An Understated Dominance: By Marina Vittori​

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys have been married for three years. After Dahlia achieves rapid success, she decides to end her marriage with Dustin, viewing him as a burden. Little does she know that all her accomplishments were actually thanks to him.

My wife is a CEO, she always hates me for being lazy and wants to divorce me. But she doesn't know that her success is bestowed by me.

“Dustin, here is the divorce agreement prepared by Ms. Nicholson. All you need to do is sign them.”

In the president’s office of the Quine Group, the secretary, Lyra Blaine, placed a piece of A4 paper on the table. A man sat opposite her, dressed in plain clothing.

“Divorce? What do you mean?”

Dustin Rhys was taken aback.

“Do you not understand what I’m saying? Your marriage with Ms. Nicholson is over. You’re not even on the same level anymore. Your existence is nothing but a smear on the president’s reputation!”

Lyra pulled no punches as she spoke.

“A smear on her reputation?” Dustin frowned. “Is that how she thinks of me?”

Back when they first got married, the Nicholson family was in ruinous debt. He was the one who helped them when they were at their lowest point. Now that they were rich, Dahlia Nicholson was ready to just kick him out.

“Something like that.” Lyra poked her chin toward the magazine on the table. A photo of a beautiful woman was printed on the front page. “Look at the headline on this magazine, Dustin. Ms. Nicholson’s net worth has hit one billion in the course of just three years, a feat no short of a miracle. She’s now the most desired woman in Swinton! With all this, she’s destined for greatness. But you, you’re just a regular joe. You don’t deserve her at all. I hope that you’ll see some sense and do the right thing.”

When Dustin remained silent, Lyra frowned.

“I know you’re not happy with this, but this is reality,” she continued. “You might have helped Ms. Nicholson when she was in trouble, but she has repaid you for everything you’ve done for her over the last three years. In fact, you’re the one who owes her now!”

“Is our marriage just a business deal to her, then?” Dustin took a deep breath to suppress the emotions within. “If she wants to divorce me, let her speak to me herself.”

“Ms. Nicholson is very busy. She doesn’t need to trouble herself with such trifling matters.”

“Trifling matters?” Dustin was stunned. Then he laughed bitterly. “Is that so? Is divorce a trifling matter to her? She can’t even find the time to speak to me. Truly, she’s that unattainable now!”

“Dustin, don’t delay this any longer.” Lyra pushed the divorce agreement toward him again. “Just sign here and you’ll get a car and a house as compensation. On top of that, you’ll also get eight million dollars. This is more than what you’ll be able to earn in your lifetime!”

“Eight million dollars is a lot, but…I don’t need it. I will sign the divorce papers if she comes personally. Otherwise, I won’t sign anything,” Duston said coldly.

“Don’t go too far, Dustin!” Lyra slammed her hand on the table. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. With all her power and resources, Ms. Nicholson can divorce you easily. It’s only because she appreciates her past relationship with you that she’s allowing you to keep your dignity intact. Don’t provoke her!”

“My dignity?” Dustin was a little amused by that. She didn’t even want to speak to him directly to divorce him. What kind of dignity was that? Moreover, if she really did appreciate their relationship, then why was she threatening him now?

“I don’t think we have anything else to talk about, then.”

Unwilling to argue, Dustin stood up and made to leave.

“Dustin Rhys! You—”

Just as Lyra was about to lose her cool, a curvy woman in a long black dress walked in. Her skin was as white as snow, and her features were delicate. Her lofty aura and curvaceous figure made her look like a goddess right out of a painting.

“You’re finally here.”

Dustin felt complicated emotions when he saw the beautiful woman. They had been married for three years, during which they treated each other with care and respect. But this was how it ended. He still didn’t know what he had done wrong.

“I’m sorry for being late, I was caught up with something else.”

Dahlia Nicholson sat down. Her expression was as impassive as ever.

“You certainly are busy, if you need your secretary to help you deal with your divorce,” Dustin said.

Hearing this, Dahlia frowned slightly. However, she did not explain herself. Instead, she said, “Since you’re here, let’s get straight to the point. Let’s end this on a pleasant note. I’m sorry I have to do this to you, so you can have the car and the house, plus eight million dollars as alimony. How does that sound?”

At that, she placed a card on the table.

“Do you really think our relationship can be measured by money?” Dustin asked.

“Too little? That’s alright. Let me know what you want. I’ll give you anything within my power,” Dahlia said placidly.

“I don’t think you understood me. Let me rephrase my question. Are money and power that important to you?” Dustin was truly bewildered.

Dahlia went over to the windows and looked out over the city. There was determination in her eyes when she said, “To me, yes, they’re very important.”

“You’ve earned enough to feed yourself for the rest of your life. Why do this?”

“Dustin, that’s where you and I diverge in philosophy. You’ll never understand what I really want.” Dahlia shook her head in disappointment.

They weren’t just incompatible in status and power; they were also incompatible in their principles. Most importantly, she did not see any hope for the future in him.

“You’re right. How would I know what you’re thinking?” Dustin laughed bitterly. “All I know is to cook for you when you’re hungry, prepare your coat when it’s cold out, and carry you to the hospital when you’re sick.”

“There’s no point in going into this now.” Dahlia’s expression held complicated emotions, but it was soon covered up by determination.

“You’re right.” Dustin nodded without any emotion. “I heard that you’ve been close with the heir of the Nolan family. Is it because of him?”

Dahlia was about to deny it when she gave it a second thought. In the end, she nodded.

“You can say that.”

“Okay. I hope you’re happy with him.” Dustin smiled and signed the divorce agreement without any more hesitation. All he felt now was disappointment. Ironically, today was also their wedding anniversary. There was cruel humor in divorcing him on the day they had gotten married.

“I don’t want the money, I just want that crystal necklace back. My mother left it to me before she died so that I can give it to my wife.”


Dahlia nodded and gave him the crystal necklace.

“From today onward, we will have nothing to do with each other!”

Dustin put on the necklace and left. He had no more gentleness in his expression; all that was left was distant aloofness.

“Did I do the right thing, Lyra?” Dahlia asked hesitantly.

Even though she was the one who asked for the divorce, she didn’t feel happy at all when it was finalized.

“Of course you did!” Lyra nodded. “You have the right to pursue happiness. Dustin does not deserve you at all. He’ll only bring you down with him. You’re destined to be the most powerful woman in Swinton!”

Dahlia did not answer her. As she watched Dustin leave, she felt as if she was losing something precious.

Chapter 2141

Kuangchao looked at the knife stuck on the ground, and then at dustin, who was calm and calm, and suddenly felt a sense of frustration in his heart.
He originally thought that he was extremely talented and could take advantage of this opportunity of the Longhu Mountain Tournament to become a sensation.
Now it seems that he still overestimated himself.
As the saying goes, there are people outside the world, and there are people outside the world. There are too many people in this world who are better than him.
His little heritage and pride are not worth mentioning at all.
The current ending is the best example.
Even if he tried his best, he could not hurt dustin at all, and was easily defeated by the opponent.
This huge blow was unbearable for him for a while.
“You win… I’m ashamed of myself.”
Kuangchao was silent for a while, and finally squeezed out a sentence with difficulty.
“You are pretty good, and you are considered the best among your peers.” dustin said calmly.
The strength Kuangchao had just shown was already at the martial arts master level.
At this age, having such a level of cultivation is truly a gift.
It’s a pity that the two sides are not in the same realm.
“Winner or loser, I am convinced of defeat, but I will not give up. One day, I will challenge you again!”
After saying these words, Kuangchao turned around and left without even glancing at his own knife.

Although he lost, he did not lose his fighting spirit.
After returning, he must work harder to catch up with dustin as soon as possible.
“Although this guy is very arrogant, he does have some skills. The sword skills he just displayed made my scalp numb.” Liu Hongxue said with lingering fear.
Although she didn’t like Kuang Chao’s behavior, she had to admit his strength.

If a fight really breaks out, even Chen Xingwen, the Little Spear Immortal, may not be his opponent.
“The madness is great, but it’s a pity that I met Brother dustin. Even if I have all the skills, it will be of no use.” Xu Yang sighed.
“I can only say that he was honored even though he lost.” Liu Rushuang nodded in agreement.
If Kuang Chao is a genius, then dustin is the genius among geniuses.

Even if Kuang Chao tried his best, dustin could easily resolve it.
It’s obvious that this is not a level fight.

She was now beginning to wonder if dustin had hidden his identity?
Otherwise, with the opponent’s talent and strength, he should be able to be promoted to the Prodigy List and become a being that attracts everyone’s attention.
“Sister, Senior Brother Xu, what’s going on with you two? Didn’t you just have a meal together? Why do I feel like you two have become dustin’s fans?”
Liu Hongxue puffed her mouth, looking a little dissatisfied.
Although dustin is very strong, she is somewhat conflicted because the other party has always been against her.
“Master Lu is the best choice regardless of his strength or moral character. Such a young talent should be respected.” Liu Rushuang said seriously.

“That’s right!” Xu Yang nodded repeatedly: “Junior sister Liu, a master like Brother dustin is very rare. I always think that he can make a surprise in the martial arts competition. It is a blessing for us to have the opportunity to make friends with such a talented person. Wan Don’t miss this opportunity!”
Making good connections in advance is an investment in the future.
Maybe today’s kindness can help me at a critical moment.
“Hmph! I won’t deliberately try to curry favor with someone!”
Liu Hongxue rolled her eyes and seemed unconcerned.

Ask her to go against her will to please someone, she can’t do it.
“Junior sister Liu, you are still too young.”
Xu Yang sighed earnestly: “What is Jianghu? Jianghu is not about fighting and killing, but about human relations. If we can make more friends, it will be beneficial to our future without any harm.”
“Making friends is not about profit, but about having similar interests. If we don’t have a common language, we can talk about everything.” Liu Hongxue was a little dissatisfied.
“Forget it, you will understand it later.” Xu Yang shook his head and said no more.
The frenzied challenge did not provoke much fluctuation.
dustin’s victory was also expected by everyone.
After a simple greeting, everyone left one after another.
dustin also returned to the restaurant room and began to rest peacefully, not taking tonight’s episode seriously.
At this moment, on an empty street.
Kuang Tide braved the rain and walked alone.
He was soaked through, and he staggered as he walked, looking a little embarrassed.

Chapter 2142

The things he recalled in his mind were all the scenes from the previous battle with dustin.
After repeated simulations and pondering, he finally came to a very helpless conclusion.
The gap in strength between the two sides was too big. No matter how hard he tried, he could not win against dustin.

Even if you simulate it thousands of times in your mind, you will only lose.
“Da da da……”
Fang Chao walked down the street in despair, his footsteps stepping into the stagnant water, causing ripples to appear.
At this time, Kuang Chao seemed to sense something and suddenly stopped, looking up and looking ahead.

At the end of the road, I saw a black figure, holding a long sword, approaching slowly.
The figure was clad in black and masked, and exuded an aura of death.
Even the falling rainwater did not dare to come close to its body and automatically avoided it.
Although the figure was walking in the rain, his clothes were not wet at all.
“who are you?!”
Kuangchao frowned and quickly became alert.
The terrifying aura of death made all the hairs on his body stand up.
“The person who wants your life.”
The figure spoke calmly, his voice hoarse and calm, without any fluctuation.
“Kill me?”
Kuangchao snorted coldly: “Do you have what it takes?”
“Is there any? You’ll know if you try it?”
The figure held the sword and continued to approach without any pause.
“Hmph! You’re a fool! I just happened to hold back my anger, and now I’m going to take it out on you!”

Kuangchao stretched out his hand and grabbed the rainwater underground.

Soon, a water jet formed in his hand.
At the level of a martial arts master, anything can be turned into a weapon.
“You little thief! Die!”
Kuangchao roared, holding the water knife, and rushed forward.
The figure was silent, his steps began to speed up, and the sword in his hand dragged a long trace on the ground.

“The first move of the Blood Mad Sword Technique – Demon Killing!”
Kuangchao didn’t hesitate, and it was a masterstroke as soon as he took action.
I saw him jumping up high, holding a knife in both hands, and slashing at the figure in the air.
“The sword cuts the galaxy!”
The figure tiptoed a little, and his whole body turned into a cold light, rushing straight up.
The two afterimages collided in the air, then passed each other, and finally landed on the ground, standing back to back.
There was no earth-shattering explosion or terrifying destructive power. The fight between the two was short and fast.
Instantly separate.
After landing, the figure returned the sword to its sheath, turned around and left.
“who are you?”
There was a frantic sound behind him.
“You are not qualified to know my name.”
The figure did not look back. After saying a word, he disappeared into the rainy night.
After the figure left, the water knife in Kuangchao’s hand exploded.
His head also rolled down from his shoulders.
His eyes were widened, his face full of shock.
Until his death, he never imagined that the figure’s sword could be so fast.
It was so close that he couldn’t resist it at all.
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Chapter 2143

The next day, early morning.
Dustin, who was meditating in the room, was suddenly awakened by a knock on the door.
When he opened the door, he saw Yan Buqi, Xu Yang, Liu Rushuang, and Liu Hongxue standing outside.
“Brother Dustin! Oh no, something happened outside!”
As soon as they met, Xu Yang spoke eagerly.
“What’s wrong?”
Dustin didn’t know why.
A group of people gathered at the door early in the morning, looking like something was wrong, which was really strange.
“Kuan Chao is dead! He was beheaded last night!” Xu Yang said in shock.

“Crazy wave?” Dustin was slightly startled: “Is this the swordsman who challenged me last night?”
“That’s right! It’s him!”
Xu Yang nodded heavily: “In the early hours of this morning, his body was found lying on the street, with his head missing. Judging from the wounds, he should have been killed with a sword!”
“Kill with one sword?”
Dustin raised his eyebrows and said doubtfully: “Kuan Chao is very powerful. Who has the ability to kill him in an instant?”
Xu Yang was about to speak but stopped.
At this time, Yan Buqi suddenly took over the conversation and said: “Brother Dustin, there are rumors from the outside that Kuangchao’s death is related to you.”
rhys pointed at himself, with a look of surprise on his face: “Are you kidding? After fighting Kuangchao last night, I went back to the restaurant to rest, and I never went out again. How could I kill Kuangchao?”
“We also believe that it was not you, but rumors are spreading very quickly now, and many people believe that you are the murderer of the killing spree.” Yan Buqi sighed lightly.

“Yes, Brother Dustin, you defeated Kuangchao last night, and many people watched it. Since you were the last person to fight Kuangchao, you became the subject of major suspicion.” Xu Yang looked serious.
Although Dustin had never used a sword, all the moves he used were sword moves.
Moreover, given the opponent’s strength, he could kill Kuang Chao with one strike, which would inevitably arouse suspicion.
“Kuan Chao’s death has nothing to do with me. I won’t take the rumors from the outside to heart. Others can say whatever they like. Anyway, I have a clear conscience.” Dustin said calmly.

With his crazy personality, it is easy to offend people. Now that his head is missing, he may be seeking revenge from his former enemy, which has nothing to do with him.
“Brother Dustin, you haven’t realized the seriousness of the problem yet.”
Yan Buqi shook his head and said solemnly: “Kuan Chao is not an unknown person. He has the support of the Blood Kuang Sect behind him. Now that he is being killed, the Blood Kuang Sect will definitely not let it go. With their style, they have always been willing to kill by mistake. Three thousand, I won’t let anyone go!”
The people of the Blood Madness Sect are all a group of life-threatening lunatics. They are not only powerful, but also extremely united.
When one person is in trouble, support comes from all directions.
Anyone who dares to kill a disciple of the Blood Madness Sect will inevitably suffer crazy revenge from the Blood Madness Sect.
“What do you mean, I got into trouble for no reason?” Dustin was speechless.
He had no intention of accepting the challenge last night, but the craziness pressed on him step by step, insisting on a duel.

Just fight, I didn’t expect this guy to be killed inexplicably, and now this shit basin is actually on his head.
What bad luck!
“Brother Dustin, this is no small trouble. In my opinion, you should make preparations early. You can avoid it for a few days. There is no need to risk your life with those lunatics.” Yan Buqi reminded.

Chapter 2144

“If the Blood Madness Sect is reasonable, it would be best. If they are unreasonable, I may not be afraid.”Dustin said calmly.
Let alone the Blood Mad Sect, even if he offends the Sword Sect or the Tianxiahui, he is not afraid at all.
“Brother Dustin, I know you are very strong, but there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky. You must not be reckless!”
Yan Buqi said earnestly: “Did you know that Kuang Chao’s brother is Kuang Lang, who is ranked eighth on the list of geniuses! Now that Kuang Lang has arrived at Longhu Mountain, once he learns that his brother has been killed, he will definitely not let go. Pass you!”

The characters on the list of geniuses are all monster-level existences.
Just pick one out and it can suppress all directions.
Dustin is powerful, but no matter how powerful he is, he can’t beat Kuang Lang, who is ranked eighth on the list of geniuses.
Once Kuang Lang comes to seek revenge, Dustin may be in danger!
“Yes, Brother Dustin! You can save the green hills without worrying about having firewood. You can stay away from the limelight for a while. It won’t be too late to show up again after the Blood Madness Sect finds the real murderer.” Xu Yang advised.

Although Dustin is extremely talented, he is just a loner after all. Without a strong backer, he can easily be plotted.
“The martial arts competition at Longhu Mountain will be held in two days. How can I be a coward at such a critical moment?” Dustin shook his head and rejected the proposal.
“What if Kuang Lang comes to seek revenge on you?” Yan Buqi frowned slightly.

“When soldiers come, they will be blocked, and when water comes, the soil will cover them up.” Dustin answered simply.
“Hey! Why don’t you listen to my advice?”
At this time, Liu Hongxue beside her couldn’t stand it any longer: “We are all doing this for your own good, so don’t try to force yourself, okay? You only have one life. If you die at the hands of the Blood Madness Sect, wouldn’t it be a huge loss?”
As the saying goes, it is easy to dodge open guns but hard to guard against hidden arrows. Once you are targeted by the Blood Madness Sect, you will not have a peaceful life.
No matter how powerful Dustin Rhys is, he can’t do it without eating, drinking or sleeping.
If you relax even a little bit, you may die.

“People from the Blood Kuang Sect can’t kill me, and I won’t take the blame for others for no reason. Where is Kuang Chao’s body? I want to go to the scene to take a look.” Dustin said.
“What? You still want to go to the scene?”
Upon hearing this, Liu Hongxue almost jumped up: “Are you mistaken? The people from the Blood Madness Sect are collecting the corpses of Kuangchao. If you go over now, wouldn’t you be throwing yourself into a trap?”
Is this guy crazy?
When something like this happens, any normal person would be afraid to avoid it, but in the end, the person in front of him is a good person. Not only does he not hide, but he even wants to die on his own. This is simply stupid!
“It’s a blessing, not a curse. You can’t avoid it. If I hide here and there, it will make me feel guilty. It’s better to face it openly and solve this trouble as soon as possible.” Dustin said seriously.
“Hey! You are so stubborn!” Liu Hongxue looked like she hated iron.
When she was about to say something, her sister Liu Rushuang raised her hand to stop her: “I think Mr. Rhys is right. Hiding will only arouse more suspicion. The best way is to be honest with each other and make all misunderstandings clear. Only in this way can the problem be solved fundamentally.”
“Sister! How can those lunatics from the Blood Madness Sect be reasonable people? If Dustin doesn’t explain clearly, he may be quartered on the spot!” Liu Hongxue was anxious.
“This is Longhu Mountain, not the Blood Crazy Sect. They cannot allow them to kill innocent people indiscriminately. Besides, we can definitely testify for Dustin to prove his innocence. With the disciples of our Sword Sect as guarantees, those who believe in the Blood Crazy Sect dare not You are messing around.” Liu Rushuang said.
As soon as these words came out, Liu Hongxue couldn’t help showing a thoughtful expression.
Yes, if Dustin is excused in the name of Sword Sect, the Blood Madness Sect will have to give up some face no matter what.
“Okay! Since Brother Dustin plans to face the difficulties, then we people will risk our lives to accompany the gentleman!”
Xu Yang waved his hand, as if he was willing to die generously.
Now is the critical moment to get closer to Dustin, if they can rescue Dustin this time.
The relationship between the two parties will definitely take it to the next level.

If they encounter any trouble in the future, Dustin probably won’t stand idly by.
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Chapter 2145

Kuang Lang didn’t waste any time and gave the order directly.
His brother’s death cannot be in vain, and anyone suspected must be interrogated.
“Do it!”
After receiving the affirmation, the Blood Crazy Sect disciples immediately rushed forward, scaring the onlookers into scattering.
“Let’s see who dares!”
Xu Yang suddenly drew his sword, blocked the front, and roared fiercely: “We are disciples of the Sword Sect. If you, the Blood Mad Sect, dare to act recklessly, you are provoking the entire Sword Sect. Can you afford the consequences?!”
As soon as these words came out, all the Blood Crazy Sect disciples immediately stopped and looked left and right, appearing quite fearful.

If it were an ordinary sect, they would naturally not take it seriously, but the Sword Sect was different.

As one of the three sects of the Dragon Kingdom, the power and prestige of the Sword Sect far exceeds that of the Blood Madness Sect.

Unless absolutely necessary, they would never openly challenge the Sword Sect.
“What about the disciples of the Sword Sect? Killing for life is a matter of course. If you killed my brother, you have to pay the price!” Kuang Lang said coldly.
As he spoke, his hand had already touched the handle of the knife.

Although Jian Zong was powerful, it was not enough to scare him out of his wits.
He must seek justice for his brother’s death.
“There is another hidden reason for your brother Kuangchao’s death. If it was really us, how could we be stupid enough to send him to your door?” Liu Rushuang said with a serious face.
“Perhaps you are staging a ruse, deliberately using this method to clear yourself of suspicion.” Kuanglang guessed.
“Hey! Can you please use your brain? We have no grievances against your brother, so why should we kill him? Who would cause trouble for himself for no reason?” Liu Hongxue couldn’t help it.
You can guess with all your toes that this matter is not simple. He screams and kills before he understands anything. He is really a reckless man.
At this moment, Kuanglang suddenly fell silent.
Although he is belligerent, he is not stupid.

The death of his younger brother is indeed very strange, but there is no evidence now, and Dustin is the biggest suspect, so naturally he can’t let it go easily.
“If you people from the Blood Madness Sect don’t trust us, you can investigate on your own to see what happened last night? It may not be easy to find the murderer, but it should be very simple to prove my innocence.” Yan Buqi spoke again .
After Dustin fought with Kuangchao last night, he returned to the restaurant to rest and never went out again.
The staff of the restaurant can testify that as long as people from the Blood Crazy Sect ask around, they can get the results.
“I’m not in the mood to gossip with you here. Nothing will come out of nowhere. Since this kid is the biggest suspect, I must interrogate him clearly!” Kuang Lang said with a cold face.
Hearing this,Dustin suddenly laughed: “First of all, let me make it clear that I am not here because I am afraid of you, but because I don’t like to take the blame. Secondly, I have said everything that needs to be said. Whether you believe it or not has nothing to do with me. Want to interrogate me? I’m afraid you’re not qualified yet!”
As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar.
No one expected that Dustin would dare to say such things to Kuang Lang.
Who is Kuang Lang?
That is a master on the list of geniuses, a monster-level existence.
Wouldn’t it be asking for death to challenge this kind of person?
“This kid is awesome! How dare you challenge Kuanglang? I really think my life is too long!”
“A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers! It seems he doesn’t know how powerful the waves are!”

“Although Dustin defeated the brat Yayoi Kusama and gained some fame, he is still far from being a genius like Kuang Lang!”
Everyone was talking and marveling at Dustin’s boldness.
The people who can make it to the list of geniuses are all geniuses who are not seen in a century. The existences that can reach the top of the world cannot be compared with ordinary geniuses at all.
Although Dustin was quite strong, he was far behind compared to Kuang Lang.
The two sides are not on the same level at all.
Dustin’s behavior is undoubtedly an egg against a stone.
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Chapter 2146

“Hey! Are you crazy? You agreed to solve the problem, but aren’t you just adding fuel to the fire?!”
After hearing Dustin’s words, Liu Hongxue couldn’t stand it anymore and wanted to curse a few words.
They tried their best to solve Dustin’s crisis, but in the end, this guy didn’t care at all.
Not only did he not give in to Kuang Lang, but he also acted like he would do anything if he refused. This really pissed me off.
You know, once Kuang Lang gets angry, none of them combined will be an opponent.
“Boy! Do you know who you are talking to?”
Kuang Lang narrowed his eyes slightly, the murderous intent in his eyes getting stronger.
He thought to himself that he was crazy enough, but he didn’t expect that the guy in front of him was even crazier than him.

“Of course I know who you are, but I still say that your brother’s death has nothing to do with me, believe it or not.”
Dustin’s expression was calm, not afraid of threats at all.
“good very good!”
Kuang Lang suddenly smiled, but his smile was a little cold: “Boy! I admire your courage very much. For the sake of Jian Zong, I plan to give you a chance. As long as you can stop me from killing me, I will spare your life.” ,How about it?”
While speaking, he looked at Liu Rushuang and the others.

He didn’t pay attention to a nobody like Dustin, but it was several disciples of the Sword Sect who made him feel quite troublesome.
Therefore, his words can be regarded as giving the Sword Sect disciples a step forward, so that the two sides will not become too tense.
Of course, if a disciple of the Sword Sect insists on going against him, he will never be polite.
“Are you so confident that you can kill me with one knife?” Chase Lu asked.
“Confidence comes from strength. To deal with someone like you, one knife is enough.” Kuang Lang said coldly.
“Okay! Then I’ll take a stab at you and see what you are capable of?” Dustin curled his lips.

“Brother Dustin! Kuang Lang is not a good person, you must be careful!” Yan Buqi reminded in a low voice from behind.
“Yes, Brother Dustin! Those guys on the list of geniuses are all monsters. You can’t use common sense to guess. Don’t hold back for a while. Use all your tricks. Just resist one blow.” Xu Yang’s face was filled with emotion. serious.
If he fights alone, Dustin has basically no chance of winning.
But if you only need to block the mad wave with one blow, you can think of a way to save your life as much as possible.
“Don’t worry, I have my own sense of discretion.”
Dustin nodded slightly and didn’t say much.
Not to mention Kuanglang, even the entire Blood Madness Sect put together, he didn’t take it seriously.
So what if I am number eight on the list of geniuses? He is at the top of the list of geniuses!
In terms of ranking alone, he will crush his opponents.
“Good luck!”
Liu Rushuang didn’t say much, just sent four words of blessing.
With Kuang Lang’s character, agreeing to only use one sword was already giving Jian Zong a lot of face.
Next, it depends on whether Dustin can withstand the pressure?
If you can block Kuang Lang’s sword, then this crisis will be passed safely. If you can’t block it, you will lose your life.
Although there are rules in the world, in the final analysis, the strong are respected.

Whoever is strong and has a strong fist has the right to speak.

The weak will not even have a place to redress their grievances if they don’t have backstage support.
“Forget it, I’m too lazy to care about you, you can figure it out on your own!”
After Liu Hongxue said something angrily, she automatically stepped aside.
She had already reminded him what needed to be reminded. Dustin liked to ask for trouble, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Chapter 2147

“Anyone who doesn’t want to die, get out of the way! If it happens to Chi Yu later, don’t blame me for not warning you!”
At this time, the disciples of the Blood Madness Sect began to clear the area and prepare for the next battle.
They knew very well how terrifying Senior Brother Kuanglang was. Even the overflowing sword energy was enough to kill someone.
After some shouting, the crowd quickly dispersed.
Within a hundred meters, only Dustin and Kuang Lang were left facing each other in the air.
One is the eighth strongest person on the list of geniuses, and the other is the new dark horse who defeated Yayoi Kusama.

The battle between the two quickly sparked a craze.
Many warriors came after hearing the news and planned to find out.
“Everyone, do you think Dustin can block Kuang Lang’s knife?”
“I see! Kuang Lang is the eighth strongest man on the list of geniuses, a monster-like existence. Since he dares to say this, he is sure to win!”

“That’s right! I was lucky enough to see Kuang Lang’s sword skills once before. It was so shocking that little Dustin can’t stop it.”
“Don’t talk too much. I don’t think Chase Lu will lose. I happened to be at the scene when he defeated Yayoi Kusama yesterday. His strength is also unfathomable!”
“Hmph! How can a mere brat be compared to Kuang Lang? The two sides are not at the same level at all! Besides, the ranking on the Prodigy List says everything. Dustin cannot be Kuang Lang’s opponent!”
Before the battle even started, the onlookers were already talking about it.
Most people thought that Kuang Lang could easily resolve the battle, but only a few people thought that Dustin could block Kuang Lang’s slash.
“Why are you still standing there? Draw your sword.”

Dustin stood with his hands behind his hands, looking quietly at the wild waves ahead, his expression very calm, without any fluctuation.

“Are you planning to block my knife with your bare hands?”
Kuang Lang looked up and down and found that Dustin didn’t have any weapons on his body, and couldn’t help but ask questions.
“Why not?” Dustin spread his hands.
His calm attitude made Kuanglang frown slightly, and his face quickly turned cold: “Boy! Are you deliberately irritating me? If so, I will make you die miserably!”
“Stop talking nonsense and hurry up if you want to take action. I’m very busy and don’t have time to play with you.” Dustin began to urge.
Such outrageous words once again caused an uproar around him.
This guy really doesn’t know the heights of the world!

Facing a strong man like Kuang Lang, he actually dared to speak so brazenly that he died without knowing how.
Kuanglang laughed angrily: “Boy! You are really crazy! But soon, I will let you understand what the price of arrogance is!”
While speaking, Kuanglang had slowly pulled out the weapon from his back.
His weapon is a broken knife, all black, and looks ordinary.
And its blade is only one inch long, no different from a dagger.
But it was such a broken sword that allowed Kuang Lang to win every battle and never lose.
“Watch out! This knife of mine will kill you!”
Kuang Lang held the handle of the knife with one hand and the back of the knife with the other.
After pausing on the spot for a second, the whole person suddenly ejected and turned into an afterimage and rushed forward.
“Destroy the city!”
Halfway through the rush, Kuang Lang took a deep breath and suddenly swung out the black broken knife.
In an instant, Gang Qi exploded, and a half-moon-shaped black sword light formed out of thin air, and then struckDustin fiercely with the power of destroying the heaven and the earth.
This half-moon-shaped sword light is more than ten meters long, like a giant blade holding up the sky, it is unstoppable!

So hopefully in the next 15 chapters or so - so, in about another week - we’ll know who wins this fight (duh… we know Dustin will win).

Chapter 2148

Wherever the sword light passed, the ground shook and the air was distorted.
A violent coercion instantly enveloped the entire place.
The onlookers felt their bodies sinking, as if a huge boulder was pressing on their shoulders, which was particularly uncomfortable.
The weak ones even had difficulty breathing and their legs were trembling.

“What a terrifying sword! Is this the eighth one on the list of geniuses? It’s really extraordinary!”
“This sword is earth-shattering and no one can stop it. It seems Dustin is in danger!”
“What a pity! It’s not good to offend anyone but Kuang Lang. Isn’t this asking for death?”
The sword struck by Kuang Lang caused everyone to change their expressions.
Even from a distance, you can feel the sharp edge and unstoppable explosive power.
In the eyes of many people, rhys is already a corpse.
“Brother Dustin! Whether you can make a big splash depends on whether you can withstand the pressure today!” Yan Buqi clenched the folding fan in his hand, his heart skipping a beat.

Although he has always been optimistic about Dustin’s potential, his opponent is Kuang Lang who is on the list of geniuses after all.
In the face of this monster, any genius will be eclipsed.
No one can guarantee that they can survive the wild waves of swordsmanship.
Even Dong Qianqiu, who is the protector of the Tianxiahui, cannot do it.

Although Dong Qianqiu is a powerful martial arts master, he still cannot compare with a figure like Kuang Lang.
“Good knife skills.”
Seeing the sharp sword light striking his head, Dustin gave a four-character evaluation.
Then, he reached out and grabbed it from the air.
A hundred meters away, the sword in Liu Hongxue’s hand suddenly came out of its sheath with a sudden “clang” and fell into Dustin’s hands at an extremely fast speed.

Liu Hongxue was stunned and looked at the scabbard in her hand, somewhat unresponsive.
“I’ll lend you your sword.”
When Dustin said a word, the sword in his hand was already swung upward.
A half-moon-shaped white sword light burst out, facing the wild wave of black sword light at an extremely fast speed.
The sword glow is white and the sword glow is black, one black and one white, showing a sharp contrast.
From the appearance point of view, Kuang Lang’s sword light is larger and more powerful, but Dustin’s sword light is smaller, but more solid.
Finally, two rays of light, one black and one white, collided with each other.
There was a loud noise and the ground shook.
The moment the black and white rays of light touched, an extremely violent shock wave swept away in all directions with the impact point as the center.
The surge was overwhelming, like a landslide and tsunami, and was unstoppable.
Wherever it passed, the hurricane roared, flying sand and rocks, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

All obstacles were directly bulldozed, the flowers, plants and trees on the street were broken one after another, and even the stone bricks paved on the ground were overturned.
A hundred meters away.
The onlookers felt a strong wind suddenly blowing in their faces. The powerful explosive force pushed them back one after another, covering their faces with their hands and unable to even open their eyes.
Some unlucky people will be injured by the sand and stones mixed in the strong wind, leaving them disgraced and embarrassed.

“What a terrifying air wave! Fortunately, we are far away, otherwise we will be disabled even if we die!”
“It’s terrible! Just the aftermath of the battle almost killed me!”
“Which of you can see clearly what’s going on ahead? Is Dustin blocking it?”
Everyone squinted their eyes, talked a lot, and talked about it.


Chapter 2149

On the one hand, they were amazed at the violent collision just now, but on the other hand, they were curious, could Kuang Lang kill Dustin with one blow?
After all, at the level of Kuanglang, every sword has the power to break mountains and cut off rivers.
Facing such a strong man, it is undoubtedly difficult to block a blow head-on.
“Sister! How are you doing? Is Dustin dead?”
Liu Hongxue blocked the wind and sand with her hands while looking forward, her heart in her throat.
Although she was a bit at odds with rhys, she didn’t hate him, and she didn’t want him to die because of it.
“I can’t see clearly, please wait.”
Liu Rushuang stared into the distance, trying to see clearly what was ahead through the smoke and dust in the sky.
However, the touch just now was so violent that within a hundred meters, the sky was dark and the ground was dark, and the line of sight was greatly blocked.
After a while, the wind and sand dissipated, and everything became calm again.
Two figures on the battlefield ahead gradually appeared in front of everyone.
Kuang Lang held a black broken knife in his hand and stood quietly, with a somewhat gloomy and solemn expression on his face.

The momentum around him has not diminished at all, and is still fierce and terrifying.
On the other hand, Dustin, who was opposite him, looked equally calm and calm, with no dust on his body and no wounds visible.
“Holy shit! Dustin actually blocked Kuang Lang’s knife? Is it true?”
“Am I right? Not only is this guy not dead, he’s not even injured at all?”

“Awesome! This guy can be proud of himself if he can withstand the violent waves without defeat!”
After a brief silence, the scene was in an uproar.
No one expected that Dustin would be safe under such a violent attack.
You know, from the time Dustin agreed to fight Kuang Lang, many people had already sentenced him to death in advance.
Even if a small number of people thought that Dustin had a chance of survival, they never thought that the other party would be unscathed.

In their eyes, even if rhys didn’t die, he should still be seriously injured.

But the result was beyond everyone’s expectations.
Dustin successfully received Kuang Lang’s fatal blow at almost zero cost.
How outrageous!
“My sword skills are good, much better than your brother’s.”
Dustin was the first to speak, with a calm expression.
“It’s not easy for you to be able to block my sword and still remain intact.”
Kuanglang’s eyes were bright and his words were cold.
But compared to how arrogant he was before, at this moment, he looked at Dustin a little more seriously.
He had used at least 80% of his force on the knife just now. He originally planned to kill Dustin with one blow and avenge his brother.
Unexpectedly, the other party actually blocked it.
It can be seen that the strength of the guy in front of him should not be much worse than him.
“According to the agreement, I win this game. I hope you can fulfill your promise.” Dustin said calmly.
“I keep my word. As long as you block my knife, I will spare your life, but…”

Halfway through, Kuang Lang suddenly changed the topic: “My brother’s death cannot be in vain. If I know that you are the real murderer, the disciples of the Blood Madness Sect will never let you go easily!”
He promised not to kill Dustin, but that didn’t mean that the Blood Madness Sect wouldn’t take revenge.
“I’ll say it again, your brother’s death has nothing to do with me. If you Blood Mad Sect is indiscriminate, then don’t blame me for being rude!” Dustin said coldly.
He doesn’t want to get into trouble, but he’s definitely not afraid of it.

It would be best if the conflict could be resolved peacefully. If it cannot be resolved, the only option is to use force.
“I will investigate this matter to the end. Whether you are the murderer or not, the truth will naturally come out in the future.”
Kuang Lang didn’t say much. After saying a few words, he turned around and left.
Although he was not sure who the murderer was, he had already ruled out Dustin as a suspect.
As for why, it can only be said to be the intuition of a master.

So hopefully in the next 15 chapters or so - so, in about another week - we’ll know who wins this fight (duh… we know Dustin will win).
Hahaha your prediction is not accurate, it ended in 2 chapters only 🤣🤣🤣 You need to practice and cultivate more , and max your Observation Haki nyahahahahahaha😝😝😝
Hahaha your prediction is not accurate, it ended in 2 chapters only 🤣🤣🤣 You need to practice and cultivate more , and max your Observation Haki nyahahahahahaha😝😝😝
Yeah, you’re right 😅
after being a member of this forum for quite a while now - and engaging in it quite a bit (lots of messages, responses and points) - I’m still just a ‘Villager’ 😂😂
Other members with less than half my points, messages and reaction score are already Grandmasters…

Gotta keep working on my cultivation 🙂
Yeah, you’re right 😅
after being a member of this forum for quite a while now - and engaging in it quite a bit (lots of messages, responses and points) - I’m still just a ‘Villager’ 😂😂
Other members with less than half my points, messages and reaction score are already Grandmasters…

Gotta keep working on my cultivation 🙂
Maybe Immortal GrandMaster Gily is working on it... I acknowledge your dedication, your cultivation is not bad.. Maybe soon Your one in the List of Geniuses.. Keep Working Man 🤙👍😊
Yeah, you’re right 😅
after being a member of this forum for quite a while now - and engaging in it quite a bit (lots of messages, responses and points) - I’m still just a ‘Villager’ 😂😂
Other members with less than half my points, messages and reaction score are already Grandmasters…

Gotta keep working on my cultivation 🙂
Your cultivation is like that of John White.. lots of resources are needed to jump to next level
Chapter 2150

Crazy Wolf left, taking the disciples of the Blood Madness Sect with him.
A storm subsided for the time being.
Dustin, as a dark horse, once again became the center of attention.
He was already somewhat famous for defeating Yayoi Kusama before, but now that he was able to survive a blow from Kuanglang head-on, he was undoubtedly even more famous.
In Longhu Mountain where masters gather and strong men emerge in large numbers, Dustin has already occupied a place with two battles.
“Return the sword to you.”
Dustin turned around, raised one hand, and the sword in his hand instantly ejected, and then flew into Liu Hongxue’s scabbard with great precision with a “clang” sound.
Just such a move makes people’s eyes light up.
“Brother Dustin! Congratulations!”
Xu Yang took the lead to step forward, smiled and clasped his fists, saying: “That sword strike you just made was so beautiful. It can be evenly matched with Kuang Lang. It’s really amazing!”
Although these words are a bit flattering, they are indeed spoken from the bottom of my heart.

Being able to block the attack of the wild waves head-on is already a distinction among the heroes.

“Hmph! You are quite capable, so you didn’t waste my sword.” Liu Hongxue raised her chin, confirming Dustin’s strength for the first time.

When Kuang Lang took out the sword just now, she thought Dustin was going to die.

Unexpectedly, the other party concealed his secrets and resolved the crisis with just one sword strike.
Unexpected indeed.
“Brother Dustin, you are really surprising everyone! I admire you!”
Yan Buqi burst into laughter, and his originally beautiful face became even more charming.
The better Dustin’s performance is, the more unique his vision is. This time he is on the right track.

“Thanks to Miss Liu’s sword, otherwise I might not have been able to stop him.” Dustin said modestly.
He could block Kuang Lang’s attack with his bare hands, but that would be too terrifying, so he temporarily borrowed Liu Hongxue’s sword to cover up the edge a little.
After all, the tournament hasn’t started yet, and there are still some strong opponents who haven’t shown up yet.
If you are too sharp at this time, you will only get yourself into trouble.
If you can be low-key, it’s better to be low-key.
“As long as you know!”
Liu Hongxue raised her head and said very proudly: “To tell you the truth, my sword is made of cold iron. It is much more powerful than Kuang Lang’s tattered sword. If you are lucky enough to survive, my sword will account for Half the credit!”
Kuang Lang used a broken knife, while Dustin just used a cold iron sword.
In terms of weapons, Dustin had a huge advantage.
“Okay, Mr. Dustin was able to escape unscathed, all thanks to his own ability. Your sword has no effect.”
Liu Rushuang poured cold water on her sister mercilessly, and then rushed to Dustin and said, “Mr. Dustin, although you have temporarily resolved the crisis, the people of the Blood Madness Sect will definitely not let it go. I’m afraid someone will deliberately frame her. So that you two can fight to the death!”
“I know this well. Although I am not afraid of the Blood Madness Sect, I will never take the blame for others. If it is framed, then I cannot stand by and watch.”
After Dustin finished speaking, he winked at Chunhua Qiuyue next to him.
The two women understood immediately, nodded and turned to leave.
With Li Qingcheng’s power and intelligence network, he must be well aware of what happened near Longhu Mountain.
If anything is wrong, I believe it can be investigated quickly.

“Senior brother! Senior brother! Something bad has happened! Something big has happened!”

Chapter 2151

At this time, a fat man suddenly ran over in a hurry.
This person is Yan Jin, the leader of the five evil ghosts in the Yama Palace.
But compared to yesterday’s majestic appearance, Yan Jin at this moment was covered in scars, disheveled, and looked very embarrassed.
“Yan Jin? How did you do this?”
Yan Buqi looked up and down, his eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and he felt an inexplicable foreboding feeling in his heart.
“Uuuuuuuuuah…Senior brother, you must avenge us! All four of my brothers and sisters were killed!”

As soon as they met, Yan Jin fell to his knees with a “thud” and started howling like a ghost.
That look was really heartbreaking.
Yan Buqi’s brows were furrowed and his face was solemn: “What happened? How could these four good people be killed? Could it be that they offended some master?”
The five evil ghosts of Yama Palace are famous in the world, and all of them are considered to have unique skills.
Especially after five people practice, even ordinary martial arts masters have to avoid his edge.
Now four of the five people have been killed, and the remaining Yan Jin is also covered in bruises, which is enough to prove that the murderer is not an ordinary person.

“Senior brother! Since the five of us entered the jurisdiction of Longhu Mountain, we have always followed your instructions, stayed safe, and never caused trouble. I don’t know why we met with this disaster!”
Yan Jin was crying and looked very aggrieved.
Although they are domineering, they also know that Longhu Mountain is not a place where they can run wild, so they always restrain their behavior.
Unexpectedly, while drinking last night, he was suddenly assassinated by a swordsman, resulting in the death of all four of his brothers and sisters.
If he hadn’t been smart enough to use the Turtle Breathing Skill in time to pretend to be dead, he probably wouldn’t have been able to escape.
“Who is the person who killed you? What’s his background?” Yan Buqi asked in a deep voice.

Although the Five Evil Ghosts have a bad reputation, they are disciples of Yama Hall after all. As the young master of Yama Hall, he naturally cannot stand idly by.
“I don’t know who it is. The man was dressed in black and masked, holding a three-foot long sword. After meeting, he didn’t say anything nonsense and started killing people directly.”
Having said this, Yan Jin couldn’t help but shudder, and said with fear on his face: “His sword is very fast. I have never seen such a fast sword. In just a blink of an eye, my four brothers and sisters were separated.” It’s dead. If I hadn’t lied on the ground and pretended to be dead, I probably wouldn’t be alive now.”
“Black clad and masked? Killing with a quick sword?”
Seemingly thinking of something, Yan Buqi suddenly looked at Dustin and asked, “Brother Dustin, do you think this scene is familiar?”
“You mean…the person who killed the disciples of Yama Luodian is the same person who killed the frenzy?” Dustin quickly reacted.

“Although I’m not sure, it’s very likely!” Yan Buqi nodded heavily.

The murderer also used a sword, was also unknown, and was equally powerful. In addition, all the victims were killed on a rainy night last night.
All kinds of coincidences are connected together, making people have to suspect that the murderer is the same person.
“That being said, things are a bit serious.”
Dustin squinted his eyes and said thoughtfully: “If he is seeking revenge, it would be understandable, but if he has other agendas, I’m afraid that person will continue to commit crimes.”
After experiencing Yayoi Kusama’s performance in the ring yesterday, he had a hunch that this matter was not simple.
“The Longhu Mountain Martial Arts Tournament is about to happen, and this kind of murder suddenly occurs, and all the dead are powerful masters. I can already smell the atmosphere of conspiracy.”
Yan Buqi said with a serious face: “Yan Jin, immediately gather the troops and conduct a careful investigation to find out who the murderer is? As soon as there is news, report back immediately!”
Yan Jin responded and left quickly.
Another new storm began to brew secretly.


Chapter 2152

At dusk, in the elegant room of Zuixianglou.
Dustin and Yan Buqi were sitting in a group, listening to Yan Jin’s report.
After a day of investigation, although the murderer was not caught, it was quite fruitful.
“Senior brother, with our Yama Palace’s intelligence network in full operation, I have already obtained some relevant information about the killer.”
“Someone happened to see the killer’s true face last night. According to witnesses, the man had thin cheeks, ugly appearance, and a dark spot on his forehead.”
“I asked a painter to draw a portrait of the killer based on the witness’s description. Please take a look.”
Yan Jin said, took out a piece of drawing paper from his arms and carefully handed it to Yan Buqi.

Yan Buqi opened the drawing paper and looked at it, and couldn’t help but frown slightly.
I have to say that the person in the portrait is indeed very ugly, with a sharp mouth, monkey cheeks, protruding cheekbones, sunken cheeks, and a palm-sized black spot on the left forehead, which looks like snake skin and is creepy.
With this unique appearance, one cannot forget it at just one glance.
“Are you sure this is the murderer?” Yan Buqi couldn’t help asking.

He basically knows all the masters of swordsmanship, big and small, in the world.

But he had never seen or even heard of the person in front of him. It was as if he had appeared out of thin air.
“It should be true.”
Yan Jin nodded heavily: “I met the killer face to face. Although his face was covered and his face could not be seen clearly, part of the black spot on his forehead was exposed, which was very consistent with the description of the witness. “
“Brother Dustin, Miss Liu, have you seen this person?”

Yan Buqi placed the portrait in his hand on the table and let everyone look at it one by one.

“If I had seen someone so ugly, I would definitely remember it fresh.” Liu Hongxue was the first to answer.
“This person looks very unfamiliar. I probably haven’t seen him before.” Liu Rushuang shook her head.
With her memory, anyone who can catch her eye will have an impression.
“Why does this person look weird? Something seems wrong?”
Xu Yang stared at the portrait, looking left and right, rubbing his chin, looking thoughtful.
“If the painter can draw well, then this person is either a genius or a madman!”
Dustin stretched out his finger, pointed at the portrait, and said with a serious face: “Look here, his shoulders are higher and lower, his left hand is long and his right hand is short, and his back is a bit hunched. He should be born with a disability; this person can use his disability to With his body, he has trained his swordsmanship to the pinnacle, and can even kill a strong master. The difficulty and perseverance are so great that it is hard to estimate!”

“Oh, yes, yes! I felt something was wrong just now. It turns out that this guy has long and short hands!” After being reminded, Xu Yang quickly realized.
“Congenitally disabled?”
After hearing this, everyone looked at each other and their expressions became serious.
Warriors in the world are roughly divided into three types.
The first type is a genius with fast cultivation speed and high understanding.
The second type is ordinary warriors who can practice normally, but the progress is slower.
The third type is a useless piece of material with no roots, which makes it difficult to practice even an inch.
A talented warrior can easily succeed as long as he studies hard and practices hard.
On the other hand, ordinary warriors have to work ten times a hundred times to reach the threshold of genius.
And a mutilated body like this, with long and short hands and a hunchback, is a typical waste.
Normally, this kind of person would not be able to practice swordsmanship.


Chapter 2153

Even if you practice, it will still be difficult and difficult.
But today, they saw a special case.
Although his body is obviously incomplete, he has reached a state that many geniuses cannot reach.
It’s simply unbelievable!
Such people can no longer be judged by common sense.
There are many martial arts geniuses in this world, but a waste like this who is better than a genius is rare in a thousand years!

They really can’t imagine what kind of price the other party paid to achieve today’s achievements?

“It seems that this killer is very difficult to deal with!”
Yan Buqi picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then looked at Yan Jin and continued to ask: “Besides the portrait of the killer, is there any other news?”
“Brother, according to the investigation, the killer killed seven people in total last night!” Yan Jin suddenly said something shocking.

“Seven people?” Yan Buqi raised his eyebrows: “Which seven?”

“In addition to the frenzy of the Blood Madness Sect, besides my four brothers and sisters, Chen Xingwen, the little spear fairy of the Tianxiahui, was also killed.” Yan Jin said.
“What? The little gun fairy Chen Xingwen is dead?”
Hearing this, Liu Hongxue stood up directly, with a face full of surprise.
She has a good impression of Chen Xingwen, a young talent like Chen Xingwen who is upright, upright and talented.
It’s a pity that I never had the chance to meet him.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xingwen was killed after one night.
This result made it difficult for her to accept it for a while.
“It’s okay to offend the Blood Madness Sect and Yama Luodian. I didn’t expect that this killer would even dare to offend the Tianxiahui. What a madman!” Xu Yang sighed.
Chen Xingwen is a key figure cultivated by Tianxiahui. Now that he is assassinated, Tianxiahui will definitely not let it go.

“Having offended so many sects at once, that person is really not afraid of disaster?” Liu Rushuang frowned slightly, looking very puzzled.
The people who were killed came from all over the world, from different sects and had no connection at all.
According to normal logic, the killer should not be out for revenge.
So what are the benefits of doing this?
“There are only six including Chen Xingwen, who is the other one?” Yan Buqi suddenly asked.
“The last person, from Longhu Mountain, is Zhang Yuzhen’s direct disciple, Zhang Chenchen!” Yan Jin spoke solemnly.
As soon as these words came out, Xu Yang was so shocked that he cursed: “Did I hear wrongly? That guy actually killed people from Longhu Mountain? And he was also a disciple of Zhang Yuzhen?!”
Ever since Zhang Xuanji took control of Longhu Mountain, no one has dared to cause trouble, let alone kill its core disciples.
This killer who suddenly appeared is really pulling out the tiger’s teeth and causing trouble!
“If you don’t even take Longhu Mountain seriously, what is this guy’s background?” Liu Hongxue was shocked and angry.
“We should not need to take care of this matter. If someone dies in Longhu Mountain, we will never sit idly by and ignore it. As long as the masters of Longhu Mountain take action, no matter how powerful the killer is, he will only wait for his life.” Liu Rushuang said calmly. The way.
When Longhu Mountain is involved, things are completely different. Looking at the entire world, no one dares to challenge Longhu Mountain.
“That being said, I’m afraid that the killer will continue to commit crimes before the real culprit is found in Longhu Mountain.”
Dustin squinted his eyes and said: “Seven people have died, and they are all outstanding disciples of various sects. If I guess correctly, this killer wants to take advantage of this martial arts tournament to kill all the members of our Dragon Kingdom.” Kill all the talented warriors!”


Chapter 2154

After hearing Dustin’s analysis, everyone present was shocked and a little unbelievable.
Killing all the talented warriors in the Dragon Kingdom, not to mention whether it can be done, just such a conspiracy is enough to make people tremble.
Because only a madman would have such thoughts.
And often this kind of madman is the most feared existence.
“Yan Jin! Have all those who were killed signed up to participate in the martial arts competition?” Yan Buqi couldn’t help but ask.

“That’s right.” Yan Jin nodded heavily: “Although the deceased came from various sects, they had a common goal, which was to make a splash in the martial arts competition.”
Whether it is Kuangchao, Chen Xingwen, Zhang Chenchen, or the five ghosts of Yama Palace, they have all signed up to compete and are ready to show off their skills in Longhu Mountain.
Unfortunately, before the game even started, the lives of these young talents were completely over.
“If this is the case, then Brother Dustin’s guess should be very close to ten.”
Yan Buqi stood up, circling around the table, tapping his palms with a folding fan, and said thoughtfully: “Any warrior who has signed up and has good talent and strength will become the target of the killer, including All of us will be in danger, so we have to find a way to eliminate this threat as soon as possible!”
“Excuse me, I haven’t signed up yet.”
At this time, Dustin suddenly raised his hand.
As soon as these words came out, Yan Buqi couldn’t help but froze, and said in astonishment: “Brother Dustin, do you know that tomorrow is the last registration deadline for the martial arts competition? You haven’t registered yet?”
“I’ve been busy these past two days, so I forgot about it.” Dustin shrugged.

He originally planned to sign up directly after finding a place to stay, but he never expected to be held back by various things, so he has not yet obtained a place in the competition.
“Uh…” Yan Buqi was speechless for a moment.
For such a major event, every contestant pays special attention to it and has made various preparations early.

However, rhys didn’t seem to care at all. He didn’t even plan for a rainy day and even forgot to sign up.
He really didn’t know what to say.
“It’s okay, these are minor problems, you continue.”
Dustin raised his chin and signaled Yan Buqi to continue.
Yan Buqi’s mouth twitched, his expression was quite resentful, and after a moment of silence he said: “Now we people have become the targets of killers, and we are not sure whether this killer kills people randomly? Or there is some death list ?

What I mean is that instead of being passively defensive and waiting for the killer to come to your door, it is better to take the initiative, gather all your strength, and annihilate it in one fell swoop! “
The best defense is to attack. When the enemy is in darkness and we are clear, if we only seek to protect ourselves, we will easily be defeated one by one.
But if you change the approach and put the killer on the table, it will be easy to deal with.
If you can’t fight alone, then just besiege!
There are so many masters near Longhu Mountain, and it is easy to deal with one person together.
“Mr. Yan, have you thought of any solution?” Liu Rushuang asked tentatively.
“I do have a plan, and that is to lure the snake out of its hole!”
Yan Buqi lowered his voice and said: “Since the killer’s target is all the young talents participating in the competition, then we will simply release a bait and let him come to the door himself!”

“Brother Yan, can you make it clearer? I don’t understand a bit.” Liu Hongxue scratched her head, looking half-informed.
“First of all, we select a powerful warrior from among the contestants as a bait, and then spread the word around to build momentum for him, try to attract the attention of the killer, and create an environment for assassination. And we, the people, are lying in ambush. All around, once the killer shows up, take him down immediately!” Yan Buqi clenched his fist fiercely.
“good idea!”
Xu Yang slapped the table and laughed loudly: “Young master Yan is really quick in thinking. He can come up with such a clever plan. It’s really admirable!”


Chapter 2155

“I dare not tell you what a clever trick it is, but it is a simple and effective method. As long as you use it well, it should not be difficult to catch the killer.” Yan Buqi smiled slightly.
“Mr. Yan, your plan is good, but there is a problem, who will be the bait?” Liu Rushuang quickly grasped the key to the problem.
The hardest part now is who to choose as bait?
This person is not only a contestant, but also must be strong and dare to take risks.
In this way, when faced with the killer’s attack, he can retreat unscathed.

Otherwise, it is very likely that he will lose his wife and lose his troops.
Yan Buqi shook his folding fan and looked at Dustin intentionally or unintentionally.
Although he didn’t say anything, the choice was already obvious.
“No need to choose, I think Dustin is a good fit!”
Liu Hongxue suddenly patted Dustin on the shoulder and said carelessly: “He can even block Kuang Lang’s knife. Facing the killer’s attack, he will definitely be safe!”
“That’s right! As long as Brother Dustin is willing to take action, he can easily kill the killer even without us ambushing him!” Xu Yang smiled and nodded.
Invisibly, a rainbow fart was shot up again.
Dustin raised his brows and retorted: “It’s not that I refuse, but the targets chosen by the killer are all registered participants. I haven’t signed up yet, so it shouldn’t be his cup of tea.”
“It’s just a matter of signing up, it only takes a few minutes!”
Liu Hongxue grabbed Dustin’s arm and said anxiously: “Let’s go, let’s go, the sun hasn’t set yet, there’s still time, let’s sign up now!”
“Does it need to be so urgent?” Dustin was speechless.

“This opportunity must never come again. After tonight, I don’t know how many young talents will die at the hands of that madman. You are now a hero worshiped by countless people, and you should shoulder the heavy responsibility!” Liu Hongxue said earnestly. .
“Stop it! I can’t be a hero, and heroes are often short-lived. What if I get killed?” Dustin said.
“Don’t worry, we will definitely protect your safety. Just go with peace of mind!” Liu Hongxue patted her chest, as if she was wrapping her body around me.
rhys looked weird and cursed secretly.
You guys can’t even protect yourselves, how can you protect me? Isn’t this nonsense?
“Brother Dustin, if you really don’t want to, we won’t force you. But in this case, we should work together to overcome the difficulties.” Yan Buqi looked serious.
Among them, only Dustin is the most suitable.
Moreover, after the battle with Yayoi Kusama and Kuanglang, the person in front of him has already become famous. With a little exaggeration, he can easily attract the attention of the killer and successfully complete the bait plan.
Of course, if rhys felt it was too risky and chose to refuse, he would understand.
After all, no one is willing to gamble with their own life.

“You can use me as bait, but I have a condition.” rhys suddenly said after thinking for a while.

“Brother Dustin, speak as soon as possible. As long as I am satisfied, I will never refuse.” Yan Buqi vowed.
“It’s very simple. After you catch this killer, you must leave it to me, because I am very interested in this person.” Dustin looked solemn.
“No problem! As long as he no longer harms the martial arts world, Brother Dustin can do whatever you want!” Yan Buqi agreed.
The others looked at each other and nodded.
They don’t care what the identity of the killer is, as long as the threat can be eliminated in time.


Chapter 2156

A moment later.
The registration office for the Longhu Mountain Tournament.
A group of warriors in different costumes were lining up to sign up, and Dustin was among them.
After the plan was finalized, Dustin was surrounded by a group of people from Yan Buqi and arrived at the registration location.

The sun will set soon, but there is an endless stream of people coming to sign up.
However, this martial arts tournament has specially set a threshold. To successfully register, you must pass the assessment.
The content of the assessment is very simple, that is, “ability to carry the cauldron.”

Longhu Mountain prepared three large bronze cauldrons, weighing 10,000 jins, 50,000 jins, and 100,000 jins respectively.
If you can lift a 10,000-pound cauldron, you will be selected into Group C and compete with warriors of the same level. Only after you win can you advance to Group B.
Those who lift the 50,000-pound cauldron are considered outstanding and will be directly selected into Group B to compete with warriors of the same level. Only after winning can they be promoted to Group A.

As for those who can lift a 100,000-pound cauldron, they are all seed players and advance directly to Group A.
In the battle between Group C and Group B, Group A does not need to participate.
After the winners of Group C and Group B are selected, they will be eligible to compete with the players of Group A to show off.

Simply put, the heavier the tripod, the higher the rating and the greater the advantage. Competitors can save a lot of physical energy and avoid meaningless battles.
“Contestant No. 843, failed, next one!”
In the square, a man of medium build was holding a large bronze cauldron with both hands. He gritted his teeth and blushed. He tried his best to lift the 10,000-pound cauldron.

In the end, the referee declared failure.
The Ten Thousand Jin Cauldron is basically the difference between an innate warrior and an acquired warrior.
Leaving aside some warriors who are born with divine power, the limit of acquired warriors is basically ten thousand kilograms of strength.
In other words, to lift a cauldron weighing ten thousand kilograms, one must at least be an innate warrior!
This threshold directly eliminates all those who are lucky.

If you can’t even lift a 10,000-pound cauldron, then you won’t be eligible to participate in a martial arts competition like this where elites and masters gather.
“Get out of the way! Let me do it!”
A burly man pushed away the sighing contestant No. 843 and stepped forward voluntarily.
The strong man was wearing a black vest, with a rough face and bulging muscles. He looked very powerful.

The strong man first circled the 10,000-jin cauldron twice, then grabbed the two cauldron ears with both hands, and then lifted it up with force.
The heavy bronze cauldron was lifted directly, and its three bronze legs were frozen ten centimeters above the ground.
“Lifting it up doesn’t count, you have to lift it above your head!” Someone reminded from the side.

“Hmph! With such a small weight, how can you defeat me?”
The strong man smiled confidently, used his hands again, lifted them up, and shouted: “Kick it up for me!”
Without any pause, the 10,000-jin bronze cauldron was directly lifted over his head by the strong man.
In order to show his strength, the strong man also held the cauldron and spun around in circles several times. His relaxed appearance won the applause of many people.

“Brother, you’re awesome! You can lift the 10,000-pound cauldron at your command, it’s amazing!”
“This guy doesn’t seem to be using his full strength yet. He does have something.”
“Hmph! What does it mean to lift a 10,000-jin cauldron? I just barely passed the test. If you have the ability, try a 50,000-jin cauldron!”

The contestants queuing up to sign up were all talking, some praised, some despised, with different expressions.
“Contestant No. 844 passed the test. This is your promotion token. Please keep it.”
The examiner expressionlessly handed over a wooden token with the words “Longhu Mountain” on the front and the new contestant number on the back.

The strong man did not pick up the wooden token, but said loudly: “The 10,000-jin cauldron is too light for me. I want to try this 50,000-jin cauldron!”
As soon as these words came out, the surrounding discussion became even louder.
“Challenge a 50,000-jin cauldron? Can this guy do it?”
“I see that he has a strong physique, full of vitality, and full of confidence. Maybe he can really do it.”


Chapter 2157

“Hmph! How can it be so easy to lift a 50,000-jin cauldron? There are hundreds of people signing up every day, and there are only a handful of people who can lift a 50,000-jin cauldron!”
The strong man’s words aroused many people’s doubts.
A ten thousand catty cauldron and a fifty thousand catty cauldron are completely different concepts.
Many people can easily lift a 10,000-jin cauldron, but when faced with a 50,000-jin cauldron, they cannot move an inch.

In particular, you have to lift the cauldron above your head to be considered successful. The difficulty is self-evident.
“Everything should be done within your ability. It is not an easy task to lift a 50,000-pound cauldron.” the referee reminded.
“I have been practicing hard for more than ten years just for today. I have decided to lift the 50,000-pound cauldron. Just watch my performance!”
After the strong man said something confidently, he walked directly to the second cauldron.
The second cauldron is twice as big as the first cauldron, nearly three meters high.

Just looking at it makes one feel powerless.
The strong man walked to the 50,000-pound cauldron. After carefully observing it up and down, left and right for a moment, he finally reached out and grabbed the base of the cauldron.
The strong man shouted loudly, his muscles tensed instantly, and his hands suddenly lifted up.
The three legs of the bronze tripod rose slowly and gradually lifted off the ground.
“F*ck! Did you really lift it up?!”

Seeing this scene, everyone’s expressions changed and they were surprised.
However, the next second, the bronze cauldron that had just risen one centimeter fell to the ground with a “boom”.
Obviously, the strong man failed the first challenge.
“It’s a pity that I could barely lift it.”
“Hmph! You don’t overestimate your own capabilities. I already told you that you can’t do it. You have to show off your strength.”
“No matter what, if you can lift it a little, it’s pretty impressive.”

A group of players pointed and pointed, some were happy, some were sad.
The strong man was breathing heavily, and his eyes were bloodshot due to excessive exertion.
Although he had only lifted one centimeter just now, it had already consumed a lot of his energy.

The fifty thousand kilogram bronze tripod is indeed a huge challenge.
“Contestant No. 844 failed to challenge the 50,000-jin tripod.” The referee announced the result expressionlessly.
These days, many warriors who have passed the 10,000-jin test have tried to challenge the 50,000-jin cauldron, but most of them have failed.
A strong man who can barely lift a centimeter is considered pretty good.

“Wait a minute! Let me challenge you again, I will definitely do it this time!” The strong man looked unwilling.
It’s already lifted up a bit. As long as you perform well and try your best, you should have a chance to pass the test.
“Enough is enough. You can’t carry a fifty thousand kilogram cauldron.” The examiner shook his head.
“I’m not convinced! I want to try again!”
Without waiting for the examiner’s response, the strong man started directly.

I saw him spitting twice into his palms, then holding the base of the cauldron, and at the same time lowering his legs into a horse stance, all his energy poured into his arms.
In an instant, the strong man’s arms expanded in a circle, his muscles bulged, and his veins popped out.
“Wake it up for me!”
The strong man gritted his teeth, his face turned red, and he raised his hands suddenly.

The bronze cauldron trembled slightly, then slowly lifted off the ground and rose slowly.
As a result, it rose less than two centimeters, and the strong man’s legs were shaking, his eyes were bloodshot, and his whole body had reached its limit.
Two seconds later, the strong man was finally overwhelmed. He spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.
He passed out on the spot.


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