An Understated Dominance, Dustin Rhys story. Chapters 1301 and beyond - JUNLEE (aka Jungal2000) English interpretation

Translated by Jungal2000

This is my take on an ongoing Chinese novel by an unknown author. I've never been much of a reader when it comes to lengthy novels, but as soon as I delved into this tale, I was hooked like a fanatic. And I can't seem to stop. Unfortunately, the English version I was following only released three chapters a day, and my appetite for the story was insatiable. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started translating the Chinese text myself. Along the way, I've tried to inject some context into it because Google's translation tends to be too literal.

I've used different names for characters in my translations since they're a result of my own artistic interpretation. I began my translations from Chapter 967, which was posted in a different discussion thread. My aim is to tackle at least 100 chapters a week. However, as much as I love translating and reading this novel, I make sure to reserve my weekends for my family and friends – they're the ones who matter most to me.

The reason for this new thread is that during my two days off, some talented translators have continued where I left off. Their work is already shared and posted in my previous thread. This is fantastic news for readers looking for weekend reads. To avoid any confusion, I decided to create a new thread where I can upload and continue my translations. I'm doing all of this out of love for the story and the enjoyment I get from the process; it makes me feel like I'm a part of the narrative.

For those who are new to this, the best translations are provided by Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, and they are the work of the legendary translator Marina Vitori.

This is the tale of a prince, a legendary Kirin known as Logan Rhys. His life underwent a dramatic change a decade ago when his mother met a mysterious and untimely demise. Fueled by a relentless pursuit of truth, justice, and vengeance, he abandoned his royal palace and adopted the guise of a commoner, going by the name Dustin Rhys. The once-arrogant young prince transformed into a timid and soft-spoken individual, making him an easy target for bullies.

During these ten years, Logan secretly honed his skills and strength, undergoing a profound transformation. However, a recent divorce from his wife, Dahlia Nicholson, after three years of marriage, coupled with a series of life-altering events, pushed him back into action. Slowly but surely, he began to shed his timid persona, reemerging as the formidable figure he once was.

Join us as we follow the journey of Dustin, or Logan, as he strives to surpass, outmaneuver, and overpower entire armies and kingdoms, all through his own determination and bare hands.
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Chapter 2309 -Abigail's Justice

Outside the tavern.

Under the leadership of Nazar, the group of experts lay wounded or dead, sprawled across the ground.

Only Abigail stood tall and unscathed.

The power of Hundred Flowers Killer exceeded Abigail's expectations. She thought if given the chance, she could exchange some hidden weapons with the Tang Discipline Academy.

Sometimes, it could have an unexpected effect.

"You... you're despicable, demoness!"

At this moment, lying on the ground, Nazar managed to utter a few words through difficulty.

Nazar's vitality was extremely astonishing. Even though he was pierced by hundreds of poisonous needles, he still clung to life.

"You're still not dead?"

Abigail raised an eyebrow, looking somewhat surprised.

Just now, Nazar was less than a meter away from Hundred Flowers Killer, and his body was undoubtedly ravaged by the explosion of poisonous Divine Frostbite Needle.

If it were anyone else, they would probably have perished long ago.

But Nazar, despite being severely injured and unable to move, still maintained an astonishing vitality that defied imagination.

"Demoness! If it weren't for your sneak attack with hidden weapons, do you think you could have injured me?"

Nazar's face was filled with indignation and bitterness.

"Even at death's door, you still speak boldly. I really don't know what's in your head."

Abigail approached and looked down at Nazar indifferently, saying, "In the past, you would have been a corpse by now. But today, I'm in a good mood, so I'm willing to give you a chance. As long as you kneel down and beg me, I might consider letting you go. How about it?"


Nazar spat, and it happened to land on Abigail's clothes. He shouted defiantly, "You demoness! Whether I live or die is up to you. If I, Nazar, frown today, then I'm not a man of my word!"

Abigail glanced at the spit on her clothes, her brows furrowing slightly, but then quickly returning to normal.

"Since you're so eager to die, then I'll grant your wish!"

Abigail reached out, and a long knife on the ground suddenly shot up into her hand.

In the next moment, Abigail swung the long knife, directly cutting Nazar in half at the waist.

"Demoness! Even in death, I won't let you off!"

After shouting his final words, Nazar breathed his last, his face contorted in a grimace.

Abigail threw down the knife and glanced at the few survivors. Before she could speak, they immediately knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly.

"Grand Sorceress, have mercy! Grand Sorceress, have mercy! We were just doing business for money and had no grudges with the Mystic Arts Order. Please spare us, Grand Sorceress! We promise we'll never cause trouble for you again!"

Kowtowing while pleading, they were already heavily injured, their meridians blocked by the Divine Frostbite Needle, their bodies weak and powerless.

To stay alive, they could only beg for mercy. Otherwise, they would meet the same fate as Nazar.

"You lot know what's good for you."

Abigail nodded in satisfaction and continued, "Get lost, and don't let me see you again."

"Yes, yes, yes, we'll leave immediately!"

They nodded frantically and then scrambled to escape.

Just when they thought they had reclaimed their lives, suddenly, a gust of wind swept over them.

Chapter 2310 - Mystic Arts Order's Decree

As the group looked up, they saw a mysterious figure in white robes soaring through the air above them. With a graceful somersault, he landed firmly in front of them.

Upon closer inspection, they were astonished to find that the figure blocking their path was none other than the guardian of the Mystic Arts Order!

"Daring to attack the Grand Sorceress? Unforgivable!"

The guardian in white robes didn't waste any words and immediately sent out a palm strike.


A violent surge of Grandmaster Qi transformed into a black tiger, roaring as it pounced towards the group with bared teeth and claws.

"Just wait! The Grand Sorceress has already promised to let..."

Before the group could finish their explanation, they were interrupted as the black tiger pounced on them, tearing them apart and sending limbs flying in all directions.

The guardian of the Mystic Arts Order had reached the level of a Grandmaster in strength.

Under a full-force attack like this, these innate martial artists stood no chance.

"Inform the Grand Sorceress, all the riffraff have been dealt with!"

After dispatching the group, the guardian in white robes immediately walked over to Abigail and bowed respectfully.

"Well done."

Abigail nodded indifferently. "Have someone clean up here, I don't want anything to spoil my appetite."

"Yes." The guardian in white robes bowed in acknowledgment.

Brushing off the dust from her clothes, Abigail suddenly looked up and glanced at the second floor, where Ruby and the others were. She smiled faintly.

However, this smile seemed oddly chilling to Ruby.

Back on the second floor, Abigail acted as if nothing had happened, still smiling as she had before.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting. The trouble has been taken care of. Come, let's continue drinking."

Abigail poured herself a glass of wine and downed it in one gulp.

The group exchanged glances and raised their glasses in return, except for Ruby, who remained motionless, casting a strange look at Abigail.

"Miss Ruby, why are you looking at me like that? Do you have something to say?" Abigail asked with a smile.

"Miss Abigail, those people just now had already lost their fighting ability and even begged for mercy on the ground. Why did you have to be so ruthless?" Ruby furrowed her brows slightly.

There's a saying, 'Spare those who surrender.' Abigail's merciless style made her very uncomfortable.

Even her tone of speech had become much colder.

"Why, do you think I'm too cruel?" Abigail smiled lightly.

"Yes!" Ruby didn't mince her words. "You've already won. Why did you have to kill them?"

"Have you ever thought about what would have happened if I were weak and unable to fight back against them today?" Abigail countered.

"I..." Ruby was momentarily speechless.

It was clear that if Abigail had lost, she would have been brutally murdered by them to avenge her father.

"It seems you already have an answer."

Abigail smiled faintly. "Today, they were the ones trying to kill me. I was just defending myself. What's wrong with that? Besides, do you really think they were kind-hearted people? A bunch of mercenaries who do anything for money, committing all sorts of atrocities, leaving them in the world would only bring harm. Killing them is ridding the world of evil, don't you think?"
Very typical of Abigail. Why am I not surprised???
Thanks IGM Junlee.
Chapter 2311 - "Saints and Sinners: Abigail's Advice to Ruby"


Abigail's words directly silenced Ruby, her face blushing.

She suddenly realized that she had been too naive in her thinking.

The grudges and enmities in the martial world sometimes make no sense, it's either you kill me or I kill you.

If Nazar wants to put Abigail in a dangerous situation, then Abigail, in self-defense, naturally has the right to retaliate against these people.

Her actions are not wrong.

And as Abigail said, those who do things for money are not righteous people.

It's not worth standing up for them.

"Sister Ruby, from the look of you, you must be new to the martial world. It's a good thing to have good intentions, but you have to be careful about who you trust. Blindly acting like a saint will only harm yourself and others."

Abigail chuckled meaningfully, "Alright, let bygones be bygones. There's no need to hurt our relationship over some strangers. Come on, let's continue drinking."

With that, she raised her glass and gestured towards Ruby.

Ruby hesitated for a moment but eventually raised her glass and drank it all.

After a minor disturbance, the atmosphere between the two parties returned to normal as if nothing had happened, continuing to eat, drink, and chat.

Outside the tavern, members of the Mystic Arts Order were swiftly cleaning up the scene.

With so many people dead, blood and bodies everywhere, even though it was self-defense, there was still a need to cover up the bodies in time to avoid any repercussions.

Damaging their reputation is one thing, but affecting their ability to make money is a bigger concern.

The night passed quickly.

The next day, in the early morning.

Dragon Tiger Mountain was still bustling with excitement. The competition had not yet begun, but the venue was already packed with people.

In order to make more money, Abigail spared no expense to secure the best location.

The number of gambling tables had increased from one to ten, allowing more gamblers to participate.

There were various gambling methods, including betting on wins and losses, betting on time, and even betting on martial arts moves.

In addition to adding more gambling tables, Abigail had specially arranged for dozens of boxes of spirit stones to be brought in overnight from the Mystic Arts Order, making thorough preparations.

Compared to the minor disturbances of the first day, Abigail was clearly planning something big this time.

After all, the audience coming to Dragon Tiger Mountain to watch the competition numbered in the tens of thousands, including elites from various major sects.

These were all potential targets. If they could be developed into "leeks" (easy targets for exploitation), it would mean immense wealth for Abigail.

Of course, to be on the safe side, Abigail had made special arrangements.

As for gambling activities, Dragon Tiger Mountain turned a blind eye as long as it didn't affect the competition.

This provided enough room for Abigail to expand.

Thus, the new round of "leek" harvesting plan was officially launched.

Chapter 2312 - "Emblems and Enigmas: Dustin's Mysterious Meeting"

When Abigail was harvesting wildly on the competition field, Dustin did not participate. Instead, he went alone to a strange and remote place.

The reason he didn't go to watch the competition on Dragon Tiger Mountain was that when he woke up this morning, he saw a letter under the door crack.

The content of the letter was simple, just a request to meet him alone.

If it was an ordinary invitation, Dustin naturally wouldn't have taken it seriously, but this letter also contained a special emblem.

It was the emblem of the Western Warrior's Shrine of the Gods!

The Warrior's Shrine of the Gods, the greatest enemy of the West Lucozia.

Over the years, the organization of the Warrior's Shrine of the Gods has been trying every means to sow discord, assassinate court officials, and stop the development of the Dragonmarsh by all means necessary.

Still fresh in his memory was when in Swinston, the Warrior's Shrine of the Gods mobilized four major deities and a god king to assassinate his father, Rufus.

Although they ultimately failed, the Warrior's Shrine of the Gods remained persistent in their covert schemes.

This time, the people of the Warrior's Shrine of the Gods appeared near Dragon Tiger Mountain, clearly with ulterior motives.

Dustin was puzzled as to why the people of the Warrior's Shrine of the Gods would approach him without revealing his identity.

To find out the truth, Dustin eventually chose to accept the invitation.

Following the address left in the letter, Dustin finally arrived at the entrance of a private residence.

This private residence was quite large, resembling a quadrangle courtyard with luxurious decorations.

Tall gates, grand courtyards, the owner of the private residence was obviously wealthy and noble.

Dustin approached and knocked on the vermilion gate.

Before long, the gate slowly opened a crack, and a maid with exotic charm poked her head out, asking, "Sir, who are you looking for?"

"I've been invited."

As Dustin spoke, he handed over the emblem from the letter.

"Oh, it's an honored guest. Please come in."

The maid immediately smiled, opened the gate wider, and gestured for him to enter.

Dustin nodded, said nothing more, and walked straight in.

Guided by the maid, Dustin passed through the garden, crossed a rockery bridge, and finally arrived in front of the living room.

"Guest, please wait here for a moment, my master will be with you shortly."

The maid stopped in front of the door, bowed to Dustin, and quickly excused herself.

Dustin confidently walked into the living room, only to find more than ten people already seated inside.

Men and women, all sorts of attire, and each of them had impressive strength.

Pick any one of them, and they were all martial artists in the late innate stage.

Among them, there were even Grandmaster-level experts present.

"It seems the invitation was not just for me."

Dustin glanced around, already calculating in his mind.

He remained composed, found a seat at the end, and sat down.

"Hey! Who the hell gave you the right to sit down?!"

At that moment, a burly man with a stubbled chin suddenly stood up, glaring at Dustin with a fierce and menacing look.
Chapter 2311 - "Saints and Sinners: Abigail's Advice to Ruby"


Abigail's words directly silenced Ruby, her face blushing.

She suddenly realized that she had been too naive in her thinking.

The grudges and enmities in the martial world sometimes make no sense, it's either you kill me or I kill you.

If Nazar wants to put Abigail in a dangerous situation, then Abigail, in self-defense, naturally has the right to retaliate against these people.

Her actions are not wrong.

And as Abigail said, those who do things for money are not righteous people.

It's not worth standing up for them.

"Sister Ruby, from the look of you, you must be new to the martial world. It's a good thing to have good intentions, but you have to be careful about who you trust. Blindly acting like a saint will only harm yourself and others."

Abigail chuckled meaningfully, "Alright, let bygones be bygones. There's no need to hurt our relationship over some strangers. Come on, let's continue drinking."

With that, she raised her glass and gestured towards Ruby.

Ruby hesitated for a moment but eventually raised her glass and drank it all.

After a minor disturbance, the atmosphere between the two parties returned to normal as if nothing had happened, continuing to eat, drink, and chat.

Outside the tavern, members of the Mystic Arts Order were swiftly cleaning up the scene.

With so many people dead, blood and bodies everywhere, even though it was self-defense, there was still a need to cover up the bodies in time to avoid any repercussions.

Damaging their reputation is one thing, but affecting their ability to make money is a bigger concern.

The night passed quickly.

The next day, in the early morning.

Dragon Tiger Mountain was still bustling with excitement. The competition had not yet begun, but the venue was already packed with people.

In order to make more money, Abigail spared no expense to secure the best location.

The number of gambling tables had increased from one to ten, allowing more gamblers to participate.

There were various gambling methods, including betting on wins and losses, betting on time, and even betting on martial arts moves.

In addition to adding more gambling tables, Abigail had specially arranged for dozens of boxes of spirit stones to be brought in overnight from the Mystic Arts Order, making thorough preparations.

Compared to the minor disturbances of the first day, Abigail was clearly planning something big this time.

After all, the audience coming to Dragon Tiger Mountain to watch the competition numbered in the tens of thousands, including elites from various major sects.

These were all potential targets. If they could be developed into "leeks" (easy targets for exploitation), it would mean immense wealth for Abigail.

Of course, to be on the safe side, Abigail had made special arrangements.

As for gambling activities, Dragon Tiger Mountain turned a blind eye as long as it didn't affect the competition.

This provided enough room for Abigail to expand.

Thus, the new round of "leek" harvesting plan was officially launched.

Chapter 2312 - "Emblems and Enigmas: Dustin's Mysterious Meeting"

When Abigail was harvesting wildly on the competition field, Dustin did not participate. Instead, he went alone to a strange and remote place.

The reason he didn't go to watch the competition on Dragon Tiger Mountain was that when he woke up this morning, he saw a letter under the door crack.

The content of the letter was simple, just a request to meet him alone.

If it was an ordinary invitation, Dustin naturally wouldn't have taken it seriously, but this letter also contained a special emblem.

It was the emblem of the Western Warrior's Shrine of the Gods!

The Warrior's Shrine of the Gods, the greatest enemy of the West Lucozia.

Over the years, the organization of the Warrior's Shrine of the Gods has been trying every means to sow discord, assassinate court officials, and stop the development of the Dragonmarsh by all means necessary.

Still fresh in his memory was when in Swinston, the Warrior's Shrine of the Gods mobilized four major deities and a god king to assassinate his father, Rufus.

Although they ultimately failed, the Warrior's Shrine of the Gods remained persistent in their covert schemes.

This time, the people of the Warrior's Shrine of the Gods appeared near Dragon Tiger Mountain, clearly with ulterior motives.

Dustin was puzzled as to why the people of the Warrior's Shrine of the Gods would approach him without revealing his identity.

To find out the truth, Dustin eventually chose to accept the invitation.

Following the address left in the letter, Dustin finally arrived at the entrance of a private residence.

This private residence was quite large, resembling a quadrangle courtyard with luxurious decorations.

Tall gates, grand courtyards, the owner of the private residence was obviously wealthy and noble.

Dustin approached and knocked on the vermilion gate.

Before long, the gate slowly opened a crack, and a maid with exotic charm poked her head out, asking, "Sir, who are you looking for?"

"I've been invited."

As Dustin spoke, he handed over the emblem from the letter.

"Oh, it's an honored guest. Please come in."

The maid immediately smiled, opened the gate wider, and gestured for him to enter.

Dustin nodded, said nothing more, and walked straight in.

Guided by the maid, Dustin passed through the garden, crossed a rockery bridge, and finally arrived in front of the living room.

"Guest, please wait here for a moment, my master will be with you shortly."

The maid stopped in front of the door, bowed to Dustin, and quickly excused herself.

Dustin confidently walked into the living room, only to find more than ten people already seated inside.

Men and women, all sorts of attire, and each of them had impressive strength.

Pick any one of them, and they were all martial artists in the late innate stage.

Among them, there were even Grandmaster-level experts present.

"It seems the invitation was not just for me."

Dustin glanced around, already calculating in his mind.

He remained composed, found a seat at the end, and sat down.

"Hey! Who the hell gave you the right to sit down?!"

At that moment, a burly man with a stubbled chin suddenly stood up, glaring at Dustin with a fierce and menacing look.
There's going to be a fight soon😃😃😃
Good to hear the name Swinston again. I can still remember the fight and those from the builderthorn guide with their master present also and they witnessed gods fighting and knew at that moment they had fucked up. They realised the Dustin they came to kill was not even in the same league with them. When they saw the battle with Dustin and men butcher who he did not particularly like among his father's aides against the west warriors. That day builderthorn guide cease to exist also.
Chapter 2313 - "Greet or Get Beat"


Dustin was a bit bewildered by the sudden change.

He looked around and found that the strong man with a stubble did not look away, so he pointed at himself and asked tentatively, "Are you talking about me?"

"Nonsense! Who else could it be if not you?"

The stubbled strong man glared and shouted, "Do you understand the rules? You come in and don't even greet us, just sit down on your own. Do you have no respect for us?!"


Dustin raised an eyebrow slightly and said indifferently, "Do I know you? Why should I greet you? Besides, even if I don't respect you, what can you do about it?"

"Hey! Do you want a beating?!"

The stubbled strong man instantly flew into a rage, about to make a move, but was stopped by a man in white with a somewhat sinister face.

"Calm down, this young man doesn't understand the rules, let's teach him instead of resorting to violence. If the host sees this later, it will be a joke."

The man in white raised his hand to signal the stubbled man to sit down, then looked at Dustin and said with a smile, "Young man, judging by your appearance, you must be new here, right? Today, let me tell you about the rules. It's common courtesy to greet everyone when entering a place. Everyone here is a senior from all over the world. It's not too much to greet them, is it?"

"If they are indeed seniors in the martial world, then a greeting wouldn't be out of place. But your behavior doesn't show any sign of seniority. Starting off with a show of strength, one might mistake you for bandits in the mountains," Dustin said lightly.

At this, the smile on the man in white's face froze for a moment, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

As for the stubbled strong man, he slammed the table, stood up again, and angrily scolded, "You brat! You're asking for trouble! It seems that if I don't teach you a lesson today, you won't know your place!"

"If you don't know how to respect, then there's nothing I can do to help you," the man in white shook his head and returned to his seat.

The others sneered, watching the scene as if it were a show.

Not long ago, there was another arrogant young man who came in, just as arrogant and conceited, but in the end, he was carried out by others.

"I advise you not to cause trouble, otherwise, you will regret it," Dustin warned.

He had intended to keep a low profile and see if there were any conspiracies in the Temple of the Gods.

But as soon as he entered, he encountered these troublemakers.

"Regret? Hmph! I think you won't shed a tear until you see the coffin!"

The stubbled strong man snorted coldly, no longer wasting words, and suddenly made a move, punching towards Dustin with great force.

This punch was fierce and powerful, with a tremendous momentum. Where the fist wind passed, the air distorted and emitted a whistling sound.

Dustin remained expressionless, not moving an inch, and only when the stubbled strong man's fist was about to touch his face, did he suddenly make a move, firmly grabbing it.


The stubbled strong man's pupils contracted, quite surprised.

Chapter 2314 - "Teacups and Temperance"

He may not have used his full strength just now, but he still exerted about seventy percent of his true energy.

If it were an ordinary innate master, taking such a punch would be disastrous if not fatal.

However, the young man in front of him effortlessly grabbed his fist, which was quite peculiar.

"With just this little skill, you dare to be so arrogant, truly ignorant of your own mortality."

Dustin snorted coldly and exerted force with his five fingers.

With a few "crackling" sounds, the burly man's fist was directly twisted into a pretzel, bones completely shattered.


The burly man was first stunned, then let out a scream like a slaughtered pig, the sound piercing and ear-piercing.

"Get lost!"

Dustin kicked the burly man in the abdomen.

The burly man flew out several meters like a soccer ball, then with a "thud," heavily collided with the wall.

Spitting out blood, wailing incessantly.


Seeing this scene, everyone's faces changed.

No one expected Dustin to be this strong, just one glance and he sent the burly man flying.

It's worth noting that the burly man is at the late innate stage, considered quite a figure in the martial world.

"You brat! You're too presumptuous! How dare you harm someone? Who gave you the courage!"

After a brief shock, the people in the living room all rose up, glaring angrily.

Although they didn't have a deep relationship with the burly man, they were still colleagues.

Now, a newcomer who doesn't know the rules dares to provoke authority here, naturally, they cannot tolerate it.

"When he attacked just now, you all turned a blind eye and now that I've defeated him, you're here cursing and jumping around. What's the matter, it seems like you only allow me to be beaten but not to fight back?" Dustin sneered.

"You're sharp-tongued! I think you need a lesson!"

"Brothers, don't waste time talking to him, take this kid down for me!"

Several hot-tempered warriors shouted and were about to make a move.

"Hold on."

At this moment, a dignified voice suddenly sounded.

The person speaking was an old man with a white beard sitting at the left end.

The old man was thin and tall, with piercing eyes and a formidable aura. Just uttering two words made the previously hot-tempered warriors immediately stop their actions.

They stood respectfully on the side, not daring to speak a word.

After calming the group, the old man picked up a teacup, leisurely took a sip, and then said calmly, "Young man, too much aggression leads to breakage, showing off too much is not a good thing. Since you're still young and inexperienced, I won't hold it against you too much. Now, apologise to everyone, offer a cup of tea, and we'll let today's incident slide."
Chapter 2313 - "Greet or Get Beat"


Dustin was a bit bewildered by the sudden change.

He looked around and found that the strong man with a stubble did not look away, so he pointed at himself and asked tentatively, "Are you talking about me?"

"Nonsense! Who else could it be if not you?"

The stubbled strong man glared and shouted, "Do you understand the rules? You come in and don't even greet us, just sit down on your own. Do you have no respect for us?!"


Dustin raised an eyebrow slightly and said indifferently, "Do I know you? Why should I greet you? Besides, even if I don't respect you, what can you do about it?"

"Hey! Do you want a beating?!"

The stubbled strong man instantly flew into a rage, about to make a move, but was stopped by a man in white with a somewhat sinister face.

"Calm down, this young man doesn't understand the rules, let's teach him instead of resorting to violence. If the host sees this later, it will be a joke."

The man in white raised his hand to signal the stubbled man to sit down, then looked at Dustin and said with a smile, "Young man, judging by your appearance, you must be new here, right? Today, let me tell you about the rules. It's common courtesy to greet everyone when entering a place. Everyone here is a senior from all over the world. It's not too much to greet them, is it?"

"If they are indeed seniors in the martial world, then a greeting wouldn't be out of place. But your behavior doesn't show any sign of seniority. Starting off with a show of strength, one might mistake you for bandits in the mountains," Dustin said lightly.

At this, the smile on the man in white's face froze for a moment, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

As for the stubbled strong man, he slammed the table, stood up again, and angrily scolded, "You brat! You're asking for trouble! It seems that if I don't teach you a lesson today, you won't know your place!"

"If you don't know how to respect, then there's nothing I can do to help you," the man in white shook his head and returned to his seat.

The others sneered, watching the scene as if it were a show.

Not long ago, there was another arrogant young man who came in, just as arrogant and conceited, but in the end, he was carried out by others.

"I advise you not to cause trouble, otherwise, you will regret it," Dustin warned.

He had intended to keep a low profile and see if there were any conspiracies in the Temple of the Gods.

But as soon as he entered, he encountered these troublemakers.

"Regret? Hmph! I think you won't shed a tear until you see the coffin!"

The stubbled strong man snorted coldly, no longer wasting words, and suddenly made a move, punching towards Dustin with great force.

This punch was fierce and powerful, with a tremendous momentum. Where the fist wind passed, the air distorted and emitted a whistling sound.

Dustin remained expressionless, not moving an inch, and only when the stubbled strong man's fist was about to touch his face, did he suddenly make a move, firmly grabbing it.


The stubbled strong man's pupils contracted, quite surprised.

Chapter 2314 - "Teacups and Temperance"

He may not have used his full strength just now, but he still exerted about seventy percent of his true energy.

If it were an ordinary innate master, taking such a punch would be disastrous if not fatal.

However, the young man in front of him effortlessly grabbed his fist, which was quite peculiar.

"With just this little skill, you dare to be so arrogant, truly ignorant of your own mortality."

Dustin snorted coldly and exerted force with his five fingers.

With a few "crackling" sounds, the burly man's fist was directly twisted into a pretzel, bones completely shattered.


The burly man was first stunned, then let out a scream like a slaughtered pig, the sound piercing and ear-piercing.

"Get lost!"

Dustin kicked the burly man in the abdomen.

The burly man flew out several meters like a soccer ball, then with a "thud," heavily collided with the wall.

Spitting out blood, wailing incessantly.


Seeing this scene, everyone's faces changed.

No one expected Dustin to be this strong, just one glance and he sent the burly man flying.

It's worth noting that the burly man is at the late innate stage, considered quite a figure in the martial world.

"You brat! You're too presumptuous! How dare you harm someone? Who gave you the courage!"

After a brief shock, the people in the living room all rose up, glaring angrily.

Although they didn't have a deep relationship with the burly man, they were still colleagues.

Now, a newcomer who doesn't know the rules dares to provoke authority here, naturally, they cannot tolerate it.

"When he attacked just now, you all turned a blind eye and now that I've defeated him, you're here cursing and jumping around. What's the matter, it seems like you only allow me to be beaten but not to fight back?" Dustin sneered.

"You're sharp-tongued! I think you need a lesson!"

"Brothers, don't waste time talking to him, take this kid down for me!"

Several hot-tempered warriors shouted and were about to make a move.

"Hold on."

At this moment, a dignified voice suddenly sounded.

The person speaking was an old man with a white beard sitting at the left end.

The old man was thin and tall, with piercing eyes and a formidable aura. Just uttering two words made the previously hot-tempered warriors immediately stop their actions.

They stood respectfully on the side, not daring to speak a word.

After calming the group, the old man picked up a teacup, leisurely took a sip, and then said calmly, "Young man, too much aggression leads to breakage, showing off too much is not a good thing. Since you're still young and inexperienced, I won't hold it against you too much. Now, apologise to everyone, offer a cup of tea, and we'll let today's incident slide."
the man is asking for trouble, he dares ask Dustin to apologize 🤣🤣
Chapter 2313 - "Greet or Get Beat"


Dustin was a bit bewildered by the sudden change.

He looked around and found that the strong man with a stubble did not look away, so he pointed at himself and asked tentatively, "Are you talking about me?"

"Nonsense! Who else could it be if not you?"

The stubbled strong man glared and shouted, "Do you understand the rules? You come in and don't even greet us, just sit down on your own. Do you have no respect for us?!"


Dustin raised an eyebrow slightly and said indifferently, "Do I know you? Why should I greet you? Besides, even if I don't respect you, what can you do about it?"

"Hey! Do you want a beating?!"

The stubbled strong man instantly flew into a rage, about to make a move, but was stopped by a man in white with a somewhat sinister face.

"Calm down, this young man doesn't understand the rules, let's teach him instead of resorting to violence. If the host sees this later, it will be a joke."

The man in white raised his hand to signal the stubbled man to sit down, then looked at Dustin and said with a smile, "Young man, judging by your appearance, you must be new here, right? Today, let me tell you about the rules. It's common courtesy to greet everyone when entering a place. Everyone here is a senior from all over the world. It's not too much to greet them, is it?"

"If they are indeed seniors in the martial world, then a greeting wouldn't be out of place. But your behavior doesn't show any sign of seniority. Starting off with a show of strength, one might mistake you for bandits in the mountains," Dustin said lightly.

At this, the smile on the man in white's face froze for a moment, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

As for the stubbled strong man, he slammed the table, stood up again, and angrily scolded, "You brat! You're asking for trouble! It seems that if I don't teach you a lesson today, you won't know your place!"

"If you don't know how to respect, then there's nothing I can do to help you," the man in white shook his head and returned to his seat.

The others sneered, watching the scene as if it were a show.

Not long ago, there was another arrogant young man who came in, just as arrogant and conceited, but in the end, he was carried out by others.

"I advise you not to cause trouble, otherwise, you will regret it," Dustin warned.

He had intended to keep a low profile and see if there were any conspiracies in the Temple of the Gods.

But as soon as he entered, he encountered these troublemakers.

"Regret? Hmph! I think you won't shed a tear until you see the coffin!"

The stubbled strong man snorted coldly, no longer wasting words, and suddenly made a move, punching towards Dustin with great force.

This punch was fierce and powerful, with a tremendous momentum. Where the fist wind passed, the air distorted and emitted a whistling sound.

Dustin remained expressionless, not moving an inch, and only when the stubbled strong man's fist was about to touch his face, did he suddenly make a move, firmly grabbing it.


The stubbled strong man's pupils contracted, quite surprised.

Chapter 2314 - "Teacups and Temperance"

He may not have used his full strength just now, but he still exerted about seventy percent of his true energy.

If it were an ordinary innate master, taking such a punch would be disastrous if not fatal.

However, the young man in front of him effortlessly grabbed his fist, which was quite peculiar.

"With just this little skill, you dare to be so arrogant, truly ignorant of your own mortality."

Dustin snorted coldly and exerted force with his five fingers.

With a few "crackling" sounds, the burly man's fist was directly twisted into a pretzel, bones completely shattered.


The burly man was first stunned, then let out a scream like a slaughtered pig, the sound piercing and ear-piercing.

"Get lost!"

Dustin kicked the burly man in the abdomen.

The burly man flew out several meters like a soccer ball, then with a "thud," heavily collided with the wall.

Spitting out blood, wailing incessantly.


Seeing this scene, everyone's faces changed.

No one expected Dustin to be this strong, just one glance and he sent the burly man flying.

It's worth noting that the burly man is at the late innate stage, considered quite a figure in the martial world.

"You brat! You're too presumptuous! How dare you harm someone? Who gave you the courage!"

After a brief shock, the people in the living room all rose up, glaring angrily.

Although they didn't have a deep relationship with the burly man, they were still colleagues.

Now, a newcomer who doesn't know the rules dares to provoke authority here, naturally, they cannot tolerate it.

"When he attacked just now, you all turned a blind eye and now that I've defeated him, you're here cursing and jumping around. What's the matter, it seems like you only allow me to be beaten but not to fight back?" Dustin sneered.

"You're sharp-tongued! I think you need a lesson!"

"Brothers, don't waste time talking to him, take this kid down for me!"

Several hot-tempered warriors shouted and were about to make a move.

"Hold on."

At this moment, a dignified voice suddenly sounded.

The person speaking was an old man with a white beard sitting at the left end.

The old man was thin and tall, with piercing eyes and a formidable aura. Just uttering two words made the previously hot-tempered warriors immediately stop their actions.

They stood respectfully on the side, not daring to speak a word.

After calming the group, the old man picked up a teacup, leisurely took a sip, and then said calmly, "Young man, too much aggression leads to breakage, showing off too much is not a good thing. Since you're still young and inexperienced, I won't hold it against you too much. Now, apologise to everyone, offer a cup of tea, and we'll let today's incident slide."
Funny old man. If you want to be disgraced, dare him
Chapter 2315 - Tea Time Turned Tumultuous

"Elder Heller, should we just offer a cup of tea and call it even? Isn't this kid getting off too lightly?"

"Yes, Elder Heller, look at Brother Rudy, he's been beaten to cough up blood. If we let him go like this, how can we gain the respect of others in the future?"

"Elder Heller, this kid may escape the death penalty, but he won't escape punishment. In my opinion, we should break his legs first!"

The crowd clamoured indignantly, looking at Dustin with extremely unfriendly eyes.

"What's wrong? My words don't count?" The elder raised his head and swept a calm and indifferent look over the crowd.

But this simple glance immediately silenced the crowd, making them shrink back and dare not speak another word.

It's worth noting that the elder is Arman Heller, one of the "Twin Killers of Heaven and Earth," whose strength has reached the level of grandmaster. He is highly renowned in the martial world and is ruthless in his actions, often exterminating entire families without hesitation.

Anyone in the martial world, upon hearing the name of the Twin Killers of Heaven and Earth, would tremble in fear and be unable to live in peace.

Faced with such a killing god, they naturally dare not be presumptuous.

"Young man, what are you still standing there for? Hurry up and offer tea as an apology."

The elder named Arman spoke again, his tone calm but unquestionable.

"Did I say I would offer tea as an apology?" Dustin remained unmoved, with a calm expression. "These people provoked first. I don't think I did anything wrong. If there's an apology to be made, it should be them apologizing to me."

Upon hearing this, the crowd was so angry that they almost jumped and cursed.

The person who had beaten them, actually showed no remorse and appeared arrogant and arrogant, it was simply a lack of self-awareness.

If it weren't for Arman's face, they would have acted long ago.

"Hmm?" Faced with Dustin's response, Arman couldn't help but furrow his brows slightly, appearing somewhat displeased. "Young man, you need to understand. I am giving you a chance. If it weren't for my intervention, you would have been torn apart by these people. You'd better think carefully whether you want to offer tea as an apology or not."

"I appreciate the senior's kindness, but it's impossible for me to apologize to them." Dustin replied firmly.

"Hmph! Ignorant fool!" Arman's face turned cold. "Since you are so ignorant, then I won't meddle any further. I want to see how much you, kid, are capable of being so arrogant!"

After speaking, he gave a signal to the man in white beside him.

The latter quickly understood and his expression instantly became fierce.

"You brat! Elder Heller gave you a chance to admit your mistake, that's out of respect for you. I didn't expect you to be so shameless. It seems that if we don't teach you a lesson today, you won't know the immensity of heaven and earth!"

The man in white suddenly waved his hand, "Brothers! Beat him! Beat him until he submits!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several burly men around him exchanged glances and immediately rushed forward with malicious grins on their faces.

Chapter 2316 - Beating the Bullies

They couldn't hold back any longer, seizing the opportunity to teach Dustin a lesson, they naturally wouldn't let it pass.

"You brat! Today, I must disable you!"

"Arrogant kid! Watch how I handle you!"


Several burly men shouted, throwing punches and kicks, all attacking Dustin at once.

Having learned from the lesson with the bearded man earlier, they didn't dare to be careless, unleashing their full strength to quickly end the fight.

"A bunch of clownish fools."

Dustin snorted coldly, standing his ground as the men's fists and feet came at him, then in an instant, his body shook violently, and the profound and clear true energy inside him suddenly erupted.


A loud explosion was heard.

A violent wave of energy surged out from Dustin's body, crashing with tremendous force into the men.


The men screamed in pain, being flung several meters away, then falling heavily to the ground, blood spraying from their mouths and their faces turning pale.

They couldn't even stand up for a moment.

"How is this possible?!"

The man in white was startled, his eyes wide with shock and his face filled with disbelief.

The other warriors were also dumbfounded, looking incredulous.

After the bearded man's defeat earlier, they thought it was due to underestimating him.

However, the few men who just attacked Dustin were even stronger than the bearded man, especially when they joined forces, they could unleash unexpected power.

But they never dreamed that their combined attack not only didn't touch a hair on Dustin's head but also left them severely injured.

It was simply unbelievable!

Just how powerful is this kid in front of them?!


At that moment, even the martial arts grandmaster Arman couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, showing a look of surprise.

To defeat several late-stage innate warriors with one move, it could only be done by a master at the half-step grandmaster level.

Looking at Dustin's age, only in his twenties, achieving the half-step grandmaster level at such a young age, his future is limitless.

No wonder he dares to be so arrogant, he must have something to rely on.

"Now, does anyone else want to come forward and try?"

Dustin stood with his hands behind his back, his gaze coldly sweeping around, exuding an intimidating aura without anger.

Facing these guys, if he didn't suppress them with strength, it would only lead to more trouble.

If they were to fight, he had to make them submit.

"Elder Heller?"

After a brief moment of distraction, the man in white looked to Arman for help.

Dustin's strength had already exceeded his estimation.

Even if he personally intervened, he had no confidence in winning.

Now, only a martial arts grandmaster-level strongman could confidently suppress him.
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This story seems to be dragging on, like an elderly man rambling to himself on the street. What happened to Dahlia? Natasha? The Kirin Gang? West Lucozia? Stonia? It's frustrating how the writer keeps introducing storylines only to abandon them. And now, they're introducing new characters and a new plot.
This story seems to be dragging on, like an elderly man rambling to himself on the street. What happened to Dahlia? Natasha? The Kirin Gang? West Lucozia? Stonia? It's frustrating how the writer keeps introducing storylines only to abandon them. And now, they're introducing new characters and a new plot.
The writer lack the ability to carry the past along
I can definitely say that it is not a same author. This new author whoever the hell he might be, he might be sick in his head for sure.
I have the feeling that for a while now, it’s been a few different writers sharing the duties…
And perhaps the “”new writers” who were brought on board didn’t bother reading the first 2000 chapters or so (they probably just got a synopsis of the overall story).
Not sure, but that would certainly explain the disjointed non-flow of the story for the last 700 chapters or so, and their abandonment of the original cast of characters…
This story seems to be dragging on, like an elderly man rambling to himself on the street. What happened to Dahlia? Natasha? The Kirin Gang? West Lucozia? Stonia? It's frustrating how the writer keeps introducing storylines only to abandon them. And now, they're introducing new characters and a new plot.
Hey at least the last few chapters are about Dustin... So we're luckily the author hasn't forgotten or dropped Dustin as a character yet... 🤣🤣🤣
This story seems to be dragging on, like an elderly man rambling to himself on the street. What happened to Dahlia? Natasha? The Kirin Gang? West Lucozia? Stonia? It's frustrating how the writer keeps introducing storylines only to abandon them. And now, they're introducing new characters and a new plot.
I think the story has just got back on track.. after the Desert, Dustin came here to find whats cooking here in this mountain.. getting to know these enemies, puts the story on track again..
This story seems to be dragging on, like an elderly man rambling to himself on the street. What happened to Dahlia? Natasha? The Kirin Gang? West Lucozia? Stonia? It's frustrating how the writer keeps introducing storylines only to abandon them. And now, they're introducing new characters and a new plot.
I thought I was the only one having that view
I think the story has just got back on track.. after the Desert, Dustin came here to find whats cooking here in this mountain.. getting to know these enemies, puts the story on track again..
Share pls
I have other site which provides chapters earlier than our friends junlee, if you don't mind I can post it here.
But the names are not same, like lu Chen for dustin
Can you share the chapters from the above story line
This story seems to be dragging on, like an elderly man rambling to himself on the street. What happened to Dahlia? Natasha? The Kirin Gang? West Lucozia? Stonia? It's frustrating how the writer keeps introducing storylines only to abandon them. And now, they're introducing new characters and a new plot.
Chapter 2317 - "Disciple or Free Spirit?"

"Young man, I must admit, you do have some skills. I underestimated you a bit."

"However, with your current abilities, you are not qualified to act recklessly in front of me!"

Arman Heller stood up slowly, his gaze fixed on Dustin as an invisible pressure burst out from within him.


The martial artists in the living room felt a heaviness in their bodies, as if a giant rock was pressing down on their shoulders, making it difficult to breathe.

"Such a terrifying master's pressure! Is this the strength of Elder Heller?"

The onlookers were secretly shocked and full of awe.

Just a mere display of aura made them unable to move, showcasing the power of a grandmaster.

However, while everyone else looked serious, Dustin remained calm, showing no sign of unease.

He stood quietly, facing Arman from a distance, his gaze unwavering.

"Young man, I see potential in you and am willing to give you another chance. If you are willing to apologize and show respect, I will overlook today's events, and I might even consider taking you as my disciple." Arman stood with his hands behind his back, looking proud.

"What? Taking a disciple?!"

As these words were spoken, the onlookers exchanged surprised glances.

"What stroke of luck did this kid have to make Elder Heller value him so much?"

"If he becomes Heller's disciple, won't he be walking sideways in the martial world?"

"It's a pity that such a golden opportunity didn't fall into my lap."

The crowd whispered to each other, looking at Dustin with envy and jealousy.

Who is Arman? He is one of the famous Twin Killers of Heaven and Earth, a grandmaster with unparalleled strength, commanding respect wherever he goes.

Moreover, Arman is known for being highly selective in taking on disciples.

Unexpectedly, today he made an exception and extended an olive branch to a clueless young man, surprising everyone.

"Young man, what are you standing there for? Being accepted as Heller's disciple is a blessing you've cultivated over many lifetimes. Hurry up and kneel down to pay your respects." A man in white reminded him.

Although somewhat displeased, Dustin had to abide by Arman's decision without any defiance.

"There are two points I need to clarify."

Dustin spoke calmly, "Firstly, I have not done anything wrong, so apologizing is out of the question. Secondly, I have no interest in what you call taking on disciples."


Upon hearing this, Arman couldn't help but furrow his brows, his expression turning slightly unpleasant.

After dominating the martial world for so many years, he was always the one people sought to be their master, never once actively taking on disciples.

Yet today, after finally making an offer, he was unexpectedly rejected.

Chapter 2318 - "The Art of Saying No: Dustin's Lesson"

Feeling somewhat annoyed.

"Kid! Do you even know what you're saying? Elder Heller was willing to take you as a disciple, it's like your ancestors were blessing you, never did we expect you to be so ungrateful!"

"That's right! Becoming Elder Heller's disciple is an opportunity that others can only dream of, yet you dare to refuse. Who gave you the audacity!"

"Damn it! Truly not knowing how fortunate you are!"


Seeing Arman's displeased expression, everyone started rebuking angrily, looking righteous and indignant.

A grandmaster openly accepting a disciple, only to be rejected by the disciple.

If this were to spread, wouldn't it become a laughing stock?

"Young man, do you even know who I am? People lining up every day to be my disciple, like catfish crossing a river, but I have never taken them seriously."

"Now, I'm giving you a chance to leap like a carp over the dragon's gate, yet you fail to appreciate it, truly beyond foolish!"

"Let me ask you one more time, do you want to become my disciple or not?"

Arman's expression turned serious, his gaze sharp.

As he spoke, the pressure of a grandmaster on him suddenly intensified.

People around felt like they were struck by lightning, sweating profusely, struggling to breathe, and those with weaker strength even trembled in fear, filled with dread.

When a grandmaster is angered, blood spills five steps.

Just this terrifying pressure alone was enough to send chills down one's spine.

"Others wanting to be your disciple is their business, it has nothing to do with me. I have no interest in becoming a disciple." Dustin firmly declined.

"Fine! You truly have no respect!"

Arman's face darkened, his eyes instantly turning fierce: "Today you have injured someone, I initially intended to let it go, but since you are so ungrateful, repeatedly rejecting my goodwill, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

As he spoke, Arman stomped the ground fiercely.

With a loud "bang," the ground instantly cracked with traces of a spider web.

At the same time, a powerful grandmaster aura erupted from him.

Several people nearby were directly blown away by the aura, dizzy and wailing in pain.

However, when the aura hit Dustin it was bounced off by an invisible force, causing no harm.

"Grandmaster Heller, I advise you not to lay a hand on me, or else if a fight breaks out, I fear you won't be able to save face." Dustin calmly warned.

He didn't want to escalate the situation, but if Arman insisted on it, he wouldn't mind teaching him a lesson.

"Arrogant brat! Today, I must teach you a good lesson!"

Feeling provoked, Arman instantly became furious, no longer hesitating, he directly unleashed his aura and struck towards Dustin from a distance.

Chapter 2319 - "A New Player in the Game"


Arman struck out with a palm.

Instantly, the surroundings changed dramatically.

A white palm shadow, like lightning, suddenly pressed towards Dustin.

Wherever the palm shadow passed, the air distorted, and the wind howled.

The people in the living room were frightened, their faces turning pale as they scattered, afraid of being affected.

Martial Grandmasters, at this level of strength, even a casual strike could shatter them to pieces.

Facing Arman's attack, Dustin remained unmoved, his expression calm.

However, just as he was preparing to counterattack, a loud shout suddenly rang out.


At the same time as the shout, another palm shadow formed from qi rushed in from outside the door. After brushing past Dustin it finally collided with Arman's palm shadow.


A loud explosion.

The two palm shadows collided violently, erupting with terrifying energy.

The entire living room began to shake violently, the tables and chairs inside exploding, and tea splattering everywhere.

The martial artists around, like kites with broken strings, were directly lifted by a hurricane, falling in all directions.

Even Arman, as a Martial Grandmaster, was forced to retreat several steps, his face showing seriousness.

"Who are you?!"

Arman frowned, his gaze sweeping towards the door.

Soon, a middle-aged man dressed in a black suit, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and with a refined face walked in.

"Elder Heller, meeting by chance from a thousand miles away. Everyone here today is a friend. Why resort to force over a trivial matter?" The refined man smiled faintly.

Although there was no powerful aura emanating from him, he gave off an unfathomable feeling.

"Who are you?"

Arman squinted slightly, sizing him up.

Being able to catch his strike meant that the other party was also a Martial Grandmaster.

But he had never seen this unfamiliar face before.

"I am Fatin Saab, a member of the Warrior's Shrine of the Gods. Today, I have invited everyone here to discuss important matters together." Fatin spoke calmly.

"Fatin Saab?"

Upon hearing this, everyone looked at each other, feeling puzzled.

Clearly, they had never heard of this person.

"I am the newly appointed main deity of the Warrior's Shrine of the Gods, just took office a few months ago. It's normal if you haven't heard of me." Fatin said as he took out the emblem representing the main deity of the Warrior's Shrine of the Gods, displaying it clearly in front of everyone.

"Long time no see, the Warrior's Shrine of the Gods is indeed filled with experts. Today's meeting has indeed lived up to its reputation."

After confirming his identity, Arman's expression eased somewhat.

The main deities of the Warrior's Shrine of the Gods were all Martial Grandmaster-level powerhouses. It was no wonder that this person was able to match him evenly just now.

Chapter 2320 - "Waiting for the Unwelcome Guest"

"It turns out to be Lord Saab, please forgive my rudeness."

The group of martial artists, led by the man in white, all bowed and saluted.

The main gods of the Shrine of the Gods were all figures who stood above one and ten thousand beneath.

Not only were they powerful, but they also wielded immense power, and a casual word from them could determine life and death.

"Elder Heller, the visitor is a guest. The recent misunderstanding was just a small matter. Why not give me some face and turn hostility into friendship?" Fatin smiled and spoke.

"Lord Saab has spoken. I naturally won't argue with this kid." Arman glanced at Dustin his expression a bit unfriendly, but ultimately, he didn't erupt.

Today, he was invited here naturally to discuss business.

He couldn't ruin his own prestige and wealth because of a moment of anger.

"Thank you, Elder Heller."

Fatin nodded slightly, then glanced meaningfully at Dustin.

Facing the attacks of a Martial Arts Grandmaster and still being so calm, this young man in front of him was not simple at all.

"Lord Saab, now that everyone is here, should we discuss business?" Arman didn't beat around the bush, getting straight to the point.

"Elder Heller, there's still one important guest who hasn't arrived yet. Please wait a moment longer."

As Fatin spoke, he clapped his hands, and soon a group of maids walked in carrying various fruit snacks.

The previously damaged tables and chairs were also replaced one by one.

"Alright, then let's wait a little longer."

Arman didn't say much, sitting down gracefully.

Seeing this, everyone else sat down too, eating snacks or fruits.

Although there were no waves on the surface, occasionally, the glances cast towards Dustin were full of hostility.

Dustin pretended not to see it and focused on his tea.

Time passed little by little.

At first, everyone thought that waiting for a while would be enough.

However, no one expected that this wait would extend until noon.

At this point, everyone was getting impatient, whispering and complaining.

Even Arman, who was usually quite deep, began to look unpleasant.

After finishing another pot of tea, Arman finally couldn't help it and said in a deep voice, "Lord Saab! The person you invited is really arrogant. It's already past midday, and he still hasn't shown up. He completely disregards us!"


Fatin looked embarrassed and could only force a smile to explain, "Elder Heller, please be patient. Perhaps that person was delayed by something. Let's wait a little longer, and you may have some tea first."

"More tea? I've already drunk three pots! If I drink anymore, I'll be bursting to pee!"

Arman slammed the table and stood up directly, his expression somewhat angry.

What nonsense, daring to make him wait for so long? Really asking for a beating!

Chapter 2321 - "The Art of Distraction: Fatin's Tactics"

When Arman stood up in anger, the other martial artists also rose one after another, expressing their discontent.

"Lord Saab, there are rules in the martial world. It's one thing to make us wait, but making Elder Heller sit idle for so long is too much!"

"That's right! No matter who the person is, it's not worth making us wait for half a day!"

"Lord Saab! That person is really arrogant. In my opinion, we should just kick him out!"


Everyone was talking at once, expressing their anger.

They had been impatient for a long time, but out of respect for the Shrine of the Gods, they had refrained from speaking out.

It wasn't until Arman protested that they let out all their dissatisfaction and anger.

"Lord Saab, it's not that I don't give you face, but that person is too arrogant!"

Arman continued to vent his frustration, "It's already past the agreed time, and that person still hasn't shown up. It's obvious that he doesn't take the Shrine of the Gods seriously. Such an arrogant person is not worthy of our attention!"

"Elder Heller, esteemed heroes, this matter was mishandled by me. To apologize, I have prepared a gift for everyone."

Knowing that explanations were useless, Fatin could only order his subordinates to present the prepared gifts in advance.

Various treasures were displayed one by one before everyone's eyes.

Seeing the dazzling array of treasures, everyone's eyes lit up, and most of their accumulated anger dissipated in an instant.

They had all come here for wealth, and if they could get a priceless treasure just by sitting for half a day, it would indeed be a great thing.

"The Shrine of the Gods is truly generous. This treasure is enough for me to spend for three years!"

"Yes, yes, look at this rare Chicken Crown Red Jade, it's truly a rare treasure! You can't buy it with money on the market!"

"Worth it, worth it. Today's trip is truly worthwhile!"


Everyone laughed with joy and whispered to each other.

The rumors about the wealth of the Shrine of the Gods were not unfounded, as they had seen it for themselves today.

In the future, if they were to work for the Shrine of the Gods, wouldn't they be earning a lot?

"Cough cough!"

Seeing that everyone was getting a bit carried away, Arman couldn't help but cough a few times to remind them.

Although the treasures were important, at this moment, they had to show their stance.

They couldn't ignore their dignity for the sake of a little benefit.

They were just indignant a moment ago, but now they were laughing and smiling. If this spread out, wouldn't it be laughable?

Arman's cough immediately made everyone restrain their smiles and put on a serious expression.

But the greedy gaze they cast towards the treasures couldn't be concealed.

"Lord Saab, we accept your goodwill, but I still have to remind you that if you can't make a decision in time, you'll be taken advantage of. Such a person who has no sense of time, if recruited into our team, will only be a troublemaker!"

Chapter 2322 - "The Unwelcome Visitor"

Although Arman's expression had softened, his tone remained serious.

"Elder Heller's reminder is noted. Please wait for just one stick of incense time. If that person still hasn't arrived after that, we'll proceed with our discussion, alright?" Fatin smiled.

"Alright, for the sake of Lord Saab, we'll wait for one more stick of incense!" Arman finalized the decision.

After all, with so many treasures given, giving face wasn't a big deal.

As everyone waited silently, a lazy voice suddenly drifted in from outside the door.

"Singing and drinking to celebrate life, how fleeting it is, like the morning dew, life is filled with hardships. How to dispel worries? Only with Korbin Tyson's wine!"

With the sound, a ragged-looking man, with unkempt hair resembling a beggar, stumbled in.

The man was filthy, emitting a foul odor, and he carried a jug of wine in his hand. He walked unsteadily, as if he could fall at any moment.

"Where did this drunkard come from? Get out!" The stench emanating from the drunkard was extremely offensive, causing everyone to wrinkle their brows.

Especially the man in white, who had a cleanliness obsession, immediately rebuked, showing extreme disgust.

Hearing the reprimand, the drunkard first froze, then staggered to the man in white, lifted the jug of wine, and took a sip.

Then, his mouth full of yellow teeth opened.


A long belch sprayed out towards the man in white.

Instantly, a mixture of alcohol and vomit's foul smell rushed forward like a tidal wave.

Caught off guard, the man in white inadvertently took a breath, turning his face green in an instant, almost passing out on the spot.

With a cleanliness obsession, he felt his stomach churn, his throat spasmed, and he immediately began to retch.

"Hahaha... interesting, really interesting..." Seeing this scene, the drunkard couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"F**k off and die!" The man in white was furious, throwing a punch directly at the drunkard's face.

He didn't hold back at all with this punch, using all his strength. The force of the punch was fierce, and the innate qi contained on the surface of his fist made the air tremble.


Fatin was about to intervene, but it was already too late.

The white-clad man's fist landed solidly on the drunkard's face.


A loud explosion.

The drunkard, however, didn't budge an inch. Instead, it was the white-clad man who was hit by an invisible force, flying several meters away before crashing heavily into the wall.

He vomited blood immediately, howling in agony.

The whole scene fell into a dead silence instantly.

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