An Understated Dominance, Dustin Rhys story. Chapters 1301 and beyond - JUNLEE (aka Jungal2000) English interpretation

Translated by Jungal2000

This is my take on an ongoing Chinese novel by an unknown author. I've never been much of a reader when it comes to lengthy novels, but as soon as I delved into this tale, I was hooked like a fanatic. And I can't seem to stop. Unfortunately, the English version I was following only released three chapters a day, and my appetite for the story was insatiable. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started translating the Chinese text myself. Along the way, I've tried to inject some context into it because Google's translation tends to be too literal.

I've used different names for characters in my translations since they're a result of my own artistic interpretation. I began my translations from Chapter 967, which was posted in a different discussion thread. My aim is to tackle at least 100 chapters a week. However, as much as I love translating and reading this novel, I make sure to reserve my weekends for my family and friends – they're the ones who matter most to me.

The reason for this new thread is that during my two days off, some talented translators have continued where I left off. Their work is already shared and posted in my previous thread. This is fantastic news for readers looking for weekend reads. To avoid any confusion, I decided to create a new thread where I can upload and continue my translations. I'm doing all of this out of love for the story and the enjoyment I get from the process; it makes me feel like I'm a part of the narrative.

For those who are new to this, the best translations are provided by Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, and they are the work of the legendary translator Marina Vitori.

This is the tale of a prince, a legendary Kirin known as Logan Rhys. His life underwent a dramatic change a decade ago when his mother met a mysterious and untimely demise. Fueled by a relentless pursuit of truth, justice, and vengeance, he abandoned his royal palace and adopted the guise of a commoner, going by the name Dustin Rhys. The once-arrogant young prince transformed into a timid and soft-spoken individual, making him an easy target for bullies.

During these ten years, Logan secretly honed his skills and strength, undergoing a profound transformation. However, a recent divorce from his wife, Dahlia Nicholson, after three years of marriage, coupled with a series of life-altering events, pushed him back into action. Slowly but surely, he began to shed his timid persona, reemerging as the formidable figure he once was.

Join us as we follow the journey of Dustin, or Logan, as he strives to surpass, outmaneuver, and overpower entire armies and kingdoms, all through his own determination and bare hands.
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We only read one novel but seems like people here have got their own different versions already..

Guys,dont skip lines when reading, this is not a race.... Keep it chill and imagine each words as you read.

As for Dustin, he doesn't need to consume the Dragon Spirals to cultivate it. And yes, Gabrielle wanted Dustin to keep it for now while searching for other spirals..

Did you all forgot that before they venture on this quest for spirals, Gabrielle made it clear that this mission will highly benefit Dustin, she mentioned it to Dustin to convince him to lend a hand.
I agree with you immortal Junlee.. I read each and every word to my heart, including "Whoosh! whoosh! whoosh!", "Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!", "Clang! Clang!", "Boom! Boom! Boom!". Sometimes I repeated reading them just to make sure the number of clings or booms were repeated correctly. That's why I read quite slow, but by doing that I can imagine even how the weapons clashed 😅
You sere so right... Then who is going to face Priest??? Billy ??? and Vincent???
It means Dustin will face some unknown or low ranking figures ahead in this and next round......................
Yeah I think writer won’t highlight Dustin’s power much in this round. As he is supposed to be the least expected dark horse. So, he should be fighting someone of lower ranks.
Or Dustin might even get a walkover from a weaker opponent as they have witnessed him killing Vampire so easily.

I think Priest will kill one lower rank guy in this round of 16.
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I think the final battle would be between Billy and Dustin.
I thought so long time back. They have unsettled scores back from Mount Qishan battle time.

Actually Billy came to kill Dustin that day and he would have succeeded but he decided to help him instead which resulted in death of the 10th guy Nestor on Shaking list.

He had clearly told Dustin not to die and they will fight fair and square. If Dustin looses he will have to hand over his Sky Sword.

As I have guessed earlier, Dustin will get upper hand but the match between Dustin and Billy will not conclude and Pantheons will attack Dragonmarsh warriors.

Dustin and Billy will join forces once again. They are first degree cousins anyways.
My top 8 match fixtures
Dustin vs Priest
Billy vs Vincent
Abigail vs Elvin Carr
Kieran vs Troy

My top 4 fixtures
Dustin vs Abigail
Billy vs Troy

Both Abigail and Troy will forefeit the match.

Final : Dustin vs Billy (Interrupted by Pantheons while Dustin is getting upper hands).

Now let’s see how it goes !!
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I thought so long time back. They have unsettled scores back from Mount Qishan battle time.

Actually Billy came to kill Dustin that day and he would have succeeded but he decided to help him instead which resulted in death of the 10th guy Nestor on Shaking list.

He had clearly told Dustin not to die and they will fight fair and square. If Dustin looses he will have to hand over his Sky Sword.

As I have guessed earlier, Dustin will get upper hand but the match between Dustin and Billy will not conclude and Pantheons will attack Dragonmarsh warriors.

Dustin and Billy will join forces once again. They are first degree cousins anyways.
Totally agreed on the last point...

I thought so long time back. They have unsettled scores back from Mount Qishan battle time.

Actually Billy came to kill Dustin that day and he would have succeeded but he decided to help him instead which resulted in death of the 10th guy Nestor on Shaking list.

He had clearly told Dustin not to die and they will fight fair and square. If Dustin looses he will have to hand over his Sky Sword.

As I have guessed earlier, Dustin will get upper hand but the match between Dustin and Billy will not conclude and Pantheons will attack Dragonmarsh warriors.

Dustin and Billy will join forces once again. They are first degree cousins anyways.
Although he didn't specifically come to kill Dustin that day. He only wanted to challenge the master of the sword to obtain it. And initially he fought with the sword immortal but couldn't match with him before the sword immortal hand over his sword to Dustin and died along with the leader of the pantheon
Although he didn't specifically come to kill Dustin that day. He only wanted to challenge the master of the sword to obtain it. And initially he fought with the sword immortal but couldn't match with him before the sword immortal hand over his sword to Dustin and died along with the leader of the pantheon
He was ordered by his Master to finish off Dustin. He did not come for Sword only. That is his hobby.

But he was ordered by his master to oppose Dustin that day. Dustin was considered a threat to Pavilion. So, Pavillion had orchestrated that siege against Dustin.

Billy’s martial arts group is among the top group, so they had some cooperation with Pavilion.

Nobody dared to go against Pavilion. So Pavilion wanted to send Billy’s master to finish off Dustin. He had some sort of Injury. That’s why Billy was dispatched by his master.

Only Billy knew that Dustin is his cousin that time and he reveals their relationship after saving Dustin’s life.

That day Sword immortal 3rd guy on shaking list died with leader of Pavilion 2nd guy on shaking list. Not the leader of Pantheon.

You can read that chapter again.😂
Here is my prediction for this tournament. The final fight will be Dustin versus Billy. Judging by how ruthless Billy was during his last match, we will find out during the fight, when Billy is about to lose that he secretly joined the Pantheon. And when he's about to lose he will signal for the Pantheon to start attacking.


Black Diamond roared, his voice booming like thunder.

With blades for arms gleaming coldly, he struck with lightning speed, directly piercing through Abigail's body.

The force of his charge was so great that after passing her, he skidded another seven or eight meters before coming to a stop.

"Hahaha... You filthy witch! This is what happens when you anger me!"

Turning around, Black Diamond laughed maniacally, his face twisted in rage. Poisonous mist? Venomous insects? None of that mattered. Strength was the only thing that decided victory.

“Hey, what’s so funny?”

A clear, sharp voice echoed from ahead.

Black Diamond froze, lifting his gaze. Abigail stood there, completely unscathed, her face filled with mockery, as if she were watching a fool.


Black Diamond's grin vanished, replaced by shock.

What’s going on?

Didn’t his blades just pierce through her neck? Why wasn’t there even a scratch?

Could it be that he missed? Impossible!

His blades were as fast as lightning, striking in the blink of an eye. She hadn’t moved an inch, so how could he have missed?

What was going on?

"I refuse to believe I can't kill you!"

Unable to make sense of it, Black Diamond decided he didn’t care anymore.

If one strike couldn’t kill her, then two would. If two weren’t enough, he’d strike ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times!

No matter what, this woman would pay.

With his blades spread wide, Black Diamond transformed into a blur, charging forward again.

His body was tough, his recovery terrifying. As long as he wasn’t dead, he could fight endlessly. Even if it took wearing her down, he would outlast her.

“You’re asking for it.”

Watching him hurtle toward her, Abigail remained still. Calmly, she waved her hand.

Three black iron spheres shot out, heading straight for Black Diamond’s face. They were Tang Discipline Academy’s hidden weapons—**Hundred Flowers Killer**.

Having learned from his previous mistakes, Black Diamond didn’t dare try to cut them down. Twisting his feet, he quickly sidestepped to dodge.

However, just as they passed each other, the **Hundred Flowers Killer** detonated.

*Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!*

A rain of poisonous needles poured down, turning Black Diamond into a human pincushion.

His entire body was riddled with needles, densely packed from head to toe.

Any ordinary master would have died instantly, struck by the full force of three **Hundred Flowers Killer** hidden weapons, especially when caught off guard.

But Black Diamond wasn’t ordinary. His skin was thick, his defenses nearly impenetrable. He gritted his teeth and endured the attack.

Yet even though the needles weren’t fatal, they still hurt like hell!

The earlier poison mist had already eaten away at his skin. Now, with these needles piercing his flesh, it was like rubbing salt into the wound.


Black Diamond screamed in agony, his face contorted in unbearable pain.


He had never felt so frustrated in his life. Every time he tried to make a move, Abigail’s tricks interrupted him.

First, it was the venomous snakes. Then, the poisonous smoke. And now, countless poisonous needles.

The most infuriating part? His proud defenses were utterly useless against these attacks.

His armor was pierced, his body poisoned—everything seemed tailor-made to counter him.

Because of his immense vitality, he managed to stay alive through multiple assaults, but that only meant he was subjected to unbearable pain over and over again.

"I’m going to kill you! I’m going to kill you!!"

Black Diamond roared, madness overtaking him.

He no longer bothered pulling out the poison needles lodged in his body. Instead, he charged at Abigail like a wild beast.

If he couldn’t die, then he’d simply trade his life for hers.

He could withstand hundreds of attacks, but as long as he got just one chance to grab her, he could tear Abigail into pieces.

At least, that’s what he believed.

"Still alive after all that poison? Big and dumb really does mean durable," Abigail clicked her tongue in mock admiration.


By now, Black Diamond was right in front of her, and the blade on his right arm swung with devastating force, aiming for her neck like a flash of lightning.


Abigail’s lips curled into a slight, contemptuous smile.

She didn’t dodge. Instead, she calmly extended her delicate hand and caught the oncoming blade in her palm.


The sound of metal meeting flesh echoed, and then—nothing. The blade stopped dead in its tracks.


Black Diamond’s eyes widened in shock, disbelief written all over his face.

His blade was sharp enough to cut through steel, especially when he struck with full force. It could easily slice through a tank.

Yet, despite the ferocity of his attack, his blade didn’t even scratch Abigail’s hand.


Was she human, or something else?

"Is that it?" Abigail sneered, her tone dripping with disdain. "Not so impressive, are you?"

“You… you…” Black Diamond stammered, his lips trembling. He couldn’t get another word out.

He had believed that if he could just get close, he could easily end her.

But never in his wildest dreams did he imagine her strength and defense would surpass his own. Otherwise, how could she catch his blade with her bare hand?

She had all this power, yet she chose to toy with him using poison. Wasn’t this just mockery?

“What are you babbling about? Now it’s my turn.”

Abigail raised her fist and struck Black Diamond square in the abdomen.


A dull sound reverberated.

Black Diamond’s massive body shot into the air like a missile, soaring dozens of meters in an instant.

Even before he hit the ground, blood sprayed from his mouth and nose, painting the sky with crimson droplets.

But before his body could land, Abigail moved again.
As expected, Vampire is assassinated by Dustin.
Black Diamond will be killed by Abigail
Could it be that
Priest will be killed by Dustin or Billy ?
Earlier I had guessed Dustin
But whizlist top 3 elites should get to kill one of the foreigners each right ?
He was ordered by his Master to finish off Dustin. He did not come for Sword only. That is his hobby.

But he was ordered by his master to oppose Dustin that day. Dustin was considered a threat to Pavilion. So, Pavillion had orchestrated that siege against Dustin.

Billy’s martial arts group is among the top group, so they had some cooperation with Pavilion.

Nobody dared to go against Pavilion. So Pavilion wanted to send Billy’s master to finish off Dustin. He had some sort of Injury. That’s why Billy was dispatched by his master.

Only Billy knew that Dustin is his cousin that time and he reveals their relationship after saving Dustin’s life.

That day Sword immortal 3rd guy on shaking list died with leader of Pavilion 2nd guy on shaking list. Not the leader of Pantheon.

You can read that chapter again.😂
I had begun to forget some things 😫

Abigail’s feet barely touched the ground before she launched herself into the air, swiftly closing the distance between her and the airborne Black Diamond.

With a sudden, high leg lift that arched over her head, she brought it down like a war axe, slamming directly into Black Diamond’s back.


Another deafening explosion rang out.

Black Diamond, who had been ascending, instantly reversed direction like a soccer ball kicked by an unstoppable force, crashing hard toward the arena floor.

Blood spurted from his mouth as he was still midair.


His massive frame met the solid ground with a thunderous impact. The sheer force of the collision left a human-shaped crater in the arena floor.

Dust billowed, and debris shot out in every direction.

Even with his legendary defenses, Black Diamond felt bones crack and organs shift under the weight of the blow. The injuries were severe.

If this had been any ordinary martial artist, Black Diamond’s near-invincible defense would have held firm.

But the problem was, Abigail was no ordinary fighter—she was a Grandmaster, awakened with the bloodline of the Phoenix.

Every punch, every kick she landed carried the lethal force that could overwhelm any master.

The fact that Black Diamond had withstood this many hits without dying was already an impressive feat.

“It’s not over yet!”

As Black Diamond groggily attempted to pull himself from the crater, a demonic voice echoed in his ears once again.

In the blink of an eye, Abigail’s fist smashed directly into his face.


He was knocked flat once more, his body crashing into the ground, causing the arena to tremble.

His nose and mouth were twisted at odd angles, teeth scattered across the floor, and his vision blurred with double images.

Abigail leaped down into the pit, standing tall over Black Diamond, her eyes gleaming coldly.

“Wanna kill me?”


Another punch landed squarely on his face.

“You think you’re capable?”


“You’re nothing but a speck!”


“You dare challenge me?”


Each punch came with a curse, raining down like a storm, relentless and unforgiving. Abigail’s fists mercilessly pummeled Black Diamond’s face, the attacks relentless as the blows piled up.

His flesh tore open, blood splattering with each strike.

At first, he managed to grunt in pain, but soon, even those sounds ceased.

By the time Abigail stopped, Black Diamond lay motionless, his body a broken, bloody mess.


The only sound left was the dull thud of Abigail's fists striking flesh, over and over again.

No one knew how long it lasted, but when she finally stopped, covered in blood, and emerged from the pit, Black Diamond had long since drawn his last breath.

To be precise, he hadn’t just died. His entire body had been pulverized into a bloody pulp.

His head was gone, his neck obliterated, and half of his torso had disappeared entirely. Above the waist, only a gruesome mixture of flesh, blood, and shattered bone remained.

It was a sight too horrifying to behold.

“Disgusting!” Abigail spat on the remains, wiped the blood from her face, and casually walked off the stage.

At this point, victory and defeat were irrelevant. Black Diamond’s body had been reduced to unrecognizable mush—there was no need for Jeremy to even declare the outcome.

As the audience looked at Abigail’s strikingly beautiful face, some of the men below felt their scalps tingle, a cold dread rising within them.

Earlier, when she had first stepped into the ring, their comments had been flippant—nowhere near as vulgar as Black Diamond’s, but still disrespectful.

Seeing Black Diamond’s grisly fate now, their hearts were full of guilt and anxiety.

This woman didn’t mess around. When she made a move, it was with deadly intent—no mercy, no hesitation.

If Black Diamond, with his seemingly impenetrable body, could be beaten into a bloody paste, how much worse would it have been for them?

No matter how stunning her appearance, none of them dared to underestimate her now.

“Well done! Beautifully done!”

Suddenly, someone stood up and shouted.

The loud voice shattered the silence in the arena.

Instantly, applause erupted, echoing like thunder. Cheers and praise filled the space as the atmosphere ignited with energy.

“As expected of the Mystic Arts Order’s Grand Sorceress! Truly powerful! I am impressed!”

“Hahaha… The Mystic Arts Order has really brought glory to our nation this time! Well done!”

“Black Diamond? Just a filthy ape! How dare he come to our Dragonmarsh and act up? Let him die without a trace!”

“Challenge a martial artist of the Dragonmarsh, insult us in public? This is what you get!”

The crowd’s spirits lifted, their frustrations finally vented.

Earlier, when Black Diamond had mocked and insulted them, a simmering rage had built up inside. But due to the rules of the tournament, they couldn’t retaliate directly.

Now, watching Abigail brutally crush Black Diamond, they felt an immense sense of satisfaction. It was as though justice had been served.

Even their view of the Mystic Arts Order had shifted. No matter their past opinions, today, Abigail had brought honor to their nation.

She was worthy of praise.

“Master Evelyn, your granddaughter is certainly… violent, but I must say, I admire her. I like her,” said Nolan from the main audience box, flashing a rare smile.

Such ruthless decisiveness—exactly the kind of talent that aligned with his preferences.

“Violent? This is nothing. If it were me, I’d have made sure that big brute suffered slowly before he died. Letting him off like this is too kind,” Evelyn responded coldly.

His words caused Nolan’s smile to freeze slightly, and the other two sitting nearby exchanged awkward glances.

They’d almost forgotten—sitting beside them was the true master of cruelty.

Compared to her, Abigail’s actions could almost be considered merciful.
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In this novel, except for Phantom Richard’s celestial like image… only Sword immortal can be considered someone who could draw power from the heavens.

He fought alone with 3 guys from shaking list including the 2nd most powerful guy. Yet they could not get upper hand against him. He was Dustin’s teacher but he could not teach all of his skills to Dustin. Specially the soul walk technique which Sword immortal exhibited at the last moment.

Dustin had to flee away at the age of 15 and live in exile (away from his Kingdom).

If “Sword immortal “ was not there, Dustin would die 100% that day. 2nd credit for saving Dustin’s life goes to Abigail and 3rd credit goes to Billy.

Scarlet twins reached to handle the aftermaths only.

If Dustin successfully reaches “Sword immortal’s” level or if he surpasses him, then he will be truly invincible. His Kirin tatoo coming alive hints that Dustin’s power might ascend beyond human realm.

In this tournament, I believe Dustin won’t harm Billy, because he owes him one. May be he will pay it by saving Billy’s life during battle with Pantheons.
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They say diamonds are unbreakable—well, not when Abigail's in the picture!
Abigail did show her Phoneix bloodline power by Pulverizing genetically modified invincible body of Black Diamond.

Well done Abigail. This feat should leave no doubt that she is worthy of holding 2nd position on Whiz List!
In this novel, except for Phantom Richard’s celestial like image… only Sword immortal can be considered someone who could draw power from the heavens.

He fought alone with 3 guys from shaking list including the 2nd most powerful guy. Yet they could not get upper hand against him. He was Dustin’s teacher but he could not teach all of his skills to Dustin. Specially the soul walk technique which Sword immortal exhibited at the last moment.

Dustin had to flee away at the age of 15 and live in exile (away from his Kingdom).

If “Sword immortal “ was not there, Dustin would die 100% that day. 2nd credit for saving Dustin’s life goes to Abigail and 3rd credit goes to Billy.

Scarlet twins reached to handle the aftermaths only.

If Dustin successfully reaches “Sword immortal’s” level or if he surpasses him, then he will be truly invincible. His Kirin tatoo coming alive hints that Dustin’s power might ascend beyond human realm.

In this tournament, I believe Dustin won’t harm Billy, because he owes him one. May be he will pay it by saving Billy’s life during battle with Pantheons.
Thank you for your recollections, I did forget few of the details, but after reading you past recollections I almost recalled many things.

and your analysis is quiet outstanding. I would say one of the very best... keep it up(y):):love:

Abigail’s feet barely touched the ground before she launched herself into the air, swiftly closing the distance between her and the airborne Black Diamond.

With a sudden, high leg lift that arched over her head, she brought it down like a war axe, slamming directly into Black Diamond’s back.


Another deafening explosion rang out.

Black Diamond, who had been ascending, instantly reversed direction like a soccer ball kicked by an unstoppable force, crashing hard toward the arena floor.

Blood spurted from his mouth as he was still midair.


His massive frame met the solid ground with a thunderous impact. The sheer force of the collision left a human-shaped crater in the arena floor.

Dust billowed, and debris shot out in every direction.

Even with his legendary defenses, Black Diamond felt bones crack and organs shift under the weight of the blow. The injuries were severe.

If this had been any ordinary martial artist, Black Diamond’s near-invincible defense would have held firm.

But the problem was, Abigail was no ordinary fighter—she was a Grandmaster, awakened with the bloodline of the Phoenix.

Every punch, every kick she landed carried the lethal force that could overwhelm any master.

The fact that Black Diamond had withstood this many hits without dying was already an impressive feat.

“It’s not over yet!”

As Black Diamond groggily attempted to pull himself from the crater, a demonic voice echoed in his ears once again.

In the blink of an eye, Abigail’s fist smashed directly into his face.


He was knocked flat once more, his body crashing into the ground, causing the arena to tremble.

His nose and mouth were twisted at odd angles, teeth scattered across the floor, and his vision blurred with double images.

Abigail leaped down into the pit, standing tall over Black Diamond, her eyes gleaming coldly.

“Wanna kill me?”


Another punch landed squarely on his face.

“You think you’re capable?”


“You’re nothing but a speck!”


“You dare challenge me?”


Each punch came with a curse, raining down like a storm, relentless and unforgiving. Abigail’s fists mercilessly pummeled Black Diamond’s face, the attacks relentless as the blows piled up.

His flesh tore open, blood splattering with each strike.

At first, he managed to grunt in pain, but soon, even those sounds ceased.

By the time Abigail stopped, Black Diamond lay motionless, his body a broken, bloody mess.


The only sound left was the dull thud of Abigail's fists striking flesh, over and over again.

No one knew how long it lasted, but when she finally stopped, covered in blood, and emerged from the pit, Black Diamond had long since drawn his last breath.

To be precise, he hadn’t just died. His entire body had been pulverized into a bloody pulp.

His head was gone, his neck obliterated, and half of his torso had disappeared entirely. Above the waist, only a gruesome mixture of flesh, blood, and shattered bone remained.

It was a sight too horrifying to behold.

“Disgusting!” Abigail spat on the remains, wiped the blood from her face, and casually walked off the stage.

At this point, victory and defeat were irrelevant. Black Diamond’s body had been reduced to unrecognizable mush—there was no need for Jeremy to even declare the outcome.

As the audience looked at Abigail’s strikingly beautiful face, some of the men below felt their scalps tingle, a cold dread rising within them.

Earlier, when she had first stepped into the ring, their comments had been flippant—nowhere near as vulgar as Black Diamond’s, but still disrespectful.

Seeing Black Diamond’s grisly fate now, their hearts were full of guilt and anxiety.

This woman didn’t mess around. When she made a move, it was with deadly intent—no mercy, no hesitation.

If Black Diamond, with his seemingly impenetrable body, could be beaten into a bloody paste, how much worse would it have been for them?

No matter how stunning her appearance, none of them dared to underestimate her now.

“Well done! Beautifully done!”

Suddenly, someone stood up and shouted.

The loud voice shattered the silence in the arena.

Instantly, applause erupted, echoing like thunder. Cheers and praise filled the space as the atmosphere ignited with energy.

“As expected of the Mystic Arts Order’s Grand Sorceress! Truly powerful! I am impressed!”

“Hahaha… The Mystic Arts Order has really brought glory to our nation this time! Well done!”

“Black Diamond? Just a filthy ape! How dare he come to our Dragonmarsh and act up? Let him die without a trace!”

“Challenge a martial artist of the Dragonmarsh, insult us in public? This is what you get!”

The crowd’s spirits lifted, their frustrations finally vented.

Earlier, when Black Diamond had mocked and insulted them, a simmering rage had built up inside. But due to the rules of the tournament, they couldn’t retaliate directly.

Now, watching Abigail brutally crush Black Diamond, they felt an immense sense of satisfaction. It was as though justice had been served.

Even their view of the Mystic Arts Order had shifted. No matter their past opinions, today, Abigail had brought honor to their nation.

She was worthy of praise.

“Master Evelyn, your granddaughter is certainly… violent, but I must say, I admire her. I like her,” said Nolan from the main audience box, flashing a rare smile.

Such ruthless decisiveness—exactly the kind of talent that aligned with his preferences.

“Violent? This is nothing. If it were me, I’d have made sure that big brute suffered slowly before he died. Letting him off like this is too kind,” Evelyn responded coldly.

His words caused Nolan’s smile to freeze slightly, and the other two sitting nearby exchanged awkward glances.

They’d almost forgotten—sitting beside them was the true master of cruelty.

Compared to her, Abigail’s actions could almost be considered merciful.
I like how the writer made this fight! Ruthless and worth reading slowly! If you were in the arena it is gruesome but if you are on the dragonmarsh side, it is satisfying to watch.

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