Blind Date Turned Proposal by Mr. Adeel

Description of Novels
Mr Adeel
Title: Blind Date Turned Proposal Ra Genre: Romance
Language: English Read Online Pages: Ongoing

On the day of the blind date, the man turned out to be fat, short, and greasy! What could she do but run? Josie Warren was about to escape when the man at the next table stopped her. Why was this man so familiar? He… he was her immediate superior, Dexter Russell, a rich tycoon worth millions! What he said next surprised her immensely. “Josie, what about marrying me?” Marriage? Had Dexter been crushing on her for years? Did he set up this blind date to accidentally bump into her? Only highly skilled hunters would appear like prey. So why not! He had the looks and the money, after all. Josie acted on it instead of thinking about it. “Sure! Let’s get married! I will do as you wish and
Chapter 120 Fifty Percent of Love
The car speeded along the highway, and they were back in the northern part of the city.

“Ms. Warren, do you remember how I referred to you as Natasha from War and Peace?” Arnold didn’t hold back this time. “Would you like to help me with something? I’ll be willing to pay you more than Dexter.”

Josie continued to chuckle. “Mr. Carter, unfortunately, I don’t have the ability and strength to keep up two salaries.”
If she betrayed Dexter, he would not let her live.
“Don’t be in a rush to reject my offer. You might think he’s charming now, but you would soon notice that he’s a cold–blooded and arrogant person who wouldn’t let anyone into his heart.”
Arnold spoke rapidly, but his actions were gentle as he slowly placed the sketchbook inside her bag.
“It seems like Mr. Carter understands Mr. Russell quite well?”
“After years of competing with each other, that’s a must.”
“If I’m really important to Mr. Russell, as you mention, then why would he be attracted to someone like me? I’m sure you’ve investigated my background. I came from a normal family background with an average–looking face. Not to mention I have nothing to offer. So what qualifies me to be cared for by someone like Mr. Russell?” Josie only spoke the truth.
“It’s unnecessary for you to have all the perfect conditions to win a man’s heart, especially Dexter’s” Arnold leaned nearer to Josie flirtatiously. “Ms. Warren, you don’t have to put yourself down.”
Josie felt her whole body tense up, but she kept her composure and asked, “If you know him this well. could you tell me if he had any other women before?”
“Yes, he did,” Arnold swiftly replied.
Josie raised her eyebrows. “I didn’t mean a chaperone.”
He repeated his answer, this time with a resolute voice, “Yes, he did.
Dexter had a partner before. After all, he’s such a successful man. There’s no reason for him to stay single all these

Josie’s smile faded all of a sudden. “If he had someone before, then I wouldn’t be able to succeed. A cold- blooded man wouldn’t value romantic relationships.”
“My requirements are low.” Arnold leaned into her ears and said, “All I need is fifty percent. My plan will succeed if Dexter is at least fifty percent into you.”
Josie’s breath caught in her throat, and she froze.
The car finally came to a stop.
Arnold helped her open her door and smiled alluringly. “I’m not sure where you stay, so I can only drop you off at Russell Group.”
Josie packed her stuff. Thank you for your concern.”
“Tll wait for your response to drinks someday.”
Arnold’s final remark sent a shiver down her spine.
The sun was already down, and most employees had already left. When the security guard saw Josie, he asked enthusiastically, “It’s late now. You still have work to do?”
Josie’s lips pressed into a tight–lipped smile, and she replied, “Yes, it’s hard to make a living.”
She stood in the elevator for a long time. Her finger hovered along the button to the highest floor as she hesitated.
Arnold’s words still lingered in her mind and made her feel anxious, so she decided to take the risk.
Luckily, there wasn’t anyone there. Only the lights in Dexter’s office were on.
She went inside the office. The lamp on the wall cast a warm and soft glow within his office. Dexter stood confidently in front of the windows. He had a lighted cigarette between his fingers, lost in his thoughts at the darkening scenery.
Dexter was a confident and courageous man, but he was only perceived as mysterious and wild to the outside world, like a strong force to be reckoned with whenever he set his eyes on his goals.
However, his overbearing aura was gone as she gazed upon his lone figure. It was as if he had only allowed himself to feel lonely when no one was around.
Josie’s heart felt like it was being squeezed.
Chapter 122 The Excitement in the Elevator
Dexter slowly walked to her and grabbed her face in his hands. “Let me guess. It wasn’t a brief encounter. I suppose!”

Josie could no longer deceive him as he had her in his grasp. “I saw him in Sylmark while I was surveying the grounds on–site. It was a coincidence. I had no choice”

Dexter’s eyes were as sharp as an eagle. Nothing could go unnoticed under his watch.
“Sylmark.” Dexter clenched his jaws as he repeated. Suddenly, he connected the dots. “The south of the city. It must be today.”
Josie’s face was flushed. His eyes sparkled, and he didn’t look furious. Dexter released his hands and said, “If you know this is a trap, then do you know what Arnold gains from this?”
After he released her, she gasped for air and tried to speak. “Him? I don’t know?”
“After Arnold exposed my weakness and Alex Lee was injured, every executive in Landon looked at us with suspicion and distrust. The ones who were initially on our side also ended up supporting the Carter Group. 1 put in a lot of effort to win the favor of two of the executives. Josie, how would you pay me back for this?
Josie carefully mulled over his explanation. If he was telling the truth, it would be a significant loss for him. “I know you’ve found the key person needed to take over Landon. If he’s defeated, the other executives would have no say over the acquisition.”
“It’s not that easy to defeat him. Besides, I never had to go through such a difficult pathway initially
Dexter’s eyes were serious and unwavering. The redness in her face has slowly faded away.
Josie furrowed her brows without saying anything. After a moment, she looked up at him with a wide grin. “Mr. Russell, you mentioned that Arnold had found your weakness. Does that mean your weakness is me?”

Dexter shifted his gaze, baffled by her comment. He quickly took his coat from his seat and left his office. Josie quickly took her bag and followed behind. “Why aren’t you answering me? Am I your weakness?” Dexter wouldn’t turn around to look at her. “It’s the identity of my wife. Not you.”
“Am I not your wife?”
Josie suddenly wrapped her hands around his arms. He stayed still and didn’t push her away as he pressed the button for the lift.
“Aren’t you embarrassed?”
Josie’s mischievous smile was spread across her face. “Did you assign me the Sylmark project because you
like me?*
Dexter walked into the elevator without answering her.
Once the doors closed, she leaned closer to him. “Are you ignoring me?”
The elevator was large and mirrored, reflecting their every move Josie’s arms wrapped around his waist, slowly trailing her fingers along his abs. “Dexter, this is your personal elevator. Would anyone monitor us
from the CCTV? If we did something here, no one would notice, right?”
He has abs even with the heavy workload? He must be really disciplined.
Dexter tilted his head, and their faces were almost touching. At the slightest movement, their lips would touch.
His eyes were cold and distant. He grunted coldly, thinking of what happened the last time, “Don’t move so close to me.”“”
“Don’t you like the thrill?” Josie’s hands continued trailing along his abs. He felt a shiver down his spine when she reached his lower abdomen and grabbed her hands. “Stop moving
Josie was lost in her thoughts, excited to mess around with Dexter.
Their clothes were messy, and their reflections in the mirrored walls were anything but innocent. Dexter ‘didn’t respond to her tease, but his eyes looked captivating to her.
Chapter 123 Exceed Fifty Percent
Josie was charmed by Dexter’s dark, intense gaze. “Dexter, she whispered.

She felt herself drawn to him like a moth to a flame.

At this moment, the elevator door opened, and they reached the parking lot.
Dexter immediately kept his composure and pulled away from her. “That’s enough”
Josie lost her balance and almost fell on the floor. She turned and looked at Dexter’s back, his shoulders stiff and unyielding. She stomped her foot in anger, feeling betrayed and hurt.
As a driver took them home, she didn’t dare to act recklessly. Eventually, she fell asleep in the car.
Josie slept soundly as the driver pulled up to Mason Garden. Dexter hesitated momentarily before sitting down again and whispering, “Josie, we’re here.”
Josie slept soundly, her face peaceful and relaxed. A single strand of hair had fallen across her check, and she didn’t stir as it tickled her skin.
Dexter felt frustrated but ended up carrying her out of the car.
The maid opened the door. When she saw her in his arms, she lowered her voice and asked, “Is Mrs. Russell asleep?”
Dexter nodded slightly. He later pushed the bedroom door open with his feet and laid her on the bed.
Dexter looked around the bedroom and saw that it was filled with all her belongings.
He paused when he found a stack of sketchbooks on the bed frame. The first sketch he saw was a caricature of him with the words: The Devil.
Dexter sneered softly as he rested his gaze on the woman on the bed.
She was good at drawing but wasn’t a professional.
He continued to flip through the sketches. They were no longer caricatures. Instead, they were weird sketches of money, ice cream, an injured face, and a hand covered with blood.
There was also a sketch of the picture of him with Leanne.

It was a picture from the Russell Mansion.
Dexter’s fingers gripped tighter onto the piece of paper. He felt his mind racing as he looked at the person sleeping on the bed.
After the door closed, Josie opened her eyes amidst the silence that filled the room.
Josie inhaled the cool, musky scent of Dexter that still lingered in the room. She turned to look at her sketches, which were neatly stacked on the bed frame.
She thought it was impossible when Arnold asked her to get fifty percent of Dexter’s interest. But right now, she felt as if she could exceed fifty percent.
Even though Claire was supposed to be her assistant for Sylmark’s project, she kept her hands off the project entirely, leaving Josie to rush over the designs by working late into the night.
“Ms. Miller?” Claire noticed Ivy waiting for the elevator when she was about to leave work.
Ivy nodded at her. “You’re leaving now. Ms. Wilcher?”
“Yes.” Ivy was Dexter’s assistant, so she didn’t dare to act rudely.
“The Sylmark project is a project important to our corporation. Ms. Wilcher must be really busy these days, Ivy asked with a polite smile.
Claire felt her rage boiling. I’m merely an assistant. The workload is alright, she sneered.
Ivy slowly shifted her gaze to the back and noticed Josie typing hastily on her keyboard. “I’m not sure how the executives decided on it. Everyone is aware of Ms. Wilcher’s outstanding ability. How did you end up “as the assistant?”
“Ms. Miller, you have a good eye for talent. Someone must’ve used petty and filthy tricks to be in charge of a project they’re not qualified for. What bad luck!”
They took the elevator to the ground floor together. Ivy bought two cups of Americano and gave one of them to Claire. “If she’s not qualified, we shall make her resign.”
Chapter 124 You Can&apost Let Her Win
Claire felt stifled. I. I know what to do.

Ivy was pleased. She was even more satisfied when she saw Claire walk away weakly.

She took a sip of coffee. The bitter taste dispersed in her mouth, and she furrowed her brows. Many years had passed, but she still couldn’t drink Americano as Dexter did.
Ivy had forgotten a document in the office and had hurriedly returned to take it yesterday. night. That was when she saw the wench, Josie, hanging around Dexter. Although the latter looked impatient, he still patiently told her about Landon and Arnold.
Ivy had never been treated like that!
And their actions were intimate….
Although Josie made the first move. Russell didn’t push her away.
The hatred in Josie’s heart increased when she thought of that scene. She wanted to destroy Josie viciously!
After one week.

Josie worked at the office until dawn daily for the Sylmark project. She kept discarding designs and starting from scratch because she was unsatisfied. It wasn’t easy for her to come with a proposal she was satisfied with, but it was almost the day of the meeting when she
Claire put one hand on Josie’s workstation. “Take the blame and resign if you can’t come up with anything. Don’t be too hard on yourself.”
Josie’s hands left the keyboard. She leaned back to confront Ivy. “If I remember correctly, the two of us are a team. Will you also take the blame and resign like me if I can’t come up with. anything, Ms. Wilcher?”
Claire glared at Josie. “I won’t be in such a state if I were the main designer in the first place.”
“It’s a shame you
“May I offer a bit of advice, Ms. Miller? Instead of criticizing me, think of ways to help me in the meeting. It’s such an important project. Many significant leaders will be there.”
Chapter 125 His Heart Is Failing
Josie calmed down when she saw Claire’s face red from anger.

“I don’t care! You’re the main designer, so you’re responsible. It has nothing to do with me.” Claire seemed defeated. She rushed back to her office angrily in her heels.

Josie sneered after Claire left.
But Josie was running out of time. She had to work overtime to finish the design, and it wasn’t easy to draw on the bus. Josie had tried it a few times, but it was inefficient. And for some reason, she felt someone following her, but she wouldn’t see anyone or anything when.
she turned.
Is it Justin? But he’s now with Calvin.
Josie felt that she was going mad from working overtime, so she decided to hitch a ride with Dexter for the remaining days.
It just so happened that he only left work late at night. No one would bump into them in the office.
In the car, Josie smiled while holding onto her laptop. She chatted happily with the driver. “Thank you, Mr. Sorby.
The driver, Chris Sorby, glanced at the man’s dark expression in the rearview mirror and didn’t dare say anything. “You’re too polite, Mrs. Russell… You can call me Chris.”
Josie ignored him. She turned on her laptop, and the modeling page popped up.
Dexter massaged his temples. He disapproved of her actions. “What kind of a design can you come up with by working at the last minute?”
Josie didn’t even raise her head. “Mr. Russell, it’s best for you not to comment since this isn’t your field.”
Dexter narrowed his eyes. He couldn’t be bothered to argue with her further.
The Porsche drove quickly at night and raced past the city’s neon lights. The car was silent. Dexter was replying to emails. There was a rapport between the two as they tapped on their keyboards.
At this time, the piercing sound of a phone ringing broke their rhythm.
Josie took out her cell phone. When she saw that it was a call from Matthew, she immediately answered in fright. “Matt?”

Dexter stopped typing.
Matthew’s voice was loud and panicked. “Jo! Quickly come to the hospital. Your dad’s heart is failing, and he suddenly stopped breathing. We’re trying to save him now!”
Josie’s hand started to tremble, and her throat tightened. “I’ll come now!”
She ended the call, shut her laptop abruptly, and looked at Dexter, who was beside her. He said decisively, “To the hospital!”
Josie clenched her hands tightly and took a sip of water. She looked entirely lost.
“My dad has never been in such a situation all these years that he’s been sick. Is he…”
Dexter’s calm voice suppressed her anxiety. “No. It’s normal for patients in a vegetative state to experience heart failure. It’s alright if the doctors can save him.”
Josie’s eyes met his. “What if… they can’t…”
“Josie, Dexter stopped, and his voice softened, “that won’t happen.”
The car stopped at the hospital entrance, and Josie immediately exited the car before running in. Dexter slammed the car door, and he followed her quickly and urgently.
It was like a hundred-meter dash for Josie because she was so nervous. She bumped into countless people on the way and apologized to them numbly until she reached the
The outside of the operating theatre was empty. A nurse rushed back and forth with medical equipment, and Josie suddenly grabbed her. “Miss, how is my dad?”
“We’re still trying to save him now.”
Dexter had arrived. He put his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. He said to the nurse, I’m sorry. You can go ahead.”
Josie had lost all sense of propriety, and she fell into his arms weakly. She heard his voice from above. “Calm down. Everything will be fine.”
The words ‘In Surgery’ were brightly lit outside the operating theatre. It made Josie tremble.
Chapter 126 Dexter's Encouragement
Josie sat on a bench in the corridor and hugged her knees. She felt very insecure.

“Do you smell that, Dexter? It’s the smell of disinfectant. I hate this smell. It’s so suffocating.” she said softly.

Dexter’s throat rumbled. He had never comforted such a vulnerable woman, so he didn’t know what to say.
Josie was still speaking. It seemed like she could only soothe the panic in her heart by talking.
“How did you feel when your grandfather was sick? Were you upset?”
Dexter sat beside her and spoke softly. I was nervous, just like you. Although I didn’t need money, I understood clearly at that moment that we can’t defeat illnesses”
Josie shut her eyes. She felt the same today. “Everyone advised me to give up treatment for my dad three years ago. They said he would be as good as dead if he continued living. Not only would I run out of money, but he would also become a burden. More importantly, he would be in a lot of pain.”
“But I wanted him to stay alive, and I didn’t care. He had to survive. He’s my father. He raised me for many years, and I haven’t repaid him. She took a deep breath, and her tears fell.
Dexter put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his arms. His chin rested on top of her head. “Your dad persevered so many years because of you. He will understand.”
Josie looked up with tear-filled eyes, searching for approval. “Really? Will he really not blame me? Then why did such a thing happen today? Is he in pain? Does he want to leave?”
Dexter raised his hands and wiped away the tears on her face. He must be angry because you haven’t visited him in a long time.”
Josie paused and quickly nodded. “That’s right. That must be the case. I haven’t spoken to him in a long time, so he’s angry and blames me.”

When Dexter saw her repeat it to herself continuously, his heart ached for her. All their so- called boundaries disappeared without a trace. At that moment, he just wanted her tears to stop.
But at that moment, the doors of the operating theatre opened. Matthew was at the front, and a few doctors in white gowns were behind him.
“Matt! How’s my dad?” Josie tottered forward.
Matthew looked away from the man behind her. His brows wrinkled slightly, and his voice

was gentle. “Don’t worry. We saved him. He’s out of danger.”

Josie felt weak, and she patted her chest. “That’s good. Why did such a thing happen today?”
Matthew took off his gloves and explained patiently, “Mr. Warren has been lying on the hospital bed for three years. With the medicine he’s given, it’s normal for his heart to fail. Although we saved him, he will be in bad shape in the future if he doesn’t wake up.”
Josie listened solemnly. “Alright…”
“Your family has to work hard in this aspect and try your best to wake him up.” Matthew looked at her from the start until the end. “Jo, there isn’t much time left.”
Josie understood, and she nodded furiously. “Alright. It’s good that he survived. I will try harder after this.”
After they finished talking, the doctors behind Matthew stepped forward and greeted Dexter respectfully. “Hello, Mr. Russell.”
They were the medical team that Dexter had arranged.
Dexter looked up. His voice was indifferent yet restrained. “Spare no effort for the following
Matthew pursed his lips and looked at the dignified man. “Jo, this is?”
Josie came to her senses. For a moment, she didn’t know how to introduce Dexter.
Chapter 127 Marking His Territory

A large hand fell on her shoulder as soon as she spoke, and Dexter’s voice was heard. “I am Jo’s husband, Dexter Russell.”

It was a bolt from the blue.

Matthew’s scrutinizing gaze turned vigilant. There was also very subtle malice.

Josie raised her head, baffled. Tears were still in the corners of her eyes. She never thought Dexter would admit it in front of the medical team and Matthew, an outsider.

“It’s you.” After a long time, Matthew laughed lightly. He reached out to shake Dexter’s hand. “I’ve heard Jo mention it.”

In other words. Matthew was implying that he and Josie were good friends who knew everything about each other. Or perhaps they were more than friends.

Upon hearing it. Dexter looked down. “Oh? I didn’t know that Mrs. Russell had such a good relationship with Dr. Sander.”

The grip on Josie’s shoulder tightened, and her blood froze. However, this wasn’t the place to explain.

Thankfully, nurses pushed Josie’s dad out of the operating theatre at this time. Josie found an excuse to leave. “Dad is out. I’m going to see him.” Since Dexter had started this mess, he could deal with it himself.

Dexter was six feet tall and towered over Matthew slightly when they stood opposite each other. Dexter spoke in a deep voice. “Dr. Sander, I heard that you requested to join Paul’s medical team. You used to be his attending physician, so I approved of it. Thank you for your hard work.”

Matthew looked to the side and saw Josie looking closely at her dad. “It’s my duty as a doctor. You’re very

devoted too, Mr. Russell. The medical team is excellent. But it’s my first time. seeing you in three years.”

A smile appeared on Dexter’s face. “You’ve never met me, Dr. Sander, but I’ve seen you. previously.”

Matthew frowned. He didn’t remember. “Where have you seen me, Mr. Russell?”

“At the business district near the hospital. You were eating with my wife at the time. What was it?” Dexter thought about it earnestly. “I think it was Italian food.”

Matthew’s expression changed. He never imagined Dexter had seen him eating with Josie


“What tone are you using with me, Mr. Russell? I’ve known Jo for three years. Is there anything wrong with us having a meal together?”

Dexter’s lips curved. “Of course not. I hope you can have a meal with both of us next time. It’ll be on me.”

Matthew held his tongue and didn’t answer. He stared in Josie’s direction, looking captivated by her.

Dexter silently blocked Matthew’s line of sight by stepping to the side. “Jo and I got married in a rush. I haven’t had time to come with her to the hospital, but I will come frequently after this. Dr. Sander, you can also talk to me if you need to speak with Jo.”

It was a marriage agreement, but Dexter used his identity as Josie’s husband to mark his territory. Matthew was slightly perplexed.

Josie’s dad was pushed into the hospital room, and Josie followed up with the nurse. Matthew suddenly appeared behind her, examining Paul’s physical signs skillfully. He said casually, “Is he worried that I will publicly reveal his identity? Is that why he’s acting as a good husband before me?”

Josie was confused. She stood up and saw Dexter’s figure at the hospital room door, talking to someone on the phone as though dealing with work.

“What did he say to you?”

Matthew sounded slightly angry. “He said I can also speak to him if I need to speak with you.”

Josie also felt that what Dexter said had overstepped a boundary. Dexter shouldn’t have been so open about his identity, but her mind was a mess at this time. She didn’t notice anything strange, so she said, “Yes. He’s afraid you will make it public.”
Chapter 128 Because He Likes You

Matthew kept his equipment and said solemnly, “You know I won’t do anything to harm you.”
Josie was touched, and she nodded frantically. “I do. Matt, I’m very thankful for you, as always. Sometimes, I feel like you’re a brother to me.”

Matthew wasn’t happy when he heard it. His lips twitched. “Nice try. Stop trying to take advantage of me. I don’t want to be your brother.”
Josie didn’t think much of it. She felt slightly embarrassed.
Josie only sat down when the medical staff left. She held her dad’s bony hand and couldn’t say anything for a long while. “… What do I have to do to wake you up?”
She stayed in place of the care worker that night. Dexter had walked over after he ended his call, and he didn’t react when she told him. “I’ll stay with you.”
Josie was surprised. Although the VIP hospital room was nice, it wasn’t a place for someone of Dexter’s stature to stay.
Upon seeing her open her mouth in surprise, Dexter patted her head. “What’s up with your expression? Getting old, sick, and dying is only natural. It happens to everyone, and it isn’t a unique experience.”
Josie was comforted by what he said. She asked, “Did you say that to Dr. Sander just now because you’re worried he will expose us? Don’t worry. He won’t. He’s not that kind of person.”
Dexter leaned against the window and took out a pack of cigarettes. He unwrapped it. “Do you know him well?”
“He’s basically my father’s savior.”
“I have this floor covered. Nothing will be leaked. As for Dr. Sander, I also trust that he won’t say anything.” Dexter lit the cigarette between his lips and said casually, “Because he likes you.”

Josie’s eyes widened when she heard it. “You’re mad. Matt is like a brother to me. How can that be?”
He opened the window to let the smoke out. “How do you think he thinks of you?”
“There’s no way. If he likes me, why didn’t he tell me…” Josie couldn’t accept it.
Unlock succeeded

argue with her.

This was the first time Josie had heard of such a possibility, and she thought it was absurd. But her thoughts wavered when she recalled the moments she interacted with Matthew. Josie never had the time nor dared to have such thoughts. Now that she thought about it, it seemed likely.
“I’m ordinary, and I have nothing. I only have a sick father. Why would he like me?”
When Dexter heard her muttering, he ridiculed her. “Yes. I never thought I would marry someone like you, either.”
Josie didn’t seem to hear him. She stared at the man on the hospital bed and was lost in thought.
“Dr. Sander doesn’t like me. He treats me like a friend. Don’t tease me. I’m thinking of how to make my dad wake up.”
Josie had tried everything when her dad had first gone into a coma. She had tried staying overnight with Justin, and she tried talking a lot to her dad. One year passed, and her dad didn’t move at all. Gradually, she could only get her life in order first and work hard to afford his medical bills.
Dexter’s eyes closed slightly, and he extinguished his cigarette. “Let nature take its course. You can’t force life or death.”
Josie’s figure stiffened. She didn’t turn around. “You’re ruthless.”
His actions paused. Josie suddenly asked, “Dexter, have you ever been unwilling to let go of anyone? Other than your grandfather.”
Dexter sat near the light, and his face was half lit. After a moment, he answered indifferently, “Yes.”
Chapter 129 Different Types of Affection

“Were you sad at the time? You must have been upset, right? Perhaps the person treated you well. How would you allow them to leave your life suddenly?” Josie wasn’t implying anything. She was immersed in her sadness.
“Sad?” Dexter said slowly. He thought of the endless rainy season back then.

The woman, who had always been intelligent and graceful, had hit him frantically that day. She slapped him mercilessly. “If I could, I wish that I never met you. Do you know you’re a vile spawn that ruined my life?!”
Servants rushed forward and pulled her away, shouting for Dexter to leave quickly.
Dexter, who was seven years old at the time, stood frozen on the spot. His mouth was filled. with blood, and he had looked at her numbly. “… But Mommy, I love you very much.”
He was still young, and he hadn’t known how to express his feelings at the time. He only knew how to say ‘I love you.’
The woman turned manic. She felt agitated by what he said. She viciously picked up a cup on the table and threw it at his face. “I don’t need you to love me! Why don’t you
For a moment, blood flowed profusely. The boy had stood on the spot and didn’t say a word. while the entire villa went into turmoil.
Dexter composed himself and took a deep breath. “I was too young. I can’t remember well.”
He only remembered that he never expressed his feelings after that incident.
Josie didn’t know what he was thinking about. It was an ambiguous answer.
She seemed to be talking to herself. “My father means a lot to me. He would never desert me even if the world had abandoned me. Back then, we were poor, and he had frostbite on hist hands. He was unwilling to buy a pair of gloves for himself, but he was willing to buy me ice cream after school every day. He didn’t even buy ice cream for Justin.”
“After I grew up, I had everything other girls did. He was young but worked two jobs because of me and ended up sick.”
Dexter said nothing as he listened to her. He seemed to have thought of something.
Her voice choked up, and she said, “I’m going to take my laptop from the car.”

After she left, the hospital room felt cold and quiet. Only dust floated in the air, making Paul’s face seem unrealistic. Dexter slowly sighed.

He sat closer to Paul, and after a long time, he said, “Hello. I’m Josie’s husband.”
It felt strange, so he added, “Perhaps it’s only temporary.”
There was no response.

Josie’s dad lay on the hospital bed without moving. Only the dripping of Paul’s IV reminded Dexter that Paul was still alive.
Dexter rarely said anything emotional because he didn’t like to. Although he was still aloof at that moment, his voice softened. “It hasn’t been easy for her for the past few years. Don’t worry. From now on, I will do everything I can to protect her. But you are her only wish. If you don’t want to burden her, please quickly wake up.”
After that, Paul still didn’t move. Dexter didn’t expect him to, either. Josie hadn’t been able to wake him for the past three years. How could he wake Paul after talking to Paul for the first time?
When Josie went downstairs to take her laptop, she realized a few more bodyguards were on duty. There were also bodyguards by Dexter’s car. She furrowed her brows. “You…”
Chris quickly said, “Mr. Russell arranged for them.”
It made sense. With his stature, sensational articles would be released if reporters saw him in the hospital.
Josie returned to the hospital room with her laptop and found Dexter sitting at his spot. He looked up at an elm tree outside the window. Dexter had a strange expression that was hard. to figure out. Josie didn’t know what he was thinking of.
Someone like him shouldn’t have been here, but he chose to stay. It was hard to argue with
Josie composed herself. She turned on her laptop and put it on a table before the couch.
When Dexter heard the noise, he asked her, “Are you working?”
Josie didn’t raise her head. She was focused on amending her design. “The meeting is approaching. If I can’t submit a design, I will voluntarily take the blame and resign without Claire forcing me.”
Chapter 130 He Will Let the Cat Out of the Bag

Dexter said nothing. He suddenly realized that she was doing her utmost to keep her job. She was persevering.

After a long time, Dexter sat beside her on the couch and examined her design. “How much do you have left?”

Josie was exhausted. “I’m almost done.”

Dexter said nothing. He leaned back on the couch. When he saw it clearly, he asked, “School district housing?”

Josie burst out laughing in disbelief. “You spent so much money on this project. Don’t you know what it’s about?”

Dexter didn’t know. His initial goal for the project was for her to practice her skills.

But she didn’t seem too happy.

“Take your time. If you can’t make it, I will find a way to postpone it,” Dexter said in a low voice. He picked up his pack of cigarettes and seemed slightly distracted.

Josie paused. She turned and looked into his cloudy eyes. “Are you trying to let the cat out of the bag?”

“So what if I am?”

He answered honestly and innocently. Josie was dumbstruck.

After a moment’s silence, a smile quietly appeared in the corners of Josie’s mouth. She used to think Dexter didn’t have many feelings because he was cold and indifferent. But in reality, he downplayed his kindness to others. He was silently compassionate to others without them realizing it.

Once Josie noticed it, the feelings in her heart flourished.

Josie didn’t push herself. When she was almost done, she lay at the side and slept. She only woke the next day when Matthew came to do his rounds in the morning.


No one was beside her. Dexter had left.

For some reason, there was a coat draped on her. It was from Dexter’s suit.

Matthew examined Paul with the nurses, and a care worker entered the room. Josie packed up and was about to go to work.

He Will Let the Cat Out of the Bag

“Jo,” Matthew called her.

Josie turned. She didn’t know why, but she felt strangely toward him since Dexter said Matthew liked her.


Matthew pursed his lips tightly. Rays from the rising sun landed on him, making him seem warm and gentle.

“I thought about it the whole night. Every move your husband makes isn’t ordinary. He has eyes and ears on the whole floor and smart tricks up his sleeve. Keep yourself safe. You can call me if you’re in danger.”

Josie was startled, but it made sense when she thought about it. Dexter didn’t appear in public often. It was only natural for Matthew to feel wary about him. But… she wasn’t in danger.

She forced a smile. “Matt, I know you care for me, but he won’t harm me. Don’t worry.”

Matthew wrinkled his brows. He looked like he wanted to say something but stopped. “It seems like you know him well?”

“Not really. Just think about it this way. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship. He won’t harm.


Matthew was still apprehensive. “Jo, are you going to get a divorce when your father wakes up?”

Josie thought about what Dexter had said when she saw Matthew like that.

Does Matt really like me?

“Matt, I’m going to be late. I’ll be leaving. I’ll come at night.” She pointed at her watch. nervously before running out to the corridor.

Matthew was lost in thought as he watched her stumbling figure.

Josie ran downstairs and suddenly discovered that Dexter’s car was still around, and so was Chris. He said to her respectfully, “Mrs. Russell, Mr. Russell instructed me to send you to the


Josie was surprised. “What about him?”

“Mr. Russell left in another car. He intentionally ordered me to stay back.”
Chapter 131 Chicken Soup

Josie was about to be late, so she didn’t turn Chris down. She got into the car.

On the way to the office, she thought about Matthew’s words. Will I get a divorce if Dad wakes up?

In the beginning, Josie would have gotten a divorce without hesitation and escaped Dexter. But now, the two were entangled. It seemed like they would still be intertwined after a divorce.

The meeting was tomorrow. Josie sorted out her designs earnestly the whole day, and she immediately packed up when it was time to leave work, preparing to go to the hospital.

Alice called after her. “Why are you in a rush? What are you doing? Are you done with the project?”

Josie stuffed her laptop into her bag, and she looked tired. “Almost. The doctors operated on my dad yesterday and said I must think of a way to wake him up. That’s why I must go to th hospital today.”

The entire design department knew Josie’s father was in a vegetative state. Other people sighed when they heard it, and someone interrupted, “Why don’t you ask your husband to take care of him? You’re also working overtime. How can you bear all these on your own?”

When Josie heard it, she trembled in fright. She didn’t have the nerve to ask Dexter to care for her dad.

Alice added, “That’s right. The meeting is tomorrow. You should be cautious. It’s alright to ask your husband to take your place for a day.”

Josie was dumbfounded. “He… he…”

Alice lowered her voice and said, “Why? Is it inconvenient?”

It’s very inconvenient! Josie’s lips twitched. “He… Didn’t I tell you? He’s not feeling well too. It’s fine. It’s just a little more tiring for me.”

After that, she walked to the elevator guiltily.

People started discussing behind her back. “Pffi, what a shame. Josie is quite pretty, but she married such a man. It will get tougher for her in the future.”

At this time, Claire returned and bumped into Josie. She sized Josie up strangely. “Are you done?”

Josie had a headache and sounded tired. “Yes, thanks to you, Ms. Wilcher.”

Claire sneered and raised her brows. “You better make sure there are no mistakes. Not only will important leaders be there for tomorrow’s meeting, but government officials will be there to monitor too. Don’t embarrass the design department.”

Josie looked away. She couldn’t be bothered to argue with Claire. She walked past Claire and


Claire gritted her teeth as she watched Josie’s figure. She felt slightly nervous. She wouldn’t let Josie get promoted!

Dexter didn’t go to the hospital with Josie today. He left Chris for her so she could come and go as she pleased.

Although he didn’t say anything, she felt his effort.

He was cautious. Chris deliberately parked away from Russell Group, and Josie walked to him without attracting attention.

“Is Mr. Russell very busy today, Mr. Sorby?”

Chris raised his head. “It seems like it. He has a dinner party today, so he should be quite busy. Don’t blame him, Mrs. Russell.”

Josie couldn’t help but laugh. “Calling me Mrs. Russell is like second nature to you.”

If people kept calling her ‘Mrs. Russell, she would think that she was indeed Mrs. Russell.

It was better to not think of anything rather than have such delusions.

Josie stayed in the hospital room and took care of Paul. Mrs. Carroll sent over food and clothes from Mason Garden.

“Mrs. Russell, here’s some chicken soup. I added vegetables that I got from the farmers’ market. Drink it while it’s hot so you can regain some strength.”

Josie took the bowl and drank a mouthful. Sure enough, it was fragrant and delicious. “You have great skills.”

Mrs. Carroll smiled kindly. “Mr. Russell specially instructed me to deliver it on time so you won’t get hungry.”

Upon hearing it, Josie burned her tongue on the soup. “He instructed you?”
Chapter 132 Birthday Present

“That’s right.” Mrs. Carroll didn’t feel anything strange.
Josie was slightly lost in thought. How is he so attentive?

Mrs. Carroll left late at night. Josie lay on the couch. She tossed and turned but couldn’t fall asleep. Josie took out her cell phone and wanted to play games but wasn’t feeling it. In the end, she opened her chat with Dexter. What is he doing now? Is he still at the dinner party?
He should be drinking, right? Did he drink too much? No, he’s always had his limits. No one can force him to drink if he doesn’t want to.
Josie was actually quite nervous when faced with the meeting tomorrow. This was her first time in charge of such a big project. She could make a name for herself, and many important figures would be present…
Josie suddenly thought to herself. Would Dexter be nervous if he were in my shoes? I don’t think so. He’s experienced a lot.
Today, Dexter was at Leo’s birthday party. Leo had invited many friends, and everyone was having fun. It was lively. Leo, who was from a wealthy family, liked famous figures and Internet celebrities, so a few were invited.
Dexter didn’t quite like such occasions. Leo almost jumped with joy when he saw Dexter. “I thought you wouldn’t come. Mr. Russell!”
“It’s your first birthday after returning to the country. How could I not show up?” Dexter leaned to the side and gave a box amid the noise. “It’s a present for you.”
Leo’s eyes lit up, and he opened the present at once. A pair of car keys were inside.
“You kept asking me to remodel the car before you left the country. I held back because you were still underage back then. I can give it to you now.”
Dexter had been wild when he was young. He was well-versed with race cars and tattoos, and Leo had always worshipped him. Leo even dreamt of owning a Mercedes AMG G 63 that Dexter had personally modified.
Leo was so excited that he was close to tears. “You treat me so well, Mr. Russell.”
Dexter smiled faintly.

After that, he sat in the corner and lit a cigarette. He looked at the lively younger people with

the dim lighting and didn’t seem to want to participate.

A few Internet celebrities wanted to approach him and offer him a drink. The man had such a different demeanor. He was unrestrained yet dignified. Those Internet celebrities had met many wealthy people, but not someone who was both rich and charming.
But Leo stopped them and warned them. “Don’t try to flirt with Mr. Russell. He won’t be interested.”
They could only give up and peek at Dexter reluctantly.
He sat in the corner for a long time. He didn’t smoke or play with his phone. He spaced out, lost in thought and slightly distracted.
At this time, his cell phone on the table rang. He saw something and answered the call quickly but didn’t move.
Josie heard the noise in the phone, and she wrinkled her brows. “Are you at a nightclub?”
Dexter never thought she would take the initiative to call, so he subconsciously asked, “Did something happen at the hospital?”
Josie was silent and answered after a moment. “… No.”
Both of them were silent. Josie heard the noise on his end and felt awkward. “Actually, it’s nothing much. I’m just bored by myself. Are you free?”
Dexter raised his brows. “I can’t come to the hospital if you want me to.”
Josie laughed when she heard it. She wondered if she could ask for such a thing. “It’s not that. Can you talk to me for a while? I’m slightly nervous.”
She didn’t know why, but she felt more nervous after she summoned the courage to make this call. She felt anxious when talking to Dexter.
At this time, Ivy came in. She hesitated when she saw that he was on the phone.
Dexter indicated for her to speak.
Ivy leaned close and spoke sofily in his ears. “There is an investigation team at the scene in plain clothes. They’re on the left. I just received the information.”
Chapter 133 Tracking the Culprit

Dexter nodded, and he held his cell phone in his other hand. “You can start sending out the information.”
Ivy nodded, expressing that she understood. She quickly left the private room.

Josie faintly heard some noise on the other end, but it wasn’t clear. “Is that Ms. Miller?”
Dexter got up and walked out of the noisy space. He found a hidden spot where no one would notice him. “Yes. Today is Leo’s birthday, so I came to give him a present.”
Josie acknowledged it, although she didn’t fully understand what Dexter was doing. But after the last time, she vaguely felt he wasn’t sincere toward Mr. Ardon.
“Did Ms. Miller accompany you?” Jose asked affectionately after she thought about it for a while.
“Why? Are you jealous?” Dexter leaned his elbow against the railing. As he looked down, he saw a group of uniformed police officers enter.
“Yes. There are rumors in the office that Ms. Miller is the only woman by your side, and she will be the future Mrs. Russell.” Josie lay on the couch and deliberately acted coy.
“What do you think, Mrs. Russell?” Dexter put his hand on his forehead casually as he saw the group of people enter the elevator.
Josie smiled. “They said that Russell Group wasn’t at its current scale in the early days. It was Ivy who helped you build it up. Is it true?”
“Ivy is loyal, dependable, and skillful. It’s only natural for me to trust her.”
Nearby, the elevator rose as it went up.
Josie didn’t quite understand. “If that’s the case, I’m curious why Ms. Miller didn’t catch your heart. She’s pretty. You could have asked her to marry you.”
“She’s been with me for too long. Grandpa wouldn’t have believed it.” Dexter wasn’t very interested. “Did you call me at this time to criticize me, Mrs. Russell?”
Josie was startled by his mild teasing, so she explained dully, “I’m slightly nervous about the meeting tomorrow.”
The elevator doors opened, and the uniformed officers walked out. The servers retreated when they saw the police officers.

Dexter smiled. “You had quite a vicious demeanor when you exposed Samantha’s plagiarism. I thought you were brave.”
“How is that the same… Wait, were you there at the time? How do you know?” Josie mumbled.
I heard about it.”
At this time, she heard shrieks and various frightened screams from his end.
“What’s happening?”
The person in the lead took out a document. “Police inspection. Please cooperate.”
After that, a group of people poured into the private room. Everyone in the room panicked. but none were allowed to leave.
Dexter turned, and he stopped thinking about it. He loosened his tie with one hand and said to Josie, “I will be at the meeting tomorrow.”
Josie furrowed her brows and was silent for a moment.
“Did something… happen to Leo?”
The elevator was going down, and Dexter didn’t have good reception, but Josie could still hear the noise clearly. Dexter raised his brows. She’s pretty sharp.
“How did you guess?”
Josie never thought that it was really the case. Her throat closed up in a panic. “… I heard police officers there. From what I understand, Leo is younger than you. If you attended his party personally, it must not have been to merely give him a gift.”
It was to… make a move…
Dexter said coldly, “His father is very influential in Wavery and conspires with many officials. It’s not that I wanted to make a move. He gave me the opportunity to do so.”
Josie knew Dexter wanted to mess with the Ardon family, but she never thought he would move so quickly.
“Is something wrong with Leo?”
“Yes, but not much. Everything depended on Leo.”
Ivy stood waiting at the entrance. The night was cold, and her legs were bare. She was tottering slightly and looked weak.

She thought it was strange and furrowed her brows when she saw Dexter still on the phone
Chapter 134 The Person He Groomed
Josie was terrified. She thought that the city officials were untouchable. Still, she never imagined that Dexter could make a move against someone so influential.

“So you didn’t actually go to give him a present, but to…” Make things difficult for Leo. “Leo likes you. He would hate you if he found out.”

Dexter got into the car, and Ivy followed. He looked down and casually picked up a coat placed at the side. He threw it on her legs. Ivy was pleasantly surprised.
“I can only guarantee that if something happens, he won’t have a hard time in the future.” Dexter held his cell phone in his other hand. “Why aren’t you sleeping?”
After talking to him, Josie suddenly felt that what was happening tomorrow wasn’t a big deal, and she naturally felt less nervous. “I’m going to sleep now. Um, Dexter…”
The man waited, and he heard her say, “Be careful.”
After that, she hung up at once. Dexter heard the dial tone in the phone, and a subtle smile appeared in the corners of his mouth.
Ivy noticed his smile and unconsciously guessed who was on the other end. Was it Josie?
“Where is she?”
“Mrs. Ardon has been waiting for a long time,” Ivy answered quickly.
“Tell her to come in.”
The car door opened, and a woman with exquisite makeup entered. When she saw the coat covering Ivy’s legs, she smiled at the man with his eyes shut. “You treat your assistant well, Mr. Russell.”
Ivy gripped the coat tightly and said coldly, “Get on with it.”
The woman spoke wearily. It was a bit of an occupational hazard. “With the current situation, I’m unsure if I can keep it to myself. If you can protect me, Mr. Russell, I will serve you. faithfully.”
Dexter had yet to open his eyes. He smelled the scent of perfume on her and furrowed his brows slightly.

Ivy spoke nastily. “We’ve groomed you for so long. Are you trying to take us for granted?”
“Watch your words, Ms. Miller.”
The Person He Groomed
Ivy was dumbfounded.
“Why should I protect you?”
The man’s voice was icy. It was as bone-chilling as snow in winter.

Mrs. Ardon stared at his ethereal face, and her hand slithered up his leg. “Westin Ardon abused his public position to attain personal gain. I have a list of people who conspired with him, including Martin. I don’t know if this stepping stone will move you, Mr. Russell.”
Ivy glared at Mrs. Ardon’s hand.
Dexter still hadn’t opened his eyes. His leg twitched, and he shook her hand off. “Where’s the
name list?”
Mrs. Ardon’s hand shivered. She had experienced a lot, but she couldn’t conquer this man. “How can I simply bring such a thing with me? This is part of a video. Would you like to take a look. Mr. Russell?”
He still didn’t move. Ivy intuitively took it and glanced at it. She said, “It’s real, Mr. Russell.”
Dexter slowly opened his eyes and finally looked at Mrs. Ardon. She had deliberately dressed up today and was in a tight dress that exposed her bosom. He glanced at her and looked.
“What do you want?”
“Twenty million. And my freedom.”
“I’ll give you an additional ten million. Report it under your name. After that, I will guarantee your safety,” Dexter said indifferently yet solemnly.
Mrs. Ardon was moved by the figure. “How will I know if you will really protect me?”
Ivy said, “Think about it. If we don’t protect you, what if you turn on Russell Group?”
Mrs. Ardon came to her senses when she heard it. “But… Westin is already on alert recently. He doesn’t even let me enter his study room.”
Chapter 135 On the Way to Russell Group

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“I have a meeting today, Matt. I have to head there earlier just in case. After that, she rushed


Chris was already waiting downstairs. Josie entered the car and said, “Mr. Sorby, drive steadily. I want to put on makeup.”

Chris was surprised. “Can you put on makeup in the car?”

“You must not know about it. This is an essential skill for every working woman.”

Josie spoke daintily, then put on her makeup. She looked refined and respectable, appropriate for the meeting.

However, Chris didn’t need to deliberately drive carefully. The vehicle was steady because there was a traffic jam.

Josie felt anxious. “How can there be a traffic jam? This road doesn’t usually have traffic.”

Chris went forward to find out what was going on and returned. “Mrs. Russell, there has been a car accident. The traffic police are dealing with it.”.

“Is it severe?” Josie felt vaguely uneasy. They were still quite far from Russell Group.

“I saw blood on the floor.”

Traffic accidents involving blood wouldn’t usually be settled quickly. Josie looked at the time anxiously as she sat waiting in the car.

It was almost time. Josie would be doomed if she was unprepared and arrived later than everyone else.

Josie pondered, then picked up her bag. “Here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to use one of the bike-sharing bicycles. You don’t have to drive me to the office, Mr. Sorby.”

Chris wanted to chase after her, but he couldn’t leave the car on the road. “Mrs. Russell, how will I explain this to Mr. Russell?! Be careful!”
Chapter 136 Accident
Josie ran to a bike-sharing station nearby and got on a bicycle. It was faster than staying in

the cat.

It took twenty minutes to get to Russell Group. Since she had a bag with her and had to go through traffic lights, she would still be delayed, but the meeting would start one hour after she had to clock in. The worst-case scenario was that she would be late to clock in. It wasn’t too bad.
Josie paid attention to the traffic. It was terrible during peak hours. Everyone was in a rush, and it was slightly dangerous to cycle among cars.
After she started cycling, she suddenly realized that there seemed to be a car following her
It was a black Mercedes Benz.
She wasn’t sure, so she took two consecutive turns, and the car followed her. It would have been fine if they were both heading to Russell Group to work, but the other party’s motive was clear. It followed behind her from the start until the end. It sped up and slowed down when she did.
Josie furrowed her brows tightly. She couldn’t think of who would want to target her.
She didn’t know what the other party wanted. She cycled with one hand and took out her cell phone with some difficulty to call Alice. When the call went through, Alice started shouting. “Oh, my god. Do you know that it’s one minute to clock into work? You better be downstairs Josie’s head hurt. “I can’t make it. I’m still on the way. How’s the situation at the office?”
“The meeting room is ready, and many leaders will arrive soon. Should I help you stall?
“Yes, please. I’m in a fix. I’ll try to get there as fast as I can.” After that, Josie stared at the turning before her. It was an alley, and a car couldn’t fit.
She gritted her teeth and swerved to the side, leaving her initial path. She entered the alley and stopped. She stood with one leg and turned to see the Mercedes Benz suddenly stop at the alleyway. It had nowhere to go.
Josie smiled. “Trying to mess with me? Dream on.”

She didn’t know who the other party was, and they seemed to give up and leave. She continued cycling as she made her way through the alley. She would arrive at Russell Group after turning a corner.
On the way, Josie was distracted as she thought about who was in the car. They couldn’t have

been sent by Dexter. Chris was still stuck in traffic.
But she had no enemies. Can it possibly be Arnold?

After she left the alley, she could see the logo of the Russell Group building when she raised her head. She smiled. Hope lay ahead.
As she crossed a boulevard and cycled to the road, the Mercedes Benz suddenly appeared from her left like a predator waiting for its prey. It focused on its target and drove straight at Josie.
Her pupils widened. The Mercedes Benz had a clear target and was fast. Josie had no way of avoiding it. She couldn’t avoid it even if she braked. At the next moment, there was a massive crash. She was hit and fell to the ground, and her body distorted. She was in pain.
Josie fell to the ground, and her laptop fell to the side. After that, she saw fresh blood and people gathering around her.
Her hope completely vanished. She wanted to move but didn’t have the energy to do so.
At Russell Group.
Claire was pacing outside the meeting room and stared straight at the elevator. Her palms were sweaty. “What’s going on? Why hasn’t she arrived yet? The meeting is about to start.”
Claire spoke softly and even felt slightly weak.
Many leaders had arrived and gathered in the meeting room. Alice gritted her teeth as she brought coffee in. “I’m going to entertain the leaders. Please hold on, Ms. Wilcher. Josie will make it. She’s on the way!”
Alice ran into the meeting room as she served everyone drinks. She explained that traffic was terrible and Josie was still on the road, so she hoped everyone would wait.
At ten o’clock, Dexter came down from the top floor. Ivy followed him. “Mr. Russell, you don’t have to attend the design department’s minor meeting, do you?”
Chapter 136 Accident
Josie ran to a bike-sharing station nearby and got on a bicycle. It was faster than staying in

the cat.

It took twenty minutes to get to Russell Group. Since she had a bag with her and had to go through traffic lights, she would still be delayed, but the meeting would start one hour after she had to clock in. The worst-case scenario was that she would be late to clock in. It wasn’t too bad.
Josie paid attention to the traffic. It was terrible during peak hours. Everyone was in a rush, and it was slightly dangerous to cycle among cars.
After she started cycling, she suddenly realized that there seemed to be a car following her
It was a black Mercedes Benz.
She wasn’t sure, so she took two consecutive turns, and the car followed her. It would have been fine if they were both heading to Russell Group to work, but the other party’s motive was clear. It followed behind her from the start until the end. It sped up and slowed down when she did.
Josie furrowed her brows tightly. She couldn’t think of who would want to target her.
She didn’t know what the other party wanted. She cycled with one hand and took out her cell phone with some difficulty to call Alice. When the call went through, Alice started shouting. “Oh, my god. Do you know that it’s one minute to clock into work? You better be downstairs Josie’s head hurt. “I can’t make it. I’m still on the way. How’s the situation at the office?”
“The meeting room is ready, and many leaders will arrive soon. Should I help you stall?
“Yes, please. I’m in a fix. I’ll try to get there as fast as I can.” After that, Josie stared at the turning before her. It was an alley, and a car couldn’t fit.
She gritted her teeth and swerved to the side, leaving her initial path. She entered the alley and stopped. She stood with one leg and turned to see the Mercedes Benz suddenly stop at the alleyway. It had nowhere to go.
Josie smiled. “Trying to mess with me? Dream on.”

She didn’t know who the other party was, and they seemed to give up and leave. She continued cycling as she made her way through the alley. She would arrive at Russell Group after turning a corner.
On the way, Josie was distracted as she thought about who was in the car. They couldn’t have

been sent by Dexter. Chris was still stuck in traffic.
But she had no enemies. Can it possibly be Arnold?

After she left the alley, she could see the logo of the Russell Group building when she raised her head. She smiled. Hope lay ahead.
As she crossed a boulevard and cycled to the road, the Mercedes Benz suddenly appeared from her left like a predator waiting for its prey. It focused on its target and drove straight at Josie.
Her pupils widened. The Mercedes Benz had a clear target and was fast. Josie had no way of avoiding it. She couldn’t avoid it even if she braked. At the next moment, there was a massive crash. She was hit and fell to the ground, and her body distorted. She was in pain.
Josie fell to the ground, and her laptop fell to the side. After that, she saw fresh blood and people gathering around her.
Her hope completely vanished. She wanted to move but didn’t have the energy to do so.
At Russell Group.
Claire was pacing outside the meeting room and stared straight at the elevator. Her palms were sweaty. “What’s going on? Why hasn’t she arrived yet? The meeting is about to start.”
Claire spoke softly and even felt slightly weak.
Many leaders had arrived and gathered in the meeting room. Alice gritted her teeth as she brought coffee in. “I’m going to entertain the leaders. Please hold on, Ms. Wilcher. Josie will make it. She’s on the way!”
Alice ran into the meeting room as she served everyone drinks. She explained that traffic was terrible and Josie was still on the road, so she hoped everyone would wait.
At ten o’clock, Dexter came down from the top floor. Ivy followed him. “Mr. Russell, you don’t have to attend the design department’s minor meeting, do you?”
Chapter 138 An Eye for an Eye

Outside the operating theater, a light was lit up above him. This was his third time standing


The first time was for Grandpa, the second was for Paul, and the third was for Josie.
Dexter took out a pack of cigarettes and wanted to light a cigarette. His hand trembled slightly, and he struggled momentarily before lighting his cigarette.
Ivy stood behind him and wanted to say something but stopped. She never thought that Dexter was already treating Josie like this.
He was actually frightened… Ivy had been with him for many years, and they had experienced various troubles, but this was her first time seeing him with such emotions….
After an hour and a half, Dexter had puffed cigarette after cigarette. He was shrouded in a smokey fog and had a nasty expression.
At long last, the doctor exited the operating theater while wheeling Josie out. “Who is her family?”
Dexter got up and said, “I’m her husband.”
Ivy’s heart sank.
“I will inform you of her condition. Your wife has fractured her arm, so we put a splint on it. She has to rest for a while. Other than that, she wasn’t hurt badly. She just has some minor injuries.”
Dexter looked over. Josie was lying unconscious on the hospital bed, and her left forearm was in a cast. There were also bruises on her face. She didn’t look angry. Instead, she looked like she was on the brink of death.
His heart tightened.
“You have to deal with her admission procedures after this. She has to stay for observation for a few days.”
Ivy gripped her constantly vibrating cell phone tightly. She said with difficulty, “Let me go, Mr. Russell.”
Dexter was in disbelief. His cigarette continued burning, and it burnt him. He came to his senses. “She was in an accident. Have you done a full body check-up? Is there anything wrong internally?”

The doctor gave him a form to sign. “We have. There are no other problems, but she’s in a poor mental state. She woke up a few times during the surgery, mumbling that she needed to go to the office. Your wife is really a workaholic.”

Dexter froze as he held the pen. His heart tightened.
Ivy arranged for a VIP hospital room. Dexter sat by Josie’s bed in the room and watched her as he was lost in thought.
Someone came to the door shortly with a file. “Mr. Russell, here’s some information.”
Dexter took it and quickly opened it. A stack of photos spilled out. There were a few pictures of Josie lying on the road as she was under the bicycle. Her bloody state was unpleasant, like a broken porcelain doll.
“There was an accident from the hospital to Russell Group, which caused a huge traffic jam. Mrs. Russell exited the car and rode a bike-sharing bicycle while someone followed her. The driver was a hoodlum released from prison a few days ago. According to him, he just wanted to take revenge on society. We’ve reviewed the surveillance cameras and found that he has followed Mrs. Russell for the past few days. He did it deliberately. Someone must be inciting him behind the scenes.”
realized someone was following her. Hence, she
In some of the surveillance footage.ill hit.
deliberately went into an alley but was still hit.
Dexter sneered as he flipped through the person’s information. “Does the hoodlum drive at Mercedes Benz?”
Dexter’s subordinate was startled. “Did Carter Group… Should I investigate Arnold?”
Dexter had a fierce and vicious side profile. He concluded, “It isn’t him. He wouldn’t use such simple and vulgar ways.”
“It was today out of all days…” He hit his knee with the file absentmindedly. “What were their motives? Did they not want Josie to attend the meeting?”
He looked at Ivy, who was at the side. He had already come up with a preliminary conclusion. “Investigate within Russell Group.”
She pursed her lips. “… Alright.”
As Dexter spoke to his other subordinate, his voice was fierce. “Keep watch over the driver. Once the investigation ends, I want to make him pay. An eye for an eye.”
Chapter 139 Distance Between Life and Death

Josie had a dream. She dreamt that she had arrived at Russell Group safely, and Alice pulled her as they ran forward. Alice was grumbling that Josie was too slow. Then, Josie pushed the meeting room doors open as she apologized to the leaders. Josie hurriedly turned on her laptop, explained her reasoning behind the design, and analyzed everything thoroughly. Everything went smoothly as she had imagined.
Ultimately, her design was successfully approved, and everyone clapped for her. She smiled as she looked around when she suddenly saw Dexter standing at the entrance and smirking at her.

She quickly awoke from her dream and suddenly opened her eyes. She saw a white ceiling and a nurse standing beside her bed, adjusting her IV.
“You’re awake? I’ll call the doctor.”
Josie was startled as she sized up the things in the hospital room. She saw a coat on a chair. It belonged to Dexter.
She cried out to the nurse, “Miss, what happened to me?”
“You were in an accident. Don’t move. Get up only after the effects of the anesthetic have. worn off. I’m going to call the doctor.”
Soon, the nurse returned with the doctor, who examined her. The doctor had a grave expression. “Other than your fracture, you weren’t injured badly. Rest well for a few days, and don’t move about.”
Josie only saw that her arm was in a cast at this time, and she instantly recalled that she had been hit by a car. Her elbow was the first to break her fall when she fell to the ground. It was no wonder that she suffered a fracture.
That’s right. I fell at the entrance of Russell Group, and I missed the meeting…
Josie grabbed the corner of the nurse’s outfit. “Miss, who sent me to the hospital? Where is the owner of this coat?”
When Josie said it, the nurse’s smile deepened, and she was slightly shy. “The police sent you in, and your husband was dealing with your procedures. He was just here. Take a look.” The nurse took out a mirror and put it in front of Josie. “He personally cleaned the bruises on
face. He said you’re vain and would panic if your face had a scar.”

Other than the slightly red bruises on her face, her face was free from sand or dust.
Josie couldn’t explain her feelings. It was hard to imagine someone like Dexter patiently
Distance Between Life and Death
cleaning her face. It seemed like he also cared for her face.

“Are you unhappy?” The nurse realized she had said too much. The hospital director had instructed that the patient in the hospital room was different, and the nurse had to take good care of the patient. Don’t tell me their marriage isn’t as beautiful as it seems.
Josie was feeling downcast. “Where is he?”
“I think he went to take a call.”
The nurse only packed the equipment and left after Josie’s IV was completed. Josie was momentarily lost in thought as she lay on the hospital bed alone with a dull and lifeless expression.
“Mr. Russell.” Two bodyguards stood at the door.
Josie was startled. She looked to the side and suddenly saw Dexter walking in casually with his cell phone in his hands. He said, “You’re awake?”
Josie didn’t know why, but she started shivering when she saw him. Her eyes reddened, and she slowly vented her suppressed feelings. “Dexter, I thought I was going to die. I really thought I would die when the car hit me.”
Her trembling voice made Dexter quickly walk to her side. “You’re alright now.”
The lingering fear came in waves. Josie looked up at him tearfully. “I don’t have Who wants to kill me?”
any enemies.
He pursed his lips, and his voice was deep. “We’re still investigating. The driver is a hoodlum. and has been detained. Someone must be inciting him behind the scenes.”
Someone inciting him… It must be premeditated. Josie didn’t dare to think about how long someone had been watching her. She grabbed a corner of Dexter’s shirt. “I felt that someone had been following me for the past few days. Is it the same person? Can you ask people to check the surveillance footage?”
Chapter 140 The Ardon Family's Rage
She was in agony.

“It’s alright.” Dexter pulled her into his arms as she shivered. His hand stroked her hair gently. “I’ve been investigating, and we will have results in a few days. Just rest well, okay?”

Josie buried her head in the man’s warm embrace and smelled the clean aroma of detergent. on him. She slowly calmed down. “I always thought that I wasn’t afraid to die until the moment when I was hit. I finally felt the gap between life and death. Dexter, I don’t want to die…”
Her tears soaked his shirt, and it made Dexter freeze. The bitterness in him grew, and his expression was nasty.
“You won’t die with me around.”
After a moment, she said, “… What happened to the meeting? Did I mess it up?”
Dexter didn’t let go. “I said you won’t mess it up. my support.”
Warmth flooded into Josie’s fearful heart. “Does everyone have a bad impression of me?”
“If you want to make up for it, quickly gather your energy. There will be an online meeting
When Josie heard she could make up for it, she finally stopped crying and pulled away from him. “Really?”
Her face was still soaked with tears. Dexter took out a napkin and wiped her tears dry. “Yes.” Josie was just about to say something happily when she suddenly noticed a figure standing at the door through the corner of her eye. Josie suddenly froze. “Ms. Miller?”
Ivy had documents in her hands. They didn’t know how long she had been standing there. She had a dark and vague expression.
Josie realized something was wrong and quickly pulled away from Dexter. His hands froze mid-air, and he lowered his gaze as he sat down. “What’s up?”
Ivy nodded and walked in. She wanted to say something when she saw Josie on the bed but stopped.
Dexter knew what lvy was thinking about. “She’s one of us. You can speak plainly.”
Ivy gritted her teeth. “Leo’s trouble has spread to Westin.”

Dexter opened the files and glanced at them. He was well aware of the situation. “Where is
“He was captured on the way to the airport, and he’s been sent to trial. He doesn’t know much. He signed the divorce papers last night.”
“What about Mrs. Ardon?”
“She’s also at the police station.”
“Ensure she’s safe before this ends.”
Josie leaned against her pillow and carefully sized up Ivy’s expression as she discussed work matters. Ivy was surprised when she heard it. “You’re really ensuring her safety? Mr. Russell, think of the butterfly effect. What if she does something to harm us…”
“You don’t understand a mother’s heart. She won’t.” Dexter put the documents back together
grasp. as he glossed over them. It was as though victory was within his
Ivy left, and the door shut. The hospital room was silent once again.
Josie composed herself, feeling more rational, but her voice was still hoarse. “You discussed something so important in front of me, Mr. Russell. Aren’t you afraid that I will expose you?”
He was slightly against the light, but his side profile seemed extremely gentle now. He smiled. “Even if I allowed you to reveal it, would you dare to?”
Josie was at a loss for words, and she seemed rather distressed. “Aren’t you afraid that something will happen after Ms. Miller discovers my identity?”
“She won’t do anything.”
Josie didn’t say anything else. The next day, Ivy brought Josie a laptop so Josie could attend. the online meeting.
When Dexter left with everyone else, he saw Josie exhale nervously out of the corner of his
“How are the investigations going?” He held a cigarette in his mouth and wanted to light it, but he didn’t bring a lighter. Ivy took one out of her bag and lit it for him.
“The Mercedes Benz was rented at a car rental shop. I’ve investigated the culprit’s identity, and he’s not connected to anyone in Russell Group. I don’t think someone in the company did it.”
Chapter 141 Grandpa Knows

Dexter puffed on his cigarette and looked at the woman inside the room through the smoke.

She seemed very nervous even though the meeting was online. As she spoke, she revealed an appropriate smile and apologized before she started her presentation.

“You haven’t dug deep enough. Ask around and investigate if anyone has a grudge against Josie in the design department.” He looked to the side. “I remember the new head doesn’t. seem to like her much.”

Ivy’s heart sank. “She… is the head, after all. I don’t think she needs to do such a thing.”

“People are greedy. Perhaps she felt dissatisfied that I made Josie the project’s main designer.”

“Let me investigate her recent calls.” Ivy understood that there had to be a conclusion from the investigation.

Dexter answered her indifferently without looking away from Josie. Ivy looked over and couldn’t help herself. “Mr. Russell… If I may say something.”

He answered, “Mm.”

“Why did you choose Josie?” Ivy gritted her teeth and asked the question that had been on her mind for many days. She didn’t feel like Dexter would really fall in love with Josie.

Ash from Dexter’s cigarette fell on the floor. It was as though the question came as no surprise to Dexter. He merely said, “She’s suitable.”

Ivy didn’t ask what about Josie was suitable. It was already inappropriate for a personal assistant like her to ask about her boss’ private affairs. His answer made her relax slightly. Thankfully, Dexter just thought that Josie was suitable. He wasn’t in love with her.

Ivy didn’t say anything for a long time. Dexter put out his cigarette. “Is there anything else?”

“No. I’ll be leaving, Mr. Russell.”

Josie’s design was successfully approved in the meeting. She closed the laptop happily and saw him enter the room. She smiled and asked him, “You didn’t secretly manipulate this, did you?”

“Why aren’t


confident in your work?”

“I didn’t mean that. Do you know what one of the leaders complimented me?” Josie wanted to laugh, but it tugged on one of the bruises on her face. She grimaI

She looked like a child seeking praise after acing a test.

Dexter laughed lightly. “Do you want to rest in the hospital or go home?”

Josie thought about it earnestly. “Do people at the company know I was in an accident?”

“Not only do they know, but they also know that I stepped in to settle the matter. You’re remarkable, Ms. Warren.”

She could already imagine the rumors that were going around. “Oh no. They’re not spreading rumors about us, are they?” More importantly, the rumor was true. She didn’t want to face it. “I think I want to go home. It’s boring to stay in the hospital.”

At this time, she suddenly came to her senses. “But what about arm, no one will massage him.”


dad? With my fractured

“There’s the care worker,” Dexter said. “I also told Calvin to let Justin out for these few days so he can take care of your dad.

That’s right, there’s Justin. Josie relaxed. Perhaps it will be more effective when Justin personally repents at Dad’s bed.

“By the way.” Josie suddenly thought of something. “Dexter, has my mom… looked for you?”

Her mom had threatened to look for Dexter back at the beauty salon. There had been no news in the past few days. Was Mom just being arrogant?

Dexter looked away and answered indifferently, “No.”

That’s good.

Josie was discharged the next day and returned to Mason Garden. On the way back, Dexter suddenly received a call. “Dex, what happened? Was Jo in an accident?”

Henry’s voice was loud. Dexter put his cell phone further away and furrowed his brows. “How did you know, Grandpa?”

Josie raised her head, perplexed.

“The Late Wavery News reported on it. They said that an accident happened at Russell Group’s entrance and even included photos!”
Chapter 142 Marilyn Visiting

“When I saw the photos, I thought, isn’t this Jo? It gave me a fright. Why didn’t you tell me?!”

Old Mr. Russell chided Dexter angrily. He was about to go mad.

Dexter’s head hurt. He never expected this to go on the news. He explained patiently, “Grandpa, it’s not a big deal. Jo’s arm fractured, and she’s been discharged. Don’t worry. Take care of yourself.”
“That’s absolutely disgraceful! She’s your wife. You’re glossing over it even after she got into something as serious as an accident. Is a fracture no big deal? You can find out after I break your legs!” Old Mr. Russell grew furious, and he almost lost his breath. “Give the phone to Jo. I want to talk to her!”
Dexter signaled the woman beside him with a glance. She couldn’t hold the cell phone, so he put it next to her without moving.
“Are you alright, Jo? You can be honest with me.” Old Mr. Russell’s voice completely changed. It was very gentle.
Josie bit the bullet and answered, “Grandpa, it’s no big deal. The newspapers are spouting nonsense. Don’t believe them.”
“You only suffered a fracture?”
“Yes. I’ve been discharged, and I’m now going home to recuperate.”
“That’s good.” Old Mr. Russell’s voice suddenly increased in volume. “Dexter Russell.”
Dexter answered nonchalantly, “I’m here.”
“A fracture isn’t just a small matter. I’ve instructed Marilyn to go to Mason Garden to care for Jo. She should be there now. Watch out.”
When Josie heard it, she choked on her water and tried her best to keep from coughing.
Dexter wrinkled his brows. “Why did you go through great pains to ask Marilyn to come? It’s not like there aren’t servants in Mason Garden.”
Old Mr. Russell sneered. “So what? Marilyn has taken care of me for years and is very attentive. I will only be reassured if she takes care of Jo.”

“What about you?”
Unlock succeeded
are many servants in Russell Mansion. I can cope. Jo’s health is crucial now. She’s the

most important,” Old Mr. Russell said erratically before immediately ending the call.
Dexter massaged his temples. He sneered. “Grandpa treats you so well.”

Josie was overwhelmed and frantic. “What should we do? If Marilyn stays in Mason Garden, we can’t hide it.”
Marilyn was different from the servants in Mason Garden. She thought that the two had a genuine relationship and marriage.
Dexter was calm when faced with her panic. “We can only act as a true couple.”
“Act? How are we going to act?” Josie was annoyed yet amused. The car stopped at the entrance of Mason Garden, and a row of servants stood outside, with Marilyn in the lead. She smiled at them.
“Go down and stall. I will instruct the servants to move your belongings into the master bedroom.”
“Master… bedroom?” He forced Josie out of the car. Before she could ask further, she was in front of Marilyn.
“You’re here, Marilyn.” Dexter was respectful to her.
Marilyn only cared about Josie. She was taken aback when she saw Josie. “Oh my god, it’s so serious. Come in, quick, Jo. Have a seat.”
Josie gulped and forced out a smile. “I’m sorry for troubling you, Marilyn. Um… These are the instructions from the doctor. Please take a look at them.”
The two entered the villa, and Dexter instructed the remaining servants calmly. “Move Mrs. Russell’s belongings into my room. Do it quickly.”
“Yes, sir.”
On the other end, Josie led Marilyn into the kitchen. When Josie saw the servants bustling upstairs, she said, “Marilyn, I like taking herbal tonics. Can you please make me some?”
“I need good herbs to make herbal tonics. I have to go and buy them. Wait for me, Jo.” After that, Marilyn wanted to leave.
Chapter 143 My Condolences
Josie stopped Marilyn. “I… I’m not in a rush. I want to have some warm water. Could you heat up some water for me?”

Marilyn didn’t quite understand. “Alright. Please wait a moment.”

While waiting for the water to be warmed, the two looked at each other in the kitchen. Marilyn saw that Josie was sweating, so Marilyn immediately said, “The kitchen is hot. Wait
… It’s alright. It doesn’t matter. I haven’t seen you in a long time, so I want to talk to you.” Josie immediately waved her hands. “How is Grandpa recently?”
“He’s doing well. Don’t worry.”
“That’s good… That’s good…”
Once the water was warmed, Marilyn swiftly poured it into a glass for Josie. “Take your time. I have to go out and buy ingredients. Wait for me. I’ll make sure you eat well tonight.”
Josie was at her wit’s end. While Marilyn was undoing her apron, Josie waved frantically at Dexter, who was in the living room, gesturing for his help.
The latter walked over casually and stood at the entrance of the kitchen. “It’s still hot. There’s time to go tomorrow. Don’t play favorites. I haven’t eaten your pudding in a while. Can I eat it today?”
Marilyn was startled when she heard it. She carefully sized up Dexter’s expression and stuttered slightly. “Yes… Yes. I’ll make it now.”
Josie realized they were safe and immediately said, “I’ll have to learn from you.”
While Marilyn was busy in the kitchen, the servants were almost done moving upstairs. Josie no longer panicked and secretly slipped out to sit beside Dexter. She asked quietly, “Why was Marilyn so agitated when you said you wanted to eat pudding?”
Dexter was replying to emails on his laptop and didn’t look up. “I haven’t eaten it for many years.”
“Why?” She asked subconsciously.
Dexter didn’t answer her. Josie realized there must have been some kind of story, so she kept quiet, embarrassed. When she thought he wouldn’t say anything, she heard his voice. “I haven’t eaten it since my mother left.”

previously guessed that Dexter’s mother was no longer around. She never thought that it was really the case.
She carefully sized up his tense side profile and apologized. “I’m sorry… My condolences.”
Dexter paused as he was typing. His lips curled into a sneer. “It’s fine.”
After that, Marilyn oversaw everything in Mason Garden, especially when Josie had to take her medicine. Marilyn was sent by Old Mr. Russell, so no one dared to stop her.
In the master bedroom, the servants had packed everything neatly. It really seemed like the two were living together.
Marilyn drew a bath in the bathroom. “Go in, Jo.”
Josie nodded, and Mrs. Carroll followed her into the bathroom, but Marilyn stopped the latter. “Why are you going in, Julie?”
“To help me take a bath.”
“To help Mrs. Russell take a bath.”
Josie and Mrs. Carroll answered in unison.
“Why are you helping her with her bath?” Marilyn had a disdainful expression. “Dex can help
with such an intimate act.”
At the side, Dexter raised his brows while Josie was flabbergasted. “I… I… don’t think it’s very convenient.”
Marilyn teased her, “You two are husband and wife. Don’t be shy. It’s normal.”
She waved everyone out as she spoke. “Everyone else can leave. Which husband wouldn’t help their injured wife take a shower?”
“Ah! Mrs. Carroll! Don’t leave!” Josie cried out in despair.
Mrs. Carroll shut the door out of consideration.
Half of Josie’s face was flushed. She didn’t want to care about anything else as she sat down. “I’m not going to take a shower.”
She loathed the culprit at that moment. If he hadn’t hit her, she wouldn’t be at a stage where Dexter had to help her take a bath. She could have retained her innocence!
Dexter crossed his arms and sized up the shy person before him. “Why are you nervous?”
Chapter 144 Help Her Take a Bath

“Isn’t it obvious? You’re a man, and you’ll take advantage of me. How can I not be nervous?” Josie’s neck was flushed as she raised her head and cried out.
“It’s not like I haven’t seen your body.” Dexter laughed lightly. “It’s so-so.”

“You!” Josie pointed at him but couldn’t say anything for a long while. After that, she looked down at her chest. “I… I have a good figure. Don’t underestimate me.”
Dexter said nothing. He turned and went into his wardrobe.
Josie panicked. She hugged herself and cried out, “I won’t yield. Don’t think of making me compromise.”
Dexter came out with a black tie shortly and walked to her. “I’ll give you two choices. I’ll cover my eyes, or you don’t have to bathe.”
Josie was surprised. She could accept it if he covered his eyes. “But… But you might touch” somewhere sensitive.”
Dexter sneered. “It’s up to you if you want to bathe.”
“No….” Josie felt awkward. She hadn’t taken a bath for the whole day, and she felt uncomfortable. “I’ll take a bath.”
She tried covering her eyes with the tie to test its thickness. When she confirmed that she couldn’t see anything with the black tie around her eyes, she was reassured and allowed. Dexter to walk into the bathroom.
She took off her clothes. Under the light, it was as though the woman’s fair skin was glowing. She had a tall and full figure.
She carefully sized Dexter up. He didn’t have any expression. He seemed more solemn with the tie around his eyes.
“When is Marilyn leaving…” Josie stepped into the bathtub. She couldn’t help but sigh when she came into contact with the warm water.
Dexter raised his hands to support her. “It should be after your arm heals.”
“Does that mean you’ll have to help me shower daily?” Josie cried out in surprise.
“Do you think I like doing this?” Dexter said, annoyed, as he helped to wet her hair and rub

Although they lived together, they used different brands of shampoos. Josie liked the fragrance of his shampoo. She shut her eyes and enjoyed herself as he massaged shampoo. into her hair. “Mr. Russell, if you don’t want to operate your business anymore in the future, you can change careers and go into the hairstyling industry.”
Dexter laughed in his rage. This woman always makes such remarks after taking advantage of me. “Make another comment, and I’ll break your other arm. Good things come in pairs, after all.”
Josie wasn’t afraid. She laughed as she said, “You would have to help me shower for much longer. You’ll be getting the short end of the stick.”
“You’re pretty good at finding the silver lining.” Dexter’s voice was slow. “If I remove the tie now, you’ll get the short end of the stick.”
For a moment, the bathroom was silent. Josie immediately stopped talking and didn’t dare to say anything else.
After washing her hair, she cleaned wherever she could by herself and only asked Dexter for help with areas she couldn’t manage. He would only move in the direction she asked and didn’t try anything funny. However, the strange noises from the bath gel on her skin made. her flush.
When she looked at Dexter, who was cleaning her ankles, he was still expressionless.
Josie suddenly thought of something, and her other leg reached out of the bathtub and splashed him with water. “Mr. Russell, I heard rich people have unique desires when doing. the deed. Do you?”
Dexter was soaked by her leg moving around. He grabbed her leg.
“What deed?”
Josie felt embarrassed, “Like… those on the bed.”
“What kind of unique desires?”
Josie wanted to pull her leg back but to no avail. She couldn’t move it. He’s feigning ignorance.
“Like… Men in high positions like to be involved in bondage play, like, S, um, M…” She sized up Dexter’s expression as she said it and emphasized the two letters.
Dexter let go of her leg, and he was splashed with more water. “I don’t.”
“How self-restrained…,” she mumbled, “but you don’t seem like those people.”
Chapter 145 Letting the Cat Out of the Bag

Dexter took out a towel to wipe his hands. “If you continue talking nonsense, you can wear your clothes yourself.”
At that moment, he was against the light and seemed to glow. On top of being soaked, the black tie covering his eyes made him appear restrained and uncontrollable.

Josie lay in the bathtub and sized him up freely while he hadn’t removed the tie around his
How will it feel to make someone so self-disciplined misbehave? Her pulse quickened just by thinking about it.
“Josie?” He furrowed his brows when he heard no response.
“I’m here. Josie stepped out of the bathtub, and the water in it rippled. She wiped herself dry. with a towel before sitting on one side and putting on her pajamas with difficulty. It took some effort for her to put on her clothes. She couldn’t fasten the buttons on her back with one hand.
She looked up, aggrieved. Her voice was deliberately alluring. “Dexter, I can’t fasten it.”
He blurted out, “What…”
At the next moment, Josie walked to him. She held his large, veiny hand and put it on her fair and smooth shoulder before slowly sliding it down. “My pajamas. What did you think?”
Behind her, the man’s breath instantly quickened, and his hands grew cold. He paused. “How am I going to button it with my eyes close? I’ll get Marilyn.”
Josie suddenly held his hands tightly. “Don’t. You’ve already helped me with my ask for help to fasten my buttons, won’t you be letting the cat out of the bag?”
Dexter said nothing. He could smell Josie’s fragrance.
bath. If you
“I’m not in a rush. Take your time.” Josie’s back was facing him, and her silhouette moved before him. She had a mischievous smile. Can someone so self-restrained misbehave? She wanted to see Dexter like that.

He had never put on clothes for a woman before, and he didn’t know how the buttons on her back were designed. He could only try his best. He occasionally touched her soft back, and Josie cried out seductively. “To the left. No, the right. To the right. Dexter, why aren’t you doing it properly?”
Unlock succeeded

“Know your limits, Josie Warren. His voice was hoarse. He was deliberately restraining himself.

The woman had the nerve to continue. She turned and bravely provoked him. “Why can’t you button them? Why don’t you take off the tie?”
Dexter’s forehead suddenly twitched. He pursed his thin lips tightly and lifted his hands to remove the tie. He didn’t have an innocent expression on his face.
Josie was like a deer trapped in headlights. She covered herself and jumped aside. “Oh my god! Why did you really do it?” She never thought Dexter would really dare to do it!
Dexter’s initial anger dissipated when he saw her like that. He walked forward while holding his tic.
What are you going to do? I’m going to scream!”
He walked behind her and buttoned her pajamas. He wasn’t in a rush to leave. He slowly leaned close to her ears and said softly, “You really have the nerve to try and seduce me. Why don’t you go to Heaven on Earth and ask Calvin for some tips? He can teach you a thing or
She felt the man’s breath in her ears, and Josie felt confused. Her face flushed. “I was kidding…”
At that moment, she only wore her thin pajamas. Her neck was exposed, and her long wet. hair draped over her shoulders. Water from her hair dripped onto the floor. She was indescribably alluring and enticing.
Dexter’s eyes reddened slightly. He reached out and put his hands around her lower abdomen before he pulled her into his arms. Their new desire escalated rapidly at that
She was trembling, and Dexter laughed silently. He looked down slightly and saw her bosom. pressed against him. “Are you afraid?”
The man had an overpowering demeanor, and Josie realized she couldn’t resist him. She wanted to say she wasn’t afraid but couldn’t speak.
Chapter 146 Blow Drying Hair

Both their hips were tightly pressed against each other. Dexter held Josie’s face, and she was forced to look up.
She shut her eyes tightly and heard him say, “Have you done it before?”

She didn’t say anything as she shook her head. After that, he sneered.
Josie turned around and faced him after being taunted. She used one hand to lift his well- defined face and said alluringly, “You’re so handsome. I’ll have a good time.”
The desire in Dexter’s eyes increased, and the smile on the corners of his lips vanished.
Her smile deepened. “Do you want to kiss me?” Her soft fingers fell on his thin lips, and she caressed them. “I want to kiss you.”
His grip around her waist tightened, but his face subconsciously avoided her touch.
Josie touched his face again. She stood on tiptoe and said in his ear, “Just like last time.”
She could clearly see Dexter’s gaze deepening. His desire was burning within him.
“I don’t think anyone will disturb us this time.”
His breathing slowed down. “Do you think I don’t dare to do it?”
Josie’s heart was beating furiously. She was afraid. Dexter could do anything, but if she stopped now, it wouldn’t be easy to seduce Dexter the next time.
She couldn’t give up now.
She leaned close to his lips and said softly, “You have great kissing skills, Mr. Russell. My legs went weak from our kiss last time.”
Dexter smelled the woman’s sweet scent. He let her kiss him while the veins on his hand protruded. This continued momentarily until she suddenly stuck out her tongue and licked. his lips. The force around her waist increased in a split second while she backed away. He bent down, and his lips parted as he kissed her back.
It was as though Josie had been electrocuted. She subconsciously pushed him. away forcefully, and her breathing was rough. She put one finger up and put it against his lips. “My hair isn’t dry yet. If it drapes around me, I’ll catch a cold. Help me dry my hair, okay?” After that, she took out a hairdryer and handed it to him.

Unlock succeeded
slightly. Actually, she wasn’t sure if De

understood him. He wouldn’t stop if he didn’t get his way.

Dexter looked up at her, and the lust dissipated slightly after a long time. He was irritated, but he ultimately took the hairdryer from her.
Josie breathed a sigh of relief. Her arms were covered in cold sweat.
Dexter was very gentle when he blow-dried her hair. He intentionally adjusted it to warm air. She had thick hair, and he took some time to blow dry her hair. Her black hair drifted, and her fair back was faintly noticeable.
Josie shut her eyes. She was completely relaxed and enjoyed herself. She was content that the head of Russell Group had helped her bathe and blow dry her hair. Furthermore, he had pretty good skills.
“Dexter, have you ever helped other women blow dry their hair?”
His voice wasn’t loud amid the noise of the hairdryer. “It’s none of your business.”
Josie chuckled. He must still be annoyed by my reaction just now.
Soon, her hair was dry. Dexter put a bathrobe around her and wrapped her in it tightly. He let go of her and said, “Leave.”
It was as though Josie had been set free, but she subconsciously asked, “Why?”
Dexter laughed in a rage. “It’s my turn to shower. Or do you want to take a bath wi again?”
Upon hearing it, Josie quickly ran out but shut the door out of consideration.
He stood on the spot and closed his eyes. His temples were twitching. She’s such a minx. She likes to seduce me but doesn’t like to take responsibility.
Josie lay on the bed and smelled Dexter’s scent.
It was hard for her to resist the thrill just now. For a moment, she thought it was really going to happen. The two had been very close, and she could clearly feel the change in Dexter’s body. She couldn’t ignore it. The warmth had made her shudder uncontrollably.
Chapter 147 The True Culprit Emerges.
When the bathroom door opened again, Josie had fallen asleep.

She slept in the corner of the bed, and one of her hands held tightly to the corner of the covers. She looked worried.

Dexter sighed in exasperation. He subconsciously pushed her to the middle of the bed before tucking her in.
She slept well that night.
Josie hadn’t known how to deal with sleeping in the same bed as Dexter again, but she fell asleep unknowingly. She woke up and realized that the bed was empty. Only the indentations on the bed and the residual warmth indicated to her that he had slept there.
When she looked at the time, it was ten o’clock.
After Josie washed up, she went downstairs. Marilyn was bustling in the kitchen. “I’m sorry, Marilyn. I overslept.”
Marilyn smiled. “You’re injured. It’s only natural for you to sleep in.”
The herbal tonic Marilyn brewed today included wolfsbane and dandelion, but it wasn’t bitter. Marilyn had excellent skills, and Josie drank it happily. “Please make more for me next time. I want to take some to the hospital for my dad.”
“Sure. Can your father drink it?”
“I can fill a syringe with the herbal tonic, then feed it to him through his gastric tube.”
“… It must be tough.” Marilyn looked at Josie, distressed. Marilyn sighed. “It’s alright. With Dex around, everything will be alright in the future. Is he coming back for dinner?”
Josie choked on the herbal tonic. “He…” Is he coming back? “He should be.”
“What do you mean by that?” Marilyn was displeased. “Doesn’t he usually tell you if he’s coming back?”
“No, I didn’t mean that. Sometimes Dexter is busy, and there are unexpected situations. I can’t say precisely.”
Marilyn nodded, confused. “Dex has no other way. Don’t blame him.”
o blame him?

Dexter seemed busy for the next few days. He left the house early and returned late at night. Sometimes, he would just stay at the office.
Josie was home alone. Other than chatting with Mrs. Carroll and Marilyn, she would play games with one hand. She was bored out of her mind.
She had nothing to do, so she opened her chat with Dexter. She typed one letter at a time. What are you doing, Mr. Russell?’
After she sent the message, she received no reply for a long time. She only saw Dexter’s text in the evening after her afternoon nap. I just finished a meeting. Why?”
Josie rubbed her eyes and replied. I’m bored. I’m so bored. Is there information about what happened to me?’
This time, Dexter replied quickly. ‘Almost. The person didn’t really want to kill you. wanted you to miss the meeting. Think about it. Who doesn’t want your design to be approved in the design department?’
He just
His message was enlightening. Josie furrowed her brows tightly and quickly came up with an answer. ‘Claire.’
Dexter replied. ‘I’ll come and pick you up at night.”
But Josie didn’t understand. Claire was already the head of the design department. Why would she do such a thing? If anything had gone wrong, Claire would have been responsible!
She waited anxiously until the sky turned dark. Dexter’s car stopped at the entrance of Mason Garden, and she quickly entered the car, saying, “Dexter…”
Her hurried words stopped abruptly because she suddenly realized another person was in the big car. Ivy sat at the side with a stiff expression. “Ms. Warren.”
Dexter indicated calmly for Josie to sit down.
Ivy immediately passed Josie some information. When Dexter signaled Ivy, she started explaining. “We discovered that Claire called someone outstation in her recent call log. The telephone card was discarded, but we traced it to the hoodlum when we followed the IP address. This shouldn’t be a coincidence.”
Josie flipped through the printed call log.
Ivy added, “We can’t completely confirm it’s her. Perhaps it’s just a coincidence.”
Chapter 148 Don't Blame This on Me
Such a thing couldn’t be a coincidence. Josie was sure of it.

The scenery outside the window kept changing. “Where are we going now?”

“Claire has a social gathering at Heaven on Earth today. We’re going there now.” Ivy sized up Dexter’s expression and realized his gaze fell on Josie from the start until the end. “Mr. Russell, I have other things to do. See if…”
Dexter instructed the driver to stop, and Ivy exited the vehicle. She walked across the road to hail a cab. It seemed like Ivy was heading in the opposite direction.
When Ivy left, Josie breathed a sigh of relief. A thoughtful smile was displayed at the corners of her mouth. “Ms. Miller is really like you. I’m slightly intimidated by her.”
Dexter caught a strand of her hair and played with it. “Punishment or revenge. You decide.”
He was referring to Claire. Josie leaned back in her seat and pondered for a moment. “Will you fire her?”
“Then, I choose revenge. She revealed a spiteful smile. “After all, I didn’t die. After being fired from Russell Group, she won’t have a foothold in the industry. This would be more painful than a punishment.”
Dexter’s gaze was fixed on her. “Messing around with her. You’re pretty good.”
When they arrived at Heaven on Earth. Dexter’s bodyguards were already keeping watch there. They seem to have been arranged beforehand. Two bodyguards went with him while he instructed the rest to follow Josie.
He led her to a booth, and they sat there awhile. He leaned close to her and asked, “Will you be okay alone?”
Josie laughed lightly. “Why? Do you want to watch two women fighting?”
Dexter wasn’t interested and seemed to have other things to do. He rose and left, going to a private room upstairs.

Josie waited on the spot for a while before she saw Claire coming in with a bag, dressed scantily. She ran straight to Josie. “Mr. Barrett, I’m late…”
Unlock succeeded
and backed away in fright when she saw Jose You Josie

Josie waved her uninjured hand and chuckled. “You seem very disappointed to see me, Ms. Wilcher. Did you think that I was dead?”
Claire’s face paled. “I don’t know what you’re talking about…”
“You don’t?” Josie raised a wineglass and slowly walked to Claire. “Then why are you afraid to see me?”
Claire already had a guilty conscience and retreated when faced with Josie’s demeanor. “I was just surprised. Don’t you have a fracture? Why are you here?”
“I do. My arm is fractured.” She waved her hand in the cast and abruptly spoke louder. “Do you know that I suffered a fracture? I almost died. Claire Wilcher! Do you think my life is a game?!”
The music was louder than Josie’s voice, but Claire understood Josie. Her back was against the wall, and she was terrified. She couldn’t stand upright because her legs were going weak. “… What! What does it have to do with me?! Don’t blame this on me!”
Josie took out a stack of paper from her bag. It was Claire’s call log. “Do you see this?”
Claire already had a guilty conscience and turned incoherent when she saw it. “This isn’t mine. I’ve never made this call!”
Josie’s smile deepened. “I never said which call. Why are you defending yourself?”
“None of these calls are mine. Don’t slander me!” Claire was anxious after being tricked.
“Oh. Why don’t you show me your cell phone? Do you dare to do so?”
Claire was wary and didn’t dare to look Josie in the eye. “Why should I let you look at my phone? Stop making assumptions, Josie Warren. You were just unlucky. Don’t make such slanderous remarks!”
Chapter 149 Taking Revenge

“Whatever,” Josie said coldly as she stood steadily. She couldn’t be bothered to talk to Claire further. Josie poured her wine on Claire, saying, “Don’t think you can step all over me. You broke my arm, so I will make you pay twofold.”
“Ah!” Claire shrieked loudly and glared at Josie. “You have the nerve to pour wine on me, Josie Warren!”

As Claire spoke, she rolled up her sleeves and wanted to shove Josie and hit her. Before Claire could touch Josie, a few bodyguards rushed to stop Claire. They pinned her to the floor. “You
can try!”
Claire cried out in pain after being kicked. “You came prepared, you despicable wench!”
These burly bodyguards were ruthless. Josie watched from the back and said slowly, “I initially thought that you would be satisfied after becoming the head of the design. department. I never imagined that you were still dissatisfied. Are you jealous that I’m more capable than you? You’re in huge trouble now. Don’t think you can keep your job.”
Claire lay on the floor, paralyzed. Her face turned scarlet, and she covered her stomach in pain. Her tears were flowing.
“Enjoy my gift.” Josie smiled. Before she left, she said, “I don’t ask for much. Just break both.
her arms.”
Josie had always had a bad temper since she was young. She wouldn’t make trouble, but she would repay it twofold if someone offended her. She had done so since she was young, so she was rarely bullied.
Josie calmed down after getting her revenge. She was in a better mood than she had been for the past few days. Just as she was headed to the washroom, she bumped into a familiar face while turning a corner.
The man wore a cashmere vest and a leather belt. He was tall, neat, and had a flirty expression as he stared at her.
She was taken aback. “… Mr. Carter?”
D*mn it, why is Arnold here?
Josie didn’t know how much he had witnessed. He nodded at her and laughed lightly. “What are you afraid of, Ms. Warren? Where was the courage you showed just now?”

owling in griet. should have killed you!
Unlock succeeded

Josie forced herself to stand upright. “She harassed me first. Is there anything wrong with me repaying the favor?”
“Of course not.”
“Then why are you teasing me, Mr. Carter?”
He had a striking appearance. It was clear that he was an experienced regular. The beautiful girls who walked by peeked at him one after another.
“I was just complimenting how capable you are, Ms. Warren. It seems like most of Dexter’s feelings for you are well-deserved.” Arnold was confident.
Josie forced herself to calm down and answered, “It’s not. I don’t know how you came up with
that, Mr. Carter.”
“I’ve seen those bodyguards. They look familiar.”
Josie’s gaze darkened. She never thought something like this would occur.
“Mr. Russell is kind, so he lent them to me.”
Arnold didn’t believe her. “Have a cup of tea with me, Ms. Warren?”
She had no choice at this point.
Josie felt that Arnold was very sly. He seemed to be making small talk with her, but he also implied other things simultaneously. His emotions changed freely, unlike Dexter, who was cold and indifferent from the start until the end.
In a large private room upstairs, Arnold took out a tea set and skillfully brewed a pot of tea. He asked casually, “Do you drink Earl Grey tea?”
“I don’t quite like drinking tea. I can’t fall asleep at night.”
He heard it but ignored her. He was focused on pouring the tea.
“I saw the photos in The Late Wavery News. I pitied you when I saw pictures of you lying in a pool of blood. If I were Dexter, I would also make the other party pay.”
Josie was suspicious. “What do you mean?”
Arnold suddenly understood something. “Don’t you know yet? Dexter broke the legs of the driver who hit you. The man can never drive again.”
Chapter 150 Cold-Blooded and Ruthless
Josie didn’t know. She thought that getting her revenge on Claire was enough.

She pretended to stay calm. “It’s only natural. I would do the same if I were in Dexter’s shoes.”

Arnold revealed an admiring smile. “I told you how men can fall prey to beautiful women. previously. This time, I’m going to tell you how.”
“You’re devious, Mr. Carter.” Josie sighed and waved her injured arm. “It’s a shame I’m not the main female character in your stories. I’m expendable, at best.”
you heard of people carrying out their schemes behind a façade?”
Josie kept quiet.
“It’s what you two are doing.” Arnold poured her a cup of tea.
She stared at the ripples on the tea’s surface. “Mr. Carter, I’m really not who you’re looking for. I was stirred by what you said last time, and I tried it, but Mr. Russell was aloof. He won’t be moved by me. Why don’t we just give up?”
It was as though Arnold didn’t hear what she said. “You say I’m devious, but I’m not as meticulous as Mr. Russell. He pulled the rug from under the Ardon family, throwing the Carter Group into chaos. He’s so capable.”
Josie understood. The Ardon family protected Landon and Martin, which meant they also
shielded Arnold, but Dexter was merciless. It could be said he had hit two birds with one
“I don’t understand. It’s just the law of the jungle in the world, isn’t it?”
“Just like the woman who was beaten up? The only reason she’s weak and you’re strong is because you have someone supporting you behind the scenes while she doesn’t.”
“She schemed against me first!” Josie blurted out.
Arnold looked at her silently. “Are you admitting it?”

She finally understood what he meant, and she gulped. “No matter what, I’ve worked in Russell Group for three years. I can’t betray my boss. Mr. Carter, I can’t accept two salaries.”
“What if I tell you Dexter is cold-blooded, ruthless, and selfish?” Arnold sputtered, and the smile in the corner of his mouth had vanished entirely.
Unlock succeeded
ned her mouth when he raised his han

door. The noise outside was suddenly heard, including voices from the room next door.
There were faint voices. “Mr. Russell! L-treat you as my brother, but you ruined my family! Why did you do that?!”
The man’s voice was mournful and pained. The despair in his voice was piercing. Josie’s heart sank. It’s Leo.
It turned out that Dexter was in the private room next door.
His voice wasn’t loud, but Josie could hear him say, “Get out.” There was none of the so-called brotherly affection.
Leo didn’t leave. He cried out despairingly. “I thought you had come to wish me on my birthday. You even gave me a car, and I was thrilled. I didn’t think you had anything to do with it when the police took me away. But I never thought you were using me to destroy my father! Mr. Russell! Do you know how much I have worshipped you since I was young? You were my role model!”
The private room was quiet. Dexter said nothing, and no one else dared to say anything.
“You’re so capable that you sent the Ardon family to prison. No… It was me. I harmed my dad and the Ardon family… What do you want me to do? I’ve failed everyone. I don’t have any other family on this earth!” Leo was crying and wailing. “Dexter Russell! You’re the devil!”
After that, he seemed to pick up something and suddenly threw it. There was a crash.
Flustered voices were heard after that. “Mr. Russell! Are you alright?”
Josie felt alarmed and subconsciously wanted to stand up.
Arnold glanced at her, and she could only sit down.

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