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The Lawyer’s Romance in Law

Novel The Lawyer’s Romance in Law is an amazing story about a young woman Elias Winters and rich people Amanda Bailey. After being secretly married for a year, Elias Winters brought his mistress home but was confronted by his wife, Amanda Bailey, who presented him with a positive pregnancy test. Falsely accusing her of infidelity, he vowed never to see her again. Four years later, Amanda returned to the country as a successful barrister, causing Elias to cling to her and beg for reconciliation. He even went as far as kneeling in the rain, seeking her forgiveness. However, Amanda remained unmoved. It was then that their child rushed out and asked about Elias. He was shocked because he had always believed that she had aborted the child. To his surprise, the little one standing before him was a spitting image of himself!
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KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 435 Escaping from the Estate.

It was already late at night by the time Amanda returned.

She had been waiting for Symeon to look for her. Yet, she had wasted her entire day waiting for him only for him to stand her up. Frankly, she found it strange as his father told her he had already returned. So, he should have already done something by now.

Just as she was about to fall asleep, the door was pushed open. She immediately sobered up and rubbed her eyes, only to see Symeon. Thus, she straightened her spine as a vigilant expression appeared on her face. "What are you here for?"

"What's with that expression? Weren't you waiting for me?" He laughed.

"When have I ever waited for you? You narcissist," she snarked.

He simply chuckled at her response. "Congratulations, your scheme succeeded. You are more than welcome to leave now, Of course, the people who intended to save you will be accompanying you. However... the child will be staying with me.""

Amanda's eyes lit up with surprise. I knew it would work!

Still, even though she was deliriously happy, she had to appear calm in front of him. Unfortunately, Symeon had already noticed the brief flicker of joy in her eyes.

"I truly didn't expect you to reach an agreement with Elizabeth. I have to say, you're quite a wily one."

He had indeed underestimated this woman who appeared soft and meek on the outside. For a moment, he had forgotten that she was actually a rising star in the legal world.

Nonetheless, she couldn't be bothered to respond to his words as she replied, "Before I leave, can I see Aiden? I want to have a good chat with him. That way, he will definitely be more obedient. Otherwise, I'm certain that you wouldn't be able to calm him down even if you cloned yourself to satisfy his needs."

Symeon nodded. That was true enough. This little guy seemed well-behaved most of the time. Regrettably, the instant he started making a fuss, no one could hope to talk any sense to him until he calmed down on his own.

"Remember, don't instill any thoughts of hatred toward me in the child. You have to tell him. that I am his biological father."

She didn't say anything as she gave him a begrudging nod.

Well, that didn't matter. She already had a plan in place. The moment she returned to the country, she would immediately have Elias rescue Aiden. She wouldn't waste even a single second to get her son back from this fiend.

Amanda arrived at Aiden's room. He was already fast asleep, but he had just fallen asleep. So, he hadn't hit the REM sleep cycle yet.

Therefore, when she quietly opened the door, Aiden opened his eyes almost instantaneously. When his eyes landed on her figure, he happily climbed out of bed and threw himself into her arms.

"Mommy, where did you go? You didn't pay attention to me for several days!" he exclaimed piteously.

Amanda hugged her son tightly, tears welling up in her eyes. This would probably be the longest time she would be separated from her baby, primarily because she didn't know how long it would take for Elias to wake up.

"Aiden, it's all Mommy's fault. I'm sorry, Mommy didn't mean it.”

He couldn't bear to hear her so choked up. So, he gently touched her cheek as he consoled her, "Mommy, don't cry. I'm not angry. I was just teasing you."

Regardless, his words still made her snap back to reality as she wiped away her tears and. smiled through her pain. "Aiden, you have to stay here for a while longer. Mommy will come and pick you up, okay? Just be patient. I promise this is the last time you'll have to wait for me."

"What are you going to do, Mommy?"

"Mommy has something to take care of. I'll ask this man here to take care of you in the meantime, okay? Mommy will pick you up as soon as I'm done." Amanda felt her wavering control over her emotions falter. Unfortunately, she had to play her part and maintain a strong facade in front of her son.

To make matters worse, Baby looked utterly pitiful as he pouted, and held onto her tightly, acting spoiled. "But, I'll miss you...”

Once she heard his words, he couldn't hold back her tears anymore. Sure enough, her tears flowed down her cheeks as she cried silently.

Nonetheless, she didn't want to worry her darling son. So, she hastily turned her face away to prevent him from seeing her despair as she frantically wiped away her tears. Once she had managed to compose herself, she swiftly took out her phone and handed it to him. "Here, this phone is Mommy's present to you. You can call me whenever you miss me. I promise that I'll answer inmediately. Okay, Mommy will teach you how to make a phone call

Then, Amanda unlocked the screen and opened the contacts tab. There was only one phone number saved, hers.

Finally, she taught Baby how to call her step by step. By the time they were done with their impromptu lesson, Baby's mood had brightened considerably.

"Mommy, can I call you every day?"

"Of course, anytime. Call Mommy whenever you encounter anything, and Mommy will do the same as well."

Baby held onto the phone, thrilled. "Then, I'll call Mommy every day."

As she gazed at her son's innocent and pure eyes, she could barely wrangle her tears back. He was just a three-year-old child! He was too young and naive to understand what was going on. Yet, he had to experience things that even adults found hard to bear.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and Symeon walked in. "Aiden, it's late. It's time to sleep. You'll be going to kindergarten tomorrow."


"Kindergarten? I haven't been to kindergarten for a long time." Baby's eyes lit up. He did miss his friends in kindergarten.

Meanwhile, Amanda looked at Symeon, and he explained, "I've done a thorough

investigation. So, he will be enrolled in the kindergarten he attended in the United States. He should be familiar with it."

She had to admit, it was a good call to send him off to kindergarten. At least she didn't have to worry about Aiden being confined in these four walls before she could stage a rescue.

"Aiden, off to sleep with you then."

Aiden obediently clambered under the covers, but he held onto the phone Amanda tightly. It was as if he was afraid someone would snatch it from him.

Once Aiden was comfortably cocooned under the blanket, she gently patted him twice and soon heard his breathing even out. The child had fallen asleep.

Only then did she slowly rise to her feet and take a deep look at Aiden, who was sleeping. It was as though she was trying to etch his face into her mind's eye. Then, she left the room. without looking back. She was terrified that if she looked at him for a moment longer, she wouldn't be able to bear leaving.

Symeon followed her to the corridor. When she was sure they were out of carshot, she couldn't hold back her tears any longer as they streamed down her face uncontrollably. Then, she turned her attention back to Symeon. "Don't take the phone I gave to him. He will need time to get used to it. It's not a big deal for me to call him, right? You don't have to be so petty."

"I didn't say I would take it. It's just a phone." As Symeon looked at her sobbing her eyes out, he couldn't help the snicker that fell from his lips. Why leave if she was so reluctant to part from Aiden?

Ding. The elevator door slowly slid open as Symeon finally inquired, "It's clear that you don't want to go. So, why leave? Is it because I can't give you the status you desire?"

"I don't care. Think whatever you want."

Amanda wasn't in the mood to discuss these things with him. In truth, she might not be in the mood to discuss anything with him ever. So, she spun on her heels and strode into the elevator, pressed the button for the first floor, and watched as the elevator door slid shut. As the door closed, his repugnant face also disappeared from her line of sight.

Yacob and his four brothers were stuffed in a multi-purpose vehicle outside the estate. They weren't looking too hot as they were practically covered in injuries and looked almost half-dead.

When Amanda arrived and caught a glimpse of their many, many injuries, she was shocked. beyond words. She had expected it to be brutal, but she didn't expect it to be this bad. "Are you all okay?"

"This is nothing. We're hanging in there," Yacob said through gritted teeth.

Nevertheless, she knew he was putting on a brave face. So, she quickly got into the car and instructed the driver, "To the hospital. Now."

The men had to be treated for their injuries before they could even consider returning to the country. Otherwise, with injuries like these, how could they possibly board a plane? Yacob immediately saw that Aiden wasn't with her. So, he couldn't help but ask, "Where's Mr Aiden? Why isn't he coming with us?"

"Do you think that lunatic would let us take the child with us?"


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 436 I Heard You Woke Up?

Yacobs inumeshately came to a realization as he tightly heal his fat in agiration 56. Anten is a pide? How are we supposed to leave now? Do we, adulis, need in carnice a child just to escaper These words pierced through Amanda's heart as tears controllably streamed down her face

Calm down! Do you think I don't know all that? How if we don't do ilis, none of us will be able to escape! All of you will die here! Besides, it might be safe for Auden to stay here than to follow in Magha now, what we need to do is recuperate, return to our country as soon as possible wake up thias, and have him save Aiden Only Elias can stand up against Symeon! You know fully well that we are no match for that psychol

He seemed to sober up after listening to her angry works. Considering their current situation, she had the right to it

The only person who could make Symeon wary was Mr Winters.

Unfortunately, they were no match for Symeon at all. Yacob fell silent as he leaned against his chair However, he couldn't help but think about Aiden, a young child left behind. He couldn't imagine just leaving Aiden like that.

Amanda naturally saw through his thoughts and sighed. "I know what you're thinking, so we need to hurry tip, return home, meet up with Elias, and ask him to save his own son as soon as possible! No one in the car said anything else. Instead, they silently drove to the hospital.

After a moment of silence, she suddenly spoke up, "Did you ever investigate that woman named Melissa Walters? Who is she, and why did she trap all of us?"

did, bug didn't find anything useful."

Then, he remembered something and continued, "By the way, when Melissa was abroad, she gave birth to child in the same hospital as you. Other than that didn't find anything special. I really don't know what this man is up to."

Whenever he thought that Mr. Winters was almost harmed by this woman. It made him so mad. Regrettably, he didn't have time to find her before this entire mess happened.

Meluia Walters Melissa Walters....

this mane sound so familiar? Where had she heard it before?

Where on Earth did she hear it?

Suddenly. Amanda's memory went back to four years ago when she gave birth to her child in Pleybia Hospital That pitiful woman in the adjacent bed....

andas eyes widened in an instant as that scene hit her like a train wreck!

The pregnant woman lying next to her at that time was Melissa Walters!

Melissa did give birth to a child on the same day as her, but she only went into labor a few hours later. Apanda had a boy, while Melissa had a girl.

At that time, after they both gave birth in the hospital, no one came to visit them. So, they felt a sense of

All Amanda was discharged, she even said goodbye Meles hoping to be her again if fat allered

She thought things over and truly could find when die ever wronged Melisen to why did Mebus treat

She really roubar understand what was going on!

Melina gave birth to a got a girl to the next second, she suddenly connected the dots, afl everything became clear

The reason why Melissa gradually drew Symeon's attention to Amanda and created dose fate paternity texts. She even went as far as to turn Alden Symbi's child! Did she do all that just to hide the girl from him?

So, the logical conclusion was that the girl Melissa gave birth to in the hospital four years ago was none other than Symeon's child

Melissa was the woman who climbed onto Symeon's belt

Yes, that had to be it!

Amanda suddenly felt a chill run down her spine. Melissa was so cumming and ruthless, sacrificing a stranger she barely knew in order to protect her own daughter.

Who did Melissa think she was? That woman was a psychol Symeon and this bitch were truly a match made in heaven or hell in this case! saw the furious look in Amanda's eyes and couldn't help but inquire tentatively, "What's wrong? Did you gemember something?" Know why Melissa did this."

Why Vacoleskel eagerly. He also desperately wanted to know the reason behind this crazy woman's

She looked at Yacob with hatred in her eyes and snarled. "Because the child she gave birth to is Symeon's biological child"

His take was filed with utter shock, but he quickly understood the implications. "So, Melissa pushed all of us into his trap and made Aiden stay with Lawrence, just to protect her own child. This woman is really ruthless

Th, it's time for lunch. You didn't eat breakfast, so you need to eat lunch."

Rosie knocked on the door, but there was no response. She was about to knock again when the door suddenly opened, startling her.

"Yeah," Elias replied and walked toward the dining

Rosie followed behind him, trying to start up a conversation. "Did you sleep well? Is the bed here comfortable I can ask them to change it if you're not used to it."

She knew Elias was difficult to please. After all, he had been pampered since childhood.

"There's no need for that."

He sat down at the dining table, picked up the fork and knife, and started eating his meal.

Then, she sat across from him, cautiously asking. "Eli, I don't know if you like these dishes. I made them myself..."

The man paused with the utensils in his hand, looked up at Rosie, and his eyes revealed a hint of disdain. Regardless, he still ate the food and said, "It's good. Thank you for your hard work."

Although he couldn't find a reason to dislike her, he still couldn't bring himself to like her. So, he didn't have any intention of getting closer to her.

Rosie, who was unaware of his true thoughts, assumed that two perfunctory sentences were made out of concern for her. So, she smiled and replied, "Eat more if you like."

Then, she served him more dishes, but he didn't eat a lot. Instead, he was more focused on the rice.

Just then, his phone suddenly started ringing.

He heard the sound of his phone coming from the bedroom. So, he quickly took a few more bites, placed his utensils down, and said, "I'm full. Take your time."

Finally, he turned and went back to his room after saying that.

She didn't even have a chance to talk to him before she heard the familiar sound of the door closing, cold and familiar.

Back in his room. Elias picked up his phone and saw another unfamiliar number. Why were there so many unknow numbers calling him?

Driven by lus curiosity and annoyance, he answered the call. Then, a woman's voice came from the other end 1 heard you're awake. However, I can't understand what on earth you're thinking. Your woman is in danger Aren't you going to save her?"

His woman?

"Who are you?'

After a few seconds of silence, the woman on the other end of the phone hung up.

He tried dialing back, but his call couldn't get through.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 437 Amanda Returns.

Melissa was shocked when she managed to muster her wits to hang up the phone.

What happened to Elias? Did he lose his memory?

Otherwise, how could he have asked her that question? How could he possibly have asked who she was?

Melissa was well aware that Elias hated her to the bone, so how could he not recognize her voice?

If he had lost his memory... A smile appeared on Melissa's face. It was as if even the heavens were helping her.

If he had lost his memory, Symeon would take longer to uncover the truth. That would give her more. time to escape and start a new life with a new identity.

Melissa looked at her sleeping daughter on the bed and whispered to herself, "Dulcie, I'm only doing all of this to keep you by my side forever. As for Miss Amanda and Aiden, I truly hope they can stay safe... She believed that even if Elias lost his memory, he would eventually regain it. The moment he did recover his memory, she was certain that she would have dealt with everything on her end. Frankly, she didn't want to ruin Amanda's family, but she had no choice! She wouldn't be able to pull a fast one and succeed when her opponent was Symeon. So, she could only use Elias' influence to win the battle.

After Amanda had taken Yacob and the others to the hospital in New Montana, she finally had some time. for herself to rest on a couch that was available in the ward.

Yacob wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as he had had a good night's sleep.

When he pushed himself up, he immediately noticed Amanda sleeping on the couch. The instant he laid his eyes on her, he couldn't help but be reminded of Aiden. How was he going to explain this complication to Mr. Winters?

At that moment, a nurse came in to change the IV bag, causing Amanda to be roused from her sleep. Once she saw that Yacob was awake, she couldn't help but ask, "You're awake. Do you want something to eat? I can buy you some breakfast."

"Theres no need for that. You can continue sleeping. I'm sure you're tired."

Unfortunately, now that she was awake, she had no intention of wasting her time on something like sleep. Instead, she sat up and went to the bathroom to wash her face with cold water in order to get rid of all the exhaustion lingering on her person before returning to the ward.

I wonder how Elias is doing now. Do you think he's already awake?"

Yacob chimed in. "He probably hasn't woken up yet. If he's already conscious, my people would have informed me about that. Still, it is strange that he hasn't contacted me after such a long time."

She suddenly remembered something, blurting, "Oh, right. When we left, that psycho returned our phones to us."

Last night, Amanda wanted to call Elias, but she was way too busy with the hospital admission procedures. So she didn't have the chance to do so.

Nonetheless, after she heard Yacob's words, she realized that even if she did give him a call, it would be pointless. That man was probably still in a deep sleep.

Thus, she picked up Yacob's phone and handed it to him. "Call your people and ask about Elias"

He nodded and immediately dialed the number. Yet, the number was strangely turned off.

"It's turned off?" He looked at her with a befuddled expression on his face.

Amanda was also stunned. "How could your people turn off their phones? Did something happen? Call the butler."

Yacob instantly called the Winterses' butler. This time, the call was quickly answered. He wasted no time demanding. Mr. Jones, what's going on? Why isn't anyone answering the phone at the hospital?" The butler was so agitated when he heard Yacob's voice that he almost cried tears of relief. "You finally called back! Something happened! I think something happened! I went to the hospital the other day to visit Mr. Winters, but the bodyguard guarding the door wouldn't let me in. I also found out that the bodyguard wasn't one of ours. These days, Miss Rosie has been accompanying Mr. Winters. Yet, when I went to the hospital yesterday, I found out that Mr. Winters has disappeared! They told me that he has been discharged! I have no idea where Mr. Winters is now, and the doctor even informed me that he has long regained consciousness!"

"What?! That Rosie Momsey actually took Mr. Winters away? Alright, I'm coming back immediately!"

Yacob desperately wished he could grow wings just so he could return to the country after ending the call.

This Rosie Momsey was really something. She pretended to be pitiful, and now she had the gall to take Mr. Winters away right under their noses.

Amanda listened to their conversation and was almost driven crazy with anxiety. "What's going

Elias getting involved with Rosie again?"

"Well.. it's a long story. After you left with Lawrence, the Momseys somehow got the news and paid to thy hospital. Since then, Rosie has been waiting outside the ward every day. However, I've never ond allowed her entry, Before Ideft, I also instructed my people not to let that woman in Who knew this woman would be cunning? Now, she has replaced my people with hers and taken Mr. Winters away. Demn it!

Yacob punched the bed rail in frustration, causing him to wince in pain.

Amand was frozen to the spot as her wide eyes were filled with shock.

So. Roye had been with Elias all these days when she was away? Would be disappointed to see Rosie after he woke up?

We're returning tomorrow! We cannot waste even a minute more!" Yacob struggled to get up- Unfortunately, he was severely injured, making it rather challenging for him to even get out of bed.

You stay here and recover! I'll head back and scout things out! We need to stay in touch at all times!" Amanda growled in fury

Yacob finally became quiet, but he couldn't possibly allow Amanda to return alone without some backup. Rosie was cunning and full of tricks. Amanda might not be able to handle her without coming in harm's way.

He was about to speak, but Amanda interrupted him. "I know what you want to say. I'm just going back to take a look. I will report to you if anything terrible has happened and discuss it with you. I'm not going to charge in there without taking stock of our circumstances. I just don't feel safe knowing the crazy b*tch. has squirreled Elias away."

Besides, Yacob and the others were too injured to board a plane. Therefore, it was only logical that she should return to the country just in case. It definitely didn't help that she couldn't wait to finally be reunited with Elias.

Eventually. Yacob caved as he also knew that there were no other better options at the moment.

So, Amanda Bought an early morning flight back to Cludan. While she was waiting for her plane to land, she couldn't help but feel utterly burdened by the weight on her shoulders.

Exhaustion clung to her like a leech. So, she desperately wished Elias would wake up soon to share the burden with her. Regardless, when she recalled that Elias was now in Rosie Momsey's hands, she felt utterly tormented.

She sat in the cabin as her eyes wandered across the dense clouds outside the window. Unlike her composed facade, her heart was in chaos.

She didn't know what she had done in her past fife to warrant such a difficult life. Her son was now imprisoned by Symeon while her man had been taken away by Rosie.


Did they have to torment her to death before they would finally cease their scheming?

Tears slowly fell from Amanda's eyes, falling onto the back of her hand. She was really tired.

Elias. I'm coming to find you."

she didn't consider another possibility: Elias had lost his memories and forgotten her existence.

Eris lay in bed and entered a deep sleep late at night. He had a strange dream in which a woman's figure was always Tollowing him. Nonetheless, it didn't matter what he did as he would fail to see through the fog hiding her away from him.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Chapter 438 Don't Go!

At first, the woman in his dreams always followed him, but he could never see the woman's face.

But gradually, that woman disappeared. He desperately searched for her but couldn't find her. The feeling in his dreams was so strong as if he had lost the most important thing in his life. It felt like something even more important than his own life.

"Don't go!"

Suddenly, he woke up from his dream.

Elias abruptly opened his eyes in the pitch-black darkness. The feeling of loss and emptiness. overwhelmed him as if his heart had been hollowed out making him feel uncomfortable and depressed. Upon hearing his voice, Rosie quickly rushed into the room.

These past few days, she didn't dare to enter without Elias' permission, but when she heard his cry, she thought something had happened, so she rushed in.

"Eli, are you okay?"

Rosie looked at the man on the bed with concern. His forehead was covered in a cold sweat as if he had just had a nightmare.

"Eli, did you have a nightmare?"

He sat up, holding his forehead. She quickly poured a glass of water and handed it to him. "Drink some water, Eli.”

Elias took the glass and drank two sips before placing it on the bedside table.

I'm fine, you can go now."

Rosie wanted to get closer to this man, but she felt that Elias still rejected her even if he had lost bis memory.

Even with Amanda gone, could Elias still not love her?

Elias locked up at the woman in front of him. "When can I go to the company? I can't stay here all the time. It's suffocating."

You can't go anytime soon. The doctor recommended that you stay in bed for at least three months. It hasn't been that long yet, and your body hasn't fully recovered-

Before she could finish her sentence, Elias impatiently interrupted, "Am I unable to take care of myself now? Why can't I go to the company? Aren't you confining me by keeping me locked up here every day?" Rosie looked at him with a distressed expression and shook her head frantically. "No, how could I? I'm just worried about your health...

"Then don't. I'm much better now."

"Alright, then. I'll go make arrangements..." She turned and left the room, closing the door behind her.

At that moment, a sinister smile appeared on Rosie's face.

It seemed that Elias still hadn't completely given up on Amanda. She would make him completely believe that she belonged to him.

In the evening.

Ding-dong. The doorbell rang.

It was dinner time, and Elias and Rosie were sitting in the dining room, ready to eat.

The nanny went to open the door and shouted, "Mr. Momsey, why are you here?" Taylor was here.

This was also part of Rosie's plan.

Originally, Taylor didn't want to deal with his sister's affairs anymore, but he couldn't win against his sister's persuasion, so he agreed, but only for the last time.

After Taylor entered the dining room, he first observed Elias' current state. He confirmed that the unfamiliar look in Elias' eyes was indeed the look of someone who had lost their memory. "Taylor. Why are you here, my brother?" Rosie pretended not to know anything.

Taylor was too focused on Elias and casually replied, "Oh, I just came to see you guys."

He sat across from Elias and stared at the latter as if trying to see through this man.

Facing Taylor's scrutiny, Elias looked back at the man with an arrogant attitude and said bluntly. "What the hell are you looking at?"

In the next second, however, Taylor laughed. "Tsk... Even after losing your memory, your temper hasn't changed at all. I thought it would change a little."

"Who are you?" Elias was extremely impatient.

He heard Rosie addressing him as brother just now. Could this be Rosie's brother?

"Eli, this is my brother, Taylor Momsey."

Elias juĝr nodded and continued eating, not intending to pay any attention to this man. He found himself quite annoyed by Taylor.

Taylor looked at Elias' current demeanor and couldn't help but sigh. "I never expected this. You really lost your memory. Do you seriously not remember who I am?" When fus sister told him that Elias had lost his memory, he didn't believe a word of it. He thought his sister was just trying to find a way to ask for his help again. Elias couldn't be bothered to deal with Taylor and continued eating his meal.

Yet, Taylor couldn't stop laughing, feeling that this was karma. How pathetic it was for Elias to lose his memory!

"Taylor!" Rosie looked at her brother, who was laughing in a gloating manner, and gave him a look to remind him not to forget the purpose of their visit.

"Alright, alright. I got it."

Taylor looked at Elias again and said meaningfully, "After your accident, my sister has been by your side. all the time, waiting for you to wake up. You can't let her down." Elias glanced at him coldly without saying a word.

Taylor and Rosie exchanged glances. Taylor continued, "I heard that you're quite eager to go to the company."

"What about it?"

Finally, a reaction. Taylor cleared his throat and said, "Your body hasn't fully recovered yet, but you're rushing to go to the company. You're just making my sister worry if you do that. So, I have a win-win solution for you.

Elias put down his cutleries and looked at Taylor, waiting for the latter's proposal.

"Take my sister with you to the company. This way, you can focus on your work, and my sister can feel at case. It's a win-win situation."

After Taylor finished speaking, Rosie felt relieve. He finally said it.

If she had said these words herself, she would seem too manipulative.

Elias glanced at Rosie and asked, "Do you want to? My work might be boring, and I might have to work. late. Are you sure?"

"Of course, Eli. I just worry about you. I want to be by your side so I can feel at ease. How about I become your secretary?"

Another new proposal emerged, and Elias suddenly felt a headache coming on. These siblings were really annoying.

It's okay. Just tay by my side. Elias immediately stopped her.

"Okay." A shy smile appeared on Rosie's face.

Elias couldnt help but feel helpless. Was this truly the woman he had chosen? Why did he feel nothing toward ater, even after losing his memory? Had his tastes changed as well?

After finishing their meal, Rosie went to the kitchen to help the nanny clean up the dishes while Taylor got ready to leave,

Before leaving, Taylor said meaningfully to Elias, "Don't let my sister down again. She has sacrificed too much for you. If you hadn't woken up this time, I'm afraid she would have gone crazy."


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 439 To the Momsey Residence

Elias suddenly felt heavy-hearted after hearing those words.

He clearly felt nothing for Rosie, but he had to take responsibility for her. This responsibility weighed on him, making it hard for him to breathe.

Elias didn't say anything and came to the terrace alone to light a cigarette to his lips after seeing Taylor off

Unconsciously, memories of the dream he had come back to his mind. Who was that woman in his dream? It didn't feel like she was Rosie. There was also a voice in his head telling him to find someone when he woke up. Who was he supposed to find?

Why couldn't he remember anything? Every time he thought about it, his head would ache terribly.

"Eli, why are you smoking?" Rosie suddenly appeared and took the cigarette from his lips before. extinguishing it in the ashtray.

He glanced at her indifferently. "It's fine."

Although he knew he should take responsibility for a woman who had been loyal to him, he couldn't help. but feel annoyed when he saw her. Yet, he couldn't explain why.

The next day, in the afternoon, Amanda finally returned to Imperia. When the plane landed, her heart. also felt comforted.

She thought that as long as she saw Elias, everything would be fine. Yet, she didn't expect what awaited her could be such a shocking scene.

After leaving the airport, she went directly to the esite and met the butler. She wanted to know the situation in detail.

Boris almost shed tears when he saw her as so much had happened in the Winters Estate these few days.

He knew everything, but he couldn't speak his mind. It felt suffocating.

Mrs. Winters, you're finally back: Where is Mr. Aiden? Why don't I see him?" Boris couldn't help but ask.

Amanda sighed softly, "Aiden will need some more time to come back. Don't worry, he will be back sooner or later. By the way, tell me what has happened during my absence. How did Rosie Momsey end up staying by Elias' side?"

Just the bought of Rosie being with Elias at this moment made her furious.

Since Yacob left, I haven't been to the hospital. Later, I heard that Mr. Winters woke up and wanted to go to the hospital to see him, but a bodyguard stopped me and wouldn't let me in. I realized that the person

isn't one of our people. He was someone I had never seen before. And Rosie could freely enter and leave Mr. Winters' room, but we can't. Later, I wanted to go to the hospital to inquire about Mr. Winters" condition, but he was already discharged. I don't know where he went."

After hearing Boris' account, Amanda's anger ignited instantly. Rosie was absolutely disgusting. She took advantage of the fact that no one could stay by Elias' side and took him away.

"But, you said Elias woke up: How long has he been awake? Amanda couldn't help but show her joy when she heard him saying that Elias had woken up.

He replied. "I only heard about it. I don't know the details because I haven't seen Mr. Winters since he woke up."

Amanda fell silent for a few seconds and looked at the butler. "Prepare a car for me. I'm going to look for him."

"Where do you want to go, Mrs. Winters?" Boris asked.

She replied. To the Momsey Residence."

Amanda drove to the Momsey Residence and rolled to a stop in front of the villa.

She got out of the car and looked at the villa in front of her. She knew that Rosie wouldn't hide Elias here, but she didn't know where else to find him. So, she decided to meet Taylor first. Taylor couldn't possibly not know the whereabouts of his sister, Rosie.

Inside the gym, "Mr. Momsey, Miss Bailey is here. She wants to see you," Stefan said to Taylor, who was sweating profusely on the treadmill and almost fell off the treadmill when he heard that. "Who? Amanda? Elias Winters' woman?" He thought this woman had disappeared from the face of the earth, but she suddenly appeared.

This is bad. Amanda's shown up. Can Rosie's little schemes work anymore? Even if Elias had amnesia now, he could eventually regain his memory. If he saw Amanda in person, he might even regain his memory on the spot. Rosie would be abandoned again by then.

"Do you want to see her, Mr. Momsey?" Stefan asked.

Course. Quickly bring her in!" Taylor replied.


After Stéfan left. Taylor immediately picked up his phone and tried to call Rosie. But he couldn't get through even after a long time. He dialed again, and the call finally connected. "Taylon, what's the matter? Why are you calling at this time? I'm having dinner with Elias," Rosie said.

You still have the mood to cat? I'm telling you something bad happened. Amanda is back! She's come to find us! She's not far from finding Elias, especially now that he has gone to the company. It's even easier to td hun! Taylor exclaimed.

Upon hearing this, Rosie fell silent. He could imagine how panicked she must look right now.

"Taylor, please. I'm begging you. Stall Amanda for me. You can't let her find Elias. Otherwise, all the efforts. I've made these days will be in vain!" Rosie pleaded.

"Easier said than done How am I supposed to stall her? What can I use to stall her? Should I imprison her?" Even Taylor felt a sense of panic now. After all, they were deceiving someone who had lost their memory. If they were exposed, not only would their previous efforts be wasted, but they would also face Elias' revenge!

Everyone in this circle knew how hot-tempered Elias was. If they provoked him, they would lose. everything!

"Taylor, don't panic. I'll tell you what to do. Stall her for now, and then lure her to look for Elias in another place. I'll take the opportunity to ask Elias to take me somewhere else. He'll definitely agree." "Fine, let's do that. I have to go now. Amanda's coming, Taylor agreed hastily as he saw the butler leading Amanda toward him through the window.

He prepared himself mentally and put on his clothes before walking out of the gym to head toward the living room while Amanda followed the butler into the living room.

Stefan asked, "Miss Bailey, would you like something to drink?"

"No need. I'm here to talk to Taylor. I'll leave after we're done. It'll be quick," she answered.

She had no time for pleasantries when she had already figured out the intentions of this brother-sister duo. She wanted to tear them apart with her own hands.

And so, the butler didn't say anything else and silently left the room.

At this moment, Taylor entered the living room, still looking nonchalant. "And here I was wondering whò was visiting. I didn't expect you to come to me voluntarily. What brings you here?"

Amanda sneered and sat on the sofa while lightly smoothing her skirt. She looked up at him. "Don't you know? There's no need to pretend to be innocent in front of me."


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Chapter 440 Betting on Our Love

Taylor sat calmly on the sofa, elegantly crossing his legs, and asked, "I really don't know. Care to give me a tip?"

"This is what I hate most about you, Taylor Momsey. Pretending to be ignorant when you clearly know. Is this fun for you? You let your sister take Elias away while we were away. Do you think it'll work out?" But there was something that Amanda couldn't understand. Since Elias had already woken up, why would he willingly go with Rosie? Could it be that Rosie drugged Elias? Or maybe Elias' condition wasn't as good. as she imagined?

"You're talking nonsense. I haven't been in contact with my sister much lately. Ever since I tried to persuade her to give up on Elias, she refused and didn't want to see me. It's been a long time since I last saw her. How would I know if she took Elias away?" Taylor decided to play dumb until the end. Every moment he could delay was a moment gained.

Amanda was almost amused by his antics. She flicked her long hair and revealed her exquisite face.

"Taylor, let's be frank. Without your help, your sister can't do anything. She's useless!"

The words "useless" pierced Taylor's heart. He suddenly stood up and shouted, "What the hell did you just say? Say it again! My sister's not useless! If you're so capable, how could you let my sister take advantage of this situation?"

Seeing his intense reaction, Amanda smiled. "You're admitting it?"

Only then did Taylor realize that he had fallen into her trap. He sat back on the sofa and stopped the pretense. "So, what?"

Tell me where Elias is!" She was losing patience and just wanted to see Elias immediately.

Taylor saw her lose control and carried the plan he discussed with Rosie earlier. "Elias... is currently on a business trip out of town. Do you want to go? It's not easy to find that place."

"Give me the address."

He hesitated. I'm afraid you'll be disappointed if you go."

"Disappointed? What do you mean?" Amanda had sensed that something was wrong. If Elias could go on a business trip, it meant he was clear-headed and his body had mostly recovered. Why did he leave with Rosie, that state? o

Taylor kleared his throat and said, "I don't understand the medical terminology, but let me put it simply. Elias ha annesia and doesn't remember you."


Amanda felt as if she had been struck by lightning and her head buzzed. How could this be? How did such cliche thing happen to her?

Sering her panicked state, he laughed. "How did you think my sister took him away? He willingly grabbed onto my sister as soon as he woke up and treated her as his woman. My sister explained, but he didn't listen. You know it too, my sister has always liked him so of course, she complied"

Amanda's mind went blank. She couldn't hear what he was saying anymore.

"Hey, I'm talking to you. If you go and see them right now, all you'll see is Elias and my sister being affectionate. Won't it hurt your heart?" He deliberately provoked her.

Amanda shouted angrily, "Of course, I'll go! It's because he hasn't seen me! If he sees me, he'll remember everything! Even if he has amnesia and doesn't remember who I am, he will still love me!"

Taylor pitied her seeing her uncontrollable emotional outburst and shook his head helplessly. "Alright, let's make a bet. If you don't say anything and he still has that chemical reaction called love when he sees you, then I'll believe that you two are truly in love. No matter how much my sister cries and screams, I'll definitely take her away and leave you two alone."

"It's a deal!" Amanda was betting on the love between her and Elias.

"But if Elias doesn't remember you at all, and doesn't have any feelings for you, then you'll have to walk away. You'll have to admit that the reason you were able to return to this man isn't because he likes you, but because you gave him a child. He wanted you because he wants a child and that is all." Taylor's words pierced Amanda's heart. It was a dangerous gamble..

If she couldn't make Elias fall in love with her again in his amnesiac state, she would be completely out of his life.

Seeing her hesitation, Elias drawled out his words. "Are you scared? I'm surprised that you are capable of fear, Now that Elias doesn't remember who you are, it's impossible for him to fall in love with you. Don't forget that he's never looked straight at you before you divorced him. Admit it. He doesn't really like you. he just wants to keep the child by his side. That's why he accepted you."

"That's enough! Shut up! It's not like that!" Amanda had never been confident about remarrying Elias for this reason. She was afraid that he wanted to remarry just to keep Aiden, so she reluctantly accepted him.

She was uncomfortable to be faced with Taylor's provocation. But a voice popped into her mind. 'Don't believe him. Elias loves you. That's why he wanted to remarry'

"Sure We'll see."

Arianda wiped away her tears and just glared at Taylor silently.

It was late at night, but Rosie couldn't sleep as she was waiting for Taylor's call to report the situation.

Suddenly, her phone rang, and she immediately ran over to check. It was indeed Taylor calling.

With an expectant expression, she answered the phone, Taylor, how was it? I've already made. arrangements here. Elias has agreed to take me to the Chudrif tomorrow-" However, Taylor cut her off before she could finish her sentence, "Okay, I got it. I'll bring Amanda to find you tomorrow."

"Taylor, did you misunderstand something? I asked you to help me stall her, not to bring her along to find Elias Rosie was furious. Since when did Taylor become so stupid that he can't understand such a simple thing?

I know, Rosie. But hiding like this is not a solution. How long do you plan to hide? Elias will eventually regain his memory! When he remembers everything, everything you've done will be in vain." Rosie's face turned ugly, "You don't need to worry about that. I've found the best psychologist. The psychologist will brainwash him."

"Rosie, we should use this opportunity to make Amanda give up on him while he still has amnesia Only then, can this man forever belong to you, you fool."


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Chapter 440 Betting on Our Love

Taylor sat calmly on the sofa, elegantly crossing his legs, and asked, "I really don't know. Care to give me a tip?"

"This is what I hate most about you, Taylor Momsey. Pretending to be ignorant when you clearly know. Is this fun for you? You let your sister take Elias away while we were away. Do you think it'll work out?" But there was something that Amanda couldn't understand. Since Elias had already woken up, why would he willingly go with Rosie? Could it be that Rosie drugged Elias? Or maybe Elias' condition wasn't as good. as she imagined?

"You're talking nonsense. I haven't been in contact with my sister much lately. Ever since I tried to persuade her to give up on Elias, she refused and didn't want to see me. It's been a long time since I last saw her. How would I know if she took Elias away?" Taylor decided to play dumb until the end. Every moment he could delay was a moment gained.

Amanda was almost amused by his antics. She flicked her long hair and revealed her exquisite face.

"Taylor, let's be frank. Without your help, your sister can't do anything. She's useless!"

The words "useless" pierced Taylor's heart. He suddenly stood up and shouted, "What the hell did you just say? Say it again! My sister's not useless! If you're so capable, how could you let my sister take advantage of this situation?"

Seeing his intense reaction, Amanda smiled. "You're admitting it?"

Only then did Taylor realize that he had fallen into her trap. He sat back on the sofa and stopped the pretense. "So, what?"

Tell me where Elias is!" She was losing patience and just wanted to see Elias immediately.

Taylor saw her lose control and carried the plan he discussed with Rosie earlier. "Elias... is currently on a business trip out of town. Do you want to go? It's not easy to find that place."

"Give me the address."

He hesitated. I'm afraid you'll be disappointed if you go."

"Disappointed? What do you mean?" Amanda had sensed that something was wrong. If Elias could go on a business trip, it meant he was clear-headed and his body had mostly recovered. Why did he leave with Rosie, that state? o

Taylor kleared his throat and said, "I don't understand the medical terminology, but let me put it simply. Elias ha annesia and doesn't remember you."


Amanda felt as if she had been struck by lightning and her head buzzed. How could this be? How did such cliche thing happen to her?

Sering her panicked state, he laughed. "How did you think my sister took him away? He willingly grabbed onto my sister as soon as he woke up and treated her as his woman. My sister explained, but he didn't listen. You know it too, my sister has always liked him so of course, she complied"

Amanda's mind went blank. She couldn't hear what he was saying anymore.

"Hey, I'm talking to you. If you go and see them right now, all you'll see is Elias and my sister being affectionate. Won't it hurt your heart?" He deliberately provoked her.

Amanda shouted angrily, "Of course, I'll go! It's because he hasn't seen me! If he sees me, he'll remember everything! Even if he has amnesia and doesn't remember who I am, he will still love me!"

Taylor pitied her seeing her uncontrollable emotional outburst and shook his head helplessly. "Alright, let's make a bet. If you don't say anything and he still has that chemical reaction called love when he sees you, then I'll believe that you two are truly in love. No matter how much my sister cries and screams, I'll definitely take her away and leave you two alone."

"It's a deal!" Amanda was betting on the love between her and Elias.

"But if Elias doesn't remember you at all, and doesn't have any feelings for you, then you'll have to walk away. You'll have to admit that the reason you were able to return to this man isn't because he likes you, but because you gave him a child. He wanted you because he wants a child and that is all." Taylor's words pierced Amanda's heart. It was a dangerous gamble..

If she couldn't make Elias fall in love with her again in his amnesiac state, she would be completely out of his life.

Seeing her hesitation, Elias drawled out his words. "Are you scared? I'm surprised that you are capable of fear, Now that Elias doesn't remember who you are, it's impossible for him to fall in love with you. Don't forget that he's never looked straight at you before you divorced him. Admit it. He doesn't really like you. he just wants to keep the child by his side. That's why he accepted you."

"That's enough! Shut up! It's not like that!" Amanda had never been confident about remarrying Elias for this reason. She was afraid that he wanted to remarry just to keep Aiden, so she reluctantly accepted him.

She was uncomfortable to be faced with Taylor's provocation. But a voice popped into her mind. 'Don't believe him. Elias loves you. That's why he wanted to remarry'

"Sure We'll see."

Arianda wiped away her tears and just glared at Taylor silently.

It was late at night, but Rosie couldn't sleep as she was waiting for Taylor's call to report the situation.

Suddenly, her phone rang, and she immediately ran over to check. It was indeed Taylor calling.

With an expectant expression, she answered the phone, Taylor, how was it? I've already made. arrangements here. Elias has agreed to take me to the Chudrif tomorrow-" However, Taylor cut her off before she could finish her sentence, "Okay, I got it. I'll bring Amanda to find you tomorrow."

"Taylor, did you misunderstand something? I asked you to help me stall her, not to bring her along to find Elias Rosie was furious. Since when did Taylor become so stupid that he can't understand such a simple thing?

I know, Rosie. But hiding like this is not a solution. How long do you plan to hide? Elias will eventually regain his memory! When he remembers everything, everything you've done will be in vain." Rosie's face turned ugly, "You don't need to worry about that. I've found the best psychologist. The psychologist will brainwash him."

"Rosie, we should use this opportunity to make Amanda give up on him while he still has amnesia Only then, can this man forever belong to you, you fool."
Thank you so much Immortal Gily for these amazing resources


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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 441 The Encounter Between Amanda and Elias

Rosie was taken aback. "What do you mean. Taylor!"

"I made a bet with Amanda. If she can make Elias fall in love with her without saying anything, even though he has lost all his memory, then I'll genuinely believe they're in love and support their relationship "What?" How could you make such a promise without discussing it with me?"

Rosie was infuriated.

On the other end of the phone, Taylor said. "You're such a fool. I'm giving you a chance here. Now, Elias has amnesia, and he doesn't remember anything. How could he possibly fall in love with Amanda? Ever if he does fall in love with someone, he should fall in love with you, who has been by his side all along"

"But..." Rosie wasn't confident of that. After all, Elias had never liked her. What if stole his attention the moment she appeared!

"No need to worry. Elias is currently suffering from amnesia. It's like a fresh start. I'm a man, and I understand men the best. Elias values trust the most. In this current state, he won't develop feelings for a stranger. Even if he doesn't love you, he won't hurt you

Taylor had thoroughly investigated the situation and found out that the woman, Grace, could enjoy herself by Elias' side for many years due to his guilt toward her.

"But, Taylor, is this going to work? I'm scared. I'm afraid of what might happen when they see each other."

"If it turns out that way, then let go. What's the point of holding on to a man who doesn't belong to you? You're being fearful all the time. What will you do when he regains his memory?"

or had grown tired of his sister's approach to love, but he couldn't change her.

This was an excellent opportunity to bring closure fually. Either let Elias be with Amanda, or perhaps it would be his sister who ended up with Elias.


Rote hung up the phone and let out a wry smile. Step aside and give Elias back to Amanda? No way!

In the evening

Amanda resumed to the Winters Estate and sat alone in a wicker chair in the garden, lost in thought. No one knew what was on her mind.

Upon hearing of her return, Boris hurried over, cager to inquire about any news.

Mrs. Winters, how did it go?"

"Taylor told me he would take me to meet him tomorrow," Amanda said.

Boris was concerned. "Shall I arrange for a few bodyguards to accompany you tomorrow? I don't trust themriseys."

"Ehas is experiencing amnesia What should I do Amanda suddenly blurted out

The butler was taken aback, appearing surprised. "Amnesia? How could this have happened?

"You're also wondering how it happened, right? I'm questioning it too" After saying this, Amanda fell into an endless silence.

It had been a long time since she had seen Elias. Tomorrow, she would finally see him Yet, she suddenly felt a bit afraid.

She had hoped and waited by his bedside for him to wake up, and now that he was awake, she was afraid

to see him in this state.

They had gone through so much together and finally came together. How could this....

The next day.

Taylor and Amanda took the high-speed train to Chudrif. It wasn't too far, so they reached there after half an hour.

Amanda had been in a state of nervousness the entire time. She was scared that when she saw Elias, she might burst into tears involuntarily. She didn't even know if he would remember who she was. After they left the train station, Taylor received a phone call, and his expression changed drastically. He shouted angrily into the phone, "Are you f*cking crazy?

He hung up the call furiously.

Amanda furrowed her brows, looking at Taylor's inexplicable anger.

Taylor glanced at her and said? "Let's go to the hospital

The hospital? What happened to Elias? Is he experiencing lingering effects from the car accident?" Amanda's first thought was that something had happened to Elias, perhaps a residual effect from the car accident.

Taylor, however, replied impatiently, "It's not about Elias. It's my sister. She got into a car accident and suffered minor injuries."

Amanda breathed a sigh of relief, but why was it so coincidental?

Amanda followed Taylor to the Blossomvale Hospital in Eplines.

From the moment they entered the hospital, her heart started racing. She could feel that she was getting closer and closer to Elias.

She hadn't even thought about what to say when she saw Elias.

She was lost in thought until she stood outside the hospital room. She returned to her senses and looked "at the door in front of her. She was so nervous that her palms were sweating. This was even more nerve- wracking than the first time she had met Elias,

Taylor noticed her nervousness and couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong with you? Why are you so nervous?"

"It's none of your business." Amanda fixed her gaze ahead, not bothering to look at the man besute her

She swallowed nervously and steeled herself to push open the door to the hospital room. However, inside, there was no sign of Elias, only Rosie lying on the bed. Disappointed, Amanda walked into the ward without even glancing at Rosie. She asked, "Where's Elias? You two better not be playing tricks on me."

"Amanda, why would you say that? Eli was just here. He went to help me with the payment procedures. He should be here soon," Rosie said.

Taylor, on the other hand, had a stern expression. "How did you get into a car accident? How can you be to careless

"I'm sorry, Taylor. I'll be more careful next time. I just wanted to protect Eli. He's just recovered from a serious illness. His body can't withstand any more harm

Amanda finally understood. Rosie had come to play the role of a beautiful savior. That was why she was admitted to the hospital.

Taylor also understood. His sister was cunning. He had just said that Elias valued trust, and now she did this to strike a chord in Elias' heart.

"Rosie, you're truly something. To attract a mag attention, you can even get into a car accident deliberately. Why didn't you just get yourself killed?"

Amanda insulted her roughly, while Roşie appeared to be pitiful, on the verge of tears.

Amanda was surprised. When did Rosie, the crazy woman become like this?

Suddenly, a sinister and terrifying voice came from behind, "What benefit do you gain from her being "Hed?"

This voice...

Amanda's whole body stiffened, afraid to turn around and look.

It's him, it's him...

It's high she has not met for such a long time.

When has entered the room, not only did Amanda stiffen, but Rosie did as well. She was afraid that Elias would instantly remember everything when he saw Amanda. El, you're trick.

Flás regnded with a simple "yes" and walked directly toward Amanda. He spoke in a deep voice. "Who are you? You speak so maliciously. Are you deliberately causing trouble? very step Elias took as he approached her felt like a stab in Amanda's heart, causing it to bleed.

Armanda slowly raised her head to meet his pitch-black eyes, her own


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Chapter 442 Elias, Look at Me

Elias was at a loss when he met Amanda's teary eyes. He hadn't said anything hurtful, so why was she crying?

The two of them locked eyes, neither of them speaking first.

The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them standing there. The Momseys were completely ignored as if they were air.

Seeing the gaze they exchanged, Rosie was consumed with jealousy. She intentionally tugged on Elias" sleeve and said. "Eli, don't be like this. Amanda was just joking with me. We're all friends. There's no harm intended."

Her words finally broke the atmosphere enveloping them.

Elias immediately withdrew his gaze and looked at Rosie on the hospital bed. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Rosie smiled and shook her head. She was happy that she had regained his attention.

Upon seeing Rosie's current state, Elias frowned unhappily. "In the future, you don't have to protect me when something like this happens. I'm a grown man. I don't need you to save me."

"I know. I was just worried about you. After all, you just got out of the hospital."

Elias fell silent. He didn't think there was any danger on the road just now, but Rosie rushed before him and pushed him aside. Then, she got hit by a car. Fortunately, she was fine, with just a few scratches. Meanwhile, Amanda, looking at Elias concerned expression, was unable to breathe from the heartache.

Alis gaze on her just now showed that he was so unfamiliar to her, yet there was a hint of tenderness when Star Tooked at Rosie.

Aminda instinctively reached out and grabbed Elias arm, her voice trembling. "Elias, look at me. Look at" me! Don't you recognize me anymore?"

Ehay furrowed his brows and carefully examined the woman in front of him. He had no memories of her in his mind, but he felt that she was very beautiful. Pho.is ther

Observing his emotionless gaze, Amanda couldn't contain her emotions any longer. Tears welled up in her eyes as she grasped the man's clothes fervently, pleading. Take a good look at me! How can you forget who I am? Elias!"

Rosie, who was on the bed, witnessed this, and her heart raced. She exchanged a meaningful glance with her brother, Taylor, silently urging him to separate Amanda from Elias.

Taylor approached Amanda from behind, coughed softly, and whispered, “Don't forget our agreement.”

Of course, I remember!

However, Elias seems to have completely erased my existence from his memory, gazing at me like a total stranger.

"If you don't tell me who you are, how am I supposed to recognize you?" Elias replied. There was no recollection of this woman in his mind, but he was troubled by an unexplained headache.

Amanda, on the other hand, found herself unable to utter a single word. Her tears flowed uncontrollably as she stared into the man's unfamiliar eyes.

Suddenly, Elias head throbbed painfully, and he felt unsteady on his feet. He instinctively held his forehead.

Rosie panicked and exclaimed, "Eli, are you okay?"

The next moment, Amanda reached out to support him, but Elias instinctively pulled his arm away. saying. "It's alright, thank you."

Amanda looked at her rejected hand and couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh.

This man had truly forgotten her, completely erasing her from his memory, yet he remembered the woman he despised the most, Rosie. What a big joke.

"Elias! How can you forget me? How can you just... Amanda's emotional state completely collapsed, and she angrily shouted at him. "Let's go outside for a moment." Taylor stepped forward to pull her away.

Bet Amanda's eyes were fixed on the man as if he wanted to see through him.

Elias, despite Amanda's emotional outburst, remained unresponsive.

Taylor decided to forcefully escort her out of the ward. After the door closed, the room was left with only Elias and Rosie.

"Eli, are you okay?"

mine. Who was that woman just now? She cursed you to death, and you don't care?"

Fosiy put on a gentle and innocent smile again. "Amanda was in a bad mood today. She's not usually like this. Please don't be upset.

Ehas scoffed. You're quite carefree. She cursed you, and you're still speaking up for her."

Rosie displayed an innocent smile and patted her own head,

In the corridor.

Facing Ananda, who was struggling to control her emotions, Taylor said, "Didn't we agree that the bet would only count if he recognizes you without you saying anything?" Amanda burst into tears, leaning against the wall and slowly sliding down.

She still didn't want to believe that Elias had forgotten about her, treating her like a total stranger without any hesitation.

When a beautiful woman cried, it always evoked sympathy in others, especially with Arnanda's tearful and pitiable appearance. Taylor squatted down, wanting to console her. However, he realized that Amanda's current suffering was all due to his sister.

"If you give up now. I'll consider..."

Taylor hadn't finished his sentence, and Amanda suddenly raised her head. "Why should I give up I haven't said anything yet. I still have a chance. Besides, it's said that he has amnesia, so it's normal for him to forget me."

She wanted to show these shameless siblings that even if Elias had amnesia, he could still fall in love with her again. Their remarriage was not just because of their child.

"Why are you so stubborn? He's already like that, so how can he still like you? He treats you as a total stranger now. Why won't you believe a man's true nature?" Taylor was starting to lose patience. This woman was too stubborn.

Amanda sneered, "True nature? What true nature? He has amnesia now, and he has completely forgotten about hating your sister."

In the evening.

Elias wanted to take Rosie out to eat, and Amanda insisted on joining, saying. "I want to go too."

"Amanda, you...

Elias looked at Amanda. Although he didn't dislike her approaching him, he still refused, "I didn't say I would take you with me." Dealing with one woman was already troublesome enough, so Elias didn't want to deal with another one who had suddenly appeared.

aid I want to go with you. Aren't you curious about who I am?" Amanda met the man's dark eyes.

Rosie felt uneasy for some reason. Every time Amanda appeared, she couldn't help but feel anxious.

Elías is taking me out for some sushi. You probably don't like them."

"Who said that? I love it. Besides, I'm hungry too. Let's go."

Amanda got into the car, fastened her seatbelt, and looked at Rosie in the front seat. "Just take me out for a meal It should be fine, right?"

This time, Rosie had nothing to say. She looked at Elias beside her, hoping he would ask Amanda to get out of the car.

But Elial seemed indifferent. He started the car and slowly merged onto the road.


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Chapter 443 I'm Your Wife

Soon, they arrived at the restaurant

Actually. Arnanda didn't really like sushi. She simply wanted to spend more time with Elias.

She had gone to great lengths to escape from Symeon-that perverted man-only to meet Elias.

Yet. Elias seemed to have forgotten entirely about her.

After entering the private lounge, Amanda saw Rosie sitting obediently next to Elias.

That used to be Amanda's place. Rosie was sitting there on purpose.

At this moment, he got up and went to the restroom, leaving only the two women in the private lounge

Amanda walked up to Rosie and said. "You sit across from me. I want to sit here."

"Why?" Rosie asked innocently. Her eyes made Amanda feel sick.

Everyone knew how malicious Rosie was, yet she was pretending to be innocent.

"Do you want me to expose the truth right now? I'm willing to play along with you and your brother, but that doesn't mean I have to do it this way, Amanda said.

If worse comes to worst, she would just spill the truth to Elias and let him deal with it himself.

Rosie reluctantly got up and sat across from Amanda.

After a while, Elias returned, only to see Amanda sitting next to his seat. He narrowed his eyes slightly.

hesitated for a moment before walking over to sit next to Rosie.

was happy. She used to be afraid that he would reject her. Now, Elias had become closer to her.

Amanda watched and clenched her fists under the table.

He looked at Amanda's face and said straightforwardly, "You're a woman yourself. Can't you respect each other

Amanda couldn't help but laugh, feeling a bit desolate. She said. "Don't you want to know what kind of relationship we have?" o

"Tell me has said calmly, seeming uninterested.

Rose panicked and looked at Elias with a frightened expression. "Eli, L."

"What's wrong?" Elias asked.

My wound suddenly hurts. I just recalled that I can't eat sushi. Maybe we should go to another restaurant."

Even she herself found that excuse ridiculous.

Amanda laughed, knowing exactly what Rosie was afraid of.

Although he acted as if he didn't care about Amanda. Rosie nonced a bit of anticipation in his eyes

Amanda said, "If you want to change, go ahead. I'll stay

Rose looked at him with anticipation.

To her surprise, he said, "They don't only serve sushi You can eat something else."

Now that he was going to stay, the speechless Rosie had a hunch that he still had feelings for Amanda

After finishing the meal, Amanda didn't say a word to them anymore. Elias also remained silent.

Throughout the whole time, Rosie was the only person talking. He would occasionally respond with succinct remarks.

After arriving at the hotel, the three of them had rooms on the same floor.

The elevator chimed when its door slowly opened.

Rosie arrived at her room first. She inwardly cursed the receptionist for giving her the nearest room from the elevator.

"Eli, I'll head in first," she said.

"Okay, go ahead, Elias said before he walked toward the end of the corridor. His room was further ahead. Amanda didn't even spare a glance at Rosie and walked straight ahead.

Rosie stood by the door, watching them leave.

haswas tall, and Amenda was slender. They were a perfect match, which made Rosie jealous to the point of madness.

When the duo made a turn at the corner at the same time, Rosie's chest tightened.

Amadda walked ahead, with Elias following closely behind her.

Are our ecoms right next to each other?

When she finally stopped, the footsteps behind her also stopped.

She turned around to see him standing in place, waiting to see her enter her room.

"What's the matter? Do you want to come into my room?" Amanda asked.

Elias chuckled softly. "I want to know what kind of relationship we have."

He wanted to know what made this woman burst into tears as soon as she met him today.

Amanda's smile gradually faded. She turned around and approached him while looking into his dark eyes. "Before answering that question, you have to answer mine first.

He was silent, waiting for her question.

"Have you fallen in love with Rosie after losing your memory?" Her voice was choking.

She stared right into his eyes. If he said yes, whatever she was going to say would be meaningless.

Amanda was afraid at this moment. She was really afraid that Elias would fall in love with another woman after losing his memory.

Even if she told him the truth and he came back to her, it would only be for the sake of their child.

"Does this have anything to do with the relationship between you and me? Is it important?" he asked. "It's importar. You have to answer me. She stared at his face.

He didn't know how to answer that question.

Rosie claimed herself to be my girlfriend. If I say that I didn't love her, won't that make me a sc*mbag?

The truth was, he didn't feel anything for Rosie, let alone the memories they had in the past,

"I refuse to answer, Elias said.

He lost his memories, hence the vigilance. Many people would take advantage of his amnesia to confuse him.

Amanda smiled. "If I say that I'm your wife, will you believe me?"

His dark eyes flickered with surprise, but his expression quickly regained its indifference.

Before he recovered his memories, there would probably be more women coming to claim to be his wife.

What evidence do you have?"

She smiled faintly. "You can investigate it. I have nothing to be afraid of. We also have a son

Elias deep eyes were instantly stirred up like a raging wave. He spoke in a deep voice, "Are you saying we're married:"

I don't know how Rosie described your relationship, but you better stay away from her. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless to you when you recover your memories. You're very confident.

"Of course, haven't done anything wrong, so I have nothing to fret. Unlike Rosie, who only knows how to play innocent. I only speak with facts" Amanda mentioned Rosie with disdain.


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Chapter 444 If You Miss Me at Night

Amanda opened the door, ready to enter her room.

She stopped and turned back to look at Elias behind her. "This is my room. If you miss me ai night, you can come find me"

Then, she entered the room and closed the door

He sneered as he found it ridiculous.

He then entered his room, which was abutting to hers.

It was a coincidence that their rooms were next to each other.

The moment Amanda entered the room, she shed her disguise. Leaning against the door, she slowly slid down and cried.

The way he looked at her with those unfamiliar eyes pained her, causing her tears to flow in controllably.

Why did it turn out like this? When will he be able to recover his memory?

Suddenly, her phone rang. Amanda picked up her phone and glanced at it. It was Aiden calling front -Esmos.

She quickly wiped away her tears and calmed herself before answering the call.

"Sweetie, what's wrong? Did you miss me?"

"Mommy, I don't want to eat that. Mr. Lawrence is forcing me to eat it. I hate it."

sat on the carpet and smiled. "You need the nutrients, sweetheart. How else will you grow

But don't want to eat fried eggs. I want to eat pasta. The egg-fried rice you made when we were at Dad house was delicious"

She sighed softly. "Could you pass the phone to Symeon? I need to talk to him."

"Okay, Mommy. I'll pass the phone to him."

This little guy is really smart.

She heard the sound of Aiden running to Symeon.

Aiden sid Symeon, "Mr. Lawrence, Mommy wants to talk to you."

This little guy is really clever, Symeon thought.

mediately after, Amanda heard Symeon's voice from the phone. "Is he calling to complain to you?

Not ally; it's just that Aiden doesn't like the food. You shouldn't force him to eat it."

Symeon coldly laughed. "You've already abandoned hum, so why do you care about what he cats? I am his guardian, and I am responsible for his diet and daily life. This is all part of the nutritionist's meal plan."

"What do you mean by 'abandoned him? Are you willing to let me take him? Besides, your father and hance don't accept me at all Amanda's anger surged up Why are men so annoying?

Symeon spoke, and his tone was full of sarcasm. If you really love Aiden, you should beg me to keep you by my side and not turn away to leave."

Your Amanda had many harsh words she wanted to say, but she held them back. After all. Aiden was still in Symeon's hands

Before this, she was afraid that Symeon would think that Aiden was his own child

Now, she was afraid that he would torture Aiden after realizing that Aiden was not his child.

Thus, before she and Elias could rescue Aiden, she hoped that Symeon wouldn't discover this secret and would treat Allen well.

"Let's stop this argument. It's pointless. Anyway, if you have even a tiny bit of guilt toward Aiden, treat him better. He's just a bit picky about food. Why are you so harsh on him? Or is your family too poor to buy food? If you can't afford it, send him back to me."

"You have wild imaginations. Why would I return my son to you? Dream on." He hung up the phone

sctly, not giving Amanda a chance to retort.

She couldn't understand why Symeon was so angry. Didn't he want Aiden? Now that Aiden is with him, why is he so angry! What right does he have to be angry? left everything under his control?

Her phone rang again. She quickly picked it up, thinking it was Aiden calling back.

To her dismay, it wasn't.

It was Yacob calling. He was probably getting bored at the hospital.

answered the call, "Yacob"


"How is it? Have you seen Mr. Winters? How is he now?

**I saw him. He wake up, but he hasn't fully recovered"

"Really Thark great! Tell him what happened to Aiden and ask him to save the young boy." He sounded exted as if he had found hope.

Amanda let out a helpless laugh. "But he lost his memories. He doesn't remember anything, not even me."

He exploded in anger. What the hell? He lost his memories? How could this be? He doesn't remember anyone; Not even you? Has he forgotten about me too?

"What do you think? If he doesn't remember me and Aiden, will he remember you? Whenever he looks at me, it's ake he's looking at a stranger

"What should we do? He needs to recover his memory quickly. What should we do about Aiden?"

Im thinking of a way. Just focus on your recovery until your injuries are almost healed before returning to the country."

Even if they let them return to the country now, they probably couldn't take a plane. They would have to erature a flight of more than ten hours with their injuries, which would be unbearable.

Treally want to fly back to the country now and tell Mr. Winters everything

She stopped him "But you can't. Your leg is still broken, and it will take at least a hundred days to recover from the injuries. Just take care of yourself"

"But what about Aiden' I'm worried!"

Amanda knew Yacob was worried. She was equally in distress.

However, what could they do about it? She couldn't fight against Symeon at all. Likewise, Yacobs had given it a shot and ended up miserably.

"At least for now, Symeon thinks Aiden is his son, so he won't do anything to Aiden. He might even spoil him, but we live to save Aiden before Symeon discovers the truth."

"We gotta think of a way to help Mr. Winters recover his memory."

"I know, I'm thinking of a way. I asked the doctor. He said that Elias is not in a state for any stimulation. right now. It could cause emotional instability. There are blood clots in his brain, which is dangerous" Yacob fell silent for a long time, seeming to be trapped in a dead end with no way out.

Meanwhile, Elias lay on the bed after taking a shower. As soon as he closed his eyes, Amanda appeared in his mind for some reason.

He opened his eyes, not knowing why he was thinking of that woman.

The words Amanda said before entering her room echoed in his ears. This is my room. If you miss me at night, you can come find me."

Now, he was was thinking about her.


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Chapter 445 You Want To See Me?

Elias had trouble sleeping once he remembered Amanda's face.

Her tearful face kept appearing in his mind. It was beautiful and lovely at the same time.

He couldn't help but wonder what kind of relationship he had with her and the reason why he couldn't remember anything about her.

He tried hard to search for memories of Amanda in his mind, but his head started to ache. The slight pain turned into a sharp, stabbing pain. When he couldn't bear it anymore, he took a painkiller and finally fel some relief.

Every time he tried to retrieve his lost memories, his head would ache terribly, so he couldn't continue his attempt..

The next day, Rosie arrived at Elias' door early in the morning and rang the doorbell. However, nobody answered the door even after she waited for a long time.

What's going on? Could he have gone out without me? But that's impossible! He only came here to accompany me. Hell never leave this place alone.

Suddenly, somebody opened the door. Elias walked out of the room.

A smile immediately appeared on Rosie's face. "Eli, I thought you weren't inside your room. What takes you so long to answer the door?"

"Oh, I was changing."

So, where are we going today? It's been a while since I got to relax."

Before Elias could speak, someone in the next roona opened the door. He couldn't help but look over. After he finally fell asleep last night, he began to dream about the owner of the next room in his sleep. Ananda walked out of her room. She was wearing a black spaghetti-strap dress, which easily showed off her curves. Her long and curly hair hung loose behind her shoulders.

She looks like she's going to a nightclub instead of going for a walk. Elias frowned unhappily at the idea, although he didn't know where the emotion came from.

The mere sight of Amanda walking out of the room next door already made Rosie furious. Amanda's outfit only enraged Rosie even more. She's shameless!

Feeling the pair's gaze on her, Amanda casually began, "Don't mind me. I'm not planning to go with you today. I have some personal matters to attend to. You guys have fun without me." Alter she hooked a slender finger around the chain of her bag as she walked toward the elevator. Elias sneered and mocked, "And you need to dress like that for personal matters?" Amanda stopped in her tracks as a smile formed on her lips. He finally took the bait. As long as he still cares about me, there's a chance for him to remember everything. She spun around and met his eyes. "Who do you think you are? You have no right to interfere with my

lite. Since you don't remember things, you have no control over me. Of course, I won't miss the opportunity to mess around."

Then, she walked toward the elevator without looking back. The elevator doors happened to open at the time The passenger walked out, and she walked inside.

Elias and Rosie remained in the corridor as they watched her receding figure.

Rosie clenched her skirt tightly with both hands because she saw anger burning in Elias' eyes. Even though she had no idea what it was about, she had a feeling that Elias might regain his memory if he came across Amanda again

"Eli, are you okay?"

"What is my relationship with her? She's pushing my buttons. Do you really not know her?" Withdrawing his gaze, Elias turned to Rosie.

"I-I don't know her that well"

"You don't? But you know her name, don't you?" Rosie seems quite familiar with Amanda before, but why is she denying it now?

Rosie was at a loss for words. There's no right answer to his question. What exactly should I say about Amanda?

"She's the legal consultant of your company, That's all I know."

Elias fell silent at her simple answer.

For the rest of the day, Elias accompanied Rosie to various places. However, he seemed absent-minded the

sole time, as though he was deep in thought.

In the evening. Rosię suggested they have dinner together, but he refused. He excused himself by telling her that he wanted to rest. Therefore, he went straight back to the hotel. Roste ate alone inthe hotel's restaurant, extremely upset by his refusal.

"What's wrong? What's with the long face? Who made you angry?

Taylor arrived at the hotel. He had a meeting with a client at noon and only returned to the hotel in the evening to his sister with a sour face. He couldn't help but wonder what happened.

Rosje had a displeased frown on her face. She immediately scolded her brother when she looked up at ham. "It' aft your fault! I asked you to keep her occupied and not let them meet each other, yet you insisted bn bringing her along. And your ridiculous theory is useless. I found that even though Elas can't remember her, he's clearly interested in her."

"Really seems like I underestimated her. Even when he can't remember anything, she still piques his

The fact that Amanda charmed Elias amazed Taylor. F at times like this, she can still pique his interest Could it be that Elias and Amanda are truly in love? Their marriage wasn't because of their child's sake but because of manual attraction, after all?

That's impossible. Elias left Amanda for another woman four years ago!

This my fault Even if I can distract her temporarily can't keep her here forever Sooner or later they meet each other not like they live on differs planers"

Rove felt more upset after getting scolded by her brother Now that Elias and Amanda had crossed paths with each other, they were getting closer day by day However, Rosie couldn't do anything to do then. Z wow jest chore white xx

Tim not giving up Fate has given me the chance I must seize it'

You're being paranoid Besides. Elias has yet to remember everything. If you want him to forget about Amanda completely, you have to make him tall in love with you. Even if he regains his memory later, he wont leave you because he has completely fallen in love with you

Rosie slowly raised her head. "But the problem here is to make him fall in love with me,"

Taylor didn't have a solution to that..

The siblings fell into silence; neither of them spoke

After returning to the hotel, Elias pondered for a moment outside his room. Instead of opening the door with his key card, he made a beeline for Amanda's room.

He hesitated for a long time at the door without ringing the doorbell. However, he didn't feel like going back to his room either.

The thought of Amanda going out in a dress like that made him angry.

all he needed to ing the doorbell. It rang, but there was no answer in the room. Is she not back yet? Or is she sleepy

Just as he turned ground to leave, the door opened unexpectedly. Amanda, still in the dress he saw this morning, look him with a puzzled expression. "What brings you here?" Before he could answer, she smiled. "Are you perhaps wanting to see me?


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Chapter 446

A shadow fell on Elias' face. "Why are you still wearing that dress? Do you like it that much?"

"It's none of your business. I'll wear whatever I want, Amanda said dismissively as she turned around and He followed her into the room. The door slowly closed behind them.

He accused, "You're the legal consultant of Winters Enterprise. Dressing like that will embarrass us."

The statement took her aback for a second. So, that was what Rosie told him. How shameless of her!

"Am I just a legal consultant to you?"

Elias furrowed his brows at her words, remembering that she claimed to be his wife.

If she's my wife, what about Rosie?

"I warn you, don't lie to my face. Tell me already, what is your relationship with me?"

Amanda sincered at his demanding attitude. "You don't believe what I say, but you believe Rosie's words. What's so different between us?"

She had a lot of pent-up anger. She was determined to find the marriage certificate when she returned to the Winters Estate, so she could show it to him to shut him up. However, the marriage certificate was nowhere to be found, as though it had disappeared into thin air.

Besides Rosie, she couldn't think of anyone else who would have taken it.

Elias continued in a deep voice, "You claimed to be my wife, but the first person I saw when I woke up after the accident was Rosie instead of you! Where were you?" Amanda couldn't bring herself to answer him. I can't tell him what happened to Aiden, can I? What if it worsens

his condition?

"Why aren't you saying anything? Do you have nothing to say?"

Elias turned around sharply and walked out of the room. He thought he was angry, but he didn't even know why.

As soon as he was in the corridor, he bumped into Rosie, who waited outside his room.

She had brought him dinner. Before she could knock on the door, she saw him come out of Amanda's room. She became furious instantly..

"Eli, what were you doing in her room? You told me you want to rest in your room! Why did you lie to me? Were you in her room the whole time?"

Rosie was overwhelmed by conflicting emotions. She was angry, afraid, and a little unsettled. She was afraid that Amanda's presence would trigger Elias' lost memories.

But Elias just glanced at her indifferently and said, "Mind your own business. Can't I have a chat with my legal consultant?"

Rosie didn't dare to yell at Elias. Frustrated, she went to Amanda's room and rang the doorbell.

Amanda opened the door to find Rosie outside her room. She immediately tried to close the door.

However, Rosie forcefully pushed the door open and walked into the room. "How dare a woman like you show up here? You weren't there for him after the accident. Now that I've taken care of him until he woke up, you had to come back and take him from me. How come there's such a shameless woman like you?"

"Are you done talking? If you're done, then get out." Amanda had no time for Rosie.

Her attitude provoked Rosie. Grabbing Amanda's arm, Rosie snarled, "Then, tell me, why weren't you by Eli's side when he was in the hospital? You must know he was seriously injured! Where did you go?" "Why would I tell you? You have no right to accuse me. Moreover, why did you steal our marriage certificate? Can you replace me and become his wife just like that?"

Rosie felt a little guilty, but she put up a tough front. "I didn't take it. Just because you can't find it doesn't mean I stole it. You're delusional."

At that, she turned around to leave. This time, Amanda grabbed her arm. "Rosie, Elias will never be yours. Even though he loses his memories, you will never turn his head. If you don't believe me, try it." Rosie's heart trembled, feeling extremely anxious. She pulled her arm out of Amanda's grasp and left the room in haste as if a wild beast was chasing after her.

The door closed with a thud. Rosie quickly walked toward her room. She used the key card to enter the room. It was only then that her racing heart gradually calmed down.

If I allow this, Elias will eventually remember everything. No, this isn't going to happen! I finally got an opportunity to be close to Elias. I won't let it slip away.

So, she grabbed her bag and took out the paternity test results, which she stole from Winters Estate. It stated that Elias wasn't the biological father of the child. When she first read the results, she was shocked.

Elias isn't the child's father, yet Amanda dares to let him raise the child for her!

She even suspected that the car accident had to do with the paternity test results while Amanda was absent during that time, probably because Elias kicked her out.

But now she shows up again. It contradicted Rosie's theory. If the boy isn't Elias child, why is Amanda so eager to get Eli's memories back? After all, no good will come to her if he remembers everything. No, I can't sit here watching things unfold. I must do something

Clenching the results in her hand, Rosie decided to talk to Elias.

Elias returned to his room. He couldn't get Amanda's face out of his mind, nor could he forget the black dress that frustrated him

Is she only the company's legal consultant? Then what's the truth behind her claim of being my wife? Among the two,

The sudden ringing of the doorbell interrupted his thoughts.

He opened the door impatiently, only to see Rosie standing outside. He furrowed his brows at the sight of her. "Can we talk tomorrow?"

He wanted to close the door, but Rosie stopped him. "Eli, I have something important to tell you. It's about Amanda."

"What is it?"

Sure enough. He can't resist learning more about Amanda. Rosie was green with envy at the idea. It also strengthened her determination to do what she was about to do, even though she was worried that her announcement would worsen Elias' condition earlier. Here goes nothing.

"Can we talk inside?"

Elias stepped aside, allowing her to walk into the room.

After closing the door, he turned to her. "What is it? Tell me.

He was indeed interested in Amanda now. He was eager to know what their relationship was before he lost. his memory.

Rosie put on her best innocent look again. Her doe eyes were fixed on his face as she began, "Eli, I lied when you asked me about Amanda's relationship with you today."


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Chapter 447 Elias Fainted Again

A flicker of astonishment appeared in his dark eyes, and he couldn't wait to find out the answer.

"So, what exactly is her relationship with me? Speak up!

"Eli, believe me, I'm doing all this for your good. I truly don't want you to be hurt. I'm afraid the truth might overwhelm you. 1-

"Enough with the excuses! Spit it out! What's the real story?"

Elias sensed he was edging closer to the truth, his curiosity driving him to uncover the connection between him and Amanda.

"I-I'm not sure where to begin exactly. The relationship between you two is complicated. It's too complicated for me to explain in a few words"

"Well, then take your time and start from the beginning. I've got time now, so spill it!"

Elias was getting impatient with Rosie's tearful demeanor, but he had to suppress his anger because he wanted to uncover the truth. Rosie noticed his impatience and intentionally stretched the suspense. She took a paternity test from her bag and handed it to him.

"Eli, have a look at this first. After you've read it, try not to get too worked up. Let me explain everything slowly..."

With a puzzled expression, Elias took the paternity test and quickly flipped to the last page. As his eyes fell upon his

name, his dark pupils abruptly contracted. When he reached the test result, his handsome face was filled with shock..

"What is this? What does this mean? Whose child is this? Mine? Then, why doesn't the paternity match?" A throbbing sensation crept into his head, but he gritted his teeth and determined to suppress it. He wanted Rosie to lay out the events that transpired before his memory loss.

"Eli, this is a bit of a long story. It has to start from your relationship with Amanda..."

"Just get to the point already!" he exclaimed in frustration.

Rosie trembled slightly. Despite her awareness of how terrifying his anger could be, she was taken aback by his outburst.

Summoning a deep breath, she said, "Here's what happened. Your late grandfather coerced you into a marriage with a woman, but you didn't want to. In a desperate move, he threatened to die if you defied his wishes. Therefore, you ended up marrying her. However, you never liked her initially, so you divorced her after a year of marriage. Four years later, that woman suddenly returned from abroad with a child, claiming you as the father. You decided to take responsibility and care for them, but then you got into a car accident. After the accident, that woman and the child disappeared together. You were lying in the hospital unconscious for a long time when I found you. The doctors said you might become a vegetable, yet you thankfully regained consciousness.

Although Rosie didn't explicitly state who the woman was, Elias comprehended the truth.

"So, that woman is Amanda, and this paternity test concerns me and that child. After my accident, she appeared with the child, only to return when she knew about my amnesia. Is that right?"

Rosie remained silent and nodded.

Abruptly, a wave of dizziness swept over him, coupled with an intense headache. When she saw him, his mind flooded with images of Amanda's tearful eyes. Was it all an act?

Elias took two steps back, and the paternity test fell onto the carpet. An explosion seemed to rupture his mind, and his nose started to bleed. Then, he collapsed backward, engulfed by darkness as consciousness slipped away.

"El Rosie was truly frightened by this scene. Her eyes widened as she hurried over to help him up. However, she realized he had completely lost consciousness, Tears welled up in her eyes as she cried out, "Eli, don't scare me. I was wrong. I shouldn't have told you this."

Although the doctor had warned her not to provoke his emotions, she couldn't control herself.

No matter how she called out to him, he remained unresponsive. Trembling, she retrieved her phone andi dialed 911 before reaching out to her brother, Taylor, who was also lodged in the same hotel.

On the other end of the phone, Taylor was about to go to sleep and lazily asked, "What's up? What's going on now? Can't you let me get some rest?"

"Taylor, please come quickly! Elias has fainted, and he's bleeding from his nose. I don't know what's going on. Taylor... please hurry..."

"What? What's wrong? Hang on, I'm coming right away!"

In the next room.

After taking a shower and changing into her pajamas. Arnanda heard a woman's distraught cries coming from the neighboring room..

Isn't that Elias' room? Why is there a woman crying? Is it Rosie?

Moments later, she caught the sound of the next room's door being opened, and Rosie's cries grew more pronounced.

Amanda's eyes widened in alarm; something was definitely amiss.

Tossing her blanket aside, she hastily slipped on the hotel slippers and hurried outside. As she swung her door open, the sight of Taylor supporting an unconscious Elias caught her off guard. "What's going on? What the hell is going on?"

Rosie, who had been standing there all along, could only cry inconsolably.

Supporting Elias' body, Taylor responded, "Don't ask too much for now. Let's quickly take him to the hospital. It might take a while for the ambulance to arrive, even after dialing 911. Let's take him to the hospital ourselves."

Mada pushed aside the sobbing Rosie and walked over to Elias to offer her support.

Working together, Amanda and Taylor struggled to guide the unconscious Elias into the elevator

In the late hours, inside the hospital

By the time Elias was wheeled out of the emergency room, the clock had struck 1am.

Amanda stepped forward to question the doctor as she asked, "Doctor, how is he? Is he alright?"

"For the time being, his condition is stable. However, we need to conduct a brain CT scan. I've noticed several injuries on his body. Has he been involved in a recent car accident?" the doctor inquired Amanda nodded, "Yes, indeed, there is a blood clot in his head. And what about the nosebleed? Is it a cause for concern?"

"The nosebleed is likely due to his emotional distress and heightened stress levels. Try to avoid situations that could further agitate him emotionally or lead to head trauma. A blood clot in the brain can result in symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, and even loss of consciousness. As his family, you all should exercise caution and vigilance."

Although the doctor continued speaking. Amanda's attention slipped away.

After the doctor left, she turned to face Rosie, who had been crying beside her. Stepping closer, Amanda delivered a resounding slap across Rosie's face.

Stunned, Rosie clutched her cheek and looked incredulous. "How dare you slap me!"

"Are you out of your mind? How dare you slap my sister!" Taylor stepped forward and grabbed onto Amanda. Unfortunately, the slap had already landed, and it was heavy.

Amanda forcefully disentangled herself from Taylor's grasp and locked her fierce gaze on Rosie. "What did you say to Elias? Why did he suddenly turn like this? What kind of stress did you put him through"


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Chapter 448 You Actually Hit Me for Her

I didn't say anything, and I don't know why he turned out like this. Who do you think you are to slap me? When he was in the hospital needing care after the accident, where were you then? Now that he's regained consciousness, you come swooping in. You're the most shameless one around here!" Rosie roared at Amanda in anger.

Slap! Amanda delivered another sharp slap across Rosie's face.

"You know nothing! What's all this yelling about? Let me make this clear-if anything happens to Elias, you won't get away easily!" Amanda retorted fiercely.

"Enough, Amanda! If you slap her again, I won't stand by! Taylor intervened, firmly gripping Amanda's arm. He had witnessed his sister being slapped twice, yet he couldn't bring himself to raise his hand against a woman.

Amanda glared at him angrily. After breaking free from his grasp, she walked toward the direction of the ward without looking back. She was determined to find out what was afflicting Elias.

With a completely puzzled expression, Rosie stood in place as she watched Amanda storm off

"Taylor, why did she slap me? What right does she have to hit me? She was the one who abandoned Eli when he was unconscious. What gives her the right now?"

Taylor remained silent. Instead, he looked at her swollen cheek and said, "TII fetch an ice pack for you." As he walked away, Rosie inexplicably burst into laughter. The stillness of the hospital corridor only amplified the eerie undertone of her laughter.

I want to see if Elias will still be interested in Amanda after finding out all of this!

Inside the ward.

Amanda sat by the bed, watching the sleeping man. He looked pale, and his brows furrowed. It was as if he was having a nightmare.

She held his hand and noticed his furrowed brows gradually relaxing.

In his current state, she couldn't muster the courage to discuss Aiden's situation with him. Furthermore, Elias' injuries were far from fully healed. Considering a flight of several hours was unrealistic because he might faint halfway.

After an indeterminate period, Elias finally woke up. Slowly, he opened his deep, dark eyes.

This time, the first sight that greeted him upon waking was Amanda-the woman who claimed to be his wife.

Seeing Elias awaken, Amanda felt a surge of joy. "You're awake! How are you feeling? Any discomfort? I'll call the doctor for you."

As she was about to call for the doctor, Elias grabbed her delicate wrist and stared at her face intently. At that moment, all that echoed in his mind were the words Rosie had spoken and the haunting memory of the paternity test results.

He was utterly consumed by hatred!

It hurts... Amanda winced in pain as her wrist felt like it was being crushed, her brows furrowing.

Elias gritted his teeth and said, "Hurt? You do know what it feels like to be hurt, don't you? Have you ever considered my feelings? Do you realize how much pain I was in when I lay in the bed after the accident?"

Stunned, Amanda stared at the enraged man before her. She struggled to comprehend why Elias was so infuriated or what Rosie had said to provoke such a vehement reaction from him. "What did Rosie tell you?"

It had to be something Rosie had said. Otherwise, how could he be so provoked?

"Are you implying that what she said isn't true?"

"What exactly did she tell you? Tell me!" Amanda grappled with the urge to shout, mindful that he couldn't get emotionally agitated due to his severe injuries. However, control slipped through her fingers. At that moment, the door to the ward opened, and Rosie walked in.

"Eli... You guys...

Rosie froze in place. She couldn't comprehend the situation unfolding before her eyes.

On the other hand, Elias immediately noticed Rosie's swollen face, marked by a faint palm print. Who had slapped her?

"Who did this to your face?" His voice was hoarse and feeble.

Rosie turned her gaze toward Amanda and silently shook her head. "No one."

Following Rosie's gaze that led to Amanda's face, Elias was slightly taken aback. He asked, "Did you slap her?"

"So what if I did? Someone as shameless as her deserves it."

The next moment, Elias' palm landed on Amanda's face with a resounding slap. The sound echoed through the entire ward.

Taylor, who had walked in, was utterly stunned by the scene.

Rosie's initial astonishment quickly transformed into a smug smile. It seemed Elias had taken all her words to heart, and he believed them without a doubt.

How can Amanda possibly explain herself now? After all, the paternity test report is right there in black and white. There's no room for denial.

Amanda's face turned to the side. She didn't expect Elias to slap her.

Her eyes quickly welled up with tears as she gazed at Elias pale and handsome face through the mist. "You hit me for her! I can't believe that you actually hit me for her!"

"So what if I did! What right do you have to slap her? Look at what you've done! How dare you show up in front of me!" A fit of coughing punctuated his words.

His emotions were running so high that he aggravated its injuries. The coughing fir was so intense that it triggered a throbbing headache.

Lying on the bed, Elias held his forehead in anguish and made agonizing sounds

"calm down. You need to stay calm Rosie tried to soothe the agitated Elias

A cold sensation settled in her heart as Amanda observed this scene, and a bitter laugh escaped her lips

Without glancing back, she retreated slowly, turned around, and exited the ward

On the hospital bed, Elias continued to cough violently Despite the agony from his wounds and the throbbing in his head, his gaze remained locked on Amanda's figure until it vanished through the doorway His heart simmered with loathing as he ruminated on the contents of the paternity test report. Yet, paradoxically, he didn't want her to leave his sight. He didn't even know how to explam this conflicting and tangled emotion.

Taylor shifted his gaze between the bedridden Elias and Amanda's disheartened figure before stepping out to follow her.

Amanda made her way to the hospital garden and found a secluded corner to let her tears flow freely

Why do things turn out like this?

What should I do now? Is there anyone who can show me the next step? Elias can't bear further stress in his current state, and Yacob is still immobilized in the hospital. How can I possibly save Aiden on my own?

"Amanda... Don't be too sad. Elias is having amnesia, and he can't remember anything-

Taylor, who had followed her, couldn't help but offer a few words of comfort upon seeing her so crestfallen.

Amanda abruptly turned around and exclaimed, "Leave me alone! Stay far away from me! Isn't this all thanks to you and your sister? What right do you have to comfort me here? Disgusting! Are you proud of your sister's despicable behavior?"

Taylor remained silent. He, too, believed that Rosie had crossed the line. He had no idea what she had said to Elias to provoke him into slapping Amanda,

"I... I'm sorry."


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 449 Eli, I'm Begging You

"What's good does apologizing to me do? Can it bring back Elias' memories? I can't hear to see him get triggered. No matter what I say to him. I have to be careful and think twice, but what about your sister? She provoked him deliberately, making him pass out and end up hospitalized once again. Are you sure Rosie truly loves Elias? Does loving someone mean wanting to see them in excruciating pain? Are you Momsey siblings mentally deranged or what?!

Amanda vented all her anger at Taylor and stormed off.

Taylor wanted to catch up with her, afraid that she might do something reckless in her current emotional state. However, she turned around and yelled at him. "Get lost! Don't follow me!"

In the ward, Rosie tried to soothe Elias for a long time, but he still couldn't calm down. Finally, a doctor came and administered a sedative injection, which eventually helped him quiet down. She sat by the bedside, watching the man sleep peacefully. A smug smile crept onto her lips.

No matter how many slaps Rosie had received, she still wondered why the way Elias had hit Amanda for her earlier had been so cool.

It turned out that Elias could also stand up to other women for her.

This feeling was too blissful. She even wished to have this sense of happiness forever. However, to maintain this lasting sense of joy, she must get rid of Amanda. Otherwise, her current happiness will be undermined sooner or later.

"Eli, I am the one who loves you the most. You have to believe me."

Suddenly, the door to the ward swung open.

Rosie turned her head with an annoyed expression, only to find her brother, Taylor, standing there.

She pressed her index finger to her lips to signal him to be quiet, then got up and pulled him to the corridor outside the ward, closing the door behind them.

"What are you doing, Taylor? Eli is sleeping. Don't disturb him! He's had a tough day!"

"So, you do know he's tired. You know very well that he just experienced a major car accident. His injuries hadn't healed properly, yet he left the hospital. Besides, he still has blood clots in his brain, so he can't be triggered, and his emotions can't fluctuate too much. Despite all this, you still made him hospitalized again, at last! Rosie, sometimes I question whether you truly love Elias or not. Do you love him so much. that you want to see him in agony?"

Taylor had listened to every word Amanda said. He wondered if his sister's feelings for Elias were genuine love or mere possessiveness.

"What are you talking about. Taylor? How could I be the one who made Eli faint and be hospitalized. again? It was clearly because of Amanda!"

"Then, what exactly did you say to Elias? Why did he end up like this?" Taylor was genuinely curious. He had noticed that his sister became even gloomier after returning from the sanatorium.

"I didn't say anything. I just showed him the evidence, and he reacted like that after seeing it."

"What evidence?"

"Here, this is it. I found a paternity test report in the Winters Estate. Rosie handed the file folder to her brother.

Taylor received it with a skeptical look on his face. He pulled the paternity test report inside and quickly flipped to the last page. After reading the conclusive results, his eyes almost popped out of his head. "How is this possible? That child is not Elias? How could the child that Amanda gave birth to not be his?"

What man can endure such humiliation? How could he not be furious? Taylor wondered as he stared at the paternity test report in disbelief.

Upon seeing her brother's shocked expression, Rosie nodded innocently. "That's right. I don't want Elias to be deceived all this time. Maybe his car accident before was related to this paternity test."

"So, are you saying that Elias found out that the child was not his, leading to a complete fallout with Amanda, and that's why he had the car accident? Then, Amanda disappeared with the child. Now that Elias has amnesia, so that's why she returned?"

"That's how it seems for now. When we came to the hospital, there was no sign of Amanda at all.”

Taylor had nothing to say. He just couldn't understand how Amanda could do such a foolish thing. Given

intelligence, it didn't make sense for her to resort to such a crude scheme. How could she use someone else's child to manipulate Elias? It was only a matter of time before it was exposed.

Taylor just couldn't comprehend it. He was completely bewildered.

At this very moment, Amanda appeared alone in a nightclub, downing one glass of alcohol after another, attempting to drown her worries in alcohol..

"Miss, you really shouldn't drink anymore. You're already quite drunk."

"I'm not drunk. Just pour me another drink. I will pay you, don't worry."


"I said, pour me a drink!" Amanda shouted at the bartender, clearly already drunk.

The bartender had no choice but to pour her another glass of alcohol.

She gazed at the liquid in the glass, but the image of Elias slapping her came to her mind.

Huh... How ironic. The man she loved the most had slapped her across the face because of Rosie.

Even so, she still couldn't bring herself to let Elias experience distress. She was really afraid that he might die from it..

"Elias, oh Elias, you're so cruel to me. Whether it was four years ago or now, you're so heartless....

She took a sip of the alcohol and muttered to herself, "Four years ago, you didn't love me, so whatever you did to me was justified. But now, you claim to love me, yet you don't remember anything. Not only that. you even want to teach me a lesson for another woman. Tell me, how can you be so cruel to me? Despite all this, I still can't bear to hurt you."

Following that, she sobbed in pain, tears streaming down her cheeks like broken pearls.

Though several men approached her, wanting to strike up a conversation, she ignored them completely She just buried her head and focused on drinking, letting the alcohol numb her senses.

She didn't know how long she had been drinking. Eventually, she was so drunk that she could hardly walk straight

Amanda staggered out of the nightclub on her own, leaning against the wall for support. She didn't know where she was headed and had forgotten where the hotel was.

It was already late at night, and she waited for what felt like an eternity, but no cabs were in sight.

Amanda could only stroll by herself, though she didn't notice two familiar figures walking toward her.

"Eli, you should go back to the hospital. It's hazardous like this. You fainted again tonight. Eli, I'm begging you. Go back to the hospital and stay there!"

After waking up, Elias insisted on leaving the hospital, and no one could stop him. Rosie could only follow him out of the hospital.

Suddenly, Elias came to a halt. Rosie also stopped when she noticed his pause and followed his gaze to the front, only to see a heavily drunk Amanda. How coincidental it was that they bumped into Amanda everywhere they went.

Amanda was swaying while leaning against the wall. Every step she took could lead to a fall.

Elias looked at her drunken state, and the lingering hatred in his heart burst forth again. He decided to ignore her and walk past her. Unexpectedly, at this moment, two young men walked out of the nightclub and stared at Amanda for a long time, preparing to approach her.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 450 She Vomited on Rosic

Amanda's eyes were unfocused as she weakly leaned against the wall, swaying unsteadily.

Two young men approached Amanda, both realizing that she was drunk and defenseless. Thus, they surrounded her.

"Hey there, beauty, where are you going? How about we take you home? Look at you; you're so drunk" "Yeah, where are you going? We'll give you a ride"

Amanda looked up at the two people before her but couldn't see clearly. All she saw were multiple blurry. images. She shook her head, trying to focus, but still couldn't discern their features.

"Get lost!" She tried to shoo them away with a feeble wave of her arm, though the guys interpreted it as flirtation.

They immediately grabbed her delicate arm and tried to take her away.

Although Amanda struggled to break free, her drunkenness made her powerless. Even if she yelled and cursed, it had no impact.

"What the hell are you doing? Let go of me! If you don't let go, I'll call the police! Back off!"

"Miss, you're in no shape to be alone like this. How can we trust you to walk on your own? Of course, we're going to be your knights in shining armor."

The two men pulled Amanda toward a car parked at the roadside, clearly intending to drag her into the car and take her away.

Initially, Elias didn't want to get involved in this matter, but witnessing the scene, he couldn't help but meddle.

Rosie had been silently observing his expression, wondering if he still had any feelings for Amanda in this state of frustration.

"Eli, let's go back to the hospital. Please, I'm begging you, Rosie spoke up.

However, Elias didn't even spare her a glance. His gaze remained locked onto Amanda as the two men dragged her toward the car, seemingly ready to bundle her inside.

Elias thought he could just stand by and watch. What pity did he have for a woman who betrayed him? Moreover, the thought of the paternity test made his blood boil and put his mind on the verge of explosion as well.

Yet, when he saw Amanda about to be forcibly taken into the car by the two men, his body acted before his mind. He quickly walked to the side of the road and pulled Amanda into his arms.

Upon seeing Elias' intervention, the two men, who were about to succeed, panicked at the sight. How could someone else be snatching their prey?.

"What the hell are you doing? How dare you snatch her? We spotted her first!"

"Yeah, that's right! Who do you think you are, bud? What right do you have to steal our woman?"

Amanda, who was drunk as a skunk, was yanked so suddenly that her head spun. Her woozy state led her to instinctively grasp onto the man's tall body and lean against his chest. She slowly raised her head just enough to glimpse his proud chin.

Who is this? She wondered, but she couldn't see clearly as her vision blurred. That sharp jolt left her feeling dizzy, and a sensation of nausea surged.

"What do you mean, who am I? She's my wife. Do you have anything else to say?"

Elias had been suppressing his anger, and now he had the perfect opportunity to vent it on these two men who had provoked him.

The two men were speechless and looked at each other before returning to Elias. "What evidence do you have to prove that she's your wife? How can you make your wife drink herself into a stupor? What kind of good husband are you?"

This remark successfully angered Elias. He pushed Amanda, who was in his arms, behind Rosie and instructed. "Take care of her."

Then he took off his jacket and tossed it into Rosie's arms. Immediately after, he kicked one of the men swiftly, causing him to scream in pain as he toppled over. The scene attracted a crowd of onlookers. Rosie supported the drunk Amanda. She wanted to push her aside in disdain, but Amanda couldn't stand steady.

Rosie didn't care about Amanda's condition, as she was only worried about Elias getting hurt. He had already been through so much emotional turmoil tonight, and now he was fighting again. This could end badly.

"Eli, stop it! Don't fight anymore! Don't you understand your condition? You can't be fighting! Eli!" Rosie shouted. However, no matter how Rosie called out to him, Elias ignored her. He relentlessly pummeled the two troublemakers, venting his pent-up rage.

Meanwhile, Amanda couldn't hold back her nausea and began to retch uncontrollably. When she was just about to throw up, Rosie steered her toward a nearby tree, exclaiming. "Don't you dare puke on me. If you dare puke on me, we are so done!"


Unable to hold back, Amanda ended up vomiting all over Rosie, and she even used Rosie's clothes to wipe herself clean afterward.

Rosie stared in disbelief, her eyes wide open. No one had ever dared to vomit on her before, yet now she was covered in alcohol-soaked vomit.

"Ah!!! Amanda Bailey!"

Rosie promptly shoved Amanda to the side, causing Amanda to hit the tree. She clung to the tree tightly. her face marked with confusion. "Where am I? I want to go home... I want to sleep. I'm so tired..."

It was unclear how long the fight had gone on, but Elias finally ceased his assault. He stopped not because he had had enough; rather, his head was starting to hurt.

Elias walked to the tree, grabbed Amanda's collar, and angrily commanded, "Move! Go back home!"

"I want to go home... I want to sleep...

"I swear, I wish I could just strangle you!" If it weren't for the fact that she used to be his woman, he wouldn't have given a d'mn about this mess tonight.

The mere thought of the paternity test drove him to a point where he could hardly control his desire to destroy her.

With lingering resentment, Rosie followed behind them. Why did it always come to this? Even at this moment, she had no choice but to trail behind them.

Once they were back at the hotel, Elias first paused in front of Rosie's room. "Just go to sleep. It's getting late."

"Eli, maybe I should accompany Amanda for a bit since she's in this state."

Elias glanced at the vomit on Rosie's clothes and retorted, "Are you sure you want to parade around covered in vomit? Isn't that gross? Go wash up. Her room is right next to mine, not far at all" With that, he took hold of Amanda and led her down the corridor.

Full of resentment, Rosie stood still and watched the attractive pair leave. She clenched her fists and looked down at the vomit on her clothes.

Why was she the only one in such a miserable state? Amanda was truly going overboard! She actually threw up all over her!

Rosie looked at the vomit on her clothes, nearly feeling nauseated herself. She quickly swiped her card to return to her room for a shower. She had no intention of wearing these clothes for another second.

On the other side, Elias, gripping Amanda by her collar, looked disgusted as he arrived at her room. He took out the room key from her bag and unlocked the door.

He pushed her into the room and was about to leave, but Amanda grabbed his arm urgently. "Don't go...... Don't go...

Elias looked at her coldly, then dragged her into the room and threw her onto the bed before turning to leave.


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Jun 22, 2024
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Chapter 450 She Vomited on Rosic

Amanda's eyes were unfocused as she weakly leaned against the wall, swaying unsteadily.

Two young men approached Amanda, both realizing that she was drunk and defenseless. Thus, they surrounded her.

"Hey there, beauty, where are you going? How about we take you home? Look at you; you're so drunk" "Yeah, where are you going? We'll give you a ride"

Amanda looked up at the two people before her but couldn't see clearly. All she saw were multiple blurry. images. She shook her head, trying to focus, but still couldn't discern their features.

"Get lost!" She tried to shoo them away with a feeble wave of her arm, though the guys interpreted it as flirtation.

They immediately grabbed her delicate arm and tried to take her away.

Although Amanda struggled to break free, her drunkenness made her powerless. Even if she yelled and cursed, it had no impact.

"What the hell are you doing? Let go of me! If you don't let go, I'll call the police! Back off!"

"Miss, you're in no shape to be alone like this. How can we trust you to walk on your own? Of course, we're going to be your knights in shining armor."

The two men pulled Amanda toward a car parked at the roadside, clearly intending to drag her into the car and take her away.

Initially, Elias didn't want to get involved in this matter, but witnessing the scene, he couldn't help but meddle.

Rosie had been silently observing his expression, wondering if he still had any feelings for Amanda in this state of frustration.

"Eli, let's go back to the hospital. Please, I'm begging you, Rosie spoke up.

However, Elias didn't even spare her a glance. His gaze remained locked onto Amanda as the two men dragged her toward the car, seemingly ready to bundle her inside.

Elias thought he could just stand by and watch. What pity did he have for a woman who betrayed him? Moreover, the thought of the paternity test made his blood boil and put his mind on the verge of explosion as well.

Yet, when he saw Amanda about to be forcibly taken into the car by the two men, his body acted before his mind. He quickly walked to the side of the road and pulled Amanda into his arms.

Upon seeing Elias' intervention, the two men, who were about to succeed, panicked at the sight. How could someone else be snatching their prey?.

"What the hell are you doing? How dare you snatch her? We spotted her first!"

"Yeah, that's right! Who do you think you are, bud? What right do you have to steal our woman?"

Amanda, who was drunk as a skunk, was yanked so suddenly that her head spun. Her woozy state led her to instinctively grasp onto the man's tall body and lean against his chest. She slowly raised her head just enough to glimpse his proud chin.

Who is this? She wondered, but she couldn't see clearly as her vision blurred. That sharp jolt left her feeling dizzy, and a sensation of nausea surged.

"What do you mean, who am I? She's my wife. Do you have anything else to say?"

Elias had been suppressing his anger, and now he had the perfect opportunity to vent it on these two men who had provoked him.

The two men were speechless and looked at each other before returning to Elias. "What evidence do you have to prove that she's your wife? How can you make your wife drink herself into a stupor? What kind of good husband are you?"

This remark successfully angered Elias. He pushed Amanda, who was in his arms, behind Rosie and instructed. "Take care of her."

Then he took off his jacket and tossed it into Rosie's arms. Immediately after, he kicked one of the men swiftly, causing him to scream in pain as he toppled over. The scene attracted a crowd of onlookers. Rosie supported the drunk Amanda. She wanted to push her aside in disdain, but Amanda couldn't stand steady.

Rosie didn't care about Amanda's condition, as she was only worried about Elias getting hurt. He had already been through so much emotional turmoil tonight, and now he was fighting again. This could end badly.

"Eli, stop it! Don't fight anymore! Don't you understand your condition? You can't be fighting! Eli!" Rosie shouted. However, no matter how Rosie called out to him, Elias ignored her. He relentlessly pummeled the two troublemakers, venting his pent-up rage.

Meanwhile, Amanda couldn't hold back her nausea and began to retch uncontrollably. When she was just about to throw up, Rosie steered her toward a nearby tree, exclaiming. "Don't you dare puke on me. If you dare puke on me, we are so done!"


Unable to hold back, Amanda ended up vomiting all over Rosie, and she even used Rosie's clothes to wipe herself clean afterward.

Rosie stared in disbelief, her eyes wide open. No one had ever dared to vomit on her before, yet now she was covered in alcohol-soaked vomit.

"Ah!!! Amanda Bailey!"

Rosie promptly shoved Amanda to the side, causing Amanda to hit the tree. She clung to the tree tightly. her face marked with confusion. "Where am I? I want to go home... I want to sleep. I'm so tired..."

It was unclear how long the fight had gone on, but Elias finally ceased his assault. He stopped not because he had had enough; rather, his head was starting to hurt.

Elias walked to the tree, grabbed Amanda's collar, and angrily commanded, "Move! Go back home!"

"I want to go home... I want to sleep...

"I swear, I wish I could just strangle you!" If it weren't for the fact that she used to be his woman, he wouldn't have given a d'mn about this mess tonight.

The mere thought of the paternity test drove him to a point where he could hardly control his desire to destroy her.

With lingering resentment, Rosie followed behind them. Why did it always come to this? Even at this moment, she had no choice but to trail behind them.

Once they were back at the hotel, Elias first paused in front of Rosie's room. "Just go to sleep. It's getting late."

"Eli, maybe I should accompany Amanda for a bit since she's in this state."

Elias glanced at the vomit on Rosie's clothes and retorted, "Are you sure you want to parade around covered in vomit? Isn't that gross? Go wash up. Her room is right next to mine, not far at all" With that, he took hold of Amanda and led her down the corridor.

Full of resentment, Rosie stood still and watched the attractive pair leave. She clenched her fists and looked down at the vomit on her clothes.

Why was she the only one in such a miserable state? Amanda was truly going overboard! She actually threw up all over her!

Rosie looked at the vomit on her clothes, nearly feeling nauseated herself. She quickly swiped her card to return to her room for a shower. She had no intention of wearing these clothes for another second.

On the other side, Elias, gripping Amanda by her collar, looked disgusted as he arrived at her room. He took out the room key from her bag and unlocked the door.

He pushed her into the room and was about to leave, but Amanda grabbed his arm urgently. "Don't go...... Don't go...

Elias looked at her coldly, then dragged her into the room and threw her onto the bed before turning to leave.
Bless you Immortal Gily


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 451 The Unforgettable Kiss

Elias turned around and looked at the woman in bed, watching her seizing his arm tightly. "Let go" He gritted his teeth.

I don't have time to waste with this woman. He grew increasingly frustrated as he was worried that his emotions would get the better of him and prompt him to kill.

"Please don't leave me, Elias. You can't treat me like this, Elias! Why are you doing this to me? Please don't go!

As annoyed as Elias felt, he couldn't shake off Amanda's hand. Thus, he suddenly turned around and pinched her chin hard. "Give me a reason then. Tell me why I can't treat you like that!"

You can't do this to me! Out of all the people who could have treated me like this, you shouldn't be the one! Please get well soon, okay? Aiden and I are waiting for you..."

Elias looked at the innocent look on Amanda's face while asking her more questions to find out what exactly was going on. "Who is the man that you were with?"

He was dying to know the man whom she cheated on him with. After all, he was piqued by his ego to see whether the man really deserved her more than he did..

In the meantime, Amanda could barely think straight at all because she was too drunk. Therefore, all she did was babble and repeat the same few sentences again and again. "Don't leave me, Elias. Please don't go...

Amanda soon fell asleep while babbling incoherently, seizing and resting on Elias' muscular arm.

Realizing that he wouldn't get any useful information, Elias tried to take his arm off Amanda and leave the room. Nevertheless, Amanda suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck and pecked his lips, catching the man off guard. At the same time, Amanda's unexpected reaction left Elias with his eyes wide open. Although he naturally tried to push her away, he couldn't bring himself to do that as her charm attracted him. This feeling when our lips are pressed against each other is strange. It feels like something that we used to do lot back then.

The next second, Elias cupped Amanda's face and planted a kiss on her lips without hesitation, biting them as if he were trying to punish her. Soon, the taste of blood began to sweep through their tongue as Amanda moaned in pain and shoved Elias away.

Meanwhile, Elias pushed Amanda onto the bed and left the room without looking back. After hearing the sound of the door being closed, Amanda continued lying on the bed and murmured to herself, "Ouch. that hurts, you prick!"

How could he bite me like that? Was it because I drank too much? Or because I was too tired? Amanda complained until she fell asleep.

On the other hand, Elias rushed out of the room with a confused mind. He was overwhelmed by an indescribable bad feeling for some reason, although he didn't know how to express it.

At the same time, Rosie returned to her room and quickly took a shower before changing her clothes. Also, she wanted to see whether Elias was in his room so that she could rest assured and stop overthinking.

"Eli! You..." Rosie walked closer to Elias, seeing him standing in the corridor with a strange expression on his face.

What happened? As Rosie got closer, it became clearer and clearer to her that there were bloodstains on the man's lips, which seemed slightly swollen. Wait a second! He looks like he has just been kissed. Her next thought confirmed her suspicion.

Elias has been standing outside the corridor, and he is still wearing the same outfit as when he left. Did he just come out of Amanda's room?

Upon hearing Rosie's voice. Elias snapped out of his trance, his eyes filled with panic as he immediately swiped his card and entered his room without a single word of explanation

On the other hand, Rosie was left standing outside alone while trying to figure out what had just happened. I was only away for a short while to take a shower, but that was already enough for Amanda to take advantage of Haha! You're indeed smart and cunning, Amanda' I can't believe you managed to find a way to share a kiss with Elias, even under such circumstances, Rosie laughed maniacally at the thought of that.

No matter what I do, the two of them will always find their way to each other, just like magnets. Why? Is this all fate's doing? I was given this chance so that I could be with Elias, wasn't I? Rosie began to doubt herself for grasping the opportunity.

What a long night!

Elias stood in the shower as the cold water rained on his body. He was trying to sober up and keep himself alert so that he wouldn't be filled with thoughts of the intimate moments that he and Amanda were sharing when he became free. Deep down, he couldn't lie to himself about how he felt, knowing he enjoyed that kiss with Amanda and was even looking forward to more.

Nevertheless, as soon as he thought about the paternity test result, his hatred immediately consumed himn and prompted him to hate her.

But... Why did kissing Amanda Bailey feel so familiar?

Elias stared at the wall and laughed in contempt, murmuring to himself. "Come on, she used to be your wife, which means she must have slept with you for countless nights. So, why am I surprised about how familiar her kiss felt?"

Yes! That must be it!

Elias refused to admit the fact and embrace the feelings he still had for the woman whom he deemed had betrayed him.

The next day, Amanda woke up to her phone's ringtone, realizing it was already noon. Due to the headache from her hangover, she slowly sat up straight with her hand on her forehead. After taking a few moments to fumble around for her phone, she finally found it and put it on her ear, asking lazily. "Hello. who is calling?"

"It's me, Taylor Momsey. Elias and my sister are going back to Imperia. I'll be leaving as well. So, why don't you come with us? There isn't a reason for you to stick around here any longer either"

Upon hearing those words, Amanda instantly sobered up and came to realize that Elias was gone. She was then reminded of the slap she gave the man in the face when they were in the ward the day before. At the thought of that, she lost her temper. "That's none of your concern. Get lost!"

She hung up the phone directly.

Meanwhile, Taylor, who was now at the subway station, looked at the disconnected call and turned around, giving his sister and Elias a helpless look. "She just hung up on me. I guess she doesn't want to come with us, so let's go."

Elias, who had remained silent all along, sneered sarcastically while walking straight to the entrance. After what she did to me, she still thinks she is in a position to throw a tantrum at us?! At me?! "Wait up. Elias. Rosie called out to Elias, picking up her pace to catch up to him. At the same time, Taylor glanced at the crowd behind him and sighed before following the duo.

On the other hand, Amanda spent her whole day in the hotel without eating or drinking. Then, she took the train back to Imperia, but when she arrived, she didn't look for Elias immediately. Instead, she went straight back to the Winters Estate, but little did she know that Elias was also headed to the same place.

In the meantime, Elias was allowed to return to the estate mansion because Rosie had already made sure there was nothing left behind that could prove Elias and Amanda's relationship. "Welcome back, Mrs. Winters." Boris politely greeted Amanda.


"Um... Mr. Winters is also back and appears to be with Miss Momsey. What's going on?" He seemed confused, not knowing what was going on. Wait, what? Elias is back?

Amanda was surprised. "What?! He's back? With Rosie Momsey? Where are they now?"

"They're in the living room now. I don't know what they're talking about because they won't let me get close enough to them."


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Chapter 452 You Don't Deserve to Love Him!

Before the butler could finish his words, Amanda immediately made her way to the villa, wanting to see what the two of them were doing. Upon arrival, Amanda could already hear Rosie's voice from the outside before even stepping into the building.

"Calm down, Eli. Your health is the most important thing. Furthermore, what's done is done, so forget about the past and move on. The reason I didn't want to tell you this was because I was afraid you'd get so angry that your emotions would take a toll on your health. Perhaps it's not a bad thing that your memories are gone."

Elias had remained silent ever since they returned to the estate, leaving Rosie confused about what he was thinking. Having to crack her head to figure out what was on Elias' mind, Rosie hated to be kept guessing.

Meanwhile, although Elias was uninterested in the words from Rosie's mouth, he was still annoyed by them. I'm going to get some rest now. You may stay here for as long as you want. Whenever you want to leave, just inform Mr. Jones. He'll get a driver to give you a ride home."

Upon finishing his sentence, Elias stood up and walked toward, seemingly reluctant to be around Rosie any longer.

At that moment, Amanda happened to enter the living room just as she bumped into Elias face-to-face. While the two of them stopped in their tracks, Elias sized her up unhappily and questioned her purpose. What are you doing here?! Do you really think you still have a place here after what you have done?"

"Why not? I am still your wife, technically. So, why can't I come back?" Amanda couldn't help but wonder what lies Rosie had fed Elias to make him hate her so much..

"Do you seriously think I've forgotten everything? Your paternity test result is still in this house. I'm not blind. I saw it! Elias sneered.

The paternity test result?

Amanda stood like a statue and paused, suddenly thinking about the fake paternity test results that were made earlier. While Elias would never believe them at that time, the same could not be said for him, especially because he had lost his memory. She then quickly turned her attention to Rosie, who was standing right beside her, knowing Rosie had shown Elias the fake paternity test result and caused him to faint once more the night before.

How wicked!

"So, it was you! You showed Elias the fake result and provoked him. Because of that, he had a nosebleed and fainted, leading to hospitalization. How could you do something so wicked to him?! You b*tch!" Amanda lectured Rosie harshly out of anger.

On the other hand, Rosie shook her head repeatedly, acting as if she was the sympathetic victim. "No, I didn't! I didn't want him to see it either, but... But..."

"Are you blaming her for exposing your despicable deeds now? Where is your sense of shame?!" Elias stood in front of Rosie and commented.

Her first response says it all. She is panicky instead of being mad.

"That paternity test result is fake! When you regain your memory, you'll find out the truth. Why won't you believe your wife? You'd rather buy an outsider's story instead of believing your wife?! Have you really fallen for Rosie after you lost your memory?! Before all this happened, you wouldn't even bother to look at her at all because she was the woman you hated the most! Amanda couldn't fathom why has started believing Rosie's words after losing his memory was it because she was the first person yen sam teñen you opened your et

No. Eli. Don't fall for her nonsense. It's not like what she said. I've that Elias would believe what Amanda sand

Roue panicked she was afrand

"Not like what I said? Do you think no one remembers the things that you did in the pau Amanda angrily glared at Rosic. Then she turned her attention to Elias again and added "You could go around asking your friends, anyone around you Everyone knows how much you hate her and how annoying she always has been to you. She may have fooled you but she will never be able to fool everybody else"

How could you say that, Amanda" Do you think ruining my image in Flis heart is going to make him forgive you for what you've done? Your marriage only happened because Eli's grandpa threatened you guys with his own life. But now? You made a terrible mistake and wronged Eli What do you have to say about that? The paternity test result clearly shows that Eli and your child are not related by bloot How audacious of you to think that Elt would raise a child that is not his for you" Desperate, Rose did all the could to demonize Amanda's impression as she hoped that she would never be able to clear her name While the ladies argued, Elias started to be overwhelmed by a strong dizziness. Suddenly, he begin to lose his footing, leaning against the wall for support.

Amanda immediately walked up to him and asked in a concerned manner. "Are you alright? Youa seem unwell. Are you having a headache? I'll have Mr. Jones call for the doctor."

Amanda was about to turn around to call for Boris, but Elias held her by her shirt and reacted rudely. "Get lost! Get out of my sight now! I don't want to see you anymore! You cheated on me, yet you're acting like you have the moral high ground! Get lost!"

With his hand on his forehead, Elias slowly walked toward the elevator. At that moment, all he wanted was some peace and solitude. After all, he was overwhelmed by information and the noise, as if his head was about to explode. Nevertheless, when he thought about the paternity test result, his head hurt even more like there was someone cutting his head open with a chainsaw.

Amanda wanted to give chase, but Rosie grabbed her by the shoulder from behind. "You heard Eli. He doesn't want you here! Get out of the place now!"

How annoying!

Finding herself at the end of the rope, Amanda turned around and slapped Rosie in the face again. After that, she groped her hair so hard that Rosie screamed in agony. "Are you out of your mind?! Let go of me' Ouch! What do you think you are doing?!"

"You have no idea how annoying you are, Rosie, but let me tell you one thing-your evil scheme is going to fail. Elias will never lay eyes on you even though he has lost his memory, not because of the past that he cannot remember now, but because he hates you! He hates everything about you."

"Ouch! You're hurting me! Let go of me!"

Not long after that, Boris walked in and saw the fight between the two women. Thus, he immediately stepped in and stopped them. "Let her go, Mrs. Winters! Please!"

Nevertheless, Amanda pulled harder and harder, as if she wanted to pull every strand of Rosie's hair from her scalp. "Let me tell you something. Rosie! I'm holding back because I don't want Elus to suffer from a ruptured wound, but if it weren't for that, I wouldn't even give a d'mn about someone like you. Don't you dare say how much you love Elias again! You don't deserve to love him because all you do is put him in danger again and again!"

Upon finishing her sentence, Amanda let go of Rosie's hair and dusted off her hands just as the few strands of hair fell onto the ground from her palm. She then looked at Boris and said, TIl be staying somewhere outside. So, I'm counting on you to take care of Elias, but that woman should never be allowed to stay in this house. She turned around and left after making her point understood. In fact, she didn't leave because she was mad at Elias, but because she didn't want to make him mad. As for Rosie, she would never agree to let her stay in the Winters Estate while she was away.

"Who do you think you are to kick me out of this house? Eli treats me like a princess now!" Rosie shouted angrily at Amanda, who slowly disappeared from sight.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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While following this i discovered that there are lots of typos, I am posting and not reading thats why. I am far behind the story


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 453 Are You Threatening Me?

After watching Amanda's leaving back completely disappear, Boris said seriously, "Miss Momsey, it's getting late. You should go back. Mr. Winters has already instructed me to have the driver take you." "Why should I leave? Eli didn't tell me to leave when he told her to go. Besides, he's in such an unstable mood right now, How can I feel at ease leaving?"

Rosie walked toward the elevator, wanting to go up and see how Elias was doing.

But the butler stepped forward and said a few more words, "Miss Momsey, forgive me for speaking out of turn, but Mr. Winters is in a bad mood right now. Even if you go up. I'm afraid you won't get a good reception. It's better to go home and talk about it tomorrow."

Rosie hesitated for a moment. It seemed like he was right, but she couldn't control herself. She just wanted to go up and see.

And right now, she didn't want to leave Elias for even a second. Just like last night, all she did was go home to take a shower and change her clothes, but Elias and Amanda ended up kissing. If she completely disappeared, these two might just end up in bed together.

Absolutely not! She absolutely didn't want to leave Elias again!

"Do you need to meddle in my affairs? Just do your job! Stop bothering me!" Rosie gave Boris a disdainful look and went straight into the elevator.

He watched as the elevator doors slowly closed and shook his head helplessly. "You never know what you have until it's gone."

Ding dong. The elevator doors slowly opened.

Rosie eagerly walked out and headed toward Elias' bedroom. When she reached the door, she found it tightly shut.

She knocked on the door. "Eli, can you please open the door? Have something to eat. You haven't eaten or drunk anything since you came back all day. Your injuries haven't healed properly yet. How can you be so fierce...

Suddenly, the door was forcefully pulled open, which startled Rosie, who immediately covered her mouth.


Elias looked extremely impatient. "Go back. I want to be alone for a while. If there's anything, we can talk about it tomorrow."

Seeing that he was about to close the door again, Rosie stepped forward to stop him. "Eli, listen to me. What Amanda said isn't true. She has lost her sanity now and desperately needs someone to take the blame. That's why she's endlessly slandering me. Our relationship wasn't that bad before. If it wasn't for Grandfather forcing you to marry her, we might have.."

"Enough. Stop talking. I understand. You should go back. I'm tired." Elias closed the door and didn't want to listen to her anymore.

Rosie looked at the closed door helplessly but could only turn around and leave.

After leaving the Winters Estate, Amanda didn't go anywhere else but chose to stay in a hotel.

Looking at the time, it should be morning in Aiden's place. So, she called him, wanting to talk to her baby. In her current low mood, only Aiden could give her hope. Ring Ring....

After the call connected, Aiden's energetic voice came through the phone, 'Mommy! You finally called me!"

Im sorry. I've been a little busy these past few days. Have you had breakfast?"

"Yes. I'm going to kindergarten. Mr. Lawrence said he'd take me to the kindergarten Tused to attend. Mommy, I can see my old friends again!"

When they returned to Cludan, this little guy couldn't stop thinking about those friends and was worried that he would never see them again. Now, he could play with them again. "Really? That's great."

"Yeah, Mommy. I'm going to play with my friends now. I'll call you after school. Bye."

"Okay, you can call me anytime. I'll be waiting for you. She thought the call would end there, but unexpectedly, Symeon's voice came through the phone. "Do you think it's fun to do this every day? How long do you plan to maintain this contact?"

As soon as Amanda heard his voice, her smile disappeared instantly. "That's none of your business. You promised me that you'd always pass the phone to Aiden. You can't regret it now. He's still young and cant leave me. If you break our contact, it'll cause him trauma. No one will be able to revert the damage done then."

"Are you threatening me?"

"Merely stating the facts."

"Ha..." Simon snorted before hanging up the phone mercilessly.

Amanda's heart couldn't help but constrict as she listened to the ending beep. She had to bring Aiden back as soon as possible. If not, she feared what would happen when Symeon discovered the truth. But what could she do now? The doctor told her that Elias couldn't be triggered further. Now that Elias only trusted Rosie and treated her as the enemy. What could she do to let him believe her? Suddenly, her phone rang again. Amanda looked at the strange yet oddly familiar number but couldn't remember where she had seen it. So, she answered, "Who is this?"

"It's me. How have you been?"

Hatred filled Amanda's heart when she heard that voice. It was the d'mned Melissa! She was about to han up the phone as she didn't want to hear a single word from this crazy woman, but it seemed like Melissa had already anticipated her move and said, "Don't hang up yet. Don't you want to know what I'm going to do next?"

"What do you want to do? What else can you do? You've already achieved your goal. What else do you want?"

"I'm in Cludan now. I want to see you all. I heard that Elias has amnesia?"

"What do you want to do? It's because of you that Elias had a car accident and lost his memory. Do you still want to get close to him? I'm not going to let it happen!"

"But I'm already outside the estate. I think he would be happy to see me now. After all, he knows nothing about his past self."

Amanda hung up the phone directly, got up, and left the hotel room, planning to go to the estate to save Elias.

Melissa was simply going too far. She had already played with everyone to this extent and still wouldn't let them go.

At the Winters Estate, it was already late at night, and Elias had been smoking one cigarette after another. lost in thought about what Amanda and Rosie said.

Who should he believe? Or should he trust no one?

Just then, there was a knock on the bedroom door. "Mr. Winters, a Miss Melissa Walters wants to see you. She claims to be an old friend of yours." Melissa Walters?

He had no impression of this name whatsoever and immediately responded, "I don't want to see her.


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Chapter 454 Did Elias Not Lose His Memory?

"But Miss Walters said there is something very important she needs to tell you, and she said she must see you."

Elias extinguished his cigarette in the ashtray and got up to open the door. "If she insists on seeing me, then she can wait outside. But I won't see her."

"Alright, I understand. But I think I saw Mrs. Winters just now, and she was arguing with Miss Walters" Boris reported truthfully. Although he knew that a lot had happened recently, he had no idea about the specifics. He also had no idea what was happening with these people, who were causing so much trouble.

Did they get into a fight?

Elias furrowed his brows. How could Amanda get into fights with anyone? Was there no woman in this world that Amanda could get along with?

And so, he walked out of the bedroom to go and check. "Where are they?"

The butler followed behind him and said, "Miss Walters is waiting for you by the lake. I didn't let her in. and if you don't want to see her, I will send her away. Miss Bailey should also be heading toward the lake."

"You're quite capable!" Elias glared at the butler, who felt slightly wronged and didn't know what to do,

Melissa sat on a bench by the lake, looking at the serene water under the estate's lampposts. She had come here to test whether Elias had really lost his memory.

If he had truly lost his memory, it would be a great thing for her. It would be best if he never remembered anything, then Simon would never find out about her and Dulcie.

Suddenly, she felt a rush of footsteps behind her. She thought it was Elias coming, but the sound of the footsteps didn't seem like a man's.

Could it be...

Smack! A slap landed on Melissa's face before she could even see who it was. She was about to look up to check when another slap landed on the other side of her face. Soon, both of her cheeks started to swell and burn with pain.

"How dare you show up in front of us? Do you think we have no way to deal with you?" It was Amanda's voice.

It's her. Melissa adjusted her messy hair and slowly stood up. "I didn't expect to be waiting in the estate, and yet the first person I encounter is you. Has Elias really lost his memory? Why is he treating me with such disdain? It shouldn't be like this. She was in the estate, but she encountered Amanda first.

"You made me suffer on your behalf at Symeon's place, and it will all come back to you in the end!"

The moment Melissa looked up. Amanda was slightly stunned because this face was the woman who was in the same hospital ward as her four years ago when she delivered Aiden.

They only met once during the few days they stayed in the same hospital room. She never expected that Melissa would cause such a big disaster for herself.

"It won't. As long as Elias has amnesia and can't recall anything, Simon won't find out the truth. Then, everything will be what I want."

"Ha... Melissa, I really don't know what grudges you have against me to do this to me. I only stayed in the same ward with you and treated you well. How could you repay my kindness like this?" Amanda felt like she was about to explode from the anger. She desperately wanted to tear Melissa into pieces as she was the cause of all of this.

"We don't have any grudges. If anyone is to blame, it can only be because you were too good to me. I didn't forget about you, and when things happened, you were the first person I thought of using. Another slap landed on Melissa's face, and Amanda was hulling. How could this shameless woman say that?

"Don't forget, Melissa. You have a daughter too, who was born on the same day as my son. If you can do this to my son, I can do the same to your daughter!" Amanda shouted. However, Melissa laughed. "You won't. I knew you wouldn't do that. That's why I dared to do this. You're too nice and also a righteous lawyer. You won't harm an innocent child."

"So, that's why you hurt me? I'll tell you right now that I'll do it. Don't assume that I'll never break my principles. Even a worm will turn. You better watch your daughter closely; otherwise, I'll let you have a taste of my pain, too!"

Amanda's words made Melissa feel uncomfortable, but she consoled herself that Amanda wasn't the type of person to do that.

Amanda also noticed the alarmed look in Melissa's eyes and added, "Settle your own problems yourself. Why should we be the ones to suffer in your stead? You dared climb onto Symeon's bed, yet don't have the guts to admit it? You're not worthy to be a mother. When your daughter grows up, she'll be ashamed of you. She won't be grateful for what you're doing for her!"

"You're lying! She won't! Everything I do is for her!" Melissa couldn't take it anymore, as Dulcie was her life. She couldn't let Dulcie misunderstand her.

However, Amanda snorted. "Yet, you harmed numerous innocent people. Did you really think you could hide this for life? Symeon will find out the truth sooner or later, and Elias will recover his memories. Do you think you can run away from their power? Even if you run to Mars, they both will work together to find you. Until then, even Symeon can't save you because Elias will destroy you!"

Melissa was terrified as she stumbled backward with widened eyes. That was the day she feared that would come. If Elias and Symeon collaborated, she would be caught no matter where she ran to. Then, it could very well be her death.

"Impossible! It won't happen!"

Seeing Melissa's reaction, Amanda knew that she was scared. That would make things easier. "It seems like you're still scared. You came running here when you heard Elias had amnesia. Have you not thought that it was a trap to lure you here?"

Melissa's eyes widened in shock. It's a trap? Did Elias not lose his memory? That's impossible!

She turned around and wanted to run, but saw Elias, who just so happened to be walking in their direction, and she panicked.

Amanda laughed at her flustered expression and went up to grab her shoulder. "You walked into the trap yourself. Don't blame anyone."

"Let go!" Melissa struggled to leave, but Amanda wasn't going to let that happen.


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Chapter 455 Hate

Melissa was so frantic that she didn't hesitate to shove Amanda away. As a result, Amanda tumbled to the ground as Melissa took the opportunity to flee.

Unfortunately for her, Amanda wasn't about to allow the woman to get away so easily. So, she

immediately grasped onto Melissa's skirt. She wanted Melissa to experience the panic she felt because of Melissa's schemes. She wanted this deplorable woman to learn that not everyone would be happy to be one of her pawns.

Meanwhile, when Elias saw what was happening, he walked over, shouting angrily. "What are you two doing?"

Melissa froze in place the instant she heard his voice. She couldn't help but assume that Ehas hadn't really lost his memory and that this was all a trap.

On the other hand, Elias' anger wasn't because he saw the two women fighting. It was because he saw Amanda being pushed to the ground. That scene ignited his fury almost instantaneously. It was odd that even he didn't understand why he would be so angry by such a sight.

Amanda had done unforgivable things against him. She even went as far as cheating on him. Yet, he couldn't help feeling outraged when he saw that she was being bullied by someone else.

Elias couldn't help but wonder if something was wrong with his brain. Why would he keep siding with Amanda unconditionally?

Amanda struggled to stand up as the palm of her hands had been scrapped when she fell. So, they stung rather terribly at the moment.

Although he noticed the injury on her palm, he still snarled, "Why did you return? Didn't I tell you to leave? How dare you show your face here?!"

Melissa originally thought he was talking to her, but when she saw that the man's gaze was directed at Amanda... She immediately realized that Elias really had lost his memories.

Otherwise, why would he be so harsh toward Amanda? She had seen how Elias treated Amanda in the past. He had always been gentle with her, treating her like a precious gem.

A sly smile appeared on Melissa's face. Then, she whispered into Amanda's ear when she helped the woman up. "So, he has truly lost his memories. You were lying to me. You're quite cunning yourself." Amanda was about to explode with anger.

Melissa would have revealed her true colors long ago if it weren't for this annoying man. Unfortunately, he just had to appear right now, ruining her plans while he was at it.

"Do you think I care about you? I wouldn't even bother thinking about you if I weren't so worried that you'd be used for your money and status!"

Amanda spun on her heel and stomped off without looking back. Sure, her actions were partly fueled out of spite. Regardless, she also sincerely doubted Elias would take Melissa's words at face value after causing such a commotion.

Elias clenched his fists tightly by his sides as he stared at her retreating figure. Nonetheless, he didn't bother chasing after her. He had no reason to chase after a woman who had cheated on him.



Then, his gaze shifted from Amanda's figure to the unfamiliar woman before him.

He had no impression of her. Where did this Melissa come from?

Coupled with what Amanda spat earlier....

What did she mean by 'deceiving him for money and sex??

The man couldn't help but sneer. Did he seem that foolish?

"Who are you?"

Melissa carefully observed the man's expression. It seemed like he truly didn't recognize her. So, it was true that he had lost his memory?

He had definitely lost them.

Otherwise, his first reaction upon seeing her would be to kill her. After all, she had caused the car accident. that almost took his life and kept him in the hospital for so long.

So, Melissa was certain that the man had indeed lost his memory.

"I am... an old friend."

"Old friend? Then, tell me what kind of friend you are. The man turned to the butler behind him. "You've been working under the Winterses for years, so have you seen this person before?"

"No." the butler shook his head.

Melissa no longer felt the least bit anxious because the man had truly lost his memories. This meant she could make up whatever story she wanted.

"I can tell you our relationship in detail."

Alas, before Melissa could finish her sentence, Elias had already lost interest and raised his hand. "Get this woman out of here. From now on, don't allow any unfamiliar woman entry. Do they think my estate is a free market where anyone can come and go as they please?"

After that, the man turned and walked toward his home without even a sliver of hesitation. He didn't want to know who Melissa was or what she had to say.

It was all because of what Amanda had said earlier. What did it mean to deceive him for money and sex? Did he look like someone who would be easily deceived by a woman?

"Elias, don't you want to hear what I have to say? Do you just believe everything Amanda says? Do you know what she has done to you?" Melissa wanted to use the fake paternity test to create some misunderstandings between the two. Regrettably, she didn't know that Rosie had already used that test to scheme her way into Elias' good graces.

The man suddenly stopped in his tracks and stood still.

A glimmer of hope appeared in Melissa's eyes. She thought she had successfully piqued his curiosity.

Sadly, Elias didn't even turn his head as he said resolutely, "Even if Amanda has once betrayed me, she was once my woman. Although I have forgotten many things from the past, I believe my judgment wasn't that bad. I don't want to hear about her from other women. I will investigate it myself."

Then, the man left without even so much as a backward glance.

Melissa stood there in a daze for a long time.

Even though he had lost his memory, this man was still so rational. He didn't want to hear about Amanda's past from other women.

Should she consider him a good man or just plain foolish?

Nevertheless, she had to admit that Amanda had found herself a good husband. There were very few people who could remain rational in this situation.

Naturally, now that she had seen first-hand that her attempt to sow discord had failed, she felt a bit scared. Although the current situation was advantageous to her, she was still terrified. She was well aware that her days were numbered the instant Elias regained his memories... or, when Symeon learned the truth.

Amanda was still a ball of anxiety after departing from the estate in a huff. Although she had spoken harshly, Elias was still an amnesiac after all. What if he believed Melissa's nonsense?

Melissa's schemes would be a stumbling block to awakening his memories.

She didn't know when Elias would recover his memories. The longer this drags on, the longer I won't be able to ask for his aid to save Aiden.

When she stepped out of the estate, a car followed her and slowly stopped beside her.

She halted in her tracks and saw that it was the Winters' driver. So, she asked, "What are you here for?"

"Mr. Winters told me to take you away," the driver replied.

Elias wanted her dead so badly. There was no way he would be so kind right now. She definitely didn't believe the driver's nonsense. In fact, she wouldn't even buy into that ridiculous notion even if she were beaten to death.

Thus, she narrowed her eyes. "Did Elias really say that? That's impossible. I won't get in the car if you don't tell me the truth."

The driver hesitated and stammered, "Mr. Winters r-really asked me to take you. H-He said..."

"What did he say? Tell me!"

"He said he didn't want you to die on the way and dirty his road."

Of all the....

This despicable man! He really did know how to hit where it hurt! However, she had to admit that it did match Elias' demeanor since he genuinely hated her with every fiber of his being


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Chapter 456 Why?!

Amanda bit her lip and turned to look at the mansion's gate, asking the driver in the car, "Where is that woman? Does Mr. Winters really plan to have a long talk with her?" She couldn't help but feel nervous.

"No, Mr. Winters didn't even let that woman say a word. He just sent her away."

Sent her away?

She was stunned for a second as she turned to look at the mansion's gate. Why would they chase Melissa away? Didn't they want to hear what she knew?

At this moment, the mansion's gate slowly opened, and she saw a car approaching from a distance. It wasn't until the car passed by that she saw an expressionless Melissa sitting in the back seat. Amanda couldn't help but laugh.

It seemed that Elias really didn't listen to a word Melissa had to say. Now, why is that?

Amanda thought it over for a moment as she got into the back seat of the car. Then, she said to the driver, "Turn back. I want to see Mr. Winters. I have something to say to him."

The driver hesitated for a moment before eventually nodding. "Okay."

At this moment, Elias was alone in the study. He had locked himself in and refused anyone entry lest they disturbed him. No one knew what he was doing inside.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door by the butler outside. "Mr. Winters, Miss Bailey has returned again. She says she wants to see you."

"Get out! Didn't I make myself clear?! No one is allowed to disturb me! Are you ignoring my orders?!" Elias impatiently stomped to the study door, intending to scold the butler. "Mr. Winters, Miss Bailey-"

The poor butler hadn't even managed to finish his sentence when Elias swung the door in his fury. Oddly, his anger was doused the instant he caught sight of Amanda standing outside the door.

Just then, the butler seized the opportunity to say, "Mr. Winters, Miss Bailey forced her way in. I couldn't stop her."

butler as he decided to slam the door in their faces. Alas, Amanda suddenly dashed in and shut the door to the study before Elias could do so.

The butler, who was standing outside the door, looked utterly befuddled. It took him quite some time to snap back to his senses. Once he did, he smiled and shook his head wryly, saying to himself, "As long as Miss Bailey is here, Mr. Winters will definitely regain his. memory."

No one dared to approach Mr. Winters whenever he was in one of his moods. In fact, Miss Bailey is the only brave soul who would bother Mr. Winters no matter what mood he was in and come out unscathed. Elias took a step back when he saw Amanda closing the door of his study. Then, he began to reprimand her harshly, "Get out! How dare you come in?!"

He wasn't so irrational that he would explode whenever he saw her. It was just that he couldn't help but feel furious whenever his mind wandered to the paternity test. Frankly, he wanted to end her right then and there after seeing that test.

Amanda turned around, leaned against the door, and stared at Elias, who was pacing back and forth angrily. "Don't you want to know what I want to say?"

"I don't want to! Get out of here!" Elias didn't want to see this woman at the moment, because it would greatly confuse his mind and affect his judgment. "You do. Otherwise, you wouldn't have chased Melissa away."

Then, she took a step forward, intending to get close to the man. Although she was annoyed with him and definitely wanted to give him a good beating, she still restrained her temper from blowing up. She knew she couldn't blame him for this. Whenever she recalled how he barely got out of his life because of the car accident and had only regained his consciousness recently, any ire she felt toward him died down.

She was aware that Elias wouldn't treat her as though she was an enemy if he hadn't lost his memories.

That was why she couldn't just give up on him. She certainly couldn't pin the blame on him for trusting Rosie's instigation when he had lost key moments of his memories. Instead, she should try her best to calm herself and have a good chat with him.

Alas, he couldn't help but take a step back when he saw her approaching. He even hissed, "Get away from me."

"Why can't I get close? I used to be your wife, your lover. We have done everything together.

Now, all you do is push me away. Don't you think it's a bit too late for that?" Amanda took another step forward, wanting to get closer to the man.

Unfortunately, he couldn't help his rising fury the instant he was reminded of the past. The nerve of you to bring up the past! So, you still remember that you're my wife! Then, why did you betray me?! How could you cuckold me? Do you think you could do whatever you want just because I used to love you?!"

There was no doubt that he used to love her a great deal before he lost his memories. That was because there was no other possible explanation for his ridiculous and moronic actions. whenever it came to her.

Since Rosie informed him that she found the paternity test in the manor, it meant that he had discovered the truth before he lost his memories. He had probably lost control of his emotions right then. So, it was no wonder he got into a car accident!

Amanda could feel angry laughter bubbling from her lips. Nonetheless, she forced it down. and retorted, "If you really want to know the truth, investigate it yourself. Don't believe whatever Rosie says! If you take her word for it, trust me when I say that you will regret it. Sure, you wouldn't regret them now, but I'm certain you will regret everything you've done. once you regain your memories."

The man didn't respond. Instead, he stared at her in silence, as if waiting for her to continue.

When she noticed that he had finally calmed down, she continued, "There are many things I want to tell you, but your current physical condition isn't exactly the best. I'm genuinely worried that your body will fail on you the instant you're agitated. Still, that doesn't mean I can't give you the outline. I can tell you the proof you have right now, huh? Those are all fakes, including the paternity test. I do have a child, but that child is yours. I have never once betrayed you. Even though you insisted on divorcing me, I have never even considered other men in the four years we have been apart. So, don't believe whatever nonsense others are spewing! They have no idea what has really happened.

Elias frowned. "Why can't you just tell me what's going on?! Especially regarding the paternity test!"


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Chapter 457

Amanda desperately wanted to tell him everything. Alas, if she revealed the whole truth at once, she was truly afraid that he wouldn't be able to handle the shock and would fall into a coma yet again. If that happened, it would be another round of the waiting game. This time, she wouldn't know when he would wake up or if he would even regain his consciousness,

"I know you don't believe me either. That's why I said you should personally investigate these matters yourself. Don't believe anyone. Only believe the results of your investigation."

By doing so, he would be able to slowly come to terms with the truth through the investigation. It also had the benefit of putting him at ease with the plus side of preventing anyone else from massively distorting the truth.

Unfortunately, Elias couldn't understand where she was coming from. So, all he felt was annoyance and frustration as he demanded, "Why can't you just tell me?!"

She hesitated as she thought things through. In the end, she didn't have the words to convey the absolute mess their lives were. Besides, she could barely voice the words herself. How could she possibly tell Elias that Symeon had pretty much kidnapped their son and was raising Aiden as his own?

Frankly, she wouldn't be surprised if Elias fainted right on the spot, which would do absolute wonders for his recovery.

"Because the truth is too cruel. I-I... can't tell you. You need to investigate this yourself. Since time isn't exactly of the essence right now, I'd much rather you take your time learning the truth of the matter. After all, your injuries haven't fully healed yet, and you can't do anything. in your current state. I don't want you to take any unnecessary risks. The safety of both your and our son is paramount! I don't want to lose any of you!" Amanda said as tears welled up in her eyes.

Mr Winters Bully You?

Elias stared at her face and suddenly felt a headache coming on. He couldn't help but stumble to his seat, supporting his forehead as he endured the piercing pain. Amanda instinctively wanted to approach him. "Are you okay?"

"Headache... Medicine..."


She panicked and turned around, running out of the study and shouting, "Mr. Jones! Mr. Jones! Where is the headache medicine? Hurry and bring it here!" She kept calling for Boris. Eventually, Boris heard her and cried from downstairs, "The headache medicine is in Mr. Winters' bedroom. I'll get it right away!"

Then, she looked at the man in the study, who had a pained expression on his face. "Hold on! The medicine will be here soon! Hang in there!"

After a while, Boris brought the headache medicine. She immediately snatched the bottle from him, turned around, and dashed to the study. Then, she hastily unscrewed the bottle. cap and handed two pills to Elias.

He took the pills and gulped them down. After a while, he could feel his headache easing up.

When he looked up, he instantly noticed Amanda's worried expression. Although he couldn't remember anything, he still felt inclined to believe her words.

"Are you saying that the child is ours and the paternity test was a fake?"

Amanda nodded, but she didn't dare to say anything else lest she caused more harm than good. He started having a headache after exchanging information, so she was genuinely afraid that he would faint if she said anything else.

"Alright, since you're being so insistent, I'll give you a chance. I will personally investigate this matter. If the truth does not correlate to my findings... I trust you understand what I'm not saying."

Elias' eyes were filled with cruelty. Of course, he wanted to find out the truth. It felt terrible. not knowing anything about the past. Anyone could easily exploit his weakness and deceive him.

Amanda hesitated, nodded, and turned to leave. Suddenly, she remembered something and turned back. "Why don't you go to the hospital? Your wounds aren't healed yet. You're still seriously injured. Besides, everyone would be more at ease if you're being hospitalized."

No hospital." The man emphasized each word, his tone filled with undeniable disgust for hospitals.

Amanda sighed softly. "Then, take care of yourself. There are still many things you need to do."

Elias watched her figure as she walked out of the study and felt a strange emptiness in his heart. There was a voice in his mind shouting, Don't let Amanda leave!

Suddenly, his headache returned.

His head would start pounding whenever he tried to think deeply about his lost memories. Well, he would wait until the truth was revealed before thinking about it.

In the following days, Amanda didn't dare to disturb Elias. She knew that he needed space to investigate and digest this new information. Plus, she didn't want to provoke him than necessary.

Just then, her phone rang, and it was a call from Yacob any more

She answered the phone, saying impatiently, "Why are you calling me when you should be resting? There's no point worrying about things other than recuperating. Besides, it's not like you can do anything right now."

"Why are you being so fierce? Did Mr. Winters bully you?"

She didn't say anything as she worried her bottom lip. Then, she heard Yacob continuing, "He doesn't remember anything right now. You should be the bigger person here. You need to think about your past and think about Aiden! Aiden is our priority right now! You have to help Mr. Winters regain his memories. Otherwise, I'm afraid Aiden will truly treat that despicable trash as his father."

"I know, but he's seriously injured now. If I provoke him, he will have a headache or even faint. How can I get him to regain his memories when he's far from the picture of health? His wounds haven't even healed yet, and there are blood clots in his brain. If I tell him now, he might faint from agitation. Then, who knows when he'll wake up?! Or, if he boards a plane. and experiences some air turbulence, the blood clots in his brain might disperse. In the end, we'll be back to square one! I can't do anything right now! What else can I do? Well? I'm up for ideas!"

Amanda was truly out of wits at this point. It felt as though even the world was against her as everyone backed her into a corner, forcing her away from her loved ones.

Yacob fell silent after hearing her. It was clear that he had no solution for the conundrum. they were facing right now.

After a while, he said, "Although I can't do anything now, I can move around. Somewhat. It plan to infiltrate Lawrence Estate and protect Aiden."

"You? Symeon knows what you look like. There's no possible way you're going to succeed in that fruitless endeavor. Also, do I need to remind you that your legs are broken? How can you protect Aiden when you can't even move without a wheelchair?"

"Perhaps you've forgotten about disguise techniques. And... are you telling me Lawrence Estate discriminates against the disabled? How scandalous! Don't you think I can get myself. hired as a gardener?" Amanda had nothing to say to that. So, she sighed in resignation. "Just be careful. No one will be able to save you if you're discovered."

"Don't worry. I'm not that useless. I'll call you once my mission succeeds."

Then, he hung up the phone after that. Eventually, Amanda rose to her feet and walked into the bathroom, preparing to freshen up and have a meal.

If Yacob could infiltrate Lawrence Estate to take care of Aiden... Well, she would feel much more at ease.

Her phone rang once more after she was done with her morning routine. She picked it up and saw the caller ID display-"Husband." Was it a call from Elias? He actually took the initiative to call her? This was unbelievable.

She answered the phone, but the voice on the other end dashed all her hopes.

"Miss Bailey, I'm afraid I'll have to trouble you to make a trip to the company. This is Mr. Winters' request."

"Oh... I see..."

She thought Elias was calling her. So, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Nonetheless, she changed into an appropriate outfit before taking her bag and headed off to Winters Enterprise to see what was happening.

Amanda went directly to the legal department the moment she arrived at Winters. Enterprise, assuming that some legal issues needed her consultation.

Alas, as soon as she made her way to the elevator, the elevator doors slid open, and Elias" assistant walked out. "Miss Bailey, you've finally arrived. Come with me to the conference room."

She entered the elevator, looking utterly puzzled. "The conference room? Not the legal department?"

"Mr. Winters is meeting with clients in the conference room. He wants you to listen in. I don't know what his intentions are. You'll have to hear it from Mr. Winters himself."

She nodded and didn't ask further questions as she quietly followed the assistant to the conference room.

Her eyes immediately fell on the man in a suit sitting at the conference table. It was evident that he was busy conversing with his clients.

The assistant led her to sit quietly behind the man. She stared at his proud back, waiting to be called on for her legal advice.

Yet, what surprised her was that throughout the whole process, the man didn't call her even once. She was truly just there to listen. Honestly, she didn't know what Elias was planning.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 458 We Remarried?

After the client left, the assistant and other staff members also left one by one. The last one even attentively closed the door to the conference room.

At this moment, only Elias and Amanda were left in the spacious conference room. It was so silent that they could even hear each other's breathing. Eventually, she couldn't help but ask, "Why did you call me here in the first place?"

"I wanted to see if you were a real lawyer."

She was taken aback and couldn't help but chuckle. Of course, there was nothing mirthful about it. Instead, she was scoffing out of sheer frustration. So, she told this man to investigate the truth, and the first thing he investigated was her?

"Why go through all this trouble? You could have asked me to show you my credentials. Besides, I've been sitting here listening for two hours. Can you actually tell if I'm a real lawyer after making me sit through something so trivial?"

She couldn't keep up with this man's train of thought. What sort of nonsense was he thinking?

Finally, the man stood up slowly, buttoned his suit, turned around, and looked at her. "Have you eaten? If you haven't, let's have a meal together."

Now, she was beyond confused. "You're asking me if I've eaten? I rushed over as soon as I received the call. How could I possibly have had the time to eat?"

"Then, let's eat together."

He walked toward the conference room door, and she watched his retreating back, completely bewildered. What was this man trying to do? Was he making a fool out of her?

Nonetheless, she still followed him to a famous restaurant in Imperia. After the waiter served their food, he left the private room.

Amanda stared as Elias ate elegantly and couldn't help but inquire, "So, you're now able to sit. down and have a meal with me calmly?"

"Why can't I? Since you're so confident, coupled with the fact that I haven't found the truth yet... Of course, I can."

"So, why did you request my presence today?"

He sliced up a piece of beef and put it in his mouth, his tone cold and natural as he said,

"Show me a photo of the child. I couldn't find any photos of the child at home."

She claimed that the child was his, but he couldn't find a single photo of the child in the entire estate, let alone a picture of the three.

So, he wanted to see a photo of the child....

Amanda relaxed slightly and answered, "Oh, there are no photos of the child in the estate. because we had remarried recently. I was separated from you for four years before that happened. So, you didn't have the chance to witness the child growing up."

"What? We remarried?"

Elias looked puzzled, finding it somewhat unbelievable.

She took a sip of tea and said, "Yes, it was just before your car accident. We had just obtained our marriage certificate. The child and I had just moved into the estate legally, so there aren't any photos available."

"Then, why couldn't I find any documents proving our relationship at home?"

He felt like he was seeing a ghost. He couldn't find the divorce certificate, and now Amanda. was telling him they had remarried. Yet, he couldn't find the marriage certificate either!

She held the teacup as a cold sneer appeared on her lips. "You should ask Rosie Momsey about that."

"What do you mean?" He narrowed his eyes, staring at Amanda, waiting for her to continue.

She simply raised an eyebrow. "Why did Rosie forbid you from returning to the estate after you were discharged? It's because she wanted to remove all the important things from the estate before allowing you to return. That's why there's nothing useful available."

Elias fell silent. He couldn't believe that the first person he saw after waking up would do. such a thing.

"Why would she do that?"

Amanda smiled, picked up her cutlery, and tasted a piece of beef. The taste was indeed as fantastic as advertised. Then, she said, "Because she wants to be your woman. Isn't it obvious? I've said it once, and I'll repeat it. Rosie can deceive you, but she can't deceive everyone. Just ask around. Everyone knows just how much you despise her. How could you possibly allow her to be your girlfriend?"

He furrowed his brows and pursed his lips as he carefully recalled Rosie's actions after he regained consciousness. It seemed that she had indeed been keeping him under house arrest.

Suddenly, the phone beside him started vibrating.

He picked it up and glanced at it. It was a call from Rosie.

Amanda also noticed the call and observed the man's expression, wondering if he would answer it.

Elias answered the call after hesitating briefly and put it to his ear. "What is it?"

"I've arrived at the estate. Mr. Jones said you went out. Where are you?"

"I'm near the company, Do you need something?"

"Not really. I'm just worried about you and wanted to see you. Can I come to the company to see you?"

He thought it over for a moment and didn't refuse. "Alright, come to the company."

Then, he ended the call.

An impassive Amanda sat across from him, somewhat disappointed. It seemed that this mant didn't fully believe what she said.

So, she wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin, picked up her bag, and rose to her feet. "I'll be taking my leave now and not disturb t your date."

"Who said about going on a date with her?"

"You invited her to the company to meet you. Isn't that a date? I've already told you what she did, but you don't believe-"

Before she could finish her sentence, he interrupted her, saying, "You're the one who told me to investigate the truth myself. How can I investigate the truth without contacting her?" Was Elias explaining himself to her?

Amanda's heart tightened, and a hint of a smile appeared on her lips. Regardless, she made sure to shoot him a cold glance before saying, "Then, my advice is to investigate things. thoroughly. I hope you will find the truth soon and stop doubting every word I say."

Once she said her piece, she turned and left the private room.

Although he still hadn't regained his memory, he was starting to suspect Rosie at the very least. Since he was about to investigate that scheming b*tch, that just meant the day when the truth would be revealed was not far away.

Once he learned about the truth, he should be able to accept it gradually. As long as that

happened, she wouldn't have to worry that he would get agitated whenever they started discussing matters.

Elias, who remained seated at the dining table, looked at Amanda's empty plate and. muttered to himself, "You left after only a few bites. What a waste."

Then, he continued eating by himself.

When Elias returned to his office, Rosie had been waiting an hour.

He pushed open the office door and saw her sitting on the couch in the reception area.

As soon as she heard the door open, she stood up with a joyful expression and turned around. "Elias, you're finally back. They said you went out for a meal. I didn't expect it to take so long. Who did you go with?"

He walked toward his desk, sat down, and said in a deep voice, "With Amanda."

Rosie's smile instantly disappeared the instant she heard Amanda's name.

He went out to eat with that b*tch Amanda! What's going on? Has Elias started to believe Amanda's story?


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 459 Is Everything Ready?

"Why did you have dinner with Amanda... Why?"

Rosie looked incredulous. Could it be that Elias is starting to believe what Amanda had said? That can't be possible.

Elias lit a cigarette and exhaled a puff of smoke before looking up at Rosie, who was in the reception area. "We had dinner together, that's all. Why does there have to be a reason?" "Was it just a coincidence?"

Rosie still held a glimmer of hope. Maybe they just happened to run into each other on the way. Perhaps Amanda insisted on having dinner together. That must be it.

Elias puffed another cloud of smoke that obscured his handsome face and slowly replied, "No, it wasn't. I just had dinner with her."

Rosie's heart sank upon hearing that. How could this be?

She forced a smile and walked to the office desk while gazing at the smoker standing before her, seemingly indifferent to whether she liked the smell of smoke.

"Can you tell me why you had dinner with her?"

"I already said that there's no reason. We just had dinner together."

What kind of explanation was that? It is like he can't be bothered to explain at all. He just believed Amanda without question?

The smile disappeared from Rosie's face, and she stared into the man's dark eyes. "So, you've decided to believe what Amanda said, even though you have the paternity test results in your hands? How could a man bear with this kind of humiliation?"

Rosie had no idea what she did wrongly and couldn't fathom what man could tolerate such humiliation.

Moreover, she found the paternity test in the Winters Estate, so how could it be fake? It must have been Elias himself who did the paternity test before the accident.

"I will personally investigate my past and the memories I've lost. What you all say will only serve as a reference for me."

After Elias finished speaking, he put out the cigarette in the ashtray and turned his gaze to the computer screen. "If there's nothing else, you can leave. I have work to do."

Leave? Just like that?

What exactly did Amanda say? Rosie had waited for over an hour for Elias to enter the office after she arrived. They had only exchanged a few words, and now he wanted her to leave.

Rosie could feel that she was losing control over this man. And this was even before he had regained his memories. If he really did regain his memories, she probably wouldn't even have a chance to see him again.

With that thought in mind, she suppressed her frustration and smiled, saying, "Eli, I'm all for it if you want to investigate. But shouldn't we go to the hospital for a re-examination tomorrow? You were able to be discharged because I promised the doctor that we would return for a re-examination. If you don't go, they will blame me if anything happens."

Hearing that, Elias glanced at her and replied, "I will go for a re-examination tomorrow."

"I'll accompany you. Going to the hospital will take a long time because we'll have to wait in line. You know how crowded hospitals are every day, and we can't jump lines as we might get reported. I've asked the doctor to take a day off specifically for your re-examination." Rosie tried her best to persuade him so that he would fall into her trap.

Elias grew impatient and responded, "Fine."

"Then, I'll leave now and not disturb your work. I'll come to the estate to meet you tomorrow."

After saying that, Rosie turned and left the office, not giving him a chance to refuse.

Elias' expression darkened as he looked at the closed office door.

At that moment, his assistant knocked on the door and entered the office before handing him a document. "Mr. Winters, this document requires your signature."

After Elias signed his name, he looked up at his assistant and asked, "What's the status of the investigation I asked you to do?"

"I'm still investigating, but I haven't found any detailed information yet. I plan to report to you when I have concrete evidence," the assistant said after picking up the document.

"Tell me whatever you've managed to find out.”

It was all because he was eager to know the truth about his relationship with Rosie.

The assistant began, "I investigated people related to Miss Momsey and found that she seemed to have disappeared for the past few years, and no one knows about her past. As for her brother, Taylor, it's even harder to investigate. So, I looked into her college classmates, and coincidentally, one of them works in our company. Although they weren't close in school, this person has heard rumors about what Rosie did back then."

"Get to the point!" Elias frowned, no longer interested in listening to the nonsense.

The assistant skipped the details and said, "This person said there were rumors that Rosie. was obsessed with pursuing a man from a wealthy family who never paid attention to her. Eventually, Rosie became mentally unstable and was admitted to a mental institution for many years. She doesn't know what happened after that."

Elias looked incredulous after hearing this.

She was admitted to a mental institution?

Was I listening to the brainwashing of a person with a mental health condition? And could it be that the man Rosie had been obsessively pursuing all those years was me?

Elias felt a strange sense of disgust the more he thought about it.

The next morning, after Elias got up, he changed his clothes and finished breakfast, and as he was about to leave, the butler came to report, "Mr. Winters, Miss Momsey is here. She said. you had already arranged to go see the doctor today."

"Let her in and prepare the car," Elias replied.

"Yes, sir."

After the butler left, Elias picked up a glass of milk and took a few sips before wiping his mouth with a napkin.

Even though Rosic had lied, she was the first person he saw when he woke up from the accident. The hospital staff also confirmed that she had stayed by his bedside for a long time.

He didn't need to be ruthless toward this woman. He would go for another check-up today and wouldn't give Rosie another chance to get close to him after this..

Because he wasn't interested in her, to begin with, he was conflicted when Rosie claimed to be his woman, but now he felt relieved.

"Eli, are you ready? We should go now," Rosie said with a smile as soon as she saw Elias. coming out of the dining room.

"Let's go."


As Rosie followed behind Elias, her heart ached as she looked at his aloof figure. She had stayed by his bedside for so long, thinking she was close to moving him, but then Amanda. returned and ruined everything.

She had no choice but to take action, although it wasn't what she wanted.

Rosie watched as Elias walked toward the car and then took out her phone to send a text message, Is everything ready?"

Soon, she received a reply, 'Ok!"

Upon seeing that, a smile appeared on her lips, and she got into the car.

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