Blind Date Turned Proposal by Mr. Adeel

Description of Novels
Mr Adeel
Title: Blind Date Turned Proposal Ra Genre: Romance
Language: English Read Online Pages: Ongoing

On the day of the blind date, the man turned out to be fat, short, and greasy! What could she do but run? Josie Warren was about to escape when the man at the next table stopped her. Why was this man so familiar? He… he was her immediate superior, Dexter Russell, a rich tycoon worth millions! What he said next surprised her immensely. “Josie, what about marrying me?” Marriage? Had Dexter been crushing on her for years? Did he set up this blind date to accidentally bump into her? Only highly skilled hunters would appear like prey. So why not! He had the looks and the money, after all. Josie acted on it instead of thinking about it. “Sure! Let’s get married! I will do as you wish and
Chapter 181 And Back Again
Someone chimed in. “What were you thinking? Don’t you know Jesse is a famous celebrity and Dexter’s girlfriend? How did you dare to offend her?”

The question was accompanied by a facade of concern, as if the person genuinely cared about Josie’s uncertain future However, it was a veiled mockery, pretending to extend sympathy while secretly reveling in the spectacle.

Before Josie could react, the person had disappeared into the crowd.
Josie couldn’t help but flash a bitter smile in a secluded corner. She even felt a subtle sense of relief. Thank God nobody knew she was Mrs. Russell. Otherwise, the mocking onlookers would have caused an uproar.
Upon reaching the parking lot, Dexter immediately distanced himself from Jesse with a stoic face, “Go on your own. There will be someone there to take care of your hospitalization.”
Casting an indifferent glance at her scalded injury, he remarked disdainfully. “Doesn’t seem very badly scalded anyway.”
Considering the coffee had endured wind gusts and caused only a minor spill, how hot could it have been?
“Mr. Russell!”
Jesse was taken aback by his sudden cold and distant demeanor. Weren’t they just sharing a
tender moment?
Dexter felt disgusted to even talk to her, let alone hold her now, “Mind your words. You should know when to create a buzz for publicity and when to keep quiet!”
With that, he left without sparing her a glance.
Hastily, he retraced their path as if in a hurry.
Meanwhile, Ivy gave Jesse a meaningful glance and said, “We should go now, Ms. Abbott. Don’t delay your treatment.”
A mix of emotions swirled within her. Jesse felt beyond furious.
The working crew had dispersed at the filming site, yet Alice had not returned.
Josie had finished cleaning up the mess. As she stood up, she felt a twinge of pain in her waist

To her surprise, someone swiftly took the box from her as she turned around.
When Josie looked
  1. she saw a familiar man with the usual coldness on his face.

She faked a smile and sneered, “Wow, impressive. I see you already whisking your girlfriend away to the hospital, Mr. Russell?”

Dexter didn’t respond, casually placing the cardboard box in the corridor’s corner. With indifference, he remarked, “Someone will clean it up.”
Noticing Josie’s hesitance, he turned back and found her staring at him, “I don’t get it.”
Dexter stood before the backlight, and his expression masked.
Josie maintained a defensive stance, still holding a grudge against his previous actions.
While Dexter was approaching Josie, a sneer formed on her lips. “I spilled and scalded her with hot coffee. Why are you not at the hospital caring for her but here bothering me?”
Josie didn’t reserve her sharp retort and sarcasm.
With Dexter standing so close, his masculine aura surrounded Josie, prompting tension in her spine. Her instinct was to step back, but Dexter had firmly gripped her wrist.
He remarked, “Do you know you sounded like a jealous wife?”
His revelation dawned on Josie.
Angry and wanting to conceal her feelings, she quickly rolled her eyes and said dismissively, “How presumptuous of you.”
Dexter held her hand tightly and led her along, saying, “Let’s go
Without further discussion, he led her away. No room for objections.
“You should go to the hospital now.”
The man remained silent.
“What are you doing, Dexter? Let go of me!”
Silence, once again.
“I’m still waiting for my friend to come back!”
No response.

Giving up on her struggle, Josie choked when he mentioned Henry. ‘Did Grandpa call you? He’s at Mason Garden now.”
The news caught her off guard.
It wasn’t until they reached the ground floor that Josie realized she was looking disheveled, trying to match his long strides, “What does it have to do with me? I’m not going
Dexter abruptly stopped, his gaze darkening. “I dare you to say again!”
Chapter 182 Stirring up Publicity

Dexter pushed her into the car and swiftly settled into the driver’s seat, locking all the doors. to prevent any escape attempts from Josie.

Josie seethed with anger and gave him the cold shoulder, refusing to acknowledge his


Temporarily, Dexter didn’t rush to start the car. He rummaged through the glove

compartment and found a collection of spare medicines. He selected an ointment tube and demanded, “Give me your hand!”

Josie hesitated momentarily, observing his flustered demeanor, and reluctantly extended her hand. His anger escalated as he shouted, “The other hand!”

It seemed he had noticed all along…

Josie also suffered a scalding from the coffee spill, with a significant red mark on her hand. Yet, everyone seemed solely focused on Jesse’s well-being, neglecting her pain.

It was hard for Josie to comprehend that Dexter had been aware of her scalding.

Witnessing Josie’s surrender, the man appeared to soften as he gently took hold of her other hand, carefully applying the cooling ointment to her burn. Emotions stirred within him, leaving him at a loss for words.

Navigating cautiously through the challenging weather, the man drove at a slow pace, ensuring their safety on the road.

Stuck in her seat with no escape, Josie leaned back, her mind wandering to memories of her younger days. She reminisced about a time when her father had dabbled in the world of non-religious spirituality, taking her to see a tarot card reader during her high school years.

During the reading, the tarot card reader confidently declared, “The cards reveal that you’ll come across a benefactor who will bring abundance and smoothness to your life,” the tarot card reader confidently announced, leaving Josie’s father delighted by the positive revelation and generous tip as a token of gratitude for the optimistic prediction.

Josie couldn’t help but feel elated by the positive outlook. However, in light of recent events, her heart sank.

Unable to hold back any longer, Josie mustered the courage to confront Dexter, her voice tinged with disappointment, “Why did you help Jesse back there? Don’t you realize everyone thinks something is going on between you both?”

Unlock succeeded

zed, not even

connection with my family. Stirring up a scandal can boost publicity.”

Josie’s eyes widened in disbelief at Dexter’s explanation. She never anticipated such a response. “Dexter, were all those tender moments between us just illusions?”

+15 Bonus

Had their intimate moments been nothing but a facade? How could he be so indifferent to her emotions?

Dexter pursed his lips, unsure of her meaning. “I’m simply stating the truth,” he retorted.

Josie’s anger boiled over, and she couldn’t help but burst into bitter laughter, tears streaming down her face, “Of course! So, Arnold was right about your so-called ‘truths. You’re nothing more than heartless, unscrupulous, and pompous…”

Dexter’s face flushed with fury as he abruptly slammed on the brakes upon hearing her mention the name, “Say that again!”

Josie locked eyes with him, her determination clear.

“Since you trust Arnold so much, why don’t you return to him now? There’s still time to change your mind!”

Without hesitation, Josie unbuckled her seatbelt. “Let me out of the car.”

Her stubbornness was unwavering, and after a brief standoff, Dexter couldn’t help but crack a smile.

He started the engine again without saying a word. As they approached Mason Garden, Josie clenched the seatbelt tightly, attempting to keep her composure as she spoke calmly to the man beside her, “I can play along with this charade, but remember, there are boundaries.”

don’t Just as she finished speaking, the car jerked forward. Dexter instinctively hit the brakes and then released them. He turned to her, his voice calm and indifferent, “Make sure you mess up!”

Back at Mason Garden, a car echoed through the courtyard. Marilyn and the staff were busy assembling lasagnas.

Meanwhile, Henry sat on the sofa, chuckling. “Well, well, well… Dex, Jo, you guys are early!”

Josie smiled forcedly and smoothly fabricated, “Hey, Grandpa. We hurried back here just to see you.”

While speaking, she rolled up her sleeves to wash her hands. Marilyn glanced at her and quickly advised, “Mix some hot water. It’s too cold.”

She turned on the hot water tap for Josie.

As the warm water streamed over her fingers, an unexpected sense of warmth washed over her heart.

Thanking Marilyn, Josie skillfully proceeded to assemble the fillings. Her movements were graceful and practiced, displaying a familiarity with kitchen work. As she wielded the cooking utensils, a sweet and tender aura surrounded her.
Chapter 183 Mediation

Sitting side by side, Dexter and Henry were captivated and impressed by the woman before them. The family background had never been a concern for Henry when consulering a potential in-law for his grandson. Josie’s education, poise, and sensibility made her a truly noble woman, and he was delighted to have her join the big family

Josie spoke out of the blue. Grandpa. I’m sorry I couldn’t come to see you earlier. I had an injury to attend to. I hope you don’t mind that I didn’t see you sooner

Dexter furrowed his brow, finding her explanation unnecessary.

Henry immediately smiled and responded, “No worries at all. I really appreciated the gift

you sent.”

Unnoticed by Marilyn, Josie’s hand convulsed as she assembled the lasagna, causing a small amount of ground beef filling to spill onto the table.

Josie frowned. A gift?

She wasn’t naive. With a bit of deduction, she could surmise that it was likely Dexter’s doing A flattering gesture aimed at winning Henry’s heart and favor.

Although everything was just a charade, Henry had always treated her well.

Dexter sent the gift in her name, ensuring her reputation was flawless. He was always meticulous and tactful when it came to maintaining relationships.

But it was all just a facade…

Josie continued her mechanical motions, but her thoughts were in disarray. Remembering how Dexter had left with Jesse and returned to the filming site earlier if this had happened in the past, she would have been deeply moved.

Noticing her silence, Henry let out a sigh and spoke, “On the day you got injured, you have no idea how worried I was about you. I wanted to visit you at the hospital, but Dex stopped


Josie was taken aback and looked at the man on the sofa, who shifted his gaze away.

“Grandpa, I’m fine now…”

“Thank God you’re alright.” Henry glanced at Dexter and sensed something off in his expression. He then scolded him in a low voice, “Why the long face?”

Henry knew him well enough to understand that beneath his gentle demeanor, he could be possessive regarding things he valued. Not only that, but Dexter also had the impulsive, compulsive tendency to safeguard those close and who mattered to him.

Dexter had always been authoritative and had his quirks, but his devotion was unwavering. Henry knew there was more to his grandson than meets the eye, and he believed Josie must have witnessed this side of Dexter.

“Did you two just have a fight?” Henry broke the silence, sensing the tension between Josie and Dexter. He approached Josie and said, “What did Dex do to upset you? Tell Grandpa, and I’ll set things right.”

“Don’t worry, Grandpa. It’s just a minor disagreement,” Josie replied, casting her gaze downward.

Henry turned his gaze towards Dexter, his eyes filled with determination. “Tell me! What did

do to upset her? Apologize to Jo right now!”



“Grandpa, it’s actually my fault.” Josie interjected with a forced smile, maintaining her silence for a while.

Tension enveloped Dexter, rendering him speechless.

Henry refrained from saying anything for the time being while Marilyn reached out and held Josie’s hand.

Noticing a red mark on the back of Josie’s left hand, Marilyn was taken aback, “What happened to your hand?”

Josie snapped out of her thoughts and replied, “…Oh, it’s nothing. I’ve already put some ointment on it.”

Marilyn couldn’t help but feel sorry for her and murmured anxiously, “You’re always so clumsy and careless. How am I going to explain to your parents that you keep getting injured like this?”

Marilyn’s words left Josie with a lump in her throat.

The lasagna was now ready, and darkness had settled outside.

The lights in Mason Garden illuminated the surroundings.

Josie and Marilyn displayed their culinary expertise as they sat around the dining table, relishing the rare sense of togetherness.

Dexter ocasionally served food to Josie, his actions speaking louder than words Meanwhile, Josse feigned compliance, but the had no appetite for the exquisite dishes. The wound on the back of her hand tingled, and with the imposing presence of the man bende her, the refrained from touching it

Noticing their interaction. Henry exchanged a significant glance with Dexter

Dexter understood the unspoken message and ceased his hand from reaching for more food. setting down his chopsticks “Are you feeling unwell?”
Chapter 184 She Was Not at Fault

Josie glanced at him and shrugged, saying casually. “Nah, just not feeling very hungry.”

To Henry’s surprise, Dexter remained unfazed, making no further attempts to coax her. However, Henry discreetly kicked Dexter beneath the table to nudge him into action.

In response, Dexter stood up, his expression a mix of helplessness and impatience. He reached down and grabbed Josie’s drooping hand, pulling her up. “If you’re not in the mood to eat, don’t force yourself.”

Dexter firmly grasped her arm and led her away.

Feeling a chill in her hand, Josie turned back to look at Henry, “But Grandpa…”

Henry responded with an affectionate smile, giving his permission, “It’s alright. Just go with Dex.”

Julie stood nearby, witnessing the scene with conflicting emotions. She interjected, “But it’s a rare.opportunity for you to be here…”

“Julie,” Henry interrupted, gesturing for her to join them. “Come on, don’t just stand there. Sit down and eat with us.”

Julie was pleasantly surprised by the gesture and quickly shook her head, “No, it wouldn’t be appropriate.”

Henry didn’t press the matter further but instead grinned and looked at her, “I’m glad you know what’s appropriate and what’s not.”

Julie wasn’t oblivious and immediately grasped the implication, “I’m sorry. Please forgive me for overstepping my boundaries.”

It was a warning from Henry.

As a servant, she should stay within her role, do her duties, and not interfere where she has no right to.

In the master bedroom of Mason Garden, the housekeeper quickly brought two tubes of burn ointment. “Mrs. Russell.”

As a servant, Marilyn understood the boundaries of her role and shouldn’t be nosy when it wasn’t her place to do so. Standing outside the master bedroom at Mason Garden, the housekeeper held two tubes of burn ointment and knocked on the door, “Mrs. Russell.”

stood on

condition. Josie overheard snippets of the conversation, hinting at an update on Jesse.

Just before he ended the call, he purposely closed the door behind him as he walked away. leaving her isolated.

Shaking off her thoughts, Josie focused on the task at hand, applying the ointment to her scalded wound.

Upon returning from the call, Dexter saw Josie nonchalantly closing the ointment tube and placing it on the table. Taking the initiative, he inquired, “How’s Jesse?”

Leaning against the door frame, he tilted his head to study her. His tone was gentler, “Oh, done with your little tantrum, huh? You refused to apologize for your mistake, and now you dare to ask.”

Fearlessly meeting his gaze, Josie asserted, “It wasn’t my


Dexter raised an eyebrow at her but ultimately said nothing.

Josie had the urge to clarify that it was Jesse who collided with her and that there might be surveillance footage in the commercial district to prove it. However, the words halted at the tip of her tongue. She didn’t want to give the impression of what he accused her of-being jealous and disguising her intentions with a loud voice.

Josie didn’t want things to escalate in that manner.

She stood up, intending to leave, “Tonight, I’ll go back to my original room to sleep.”

But midway through her sentence, she paused and added, “You can ask Jess with me visiting her at the hospital. I don’t mind going to see her. After all responsibility for her injury too.”

As she spoke with an air of arrogance, turning a simple request into an act of ch clear that when her pride ignited, no one could rein her in.

he’s okay

Dexter didn’t try to stop her or say anything. He simply turned and entered the bathroo

While Josie waited, she sat in the living room with her laptop, attempting to work on her drawings. However, she couldn’t focus and stared at the screen for an extended period. A sour and bitter sensation crept up her nose, and she wept uncontrollably.

When bedtime arrived, Josie struggled to rise to her feet, using the wall to support to alleviate her legs’ numbness. She made her way toward her original room but unexpectedly came across Henry on her way out. “Are you okay, Jo?”

To hide her emotions, Josie quickly averted her gaze. She said, “I-I just needed to get something in the room.”

With his astutenen, Henry saw through her immediately. He encouraged her to return to Dester, “Tell me what you need, and I’ll get it for you. You should go back and take a theme lex getting late.”

“But Dex is currently using the shower”

Hasn’t he finished and come out already?”

Henry glanced past Josie, who turned around in astonishment and noticed Dexter standing nearby, dressed in silk pajamas, seemingly retrieving something from the room
Chapter 185 Public Appearance Together

+15 Bonus

Feeling overcome by resentment, Josie felt as though her soul had left her body upon seeing the sight of him.

Why does he appear at this time?

Hence, she was forced to go back to the master bedroom.

She scratched her head, suddenly understanding why Henry decided to stay the night at Mason Garden.

I can’t escape anymore.

“I’ll sleep on the couch.” With that, she took a blanket from the wardrobe. This should be enough for the night. It’s quite warm here.

Unexpectedly, she was pulled backward. The world spun around her before she crashed into the wall.

Her arms were tightly locked together, making her unable to move.

“What the hell are you doing?”

As their breaths entangled, he looked her straight in the eye and demanded, “Why did you cry just now?”

Josie’s heart skipped a beat. Different emotions meshed together in her eyes.

How did he see that? she wondered, confused.

It was at that moment Dexter realized how quickly she could switch expressions.

She suddenly snorted out laughing and winked at him flirtatiously. “Dexter, you aren’t assuming I’m jealous, are you?”

He merely gazed back at her deeply without giving any inclination to reply.

Bored by his reaction, she dropped the act and added indifferently, “You misread the situation. I wasn’t crying.”

He gazed at her intently to catch any hint of abnormality but discovered nothing.

Is that so? Perhaps I’ve been overthinking. Yeah, she is such a stubborn person. How could she ever

Unlock succeeded


Chapter 185 Public Appearance Together

Dexter suddenly recalled something and loosened her arms. He opened the wardrobe and looked at the huge womenswear collection all hand-picked and sent by the brands’ ambassadors.

“Choose one that’s appropriate for the dinner.”

Josie’s mind went blank upon hearing that.

“We are going to celebrate the success of acquiring Landon. Come with me you can see how Arnold reacts in the meantime.”

Dexter’s sharp gaze was on her the entire time he talked, trying to detect a hint of disappointment or anxiety. However, all he saw was shock, followed by a look of cool understanding.

Indeed, she doesn’t know about the acquisition of Landon.

Ever since Arnold went abroad, they had no contact whatsoever. Why would Dexter think we are hooking up with each other?

Josie was lost in her thoughts, which was not a good sign in front of Dexter.

Without any notice, he held her up easily. Her blank eyes suddenly came back in focus as she instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck to regain her balance.

When she came to her senses, she instantly let him go.

“What are you doing?”

He smiled at her frigidly and let his breath out near her ears. “Arnold was so sweet to you. How does it feel to watch him fail?”

She glared at him furiously with an urge to bite him. Nevertheless, she dared not resist his forceful embrace as Henry was still there.

Knowing that Dexter had misunderstood the situation, she played along nonetheless.

“It’s excruciating!”

Dexter stopped walking when he reached the edge of the bed and suddenly dropped her onto the soft bed.

He lowered his gaze to see her. From his view, she looked alluring and innocent.

“Have you gone mad?” she questioned with wide eyes.

He closed in upon her like a predator and pinched her chin ferociously.

In a menacing tone, he said, “Well, that can’t be helped. Please be present for that event, Mrs. Russell, and I hope your acting will be as good as today.”
Chapter 186 Fell Asleep

What does he mean? Not only is he attending, but he is also bringing me along as well? Is he announcing our relationship?

Incredulity colored her eyes. She got away from his grip and announced, “I won’t go.”

“Try it.”

With that, he left the room resolutely and slammed the door lightly.

The lighter he closed the door, the more furious he actually was.

Left alone in the room, Josie couldn’t fall asleep. It was only around dawn that she finally slept, but countless worries still lingered in her mind.

The next day, she was woken up quite late in the morning.

She felt embarrassed about it, especially because of Henry’s presence.

He didn’t blame her at all. Looking at the dark circles under her eyes, he said, “Looks like you didn’t sleep well last night.”

It was impossible for her to leave the house alone with him there, so she got into Dexter’s car and left with him to Russell Group.

She shut her eyes to rest; partly due to her lack of sleep, and the other to avoid speaking with him.

Unexpectedly, she dozed off in the warm and cozy car.

She had no clue how she was able to sleep for so long without any dreams. But when she woke up, it was dark around her, and the seat was lowered down completely. She noticed a blanket on her body which kept her warm.

She rubbed her eyes as she slowly sat up. After looking around her surroundings, she noticed she was still in Dexter’s car, but he was nowhere to be seen. The car key was still in the ignition, perhaps left there on purpose to allow her to leave easily.

She patted her forehead, annoyed and relieved that he didn’t lock her in the car.

When she looked at the time, she was surprised that it was already in the afternoon.

Josie took the keys and locked the car while thinking resentfully, Why didn’t hewake me up?

future development was held.

Dexter was sitting at his desk with a row of experienced managers in front of him. While they were discussing the subject, their drinks were being refilled by the secretaries. constantly.

However, Dexter seemed distracted by another screen showing the footage of his car. Josie was still sleeping soundly in the car, occasionally turning around.

I increased the temperature in the car before leaving and left the window slightly open. There wouldn’t be any problems, would it? He then looked at the time. It’s almost lunch hour soon. How is she still asleep?

The managers noticed that he was growing visibly more irate. Interrupting his thoughts, they said, “Mr. Russell, are you still with us?”

Dexter cleared his throat and repeated what they had just reported despite being distracted momentarily.

Noticing they had just committed a faux pas, the managers stopped questioning him. Fortunately for them, Dexter was in a good mood that day.

“Let’s call it a day,” he concluded.

As the managers filed out of the room, Ivy stopped taking the meeting minutes and asked, “Is it time for lunch, Mr. Dexter?”

He closed the cap of his golden-plated fountain pen and placed it on the table. Just when he was about to get up, he saw Josie being stirred awake from the screen.

She seemed confused and dazed upon awakening but soon folded the blanket and placed it neatly aside. Then, she took his keys and got out of the car like a confused squirrel.

Ivy saw a small smile creeping up on his face, one he probably didn’t even notice himself. The genuine smile broke through the indifferent mask he usually put on.

After two seconds of pause, the mask resumed as he announced, “Let’s go.”

Josie also went to the company cafeteria directly. As soon as Alice saw her, she waved.

“Ms. Warren!”
Chapter 187 Go Home Alone
Josie stumbled. “Please don’t call me that! It’s embarrassing!”

“Ms. Warren,” Alice teased. “Aren’t you taking today off?”

Josie sat down with a frown. “A-Am I?”
Alice choked on her drink. “Are you experiencing memory loss because of all those all- nighters? You posted the message in the
group chat.”
Josie took her phone to verify the information. She read the message that was sent under her
I’m taking the day off. Put the rest of the documents on hold.
There was a torrent of replies after that message.
‘What’s wrong?”
‘Did something happen?’
‘Is everything ok?’
Josie sighed as she knew who actually sent the message. Who else has access to my phone? And the commanding tone…
Josie dug into the meal as she silently cursed herself for falling asleep.
Why did he take the day off for me? Does he really think I can sleep for the entire day?
On the other hand, Jesse was on the trending page again, using her injury to gain popularity. However, surprisingly, she didn’t mention Dexter anymore.
She mentioned it was just an accident in her post, but she couldn’t deter the netizens from being Sherlock Holmes.
‘It’s clearly done by someone else on purpose!’
‘I feel so sorry for her. Who’s that sick perpetrator?’
Alice flared up when she read the post. ‘What a b*tch!”
Soon, #JesseWasScalded was trending.

Upon seeing that, Josie decided not to pay Jesse a visit. We are even now.
“What did Arnold want from you yesterday?”

Alice looked slightly shy. “He asked about the entire story. It looks like he is quite concerned about you.
Do you think he likes you?”
Josie choked on the soup she had been drinking. “Stop your wild fantasies.”
When it was time to get off work, Ivy suddenly appeared at Josie’s office. In an unfriendly tone, she said, “Mr. Russell has another dinner tonight. The driver will be with him, and he asked me to pass this key to you, along with the message – “Take care when you drive home.”
Josie didn’t care about the message at all. To her, Dexter was merely doing that to avoid getting a lecture from Henry. She nodded and flashed a fake smile at Ivy. “You’re not planning to kill me, are you?”
“I’m not that stupid,” Ivy replied through gritted teeth.
Josie drove slowly in the rain, but her mind was cluttered with different thoughts.
It never rains but it pours. Against her wishes, she got into an accident.
She slammed the brakes immediately as her dazed eyes shifted into focus. Then, she got out of the car in a fluster.
To her dismay, she accidentally bumped into the car in front of her.
The other driver was a young man. In fact, he was only a teenager, to be more accurate.
He crossed his arms as he looked at the huge scratch on his car.
you blind? How did you get your driver’s license? Are you blind?” he bellowed.
Josie was stunned after being yelled at. When he stopped, she replied apologetically. “I’m sorry. This is completely my fault. Have you called the police? I’ll pay for all the damages.”
She was lost in her thoughts just now.
“Of course I did.” He looked at her car disdainfully and rolled his eyes. “Do you know how much my car cost? This is the latest model from BMW – a gift from my grandfather! Do you have the money to pay me back?”
His rude demeanor made it difficult to have a level-headed discussion with him.
Chapter 188 Minor Car Accident

Josie rubbed her temples. It had been a while since she interacted with someone as uncivilized as him. She was never one who would pick fights, so she merely let out a sarcastic snort as they stood in the rain. “How amusing. I already told you I will pay you back. Don’t you want that? If not, I’m leaving.”

Infuriated by her remarks, that man pulled her hair ungraciously. As she felt pain tear through her head, he cussed, “You knocked into me first. How are you still so indignant?”

She couldn’t get rid of him, and the pain made tears well in her eyes. When she finally broke through, he had bits of her hair in his hands.

The stress throughout the entire day had taken its toll on her. Tears were mixed with the rain on her cheeks.

Feeling that she couldn’t take it anymore, she escaped into her car and locked it while he was distracted.

Then, she quickly called a number while he kicked the car repeatedly.

“What the f*ck? Get out of the car, b*tch!”

She wiped her face as she waited for her call to get through. The moment felt like forever.

“Hello?” A cool voice rang in her ears, so melodious that her heart skipped a beat.

Josie was suddenly at a loss for words. All Dexter could hear was her breathing.

It was quite noisy on his end, but the sound of the rude man kicking her door was loud enough to pierce through the noise.

Soon, Dexter realized that something was wrong and raised his voice. “Say something!”

His nonchalance slowly turned into annoyance.

She asked reluctantly in a small voice full of grievances, “Can you come over? I bumped into someone else in your car.”

The soundproof windows could not block the string of curses from the man.

The swear words made their way into Josie’s ears as well as Dexter’s on the other end of the car, who was in a business meeting. The line of his mouth tightened a fraction more, and his eyes narrowed into slits.


After a long silence, they asked hesitantly, “Mr. Russell?”

Josie also heard that and quickly explained, “I already called the police, but I don’t have my driver’s license with me so the situation is a bit tricky. If you are busy, just ask someone else

to come over…”

She gasped between sobs, trying to fit words in when she could. She seemed completely different from her stubborn insistence the day before.

“What is going on now? Stay in the car,” Dexter commanded coolly. Josie was unable to detect the emotions in his voice.

Soon, the man stopped kicking the car and switched to knocking on her window. Each thud sent fear down her spine.

Her temper started rising upon seeing how unreasonable the man was. She ignored Dexter and rolled down the window slightly. “You switched lanes unexpectedly and were going over the speed limit just now. If you didn’t do that to begin with, how would I bump into you? And we have already called the police. What else do you want? I can’t possibly disappear in front of you!”

The man glared at her, but Dexter raised his voice again before he could yell back. “Josie!”

“Wow, I can’t believe how you are so righteous after bumping into my car. Do you know who my dad and grandpa are? If you don’t resolve this to my liking. your life will be ruined!”

Josie adjusted the car window again, trapping his hand that was trying to reach into the car.

“Hah! Try it! I’m curious who they are you guys are a bunch of scum! Ten BMWs won’t be a problem, let alone one!”
Chapter 189 1'll Be Right There

The commotion attracted the attention of various passersby. With his hand stuck in the window, the man groaned piteously. “Look at this b*tch! After crashing into my car, she trapped my fingers here!”

Josie took a deep breath. This was the first time she was insulted by a stranger. She wanted to retaliate, but Dexter commanded in her ears, “Let him go now, Josie! And don’t you talk back to him! Do you hear me?”

Dexter’s usual composure was completely lost as he lost check of himself. Everyone around him heard his raised voice and exchanged awkward stares with each other.

Worried about his abrupt behavior, Ivy asked him, “Mr. Russell, is something wrong?”

Dexter replied tartly to Josie, “Send me your location. I will be right there.”

Josie reluctantly rolled down the window to let go of the man. She remained silent while the drama continued outside the car.

Dexter seemed to have gotten into his car. He softened his tone exasperatedly, “Don’t hang up until I’m there.”

Josie lowered her head, revealing her beautifully smooth neck. She grabbed her seat and replied meekly, “Okay.”

Silence then ensued. Only their breathing and some background noises were heard.

Suddenly, he asked, “Are you wet from the rain?”

She replied after a pause. “Yeah.”

“The car has a drying function, and there’s a towel in the backseat. You can dry yourself.”

“… Alright.”

Josie carried out his orders stiffly as though she was a puppet being pulled by his strings. The final strand of logical thinking told her this was unusual behavior from him as she busied


She placed the phone aside before drying her damp hair.

The tension between them over the past two days was resolved with this incident. Though they still acted indifferently toward each other, their voices were layered with warmth.

Unbeknownst to them, this warmth seemed to have sprouted a seedling between the

After a while, Josie plucked up her courage. “Actually, you don’t have to come. Just ask Ivy-”

“Josie,” he interrupted warningly.

She stopped speaking and pouted. Suddenly, she said, “Be careful while driving.”

Dexter couldn’t help teasing. “Don’t worry. I’m not as stupid as you.”

The traffic police arrived before Dexter could make it.

He evacuated the crowd and pulled the man aside before knocking on Josie’s window. “Miss?”

“The policeman is here,” she reported to Dexter.

“With the police around, I suppose that guy can’t do anything to you. Talk to the police first; I’ll be arriving shortly.”

Josie sniffed and unlocked the car, holding the phone as she got out.

While the policeman assessed the situation, Dexter’s voice came on the other end, “I’m here.”

A ray of light seemed to have announced his arrival. Sure enough, another car was parked behind her when she turned around to look. He opened the door and walked out with an umbrella and a black coat. Then, with an imposing aura, he steadily and firmly made his way to them amidst the rain.

Seeing his tall figure cutting through the crowd, a sense of ease settled on Josie’s heart. She felt safe, as though an armor had been wrapped around her.

A journalist once wrote about Dexter: ‘He is so reliable that you would want to dive into his arms as soon as you see him, and he will definitely take good care of you.

Their eyes finally met one another, and their gazes lingered on each other. It seemed as though they were communicating through their eyes that the rest of their lives would be intertwined with each other.

Dexter was briefly distracted by her before he placed his palm behind her head to calm her down.
Chapter 190 Revenge

Josie no longer felt the rain, for it was blocked by the umbrella.

Meanwhile, Dexter shook hands with the policeman impassively. “Talk to me about the situation.”

Josie froze and looked at him.

On the other hand, the policeman had a sharp eye from his years of experience on the road. At a glance, he could tell that Josie and Dexter’s cars were much more invaluable than at BMW.

Apart from that, he could also tell that Dexter was no ordinary man from how the latter. carried himself.

The policeman felt sorry for the other driver.

He took some notes in his notebook and issued a fine for both of them.

“You went over the speed limit just now,” he told the BMW driver.

Then, he turned to Josie, “You’re fined for not having a driving license with you. Should you

discuss the cost of the accident between yourselves, or do you need me to mediate?”


The BMW driver flew into a fit after hearing that. “How could you do that? Look at her! Does she look like she can pay? And look at my hand – look at my condition now!”

Frustration and rage coiled in her heart, leaving her speechless to argue back.

Dexter gently patted the back of her head with his hand.

The policeman retorted, “Both of you are responsible. You also made dents in her car by kicking it just now.”

Seeing that the situation was unfavorable to him and that Josie had another. person to back

the BMW driver panicked and stomped his foot.

her up,

“Do you know who my dad is? If I tell him about this, all of you are doomed!”

The phone in Dexter’s hand lit up. It was a call from Ivy.

He glanced at the impetuous man as he picked it up and turned on the speakers.

creating trouble all day, but the news has been suppressed. I supposed he’s right in front of

you now.”

The man widened his eyes incredulously. Even the policeman glanced around in shock.

He’s the son of the deputy director? And this other guy found out about that in such a short time. Man, this case is not as insignificant as I thought,

The BMW driver’s arrogance immediately dissipated without even a word from Dexter. I’m probably in trouble, he thought in remorse.


Ivy added, “It seems like Mr. Mullins is aiming for a promotion this year.”

Mr. Mullins’ son looked thunderstruck.

Dexter smiled coldly. “As a high-rank officer, it’s his failure to have such a son.”

The word ‘failure’ weighed heavily.

“Since he can’t even teach his children good manners, it doesn’t seem fitting for him to fill that position.”

Ivy understood his intentions. “I understand. Don’t worry.”

A pregnant silence filled the air.

Josie was trembling due to the cold.

Dexter hugged her closer unknowingly and handed the umbrella to her. He set her aside, put away his phone, and leaned forward to the BMW driver.

“You were saying that she can’t pay you back?” he asked calmly, but the other person not reply.


“Wait!” Josie walked to him, but he entered her car and shut the door loudly before she could stop him.

Then, he started the engine and slammed on the accelerator, slamming into the car.


The other driver was dumbfounded. Smoke came out of the back of his car. The car turned into a pathetic state, no matter how you looked at it.

Dexter got out of the car safely with a cruel glint in his eyes. He took the bill from the

policeman and pulled Josie back to his car.

“Let’s go home. Someone else will handle this later.”
Chapter 191 Relearning to Drive

The traffic police stood transfixed at the cold yet regal silhouette. A surge of familiarity flashed through. They were determined to piece up the fragments, only to be met with another futile attempt.

What a dazzling surprise.

It was a pleasure meeting Dexter Russell, the president of Russell Group.

The person’s legs trembled, yearning to sink into the depths of the muddy ground. Their face blanched with panic as their once arrogant facade crumbled gradually.

He had just received a phone call from his father’s assistant, delivering nothing but bad news. The assistant exclaimed furiously, “You rascal! Your grandpa is sick, and the whole house is in shambles because of you!”

The Internet did not show any mercy too.

The dashcam footage leaked by an unknown source caused a digital uproar. Even with Josie and Dexter’s conversation edited, it was akin to the infamous ‘I’m Mr. Lane’s Dad’ incident, thus fuelling widespread outrage.

Is this what it’s like to be rich and powerful?

Do fathers and sons often share similar personalities?

Would they look into this and find out what happened?

It had caused such a huge commotion, and if they didn’t take it seriously, it only made

matters worse.

When they thought things couldn’t get any worse, another scandal broke out. It was as if destiny had conspired to expose the dark secrets of the Davidson family, leaving them teetering on the edge of their undoing.

The relentless onslaught of condemnation had cast an overcast in a harrowing nightmare.

As a businessman, Dexter Russell was strongly advised to steer clear of politics, though. bringing down a corrupt official was simple with such incriminating evidence.

Josie was unaware that the entire family was overwhelmed by despair and desolation.

In the warmth of the car.

Unlock succeeded

at h

with your hair?”

Dexter’s fingers traced through the split strands of her soft and silky hair.

Frustration rose as he exclaimed, “Why didn’t you say anything just now!”

The crash was not as severe as expected.

Josie lightly brushed her cheek, blinked, and deflected, “Who could have possibly thought

about that at that time?”

He scoffed, frustrations lingering as he stood by her side, and Josie’s patience wore thin with the two of them alone.

“You could’ve told me earlier that you didn’t bring your driver’s license, you know?”

He wouldn’t have let her drive alone if he knew she didn’t have a license.

Josie’s irritation heightened as she glanced down at her hair. “Why should I have bothered telling you?” she retorted.

As she replied, he struggled to contain his anger and frustration.

In the aftermath of their argument the previous night, silence prevailed.

Dexter drove to Southbridge silently, staying focused on the road despite the ensuing


As he pulled the handbrake and prepared to exit the car, Dexter broke the silence and asserted, “We’ll have to reschedule the driving lessons for another day.”

Her driving skills were commendable.

However, driving was off-limits until she reacquired the necessary skills.

Josie shot him fiercely.

“Glaring at me won’t change anything, I’m afraid.”

Grandpa was startled when he saw Josie returning in a disheveled state. “What happened to you?” he exclaimed as he hurried towards her.

She never failed to make a fool of herself in front of the elderly.

“No big deal, and I’m perfectly fine,” she meekly insisted as she glanced cautiously at Grandpa.

Grandpa did not press on further and tenderly offered a cup of warm water instead. “Here,

The hot bath’s ready for you to shower.”
Chapter 192 Two Lives, Different Destinies

Josie gently brushed her hair.

Dexter swiftly glided in front of her, leaning in with a faint smile and teased, “Now, you realize how embarrassing this is.”


Grandpa struck Dexter and glared at him menacingly. “Get out now!” Grandpa growled.

Josie couldn’t help but burst into a sudden fit of laughter but quickly turned to a grimace as she took a sip of her scalding hot drink. She immediately felt the burning sensation spread throughout her mouth and promptly covered her lips with her hand, hoping to alleviate the pain.

Dexter shot her another intense glare.

As she soaked in the warm bath, she felt peaceful and calm. All the outside world’s noise faded away, and she became aware of Dexter’s presence. The warmth of his palm, the tenderness of his voice, and the compassion in his eyes made her feel at ease.

Engulfed by the misty warmth, she shut her tired eyes.

She found solace in the soothing steam.

Josie was surprised to see Dexter standing outside with a worried look on his face while she was still in her towel. He gestured towards her with a pair of scissors, saying, “Let me help fix this for you.”

Dexter became slightly annoyed when Josie hesitated, but she eventually declined his offer to help.

He had genuinely intended to cut her hair.

Josie found herself at a loss for words, feeling confined by the frigid and stagnant atmosphere.

He cupped her ears and said hoarsely, “Stay still!”

She froze, only to find her voice after what seemed like an eternity. “Thank you for today. I’ll make it up for the losses,” she muttered.

“How on earth do you plan to do that?” he scoffed.

Unlock succeeded

ind out from Ivy tomorrow how much those two damaged car

Silence ensued.

“I understand that your financial situation may be constrained, so I guess this little setback won’t make much of a difference to you.”

Josie was speechless.

Exasperated with his constant belittling, she raised her head high and spoke with unwavering conviction, “Allow me to make myself abundantly clear. I am me, and you are you. We are not the same.”

Dexter’s face stiffened, and he continued to mock her. “And what can you do, Josie? Can you honestly say you can bear the losses? The car accidents were my fault, after all. Where’s your beloved husband? Did he leave you here to deal with the damages? Is this a joke?”

Josie was dumbfounded.

Wait, did he say husband?

Josie remained unfazed by his relentless criticism. Suddenly, she felt a gentle hug from behind, and her back tingled with warmth.

As night crept in, the room was shrouded in darkness.

Josie’s voice croaked as her eyes looked away, “Hey, we’re still in the middle of a fight.”

“Why did you come to me when things went wrong today?”

Josie arched her back, but she struggled to find words. Her eyes wandered, and she couldn’t help but wonder why she had reached out to him.

Was it because it was his car?

No wait.

He pulled her in closer.

Seeing Josie standing alone out there made him feel a deep desire to protect her from the world’s harshness.

As he reflected on his recent behavior towards her, he began to feel a sense of remorse.

“Because you were the only person I could think of.”

Dexter scoffed, “What about Arnold?”

Josie was slightly exasperated and replied firmly, “I’ve already told you nothing is going

between me and Arnold. I don’t even like him. Wait – did he tell you that he likes me?”

Dexter said calmly, “He has made it known on multiple occasions that he wishes you to be his assistant.”

Josie chuckled, “Why do you think he would like me then?”
Chapter 193 Into the Public Eye

Dexter’s desire to have her all to himself grew stronger as he fixated on her serene eyes and delicate features.

Suppressing his possessive desires, he glanced at his buzzing phone that flashed an

important message. Without looking up, he said, “Prepare yourself for the banquet in three days.”

Dexter’s insistence on going public took Josie aback, and she questioned, “Are you seriously doing this?”

Dexter tucked his phone away, reassuring her, “All the attendees are insiders. They know how to keep secrets.”

She mischievously squinted and teased, “Well, that’s not part of our contract. So, coming to the banquet comes with an extra fee.”

Dexter raised his eyes and replied tersely, “Do you always have to objectify yourself?”


Josie was infuriated. “What about the rumors concerning your alleged girlfriend being used for publicity? That appears to be a clear case of objectification.”

Dexter’s face hardened, raising the question, “Do you still think I’m wrong?”

“Aren’t you?” She challenged, and her eyes locked with his. Isn’t it a mistak while getting stirred up with someone else?

im to lead me on

Dexter’s gaze lingered on her for a moment. However, as his phone buzzed ‘Ivy’ flashing on the screen, he averted his eyes and took the call, excusing hi


Soon after, the rumble of a car engine filled the air, and he was gone.

The balcony breeze swept in, and a cold shiver ran down her.

Josie read Dexter’s message before it was deleted when he suddenly left for Rivodia.

What does it have to do with her anyways?

Suddenly, Josie was shocked to read a news article about Mr. Davidson’s downfall.

She knew this would be Dexter.

As evening fell, news about the Russell Group’s triumphant acquisition of Landon was announced.

Indeed, tomorrow’s banquet was all set precisely as planned.

+25 Bonus

They embarked on a nine thousand miles journey, boarding a private plane from Rivodia to Wavery.

During a meeting with the executives, the plane hit turbulence which caused a sudden jolt that sent water from their cups spilling onto the floor.

Fortunately, it was temporary turbulence, and everything quickly settled down.

The meeting ended. Unfortunately, the project team had to work tirelessly for two nights. due to Landon’s mistake.

Upon receiving the phone call, Dexter quickly flew to Rivodia and worked tirelessly for two consecutive nights.

Ivy noticed his pale complexion and offered another cup of warm water. “Mr. Russell, you should take a break.”

Dexter’s face softened as he cleared his throat and asked, “How’s Josie doing?”

“All good,” Ivy replied, her lips pursed.

He heaved a sigh of relief.

As Josie was discharged from the hospital, her phone buzzed, with a familiar number displayed on her screen.

As the day progressed, the gray veil of the afternoon sky lifted and revealed a luminous sight. The sun emerged triumphantly and illuminated the world with its brilliant rays.

She basked in a golden realm; the world was aglow with radiance. Her call was finally connected after a few seconds.

The voice on the phone sounded tired but tender. “Where are you?”

“I’m still working.”

Dexter chuckled softly as he replied exasperated, “It’s Saturday. Everyone enjoys their weekends off.”

Josie remained silent.

xter continued. “I just touched duvhtown. Where are you? I’ll come pick you up.
Chapter 194 Revealing His Weakness

His initial call was meant for Mason, only to find out she wasn’t available.

As rays

of light traversed in a gentle glow, Josie remained indifferent as she said coolly, “Mr. Russell, one cannot always win over the hearts of others.”

“I was angry. I didn’t mean what I said earlier.”

“What did you mean, then?”

“I’ll tell you when I see you. Please, tell me where you are now?”

She sighed, “I’m at the… hospital.”

Dexter swiftly settled into his Rolls-Royce, exuding an air of unabashed extravagance.

Dexter stepped out of the car, merely donning beige shirt and black trousers. He walked towards his wife, who stood in a bowed head like a penguin. He felt a pang of guilt and reached out, pulling her close. “Shall we go home?” he softly asked.

He looked exhausted.

“Aren’t you cold?” Josie asked tactfully.

His jacket had been left behind on the passenger seat. “Wavery isn’t as cold as Rivodia,” he remarked, his eyes fixed on the road as he braved the chilly weather.

“What will it take for you to come back?” He quickly added.

She stayed silent briefly in his arms, her eyes still as she softly murmured, “I’m not sure.”

A sharp breeze cut through the air as she inched away, reminding them of the biting cold. Dexter clasped her hand firmly, his voice filled with warmth as he asked, “So, what’s the plan?”

She pulled her hand back, eyes locked with his. “Unless you apologize to me,” she said sternly.

Silence ensued.

As the eldest and heir to the Russell family group, he had never apologized before. Even if he was at fault, no one could force him unless he chose to.

frightened as she anticipated his response. You should go back. I’ll take a tast

She firmly refused to go back with him, no matter what.

Dexter got into his car and trailed behind Josie.

The Rolls-Royce emanated an undeniable air of opulence and grandeur.

Josie boarded the bus, hoping to shake him off. To her dismay, Dexter was persistent and even sent her a text asking why didn’t she take the cab as she had said.

Josie ignored the text.

The bus was just a few stops away from Mason Garden when Josie snapped and stormed back to Dexter. “Hey, this is getting absolutely outrageous!”

A brisk autumn wind swept in, playfully ruffled Josie’s braid, and a few strands gently clung to her face.

Their eyes locked, and their world fell silent, frozen in time.

Josie’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment as the public’s prying eyes peered on her. A sudden coolness brushed against the nape of her neck, and in an instant, she found herself pulled in his arms. She looked up and was met with a gentle yet tender kiss.

Coldness pierced through, leaving an icy trail in its wake.

They kissed deeply, seeking comfort in each other’s warmth.

The wind gushed, but Josie caught a muffled reply, “I’m not what you think – the Russell Group has terminated the contract with Jesse Abbott.”

Josie was surprised.

At the bustling intersection, the jingling sound of a cyclist’s bell abruptly ceased, leaving behind a momentary silence amidst the clamor of traffic.
Chapter 195 Advised to Have a Baby

It’s canceled?

Dexter would do anything to maximize his profit; he wouldn’t let such trivial matters get in the way of his work.

Josie’s body tensed up in his arms, but Dexter tightened his grip on her. “Let’s return home. Grandpa is leaving today.”

Josie was feeling conflicted as she followed his lead to the car. She carefully lifted her gaze to look at him. His back was broad and firm. His charismatic stance is second to none. Why would a businessman like him cancel the partnership with a celebrity for her?

She felt downhearted the past few days, but now that the problem was solved, she was in disbelief at his behavior.

As she mulled over her thoughts, she felt a faint feeling of anxiety seeping within her.

All of a sudden, they passed by a massive mirror in Mason Garden. Her reflection in the mirror took her by surprise when she glanced at herself. She noticed her face was flushed with redness, her eyes filled with lust, and part of her lipstick was gone. Anyone would catch on to what had happened.

It was all because of Dexter! How can he act this way?

Marilyn had packed his luggage and prepared a car. When Grandpa saw them entering hand in hand, his face lit up as a smile spread across his face. He felt relieved when he exclaimed loudly, “That’s right!”

Josie returned a smile and said, “Grandpa, why are you in a rush? Stay longer so it’s more convenient for us to care for you.”

Dexter added, “What treasure do you have in the Russell Mansion that would require your immediate attention?”

Grandpa’s smile slowly faded away upon hearing his words. “You little brat! You only know how to anger me! Please learn how to speak properly from Jo.” He turned to Josie and continued, “I’m old now and need to rely on my bed at home to have a good night’s sleep.”

Josie nodded at his reply and walked towards Marilyn to thank her for her help throughout the past few days.



Chris to send you home,” Dexter informed Grandpa.

ed and whispered. “Try hard and have a baby with


Dexter was upset by his words. He furrowed his brows and replied, “You’re still in good health. Don’t say such things.”

Grandpa beamed and, with a more somber tone, said resolutely. “I’m the person that’s the most aware of my physical state. Also, you must get rid of your hot temper. Jo is someone you’re going to spend a lifetime with. You have to learn to compromise with one another. Don’t end up like your father.”

Dexter’s jaw clenched in response as he looked at Josie’s delicate physique. A lifetime? It’s hard to imagine.

“I understand.”

“Also, I’m not done yet.” Grandpa noticed his eyes flickered with annoyance and continued, “Have your wedding planned as soon as possible. Don’t make her wait any longer.”

Once Josie heard Grandpa’s advice, she turned to look at Dexter, but his head was looking away with an inscrutable expression. “Alright.”

Grandpa and Marilyn had both left. The Mason Garden felt empty all of a sudden. Josie sat on the balcony, looking at the sycamore tree by the streets. Its leaves were painted yellow, adding to the sense of nostalgia and melancholy that permeated the autumn day.

Her calm and composed demeanor masked her thoughts that had wandered off, ruminating on Grandpa’s conversation with Dexter. She didn’t even realize he was walking in her direction until he was right next to her.

He stood behind her and naturally rested his hands on her shoulders. “What are you looking at?”

Josie sat facing the vast and boundless sea. She tilted her head and laid her cheeks on his cold hands. “Dexter, did I cause more trouble for you?”

Her emotionless remark was layered with the weight she had carried in her heart.

“No.” His gaze laid on the hair she had cut off. “Why are you feeling unhappy?”

Josie took a deep breath but couldn’t unravel her most genuine thoughts. She summoned up a smile and averted from spilling her thoughts, “I’m missing Grandpa. He’s an adorable family member. Dexter, you’re fortunate to have him as your grandpa.”
Chapter 196 Attending the Celebration Party

Dexter creased his forehead. “My grandpa is also now your grandpa.”

Josie let out a sign without taking his words to heart. “I have no idea how to help my father. Matt’s words worry me.”

Dexter walked away for a short while and brought back with him a box of ice cream. Then, he placed the box in front of her foot and said, “Since we’ve already come to this point, have something sweet to lighten up.”

Josie was appalled by his behavior. “This…”

“You earned the project and got promoted to the director position. You’ve made significant. progress.”

The ice cream melted as soon as it entered her mouth, and she felt a burst of sweetness that immediately changed her mood for the better. “Since Grandpa has returned home, I’ll return to my original room.”

A cloud passed across Dexter’s gaze. He took the ice cream away from her, leaving her dumbfounded by his actions. “Then stop eating. I’m getting my revenge.”

Josie’s hands were frozen on the spot. “What do you mean?” After mulling over what had happened, she finally chuckled and teased him, “Dexter Russell, are you sad that I’m leaving your side?”

He grunted coldly without looking at her.

They had been sleeping in the same room for a long time. It would be impossible not to feel a sense of emptiness. Josie couldn’t deny how comfortable she felt using his arms as her pillow.

“I’m just joking. Please return the ice cream to me.” Josie went closer to him. “Dexter?”

Despite feeling annoyed, he regained his composure and passed her the ice cream. “Grandpa has gone home, but are you sure he didn’t order the maids in Mason Garden to keep their eyes on us?”

Josie nodded incessantly. “That’s true. I guess I have no choice but to stay in your room.”

Dexter’s smile slowly spread across his face, creasing the ends of his eyes. Under the light, his warm gaze grew with affection.

lock succeedarty was held at the Bulgari Hotel’s top floor

Attending the Celebration Party

Once the sun was up, Josie was sent to the beauty parlor for a facial treatment before changing into a customized evening gown made by the stylist hired by Dexter. He was amazed by her beauty. “How could you be so gorgeous with such minimal efforts?”

Josie was humored by his compliment, “I’m just a regular person.”

“You can’t say this anymore. You were a regular person, but now you’re not.”

Josie pursed her lips as she looked at herself in the mirror. She wore a light green mermaid. dress accentuating her curves, while her hair was tied into a slick bun without any accessories. Despite the simplicity of her style, her timeless beauty and elegance were still captivating.

The stylist admired how good she looked. “You’re leaving me speechless. You look amazing! This is the epitome of natural beauty.”

Josie couldn’t conceal her delight at the compliments she received.

In the evening, Dexter picked her up in a new car. The Mercedes AMG G 63 had been remodeled, resulting in a bold and impressive new look.

Josie stood frozen in amazement. He wore a plain white shirt, but his charming appearance complemented his vehicle flawlessly. She couldn’t believe her eyes as she assumed he preferred simplicity.

She didn’t imagine him to be this wild.

Dexter walked in front of her and reached out his hands. “This dress fits you perfectly.”

Josie rested her hands on his hands. “I’m nervous.”

“I’m here.”

She felt reassured by his words.

There were plenty of branded cars parked on the ground floor of Bulgari Hotel. All the individuals who entered and exited the hotel were wealthy.

Josie followed Dexter as they walked into the elevator. The doors opened to the top floor of the Bulgari Hotel.

Ten tables were placed extravagantly in the ballroom, and all the guests were prominent figures in the industry.

Josie carefully walked through the ballroom with her hands wrapped around his arms. Everyone’s gaze fell on Dexter and slowly shifted to the women beside him. They were surprised because he had never brought a woman to any previous events he had attended.
Chapter 197 Dexter's Admirer

“Mr. Russell, congratulations!”

“Mr. Russell, congratulations for your success!”

“Mr. Russell, the acquisition of Landon by Russell Group is considered their greatest blessing.”

They stood before Dexter and raised a toast in his honor. Dexter received a glass and passed it to Josie before receiving another.

“Thank you. But I’m afraid that Arnold will not be pleased by your comment.”

The people who were present observed how he was taking care of Josie, even a man in a blue suit. The man walked over and contributed to their conversation, “It seems that Dexter may be overly concerned. Landon isn’t something I must hold on to. I’ll gladly pass it to you.”

His eyes immediately rested on Josie. “Take it as a present to your…” He left his last word lingering for a few moments before continuing, “New girlfriend.”

Dexter smirked and scornfully replied, “It seems like Arnold isn’t very observant. She isn’t my girlfriend.”

Josie felt her heart sink while everyone stared at her intently, growing more curious about her identity.

“She’s my wife.”

Everyone, including Josie, was startled by his revelation. Even Arnold raised his eyebrows in disbelief. He was impressed that Josie managed to get Dexter to publicly clarify the nature of the relationship.

“Mrs. Russell? When did Mr. Russell get married? I never heard any news about it.”

The elderly CEOs at the party were unhappy to learn that a highly accomplished young man in Wavery was married.

“Which lucky girl managed to achieve such honor?”

Dexter and Josie locked their eyes at each other as Dexter held her closer by her waist. “We’ve officially registered our marriage but haven’t organized a wedding ceremony. I hope everyone here can help us keep a secret.”

ing how he was reluctant to share more detaile they


on him. It seemed like she wasn’t from an affluent

had never seen her before.

They made a toast to her and called her Mrs. Russell. While their friendliness took her aback. she commented wittily. “How is it my honor to marry him? He’s the one lucky to have me as his wife.”

Everyone chuckled as they didn’t expect to hear such a quip from her. Dexter followed her lead and jokingly replied, “Yes, I’m the lucky guy.”

Arnold smirked. “They look good together.”

Dexter held her hands and introduced her to the executives of Russell Group. She was addressed as Mrs. Russell in a respectful and affable tone by everyone. Suddenly, someone commented, “Why does she seem familiar?”

Josie immediately replied, “I get that a lot.”

After an hour, Josie felt her feet were starting to sore from continuously walking around without rest. Dexter guided her to a comfortable sofa and advised her to take a rest.

Josie was enjoying herself immensely. All the attendees were dressed in fancy attire and had a laid-back demeanor. It seems like they are leading a life without stress. As she pondered the contrasting lifestyles of the rich and the poor, she let out a deep sigh.

Suddenly, she caught sight of a woman entering the ballroom hastily. She was dressed entirely in branded clothing and accessories from head to toe. She quickly exchanged a few words with a middle-aged man before dashing in her direction.

Josie was momentarily stunned. She glanced toward Dexter and noticed he was conversing with someone else nearby.

“Yes… I guess?”

The lady sneered at her. “You don’t even dare to admit you’re his wife. W

Dexter make such a shabby woman like


his wife?”

This person surely has an ill-intention. Maybe she’s an admirer of Dexter?

Just as she was about to defend herself, she heard a voice coming from behind. “Laur being rude.”

It was Arnold. He stood beside Josie and said matter of factly.

“Arnold! Why are you taking her side? You know she…” She was becoming visibly frustrated as her face started to turn red.
Chapter 198 Splash of Wine

“What do I know? Dexter brought his wife to a party for the first time, and you’re here creating trouble for him. We’ll wait and see how he punishes you later.”

“I’ll leave that up to him!” She replied without a hint of nervousness. “Arnold, didn’t you go to London a few days ago? Is Summer recovering well? If she knew what happened here, you’d need to return to London again!”

Arnold fidgeted a little but smiled as he continued, “Laura, if Summer ever finds out about this, I won’t let you off easily.”

“Arnold Carter! Why are you taking this b*tch’s side?”

“Who are you referring to as a b*tch?” Josie was upset at her rude remarks. “I don’t even know you, but it doesn’t mean you can call me names!”

“Why can’t I? You are a b*tch! You seduced Dex when Summer wasn’t around. I can’t believe you even married him secretly!” She was the only one in the room who wasn’t wearing a mask of composure. She must’ve just found out about their marriage.

“If she’s as outstanding as you describe, why did she leave the country and give me this. chance? Please watch your filthy mouth! I have never seduced Dexter. Not even once.”

Josie couldn’t help but refute her outrageous claims.

“You!” Laura’s anger boiled over. The next moment, she snatched up a wine glass, intending to splash it on Josie’s face, but Arnold stepped before her. The wine splashed all over his suit, and Josie gasped in shock, bewildered that he would protect her dignity.

Arnold’s eyes narrowed into icy slits. “Are you satisfied now?”



Laura glared at Josie before stomping away in anger.

Josie rushed to take the tissues and wiped his suit. “This… I… you… that… thank you,” she stuttered nervously.

Arnold grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the washroom. “It’s not convenient here. Let’s go somewhere else.”

Unlock succeeded

him unwillingly. She turned around and and hadn’t seen what had happened.

Arnold removed his coat in the washroom and went straight to the point. “You’re good.”

Josie pretended she didn’t understand. “What do you mean, Mr. Carter?”

“It turned out you’d already been married to Dexter when I first met you. How did it happen?” Arnold had his hands in his pocket as he leaned on the sink and lit a cigarette.

Josie awkwardly smiled at him. “I guess I’m really charming.”

Arnold sneered at her reply and rested his eyes on her chest. “I’m not sure about your charms, but you have an attractive body.”

Josie immediately covered her chest with her hands. “Why are you acting like this?”

“Have you two done the deed?”

+25 Bonus

Josie didn’t understand why he made such a brusque inquiry. However, since Dexter had already admitted their relationship, she naturally replied, “Of course.”

Arnold nodded and exhaled a puff of smoke. “I’ve seen the CCTV in the resting area.”

Josie remembered that Dexter had already removed the listening device. “You’re lying.”

“He removed the listening device but not the CCTV. He wanted me to witness it, so I did my part and enjoyed it.” Arnold was having fun teasing her. “I got a call from Summer that day. She was involved in an accident, so I had no choice but to fly to London, but it turned out that Dexter had acquired Landon while I wasn’t around.”

Josie’s eyes

widened as she realized the truth. They were all part of Dexter’s deliberate plan.

“Mr. Carter had wanted me to charm Dexter, but it turns out that a similar spell has been cast on you.”
Chapter 199 Don't Get Ahead of Yourself

Arnold showed no response to her tease. “I had been pondering whether Dexter made me leave the city because of the project or if it was for you, and now I finally got my answer.

Josie fidgeted with her hands as she spoke with a hint of a smile. “So, what’s the answer?”

“Wouldn’t you know by now?”

Arnold stubbed out his cigarette and held his elegant, thin fingers under the automatic faucet.

“You’re getting more interesting. Why don’t you come to my side? You won’t be able to handle this marriage.”

“You’re getting ahead of yourself,” she answered calmly.

Arnold wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned closer to her. “Don’t be deceived by his nice facade. I heard he canceled the partnership with Jesse Abbott for you?”

“Is that not allowed?”

“It’s allowed, but do you truly understand his intentions? Did he do it for you or for his own benefit? Don’t fall too deep into his trap,” Arnold patiently warned Josie.

Josie was feeling conflicted. A minor celebrity wouldn’t be very beneficial to him. “Do you I’m less important to him than Jesse Abbott?”


He didn’t answer her directly. “Then why did he help her that day instead of you?”

Josie felt a knot of sadness tighten in her chest. “That’s not the same!”

“How is it different?”

She despised how assured he seemed in his judgment. She wanted to escape his grasp, but he held on to her tighter and whispered in her ear, “What do you think the people outside would say if I did something to you here?”

Josie’s eyes widened in fear. “Arnold Carter! You scumbag!”

“I like it when you scold me like this.” He released her with his lips curled into a smile. He took two steps back, then turned and walked away. “You still owe me a suit.”

Why do I always encounter such bad luck?

ein understand why he wanted her on

she noticed Dexter was still busy. Her frustration was building up like a pressure cooker, so she texted him to say she needed to clear her head outside.

Before she left, she took two oranges from the fruit basket with her.

Josie bounced out of the hotel, her steps light and carefree. She tossed an orange into the air and caught it with a delightful smile, flashing her beautiful teeth. She was like a student on a

summer vacation.

After a short while, she noticed Dexter’s car stopped in front of her. The driver honked and exited the vehicle. “Mrs. Russell, Mr. Russell had asked you to wait in the car.”

Josie had nowhere else to escape.

Before long, Dexter strode out of the hotel. “Couldn’t you stay any longer?”

Josie clutched her oranges to her chest, feeling wronged and frustrated. “It’s too boring.” After a short pause, she asked, “Don’t you need to attend to more people?”

“I’m almost done.” Dexter dragged her into the car. “I’m more afraid that away. Where were you planning to go just now?”


would run

Josie kept silent and wouldn’t reveal the truth. She felt uncomfortable by how close they were, so she tried to push him away, but he wouldn’t let go.

Their eyes met, but she quickly broke it off, flustered by his gaze.

She finally stayed still and answered, “Home”

“Then let’s go home.” Dexter signaled the driver to take them home.

Josie didn’t say a word as she peeled the oranges. The driver could almost taste the sweetness and sourness of the oranges as the smell wafted through the car, and his mouth began to


She carefully peeled the white pith from the oranges and placed it in her mouth. Her cheeks started puffing out as she chewed.

She finished an orange without acknowledging his presence. Dexter’s hand closed over hers as she reached for the next orange. “That’s enough. Stop eating. It’s not good for your stomach.”
Chapter 200 The Orange is Sweet

Josie felt upset with him. These were her oranges. Why did she have to gain his permission before having it?

“You can have it,” he cunningly let go of her hands and grabbed her cheeks, “But you’ll have to let me try it first.”

He kissed her lips.

Her lips tasted of citrus; it was intoxicating.

Josie’s eyes widened in alarm. A bubbling sense of exasperation grew within her. Why does he always treat me like a ragdoll?

Her frustrations evaporated with his kiss. It arrived like a wave, crashing over her and taking her breath away.

She had been up since early that morning, getting styled for the party. And after all that happened throughout the night, she was finally starting to feel the effects of exhaustion.

Dexter hugged her warmly and signaled the driver to drive slower.

He patted her shoulders and softly kissed her forehead. “Have a rest here.”

Josie leaned against his shoulders and felt safe in his arms. Her eyes were closed, and her hands were gripping his shirt. Dexter gently pried her fingers loose and placed her hand on

his chest.

She let the drowsiness wash over her as she slowly fell asleep.

Josie turned a one-hour trip back home into two hours.

The sun sets earlier in the winter, making the days shorter and the nights longer.

As they waited for the light to change, Dexter looked up at the high-rise buildings surrounding the city square.

It was six in the evening, and a variety show was being shown on the screen.

To prevent waking Josie up, the driver softly spoke to Dexter, “There’s a small fluctuation in the Russell Group’s share price today due to the announcement of your marriage. However, I believe the stock price will return to normal soon, and your marriage will ultimately benefit the company.

When a handsome and successful man like Dexter announces his marriage, it could be difficult to avoid the media attention and scrutiny that comes with being in the public eye.

Dexter’s smile faltered as he said, “I’d announce it to the public, but I don’t want her pictures getting taken.”

Josie was unaware of the potential consequences. He only announced their marriage to people in the industry, but she would not be happy if reporters caught wind of it and tried to take her pictures.

In reality, Dexter didn’t mind the public getting wind of their relationship.

At the celebration party, there were elderly CEOs who congratulated him and asked, “When is Mr. and Mrs. Russell’s wedding ceremony?”

If Dexter had a wedding ceremony, it would be a grand one.

“I’ll follow my wife’s wishes,” he answered.

He felt a wave of happiness wash over him when he uttered the words, “My wife.”

Many were taken aback by how much he cared for and adored his wife.

When they arrived at Mason Garden, Josie finally shook off her drowsiness after having dinner.

She opened her mouth to ask Dexter about Laura and Arnold, but he covered it before she could say a word. “Aren’t you tired? Go take a bath first.”

She shook her head. “I’m not…”

But he wouldn’t back down. “Listen to me. Go.”

The living room was stifling, so he rolled up his sleeves and squatted down to repair the slightly damaged table.

He went about fixing the table with the confidence of a man who had done it a thousand times before.

She couldn’t understand why he didn’t ask the maid for help. She squatted down next to him and asked, “Do you need a hand?”

He raised his head and arched his eyebrows in frustration. “I told you to go now.”

Josie was surprised and recoiled, nearly losing her balance.

Dexter quickly caught Josie by the shoulders and steadied her before gently placing his

hands on her back. “Are you alright?” he asked, concern etched on his face.

Josie was truly taken aback and didn’t want to stay any longer. Why is he acting this way? Her tears welled up as she glared at him. Soon after, she stood up and stormed towards the bathroom.

She thought he would go after her, but she could hear nothing but the sound of her own heartbeat as she approached the door.

How can he be like this? He’s so kind and caring when comforting me, but he turns into a completely different person once I’m home.
Chapter 201 Recruiting Employees

At night, Josie couldn’t sleep well. She lay on Dexter’s arm as she lay awake in the dark.

“Dexter, why did you take me to the celebration dinner today?”

After a momentary silence, the man turned to the side and hugged her tighter. “You don’t like such


The role of Mrs. Russell is too demanding. I’m afraid I can’t bear it. You didn’t tell me I must carry out such duties when we signed the marriage certificate.”

Dexter laughed lightly when he heard her taunting him. “Didn’t you argue with me about Jesse because of


This hit Josie’s sore spot, and she was slightly startled in the dark. She wanted to say, do you think it’s because of this? Instead, her lips twitched, and she said, “You gave in to me so easily. How considerate.”

“If I can compromise, you should too.

Josie didn’t say anything else. She felt slightly cold for the whole night.

After being promoted to design department head, Josie was busier than usual. She was still a so-called corporate slave when she returned to work, not Mrs. Russell.

The design department always lacked manpower. They needed newcomers who were talented and ingenious. Josie had interviewed a few people for the past few days.

“Ms. Warren, this is a postgraduate student that graduated from Wavery’s famous design institute.” A staff member handed her two sheets of paper. “On the other hand, this person doesn’t have a great educational background and went to a vocational school, but he seems very creative.”

“Both have great qualities. See who does better during the interview.”

Josie glanced at the papers. The first had a great résumé, but the second had an attractive design style. She took note of the person’s name. He was a twenty-three-year-old man named Kevan Quiring.

“Have they passed the second round of interviews?”


What remained was the third interview with her.

Their task during the interview was to design on a whiteboard. Josie gave them their challenge before the two interviewees started their design on the whiteboard, She would evaluate their design reasoning according to their performance.

Kevan looked honest, amiable, and composed.

Two hours later, Josie discussed with other colleagues and chose Kevan. He wasn’t surprised. It was as though victory had always been within his reach. The other interviewee was upset. As Josie was leaving, he rushed to her. “Why was he chosen? He graduated from a vocational school!”

Jovie smiled indifferently and explained. “Academic qualifications don’t matter in design,”

After that, she felt a blazing gaze from Kevan. He admired her but also felt curious about her.

At this time, a figure suddenly entered from the outside. “What about me?”

Everyone looked over in astonishment to see a tall woman in a green haute couture outfit with a Chanel bag. She walked in casually, looking very arrogant.

The woman from yesterday… Laura Brandel…

Josie suddenly felt annoyed. She stood upright. “Did you come for an interview? You’re not on the list.”

“Interview? If I were to work here, I’d be the boss.” Laura walked to Josie. “You’re not good enough for me.”

Josie didn’t understand what Laura wanted, and Josie raised her brows in frustration. “Ms. Brandel, I suggest that you look for Mr. Russell if you want to make trouble. It’s unfavorable for either side if anything happens. What do you think?”

Laura didn’t answer Josie at once. Laura walked to Kevan’s design on the whiteboard and picked up a marker pen. She drew on Kevan’s design. “In my opinion, this is the optimal solution for the design.”

Everyone looked over. No one imagined that Kevan’s design would look better after she drew on it. She was proficient in this field.
Chapter 202 Being Challenged

“Ms Warren, the talent you recruited is average, just like you”

Josie stood on the spot. It seemed like Laura was so confident because she had investigated everything about Josic

“Yes. It’s a shame that I’m the head of Russell Group’s design department. No one can change this fact.”

Laura raised her brows and said haughtily. “Let’s see who calls the shots.”

After that, she walked to the elevator before everyone and pressed the button to the highest floor.

Some people were discussing Laura. Where did this woman come from? “Ms. Warren, do you know her?”

Josie smiled bitterly. “I just met her yesterday.”

She paused and walked to Kevan, who had an embarrassed expression. “Don’t be discouraged. You’re new, so you can’t compare yourself to her. She has a good grasp on the basics.”

Kevan felt warm toward this gentle woman. He looked down. I’ve been arrogant, but I feel like I’m only mediocre.”

“How can that be? Are you questioning my foresight?” Josie said half-jokingly.

“No. Ms. Warren, as far as I know, Russell Group’s design department is dominated by people with good educational backgrounds. Why did you choose me?”

“I said that academic qualifications aren’t important in design. Don’t undervalue yourself. Come in for onboarding on Monday. You will learn a lot here and outdo that woman just now.” Josie took a deep breath as she smiled and consoled Kevan.

Kevan felt a lot better, and his gaze was warm.

ing a busy morning, Josie was about to go for lunch when she suddenly received Dexter’s c. ‘Come up!

She held her cell phone tightly and felt slightly heavy-hearted. In the end, she walked to the elevator. She wanted to know what had happened.

Dexter had recorded her thumbprint in his personal elevator. She could come and go as she pleased. No one other than the staff on the highest floor knew about it.

Not many people were around during noon.

When she went up, Dexter was unexpectedly still meeting with executives of external companies that Russell Group was working with. It was an important meeting.

When Dexter heard the noise, he looked out and waved Ivy over to speak to her. Not long after, Ivy, who had been taking meeting minutes, walked out. “Ms. Warren, Mr. Russell is still in a meeting. Please wait for

a moment.”

Ivy was polite enough, and Josie didn’t answer. Josie didn’t care that Ivy had called her ‘Ms. Warren! Ivy seemed to be deliberately avoiding something. However, it wasn’t important.

Ivy led her to the greenhouse. Many fresh flowers and plants were freely growing in the upscale office.

After the food was sent over, Ivy was about to serve it when Josie stopped her. “I’ll wait.”

I’ll wait for him.

Josie casually grabbed a book on a small bookshelf and looked down while flipping through it earnestly. Her thoughts flickered quickly. Didn’t Laura come up just now?

“Josie.” Ivy didn’t leave. She stared at Josie.

Josie looked up from the book and said with a forced smile, “Is something wrong, Ms. Miller?”

“As Mr. Russell’s wife, you shouldn’t interfere in his work.”

Ivy was solemn, but Josie was nonchalant. Josie sat on the swing in the greenhouse and swayed absentmindedly. “Are you referring to Jesse? I didn’t ask him to terminate the partnership.”

“Do you dare claim that you’ve said nothing? Mr. Russell isn’t an emotional person when it comes to making decisions. The project with Jesse was already starting, but Russell Group had to pay a penalty of millions because of you.”

“Millions. My humiliation wasn’t in vain.” Josie waved her fingers as she counted.

Ivy laughed in her rage. She quickly taunted Josie. “Don’t be too pleased with yourself. Mr. Russell won’t change his mind because of you unless something is wrong with the person. Do you know that Jesse is being investigated for illegal conduct? Wavery News will release this in a few days.”
Chapter 203 Confidently Introducing Her

Josie didn’t expect it. She was caught off guard and thought about what Arnold had said. I advise you to differentiate whether he’s doing it for you or for profit. Don’t get trapped

As it turned out, he was referring to this.

Ivy was satisfied when she saw Josie’s awful expression. Ivy turned to leave the greenhouse

On the other end, Dexter wasn’t very focused in the meeting. The other executives had a glimpse of the graceful figure just now, and they caught each other’s eye with a smile. That must be Mr. Russell

They heard Dexter had publicly announced his marriage at yesterday night’s celebration dinner. This made them more curious about what his wife was like.

From a quick glance, she seemed great.

When the meeting ended. Dexter got up to send everyone off. He passed the greenhouse and saw Josie sitting on the swing through the transparent glass. She looked down to read, but her gaze wasn’t on the book. She was holding up her head with one hand as she stared blankly. The warm, late autumn sunlight fell on her, reflecting her gentleness and beauty.

He didn’t know what she was thinking about.

The corners of the man’s mouth curved unconsciously. Josie felt his gaze, and she looked up. She saw them looking at her from the outside.

Dexter waved at her and gestured for her to come out.

Josie was slightly unsure, so she moved slowly. He didn’t signal for her to stop, so she put on a bold face and walked out.

He held her hand appropriately, and his gaze was warm. He smiled. “Let me introduce my wife to everyone. This is Josie Warren.”

He suddenly felt like he would never tire of saying the words ‘my wife.

All the executives were astonished by the temperament of the girl before them. She was calm, collected, and well-matched with Dexter when they stood together. None of the pretty vixens outside could compare with her.

No one expected the person in charge of Russell Group to be so infatuated with his wife.

They greeted Josie. “Hello, Mrs. Russell.”

Josie never thought Dexter would present her to people in the business world. What does this mean?

But since he had introduced her to outsiders, she had to live up to her role.

Josie politely shook each of their hands under Dexter’s guidance. She greeted them warmly and smiled appropriately.

Shortly after, someone praised Josie as they were leaving. “I’m sure you must be a good match for Mr.

Russell if you married him. I never thought that I would have the chance to meet you. I think you’re amazing and elegant.”

Josie thought that their compliments were insincere. She had a fake smile. “Thank you”

After sending them off, Dexter signaled her to enter his office with him. He asked, “I just heard that Laura was making trouble for you at the dinner yesterday.”

It’s no wonder she was upset yesterday.

Josie followed him. “Your sources are quite slow, Mr. Russell.”

When the sensor doors opened, they saw Laura sitting in the visitor’s lounge. She immediately rose when she saw someone entering. “Mr. Russell!” She stopped abruptly and gritted her teeth when she saw Josie.

Josie waved at Ivy provokingly. “We meet again, Ms. Brandel.”


“Laura!” Dexter shouted. “Apologize.”

Laura’s eyes widened. “Why must I apologize to her?”

you forgotten what you did yesterday?” Dexter put both his hands into his pockets. Everyone was and no one dared to say a word.

She infuriated me first.”

“What did she do to infuriate you?”

Laura was dumbstruck and couldn’t answer. After that, she took a breath and walked to Dexter with tears in her eyes. “But, Mr. Russell, how could you do this? You got married quietly. We weren’t prepared at all.”
Chapter 204 The Man Saving the Damsel in Distress

Laura was good at acting, and Josie was amused Josie was tired from standing in her heels, so she leaned against the wall.

“Getting married is my personal matter. Don’t you know now?” Russell didn’t seem to understand. He took a napkin and wiped Laura’s tears,

“What’s the point of finding out now? Laura pointed at Josie. “It’s her. She doesn’t have any status or good looks. How can she marry you? Are you roleplaying as Prince Charming from Cinderella, Mr. Russell!

Since Laura was pointing at Josie, Josie didn’t care. She stuck out her tongue at Laura and answered in low voice. “Because I’m shameless,”

“What the heck!” Laura heard it. She wanted to scratch Josie’s face with her freshly manicured nails.

Dexter held Laura back, and his expression was no longer relaxed. “Where are your manners?”

“Mr. Russell!”

That’s enough. Do you not have anything to do? Just take care of yourself. Leave.”

Laura saw Dexter defending Josie, so she stamped her feet in a fury. She said, “I’ve told Summer about this.”

Josie tried to recall how often she had heard Summer’s name.

Dexter casually took out a pack of cigarettes while asking. “Are you threatening me?”

“No… I just think you shouldn’t be with this woman.”

“Even if it isn’t Josie, it won’t be Summer.” After that, he shouted, “Ivy, send her off.”

Ivy opened the door and entered shortly. “Ms. Brandel.”

Laura took a deep breath. She was almost out of breath from her rage but didn’t dare to say anything. She walked to Josie and gritted her teeth. “Watch out!”

Josie didn’t care.

She didn’t expect Laura to raise her voice suddenly. “Even if I were to apologize, I would apologize to Mr. Carter. The alcohol was spilled on his suit. It was nice for the man to save the damsel in distress. Mr. Russell, your pampered wife is quite capable,”

Josie’s heart immediately thumped. She subconsciously looked at Dexter’s tall and straight figure.

After Laura left, Dexter turned. The cigarette was between his lips, and he signaled for her to take a lighter.

Josie slowly came to her senses. She picked up a lighter from the table before lighting his cigarette. She

felt nervous.

When she was about to pull back, he caught her hand. “Rescuing the damsel in distress.”

The Man Saving the Damsel in Distress

Josie shivered slightly. “It was a coincidence. Arnold happened to see me.”

Dexter examined her, and his gaze was unclear. “Why didn’t you tell me yesterday?”

“It seemed like you knew her well, so I didn’t dare to say anything. I didn’t want to make more trouble.” Josic stood upright forcefully so she would still look poised.

“Arnold treats you quite well.” Dexter didn’t say anything else. Josie didn’t know how he felt.

Josie didn’t dare to ignore him. She went closer. “Are you jealous?”

Dexter puffed on the cigarette harder than usual and only explained after a moment, “Laura is the daughter of a long-time family friend. She’s connected to me in a few ways and like a younger sister.”

She never imagined he would explain on his own accord and was slightly surprised. “I’m guessing that she must be close to Summer. Mr. Russell, do you think that the woman will destroy me?”

This amused Dexter. He held the cigarette in his mouth between his fingers and raised her chin. “If something like this happens to you again, come to me.”

Josie nodded at once.

“Have you eaten?”


“Let’s eat.”

Dexter held her hand and led her to the break room.

He saw the woman behind him ambling, seeming very unwilling. She wasn’t like the calm and collected. Mrs. Russell just now. She seemed more like a child.

Dexter could only console her good-naturedly. “Those people you met just now are in high positions. They won’t spread rumors.”
Chapter 205 On the Verge

At the height of how things were developing, only a few people had met Mrs. Russell up until now. Josie feared that not only would they spread rumors, but they would also exaggerate and praise her to the high heavens. But because of Dexter’s position, no one would dare to gossip and meddle for the sake of their future and prospects.

An office housekeeper from the secretarial office came to serve them and was slightly surprised when she saw Josie. The office housekeeper looked calm because she was professional, but in reality, she was overwhelmed.

Isn’t this Ms. Warren from the design department? She’s pretty incredible. She got into an accident because of a project. and news about it spread in the company for a few days.

The assistant was different from the executives just now. She was astonished when she found out that Josie was Mrs. Russell. She also thought to herself. Oh. It’s no wonder Josie constantly appears. It’s because of this.

Lunch was sumptuous, but Josie was preoccupied. She looked at the time out of habit, and the man saw it. His annoyance surfaced. “It’s still a long time until work ends.”

Dexter saw through Josie, so she looked away resentfully, wanting to finish her lunch quickly.

She feared more people would be on that floor and in the elevator. It would be difficult to explain if others saw her.

When she saw the man in front of her slowly getting angry because of her impatience, she tried to appease him. “What do you want to eat tonight?”

Dexter glanced at her. “Are you going to cook?”

“If I…”

“Barbequed ribs, sweet tea ribs, chili-glazed ribs, grilled ribs.” Before Josie could finish, the man brazenly listed out a few dishes.

Josie was startled. Since when does he love ribs so much?

In the end, Dexter was the first to crack. He looked at Josie’s slightly dull expression and broke into laughter.

He stroked her head and heard her ask, “Since when do you love eating ribs?”

The man’s smile finally relaxed. He signaled for her to eat. “I was kidding.”


Josie ignored him and looked down as she dug into her food.

She wanted to leave after lunch, but the man held her hand and led her to sit in his lap. As she faced him in his arms, his voice was hoarse. “There’s no rush. Why don’t you take a nap with me?”

It wasn’t that Josie had impure thoughts. It wouldn’t end well if he kept clinging to her.

Dexter ignored her. He buried his head in her collarbone, and his short hair pricked her soft skin. It was slightly painful and itchy.

As Josie held his head, she laughed aloud as he nuzzled against her. “Hey! The door isn’t shut.”

Dexter raised his head, and it seemed like an entire galaxy was in his smiling eyes. “They won’t dare to

come in.”

In their current position, Josie towered over him slightly. Josie was slightly above him, and the man raised his head to seek her kisses. She lowered her head lightly. Her lips brushed his soft and thin lips.

Once they touched, a fire was ignited.

Every time they kissed deeply, their lips and tongues intertwined. It was hard for them to break apart. Josie found it hard to breathe shortly after, but he still didn’t want to let her go. He sustained her with his breath.

His hands were sneaky as he caressed her all over. He wasn’t a solemn business executor at that moment.

When she felt the warmth of his hands, a video that Josie had previously watched appeared in her mind at the wrong time.

Someone had asked, “Why do men like to touch women’s bosoms when they kiss?”

The answer was, “Because they have nothing to do with their hands. They have to hold on to something.”

What a lewd trick.

Josie almost couldn’t take it. His hands were skilled, and his lust was hard to extinguish. She escaped from his arms with some difficulty. She gasped. “There isn’t much time….”
Chapter 206 An Accident at the Construction Site

Therefore, Dexter didn’t push it.

After a while, the Landon case was settled, and Landon merged with Russell Group.

It was the first snow of Wavery. The ground was covered in white, and the calm sea was far away.

Small clouds of fog appeared when people breathed.

During her lunch break, Josie left the greenhouse after she finished her book. She looked out of the French windows and saw the scenery from over seventy floors up. The snow kept falling, and everything before her was a dazzling white. Snowflakes fell on everyone unrelentingly.

She stepped out of the greenhouse and took the initiative to walk to Dexter’s office. It was empty. She guessed that he was probably at a meeting.

She waited for a while, but he didn’t appear.

Therefore, she looked around his office from top to bottom for the first time.

Documents were stacked neatly on his desk, and a thermos cup sat beside his notebook. It was the typical desk of a CEO.

The essential information should have been on his computer, but he had many. Josie didn’t know the passwords to them.

A dazzling lineup of books was on a bookshelf behind his desk. If this were anyone else, Josie would have thought they were pretentious. Still, she understood the man whom the office belonged to. He must have read all the books. She took one book at random and saw notes in his own handwriting.

A few cactus pots were on his desk, along with some plants she didn’t know. There were no flowers.

Josie put her hands behind her back and pondered momentarily. She turned and walked to the greenhouse, taking two pots of jasmine flowers with her. She replaced some cactus pots on his table with flowers. The jasmines were fragrant. If he were tired from working and looked up, he would relax slightly after seeing the beautiful flowers.

Dexter still hadn’t returned..

She decided to leave.

She went down as usual. Unfortunately, she bumped into Kevan today.

She didn’t know where he had come from. He tapped her shoulder and asked, “Where did you go, Ms. Warren?”

Josie was caught off guard. She was momentarily astonished before answering, “The rooftop…..”

Kevan was surprised. “Rooftop? Then I must have been mistaken. I thought you came out of Mr. Russell’s personal elevator. I was taken aback.”

Josie said nothing. She started perspiring in the heated room, feeling slightly fearful.

Kevan was quick-witted. “But why were you on the rooftop?”

Josie walked to her office and waved her cell phone. Her expression didn’t change as she lied. “To take photos of the snow.”

Kevan suddenly became interested. “I took many photos today too!”

“It’s snowing at home too, but the office looks better. Do you want to see my pictures?”

He’s pretty talkative, Josie didn’t reply, and Kevan quickly changed the topic. “Since it’s snowing. I will buy everyone a meal at the pasta restaurant. Do you want to come, Ms. Warren?”

He asked tentatively.

“You started working not long ago, Kev. Do you have the money?”

“… Since I’m new, it’s a good chance to meet with everyone.”

“I’ll have to see.”

When it was time to get off work, a group of people energetically followed Kevan to the elevators. Josie deliberately slowed down and only walked out once they left.

She had been coming and going with Dexter for the past few days. She had to inform him.

She was surprised to find Dexter’s car gone in the parking lot. She walked around but couldn’t find it.

At this time, she received a call from Dexter. The man’s voice was deep, as usual. “Have you come down?”


“I’ll get Mason Garden’s driver to pick you up. He’s on the way. Can you wait for a moment?”

Josie noticed something and was astonished. “Where are you?”

“Something happened at the Sylmark construction site. I’m going to the hospital now.” His tone didn’t change.
Chapter 207 A Chance Encounter

Work at the Sylmark construction site had started not long ago and was supervised strictly. How can something happen out of a sudden?

Josie immediately furrowed her brows. “Is it critical?”

“The hospital is trying to save the victim. I don’t know the severity yet. I have to go to the hospital to check.” On the other end, Dexter seemed to have lowered his car window. The sound of wind blowing into the car was slightly loud. “You don’t have to worry. You just have to return to Mason Garden safely

He was worried about her because the roads were slippery since it was snowing.

Josie could only answer, “Alright.”

The driver arrived quickly. After she got into the car, he asked, “Are we returning to Mason Garden, Mrs. Russell?”

She was looking at her cell phone, and Kevan had sent the location of their restaurant. She thought of his warm invitation from just now and wanted to go for his sake. She pondered and said, “Not yet.”

Since it was snowing, it was nice to eat warm pasta. The team sat around the table with wine and hot plates of pasta.

“Congratulations on passing probation, Kevan. Continue working hard,” Josie said with a smile as she raised a glass to him.

Kevan clinked his glass against hers and thanked her gratefully.

After three rounds of wine, everyone relaxed gradually and started gossiping about other departments.

“I believe the year’s biggest news belongs to none other than Claire. Russell Group forbids office romance. How did she dare to date Mr. Yves? How reckless of her.”

As the person said it, they nudged Josie with their elbow. “As a matter of fact, you’re pretty lucky, Ms. Warren. You wouldn’t be the head if Claire didn’t go on the wrong path.”

“Yeah, right. Two department heads left consecutively. It seems like this position was destined for Ms. Warren.

This sounded malicious, and it was clearly taunting Josie. Alice couldn’t take it and wanted to answer, but Josie held her back. “I’m lucky, but you need to learn to grab opportunities that come. Isn’t that right?”

They looked at each other and said nothing more. However, they resented each other.

Josie understood that people would be dissatisfied with her since she was in a high position. She wasn’t interested in proving either of them right or wrong. Colleagues were just colleagues at the end of the day. They wouldn’t become friends who understood each other.

Kevan saw the tense atmosphere and said, “So Russell Group forbids office romance…….

Someone couldn’t help but laugh, and the attention was on Kevan. They started talking about it.

Josie was distracted. She looked down at her cell phone and wanted to text Dexter asking him how things were. But she thought he might not be in the mood to reply, so she didn’t message him.

Alice saw it. “What’s up with you today? Is something wrong?”

“It’s nothing. I don’t quite like gathering like this.” Josie looked for an excuse. At this time, the waiter served them tiramisu.

“I’m sorry to disturb you. Since this is the first snow day in Wavery, here’s a complimentary slice of tiramisu for everyone. We hope that it will bring you luck.”

Wavery was in the south, and eating tiramisu on special occasions was customary. Everyone liked its significance, so they quickly scarfed down the cake.

Josie looked out the window. It was snowing. An apartment was opposite the restaurant, and few people left their homes at such a time. But at this time, someone opened the doors. A woman dressed thinly walked out, and an unusual man followed her. He looked familiar.

Arnold Carter?!

Why is he here?

Josie was lost in thought. She stared at them attentively. Perhaps it was because of how entranced Josie was looking at them. Arnold happened to look up, and his gaze met hers.

“What are you looking at with such focus?” Alice also looked over, baffled.

Josie snapped out of it. “Oh, it’s nothing. I saw someone familiar.”
Chapter 208 A Special Assistant

When she subconsciously raised her head again, she was astonished that Arnold hadn’t left. He stood under the streetlight, leaning against it as he lit a cigarette. He looked lonely and miserable as he stood in

the snow.

Her blood froze, and she said to Alice softly, “I’m going out for a while. I need to do something.”

She opened the doors of the pasta restaurant, and the coldness overwhelmed her. She made her way to Arnold and only realized that the woman hadn’t left when she approached. She stood nearby, looking weary as she looked at them with a frown.

Josie was in disbelief. “Why are you here?”

Arnold smiled with a cigarette between his lips. “I see that you knew I was waiting for you. You came out so quickly.”

Josie couldn’t take it. She stepped to the side and blocked half his view. “Don’t talk nonsense. What are you doing here?”

She wasn’t so self-obsessed to think that Arnold had followed her here, so her gaze fell on that woman.

Arnold introduced her calmly. “This is my assistant, Lillian Haupert.”

Josie didn’t quite understand. “Your assistant is quite special, Mr. Carter.”

He didn’t get angry. He looked highly relaxed, and the corners of his mouth curved. “Not everyone is as indifferent as Dexter. The office is boring enough. Why would I hire someone equally boring?”

Josie folded her arms. She was slightly cold. “If there’s nothing else you want to say, I’m leaving. I’m having a company gathering.”

“Josic,” Arnold called after her, “let’s walk together.”

shrewd. Josie was surprised. But when she looked at the pasta restaurant, she wasn’t interested in returning. As for the woman who was standing at one side, she had left. The woman was pretty

“… We’ve been walking for twenty minutes.”

It was slippery and hard to walk. The initially short journey took a long time.

Arnold seemed a little tipsy. He started telling Josie about how he had met Lillian.

The first time he had met Lillian was at a bar. The girl had heavy but beautiful makeup and played craps in a booth. If she won, all her expenses would be free. Her voice was as delicate as a nightingale. From the looks of it, she looked like a college student who had yet to graduate. After she won, she shrieked and finished her strong drink quickly without flinching.

Arnold had been at the bar for work that day. He was intrigued by Lillian.

He had many women around him and various tricks up his sleeve. She was like a wild card and seemed to enjoy her youth.

The pretty girl looked up and saw that Arnold was staring at her, so she smiled widely at him. She raised her glass and nodded at him.

The following morning.

Arnold woke up in Lillian’s rented room. The two were fully clothed. He was drunk the previous night, so he stayed in her room for the night. Nothing had happened.

Lillian had almost rolled off the bed while wrapped in her covers. She woke up with no makeup, and she stretched. Her lips were pale, and a freckle was on the tip of her nose. When she saw that the man beside her had yet to come to his senses, she jumped up while grabbing her hair and rushed into the washroom. “Hold on. I’ll take you out to eat once I wash my hair.”

She spoke freely without knowing his identity. It made Arnold feel at ease.

“You stay here?”

“Yes. Look out the window. I go to the college across the road.”

“Oh, a vocational school?”

“Are you looking down on vocational schools?”


Ultimately, Lillian led him down the stairs in sandals with soaking wet hair. She had a coffee in one hand and a bagel in the other. Under the lamppost, she turned around, looking indifferent yet energetic.
Chapter 209 An Expert on Romance

But of course, when Arnold’s assistant came to fetch him to his office shortly after, the girl immediately went from energetic to reserved. Are you a big shot?”

Arnold was fascinated by her astonishment. He finished the bagel in his hands and gave her a name card. “You can apply for a job at my company if you’re interested.”

He thought a girl like her was rare to come by after meeting many hypocrites.

After that, Lillian came to apply for a job, and he hired her. He placed her by his side.

Josie was slightly surprised when she heard it. She teased him. “You really are fond of women. Mr. Carter. It’s no wonder Mr. Russell says you’re an expert on romance.”

“Compared to these people, I like your tenacity more, Arnold said flirtatiously.

Josie couldn’t take it and dared not look at his bright eyes. “You think too highly of me. Mr. Carter. I’m just an ordinary woman. Don’t put me up on a pedestal.”

Arnold looked at her closely. “You’re ordinary indeed.”

It was pretty rude. Josie almost choked.

“But I like it. Josie, I wasn’t just testing Dexter when I asked him for you the past few times.”

This made Josie vigilant. Before she could say anything, a loud honking noise suddenly rang behind them. Arnold reacted quickly and shouted, “Be careful!” He pulled her to the side.

The roads were slippery since it was snowing. The two fell to the ground and were covered in snow. A car lost control and drove into the railing. It was trapped, and there was smoke.

Josie was trembling in fear, and she couldn’t come to her senses for a long time.

Arnold breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she was okay. He lay back in the snow, relieved. “Thankfully, I have quick reflexes. Dexter would kill me if you died when you were with me.”

Smoke was billowing in front of them, and Josie shut her eyes at once. Thank you. I will remember that you saved me.”

Arnold smiled. He looked up. “Will you agree to everything I ask you to do?”

This person is fearless. Josie poked his chest viciously. “I won’t do anything that goes against my principles!”

Arnold winced. “You owe me a favor. I will redeem it from you when I need it.”

Josie regretted it. She had just wanted to go for a walk but now unexpectedly owed Arnold a favor.

The fire and police departments arrived quickly, and Arnold immediately led her away. “It’s very troublesome to be interrogated. I don’t want to waste time.”

It was windy at night, and few people were on the road. He held Josie’s hand and ran wildly to the end of the road. His heart beat furiously.

Josie was forced to follow him. She could only see his figure from behind as she gasped. She suddenly felt that she was back in her teens.

After a long time, Arnold stopped running. He let go of her hand. “How are you going home?”

“The driver is waiting for me.” Josie looked down and quickly walked to the car. She turned back halfway. “Arnold.”

He listened calmly.

“You’re not allowed to sensationalize what happened today. You can’t take advantage of me.” She was worried that she would trouble Dexter.

Arnold’s smile dimmed. He said in a low voice, “Are you so worried about Dexter? Don’t worry. I’m not him. I’m not so despicable.”

“You’re the vile one,” Josie retorted softly. After that, she quickly ran to the driver waiting for her. The driver asked, “Did your gathering go on for so long, Mrs. Russell? Mr. Russell has called and asked if you’ve returned home.”

Josie’s heart sank. “What did you say?”

“Just like you instructed, I said you’re home.”
Chapter 210 Hemorrhage

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Back at Mason Garden, she took a hot bath first. Her mind was filled with scenes of Arnold’s carefree boyishness. She couldn’t help but think of someone. She shook her head. Certain people kept appearing. in her mind. She was really in a muddle.

It was still carly, and it wasn’t twelve yet. Josie didn’t have good vision at night. She casually grabbed a pair of Dexter’s daily use glasses from the bedroom before secretly slipping into the kitchen to make something.

Dexter had just messaged her to say he was about to reach home.

When Josie was in the process of making it, the noise of a car was heard outside. She rushed out of the kitchen, and the fatigued man was just entering the house. He was in a black trench coat and looked


The man looked up and saw Josie wearing his glasses. The corners of his mouth curved, and a smile appeared on his indifferent face. He walked to her and took it off her face. “Why are you wearing my glasses?”

“I took it since they were there.” Josie rubbed her eyes and asked, “How is the employee?”

“A rock fell on him while he was supervising, and he had a hemorrhage. He’s out of danger now.”

“A hemorrhage?” Josie was startled. How could he be okay if he had a hemorrhage?

“The blood didn’t gush out, did it?” Public opinion would be tough on such an accident on the construction site.

Dexter subconsciously patted her head. “Don’t worry. I’ll deal with it.”

After that, he saw coffee powder on her hands. “What are you doing?”

“I’m making tiramisu. It’s nice to have tiramisu on a day like this.” She looked up and smiled sweetly at


Dexter seemed to understand. He pulled her hand and walked to the kitchen. His smile deepened when he saw her progress. “Let’s do it together?”

“Sure.” Josie was delighted.

He washed his hands and folded his sleeves to his elbow. He started dipping the ladyfingers into the coffee. Josie wanted to help, but he stopped her. “Just watch me.

Josie wanted to say she knew how to make tiramisu too.

But it was evident that Dexter was skillful. After spreading the mascarpone cream on the ladyfingers, he touched Josie’s face with his coffee-soaked fingers. “There’s a coin in my pocket. Help me take it out.”

Josie wiped the cream off his face and stared at him. She knew what he wanted to do. “You’re superstitious?”


It was lucky to find a penny in the tiramisu.

Josie did this annually with the Warren family. Josie’s mom usually only hid one coin in the tiramisu and made it obvious. When cutting the cake, her mom put it on Justin’s plate. Therefore, Justin always found the lucky penny every year.

Over time, Josie stopped looking forward to getting the coin.

They put it into the fridge and let it chill for a while.

However, Dexter didn’t make it obvious. In the end, he found the penny while eating. At that moment. Dexter was both amused and annoyed. He didn’t understand how he was so lucky.

Josie suppressed her laughter. To be honest, Dexter’s tiramisu wasn’t as fancy as the pasta restaurant’s, but she had a big appetite and ate two servings.

After eating so much, she was distressed. “I want to go on a walk to aid my digestion.”

Dexter was putting the plates on the kitchen counter. He turned her down without looking up. cold. No way.”

“It’s too

Josie did not utter a word.

Dexter raised his head when he felt her emotions. His wet hands touched her face again, and he suddenly approached her. “It’s not that you can’t do anything to aid your digestion. Let’s do something else?”

Josie understood what he meant in a split second. Before she could run, the man forcefully trapped her in his arms and kissed her.

She was forced to accept it.

The two were intertwined as they gasped ruggedly.

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