Blind Date Turned Proposal by Mr. Adeel

Description of Novels
Mr Adeel
Title: Blind Date Turned Proposal Ra Genre: Romance
Language: English Read Online Pages: Ongoing

On the day of the blind date, the man turned out to be fat, short, and greasy! What could she do but run? Josie Warren was about to escape when the man at the next table stopped her. Why was this man so familiar? He… he was her immediate superior, Dexter Russell, a rich tycoon worth millions! What he said next surprised her immensely. “Josie, what about marrying me?” Marriage? Had Dexter been crushing on her for years? Did he set up this blind date to accidentally bump into her? Only highly skilled hunters would appear like prey. So why not! He had the looks and the money, after all. Josie acted on it instead of thinking about it. “Sure! Let’s get married! I will do as you wish and
Chapter 241 Technical Issues

Josie turned to Kevan. “What’s wrong?”

Kevan took a piece of popcorn from her bucket and popped it in his mouth. “Which character do you prefer? Between the two girls, who do you like better?”

He was suddenly eager to discuss the film.

Josie glanced at the screen and answered softly, “I prefer the girl who is now scolding the other one.”

“Why? I thought you would prefer the quieter one.”

Most people would like her. She seems timid, like a rabbit. However, she secretly entered a relationship with the guy while maintaining her crumbling friendship with lies. How is she any different from the despicable male lead? Still, her good girl act must have helped endear the audience to her.

Josie smiled and explained, “Nothing would have happened if this girl did not take the initiative. Then, the drama wouldn’t have been so tragic. It is a misconception to say that love is beyond control. In actuality, love is controllable. However, what drove her to do all these was not love but the sense of vanity deep within her. She used love as an excuse for her actions. It probably stems from her low self–esteem.”

Hearing her, Kevan was unsure whether to nod in agreement. He did not expect Josie to make such a deep analysis of the characters.

His palms broke out in cold sweat. Suddenly, he shouted, “Ms. Jo…”

Josie grunted in response. Her thoughts were clear at this moment.

Suddenly, the cinema turned pitch black. Even the light on the screen was gone. The other audience began voicing out in panic, “What’s going on?”

The cinema had a sudden blackout in the middle of the movie.

Kevan took the opportunity to hold Josie’s hand. “Don’t be scared.”

Soon, the staff entered the hall and turned on the light, brightening the place. Someone announced, “I’m sorry, everyone! Our film projector is damaged, and we can’t continue to screen the movie!”

“What? We paid for the tickets!”

“Please calm down, everyone. If you leave this hall now, our staff will give you a gift as an apology. Also, please remember to keep your tickets. We will have another free screening of this movie at the same time


In actuality, the audience did not lose anything. Moreover, it could not be helped since the projector suddenly broke down. Unfortunately, not everyone would have time to make it to the replacement screening on the next day.

Josie, for one, would not be joining.

After understanding what had happened, the audience grumbled and left the cinema.

Kevan felt sorry for what had happened. “What bad luck. The cinema has technical issues on the rare chance that we came out for a movie.”

Josie pursed her lips and removed her hand from his hold. She glanced at the time and saw it was still early.

“Want to go downstairs to…”

“I can’t,” Josie refused straight away. “I have to deal with some matters at home, so I can’t go out too long.” Then, she paused before continuing, “Thank you for inviting me to a movie tonight.”

After that, she bid him goodbye and turned around to go downstairs. However, Kevan suddenly pulled her hand. There was slight redness in the, corner of his eyes. “Ms. Jo!”

Josie paused. “What’s wrong?”

“I…” Kevan stuttered. “Happy New Year.”

Josie smiled. “Happy New Year.”

She went outside and found herself on the street full of luxury goods flagship stores.

It was snowing mildly. The pure white snowflakes fell gradually under the illumination of the street lamps. They landed on the dusty ground and soon became dirtied by people trampling on them.

Josie walked for a while and thought of finding somewhere warm to rest. She considered her family home, the hospital, the office, and so on. In fact, she considered everywhere except Mason Garden.

She paused and stood still to think.

“Welcome! How may I help you, Miss?”

It was a cold and snowy night, so few people came out to shop. The shop assistants seemed listless.
Chapter 242 A Shopping Spree

The shop assistant was sharp and instantly gauged the price of Josie’s clothes.

She was astounded to discover that her clothes were not from high–end brands but were specially tailored for her. They were a level of luxury above high–end brands.

The shop assistant perked up immediately.

Josie wanted to try spending extravagantly like how characters did in the novels she read. She kept the supplementary credit card Dexter gave her in her purse.

She was not sure if he canceled it yet.

It took courage to go on a spending spree. She took a deep breath before pointing at the row of merchandise and instructed indifferently, “Pack these up for me. I’ll pay with my credit card.”

The supplementary card did not require pin codes.

The shop assistant happily swiped the card. Josie was surprised that it worked.

She was unable to stop after that.

“Can you send the things to this address? Someone will be there to receive them.”

Then, Josie went from store to store along the street and emptied the shelves in each place. She walked out empty–handed, but delivery vans left to send her purchases to Mason Garden.

She had set out to annoy Dexter.

Meanwhile, Dexter’s secretary received a call from the bank, saying that Dexter’s credit card had an odd number of transactions that night.

The secretary immediately reported it to Dexter.

Dexter was dealing with work in the car and looked up briefly to read the message from the bank. He twirled his fingers and looked emotionlessly at the traffic jam ahead.

He had wondered why Josie kept visiting various flagship stores.

It turned out she was spending his


He instructed indifferently, “Tell the bank to raise the spending limit of her card. Then, she will see what a real shopping spree is.”

On the other hand, Josie was surprised that Dexter never called her. By now, she had shopped until the end of the shopping street. The card seemed to have no limit.

-She had seen numerous shop assistants smiling from ear to ear and thanking her in various manners.

However, those gave her no joy at all. Instead, she felt even more depressed than before.

The snowfall grew heavier as she stood at the end of the street. She tightened her coat and headed toward the five–star hotel across the street.

Once she checked in, she called Arnold and said, “I’m in a hotel near Russell Group. My room number is 1356.”

Arnold was probably outdoors. She heard the wind whirling and howling on his side.

Josie was not interested in listening further and hung up the call. She fell onto the soft bed before getting up again to bathe.

“Mr. Russell… Mrs. Russell checked into a hotel.” The secretary, tracking Josie’s movements, looked at Dexter bewilderedly.

Why did she suddenly enter a hotel alone?

Dexter pressed the corner of his eyebrows and speedily typed an email to a subordinate. Then, he shut his laptop and saw a Cayenne speeding down the street, rushing toward the hotel.

Dexter narrowed his eyes. “Find out which room Mrs. Russell is staying in.”

He knew who was in that car. Only one person in Wavery owned a blue Cayenne.

Meanwhile, Arnold left a business gathering and sped down the road. A snowflake fell on his brow, and he seemed in high spirits.

The door was not locked.

It opened with a slight push and revealed a brightly lit room. He saw Josie’s coat on the bed and heard sounds of running water from the bathroom. Arnold’s heartbeat quickened slightly… No, it was beating rapidly.

Suddenly, an attendant entered with a meal cart. “Good evening, sir. This is the dinner you ordered.”

Arnold noticed the lighted red candles and a bottle of red wine on the cart.

He wondered if the hotel prepared them for Josie or if they were things she specifically requested.

The attendant placed the food on the table and looked at Arnold ambiguously before leaving. He even closed the door for them.

Soon, Josie came out of the bathroom wrapped securely in a bathrobe. She saw Arnold and nodded calmly. “Let’s have dinner.” 5
Chapter 243 She Used Him

Arnold stood still. He wore a light brown coat and looked suave as he leaned against the cable

“You called me out of a business negotiation just for dinner?”

Josie was no longer afraid of him and looked up with a smile. “You took advantage of me many times it wrong for me to do the same?”

Arnold snorted softly before pulling out a chair and sitting down. He played with an expensive-looking rosary in his hand.

“I was in a nine-figure business negotiation. You better have something important to discuss with me” Josie sipped a little red wine. The candle flame flickered as she laughed. “Arnold, do you like me

A subtle emotion flashed in Arnold’s eyes before disappearing immediately. Then, he behaved playfully usual. “Didn’t I tell you that I’ve always liked you? Why? Have you finally decided to divorce Dexter “What if I don’t divorce him?” Josie asked daringly. “Will you still want me if I don’t divorce him Arnold finally stopped playing with the rosary. His pupils darkened with desire. Although Josie was not considered beautiful, she had spirited eyes. One could not help but be mesmerized by them

He looked at her and could not hide his curiosity. “What happened?”

Seeing that he could still reason, Josie gave up on the question. She looked at the snow outside the windo and finished her plate of steak.

Arnold did not move but quietly waited for her to finish eating. After around fifteen minutes, something in Josie snapped. She dropped her cutleries and suddenly leaned toward Arnold to kiss his lips.

Arnold lost all the little rationality he had left. Desires burst from his heart.

Josie gently placed her hand on the back of his head. She left a fleeting kiss on his lips before moving slightly. Their faces were close as they looked into each other’s eyes. Her gaze seemed gentler than the candlelight.

Josie… Do you know what you’re doing?”

She gave him another kiss and moved away immediately. “You haven’t answered me.”

Arnold felt his desires stir. He could see her bare skin from the front of her bathrobe.

Her skin was fair and smooth as a pearl. His throat tightened, and his breathing increased in urgency

Suddenly, Josie’s phone rang. Arnold felt her hand trembling slightly. Her gaze became alert, and she let him go.

It was a call from Alice. “What’s wrong?”

Alice sounded urgent. “Have you seen the email I sent you? Why haven’t you replied?”

“I will deal with it right now.”

Due to the interruption, the passion from before disappeared without a trace and could not be reignited

Josie looked at the door and sensed no movements outside. It seemed no one would come to stop her even if she continued what she was doing with Arnold,

The realization filled her with brief frustration.

Still, it did not bother her for long. She knew she would not lose to anyone when it came to patience.

“Josie.” Arnold looked at her solemnly.

Josie pursed her lip. “I have to leave. Something urgent came up with work.”

“I’ll send you.”

“That won’t be necessary. I will go downstairs to call a taxi. It will be here soon.”

She went to the bathroom and put on her clothes. When she came out, Arnold already called a ride for her through an app. It was waiting downstairs.

He watched Josie walk away and called to her. “Should I pretend nothing happened tonight?”

Josie smiled and made a hand gesture, indicating to him not to treat what had happened as a fact.

“Miss, where to?”

Josie put on the seatbelt and read out Mason Garden’s address.

She had arranged with Alice before Arnold arrived at the hotel. Alice was to call her in half an hour and pretend there was something urgent.
Chapter 244 Humiliating the Tabloid Girlfriend

It was late at night, and the servants in Mason Garden were finishing up work for the day.

Julie opened the door and was surprised to see Josie. “Mrs. Russell.”

Josie demanded expressionlessly, “I want to see Dexter.”

She did not wait for Julie to respond and entered the house. “I know he’s here.”

His car was parked outside.

Julie immediately blocked her way. “It’s not the right time. Mrs. Russell, please let me inform him first.”

Josie glared at her for the first time. I’m his wife. Why do I need you to seek permission to meet him?”

However, Julie still refused to let her through, prompting anger within Josie. She shoved Julie’s hand away, leaving a big red mark on it.

There was no one in the master bedroom.

Josie rushed around and stopped before the study, noticing the door open. Josie looked at the servant’s expression and knew something was going in there.

Before she could ponder further, a voice sounded, “What’s wrong?”

Josie could not see the speaker, but her voice sounded familiar.

Soon, a woman in a black dress came out of the study. She carried a book and appeared dignified and relaxed. Josie had seen her before. She was the person the tabloid claimed was Dexter’s girlfriend, an entrepreneur called Ms. Sharp.

“Ms. Sharp.”

Ms. Sharp looked at her arrogantly and asked, “Who are you?”

Josie calmed her fury immediately. She did not answer her but walked past her into the study. Unexpectedly, there was no one in the study. She pushed open the lounge door and saw that it was empty.

Julie rushed to Josie and answered. “Mr. Russell is not at home.”

“He has invited Ms. Sharp here as a guest.”

Dexter had called to inform Julie about this, so she did not hesitate to invite Ms. Sharp to wait in the study. Moreover, Ms. Sharp was charming.

Her words made Josie think Ms. Sharp frequently met with Dexter in Mason Garden while she was absent. -She approached Ms. Sharp intimidatingly. Then, she glanced at Ms. Sharp’s hand and realized she was

holding the interior design book Dexter had bought for her.

Josie snatched the book and smiled stillly. “Ms. Sharp, this is Mr. Russell’s study. He doesn’t simply allow anyone to enter here. Since you’re a guest, I hope you conduct yourself with manners befitting a guest.”

She waved the book and opened the cover to show her the title page. “Please refrain from touching other people’s things.”

Ms. Sharp’s expression darkened. Her expression changed completely, losing all traces of her previous



There was a name written on the page. Josie Warren.

It was Dexter’s handwriting. He wrote with such force that he left an imprint on the page below.

Josie had a habit of writing her name on her book since she was a student.

Dexter had beautiful handwriting. Thus, she pestered him to write the title page and joked that if they divorced, she might be able to provide for herself using his signature.

Seeing Ms. Sharp’s furious expression, Josie realized her effort to coax Dexter to write on the page had paid off.

Josie had waggled the title page before her eyes. Ms. Sharp knew by now whose book this was.

Ms. Sharp narrowed her eyes. “Who the heck are you?

Meanwhile, Dexter stood grimly outside room number 1359 and looked at the opposite room, room number 1356.

An attendant came out of the room after tidying it. “Sir, how may I help you?”

“Is someone inside?”

“The guest has already checked out.”

Dexter’s secretary trembled fearfully and explained, “Mr. Russell, it was an accident. I didn’t realize I made. a mistake.”

If the bodyguards keeping watch outside hadn’t called to inform that Josie had left, Dexter would have burst into fury after searching the wrong room. He might even tear down the hotel.

Then, he would kill his secretary.
Chapter 245 A Sense of Trepidation

Now that he received accurate news, Dexter could calm down from his fears gradually.

Thest goodness

Luckily, she did not dare to cheat on him. Otherwise, he would have killed her and turned her into a specimen.

It was not a threat but a certainty.

Ms. Sharp’s question was met with silence.

Now that Josie was calmer, she reflected on her actions and wondered if she had gone overboard. She entered the study and returned the book to its place. Then, she checked Dexter’s computer and essential documents and found nothing wrong.

She reprimanded the servants as she walked past them, “Please do your job properly.”

Ms. Sharp shook with fury. She noticed from Josie’s actions that she was familiar with this place. It seemed she lived here. Even Ms. Sharp would not dare to speak to the servants in Mason Garden in the tone Josie used.

Julie realized her mistake. After Josie left, she said, “Ms. Sharp, please follow me outside.”

“Don’t be so careless next time.” The secretary ended the call in the car and immediately sensed a sharp gaze from the back.

A cold voice sounded, “Who called?”

“It was from a servant in Mason Garden. She said Ms. Sharp met with Mrs. Russell.”

Dexter suddenly recalled that he had invited Ms. Sharp to Mason Garden to negotiate business matters.

He felt Ms. Sharp was quite capable and desired to collaborate with her. However, he was t preoccupied with Josie that he forgot about her.

“What happened next?”

“Mrs. Josie humiliated Ms. Sharp…”

Dexter’s stern expression thawed slightly, and his lips curved into a slight smile. He leaned against the car with a hand on the window and briefly closed his eyes. Then, he asked

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secret speedily recalled the relevant information and implied. “Yes”

Den shut his eyes and was greeted with darkness

Trifer Kevan there once the holiday is over.”

“‘”Yes, sir

Joe slept till morning. She immediately woke up and headed to the bathroom, only to realize the door would not open.

She woke up completely and knew Dexter had returned.

Before she could do anything, the door suddenly opened. Dexter had just finished a bath, causing the warm steam to gush out of the bathroom. He tied a towel around his waist. leaving his firm and muscular chest bare. Water dripped down his abs, prompting Josie to blush.

Dexter dried his hair with another towel and looked down at her. “You’re awake.

Josie looked down and did not know what to say. “Yes…”

She could not help but feel awkward now that they were suddenly talking again.

Josie stepped aside and gave him space to walk. Dexter asked languidly, “You bought so man things. Don’t you want to see them?”

She suddenly realized her purchases had been sent to the closet and arranged properly.

Still, she refused to give in and grumbled softly, “Arrogant, wealthy people.”

Dexter snorted and pulled her over to him. He sat and ordered, “Help me blow my hair dry

“Why should I?” Josie protested.

Dexter looked up upon hearing her, prompting her to back down immediately. “I’ll do it.”

His hair was coarse and felt prickly as she brushed her fingers through them. Josie dried hi hair with a hairdryer and said softly, “You were here last night, right?”

Dexter put on his pants. “Your voice is too soft. I can’t hear you.”

Josie resisted the urge to scold him and repeated her words loudly.

Dexter sneered and asked, “What do

you think?”

Josie formed her conclusion once she finished drying his hair She set the hairdryer wide and hesitated for a long time. Then, she observed Dexter’s mood before saying, Erm, can you hug me?”
Chapter 246 Her Heart Ached For Him

Arching his brows, Dexter reached out his hand to pull Josie into his arms. Josie was relieved, thinking she could cling to him even if he became mad again later.

“I’m sorry, Dexter. I didn’t do it on purpose that day. I asked because I was worried about you. I have no bad intentions.” Josie babbled quickly, worrying Dexter wouldn’t buy her words.

Dexter was no longer hostile like the other day. He placed his hand on Josie’s waist and didn’t answer her directly. “Did you meet up with Arnold yesterday to irritate me?”

Josie was reluctant to admit her childish act.

Perceiving her acquiescence, Dexter caressed her hair. “You can rest assured that I’ll not harm you. Neither do I have a disposition for violence, so don’t worry.”

“I’m not worried about that.” Josie quickly said. “I just… feel sorry for your experience.”

Although Josie had lost her mother, she knew how much a family’s behavior could impact the children. She couldn’t imagine how traumatized Dexter was to be beaten up badly by his own mother and even hospitalized.

She could understand why Dexter was always cold and hostile.

Dexter was surprised to hear Josie’s words. There’s actually someone in this world who feels sorry for me.

Josie hugged him. “Please don’t take it to heart, Dexter.”

Dexter stood rooted on the ground as complicated emotions arose in him. At that moment, he found Josie like a wildflower, simple yet attractive.

Dexter got a hold of himself. Feeling Josie’s warm breath, Dexter suddenly placed his hand on her chest and teased, “Your heart’s pounding, huh? Are you that nervous to draw close to me?”

Josie shot a glare at him but didn’t deny it. She knew he deliberately teased her.

So, she didn’t bother with him but remained silent like an upset little girl.

“You must be happy to be with your rumored girlfriend the past few days.”

Josie’s remark pleased Dexter. Sitting beside her, he pulled up his sweatpants, revealing his appealing ankle.

Her Heart Ached For Him

He peeled a grape and sent it to Josie’s mouth, but the latter turned her head away and rejected it.

“She’s just a business partner. The footage of us appearing together in a hotel is a result of video manipulation.”

“I see.” Josie hummed aloofly.

Dexter continued, “I’ll send someone to fetch your father here today. Grandpa will be here too, and we’ll celebrate the New Year together.”

Josie paused her action and finally engaged in conversation with him. “Really?”

“Mm-hmm. The servants can help to take care of your father.” Dexter answered casually.

Josie uttered with a smile, “Thank you, Dexter.”

Dexter peeled another grape and put it in his mouth. Then, Dexter unexpectedly pulled Josie over and pressed his soft lips against hers.

The sugary grape juice flowed from Dexter’s mouth into Josie’s, enhancing the sweetness of their kiss.

Josie was forced to accept his kiss, yet Dexter reached to feel her heartbeat again and started caressing her more presumptuously.

Josie attempted to avoid Dexter, but Dexter was relentless in his pursuit. Her voice became. hoarse as she muttered, “It’s daytime now.”

However, Dexter refused to stop. He wiped away the juice at the corner of her lips and hummed, “I’ve missed you so much the past few days. That woman’s company wants to use me to create a sensation. I’m not related to her in any way.”

“It’s daytime now.” Josie repeated.

Dexter had his limits despite his fervent desire, so he calmed down slightly. Nonetheless, he was experienced enough to see through Josie’s superficial rejection.

The next second, he carried Josie in his arms and walked toward the bed.
Chapter 247 A Lively Home

Josie’s phone fell from her hand onto the ground.

That afternoon, dark clouds loomed over the city, followed by a raging thunderstorm.

Being pressed underneath Dexter, Josie could only submit, knowing her resistance was futile.

Dexter was extraordinarily passionate that day; Josie found his foreplay irresistible.

She clung to him tightly and closed her eyes, wallowing in the pleasure.

It was two hours away from dinner time when it ended.

Josie lay beside Dexter and asked carefully, “What kind of person is your mother?”

After remaining silent briefly, Dexter held Josie’s hand and fidgeted with her fingers insouciantly.

“She’s very dominant.”

Her name was Xanthe Quorn, and she was influential in the business circle.

Dexter’s father passed away when Dexter was still a child, so Xanthe single-handedly raised him in the treacherous Russell family and experienced countless schemes and betrayals.

Russell Group was once under the control of Yanis and went through a turbulent period. thereafter. It was Xanthe who took the lead and leveraged the power of her original family to stabilize the situation. Ten years later, Dexter made a solid return to Russell Group and became the sole authority.

After that, Xanthe left the Russell family uninhibitedly and dissociated herself from family affairs.

Many regarded Dexter as their idol for his charismatic leadership, but those who analyzed the situation would know that Xanthe played a vital role in Dexter’s success.

Most businesswomen were domineering. However, she didn’t love Dexter and refused to acknowledge him as her son.

Dexter stopped talking about that, while Josie didn’t ask further.

One could hardly imagine such a woman to be mentally ill.

Dexter kept his promise and fetched Paul to Mason Garden. Soon, Henry and Marilyn arrived and had dinner together after visiting Paul.

The rare occasion allowed Josie to feel the long-lost atmosphere of a family reunion finally.

The next day, the servants started their duties just as the sun rose.

The chef was astonished when Josie appeared in the kitchen. “Mrs. Russell.”

Josie gestured for the chef to lower his voice and asked, “What are we having for breakfast today?”

Every morning, the chef would prepare a variety of American breakfasts and Continental breakfasts.

“I’ll prepare the American breakfast. Can you teach me if I made any mistakes?”

The chef was caught off guard. “Mrs. Russell, I can’t let you prepare

Josie signaled for him to keep quiet again.

The chef fell silent, hesitating if he should give in.


Josie was a skillful cook, and her prepared dishes were visually appealing. The kitchen was filled with the aroma of the pastries she baked. Besides, she prepared smoothies with fresh fruits and milk.

The petite lady bustled around the kitchen, working in an organized manner despite being busy. Even the chef was impressed by her cooking skills.

While praising Josie, the chef thought Dexter had married a decent woman.

Ten minutes later, Dexter woke up and realized Josie was not in the room. He sobered up when he reached out his hand and felt the empty bed.

When he went downstairs, Josie was walking out of the kitchen with a plate in her hand. She accidentally scalded herself and rubbed her ear with her fingers.

When she looked up and saw Dexter staring at her with a frown, she was startled and instinctively hid her hand behind her back.

Dexter strode over and held her hand to examine it. He was relieved after ensuring Josie was not injured.

“When did you wake up?” He asked.

Josie pushed him away and did not answer his question. “I smell from cooking.”
Chapter 248 Good News

Dexter looked at her in resignation and was moved when he saw the variety of dishes on the table.

He reckoned Josie must have sneaked out secretly and didn’t want to be discovered, so she was embarrassed now that he bumped into her.

Dexter attempted to tease her, so he drew close and uttered, “Are you nervous because this is your first time spending the New Year at my place?”

Having been seen through, Josie looked at Dexter sheepishly and mumbled. “That’s not true.”

Dexter laughed and embraced Josie in satisfaction.

Henry had a regular routine and woke up shortly after. He didn’t expect Josie to be awake this early and invited her to sit with him.

Dexter sat down and said, “Grandpa, Jo woke up early and made all these.”

Henry was surprised. “That’s impressive! Let me give it a taste.”

“I hope you like them,” Josie answered shyly.

The next few days, Josie and the servants decorated the villa with fresh flowers, bringing life to Mason Garden. While she was bustling around, Dexter and Henry sat in the yard and had tea.

Henry smiled, “Dex, I’m so happy to see you marrying a wife like Jo.”


“The past has passed. You should cherish the present and let go of Leanne’s matter, alright?” Henry exhorted seriously while looking into Dexter’s eyes.

Dexter’s eyes were filled with complicated emotions as he gazed at Josie, who was plucking flowers in the yard.

“I understand.”

At ten o’clock that night, the news press and media companies under Russell Group received a set of pictures simultaneously. The picture captured Dexter and Josie in Mason Garden, but their faces were not revealed.

The picture was captured while Josie was working on the balcony. Dexter came out to the balcony and acted intimately with Josie. Then, they seemed to have an argument, which made Josie stand up and leave, but Dexter quickly hugged her fawningly.

The editors were flabbergasted. They knew Mason Garden was heavily guarded, so the paparazzi must have been given permission to be able to capture these pictures. Although Dexter was the conglomerate’s president, the editors reckoned the pictures would not be suppressed. It was even possible that they were deliberately released!

Dexter’s assistants received countless inquiry calls that night as the recipients’ curiosity brewed. They acknowledged that the woman in the picture was Dexter’s official girlfriend and allowed the media

companies to release the news.

The embellished pictures and content caused a great commotion after they were released.

Many were convinced that the news couldn’t be fabricated. Since the pictures were released to openly, along with the PR statement, they guessed the owner of Russell Group was getting married soon.

When Dexter’s assistant boldly asked him if Josie would be upset at how he unilaterally announced their relationship to the public, he smiled mysteriously and answered, “She won’t know.”

Indeed, Josie rarely surfed the Internet and wouldn’t browse the gossip news even when she needed to access the Internet for work purposes. She wasn’t someone who was interested in buzzes, which was beneficial because the Internet could be filled with malicious comments from all kinds of people. It wasn’t a suitable environment for her.

However, Dexter overlooked that Josie’s friends would also browse the Internet.

“Oh my goodness, Jo! You won’t believe what I saw on the news today!” Alice exclaimed on the phone.

“What is it?”

“I saw news of Mr. Russell dating someone! The girl in the picture looks like you!”

Josie nearly choked on the apple she was munching. “Stop the nonsense…”

“I’m not lying! Let me send it to you. The statements are exactly the same. All media companies under Russell Group seem to have gone all out!”

Josie checked her laptop and realized the news was already in the headlines.

Rendered speechless, she couldn’t question Dexter because he was not home yet. Does this, announce our relationship to the public?!
Chapter 249 New Year’s Eve

Mason Garden was filled with a festive mood on New Year’s Eve.

Josie dragged Dexter along early in the morning to hang up some decorations at the entrance. Dexter was tall and could easily put them up. He turned to ask Josie if the angle was appropriate.

Josie observed carefully and said, “Hmm.. Slightly to the left. Yeah, yeah. Looks good now”

Marilyn, who was watering the plants, said to Henry with a wide grin. “Dex has never helped to decorate the house all these years. Only Jo could persuade him.”

Dexter complained, “Ms. Marilyn, I was busy the past few years. You make it sound like I’m lazy”

That’s true. When have you not been busy? I’m glad that Jo is around this year. Marilyn looked at Jo and gave her a thumbs up.

Josie blushed in embarrassment. Henry beckoned her over. “Come here, Jo. This is my new year’s gift to you. Keep it

It was an envelope filled with a pile of cash. Josie rejected it immediately. “I can’t accept it, Grandpa. I’m a working adult now, so I shouldn’t receive this money from you.”

However, Henry insisted and forcefully shoved the envelope into Josie’s hand. “That’s not an issue at all. No matter how old you are, you’re still a child to me. Moreover, you are my new granddaughter-in-law. Just take it as my blessing to you.”

Josie looked at Dexter, who nodded, signaling her to accept it.

Later, when there were only two of them, Josie whispered, “That’s too much money. I should return it to


Dexter chuckled. “It’s a gift from Grandpa. You may keep it for yourself.”

“Alright, then. Since you said so, I shall take it.” Upon perceiving Dexter’s noncommittal stance, Josie was assured and kept the envelope away.

After breakfast, Josie went to check in on Paul. Paul was taken good care of by the servants, who were more dedicated than the caretakers. Not only that, she could visit him whenever she wanted. So, she was extremely grateful to Dexter for that.

“Dad, can you feel it? The Russells treat me well. Don’t worry about me.” Sitting beside the bed, Josie held Paul’s hand and mumbled, “Please wake up soon. Dexter’s grandpa is old and lonely. If you regain consciousness, he must be glad to have someone to chat with. Last time, he asked me what your occupation was before you fell ill. I told him proudly that you were a great doctor who has served the poor and sick for many years.”

“By the way, you might not know that Dexter’s father passed away long ago. Dexter is a cold person. How great it would be if you could show care to him as a fatherly figure.”

Josie continued talking to Paul until a servant came to knock on the door. “Mrs. Russell, the car is ready. It’s time to go.”

By tradition, the Russell family would head to the ancestral hall for ancestral worship on New Year’s Eve. Josie’s identity as Dexter’s wife was no longer a secret, so she would naturally have to attend the event.

“Coming.” Josie left the room and did not notice Paul’s finger move.

She returned to her room to pick a suitable outfit. Then, she wore the bracelet Henry gave her. The other family members might not readily acknowledge her as the new daughter-in-law. As such, the bracelet. could help to make her presence known.

During the two-hour journey, Dexter spoke rapidly to inform Josie about the family’s history and its members to prepare her mind so that Josie could handle the situation even if he were absent.

He made a clear statement. “Josie, remembering is not enough, but I need you to act it out.”

Josie understood the deep meaning and importance of Dexter’s exhortation.

Dexter rubbed the ring on his finger until he could feel its warmth. He was gradually getting used to wearing a ring.
Chapter 250 Rituals

The car made a turn Josie could no longer recognize the road. All she knew was that the Russell family’s memorial hall was a well-kept secret in Wavery.

The tires crunched over the dried leaves on the ground as the vehicle came to a stop.

“Don’t be afraid. Follow me,” Dexter said in a low voice.

As Josie stepped out of the car, the first thing that struck her was not the extravagance of the place but the exquisiteness. There were multiple compounds with buildings, fusions of old and modern. The area was spacious and held many people around it. Yet it was not unpleasant to the eyes as everything was meticulously designed.

The place was brimming with history.

Dexter hung his coat over his arm, leading the group with wide strides. Those that passed by him greeted him with respect. He was dressed in a black shirt. As he unbuttoned a couple of the sapphire buttons near his neck with one hand, the air around him seemed imposing.

Josie followed him and was surprised no one looked or paid attention to her.

Her impression of the place improved.

Not long after, a man that seemed to be a butler came out to report to Dexter. “You’re back, Mr. Dexter. Mr. Yanis is waiting for you and your wife up ahead.”

Dexter nodded.

The butler greeted Josie with a smile as she passed by.

Dexter turned back to her with an open palm as they headed up the stairs. “Here.”

The Russell family’s power was shared out. The man the butler had mentioned was one of them with


Yanis Russell.

Dexter mentioned the man in the car. He was the director of Russell Group. When Dexter defeated him. and took over, Yanis took the back seat and stayed at the residence in a life of retirement.

Josie thought that as a Russell who had dealt with Dexter, he would be unapproachable.

But he was not.

Yanis had a gentle appearance. He wore plain clothes with a pair of canvas shoes. He seemed to be in his fifties or sixties but was sprightly.

Yanis smiled and got up from his seat when he saw them. Dexter gestured for him to stay put. “Please sit,


Yanis gestured toward the steaming cups of tea on the table.

Dexter wrapped his arm around Josie’s waist, seemingly on alert. Yet a smile was seen on his face. Jo, mert Uncle Yamis”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Yanis rose from his seat His eyes were smiling Tve heard good things of you from Father’

“Thank you.”

They took their seats, and Yanis turned his attention to Josie. He did not mention her family or job as though he was aware. He even told her to be comfortable as it was fate to be family.

Josie felt touched by the interaction. He seemed miles apart from the cruel man Dexter had mentioned. She stole a glance at Dexter. He sipped his tea elegantly without showing any emotions.

The room was gradually filled soon after they had arrived.

A well-mannered man had people move a display case to the room. Yanis introduced. “Wyatt, meet Josie.”

Josie recalled what she knew. Wyatt was Yanis’ only son who was studying at a university.

The young man smiled while holding out his hand. “Pleased to meet you. I’m Wyatt. Nice of you to visit.”

“It’s good to meet you, Wyatt.”

Josie noticed that despite the pleasantries, there was a hint of stiffness as he did not accept her as a part of the family.

Everyone in the room seemed amiable on the surface.

“You’re cold, Dexter. How can you only tell us you’re married half a year later?” Wyatt smiled. “I thought it was weird you hadn’t visited me for a while. Turns out it’s because of your wifey at home.”
Chapter 251 A Welcome Gift

Wyatt’s remark showed two things. One was that Dexter treated his younger brother well.

And that Wyatt’s ‘wifey’ did not have a positive connotation to it.

Dexter held Josie’s hand tightly. The smile on his lips did not reach his eyes. “Now that I’ve seen you, I’ll have to make spot checks on your results.”

Wyatt scrunched his face. “You’re annoying.”

The room was filled with laughter.

Wyatt laughed and suddenly changed the topic. “Josie, I heard you graduated from Wavery University?”

“That’s true.”

“So, you’re my senior.” His canine teeth gleamed through his smile. I’m a fourth year there. We can often

meet from now on.”

At a loss for words, Josie smiled.

After all, smiling as a response was a safe bet most of the time.

Yanis interrupted the conversation and instructed the display cases to be opened. A stunning array of bracelets were placed within..

They were made of emerald.

Wyatt remarked, “Dad ordered this collection from Colombia and had them shipped it here within one day.”


Yanis explained. “It’s Josie’s first time here. I can’t let you leave empty-handed. Choose whichever you like. There’s no need to be shy.”

Josie was unfamiliar with the gemstone but could see they were costly. “I didn’t bring any gifts with me. How can I accept these?”

Her gaze drifted toward Dexter. He rose from his seat and held her hand. He scanned through the display case with a sharp look. “This is a small token of a gift from Uncle Yanis. Just accept it.”

He picked out a beautiful bracelet and put it on her wrist.

For one moment, a look of disdain gleamed from his eyes.

With his action, all in the room saw the brightening glare from the jade bracelet on her wrist.

Some were astonished.

It finally sank in that the eldest son in the family had married.

After that, Josie met numerous other elders in the family. They had distinguishing features, but none left at deep impression as Yanis did.

The bracelet felt heavy.

The others smiled at her, but all she felt was the dead weight. Dexter’s words kept reappearing in her mind. Tread lightly. Do not trust anyone.

Suddenly, she realized that with Dexter’s guidance, she easily managed to converse with the family members.

As Yanis and Dexter chatted about the matters within the family, he occasionally brought up topics about business unreservedly. Dexter was amiable through it all, unlike his actual emotions.

When all the family members had arrived, after a flurry of small talk, they lined up and headed toward the family estate energetically.

Dexter was at the front with a nervous Josie next to him.

Years ago, the family had shares in Russell Group until Dexter came on the scene and took it all back. Many of them were unwaged. Now that the company was doing well, they were eyeing and hoping to get a


Even with all of the flattery in the world, none of them could compete with Wyatt, who threw out a request carelessly. “Dexter, I need to look for a place for my internship. Can you get me into Russell. Group?”

Dexter did not refuse and teased him. “You haven’t shown me your results for this semester.”

Wyatt smiled. “I’ll bring it to you right away.”

“Sure,” Dexter replied.

The family estate was large with cumbersome rituals. Josie imitated them blindly and managed to keep up. As she bowed with everyone else, she finally felt that she was a part of the family. One that would not be easily removed from the family.
Chapter 253 Didn’t You Say You’re Hungry?

Josie found herself enveloped in his arms, her head resting against his impeccably chiseled jawline. His warm breath encircled her, offering comfort in this foreign place.

Dexter’s embrace radiated a sense of authority, as if silently assuring her he would be her protector. She need not worry about anything.

The pantry was stocked with an array of food. Josie nibbled on her lip as she contemplated her options.

“How about Bolognese meatballs?” As she was tiptoeing to fetch something from the shelves, she proposed while setting a can of Bolognese sauce on the pristine white marble countertop.

Dexter grabbed a few more ingredients, ran them under the water, and mischievously tapped her bosom. “Alright, you can go now. I’ll be finished soon.”

Uh, this guy…

Josie glared at him, her cheeks flushed with annoyance and abashment.

He winked and teased. “Wait for me.”

Amused by his cheeky response, Josie muttered, “Rascal!”

She left the kitchen and noticed the papers


the table. She asked, “Mind if I take a peek?”

It was just an ordinary resume, with Wyatt’s ID photo attached. The Russell family certainly had good genes; they managed to look good even in the typically awkward ID photos. Josie placed it back on the table as there wasn’t much informative content in the resume.

Then she turned around and saw Dexter cuttin at ease as if he belonged there.

tomatoes. The tall man stood in the kitchen, completely

Actually, Dexter had always been skilled in cooking. Although it was a rare occurrence, he had cooked for her multiple times in the past.

But now, back at Russell family estate… If his family or servants discovered that the young master was cooking for her, would they hold it against her?

Josie’s eyes flickered with conflicted emotions, and she approached him, skillfully cracking an egg into a bowl.

Dexter glanced at her and playfully fed her a taste of the bolognese sauce, asking. “Want to lend a hand?”

Josie enjoyed the sweet and savory taste. She casually digressed, “What about Wyatt… Has he ever seen me before?”

Dexter arched an eyebrow and fed her another spoonful, replying, “Perhaps not. Our family is quite traditional. He had minimal interaction with the outside world before graduating college.”

It dawned on Josie that Wyatt had been sheltered in an ivory tower, utterly oblivious to the outside world.

She couldn’t fathom how the Russell family could be so strict and rigid with their sons. Unable to contain her impression, she blurted out, “Gosh. How backward and primitive the thinking!”

“Primitive?” Dexter smirked, lightly tapping her delicate nose. “You’re so innocent.”

Tracing his finger along her lips, he paused for a moment.

There was a stain of Bolognese sauce on her lip, its vibrant red color inviting him to taste it, and her lips… Josie was unaware of the intense and desperate flicker in the man’s eyes. She was distracted by the pot of Bolognese sauce left on the countertop. Quietly, she reached out her hand, attempting to sneak a…

But, caught in the act! Josie’s wrist was swiftly seized against her back while Dexter’s lips descended upon


It wasn’t a fiery and passionate kiss. But a teasing, fleeting, and tender peck that made Josie burst into laughter as she tried to evade his playful advances, “Hey! I’m hungry!”

Unbeknownst to Josie, her innocent remark about hunger triggered a chain reaction she wasn’t unprepared for.

In her mind, it was an explicit statement on her empty stomach, not about sexual intimacy. But in an instant, Josie found herself caught in a passionate exchange of kisses as she couldn’t resist the temptation. With a dominating, heart-stopping deep kiss, Dexter explored every nook and cranny of her mouth, their tongues entwined in a tight embrace.

Josie was swept away by the intensity of his breath, enveloping her with a powerful presence.

As Dexter gently sucked the remnants of pasta sauce from around her lips, he couldn’t help but agree that it had a delightful blend of sweetness and savory flavors.

A chuckle escaped him, causing the vibrations in his chest to reverberate through Josie’s body, leaving her trembling in his arms.

A sense of impending chaos overwhelmed Josie as she realized things were spiraling beyond her control. It was evident that Dexter had no intentions of holding back. Without hesitation, he hoisted her up by the waist and gently settled her onto the sofa outside.

The midday sun blazed above; it was lunchtime.

Dexter’s audacious behavior caught Josie off guard. She never anticipated such audacity in this setting…

Although she wanted to decline, there was an intense longing in his eyes. Dexter teased, “Didn’t you say you were hungry?”
Chapter 254 Her Tearful Eyes

Josie couldn’t believe his audacity…

She never expected Dexter to be so audacious and shameless. With no choice, she reluctantly allowed him to have his way. And that was her second blunder. By the time they finally untangled, dusk was upon


Exhausted, Josie let him assist in cleaning up and getting dressed. Finally, she nestled into his arms, feeling drowsy and no longer concerned about her hunger, “I want some water.”

Then, a glass of cool water was brought to her lips in no time, quenching her dry throat and providing much-needed relief.

She heard the spirited man ask in a low voice, “Are you still hungry?”

In her groggy state, Josie weakly declined, “No, let me rest for a while, okay?”

“Alright, we’ll head home after you’ve had some rest.” Dexter chuckled, satisfied with her response. In a better mood, he carried her back to bed. Both of them were weary from the day’s events, so they simply tidied up and drifted off to sleep together.

The room temperature was comfortable, but Josie, feeling a bit warm, kicked off the blanket. Dexter frowned. After a while, she began to feel cold and instinctively snuggled closer to the source of warmth, wrapping her arms around him.

Eventually, Josie drifted into a deep slumber.

As Dexter observed her series of actions, his furrowed brows finally relaxed. He tenderly studied her rosy cheeks and long lashes in the soft glow of the bedside lamp. The more he looked, the stronger the fluttering in his heart became. He glanced at the rings adorning their fingers and felt a subtle buzz in his


He felt a sense of belonging and security.

That night, Dexter had a dream that was a reality he had lived before. He and Josie had crossed paths in the past. In the year he had just taken over Russell Group, he had a group of loyal employees who worked tirelessly alongside him.

After years of hard work, Calvin and some of the employees insisted on throwing a celebration for him. However, they all got drunk, and Dexter had to arrange transport for them and make sure they got home. safely.

After sending them back to their place, he leaned against the car and lit a cigarette, gazing at the stars. It was the first time in his life that he felt a sense of disorientation.

He had always considered himself rational with clear goals, but now he felt lost… Dexter’s grandfather had always steered him towards his future path but never once asked if there was anything he truly wanted for himself.

The sight of the ever-changing city filled him with a growing weariness. It was a night unlike any other when he found himself grappling with uncertainty and questioning the very path he had chosen to tread.

Not far away, a girl stood at a telephone booth, making a call. She was in tears, trying to speak loudly to overpower her sobs. Every word she uttered resonated in his ears.

Through her words, Dexter learned of her father’s illness and the family’s financial struggles. Her predicament mirrored the mundane challenges of everyday life, similar to the struggles that weighed on every individual, seemingly insurmountable at times.

Her tear-stained face and the fallen receiver on the ground revealed the depth of her sorrow. She made a valiant effort to compose herself, attempting to pick up the receiver but struggling to rise from her crouched position.

In that poignant moment, Dexter was overcome with an intense desire to reach out and offer solace, even if it was just a few comforting words. The sight of her anguish stirred a profound concern within him as if he feared she might suffocate and fade away in the very next breath.

Witnessing her anguish made him realize the insignificance of his own momentary confusion.

Drawing closer to her, he suddenly halted in his tracks. It struck him that she was actually an employee at the Russell Group, making this encounter outside their usual workplace quite unexpected.

Fast forward to the present. Ever since their marriage, Dexter had developed a habit of studying her intently. Josie’s eyes possessed remarkable clarity and purity. In that very instant, a realization washed over him he never wanted to witness her tears again.


Josie had barely drifted off when she opened her eyes to find Dexter lost in thought, his her. Startled, she inquired, “When did you wake up?”


fixed upon

“Did you get enough rest?” Dexter straightened her clothes. “Let’s head back now. Grandpa called and said dinner’s ready.”

Chapter 255 She’s Back

The day was slowly transitioning into the evening, and fireworks were already lighting up the sky in the distance, creating a festive atmosphere.

Wyatt had been waiting by the door for who knows how long. When he saw Dexter and Josie, he said, “Hey, Dex. Jo, can’t you guys stay a few more days? It’s a shame you only come back a couple of times a year. Dad would love it if you could stay longer before leaving again.”

Locking eyes with Josie, Dexter nodded with a smile. “We’d stay longer if we could, Wyatt, but you know the deal. Grandpa’s expecting my report, and we can’t keep him waiting. Luckily, with everyone here keeping an eye on the family estate, we can rest a little easier.“

Wyatt didn’t say anything more after that.

They exited the premises in the company of a few other visitors. Josie quickly checked her phone, finding nothing unexpected. Their car, parked at the entrance, remained unharmed. She didn’t understand why Arnold had called on such short notice, insisting she leaves immediately after the ceremony.

Josie felt the urge to share this with Dexter, but knowing his ongoing issues with Arnold and his dislike for her communicating with him, she kept the information to herself.

Fortunately, it didn’t seem like a big deal for now.

Yanis and a few others gathered at the door, seeing them off.

Politely, Yanis said to Josic, “We probably won’t see each other until Christmas. Take care until then.”

Josie smiled, nodding, and held onto Dexter’s arm, getting ready to step into the car.

Just as the driver opened the car door, a gray Lincoln suddenly appeared, driving in the opposite direction with its high beams on. Everyone’s attention turned to the unexpected vehicle, momentarily freezing them in their tracks.

The ceremony was done and dusted. There shouldn’t be anyone else showing up now.

Who could it be?

Dexter squinted his eyes, instinctively tightening his grip on Josie’s wrist.

The approaching Lincoln pulled up right behind his Mercedez AMG G 63. Then, the driver stepped out and opened the backseat door. Before they could catch a glimpse of the person’s face, a voice said, “No matter how hard I tried to rush, I still ended up being late.”

It was a vibrant woman’s voice, not young but bursting with life.

Josie’s heart skipped a beat. She instinctively turned to look at the man by her side and saw his face cloud over as he fixed his gaze on the woman.

She was a middle-aged woman, seemingly advanced in years, yet her attire was meticulous. She wore a vintage dress with a light yellow mink coat gracefully draping over it, emanating an aura of elegance.

She leisurely removed her sunglasses and glanced at the crowd, noting their surprised expressions, which

pleased her greatly.

Someone exclaimed, and Wyatt even stepped forward and called, “Dex…”

Josie couldn’t discern Dexter’s expression as he immediately assumed a protective stance, pulling her behind him.

“Xanthe? Why did you come back?” Yanis was the first to respond, his hand trembling even with the support of a cane.

Xanthe? She’s Xanthe Quorn?

Josie’s eyes widened in realization. Just as she had imagined, this woman had a commanding presence. As she approached, the intensity in her eyes mirrored Dexter’s.

So… Dexter’s mother wasn’t gone; she was still alive.

Josie had always assumed that he refrained from discussing his mother because she had passed away.

Little did she know, Xanthe was not only alive but also thriving.

“Hey bro, seems like I’m not welcomed here.” Xanthe carried herself with poise. She stood before Dexter, maintaining an intense gaze while conversing with others.

“When did you come back?”

“Just got off the plane. Since it’s the New Year, I figured I should swing by and visit the family.”

Dexter remained silent, and his gaze turned away. Towering over Xanthe, he put her at an unexpected disadvantage.

“And who’s this?” Finally, Xanthe’s attention fell upon the timid and petite woman standing behind him.
Chapter 256 My Mother Died Early

Josie unconsciously curled her toes, feeling exposed under the woman’s penetrating gaze.

“We should go now. Grandpa’s waiting for us at home,” Dexter said with indifference. He took hold of Josie’s hand and guided her towards the car.

Just as he was about to step inside, Xanthe said, “Dexter, I just got back. Will you join me in paying respects to your father?”

A hush fell over the crowd.

Dexter, one foot already in the car, paused and straightened his posture. He responded with a detached tone, “Who are you?”

Xanthe’s pupils dilated, the creases around her eyes deepening. “I’m your mother.”

“Mother? My mother passed away long ago, he retorted.

His remark left some people gasping in shock.

Josie held her breath, witnessing their intense confrontation.

Suddenly, Xanthe raised her hand and slapped Dexter across the face.

A sharp sound filled the air as his head turned from the impact. Startled, Josie quickly rushed out of the car and shielded him, admonishing Xanthe, “What have you done?”

Xanthe’s furious gaze shifted to her. “Who do you think you are? It’s not your place to interfere while I’m teaching my son a lesson.”

Josie’s legs trembled in front of the authoritative Xanthe. Summoning her courage, she wanted to protect Dexter. “Didn’t you hear him say that his mother had passed away long ago?!”

Xanthe let out a furious chuckle. Her frail figure made her seem delicate, as if a gust of wind could knock her down. She glanced at the wedding rings on their fingers. “Ah, so you’re the girl he had chosen to marry.”

Josie wanted to say something, but the words failed to escape her lips.

“Just as expected, a boring peasant.”

Xanthe’s intense gaze remained fixed on Dexter as she challenged, “Are you really just going to stand there and let this woman fight your battles?”

Licking the blood at the corner of his lips, he exuded intense aggression. Once again, he pulled Josie protectively behind him. “Go ahead and get in the car.”

Josie hesitated, anxious about what might unfold.

Dexter called for his bodyguards. Josie had no choice but to enter the car reluctantly. The door closed, and the driver locked it. She was confined inside, only able to catch glimpses of Dexter reentering the Russell family estate, closely followed by Xanthe.

They exchanged words, but their voices were drowned out.

Josie could feel her heart pounding in her chest.

Why did Xanthe choose this moment to come back? What does she want? Why did Dexter seem trapped, refuse to face her, yet unable to confront her?

Is it because of me? Josie couldn’t help wondering.

After waiting for about half an hour, with no sign of Dexter and the others coming out from the family estate, just as Josie was about to persuade the driver to let her out, a servant approached the car and relayed a message to the driver.

“Mrs. Russell, Mr. Russell instructed me to take you back to Mason Garden first,” the driver informed as he started the car engine.

“No… why? What about him?” Josie’s words came out jumbled, but she couldn’t contain her confusion.

The driver had no answer to her questions.

On New Year’s Eve, the city streets were filled with cars adorned with lights and the joy of festivities in every household, including Mason Garden. But without Henry by her side, the special New Year’s atmosphere seemed incomplete, and its charm faded somehow.

Henry seemed to sense her distress and gestured for Josie to sit. “Come, let’s eat first. Marilyn and Julie have been busy preparing your favorite dishes all day.”

Josie forced a smile, not wanting to show her dejection in front of Henry, but her mind was elsewhere. Looking at Henry, she could also see the worry etched on his face.

Facing the empty dining table, she couldn’t resist asking. “Grandpa, what happened?”

Henry let out a sigh, filled with regret. “I had hoped we could have a proper family dinner, but it seems that won’t be happening…”

Witnessing his disappointment, Josie felt a sense of unease and called for the servants. “Please put away the dishes for now. We’ll reheat them when Mr. Russell returns, and we can all eat together later.”
Chapter 257 His Mother’s Past

Knowing Dexter, Josie was confident he would come rushing back no matter what.

But Henry waved his hand, saying, “Jo, come and keep me company in the courtyard.”

Josie obliged with a pleasant smile.

The ground was littered with scraps of firecracker paper, remnants of the festive celebrations. The red debris of spent firecrackers seemed strangely forlorn at that moment.

Henry settled into his armchair, and Josie was concerned he might feel cold, so she placed a thick blanket on his lap. She poured herself some Earl Grey tea and set it before her. “Did you see Dex’s mother today?”

Xanthe’s face floated into Josie’s mind at Henry’s prompt. “Um… she doesn’t seem easy to get along with.”

He smiled and took a sip of his tea. “The last time I saw her was when Dex was seven years old.”

Josie was taken aback. “Hasn’t she come back all these years?”

Henry shook his head. “She can’t stand the sight of the son she brought into the world simply because she blames the Russell family for ruining her life. After Dex’s father died, the Russell family endured a tumultuous phase. Without her restoring stability, we might not have the Dex we know today. That’s why I’ve chosen to ignore all the decisions she’s made.”

Josie probed cautiously, “Why does she hate…?

Grant Russell, Dexter’s father, was the youngest son of his father’s second wife. Despite that, Grant was groomed extensively from a young age and displayed immense potential. He battled his way through the obstacles presented by his half-siblings, leaving everyone else filled with envy and resentment.

In that particular year, Grant entered into a marriage alliance with Xanthe, the daughter of the prominent Quorn family. It wasn’t just some business arrangement; Grant bore romantic feelings for her. Unfortunately, Xanthe’s heart belonged to someone else. Consumed by obsession, Grant went to extreme lengths to drive Xanthe’s lover out of Wavery, plunging their marriage into despair and confinement.

“I always knew she wasn’t meant to be a part of the Russell family. So, I took Dex with me and let her go. Maybe they crossed paths a few times as Dex grew up, but I never saw her again.”

Josie nodded, her understanding becoming clearer. She had been grappling with conflicting emotions and countless questions, but all she managed to say was, “Grandpa, was Dexter not happy when he was a child?”

Henry looked at her with a smile tinged with relief and chuckled, “He wasn’t just unhappy; he was downright miserable. But thankfully, there was a girl who was there for him during those years, and she made it bearable.”

The girl… Josie remembered. “Is that… girl named Leanne?”

The girl who meant so much to Dexter.

“Yes, without her, we wouldn’t have the Dexter we know today.”

No wonder Dexter held such a profound attachment to her. There was a bond between them. That girl had saved him….

Lost in thought, Josie felt a gentle pat on her hand, marked by the passage of time, “And I believe that you’re the pinnacle of Dex’s life, both now and in the future.”
Chapter 258 Getting a Bit Too Involved

Josie was taken aback and touched by the magnitude of trust placed upon her. With a shake of her head, she replied, “Grandpa, I’m honored that you think so highly of me.”

Henry responded with a chuckle, refraining from boasting about his role in raising Dexter or prolonging the discussion.

With the information gleaned from Henry, Josie now had a deeper understanding of Xanthe’s background.

She searched the Quorn family in Wavery on her phone and was taken aback by what she found. Despite the decline of this century-old family, they still wielded significant influence in Wavery. It made sense why the Russell family was wary of Xanthe’s maternal family. Could this be the reason behind Dexter’s recent compromise?

Josie sat curled up on the sofa, her gaze fixed on the clock ticking towards eleven o’clock. Dexter had yet to return, leaving her in a state of uncertainty.

After contemplating for some time, she dialed Arnold’s number. After half a minute of ringing, he answered in a breathless and irritated tone. “What’s up?”

Josie’s brow furrowed as she questioned him, “What are you up to?”

It seemed like Arnold was in the company of a woman. Josie overheard him asking the woman to leave as he moved to a quieter corner. With amusement and irritation, he quipped, “I’m a lonely bachelor. What else am I supposed to do on New Year’s Eve? Josic, why do you always ruin my good times?”

Being an adult, Josie instantly understood his meaning. Lowering her voice, Josie couldn’t help but feel a tinge of guilt, “Well, then… I’ll call you once you’re done?”

“Just get outta my hair!”

Josie chuckled sheepishly. “I just wanted to know why you called me today.”

There was a brief pause on the other end as if he had already figured something out, and he responde

already run into her, haven’t you?” nonchalantly. “Well, it doesn’t matter now. You

Unable to refute his keen insight, Josie admired his perceptiveness. “Why don’t you tell me then?”

“I’m always the one who gets the inside scoop whenever there’s any action happening among the influential families or people.”

“So, do you know why Xanthe came back?” Josie inquired.

Arnold didn’t answer her question but warned, “Josie, it seems like you’re getting a little too involved now.”

Arnold’s reminder jolted Josie awake, causing her to sputter, “She… she gave me an ultimatum today. I’m just curious and thinking of finding out more about her since we’re bound to run into each other again.

after this.”

“You’re overthinking it. She couldn’t care less about Dexter or who he ends up with,” Arnold said, his voice laced with playful teasing. “you should marry me instead. My mother is kind and decent.”

Getting a Bit Too Involved

“F*ck off!” Josie couldn’t help but curse.

Arnold chuckled lightly, diverting the conversation. “So, have you guys had a family dinner yet?”

“Hmm. Not really,” Josie replied.

Silence followed, creating a slightly strange atmosphere over the phone.

Before ending the call, Arnold said, “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, you’re just an outsider. But if you run into any problem, you can always count on me for help.”

Clutching the phone, Josie wrestled with Arnold’s hidden meaning. Lost in thought, she was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a car outside. Derter is back!

Dexter lingered in the car, unhurried to go into the house. Meanwhile, Josie was thrilled to see him return. She dashed towards his car, gasping for breath, extending her hand, and…

‘Knock! Knock! Knock!”

Then, the car window glided down slowly. Dexter looked fatigued, and there was a hint of numbness in his gaze as he saw her.

Yet, Josie’s gentle and breathy voice instinctively eased his tension. “Why did you come out? It’s freezing out here.”

Like a flickering flame in the wintry night, her voice warmed his frigid soul. “Hey, is everything alright?”

Dexter smirked and opened the car door. “What could possibly go wrong? Want to hop in?”

Since he had no intention of getting out of the car, he invited Josie to join him inside. The heater was cranked up, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere within the vehicle.

The driver promptly stepped out, granting them their privacy.
Chapter 259 Feeling Sorry for Him

Josie settled beside Dexter, and oddly enough, a wave of nostalgia washed over her after being away from him for such a short time. She couldn’t help but feel bashful under his eager and intense gaze.

“Did… did your mom give you a hard time?” Josie blushed.

Dexter pursed his lips. “Even if she did, it wouldn’t bother me. Don’t worry.” He reached out to gently smooth her hair. “She wants to meet you one of these days.”

Josie’s eyes widened in surprise.

He chuckled, pulling her closer and kissing her chin tenderly. Her rosy cheeks flushed even more profoundly.

Dexter’s smile broadened as he playfully squeezed her cheeks. “Feeling sorry for me,


Knowing he was teasing, Josie found his smile both exhilarating and heartwarming. She instinctively lowered her voice. “Why haven’t you gone inside the house?”

Dexter nuzzled his face against her neck and answered honestly, “Just tired and not in the mood to move.”

Even at this late hour, there were still lively sounds outside. Josie gazed at his face and fell into a momentary silence. Outsiders would never guess that the usually composed and cool Dexter also had these melancholy moments, like a child who had just lost a beloved candy.

As her gaze settled on him, her mind began to wander, imagining the passage of another year. The invincible man before her would eventually age, his hair turning gray, his steps faltering. How would he be in his old age? Would he end up a lonely bachelor?

Absorbed in her thoughts, Josie refrained from picturing herself in Dexter’s future as an old man, aware that she might not be a part of his life at that point.

So… what would he become?

“What are you looking at?” Dexter felt her gaze and lightly brushed her earlobe with his fingertip.

Josie responded, “You’ve been working hard.”

Josie’s genuine concern left Dexter momentarily speechless.

He reached out, gently grasping her chin, and leaned in for a deep, passionate kiss.

Josie’s attempts to push him away only fueled his desire, making the kiss even more intense. Her body melted into his, while his sturdy back provided unwavering support.

As the clock struck midnight, the sky erupted with the explosive sounds of fireworks, their reverberations reaching even through the car window.

As the old year came to an end and made way for the new, Josie’s confidence in Dexter’s abilities remained unwavering.

She had never doubted his capability since they first met; she knew he was an unstoppable force.

However, a nagging question gnawed at her, if circumstances stripped him of his wealth and left him with nothing, would he still be the same person she knew?

Josie pondered while simultaneously fearing the potential repulsion that could arise.

Caught in this dilemma, she reached out and held him tightly, returning the passionate kiss.

Dexter couldn’t fathom Josie’s thoughts, but her reciprocation brought him joy. As things heated up, he pressed her against the steering wheel. Their eyes locked, both aware that the time and place weren’t suitable for intimacy. If they continued, it would ignite an unstoppable flame.

Dexter swiftly retracted his hand, regaining control. He chose to wait out the desire. Opening the car door. he held Josie’s hand as they made their way to Mason Garden. A thought struck him along the journey, and he took something out of his suit pocket, offering it to her, “Happy New Year.”

Josie raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“It’s a New Year’s gift, Mrs. Russell.” He curved his lips, exuding a gentle demeanor.

She graciously accepted it and smiled, tilting her head. “Happy New Year to you too, Mr. Russell.”

This was their first New Year together.

After returning to Mason Garden, Dexter kissed her forehead tenderly. His voice was husky, resulting from staying up late, “Go and get a good night’s sleep. I still have some things to take care of.”

Tiptoeing to avoid making noise, Josie made her way back to their bedroom. As she closed the door, her heart thumped loudly in her chest.

As she leaned against the door, she couldn’t help but notice that her mind was unburdened and at ease on this particular night. It was free from the intricate entanglements of relationships and complex personalities.

Closing her eyes, she reflected that regardless of what the future had in store, the purity of the emotions. experienced on this night would remain untarnished.
Chapter 260 What Qualifications Do You Have?

On New Year’s Day, an unexpected visitor appeared. Josie received a text message from an unknown sender saying, ‘Meet me at the nearby park.”

Her heart skipped a beat as she tried to guess the purpose of the meeting. Dexter couldn’t accompany her as he was occupied with social obligations.

And it turned out to be Xanthe, who wanted to have a conversation with Josie in the park.

Xanthe lit a cigarette and stood in the wintry solitude, feeling lonely and cold. Her gaze was filled with disdain as she stared at Josie.

“Hi, Ms. Quorn. In case you didn’t know, my name is Josie,” she forced a smile.

Xanthe glanced at her from head to toe, extinguished her cigarette, and said, “Come take a walk with me.”

Though their relationship was strained, there was no pretense. Xanthe didn’t act superior or condescending, and their words and actions were on equal ground.

Xanthe asked about Josie’s family, and she answered truthfully, “I’m an orphan. My stepmother works as a sanitation worker, my father is a vegetative patient in the hospital, and I have a younger brother who does. odd jobs for a living.”

Josie didn’t hide or lie about her family. Maybe her background was worlds apart from the Russell family, but so what? Different circumstances shouldn’t give anyone the right to look down on others.

Xanthe let out a mocking laugh. “Very well.”

“Do you think you’re deserving of Dexter?”

“… It’s clear that I don’t, but since things have come to this point. I will strive to become worthy of him.”

Xanthe smiled, revealing an elusive meaning that Josie couldn’t decipher. “Then a divorce is just a matter

of time.”

Josie remained silent.

This park was an extension of Mason Garden, with fruit trees planted and nurtured by devoted gardeners. The sky had turned a deep shade, and the grapes dangling from the vines sparkled with absolute clarity.

With such devoted cultivation, they were bound to be incredibly sweet.

Xanthe stretched out her hand and plucked two grapes, her ring delicately grazing the fruit without leaving a trace of blemish.

Josie was startled. She had seen a ring similar to that on Dexter’s finger before. He had explained that the ring served as a means of testing substances for potential poisoning, be it from smoking, drinking, or eating.

It was a self-defense tool passed down through generations of the Russell family, signifying their formidable heritage. Xanthe was worried that the grapes might have been sprayed with pesticides by the caretakers, hence the test.

But the unblemished ring proved the fruits to be non-toxic and safe to be consumed. So, she handed one to Josie. “Grapes at this time of year should taste very sweet.”

Josie gingerly accepted the grape. Her chest was trembling with mixed emotions.

Regardless of the weight of the past, Josie harbored a peculiar admiration for the woman standing before


Without delay, Xanthe delved into prying about Josie and Dexter’s relationship.

“Dexter is still young and naive. He may have obligations to you and the other girl. But that’s how life works, isn’t it? We all have to make sacrifices and compromises along the way. I hope that when the time comes, you’ll be the one to play the role of the villain in this relationship.”

Essentially, Xanthe wanted Josie to be the one to propose a divorce.

Taking a deep breath, Josie retorted, “Ms. Quorn, I know you’re not fond of me, and I’m aware that most of the Russell family shares the sentiment. But I don’t care. I know Dexter loves me, and that’s all that matters. Do you think you can dictate Dexter?”

Xanthe sneered. “Seems like Henry is quite fond of you and has told you everything about me.”

Despite being exposed, Josie maintained her composure. She straightened her posture and replied, “It’s not about me refusing to let go, but there’s something I need to ask you for Dexter’s sake. You’ve never bothered to care about Dexter all these years, so what makes you think you can stick your nose in his marriage and judge the woman he’s chosen?”

Xanthe’s expression shifted.

“Listen, Ms. Quorn, it’s all about knowing your place. If I were in your shoes and had decided to stay out of it, I wouldn’t return and make things difficult for him.”

Josie spoke without hesitation or reservation. She had no intention of showing respect to this woman, even if she was Dexter’s biological mother.
Chapter 261 Seeking Help

“Ms. Warren, I must say you’re braver than I gave you credit for Xanthe caid with an indifferent smile. “but let me tell you this quality alone won’t secure your place in the Russell family”

She took a tissue from her bag and meticulously wiped her fingers clean, one by one, before discarding it in the trash bin “We’re likely to cross paths often in the future I wish you all the best in life.”

Josie had anticipated Xanthe’s anger, but instead, she remained calm and composed, adding to Josie’s mounting pressure

In response, Josie mustered a smile and said. “Happy New Year to you!”

Xanthe turned and walked away. Just as she was about to enter the car, she glanced back and said. “You know what Dexter told me yesterday at the family estate?”

Confused, Josie looked at her with a puzzled expression.

Xanthe smiled again. “Never mind, it’s probably best if you don’t know. Knowing would only make you


At nightfall, Dexter returned home, looking a bit dusty. He spotted Josie sitting on the sofa, lost in her thoughts. “Something bothering you today?” He asked.

Josie glanced up and sighed. “Your mom came to me earlier.”

Dexter paused, his expression revealing no surprises. “What did she say?”

“She mentioned how you owe me and another girl, and she hopes I’ll be the one to call for divorce.”

A smirk formed on his lips as he listened. “Don’t let her words get to you.”

Knowing Xanthe’s true nature, Josie didn’t take it to heart, but she couldn’t shake off the pressure. She sat up and held onto Dexter’s waist. “Dexter, if the time comes and you have to choose, would you choose me again?”

Her intuition told her not to ask this question, but she couldn’t resist prying.

Dexter allowed Josie to cling onto him, placing his hand gently on her head as he reassured her, “I would.”

Despite hearing the answer she wanted, Josie didn’t feel the expected joy. It felt as though his response wasn’t entirely genuine.

She smiled and looked up. “What did you talk about with your mother for so long yesterday?”

The man motioned for her to help him loosen his tie, and she skillfully obliged.

“She wants me to help her return to the domestic market.”

So, Xanthe had her own ventures to take care of as well.

“Can’t she do it herself?”

Dexter sneered mockingly. “If she could, why would she come back to me? I’m probably the last person she wants to see.”

Josie’s heart softened. She could sense that this man had yearned, or maybe still yearned, for a mother’s love. It must have been tough for him to endure such treatment from his biological mother.

The holiday whizzed by, and as work resumed after the New Year, Josie received the first news of the year. Kevan had been transferred to another branch!

Their colleagues were preoccupied with fervent discussion on Kevan’s transfer, “He’s a freshy, and getting transferred to a branch for regularization is a big deal. Not many of us have had that chance.”

Josie glanced at the transfer order. Kevan had been moved to a branch in the neighboring city of Rivonia. This meant he was even farther away from his hometown.

As a seasoned employee at the company, she understood the implications. It was presented as a promotion, but at best, it was just a lateral move. Although he was being regularized, the resources at the branch couldn’t compare to those at the headquarters.

“Ms. Warren, thank you for caring for me these past few days. If you ever visit Rivodia, I’ll treat you to dinner,” Kevan said, bidding farewell to Josie, holding onto his few belongings with a faintly bitter smile.

Josie felt a sense of unease. “I’m sorry, I didn’t expect such an arrangement from the higher-ups. Have you thought about quitting and finding another design company? I believe in your abilities.”

“Ms. Warren, what are you saying? This is already the best opportunity available to me. Even though Rivodia is far, the salary is high. I have no complaints.”
Kevan had a lean frame, and his youthful eyes shone with admiration when he looked at her.

But Kevan knew he had to stop here.

She didn’t know what to say. Josie’s heart sank as he walked away, his shoulders slumped in despair.

He was a passionate employee but was forced to leave under unfair circumstances. She felt bad for him.

Alice sighed as she saw Josie’s downcast eyes. “Don’t feel bad,” she said. “This has nothing to do with you.”

Does it really have nothing to do with me? Josic wasn’t sure what to believe.

Kevan was chosen for the new department even though other employees were more suited for the role. Josie couldn’t help but feel that the decision was fishy.

If only she didn’t watch the movie with Kevan that time.

She was lost in thought when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see one of the employees standing there, holding a stack of files. “Ms. Warren, there’s a meeting on the top floor at three thirty in the afternoon. Mr. Russell will be hosting the event personally. Remember to be there on time!”

Josie’s eyes widened in shock as her words registered. She had totally forgotten about the event.

As she mulled over her thoughts, the employee hurried away to inform someone else about the event.

The Russell Group was generally fast and efficient in their pace of work, which made the design department under Josie’s leadership seem sluggish in comparison.

The heads of each department were already in the meeting room by the scheduled time. They were

seated at their computers, looking serious and professional

Dexter wore a white sweater. He looked exhausted and disheveled as if he had rushed over from another appointment in the cold weather.

“Mr. Russell.”

He nodded in greeting, opened his file, and tapped his pen on the table. “Let’s get started,” he said, his voice strong and confident.

He balled his fist against his lips and coughed into it, muffling the sound. Josie had a feeling that he was coming down with a cold.

Everyone’s eyes were on him. He had a commanding presence that made it impossible to ignore.


Josie only knew how busy he was after she got closer to him. She had seen how packed his schedule was. He spent most of his time traveling from one point to another. The total distance he traveled for his appointments would most probably be the same as the circumference of the earth.

It had been a week since she had last seen him.

However, he didn’t notice her in the room.

It Had to Do With Her

She sat in the corner of the room, doodling absently on a piece of paper.

A man in his forties leaned in close to her and spoke in a low voice, his tone filled with worry. “How did your team do this month? We didn’t meet our target, and Mr. Russell didn’t look like he was in a good mood. I think we’re in for a lot of trouble…”

The man still had more to say, but his voice caught in his throat when he noticed the drawing on Josie’s paper. His pitch rose as he asked, “What are you doing?”

He leaned in closer to get a better look. It was a lifelike drawing of a pig.

He was flabbergasted by what he saw.

Josie glanced up at him; her mouth gaped slightly when her attention was brought back to the meeting.

She then stared at the man sitting at the head of the table. “How do you know he’s not in a good mood?” Josie asked. “According to the rumors, he has great news to share soon.”

His eyes widened in surprise as he gave her a thumbs up.

Josie was dumbfounded by his reaction.

She felt a pressuring stare in her direction, and her smile faltered as she looked up to see Dexter staring at


His lips tightened into a straight line before turning away.

A short while later, the man beside Josie was called to update the progress of his work. As he was speaking, Dexter interjected, his voice stern, “Why haven’t you resolved it yet? It’s been a month.”
Chapter 263 Taking Over the Project

An uncomfortable air of silence swept through the room.

The person reporting was visibly shaken. His eyes were glassy and red, and it looked as if he was about to


“The government plans to acquire the land to build a new park in Althem City. While the development ostensibly benefits the city, the government’s involvement has complicated things more than expected.”

The Russell Group acquired a large piece of land to build new villas, but the government wanted to reclaim it at a lower price. This put their plans at a standstill, as it was difficult to stand up against an official government project.

A heavy silence hung in the air as everyone in the meeting room contemplated the challenging project ahead.

Dexter’s face darkened, and his eyes narrowed into a cold glare. “Have you found the residents?”

“Yes, but they aren’t willing to compromise.”

While selling the land at a lower price would have helped improve their reputation for collaborating with the government, the Russell Group hadn’t yet fully acquired the land. This was the critical problem.

Several households weren’t willing to move.

Josie raised her hand tentatively and spoke up, “Our team hasn’t received any new projects in a while. Could we take on this one?”

The silence was thick and oppressive.

All eyes were on Josie as she commanded the room with her unexpected suggestion.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread…

Dexter raised his eyebrows in disbelief. “Your team?”

Josie was not happy with the way he doubted her abilities. She capped her pen and spoke with determination. “Since the project has already been delayed by a month, there’s no harm in letting us take


Dexter was taken aback by her sudden change in demeanor.

The meeting ended with a satisfactory outcome. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as Dexter turned his attention to Josic.

The man beside Josie had tears welling in his eyes as a relieved smile formed on his face, “I’ll send you the details very soon.”

Josie’s eyes were drawn to the white silhouette of his back, standing tall and proud. He exuded an air of resoluteness and confidence.

Within an hour, the news of Josie’s bravery spread like wildfire throughout the office. Employees from all

Taking Over the Project

levels talked about her courage in standing up to the CEO,

Words of Josie’s drawing of a pig also circulated quickly. Alice was stunned when she found out what happened. “Do you know what you’ve done?”

Josie and Alice planned to visit the residents unwilling to sell their homes.

Frustrated by the additional workload, she asked, “Jo, why did you do this?”

“For the money, she answered without any hesitation.

Alice met Josie’s gaze with disdain, rolling her eyes as she did so.

Most of the houses on the acquired land had already been demolished, leaving the wreckage behind covered by layers of snow. The residents gathered together when they heard that people from the Russell Group would be there.

Josie’s assistant handled the discussion with the residents while she observed the houses in the area. She noticed that they were all in a terrible state.

Still, they clung to the small piece of land, hoping for more benefits.

Her assistant reported that the amount compensated was already more than generous.

Despite their humble status, they demanded an exorbitant amount of compensation in an unyielding and ungracious manner.

After a short moment, her assistant’s eyes flashed red with anger, frustrated by their rude attitude. “Their eyes are bigger than their belly!” she exclaimed.

Josie held her assistant back and inquired, “How much do you want?”

They told her their desired amount.

At that moment, Josie felt pity for Dexter, who had to sacrifice a large amount of money to acquire the land from the unreasonable residents, only to turn it over to the government without making any profit.

He was facing a significant financial setback due to this project.

The residents were unwavering in their demands, clearly having discussed their position beforehand.

Josie stared at the residents with a collected and calm expression, her hands in her pocket. “We can pay you this much,” she finally said.
Chapter 264 Hitting a Wall

Her voice cut through the hostile air in the room like a bell. “You can’t stop us from demolishing your homes,” she said. “We’ll wire the compensation as promised. So, what are you going to do? Sue us?”

“We have legally acquired this land and paid the agreed price. Is it really worth it to continue this dispute?”

Her eyes scanned the room with sharp intensity. “My father is of a similar age, so I understand your concerns. I would love to receive as much as possible, but I would never sacrifice my dignity for money.”

Her voice was laced with exasperation as she berated their behavior.

Josie took a deep breath, her face growing grim. “This is our final offer. We are willing to negotiate on the rates, but we will not be flexible if you are unwilling to compromise.”

The residents were taken aback by Josie’s bluntness. Their expressions hardened as they listened to her ultimatums.

A man stepped out of the shadows and shoved Josie. “Don’t listen to her!” he shouted. “She’s just trying to trick us! Look at her! She’s wearing expensive clothes! She’s not one of us!”

The man shoved Josie with such force that she almost lost her balance. She was wearing heels, making it difficult to keep her footing. She stumbled backward, and for a moment, it looked like she was going to fall into the deep hole behind her that the excavator had dug.

Alice cried out, “Jo!” and reached out to catch Josie just before she fell.

Josie’s face turned ashen pale as she looked behind her in shock..

She felt a sharp pain in her shoulder blades.

The man who had shoved her was also stunned.

Josie let out a deep sigh and shook her head. “Let’s end it here,” she said, defeated.

Everyone else sighed in relief. The man who had shoved Josie smirked. “I told you she was only pretending!” he said.

Josie’s rage boiled over. She stopped in her tracks and glared at the man. She wanted to throw a brick at him but knew it would only worsen things.

“What do you want to do? Hit me?” he shouted. The man’s arrogance and insolence were baffling.

Alice immediately stepped in to defuse the situation. “Don’t get riled up,” she said and continued, “you’ve misunderstood our intentions.”

Josie removed her coat and examined the bruises on her arms and shoulders as she got into the car.

Alice waited outside. “I told you that the people here are as stubborn as mules,” she said. “You’d get a heart attack from trying to convince them otherwise.”

The news of what had happened with the residents spread quickly within the company. Everyone knew about it before she even returned to the Russell Group.

Hitting a Wall

When she returned to the office, her subordinate’s concerned voice stopped her in her tracks. “Ms. Warren, are you alright?”

Her face grew grimmer with each passing second as she mulled over what had happened. Her subordinate’s question was met with a strained nod, and she quickly made her way to the elevator. She jabbed the button for the top floor, and the doors snapped shut behind her.

She had already prepared the proposal for Dexter to approve. It would force the demolition of the houses

in that area.

The secretary nodded at Josie with a knowing smile.

Josie suddenly remembered that Ivy hadn’t been around lately. “Ms. Moore, hasn’t Ms. Miller returned to work? I haven’t seen her in a while.”

“Mr. Russell has encouraged Ms. Miller to take some time off,” Ms. Moore explained to Josie. ‘she’s been working tirelessly for the past few years, and he thinks she needs a break.”

A capitalist like Dexter wouldn’t hold such noble intentions. Josie furrowed her brows as she guessed that something unusual must have happened.

She raised her hand to knock on his door but paused. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She knew that talking to him would only make her angry.

She leaned her head to the side to try and take a peek at what he was doing inside, but the curtains were drawn. I’ll think of a way when I’m back home.

When she turned around, she bumped into someone’s cold, hard chest. “Go inside if you’re curious,” the man said in a deep, composed voice.
Chapter 265 Holding a Grudge

Josie felt a sharp pain in her head as she bumped into Mr. Russell. She stumbled back, but she quickly regained her composure. Josie looked up at him, her eyes watering from the pain. “Mr. Russell,” she greeted him indifferently.

Dexter held a cup of coffee in his hands. His knuckles were red and chapped from the cold outside

He wore a black windbreaker that hugged his tall frame. He had the kind of figure that would turn heads wherever he went. If he walked down the street, he would be sure to catch the attention of many admirers.

Dexter didn’t look into her eyes. He pushed the door behind her and uttered coldly, “Come in if you have something to say.”

Josie hesitated at her spot, unsure if she should follow him inside. She tightened her grip on the proposal, mulling over her thoughts.

He paused his footsteps and looked over at her with a scornful stare.

“I’ll only give you ten minutes.”

Josie had no choice but to follow behind him.

Dexter was flipping through a newly printed document as the scent of the ink spread through the room.

Just minutes before, Josie stormed into her office, still enraged by the events that had unfolded at the construction site. She had been running all the way back and was starting to let out a sweat. She tossed her scarf aside and marched up to his office on the top floor, clutching the proposal in her hand.

Her bare neckline was exposed, her skin pale and smooth as the snow outside. Her deep, dark eyes shone with intelligence and wit. She looked breathtakingly stunning. However, she had a bruise on her collarbone due to the incident that happened earlier.

Dexter placed the proposal on his desk. “The government will only be using this land two months from now on. I suggest you continue to persuade the residents while it’s still winter,” he said, dismissing her proposal.

He had flatly rejected her proposal.

Josie stood in the spotless office, staring at the untainted man before her. The muscles in her face tightened, and her fists were clenched so hard they left marks on her palms.

She raised her eyebrows, and Dexter braced himself for her to lose her temper. But instead, she said icily, “Alright. I’ll go there a few more times.”

She knew that forcing the demolition would be a risky move. If anyone were harmed, the Russell Group would face serious consequences.

She swept out of the room, leaving the proposal behind.

Dexter’s deep, gravelly voice rumbled in his chest as he spoke, “They’d do anything for the right price. If this route doesn’t work, try approaching their associates.”

Josie paused and turned around, her eyes narrowing as she took in the man who had picked up his cup and was leisurely sipping on his coffee. He seemed completely unfazed by the situation

“It’s my fault. I should have learned those tricks from Mr. Russell sooner, she scoffed, an icy stare piercing into his figure.

Her words dripped with venom and frustration.

He didn’t even glance up at her. The fluctuating figures on his computer were far more interesting.

There was no point arguing with him.

Josie regretted not dumping the coffee on his face and taking a picture to humiliate him.

They were both on edge when it came to work matters. Neither of them was willing to back down.

Josie still held a grudge against him because of Kevan.

Dexter knew why she acted this way, but he didn’t say anything.

He took out a document and passed it to her. “Wyatt is coming next month. You’ll be in charge of welcoming him.”

Josie’s eyes blinked in incredulity at the sudden announcement. Her eyebrows furrowed as she asked, “This early?”

Only at that moment did they radiate the familiarity of a married couple. Dexter raised his eyebrows. “Is it too difficult for you?”

Josie glared at him. “Why would it be difficult? He’s Mr. Russell’s family member. I’ll make sure he is well taken care of.”

She turned on her heel and walked away, leaving Dexter with a wide grin on his face. He watched her go, his expression a mixture of affection and bafflement.
Chapter 266 You Owe Me a Favor

Dexter gave a presentation on the research being carried out by the Russell Group to a packed function room of media personnel and company executives.

With free time on her hands, Josie accompanied Alice to the thirty-second floor of the building to watch the event.

She saw many familiar faces there.

Among the crowds, she spotted the main character of the day. Dexter, a man with a respectable and noble demeanor, stood out from the rest. His eyes were sharp and watchful, and the corner of his lips curled up in a forceful smile.

“Have you seen the rumors about Mr. Russell living together with a woman? Remember? The one that looks like you? I’m so jealous of her. What does it feel like to be loved and cared for by Dexter Russell?”

Josie felt a wave of unease wash over her. Loved and cared for? Not by him. He only knew how to torture her.

Josie watched from the sidelines as Dexter confidently answered the media’s questions. He used highly professional language to highlight his intelligence and wit as he stood under the spotlight.

Dexter’s outstanding presentation had Josie spellbound. She was brought back to reality by the thunderous applause of the crowd. She clapped along with them, a corner of her lips lifting in a smile of admiration.

As he finished his presentation, Dexter glanced around the room and caught sight of Josie standing in the


His eyes

widened in disbelief, but he quickly regained his composure, knowing that the crowd was watching him.

After a short moment, Josie felt a buzz from her handphone. You’re not allowed to drink!

Upon receiving the text, Josie switched her red wine to a cup of orange juice.

Josie wandered aimlessly around the room, her mind elsewhere. She noticed several of the executives. Dexter introduced to her at the last event they attended together.

As she passed by, the executives locked eyes with her and smiled respectfully. They were unable to greet her personally, but they raised their glasses in a silent toast.

Josie’s phone buzzed again. She glanced down at the screen and saw a text message from Dexter: ‘Don’t go too far. I’ll pick you up after the event.

Josie typed back, ‘Alright.’

On the other end of the line, Dexter’s lips curled into a warm smile as he imagined incurring Josie’s


Indeed, Josie’s face was a mask of disdain. Arnold had noticed her knitted eyebrows from across the room.

He was captivated by her commanding presence in the crowd.

He walked over and sat down at her table. “What a coincidence!”

Josie was startled to see him here. “This is the Russell Group”

“I know,” he said with a mischievous grin. “you’ve become even more beautiful than I remembered

Josie rolled her eyes at Arnold. “What are you doing here?” she asked, her voice dripping with contempt.

“Josic, don’t be such a party pooper,” Arnold slurred as he loosened his tie.

Josie lifted the corner of her lips into a knowing smile as she called for the server. “I don’t think I’m the type to spoil the mood,” she said. “What can I get you to drink? My treat.”

Arnold ordered the most expensive drink on the menu. Josie maintained her composure.

He felt a sense of awe and wonder as he gazed into her pure and profound features.

“Dexter Russell is personally presenting today. With every prominent figure in the industry in attendance. at the Russell Group event, I couldn’t miss out.”

Josie decided not to pry further, but Arnold’s behavior became increasingly mysterious. “Since you came to watch my husband’s presentation today,” she said, “doesn’t that mean you owe me a favor?”

How did she come up with this idea? Arnold’s curiosity was piqued as he asked, “What do you want?”

“You could tell me why Xanthe returned to the country.”

“Didn’t your husband tell you why?” he scoffed.
Chapter 267 Making Her Happy

Josie was taken aback by his condescending tone. She felt her voice catch in her throat but forced herself to remain collected. “Are you going to tell me or not?” she asked.

The wine arrived at the table. “Are you threatening me?” he asked, pursing his lips.

Josie didn’t know how to reply. She was struggling to understand his behavior. At times, he was easygoing. But other times, he was cold and distant. She took a deep breath and said, “It doesn’t matter if you don’t feel like telling me. Who knows? I might not even be interested to know anymore by the time you feel like telling me, Mr. Carter.”

Her witty attitude made it hard for anyone to get mad at her.

Arnold placed his glass on the table and leaned forward. “What happened to your neck?” he asked, his eyes narrowing.

She wore an off-the-shoulder top that exposed her rosy, wind-chapped shoulders.

“I went to battle.” Josie wasn’t interested in continuing this conversation.

“Did you win?”

Josie stared scornfully at Arnold. “Mr. Carter, I suggest you focus on drinking your overpriced wine,” she commented.

Arnold smirked at her. He then turned to the man who had just opened the door, his lips curling into at knowing smile.

“Arnold, I’ve been looking for you everywhere. Turns out you’ve been hiding here this whole time.”

His voice sent a shiver down Josie’s spine. She didn’t dare to turn her head around.

Arnold wasn’t surprised to see him. He leaned back in his chair and said, “Your speech was a hit. There was no room for me to join in the crowd. Luckily, Mrs. Russell was kind enough to buy me a drink.”

“Really?” Dexter leaned closer to Josie and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. His stare was cold and aloof. “That’s generous of her.”

Josie tilted her head and peeked at Dexter’s face. “I thought I would accompany Mr. Carter,” she said. “He seemed bored.”

She wanted to dispel his suspicions about her relationship with Arnold, fearing that he would get angry again if he thought she was still involved with him.

Dexter smiled at her. “You did great.”

“Mrs. Russell sure knows how to make me happy,” Arnold commented, staring at Dexter with a smile. “Everyone was worried that the sudden change in the Russell Group’s stock market trends would be disastrous, but you proved us wrong. Dexter, you did a fantastic job!”

Dexter lifted his glass of dry red wine and commented, “I remember Arnold doesn’t like this kind of wine. It doesn’t suit you.”

“I love it now,” Arnold replied with a wry unile “It’s funny. I thought the Russell Group would never get involved in the e-commerce business, but you eventually proved me wrong. Isn’t that right?”

Josie sensed the underlying meaning of Arnold’s comment and was startled by the revelation. The Russell Group is entering the e-commerce business? She had never heard of such a thing before.

He got up from his seat and whispered to Dexter, “I feel sorry for you. Why do you care about him?” before leaving.

He said what he needed to and left without turning around.

Josie overheard Arnold’s last words and turned towards Dexter, probing, “What did Arnold mean?”

Dexter stared at the glass of wine resting on the table, his heart pounding and his eyes twitching.

As he caught a whiff of her scent, with no intention of answering her directly, he veered off-topic and inquired, “Did you pick out your outfit today?”

It was a mesmerizing fit for her.

Josie furrowed her brows.

He put his coat on her shoulders without delay to keep her warm. He embraced her tightly as the warmth. enveloped her body. Not a trace of alcohol lingered on her breath.

“Why didn’t you tell me you’d be here?”

Josie assisted him in loosening his tie. He asked, “Why bother informing you? I’m just an ordinary employee here to see the match among the top executives.”

Dexter held onto her slender fingers and asked, “What do you think about my presentation?”

Josie responded indifferently, “I guess you could say you’re a big fish in a small pond.”
Chapter 268 Taking a Stroll at Night

She was still holding a grudge against him.

Dexter chuckled and held her firmly. “Let’s go home,” he said.

Josie had not had a drop of alcohol, but Dexter had consumed his fair share.

When they were nearing their home, Dexter requested that the driver pull over the car. “Follow me for a short walk,” he requested.

Josie was wearing heels, but Dexter had brought an extra pair of sneakers in the car. He helped her into her sneakers, and then they stepped out into the night.

It was already eleven o’clock at night, and the moon was shining brightly overhead.

The moonlight was so bright that it shone on the road, revealing the layer of frost that had formed on the pavement. The shadows of their locked hands were long and distorted.

He felt the disconfort in his chest lift with the wind. The sound of the cars and the busyness of his daily endeavors were replaced by the sound of the wind in the trees. He felt calm and at peace.

Many prominent households resided in this affluent neighborhood. Sports cars frequently drove by, carrying young adults. One of them was smoking a cigarette, her hair blowing in the wind. She shouted bravely to Dexter, “Hey, you look handsome!”

She looked barely out of her teens. “Stop your nonsense, the boy beside her said sternly as he pulled her back.

Dexter’s lips curved into a smile, but it was met with an annoyed glare from Josie. “Is she pretty?”

His smile widened as he replied, “Not as pretty as you.”

Josie didn’t pry into Dexter’s troubles, but she could tell something was weighing on his mind. She suspected it had something to do with Xanthe, but he refused to talk about it.

She held his hands tightly and followed him. “Dexter Russell, am I your wife?”

He looked down at her and smiled. “Of course,” he replied.

The corner of her lips lifted into a warm smile. “That’s right,” she said. “At least on our marriage certificate, we’re officially married. So no matter what’s going on, you can share it with me. I won’t tell anyone else.”

Her smile was warm and genuine, and her eyes shone in the streetlight.

Dexter took a deep breath and held her hands tightly. “I have to help her,” he said.

Josie understood what Dexter meant, and she wasn’t against his idea. “I understand,” she said.

They spotted the same car they saw earlier on the side of the road with burst tires.

The two young adults appeared relaxed as they sat by the road, humming along to songs without any sense of urgency.

Taking a Stroll at Night

The corner of Josie’s eyes crinkled as she observed their carefree behavior.

The girl recognized them. She patted the dust from her pants and took out a cigarette. She offered it to Dexter, “Handsome, do you know how to fix a car?” she asked.

Dexter didn’t take the cigarette. He folded his sleeves and crouched down next to the car. Did your car break down?” he asked.

The driver following behind them stopped the car when he noticed his boss signaling him to get down from the car.

“Give them a hand,” he instructed.

The driver brought out a box of tools from the trunk of the car.

The girl’s eyes were filled with admiration and awe. “Wow, handsome,” she said. “Do you have a girlfriend? Or a boyfriend?”

The driver staggered as he was startled by her comment.

Josie understood what she meant and leaned in to whisper in Dexter’s ear. “She’s implying that you wouldn’t be into girls if you’re so good-looking.”

Dexter wasn’t satisfied with her assumption. He lifted his hands, which were still holding Josie’s, and announced proudly, “She’s my wife.”

A strange thud hit Josie’s heart as he announced his relationship with Josie so openly in front of a stranger. It felt surprisingly good to have their relationship acknowledged like this.

The girl’s eyes instantly lost their glint. She pouted, discontented, “Why are you showing off your relationship in front of me?”

After a while, she lifted her eyes and looked suspiciously at Dexter. “You look familiar.”

A ringing silence surrounded the night.

The girl racked her brain, trying to figure out where she had seen him before. She had seen his face before but couldn’t quite place it. A peaceful silence filled the air as the girl pondered.

Suddenly a call from Josie’s phone disturbed the silence. It was Matthew.

Josie hesitated for a moment, unsure of whether to answer the call. “Answer it,” Dexter said in a calm voice.

Josie took a deep breath and answered the phone. “Hello, Matt,” she said.

There was a moment of silence before Matthew spoke, “Josie, I called to see if you’ve made a decision about Mr. Warren,” he said. “I’ve settled everything here, and I’m ready to take him back to the hospital if that’s what you want.”

Paul’s condition had been improving steadily in Mason Garden. Josie and Dexter had discussed this possibility earlier and decided to give Paul a little more time to recover at Mason Garden.
Chapter 269 Lovey-Dovey

“Matt, my father’s condition has been gradually improving. I don’t think I’ll be sending him to the hospital. Thank you for looking out for us.”

Her tone was polite but distant. Matthew could sense that she was pulling away from him.

“Alright. Are you facing any problems with him?”

The “him” he referred to was obvious. He was asking about the man standing next to her, the man who had been staring at her with undisguised suspicion.

“No, Matt. It’s my own decision.”

Matthew didn’t press the issue. He could tell that she didn’t want to talk about it. Soon after, he replied, “Be safe and take care of yourself. Good night.”

He spoke warmly to her.

“Good night.”

Josie hung up the phone and met Dexter’s suspicious stare. It was a simple conversation with her friend, but she felt guilty nonetheless.

“Are you always this sweet with your friends?” he asked, his voice laced with jealousy.

Josie wanted to run away. “It only shows how good I am at socializing.” she said, trying to sound. nonchalant.

She took two steps away from him, but he grabbed her arm and pulled her back into his embrace.

Josie tried to free herself, but he was too strong. “There are people around,” she whispered, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

The girl who stood beside the road quickly covered her face and frantically commented, “I didn’t see anything. You guys can continue.”

She wanted to disappear into the ground…

Josie pushed him away with all her might and quickly scampered away.

“What are you doing standing there?” The girl who witnessed what happened removed her hands from her face and blurted. “Run after her, McDreamy!”

The night breeze rustled through the trees while the skies rumbled with the sound of airplanes overhead. Her eyes sparkled under the streetlights as she ran like a teenager, her face still flushed with annoyance at his unexpected behavior. It felt like a scene from a movie.

He chased her down the street while his breath quickened. He caught up to her, gripped her wrist, and slowly slid his hands down to clasp hers.

Josie was already twenty-two years old. She had been through a lot in her life and matured a lot as a result. But the scene unfolding before her eyes was something out of a teenage movie. She felt like an outsider,

watching two people play out a love story she could no longer relate to.

She slowly turned around, and her eyes met his. She felt a jolt of electricity run through her body as she gazed into his gleaming eyes.

As Arnold was leaving the event hall, his assistant hurried after him. “Mr. Carter, there are still several partners you haven’t had a chance to toast with,” she said.

He glanced at his watch. It was getting late.

Arnold waved his hands dismissively and staggered over to his ride.

The driver wasn’t sure where he wanted to go. “Do you want to go to the Carter Mansion or…”

Arnold shut his eyes, feeling frustrated. “The apartment!” he groaned.

The driver kept his eyes on the road, his face expressionless.

Lillian was staying at the apartment. She was the only person who could keep Arnold entertained for over a month, but that was it.

She sprained her foot the other day, and he couldn’t force her to leave.

Arnold casually looked at the convenience store near his apartment when an idea suddenly struck him.

“Stop the car,” he demanded out of the blue.

When Arnold returned to the car, the driver was startled to see him carrying a brightly colored bag of candy and snacks. These particular brands of candies and snacks were popular with kids.

The apartment was dark and silent. He flicked on the light, and his eyes widened in shock. The dining table was a mess; the disastrous scene before him sobered him up immediately.

When he entered the bedroom, he saw Lillian sleeping soundly. She was mumbling in her sleep, tossing and turning, almost falling off the bed.

Arnold’s heart swelled when he noticed how close she was to the edge of the bed. Thank goodness she didn’t fall off the bed.

After confirming that she was still asleep, he gently picked her up and carried her to the middle of the bed. He carefully tucked the blanket around her, careful not to wake her.

She felt so small and fragile, yet her warmth and softness enveloped him when he held her in his arms.

Arnold sighed as he patiently cleaned up the mess outside. He couldn’t help but look away from the mess, disgusted by the sight of it. What have I done to deserve this?
Chapter 270 Get Out

Her pink laptop was left on the sofa, the screen still glowing.

Arnold hovered the mouse over the game icon, and the main page immediately popped up. He was stunned to see she was still using his account to play.

Arnold had invited her to play games to pass the time at the office. She laughed at his gaming skills, which baffled him. He challenged her. “If you’re so good, help me get into the next league.”

Hence, he gave her his account details.

Arnold glanced at the screen, surprised that she had already leveled up.

Arnold closed the gaming webpage and tried to access the files on her computer, but they were all password-protected. He tried to unlock them, but he was unsuccessful.

She was a true professional, but only at the things unrelated to her work.

The following day, Lillian woke up early, limping out of the bedroom and into the living room, where she saw Arnold asleep on the sofa. He was clutching her laptop to his chest.

Her eyebrows lifted in surprise and delight at the sight of the candies on the table.

He brought candies!

Lillian was about to open the bag of candies when Arnold’s phone rang, startling her so much that she almost jumped out of her skin. She quickly ended the call, hoping the noise didn’t wake him.

Lillian crept towards the bag of candies, her movements slow and deliberate. She reached in and carefully withdrew a strawberry-flavored candy. She slowly tore open the wrapper and placed the candy in her mouth, savoring the sweet taste.

Lillian smiled as her eyes wandered over to the sofa. Her smile faltered when she met his dark, clear eyes staring back at her. She gasped and stumbled backward, nearly falling over.


He swiftly caught her as she stumbled, and she fell into his arms. She winced in pain as her nose bumped against his chest.

Lillian caught a faint whiff of Arnold’s cologne.

She could tell he was feeling annoyed as he had just woken up from sleep. His voice was hoarse and gravelly as he asked, “What are you doing so early in the morning?

The alcohol smell still lingered in his breath.

Lillian was feeling foggy in the morning, her mind still half in dreamland. She wasn’t sure how to answer him, so she simply stared at his thin, slightly rosy lips.

“I… I’m going to prepare my breakfast.”

She moved away from him and hopped towards the kitchen like a rabbit.

Arnold was fully awake. He groaned and covered his eyes with his hands. “I’m begging you, he said, his voice thick with lethargy. “Stop walking around”

Lillian was taken aback by his sudden plea.

Arnold made breakfast for both of them while Lillian played games on her laptop. The sight of his broad back silhouetted against the morning light as he cooked in his comfortable daily clothes was extremely captivating.

Arnold was very carefree in his house. He was dressed in comfortable clothes, his hair was disheveled, and his long pants were folded at the ankles. He had just finished breakfast, and he felt his energy draining. He went back into the guest room to take a nap. As he was leaving, he turned to Lillian and said, “Leave your bowl on the table. I’ll clean it up later.”

Lillian’s surge of happiness took a turn witnessing his reluctant behavior.

He sounded distant and aloof as if she had forcefully clung onto him, and he needed to put up with her.

Lillian’s heart chilled as she froze at the dining table. Later, she limped slowly towards the guest room, but Arnold was already asleep. A picture on the headrest of the bed caught her eye as she walked in softly.

That person was Summer Olsen.

The photo captured Summer in high school, reading a book at her desk. Her back was straight, and her dark hair was tied neatly into a ponytail.

Arnold woke up with a start, his heart racing. He saw Lillian standing over him, holding a picture in her hands. His face turned grim as he realized what it was. “What are you doing with that?” he demanded, snatching the frame from her.

Lillian stumbled backward, feeling startled by his unexpected rage.

“I was looking.”

Arnold’s face hardened, and his voice was cold as ice. “Get out. Now,”

Lillian feared him, but she still hoped to accompany him and bring new excitement into his life.

But she didn’t manage to achieve what she had intended to.

She grappled with the situation with a heavy heart. Slowly, she limped away on her crutch, and Arnold’s deep, gravelly voice followed her. “I want you out of my life.

His last words froze her on the spot.
Chapter 271 Held as Hostage

Wyatt arrived at the Russell Group as expected.

With a fair and youthful appearance, he spoke politely and endeared himself to many of the employees. Since Josie was giving him a personal tour of the Russell Group office, people naturally became curious about his identity.

Who is this?

Josie handed Wyatt a glass of water in the pantry. “We’ll be working together from now on,” she said. “I hope we get along well.”

Wyatt, who was involved in venture capital, wasn’t part of the design department. He smiled warmly and accepted the cup from Josie. “Thank you, Josie,” he said.

Josie felt her heart race. “You can call me Ms. Warren. Let’s keep things professional in the office.”

Wyatt slowly nodded his head.

However, Josie would find a cup of hot coffee on her desk every day at the office.

Alice was also feeling confused. “It’s not me,” she said.

She decided to check the security footage and realized that it had been Wyatt all along.

The next day, she left a sticky note at her table that read, ‘I don’t drink coffee in the morning. Thank for the thought.

As expected, there wasn’t a cup of coffee on her table the next day.


It was a hectic day in the meeting room. Josie and Wyatt were both present, and the project involving the residents of Althem City was assigned to Wyatt.

The receptionist burst into the room, her voice shaking. “Ms. Warren,” she stammered, “there’s someone here to see you.”

Josie remained collected, her gaze steady on the receptionist. “Who is it?” she asked calmly.

The receptionist shook her head, her eyes awash with conflicting emotions. “I’m not sure who he is,” she said, “but he was insistent on seeing you. He brought something a…”

Wyatt stepped out of the meeting room to see what was happening. Suddenly, people started screaming at the top of their lungs. The knife pointed at Wyatt, and Josie felt her whole body tense up in fear.

The receptionist faintly continued, “… a knife.”

Josie sensed something was wrong. She stood up and walked over to the door. As she got closer, she saw the person standing behind the knife.

A man in a leather jacket and jeans stood in the doorway, a cigarette dangling from his lips. His buzz cut was unkempt, and his face showed the wear and tear of a hard life. He looked like a rocker who had seen better days.

The man looked like a rocker at first glance, but the illusion was shattered when he opened his mouth. “Which one of you is Josie Warren?”

Wyatt had never seen such a crude man. The glint of the knife in his hand made her eyes water. She was too afraid to move.

As the air was thick with painful silence, Josie pulled Wyatt away. “I am,” she announced.

“F*ck!” He spat on the floor, then grabbed Josie’s collar with a bruising grip. The man’s knife hovered just inches from Josie’s neck. “Are you the one who wants to take away our home without paying us?”

He must be the family member of a homeowner in Althem City who was unwilling to sell their house.

Josie stared at him and, feigning indifference, uttered, “Are you Moses?”

She had looked through the details of every household. One of them had a son who went overseas to study at eighteen. He squandered his parents’ money by wandering around the city. Now that his family was in financial trouble, he finally returned.

Josie had a strong impression of him as he was a wanderer. He was a rare sight, a wanderer from a poor family.

Moses pressed the knife against her neck; his teeth clenched in anger. “Tell me what I should do now?” he growled.

A bloodcurdling scream pierced the air as someone spotted him in the building.

Wyatt felt his anxiety spike as he could hear his pulse throbbing in his ears. He dropped his phone on the floor and scrambled to pick it up. “Stay calm,” he said to Moses, trying to sound calm and collected. “How much do you want? We can pay you. Please don’t hurt her.”

Josie was close to him, and she noticed the glint in his eyes.

She glared at Wyatt. “I can handle this,” she said, her voice strong and determined. “Don’t tell your brother.”

Alice frowned, unable to follow her train of thought. “What do you mean? His knife is…”

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