in a legitimate hotel? You don't even have an ID. What good is your legal knowledge? People like you without IDs disappear every day in this world. Do you think the police can handle it?"

"Just because I stayed in an illegitimate hotel, does that give you the right to do whatever you want with me? Who do you think you are?"

She had never imagined that something like this could occur in this city, where an intruder could forcibly enter her room and openly abduct her without any fear of consequences.

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