An Understated Dominance, Dustin Rhys story. Chapters 1301 and beyond - JUNLEE (aka Jungal2000) English interpretation

Translated by Jungal2000

This is my take on an ongoing Chinese novel by an unknown author. I've never been much of a reader when it comes to lengthy novels, but as soon as I delved into this tale, I was hooked like a fanatic. And I can't seem to stop. Unfortunately, the English version I was following only released three chapters a day, and my appetite for the story was insatiable. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started translating the Chinese text myself. Along the way, I've tried to inject some context into it because Google's translation tends to be too literal.

I've used different names for characters in my translations since they're a result of my own artistic interpretation. I began my translations from Chapter 967, which was posted in a different discussion thread. My aim is to tackle at least 100 chapters a week. However, as much as I love translating and reading this novel, I make sure to reserve my weekends for my family and friends – they're the ones who matter most to me.

The reason for this new thread is that during my two days off, some talented translators have continued where I left off. Their work is already shared and posted in my previous thread. This is fantastic news for readers looking for weekend reads. To avoid any confusion, I decided to create a new thread where I can upload and continue my translations. I'm doing all of this out of love for the story and the enjoyment I get from the process; it makes me feel like I'm a part of the narrative.

For those who are new to this, the best translations are provided by Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, and they are the work of the legendary translator Marina Vitori.

This is the tale of a prince, a legendary Kirin known as Logan Rhys. His life underwent a dramatic change a decade ago when his mother met a mysterious and untimely demise. Fueled by a relentless pursuit of truth, justice, and vengeance, he abandoned his royal palace and adopted the guise of a commoner, going by the name Dustin Rhys. The once-arrogant young prince transformed into a timid and soft-spoken individual, making him an easy target for bullies.

During these ten years, Logan secretly honed his skills and strength, undergoing a profound transformation. However, a recent divorce from his wife, Dahlia Nicholson, after three years of marriage, coupled with a series of life-altering events, pushed him back into action. Slowly but surely, he began to shed his timid persona, reemerging as the formidable figure he once was.

Join us as we follow the journey of Dustin, or Logan, as he strives to surpass, outmaneuver, and overpower entire armies and kingdoms, all through his own determination and bare hands.
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Thanks a lot Immortal @Junlee for the resources. I had thought that it might take another 5 to 6 weeks before we move on the next round of 16. But here we are, and i am truly surprised. I am not sure if Emerald and Kieran won their way to next round. However it is going to be interesting who Dustin is going to face and so Billy and Abigail. I also guess that Azeala might lose this bout and so Emerald and Kieran if only they had moved up.
Hmmm....Looks like writer is also getting bored by this championship, even skipped Vincent, Abigail & Billy's matches.
We should just see to it that the two intruders are killed after information has been milked from them
And subsequently they conclude the tournament and we find the ‘dracan essence’ or whatever it's called
Thanks a lot Immortal @Junlee for the resources. I had thought that it might take another 5 to 6 weeks before we move on the next round of 16. But here we are, and i am truly surprised. I am not sure if Emerald and Kieran won their way to next round. However it is going to be interesting who Dustin is going to face and so Billy and Abigail. I also guess that Azeala might lose this bout and so Emerald and Kieran if only they had moved up.
Don’t count your chickens just yet… it might still be a few weeks till we finish this round 😅
But yeah, funny that the author didn’t clarify what happened to Azalea, Emerald and Kieran… 🤷🏻‍♂️

“It’s rare to see a fight without swords or Mystical Arts, just bare-knuckle brawling!”

“This is what real strength is about! A true man fights head-on, fist to fist!”

“If the warm-up is this intense, when they decide the winner, won’t it be life or death?”


As the two fighters clashed fiercely on the stage, the audience buzzed with excitement.

They had expected a showdown of swordsmanship and Mystical Arts, but the scene before them was far from what they imagined.

Victor had a sword but refused to use it, opting instead for a battle of fists.

Vincent, with all his Mystical Arts abilities, also held back, choosing to meet Victor blow for blow.

It seemed they were determined to prove who was superior in pure hand-to-hand combat.

On the stage, the fight between Vincent and Victor raged on, growing ever more intense.

The only difference was that Victor was getting more aggressive with each strike, his internal energy surging, each punch carrying the force to split mountains. His breathing grew heavier as the fight went on.

In contrast, Vincent focused on defense and counterattacks, each move executed with precision, his demeanor relaxed, showing no signs of strain.

“If you keep fighting like this, you'll exhaust your internal energy. If I were you, I’d bring out your real skills now,” Vincent said calmly as he threw another punch.

“Enough with the chatter!” Victor snorted, his fists moving faster, the wind around him howling as if it could tear the sky apart.

“If you insist on being stubborn, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

Vincent’s face darkened, his patience clearly wearing thin.

He had been curious to witness the legendary swordsmanship of Victor's Mysterious Sword Sect, which was why he had entertained this fistfight for so long.

But to his disappointment, Victor seemed intent on using only his fists, refusing to draw his sword.

Did Victor really believe that his fists alone could defeat him?

If so, Vincent had no problem teaching him a harsh lesson.

“From extreme adversity comes fortune!”

Suddenly, Vincent’s voice rang out as his fists transformed into open palms, striking with sudden force.

In an instant, his palms radiated a brilliant red light, as hot as fire, thickening the air around them.

Even Victor’s fists slowed down under the pressure.


Victor frowned, sensing danger. He immediately crossed his arms to shield his chest, channeling his internal energy into a protective barrier.


Vincent’s palms slammed into Victor’s crossed arms with a resounding impact.

The barrier Victor had formed shattered, and he was thrown several meters back by the sheer force, skidding to a halt only after retreating several steps.

For a moment, his arms felt numb, weighed down by an incredible force.

“What a powerful technique!”

Victor looked down at his trembling arms, shock flashing in his eyes.


As the top disciple of a Mysterious Sword Sect, Victor had immense confidence in his abilities, especially in his mastery of the Sword Manipulation Technique. In his view, ordinary opponents weren’t worthy of seeing his sword techniques—his fists alone were enough to defeat them.

This had been true in the past, where he had relied on his hand-to-hand combat skills and emerged victorious with ease.

But this time was different. His opponent was Vincent, the fifth-ranked warrior on the Whiz List.

Relying solely on his fists was clearly not enough.

After exchanging hundreds of blows, Victor found himself at a disadvantage, a clear sign that things were not going in his favor.

Moreover, it was evident that neither of them had used their full strength yet.

He had to admit—this was a formidable opponent!

“What's the matter? Still want to keep playing? Without using your sword techniques, you won’t be able to defeat me,” Vincent remarked coolly.

He had sparred for so long just to witness the legendary swordsmanship, but if Victor continued to hold back, Vincent's patience was wearing thin.

“I once thought that the warriors on the Whiz List were all just overrated. But now, it seems you do have some real skill,” Victor replied as he slowly straightened his posture, his gaze sharp and his aura surging. His hair fluttered in the wind, and his robes rustled loudly.

As he spoke, the massive sword on his back began to tremble slightly, emitting a soft hum.

“Oh? Finally ready to use your sword?” Vincent’s lips curled into a slight smile, his interest piqued.

“Now that I’ve warmed up, it’s time to show you what real swordsmanship looks like!”

Victor raised his hand, forming a sword finger, and pointed fiercely towards the sky. “Sword, come forth!”


The giant sword on Victor’s back instantly unsheathed itself, floating above his head.

The sword was six feet long and five inches wide, its entire body gleaming white, adorned with intricate red runes that seemed to pulse with life.

As the sword's light shimmered, the red runes began to flow, as if they were living beings.

“My sword, once drawn, demands blood. Today, I’ll use you to consecrate my ‘Snowblade’!”

As soon as the words left Victor’s mouth, he thrust his sword finger forward.


The giant sword transformed into a streak of white light, shooting toward Vincent with the speed of lightning.

It moved so fast that only a faint glimmer could be seen.

“So fast!”

Vincent’s pupils contracted as he instinctively crossed his arms to protect his chest, gathering his internal energy into a shield.


A resounding explosion followed.

The white light slammed into the energy shield, sending ripples through the air.

Vincent was forced to retreat several steps, and the shield before him was now covered in a web of fine cracks, resembling a spider’s web.

It was just a hair's breadth away from shattering completely and injuring him.

The sheer power of the attack was undeniable!
Can some please analyze how strong Rufus rhyns is, we all know his much stronger than the king of dragonmash,should we compare his strength to the Devine immortal master,don’t forget Dustin mother was one of the world strongest during her reign
As far as I understood, rufus rhys is known for his leadership and brilliant tactics. Sure he may be a grandmaster but the story never said that he is a top tier fighter, rathar a top tier general.
Also, dustin may have took after his mother in the fighting sense, and his brilliance is from his father's side.
I may be wrong, but these is my observation so far.

“It’s rare to see a fight without swords or Mystical Arts, just bare-knuckle brawling!”

“This is what real strength is about! A true man fights head-on, fist to fist!”

“If the warm-up is this intense, when they decide the winner, won’t it be life or death?”


As the two fighters clashed fiercely on the stage, the audience buzzed with excitement.

They had expected a showdown of swordsmanship and Mystical Arts, but the scene before them was far from what they imagined.

Victor had a sword but refused to use it, opting instead for a battle of fists.

Vincent, with all his Mystical Arts abilities, also held back, choosing to meet Victor blow for blow.

It seemed they were determined to prove who was superior in pure hand-to-hand combat.

On the stage, the fight between Vincent and Victor raged on, growing ever more intense.

The only difference was that Victor was getting more aggressive with each strike, his internal energy surging, each punch carrying the force to split mountains. His breathing grew heavier as the fight went on.

In contrast, Vincent focused on defense and counterattacks, each move executed with precision, his demeanor relaxed, showing no signs of strain.

“If you keep fighting like this, you'll exhaust your internal energy. If I were you, I’d bring out your real skills now,” Vincent said calmly as he threw another punch.

“Enough with the chatter!” Victor snorted, his fists moving faster, the wind around him howling as if it could tear the sky apart.

“If you insist on being stubborn, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

Vincent’s face darkened, his patience clearly wearing thin.

He had been curious to witness the legendary swordsmanship of Victor's Mysterious Sword Sect, which was why he had entertained this fistfight for so long.

But to his disappointment, Victor seemed intent on using only his fists, refusing to draw his sword.

Did Victor really believe that his fists alone could defeat him?

If so, Vincent had no problem teaching him a harsh lesson.

“From extreme adversity comes fortune!”

Suddenly, Vincent’s voice rang out as his fists transformed into open palms, striking with sudden force.

In an instant, his palms radiated a brilliant red light, as hot as fire, thickening the air around them.

Even Victor’s fists slowed down under the pressure.


Victor frowned, sensing danger. He immediately crossed his arms to shield his chest, channeling his internal energy into a protective barrier.


Vincent’s palms slammed into Victor’s crossed arms with a resounding impact.

The barrier Victor had formed shattered, and he was thrown several meters back by the sheer force, skidding to a halt only after retreating several steps.

For a moment, his arms felt numb, weighed down by an incredible force.

“What a powerful technique!”

Victor looked down at his trembling arms, shock flashing in his eyes.


As the top disciple of a Mysterious Sword Sect, Victor had immense confidence in his abilities, especially in his mastery of the Sword Manipulation Technique. In his view, ordinary opponents weren’t worthy of seeing his sword techniques—his fists alone were enough to defeat them.

This had been true in the past, where he had relied on his hand-to-hand combat skills and emerged victorious with ease.

But this time was different. His opponent was Vincent, the fifth-ranked warrior on the Whiz List.

Relying solely on his fists was clearly not enough.

After exchanging hundreds of blows, Victor found himself at a disadvantage, a clear sign that things were not going in his favor.

Moreover, it was evident that neither of them had used their full strength yet.

He had to admit—this was a formidable opponent!

“What's the matter? Still want to keep playing? Without using your sword techniques, you won’t be able to defeat me,” Vincent remarked coolly.

He had sparred for so long just to witness the legendary swordsmanship, but if Victor continued to hold back, Vincent's patience was wearing thin.

“I once thought that the warriors on the Whiz List were all just overrated. But now, it seems you do have some real skill,” Victor replied as he slowly straightened his posture, his gaze sharp and his aura surging. His hair fluttered in the wind, and his robes rustled loudly.

As he spoke, the massive sword on his back began to tremble slightly, emitting a soft hum.

“Oh? Finally ready to use your sword?” Vincent’s lips curled into a slight smile, his interest piqued.

“Now that I’ve warmed up, it’s time to show you what real swordsmanship looks like!”

Victor raised his hand, forming a sword finger, and pointed fiercely towards the sky. “Sword, come forth!”


The giant sword on Victor’s back instantly unsheathed itself, floating above his head.

The sword was six feet long and five inches wide, its entire body gleaming white, adorned with intricate red runes that seemed to pulse with life.

As the sword's light shimmered, the red runes began to flow, as if they were living beings.

“My sword, once drawn, demands blood. Today, I’ll use you to consecrate my ‘Snowblade’!”

As soon as the words left Victor’s mouth, he thrust his sword finger forward.


The giant sword transformed into a streak of white light, shooting toward Vincent with the speed of lightning.

It moved so fast that only a faint glimmer could be seen.

“So fast!”

Vincent’s pupils contracted as he instinctively crossed his arms to protect his chest, gathering his internal energy into a shield.


A resounding explosion followed.

The white light slammed into the energy shield, sending ripples through the air.

Vincent was forced to retreat several steps, and the shield before him was now covered in a web of fine cracks, resembling a spider’s web.

It was just a hair's breadth away from shattering completely and injuring him.

The sheer power of the attack was undeniable!
The real battles have began. I wonder who Billy May and Dustin will be facing. And Father Adam as well. The top eight from these duels will forever be champions
As far as I understood, rufus rhys is known for his leadership and brilliant tactics. Sure he may be a grandmaster but the story never said that he is a top tier fighter, rathar a top tier general.
Also, dustin may have took after his mother in the fighting sense, and his brilliance is from his father's side.
I may be wrong, but these is my observation so far.
Good point right there!
As far as I understood, rufus rhys is known for his leadership and brilliant tactics. Sure he may be a grandmaster but the story never said that he is a top tier fighter, rathar a top tier general.
Also, dustin may have took after his mother in the fighting sense, and his brilliance is from his father's side.
I may be wrong, but these is my observation so far.
yea but he was also the ruler of that land with subordinates who were essentially second only to the no 1 ranked guy, sure maybe he was just that charismatic and won their hearts but i dont see someone surrounded by such powerhouses his wife included be weak, especially given that his brother waited till he died before acting out meaning at least in his prime he must have been superior to the display the brother gave, which sure dustin embarrassed him but thats just dustin being dustin, the guy himself was plenty strong and given he himself had kept himself in check against rufus ,
yea but he was also the ruler of that land with subordinates who were essentially second only to the no 1 ranked guy, sure maybe he was just that charismatic and won their hearts but i dont see someone surrounded by such powerhouses his wife included be weak, especially given that his brother waited till he died before acting out meaning at least in his prime he must have been superior to the display the brother gave, which sure dustin embarrassed him but thats just dustin being dustin, the guy himself was plenty strong and given he himself had kept himself in check against rufus ,
What is your argument? Is it that you don't think he could have been King when his subordinates where stronger than him?

“It’s rare to see a fight without swords or Mystical Arts, just bare-knuckle brawling!”

“This is what real strength is about! A true man fights head-on, fist to fist!”

“If the warm-up is this intense, when they decide the winner, won’t it be life or death?”


As the two fighters clashed fiercely on the stage, the audience buzzed with excitement.

They had expected a showdown of swordsmanship and Mystical Arts, but the scene before them was far from what they imagined.

Victor had a sword but refused to use it, opting instead for a battle of fists.

Vincent, with all his Mystical Arts abilities, also held back, choosing to meet Victor blow for blow.

It seemed they were determined to prove who was superior in pure hand-to-hand combat.

On the stage, the fight between Vincent and Victor raged on, growing ever more intense.

The only difference was that Victor was getting more aggressive with each strike, his internal energy surging, each punch carrying the force to split mountains. His breathing grew heavier as the fight went on.

In contrast, Vincent focused on defense and counterattacks, each move executed with precision, his demeanor relaxed, showing no signs of strain.

“If you keep fighting like this, you'll exhaust your internal energy. If I were you, I’d bring out your real skills now,” Vincent said calmly as he threw another punch.

“Enough with the chatter!” Victor snorted, his fists moving faster, the wind around him howling as if it could tear the sky apart.

“If you insist on being stubborn, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

Vincent’s face darkened, his patience clearly wearing thin.

He had been curious to witness the legendary swordsmanship of Victor's Mysterious Sword Sect, which was why he had entertained this fistfight for so long.

But to his disappointment, Victor seemed intent on using only his fists, refusing to draw his sword.

Did Victor really believe that his fists alone could defeat him?

If so, Vincent had no problem teaching him a harsh lesson.

“From extreme adversity comes fortune!”

Suddenly, Vincent’s voice rang out as his fists transformed into open palms, striking with sudden force.

In an instant, his palms radiated a brilliant red light, as hot as fire, thickening the air around them.

Even Victor’s fists slowed down under the pressure.


Victor frowned, sensing danger. He immediately crossed his arms to shield his chest, channeling his internal energy into a protective barrier.


Vincent’s palms slammed into Victor’s crossed arms with a resounding impact.

The barrier Victor had formed shattered, and he was thrown several meters back by the sheer force, skidding to a halt only after retreating several steps.

For a moment, his arms felt numb, weighed down by an incredible force.

“What a powerful technique!”

Victor looked down at his trembling arms, shock flashing in his eyes.


As the top disciple of a Mysterious Sword Sect, Victor had immense confidence in his abilities, especially in his mastery of the Sword Manipulation Technique. In his view, ordinary opponents weren’t worthy of seeing his sword techniques—his fists alone were enough to defeat them.

This had been true in the past, where he had relied on his hand-to-hand combat skills and emerged victorious with ease.

But this time was different. His opponent was Vincent, the fifth-ranked warrior on the Whiz List.

Relying solely on his fists was clearly not enough.

After exchanging hundreds of blows, Victor found himself at a disadvantage, a clear sign that things were not going in his favor.

Moreover, it was evident that neither of them had used their full strength yet.

He had to admit—this was a formidable opponent!

“What's the matter? Still want to keep playing? Without using your sword techniques, you won’t be able to defeat me,” Vincent remarked coolly.

He had sparred for so long just to witness the legendary swordsmanship, but if Victor continued to hold back, Vincent's patience was wearing thin.

“I once thought that the warriors on the Whiz List were all just overrated. But now, it seems you do have some real skill,” Victor replied as he slowly straightened his posture, his gaze sharp and his aura surging. His hair fluttered in the wind, and his robes rustled loudly.

As he spoke, the massive sword on his back began to tremble slightly, emitting a soft hum.

“Oh? Finally ready to use your sword?” Vincent’s lips curled into a slight smile, his interest piqued.

“Now that I’ve warmed up, it’s time to show you what real swordsmanship looks like!”

Victor raised his hand, forming a sword finger, and pointed fiercely towards the sky. “Sword, come forth!”


The giant sword on Victor’s back instantly unsheathed itself, floating above his head.

The sword was six feet long and five inches wide, its entire body gleaming white, adorned with intricate red runes that seemed to pulse with life.

As the sword's light shimmered, the red runes began to flow, as if they were living beings.

“My sword, once drawn, demands blood. Today, I’ll use you to consecrate my ‘Snowblade’!”

As soon as the words left Victor’s mouth, he thrust his sword finger forward.


The giant sword transformed into a streak of white light, shooting toward Vincent with the speed of lightning.

It moved so fast that only a faint glimmer could be seen.

“So fast!”

Vincent’s pupils contracted as he instinctively crossed his arms to protect his chest, gathering his internal energy into a shield.


A resounding explosion followed.

The white light slammed into the energy shield, sending ripples through the air.

Vincent was forced to retreat several steps, and the shield before him was now covered in a web of fine cracks, resembling a spider’s web.

It was just a hair's breadth away from shattering completely and injuring him.

The sheer power of the attack was undeniable!
In your pov, how far we have reached of this novel?
What is your argument? Is it that you don't think he could have been King when his subordinates where stronger than him?
obviously not im just saying that he should be stronger than what the other comment implied,and i do mean that he couldnt have been king if his brother and other treacherous units held more power than him directly not that hed be stronger than the dragon sword or the other 2 of the 3 warriors of west lucozia
As far as I understood, rufus rhys is known for his leadership and brilliant tactics. Sure he may be a grandmaster but the story never said that he is a top tier fighter, rathar a top tier general.
Also, dustin may have took after his mother in the fighting sense, and his brilliance is from his father's side.
I may be wrong, but these is my observation so far.
They said that the nobles from the kingship were not ranked anywhere and remember Rufus ryths is also from the nobles even Dustin was not to be ranked but its just he moves in alias names and desgises

"Is this the legendary Sword Manipulation Technique? It truly lives up to its name!"

"One strike to force Vincent back and seize the upper hand—impressive!"

"That sword was so fast! All I saw was a flash of white light—it was terrifying!"

The crowd was in awe as Victor unleashed his Sword Manipulation Technique. Though they'd heard tales of its might, this was the first time they witnessed it firsthand.

The sheer dominance and ferocity, the unstoppable momentum—it struck deep into the hearts of all who watched.

As the saying goes, "When the sword emerges, countless bones wither."

Against such a supernatural technique, an ordinary person wouldn't stand a chance, likely perishing in the blink of an eye.

Had it not been for Vincent's formidable strength, that flying sword strike would have been enough to snuff out his life and decide the match.


Vincent exhaled a heavy breath, his eyes sharpening with newfound seriousness. “I have to admit, your Sword Manipulation Technique is indeed a powerful skill. But if you think that alone is enough to defeat me, you're mistaken.”

Victor's sword was blisteringly fast and overwhelmingly aggressive, yet it lacked a critical element—the ability to finish the fight.

In simpler terms, it was missing the killer blow.

Against ordinary martial arts masters, Victor could crush them with ease. But when facing someone of Vincent’s caliber, it still fell short.

“Hmph! Boast all you want. Soon enough, I’ll show you just how terrifying the Sword Manipulation Technique can be!”

Without further words, Victor raised his sword-fingers and pointed at Vincent from a distance, commanding, “Sword, strike!”


The giant sword once again transformed into a streak of white light, shooting forth with even greater speed and force than before, like a meteor crashing to earth, exuding a sense of annihilation.

“Then I’ll show you my true power!”

With a tremor of his body, a surge of blue light erupted from Vincent, and in an instant, a towering divine phantom, ten meters tall, materialized around him.

The blue phantom was immense, exuding an aura of authority and power. Surrounded by swirling blue light, it was a sight that commanded respect and fear at a mere glance.

This was none other than the signature move of the World Society—the Heavenly God's Four Symbols Technique!


As the white light hurtled toward him, Vincent’s palms, glowing with blue energy, shot forward with immense force. Simultaneously, the gigantic divine phantom mimicked his actions perfectly.


Vincent’s palms struck the white light with precision, halting Victor’s flying sword in its tracks.


The flying sword shuddered violently, its energy surging as it struggled to break free from the blue energy's grip.

“Trying to escape? Not so easily!”

Vincent's lips curled into a confident smile as he intensified his grip. At this moment, he seemed possessed by a god, completely unafraid of the sword’s deadly aura.

No matter how fiercely the sword thrashed or how intensely it vibrated, it could not escape his grasp.

“What a remarkable display of the Heavenly God's Four Symbols Technique! Truly, I am astounded!”


"The Heavenly God's Four Symbols Technique is the hallmark of the World Society, known as the supreme art, flawless in both attack and defense. It's the perfect counter to the Mysterious Sword Sect’s Sword Manipulation Technique."

"With his flying sword restrained, and without his weapon, no matter how skilled Victor is, his Sword Manipulation Technique becomes useless."

The audience below couldn't help but marvel at Vincent’s prowess as he caught the flying sword bare-handed. They had always heard of the immense killing power of the Sword Manipulation Technique, said to be unstoppable. For Vincent to catch the sword with his bare hands was nothing short of extraordinary.

Of course, much of this feat was owed to the profound mysteries of the Heavenly God's Four Symbols Technique—without it, such a feat would have been impossible.

“Hmph! You’ve got some skill, but if you think you can control my flying sword, you’re sadly mistaken!”

Victor showed no sign of panic. His hands quickly formed a series of seals, and then he pointed his sword fingers to the left and right.


The flying sword in front began to vibrate violently once again. In an instant, its aura intensified.

Vincent frowned, feeling the power of the sword in his grasp suddenly double, like a raging bull.

Just as he was about to exert more force to subdue the sword, the enormous flying sword suddenly split into three parts!

The three swords broke free from Vincent's grip and swiftly returned to Victor’s side, hovering in mid-air.

These three swords—one large and two small—glowed brightly, their sword qi sharp and formidable.

“A mother-child sword formation?”

Vincent was genuinely surprised.

He had assumed that Victor only wielded one sword, but now it was clear there were three, making the threat far more severe.

As expected of the chief of the Mysterious Sword Sect, Victor was indeed extraordinary.

“To have forced me to reveal my trump card, you truly are skilled. But this is where it ends.”

Victor spoke coldly, “From now on, I won’t hold back. Live or die, it’s up to fate!”

With that, he pointed his sword fingers forward.


The largest sword shot out first, transforming into a streak of white light.

Immediately after, the two smaller swords followed, attacking Vincent from the left and right.

The most unsettling part was that the two smaller swords didn’t fly in a straight line but curved like a crescent moon.

This made their attack angles extremely tricky, almost impossible to defend against. Even if Vincent managed to block the frontal attack, the two side swords could still land a fatal blow.

Seeing this, Vincent’s expression turned serious. He no longer held back and unleashed his ultimate move.

“God's Wind Fury!”

Vincent let out a low shout as all the energy within him erupted.

In an instant, the divine phantom behind him grew even larger and more solid, surrounded by fierce winds that howled like ghosts and wolves.

In the next moment, Vincent thrust his palms forward.

The towering divine phantom mirrored his movements.

Countless wind blades, like a torrential storm, poured forth and furiously struck at the three flying swords.
this is what usually piss me off with this story, a whole chapter (2568,) wasted nothing to take home! Anyway we are stuck and we must keep reading!
Why dont you wait for at least five days to read. That way you will have a lot of goodies to read. You see because of the suspense and how intrigued this novel is, we can't help checking every morning.
Good point right there!
Not quite
Rufus Rhys is also an excellent fighter, he led 300 men to fight the barbarians
His prestige was built when he used the inaugural members of the dark dragon army to almost decimate the western enemy before the dragon guild forcibly decreed his return.
Do not also forget the Rhys family produces martial arts prodigies
As evident with Logan, Rufus cousin (Julian) and even the playful Austin we see how he was when he became serious minded
Obviously Rufus is both a civil and military genius because he only could surpass Julian (that's of course before Logan dealt with him).
Finally the Patheaon of gods had also tried recruiting him(Rufus)
All these point to the fact that Rufus Rhys in fact a martial arts master but the story didn't just say too very much of it
So Logan's martial prowess and all other things were gotten from both parents.
Not quite
Rufus Rhys is also an excellent fighter, he led 300 men to fight the barbarians
His prestige was built when he used the inaugural members of the dark dragon army to almost decimate the western enemy before the dragon guild forcibly decreed his return.
Do not also forget the Rhys family produces martial arts prodigies
As evident with Logan, Rufus cousin (Julian) and even the playful Austin we see how he was when he became serious minded
Obviously Rufus is both a civil and military genius because he only could surpass Julian (that's of course before Logan dealt with him).
Finally the Patheaon of gods had also tried recruiting him(Rufus)
All these point to the fact that Rufus Rhys in fact a martial arts master but the story didn't just say too very much of it
So Logan's martial prowess and all other things were gotten from both parents.
That's what happens when you have genius as parent. Evidently Dustin is blessed with both

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The wind blades wove together like a net, carrying immense force as they relentlessly struck the three flying swords, creating explosive sounds with each impact.

Though the sword energy from the flying swords was sharp and fierce, cutting through a multitude of wind blades, their offensive momentum slowed, and their speed decreased.

The wind blades, however, seemed endless, like a storm with no end in sight, surging continuously.

Some of the wind blades clashed directly with the three flying swords, while others sliced toward Victor in the distance.


Victor’s expression shifted slightly. He dared not take the attack head-on and quickly flicked his sword fingers three times, shouting, "Return!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The three flying swords instantly turned back, speeding to defend Victor's side. They spun rapidly, unleashing waves of sword energy that intercepted the incoming wind blades.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The clash between the wind blades and sword energy stirred up ripples, with the explosive sounds resembling a string of firecrackers, one after another.

Gritting his teeth, Victor held his sword fingers forward, continuously resisting the onslaught of wind blades.

This continued for about ten seconds before the storm of wind blades finally dissipated.

Victor felt the pressure lift instantly and let out a long breath.

"My turn now!"

Seeing that Vincent's aura had weakened, Victor mustered his strength, once again waving his sword fingers, launching the three flying swords.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The three swords shot out simultaneously, each targeting a vital point on Vincent's body.


Seeing this, Vincent smirked, not retreating but advancing instead. With a light step, he suddenly lunged forward, seemingly throwing himself toward the three flying swords.

"Seeking death!"

Victor's eyes turned cold, and his hands moved swiftly to form a seal.

In an instant, the three flying swords burst into brilliant light, their sword energy soaring as if capable of tearing the heavens apart.

But just then, the divine figure behind Vincent underwent a sudden transformation.

The once blue divine spirit turned crimson in the blink of an eye, growing larger and more intimidating.

"God's Fire Fury!"

Vincent growled, his palm clenching into a fist, which he then thrust toward Victor.

At the same time, the crimson divine figure behind him mirrored the action.


A thunderous explosion echoed as a sea of flames erupted, covering most of the arena in an instant.

An overwhelming and scorching energy swept across the entire space!

The three flying swords, now engulfed in white light, slowed dramatically, as if moving through a mire.

In the next moment, the gigantic fist of the crimson divine spirit came crashing down, knocking the three flying swords aside.

The fist’s momentum did not stop there; it continued its path, bearing down on Victor.

At that moment, Victor’s flying swords were momentarily out of control, unable to return for defense.

And the crimson divine spirit's fist had already locked onto him, leaving no room to evade.

"It's do or die!"

Victor gritted his teeth and channeled all his internal energy, charging forward with his own iron fists.

With no way to escape, he resolved to fight fire with fire.


In the end, the two fists—one large, one small—collided mid-air.


A thunderous explosion shook the heavens and the earth, causing the skies to darken and the winds to howl.

The terrifying energy unleashed from the clash erupted like a tsunami, sweeping in all directions. The ground trembled, sending sand and rocks flying, while smoke and dust filled the air.

At the center of the explosion, Victor was hurled back as if struck by a truck, flying dozens of meters before crashing to the ground. Blood spurted from his mouth while he was still airborne, and when he finally hit the earth, he couldn't even muster the strength to stand.


Vincent did not pursue his advantage. Instead, he withdrew his divine power, slowly reabsorbing the crimson divine figure into his body, returning to his original form.

Victor, who had just endured the full brunt of the God's Fire Fury, lay in a pitiful state. His clothes were tattered, blood streamed from his nose and mouth, and his entire body was charred and mangled—he was clearly gravely injured.

"You've lost."

Vincent’s voice was calm, almost indifferent.

There was no denying that Victor’s swordsmanship was formidable, forcing Vincent to unleash the God's Fire Fury, a technique from the Heavenly God's Four Symbols Technique. But that was the extent of it.


Victor struggled to lift his hand, trying to say something, but before he could utter a word, he coughed up another mouthful of blood, his face turning deathly pale.

His head lolled to the side, and he lost consciousness on the spot.

Meanwhile, his three flying swords trembled in place for a moment before finally settling down, all their energy spent.

"The match is over! Contestant Number 1, Vincent, is the victor!"

Jeremy, the announcer, promptly declared the result.

In the next instant, the arena erupted in applause and cheers.

"Well done! That was amazing!"

"Senior Brother Vincent is incredible!"

"As expected from the greatest prodigy of the Under World Society—truly extraordinary!"

The spectators marveled, their awe palpable. They had all heard of the Heavenly God's Four Symbols Technique, but few had ever witnessed it firsthand. Today, they were lucky to have seen such a powerful technique in action.

Of course, they also understood just how powerful the Heavenly God's Four Symbols Technique truly was. Even the legendary swordsmanship was powerless against it.

"So, gentlemen, what do you think of my disciple?" On the main viewing platform, Darkbane spoke with a smile, his pride evident.

"A dragon among men, his future is boundless," Spencer commented with a smile.

"He’s got some skill, but not much," Evelyn rasped.

"A mere trick, hardly worth mentioning," Nolan sneered.

"Is that so? I hope your disciples can show something equally impressive; otherwise, it’ll be quite embarrassing!" Darkbane retorted, his smile cold.

"Don’t worry; they’ll definitely outperform yours," Nolan shot back.

"Heh... we shall see!" Darkbane replied with a smirk.

His disciple was already half a step into the Grandmaster realm (note: although there is no direct translation, it may imply Ultimate/Supreme Grandmaster), ready to ascend at any moment. Such talent was unmatched across the land.

Especially with his mastery of the Heavenly God's Four Symbols Technique, he was invincible, unstoppable.

This martial arts tournament would undoubtedly see him claim the championship!
Thanks a lot for the update, this is the only story that I am reading the multiple translations and still enjoying it. Though it releases only 2 chapters per day or two. Sigh! Oh well we don't have any other option but to wait for the main writer to publish.

I think the story is nearing its end. Probably it will last for another 200-300 chapters.
Thanks a lot for the update, this is the only story that I am reading the multiple translations and still enjoying it. Though it releases only 2 chapters per day or two. Sigh! Oh well we don't have any other option but to wait for the main writer to publish.

I think the story is nearing its end. Probably it will last for another 200-300 chapters.
I doubt it will end in next 200-300 chapters. This is just the second Dragon spiral. There are 3 more.

We need to see how Natasha and Dahalia are connected again to story. How the Kirin Gang are doing etc.

Probably ascending to the throne of Dragonmarsh is also a possibility because Emperor’s sons are useless. In Chinese fantasy novels, keeping multiple wives and concubines (Harem) is not a problem. So, who knows this guy will take the throne by marrying Gabrielle too.

He might need to take care of foreign enemies like Pantheon. There might be some epic towards the end fighting with enemy nations. Dustin still has to showcase his military prowess. He is just a solo fighter at present.
Not quite
Rufus Rhys is also an excellent fighter, he led 300 men to fight the barbarians
His prestige was built when he used the inaugural members of the dark dragon army to almost decimate the western enemy before the dragon guild forcibly decreed his return.
Do not also forget the Rhys family produces martial arts prodigies
As evident with Logan, Rufus cousin (Julian) and even the playful Austin we see how he was when he became serious minded
Obviously Rufus is both a civil and military genius because he only could surpass Julian (that's of course before Logan dealt with him).
Finally the Patheaon of gods had also tried recruiting him(Rufus)
All these point to the fact that Rufus Rhys in fact a martial arts master but the story didn't just say too very much of it
So Logan's martial prowess and all other things were gotten from both parents.
Wow bro i’m impressed you still remember these characters! 👍

If you did not bring them up, i have forgotten about them 😂🤣
I doubt it will end in next 200-300 chapters. This is just the second Dragon spiral. There are 3 more.

We need to see how Natasha and Dahalia are connected again to story. How the Kirin Gang are doing etc.

Probably ascending to the throne of Dragonmarsh is also a possibility because Emperor’s sons are useless. In Chinese fantasy novels, keeping multiple wives and concubines (Harem) is not a problem. So, who knows this guy will take the throne by marrying Gabrielle too.

He might need to take care of foreign enemies like Pantheon. There might be some epic towards the end fighting with enemy nations. Dustin still has to showcase his military prowess. He is just a solo fighter at present.
I would love to see dustin getting the top five most beautiful women! And i still have to see the faces of the family of dahlia once they know the true identity if dustin 🤡
I doubt it will end in next 200-300 chapters. This is just the second Dragon spiral. There are 3 more.

We need to see how Natasha and Dahalia are connected again to story. How the Kirin Gang are doing etc.

Probably ascending to the throne of Dragonmarsh is also a possibility because Emperor’s sons are useless. In Chinese fantasy novels, keeping multiple wives and concubines (Harem) is not a problem. So, who knows this guy will take the throne by marrying Gabrielle too.

He might need to take care of foreign enemies like Pantheon. There might be some epic towards the end fighting with enemy nations. Dustin still has to showcase his military prowess. He is just a solo fighter at present.
Your analysis is on point 👍 👍 👍
Under my guess is that the championship will be against Dustin and Vicente
Based on Dustin's current trajectory, he's on track to become the hero of Dragonmarsh—ranking number one in all warriors elite lists. Soon he will be a famous household name and can even secure the most captivating ladies on the beauty index for himself. He could have his pick of all the girls, but there's a catch: without drinking the manhood vitality elixir the drunkard gave him, all these girls will eventually leave him. He cannot rely on his awesome two fingers forever, right?
Under my guess is that the championship will be against Dustin and Vicente
I beg to differ. Even though Vincent is skillful, he does not have what it takes to reach the final. Father Adam and Billy will surely be able to defeat him. Billy and Dustin are ranked number 1 in Whiz list, while Vincent is ranked 5th. I am not even sure if Vincent will be able to defeat Abigail as well.

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