"Dragon Son-in-law" a.k.a. Millionaire Son-in-law, Charlie Wade Story. Translated by Junlee (aka Jungal2000)

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Charlie Wade is a househusband son-in-law whom everyone looks down upon. However, unknown to them, his true identity is that of the young master from a top-tier family. Those who once belittled him will eventually kneel before him, trembling with fear and calling him "Master!" ...

The MC is Charlie Wade, and there's this girl Claire Wilson. They're in this savage clapback novel called "Ultimate Dragon Honcho", penned by this dude Ye Gongzi. Everyone knew Charlie Wade was the son-in-law of the Wilson family. Like, Grandpa Wilson legit pulled this broke boy outta nowhere and made him marry his grand daughter/princess, Claire. But bro's got no skills, no dough 💸, and Claire had to deal with so much BS 'cause of him. He even had the nerve to ask for money during Grandma Wilson's big party, making Claire hella embarrassed 😳. They kicked Charlie Wade out, but then plot twist! 🌀 Some butler dude shows up. Turns out, Charlie Wade's actually from the uber-rich Wade clan. The butler's like, "Come home, fam." But since his parents were, like, done dirty by the Wade fam, he's like "Nah." But he did take his grandpa’s black card loaded with 10 billion. 💳💰 #MicDrop

Author: Charlie Wade
Category: Urban Fiction
Status: Ongoing
Last Updated: October 18, 2023
Last edited:

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

Despite being in Aurous Hill, Charlie could still receive calls from Benjamin. Coincidentally, the plane was already landing near the Walker Group headquarters.

Charlie heard the phone ringing in Kazusaki first's pocket. He took it out and saw the name "Benjamin" displayed on the screen.

The Japanese often use Chinese characters for names, so they also use Chinese characters to record the names of Chinese people.

Seeing that it was Benjamin calling, Charlie immediately said to Kazusaki first, "If you want to live, listen carefully. Otherwise, I'll send you to a dog farm today and chop you up to feed the dogs. Do you understand?"

Kazusaki first nodded repeatedly, pleading with his eyes, "As long as you spare my life, I'll do whatever you ask, no questions asked."

Charlie coldly instructed, "Answer Benjamin's call. If he asks about your recent situation, tell him everything is fine, and make sure he knows you're still in Japan."

Kazusaki first nodded like a bobblehead.

Seeing this, Charlie knew he wouldn't dare lie. He handed the phone to him and ordered, "Answer it now!"

Kazusaki first didn't dare delay. He took the phone and immediately pressed the answer button.

As soon as the call connected, Benjamin's relieved voice came through, "Ah, Mr. Hashimoto, what have you been busy with? Why didn't you answer the phone for so long?"

Kazusaki first, following Charlie's instructions, replied, "I was in a meeting. I just stepped out to take your call. What do you need?"

Benjamin chuckled, "Oh, nothing much. I just wanted to ask about the situation in Japan. Any news on Sarah? Is the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department still searching for her?"

Kazusaki first responded, "There's still no news about Sarah. Given how much effort we put into eliminating her, she's most likely dead by now. The Japanese police are starting to scale back their search efforts. I think this matter will soon be forgotten, so you don't need to worry."

Benjamin felt reassured by these words and laughed, "Mr. Hashimoto, you’re as reliable as ever! As long as Sarah is dead, we have nothing to fear!"

He continued, "By the way, Mr. Hashimoto, I'm about to hold a press conference to officially announce my takeover as chairman of the Walker Group. Once I'm officially the chairman, our collaboration can proceed at full speed!"

Kazusaki first replied, "That's great news. I've already informed our board. Once you officially take over, we can meet and discuss our future cooperation."

Benjamin, excited, said, "Excellent, Mr. Hashimoto!"

He added, "Sorry, Mr. Hashimoto, the press conference is about to start. I'll speak with you again on the day we sign the contract to thank you personally!"

Kazusaki first smoothly replied, "No need for formalities, Mr. Walker. Take care of your business, and we'll discuss the rest in person."


Benjamin hung up the phone, unable to hide his excitement. He turned to Ryan and exclaimed, "Hashimoto said the Japanese police are about to pull back. It seems they've found no leads."

Ryan, equally thrilled, said, "That's fantastic! If they stop searching, it's as good as a done deal!"

Benjamin laughed heartily, stood up, and waved his hand energetically, "Let's go downstairs and start the press conference! Once it begins, I'll be the chairman of the Walker Group!"


10:55 AM.

Suddenly, the stock of Walker Group was suspended.

Suspending a stock means halting its trading. From this moment, Walker Group's stock is frozen—it won't rise or fall until trading resumes.

To apply for a suspension from the securities regulatory commission, there must be ample and compelling reasons. Walker Group cited a significant upcoming announcement as their reason for the suspension.

Generally, listed companies suspend their stocks before making major announcements to prevent insider trading and speculation by those with early information.

For instance, a famous internet company named Qihoo 360 previously used this tactic. When they sought to go public domestically, they achieved it through a backdoor listing.

In simpler terms, if a company doesn't meet the securities regulatory commission's listing requirements or the normal listing process takes too long, they can buy another listed company to achieve their goal.

Qihoo 360, being a well-known internet company in China, chose a backdoor listing to save time. Independent listing would have taken an additional one to two years, potentially missing market opportunities.

At that time, everyone speculated which listed company Qihoo 360 would use for their backdoor listing. If investors knew in advance, they could buy the target company's stock and profit from the price surge post-listing.

However, such information is typically top secret within the company, known only to the highest levels and never disclosed publicly.

When South Laverton Board suddenly announced a major event requiring stock suspension, it revealed that 360 intended to use it for their backdoor listing. But by then, it was too late—the stock was already suspended, leaving no opportunity for bottom-fishing.

Walker Group's situation is similar now.

The company is transitioning from a leaderless state to a new chairman, a positive development requiring a stock suspension before the announcement.

10:55 AM, Walker Group's press release hall.

Invited media reporters were already in place, and nationwide investors were watching this press conference.

Since Sarah's accident, Walker Group's stock has been underperforming.

The market feared Walker Group was leaderless and in disarray, causing its stock to decline.

Now, with Walker Group suddenly holding a high-profile press conference, everyone speculated they were about to announce the new chairman.

At this moment, Charlie arrived alone at the entrance of the press hall.

Knowing Charlie's arrival, Ryan came to the entrance to greet him. Despite his many grievances against Charlie, he didn't dare provoke him in Aurous Hill.


After all, he was Charlie, a man known as The True Heavenly Dragon Among Men. Ryan dared not show the slightest negligence.

Seeing Charlie arrive alone, Ryan quickly stepped forward and respectfully greeted him, "Master Wade, you’re here!"

Charlie nodded slightly, with a touch of apology in his tone, "Ryan, I did my best regarding Sarah’s matter."

Charlie deliberately only said "did my best," without mentioning any outcome. Hearing this, Ryan immediately interpreted it as the kind of response a doctor gives when they couldn't save a patient.

Thus, he quickly filled in the blanks, thinking to himself, "It seems Charlie really didn’t find any trace of Sarah. And now that he’s back, he must have given up the search. Finally, my father and I can be at ease."

While Ryan felt secretly delighted, he still put on a facade of deep sorrow and gratitude, saying, "Master Wade, for Sarah’s sake, you went all the way to Japan and made such great efforts. Our Walker family is deeply grateful."

"If Sarah is truly gone, I believe she would be moved by your sincere efforts, even in the afterlife."

Charlie looked at Ryan earnestly and said, "Ryan, many times, we should hold onto a sliver of hope and pray for a miracle to happen someday. What if one day, Sarah suddenly appears before us? Wouldn't that be a joyous occasion?"

Hearing Charlie's words, Ryan felt as if he had swallowed a fly. He cursed internally, "Pray for a miracle? Pray for your mother’s miracle! I hope that miracle never happens! It would be best if Sarah never shows up. I don't even want to see her corpse, otherwise, I’d have to arrange a funeral, which would be a hassle and expense, and I’d have to pretend to be sorrowful in front of everyone!"

However, he still put on a pious expression and said, "Master Wade, you’re right. I also hope that one day, the miracle you mentioned will occur."

Then he quickly added, "Master Wade, after today’s press conference, I will immediately go to Temple to offer incense and pray for Sarah. Temple is very effective at granting wishes. I often go there to pray and know the abbot well. I can ask him to conduct a prayer ceremony for Sarah."

Charlie smiled faintly and said, "No need for that trouble. You won’t be able to visit Temple again in your lifetime."

Ryan was stunned and asked in surprise, "Master Wade, what do you mean by that?"

Charlie patted his shoulder and said, "Nothing much, just that Temple clashes with your fate."

Ryan, still puzzled, asked, "Why would I clash with Temple, Master Wade? It’s quite effective, though."

Charlie replied calmly, "Trust me, you’ll soon find that Temple is not effective at all."

Ryan, still confused, thought Charlie was talking about feng shui or mysticism, and asked, "Master Wade, are you saying the monks at Temple are frauds?"

Charlie waved his hand, "Not necessarily frauds, perhaps just not skilled enough."

He then added, "Alright, enough about that. Let’s go inside. Isn’t your press conference about to start?"

Ryan quickly said, "Yes, yes, the press conference is about to start. Master Wade, please come in!"

With Ryan leading the way, Charlie walked into the conference hall. Ryan seated him in the VIP section of the front row and then apologized, "Sorry, Master Wade, I have to attend the press conference, so I can’t stay here with you. If you need anything, please let the staff know."

Charlie nodded, "Alright, go ahead and do your thing."

Ryan said eagerly, "Alright, Master Wade, I’ll go then. Please make yourself comfortable."

With that, he hurriedly turned and went to the backstage.

A few minutes later, a female secretary stepped onto the stage and said, "Thank you to all the distinguished guests and media friends for coming. Today, the Walker Group has very important news to announce. Now, please join me in welcoming our board members with a round of applause!"


After the female secretary finished speaking, thunderous applause erupted from the audience.

One by one, the board members of the Walker Group began to enter from the side door.

Walking at the front were several individuals Charlie did not recognize, but at the end were Ryan and his father, Benjamin Walker.

Although Benjamin was the last to enter, the most central seat on the stage was reserved for him.

After taking his seat, Benjamin immediately noticed Charlie in the front row of the VIP seats.

Seeing Charlie, Benjamin felt a surge of anxiety similar to his son, Ryan.

As the saying goes, a guilty conscience needs no accuser; he was worried that his actions might one day be exposed.

His greatest fear was Charlie, who had become the biggest threat in his mind.

If his secrets were ever revealed, he feared Charlie’s retribution more than any police intervention.

Meeting Charlie's gaze, Benjamin forced a conciliatory nod.

Charlie responded with a smile, which somewhat eased Benjamin’s nerves.

Turning on the microphone in front of him, Benjamin began, "Honored guests, shareholders, investors, and media friends, good afternoon!"

"I am Benjamin Walker, formerly the Vice Chairman of the Walker Group. Following Miss Sarah’s unfortunate accident in Japan, the board temporarily appointed me as acting Chairman to assume her duties."

He sighed, "Miss Sarah Walker's ordeal has deeply saddened me and the entire board. We have been in constant communication with the Japanese authorities, urging them to thoroughly investigate the incident and locate Miss Sarah. We hope for a swift and positive resolution."

Pausing briefly, he continued with a serious tone, "However, for a corporation with a market value exceeding 100 billion RMB, we cannot remain leaderless for an extended period. Until Miss Sarah returns safely, we must ensure the stable operation of the Walker Group. Thus, the board convened a meeting this morning."

The audience leaned in, eager to hear what would come next, knowing this was the crucial moment they had been anticipating.

Clearing his throat, Benjamin earnestly announced, "After thorough discussion and a vote, the board has decided to temporarily relieve Miss Sarah of her position as Chairman. Following a unanimous vote among the 17 attending board members, I have been elected to formally take over as Chairman of the Walker Group!"

Everyone had been waiting for this declaration. Although they had speculated that the Walker Group would announce a new Chairman today, it needed to be officially confirmed by the board for it to be indisputable.


Now that Benjamin had personally admitted it, the matter was set in stone and could be officially released as news.

However, at this moment, Charlie suddenly spoke, calmly asking, "Mr. Walker, Ms. Sarah is currently missing and has not been confirmed dead. I would like to ask you, if Ms. Sarah were to return safely one day, would you return the position of chairman to her?"

Benjamin had thought that today would be a very simple power transition.

Moreover, he believed that he had already conquered the entire board of directors, and the remaining matter was merely to announce it to the public. In this situation, it seemed impossible for anyone to cause trouble.

But he never dreamed that Charlie would suddenly challenge him at this moment.

Although he was very angry, he still replied politely and courteously, "Everyone can rest assured. During our board meeting today, we have already established a basic principle. Although I have been officially elected as the chairman of the Walker Group by the board's vote, I must admit that Ms. Walker is a far more suitable candidate for this position."

Continuing, Benjamin loudly declared, "Therefore, I solemnly announce here: Once Ms. Sarah returns safely, I will immediately hand the position of chairman back to her! After all, she is the most suitable candidate for the chairman of the Walker Group!"

The crowd burst into applause, thinking that Benjamin's words demonstrated his vision, character, and magnanimity, all of which were outstanding.

Just as Benjamin was basking in the applause, Charlie spoke again, "Since Mr. Walker said so, then directly return the chairman position to Ms. Sarah."

Seeing Charlie's aggressive stance, Benjamin felt very annoyed and cursed inwardly, "Damn it, did Charlie take some sort of stimulant today? Why does he keep opposing me? Asking me to return the position now, I could do it, but where is Sarah? Charlie, aren’t you supposed to be very capable? Aren’t you called The True Heavenly Dragon Among Men? If you’re that capable, why haven’t you brought Sarah back alive?"

Benjamin's heart was filled with resentment, but he still seriously said, "As I mentioned earlier, I personally feel that my abilities are not on par with Ms. Sarah, so I sincerely hope to work under her leadership. If Ms. Sarah can return safely, I, Benjamin Walker, will voluntarily step down and resume my role as vice chairman of the Walker Group."

Charlie smiled lightly, "Good, since you said it yourself, in front of so many people, make sure you don’t go back on your word."

Benjamin, unable to hide his displeasure, coldly replied, "Rest assured, I, Benjamin, always keep my word and never go back on it!"

Just as he finished speaking, the doors to the press conference room were forcefully pushed open by several men in black.

Seeing a group of identically dressed men in black entering in two columns, everyone was dumbfounded.

Benjamin sternly shouted, "Who are you? What are you doing here? Let me tell you, this is a private venue of the Walker Group, and you will be legally liable for barging in like this! Where are the security guards? Get them here and throw these people out immediately!"

At that moment, a stunning woman dressed in a complete black suit and black high-heeled shoes walked in.

As soon as she entered, everyone at the scene stood as if struck by lightning, frozen in place!

After striding confidently into the room, the woman fixed her gaze on Benjamin and loudly retorted, "They are all my people. Who has the authority to throw them out?"

Benjamin felt as if the sky had collapsed.

Because the woman speaking was none other than his own niece, Sarah Walker!


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Jun 22, 2024
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Despite being in Aurous Hill, Charlie could still receive calls from Benjamin. Coincidentally, the plane was already landing near the Walker Group headquarters.

Charlie heard the phone ringing in Kazusaki first's pocket. He took it out and saw the name "Benjamin" displayed on the screen.

The Japanese often use Chinese characters for names, so they also use Chinese characters to record the names of Chinese people.

Seeing that it was Benjamin calling, Charlie immediately said to Kazusaki first, "If you want to live, listen carefully. Otherwise, I'll send you to a dog farm today and chop you up to feed the dogs. Do you understand?"

Kazusaki first nodded repeatedly, pleading with his eyes, "As long as you spare my life, I'll do whatever you ask, no questions asked."

Charlie coldly instructed, "Answer Benjamin's call. If he asks about your recent situation, tell him everything is fine, and make sure he knows you're still in Japan."

Kazusaki first nodded like a bobblehead.

Seeing this, Charlie knew he wouldn't dare lie. He handed the phone to him and ordered, "Answer it now!"

Kazusaki first didn't dare delay. He took the phone and immediately pressed the answer button.

As soon as the call connected, Benjamin's relieved voice came through, "Ah, Mr. Hashimoto, what have you been busy with? Why didn't you answer the phone for so long?"

Kazusaki first, following Charlie's instructions, replied, "I was in a meeting. I just stepped out to take your call. What do you need?"

Benjamin chuckled, "Oh, nothing much. I just wanted to ask about the situation in Japan. Any news on Sarah? Is the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department still searching for her?"

Kazusaki first responded, "There's still no news about Sarah. Given how much effort we put into eliminating her, she's most likely dead by now. The Japanese police are starting to scale back their search efforts. I think this matter will soon be forgotten, so you don't need to worry."

Benjamin felt reassured by these words and laughed, "Mr. Hashimoto, you’re as reliable as ever! As long as Sarah is dead, we have nothing to fear!"

He continued, "By the way, Mr. Hashimoto, I'm about to hold a press conference to officially announce my takeover as chairman of the Walker Group. Once I'm officially the chairman, our collaboration can proceed at full speed!"

Kazusaki first replied, "That's great news. I've already informed our board. Once you officially take over, we can meet and discuss our future cooperation."

Benjamin, excited, said, "Excellent, Mr. Hashimoto!"

He added, "Sorry, Mr. Hashimoto, the press conference is about to start. I'll speak with you again on the day we sign the contract to thank you personally!"

Kazusaki first smoothly replied, "No need for formalities, Mr. Walker. Take care of your business, and we'll discuss the rest in person."


Benjamin hung up the phone, unable to hide his excitement. He turned to Ryan and exclaimed, "Hashimoto said the Japanese police are about to pull back. It seems they've found no leads."

Ryan, equally thrilled, said, "That's fantastic! If they stop searching, it's as good as a done deal!"

Benjamin laughed heartily, stood up, and waved his hand energetically, "Let's go downstairs and start the press conference! Once it begins, I'll be the chairman of the Walker Group!"


10:55 AM.

Suddenly, the stock of Walker Group was suspended.

Suspending a stock means halting its trading. From this moment, Walker Group's stock is frozen—it won't rise or fall until trading resumes.

To apply for a suspension from the securities regulatory commission, there must be ample and compelling reasons. Walker Group cited a significant upcoming announcement as their reason for the suspension.

Generally, listed companies suspend their stocks before making major announcements to prevent insider trading and speculation by those with early information.

For instance, a famous internet company named Qihoo 360 previously used this tactic. When they sought to go public domestically, they achieved it through a backdoor listing.

In simpler terms, if a company doesn't meet the securities regulatory commission's listing requirements or the normal listing process takes too long, they can buy another listed company to achieve their goal.

Qihoo 360, being a well-known internet company in China, chose a backdoor listing to save time. Independent listing would have taken an additional one to two years, potentially missing market opportunities.

At that time, everyone speculated which listed company Qihoo 360 would use for their backdoor listing. If investors knew in advance, they could buy the target company's stock and profit from the price surge post-listing.

However, such information is typically top secret within the company, known only to the highest levels and never disclosed publicly.

When South Laverton Board suddenly announced a major event requiring stock suspension, it revealed that 360 intended to use it for their backdoor listing. But by then, it was too late—the stock was already suspended, leaving no opportunity for bottom-fishing.

Walker Group's situation is similar now.

The company is transitioning from a leaderless state to a new chairman, a positive development requiring a stock suspension before the announcement.

10:55 AM, Walker Group's press release hall.

Invited media reporters were already in place, and nationwide investors were watching this press conference.

Since Sarah's accident, Walker Group's stock has been underperforming.

The market feared Walker Group was leaderless and in disarray, causing its stock to decline.

Now, with Walker Group suddenly holding a high-profile press conference, everyone speculated they were about to announce the new chairman.

At this moment, Charlie arrived alone at the entrance of the press hall.

Knowing Charlie's arrival, Ryan came to the entrance to greet him. Despite his many grievances against Charlie, he didn't dare provoke him in Aurous Hill.


After all, he was Charlie, a man known as The True Heavenly Dragon Among Men. Ryan dared not show the slightest negligence.

Seeing Charlie arrive alone, Ryan quickly stepped forward and respectfully greeted him, "Master Wade, you’re here!"

Charlie nodded slightly, with a touch of apology in his tone, "Ryan, I did my best regarding Sarah’s matter."

Charlie deliberately only said "did my best," without mentioning any outcome. Hearing this, Ryan immediately interpreted it as the kind of response a doctor gives when they couldn't save a patient.

Thus, he quickly filled in the blanks, thinking to himself, "It seems Charlie really didn’t find any trace of Sarah. And now that he’s back, he must have given up the search. Finally, my father and I can be at ease."

While Ryan felt secretly delighted, he still put on a facade of deep sorrow and gratitude, saying, "Master Wade, for Sarah’s sake, you went all the way to Japan and made such great efforts. Our Walker family is deeply grateful."

"If Sarah is truly gone, I believe she would be moved by your sincere efforts, even in the afterlife."

Charlie looked at Ryan earnestly and said, "Ryan, many times, we should hold onto a sliver of hope and pray for a miracle to happen someday. What if one day, Sarah suddenly appears before us? Wouldn't that be a joyous occasion?"

Hearing Charlie's words, Ryan felt as if he had swallowed a fly. He cursed internally, "Pray for a miracle? Pray for your mother’s miracle! I hope that miracle never happens! It would be best if Sarah never shows up. I don't even want to see her corpse, otherwise, I’d have to arrange a funeral, which would be a hassle and expense, and I’d have to pretend to be sorrowful in front of everyone!"

However, he still put on a pious expression and said, "Master Wade, you’re right. I also hope that one day, the miracle you mentioned will occur."

Then he quickly added, "Master Wade, after today’s press conference, I will immediately go to Temple to offer incense and pray for Sarah. Temple is very effective at granting wishes. I often go there to pray and know the abbot well. I can ask him to conduct a prayer ceremony for Sarah."

Charlie smiled faintly and said, "No need for that trouble. You won’t be able to visit Temple again in your lifetime."

Ryan was stunned and asked in surprise, "Master Wade, what do you mean by that?"

Charlie patted his shoulder and said, "Nothing much, just that Temple clashes with your fate."

Ryan, still puzzled, asked, "Why would I clash with Temple, Master Wade? It’s quite effective, though."

Charlie replied calmly, "Trust me, you’ll soon find that Temple is not effective at all."

Ryan, still confused, thought Charlie was talking about feng shui or mysticism, and asked, "Master Wade, are you saying the monks at Temple are frauds?"

Charlie waved his hand, "Not necessarily frauds, perhaps just not skilled enough."

He then added, "Alright, enough about that. Let’s go inside. Isn’t your press conference about to start?"

Ryan quickly said, "Yes, yes, the press conference is about to start. Master Wade, please come in!"

With Ryan leading the way, Charlie walked into the conference hall. Ryan seated him in the VIP section of the front row and then apologized, "Sorry, Master Wade, I have to attend the press conference, so I can’t stay here with you. If you need anything, please let the staff know."

Charlie nodded, "Alright, go ahead and do your thing."

Ryan said eagerly, "Alright, Master Wade, I’ll go then. Please make yourself comfortable."

With that, he hurriedly turned and went to the backstage.

A few minutes later, a female secretary stepped onto the stage and said, "Thank you to all the distinguished guests and media friends for coming. Today, the Walker Group has very important news to announce. Now, please join me in welcoming our board members with a round of applause!"


After the female secretary finished speaking, thunderous applause erupted from the audience.

One by one, the board members of the Walker Group began to enter from the side door.

Walking at the front were several individuals Charlie did not recognize, but at the end were Ryan and his father, Benjamin Walker.

Although Benjamin was the last to enter, the most central seat on the stage was reserved for him.

After taking his seat, Benjamin immediately noticed Charlie in the front row of the VIP seats.

Seeing Charlie, Benjamin felt a surge of anxiety similar to his son, Ryan.

As the saying goes, a guilty conscience needs no accuser; he was worried that his actions might one day be exposed.

His greatest fear was Charlie, who had become the biggest threat in his mind.

If his secrets were ever revealed, he feared Charlie’s retribution more than any police intervention.

Meeting Charlie's gaze, Benjamin forced a conciliatory nod.

Charlie responded with a smile, which somewhat eased Benjamin’s nerves.

Turning on the microphone in front of him, Benjamin began, "Honored guests, shareholders, investors, and media friends, good afternoon!"

"I am Benjamin Walker, formerly the Vice Chairman of the Walker Group. Following Miss Sarah’s unfortunate accident in Japan, the board temporarily appointed me as acting Chairman to assume her duties."

He sighed, "Miss Sarah Walker's ordeal has deeply saddened me and the entire board. We have been in constant communication with the Japanese authorities, urging them to thoroughly investigate the incident and locate Miss Sarah. We hope for a swift and positive resolution."

Pausing briefly, he continued with a serious tone, "However, for a corporation with a market value exceeding 100 billion RMB, we cannot remain leaderless for an extended period. Until Miss Sarah returns safely, we must ensure the stable operation of the Walker Group. Thus, the board convened a meeting this morning."

The audience leaned in, eager to hear what would come next, knowing this was the crucial moment they had been anticipating.

Clearing his throat, Benjamin earnestly announced, "After thorough discussion and a vote, the board has decided to temporarily relieve Miss Sarah of her position as Chairman. Following a unanimous vote among the 17 attending board members, I have been elected to formally take over as Chairman of the Walker Group!"

Everyone had been waiting for this declaration. Although they had speculated that the Walker Group would announce a new Chairman today, it needed to be officially confirmed by the board for it to be indisputable.


Now that Benjamin had personally admitted it, the matter was set in stone and could be officially released as news.

However, at this moment, Charlie suddenly spoke, calmly asking, "Mr. Walker, Ms. Sarah is currently missing and has not been confirmed dead. I would like to ask you, if Ms. Sarah were to return safely one day, would you return the position of chairman to her?"

Benjamin had thought that today would be a very simple power transition.

Moreover, he believed that he had already conquered the entire board of directors, and the remaining matter was merely to announce it to the public. In this situation, it seemed impossible for anyone to cause trouble.

But he never dreamed that Charlie would suddenly challenge him at this moment.

Although he was very angry, he still replied politely and courteously, "Everyone can rest assured. During our board meeting today, we have already established a basic principle. Although I have been officially elected as the chairman of the Walker Group by the board's vote, I must admit that Ms. Walker is a far more suitable candidate for this position."

Continuing, Benjamin loudly declared, "Therefore, I solemnly announce here: Once Ms. Sarah returns safely, I will immediately hand the position of chairman back to her! After all, she is the most suitable candidate for the chairman of the Walker Group!"

The crowd burst into applause, thinking that Benjamin's words demonstrated his vision, character, and magnanimity, all of which were outstanding.

Just as Benjamin was basking in the applause, Charlie spoke again, "Since Mr. Walker said so, then directly return the chairman position to Ms. Sarah."

Seeing Charlie's aggressive stance, Benjamin felt very annoyed and cursed inwardly, "Damn it, did Charlie take some sort of stimulant today? Why does he keep opposing me? Asking me to return the position now, I could do it, but where is Sarah? Charlie, aren’t you supposed to be very capable? Aren’t you called The True Heavenly Dragon Among Men? If you’re that capable, why haven’t you brought Sarah back alive?"

Benjamin's heart was filled with resentment, but he still seriously said, "As I mentioned earlier, I personally feel that my abilities are not on par with Ms. Sarah, so I sincerely hope to work under her leadership. If Ms. Sarah can return safely, I, Benjamin Walker, will voluntarily step down and resume my role as vice chairman of the Walker Group."

Charlie smiled lightly, "Good, since you said it yourself, in front of so many people, make sure you don’t go back on your word."

Benjamin, unable to hide his displeasure, coldly replied, "Rest assured, I, Benjamin, always keep my word and never go back on it!"

Just as he finished speaking, the doors to the press conference room were forcefully pushed open by several men in black.

Seeing a group of identically dressed men in black entering in two columns, everyone was dumbfounded.

Benjamin sternly shouted, "Who are you? What are you doing here? Let me tell you, this is a private venue of the Walker Group, and you will be legally liable for barging in like this! Where are the security guards? Get them here and throw these people out immediately!"

At that moment, a stunning woman dressed in a complete black suit and black high-heeled shoes walked in.

As soon as she entered, everyone at the scene stood as if struck by lightning, frozen in place!

After striding confidently into the room, the woman fixed her gaze on Benjamin and loudly retorted, "They are all my people. Who has the authority to throw them out?"

Benjamin felt as if the sky had collapsed.

Because the woman speaking was none other than his own niece, Sarah Walker!
Grandmaster Junlee sure knows how to keep readers in suspense😀😀😀


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Reaction score

Despite being in Aurous Hill, Charlie could still receive calls from Benjamin. Coincidentally, the plane was already landing near the Walker Group headquarters.

Charlie heard the phone ringing in Kazusaki first's pocket. He took it out and saw the name "Benjamin" displayed on the screen.

The Japanese often use Chinese characters for names, so they also use Chinese characters to record the names of Chinese people.

Seeing that it was Benjamin calling, Charlie immediately said to Kazusaki first, "If you want to live, listen carefully. Otherwise, I'll send you to a dog farm today and chop you up to feed the dogs. Do you understand?"

Kazusaki first nodded repeatedly, pleading with his eyes, "As long as you spare my life, I'll do whatever you ask, no questions asked."

Charlie coldly instructed, "Answer Benjamin's call. If he asks about your recent situation, tell him everything is fine, and make sure he knows you're still in Japan."

Kazusaki first nodded like a bobblehead.

Seeing this, Charlie knew he wouldn't dare lie. He handed the phone to him and ordered, "Answer it now!"

Kazusaki first didn't dare delay. He took the phone and immediately pressed the answer button.

As soon as the call connected, Benjamin's relieved voice came through, "Ah, Mr. Hashimoto, what have you been busy with? Why didn't you answer the phone for so long?"

Kazusaki first, following Charlie's instructions, replied, "I was in a meeting. I just stepped out to take your call. What do you need?"

Benjamin chuckled, "Oh, nothing much. I just wanted to ask about the situation in Japan. Any news on Sarah? Is the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department still searching for her?"

Kazusaki first responded, "There's still no news about Sarah. Given how much effort we put into eliminating her, she's most likely dead by now. The Japanese police are starting to scale back their search efforts. I think this matter will soon be forgotten, so you don't need to worry."

Benjamin felt reassured by these words and laughed, "Mr. Hashimoto, you’re as reliable as ever! As long as Sarah is dead, we have nothing to fear!"

He continued, "By the way, Mr. Hashimoto, I'm about to hold a press conference to officially announce my takeover as chairman of the Walker Group. Once I'm officially the chairman, our collaboration can proceed at full speed!"

Kazusaki first replied, "That's great news. I've already informed our board. Once you officially take over, we can meet and discuss our future cooperation."

Benjamin, excited, said, "Excellent, Mr. Hashimoto!"

He added, "Sorry, Mr. Hashimoto, the press conference is about to start. I'll speak with you again on the day we sign the contract to thank you personally!"

Kazusaki first smoothly replied, "No need for formalities, Mr. Walker. Take care of your business, and we'll discuss the rest in person."


Benjamin hung up the phone, unable to hide his excitement. He turned to Ryan and exclaimed, "Hashimoto said the Japanese police are about to pull back. It seems they've found no leads."

Ryan, equally thrilled, said, "That's fantastic! If they stop searching, it's as good as a done deal!"

Benjamin laughed heartily, stood up, and waved his hand energetically, "Let's go downstairs and start the press conference! Once it begins, I'll be the chairman of the Walker Group!"


10:55 AM.

Suddenly, the stock of Walker Group was suspended.

Suspending a stock means halting its trading. From this moment, Walker Group's stock is frozen—it won't rise or fall until trading resumes.

To apply for a suspension from the securities regulatory commission, there must be ample and compelling reasons. Walker Group cited a significant upcoming announcement as their reason for the suspension.

Generally, listed companies suspend their stocks before making major announcements to prevent insider trading and speculation by those with early information.

For instance, a famous internet company named Qihoo 360 previously used this tactic. When they sought to go public domestically, they achieved it through a backdoor listing.

In simpler terms, if a company doesn't meet the securities regulatory commission's listing requirements or the normal listing process takes too long, they can buy another listed company to achieve their goal.

Qihoo 360, being a well-known internet company in China, chose a backdoor listing to save time. Independent listing would have taken an additional one to two years, potentially missing market opportunities.

At that time, everyone speculated which listed company Qihoo 360 would use for their backdoor listing. If investors knew in advance, they could buy the target company's stock and profit from the price surge post-listing.

However, such information is typically top secret within the company, known only to the highest levels and never disclosed publicly.

When South Laverton Board suddenly announced a major event requiring stock suspension, it revealed that 360 intended to use it for their backdoor listing. But by then, it was too late—the stock was already suspended, leaving no opportunity for bottom-fishing.

Walker Group's situation is similar now.

The company is transitioning from a leaderless state to a new chairman, a positive development requiring a stock suspension before the announcement.

10:55 AM, Walker Group's press release hall.

Invited media reporters were already in place, and nationwide investors were watching this press conference.

Since Sarah's accident, Walker Group's stock has been underperforming.

The market feared Walker Group was leaderless and in disarray, causing its stock to decline.

Now, with Walker Group suddenly holding a high-profile press conference, everyone speculated they were about to announce the new chairman.

At this moment, Charlie arrived alone at the entrance of the press hall.

Knowing Charlie's arrival, Ryan came to the entrance to greet him. Despite his many grievances against Charlie, he didn't dare provoke him in Aurous Hill.


After all, he was Charlie, a man known as The True Heavenly Dragon Among Men. Ryan dared not show the slightest negligence.

Seeing Charlie arrive alone, Ryan quickly stepped forward and respectfully greeted him, "Master Wade, you’re here!"

Charlie nodded slightly, with a touch of apology in his tone, "Ryan, I did my best regarding Sarah’s matter."

Charlie deliberately only said "did my best," without mentioning any outcome. Hearing this, Ryan immediately interpreted it as the kind of response a doctor gives when they couldn't save a patient.

Thus, he quickly filled in the blanks, thinking to himself, "It seems Charlie really didn’t find any trace of Sarah. And now that he’s back, he must have given up the search. Finally, my father and I can be at ease."

While Ryan felt secretly delighted, he still put on a facade of deep sorrow and gratitude, saying, "Master Wade, for Sarah’s sake, you went all the way to Japan and made such great efforts. Our Walker family is deeply grateful."

"If Sarah is truly gone, I believe she would be moved by your sincere efforts, even in the afterlife."

Charlie looked at Ryan earnestly and said, "Ryan, many times, we should hold onto a sliver of hope and pray for a miracle to happen someday. What if one day, Sarah suddenly appears before us? Wouldn't that be a joyous occasion?"

Hearing Charlie's words, Ryan felt as if he had swallowed a fly. He cursed internally, "Pray for a miracle? Pray for your mother’s miracle! I hope that miracle never happens! It would be best if Sarah never shows up. I don't even want to see her corpse, otherwise, I’d have to arrange a funeral, which would be a hassle and expense, and I’d have to pretend to be sorrowful in front of everyone!"

However, he still put on a pious expression and said, "Master Wade, you’re right. I also hope that one day, the miracle you mentioned will occur."

Then he quickly added, "Master Wade, after today’s press conference, I will immediately go to Temple to offer incense and pray for Sarah. Temple is very effective at granting wishes. I often go there to pray and know the abbot well. I can ask him to conduct a prayer ceremony for Sarah."

Charlie smiled faintly and said, "No need for that trouble. You won’t be able to visit Temple again in your lifetime."

Ryan was stunned and asked in surprise, "Master Wade, what do you mean by that?"

Charlie patted his shoulder and said, "Nothing much, just that Temple clashes with your fate."

Ryan, still puzzled, asked, "Why would I clash with Temple, Master Wade? It’s quite effective, though."

Charlie replied calmly, "Trust me, you’ll soon find that Temple is not effective at all."

Ryan, still confused, thought Charlie was talking about feng shui or mysticism, and asked, "Master Wade, are you saying the monks at Temple are frauds?"

Charlie waved his hand, "Not necessarily frauds, perhaps just not skilled enough."

He then added, "Alright, enough about that. Let’s go inside. Isn’t your press conference about to start?"

Ryan quickly said, "Yes, yes, the press conference is about to start. Master Wade, please come in!"

With Ryan leading the way, Charlie walked into the conference hall. Ryan seated him in the VIP section of the front row and then apologized, "Sorry, Master Wade, I have to attend the press conference, so I can’t stay here with you. If you need anything, please let the staff know."

Charlie nodded, "Alright, go ahead and do your thing."

Ryan said eagerly, "Alright, Master Wade, I’ll go then. Please make yourself comfortable."

With that, he hurriedly turned and went to the backstage.

A few minutes later, a female secretary stepped onto the stage and said, "Thank you to all the distinguished guests and media friends for coming. Today, the Walker Group has very important news to announce. Now, please join me in welcoming our board members with a round of applause!"


After the female secretary finished speaking, thunderous applause erupted from the audience.

One by one, the board members of the Walker Group began to enter from the side door.

Walking at the front were several individuals Charlie did not recognize, but at the end were Ryan and his father, Benjamin Walker.

Although Benjamin was the last to enter, the most central seat on the stage was reserved for him.

After taking his seat, Benjamin immediately noticed Charlie in the front row of the VIP seats.

Seeing Charlie, Benjamin felt a surge of anxiety similar to his son, Ryan.

As the saying goes, a guilty conscience needs no accuser; he was worried that his actions might one day be exposed.

His greatest fear was Charlie, who had become the biggest threat in his mind.

If his secrets were ever revealed, he feared Charlie’s retribution more than any police intervention.

Meeting Charlie's gaze, Benjamin forced a conciliatory nod.

Charlie responded with a smile, which somewhat eased Benjamin’s nerves.

Turning on the microphone in front of him, Benjamin began, "Honored guests, shareholders, investors, and media friends, good afternoon!"

"I am Benjamin Walker, formerly the Vice Chairman of the Walker Group. Following Miss Sarah’s unfortunate accident in Japan, the board temporarily appointed me as acting Chairman to assume her duties."

He sighed, "Miss Sarah Walker's ordeal has deeply saddened me and the entire board. We have been in constant communication with the Japanese authorities, urging them to thoroughly investigate the incident and locate Miss Sarah. We hope for a swift and positive resolution."

Pausing briefly, he continued with a serious tone, "However, for a corporation with a market value exceeding 100 billion RMB, we cannot remain leaderless for an extended period. Until Miss Sarah returns safely, we must ensure the stable operation of the Walker Group. Thus, the board convened a meeting this morning."

The audience leaned in, eager to hear what would come next, knowing this was the crucial moment they had been anticipating.

Clearing his throat, Benjamin earnestly announced, "After thorough discussion and a vote, the board has decided to temporarily relieve Miss Sarah of her position as Chairman. Following a unanimous vote among the 17 attending board members, I have been elected to formally take over as Chairman of the Walker Group!"

Everyone had been waiting for this declaration. Although they had speculated that the Walker Group would announce a new Chairman today, it needed to be officially confirmed by the board for it to be indisputable.


Now that Benjamin had personally admitted it, the matter was set in stone and could be officially released as news.

However, at this moment, Charlie suddenly spoke, calmly asking, "Mr. Walker, Ms. Sarah is currently missing and has not been confirmed dead. I would like to ask you, if Ms. Sarah were to return safely one day, would you return the position of chairman to her?"

Benjamin had thought that today would be a very simple power transition.

Moreover, he believed that he had already conquered the entire board of directors, and the remaining matter was merely to announce it to the public. In this situation, it seemed impossible for anyone to cause trouble.

But he never dreamed that Charlie would suddenly challenge him at this moment.

Although he was very angry, he still replied politely and courteously, "Everyone can rest assured. During our board meeting today, we have already established a basic principle. Although I have been officially elected as the chairman of the Walker Group by the board's vote, I must admit that Ms. Walker is a far more suitable candidate for this position."

Continuing, Benjamin loudly declared, "Therefore, I solemnly announce here: Once Ms. Sarah returns safely, I will immediately hand the position of chairman back to her! After all, she is the most suitable candidate for the chairman of the Walker Group!"

The crowd burst into applause, thinking that Benjamin's words demonstrated his vision, character, and magnanimity, all of which were outstanding.

Just as Benjamin was basking in the applause, Charlie spoke again, "Since Mr. Walker said so, then directly return the chairman position to Ms. Sarah."

Seeing Charlie's aggressive stance, Benjamin felt very annoyed and cursed inwardly, "Damn it, did Charlie take some sort of stimulant today? Why does he keep opposing me? Asking me to return the position now, I could do it, but where is Sarah? Charlie, aren’t you supposed to be very capable? Aren’t you called The True Heavenly Dragon Among Men? If you’re that capable, why haven’t you brought Sarah back alive?"

Benjamin's heart was filled with resentment, but he still seriously said, "As I mentioned earlier, I personally feel that my abilities are not on par with Ms. Sarah, so I sincerely hope to work under her leadership. If Ms. Sarah can return safely, I, Benjamin Walker, will voluntarily step down and resume my role as vice chairman of the Walker Group."

Charlie smiled lightly, "Good, since you said it yourself, in front of so many people, make sure you don’t go back on your word."

Benjamin, unable to hide his displeasure, coldly replied, "Rest assured, I, Benjamin, always keep my word and never go back on it!"

Just as he finished speaking, the doors to the press conference room were forcefully pushed open by several men in black.

Seeing a group of identically dressed men in black entering in two columns, everyone was dumbfounded.

Benjamin sternly shouted, "Who are you? What are you doing here? Let me tell you, this is a private venue of the Walker Group, and you will be legally liable for barging in like this! Where are the security guards? Get them here and throw these people out immediately!"

At that moment, a stunning woman dressed in a complete black suit and black high-heeled shoes walked in.

As soon as she entered, everyone at the scene stood as if struck by lightning, frozen in place!

After striding confidently into the room, the woman fixed her gaze on Benjamin and loudly retorted, "They are all my people. Who has the authority to throw them out?"

Benjamin felt as if the sky had collapsed.

Because the woman speaking was none other than his own niece, Sarah Walker!
What a premature ejaculation 😂😂😂😂. Immortal Junlee 😳😳😳


Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score

Despite being in Aurous Hill, Charlie could still receive calls from Benjamin. Coincidentally, the plane was already landing near the Walker Group headquarters.

Charlie heard the phone ringing in Kazusaki first's pocket. He took it out and saw the name "Benjamin" displayed on the screen.

The Japanese often use Chinese characters for names, so they also use Chinese characters to record the names of Chinese people.

Seeing that it was Benjamin calling, Charlie immediately said to Kazusaki first, "If you want to live, listen carefully. Otherwise, I'll send you to a dog farm today and chop you up to feed the dogs. Do you understand?"

Kazusaki first nodded repeatedly, pleading with his eyes, "As long as you spare my life, I'll do whatever you ask, no questions asked."

Charlie coldly instructed, "Answer Benjamin's call. If he asks about your recent situation, tell him everything is fine, and make sure he knows you're still in Japan."

Kazusaki first nodded like a bobblehead.

Seeing this, Charlie knew he wouldn't dare lie. He handed the phone to him and ordered, "Answer it now!"

Kazusaki first didn't dare delay. He took the phone and immediately pressed the answer button.

As soon as the call connected, Benjamin's relieved voice came through, "Ah, Mr. Hashimoto, what have you been busy with? Why didn't you answer the phone for so long?"

Kazusaki first, following Charlie's instructions, replied, "I was in a meeting. I just stepped out to take your call. What do you need?"

Benjamin chuckled, "Oh, nothing much. I just wanted to ask about the situation in Japan. Any news on Sarah? Is the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department still searching for her?"

Kazusaki first responded, "There's still no news about Sarah. Given how much effort we put into eliminating her, she's most likely dead by now. The Japanese police are starting to scale back their search efforts. I think this matter will soon be forgotten, so you don't need to worry."

Benjamin felt reassured by these words and laughed, "Mr. Hashimoto, you’re as reliable as ever! As long as Sarah is dead, we have nothing to fear!"

He continued, "By the way, Mr. Hashimoto, I'm about to hold a press conference to officially announce my takeover as chairman of the Walker Group. Once I'm officially the chairman, our collaboration can proceed at full speed!"

Kazusaki first replied, "That's great news. I've already informed our board. Once you officially take over, we can meet and discuss our future cooperation."

Benjamin, excited, said, "Excellent, Mr. Hashimoto!"

He added, "Sorry, Mr. Hashimoto, the press conference is about to start. I'll speak with you again on the day we sign the contract to thank you personally!"

Kazusaki first smoothly replied, "No need for formalities, Mr. Walker. Take care of your business, and we'll discuss the rest in person."


Benjamin hung up the phone, unable to hide his excitement. He turned to Ryan and exclaimed, "Hashimoto said the Japanese police are about to pull back. It seems they've found no leads."

Ryan, equally thrilled, said, "That's fantastic! If they stop searching, it's as good as a done deal!"

Benjamin laughed heartily, stood up, and waved his hand energetically, "Let's go downstairs and start the press conference! Once it begins, I'll be the chairman of the Walker Group!"


10:55 AM.

Suddenly, the stock of Walker Group was suspended.

Suspending a stock means halting its trading. From this moment, Walker Group's stock is frozen—it won't rise or fall until trading resumes.

To apply for a suspension from the securities regulatory commission, there must be ample and compelling reasons. Walker Group cited a significant upcoming announcement as their reason for the suspension.

Generally, listed companies suspend their stocks before making major announcements to prevent insider trading and speculation by those with early information.

For instance, a famous internet company named Qihoo 360 previously used this tactic. When they sought to go public domestically, they achieved it through a backdoor listing.

In simpler terms, if a company doesn't meet the securities regulatory commission's listing requirements or the normal listing process takes too long, they can buy another listed company to achieve their goal.

Qihoo 360, being a well-known internet company in China, chose a backdoor listing to save time. Independent listing would have taken an additional one to two years, potentially missing market opportunities.

At that time, everyone speculated which listed company Qihoo 360 would use for their backdoor listing. If investors knew in advance, they could buy the target company's stock and profit from the price surge post-listing.

However, such information is typically top secret within the company, known only to the highest levels and never disclosed publicly.

When South Laverton Board suddenly announced a major event requiring stock suspension, it revealed that 360 intended to use it for their backdoor listing. But by then, it was too late—the stock was already suspended, leaving no opportunity for bottom-fishing.

Walker Group's situation is similar now.

The company is transitioning from a leaderless state to a new chairman, a positive development requiring a stock suspension before the announcement.

10:55 AM, Walker Group's press release hall.

Invited media reporters were already in place, and nationwide investors were watching this press conference.

Since Sarah's accident, Walker Group's stock has been underperforming.

The market feared Walker Group was leaderless and in disarray, causing its stock to decline.

Now, with Walker Group suddenly holding a high-profile press conference, everyone speculated they were about to announce the new chairman.

At this moment, Charlie arrived alone at the entrance of the press hall.

Knowing Charlie's arrival, Ryan came to the entrance to greet him. Despite his many grievances against Charlie, he didn't dare provoke him in Aurous Hill.


After all, he was Charlie, a man known as The True Heavenly Dragon Among Men. Ryan dared not show the slightest negligence.

Seeing Charlie arrive alone, Ryan quickly stepped forward and respectfully greeted him, "Master Wade, you’re here!"

Charlie nodded slightly, with a touch of apology in his tone, "Ryan, I did my best regarding Sarah’s matter."

Charlie deliberately only said "did my best," without mentioning any outcome. Hearing this, Ryan immediately interpreted it as the kind of response a doctor gives when they couldn't save a patient.

Thus, he quickly filled in the blanks, thinking to himself, "It seems Charlie really didn’t find any trace of Sarah. And now that he’s back, he must have given up the search. Finally, my father and I can be at ease."

While Ryan felt secretly delighted, he still put on a facade of deep sorrow and gratitude, saying, "Master Wade, for Sarah’s sake, you went all the way to Japan and made such great efforts. Our Walker family is deeply grateful."

"If Sarah is truly gone, I believe she would be moved by your sincere efforts, even in the afterlife."

Charlie looked at Ryan earnestly and said, "Ryan, many times, we should hold onto a sliver of hope and pray for a miracle to happen someday. What if one day, Sarah suddenly appears before us? Wouldn't that be a joyous occasion?"

Hearing Charlie's words, Ryan felt as if he had swallowed a fly. He cursed internally, "Pray for a miracle? Pray for your mother’s miracle! I hope that miracle never happens! It would be best if Sarah never shows up. I don't even want to see her corpse, otherwise, I’d have to arrange a funeral, which would be a hassle and expense, and I’d have to pretend to be sorrowful in front of everyone!"

However, he still put on a pious expression and said, "Master Wade, you’re right. I also hope that one day, the miracle you mentioned will occur."

Then he quickly added, "Master Wade, after today’s press conference, I will immediately go to Temple to offer incense and pray for Sarah. Temple is very effective at granting wishes. I often go there to pray and know the abbot well. I can ask him to conduct a prayer ceremony for Sarah."

Charlie smiled faintly and said, "No need for that trouble. You won’t be able to visit Temple again in your lifetime."

Ryan was stunned and asked in surprise, "Master Wade, what do you mean by that?"

Charlie patted his shoulder and said, "Nothing much, just that Temple clashes with your fate."

Ryan, still puzzled, asked, "Why would I clash with Temple, Master Wade? It’s quite effective, though."

Charlie replied calmly, "Trust me, you’ll soon find that Temple is not effective at all."

Ryan, still confused, thought Charlie was talking about feng shui or mysticism, and asked, "Master Wade, are you saying the monks at Temple are frauds?"

Charlie waved his hand, "Not necessarily frauds, perhaps just not skilled enough."

He then added, "Alright, enough about that. Let’s go inside. Isn’t your press conference about to start?"

Ryan quickly said, "Yes, yes, the press conference is about to start. Master Wade, please come in!"

With Ryan leading the way, Charlie walked into the conference hall. Ryan seated him in the VIP section of the front row and then apologized, "Sorry, Master Wade, I have to attend the press conference, so I can’t stay here with you. If you need anything, please let the staff know."

Charlie nodded, "Alright, go ahead and do your thing."

Ryan said eagerly, "Alright, Master Wade, I’ll go then. Please make yourself comfortable."

With that, he hurriedly turned and went to the backstage.

A few minutes later, a female secretary stepped onto the stage and said, "Thank you to all the distinguished guests and media friends for coming. Today, the Walker Group has very important news to announce. Now, please join me in welcoming our board members with a round of applause!"


After the female secretary finished speaking, thunderous applause erupted from the audience.

One by one, the board members of the Walker Group began to enter from the side door.

Walking at the front were several individuals Charlie did not recognize, but at the end were Ryan and his father, Benjamin Walker.

Although Benjamin was the last to enter, the most central seat on the stage was reserved for him.

After taking his seat, Benjamin immediately noticed Charlie in the front row of the VIP seats.

Seeing Charlie, Benjamin felt a surge of anxiety similar to his son, Ryan.

As the saying goes, a guilty conscience needs no accuser; he was worried that his actions might one day be exposed.

His greatest fear was Charlie, who had become the biggest threat in his mind.

If his secrets were ever revealed, he feared Charlie’s retribution more than any police intervention.

Meeting Charlie's gaze, Benjamin forced a conciliatory nod.

Charlie responded with a smile, which somewhat eased Benjamin’s nerves.

Turning on the microphone in front of him, Benjamin began, "Honored guests, shareholders, investors, and media friends, good afternoon!"

"I am Benjamin Walker, formerly the Vice Chairman of the Walker Group. Following Miss Sarah’s unfortunate accident in Japan, the board temporarily appointed me as acting Chairman to assume her duties."

He sighed, "Miss Sarah Walker's ordeal has deeply saddened me and the entire board. We have been in constant communication with the Japanese authorities, urging them to thoroughly investigate the incident and locate Miss Sarah. We hope for a swift and positive resolution."

Pausing briefly, he continued with a serious tone, "However, for a corporation with a market value exceeding 100 billion RMB, we cannot remain leaderless for an extended period. Until Miss Sarah returns safely, we must ensure the stable operation of the Walker Group. Thus, the board convened a meeting this morning."

The audience leaned in, eager to hear what would come next, knowing this was the crucial moment they had been anticipating.

Clearing his throat, Benjamin earnestly announced, "After thorough discussion and a vote, the board has decided to temporarily relieve Miss Sarah of her position as Chairman. Following a unanimous vote among the 17 attending board members, I have been elected to formally take over as Chairman of the Walker Group!"

Everyone had been waiting for this declaration. Although they had speculated that the Walker Group would announce a new Chairman today, it needed to be officially confirmed by the board for it to be indisputable.


Now that Benjamin had personally admitted it, the matter was set in stone and could be officially released as news.

However, at this moment, Charlie suddenly spoke, calmly asking, "Mr. Walker, Ms. Sarah is currently missing and has not been confirmed dead. I would like to ask you, if Ms. Sarah were to return safely one day, would you return the position of chairman to her?"

Benjamin had thought that today would be a very simple power transition.

Moreover, he believed that he had already conquered the entire board of directors, and the remaining matter was merely to announce it to the public. In this situation, it seemed impossible for anyone to cause trouble.

But he never dreamed that Charlie would suddenly challenge him at this moment.

Although he was very angry, he still replied politely and courteously, "Everyone can rest assured. During our board meeting today, we have already established a basic principle. Although I have been officially elected as the chairman of the Walker Group by the board's vote, I must admit that Ms. Walker is a far more suitable candidate for this position."

Continuing, Benjamin loudly declared, "Therefore, I solemnly announce here: Once Ms. Sarah returns safely, I will immediately hand the position of chairman back to her! After all, she is the most suitable candidate for the chairman of the Walker Group!"

The crowd burst into applause, thinking that Benjamin's words demonstrated his vision, character, and magnanimity, all of which were outstanding.

Just as Benjamin was basking in the applause, Charlie spoke again, "Since Mr. Walker said so, then directly return the chairman position to Ms. Sarah."

Seeing Charlie's aggressive stance, Benjamin felt very annoyed and cursed inwardly, "Damn it, did Charlie take some sort of stimulant today? Why does he keep opposing me? Asking me to return the position now, I could do it, but where is Sarah? Charlie, aren’t you supposed to be very capable? Aren’t you called The True Heavenly Dragon Among Men? If you’re that capable, why haven’t you brought Sarah back alive?"

Benjamin's heart was filled with resentment, but he still seriously said, "As I mentioned earlier, I personally feel that my abilities are not on par with Ms. Sarah, so I sincerely hope to work under her leadership. If Ms. Sarah can return safely, I, Benjamin Walker, will voluntarily step down and resume my role as vice chairman of the Walker Group."

Charlie smiled lightly, "Good, since you said it yourself, in front of so many people, make sure you don’t go back on your word."

Benjamin, unable to hide his displeasure, coldly replied, "Rest assured, I, Benjamin, always keep my word and never go back on it!"

Just as he finished speaking, the doors to the press conference room were forcefully pushed open by several men in black.

Seeing a group of identically dressed men in black entering in two columns, everyone was dumbfounded.

Benjamin sternly shouted, "Who are you? What are you doing here? Let me tell you, this is a private venue of the Walker Group, and you will be legally liable for barging in like this! Where are the security guards? Get them here and throw these people out immediately!"

At that moment, a stunning woman dressed in a complete black suit and black high-heeled shoes walked in.

As soon as she entered, everyone at the scene stood as if struck by lightning, frozen in place!

After striding confidently into the room, the woman fixed her gaze on Benjamin and loudly retorted, "They are all my people. Who has the authority to throw them out?"

Benjamin felt as if the sky had collapsed.

Because the woman speaking was none other than his own niece, Sarah Walker!
I'm just imagining how Benjamin face will look like now😂😂😂


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Reaction score
What do I have to do to stop being a New member.
You need to belong to a sect before. We have (sex, virgin, pervert, demonic cultivators, monks etc ) sects. Make your choice and your sect master will locate you 😃😃😃


Martial Arts Master
Jul 21, 2024
Reaction score
You need to belong to a sect before. We have (sex, virgin, pervert, demonic cultivators, monks etc ) sects. Make your choice and your sect master will locate you 😃😃😃
I guess I will stay with sex sect. I don't want to but something tells me to choose it


Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
I guess I will stay with sex sect. I don't want to but something tells me to choose it
Weldon perfect choice one sexy female members for you as part of the test

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

As Sarah appeared, everyone except Charlie was utterly stunned.

No one could have imagined that Sarah, who had been missing and whose life or death was uncertain, would suddenly appear at the press conference.

Just a moment ago, the Walker Group had convened a board meeting to announce the appointment of Benjamin as the new chairman, due to the inability to confirm Sarah's survival.

Yet in the next moment, Sarah had returned!

The plot twist was so extreme that not even a movie would dare to depict it.

The person most unable to accept this reality was naturally Benjamin, who had just taken over as the chairman of the Walker Group.

At this moment, Benjamin's eyes were wide open and bloodshot, veins visible, as if his eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets.

He couldn't believe that Sarah could return alive from Japan.

He couldn't help but think, "If she's still alive, why didn't the Japanese police know?"

"Although the Japanese police had started reducing the search efforts for Sarah, they hadn't completely given up. Yet she managed to return to China unnoticed. What are her intentions?"

"More importantly, if she was alive, why hadn't she contacted me or the old man?"

"She and the old man had a deep bond. Even if she didn't trust me, she wouldn't doubt the old man, right?"

"Could it be..."

"Could it be that she realized something?!"

With this thought, Benjamin felt a deep panic.

Beside him, Ryan was even more shocked and terrified.

He couldn't understand how Sarah had survived, nor how she had managed to return to China.

Now, her story was making headlines in both China and Japan, known to everyone.

Given her current fame, it was impossible for her to return silently unless someone with extraordinary abilities was secretly helping her.

At this thought, Ryan immediately glanced at Charlie, who was smiling in the front row of the VIP seats.

In that moment, a sudden realization struck him: "Could it be... Charlie?!"

"Yes! It must be him!"

"No wonder he returned from Japan so decisively. If he wasn't certain of Sarah's safety, how could he have given up the search?"

"Only he has the capability to bring Sarah back from Japan without anyone knowing."

"No wonder he insisted on attending the Walker Group's press conference! It was all his doing behind the scenes!"

Realizing this, Ryan was scared half to death.

He feared that Charlie already knew about the schemes he and his father had plotted, and if so, Charlie would never spare them.

At this moment, the media's attention was entirely focused on Sarah.

From beginning to end, no reporter noticed Charlie, who was sitting in the front row with his back to them.

The sound of camera shutters filled the air like firecrackers.


Sarah, under the intense gaze of everyone, stepped towards the podium.

Numerous reporters thrust their microphones forward, one of them urgently asking, "Miss Walker, Miss Walker, I'm a reporter from South Laverton Financial News. How did you survive the car accident in Japan?"

Sarah paused, smiled slightly, and said, "I was lucky not to be in the car when it happened."

Another reporter quickly followed up, "Then, Miss Walker, if you weren't in the car, why did you remain hidden for so many days despite the Japanese police searching for you everywhere?"

Sarah replied, "I suspected that the accident was deliberately caused by someone, so for my own safety, I chose not to reveal myself."

At this, everyone present gasped!

The accident that Sarah encountered was man-made?! If true, that meant someone was trying to murder her!

This revelation turned the incident from a mere traffic accident into a heinous and serious attempt at murder!

Benjamin and Ryan were especially terrified.

If Sarah indeed had evidence of their crimes, their lives would be ruined!

Although the crime occurred in Japan, the victim and the mastermind were Chinese, so they would certainly be punished under Chinese law.

In China, hiring someone to commit murder is a grave offense.

Even if they disguised it as a traffic accident without using any direct weapons, the nature of the crime remained severe.

Thus, even if they escaped the death penalty, they would at least face life imprisonment.

The wealthier a person is, the more they fear imprisonment.

The poor might sometimes commit crimes to secure food and shelter in prison, especially in a country like Japan, with its severe aging problem, where some elderly people resort to crime for a chance to live in prison.

But wealthy people are not like that.

They possess the world's finest luxury cars, planes, yachts, and the most luxurious homes around the globe. They enjoy the meticulous service of dozens of people, living a life akin to paradise.

Forcing such people to go to prison is worse than killing them.

In prison, everyone is treated the same, whether a homeless person or a billionaire. They might end up sharing a cell and eating the same food.

Therefore, Benjamin and Ryan were filled with deep fear.

At this moment, Sarah stopped answering any more questions from the reporters. She walked straight up to the podium and stood in front of her uncle, Benjamin.

Benjamin was so terrified that his scalp tingled and his ears rang.

He expected Sarah to confront him, but to his surprise, she simply smiled politely and said, "Uncle, I'm sorry to have worried you and my brother these past few days."

At these words, Benjamin breathed a sigh of relief!

He thought, "Oh my God, that scared me to death. It seems Sarah doesn't know I was behind all this. Thank God, Buddha, and Amen!"

Beside him, Ryan also relaxed, his nerves nearly snapping when Sarah approached, but fortunately, she didn't seem to be targeting them.

Benjamin, feeling immensely relieved, said, "Ah, Sarah, you're finally back. I was so worried while you were gone, and your grandfather fell ill from worrying about you."

He sighed, "But it's all right now that you're back, it's all right."

As he finished speaking, his eyes reddened, and tears streamed down his face.

In the audience, Charlie coldly watched Benjamin's Oscar-worthy performance, thinking, "Benjamin, you think you've escaped? Your nightmare is just beginning!"


At this moment, Benjamin was still deluding himself into believing that his actions hadn't been exposed.

Inwardly, he thought, "It doesn't matter that this damn Sarah is back. The old man is already senile, so she has no support in the Walker Group. I'll have plenty of opportunities to deal with her later!"

Sarah looked at Benjamin and asked loudly, "Uncle, I heard that the board elected you as the new chairman in my absence?"

Benjamin awkwardly rubbed his hands together, forcing a laugh. "Haha... well, the board felt the group couldn't be leaderless, so they chose me to step in for you."

Sarah nodded thoughtfully. "Thank you, Uncle, for stepping in and helping me with the responsibilities."

Then, she shifted her tone, "Uncle, you mentioned earlier that if I returned, you would hand the chairman position back to me. Is that still valid?"

Benjamin glanced around, feeling the weight of the media's presence and Charlie's watchful eyes. "Damn it, with so many reporters here and that bastard Charlie, I can't backtrack now. If the media reports it, I'll be utterly discredited. Plus, Charlie is not someone to mess with. In Aurous Hill, he's revered by many as Master Wade, with countless supporters. If I refuse to step down, Charlie won't let me off the hook. I guess I have no choice but to retreat for now."

With a heavy heart, Benjamin cursed internally, "This is absurd! I schemed so hard to become chairman, and now I have to give it up just minutes after taking office. I haven't even sat in the chairman's office for a single second!"

Despite his deep reluctance, he dared not act rashly. He forced a smile and said, "Sarah, rest assured, the chairman position of the Walker Group is yours. I was merely handling important matters in your absence. Now that you're back, it's only right that you take over."

He picked up the microphone and solemnly announced, "I now declare that Miss Sarah Walker will resume her position as the chairman of the Walker Group. I believe this is the best solution for our shareholders and investors. Let's give her a round of applause!"

The audience erupted in applause.

Sarah nodded and took the microphone, addressing the crowd, "Thank you all for attending today. This concludes our press conference. I will now hold a board meeting to discuss various matters that occurred during my absence. Since this involves confidential business details, I kindly ask the media to leave."

The reporters, eager to report the major news of Sarah's return, quickly packed up their equipment and left the venue in an orderly fashion.

Benjamin and Ryan exchanged a worried glance. They weren't sure what Sarah intended to do at the board meeting. If it was just a routine update, it would be straightforward enough. However, if she knew anything and planned to take action against them, it would be troublesome.

Benjamin cautiously probed, "Sarah, do you have any specific plans for the board meeting?"

Sarah smiled slightly. "Uncle, there's no need to worry. I will discuss everything during the meeting."

Benjamin nodded anxiously.

Soon, all the reporters had left the scene.

In the audience, only Charlie remained, sitting calmly.


Benjamin was nervous, trying to act awkward as he said, "Master Wade, since Sarah is about to hold a board meeting, which might involve some confidential company secrets, perhaps you should excuse yourself for now."

Charlie smiled calmly. "Don't worry, Mr. Walker. There won't be any confidential business discussed in today's board meeting."

"This..." Benjamin felt as if his heart was pounding even harder. Internally, he wondered, "What does Charlie mean by that? Does he know everything?"

At that moment, the doors of the conference hall were pushed open, and about thirty to forty men in black filed in.

The directors of the Walker Group were all startled by this display.

Benjamin shouted nervously, "Who are you people? Who let you in? Security! Get these people out immediately!"

Ryan also quickly shouted, "You better leave on your own, or we'll call the police!"

Charlie, who had been relatively silent, spoke up calmly, "Benjamin, I arranged for them to be here. Do you have a problem with that?"

Benjamin's face was full of fear as he stammered, "Master Wade, these people... you arranged them?! What is your intention?"

Charlie responded coolly, "I arranged for them to support Sarah. She just returned to the Walker Group, and I don't want her to be bullied."

Benjamin quickly turned to Sarah and said seriously, "Sarah, the group is a workplace. Why did you trouble Master Wade to bring so many men in black? People might think they are gangsters! If this gets out, it will have a terrible impact on the group! You should have them leave immediately!"

Sarah ignored him, her expression turning cold as she said sternly, "I am still the chairman of the Walker Group. I make the decisions here!"

Benjamin, not expecting Sarah's sudden hostility, became angry and said, "Even if you are the chairman, you were elected by the board. If you don't follow the rules, the board has the power to remove you at any time!"

Sarah sneered, "Remove me? When Grandpa appointed me as chairman, he transferred all the voting rights of the board to me. As long as I am on the board, none of you have any voting rights. So where do you get the authority to remove me? On the contrary, I hold all the voting rights of the board and can remove any one of you at any time!"

"You... you..." Benjamin was so angry that his chest heaved, gritting his teeth as he said, "Sarah! Don't go too far! Do you think I don't know how you tricked the old man?"

"When Grandpa handed over the chairman position to you, he already showed signs of dementia. Otherwise, how could he have handed the Walker Group over to a woman like you?"

"Dementia doesn't develop overnight. Your grandpa's current condition must have had early signs!"

"Since he already had dementia back then, he wasn't competent to make independent decisions. All his decisions should be up for discussion!"

"Rest assured, I will file a lawsuit with the court to nullify all his decisions from that time and return all voting rights to the board!"

Sarah laughed coldly, "You want to sue? Perfect, I also have something to report to the judicial authorities. But before that, let me introduce an old friend to you."

She then turned around and respectfully said to Charlie, "Master Wade, could you please give the order?"

Charlie nodded and instructed the men in black, "Bring the person up!"

"Yes, sir!"

The men in black responded in unison and immediately went out, escorting a person with handcuffs and shackles into the room.

Benjamin and Ryan were terrified when they saw this person!

It was none other than the vice president of Japan's Nippon Steel Corporation, Kazusaki Hashimoto!


Upon seeing Kazusaki, Benjamin and Ryan were instantly petrified. They both realized that their secret had been exposed.

Otherwise, Charlie wouldn't have silently brought Kazusaki along with Sarah.

The incident involving Sarah in Japan was entirely the result of the dirty dealings between the father-son duo and Kazusaki.

Benjamin and Ryan had plotted to kill Sarah to inherit the entire Walker family fortune. Meanwhile, Kazusaki sought to gain substantial private benefits through his cooperation with them, including hundreds of millions of dollars and at least ten percent of the shares. This was enough to drive him to take such a risk.

Before Hashimoto's appearance, the father-son duo had always seen him as their firewall. As long as Hashimoto was not in trouble, they felt secure. But they could never have imagined that Charlie would bring this firewall right to their doorstep!

Now, the father and son were silent, and other board members recognized Kazusaki, unable to contain their shock: "Isn’t this Mr. Hashimoto, the vice president of Nippon Steel? Sarah, how could you have brought Mr. Hashimoto to Aurous Hill in this manner?!"

Charlie stood up and said loudly, "Kazusaki was brought here by me. Do you have a problem with that?"

The man who had questioned Charlie immediately backed down, realizing that Charlie's tone was serious. As a minor shareholder of the Walker Group, he dared not provoke Charlie.

Benjamin was drenched in cold sweat, wiping his face furiously but unable to keep up with the rate at which it flowed. Ryan was trembling, unsure of the punishment that awaited him after this exposure.

Charlie walked over to Kazusaki and said coldly, "Mr. Hashimoto, please explain the situation to everyone."

Kazusaki shivered as he spoke, "Mr. Wade, the whole incident was masterminded by Benjamin and Ryan. They offered me a high reward to help them kill Miss Sarah in Japan. I only arranged the traffic accident on their orders, which led to the deaths of Miss Walker's two assistants and one driver. They are the real culprits behind this!"

The room was filled with shock!

The shareholders were stunned to learn that Sarah's disappearance was actually a murder case!

Benjamin, pale with fear, stammered, "Hashimoto, don’t just spout nonsense here! When did I ever ask you to kill Sarah?! She's my niece! How could I possibly want to harm her? It seems like you have evil intentions yourself, trying to blame me for your own actions!"

Ryan also shouted, "Exactly! Kazusaki, you Japanese dog, how dare you come to Aurous Hill and spread lies! Believe it or not, I’ll tear your dirty mouth apart!"


Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
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As Sarah appeared, everyone except Charlie was utterly stunned.

No one could have imagined that Sarah, who had been missing and whose life or death was uncertain, would suddenly appear at the press conference.

Just a moment ago, the Walker Group had convened a board meeting to announce the appointment of Benjamin as the new chairman, due to the inability to confirm Sarah's survival.

Yet in the next moment, Sarah had returned!

The plot twist was so extreme that not even a movie would dare to depict it.

The person most unable to accept this reality was naturally Benjamin, who had just taken over as the chairman of the Walker Group.

At this moment, Benjamin's eyes were wide open and bloodshot, veins visible, as if his eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets.

He couldn't believe that Sarah could return alive from Japan.

He couldn't help but think, "If she's still alive, why didn't the Japanese police know?"

"Although the Japanese police had started reducing the search efforts for Sarah, they hadn't completely given up. Yet she managed to return to China unnoticed. What are her intentions?"

"More importantly, if she was alive, why hadn't she contacted me or the old man?"

"She and the old man had a deep bond. Even if she didn't trust me, she wouldn't doubt the old man, right?"

"Could it be..."

"Could it be that she realized something?!"

With this thought, Benjamin felt a deep panic.

Beside him, Ryan was even more shocked and terrified.

He couldn't understand how Sarah had survived, nor how she had managed to return to China.

Now, her story was making headlines in both China and Japan, known to everyone.

Given her current fame, it was impossible for her to return silently unless someone with extraordinary abilities was secretly helping her.

At this thought, Ryan immediately glanced at Charlie, who was smiling in the front row of the VIP seats.

In that moment, a sudden realization struck him: "Could it be... Charlie?!"

"Yes! It must be him!"

"No wonder he returned from Japan so decisively. If he wasn't certain of Sarah's safety, how could he have given up the search?"

"Only he has the capability to bring Sarah back from Japan without anyone knowing."

"No wonder he insisted on attending the Walker Group's press conference! It was all his doing behind the scenes!"

Realizing this, Ryan was scared half to death.

He feared that Charlie already knew about the schemes he and his father had plotted, and if so, Charlie would never spare them.

At this moment, the media's attention was entirely focused on Sarah.

From beginning to end, no reporter noticed Charlie, who was sitting in the front row with his back to them.

The sound of camera shutters filled the air like firecrackers.


Sarah, under the intense gaze of everyone, stepped towards the podium.

Numerous reporters thrust their microphones forward, one of them urgently asking, "Miss Walker, Miss Walker, I'm a reporter from South Laverton Financial News. How did you survive the car accident in Japan?"

Sarah paused, smiled slightly, and said, "I was lucky not to be in the car when it happened."

Another reporter quickly followed up, "Then, Miss Walker, if you weren't in the car, why did you remain hidden for so many days despite the Japanese police searching for you everywhere?"

Sarah replied, "I suspected that the accident was deliberately caused by someone, so for my own safety, I chose not to reveal myself."

At this, everyone present gasped!

The accident that Sarah encountered was man-made?! If true, that meant someone was trying to murder her!

This revelation turned the incident from a mere traffic accident into a heinous and serious attempt at murder!

Benjamin and Ryan were especially terrified.

If Sarah indeed had evidence of their crimes, their lives would be ruined!

Although the crime occurred in Japan, the victim and the mastermind were Chinese, so they would certainly be punished under Chinese law.

In China, hiring someone to commit murder is a grave offense.

Even if they disguised it as a traffic accident without using any direct weapons, the nature of the crime remained severe.

Thus, even if they escaped the death penalty, they would at least face life imprisonment.

The wealthier a person is, the more they fear imprisonment.

The poor might sometimes commit crimes to secure food and shelter in prison, especially in a country like Japan, with its severe aging problem, where some elderly people resort to crime for a chance to live in prison.

But wealthy people are not like that.

They possess the world's finest luxury cars, planes, yachts, and the most luxurious homes around the globe. They enjoy the meticulous service of dozens of people, living a life akin to paradise.

Forcing such people to go to prison is worse than killing them.

In prison, everyone is treated the same, whether a homeless person or a billionaire. They might end up sharing a cell and eating the same food.

Therefore, Benjamin and Ryan were filled with deep fear.

At this moment, Sarah stopped answering any more questions from the reporters. She walked straight up to the podium and stood in front of her uncle, Benjamin.

Benjamin was so terrified that his scalp tingled and his ears rang.

He expected Sarah to confront him, but to his surprise, she simply smiled politely and said, "Uncle, I'm sorry to have worried you and my brother these past few days."

At these words, Benjamin breathed a sigh of relief!

He thought, "Oh my God, that scared me to death. It seems Sarah doesn't know I was behind all this. Thank God, Buddha, and Amen!"

Beside him, Ryan also relaxed, his nerves nearly snapping when Sarah approached, but fortunately, she didn't seem to be targeting them.

Benjamin, feeling immensely relieved, said, "Ah, Sarah, you're finally back. I was so worried while you were gone, and your grandfather fell ill from worrying about you."

He sighed, "But it's all right now that you're back, it's all right."

As he finished speaking, his eyes reddened, and tears streamed down his face.

In the audience, Charlie coldly watched Benjamin's Oscar-worthy performance, thinking, "Benjamin, you think you've escaped? Your nightmare is just beginning!"


At this moment, Benjamin was still deluding himself into believing that his actions hadn't been exposed.

Inwardly, he thought, "It doesn't matter that this damn Sarah is back. The old man is already senile, so she has no support in the Walker Group. I'll have plenty of opportunities to deal with her later!"

Sarah looked at Benjamin and asked loudly, "Uncle, I heard that the board elected you as the new chairman in my absence?"

Benjamin awkwardly rubbed his hands together, forcing a laugh. "Haha... well, the board felt the group couldn't be leaderless, so they chose me to step in for you."

Sarah nodded thoughtfully. "Thank you, Uncle, for stepping in and helping me with the responsibilities."

Then, she shifted her tone, "Uncle, you mentioned earlier that if I returned, you would hand the chairman position back to me. Is that still valid?"

Benjamin glanced around, feeling the weight of the media's presence and Charlie's watchful eyes. "Damn it, with so many reporters here and that bastard Charlie, I can't backtrack now. If the media reports it, I'll be utterly discredited. Plus, Charlie is not someone to mess with. In Aurous Hill, he's revered by many as Master Wade, with countless supporters. If I refuse to step down, Charlie won't let me off the hook. I guess I have no choice but to retreat for now."

With a heavy heart, Benjamin cursed internally, "This is absurd! I schemed so hard to become chairman, and now I have to give it up just minutes after taking office. I haven't even sat in the chairman's office for a single second!"

Despite his deep reluctance, he dared not act rashly. He forced a smile and said, "Sarah, rest assured, the chairman position of the Walker Group is yours. I was merely handling important matters in your absence. Now that you're back, it's only right that you take over."

He picked up the microphone and solemnly announced, "I now declare that Miss Sarah Walker will resume her position as the chairman of the Walker Group. I believe this is the best solution for our shareholders and investors. Let's give her a round of applause!"

The audience erupted in applause.

Sarah nodded and took the microphone, addressing the crowd, "Thank you all for attending today. This concludes our press conference. I will now hold a board meeting to discuss various matters that occurred during my absence. Since this involves confidential business details, I kindly ask the media to leave."

The reporters, eager to report the major news of Sarah's return, quickly packed up their equipment and left the venue in an orderly fashion.

Benjamin and Ryan exchanged a worried glance. They weren't sure what Sarah intended to do at the board meeting. If it was just a routine update, it would be straightforward enough. However, if she knew anything and planned to take action against them, it would be troublesome.

Benjamin cautiously probed, "Sarah, do you have any specific plans for the board meeting?"

Sarah smiled slightly. "Uncle, there's no need to worry. I will discuss everything during the meeting."

Benjamin nodded anxiously.

Soon, all the reporters had left the scene.

In the audience, only Charlie remained, sitting calmly.


Benjamin was nervous, trying to act awkward as he said, "Master Wade, since Sarah is about to hold a board meeting, which might involve some confidential company secrets, perhaps you should excuse yourself for now."

Charlie smiled calmly. "Don't worry, Mr. Walker. There won't be any confidential business discussed in today's board meeting."

"This..." Benjamin felt as if his heart was pounding even harder. Internally, he wondered, "What does Charlie mean by that? Does he know everything?"

At that moment, the doors of the conference hall were pushed open, and about thirty to forty men in black filed in.

The directors of the Walker Group were all startled by this display.

Benjamin shouted nervously, "Who are you people? Who let you in? Security! Get these people out immediately!"

Ryan also quickly shouted, "You better leave on your own, or we'll call the police!"

Charlie, who had been relatively silent, spoke up calmly, "Benjamin, I arranged for them to be here. Do you have a problem with that?"

Benjamin's face was full of fear as he stammered, "Master Wade, these people... you arranged them?! What is your intention?"

Charlie responded coolly, "I arranged for them to support Sarah. She just returned to the Walker Group, and I don't want her to be bullied."

Benjamin quickly turned to Sarah and said seriously, "Sarah, the group is a workplace. Why did you trouble Master Wade to bring so many men in black? People might think they are gangsters! If this gets out, it will have a terrible impact on the group! You should have them leave immediately!"

Sarah ignored him, her expression turning cold as she said sternly, "I am still the chairman of the Walker Group. I make the decisions here!"

Benjamin, not expecting Sarah's sudden hostility, became angry and said, "Even if you are the chairman, you were elected by the board. If you don't follow the rules, the board has the power to remove you at any time!"

Sarah sneered, "Remove me? When Grandpa appointed me as chairman, he transferred all the voting rights of the board to me. As long as I am on the board, none of you have any voting rights. So where do you get the authority to remove me? On the contrary, I hold all the voting rights of the board and can remove any one of you at any time!"

"You... you..." Benjamin was so angry that his chest heaved, gritting his teeth as he said, "Sarah! Don't go too far! Do you think I don't know how you tricked the old man?"

"When Grandpa handed over the chairman position to you, he already showed signs of dementia. Otherwise, how could he have handed the Walker Group over to a woman like you?"

"Dementia doesn't develop overnight. Your grandpa's current condition must have had early signs!"

"Since he already had dementia back then, he wasn't competent to make independent decisions. All his decisions should be up for discussion!"

"Rest assured, I will file a lawsuit with the court to nullify all his decisions from that time and return all voting rights to the board!"

Sarah laughed coldly, "You want to sue? Perfect, I also have something to report to the judicial authorities. But before that, let me introduce an old friend to you."

She then turned around and respectfully said to Charlie, "Master Wade, could you please give the order?"

Charlie nodded and instructed the men in black, "Bring the person up!"

"Yes, sir!"

The men in black responded in unison and immediately went out, escorting a person with handcuffs and shackles into the room.

Benjamin and Ryan were terrified when they saw this person!

It was none other than the vice president of Japan's Nippon Steel Corporation, Kazusaki Hashimoto!


Upon seeing Kazusaki, Benjamin and Ryan were instantly petrified. They both realized that their secret had been exposed.

Otherwise, Charlie wouldn't have silently brought Kazusaki along with Sarah.

The incident involving Sarah in Japan was entirely the result of the dirty dealings between the father-son duo and Kazusaki.

Benjamin and Ryan had plotted to kill Sarah to inherit the entire Walker family fortune. Meanwhile, Kazusaki sought to gain substantial private benefits through his cooperation with them, including hundreds of millions of dollars and at least ten percent of the shares. This was enough to drive him to take such a risk.

Before Hashimoto's appearance, the father-son duo had always seen him as their firewall. As long as Hashimoto was not in trouble, they felt secure. But they could never have imagined that Charlie would bring this firewall right to their doorstep!

Now, the father and son were silent, and other board members recognized Kazusaki, unable to contain their shock: "Isn’t this Mr. Hashimoto, the vice president of Nippon Steel? Sarah, how could you have brought Mr. Hashimoto to Aurous Hill in this manner?!"

Charlie stood up and said loudly, "Kazusaki was brought here by me. Do you have a problem with that?"

The man who had questioned Charlie immediately backed down, realizing that Charlie's tone was serious. As a minor shareholder of the Walker Group, he dared not provoke Charlie.

Benjamin was drenched in cold sweat, wiping his face furiously but unable to keep up with the rate at which it flowed. Ryan was trembling, unsure of the punishment that awaited him after this exposure.

Charlie walked over to Kazusaki and said coldly, "Mr. Hashimoto, please explain the situation to everyone."

Kazusaki shivered as he spoke, "Mr. Wade, the whole incident was masterminded by Benjamin and Ryan. They offered me a high reward to help them kill Miss Sarah in Japan. I only arranged the traffic accident on their orders, which led to the deaths of Miss Walker's two assistants and one driver. They are the real culprits behind this!"

The room was filled with shock!

The shareholders were stunned to learn that Sarah's disappearance was actually a murder case!

Benjamin, pale with fear, stammered, "Hashimoto, don’t just spout nonsense here! When did I ever ask you to kill Sarah?! She's my niece! How could I possibly want to harm her? It seems like you have evil intentions yourself, trying to blame me for your own actions!"

Ryan also shouted, "Exactly! Kazusaki, you Japanese dog, how dare you come to Aurous Hill and spread lies! Believe it or not, I’ll tear your dirty mouth apart!"
I wonder why evil people have this kind of heart even when their evil deed have been exposed they still have the guts to deny it 🤷😏


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Jun 22, 2024
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As Sarah appeared, everyone except Charlie was utterly stunned.

No one could have imagined that Sarah, who had been missing and whose life or death was uncertain, would suddenly appear at the press conference.

Just a moment ago, the Walker Group had convened a board meeting to announce the appointment of Benjamin as the new chairman, due to the inability to confirm Sarah's survival.

Yet in the next moment, Sarah had returned!

The plot twist was so extreme that not even a movie would dare to depict it.

The person most unable to accept this reality was naturally Benjamin, who had just taken over as the chairman of the Walker Group.

At this moment, Benjamin's eyes were wide open and bloodshot, veins visible, as if his eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets.

He couldn't believe that Sarah could return alive from Japan.

He couldn't help but think, "If she's still alive, why didn't the Japanese police know?"

"Although the Japanese police had started reducing the search efforts for Sarah, they hadn't completely given up. Yet she managed to return to China unnoticed. What are her intentions?"

"More importantly, if she was alive, why hadn't she contacted me or the old man?"

"She and the old man had a deep bond. Even if she didn't trust me, she wouldn't doubt the old man, right?"

"Could it be..."

"Could it be that she realized something?!"

With this thought, Benjamin felt a deep panic.

Beside him, Ryan was even more shocked and terrified.

He couldn't understand how Sarah had survived, nor how she had managed to return to China.

Now, her story was making headlines in both China and Japan, known to everyone.

Given her current fame, it was impossible for her to return silently unless someone with extraordinary abilities was secretly helping her.

At this thought, Ryan immediately glanced at Charlie, who was smiling in the front row of the VIP seats.

In that moment, a sudden realization struck him: "Could it be... Charlie?!"

"Yes! It must be him!"

"No wonder he returned from Japan so decisively. If he wasn't certain of Sarah's safety, how could he have given up the search?"

"Only he has the capability to bring Sarah back from Japan without anyone knowing."

"No wonder he insisted on attending the Walker Group's press conference! It was all his doing behind the scenes!"

Realizing this, Ryan was scared half to death.

He feared that Charlie already knew about the schemes he and his father had plotted, and if so, Charlie would never spare them.

At this moment, the media's attention was entirely focused on Sarah.

From beginning to end, no reporter noticed Charlie, who was sitting in the front row with his back to them.

The sound of camera shutters filled the air like firecrackers.


Sarah, under the intense gaze of everyone, stepped towards the podium.

Numerous reporters thrust their microphones forward, one of them urgently asking, "Miss Walker, Miss Walker, I'm a reporter from South Laverton Financial News. How did you survive the car accident in Japan?"

Sarah paused, smiled slightly, and said, "I was lucky not to be in the car when it happened."

Another reporter quickly followed up, "Then, Miss Walker, if you weren't in the car, why did you remain hidden for so many days despite the Japanese police searching for you everywhere?"

Sarah replied, "I suspected that the accident was deliberately caused by someone, so for my own safety, I chose not to reveal myself."

At this, everyone present gasped!

The accident that Sarah encountered was man-made?! If true, that meant someone was trying to murder her!

This revelation turned the incident from a mere traffic accident into a heinous and serious attempt at murder!

Benjamin and Ryan were especially terrified.

If Sarah indeed had evidence of their crimes, their lives would be ruined!

Although the crime occurred in Japan, the victim and the mastermind were Chinese, so they would certainly be punished under Chinese law.

In China, hiring someone to commit murder is a grave offense.

Even if they disguised it as a traffic accident without using any direct weapons, the nature of the crime remained severe.

Thus, even if they escaped the death penalty, they would at least face life imprisonment.

The wealthier a person is, the more they fear imprisonment.

The poor might sometimes commit crimes to secure food and shelter in prison, especially in a country like Japan, with its severe aging problem, where some elderly people resort to crime for a chance to live in prison.

But wealthy people are not like that.

They possess the world's finest luxury cars, planes, yachts, and the most luxurious homes around the globe. They enjoy the meticulous service of dozens of people, living a life akin to paradise.

Forcing such people to go to prison is worse than killing them.

In prison, everyone is treated the same, whether a homeless person or a billionaire. They might end up sharing a cell and eating the same food.

Therefore, Benjamin and Ryan were filled with deep fear.

At this moment, Sarah stopped answering any more questions from the reporters. She walked straight up to the podium and stood in front of her uncle, Benjamin.

Benjamin was so terrified that his scalp tingled and his ears rang.

He expected Sarah to confront him, but to his surprise, she simply smiled politely and said, "Uncle, I'm sorry to have worried you and my brother these past few days."

At these words, Benjamin breathed a sigh of relief!

He thought, "Oh my God, that scared me to death. It seems Sarah doesn't know I was behind all this. Thank God, Buddha, and Amen!"

Beside him, Ryan also relaxed, his nerves nearly snapping when Sarah approached, but fortunately, she didn't seem to be targeting them.

Benjamin, feeling immensely relieved, said, "Ah, Sarah, you're finally back. I was so worried while you were gone, and your grandfather fell ill from worrying about you."

He sighed, "But it's all right now that you're back, it's all right."

As he finished speaking, his eyes reddened, and tears streamed down his face.

In the audience, Charlie coldly watched Benjamin's Oscar-worthy performance, thinking, "Benjamin, you think you've escaped? Your nightmare is just beginning!"


At this moment, Benjamin was still deluding himself into believing that his actions hadn't been exposed.

Inwardly, he thought, "It doesn't matter that this damn Sarah is back. The old man is already senile, so she has no support in the Walker Group. I'll have plenty of opportunities to deal with her later!"

Sarah looked at Benjamin and asked loudly, "Uncle, I heard that the board elected you as the new chairman in my absence?"

Benjamin awkwardly rubbed his hands together, forcing a laugh. "Haha... well, the board felt the group couldn't be leaderless, so they chose me to step in for you."

Sarah nodded thoughtfully. "Thank you, Uncle, for stepping in and helping me with the responsibilities."

Then, she shifted her tone, "Uncle, you mentioned earlier that if I returned, you would hand the chairman position back to me. Is that still valid?"

Benjamin glanced around, feeling the weight of the media's presence and Charlie's watchful eyes. "Damn it, with so many reporters here and that bastard Charlie, I can't backtrack now. If the media reports it, I'll be utterly discredited. Plus, Charlie is not someone to mess with. In Aurous Hill, he's revered by many as Master Wade, with countless supporters. If I refuse to step down, Charlie won't let me off the hook. I guess I have no choice but to retreat for now."

With a heavy heart, Benjamin cursed internally, "This is absurd! I schemed so hard to become chairman, and now I have to give it up just minutes after taking office. I haven't even sat in the chairman's office for a single second!"

Despite his deep reluctance, he dared not act rashly. He forced a smile and said, "Sarah, rest assured, the chairman position of the Walker Group is yours. I was merely handling important matters in your absence. Now that you're back, it's only right that you take over."

He picked up the microphone and solemnly announced, "I now declare that Miss Sarah Walker will resume her position as the chairman of the Walker Group. I believe this is the best solution for our shareholders and investors. Let's give her a round of applause!"

The audience erupted in applause.

Sarah nodded and took the microphone, addressing the crowd, "Thank you all for attending today. This concludes our press conference. I will now hold a board meeting to discuss various matters that occurred during my absence. Since this involves confidential business details, I kindly ask the media to leave."

The reporters, eager to report the major news of Sarah's return, quickly packed up their equipment and left the venue in an orderly fashion.

Benjamin and Ryan exchanged a worried glance. They weren't sure what Sarah intended to do at the board meeting. If it was just a routine update, it would be straightforward enough. However, if she knew anything and planned to take action against them, it would be troublesome.

Benjamin cautiously probed, "Sarah, do you have any specific plans for the board meeting?"

Sarah smiled slightly. "Uncle, there's no need to worry. I will discuss everything during the meeting."

Benjamin nodded anxiously.

Soon, all the reporters had left the scene.

In the audience, only Charlie remained, sitting calmly.


Benjamin was nervous, trying to act awkward as he said, "Master Wade, since Sarah is about to hold a board meeting, which might involve some confidential company secrets, perhaps you should excuse yourself for now."

Charlie smiled calmly. "Don't worry, Mr. Walker. There won't be any confidential business discussed in today's board meeting."

"This..." Benjamin felt as if his heart was pounding even harder. Internally, he wondered, "What does Charlie mean by that? Does he know everything?"

At that moment, the doors of the conference hall were pushed open, and about thirty to forty men in black filed in.

The directors of the Walker Group were all startled by this display.

Benjamin shouted nervously, "Who are you people? Who let you in? Security! Get these people out immediately!"

Ryan also quickly shouted, "You better leave on your own, or we'll call the police!"

Charlie, who had been relatively silent, spoke up calmly, "Benjamin, I arranged for them to be here. Do you have a problem with that?"

Benjamin's face was full of fear as he stammered, "Master Wade, these people... you arranged them?! What is your intention?"

Charlie responded coolly, "I arranged for them to support Sarah. She just returned to the Walker Group, and I don't want her to be bullied."

Benjamin quickly turned to Sarah and said seriously, "Sarah, the group is a workplace. Why did you trouble Master Wade to bring so many men in black? People might think they are gangsters! If this gets out, it will have a terrible impact on the group! You should have them leave immediately!"

Sarah ignored him, her expression turning cold as she said sternly, "I am still the chairman of the Walker Group. I make the decisions here!"

Benjamin, not expecting Sarah's sudden hostility, became angry and said, "Even if you are the chairman, you were elected by the board. If you don't follow the rules, the board has the power to remove you at any time!"

Sarah sneered, "Remove me? When Grandpa appointed me as chairman, he transferred all the voting rights of the board to me. As long as I am on the board, none of you have any voting rights. So where do you get the authority to remove me? On the contrary, I hold all the voting rights of the board and can remove any one of you at any time!"

"You... you..." Benjamin was so angry that his chest heaved, gritting his teeth as he said, "Sarah! Don't go too far! Do you think I don't know how you tricked the old man?"

"When Grandpa handed over the chairman position to you, he already showed signs of dementia. Otherwise, how could he have handed the Walker Group over to a woman like you?"

"Dementia doesn't develop overnight. Your grandpa's current condition must have had early signs!"

"Since he already had dementia back then, he wasn't competent to make independent decisions. All his decisions should be up for discussion!"

"Rest assured, I will file a lawsuit with the court to nullify all his decisions from that time and return all voting rights to the board!"

Sarah laughed coldly, "You want to sue? Perfect, I also have something to report to the judicial authorities. But before that, let me introduce an old friend to you."

She then turned around and respectfully said to Charlie, "Master Wade, could you please give the order?"

Charlie nodded and instructed the men in black, "Bring the person up!"

"Yes, sir!"

The men in black responded in unison and immediately went out, escorting a person with handcuffs and shackles into the room.

Benjamin and Ryan were terrified when they saw this person!

It was none other than the vice president of Japan's Nippon Steel Corporation, Kazusaki Hashimoto!


Upon seeing Kazusaki, Benjamin and Ryan were instantly petrified. They both realized that their secret had been exposed.

Otherwise, Charlie wouldn't have silently brought Kazusaki along with Sarah.

The incident involving Sarah in Japan was entirely the result of the dirty dealings between the father-son duo and Kazusaki.

Benjamin and Ryan had plotted to kill Sarah to inherit the entire Walker family fortune. Meanwhile, Kazusaki sought to gain substantial private benefits through his cooperation with them, including hundreds of millions of dollars and at least ten percent of the shares. This was enough to drive him to take such a risk.

Before Hashimoto's appearance, the father-son duo had always seen him as their firewall. As long as Hashimoto was not in trouble, they felt secure. But they could never have imagined that Charlie would bring this firewall right to their doorstep!

Now, the father and son were silent, and other board members recognized Kazusaki, unable to contain their shock: "Isn’t this Mr. Hashimoto, the vice president of Nippon Steel? Sarah, how could you have brought Mr. Hashimoto to Aurous Hill in this manner?!"

Charlie stood up and said loudly, "Kazusaki was brought here by me. Do you have a problem with that?"

The man who had questioned Charlie immediately backed down, realizing that Charlie's tone was serious. As a minor shareholder of the Walker Group, he dared not provoke Charlie.

Benjamin was drenched in cold sweat, wiping his face furiously but unable to keep up with the rate at which it flowed. Ryan was trembling, unsure of the punishment that awaited him after this exposure.

Charlie walked over to Kazusaki and said coldly, "Mr. Hashimoto, please explain the situation to everyone."

Kazusaki shivered as he spoke, "Mr. Wade, the whole incident was masterminded by Benjamin and Ryan. They offered me a high reward to help them kill Miss Sarah in Japan. I only arranged the traffic accident on their orders, which led to the deaths of Miss Walker's two assistants and one driver. They are the real culprits behind this!"

The room was filled with shock!

The shareholders were stunned to learn that Sarah's disappearance was actually a murder case!

Benjamin, pale with fear, stammered, "Hashimoto, don’t just spout nonsense here! When did I ever ask you to kill Sarah?! She's my niece! How could I possibly want to harm her? It seems like you have evil intentions yourself, trying to blame me for your own actions!"

Ryan also shouted, "Exactly! Kazusaki, you Japanese dog, how dare you come to Aurous Hill and spread lies! Believe it or not, I’ll tear your dirty mouth apart!"
The end of the wicked. I hope Charlie shows them no mercy

Maximus Kane

Ultimate Grandmaster
Sep 30, 2023
Reaction score
I wonder why evil people have this kind of heart even when their evil deed have been exposed they still have the guts to deny it 🤷😏
In my country there is an old saying, "Even if you get caught carrying a stolen sheep, deny it until your last breath. At worst, just say you are carrying meat wrapped with sheepskin".

NB: Bear in mind that the sheep is still alive😂😂
Last edited:


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Reaction score

As Sarah appeared, everyone except Charlie was utterly stunned.

No one could have imagined that Sarah, who had been missing and whose life or death was uncertain, would suddenly appear at the press conference.

Just a moment ago, the Walker Group had convened a board meeting to announce the appointment of Benjamin as the new chairman, due to the inability to confirm Sarah's survival.

Yet in the next moment, Sarah had returned!

The plot twist was so extreme that not even a movie would dare to depict it.

The person most unable to accept this reality was naturally Benjamin, who had just taken over as the chairman of the Walker Group.

At this moment, Benjamin's eyes were wide open and bloodshot, veins visible, as if his eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets.

He couldn't believe that Sarah could return alive from Japan.

He couldn't help but think, "If she's still alive, why didn't the Japanese police know?"

"Although the Japanese police had started reducing the search efforts for Sarah, they hadn't completely given up. Yet she managed to return to China unnoticed. What are her intentions?"

"More importantly, if she was alive, why hadn't she contacted me or the old man?"

"She and the old man had a deep bond. Even if she didn't trust me, she wouldn't doubt the old man, right?"

"Could it be..."

"Could it be that she realized something?!"

With this thought, Benjamin felt a deep panic.

Beside him, Ryan was even more shocked and terrified.

He couldn't understand how Sarah had survived, nor how she had managed to return to China.

Now, her story was making headlines in both China and Japan, known to everyone.

Given her current fame, it was impossible for her to return silently unless someone with extraordinary abilities was secretly helping her.

At this thought, Ryan immediately glanced at Charlie, who was smiling in the front row of the VIP seats.

In that moment, a sudden realization struck him: "Could it be... Charlie?!"

"Yes! It must be him!"

"No wonder he returned from Japan so decisively. If he wasn't certain of Sarah's safety, how could he have given up the search?"

"Only he has the capability to bring Sarah back from Japan without anyone knowing."

"No wonder he insisted on attending the Walker Group's press conference! It was all his doing behind the scenes!"

Realizing this, Ryan was scared half to death.

He feared that Charlie already knew about the schemes he and his father had plotted, and if so, Charlie would never spare them.

At this moment, the media's attention was entirely focused on Sarah.

From beginning to end, no reporter noticed Charlie, who was sitting in the front row with his back to them.

The sound of camera shutters filled the air like firecrackers.


Sarah, under the intense gaze of everyone, stepped towards the podium.

Numerous reporters thrust their microphones forward, one of them urgently asking, "Miss Walker, Miss Walker, I'm a reporter from South Laverton Financial News. How did you survive the car accident in Japan?"

Sarah paused, smiled slightly, and said, "I was lucky not to be in the car when it happened."

Another reporter quickly followed up, "Then, Miss Walker, if you weren't in the car, why did you remain hidden for so many days despite the Japanese police searching for you everywhere?"

Sarah replied, "I suspected that the accident was deliberately caused by someone, so for my own safety, I chose not to reveal myself."

At this, everyone present gasped!

The accident that Sarah encountered was man-made?! If true, that meant someone was trying to murder her!

This revelation turned the incident from a mere traffic accident into a heinous and serious attempt at murder!

Benjamin and Ryan were especially terrified.

If Sarah indeed had evidence of their crimes, their lives would be ruined!

Although the crime occurred in Japan, the victim and the mastermind were Chinese, so they would certainly be punished under Chinese law.

In China, hiring someone to commit murder is a grave offense.

Even if they disguised it as a traffic accident without using any direct weapons, the nature of the crime remained severe.

Thus, even if they escaped the death penalty, they would at least face life imprisonment.

The wealthier a person is, the more they fear imprisonment.

The poor might sometimes commit crimes to secure food and shelter in prison, especially in a country like Japan, with its severe aging problem, where some elderly people resort to crime for a chance to live in prison.

But wealthy people are not like that.

They possess the world's finest luxury cars, planes, yachts, and the most luxurious homes around the globe. They enjoy the meticulous service of dozens of people, living a life akin to paradise.

Forcing such people to go to prison is worse than killing them.

In prison, everyone is treated the same, whether a homeless person or a billionaire. They might end up sharing a cell and eating the same food.

Therefore, Benjamin and Ryan were filled with deep fear.

At this moment, Sarah stopped answering any more questions from the reporters. She walked straight up to the podium and stood in front of her uncle, Benjamin.

Benjamin was so terrified that his scalp tingled and his ears rang.

He expected Sarah to confront him, but to his surprise, she simply smiled politely and said, "Uncle, I'm sorry to have worried you and my brother these past few days."

At these words, Benjamin breathed a sigh of relief!

He thought, "Oh my God, that scared me to death. It seems Sarah doesn't know I was behind all this. Thank God, Buddha, and Amen!"

Beside him, Ryan also relaxed, his nerves nearly snapping when Sarah approached, but fortunately, she didn't seem to be targeting them.

Benjamin, feeling immensely relieved, said, "Ah, Sarah, you're finally back. I was so worried while you were gone, and your grandfather fell ill from worrying about you."

He sighed, "But it's all right now that you're back, it's all right."

As he finished speaking, his eyes reddened, and tears streamed down his face.

In the audience, Charlie coldly watched Benjamin's Oscar-worthy performance, thinking, "Benjamin, you think you've escaped? Your nightmare is just beginning!"


At this moment, Benjamin was still deluding himself into believing that his actions hadn't been exposed.

Inwardly, he thought, "It doesn't matter that this damn Sarah is back. The old man is already senile, so she has no support in the Walker Group. I'll have plenty of opportunities to deal with her later!"

Sarah looked at Benjamin and asked loudly, "Uncle, I heard that the board elected you as the new chairman in my absence?"

Benjamin awkwardly rubbed his hands together, forcing a laugh. "Haha... well, the board felt the group couldn't be leaderless, so they chose me to step in for you."

Sarah nodded thoughtfully. "Thank you, Uncle, for stepping in and helping me with the responsibilities."

Then, she shifted her tone, "Uncle, you mentioned earlier that if I returned, you would hand the chairman position back to me. Is that still valid?"

Benjamin glanced around, feeling the weight of the media's presence and Charlie's watchful eyes. "Damn it, with so many reporters here and that bastard Charlie, I can't backtrack now. If the media reports it, I'll be utterly discredited. Plus, Charlie is not someone to mess with. In Aurous Hill, he's revered by many as Master Wade, with countless supporters. If I refuse to step down, Charlie won't let me off the hook. I guess I have no choice but to retreat for now."

With a heavy heart, Benjamin cursed internally, "This is absurd! I schemed so hard to become chairman, and now I have to give it up just minutes after taking office. I haven't even sat in the chairman's office for a single second!"

Despite his deep reluctance, he dared not act rashly. He forced a smile and said, "Sarah, rest assured, the chairman position of the Walker Group is yours. I was merely handling important matters in your absence. Now that you're back, it's only right that you take over."

He picked up the microphone and solemnly announced, "I now declare that Miss Sarah Walker will resume her position as the chairman of the Walker Group. I believe this is the best solution for our shareholders and investors. Let's give her a round of applause!"

The audience erupted in applause.

Sarah nodded and took the microphone, addressing the crowd, "Thank you all for attending today. This concludes our press conference. I will now hold a board meeting to discuss various matters that occurred during my absence. Since this involves confidential business details, I kindly ask the media to leave."

The reporters, eager to report the major news of Sarah's return, quickly packed up their equipment and left the venue in an orderly fashion.

Benjamin and Ryan exchanged a worried glance. They weren't sure what Sarah intended to do at the board meeting. If it was just a routine update, it would be straightforward enough. However, if she knew anything and planned to take action against them, it would be troublesome.

Benjamin cautiously probed, "Sarah, do you have any specific plans for the board meeting?"

Sarah smiled slightly. "Uncle, there's no need to worry. I will discuss everything during the meeting."

Benjamin nodded anxiously.

Soon, all the reporters had left the scene.

In the audience, only Charlie remained, sitting calmly.


Benjamin was nervous, trying to act awkward as he said, "Master Wade, since Sarah is about to hold a board meeting, which might involve some confidential company secrets, perhaps you should excuse yourself for now."

Charlie smiled calmly. "Don't worry, Mr. Walker. There won't be any confidential business discussed in today's board meeting."

"This..." Benjamin felt as if his heart was pounding even harder. Internally, he wondered, "What does Charlie mean by that? Does he know everything?"

At that moment, the doors of the conference hall were pushed open, and about thirty to forty men in black filed in.

The directors of the Walker Group were all startled by this display.

Benjamin shouted nervously, "Who are you people? Who let you in? Security! Get these people out immediately!"

Ryan also quickly shouted, "You better leave on your own, or we'll call the police!"

Charlie, who had been relatively silent, spoke up calmly, "Benjamin, I arranged for them to be here. Do you have a problem with that?"

Benjamin's face was full of fear as he stammered, "Master Wade, these people... you arranged them?! What is your intention?"

Charlie responded coolly, "I arranged for them to support Sarah. She just returned to the Walker Group, and I don't want her to be bullied."

Benjamin quickly turned to Sarah and said seriously, "Sarah, the group is a workplace. Why did you trouble Master Wade to bring so many men in black? People might think they are gangsters! If this gets out, it will have a terrible impact on the group! You should have them leave immediately!"

Sarah ignored him, her expression turning cold as she said sternly, "I am still the chairman of the Walker Group. I make the decisions here!"

Benjamin, not expecting Sarah's sudden hostility, became angry and said, "Even if you are the chairman, you were elected by the board. If you don't follow the rules, the board has the power to remove you at any time!"

Sarah sneered, "Remove me? When Grandpa appointed me as chairman, he transferred all the voting rights of the board to me. As long as I am on the board, none of you have any voting rights. So where do you get the authority to remove me? On the contrary, I hold all the voting rights of the board and can remove any one of you at any time!"

"You... you..." Benjamin was so angry that his chest heaved, gritting his teeth as he said, "Sarah! Don't go too far! Do you think I don't know how you tricked the old man?"

"When Grandpa handed over the chairman position to you, he already showed signs of dementia. Otherwise, how could he have handed the Walker Group over to a woman like you?"

"Dementia doesn't develop overnight. Your grandpa's current condition must have had early signs!"

"Since he already had dementia back then, he wasn't competent to make independent decisions. All his decisions should be up for discussion!"

"Rest assured, I will file a lawsuit with the court to nullify all his decisions from that time and return all voting rights to the board!"

Sarah laughed coldly, "You want to sue? Perfect, I also have something to report to the judicial authorities. But before that, let me introduce an old friend to you."

She then turned around and respectfully said to Charlie, "Master Wade, could you please give the order?"

Charlie nodded and instructed the men in black, "Bring the person up!"

"Yes, sir!"

The men in black responded in unison and immediately went out, escorting a person with handcuffs and shackles into the room.

Benjamin and Ryan were terrified when they saw this person!

It was none other than the vice president of Japan's Nippon Steel Corporation, Kazusaki Hashimoto!


Upon seeing Kazusaki, Benjamin and Ryan were instantly petrified. They both realized that their secret had been exposed.

Otherwise, Charlie wouldn't have silently brought Kazusaki along with Sarah.

The incident involving Sarah in Japan was entirely the result of the dirty dealings between the father-son duo and Kazusaki.

Benjamin and Ryan had plotted to kill Sarah to inherit the entire Walker family fortune. Meanwhile, Kazusaki sought to gain substantial private benefits through his cooperation with them, including hundreds of millions of dollars and at least ten percent of the shares. This was enough to drive him to take such a risk.

Before Hashimoto's appearance, the father-son duo had always seen him as their firewall. As long as Hashimoto was not in trouble, they felt secure. But they could never have imagined that Charlie would bring this firewall right to their doorstep!

Now, the father and son were silent, and other board members recognized Kazusaki, unable to contain their shock: "Isn’t this Mr. Hashimoto, the vice president of Nippon Steel? Sarah, how could you have brought Mr. Hashimoto to Aurous Hill in this manner?!"

Charlie stood up and said loudly, "Kazusaki was brought here by me. Do you have a problem with that?"

The man who had questioned Charlie immediately backed down, realizing that Charlie's tone was serious. As a minor shareholder of the Walker Group, he dared not provoke Charlie.

Benjamin was drenched in cold sweat, wiping his face furiously but unable to keep up with the rate at which it flowed. Ryan was trembling, unsure of the punishment that awaited him after this exposure.

Charlie walked over to Kazusaki and said coldly, "Mr. Hashimoto, please explain the situation to everyone."

Kazusaki shivered as he spoke, "Mr. Wade, the whole incident was masterminded by Benjamin and Ryan. They offered me a high reward to help them kill Miss Sarah in Japan. I only arranged the traffic accident on their orders, which led to the deaths of Miss Walker's two assistants and one driver. They are the real culprits behind this!"

The room was filled with shock!

The shareholders were stunned to learn that Sarah's disappearance was actually a murder case!

Benjamin, pale with fear, stammered, "Hashimoto, don’t just spout nonsense here! When did I ever ask you to kill Sarah?! She's my niece! How could I possibly want to harm her? It seems like you have evil intentions yourself, trying to blame me for your own actions!"

Ryan also shouted, "Exactly! Kazusaki, you Japanese dog, how dare you come to Aurous Hill and spread lies! Believe it or not, I’ll tear your dirty mouth apart!"
See these idiots, instead of accepting your faults you're still proving to be stubborn.


Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
In my country there is an old saying, "Even if you get caught carrying a stolen sheep, deny it until your last breath. At worst, just say you are carrying meat rapped with sheepskin".

NB: Bear in mind that the sheep is still alive😂😂
I understand you maybe your country are being rule by demon lord


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 4, 2023
Reaction score
I understand you maybe your country are being rule by demon lord
He is right, if your wife catch you having sex with her sister deny till the end.

We accidentally got naked, she will eventually doubt herself and think perhaps it was hot in the room.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 4, 2023
Reaction score
I guess I will stay with sex sect. I don't want to but something tells me to choose it
Welcome abroad or a board. Guys English is hard. How do you write it?1427.jpg


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 4, 2023
Reaction score
I wonder what Virgin sect leader will be going through now 😂😂😂😂
Haha master @brits has heart of gold, he doesn't care for puny sect members

Anyway who knows perhaps you also a virgin sect members. No girl is following you here

Master @King of Dragonmarsh might be the only true sex sect madter he landed himself a natasha


Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
Welcome abroad or a board. Guys English is hard. How do you write it?View attachment 3478
This is exactly what a true sex sect Ladies look like I rather enjoy being a sex sect members then die in hunger at Virgin sect haha 😂


Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
Haha master @brits has heart of gold, he doesn't care for puny sect members

Anyway who knows perhaps you also a virgin sect members. No girl is following you here

Master @King of Dragonmarsh might be the only true sex sect madter he landed himself a natasha
Haha I have been cul
Haha master @brits has heart of gold, he doesn't care for puny sect members

Anyway who knows perhaps you also a virgin sect members. No girl is following you here

Master @King of Dragonmarsh might be the only true sex sect madter he landed himself a natasha
Hahaha I don't have to show it everywhere I go beside John have already done enough I don't want to put #brits into alot 😂

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score
Haha master @brits has heart of gold, he doesn't care for puny sect members

Anyway who knows perhaps you also a virgin sect members. No girl is following you here

Master @King of Dragonmarsh might be the only true sex sect madter he landed himself a natasha
Nah.. I lost her. She is like chocolate, sometimes you see her sometimes you don't. My heart is secretly broken that I am even considering to join master @brits in his university. The pain is comparable.. to lose Julia and to become a virgin, both are a torture and a torment.

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