An Understated Dominance: By Marina Vittori​

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys have been married for three years. After Dahlia achieves rapid success, she decides to end her marriage with Dustin, viewing him as a burden. Little does she know that all her accomplishments were actually thanks to him.

My wife is a CEO, she always hates me for being lazy and wants to divorce me. But she doesn't know that her success is bestowed by me.

“Dustin, here is the divorce agreement prepared by Ms. Nicholson. All you need to do is sign them.”

In the president’s office of the Quine Group, the secretary, Lyra Blaine, placed a piece of A4 paper on the table. A man sat opposite her, dressed in plain clothing.

“Divorce? What do you mean?”

Dustin Rhys was taken aback.

“Do you not understand what I’m saying? Your marriage with Ms. Nicholson is over. You’re not even on the same level anymore. Your existence is nothing but a smear on the president’s reputation!”

Lyra pulled no punches as she spoke.

“A smear on her reputation?” Dustin frowned. “Is that how she thinks of me?”

Back when they first got married, the Nicholson family was in ruinous debt. He was the one who helped them when they were at their lowest point. Now that they were rich, Dahlia Nicholson was ready to just kick him out.

“Something like that.” Lyra poked her chin toward the magazine on the table. A photo of a beautiful woman was printed on the front page. “Look at the headline on this magazine, Dustin. Ms. Nicholson’s net worth has hit one billion in the course of just three years, a feat no short of a miracle. She’s now the most desired woman in Swinton! With all this, she’s destined for greatness. But you, you’re just a regular joe. You don’t deserve her at all. I hope that you’ll see some sense and do the right thing.”

When Dustin remained silent, Lyra frowned.

“I know you’re not happy with this, but this is reality,” she continued. “You might have helped Ms. Nicholson when she was in trouble, but she has repaid you for everything you’ve done for her over the last three years. In fact, you’re the one who owes her now!”

“Is our marriage just a business deal to her, then?” Dustin took a deep breath to suppress the emotions within. “If she wants to divorce me, let her speak to me herself.”

“Ms. Nicholson is very busy. She doesn’t need to trouble herself with such trifling matters.”

“Trifling matters?” Dustin was stunned. Then he laughed bitterly. “Is that so? Is divorce a trifling matter to her? She can’t even find the time to speak to me. Truly, she’s that unattainable now!”

“Dustin, don’t delay this any longer.” Lyra pushed the divorce agreement toward him again. “Just sign here and you’ll get a car and a house as compensation. On top of that, you’ll also get eight million dollars. This is more than what you’ll be able to earn in your lifetime!”

“Eight million dollars is a lot, but…I don’t need it. I will sign the divorce papers if she comes personally. Otherwise, I won’t sign anything,” Duston said coldly.

“Don’t go too far, Dustin!” Lyra slammed her hand on the table. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. With all her power and resources, Ms. Nicholson can divorce you easily. It’s only because she appreciates her past relationship with you that she’s allowing you to keep your dignity intact. Don’t provoke her!”

“My dignity?” Dustin was a little amused by that. She didn’t even want to speak to him directly to divorce him. What kind of dignity was that? Moreover, if she really did appreciate their relationship, then why was she threatening him now?

“I don’t think we have anything else to talk about, then.”

Unwilling to argue, Dustin stood up and made to leave.

“Dustin Rhys! You—”

Just as Lyra was about to lose her cool, a curvy woman in a long black dress walked in. Her skin was as white as snow, and her features were delicate. Her lofty aura and curvaceous figure made her look like a goddess right out of a painting.

“You’re finally here.”

Dustin felt complicated emotions when he saw the beautiful woman. They had been married for three years, during which they treated each other with care and respect. But this was how it ended. He still didn’t know what he had done wrong.

“I’m sorry for being late, I was caught up with something else.”

Dahlia Nicholson sat down. Her expression was as impassive as ever.

“You certainly are busy, if you need your secretary to help you deal with your divorce,” Dustin said.

Hearing this, Dahlia frowned slightly. However, she did not explain herself. Instead, she said, “Since you’re here, let’s get straight to the point. Let’s end this on a pleasant note. I’m sorry I have to do this to you, so you can have the car and the house, plus eight million dollars as alimony. How does that sound?”

At that, she placed a card on the table.

“Do you really think our relationship can be measured by money?” Dustin asked.

“Too little? That’s alright. Let me know what you want. I’ll give you anything within my power,” Dahlia said placidly.

“I don’t think you understood me. Let me rephrase my question. Are money and power that important to you?” Dustin was truly bewildered.

Dahlia went over to the windows and looked out over the city. There was determination in her eyes when she said, “To me, yes, they’re very important.”

“You’ve earned enough to feed yourself for the rest of your life. Why do this?”

“Dustin, that’s where you and I diverge in philosophy. You’ll never understand what I really want.” Dahlia shook her head in disappointment.

They weren’t just incompatible in status and power; they were also incompatible in their principles. Most importantly, she did not see any hope for the future in him.

“You’re right. How would I know what you’re thinking?” Dustin laughed bitterly. “All I know is to cook for you when you’re hungry, prepare your coat when it’s cold out, and carry you to the hospital when you’re sick.”

“There’s no point in going into this now.” Dahlia’s expression held complicated emotions, but it was soon covered up by determination.

“You’re right.” Dustin nodded without any emotion. “I heard that you’ve been close with the heir of the Nolan family. Is it because of him?”

Dahlia was about to deny it when she gave it a second thought. In the end, she nodded.

“You can say that.”

“Okay. I hope you’re happy with him.” Dustin smiled and signed the divorce agreement without any more hesitation. All he felt now was disappointment. Ironically, today was also their wedding anniversary. There was cruel humor in divorcing him on the day they had gotten married.

“I don’t want the money, I just want that crystal necklace back. My mother left it to me before she died so that I can give it to my wife.”


Dahlia nodded and gave him the crystal necklace.

“From today onward, we will have nothing to do with each other!”

Dustin put on the necklace and left. He had no more gentleness in his expression; all that was left was distant aloofness.

“Did I do the right thing, Lyra?” Dahlia asked hesitantly.

Even though she was the one who asked for the divorce, she didn’t feel happy at all when it was finalized.

“Of course you did!” Lyra nodded. “You have the right to pursue happiness. Dustin does not deserve you at all. He’ll only bring you down with him. You’re destined to be the most powerful woman in Swinton!”

Dahlia did not answer her. As she watched Dustin leave, she felt as if she was losing something precious.
Chapter 308

Abby humphed. “Stop pretending when you don’t know anything ” She rolled her eyes. “We’ll know who’s better soon enough!”

“Even if Dustin doesn’t win against Tatum, he’s still a rare genius, so we should still respect him,” the man from earlier said.

“You’re right. Just getting Tatum to challenge him to a duel is a feat of its own. Otherwise, Boulderthorn wouldn’t have wasted so much energy on this.”

“I heard that he’s only around twenty. It’s extremely rare to see someone that age reach divinity. He’s practically a genius!”

“Even if he doesn’t win against Tatum, it will be an honorable defeat.”

Everyone began to chip in their opinions. Although they were sure Dustin would lose to Tatum, they still acknowledged the former’s talents and skills

“I heard that Dustin doesn’t have a quild and is self-taught He’s bound to shine if he enters Ironshade!” one said

Another chuckled. “Ironshade only has around a hundred disciples. A talent like him would be wasted there”

Someone else agreed, “In terms of size and growth, Highfield is definitely better. I’m sure Dustin wouldn’t refuse my offer.”

“Hey, are you guys forgetting about Steel Legion?” Abby shouted unhappily. “My guild is obviously the best If Dustin actually wants to pick a guild, he’d clearly choose us!”

Dustin was puzzled. He couldn’t figure out where Abby got her confidence from How could she be so sure when she didn’t even know who he was yet? Worse, Ralph seemed to think the same, judging from his smug expression.

Just as they were talking, a group of Boulderthorn disciples approached them. Leading them were Brody and Oliver Williams.

“My, my. If it isn’t Max.” Brody sneered when he spotted Maximus. “What’s a useless man like you doing here?”

“That’s none of your business” Maximus retorted coldly.

“We’re peers, Max. Even though you’ve lost all your powers, I won’t push you away. For Caitlyn’s sake, I can help you return to being my father’s disciple if you beg me.” Brody sniggered, wrapping an arm around the delicate woman beside him.

Maximus’ face immediately darkened when he saw who it was. Caitlyn Lawler, his fiancée!

Previously, she had been with his mentor, yet here she was, in Brody’s embrace.

“Oh, right. I forgot to tell you that Caitlyn has agreed to marry me. She’s mine from now on. I hope you don’t mind.” Brody mocked.

“What? Maximus’ eyes widened, his hands clenched into fists. “Is that true, Caitlyn?”

“Don’t blame me, Max. I’m just a weak woman. I need someone to protect me. Now that you’ve lost all your powers, I can only rely on Brody,” Caitlyn answered frankly.

“Why? WHY?” Maximus’ eyes had turned bloodshot. “You said you’d wait for me, and we’d be together forever, so why would you marry him?”

“Are you an idiot, Max?” Caitlyn rolled her eyes. “You don’t think that I truly like you, do you? What I like is power. Power to control others. I only agreed to marry you back then because you were the most talented disciple of us all. Look at you now. Besides getting kicked out, you’ve also lost all your powers. Without any power, what makes you think that you’re worthy of being with me? Was I supposed to suffer with you? Don’t be foolish!”
Chapter 309

“Brody!” The crowd jumped in shock and anger when Brody was sent flying by Maximus’ punch. Never had they imagined Maximus to wield such power after his core was destroyed.

“H-how dare you hit me?” Brody said spitefully, pressing against his chest, which was throbbing with excruciating pain. The audacity of someone excommunicated, a good-for-nothing to lay a finger on him!

“So what? You should thank the heavens that I didn’t take your life.” Maximus went up and took the hand of the lady in white. He soothed her affectionately, “Caitlyn, don’t you worry. I won’t let anyone bully you when I’m around. I’ll protect you even if I have to risk my life!”

“M-Max, what are you doing?” Her expression fell as she slowly stumbled away from him.

“Caitlyn, I know you’ve been through a lot. I’ll be good to you. Let’s run away, shall we? We can leave Balerno for a place where no one knows us. How does that sound?” He looked at her with anticipation. Although he was no match for Luther, he could elope to a place far from danger and trouble with his lover.

“Max, are you crazy? I’m Luther’s woman now.” Caitlyn frowned at his words.

“I know you were forced into it. You don’t like him at all, do you? Just give me a nod, and I’ll immediately take you with me!” His gentle gaze caressed her face.

“No, I won’t!” She gave her an adamant shake of the head.

“Caitlyn, are you in a difficult situation? Fret not. I will do my best to get you out of any trouble!” Maximus was earnest.

“Let go of me!” She shook off his grip and scolded him, “Max, do you still not get it? I have never loved you at all! Don’t be delusional!”

That caught him by surprise, and his eyes widened in disbelief. “W-what did you say?”

“Max, at this point, I’ll just tell you the truth.” She inhaled deeply and explained without much emotion, “I had only agreed to the engagement because of your status. I need someone to protect me as a defenseless woman in the martial arts field You were my best choice back then.”

“That’s… That’s impossible! You told me you loved me and you’d marry me! Were you lying to me all along when you made those eternal vows?” A hint of resentment and rage crept into his reddened eyes.

“Max, you’re cute.” She shook her head with a scoff. “Haven’t you realized I was only into you because of your influence and potential? You were Maximus Kane, a fighter with great prowess and the most remarkable disciple of our generation. That was why I took a liking to you. But look at you now. You have been excommunicated and even had your powers destroyed by Luther. You’re no different than a pauper, so why do you think you’re a match for me? Did you really believe I’d put up with a life of suffering with you? Dream on!”

That was a huge blow for Maximus, whose face was grim when he heard her cruel confession. He did not expect those remarks from his lover, not even in his wildest dreams. At first, he thought Caitlyn was forced to be with Luther, but it turned out that she willingly went along with it. At the end of the day, he made a joke out of himself. All his life, he had been focused on achieving excellence in swordsmanship and lived a life free of other desires. The only time he fell for a woman, he ended up in such misery. What a joke!

He slumped on the floor in a daze. In that instance, he seemed to have lost his faith and hope, turning into an empty shell of himself. Faith was the main reason he could rejuvenate his core in record time. And he held on fast to the faith that he would rescue Caitlyn. Now that he had lost it, he appeared disoriented and helpless.

“Fuck you! How dare you punch me? I’ll slash you! Brody cackled when he saw the soulless Maximus and swung his sword at the man.
Chapter 310

The sword clanked as it moved. Right when it was about to cut Maximus’ neck, a hand reached out and caught it.

“Hm?” Brody lifted his gaze, and his eyes immediately shook in fear. “I-it’s you!” He had been too focused on Maximus to notice the legend standing behind the man.

“Is it worth grieving over a woman who doesn’t deserve it?” Dustin ignored Brody and stared straight at Maximus “If what you want is death, I can grant your wish. I shall forget ever having saved a useless thing as you. But, if you have any bit of ego left in you, as a man, you should stand up straight. You don’t look a bit like a swordsman right now, even though you once said you wanted to be the best swordsman in the world! Wake up!” Then, he gave Maximus a hard slap, sending the latter trembling from the impact. He seemed to have slapped some sense into Maximus, whose eyes had a new sparkle in them.

He noticed Brody’s mean and murderous look, and he took in the look of disgust in Caitlyn’s eyes. Finally, he flashed a rueful smile. “Dustin, you’re right. I shouldn’t grieve and wail over a woman who doesn’t love me. Thank you for that.”

Then, he slowly rose from the ground. He had a determined look after he let go of his obsession. Hid depression and misery had gone, while the internal energy stirred and whirred in the core with signs of a breakthrough.

“Hm?” Dustin raised a brow with surprise. His sharp instinct told him that Maximus would achieve divinity soon!

“What happened?” A few men showed up at that moment, with a middle-aged, clean-shaven man in the lead. The leader seemed harmless and friendly, but his eyes betrayed a wicked quality. The man was, in fact, the second-in-command of Boulderthorn-Luther Williams.

“Dad! You came at the right time!” Brody’s eyes lit up, and he immediately complained to his father. “I met Maximus just now, and he punched me because he was jealous! I’m badly injured- his punch messed up my blood circulation and energy.”

“Oh?” The man squinted and turned his attention to Maximus. “It’s you, the traitor. Why? Did you not learn a lesson from before? Do I have to take your life?”

“And you must be Mr. Williams.” Dustin examined the man and remarked, “You’re well-dressed, but too bad you’re just a filthy animal within.”

“What did you just say?” Luther scrunched up his face, a murderous look in his eyes.

“No, that’s wrong. I’d be too kind to compare you to an animal. A man who sullies the fiancée of his -mentee is worse than an animal.” Dustin did not hold back.

“You jerk! Where did you come from? The audacity to talk to me in that manner!” Luther’s eyes gleamed with evilness. He was never reckless in his moves. Even before a killing, he’d need to look into the background of his victim to avoid future troubles.

Dad! This is Dustin Rhys! He’s ruined our plans many times!” Oliver, who was standing behind his father, finally spoke. He and his sibling, Brody, had been defeated by Dustin multiple times.

“Oh, that was you?” Luther smirked. “I’m amazed by your courage, especially when you are soon to be a dying man.”

“It’s too early to come to a conclusion about that.” Dustin smiled calmly and stared at Maximus. ” Maximus, this is a good chance to take your revenge. Get into the ring and fight this sub-animal being. Beat him and free yourself from your demons!”
Chapter 311

“Beat me?” Luther was first taken aback by the outrageous idea, followed by a series of explosive laughter. The other Boulderthorn disciples joined in and laughed at Dustin and Maximus as though the two were fools. Maximus might have been a formidable mentor for many of the disciples, but he was nowhere close to Luther’s level.

“Oh, you little jerk. Do you even know what you’re talking about?” Scowling, Luther challenged them, “I was the one who taught everything to that traitor. Even at his peak, he was no match for me! Are you asking him to fight me with a destroyed core after he’s lost all his prowess? And does he have the guts to do so?”

“Right! A trash like him doesn’t deserve the honor of fighting Dad!” Oliver, Brody, and the other disciples scorned at the same time.

Unfazed, Dustin challenged back, “We’ll know after the battle. The most important question is- are you brave enough to take on the challenge?”

“I have nothing to be scared of.” Luther sneered. “If that little traitor loves flirting with death, I shall rid him from my guild today!”

With that, he walked right up to the stone platform Since the actual battle hadn’t started, he didn’t mind warming up the scene.

“Dustin, he was the one who taught me everything I can’t defeat him,” Maximus admitted with a serious expression.

Dustin assured him with a faint smile, “Don’t worry If I said you could, you will. Didn’t he keep the three moves a secret from you? I will teach you those moves and throw in some hacks.”

“Do you practice the Illusory Sword Technique as well?” Maximus looked astonished.

“Well, just a bit. So, are you learning?” Dustin smiled again. He had researched and practiced many branches of martial arts from a young age and was particularly good at sword fighting. The Illusory Sword Technique was one of the variations of a core technique, and with a glance, he could spot any flaws in the moves.

“Yes!” Maximus nodded gravely. The only way for him to rid his internal demons was to defeat Luther Williams, just like Dustin had advised.

“Cool. I’ll teach you now.” Dustin snapped a branch from a tree nearby and started his instructions. Maximus watched on intently, careful not to miss any detail.

“Hahaha! Dustin Rhys, are you kidding me? That’s some last-minute prep. Do you think it’s going –to work?” Brody mocked him.

Oliver chimed in, “Yeah. Do you think teaching him some sloppy moves will save him from a huge defeat? You’re delusional!”

Dustin ignored the heckling from the two guys and taught Maximus six moves in total. The first three moves were the ones that Luther kept from Maximus, and the final three moves were the solution to beat the first three.

The moves appeared simple on the surface, but it was difficult to pick them up because the practitioner would have to be proficient with the technique and build on the foundation. Copying the moves would not work in the battle. Thankfully, Maximus was a genius and a fast learner. After three rounds of practice, he had mastered the essence of the moves.

“You got it?” Dustin came to a stop.

“Yes. Roughly.” Maximus gave him a firm nod.

“That’s good enough. You only need to use these moves well to beat him.” Dustin smiled coolly. Maximus’ capability was not far off from Luther’s, and the only reason leading to his previous defeat was due to Luther teaching him the flawed moves. Now that Maximus was introduced to the complete moves, coupled with the additional hacks, he was ready to take on Luther by himself.

“You there! Why are you dragging your feet? Come up now!” Luther urged Maximus to join him in the ring.

“Go. Vent all your frustrations, and don’t go easy on him.” Dustin patted Maximus on the shoulder. “Thanks, Dustin!” Maximus bowed at him and marched into the ring, carrying his sword on his back.
Chapter 312

“Bear witness for me-after I kicked this traitor out, he felt vindicated and returned to challenge. me. Since the official battle hasn’t kicked off, I shall do some warmups to entertain you all.”

Luther’s booming voice instantly attracted everyone’s attention. He was keen to set up a precedent to deter any future traitors and rebuild his reputation!

“Hey! Why is your friend up there in the ring?” Ralph, Abby, and the others came up to Dustin with curious and odd expressions.

“He’s getting some personal grudge out of the way” Dustin offered a curt answer.

“Personal grudge?” Abby was a little doubtful. “Do you know who that other guy on the platform is? He’s Mr. Williams from Boulderthorn! Well, of course, he’s not as great as Tatum, but he’s decent! He’s at the same level as Grandpa!”

“And?” Dustin was unimpressed

“How can your friend fight off Mr. Williams with his subpar skills? He’ll be crushed and humiliated!” Abby shook her head.

Ralph nodded. “That’s right. I’d advise you to talk your friend out of the ring. Even I might not be able to fight Mr. Williams, let alone that young man”

“There’s no talking him out of it. The two are destined to fight today. Their fates are in the hands of God,” Dustin answered.

“You should listen to the wisdom of your elders lest you suffer unnecessarily. You’ll see what I mean later.” Ralph clasped his hands behind his back in a manner that suggested he had seen it all, but Dustin merely smiled at the old man.

In the ring on the platform, Luther stared straight at Maximus with a smirk. “You chose the harder path, didn’t you? If death is what you want, I shall grant your wish!”

“Bring it on!” Maximus was cold and fearless.

“Killing you is a piece of cake!” Luther slowly unsheathed the sword, and with a leap, he broke into a run toward his opponent. When he got near Maximus, the sword in his hand started trembling. In a second, the air was filled with illusions of the sword, confusing the eyes of the viewers and making it hard to discern reality from illusion.

“He used the Illusory Sword Technique! That was a surprise. He went ahead with the technique that launched his fame! Seems like he wants this over with.”

“Poor dude! Mr. William’s Illusory Sword Technique is ever-changing and hard to defend against. Not even I could block the moves.”

The crowd murmured and commented.

“Hmph!” With a shake of the body, Maximus unsheathed his sword and held it in one hand. He repeated what Luther did and launched his attack with the same moves.

Soon, the two were in the heat of the battle. The swords and their illusions created a web of flashes. Sparks could be seen flying along with the clanking of metal.

“Hah! I taught you all your moves, and now you’re trying to use them against me! How ridiculous. Now, it is time to give you a taste of the third move you have never mastered!” While speaking, Luther waved his hand to make his sword turn back. The sword was aimed at Maximus’ abdomen. It was the move that Luther had used to destroy Maximus earlier. He was confident that Maximus could not defend against the move, even if it were his second time experiencing it.

They heard the sound of the blade ripping through flesh, and suddenly, the arrogant Luther froze up. When his sword was inches away from Maximus’ abdomen, he finally realized that Maximus’ sword had pierced through his arm, immobilizing his move.

“How is that possible?” Luther’s expression crumbled. He had never expected Maximus to defend against the attack and counterattack by hacking those moves. How could Maximus gain that insight within a mere few days?
Chapter 313

“Luther Williams, you have gotten slower in sword fighting,” Maximus casually commented.

“No! That’s impossible! How did you manage to strike me? It must have been dumb luck!” Feeling indignant, Luther turned around and launched his attacks again, even though he was injured. This time, he did not hold back and put in his 100%, evident from his frenzied and merciless attacks that were hard to dodge.

During the ninth move, he switched it up and aimed his blade at Maximus’ throat with the intent to kill. However, Maximus didn’t shun the attack and instead slashed Luther in the abdomen with greater speed and accuracy.

Luther stumbled backward, aghast. He would have been gutted had Maximus’ sword slashed upward. “What’s going on? Where did that punk learn the trick from?” He pressed against his bleeding abdomen in shock. He could not wrap his mind around how Maximus had recovered from the grave injury with significant improvements to his skills all within a few days.

“Luther Williams, it’s my turn to make a move now” Maximus didn’t give his mentor any room to breathe. He swung his sword and charged at his opponent.

Luther hurriedly collected himself and raised his sword in defense. At this point, he lost his confidence and was forced to put on a defensive play due to his injury. In contrast, Maximus was getting stronger by the second and demonstrated great sword-fighting skills, bringing Luther to his knees.

“This is a good chance!” At the twenty-sixth move, Luther suddenly gathered all his internal energy, huffing and puffing as he made his final move in a bid to turn the tables. Just when he was about to gain the upper hand, he found a blade pressing against his neck. If he made the slightest move, he would be killed on the spot.

“Huh?” Baffled, he dropped the sword onto the floor. He still didn’t understand how the three flawed moves he intentionally taught Maximus had, in turn, contributed to his own downfall.

“Why? Why did it turn out this way?” The crowd gasped at the sight of Luther’s defeat. No one had expected to see the second-in-command lose to his mentee in record time. Throughout the battle, Luther seemed to be put at a disadvantage.


“How could Maximus Kane beat Dad? I thought Dad was the one who taught him all the moves.” Brody, Oliver, and the other disciples were covered in cold sweat. They had been proud and confident in Luther’s victory, but they were surprised to witness Maximus’ prowess which sent Luther into a defensive position, and the way Maximus ended the battle with a decisive sword

“Our last-minute prep works.” Dustin looked amused. Upon hearing the remark, Brody and his gang looked shaken to the core. Did Maximus win with the few moves that Dustin had taught him? That would have been frightening!

“W-who did you learn the moves from?” Luther sweated profusely as he pressed against his bleeding abdomen.

“That is not the point. The point is that I will do the same to you based on how you destroyed my core in the past.” While speaking, Maximus drew his sword again.

“Hold on!” Luther pleaded in panic, “Max, I am sorry for what happened earlier, but it was a careless mistake. Please give me another chance.

“A chance? Did you give me a chance when you decided to destroy my core?” Maximus looked grim.

“Max, I know I’m in the wrong! Please have mercy on me-we shared years of relationship!” Then, Luther fell onto his knees. “I have a lot of enemies If you destroy my core and my skills, I will not survive a day. Please spare me!”

Maximus fell silent at the sight. Despite his urge to seek revenge, a voice in his heart held him back. After all, he had learned everything in sword fighting from Luther, even though Luther had done so with an ulterior motive. At the end of the day, Maximus owed his swordsmanship to Luther’s teachings. Even though Luther was a merciless bastard, Maximus decided to be the bigger man.
Chapter 314

“Don’t ever show up in front of me!” Maximus kicked Luther aside and proceeded to leave.

“Got it…” Luther put on a fake smile. When Maximus turned his back against Luther, the man had a gleam in his eyes as he picked up the sword on the floor and plunged it into Maximus’ body.

“Look out!” Dustin yelled, and Maximus jumped aside at the final moment. Although Maximus wasn’t critically wounded from the stabbing, the sword left a long, gaping wound that oozed blood on his waist.

Luther was taken aback when he realized that his ambush failed. Then, he threw the sword away and frantically pleaded, “Max! I’m wrong! I’m definitely in the wrong! I was blinded for a moment just now. Please don’t take it to heart!”

“You stubborn old donkey!” Fuming, Maximus took out his sword and attempted to slash Luther, this time showing no mercy at all.

“Stop!” a thunderous roar sounded out of the blue Next, a majestic figure descended from the air and shielded Luther.

The man, in his thirties, gave off a powerful air, and his eyes twinkled with a sharp and aggressive look. He was as grand as a mountain when he stood in the ring. The man was the so-called ” Fanatic Blade”-Tatum Thunders!

Tatum bellowed when he noticed that Maximus did not stop, “I told you to stop!” He lifted a hand, and the figure of a palm appeared from thin air, punching Maximus in the chest. Almost. immediately, Maximus coughed up a mouthful of blood and was thrown out ten feet away. It was clear that he was no match for Tatum.

“Shit! It’s Tatum Thunders!”

“He’s the ace of Royal Valor indeed! With a punch, the ace, who’s ranked as one of The Heavenly Immortals, has severely injured his opponent.”

“Pretty good of that young man to beat Mr. Williams, Too bad he ran into Tatum Thunders!”

“Tatum lives up to the nickname of Fanatic Blade!

The crowd murmured in shock at Tatum’s presence. From the first move, he demonstrated the awe -striking capability of The Heavenly Immortals, something that The Hundred Immortals could only dream of.

“That’s our Tatum! He’s so cool!” Abby clapped furiously while gaping at the man on the platform with looks of adulation. It was her lifelong dream to be ranked as one of The Heavenly Immortals. Thus, her future partner must be one of them as well.

“Hmph! How dare you hurt your mentor in public! How terribly wicked of you to do so! There’s no point keeping a piece of trash like you in the martial arts field. Today, I shall carry out God’s will!” After giving his self-righteous speech, he hurled a punch at Maximus again with the intent to kill.

“Oh no, that guy’s done for!” Everyone shook their heads sympathetically. Although Maximus was talented and capable, he wasn’t at Tatum’s level. Just when Maximus was close to meeting his fate, a figure hopped onto the platform and fended off the incoming punch.

The winds from the punch died down, replaced by puffs of smoke. Dustin cast an icy glare at Tatum. “Boulderthorn disciples are all the same-shameless.”

“Who are you? How dare you stop me?” Tatum narrowed his eyes, looking hostile.

“I’m the Dustin Rhys that you wish to battle,” Dustin replied.

“What? Is that Dustin Rhys?” The crowd froze in shock. Abby and Ralph gaped at Dustin. They had
no idea that the martial art genius they kept discussing was right beside them all along.
Chapter 315

“Gosh, who is that kid? He’s quite something to challenge Tatum in public! Is he asking for death?”

“He is gutsy but not the sharpest tool in the shed.”

Dustin’s presence became the talk of the town. No one had expected any martial artist to have a showdown with Tatum at the last minute.

“Hey! Why did you go up there? Are you mad? Get down here now!” After a slight pause, Abby loudly called out to Dustin. In her eyes, he was nothing more than a clueless young man who did not know his place.

“What is that dude doing? Doesn’t he know that he’s up against one of The Heavenly Immortals, Tatum Thunders? He’ll die in Tatum’s hands!” Ralph shook his head forlornly and looked on as though he could predict Dustin’s demise. After all Ralph wasn’t strong enough to take on Tatum, and he did not expect a no-name as young as Dustin to succeed too.

“Hmph! That reckless thing! How dare he insult Tatum? He’ll meet his end!” Brody and the others started cackling with glee. Not only would Tatum tid Boulderthorn of traitors like Maximus, but he would also get Dustin, the thorn in the flesh, out of the way.

“You little jerk! Who are you, and how dare you stand in my way?” Tatum scrunched up his eyes with a menacing look. So far, no one had dared to stop him from taking the lives of his targets.

“Tatum! He’s Dustin Rhys! Slay him!” Brody suddenly yelled at the platform.

“What? Dustin Rhys?” There was an audible gasp from the audience, who had initially taken Dustin to be a show-off, only to realize that he was the martial art genius who had gained fame recently.

“How could that be? He’s Dustin Rhys!” Abby froze up and found it hard to believe that the dark horse she had been talking about was by her side all this time.

“Good gracious! I almost missed the hidden gem!” Ralph was similarly stupefied. If Dustin was capable of defeating Joshua Hummer and confident enough to go for a battle with Tatum Thunders, he must at least be a martial artist who had achieved divinity. Ralph, upon realizing that Dustin must be way more advanced than him in the practice, felt rather embarrassed for offering to take Dustin under his wing.

“Had I known he was Dustin Rhys, I would have gotten on his good side just now!”

“Damn right! We missed our shot!” Ralph’s martial art colleagues were full of regrets upon learning the truth. It was common knowledge that the existence of a martial arts genius would give any guild a major boost, and this was especially true for the relatively small guilds. They’d enter a golden age if they produced a martial arts genius.

“Oh, kid, you’re Dustin Rhys?” Tatum snickered. “You are digging your own grave! As payback for. killing Joshua, you will not be spared today!”

Joshua Hummer said something along those lines as well. But he’s dead now,” Dustin commented without flinching.

“Hah! You’re a bold one! Tatum scrutinized him. “But you’re gravely wrong to compare Joshua with me! People like you have no idea how scary an individual from The Heavenly Immortals could be!”

“Scary?” Dustin merely scoffed. “More like ludicrous. You thought you were something, but you’re just a frog in the well.”

“What did you just say?” Tatum’s expression hardened. He had never been looked down upon ever since he gained fame.

“I was being kind, describing you as a frog in the well. Turns out you’re just a worm in the apple- rotten and foul!” Dustin didn’t hold back at all, and his insult evoked a collective exclamation from the audience, who didn’t expect him to be so rude and fearless from the start. Everyone shuddered at the thought of provoking Tatum Thunders, as that would be inviting death.

“Oh, great! Look at you, the stubborn one, not knowing you’re close to death. You’ll pee your pants when you’re staring at death!” Tatum, now enraged, hurled a punch in the air that morphed into a translucent shadow.
Chapter 316

The impact of the punch barreled toward Dustin with the weight of a mountain. A martial artist who achieved divinity could easily decapitate the opponent ten feet away by releasing his or her internal energy.

“He’s indeed one of The Heavenly Immortals! That punch could easily crush a car!”

“That rash young man shouldn’t have provoked Tatum Thunders. Now, he’s cornered.” The martial artists watching from the crowd shuddered when they saw the shadows of Tatum’s punch. In their opinion, the punch was indefensible.

“Hah…” Dustin smiled and tapped his feet on the floor. He disappeared into thin air and dodged the punch with ease.

“You’re quick! But let’s see how many times you could dodge my punches!” Scoffing, Tatum launched three punches, each quicker and stronger than the previous ones. Dustin skipped around speedily but calmly and dodged all the attacks with his freakish skills.

“Fuck! He’s like a slippery eel!” Brody was quite frustrated at the sight. He badly wanted to witness Dustin crushed to death, but Dustin was too agile and swerved out of the way of Tatum’s punches.

Meanwhile, Ralph was clicking his tongue, amazed at the sight. “I did not expect him to show off such talent at his young age.

“So what? He’s just pulling off tricks. If he’s really talented, he wouldn’t have dodged the attacks. At the end of the day, he could not beat Tatum!” Abby pouted unhappily. Even after learning about Dustin’s identity, she still looked down on him. In her opinion, a true man should face the fight. instead of hiding.

“Is this what ‘Fanatic Blade’ has to offer? That’s nothing much.” Dustin shook his head in disappointment, wondering if the standards of The Heavenly Immortals had decreased. A decade ago, only the best of the best was inducted into The Heavenly Immortals.

“You brat! Better not be arrogant!” Tatum’s expression sank. “You think you can show off in front of me with a couple of tricks? I was warming up just now. And now, it’s time to show you the skills gap between us!” Then, he tapped his feet on the floor and threw himself at Dustin. When he was close, he drew his hands in before throwing a heavy punch. Almost immediately, a gale started blowing, and the air was filled with shadows of the forceful punch hurtling toward Dustin.

“I-i-is that Tatum’s signature move that launched him to fame? The Crushing Waves from the Poseidon Punches?”

“That’s right. It’s Crushing Waves, rumored to turn a punch into countless punches. There’s no escape!”

“I guess Tatum must be furious, seeing how he served his signature move. That guy will be dead today.

The other martial artists stared at the punches in the air with horrified faces. Even from afar, they felt the force and tension that could easily rip them apart.

“Dustin Rhys! Time to die!” Brody chortled with malign and glee.

“That’s a pity. He cannot escape his fate.” Ralph let out a soft sigh filled with regret.

“Didn’t we tell him to stay low profile? He refused to listen and offended Tatum. No one can save him now!” Abby shook her head and braced herself for Dustin’s imminent death.

“These are just bells and whistles!” Dustin snickered and crushed the punches in the air with a slap, and the momentum of the counterattack hit Tatum hard in the face. Everyone heard an explosive sound. Tatum was seen flying and crashing flat onto the ground like a loose kite. The hall plunged into dead silence.
Chapter 317

An eerie silence hung over the scene. The spectators were wide-eyed at the sight of Tatum’s lifeless body on the ground. They struggled to make sense of the outcome, as it was totally out of their expectations.

They had assumed that Dustin would be defeated when Tatum used his signature attack. To their shock, Dustin sent Tatum flying with a slap. It was a sight that no one would have believed unless they saw it for themselves. They could not help but wonder about the reason behind the Fanatic Blade’s shameful loss. Was it a momentary slip-up, or was Dustin simply too powerful?

“Heavens! Did I see it wrong? Was Tatum… defeated?”

“A sight that was unseen and unheard of!”

After moments of utter silence, the audience exploded in a raucous chatter, punctuated by exclamations and expressions of shock, astonishment, confusion, and disbelief. No one had expected that the Fanatic Blade, one of the Heavenly Immortals, had been taken down by Dustin. “T-that’s impossible. How did that little rascal beat Tatum? He must have pulled off some fishy tricks!” Brody shook his head furiously, refusing to believe in the outcome. Meanwhile, Luther frowned grimly. “He’s really a freak.”

On the other hand, Abby and the others were too stunned beyond speech at the result. “This can’t be right! Is Tatum defeated?”

“Is that Dustin’s real capability? He’s really extraordinary!” Maximus looked on with admiration.. No one else could send the Fanatic Blade flying across the air.

“Aagh!” At that moment, Tatum suddenly let out a feral roar, and his body shot up from the ground. In stark contrast to his confidence and arrogance from before, he was transformed into a wild beast that was provoked.

“Oh! He woke up! He’s indeed one of the Heavenly Immortals-” Dustin was surprised by Tatum’s comeback. Even martial artists who achieved divinity would fall unconscious for half a day after Dustin’s slap.

“You jerk! You’re done for! I’ll tear you into pieces today!” Tatum bellowed, his eyes looking angry and crazed. As the ace of the Royal Valor and a formidable martial artist ranked as a Heavenly Immortal, he had never experienced this degree of humiliation. Imagine getting slapped and collapsing onto the ground in front of countless pairs of eyes!

“Someone get me my brass ring saber!” He turned around and yelled. Almost immediately, two men showed up carrying a weapon that was five feet long. It was heavy, thick, and wide, too difficult to be lifted by the average martial artist, not to mention waving it around.

“Great! Tatum is finally getting serious!” Brody had a look of joy on his face as he felt calmer. There was a reason Tatum received the nickname Fanatic Blade. Tatum had two signature techniques, the first being Poseidon Punches, which was good for offensive and defensive play, and it was unpredictable as well. His second technique was the Blade of Gale!

Rumors had it that once put in action, the Blade of Gale would render an area barren. In comparison to the punches, the Blade of Gale was more aggressive and ruthless, like a gust of strong wind that blasted away all the leaves in its path, powerful and unstoppable!

“He should have used the blade from the start. A predator still needs to give it its all, even if it’s going after small prey.” Luther sighed in relief, knowing that having the blade made a world of difference for Tatum.

“I almost forgot that Tatum is the best in his blade technique. Dustin is in trouble now.” Ralph narrowed his eyes and seemed pensive.

“Hmph! Tatum must have lost the round earlier because he was careless. Now that he’s getting serious, he can take down ten Dustin Rhys!” Abby tossed her head back as though she had regained her confidence again.

“Fuck! He agreed to a bare-handed fight, but he decided to get his blade all of a sudden. He’s shameless!”
Chapter 318

“You rarely see a decent man who’s from Boulderthorn. They’re all bullies.”

“That’s a pity. I wonder if Dustin could survive this

Some martial artists started worrying about Dustin’s fate. As the grassroots, they would rather Dustin win the battle. Given how conceited and bold they were, it would be great if someone could teach Boulderthorn a lesson. However, it was a tough feat to beat Tatum due to his killer technique -the Blade of Gale.

“You little rascal, I have to admit that you’re quite something. You’ve forced me to use the blade. Alas, this shall be the end of it. Dying under my blade today shall be an honor for you.” Tatum waved the brass ring saber with a sharp look in his eyes. He handled the heavy weapon weighing hundreds of pounds like it was a strand of straw, showing off the strength of his bicep.

“Just cut to the chase and come at me.” Dustin wiggled his fingers, a provocative gesture to get Tatum to start the fight.

“You’re asking for it!” The look in Tatum’s eyes hardened as he charged at Dustin with the saber in hand. The lengthy and cumbersome brass ring saber left a mark as it was dragged across the ground, leaving sparks flying from the friction.

“The Three Tornadoes!” When Tatum was close, he bellowed and started wielding the saber frenziedly. The shadows of the fast-moving saber formed the illusion of a web in the air as the weapon crushed toward Dustin’s head. The audience struggled to breathe due to the horrific and stifling pressure from the impact.

“The Three Tornadoes technique is famous for a reason!”

“Even demons would get out of the way when it’s used. That rascal is going to die!” the martial artists exclaimed at the sight of the atrocious attack. Still, Dustin stood his ground without moving. He waited until the saber was about to split on his hand and reached out to grab the blade.

Amid an explosion, Dustin activated all his internal energy, crushing the web of blades in the air. The illusion of the blades scattered away in the wind. Meanwhile, Tatum’s saber was stuck in Dustin’s tight grip.

“How is that possible?” Tatum’s pupils wavered as he wore a terrified expression. He had never expected Dustin to grab the saber he slashed at full strength. He thought, “Who the fuck is this monster?”

“Is that all you’ve got? That’s disappointing.” Dustin shook his head and added, “Since you have nothing more to show, I’ll end it here.” Then, he gave Tatum a kick in the abdomen.

“Ahhh-” Tatum yelped in excruciating pain as he was sent flying a good 30 feet away. When he landed on his knees, he started coughing up blood

Once again, the audience was left gaping at the scene. They had expected Tatum to regain the upper hand with the use of the saber, but he was badly defeated anyway. It left everyone wondering about Dustin’s background.

“H-how could you destroy my core?” Face flushed, Tatum was both appalled and enraged.

“You were trying to kill me. Why couldn’t I destroy your core?” Dustin replied coolly. “Bring a message to your mentor later-do not cause trouble for me. Else, I’d uproot the entirety of Royal Valor!”

The audience gasped and murmured at the daring threat, thinking that Dustin was crazy for threatening to ruin the Royal Valor.

“Fine! Just wait and see!” Tatum clenched his jaw and left the scene with his men, tails between their legs.

“How did that happen?” Abby was stunned by the sight of Tatum’s disgraced escape. She couldn’t believe that her idol had been defeated just like that at the hands of a man she looked down on. She thought, “God, are you playing a joke on me?”
Chapter 319

The audience was split in their reactions toward Dustin’s victory. Cheers exploded around Dustin, but some spectators seemed sour at the outcome.

“Fuck! Who’s that guy? How could Tatum lose to him?” a surly and fearful Brody hissed.

“Whoever he is, let’s get out of here before he notices us!” After the initial shock, Luther dared not stay a minute longer and planned his immediate escape.

“Stand still!” Dustin turned around and instantly spotted the few suspicious-looking men. “Luther Williams, did I tell you to leave?”

“Dustin Rhys, I’m the second-in-command at Boulderthorn. You’d better steer clear of me!” Luther warned him with a stern look. At the critical moment, he had no choice but to use the Boulderthorn name as protection.

“The second-in-command? Hah…” Dustin scoffed and remarked, “Do you think I’d be scared of the second-in-command when I couldn’t care less about the guildmaster?”

“What do you want?” Luther’s expression sank.

“Give up your practice, and I’ll spare your life,” Dustin suggested calmly. He had to teach Luther a grave lesson for being a hypocrite who self-professed as a teacher and claimed the moral high ground.

“Dustin Rhys, that’s too much!” Luther’s face was scrunched up. If he gave up his practice, he would have no purpose and reason to exist in the martial arts field.

“Too much? Did you ever consider the consequences when you were fucking around without conscience?” Dustin showed no respect for the old man.

“You” Luther gritted his teeth and tried to hold back his temper. “You shouldn’t burn your bridges. Aren’t you worried you’d become a common enemy of our field if you force me to the wall?

“Courtesy is useless when confronting trash like you. If you aren’t doing it yourself, I will do it for you.” Dustin refused to engage in further conversation and bent his fingers to send a silver needle into Luther’s abdomen. Luther promptly yelped and collapsed onto the ground, grimacing.

“Maximus, I’m done destroying his core. I’ll leave his fate in your hands.” When it came to ending Luther, Dustin allowed Maximus to make the decision. After all, Maximus was the one who had a grudge against Luther.

“It’s fine. Since he’s basically paralyzed, I shall spare his life.” At first, Maximus lifted his sword, but he finally put it down after some thinking. He wasn’t doing so out of mercy. He knew very well that Luther had made countless enemies and would be a hot target after his core was destroyed. In the future, Luther’s life would be a living hell, and that was the best punishment for him.

“Consider yourselves lucky. Get lost now!” Dustin softly chided the Boulderthorn men. Upon hearing that, Luther and the rest immediately scampered away, leaving behind only the lady in white.

“Max Caitlyn went up to Maximus with a feeble look on her face. “I’m sorry, I said those cruel words because I was under pressure. Please forgive me.”

At present, Maximus was stronger than Luther and had a bright future ahead of him. It was clear who she should suck up to.

“Forgive you?” Maximus snickered. “How dare you ask for forgiveness after what you’ve done?”

“Max, I know I’m in the wrong, but I had no choice. It’s hard for a weak woman like me to stand on my own feet in the martial arts field. Plus, Luther has gotten something on me. I couldn’t fight back. I am a victim too…” Her voice faltered and turned into a sob.

The way she cried softly would melt the heart of anyone watching, but Maximus said to her coldly, “Don’t put on a show in front of me. That’ll only disgust me.”

“Whether or not you believe in me, I do love you a lot. I’m willing to run away with you and live like nomads!” she pleaded, tears glistening in her eyes.

“Did you say you love me?” He sneered. “Would you have said that if my core was destroyed? Would you have apologized if I hadn’t defeated Luther Williams? You do not love me for who I am- you’re only after my power, my potential, and my social status!”


“That’s enough. I do not want to hear any explanation. From now on, you and I shall go separate ways. There’s nothing left between us!” He wore a steely expression.

“Max, I know I don’t deserve you, but I’ll still pray for you. When you’re alone in the night, I hope you think of me, your mentee, and the beautiful memories we made in the past. I’ll leave now and never show up in front of you. I wish you a great career ahead…” With that, she left with tears in her eyes

He opened his mouth but said nothing. He felt both love and hatred for Caitlyn, and he knew very well that they could never get back together. Once bitten, twice shy!

“Let’s go. Time to drink.” After settling the trouble, Dustin and Maximus left in no time. The battle started abruptly and ended in a similar fashion. Through this incident, Dustin’s popularity skyrocketed, and he was known as a martial arts genius. Many believed that the martial arts field in Balerno would be shaken up with the arrival of Dustin Rhys after this battle.

“Mr. Dunn, if I recall correctly, Dustin Rhys came here with you, right? Does that mean you have laid claim to him?” a middle-aged martial artist from the crowd threw out a question.

“Well…” Ralph felt the eyes on him and forced a smile. “Since you found out about it, I shall not keep it a secret. To be honest with you, Dustin Rhys has become the principal disciple of the Steel Legion!”

His claim prompted a collective gasp.

“What? Has Dustin Rhys joined the Steel Legion?”

“My goodness! Mr. Dunn, you hit the jackpot!”

“Mr. Dunn, you hide your talents well. How did you manage to scout a genius like him? We’re envious!”

Congratulations, Mr. Dunn. Do remember me if you have anything good to share with the community.”

The martial artists started flattering Ralph and currying favor, especially the hot-blooded teens who were itching to join.

“Mr. Dunn, do you still take in disciples? I want to join the Steel Legion!”

“Me too! Count me in!”

“The Steel Legion must have a solid foundation to nurture a genius like Dustin Rhys. I want in too!”

The young martial artists around them were a bubbling cacophony; each worried they’d be one step behind

“That is always open to consideration. The Steel Legion always welcomes upstanding men who fight for justice!” Ralph was beaming merrily at the enthusiastic response. He was taken aback by the effectiveness of name-dropping Dustin, which immediately garnered the interest of many young martial artists. If the trend continued, he believed the Steel Legion would prosper under his wise and courageous leadership!

“Uh…” Abby had a funny look on her face when she witnessed the crowd’s eagerness. Her grandpa’s brazenness came as a surprise-he wanted to associate the guild with Dustin, even though Dustin had clearly turned him down. She wondered, “Is this what they call the ‘real world’?
Chapter 320

It was noon. At the clubhouse of the Hummer’s residence, Edwin Hummer was struck on the head with a wine bottle. Blood trickled down his body, along with the merlot.

“Hummer! I was screwed because of you!” Tatum sat on the couch; his features contorted in anger. “Didn’t you say that Dustin Rhys was a nobody? Why was he that powerful? Did you lie to me on. purpose?”

At his mentor’s request, Tatum had shown up to avenge Joshua Hummer. In the beginning, he thought he could show off his talent, but he was badly defeated in the end. Not only that, his core was destroyed. He had all the reason to be mad.

“Sir Thunders, in my records, Dustin Rhys did not come from a remarkable background. It wasn’t wrong to describe him as a nobody. As for his actual abilities, I recall giving you a heads up, but you didn’t take it seriously,” Edwin murmured with his head hung low.

“Are you blaming me for being weak?” Tatum glowered at him. If he weren’t hurt, he would have taught Edwin a lesson.

“In my opinion, it is unnecessary to issue a public challenge to men like Dustin Rhys. You can use whatever means to get him killed,” Edwin further explained.

“Oh, are you fucking teaching me how to get things done now? Tatum’s expression darkened, his eyes gleaming with hostility.

“Of course not.” Edwin lowered his head.

“I have no time for you!” Tatum looked irritated. “Didn’t you get Substratumis from Dr. Linden Watkins? Give it to me now. I need it for my injuries”

Substratumis, the core restoration pill, was created to heal internal injuries. It was rather effective in restoring one’s core. As long as the patient took it within 24 hours, they would stand a chance to regenerate their core. However, due to the preciousness of the ingredients, the Stoneray Valley only produced a few pills annually. Each batch of pills would be scooped up by members of various guilds upon hitting the market. Thankfully, Edwin had spent a fortune on one of those pills, just in time for Tatum to use it.

“Sir Thunders, I accidentally crushed the pill. So, I can’t help you. I’m sorry.” Edwin shook his head regrettably.

“You crushed the pill?” Tatum’s eyes narrowed, and he snickered. “Are you kidding me? Any sane person would take great care of that precious pill. How could you have crushed it? Your son’s dead anyway, so you can’t use it on him. Who else except for me will need your pill?”

“Sir Thunders, I am telling you the truth.” Edwin appeared serious.

“Oh, shut up! If you don’t hand me the restorative pill today, I’ll crush your legs!” Tatum threatened him spitefully.

Edwin stared at Tatum with his cold but bright eyes. “But, Sir Thunders, I wonder how you are going to do that, given that your core has been destroyed.”

“Hah! I might not have any bit of internal energy left, but killing a man like you is child’s play!” Tatum was conceited.

“Is that so?” Edwin chuckled icily and brandished a gun from his back without warning. He pointed it at Tatum. “Can a man without internal energy defend himself from bullets?”

“Hmm?” Tatum’s expression hardened. “How dare you point a gun at me, you son of a bitch. Do you know who I am? Put the gun down and cut your hands in front of me. If not, I’ll…”

Edwin suddenly pulled the trigger before Tatum could finish his sentence. Following a loud bang, the bullet shot Tatum in the forehead, leaving a splattered mess of blood on the wall.

Tatum grunted, his body trembling and his eyes wide-opened in disbelief. He’d never believe that Edwin would pull the trigger on him, and a fatal, point-blank shot at that.

Finally, Tatum’s body slumped heavily onto the floor, his eyes remaining open as he drew his last breath.

“Huh?” Fletcher Lawson, who had been standing by the side, appeared mortified at the scene. “S- Sir Hummer, what are you doing? Tatum Thunders is Sir Lincoln’s principal disciple. How are we going to explain this to Sir Lincoln?” He secretly thought Edwin had gone mad for having the guts to murder Tatum.

“Yeah, I killed him. Why do I need to explain that? Edwin took out a handkerchief and calmly wiped the spot of his head injury from the wine bottle attack.

“If Sir Lincoln learns about this, he will not let this slip!” Fletcher was panicking as he pictured the guildmaster of Boulderthorn, halfway to becoming a grandmaster. The man was powerful enough to massacre the entire Hummer Family!

“If we don’t tell, no one will know,” Edwin muttered emotionlessly.

“But Tatum died on our territory. How can we hide the fact?” Fletcher was drenched in cold sweat by now.

“You don’t have to panic. Just remember-none of us met Tatum Thunders today. He suffered a sudden death in his home after the battle with Dustin. We shall leave Boulderthorn to figure out the murderer, and we have no clue about it at all. Got it?” Edwin tilted his head, his eyes shimmering with a cold gaze.

“Sir Hummer, are you telling me to… shift the blame to Dustin Rhys?” It didn’t take Fletcher long to piece the puzzle.

“It was Dustin Rhys’ doing all along. When did we shift the blame to him?” Edwin questioned.

“Oh, right! It’s all Dustin Rhys’ fault!” Fletcher nodded furiously. At that point, he finally caught a glimpse of the depths of Edwin’s dark soul. Edwin had decided to kill a top ace like Tatum without blinking an eye. The mere thought of it was mind-numbing.

At the Boulderthorn branch in Millsburg, Clement Lincoln sat on the throne, his expression darkening when Tatum Thunders’ body was brought back. As the guildmaster of Boulderthorn who had extensive experience in the field, he never had anyone offending him in this manner. “Who was it? Who did this?” He gritted his teeth as his eyes bulged.

Sir Lincoln, it was Dustin Rhys!” Luther started fanning the flames. “Dustin Rhys pulled dirty

tricks in the battle and destroyed Tatum’s core. Tatum was assassinated right after that!”

“Dustin Rhys! It’s him again!” Clement banged his fists on the table out of rage, and the wooden table instantly cracked and split into pieces. First, it was Joshua Hummer. Now, it was Tatum. Clement had lost two beloved disciples, one of whom was his heir. It was tough not to feel anger and hatred at the culprit.

“Sir Lincoln, Dustin Rhys is sly and ruthless. He has a lot of tricks up his sleeve. If we don’t get rid of him in time, he might be a pain in the ass in the future!” Luther added fuel to the fire.

“Send out my orders-The Royal Valor of Boulder thorn is looking to arrest Dustin Rhys!” Clement said with grief. “I’ll use all necessary means and make any sacrifices to tear him into pieces!”

“Yes, sir!” His disciples bowed and took his orders The Royal Valor was shaken from the orders, and its aces were called back from all corners of the world for the quest. At that moment, Dustin Rhys was the most-wanted man on the Royal Valor’s blacklist.
Chapter 321

In the evening, Dustin was focused on drug research at the Peaceful Medical Centre when a silver Bentley rolled to a stop at the entrance. The door opened, and Natasha, dressed in a bodycon silver dress, strutted out, her hips swaying alluringly as she walked. “Dear, I’m here…” She entered the medical center with a sweet smile and took Dustin by his arm. “Let’s go! I’ll bring you out to have a nice dinner tonight!”

“A nice dinner? Where to?” He was, curious, but she dragged him into her car without further explanation.

“You’ll know when we’re there.”

The car cruised at a steady speed down the streets. Forty minutes later, it parked in front of the entrance of a high-end recreational club. “Ms. Harmon, you’re here! Please come with me,” one of the ushers led the way as the other ushers lined up and bowed to the guests.

They shuffled up to the restaurant on the second floor and made their way to a spacious private lounge, where a couple of young men and women had congregated. They were dressed to the nines and acted gracefully. One could tell that they were no ordinary folks.

“Natasha, you’re finally here! I thought we’d be stood up again because you’re too busy!” A woman in a crimson dress stood up to greet Natasha and Dustin. She was lovely and tall, and her bodycon long dress hugged her curves at the perfect places, showing off her voluptuous figure to everyone.

“Zoey, I will never stand you up. We don’t get to meet up often as old schoolmates. We definitely need to catch up in this rare gathering.” Natasha beamed at the woman named Zoey.

“Natasha, is this your boyfriend?” Zoey scanned Dustin from head to toe with curiosity. She decided that he was good-looking but dressed rather shabbily. He didn’t look like he was from a wealthy family.

“That’s correct. I’ll introduce you to each other. This is my man, Dustin Rhys.” Smiling, Natasha introduced her friends to Dustin as well, “Dear, these are my schoolmates. This gorgeous woman here with big tits and a big ass is Zoey Forster. This is Lyla Benson, with short hair and dimples. Oh, and this is a mega star in Dragonmarsh, queen of entertainment-Adriana Lovett. These two guys are Zeke Perry and Gordon Flynn.”

“Hello, nice to meet you.” Dustin flashed them a dignified smile. One had to admit that birds of a feather do flock together. Natasha was attractive, and so were her friends. Adriana stood out especially, and she rivaled Natasha in terms of appearance. It was no surprise that she was crowned the queen of entertainment.

“Natasha, your boyfriend doesn’t look familiar. I wonder what he is working as,” the man named Zeke Perry inquired.

“Oh, my man is a doctor.” Natasha looked proud, but her friends were baffled. “He’s a doctor?” They thought it was ridiculous that Natasha, the precious daughter of the Harmon Family, was dating a doctor.

So, Natasha, is Mr. Rhys an alumnus of Harvard Medical School or Stanford Medicine?” Zeke pressed on. In their eyes, only the best could date Natasha.

“No.” Dustin shook his head. Zeke asked, “Oh! May I know which medical school you graduated from? And where are you practicing now?”

“I did not attend university. I’m now running a humble medical center,” Dustin did not shun the topic.

“A medical center? Are you kidding us?”
Chapter 322

Zeke’s jaw dropped to the floor. Not only was Dustin not an alumnus of a prestigious institution but he also did not attend university Was he even a good match for Natasha?

“Natasha, what’s going on? You didn’t drag a random man here just to shut us up, did you?” Zoey was displeased, for she believed that a doctor from an ordinary medical center wasn’t worthy of sharing a dinner table with their group

“Stop acting funny Dustin is an expert in medicine and martial arts You’ll know soon.” Natasha puffed her chest with a smile.

“Natasha, I’m sorry, but you’d be better off dating me if you were giving this doctor a chance,” Gordon finally spoke up half-jokingly He had once pursued Natasha but was turned down. Now that Natasha got her eyes on an ordinary doctor, he started to think he had a chance because he felt that he was way better than Dustin. After all, the Flynn family was one of the elites in Balerno.

“Right, Natasha, I think Gordon’s pretty decent He stayed single just to wait for you. Why don’t you consider him?” Zoey winked at Natasha and started matchmaking

“Gordon? Nah, he’s not my type,” Natasha shot down the suggestion.

“Natasha, now, you’re being harsh Gordon graduated from a prestigious university He runs a company worth billions Isn’t he a stronger candidate than a doctor? Zoey analyzed

“Gordon’s life is none of my business My boyfriend is Dustin Please do not joke about this topic” Natasha frowned a little, clearly crossed. “Plus, if you are talking about an excellent candidate, Dustin is the best for me Even a hundred Gordons Ean’t beat a single Dustin Rhys ”

The expression on the faces of Natasha’s friends froze, none expected that remark from Natasha Haimon, and they wondered if Natasha, the Steel Lady, was just like the average woman blinded, by love

“Hmph’ I’m not a big shot, but I rake in billions annually. If this gentleman here is a hundred times better than I am, does that mean he is making hundreds of billions per year?” Gordon started acting funny. He was obviously unsatisfied with Natasha’s comparison.

“The money you earn doesn’t mean a thing Even if Dustin is dirt poor, I will still love him. Do you get it now?” Natasha schooled her friends coldly

“Hah! So, he’s a sugar baby Gordon snorted with disdain, and the other friends joined him to look down on Dustin.

“Gordon Flynn, watch your mouth! If you’re not hungry, perhaps you should see yourself out!” Natasha’s expression hardened.

“Alright, alright Natasha, we’re all old schoolmates here. They’re only pulling your leg. Just relax. Come here. Take a seat, everyone,” Zoey hurriedly played the mediator when she realized the situation was rapidly deteriorating.

Gordon didn’t say a word after that, but he shot a venomous look at Dustin.

After they took their seats, they started chatting and eating harmoniously. However, they gave Dustin the cold shoulder due to his low social status. Still, he was unconcerned by the treatment and enjoyed his drinks and food as though he wasn’t part of the group.

In the middle of the conversations, the door to the private lounge flung open. A middle-aged man with a beer belly marched in with two bodyguards in tow. Adriana, who had been rather quiet, suddenly seemed frantic when she noticed the intruders.

“Ms. Lovett, why didn’t you pick up our calls? Do you think we couldn’t hunt you down if you hid in a small town?” The middle-aged man flashed a menacing grin.

“My contract with the company is annulled! Stop harassing me!” Adriana warned them.

The man scoffed. “Hah! Is that for you to decide? What do you take our boss for? The company invested money and effort to launch you to fame. Now that you’re established, you plan to go solo! You’re taking advantage of us, don’t you think?”

“I’ve paid you back the money I made over these years! What more do you want?” Her face fell.

“Hmph! That tiny amount of money isn’t worth a thing! Our boss is interested in you as a product. As long as you’re with the agency, you’ll bring in dough constantly. You must know that, don’t you?” The man chuckled.

“I will not go with you! Just give up!” Adriana appeared adamant, but the man snickered and said, ” That’s not for you to decide too. Guys, take her!”
Chapter 323

“Guys! Take her!” Under the man’s orders, the two bodyguards stepped forward, ready to act.

“Hold on!” Zeke stood up suddenly and hissed, “Adriana is my schoolmate. I don’t care who you are. You need to get the fuck out right now, or I won’t go easy on you!”

“That’s right! The audacity to take her in our presence!” Gordon slammed the table with ant imposing air. Adriana was a rising star, crowned the queen of entertainment, and she rivaled Natasha in the looks department Of course, the guys would not give up on the opportunity to save the damsel in distress.

“Sir, this has nothing to do with you Stay out of it” the middle-aged man warned the guys icily.

“Hmph! We see it as our business! Get out of here if you don’t want to die!” Zeke bellowed at them..

“Throw these jerks out!” the middle-aged man roared, and the two bodyguards went to work. Seeing that, Zeke and Gordon confidently took on one bodyguard each. Zeke’s style was more of a street gangster’s-he ruthlessly hit the bodyguard on the head with a beer bottle. Meanwhile, Gordon showed off his martial arts skills from his past practice, looking majestic in action. With their teamwork, they managed to take down the two bodyguards in no time.

“Who are you? And why did you poke your nose in others’ business?” The middle-aged man had a frosty look on his face.

“Listen up-I’m Zeke Perry, from the Perry family!”

“And I am Gordon Flynn. If you have any grudges, you should come at us instead of harassing a woman That’s cowardice.” The two men were beaming after showing off their heroism in front of the pretty ladies. It felt good.

“Okay! I have your faces in my mind! Just wait for it!” The middle-aged man shot them a deadly glare and left.

“Hmph! Run any slower, and I’ll break your leg!” Zeke waved his beer bottle wildly.

“Clowns! How dare they make a scene in front of us! Gordon seemed arrogant.

Zoey’s eyes sparkled with admiration. “I never knew you guys were that great at fighting! It was eye-opening!”

“Hah, that was nothing! Back in the day, Gordon and I took down ten guys in the bar!” Zeke proudly reminisced.

She beamed at him. “Is that so? That’s amazing!”

“Zeke, Gordon, thank you so much.” Adriana was grateful to them. She had gone to tiny Balerno from Stonia to run from the trouble, but they hunted her down anyway. She couldn’t picture the outcome if she were caught and dragged away.

“Adriana, we’re all schoolmates. Just relax when you’re with us. If you come across any trouble, just come to us, and we’ll take care of it for you!” Zeke thumped his chest and promised her.

Natasha was rather curious. “Adriana, who did you get into trouble with, to the point that you had to run all the way to Balerno from Stonia?”

“I got into trouble with the boss of the entertainment agency,” Adriana replied with a sigh. “When I was younger, I had a dream to be a star and signed a contract with an agency without much thinking. Since then, I’ve become their money tree They worked me all year long without off days. I didn’t mind working hard, but after I achieved some fame, the bosses started arranging for me to attend dinners and parties. I was made to entertain the government officials and business magnates.”

She added, “At first, they wanted me to drink at the parties. Later, they wanted me to sleep with some of the men. There was no way I’d agree with that, so I kept saying no. They tried a lot of methods on me, offering me money and threatening me. I couldn’t take it anymore and paid a huge penalty to nullify the contract. But they still refuse to let me go!” She was close to tears at this point. The public only saw the attractive lifestyle of a star, not knowing that she had suffered a lot in this line of work. The queen of entertainment was nothing more than an empty title. The industry was more complicated than most people imagined it to be.
Chapter 324

Had it not been for her seniors’ protection, Adriana believed she would have fallen into the abyss.

“How dare these bastards force you into such filthy deals? That’s shameless!” Zeke was indignant after hearing her account.

“Hmph! They’re just an entertainment agency. How dare they do that to you? Do they think they are above the law?” Gordon fumed and promised, “Adriana, do not worry. We will see this through. No matter who your boss is, we won’t go easy on him!”

“That’s right! We will surely avenge you!” the others chimed in, looking as though they were ready for a battle.

“Thank you.” Tears of gratitude streamed down Adriana’s face.

“By the way, Adriana, what’s the name of your boss?” Natasha suddenly asked.

“I only know that Langford is his last name. I don’t know anything else,” Adriana answered.

“Langford?” The friends exchanged glances, and after connecting the dots, they appeared terrified. “That can’t be it! Is he from the Langford family of Glenstead?”

The aristocrats of Stonia were at a different level than those from Balerno-the elites that established themselves in the royal city came from lineages that spanned centuries. Natasha and her friends believed they’d be in great trouble if the boss of the entertainment agency were truly from the Langford family of Glenstead.

“Adriana, what’s the name of your agency?” Natasha cautiously prodded.

Adriana answered, “It’s called Langford Productions

Everyone paled at the mention of the agency’s name. Langford Productions was the entertainment agency under Langford Inc.! It was no surprise that the men from the agency would come for Adriana in Balerno all the way from Stonia-the Langford family was the mastermind behind it all.

“What’s wrong?” Adriana quickly sensed that something was off. She had no clue about the man behind Langford Productions, but she was aware of the agency’s huge influence.

“Adriana, you might have run into trouble. The boss of Langford Productions isn’t your average millionaire.” Natasha put on a grim expression.

Only Zoey looked unbothered. “Natasha, stop scaring her. We aren’t afraid of the boss of a random entertainment agency when we have Zeke and Gordon backing us!”

Zeke and Gordon exchanged looks, intimidated because they knew the Langford family was untouchable.

“Friends, shall we head to the next place to have fun since we’re done with dinner?” Zeke suddenly threw a suggestion out of fear that the Langfords might come after them.

Gordon agreed, “Right! It’s quite boring here. Let’s go to the bar!”

“Sure. No one objected to that, and they started gathering their stuff before leaving. At that moment, they heard a commotion at the door. Next, the middle-aged men who had left earlier barged into the place with reinforcements.

“Leave? Where are you leaving?”

“How dare you go against our boss? None of you shall leave here!”

“Get every single one of them. Circle them now!” Under the orders, a group of bodyguards closed in on Natasha and her friends. The ladies were scared when they saw the threatening scowl on the bodyguards’ faces.

“Sir, I am Zeke Perry. Please show us some mercy and call the guards off.” Zeke bit the bullet and handed the man a check. “Here’s a little token from me. Just think of it as compensation.”

“Call them off? How about no, you motherfucker?” The middle-aged man was boiling in anger as he slapped Zeke across the face.
Chapter 325

Zeke almost toppled over from the slap by the middle-aged man.

“You…” Zeke gritted his teeth, a scowl forming on his face after being humiliated in front of everyone. However, his hands were tied because the men outnumbered him and came with the backing of the Langfords.

“My friend, let’s not burn bridges. What’s the point of coming at us?” Gordon frowned and intervened

“Fuck you!” The man grabbed a beer bottle and smashed it on Gordon’s head. The beer was everywhere in an instant, and Gordon was bleeding from the head.

“That’s too much!” Zoey jumped out and protested, Do you know who you just hit? He’s the son of the Flynn family-Gordon Flynn!”

“I don’t care wherever the fuck he’s from. He’s dead meat if he gets into trouble with the Langfords. “The man was ferocious.

Zoey choked on anger. “Y-y-you’d better not be a bully!”

“What if I am a bully? Whoever tries to step up today will stand in the firing line!” The man gestured, and his bodyguards drew their swords. Their threatening postures immediately shut her

“Yo, dude! I thought you were a hero just now! Why are you quiet now?” The man slapped Gordon on the face repeatedly in an attempt to humiliate him.

“Friend, if what you want is money, we have room for discussion,” Gordon bit the bullet and negotiated

“Room for a fucking discussion?” The man kicked Gordon aside and even spat on him with disdain while he was at it. “Who do you think you are? You don’t have the right to discuss anything with me. Do you believe that I couldn’t make you vanish from the surface of the earth when I give the orders?”

Gordon, looking mortified, finally fell silent. The man snickered. “Two useless pieces of trash. Showing off in front of me? You’d better know your limits.” Then, he turned his attention to Adriana and smiled at her. “Ms. Lovett, it seems like no one can save you now. Come with us.”

She bit her lips and cast a pleading glance at Gordon However, Gordon and Zeke hung their heads low, too timid to make a sound.

“Ms. Lovett, if you don’t play nice, do not blame us for laying a finger on your friends!” The man -resorted to threats.

“Alright, I’ll leave with you!” She took a deep breath and chose to surrender, knowing what the men were capable of doing. If she fought back, she would unnecessarily hurt everyone at the scene.

But Natasha stood before her and coldly confronted the men, “Wait a minute! How much do you want in exchange for Adriana’s freedom?”

“Oh! Here’s another pretty lady!” The man scanned her from head to toe with a renewed interest in his eyes. Natasha was as good-looking as Adriana, and some might even argue that she had a sexier figure. The man believed Natasha would be their new money tree if she gained fame.

“I can let her go. But you will have to leave with us instead.” He cackled wickedly. “If you entertain and please my boss, he is open to any discussion.”

“You’d better not be greedy!” Her expression froze. The Langfords had a sprawling business empite, but they were not as invincible as to do whatever they wanted in Balerno.

“Oh, you’re pretty feisty, aren’t you? That’s exactly my type! It’s rare to come across a lady like you. Since we are in luck today, we can’t possibly miss the chance. Guys, take both of them.” The man did not want to engage further and gave his orders

“Hey. Time to stop it.” At that time, Dustin finally rose from his seat after filling himself with food and drinks. Sensing his imposing aura, the bodyguards dared not take a step forward.

“And where the fuck did you come from?”
Chapter 326

The middle-aged man’s expression was unfriendly, I’m warning you. Don’t try to be a hero. Otherwise, I’ll break both your legs!”

“You can hit anyone but her.” Dustin stood in front of Natasha, his gaze calm.

“And if I do?” he sneered.

“Then I’ll cripple you,” Dustin smiled.

“You must be tired of living, bastard!” The middle-aged man finally erupted in anger. “Get him! I want him beaten mercilessly! I’ll take full responsibility if he dies!”

“Yes, sir!” On his command, the bodyguards stopped holding back, immediately brandishing their knives at Dustin.

Dustin slammed one hand on the table, and the knives on the table bounced up. With a wave of his sleeves, sharp whistles were heard. Appearing like hidden weapons, the knives shot straight into the bodyguards’ knees.

In a blink of an eye, the previously arrogant and intimidating group of bodyguards were taken down.

“What?” The middle-aged man’s expression shifted upon the scene laid out before him. He’d been around long enough to realize he’d encountered a skilled martial artist that day.

“Holy shit! This guy have skills?” Zoey was shocked She would have never thought that an ordinary doctor would have such impressive skills.

Even Zeke and Gordon were taken aback. They looked at each other with a bewildered look on their faces. Dustin must have had immense strength to be able to pierce a knife through the bodyguards’ knees. What was more astonishing was that he attacked with such accuracy that each bodyguard had the exact same injury.

“Huh?” Adriana was surprised, and her gaze betrayed a spark of interest.

“Who the hell are you, punk? How dare you poke your nose into the Langford family’s business?” The middle-aged man carried a dark expression.

“So what if you’re from the Langford family? I’m butting in since I can’t stand you harassing a woman,” Dustin replied dismissively.

“Just you wait and see, punk!” The man gritted his teeth and was about to leave when Dustin grabbed him by the collar and pulled back forcefully. With a resounding bang, the man crashed into the wall, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

“Did I say you can leave?” Dustin was calm.

“You… what do you want?” His body felt like it was about to fall apart as he clenched his jaw.

“You think you can act as if nothing happened and escape just like that? Think again. Get down on your knees and apologize to everyone here,” Dustin ordered coldly.

“Never!” he refused immediately.

“Oh?” Dustin raised his eyebrows and gave him a resounding slap. A few teeth fell out from the force.

“You dare hit me? I’m from the Langford family!” He was resentful.

“That slap is for the Langford family.” Without another word, Dustin landed two more slaps, leaving the man dazed and unable to steady himself.

Zeke’s expression changed as he watched the scene unfold before him. “Dustin, you’re crazy! Stop this instant!

Gordon added with a dark expression, “The Langford family is very powerful. You’re going to die for humiliating them in public. Even if you don’t value your life, don’t drag us down with you!”

“Aren’t you guys getting overly worked up for a mere servant of the Langford family?” Dustin shook his head.

“You-” Their expressions turned ugly as soon as Dustin said that.
Chapter 327

“Don’t worry. I started this. I’ll make sure not to pull you both down into this mess. Of course, if you’re scared, you could leave first. I didn’t see a thing,” Dustin said casually.

A few simple words had made them feel indignant, and their faces burned, especially from the looks the three women were giving them. It was humiliating to be looked down on by an ordinary doctor.

“You’re dead meat, punk! All of you are dead meat!” The middle-aged man got up from the floor with a disheveled appearance.

“Say that again? Who’s dead meat?” Dustin gave him another slap.

“You” Before he could speak, another heavy slap landed on his face. With a grunt, finally, he fainted from the attacks.

Zoey and the rest of them watched in shock. They couldn’t believe Dustin was merciless and dared attack with such force, even though he knew the other party was from the Langford family. He must really not value his life!

“Weakling.” Dustin dusted his hands, feeling unsatisfied.

“Dustin! Do you know what you’ve just done? Not even the Gods can save you for offending the Langford family,” Gordon admonished him sternly but also gloated at his misfortune. Even though he was surprised by Dusin’s martial skills, he knew his actions would only lead to his demise.

“Keep your judgment to yourselves. Just because you’re afraid of the Langfords doesn’t mean I am too.” Dustin shrugged.

“Hmph! You must not be aware of how scary they could be!” Zeke shook his head as if he was looking at an idiot.

The Langford family was Stonia’s most powerful and wealthy aristocratic family. Other than the Tremendous Three, no one else dared confront the Langfords directly in the whole of Balerno. With Dustin’s mere background as an ordinary doctor, he should have made sure he knew who he was going up against before attacking a Langford family servant.

“That’s enough. We shouldn’t stay here any longer. Let’s go.” Zoey’s gaze betrayed her nerves. After what happened, she understood how terrifying the Langfords could be.

Dustin suddenly said, “Ms. Harmon, you should go first. I have a few things left to do.”

Since he’d already made an enemy out of the Langfords, he might as well deal with the issue cleanly.

“What are you going to do?” Natasha stared blankly at him.

Nothing much, just going to finish up some unfinished business,” Dustin smiled.

“Hey! Are you crazy? Their men will be here soon You’ll be dead meat by then,” Zoey said with a frown.

“I know what I’m doing.” Dustin wasn’t bothered.

“Be careful Natasha gave him a long gaze before pulling Adriana out of the door. She knew that her presence would cause him more trouble.

“Forget it. Suit yourself.” Zoey shook her head and left.

“Hmph! You should know better. You’ll find out soon enough how powerful the Langfords are.”

“Since you won’t listen to our advice, there’s no point in stopping you from being the dead meat you love to be.”

Zeke and Gordon followed behind them after throwing out those words.

All of them finally breathed a sigh of relief after leaving the restaurant.

“Guys, what should we do now?”

Standing near the entrance, Zoey said with uncertainty, “Adriana has been marked by the Langfords. If we don’t think of something, this won’t end well.”

“You’re right! Adriana is not strong enough to fight against those brutal swine.” Zeke was slightly worried.

“They’re not too unreasonable. Perhaps we could talk it out. I just so happen to be acquainted with Luis Langford. I’m sure there won’t be a problem as long as I can convince Mr. Langford.”

“Gordon, you know Mr. Langford? Why didn’t you say so earlier? I almost peed my pants just now.” Zeke was surprised.

“The last time I went to Stonia, I attended a party of his and got to know him there.” Gordon smiled. “That’s amazing! I can’t believe you know someone so powerful!”
Chapter 328

Zoey was ecstatic and chimed in, “Adriana, there’s hope! As long as Gordon convinces Mr. Langford, I’m sure you’ll be safe then.”

“That’s great. Thanks, Gordon!” As Adriana thanked him profusely, her cleavage came into full view.

“It’s nothing. I’m just helping out a friend.” Gordon waved his hand like it was a minor issue.

“Alright, since we’ve resolved the matter, let’s go for a few more rounds of drinks,” Zeke said, calling up his driver and ushering them into his car

Just as they were about to depart, more than ten black SUVS screeched to a halt in front of the restaurant, surrounding it entirely. As the doors opened, a group of fighters with batons in hand got off and barged into the restaurant with a murderous look.

“Dang! Weren’t those the Langfords’ men?” Zeke’s eye twitched, and he was inexplicably nervous. He thought they were lucky to have left in time. If they had been slower by even two minutes, they probably wouldn’t have been able to escape then.

“Natasha, will your boyfriend be alright?” Adriana was worried. After all, Dustin had saved her earlier. She would feel bad if something happened to him.

“Don’t worry. He can handle it.” Natasha smiled faintly. She was aware of his abilities. Fighting a few ordinary fighters would be like a breeze to him.

“I don’t think so. He only has two fists. Even if he had skills, how would he survive against so many of them?” Gordon shook his head but was happy about Dustin’s predicament.

“That’s right! The Langfords have plenty of highly skilled martial artists. How would he take all of them on?” Zeke pursed his lips.

In their eyes, Dustin only liked seeking attention As soon as he encountered Langfords’ skilled fighters, he’d end up dead.

Natasha didn’t bother explaining further since they didn’t believe her.

In the meantime, in the private room of the restaurant, Dustin was silently enjoying his food. He was eating with great enthusiasm when the door was kicked down. A large number of fighters barged in, surrounding him in no time.

The man who fainted earlier suddenly sprung up, his expression menacing. “Hey, punk! My backup is here. You’re dead meat this time!”

It was evident that he had been playing dead.

This is all of them? I thought you were bringing an army.” Dustin shook his head, seemingly regretful.

“You’re still talking back in the face of death? Kill him!” the middle-aged man bellowed.

Dozens of them brandished their weapons, prepared to attack, when suddenly, someone yelled at the door. “Hold it!

Following the voice, a figure appeared. It was Dahlia who rushed in, clad in branded clothing

Dustin’s brows furrowed at the sight of the woman Why did he keep running into her?

“I thought I was mistaken, but it really is you.” She carried a complicated expression as she Dustin.

“So what if it’s me? I’ve told you not to appear before me again,” Dustin said coldly.

Dahlia frowned at his words, but she turned to the middle-aged man instead. “Mr. Atwood, what’s going on here?”

“Mrs. Langford, this punk dared butt into our business. I’m about to give him a lesson. With your dignified status, I ask that you step aside lest you ruin your clothes.” Mr. Atwood smiled apologetically.

“Mr. Atwood, this is a friend of mine. Can you let him go?” Dahlia responded.

“A friend?” he frowned slightly. Since he was slapped earlier, he was quite unwilling.

“Hmm? Do my words not carry weight? Do I need to get Luis here to talk to you?” Dahlia’s expression turned cold.

“No, no. Please don’t misunderstand, Mrs. Langford Since he’s your friend, naturally, we won’t dare touch him.” Mr. Atwood smiled awkwardly and gave the signal, leaving with all the men present. “Mrs. Langford? How impressive.” Dustin sneered coldly, completely ungrateful.
Chapter 329

Dahlia put on a calm front even though she felt hurt from the icy glare Dustin was giving her. ” Dustin, I just didn’t want you to get into trouble. I didn’t do it so you can feel indebted to me,” she said nonchalantly.

“I don’t think what happens to me is any of your business.”

“I know you hate me. I know I’ve wronged you too. Il try my best to make it up to you in the future.

“Make it up to me?” Dustin scoffed, “Oh, Dahlia, you think too highly of yourself. Do you think I actually care?”

“Then what do you care about? Or perhaps, is there anything you need help on?” she asked tentatively.

“Sorry. I don’t need anything. I just need you to get far away from me,” Dustin responded.

“Do you hate me that much?” Dahlia frowned. She felt an inexplicable stabbing pain in her chest. “Yeah. You played me like a dog. Am I supposed to put on a pitiful dog act to please you?” Dustin mocked.

“I’m sorry…” Dahlia took in a deep breath, but, in the end, she could only lower her head.

“Forget it. Don’t show me that pitiful expression of yours. It’s repulsive.” Dustin’s words were harsh.

“I…” She was unable to continue. There were many times she wanted to tell him the truth but couldn’t. That was because she knew him well. Once he found out the truth, he would definitely make an enemy out of Luis. He would probably even try something foolish that might lead to his demise.

All Dahlia wished was for Dustin to live peacefully Even if that meant carrying the burden of his hatred and being his enemy, she would gladly ensure it was so.

Out of the blue, she asked,” How are things with you and Natasha?”

“We’re doing great. We’ve been talking about getting married,” Dustin deliberately unnerved her “Is that so? Congratulations.” Dahlia forced a smile “Natasha is a great woman. I can tell she likes you a lot. It’s just that both of you have different social standings. You need to work harder to catch up to her.”

“You don’t have to worry about that,” he responded coldly.

“You’re right. Why am I butting into your relationship? Anyways, I wish both of you the best.”

Dustin had never seen a smile that tender on her face. “What exactly are you trying to say?” His brows furrowed.

Nothing. I suddenly feel like having a drink. Will you drink a few glasses with me?”

“No,” Dustin refused right away. “I told you. I have nothing to do with you any longer. From now on, we shall be strangers. Please don’t bother me again in the future. I don’t wish to be played like a fool a second time!” He turned around to leave.

“Wait-” Dahlia reached out and grabbed his arm instinctively.

“Get lost!” Looking annoyed, Dustin shrugged her off.

Dahlia stumbled and fell to the floor, her hand landing on broken pieces of glass. Blood dripped down, as the glass crystals dug into her palms. She frowned but never uttered a word. The pain could never compare to the heartache she was feeling.

“You “Seeing that she was hurt, Dustin extended his hand, about to help her up, when he froze midway. After thinking about everything that had happened, he decided to be merciless and ignored her injury.

“Seems like you truly hate me. I guess it’s better that way…” Dahlia smiled and got up slowly. She continued, “I’m getting engaged to Luis tomorrow. After that, I’ll be leaving for Stonia and starting my life as Mrs. Langford. Today should be our final meeting. Thank you for taking care of me these past three years. I’ll never forget it. Humans are such weird creatures. We never appreciate things when we have them, only regretting it when we lose them.” With that, she exited the room.

Watching her departing figure, Dustin wanted to speak but didn’t know what to say.

Dahlia was about to exit the building when she suddenly stopped in her tracks. She had noticed a -familiar face. It was Natasha, pacing back and forth at the main entrance.

“You’re here too…” Dahlia gave a faint smile, “Congratulations, you won. Take care of Dustin for me. I wish both of you the best.” After she said that she brushed past Natasha.

“Huh?” Natasha frowned slightly in confusion. She wondered if Dahlia woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.

“Why did you come back?” Dustin walked out of the room.

Natasha rolled her eyes. “I was worried, of course. What if something happened to you?”

“They’re just a few weaklings. They can’t hurt me. He forced a smile.

Natasha picked up on his unusual behavior. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

“No. I just met Dahlia. She said she’s getting engaged tomorrow.” Dustin put on a calm front.

“Engaged? To whom?” Natasha was taken aback.

“Luis Langford.”

“Luis?” She frowned. “Is she crazy? Luis is famous for being a playboy, and his temper is erratic. Women involved with him don’t exactly get a fairytale ending.”

Dustin replied, “Everyone chases after different dreams. Luis is rich and powerful. There’s nothing wrong with her wanting to marry into a wealthy family.”

“There must be more to this. She doesn’t seem like someone who chases after material wealth,” Natasha responded solemnly. Even though they were rivals in love, she didn’t harbor any hate for her..

“I thought so too, but…” Dustin put on a self-deprecating smile, “People change. She has the right to chase after the things she wants.”

Hearing him, Natasha nodded, not saying anything more.

“Let’s go. I’ll send you home.” He forced another smile. He was in a good mood earlier, but meeting Dahlia had ruined his day. He even felt a knot in his heart.

After Dustin drove off with Natasha, Luis and a white-haired young man walked out slowly from the dark.

“Mr. Langford, it seems like there’s something going on between your fiancée and that Dustin guy. “The white-haired young man laughed teasingly.

“Hmph! He’s just an ant. He must have a death wish to have the guts to steal my woman.” Luis’ expression was dark.

“Mr. Langford, leave this matter to me. I’ll make sure he disappears from the face of the earth tonight!” The white-haired young man grinned.

As Luis’ right-hand man, he’d long been skillful at murdering people.
Chapter 330

After sending Natasha home, Dustin returned to Peaceful Medical Center. At the same time, a black vehicle came to a quiet stop at a corner not far away. As the doors opened, a few masked assassins clad in black outfits approached the building slowly, and they all had silenced guns in their hands. They were well-trained and worked well together as they surrounded the entire Peace Medical Center without saying a word, blocking all entrances.

“Forward-” The leader made a gesture, and the men to the left of him nodded. They were just about to break in when the doors opened with a creak. A warm, yellow light shone out from the inside.

“Since you’re already here, there’s no need to sneak around. Please, come in.” They heard a cold, impassive voice from the inside.

The masked assassins’ expressions shifted slightly Looking through the door slit, they saw Dustin leisurely sipping his liquor while seated on a chair. They even noticed a simple meal set out on the table. He appeared calm. There were no signs that he was alarmed by the impending disaster that awaited him.

“What? Do I need to invite you in personally?” Dustin spoke again.

The group looked at each other. Leaving only one man behind, the rest of the assassins walked in with their guns raised, finally exposing their cover To prevent an ambush, a few of them even scouted the perimeter. It was only after they ensured it was safe that they let out a silent sigh of relief.

“How did you discover us?” Their leader was perplexed. After so many years in their line of work, it was the first time they’d met someone who remained exceptionally calm, even with a gun in their face.

“You’ve been following me for half an hour now. I might as well be blind if I didn’t notice.” Dustin smiled faintly and poured himself another drink.

He asked, “So, who sent you? The Hummers or the Langfords?”

“Does it matter? You’ll be dead anyway,” The leader responded coldly. Dustin’s sharp gaze was making him uncomfortable.

“If I’m dying, I should at least know who gave the orders, don’t you think?” Dustin looked up slowly.

“You want to know the truth? Go ask the devil himself!” The leader was tired of the nonsense and aimed his gun at Dustin, pulling the trigger. Having a conversation was frowned upon in their line of work.

Two muffled gunshots rang out. One bullet aimed straight for Dustin’s head, while the other went for his chest. Even God wouldn’t be able to save him from the two fatal shots.

Just when he thought Dustin was as good as gone, a shocking scene played out. Just an inch away from their final target, the two bullets came to a halt. They floated in mid-air, unable to move.

“What?” The assassin was shocked. Two more muffled shots sounded, but the results were the

Hearing him, Natasha nodded, not saying anything more.

“Let’s go. I’ll send you home.” He forced another smile. He was in a good mood earlier, but meeting Dahlia had ruined his day. He even felt a knot in his heart.

After Dustin drove off with Natasha, Luis and a white-haired young man walked out slowly from the dark.

“Mr. Langford, it seems like there’s something going on between your fiancée and that Dustin guy. “The white-haired young man laughed teasingly.

“Hmph! He’s just an ant. He must have a death wish to have the guts to steal my woman.” Luis’ expression was dark.

“Mr. Langford, leave this matter to me. I’ll make sure he disappears from the face of the earth tonight!” The white-haired young man grinned.

As Luis’ right-hand man, he’d long been skillful at murdering people.
Chapter 331

“Don’t kill me! I’ll talk!” The leader of the assassins was scared out of his wits. He divulged every detail, not daring to leave any stone unturned. He revealed the person who hired him and even their whereabouts. He spilled everything.

Dustin nodded after he was done listening and dealt with the assassins, before leaving the building once again. While others often took their time seeking revenge, Dustin sought his revenge the very same day. Otherwise, he would lose sleep over it.

In the meantime, in the bathtub of a luxurious hotel, the white-haired young man, Wilson White, was speaking to Luis on the phone.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Langford, my men are skilled. They won’t leave a trace. From tomorrow onwards, you will never see that punk again.”

“That’ll be best. I don’t wish for any surprises tomorrow.”

“Of course, I assure you everything will go smoothly, and you’ll be bringing that beauty home without a hitch.” He grinned.

“Alright, that’s all. That woman won’t let me touch her. I need to get another woman to satisfy my desires.”

Wilson chuckled. “Then, I won’t disturb your fun.”

After a few more exchanges of words, he hung up. He then put on a robe and walked out of the bathroom. “Hey, beautiful, I’m coming!”

Wilson was smiling happily, prepared to make love to a beautiful model he met today. However, he froze as he entered the bedroom. The model was missing, there was only a man seated on the bed. That man was Dustin!

“H-how are you here?” Wilson’s expression changed. Didn’t he already send the assassins? Why was he still alive?

“Your men are dead. And it’s your turn now. Any last words?” He spoke lazily.

Wilson’s eye twitched, and he screamed at Dustin, putting up a front, “I’m warning you, punk! You better not try anything. I’m with the Langford family!”

“I know. So what?” Dustin was stone-faced.

“If you dare touch me, not only you but all of your family and friends will be doomed!” Wilson -threatened.

“It’s always the same script. Can’t you come up with something new?” Dustin reached out and grabbed him in a chokehold, lifting him by his neck.

“Ugh… Wilson couldn’t breathe, and his face turned red. He shook in fear as he felt he was close to death’s door.

“Don’t! Don’t kill me… I’ll tell you a secret!” William panicked after seeing Dustin’s murderous gaze and started begging for his life instead.

“Oh? What secret? Let’s hear it.” Dustin raised his eyebrow, intrigued.

“I don’t think you know the real reason Dahlia is marrying Luis. It isn’t for material wealth. She was forced!” Wilson released a bombshell.

Dustin’s eyebrows knitted together. “Explain! What do you mean?”

William pointed at Dustin’s fingers. Dustin loosened his grip slightly, Out of breath, William finally spoke, “To get Dahlia by his side, Luis set up a trap and painted James as a murderer. He not only threatened to send her brother to jail, but he also threatened to send you back to prison. She only gave in to the marriage because of you.”

Dustin felt like he was struck by lightning with this revelation. He had misunderstood her. He’d thought she married into a wealthy family for power and wealth. But it turned out, she was only sacrificing herself for his safety.

At that moment, he felt a pang of regret. He regretted not getting the story straight, and he regretted slapping her.

“Dahlia, oh, Dahlia … Why are you so foolish?” He clenched his jaw and left the place immediately.
Chapter 332

Dustin kept dialing and making calls while he drove. However, no matter how many times he dialed, Dahlia never answered. For some reason, Dustin was anxious. It felt as if something important was slowly slipping out of his grasp.

He stepped on the accelerator and headed straight for Nicholson Villa. Ever since they got divorced, he’d never set foot in that place again. But at that moment, he couldn’t care less.

After he arrived, he rushed to the entrance, ringing the doorbell and pounding on the door persistently.

“How rude! Can’t you knock gently?” Following the annoyed voice, the door opened.

“Dustin? What are you doing here?” Florence frowned, looking upset.

Dustin went straight to the point. “Where’s Dahlia? I need to see her!”

“Hmph! What makes you think you can just barge in here to see her? Get lost!” Florence responded harshly. She was about to close the door as she spoke when the door was blocked by a foot.

With a solemn expression, Dustin said, “I know Dahlia is inside. I have something to tell her, please let her know.”

“There is no need to do so. She doesn’t want to see you.”

Florence gave him a contemptuous look and continued, “Let me tell you. My daughter’s engagement party with Mr. Langford is tomorrow. So, from tomorrow onward, she’ll be known as Mrs. Langford. Someone like you will never match up to him. So, please stop disturbing my daughter!”

“Dahlia cannot marry Luis!” Dustin frowned. “I know the truth. I know she was forced. She doesn’t need to sacrifice herself. I can solve everything!”

“You can’t solve shit!”

Florence glared at him. “Rhys! I’m warning you not to poke your nose where it doesn’t belong! It’s a blessing for my daughter to have the chance to marry the Langfords. I’ll fight you to death if you get in the way!”

“Is wealth more important than Dahlia’s happiness?”

Dustin reasoned with her, “Luis is a typical playboy with a volatile temper and violent tendencies. If Dahlia marries him, she’ll be walking into her own misery!’


Florence erupted in anger. “Rhys! You better not spout nonsense! Luis was brought up in a wealthy family with class and manners. He’s miles better than you will ever be!”

To her, Dustin only said those words out of jealousy He was slandering Luis since he knew he wasn’t Luis’ competition. She didn’t realize he was such a malicious person!

“Dahlia, I know you’re in there. Can you please come out and talk to me?” Seeing that Florence wouldn’t budge, he raised his voice in hopes that Dahlia could hear him from inside.

“Shut up! I’m warning you. My daughter is not at home. If you continue to cause trouble for us, I’ll call the police!” Florence threatened him.

Dustin ignored her and continued yelling, “Dahlia, listen up! I don’t need your sympathy. Don’t make decisions on your own! Do you think a mere Luis can hurt me? You must be crazy! We’re divorced. What makes you think you can use your life to save mine? Can you not think so highly of yourself?” His tirade echoed throughout the villa.

“Hey! You’ve got some nerve!” Florence grabbed a broom and was about to hit him in her fury when a clear voice rang out.

“Mom, let me talk to him…” Dahlia finally walked out.

“Dahlia, why did you come out? Just let me deal with this insolent brat.” Florence was clearly upset.
Chapter 333

“Some things are better discussed in person.” Dahlia shook her head.

“Fine. I’ll give you three minutes. Break it off cleanly.” Without another word, Florence went to stand by one side. After all, tomorrow, their family would move to Stonia and live the life of the wealthy. By then, a lowlife like Dustin would never have the chance to see her daughter again.

“Didn’t you say we’d never have anything to do with each other? Why are you here?” Dahlia looked Dustin straight in the eye.

Dustin responded seriously, “I’ve found out the truth. I know Luis forced you into this, but you don’t need to get married to him. I can solve all your problems!”

Dahlia was momentarily stumped before she put up a polite smile. “I don’t know where you heard that, but I’m getting married to Luis on my own accord. I wasn’t forced, but thank you for your concern.”

So what if he knew? It wouldn’t solve anything. Her marriage to Luis was a strategic union between the Langfords and the Nicholsons. Anyone who dared stand in the way of their marriage would be going up against two majorly influential families. How many people dared make enemies out of the two families in the whole of Balerno? That was why, even if Dustin now knew the truth, it didn’t change anything. It would only cause him more trouble.

“That’s not true!” Dustin’s brows knitted. “You don’t even like him. Why are you getting married to him?”

“Does that matter? Luis can give me wealth and riches, as well as power and status, aren’t those enough?” Dahlia smiled faintly.

“You’re lying! I know you’re not that kind of person Dustin wouldn’t give up.

“Stop joking. Do you really know me?” She scoffed,

“Oh, Dustin. People should live life realistically, especially women. Instead of working so hard to make a name for myself, wouldn’t it be better to marry a wealthy man? I can live an easy life. Why not seize the opportunity?”

Dustin’s gaze was intense. “No! You don’t mean that”

“That’s what I think. It doesn’t matter whether or not you believe me. I’m tired. I’m going to rest now. Please go back.” That was the last thing Dahlia said before turning inside.

“Did you hear that? She’s tired. Now get lost!” Florence raised her broom aggressively.

“Dahlia Nicholson! Don’t you dare think you actually helped me. I’ll never be grateful for your actions!”

Dustin stood by the door and continued with rightful indignation, “Oh, and one more thing. I hate being indebted to someone. I will do everything I can to stop this marriage. I will never let you marry Luis! Do you hear me?”

“Bastard! If you try anything, I won’t hesitate to beat you to death!” Florence was anxious and raised the broom in her hand, about to land a hit, when Dustin grabbed it and broke it easily,

“Dahlia Nicholson! I’ll be at the engagement party tomorrow afternoon. All you need to do is nod, and I’ll take you out of there. You don’t need to think about the consequences. Just follow your heart. I will make sure there is nothing to worry about. I will also ensure your safety! Please just trust me. Have absolute faith in me this one time!” Dustin finally left after his speech.

Since he had found out the truth, he would not allow her to walk into her own misery. It didn’t matter if they were the Langfords or the Nicholsons. If they angered him, he would annihilate them all!

As Dahlia listened to Dustin’s determined speech, she leaned against the door and sank to the floor. She ended up crouching on the ground as tears streamed down her face. Biting her lips, she wrapped herself in her arms and tried her best to muffle her cries.

“Oh, Dustin. Why are you so foolish? Couldn’t you just let go? Why do you need to put yourself in danger like that?”
Chapter 334

The next morning, at Empire Hotel. A grand wedding was in full swing.

The union of the two prominent families had caused a sensation throughout Swinton. Countless businessmen, wealthy individuals, and high-ranking officials arrived with great anticipation. Hundreds of luxury wedding cars were parked at the hotel square, occupying almost every available space. The entire street had also been cordoned off specially for today’s wedding ceremony.

Dressed in his groom’s attire, Luis personally welcomed the guests at the entrance of the lobby. Of course, he only greeted those who held status and influence, while the ordinary guests were attended to by his men.

“Mr. Langford…” At that moment, Wilson walked up to him and said in a hushed voice, “There’s a turn of events. Dustin’s not dead yet, and the assassins I sent out are all missing.”

“What did you say? What’s the point of me hiring you if you can’t handle a small matter like this?” Luis frowned.

“I’m sorry. I underestimated that punk.” Wilson lowered his head in shame.

“Forget about it. After today, I’ll send someone personally to deal with him.” Luis didn’t bother making a fuss out of it.

“Mr. Langford, there’s something else…” Wilson hesitated to speak.

Luis was slightly unhappy. “What now?”

In a whisper, Wilson continued, “I heard that Dustin might disrupt the wedding today.”

“Disrupt the wedding?” Luis was taken aback for a moment before he laughed out loud.

“Are you joking? My men are all here. Would he dare act rashly here?”

“It’s best to consider all possibilities.” Wilson smiled apologetically.

“He can try if he wants. I’m itching to see how he’ll barge into my den!” Luis sneered coldly.

An ordinary citizen, trying to go against him? He didn’t mind shedding blood today at the party if it came to it.

In the meantime, in one of the rooms of the hotel, Dahlia sat in front of the dressing table, in a daze.

Ever since Dustin came looking for her yesterday, she has been on edge, worried he might attempt something foolish. For this reason, she’d been sending him messages and making calls, but she never received a response. It worried her more as he ignored her.

“Dahlia, why are you sulking? You should be smiling. It’s your big day.” Right then, Florence walked in with a grin and started picking out Dahlia’s jewelry.

Dahlia suddenly asked, “Mom, do you think Dustin will come today?”

“Why do you care?” Florence’s brows furrowed. “I’ve looked around the area. It’s heavily guarded here, with security personnel inside and out. If Dustin dares break-in, he’ll probably be beaten up badly.”

Dahlia’s concern deepened upon hearing her mother’s words.

“Dahlia, stop thinking about it. That punk is all talk. He won’t really come. He’s not stupid. Why would he seek his own demise?” Florence took advantage of the situation and comforted her.

It was clear to her that her daughter had unresolved feelings. Unfortunately, they could never be together. Besides, it was a lifelong dream of Florence to have her daughter marry into a wealthy family. How would she allow someone to ruin her dream that easily?

“I hope so…” Dahlia sighed, but her expression remained troubled.

“Alright, it’s about time. Let’s go.” Florence smiled, leading Dahlia out.

At the venue, the seats were already filled with distinguished guests. Amidst the applause, Luis walked up the stage slowly.

He received the microphone from the officiant and said with a face full of smiles, “Dear guests, family, and friends, thank you for attending my wedding. Today is the most important day of my life.

“Even though I’ve only known Dahlia for a short time, from the moment I laid my eyes on her, I knew she was the only woman I would want to marry in this lifetime! I hope all of you present here today will bear witness to our grand wedding

As soon as he spoke those words, the crowd erupted in thunderous applause and cheers.
Chapter 335

“Here comes the bride!” The officiant announced.

Amidst enthusiastic applause, Dahlia walked in. She looked gorgeous in a beautiful white gown. and took her place at the altar on stage.

“Oh, my God! The bride is so pretty. She looks like an angel!”

“They look so good together. They are truly a match made in heaven!”

Following her appearance, the atmosphere grew increasingly lively as the crowd looked on in admiration.

The ceremony officially began with Dahlia’s parents, John and Florence, seated in the front row alongside Luis’ fourth uncle. Seeing the both of thein standing at the altar together, Florence couldn’t hide the smile on her face. All her hopes and prayers for her daughter to marry into a wealthy family were finally materializing.

While John wore a smile, his eyes betrayed a complexity of emotions. Despite his prolonged absences, he had a basic understanding of what went on at home. As for Luis’ uncle, he had an impassive expression right from the start, not showing much of a reaction.

“Dahlia is so lucky to be able to marry Luis.” Not far away, Dakota watched the new couple in jealousy. If only she hadn’t been engaged, she would have been the one up there instead.

“Hah… It seems like she’s lucky, but she’s actually not. With Luis’ personality, I’m afraid Dahlia won’t be having a good married life.” Jane shook her head. She knew of Luis’ reputation.

It was finally time to exchange vows as the officiant said, “Dahlia, do you take Luis to be your wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, as long as you both shall live?”

While Luis was smiling widely, Dahlia looked troubled. After a short silence, he finally noticed that she didn’t seem inclined to speak.

Thinking the bride didn’t hear him, the officiant repeated himself, “Dahlia, do you take Luis to be your wedded husband…

In the end, Dahlia remained silent. She truly did not wish to get married to Luis. She didn’t even understand why. That was why she hesitated at the last moment.

“What’s happening? Why isn’t the bride saying anything?”

“Is she regretting it?”

As a result of her actions, a wave of dissonant murmurs swiftly swept across the venue.

“What’s the meaning of this, Dahlia? Are you embarrassing me on purpose?” Luis narrowed his eyes, his expression menacing.

“If you dare humiliate me today, our previous agreement will be thrown out the window! I can’t guarantee what will happen then!”

Dahlia clenched her fists at his words, finally giving in.

“I- She was about to exchange her vows when a resounding crash reverberated through the hall. The doors had been kicked open, and at the same time, a tall figure strutted in proudly.

“Dustin! Why are you here?” Florence slammed her hand on the table and shot up to her feet, feeling shocked and furious.

“I’m here to… steal the bride!”
Chapter 336

“I’m here to… steal the bride!”

Dustin’s every step resounded through the entire hall like a loud bell; his footsteps could be heard over the quiet hall.

The crowd had their eyes wide open, and their expressions were filled with shock. Nobody could have imagined that someone dared object to the union between the Langford family and the Nicholson family.

“Oh my goodness! Who is this punk? He dares disrupt the wedding? Does he have a death wish?”

“You have to give him credit for being so brave. He actually dared to provoke the two powerful families!”

“Interesting. This is definitely interesting. Seems like a good show is about to start!”

After a momentary silence, the crowd erupted in frenzied discussion, pointing and gossiping incessantly.

“Dustin?” Staring at the familiar face, Dahlia’s expression revealed how happy she was. However, that happiness was quickly replaced with worry.

Although she was grateful and touched, she knew his actions would bring about a disaster. By disrupting the wedding, it meant that he was challenging both the Langfords and the Nicholsons.

“Is this punk insane? He’s making a scene all by himself? Where did he get the courage?” Dakota was astonished and couldn’t believe it.

“What an idiot!” Jane pursed her lips. It was as if she was looking at a dead man. She knew Luis had already made preparations, and stationed numerous security personnel around the hotel. Dustin had sent himself into the lion’s den by barging in here.

“Insolent bastard!” Luis’ expression turned cold. He felt the urge to kill rising within him. He couldn’t believe Dustin really came to meet his demise!

“Rhys! I’m warning you to get your ass out of here! Otherwise, you’ll bear the consequences!” Florence screamed in frustration. Her daughter was one step away from getting married into a wealthy family. She would make an enemy out of anyone who dared ruin her dreams.

“Dahlia, I’m here.” Dustin ignored all the criticisms and threats surrounding him and walked up the stage with deliberate steps. His determined gaze was fixed on the person in front of him. “What are you doing here? Go back immediately! Dahlia’s brows were furrowed, and she looked – anxious. She had noticed the number of bodyguards of the Langford family approaching the stage. Dustin’s expression was solemn. “I told you. I won’t let you get married to Luis. I’m definitely taking you away today!”

“Are you crazy? This is not the place for you to act so recklessly! Just leave!” Dahlia made fervent gestures to urge him to leave.

In a serious tone, Dustin told her, “I know what you’re worried about, but please believe me. I promise there won’t be anything to worry about after this.”

“It’s no use… You don’t know who you’re up against!” Dahlia shook her head vehemently.

She knew he could fight. She also knew he had the Harmon family backing him. But even the Harmon family was no match for the Langfords. Not to mention, the Langfords also had the Nicholsons behind them.

Dustin suddenly asked, “Dahlia, in all these years, with everything that has happened, have I ever lied to you?”

“No.” She shook her head firmly.

“Since I’ve never lied to you, please believe me once more.” Dustin extended his hand as an invitation.

Dahlia went silent; her heart was conflicted. She longed to leave with Dustin. Even if that meant eloping and wandering the entire world with him, she would do it gladly. However, there were far too many factors to consider.

“Dahlia, you don’t need to think about anything else. Leave everything to me. Just this once, let yourself be a little selfish,” Dustin said, full of sincerity.

Dahlia bit her lips. It seemed like she had come to a decision. She took a deep breath.

Alright! She would be selfish this one time!

She stopped thinking about the consequences and extended her hand with resolve, holding tight to Dustin’s hand. At that moment, Dustin formed a smile. So did she.

“Dahlia Nicholson! Do you know what you’re doing?

Seeing them holding hands, Luis’ expression was laced with extreme fury. In front of such a large crowd, his fiancé regretted her decision and decided to elope with another man.

Nothing was more humiliating than that!
Chapter 337

It was humiliating not only to him but to the entire Langford family!

“Dahlia Nicholson! If you dare elope with him, youll be the Nicholson family’s enemy!” Jade and Dakota stood up in fury, screaming at the top of their lungs.

“Dahlia, please don’t act recklessly! Once you leave with that trash, our family is done for!” Florence screamed in panic.

Once they humiliated the Langfords, they weren’t just losing out on wealth, their whole family. would be annihilated!

“Mom, I…” Dahlia wasn’t able to continue.

“Don’t worry. I’m here.” Dustin tightened his grip on her hand and scanned his surroundings. He declared in a loud voice, “Nobody is stopping me from taking the bride away today! Anyone who is dissatisfied can come for me!”

The moment Dustin said that, the crowd erupted in an uproar.

“Oh, my God! This guy is so cool! He’d fight the world for the woman he loves.”

“If only a guy loved me that much, I’d be happy my whole life!”

“He’s cool, all right. But too bad he’ll be paying a heavy price.”

“He offended both the Langfords and the Nicholsons. I bet he won’t live to see tomorrow.”

The guests gossiped fervently as they looked at Dustin, who was still on stage. Voices of shock, praise, and even disdain could be heard.

“Let’s go, Dahlia ” Without another word, he pulled her behind him, ready to leave.

“Stop them!” Following the angry roar, a large number of security personnel swarmed in from all sides, surrounding the both of them in no time.

“Trying to leave? Have I given my permission?” Luis’ expression was livid as he approached them slowly. His gaze was intense.

“Dahlia Nicholson, I’m giving you one last chance Say your vows now and be my lawfully wedded wife, and I will forget about what happened today Otherwise, don’t blame me for being merciless!”

I’m also giving you one last chance. Leave Swinton immediately. Otherwise, you will regret it.” Dustin responded coldly.

“You bastard! Break his limbs!” Luis erupted in fury and ordered.

“Yes, sir!” The security personnel swiftly drew out their batons and were about to attack when a figure descended from above, swinging their sword in rapid succession

The blade shimmered and swirled in the air, emitting a series of sharp whistles Before the dozens of security guards could reach them, their arms were severed, scattering limbs on the floor. Blood splattered across the ground, and screams pierced through the air.

“What the hell? Who is that? They’re so skilled!” The crowd looked on in shock and horror. It was a terrifying sight before them, a man with a single sword effortlessly took down dozens of men

“Stop right there!” With a wave of his hand, Maximus held his long sword to Luis’ neck. A few of the Langford family’s highly-skilled martial artists, who were about to launch an ambush, stopped in their tracks, afraid of advancing any further.

“The audacity!”

“How dare you!”

“Let Mr. Langford go!”

Upon witnessing Luis being held hostage, the crowd erupted into chaos. Their eyes widened in a mix of shock and righteous indignation. Forget about stealing the bride, the audacity to threaten Mr. Langford was akin to committing a grave crime!

“You wouldn’t dare to touch me, punk!” Luis narrowed his eyes, looking unperturbed.

“Really?” Maximus sneered and moved his sword slightly. The sharp blade sliced through Luis’ skin, drawing a thin line of blood.

“You” Luis froze, afraid of making another sudden movement. He was worried that the reckless man in front of him would really just kill him!

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CHAPTER 2104 Brother Lu, you really have a lot of them, I admire you." Yan Buqi first clasped his fists, then looked at Yan Jin and the other five, and said coldly: "You five, get out of here, don't interfere with my drinking with Brother Lu!" "Senior brother, we were ordered to...
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Chapter 2027 “Huh?” The sudden change shocked everyone again. Everything happened so fast that no one could react at all. From the moment Dustin made his move to the moment Kong Pei was seriously injured and defeated, it only took a blink of an eye. For most warriors, with...
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Chapter 1934    Night falls quickly.    In the desert village, various forces are gathering more and more. There are famous sects, some crooked ones, some world-famous martial arts masters, and some notorious villains.    All kinds of groups, a mixture of people, the good and the bad.   ...


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