An Understated Dominance, Dustin Rhys story. Chapters 1301 and beyond - JUNLEE (aka Jungal2000) English interpretation

Translated by Jungal2000

This is my take on an ongoing Chinese novel by an unknown author. I've never been much of a reader when it comes to lengthy novels, but as soon as I delved into this tale, I was hooked like a fanatic. And I can't seem to stop. Unfortunately, the English version I was following only released three chapters a day, and my appetite for the story was insatiable. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started translating the Chinese text myself. Along the way, I've tried to inject some context into it because Google's translation tends to be too literal.

I've used different names for characters in my translations since they're a result of my own artistic interpretation. I began my translations from Chapter 967, which was posted in a different discussion thread. My aim is to tackle at least 100 chapters a week. However, as much as I love translating and reading this novel, I make sure to reserve my weekends for my family and friends – they're the ones who matter most to me.

The reason for this new thread is that during my two days off, some talented translators have continued where I left off. Their work is already shared and posted in my previous thread. This is fantastic news for readers looking for weekend reads. To avoid any confusion, I decided to create a new thread where I can upload and continue my translations. I'm doing all of this out of love for the story and the enjoyment I get from the process; it makes me feel like I'm a part of the narrative.

For those who are new to this, the best translations are provided by Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, and they are the work of the legendary translator Marina Vitori.

This is the tale of a prince, a legendary Kirin known as Logan Rhys. His life underwent a dramatic change a decade ago when his mother met a mysterious and untimely demise. Fueled by a relentless pursuit of truth, justice, and vengeance, he abandoned his royal palace and adopted the guise of a commoner, going by the name Dustin Rhys. The once-arrogant young prince transformed into a timid and soft-spoken individual, making him an easy target for bullies.

During these ten years, Logan secretly honed his skills and strength, undergoing a profound transformation. However, a recent divorce from his wife, Dahlia Nicholson, after three years of marriage, coupled with a series of life-altering events, pushed him back into action. Slowly but surely, he began to shed his timid persona, reemerging as the formidable figure he once was.

Join us as we follow the journey of Dustin, or Logan, as he strives to surpass, outmaneuver, and overpower entire armies and kingdoms, all through his own determination and bare hands.
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There is only one explanation for this baby phenomenon: Legends don't die. They simply get reborn and live on for the next 100 years. So, this is my next life, Baby Kangaroo today, tomorrow a - Conquering DRAGON! Right, Gily?
Instead of Master Junlee, I shall henceforth call you Master Joey 😂
If immortals like Gily and Junlee had reincarnated as baby villager and baby kangaro, what about poor cultivators like me...only time will tell us.
Hello friend 🙂..You don't know that both of them used Jade Black magic pearl to advance their cultivation.. but that pearl used to show false cultivation speed.. now everything has become normal as before 😜
Hello friend 🙂..You don't know that both of them used Jade Black magic pearl to advance their cultivation.. but that pearl used to show false cultivation speed.. now everything has become normal as before 😜
what Gily and Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000') used performance enhancing cultivation relics?!?!

Tell me it's not true... They wouldn't... Stop spreading deceit.

Compared to the whispered conversation between Cedrick and Master Wang, Liana paced anxiously on the side, wanting to ask several times but ultimately holding back, fearing that speaking up might distract Dustin and affect her sister's treatment.

As time passed, Lara's expression became increasingly pained, sweating profusely with dark energy swirling around her, enveloping even Dustin.

After an unknown duration, Dustin suddenly opened his eyes and took a deep breath.


A vortex of true energy formed in his mouth out of thin air, simultaneously absorbing the surrounding black mist into his body.

Following this, Dustin's complexion turned alternately pale and green, his furrowed brow deepening.

He forcibly absorbed most of the curse within Lara's body, causing some discomfort despite his strong physical condition and remarkable reserves.

After absorbing the curse, Dustin forcefully patted Lara's back.


Lara spat out a large amount of black blood and collapsed limply onto the bed.


Seeing her spit out blood, Cedrick's expression changed, but he was stopped by Gabrielle when he tried to approach.

"Dr. Rhys is treating her. No one is allowed to disturb," Gabrielle coldly stated.

"Treating? He's already made her vomit blood! Get out of the way!" Cedrick shouted.

"The blood she vomited is toxic. Vomiting it out will speed up her recovery," Gabrielle tried to explain.

"Nonsense!" Cedrick was furious. "I warn you, Lara is of noble status. If anything happens to her, none of you will be able to compensate for it!"

"If you want Lara to recover, stay back and don't disturb Dr. Rhys's treatment," Gabrielle said sternly.

"Of course I want Lara to recover, but I don't trust this guy's medical skills. Who knows if he's using dirty tricks?" Cedrick persisted.

"I'll say it one last time, step back, or else don't blame me for being impolite!" Gabrielle warned.

"Hmph! Who do you think you are? How dare you threaten me? I can take your life in a minute!" Cedrick glared, full of hostility.

"You can try," Gabrielle remained expressionless.

"Ignorant fool!"

As Cedrick became angry and prepared to act, Liana suddenly stepped in between them and angrily exclaimed, "What are you two doing? My sister is in critical condition. Are you really going to fight here?!"


"Little Liana! That bloke's medical skills are rubbish, he made your sister vomit blood. If he keeps messing around, your sister won't make it!" Cedrick began to provoke.

Liana glanced back at Dustin, a hint of hesitation flickered across her face, but she quickly regained her resolve: "Dr. Rhys was invited by me, I trust his medical skills. If something goes wrong, I will take responsibility."

She had brought Dustin in as a last resort.

Regardless of the outcome, she had no reason to blame him.

"Little Liana..."

Cedrick furrowed his brow, about to say something more, but Liana raised her hand to stop him: "Enough! Stop talking! She is my sister, I have the final say in everything!"

"You really are clueless!"

Cedrick sighed, looking like he was resigned to the situation.

Seeing Liana's firm attitude, he could only step back.

On the sickbed, Dustin ignored Cedrick's interference and focused on quickly suppressing the restlessness of curse in the body.

Then, he lifted Lara's head with one hand, took out the pill he had previously refined, and fed it to her.

The pill Dustin had made was not a traditional antidote, but a type of poison.

Due to the urgency of the situation, the only way to quickly break the curse was to use this poison to counteract it.

By having two different poisons clash and consume each other within Lara's body, the rapid depletion effect could be achieved.

Of course, using poison to fight poison carried significant risks compared to normal treatment methods.

One misstep, and the patient could die instantly.

This would test Dustin's strength.

He had to use his profound energy to constantly protect Lara's vital points, preventing her from sustaining serious injuries.

Only when the two poisons had consumed each other to a similar extent, would he proceed with the final steps.

An ordinary doctor would never be able to handle this, only a grandmaster like Dustin had the confidence to attempt this risky treatment method.

As Dustin had anticipated, when the poison of the pill clashed with the curse within Lara's body, a fierce collision occurred swiftly.

The two poisons began devouring each other, causing blood vessels to burst along the meridians.

Externally, Lara began to bleed from her nose incessantly.

Despite Dustin's strong energy, he couldn't ensure Lara's safety completely, he could only protect her main meridians to the best of his ability, preventing her from sustaining severe injuries.

The final outcome would depend on Lara's fate.


As the two poisons fought fiercely, Lara's nosebleeds increased, and her body began to spasm slightly.

Dustin sat still, his palm pressed against Lara's back, continuously infusing her with profound and clear true energy.

Lara's meridians were repeatedly broken and repaired by Dustin.

This cycle continued for about the time it takes for an incense stick to burn.

After the incense stick burned out, the two poisons in Lara's body were almost depleted, and she became calm, no longer in pain, and her nose no longer bled.

Though her face was still pale, her pulse was steady, her breathing long, clearly having passed the critical stage.

Only then did Dustin slowly release his hand and stop the treatment.

"The curse in Lara's body has been cleared, there shouldn't be any major issues for now, but she needs proper rest and absolutely no fighting in the future," Dustin stood up and advised.

At this moment, he was sweating profusely, his face pale, obviously exhausted.

"Is my sister really okay?"

Liana's beautiful eyes widened, showing a hint of nervousness and anxiety.

"Whether she's okay or not, you'll know once you go and see for yourself."

Dustin didn't explain much, he slumped into a chair, starting to drink tea in big gulps.

Using a large amount of profound and clear true energy continuously, even with a good foundation, it was a bit overwhelming.

Fortunately, he managed to save Lara in the end, making his efforts worthwhile.

Liana took a deep breath, cautiously walked to the bedside, checked Lara's condition, and finally smiled when she found her sister breathing evenly and with a strong pulse.

"Thank goodness! My sister is finally safe and sound!" Liana burst into tears of joy instantly.

She had asked Dustin for help out of desperation, not expecting much, but he indeed managed to cure her sister.

Looks can be deceiving!

"Dustin, thank you for your hard work."

Gabrielle let out a long sigh of relief, finally showing a hint of a smile on her face.

Others might not know, but she was well aware of the price paid by the person in front of her to save Lara.

It's not an exaggeration to say that Dustin was risking his life to save her.

And the reason he went to such lengths was largely due to her reputation.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel moved.

"Saving a life is more important than anything else, a little hardship is nothing," Dustin said with a faint smile.

"Is she really cured?"

Cedrick looked shocked, finding it hard to believe.


He immediately stepped forward, reaching out to check Lara's pulse. Soon, a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

To his surprise, he found that Lara's weak pulse had become strong and steady, just like that of a healthy person.

How could this be?

Could it be that that kid, Dustin, is really some kind of miraculous doctor?

"Dr. Rhys... Oh no! Dr. Rhys the Miracle Worker!"

After confirming her sister's safety, Liana hurried over to Dustin and bowed deeply, saying, "Thank you for saving my sister. Your great kindness will be remembered by us forever. Whatever you need, we will try our best to fulfill!"

"I was invited by Miss Whitlock to come and treat the illness. If you want to thank someone, thank her," Dustin graciously passed the credit to Gabrielle.

"Thank you, Miss Sheryl!" Liana expressed her gratitude towards Gabrielle with a respectful gesture.

If she had some prejudice against the person in front of her before, now it was replaced with a deep sense of gratitude.

"Don't mention it. Lara is my close friend. If something happens to her, how could I stand by and do nothing?" Gabrielle smiled lightly.

"Regardless, both of you are great benefactors of our organization. If you ever need help in the future, we will definitely lend a hand!" Liana promised earnestly.


At this moment, Cedrick suddenly questioned, "Although Lara's vital signs have returned to normal, why hasn't she woken up yet? What could be the reason?"

Although on the surface it seemed like Dustin had saved Lara, doubts still lingered in his heart.

Perhaps the other party had used some special means to temporarily revive Lara, creating a deceptive effect.

"The patient's body is still very weak. Although the curse has been lifted, she still needs proper rest," Dustin explained calmly.

"Hmph! That's just your one-sided explanation. How do I know you're not lying? What if Lara never wakes up? What then?" Cedrick squinted, looking suspicious.

"What do you mean? Are you deliberately causing trouble?" Dustin furrowed his brows slightly.

This guy was really like an annoying green fly buzzing around. Since he started treating the illness, he had been constantly nagging, never giving it a rest.

Now that Lara had recovered, he was still causing trouble. He really deserved a good beating.

"I'm just being cautious, to prevent any fraud or deception," Cedrick said with a righteous look. "You claim to have cured Lara, fine. If you can make her wake up today, I will acknowledge your medical skills and reward you generously!"

With that said, Cedrick suddenly changed his tone, "Of course! If Lara doesn't wake up, it will only prove that you're a fraud. And at that time, don't blame me for not being polite!"

"Firstly, let me correct you - I don't need your acknowledgment, let alone your thanks."

With a calm expression, Dustin continued, "Furthermore, I am here to heal and save lives, I don't need you meddling around. If you disagree, feel free to try your luck. I'm curious to see what skills you disciples of World Society really possess!"

As he finished speaking, a cold glint flashed in Dustin's eyes.

He was not one to nitpick, but Cedrick's repeated provocations had pushed him to his limit.

Even if his profound and clear true energy was nearly depleted, he could still handle his opponent.

"What's wrong, did I hit a nerve? Are you so angry because I exposed you? I knew you were a fraud!"

Cedrick's face darkened, "Kid, deceiving us, members of World Society, you really have guts. If I don't teach you a lesson today, you won't know the power of World Society!"

With those words, Cedrick suddenly made a move, reaching for Dustin's throat.


Liana's face changed, but it was too late to intervene.

Cedrick was much stronger than her, and his sudden attack caught her off guard.

"You fool!"

Dustin's expression turned cold, just as he was about to retaliate.

A stunning figure suddenly appeared in front, accurately piercing Cedrick's palm acupoint with a silver hairpin.

Cedrick grunted in pain and immediately withdrew his hand.

Looking down, he saw a bloody hole in his palm.


Furrowing his brows, Cedrick glanced at Gabrielle with a hint of shock.

He trained in Iron Sand Palm, which was impervious to weapons, but Gabrielle's single silver hairpin managed to break through his protective profound and clear true energy and pierce his Iron Sand Palm.

Though weapons had their advantages, the opponent's strength was not to be underestimated.

"We came here with good intentions to heal and save lives, is this how World Society treats guests?"

Gabrielle's face was cold, her tone icy as blood dripped from the silver hairpin in her hand.

"Sorry for the disturbance. My senior brother acted impulsively. Please forgive us and don't take offense."

Liana first apologised to Dustin and the others, then she walked up to Cedrick and pushed him forcefully, "Cedrick! Have you lost your mind? Dr. Rhys saved my sister from the brink of death, and instead of being grateful, you're planning to harm him. You've tarnished the reputation of World Society!"

"Little Liana! This guy is a fraud. He didn't really cure Lara's illness. Don't be deceived!" Cedrick hurriedly tried to explain.

"Shut your mouth!"


Liana's anger flared, "If we talk about deceivers, it should be you who invited the Medicine King. After all the fuss, not only did you not cure my sister's illness, but you almost cost her life. If Doctor Rhys hadn't arrived in time, my sister might have been gone by now!"

With these words, Master Wang beside them froze for a moment, looking somewhat awkward and guilty.

"Little Liana! When dealing with matters, we can't just look at the surface. Lara is still not fully awake. It doesn't count as a cure. What if it's just a temporary improvement? We have to be cautious!" Cedrick's expression was grave.

"What temporary improvement? That's just nonsense! I may not understand medicine, but I'm not blind!" Liana retorted.

Since expelling the poisonous blood, her sister's complexion and physical signs had all returned to normal, appearing very stable.

Compared to the previous fluctuating treatment by Master Wang, the difference was like night and day.

Moreover, it was clear to everyone that Dustin had expended a significant amount of true energy during the treatment.

There was no fakery involved.

"All this talk is useless. Unless this lad can awaken Lara, I will never believe in his medical skills!" Cedrick asserted aggressively.

"You... You're just being unreasonable!" Liana's face showed annoyance.

"In fact, I think Young Master Cedrick makes a valid point. When it comes to matters of life and death, there can be no room for error. If this Doctor Rhys truly has the ability, then waking the patient should not be difficult, right?" Unexpectedly, Master Wang interjected.

"You quack! What right do you have to speak here?" Liana shot back.

"Little Liana! Show some respect! Master Wang is a leading figure in the medical world. Although there have been some minor mistakes this time, it doesn't diminish his profound knowledge. Furthermore, he is acting in the best interest of your sister's safety. We can't take any risks!" Cedrick stated firmly.

"Well..." Liana furrowed her brows, feeling somewhat hesitant.

Although Cedrick's attitude was a bit extreme, ultimately, everyone was concerned about her sister's safety.

Until her sister fully regained consciousness, there would indeed be some controversy.

"Doctor Rhys, may I ask how long it will take for my sister to wake up?" Liana turned and inquired.

"Your sister is currently very weak. It's normal for her to sleep for three to five days. The exact time of awakening depends on her own physical condition." Dustin replied calmly.

"She needs to sleep for three to five days? Isn't that a bit too long?" Liana slightly furrowed her brow.

"Little Liana! Did you hear that? This lad is just stalling for time. If we really wait for three to five days, he'll have vanished long ago!" Cedrick incited from the side.

"If you insist on waking your sister up now, there is a way, but the recovery process afterwards will be slower, and there may be some hidden illnesses left. Of course, how to proceed is up to you." Dustin threw the question back.

Lara's body was extremely weak, forcibly waking her would bring more harm than good.

If Liana, as a family member, insisted on doing so, he wouldn't intervene too much.

After all, he had done what he could, with a clear conscience.

"Firstly, let me correct you - I don't need your acknowledgment, let alone your thanks."

With a calm expression, Dustin continued, "Furthermore, I am here to heal and save lives, I don't need you meddling around. If you disagree, feel free to try your luck. I'm curious to see what skills you disciples of World Society really possess!"

As he finished speaking, a cold glint flashed in Dustin's eyes.

He was not one to nitpick, but Cedrick's repeated provocations had pushed him to his limit.

Even if his profound and clear true energy was nearly depleted, he could still handle his opponent.

"What's wrong, did I hit a nerve? Are you so angry because I exposed you? I knew you were a fraud!"

Cedrick's face darkened, "Kid, deceiving us, members of World Society, you really have guts. If I don't teach you a lesson today, you won't know the power of World Society!"

With those words, Cedrick suddenly made a move, reaching for Dustin's throat.


Liana's face changed, but it was too late to intervene.

Cedrick was much stronger than her, and his sudden attack caught her off guard.

"You fool!"

Dustin's expression turned cold, just as he was about to retaliate.

A stunning figure suddenly appeared in front, accurately piercing Cedrick's palm acupoint with a silver hairpin.

Cedrick grunted in pain and immediately withdrew his hand.

Looking down, he saw a bloody hole in his palm.


Furrowing his brows, Cedrick glanced at Gabrielle with a hint of shock.

He trained in Iron Sand Palm, which was impervious to weapons, but Gabrielle's single silver hairpin managed to break through his protective profound and clear true energy and pierce his Iron Sand Palm.

Though weapons had their advantages, the opponent's strength was not to be underestimated.

"We came here with good intentions to heal and save lives, is this how World Society treats guests?"

Gabrielle's face was cold, her tone icy as blood dripped from the silver hairpin in her hand.

"Sorry for the disturbance. My senior brother acted impulsively. Please forgive us and don't take offense."

Liana first apologised to Dustin and the others, then she walked up to Cedrick and pushed him forcefully, "Cedrick! Have you lost your mind? Dr. Rhys saved my sister from the brink of death, and instead of being grateful, you're planning to harm him. You've tarnished the reputation of World Society!"

"Little Liana! This guy is a fraud. He didn't really cure Lara's illness. Don't be deceived!" Cedrick hurriedly tried to explain.

"Shut your mouth!"


Liana's anger flared, "If we talk about deceivers, it should be you who invited the Medicine King. After all the fuss, not only did you not cure my sister's illness, but you almost cost her life. If Doctor Rhys hadn't arrived in time, my sister might have been gone by now!"

With these words, Master Wang beside them froze for a moment, looking somewhat awkward and guilty.

"Little Liana! When dealing with matters, we can't just look at the surface. Lara is still not fully awake. It doesn't count as a cure. What if it's just a temporary improvement? We have to be cautious!" Cedrick's expression was grave.

"What temporary improvement? That's just nonsense! I may not understand medicine, but I'm not blind!" Liana retorted.

Since expelling the poisonous blood, her sister's complexion and physical signs had all returned to normal, appearing very stable.

Compared to the previous fluctuating treatment by Master Wang, the difference was like night and day.

Moreover, it was clear to everyone that Dustin had expended a significant amount of true energy during the treatment.

There was no fakery involved.

"All this talk is useless. Unless this lad can awaken Lara, I will never believe in his medical skills!" Cedrick asserted aggressively.

"You... You're just being unreasonable!" Liana's face showed annoyance.

"In fact, I think Young Master Cedrick makes a valid point. When it comes to matters of life and death, there can be no room for error. If this Doctor Rhys truly has the ability, then waking the patient should not be difficult, right?" Unexpectedly, Master Wang interjected.

"You quack! What right do you have to speak here?" Liana shot back.

"Little Liana! Show some respect! Master Wang is a leading figure in the medical world. Although there have been some minor mistakes this time, it doesn't diminish his profound knowledge. Furthermore, he is acting in the best interest of your sister's safety. We can't take any risks!" Cedrick stated firmly.

"Well..." Liana furrowed her brows, feeling somewhat hesitant.

Although Cedrick's attitude was a bit extreme, ultimately, everyone was concerned about her sister's safety.

Until her sister fully regained consciousness, there would indeed be some controversy.

"Doctor Rhys, may I ask how long it will take for my sister to wake up?" Liana turned and inquired.

"Your sister is currently very weak. It's normal for her to sleep for three to five days. The exact time of awakening depends on her own physical condition." Dustin replied calmly.

"She needs to sleep for three to five days? Isn't that a bit too long?" Liana slightly furrowed her brow.

"Little Liana! Did you hear that? This lad is just stalling for time. If we really wait for three to five days, he'll have vanished long ago!" Cedrick incited from the side.

"If you insist on waking your sister up now, there is a way, but the recovery process afterwards will be slower, and there may be some hidden illnesses left. Of course, how to proceed is up to you." Dustin threw the question back.

Lara's body was extremely weak, forcibly waking her would bring more harm than good.

If Liana, as a family member, insisted on doing so, he wouldn't intervene too much.

After all, he had done what he could, with a clear conscience.
What ungrateful people 😪

"Firstly, let me correct you - I don't need your acknowledgment, let alone your thanks."

With a calm expression, Dustin continued, "Furthermore, I am here to heal and save lives, I don't need you meddling around. If you disagree, feel free to try your luck. I'm curious to see what skills you disciples of World Society really possess!"

As he finished speaking, a cold glint flashed in Dustin's eyes.

He was not one to nitpick, but Cedrick's repeated provocations had pushed him to his limit.

Even if his profound and clear true energy was nearly depleted, he could still handle his opponent.

"What's wrong, did I hit a nerve? Are you so angry because I exposed you? I knew you were a fraud!"

Cedrick's face darkened, "Kid, deceiving us, members of World Society, you really have guts. If I don't teach you a lesson today, you won't know the power of World Society!"

With those words, Cedrick suddenly made a move, reaching for Dustin's throat.


Liana's face changed, but it was too late to intervene.

Cedrick was much stronger than her, and his sudden attack caught her off guard.

"You fool!"

Dustin's expression turned cold, just as he was about to retaliate.

A stunning figure suddenly appeared in front, accurately piercing Cedrick's palm acupoint with a silver hairpin.

Cedrick grunted in pain and immediately withdrew his hand.

Looking down, he saw a bloody hole in his palm.


Furrowing his brows, Cedrick glanced at Gabrielle with a hint of shock.

He trained in Iron Sand Palm, which was impervious to weapons, but Gabrielle's single silver hairpin managed to break through his protective profound and clear true energy and pierce his Iron Sand Palm.

Though weapons had their advantages, the opponent's strength was not to be underestimated.

"We came here with good intentions to heal and save lives, is this how World Society treats guests?"

Gabrielle's face was cold, her tone icy as blood dripped from the silver hairpin in her hand.

"Sorry for the disturbance. My senior brother acted impulsively. Please forgive us and don't take offense."

Liana first apologised to Dustin and the others, then she walked up to Cedrick and pushed him forcefully, "Cedrick! Have you lost your mind? Dr. Rhys saved my sister from the brink of death, and instead of being grateful, you're planning to harm him. You've tarnished the reputation of World Society!"

"Little Liana! This guy is a fraud. He didn't really cure Lara's illness. Don't be deceived!" Cedrick hurriedly tried to explain.

"Shut your mouth!"


Liana's anger flared, "If we talk about deceivers, it should be you who invited the Medicine King. After all the fuss, not only did you not cure my sister's illness, but you almost cost her life. If Doctor Rhys hadn't arrived in time, my sister might have been gone by now!"

With these words, Master Wang beside them froze for a moment, looking somewhat awkward and guilty.

"Little Liana! When dealing with matters, we can't just look at the surface. Lara is still not fully awake. It doesn't count as a cure. What if it's just a temporary improvement? We have to be cautious!" Cedrick's expression was grave.

"What temporary improvement? That's just nonsense! I may not understand medicine, but I'm not blind!" Liana retorted.

Since expelling the poisonous blood, her sister's complexion and physical signs had all returned to normal, appearing very stable.

Compared to the previous fluctuating treatment by Master Wang, the difference was like night and day.

Moreover, it was clear to everyone that Dustin had expended a significant amount of true energy during the treatment.

There was no fakery involved.

"All this talk is useless. Unless this lad can awaken Lara, I will never believe in his medical skills!" Cedrick asserted aggressively.

"You... You're just being unreasonable!" Liana's face showed annoyance.

"In fact, I think Young Master Cedrick makes a valid point. When it comes to matters of life and death, there can be no room for error. If this Doctor Rhys truly has the ability, then waking the patient should not be difficult, right?" Unexpectedly, Master Wang interjected.

"You quack! What right do you have to speak here?" Liana shot back.

"Little Liana! Show some respect! Master Wang is a leading figure in the medical world. Although there have been some minor mistakes this time, it doesn't diminish his profound knowledge. Furthermore, he is acting in the best interest of your sister's safety. We can't take any risks!" Cedrick stated firmly.

"Well..." Liana furrowed her brows, feeling somewhat hesitant.

Although Cedrick's attitude was a bit extreme, ultimately, everyone was concerned about her sister's safety.

Until her sister fully regained consciousness, there would indeed be some controversy.

"Doctor Rhys, may I ask how long it will take for my sister to wake up?" Liana turned and inquired.

"Your sister is currently very weak. It's normal for her to sleep for three to five days. The exact time of awakening depends on her own physical condition." Dustin replied calmly.

"She needs to sleep for three to five days? Isn't that a bit too long?" Liana slightly furrowed her brow.

"Little Liana! Did you hear that? This lad is just stalling for time. If we really wait for three to five days, he'll have vanished long ago!" Cedrick incited from the side.

"If you insist on waking your sister up now, there is a way, but the recovery process afterwards will be slower, and there may be some hidden illnesses left. Of course, how to proceed is up to you." Dustin threw the question back.

Lara's body was extremely weak, forcibly waking her would bring more harm than good.

If Liana, as a family member, insisted on doing so, he wouldn't intervene too much.

After all, he had done what he could, with a clear conscience.
Thanks IGM Junlee.
This guy is gonna get what's coming to him in the next chapters.
I hope he loses some limbs.
Hello friend 🙂..You don't know that both of them used Jade Black magic pearl to advance their cultivation.. but that pearl used to show false cultivation speed.. now everything has become normal as before 😜
That's Demonic cultivation...
Are you sure it was the Jade Black magic pearl they were using?
I knew it...
I'm very suspicious about these weekend seclusions the IGM's been having. And now he's a Joey.😁😁
I came back after 2 weeks and saw that there are baby villager and baby Kangaroo.
Dustin has not yet finished treating this girl in 2 weeks. And this Cederick should have been crippled of his cultivation, why Gabrielle and Dustin are not doing anything ? Story drags on long for mere treatment of Liana.
Shit ! At this pace what will happen to the future of this novel ?

Compared to the whispered conversation between Cedrick and Master Wang, Liana paced anxiously on the side, wanting to ask several times but ultimately holding back, fearing that speaking up might distract Dustin and affect her sister's treatment.

As time passed, Lara's expression became increasingly pained, sweating profusely with dark energy swirling around her, enveloping even Dustin.

After an unknown duration, Dustin suddenly opened his eyes and took a deep breath.


A vortex of true energy formed in his mouth out of thin air, simultaneously absorbing the surrounding black mist into his body.

Following this, Dustin's complexion turned alternately pale and green, his furrowed brow deepening.

He forcibly absorbed most of the curse within Lara's body, causing some discomfort despite his strong physical condition and remarkable reserves.

After absorbing the curse, Dustin forcefully patted Lara's back.


Lara spat out a large amount of black blood and collapsed limply onto the bed.


Seeing her spit out blood, Cedrick's expression changed, but he was stopped by Gabrielle when he tried to approach.

"Dr. Rhys is treating her. No one is allowed to disturb," Gabrielle coldly stated.

"Treating? He's already made her vomit blood! Get out of the way!" Cedrick shouted.

"The blood she vomited is toxic. Vomiting it out will speed up her recovery," Gabrielle tried to explain.

"Nonsense!" Cedrick was furious. "I warn you, Lara is of noble status. If anything happens to her, none of you will be able to compensate for it!"

"If you want Lara to recover, stay back and don't disturb Dr. Rhys's treatment," Gabrielle said sternly.

"Of course I want Lara to recover, but I don't trust this guy's medical skills. Who knows if he's using dirty tricks?" Cedrick persisted.

"I'll say it one last time, step back, or else don't blame me for being impolite!" Gabrielle warned.

"Hmph! Who do you think you are? How dare you threaten me? I can take your life in a minute!" Cedrick glared, full of hostility.

"You can try," Gabrielle remained expressionless.

"Ignorant fool!"

As Cedrick became angry and prepared to act, Liana suddenly stepped in between them and angrily exclaimed, "What are you two doing? My sister is in critical condition. Are you really going to fight here?!"


"Little Liana! That bloke's medical skills are rubbish, he made your sister vomit blood. If he keeps messing around, your sister won't make it!" Cedrick began to provoke.

Liana glanced back at Dustin, a hint of hesitation flickered across her face, but she quickly regained her resolve: "Dr. Rhys was invited by me, I trust his medical skills. If something goes wrong, I will take responsibility."

She had brought Dustin in as a last resort.

Regardless of the outcome, she had no reason to blame him.

"Little Liana..."

Cedrick furrowed his brow, about to say something more, but Liana raised her hand to stop him: "Enough! Stop talking! She is my sister, I have the final say in everything!"

"You really are clueless!"

Cedrick sighed, looking like he was resigned to the situation.

Seeing Liana's firm attitude, he could only step back.

On the sickbed, Dustin ignored Cedrick's interference and focused on quickly suppressing the restlessness of curse in the body.

Then, he lifted Lara's head with one hand, took out the pill he had previously refined, and fed it to her.

The pill Dustin had made was not a traditional antidote, but a type of poison.

Due to the urgency of the situation, the only way to quickly break the curse was to use this poison to counteract it.

By having two different poisons clash and consume each other within Lara's body, the rapid depletion effect could be achieved.

Of course, using poison to fight poison carried significant risks compared to normal treatment methods.

One misstep, and the patient could die instantly.

This would test Dustin's strength.

He had to use his profound energy to constantly protect Lara's vital points, preventing her from sustaining serious injuries.

Only when the two poisons had consumed each other to a similar extent, would he proceed with the final steps.

An ordinary doctor would never be able to handle this, only a grandmaster like Dustin had the confidence to attempt this risky treatment method.

As Dustin had anticipated, when the poison of the pill clashed with the curse within Lara's body, a fierce collision occurred swiftly.

The two poisons began devouring each other, causing blood vessels to burst along the meridians.

Externally, Lara began to bleed from her nose incessantly.

Despite Dustin's strong energy, he couldn't ensure Lara's safety completely, he could only protect her main meridians to the best of his ability, preventing her from sustaining severe injuries.

The final outcome would depend on Lara's fate.


As the two poisons fought fiercely, Lara's nosebleeds increased, and her body began to spasm slightly.

Dustin sat still, his palm pressed against Lara's back, continuously infusing her with profound and clear true energy.

Lara's meridians were repeatedly broken and repaired by Dustin.

This cycle continued for about the time it takes for an incense stick to burn.

After the incense stick burned out, the two poisons in Lara's body were almost depleted, and she became calm, no longer in pain, and her nose no longer bled.

Though her face was still pale, her pulse was steady, her breathing long, clearly having passed the critical stage.

Only then did Dustin slowly release his hand and stop the treatment.

"The curse in Lara's body has been cleared, there shouldn't be any major issues for now, but she needs proper rest and absolutely no fighting in the future," Dustin stood up and advised.

At this moment, he was sweating profusely, his face pale, obviously exhausted.

"Is my sister really okay?"

Liana's beautiful eyes widened, showing a hint of nervousness and anxiety.

"Whether she's okay or not, you'll know once you go and see for yourself."

Dustin didn't explain much, he slumped into a chair, starting to drink tea in big gulps.

Using a large amount of profound and clear true energy continuously, even with a good foundation, it was a bit overwhelming.

Fortunately, he managed to save Lara in the end, making his efforts worthwhile.

Liana took a deep breath, cautiously walked to the bedside, checked Lara's condition, and finally smiled when she found her sister breathing evenly and with a strong pulse.

"Thank goodness! My sister is finally safe and sound!" Liana burst into tears of joy instantly.

She had asked Dustin for help out of desperation, not expecting much, but he indeed managed to cure her sister.

Looks can be deceiving!

"Dustin, thank you for your hard work."

Gabrielle let out a long sigh of relief, finally showing a hint of a smile on her face.

Others might not know, but she was well aware of the price paid by the person in front of her to save Lara.

It's not an exaggeration to say that Dustin was risking his life to save her.

And the reason he went to such lengths was largely due to her reputation.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel moved.

"Saving a life is more important than anything else, a little hardship is nothing," Dustin said with a faint smile.

"Is she really cured?"

Cedrick looked shocked, finding it hard to believe.


He immediately stepped forward, reaching out to check Lara's pulse. Soon, a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

To his surprise, he found that Lara's weak pulse had become strong and steady, just like that of a healthy person.

How could this be?

Could it be that that kid, Dustin, is really some kind of miraculous doctor?

"Dr. Rhys... Oh no! Dr. Rhys the Miracle Worker!"

After confirming her sister's safety, Liana hurried over to Dustin and bowed deeply, saying, "Thank you for saving my sister. Your great kindness will be remembered by us forever. Whatever you need, we will try our best to fulfill!"

"I was invited by Miss Whitlock to come and treat the illness. If you want to thank someone, thank her," Dustin graciously passed the credit to Gabrielle.

"Thank you, Miss Sheryl!" Liana expressed her gratitude towards Gabrielle with a respectful gesture.

If she had some prejudice against the person in front of her before, now it was replaced with a deep sense of gratitude.

"Don't mention it. Lara is my close friend. If something happens to her, how could I stand by and do nothing?" Gabrielle smiled lightly.

"Regardless, both of you are great benefactors of our organization. If you ever need help in the future, we will definitely lend a hand!" Liana promised earnestly.


At this moment, Cedrick suddenly questioned, "Although Lara's vital signs have returned to normal, why hasn't she woken up yet? What could be the reason?"

Although on the surface it seemed like Dustin had saved Lara, doubts still lingered in his heart.

Perhaps the other party had used some special means to temporarily revive Lara, creating a deceptive effect.

"The patient's body is still very weak. Although the curse has been lifted, she still needs proper rest," Dustin explained calmly.

"Hmph! That's just your one-sided explanation. How do I know you're not lying? What if Lara never wakes up? What then?" Cedrick squinted, looking suspicious.

"What do you mean? Are you deliberately causing trouble?" Dustin furrowed his brows slightly.

This guy was really like an annoying green fly buzzing around. Since he started treating the illness, he had been constantly nagging, never giving it a rest.

Now that Lara had recovered, he was still causing trouble. He really deserved a good beating.

"I'm just being cautious, to prevent any fraud or deception," Cedrick said with a righteous look. "You claim to have cured Lara, fine. If you can make her wake up today, I will acknowledge your medical skills and reward you generously!"

With that said, Cedrick suddenly changed his tone, "Of course! If Lara doesn't wake up, it will only prove that you're a fraud. And at that time, don't blame me for not being pain the ass

I came back after 2 weeks and saw that there are baby villager and baby Kangaroo.
Dustin has not yet finished treating this girl in 2 weeks. And this Cederick should have been crippled of his cultivation, why Gabrielle and Dustin are not doing anything ? Story drags on long for mere treatment of Liana.
Shit ! At this pace what will happen to the future of this novel ?
This means, even when we retire after 65 years (after 30 years from now), we will have this story to read where Dustin is still trying to wake Liana and Cederick is still abusing Dustin.

Dustin's words quickly plunged Liana into a dilemma.

Although she trusted Dustin's medical skills, she couldn't help but worry about her sister's physical safety.

It's not that she was afraid of anything, but rather, she was worried about the what-ifs.

What if her sister remained in a coma and didn't wake up? What would they do then?

"Liana, Doctor Rhys is someone I've invited, and I can vouch for him. Right now, you should let your sister rest and not try to force her awake. There's no benefit to doing so," Gabrielle said with a serious tone.

"Hmph! You two are in cahoots, of course, you'd say that!"

Cedrick continued to fan the flames: "Little Liana, don't listen to their sweet talk. Only when your sister wakes up will you truly be saved. Anything else is just empty words!"

"You're right, a patient's condition can be unpredictable. Even if they seem stable now, they could suddenly take a turn for the worse. Human life is precious, and I think this matter requires caution," Master Wang chimed in.

As a renowned doctor in the martial arts world, being overshadowed by a young whippersnapper like Dustin was unbearable.

If he had the chance to take him down a peg, he wouldn't hesitate.

"Doctor Rhys, can you... can you make my sister wake up as soon as possible?"

After hesitating for a moment, Liana finally spoke up.

Although Cedrick's behavior was a bit over-the-top, his words did have some truth to them.

"Of course, but let me make one thing clear: if your sister wakes up with any aftereffects, I won't be responsible," Dustin said calmly.

"Hmph! You're just trying to scare us! As long as you can wake up Little Liana, I'll take full responsibility for any consequences!" Cedrick exclaimed, puffing out his chest.

"Doctor Rhys, please, I'd love to see what you're capable of. Is it a case of the new generation surpassing the old, or is someone just pretending to be something they're not?" Master Wang said with a hint of sarcasm.

Dustin nodded, not saying anything more, and walked back to the bedside. He then pulled out a silver needle and swiftly stabbed it into Liana's brow.


As the silver needle vibrated, a thread of profound and clear true energy flowed into her temple.

Liana's eyebrows suddenly twitched, and her eyelids began to quiver, her expression filled with pain.

Her weak body was being forced awake, and she instinctively resisted.

Her eyeballs under her eyelids started rolling back and forth, increasing in speed.

Three minutes later.

Dustin pulled out the silver needle, let out a soft sigh, and said, "It's almost done. Your sister will wake up within the time it takes to burn an incense stick."

"Hmph! You're just pretending! I don't believe you have the skills to do this!" Cedrick sneered.

"Believe it or not, I've already done what I needed to do. Whatever the consequences, you'll have to take responsibility for them yourselves," Dustin said, his face expressionless.


He had already removed the curse from Lara's body, fulfilling Gabrielle's request. As for any subsequent mistakes, he didn't bother to ask.

"I'm done, I'm tired, I'll go rest first, you guys take care of things here."

Dustin let out a yawn, not saying another word, and turned to leave.

"Stop right there!"

Cedrick suddenly blocked his path, his face stern and menacing. "You little brat! Who said you could leave? I made it clear just now that unless Lara wakes up, you're not going anywhere today!"

"I said I'd wake her up within the time it takes to burn an incense stick, didn't you understand?" Dustin was getting impatient.

"Don't even mention an incense stick, not even a second later!" Cedrick barked.

"Get out of my way, or don't blame me for being impolite!" Dustin's eyes grew cold.

He had been looking down on Cedrick for a while, and if the other party really didn't know their place, he wouldn't mind teaching them a lesson.

"What's going on? Got a guilty conscience? Trying to make a quick escape?" Cedrick sneered. "I'm telling you, it's not possible!"

Cedrick's menacing tone sent chills down Dustin's spine. "If anything happens to Lara today, I'll make sure you're buried with her!"

"You think you can make me follow her to the grave? Do you have the capability?" Dustin's face remained icy calm.

"Hmph! You're just a ignorant fool, and today I'll show you the power of my family!"

Cedrick's eyes turned cold, and he was about to make a move when...

Lara on the bed let out a soft sigh and suddenly opened her eyes.

The scene left Cedrick stunned, unable to react for a moment.

"She's awake! Sister's finally awake!"

Liana was overjoyed, her excitement palpable.

She never thought that Dustin would actually be able to wake her sister up so quickly.

"How is this possible?!"

Master Wang was shocked, his face filled with astonishment.

He had always thought that Dustin was using some underhanded trick to deceive people.

But Lara's awakening had shattered his illusion.

It turned out that the other party wasn't a swindler, but someone with real skills.

Thinking about how he, a renowned doctor, was surpassed by a young man, Master Wang felt a mix of shock, defeat, and shame.

Even if he didn't want to admit it, he had to acknowledge that the other party was a rising star.

"Cedrick, didn't you want Lara to wake up? Now that she has, are you still going to question Dr. Rhys's medical skills?" Gabrielle's piercing gaze seemed to bore into Cedrick's soul.

One sentence, and Cedrick's face turned bright red, leaving him speechless.
I came back after 2 weeks and saw that there are baby villager and baby Kangaroo.
Dustin has not yet finished treating this girl in 2 weeks. And this Cederick should have been crippled of his cultivation, why Gabrielle and Dustin are not doing anything ? Story drags on long for mere treatment of Liana.
Shit ! At this pace what will happen to the future of this novel ?
As usual...

Dustin's words quickly plunged Liana into a dilemma.

Although she trusted Dustin's medical skills, she couldn't help but worry about her sister's physical safety.

It's not that she was afraid of anything, but rather, she was worried about the what-ifs.

What if her sister remained in a coma and didn't wake up? What would they do then?

"Liana, Doctor Rhys is someone I've invited, and I can vouch for him. Right now, you should let your sister rest and not try to force her awake. There's no benefit to doing so," Gabrielle said with a serious tone.

"Hmph! You two are in cahoots, of course, you'd say that!"

Cedrick continued to fan the flames: "Little Liana, don't listen to their sweet talk. Only when your sister wakes up will you truly be saved. Anything else is just empty words!"

"You're right, a patient's condition can be unpredictable. Even if they seem stable now, they could suddenly take a turn for the worse. Human life is precious, and I think this matter requires caution," Master Wang chimed in.

As a renowned doctor in the martial arts world, being overshadowed by a young whippersnapper like Dustin was unbearable.

If he had the chance to take him down a peg, he wouldn't hesitate.

"Doctor Rhys, can you... can you make my sister wake up as soon as possible?"

After hesitating for a moment, Liana finally spoke up.

Although Cedrick's behavior was a bit over-the-top, his words did have some truth to them.

"Of course, but let me make one thing clear: if your sister wakes up with any aftereffects, I won't be responsible," Dustin said calmly.

"Hmph! You're just trying to scare us! As long as you can wake up Little Liana, I'll take full responsibility for any consequences!" Cedrick exclaimed, puffing out his chest.

"Doctor Rhys, please, I'd love to see what you're capable of. Is it a case of the new generation surpassing the old, or is someone just pretending to be something they're not?" Master Wang said with a hint of sarcasm.

Dustin nodded, not saying anything more, and walked back to the bedside. He then pulled out a silver needle and swiftly stabbed it into Liana's brow.


As the silver needle vibrated, a thread of profound and clear true energy flowed into her temple.

Liana's eyebrows suddenly twitched, and her eyelids began to quiver, her expression filled with pain.

Her weak body was being forced awake, and she instinctively resisted.

Her eyeballs under her eyelids started rolling back and forth, increasing in speed.

Three minutes later.

Dustin pulled out the silver needle, let out a soft sigh, and said, "It's almost done. Your sister will wake up within the time it takes to burn an incense stick."

"Hmph! You're just pretending! I don't believe you have the skills to do this!" Cedrick sneered.

"Believe it or not, I've already done what I needed to do. Whatever the consequences, you'll have to take responsibility for them yourselves," Dustin said, his face expressionless.


He had already removed the curse from Lara's body, fulfilling Gabrielle's request. As for any subsequent mistakes, he didn't bother to ask.

"I'm done, I'm tired, I'll go rest first, you guys take care of things here."

Dustin let out a yawn, not saying another word, and turned to leave.

"Stop right there!"

Cedrick suddenly blocked his path, his face stern and menacing. "You little brat! Who said you could leave? I made it clear just now that unless Lara wakes up, you're not going anywhere today!"

"I said I'd wake her up within the time it takes to burn an incense stick, didn't you understand?" Dustin was getting impatient.

"Don't even mention an incense stick, not even a second later!" Cedrick barked.

"Get out of my way, or don't blame me for being impolite!" Dustin's eyes grew cold.

He had been looking down on Cedrick for a while, and if the other party really didn't know their place, he wouldn't mind teaching them a lesson.

"What's going on? Got a guilty conscience? Trying to make a quick escape?" Cedrick sneered. "I'm telling you, it's not possible!"

Cedrick's menacing tone sent chills down Dustin's spine. "If anything happens to Lara today, I'll make sure you're buried with her!"

"You think you can make me follow her to the grave? Do you have the capability?" Dustin's face remained icy calm.

"Hmph! You're just a ignorant fool, and today I'll show you the power of my family!"

Cedrick's eyes turned cold, and he was about to make a move when...

Lara on the bed let out a soft sigh and suddenly opened her eyes.

The scene left Cedrick stunned, unable to react for a moment.

"She's awake! Sister's finally awake!"

Liana was overjoyed, her excitement palpable.

She never thought that Dustin would actually be able to wake her sister up so quickly.

"How is this possible?!"

Master Wang was shocked, his face filled with astonishment.

He had always thought that Dustin was using some underhanded trick to deceive people.

But Lara's awakening had shattered his illusion.

It turned out that the other party wasn't a swindler, but someone with real skills.

Thinking about how he, a renowned doctor, was surpassed by a young man, Master Wang felt a mix of shock, defeat, and shame.

Even if he didn't want to admit it, he had to acknowledge that the other party was a rising star.

"Cedrick, didn't you want Lara to wake up? Now that she has, are you still going to question Dr. Rhys's medical skills?" Gabrielle's piercing gaze seemed to bore into Cedrick's soul.

One sentence, and Cedrick's face turned bright red, leaving him speechless.
Hmmn, something is going to happen. I think there will be a fight soon. The aftermath of awakening Lara early will show and this guy will blame Dustin.
“But just when Dustin was about to teach him a lesson “wait…!” said Lara…”
Always an interruption.
I think the author is under the impression that this is a good device to employ and that’s probably why he/she uses it all the time.
Someone should tell them that it’s repetitive, predictable and worst of all, annoying…

Cedrick's expression was a strange mix of emotions. While he was somewhat surprised by Lara's awakening, he felt a deep sense of humiliation, as if he'd been slapped in the face.

The way Dustin and Gabrielle looked at him made him feel like a clown. All his previous actions had become a huge joke, especially now that Lara was awake. He had never felt so embarrassed in his life. His hatred for Dustin and Gabrielle reached its peak.

"Sister, how are you feeling? Are you in any pain?"

Liana leaned over the bed, her face full of concern.

"My head hurts a bit..."

Lara frowned, rubbing her temples. "Little Liana, how did I get here? What happened?"

She felt dizzy and confused, her memory a blank.

"Sister, you were poisoned. It was very serious. Luckily, Sheryl and Dr. Rhys saved you. Otherwise, you might not have made it."

Liana didn't hide anything, giving a brief explanation of what happened.

Lara's gaze fell on Gabrielle, her face lit up with surprise. "Sheryl, how did you get here?"

"I heard you were sick, so I specially invited a great doctor for you. Thankfully, we arrived in time, otherwise, who knows what might have happened." Gabrielle smiled slightly.

"You're so thoughtful."

Lara smiled, then turned to Dustin. "This is Dr. Rhys, right? Thank you for saving my life. If you ever need anything, I'll do everything I can to help."

"Don't mention it. I only did it for Sheryl." Dustin didn't hesitate.

"Oh? Seems like Dr. Rhys and Sheryl are close." Lara winked playfully at Gabrielle.

"You're still joking around when you're so sick? Just lie down and rest." Gabrielle said with a hint of annoyance.

"I've been lying in bed for days. If I stay in bed any longer, I'll fall apart. I need to get up and move around."

Lara smiled and got out of bed.

But the next second, she felt dizzy and her body began to sway.

"Sister, slow down!"

Liana was startled and rushed to support her.

"I'm fine."

Lara stopped Liana, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. After the dizziness subsided, she opened her eyes and smiled again. "I got up too quickly, I'm a bit lightheaded. It's nothing."

"Miss Moore, to be honest, the poison you were given wasn't ordinary. It was a very powerful type of voodoo."


"The person who poisoned you is a very skilled high-level witch," said Dustin, his face serious. "While I can save you once, I can't guarantee I can save you twice or three times. To truly end this threat, the best solution is to find this witch. Either make them an ally or eliminate them."

"Lara, have you offended anyone recently? Or have you had any past grievances with anyone?" Gabrielle asked tentatively.

"Offended anyone?"

Lara frowned slightly, pondering for a moment before shaking her head. "I rarely go out. Recently, I heard about the martial arts competition in Dragon Tiger Mountain and came to join the fun. I've been sightseeing and haven't provoked anyone."

"That's strange."

Gabrielle turned to look at Dustin, who nodded in agreement.

Although they didn't say anything, they both understood what the other was thinking.

If it wasn't an enemy seeking revenge, then it was likely a plot by the Pantheon. They were trying to use Lara's death to incite a war between the Mystic Arts Order and the World Society, allowing them to reap the benefits.

"Wait! I remember!"

At that moment, Lara seemed to recall something and suddenly raised her voice. "A few days ago, a strangely dressed person asked me for directions. I smelled a unique fragrance at the time, but I didn't think much of it. Later, I fainted inexplicably. Do you think that person might have poisoned me?"

"Very likely," Dustin nodded.

"Do you remember what they looked like?" Gabrielle asked.

"Yes, I can even draw them," Lara nodded, then turned to Liana. "Little Liana, bring me some paper and a pen."

"Okay," Liana replied, quickly leaving and returning with paper and a pen.

Lara took the paper and pen, pondered for a moment, and began to draw.

Soon, a face with clear features appeared before them.

The exquisite artistry even surprised Dustin.

Just one glance, and she could draw the person clearly. This photographic memory was truly impressive.

"There, that's the person."

Lara handed the drawing to Gabrielle.

Gabrielle took a look and then passed it to Dustin.

Dustin finished looking at it and then passed it to Liana.

The person in the drawing was about forty years old, with an ordinary appearance, looking unremarkable and inconspicuous.

If it weren't for Lara's extraordinary memory, she wouldn't have remembered this ordinary face.

"Someone! Take a photo of this portrait and send it to all the World Society disciples nearby. Within three days, we must capture this person!"

Liana didn't waste any words and directly issued a kill order.

Anyone who dared to harm her sister, no matter their identity, would pay a heavy price.
“But just when Dustin was about to teach him a lesson “wait…!” said Lara…”
Always an interruption.
I think the author is under the impression that this is a good device to employ and that’s probably why he/she uses it all the time.
Someone should tell them that it’s repetitive, predictable and worst of all, annoying…
And here we are still waitin days by days to see the upcoming stories...
We have so got used to it and it almost feels like that it is okay that the author is dragging the story and we are not so clued and not ready to give up but why can't he add a couple more chapter everyday. As of now it is like that we have to wait for the whole week to know the whole word, pitifully an alphabet per day is painful.

"Lara, the person you're after is a high-level wizard, powerful and cunning. Be careful," Gabrielle warned.

"Don't worry, we have many eyes and ears in the World Society, and we have countless experts. Once we find his whereabouts, we'll attack him in force and make sure he doesn't escape," Liana said confidently.

"Sheryl, you've already saved my life. You don't need to worry about catching the culprit," Lara smiled.

"Looks like I was overthinking it," Gabrielle nodded, saying no more.

The World Society wasn't a pushover. Once they gathered all their top experts, catching a wizard shouldn't be a problem.

Even the Shrine of the Gods (The Pantheon) wouldn't dare to clash head-on with the World Society within the borders of Dragon Tiger Mountain.

"Dr. Rhys, you saved my life. I should properly thank you. I'm just not sure what you need," Lara spoke again.

She didn't like owing people favours. Since Dustin had saved her life, she naturally had to repay him handsomely.

"No need. If you want to thank someone, thank Sheryl. I don't need anything," Dustin repeated himself.

"Alright, alright, we're all friends. No need to be so polite. If you really want to thank us, treat us to dinner. We're hungry," Gabrielle laughed.

"Alright, let's eat first and chat while we eat."

Lara nodded, her gaze turning to Liana: "Little Liana, tell the disciple to prepare a lavish meal. Also, bring out the fine wine we keep in the World Society. I'm hosting a feast for our esteemed guests tonight!"

"No problem."

Liana responded and quickly got to work.

By now, the sun had set and night had begun to fall.

A bright full moon hung high in the sky, casting a silvery sheen on the lake.

The villa was brightly lit, and the servants bustled about.

Within an hour, various delicacies and fine wines were served.

Dustin and Gabrielle were invited to take the seats of honour, while Master Wang, filled with shame, had already left the villa.

"Come, Sheryl, Dr. Rhys, I'll raise a toast to you both."

Lara was very generous. After pouring everyone a glass of wine, she stood up, raised her glass, and bowed.

"You're recovering from your illness, you can't drink," Dustin blurted out.

"Huh?" Lara's face froze, then she tentatively asked, "Just a little bit is okay?"

"No." Dustin shook his head.

"This..." Lara was speechless.

She was a big drinker, especially when reuniting with old friends. Not having a few drinks was a real itch she couldn't scratch.

"Sis, Dr. Rhys is right. Your body isn't suitable for alcohol right now. Just have some tea,"


Liana had someone bring over a pot of tea, then reached out to take Lara's wine glass.

But she pulled twice, and couldn't get it down.

Lara held the wine glass, looking reluctant: "I won't drink, it should be fine to just smell the aroma of the wine nearby, right?"

"Sister, why are you doing this again?"

Liana rolled her eyes: "With your fondness for alcohol, the more you smell it, the stronger your craving will become. You'll probably be unable to resist soon."

"Lara, your health is important. There will be plenty of opportunities to drink in the future. Don't worry about missing this one meal." Gabrielle, who was sitting next to her, also smiled and persuaded her.

"Alright then..."

Hearing this, Lara finally let go of the wine glass and picked up the teacup.

The tea was good, fragrant and refreshing, with a lingering sweetness aftertaste. It was a top-grade tea worth thousands of gold.

However, no matter how good the tea was, Lara felt it was tasteless in her mouth.

Being unable to drink the fine wine right in front of her was truly agonizing.

Fortunately, Liana was considerate and seized the opportunity to change the subject.

"By the way, Doctor Rhys, you're young and have incredible medical skills. Are you interested in joining our World Society?" Liana took the initiative to invite him.

"I'm a carefree wanderer, used to a lazy life. I don't plan to join any forces." Dustin shook his head and declined.

"Doctor Rhys, our World Society has many benefits. As long as you join us, you will definitely be treated well. You'll have whatever you want. Why wouldn't you want to?" Liana spoke again.

"Yes, Doctor Rhys, our World Society needs someone like you. As long as you agree, I can appoint you as a guest elder of the World Society." Lara directly offered the conditions.

"What? Guest elder?"

Hearing this, Cedrick instantly couldn't sit still: "Lara, are you being too impulsive? A guest elder of the World Society has power second only to the elders. You're letting this kid be a guest elder, is he qualified?"

You know, he's only managed to get the title of Chief Disciple so far.

Although he has some power, it's nothing compared to a guest elder.

If he lets this kid Dustin become a guest elder, wouldn't he be riding on his head and doing whatever he wants in the future?

"What's unqualified about him?"

Lara said seriously: "Doctor Rhys's medical skills, you've all seen them. Even Master Wang is inferior to him. Moreover, Doctor Rhys is so young, his future is limitless. Such a medical genius is a treasure to our World Society. I think it's more than enough for Doctor Rhys to be a guest elder!"

"I disagree!"

Cedrick said angrily: "Our World Society has always been about strength. This kid just knows some medical skills, he's far from qualified to be a guest elder. If this gets out, it won't be accepted by the people!"

"Lara, the person you're after is a high-level wizard, powerful and cunning. Be careful," Gabrielle warned.

"Don't worry, we have many eyes and ears in the World Society, and we have countless experts. Once we find his whereabouts, we'll attack him in force and make sure he doesn't escape," Liana said confidently.

"Sheryl, you've already saved my life. You don't need to worry about catching the culprit," Lara smiled.

"Looks like I was overthinking it," Gabrielle nodded, saying no more.

The World Society wasn't a pushover. Once they gathered all their top experts, catching a wizard shouldn't be a problem.

Even the Shrine of the Gods (The Pantheon) wouldn't dare to clash head-on with the World Society within the borders of Dragon Tiger Mountain.

"Dr. Rhys, you saved my life. I should properly thank you. I'm just not sure what you need," Lara spoke again.

She didn't like owing people favours. Since Dustin had saved her life, she naturally had to repay him handsomely.

"No need. If you want to thank someone, thank Sheryl. I don't need anything," Dustin repeated himself.

"Alright, alright, we're all friends. No need to be so polite. If you really want to thank us, treat us to dinner. We're hungry," Gabrielle laughed.

"Alright, let's eat first and chat while we eat."

Lara nodded, her gaze turning to Liana: "Little Liana, tell the disciple to prepare a lavish meal. Also, bring out the fine wine we keep in the World Society. I'm hosting a feast for our esteemed guests tonight!"

"No problem."

Liana responded and quickly got to work.

By now, the sun had set and night had begun to fall.

A bright full moon hung high in the sky, casting a silvery sheen on the lake.

The villa was brightly lit, and the servants bustled about.

Within an hour, various delicacies and fine wines were served.

Dustin and Gabrielle were invited to take the seats of honour, while Master Wang, filled with shame, had already left the villa.

"Come, Sheryl, Dr. Rhys, I'll raise a toast to you both."

Lara was very generous. After pouring everyone a glass of wine, she stood up, raised her glass, and bowed.

"You're recovering from your illness, you can't drink," Dustin blurted out.

"Huh?" Lara's face froze, then she tentatively asked, "Just a little bit is okay?"

"No." Dustin shook his head.

"This..." Lara was speechless.

She was a big drinker, especially when reuniting with old friends. Not having a few drinks was a real itch she couldn't scratch.

"Sis, Dr. Rhys is right. Your body isn't suitable for alcohol right now. Just have some tea,"


Liana had someone bring over a pot of tea, then reached out to take Lara's wine glass.

But she pulled twice, and couldn't get it down.

Lara held the wine glass, looking reluctant: "I won't drink, it should be fine to just smell the aroma of the wine nearby, right?"

"Sister, why are you doing this again?"

Liana rolled her eyes: "With your fondness for alcohol, the more you smell it, the stronger your craving will become. You'll probably be unable to resist soon."

"Lara, your health is important. There will be plenty of opportunities to drink in the future. Don't worry about missing this one meal." Gabrielle, who was sitting next to her, also smiled and persuaded her.

"Alright then..."

Hearing this, Lara finally let go of the wine glass and picked up the teacup.

The tea was good, fragrant and refreshing, with a lingering sweetness aftertaste. It was a top-grade tea worth thousands of gold.

However, no matter how good the tea was, Lara felt it was tasteless in her mouth.

Being unable to drink the fine wine right in front of her was truly agonizing.

Fortunately, Liana was considerate and seized the opportunity to change the subject.

"By the way, Doctor Rhys, you're young and have incredible medical skills. Are you interested in joining our World Society?" Liana took the initiative to invite him.

"I'm a carefree wanderer, used to a lazy life. I don't plan to join any forces." Dustin shook his head and declined.

"Doctor Rhys, our World Society has many benefits. As long as you join us, you will definitely be treated well. You'll have whatever you want. Why wouldn't you want to?" Liana spoke again.

"Yes, Doctor Rhys, our World Society needs someone like you. As long as you agree, I can appoint you as a guest elder of the World Society." Lara directly offered the conditions.

"What? Guest elder?"

Hearing this, Cedrick instantly couldn't sit still: "Lara, are you being too impulsive? A guest elder of the World Society has power second only to the elders. You're letting this kid be a guest elder, is he qualified?"

You know, he's only managed to get the title of Chief Disciple so far.

Although he has some power, it's nothing compared to a guest elder.

If he lets this kid Dustin become a guest elder, wouldn't he be riding on his head and doing whatever he wants in the future?

"What's unqualified about him?"

Lara said seriously: "Doctor Rhys's medical skills, you've all seen them. Even Master Wang is inferior to him. Moreover, Doctor Rhys is so young, his future is limitless. Such a medical genius is a treasure to our World Society. I think it's more than enough for Doctor Rhys to be a guest elder!"

"I disagree!"

Cedrick said angrily: "Our World Society has always been about strength. This kid just knows some medical skills, he's far from qualified to be a guest elder. If this gets out, it won't be accepted by the people!"
This kid Cedrick was to be given a good beating from the beginning and a thorough refresher beating every time he says something whether good or bad. How he joined the world society is an issue to be investigated. The two good ladies are so refined and appreciative.

"Lara, the person you're after is a high-level wizard, powerful and cunning. Be careful," Gabrielle warned.

"Don't worry, we have many eyes and ears in the World Society, and we have countless experts. Once we find his whereabouts, we'll attack him in force and make sure he doesn't escape," Liana said confidently.

"Sheryl, you've already saved my life. You don't need to worry about catching the culprit," Lara smiled.

"Looks like I was overthinking it," Gabrielle nodded, saying no more.

The World Society wasn't a pushover. Once they gathered all their top experts, catching a wizard shouldn't be a problem.

Even the Shrine of the Gods (The Pantheon) wouldn't dare to clash head-on with the World Society within the borders of Dragon Tiger Mountain.

"Dr. Rhys, you saved my life. I should properly thank you. I'm just not sure what you need," Lara spoke again.

She didn't like owing people favours. Since Dustin had saved her life, she naturally had to repay him handsomely.

"No need. If you want to thank someone, thank Sheryl. I don't need anything," Dustin repeated himself.

"Alright, alright, we're all friends. No need to be so polite. If you really want to thank us, treat us to dinner. We're hungry," Gabrielle laughed.

"Alright, let's eat first and chat while we eat."

Lara nodded, her gaze turning to Liana: "Little Liana, tell the disciple to prepare a lavish meal. Also, bring out the fine wine we keep in the World Society. I'm hosting a feast for our esteemed guests tonight!"

"No problem."

Liana responded and quickly got to work.

By now, the sun had set and night had begun to fall.

A bright full moon hung high in the sky, casting a silvery sheen on the lake.

The villa was brightly lit, and the servants bustled about.

Within an hour, various delicacies and fine wines were served.

Dustin and Gabrielle were invited to take the seats of honour, while Master Wang, filled with shame, had already left the villa.

"Come, Sheryl, Dr. Rhys, I'll raise a toast to you both."

Lara was very generous. After pouring everyone a glass of wine, she stood up, raised her glass, and bowed.

"You're recovering from your illness, you can't drink," Dustin blurted out.

"Huh?" Lara's face froze, then she tentatively asked, "Just a little bit is okay?"

"No." Dustin shook his head.

"This..." Lara was speechless.

She was a big drinker, especially when reuniting with old friends. Not having a few drinks was a real itch she couldn't scratch.

"Sis, Dr. Rhys is right. Your body isn't suitable for alcohol right now. Just have some tea,"


Liana had someone bring over a pot of tea, then reached out to take Lara's wine glass.

But she pulled twice, and couldn't get it down.

Lara held the wine glass, looking reluctant: "I won't drink, it should be fine to just smell the aroma of the wine nearby, right?"

"Sister, why are you doing this again?"

Liana rolled her eyes: "With your fondness for alcohol, the more you smell it, the stronger your craving will become. You'll probably be unable to resist soon."

"Lara, your health is important. There will be plenty of opportunities to drink in the future. Don't worry about missing this one meal." Gabrielle, who was sitting next to her, also smiled and persuaded her.

"Alright then..."

Hearing this, Lara finally let go of the wine glass and picked up the teacup.

The tea was good, fragrant and refreshing, with a lingering sweetness aftertaste. It was a top-grade tea worth thousands of gold.

However, no matter how good the tea was, Lara felt it was tasteless in her mouth.

Being unable to drink the fine wine right in front of her was truly agonizing.

Fortunately, Liana was considerate and seized the opportunity to change the subject.

"By the way, Doctor Rhys, you're young and have incredible medical skills. Are you interested in joining our World Society?" Liana took the initiative to invite him.

"I'm a carefree wanderer, used to a lazy life. I don't plan to join any forces." Dustin shook his head and declined.

"Doctor Rhys, our World Society has many benefits. As long as you join us, you will definitely be treated well. You'll have whatever you want. Why wouldn't you want to?" Liana spoke again.

"Yes, Doctor Rhys, our World Society needs someone like you. As long as you agree, I can appoint you as a guest elder of the World Society." Lara directly offered the conditions.

"What? Guest elder?"

Hearing this, Cedrick instantly couldn't sit still: "Lara, are you being too impulsive? A guest elder of the World Society has power second only to the elders. You're letting this kid be a guest elder, is he qualified?"

You know, he's only managed to get the title of Chief Disciple so far.

Although he has some power, it's nothing compared to a guest elder.

If he lets this kid Dustin become a guest elder, wouldn't he be riding on his head and doing whatever he wants in the future?

"What's unqualified about him?"

Lara said seriously: "Doctor Rhys's medical skills, you've all seen them. Even Master Wang is inferior to him. Moreover, Doctor Rhys is so young, his future is limitless. Such a medical genius is a treasure to our World Society. I think it's more than enough for Doctor Rhys to be a guest elder!"

"I disagree!"

Cedrick said angrily: "Our World Society has always been about strength. This kid just knows some medical skills, he's far from qualified to be a guest elder. If this gets out, it won't be accepted by the people!"
Come on Dustin show your power to Cederick and kick him out of the place.
Haven't waited this long for new chapters.. are you okay brother @Junlee

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