An Understated Dominance: By Marina Vittori​

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys have been married for three years. After Dahlia achieves rapid success, she decides to end her marriage with Dustin, viewing him as a burden. Little does she know that all her accomplishments were actually thanks to him.

My wife is a CEO, she always hates me for being lazy and wants to divorce me. But she doesn't know that her success is bestowed by me.

“Dustin, here is the divorce agreement prepared by Ms. Nicholson. All you need to do is sign them.”

In the president’s office of the Quine Group, the secretary, Lyra Blaine, placed a piece of A4 paper on the table. A man sat opposite her, dressed in plain clothing.

“Divorce? What do you mean?”

Dustin Rhys was taken aback.

“Do you not understand what I’m saying? Your marriage with Ms. Nicholson is over. You’re not even on the same level anymore. Your existence is nothing but a smear on the president’s reputation!”

Lyra pulled no punches as she spoke.

“A smear on her reputation?” Dustin frowned. “Is that how she thinks of me?”

Back when they first got married, the Nicholson family was in ruinous debt. He was the one who helped them when they were at their lowest point. Now that they were rich, Dahlia Nicholson was ready to just kick him out.

“Something like that.” Lyra poked her chin toward the magazine on the table. A photo of a beautiful woman was printed on the front page. “Look at the headline on this magazine, Dustin. Ms. Nicholson’s net worth has hit one billion in the course of just three years, a feat no short of a miracle. She’s now the most desired woman in Swinton! With all this, she’s destined for greatness. But you, you’re just a regular joe. You don’t deserve her at all. I hope that you’ll see some sense and do the right thing.”

When Dustin remained silent, Lyra frowned.

“I know you’re not happy with this, but this is reality,” she continued. “You might have helped Ms. Nicholson when she was in trouble, but she has repaid you for everything you’ve done for her over the last three years. In fact, you’re the one who owes her now!”

“Is our marriage just a business deal to her, then?” Dustin took a deep breath to suppress the emotions within. “If she wants to divorce me, let her speak to me herself.”

“Ms. Nicholson is very busy. She doesn’t need to trouble herself with such trifling matters.”

“Trifling matters?” Dustin was stunned. Then he laughed bitterly. “Is that so? Is divorce a trifling matter to her? She can’t even find the time to speak to me. Truly, she’s that unattainable now!”

“Dustin, don’t delay this any longer.” Lyra pushed the divorce agreement toward him again. “Just sign here and you’ll get a car and a house as compensation. On top of that, you’ll also get eight million dollars. This is more than what you’ll be able to earn in your lifetime!”

“Eight million dollars is a lot, but…I don’t need it. I will sign the divorce papers if she comes personally. Otherwise, I won’t sign anything,” Duston said coldly.

“Don’t go too far, Dustin!” Lyra slammed her hand on the table. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. With all her power and resources, Ms. Nicholson can divorce you easily. It’s only because she appreciates her past relationship with you that she’s allowing you to keep your dignity intact. Don’t provoke her!”

“My dignity?” Dustin was a little amused by that. She didn’t even want to speak to him directly to divorce him. What kind of dignity was that? Moreover, if she really did appreciate their relationship, then why was she threatening him now?

“I don’t think we have anything else to talk about, then.”

Unwilling to argue, Dustin stood up and made to leave.

“Dustin Rhys! You—”

Just as Lyra was about to lose her cool, a curvy woman in a long black dress walked in. Her skin was as white as snow, and her features were delicate. Her lofty aura and curvaceous figure made her look like a goddess right out of a painting.

“You’re finally here.”

Dustin felt complicated emotions when he saw the beautiful woman. They had been married for three years, during which they treated each other with care and respect. But this was how it ended. He still didn’t know what he had done wrong.

“I’m sorry for being late, I was caught up with something else.”

Dahlia Nicholson sat down. Her expression was as impassive as ever.

“You certainly are busy, if you need your secretary to help you deal with your divorce,” Dustin said.

Hearing this, Dahlia frowned slightly. However, she did not explain herself. Instead, she said, “Since you’re here, let’s get straight to the point. Let’s end this on a pleasant note. I’m sorry I have to do this to you, so you can have the car and the house, plus eight million dollars as alimony. How does that sound?”

At that, she placed a card on the table.

“Do you really think our relationship can be measured by money?” Dustin asked.

“Too little? That’s alright. Let me know what you want. I’ll give you anything within my power,” Dahlia said placidly.

“I don’t think you understood me. Let me rephrase my question. Are money and power that important to you?” Dustin was truly bewildered.

Dahlia went over to the windows and looked out over the city. There was determination in her eyes when she said, “To me, yes, they’re very important.”

“You’ve earned enough to feed yourself for the rest of your life. Why do this?”

“Dustin, that’s where you and I diverge in philosophy. You’ll never understand what I really want.” Dahlia shook her head in disappointment.

They weren’t just incompatible in status and power; they were also incompatible in their principles. Most importantly, she did not see any hope for the future in him.

“You’re right. How would I know what you’re thinking?” Dustin laughed bitterly. “All I know is to cook for you when you’re hungry, prepare your coat when it’s cold out, and carry you to the hospital when you’re sick.”

“There’s no point in going into this now.” Dahlia’s expression held complicated emotions, but it was soon covered up by determination.

“You’re right.” Dustin nodded without any emotion. “I heard that you’ve been close with the heir of the Nolan family. Is it because of him?”

Dahlia was about to deny it when she gave it a second thought. In the end, she nodded.

“You can say that.”

“Okay. I hope you’re happy with him.” Dustin smiled and signed the divorce agreement without any more hesitation. All he felt now was disappointment. Ironically, today was also their wedding anniversary. There was cruel humor in divorcing him on the day they had gotten married.

“I don’t want the money, I just want that crystal necklace back. My mother left it to me before she died so that I can give it to my wife.”


Dahlia nodded and gave him the crystal necklace.

“From today onward, we will have nothing to do with each other!”

Dustin put on the necklace and left. He had no more gentleness in his expression; all that was left was distant aloofness.

“Did I do the right thing, Lyra?” Dahlia asked hesitantly.

Even though she was the one who asked for the divorce, she didn’t feel happy at all when it was finalized.

“Of course you did!” Lyra nodded. “You have the right to pursue happiness. Dustin does not deserve you at all. He’ll only bring you down with him. You’re destined to be the most powerful woman in Swinton!”

Dahlia did not answer her. As she watched Dustin leave, she felt as if she was losing something precious.
Chapter 248

Justin felt sympathetic as he stared into Maximus‘ reddened eyes. Not only was the poor chap taken advantage of by his mentor, but he also had his fiancée taken away. How miserable!

No man could endure the humiliation and resentment of losing his future wife. Heck, not even anyone could stand losing a future spouse. It was hard to imagine that the second–in–command of Boulderthorn was, in lact, a wicked and dishonorable man.

“Just focus on your recovery for now. When you’re fully recovered, it’ll be time to take back what you lost.” Dustin gave Maximus an encouraging pat on the shoulder.

To that, Maximus howled with a desolate expression, “I’ll never get better again, not after my core was shattered and my nerves damaged! After losing my internal energy, I have nothing left in me to take revenge. I’m trash! I’m a worthless piece of trash!”

He rolled his fists, digging his fingernails deep into the flesh of his palms until blood trickled from between his thumb and index finger. He badly wanted to take his revenge and seek justice, but he had lost the opportunity to do so.

“Who said you’re trash? I can heal your injuries,” Dustin interjected coolly.

“W–what did you say?” Stunned, Maximus lifted his head almost instantly.

“I said I can heal your injuries and rejuvenate your core,” Dustin repeated himself.

“Are you sure? You’re not kidding me, right?” Maximus was wide–eyed with a mix of shock and anticipation.

“Your core suffered some damage, but it’s not utterly ruined. There’s still a chance. Rejuvenating your nerves is even simpler. As long as you stick to my treatment, you’ll regain full strength within ten days.” Dustin promised.

Maximus‘ face lit up with joy upon hearing that. He thanked Dustin profusely. “If you heal me. I shall owe my life to you. Be it scaling mountains or diving into the deep ocean, I’ll do whatever you ask of me without a complaint!” He seemed serious about his promise. As a martial artist and a geek for swords, he never had an interest in much else but the pursuit of excellence in swordsmanship. The moment he learned that his core was destroyed, he fell into deep despair and even contemplated ending his life. However, Dustin’s remark reignited his hope and his will to live.

“Okay, that’s enough. I’m not a sadist. Why would I send you to the mountains and the ocean?” Dustin helped him up. “Consider it fate that you fainted right in front of my medical center. It was God’s will to have me rescue you. Get some good rest, and remember not to harness your internal energy in these two days.”

“Thank you. You’re my savior!” Maximus bowed a few times to Dustin, who said nothing more but wrote a prescription for Caitlyn and reminded her to prepare the medicine according to the schedule.

At that moment, they heard a deafening crash from the outside. They jumped in shock and hurried out to check the situation. Two cars–one red and one white–collided on a street not far away. The red BMW, it appeared, had reversed and crashed into a white Honda, causing the latter to flip. Both cars were mangled beyond recognition, with debris scattered all across the ground.

“Help! Please help my daughter!” A bleeding woman clad in white clothing climbed out of the white Honda. Due to the impact of the collision, she looked dizzy and feeble. At the same time, a young girl was in the front passenger seat; she had lost consciousness. The girl was no older than eight years old, and she seemed to be in a critical state because her abdomen was pierced by a sharp object.

The woman in white called for help while attempting to save her daughter, but she failed to open the car door because it was too misshapen.

“Crap!” Dustin’s face fell, and he jogged toward the Honda. By then, a crowd had formed around the accident and a few good samaritans offered help. Unfortunately, the collective strength of a few people was insufficient to pull the girl out because the Honda was flipped over, and the car door remained locked.

As the smoke started billowing from the car, the situation became dire. “I’ll give it a try.” Dustin went up and yanked at the door handle. They heard a crack, and the entire car door came detached, much to the surprise of the onlookers.

After Dustin pried the door open, he unfastened the seat belt and quickly lifted the young girl to the side of the road. She suffered from head trauma, multiple fractures across the body, and massive blood loss in the abdomen. The situation did not look good at all.

“Quick! Call an ambulance and get her to the hospital!” someone yelled.

“We have no time for that. I’m a doctor. Let me give it a try.” After Dustin announced his identity, he took out at gold needle and immediately applied first aid to the girl.

“Get out of my way! All of you!” Right then, two women exited the red BMW. The mother was a plump lady in her fifties, and the daughter was an attractive woman in her twenties. One could tell that they were wealthy from their branded outfits and the way they were decked in jewelry, like walking Christmas trees.

“Hey! Do you even know how to drive? Are you blind?” Jane Engleton, the plump lady, pointed a finger at the woman in white and started scolding her. “Do you know how much our car costs? One million dollars! And it’s a new car!” She added, “You have to compensate us after turning our car into scrap metal! If you refuse, I’ll
send your family to prison!”

The woman in white was taken aback by the ferocity of Jane Engleton and apologized profusely. “I–I’m sorry. I didn’t do it on purpose. I did not see your car just now.”

“Is saying sorry enough? Do you take us as pushovers?” Jane pressed on. “I’m warning you now. You’ll pay me what the car’s worth. Add the compensation for mental damages on that, and you’re looking at at least 800 thousand to a million dollars in compensation to get this settled!”

“I–I don’t have that money!” The woman in white almost cried helplessly from the harassment.

“I don’t care! Sell your house or your organs. Do what you need to gather the money, or I’ll teach you a lesson!” Jane threatened the poor woman.

Finally, Dustin had had enough and blurted out, “Can you be more shameless? It was you who reversed and crashed into the white car. How dare you demand compensation from the victim?”

The truth immediately woke the onlookers up. Upon examining the scene of the accident, it was the BMW that reversed and crashed into the Honda. Therefore, the BMW driver should be held fully accountable for the collision, but she had instead held the victim responsible.

“Nonsense! She crashed into my car!” Jane remained unfazed and coercive. “So what if I reversed my car? Her eyes were not focused on the road! Look, the lives of commoners like you are not worth much. Even if they
died in a crash, they totally deserved it!”

The crowd instantly gasped at her outrageous remark.
Chapter 249

“Hey, you’re being unreasonable!”

“Right? How dare she scolds the others when she’s the culprit? I’ve never seen someone as outrageous as her!

“Talk no more. Let’s report her to the police!”

The crowd was annoyed at Jane’s arrogance and pointed fingers at her.

“Shut up! All of you!” Hands on her waist, Jane yelled at them, “Do you know that we’re the Nicholsons from Glenstead? Even your mayor has to show us respect, let alone you worthless plebs! Make more fuss, and I’ll get you arrested!”

The accusatory voices instantly died down. An average citizen would not want to get on the bad side of the famed aristocratic Nicholson family from Glenstead.

“Mom, just ignore those peasants. Look at this. I’m hurt.” The young woman, Dakota Nicholson, suddenly spoke up as she pressed against her wound and winced.

“Are you hurt? Let me take a look!” Jane’s expression crumbled, and she hurriedly checked out Dakota’s injury. “Gosh, it’s bleeding. This is not good. Her face paled, and she scanned the surroundings until her eyes landed on Dustin. “Hey, you’re a doctor, aren’t you? Quick, give my daughter a checkup! She’s hurt!” Anyone would have thought that Dakota contracted a terminal disease from the worried look on Jane’s face.

“She’s fine. It’s just a scrape on the elbow.” Dustin turned around and glanced at Dakota’s injury before looking away.

“What do you mean? A scrape?” Jane immediately looked irritated. “My precious daughter has never suffered injuries. But she has a huge wound now. Of course we’ll have to treat it with caution. What if an infection happens?

“If you’re worried about wound infection, buy a bandaid at the pharmacy next door. If you keep dilly–dallying, the wound’s going to heal by the time you get to it,” Dustin mocked her. He had never seen a woman as ridiculous as Jane, who kicked up a fuss over a tiny wound.

“What did you say? How could you ignore my daughter’s injury when you’re a doctor? Are you even human, you fuckface?” Jane was truly cross. No one had ever turned down her requests ever since she married into the wealthy Nicholson family.

“I have to set my priorities. This girl is fighting for her life. Your daughter’s wound is nothing compared to hers! " Dustin chided her.

“How dare you compare that peasant to my daughter?” With a glare, Jane rebuked him, “Dakota is the daughter of the Nicholson family–she’s important and precious! You cannot compare her to a commoner!”

“Yeah! She’s just a nobody. Well, if she dies today, just consider it her wretched fate!” The haughty Dakota towered over them. “Treat my wound now! It’s an order. If I get a scar from this, I will not let you off the hook!”

“Are you even human? Nobody speaks in that way.”

“That’s right. Is a life worth less than your minor scrape?” The indignant crowd gave their opinions.

“What now? Are you testing me? The audacity to talk back to the Nicholson family! Come here! Which one of you wants to be the hero?” Jane hissed maliciously as the onlookers held in their rage in silence in the face of her insolence. Indeed, the average citizens were helpless when harassed and bullied by the rich.

“Madam, my daughter is in a critical state. Can you kindly allow her to get the treatment? Just think of this as my plea!” The woman in white plopped onto the ground with teary eyes.

“Hmph! Knock it off! I don’t care! My daughter has to be treated first!” Jane refused to budge.

“Are you deal? Do you hear what my mom said?” Dakota kicked Dustin but was infuriated when the man showed no response. “So, you’re refusing to treat my wound. Great! Don’t bother saving anyone today!” With that, she went up to the young girl and pulled out the gold needle.

With the gold needle removed, the young girl started bleeding profusely again, and her face grew paler because of that.

“Hm?” Dustin frowned and spun around with a deadly stare in his eyes. “Do you know what you’re doing? You might kill someone by pulling out the needle without thought!”

“So what? You can’t save any life without my permission.” Dakota crossed her arms on her chest, looking bold and arrogant.

Jane chimed in with the same attitude. “That’s right! If you don’t treat my daughter’s wound, you won’t get to save that useless commoner!”

“Please Please show mercy and stop making things difficult for the doctor. I beg of you!” The woman in white kneeled and pleaded to the Nicholsons, all while hitting her head on the ground. She knew she could not afford to get on the bad side of the wealthy; her only wish was to keep her daughter safe.

“Try messing around again, and I won’t go easy on you next time!” Dustin warned Dakota.

She scoffed. “Oh! You got the guts, don’t you? Do you know who I am? How dare you speak to me in that way? Did you tell me not to touch anything? Well, I’m going to do it anyway!” While speaking, she moved to remove the needle again.

“Get lost!” Fuming. Dustin gave her a slap across the face. She yelped as she was flung ten feet away, even rolling on the ground after landing. Her fair skin was red and swollen. She even lost a few of her dental laminates.

“Shit! That doctor is mad! How dare he slap a Nicholson?”

“Being hot–blooded is one thing; offending the Nicholsons is another. He might suffer because of it.”

The crowd murmured and cast sympathetic glances at Dustin.

“H–how dare you hit me?” Dakota got up from the ground, still a little dizzy and utterly baffled by Dustin’s move. From a young age, she was treated like a princess wherever she went. She had never been slapped, not to mention being slapped in public.

Chapter 249

“So what? Don’t you deserve the slap for being rude?” Dustin wore a hostile expression on his face.

“How dare you hit my daughter? I’m going to fight you!” After the initial shock, Jane recovered and, her blood

boiling, she launched an attack on Dustin. He merely slapped her, and she collapsed from the impact. The

mother and daughter both fell flat onto the ground.
Chapter 250

“Mom! Are you alright?” Dakota’s expression crumbled as she quickly helped her mother up. She was both alarmed and enraged.

“Ouch! My teeth!” Jane wailed while pressing a hand against her face, feeling the stinging sensation. Her mouth was throbbing after it almost went out of shape from the slap.

“How dare you hit us? You’re dead! Your entire family is damned! Be a man and stay where you are! I’ll teach you a lesson!” An incensed Dakota started making calls and requesting backup, but Dustin had no time for her as he continued applying first aid to the poor young girl. Thanks to the magical needle, the young girl’s condition stabilized soon. At that time, the ambulance arrived at the scene.

“Your daughter is fine now, but her wound needs bandaging and careful care to heal.” Dustin placed the young girl onto the stretcher. Seeing that, the woman in white thanked him profusely before leaving in the ambulance.

“You enjoy being the hero, don’t you? Just wait and see. You’ll get flamed.” Jane and Dakota fixed their keen eyes on him, looking as though they wouldn’t let it slip.

Dustin scanned them from head to toe and commented mildly, “Rather than wasting time on me, you should really get checked at the hospital. From the looks of it, you’re suffering from blood stasis. You don’t have much internal energy, and your eyes are those of dead fish. I’m afraid your days are numbered.”

“Nonsense! You’re the one who’s dying! I’m fine!” Jane glared at him.

He raised a brow, looking amused, “Oh, you don’t believe me? Have you been feeling dizzy and weak these few days? And do you suffer from nosebleeds now and then?”

“How did you know?” Her expression crumbled a little. Indeed, she had been feeling sick, and the symptoms matched his descriptions. However, she went for a checkup at the hospital and found no issues. Hence, she had put it to the back of her mind.

“It’s no cause for concern. Just a terminal illness,” he added nonchalantly.

‘T–terminal illness?” The color drained from Jane’s face. She was stunned by the diagnosis. How was a terminal illness not a cause for concern?

“Mom, don’t listen to his nonsense. He’s obviously scaring you because he worries we’ll get back at him!” Dakota suddenly jumped in to assuage her. “You take supplements all the time. Why would you fall sick? And no sick person would be full of energy like you!”

“That’s right… I do not suffer from any illness! I’m in the pink of health!” Jane nodded furiously and jeered,” You bastard! I’m warning you–you’d better quit all that nonsense!”

"Judging from the progression, you’ll face a life–threatening situation in three days. On the first day, you’ll lose consciousness, followed by coughing up blood on the second day. You’ll be paralyzed on the third day. Three days later, you will be staring at death,” he remarked quietly.

It made Jane feel oddly anxious, and her heart skipped a beat. Still, she bit the bullet and bellowed at him, “Do you think I’m a coward? Tell you what–you can’t bluff your way out of this!”

“Believe it or not, it’s up to you. Take care.” He was uninterested in engaging further with the Nicholsons and left.

“Hey! Stand there! I didn’t tell you to leave!” Dakota was frustrated and went up to stop him, but his glare immediately put her in her place. She promptly stopped in her tracks out of consideration for her safety. knowing that Dustin was a madman.

“Let him leave. He won’t run far. When our backup arrives, we’ll double down on him.” Jane had a hostile look on her face.

During their conversation, they noticed a few black SUVS stopping by the intersection. The door slid open to reveal Florence and James. The two marched toward Jane and Dakota.

“Gosh! Jane! Dakota! What happened?” Florence, acting humbly, immediately started with pleasantries. Henry Nicholson’s family was a branch of the Nicholsons of Glenstead. However, due to Henry’s protest against an arranged marriage, he eloped to Swinton with his lover. The two families were not in frequent contact. After the demise of the Glenstead patriarch, Edgar Nicholson, the family in Glenstead sent two representatives- Jane and Dakota–to meet with Henry in Swinton, mainly to fulfill Edgar’s wish. Edgar’s last wish was for

Henry, the second son, to return to Glenstead.

“Hmph! How dare you ask us?” Jane was ashen–faced. “We came all the way to this tiny town of yours. Not only did you not host us well, but you also made us go through humiliation! It looks like your family doesn’t
want to reunite with us at Glenstead!”

Florence, James, and their companions almost peed themselves after hearing that. They were well aware of the perks of reuniting with the Nicholsons of Glenstead. The move would elevate the status of the Nicholson
family of Swinton, and they would never let the opportunity slip.

“Jane, please calm down. Let us know if you need anything else. I promise I’ll take care of it for you!” Florence hurriedly put on an apologetic smile.

James echoed her with confidence. “That’s right! We’ll take action on that rascal who hits you no matter who he is!”

“What’s the use of saying that? He’s gone!” Dakota pouted crossly. If her grandfather hadn’t ordered them to get the task done, she wouldn’t have visited a small town like Swinton with her status.

“It’s okay! There’s a surveillance camera by the intersection. I will get someone to check on it right away and catch the culprit tomorrow to ensure justice is served!” Florence promised.

“Hmph! That’s more like it.” Dakota’s features softened, and she added. “Oh, and get the best doctor for me.”

“Dakota, are you hurt?” James looked shocked. He stole a few glances at her but did not see any tears on her outfit or any visible wounds.

“That’s nonsense! Didn’t you see that I’m bleeding from my elbow? Are you blind?” She scoffed while showing everyone the graze on her elbow. When they took a better look at it, they were baffled at what she described as an injury, for that was a wound that only required a bandaid.

“Why are you standing there? Get the car and send Dakola to the hospital! I’ll give you a whopping if you miss the golden hour!”

Florence was quick to slap James on the back of his head. Jane Engleton and Dakota Nicholson had the final say on whether or not Florence’s family could rejoin their Glenstead relatives. Therefore, she would treat the
two women with the utmost respect.

“Okay” James dared not object. Along with a few other relatives, he helped Jane and Dakota into the SUVS like they were royalties. Then, they rushed the two women to the hospital.
Chapter 251

In the afternoon, several black SUVS abruptly screeched to a halt right in front of the entrance to Park Place.

The doors opened, and the first to get out was a young man dressed in bright–colored clothes. With his handsome features and lofty demeanor, he carried an imposing presence. Following behind him were a group of martial artists clad

Watching their departing figures, Stephan shouted out. ‘Inform Mrs. Harmon immediately!” in eccentric uniforms, each of them emanating an intimidating air with their controlled breaths. It was evident that they were far from ordinary.

“This is the Harmon family’s territory. All of you, leave immediately!” the two bodyguards by the entrance warned them.

“Too loud.” With a wave of his hand, the two bodyguards flew away as blood spurted from their mouths. It was as if they were hit by a speeding car.

The group of people then strutted into Park Place.

In the hall, Natasha was enjoying tea, and a copy of a financial report was in her hands. These past few days. because of the invention of Immortunol, business was going very well for the Harmon family, and the company stock prices were skyrocketing.

If this continued, Natasha would be able to replace Edwin’s status within a year and a half, becoming the first woman to be the wealthiest person in Swinton.

“Ms. Harmon, enjoying your day. I see.” She suddenly heard someone by the entrance and looked up, finding the group of eccentrically–dressed men. Leading them was a young man standing right at the center.

“Who are you?” She raised her eyebrows.

“Hummer. Joshua Hummer,” he smiled faintly.

“So it’s you..

Natasha narrowed her eyes. “Mr. Hummer, don’t you think it’s too much for you to barge into my residence like this?”

“Is it? I don’t think so.” With an ambiguous smile, he continued, “Ms. Harmon, I’ll go straight to the point. I’m here for three things. First, Immortunol has caused considerable loss to the Hummers. Hence, you are to hand over the formulation. Second, my sister was humiliated some time back, which brought shame to the Hummers. All thanks to a bastard named Dustin. Get your men to bring his head to the Hummer’s residence as an apology, and for the third. It’s simple. All you need to do is be a guest at Hummer’s residence tonight.”

Joshua spoke lightly like a master giving orders to his servant.

Even the usually composed Natasha lost her cool when she heard him. “Joshua Hummer, did you hit yourhead somewhere? You want my man’s head? Who gave you the courage to speak that way?”

To spout unreasonable demands as soon as he walked through the door, this guy was too much!

“Natasha Harmon, I’m not negotiating. I’m giving you a chance. Know your place.”

“Hmph! Do you think you are in Hummer territory?” she slammed the table with force. Instantly, a huge number of bodyguards came out from different directions and surrounded the Hummer entourage.

“Ms. Harmon, what happened?” Stephan asked as the leader.

“Mr. Chapman, we have a few uninvited guests at home. Kindly show them the way out,” Natasha ordered coldly.

“Yes, ma’am.” Then, he glared directly at Joshua. “Dear guests, you are not welcome here. Please leave.”

“Hmph! A pity.” Joshua smirked. He suddenly disappeared like a ghost and appeared in front of Stephan.

“You Stephan’s pupils dilated. He was about to make a move when he realized he was already held in a chokehold. The next thing he knew, it became hard to breathe, and his limbs turned limp. He wasn’t able to muster an ounce of energy.

“The audacity of a low–level martial artist like you. Kneel!” Joshua lifted him single–handedly and slammed him to the ground,

An explosion–like sound echoed through the room, and the floor cracked open, leaving a crater in its wake while Stephan’s incapacitated legs sprayed out blood.

“Scram!” Joshua delivered a kick, aiming straight at his core.

With a grunt, Stephan was thrown a few meters away. He violently crashed into the wall, and blood spurted out of his mouth. That kick had dissipated Stephan’s internal energy.

“How insolent! Get them!” Natasha was furious. Under her orders, the bodyguards took out their batons and charged.

“Ants,” Joshua muttered in disdain.

With a wave of his hand, a surge of energy that could move mountains and seas burst forward and rippled toward them. Before the bodyguards could reach him, they were sent flying by the impact and fell to the ground. During that moment, groans could be heard all around.

“An external manifestation of energy? Have you achieved divinity?” A seriously injured Stephan locked on in horror.

Countless martial artists dreamed of achieving divinity. Skilled low–level martial artists could split open rocks and lift thousands of pounds of weight. However, compared to divine–level martial artists, their differences were like the sky and earth.
Chapter 252

Low–level martial artists were restricted to only channeling their energy through physical attacks, while divine- level martial artists surpassed human capabilities. With the ability to manifest energy externally, they were
able to strike across space itself!

In the face of a divine–level martial artist, even the best low–level martial artists paled in significance. They existed on different planes of status and prowess.

The strange thing was that Joshua was only in his twenties. His talent in martial arts was terrifying for him to be able to achieve divinity at his age.

“Ha You’re quite perceptive.” Joshua smiled proudly, “Since you’ve realized I’m a highly–skilled, divine–level martial artist, you should understand my words carry weight.”

Natasha’s brow furrowed. So they’d come prepared, laying low all for this day.

“After you, Ms. Harmon. Don’t make me go on a massacre,” he smiled teasingly. A wealthy princess was nothing in his eyes.

“I hope you won’t regret it.” Natasha walked out with a sneer. She knew if she didn’t obey, everyone here today would die.

“Tell the Harmons to fulfill my demands, and Natasha will be safe. Otherwise, there’s no telling what I’d do to her.”

He took out an envelope. With a swipe of his hand, it shot out like a dagger and stabbed right into the door frame.

Watching their departing figures, Stephan shouted out, “Inform Mrs. Harmon immediately!”

“What? Natasha has been kidnapped?”

After the news arrived and Jessica was briefed about the situation, her expression hardened, along with the rest of the people present.

“How could that happen? We have dozens of bodyguards. How could Natasha be taken away?” Ruth was in disbelief.

“They were too strong. We were no match for them.” Stephan mourned. His legs were crippled, and his core was destroyed. He was as good as useless.

“Who was it? The audacity to kidnap my daughter!” Jennifer was furious.

“We’re not sure of their true identity, but they left a letter.” Stephan signaled his men to give the letter to Jennifer. She opened up the letter, and her expression grew dark as she read it.

“Mom, what does it say?” Ruth asked impatiently.

“It says, before the sun rises, bring the formulation of Immortunol and Dustin to Hummer Villa as ransom.” Her tone was almost a growl.

“Hummer Villa? Isn’t that Edwin’s territory?” Ruth frowned. Did this have to do with the Hummer family again?

“Inform headquarters immediately. Get them to deploy the shadow guards for support!” Jennifer was solemn,” Make a call to Dustin as well. Ask him to come here immediately!”

“Mom, you can’t be thinking of surrendering him to them, are you?” Ruth implored.

“This happened because of him. Why should he be free?”


“No buts. Natasha’s safety comes first. Go now!”

“Okay.” She pursed her lips as she made the call, not daring to go against her mom.

Meanwhile, at Peaceful Medical Center, Dustin’s expression turned solemn as he listened through his phone. He felt a surge of anger rising within him.

“I’ll be there right away.” He spared the nonsense and hung up, leaving the house in a fury immediately after.

He stepped on the gas pedal for the entire journey. Within 20 minutes, he arrived at Park Place. As soon as he walked in, the first thing he saw was the casualties lying on the floor. Stephan’s injuries were the worst. His face was pale as he constantly coughed up blood, and his core energy had been completely destroyed.

“Dustin, you’re finally here!” Ruth found solace in his appearance.

“Who did this?” Dustin’s piercing gaze could kill

“See for yourself!” Jennifer threw him the letter.

Dustin read it, and his temper flared. “The Hummer family are all pigheaded! It seems like they will never learn their lesson!”

“My daughter has been pulled into your mess. What do you plan on doing?” Jennifer questioned.

“I will definitely rescue Ms. Harmon,” he assured her.

“And if you fail?” she retorted.

“Then I’ll pay with my life!” Dustin’s expression grew solemn.

“Hmph! At least you’re able to man up. My daughter’s affection has not gone in vain.”
Chapter 253

Suddenly, she clapped. Right on cue, a group of domineering martial artists clad in all–black gear strode in proudly.

Taking the lead was a woman with short hair. She had striking features that gave her a cool look. Because of her tight–fitting outfit, her figure appeared exceptionally curvaceous and left an impact.

Jennifer said impassively. “This is Isfrid. She leads team five of the Harmon family’s shadow guards and is highly skilled, Bring her team with you so you have each other’s backs.”

“Mrs. Harmon, forgive me for my bluntness, but our team is enough to ensure Ms. Harmon’s safety. Why do we need to involve outsiders?” Istrid gave Dustin a contemptuous once over. “Team five is well trained, and our teamwork is unparalleled. Having our members are more than enough to save Ms. Harmon. We can’t afford to bring along baggage since it will make the operation riskier. I hope you will reconsider, Mrs. Harmon.”

“Dustin is a good fighter, and the Hummer family asked for him personally. He has to be there,” she replied frankly.

“If that is the case, please have him listen to our orders and not get in our way, lest it affects our operation,” Istrid said unfeelingly.

An exceptional fighter, she was extremely confident in her abilities. Her team always worked in the shadows. but her skills were comparable to the highly skilled martial artists of The Hundred Immortals.

“Suit yourselves. I only have one demand–bring my daughter back to me alive,” she ordered solemnly.

“Yes, Mrs. Harmon.” Isfrid bowed before leaving arrogantly with her team behind her.

“Mr. Rhys, be careful. The Hummers have a highly skilled martial artist among them. He’s possibly achieved divinity,” Stephan warned Dustin.

“Achieved divinity? They’re mere ants to me.” With that, he left. Night gradually fell.

Meanwhile, in the square outside Hummer Villa, a group of armored fighters sat around a bonfire, roasting a whole lamb. Beside them was a dog cage, and inside the cage was a ragged woman. Her hair was disheveled, and her body was covered in injuries. It was clear that she had been tortured.

There was even a collar around her neck, which was attached to a dog leash held by an elderly man. That man was Fletcher Lawson.

“Mr. Lawson, it’s about time. It seems like he’s too scared to come since he hasn’t shown up till now.” A bald man smirked.

“Of course! With so many of us keeping guard here, who would send themselves to death? That punk has long fled!” Everyone chimed in, laughing heartily. Who would barge in foolishly when they knew it was a trap?

“Mr. Lawson, the woman in the cage is exceptional. Why don’t you allow us to enjoy her first?” the bald man said with an evil grin.

“That’s right. Mr. Lawwon. We’ve been deprived for too long. How can we give up the chance when a beautiful woman is present?” the rest jeered.

It wasn’t the first time they’d engaged in acts of arson, murder, and looting.

“Play around if you must, but keep yourselves in check,” Fletcher said calmly.

“No problem.” The bald man chuckled, then approached the cage eagerly. He ripped the woman’s skirt apart, exposing her white thighs.

“What a beauty! Just as we thought!”

He licked his lips and pounced with a devilish smile. Just as he was about to carry out his intentions, a fleeting flicker of light sliced through the air with a faint whistle. Emerging from the darkness and piercing through the bonfire’s glow, a golden needle found its mark between the man’s eyebrows.

With a groan, his eyes widened as he convulsed. Soon, he turned stiff. He was rooted in place with no signs of breath.

“Hey! What are you dawdling for? If you can’t do it, we’ll go instead. Don’t make us wait longer!”

“That’s right! There are so many of us waiting for our turn. Can you be faster?”

Nobody noticed anything strange. They were rushing him instead.

“Hey! We’re talking to you. Are you deal?”

A muscular man walked up and nudged his shoulder. Immediately, like a statue that had lost its balance, the bald man toppled to the ground.

The muscular man was shocked and extended out his hand. “What the fuck? He’s not breathing!”

He’d just finished his sentence when another faint whistle was heard. A second gold needle sliced through the air and embedded straight between his brows. Falling to the ground with his head up, he died instantly.

“What’s happening?” Everyone looked at each other in dismay. They only reacted when they saw blood between the victims‘ eyebrows.

“We’re being ambushed! Stay alert!” Following the shouts, the fighters took out their swords, looking around in all directions.

“Who the fuck is it?”

“Step out if you dare! You’re a pussy for hiding!” The crowd roared incessantly.

Right then, a sudden, powerful gust of wind whipped through the surroundings. Illuminated by the street lights, a tall, slender figure walked into the villa with deliberate steps.

Fletcher took a closer look and suddenly let out a laugh. “How brave. He really walked into the lion’s den.”

“Release her immediately!” Dustin ordered coldly. His voice wasn’t too loud, but it reverberated across the whole villa. His expression was impassive, but his gaze was as cold as ice.

“Know your place! There’s no need to think about being a hero when you’re dying soon.”

Fletcher waved, “Get him! Whoever brings me his head first will be rewarded 100 million!”

100 million?” The crowd of fighters was excited.

There was nothing money couldn’t solve, and a lavish reward would certainly give birth to brave warriors.

People would kill friends and relatives for 100 million, not to mention a stranger.

Get him!” The crowd roared and rushed forward without delay.

“Attack!” Suddenly, a group of all–black, masked assassins emerged from the darkness. They had a knife in one hand and a crossbow in the other. Although they were few in numbers, all of them were well–trained.

Pushing forward, they surrounded the Hummer family’s fighters. It was like nothing could stand in their way. They were the shadow guards led by Istrid.

Although the Harmon family’s shadow guards were not well–known, they were all handpicked talents among hundreds of candidates. They were specifically tasked with removing obstacles and eliminating dissidents for the Harmon family.

“See that? This is the true power of the Harmon family’s shadow guards!” Istrid emerged from the darkness and stood beside Dustin.
Chapter 254

Coldly, she said, “Wait here, and don’t run off. I don’t want you to cause us any trouble. Understand?”

“They have highly skilled fighters among them. Your men won’t be able to handle them.” Dustin responded flatly.

“Ha! What a joke! I’ve fought in countless battles, and I’ve seen it all. A burn like you will never understand how strong we are.” Her expression grew colder.

“Having confidence is commendable, but don’t be too blind. You should always believe there is someone better out there,” he reminded.

“Shut your nonsense. Just stay here as I told you to. I won’t forgive you if you ruin our operation!” she shouted coldly before joining the fray.

Dustin didn’t say anything more and narrowed his eyes, staring silently at Fletcher. Seated behind him were a few martial artists clad in eccentric clothing. From their breathing patterns, Dustin could tell that they were all the best low–level martial artists, with two of them already considered a high–level martial artist.

“So he has backup. No wonder he dared be so wild.” Even though his men were going down, Fletcher wasn’t anxious. In fact, his expression showed one of amusement.

It didn’t matter if they died since they were just cannon fodder. The real fighters were seated right behind him. There weren’t many of them, but they were all ranked on The Hundred Immortals.

Especially the twin brothers with the code name Darkwrath and Lightwrath. They were the seventh and eighth on The Hundred Immortals, respectively. They practiced the dark arts, and their moves were terrifyingly lethal. When they fought separately, they were comfortably ranked in the top ten. When they joined forces, their power doubled.

Of course, besides the twins, another highly skilled martial artist was hidden within the villa. That person was ranked third on the Hundred Immortals–Judge. Whenever Judge appeared, only a trail of death would follow.

Regardless of how many fighters the Harmon family sent, they were all going to meet their demise.

After a brutal fight, hundreds of the Hummer family’s fighters were left lying on the ground. The shadow guards of the Harmon family, on the other hand, had suffered only a single casualty and five injuries. Their losses were relatively minimal in comparison.

“Hmph! You dare kidnap Ms. Harmon with these pitiful weaklings? You should have known better!” Istrid stood with a sense of pride. With a swift downward flick, droplets of blood glistened as they splattered off her sword. She looked gallant and imposing.

“Impressive! The Harmon family’s shadow guards are indeed Impressivel Fletcher applauded with a smile.

“Since you’re aware of our skills, why aren’t you releasing the hostage yet?” Istrid pointed her sword forward. commanding attention,

“The person you’re looking for is right here in this cage. Come save her yourself if you have the guts.”

Fletcher overturned the dog cage with a kick, and the woman inside trembled in fear. However, her disheveled appearance made it difficult to discern her features.

“Ms. Harmon?” Istrid’s expression hardened, and she rushed forward with her men. As they neared the cage. Istrid drew her sword and severed the chains with a resounding clang.

“Ms. Harmon! Are you okay?”

Istrid opened up the metal door and was about to save the woman inside when the woman suddenly flashed an evil grin, With a sudden wave of her hand, she threw out a barrage of yellow powder that was highly toxic. Any ordinary person who came into contact with it would surely meet their demise.

Istrid’s pupils constricted, and she immediately stepped back, covering her mouth and nose to avoid inhaling the dust.

“Hah… You reacted quickly. You almost fell into my trap,” the woman chuckled lightly, pushing her hair aside to reveal a pale and unfamiliar face.

“Who are you?” Istrid’s brow furrowed. It was fortunate that she dodged in time, or she would have been in trouble.

“That’s not important. What’s important is how much your head is worth.” the woman replied and launched another attack, thrusting her knife forward.

“Hmph!” Istrid’s longsword quivered as it severed the woman’s arm and, at the same time, pierced through her chest with lightning speed.

“So fast. The woman’s eyes widened as she toppled backward.
Chapter 255

“How weak.” Istrid wore a disdainful expression as she scanned her surroundings.

“Anyone else?”


Leering at her curvaceous figure, Darkwrath licked his lips in excitement. “Hey, pretty lady, let me have a taste of you!” As he spoke, his toes tapped the ground, propelling him forward like a ghostly shadow. His body flickered in and out of existence, making it hard to figure out his movements, Istrid bellowed, “Die!”

With a flick of her sword, two blades that were both swift and deadly danced forward. Just as her attack was about to hit their target, Darkwrath suddenly vanished from thin air.

“Hey, pretty lady, where are you looking?”

She heard a sinister voice behind her, and her expression changed slightly. Without looking back, she thrust her sword backward. She was fast, but Darkwrath was faster, and her sword sliced through the empty air.

Taking advantage of her distraction, Darkwrath grabbed her butt forcefully. Chuckling obscenely, he remarked,” Soft and supple. What a treasure.” He didn’t harm her, clearly reveling in playing with his prey like a game of cat and mouse.

Fueled by the humiliation, Isfrid erupted in fury. “You will pay with your life!”

Her sword danced with rapid speed. In an instant, she was enveloped in a whirlwind of swirling blades that radiated with shimmering brilliance.

Yet, Darkwrath continued to flicker in and out of existence, appearing to be at ease and in control.

Istrid was out of breath when Darkwrath suddenly wrapped her in an embrace from behind. His tongue slithered out on her face, and he licked her slowly and forcefully.

“Beauty, you’re delicious! I’m going to eat you tonight!” He chuckled devilishly, his face full of lust.

“You’re seeking death!” Her eyes were red from a mix of anger and embarrassment. She redirected her sword. toward her own abdomen, intending to deal a severe blow to Darkwrath through herself.

However, Darkwrath was obviously prepared as he pressed a finger onto a pressure point on her body. She let out a muffled groan and collapsed to the ground, her arm feeling so numb that she was unable to hold up her sword.

“Who… who are you?” she asked in shock and anger. She didn’t expect her opponent to be that strong.

“I am Darkwrath, ranked eighth on The Hundred Immortals.”

Realization struck Istrid, and her expression changed. It was no wonder he was so formidable–he was among the top ten highly skilled martial artists on The Hundred Immortals.

“Pretty lady, what’s the point of serving the Harmon family? You’d be better off with me. I’ll make sure you live luxuriously, and every night will be like our honeymoon!” Darkwrath licked his lips, smirking obscenely.

“How dare you!”

“You insolent bastard!”

Seeing their leader humiliated, the shadow guards behind Isfrid couldn’t hold back any longer and brandished their swords, charging toward him.

“Fools.” Darkwrath sneered and propelled out into their midst. With a swift motion, two steel claws extended out from his sleeves, piercing through the throats of two shadow guards. He then yanked back forcefully. painting the air with blood and flesh.

The two shadow guards let out an anguished shriek before dying an immediate death.

That wasn’t the end, as his steel claws continued to strike fiercely and relentlessly. Like a violent storm, he was unstoppable. In the span of a few breaths, the entirety of the shadow guards were left lying on the ground. Half of them were dead, and the other half were seriously injured.
Chapter 256

“It’s over. It’s all over now.” Looking at the scene before her, Isfrid’s face turned ashen, and her expression was full of despair. She had barged in full of confidence, but she didn’t expect to encounter Darkwrath here. In terms of raw strength, ultimately, she was the loser.

“Allow me.” Dustin had somehow ended up beside her.

“You?” She frowned.

“I’m not even his match. What can you do? Leave immediately! Don’t throw your life away like that!” Even though she looked down on him, she didn’t wish for him to die in vain. “Hey! I’m talking to you.” Seeing his lack of reaction, Istrid’s frustration grew.

“This guy is unpredictable. He’s also ranked in the top ten of The Hundred Immortals. You’re no match for him.

I’ll buy time for you. Escape while you can! When you get back, ask Mrs. Harmon to send a highly skilled fighter. Go!” She bellowed out her last word.

As the leader of team five, naturally, she wouldn’t leave her teammates behind and escape on her own. That was why she needed someone else to deliver the message.

“So what if he’s ranked eighth? He’s nothing but a mere ant.” With a frosty expression, Dustin pushed forward.

“Hey! Are you crazy? Do you know what you’re doing? This is not the time to try to be brave. You’re never going to beat him. What you’re doing is sending yourself to certain death.”

Istrid was both anxious and angry. She’d never seen anyone so foolish to choose to light a losing battle. This guy was hopeless.

“Kiddo, you should have taken her advice. If you’d escaped earlier, you might’ve had a chance at living. But now, goodbye.” Darkwrath’s mouth curved up into a sinister smile. While he spoke, he licked the blood on his steel claws like a maniac.

“Where’s Natasha? Let her go, and I’ll let you live. Dustin ordered coldly.

Everyone present was stunned. Nobody expected those words to come out of his mouth.

“Kiddo, you’re pretty wild for someone who’s about to die. It seems like I need to teach you a lesson for you to recognize my prowess!” Darkwrath finally lost his patience as his expression turned cold.

With one step forward, he propelled out like a rocket, charging toward Dustin with sheer force. Once he was near, he waved his hand, and his steel claws shimmered like rays of light, alming straight for Dustin’s throat.

“Run!” Istrid shouted. That was the move that killed most of her team. Even she might have difficulty dodging it.

“Can you outrun me?” Darkwrath grinned devilishly and sped up.

“Lend me your sword.” With a tap of his fool, the sword on the floor sprung up and landed firmly in his hands.

He flicked his wrist, and the blade pierced Darkwrath with a shimmer and a thunderous whistle.

What followed was the sound of a deafening clang of metal. The shimmering blade shattered Darkwrath’s
steel claws, and without stopping, pierced through his neck. His body stiffened as if he had turned to stone. A thin line of blood formed slowly at his throat. Soon, the bloody line grew larger, quickly turning into a gaping wound.

The next second, his head, like a ball, rolled off the ground with a thud and straight to Istrid’s feet, his widened eyes staring right into hers. He had died a regretful death.
Chapter 257

“Uh…” Isfrid was bewildered at the sight of the head beside her feet.

Who would have imagined that the mighty and incomparable Darkwrath would be killed so easily? He was ranked eighth of The Hundred Immortals! He had decapitated the entirety of team five on his own. It was preposterous for him to be killed with one strike of the sword.

“What?” Looking at the headless body. Fletcher was taken aback as well. He knew Dustin was strong but didn’t realize he was that strong. With just a strike of his sword, he killed Darkwrath, ranked eighth of The Hundred Immortals. It seemed like only Judge, who was ranked third, would be able to suppress his formidable strength.

“You … you killed my brother?” Lightwrath finally stood. His pale face appeared ghastly.

He allowed his brother to play his game of cat and mouse without intervening since victory was within reach. He didn’t expect a highly skilled martial artist to be hidden among them. On top of that, that highly skilled martial artist unexpectedly brought about his brother’s demise.

“I gave both of you the opportunity to attack together. He’s the one who didn’t appreciate it,” Dustin responded flatly.

“You’re seeking death!” Lightwrath flew into a rage. He took out two pistols and charged forward violently.

“All of you, go!” Fletcher commanded.

Finally, the remaining few highly skilled, ranked martial artists joined the fray and flanked Lightwrath to protect him as they surged forward, attempting to encircle Dustin.

From their perspective, even if Dustin’s skills were formidable, he wouldn’t be able to hold back their collective assaults. After all, he only had four limbs.

“It’s over. It’s really over this time!” Istrid grew increasingly worried as she watched the martial artists, all ranked on The Hundred Immortals, join forces in the attack.

Although she was surprised by Dustin’s performance, she knew that victory and defeat in a battle between skilled martial artists hung by a thread. Dustin could turn out victorious if it were a one–on–one battle, but when going against numerous opponents, only certain death would face him.

“Hmph!” Faced with the approaching Lightwrath and his group, Dustin remained still and swung his sword once more. With a sharp whistle, the sword glimmered across the air.

Lightwrath and the others appeared to have been cursed in place, their movements coming to a halt. Their legs gave way, and they collapsed to their knees. Finally, heads rolled off onto the ground in succession. splattering blood all over the floor.

Immediately, a dead silence engulfed the area. Isirid and the rest of the shadow guards looked on in shock and disbelief.

If Darkwrath’s death was described as the result of an ambush or a surprise attack, then, right now, it would be described as the result of sheer strength. One single strike had slain a number of skilled martial artists ranked on The Hundred Immortals. It was truly terrifying!

When Istrid thought of how she had looked down on him, she was filled with shame. It turned out that she was the true bum.

“Release her, or die!” Dustin ignored the lifeless bodies on the ground, staring straight at Fletcher. It was as if he was looking at a dead man.

“You. How could you. Fletcher broke out in a cold sweat, looking terrified. Dustin’s prowess made him see the man in a new light.

“Release her!” Dustin repeated. He spoke straight to the point, yet it was exceptionally domineering.

“You just you wait!” Fletcher panicked. Without another word, he rushed into the villa.

Hummer Villa was vast, with an entire hill enveloped within its grounds. While the outer square was filled with chaos, inside, it was bustling with music and wine. A group of esteemed guests was gathered in the luxurious villa, attending the Hummers‘ party that was currently underway. Their focus was all on Joshua and Jade.
Chapter 258

“Mr. Hummer! Something terrible has happened!” Fletcher suddenly rushed in, stumbling in his steps. His disheveled and panicked appearance looked extremely out of place.

“What’s with the commotion?” Joshua’s expression turned cold, and he appeared upset. “Speak up. What’s wrong?”

“D–Dustin is out here on a killing spree!” Fletcher reported in a whisper.

“Oh?” Joshua raised an eyebrow. “He dares barge in here despite knowing it’s the lion’s den? Is this kiddo really that brave?”

“What do we do now, Mr. Hummer?” Fletcher asked anxiously.

“What do you mean? Get Darkwrath and Lightwrath to kill him. Don’t let him interrupt our party.” Joshua waved him away.

“Mr. Hummer he’s already killed them both!” Fletcher was somber.

“Huh?” Joshua frowned. “When Darkwrath and Lightwrath join forces, even Judge would need to exert his full strength. Is this kiddo that skilled?”

“It would have been great if they joined forces, but they were too arrogant and gave him a chance to defeat them,” Fletcher sounded helpless.

“Those fools! What useless trash!” Joshua was displeased. He was upset to have to expend extra effort on an ant that was supposed to be easily squashed.

In the midst of their conversation, the huge doors to the villa were kicked open with a deafening crash. A tall figure strode in with a murderous look.

“Listen up, Hummers. I’m giving you three minutes. Let her go immediately. Otherwise, nobody is leaving this place alive.” Dustin scanned his surroundings, his voice cold.

The hall exploded in a frenzy when they heard him.

“Who is this punk? How dare he make a scene at the Hummers“? Doesn’t he value his life?”

“If you don’t want to die, scram right now. Otherwise, your end will be near!”

“Fuck! Who is this punk? He’s so wild.”
Everyone present whispered and pointed in righteous indignation.

“Everyone, please calm down. I’ll handle it.”

Joshua walked slowly to the center, a faint smile playing on his lips. “You must be Dustin. Kneel and apologize to my honored guests tonight, and I might spare your life.”

“Who do you think you are? You’re not worthy for me to kneel before you,” Dustin responded coldly.

Joshua’s expression turned dark. “Kiddo, do you know who you’re talking to? Do you think you can act recklessly here just because you defeated Darkwrath and Lightwrath? Let me tell you, those two are just like you, mere ants in my eyes.”

“You have two minutes left.” Dustin was stone–faced.

Joshua chuckled, “I’ll give it to you. You’re fearless for someone nearing death.” With a sneer, he ordered. Judge, I’ll leave this person to you. Deal with him cleanly. I don’t want blood to stain the floor.”

“No problem!”

Right then, a middle–aged man in a long robe suddenly leaped from the second floor. He had a tall stature and wore a mask. He held a relatively short, steel spear in his hand, exuding a chilling air around him.

“Damn! Isn’t that Judge, who is ranked third on the Hundred Immortals? I can’t believe he’s here!”

“With Judge here, there is no escape. This punk is dead for sure!”

After the long–robed man appeared, the hall erupted in another frenzy. Judge had a well–known reputation to his name, and his sudden appearance was bound to bring forth a torrent of bloodshed.

“Dustin! We’re here to assist you!” At this moment. Isfrid and a few injured shadow guards staggered into the room.

“You won’t be of any help. Go wait at the side,” Dustin remarked flatly.

Isfrid frowned after hearing him. It was the first time in her life being shunned as such.

“Even though we’re not as skilled as you are, we still have our merits. It would be advantageous to have more numbers,” she said with a resolute expression.

“Suit yourselves. Just don’t stand in my way.” Dustin couldn’t care less.

“You” She pursed her lips. As an exceptional female fighter, she’d never experienced such blatant disregard. No matter what, she was determined to showcase her full strength, to prove to the person before her that women were as formidable as men.

Just as the thought crossed her mind, she glanced ahead and noticed Judge standing right in the center. She froze on the spot.

“What’s going on? Why is Judge here? Did the Hummers invite bystanders to the fray?” Isfrid was secretly apprehensive and worried at the same time.

With the warrior ranked third among The Hundred Immortals here, they were going to suffer an immeasurable loss. That was because Judge’s skills far surpassed those of Darkwrath and Lightwrath–they weren’t even onthe same plane.

This screamed trouble!
Chapter 259

“Kiddo! I’m giving you two options. Either you kneel before Mr. Hummer or die!” Judge’s tone was frosty, and his gaze was stagnant like a pool, calm and impassive. He’d been killing since he was ten and had a body count of hundreds, if not thousands.

“I choose death. Come at me if you can.” Dustin beckoned him forward with his finger.

“How insolent!” Judge’s gaze turned increasingly frosty as he launched his spear forward. Like a canon, it shot straight for Dustin’s chest.

Dustin stood unmoved and grabbed the spear, flinging it back. With a sharp whistle, it shot back out toward Judge with greater speed.

Judge sneered and mirrored Dustin’s stance, grabbing his own spear. However, as soon as he grabbed hold of it, it was as if he was struck by lightning. He staggered backward, his feet skidding along the ground, leaving deep imprints with each step.

“How could this be?” Judge’s expression changed, and he exerted his entire strength in an attempt to stop the momentum of his steel spear.

A gaping wound was forming between his thumb and index finger, and his fingers were turning into a bloody mess of flesh and blood from the sheer force of energy. Even so, he didn’t dare let go.

“Ahhh!” As he realized that no amount of force would be able to stop his weapon, he let out an anguished scream, and his expression was full of despair.

“Save me, Mr. Hummer!” he screeched loudly, losing his previous arrogance.

Before the crowd could react, his spear trembled and escaped from his grasp, piercing straight through his chest. With a final whistle, it embedded into the wall, disappearing out of sight, leaving only a hole the size of an egg.

Moaning painfully, Judge looked at his wrangled hands and the gaping hole in his chest. His mouth opened like he wanted to speak, but no sound could be heard. Falling backward onto the ground, he died in grievance.

In the end, the mighty, third–ranked Judge met his demise at the hands of his own weapon.

Silence engulfed the scene as the crowd looked on in shock, their eyes fixed on the lifeless body of Judge sprawled on the ground. This outcome was beyond anyone’s imagination. They had been certain that Dustin would meet his end with Judge’s appearance. However, with just a casual flick of his hand, Judge was impaled by his own spear.

Nobody reacted as the entire situation happened abruptly. Some of them couldn’t even believe it. Just like that, the warrior ranked third among The Hundred Immortals had fallen. His death was so sudden and bizarre that they wouldn’t have believed it if they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes.

“Oh my goodness, where did this monster come from?” Istrid was completely dumbfounded, her eyes wide open.

Darkwrath, Lightwrath, and Judge were all highly–skilled experts ranked on the Hundred Immortals. However, Dustin handled them like they were mere vegetables on a chopping board. It was truly terrifying!

“Damn it! Who is this kid? He actually killed Judge!”

“Who knows? He’s truly talented for his age and skills.”

Whispers filled the air, and they took in Dustin’s figure with tinges of awe.

“Kiddo. I didn’t expect you to have skills like that. I underestimated you.” Joshua was slightly taken aback but sneered again after a brief moment.

The Hundred Immortals was a power ranking for low–level martial artists. However, compared to divine–level martial artists, they fell short by more than a mile.

At present. Joshua was already a divine–level martial artist and had the potential to challenge the ranks of The Heavenly Immortals. In his eyes, a low–level martial artist like Judge was no different from an ant. Just like how Dustin had killed him instantly with a single strike, he could do the same, and with even less effort.

That was the true power of a divine–level martial artist.

“Release her, or die,” Dustin said coldly.

“Kiddo, don’t be too arrogant! Do you think you can act recklessly in front of me just because you killed Judge? Let me tell you honestly, I’m already a divine–level martial artist. I can destroy you, ordinary people, with nothing more than a flick of my finger!”

As Joshua spoke, his arms trembled, and a terrifying air emanated from him.
Chapter 260

Under Joshua’s impressive prowess, the guests in the hall began to retreat involuntarily. It felt as if rocks were pressing on their chests as their breathing grew heavy.

“Damn! Mr. Hummer is impressive. He’s already achieved divinity!”

“He’s truly deserving to be Boulderthorn’s genius. To achieve divinity before the age of thirty, he’s truly a terrifying man.”

“Although a low–level and divine–level martial artist only differed in a single word, the disparity in strength, just like their name, was like heaven and earth. This kid’s strong, but he’s still a weakling in front of Mr. Hummer.”

The crowd started a frenzied discussion as they witnessed Joshua’s imposing presence and arrogance.

At that moment, Tina, who was among the crowd, burst into laughter. “You fucking bastard! How dare you cause a scene at Hummer Villa? Look at yourself in the mirror! Give him a good beating for me, Joshua!”

“I have good taste in men. He’s so cool.” Jade’s lips curled up into a smile, and she looked at Joshua with a gaze full of affection.

A divine–level martial artist in their twenties was a desirable catch anywhere. Not to mention, he was Boulderthorn’s direct disciple. Talent, skills, background–he had it all. Promising individual like him was few and far between in the whole of South City.

She was proud and pleased with her choice. Her man would definitely make a name for himself in the future.

As long as Joshua married her, he would definitely receive the full support of the Grant family. As long as the family focused on nurturing him, then there would be a chance for him to be the second Tyler Grant.

Edwin chuckled heartily, “The Hummer family has experienced consecutive setbacks, but today is the day to restore our prestige.”

Edwin watched the entire scene happening below from the second floor of the villa, a proud smile adorning his face. How could he not be happy with such a talented son?

“What? The Hummer family has a divine–level martial artist in their midst?” Istrid paled from the shock. As she took in Joshua’s commanding presence, her legs started trembling involuntarily.

Divine–level martial artists were one in a million. It wasn’t something that could be achieved through sheer effort, and it also required exceptional talent. Some practitioners would spend their entire lives without attaining divinity. However, once they did, it would completely transform their lives for the better!

There were more than a hundred martial artists among the Harmon family’s shadow guards, but only one had achieved divinity. And that was the commander of the shadow guards.

“Isfrid, what should we do now? With a divine–level martial artist as our opponent, we won’t be a match for him even if all of us joined forces.” The shadow guards behind her also had terrified expressions.

Isfrid remained silent, looking at Dustin instead. Even though she wanted to save Ms. Harmon badly, with the Hummer’s divine–level martial artist present, it was inevitable for them to retreat.

Joshua was smugly pleased to see Dustin fall silent. “Hey, kiddo! Are you afraid now? You must be feeling terrified! This is the disparity between us. To me, you’re just a mere ant! I’ll give you a chance now. If you don’t want to die, kneel immediately!”

He’d never shown himself since he became a divine–level martial artist, which explained why not many people knew about it.

Today was a good opportunity for him to make a name for himself and rise to prominence!

“So what? If you don’t let her go today, I will kill you!” Dustin was stone–faced. It was as if he was looking at a dead man.

“Kill me?” Joshua scoffed. “Kiddo, it seems like you haven’t realized the gravity of the situation. Since you don’t seem to value your life, allow me!”

With that, he waved his hand, and a burst of violent energy ripped toward Dustin with full force. Dustin didn’t dodge it, allowing the burst of energy to crash into him as he stood unmoved.

“Hmm?” Joshua narrowed his eyes, looking slightly surprised.

When a divine–level martial artist manifested energy externally, even a minor attack was not something a low- level martial artist could take on. Since his opponent could use his body to hold off the attack, it meant he was. highly skilled.

“I didn’t expect you to have such abilities up your sleeves. No wonder you were able to kill Judge. But it’s too bad that you have to go up against me! Today, I will let you witness the difference between low–level marital artists and divine–level martial artists. Watch me!”

Joshua grunted lightly as his body soared into the air like an eagle, aiming a slap toward Dustin’s forehead.

The wind howled fiercely as his clothes fluttered in response. Under his terrifying prowess, the crowd retreated once again, afraid of being entangled in the conflict.
Chapter 261

Isfrid and her team, who were standing behind Dustin, had it worse. They had difficulty breathing and staggered backward involuntarily.

“Is this what a divine–level martial artist is like? How frightening!”

The crowd looked at each other in apprehension, silently worried.

“Fool.” Dustin sneered coldly at Joshua’s oncoming attack and made a move, landing a fierce slap on his face. The thunderous slap sent Joshua into a backflip in the air, and he landed head first onto the ground.

At that moment, everyone was stunned into oblivion.

“What the fuck!”

Everyone was shaken by the abrupt scene. No one could have imagined that the previously heroic Joshual would fall by Dustin’s slap, and they wondered if it was a coincidence or an accident.

“Josh!” Jade and Tina’s expression paled as they rushed up to him. They helped him up to his feet while he was still feeling dizzy.

*Josh, are you alright?” Jade was taken aback and worried.

“What happened just now?” Joshua shook his head, appearing dazed. Everything happened so suddenly that he didn’t notice Dustin’s movements. He only felt his sight go dark, and the next thing he knew, he was thrown to the ground.

“You -were beaten to the ground by that bastard,” Jade explained with a strange expression.

“No! That’s impossible!” Joshua could never believe it. “How could he have hit me? I must have slipped and fell on my own!”

“That’s right! You must have slipped!” Tina nodded furiously beside him.

“Kiddo! That didn’t count. Let’s go again!” Joshua couldn’t admit defeat. With a tap of his feet, he launched himself out again.

Another clear, booming slap rang out before he was launched back with even greater speed. Joshua suffered a crushing defeat and was badly battered.

The crowd was shocked once again. They could have explained his first victory as the result of a coincidence or accident. But the second victory was absolutely remarkable.

“Let her go,” Dustin spat out coldly.

“You— y–you’ve gone too far! I won’t be able to sleep if I don’t kill you right now!” Joshua flew into a rage and. pushed the two women beside him away, launching himself toward Dustin for the third time.

This time, instead of his empty lists, he took out a dagger from his waist. With a weapon in hand, his attack would be exceedingly lethal!

“Go to hell!” As he drew near, Joshua swung his dagger forcefully. A sharp whistle was heard, and only thegleam of the dagger was seen. It aimed toward Dustin’s forehead with fierce velocity.

Dustin stood still, allowing the incoming assault to occur. With a loud bang, the dagger exploded as it came into contact with his forehead, dissipating into sparks of light.

“What?” Joshua’s pupils dilated in horrified shock.

How was that possible?

Dustin had taken his slash head–on, literally. But Joshua was the divine–level martial artist! Any slash of his would break open boulders. Even a block of steel would slice in half with his previous attack, but Dustin blocked that attack with his head!

“Impossible! I must have been mistaken!” Joshua shook his head furiously, unable to believe it.
Chapter 262

Joshua gritted his teeth and brandished his dagger again.


He exerted all his strength into this attack, channeling every ounce of his internal energy. He believed Dustin wouldn’t be able to block the attack even if he was made of steel.

“Hmph!” Dustin had clearly lost his patience. As he watched the oncoming assault, he moved and grabbed the blade firmly. Tightening his grip, two crisp metallic crunches were heard, and the dagger made of refined iron was crushed into pieces.

“What?” Joshua was bewildered.

Before Joshua reacted, Dustin extended out his arm again, pressing a finger on his chest.


The next second, it felt as if his bones had disintegrated as he fell limp to the ground. Feeling numb all over, he couldn’t move an inch.

“You What did you do to me?” Joshua was shocked and horrified. He never dreamed that he would be defeated by an unknown kid.

He was a divine–level martial artist! Boulderthorn’s direct disciple! He should have been invincible in Swinton after his return.

Why? Why couldn’t he even defeat this punk? Where the hell did he come from?

“Let her go!” Dustin ignored him, looking at him condescendingly from above as it he was looking at an ant.

“Punk! You can’t be my opponent. What trick did you use?” Joshua still couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t accept that a small fry like Dustin would destroy an exceptional fighter like him.

“You speak too much nonsense!” Dustin was irritated and stomped violently on Joshua’s knees.

With a crisp crack, his knees sprayed blood everywhere. Joshua screamed in agony as his face contorted in pain and beads of sweat dripped down from his face.

“How dare you!”

“You insolent bastard!”

When they saw Joshua getting injured, the crowd erupted in anger.

A large number of the Hummer family’s guards swarmed in from different directions, surrounding Dustin in no time. These guards were armed with guns. They had clearly made preparations in advance.

“Rhys! Let go of my brother! Otherwise, after my command, you will be shot to oblivion!” Tina screeched, putting on a front.

Even though Dustin was powerful, he was still a mass of flesh that could get injured and bleed. With so many armed guards surrounding him, he wouldn’t be able to escape unscathed.

“Fire if you dare. I’d like to see who’d die first.” Dustin remarked coldly, without a hint of fear.

“You fire. Tina was exasperated. Since Joshua was right beside Dustin, he would also get shot if they opened

“Dustin Rhys! We’re in Hummer Villa. This is not a place for you to behave atrociously. Let him go! Otherwise. you will regret it!” Jade’s expression was stone cold. She didn’t expect Joshua to be defeated by Dustin either.

However, in this world, bravery changed nothing. Power was more important. Joshua had the Hummer family and Boulderthorn behind him. After she married him, he would also have the support of the Grant family. Who would dare challenge him then?

“I’ll regret it? I’d like to see how much I’ll regret it

!” As he spoke, he stomped on Joshua’s other leg, breaking it.
Chapter 263

After a short moment of astonishment, Joshua let out an ear–piercing scream. He sounded like a pig sent for slaughter.

“How dare you, you imbecile!” Edwin’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets. He couldn’t believe Dustin had the guts to chop Joshua’s arm off in front of everyone. He’d crossed the line!

“You–how dare you harm Josh!” Jade shrieked. How could a peasant like Dustin dare to rebel against them like this? Did he have a death wish?

“Rhys! You’re dead meat!” Tina screeched. Dustin had humiliated her before: now, Joshua was the one suffering. How could the Hummer family possibly face the world if they didn’t get revenge for this?

“Let her go,” Dustin said coldly.

“Fuck you! You have hell to pay for harming my brother!” Tina snarled.

Dustin didn’t waste his breath. Instead, he brandished his sword and swung it lightly, slicing Joshua’s other arm off. Blood splattered over the floor, and Joshua’s right arm landed in a pool of it. He howled again, his face contorting in a mask of pain. Sweat beaded on his forehead. Now, he was no different from a lamb up for slaughter. His earlier arrogance and dominance had dissipated.

“You abomination!”

“How dare you!”

“This is outrageous!”

Dustin’s second attack brought about more furious exclamations. It was bad enough that he’d chopped

Joshua’s left arm off; he’d now made things worse by chopping off the right one as well. It was an insult to the Hummer family’s dignity and pride!

Amidst their fury, the members of the Hummer family came to a conclusion–Dustin was a madman!

“Let her go!” Dustin brandished his sword again. This time, he pressed it to Joshua’s neck. The cold, steely look in his eyes made the onlookers subconsciously shudder. They’d seen their fair share of nefarious characters, but this was their first time coming into contact with the cold, inhumane look in Dustin’s eyes. He wasn’t mad, nor had he raised his voice.

On the contrary, he’d been calm and collected throughout the whole exchange. However, the more he acted like that, the more terrifying it was. There was no doubt in everyone’s minds that he would behead Joshua if the Hummer family didn’t do as he said.

“Let … let her go!” Edwin forced out through gritted teeth, ultimately choosing to give in. He couldn’t take this bet, not with Joshua’s life on the line. He’d already witnessed how ruthless Dustin could be.

“Dad!” Tina couldn’t believe her ears. Were they, the almighty Hummer family, going to give in to a brat?

“I said, let her go!” Edwin turned to bellow at her. Nothing mattered more than Joshua’s life.

Tina bit her lip and loosened Natasha’s ties.

As soon as she was free, Natasha gave Tina two tight slaps. Tina stared at her, dumbfounded. “That’s only the interest you owe me. I’ll collect the rest of my debt later.”

With that, she turned and strutted toward Dustin. She’d never been the type to suffer in silence–since she’d been slapped, she had to return the favor.

“Why, you- Tina gnashed her teeth, looking humiliated. Dustin and Natasha were too obnoxious for words!
Chapter 264

“Dustin, we’ve already let her go, so it’s your turn!” Edwin tried his best to suppress his rage. If not for Dustin pulling such dirty tricks, he wouldn’t be in this situation!

“I didn’t say anything about letting anyone go.” Dustin obviously wasn’t going to let the matter slide. “You abducted Ms. Harmon and harmed members of the Harmon family. Do you think I’ll let you off the hook so easily?”

“Rhys, I’m waming you–don’t take this too far!” An ugly look crept onto Edwin’s face. “This is the Hummer family’s territory; you’re dreaming if you think you can walk out of here unscathed! Now, I’m giving you a chance. Let Josh go, and I won’t begrudge you for everything that’s happened before this. Otherwise, you won’t step a foot out of here without getting injured!”

Jade added, “He’s right! Let Josh go, or you’ll be making an enemy out of the Grant family!”

Dustin didn’t say anything and glanced at Natasha. If she were to give the order, he’d behead Joshua without batting an eye. However, Natasha said calmly, “Losing both arms is good enough to teach him a lesson. Leave him alive for now.”

She wanted nothing more than to kill Joshua, but he was an esteemed disciple of the Boulderthorn Guild and Jade’s fiancé. If she were to take his life, she’d only be causing trouble for herself. Dustin would also become public enemy number one to the Boulderthorn Guild and the Grand family. Things wouldn’t be so easily resolved then.

Dustin nodded. “Alright. I can let him live, but he still has to pay for what he’s done.” With that, he kicked Joshua in the abdomen, sending him flying as he howled in pain.

Edwin and the others cried out his name and ran over to him, helping him up. He spat out a mouthful of blood as his face contorted in a mask of pain. He forced out through gritted teeth, “Dad, he–he destroyed my cultivation!” That earlier kick had shattered his core.

“What?” Edwin and the others were horrified. Joshua would be no different from a cripple with his cultivation and core destroyed. Edwin’s eyes bulged with rage as he roared. “How dare you ruin my son’s future, you brat!” They could find a way to reattach Joshua’s limbs, but there was no way to recover from a shattered core.

“Dustin, you and your whole family s dead meat! From this day onward, you’re the Grant family’s biggest enemy! I’ll chase you to the ends of the earth!” Jade shrieked, her face filled with deep hatred. Joshua had been her ticket to a great future: Dustin’s kick had ruined everything.

“I bet you didn’t think karma would come back to bite you in the ass when you bullied and murdered innocents." Dustin said coolly. “What goes around comes around–since you committed crimes against others, I’m here to commit crimes against you and give you a taste of your own medicine.”

‘Dustin Rhys! From this day onward, the Hummer family, the Grant family, and the Boulderthorn Guild will be out for your blood! We won’t rest until you’re dead!” Edwin roared.

“Come at me with everything you have. I’d like to see what you have in store for me.” Dustin didn’t even flinch. He would’ve beheaded Joshua with the first swing of his sword if not for the consequences it would bring Natasha. Then again, he didn’t intend to let the Hummer family off the hook. If they really chased him to the ends of the earth, he’d eradicate them.

“Shoot him! Hurry!” Tina shrieked.

“Yes, ma’am!” A team of gun–wielding bodyguards cocked their guns and aimed them at Dustin. However, before they could pull the trigger, Dustin swung his sword. A beam of light shot toward the bodyguards, slicing them clear through their waists. In that instant, pained cries pierced the air. That was only a portion of Dustin’s ability, and he’d taken out more than twenty people with a single swing of his sword!

“T–this…” Everyone else was dumbfounded–they didn’t dare move.

“Let’s go.” Dustin didn’t linger. He kept an eye on Natasha and the others to ensure their safety while walking out. Tonight, he’d singlehandedly dealt a devastating blow to the Hummer family. He was invincible!
Chapter 265

As they walked out of Hummer Villa, Natasha, who’d put up a strong front earlier, suddenly felt her knees buckle under her. She almost fell flat on her face. Dustin quickly caught her and asked worriedly. “Are you okay? Do you feel sick?”

“No. I’m just out of strength. My knees feel like jelly.” She shook her head. She’d been on edge earlier; now that she could relax, she felt weak.

“Ms. Harmon, I’ll carry you!” Istrid stepped forward and volunteered to help her.

“I don’t want to inconvenience you when you’re seriously injured,” Natasha said.

“I’m fine. These injuries mean nothing.” Istrid patted her chest to show she was okay.

“You’re seriously injured if I say so!” Natasha’s tone suddenly became stern. She glared at Isirid.

“Huh?” The realization dawned on Istrid when she glanced at Dustin. “Oh, uh, yeah. I feel really dizzy.”

“I’ll do it.” Dustin looked helpless as he swept Natasha into his arms. She had a strong personality but was only an ordinary woman–she had to be in shock after experiencing an abduction.

“Thanks for tonight.” Natasha smiled sweetly and leaned her head against his firm chest. His masculine pheromones made her heart race. Perhaps this was what people meant when they talked about a sense of security.

“It’s no big deal. I couldn’t stand by and watch when a friend’s in trouble, right?” Dustin smiled.

“Am I only a friend?” Natasha raised an eyebrow, looking slightly bitter.

“What else could you be?” Dustin pretended not to know what she was talking about.

“Hmph! You’re so dense!” Natasha frowned and chomped down on his shoulder. Dustin hissed in pain but didn’t dare retaliate. “This is a mark I’m leaving on you. You belong to me for as long as this is around. I’ll bite you to death if you dare reject me!” She bared her teeth as she spoke.

Dustin grimaced but didn’t dare say anything to refute her. He savored the feeling of her soft and pliant body in his arms; he couldn’t help feeling aroused as her sweet scent enveloped him. They hadn’t known each other long, but he’d unknowingly started to fall for the vivacious woman. That was why he’d been so anxious when he heard about her being abducted. It was also why he’d devastated the Hummer family.

At this moment, Hummer Villa was in a mess. Dustin had crashed the place and slaughtered their men with a single blade, even crippling Joshua, who was the Hummer family’s pride and joy. The Hummer family’s dignity and arrogance had been flung to the ground and repeatedly stomped on.

“Dad, I’m crippled I’m crippled!” Joshua howled as he lay in bed. With his core shattered and cultivation destroyed, his life was over.

“Josh, don’t panic. I’ll immediately have our men search for a miracle doctor. I guarantee I’ll spare no expense and pay any price to have you cured!” Edwin said.

Jade nodded vigorously. “He’s right, Josh. You’ll definitely recover from this! The Grant family has an abundance of rare medicines. I’m sure they’ll help to restore your core!”

“A full recovery isn’t the only thing I want–I also want to get revenge! I want that Rhys brat to pay for this!” Joshua snarled.

“Don’t worry, I’ve already informed Mark about this. He’ll be here in no time. That brat will be dead meat when Mark arrives!” Jade said.

“Mark?” A trace of hope flashed in Joshua’s eyes at this. “No matter how powerful that brat is, he’s no match for Mark!” Joshua had only achieved divinity a few days ago. He’d yet to fully adapt to this change, and his foundation had been shaky. That was why he could only manifest 50 to 60 percent of his abilities. Marcus Kent, on the other hand, had already achieved divinity three years ago and had even ranked among the Heavenly Immortals. He was more than enough to deal with Dustin.

“Killing him swiftly would be letting him off easy. I say we go after everyone related to him so that he can see what it’s like to be public enemy number one!” Tina spat.

“You’re right. Issue an order for everyone to focus on catching Dustin and his posse. Whoever brings me his head on a platter will receive a reward of a billion dollars!” Edwin commanded. With that, everyone in the Hummer family got to work. As the word spread, everyone was raring to go, especially when they heard about the reward.

At Park Place. Jessica paced the living room, looking worried. Ruth also fidgeted restlessly, obviously anxious. Quentin was the only one who looked unruffled. In truth, he’d been delighted by the news of Natasha’s abduction. If anything were to happen to her, there was a high chance of him taking over the company. Of course, in a best- case scenario, both Dustin and Natasha would die at Hummer Villa. That way, Quentin would finally have gotten his revenge!

“Mrs. Harmon!” The butler ran into the living room.

“So? Is there any news on Natasha?” Jessica’s heart leaped to her throat. Though she believed the Hummers wouldn’t do anything rash, she couldn’t be absolutely sure.

“The shadow guards just sent word back that Ms. Harmon’s been rescued. She’s a little roughed up but is fine as a whole,” the butler said.

“That’s great!” Jessica heaved a sigh of relief, looking joyful.

“I knew she’d be fine! How could anything happen to her?” Ruth laughed.

Quentin gnashed his teeth, looking pissed. He’d stuck around for so long to receive such terrible news–what was wrong with the Hummer family? How weak could they be, allowing Natasha to get away so easily?

“As expected, we made the right choice by mobilizing the shadow guards. Otherwise, this rescue mission wouldn’t have been so successful.” Jessica smiled.

“Mrs. Harmon, the shadow guards weren’t the ones who rescued Ms. Harmon,” The butler’s expression became a little odd.

“Who else could it be? Don’t tell me the Hummers voluntarily let her go.”

“The Hummers didn’t free her of their own volition, and neither did the shadow guards contribute to rescuing Ms. Harmon,” the butler said. “Mr. Dustin Rhys was the one who singlehandedly saved her. He slaughtered Darkwrath, Lightwrath, Judge, and the Hummer family’s elite army. No one in the Hummer family was a match for him!”

His words dumbfounded Jessica and the others. Dustin had singlehandedly defeated so many people? Was he truly human?
Chapter 266

The following morning, at Peaceful Medical Center.

Dustin got up early, washed up, and started preparing breakfast. As usual, it was his signature dish, deviled eggs. It was simple but smelled amazing. He’d just brought the food to the dining table when someone walked in.

“Wow, that smells great!” It was Dahlia. Today, she wore a smart suit and heels. Her hair was in a ponytail, revealing her fair and slender neck. She looked happy to see the food. ‘Are those deviled eggs? How did you know I hadn’t had breakfast yet, Dustin? Since you prepared this for me, I won’t stand on ceremony!” She sat down and started to dig in.

“This isn’t “Dustin was about to say something when his bedroom door swung open to reveal a gorgeous woman standing there.

“Darling, I’m starving. Is breakfast ready yet?” It was Natasha. She had on an oversized shirt. As she stretched, it dipped to reveal her cleavage. “Hmm?” She and Dahlia met each other’s gaze. They were both equally stunned.

“What are you doing here?” they asked simultaneously. The air crackled with electricity, and the tension was so thick one could slice it with a knife.

“Dustin, what’s going on here?” Dahlia locked hostile. She could tell that Natasha was wearing Dustin’s shirt. That, coupled with the fact that Natasha was coming out of Dustin’s room, was more than enough for even a
fool to tell that something was afoot.

“Don’t get the wrong idea. It’s not what you think.” Dustin wanted to explain, but Natasha cut him off.

“Darling, since she’s caught us redhanded, we might as well come clean. There’s nothing to hide, anyway!”

“So, you slept with her? Dahlia bit her lip, looking jealous. She’d always thought Dustin could keep it in his pants; she was obviously wrong.

“Why bother asking when it’s obvious?” Natasha tugged the shirt lower to reveal more of her cleavage.

“Nothing of the sort happened.” Dustin felt a headache coming on. “Ms. Harmon was injured yesterday, so I brought her back here to treat her. Nothing else happened.”

Dahlia took a closer look at Natasha and noticed the wounds on her body. Even so, she couldn’t keep the jealousy from her tone as she said, “Why didn’t she go to a hospital if she was injured? Why come here?”

“I can go wherever I want. It’s up to me.” Natasha smirked. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but you two are divorced, right? If so, it’s none of your business even if anything were to happen between me and Dustin.”

“So what if we’re divorced? We can always remarry!” Dahlia glared at her, refusing to back down.

“Do you think marriage and divorce is a game? What do you take Dustin for?” Natasha’s smile faded. “Ms. Nicholson, one shouldn’t be too greedy. Since you’re the one who chose to give up, you should bear the consequences accordingly.”

“Everyone makes mistakes; it’s fine as long as they realize where they went wrong and correct them. I made a mistake in the past, but now, I’ll do whatever I can to make it up to him!” Dahlia glanced at Dustin as she spoke, seemingly hinting at something.

“Since you refuse to give up, let’s see who’s better at this.”
Chapter 267

Natasha shrugged and sat at the dining table. She pulled the deviled eggs to her and said with a smile, “Thank you for breakfast, darling. You’re so considerate!”

“That’s where you’re wrong. These eggs are mine.” Dahlia pulled the eggs back. “It’s been three years, but I’ve yet to fall out of love with Dustin’s cooking. Besides, he knows I love deviled eggs.”

“Ms. Nicholson, stop thinking so highly of yourself. What’s in the past is just that–the past. These eggs belong to me now.” Natasha didn’t back down. She dragged the eggs to herself again.

“Ms. Harmon, robbing someone of something they love isn’t the best habit to have. These eggs have been cooked to my taste; they only suit me!”

“What makes you think I don’t like deviled eggs? I love anything Dustin cooks!”

“Hmph! Just because you like them doesn’t mean they suit you!”

“It’s up to me to decide whether they’re suitable!”

The conversation between the two women became increasingly heated as they dragged the plate of deviled eggs back and forth. Neither of them wanted to back down. It was as if they’d lose something precious if they were to give in. Dustin felt a headache coming on as he watched them duke it out. Honestly, he didn’t think he was worthy of their affection.

At the entrance to the guest bedroom, Caitlyn stuck her head out to peek at the commotion. She asked in confusion. “Max, what do you think Ms. Harmon and Ms. Nicholson are doing? Do they need to act like this over some eggs?”

“Caitlyn, you’re too young to understand the intricacies of a relationship between a man and a woman,” Maximus mysteriously said as he stroked his chin. “They’re not fighting over the eggs, but their dignity as women!”

“Dignity?” Caitlyn still didn’t get it.

“Dustin personally cooked those eggs; whoever gets to taste them first wins this round.” Maximus looked in awe. “As expected, he’s truly admirable–beautiful women surround him, yet he remains unaffected by them.

Look, they’re about to get into a brawl, but Dustin still looks so calm and collected. He truly is someone to look up to!”

Dustin, with his sharp senses, heard this. He turned around to glare at Maimus and Caitlyn. The two heads immediately shot back into the room. A few seconds later, they sneaked out again.

“Dustin, you decide! Who do these eggs belong to?” After an inconclusive argument, Natasha and Dahlia
turned to look at Dustin. They looked like they wouldn’t give up until they had the answer they wanted.

Faced with the toughest question he’d ever been asked, Dustin’s lips twitched, sweat beaded on his forehead.”

Uh these are my eggs!” he blurted out. He grabbed the plate and scooped all the eggs into his mouth. With nothing left to fight over, the crisis had been averted.

“Hmph!” The two women glared at each other before turning away in opposite directions, still refusing to give in to each other.

"As expected of Dustin–only he would’ve thought of such a great idea!” Maximus was in awe of Dustin’s ability to avert such a deadly crisis: he wanted to drop to his knees and worship the ground Dustin walked on. He was amazing! Perhaps this was what a true pro was like.

Dustin was the first to break the silence after finishing the eggs. “Dahlia, did you come here for something?”

“Do I have to have a purpose for coming here?” Dahlia still looked miffed.

“Uh, no.” Dustin looked a little awkward.

“I came because we’re having guests; you need to meet them with me. In fact, you might make some money from this. I don’t want people saying you’re leeching off me.” Dahlia gave Natasha a pointed look as she spoke.

“What’s wrong with him leeching off someone? Others may not even have the chance to do so!” Natasha didn’t bat an eye.

Before long, the women started squabbling again.
Chapter 268

“Ms. Nicholson, did you come here because you wanted something from me?” Dustin asked when he saw how tense the atmosphere was.

“What, do I have to have a reason for coming here?” Dahlia glared at him.

“I didn’t mean that.” He looked awkward.

“Whatever. Let’s get down to business–you know Dr. Rowan Cross, right? I want to ask him to examine someone.” Dahlia stopped beating around the bush.

“Examine someone?” Dustin sized her up, then checked her pulse. Confused, he said, “Aside from being a little out of whack, you’re fine. You just need to control your emotions and diet.” your period

“You’re the one who’s out of whack!” Dahlia glared at him again, her face turning red. “I didn’t say I was the one who needed an examination–it’s for a relative of mine who suddenly fainted yesterday. She’s been complaining of a headache, but the hospital said she’s fine. She wanted Dr. Cross to examine them just to be sure.”

“I see.” Dustin nodded. “There’s no need to bother Dr. Cross for something as simple as that–I’m more than enough.”

“You?” Dahlia eyed him doubtfully. “Can you handle it?”

“My medical center’s been around for a number of years now. Wouldn’t it have closed down long ago if I didn’t have a few tricks up my sleeve?” Dustin said confidently.

Dahlia was speechless. She’d never seen any patients in the dingy medical center; how was it different from being closed down?

“We can forget about it if you don’t trust me.” Dustin shrugged.

“Who said anything about me not trusting you? You’ll do!” Dahlia said decisively. “I’ll be frank–this relative of mine is a pretty big deal, so if you can cure her, it could be your ticket to success. You won’t have to leech off anyone anymore when that happens.” As she spoke, she gave Natasha a pointed look.

“What’s wrong with leeching off someone?” Natasha puffed out her chest. “At least my darling is capable of leeching off someone others may not be able to do so even if they wanted to!”

Dahlia snorted. “No upstanding man would want to be at a woman’s beck and call. Think about how humiliating that’d be!”

“What good is a man for if not to serve a woman? He can’t fool around with himself, can he?” Natasha rolled her eyes.

“Why, you-“Dahlia was exasperated. How could this woman be so crude? She wasn’t ladylike in the slightest!

“Alright, that’s enough. We should focus on whatever’s ailing your relative. Let’s head to the hospital.” Dustin quickly interjected when he saw the two women were about to start quarreling again. He dragged Dahlia out
of the medical center.

“Darling, be back soon, okay? I’ll be waiting for you!” Natasha called, smiling seductively and sending him an air kiss. At the same time, she undid another button on her shirt to reveal more of her cleavage. Dustin stared at her.

“Hmph!” Dahlia stomped on his foot and gave him a warning look. He smiled awkwardly and retracted his gaze. “Get in the car!” She stuffed him into the car before speeding off.

“Do you think you stand a chance against me, you flat–chested preteen?” Natasha smiled victoriously as she looked down at her voluptuous chest. It was enough to put any woman to shame, and none of her future children would ever go hungry.

Half an hour later, in one of the wards at East Swinton Hospital.

“My head hurts! I feel like it’s gonna split in half!” Jane lay in a hospital bed and clutched her head, occasionally smacking it to alleviate the pain.

“Mom, hold on for a little longer. Dr. Cross will be here soon.” Dakota kept comforting her. Nobody knew what had happened–Jane had suddenly passed out yesterday and kept complaining about a headache when she’d come to. They’d done all the examinations possible, but the results showed nothing was wrong with her.

“I shouldn’t have come to this accursed place. We’ve had problem after problem since arriving. First, someone crashed into our car. Then, I got slapped for no reason at all. Now, I’m having a terrible headache. What have I done to deserve this?” Jane looked positively miserable.

“We’ll head home once you’re okay; we’re never coming to this dump again!” Dakota said. Then, she turned to Florence, who stood at the ward’s entrance, and screeched, “What’s taking so long? When is Dr. Cross coming? Tell him to hurry!”

“Of course, of course.” Florence didn’t dare delay. She hurried out of the ward, took out her phone, and was about to dial a number when she saw two people approaching her–Dahlia and Dustin. “Dahlia, you’re finally here!” Her face lit up as she hurried toward them. “Your aunt’s headache is getting worse, and the doctors here are too useless to do anything about it. Dr. Cross is our only hope now! Where is he?” She looked around but didn’t see him.

Dahlia shook her head. “He’s busy with something else and can’t be here.”

“What? What are we gonna do, then? Florence was taken aback. Had they waited for nothing?

“Dustin has some medical expertise. How about we have him give it a shot?”

“Him?” Florence frowned. “Have you lost your mind? How can this good–for–nothing possibly know anything about treating a patient? Who’s gonna bear the responsibility if anything goes wrong?”

“He cured Granddad when he was poisoned, remember? I have faith in him,” Dahlia said firmly. She’d misunderstood Dustin one time too many; this time, she chose to trust him unconditionally.

“Stop this nonsense! Your grandfather only made it through because of Dr. Cross‘ Hexanavir, it had nothing to do with this man!” Florence scowled, looking contemptuous.

“Do you have a better idea, then?” Dahlia asked.

“Well, I- Florence had no words.

“Since we’re out of ideas, why don’t we let Dustin try? We can think of something else if it doesn’t work.” Dahlia’s tone became domineering.

“Rhys, you’d better watch what you’re doing. Don’t you dare try to pass just about anything off as a cure!” Florence warned. The two people in the ward were her cash cows. If anything were to go wrong, she’d be in big trouble.

“Let’s see how the patient’s doing.” Dustin didn’t want to waste his breath on her.

“Hmph! Come with me!” Florence led Dustin and Dahlia into the ward. Once she stepped in, her arrogance faded, replaced with a fawning smile.

“Florence, what the hell took you so long? Where is Dr. Cross?” Dakota asked impatiently.

“I’m here!” Florence said sycophantically, gesturing to the people behind her. “Behold the doctor we’ve brought!

“Huh?” Dakota and Jane looked up, then exclaimed in unison. “It’s you?”
Chapter 269

“It’s you!” Dakota was momentarily taken aback when she recognized Dustin. Similarly, he looked at her funny with a hint of astonishment. Never had he expected that the two bitches were the relatives that Dahlia had
mentioned to him. What a small world!

“Oh, did you know each other?” Dahlia’s quizzical gaze traveled between the two.

“Not only are we acquainted,” Dakota hissed through clenched teeth, “He’s also the guy who beat us up yesterday!”

“What?” Everyone was surprised to learn that.

“Um, Dakota, did you get the wrong person?” Florence questioned cautiously.

“No! How could I? I’d recognize him even if he turned into ashes! I also suspect my mom’s gotten a headache from his slap!” Dakota seemed merciless.

“Right! I must have fallen sick because of that slap! Get someone to arrest him!” Jane was bellowing in bed. She had been unable to put yesterday’s events behind her, and she was extremely furious upon meeting her
enemy again.

“Dustin, what’s the matter? Why did you hit them?” Dahlia was baffled to learn that he had a grudge against

Jane and Dakota when she introduced him to her Glenstead relatives.

“They deserved it, Dustin replied bluntly. “They reversed and crashed into another car, almost killing the victim. But they acted unreasonably like two bullies. I slapped them across their faces because I couldn’t stand them anymore.”

“You rascal! Do you know who they are? How dare you hit them?” Florence was incensed to learn that Dustin had laid a finger on her two Goddesses of Fortune. She took it as a personal affront as well.

“Don’t waste your time talking to him! Call the police now!” Dakota seethed resentfully.

“No, wait!” Dahlia jumped out to stop her. “This might be a huge misunderstanding. There’s no need to make this a bigger issue than it is. Why don’t we have Dustin work on Aunt Jane’s illness to make up for his mistake?”

“Hmph! Nobody needs his help!” Jane spat on the ground. “Just look at his behavior. What if he makes things worse? Will anyone take the responsibility?”

“That works. I have no intention to cure you either,” Dustin said in an unperturbed manner. “Oh, by the way, do not forget what I told you before–headaches on the first day, coughing up blood on the second day, and paralysis on the third day. You’ll suffer a sudden death on the fourth day. Since today is the second day, it will not take long before you start coughing up blood. By that time, you’ll have to leave your fate in the hands of God.”

“Y–y–you’re a jinx! Quit the nonsense! As Jane trembled in anger, her headache worsened as well.

“See? Did you hear him? How dare he curse my mom! This is an order–get him arrested! If you don’t. I’ll hold you accountable! Dakota started ordering people around. Florence’s face fell, and she yelled at Dustin,” Dustin Rhys! Apologize to them now! If you don’t, I will not go easy on you!”

“Apologize to them? They don’t deserve it.” Dustin chortled. “If anything, they should be apologizing to me. It they do that, I might consider saving the mother.”

“Bullshit! Who do you think you are? You aren’t qualified to treat my mom!”

“Yeah! With our status, we can hire any skilled doctors we want! We don’t need you showing off here!”

Jane and Dakota were being stubborn. In their eyes, an ordinary man like Dustin had no business attending to their medical needs.

“Hah! Sure, keep being stubborn, I do hope you don’t have to beg me in the end.” Dustin chuckled with a shake of his head.

“Beg you? What a joke!” Jane sneered. “Look, even if I am suffering from a horrible headache or in so much pain to the point of jumping off a building. I still wouldn’t give in to you!”

“Okay. We shall see.” Without further ado, Dustin took leave. Dahlia frowned at his exit, but after a moment of hesitation, she ran after him.

After they left, James brought in an old man dressed in a cloak and dashed into the bedroom. “Mom! The skilled doctor you asked for is here!”

“The skilled doctor? Where is he?” Florence asked in a hurry.

James jumped aside and presented the old man in a cloak, introducing him, “This is Dr. Fenton Reyes from Bloomington Medical Center in Stonia. He’s a veteran in his field and had ancestors who were royal physicians! No doubt, his skills are legendary!”

“Royal physicians?”
Chapter 270

Florence, Jane, and Dakota were delighted by the doctor’s presence. They could tell that he came from an impressive background just from how James described him. Jane and Dakota believed they deserved the best. such as seeing a skilled doctor like Fenton Reyes.

“James. Dr. Reyes is a legend in Stonia. How did you get him to show up?” Florence asked curiously.

James smiled. “Well, it wasn’t me. It was Mr. Langford who arranged for Dr. Reyes to see Aunt Jane.”

“Mr. Langford?” Florence’s eyes lit up upon hearing the name.

Luis Langford was an aristocrat from Stonia who wielded great wealth and influence. He was also well- connected in the military and the government. More importantly, the Langford family was a close friend of the Nicholson family of Glenstead, Morcover, the Glenstead Nicholsons were greatly interested in an arranged marriage between Luis and Dahlia. In other words, if Dahlia was willing, she could marry into the wealthy Langford family in no time, elevating the entire family to greater heights!

“That’s very thoughtful of Mr. Langford! He immediately asked for a skilled doctor to see my mom after hearing about her sickness. This way, Dr. Reyes!” Dakota led the old man to Jane’s bed.

He asked, “Where are you hurting?”

“I have a headache! My head feels like it’s splitting in hall!” Jane scrunched up her face. She seemed feeble and lifeless.

“I’ll take a look.” The old man carefully placed his stethoscope on Jane. A few moments later, he replied, There doesn’t seem to be an issue. I assume you are just sleep–deprived and stressed out.” With that, he took out a medicine bottle and poured three white pills. “Take one pill a day for three days, and you’ll be fine.”

"Awesome! Thank you. Dr. Reyes.” Jane was beyond joyful. Florence took the chance to suck up to the doctor,” You’re indeed the legendary Dr. Reyes! You managed to cure an illness that has gotten many doctors in a bind!

“Hmph! That Rhys guy was fear–mongering when he said my mom would cough up blood! He’s talking crap. A fake like him should be dealt with!” Dakota said unhappily.”

“Right! When I’m recovered, I will get him!” Jane swallowed a pill. However, her headache only worsened after that, to the point where she was in greater pain and drenched in cold sweat.

As she was about to question the doctor, she coughed violently, her face red from the exertion.

“Mom! What happened? Are you okay?” Dakota asked her with concern. Soon, Jane opened her mouth and coughed up a mouthful of blood that splattered across her face.

“What was that?”

Everyone in the room was shocked by Jane’s declining condition. They exchanged confused glances with each other.

A frantic Dakota hurriedly called for the doctor. “Dr. Reyes, what’s wrong? Why did she cough up blood?”

“That’s odd. I’ll take another look.” The old man furrowed his brow and went ahead with the checkup. Not long after, his expression became grim as he sighed. “I am sorry. Your mother has a terminal illness. She’s in the late stage. I’m afraid she doesn’t have much time left.”

“Huh? A terminal illness?” The people in the room were stunned. Didn’t Dr. Reyes just say that Jane would be line? Why did he suddenly change his diagnosis?

“I am not knowledgeable enough to help you with this. I shall take my leave now.” The old man hung his head in shame. Then, he shook his head and stood up to leave. The others stared at him agape and panicked soon

“Headaches on the first day, coughing up blood on the second day, and paralysis on the third day. Was that guy right?” Jane mumbled to herself and suddenly broke into a scream. “Quick! Get Dustin Rhys back here!

Chapter 271

Dahlia caught up with Dustin at the hospital entrance and pulled on his arm. “Hey! Stop! You’re walking too fast. I almost couldn’t catch up!”

“I’m really sorry. I can’t handle those relatives of yours. You should get some other doctor to deal with them.” Dustin remarked coolly. He was aversed to the two difficult women and refused to engage with them.

“Did I force you to cure Aunt Jane? Why are you being sensitive?” She rolled her eyes at him.

“Well, I thought

“What? Did you think I’m an unreasonable woman who’d force you to grovel at them?” she scoffed.

“No, I didn’t.” He flashed an embarrassed smile at her, feeling rather uneasy at her newfound considerate personality.

“Alright. I know they’re in the wrong. Just stay away from them in the future.” She dispensed a kind reminder.” They’re from a wealthy and powerful family in Glenstead. Even Natasha Harmon couldn’t protect you if you get into trouble with them.”

“Is that so? They sound quite remarkable, then.” He smiled carelessly.

“They’re beyond remarkable! The three powerful families in Glenstead are steeped in history, dating back to a few centuries ago. They are well–connected in the military, government, and business field–living up to their reputation!” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Well, I had planned to bring you along and suck up to them. I didn’t know you got into a fight with them. What can I say, except that you’ve missed the opportunity to get rich!”

“Oh, no thanks. I don’t need that opportunity.” He shrugged.

“Hmph! Seems like you don’t appreciate my help at all!” She rolled her eyes at him once more, but a little flirtatious this time.

“Hey! Dustin Rhys! Stop!” Dakota emerged out of nowhere, drenched in sweat. “My mom coughed up blood just now! I’m telling you to get back there and check on her!” To catch up to Dustin, she opted to use the stairs
instead of the elevator, which explained her current breathless state.

“Oh, I recall that someone has vowed not to seek my help even if she has to jump from a building in pain! Why did she take back her word?” he mocked.

“Quit the nonsense! Do what I tell you to!” She glared at him. “I will write off the slap if you cure her, and I’ll grant you a chance to forge a connection with us.”

In her eyes, the chance to suck up to her family was a rare opportunity for a worthless man like Dustin Rhys.

“Well, sorry. I don’t care for that opportunity.” He looked unbothered.

“Dustin Rnys! Think carefully. Not everyone gets a chance like this! You should feel honored that I granted you the chance!” Dakota tossed her head. A spolled princess from a young age, she was accustomed to acting. arrogant and getting showered with compliments everywhere she went.

“No. That is too great of an honor,” he turned her down without hesitation.

“You’d better not think too highly of yourself! I wouldn’t have stopped you if you weren’t a half–decent doctor.

Don’t be delusional!” She frowned at him.

“If so, please leave. I shall not see you out,” he said with a shrug.

“You-” She choked on anger at Dustin’s stubbornness. She would have gotten him torn apart if they were in
Glenstead. “Dustin Rhys, what will it take for you to help us? Give us an offer if money is what you want!” Dakota hissed.

“Want me to save your mom? I can do that on the condition that both of you apologize to me. I’ll also need handwritten apology letters!” he suggested with a calm expression.

“An apology? Dream on!” His words fanned her anger. “Who do you think you are? You have no right to ask us for an apology!” The Nicholsons were aristocratic and different from the lowly peasant class that Dustin Rhys belonged to. There was no way for the aristocratic Dakota to give in to his demand!

“If you refuse, let’s drop this matter. Please get a better doctor for your mom.” He did not care at all.

“You don’t have to scare us! With our connections, we can hire any skilled doctor we need! I am offering you a chance to redeem yourself, but if you don’t appreciate it, don’t blame me for making you pay!”
Chapter 272

“Once my Mom is cured, we’ll hash out our past and present grievances together!” Dakota said in a sharp tone, her eyes ferocious.

“Knock yourself out.” Dustin shrugged nonchalantly.

“You” Dakota choked out. She was grashing her teeth so hard that the grinding was audible, but she couldn’t do anything anyway.

While they were both in a stand–cft, a sudden uproar broke out near the hospital entrance. They raised their heads to find a fully armed motorcade bulldozing their way over.

The motorcade was from the military, and it was a huge spectacle. All the guards sitting on top were armed and radiating murderous energy. Everywhere they passed, people and cars parted to make way for them.

“That’s strange. What is the military doing? Could they be here to arrest some outlaw?” Dahlia looked around in confusion.

Dakota also locked perplexed.

At that moment, the commander ordered, “Hurry, surround them now!”

The guards got down from the motorcade and instantly encircled Dustin and the two women. Seeing the muzzle of the guns lined up next to each other gave them chills.

“Huh?” Dahlia was startled, and her face paled. She had been ready to watch the show. Never in a million. years did she expect that these guards would be encircling them instead.

“Don’t panic. This has nothing to do with you. They’re here for me.” Dustin swept his gaze over the guards. He already had a plan in mind.

“They’re here to arrest you? Why?” Dahlia asked, flabbergasted.

She couldn’t understand what kind of crime the man in front of her had committed that could incite the military’s arrival.

“It’s just a trivial matter. It’s nothing.” Dustin smiled mildly.

“A trivial matter?” Dahlia frowned.

The military was here for him, and he still called it a trivial matter?

“Dustin, you committed the heinous crime of murder in broad daylight! We have been ordered to arrest you and bring you to justice! If you resist, you will be killed!” the commander said with a cool face..

The murderous vibe he was exuding scared the wits out of Dahlia. “Commander, is there some kind of misunderstanding?” she asked tentatively.

“Unrelated persons are to make way at once! Otherwise, you will be charged with the same crimes!” the commander said mercilessly.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. You should go home first.” Dustin placed a hand on Dahlia’s shoulder and smiled gently.

“I —” Dahlia said hesitantly.

How could this huge spectacle be nothing?

But she couldn’t help in any way right now.

“Rhys, I bet you never thought this day would come!” At that moment, Dakota suddenly laughed, taking pleasure in his misfortune. “You must have committed a huge crime to have sparked the military into coming here. Now, I’ll give you another chance. If you cure my mother’s illness and then apologize to me, I’ll agree to save you.”
Chapter 273

“I don’t need it.” Dustin said, rejecting Dakota outright.

“You don’t need it?” When Dakota heard his answer, she was stunned. She never thought that even at this moment of life and death, Dustin would still dare to reject her. Did he really not want to live anymore?

“Dustin, don’t make decisions based on your emotions!” Dahlia tugged on his sleeve, trying to talk some sense into him. “I don’t care what crime you committed, but your life is important. The Nicholson family has connections in the military: only she can save you now!”

“She can’t save me, and I don’t need her saving.” Dustin shook his head. Judging from the license plates and flags, this troop was from the Balerno Military. The people in Glanstead couldn’t do anything. Not to mention, Edwin had to pull strings to send this huge troop after him. He wouldn’t let Dustin get away that easily.

“Hmph! You’re already on death’s door, yet you’re still so stubborn!” Dakota jutted her chin out derisively. “It seems like you still haven’t grasped the severity of the problem. I dare guarantee that without the help of the Nicholsons, you’ll be rotting in there for life!”

“Dustin, I’m begging you, alright? Agree to her terms!” Dahlia urged anxiously.

An average citizen couldn’t fight an officer. The high–ranking officers in the military could easily squash a civilian. With just one word, they could have them buried six feet under.

“You don’t have to worry about me. I’m just going in to have a cup of tea. I believe I’ll be out in no time, so you should just go home.” Dustin said with a small smile.

The military had come all the way here, so of course, he had to show them some respect.

“Enough yapping! Take him away!” The commander had obviously run out of patience and ordered his men to cuff Dustin and push him into the car.

Then, with a troop of guards in tow, they made a grand exit. The entire process had been so simple and straight to the point. No one had been dragging their feet.

Dahlia was extremely anxious, but she couldn’t do anything to help. With her network, she couldn’t even reach the high–ranking officials in the military, much less get them to save someone. As if she thought of something. she turned to Dakota and begged, “Dakota, you have a wide network. Can you help Dustin and break him out?”

“I’ve already given him a chance, but he wouldn’t accept my kind gesture. It’s none of my business!” Dakota.said huffily.

“Even if you don’t care about Dustin, you have to think about your mother,” Dahlia said, changing the subject.

“Well…” Dakota frowned. She didn’t care whether Dustin lived or died, but her mother was now suffering from a terminal illness, just like Dustin had said. If he kicked the bucket, then wouldn’t her mother be at high risk?

“If I save him, are you sure he’ll treat my mother?” Dakota asked doubtfully.

“I promise that he definitely will! Dahlia said with a serious face.

“Alright, I’ll trust you this time!” Dakota nodded. Then, she took out her phone and began to contact some people.

A few of the Nicholson family members were working in the military. To her, this small favor was clearly not an issue at all.

At that moment, Natasha was lying down on the lounge chair in Peaceful Medical Center, sipping her tea.slowly like a dignified owner of a medical center.

“Natasha, something happened!” Ruth barged into the room in a panic.
Chapter 274

“What’s the matter?” Natasha said, slightly stunned.

“I just received word that Dustin has been arrested by the military!” In a no–nonsense manner, Ruth quickly gave a simple explanation of what happened.

After Natasha heard the whole story, her face instantly grew solemn. “Using the military to arrest him? It seems like the one behind this comes from a decent background.”

“Natasha, do you think the Hummers did this?” Ruth asked, frowning slightly. “Yesterday, Dustin went on a killing spree at the Hummers and even crippled Edwin’s son. The Hummers definitely won’t let this go easily.”

“It definitely has something to do with them. However, just Edwin’s network alone is clearly not enough to invoke the power of the military. I’m guessing the Grant family must have played a hand in this,” Natasha said thoughtfully.

Jade was Joshua’s fiancé. Considering their relationship, there was no way the Grant family would sit around and do nothing. As one of the Tremendous Three, the Grant family had immense power over the Belarno Military. Taking care of someone with no backing would be far too easy.

Although she already knew that Dustin would be in trouble, she didn’t expect it to be so soon.

“Natasha, what do we do now?‘ Ruth asked hesitantly.

“Go and find out where Dustin is being locked up. Leave the rest to me.” As soon as Natasha finished speaking, she turned around and went out the door.

She knew that the battle was starting. This time, she was going to fight the Hummers to the death!

Meanwhile, at the Hummer Villa, Joshua lay on the bed, his face ashen. His arms were wrapped in thick bandages, and he looked listless.

Next to him sat an old man that was only skin and bones. He was completely focused on administering treatment, droplets of sweat beading on his forehead. Edwin and Tina watched silently from the door, not daring to make a noise for fear of disturbing him.

The old man in front of him was none other than the miracle doctor, Dr. Rowan Cross!

After a long time, Rowan finally stood. Edwin couldn’t stop himself from speaking up. “Dr. Cross, how is my son?”

“Mr. Hummer, I have reattached your son’s arms. It’s just that from today onward, he won’t be able to lift heavy things anymore.” Rowan dabbed the sweat on his forehead.

“What about his internal injuries? Can his injured core recover?” Edwin pressed. Whether or not he could restore his cultivation was the most important part..It concerned his son’s future.

“The core is not like the arms; restoring it would be very difficult. Nevertheless, I can continue to research any ancient methods that could work,” Rowan said, not making any promises.

“Then please, Dr. Cross, do everything that you can. Once it’s done, our family will reward you handsomely!” Edwin said gratefully. As long as there was a glimmer of hope left, they couldn’t give up so easily.

“Hmph, it’s all that damn Dustin’s fault! How could he hurt my brother so badly? I’m going to rip him to shreds! * Tina grumbled fiercely.

“Wait a minute Rowan paused. “Did you just say Dustin hurt your brother?”

“That’s right! It was that animal!” Tina nodded heavily.

When Rowan heard that, his face darkened, and he said coldly, “Based on my observation, your brother cannot be treated. He’ll just be a cripple for the rest of his life. You should hope for the best. Farewell!”
With that, he left with his medical kit.

Both father and daughter looked at each other, unable to understand what had just gone down.

What the fuck just happened?

He’d been very pleasant earlier, so why did his demeanor change in a blink of an eye?

Were all miracle doctors this moody?

As Rowan walked out of the Hummer Villa, he didn’t forget to turn around and spit on the ground, cursing.”

How dare you ask me to treat your family after you wronged my savior? Eat shit!”
Chapter 275

At the drill ground of a military base. Dustin had been chained to a pillar by several thick chains made of darksteel, which was extremely malleable yet also durable. The blazing sun shone down on him, and he was surrounded by a troop of armed forces. They scrutinized his every action warily.

Dustin didn’t seem bothered by it. He merely allowed himself to remain chained, looking poker–faced. His calmness surprised the soldiers–any ordinary person would’ve peed their pants long ago. It seemed there was something special about him.

“So, you’re Dustin Rhys?” At this moment, a man in a deputy general’s uniform walked over with a troop of soldiers behind him. He had a beer belly and a round face.

“Don’t tell me you captured me without even knowing who I am,” Dustin said coolly.

“Cut the crap! Answer the general’s question!” one of the military officers roared.

“Fine. Yes, I’m Dustin Rhys.”

“Good, good. The man nodded. “Since we didn’t get the wrong guy, let’s start by giving him 50 military whips. It’ll also act as a deterrent to others like him.”

The military officers with him subconsciously winced at his words. Military whips weren’t the same as normal whips–an ordinary person would faint from three to five military whips; ten were enough to make one feel like one had a foot in the grave. If one were fortunate enough to survive 20 whips, they’d probably have to spend the rest of their life in a wheelchair. As for 50 whips. No one had survived it thus far. It looked like he was out for Dustin’s life!

“Hold on,” Dustin suddenly said. “You’re a
whip me without asking a single question?”
general, aren’t you? Don’t you think it’s a little against protocol to

The round–faced man gave him an arrogant look. “My words are the only protocol to follow here–I’m the one who calls the shots over your life and death, you peasant. You don’t even have the right to say no.”

“I suppose that means you’re gonna abuse your power.” Dustin narrowed his eyes.

“So what if I am? I have hundreds of guns aimed at you. Do you think you stand a chance against them?” The round–faced man scoffed.

“Quality over quantity. Having that many guns doesn’t actually mean anything.” Dustin shook his head.

The round–faced man sneered. “Putting up a brave front, are we? You’ll regret this when you’re on the brink of death! Whip him!” He waved a hand.

Before long, a burly man walked over with a steel whip in hand. Salt water dripped from it–it would make the wounds burn even more.

‘T’ll ask you one last time before you do anything else–who sent you here?” Dustin asked.

“I did!” Someone walked out from behind the round–faced man and lowered her hood. It was Jade. “I bet you didn’t expect to end up in my hands, Rhys!” She sneered, “You were so obnoxious last night, but so what? You’re nothing but my prisoner now!”

“What happened last night was between me and the Hummer family. I’d advise you to stay out of it,” Dustin said coolly.

Jade snorted. “Joshua’s my fiancé: I want nothing more than to skin you alive for crippling him!”

“Joshua deserved what he got. You shouldn’t do anything to jeopardize yourself.”

Jade laughed derisively. “I don’t think you understand your predicament. Your life and death are in my hands- how dare you threaten me!”

“Believe what you may. I just hope you don’t regret this.” Dustin didn’t want to waste his breath.

“Keep this up. I’d like to see whether you’ll still be this arrogant when you’re bruised and battered!” Jade looked at him like he was already dead to her.

“Alright, that’s enough talking. Jade, don’t waste your breath on him. Let’s just sit and watch the show.” The round–faced man waved a hand. Soon, some military officers brought a table and two chairs over. The round- faced man gestured for them to be placed in the shade. Then, he and Jade sat down. “Well, what are you waiting for? Whip him with all you’ve got!‘

With that, the burly man got to work and started whipping.
Chapter 276

Each of the burly man’s whips landed with a loud crack; they could be heard from miles away. Jade laughed derisively at the sound and exclaimed, “He’s doing a great job!” Dustin had been so obnoxious the night before, crashing the Hummer Villa and slaughtering their men. She had to make him pay for it!

“Jade, you must’ve been exaggerating when you said this brat was hard to deal with.” The round–faced man snorted. “Look, he’s nothing more than a prisoner with his life in my hands.”

“He’s an extremely powerful martial artist, just so you know. There were several people at the Hummer Villa last night, but none stood a chance against him.” Jade was still shaken from the previous night’s events.

“Ha. No matter how powerful he is, he’s only a martial artist. Do you think he’ll be able to withstand my troops? “The round–faced man looked contemptuous. “Over the years, the military’s captured plenty of martial artists renowned for their prowess. Still, haven’t they ultimately yielded to the military’s authority?”

“I suppose you’re right.” Jade nodded. The martial world was separate from the government, but it wasn’t an organized entity. How could it go up against the authorities?

As they spoke, the burly man continued to whip Dustin. It cracked loudly, but Dustin didn’t bat an eye. Instead, the whip shattered from the force. “What the hell?” The burly man was dumbfounded. The steel whip had been specially forged and tested against blades and flames to ensure it was basically unbreakable. Why had it shattered after being used to whip someone? Could Dustin possibly be forged from some precious metal?

The burly man scrutinized Dustin, but it only added to his confusion. He’d already whipped Dustin at least a dozen times; any ordinary human would already be mutilated, but Dustin looked perfectly fine. His clothes were in tatters, but there wasn’t the slightest sign of an injury. It was as if he hadn’t even been whipped.

“What the fuck?” The burly man broke into a cold sweat. He’d done this for years, but this was his first time being in this situation.

“What’s going on? Why has the whipping stopped?” The round–faced man finally stopped chit–chatting and noticed something was wrong.

“S–sir the whip broke.” The burly man gulped.

“Get another one, then! Don’t stop until you’re done with the 50 whips!” the round–faced man berated.

“Yes, sir!” The burly man didn’t dare delay. He had someone bring him another steel whip before whipping Dustin again as if his life depended on it. After a while, the second whip shattered, just like the first had.

“What in the “The burly man couldn’t believe his eyes. Shattering one whip could be described as a coincidence; shattering two was an ominous sign. He was starting to think there was something about Dustin that made him impossible to whip.

“Why have you stopped again? Go on!” the round–faced man urged impatiently.

“Sir, the whip broke again.” The burly man looked like he was in a dilemma.

“What? How fucking useless can you be? I’ll do it myself!” the round–faced man spat. He ordered a soldier to bring him another steel whip before storming over to Dustin. He started whipping him without the slightest hesitance, but he’d only swung the whip a few times when it shattered.

At this moment, Dustin, who’d been lying there with his eyes shut, opened his eyes and asked, “Are you done? If you are, can I get something to eat? I’m feeling a little hungry.”
Chapter 277

“What?” The round–faced man stared at Dustin, who was cool as a cucumber, in shock. He knew very well how much the steel whip could withstand and how much pain it could cause. Not even the strongest of men could take more than ten whips in one go, yet Dustin looked perfectly fine after enduring more than that. In fact, he’d made three whips shatter. What the hell was going on? “Brat, what sort of sorcery do you have going on?” he snarled.

“Look, cut the crap and do what you need to.” Dustin yawned. His nonchalance made the round–faced man’s blood boil.

“Fucking hell. I’d like to see you survive this!” The round–faced man swiped his subordinate’s sword and swung it at Dustin. There were two loud clangs as the blade came into contact with Dustin’s body twice; he was fine, but the blade became chipped.

“Is that is that an Adamantine Shield?” Jade’s eyes widened. As a member of the martial world, she immediately realized what was up. The fact that Dustin could make himself impermeable to weapons proved that he’d learned the art of defense. However, it would take a huge toll on one’s internal energy. Most martial artists wouldn’t be able to keep it up for long. “Regular weapons won’t do anything to him. We have to bring in a pro.” Jade said.

“Hmph! I’ll admit this brat isn’t your run–of–the–mill martial artist; it’s no wonder you guys had problems dealing with him. It’s too bad he’s up against me, though!” The round–faced man narrowed his eyes.

“Do you have any way of dealing with him?” Jade asked tentatively.

“We soldiers are only good at taking down enemy forces; torture devices aren’t our forte. It doesn’t matter, though. I know someone in the Ministry of Penalties that’s an expert in this. Once he’s here, this brat will beg for death!” The round–faced man bared his teeth in a savage grin.

“Oh? And who is this expert?” Jade’s eyes lit up.

“One of the Ministry of Penalties‘ two most powerful executioners, Bloodbeast!”

“Wait, you know him?” Jade gasped. She wasn’t a member of the authorities but had still heard of Bloodbeast.

Rumor had it that he murdered people without blinking an eye and loved drinking human blood. Throughout his career with the Ministry of Penalties, hundreds, if not thousands, of people had died at his hands. Each and every one of them had died horrible deaths after being subject to inhumane torture: anyone who found themselves in his hands truly wished for death. That was why most criminals chose to take their lives before landing in Bloodbeast’s hands–at least their deaths would be swift and painless.

“Torturing others is Bloodbeast’s favorite pastime, and he’s taken a particular liking for tormenting powerful martial artists because of how hard they are to kill. Someone like this brat is right up his alley!” The round- faced man’s eyes gleamed menacingly.

“This brat won’t stand a chance against Bloodbeast, no matter how impermeable he is! Provided you can get Bloodbeast to agree to this, of course.” Jade sneered. She wasn’t asking for much–all she wanted was for

Dustin to be subject to the most inhumane torture possible.

“I’ll contact him right now.” The round–faced man pulled out his phone and started punching in a number.

“Enjoy your final moments of peace, Rhys! Once Bloodbeast is here, you’ll be done for!” Jade looked at Dustin contemptuously. He’d talked about karma biting one in the ass, hadn’t he? She wanted him to have a taste of his own medicine!

Dustin couldn’t even be bothered to spare a glance. He shut his eyes, taking the chance to rest them.

“Jade, it’s far too hot, standing in the sun. Let’s go sit in the shade. The round–faced man led Jade over to the table after hanging up.

After a moment. Dustin suddenly said. “Hey, I’m hungry. Is there anything to eat?”

“Hungry, are you? Someone get him some refreshments!” The round–faced man smirked. Soon, a soldier
placed some food and drinks by Dustin’s feet.

“How am I supposed to eat when I’m bound like this? Can you loosen them?” Dustin asked coolly.

The round–faced man burst into derisive laughter. “Giving you some sustenance is the extent of my generosity; it’s not my problem if you can’t reach it. Since you’re so powerful, why don’t you try breaking free of the chains?”

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