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An Understated Dominance: By Marina Vittori​

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys have been married for three years. After Dahlia achieves rapid success, she decides to end her marriage with Dustin, viewing him as a burden. Little does she know that all her accomplishments were actually thanks to him.

My wife is a CEO, she always hates me for being lazy and wants to divorce me. But she doesn't know that her success is bestowed by me.

“Dustin, here is the divorce agreement prepared by Ms. Nicholson. All you need to do is sign them.”

In the president’s office of the Quine Group, the secretary, Lyra Blaine, placed a piece of A4 paper on the table. A man sat opposite her, dressed in plain clothing.

“Divorce? What do you mean?”

Dustin Rhys was taken aback.

“Do you not understand what I’m saying? Your marriage with Ms. Nicholson is over. You’re not even on the same level anymore. Your existence is nothing but a smear on the president’s reputation!”

Lyra pulled no punches as she spoke.

“A smear on her reputation?” Dustin frowned. “Is that how she thinks of me?”

Back when they first got married, the Nicholson family was in ruinous debt. He was the one who helped them when they were at their lowest point. Now that they were rich, Dahlia Nicholson was ready to just kick him out.

“Something like that.” Lyra poked her chin toward the magazine on the table. A photo of a beautiful woman was printed on the front page. “Look at the headline on this magazine, Dustin. Ms. Nicholson’s net worth has hit one billion in the course of just three years, a feat no short of a miracle. She’s now the most desired woman in Swinton! With all this, she’s destined for greatness. But you, you’re just a regular joe. You don’t deserve her at all. I hope that you’ll see some sense and do the right thing.”

When Dustin remained silent, Lyra frowned.

“I know you’re not happy with this, but this is reality,” she continued. “You might have helped Ms. Nicholson when she was in trouble, but she has repaid you for everything you’ve done for her over the last three years. In fact, you’re the one who owes her now!”

“Is our marriage just a business deal to her, then?” Dustin took a deep breath to suppress the emotions within. “If she wants to divorce me, let her speak to me herself.”

“Ms. Nicholson is very busy. She doesn’t need to trouble herself with such trifling matters.”

“Trifling matters?” Dustin was stunned. Then he laughed bitterly. “Is that so? Is divorce a trifling matter to her? She can’t even find the time to speak to me. Truly, she’s that unattainable now!”

“Dustin, don’t delay this any longer.” Lyra pushed the divorce agreement toward him again. “Just sign here and you’ll get a car and a house as compensation. On top of that, you’ll also get eight million dollars. This is more than what you’ll be able to earn in your lifetime!”

“Eight million dollars is a lot, but…I don’t need it. I will sign the divorce papers if she comes personally. Otherwise, I won’t sign anything,” Duston said coldly.

“Don’t go too far, Dustin!” Lyra slammed her hand on the table. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. With all her power and resources, Ms. Nicholson can divorce you easily. It’s only because she appreciates her past relationship with you that she’s allowing you to keep your dignity intact. Don’t provoke her!”

“My dignity?” Dustin was a little amused by that. She didn’t even want to speak to him directly to divorce him. What kind of dignity was that? Moreover, if she really did appreciate their relationship, then why was she threatening him now?

“I don’t think we have anything else to talk about, then.”

Unwilling to argue, Dustin stood up and made to leave.

“Dustin Rhys! You—”

Just as Lyra was about to lose her cool, a curvy woman in a long black dress walked in. Her skin was as white as snow, and her features were delicate. Her lofty aura and curvaceous figure made her look like a goddess right out of a painting.

“You’re finally here.”

Dustin felt complicated emotions when he saw the beautiful woman. They had been married for three years, during which they treated each other with care and respect. But this was how it ended. He still didn’t know what he had done wrong.

“I’m sorry for being late, I was caught up with something else.”

Dahlia Nicholson sat down. Her expression was as impassive as ever.

“You certainly are busy, if you need your secretary to help you deal with your divorce,” Dustin said.

Hearing this, Dahlia frowned slightly. However, she did not explain herself. Instead, she said, “Since you’re here, let’s get straight to the point. Let’s end this on a pleasant note. I’m sorry I have to do this to you, so you can have the car and the house, plus eight million dollars as alimony. How does that sound?”

At that, she placed a card on the table.

“Do you really think our relationship can be measured by money?” Dustin asked.

“Too little? That’s alright. Let me know what you want. I’ll give you anything within my power,” Dahlia said placidly.

“I don’t think you understood me. Let me rephrase my question. Are money and power that important to you?” Dustin was truly bewildered.

Dahlia went over to the windows and looked out over the city. There was determination in her eyes when she said, “To me, yes, they’re very important.”

“You’ve earned enough to feed yourself for the rest of your life. Why do this?”

“Dustin, that’s where you and I diverge in philosophy. You’ll never understand what I really want.” Dahlia shook her head in disappointment.

They weren’t just incompatible in status and power; they were also incompatible in their principles. Most importantly, she did not see any hope for the future in him.

“You’re right. How would I know what you’re thinking?” Dustin laughed bitterly. “All I know is to cook for you when you’re hungry, prepare your coat when it’s cold out, and carry you to the hospital when you’re sick.”

“There’s no point in going into this now.” Dahlia’s expression held complicated emotions, but it was soon covered up by determination.

“You’re right.” Dustin nodded without any emotion. “I heard that you’ve been close with the heir of the Nolan family. Is it because of him?”

Dahlia was about to deny it when she gave it a second thought. In the end, she nodded.

“You can say that.”

“Okay. I hope you’re happy with him.” Dustin smiled and signed the divorce agreement without any more hesitation. All he felt now was disappointment. Ironically, today was also their wedding anniversary. There was cruel humor in divorcing him on the day they had gotten married.

“I don’t want the money, I just want that crystal necklace back. My mother left it to me before she died so that I can give it to my wife.”


Dahlia nodded and gave him the crystal necklace.

“From today onward, we will have nothing to do with each other!”

Dustin put on the necklace and left. He had no more gentleness in his expression; all that was left was distant aloofness.

“Did I do the right thing, Lyra?” Dahlia asked hesitantly.

Even though she was the one who asked for the divorce, she didn’t feel happy at all when it was finalized.

“Of course you did!” Lyra nodded. “You have the right to pursue happiness. Dustin does not deserve you at all. He’ll only bring you down with him. You’re destined to be the most powerful woman in Swinton!”

Dahlia did not answer her. As she watched Dustin leave, she felt as if she was losing something precious.


Supreme Grandmaster
Aug 23, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 2189

“They’re coming!”
As soon as Liu Rushuang finished speaking, black figures suddenly appeared around the restaurant.
These black figures are scattered in twos and threes in all directions.
Some were standing on rooftops, some at street corners, some on street lamps, and some hidden among the trees.

Their movements were light and silent, like civet cats.
Moreover, the position is very particular, and all entrances and exits are completely blocked.
If you look down from a high altitude, you will find that these black shadows have unconsciously formed a large circle, surrounding Dustin and the others.

These are all killers who came after hearing the news.
From the time the killers appeared to the time the encirclement was formed, it only took two minutes, which shows that these killers are well-trained.
“Damn it! There are so many killers here. It looks like we are going to have a tough battle tonight!”
Xu Yang slowly pulled out the sword in his hand and stared at the shadows around him warily.

There are already more than a dozen killers who have appeared so far, and there are still many more who are hiding in the dark.
The most important thing is that these killers are all elites among the elites. They all have unique skills and are much more powerful than the warriors here.
If there was a fight, they might not be able to defeat them.

“It’s been a long time since we had a hearty battle. I want to see what these killers are capable of!”
Liu Hongxue suddenly drew her sword, looking eager to try.
When she first entered the world, she had not experienced anything dangerous, so she felt like a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers.
She was not afraid at all when encountering a life-and-death fight, but was more excited.
After years of hard work, today I can finally show off my skills.

“I am a person who really hates fighting, but today it seems I can’t do it without fighting.”
Yan Buqi swung the folding fan down in his hand.
There was a “wow” sound, and a sharp blade suddenly popped out from the front of the folding fan.
“Hmph! A bunch of reckless things! Do you really think you can fight us with more people? Stop dreaming!”

The man in black sneered and said: “To tell you the truth, we are all elites selected from a million. After all kinds of devil training, dealing with you guys is just like cutting melons and vegetables!”
“So much nonsense.”
Yan Buqi frowned and reached out to touch the man in black’s dumb hole, not bothering to listen to his nonsense.

“Let my people go, and I can spare your life.”
At this time, a black-clothed killer standing on the roof suddenly spoke.
This man is tall, holding a giant sword, and has a lion embroidered on his chest, making him look even more powerful.
He is the leader of the lion group, a strong person in the late stage of Grandmaster.

Codename: Lion!
“Are everyone in your organization here?” rhys asked.
“Hmph! To deal with small characters like you, we don’t need to mobilize the entire organization.” The Lion said coldly.
“So, you have other plans?” Dustin raised his eyebrows slightly.

“Boy! Don’t lie to me, I’ll give you another chance, let him go immediately, otherwise, you will die!”
The lion slowly raised the giant sword in his hand, pointing directly at Dustin, with murderous intent looming in his eyes.
“People are here. If you have the ability, you can save yourself.”
Dustin kicked the man in black over and stepped on his chest.
“you wanna die!”
The lion’s eyes turned cold and he shouted angrily: “Kill them!”


Supreme Grandmaster
Aug 23, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 2190

After hearing the order, more than a dozen killers rushed forward with swords in hand without any hesitation.
These killers are very fast and extremely flexible. They can move around and jump up and down, making it difficult to catch their traces.
Irregular movements like this are specially used to restrain long-range strikes. Killers who have been trained by the devil have almost become instinctive.

“Brothers! Kill me!”
When the killers launched their attack, the warriors hidden around them also drew their weapons and rushed out.
“Fight them!”
Yan Buqi shouted, holding a bladed folding fan, and rushed forward.
Liu Rushuang and the others followed closely behind, forming horns with each other and forming a simple attack formation.

The sudden ambush caused a brief confusion among the killers, but they quickly stabilized the situation.
Quickly divide the personnel into two groups, one in front and one in back, and kill the enemies in the front and back respectively.
The battle between the two sides broke out instantly.
In the entire scene, only two people remained motionless, watching what happened.

One is Dustin, and the other is the lion standing on the roof.
The two looked at each other in the air, filled with murderous intent.
An invisible coercion emanated from the two of them, and the air within a ten-meter radius seemed to freeze.
“Kill, kill, kill! Let these guys taste our power!”

A young warrior brandished a long sword, roaring and roaring, releasing his power to his heart’s content.
However, the next second, there was a flash of sword light, and a black-clothed killer passed directly through him.
Immediately afterwards, the young warrior’s body stiffened, his eyes widened, and the knife in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.

What fell at the same time as the long sword was the head of the young warrior.
The battle between the two sides was tragic.
Although the killers are few in number, they are strong in strength, and they have been trained by the devil. They are not afraid of pain or death, and they are sure to kill with their first move.

On the other hand, most of the warriors in the Dragon Kingdom are relatively young, lacking in strength and combat experience, and they all rely on passion.
After the fight, they quickly fell into a disadvantage and the situation was not optimistic.
Seeing this situation, Dustin couldn’t help but frown slightly.

Killers are generally good at sneak attacks. Unexpectedly, these people’s frontal combat capabilities are very good.
If the fight continues like this, the warriors will soon be exhausted.
Dustin didn’t hesitate, grabbed a long sword from the ground with one hand, and then turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the battlefield.

“Boy! Your opponent is me!”
As soon as Dustin moved, the lion also moved.
I saw the lion taking a step forward, and his whole body rose into the air like a cannonball.
He then held the sword in both hands and slashed at Dustin from the air.

A fiery red sword light burst out, drawing a long trace in the air.
In an instant, the whole street lit up.
The sword light was more than ten meters long, like a giant blade holding up the sky. It was so fast, and like a meteor falling to the ground, with unstoppable power, it pressed heavily against Dustin.
“Brother Dustin, be careful!”
Seeing this scene, Yan Buqi and others changed their expressions.
They really didn’t expect that the lion had such terrifying strength.
This sword strike was simply devastating!



Supreme Grandmaster
Aug 23, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 2191

The strength of the male lion has reached the late stage of Grandmaster, and can directly compete with the heads of some major sects in Biaolong Kingdom.
The sword struck down with such power and destructive power that it was simply terrifying.

In an instant, the hearts of Yan Buqi and others were in their throats.
They were just afraid. What if Dustin couldn’t stop the lion’s attack and was killed by a sword?
Looking at the huge sword light that struck his head, Dustin did not hesitate, raised his hand and raised his sword.

A thick white sword light broke out of the sword in an instant and hit the red sword light with lightning speed.
Dustin’s white sword light was only three feet long, while the lion’s red sword light was more than ten meters long.
The duel between the two is like an ant attacking an elephant, with no chance of winning.

However, no one expected that at the moment the two sides touched, Dustin’s white sword light easily broke through the lion’s red sword light.
There was a loud bang.
The white sword light was like a bullet, piercing the red sword light in one fell swoop, and then crashed into the flying lion with all its strength.

The lion’s expression changed, and he immediately raised his giant sword to block.
The white sword light hit the giant sword heavily, sputtering out a large number of sparks.
The powerful impact of its explosion also caused the lion to accelerate and fall to the ground.

There was a muffled sound.
The lion’s feet stepped on the ground and stepped out of a deep pit.
With the pit as the center, cracks appeared on the floor with a radius of ten meters.
“Damn it! You actually blocked it?”
Seeing this scene, Xu Yang couldn’t help being surprised.
When the lion’s giant sword struck down just now, it was as if Mount Tai was pressing down on him, and he had the illusion that Dustin was about to be crushed to pieces.

Unexpectedly, Dustin raised his hand and raised his sword to easily resolve the crisis.
“It’s not about blocking, it’s about forcing back!”
Yan Buqi was surprised and delighted: “Brother Dustin’s sword just now didn’t have much power, but it was very solid. With a point of arrancar, it not only defeated the opponent’s attack, but also made him suffer the loss of silence!”

Dustin’s performance refreshed their understanding again and again.
Every time he encountered danger, the other party was able to turn the danger into safety and successfully stabilize the situation.
It’s so hidden!
“Get out of the way!”
After driving back the lion with one sword, Dustin did not continue to pursue. Instead, he raised his sword and charged into the crowd, preparing to deal with the black-clad killers first.

Otherwise, if the fight continues, the people on their side will probably suffer heavy losses.
“court death!”
When the two killers in black saw Dustin rushing towards him, they didn’t hesitate at all. They immediately raised their swords and stabbed him.
The speed of the two men was extremely fast, and their sword moves were extremely fierce. The warriors around them couldn’t see clearly at all. They only felt that their eyes flickered, and the two afterimages just passed by.

Facing the attack, Dustin did not dodge or dodge, he just raised his hand and waved his sword.
Just two “clang” sounds were heard, and the swords thrust out by the two killers broke on the spot.
The two of them were stunned at the same time. Before they could react, Dustin’s second sword had penetrated their necks horizontally.

The shadow of the sword flashed past, and the two killers froze and stood on the spot.
The next second, two heads rolled down from the shoulders, blood splattered everywhere.
“Who dares to kill me? I will cut you into pieces!”
Seeing that two capable generals were slaughtered, the lion roared again and again, kicked his feet violently, and rushed towards Dustin like a cannonball.



Supreme Grandmaster
Aug 23, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 2192

Seeing that two capable generals were slaughtered, the lion roared again and again, kicked his feet violently, and rushed towards Dustin like a cannonball.
Every time he takes a step, he will leave a deep footprint on the ground.
The explosive power is amazing.

After getting close, the lion held a giant sword in both hands and struck Dustin on the head.
This sword’s light was restrained and did not spill out at all, but it was extremely sharp and heavy.
Wherever the sword passed, even the air began to twist, and the ground seemed to be unable to withstand the pressure and kept trembling.

However, facing the lion’s attack, Dustin didn’t even look at it, and didn’t even turn his head. He just raised his sword and swiped back.
The thin sword and the giant sword collided together, sending out a shower of sparks.
At the same time, a powerful energy suddenly erupted, sweeping around like a landslide and tsunami.

Dustin was blown away so much that his clothes rustled and his hair stood on end, but his whole body remained motionless.
On the other hand, the male lion grunted, his burly body retreating continuously from the impact, and even the hand holding the sword trembled unconsciously.
“How can it be?!”

The lion’s pupils shrank, his face showing shock.
As for the first move, sword light versus sword light, Dustin used his arrancar to gain the upper hand with his skills.
So the sword-to-sword competition just now was a real collision of cultivation and strength.
He is born with supernatural power, so he uses a giant sword. He fights extremely fiercely, especially when fighting, he is invincible.
He thought Dustin would be killed or disabled with one strike of his sword, but he didn’t expect that the other party would knock him back several meters with a casual strike of his sword.

This is enough to prove that Dustin’s power is superior to him.
After forcing the lion back with one sword, Dustin did not hesitate and used his sword again to slash at the killer in the crowd.
“Whoa! Whoa!”
I saw two sword lights flashing by, and before the two killers in black could react, they were torn into pieces by Dustin’s sword energy.

“Ahhhhh~! I’m going to kill you!”
Seeing his subordinates being cut into pieces, the lion couldn’t help but get angry.
He didn’t care, he picked up the giant sword and started to attack crazily.
The giant sword, which was more than two meters long, was waving in his hand, causing strong winds.

It blew sand and rocks in a radius of ten meters, and smoke and dust were everywhere.
Even Dustin’s offensive was stopped.
“Storm Sword Dance!”
The lion roared, and his body suddenly began to spin, spinning in circles along with the giant sword.
Near its body, sword shadows formed out of thin air.

The lion spun faster and faster, like a top.
The giant sword in his hand turned into a tornado.
The storm was composed of sharp sword energy. It was initially more than ten meters high and expanded rapidly.
Wherever it passes, it is destroyed and no grass can grow!

Even the ground was cut with deep marks.
“What…what is this?!”
“Quick! Get out of the way! Don’t touch it!”
Seeing the terrifying tornado, everyone was frightened and scattered.
There was a warrior who couldn’t dodge, and was sucked into the tornado for just a moment.
In an instant, the terrifying sword energy around him was like a meat grinder, directly cutting the warrior’s body into pieces.
Only blood and broken flesh were left on the ground.



Supreme Grandmaster
Aug 23, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 2193

At this moment, the lion, with its man and sword, directly turned into a terrifying sword storm.
Wherever the storm swept through, no matter whether they were people or objects, they were all strangled to pieces and no one was spared.
The two parties, who were originally fighting fiercely, were frightened by the blade storm and fled in all directions, forcing a truce.

An indiscriminate attack like this doesn’t distinguish between friend and foe at all. It will kill you if you touch it, and no one dares to get close.
“Hua Hua Hua…”
The blade storm was getting faster and bigger, sweeping towards Dustin with a devastating force.

Dustin raised his eyebrows, quite surprised.
This move of the male lion has already exerted a lethality that exceeds its own cultivation. If it is put on the battlefield, it will definitely be a big killer.
Of course, even if it is one-on-one, few masters of the same level can withstand it.
It has to be said that the Lions do have two brushes.

“Cross cut!”
Facing the storm of roaring swords, Dustin did not hesitate, raised his hand and struck out with two swords.
Two white sword lights shot out of the air at the same time, slashing towards the blade storm in a “cross” shape.

There was a loud bang.
The energy surged and the sword energy flew everywhere.
Dustin’s cross-shaped sword light instantly burst out with a large number of sparks when it came into contact with the blade storm.
At the same time, powerful shock waves swept around like landslides and tsunamis.

Wherever he passed, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, with flying sand and rocks.
The men and horses on both sides were forced to retreat continuously, not daring to get close at all.
After a few breaths, when the storm gradually subsided, within a radius of thirty meters, there was already a mess.
A deep funnel-shaped pit was drilled out of the originally hard rock ground.

At this moment, Dustin stood expressionlessly on the edge of the pothole. He was dressed in white clothes that were better than snow and not stained by dust. He looked elegant and a bit like a good man from a troubled world.
On the other hand, the male lion stood in the pit in ragged clothes, panting.
The giant sword in his heavy hands was inserted in front of him, still trembling slightly because of the remaining strength.

The most shocking thing is that at some point, a “cross”-shaped blood mark appeared on the lion’s chest.
The blood marks were so deep that the bones could almost be seen, and blood was constantly overflowing from the wounds.
Obviously, in the previous confrontation, the Lions were defeated and seriously injured!

“What? How could this happen?!”
The man in black’s eyes widened and he was shocked.
You know, the lion is not only the leader of the lion group, but also the gold medal killer within the organization.
He is so strong that he can be ranked among the top five in the organization.

He thought that when the lion used the Blade Storm trick, it should be able to cut Dustin into pieces.
Unexpectedly, Dustin not only broke the lion’s blade storm with just one move of cross slash, but also seriously injured him.
He really couldn’t accept this result.
This kid in front of me is only in his twenties, how could he be so powerful?



Supreme Grandmaster
Aug 23, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 2194

This kid in front of me is only in his twenties, how could he be so powerful?
Even those monsters on the Prodigy List are nothing more than that, right?
At this moment, not only the man in black was shocked, but also all the killers showed horrified expressions.
They really didn’t expect that the team leader, who had always been invincible, would lose, and he would lose so miserably.

“Hahaha…good! Good fight!”
After a brief silence, Xu Yang suddenly burst out laughing, looking extremely excited.
These killers in black are so fierce. Although they have a large number of people, they do not have any advantage in fighting, but they are at a disadvantage.
Fortunately, Dustin’s strength was astonishing, and he defeated the killer leader, which undoubtedly greatly increased their morale.

“As expected of Brother Dustin, he has never let us down.” Yan Buqi breathed a sigh of relief.
“I have to admit, this guy does have something.” Liu Hongxue nodded with satisfaction.
Her initial dislike for Dustin has gradually turned into appreciation.
“Wait! Have you noticed that there is something wrong with the killer leader?”

At this time, Liu Rushuang seemed to see something, and her expression suddenly became solemn.
“Something’s wrong? What’s wrong?” Liu Hongxue was a little surprised.
“Of course there is something wrong with the two sword marks on the chest that are so big. That guy is just at the end of his strength.” Xu Yang didn’t take it seriously.
“No! Rushuang is right. The killer leader is indeed a bit weird. His momentum is still rising and has not weakened at all.” Yan Buqi’s eyes narrowed and he quickly saw the clues.
Normally, after being seriously injured, the momentum will be greatly weakened accordingly.

But the lion is just the opposite. His momentum does not decrease but increases, and he feels like he is about to explode.
At this time, the lion suddenly laughed, and his voice gradually turned from low to unbridled and rampant: “Boy, I admit that you are very strong, stronger than any opponent I have ever encountered. Under normal circumstances, I am not your opponent. “

As the male lion spoke, he put his hands and fingers to his forehead and slowly combed his messy golden curly hair back, revealing a mixed-race face.
His facial features are strong and handsome, and his temperament is somewhat evil.
“Now, I can only say that you are honored to see me in another aspect.”
“To show my respect for you, next, I will release the restrictions and use my most powerful form to fight you happily!”

The lion grinned and his eyes gradually changed.
Its originally blue human eyes quickly turned into yellow animal eyes, appearing violent and bloodthirsty.
Seeing this scene, the warriors of the Dragon Kingdom did not react at all.
On the contrary, the black-clad and masked killers began to retreat quickly, away from the battlefield, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Outsiders don’t know, but they know very well that in the next period of time, the team leader will show an extremely crazy and terrifying side.
By then, a disaster will befall this place.
Countless creatures will be destroyed as a result!
“What happened? How did those killers escape?”
“Could it be that you were scared out of your wits? You knew you were outmatched, so you ran away?”
“Something’s not right, I feel weird.”
Seeing the killers fleeing the scene, the warriors looked at each other in confusion.
However, at this moment, a shocking scene happened.



Supreme Grandmaster
Aug 23, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 2195

Suddenly, the lion roared.
The sound was like thunder, resounding throughout the whole place, deafening.
The key point is that the sound coming from his mouth does not sound like a human voice, but more like an animal roar.

Immediately afterwards, a shocking scene happened.
The lion’s physique suddenly began to swell, and the muscles all over his body bulged, bursting through the ragged clothes and shoes under his feet.
The lion roared again.
Its limbs were propped on the ground, its back was bulging high, and thick and hard black hair began to grow on the surface of its skin.

In just a few breaths, these black hairs spread all over the body.
At first glance, the lion looks like a huge black bear!
Not only that, as the black hair grows, the lion’s facial features are also undergoing tremendous changes.
The area below its eyes began to protrude outwards rapidly, and its teeth became sharp and sharp.

The hands and feet also grew into claws.
When the lion roared for the third time, the whole person had completely transformed into a ferocious beast.
This beast looked like a bear but not a bear, like a wolf but not a wolf. It looked ugly but fierce, and exuded an aura of destruction.

Just looking at it makes one’s scalp numb.
“This, this, this… what is this?!”
“Damn it! How could a good person suddenly turn into a beast?”
“I understand! This guy is not from the Dragon Kingdom at all, he is a genetic warrior researched by the Western world!”
“The genetic warrior only strengthens his physical fitness, how can he transform directly into a beast? This guy is clearly a monster!”

The beast-like appearance of the lion shocked all the warriors and left them with chills all over.
They never dreamed that a good person could turn into a huge beast in just a few breaths.
It’s so scary!
“Damn it! No matter if he is a human or a monster, let’s all come together and kill him directly!”

A warrior raised his long sword and started shouting loudly.
But his words didn’t get any response.
After all, the lion was already very powerful in his human form. Now that he has transformed into a beast, who knows how terrifying it will be?
Although there was little support, the warrior’s shouts successfully attracted the attention of the transformed lion.

The lion roared again and kicked off its limbs.
Debris flew and the ground collapsed.
The lion turned into a beast and turned into a blurry afterimage with a “swish” sound, passing by the warrior.
The speed was so fast that people around him couldn’t react at all.

When the lion stopped again, it had already grabbed a bloody human head in its sharp claws.
It’s the warrior’s head!
After a slight freeze, the headless corpse fell to the ground, splashing a cloud of dust.
The beast-turned-male lion took the warrior’s head, slowly raised it high, and finally opened its mouth and swallowed it directly!
Such a bloody and terrifying scene scared everyone to the point of being stunned.
The lion’s speed just now was so fast that they couldn’t react at all.
The most terrifying thing is that the other party actually eats people.
The bloody and cruel scene directly caused a shadow in their hearts.



Supreme Grandmaster
Aug 23, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 2196

The bloody and cruel scene directly caused a shadow in their hearts.
At this moment, they finally understood why the killers suddenly retreated?
It turns out that it’s not that the killers are invincible, but that they are afraid.
Afraid of facing the transformed lion, afraid of being killed indiscriminately by this monster.

At this time, someone shouted.
The originally silent scene suddenly exploded.
A large number of warriors began to flee, not daring to stay for long.
They can fight the enemy to the end without fear of life or death.

But the problem is, what they are facing now is a powerful and terrifying monster.
In front of this monster, they are as weak as ants. Let alone resist, they will be eaten if they escape slowly.
This is a life-threatening and psychological fear that is too much to bear.

When everyone fled, the transformed lion attacked again.
His limbs kicked off and he was instantly ejected.
A blurry afterimage passed by, and with the same simple attack, a warrior running at the back was directly cut into pieces by the lion’s claws.

Blood and internal organs were scattered all over the floor.
too fast!
After transforming into a beast, the physical strength of the lion directly increases several times.
He was originally a late-stage master, but now he is comparable to the great master!
In front of such a terrifying monster, even a master-level expert will only be killed.

“You evil beast! Stop being so arrogant!”
The lion killed two people in a row, causing Dustin’s face to darken instantly.
He shouted loudly, and while attracting the lion’s attention, he already raised his sword and stabbed it forward.

The lion showed its sharp fangs, and then quickly pounced.
After getting close, its sharp claws swung out and grabbed Dustin’s chest, trying to disembowel him.
Dustin did not dodge, raised his sword and struck the lion’s claws.
Accompanied by the sound of gold and iron clashing.

The lion was knocked back several meters. The sharp claws on its feet grabbed the ground and pulled out two rows of long claw marks.
On the other hand, Dustin’s body shook slightly and he easily resolved the impact.
However, when he lowered his head to look at the sword in his hand, he couldn’t help but frown slightly.

Because at this moment, the sword in his hand already had several gaps.
Normally speaking, with the blessing of Xuanqing’s true energy, even an ordinary sword can be used as a magical weapon.
But the collision just now caused some damage to the sword blade, which was enough to prove the sharpness of the lion’s claws.

He had to admit that the lion after transforming into a beast could break through his defense.
To achieve this, one must be at the Grand Master level.
A transformation into a beast actually allowed the lion to cross three small realms in a row, from the late stage of Grandmaster to the Grand Master.
It’s really unbelievable!
This… is the real monster!


pedot guapo buyag

Martial Arts Master
Sep 10, 2023
Reaction score
thanks a lot bro.. 👍👍👍
talaga.. grabe ang bitin..
naka lula sa utak sa kaka antay sa susunod na kabanata bro.. 😂😂😂


Supreme Grandmaster
Aug 23, 2023
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Chapter 2197

Dustin asked himself that he was well-informed and knew that there were creatures like werewolves and vampires in the Western world.
But he has never encountered a situation like a lion that directly transforms into a beast and becomes a monster, with its strength directly increased by more than ten times.

It can be seen that this mysterious killer organization has an extremely powerful background, otherwise it would be impossible to cultivate so many masters.
The repulsed male lion showed its bestiality, and its size expanded again, comparable to that of an elephant.
His body was covered in black smoke and full of evil aura.

The lion’s limbs kicked the ground violently, and instantly ejected, crashing into Dustin like a cannonball.
The speed is frightening.
“Wind Slash!”
Dustin held the sword in one hand and slashed five times in front of him.

Five sword lights intertwined with each other to form a large net, pressing towards the lion.
There was a loud bang.
The lion did not dodge, but directly hit the sword net.
The five sword lights shattered on the spot and dissipated into streams of energy.

On the other hand, the beast-turned-male lion was blown away more than ten meters, and then fell heavily to the ground, creating a deep pit.
The lion rolled up and roared lowly, and the fierce light in the beast’s eyes became stronger.
After the impact just now, the lion was covered in blood and seriously injured.

One of his thick arms was cut off, and three deep sword marks appeared on his chest.
The sword marks were deep enough to show the bones, which would be almost fatal to an ordinary beast.
But to the beast-turned-male lion, it is nothing.
That huge body not only possesses powerful defense, but its recovery ability has also reached a terrifying level.

In just a few seconds, the scar on the lion’s chest not only stopped bleeding, but also healed quickly.
The most terrifying thing is that even the severed arm is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.
This abnormal resilience is simply terrifying!
“Holy shit! What the hell is this? Can a broken arm grow on its own? It’s so scary!”

“Damn it! This is Xiaoqiang who can’t be beaten to death!”
“When encountering such a monster, I wonder if Brother Dustin can withstand it?”
Seeing the lion’s rapidly healing wounds, the warriors were stunned and stunned.
When the Lions were forced to retreat, they felt happy and thought they had a chance.

But now, they have no idea at all.
After transforming into a beast, the lion is not only fast, powerful, and defensive, but also has incredible recovery capabilities.
Anyone who encounters something like this would be a little disappointed.
Now they only hope that Dustin can withstand the pressure, otherwise once this monster goes crazy, the entire special town will be a river of blood!

“What a troublesome guy.”
Dustin frowned slightly, looking a little serious.
He really didn’t expect that the recovery ability of the lion after turning into a beast would be so terrifying.
Such a serious injury was almost healed in just a few breaths.
If the fight continued like this, he would probably be eaten alive.

“It seems that I have no choice but to leave you alone today.”
Dustin shook his head, murderous intent looming in his eyes.
He originally planned to keep the lion alive, capture the lion alive, and then press for some information.
But looking at it now, it is impossible to capture him alive. He can only kill him as soon as possible, otherwise there will be endless troubles.
By this time, the lion’s broken arm had completely grown out.



Supreme Grandmaster
Aug 23, 2023
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Chapter 2198

By this time, the lion’s broken arm had completely grown out.
Just like before, still very strong.
After the lion scratched the ground with its newly grown paws, it pounced on Dustin again without any hesitation.
Dustin took a deep breath, slowly raised the sword to his chest, and then his body shook, and Xuanqing’s true energy spurted out instantly.

There was a crack in the air.
Centered on Dustin’s feet, a powerful wave of air suddenly erupted, sweeping around like a stormy sea.
In an instant, the lion’s body trembled, and he felt a terrifying coercion, like a mountain, hitting his back, causing his sprinting speed to greatly decrease.

“Breaking the military!”
Dustin showed his true strength, and his aura changed drastically.
Just a little step was seen, and the sword and man merged into one, turning into a sharp sword light, piercing the lion’s chest.
I saw a flash of light and shadow, Dustin and his sword penetrated the lion’s body in an instant.

A large bloody hole was left on his chest.
The charging lion’s body trembled, and then fell to the ground.
The huge inertia caused its huge body to slide along the ground for more than ten meters before slowly stopping.
On the bluestone ground, a long blood trail was drawn.
“The knot… is over?”
“Holy shit! Is it true? Was the monster killed?”
“What a fast sword! What a sharp attack! It’s so powerful!”
The lion fell to the ground, causing the entire scene to explode.

No one expected that Dustin could win against such a terrifying monster, and he could win so easily.
A simple sword strike completely ended the battle.
It’s really powerful.
So the question is, who is the real monster?
“Wait! The monster is not dead yet, I saw it move!”

“No way? Even the heart is gone, how can it still survive?”
“It’s moving, it’s moving! It’s really moving!”
Accompanied by bursts of exclamations, the body of the lion lying on the ground began to twitch non-stop.
The washbasin-sized wound on his chest was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sudden change shocked everyone.
They never dreamed that the lion with his chest pierced and his heart destroyed would still be alive.
Moreover, it is still recovering quickly.
What the hell—it’s simply appalling!
At this moment, not only the warriors were shocked, but Dustin also felt that it was a bit outrageous.

Is there such a creature in the world that can still survive after its heart is destroyed?
Dustin held his sword and slowly walked up to the lion, looking down at him.
Yes, the lion’s heart is indeed gone, but its body functions are still recovering quickly.
This goes beyond biology.

“I don’t believe I can’t kill you!”
Dustin raised his sword again and slashed at the lion’s head.
You can still live without your heart, but what will happen if your head is destroyed?
“Keep someone under the sword!”
Just when Dustin was about to kill him, a loud shout suddenly exploded out of thin air.
At the same time, three ice needles came out of the air and pierced Dustin’s three important points.



Supreme Grandmaster
Aug 23, 2023
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Chapter 2199

“Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!”
Three ice needles pierced the night sky, carrying a strong air of extreme cold, and pierced Dustin’s upper, middle and lower key points respectively.
Dustin frowned and immediately put away his sword to block.

“Qiang! Qiang! Qiang!”
Three ice needles hit the sword and instantly exploded into clouds of ice mist.
The moment it came into contact with the ice mist, the sword in Dustin’s hand was directly frozen.
At the same time, a strong cold air began to spread quickly to Dustin’s arm along the frozen sword body.

In the blink of an eye, Dustin’s arm holding the sword was already frozen by the cold air.
“Ice Needle?”
Dustin’s face darkened, and the Xuanqing Qi in his body suddenly exploded.
The ice mist around him was instantly blasted away, and cracks appeared on his frozen arms.

Following Dustin’s body shaking, the ice cubes on his arms quickly fell off and returned to their original appearance.
Fortunately, he was not hit directly, otherwise once the ice needle enters the body, it will quickly destroy the body’s functions.
Even if he is powerful, he will be severely damaged in the end.
If he is not strong enough, he will die on the spot and turn into an ice sculpture.

The person who made the sneak attack was looking for his life!
Dustin stopped paying attention to the beastly lion, and looked elsewhere.
I saw a figure running towards me at a high speed on the roof in the distance.
After getting close to a certain distance, the figure took a few steps and instantly rose into the air like a wild goose. After soaring for a certain distance, it landed lightly and stood ten meters away from Dustin.

Dustin took a closer look and saw that it was an old man with white hair.
The old man was skinny, dressed gorgeously, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and he exuded an intimidating aura.
“Who are you?” Dustin asked with a cold face.
“I am the elder of the Tianxia Association—Zhao Shanhe!” The white-haired old man Zhao Shanhe stood with his hands behind his back, looking arrogant.

“Zhao Shanhe?” Dustin narrowed his eyes slightly.
He has naturally heard of Zhao Shanhe’s name.
The Eight Great Elders of the Tianxiahui, whose status is second only to the sect leader Xiao Wuming, are the pillars of the Tianxiahui, and Zhao Shanhe is one of them.
Rumor has it that Zhao Shanhe has an arrogant personality, a bad temper, and will take action whenever he disagrees.

However, because of his powerful strength and profound background, almost no one in the world dares to offend him.
“Tianxiahui Elder Zhao Shanhe? Didn’t you expect him to come too?”
“Great! With Elder Zhao taking action, those killers are just lambs to be slaughtered!”
“Something’s not right… Elder Zhao’s posture doesn’t seem to be here to help.”

The appearance of Zhao Shanhe caused everyone present to talk about it.
Normally speaking, if Chen Xingwen was killed, then Tianxiahui should avenge him and hunt down the killers.
But Zhao Shanhe now not only has no intention of revenge, but also takes action to stop Dustin from killing the lion.
It can be seen that Zhao Shanhe is not with them.
“Boy, that’s it for today. Leave this monster to me and you can retreat.” Zhao Shanhe said with a cold face and a commanding tone.



Supreme Grandmaster
Aug 23, 2023
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Chapter 2200

“Boy, that’s it for today. Leave this monster to me and you can retreat.” Zhao Shanhe said with a cold face and a commanding tone.
“Leave it to you? Why?” Dustin had no expression on his face.
“Huh?” Zhao Shanhe frowned: “What, you dare to refuse me?”

As the elder of Tianxiahui, he has been in the world for many years, and few people dare to go against him.
“Give me a reason.” Dustin said calmly.
“Reason?” Zhao Shanhe snorted coldly: “Because I am an elder of the Tianxiahui; because I am powerful; because I am more powerful than you. Are these reasons enough?”
“Is Elder Zhao trying to bully others?” Dustin smiled, but his eyes were extremely cold.

“So what? If you know it, just give this thing to me, otherwise don’t blame me for being rude!” Zhao Shanhe was already a little impatient.
As the saying goes, the nights are long and the dreams are many. If you continue to waste it like this, some changes will inevitably happen.
By then, it won’t be that simple to get this monster.

“I hate being threatened the most in my life. If you tell me properly, it’s okay to leave this monster to you, but you came up with a arrogant look and even used the Ice Needle to launch a sneak attack. I won’t say anything today. I will hand this monster over to you!” Dustin said coldly.
“Good boy! I think you won’t shed tears until you see the coffin!”

Zhao Shanhe’s face darkened, he stopped talking nonsense and took action directly.
With a flick of his sleeve, three more ice needles shot out, heading straight for Dustin’s vital position.
Dustin did not dodge, but raised his sword and swung it fiercely.
A half-moon-shaped white sword light slashed out, accurately hitting three ice needles.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”
Only three explosions were heard, and three ice needles were directly chopped into pieces by the sword light, turning into ice mist and falling down in the sky.
When the ice mist fell to the ground, a thick layer of ice instantly formed on the ground.

Seeing that the attack was broken again, Zhao Shanhe couldn’t help but frown slightly: “I didn’t expect that you still have some strength. No wonder you dare to be so crazy?”
“The Tianxiahui is really rich and powerful, and the precious Ice Divine Needle was wasted by you so easily.” Dustin said sarcastically.
“Boy! Do you dare to mock me? Go to hell!”

Zhao Shanhe, who was arrogant and arrogant, became furious instantly. He clenched his palm into a fist and then punched him in the air.
Only a roar was heard.
A huge golden tiger suddenly sprang out of Zhao Shanhe’s body, and then pounced on Dustin with its teeth and claws.

The golden tiger is seven or eight meters tall, with golden light all over its body and terrifying power.
It seemed as if Dustin could be swallowed up in one bite.
“Fuhu Luohan Fist! This is Zhao Shanhe’s unique skill!” Liu Rushuang’s expression changed as he watched the battle.
“It’s over, it’s over. Against this old monster, Zhao Shanhe, Brother Dustin is really doomed now!” Xu Yang stamped his feet anxiously.

“What kind of elders of the World Association use the big to bully the small and rely on the strong to bully the weak? It’s so shameless!” Liu Hongxue cursed angrily.
None of them expected that after they had just defeated a powerful monster, Zhao Shanhe, the elder of the Tianxia Guild, would appear.
Moreover, this old guy is very unreasonable and gets into trouble whenever he disagrees with someone. He is really bullying people too much.



Supreme Grandmaster
Aug 23, 2023
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Chapter 2201

In the blink of an eye, a golden sword was formed out of thin air.
The weirdness of his methods shocked everyone.
Dustin didn’t say anything. He grabbed it with one hand and the sword stuck on the ground immediately flew into his hand.

“Boy! I will make you regret your choice!”
Zhao Shanhe raised the knife with one hand and slowly raised it across his chest. Then he stepped suddenly, and the person shot out like a cannonball, and then swung at Dustin’s chest.
Just heard a roar.

The golden knife in Zhao Shanhe’s hand suddenly expanded to ten meters long, and it slashed towards Dustin like a giant blade splitting the sky.
Dustin did not dodge or evade, but raised his sword to block.
The swords collided, sparks flew everywhere, and terrifying explosive energy surged instantly.

The ground beneath Dustin’s feet collapsed and shattered into pits.
But he stood upright and was not hurt in any way.
“Let’s see how long you can hold off!”
Zhao Shanhe changed his hands to hold the sword with both hands, pressing the blade against Dustin’s sword body, and kept exerting downward force.

He tried to use his tyrannical cultivation to directly crush Dustin.
“Elder Zhao! Save someone under the knife!”
At this time, a shout suddenly came from the distance.
Zhao Shanhe suddenly turned around and saw Dong Qianqiu leading a group of people rushing towards this direction.
Among them, there are many masters from Longhu Mountain.
“Great! The people from Longhu Mountain have finally arrived!” Xu Yang looked happy.
“With Longhushan upholding justice, I see how arrogant the old man named Zhao can be!” Liu Hongxue looked indignant.

“Something is wrong. Zhao Shanhe has no intention of giving up.” Yan Buqi frowned.
“He’s not going to kill the people from Longhu Mountain directly before they take action, right?” Liu Rushuang quickly realized the seriousness of the problem.
With Zhao Shanhe’s domineering character, this kind of thing is not impossible.

“Go to hell!”
At this moment, Zhao Shanhe’s eyes were filled with fierce light, and the Grandmaster Qi in his body spurted out like a tide, constantly pouring into the golden sword.
The golden sword began to tremble, and its surface shone brightly.

Wave after wave of terrifying power struck Dustin’s sword crazily, like a landslide and a tsunami, incessantly.
Liu Rushuang’s guess was correct. Zhao Shanhe was already murderous and prepared to kill Dustin before Dong Qianqiu and his party arrived.
For this reason, he did not hesitate to use all his energy, completely gave up defense, and launched an attack without leaving any room.

Facing the fierce Zhao Shanhe, Dustin smiled coldly and did not confront him head-on. Instead, he stepped sharply and suddenly dodged sideways.
Zhao Shanhe’s golden sword had no obstacle and struck the ground heavily.
Suddenly, the hard rock ground was slashed with a knife mark two meters deep and more than ten meters long.

However, at the moment when Zhao Shanhe’s golden sword struck down, a huge black shadow suddenly struck him and threw him to the ground.
The terrifying force suppressed Zhao Shanhe so much that he couldn’t get up.
The sudden black shadow turned out to be a lion transformed into a beast!


pedot guapo buyag

Martial Arts Master
Sep 10, 2023
Reaction score
thank you so much bro for the worderful update.. 👍👍👍
you make my weekend worst..🤣🤣 just kidding
malulula talaga ako sa kaiisip nito kung anu ang mangyayari sa susunod na kabanata..🤣 grabe ang bitin..🤣


Supreme Grandmaster
Aug 23, 2023
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Chapter 2202

The lion’s sudden attack caught Zhao Shanhe off guard.
Before he could react, the person was thrown to the ground.
After the key point, the lion transformed into an astonishing beast. Its claws were like black iron. Zhao Shanhe, who was pressed on him, was unable to break free for a while.
At the critical moment, he could only use his golden knife to hold the lion’s waving claws.

The lion kept roaring and roaring.
Dark green liquid was constantly flowing from its bloody mouth full of fangs.
The liquid was sticky and smelly, and it made a “sizzling” sound when it dripped onto Zhao Shanhe’s face.
The originally intact skin began to decay rapidly as soon as it came into contact with the green liquid.

Zhao Shanhe gritted his teeth and let out a painful cry.
He really didn’t expect that the lion whose chest had been pierced just now would recover so quickly.
In just a few minutes, the wound has completely healed, which is incredible!
The most disgusting thing is that this beast actually regarded him as a target.

“Beast! Get away!”
Zhao Shanhe roared angrily, holding the back of the knife with both hands, pushing it up with all his strength, trying to get rid of the lion in front of him.
However, no matter how hard he tried, it had no effect at all.
After transforming into a beast, the lion was already at the early stage of a great master, and in terms of strength, it was even more amazing.
In a head-to-head confrontation, Zhao Shanhe is no match at all.
The lion roared, his claws on the golden knife, and he was pressing down little by little.
Its mouth full of fangs was getting closer and closer to Zhao Shanhe’s face.

The barbed tongue just touched Zhao Shanhe’s face and tore off a large piece of flesh and blood.
It’s shocking to see.
“I didn’t expect that monster to actually save Brother Dustin. It’s really not as good as God.” Xu Yang marveled.
“It seems that Zhao Shanhe is a little overwhelmed.” Yan Buqi squinted his eyes.

“Hmph! That old man likes to bully others, and he deserves to be in this situation!” Liu Hongxue gloated a little.
“What a trick to divert trouble to the east. It seems that Mr. Lu has a plan.” Liu Rushuang watched quietly, her eyes full of admiration.
Others may not know it, but she just saw it clearly.
The target of the lion’s initial sneak attack was Dustin.

However, Dustin was already on guard, and when the lion attacked sneakily, he ducked out of the way in advance.
So, the lion finally pounced on Zhao Shanhe.
Now one man and one beast are wrestling with each other, completely defenseless.
As long as rhys is willing, he can easily take the heads of both parties.

“Boy! You are so despicable! You actually used this monster against me? Get it out of my way!”
Zhao Shanhe’s face was full of ferocity and he roared again and again.
At this moment, he was suppressed by the beast-turned-lion, unable to move. No matter how hard he tried, he could not break free.
If he continues like this, he will be bitten to death by this monster sooner or later.

“Elder Zhao, you can’t blame me for this. It’s you who have done a lot of evil in your daily life, which is why you have been punished by God. This monster is God’s punishment for you.”
Dustin stood nearby, looking like he was watching a show.
“You bastard! Stop talking nonsense here! Kill this monster quickly. I’ll just pretend what happened tonight never happened!” Zhao Shanhe shouted angrily.



Supreme Grandmaster
Aug 23, 2023
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Chapter 2203

“You bastard! Stop talking nonsense here! Kill this monster quickly. I’ll just pretend what happened tonight never happened!” Zhao Shanhe shouted angrily.
“Elder Zhao is so powerful, why do you need me to take action? You should solve it yourself.” Dustin remained unmoved.

A guy like Zhao Shanhe who is determined to retaliate against others should naturally be eliminated quickly.
Of course, if he did it himself, there would inevitably be some trouble, so he chose to kill with a borrowed knife.
At this time, the lion’s bloody mouth had been lowered lower and lower, and it was only less than an inch away from Zhao Shanhe’s face.

However, Zhao Shanhe was almost exhausted and could not support Dong Qianqiu’s support.
If this continues, there will only be a dead end.
Seeing death approaching, Zhao Shanhe, who had always been proud and arrogant, finally gave in.
“Little… little brother! I was so offended just now. I apologize to you. As long as you kill this monster, I will be very grateful afterwards!” Zhao Shanhe said in a hurried tone.

It was an order before, but now it’s a cry for help.
“Is this true?” Dustin raised his eyebrows.
Zhao Shanhe looked happy, thinking that Dustin was going to agree to him, so he quickly struck while the iron was hot and said: “Little brother, I am the elder of Tianxiahui, with power and status. As long as you save my life, no matter what your request, I can satisfy them all!”
“It’s empty talk. You should swear an oath first.” Dustin said calmly.
“Okay, okay…I swear, I will do what I say, otherwise there will be thunder and lightning. Is this okay?”

Zhao Shanhe was sweating profusely, his hands were shaking, and he had obviously reached his limit.
“Hold your fists, even if you swear an oath, I still don’t believe you.” Dustin shrugged, with no intention of helping him.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Zhao Shanhe was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Because of a moment’s loss of concentration, Gang Qi was disordered.
The lion’s bloody mouth advanced another inch and bit off Zhao Shanhe’s nose.
Zhao Shanhe screamed, his face covered with blood.
“What? You didn’t realize it until now? Unfortunately, it’s already too late.”

Dustin sneered, his eyes filled with coldness.
A guy like this who is arrogant and uses his power to bully others, it is really not a pity to die.
Zhao Shanhe roared unwillingly, looking like a madman: “You bastard! I will cut you into pieces!!”

As soon as he finished speaking, his arms finally became overwhelmed and collapsed.
At the same time, the male lion opened his bloody mouth and bit down fiercely.
With a “click” sound, Zhao Shanhe’s entire head was swallowed by the lion.
Blood spurted out from the broken neck instantly.

The whole scene suddenly became silent.
Even Dong Qianqiu and his party, who had just arrived, couldn’t help but stop.
Everyone was stunned and in disbelief.
None of them expected that Zhao Shanhe, the dignified elder of the Tianxia Guild and the all-powerful leader, would die here.
And he died so miserably.
The whole head was swallowed by the monster, not even a whole body was left.



Supreme Grandmaster
Aug 23, 2023
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Chapter 2204

“Dead…dead? How is that possible?!”
“I didn’t expect that the dignified elder of the World Council, a powerful figure in the world, would die at the hands of a monster. It’s really unbelievable!”
“It’s just that Zhao Shanhe is too arrogant and domineering. He ended up like this. It’s karmic retribution.”

Zhao Shanhe’s death caused an uproar in the entire audience.
No one expected that the majestic and arrogant big man just now would die so suddenly.
After being thrown to the ground by the lion, he bit his head off in one bite.
It was really bizarre that he didn’t even have a chance to resist.

“Zhao…Elder Zhao?”
Dong Qianqiu, who had just arrived, looked at the headless corpse in front of him and stood blankly on the spot for a moment.
Zhao Shanhe must be above him in terms of strength and status.
For the entire Tianxiahui, they are rare backbone members and pillar-level existences.

The Tianxiahui disciples who came to Longhu Mountain to compete this time were all under the jurisdiction of Zhao Shanhe.
Its power is so great that it can be said that it is inferior to one person and superior to tens of thousands of people.
However, all that is left of the once-famous big man is a headless corpse.

It’s really sad.
After swallowing Zhao Shanhe’s head, the lion raised its head and roared to the sky.
The sound was like thunder, shaking the heaven and the earth. Many warriors were so shocked that they covered their ears and showed pain on their faces.
At the level of Grand Master, even a simple sonic attack cannot be resisted by ordinary warriors.

After the lion roared, its huge body seemed to be exhausted, and it fell directly to the ground and passed out on the spot.
Immediately afterwards, the size of the male lion quickly shrank, and the hard black hair on the body was immediately retracted from the body.
Its sharp claws, fangs, facial features, and muscles, all the characteristics of animal transformation, are all disappearing little by little.

In just a few breaths, the previously powerful and terrifying black-haired monster completely transformed back into a human.
Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
The lion transformed into a beast is really terrifying.
The speed, strength, and defense are astonishing, including the body’s ability to recover, which has also reached an incredible level.

A broken arm can regenerate, a broken heart can heal again, it is simply an unkillable monster.
Even top experts like Zhao Shanhe had their heads bitten off by it. If it were them, they would be even more unable to resist.
Fortunately, this monster was exhausted, otherwise I don’t know how many people would have died.

“Brother Dustin, how are you? Are you okay?”
After a brief daze, Dong Qianqiu finally led a group of people forward.
“I’m fine, but Elder Zhao of your Tianxiahui seems to have had an accident.” Dustin said calmly.
Hearing this, Dong Qianqiu’s mouth twitched and he was speechless for a moment.
How can this be called an accident? This is clearly the separation of corpses!
“Hey! You were standing next to Elder Zhao just now and saw him being attacked by a monster. Why didn’t you help?!”
At this time, a young female disciple from the Tianxiahui suddenly asked.



Supreme Grandmaster
Aug 23, 2023
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Chapter 2205

At this time, a young female disciple from the Tianxiahui suddenly asked.
The female disciple was wearing white clothes and looked quite pretty, but her eyes were a little more mean.
“Why should I help?”
Dustin shrugged and said confidently: “What does it have to do with me when Elder Zhao is attacked? Why should I risk my life to save him?”

The female disciple in white choked, and shouted: “You are obviously willing to die without saving anything! As a member of the world, you have no chivalrous spirit at all. Aren’t you afraid of being laughed at if you spread the word?”
“You are noble and chivalrous, so why didn’t you save me just now?” Dustin retorted.

He hates this kind of moral kidnapping guy the most.
He has done nothing but talk, and he always criticizes people from the moral high ground.
It’s disgusting.
“I was too far away just now. If I could have arrived in time, I would definitely not stand idly by like you!” The female disciple in white said righteously.

“Oh, is it so?”
Dustin sneered: “Elder Zhao’s head is still in this guy’s belly. You are so brave and righteous. How about helping Elder Zhao dig out his head and collect a whole body?”
“You…what did you say?” The expression of the female disciple in white changed.
“What? Didn’t you hear clearly? Then I’ll say it again.”
Dustin pointed at the lion lying on the ground and said: “This guy ate Elder Zhao’s head. As a disciple of the Tianxiahui, it shouldn’t be too much for you to help your elder find his head and assemble the whole body, right?”
Isn’t it just moral kidnapping? I can do it too!

The woman in white froze, fearful and afraid to step forward.
One is that I feel sick, and the other is that I am afraid that the lion will suddenly wake up.
After all, she had just seen the ferocious appearance of the other party.

This thing can kill even Zhao Shanhe. What if he wakes up suddenly after being stimulated and kills her conveniently?
“What? Are you scared? As a member of the Jianghu and a disciple of the Tianxiahui, you can’t even do this little thing, right?” Dustin said in a strange tone.
“Who, who said I’m scared? Isn’t it just digging my head? What’s the big deal!”

After being ridiculed by Dustin, the female disciple in white immediately took offense and agreed directly.
“You are so brave, so please.”
Dustin stretched out one hand and made a gesture of invitation, then stepped aside to watch the show.
Dong Qianqiu and the others looked at each other in confusion, not knowing what to do.

As a disciple of the Tianxiahui, there is nothing wrong with gathering a whole corpse for the elder Zhao Shanhe.
However, the male lion was only in a coma, not dead. It was undoubtedly a desperate act to have his head removed by caesarean section.
If you accidentally awaken this monster, the consequences will be disastrous.

The female disciple in white swallowed, then raised her sword and cautiously approached the lion.
At this moment, the male lion was naked and motionless, except that his chest was rising and falling, and his breathing was a little heavy.
“Go to hell!”
The female disciple in white gritted her teeth, then stabbed the lion in the chest with her sword.
Before taking the head, she had to solve this hidden danger first so that everything would be safe.


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