An Understated Dominance: By Marina Vittori​

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys have been married for three years. After Dahlia achieves rapid success, she decides to end her marriage with Dustin, viewing him as a burden. Little does she know that all her accomplishments were actually thanks to him.

My wife is a CEO, she always hates me for being lazy and wants to divorce me. But she doesn't know that her success is bestowed by me.

“Dustin, here is the divorce agreement prepared by Ms. Nicholson. All you need to do is sign them.”

In the president’s office of the Quine Group, the secretary, Lyra Blaine, placed a piece of A4 paper on the table. A man sat opposite her, dressed in plain clothing.

“Divorce? What do you mean?”

Dustin Rhys was taken aback.

“Do you not understand what I’m saying? Your marriage with Ms. Nicholson is over. You’re not even on the same level anymore. Your existence is nothing but a smear on the president’s reputation!”

Lyra pulled no punches as she spoke.

“A smear on her reputation?” Dustin frowned. “Is that how she thinks of me?”

Back when they first got married, the Nicholson family was in ruinous debt. He was the one who helped them when they were at their lowest point. Now that they were rich, Dahlia Nicholson was ready to just kick him out.

“Something like that.” Lyra poked her chin toward the magazine on the table. A photo of a beautiful woman was printed on the front page. “Look at the headline on this magazine, Dustin. Ms. Nicholson’s net worth has hit one billion in the course of just three years, a feat no short of a miracle. She’s now the most desired woman in Swinton! With all this, she’s destined for greatness. But you, you’re just a regular joe. You don’t deserve her at all. I hope that you’ll see some sense and do the right thing.”

When Dustin remained silent, Lyra frowned.

“I know you’re not happy with this, but this is reality,” she continued. “You might have helped Ms. Nicholson when she was in trouble, but she has repaid you for everything you’ve done for her over the last three years. In fact, you’re the one who owes her now!”

“Is our marriage just a business deal to her, then?” Dustin took a deep breath to suppress the emotions within. “If she wants to divorce me, let her speak to me herself.”

“Ms. Nicholson is very busy. She doesn’t need to trouble herself with such trifling matters.”

“Trifling matters?” Dustin was stunned. Then he laughed bitterly. “Is that so? Is divorce a trifling matter to her? She can’t even find the time to speak to me. Truly, she’s that unattainable now!”

“Dustin, don’t delay this any longer.” Lyra pushed the divorce agreement toward him again. “Just sign here and you’ll get a car and a house as compensation. On top of that, you’ll also get eight million dollars. This is more than what you’ll be able to earn in your lifetime!”

“Eight million dollars is a lot, but…I don’t need it. I will sign the divorce papers if she comes personally. Otherwise, I won’t sign anything,” Duston said coldly.

“Don’t go too far, Dustin!” Lyra slammed her hand on the table. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. With all her power and resources, Ms. Nicholson can divorce you easily. It’s only because she appreciates her past relationship with you that she’s allowing you to keep your dignity intact. Don’t provoke her!”

“My dignity?” Dustin was a little amused by that. She didn’t even want to speak to him directly to divorce him. What kind of dignity was that? Moreover, if she really did appreciate their relationship, then why was she threatening him now?

“I don’t think we have anything else to talk about, then.”

Unwilling to argue, Dustin stood up and made to leave.

“Dustin Rhys! You—”

Just as Lyra was about to lose her cool, a curvy woman in a long black dress walked in. Her skin was as white as snow, and her features were delicate. Her lofty aura and curvaceous figure made her look like a goddess right out of a painting.

“You’re finally here.”

Dustin felt complicated emotions when he saw the beautiful woman. They had been married for three years, during which they treated each other with care and respect. But this was how it ended. He still didn’t know what he had done wrong.

“I’m sorry for being late, I was caught up with something else.”

Dahlia Nicholson sat down. Her expression was as impassive as ever.

“You certainly are busy, if you need your secretary to help you deal with your divorce,” Dustin said.

Hearing this, Dahlia frowned slightly. However, she did not explain herself. Instead, she said, “Since you’re here, let’s get straight to the point. Let’s end this on a pleasant note. I’m sorry I have to do this to you, so you can have the car and the house, plus eight million dollars as alimony. How does that sound?”

At that, she placed a card on the table.

“Do you really think our relationship can be measured by money?” Dustin asked.

“Too little? That’s alright. Let me know what you want. I’ll give you anything within my power,” Dahlia said placidly.

“I don’t think you understood me. Let me rephrase my question. Are money and power that important to you?” Dustin was truly bewildered.

Dahlia went over to the windows and looked out over the city. There was determination in her eyes when she said, “To me, yes, they’re very important.”

“You’ve earned enough to feed yourself for the rest of your life. Why do this?”

“Dustin, that’s where you and I diverge in philosophy. You’ll never understand what I really want.” Dahlia shook her head in disappointment.

They weren’t just incompatible in status and power; they were also incompatible in their principles. Most importantly, she did not see any hope for the future in him.

“You’re right. How would I know what you’re thinking?” Dustin laughed bitterly. “All I know is to cook for you when you’re hungry, prepare your coat when it’s cold out, and carry you to the hospital when you’re sick.”

“There’s no point in going into this now.” Dahlia’s expression held complicated emotions, but it was soon covered up by determination.

“You’re right.” Dustin nodded without any emotion. “I heard that you’ve been close with the heir of the Nolan family. Is it because of him?”

Dahlia was about to deny it when she gave it a second thought. In the end, she nodded.

“You can say that.”

“Okay. I hope you’re happy with him.” Dustin smiled and signed the divorce agreement without any more hesitation. All he felt now was disappointment. Ironically, today was also their wedding anniversary. There was cruel humor in divorcing him on the day they had gotten married.

“I don’t want the money, I just want that crystal necklace back. My mother left it to me before she died so that I can give it to my wife.”


Dahlia nodded and gave him the crystal necklace.

“From today onward, we will have nothing to do with each other!”

Dustin put on the necklace and left. He had no more gentleness in his expression; all that was left was distant aloofness.

“Did I do the right thing, Lyra?” Dahlia asked hesitantly.

Even though she was the one who asked for the divorce, she didn’t feel happy at all when it was finalized.

“Of course you did!” Lyra nodded. “You have the right to pursue happiness. Dustin does not deserve you at all. He’ll only bring you down with him. You’re destined to be the most powerful woman in Swinton!”

Dahlia did not answer her. As she watched Dustin leave, she felt as if she was losing something precious.
Chapter 278

“Are those chains enough to keep him bound? He’s a lot more powerful than he seems. What if he really breaks free?” Jade asked.

“Don’t worry. Our chains are all forged from darksteel and are designed to withstand any force. Not even an elephant would be able to break free, let alone a human. Now that he’s bound, he won’t be able to get away from them without the key!” the round–faced man said confidently. He’d seen his fair share of powerful martial artists; none of them had successfully broken free from the darksteel chains.

“Well, that’s good to know.” Jade sighed in relief. However, the words were barely out of her mouth when she heard the sound of the chains breaking. She whipped around to look at Dustin–he’d only stretched, but the chains already lay at his feet in pieces.

“What the fuck?” The round–faced man was so shocked that he dropped his pastry. Jade also looked dumbfounded. What happened to the chains being made of darksteel and able to withstand any force? How could Dustin have snapped them so easily? The round–faced man quickly returned to his senses and commanded, “Hurry up and circle him!”

At his command, the armed soldiers dashed over and surrounded Dustin. He looked unruffled, though. “Relax, I
just want to eat.” He plopped onto the floor and started eating the food placed there.

The round–faced man gaped at him. What the hell was this brat capable of? How could he be so relaxed when so many guns were aimed at him?

When Dustin was done eating, he was chained and bound again. This time, however, double the number of chains were used–he resembled a taco by the time they were done with him. Even so, the round–faced man didn’t let his guard down. He had his men keep an eye on Dustin at all times. If Dustin were to make any false moves, he would immediately be shot.

After a long time, a military–use Jeep entered the military base and stopped at the drill ground. A skinny, middle–aged man got out leisurely. Despite his thin stature, his aura gave one the chills, and his eyes made one’s hair stand on end.

Jade’s mind went blank when she met his eyes. She felt like she’d caught the eye of a savage beast who would pounce on her at any moment. A trace of fear bubbled up from the depths of her heart.

“Mr. Bloodbeast!” The round–faced man hurried forward with a bright smile when he saw him. “Forgive me for not giving you a proper welcome. It’s a pleasure to see you here.”

“Let’s cut to the chase, General Jenkins. I’ve been bored lately, and it’s time to spice things up. Where’s the tough cookie you mentioned?” Bloodbeast didn’t beat around the bush.

“Right here! He’s the one bound to the pillar.” The round–faced man pointed at Dustin.

Bloodbeast’s gaze traveled in the direction he pointed. He squinted at Dustin and said, “Odd. He seems rather familiar.”

“Oh? Small world, isn’t it? The fact that he’s familiar to you means you two were destined to meet. I only hope you’ll show him a good time, Mr. Bloodbeast.” The round–faced man smiled menacingly.

Bloodbeast chuckled. “Why, of course. It’s my pleasure, and I’ll only be doing what I love. I hope he doesn’t disappoint.” He pulled out a canvas bag and poured its contents out.

There were various delicate–looking instruments of torture. They were shaped oddly; most people would live out their lives without laying eyes on them. Only members of the Ministry of Penalties would know what these instruments meant–the more delicate they were, the more horrific the results they produced.
Chapter 279


General Jenkins and Jade were stunned as they watched Bloodbest suddenly drop to his knees. They looked at each other, taken aback.

What was he doing?

He was perfectly fine just a moment ago, so why was he kneeling on the floor now?

Was he saying a prayer before he tortured him?

Compared to the others‘ surprised expressions, the skinny man appeared terrified, his face drenched in cold sweat.

As a student of the Executioner, he couldn’t possibly be oblivious to the true meaning of the kirin tattoo.

In the entire world, the black kirin tattoo was one of a kind. Not to mention, it had already become a symbol of power!

No wonder that person looked familiar. No wonder he dared to call the Executioner by his real name.

It turned out that this person was the Kirin of the Rhys family, who almost incited chaos that could have devastated an entire nation ten years ago!

Shit! What kind of sins had he committed?

He’d actually run into a harbinger of doom of this magnitude!

No! While the shitstorm hadn’t hit, he had to escape as soon as possible!

“Mr. Bloodbeast, what’s the matter? Are you hurt somewhere?”

Watching the skinny man’s knees buckle, General Jenkins immediately rushed over and tried to help him up.

“Fuck, it’s all your fault!” Bloodbeast flew into a rage. He raised his hand and delivered a harsh slap across General Jenkins‘ face.

General Jenkins staggered backward, nearly losing his balance. “Mr. Bloodbeast, why. Why did you hit me?” He cupped his stinging face, unable to process what had just happened.

“Why did I hit you? You should be grateful I didn’t slaughter you! What did I ever do to you? If you’re so fucking suicidal, you don’t have to drag me down with you!” The skinny man kicked General Jenkins to the ground. Then, he grabbed his bag and fled.

He even dropped his torture tools but didn’t dare turn around to pick them up, acting as if he’d run into a ghost.

“Huh?” General Jenkins was once again dazed. Just what had scared Bloodbeast–the infamous ruthless killer -into fleeing for his life?

“How did things turn out this way?” Jade’s eyes widened in disbelief. She had initially thought that Bloodbeast could help her get her revenge. In the end, even before he’d used his torture tools, he’d run away for some reason.

What was going on?

“Punk, what the hell did you do? How did you manage to make Bloodbeast spare you?!” General Jenkins‘ gaze shifted to Dustin, glaring fiercely.

He’d been a distance away earlier, so he couldn’t hear their conversation.

“You have me tied up: what could I have possibly done?” Dustin asked.

Since Bloodbeast was Albert’s student, it was no surprise that he had recognized the kirin tattoo on his back.

“Hmph, that had better be the case!” General Jenkins glowered. Then, he turned to Jade and whispered, “Jade, this bastard seems to know the dark arts. Are you sure he’s a nobody?”

The way Bloodbeast had left was too strange; he couldn’t help but feel suspicious.

I’ve already looked into him. He’s just a small fry who was once someone’s live–in son–in–law. Now, he’s nothing but a parasite, leeching off the Harmon family. We don’t need to be afraid of him,” Jade said with certainty.

With the Grant family’s influence, looking into Dustin had been a piece of cake. Hence, she was very sure that Dustin didn’t come from a powerful background.

“Well that’s rather strange,” General Jenkins said, looking thoughtful.

“Don’t tell me you’re scared?” Jade frowned. “Considering your status, don’t tell me you can’t take care of that pipsqueak?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. As if I’m scared of him!”
Chapter 280

General Jenkins puffed out his chest and declared arrogantly, “I am none other than the Deputy General of the White Tiger Army, under the command of Chief General Spanner. No matter who that bastard may be, I can
take him down easily. Just wait and see!”

As soon as he finished speaking, his phone ringtone began blasting.

The first phone call came in. “Hello, General Jenkins. This is Hunter Anderson speaking. You’ve captured someone you shouldn’t have. You should let him go immediately. Maybe you can still save yourself.”

“Who the fuck do you think you are? How dare you order me around? Fuck off!” General Jenkins replied promptly ending the call.

“Seems like someone called to beg for Dustin’s life.” Jade said sarcastically. She’d long predicted something like it would happen.

“Hmph, they think they can get him out of my hands? It’s not going to be that easy!” General Jenkins pursed his lips. With the backing of the Grant family, only a handful of people in the entire Southern province could
scare him.

At that moment, the second phone call came in. “General Jenkins, I’m calling on behalf of the Harmon family. One of my associates was captured by your subordinate. I believe there must have been some kind of misunderstanding. I kindly request that you release him, General.”

“That’s not going to happen! Dustin’s crimes are unforgivable. I’ve already turned him over to the Ministry of Penalties. No matter who comes to beg for his life, it’s useless!”

However, things didn’t end there.

After the second call, the third one soon came, followed by the fourth, then the fifth. They just wouldn’t stop.

“Hello. General Jenkins, this is Roderick Brooks —”

“General Jenkins, I’m calling on behalf of the Glenstead Nicholson family

“Jenkins, I have a favor to ask Calls started pouring in one after another. Not only were they increasing in numbers, but they were also becoming more pressing.

At first, General Jenkins had been greatly irritated, but by the end, even military officers of the same rank as him were calling him to plead for mercy. Although he wasn’t scared, it was still rather troublesome.

Eventually, he turned his phone off. He couldn’t be bothered any longer.

“Punk, I didn’t think you had such a network. I underestimated you.” He slowly raised his head to reveal a cold smile. “Unfortunately, your efforts are in vain–I can hold them off all on my own!”

“Oh, really? Then I’m looking forward to seeing you do that.” Dustin smiled lightly.

“Hmph. And I want to see what kind of tricks you have up your sleevel” General Jenkins said disdainfully.

Just as he spoke, an officer suddenly hurried over. “General, the Murray family is here!”

“The Murray family? Who is it?” General Jenkins raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“He introduced himself as Adjutant General Damon. He said he wishes to speak with you,” the officer replied.

“Adjutant General Damon? What’s he doing here?” General Jenkins face grew solemn. He clearly looked a little apprehensive.

Others might not know it, but he knew for a fact that Adjutant General Damon served as Christopher’s personal guard. And who was Christopher?

He was the second–in–command general of the current generation! He was the backbone of the Murray family!

Even though Christopher had been discharged, he still held a great influence within the army.

He wasn’t exaggerating when he said he would even treat Christopher’s dog with the utmost respect..

After a few seconds of silence, General Jenkins decided to go outside and welcome Adjutant General Damon. Come, let’s go take a look.”

When he–along with his men–went to the entrance of the base, he saw a casually–dressed middle–aged man in glasses standing there quietly. The elegant man looked like any average guy, but hidden behind his glasses were eyes as sharp as an eagle’s.

“Why, if it isn’t Adjutant General Damon? What brings you here? General Jenkins said, stepping forward with a grin. He was just about to offer some small talk when Adjutant General Damon raised his hand and slapped him to the floor.
Chapter 281

The moment Adjutant General Damon saw General Jenkins, without uttering a single word, he delivered him a resounding slap.

General Jenkins was left dazed, taking quite some time to recover from the impact. He’d welcomed Adjutant. General Damon with a smile, but the man fucking responded with a slap instead.

That was crossing the line!

“Adjutant General Damon, what is the meaning of this?!” General Jenkins‘ face darkened, his gaze turning hostile. Even if he was Christopher’s adjutant general, it didn’t mean he had a free pass to humiliate him. After all, Chief General Spanner was backing him.

In terms of rank, he held an even higher position than Christopher!

“General Jenkins, that slap was a lesson for you,” Adjutant General Damon said with a cool expression. “You should not have captured Mr. Rhys. Release him now, or you’ll have to bear the consequences!”

“Are you threatening me?” General Jenkins snorted. “Damon, you’re nothing but an old general’s dog. What right do you have to order me around?!”

“Indeed, I cannot, but the general can. If you don’t want trouble, do as I say,” Adjutant General Damon said expressionlessly.

“Hmph, don’t use the general’s name to scare me!” General Jenkins said furiously. “The person I captured has committed a heinous crime, and the evidence is beyond any reasonable doubt. You can’t just ask for him to be released!”

If Adjutant General Damon had spoken in a kinder manner, perhaps he might have released Dustin out of
respect for Christopher.

But he’d fucking come up to him and slap him. No one would be alright with that.

"General Jenkins, don’t say I didn’t warn you. If you choose to remain obstinate, then no one can save you!” Adjutant General Damon warned.

“You think I’m scared?” General Jenkins said, glaring at him. “To tell you the truth, I am Chief General Spanner’s subordinate. If you want to lay a hand on him, you’d have to ask for his permission!”

“It seems like you really won’t release him?” Adjutant General Damon frowned.

“No! Even if God asked, I wouldn’t release him!” General Jenkins bellowed.

“Fine! I hope you won’t regret it!” Without another word, he got into his car and left, leaving General Jenkins to choke on the exhaust.

“Damn it, that dog! How dare he act all high and mighty in front of me?” General Jenkins spat on the floor. lifting his hand to caress his stinging cheek. Fuck, he was really unlucky today!

First, Bloodbeast had slapped him, and now Adjutant General Damon. Not to mention, it was all under strange circumstances.

“What’s the matter?” Jade walked over.

“Don’t ask. A crazy dog from the Murray family came to ask me to release Dustin,” General Jenkins said annoyedly.

“No way. Could that punk have ties to the Murray family?” Jade frowned.

“Who fucking cares? The Grant family is also one of the Tremendous Three, just like the Murray family. Why should we be afraid of them?” General Jenkins said, irritated.

“You have a point.” Jade nodded.

As the two were speaking, an armed motorcade suddenly appeared on the far end of the road.

The Murray family flags decorated the motorcade. Dozens of military trucks were filled with people, blazing their way over. Soon after, they completely blocked off the entire entrance of the base. As the cars came to a stop, over three hundred armed soldiers hopped off. Their gazes were all fixed on General Jenkins.

Tension was palpable in the air, as it war was going to break out at any moment.

“Damon, what do you think you’re doing?!” When General Jenkins saw Adjutant General Damon in the lead, he almost blew his top. “How dare you bring so many people to crash my base? Are you trying to start a rebellion?

“I am merely carrying out my general’s order to obtain your hostage. If you won’t give him to me, then I can only grab him from you,” Adjutant General Damon said indifferently.

“The audacity!” General Jenkins yelled, his eyes furious. “I am the subordinate of Chief General Spanner. Is the Murray family declaring war against him?!”

“I’m merely following orders. Anything else doesn’t concern me,” Adjutant General Damon said without beating around the bush.

“It seems like there’s no more room for negotiation today, is there? Fine! If that’s the case, then let’s see who has bigger numbers!” General Jenkins roared at the top of his lungs.

In the next second, a large wave of soldiers surged out of the base.
Chapter 282

General Jenkins‘ men started to face off against the Murray family’s army. Instantly, the tension in the air gave way to murderous intent.

“Go in and save him!” Adjutant General Damon immediately ordered.

“No, you won’t!” General Jenkins blocked the way with his body. He then pulled out a gun from his waist. Anyone who dares take a step forward will be shot!”

“You can try.” Without a trace of fear, Adjutant General Damon stalked ahead.

“You’re fucking testing me!” General Jenkins gritted his teeth, fury filling his eyes.

Just as the two sides were in the midst of battle, several military helicopters suddenly materialized in the sky. Whizzing through the air, they finally stopped, hovering above everyone’s heads that’s Chief General

When General Jenkins took a look, a delighted expression crossed his face. “Hahaha Spanner’s private helicopter! Damon, you’re dead meat. Let’s see what you can do with Chief General Spanner himself on the field!” He laughed in excitement.

Chief General Spanner was known for protecting his subordinates. Now that they were being invaded, he definitely wouldn’t sit around and do nothing.

He could already imagine Adjutant General Damon getting the beating of his lifetime.

As the crowd parted, the helicopter began to descend slowly before landing firmly on the field. Then, the cabin door opened.

A handsome young man with a remarkable aura stepped off hastily with a few female officers in tow.

“Chief General Spanner, you came just at the right time!” The moment General Jenkins spotted the young man, he scampered over to welcome him, trying to suck up to him. He then reported, “These treacherous rascals are trying to incite a prison break at my base. I hope you’ll set things straight, Chief General Spanner! That’s right! He committed a heinous crime of tormenting the people! I was just about to torture him, too.” General Jenkins said, nodding profuse

“Torture him?” Adam’s eye twitched, and a murderous look flashed in his eyes. “Where is he?”

“He’s tied up right there!” General Jenkins pointed in the other direction.

Adam shifted his gaze, and his eyes immediately widened.

Fuck, it really was him!

When he first heard Dustin Rhys‘ name, he still had a glimmer of hope. After all, many people in the world. share a name. What if it was just a coincidence?

Unfortunately, he still ran into Dustin. Moreover, it was in this fashion..

“Rhys, even Chief General Spanner is here! Let’s see whether you can live to see another day!” Hidden amongst the crowd, Jade couldn’t help but laugh at his misery.

At first, when she saw how big the Murray family army was, she was a little worried. But now, everything would be fine because Chief General Spanner was here. Who would dare cross him?

“Chief General, this guy is built tough. I tried to torture him earlier but failed. No worries. Since you’re here, I’m sure you have a way to deal with people like this.” General Jenkins smiled flatteringly, completely unaware of the severity of the problem.

“Your name is Richard Jenkins, right?” Adam suddenly asked.

“That’s right! I am the deputy general of the White Tiger Army under your command. I didn’t think you’d remember me. Chief General!” General Jenkins‘ face lit up with joy when he thought he was being acknowledged.

“Capture him, then strip him of his position and prosecute him.” Adam gestured with his hand, and immediately after, two female officers sprung into action, pressing General Jenkins to the floor.

“Chief General, what did you say?” General Jenkins looked confused. Everything was going so well, so why was he getting fired all of a sudden?

However, Adam didn’t bother to deal with him. He jogged over to Dustin and smiled apologetically, saying.” Buddy, sorry about my subordinate. He caused you so much trouble.”

The moment he said that, everyone fell silent.
Chapter 283

“B–buddy?!” Seeing Adam’s friendly expression, General Jenkins was stunned. His mind went blank.

The man in front of him was none other than the renowned God of War!

He was also the youngest chief general of Dragonmarsh!

He reported to no one, while thousands reported to him!

However, this all–powerful figure had actually called Dustin his buddy?

What the fuck was going on?

“No, that’s impossible! How could that bastard know Chief General Spanner?!” Jade was thunderstruck. Her eyes were as wide as saucers, and her face was filled with disbelief. According to her investigation, Dustin was just an irrelevant small fry. How could he have a relationship with the famous God of War?

“Now that you mention it, we indeed haven’t seen each other in a long time.” Dustin regarded him up and down, then said happily, “I must say, you’re doing quite well for yourself, you rascal. I think I may need to start relying on you for money soon.”

“Don’t joke like that!” Adam said with a strange expression. “My small place cannot house someone as great as you.”

“Since we meet again today, then allow me to treat you to a cup of tea,” Dustin said with a small smile.

“Someone, come and free him!” Adam made another hand gesture.

“No need. I’ll do it myself.” Dustin stretched his back, and the sound of metal clinking against each other could be heard. The thick chains on his body suddenly broke into pieces.

Everyone’s jaws dropped at the sight.

Those chains had been forged from darksteel and were said to be unbreakable, but he’d just broken them by fucking stretching his back? It was bewildering.

“Oh, right. How are you planning to take care of those two?” Dustin turned to look at General Jenkins and Jade.

“Of course, we’ll follow the procedure. For kidnapping and torture, no matter how you look at it, that’s got to be at least a few decades, no?” Adam said indifferently.

“A few decades? When the two heard that, their faces paled from shock.

A lifetime only consisted of a few decades. Were they going to die in prison?

“No! You can’t lock us up!” Jade shook her head furiously. “The one who’s guilty is clearly Dustin. What right do you have to lock us up?”

“What right do I have?” Adam smiled faintly. “Well, I have more power than you, Does this reason satisfy you?”

“Y–you’re blatantly abusing your power!” Jade said defiantly.

“You’re right, I am,” Adam said bluntly. He was exactly like how General Jenkins described earlier.

“Y–you can try to lock me up! I am a member of the Grant family!” Jade said, refusing to give up.

“The Grant family?” Adam burst out laughing as he tossed her a phone. “I’ll give you a chance to ask the Grant family for help. I want to see who would dare come rescue you!”

When he said that, Jade was thunderstruck. She knew better than anyone that the Grant family wouldn’t cross the God of War, Adam, for her.

“Why? Why did things turn out this way? Just who are you?” She stared straight at Dustin. Her eyes were filled with surprise, defiance, hatred, but mostly despair.

"Since you’re going to die anyway, I’ll enlighten you,” Adam replied nonchalantly. “The young man you just kidnapped is Logan Rhys, the eldest son of the Rhys family and one of my closest friends!”

“Logan Rhys?!” When General Jenkins heard the name, he collapsed to the floor, overcome with despair.

Now, he finally understood. He finally understood why Bloodbeast had fled in fright, why all those influential figures called him to ask for his release, why General Murry had sent his army, and why Adam was so nervous.
Chapter 284

The person he had arrested turned out to be the eldest son of the Rhys family, an existence that could shake.the military effortlessly.

“We we’re doomed

Blood had drained out of Jade’s face the moment she heard Dustin’s real name, feeling unbelievably sorry for herself. She shouldn’t have tried to avenge Joshua. There was no way a loser with broken arms and a shattered core was worth the lives of her entire family.

“Jade Grant, this is what you fucking call a nobody?” General Jenkins spun around and shot Jade a vicious glare. “I never did anything to you, so why the hell are you dragging me into this mess?”

“I -“Jade

“–” Jade was about to burst into tears.

“How dare you trick me! You’re dead meat!‘ General Jenkins roared before leaping toward Jade with his mouth wide open. Things became chaotic as he tore up the woman’s face with his teeth.

“Come on. Let’s go have a drink. Dustin Ignored them and left with Adam.

Meanwhile, inside the East Swinton Hospital ward, Dakota’s face hardened after finishing a call.

“So? Was there news about Dustin? Can he be saved?” Dahlia quickly asked.

“He can’t. The person who arrested him was General Jenkins from the Grant family. I tried calling the elders, but they said he wasn’t listening to their requests. Glenstead’s military has no jurisdiction over Balerno.” Dakota shook her head helplessly.

“The Grant family?” Dahlia frowned. “But why? How did Dustin piss them off?”

“I dug around and heard that he committed a grave crime. Apparently, he barged into the Hummer family’s home and began killing people. He even crippled Edwin Hummer’s son, Joshua Hummer! Worse, Joshua’s fiancée is Jade Grant, the daughter of Sir Robert Grant. There’s no way the Grant family would let Dustin go
easily. He’s doomed.” Dakota shook her head sadly.

She didn’t care if Dustin died, but she still needed him to heal her mother, and her mother would be in grave danger if Dustin died now. Dakota wondered if she still had enough time to seek out miracle doctors.

“Isn’t there another way?” Dahlia was upset. “What if I beg the Grant family? I’ll pay any amount, even if I go bankrupt!”

“Nonsense, Dahlia!” Florence shrieked. “Why should you go so far for a man you divorced?”

“He’s helped me too many times. I have to save him!” Dahlia answered firmly.


“It’s useless.” Dakota shook her head. “The Grant family is one the strongest families in Balerno. They could care less about your measly assets,”

“Then what should we do? We can’t just sit here and wait.” Dahlia’s brows furrowed deeper.

“Money is useless. We need to beg someone influential to negotiate with them.” Dakota suggested.

“Someone influential? Who?” Dahlia asked tentatively.

“The only one who can stand against the Grant family is Mr. Langford from Stonia.” Dakota suggested. “Saving Dustin should be a piece of cake if you ask Mr. Langford for help.”

“Mr. Langford?” Dahlia was troubled. There was no reason for him to help a stranger like her.

“That’s right. Dahlia. The best way is to beg Mr. Langford for help. I managed to save his number during dinner last night. I’ll call him right now!” Florence drew out her phone eagerly and dialed a number.

While she was worried that her daughter might sacrifice all her wealth for Dustin, she also hoped to push Dahlia closer to Luis. During their meeting last night, Florence realized that Luis had feelings for Dahlia. At the same time, the Glenstead Nicholsons were also hoping for the two to get married.
Chapter 285

“Hello, is this Mr. Langford? Dahlia has something to say to you.” Florence shoved the phone to Dahlia as soon as the call got through.

“Dahlia? Let me know if you need any help. I’ll definitely get it done If I can,” a voice drawled.

“It’s me, Mr. Langford.” Dahlia responded stiffly. “I’ll get to the point. I have a friend who’s in trouble and has been arrested by the military. I hope you can help me save him.”

“Arrested by the military? Your friend must be into hot water,” Luis guessed arrogantly.

“I wouldn’t have turned to you if I had another choice.” Dahlia responded tiredly.

“What’s your friend’s name?”

“Dustin Rhys.”

“Alright. I’ll help you on one condition,”

“What is it?”

“Treat me to dinner tonight.” Luis responded frankly.

“Um — Dahlia stiffened, instantly understanding what he meant.

“You won’t refuse such a small request, would you?” Luis teased hall–jokingly.

“Of course not.” Dahlia forced a smile. “It’s nothing compared to what you’re willing to help me with.”

“Great! It’s a date. See you later!”
Dahlia hung up after chatting for a while more.

“Well? Did he agree?” Florence inquired.

“He did, but I’ll have to have dinner with him tonight.” Dahlia was exasperated.

“That’s great! Hurry home and make yourself look good. Don’t make Mr. Langford wait.” Florence ushered excitedly.

“Dahlia, you should make good use of this opportunity,” Dakota advised with a knowing look. “Glenstead is keen to see you and the Langfords take your relationship further through marriage. The Langfords initially had someone else in mind, but Mr. Langford wasn’t pleased with her. Instead, he chose you. This is your greatest blessing. You better not waste this chance!”

Dahlia shook her head. “I’m not interested in marrying into a rich family.”

“Who else would you marry? A loser like Dustin? What’s wrong with you?” Dakota rolled her eyes. “You can have anything you want if you marry into the Langford family. Why would you choose to suffer in a tiny place like this?”

“Precisely! You’ve basically hit the jackpot. You should make good use of this chance. Our family is depending on you to become rich!” Florence piped.

Compared to Luis, men like Chris Nolan and Matt Laney were nothing. After all, the Langfords were the true aristocrats in Stonia. Their very existence stood at the peak of power.

Dahlia glanced at the eager eyes surrounding her and remained silent. She used to yearn for power as well but had finally realized it didn’t matter much to her.

Soon, night fell. A jeep slowly pulled into the entrance of Fairyharbor Restaurant. The doors opened, and Dustin and Adam emerged.

“Weren’t we going to have a drink? What are we doing here?” Adam muttered.

“The wine here isn’t too shabby. The wines are brewed in–house. You should try some.” Dustin replied.

“Really? I’ll have a taste, then.”

As the two men chatted, they walked into the restaurant and chose a place on the second floor. “Hey, buddy. Is it true that you got married?” Adam quizzed Dustin as soon as they sat down.
Chapter 286

“I was, but I’m already divorced,” Dustin answered straightforwardly.

“Aw, damn!” Adam grinned. “If that’s the case, my sister finally has a chance! I’ll be your brother–in–law soon.”

“Get lost!” Dustin rolled his eyes. “What kind of brother are you? Why would you throw your sister under the bus?”

“She threw herself in!” Adam retorted in exasperation. “You have no idea how much she bugged me alter finding out that you were still alive. She would have flown back for you if the war hadn’t broken out at the border.”

“Has Scarlet been well?” Dustin suddenly asked.

“You’re still worried about her? That kid’s been practicing martial arts since young, and with her talent, she’s
already a grandmaster. I can’t even win against her anymore. Who would dare to cross her?” Adam responded nervously.

All his life, Adam has only ever been afraid of two people–Dustin, the person who’s been throwing punches at him since they were kids, and his sister Scarlet. He always lost his dignity when it came to them.

Dustin chuckled. “She is talented, so it’s natural that you can’t beat her.”

It’s been ten years. He never expected the little girl who used to follow him around everywhere to become Stonia’s well–known Goddess of War.

“Won’t you just marry her? No one else can handle her!” Adam implored. The sooner his sister got married, the sooner he’ll be free from being forced to be her sparring partner and ending up with bruises all over his body every day.

“Nonsense!” Dustin kicked the other man. “Scarlet’s nothing more than a sister to me.”

“But she might not see you as her brother.” Adam shrugged. “I’m just going to put it out there. She probably won’t marry anyone but you, so you’ll have to take responsibility for her.”

“That’s enough. Shut up and drink!” Irritated, Dustin poured Adam a full glass of wine. “Drink it!”

Adam boldly downed the entire glass in response.

Chatting away while drinking, the two of them quickly began to feel tipsy.

“That reminds me, when are you going back?” Adam asked coldly.

“Why would I go back? Isn’t it quite nice here? All I need to worry about is making sure Gregory recovers nicely.

“Dustin responded indifferently.

“That’s true. Still, the Rhys family needs an heir.” Adam sighed.

“There’s still Austin.”

“That useless idiot? He only cares about his debaucherous pleasures. Who knows how many people will die if he takes your place.” Adam snapped disdainfully.

“He isn’t that bad. The kid’s smart. Just give him some time, and he might outshine you.” Dustin said seriously.

“Are you serious? You’re pitting me against him?” Adam looked at him suspiciously.

“Many people have called me a loser in the past few years too.” Dustin smiled but didn’t elaborate further. With that woman around, his step–brother could never be mediocre.

“Holy shit! Look at that chick!” Adam lit up suddenly.

“Where?” Dustin followed Adam’s line of sight and spotted a Lamborghini at the restaurant entrance. A smartly dressed man emerged, and a gorgeous lady stepped out of the passenger side in a long black dress, as if she had just come out of a painting.

“Why is it her?” Dustin frowned, instantly sobering.

The beautiful woman was none other than Dahlia!
Chapter 287

Dustin never expected to run into Dahlia there. Worse, she was accompanied by another man, and it seemed like those two were on a date.

It irked him for some reason. He had just been captured by the military, his life in danger, but here Dahlia was, carefree and relaxed, as she went on a date with another man. It was clear that Dahlia didn’t give a damn about him, and it made him feel like a fool.

“Do you know that lady?” Adam quickly caught onto the change in mood and asked.

“Yeah. She’s my ex–wife.” Dustin answered bluntly.

“Your ex–wife?” Adam’s lips twitched. “Why don’t we go somewhere else?”

No one would be happy to see their ex–wife happily chatting away with another man,

“Forget it. I didn’t do anything wrong, so why should I be afraid?” Dustin lifted his glass to his lips and swallowed a mouthful of wine resentfully.

Just then, Dahlia and Luis arrived on the second floor, and the woman immediately spotted the two men. Dustin? What are you doing here?” she exclaimed excitedly.

“Why can’t I be here?” Dustin asked coldly.

“When did you get free? Why didn’t you tell me? Dahlia dashed toward him and asked joyfully.

“Does it matter if I tell you?” Dustin glanced at her stoically, stunning Dahlia with his attitude.

“What’s wrong? Did you get hurt? Should we go to the hospital?”

“I’m fine, Ms. Nicholson. Thank you for asking. You should focus on your date with your boyfriend instead of me,” Dustin answered.

“Boyfriend?” Dahlia looked at the man standing next to her and quickly explained. “You’re getting it wrong. Dustin. We’re just friends.”

“It’s unnecessary for you to explain yourself.” Dustin’s attitude was harsh.
Just friends? Did she think that he was a kid? Since when did normal friends of opposite genders arrive together in the same car for dinner?

“I’m telling you, you’re misunderstanding things, Dustin.” Dahlia gestured to the other man. “Let me introduce you to Mr. Luis Langford. He’s from Stonia, and he has a good relationship with the military. You got out so quickly thanks to him.”

“Is this the friend you were talking about, Dahlia? He’s fortunate to have someone like you helping him.” Luis suddenly spoke. Although the man was wearing a smile, the look he was giving Dustin was full of contempt.

“I don’t know who Mr. Langford is, nor do I care. He has nothing to do with me getting free anyway.” Dustin responded bluntly.

“Ha, aren’t you being too cocky?” Luis sniggered, “Do you really think you’d be here right now if I hadn’t made a call to the Balerno Military?”

“I have no idea what you did, but don’t think too highly of yourself. I don’t need your help.” Dustin retorted coolly.

“Dustin! How could you talk to him like this? Shouldn’t you be polite to the person who helped you?” Dahlia frowned. She knew that Dustin reacted that way because he was jealous, but he still shouldn’t offend Luis, who held a much higher status than him.

“When did I ever ask him for help? You guys did this willingly.” Dustin couldn’t care less.

“You-” Dahlia stomped her foot angrily and forced herself to take a deep breath to calm herself. “Stop making a fuss, Dustin.”

“What did I do? Was I interrupting your date? If that’s the case, I’ll leave you two alone right now.” Dustin got up to leave right away.

“Wait!” Dahlia instantly grabbed his arm. “What on earth is going through your mind? I told you that we’re just friends. Why won’t you believe me?”
Chapter 288

“Just friends, eh? Then you won’t mind going home with me right this instant!” Dustin snapped.

“But …Dahlia frowned and glanced at Dustin and Luis, troubled. Although she didn’t have any feelings for Luis, the man had helped her, so it wouldn’t be right to turn her back on him now.

“What’s wrong? You don’t want to?” Dustin sneered. “Is this what you call an ordinary friend? How am I supposed to believe you?”

Dustin couldn’t believe that Dahlia was still hesitating. It seemed that he was even less important than her ordinary friends, and here he thought that their relationship had been improving. It must have been his imagination.

“Forget it, Ms. Nicholson. You don’t have to think about it so hard. We’re nothing to each other now. Enjoy your meal. I’ll be taking my leave. Dustin shook his head and turned around.

“Wait for me.” Grabbing two bottles, Adam hurried after Dustin. He didn’t have any experience when it came to love, so he couldn’t help Dustin.

After stepping out of the restaurant, Dustin remained motionless as he faced the cold wind, feeling frustrated. He was at a loss for how to deal with his emotions. He may have said it was fine, but his heart still stung
when he saw Dahlia with another man,

“Forget about her, buddy. There are lots of women everywhere else.” Adam stepped forward and patted Dustin’s shoulder. “With your skills, it won’t be hard for you to get any woman you want. Why don’t you consider my sister?”

“Hell no!” A feminine voice rang out from behind them.

The two men spun around to see a stunning woman heading toward them. It was none other than Dahlia.

“Why did you come out?” Dustin was surprised. He didn’t expect her to chase after him, assuming she would ignore him.

“You’re such a petty man!” Dahlia huffed. “How could you run out when we’ve barely spoken!”

“Weren’t you having dinner with your friend? What are you doing here?” Dustin pretended to be calm but was actually relieved.

“I’m here to enjoy the breeze, alright?” Dahlia rolled her eyes, secretly pleased to see Dustin jealous.

“Ugh, the stench of love.” Adam shook his head.

“Shut up!” Dahlia and Dustin shouted in unison.

“Aren’t you worried if you just leave that man alone?” Dustin asked.

“What else can I do? I’ll just have to get him a present as an apology.” Dahlia shrugged. She seemed to have finally opened her eyes.

“You haven’t eaten, have you? Why don’t you join us?” Dustin offered.

Dahlia humphed. “At least you’re considerate.” She patted her belly, realizing she was hungry.

“Let’s go. We’ll bring you somewhere nice.” Dustin walked over to the car to open the door.

Just as she was about to get into the car, Dahlia’s eyes widened when she saw a truck loaded with dirt heading straight for them at top speed.

Watch out!” She frantically shoved Dustin away.
Chapter 289

“Watch out!”

As the truck headed toward them, Dahlia’s immediate reaction was to push Dustin away, completely disregarding her safety. Realizing that she had nowhere else to escape to, she instinctively shut her eyes tightly. Right then, she came to a realization that it might not necessarily be a bad thing to die like this. At least he would remember for the rest of his life.

As her eyes closed, a strong figure dashed forward and put itself in front of her. With an ear–splitting boom, a fist landed on the front of the truck, and metal bent under the force. The sudden opposing force upturned the entire truck, flipping it around, and the truck landed on the ground behind Dahlia with a crash, debris flying in all directions.

“Are you okay, Dahlia?” Dustin drew his hand back and quickly surveyed the woman for any injuries before letting out a breath of relief.

“What in the world happened?” Dahlia’s eyes were opened wide as she gaped at the empty space in front of her before turning around to look at the overturned truck, shocked. She couldn’t understand how the truck had made its way behind her, but she might faint if she found out it was thanks to Dustin’s list.

“Are you an idiot? Don’t you know how to run away when there’s danger? Why the hell would you think of me first?” Dustin snapped furiously. Fortunately, his reflexes were sharp, or she would have died on impact!

“At the spur of the moment, I couldn’t think much.” Dahlia was pale from fear.

“You better remember that your safety comes first from now on!” Dustin warned sternly. He would be plagued by guilt for the rest of his life if she died because of him.

“Bro, can’t you give me some attention as well?” Adam staggered to his feet grumpily.

“What the hell? Even if you’re saving someone, why would you throw the truck toward me? Is my life not important to you? What happened to bros before hoes?” he thought.

“You’re alive anyway.” Dustin responded nonchalantly before turning his attention back to Dahlia. “It’s late. Let me send you home.”

He walked over to the road junction and flagged a cab to send her home. It was obvious that he had been the truck’s target, and he didn’t want to drag her into this mess.

At the entrance to the villa, Dahlia halted and spun around to ask, “Would you like to come in for a cup of tea?”

“It’s fine. You should get some rest.” Dustin politely refused as if he hadn’t understood what she was trying to say.

“You idiot!” Dahlia humped, glaring at him before spinning around and going into the house.

Dustin waited until the doors closed to look away, his eyes now cold and ruthless. “Adam, help me look into the truck.”

“On it. Give me three minutes.” Adam whipped out his phone and made a call. In less than three minutes, the results came in. “Done. It turns out the Hummers put a bounty of up to ten billion dollars on your head. Most of the bounty killers should have their eyes on you by now. That truck was one of their attempts.” He summarized.

“The Hummers.” Dustin narrowed his eyes, the air around him turning murderous. He hasn’t settled the score of being captured by the military. How dare they act up again!

“What’s the plan? Do you want me to bring my team to their house and destroy their whole family?” Adam asked nonchalantly.

“It’s fine. I’ll take care of it.” Dustin answered coolly. “If they’re going out of their way to ensure my death, they better not be surprised when I do the same!”

He spun around and disappeared into the darkness. Back at the Hummer Villa.

“Josh, it’s time for you to take your meds.” Tina brought some medicine over to Joshua’s bedside.

“I can’t be bothered to take them right now.” Joshua frowned in displeasure. “Jade hasn’t returned since morning, and I can’t reach her phone. Do you think something happened to her?”

“Stop overthinking. Josh. She’s from the Grant family. What could happen?” Tina shook her head.

“T–then, do you think she’s disgusted that I’m crippled and wants to end it with me?” Joshua asked again.

Ever since his core was destroyed, he lost his pride, turning anxious and sensitive instead.

“Of course not!” Tina refuted him straight away. “I can tell that she really likes you. I bet she’s running all over the place for you. Didn’t she promise to avenge you before she left this morning? So, stop worrying.”

“I must be thinking too much.” Joshua sighed. As the fallen Chosen One, something inside him had changed tremendously.

“Josh, rest well, and don’t overthink this. Dad went to Millsburg to ask for medicine from Dr. Watkins. I’m sure all your injuries will be gone in no time with the panacea.” Tina reassured him.

“You’re right. After I recover, I’ll rise to the top once more!” Joshua swore through gritted teeth. “I’ll make sure Rhys suffers like never before!”

Just then, the lights went out, plunging the room into darkness.

“What’s happening?” Joshua demanded anxiously.

“Calm down, Josh. The breaker must have tripped. Tina went over to the door and shouted, “Somebody go check the breaker.”

Silence was all she got in response, the entire villa terrifyingly silent.

“Hey! Are you guys deal?” Tina yelled again, but no one responded.

Joshua had a bad feeling something was going to happen. “Something’s wrong! Let’s get out of here!”

He sprung up and prepared to run when a tall figure walked into his room without a sound.

“Who the hell are you?” he shouted.

“The person who’s going to kill you.” The figure slowly lifted its head, and from the moonlight shining through the window, Joshua finally had a clear look at the other person’s face.

“It’s you? W–w–weren’t you arrested? When did you get out?”

Joshua began to back up in terror. Just this morning, he’d received Tina’s message that the military had captured Custin. How did he get free in less than a day?

“Any last words?” Dustin asked coldly.

Tina threatened. “You better not mess around, Rhys! We have Boulderthorn and the Grants‘ protection. If you touch-”

Before she could finish her sentence. Dustin flicked his wrist, and a silver needle embedded itself into her forehead.

Tina twitched before tilting her head back and falling to the ground, dead.
Chapter 290

“What?” Joshua stared at his sister’s body incredulously. He never thought that Dustin would be so ruthless, .killing without warning.

“Anything else you want to say?” Dustin calmly asked.

“D–don’t kill me! Please don’t kill me!” Joshua fell to his knees, begging. “I was an idiot to offend you. Please forgive me. I swear I won’t go against you ever again!”

“You had your chance, but you didn’t appreciate it.” Dustin’s face was void of any sympathy.

“N–no. I do. I promise! Please! I’m still young. I don’t want to die! Just let me go. I’ll do anything you want. I swear!”

Joshua began ramming his forehead into the floor. He wasn’t able to win against Dustin when he was in peak condition, so why would he have a winning chance now? For Dustin, killing Joshua would be as easy as killing an ant.

“I’m pretty sure that’s not what you said just now.” Dustin sneered. “Didn’t you say that you were going to make me suffer like never before after you recovered?”

“N–no, I didn’t!” Joshua shook his head frantically. “I would never dare!”

“Where’s Edwin?” Dustin demanded, clearly having lost his patience. He had searched the entire villa, but there was no sign of Edwin Hummer.

“I–I don’t know! I heard that my dad went to Millsburg to get me medicine, but I have no idea where he is.” Joshua cried.

“He’s in Millsburg, eh? Lucky bastard.” Dustin felt regretful that Edwin managed to get away.

“Are you looking for my dad? D–don’t worry, I’ll let you know as soon as he’s home! I’ll be your faithful hound from now on.” Joshua smiled weakly, grasping at straws.

Dustin sneered. “You’re willing to betray your father? You’re worse than an animal.” He slowly raised his hand. holding a silver needle.

“No! You can’t kill me! My mentor is the master of Boulderthorn, and my fiancée is the Grants‘ third daughter. You’ll become their enemy if you kill me. People will keep coming for your head, and you’ll have to live in lear for the rest of your life!” Joshua roared, going berserk, his eyes bloodshot.

“You should have thought about that when you kidnapped Natasha. As for the Grants and Boulderthorn, well, I don’t care about them. So, you’ll definitely die today,” Dustin replied coldly.

With a flick of his finger, the silver needle lodged itself in the space between Joshua’s forehead.

“No!” Joshua wailed with his last breath, the sound resonating in all directions.

Early the next morning. Inside a mansion in Millsburg, Edwin woke up with a start from his nightmare, sweat blanketing his whole body. For some reason, his sleep had been restless, an ominous feeling constantly

He sprung up and prepared to run when a tall figure walked into his room without a sound.

“Who the hell are you?” he shouted.

“The person who’s going to kill you.” The figure slowly lifted its head, and from the moonlight shining through the window. Joshua finally had a clear look at the other person’s face.

“It’s you? W–w–weren’t you arrested? When did you get out?”

Joshua began to back up in terror. Just this morning, he’d received Tina’s message that the military had captured Dustin. How did he get free in less than a day?

“Any last words?” Dustin asked coldly.

Tina threatened. “You better not mess around, Rhys! We have Boulderthorn and the Grants‘ protection. If you touch-

Before she could finish her sentence, Dustin flicked his wrist, and a silver needle embedded itself into her forehead.

Tina twitched before tilting her head back and falling to the ground, dead.

“What?” Joshua stared at his sister’s body incredulously. He never thought that Dustin would be so ruthless, killing without warning.

“Anything else you want to say?” Dustin calmly asked.

“D–don’t kill me! Please don’t kill me!” Joshua fell to his knees, begging. “I was an idiot to offend you. Please forgive me. I swear I won’t go against you ever again!”

“You had your chance, but you didn’t appreciate it.” Dustin’s face was void of any sympathy.

“N–no. I do. I promise! Please! I’m still young. I don’t want to die! Just let me go. I’ll do anything you want. I swear!”

Joshua began ramming his forehead into the floor. He wasn’t able to win against Dustin when he was in peak condition, so why would he have a winning chance now? For Dustin, killing Joshua would be as easy as killing

an ant.

“I’m pretty sure that’s not what you said just now.” Dustin sneered. “Didn’t you say that you were going to make me suffer like never before after you recovered?”

“N–no. I didn’t!” Joshua shook his head frantically. “I would never dare!”

“Where’s Edwin?” Dustin demanded, clearly having lost his patience. He had searched the entire villa, but there
was no sign of Edwin Hummer.

“I–I don’t know! I heard that my dad went to Millsburg to get me medicine, but I have no idea where he is.”

Joshua cried.

“He’s in Millsburg, eh? Lucky bastard.” Dustin felt regretful that Edwin managed to get away.

“Are you looking for my dad? D–don’t worry. I’ll let you know as soon as he’s home! I’ll be your faithful hound from now on.” Joshua smiled weakly, grasping at straws.

Dustin sneered. “You’re willing to betray your father? You’re worse than an animal.” He slowly raised his hand. holding a silver needle.

“No! You can’t kill me! My mentor is the master of Boulderthorn, and my fiancée is the Grants‘ third daughter. You’ll become their enemy if you kill me. People will keep coming for your head, and you’ll have to live in fear for the rest of your life!” Joshua roared, going berserk, his eyes bloodshot.

“You should have thought about that when you kidnapped Natasha. As for the Grants and Boulderthorn, well, I don’t care about them. So, you’ll definitely die today,” Dustin replied coldly.

With a flick of his finger, the silver needle lodged itself in the space between Joshua’s forehead.

“No!” Joshua wailed with his last breath, the sound resonating in all directions.

Early the next morning, inside a mansion in Millsburg, Edwin woke up with a start from his nightmare, sweat

blanketing his whole body. For some reason, his sleep had been restless, an ominous feeling constantly hovering over him.

“Sir Hummer!” One of his bodyguards barged into his room, overjoyed. “We finally got our hands on Dr. Watkins Substratumis. With this. Mr. Hummer will finally recover!”

“Excellent! Show me!” Edwin’s face lit up, his worries forgotten.

“Here you go, sir!” The guard brought out a jade box and opened it, revealing a glistening sheer milky white pill that emitted a sweet, relaxing scent.
Chapter 291

“Well done. Well done, indeed!” Edwin laughed boisterously. “This Substratumis may be expensive, but it’s definitely worth the price!”

While he was still chortling away, another bodyguard rushed into the room anxiously. “Sir, something bad happened back home!” The guard fell to his knees, weeping.

“What?” Edwin frowned.

“We just received news from Swinton that Hummer Villa turned into a slaughterhouse last night. All of our fighters are dead, and Ms. Hummer and Mr. Hummer were both killed as well. The Hummer family is gone!”

These words struck Edwin like lightning, and the Substratumis in his hand crashed to the floor, shattering instantly.

“Son!” Edwin wailed mournfully, collapsing to the floor.

The devastated man stayed on the floor for what felt like ages. When he finally staggered to his feet, he seemed to have aged ten years, looking extremely haggard.

“Get ready. I want to head to Boulderthorn’s branch right this instant!” Edwin seethed menacingly. He no longer had anything to fear now that his children were dead. He only cared about avenging them, no matter the cost!

After an hour, in Boulderthorn’s branch’s meeting room.

“What? Joshua was killed?” A man in a green shirt shot up and roared. “Who the hell dares to touch someone from Boulderthorn?”

“It was Natasha Harmon and a man called Dustin Rhys!” Edwin growled.

The other man humphed. “How dare a family like them challenge us! They must have a death wish! Gather up our men. No matter what, we must avenge Joshua!”

“Yes, sir!”

The Boulderthorn disciples immediately left to carry out the man’s orders. Soon, the entire branch began to make a move.

Boulderthorn had hundreds of thousands of disciples throughout Balerno, and this particular branch has fostered the highest quantity of skilled martial artists. The reason for that was simple: their mentor was the guildmaster of Boulderthorn.

Boulderthorn has four branch leaders, eight guildmasters, and thirty–six second–in–commands. Besides the branch leaders, the guildmasters held the most power in the guild. With just one command, guildmasters could control thousands of disciples. However, each guildmaster had strong animosity against the other, so they were extremely protective of their disciples. So, whenever someone was in trouble, everyone would immediately chip in to help. And out of all Boulderthorn disciples, Joshua was the most talented and skilled, earning him the head guildmaster’s affection,

His sudden death shocked the entire guild, and if Boulderthorn didn’t avenge him, their reputation would be sullied, particularly for this branch.

Edwin felt some sense of relief when he saw the effort the guild disciples were putting in. Without saying another word, he got back to his car and headed towards the Grants home.

No matter who was responsible for Jade’s disappearance, he was sure to place the blame on Dustin, and, knowing the Grants, Dustin wasn’t going to get away with this easily. With Boulderthorn and the Grants working together, even the Harmon family, one of the wealthiest families around, wouldn’t last long, and when the time came, the Harmon family would surely make Natasha take responsibility alone.

As for Dustin, he was nothing but a sitting duck for the Boulderthorn disciples.

“My dear son, I will avenge you soon,” Edwin swore solemnly.
Chapter 292

Meanwhile, in Park Place, Swiston.

“What? Joshua Hummer is dead, and his entire family was massacred? They even burned Hummer Villa down to the ground?” Jessica, who had been relaxing a second ago, sobered when she heard her guard’s report.

The Hummer family was well known for being the top family in Swinton. While it couldn’t win against the Harmon family, it was still a force to be reckoned with, especially with Boulderthorn’s support. So who could be powerful enough to destroy that family?

“Do you know who did it?” Jessica pushed.

“The fire burned almost everything. It’ll be difficult to trace the source.” The guard shook his head.

“We’ll be in trouble if we can’t find the culprit!” Jessica frowned, pondering. Under normal circumstances, she’d be over the moon to learn that the Hummer family was gone. However, most people now knew that the Hummer family and her daughter had something against each other, so Natasha would naturally become the prime suspect. What Jessica feared the most was that should Boulderthorn start digging into this matter, things would get much more complicated.

“What’s wrong?” Just then, Natasha walked into the room wearing silk pajamas.

“Joshua Hummer is dead, and the entire Hummer family was destroyed while Edwin Hummer is still missing!” Jessica summarized everything she knew.

“I already knew that. Nothing to be surprised of.” Natasha stretched lazily.

“Huh? When did you find out?” Jessica asked, astonished.

“Dustin called me last night,” Natasha responded calmly.

“Last night?” Jessica froze before understanding dawned. “Are you saying that he’s the one who did it?”

“Yep.” Natasha nodded.

“Is he crazy? How could he kill Joshua Hummer? Doesn’t he know that Joshua’s mentor is Clement Lincoln? Isn’t he worried that Boulderthorn would retaliate?” Jessica snapped.

“The Hummer family and I are already enemies, so I don’t think Dustin did anything wrong.” Natasha countered.

The truth was she’d already been prepared to fight against them after hearing that the military had arrested Dustin. Still, it was a good thing he returned safely.

“He did nothing wrong?” Jessica frowned. “Natasha, do you have any idea what you’re saying? Even your father has to be careful around Lincoln! Dustin won’t be the only one to die if Lincoln wants revenge. You’ll be dragged down too!”

Boulderthorn was one of the strongest guilds in Balerno. The Harmon family wouldn’t be able to stand up against them, much less the guildmaster, who had the power to control over ten thousand men.

To put things into perspective, without military aid, no one would be able to stop those martial artists.

“Boulderthorn may be powerful, but they are not above the law. They won’t be able to do as they please. Besides, did you really think that the Hummer family was going to simply let us go if Dustin hadn’t killed Joshua? Since nothing can stop us from being enemies, the next best option would be to make the first move!” Natasha explained calmly, having thought about it earlier.

“I don’t care. Dustin is in big trouble this time. If you don’t want to drag our family into this mess, you better cut all ties with him right now!” Jessica warned.

“That’s your plan? Cutting ties with him?” Natasha snorted. “You shouldn’t forget that Dustin offended the Hummer family for me. Are you telling me to turn my back on him right now?”

“Why not?” Jessica responded scornfully. “Everyone has their value. Once they’re no longer of use, they should be discarded. You should always focus on the bigger picture.”

“How could you say something like that? You haven’t changed, have you? You’re still so disgusting!” Natasha sneered before spinning around to leave.

“You” Jessica fumed.
Chapter 293

Was it wrong for a mother to worry about her daughter’s safety? So why couldn’t Natasha understand her?

“Istrid!” Jessica called out.

A voluptuous woman immediately hurried into the room. “Yes, Madam?”

“Send an anonymous letter to Clement Lincoln to let him know everything Dustin has done.” Jessica instructed.

“Huh?” Isfrid was stunned. “A–are you sure, Madam?”

Dustin had been severely injured just to save Natasha, yet Jessica was telling her to betray him. That was crossing the line.

“Shut up and do as I say! Natasha will only be safe if we sacrifice Dustin. Hurry up!” Jessica ordered coldly.

“Yes. Madam.” Istrid could only nod. Although she felt sorry for Dustin, as the Harmon family’s shadow guard, she had no choice but to obey Jessica.

Meanwhile, a red BMW suddenly pulled up at the door of Peaceful Medical Center. The car door flung open. and Dakota Nicholson rushed into the building frenziedly.

“I know you’re here, Rhys! Come out!” she yelled.

“Which uneducated brat is it?” Dustin emerged from the kitchen. He looked up and gave her a knowing look. So it’s you. What can I do for you?”

“Cut the crap! My mother’s sick. Follow me to the hospital and help her!” Dakota ordered rudely. She woke up this morning to find that her mother was paralyzed, unable to feel anything below her shoulders, and could
only move her neck.

Although Dakota was shocked, she was forced to admit that everything happened just as Dustin had said it would. Her mother had fainted the first day, coughed up blood on the second, and became paralyzed on the third, just like he said.

So, if her mother couldn’t receive treatment in time, she would die tomorrow.

“What does your mother falling sick have to do with me?” Dustin shrugged, not at all surprised.

“She wouldn’t be sick if you hadn’t slapped her,” Dakota replied arrogantly.

“Wow, to become terminally ill from a slap. Your mother sure is something else.” Dustin chuckled, shaking his head.

“Stop messing around. I’m giving you a chance to redeem yourself. Come with me to the hospital to save my mother right now!” Dakota ordered.

“Sorry, but I don’t give a damn.” Dustin refused bluntly.

“What?” Dakota frowned. “How dare you refuse! Do you have any idea what the consequences will be?”

“Nope.” Dustin shook his head.

Dakota humped, displeased. “That means you’ll offend the Glenstead Nicholsons. If I can pull you out of jail, I can certainly put you back in.”

“It sounds like I have you to thank for my freedom?” Dustin asked, amused.

“Do you think I would have saved you if Dahlia didn’t keep begging me?” Dakota humphed. “You should be grateful. Since I saved you, it’s time for you to repay the favor. I’m giving you a chance to save my mother!”

“I have no idea where you found the confidence to say all that.” Dustin snorted and shook his head. “If that’s the attitude you’re going to carry, I’m afraid I can’t help you. Please leave.”

Dakota was supposed to ask for a favor, yet she acted arrogantly. It was as if she expected him to be grateful. that she was telling him to save someone. Who did she think she was?
Chapter 294

“You shameless bastard!” Dustin’s repeated refusal angered Dakota, the proud daughter of a wealthy family. Usually, people would be tripping over their feet trying to flatter her, yet here Dustin was, ignoring her.

“Who’s the shameless one?” Dustin raised an eyebrow. “Have you been eating so much junk food that you
fried your brain? This is Balerno, not Glenstead, so don’t give me that attitude!”

“You-” Dakota was so angry she gritted her teeth, but she couldn’t do anything else since she desperately needed him to save her mother. She would have already struck him if her mother’s life wasn’t at stake.

“What do you want, Rhys?” Dakota took a deep breath, trying to keep her anger at bay.

“I won’t make things difficult for you, for Dahlia’s sake, Dustin answered. “I can save her, but first, I want you to stop that haughty attitude of yours and give me a sincere apology. Next, I want you to write a letter of apology.”

“Never!” Dakota balked. “How could I, the daughter of the Glenstead Nicholsons, apologize to someone like you? Absolutely not.”

“Then forget about it. I’m not the one suffering anyway.” Dustin responded lazily. “But don’t say I didn’t warn you. Your mother will die tomorrow if she doesn’t receive treatment in time.”

“You-” Dakota choked, her face dark. Although she didn’t like hearing that, it was still the truth. If her mother didn’t receive help in time, she would be dead by the next morning.

“Please leave if you aren’t happy with my conditions.” Dustin waved her away.

“I–I’ll do it!” Dakota eventually gave in. Biting her lip, she stammered. ‘I–I’m sorry. I was wrong.”

“Are you talking to the air? Speak up!” Dustin ordered.

“I’m sorry! I was wrong!” Dakota shouted, her face red. That was her first time apologizing to someone, and it was utterly humiliating.

“Fine. I’ll forgive you because of Dahlia, but you better remember not to be so arrogant from now on. Not everyone is as kind as me,” Dustin reminded her.

Dakota’s face darkened, and her palms ached from how hard she clenched her fists. She forced out a smile and asked, “You’ll save my mom now, right?”

“What about the apology letter?” Dustin asked instead.

“I’ll write it!” Dakota gritted her teeth and began writing as soon as she got some pen and paper. Soon, a long letter was completed.

“As expected of an aristocratic family’s lady. Your writing is perfect.” Dustin nodded, pleased. He stored the letter away and pulled out a bottle of pills. “Here. One pill a day, and she’ll be as good as new after a month.”

“Just this? Are you serious?” Dakota accepted the bottle and studied it suspiciously. “Are you messing with me, Rhys? My mom can be saved with just a few pills?”

“What else were you expecting? Was I supposed to open her up instead?” Dustin questioned back.

“Alright. I’ll believe you this once. Your medicine better work, or I’m coming for you!” Giving Dustin a vicious glare, Dakota turned to leave.
Chapter 295

“Hold on.”

“What now?” Dakota halted and spun around, impatient.

“You haven’t paid yet. This medicine is precious. You can just pay me ten million, Dustin casually told her.

“What? A bottle like this costs ten million dollars? You might as well rob a bank!” Dakota fumed.

“This is obviously easier than robbing a bank. You can always give it back if you find it too expensive.” Dustin reached out to grab the bottle back.

“You’re shameless!” Dakota gritted her teeth and wrote up a ten–million–dollar check before leaving angrily. She’d made up her mind to make Dustin pay after her mother recovered.

After half an hour, she reached the hospital. As soon as she returned to the ward, she saw a group of doctors gathered there, shaking their heads and sighing. Her mother, Jane, was lying on the hospital bed, unable to

“You’re back, Dakota!” Florence rushed forward and asked, “How did it go? Does he have the solution? If there’s no other method, we’ll have to seek out Dr. Cross.”

“He gave me a bottle of pills and told me Mom would be fine after taking them for a month.” Dakota pulled out the bottle and poured out an ordinary–looking black pill the size of a peanut that emitted a musty odor.

“This thing can heal her?” Florence gaped in dismay. Instead of the panacea she had been expecting, all she saw was a booger.

“That’s what he said.” Dakota nodded her head.

“Ms. Nicholson,” a bald doctor suddenly spoke. “Your mother’s life is in danger. The best choice right now would be to perform a craniotomy surgery, not listen to some voodoo doctor.”

“You can’t even figure out what’s wrong with her, yet you want to perform a craniotomy? How’s that different from murder?” Dakota snapped.

The doctors had previously told her that her mother might be paralyzed due to the tumor in her brain. However, the CT scan results came back clean, so how could she blindly believe their assumptions?

“All surgeries come with risks, but at least our professional team is more reliable than the doctor you found!” the bald doctor promised.

“I have to try no matter what!” Dakota’s tone was firm.

“What an idiot.” The bald doctor shook his head and looked at Dakota like she was a moron. “Why would the world need doctors if medicine can cure everything?”

“Exactly! I’ll take a shit while doing a handstand if it works!” another doctor voiced.

Ignoring them, Dakota grabbed the pill and put it into her mother’s mouth. The pill melted instantly, and a gush of energy spread through Jane’s limbs.

A few seconds later, Jane began to cough, her face flushed.

“What the hell is this? It tastes atrocious!” Jane sputtered and sat up to gargle using the cup of water beside her.

“You can move again, Mom?” Dakota froze, then she lit up in excitement.

“Huh?” Jane halted, swallowing the water she had just gargled, before springing up happily. “Oh my! I can move again!”

“Who said they’d take a shit while doing a hand stand? Step forward right now!” Dakota glared at the doctors.. rendering them speechless.
Chapter 296

The doctors looked at each other in shock after seeing how lively Jane was. They couldn’t believe that such a small pill had cured what a group of medical professionals had been unable to. It was incredible!

Was that black pill a panacea or something?

Getting over his shock, the bald doctor tentatively asked, “Ms. Nicholson, may I know what pill that is? Could we study it?”

“Yeah, right. Fuck off!” Dakota immediately kicked him, making the man groan in pain.
Knowing he had lost, he quickly led the other doctors out of the room in disappointment.

“Who knew a small pill like this could be so powerful?” Florence was in awe. Despite its looks and smell, its effects were evident.

“It may have cost ten million dollars, but it was worth it!” Dakota exclaimed happily.

“What? Ten million?” The other two women instantly sprung up.

“Are you joking. Dakota? A bottle like this costs ten million dollars? Florence asked, wide–eyed.

“Yeah! Were you tricked? How could this ordinary–looking medicine cost so much?” Jane demanded, pained. The richer someone was, the stingier they were.

“Forget it. As long as it could save you, the price isn’t that important.” Dakota wasn’t too angry about it.

“What do you mean forget about it?” Jane fumed. “I still haven’t gotten even with that brat for slapping me. How dare he con us out of ten million dollars! I have to get that money back!” She immediately tried to get out of bed, but her agitated state, combined with her weak body, made her knees go weak, and she immediately collapsed back on the bed.

“Mom, we can think about the money later. Your health is way more important,” Dakota said worriedly.

“Don’t worry, Jane. I’ll get the money back for you.” Florence volunteered, not letting the opportunity to prove herself escape.

“Alright, then. I’ll leave this to you.” Jane agreed without hesitation. She couldn’t be happier that someone was volunteering to run errands for her.

“Mom, bad news!” Just then, Dahlia barged into the room anxiously.

“What’s wrong?” Florence was puzzled since she rarely saw her daughter so panicked.

“It’s James.” Dahlia panted before continuing. “I just received news that he got drunk last night and
accidentally ran his car into someone, killing that person. He’s already been arrested!”

“He killed someone?” Florence was stunned. “How is that possible? He never drives after drinking. How could this have happened?”

“I don’t know the specifics either. He’s being held in police custody. Let’s go now.” Dahlla urged.

“Right! Let’s go!” Florence quickly followed Dahlia out of the room.

Dahlia was the one who drove, and moments later, they arrived at the investigation bureau. After a simple
registration, the two women entered the meeting room and saw a roughed–up James.

“Mom! Sis! You’re finally here!” James burst out crying the moment he saw them.

“You asshole! How dare you drink and drive!” Dahlia walked forward and slapped him across the face.
Chapter 297

“Enough. Stop fighting. Let us know what happened first.” Florence said worriedly.

“I’m not sure what happened either.” James sobbed. “I blacked out after drinking with my friends. By the time I woke up, I was already in the car, and there was wreckage everywhere. I was so scared I ran away immediately, but I got caught the same night.”

“You did a hit–and–run? Do you know how severe this crime is? You won’t be getting out without a decade or two of jail time!” Dahlia spat.

“What?” James immediately paled. “I’m still young. I don’t want to go to jail. Please save me!”

“You have to pay the price for your mistakes. How can you think that you’ll be safe after killing someone?” Dahlia sighed. Although she loved her brother dearly, she could do nothing about his crime.

“Sis, Mom, help me! I swear I’ll never do this again! I’ve learned my lesson, I swear!” James swore frantically. unable to stand the thought of living out his life in prison.

“Calm down, James. I’ll call you aunt right now. With the Glenstead Nicholsons‘ help and some money, we should be able to get your out.” Florence quickly drew out her phone and called Jane. “Hello? Jane? James is in danger. He ran his car into somebody and killed them. Could you make a few calls to get him out?”

“It’s not that I don’t want to help you, Florence, but Dahlia ran away from her date last night, so our family is very unhappy. They’ve given the order that unless Dahlia marries Mr. Longford, our family will not be providing any assistance,” Jane responded calmly.

“What?” Florence stiffened and turned to look at Dahlia questioningly.

“I’ll never marry him!” Dahlia immediately refused.

“Then forget about it. Deal with James on your own.” Jane hung up.

“Just agree, Dahlia. What’s wrong with marrying Mr. Langford? He’s powerful and rich, and he comes from an aristocratic family. As long as you marry him, we can save your brother and live comfortably for the rest of our lives.” Florence urged.

“Mom, I don’t like him!” Dahlia frowned.

“You’ll fall in love with him after some time. Would you rather see your brother being sent to prison?” Florence wailed.

“That’s right, Sis. Just marry Mr. Langford, or I’m doomed!” James sobbed.

“Did the two of you ever think of my future?” Dahlia was troubled.

“You’ll have a wonderful life if you marry Mr. Langford, and our family will become powerful too, What’s not to like about that? Besides, I’m your brother. Do you want to see me rot away in jail?” James roared, his eyes bloodshot.

“Let me think about it. T–there must be another way.” Dahlia shut her eyes helplessly.

“What’s there to think about? We’re running out of time.” James shouted frantically.

“He’s right. Won’t you please help him? I’m begging you!” Florence cried and fell to her knees.

“What are you doing, Mom? Get up!” Dahlia paled and tried to help Florence stand.

“I won’t get up until you agree!” Florence declared.

At the sight of her mother’s firm attitude and her brother’s terrified expression, Dahlia stood rooted dumbly, at a loss. She never thought that things would turn out this way. The happiness she’d been praying for was just
a few steps ahead, so why was God treating her this way? Didn’t she deserve happiness?

“Fine. I’ll do it …” Dahlia shut her eyes, tears spilling down her cheeks.

She had given in..
Chapter 298

“Fine. I’ll do it…”

Within an exclusive club, Luis couldn’t help grinning when he heard the other voice from the phone. “Great. See you tonight. You better not stand me up again.”

With that, he hung up. The young men and women surrounding him immediately gave him a thumbs–up after learning what had happened.

“Never thought a tiny trick like this could get that chick to obey you, Ms. Langford. You’re incredible!” a blond man praised.

Luis chuckled evilly. “She would never have agreed if I hadn’t sent her brother in. Besides, how could I let a chick like her slip through my fingers like that?”

None of the women he set his sights on have ever gotten away from him. All it took was some time and some tricks. Dahlia may look like an innocent woman, but as long as he used her friends and family as bait, she would surely bite.

“I’m curious, Mr. Langford. Why would you marry her? You could have just had fun without getting married. This doesn’t seem like something you’d do.” The blond man observed.

“Excellent question.” Luis paused to light a cigar. “Truthfully, what I want is the Glenstead Nicholsons” support. Marriage between our families has been set, and Dahlia will soon carry out her family’s orders. Through her, I will take over the Nicholsons‘ power completely!”

His words caused a stir among the crowd, and they immediately began singing his praises.

“As expected of Mr. Langford, he thinks so far ahead. How impressive!”

“He has brains and brawn. He’s amazing!”

“Once I take over the Nicholsons, I will become the head of the Langfords!” Luis declared confidently.

Competition between him and his brothers was fierce, as everyone wanted to become the head of the family. To win against them, he must have enough strength and power.

“Then let us wish you a happy marriage in advance!” The blond man led the group to offer Luis a toast. Soon, laughter resonated through the room.

8 pm at Hillview Restaurant.

Dustin had arrived earlier than the agreed time. He had chosen the most luxurious room they had to cater to him and Dahlia, which didn’t matter much to him since this was one of his businesses, and he didn’t have to

“Sir, our chef prepared these dishes specially for you. Please let us know what you think.” The manager, carrying a menu, began to introduce each dish to Dustin.

“No need for all this. You can arrange it as you see fit. Just make sure to get us the chef’s signature dish,” Dustin instructed.

“Of course, sir.” The manager nodded and waved his hand to those outside the room.

A group of waiters immediately began setting up the place with flowers, wine, candles, and more, making the room look romantic and warm. They had even hired a guitarist and three dancers to perform. Soon, everything was ready.

“Sir, I took the liberty to arrange some performers. I hope you don’t mind.” the manager said with a smile.

“This looks quite grand. You must have put in a lot of effort.” Dustin was surprised.

“I can always tell them to leave if you don’t wish them to be here.” The manager lowered his head.

“It’s fine. It’s quite nice. Thank you.” Dustin smiled. Dahlia would like this, wouldn’t she?

“It’s my pleasure to serve you, sir. May I know when Ms. Nicholson will be arriving so I can prepare things?” the manager asked tentatively.

“She should be here soon.” Dustin glanced at the time. It was already past eight..

Dahlia always kept her promise and was never late. Did something happen?

Puzzled, Dustin pulled out his phone to call her.
Chapter 299

Dahlia didn’t pick up the first two times. It wasn’t until his third attempt that the call got through.

“Hey, Dahlia. Didn’t you tell me to treat you to dinner? Why aren’t you here yet?” Dustin asked.

“About that I’m sorry, but something came up. I might not be able to leave any time soon.” Dahlia’s voice sounded strange.

“It’s alright. Work is more important. Take your time. I won’t bother you.” Dustin answered understandingly despite the tinge of regret. Dahlia hummed. “I’ll treat you another day.”

“Sure.” Dustin smiled. He was just about to hang up when he heard a familiar voice.

“Dahlia, who are you calling? Hurry up. You’ve got to drink with me-”
With a beep, the call ended.

“Sir, when is Ms. Nicholson arriving?” the manager asked.

“She has something to deal with, so she can’t come. You can put everything away. I’m sorry, everyone.” Dustin smiled politely and got up to leave.

Everyone exchanged confused glances. Why had the carefully planned dinner gone to waste?

Meanwhile, inside a Barkarole Hotel room.

“Mr. Langford, I can’t drink anymore. Let’s stop here tonight.” Dahlia waved her hands frantically as another glass of wine came towards her.

Her face was flushed, and she was light–headed, her body weak.

“It was quite hard to get your brother out of that mess. You can’t be that ungrateful, can you?” Luis held up his glass unhappily.

“Just drink it, Dahlia. It’s just one glass.” Florence, who was sitting beside them, urged.

They were here because they wanted to save James, so they had to make sure they pleased Luis.

“But – Dahlia hesitated, troubled. Knowing her limits, she was sure she’d collapse if she drank anymore.

“I won’t force you anymore, Dahlia. This is the last glass.” Luis pushed the glass towards her once more.

“See, Dahlia? It’s the last glass. You shouldn’t embarrass him.” Florence pressed softly.

“Alright, I’ll drink it.” Taking a deep breath, Dahlia lifted the glass to her lips and downed the entire thing. As soon as the liquid settled, she felt herself getting dizzier. Her body swayed, and she almost tripped.
With quick reflexes, Florence grabbed Dahlia to keep her still. “Mr. Langford, Dahlia is drunk. Why don’t I send her home.”

“It’s fine. I’ve already booked a presidential suite for the two of you. She can just rest here.” Luis said with a smile.

“Won’t that be too much trouble?” Florence questioned tentatively.

“Of course not. We’ll be a family soon. You should go and rest.” Luis drew out a room card and passed it to Florence.

“Thank you, Mr. Langford.” Florence nodded and helped Dahlia out of the room.

“Let’s see how you’re going to escape tonight.” Luis cackled, seeing Dahlia’s retreating figure. He lifted his glass and took a big gulp before following behind the two women.
Chapter 300

Inside the presidential suite, Florence helped Dahlia onto the bed and took off the younger woman’s shoes. She then went to grab a basin of warm water to wipe Dahlia down.

“Mom, I feel horrible. I want some water.” Dahlia lay on the bed weakly, feeling parched.

“Water won’t work. I’ll get you some milk. Wait here.” Florence made up an excuse and quickly left the room, bumping into Luis straight away.

“How’s Dahlia doing. Mrs. Nicholson?”

“She’s fine. Nothing a night’s sleep won’t fix. Florence smiled.

“Where are you heading, Mrs. Nicholson?” Luis asked again.

“To get Dahlia some milk to case her stomach ache.”

“I see…” Luis smiled knowingly. “No one sells milk nearby, so I’m afraid you’ll have to search further. You might have to come back later too.”

“Are you sure? I’m pretty sure I saw a grocery store downstairs.” Florence smiled awkwardly.

“Are you questioning me?” Luis‘ smile slowly disappeared, an animalistic, cruel expression taking over.

“O–of course not. Got it. I’ll come back later.” Florence promised hurriedly, smiling apologetically.

“Good.” Luis‘ smile returned, and he watched the woman leave. As soon as she was gone, he opened the room door and let himself in.

“How did you get the milk so quickly, Mom?” Dahlia asked weakly from the bed.

“Your mother isn’t coming back anytime soon, so I’ll be taking care of you,” Luis responded.

“Mr. Langford? What are you doing here?” Dahlia’s face tightened. “How did you get in? Where’s my mom?”

“She went to get you some milk, of course,” Luis answered, beginning to take his clothes off.

“What do you think you’re doing. Mr. Langford?” Dahlia began to panic.

“What do you think is supposed to happen when a man and a woman are left alone in a room?” He sneered. removing his tie, eyes full of lust.

“Don’t mess with me, Mr. Langford. I’m not that kind of person!” Dahlia shouted.

“We’ll be engaged in a few days and getting married soon, so what does it matter? Luis jeered. “I promise you Infinite luxury if you please me tonight.”

“No! You’re not touching me until we’re married!” Dahlia stood her ground.

“That’ll take too long. You’re going to sate me right now!” He lunged forward and began yanking at her clothes like a beast.

“Go away!” Struggling with all her might, Dahlia planted a firm kick at Luis‘ groin, and the man immediately
doubled, groaning. “Are you alright, Mr. Langford?” Dahlia was startled. Things would be bad if she caused him permanent injury down there.

“You bitch!” Furious, Luis slapped Dahlia across the face, making her stagger and fall to the floor. “No woman has ever rejected me, much less kicked me. How dare you!” Luis exploded.

“I’m sorry. Mr. Langford. I didn’t do that on purpose.” Dahlia shook her head.

“Shut the fuck up! If you don’t want something to happen to your brother, you better kneel and beg for forgiveness!”

“You’re crossing the line, Mr. Langford!” Dahlia snapped.
Chapter 301

If Luis was going to rape her, she’d rather die than suffer and be humiliated that way.

“So what? How dare a secondhand good like you act innocent. Take off your clothes right now!” Luis shouted.

“No!” Gritting her teeth, Dahlia ignored her weak body and staggered to the door.

“Do you think you can escape?” With a sneer, the man ran after her.

Just as Dahlia was about to reach the lift, he sped up and made a lunge for her, dragging her to the floor. He immediately began to tug at her clothes.

Just then, the lift doors opened with a ding. The two of them lifted their heads and froze when they saw Dustin emerging from the lift with a dark face.

“What are you two doing?” Dustin seethed, a murderous air surrounding him. He realized that something was wrong when he heard Dahlia’s earlier reply, so he quickly told someone to track her car, and this was the first thing he saw.

“So, it’s you.” Luis leisurely pulled himself to his feet and lifted his pants, grinning tauntingly. ” Are you here to peek at me and my girlfriend making love?”

“Girlfriend?” Dustin frowned and stared at Dahlia. “What is going on?”

“I-it’s not what you think it is.” Dahlia frantically shook her head, but she didn’t know how to explain this to him.

“Why are you hiding this from him, Dahlia? Weren’t you drinking with me so that we could do this? Since he’s caught us, we might as well let him know.” Luis smiled.

“Dahlia Nicholson! Is this what you meant when you said you were meeting a client?” Dustin’s face had contorted with rage. He thought that she was in trouble, but it turned out that she was on a date.

“I …” Dahlia was at a loss for what to say. It was true that she had lied to him, but it was only because she didn’t want him to misunderstand. However, things had still turned out this way. “Nothing to say?” Dustin sneered at himself. “So, you’ve been lying to me this entire time?”

“N-no. I didn’t mean to.” Dahlia’s eyes were red.

“Then what?” Dustin’s expression contorted with agony. “You promised to have dinner with me, yet you abandoned me to visit someone else in a hotel room. Are you still going to tell me you weren’t lying to me?”

“I’m sorry, Dustin. I’m sorry! I didn’t do it on purpose. I didn’t think things would turn out this way.” “Right. You didn’t expect me to ruin your fun, or you could’ve continued treating me like a fool.” Dustin shook his head and sneered. “I was an idiot to think that you changed and even tried to accept you. It took me so long to realize that you’ve been toying with me this entire time I don’t get it. What did I ever do to you? Why would you do something like this to get even with me? Why won’t you let me go even though we’re divorced? Was it fun toying with my emotions? Will you never stop until you’ve completely humiliated me?”

“Listen to me, Dustin. I really like you. I never wanted to hurt you. Please believe me!” Dahlia sobbed.

“You like me? Then what about him?” Dustin pointed at Luis. “I saw everything just now. Did you think that I’m blind?”

“N-no. That was a misunderstanding.” Dahlia bit her lip

“A misunderstanding? Are you telling me that he was about to rape you?” Dustin’s face darkened instantly. “If you say yes, I’ll make sure to get rid of him!”

Hearing that, Dahlia immediately fell silent. She wanted to admit everything, but she couldn’t. Luis was not someone she could cross, and definitely not someone Dustin could cross. Things would become disastrous should Dustin try to harm Luis. After all, the Stonia Langfords were not someone they could win against.
Chapter 302

“Why aren’t you saying anything? Do you agree with what I said?” Dustin’s final glimmer of hope disappeared along with Dahlia’s silence. He’d given her a chance to explain herself, but she didn’t give him the answer he wanted.

“I’m sorry. I have my reasons.” Dahlia felt her heart bleeding, and breathing became difficult.

“Reasons?” Dustin sneered. “What could make you sell your body? What could stop you from explaining things to me?”

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” Dahlia sobbed, anguished.

“Don’t apologize to me. We’re already divorced, sol have no right to control anything you do, and you didn’t betray me.” Dustin’s face gradually turned hard. “However, please don’t ever bother me again. I’m still human. I can’t keep being hurt by you. So, won’t you please let me go?”

“I …” Dahlia didn’t know what to say.

Perhaps the best thing for her to do now was to completely cut ties with him since she had no choice but to yield to Luis for her brother, her family, and Dustin. Still, she’d already made up her mind. The day of her union with Luis would be the day she died.

“Alright. That’s enough. You’ve said everything you needed to say.” Luis grinned tauntingly. “Wait for me in the room, Dahlia. We’ll have some fun later.”

Dahlia didn’t move. However, Dustin’s breathing began to quicken.

“What are you waiting for? A show?” Luis gave Dustin a disdainful look over. “Though I must admit. You’ve got good taste in women. Her smooth, supple skin sure is lovely! I’ll have lots of fun later. Well, you can watch from the side if you don’t mind.” Luis chuckled, grinning wickedly.

“You’re dead meat!” Enraged, Dustin planted his foot into Luis’ abdomen and, with a bang, the latter crashed into the wall, passing out on the spot

“Are you crazy, Dustin? Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” Dahlia immediately paled. Luis was an aristocrat in Stonia. Offending someone like him was like asking for someone to kill you.

“What? Are you worried about him?” Dustin sniggered. “For you to fall for a pervert like him, I can’t help wondering if there’s something wrong with your eyes.

“That has nothing to do with you. Get out! I never want to see you again!” Dahlia bit her lip, trying to control her emotions. Injuring Luis was no small matter. Dustin would be in trouble if Luis’ bodyguards were to arrive now.

“Are you finally showing your true colors? Have you decided to stop pretending?” Dustin chuckled coolly

“So what? I don’t mind letting you know I’m not just dating him. We’re engaged, and our wedding is in three days!” Dahlia revealed the shocking news.

“What? Engaged?” Dustin’s expression immediately darkened. “What’s wrong with you? How could you marry someone like him?”

“Who I marry is none of your business! And you’re right. I was toying with your feelings, but so what? You were the one who was stupid enough to listen to me. Why don’t you look in the fucking mirror? Do you think a broke loser like you can stand beside me? Luis is different. With his family background and power, I’ll live a luxurious life once I marry him! Compared to him, you’re nothing! There you go. This is the truth you wanted! Are you happy now!” Dahlia roared.

“You’re shameless!” Unable to stop himself, Dustin slapped her, and clear marks appeared on her face instantly.

Dustin was shocked. Never once in their three years of marriage had he ever struck her, so he never expected himself to lose control of his emotions. Still, anger quickly took over his dismay.

She deserved it!

“I was an idiot to believe you. Please don’t ever appear before me ever again!” Dustin spat before leaving.

“Dus-” Dahlia reached out a hand to stop him but managed to stop herself. She knew that this was the end for them. However, this was still a good ending.

So, why? Why did her heart ache so much?

Her chest was throbbing so much she couldn’t breathe.

“Dahlia! What happened?” Just then, Florence had arrived. When she spotted Luis unconscious on the floor, she paled. “Did you do this?”

“Mom, Dustin dropped by just now. He knows everything now. We’re never getting back together.” Dahlia wailed, throwing herself into her mother’s embrace.

“Shh… Mom’s here.” Florence patted her daughter’s back. “Your status has changed. Dustin isn’t good enough for you anymore.

“B-but I love him! I really want to be with him! Why is God doing this to me? I don’t want to accept this!” Dahlia wailed tormentedly.

“Life isn’t always smooth sailing, Dahlia. You should look on the bright side instead. I’m sure you’ll be happier in the future.” Florence sighed.

“Mom, do you know how much it hurt when I said those hurtful things to him? It was like a knife was twisting inside me! I wanted to tell him the truth and that I loved him, but I couldn’t. I’m worried he might get arrested again. Mom, it hurts. It hurts so much!” Dahlia howled, thumping her heart furiously like it would make her feel better.

While she was weeping, her vision suddenly turned black, and she lost consciousness.
Chapter 303

Even after returning to the medical center, Dustin still felt restless after the heavy blow Dahlia had given him. He never thought that she was the kind of person who would toy with hist emotions for revenge.

They could have ended their relationship on a good note, yet she decided to make them enemies. Dustin just couldn’t understand why. No matter how hard he thought back, he was sure he had never once done anything bad to her.

“Dustin, are you in trouble?” Maximus emerged from the living room and asked. “Let me know if you need my help.”

The past few days of treatment have healed his core. He might not be as strong as before, but he was satisfied with just this.

“Won’t you drink with me?” Dustin fumbled around the cabinets for two bottles of wine. With Gregory around, there was never a shortage of alcohol.

“Sure.” Maximus sat down without a second thought.

The two men began to drink, but no one spoke, so the tension in the air increased.

After a few glasses, Dustin eventually spoke. “How’s your injury?”

“It’s healing great. I’ll be fine in another two days.” Maximus was filled with gratitude. “It’s all thanks to your skills. I’d be doomed if it weren’t for you.”

“You can stop being so formal. It sounds weird. Just talk to me casually.” Dustin topped up their glasses.

“I-I can’t do that. I’ll just keep talking like this.” Maximus grinned sheepishly.

“Do it your way.” Dustin tipped his head back and downed his glass.

“Did you run into relationship problems?” Maximus asked, finishing his glass as well.

“How did you know?” Dustin raised an eyebrow.

“It’s easy to realize once you’re in the same boat.” Maximus smiled sadly. What could be worse than someone’s fiancée sleeping with their mentor?

“That’s true.” Dustin calmed slightly when he thought of the things the other man had gone through, and he began spilling everything to Maximus, everything since he needed someone to confide in.

“Say, did I marry the wrong person to end up this way?” Dustin smiled sadly.

“I have a different opinion, Dustin.” Maximus paused. “Did you ever think that Ms. Nicholson had no choice?”

“Couldn’t she have told me why?” Dustin shook his head.

She probably would if she could.” Maximus sighed, “You were married to her for three years. You should know her best. Do you think she’s that kind of person?”

Dustin stilled for a second before recovering. “Everyone can change. Just because she wasn’t

before doesn’t mean she won’t be in the future. No one can truly tell what’s going through a woman’s mind.”

“Take it easy, Dustin. Time will prove everything.” Maximus consoled him.

“Let’s stop talking about this. Let’s drink!” Dustin pulled out another two bottles of wine, fully intending to enjoy himself that night.

Just then, a black car pulled up at the entrance, and a man in a suit trudged into the building. “Who is Dustin Rhys?”
Chapter 304

The man’s arrogant gaze swept the room.

“I’m Dustin. May I know why you’re here?” Dustin glanced at the man before continuing to drink.

“I’m a messenger of Boulderthorn’s Royal Valor. We want to challenge you to a duel. You killed Joshua Hummer, our seventh disciple, so something has to be done. My senior will be visiting Swinton to challenge you to a duel to the death!” the man declared haughtily, throwing them a piece of paper.

As a well-known guild, they had to do things publicly, including exacting revenge. They were also going to use this opportunity to show off their power.

“You can take that back. I’m not interested.” Dustin refused without even looking at the paper. “Are you scared?” The other man sneered. “Weren’t you brave when you killed Joshua? Why are you shying away after hearing that my senior is your opponent?”

“As if. I don’t even know who your senior is,” Dustin replied calmly.

“I’ll tell you right now. His name is Tatum Thunders, and his name can be found on The Heavenly Immortals. He’s also one of the eight geniuses of Boulderthorn. His nickname is Fanatic Blade!” The man humphed proudly.

“The Fanatic Blade, Tatum Thunders?” Maximus exclaimed, his expression paled.

As a Boulderthorn disciple himself, he has heard of Tatum before.

Boulderthorn has eight subsidiary guilds-Royal Valor, Quickshields, Forsakenstriders, Shadowfall, Thundersong, Frostlanders, Boneguard, and Killingbane.

Each guild had its respective principal disciple, who were expert martial artists ranking only below the guildmaster. In terms of power and strength, they were even stronger than the second- in-commands of Boulderthorn, and Tatum happened to be the principal disciple of Royal Valor.

Only in his early thirties, the genius has already made his way onto the Heavenly Immortals.

“Fanatic Blade? Never heard of him. He better stay away if he doesn’t want to die.” Dustin couldn’t care less.

“Arrogant fool!” The man humphed. “No one has ever dared to refuse our challenge, you brat. If you refuse to accept the duel, everyone around you will suffer, not just you, so you better think this through.”

“Are you threatening me?” Dustin narrowed his eyes dangerously.

“That’s right! We’ll be waiting for you at Mount Halgue in two days’ time. You’d better be prepared for the consequences if you don’t show up. And don’t even think about running away. We’re watching you. Rather than hiding like a mouse, why don’t you die honorably in a fight instead? At least your pride will be intact, and no innocent people will be hurt. Well, you should think carefully before making your decision. Goodbye.” With that, the man spun around and left.

The man wasn’t worried that Dustin might not accept their challenge since no one had ever gotten away from Boulderthorn.

“We’re in trouble now, Dustin!” Maximus’ expression was grave. “Tatum is no ordinary fighter. He’s a legendary figure who already achieved divinity five years ago. He’s leagues above Joshua Hummer!”

“Really? He sounds strong,” Dustin responded calmly.

“I think you should bring your loved ones and run as far as you can right now, or you’re doomed!” Maximus warned

“Run?” Dustin smiled softly. “He isn’t enough to scare me.”

“Do you have another plan?” Maximus asked curiously.

“There’s always a solution to a problem. Since they’re challenging me first, I should give them a response too.” Dustin smiled coldly.

His mood was already terrible, but now that Tatum was stupid enough to poke an angry bear, Dustin might as well use that man to relieve some anger.
Chapter 305

Time flew by, and two days passed. News about Tatum challenging Dustin to a duel had spread far and wide, and all the martial artists who caught wind of the challenge came in droves to watch the duel

The challenger was the principal disciple of Royal Valor, Fanatic Blade of the Heavenly Immortals -Tatum Thunders, while the challengee was Dustin Rhys, a dark horse.

Eager to watch their challenge, many people woke up before dawn to get to Mount Halgue, so now, people crowded at the foot of the mountain

“I didn’t know there would be this many people.” Thanking that this was just an ordinary duel, Dustin was surprised by the size of the crowd

“That’s just how Boulderthorn is Anytime a famous disciple challenges someone to a duel, their guild makes sure to promote themselves and show off their strength. It’s an unspoken rule among guilds Maximus was used to the sight

“Really?” Dustin smiled. “In that case, wouldn’t they be embarrassed if they lose?”

“Lose?” The corner of Maximus’ lips twitched This was Tatum Thunders they were talking about. Even among his peers in Boulderthorn, the man rarely had any opponents, so how could he lose? The only reason the guild would make such a bigtuss about this was because they were certain they would win Therefore, they invited multiple witnesses, including the disciples of other guilds, to show off their power

“Dustin, it’s not too late to turn back right now. Are you sure you want to do it?” Maximus asked tentatively.

“Why would we turn back when we’re already halfway there? Let’s go. I want to meet that guy.” Dustin stretched and began to climb the stairs.

Halfway up the mountain, they suddenly heard a fierce battle going on.

Dustin turned and saw a group of people fighting in the dense forest next to the path. More accurately, a bunch of burly men were attacking an old man simultaneously. Despite his white. hair and frail body, the old man was surprisingly agile, his strikes catching his opponents by surprise, so the group of men was having a hard time fighting him.

A young girl stood behind the elderly man

“How dare they attack an old man! I’ll go help them” Maximus rushed forward righteously. Dustin shook his head and followed suit.

“Hey! What are you guys doing?” The young girl immediately stopped them as they approached. The old man is in danger. I’ll help him!” Maximus told her.

It’s fine. Those vermin won’t be able to hurt my grandpa,” the girl refused.

“He’s your grandfather?” Maximus was surprised. “Aren’t you worried he might get hurt?”

The little girl immediately humphed proudly “My grandfather’s Ralph Dunn, the leader of the Steel Legion! There’s no way those vermin are a match for him lust watchi”

Hearing that, Maximus stood back and watched the battle silently.

After exchanging a few more blows, Ralph finally put in more effort and began raining down strikes from his palms on the men. Unable to withstand the attack, the men soon became severely injured and threw up blood.

“Damn it! He’s a beast! Retreat!” the leader hollered, and everyone else immediately rushed after him, not wanting to stay another second.

“Humph! How dare those losers dare to take advantage of me with their pathetic skills!”
Chapter 306

The old man patted the dust off his body in a poised manner.

“That was a wonderful fight!” The young girl excitedly clapped after Ralph won. She turned to Dustin and Maximus. “See? Isn’t my grandpa amazing?”

“Abby, did you see my palm strikes just now? Those are our guild’s signature moves. You’ll amaze the world when you finally learn it,” Ralph said loudly.

“I’ll work hard to meet your expectations, Grandpa Abby nodded fervently.

“Oh, and they are?” Ralph turned his attention to Dustin and Maximus.

“They’re passersby who were being nosy, but I stopped them in time. With their abilities, they’ll only be a bother,” Abby explained.

“I see.” Ralph gave them a look over. “Treacherous bandits and ferocious beasts always roam this mountain. You two shouldn’t run around carelessly.

“Thanks for the advice. We’ll make a move since you’re safe.” Dustin thanked them and spun around to leave.

“Hold on!” Abby suddenly called out. “You’re here to watch the fight between Tatum and, er, Dustin, right?”

“Yes. Are you guys here for that too?” Dustin asked

“Of course!” Abby lifted her head proudly. “To tell you the truth, Boulderthorn invited many witnesses for today’s duel. My grandpa’s one of them!”

“Witnesses?” Dustin was amused. “Is that really necessary?”

“Of course it is!” Abby rolled her eyes. “I can tell that you’re clueless. Well, any fight between famous martial artists always needs witnesses to ensure the competition’s fairness.”

“I see.” Dustin nodded. It was true that he had no idea about deathmatch rules.

“Both of you young men seem like fine people with strong bodies. I’ll give you a chance to become Steel Legion disciples,” Ralph suddenly said.

“Disciples?” Dustin was caught off guard.

“You two should thank your lucky stars. Being my grandpa’s disciple is a dream many people have. What are you waiting for? Hurry up and thank him!” Abby ordered arrogantly.

“Sorry, but no thanks,” Dustin refused, shaking his head.

“What?” Abby immediately turned angry. “Hey, you should be grateful that Grandpa’s willing to take you in.”

“Young man, you won’t come across this opportunity twice. You should think about it carefully!” Ralph stood proudly with his hands behind his back. “It’s an honor to be my disciple. All I have to do is teach you a few moves, and you’ll become famous.”

Dustin couldn’t help but find their confidence amusing. To think that someone who hasn’t reached divinity yet was trying to take him in as a disciple. Had the requirements for becoming
mentors fallen so low?

“Thank you for your offer, but I’m not interested.” Dustin shook his head once more.

“Insolent fool!” Abby humphed before turning to Maximus. “What about you?”

“I’m not interested either.” He shrugged.

“You’ll regret your decision one day!” Abby fumed.

Her grandfather, the leader of Steel Legion, a well-known martial expert, was gracious enough to offer to take them in, yet they foolishly refused.
Chapter 307

“Forget it I was just repaying your kindness earlier Since you don’t want to, forget it.” Ralph shook his head pretentiously, giving them a you’ll regret-it-one-day look

Dustin and Maximus exchanged amused glances silently

“Let’s go. Since we’ve run into each other, I might as well escort you two up in case there’s danger again.” Ralph said, walking ahead with his hands clasped behind his back.

“You guys are lucky to be able to walk with my grandpa!” With a humph, Abby glared at them and hurried after Ralph.

Dustin smiled and followed behind them without protest. After all, there was only one way up the mountain

Moving at a brisk pace, the group soon made it to the top At the center of the hilltop was a platform, which was where Dustin and Tatum’s fight was supposed to take place. Many people had already gathered around the platform, most of them martial artists, making things much. livelier

“Mr. Dunn? Nice to meet you.

“I’ve heard so much about you, Mr. Dunn It’s an honor to meet you”

As soon as Ralph appeared, many people came unto greet him. It was clear to see that the Steel Legion was quite famous

“Do you know how powerful my grandpa is now?” Abby goaded. “I bet you regret your decision now Ha, but it’s too late!”

Dustin pretended not to hear her, while Maximus ignored her by turning his head away.

“I heard you’re the witness for today’s match, Mr. Dunn Who do you think will win?” someone asked

“Isn’t it obvious? Fanatic Blade, of course!” Abby chimed in “Tatum is the principal disciple of Royal Valor and someone on the Heavenly Immortals. He’s never lost a fight before.”

“It’s true that he’s strong, but I heard that Dustin Rhys is not someone to underestimate either. Even Joshua Hummer, who had just reached divinity, lost to him,” another person responded. “Why would you compare Tatum to Joshua?” Abby humphed. “One hasn’t even fully reached divinity yet, while the other already did that five years ago. With Tatum’s skills today, how hard can it be for him to defeat a country bumpkin?”

“She’s right. No matter how I look at it, Tatum has a higher winning chance,” Ralph opined, and everyone instantly nodded in agreement.

Ralph was a revered senior martial artist and the witness for today’s duel, so naturally, everyone believed him.

Glancing at the people around him, Dustin shook his head with a smile.

“What are you laughing at? Did Grandpa say anything wrong?” Abby demanded, annoyed.

“Aren’t you guys being too hasty? The battle hasn’t even begun yet.” Dustin smiled.

“Why? Do you think that Dustin might win?” Abby pursed her lips.

“We’ll only know once the batter starts,” Dustin answered.

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