An Understated Dominance, Dustin Rhys story. Chapters 1301 and beyond - JUNLEE (aka Jungal2000) English interpretation

Translated by Jungal2000

This is my take on an ongoing Chinese novel by an unknown author. I've never been much of a reader when it comes to lengthy novels, but as soon as I delved into this tale, I was hooked like a fanatic. And I can't seem to stop. Unfortunately, the English version I was following only released three chapters a day, and my appetite for the story was insatiable. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started translating the Chinese text myself. Along the way, I've tried to inject some context into it because Google's translation tends to be too literal.

I've used different names for characters in my translations since they're a result of my own artistic interpretation. I began my translations from Chapter 967, which was posted in a different discussion thread. My aim is to tackle at least 100 chapters a week. However, as much as I love translating and reading this novel, I make sure to reserve my weekends for my family and friends – they're the ones who matter most to me.

The reason for this new thread is that during my two days off, some talented translators have continued where I left off. Their work is already shared and posted in my previous thread. This is fantastic news for readers looking for weekend reads. To avoid any confusion, I decided to create a new thread where I can upload and continue my translations. I'm doing all of this out of love for the story and the enjoyment I get from the process; it makes me feel like I'm a part of the narrative.

For those who are new to this, the best translations are provided by Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, and they are the work of the legendary translator Marina Vitori.

This is the tale of a prince, a legendary Kirin known as Logan Rhys. His life underwent a dramatic change a decade ago when his mother met a mysterious and untimely demise. Fueled by a relentless pursuit of truth, justice, and vengeance, he abandoned his royal palace and adopted the guise of a commoner, going by the name Dustin Rhys. The once-arrogant young prince transformed into a timid and soft-spoken individual, making him an easy target for bullies.

During these ten years, Logan secretly honed his skills and strength, undergoing a profound transformation. However, a recent divorce from his wife, Dahlia Nicholson, after three years of marriage, coupled with a series of life-altering events, pushed him back into action. Slowly but surely, he began to shed his timid persona, reemerging as the formidable figure he once was.

Join us as we follow the journey of Dustin, or Logan, as he strives to surpass, outmaneuver, and overpower entire armies and kingdoms, all through his own determination and bare hands.
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Chapter 2297 - "A Bitter Lesson: Learning to Accept Loss"

Watching Ulysses's passionate eyes, Emerald couldn't help but frown: "Junior Brother Ulysses, enough is enough, continuing to gamble will only lead you deeper into trouble."

Gamblers are addicted, never satisfied, they gamble when they win, and continue to gamble when they lose.

Until they lose everything and go astray.

Ulysses now seems to show signs of addiction, if not stopped in time, it will only lead to disaster.

"Sister, I'll gamble one more time, the last time, as long as I win this time, I will stop immediately!" Ulysses vowed.

"Sis, I'm the same, I've even wagered my sword, I have to win it back." Ruby echoed.

The two stared straight at Emerald, their eyes full of hope.

"Have you ever thought, what if you lose?" Emerald asked.

"It won't happen, I will be careful this time, I will only bet when I'm sure, I won't lose!" Ulysses assured.

"Yes, yes! We were misled just now, if we had trusted ourselves, we would have already won." Ruby said.

"Don't you understand? Nine times out of ten, if you continue to gamble, there will be no good outcome!" Emerald said firmly.

"Sister! Let us try one more time, if we break even this time, we will quit gambling! I swear!" Ulysses held out three fingers.

"Sis, you have so many spirit stones, lend them to us, we will return them if we win." Ruby continued to plead.

"Why are you both so stubborn? At this point, don't you realize the situation?" Emerald scolded.

"Sister, we won so many times before, you saw it all, it was just an accident earlier, if you lend us some spirit stones, we can definitely break even!" Ulysses persisted.

"Sis! I just want to redeem the sword, give us one more chance, please?" Ruby pleaded.

"I will redeem the swords for both of you, but lending you spirit stones to gamble is absolutely impossible!" Emerald's tone was firm.

Upon hearing this, Ulysses and Ruby looked at each other in silence, speechless.

They knew Emerald's character, and at this point, lending spirit stones was definitely out of the question.

But having lost too much just now, they were unwilling to let go.

They still believed that there was a chance to win back the spirit stones.

Unfortunately, they no longer have any gambling capital.

Ignoring the bitter expressions of the two, Emerald walked to the gambling table and redeemed the swords that the two had wagered.

"These are your swords, no more gambling in the future!"

Ruby threw the redeemed swords to Ulysses and Ruby respectively.


Looking at the swords they had regained, Ulysses and Ruby were not particularly happy, but rather a bit melancholic and regretful.

Although the swords were redeemed, the lost spirit stones could never be recovered, just the thought of it was heartbreaking.

"Don't be disheartened, your sister is right, if you continue to gamble, you will only dig yourself deeper." Kieran suddenly interjected.

Chapter 2298 - "The Setting Sun: End of Day One at the Arena"

"You've won so many spirit stones, of course you can stop, we haven't gained anything." Ruby said impatiently.

"Master Kieran can win because he knows when to stop, but what about you? You win once and still want to win a second and third time, how is it possible not to lose? In the end, it's all because of your insatiable greed and obsession with wealth!" Emerald scolded.

Ulysses and Ruby exchanged a glance, both wisely choosing to remain silent.

The gambling at Abigail's place continued, with a new batch of gamblers joining in under her enthusiastic calls.

Thus, the second cycle began.

Just like before, Abigail let the gamblers win a few rounds, taste the sweetness, and gradually get addicted, then manipulated the match results to win it all back at once.

Only a small fraction of people could earn spirit stones, while the majority of gamblers became the harvested leeks.

However, gamblers always held onto a glimmer of hope, one failure couldn't crush their desires, they would continue to gamble recklessly.

Always thinking they were the lucky few.

So, the more they gambled, the more they lost, and the more they lost, the more they gambled, completely sinking into the quagmire, unable to extricate themselves.

Abigail had grasped the gamblers' mentality, that's why she was so calm and composed.

Because she knew very well that addicted gamblers never knew satisfaction.

And greedy people often ended up losing miserably.

Time passed quickly.

As the sun set in the west, the first day of the arena competition finally came to an end.

Among the Group C participants, there were many talented geniuses.

As soon as the competition ended, these talented geniuses were targeted by major sects.

Various tactics were used, such as poaching, making big promises, and offering hefty rewards.

It was easier to poach disciples from major sects, given their solid foundations, it was usually difficult to sway them.

However, the situation was completely different for talented geniuses from smaller sects.

Because major sects offered better prospects for development and more resources, as long as they extended an olive branch and promised great rewards, it was easy to lure them away.

Of course, Abigail, representing the Mystic Arts Order, did not compete with other sects for manpower.

Because what she valued were various rare treasures and elixir manuals.

After a day of gambling, she harvested several batches of leeks in a row, making a huge profit and feeling overjoyed.

"Alright, everyone, today's competition has ended, the betting is closed, let's continue tomorrow. Remember, prepare more rare treasures, the more you bet, the more you earn!"

While shouting, Abigail instructed her subordinates to collect the treasures.

Although she spent a box of spirit stones, the treasures she earned were ten times more valuable.

After collecting the treasures, Abigail warmly invited Dustin and others to have dinner.

After making a big profit today, it was time to celebrate.
Chapter 2299 -"Just Using Intelligence"

At the foot of Dragon Tiger Mountain, inside the Jufulai Inn.

With her deep pockets, Abigail directly reserved the second floor of the inn for a celebratory feast.

Of course, only a few people like Dustin were invited.

After all, making a fortune by harvesting rare treasures through means like this wasn't exactly something to boast about.

It was best to keep a low profile.

"Uncle, I'm in a good mood tonight. Let's drink until we drop!" Abigail poured the wine and lightly clinked glasses with Dustin before downing it in one gulp.

Dustin chuckled and raised his glass for a small sip. "Cheers, everyone! Eat and drink to your heart's content, no need to be polite."

After finishing her drink, Abigail warmly welcomed Emerald and the others.

"Miss Abigail seems to be glowing tonight. You must have earned quite a bit today, right?" Kieran smiled and asked.

"Not much, just a little." Abigail modestly replied.

"Miss Abigail is truly fortunate. She always manages to come out on top at crucial moments." Emerald remarked with a hint of meaning.

"It's not just luck. My victories are all thanks to my wit." Abigail tapped her temple with her index finger without reservation. "To be honest, among the participants in Group C, I've planted quite a few experts. As long as they have the chance to compete, I control the outcome. Whoever I want to win, wins. Whoever I want to lose, loses. That's why I stand undefeated."

As soon as she said this, Emerald couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

Throughout the day, she had already noticed some clues, but she wasn't certain.

But she never expected Abigail to admit it herself, and so decisively, without any concealment.

She even doubted whether she had misheard.

In fact, not only her, but Ulysses and Ruby were also dumbfounded, wearing expressions of disbelief.

They had been kept in the dark, thinking that victory or defeat depended solely on luck and judgment.

But Abigail's words just now completely shattered their illusions.

"Miss Abigail, are you saying that all the gambling games today were traps set by you?" Ulysses cautiously asked.

"Not all of them, I just manipulated the outcomes of the key games. But even so, it's enough for me to dominate." Abigail replied seriously.

"You... You... You're not deceiving us, are you?!" Ruby stood up excitedly, looking angry.

After all, she was also one of the victims.

"Deceiving? I don't think so. I'm just using my intelligence to make money. What's wrong with that?" Abigail smirked. "Besides, if those gamblers weren't so greedy, they wouldn't have been taken advantage of like leeks. I remember your sister also made a lot of spirit stones. If you two had listened to her advice back then, you would have been big winners by now."


Chapter 2300 - "Abigail's Proposition: A Surprising Offer"

As the chapter starts, we find ourselves in the midst of some intense dialogue. But before we dive in, let me set the scene for you.

We've got Ruby itching to say something, but her words get cut short by Emerald. She's got this no-nonsense vibe about her as she interrupts, "Miss Abigail's got a point. Being overly ambitious can lead to some dire consequences. If you learn to pull back at the right time, you won't end up empty-handed. Miss Abigail's just giving you both a valuable lesson today. You ought to thank her."

"And there you have it, your sister is always so understanding."

Abigail offers a slight smile, "I'm being open with you two because of your association with Uncle. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother sharing this kind of information."

Well, that leaves Ulysses and Ruby exchanging glances, feeling a bit resigned.

They're not too happy about it, but hey, they've got to admit defeat for now.

Blame it on their lack of foresight and their greed. If they'd caught on earlier, things might have turned out differently.

"Oh, by the way, are you both in Group B?" Abigail suddenly asks.

"Yep, what's up?" Ulysses nods.

"Group B, huh? Perfect. I've got a little proposition for you."

Abigail gives a small smile and then pulls out a few bags of spirit stones, placing them on the table. She says, "I'll be opening up shop these days, but I'm a bit short on actors. If you two join my team, I'll make it worth your while. Consider these spirit stones as a deposit. Once everything's settled, there'll be plenty more where these came from."


As soon as she says this, the others can't help but exchange looks.

They didn't expect Abigail to make such a request.

"Isn't this match-fixing? We're disciples of major sects after all. How could we stoop so low?" Ruby frowns slightly, flat out refusing.

"Yeah, Miss Abigail, if we're caught fixing matches, it won't just tarnish our reputations but also our sect's honor. That's something we can't afford." Ulysses shakes his head.

"If you think these spirit stones aren't enough, we can discuss further," Abigail says with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Ulysses's eyes widen, feeling a bit tempted.

With his level of strength, this martial arts tournament is basically just for show for him. He won't be climbing up the rankings anytime soon.

So winning or losing isn't that important to him.

If he can earn a bunch of spirit stones through a match or two, it might actually be a good choice.

But opportunities come with risks, and as a disciple of the Thunderstrike Sword Alliance, he can't just throw away his dignity.

"Miss Abigail, we appreciate your kindness, but as disciples of the Thunderstrike Sword Alliance, we can't do anything that would damage our sect's reputation. So, please understand," Emerald rejects once again.

Spirit stones are important, sure, but they can't compromise their principles for a bit of profit.

"It's okay, it's okay. If you don't agree, that's fine. A deal that's not mutually beneficial isn't worth it. Whenever you've had a change of heart, you can come find me. After all, time's on our side," Abigail smiles gently, not pushing further.

Just as they're having this conversation, a loud shout breaks out from outside the tavern.

"Monster woman! Come out and face your doom!!"

The shout reverberates like thunder, startling everyone inside.

Abigail's smile falters slightly, a cold gleam flashing in her eyes.
There is season for everything I think the chapters of recent are getting Slower across all stories. Most especially for Dustin story I think the author is beginning to run out of ideas. Sometimes this happens when you try to keep your book running for a long time you'll begin to compromise the integrity of the book.
Chapter 2295 - "Genius Gone Awry: Toros's Stunning Upset"

As everyone stared at the suddenly fallen Toros, they were all dumbfounded.

Their mouths hung open in disbelief.

Who would've thought that Toros, one of the top ten geniuses of the World Society, would fall, and to top it off, to some nobody?

Normally, with Toros's strength, he should've been wreaking havoc in Group C. So why, at the beginning of the game, did he suffer such a defeat?

Was Toros not living up to his reputation, or was Ruben just too formidable?

"It's over, completely over!"

"Damn it! What the heck is Toros up to? How can't he even beat a small fry? What a waste!"

"The top ten geniuses of the World Society? I think they're just a bunch of crap!"

"Toros! Damn you! You've screwed me over big time this time!"

"I lost! I freaking lost! My spirit stones!"


After a brief silence, the entire venue erupted into wails and curses.

Toros's defeat had resulted in heavy losses for the bettors.

All the spirit stones they had won earlier, along with the interest, were all lost.

Some even borrowed a lot, thinking they could seize the opportunity to make a fortune, only to end up losing everything.

"How could this happen? How could this happen?!"

Ruby widened her beautiful eyes, finding it hard to accept the situation for a moment.

She had just bet her entire net worth, never expecting this outcome.

"No... it can't be! It was clearly a sure win. How could Toros possibly lose?!"

Ulysses felt like he'd been struck by lightning, his face turning pale, and even his fingers trembling.

In the previous rounds, he had kept a backup plan, not betting too much because he didn't feel confident of winning.

But this round with Toros, he was confident, so he went all in with his spirit stones, only to be sorely disappointed.

For a moment, he found it hard to accept.

"Senior brother, you said we'd definitely win. What do we do now?" Ruby was at a loss.

As they say, the higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

Toros's defeat sent her mood plummeting from heaven to hell.

"I..." Ulysses was rendered speechless by the question.

What could they do?

They had already lost, so they just had to accept their bad luck. Did they dare to try to snatch the spirit stones back from the Mystic Arts Order?

Who would have the guts to meddle with the Mystic Arts Order and risk their lives?

What if they failed to retrieve the spirit stones and ended up losing their lives instead?

"Contestant No. 54, Ruben Vartan, wins!"

Seeing that Toros had no more strength to continue, the referee announced the result decisively.

In an instant, the whole venue erupted into curses.

As the victim, Toros was cursed through his entire family lineage.

Even the reputation of the Ten Geniuses of the World Society was greatly affected.

After all, Toros, as one of the top ten geniuses of the World Society, had been defeated by a nobody, which was quite embarrassing.

"What a pity. It was so close, you almost won."

Abigail shook her head with a regretful expression, but in reality, she was overjoyed.

This round not only won back all the capital but also cleaned out most of the gamblers.

It could be said that she had made a fortune.

"Big brother! You said we would win, why did it turn out like this?" One person looked at the man in gray clothes.

Chapter 2296 - "The Bigger Picture: Understanding Abigail's Strategy"

"Bro, it's a disaster! I just bet everything I had, and now it's all gone. What am I gonna do?"

"It's all your fault! If it weren't for your lousy guidance, we wouldn't have lost this badly!"

"Yeah, you've gotta compensate us for our losses today!"

The gamblers grew more and more agitated, turning their accusations towards the man in the gray coat.

"Blame me? Did I force you to bet everything?" The man in gray was furious. "When you were winning, you were all smiles. But now that you've lost, you're blaming it on me? Where's the justice in that? Besides, I never guaranteed a win. It's your own greed that made you follow me. Do you think only you lost? Hell, I lost everything too!"

With those words, the voices of doubt around him immediately quieted down.

Though hard to swallow, the man in gray was right.

He hadn't forced them; they had willingly followed him. They couldn't blame anyone else for their losses.

"Damn it! You're a bunch of ingrates! I'm done playing with you!" With a roar, the man in gray stormed off.

The other gamblers looked at each other, sighing in resignation.

But what none of them noticed was the brief exchange of glances between the man in gray and Ruben on the stage.

"So, that's how it is. Clever indeed," muttered Dustin, a smirk playing on his lips.

He hadn't fully understood what tactics Abigail had employed to ensure consistent wins for herself.

But now, after witnessing the recent events, it all became clear to him.

Abigail had planned everything in advance.

First, she had planted some of her own people among the participants in Group C, keeping their true strength hidden and waiting for the right moment to act.

Then, she had created a guiding light, the man in gray, to lead the way.

By winning several consecutive matches, she had built up the man in gray's popularity and credibility, attracting blind followers among the gamblers.

Once the man in gray had gained enough popularity and trust, it was time to reel them in.

Simply put, the so-called gambling match was nothing but a well-designed trap from start to finish.

Whether it was the man in gray or Ruben, the recent victor, they were all under Abigail's control.

Win or lose, it was all within Abigail's grasp.

And because of this, Abigail was confident and unafraid. She didn't worry about the gamblers winning.

As long as she manipulated the outcome of a single match, she could recover her losses and then some.

In the end, all the gamblers present were just her cash cows.

When to act was entirely up to her preference.

"One failure is no big deal. Come on, everyone, keep betting. We'll win it all back sooner or later," Abigail shouted, continuing to attract business for herself.

There were many spectators present today, and after harvesting one batch of cash cows, there would be another.

And many gamblers still had the mentality of not wanting to admit defeat; as long as they lost, they wanted to make a comeback.

Even though they were broke, they could still borrow, so they still had value as cash cows.

"Sis, you should still have some spirit stones, right? Lend me some, and I'll pay you back as soon as I win!" At that moment, Ulysses suddenly turned to the side and looked eagerly at Emerald.

It was obvious he was hooked.
This guy just doesn't give up, does he?😂😂
There is season for everything I think the chapters of recent are getting Slower across all stories. Most especially for Dustin story I think the author is beginning to run out of ideas. Sometimes this happens when you try to keep your book running for a long time you'll begin to compromise the integrity of the book.
Don't worry, by the time the author figures out where to find next dragon spiral we'll be on our way.
Chapter 2299 -"Just Using Intelligence"

At the foot of Dragon Tiger Mountain, inside the Jufulai Inn.

With her deep pockets, Abigail directly reserved the second floor of the inn for a celebratory feast.

Of course, only a few people like Dustin were invited.

After all, making a fortune by harvesting rare treasures through means like this wasn't exactly something to boast about.

It was best to keep a low profile.

"Uncle, I'm in a good mood tonight. Let's drink until we drop!" Abigail poured the wine and lightly clinked glasses with Dustin before downing it in one gulp.

Dustin chuckled and raised his glass for a small sip. "Cheers, everyone! Eat and drink to your heart's content, no need to be polite."

After finishing her drink, Abigail warmly welcomed Emerald and the others.

"Miss Abigail seems to be glowing tonight. You must have earned quite a bit today, right?" Kieran smiled and asked.

"Not much, just a little." Abigail modestly replied.

"Miss Abigail is truly fortunate. She always manages to come out on top at crucial moments." Emerald remarked with a hint of meaning.

"It's not just luck. My victories are all thanks to my wit." Abigail tapped her temple with her index finger without reservation. "To be honest, among the participants in Group C, I've planted quite a few experts. As long as they have the chance to compete, I control the outcome. Whoever I want to win, wins. Whoever I want to lose, loses. That's why I stand undefeated."

As soon as she said this, Emerald couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

Throughout the day, she had already noticed some clues, but she wasn't certain.

But she never expected Abigail to admit it herself, and so decisively, without any concealment.

She even doubted whether she had misheard.

In fact, not only her, but Ulysses and Ruby were also dumbfounded, wearing expressions of disbelief.

They had been kept in the dark, thinking that victory or defeat depended solely on luck and judgment.

But Abigail's words just now completely shattered their illusions.

"Miss Abigail, are you saying that all the gambling games today were traps set by you?" Ulysses cautiously asked.

"Not all of them, I just manipulated the outcomes of the key games. But even so, it's enough for me to dominate." Abigail replied seriously.

"You... You... You're not deceiving us, are you?!" Ruby stood up excitedly, looking angry.

After all, she was also one of the victims.

"Deceiving? I don't think so. I'm just using my intelligence to make money. What's wrong with that?" Abigail smirked. "Besides, if those gamblers weren't so greedy, they wouldn't have been taken advantage of like leeks. I remember your sister also made a lot of spirit stones. If you two had listened to her advice back then, you would have been big winners by now."


Chapter 2300 - "Abigail's Proposition: A Surprising Offer"

As the chapter starts, we find ourselves in the midst of some intense dialogue. But before we dive in, let me set the scene for you.

We've got Ruby itching to say something, but her words get cut short by Emerald. She's got this no-nonsense vibe about her as she interrupts, "Miss Abigail's got a point. Being overly ambitious can lead to some dire consequences. If you learn to pull back at the right time, you won't end up empty-handed. Miss Abigail's just giving you both a valuable lesson today. You ought to thank her."

"And there you have it, your sister is always so understanding."

Abigail offers a slight smile, "I'm being open with you two because of your association with Uncle. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother sharing this kind of information."

Well, that leaves Ulysses and Ruby exchanging glances, feeling a bit resigned.

They're not too happy about it, but hey, they've got to admit defeat for now.

Blame it on their lack of foresight and their greed. If they'd caught on earlier, things might have turned out differently.

"Oh, by the way, are you both in Group B?" Abigail suddenly asks.

"Yep, what's up?" Ulysses nods.

"Group B, huh? Perfect. I've got a little proposition for you."

Abigail gives a small smile and then pulls out a few bags of spirit stones, placing them on the table. She says, "I'll be opening up shop these days, but I'm a bit short on actors. If you two join my team, I'll make it worth your while. Consider these spirit stones as a deposit. Once everything's settled, there'll be plenty more where these came from."


As soon as she says this, the others can't help but exchange looks.

They didn't expect Abigail to make such a request.

"Isn't this match-fixing? We're disciples of major sects after all. How could we stoop so low?" Ruby frowns slightly, flat out refusing.

"Yeah, Miss Abigail, if we're caught fixing matches, it won't just tarnish our reputations but also our sect's honor. That's something we can't afford." Ulysses shakes his head.

"If you think these spirit stones aren't enough, we can discuss further," Abigail says with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Ulysses's eyes widen, feeling a bit tempted.

With his level of strength, this martial arts tournament is basically just for show for him. He won't be climbing up the rankings anytime soon.

So winning or losing isn't that important to him.

If he can earn a bunch of spirit stones through a match or two, it might actually be a good choice.

But opportunities come with risks, and as a disciple of the Thunderstrike Sword Alliance, he can't just throw away his dignity.

"Miss Abigail, we appreciate your kindness, but as disciples of the Thunderstrike Sword Alliance, we can't do anything that would damage our sect's reputation. So, please understand," Emerald rejects once again.

Spirit stones are important, sure, but they can't compromise their principles for a bit of profit.

"It's okay, it's okay. If you don't agree, that's fine. A deal that's not mutually beneficial isn't worth it. Whenever you've had a change of heart, you can come find me. After all, time's on our side," Abigail smiles gently, not pushing further.

Just as they're having this conversation, a loud shout breaks out from outside the tavern.

"Monster woman! Come out and face your doom!!"

The shout reverberates like thunder, startling everyone inside.

Abigail's smile falters slightly, a cold gleam flashing in her eyes.
All the way since Dustin left West lucozia with Gabrielle to search for spiritual energy unnecessary drama echoed, my head spinning now not interested anymore with the drama written just bored. 😴

I think i should return here October or next year to have more chapter to lead and skip some rubish scene. I think Chinese author are horrible, here we have DUSTIN and there CHARLIE story, all are wasting my time for nothing.

Chapter 2301 - The Provocation

"A demoness! I know you're inside. Come out and meet your doom!"

The loud shout echoed once again, causing ripples in the tea water throughout the entire teahouse.

The gazes of Ulysses and his companions all turned to Abigail simultaneously.

Here, the only one who could be called a "demoness" was probably the woman in front of them.

The question was, who dared to be so audacious? They were openly challenging the Grand Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order?

"Everyone, please continue eating. I'll go out and deal with this."

Abigail smiled faintly, wiped her mouth with a tissue, then gracefully stood up and walked down the stairs.

Ulysses and his companions glanced at each other and walked to the window together to check the situation outside.

Outside the teahouse, a burly man with about twenty or thirty people was constantly shouting.

These people were holding long knives, looking fierce and menacing, as if they were about to start a massacre.

"Oh! Isn't that..."

Ruby raised her eyebrows and quickly recognized the burly man.

She had seen him before at the martial arts competition, but for a moment, she couldn't remember his name.

"He's Nazar Lenin, the Young Master of the Frostfire Monastery!" Ulysses added.

"That's right! It's him!"

Ruby nodded repeatedly. "This guy caused trouble at the martial arts competition before. As a result, he was turned into a pig head by Spencer Richards' Thunder Magic. I didn't expect him to recover so quickly. He's really tough."

"Nazar does have strength, but unfortunately, he's not very smart."

Kieran unfolded his folding fan and leisurely said, "Before, on Dragon and Tiger Mountain, Spencer saved his life. I didn't expect that now, this guy would come looking for trouble again."

"Someone like Nazar, who has never experienced the cruelty of society, doesn't know how terrifying the Mystic Arts Order is." Emerald shook her head.

Her view was the same as Kieran's. Nazar bringing people to make trouble was purely courting death.

"The Frostfire Monastery is considered a major sect, and Nazar has brought so many people. I'm afraid Abigail won't be able to handle them." Ruby scanned around nervously.

The two or three dozen people Nazar brought with him were all formidable experts.

Although Abigail was the Grand Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order, she was ultimately alone.

"Sister Apprentice, you don't know. Ordinary experts might be afraid of being surrounded, but the people of the Mystic Arts Order are never worried about this. Have you ever thought about what the Mystic Arts Order is good at?" Ulysses said with profound meaning.

"Witchcraft and poison?" Ruby quickly realized.

"That's right!"

Ulysses nodded. "Let's not talk about witchcraft for now. Just the poison alone is enough to make countless martial artists tremble in fear! So don't be deceived by the large number of people Nazar brought. If a real fight breaks out, Miss Abigail just needs to use a bit of poison, and she can knock down all these people."

"Is poison really that powerful?" Ruby was somewhat skeptical.

"Not only is it powerful, it's incredibly mysterious!"

Ulysses spoke with lingering fear. "Do you know how many martial artists have died from poison? This kind of eerie stuff, which kills without a trace and is invisible to the naked eye, has become the nightmare of countless warriors!"

Chapter 2302 - Abigail Faces the Threat

The Mystic Arts Order had many enemies, but no sect dared to provoke them openly because of the terror of their poison, which had deeply ingrained fear in people's hearts!

Even our Thunderstrike Sword Alliance wouldn't want to be enemies with the Mystic Arts Order unless there was deep-seated enmity!

The Mystic Arts Order not only excelled in facing outnumbered odds but also employed various bizarre methods. Those who offended the disciples of the Mystic Arts Order often died without knowing how they died.

"In that case, won't Nazar and the others be in trouble?" Ruby raised an eyebrow. "Are they that foolish? Knowing that the Mystic Arts Order is not easy to provoke, they still rush to seek trouble?"

"What exactly happened, we'll know when we see it." Ulysses didn't say much, his gaze shifting towards outside.

At this moment, at the entrance of the tavern.

Abigail walked out alone.

"Vixen! So, you're here!"

Nazar pointed his long knife at her, looking resentful.

"It seems like the lesson you received this morning wasn't enough. You dare to come to me and show off? Are you not afraid of death?" Abigail smiled, but her eyes were cold.

"Hmph! Who lives and who dies is still uncertain!"

Nazar yelled angrily, "Let me tell you the truth, the people behind me are all martial arts experts hired with a hefty sum of money. Even if you're powerful, you can't take on so many alone!"


Abigail glanced around and sneered, "A bunch of lowlifes dare to call themselves experts? It's truly laughable!"




Abigail's words instantly enraged everyone present.

For a moment, the martial artists were filled with righteous indignation.

They were all renowned figures in the martial arts world. They had come here today, invited to collectively suppress the vixen, upholding the principle of eliminating evil for the common people.

Unexpectedly, this vixen before their eyes was so arrogant that she didn't even put them in her eyes.

"Vixen! Don't be so arrogant! We're all prepared today. Even if you have great abilities, you can't stir up any big waves in front of us!" Nazar shouted angrily.

"Is that so? Then come at me, and let's see how many lives you have, daring to be arrogant in front of me?" Abigail beckoned with her finger, her gaze contemptuous.

"Nazar It's just a little girl, why do we need our seniors to take action together? With us, the Garcon brothers, stepping forward, it's enough to capture her alive!"

At this moment, a pair of twin brothers stepped forward bravely.

"I've heard that you two have been testing poisons with your bodies for many years, and have long developed immunity to all poisons?" Nazar asked cautiously.

"That's right!"

The twins nodded simultaneously, "Our brothers are not good at anything else, but in terms of using poison, we're definitely top-notch. Dealing with this vixen is just right for us!"

"Alright! Then please, brothers, take action and capture this vixen together!" Nazar's face lit up with joy.

The most terrifying thing about the Mystic Arts Order was their Gu Poison.

Coincidentally, the Garcon brothers were immune to all poisons, completely fearless, and were the nemesis of the Mystic Arts Order's vixen!
Chapter 2301 - The Provocation

"A demoness! I know you're inside. Come out and meet your doom!"

The loud shout echoed once again, causing ripples in the tea water throughout the entire teahouse.

The gazes of Ulysses and his companions all turned to Abigail simultaneously.

Here, the only one who could be called a "demoness" was probably the woman in front of them.

The question was, who dared to be so audacious? They were openly challenging the Grand Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order?

"Everyone, please continue eating. I'll go out and deal with this."

Abigail smiled faintly, wiped her mouth with a tissue, then gracefully stood up and walked down the stairs.

Ulysses and his companions glanced at each other and walked to the window together to check the situation outside.

Outside the teahouse, a burly man with about twenty or thirty people was constantly shouting.

These people were holding long knives, looking fierce and menacing, as if they were about to start a massacre.

"Oh! Isn't that..."

Ruby raised her eyebrows and quickly recognized the burly man.

She had seen him before at the martial arts competition, but for a moment, she couldn't remember his name.

"He's Nazar Lenin, the Young Master of the Frostfire Monastery!" Ulysses added.

"That's right! It's him!"

Ruby nodded repeatedly. "This guy caused trouble at the martial arts competition before. As a result, he was turned into a pig head by Spencer Richards' Thunder Magic. I didn't expect him to recover so quickly. He's really tough."

"Nazar does have strength, but unfortunately, he's not very smart."

Kieran unfolded his folding fan and leisurely said, "Before, on Dragon and Tiger Mountain, Spencer saved his life. I didn't expect that now, this guy would come looking for trouble again."

"Someone like Nazar, who has never experienced the cruelty of society, doesn't know how terrifying the Mystic Arts Order is." Emerald shook her head.

Her view was the same as Kieran's. Nazar bringing people to make trouble was purely courting death.

"The Frostfire Monastery is considered a major sect, and Nazar has brought so many people. I'm afraid Abigail won't be able to handle them." Ruby scanned around nervously.

The two or three dozen people Nazar brought with him were all formidable experts.

Although Abigail was the Grand Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order, she was ultimately alone.

"Sister Apprentice, you don't know. Ordinary experts might be afraid of being surrounded, but the people of the Mystic Arts Order are never worried about this. Have you ever thought about what the Mystic Arts Order is good at?" Ulysses said with profound meaning.

"Witchcraft and poison?" Ruby quickly realized.

"That's right!"

Ulysses nodded. "Let's not talk about witchcraft for now. Just the poison alone is enough to make countless martial artists tremble in fear! So don't be deceived by the large number of people Nazar brought. If a real fight breaks out, Miss Abigail just needs to use a bit of poison, and she can knock down all these people."

"Is poison really that powerful?" Ruby was somewhat skeptical.

"Not only is it powerful, it's incredibly mysterious!"

Ulysses spoke with lingering fear. "Do you know how many martial artists have died from poison? This kind of eerie stuff, which kills without a trace and is invisible to the naked eye, has become the nightmare of countless warriors!"

Chapter 2302 - Abigail Faces the Threat

The Mystic Arts Order had many enemies, but no sect dared to provoke them openly because of the terror of their poison, which had deeply ingrained fear in people's hearts!

Even our Thunderstrike Sword Alliance wouldn't want to be enemies with the Mystic Arts Order unless there was deep-seated enmity!

The Mystic Arts Order not only excelled in facing outnumbered odds but also employed various bizarre methods. Those who offended the disciples of the Mystic Arts Order often died without knowing how they died.

"In that case, won't Nazar and the others be in trouble?" Ruby raised an eyebrow. "Are they that foolish? Knowing that the Mystic Arts Order is not easy to provoke, they still rush to seek trouble?"

"What exactly happened, we'll know when we see it." Ulysses didn't say much, his gaze shifting towards outside.

At this moment, at the entrance of the tavern.

Abigail walked out alone.

"Vixen! So, you're here!"

Nazar pointed his long knife at her, looking resentful.

"It seems like the lesson you received this morning wasn't enough. You dare to come to me and show off? Are you not afraid of death?" Abigail smiled, but her eyes were cold.

"Hmph! Who lives and who dies is still uncertain!"

Nazar yelled angrily, "Let me tell you the truth, the people behind me are all martial arts experts hired with a hefty sum of money. Even if you're powerful, you can't take on so many alone!"


Abigail glanced around and sneered, "A bunch of lowlifes dare to call themselves experts? It's truly laughable!"




Abigail's words instantly enraged everyone present.

For a moment, the martial artists were filled with righteous indignation.

They were all renowned figures in the martial arts world. They had come here today, invited to collectively suppress the vixen, upholding the principle of eliminating evil for the common people.

Unexpectedly, this vixen before their eyes was so arrogant that she didn't even put them in her eyes.

"Vixen! Don't be so arrogant! We're all prepared today. Even if you have great abilities, you can't stir up any big waves in front of us!" Nazar shouted angrily.

"Is that so? Then come at me, and let's see how many lives you have, daring to be arrogant in front of me?" Abigail beckoned with her finger, her gaze contemptuous.

"Nazar It's just a little girl, why do we need our seniors to take action together? With us, the Garcon brothers, stepping forward, it's enough to capture her alive!"

At this moment, a pair of twin brothers stepped forward bravely.

"I've heard that you two have been testing poisons with your bodies for many years, and have long developed immunity to all poisons?" Nazar asked cautiously.

"That's right!"

The twins nodded simultaneously, "Our brothers are not good at anything else, but in terms of using poison, we're definitely top-notch. Dealing with this vixen is just right for us!"

"Alright! Then please, brothers, take action and capture this vixen together!" Nazar's face lit up with joy.

The most terrifying thing about the Mystic Arts Order was their Gu Poison.

Coincidentally, the Garcon brothers were immune to all poisons, completely fearless, and were the nemesis of the Mystic Arts Order's vixen!
Another side track.😂
It's annoying but interesting. It shows that Dustin's every day and even night is action packed.
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But it's annoying. Starting from modern world CEO... We have moved to a different world.
The further you go from the cities, technology gets scarce. Moving away from the cities and into the country is like time travel. People in the most rural areas don't have access to modern science and technology but still revert to ancient methods/ technology to solve daily problems.
For example, people in rural areas still us the ox to plough the land.
Chapter 2303 - "The Twin Brothers' Coordinated Attack"

"Brother Nazar, rest assured, when you invite us, the Garcon brothers, we naturally have to help you out of trouble."

"That's right, you just rest on the sidelines and watch how we, the Garcon brothers, slay the demons!"

The twin brothers spoke in turn, exuding an air of confidence as if victory was already assured.

"Demoness! Do you hear me? If you know what's good for you, surrender now, or today will be your end!" Nazar glared and shouted.

"Why so much nonsense? If you want to fight, let's fight. I'm in a hurry to go upstairs for dinner." Abigail was getting impatient.


"Watch how we, the Garcon brothers, deal with you!"

The twin brothers were instantly provoked, without saying another word, they directly picked up their weapons and charged forward.

Their weapons were quite unique, one was a Judge's Pen, and the other was an Abacus.

They immediately launched their attack, with the Abacus swinging, a large number of abacus beads shot out like hidden weapons, covering the sky and raining down towards Abigail.

While the abacus beads were attacking from a distance, the Judge's Pen also thrust forward like a spear.

Their coordination was extremely tacit, and there was a hidden killing intent.

First, they used a large number of abacus beads to attract attention, then they struck with the Judge's Pen for a fatal blow.

For ordinary martial artists, it would be impossible to defend against.

But who was Abigail?

As the Grand Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order and the second-ranked powerhouse on the Heavenly Whiz List, she naturally didn't put the Garcon brothers' attacks in her eyes.

"Petty tricks."

Abigail snorted coldly and waved her hand.

A violent surge of qi burst out instantly, like a surging wave, directly sending the incoming abacus beads flying.

For a moment, it sounded like hail was falling all around.


Garcon's Elder Twin, who was holding the Judge's Pen, took advantage of Abigail's distraction and suddenly stabbed towards her chest.

Seeing this, Abigail remained expressionless, just extending two fingers and lightly gripping the Judge's Pen.

Garcon's Elder Twin's pupils contracted, his face showing shock.

He hadn't expected that their well-trained killing move would be effortlessly broken like this.

"Is this your strength?" Abigail looked at him with eyes that seemed to see death.

"Demoness! You've fallen into our trap!"

Garcon's Elder Twin suddenly smirked, then forcefully pressed the switch of the hidden weapon in the Judge's Pen.


The next moment, from the tip of the Judge's Pen, a Divine Frostbite Needle suddenly shot out.

The Divine Frostbite Needle was one of the top ten hidden weapons,

Specializing in breaking through protective qi and also having a strong freezing effect.

As long as it hit a vital point, no matter how profound one's cultivation was, it would be futile.

This Divine Frostbite Needle was the Garcon brothers' lifesaving move, and they would not use it lightly unless it was absolutely necessary.

Just now, Garcon's Elder Twin had already felt the threat of death, so he chose to directly use this killing move.

At such a close distance, the other party couldn't possibly dodge it.

"Hmph! Now let's see how you die!"

Just as the Garcon brothers thought the situation was set, Abigail suddenly opened her mouth and bit down on the Divine Frostbite Needle with her teeth.

Chapter 2304 - "The Emergence of the Four Tigers"

"What? How is that possible?!"

The Garcon brothers' faces changed drastically. Before they could react, Abigail suddenly took a deep breath and then forcefully expelled the ice-cold divine needle from her mouth.


The divine needle shot out, directly piercing through Garcon's Elder Twin's throat.


The Garcon's Elder Twin stiffened all over, standing still on the spot, his eyes widened in disbelief.

The next moment, his body rapidly froze, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into an ice sculpture.

Then, he fell backward with a "bang," shattering into pieces.

Dead and gone.

"Big brother!"

Seeing the shattered pieces of flesh on the ground, the Garcon's younger twin was both shocked and furious.

They had been fully prepared, but they never expected to fail in their sneak attack and end up being killed instead.

"Dare to kill my big brother? I'll fight you to the death!"

Garcon's younger twin's eyes were bloodshot, and he swung the abacus in his hand violently. All the abacus beads inside tilted out at the same time, shooting towards Abigail like a storm.

Abigail stood motionless, just raising her hand and suddenly waving her sleeve.


A violent surge of Grandmaster's Qi erupted, carrying an immense force that blew all the abacus beads back in reverse.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang..."

With a series of explosions, a large number of abacus beads pierced through the Garcon's younger twin's body like bullets, turning him into a hornet's nest.

Garcon's younger twin spurted out a mouthful of blood and collapsed on the ground, breathless.

From start to finish, the two sides only exchanged three moves.

"Dead... Are they dead?"

Looking at the incomplete bodies lying on the ground, everyone was speechless and dumbfounded.

They thought that the witch from the Mystic Arts Order was only good at using poison, and the Garcon brothers, who were immune to all poisons, happened to be her nemesis.

However, with just one encounter, both Garcon brothers were dead, completely without any chance to resist.

The strength of the two sides was simply not on the same level.

"Garcon brothers? Hmph! They're just a bunch of useless trash!" Nazar spat on the ground disdainfully.

He had thought that the two were experts, but as a result, they couldn't even withstand three moves from the witch. They were truly pathetic.

"Who else wants to come and die?"

Abigail stood quietly, her eyes cold and terrifying.

In the past, she would have already started a massacre without hesitation, not wasting any words.

But this was Dragon Tiger Mountain. In the past few days, she still had to continue her business. If she killed too many people, it would inevitably affect her business.

It was precisely because of this consideration that she was unwilling to make a big fuss.

Unfortunately, although she had mercy, others might not necessarily stop.

"Let the Four Tigers of Qingzhou also known as "Ferocious Four of Qingzhou" come and meet you!"

At this moment, four people walked out from behind Nazar.

These four people were tall, short, fat, and thin, each with a different appearance. When they gathered together, they had a somewhat imposing manner.

"The Ferocious Four of Qingzhou? I've never even heard of them."

Abigail said disdainfully, "In my opinion, you might as well come together. Don't dawdle, I'm short on time."

Chapter 2305 - "The Crane Formation's Assault"

"Vixen! Don't get cocky! The day after tomorrow will be your death anniversary!"

"Hmph! We, the Ferocious Four of Qingzhou, have roamed the rivers and lakes for many years. We've seen all kinds of storms and waves. You, a mere little vixen, dare to boast shamelessly in front of us. You truly don't know your place!"

"If you know what's good for you, kneel down and bow your head immediately, otherwise—kill!"


Abigail's contemptuous words instantly enraged the Ferocious Four of Qingzhou.

Each of them was filled with righteous indignation and shouted loudly.

Although the title of the Mystic Arts Order's Grand Sorceress was terrifying, they were all tough characters who had licked blood off their blades, fearless after experiencing life and death.

Of course, the main reason was that Abigail was too young.

At the age of eighteen or nineteen, even if she cultivated from the womb, she couldn't have a very high level of cultivation.

Moreover, Abigail was alone without any attendants by her side.

But they had a group of heroes supporting them.

Even if the opponent was powerful, they couldn't stand up against four fists with just two.

"So noisy!"

Abigail furrowed her brows slightly, somewhat impatient. "It seems that unless you see blood today, you won't know fear."

"Stop the nonsense! Let the four of us brothers have a chat with you, little vixen!"

The Ferocious Four of Qingzhou glanced at each other, no longer wasting words, and directly drew their weapons to charge forward.

The four men were fast, and when they launched their attacks, they even formed a Crane Formation.

The so-called Crane Formation had two people in the front and two in the back, forming a 'figure eight' shape to simulate the appearance of a flying crane.

The Crane Formation could attack and defend, advance and retreat, with unpredictable changes.

The four could easily change their offensive and defensive positions, achieving unexpected effects and defeating the enemy.

Especially in a situation where they outnumbered their opponent, the Crane Formation could unleash the power of strangulation.

"As expected of the Ferocious Four of Qingzhou! Their strength is much stronger than the Garcon brothers!"

"Yes! The Ferocious Four of Qingzhou are the powerful figures in the area. With the four of them joining forces against a vixen, it should be more than enough!"

"This vixen is still too young after all. She dares to fight alone, without even a follower by her side. Today is her death day!"

Seeing the menacing Ferocious Four of Qingzhou surrounding her, the experts behind Nazar couldn't help but discuss.

Obviously, compared to the newly appointed Grand Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order, Abigail, they still believed more in the victory of the Ferocious Four of Qingzhou.

"Tigers pounce for their prey!"

"Tiger's roar in the mountains!"

"Tigers display their might!"

"Dragons contend with tigers!"

After surrounding Abigail, the Ferocious Four of Qingzhou simultaneously attacked from various directions.

Some used swords, some used knives, some used hidden weapons, and some used poison.

For a moment, there were various attacks coming from all directions, overwhelming the senses.


Seeing the attacks of the four, Abigail snorted coldly and directly raised her hand to strike out with a palm.


The palm wind was like thunder, roaring out.

Carrying the force of a thousand catties, it suddenly pressed down on the Ferocious Four of Qingzhou.

Chapter 2306 - "Merciless Mercy"

The Ferocious Four of Qingzhou felt a sudden heaviness in their bodies, their movements instantly slowed down.

The next moment, a palm strike as fierce as a landslide and tsunami came crashing towards them.

The four of them felt as if they were struck by lightning, screaming in agony as they were sent flying more than ten meters away, then crashing heavily to the ground, blood gushing from their mouths.

With just one move, the Ferocious Four of Qingzhou were defeated.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, wearing expressions of disbelief.

"How... How could this be? The Ferocious Four of Qingzhou were actually defeated?"

"She defeated the Ferocious Four of Qingzhou with just one move. How strong is this demoness?"

Everyone looked at each other in shock.

When Abigail easily defeated the Garcon brothers earlier, they could understand, after all, the Garcon brothers' specialty was immunity to poisons, and their true combat power was not considered strong.

But the Ferocious Four of Qingzhou were the opposite, all four of them were extremely powerful, especially when they combined forces, they were invincible, rarely encountering opponents.

However, such experts, after just one encounter, were severely injured and spitting blood, which was truly terrifying.

"Demoness! You... You actually crippled our cultivation bases?!"

The Ferocious Four of Qingzhou lay on the ground, shocked and afraid, unable to get up for a long time.

"Crippling your cultivation bases, so what? Not killing you is already showing mercy." Abigail said expressionlessly.


The Ferocious Four of Qingzhou were so angry they spat out another mouthful of blood.

Originally, they had planned to make some money and gain some fame, but they didn't expect to fail miserably.

"Now, it's your turn!"

Abigail swept her gaze over and looked at Nazar's group.

Her sharp gaze made many people's eyelids twitch, feeling inexplicably flustered.

They were not stupid. Abigail's strength was so strong that there was no need for many words.

Letting her bully the weak was one thing, but if they really encountered top experts, it would undoubtedly be like an egg hitting a rock.

"Demoness! I didn't expect you to be so capable. I underestimated you before, but if you want to deal with the heroes and righteous men behind me with your own strength, it's undoubtedly a foolish dream!"

"Now, I'm going to let you see what it means to be outnumbered!"

"Heroes, let's kill the demoness together!"

Nazar raised his long knife and shouted loudly, full of momentum.

"Kill the demoness! Kill the demoness!"

After him, the others seemed to be infected, all raising their weapons and shouting.


Nazar waved his long knife forward, leading several experts from the Frostfire Monastery to charge forward.

At this moment, he had already forgotten about martial ethics, as long as he could avenge his father and wipe out his shame, he was capable of doing anything.


The other experts followed closely behind Nazar, shouting as they charged.

They had already taken the money, so naturally, they couldn't flee before battle, even if it was just for show, they had to finish the act.

Otherwise, how could they continue to mix in the martial world in the future?

Chapter 2307 - "Needles of Doom: Abigail's Deadly Déjà Vu"

"Not Knowing Your Own Limits!"

As the group led by Nazar charged towards them, Abigail's expression turned cold. She suddenly took out a fist-sized iron ball and threw it out.

This iron ball was one of the eight major hidden weapons of the Tang Discipline Academy, the Hundred Flowers Killer.

Inside the iron ball were 888 poison needles, each capable of nullifying protective true qi.

For martial artists below the grandmaster level, being hit by these poison needles would instantly immobilize them.

This item was won by Abigail from a Tang Discipline Academy expert at the gambling table, and now it came in handy.


After the Hundred Flowers Killer was thrown out, it emitted a slight buzzing sound as the mechanism inside began to operate rapidly.

The 888 poison needles were ready to be unleashed.

"Humph! You think you can harm us with mere hidden weapons? Simply delusional!"

Seeing Abigail throw out the iron ball, Nazar didn't even hesitate as he directly lifted his blade and chopped down.


As Nazar's blade made contact with the iron ball, countless tiny holes on the surface of the iron ball instantly erupted with a large number of poison needles.

"Shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo..."

These poison needles swept across the area like a violent storm.

"Watch out for hidden weapons!"

Someone exclaimed, but it was already too late.

The poison needles from the Hundred Flowers Killer had already been unleashed, turning the area within a ten-meter radius into a death zone.

Nazar, who was at the forefront, became the first target to be attacked.

Although Nazar reacted quickly and immediately activated his protective true qi for defense.

However, the poison needles of the Hundred Flowers Killer were specifically designed to break through protective true qi.

As a result, in an instant, Nazar was pierced like a sieve.

His entire body absorbed over a hundred poison needles.

Apart from Nazar, the other experts behind him also suffered fatal blows.

In an instant, some died, some were injured, and a large number of them fell to the ground.

On one hand, it was because the Hundred Flowers Killer of the Tang Discipline Academy was too formidable; on the other hand, it was because they were caught off guard.

They only knew that the Mystic Arts Order was good at using poison, but they didn't expect Abigail to have Tang Discipline Academy hidden weapons.

Without any preparation, they all fell into the trap.

Those with strong abilities managed to protect their vital points with weapons at a critical moment and barely saved their lives, while those with weaker abilities died on the spot.

More than twenty people, after just one exchange, lay sprawled on the ground.

Various wails and curses filled the air.

"The Hundred Flowers Killer of the Tang Discipline Academy is truly well-deserved of its reputation. It's unexpectedly effective."

Watching the large number of casualties, Abigail couldn't help but smirk.

She had just thrown out the Hundred Flowers Killer on a whim, wanting to test the power of the Tang Discipline Academy hidden weapons, but she didn't expect the effect to be so good.

Just one Hundred Flowers Killer knocked down more than twenty innate martial artists, truly living up to its reputation as a weapon of mass destruction.

If she had a few more of these, in a group fight, it would be invincible.

Chapter 2308 - "Run or Hide: Strategies Against the Hundred Flowers"

"My goodness! What was that just now? Why did everyone below collapse in the blink of an eye?"

On the second floor of the tavern, Ruby looked through the window at the scene below, her eyes widened in astonishment.

Everything happened too fast for her to react.

She saw Abigail throw something black, and then Nazar and his group screamed and fell to the ground.

"That's Tang Discipline Academy's Hundred Flowers Killer, one of the eight great hidden weapons, with extremely terrifying lethality, and it specializes in breaking through protective true qi. It's difficult for martial artists below Grandmaster level to resist." Ulysses's face was serious.

Although he had heard of the Hundred Flowers Killer before, he had never seen it with his own eyes.

In the past, he thought it was just Tang Discipline Academy boasting, with some exaggeration, but now, after witnessing the power of the Hundred Flowers Killer, he realized how terrifying this hidden weapon was.

"The Hundred Flowers Killer of Tang Discipline Academy? Isn't that too terrifying?" Ruby swallowed nervously, her heart still pounding.

If she had been down there just now, she would probably be a corpse by now.

"Although Tang Discipline Academy's Hundred Flowers Killer is powerful, its effective attack range is only thirty meters."

Kieran squinted and said, "Within thirty meters, it's extremely lethal, but beyond thirty meters, its power decreases by half. And the Hundred Flowers Killer is designed to be a delayed launch to avoid harming oneself, so to guard against it, it's simple. There are mainly two points: first, run for your life immediately upon seeing it, as fast as you can; second, find a sturdy cover for protection.

Although the Hundred Flowers Killer has the characteristic of breaking through true qi, its penetrating power is not strong. Rocks, steel, anything solid can weaken or even block the poisonous needles of the Hundred Flowers Killer.

Simply put, either run or hide.

Of course, if you're a Grandmaster in martial arts, you can ignore it altogether.

The poisonous needles of the Hundred Flowers Killer can break through true qi, but they can't break through the aura of a Grandmaster. In the end, as long as your strength is strong enough, any hidden weapon is just a decoration."

Although Tang Discipline Academy's hidden weapons were powerful, they also had certain drawbacks.

Firstly, powerful hidden weapons had strict material requirements and were difficult to manufacture, making mass production impossible. Only a few elite disciples could possess them.

Secondly, hidden weapons were consumables. Once fired, they were basically unusable again.

Finally, the deterrent power of hidden weapons was limited to martial artists below the Grandmaster level.

At the level of a Martial Arts Grandmaster, there were indeed hidden weapons that could harm them, but such things were extremely rare and precious.

Many people had never even heard of them.

"Even if there are some drawbacks, Tang Discipline Academy's hidden weapons are still frightening enough. In the future, if we unfortunately encounter them, it's best to be careful." Emerald's face was serious.

Even within a range of ten meters, she had no confidence in surviving the Hundred Flowers Killer.

Most importantly, there were no restrictions on the use of Tang Discipline Academy's hidden weapons. Even an ordinary person could kill a Martial Arts Master with just a flick of their finger.

Decades of cultivation were no match for an ordinary person's slight movement of the hand.

That... was the terrifying aspect of Tang Discipline Academy!
Chapter 2303 - "The Twin Brothers' Coordinated Attack"

"Brother Nazar, rest assured, when you invite us, the Garcon brothers, we naturally have to help you out of trouble."

"That's right, you just rest on the sidelines and watch how we, the Garcon brothers, slay the demons!"

The twin brothers spoke in turn, exuding an air of confidence as if victory was already assured.

"Demoness! Do you hear me? If you know what's good for you, surrender now, or today will be your end!" Nazar glared and shouted.

"Why so much nonsense? If you want to fight, let's fight. I'm in a hurry to go upstairs for dinner." Abigail was getting impatient.


"Watch how we, the Garcon brothers, deal with you!"

The twin brothers were instantly provoked, without saying another word, they directly picked up their weapons and charged forward.

Their weapons were quite unique, one was a Judge's Pen, and the other was an Abacus.

They immediately launched their attack, with the Abacus swinging, a large number of abacus beads shot out like hidden weapons, covering the sky and raining down towards Abigail.

While the abacus beads were attacking from a distance, the Judge's Pen also thrust forward like a spear.

Their coordination was extremely tacit, and there was a hidden killing intent.

First, they used a large number of abacus beads to attract attention, then they struck with the Judge's Pen for a fatal blow.

For ordinary martial artists, it would be impossible to defend against.

But who was Abigail?

As the Grand Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order and the second-ranked powerhouse on the Heavenly Whiz List, she naturally didn't put the Garcon brothers' attacks in her eyes.

"Petty tricks."

Abigail snorted coldly and waved her hand.

A violent surge of qi burst out instantly, like a surging wave, directly sending the incoming abacus beads flying.

For a moment, it sounded like hail was falling all around.


Garcon's Elder Twin, who was holding the Judge's Pen, took advantage of Abigail's distraction and suddenly stabbed towards her chest.

Seeing this, Abigail remained expressionless, just extending two fingers and lightly gripping the Judge's Pen.

Garcon's Elder Twin's pupils contracted, his face showing shock.

He hadn't expected that their well-trained killing move would be effortlessly broken like this.

"Is this your strength?" Abigail looked at him with eyes that seemed to see death.

"Demoness! You've fallen into our trap!"

Garcon's Elder Twin suddenly smirked, then forcefully pressed the switch of the hidden weapon in the Judge's Pen.


The next moment, from the tip of the Judge's Pen, a Divine Frostbite Needle suddenly shot out.

The Divine Frostbite Needle was one of the top ten hidden weapons,

Specializing in breaking through protective qi and also having a strong freezing effect.

As long as it hit a vital point, no matter how profound one's cultivation was, it would be futile.

This Divine Frostbite Needle was the Garcon brothers' lifesaving move, and they would not use it lightly unless it was absolutely necessary.

Just now, Garcon's Elder Twin had already felt the threat of death, so he chose to directly use this killing move.

At such a close distance, the other party couldn't possibly dodge it.

"Hmph! Now let's see how you die!"

Just as the Garcon brothers thought the situation was set, Abigail suddenly opened her mouth and bit down on the Divine Frostbite Needle with her teeth.

Chapter 2304 - "The Emergence of the Four Tigers"

"What? How is that possible?!"

The Garcon brothers' faces changed drastically. Before they could react, Abigail suddenly took a deep breath and then forcefully expelled the ice-cold divine needle from her mouth.


The divine needle shot out, directly piercing through Garcon's Elder Twin's throat.


The Garcon's Elder Twin stiffened all over, standing still on the spot, his eyes widened in disbelief.

The next moment, his body rapidly froze, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into an ice sculpture.

Then, he fell backward with a "bang," shattering into pieces.

Dead and gone.

"Big brother!"

Seeing the shattered pieces of flesh on the ground, the Garcon's younger twin was both shocked and furious.

They had been fully prepared, but they never expected to fail in their sneak attack and end up being killed instead.

"Dare to kill my big brother? I'll fight you to the death!"

Garcon's younger twin's eyes were bloodshot, and he swung the abacus in his hand violently. All the abacus beads inside tilted out at the same time, shooting towards Abigail like a storm.

Abigail stood motionless, just raising her hand and suddenly waving her sleeve.


A violent surge of Grandmaster's Qi erupted, carrying an immense force that blew all the abacus beads back in reverse.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang..."

With a series of explosions, a large number of abacus beads pierced through the Garcon's younger twin's body like bullets, turning him into a hornet's nest.

Garcon's younger twin spurted out a mouthful of blood and collapsed on the ground, breathless.

From start to finish, the two sides only exchanged three moves.

"Dead... Are they dead?"

Looking at the incomplete bodies lying on the ground, everyone was speechless and dumbfounded.

They thought that the witch from the Mystic Arts Order was only good at using poison, and the Garcon brothers, who were immune to all poisons, happened to be her nemesis.

However, with just one encounter, both Garcon brothers were dead, completely without any chance to resist.

The strength of the two sides was simply not on the same level.

"Garcon brothers? Hmph! They're just a bunch of useless trash!" Nazar spat on the ground disdainfully.

He had thought that the two were experts, but as a result, they couldn't even withstand three moves from the witch. They were truly pathetic.

"Who else wants to come and die?"

Abigail stood quietly, her eyes cold and terrifying.

In the past, she would have already started a massacre without hesitation, not wasting any words.

But this was Dragon Tiger Mountain. In the past few days, she still had to continue her business. If she killed too many people, it would inevitably affect her business.

It was precisely because of this consideration that she was unwilling to make a big fuss.

Unfortunately, although she had mercy, others might not necessarily stop.

"Let the Four Tigers of Qingzhou also known as "Ferocious Four of Qingzhou" come and meet you!"

At this moment, four people walked out from behind Nazar.

These four people were tall, short, fat, and thin, each with a different appearance. When they gathered together, they had a somewhat imposing manner.

"The Ferocious Four of Qingzhou? I've never even heard of them."

Abigail said disdainfully, "In my opinion, you might as well come together. Don't dawdle, I'm short on time."

Chapter 2305 - "The Crane Formation's Assault"

"Vixen! Don't get cocky! The day after tomorrow will be your death anniversary!"

"Hmph! We, the Ferocious Four of Qingzhou, have roamed the rivers and lakes for many years. We've seen all kinds of storms and waves. You, a mere little vixen, dare to boast shamelessly in front of us. You truly don't know your place!"

"If you know what's good for you, kneel down and bow your head immediately, otherwise—kill!"


Abigail's contemptuous words instantly enraged the Ferocious Four of Qingzhou.

Each of them was filled with righteous indignation and shouted loudly.

Although the title of the Mystic Arts Order's Grand Sorceress was terrifying, they were all tough characters who had licked blood off their blades, fearless after experiencing life and death.

Of course, the main reason was that Abigail was too young.

At the age of eighteen or nineteen, even if she cultivated from the womb, she couldn't have a very high level of cultivation.

Moreover, Abigail was alone without any attendants by her side.

But they had a group of heroes supporting them.

Even if the opponent was powerful, they couldn't stand up against four fists with just two.

"So noisy!"

Abigail furrowed her brows slightly, somewhat impatient. "It seems that unless you see blood today, you won't know fear."

"Stop the nonsense! Let the four of us brothers have a chat with you, little vixen!"

The Ferocious Four of Qingzhou glanced at each other, no longer wasting words, and directly drew their weapons to charge forward.

The four men were fast, and when they launched their attacks, they even formed a Crane Formation.

The so-called Crane Formation had two people in the front and two in the back, forming a 'figure eight' shape to simulate the appearance of a flying crane.

The Crane Formation could attack and defend, advance and retreat, with unpredictable changes.

The four could easily change their offensive and defensive positions, achieving unexpected effects and defeating the enemy.

Especially in a situation where they outnumbered their opponent, the Crane Formation could unleash the power of strangulation.

"As expected of the Ferocious Four of Qingzhou! Their strength is much stronger than the Garcon brothers!"

"Yes! The Ferocious Four of Qingzhou are the powerful figures in the area. With the four of them joining forces against a vixen, it should be more than enough!"

"This vixen is still too young after all. She dares to fight alone, without even a follower by her side. Today is her death day!"

Seeing the menacing Ferocious Four of Qingzhou surrounding her, the experts behind Nazar couldn't help but discuss.

Obviously, compared to the newly appointed Grand Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order, Abigail, they still believed more in the victory of the Ferocious Four of Qingzhou.

"Tigers pounce for their prey!"

"Tiger's roar in the mountains!"

"Tigers display their might!"

"Dragons contend with tigers!"

After surrounding Abigail, the Ferocious Four of Qingzhou simultaneously attacked from various directions.

Some used swords, some used knives, some used hidden weapons, and some used poison.

For a moment, there were various attacks coming from all directions, overwhelming the senses.


Seeing the attacks of the four, Abigail snorted coldly and directly raised her hand to strike out with a palm.


The palm wind was like thunder, roaring out.

Carrying the force of a thousand catties, it suddenly pressed down on the Ferocious Four of Qingzhou.

Chapter 2306 - "Merciless Mercy"

The Ferocious Four of Qingzhou felt a sudden heaviness in their bodies, their movements instantly slowed down.

The next moment, a palm strike as fierce as a landslide and tsunami came crashing towards them.

The four of them felt as if they were struck by lightning, screaming in agony as they were sent flying more than ten meters away, then crashing heavily to the ground, blood gushing from their mouths.

With just one move, the Ferocious Four of Qingzhou were defeated.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, wearing expressions of disbelief.

"How... How could this be? The Ferocious Four of Qingzhou were actually defeated?"

"She defeated the Ferocious Four of Qingzhou with just one move. How strong is this demoness?"

Everyone looked at each other in shock.

When Abigail easily defeated the Garcon brothers earlier, they could understand, after all, the Garcon brothers' specialty was immunity to poisons, and their true combat power was not considered strong.

But the Ferocious Four of Qingzhou were the opposite, all four of them were extremely powerful, especially when they combined forces, they were invincible, rarely encountering opponents.

However, such experts, after just one encounter, were severely injured and spitting blood, which was truly terrifying.

"Demoness! You... You actually crippled our cultivation bases?!"

The Ferocious Four of Qingzhou lay on the ground, shocked and afraid, unable to get up for a long time.

"Crippling your cultivation bases, so what? Not killing you is already showing mercy." Abigail said expressionlessly.


The Ferocious Four of Qingzhou were so angry they spat out another mouthful of blood.

Originally, they had planned to make some money and gain some fame, but they didn't expect to fail miserably.

"Now, it's your turn!"

Abigail swept her gaze over and looked at Nazar's group.

Her sharp gaze made many people's eyelids twitch, feeling inexplicably flustered.

They were not stupid. Abigail's strength was so strong that there was no need for many words.

Letting her bully the weak was one thing, but if they really encountered top experts, it would undoubtedly be like an egg hitting a rock.

"Demoness! I didn't expect you to be so capable. I underestimated you before, but if you want to deal with the heroes and righteous men behind me with your own strength, it's undoubtedly a foolish dream!"

"Now, I'm going to let you see what it means to be outnumbered!"

"Heroes, let's kill the demoness together!"

Nazar raised his long knife and shouted loudly, full of momentum.

"Kill the demoness! Kill the demoness!"

After him, the others seemed to be infected, all raising their weapons and shouting.


Nazar waved his long knife forward, leading several experts from the Frostfire Monastery to charge forward.

At this moment, he had already forgotten about martial ethics, as long as he could avenge his father and wipe out his shame, he was capable of doing anything.


The other experts followed closely behind Nazar, shouting as they charged.

They had already taken the money, so naturally, they couldn't flee before battle, even if it was just for show, they had to finish the act.

Otherwise, how could they continue to mix in the martial world in the future?

Chapter 2307 - "Needles of Doom: Abigail's Deadly Déjà Vu"

"Not Knowing Your Own Limits!"

As the group led by Nazar charged towards them, Abigail's expression turned cold. She suddenly took out a fist-sized iron ball and threw it out.

This iron ball was one of the eight major hidden weapons of the Tang Discipline Academy, the Hundred Flowers Killer.

Inside the iron ball were 888 poison needles, each capable of nullifying protective true qi.

For martial artists below the grandmaster level, being hit by these poison needles would instantly immobilize them.

This item was won by Abigail from a Tang Discipline Academy expert at the gambling table, and now it came in handy.


After the Hundred Flowers Killer was thrown out, it emitted a slight buzzing sound as the mechanism inside began to operate rapidly.

The 888 poison needles were ready to be unleashed.

"Humph! You think you can harm us with mere hidden weapons? Simply delusional!"

Seeing Abigail throw out the iron ball, Nazar didn't even hesitate as he directly lifted his blade and chopped down.


As Nazar's blade made contact with the iron ball, countless tiny holes on the surface of the iron ball instantly erupted with a large number of poison needles.

"Shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo..."

These poison needles swept across the area like a violent storm.

"Watch out for hidden weapons!"

Someone exclaimed, but it was already too late.

The poison needles from the Hundred Flowers Killer had already been unleashed, turning the area within a ten-meter radius into a death zone.

Nazar, who was at the forefront, became the first target to be attacked.

Although Nazar reacted quickly and immediately activated his protective true qi for defense.

However, the poison needles of the Hundred Flowers Killer were specifically designed to break through protective true qi.

As a result, in an instant, Nazar was pierced like a sieve.

His entire body absorbed over a hundred poison needles.

Apart from Nazar, the other experts behind him also suffered fatal blows.

In an instant, some died, some were injured, and a large number of them fell to the ground.

On one hand, it was because the Hundred Flowers Killer of the Tang Discipline Academy was too formidable; on the other hand, it was because they were caught off guard.

They only knew that the Mystic Arts Order was good at using poison, but they didn't expect Abigail to have Tang Discipline Academy hidden weapons.

Without any preparation, they all fell into the trap.

Those with strong abilities managed to protect their vital points with weapons at a critical moment and barely saved their lives, while those with weaker abilities died on the spot.

More than twenty people, after just one exchange, lay sprawled on the ground.

Various wails and curses filled the air.

"The Hundred Flowers Killer of the Tang Discipline Academy is truly well-deserved of its reputation. It's unexpectedly effective."

Watching the large number of casualties, Abigail couldn't help but smirk.

She had just thrown out the Hundred Flowers Killer on a whim, wanting to test the power of the Tang Discipline Academy hidden weapons, but she didn't expect the effect to be so good.

Just one Hundred Flowers Killer knocked down more than twenty innate martial artists, truly living up to its reputation as a weapon of mass destruction.

If she had a few more of these, in a group fight, it would be invincible.

Chapter 2308 - "Run or Hide: Strategies Against the Hundred Flowers"

"My goodness! What was that just now? Why did everyone below collapse in the blink of an eye?"

On the second floor of the tavern, Ruby looked through the window at the scene below, her eyes widened in astonishment.

Everything happened too fast for her to react.

She saw Abigail throw something black, and then Nazar and his group screamed and fell to the ground.

"That's Tang Discipline Academy's Hundred Flowers Killer, one of the eight great hidden weapons, with extremely terrifying lethality, and it specializes in breaking through protective true qi. It's difficult for martial artists below Grandmaster level to resist." Ulysses's face was serious.

Although he had heard of the Hundred Flowers Killer before, he had never seen it with his own eyes.

In the past, he thought it was just Tang Discipline Academy boasting, with some exaggeration, but now, after witnessing the power of the Hundred Flowers Killer, he realized how terrifying this hidden weapon was.

"The Hundred Flowers Killer of Tang Discipline Academy? Isn't that too terrifying?" Ruby swallowed nervously, her heart still pounding.

If she had been down there just now, she would probably be a corpse by now.

"Although Tang Discipline Academy's Hundred Flowers Killer is powerful, its effective attack range is only thirty meters."

Kieran squinted and said, "Within thirty meters, it's extremely lethal, but beyond thirty meters, its power decreases by half. And the Hundred Flowers Killer is designed to be a delayed launch to avoid harming oneself, so to guard against it, it's simple. There are mainly two points: first, run for your life immediately upon seeing it, as fast as you can; second, find a sturdy cover for protection.

Although the Hundred Flowers Killer has the characteristic of breaking through true qi, its penetrating power is not strong. Rocks, steel, anything solid can weaken or even block the poisonous needles of the Hundred Flowers Killer.

Simply put, either run or hide.

Of course, if you're a Grandmaster in martial arts, you can ignore it altogether.

The poisonous needles of the Hundred Flowers Killer can break through true qi, but they can't break through the aura of a Grandmaster. In the end, as long as your strength is strong enough, any hidden weapon is just a decoration."

Although Tang Discipline Academy's hidden weapons were powerful, they also had certain drawbacks.

Firstly, powerful hidden weapons had strict material requirements and were difficult to manufacture, making mass production impossible. Only a few elite disciples could possess them.

Secondly, hidden weapons were consumables. Once fired, they were basically unusable again.

Finally, the deterrent power of hidden weapons was limited to martial artists below the Grandmaster level.

At the level of a Martial Arts Grandmaster, there were indeed hidden weapons that could harm them, but such things were extremely rare and precious.

Many people had never even heard of them.

"Even if there are some drawbacks, Tang Discipline Academy's hidden weapons are still frightening enough. In the future, if we unfortunately encounter them, it's best to be careful." Emerald's face was serious.

Even within a range of ten meters, she had no confidence in surviving the Hundred Flowers Killer.

Most importantly, there were no restrictions on the use of Tang Discipline Academy's hidden weapons. Even an ordinary person could kill a Martial Arts Master with just a flick of their finger.

Decades of cultivation were no match for an ordinary person's slight movement of the hand.

That... was the terrifying aspect of Tang Discipline Academy!
Was Dustin even in the restaurant with them…?
He didn’t comment, say anything or even offer to help Abigail when the warriors showed up…
Dustin and Abigail don't know their opponents strength but irrespective they face them and they know when to retreat when odds are not on their side. Those are winners and Ulysses is a loser.
Was Dustin even in the restaurant with them…?
He didn’t comment, say anything or even offer to help Abigail when the warriors showed up…
She told them already that she is going downstairs to tidy up a little matter and she will be back. So Dustin naturally doesn't have to intervene. Moreover she is a Grandmaster and a grand sorceress then she should confess she is not those ranks if she can't defeat this petty warriors
Was Dustin even in the restaurant with them…?
He didn’t comment, say anything or even offer to help Abigail when the warriors showed up…
To start with, do these people really warriors? They are not and just gangsters. Dustin knows well of Abigail's power that she can handle these gangsters on her own.
Chapter 2309 -Abigail's Justice

Outside the tavern.

Under the leadership of Nazar, the group of experts lay wounded or dead, sprawled across the ground.

Only Abigail stood tall and unscathed.

The power of Hundred Flowers Killer exceeded Abigail's expectations. She thought if given the chance, she could exchange some hidden weapons with the Tang Discipline Academy.

Sometimes, it could have an unexpected effect.

"You... you're despicable, demoness!"

At this moment, lying on the ground, Nazar managed to utter a few words through difficulty.

Nazar's vitality was extremely astonishing. Even though he was pierced by hundreds of poisonous needles, he still clung to life.

"You're still not dead?"

Abigail raised an eyebrow, looking somewhat surprised.

Just now, Nazar was less than a meter away from Hundred Flowers Killer, and his body was undoubtedly ravaged by the explosion of poisonous Divine Frostbite Needle.

If it were anyone else, they would probably have perished long ago.

But Nazar, despite being severely injured and unable to move, still maintained an astonishing vitality that defied imagination.

"Demoness! If it weren't for your sneak attack with hidden weapons, do you think you could have injured me?"

Nazar's face was filled with indignation and bitterness.

"Even at death's door, you still speak boldly. I really don't know what's in your head."

Abigail approached and looked down at Nazar indifferently, saying, "In the past, you would have been a corpse by now. But today, I'm in a good mood, so I'm willing to give you a chance. As long as you kneel down and beg me, I might consider letting you go. How about it?"


Nazar spat, and it happened to land on Abigail's clothes. He shouted defiantly, "You demoness! Whether I live or die is up to you. If I, Nazar, frown today, then I'm not a man of my word!"

Abigail glanced at the spit on her clothes, her brows furrowing slightly, but then quickly returning to normal.

"Since you're so eager to die, then I'll grant your wish!"

Abigail reached out, and a long knife on the ground suddenly shot up into her hand.

In the next moment, Abigail swung the long knife, directly cutting Nazar in half at the waist.

"Demoness! Even in death, I won't let you off!"

After shouting his final words, Nazar breathed his last, his face contorted in a grimace.

Abigail threw down the knife and glanced at the few survivors. Before she could speak, they immediately knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly.

"Grand Sorceress, have mercy! Grand Sorceress, have mercy! We were just doing business for money and had no grudges with the Mystic Arts Order. Please spare us, Grand Sorceress! We promise we'll never cause trouble for you again!"

Kowtowing while pleading, they were already heavily injured, their meridians blocked by the Divine Frostbite Needle, their bodies weak and powerless.

To stay alive, they could only beg for mercy. Otherwise, they would meet the same fate as Nazar.

"You lot know what's good for you."

Abigail nodded in satisfaction and continued, "Get lost, and don't let me see you again."

"Yes, yes, yes, we'll leave immediately!"

They nodded frantically and then scrambled to escape.

Just when they thought they had reclaimed their lives, suddenly, a gust of wind swept over them.

Chapter 2310 - Mystic Arts Order's Decree

As the group looked up, they saw a mysterious figure in white robes soaring through the air above them. With a graceful somersault, he landed firmly in front of them.

Upon closer inspection, they were astonished to find that the figure blocking their path was none other than the guardian of the Mystic Arts Order!

"Daring to attack the Grand Sorceress? Unforgivable!"

The guardian in white robes didn't waste any words and immediately sent out a palm strike.


A violent surge of Grandmaster Qi transformed into a black tiger, roaring as it pounced towards the group with bared teeth and claws.

"Just wait! The Grand Sorceress has already promised to let..."

Before the group could finish their explanation, they were interrupted as the black tiger pounced on them, tearing them apart and sending limbs flying in all directions.

The guardian of the Mystic Arts Order had reached the level of a Grandmaster in strength.

Under a full-force attack like this, these innate martial artists stood no chance.

"Inform the Grand Sorceress, all the riffraff have been dealt with!"

After dispatching the group, the guardian in white robes immediately walked over to Abigail and bowed respectfully.

"Well done."

Abigail nodded indifferently. "Have someone clean up here, I don't want anything to spoil my appetite."

"Yes." The guardian in white robes bowed in acknowledgment.

Brushing off the dust from her clothes, Abigail suddenly looked up and glanced at the second floor, where Ruby and the others were. She smiled faintly.

However, this smile seemed oddly chilling to Ruby.

Back on the second floor, Abigail acted as if nothing had happened, still smiling as she had before.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting. The trouble has been taken care of. Come, let's continue drinking."

Abigail poured herself a glass of wine and downed it in one gulp.

The group exchanged glances and raised their glasses in return, except for Ruby, who remained motionless, casting a strange look at Abigail.

"Miss Ruby, why are you looking at me like that? Do you have something to say?" Abigail asked with a smile.

"Miss Abigail, those people just now had already lost their fighting ability and even begged for mercy on the ground. Why did you have to be so ruthless?" Ruby furrowed her brows slightly.

There's a saying, 'Spare those who surrender.' Abigail's merciless style made her very uncomfortable.

Even her tone of speech had become much colder.

"Why, do you think I'm too cruel?" Abigail smiled lightly.

"Yes!" Ruby didn't mince her words. "You've already won. Why did you have to kill them?"

"Have you ever thought about what would have happened if I were weak and unable to fight back against them today?" Abigail countered.

"I..." Ruby was momentarily speechless.

It was clear that if Abigail had lost, she would have been brutally murdered by them to avenge her father.

"It seems you already have an answer."

Abigail smiled faintly. "Today, they were the ones trying to kill me. I was just defending myself. What's wrong with that? Besides, do you really think they were kind-hearted people? A bunch of mercenaries who do anything for money, committing all sorts of atrocities, leaving them in the world would only bring harm. Killing them is ridding the world of evil, don't you think?"
Chapter 2309 -Abigail's Justice

Outside the tavern.

Under the leadership of Nazar, the group of experts lay wounded or dead, sprawled across the ground.

Only Abigail stood tall and unscathed.

The power of Hundred Flowers Killer exceeded Abigail's expectations. She thought if given the chance, she could exchange some hidden weapons with the Tang Discipline Academy.

Sometimes, it could have an unexpected effect.

"You... you're despicable, demoness!"

At this moment, lying on the ground, Nazar managed to utter a few words through difficulty.

Nazar's vitality was extremely astonishing. Even though he was pierced by hundreds of poisonous needles, he still clung to life.

"You're still not dead?"

Abigail raised an eyebrow, looking somewhat surprised.

Just now, Nazar was less than a meter away from Hundred Flowers Killer, and his body was undoubtedly ravaged by the explosion of poisonous Divine Frostbite Needle.

If it were anyone else, they would probably have perished long ago.

But Nazar, despite being severely injured and unable to move, still maintained an astonishing vitality that defied imagination.

"Demoness! If it weren't for your sneak attack with hidden weapons, do you think you could have injured me?"

Nazar's face was filled with indignation and bitterness.

"Even at death's door, you still speak boldly. I really don't know what's in your head."

Abigail approached and looked down at Nazar indifferently, saying, "In the past, you would have been a corpse by now. But today, I'm in a good mood, so I'm willing to give you a chance. As long as you kneel down and beg me, I might consider letting you go. How about it?"


Nazar spat, and it happened to land on Abigail's clothes. He shouted defiantly, "You demoness! Whether I live or die is up to you. If I, Nazar, frown today, then I'm not a man of my word!"

Abigail glanced at the spit on her clothes, her brows furrowing slightly, but then quickly returning to normal.

"Since you're so eager to die, then I'll grant your wish!"

Abigail reached out, and a long knife on the ground suddenly shot up into her hand.

In the next moment, Abigail swung the long knife, directly cutting Nazar in half at the waist.

"Demoness! Even in death, I won't let you off!"

After shouting his final words, Nazar breathed his last, his face contorted in a grimace.

Abigail threw down the knife and glanced at the few survivors. Before she could speak, they immediately knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly.

"Grand Sorceress, have mercy! Grand Sorceress, have mercy! We were just doing business for money and had no grudges with the Mystic Arts Order. Please spare us, Grand Sorceress! We promise we'll never cause trouble for you again!"

Kowtowing while pleading, they were already heavily injured, their meridians blocked by the Divine Frostbite Needle, their bodies weak and powerless.

To stay alive, they could only beg for mercy. Otherwise, they would meet the same fate as Nazar.

"You lot know what's good for you."

Abigail nodded in satisfaction and continued, "Get lost, and don't let me see you again."

"Yes, yes, yes, we'll leave immediately!"

They nodded frantically and then scrambled to escape.

Just when they thought they had reclaimed their lives, suddenly, a gust of wind swept over them.

Chapter 2310 - Mystic Arts Order's Decree

As the group looked up, they saw a mysterious figure in white robes soaring through the air above them. With a graceful somersault, he landed firmly in front of them.

Upon closer inspection, they were astonished to find that the figure blocking their path was none other than the guardian of the Mystic Arts Order!

"Daring to attack the Grand Sorceress? Unforgivable!"

The guardian in white robes didn't waste any words and immediately sent out a palm strike.


A violent surge of Grandmaster Qi transformed into a black tiger, roaring as it pounced towards the group with bared teeth and claws.

"Just wait! The Grand Sorceress has already promised to let..."

Before the group could finish their explanation, they were interrupted as the black tiger pounced on them, tearing them apart and sending limbs flying in all directions.

The guardian of the Mystic Arts Order had reached the level of a Grandmaster in strength.

Under a full-force attack like this, these innate martial artists stood no chance.

"Inform the Grand Sorceress, all the riffraff have been dealt with!"

After dispatching the group, the guardian in white robes immediately walked over to Abigail and bowed respectfully.

"Well done."

Abigail nodded indifferently. "Have someone clean up here, I don't want anything to spoil my appetite."

"Yes." The guardian in white robes bowed in acknowledgment.

Brushing off the dust from her clothes, Abigail suddenly looked up and glanced at the second floor, where Ruby and the others were. She smiled faintly.

However, this smile seemed oddly chilling to Ruby.

Back on the second floor, Abigail acted as if nothing had happened, still smiling as she had before.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting. The trouble has been taken care of. Come, let's continue drinking."

Abigail poured herself a glass of wine and downed it in one gulp.

The group exchanged glances and raised their glasses in return, except for Ruby, who remained motionless, casting a strange look at Abigail.

"Miss Ruby, why are you looking at me like that? Do you have something to say?" Abigail asked with a smile.

"Miss Abigail, those people just now had already lost their fighting ability and even begged for mercy on the ground. Why did you have to be so ruthless?" Ruby furrowed her brows slightly.

There's a saying, 'Spare those who surrender.' Abigail's merciless style made her very uncomfortable.

Even her tone of speech had become much colder.

"Why, do you think I'm too cruel?" Abigail smiled lightly.

"Yes!" Ruby didn't mince her words. "You've already won. Why did you have to kill them?"

"Have you ever thought about what would have happened if I were weak and unable to fight back against them today?" Abigail countered.

"I..." Ruby was momentarily speechless.

It was clear that if Abigail had lost, she would have been brutally murdered by them to avenge her father.

"It seems you already have an answer."

Abigail smiled faintly. "Today, they were the ones trying to kill me. I was just defending myself. What's wrong with that? Besides, do you really think they were kind-hearted people? A bunch of mercenaries who do anything for money, committing all sorts of atrocities, leaving them in the world would only bring harm. Killing them is ridding the world of evil, don't you think?"
Ride on Baby. 😘

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Chapter 1934    Night falls quickly.    In the desert village, various forces are gathering more and more. There are famous sects, some crooked ones, some world-famous martial arts masters, and some notorious villains.    All kinds of groups, a mixture of people, the good and the bad.   ...
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An Understated Dominance Chapter 1923 ”Nonsense! This is imperial green glass, and it’s also an antique, worth thousands of gold!” Leo Alexander said angrily. ”It’s worth a thousand gold? It’s indeed a good treasure!” The middle-aged man looked happy and quickly put the jade bracelet away...


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