An Understated Dominance, Dustin Rhys story. Chapters 1301 and beyond - JUNLEE (aka Jungal2000) English interpretation

Translated by Jungal2000

This is my take on an ongoing Chinese novel by an unknown author. I've never been much of a reader when it comes to lengthy novels, but as soon as I delved into this tale, I was hooked like a fanatic. And I can't seem to stop. Unfortunately, the English version I was following only released three chapters a day, and my appetite for the story was insatiable. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started translating the Chinese text myself. Along the way, I've tried to inject some context into it because Google's translation tends to be too literal.

I've used different names for characters in my translations since they're a result of my own artistic interpretation. I began my translations from Chapter 967, which was posted in a different discussion thread. My aim is to tackle at least 100 chapters a week. However, as much as I love translating and reading this novel, I make sure to reserve my weekends for my family and friends – they're the ones who matter most to me.

The reason for this new thread is that during my two days off, some talented translators have continued where I left off. Their work is already shared and posted in my previous thread. This is fantastic news for readers looking for weekend reads. To avoid any confusion, I decided to create a new thread where I can upload and continue my translations. I'm doing all of this out of love for the story and the enjoyment I get from the process; it makes me feel like I'm a part of the narrative.

For those who are new to this, the best translations are provided by Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, and they are the work of the legendary translator Marina Vitori.

This is the tale of a prince, a legendary Kirin known as Logan Rhys. His life underwent a dramatic change a decade ago when his mother met a mysterious and untimely demise. Fueled by a relentless pursuit of truth, justice, and vengeance, he abandoned his royal palace and adopted the guise of a commoner, going by the name Dustin Rhys. The once-arrogant young prince transformed into a timid and soft-spoken individual, making him an easy target for bullies.

During these ten years, Logan secretly honed his skills and strength, undergoing a profound transformation. However, a recent divorce from his wife, Dahlia Nicholson, after three years of marriage, coupled with a series of life-altering events, pushed him back into action. Slowly but surely, he began to shed his timid persona, reemerging as the formidable figure he once was.

Join us as we follow the journey of Dustin, or Logan, as he strives to surpass, outmaneuver, and overpower entire armies and kingdoms, all through his own determination and bare hands.
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I beg to differ. Even though Vincent is skillful, he does not have what it takes to reach the final. Father Adam and Billy will surely be able to defeat him. Billy and Dustin are ranked number 1 in Whiz list, while Vincent is ranked 5th. I am not even sure if Vincent will be able to defeat Abigail as well.
Don’t forget the young prodigy Troy…

"Congratulations, Brother Vincent! You've made it to the final eight! Just one more step, and the championship is yours!"

As Vincent returned to his seat, Liana immediately greeted him with excited praise.

"Although Sword Manipulation Technique is impressive, Brother Vincent's Heavenly God's Four Symbols Technique is clearly superior. Victor may have lost, but he did so with honor!" Lara beamed, her beautiful face glowing with pride.

Initially, she had been worried upon witnessing Victor's masterful Sword Manipulation Technique technique. But once Vincent unleashed the Heavenly God's Four Symbols Technique, her heart quickly steadied.

She knew then that the outcome of the match was no longer in doubt.

"Defeating Victor was easy, but claiming the championship? That’s still a long way off," Vincent chuckled, shaking his head.

Though confident, he wasn’t arrogant. Victor, after all, wasn’t one of the elite prodigies on the Whiz List. Despite his tricks, he still fell short compared to the true top-tier geniuses.

"Take it slow," Liana smiled, her eyes twinkling with hope. "If Billy May and Abigail fight each other to a draw tomorrow, Brother Vincent, your path to the championship will be almost guaranteed!"

There were only two people who posed a significant threat to Vincent in the tournament. The first was Billy, the number one on the Whiz List, and the other was Abigail, ranked second.

Both were mysterious figures, rarely seen in public. No one really knew what their skills were, but being top contenders on the Whiz List meant they were no ordinary opponents. They were the biggest obstacles on Vincent’s road to the championship.

"That would be nice," Vincent laughed. "But it all depends on tomorrow's draw. Sometimes, luck plays a big role."

Facing Billy, Vincent estimated his chances at fifty percent. If they were both at their peak, the fight could go either way. But if Billy were to battle Abigail first and suffer heavy damage or even injury, things would change drastically.

Of course, this was just wishful thinking. He couldn’t expect too much. If luck wasn’t on his side and he ended up fighting Abigail first, leaving Billy to pick up the pieces, then the outcome would be very different.

With the first match of the top sixteen finished, there was a brief break before the second match began.

Jeremy walked onto the stage and announced loudly, "Now for the second match! Will contestant number 2 and contestant number 15 please take the stage!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Billy slowly stood up, sword in hand, and ascended the platform.

His cold demeanor, sharp gaze, and the chilling aura radiating from his entire being silenced the once noisy crowd.

An invisible pressure weighed down on the audience, leaving them uneasy.

"Billy... He's like a sword drawn from its sheath. His presence alone is far more overwhelming than Victor's," Liana muttered, frowning as she watched him.

"The top of the Whiz List is no place for the faint of heart," Lara said, her face serious. "Let's hope his opponent isn't too weak. At least then, we might get a glimpse of his true strength."


In the previous round of the top 32, Billy didn’t even have to lift a finger. His mere presence on the stage was enough to terrify his opponent into surrendering.

“I wonder who will face Billy this time,” Vincent murmured, scanning the crowd in search of the next contender.

After a few seconds, a tall and muscular man in combat gear stood up and confidently strode to the platform. His sharp eyebrows and bright eyes, combined with his imposing stature and the silver spear in his hand, exuded a powerful aura.

“The leader of the Zen Order, Dorian Lance?” Vincent raised an eyebrow, immediately recognizing the man.

Zen Order was a prestigious martial arts school in the Balermo region, boasting tens of thousands of disciples and immense influence. The leader of the sect was comparable to an elder in the martial arts world.

However, it was uncommon for someone as young as Dorian to hold such a position. At only thirty years old, Dorian had already risen to the rank of sect leader, commanding an army of warriors, a testament to his extraordinary talents.

“I’ve heard about this Dorian,” Liana chimed in. “His spear skills are unmatched. In every previous match, he defeated his opponents with just one strike. He’s incredibly strong.”

“So Billy has met a worthy adversary?” Lara said with a glint in her eye. “Perfect! Dorian’s spear will test Billy’s sword. Let’s see what hidden skills he’s been keeping secret.”

Although Dorian’s exceptional spear technique might not guarantee victory over Billy, it should at least force the top-ranked fighter to reveal his true abilities.

“Dorian of the Zen Order, ready for battle!” Dorian declared as he locked eyes with Billy. Gripping his spear, he bowed respectfully. There wasn’t a trace of fear on his face; instead, he was brimming with fighting spirit.

The man standing before him was the top-ranked genius on the Whiz List. If Dorian could defeat him, he would claim that spot for himself and become famous throughout the martial world!

“I don’t care who you are,” Billy said indifferently, his eyes cold as ice. “Just surrender, or don’t blame me if my sword shows no mercy.”

“Surrender? Hmph! You underestimate me, Billy!” Dorian’s expression darkened as he shouted, “I know you’re strong, but don’t think I’m easy prey. If we fight to the death, you may not walk away unscathed!”

“Is that so? I hope you don’t regret this.” Billy’s face remained emotionless.

“The contestants are ready. Let the match begin!” Jeremy, sensing the tension, wasted no time in starting the match and quickly exited the stage.

“You arrogant fool! Take this!” Dorian roared, charging forward with his spear in both hands, thrusting it with all his might.

How dare he look down on him? Dorian vowed to make him pay.

“An ant trying to shake a tree.”

Billy’s expression didn’t change. He simply raised his sword finger and pointed at Dorian from a distance.


A blinding white sword light shot out from his fingertip, moving faster than the eye could follow, and pierced through Dorian’s chest in an instant.

Dorian’s body trembled violently, his attack coming to an abrupt halt.

A moment later, he collapsed to the ground with a thunderous crash.

He died with his eyes wide open, filled with disbelief.
That was so quick and a big statement to others who aspire to win the championship. I guess other than Dustin, Abigail and Father Adam, all the others might be intimidated. So who is going to be next? Will it be Dustin?
That was so quick and a big statement to others who aspire to win the championship. I guess other than Dustin, Abigail and Father Adam, all the others might be intimidated. So who is going to be next? Will it be Dustin?
I still don't think Abigail is that strong, yes she killed many people with poison but she is still lacking. The real fighters are Billy, Dustin and Father Adam

"Congratulations, Brother Vincent! You've made it to the final eight! Just one more step, and the championship is yours!"

As Vincent returned to his seat, Liana immediately greeted him with excited praise.

"Although Sword Manipulation Technique is impressive, Brother Vincent's Heavenly God's Four Symbols Technique is clearly superior. Victor may have lost, but he did so with honor!" Lara beamed, her beautiful face glowing with pride.

Initially, she had been worried upon witnessing Victor's masterful Sword Manipulation Technique technique. But once Vincent unleashed the Heavenly God's Four Symbols Technique, her heart quickly steadied.

She knew then that the outcome of the match was no longer in doubt.

"Defeating Victor was easy, but claiming the championship? That’s still a long way off," Vincent chuckled, shaking his head.

Though confident, he wasn’t arrogant. Victor, after all, wasn’t one of the elite prodigies on the Whiz List. Despite his tricks, he still fell short compared to the true top-tier geniuses.

"Take it slow," Liana smiled, her eyes twinkling with hope. "If Billy May and Abigail fight each other to a draw tomorrow, Brother Vincent, your path to the championship will be almost guaranteed!"

There were only two people who posed a significant threat to Vincent in the tournament. The first was Billy, the number one on the Whiz List, and the other was Abigail, ranked second.

Both were mysterious figures, rarely seen in public. No one really knew what their skills were, but being top contenders on the Whiz List meant they were no ordinary opponents. They were the biggest obstacles on Vincent’s road to the championship.

"That would be nice," Vincent laughed. "But it all depends on tomorrow's draw. Sometimes, luck plays a big role."

Facing Billy, Vincent estimated his chances at fifty percent. If they were both at their peak, the fight could go either way. But if Billy were to battle Abigail first and suffer heavy damage or even injury, things would change drastically.

Of course, this was just wishful thinking. He couldn’t expect too much. If luck wasn’t on his side and he ended up fighting Abigail first, leaving Billy to pick up the pieces, then the outcome would be very different.

With the first match of the top sixteen finished, there was a brief break before the second match began.

Jeremy walked onto the stage and announced loudly, "Now for the second match! Will contestant number 2 and contestant number 15 please take the stage!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Billy slowly stood up, sword in hand, and ascended the platform.

His cold demeanor, sharp gaze, and the chilling aura radiating from his entire being silenced the once noisy crowd.

An invisible pressure weighed down on the audience, leaving them uneasy.

"Billy... He's like a sword drawn from its sheath. His presence alone is far more overwhelming than Victor's," Liana muttered, frowning as she watched him.

"The top of the Whiz List is no place for the faint of heart," Lara said, her face serious. "Let's hope his opponent isn't too weak. At least then, we might get a glimpse of his true strength."


In the previous round of the top 32, Billy didn’t even have to lift a finger. His mere presence on the stage was enough to terrify his opponent into surrendering.

“I wonder who will face Billy this time,” Vincent murmured, scanning the crowd in search of the next contender.

After a few seconds, a tall and muscular man in combat gear stood up and confidently strode to the platform. His sharp eyebrows and bright eyes, combined with his imposing stature and the silver spear in his hand, exuded a powerful aura.

“The leader of the Zen Order, Dorian Lance?” Vincent raised an eyebrow, immediately recognizing the man.

Zen Order was a prestigious martial arts school in the Balermo region, boasting tens of thousands of disciples and immense influence. The leader of the sect was comparable to an elder in the martial arts world.

However, it was uncommon for someone as young as Dorian to hold such a position. At only thirty years old, Dorian had already risen to the rank of sect leader, commanding an army of warriors, a testament to his extraordinary talents.

“I’ve heard about this Dorian,” Liana chimed in. “His spear skills are unmatched. In every previous match, he defeated his opponents with just one strike. He’s incredibly strong.”

“So Billy has met a worthy adversary?” Lara said with a glint in her eye. “Perfect! Dorian’s spear will test Billy’s sword. Let’s see what hidden skills he’s been keeping secret.”

Although Dorian’s exceptional spear technique might not guarantee victory over Billy, it should at least force the top-ranked fighter to reveal his true abilities.

“Dorian of the Zen Order, ready for battle!” Dorian declared as he locked eyes with Billy. Gripping his spear, he bowed respectfully. There wasn’t a trace of fear on his face; instead, he was brimming with fighting spirit.

The man standing before him was the top-ranked genius on the Whiz List. If Dorian could defeat him, he would claim that spot for himself and become famous throughout the martial world!

“I don’t care who you are,” Billy said indifferently, his eyes cold as ice. “Just surrender, or don’t blame me if my sword shows no mercy.”

“Surrender? Hmph! You underestimate me, Billy!” Dorian’s expression darkened as he shouted, “I know you’re strong, but don’t think I’m easy prey. If we fight to the death, you may not walk away unscathed!”

“Is that so? I hope you don’t regret this.” Billy’s face remained emotionless.

“The contestants are ready. Let the match begin!” Jeremy, sensing the tension, wasted no time in starting the match and quickly exited the stage.

“You arrogant fool! Take this!” Dorian roared, charging forward with his spear in both hands, thrusting it with all his might.

How dare he look down on him? Dorian vowed to make him pay.

“An ant trying to shake a tree.”

Billy’s expression didn’t change. He simply raised his sword finger and pointed at Dorian from a distance.


A blinding white sword light shot out from his fingertip, moving faster than the eye could follow, and pierced through Dorian’s chest in an instant.

Dorian’s body trembled violently, his attack coming to an abrupt halt.

A moment later, he collapsed to the ground with a thunderous crash.

He died with his eyes wide open, filled with disbelief.
This came quicker..... Damn
I still don't think Abigail is that strong, yes she killed many people with poison but she is still lacking. The real fighters are Billy, Dustin and Father Adam
Abigail is ranked second on the whiz list. It is not only her talent but also the number of sacred items and secret weapons she possess, makes her formidable. As long as she does not face Dustin, she would not go down without a fight. Do you remember how she stood up with Dustin and was ready to sacrifice her life and gave all that she had when Dustin was fighting against Pavilion. She has come a long way since then. She is also part of my virgin sect so underestimate her at your own risk.
Billy and Vincent are not on the same level. Vincent only has wishful thinking. Vincent four Gods tickled Dustin. How can he now compare with billy. Unless he has an ace up his sleeve
That was so quick and a big statement to others who aspire to win the championship. I guess other than Dustin, Abigail and Father Adam, all the others might be intimidated. So who is going to be next? Will it be Dustin?
Too quick to even call it a fight. Billy should have at least given him a chance to take three strikes 😂😂😂

"Congratulations, Brother Vincent! You've made it to the final eight! Just one more step, and the championship is yours!"

As Vincent returned to his seat, Liana immediately greeted him with excited praise.

"Although Sword Manipulation Technique is impressive, Brother Vincent's Heavenly God's Four Symbols Technique is clearly superior. Victor may have lost, but he did so with honor!" Lara beamed, her beautiful face glowing with pride.

Initially, she had been worried upon witnessing Victor's masterful Sword Manipulation Technique technique. But once Vincent unleashed the Heavenly God's Four Symbols Technique, her heart quickly steadied.

She knew then that the outcome of the match was no longer in doubt.

"Defeating Victor was easy, but claiming the championship? That’s still a long way off," Vincent chuckled, shaking his head.

Though confident, he wasn’t arrogant. Victor, after all, wasn’t one of the elite prodigies on the Whiz List. Despite his tricks, he still fell short compared to the true top-tier geniuses.

"Take it slow," Liana smiled, her eyes twinkling with hope. "If Billy May and Abigail fight each other to a draw tomorrow, Brother Vincent, your path to the championship will be almost guaranteed!"

There were only two people who posed a significant threat to Vincent in the tournament. The first was Billy, the number one on the Whiz List, and the other was Abigail, ranked second.

Both were mysterious figures, rarely seen in public. No one really knew what their skills were, but being top contenders on the Whiz List meant they were no ordinary opponents. They were the biggest obstacles on Vincent’s road to the championship.

"That would be nice," Vincent laughed. "But it all depends on tomorrow's draw. Sometimes, luck plays a big role."

Facing Billy, Vincent estimated his chances at fifty percent. If they were both at their peak, the fight could go either way. But if Billy were to battle Abigail first and suffer heavy damage or even injury, things would change drastically.

Of course, this was just wishful thinking. He couldn’t expect too much. If luck wasn’t on his side and he ended up fighting Abigail first, leaving Billy to pick up the pieces, then the outcome would be very different.

With the first match of the top sixteen finished, there was a brief break before the second match began.

Jeremy walked onto the stage and announced loudly, "Now for the second match! Will contestant number 2 and contestant number 15 please take the stage!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Billy slowly stood up, sword in hand, and ascended the platform.

His cold demeanor, sharp gaze, and the chilling aura radiating from his entire being silenced the once noisy crowd.

An invisible pressure weighed down on the audience, leaving them uneasy.

"Billy... He's like a sword drawn from its sheath. His presence alone is far more overwhelming than Victor's," Liana muttered, frowning as she watched him.

"The top of the Whiz List is no place for the faint of heart," Lara said, her face serious. "Let's hope his opponent isn't too weak. At least then, we might get a glimpse of his true strength."


In the previous round of the top 32, Billy didn’t even have to lift a finger. His mere presence on the stage was enough to terrify his opponent into surrendering.

“I wonder who will face Billy this time,” Vincent murmured, scanning the crowd in search of the next contender.

After a few seconds, a tall and muscular man in combat gear stood up and confidently strode to the platform. His sharp eyebrows and bright eyes, combined with his imposing stature and the silver spear in his hand, exuded a powerful aura.

“The leader of the Zen Order, Dorian Lance?” Vincent raised an eyebrow, immediately recognizing the man.

Zen Order was a prestigious martial arts school in the Balermo region, boasting tens of thousands of disciples and immense influence. The leader of the sect was comparable to an elder in the martial arts world.

However, it was uncommon for someone as young as Dorian to hold such a position. At only thirty years old, Dorian had already risen to the rank of sect leader, commanding an army of warriors, a testament to his extraordinary talents.

“I’ve heard about this Dorian,” Liana chimed in. “His spear skills are unmatched. In every previous match, he defeated his opponents with just one strike. He’s incredibly strong.”

“So Billy has met a worthy adversary?” Lara said with a glint in her eye. “Perfect! Dorian’s spear will test Billy’s sword. Let’s see what hidden skills he’s been keeping secret.”

Although Dorian’s exceptional spear technique might not guarantee victory over Billy, it should at least force the top-ranked fighter to reveal his true abilities.

“Dorian of the Zen Order, ready for battle!” Dorian declared as he locked eyes with Billy. Gripping his spear, he bowed respectfully. There wasn’t a trace of fear on his face; instead, he was brimming with fighting spirit.

The man standing before him was the top-ranked genius on the Whiz List. If Dorian could defeat him, he would claim that spot for himself and become famous throughout the martial world!

“I don’t care who you are,” Billy said indifferently, his eyes cold as ice. “Just surrender, or don’t blame me if my sword shows no mercy.”

“Surrender? Hmph! You underestimate me, Billy!” Dorian’s expression darkened as he shouted, “I know you’re strong, but don’t think I’m easy prey. If we fight to the death, you may not walk away unscathed!”

“Is that so? I hope you don’t regret this.” Billy’s face remained emotionless.

“The contestants are ready. Let the match begin!” Jeremy, sensing the tension, wasted no time in starting the match and quickly exited the stage.

“You arrogant fool! Take this!” Dorian roared, charging forward with his spear in both hands, thrusting it with all his might.

How dare he look down on him? Dorian vowed to make him pay.

“An ant trying to shake a tree.”

Billy’s expression didn’t change. He simply raised his sword finger and pointed at Dorian from a distance.


A blinding white sword light shot out from his fingertip, moving faster than the eye could follow, and pierced through Dorian’s chest in an instant.

Dorian’s body trembled violently, his attack coming to an abrupt halt.

A moment later, he collapsed to the ground with a thunderous crash.

He died with his eyes wide open, filled with disbelief.
Come on Billy. You could have taken it easy on the young sect leader. Now the Zen Order are headless 😂😂😂
Picture this: Dustin and Billy were neck and neck, both sitting comfortably at the top of the rankings. But then Dustin obtained the Dragon Spiral. This artifact has massively boosted his cultivation, multiplying his strength to an extent we can’t even fully comprehend yet.

To put it in perspective, Billy was once Dustin's equal, but now, with the Dragon Spiral, Dustin's power has skyrocketed far beyond Billy’s current level. His growth isn’t just incremental; it’s on an entirely new scale.

If we’re measuring Dustin’s current strength, we have to start by acknowledging that Billy’s current standing is now just the baseline. With this in mind, here’s how I see the hierarchy shaping up:
  1. Dustin (post-Dragon Spiral)
  2. Father Adam (potentially equal or slightly stronger than Billy)
  3. Billy
  4. Everyone else
I beg to differ. Even though Vincent is skillful, he does not have what it takes to reach the final. Father Adam and Billy will surely be able to defeat him. Billy and Dustin are ranked number 1 in Whiz list, while Vincent is ranked 5th. I am not even sure if Vincent will be able to defeat Abigail as well.
Exactly what am thinking! Hehehe
Picture this: Dustin and Billy were neck and neck, both sitting comfortably at the top of the rankings. But then Dustin obtained the Dragon Spiral. This artifact has massively boosted his cultivation, multiplying his strength to an extent we can’t even fully comprehend yet.

To put it in perspective, Billy was once Dustin's equal, but now, with the Dragon Spiral, Dustin's power has skyrocketed far beyond Billy’s current level. His growth isn’t just incremental; it’s on an entirely new scale.

If we’re measuring Dustin’s current strength, we have to start by acknowledging that Billy’s current standing is now just the baseline. With this in mind, here’s how I see the hierarchy shaping up:
  1. Dustin (post-Dragon Spiral)
  2. Father Adam (potentially equal or slightly stronger than Billy)
  3. Billy
  4. Everyone else
But Dustin not yet absorbed the power of the dragon spiral and not cultivated yet right
Picture this: Dustin and Billy were neck and neck, both sitting comfortably at the top of the rankings. But then Dustin obtained the Dragon Spiral. This artifact has massively boosted his cultivation, multiplying his strength to an extent we can’t even fully comprehend yet.

To put it in perspective, Billy was once Dustin's equal, but now, with the Dragon Spiral, Dustin's power has skyrocketed far beyond Billy’s current level. His growth isn’t just incremental; it’s on an entirely new scale.

If we’re measuring Dustin’s current strength, we have to start by acknowledging that Billy’s current standing is now just the baseline. With this in mind, here’s how I see the hierarchy shaping up:
  1. Dustin (post-Dragon Spiral)
  2. Father Adam (potentially equal or slightly stronger than Billy)
  3. Billy
  4. Everyone else
i just think billy is stronger than father adam and slightly below dustin....but father adam is stronger than vincent
But Dustin not yet absorbed the power of the dragon spiral and not cultivated yet right
I suppose he does not have to absorb or cultivate it. Mere the possession of it is sufficient. When he helped to acquire it for Gabriella, he told her that she will allow him to borrow it for sometime. But then Dustin would not need that for this fight. This tournament is only time pass for Dustin. Dustin's main purpose now is to acquire the second dragon veil. But now he is also fully aware of the pantheon's plan and the presence of the foreign power. Now, it is highly unlikely that he will reveal the presence of the dragon veil. Dustin might not even use his sky sword, except the fight against father Adam or Billy.
I suppose he does not have to absorb or cultivate it. Mere the possession of it is sufficient. When he helped to acquire it for Gabriella, he told her that she will allow him to borrow it for sometime. But then Dustin would not need that for this fight. This tournament is only time pass for Dustin. Dustin's main purpose now is to acquire the second dragon veil. But now he is also fully aware of the pantheon's plan and the presence of the foreign power. Now, it is highly unlikely that he will reveal the presence of the dragon veil. Dustin might not even use his sky sword, except the fight against father Adam or Billy.
Thats correct, you just need to possess it.
Guys, you can't blame Billy he gave out a plain and simply direct warning about his sword: “Just surrender, or don’t blame me if my sword shows no mercy.”
Though i agree with Extroshi, he could have given him 3 strikes 😂🤣😂

But it is a win for the readers, less sidestory to read! 🎉
Under my guess is that the championship will be against Dustin and Vicente
Vincent already used all his 4 gods symbols on Dustin while he was still way weaker compared to present. That time, he could not do anything against Dustin.

This Dustin is enhanced by Sky Orb and Dragon Spirals for several months. He has slayed giant beasts of unknown strengths, he has killed so called immortal vampire with mystical power with bare fist.

Vincent is nowhere near Dustin in strength. Dustin has 2 powerful weapons. If he use the sword of “Sword immortal”, he will get upper hand with anyone in this tournament in just few moves.

I’m sure Vincent can’t even win against Abigail or Scarlet. Forget about Dustin. All of his wins are with those who are not even in Whiz list.

I think Top 8 will be
Vincent, Dustin, , Billy, Abigail, Priest, Elvin Carr, Troy and Kieran

The best Match for Dustin in final will be Billy or the Priest.
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I still don't think Abigail is that strong, yes she killed many people with poison but she is still lacking. The real fighters are Billy, Dustin and Father Adam
In Chinese Fantasy - Strength comes from
1) Congenital (Incarnated immortal beings ),
2) From hard work (Cultivation and Practice),
3) Awakening the bloodline.
4) Chance encounters (Inheriting the power of previous immortal through relics, accidents etc
5) Possesion (Being possessed by powerful entities)

Abigail has awakened her mother’s bloodline. She has power of Phoenix. Her strength is not something ordinary warriors will possess.

Even Qiong Chi and Unicorn are considered inferior to Phoenix. Only Dragon is considered on par or superior to Phoenix.

So, this version of Abigail must be taken seriously. In this tournament, magic weapons, mystic arts, congenital powers, poisons all are considered parts of warrior’s strength.
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Since it is random pick to choose who is going to fight with who, how interesting it will be if black diamond had to fight with the priest and emerald against Kieran and Azalea vs Abigail. In that case I just hope one or two may not even fight and forfeit so that the other could proceed to the next round.
Vincent already used all his 4 gods symbols on Dustin while he was still way weaker compared to present. That time, he could not do anything against Dustin.

This Dustin is enhanced by Sky Orb and Dragon Spirals for several months. He has slayed giant beasts of unknown strengths, he has killed so called immortal vampire with mystical power with his bare fist.

Vincent is nowhere near Dustin in strength. Dustin has 2 powerful weapons. If he use the sword of “Sword immortal”, he will get upper hand with anyone in this tournament in just few moves.

I’m sure Vincent can’t even win against Abigail or Scarlet. Forget about Dustin. All of his wins are with those who are not even in Whiz list.

I think Top 8 will be
Vincent, Dustin, , Billy, Abigail, Priest, Troy, Kieran, Black Diamond

The best Match for Dustin in final will be Billy or the Priest.
Writer is taking time to think about top 8, top 4 and top 2.
Let's wait for if writer skips some fights in this round and take us to top 8 and top 4 directly.
Or we may have to witness each punch in the battle.
Picture this: Dustin and Billy were neck and neck, both sitting comfortably at the top of the rankings. But then Dustin obtained the Dragon Spiral. This artifact has massively boosted his cultivation, multiplying his strength to an extent we can’t even fully comprehend yet.

To put it in perspective, Billy was once Dustin's equal, but now, with the Dragon Spiral, Dustin's power has skyrocketed far beyond Billy’s current level. His growth isn’t just incremental; it’s on an entirely new scale.

If we’re measuring Dustin’s current strength, we have to start by acknowledging that Billy’s current standing is now just the baseline. With this in mind, here’s how I see the hierarchy shaping up:
  1. Dustin (post-Dragon Spiral)
  2. Father Adam (potentially equal or slightly stronger than Billy)
  3. Billy
  4. Everyone else
If I could remember well.. the dragon spiral was kept away by the princess of dragon march after obtaining it. So we can't concluded that Dustin has actually refined part of it energy to boost is cultivation level. But no one knows how capable the strength of Billy and Dustin could be or who will emerge victorious since they haven't spar. Correct me if I'm mistaken.
You're correct my brother.
Ride on😎
If I could remember well.. the dragon spiral was kept away by the princess of dragon march after obtaining it. So we can't concluded that Dustin has actually refined part of it energy to boost is cultivation level. But no one knows how capable the strength of Billy and Dustin could be or who will emerge victorious since they haven't spar. Correct me if I'm mistaken.

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