An Understated Dominance: By Marina Vittori​

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys have been married for three years. After Dahlia achieves rapid success, she decides to end her marriage with Dustin, viewing him as a burden. Little does she know that all her accomplishments were actually thanks to him.

My wife is a CEO, she always hates me for being lazy and wants to divorce me. But she doesn't know that her success is bestowed by me.

“Dustin, here is the divorce agreement prepared by Ms. Nicholson. All you need to do is sign them.”

In the president’s office of the Quine Group, the secretary, Lyra Blaine, placed a piece of A4 paper on the table. A man sat opposite her, dressed in plain clothing.

“Divorce? What do you mean?”

Dustin Rhys was taken aback.

“Do you not understand what I’m saying? Your marriage with Ms. Nicholson is over. You’re not even on the same level anymore. Your existence is nothing but a smear on the president’s reputation!”

Lyra pulled no punches as she spoke.

“A smear on her reputation?” Dustin frowned. “Is that how she thinks of me?”

Back when they first got married, the Nicholson family was in ruinous debt. He was the one who helped them when they were at their lowest point. Now that they were rich, Dahlia Nicholson was ready to just kick him out.

“Something like that.” Lyra poked her chin toward the magazine on the table. A photo of a beautiful woman was printed on the front page. “Look at the headline on this magazine, Dustin. Ms. Nicholson’s net worth has hit one billion in the course of just three years, a feat no short of a miracle. She’s now the most desired woman in Swinton! With all this, she’s destined for greatness. But you, you’re just a regular joe. You don’t deserve her at all. I hope that you’ll see some sense and do the right thing.”

When Dustin remained silent, Lyra frowned.

“I know you’re not happy with this, but this is reality,” she continued. “You might have helped Ms. Nicholson when she was in trouble, but she has repaid you for everything you’ve done for her over the last three years. In fact, you’re the one who owes her now!”

“Is our marriage just a business deal to her, then?” Dustin took a deep breath to suppress the emotions within. “If she wants to divorce me, let her speak to me herself.”

“Ms. Nicholson is very busy. She doesn’t need to trouble herself with such trifling matters.”

“Trifling matters?” Dustin was stunned. Then he laughed bitterly. “Is that so? Is divorce a trifling matter to her? She can’t even find the time to speak to me. Truly, she’s that unattainable now!”

“Dustin, don’t delay this any longer.” Lyra pushed the divorce agreement toward him again. “Just sign here and you’ll get a car and a house as compensation. On top of that, you’ll also get eight million dollars. This is more than what you’ll be able to earn in your lifetime!”

“Eight million dollars is a lot, but…I don’t need it. I will sign the divorce papers if she comes personally. Otherwise, I won’t sign anything,” Duston said coldly.

“Don’t go too far, Dustin!” Lyra slammed her hand on the table. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. With all her power and resources, Ms. Nicholson can divorce you easily. It’s only because she appreciates her past relationship with you that she’s allowing you to keep your dignity intact. Don’t provoke her!”

“My dignity?” Dustin was a little amused by that. She didn’t even want to speak to him directly to divorce him. What kind of dignity was that? Moreover, if she really did appreciate their relationship, then why was she threatening him now?

“I don’t think we have anything else to talk about, then.”

Unwilling to argue, Dustin stood up and made to leave.

“Dustin Rhys! You—”

Just as Lyra was about to lose her cool, a curvy woman in a long black dress walked in. Her skin was as white as snow, and her features were delicate. Her lofty aura and curvaceous figure made her look like a goddess right out of a painting.

“You’re finally here.”

Dustin felt complicated emotions when he saw the beautiful woman. They had been married for three years, during which they treated each other with care and respect. But this was how it ended. He still didn’t know what he had done wrong.

“I’m sorry for being late, I was caught up with something else.”

Dahlia Nicholson sat down. Her expression was as impassive as ever.

“You certainly are busy, if you need your secretary to help you deal with your divorce,” Dustin said.

Hearing this, Dahlia frowned slightly. However, she did not explain herself. Instead, she said, “Since you’re here, let’s get straight to the point. Let’s end this on a pleasant note. I’m sorry I have to do this to you, so you can have the car and the house, plus eight million dollars as alimony. How does that sound?”

At that, she placed a card on the table.

“Do you really think our relationship can be measured by money?” Dustin asked.

“Too little? That’s alright. Let me know what you want. I’ll give you anything within my power,” Dahlia said placidly.

“I don’t think you understood me. Let me rephrase my question. Are money and power that important to you?” Dustin was truly bewildered.

Dahlia went over to the windows and looked out over the city. There was determination in her eyes when she said, “To me, yes, they’re very important.”

“You’ve earned enough to feed yourself for the rest of your life. Why do this?”

“Dustin, that’s where you and I diverge in philosophy. You’ll never understand what I really want.” Dahlia shook her head in disappointment.

They weren’t just incompatible in status and power; they were also incompatible in their principles. Most importantly, she did not see any hope for the future in him.

“You’re right. How would I know what you’re thinking?” Dustin laughed bitterly. “All I know is to cook for you when you’re hungry, prepare your coat when it’s cold out, and carry you to the hospital when you’re sick.”

“There’s no point in going into this now.” Dahlia’s expression held complicated emotions, but it was soon covered up by determination.

“You’re right.” Dustin nodded without any emotion. “I heard that you’ve been close with the heir of the Nolan family. Is it because of him?”

Dahlia was about to deny it when she gave it a second thought. In the end, she nodded.

“You can say that.”

“Okay. I hope you’re happy with him.” Dustin smiled and signed the divorce agreement without any more hesitation. All he felt now was disappointment. Ironically, today was also their wedding anniversary. There was cruel humor in divorcing him on the day they had gotten married.

“I don’t want the money, I just want that crystal necklace back. My mother left it to me before she died so that I can give it to my wife.”


Dahlia nodded and gave him the crystal necklace.

“From today onward, we will have nothing to do with each other!”

Dustin put on the necklace and left. He had no more gentleness in his expression; all that was left was distant aloofness.

“Did I do the right thing, Lyra?” Dahlia asked hesitantly.

Even though she was the one who asked for the divorce, she didn’t feel happy at all when it was finalized.

“Of course you did!” Lyra nodded. “You have the right to pursue happiness. Dustin does not deserve you at all. He’ll only bring you down with him. You’re destined to be the most powerful woman in Swinton!”

Dahlia did not answer her. As she watched Dustin leave, she felt as if she was losing something precious.
Chapter 368

Amused by Dahlia’s antics, Dustin chuckled and nodded furiously in a joking manner. “Ah, yes! All hail, Ms. Nicholson! The ever–capable and talented Ms. Nicholson is bound to be the leader of a prominent household one day!” Then, he even went so far as to pump his fist in the air dramatically to entertain her.

“Hey! Quit fooling around! I’m being serious here! As long as I become the matriarch of the Nicholson family, I’ll be even more influential than Natasha Harmon! And when the time comes, I’ll take good care of you!” Dahlia raised her chin and declared confidently.

Anyone could tell that she was full of hope and determination. In the past, Dahlia had always felt inferior compared to Natasha due to their differences in background and social status. But now that she was a potential successor to the Nicholson family, she was on par with her, and they would have to vie for Dustin according to their abilities.

Right then, Dahlia’s phone rang. She answered the call and quickly heard Florence’s voice.” Honey, where are you? Come back immediately. Madam Gloria from the Nicholson family in Glenstead is here to see you.”

“Madam Gloria? Why is she here?” Dahlia tried to gather more information to grasp the situation over at Florence’s.

Regulus Nicholson, the patriarch of the family, had been a remarkably outstanding man in his youth, and he had married three wives. His first wife was over 70 years old, and both his second and third wives were more than 60 years old. Gloria Gustav was his third wife.

“Haven’t you been selected as a potential successor of the family? I’m sure Madam Gloria is here to cozy up to you. You’re in luck!” Florence exclaimed excitedly.

“Okay. I’ll head home right away.” Dahlia ended the call, and without saying anything else, she led Dustin out the door with her.

“What? I’m going too?” Dustin was caught off guard.

“You’re part of the family too, aren’t you? So why not?” Dahlia retorted.


“Alright, cut the chit–chat! This is your chance to gain favor from an influential person!” And with that, Dahlia dragged Dustin along with her and got into the car. One had to be assertive and dominant with men occasionally. At least that’s what she read.

Half an hour later, they pulled up at the entrance to the Nicholson villa. When they got out of the car and went in, they found that there was already quite a crowd in the living room. An old lady with thick make–up who was heavily adorned with all sorts of jewelry sat at the center of the crowd. She even had a serpent–head cane clutched in one of her hands.

Dakota and Jane sat to either side of her, regarding her with such reverence and respect, while Florence and James only stood by the side, appearing exceptionally meek. They looked like household staff who were waiting on her when they were, in fact, the rightful owners of the place. “Honey, you’re finally home!” Florence quickly went up to Dahlia when she saw her. However, just as she was about to continue, she caught sight of Dustin following in behind Dahlia. Her expression immediately darkened as she hissed, “Who asked for you to be here, Rhys! I haven’t made you pay for the fake gemstone your father gave me yesterday! How dare you show your face here today?”

“Fake gemstone?” Dustin raised a brow at that. “Are you mistaken? Rufus might be a degenerate, but he’d never stoop so low as to fool others with fake goods.”

“Hah! How dare you make excuses! I sent Julie to have the gemstone appraised, and they confirmed that it was a synthetic gemstone! I’m warning you, you better pay for my loss! I won’t back off without at least 5 million dollars!” Florence demanded meanly.

“Mom, there might be some misunderstanding going on.” Dahlia tried to smooth things over between them.

“Hah! What misunderstanding could there be? We have already proven that it’s a fake gemstone! His entire family is full of swindlers!” Florence spat angrily.

“Hey! What are you bunch bickering about? Don’t you see that my grandma is here? Get over here and pay your respects!” Dakota barked impatiently from the couch. How dare they whisper and chat among themselves when her grandmother was right there in the center of the living room? Didn’t they know that they should greet her and pay their respects to her first? How rude!

“Hmph! I’m not done with you yet!” Florence glared at Dustin angrily. But when she turned towards Gloria, there was a bright smile on her face once again. Dustin shook his head at her subservient attitude.

“Dahlia, this is Madam Gloria. She’s an important person in the Nicholson family!” Florence gestured towards the heavily made–up old lady fawningly.

“It is an honor to meet you, Madam Gloria.” Dahlia nodded at Gloria respectively. From the looks of it, Gloria did not look like someone who was nice to be around.

“Tea.” Gloria sat in the middle of the living room with her hands on her cane, looking
condescending and arrogant.

“Quick! Serve Madam Gloria some tea!” Florence immediately signaled Dahlia.

Dahlia nodded, poured a cup of tea, and handed it to Gloria respectfully.

“Is this how you serve tea? Have you no manners?” Gloria asked darkly.

“What?” Dahlia did not understand what she meant by that.

“Grandma, this is just how uncultured people behave. They do not know how to conduct themselves befitting of elite families like ours.” Dakota smirked.

“Dahlia Nicholson, don’t you know that in the Nicholson family, it’s customary for one to stand behind their elders and serve them tea with both hands from behind? That’s how you show your respect and sincerity.”

“Standing behind them and serving tea from behind?” Dahlia frowned. Does anyone still do that these days? She wasn’t a maid–in–waiting, for goodness‘ sake!

“What? You’re not willing to do so? It looks like you’re being disrespectful to my grandma!” Dakota remarked snidely.

“No, no! That’s definitely not the case!” Florence waved her hands quickly.

“Dahlia’s just not used to these customs. Please do not get angry, Madam Gloria. I’ll serve you tea.” Flustered, Florence took the tea from Dahlia and went around to stand behind Gloria, serving her tea respectfully with both hands.

“Who do you think you are? Do you think you’re even fit to serve me tea?” Gloria looked at Florence with such contempt, clearly having no intention to take the cup of tea from her.

“Well…” Florence’s smile stiffened as she stood there awkwardly. In the end, she had no choice but to turn to Dahlia. “Honey, quick, serve Madam Gloria her tea. It makes perfect sense for you to serve your elders tea.”

Dahlia’s brows knitted together tightly as she looked at Florence pleadingly. Finally, she gave in. She took a cup of tea and stood behind Gloria, and then served it to her with both hands in the most respectful manner.

“Hmph! We should have done this right from the start to save us all the hassle!” Dakota gloated with a smirk on her face.

“Don’t you always behave like you’re all that? Where’s the proud act you always got? But after all that, you still have to humble yourself and serve my grandma tea!” Dakota thought to herself gleefully.

As Dahlia stood behind Gloria and served her the tea, Gloria did not take it immediately. Instead, she let Dahlia stand there for some time before she slowly reached out to take the cup of tea. She took a small sip, turned around, and spat it all on Dahlia’s face.

“Hey! Are you trying to scald me with such hot tea?” Gloria slammed her hand furiously on the table and shot to her feet, accusing Dahlia nastily.
Chapter 369

At the sight of the cold glare Gloria shot her, Dahlia frowned, and her expression darkened too. This was no longer about paying respect or following customary practices. When Gloria spat the tea on her face, she made it clear that she was blatantly insulting her. She was here to flex her authority over Dahlia and exert dominance over them all!

“What’s wrong with you, Dahlia? Grandma asked for tea, and you served it to her boiling hot? Did you do it on purpose?” Dakota started to pin the blame relentlessly on Dahlia once she saw the opportunity.

“I think someone’s just not happy with us and is deliberately trying to make things difficult!” Jane echoed.

“No, no, no! Dahlia did not do it on purpose! Besides, I’ve had the tea too, it isn’t boiling hot!” Florence quickly tried to salvage the situation.

“Oh, so what you’re saying is that I’m lying?” Gloria’s expression was as cold as ice.

“N–no! I–I must have been mistaken. I’m sure the problem is with me,” Florence said apologetically with an awkward laugh. She dared not refute Gloria’s words.

Gloria, Jane, and Dakota were secretly pleased by her response. After all, their main purpose there was to flaunt their dominance so that Dahlia and her family would learn to submit to them.

“Why are you still standing there, Dahlia? Pour Grandma another cup of tea!” Dakota ordered huffily. She really could not fathom why the patriarch would pick this woman to be a potential. successor to the family. Even Dakota herself did not have such privilege, so she was both livid and green with envy.

“Sure, sure! I’ll pour another cup right away.” Not daring to stall any longer, Florence immediately brought a fresh cup of tea over and handed it to Dahlia, beckoning for her to serve Gloria the tea again. Dahlia, however, did not take the cup of tea. She could tell from their actions that they were intentionally being difficult and finding fault with her.

“What? Do you think that you’re above all of us?” Gloria shot her a nasty side–eye. “If you can’t even perform these basic practices, then I think you’re really unfit to be the successor of the family!”

As she said that, she pulled out a document and slapped it on the table. “Have you any idea what this is? This is your letter of authorization. The family has a conglomerate with a market value of over 10 billion in the southern province. You have initially been nominated as president to further expand the group, but from what I’ve seen today, you do not seem worthy of the position.” Gloria looked down on Dahlia dismissively.

“A conglomerate worth over 10 billion?” Florence’s breathing became erratic when she heard that. If her daughter were to become president of a conglomerate worth over 10 billion dollars, it would drastically improve the family’s status and lifestyle!

“Dahlia! Quick! Serve Madam Gloria her tea now!” Florence urged, signaling to Dahlia as best she could. This was the opportunity of a lifetime! She’d never let her pass it up! So what if she was humiliated? What did it matter anyway when there were 10 billion dollars involved?

“Dahlia, keep your eyes on the prize!” James urged her too. If he were to be known as the brother of the president of a 10 billion dollar conglomerate, all the beautiful women out there would eagerly flock to him in a heartbeat!

When Dahlia saw the expectant look in her mother’s and brother’s eyes, she drew a deep breath and finally picked up the cup of tea and served it to Gloria. And then, beyond everyone’s expectations, she took a sip and spat it all on Dahlia’s face once again.

“It’s tèpid,” she said impassively.

By then, even Florence and James could tell that something was amiss. First, she said that it scalded her, and now, she complained that it was tepid. Was it really tea that she was after? It was obvious to everyone that she was deliberately putting on a show to put Dahlia in a difficult position.

“Well, why are you idling? Get Grandma another cup!” Dakota commanded haughtily with a subtle smile.

“So what if you’re chosen as a potential successor? We still have you under our thumb!” Dakota thought to herself smugly.

“Fine,” Dahlia said nonchalantly.
Chapter 370

Dahlia seemed adamant about getting things over and done with. But just as she picked up the third cup of tea and was about to serve it, someone’s hand stopped her. She turned around and found that it was Dustin. With a frosty expression, he said, “Let me do it this time.”

“You?” Dahlia did not understand what he was playing at. Knowing him, he wasn’t one to bow down to others‘ wishes easily. Could he be doing this for her?

“Who do you think you are? Do you think you are even fit to serve Grandma tea?” Dakota questioned arrogantly. She was here to shame Dahlia, not this good–for–nothing scumbag. “Hmph! You uncultured folks! How dare you speak in my presence?” Gloria lifted her chin, obviously dissatisfied.

“It’s just a cup of tea, what difference does it make who serves you? I’m in an absolutely brilliant mood today, so I’ll personally serve you your tea. Here.” Dustin picked up the cup and walked up to Gloria.

Then, under everyone’s disbelieving gaze, he emptied the entire cup over Gloria’s head. Everything rained down on her–tea, leaves, and all. Her whole face was wet, with tea leaves sticking all over.

For a moment, there was pin–drop silence in the living room. Nobody had expected Dustin to pull such a reckless move. This was one of the most influential members of the Nicholson family. She was Regulus‘ third wife! Wherever she went, she was admired and respected by all. When had she ever been disgraced as such?

“Dustin! How dare you!” Dakota was the first to react. “You must be out of your goddamn mind! How dare you humiliate Grandma like this!”

“Y–you! Dimwitted swine! Have you any idea what a grave mistake you’ve committed?” Gloria glared at him with such vengeance. Her body shook with anger. Having been in authority in such a prominent family for so long, she was used to humiliating others, never the other way around. “My, such a fiery temper. I guess one cup isn’t enough to do the job. Here, have another.” Dustin smiled mirthlessly and poured a glass of piping hot water before splashing it on Gloria’s face.

“Ah-!” Gloria shrieked in agony as the water scalded her. The effect was almost immediate, and one side of her face soon became red and swollen. In hindsight, it looked pretty ridiculous and amusing.

“Do you see this? This is what I call boiling hot water,” Dustin said condescendingly as if educating them.

“Rhys! Have you gone mad? How dare you harm them?” Florence exclaimed in a state of shock and anger. It was bad enough that he had poured the first cup of tea on her. To pour a second cup, which was boiling hot, was simply too much!

“When did I ever harm anyone? I’m merely serving an elder her tea.” Dustin shrugged.

Every family had its own rules. He understood that. If she only made Dahlia serve her tea as was customary in the family’s practices, he could let that slip. But it was plain for all to see that Gloria had shamed Dahlia on purpose by spitting the tea on Dahlia, and he damn well wasn’t going to sit by and watch her do as she pleased.

“Guards! Where are my guards?” Gloria roared in a seething rage. Within seconds, two of her bodyguards, who stood guard outside the door, rushed in.

“How dare this insolent brat touch me? Guards, beat him up! He needs a good beating to teach him some manners!” Gloria roared.

“Yes, Ma’am!” The two bodyguards received their orders from Gloria and were ready to bring Dustin down. But they had barely approached him when Dustin gave them each a strong slap and sent them flying across the room, passed out on the spot.

“It isn’t good practice to use your age as leverage. Dahlia is a potential successor of the family. What good will it do you to disgrace her in public like this? Have you ever considered what consequences you’ll face if she ever becomes the next matriarch? Everyone gets old one day, but it’s important to maintain your clarity and make wise choices. If you insist on being unreasonable and making things difficult, don’t be surprised when I take action.”
Chapter 371

Florence and the others present were stunned into silence as they took in Dustin’s righteous speech. Their faces were etched with disbelief. How dare he humiliate the highly respected third matriarch of the Nicholsons in public!

“You… insolent brat! You? Teach me a lesson? Do you know I can bring your family to ruins with just one word?” Gloria cradled her burning face as she screeched in anger, losing her previous dignified elegance.

“You can try.” Dustin showed no signs of fear.

“Hah!” Gloria exclaimed in anger before dissolving into scornful laughter. “Oh, Florence, what a great family you have. I came all the way here to Swinton just to elevate your family to a higher status. And yet, you’re not only ungrateful, but you dare rebel against me? I believe this letter of appointment would have better use for another person! Since you’re not interested in assuming the role of Chairman at Cardinal Group, I’ll have the family patriarch revoke the appointment.”

As Gloria pulled out her phone, Florence panicked and fell to her knees with a thud. She begged, ” Madam Gloria, let’s not be rash, shall we? This punk has nothing to do with us. You can’t put the blame on us for his actions.”

Dakota interjected, “Don’t listen to her nonsense, Grandma! This guy is their son–in–law!” “Ex–ex–son–in–law! They got a divorce a long time ago!” Florence corrected her vehemently.

“Hmph! No one cares about your complicated relationships! Since he’d already married into the Nicholsons, he’s a part of your family!” Gloria continued with a dark expression, “Your family had better give us a satisfied response; otherwise, we are no longer family!”

“R–right! I’ll have him apologize immediately!” Florence nodded incessantly and turned toward Dustin. She bellowed, “Rhys! Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and get on your knees!” “You can kneel all you want. I’m not about to indulge her,” Dustin said lazily.

“D–did you hear that? Did you? This brat has no manners!” Gloria was irritated to her core.

“Bastard! I told you to apologize!” As Florence erupted in fury, she stood up and was about to land a heavy slap when Dustin grabbed hold of her hand.

He gritted his teeth and said coldly, “Don’t involve me in your buttering–up scheme!” He threw her aside forcefully.

Florence staggered back two steps, almost losing her balance. Her anger reached a tipping point. Wow! Did you just lay your hands on me? Dahlia! Look! This is the kind of man you love!” “Enough!” Dahlia shot up and glared at Gloria and her group.

“Madam Gloria, I’m not sure about your purpose for visiting. If you’re here for a serious matter, please get to the point. I believe it’s pointless if you’re just here to show off your authority.” Even though Dahlia was grateful for the opportunity, that didn’t mean she would let them walk all over her.

“Dahlia Nicholson, how bold of you! How dare you use that tone with Grandma?” Dakota reprimanded her severely.

Dahlia replied calmly, “What’s wrong with my tone? I’m just asking for an explanation. If the family patriarch thinks I’m not fit for the position, I have no qualms for him to revoke the appointment.”

“You …” Dakota was about to start a new tirade when Gloria raised her hand and interrupted her. “Alright, since you wish to discuss serious matters, we’ll follow the usual discourse!” Gloria backed off at the mention of the family patriarch, but her expression remained hostile.

“Even though the family patriarch has appointed you the chairman of Cardinal Group, there’s a condition. You have to prove you have what it takes to assume control of Cardinal Group.”

“And how should I do that?” Dahlia asked.

“It’s simple. The company is in the midst of an important expansion and is in urgent need of funds amounting to one billion. You’ll pass the test once you manage to secure one billion in investments.”

“One billion?”
Chapter 372

Dahlia frowned, for it wasn’t a small amount. In the whole of Swinton, there were only a few individuals who had one billion in liquid assets to withdraw from.

“Of course, if you’re unable to secure the investment funds needed, please step aside and make way for someone more deserving. We don’t want you hindering the company’s development.” Gloria sneered.

In truth, she was the one who set the conditions for a one billion investment fund, not the family patriarch. She didn’t wish for an outsider to hold that much authority. That was why she came up with the idea to make her step aside on her own accord. She would also be able to give a good explanation when questioned by the family patriarch.

“Why are you silent? Don’t tell me you can’t even manage such a small matter?” She taunted on purpose.

“Hmph! If you can’t do it. I’ll take on the role of chairman instead.” Dakota raised her head arrogantly. With her connections and Gloria’s help, one billion wouldn’t be hard to secure.

Dustin suddenly spoke, “Who said she couldn’t manage? It’s only one billion. We’ll get it done in three days!”

“Three days? Are you crazy?” Florence almost jumped out of her skin. “How on earth will we secure one billion in three days? That’s a huge amount! Thirty days would be more reasonable!” Dahlia’s brows knitted. “Dustin, where would I get one billion in just three days?” Securing one billion already posed a challenge, but now, she had to secure it within three days. It was practically impossible.

“Not to worry. Leave it to me. I’ll make sure to get it done.” Dustin smiled assuringly.

“Alright. You’re the one who promised. I’m giving you exactly three days.” Gloria’s eyes sparkled, and she sneered. “If you can’t do it within three days. All of you will get the fuck out of this family! “With that, she left with the aid of her cane, not allowing them any space for a rebuttal.

“Hah, what a joke! One billion in three days? Don’t be naive, you’re not that rich!” After mocking them, Dakota and Jane followed Gloria.

It was impossible for both of them to achieve such a feat, not to mention Dahlia. They believed Dustin was only trying to show off and said so in a moment of indignance. However, that just made him appear childish to them.

After they left, Florence burst out in anger, “Rhys! What makes you think you can just agree to their conditions on your own? Do you know that once we fail, Dahlia will lose her position as chairman of Cardinal Group? Are you bringing us down on purpose?”

Dustin explained, “If we didn’t agree, Dahlia’s position as chairman would be threatened either way.”

“Hah! Easy for you to say. Even if money fell from the sky, we wouldn’t be able to secure one billion in three days!” Florence exclaimed in frustration.

Dustin responded calmly, “Since I agreed, naturally, that means I’m confident. Just leave it to me.”

“Leave it to you? Who do you think you are? You just own a shabby medical center. Do you really think you’re someone of high status?” Florence admonished him.

“Hah! If you do manage to accomplish the feat, I’ll get on my knees and kiss your feet!” James looked at him in contempt.

“Great, that’s a deal.” Dustin flashed a smile.
Chapter 373

Dustin walked out of Nicholson Villa and was about to make a call when his phone rang. It was from Roderick Brooks.

Dustin answered, “Hello, Mr. Brooks, I was just about to go look for you. It’s such a coincidence that you called first.”

“Oh? Is there anything I can help you with, Mr. Rhys?” Roderick was taken aback.

“I have a friend who got into some trouble and needs a sum of money. Would it be possible for me to borrow money from you?” Dustin asked.

“Phew, you scared me. I thought it was something serious. It turns out you just need money. Of course. I might not have much of anything else, but I definitely have money. How much does your friend need?” Roderick breathed a sigh of relief.

“One billion.”

“No problem. I’ll send it to you tomorrow.”

“Thank you, Mr. Brooks.”

“No need to be so polite, Mr. Rhys. You were the one who treated my recurring illness!”

“Congratulations again. Right, is there a reason you called me?” Dustin changed the subject.

“Mr. Rhys, didn’t you have me be on the lookout for a few precious herbs? I just heard that neighboring Alorith recently put out a few treasures. Apparently, the Heliotrope you’re looking for, which is also known as the thousand–year green lotus, is among them.”

Roderick’s revelation caught Dustin off guard. “A thousand–year green lotus? Are you sure?” His eyes widened. He only lacked three more precious herbs to produce Longevitum–the flower of Crimson Gem, Cherusia, and the thousand–year green lotus. Each item was an extremely precious treasure that was hard to come by. It came as a happy surprise to him to hear news about the thousand–year green lotus in such a short time.

“It should be true. Anyway, that was how they advertised the auction. Even members of the Stoneray Order are heading there. As for the specifics, we won’t know until we get there.”

Roderick was careful with his words, afraid of giving the wrong information.

“Alright, I hope it won’t trouble you to accompany me to the venue.”

“It would be my honor!”

Since Alorith was neighboring Swinton, the journey wasn’t far, and it only took two hours by car. As they made casual conversation in Roderick’s car, it didn’t take long before they finally arrived at their destination.

The venue was an underground auction house, and the place teemed with a diverse crowd and a vast array of treasures. They had almost everything one desired, albeit at a higher price.

“Mr. Rhys, after you.” Roderick led Dustin personally as they headed inside the auction house.

At the moment, the venue was a roaring hubbub of voices. Prices rose rapidly from the intense bidding as items were brought on stage one after the other. It was clear that Roderick had made preparations in advance since they both took a seat in the front row.

“Mr. Rhys, we’re in luck. It seems like they haven’t started the bidding for the thousand–year green lotus.” Roderick silently breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s always best to come at the right time instead of coming early.” Dustin smiled.

“Hey! Are you two here for the thousand–year green lotus too?” At that moment, a young woman seated beside them suddenly spoke. She was wearing a baseball cap and had a lollipop in her mouth. She was also dressed in branded items from head to toe and had a beautiful appearance. However, she seemed to carry a hint of rebelliousness within her.

“That’s right. A thousand–year green lotus is a rare find. Naturally, we wouldn’t miss it for anything.” Dustin nodded in response.

“Hmph! Let me tell you, I already have it in my bag, so it’ll be best to give up!” The woman in the baseball cap said coldly.

Roderick plastered on a smile. “Miss, aren’t you too confident to declare it as your item when the bidding hasn’t started yet?”

“Confidence comes from power. As long as it’s something I want, I will definitely get it. You two, don’t say I didn’t warn you. You better not challenge me, lest you humiliate yourselves.” She cocked her head to one side.

Roderick chuckled. “You have a rough temper for your age.”

He had seen his fair share of wealthy daughters like her, who thought they could show off all because of their minuscule wealth.

How naive!
Chapter 374

“Don’t believe me? Let’s see what happens!” The woman in the baseball cap pursed her lips in disdain, while Dustin and Roderick only smiled back in response.

As time went on, the auction neared its end, and the remaining highly prized items were brought up on stage. Among them, was the long–awaited thousand–year green lotus everyone coveted.

“Ladies and gentlemen, our next item on auction is an extremely rare, precious herb that has thrived for a thousand years. This item is known as the thousand–year green lotus!”

With a wave from the auctioneer, a wooden box was brought forward with great care. As the box opened, one translucent and gleaming green lotus was revealed. While its petals were colored green, its core shimmered gold. It appeared to be the epitome of perfection, resembling a delicate work of art as its beauty captivated everyone present. Under the illumination of lights, its colors shone brilliantly. It was truly a sight to behold.

“It really is the thousand–year green lotus. I’m taking this baby home for sure!” The woman’s eyes sparkled, and she looked excited. Not only she, but the rest of the bidders had a similar look on their faces.

“Now that everyone has seen the precious item, I believe you have a sense of its value. The starting bid for the thousand–year green lotus is 100 million, with subsequent raises of not less than 5 million. Let’s begin.”

As soon as the auctioneer announced the start of the bidding, the scene erupted into a frenzy.

“120 million!”

“130 million!”

“No one gets in my way! 150 million here!”

Bidding calls drowned out each other as a growing number of wealthy individuals eagerly joined the fray. Equipped with sizable funds, they had come prepared. That was because it was widely understood that the thousand–year green lotus held immeasurable value and that whoever won the bid would be able to receive substantial returns just from reselling it.

In a world abundant with wealth, precious herbs like these that could prolong life were highly favored, especially by the elderly tycoons. It didn’t matter, even if that meant staking their entire fortunes.

“500 million here!” A man in a long–sleeved shirt suddenly raised his paddle. His commanding voice reverberated through the room, instantly overshadowing the voices of the crowd.

“This thousand–year green lotus belongs to the Stoneray Order. Don’t try to take it from me!” The man scrutinized his surroundings, his gaze menacing.

Those who caught his gaze instinctively lowered their heads, not daring to look him straight in the eyes. Not many dared to offend the Stoneray Order, as they were Millsburg’s most influential group. Even though the item on auction was a precious treasure, it paled in comparison to their lives and wealth.

“Are the Stoneray Order all that? I’m bidding 800 million!” In the face of the silent crowd, the woman in the baseball cap suddenly raised her paddle. Her arrogant demeanor clearly showed her lack of respect for the members of the order.

The man’s expression turned grim. “Little brat, who do you think you are? How dare you challenge the Stoneray Order!”

“My name is Jayla Grant. I’m Tyler Grant’s sister!” She declared coolly.
Our friend from Malaysia and all over the world reading this. Please welcome to join our site.
Chapter 375

“Tyler Grant?!” The crowd erupted in an uproar with her reveal.

Everyone in Southern Province knew of Tyler Grant. He was the rising new general of Dragonmarsh. A true prodigy, he had recorded numerous military achievements at a young age and was given the nickname General Lionheart, holding the third–highest rank in the military. Among the younger generation in the entire Southern province, he stood as the leader.

Some influential figures even proclaimed that his achievements in the future would rival those of the God of War, Adam Spanner! The Grant family was already known for being part of the Tremendous Three, and now, with his status as the exceptional genius of the family, his name soared to even greater heights. For the past few years, he had been someone everyone did not dare Cross.

When Jayla revealed her identity, everyone present was stunned. The man from Stoneray Order especially looked upset, but he was unable to utter another word. Although Stoneray Order possessed significant power, they were ultimately not comparable to them. Their power could never compare to that of one of the families of the Tremendous Three. Not to mention, Jayla had Tyler personally backing her.

“Why are you silent? Weren’t you being all haughty just a moment ago? Why did you stop showing off in front of me?” Jayla looked at him in contempt. She silently laughed at their attempt to show off their background, for she had never lost in that regard.

The man in the long–sleeved shirt remained silent with his head lowered.

“Hmph! How disappointing.” The corner of her lips twitched.

“Ms. Grant bids 800 million. Are there any further bids?” The auctioneer said perfunctorily. He knew from the moment Jayla revealed her identity that the thousand–year green lotus would be hers. After all, who dared challenge the Grant family?

Suddenly, a voice rang out unexpectedly. “One billion.”

Everyone’s head turned toward the voice, only to find a plump middle–aged man with his paddle raised. It was none other than Roderick.

“Huh?” Jayla’s brows knitted, glaring at the two men beside her. She had not anticipated their audacity to challenge her, especially after she had revealed her background.

“Who’s the fatty? His bravery is comparable to his size. He actually dared provoke the Grant family’s daughter.”

“He looks familiar. I think it’s Big Buck Brooks.”

“You’re right! It is Big Buck Brooks. I can’t believe he’s here!”

“So what if it’s Big Buck Brooks? He’s just filthy rich. He’s a nobody to those who hold power. If he offended the Grants, they could just annihilate his family for a simple reason.”

The crowd murmured in discussion as voices of surprise, astonishment, and disdain were heard. Even when he was extremely rich, they knew he wasn’t strong enough to challenge the Grants.

“Hey! Are you sure you want to fight me on this?” Jayla turned her head to the side, giving them a threatening glare.

“What do you mean? Since it’s an auction, naturally, we should follow the rules, where the highest bidder wins the item. Isn’t that so?” Roderick showed no hint of fear.

Tyler Grant was indeed formidable. Under normal circumstances, he would never dream of offending him. However, it was different now. This man beside him was like a brother to Adam Spanner, and he had a prince for a father. What was there to fear when he had Dustin to back him?

“Alright, since you want to play this game, let’s play till the end!” Jayla’s expression hardened as she raised her paddle once more. “1.2 billion!”

“1.3 billion.”

“1.4 billion!”

“1.5 billion.”

“Two billion!” Jayla’s voice increased by a few octaves. It was obvious that she was unnerved.
Chapter 376

Even as the daughter of the Grant family, two billion dollars in cash was a stretch. Any more than that, and she would need to ask for money from the family.

“2.1 billion dollars.” Roderick was calm.

Jayla exclaimed with gritted teeth, “2.5 billion!”

She had a murderous gaze. Even if she had to borrow money, she would regain her dignity today!

With a smile still plastered on his face, Roderick raised the bid, “2.6 billion.”

His nickname, Big Buck Brooks, was not merely a nickname. The sum of money truly held no significance to him.

“Three billion!” Jayla was seeing red. She looked like a lioness about to tear into her prey.

“Three …” Roderick raised his paddle, about to continue bidding when Dustin pulled his hand down.

“Forget about it. Just let her have it.

“What?” Roderick was surprised. “Mr. Rhys, isn’t this item something you need? Why are you giving it up? If it’s because of the price, there’s no need to worry. I can deal with it.”

“It has nothing to do with money.” Dustin shook his head. As he stared at the precious item on stage, his expression was filled with regret. “The item on auction is not a thousand–year green lotus. It’s of no use to me.”

“What? Are you saying that it’s a fake?” Roderick failed to contain his shock. Almost no one dared to auction off fake items due to the consequences that came with it.

Dustin shook his head again. “I won’t call it fake. It’s just not old enough. I’ve taken a good look at it. Even though it’s a remarkable green lotus, it’s only 900 years old. It’ll take another hundred years to mature into a true thousand–year green lotus.”

Even though the only difference between a 900–year green lotus and a thousand–year green lotus is a hundred years, their effects were vastly different.

He only had one opportunity to refine the Longevitum, and any incongruity would lead to an astronomical difference in its effects. While a thousand–year green lotus was an invaluable treasure, a 900–year green lotus was vastly inferior to it.

“So it’s only a 900–year lotus. What a pity.” Roderick sighed, his enthusiasm fading instantly. He had hoped to utilize this chance to leave a good impression. It was a pity that fate had other plans. At that moment, the auctioneer suddenly asked, “Ms. Grant bid three billion. Is there a higher bid?” Roderick frowned, choosing to remain silent. However, Jayla interpreted his expression as a sign of embarrassment due to his inability to afford it.

“Hmph! Why are you silent? Just continue challenging me! I’d like to see just how capable you are! “A delighted smile formed on her face.

“It’s okay. Since you like it so much, Ms. Grant, we’ll allow you to have it,” Dustin said coolly.

Spending three billion to buy a subpar item was foolish, even for the rich.

“Allow me to have it? Hah! If you can’t afford it, just say so. You sure have the thickest skin I’ve ever seen!” Jayla mocked.

“Suit yourself. Whatever makes you happy.” Dustin didn’t bother arguing further, but that made Jayla feel like she was throwing punches in the air. What she desired was to see him submit to her and show remorse. His indifferent attitude was making her extremely vexed, but she didn’t have a good excuse to challenge him.

In the end, Jayla won the bid for the 900–year green lotus on stage at a sky–high price.

“Next, we have another precious treasure. This item is a natural, uncut red gemstone, and hasn’t gone through any processing whatsoever. Its cut and clarity are of unparalleled quality. Please have a look!” As the auctioneer spoke, a palm–sized, blood–colored gemstone was brought forth onto the stage.

“What?” The moment Dustin’s gaze landed on the gemstone, his pupils constricted. While he was filled with regret just moments ago, it was now replaced with renewed vigor and excitement.
Chapter 377

“That gem!” Dustin was full of excitement at the appearance of the red gemstone. He had resigned himself to leaving empty–handed today, but as luck would have it, he chanced upon another treasure.

“Hmph, what a country bumpkin. What’s so exciting about a red gemstone?” Taking in the excited look on Dustin’s face, Jayla looked at him in contempt. “I’ve got plenty of those at home. Only a country bumpkin like you who hasn’t seen the world will think it’s special.”

Dustin ignored her and focused his gaze on the red gemstone on stage. Its surface was colored a blood–like deep crimson, and its shape was similar to a calabash. On the surface, it looked ordinary. However, its desirability lay in its size, and after some processing, it would undoubtedly turn out to be invaluable. In the eyes of a professional jeweler, this was definitely the finest red crimson.

Roderick was confused. “Mr. Rhys, do you like it?” Dustin didn’t seem like someone who would covet precious stones, especially with his status. It was just an uncut gemstone. Although it was a precious treasure, it didn’t particularly stand out.

“I must take this item home.” His answer was simple, yet full of resolution.

“Alright! As long as you like it, even if I spend my entire fortune, I’ll make sure to get it for you!” Roderick spoke candidly. This was a rare opportunity for him to impress Dustin, and he was determined to seize it.

“This is an extremely rare gemstone that was recovered from the deep sea. The starting bid is 50 million dollars. Every subsequent raise must not be less than one million. Let’s start!” After a short introduction, the auctioneer declared the start of the bidding. In less than no time, the atmosphere returned to its fiery state.

“55 million!”

“60 million!”

“I’m raising it to 68 million!”

A flurry of wealthy individuals eagerly raised their paddles, igniting fierce competition. Considering the size of the gemstone, a conservative estimate placed its value at no less than two to three hundred million. As a businessman, Roderick was naturally well aware of its worth. In order to discourage other potential bidders, he promptly raised his paddle and declared, “300 million!”

The previously bustling atmosphere instantly grew heavy as Roderick’s words reverberated through the room. Many shook their heads and sighed in resignation. They knew that challenging Big Buck Brooks would be futile when he had his eyes on something. No one present possessed the wealth to surpass him.

“Mr. Roderick has raised the bid to 300 million. Is there anyone willing to offer a higher price?” The auctioneer scanned the audience, but the potential bidders had all quieted down.

At that moment, Jayla suddenly raised her paddle. “I’ll raise it to 400 million.” Her eyes gleamed with provocation, clearly trying to start another fight with them.

“500 million.” Roderick didn’t back down.

Jayla flashed a smile. “600 million.” She knew they had their sights set on the gemstone and intentionally raised the bid, planning on taking them for their worth.

“700 million.” Roderick was expressionless.

“800 million.” Jayla tilted her head up, seemingly ready to fight till the end.

“900 million.”
Chapter 378

Roderick continued bidding.

“One billion.” Jayla showed no signs of letting up. As she was deliberately targeting the gem, the price of the red gemstone hit the billion–dollar mark, which had far exceeded the valuation of the gemstone. It would be a great loss for the winning bidder.

“It seems like they’ve come head–to–head with each other.”

“I have a bad feeling something is going to happen to Big Buck Brooks for offending Ms. Grant.”

“He’s just wealthy. How does he have the guts to challenge such a prominent family?”

The crowd pointed and gossiped fervently, clearly enjoying the farce.

“1.5 billion dollars.” Roderick raised his paddle again, boldly increasing the bid by 500 million dollars.

“1.6 billion dollars.” Jayla continued challenging him head–on.

“Two billion dollars!” Roderick then told her in an impassive tone, “Ms. Grant, if you raise it again, I’ll let you have it.”

Jayla was about to raise it when she froze. She wasn’t interested in the red gemstone. It would be disadvantageous for her if she continued increasing the price and ended up stuck with an item she didn’t need. She knew it was time to end her game.

“Forget it. Since you like the gemstone so much, I’ll be the generous one and let you have it,” Jayla said with a mocking smile. She had raised the price of a two- to three–hundred million–dollar gemstone to two billion dollars, forcing the other party to pay ten times the price. She was satisfied.

“Mr. Brooks has placed a bid of 2 billion. Any other contenders? Going once, going twice… sold!” The auctioneer struck his hammer, signifying Roderick as the winning bidder of the red gemstone at the staggering price of two billion.

After they received the item, Jayla mocked them, “Hah … One look tells me you are from new money. You don’t have any sense. You just had to pay two billion for something that could be bought for 200 million. What an idiot.”

She deliberately showed off the box containing the thousand–year green lotus and taunted, “See this? This is a real, invaluable treasure.”

A scoff escaped from Dustin’s lips. “Ms. Grant, you sure are overconfident. Take a good look at it. Is your green lotus really a thousand years old?”

She raised her brows. “What nonsense. This precious item is pure, and delicate, and emanates a characteristic smell. Of course, it’s a thousand–year green lotus!”

“A thousand–year green lotus has ten petals and ten seeds. Count them. Does it have enough?” Dustin asked with a smile.

Hearing him, Jayla started to count. Soon, her expression changed. No matter how many times she counted, there were only nine petals and nine seeds. She never managed to count to ten!

“Hey! I’m warning you, you better not lie to me! If I find out you are, you’re not leaving this place!” Jayla warned coldly.

Dustin shrugged his shoulders. “If you don’t believe me, why don’t you ask the experts from Stoneray Order? They’re well–versed in various herbs. They’ll definitely be able to tell.”

“Hey! You there! Come here this instant!” Jayla turned around and shouted at the man in the long- sleeved shirt from earlier. “Take a good look at this. Is this green lotus a thousand years old?”

He stared at it, and there was a shift in his expression. “It’s a pity… What a pity! Ms. Grant, to be honest, this green lotus is only 900 years old. It’s on the verge of reaching maturity.”

Her eyes widened. “What? 900 years old? Doesn’t that mean it’s still short of one hundred years?”

Even an idiot understood the difference a hundred years made. Whether in value or effectiveness, the disparity was immense.

“Ms. Grant, even though this item is slightly inferior, it still holds significant value as a collector’s item.” The man in the long–sleeved shirt smiled apologetically.

“It is indeed a valuable collector’s item. You just need to hold onto it for another hundred years, and you’ll undoubtedly earn a great fortune.” Dustin flashed her a cheeky smirk.

“You…” Jayla’s face puffed up in anger with his words, looking like she had just ingested a load of shit. She would be rotting in the soil in a hundred years! A great fortune, her a s s!
Chapter 379

Jayla finally realized she had been miserably deceived. However, she only had herself to blame for her mistake. Of course, with the power the Grant family held, she could demand a refund from the auctioneer. But if she did that, she would be badly criticized. She couldn’t afford to be humiliated as such. For the sake of her reputation, she could only swallow her resentment.

Roderick added insult to injury. “Ms. Grant, it seems like the item that cost you a fortune isn’t that precious after all.”

“You can’t say that. Even though it’s lacking a few years, it’s still considered a precious treasure.” The man in the long–sleeved shirt attempted to diffuse the situation.

“Did you hear that? Even if it’s lacking, it’s still precious!” Color returned to her expression.

Dustin smiled. “I’d like to ask. What’s the value of a 900–year green lotus?”

He looked troubled and answered with difficulty, “Based on its effectiveness and age, it should be around three to four hundred million.”

“What? It’s only worth three to four hundred million?” Jayla was stunned. She bought it for three billion! That was a massive loss of ten times its price!

Roderick chuckled teasingly. “Ms. Grant, with your power and wealth, that amount of money is just a small change.”

Jayla was speechless. Her eyes twitched, and her expression turned sour. In the end, it turned out that she was the loser.

The man in the long–sleeved shirt chimed in, “Mr. Brooks, I don’t think you are in a position to mock her. While Ms. Grant incurred a significant loss, your purchase isn’t exactly a good buy.”

“That’s right!” Jayla’s eyes brightened. Pointing at the gemstone in his arms, she said, “Even though my treasure lacks in age, at least it’s much more useful than your item! Just look at yourselves, you idiots! You spent two billion for a meager gemstone. Anyone can tell that it’s just a processed stone.”

Roderick responded coolly, “It’s difficult to put a value on happiness. As long as we like it, what’s a few billion?”

“That is why you two are idiots!” She sneered. “I forgot to mention. The Grant family was the one that recovered this red gemstone. In other words, the two billion you just spent went into my pockets. Surprising, huh?”

Roderick’s brows knitted with her words. It didn’t matter if he’d just incurred a small loss. However, he was also played by his opponent. Not only did he suffer a loss, but he was also humiliated and called an idiot. It didn’t feel good. In a heavy voice, he commented, “Ms. Grant, you intentionally raised the price with malicious intent.”

“What about it? Go sue me if you can.” She shrugged.

“Whatever the case, I’m taking this two billion dollars. I’d like to see what you can do if you’re not happy about it!” She pursed her lips; her expression was smug.

Roderick narrowed his eyes, looking irritated. However, he didn’t utter a word in fear of her familybackground.

Dustin suddenly asked, “Ms. Grant, are you saying this red gemstone is from the Grant family?”

“That’s right! I’m the one who sent it here personally to be auctioned off. Why? You’re not happy?” She taunted arrogantly.

“Of course I’m happy! If it wasn’t for your help, how would I be able to purchase this treasure for a mere two billion?” He smiled.

“Hey! Are you out of your mind? What treasure? You spent two billion on something that’s only worth two to three hundred million. What gave you the courage to say that?” She bellowed in laughter, looking at him like he was an idiot.

“Young man, is it that hard to admit you lost? Do you need to be so stubborn?”
Chapter 380

“That’s right. Only people like you would foolishly spend two billion on a red gemstone like that.”

“I like to call them rich airheads.”

The crowd pointed and murmured, gossiping among themselves. It seemed to them that Dustin was a prime example of a stubborn man who couldn’t accept defeat. It was clear that he had suffered a loss but was still trying to show off without merit.

“Do you hear that? I’m not the only one who thinks you’re an idiot. Everyone else thinks the same.” Her lips curled up into a smirk.

“Really?” Dustin smiled faintly. “It seems like no one has realized this is not an ordinary red gemstone. It’s an extremely rare Crimson Gem.”

“What’s a Crimson Gem? I’ve never heard of it.” Jayla pursed her lips in disdain.

“That’s fine. Allow me to enlighten you today.” As he said that, he smashed the gemstone with his palm. Everyone present heard two cracking noises as two visible crack lines formed on the surface. In the blink of an eye, the cracks spread across the whole gemstone.

His actions ignited a frenzy among the crowd.

“That’s insane! That punk’s gone insane!”

“Even if he incurred a loss, that was no reason to destroy the gemstone!”

“Ms. Grant was right. He’s an idiot!”

The crowd was filled with astonishment and regret as they voiced their disapproval and admonishment. They recognized that it was still a remarkable treasure, and it was such a waste for him to destroy it like that.

Jayla was initially taken aback, but soon, she couldn’t stop howling in laughter. “Hey! Did you get water into your brain? You spent two billion to buy that, yet you smashed it? I’ve never seen anyone as stupid as you!” She continued laughing, but it wasn’t long before she went silent.

That was because after the gemstone shattered, a crimson flower emerged from the shattered pieces. The flower, translucent and blood–colored, glistened with a mesmerizing radiance. It embodied the essence of nature in itself, looking perfectly flawless.

Upon closer inspection, it appeared as if a slow, graceful flow of red liquid was flowing within it. Illuminated under the lights, the crimson flower shone beautifully, resembling an artful. masterpiece that captivated those present, leaving them awestruck.

“Could… C–could it be? Is that the legendary Flower of Crimson Gem?” After a momentary daze, the man in the long–sleeved shirt suddenly exclaimed out loud.

The crowd erupted into a frenzy at his words.

“Flower of Crimson Gem? That’s a Flower of Crimson Gem? I never thought I would be able to see such a treasure in my lifetime!”

“It’s rumored that the Flower of Crimson Gem can not only prolong life but revive the dead. When taken by ordinary people, they would be reborn, and even achieve greater things!”

“It’s a priceless treasure! It’s definitely a priceless treasure!”

“Damn it, that punk spent a mere two billion for a Flower of Crimson Gem. Lucky bastard!”

The crowd looked at the Flower of Crimson Gem with tremendous greed and envy, like a beggar who chanced upon gold. A few daring individuals had even started concocting a plan secretly.

“Flower of Crimson Gem? How is that possible?” Jayla was dumbfounded as she looked on in disbelief.

A Flower of Crimson Gem was an extremely rare treasure that could only be chanced upon once in a blue moon. It was much more valuable than a thousand–year green lotus. Who would have thought she could encounter it in a place like this?

At the heart of the matter, the Grant family was the one who discovered that red gemstone, and she had delivered it personally to the auction house. In other words, she had given away that priceless treasure!

The realization left her feeling light–headed.
Chapter 381

“Why? Just why!” Jayla burned with jealousy. If she had known the gemstone was hiding a priceless treasure, she would never have sold it. In the end, it ended up in the hands of a country bumpkin! What a loss!

“What a turn of events. This is such a blessing!” Dustin held the Flower of Crimson Gem up in one hand, the corner of his lips curling up into a wide smile. From the moment he laid eyes on the gemstone, he knew it was hiding something exceptional. Just as he expected, he had discovered a

true treasure.

The Flower of Crimson Gem was not an ordinary flower. It was an extremely rare treasure.

Typically, it could only be found in red gemstones. And it just so happened that the red gemstone

on auction today was a Crimson Gem.

Previously, he felt regretful thinking about the 900–year green lotus. However, the appearance of the Flower of Crimson Gem came as a blessing and a happy surprise. At least he didn’t travel all

the way here for nothing.

“Ms. Grant, don’t you think a price of two billion dollars is extremely worth it for this precious

item?” He turned to look at her and flashed a smile. “Should I say you’re the true idiot here?”

“You…” Jayla was rendered speechless. The vicious words she had thrown out earlier at them

were now directed at herself. She had spent three billion to purchase a subpar item, while Dustin

had paid a mere two billion in exchange for an invaluable treasure. The stark difference was


“Ms. Grant, thank you for the treasure. We shall meet again soon.” Dustin smiled and prepared to


“Hold it!” Jayla suddenly called out to him. “Did I say you could leave?”

“Hmm? Are you going to treat us to a meal?” Dustin smiled teasingly.

“Stop talking back. I’m taking that Flower of Crimson Gem! Name your price!” She demanded angrily. Naturally, she wasn’t going to give up such a rare gem.

Dustin refused her outright. “I’m sorry, I’m not selling it.

“Not selling?” Jayla scoffed coldly. “Let me tell you honestly. Since I want it, you are selling that

treasure to me no matter what.”

Dustin raised his eyebrows. “Oh? Since when has that been the law?”

“Shut up! My words are the law!” She glared at him. “Don’t paint me as a bully. Since you spent two billion to purchase it, I’ll buy it back from you for two billion! You won’t incur any losses!”

“And if I don’t?” Dustin smiled. Did she take him for an idiot? He was to resell a two–billion–dollar

purchase for two billion dollars?

“Then you’ll bear the consequences!” Jayla threatened.

The Flower of Crimson Gem would be able to elevate her brother’s martial arts prowess to another level. That was the reason she needed to obtain it, even if that meant putting down her dignity.

“It’s a priceless treasure! It’s definitely a priceless treasure!”

“Damn it, that punk spent a mere two billion for a Flower of Crimson Gem. Lucky bastard!”

The crowd looked at the Flower of Crimson Gem with tremendous greed and envy, like a beggar who chanced upon gold. A few daring individuals had even started concocting a plan secretly.

“Flower of Crimson Gem? How is that possible?” Jayla was dumbfounded as she looked on in disbelief.

A Flower of Crimson Gem was an extremely rare treasure that could only be chanced upon once in a blue moon. It was much more valuable than a thousand–year green lotus. Who would have thought she could encounter it in a place like this?

At the heart of the matter, the Grant family was the one who discovered that red gemstone, and she had delivered it personally to the auction house. In other words, she had given away that priceless treasure!

The realization left her feeling light–headed.

“Why? Just why!” Jayla burned with jealousy. If she had known the gemstone was hiding a priceless treasure, she would never have sold it. In the end, it ended up in the hands of a country bumpkin! What a loss!

“What a turn of events. This is such a blessing!” Dustin held the Flower of Crimson Gem up in one hand, the corner of his lips curling up into a wide smile. From the moment he laid eyes on the gemstone, he knew it was hiding something exceptional. Just as he expected, he had discovered a true treasure.

The Flower of Crimson Gem was not an ordinary flower. It was an extremely rare treasure. Typically, it could only be found in red gemstones. And it just so happened that the red gemstone on auction today was a Crimson Gem.

Previously, he felt regretful thinking about the 900–year green lotus. However, the appearance of the Flower of Crimson Gem came as a blessing and a happy surprise. At least he didn’t travel all the way here for nothing.

“Ms. Grant, don’t you think a price of two billion dollars is extremely worth it for this precious item?” He turned to look at her and flashed a smile. “Should I say you’re the true idiot here?”

“You…” Jayla was rendered speechless. The vicious words she had thrown out earlier at them were now directed at herself. She had spent three billion to purchase a subpar item, while Dustin had paid a mere two billion in exchange for an invaluable treasure. The stark difference was maddening!

“Ms. Grant, thank you for the treasure. We shall meet again soon.” Dustin smiled and prepared to leave.

“Hold it!” Jayla suddenly called out to him. “Did I say you could leave?”

“Hmm? Are you going to treat us to a meal?” Dustin smiled teasingly.

“Stop talking back. I’m taking that Flower of Crimson Gem! Name your price!” She demanded angrily. Naturally, she wasn’t going to give up such a rare gem.

Dustin refused her outright. “I’m sorry, I’m not selling it.”

“Not selling?” Jayla scoffed coldly. “Let me tell you honestly. Since I want it, you are selling that treasure to me no matter what.”

Dustin raised his eyebrows. “Oh? Since when has that been the law?”

“Shut up! My words are the law!” She glared at him. “Don’t paint me as a bully. Since you spent two billion to purchase it, I’ll buy it back from you for two billion! You won’t incur any losses!”

“And if I don’t?” Dustin smiled. Did she take him for an idiot? He was to resell a two–billion–dollar purchase for two billion dollars?

“Then you’ll bear the consequences!” Jayla threatened.

The Flower of Crimson Gem would be able to elevate her brother’s martial arts prowess to another level. That was the reason she needed to obtain it, even if that meant putting down her dignity.

“How disappointing. It seems like the Grant family only amounts to so much.” He shook his head.

“Let me repeat myself. I’m not selling the Flower of Crimson Gem. If you insist on stealing it from me, don’t blame me for taking action.” With that, he left, with Roderick following after him.

“Hmph, we’ll see who has the last laugh.” Jayla sneered and took out her phone, making a phone call..

In the whole Southern Province, he was the first to not yield to the Grants. Since he didn’t wish to part with his treasure, he shouldn’t blame her for his own demise.

They had just left the auction house when Dustin noticed they were being followed. He had to admit that the Grants were pretty efficient. It seemed like this wasn’t their first time.

“Mr. Rhys, it appears we have some unwanted company,” Roderick remarked, also noticing the tail.

“No need to bother about them. Let’s just leave quickly.” Dustin didn’t bother to confront them and was prepared to leave. However, things don’t always go as planned. A group of masked men suddenly had them surrounded when they reached a certain alley. There were around 20 to 30 men, each armed with a weapon.

“Hey, punk! I heard you got a valuable treasure with you. Give it to us, and I might let you two walk away alive!” The leader of the group brandished his knife, his tone frosty.

“Do you mean this?” Dustin took out the Flower of Crimson Gem.

The leader’s gaze betrayed his excitement. “That’s the one! Give it to me now!”

“Come get it yourself if you can.” Dustin placed it back into his pockets and beckoned them forward with his finger.

The leader’s expression darkened. He felt like he was being played. “Die, punk! Get him! We need to get that item back!” On his orders, the masked men charged forward at the same time.

Dustin smiled lightly, then flicked his wrist. Numerous silver needles shot out with sharp whistles, piercing straight into the men’s acupoints. The next second, they were frozen to the spot, and their weapons were still raised. It appeared as if time stopped for them, and the only thing they could move was their eyes.

“What?” The leader’s expression betrayed his horror as he took in the scene before him. Without any warning, another silver needle shot out and pierced into his neck. What followed was a numbing sensation that was hard to suppress. No matter how much he struggled to free himself, it was in vain.

“W–who are you?” He spat out with difficulty.

“I’m in a good mood today. I don’t wish to kill.” Dustin walked up to him and said coolly.

“When you get back, ask Jayla to stop provoking me. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to handle it when I decide enough is enough.” With that, he left haughtily, with Roderick behind him.

After 15 minutes, Jayla arrived at the scene and frowned. Not only was Dustin nowhere to be found, but her bodyguards were all frozen in their spots.

“What happened? Where’s my Flower of Crimson Gem?” Jayla questioned them sternly.

The leader appeared helpless as he responded, “Ms. Grant, he’s too strong. We’re no match for him.”

“What a bunch of useless trash! What am I paying you for if you can’t even handle some country bumpkin?” Jayla snapped at them.

They lowered their heads, unable to utter a word.

“Where did they go?” Jayla demanded.

The leader pondered for a moment. “I don’t know. But from their accents, they should be from Swinton.”

“Swinton?” She narrowed her eyes. “It just so happens that I’m heading there tomorrow to ask for the bride’s hand in my brother’s stead. Since he’s from Swinton, I’m going to find him no matter what!”

“Ms. Grant, he doesn’t seem like an ordinary person,” The leader advised.

“Hah! So what? Even if he had three heads and six arms. I’ll make sure to deal with him cleanly!”

She cocked her head up in confidence. “Hey! What are you still standing there for? Go back and get ready! We need to put on a good show worthy of our name for our journey to Swinton tomorrow!
Chapter 382

The next day, back at Swinton, a convoy of luxury cars drove into Park Palace in a grandiose display. As their procession moved through the streets, it left a lasting impression of power and splendor.

By the entrance, the entire Harmon family had been waiting, with Jessica in the lead.

As the vehicles came to a stop, Jayla, who was dressed in luxurious clothing, was the first to disembark with an arrogant look on her face.

“Jayla, you’re here! Please, come in.” Jessica greeted her with a smile and a welcoming attitude. The person she was greeting was Tyler’s sister. Her standing among the entire Grant family was not to be taken lightly.

Jayla nodded in response. “Jessica, long time no see. Where’s Natasha? Why don’t I see her?”

“She’s inside getting ready. She won’t take much longer,” Jessica explained with a smile.

“Jayla, I prepared something for you when I found out you were visiting. Have a look.” At that moment, Quentin, who was standing beside them, took out a sapphire the size of an egg and passed it to her with both hands. Jayla was not only gorgeous, but she also came from a powerful family. That was why he knew she was the best match for him. Naturally, he wouldn’t give up the chance to leave a good impression.

It was his belief that every woman was weak against jewelry.

Jayla glanced at it. “Thanks.” However, instead of receiving it herself, she had the maid take it and put it away.

“Uh…” As he took in her disinterested look, the corners of his mouth twitched. He purchased that sapphire from some Amberson woman for more than a hundred million dollars. He had spent quite a fortune to impress the gorgeous woman and was aggrieved at her reaction.

“I should have gotten something cheaper,” Quentin silently mumbled.

“Jayla, tea is almost ready. Let’s head in first.” Jessica smoothed things over and invited the entourage inside. After they took their seats, she asked, “Jayla, may I know what brings you to Swinton this time?

“Jessica, in truth, I’m here regarding my brother’s wedding.” She drank a sip of tea and continued, According to the marriage agreement, there are around 20 days left before the union between the Harmons and the Grants. I’m just wondering how the preparations are going.”

“There is no need to worry. The Harmons‘ annual family gathering will be in a few days. We’ll be making arrangements during the gathering,” Jessica replied with a smile.

“That would be the best.” Jayla nodded and changed the subject. “However, I’ve been hearing rumors lately that Natasha has a boyfriend. I wonder if they are true.”

Jessica’s expression froze slightly with her words before she dismissed the idea with a wave of her hand. “That’s not true, of course. You shouldn’t listen to gossip like that. Besides, who could compare to your brother in the entire seven provinces of Balerno?

“That’s good to hear. You should be aware that my brother is deeply devoted to Natasha, and he also has strict principles and doesn’t tolerate betrayals. With his personality, if he heard about the rumors, there’s no guarantee how he would retaliate.” Her words carried a hint of threat as she warned.

“Please don’t worry. It is inevitable for our families to come together. I have faith the wedding will be held according to schedule.” Jessica smiled assuringly.

“Great!” Jayla raised her brows. “My brother will be back in two days. He will also be personally attending the Harmons‘ annual gathering to ask for the bride’s hand. I’m here to inform you of this in advance.”

“No problem. We will make all the necessary arrangements.” Jessica nodded with a smile.

While they were talking, Natasha, who had finally finished getting ready, walked out of her bedroom.

“Natasha, you’re here. Sit down. We were just discussing your marriage with Tyler-”

Natasha raised her hand and interrupted her. “I heard everything. Jayla, my apologies in advance. I’m afraid we won’t be able to go through with this marriage.”
hapter 383

Everyone stood in shock at her words. No one could believe Natasha dared say that.

“Natasha? What nonsense are you spouting? Are you sleep talking?!” Jessica gave her a look.

Natasha said calmly, “I’m fully awake, and I am well aware of what I just said. It is regrettable, but

I need to express my feelings today. Tyler and I are unsuited for each other.”

“Natasha, what do you mean by this?” Jayla’s brow knitted. A slightly uneasy feeling crept up within her.

“I’m backing out of this marriage.” Just like that, Natasha dropped the bomb.

“You’re backing out?” Jayla’s expression darkened at her words. She snapped at her. “Natasha Harmon, are you insane?! How dare you break off a union with the Grants? The audacity!” Jessica warned, “Natasha, stop your nonsense. You can’t say those things lightly!”

The Grant family was part of the Tremendous Three. Whether it was their connections or their legacy, the Grants surpassed the Harmons in every aspect. Especially with Tyler, the exceptional genius, at the helm, the Grant family had been elevated to unparalleled heights. It wouldn’t be too far off to say that they were very close to becoming the strongest among the Tremendous Three. Many affluent families could only dream of having an association with the Grant family. However, Natasha wanted to back out of the marriage instead. It was like slapping the Grants in the face.

“I am indeed the party at fault in this situation. I sincerely apologize. If you think this will deal a blow to your reputation, you can be the one to make the announcement. I’ll take the blame. In any case, I will never marry Tyler,” Natasha spoke calmly with a resolute gaze.

“Natasha Harmon, do you think you are the one who calls the shots here? Who do you think you are? This union is a joint decision between both families. You are not worthy of giving your opinion!” Jayla erupted in a fury.

Natasha responded coldly, “I can comply with everything else the family arranges, but marriage is out of the question!”

“Hah! I don’t think you understand the situation. You should be honored that my brother is interested in you! As for calling off this marriage, your opinion doesn’t matter. My brother is the one who calls the shots!” Jayla glared at her.

“Then, kindly inform your brother to call off the marriage.”

“Dream on!” Jayla refused immediately. “My brother always gets what he wants. It doesn’t matter if you agree to it or not. This wedding is going ahead as planned!”

“I will not marry Tyler.” Natasha shook her head again. She refused to destroy her chance at happiness for a marriage of convenience.

“Natasha, as the daughter of a prominent family, you should be aware that there are certain matters beyond your control. You should think about the entire Harmon family, not just yourself. If you dare to break off this marriage, you will be making an enemy out of the Grants!

“Even if my brother won’t touch you, your enemies will definitely not let you go easily. They have
restrained themselves thus far because of our support. How long do you think your family can last without our protection? I recall that your father is in conflict with the Dark Lord. Without my brother, do you think you guys can fend him off by yourselves?

“Think carefully about it! In seven days, we will be attending the Harmons‘ annual family gathering. Whether we end up friends or foes depends entirely on your decision!

“We’re leaving.” After leaving them with those harsh words, Jayla stormed off with her entourage.
Chapter 384

“Natasha Harmon! What’s wrong with you? Who gave you the green light to call off the marriage?” Once Jayla left, Jessica finally unleashed her temper. The marriage concerned the fate of their family, and she would not allow Natasha to do as she wished.

“Natasha, do you know how lucky you are to be able to marry Tyler Grant? What are you doing? Calling off the marriage?” Quentin felt like he was staring at a fool. Tyler Grant was the cream of the crop of the Southern province, and the hope of Dragonmarsh. Before he hit thirty, he had been appointed as a general who led tens of thousands of men. Young and talented, he was deemed the best bachelor, and women fell on his feet in admiration.

To their dismay, Natasha had no interest in Tyler at all, which everyone thought was dumb.

“I will have the final say in my marriage. I have no feelings for Tyler, and I won’t marry him,” she replied calmly. In the past, she would have accepted an arranged marriage in the interest of the Harmon Family, especially when Tyler was an impeccable candidate in terms of family background, talent, and potential. He was literally perfect. She would meet everyone’s expectations by marrying Tyler, but now, she only had eyes for Dustin.

“You can develop your feelings for him over time. No matter what, you’re marrying him!” Jessica declared firmly. “This is the only way you’ll be happy, and we will be safe. If you call off the marriage, you’ll put your family in trouble!”

“Right, Natasha! You better not forget about the existence of the Dark Lord. He’s a looming threat to our family. Without the Grant Family’s backing, the Dark Lord might come for us at any time!” Quentin warned her sternly.

But she replied with a frown, “I will think of a way to deal with the Dark Lord.”

“Deal with him? How?! It’s been ten years. Every year, one of us Harmons would be killed for no good reason. Even after your dad and your uncle hired experts and gave their best efforts, they have no way to stop the Dark Lord, so what makes you think you can take him down?” Jessica retorted.

“Give me some time. I can do it.” Natasha had a determined look in her eyes.

Jessica shook her head. “There’s no time. In seven days, Tyler will show up at our annual family gathering to ask for your hand in marriage. If you turn him down, our family might as well be ruined.”

Natasha fell into a heavy silence. She only had seven days left, and she had no idea what her fate would be if she could not come up with a solution.

Meanwhile, Dustin was at the Nicholson Villa, where he handed Dahlia a check. “Here you go. These are the investments I got for you.”

“Investments?” She took a better look and froze up. “O–one billion dollars? Where did you get that money from?”

“I have a friend who works at a bank. I got him to issue me an interest–free loan. This will tide you over,” Dustin explained. Technically, he wasn’t lying because Roderick Brooks indeed owned a few private banks.

“When did you have a friend in the bank?” Dahlia looked at him curiously. The friend practically lost out on the deal if it was an interest–free loan, and that was a pretty huge favor for Dustin to return.

“I’m a doctor, after all. I save lives all day, so it’s not weird for me to make friends along the way.” He shrugged.

“That’s true.” She nodded and beamed at the sight of the check in her hands. “I have to say, you really helped me a lot this time. With this one billion check, I will secure my position as the chairman of Cardinal Group.”

“A billion–dollar check? What are you talking about?” Florence and James wandered into the room at that moment.

“Mom, look at this!” Dahlia handed Florence the check. The latter was overjoyed when she saw the figure on the check. “D–d–did I see wrongly? This is a check worth one billion!”

“One billion?” James‘ eyes bulged in shock. He had never seen that insane amount of money in his life.

“How’s that? It’s a surprise, isn’t it? Dustin brought me the check,” Dahlia showed off proudly.

“Dustin?” Florence furrowed her brows and examined him from head to toe with doubt. “Are you sure he’s capable of this? Is the check a fake?”

“Of course not. I verified it multiple times. It’s a real check!” Dahlia looked serious.

“This can’t be right! He’s dirt poor. Since when is he loaded?” James remained suspicious.

“I might be poor, but I have a couple of rich friends. If you don’t trust me, just hand the check back to me.” Dustin gestured for the check.

“We trust you! Of course, we do!” Florence hurriedly stuffed the check into her pocket and squeezed a smile at him. “Oh, Dustin, you’ve changed in such a short time! I never thought you’d have a billionaire friend! When are you going to introduce him to us?”

An extra connection would open up paths. A man who could lend a billion dollars in one go was definitely someone remarkable. If the Nicholsons could get on his good side, they would benefit immensely from this relationship in the future.

James protested with displeasure, “Mom, are you seriously falling for all his garbage?”

“You’re the garbage!” Florence spat at him and gave him a good slap on the back of her head. She chided him, “You little brat! Watch your manners when you speak to your brother–in–law! Speak nicely!”

“Huh?” James was caught off–guard by the sudden change in his mom’s attitude. She had been haughtily pointing fingers at Dustin, but in a matter of seconds, she was smiling and groveling at him.

James thought, “It’s shocking how she changes in a blink of an eye! What a skill!”

“Dustin, are you hungry? Do you want me to cook you some food? By the way, don’t forget to share the contact details of that friend with me. I need to ask him for advice on personal finance matters.

“Florence was practically glowing with a level of enthusiasm unseen before.

“It’s alright. I’m not hungry.” Dustin shook his head. This was the first time he received such warm treatment from Florence in his three years of marriage, and he wondered if that was the power of money.

“Mom, you should go get the groceries. I need to go somewhere with Dustin, and we’ll come home for a meal later,” Dahlia suddenly suggested.

“Where are you going?” Florence questioned.

“Of course, we’re on our way to make Madam Gloria fulfill her promise. We now have a billion dollars worth of investments. They have nothing to say, even if they’re unwilling to make me the chairman!” Dahlia smiled brightly.

“Okay! Go now and have that chairman position secured!” Florence urged her daughter to leave with excitement.

Once Dahlia secured the position as the chairman of Cardinal Group, she would be one step closer to becoming the head of the Nicholson Family, and the rest of them would be elevated to a higher status as a result too.
Chapter 385

A Mercedes–Benz rolled to a stop in front of a villa with a great riverside view.

“Dahlia, I won’t go with you. I splashed tea on Madam Gloria yesterday. I bet she won’t be glad to see me.” Dustin chuckled.

“That’s fine. Wait for me here. I’ll be back soon.” Dahlia gave him a firm nod and marched into the villa alone.

At that time, Gloria was having her tea leisurely, with Dakota seated right beside her, massaging her shoulders and legs with great care.

“Madam, Dahlia asks to meet you.” An elderly lady came up and announced respectfully.

“Why is she here? Is she begging for mercy because she knows that she’s incapable?” Dakota sounded puzzled.

Gloria put her teacup on the table and replied calmly, “Let her in.”

“Yes, Madam.” The elderly servant shuffled away and led Dahlia into the villa.

“You have something to ask from me?” Gloria looked up at the sudden visitor.

“Madam Gloria, I have completed your request. Here’s a check for one billion dollars. Please take a look.” While speaking, Dahlia handed Gloria the check.

“A check of one billion? Are you joking?” Dakota snatched the check away, but her expression fell when she saw the figure on it. “T–there’s a billion here!”

“Let me have a look.” Gloria took the check and examined it. Her face scrunched up in displeasure. “Dahlia, it’s only been a day. Where did you get the money from?”

Gloria had looked into them and knew that Dahlia’s family was incapable of getting a billion dollars worth of investment in such a short timeframe. There was something fishy going on.

“You don’t have to be concerned about that. I have my connections.” Dahlia refused to offer a detailed explanation.

“Hmph! The Nicholson Family has always been upright and honest! If your money comes from a dirty source, it will not be counted!” Gloria reminded her coldly.

“That’s right! Who knows? The money might have come from a robbery or theft! If you don’t offer a clear explanation, we won’t let you off the hook!” Dakota echoed Gloria’s words.

“If you are dying to know, I shall tell you the truth. Dustin borrowed the money.” Dahlia did not bother to hide the fact from them.

“Dustin?” Dakota was first perplexed, followed by a look of disdain. “Oh, Dahlia, you have to make up a better lie than that! The good–for–nothing, Dustin Rhys, can never get his hands on a billion’s worth of investments!”

“Believe it or not, it’s up to you. At the end of the day, we got the money you asked for,” Dahlia remarked calmly.

“Sure, you did. But it’s not enough,” Gloria suddenly said. After the initial shock from the check,

Florence was practically glowing with a level of enthusiasm unseen before.

“It’s alright. I’m not hungry.” Dustin shook his head. This was the first time he received such warm treatment from Florence in his three years of marriage, and he wondered if that was the power of money.

“Mom, you should go get the groceries. I need to go somewhere with Dustin, and we’ll come home for a meal later,” Dahlia suddenly suggested.

“Where are you going?” Florence questioned.

“Of course, we’re on our way to make Madam Gloria fulfill her promise. We now have a billion dollars worth of investments. They have nothing to say, even if they’re unwilling to make me the chairman!” Dahlia smiled brightly.

“Okay! Go now and have that chairman position secured!” Florence urged her daughter to leave with excitement.

Once Dahlia secured the position as the chairman of Cardinal Group, she would be one step closer to becoming the head of the Nicholson Family, and the rest of them would be elevated to a higher status as a result too.

A Mercedes–Benz rolled to a stop in front of a villa with a great riverside view.

“Dahlia, I won’t go with you. I splashed tea on Madam Gloria yesterday. I bet she won’t be glad to see me.” Dustin chuckled.

“That’s fine. Wait for me here. I’ll be back soon.” Dahlia gave him a firm nod and marched into the villa alone.

At that time, Gloria was having her tea leisurely, with Dakota seated right beside her, massaging her shoulders and legs with great care.

“Madam, Dahlia asks to meet you.” An elderly lady came up and announced respectfully.

“Why is she here? Is she begging for mercy because she knows that she’s incapable?” Dakota sounded puzzled.

Gloria put her teacup on the table and replied calmly, “Let her in.”

“Yes, Madam.” The elderly servant shuffled away and led Dahlia into the villa.

“You have something to ask from me?” Gloria looked up at the sudden visitor.

“Madam Gloria, I have completed your request. Here’s a check for one billion dollars. Please take a look.” While speaking, Dahlia handed Gloria the check.

“A check of one billion? Are you joking?” Dakota snatched the check away, but her expression fell when she saw the figure on it. “T–there’s a billion here!”

“Let me have a look.” Gloria took the check and examined it. Her face scrunched up in displeasure. “Dahlia, it’s only been a day. Where did you get the money from?”

Gloria had looked into them and knew that Dahlia’s family was incapable of getting a billion dollars worth of investment in such a short timeframe. There was something fishy going on.

“You don’t have to be concerned about that. I have my connections.” Dahlia refused to offer a detailed explanation.

“Hmph! The Nicholson Family has always been upright and honest! If your money comes from a dirty source, it will not be counted!” Gloria reminded her coldly.

“That’s right! Who knows? The money might have come from a robbery or theft! If you don’t offer a clear explanation, we won’t let you off the hook!” Dakota echoed Gloria’s words.

“If you are dying to know, I shall tell you the truth. Dustin borrowed the money.” Dahlia did not -bother to hide the fact from them.

“Dustin?” Dakota was first perplexed, followed by a look of disdain. “Oh, Dahlia, you have to make up a better lie than that! The good–for–nothing, Dustin Rhys, can never get his hands on a billion’s worth of investments!”

“Believe it or not, it’s up to you. At the end of the day, we got the money you asked for,” Dahlia remarked calmly.

“Sure, you did. But it’s not enough,” Gloria suddenly said. After the initial shock from the check, she quickly recovered and came up with a plan.

“Excuse me?” Dahlia raised a brow. “Madam Gloria, you said you wanted one billion in
investments. Why are you now saying the amount is not enough?”

“I said that indeed. But the one billion dollars that you gave me is not for the investments. It’s for compensation,” Gloria went on with confidence.

“Dustin Rhys was rude enough to splash hot tea in my face. I was scalded because of that. Just think of the one billion as compensation for my medical bills.”

“What?” Dahlia’s expression changed when she heard the unreasonable demand. One billion to make up for scalding her with tea? That was too much!

“Madam Gloria, aren’t you asking for too much?” Frowning, Dahlia had expected Gloria to give her a difficult time, but the way Gloria went about it was ridiculous and shameless.

“Too much?” Gloria scoffed. “That beast, Dustin Rhys, has scalded my face. If we go by the book, I should have broken his legs. However, I will forgive him if I get that one billion as compensation.” “Yeah! One billion dollars in exchange for his legs. It’s a sweet deal for him!” Dakota agreed. She had been racking her brains to break the promise, but she was surprised that Gloria had come up with a solution in no time. Gloria was indeed a wily old fox!
Chapter 386

“Madam Gloria, you need to be fair. What you’re doing now is intentionally setting me up to fail!” Dahlia had a sour expression on her face. No sane person would sit still after being robbed of one billion dollars.

“Shut up! Where are your manners when you’re speaking to my grandma? You should know your place!” Dakota yelled at Dahlia.

“You need to pay up for what you’ve done. Dustin lashed out at people, and he should rightly pay for that. This is enough. I’ll be upfront with you. If you pull another one billion dollars, I’ll make you the chairman. If you can’t, you should get lost.” Gloria waved impatiently in a confident manner, as though she had Dahlia in her grip.

“Why are you still standing there? Get lost now!” Dakota urged Dahlia to leave.

However, before leaving, Dahlia said, “Madam Gloria, since you’re being unfair, I will report this to the patriarch and make him the judge of this case.”

“Stop right there!” With a sullen face, Gloria bellowed, “You rascal! How dare you threaten me? The audacity! Someone give her a slap!”

“On it!” Dakota sneered and gave Dahlia two slaps on the face, leaving two clear marks on the cheeks. Dahlia cradled her face in shock and anger.

“Why? Are you dissatisfied? Slap her two more times!” Gloria roared.

“Yes, Madam!” Dakota slapped Dahlia hard on the face, twice. She had long harbored resentment for Dahlia, the countryside girl with good looks.

Dahlia bit her lips but did not say a word. Instead, she stared straight at Gloria.

“Is she still stubborn? Slap her harder!” Gloria was incensed at the defiant look in Dahlia’s eyes. Not many in the family had the guts to go up against her.

“Beat her up!” Dakota got two elderly servants to beat and kick Dahlia. Within minutes, the poor girl was badly scratched on the face and suffered from bruises all across her body.

“You shameless thing! How dare you talk back to my grandma? I’ll teach you a lesson today!” Dakota released her pent–up anger by hitting and cursing Dahlia. As a member of the direct line of descent, she was jealous at how Dahlia was chosen to be a candidate for the heir position instead. How could a country bumpkin and lowly slut outshine her in terms of looks and grace?

“Stop right there!” When Dakota and the rest of the women were in the middle of the assault, they heard an angry call coming from the entrance.

“Who’s yelling at our place?” Dakota looked up and was about to give the intruder a dressing down. But what greeted her was a hard kick in the face. She yelped helplessly and was thrown a good three feet away. Not only was her nose bent out of shape, but she also lost her front teeth. Her facial structure was slightly affected because of the injuries.

“Dustin Rhys! It’s you again! You animal!” Gloria’s anger reached its peak at the sight of Dustin. She rose up and attempted to hit him with her walking stick.

“Get lost!” Dustin slapped Gloria across the face, sending her collapsing onto the ground.
Chapter 387

“How dare you lay a finger on Madam Gloria? You crossed the line!” The elderly servants standing around were taken aback when they saw that Gloria had been slapped. Enraged, they flung themselves at Dustin and attacked him.

“A bunch of rude bitches!” Dustin’s expression hardened, and he slapped the elderly servants out of his way without a word. Some fainted on the spot, some were bleeding from their noses and mouths, and some lost their teeth, Within a blink of an eye, those who assaulted Dahlia were lying on the floor, immobile.

“Dustin Rhys, how dare you hit us? You’re asking for trouble!” Dakota stood up, albeit staggering, with a look of menace and resentment on her face. She was the daughter of a wealthy family, and her grandma was one of the heads of the Nicholson Family. A good–for–nothing like Dustin had beaten them up–he clearly didn’t know his place!

“Not only am I beating you up, but I will also cripple you!” Dustin gave Dakota a heavy kick in the abdomen, sending her flying in the air into a wall, screaming in pain and bleeding from the mouth. “You animal! You’re dead meat! Your entire family is in deep shit! How dare you hurt the Nicholsons? We’ll make you pay for that!” Gloria, who got up from the floor, hissed evilly at Dustin. No one had the audacity to lay a finger on her in many years. This young man had some balls! “Make me pay? Oh, you don’t have the right to.” He slapped her on the face again, and this time, her nose and mouth were hit, and even her fake tooth fell off. Almost instantly, she started convulsing and foaming at the mouth.

“Dustin, don’t hurt them!” Seeing that, Dahlia jumped in to stop him. She was worried that he might accidentally kill Madam Gloria in a fit.

“How are you feeling?” Dustin reined in his temper and helped her up from the floor.

“I only suffered from a few external injuries. It’s nothing.” She forced a smile at him.

“Your face is swollen. How is this ‘nothing‘?” Frowning, he looked sulky, and the more he thought about the situation, the angrier he became, knowing they had been taken advantage of.

His temper rose, and he stomped hard on Dakota’s face. Her decent–looking face was instantly horrifically ruined and bruised. Dustin finally felt satisfied and pleased after taking the appropriate revenge.

“I didn’t know you were so vindictive.” Although Dahlia was speechless at the scene, she couldn’t help but feel joy in her heart. It felt good to have someone avenging her.

“If you don’t teach these rude bitches a lesson, they will never learn.” He looked cross.

“Beating Dakota up is fine. But you also beat up the elderly, Madam Gloria. I’m worried that we can’t get ourselves out of this.” After the initial joy, she was burdened by new worries.

“I don’t care. If they want revenge, they can come at me.” Dustin sounded fearless.

“She’s an insolent and disrespectful old hag. If I didn’t slap her today, she would’ve really thought she was above everyone else.” With that, he took the check from Gloria’s pocket and left the villa with Dahlia.

Soon after, Gloria stirred awake, still lying on the ground. She was greeted by the mess in the room. Touching her swollen and red face, she bellowed with eyes bulging from anger, “That animal! I will tear both of them into pieces!”

Next, she called a number on her phone. “Hey! Get Tarragon and Cougar here! We’re executing the house law!”

When they got back to the Peaceful Medical Center, Dustin immediately took out a tube of medication that he started applying to Dahlia’s skin. Dakota and the elderly servants did not go easy on Dahlia at all. The poor victim was covered in bruises on her face, limbs, and across her body. He dared not imagine the outcome had he not intervened in time.

“Dahlia, do you want to learn a few moves from me? At least, you’ll have some skills to defend yourself if you ever run into this kind of situation,” Dustin suggested while applying the ointment. Her fair skin was as soft as silk to the touch.

“I’m not interested in fighting and killing. And I have you to protect me!” She smiled at him softly. In her opinion, one could not solve problems with violence–that would only lead to more trouble. At the end of the day, an individual would only be powerful because of his or her connections and influence, not their martial arts skills. Many of the big bosses were bad at fighting, but their existence was enough to stop anyone from stirring up trouble. The top dogs garnered respect because of their reputation and influence.

“I’d rather rely on myself. I am only truly strong because I train myself to be.” He shook his head. ” Take off your clothes. I need to apply the medication to your back.”

“Huh?” Her expression froze with awkwardness. “Um, maybe get Caitlyn to help out on this?”

“She’s out getting groceries. I’m not asking you to strip naked. Why do you make it sound like I’m taking advantage of you?” He rolled his eyes at her.

“Okay then.” She pursed her lips and slowly took off her top to display the lovely curves of her back. Her milky skin was a sight to behold, a rare beauty indeed.

Dustin regained his composure and applied the medication to the bruises on her back. Then, he gave her a slow and soft massage.

“Ouch…” He seemed to have touched a sore area as she frowned and inhaled deeply.

“Just bear with it. I’ll be done in a while.” During the massage, he channeled some internal energy to clear up the blood clots. Soon, she felt the pain in her back go away, and her body was basking in a comfortable and warm sensation.

“Dear! I’m here!” They heard a singsong voice from the entrance. In the next moment, they found themselves staring blankly at Natasha and Caitlyn, who were standing quietly at the door with the fresh groceries in their hands.

“I saw nothing!” Caitlyn covered her face and turned around, her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

“What are you doing?” Natasha’s expression hardened, and her eyes filled with accusation. She was looking at a man and a woman in a room. The woman was stripped down to her undergarments, and the man was running his hand all over her. It looked suspicious no matterwhat.

“Ahem, please ignore that. Dahlia has been injured, and I was applying some medication for her,” Dustin hastily explained himself, but he felt oddly guilty in doing so.

“Applying medication?” Natasha was green in envy as she scanned Dahlia from head to toe. “And does she need to take off her clothes for that? Do you need to sit close to each other? Look at you- you can’t even take your hands off her!”

“Eh?” Dustin turned around and saw his hands on Dahlia, and he immediately retracted his hands in shock. He believed his intention was pure, but why did he feel guilty after Natasha’s interrogation?

“Caitlyn, come take a look. I look like the bad guy now, don’t I?” Natasha asked with a straight face.

“Um, what? What’s going on?” Caitlyn was taken aback and baffled.

“Can’t you see? I’ve become a cuckquean!” Natasha crossed her arms over her chest and scoffed. Hmph! Dustin Rhys, why don’t you change your name instead? You should call yourself–Don Juan!”
Chapter 388

“Don Juan?” Dustin’s lips twitched in disbelief. What was going on? Why did he get labeled as a playboy just for applying some medication to his patient?

“Ms. Harmon, there’s a misunderstanding here. He’s in fact applying the medication to my injuries. “Dahlia could not suppress a tiny smile at the jealousy on Natasha’s face.

“Well, if you don’t trust my words, there’s nothing I can do about it.” Then, she slowly put on her clothes with a taunting look in her eyes.

“Hmph! I need some medication too!” Natasha sat down beside Dustin and started unbuttoning her clothes.

“Hey, what are you doing!” Shocked, he immediately stopped her.

She gave him a look of displeasure. “What? You can apply medication for her, but not for me?”

“That’s because you’re not hurt!” Dustin was helpless in the face of the young lady from a wealthy family who was acting like a child.

“Who said so? I am hurt in the heart, and it’s much worse than what she’s going through! Just touch it, and you’ll know!” A defiant Natasha puffed her chest, inviting him to touch it.

“Dustin, I feel some pain in the back. Can you apply more medication to it?” Dahlia did not back down and took off her top once more.

However, Dustin was suffering from a raging headache in the face of the two difficult beauties. They had always been passive–aggressive with each other every time they crossed paths, and it was tough to pacify them.

“Caitlyn! Help them out! I’ll get lunch ready!” His eyes lit up at the sight of his trusty assistant, and he grabbed the groceries from her hands and slid into the kitchen. One way of avoiding trouble was by escaping the scene.

“Hmph!” The women glared at each other and put on their clothes, finally putting the animosity to a temporary rest.

After a busy time in the kitchen, he served everyone a sumptuous lunch. It was a four–course dish with soup that smelled good and tasted equally great.

“Dear, have some grilled ribs. Look at you–you lost some weight!” Smiling, Natasha placed a piece of rib on his plate. He cautiously thanked her and quickly stuffed it into his mouth with a smile.

“What’s good about ribs? You should try some chicken Alfredo. I know you like this the best.” Dahlia, not backing down, placed the chicken on his plate.

“Grilled ribs are better, in my opinion. They’re succulent and chewy at the same time. Great texture!” While speaking, Natasha put a second piece of rib on Dustin’s plate.

“To each his own! Dustin never gets tired of chicken Alfredo. You can’t compare it to ribs.” Dahlia flashed a faint smile and piled a piece of chicken on the growing hill of food on Dustin’s plate.

“Ribs are better!”

“The chicken Alfredo is nicer!”



The women kept piling food on his plate while squabbling with barely concealed hostility. Soon, the lunch he prepared was gone, all going into his plate that was overflowing with food. He did not know where to get started.

Meanwhile, Caitlyn stared at the fight before her helplessly. She wanted to take her share of the meat, but she lost the chance to do so.

“Dustin, my darling, is the chicken or rib better?” After the fight, the women turned their sharp gazes onto him and directed the question to him. The scene was like deja vu, but this time, it was more frightening.

“They’re both great!” He flashed a bitter smile and answered.

“No! You can only pick one!” They glared at him with a threatening air.
Chapter 389

“I can’t pick! They taste different, and the choice will depend on the time, the place, and the preference of the person.” Dustin bit the bullet and offered a neutral opinion.

“Hmph! You’re really good at talking yourself out of situations!” Dahlia rolled her eyes, but at least she stopped bugging him.

“No matter what, you have to pick the ribs!” However, Natasha was more aggressive, supported by the confidence that she had Dustin wrapped around her finger. He could only smile without saying a word as he was drenched in cold sweat.

“Dear, come with me. I have something to discuss with you.” After the heart–stopping lunch, Dustin was called to the side to talk by Natasha.

Dahlia pretended that she was out for a casual stroll to eavesdrop. However, Natasha immediately noticed her plans and dragged Dustin into her car, keeping everyone out of their private discussion.

“Natasha, what do you want to discuss?” He was curious.

Natasha suddenly announced, “I’ll be honest with you–I might need to leave Swinton for a while.”

“Leaving Swinton? Where to?” He was taken aback,

“I’m going to my hometown in Millsburg.” Her expression dimmed at the thought. “I have some family matters to tend to. And I need to take care of it right away.”

“What’s the important matter? Do you need my help?” He prodded cautiously. He knew that it must be a complicated matter because he rarely saw Natasha with a solemn face.

“It’s fine. Just a private matter. I can take care of it myself.” She squeezed a smile at him. She wanted to tell him the truth very badly, but she couldn’t do so. Despite Dustin’s outstanding martial arts skills, he was far from being able to take down the Grant Family.

As one of The Tremendous Three, the Grants were influential across the military, the government, and the business scene. One could say that they were invincible in the Southern province.

A single individual could never fight against a top dog like the Grants, and the last thing she wanted was to get him involved in the mess.

“Natasha, you must let me know if you are in trouble. Don’t put on a brave face and pretend that everything’s fine,” he assured her with a serious face.

“Don’t worry. I know what to do.” She beamed at him, looking relieved. It was worth taking the huge risk on her own after seeing him get nervous for her.

“How long do you plan to stay in Millsburg?” He asked her.

“I’m not sure. It could be as quick as three days, or as long as seven days.”

“Cool. I will call you in three days. If you haven’t settled the issue, I will head over to help.” He was being serious.

“No, it’s fine.” She shook her head and rejected his offer. But he cut her off and insisted. “You don’t have a say this time! Just listen to me!”

“Alright.” She gave him a helpless nod, but her heart was bursting with joy.

At that moment, someone rapped on the car window. It was Dahlia, standing out there with a hostile look in her eyes. “What are you talking about? Are you not done yet? Shall I serve you tea?”

Dustin coughed awkwardly and smiled. “I’ll get out now.” Then, he opened the door to leave.

“Wait!” Natasha suddenly reached out and wrapped an arm around his neck. Then, she gave him a kiss with her red lips.

He let out a muffled moan and tasted the sweetness whirling in his mouth. His body stiffened, and his mind went blank. Did she pull the same trick again? This time, she was more bold and passionate.

“You-” Dahlia glared at them and dragged Dustin out of the car. Feeling humiliated and angered, she yelled, “Natasha Harmon, what are you doing?”

“Not bad. He’s getting better at kissing.” Natasha licked her red lips, looking as though she wanted more. Flashing a suggestive smile, she said to Dustin, “Stay home while I’m gone. I’ll be back in two days for you.”

With that, she stamped on the accelerator and sped away.

“She’s shameless!” Dahlia stomped furiously. Too bad she could never get herself to imitate Natasha’s coy behavior.
Chapter 390

As night descended, there was a commotion at the Nicholson Villa as the entrance door was busted down. Then, Gloria and her bodyguards from the Nicholson Family barged in pompously. Two men, who were more than six feet tall, were eye–catching. The two guards shared some resemblance, and the muscles on their bodies were chiseled like rock cliffs. They stood there like two huge mountains that evoked fear.

“Dahlia Nicholson! Get out right now!” Gloria yelled at the top of her lungs when she stepped foot in the house. Her face was still bruised from Dustin’s beating in the morning, looking terrifying, especially with the awful scowl.

“Oh! If it isn’t Madam Gloria? What brings you here?” Florence emerged from the kitchen but jumped at the sight of the entourage.

“I’m asking you now. Where are Dahlia and Dustin?” Gloria hissed through gritted teeth.

“They haven’t been back since the morning. I have no idea where they went!” Florence replied meekly.

“You have no idea? Are you trying to hide them?!” A woman with a bandaged face made her way out of the crowd.

Florence was taken aback by the figure, whom she failed to recognize. “Um, who are you?”

“I’m Dakota!” The woman in bandages yelled.

“Oh, it’s Dakota! What happened to your face? How did you get injured this badly?” Florence was shocked by the extent of Dakota’s injuries. One couldn’t tell her nose apart from her mouth, and it was harder to recognize her as she was all wrapped up in bandages.

“How dare you ask me that question? It’s all thanks to your dearest daughter and son–in–law! They made me look like this!” Dakota grimaced. She was born pretty and used her looks to her advantage, given that she was relatively talentless in other fields.

However, Dustin destroyed her face with all the kicking and beating. It was not surprising that she would be infuriated.

“What? Did they beat you up? That can’t be true!” Florence gasped in disbelief.

“I am not the only victim. They also hurt Grandma! We must use the house law on those two treacherous jerks!” Dakota yelled again.

“Florence, get them here, or I’ll make you regret it!” Gloria grew impatient.

“Madam Gloria, I have nothing to do with it! I really don’t know where they went!” Looking nervous, Florence added, “My daughter is kind and innocent. She can’t possibly hit anyone! I think this must be Dustin’s doing. Just arrest him if you want!”

“Hmph! You and your sweet words! I want her slapped!” Gloria roared with rage.

“Yes, Madam!” The elderly servants that came with Gloria immediately went up and pinned Florence down. The biggest of them all slapped Florence hard on the face until she was seeing stars and bleeding from the nose.

“How dare you beat my mom? I’m not going easy on you!” James, who had descended the stairs, was furious at the sight and dashed over while yelling.

“Cougar!” Gloria gave one bulky bodyguard a look, and he went up to grab James by the collar, lifting the poor dude into the air like he was a puppy.

“Ugh…” James‘ face turned a deep shade of red as he was suffocated. He struggled for his life, but he couldn’t free himself.

“Let go of my son!” A worried Florence butted against the elderly servants, grabbed a fruit knife from the table, and plunged it into Cougar’s abdomen.

They all heard a tiny clanking sound, but Cougar remained standing. The blade in Florence’s hand broke into two.

“What?” She stared blankly at the knife.
Chapter 391

Was the bodyguard made of steel? Even a knife could not penetrate his skin!

“Hmph! Cougar is a martial artist who’s at the height of internal energy cultivation. Do you seriously think you can hurt him with that toy knife of yours?” Dakota scoffed in disdain. Gloria had called in the two martial arts experts who worked for her to make up for her loss of dignity earlier. No matter how powerful Dustin was, he was destined to be defeated.

“Get lost!” With a slap, Cougar subdued Florence. Gloria strutted up arrogantly and rested her walking stick on Florence’s face, saying, “I’m giving you a chance to get Dahlia and Dustin to come home. If you don’t, I’ll break the legs of your son!”

“Have mercy on me! I’ll make the call right now!” Florence frantically scrambled for her phone and called Dahlia, specifically reminding her daughter to bring Dustin home as well. However, she kept the reason from Dahlia, fearing that Dustin wouldn’t show up. That would only land the whole family in greater trouble.

“Madam Gloria, they’ll be here in no time. Please wait.” Florence was all smiles.

“I’ll allow 15 minutes, tops. With each minute that passes after that, I’ll crush one finger of your son!” Gloria threatened.

“What?” Florence was stunned. If Dahlia and Dustin were late for more than ten minutes, James would lose all fingers on both hands!

James felt aggrieved and helpless, for he didn’t ask to be part of this circus.

During the quiet wait, the door to the villa was busted open once more. A group of men marched in as though they were ready to kill.

“Sir Hummer?” Florence and James were shocked at the man in the lead. Edwin’s unannounced presence at midnight was quite unexpected.

“Who are you?” Gloria confronted the new visitors with a frosty tone.

“I’m here for these two.” Edwin pointed at Florence and James. “The rest of you better get out right now!”

“Oh, it looks like Florence has asked someone to help her out!” Gloria scanned the men with disdain. “What can a few men do? Tarragon and Cougar will easily annihilate you.”

“That’s right! You better beg for forgiveness if you don’t want trouble!” Dakota yelled at Edwin’s men, thinking that the few men were no match for Nicholson Family’s elite fighters.

“I shall repeat myself once more. Those who are unrelated to them–get lost right now!” Edwin warned them.

However, Gloria merely announced, “He needs to be put in his place! Someone beat him up!” “Yes, Madam!” The elderly servants chuckled menacingly and charged at Edwin. He was emotionless when he pulled a pistol with a silencer from his back and pointed it at the elderly servants.

“Wait a minute! We can talk–” The elderly servants looked alarmed and attempted to talk to him, but what followed were muffled gunshots. The elderly servants fell to the floor, each with a gunshot wound in their foreheads. None were breathing.

Edwin blew on the pistol and asked coldly, “Who is next?”

The others stared at the scene with terror. No one expected Edwin to be as ruthless as to gun down lives without hesitation. His psychopathic behavior sent shivers down their backs.

“D–do you know who I am? How dare you kill my people? You’re reckless!” Gloria gathered herself and grew furious. The elderly servants were her confidantes, and she was extremely angry to see them murdered.

“I’m uninterested in the names of the dead,” he said coolly, shooting Gloria.
Chapter 392

Edwin pulled the trigger, sending a bullet in Gloria’s direction. At the life–or–death moment, the bulky Cougar positioned himself to shield her, arms crossed over his chest in a protective stance. At the same time, two heavy metal rings slid out of his sleeve.

The sound of metal clanking was accompanied by flying sparks as the bullet was sent flying astray after it came into contact with the metal rings. Cougar sneered as he stood in front of Gloria like a mountain. He clearly did not fear Edwin.

Bullets from an average pistol were not a threat when he was at the height of internal energy cultivation, thanks to his speedy response in comparison to that of an average shooter. He could either dodge the bullet or stop it with his weapons. It was impossible to hurt him as long as it wasn’t an ambush from the back, and that was the power of a trained martial artist!

“D–did he stop the bullet?” Florence was shocked once more. At that point, they wondered if Cougar was even human for blocking both the fruit knife attack and the gunshot.

“Do you think you’re invincible with that pistol? You bumpkin!” Gloria recovered from the initial scare and collected herself. With Tarragon and Cougar beside her, no one could hurt her.

“How dare you shoot at my grandma? You’re asking for death! Cougar, I want him crippled!” Dakota gave out the orders.

“Roger that!” Cougar cackled and launched himself into the air by jumping lightly. He sailed across like an arrow from a bow as crushed the tiles underneath his feet, and he barreled toward Edwin at a frightening speed.

“That’s just a minor trick!” A short guy in a cap, who was standing behind Edwin, suddenly made his move and charged at Cougar. The two collided and set off an explosion. As the dust cleared, everyone could see that the short guy caught Cougar’s fists in his hand. The impact of the collision had shattered the tiles underneath their feet into pieces.

Cougar’s eyes wavered with shock as he grunted. He never thought that someone would have the power to stop his punch.

“Boss, he doesn’t look like our target today.” The short guy held his cap with one hand to prevent it from blowing it away. At the same time, he cast a cool look at Edwin. “If you want him killed, you need to top up.”

“50 million for each person,” Edwin replied, unperturbed.

“Haha! No problem!” The short guy grinned in excitement.

“You’re asking for death!” Feeling belittled, Cougar was infuriated and lashed out with a punch. The punch was so heavy that it could break metal.

“You don’t know your limits.” The short guy shook his head and suddenly lurched at Cougar. He dodged the punch and hit Cougar hard in the abdomen.

A dull thud was heard. Cougar’s abdomen, which had withstood the fruit knife stab, had a hole in it. The fist of the short guy penetrated through Cougar’s flesh and emerged from the back. The scene was a horrifying, bloody mess.

Cougar froze up and stared at the fist that pierced through his abdomen in disbelief. Never in his wildest dream had he imagined that someone would put a fist through the steely body that he trained and built for years.

“How is that possible?” Gloria and the rest were terrified and shocked, especially knowing that Cougar was powerful enough to take down a hundred men. He could even defend himself against guns with ease. To their dismay and bewilderment, Cougar was taken down by a martial arts expert in one move.

“50 million pocketed.”
Chapter 393

The short guy grinned as he flung Cougar’s body against the wall, where the body left a bloody trail.

“Cougar!” Tarragon hugged the body of his little brother and seethed in vengeance.

“How dare you kill my brother? I’ll tear you into pieces!” Then, he lunged at the short guy like a crazed beast, only to have the short guy kick him in the chest.

Tarragon seemed to have been run over by a truck. He was flung aside and fell hard onto the ground, where he coughed up blood. His rib had collapsed.

The Nicholsons gasped at the second casualty. They knew that Tarragon was way stronger than Cougar, but even the elder brother was defeated after an attack from the short guy. That left them wondering about his origins.

“W–who exactly are you?” Tarragon pressed on his chest as blood oozed from his nose and mouth. He knew his opponent must have been a divine–level martial artist to win with just a move.

“I’m Hillcrest, a gold–tier assassin in the Bounty League.” The short guy grinned widely.

“A gold–tier assassin in the Bounty League?” Tarragon appeared mortified by the answer. Although he was not acquainted with Hillcrest, he was well aware of the weight of the reputation. The Bounty League was full of martial arts experts.

Even the bronze–tier assassins were formidable on their own, and the silver–tier assassins were practically invincible. Not to mention the rare gold–tier assassins, who were the elites with expertise in their fields of choice and cost billions to hire!

Tarragon had thought that he was sent here to teach some rascals a lesson, but little did he know that he would run into the gold–tier assassins of the Bounty League. Talk about unlucky!

“Old hag, it’s your turn now.” Edwin lifted his gun again.

“Quick! Protect her!” Dakota’s eyelids twitched as she yelled in panic.

“Go!” The group of loyal bodyguards from the Nicholson Family charged at Edwin, who started firing like crazy with high accuracy. Each bullet was fatal. In no time, he had taken out half of the bodyguards.

The rest who came closer were taken down by Hillcrest without fuss. In the blink of an eye, the Nicholsons‘ bodyguards suffered a huge loss and multiple casualties. No one was left standing.

Gloria and the others were gripped by fear and trembling incessantly upon witnessing the scene.

They had never thought that they’d lose all the expert bodyguards whom they had specifically called in from Glenstead.

“Do you have any last words?” Edwin marched up to Gloria without expression.

“Wait! You’d better not do anything rash. I’m from the Nicholson Family of Glenstead. If you dare so much as to lay a finger on me, the family will come at you!” Gloria rebuked him sternly.

“Is that all? Time to meet your maker, then.” Edwin did not waste time conversing as he raised his gun once more.

“Stop!” When he was about to pull the trigger, he heard a feminine and commanding voice from the entrance. He turned around and spotted two familiar faces–Dustin Rhys and Dahlia Nicholson.

“Oh! The real VIPs are here!” Edwin scrunched up his eyes with a murderous look. He had attempted to make use of Boulderthorn and Royal Valor to get rid of Dustin, but he did not succeed.

The bastards from Royal Valor had gone missing, and no one had heard from them so far. He had no choice but to take matters into his own hands and hired the gold–tier assassins to avenge his children. Now that he was face–to–face with the killer, he was overcome with vengeance.

“Edwin Hummer, you’d better not try anything funny! Release Madam Gloria now!” Dakota ordered.

“Oh, is she a madam from the family? This is great.” Edwin suddenly broke into a smile as he pointed the gun at Gloria’s temple. “I’ll give you a choice–either she or Dustin have to die. Pick one.”
Chapter 394

“What did you say?” Dahlia frowned at him.

“Was it not clear enough? I shall repeat myself then.” The smile disappeared from Edwin’s face. “I will only spare one person. Either that old woman or Dustin. Now, it’s your turn to decide who’s living and who’s dying.”

“Dahlia! Just let Dustin go! It’s your chance to redeem yourself!” Dakota started yelling.

“Right! If you save me today, I will forgive your wrongs and even help you secure the chairman position!” Gloria dangled a promise as well. She lost her mind at that moment because of Edwin’s mercilessness. He could not be reasoned with, and he would take any life without hesitation. She still had a lot to live for and refused to be sacrificed.

“Edwin Hummer! We do not have grudges against you! Why do you have to come after us?” Dahlia frowned deeply.

“You don’t?” Edwin laughed maniacally, throwing his head back. “Oh, Dahlia Nicholson, why don’t you ask the people around you about the grudges between us?”

After Edwin’s son and daughter were both killed and his family went through a massacre, he developed a vendetta against Dustin Rhys. Dahlia was wrong to claim that there was nothing between them.

“Edwin Hummer, just come at me if you want revenge. Why do you have to pull tricks?” Unfazed, Dustin remarked.

“I would have killed you if I wanted to. But I will not make it an easy death for you. I want you to witness your family and friends dying in their pools of blood. I want to see anger, despair, and remorse in you. That way, you’ll have a taste of the excruciating grief!” Edwin cackled like a madman. He had nothing more to lose ever since he lost his children.

“Do you think you are capable of doing that?” Dustin had a calm look in his eyes. Many wanted him dead, but he has been unharmed so far.

“Hah! I know you are powerful. It’s hard to take revenge on my own. But today, I came prepared. I did not mind spending a fortune on hiring the three gold–tier assassins from the Bounty League just to take you down. With them here, you are destined to die, even if you are an invincible monster.”

As he was speaking, he made a gesture, and three people behind him took a step forward. The short guy on the left was Hillcrest. Standing in the middle was a man with gray hair, who had oddly ape–like, lengthy arms that reached his knees. On the right was a lady wearing a mask. She was dressed in a bodycon suit, which flaunted her curvy figure. The two knives she held were sparkling dimly and were obviously dripping with poison.

“On the left is Hillcrest. Snow Monkey is the one in the middle. You’ll also see Scorpion on the right. They are all gold–tier assassins.” Edwin generously introduced the assassins to Dustin to instill fear and despair in him.

“You rascal! It’s your honor to die in our hands.” Hillcrest grinned.

“Let’s get this over with and bag the money.” Snow Monkey remained expressionless.

“Haha… It’s a pity that a handsome guy like you is meeting your end today. Fancy having fun with me before that?” Scorpion licked her lips greedily.

The air was filled with dread upon the entrance of the three assassins. The people in the room started trembling uncontrollably.

“My gosh! What is that guy doing, putting together three gold–tier assassins?” Tarragon was covered in a cold sweat. It was rare enough to come across a gold–tier assassin. It would be his first time witnessing three of those working together, which was unheard of.
Chapter 395

To Tarragon, the fact that Edwin assembled the best to take down an average man like Dustin, was rather puzzling.

“After all the hoo–ha, it turns out that their target is Dustin! Thank God.” Dakota let out a sigh of relief in secret. There was a saying: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Since Edwin shared the same goal as the Nicholsons in wanting to get rid of Dustin, she believed they should not be stuck in a confrontation.

“Evil defeats evil. Dustin Rhys, you’ll be dead today!” Gloria chuckled gleefully. She had heard of the Bounty League and understood the severity of having a gold–tier assassin here. A humble doctor like Dustin would never defend himself against one.

“You really splurged to get me killed.” Dustin shook his head, appearing fearless at the threat.

“I’m willing to give up my family fortune as long as I get my revenge.” Edwin sniggered.

“I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed today. This bunch can’t kill me,” Dustin replied.

“Can’t they? Wow, you jerk. Look at you, facing death with that bold attitude!” Hillcrest smirked at him. “A small man like you does not understand the power of a gold–tier assassin. Killing you is like squishing an ant.”

“Is that so? Try me.” Dustin smiled at him.

“Alright! I shall show the difference in our powers!” Hillcrest grinned and launched himself at Dustin at the speed of a bullet. When he was near, he hurled a punch at Dustin’s chest. However, Dustin did not dodge the attack. Instead, he punched in Hillcrest’s direction as well, and their fists came into contact.

The hard collision led to an explosive sound as their internal energy was unleashed, leading to strong gales blowing around. When their fists met, Hillcrest’s immediately cracked, and blood sputtered everywhere. The bones in his arms shifted backward and pierced through his shoulder, and his flesh was twisted from the impact.

With a painful scream, Hillcrest was thrown against the wall. He vomited blood and lost consciousness right away. Meanwhile, Dustin stood firm in his original position with his fist extended.

“What?” The people around them were dumbfounded. They could not believe that the proud Hillcrest, who had murdered Cougar with one move, was now taken out by Dustin’s punch. That was too ridiculous.

“You sure are something for being able to hurt Hillcrest. Too bad you’re still dying today!” Snow Monkey looked grim as he launched a quick attack at Dustin’s head with his long and girthy arms. He was much stronger than Hillcrest in terms of direct attacks. Still, Dustin stood there emotionlessly as he punched Snow Monkey in the chest at high speed.

Snow Monkey’s body stiffened before his chest dented inward. He slumped onto the ground lifelessly, heaving his last breath with his eyes open. Till death, he never expected Dustin to move at a lightning speed that he could not respond to.

“Die!” Right after Snow Monkey collapsed onto the ground, a prowling shadow emerged from his back. The figure held two blades that were shimmering with a gleam and plunged them into Dustin’s eyes. It was Scorpion’s ambush!

The attack was well–timed–she had used Snow Monkey to divert Dustin’s attention, just so she could fatally attack Dustin. However, Dustin seemed to have seen that coming. He grabbed the sharp blades with his bare hands and kicked her in the abdomen. That sent her screaming in pain, coughing up blood as she crashed into the tables and chairs. Then, she fainted on the ground.

Within seconds, the three gold–tier assassins laid motionless on the floor. Dustin dusted his hands coolly and remarked, “So, that’s the best a gold–tier assassin could do.”

As for the rest, they were gaping at him in shock.

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