The Lawyer’s Romance in Law

Novel The Lawyer’s Romance in Law is an amazing story about a young woman Elias Winters and rich people Amanda Bailey. After being secretly married for a year, Elias Winters brought his mistress home but was confronted by his wife, Amanda Bailey, who presented him with a positive pregnancy test. Falsely accusing her of infidelity, he vowed never to see her again. Four years later, Amanda returned to the country as a successful barrister, causing Elias to cling to her and beg for reconciliation. He even went as far as kneeling in the rain, seeking her forgiveness. However, Amanda remained unmoved. It was then that their child rushed out and asked about Elias. He was shocked because he had always believed that she had aborted the child. To his surprise, the little one standing before him was a spitting image of himself!
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Chapter 381 Taking Back What Belongs to Me

"Is that so? Then, how do you explain this DNA test?" Symeon firmly believed in Dr. Albert's test results. and trusted only him.

"I can present you with another DNA test result between Elias and my-

Before Amanda could finish, he interrupted her. "I don't believe in your doctor. I only trust mine."

This left her speechless. It seems impossible to change his mind once he has made up his mind.

"Why did you stop arguing? Can't come up with anything to say?" In his eyes, her silence meant she had. no reason to argue anymore, so he took it as her surrender.

There's really nothing more to say because you never listen. Let's just wait for Elias to come back and have him talk to you personally." Initially, she wanted to handle this matter herself and not bother Elias with it, but now it was evident that she was powerless and could only wait for him to return to deal with it. With that, she turned around to leave.

However, he spoke in a slow and commanding tone. "Stop right there."

"What now?"

You're just going to leave like this?"

Amanda was almost laughing out of exasperation. Unable to hold back her anger, she yelled at Symeon, "What do you want to do?! Imprison me? Is that all you men are capable of? You don't even know which woman you slept with, so why are you ordering me around here? Also, with the status of the Lawrence Family, how could you let a woman crawl into your bed and bear your child? Isn't it a bit too late for to come looking for her now?"

The moment she finished speaking, he threw a document envelope at her. She was taken aback for a moment before picking it up.

When she opened it, her eyes widened in shock.

Inside were pictures of herself from the past four years in Esmos, but they looked like they were taken. secretly. Who took these photos? Among the pictures, many of them showed her pushing a baby stroller while shopping, and in those photos, Aiden was still an adorable baby.

"Where did you get these photos?"

With a smile, Symeon replied, "I've been spying on you for the past four years, wondering when you would show up with this child in front of me. I didn't expect you to never appear and instead come to Cludan with the child. I didn't know what your intentions were."

At that, she was completely dumbfounded. Had he been spying on me during my four years in Esmos? "So, for the past four years, you've been sending people to spy on me?"

He replied with a firm tone, "I had found out about your existence long ago and knew that you were pregnant, but I wanted you to come forward on your own. I didn't expect you to stay hidden, so I had to come find you myself. The descendants of the Lawrence Family cannot be led astray. I'm claiming the child for sure."

"But he is not your child! What do you want him for? Do you have a fetish for raising other people's children?" Amanda nearly started to doubt herself, for Symeon had been brainwashing her, trying to make her accept the clues he had investigated.

"I have a DNA test as evidence. Why do you still deny it? I don't care who you want to be with; the child. belongs to me. I'm not interested in you anyway."

"Dream on. I will never give him to you. He is not your child. Let me repeat this for you once more: he is not your child!" she stated firmly before turning around to leave.

At this moment, she was exasperated, for no matter how she explained, he just wouldn't listen. How could I not know whose child I was carrying? I had only been intimate with Elias, so how could I have given birth to another man's child? And that DNA test is even more suspicious. That's clearly a fabricated DNA test result, but why did he fabricate it?

Just as she left the Sacred Heart Villa area, she ran into a familiar face. So, she stopped in her tracks and. looked at the person before her. "What are you doing here?"

"That's exactly what I'm going to ask you. What are you doing here, Miss Bailey?" Crispin had been. following Amanda all the way to see what she was up to, and now he seemed to have caught something. "Why do I need to report to you? What, have you come here to set your sights on another naive and wealthy woman?" she retorted with sarcasm.

Meanwhile, he glanced at the luxurious villa behind her and thought, 4 person living in this place is no ordinary person, for sure. "Miss Bailey, it hasn't been long since Mr. Winters left. Are you feeling lonely already? Are you here for another man? Unlike you, I have my heart set on Steph. Once I have her, I won't touch any other woman."

"Watch your mouth. Don't compare me to someone like you. You know what you've done." She didn't bother to look at him anymore, so she turned to leave, not wanting to waste her breath on him. Unexpectedly, he grabbed her wrist. Let's see if the owner of this villa will come out and play the hero.

"What are you doing? Let go of me! What's wrong with you?"

She struggled, trying to pull her hand back, but his grip only tightened. As he stared into her eyes, he said, "I want to know who the owner of this villa is and who you're dating behind Elias' back." "You're asking for it." Amanda delivered a slap directly, but Crispin blocked it with his other hand.

The two of them were locked in a tense standoff since he refused to let go. He was determined to force the owner of the villa to show up and save her.

However, after a considerable amount of time passed, no one came out from inside the villa, so he sneered. "It seems like the person inside doesn't care much about you. Even in this situation, he didn't. come out to "

Before he could finish his sentence, a low and commanding voice suddenly cut through the air. "Let go of your dirty hand."

Both Amanda and Crispin turned their heads simultaneously, as if a god had descended. The man exuded an air of nobility and authority, despite his casual tone.

Instinctively, Crispin released her hand and looked at the man before him.

"Get lost." Symeon glanced at Crispin and spoke only one word, then turned to face Amanda. "Let the driver take you back. Think carefully about what I said. Otherwise, I'll use my way to take back what belongs to me." With that, he turned and walked back into the villa.

"I'll escort you back, Miss Bailey. This way, please, the bodyguard told her.

With a frown and a displeased expression, she followed the bodyguard and left the place.

Left alone, Crispin pondered over the man's words. "Take back what belongs to me? What did he mean by that? What does Amanda have that belongs to him?
Women can be really naive sometimes. Why do u try to solve this serious issue urself?
Chapter 382 We'll See About That

Upon arrival at the Allegra Villa, Amanda stepped out of the bodyguard's car, whereupon the latter said, "Someone will bring you your car tomorrow." She then responded with an affirmative hum and walked away without saying a single word.

In the meantime, Crispin was following right behind Amanda closely as he also arrived at the Allegra Villa. After parking his car, he confronted Amanda once again and asked, "It seems that there is more than meets the eye between you and that man. He said he would take something that belongs to you away from you. What would that be?"

Amanda stopped in her tracks and looked back. "Don't you have anything else better to do than poking your nose into my business? Who do you think you are to demand an answer from me? Worry about yourself?"

"Well, I can't force you to do what you don't want, but it seems to me that I just got the goods on you. Think about it-if Elias knows you went out to meet another man tonight, what would he think?" "What do you want?" Amanda stared at the man before her, questioning her initial judgment for thinking of Crispin as a faithful man. Damn it! Even a dog is much more loyal than this fella.

As Amanda seemed to have fallen for his schemes, Crispin smiled and replied, "Nothing. I just want to tell you that I have my eyes on you, so it'd be wise for you to stay out of my way. If I'm in trouble, things won't end well between you and Elias either."

"Do you think you're capable of pulling that off?"

While Crispin appeared to be rather confident with his sinister plan, Amanda only sniggered. unconcernedly. "Well, we could find that out if you push your luck. After all, it's every man for himself, and I'm no exception as I would do anything to protect my own interest."

"Oh, really? We'll see about that."

In response, Amanda reacted with a cold grunt and headed inside the estate. There is no way I'd concede to this guy! No way!

As Amanda slowly disappeared from sight, Crispin chuckled coldly and said, "Hmph! How feisty! We'll see about that."

Later that night, Stephanie was lying in bed, pretending to be asleep. When Crispin came back, she heard the noise and unknowingly tensed from head to toe, but she continued to keep her eyes closed. Deep down, she was unwilling to face that man, but Crispin couldn't care less about her as he bossed her around like she was his maid. "Get up and fetch me a cup of tear

Nevertheless, Stephanie only responded with silence by continuing to feign slumber. Piqued by her reaction, Crispin lost his cool. "I said get up! I'm talking to you! Do you know how tiring it was for me to stalk Amanda just so that I can find something to use against her? Is this how you treat your husband?"

"Alright, I heard you...." Stephanie was forced to creep off her bed as she put on her sleeping robe and left the bedroom.

On the other hand, Amanda, who was just done with her shower, returned to her room, only to feel thirsty shortly after. Thus, she made her way to the refrigerator in the kitchen to grab herself a bottle of water and ran into Stephanie, who was making tea there. Ever since she moved into the Allegra Villa, she heard that Stephanie never had to do any of the house chores by herself. Therefore, she couldn't understand why she was making tea at that moment. Is she drunk or something? No, wait. I think I caught a strong alcoholic scent when I was talking to Crispin earlier. Could she be making the tea for him?

"Are you making tea for Crispin?"

Startled by Amanda's voice, Stephanie snapped out of her trance and placed her hand on her chest. "Damn! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"Why are you so freaked out? It's not like you're doing something shady" Amanda entered the kitchen and opened the fridge, reaching out for the bottle of water before she opened it and guzzled the water down her throat.

Meanwhile, Stephanie didn't say a single word as she continued to make her tea. Deep down, she wasn't sure whether Elias understood what she told him, for she had only revealed half of the story. Furthermore, it seemed to her that Amanda knew nothing about her situation, not to mention the hostility and grudge she had against her. Therefore, she didn't think they would have a lot of interaction with each other.

However, unlike what Stephanie expected, Amanda took a look around the kitchen and went on

10 close the door after making sure that they were alone. "Crispin was responsible for Raymond Porter's death, as well as the man who slept with you that night, wasn't he?" Despite knowing the truth, Amanda still wanted to hear it from Stephanie herself.

Soon, Stephanie slowly looked up with her mouth wide agape, unable to utter a single word, but despite her silent response, her expression gave away her thoughts. "How did you know that? Did Elias tell you that? I didn't manage to finish the whole story when Crispin came in the last time

"That's plenty, actually. Elias is smart, and he was able to figure out the rest of the story with his wits."

The next second, Stephanie grasped Amanda's hands tightly and said, "Save me! Please, I can't take it anymore! Ever since we got married, Crispin has changed. It's as though he's become a different person He is no longer the gentle and caring senior I once knew before..."

"Don't worry about that. Elias is already working on it, and I believe we're going to find something useful soon. Furthermore, we already know the truth, and all we need is just some concrete evidence." Nonetheless, Stephanie responded agitatedly by grabbing Amanda's hands. "I can't wait much longer, though. I can't take it anymore. Even one second with him feels like a decade to me now... "What's wrong? You're now in the Allegra Villa, not to mention the fact that you're the Allegra Family's daughter while he is your family's son-in-law. What's the worst that he could do to you?" Amanda could tell from Stephanie's strange reaction that something was wrong. When she looked down later, she noticed the blood stains. beneath her fingernails, which indicated that she might have been pricked by needles." "What happened to your fingertips?" Amanda seized her hand.

Stephanie's reflex prompted her to retract her fingers as she moaned in pain. "It was him. He did this to me, she cried.

"What?" How could he do such a thing? He is such a b*stard! Does he really think of himself as the Allegra Family's heir? "I'm going to teach him a lesson now."

When Amanda was about to leave, Stephanie held her hand and stopped her. "No, please don't do that. If you piss him off, he is going to upload the video of what happened that night onto the internet. By then, my life will be ruined."

Do you seriously believe he'll do that? He is the man in that video that night' It he really has the guts to do that. I'd really love to see him do it because I don't think he dares to do the Stephanie cried in response. Tve seen that video. Only his back was shown all the time, but my face was clearly seen, so if this video goes public, no one will recognize him."

Damn it I can't believe that b*stard had it all planned out! How wicked" "But even so, you can't just stand by and let him bully you! That's actually abuse. He must be out of his mind to treat you like that Amanda got madder when she stared at the wounds on Stephanie's fingertips, unable to stand by and watch Stephanie get bullied without doing anything. In fact, when she was working abroad as a defending lawyer back then. she would not help any defendant who was charged with domestic violence.

Staring at Amanda's angry look, Stephanie finally understood how much having a family meant to her. She then cried to Amanda and said, "I'm sorry, Amelia I didn't mean to keep Mom and Dad in the dark. about that matter. It really slipped my mind, and I was still too young to...." She sank to her knees. emotionally, condemning herself for the mistake she made in her youth. Amelia is my sister. I should have shared everything I have with her, but what did I do back then? I left her behind and ran off to look for the maids without telling them where she was. What was wrong with me back then?
Shame on you Stephanie for all de bad things u did back then. I hope that evil Crispin is caught sooner though
Chapter 386 Elias Is Back

When Elias heard that, he was stunned for a second. I didn't think something like that would come out of my mouth either. Amanda. You're the first person I've ever said something like that to.

"What's with the silence?" Amanda asked.

"Well, I didn't think I would say something like that either. If you want to hear more of that, I could always say that to you." While Elias would never flirt with another woman like that, he had no problem doing that to Amanda.

"Such a sweet-talker... I don't like a man who flirts. So, when are you coming back?" Amanda quickly changed the subject.

"Maybe another 3 to 4 days. What's wrong? Is there something urgent?" Elias lit up the cigarette in his mouth and took a puff on it.

On the other hand, Amanda's eyes darkened when she heard Elias' response. 3 to 4 more days? Oh man, why is this taking so long? I wish Elias could know that I dare not leave home until he is back. Despite the thought of that, Amanda refused to add to Elias' worry, knowing he was stressed enough with his work. After all, she knew Elias would immediately rush back home if she told him about their current situation. If he did that, his work and his company's image would be affected, which was not something that Amanda wanted.

"Aiden and I will be waiting for you. We'll see you home once you're done with your work. Have a good rest for now. I bet you still have to wake up early tomorrow morning."

"Sure, babe. Send me a text message before you hit the hay. I want to know that you go to bed safe and sound.

"Alright." Amanda smiled helplessly and hung up the call, ready to take a shower. However, just when she entered the bathroom, she received a call from Symeon. After a brief hesitation, she reluctantly decided to answer it. "Why did you call?"

"You're going to stay home until Elias returns?" The man on the other side of the phone mocked Amanda, finding her action laughable.

Amanda leaned on the doorframe and replied, "That's because I want to stay home. What are you going to do about it?"

"What about your son? Doesn't he need to go to school? Don't you know that you're ruining his academics?"

"He is still just in kindergarten. It's not like taking a few days off is going to ruin his future. Thanks for asking, although I don't think that's necessary."

Amanda wanted to hang up the call right away, but Symeon said, "Despite your persistent denial that your child isn't mine, the evidence found all suggest that I'rn indeed the father. Thus, I don't understand why you keep denying the truth because it's simply meaningless."

"Do you mean that fake DNA report? I don't believe it. When Elias returns, I'm going to make sure he does a paternity test for further verification. Moreover, what other evidence do you have besides your paternity test report?"

"I found a witness who saw you entering my room in that hotel and coming out in a disheveled What do you think about that?

Amanda was stunned when she heard Symeon's words. Wait, what? "I must say I'm really impressed, Mr. Lawrence. I never thought you could distort the whole story with so much fake evidence, as if your fabricated lies were the truth. Phew, I should be grateful that I'm rational and calm enough at the moment, or I would have fallen for his words easily.

"It's up to you to believe in me, but I've already sent the video to your email inbox. Check it out if you're interested. As for the other evidence, I'm still in the midst of gathering them, but thus far, the most convincing one is the DNA paternity test report, which you won't believe."

"You're absolutely right. Like hell I'm going to buy that, unless you do another paternity test in Cludan." Who the heck is going to believe some DNA paternity test report that's fully in Esmorian? You've gotta be kidding me!

"Well, since you said so, I'll do as you wish, but what if the result is just the way I thought it would be? Would you still deny it?"

Amanda replied in a serious manner, "If your DNA test report that is done in Cludan confirms your biological relationship with Aiden, I'll give him back to you with no question, but that will never happen. 1 was the one who gave birth to my son, so, of course, I know who the father is!" What a joke! Elias is, of course, Aiden's father! No one else but him!

"Alright, remember your promise then. Cludanians don't break their promises."

Amanda paused and responded by mocking Symeon. "You're a fast learner, aren't you? I never thought you'd know our traditional virtues so well."

"I didn't have to learn. I grew up in Cludan and only moved to Esmos when I grew older."

What am I doing? I shouldn't be wasting time chatting with this man! At the thought of that, Amanda indifferently hung up the call. She then stood in front of the basin and looked at herself in the mirror. telling herself that she must hang in there until Elias returned. Otherwise, Symeon could abduct her and threaten Elias with that. The Lawrence Family is not someone to be trifled with.

For the next four days, Amanda continued to stay home with her son as she intended until Elias returned. "I'm going to the airport to pick Elias up. Would you like to come with me?" Yacob asked.

"Yes, I have something to tell him. Let's set off right away Amanda agreed without hesitation, thinking she must also bring her son along. Thus, she searched the house for Aiden until she found him playing with his Lego. "Aiden, we're heading to the airport now. Dad is coming back."

Nevertheless, Aiden reacted indifferently as he grunted coldly and continued to play with his toys. Then. Amanda walked up to him and rubbed his head. "Hey, I'm talking to you, Aiden. Why are you grunting like a piglet?"

"I'm not a piglet, but that doesn't mean I can't grunt. Dad didn't keep his promise, and I don't like him for that." Aiden was mad at Elias for not returning home within three days as he had promised. "Dad was busy, but now he is back, plus he brought you a present, so aren't you curious to find out what it is?

"But... I still hate Dad for not keeping his promise."

Amanda then crouched down and coaxed her son. That's why we're going to meet your Dad and make him apologize to you, right? Give him a chance, would you?"

"Fine. Aiden acted like he was forced to tag along.

At the same time, Yacob, who witnessed the boy's reaction, helplessly shook his head, thinking Elias would be so disappointed if he could see Aiden's expression.

Soon, the three of them made their way to the airport. An hour later, they arrived at their destination and waited for Elias to show up. When the man finally showed up at the arrival gate, Amanda's eyes lit up because she was able to quickly spot him among the crowd.

"Come on, Aiden. It's Dad. He is out. Amanda kept encouraging Aiden to greet Elias, but the kid was still angry. Thus, he only stood still in place with his arms folded, responding with a cold grunt. Amanda shrugged her shoulders at Elias and silently spoke by puckering her lips. "Your son is mad."

After seeing Amanda's reaction, Elias immediately knew what was going on. He then curled his lips. upward and walked up to Aiden, whereupon he carried him in his arms. "I heard some kid is angry with his dad. Let me see who he is. Hmm?"

"Hmph!" Aiden jutted his chin belligerently without looking at his father.
Chapter 387 Your Son Is Still Mad at You

When Amanda saw her son's reaction, she secretly chuckled in amusement. Oh, I can't believe my son has quite a temper.

"Look at our son. It seems that he doesn't want to talk to me." Elias helplessly gazed at Amanda, complaining to his wife in an adorable tone.

In the meantime, Yacob couldn't help but have goosebumps running all over his skin when he saw that. What's with Mr. Winters? Why does he sound like a kid? Am I seeing things? Or is he out of his mind? While Yacob's eyes were filled with doubts, Elias gave him a cold glare and said, "Step aside if you can't stand it."

"Ahem... I'm used to it, Mr. Winters." Yacob smiled.

Amanda laughed in amusement when she saw the funny interaction between Elias and Yacob, finding them interesting. In the meantime, Aiden made a loud grunt when he realized he had been neglected. Elias looked at his own son in his arms, smiling lovingly, "You have my attention, but is this a reminder for me to coax you?"

"Hmph! You broke your promise. You're not a good father." Aiden gave in to his temper and spoke, although he was initially reluctant to talk to Elias at all,

"But I brought you a present. Would you take a look at it?" Elias knitted his eyebrows.

"No! I don't want it!" Aiden responded with an adamant attitude.

Amanda then poked her son's face and asked, "Give your father a chance to apologize. I thought we talked about this at home."

"I don't see any present at all. I don't think he prepared any either." In fact, Aiden had been paying attention to anything that might seem like a present from the moment Elias showed up, only to fail to notice anything noteworthy.

Amanda then turned her attention to Elias and asked, "Are you trying to lie to my son? Where is his present?"

Elias then turned around and gazed at his assistant. "Where is my present? I thought I told you to hold it for me."

"Oh, it's right here. I almost forgot about it." Elias' assistant smiled awkwardly and quickly brought the present to Elias.

Although Amanda couldn't see clearly what that present was, she noticed her son's desperate reaction as he hurried to check out his present and exclaimed in excitement. "What's that?"

"I don't know. All I know is that kids love it." Elias reacted with a chuckle.

Soon, the smile on Amanda's face faded away when she received a phone call from Symeon. Not him again. She immediately hung up the call and looked at Elias, as well as Yacob. "Let's head back to the estate. 1 have something I'd like to tell you all about." Elias and Yacob exchanged gazes in puzzlement, but they didn't ask Amanda anything because they reckoned they would find out more soon enough.

Upon arrival at Winters Estate, Aiden was taken by the butler elsewhere so that he could play by himself. After all, it had been a while since the last time he was there. On the other hand, the three adults made their way to the lake, where they decided to have their discussion held.

"Now, what is it that you want to tell us?" Elias sat down on the bench and waited for Amanda to talk.

Amanda deliberated for a moment, wondering where she should start telling Elias and Yacob the story. At the same time, she was worried that Elias would get angry after hearing her story, fearing he would succumb to his temper and do something reckless. She then looked at Yacob and said, "You should sit down as well. I'm thinking about how I should start telling the story."

"Me? As Mr. Winters' subordinate, I think it's better for me to stand because I doubt I deserve to sit side by side with him."

"I said sit down. I can't think with you on your feet. What I'm going to tell you both is no laughing matter, and I need you to restrain Elias if he gets too mad because I don't want him to do anything silly." Amanda sounded frustrated.

Yacob was seen with a confused look on his face when he saw Amanda acting so mysteriously. Although he could tell that Amanda had been hiding something inside of her for the past few days, it seemed to him that whatever she was going to tell them was serious.

Meanwhile, Elias was already seen with a darkened face, thinking he should have known that something. had would happen to him away from home. However, Amanda chose to keep him in the dark until he returned. "Now, just sit down and keep quiet."

Yacob obediently sat down beside Elias, whereupon the two men fixed their eyes upon Amanda and waited for her to talk.

"Now, tell us what happened." Elias looked at Amanda.

"Promise me that you won't get mad. The reason I'm bringing this matter up is that I want all of us to think of a solution together, so you need to stay calm. Okay?" Amanda shuddered at the thought of her imagination in which Elias angrily barged into Sacred Heart Villa to murder Symeon.

Meanwhile, Elias was beginning to feel more annoyed as Amanda behaved indecisively. "So, are you going to tell us or not?" He was overwhelmed by his impatience.

"Now, promise me that you'll stay calm, okay? Please." Amanda still appeared hesitant because she had a strong feeling that Elias would succumb to his emotions and temper.

"Alright, I promise you. Now, talk, Elias answered with a darkened look.

Amanda looked at Yacob, who was sitting beside Elias. "Don't forget to restrain him."

Yacob responded by giving Amanda a firm look, as if he was telling her to stop wasting time and tell them what happened.

Amanda then cleared her throat and took a few seconds to organize the story in her mind. After that, she went on to speak in a euphemistic manner. "Here is what it is. I believe you guys know the Lawrence Family from Esmos, right?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Elias knitted his eyebrows. Although he had met Symeon, the new heir of the Lawrence Family, a few times, they were not close to each other.

At the same time, Yacob also held his breath, looking forward to what Amanda would say next.

After a brief hesitation, Amanda eventually decided to speak her mind in order to prevent any unwanted misunderstanding. “Um. The mysterious and famous heir has come to Cludan for me..." "And?" Elias couldn't wait to hear the truth, but Amanda still seemed hesitant and indecisive as she revealed what had happened.

Amanda lacked the courage to look her husband in the eye but eventually decided to go ahead and tell the truth. "This heir went through the record in the hospital where I gave birth to Aiden in Esmos four years ago, insisting he was his son as he wanted to take him away with him. He then tried to convince me that their biological relationship was real by presenting a DNA paternity test report, which was done in Esmos. That's all."

After finishing the last few words, Amanda didn't notice any response from the two men, even thinking she might have spoken so fast that she left them confused. However, the moment she looked up, she immediately saw Elias' darkened face, knowing he was going to lose his cool anytime.

"What the f*ck!" The man swore just as Yacob quickly seized his arm.

"Mr. Winters, Miss Bailey said you have to stay calm."

"Come on! Could you really stay calm if you were in my place? I gave you a task to protect them, but you didn't seem to know about that at all, did you?!" Elias was so angry that he was tempted to murder Symeon.

It was then that Yacob recalled the man he met when he picked Aiden up at school. That man Aiden and I ran into that day. Is he the Lawrence Family's heir? He is the biracial guy you're talking about, isn't he?" Yacob asked, looking at Amanda.

Amanda nodded, shuddering at the thought of their encounter that day. If Yacob hadn't been around, my baby would have been taken, wouldn't he?
Chapter 388 Jealousy

Soon, Elias flipped out and rose from his seat. "Damn it! How dare he get so close to my son!"

"That's why I brought this matter up to you guys so that we can all think of a solution together. What should we do now? That guy seems to think that Aiden is his son, but that's impossible. You, of all people, should know that, Amanda replied helplessly. After all, she had already explained to Symeon countless times but to no avail, because the man still insisted that he was Aiden's father.

A question suddenly flashed through Elias' mind as he turned around and looked at Amanda. "Why does he keep thinking that Aiden is his son? Did you get in touch with him when you spent those few years in Esmos? What happened between the two of you?" Elias was overwhelmed by a sting of pain at the thought of that possibility.

"How am I supposed to know that? I only heard about him when I was in Esmos, and that was all! There was no chance for us to get in touch with each other. Furthermore, why would a big and prestigious family like the Lawrences be interested in a rookie lawyer like me? What are you talking about?!" Amanda was annoyed because she didn't expect Elias to doubt her, although the real purpose of bringing that matter up was to discuss the matter with him.

As the atmosphere began to grow a little tense and awkward, Yacob stood up and interfered with a fake cough. "Miss Bailey, you said Mr. Lawrence presented a DNA paternity test report to prove his biological relationship with Mr. Aiden, but since we all know that's impossible, that means that report must be fake, which begs the question-who counterfeited that report?"

"That's what I thought as well. There must be a mastermind behind all this, and whoever that is must have led Symeon to me. Furthermore, he insisted that the lady he slept with four years ago was me, claiming he had conducted a long investigation before he found that out. Then, he said he had been observing my life as a single mother over the past 4 years, even hoping I would go to him with our son one day, but I came back to Cludan instead. Thus, he made his move and came for me."

Amanda carefully recalled every word Symeon said, thinking there was nothing she had missed. It seems that Symeon was already sure Aiden was his son in the beginning, but why? As she got more and more engrossed in telling her story, she unknowingly forgot about Elias feelings.

As Elias' face darkened more and more, Yacob, who was afraid a conflict would happen, quickly gave an excuse and left the area, "Um. I think I should check on Mr. Aiden. He is probably hungry now or something." He finished his words and walked away.

In the meantime, Elias sniggered in a jealous manner, fixing his gaze on Amanda's expression as she tried. hard to recall every detail. Then, the lady snapped out of her trance and asked, "What's so funny?" Deep down, she couldn't understand why Elias would snigger because his wife and son were in potential danger.

"So, you said Symeon had been observing you for the last four years, right?" In fact, Elias had no idea where Amanda was in those four years. Besides, he didn't know what Amanda was doing and was unaware of their son's existence, which was what made him even angrier when he thought about the possibility that Symeon had been watching his wife all this time.

Amanda couldn't refute Elias' argument. What he says kind of makes sense... Nevertheless, the man's jealousy got the better of him shortly after. "If there was really nothing between the two of you, then why did he say that you were the woman he slept with four years ago?!" Elias gritted his teeth, questioning his wife angrily.

"H-How am I supposed to know that? I..." Amanda didn't know what to say, wondering what Elias was doing. Why is he interrogating me like I'm being tried?

"What are you talking about, Elias?! You, of all people, should know whose son Aiden is. Don't you think so? Why would you doubt me for that?! I didn't sleep with any other man in those four years, and when we divorced, I was already pregnant! I was pregnant when I left the country. Before we divorced, I was crazy over you, but you wouldn't even look at me. So, do you really think I had time to do something like that? Where is the trust you have in me?!" Amanda was in a rage, thinking she shouldn't have brought that matter up with Elias because that would only make her more anxious and angrier.

Amanda's words were like a bucket of cold water splashed at Elias. Yeah, Aiden is my son, and I know that. We did a DNA test to confirm that. Furthermore, before Amanda and I divorced, she did everything she was supposed to as a dutiful wife, not to mention the fact that she didn't do anything wrong to me at all. Therefore, there was no way she would have slept with any other man in those four years. At the thought of that, Elias laughed at himself for his foolishness and meaningless rage, finding his fickle emotions a little ironic. He then walked closer to Amanda to hug her, speaking in a deep voice. I'm sorry. I lost my mind...."

"Don't touch me! I shouldn't have brought this matter up to you. The reason I'm telling you all this is that I don't want to face that man alone, but at the same time, I was also afraid that you'd get the wrong idea about my relationship with Symeon after hearing my story. If you're going to misunderstand one way or another, then I should have kept this to myself in the first place! I don't need your help to protect my son!" Amanda turned around and stomped off without looking back.

Elias then seized Amanda's wrist and pulled her into his arms, refusing to let her go, no matter how hard. she struggled. "I'm sorry, Amanda... Listen to me. I. I was just jealous." In the end, the man confessed and admitted his jealousy.

While Amanda reacted with a cold grunt and continued to ignore the man, Elias had his arms wrapped. around her and said, "I was busy in Esmos in the past few days, but whenever I was free, I would think of you, and I couldn't help it. Then, when I came back, the first thing I heard from you was that news before we even had a chance to share an intimate moment. So, I just couldn't help but succumb to my emotions. After all, I can't stand imagining Symeon watching you in the shadows in those 4 years."

"What's your point? I didn't know he was watching me either. I didn't even know his existence to begin with."

"Alright, I get you. It was my fault, Amanda. I'm sorry. Please talk to me, would you?" Elias hugged Amanda tightly in his arms, afraid that he would lose her once again.

In fact, Amanda would hate to get mad because it was hard for her to stand up to Symeon alone, which was why she needed Elias to help her. After all, Aiden was indeed their son.

"Don't worry. I'll protect you and our son and keep you both from anyone who would harm us. Believe me, okay?" Elias whispered gently in Amanda's ear, his breath tickling her ear. Amanda was helpless. "Alright, I got you. Now, let me go. Your breath is making my ear really ticklish."

As Amanda tried to push the man away, Elias tightened his arms around even more, chuckling. "What about now?" He then kissed her earlobe and added, "I miss you, Amanda. I miss you so much."

Is this how a man who's in love behaves? Such a sweet talker. Amanda shoved the man away, her face blushing in embarrassment. "Stop it right there. Your flirtatious words aren't going to work on me." "What is your desire then? I can do anything to please my beloved wife. Elias smiled mischievously.
Chapter 389 A Preposition

"Beloved wife?" Amanda repeated those two words with contempt and added, "For your information, we haven't remarried yet because you haven't done what you promised me."

Elias' face darkened. "By the way, has Crispin been behaving himself for the past few days?" His husky voice was deep.

"You know he will never behave himself. What's worse is that I found out he's been abusing Stephanie. Thus, you need to act as soon as possible, or Stephanie can't hang in there much longer."

Oh, come on! Crispin is stirring up trouble as if things weren't bad enough. Elias put his hands in his pocket and said, "I didn't think Crispin was a man like that. After all, he seems to treat outsiders pretty politely, but when he is with the woman he loves, he abuses her. Stephanie must have fallen in love with a piece of crap."

"Besides, Crispin is not satisfied with just being the Allegra Family's son-in-law. His ultimate goal is to find a way to get into the Allegra Group."

Elias chuckled in response. "A useless trash like him must have gone through a lot before he got this far. So, of course, he is not going to be satisfied with what he has now."

"There's been a lot going on recently. Amanda appeared to be tired.

"I've tracked down the hotel waiter, and I believe it won't be long until Crispin gets kicked out of the Allegra Family. Elias wrapped his arms around Amanda.

Suddenly, something crossed Amanda's mind as she looked up. "Wait a second! There is something I forgot to tell you about!”

"What is it?"

The reason Stephanie has been putting up with Crispin is because he has their sex tape. Therefore, he threatens to upload the video onto the internet whenever she tries to resist him. If the tape goes public, Stephanie's future is going to be ruined."

Damn! How could I forget about something so important? That's the most pressing issue because Stephanie will no longer fear that man only if the tape is gone.

Elias knitted his eyebrows. "He is even more terrible than a piece of sh*t!"

Later that evening, Amanda returned to the Allegra Villa with Aiden, but Elias tagged along, much to the Allegra Family's surprise.

"Elias?" Jack came out to greet his grandson, but when he saw Elias, he couldn't help but feel surprised.

-Before Jack could respond further, Amanda said with a smile, "Dad, Elias is going to stay at our place for a

few days. Would that be okay? After all, there are so many vacant rooms in our house."

"Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem, but where we are is pretty far from his office. Are you sure it won't be inconvenient for him?" Jack was confused, wondering what Elias was up to.

Soon, Elias said, "Mr. Allegra, I've been away from Aiden for too long, and I want to keep him company for a few days, but don't worry, I won't impose on you for too long."

"Just make yourself comfortable. I was just afraid that you'd be late for work. You're welcome to stay with Aiden for as long as you want." Jack carried Aiden in his arms with a smile on his face. Aiden looked at Jack and flashed his present in excitement. "Look, Grandpa! Dad bought me a present!"

"Hurry up and show it to me! Let's head upstairs and meet up with your grandma, okay?"

"Let's go!"

Jack then gazed at Amanda and said, "Amanda, show Elias around the house so that he could pick the room he prefers. I'm going to head upstairs with Aiden"

"Sure. Dad."

At that moment, Crispin happened to step out of the elevator just as he saw Elias right in front of him. Intimidated, he didn't think Elias would come back so soon because he thought it would at least take him a few more weeks before he came back. "Mr. Winters, are you staying here for the night?" Crispin asked probingly.

Amanda answered with a smile, "Not just for the night. He'll be staying with us for quite a while, in fact." She then turned her attention to the man beside her and said, "Let's go. I'm going to take you upstairs for you to pick a room you like."

"Can't I sleep together with you?" Elias asked as if there was no one else around him.

Amanda glared at him and said, "You wish!"

In the meantime, Crispin stood in place and watched their lovey-dovey interaction, thinking their chances of remarrying were pretty high. If they remarry, the first thing they're going to do is to get rid of me. No way! Foreseeing the trouble he would be in, Crispin reckoned he had to do something to save himself.

Later that night, Simon was in his own villa, where he finished his shower and changed into his sleeping. robe. Upon pouring herself a glass of red wine, he was about to sit on the couch just when he heard someone knocking on the door. He then placed the glass on the table and answered the door, only to see his bodyguard at his doorstep. "Sir, someone by the name of Crispin Coyote is here to see you. He said he's Miss Bailey's brother-in-law."

Amanda's brother-in-law? Symeon knitted his eyebrows in confusion, wondering what Crispin was seeing. him for.

"Tell him to wait downstairs."


Meanwhile, Crispin was sitting on the couch in the living room downstairs, silently waiting for the mysterious figure that he was going to meet. Although he had no idea who he would be seeing, he could tell that the man he was going to meet was not someone to be trifled with.

Not long after that, Symeon walked down the stairs, gazing at Crispin with an indifferent expression as he was able to immediately recognize who that was. That's the man who tried to get physical with Amanda outside my villa. Haha! He must have a death wish to come all the way here to meet me. Symeon walked downstairs and sat down opposite Crispin, but the latter subconsciously stood up and greeted him respectfully, "Nice to meet you, Sir. My name is Crispin Coyote, and I'm Amanda Bailey's brother-in-law."

"To what do I owe you the pleasure?" Symeon looked at Crispin with a haughty expression, as if Crispin was his slave. Deep down, he had nothing but contempt for Crispin due to what he did to Amanda that day.

Needless to say, Crispin was also able to tell how lightly Symeon thought of him. "I don't know your name and where you're from, but I believe you have some sort of secret relationship with my wife's sister, or she wouldn't be so scared of you."

"Scared of me?" Symeon sniggered, doubting Amanda was really scared of him. After all, he didn't sense her fear because all she did was turn a deaf ear to his words.

"Excuse me, who am I speaking to Crispin asked.


Lawrence? Crispin hesitated for a second and smiled. "Mr. Lawrence, Amanda hasn't left home for the past. few days with my nephew-in-law. I wonder whether that has anything to do with you." Crispin's voice clearly echoed through every corner of the estate.

Symeon chuckled with his arms folded. "What does that have to do with you? Are you here to stand up for her or to challenge me?" Despite his question, he believed Crispin didn't see him standing up for Amanda as he could still remember how he treated her that day.

"Nope. I'm here to offer you a proposition. Would you accept it?"

"Oh, really? I'm all ears," Symeon responded calmly, acting like he was watching a clown's performance.
Chapter 390 What's Your Issue With Amanda?

Crispin was-secretly delighted when he thought that Lawrence had taken the bait. Now I must cause some trouble for Elias and Amanda, so they won't have time to meddle in my affairs. "Of course, if we are going to cooperate, it's all down to your arrangements. After all, I still don't know what happened between you and Amanda and why she's so afraid of you."

He had been pondering this question for days, wanting to exploit it as leverage against Amanda. However, it seemed like she didn't care at all, so he couldn't understand why she would stay at home all day. It was only when Elias returned that Amanda dared to leave her house with the child. Crispin firmly believed that something was going on.

Symeon remained silent as his gaze fixated on Crispin. The atmosphere grew awkward, and Crispin realized that Symeon wasn't willing to divulge his affairs. Crispin then decided not to pry too much. He would be glad as long as he could use this man to hinder Amanda and Elias.

"Sorry, I've asked too many questions. Here's the deal: I can be of service to you. I'll help with whatever

need since I have convenient access to the Allegra Residence," Crispin offered. The crux of the matter was that he didn't know Lawrence's true intentions or goals, which made cooperation seemingly impossible.

Symeon's deep eyes locked onto him for a while before asking, "What's your issue with Amanda?"

"Not much. I'm just a son-in-law who married into their family. It's normal for her not to like me, but she's constantly going against me and trying to break me up with my wife. I can't tolerate that. I guess... your goal is probably to get Amanda?" Crispin cautiously asked.

There were only two possibilities for a man to be that persistent with a woman. Either he deeply loved. her, or he harbored intense hatred and wanted to seek revenge. Perhaps Amanda had betrayed Mr. Lawrence? Crispin had heard that she had spent four years abroad, making it quite possible.

"You're quite clever. However, I don't want her or the child. And if the child can't be separated from her, I can take both of them away, whether she likes it or not Symeon smiled.

Crispin felt confused. Does he want the child? Wasn't the child Elias? Why did he want Elias' child? "Sorry for prying, but do you know whose child it is? You're here to take Elias' child, and it won't be easy." Crispin couldn't grasp Lawrence's intentions at the moment.

Symeon sneered coldly and replied in an icy tone, "What about taking away my own child?"

Crispin's eyes widened in shock as he looked at Symeon with disbelief. "You mean... Aiden is... your child? Not Elias?" He had stumbled upon a huge scandal which was a shocking revelation. Amanda has cuckolded Elias! The child is Mr. Lawrence's!

Symeon, who wasn't surprised by his shocked expression, explained in a low voice, "Do you still want to cooperate with me? How can you be of use when Armanda seems to dislike you, and won't allow you near her child? How will you be able to help me?" Clearly, Simon didn't regard Crispin as anything more than a clown.

"Mr. Lawrence, we can cooperate. I can help you get the child! I understand your feelings. That's your child, and leaving the child in such circumstances is unacceptable!" Crispin declared. He had firmly resolved to tread through these murky waters. He was determined to intervene as long as it meant he could destroy Amanda and Elias.

Symeon simply stared at him and didn't respond. Crispin knew his mere words couldn't prove his usefulness, so he continued, "I can bring the child to you. If the child goes missing. Amanda and Elias will surely be busy searching for the child and won't have time for their trivial matters."

"Is that so? Then bring the child to me, and we'll talk," Symeon said and stood up before walking toward the elevator without bothering to listen to the babbling of this clown.

"Mr. Lawrence, just wait for my good news!" Crispin watched as the man left, and a sinister smile appeared on his face.

The next morning, after Symeon woke up, he descended the stairs where his bodyguards were already waiting, and one of them was holding a file folder. "Master, this is the paternity test result that I just retrieved."

With a cold expression, Symeon extended his hand, and the bodyguard handed him the file folder. After opening it, he flipped through the pages of the Corynthean version of the paternity test report. He only trusted Dr. Elbert, but since Amanda insisted that he did a DNA paternity test upon returning to Cludan, he had to comply.

He wanted to see how Amanda would react now. Skimming over the data and analysis, he turned to the last page, which confirmed the parent-child relationship. The man smiled as he was unsurprised by the result. He took a photo of the final page of the DNA test result with his phone and sent it to Amanda for her to see.

"Master, how much longer do we need to stay here? Many matters back home require your attention, the bodyguard reminded him.

Symeon glanced at him and retorted, "Do you think I'm oblivious? Will the Lawrence Family crumble because of my absence?" The man grew increasingly angry, and his temper flared. Noticing that, the bodyguard bowed his head and kept silent as he was fully aware that he had spoken too much. I'm running low on patience as well. If this man persists in pestering me, I'll have to resort to more forceful measures.

The bodyguard reminded him once again, "Master, Elias returned yesterday and moved into the Allegra Villa. I'm unsure if he's aware of this."

Symeon sneered, "Do you honestly believe Amanda would inform him that she has cheated on him?" He knew Amanda would never dare to disclose this information. After all, Elias held considerable influence. If he discovered that the child wasn't his, he might even go as far as to kill the woman.

Meanwhile, at the Allegra Villa, Amanda washed up and changed into a fresh outfit after waking up. She was going to wake Aiden and take him to school. It had been several days since he had last attended kindergarten, and now that Elias had returned, she felt more emboldened.

Suddenly, her phone chimed when she received a text message. She grabbed her phone and discovered that the message was from Symeon. After opening the message, she was met with a photograph. After seeing its contents, she stood frozen in place, unable to regain her composure for quite some time. It was yet another falsified paternity test in Corynthean. What is this man trying to achieve?

Why is he producing so many counterfeit paternity test reports? Does he have nothing better to do? Could it be that even paternity tests in Cludan were subject to manipulation? Is he so influential and powerfu that he could tamper with paternity tests both in Cludan and Esmos?
Chapter 391 Face-to-Face Confrontation

Suddenly, the phone rang, and it was Symeon calling. She could already imagine what he was going to say but decided to answer the call after a brief hesitation.

Before Amanda could utter a word, Symeon's voice could be heard from the other end. "What more do you have to say now? Isn't it time for you to fulfill your promise?" My promise?

Amanda bit her lip and was about to have an emotional breakdown, but she patiently explained to the

man on the phone, "Mr. Lawrence, I'm genuinely astounded by you. I now firmly believe that you're doing. this deliberately. You aren't clueless; you're intentionally trying to separate me from my child by fabricating multiple paternity tests. I truly can't comprehend why you want to take my child away. Is it because of a grudge against Elias?"

That was the only reasonable explanation she could think of. He wanted to retaliate against Elias by taking away their child due to their deep-seated animosity.

"So, you're attempting to backtrack on your words once again, huh?" Symeon retorted.

"I have nothing more to say, but I want to make it clear that the child isn't yours. If you have any grievances with Elias, confront him directly. What kind of man seeks revenge by involving an innocent child?" Amanda declared before abruptly ending the call. She, too, was infuriated.

Lawrence indeed possesses remarkable capabilities. He could produce counterfeit paternity test results both overseas and in Cludan. Meanwhile, Symeon chuckled coldly after the call ended abruptly. He had long foreseen that this woman would never admit her actions.

"Master, what should we do next?"

"I've done what I can by fulfilling everything she demanded. Now, we can only retrieve the child through our methods."


At the same time, at Allegra Villa, Amanda barged into Elias' room and found him sleeping on the bed. after staying up late the previous night. "Elias, wake up, she urged.

As she approached the bedside, Elias pulled her down onto the bed before pressing her beneath him and murmuring. "Stay with me for a while."

"What are you doing? Look at this! I strongly suspect that this person is targeting you, which is why he's attempting to snatch our son as an act of revenge.

Upon hearing the word 'revenge', Elias immediately awakened. He took hold of her phone and examined it intently while muttering, "Damn... I've had enough of this nonsense.”

Elias suddenly lifted the covers, but his arm was grabbed by Amanda. "Where are you going?"

"We've reached this point so we can only confront him face-to-face. I want to see what this guy is up to."

His impression of Lawrence remained stagnant from their brief encounter years ago. Logically speaking. what kind of grudge could exist between them? "Calm down. I find it odd... Similar to him. Amanda initially acted impulsively, but upon further contemplation, she found the situation rather strange.

"Indeed, it's peculiar. It seems as though someone deliberately led him to us." Elias lit a cigarette and placed it between his lips.

Glancing at her, he asked, "Is our son awake? He shouldn't go to kindergarten these days.

"Yes, I know. I haven't allowed him to go since you were away. I was afraid he might suddenly take our child away.

However, the primary concern was how to resolve the current predicament. "I believe we should have a conversation with him"

"Tll go talk to him." Elias extinguished the cigarette butt. He thought that Symeon was likely telling the truth. Yet, to fully comprehend the situation, he needed to engage in a face-to-face conversation. Soon, eveping fell upon Sacred Heart Villa. Symeon, who had intended to go out, received an unexpected phone call from Elias, who requested to visit.

"Master, what do you think Elias wants?"

"What else could he want? He has just returned to the country and is unaware of everything. It's most likely that he wants to probe the situation. However, I doubt he knows that he has been deceived." Symeor was starting to admire Amanda. She dared to cuckold Elias and even had the nerve to complain about Symeon to Elias. How amusing.

Ding! Dong! The doorbell rang outside, and the bodyguard turned to open the door. Meanwhile, Symeon assumed a composed posture and was prepared to have some fun with Elias. A deep and heavy footstep approached, but Symeon didn't bother to turn around, for he knew who it was. However, a smirk appeared on his lips.

It seemed to be two years ago when he last saw Elias. Elias, with his tall figure, slowly made his way to the other side and sat on the couch. He acted as if he were in his territory and showed no courtesy as a guest. Two formidable figures faced each other in silence, but the air was already thick with hostility.

"Are you here to remain silent?" Symeon finally broke the silence.

Elias sneered before lighting a cigarette and placing it between his lips. He exhaled a disgusted breath and flicked the ashes before saying. "Shouldn't you be the one who starts the conversation? After all, you've come all the way here to provoke me."

"I'm merely doing what needs to be done. The heir of the Lawrence Family must not remain estranged."

"Coincidentally, I wanted to say the same thing. The heir of the Winters Family mustn't remain estranged either Elias straightened his posture and extinguished the cigarette in the ashtray.

At that, Symeon let out a disdainful laugh. "Yours? Are you sure that child is yours?" With that, he tossed two paternity test reports onto the coffee table-one conducted in Esmos and the other in Cludan.

Elias picked them up and glanced at them while chuckling. "Quite thorough. You've conducted paternity. tests both domestically and internationally. I'm curious, have you managed to offend the entire medical community? Why did they give you forged paternity tests?"

"So, you firmly believe that the child is yours? Have you done a paternity test?" Symeon questioned.

"Of course."

"I'd advise you to do another one. Given our past encounters, I don't want to see you raising my son while being cuckolded," Symeon remarked calmly, seemingly undoubting his paternity test results. Elias' anger flared, and the smile on his handsome face gradually vanished. "Symeon, do you have a grudge against me?"

"Why would you say that?"

Elias lit another cigarette and exhaled smoke while suppressing his impatience. "If we have no grievances, why do you want to take my woman and child? Do you intend to raise my son for me? Or perhaps you're interested in my woman?"

Upon hearing that, Symeon laughed and responded sarcastically. "Please get your facts straight. It's not that I'm interested in your woman. Rather, your woman climbed into my bed, got pregnant with my child, but refused to return him to me. Though I hesitate to admit it, having a Lawrence Family heir outside poses a potential threat, and I must resolve this matter.
Chapter 391 Face-to-Face Confrontation

Suddenly, the phone rang, and it was Symeon calling. She could already imagine what he was going to say but decided to answer the call after a brief hesitation.

Before Amanda could utter a word, Symeon's voice could be heard from the other end. "What more do you have to say now? Isn't it time for you to fulfill your promise?" My promise?

Amanda bit her lip and was about to have an emotional breakdown, but she patiently explained to the

man on the phone, "Mr. Lawrence, I'm genuinely astounded by you. I now firmly believe that you're doing. this deliberately. You aren't clueless; you're intentionally trying to separate me from my child by fabricating multiple paternity tests. I truly can't comprehend why you want to take my child away. Is it because of a grudge against Elias?"

That was the only reasonable explanation she could think of. He wanted to retaliate against Elias by taking away their child due to their deep-seated animosity.

"So, you're attempting to backtrack on your words once again, huh?" Symeon retorted.

"I have nothing more to say, but I want to make it clear that the child isn't yours. If you have any grievances with Elias, confront him directly. What kind of man seeks revenge by involving an innocent child?" Amanda declared before abruptly ending the call. She, too, was infuriated.

Lawrence indeed possesses remarkable capabilities. He could produce counterfeit paternity test results both overseas and in Cludan. Meanwhile, Symeon chuckled coldly after the call ended abruptly. He had long foreseen that this woman would never admit her actions.

"Master, what should we do next?"

"I've done what I can by fulfilling everything she demanded. Now, we can only retrieve the child through our methods."


At the same time, at Allegra Villa, Amanda barged into Elias' room and found him sleeping on the bed. after staying up late the previous night. "Elias, wake up, she urged.

As she approached the bedside, Elias pulled her down onto the bed before pressing her beneath him and murmuring. "Stay with me for a while."

"What are you doing? Look at this! I strongly suspect that this person is targeting you, which is why he's attempting to snatch our son as an act of revenge.

Upon hearing the word 'revenge', Elias immediately awakened. He took hold of her phone and examined it intently while muttering, "Damn... I've had enough of this nonsense.”

Elias suddenly lifted the covers, but his arm was grabbed by Amanda. "Where are you going?"

"We've reached this point so we can only confront him face-to-face. I want to see what this guy is up to."

His impression of Lawrence remained stagnant from their brief encounter years ago. Logically speaking. what kind of grudge could exist between them? "Calm down. I find it odd... Similar to him. Amanda initially acted impulsively, but upon further contemplation, she found the situation rather strange.

"Indeed, it's peculiar. It seems as though someone deliberately led him to us." Elias lit a cigarette and placed it between his lips.

Glancing at her, he asked, "Is our son awake? He shouldn't go to kindergarten these days.

"Yes, I know. I haven't allowed him to go since you were away. I was afraid he might suddenly take our child away.

However, the primary concern was how to resolve the current predicament. "I believe we should have a conversation with him"

"Tll go talk to him." Elias extinguished the cigarette butt. He thought that Symeon was likely telling the truth. Yet, to fully comprehend the situation, he needed to engage in a face-to-face conversation. Soon, eveping fell upon Sacred Heart Villa. Symeon, who had intended to go out, received an unexpected phone call from Elias, who requested to visit.

"Master, what do you think Elias wants?"

"What else could he want? He has just returned to the country and is unaware of everything. It's most likely that he wants to probe the situation. However, I doubt he knows that he has been deceived." Symeor was starting to admire Amanda. She dared to cuckold Elias and even had the nerve to complain about Symeon to Elias. How amusing.

Ding! Dong! The doorbell rang outside, and the bodyguard turned to open the door. Meanwhile, Symeon assumed a composed posture and was prepared to have some fun with Elias. A deep and heavy footstep approached, but Symeon didn't bother to turn around, for he knew who it was. However, a smirk appeared on his lips.

It seemed to be two years ago when he last saw Elias. Elias, with his tall figure, slowly made his way to the other side and sat on the couch. He acted as if he were in his territory and showed no courtesy as a guest. Two formidable figures faced each other in silence, but the air was already thick with hostility.

"Are you here to remain silent?" Symeon finally broke the silence.

Elias sneered before lighting a cigarette and placing it between his lips. He exhaled a disgusted breath and flicked the ashes before saying. "Shouldn't you be the one who starts the conversation? After all, you've come all the way here to provoke me."

"I'm merely doing what needs to be done. The heir of the Lawrence Family must not remain estranged."

"Coincidentally, I wanted to say the same thing. The heir of the Winters Family mustn't remain estranged either Elias straightened his posture and extinguished the cigarette in the ashtray.

At that, Symeon let out a disdainful laugh. "Yours? Are you sure that child is yours?" With that, he tossed two paternity test reports onto the coffee table-one conducted in Esmos and the other in Cludan.

Elias picked them up and glanced at them while chuckling. "Quite thorough. You've conducted paternity. tests both domestically and internationally. I'm curious, have you managed to offend the entire medical community? Why did they give you forged paternity tests?"

"So, you firmly believe that the child is yours? Have you done a paternity test?" Symeon questioned.

"Of course."

"I'd advise you to do another one. Given our past encounters, I don't want to see you raising my son while being cuckolded," Symeon remarked calmly, seemingly undoubting his paternity test results. Elias' anger flared, and the smile on his handsome face gradually vanished. "Symeon, do you have a grudge against me?"

"Why would you say that?"

Elias lit another cigarette and exhaled smoke while suppressing his impatience. "If we have no grievances, why do you want to take my woman and child? Do you intend to raise my son for me? Or perhaps you're interested in my woman?"

Upon hearing that, Symeon laughed and responded sarcastically. "Please get your facts straight. It's not that I'm interested in your woman. Rather, your woman climbed into my bed, got pregnant with my child, but refused to return him to me. Though I hesitate to admit it, having a Lawrence Family heir outside poses a potential threat, and I must resolve this matter.
This Symeon is really silly. So easy to be fooled.
Tnx a lot Immortal Gilly
Chapter 392 You've Worked Hard, Ex-husband

"What makes you think that way?" As Elias looked at Symeon, he realized this man wasn't foolish for having the ability to investigate Amanda's background. Was someone intentionally leading him into this? Symeon laughed and thought that Elias was truly smitten by Amanda for him to ask such a question. "Elias, are you a fool in love, or has Amanda brainwashed you? Aren't the paternity tests conducted in Cludan and Esmos enough? Why are you still demanding proof from me?"

Symeon was growing impatient. Over the past few days, Amanda repeatedly questioned him, and he had politely presented the evidence each time. Now, it was Elias' turn to doubt him. Even the most patient person would have lost their cool by now.

"It seems like you know nothing about Amanda's past. Allow me to enlighten you. Five years ago, Amanda and I got married-it was a secret marriage, known only to a few. However, we were indeed husband and wife. After a year of marriage, we divorced, and she was already pregnant at the time. She then spent four years in Esmos and gave birth to our child before returning to the country with him. So, at what point did she sleep with you? I don't doubt what happened to you: I sympathize with you. However, you might have gotten the wrong person."

Elias had made it very clear that he didn't think Symeon was lying. Someone had probably climbed into Symeon's bed, successfully conceived, then gave birth to a child, but this person wasn't Amanda.

I understand now. You're trying to get Amanda out of this. Well, how do you explain these two paternity tests?" Symeon also lit a cigarette, though he wasn't a smoker. The current situation made him crave one Initially, he thought it would be a simple task to take the child away, or he could perhaps take both the child and Amanda. He hadn't anticipated Elias' sudden intervention, which complicated the process. "They're both fake. You must have offended someone, or why would they go to such lengths to deceive you?" Elias exhaled smoke, and the solemn expression on his handsome face gradually disappeared when he realized that this matter had nothing to do with Amanda. He didn't believe there was anything between Amanda and Symeon. However, he couldn't hide his joy after verifying it himself. "What makes you certain these are fake?"

"That's because I'm the child's biological father." The man's words were filled with unwavering confidence.

"Show me your paternity test, then, Symeon responded.

Elias sneered. "Is a paternity test necessary? Haven't you seen my son? Doesn't he resemble me?"

"Not really. I think he bears some resemblance to me," Symeon answered.

Elias was speechless upon hearing that. Damn it.... He realized he couldn't get through to Symeon. He then stood up and said, "It seems there's no point continuing this conversation. You won't cease harassing them until I present you with a paternity test, am I right?"

Symeon fell silent upon hearing that, and he fixed his gaze on Elias with unwavering determination.

"Alright. I'll take the paternity test and show you the results. I'll be leaving now," said Elias with a nod.

Communicating with Simon had become impossible, so it was time to let the evidence speak for itself. Moreover, Elias didn't want to resort to violence with Symeon, considering the collaborations between Winters Enterprise's overseas subsidiaries and the Lawrence Family.

As Elias' footsteps faded away, Simon stubbed out his cigarette and leaned against the couch before squinting his eyes slightly. Things were growing increasingly complex. All the leads he had followed pointed to Amanda being the woman from that night, and the paternity test confirmed that the child was his. Yet, Amanda refused to admit it, and Elias refused to doubt his woman.

Meanwhile, at the Allegra Villa, everyone waited anxiously, for they were uncertain of the outcome of Elias' discussion. They knew Mr. Lawrence wasn't easy to handle, and with Elias' quick temper, things could escalate into a fight.

Suddenly, the bedroom door swung open. Amanda, who was lying on the bed, looked up to see Elias returning. She instinctively sat up and asked with anticipation, "How did it go?"

The annoyed Elias removed his suit jacket and tossed it onto the end of the bed. "Damn it, I even have to do a paternity test for that jerk!" he cursed.

"What? Did he ask you to do a paternity test?" Amanda then realized something. "Right, I made him do two paternity tests. I suppose he grew tired of it and redirected his anger toward you."

Elias then lay back on the bed before pulling Amanda into his embrace and resting his head on her neck, taking in her delicate fragrance. "It doesn't matter. If a paternity test can rid us of this troublemaker, it would be the simplest solution."

Amanda smiled helplessly as she lowered her head, then gazed at the man's prominent nose bridge and thick eyelashes. She gently reached out and touched his cheek. "You've worked hard, my ex-husband." The term 'ex-husband' sounded harsh.

Elias' expression turned solemn instantly, and he sat up before looking at the woman in his arms. "When will you change that title? I don't like it. It sounds unpleasant."

"The truth is often unpleasant."

"Tell me some lies, then."

"Unfortunately, I don't know how to tell white lies." Amanda smiled faintly.

The man chuckled somewhat helplessly and brushed her nose lightly. "Amanda, why am I just realizing how exasperating you can be?"

"In the past, you never cared enough to understand me, so you found me dull and uninteresting. Moreover, her world used to revolve around Elias, which made her lose her personality while becoming a submissive and resentful woman trapped in a confined life.

Elias suddenly fell silent, and he casually' suggested, "Let's take Aiden out to play tomorrow. It's been a while since we've spent time with him, and he has been complaining for a long time."

"Do you still have the mood to go out? Aren't you afraid something might happen?" Symeon was still watching them, and he could suddenly appear at any moment and take the child away. It wasn't the right time to go out and have fun.

Elias played with Amanda's delicate fingers before bringing them near his lips and giving them a gentle kiss. "Your future husband isn't someone to be trifled with. There's no need to be so worried," he said. Future husband... What a despicable man.

"You should sleep soon. I'll be going to bed soon."No longer wanting to entertain him, Amanda pushed him away and withdrew her fingers.

are you going? Just sleep here. Since you're already here, don't leave."

"What kind of nonsense is that?" She wanted to rip this man into pieces.

"Amanda, stop distancing yourself from me all the time. I'll grow tired if I'm always the one taking the initiative." The man's gentle tone carried a playful hint.
Chapter 393 You Know I Miss You, Amanda

Amanda blinked and found herself entranced by the man's deep, black eyes. Was she truly that cold and distant, always keeping him away? In the meantime, Elias seized the opportunity presented by her momentary silence and attempted to break down her defenses. His handsome face inched closer as though he was about to kiss her lips. Noticing this, Amanda yielded and closed her eyes while anticipating his kiss.

Elias smirked when he knew he was about to succeed. However, just as their lips were about to meet, the bedroom door swung open abruptly, and Aiden's voice interrupted them. "Mommy! Daddy! What are you playing? Why didn't you include me? Hmph!"

Aiden rushed into the room, bringing a gust of cool air along with him. Amanda instinctively moved away from Elias and pushed him aside. Meanwhile, Elias felt annoyed by the untimely interruption caused by this little brat, and he closed his eyes helplessly. If Aiden weren't his child, he might have been tempted to throw him out.

Climbing onto the bed, Aiden nestled into Amanda's embrace. "Mommy, I want to sleep with you guys. You never include me in your games. That's not nice!"

"Baby, your daddy and I weren't playing. We were discussing something important." Amanda's face flushed. She realized that it was impossible to avoid such awkward situations with a child around. -Elias expression soured as he pinched his son's cheek and gritted his teeth. "You came at the perfect time, didn't you?"

"What are you doing?" Amanda swatted the man's hand away, recognizing his dubious intentions.

The unfulfilled Elias looked frustrated as he stood up and said, "You two go to sleep. I'm going out for a bit. He didn't feel like sleeping anymore. Amanda couldn't suppress her laughter as she held her baby in her arms and watched the man leave angrily.

"Why are you laughing, Mommy?"

"Nothing. How about I tell you a story?"


After closing the bedroom door, Elias planned to step outside for a smoke before returning to his room to take a shower and sleep. With a cigarette between his lips, he strolled through the garden and noticed that Crispin had driven off. Going out so late, huh?

Remembering what Amanda had mentioned about the video in Crispin's possession, Elias realized that destroying that video would render Crispin useless, leaving him without any means of resistance. After discarding his cigarette into the nearby ashtray, Elias returned to the villa. Without knocking, he entered Crispin and Stephanie's room.

As soon as he stepped inside, he found Stephanie on the bed and looking at him with a fearful expression. "Elias?"

"Why are you still here? Didn't Crispin take you with him?" Elias thought that both Crispin and Stephanie had left, not expecting her to still be there.

"I.. I didn't want to go with him. Why are you here?" Stephanie couldn't face Elias after what had

"I heard that Crispin has a video of you. Do you know where he keeps it?" Elias inquired.

"I... I saw it on his phone, but he said he had multiple backups... Stephanie was initially startled, for she hadn't expected Elias to already know about this. Undoubtedly, Amanda must have informed him. Noticing a nearby laptop, Elias asked, "Is this Crispin's?"


Elias opened the laptop and tapped on the keyboard with his slender fingers, and his dark eyes focused on something.

Stephanie couldn't comprehend what he was doing. After a few minutes, the man stood up and glanced at her. "Just be patient and wait a few more days." With that, he turned around and left the room. Stephanie hesitated to speak, but now, she had no face to shout and yell at this man. She had brought all this upon herself, after all.

Upon returning to his room, Elias switched on his computer and began hacking into Crispin's laptop while searching for all the backups of that video.

It wasn't until midnight that he had gone through all of Crispin's accounts and deleted every video that could be found. He couldn't be bothered to watch them one by one, especially the ones involving Crispin and Stephanie. He wasn't interested at all.

Meanwhile, after soothing her baby to sleep. Amanda decided to go to the kitchen and pour herself a glass of water. As she passed by Elias' room, she entered almost instinctively. She only wanted to see what the man was up to, but unexpectedly, she heard the sound of running water from the bathroom. It turned out he was taking a shower.

As Amanda was about to turn around and leave, the sound of running water ceased, and the bathroom door swung open. Elias emerged, wearing only a towel around his waist. His short hair was dripping wet, and a faint mist enveloped his handsome face. "Why are you here?"

A smile formed on his handsome face when he spotted her, for nothing could be more surprising than this scene.

"I just happened to be passing by and wanted to see what you were up to. Aiden is asleep, and I was going to get some water..."

"Oh?" Elias teased her as if he didn't believe her excuse.

"You should go to sleep. I'm leaving. I have to wake up early tomorrow."

After Amanda finished speaking, she turned to leave. However, Elias suddenly pulled her into his arms, and they tumbled onto the soft bed.

"What are you doing-

He pinned her down and spoke lazily. "I was planning to take a shower and go to sleep, but you just had to come knocking at this moment. It seems rather intentional."

I didn't do it intentionally. Don't be unreasonable. I came to check if you were asleep. You-Mmh!"

Amanda's words were cut off as he forcefully kissed her lips. This time, there was no interruption from that little brat. It was a tender and lingering kiss filled with reluctance. "Are you out of your mind? This is the Allegra Villa!" She couldn't believe this man was so shameless. She tried to get up, but he pulled her back.

"So what? This is my room, and your son is fast asleep. No one else will come in."

"I don't want to!"

Amanda was determined, but the man got up and walked over to lock the door, then embraced her slim body tightly. "Now, can you feel at ease? No one will come in." "Why are you acting this way-

"Amanda, you know how much I miss you. She was speechless upon hearing that, but she knew it too. When he was in Esmos, he would call her every day, but he barely brought up their child. He teased and flirted with her most of the time. Eventually, her heart softened, allowing this despicable way as a sleepless night followed.

The next morning. Amanda slept deeply and nearly forgot about her promise to take Aiden out to play. When she finally woke up, it was already past 10.00AM, and the man beside her had disappeared. Amanda held her dizzy head and sat up as she felt sore all over her body. Following that, she put on her robe and left the room. As she was about to go back to her bedroom to freshen up, Aiden suddenly came to her mind!
Chapter 394 So Soon.

Upon returning to the room, Amanda realized that Aiden was already gone. Is he gone already? Her immediate thought went to Lawrence, assuming that he might have taken her child. Amanda couldn't help. but tremble with anxiety and was about to go look for Elias.

At that moment, the nanny happened to pass by the door, and Amanda grabbed her arm. "Where is Aiden? Where has he gone off to?"

"Oh, Mr. Winters took Mr. Aiden out early this morning. They're probably having breakfast by now."

Hearing this, Amanda instantly heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that the father and son were together. "Okay. I understand. You may continue with your duties."

With that, she returned to her room to freshen up and change her clothes. As she entered the bathroom. she was startled by her reflection in the mirror. Her snow-white skin was covered in countless hickeys left. by Elias. Damn it! This despicable man has gone too far! How would she explain this if Aiden saw them later?

Elias was carefully feeding their son in the dining room, and the boy was enjoying his meal. After a while, Amanda entered the dining room and witnessed this loving scene, which helped ease some of her anger. "Are you two the only ones having breakfast?"

Elias smiled as he glanced at her. "Don't you know what time it is already?"

It was almost 11.00AM, and it was nearly lunchtime.

"Which meal are you feeding him now, then?"

"Lunch. Once he's done, I'm taking him to Universal Studios. Why don't you have something to eat as well? We might not have time once we're there." Elias wiped Aiden's mouth clean as he spoke. Amanda nodded and turned to the nanny. "Please make me a bowl of spaghetti."


She felt a sense of happiness upon seeing this, but safeguarding that happiness wouldn't be easy. Suddenly, she overheard a conversation between the nanny and Crispin from outside. "You're back, Mr. Crispin."

"Where's Stephanie?"

"She's in the room and hasn't come out. Breakfast was delivered to her room."

"I see. Carry on with your duties."

Then, she heard Crispin's hurried footsteps as he left.

Amanda frowned. "He didn't come back all night. Who knows where he's been fooling around, yet he dares to throw a tantrum-'

Before she could finish her sentence, Elias interrupted her and said, "I've deleted all the backup videos, which explains why he's displeased." "What? Already?"

Amanda was genuinely surprised. She knew it wouldn't be difficult for Elias to do so, but she didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

The man chuckled softly. "He stored them in such idiotic places. He has no understanding of these things, and it was a piece of cake finding them." "Now, he has nothing to threaten the Allegra Family with."

"Yes, when I return tonight, I plan to kick him out of the Allegra Family." Elias' tone was indifferent as though he was discussing something trivial.

Meanwhile, Crispin found Stephanie lying on the bed like a lifeless dog, looking dejected and terrified. upon returning to the room. "Get up!" He walked over and pulled back the covers. With that, Stephanie sat up with disgust and fear written all over her face.

Now, she felt both disgust and fear toward this man. She couldn't put the feeling into words, but it made her sick to her stomach. "What did you do? Do you think you've erased all those videos? Do you think 1 don't have any backups?"

The videos? Stephanie looked confused, unable to grasp the meaning of his words for a while.

Crispin became enraged by her reaction, and he roared, "Let me tell you this! The videos cannot be erased! I've already uploaded them to the internet! You'll never escape my grasp!"

In reality, Crispin's fury stemmed from someone hacking into his computer and phone, completely deleting all the backup videos. He now had nothing to threaten Stephanie with!

"I didn't... You... Stephanie was frightened by his current behavior and curled into a ball. She was afraid of experiencing domestic violence again.

However, Crispin grabbed her ankle and pulled her closer. "Is this how you want to escape from me? So what if the videos are in my possession? As long as you listen to me obediently, how could I ever upload my own wife's videos online?" Stephanie knew him well to some extent. She wondered if Elias had succeeded when she saw how agitated and insane Crispin was.

"You're so worked up because you don't have any backups anymore, am I right?" Hearing that, Crispin paused for a moment, revealing a flash of panic that exposed his vulnerability.

"I do have them! Do you think I'm that stupid? I have backups everywhere-

Before he could finish his sentence, Stephanie suddenly burst into laughter. She was laughing freely as if she had been liberated. "Hahaha! Crispin, you're finished. The videos in your possession are completely gone. You can no longer threaten me."

"I said I have them!" Crispin was infuriated and raised his arm before slapping Stephanie's face. However, Stephanie couldn't feel the pain because she felt liberated. She was finally going to escape from this devil.

"Crispin, I'm no longer afraid of you. Elias will never let you have any backups" Stephanie believed in Elias' technical skills. This man would never leave any backups behind.

Crispin hesitated for a moment, then flew into a rage and grabbed her by the throat. "So, it was you who let Elias access my computer and phone to locate those videos!"

"So what if it was me? Do you really think you can enter the Allegra Family's company and inherit the Allegra Family's fortune? Dream on!" Stephanie kept laughing as if she had already divorced him.

"Stephanie! You're ruthless!" The man tightened his grip around her neck as he squeezed the life out of her.

Stephanie's face gradually turned crimson as she coughed and struggled. "Release me... Let go of me..." Stephanie pleaded and couldn't stop coughing.

Just then, the nanny knocked on the door. "Mr. Crispin, Miss Steph, the chairman has returned and wishes to speak with you."

Hearing that, Crispin swiftly released his hold on Stephanie's neck. As she collapsed onto the bed, she coughed and desperately gasped for air. She was almost strangled to death just moments ago. Following that, she quickly rose to her feet and opened the door before rushing out. The nanny, who witnessed this, was startled but completely clueless about what had unfolded earlier.

Meanwhile, Crispin stood frozen in the room, for he was well aware that his time had run out. He hadn't achieved anything yet. Was he truly going to be ousted from the Allegra Family like this? He refused to accept it! After wasting so much effort to enter the Allegra Family, leaving with nothing was simply unacceptable. How could he come to terms with that?

"Mr. Crispin, Mr. Crispin? The chairman is summoning you to the study," reminded the nanny kindly once again.

Hearing that, Crispin bellowed angrily, "I know! Now, get lost!" The nanny was frightened and quickly turned to flee. It was the first time she had witnessed Crispin in such an irritable state.
Chapter 395 Remarrying

Meanwhile, inside the study, Jack emanated anger as his expression somber, and his hands were clasped behind his back.

"Dad, save me! I want to divorce Crispin! I want a divorce!" Stephanie rushed into the study as if her life depended on it and hid behind her father.

Jack supported her unsteady body and furrowed his brows. "Regretting it now, huh? Do you want a divorce now? Didn't I warn you about this? You didn't listen to a word I said. You even had the audacity to run away from home and elope with that man!"

Stephanie couldn't utter a single word. She simply continued sobbing with her head held low. She knew she had made a mistake. It was her misjudgment that led her into the scoundrel's trap.

"I was wrong... I'm sorry, Dad..." Jack seemed to already know everything, and he didn't say anything else. Instead, he shielded her behind him. Outside, they could already hear Crispin's composed and steady. footsteps drawing near. When Stephanie heard those footsteps, she was stricken with fear. She was now terrified of this man as if he were a ghost.

"Did you call for me, Mr. Jack?" Crispin entered the study, still wearing an innocent smile on his face.

With a resounding smack, Jack angrily slammed his hand onto the desk. "I never expected you to have such audacity! I demand that you immediately divorce Stephanie and leave the Allegra Family! We will not tolerate having a son-in-law like you!"

Indeed, Crispin displayed no signs of panic. Instead, he smiled. "Why are you acting like this, Mr. Jack? Weren't you moved by me? Why the sudden change of heart?"

"Get out! Get out now! I will have my lawyer handle the divorce proceedings with you!" Jack no longer wanted to see this se mbag.

At one point, Jack thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. Perhaps he had truly misjudged Crispin, but the man didn't disappoint him at all; he perfectly embodied the impression Jack had formed when he first laid eyes on him, deceitful and cunning.

"Mr. Jack, we- Just as Crispin was about to speak, Jack shouted angrily, "Get out! I don't want a son-in-law like you!"

"You can't put it that way. I married your daughter when her reputation was tarnished-"

"How dare you bring that up?! Stefan! Bring someone in and throw this animal out!" Jack was boiling with anger as he called for the butler.

Within seconds, the butler and the bodyguards entered the study.

Crispin surveyed the scene before him and knew he wouldn't have a favorable outcome if he continued to cling on and not leave. A wise man knew when to retreat, so he departed.

He cast a profound gaze at Stephanie, who was hiding behind Jack, then turned around and left the study, bidding farewell to the family for good.

As Crispin stood outside the Allegra Family's villa, he turned to look at the house and chuckled to himself. saying, "It won't be that easy to chase me out. Since it's a divorce proceeding. I won't hold back." He would hire the best lawyer and strive to secure as many benefits as possible.

In the evening. Amanda and Elias returned home after spending the entire day outside playing with Aiden. Upon their return, they noticed a somber atmosphere enveloping the entire house.

Just then, the butler approached them and asked, "Miss and Mr. Winters, have you had dinner yet? Do you need the kitchen to prepare any food for you?"

"No, we've already eaten. By the way, why does the atmosphere feel strange? Where are my parents? Also, where's Stephanie?" Amanda asked.

The butler calmly explained what had transpired during the day, saying, "Well, after you took Mr. Aiden out this afternoon, the chairman chased Crispin out and proposed a divorce. The divorce proceedings will commence soon."

Elias remained unsurprised and commented, "Fits his style of doing things, decisive and swift."

"You knew about this? Am I the only one who didn't know anything about it?" Amanda felt like she had been kept in the dark all day.

Elias cradled their sleeping son in his arms and explained, "I've already handed the evidence I found to Mr. Allegra. I shouldn't interfere with how he handles it since it's a family matter."

Amanda was lost for words when she realized that she was the only one who remained uninformed.

Following that, Elias walked toward the elevator, and Amanda followed suit. Upon returning to their room, they gently placed their son on the bed and covered him with a blanket.

Then, Elias gestured for her to step outside. It seemed like he had something to say to her. Amanda followed him out of the room and closed the door quietly, not wanting to disturb their child. "Bring your ID along with you at 8.00AM tomorrow. I'll have Yacob come pick you up."

"Huh?" Amanda was completely bewildered. She couldn't understand what was happening.

"What for?"

Elias' handsome face showed a hint of calmness. "We're getting married again, of course."

"Us? Getting married?" Elias nodded slowly and asked, "Why? Are you having second thoughts? I've fulfilled your requirements, so you have no reason to refuse me. Besides, I have to face the heir of the Lawrence Family now, and he's not easy to deal with. If I don't even have a status, how can I have the qualifications to confront him?"

Although his reasoning made some sense, she couldn't shake the feeling that he was taking advantage of the situation. She hesitated to have such a hasty remarriage. When Elias noticed her hesitation, it only strengthened his determination to remarry as soon as possible. He feared that Amanda might change her mind at the last moment.

That's settled, then. I'll have Yacob come pick you up in the morning. I have some matters to attend to tonight, so I won't be sleeping here." If it weren't so late, he would have eagerly taken Amanda to the city hall to register their second marriage.

"Hey, you- Amanda wanted to say something, but he seemed afraid of her refusal as he turned and walked toward the elevator without giving her a chance to speak.

Feeling helpless, Amanda shook her head and decided to talk to Jack. She guessed her parents were feeling quite down at the moment. As soon as she turned around, she saw Stephanie coming out of the room. Before she could say anything, Stephanie embraced her and burst into tears, saying. Thank you, Amanda I'm finally going to be free. I can divorce Crispin and get rid of him."

Of course, Stephanie knew that Elias was willing to help only because Amanda was the one who convinced him. Otherwise, given Elias' impression of her, he wouldn't willingly assist her. Amanda was momentarily stunned but then hugged her in return.

The next day, Yacob arrived at the Allegra Villa to pick Amanda up early in the morning while she was still asleep. She was half asleep and went to open the door when the nanny knocked on it. Following that, the nanny informed her, "Miss, Mr. Winters' bodyguard has come to pick you up. He said you and Mr. Winters have important matters to attend to this morning."

Important matters? Suddenly, Amanda's mind cleared up. We're getting married again!

Indeed, they were supposed to register their marriage again this morning, but upon glancing at the time, it was only 700AM. Is it really necessary to be this early? "Okay." Hearing that, the nanny nodded and turned to leave.
Chapter 396 A Mysterious Woman

Amanda got ready for the day and slipped into her comfortable exercise wear before heading to the villa. As she caught sight of Yacob, who seemed to be running out of patience after waiting for what felt like an eternity, she approached him with a huff and remarked. "Did you have to pick such an early hour? It's only 7.30AM."

Then, he held the door open for her and calmly explained, "The journey to the marriage office will likely take 30 minutes, not to mention any traffic delays. Mr. Winters is waiting in line and doesn't want to delay this matter further."

Astonished, she gazed at him and was lost for words. Elias, queuing up already? Does he not feel he is taking things a bit too far?

Ironically, the man was conspicuously absent when they were first married, leaving Howard to dispatch his men to handle all the arrangements. Yet, in this moment of remarrying, Elias stood in person at the marriage office and woke up two hours earlier just to line up.

As the clock ticked past 8.00AM, Amanda arrived at the marriage office. While peering through the window, she caught sight of a tall man with a brooding expression. Once the car pulled to a stop, she stepped out.

The moment Elias saw her, he strode up to her and wordlessly pulled her into the building, his emotions still in turmoil from the exhaustive two-hour wait. He had almost succumbed to the fear that she had changed her mind. Thus, when he saw her stepping out of the car, a profound sense of relief washed over him as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his weary shoulders.

"Slow down. I can hardly keep up-" Amanda uttered, nearly breaking into a run to match his brisk pace.

He hastily pulled her into the hall, where a long queue had already formed at the counter for registering new marriages. Suddenly, his face darkened further, and his grip on her hand tightened so intensely that she winced in pain, furrowing her brow.

However, an awkward chuckle escaped her lips. "It's not that long. Soon, it'll be our turn."

After hearing this, Elias turned to glare at her. "Were you late because you were considering changing your mind?"

"I wasn't... It's just that you're taking this so seriously. We're not kids anymore, and this is our second marriage. Is there a need to be the first in line?" Amanda's mind was swirling with bewilderment. Our boy is already in kindergarten. Do we need to focus on something as frivolous as romance?

For what seemed like an eternity, he fixed his gaze on her in utter silence. It was as though his intense stare could penetrate right through her.

"Why are you giving me that look?" His intense gaze left her feeling distinctly uncomfortable, even though she knew she hadn't done anything wrong.

"Why does it bother you that we're remarrying? Shouldn't we still have a sense of ceremony around our marriage? Are you even a woman? What woman doesn't appreciate romance on such occasions?" Elias had hoped Amanda would value the formality of it all, but he was taken aback by her apparent disdain.

"I..." While she appreciated the sentiment, she couldn't help but wonder if it was necessary. After all, they were only remarrying.

As a result, his face remained stormy throughout the procedure, and the officers could almost be forgiven for thinking that she had coerced him into the marriage.

As they left the marriage office, a rare smile finally graced his once icy face as he glanced down at the two marriage certificates. Elias decided to keep them both rather than give one to Amanda, and he also chose not to tell her where they were hidden.

"Aren't you going to give one to me?" She could not help but ask when she noticed him promptly hiding the two certificates from her sight.

"I'll keep them safe, he replied with a soft hum.

A hushed silence enveloped her as she gazed at him. Suddenly, a sense of being deceived lingered in her mind. Eventually, she inquired, "What shall we do now?"

Then, his gaze shifted toward her, and he responded, Tll go to the hospital and check on the DNA test result. Afterward, we can swiftly confront that demon and banish it. Otherwise, you and Aiden might hesitate to venture beyond the doorstep, gripped by fear."


In the meantime, Elias held the door ajar, patiently waiting for Amanda to enter the car before turning to Yacob, "Send her back to pack up her things."

"Pack up my things?" she asked, confused.

"Yes, tonight I'll come by to take you and Aiden back home with me. After all, we're legally wedded now, and it only makes sense for us to live together," he stated, presenting his argument so logically that she found herself unable to protest.

Following that, he gently closed the door, and through the tinted glass, she observed him conveying further instructions to Yacob. After a brief exchange, Yacob eventually returned to the car.

As the car gradually drove away, Elias stood in quiet contemplation, his gaze fixed on the receding vehicle.

Curious, Amanda inquired, "What did Elias say to you just now?"

Yacob couldn't help but smile as he teased, "Do you truly want to know?"

"I do." His tone of voice had deeply awakened her curiosity.

Then, he cleared his throat and stated, "Mr. Winters has entrusted me with the personal supervision of your packing. Once you're done, I'll escort you and Aiden back to the estate. Should the faintest hint of reluctance arise, I won't hesitate to bring you back forcefully."

After hearing this, her lips twitched, leaving her momentarily speechless as she couldn't fathom what that foolish man, Elias, was thinking.

On the other hand, Elias kept a watchful eye as Yacob drove off with Amanda. Then, he returned to his car and headed straight to the hospital.

The prospect of a straightforward DNA test banishing Symeon would have filled him with ecstasy. However, given the pressing matters, he understood it wasn't the right moment to confront Symeon since. he still had not gotten his hands on Howard's shares.

After arriving at the hospital, he made a beeline for Dr. Lenard's office. He had gone to this doctor for help. with the DNA test, hoping to avoid any needless delays.

In the meantime, Elias proceeded directly into the office and settled into a chair, patiently awaiting Dr. Lenard's return. A few minutes later, an elderly man with a head full of striking white hair entered the room with a displeased expression.

"You're here, Mr. Winters."

"Is the DNA test done. Dr. Lenard?" Elias asked.

"Oh, um... Yes," Dr. Lenard stammered, an odd glint in his eyes. He seemed uncertain, as if unsure where to direct his gaze. Then, he walked over to his desk and retrieved a document from the drawer, which he handed to him.

Before Elias could glance at the test report, the doctor promptly fabricated an excuse to exit the room. "I apologize, but I have an urgent meeting to attend. Feel free to stay here as long as you need," he said before leaving.

"Very well."

Just before leaving the room, Dr. Lenard glanced back at Elias, who was busy retrieving the test report from the folder. It became difficult for him to continue staring at Elias' carefree ignorance, so he quickly left the room.

Meanwhile, Elias opened the document and swiftly flipped through the test report until he reached the last page. He had no doubt about his status as Aiden's father, but he yearned to see the confirmation. However, shock consumed him as his eyes fell upon the results, causing his pupils to dilate in disbelief. Surprise and confusion painted his face, for the report suggested the improbable - he was likely not Aiden's father. It is not possible! How could Aiden not be my son, given that the brat resembled me?

The situation was beyond complicated; it felt as if he had been struck by lightning. How could something so impossible become possible? How could the DNA test claim I am not Aiden's father? How could Symeon be his father? Uncertainty and bewilderment overwhelmed him, leaving him wondering what in the world was happening and how everything had turned so complicated.

Suddenly, a loud crash resonated from outside the office.

"Aah! I'm so sorry, Miss! I didn't mean to bump into you."

Elias' head snapped around at the sudden crash of a nurse's tray hitting the floor. Curiosity piqued, he hastened to the door and cautiously poked his head out of the room, only to see a mysterious woman walking away.
Chapter 397 Stop Right There!

Driven by his instincts, Elias pursued the mysterious woman, his gut telling him she wasn't just a random stranger. Soon, the chase led him to the elevator entrance, where she swiftly slipped inside and closed the doors, leaving him a step behind.

His fingers furiously pressed the button, but the elevator had already begun its descent. He had no choice. but to dash toward the nearby staircase leading to the next floor. At each landing, he paused, listening intently for any sign of the elevator doors opening before resuming his hurried descent to the next floor. His breath was heavy when he reached the ground-floor lobby, where he stood in anticipation, waiting for the elevator doors to part. A reassuring ding echoed, and as one of the doors slid open, he was met with an empty elevator.

Huh? Elias couldn't comprehend it. He had clearly witnessed the mysterious woman step into the elevator, and it hadn't stopped on any floor. Yet, he couldn't fathom how she was missing.

At this moment, he heard the elevator doors behind him chime and slowly slid open. Hence, he turned to see a woman wearing dark sunglasses walking out. On the contrary, the woman was startled to see a figure in the lobby, so she promptly dashed toward the hospital entrance. However, her hurried footsteps attracted his attention, and the man instantly turned around. When he spotted her fleeing figure, he immediately advanced and grabbed her shoulder.

Nevertheless, the mysterious woman stood frozen, not budging an inch, yet Elias could sense the nervousness emanating from her. "Who are you?" he demanded, his grip tightening on her shoulders as he forcefully turned her around. However, her sunglasses obscured half of her face, leaving no identifiable features except her striking, bright red lips.

In a hushed yet resolute tone, she demanded, "Let me go!"

In response, he tightened his grip on her wrist and prepared to remove her sunglasses with the other hand, eager to unveil her identity.

In the meantime, panic flickered in the eyes concealed behind the dark lenses, as she couldn't afford to let Elias discover her identity. A sudden idea struck her like lightning, and without hesitation, she cried, "Help! There's a pervert! Help!"

Her sudden outburst instantly captured the attention of everyone in the lobby, causing a hushed murmur to ripple through the crowd as they exchanged curious whispers.

On the other hand, Elias had no choice but to let go of her when he realized the gravity of the situation. After all, as a public figure, it could lead to significant trouble if people recognized him and started filming. In a swift motion, the woman shook him off and disappeared into the bustling crowd.

"Stop right there!" he shouted. His intention to chase after the mysterious woman halted as he was suddenly encircled by a group of well-meaning elderly men and women.

"Boy, you look like a successful man. How can you do this?" one of them chided.

"Yeah! It's bad enough that you have the nerve to act like a pervert in public. Why are you running after her?"

"You're a handsome man. How can you be so bad? Can't you just be nice when looking for a girlfriend?"

Amidst the cacophony of the chattering group of elderly men and women, Elias felt a mounting pressure in his head as if it were on the verge of exploding. Unable to endure it any longer, he swiftly pulled out his phone and urgently called Yacob. "Get to the hospital right now!"

He could not do anything right now as many people had already started filming him. Even the tiniest hint of criticism against the group could be twisted and plastered all over the internet, inviting an onslaught o public backlash and curses.

Meanwhile, outside the hospital, the mysterious woman removed her sunglasses, unveiling a breathtakingly beautiful face. With a proud smirk, she briefly glanced at the crowd surrounding Elias. Shortly after, she gracefully slipped into her car and swiftly sped away from the hospital.

In the meantime, the situation only de-escalated when Yacob finally arrived at the hospital and led Elias away from the scene.

However, Elias wore an intensely displeased expression inside the car, his features contorted by the perplexing DNA test and the mysterious woman seemingly materializing from thin air.,

"Are you alright, Mr. Winters? Where do we go now?" Yacob asked.

After hearing this, a shadow crossed Elias' face, his expression darkening. "Return to the office immediately. Additionally, comb through the hospital's surveillance records and uncover the identity of that woman. I have a feeling she's not just a random person."

"Are you upset because of this woman?"

"Yes and no," Elias answered.

"I don't understand," Yacob admitted, his expression reflecting his puzzlement at Elias' response.

Elias sighed, his fingers massaging his temple in frustration as he uttered, "As it turns out, the DNA test confirms that I am not Aiden's father."

"What? How can it be?" Yacob's shock was palpable. Aiden looks remarkably like Mr. Winters; it's impossible to believe they're unrelated. "You have doubts about the test's accuracy, Mr. Winters?"

"Of course. Still, Dr. Lenard conducted the test himself. Logically, his professionalism shouldn't be doubted, but..." Elias found the test results absurd. How could Aiden not be my son? Who is that mysterious woman? Her presence couldn't have been a mere coincidence. It seems she was covertly observing my reaction earlier. Then, he took a deep breath, pushing aside the unsettling thoughts. "Forget it. We'll get another DNA test done elsewhere." He adamantly refused to accept the results since he believed that the little brat had to be his, without a doubt. Moreover, he wouldn't entertain any other possibility. "Yes, sir."

As the evening descended, Elias drove over to bring Amanda and Aiden back to his estate.

However, Jack and Edith couldn't help but feel reluctant to bid farewell to the little brat. After spending so many days together, they had grown deeply attached to him.

"It'll be fine. If you miss Aiden, I promise to bring him over for a visit. We won't be going too far away." Amanda reassured, offering them comfort in her words.

Jack let out a sigh of relief. "That's good to hear. Now that you're with Elias, I can finally relax. He's always been the man I had in mind for you. At least I don't have to worry about him having any ulterior motives."

After all, the Winters Family reigned as one of the wealthiest families in the world, and if there was one thing they never lacked, it was an abundance of money. "You must promise to visit us often, Amanda!" Edith exclaimed with heartfelt emotion.

"Why are you crying, Mom? Imperia is not that far away. We'll still be together," Amanda reassured, embracing Edith with exasperation and helplessness. Meanwhile, Stephanie turned to Aiden and asked, "Will you miss me, Aiden?"

"Hmph! No way," the little brat retorted, his anger lingering from his not-so-nice first impression of her.

With a heavy heart, Stephanie reluctantly lowered her head, a deep sense of knowing that Aiden didn't hold any affection for her.

With a gentle tap on her son's head, Amanda lectured, "Baby, don't talk to your aunt like that."

With a decisive tone, he declared, "She's not my aunt." Afterward, he shifted his attention to the toy in his hands, no longer willing to engage in conversation with the adults. Amanda turned to Stephanie with a tender smile. "Please take good care of Mom and Dad. Don't let the boy's words affect you. As he grows older, he'll come to understand." "Okay," Stephanie replied with a nod, her words hovering on the tip of her tongue, yet hesitating to escape.

Just then, Elias returned to the room after loading the car. As he lifted Aiden into a carry, he told Amanda, "It's time to leave. Everything has been packed and loaded."

"Elias, you mustn't divorce Amanda again. If you tried it. I assure you, the experience won't be as pleasant as last time. She has us now, and we'll forever be her staunchest supporters," Jack asserted firmly.

Elias turned to look away from Aiden to Jack's wrinkled countenance. "Don't worry. I won't give her another chance to leave me," he declared resolutely.
Chapter 398 The Woman Named Melissa

As such, the family of three returned to Winters Estate,

When they arrived, the butler whisked Aiden away to play. Since the boy had been to the estate before, he was familiar with the staff, and everyone loved this mischievous little guy.

Suddenly, a thought struck Amanda, and she turned to the man beside her. "By the way, have the paternity test results come out yet?"

"Not yet. By the way, are you hungry? let's have the kitchen whip up something delicious," Elias smoothly changed the topic, his hesitation evident as he avoided discussing the matter. Nonetheless, she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off, but she decided not to pry further. Then, they headed to the dining room, where the man courteously pulled out a chair for her.

"What about Aiden? Shall we call him to join us for the meal?"

Meanwhile, the nanny serving the dishes smiled warmly and replied, "Mr. Aiden is having a great time in the garden and refuses to come back for dinner. We'll prepare another serving for him later." Amanda returned the smile and said nothing.

I have been quite occupied these days. If you feel bored, why not contact your friends to keep you company?"

"I know." She nodded in acknowledgment, her eyes gently scanning the dining room. She felt like she had entered a whole new world, where she was now known as Mrs. Winters after remarrying. "Let's have a wedding once things settle down. Elias suddenly spoke up.

While picking up some delectable dishes, she was taken aback, and the statements made her pause in surprise. "A wedding?"

"Yes. Four years ago, you were looking forward to a wedding, and even Grandpa was eagerly looking. forward to it, but I couldn't fulfill that wish. I want to give you a perfect wedding now that we're remarried." He knew every woman dreamed of a perfect wedding to mark such a momentous occasion.

On the other hand, her enthusiasm seemed to have waned over the years. Four years ago, she had yearned for a grand wedding, but now, with Aiden already three years old and attending kindergarten, she appeared uncertain about its significance. She couldn't help but wonder if a wedding still meant anything to her.

When Elias noticed Amanda's hesitation, he asked, "Do you not want it?"

She managed a faint smile, struggling to put her thoughts into words. "It's just that I feel it's unnecessary." "Why?"

Men and women had different perspectives. For women, envisioning a wedding at the perfect age and amidst carefree moments was often the cherished dream, but the reality weaves a different tale in our modern times.

"There's no particular reason. I just don't look forward to it as much anymore. With Aiden already being three years old. I can't help but wonder if we should have him as the ring bearer if we were to have a wedding now Her words carried a tinge of resentment

After hearing this, Elias' heart sank as he felt the weight Amanda's wouds, if a web his past actions. While suppressing his emotions, he nightched his lips, took daag huwa w patiently, "Okay, let's drop the wedding tall first if you're not in the mood fasyway warung m happen at some point, and everyone needs to know aldur your status M. W****

As he finished speaking, his phone vibrated. He glanced at the corn and nordlig Though she couldn't hear the conversation, his face hinted at something serious

After hanging up the call, he said, "I need to attend in something You and Audun way need to wait for me."

Before Amanda could inquire about the reason for Elias distressed expression, he holy word en from the dining room, leaving an air of urgency hinting at pressing matters demanding s elsewhere. Has something serious happened? Her thoughts incled back to the lingering doors door the paternity test, and the man's evasive behavior only fueled her suspicions. Is there a problem with the resulty

Just as she was lost in her thoughts, her phone rang, and she noticed the caller was Lawrence Yen of her wanted to ignore the call, but curiosity got the better of her. With a hesitant sigh, the answered the call and brought the phone to her car. "Hello?"

On the other end, Lawrence's voice carried a hint of amusement. "Didn't expect you to any may call heard that you moved back to Winters Estate. Does that mean you and Elias are remarry

"So, what if we are? I'm sorry if you called just to pry into our personal life, but I don't have me for the chatter."

As she wrapped up her words, a longing to end the call tugged at her heart, yet the enigmas voce on the other end uttered, "It doesn't matter."

Puzzled, Amanda furrowed her brows, seeking to unravel the meaning behind those cryptk words 700Tuan do you mean?"

"It doesn't matter," Lawrence replied. "Regardless of your actions, I will take the child with me, even da means employing force. If reason falls on deaf ears, I am left with no alternative but to act deninety After hearing this, her eyes widened, and she tightened her grip on the phone. "What are you planning to do?"

"Don't you know? The paternity test results are out, and Elias is not the father. He's probably donning a himself now. Maybe he'll willingly return the child to me in a matter of days."

In the meantime, Amanda stood there, her world crumbling around her. Her lips trembled is defied to absorb the shocking revelation that Lawrence had just dropped. She thought it could p desperately hoping she had misheard. Did he say Elias is not Aiden's father? How paid that be pecastle one talking nonsense! That's impossible! The child is his! Are you the one behind all

With a wry grin, he probed, "Why do you cling to denial, refusing to embrace the trunk? You've dome many paternity tests, so you should know. What's the point of denying it? Is there anything in it for prom no deceive him like this?"

While biting her lip, Amanda clutched her phone tightly, desperate to shield herself from fa unsettling revelations. She abruptly ended the call, feeling like someone was orchestrating a satuster ple in the shadows. How could every paternity test come back negative? Who have I accidentally offended so moment such a cruel turn of events?

Her mind raced desperately trying to pinpoint the cris, lan dhe answer remained clusive After taking a deep local de reached for her plone again, determined in all Ilias and clarity the paternity test beboucle Unfortunately, he was reachable, leaving heueless abom what he might be preoccupied with

Meanwhile Flas arrived at a high-end residential compiles As he approached, Yacob, standing by the roadude caught sight of Hay deck car and immediately straightened up

Flas parked the car on the side of the mad, opened the door, and looked at Yacob. Did you find her?

"Yes, I found her. Her name is Melissa Walters. The landlord said she moved in recently and paid rent for six months. It seems she also returned from Exmos not long ago. She's living in Unit 1702 in Building 5 Melissa Walters. However, no matter how hard Elias walked his memory, the name held no familiarity Today at the hospital, he saw this woman wearing sunglasses and couldn't see her face clearly.


Then, he drove toward the residential complex. As he approached the entrance, the vigilant security guard flagged him down, but after a few words exchanged through the rolled-down car window, the guard quickly let him in.

In the meantime, Yacob followed behind, driving the car into the complex.

Soon, Elias parked directly in front of Building 5, exited the car, and walked inside.

"Mr. Winters, should I accompany you?" Yacob asked as he stepped out of the car. However, Elias glanced at him and stated, "No need. Wait for me here."

Chapter 399 It Must Be a Lie

Elias stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the 17th floor. As the elevator ascended, he pondered over what this woman named Melissa Walters could possibly want. She had come all the way from Esmos, rented a place for half a year, and it was evident that she wasn't planning to settle down. permanently. Whatever her purpose, it had captivated his curiosity.

Ding! The elevator door opened slowly.

He walked out of the elevator and headed straight for Unit 1702.

While standing outside the door, he contemplated for a few seconds before pressing the doorbell. Seconds. ticked by, but there was no response from within, causing him to arch his brows. Yacob insisted the woman would be home, so why had she not answered the door? She must be avoiding me on purpose.

Elias pressed the doorbell again, but his patience waned as the seconds dragged on without a response. A sly grin crept across his face, and he spoke with unwavering determination through the door. "I know you're inside. If you don't open the door, I'll find a way to make you do so."

After what felt like an eternity, the door slowly creaked open, revealing a woman in a bathrobe. He was spellbound as he caught sight of her true face, a breathtaking beauty that radiated charm from delicate feature.

"Who are you looking for, sir?" Melissa inquired.

However, he cut in abruptly, and his tone was icy, "You don't know my name? You didn't know my name when you followed me to the hospital?"

"Who followed you? It's common knowledge that people visit hospitals for medical care. Do you think your family is running the hospital? Why don't you mind your own business?" she countered with a smirk. Elias maintained a serene composure, his voice steady as he confirmed, "Indeed, it is."

A hush fell over Melissa as she pondered the rumors surrounding the formidable Winters Family-an affluent and influential force in the country whose wealth was woven intricately into various industries. "Open the door." While saying this, he pushed the door open and walked in without scruples. He didn't behave like a guest but more like an intruder.

Then, she followed closely behind him and asked, "What do you want from me?"

As Elias glared at the woman standing before him, a tinge of suspicion colored his expression. "Care to explain why you were tailing me to the hospital? Spare me the excuse of seeking medical treatment, as I've confirmed you didn't see a doctor today," he retorted, his voice tinged with an undertone of intensity.

With a graceful flick of her lustrous locks, Melissa responded nonchalantly, "Can't I visit patients?"

"Don't play dumb with me. I can tell that you didn't visit any patients. Do you think I wouldn't check that information?" His patience was wearing thin with this woman.

"Sir, I don't understand what you're talking about. I was just passing by and accidentally bumped into that nurse. Why are you so persistent and even following me to my house? Are you the boyfriend of that nurse?"

As Melissa continued to feign innocence, a playful smile danced across Elias' lips. He settled onto the couch and stated, "I'm not too busy tonight, so I can afford to waste some time with you."

"Sir, how is this appropriate? You, a married man, staying alone in a single woman's house? Won't your wife be jealous?" she asked.

With a wry smile, the man shot back, "How do you know I have a wife? Have you investigated me, or do I have 'married man' written all over my face?"

At this moment, she wanted to curse at herself for giving it away but maintained a calm facade. "I have at secret crush on you. So, I investigated you"

After the explanation reached his cars, Elias fell into a brief yet profound silence, his thoughts swirling like storm clouds. Soon, a scornful chuckle escaped his lips, carrying the weight of his disbelief. "You're no worthy of that."

When she heard those words, Melissa felt a tingling sensation surge through her scalp. This man is too arrogant! Am I not even worthy of having a secret crush on him? "Then, who is worthy? Your ex-wife? Didn't you divorce her?" she retorted with fiery determination.

Despite having remarried, he had no desire to divulge any information to this outsider. Thus, he found himself echoing the same question he had posed earlier. "What's your purpose in following me? Does my paternity test have anything to do with you?"

"None! It has nothing to do with me! I genuinely was just passing by!" she asserted fervently.

As he gazed upon this woman, it became apparent that extracting valuable information from her would be an uphill battle. Resigned to reality, he knew he had to entrust Yacob with further investigation. With that realization, he stood up, peering down at the mysterious figure before him, and inquired, "You went to Esmos four years ago and suddenly returned. What purpose did you rent this place for?" Despite the tense situation, Melissa maintained a stoic silence as she gazed at the man before her.

Dealing with Elias proved far more challenging than she had ever envisioned. Instead of succumbing to anger or suspicion, he exuded an unwavering composure while questioning her intentions. While other ordinary men, upon receiving such shocking paternity test results, would have hurried home to confront their wives. Yet, Elias not only withheld blame from Amanda but also shielded her from the truth and chose to seek Melissa.

At this moment, doubts crept into Melissa's mind, casting shadows over her carefully crafted scheme. As he left her doorstep, she hastened to close the door firmly behind him. The weight of the situation pressed upon her, and she knew she could no longer linger here as she had to find a new place to stay.

As Yacob saw Elias walk out of the building, he promptly stubbed out his cigarette and stepped forward with curiosity written all over his face. "Mr. Winters, how did it go? What did the woman say?" he inquired eagerly.

"She said nothing. Send someone to investigate this woman's background in Esmos," Elias replied.


"What do we do now?"

"Let's go home." Elias' countenance turned somber, casting a shadow over his features.

When Elias finally arrived back at Winters Estate, the night had cast its inky embrace. He anticipated Amanda and Aiden had already drifted into slumber, so he planned to take a soothing shower and slip into bed. However, as soon as he entered the dimly lit bedroom, he saw his wife reclining on the bed and reading a book as if awaiting his return.

As the sound of the closing door reached her ears, she instinctively lifted her gaze and caught sight of her husband's return. A sudden flutter danced within her chest, tinged with a hint of unease that she couldn't shake off.

When she glanced at him, it was evident that he seemed utterly unfazed, as though the paternity test hard never taken place. With a casual tone, he remarked, "You're still not asleep? I'll take a shower first." Amanda's words were poised on the tip of her tongue, but upon learning of his intention to take a shower. she gracefully decided to defer her thoughts to a more opportune moment.

Fifteen minutes later, Elias emerged from the bathroom with a snug towel draped around his waist. Then, he sat on the bed and gently took the book from her hands. "Let's sleep. It's late. You can read it tomorrow."

"I want to ask you something."

"What is it?"
Chapter 400

Amanda was captivated by his flawless profile, but the words she spoke next seemed to hang in the air. laden with unspoken tension. "I heard that the paternity test you did doesn't match with Aiden." Her voice tinged with discomfort as if she struggled to catch her breath amidst the weight of the revelation.

Elias' pitch-black eyes slightly widened, then darkened. Who told you that?"

"That Lawrence... Aren't you even a bit suspicious?" She couldn't help but stand up for herself, a sense of surprise washing over her as she realized he had no intention of addressing the matter. There's no need to say anything. It's definitely a lie."

Although Amanda also thought the same, Elias' reaction genuinely surprised her.

Always Be with You

"Why are you so sure? Aren't you afraid that I might have betrayed you?" Amanda's expression was earnest and she didn't seem to be joking.

As Elias gazed upon her current expression, a chuckle effortlessly escaped him. "Even if I give you ten times the courage, you wouldn't dare."

"What makes you think I wouldn't dare? Why are you so certain?" She didn't like his confidence, which even bordered on arrogance.

The man breathed a profound sigh as his slender fingers caressed her cheek tenderly. Tm only certain that Amanda from four years ago wouldn't dare. As for the current you, I can't say for sure." She felt a subtle surprise washing over her as his words puzzled her initially. However, after a brief moment of contemplation, a flicker of realization illuminated her expression.

Four years ago, Elias was confident that Amanda's love and loyalty ran deep for him. However, the tides of time had brought about significant changes, and he had caused her immense pain. Nevertheless, if she were to betray his trust and stray from their path, it would send his world into a chaotic whirlwind of panic and despair. For him, the once-overflowing love she had shown him four years ago now seemed to have waned, a poignant realization that he couldn't escape blaming himself for entirely.

With a genuine and solemn gaze, she inquired, "Are you saying that I don't love you enough now and that I might do something to hurt you?"

Then, he chuckled lightly. "Although I couldn't bear it, you have the right to do so because I hurt you too deeply."

At this vulnerable moment, Amanda's heart seemed to melt. As she curled her fingers, she discovered a side of Elias she hadn't anticipated behind his invincible facade, he, too, experienced moments of vulnerability.

"If I do something to hurt you, how would you handle it?" She suddenly became curious about how he would respond four years later. If it were four years ago, it would be clear that he would kick her out of Winters Family and never see her again.


He stared at her face for a long time before saying, "I might go crazy, but I would also keep you by my side and never allow you to leave me " "Even if I betray you?" she interrupted.

Elias remained silent, essentially confirming it because even if Amanda did something that hurt him, he still wanted to keep her by his side.

However, she looked at him in a daze, not knowing what to say.

He gently drew her closer with a tender embrace and kissed her earlobe. "Don't leave me. I don't want to experience the pain of losing loved ones again. If it happens again, I might consider ending my life." "You're talking nonsense!" She instinctively hugged him tightly.

Elias couldn't help but smile as he noticed Amanda's powerful reaction. The sight warmed his heart and reassured him that he held a meaningful place in her heart.

On the other hand, she keenly perceived that this man was incredibly fragile behind his seemingly invincible exterior, unable to endure any more emotional blows. Witnessing loved ones depart, one by one, inflicted a pain too heavy for anyone to bear.

"Elias, I'll always be with you." In the end, she softened her heart. After all, she was the one who fell in love with this man first.

He gently released her from his tender embrace, locking eyes with her in a moment of unspoken. connection. He leaned in slowly, their lips meeting in a soft, lingering kiss. To his delight, this time, she didn't refuse; instead, her arms wrapped around his body, embracing him back as she responded to the warmth of his affection.

Amanda's reciprocation ignited a newfound intensity within Elias, and his passion soared to new heights.

Meanwhile, at the Sacred Heart Villa.

"Sir, we've found a suspicious woman. She always seems to be deliberately appearing around us," the bodyguard said. Symeon glanced at him and asked, "Who?"

"We're still investigating, but this woman keeps showing up around us. It feels like she's tracking you."

Tracking me? Symeon's brow furrowed as he contemplated the situation. Apart from Amanda, there were no women he knew in Cludan. Who could this woman be? "Find out as soon as possible," he urged. "Okay. The bodyguard continued, "Sir, Elias already knows the paternity test result, but he still doesn't want to hand over the child to us. What should we do?"

Then, use force."

"Very well."

After conducting so many paternity tests, Symeon's reservoir of patience had finally run dry. There was simply no justification for squandering any more time on the matter.

Suddenly, his phone rang, and he swiftly answered the call. On the other end of the line were the Lawrences. Following a brief yet meaningful exchange, he hung up. Take the child away as soon as possible. They've urged me to go back," he stated.


On the other hand, Melissa packed her belongings overnight, preparing to move out. However, as soon as she stepped out of the residential complex, a car blocked her way.

"Miss, our master requests your presence."

"Who is your master?"

"Don't play dumb. You've been tracking our master for quite some time. It's time for you to show yourself," the bodyguard said.

Lowneme! Melissa's eyes widened She couldn't believe But she had taken painstaking measures thy main hidden, yet, somehow, she had been unearthed With a sudden surge ed adrenaline, she planned on her heels, her heart pounding After all, they were standing im a bustling paddie street, and indeed no harm would be tall her here, she hoped

Unfortunately, her optimism proved to be her downfall, as the moment she tried to rape and desperately called for help, the imposing bodyguard swiftly intervened, forcefully yanking her back to the waiting car Curiously, despite the strange and unsenling scene that unfolded before them, the passersby only paused momentarily, their curiosity fleeting, before returning in their own affairs. It was as if an invisilde veil of indifference shrouded the incident, allowing the car to vanish into the distance.

Soon, Melissa was brought to Sacred Heart Villa

The bodyguard escorted her into the villa, where Symeon waited for her on the living room couch

As Melissa laid eyes on him, a facade of serenity masked the tempest swirling within her heart. Four long years, yet this man remained unchanged with his striking charm and unyielding demeanor Coincidentally, her phone rang at this moment. She hesitated and intended to hang up, but an unintended touch on the screen caused her to answer the call inadvertently. To her surprise, it was the voice of Dr Lenard that came through the line.

"When will you release my grandson? I've done what you asked, you're going too far!"

With an air of serenity, she put the phone to her car. "You'll see him this afternoon. Go home and wait, she assured before ending the call.

"What do you want with me, sir? Melissa feigned unfamiliarity with Symeon, though they had previously shared a physical relationship.

"You've been following me for so many days. Don't you know who I am?" Symeon said.

Suppressing a grin, she couldn't help but notice how overly self-important he and Elias appeared. Their words were strikingly identical, tempting her to burst into laughter.

Meanwhile, Symeon remained entirely oblivious to her identity, having never laid eyes upon her before.

On the contrary, Melissa knew everything about the man before her, including all the schemes she had set up and the multiple fabricated paternity test results.

"I don't know. I just think you're handsome and wanted to get to know you. Is that not allowed?" she said flirtatiously.

The woman's words danced frivolously through the air, their carefree nature pricking Symeon's patience like a needle. Yet, he couldn't help but be captivated by her undeniable beauty, which possessed a mesmerizing allure tinged with a hint of assertiveness that demanded attention.
Chapter 401 I'll Send Someone to Follow Her

"And then? Now that you're standing in front of me, don't you have anything to say?"

Symeon gazed at the woman before him, her calm demeanor betraying no hint of admiration for him.

“Oh, handsome guy, what's your name? You look like you're of mixed race. Do you have a girlfriend? If not, can you consider me?"

Melissa's tone was frivolous and perfunctory, prompting a cynical chuckle from Symeon. "Sure,"


Given this man's usual disposition, he would typically decline such advances, yet here he was agreeing. It left Melissa momentarily speechless.

"Are you speechless now?"

"Let's try to date then." Melissa approached and sat next to the man, her slender fingers grazing his shoulder.

In the next moment, Symeon swatted her hand away and stood up. "Stop pretending. Tell me, why were you following me?"

"I've already told you, I just like you and want to be in a relationship with you." She raised her hand and brushed her lengthy hair, her red lips curving seductively.

He had no way to deal with such a woman, and at that point, he finally got angry. "Get out!"

"Why are you so fierce? You're so handsome, but your temper is so bad." Melissa stood up with a pitiful expression.

"Get out!"

Symeon didn't want to look at her for another second. She was just causing trouble.

Melissa slowly turned away and sported a sensuous smile. Then, she left the villa.

After she left, a bodyguard walked in. "My master."

"Keep an eye on her. She must have some ulterior motives," Symeon said.

The bodyguard nodded. "Yes, I'll send someone to follow her."

After leaving the Sacred Heart Villa, Melissa breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, I'm out of that place.

Initially, her plan was well thought out, but it seemed both men had discovered her ruse simultaneously. It wouldn't be beneficial for her to stay longer there..

Her goal had been achieved. Symeon's attention was now focused on Amanda and her son and he did not suspect Melissa.

Suddenly, her phone rang.

Melissa answered the call, and a young girl's voice came from the other end. "Mommy, when are you coming back? I miss you."

"I will be back soon. Be obedient and stay with Grandma for a few more days, okay?"

"But I miss you."

"I miss you too, but I have to go on a business trip. Be a good boy and wait for me for a few more days. I will be back soon to be with you." "Okay..."

Melissa's tone was gentle, a far cry from her insincere attitude toward those two men. Still, no one could fathom her true motives.

At the Winters Estate.

Amanda had been staying home these past few days, not daring to go out. Aiden hadn't gone to kindergarten either. After all, things hadn't been resolved yet, and Symeon was still in Imperia.

But today, Amanda had to go to the Allegra Family. She had to negotiate the divorce with Crispin.

Jack had been calling her, reminding her to bring Aiden along. It had been a few days, and he missed Aiden.

"I have some business to attend to at the company. As soon as I'm done, I'll come over. Let Yacob send you there first, okay?" Elias emerged from the dressing room, adjusting his tie, and speaking to Amanda, who was still lying on the bed.

"Alright, please finish your work quickly and come over. I'm worried that Crispin might cause trouble."

After all, Crispin had only been a member of the Allegra Family for a few days. He hadn't gotten anything yet, and now, he was told to leave. How could Crispin be willing to accept that? "Okay."

Elias bent down and kissed her lips, whispering, "Don't be afraid, I'll order Yacob to be always by your side.

Amanda smiled, but she couldn't help feeling a bit nervous.

Lately, she didn't know why, but she always felt uneasy. Perhaps it was because of the sudden appearance of Symeon. Then, Elias went out of the villa, and the car was already waiting.

Yacob opened the car door for him. "Mr. Winters, some new information about Melissa came in from Esmos."

"What did you find?"

Yacob's expression was severe. "We found out that Melissa gave birth in the same hospital as Mrs. Winters four years ago, on the same day. The only difference is that Mrs. Winters gave birth to a boy, while she gave birth to a girl. Although this information seems unrelated to us, I find it strange. How can there be such a coincidence? The woman you accidentally met happened to have given birth in the same hospital as Mrs. Winters."

It was indeed strange.

Elias' mind raced, and he seemed to understand something.

"Make a copy of Melissa's medical records from the hospital in Esmos and give it to me. I'll have Symeon personally investigate this,"

He had a daring hypothesis. Could the child Symeon had been searching for be with this woman?

Same hospital, same day of giving birth. Symeon's investigation might have gone wrong, especially since Symeon didn't even know the identity of the woman who had slept with him.


Elias got into the car and glanced at Yacob. "Is the sample for the DNA test at the other hospital ready?"

"It's ready. This is Aiden's toothbrush. I plan to send it over now," Yacob said.

However, Elias reached out his hand. "I'll deliver it personally. I want to see what can go wrong this time. Please send Amanda and Aiden to the Allegra Family."

"Yes." Yacob handed the sample bag to Elias.

When closing the car door, Elias reminded him again, "Remember, always stay by Amanda and Aiden's side. Crispin is like a mad dog now and he could bite at any time."

"Understood. You can rest assured."

At the hospital.

Elias personally delivered the sample for the DNA test to the hospital.

However, he didn't notice that there was a car following him to the hospital.

The person driving the car was Melissa.

After following him to the hospital, Melissa looked annoyed and helpless. She muttered to herself in a low voice, "Why is this man so persistent? He had already done the DNA test once and knew the result. Why does he want to do it again? I'm speechless."

She almost envied Amanda for having such a good man.

Unfortunately, she still had to cause some trouble. The result of the DNA test must not confirm the father- son relationship.

Soon, she saw Elias walking out of the hospital. She picked up her phone and dialed a number. "You guys are at it again. This time, double the price, and it must be done."

After hanging up the phone, Melissa slowly left the hospital in her car.

In another car, Elias, through the car window, noticed a somewhat familiar figure in the car next to him.

Wasn't that the same woman, Melissa?

How could this be so coincidental? Every time he went to the hospital, he would run into this woman!
Chapter 402 The Majestic Appearance of Mr Winters

"Speed up and catch up with the car in front, Elias commanded the driver.

The driver nodded and said, "Understood."

Thus, the two cars commenced a pursuit, one trailing the other.

Melissa quickly noticed that a car was following her, and to her surprise, it was Elias' cart

She immediately panicked and tried to shake off the pursuing car, but it continued to follow closely behind her. It wasn't until the next traffic light that she intentionally timed to pass on the green, leaving the car behind trapped at the red signal.

Seeing that she had shaken off Elias' car, Melissa smiled victoriously and let out a sigh of relief.

Inside the car, Elias wore a grim expression as he issued another command to the driver, "Head to the Sweusia Residence."

He remembered that this woman had rented a place there.

The driver drove him to the residential area. Elias went to the seventeenth floor and pressed the doorbell, but he did not receive any response.

At that moment, a neighbor from the adjacent apartment opened his door and asked. "Excuse me, are you looking for the person living across from me?"

"Yeah, is she not at home?" Elias turned back and asked.

The neighbor kindly reminded him, "A beautiful woman rented the place a few days ago, but she suddenly moved out recently, so the house is empty again."

Moved out?

Elias narrowed his eyes slightly. Melissa must be hiding something.

Otherwise, why would she be in such a hurry to move out? Was it because he discovered something?

At the Allegra Villa.

Today was the day for divorce negotiations. Jack had called a lawyer, intending to finalize the divorce agreement today, of course, under the condition that Crispin was obedient. Stephanie hid in her room because she didn't want to face Crispin.

Jack had summoned Amanda back too because she was also a lawyer. He wanted her to listen in and analyze the situation for him.

He only trusted his people now.

Upon Amanda's arrival at the Allegra Villa with Aiden, Mrs. Allegra took Aiden to play in the garden. She didn't want to face this situation as she was both disheartened and troubled. Therefore, the divorce negotiations with Crispin involved only Jack, Amanda, and the lawyer.

Crispin arrived at the Allegra Villa on time and was led by the louder to th

"Dad, I'm on time, but where's Stephanie for this divorce talk! After all about cam iniritage Erigine true nature emerged, discarding his previous genteel demean and behaving more like a rotten

Jack was growing exasperated just seeing him. "Stephanie doesn't want now your We or handling this matter on her behalf

Hmph she used to love me so much, but now that were divorced, des not even here Lace dors disappear, huh" Crispin sat down in the chair opposite Jack, crossing his legs.

Jack glanced at the lawyer, and the lawyer took out the pre prepared divorce agreement and handed a over Mr. Coyote, please read the divorce agreement carefully. If you have no objections, please sign your name"

Crispin picked up the divorce agreement, a disdainful smile still lingering on his face

He had only been the son-in-law of the Allegra Family for a few days, and now he was about to be kicked out. His grand ambitions had not been achieved at all. Fate was truly playing tricks on him

After reading the divorce agreement, Crispin laughed and threw the agreement onto the table, saying "Don't you think you're being a bit too unfair? After all ve served your daughter for several years, became your son-in-law for a few days, and now you want me to leave with nothing. This family is to VASE yet you're being so petty?"

Crispin thought he would at least get some money, but he didn't expect that they would single penny and wanted him to leave with nothing.

He had already spent all of his savings in his effort to marry Stephanie, so it was unacceptable for him to get a divorce without receiving any compensation.

Jack became angry and slammed his hand hard on the table. However, Amanda grabbed his arm and give him signaled him to remain composed.

Amanda smiled slightly and looked at Crispin across from her. "This family's wealth was earned by my father. What does it have to do with you? Moreover, you've only been married to Stephanie for less than month. What right do you have to demand money? You two haven't acquired any real estate during your marriage too, so there's no talk of post-marital joint property. So, what money do you want?" Even the lawyer on the side was stunned, but he was happy that there was no more need for him to speak. so he just stood quietly by.

Crispin was growing agitated by Amanda's presence. He was facing all this mess because of her. Otherwise he would still be securely seated as the Allegra Family's son-in-law, maybe even integrated into the Allegra Group by now.

"What does my marriage with Stephanie have to do with you? Is it your hobby to interfere in everything Crispin sneered.

Amanda smiled widely. "Perhaps you've forgotten that I am also a member of this family. This is my family! Crispin, be smart and sign the papers. Otherwise, don't blame us for not being polite."

"Do you think that Elias has deleted all the videos? What if I have a backup? If I upload the video online, it right affect the stock of Allegra Group, don't you think?"

Crispin had reached a state of madness. Besides money, he didn't care about anything else. If he obediently divorced now, his life would only become more miserable. Who would pity him then?

"Unfortunately, you don't have a backup. If you did, you would have already released in You wouldn't have waited until now," Amanda said.

"I won't sign this agreement. Let's see each other in court. I won't sign this unfair agreement Crispin said. getting up and preparing to leave.

Unexpectedly, at that moment, there were heavy footsteps outside the study, and a menacing male voice declared. "Who said it's up to you whether to sign or not?" This voice! Elias

As soon as Crispin heard Elias' voice, he instinctively froze in place. After all, the person he feared the most now was that man.

Elias walked into the study and looked at Crispin's serious expression. He smiled and said, "Are you not used to seeing me here? Do you think I can't handle this matter? Sorry to disappoint you, but we've remarried. I am now the son-in-law of the Allegra Family and have every right to handle this matter"

"You!" Crispin wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to provoke Elias. He was afraid of getting beaten up.

After all, Elias was capable of doing anything.

"Crispin, I advise you to obediently sign this divorce agreement. Otherwise, you will bear significan consequences." Elias said expressionlessly.

"What can you do to me?" Crispin said dismissively. Does Elias think he can control everything?

Elias sneered. "Do you think that when I hacked your computer, I only hacked your various accounts an deleted those videos? I've also found a secret that you don't want anyone to know about."

"What did you find?" Crispin became a little panicked. He was recalling if there were any secrets left in his computer. He thought he had cleared everything.

Elias sneered, "For example, the secretly recorded videos when you dated your students, and the videos of you helping students cheat... Tsk, I didn't expect your private life to be so exciting. If I were to make these things public, I'm afraid you would lose your job as a university lecturer. Is that worth it?"
Chapter 403 Let's See What I'll Do

"How dare you?" Crispin's eyes were filled with fear.

Elias sneered, "Then, wait and see if I dare to do it or not."

"Impossible! You're just trying to scare me! There's nothing like that on my computer! You can't find. anything You're slandering me!"

Then, let's see what I'll do. Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention, I found the video of you with a female student in a hotel room. I wonder what cllect it would have if that video were to be shared online." Elias' smile grew even wider and it was filled with malice.

Jack and Amanda, upon hearing about his despicable actions, looked at Crispin with disbelief and disgust.

"What a beast! I never expected you to do such despicable things! How can you have the audacity to be at teacher?"

Jack was truly angered. He realized that he had made a mistake by allowing such a beast to become his son-in-law, tarnishing the reputation of the Allegra Family.

Amanda was even more furious. She felt sick just talking to him.

Crispin was completely panicked because the incident Elias mentioned had indeed happened, but he had already deleted the video long ago. How could Elias possibly find it?

Elias, of course, understood the panic and doubt in his expression. He smiled and said, "You're wondering how I found the videos even though you've deleted them, right? You seem to have forgotten that I can recover data. Sorry, but my major is computer science!

Crispin couldn't stand firm anymore.

It seemed that Elias had indeed managed to restore those videos! If those videos were to be uploaded online, it would be an even greater embarrassment than him being cheated on by someone. Elias glanced at Yacob, who was standing beside him, and said, "Please make Mr. Coyote sign the papers. Be gentle."


So, Yacob walked directly to Crispin, kicked his leg, forcing him to kneel on the ground, and then placed. the divorce agreement in front of him.

"Ah! My leg!" Crispin screamed in pain.

"Mr. Coyote, please sign. Mr. Winters asked me to be gentle, but I'm a rough man. I'm afraid I can't be gentle."

After speaking. Yacob placed Crispin's right hand on the table and took out a dagger.

Crispin's eyes widened, his voice starting to stammer. "What are you doing? What are you guys trying to do?"

He desperately tried to pull his hand back, but Yacob held it firmly. In the calmest voice, Yacob said, "If you don't sign, then this hand will be useless. I'll just chop it off."

No no ne You can't do this!

Yacobiniled "Then, sign it You have no choice. If you don't sign, you won't be able to leave here today, at the meaning behind his words was already clear. Crispin looked around at the people present, his eyes hult of hatred, but he had no power to resist.

The could only take the pen, and with each stroke, he signed his name on the divorce agreement. Then he Angrily sant "Is this okay? Let me go!"

"Mb Coyote is indeed reasonable. Alright, you may leave now."

After Yacob finished speaking, he let go of Crispin's hand. Immediately, the bodyguards came forward and escorted Crispin out of the study, expelling him from the Allegra Family.

Jack didn't forget to instruct. "Throw away all of this beast's belongings! I don't want to see anything related to him in this house!"

Yes The bodyguard nodded.

The study suddenly fell quiet. The lawyer kept the divorce agreement and bid farewell to Jack. "Well, Mr. Allegra, if there's nothing else, I'll leave now."

"Abright, go about with your business"

The lawyer left the study and closed the door.

Now, there were only three of them left in the study.

Elias pulled out a chair and sat down, looking at Jack. "Mr. Allegra, everything is settled now. You don't have to worry about this anymore."

"I never expected that I would allow such a cunning man to enter our family." Jack sighed deeply and suddenly remembered something. He looked at Elias and said, "You've remarried Amanda, so why are you still calling me Mr. Allegra?"

Elas was slightly taken aback, then he smiled. "Dad"

"That's right." Jack looked at the couple in front of him and finally felt a little comforted.

After being thrown out of the Allegra Family, Crispin fell to the ground. The kick from Yacob had weakened his legs.

As someone who was only good in academics, his physical fitness was weak. How could he possibly withstand a kick from Yacob?

"You, Stephanie, and Jack, are simply not giving me a way out. Since you don't want me to have a good life. I won't let you have a good life either!"

Crispin struggled to stand up, gritting his teeth and muttering to himself.

He stared at the Allegra Villa with resentment for a long time, then reluctantly turned and left.

He would find a way to hinder the Allegra Family. This revenge must be avenged.

But now he had nothing, and he had signed the divorce agreement. How could he take revenge?

Suddenly, Crispin thought of Symeon from the Sacred Heart Villa. A sinister smile appeared on his face

He couldn't fight against the Allegra Family or Elias, but that influential man could

Crispin turned and left, planning to find Symeon.

At the Sacred Heart Villa

At that moment, Symeon was having a meal.

A bodyguard came in to report, "My master, Crispin is here to see you. He says he has something important to discuss with you." Something important?

Symeon frowned slightly. "Let him in"

After a while, the bodyguard brought Crispin into the dining room. Crispin didn't dare to sit down and could only stand aside.

"Mr. Lawrence."

"What important matter do you have to discuss with me?"

Crispin guessed that Symeon probably didn't know yet that he had already fallen out with the Allegra Family and signed a divorce agreement.

He smiled and said, "I certainly have something important to tell you. You wanted a child, right? Well, what I want to tell you is that Amanda and Elias have remarried!" Remarried?

Symeon furrowed his brows. "When did this happen?"

At this point, do Elias and Amanda still have the mind to remarry? Should he say that these two were bold. or that they didn't take him seriously at all?

"It happened just a few days ago. After they remarried, Elias brought Amanda and his son back to the Winters Estate. They hardly ever leave the estate now. If you want to take the child, it's going to be quite difficult."

Crispin saw that Symeon didn't speak and continued. Theard that the security system at the Winters Estate is top-notch, with a world-class security system. If you want to secretly take the child, it's practically impossible"

"Do you know all this so clearly?"

"I wanted to cooperate with you, so of course, I had to know all this." Crispin acted like a sycophant, and anyone could see that he was trying to flatter Symeon.
Chapter 404 Wait for Me

Symeon chuckled, gently placing down his utensils, and raised his eyes to meet the flamboyant figure before him. "How do you want to cooperate with me?"

He couldn't think of any use this person could have for him.

Seeing that Symeon took the bait, Crispin felt secretly delighted and excited, "I can help you to get the child. At the moment, I still have the privilege to see him. If you're willing, that is."

"What do you want in return?" Symeon didn't understand why Crispin was so eager to help; it couldn't be just for the sake of helping.

Crispin's eyes lit up. "I've done some research online. The Lawrence Family has a strong influence. I just hope that you can arrange a small position for me in the Lawrence Family's subsidiary in Cludan. I just want to make a living.

"Oh? The Allegra Group seems to be quite influential as well. As the son-in-law of the Allegra Family, why do you want to enter the Lawrences' company?"

"Don't mention it. My father-in-law doesn't trust me at all, and he's kept me out of the Allegra Group. So, I thought of finding another job. I wonder if you migh

Before Crispin could finish his sentence, Symeon interrupted him. This won't be difficult. What matters is whether you can truly assist me. Spare the chatter. Bring the child to me, and your desires will be fulfilled. Now, leave. I want to eat."

Symeon didn't want to waste any words, nor did he want to look at him any longer.

He didn't like people who used his child to climb the social ladder, and he even looked down on them. To be able to use even a child, they were shameless scoundrels.

Crispin was overjoyed to receive such a promise. He left with bows in a lowly matter.

All that remained was to bring the boy Aiden before Symeon, securing his entry into the Lawrence Family's Cludan subsidiary.

This was something he had never dared to imagine before.

This was the esteemed Lawrence Family.

Being able to have a connection with the Lawrence Family meant a guaranteed comfortable life awaiting him in the latter half of his days.

After Crispin left, the bodyguard stood by and asked coldly, "My master, do you plan to trust Crispin and place him in an important position?"

Symeon picked up his wine glass, swirled it lightly, took a sip, and said, "What worth does he hold? Continue with your plans, and retrieve the child as soon as possible."


He didn't believe in this kind of person and merely dismissed Crispin casually.

Besides, he didn't believe that Crispin could take the child away from Elias.

In the evening.

Elias and Amanda returned to the estate with their child.

As soon as they arrived, Aiden immediately complained of being tired and wanted to sleep, so the nanny took him to bed.

Amanda's stomach growled with hunger, and she planned to eat something. Elias wanted to accompany her.

But before they could enter the villa, Elias' phone vibrated.

He answered the call, and Yacob's voice came through the phone. "Mr. Winters, we found Melissa. She's drinking at a bar, but it's strange. She's talking to a few men about something, and I feel that something is not right. So, I caught those men, and they all confessed.

"What's going on?" Elias asked, his face tense.

"It turns out that those men kidnapped the child of Professor Turold, who conducted the DNA test for you this time."


Elias suddenly realized. "So, the DNA test result I received earlier could also be the result of these people's kidnapping?"

"That's right. These men also kidnapped the granddaughter of Dr. Lenard before, which led to the test result showing that you are not related. The mastermind behind all this is that woman named Melissa. We are currently trying to arrest her."

D*mn it!

"Wait! I'm coming right away!"

After hanging up, Elias muttered angrily. This woman has gone too far. How dare she play me like this!"

"What's going on? What did that call mean? Did someone tamper with the DNA test?" Amanda didn't hear clearly, but she grasped the general idea.

Elias expression was serious. "Yes, someone has been misleading us. I need to go out for a while. You don't have to wait for me. Go to bed early."

"Please be careful."

"I know." Elias embraced her delicate body and kissed her forehead.

Yet, no one could predict the events Elias would face on this trip.

However, Amanda felt a somewhat inexplicable anxiety. The man loosened his grip on her, intending to turn and leave. She instinctively hugged his tall figure and said, "You must be careful. Now you have me and our baby, so please take good care of yourself, alright?"

Elias chuckled softly, pinching her cheek to lighten the mood, teasing her, "I believe you truly love me now."

"We're in this situation, and you still have the leisure to say such things."

Amanda pushed Elias away angrily, but he pulled her into his arms, lowered his head, and firmly captured her lips in a passionate and lingering kiss.

After the kiss ended, Amanda's face turned crimson, and she shyly leaned against Elias' chest.

Intentional, I tease you' teasing her, Elias said, "You're blushing just from that? Wait until I'm back and you'll see how Amanda pushed Elias' body away in anger, but there was a sweet smile on her lips.

"Wait for me to come back. Go and eat now; be a good girl"


Elias turned, got into the car, and left.

Amanda stood in place and watched the car leave until it disappeared from her sight. Then, she reluctantly turned and walked toward the villa. The butler asked, "Mrs. Winters, what would you like to eat?"

"Just something simple. It doesn't matter. I can't eat much alone anyway."

After Elias got into the car, his gentle demeanor vanished. Now, he only wanted to catch Melissa and find out the purpose behind her actions.

He arrived at the location where Yacob was.

Several men were crouching on the ground, trembling and not daring to look up at Yacob.

Elias got out of the car and walked over. Yacob said, "Mr. Winters, these are the men."

"Did you guys kidnap Professor Turold's child?" He asked in a low voice.

One of the men, the leader, trembled and raised his head. His head was bloody, indicating that Yacob had taught him quite the lesson.

"It was that woman who told us to do it. We were just doing it for the money. We never harmed those children. We only kept them for a few days and then returned them. They were treated well, with good food and drinks. We never hurt those children, absolutely not!"

Elias looked at Yacob and asked, "How many children have they kidnapped?"

"I just interrogated them. They kidnapped the children of the two professors who conducted the DNA test for us. I just had someone release Professor Turold's child. The child of the doctor who conducted the DNA test for Symeon in Cludan was also kidnapped. The purpose was the same, to make the DNA test results prove that Symeon is the father of the child," Yacob answered truthfully.
Chapter 405 Mr Winters, Wake Up!

Elias looked at the people squatting on the ground and said, "It seems that someone tampered with the paternity test that Symeon did abroad."

"That's right."

At this moment, Yacob's phone rang. After answering the call, he seemed to have received some news. "T'll be right there."

"Mr. Winters, we have found Melissa Walters. She's on Caxton Street. Our people are chasing her, but she refuses to stop."

After hearing this, Elias turned around and got into his car, preparing to personally go and intercept this woman. He wanted to see what she was doing and her reason behind it. "Mr. Winters, let us go instead."

Yacob stopped him from closing the car door, but Elias coldly glanced at him. "No need. I want to stop her. myself."

After saying that, he slammed the car door shut and turned the car around to leave.

Yacob glanced at the men behind him and said, "Take these people back first. We'll talk when I get back."

Then, he also got into the car and followed the car in front of him as he had to protect Elias' safety at all times. Meanwhile, Melissa was speeding on the street with several cars following her, trying to force her to stop.

She couldn't stop no matter what because once she did, she would be caught by Elias' men.

She refused to stop despite the constant honking of the cars behind her. She kept driving until she reached the outskirts. She didn't know where else to go, but those cars still followed closely. "He's nuts! Is it necessary to force me like this? Is he trying to kill me?" Melissa looked at the cars in the rearview mirror, gritting her teeth.

What should she do now? How should she get rid of these cars?

Suddenly, a white Koenigsegg rushed directly toward her.

If the cars from before were just closely following her, trying to force her to stop, then this white Koenigsegg was clearly trying to crash into her.

With a loud bang, Melissa's car was forcefully hit from behind, forcing her to pull over.

But she clenched her teeth and refused to stop. If she stopped now, she would definitely be caught and interrogated. Then, Symeon would know everything and he would forcefully take away her baby! This was absolutely unacceptable!

Everything Melissa did was for her child. She couldn't let Symeon take her child away baster pussies they owery child she chose to sacris Ananda's child because she knew the day Symeon tound you that Xiany's tubt was just his, he would be Amanda and her child go. Puwess shuters in her liber clubt was taken away, she might never see her daughter again.

Nobis could see the heive exexol the man in the car behind her. She knew she couldn't escape anymore. Since i had come to the she would rather pull him down as well.

Sushions Flax sped up and overtook her car before stepping before her. He was betting that she wouldn't state to crash into him

She mumeshately steppest on the brakes with the tires screeching against the ground, almost hitting him.

She was pale with tear Hose could he be so daring?

Seeing that she had nowhere to escape, her only choice was to get out of the car obediently or crash

Melissa was coverest in cold sweat. She couldn't let Elias catch her as he would definitely hand her over to Sumcont

She gripped the steering wheel tightly as she was conflicted about what to do.

Meanwhile, Elias had already parked the car and was preparing to get out of the car and approach her because he knew that she didn't dare to crash into him. However, he didn't intend to do anything to her. He just wanted to ask why she was doing this.

As for Symeon, he would let Amanda decide if they should hand her over to him.

Unexpectedly, Melissa tightly gripped the steering wheel with furrowed brows and stared straight ahead as if she had made up her mind before suddenly stepping on the accelerator.

The engine roared as her car crashed into the white Koenigsegg.

Elias hadn't had time to open the car door when he saw the car crashing towards him. He didn't even have a spare second to think.

Melissa shut her eyes tightly and stepped on the accelerator without a care in the world and could feel that the car was pushing the other car far away.

Her heart was pounding like it was about to jump out of her chest. She slowly opened her eyes and saw that Elas car had been pushed dozens of feet away with a dent in the body.

She hit her head on the steering wheel as blood oozed from her forehead and felt a bit dizzy.

The white Koenigsegg remained motionless and she could see Elias lying motionless on the steering. wheel.

Taking advantage of that moment, Melissa quickly drove away. As she passed by, she caught a glimpse of Elias whose face was covered in blood

Her heart skipped a beat as she tightened her grip on the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator, desperate to escape

The white Koenigsegg was completely wrecked, with all the airbags deployed Elias forehead was covered in blood which flowed out continuously as he lay motionless on the steering wheel Blood stained his thick lashes as he tried his best to pry open his eyes, but he couldn't find the strength to do that. In the end, darkness enveloped him as he lost consciousness and fell into a coma.

Soon, Yacob caught up to him in his car and fell to the ground from fear when he saw the scene

He pushed open the car door and dashed over, trying to wake Elias up. "Mr. Winters! Mr. Winters, wake up! Don't sleep! Wake up!

But Elias had lost all consciousness and it was useless no matter how loud he shouted.

Then, a few more cars stopped one after another and everyone came up to help and quickly rescued Elias from the car before sending him to the hospital.

Yacob held Elias' body in the car and whispered, "Please don't die. How am I going to answer to the late Old Mr. Winters?"

Howard had repeatedly instructed him to protect Elias, but now..

Yacob could even feel that Elias' breathing was weakening. If this continued, it would be hard today if he could survive.

In the Winters Estate, Amanda was accompanying Aiden to draw.

He held crayons and drew a picture of a man, a woman, and a child on the paper.

She smiled and asked, "Is this our family that you're drawing?"

"Yes, this is Mommy. This is Daddy, and this is me. We're flying kites in the garden," Aiden explained seriously.

Amanda gently touched his head with a smile, but the next moment, she suddenly felt a pain in her heart that felt like a knife was cutting through her heart. She couldn't help but cover her chest and frowned in pain.
Chapter 406 Mr Winters... Had an Accident

Just then, Colette brought juice and dessert over and saw that Amanda's face didn't look good, so she couldn't help but ask, "Mrs. Winters, what's wrong? Are you alright? Why do you look so pale?"

"I'm fine. I just suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable in my heart. It's probably because I didn't sleep well last night."

Amanda shook her head. She didn't know why her heart hurt a lot just now.

She looked at the time again and realized that it was almost 10 p.m., but Elias wasn't home yet.

She then looked at Aiden, who was drawing, and said, "Aiden, take a break and have some juice."


Colette saw that her face was really pale and advised her, "Mrs. Winters, why don't you go to your room and rest for a while? I'll help Mr. Aiden take a bath and prepare for bed when he gets tired. Don't stay up too late. Your health is more important."

Amanda looked at Aiden and asked, "Is that alright? Can Mrs. Colette put you to sleep later?"

Although Aiden wanted her to put him to sleep, he chose to let Colette accompany him when he heard her say that her heart wasn't feeling well.

"Yes, Mommy. You should go to sleep if you're not feeling well."

Amanda patted his little head and said, "Good boy, I'll go lie down for a while. If you can't sleep later, come find Mommy."


So, Amanda went back to her room alone, but she couldn't fall asleep.

She didn't know why her heart kept aching, as if it was trying to tell her something and Elias' face kept appearing in her mind. She wanted to call and ask, but she was afraid that he must be busy. Forget it, let's not disturb him.

Then, she picked up the phone and called Boris to say, "Call me when Elias is back."

"Yes, Mrs. Winters."

After hanging up the phone, Amanda felt restless again. She tossed and turned in bed, but just couldn't fall asleep. So, she played with her phone for a long time before finally falling into slumber. -She had a very long dream. In the dream, she saw Elias on a deserted road, waving at her as if to say goodbye.

No matter how she ran towards him in the dream, she couldn't go near him or make a sound.

Suddenly, he was covered in blood, lying motionless on the road, as if he was dead. "No! Elias, no!"

Suddenly, she woke up from the dream and sat up abruptly with her forehead covered in cold sweat. She was gasping for air as she was still immersed in the nightmare.

After checking her surroundings, she realized that it was just a dream and breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank heavens it was just a dream.

Amanda massaged her forehead for a while before flipping the covers and getting out of bed, only to realize that it was already morning.

It was eight o'clock in the morning now. So, she went to the bathroom to freshen up before changing into a set of home clothes.

When she arrived at the living room, she saw Colette cleaning.

"Mrs. Winters, you're awake. Mr. Aiden is still sleeping. Should I wake him up?"

Amanda waved her hand and said, "It's okay. Let him sleep. He doesn't have school and he'll just make a fuss if he wakes up." "What would you like for breakfast? I'll have the kitchen prepare it for you."

"Just some congee and side dishes. I don't have much of an appetite."

She looked around to find that Elias wasn't there. Did he not come back all night?

Amanda remembered asking Boris to call her if Elias returned before going to bed.


Amanda looked at Colette and asked. "Where is Elias? He didn't come back all night?"

"Yes. Mr. Winters didn't return last night." Then, she turned around and walked toward the kitchen. Amanda suddenly felt unstable and her heart skipped a beat.

He didn't come back all night and didn't even give her a call. Did something happen?

Even when he was busy on a business trip abroad, Elias would always find time to call her.

The more she thought about it, the more anxious she became. She picked up her phone and dialed Elias" number, but it went to voicemail.

His phone is switched off?

Amanda's heart sank. Something must have happened!

How could the busy bee Elias turn off his phone?

Her heart started to race as she panicked and dialed Yacob's phone.

After ringing for a long time, the call was finally connected. The background on the other end was a bit chaotic, and Yacob sounded exhausted as if he had experienced a great disaster.


Vacob! What's going on? I can't reach Elias and you both didn't come home all night. Where did he go?" Yacob remained silent for a long time. I'm sorry; it's my fault for not protecting Mr. Winters..."

Her pupils contracted as she gripped the phone tightly while her lips trembled. "What are you saying... W- What happened to him?"

"Mr. Winters... had a car accident... He's still in the emergency room, but his injuries are too severe, so there's a high possibility..."

Amanda's face instantly turned pale. Her eyes widened with tears streaming down her face and she shouted angrily, "Where are you guys now? Which hospital are you at?"

She felt her whole body shake and couldn't help but cry out loud.

How could this be? Was the bloody scene she dreamed of last night real? Was Elias' soul saying goodbye to her?

"No!" Amanda cried out in despair.

At the hospital, Yacob stood motionless outside the operating room with clothes stained with blood as if he had fought against death.

Medical staff kept going in and out of the operating room, but no one knew what was happening inside.

When Amanda arrived at the hospital and saw Yacob standing outside the operating room, tears immediately welled up in her eyes.

Her legs felt weak and almost fell to the ground.

He stepped forward and supported her. Amanda saw the bloodstains on his clothes and cried, "Is this his blood?"

Yacob didn't say anything, which was as good as confirming it.

Amanda cried even harder. How could there be so much blood? How could one person bleed so much? Yacob's clothes are almost soaked in blood... "Why? Why did this happen? He promised me that he would be careful."

Amanda still remembered Elias' promise to her before he left last night saying that he would be fine and that he would definitely return.

But now, why was he lying in the operating room in critical condition?

"It was that woman, Melissa Walters, who hit Mr. Winters before running away."

Yacob's voice was hoarse. Last night, he kept trying to wake Elias up on the way to the hospital, but Elias wasn't responsive no matter how hard he tried. Melissa Walters? Why is this name so familiar?

However, Amanda didn't have the heart to think about that. She just wanted to know when Elias would come out of the operating room.

"When will he come out?" she asked with a sob and her whole body pale without a trace of color.
Chapter 407 Please... Don't Do This

Yacob clenched his fists, unsure of how to answer the question because he didn't know when Elias could come out.

Amanda stood there, staring at the sign of the operating room with tears streaming down her cheeks and splattering onto the ground. It was like her shattered heart which was in unbearable pain. "You have to wake up. Please. Do you hear me...

Amanda pleaded tearfully at the door of the operating room oblivious to the pain of her tightly clenched. fists as her nails dug deep into her palms.

She wondered if Elias had felt any pain from losing so much blood.

Suddenly, the lights in the operating room went out, and both Amanda and Yacob were startled and waited eagerly for the door to open.

Finally, a doctor walked out from inside and Amanda immediately went up to ask, "How is it? How did he do?"

Yacob followed suit, "Doctor, how is Mr. Winters? Is he alive?"

The doctor took off his mask and shook his head weakly.

That action chilled Amanda to the core as she felt weak in her knees, but Yacob held her up.

"Can't you say something? What exactly happened?" Amanda finally broke down and shouted angrily at the doctor.

Her shouts echoed in the quiet hallways making her despair and helplessness even more pronounced. The doctor was startled by her angry shout but remained calm and answered, "He has regained signs of life, but although his life has been saved, the injuries are too severe. So, we can't give an accurate time frame for when he will wake up."

Then, the doctor turned around and left.

Amanda stood still as tears streamed down her face one drop after another like pearls on a broken string.

After a while, the doors of the operating room opened, and the medical staff pushed the hospital bed out. Amanda was the first to walk over and cried out, "Elias, wake up. Look at me, please... I beg you...." "Mrs. Winters, please keep quiet. This is a hospital. Please calm down..."

But Amanda couldn't control her tears no matter how the medical staff tried to persuade her.

When Amanda saw Elias, she felt like her heart was being torn apart and it hurt too much.

His body was covered in medical equipment and his face was pallid under the oxygen mask as if he had no life left.

Amanda wanted to rush over and touch his face but was stopped by Yacob. "Please calm down. Mr. Winters is going to the ICU."

"I want to go in and see him..." Amanda despairingly knelt on the floor, covering her mouth as she cried out.

She knew that she needed to be stronger in this tough time because there were many responsibilities she had to take on, but she couldn't take it anymore seeing Elias like that.

Inside the Intensive Care Unit, the doctor allowed Amanda to enter for a short while wearing protective clothing after Yacob's repeated requests.

She stood in front of the bed looking at the unconscious man while listening to the beeping sounds of the monitoring devices and felt like her world was collapsing.

"Elias... please wake up. I beg you... You promised me that you would be fine..."

He had promised her before he left, so why did it turn out like this?

She had felt uneasy at that time and should have stopped him when she had the chance.

With trembling hands, Amanda held his hand and pleaded repeatedly, "Please, wake up soon. Aiden and I can't lose you. We both need you..."

However, Elias remained motionless on the hospital bed as if he didn't hear her at all.

Tears poured down Amanda's face as she sobbed, "Have you fulfilled your responsibilities as a father? You've just reunited with Aiden and you're just going to abandon him like this? Elias Winters! Wake up, please. I'd do anything for you to wake up..."

Outside the Intensive Care Unit, Yacob watched the scene with guilt. It was his fault for not protecting Elias, otherwise, things wouldn't have turned out like this.

The Winters were relying solely on Elias to manage them. Now, the entire family could fall Elias' accident apart

Those who had long wanted to seize power were probably already itching to make their move.

After a while, Amanda exited the room with tears still flowing uncontrollably.

However, Yacob said, "Mr. Winters is still unconscious, but we must take action on his behalf. We can't let news of his car accident leak out, otherwise, those people in the family will definitely try to seize power."

Amanda closed her eyes with a nod and said hoarsely, I know."

She was really tired and mentally exhausted.

The next two days, she stayed in the hospital and never left even just for a moment, but Elias showed no signs of waking up.

During this time, many people from the family called to ask about Elias' whereabouts. To which, she replied that he was abroad for a private matter. The people from Winters Enterprise were also looking for Elias every day, but all she and Yacob could do was come up with excuses.

Elias was the sole decision-maker for all major projects in Winters Enterprise. Yet, he was unavailable.

He was now out of danger and had been transferred to a regular ward, yet he still refused to wake "Aiden has been looking for you. You should go back and spend time with him," Yacob said as he approached Amanda from behind.

Amanda was in a low mood. Even if she went home, she couldn't hide her strained face from Aiden.

So, she shook her head, "You can go back. Just tell Aiden that I'm on a business trip with Elias."

"But this can't go on. He needs someone to be with him and Aiden relies on you a lot," Yacob said truthfully.

Amanda didn't say anything and just sat in front of the hospital bed, staring at the man in a deep sleep. How she wished she could see Elias open his eyes in the next second.

Seeing Amanda in such a lost state, Yacob sighed softly and turned to leave the ward.

"When are you going to wake up... I know I'm tired, but you've been sleeping for days."

No matter what she said, the man on the hospital bed remained motionless. In a series of sighs, Amanda gradually sank into despair. She was really reaching her limit.

At the Winters Estate, Yacob had returned and was giving Boris some instructions before going to see Aiden.

Without Amanda and Elias at home these past few days, Aiden had become much quieter. He was unhappy since he couldn't even go to kindergarten, so he could only cause trouble around the estate.

"Mr. Aiden has been irritable these past few days. He's been saying that he wants to see his parents, but Mrs. Winters and Mr. Winters can't come back," Boris said.
Chapter 408 Your Child Is in My Hands

Yacob watched as Aiden threw stones at the fish in the lake in the distance who looked just like a mischievous child, but it seemed like he was trying to get the attention of the adults.

Yacob had been by Elias' side in the hospital for the past few days and he had almost forgotten about this little guy.

He walked to the edge of the lake and looked at the sulking Aiden before asking, "Doesn't it hurt the fish when you throw stones at them?"

Aiden turned around and glanced at him, snorting, "If it hurts, they'll avoid it."

"Do you want to see your mommy?"

"Hmph! Mommy and Daddy are both bad people. They haven't come to see me for days and just left me here. They're all bad!"

It seemed like Aiden was furious. Yacob squatted down and straightened Aiden's shoulders, making him look directly at him..

"Listen to me. Your mommy and daddy didn't do it on purpose. Something big happened these past few days, and they couldn't come. Do you understand?"

Yacob's expression was extremely serious, as if Aiden could really understand what he was saying.

"What happened?"

"I can't tell you now. Wait a few more days and your daddy will come to see you. Besides, this estate is so big. There's everything here. You can do whatever you want. If you have any requests, you can tell the butler, alright?"

"Adults are always like this. You are always lying to me! Hmph!" Aiden shook off Yacob's hand and ran in Boris' direction.

Yacob felt a bit helpless, but he couldn't directly tell him that Elias was in a coma from a car accident.

Then, he instructed Boris, "Take good care of Mr. Aiden. Feed him and put him to bed on time."

"Yes, sir."

At the Sacred Heart Villa, a bodyguard brought a detailed report to Symeon. "My master, we found out that the woman who was tracking you before also stayed in Esmos for four years. She also spent time at the Pleybia Hospital and seems to know Amanda."

Symeon glanced at the report, which detailed the woman's name as Melissa Walters and was unemployed. -in Esmos, but she owned quite a few assets.

She knows Amanda?

That would explain why this woman was tracking him. Was it at Amanda's behest?

Although he still couldn't figure out what was going on, he ordered, "Continue to track this woman and see what she's up to."

"Yes, my master."

Symeon then asked, "What about my son? Is he still at the Winters Estate?"

Up until now, he still believed that Amanda's child, Aiden, was his.

The bodyguard replied, "Yes, he hasn't come out at all, and it's strange that Elias and Amanda seem to have disappeared as well. We haven't seen them for days. Lasked around, but Elias hasn't gone to the company either."

Both of them disappeared? But Aiden's left at the Winters Estate...

This piqued Symeon's curiosity, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He just wanted to take Aiden away. "Design a reasonable plan as soon as possible to bring the child out of the estate."

"We're working on it. Don't worry. The bodyguard nodded.

At the same time, Melissa was hiding in a run-down motel to escape the pursuit of those people.

She couldn't help but recall the images of Elias covered in blood.

She didn't know if he was dead or alive. She knew she had hit him hard and it was a violent impact that was difficult for a human to withstand.

She had been hiding in this motel for a few days and didn't dare to go out. She had long abandoned her car on the outskirts.

Suddenly, her phone vibrated. Melissa glanced at it and saw that it was a call from her mother in Esmos.

She answered the phone, and her mother's voice came through, "When are you coming back, Melissa? Strange people have been asking the neighbors about your personal life the past few days. They almost found out about your daughter. Luckily, I happened to be there and stopped the neighbors from revealing this. I'm afraid these people are from the Lawrence Family and want to take away your child." Melissa's heart skipped a beat. It must be Symeon's people investigating.

She didn't expect them to be so fast.

She had to get Symeon to take Amanda and Aiden away as soon as possible; otherwise, they would eventually find her.

"Mom, take Dulcie and stay at the other house for a few days. I'll finish things here and return. I'll be back soon. Just wait for me."

"Alright, I'll wait for you."

However, Melissa couldn't help but remind her, "Mom, don't let Dulcie talk to strangers. You do the same."

"I understand,"

After hanging up the phone, Melissa fell into deep thought while feeling anxious and restless.

She had already strayed too far down the wrong path, and there was no turning back now. She had to go all out and prevent Symeon from finding out about her.

By then, it wouldn't just be about taking Dulcie away as it would take her life.

Another three days passed, and Elias still showed no signs of waking up in the hospital.

Amanda's mood lowered with each passing day. She had said everything she could, but he still refused to wake up. She felt a sense of despair. When the doctor came for rounds in the morning, he said that Elias was slowly recovering, but they couldn't tell her when he would wake up.

"Would he not wake up and become a vegetable?" Amanda asked.

The doctor sighed deeply. "Mr. Winters suffered severe injuries, especially to his head. If he never wakes up, it's possible that he could become a vegetable. But we can't rule out the possibility of him waking up. It's hard to tell when he'll wake up."

Amanda's heart sank into an abyss after hearing that.

After the doctor and nurses left, she stood rooted to the spot for a long time, unable to recover her senses as tears once again fell from her eyes.

She looked at Elias lying on the hospital bed as her voice choked, "Please, wake up. Even though I know you're tired and in pain, you must wake up..."

She held his hand and hoped that he could hold her hand tightly like he usually did, but there was nothing. Nothing at all.

Suddenly, her phone vibrated. Amanda took out her phone from her bag and glanced at it. It was an unknown number. She didn't want to answer it, but she was afraid that it might be someone from the Winters Family.

She answered the call and put the phone to her ear. "Who is this?"

"Mommy! Where are you?"

"Aiden? Whose phone are you using to call me?"

Amanda was slightly startled before realizing that it was Aiden. But why is he using a stranger's phone? Is this the maid's phone?

On the other end of the phone, Aiden was very happy. Mommy, a pretty lady said she wants to bring me to find you."

Amanda's heart skipped a beat and her face changed.

Pretty lady...


Just as she called out his name, the voice of a woman replaced Aiden's voice on the phone, "Your child is in my hands. If you want to see him, follow my instructions."
Chapter 409 Please Wake Up Soon, Aiden and I Are Waiting for You

Amanda gripped the phone as she sat on a chair and spoke in a trembling voice, "What are you trying to do?"

She didn't know where Aiden had been taken, and she didn't even know who this woman was, but she found the woman's voice somewhat familiar. She seemed to have heard it somewhere before.

"Never mind what I want to do. Just do as I say or else your son's life won't be spared."

Amanda became angry and shouted at the woman on the other end of the phone, "If you dare to harm my son. I will never spare you!"

She was on the verge of an emotional breakdown.

She had been by Elias' side all these days, and he still hadn't woken up from his coma. And now that her baby had been kidnapped, it made her feel like she was going crazy.

Laughter came from the other end of the phone. "I guess you must be having a hard time now, taking care of your unconscious husband and having your child taken away from you. If I were you, I would prioritize one of them. Otherwise, you might lose both of them in the end and that would be even more painful, wouldn't it?"

Amanda widened her eyes in shock.

Who is this woman? How does she know that Elias is lying unconscious in the hospital?

Hardly anyone knew that Elias was involved in a car accident, so how did this woman know?

Could it be...

Amanda suddenly remembered that Elias had mentioned last night before he left that he was going to catch a woman, and that woman was the mastermind behind this absurd farce.

She tightened the grip on her phone and shouted furiously, "It's you! You're the one who hit Elias! You're the one who forged those paternity tests! You're the one who misled Symeon to come after me! It's all your doing, isn't it?!"

"Heh... you're quite clever, connecting all these things together. Yes, it's me. If you want your son to be safe, then do as I say, otherwise, I'll send your son's fingers to you as a wake-up call."

"You b"stard! If you dare to touch my son..."

Before Amanda could finish her sentence, the phone was hung up.

She wept in despair while listening to the hang-up tone and wondered if anyone could tell her what to do now.

Amanda looked at the man lying unconscious on the hospital bed and cried, "What should I do now? 1 want to stay by your side until you wake up, but our son has been taken away by that woman. I have to go save our son. What should I do..."

Her fingertips trembled uncontrollably as she tightly held her phone.

In an instant, all the burden was placed on her shoulders. If she said the wrong thing or made the wrong decision, it could cost her baby's life.

That night, Amanda sat silently in front of the hospital bed, and no one knew what was going on with her.

The next morning, Yacob bought breakfast for her, but she just shook her head.

At this moment, Yacob's phone rang. After answering the call, his expression changed drastically, and he chided furiously, "What? What are you all doing? You can't even watch a child!" Amanda, however, remained indifferent and just smiled. It turned out that the Winterses had just discovered that the child was missing.

After Yacob hung up the phone, he noticed her expressionless face and couldn't help but ask, "Are you okay? Didn't you hear the content of the call just now? How can you remain calm when your child is missing?"

At this moment, Amanda's phone rang.

She glanced at it and saw that it was the same number as the woman who called last night.

Her mission had arrived.

Amanda answered the call, and the woman's voice came through. "Go see Mr. Lawrence now and tell him. that the child is his and that it was you who slept with him four years ago. After that, go to Esmos with him. Do it immediately!"

Following that, Aiden's voice came through the phone. "Mommy, please come quickly. I miss you so much," he called out.

Hearing Aiden's voice broke Amanda's heart.

She didn't want to do anything for this woman, but her baby was still in this woman's hands, and she had no choice but to comply. "Understood. What about my son?"

Yacob, who was beside her, widened his eyes upon hearing this. It turned out that Amanda had known. about the child's disappearance a long time ago. No wonder she didn't react at all when she heard that the child was missing.

"The child and I are in Esmos now. We're waiting for you here. Don't worry, I'm a man of my word."

After speaking, the call abruptly ended.

Yacob looked anxious and asked, "What's going on? Do you know who took the child?"

"It's the woman who hit Elias."

"It's her! Melissa!"

Yacob couldn't believe it. This woman must be crazy. He had been busy with Elias' affairs these past days and didn't have time to look for her. Yet she dared to take the liberty to come and take Elias' child! She deserved to be taught a lesson!

Yacob turned to leave the ward but was stopped by Amanda. "You won't find her. She had taken the child to Esmos and now she had taken Aiden away enough of Melissa.

She had caused Elias to end up like this, Amanda calmly looked at Yacob and said, "Yacob, take good care of Elias. When he wakes up, tell him to come to Esmos to save me and Aiden."

"What are you going to do?"

Hearing that, Yacob grabbed her arm. Now that Aiden was taken away, if Amanda got caught too, Yacob might get into trouble after Elias had regained consciousness.

"I'm going to save our child. If I don't go, this woman might harm him. You don't want to see Aiden missing an arm or a leg, do you? You have to believe that this woman is capable of anything and what she did to Elias is an example!"

Amanda got emotional as she spoke.

After that, Yacob unwillingly let go of her arm and he felt helpless. Amanda was reluctant to leave but she had no choice but to do so. Besides, Elias was still unconscious.

There were some things that she had to do.

Amanda returned to the bedside and leaned down to gently kiss Aiden's forehead before whispering, Please wake up soon. Aiden and I are waiting for you."

After speaking, she stood up and left the ward without looking back.

She didn't dare to look back, afraid that she would never want to leave if she did.

When he saw this, Yacob clenched his fists and looked at Elias who was laying on the hospital bed as he muttered to himself, "Wake up quickly, Elias. Amanda and Aiden need you." As soon as Amanda walked out of the hospital, she felt dizzy.

She hadn't had a breath of fresh air for several days. She looked up at the dazzling sunlight and let out a disdainful laugh.

She felt that she was unfortunate since she always encountered issues.

A taxi slowly stopped in front of her, and she got in after the door was opened.

"Miss, where do you want to go?" the driver asked.

"Sacred Heart Villa, Amanda stated the name of the villa area, then closed her eyes slowly. She was thinking about how to talk to Symeon later.
Chapter 410 Meeting Symeon

Meanwhile, at Sacred Heart Villa, Symeon was having breakfast when his bodyguard came in to report, "Master, Miss Bailey is here. She says she wants to see you and has something important to tell you."


Symeon didn't expect Amanda to come to him voluntarily. He thought she would continue to deny everything and put on an act until the end.

"Let her in."

Amanda was waiting outside the door when suddenly a car honked behind her.

She turned around and saw Crispin getting out of the car, looking smug as if he had made it in life.

"Why are you here too?" Crispin was surprised.

Amanda was even more surprised to see him here.

At this moment, the bodyguard came out and said, "Please come in, Miss Bailey, Master is waiting for you."

Amanda couldn't be bothered with Crispin. Without having to guess, she knew he was just trying to gain favor. After all, anyone could see that Symeon was a big shot. With that, she walked directly into the villa.

Crispin tried to follow, but the bodyguard stopped him. "Sorry, you can't go in. Master is meeting with a guest."

"It's me, Crispin. I've met your Master before. Please go in and let him know I have urgent matters to report to him."

In fact, Crispin wanted to go in and tell Symeon that that kid seemed to have disappeared suddenly and that he was rumored to have been kidnapped.

"Wait here," the bodyguard said and closed the door.

At that, Crispin could only stand outside while feeling insignificant.

Inside the villa, the bodyguard led Amanda to the dining room where Symeon was having breakfast.

The man glanced at her and asked, "Have you had breakfast? Would you like to join me?"

"No, thank you. I don't have much of an appetite."

Symeon looked at the bodyguard, who tactfully left the dining room, giving the two of them some privacy.

"Have a seat. What do you want to talk to me about?" The man wiped his mouth with a napkin.

Amanda pulled out a chair and sat across from him while looking directly at Symeon's handsome face. After much thought, she couldn't bring herself to say those insincere words.

But what will happen to Aiden if I don't say those words?

After much internal struggle, she finally made up her mind and said, "Stop looking for evidence and don't be bothered by it anymore. I admit it, the child is yours. Take me to Esmos."

Upon hearing that, Symeon calmly looked at her, as if he wasn't surprised at all by these words. But when she fell silent, he couldn't help but ask, "And then? What happens after I take you to Esmos?" He wanted the child and not her.

Amanda was a little annoyed and frustrated as she ran her fingers through her hair. She said, "Take me to Esmos, and then the child will show himself."

"So, you mean the child is already in Esmos? You've hidden the child in Esmos?"

Amanda neither confirmed nor denied it because she had no idea what the situation was.

Symeon took it as her confirmation and nodded, "Alright, let's go then. I was planning to take you with me anyway. After all, the child can't be separated from you.

It was best that Amanda willingly go with him, but Symeon had another question. Would Elias agree to Amanda leaving?

"What about Elias? Will he agree? Have you two fallen out?"

Amanda was not in the mood to answer so many questions now. She just wanted to go to Esmos as soon as possible and see her son.

She remained silent but Symeon had already imagined the whole scenario in his head.

"Is it because Elias found out about the paternity test results which caused the fallout? He doesn't want you or the child anymore? No... let me think, the child was sent to Esmos, so he must have wanted to get rid of both you and the child. That's why you sent the child away first, right?"

Amanda couldn't help but laugh. It was a pity that Symeon didn't become a screenwriter. He had quite an imagination.

"It's exactly as how you think. So, when do we leave? I miss my son." Amanda said firmly.

Symeon saw the determination in her eyes, the urgency almost overflowing.

That was exactly what Symeon wanted, this kind of urgency that would make her willingly go with him.

"Alright, I understand. I'll have someone arrange your visa. Go back and wait for my news.

Amanda didn't say anything more. She got up to leave, but as soon as she stood up, she received a text message on her phone.

It was from Melissa, and the message read, 'Say that you want to stay by his side. Say that nowhere else to go."

Amanda's blood boiled upon reading it, but she had to endure it for the sake of her child.

With that, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before turning to look at Symeon: "Can I stay here? I've been kicked out by Elias and have nowhere else to go."

Symeon looked at her pitiful appearance and couldn't help but chuckle. "You can choose any room upstairs."

"Thank you."

At this moment, the bodyguard came in and said, "Master, Crispin wants to see you."


What could Crispin want from Symeon?.

Amanda returned to Symeon's side and said, "Don't see him. He doesn't like me and is only here to badmouth me. Why listen to his nonsense when I've decided to return the child to you? He's just a clown who wants to gain wealth and status."

After hearing that, Symeon nodded. "Makes sense."

Then, he looked at the bodyguard and said, "I'm not meeting him. Drive him away"


After the bodyguard left, Amanda also left the dining room.

By then, Symeon was left alone in the dining room. He chuckled softly while looking at the unfinished breakfast in front of him.

The development of the situation seemed to be getting more interesting. Amanda and Elias had fallen out. and she had come to him voluntarily.

It seemed that he didn't need to come up with another plan anymore, but he also felt that something was not quite right.

Symeon stood up and walked out of the dining room and headed to the garden outside the villa

He faintly heard the argument between the bodyguard and Crispin outside. Crispin wanted to barge in but was firmly stopped by the bodyguard.

After a while, the bodyguard who came back passed by the garden and saw Symeon.


"Did he leave?"

"We drove him away."


As if reminded of something, the bodyguard asked, "Master, should we continue investigating Melissa?"

"Not for now. I don't have the energy to deal with her anymore. I just want to return to the country as soon as possible. There are many things I need to take care of, and I also want to bond with my son." After all, he had never fulfilled his responsibilities as a father since Aiden was born.

"Yes, I will arrange Miss Bailey's visa as soon as possible"


Symeon turned to look at the window on the second floor. One room had its curtains tightly closed, and Amanda must have chosen that one.
Chapter 411 None of Your Business!

As soon as Amanda entered the room, she immediately closed the windows and drew the curtains shut before locking the door.

She took out her phone and dialed Melissa's number, and it took a while for Melissa to answer.


"Why did you ask me to stay with Symeon? Where's my child? I want to hear my son's voice."

Shortly after, Aiden's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Mommy."

Upon hearing Aiden's voice, Amanda's lifeless face finally showed a hint of warmth. "Aiden, are you okay? Did you eat and sleep well?"

"Yes, but Mommy, when are you coming to see me? The pretty lady said you would come to see me soon. but why haven't you arrived yet?"

"Wait a few more days. Mommy will come to see you soon. You have to eat and sleep well, okay?"

"Okay. Mommy, I'm going to play with the little girl now."

-Little girl?

Where did the little girl come from?

Amanda was puzzled, and the next moment, Melissa's voice rang from the other side of the phone, "How about it? Are you relieved now? I didn't mistreat your son. He is happy here. As long as you do as I say you will be able to see him soon."

Amanda could tell from Aiden's voice that he was in good condition.

Even so, she didn't feel rest assured.

"How do I pick up my son when I arrive in Esmos?"

"You will know when you arrive. I will bring him to you.

After speaking, she hung up the phone again and didn't answer any more calls from Amanda no matter how many times Amanda called.

Now, Amanda could only wait and make plans after she arrived in Esmos. But she still had some concerns. After she arrived there, she would be alone so she wasn't sure if she could really deal with that woman and Symeon by herself.

At the same time, in New Montana, Esmos, Aiden was playing happily with a little girl.

The little girl was beautiful and adorable. "Aiden, can you help me with this?"

"Okay." Aiden obediently took a doll that he disliked because he thought of himself as a big brother.

Melissa and her mother stood outside the door as they watched this scene.

"You know, this little boy gets along well with Dulcie. Despite his young age, he is quite gentlemanly and knows how to be modest."

Melissa's lips curled up slightly. "It's because his parents are prominent figures in high society. They naturally pay more attention to education."

After all, this child was Amanda and Elias" child.

In her eyes, Amanda was a responsible mother, and Elias was not a spoiled rich kid. She heard that Elias was a workaholic among the second generation of the wealthy in the country.

Melissa's mother, Mary Tonig, couldn't help but ask again. "Whose child is this? He has been staying at our house for several days. Aren't his parents worried?"

Hearing that, Melissa merely gave a perfunctory response. "He's the child of a friend. They have something to do, so they asked me to take care of him for a couple of days."

She just hoped that Amanda could stay with Symeon for a little longer, prolonging the time and giving her enough time to start a new life.

Four days later, Symeon was ready to return to Esmos and booked an evening flight.

"Aren't you packing?" Symeon glanced at Amanda who had nothing in her hands. She didn't look like she was going abroad but rather going out for a stroll.

Amanda replied, "I didn't bring anything in the first place, so why pack? Or is the Lawrence Family unable to afford even daily necessities?"

Hearing that made Symeon smile. "You're right, we'll buy them when we get to Esmos."

So, she followed the man out of the Sacred Heart Villa. Just as they walked out of the villa gate and were about to get into the car, a figure suddenly rushed over and blocked their way.

"Mr. Lawrence! Wait!"

Amanda finally saw who the person in front of her was.


Crispin looked at the man behind Amanda and saw that it was Amanda. Didn't she come here last night? Why is she still here? Could it be that she didn't go back all night?

"Why are you still here? Doesn't Elias care? Doesn't it bother him that you spent the whole night at another man's house?"

Crispin was shocked because, in his impression, Elias was an extremely possessive person with a domineering and nasty personality so how could he allow his woman to spend the whole night at another man's house?

Or had Amanda and Elias already fallen out?

"It's none of your business!" Amanda couldn't be bothered to deal with him.

Symeon grabbed Amanda's wrist and walked toward the car while giving Crispin a cold glance. "Get lost."

Crispin stood still, and before he could say anything, he saw Symeon and Amanda get into the car.

Noticing that, He could only desperately tap on the car window, "Mr. Lawrence, please wait for me, I really have something to say to you, I..."

At the same time, inside the car, Amanda looked at Crispin's face outside the car window and then looked at the handsome man beside her before asking, "Don't you want to hear what Crispin wants to say?" "No, I don't want to. It's unnecessary. I've already achieved my goal, and I don't have time to waste on him."

With that, Symeon glanced at the driver and ordered, "Let's go."

Then, the car slowly drove away.

In the end, Crispin was left behind no matter how hard he tapped on the car window. Symeon refused to listen to a word from him, even if it was just one word.

"Mr. Lawrence!" Crispin shouted, but all he could see were the taillights of the car.

At the airport, after they completed the check-in, Amanda found an excuse to go to the restroom and entered the ladies restroom.

She entered a cubicle and dialed Yacob's number.

It only rang twice before he answered, and Amanda heard his nervous voice, "How is it over there?"

"I'm fine, but I'm leaving for Esmos. Take care of him after I've left. Has he... woken up?"

After asking this question, Amanda already knew the answer in her heart. If Elias had woken up, Yacob would have called her.

Yacob remained silent for a few seconds, and that silence made her feel heartbroken.

When will he wake up? she wondered.

"Do you really have to go? Can you handle it alone?" Yacob asked concernedly. He didn't feel at ease letting Amanda go, but currently, there was no better way to save Aiden. "I have no choice. It can only be like this. You must stay with him until he wakes up."

"I know."

Amanda spoke again, "Don't leave his side, especially at a time like this. I'm afraid someone might try to take his life.

"I know, I haven't left his side for a moment."

"Okay, that's it."

Amanda hung up the phone but couldn't help but let out a deep sigh.

She was heartbroken knowing that he was still unconscious and a tear rolled down her cheek.

Back in the VIP lounge, Amanda noticed Symeon sitting there with his eyes closed. He opened his eyes when he heard footsteps.

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