The Dragon Man's Decree - Translated by GILY

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Author: Unknown
Type: Action and Adventure
Posted : 07 October 2023
Status: Ongoing

John White is furious that someone has tried to make an advance on his girlfriend. In the end, he ends up behind bars after his attempt to protect her. Three years later, he is a free man but finds out that that girlfriend of his has married the man who hit on her back then. John will not let things slide. Thankfully, he has learned Focus Technique during his time in prison. At that, he embarks on the journey of cultivation and is accompanied by a gorgeous Miranda. Who would have thought this would enrage his ex-girlfriend?


First level Tribulator
Sep 19, 2023
I also like the current pace. These days I am getting more resources from Levi story. In 5 days I read 650 chapters and hoping to catch up with the current in just a few more days. The university will reopen on June 19th and then I will have to get busy to recruite more new members for the virgin sect. Who knows by that time the students enter the university, they all might be the members of the Emeka. I will also have to be careful about master Xavier group members, especially my future colleagues.
hahaha let's wait and see 😋


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023

Dedicated to Mykel

Chapter 3844 - 3845 Celestial Technique Legacy

Upon hearing that, John was instantly stunned. Celestial technique legacy? Just as John was momentarily stunned, the two people from the Miller family tensed up.

“Who are you? Why do you look exactly like Ms. Selma?” In a moment of distraction, John inadvertently revealed his aura. Although he could mimic Selma’s appearance, he was unable to replicate Selma’s aura. Moreover, those from the Miller family who were with Selma would undoubtedly be very familiar with Selma’s aura.

Upon realizing he had been discovered, John saw no further need for his disguise. Instantly, he reverted back to his true form.

“It’s you?” Upon recognizing John, the two individuals from the Miller family instantly glared at him with hostility. Without a moment’s hesitation, they launched an attack on John.

John brandished his Dragonslayer Sword, and with a swift stroke, he forced the two members of the Miller family to retreat. When John’s aura was revealed, it immediately caught the attention of Selma in the main hall.

“To think that brat is here…” Selma frowned, and in an instant, she vanished from the main hall. Upon seeing John engaged in a fight with two members of the Miller family, Selma bellowed, “You’ve got some nerve, brat, to actually follow us here.”

Upon turning his head, John saw Selma and immediately took off running. Selma wasn’t about to let that opportunity slip away. She directed her words to the two members of the Miller family.

“Hold the fort here. I’m going to take care of that brat.” Selma chased after John. However, just as Selma was chasing after John, a figure swiftly entered the main hall.

The members of the Miller family who were stationed in the main hall were taken aback when they saw someone entering. To their surprise, it was John who had walked in. Before they could think twice, they lunged directly at John. They were adamant not to let John disrupt Marc’s learning.

John had no desire to engage in battle and instead, he turned and ran toward the exit of the main hall. The two guards from the Miller family, stationed outside, were utterly baffled when they saw John bolting out of the main hall. They clearly saw Selma chasing after John, yet there John was, emerging from the main hall again. However, having seen John, they simply couldn’t stand by and do nothing. The two individuals instantly made a move against

John. Just as they were about to confront John in the courtyard of the mansion, another John suddenly appeared in the main hall. John gazed at the statue before him and at Marc, who was seated in front of it. He knew for certain that Marc was engrossed in learning the celestial technique legacy. Though John was extremely curious to investigate what kind of celestial technique legacy was contained within the statue, he simply didn’t have the time. His shadow clone simply couldn’t hold up for long.

With a swift wave of his hand, John instantly drew the statue toward him. Originally, John wanted to place the statue inside his storage ring, but he soon discovered that the statue wouldn’t fit. That left John utterly dumbfounded.

After all, the storage ring had the capacity to hold everything in the vast world, except for living people. Even demon beasts could reside within the confines of the ring. Thus, it was rather odd that the statue couldn’t be stored in the storage ring. However, John simply didn’t have the time to ponder. He could only escape hastily, dragging the statue with one hand. When the connection between Marc and the statue was severed, he spat out a mouthful of fresh blood, his face turning deathly pale.

“Brat, return my statue!” Upon seeing John snatch away the statue, Marc instantly went after him like a madman. Immediately after, he unleashed several Blazing Palms, each fiery blaze lunging toward John. John skillfully used Blazing Stride, evading the Flaming Palm and making a swift escape.

Marc bellowed, “Quick, after him. He’s stolen the statue.” The few members of the Miller family who were originally engaged in a fight with John suddenly discovered that John had vanished into thin air. Following that, they heard Marc’s loud outcry. The members of the Miller family were utterly bewildered, but they still pursued the John they saw.

Meanwhile, Selma was still fervently pursuing her John.

“Brat, you can’t escape, not after you’ve courted death. Today seems to be a fortunate day for our Miller family. By eliminating you, we can secure a hundred-year offering from Demon Seal Alliance. Moreover, we’ve also acquired the celestial technique legacy.” At that moment, Selma was overjoyed beyond measure. Truth

John, who was in the midst of fleeing, suddenly halted. He then looked at Selma with a face full of mockery. Selma paused, halting in her tracks, a puzzled look etched across her face as she turned to John.

“Brat, why are you smiling?”

“I’m smiling because you’re such a fool, believing you could actually acquire the celestial technique legacy. What a load of rubbish.” John’s smile grew even more radiant. Then, right before Selma’s eyes, his figure gradually vanished.

Upon seeing the situation, Selma was instantly shocked. “I’ve been fooled!” Realizing what was happening, Selma hurriedly rushed back.

At that moment, Marc was leading his people relentlessly pursuing John. John’s arrival had utterly ruined everything for him. If Marc had received the celestial technique legacy, his status in the Miller family would have skyrocketed. Yet, John stole that statue from him.

“Marc, what’s going on?” Upon rushing back, Selma saw that Marc had unexpectedly left the mansion, and a sense of unease welled up within her.

“Ms. Selma, John seized the statue, interrupting my progress.” After Marc finished speaking, he spat out blood once again, his eyes filled with rage.

“What?” Selma gritted her teeth, then turned to a few members of the Miller family and spat, “Are you all just good for nothing? Why didn’t you stop John?”

“Ms. Selma, when we located John, we had already attempted to stop him. However, we’ve discovered that it was just a shadow clone,” several members of the Miller family hastily offered their explanations.

“Chase after him now! We must retrieve the statue at all costs. That celestial technique legacy belongs to our family!” With a thunderous roar, Selma led her men to start chasing after John. How shameless! To think Selma would claim Infinitnus Celestial Sect’s celestial technique legacy as theirs! John was holding the statue in his hands, using Blazing Stride to sprint rapidly.

“Mr. Vermilion, can you help me understand why I can’t store this statue in my storage ring?” John asked with a hint of anxiety. The statue was slowing him down too much, and if a fight were to break out, he wouldn’t be able to defend himself.

“What can’t you store in this storage ring of yours?” Vermilion Demon Lord asked. “I can’t put living people inside,” replied John.

“That’s the problem, then. This statue is likely made from flesh, so inside the statue, there’s a person.” Vermilion Demon Lord spoke.

“If it’s a person, then they would be a corpse and should’ve been able to be stored in the storage ring,” replied John. In the past, the corpse of the blood demon was stored within the storage ring, and John even used it as a weapon.

“What if the person inside the statue isn’t dead?” Vermilion Demon Lord smirked.

“What?” John exclaimed in surprise. He hadn’t expected that the statue he was holding actually had a living person inside.

“So what you’re saying is that this person is still alive? Doesn’t that mean they’ve lived for thousands and thousands of years?” John cast a glance of disbelief at the statue.

At that moment, John was genuinely terrified that the statue would suddenly burst open, revealing a frenzied immortal who would give him a good beating. After all, John’s abilities would be as weak as an ant’s compared to the disciples of Infinitnus Celestial Sect, a powerful big sect.

Moreover, the fact that the statue was situated deep within the sect’s mansion suggested that the person inside was definitely a higher-up in the sect. In fact, the person inside the statue might even be the leader of the sect. The more John thought about it, the more scared he became.

“What are you afraid of? Even though the person inside is alive, they may as well be dead. If the statue bursts open, the soul of the person inside will scatter. I believe this person turned themself into a flesh statue to preserve the last shred of their spiritual sense. Probably, they hoped to find the inheritor of Infinitnus Celestial Sect in the years to follow. After all, such a massive sect would want to preserve its lineage, unwilling to be completely forgotten by the relentless tide of history,” Vermilion Demon Lord explained. Upon hearing that, John finally breathed a slight sigh of relief


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Dedicated to Mykel

Chapter 3846 - 3848 Extremus Frost Flame

At that very moment, Marc and his companions had already caught up. What followed was a relentless onslaught of flames aimed squarely at John.

Utilizing Blazing Stride, John swiftly dodged.

“Pay attention, all of you. Don’t damage the statue. That brat’s got it in his possession. If the statue gets ruined, it’s utterly useless,” Selma yelled out.

Upon hearing that, Marc urgently instructed everyone to stop and pursue John to block John’s path. Selma’s figure was also rapidly moving.

Whoosh. Suddenly, John felt an aura swiftly approaching from behind. Without even sparing a glance, John swiftly moved, following it up with a swift palm strike toward his back. A wall of fierce flames formed behind John, momentarily blocking Marc and the others.

As John struck out with his palm, several figures appeared before him all at once. Indeed, it was Marc who arrived with a few members of the Miller family. They didn’t launch an attack on John. Instead, they simultaneously made their move, aiming straight for the statue in John’s hand.

Upon seeing the situation, John dropped down instantly, landing heavily on the ground. Suddenly, the ground collapsed, forming a deep pit, from which a surge of aura continuously erupted toward the sky. The surge of aura sent John’s body reeling.

“What rich celestial energy…” John couldn’t help but look down. Within the deep pit below him, celestial energy was flowing, presenting a unique shade of purple-brown. That was the first time John had ever seen such a color of celestial energy.

The celestial energy was usually as invisible and tasteless as spiritual energy. However, there, the celestial energy had taken on a color, likely due to its overwhelming concentration. That celestial energy had condensed into a liquid form, appearing just like a serene pond.

“Could it be that the celestial energy from that mansion was actually emanating from this place? John’s eyes were filled with astonishment, “This must be the celestial energy pool of Infinitnus Celestial Sect. For a sect as grand as this, its disciples must need an abundance of celestial energy for their cultivation. In this chaos dimension, there is no celestial energy nor resources for cultivation to be found. Therefore, the Infinitnus Celestial Sect must have constructed this celestial energy pool before they even arrived here. Moreover, this celestial energy pool is hidden underground, which is why it remains undiscovered by anyone until now. It seems that due to its age, the celestial energy pool has suffered some damage, which led to the leakage of its energy into the mansion.” Vermilion Demon Lord explained to John.

Upon hearing that, John felt his heart was pounding wildly. A celestial energy pool of Infinitnus Celestial Sect! How much celestial energy is actually stored within here? It must be a terrifying amount, seeing that this celestial energy had already liquefied, signifying that the energy had reached a certain level of richness. Had it not been for John’s swift dive to the ground to avoid Marc and others seizing the statue, the celestial energy pool might have remained undiscovered.

John’s body fell once again, plunging directly into the celestial energy pool with a splash. The arriving Selma and Marc, among others, found themselves at a loss upon seeing the pool of purplish brown celestial energy.

“What’s this? Why is there suddenly a pool here?” Selma was unaware that what was flowing in the pool was actually celestial energy. She thought it was just a pool of water.

“Ms. Selma, it doesn’t seem to be an ordinary pond but rather appears to be some kind of spiritual energy…” Marc felt waves of aura surging skyward.

Suddenly, Marc’s eyes widened as he exclaimed, “Ms. Selma, could this… Could this possibly be celestial energy?”

“Celestial energy?” Selma was taken aback.

“Yes. The Infinitnus Celestial Sect should be a celestial realm sect inhabited by immortals. Surely, their cultivation would involve the use of celestial energy. Could this place be the sacred land of resources for Infinitnus Celestial Sect, a Holy Pond to contain celestial energy?” Marc analyzed. He didn’t understand celestial energy nor had he ever experienced it, so he could only speculate.

“Send someone down to investigate.” After Selma finished speaking, she turned to one of the Miller family members and said, “You do it.”

The Miller family member exclaimed, “Ms. Selma, I really don’t know anything about celestial energy!

At that moment, the Miller family was cursing their luck. Every single time, they seemed to be the ones chosen for risky endeavors

“You don’t need to. Just go down and check if there’s any danger,” Selma said. Left with no other choice, the Miller family member proceeded with extreme caution. With a single leap, he descended toward the celestial energy pool. The moment he came into contact with the pool, a powerful surge of aura targeted his elixir field.

Bang! In just a fleeting moment, he shockingly met his end in a violent manner. Upon witnessing this scene, both Selma and Marc were dumbfounded.

“What… What’s going on here?” Selma asked in bewilderment. This was something beyond her knowledge. Marc was just as bewildered. He had merely speculated that the pool was made up of celestial energy. Now that the person who went into the pool had exploded and died, Marc didn’t dare speak recklessly.

“Why is it that nothing happened to John when he jumped in?’ Marc was utterly perplexed. The others just stood by, unable to provide an explanation.

“Ms. Selma, we can’t just keep keeping watch here,” Marc said with a frown.

“What should we do? What if we leave and John shows up?” Selma said.

“Ms. Selma, I don’t think all of us need to stay here. I’ll keep vigil with some men, while you can go and explore the area. If you encounter the holy maidens from Lunarius Palace, capture them at once. I’ve noticed that John seems to be quite concerned about them. When the time comes, we can use these maidens as leverage to force John to show himself and hand over the statue!” Marc proposed.

After a moment of contemplation, Selma nodded and said, “Alright, let’s do that. You must keep a close eye on him. The moment John shows up, you must inform me immediately.”

“Got it!” Marc nodded in agreement. Selma subsequently left, leaving only Marc and his men waiting there.

At that very moment, John continued to dive deeper into the celestial energy pool. In the end, John found himself sinking straight to the bottom. Surrounded by an overwhelming amount of liquified celestial energy, every pore on John’s body greedily absorbed the celestial energy.

With such a vast amount of liquified celestial energy, John couldn’t imagine the extent his celestial energy would be elevated after he was done absorbing them. Moreover, he was certain that after absorbing all of the liquified celestial energy, even Selma, a Top Level Tribulator, would be no match for him. By then, John wouldn’t have to run anymore. He could just take out the entire Miller family. They were, after all, as annoying as insects.

As John was focused on fervently absorbing the celestial energy around him, the statue he was holding began to shimmer with light unexpectedly.

Countless streams of liquified celestial energy were actually spiraling around the statue while being sucked into it. A massive vortex emerged, akin to a whale swallowing down water. When a significant amount of liquified celestial energy was absorbed by the statue, one could see with the naked eye quickly it diminished.

“Damn… Stop, stop. I found this. Leave it for me, leave it…” John was utterly dumbfounded as he watched the scene unfold. The celestial energy pool he had painstakingly discovered was being voraciously drained by the statue. However, the statue didn’t cease, but continued to absorb the energy relentlessly.

Frustrated, John slapped the statue twice, but it was to no avail. As John watched the liquified celestial energy dwindle, he became frantic. Yet all he could do was fret, as there was no solution in sight.

Meanwhile, Marc, who was back at the surface, noticed the water in the pool decreasing rapidly. He hastily informed Selma about the situation. This unusual occurrence left Marc feeling somewhat puzzled.

“Kid, don’t you know Extremus Frost Flame? See if you can freeze this liquified celestial energy. As long as you can freeze some of it, I suspect the statue won’t be able to absorb it anymore,” Vermilion Demon Lord advised John.

Upon hearing this, John immediately ignited Extremus Frost Flame at his fingertips. With the appearance of Extremus Frost Flame, the surrounding liquified celestial energy turned into ice. Noticing its effectiveness, John intensified his efforts. However, the statue continued to fervently absorb the liquified celestial energy. In the end, the liquified celestial energy was completely absorbed, leaving only a large chunk of celestial energy ice in John’s hand. At that moment, John was holding the statue in one hand, and a large block of ice in the other.

Just as John was about to toss the celestial energy ice block into his Storage Ring, he suddenly halted. If I were to toss this ice block into the Storage Ring, I fear it might get devoured by that Heaven Devouring Beast again. In that case, I’ll end up with nothing at all!

Just as John was uncertain whether to store the celestial energy ice block in his Storage Ring, Marc came charging in with his men. When Marc saw John’s strange demeanor from above, he was baffled. Nevertheless, he was determined to reclaim that statue.

“You brat, return the statue to me, and I might just spare your life!” Marc, accompanied by several members of the Miller family, approached John in a hostile manner. In response, John couldn’t help but furrow his brows. He gently tossed aside the celestial energy ice cube he held and ignited a white flame in his palm.

“Extremus Frost Flame…” With that, John launched a palm strike. Waves of frost energy mist surged toward Marc and his companions.

ith a cold huff, Marc, along with a few members of the Miller family, simultaneously unleashed Blazing Palm. The roaring flames boldly cut through the chilling white mist. However, it didn’t take long before Marc and the others were astonished by what they saw.

Watching the roaring flames colliding with the icy mist, they were shocked to see the fire itself being instantly frozen. The dancing flames, one after another, were all encased in ice, unable to emit any heat.

A member of the Miller who was standing toward the front was touched by the chilly fog, and his entire arm was instantly frozen solid. In just a split second, the arm actually fell off.

“What a terrifying mist. Retreat at once!” Upon witnessing the situation, Marc was taken aback and quickly ordered his men to retreat.

Seizing the moment, John sprang up and escaped in an instant. He stared at the statue in his hand, yearning to set it ablaze. The precious liquified celestial energy he had painstakingly found had been completely absorbed by it.

Upon seeing John escape once again, Marc was so infuriated that he roared, “After him. We cannot let him escape!” While doing so, he led his men in pursuit.

Meanwhile, John’s pace had significantly slowed down. Even with the aid of Blazing Stride, he couldn’t escape quickly.

Soon, Marc and his group closed the distance, their eyes burning red. Subsequently, they unleashed a series of flames. These flames intertwined, forming a massive fire net that was hurled toward John.

When he saw the attack, John was also so anxious that he was breaking out in cold sweat. He had his hands full at the moment; there was simply no way for him to retaliate.

Quickly, John was enveloped in a net of fire. Marc sneered, “Let’s see how you escape now…” Marc and his companions controlled the fire net, continuously tightening it.

At the same time, flames continuously surged around Marc’s body, with the flames on the fire net rapidly expanding. The intention was to burn John alive.

Left with no choice, John invigorated the nascence star within him, igniting a circle of white flames around his body. A surge of frost energy then radiated all around John’s body. As soon contact was made, the fire net was instantly frozen solid. Immediately after the fire net shattered, John managed to escape once again. However, John knew that he could only use the Extremus Frost Flame one more time. He had just refined it and hadn’t had the chance to properly train with it. After using it three times in a row, he was already feeling extremely weak.

“Damn, not this trick again…” Marc immediately cursed. After much difficulty in capturing John, he had allowed the former to escape once again. He simply couldn’t comprehend what sort of method John had used. The fact that the latter could even freeze a blazing flame was absolutely beyond belief.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Dedicated to Mykel

Chapter 3849 -3851 Infinitus Token

John continued his escape, with Marc and his men hot on his heels, a fact that left John on edge. Fortunately, Selma was absent. John knew that he certainly wouldn’t have stood a chance if Selma had intervened. The main problem was that the statue was too cumbersome, and it couldn’t be stored in the Storage Ring.

“Had I not been interested in the legacy of the Infinitnus Celestial Sect, I would have smashed you to pieces long ago.” With a sense of helplessness, John gazed at the statue and spoke. No sooner had John finished speaking than the statue seemed to glare at him fiercely.

John initially thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. Upon closer inspection, he indeed found that the statue was glaring at him.

“F*ck!” John was taken aback. “Kid, I already told you that this isn’t a statue. It’s actually a living person. Do you think he’d be pleased at your insult?” Vermilion Demon Lord said to John.

John was at a loss for words. The celestial energy pool he had painstakingly found was absorbed entirely by the statue. Why can’t I even scold it?

Just as John was physically and emotionally exhausted and on the verge of being caught, another intact mansion appeared. Without a moment’s hesitation, John immediately rushed into it. He knew that there had to be an arcane array within this mansion. With the help of Nethersky Eye, he could discern the array runes of the arcane array. Once he entered, Marc and the others would be blocked outside by the arcane array.

No sooner had John burst into the mansion than the mansion’s defensive arcane array activated, a beam of light hurtling toward him.

“Such a powerful aura. This arcane array is incredibly strong. I’m afraid we can’t break it!” Vermilion Demon Lord said helplessly. John also felt it, the arcane array within this mansion was terrifyingly powerful, incomparably stronger than the ones set up by the ordinary disciples outside.

At that moment, John was thrown into a panic. He was worried about not being able to break the arcane array. If a backlash were to result, he would be walking right into a trap. In the midst of John’s panic, a beam of light surprisingly struck the statue. Quickly, the arcane array gradually closed, and John walked in unscathed. This left John astonished, but Vermilion Demon Lord quickly caught on and said, “The arcane array must have sensed the aura of the statue, which is why it shut down, allowing you to enter.” John considered it and realized it was true. After all, the statue was originally a member of the Infinitnus Celestial Sect and was still alive. The arcane array would naturally shut down upon sensing the presence of one of its own.

Just as John had stepped into the mansion, Marc and his men followed suit. Seeing John entering without any trouble, they too, rushed in. No sooner had they entered than they were hurled away by a burst of golden light from the arcane array.

Marc was taken aback, puzzled as to why John could enter without a problem, yet they were forbidden to set foot inside. After several attempts, he still hadn’t succeeded. Left with no other choice, Marc could only stay around the mansion, waiting for Selma’s arrival before making any further decisions. After all, John couldn’t escape from there.

When John entered the mansion, he discovered that it was surprisingly empty, with nothing but a worn-out cushion in sight.

“Could it be that everything in this mansion has been cleared out?” John scanned the vacant room around him, his face filled with confusion.

“This must be the training hall, a place for meditation and cultivation. Naturally, there wouldn’t be much else here. Don’t you see the meditation cushion on the floor?” Vermilion Demon Lord remarked.

“To use such a grand hall only for meditation and cultivation seems rather excessive. It even has such a powerful arcane array set up outside. I really can’t understand what the leader of the Infinitnus Celestial Sect was thinking,” John commented in resignation.

“You’re young and naive. What do you know?” Suddenly, a voice echoed, carrying a hint of displeasure.

“Holy smokes, who’s there?” John quickly scanned his surroundings. This place is empty. There shouldn’t have been anyone speaking!

After scanning the area and finding no one, John hurriedly turned to Vermilion Demon Lord and asked, “Who was speaking just now?” Vermilion Demon Lord remained silent, yet he was frantically signaling John with his eyes, as if he was afraid of something

When John realized something was off with Vermilion Demon Lord, he glanced at his own palm and was instantly taken aback. That person held a device in his hand. Donned in a splendid golden robe, he appeared quite youthful. However, it seemed like the person couldn’t move and was supported by John. Startled, John instinctively threw the person away, causing him to tumble onto the ground.

“You clueless kid, why did you drop me? Hurry up and place me on that cushion,” the man yelled at John, his face flushed with anger. John studied the individual before him, his face etched with confusion.

“Who are you? And why should I listen to you? Besides, judging by our ages, you’re not much older than me. How dare you call me a kid?”

“I am the leader of the Infinitnus Celestial Sect and have lived for tens of thousands of years. What’s wrong with addressing you as a kid?” The person glared at John in irritation.

“After becoming an immortal, one can change their appearance at will. You are utterly ignorant to judge age by appearance!”

“Fuck…” John was flabbergasted. The sect leader of Infinitnus Celestial Sect has lived for over ten thousand years? In that case, he is allowed to call me a kid. In a hurry, John placed the leader of the Infinitnus Celestial Sect on the cushion.

Just as he settled down, the sect leader, Darren Moore, seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. His hands began to move slowly. Following that, the liquified celestial energy that John had painstakingly frozen was now being absorbed frantically by Darren.

“What are you doing? This is mine…” John was shocked. What he had managed to obtain after much difficulty was now being taken away from him.

John wanted to intervene, but he found himself completely immobilized. He watched, wide-eyed, as the celestial energy ice block was completely absorbed by Darren. The sight brought John to the verge of tears.

“Hahaha, I have finally recovered!” Darren stood up, bursting into uncontrollable laughter. In response, John said, “You’ve absorbed my celestial energy ice block, what will you compensate me with?”

“What do you mean by yours?” Darren looked at John.

“The celestial energy pool has always belonged to the Infinitnus Celestial Sect. Since when did it become yours?” John was suddenly at a loss for words. Darren spoke the truth, leaving John with no room for rebuttal.

“Hand it over!” Darren beckoned to John as he spoke.

“Hand what over?” John was taken aback.

“The painting!” exclaimed Darren.

“What painting? I don’t have any!” John acted as if he knew nothing at all. The painting was a treasured possession of the Infinitnus Celestial Sect, undoubtedly a valuable item. John certainly couldn’t bear to part with it.

Darren gestured, and the painting flew out from John’s Storage Ring, landing in Darren’s hands.

“You ignorant fool. If the demon within this painting is released, not just you, but the entire Ethereal Realm will disappear,” Darren sneered.

“The Ethereal Realm will vanish?” John was taken aback, then turned to Darren and asked, “In that case, was Ethereal Realm established by the Infinitnus Celestial Sect?”

Darren nodded in acknowledgment. “Correct!” John was even more astonished. It seems the Infinitnus Celestial Sect is incredibly powerful!

Intrigued, John asked, “Why did the Infinitnus Celestial Sect decide to establish the Ethereal Realm? And how did your sect come to be annihilated?”

“Young one, you talk too much. Even if I explained, you wouldn’t understand. Considering that you helped me without realizing it, I’ll reward you with a little something.” After Darren finished speaking, he casually tossed a documentation device to John.

John took the documentation device, noticing that it contained the legacy of the Infinitnus Celestial Sect. On the other side of the device, the words “Infinitus Token” were inscribed.

“What’s the use of this thing?” John asked quizzically. This contains the legacy of the Infinitnus Celestial Sect. As you are not a disciple of our sect, this legacy is not complete. Moreover, this is an Infinitus Token. Once you ascend to the celestial realm, you can use this Infinitus Token to get the Infinitnus Celestial Sect to assist you with three tasks,” Darren said.

“Does this mean the legacy is incomplete?” asked John.

“Of course, if I had perished, you would have received the complete legacy. But as it stands, I’m still alive and you’re not a disciple of Infinitnus Celestial Sect. How could you possibly have the complete legacy?” explained the sect leader of Infinitnus Celestial Sect. “I will grant you with three request”

“So what’s the point of this Infinitus Token? Infinitnus Celestial Sect has been wiped out, leaving you as the lone leader. How am I supposed to get you to carry out three tasks?” John was speechless. This Infinitus Token is totally useless! It’s not even as useful as that liquified celestial energy!

“How audacious of you to say that! Now that I’ve recovered, Infinitnus Celestial Sect will definitely regain its glory. This Infinitus Token is something many people yearn for, yet you dare to say it’s useless?” exclaimed Darren, exasperated.

John hurriedly apologized, “I’m sorry to offend you.” He couldn’t comprehend why all these people from the Ethereal Realm seemed to be so bad- tempered. That Fire Spirit Lord stormed away in a huff, too, and John was afraid that Darren might do the same, and he’d end up with nothing at all.

“Sir, since you said I could ask for three favors from Infinitnus Celestial Sect, can I possibly make one request now?” asked John.

“Why?” Darren was taken aback.

“I’m being hunted down. Please eliminate those people from the Demon Seal Alliance who are hunting me down. Wipe them all out. This Ethereal Realm was established by your sect anyway, so you could be considered its ruler. It’ll be like a walk in the park for you to do that!” said John. John was annoyed by the Demon Seal Alliance’s constant pestering. Now, he finally found a chance to eradicate them once and for all. Darren glared at John as if the latter was a fool.

“Even though the Ethereal Realm was established by Infinitnus Celestial Sect, I, however, cannot interfere with its affairs. This is the Heavenly Law. I can’t just alter a world I created however I wanted, let alone make it vanish. I could do it if this were just a secret realm, but this is a whole world. I’m not yet capable of defying the Heavenly Law. Although you guys are as weak and insignificant as ants before me, I am, however, unable to alter your fates.” John couldn’t fully understand Darren’s words.

Looking at John’s expression, Darren continued, “The master who controls the cosmos could cause countless dimensions to collapse with his sneeze alone, not to mention this tiny Ethereal Realm. However, he can’t do so. All beings must adhere to the Heavenly Law. Precisely because this Ethereal Realm was established by Infinitnus Celestial Sect, we must refrain from intervening in its affairs.

Darren’s figure suddenly vanished into thin air after he finished speaking. The main hall was utterly empty, and even the cushion had disappeared.

“How could you just leave like that? I still have questions!” John was at a loss for what to do.

“Have you lost your mind or something?” Only then did the Vermilion Demon Lord dare to speak.

“What’s wrong?” John was confused. Why’d he yell at me?

“The sect leader of Infinitnus Celestial Sect gave you the Infinitus Token, promising to fulfill your three requests, and you actually told him to obliterate the Demon Seal Alliance? Are you a fool? This is like a billionaire promising to do three favors for you, and you ask him to start by buying you breakfast! Are you stupid or something?” The Vermilion Demon Lord was driven to his wits’ end.

“What should I do then? I can’t deal with the Demon Seal Alliance now,” said John.

“Collect all my bones and remains for me. Once I’ve restored my physical body, I will help you eradicate them. You’re really using a cannon to kill a mosquito, you know? You won’t need the sect leader of Infinitnus Celestial Sect to deal with the Demon Seal Alliance! You’re humiliating him by requesting that!” Vermilion Demon Lord was utterly speechless.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Dedicated to Mykel

Chapter 3852 - 3854 Infinitus Toke......

“But…” John, too, didn’t know what else to say. The Ethereal Realm’s rules were too profound for his current self to comprehend. However, these immortals were oblivious to the hardships of the mortal world. Although the Infinitus Token given by Darren was considered a priceless treasure among many immortals, but to John, it felt useless and empty.

“You should really take a look at the legacy of Infinitnus Celestial Sect. It might not be complete, but it’s definitely impressive. We’re not sure how much longer the formation outside the mansion will hold. Seize this opportunity. If you can obtain the legacy of Infinitnus Celestial Sect, you won’t need to fear those guys outside,” said Vermilion Demon Lord to John.

John thought his words made sense. Rather than wasting time complaining, he should focus on mastering the legacy of Infinitnus Celestial Sect instead. Holding the Infinitus Token, he infused it with a surge of spiritual energy.

Buzz! In the next moment, a thunderous noise echoed in John’s mind, followed by a slight tremble in his consciousness field. A torrent of information continually surged into John’s consciousness field. The legacy was immensely vast and intricate.

As John absorbed it, it felt as if a beam of light had descended from the heavens, striking him directly. He felt incredibly refreshed at that moment. John didn’t feel the legacy was of much use, but the beam of light that struck him while he accepted it carried an overwhelming aura. John activated Focus Technique and began absorbing it without hesitation.

The liquified celestial energy had been entirely absorbed by Darren, so John was determined to seize the energy brought by this ray of light. He fervently absorbed all the energy he could. At that very moment, Marc, along with a few other Millers, were keeping watch outside the mansion. Marc was extremely anxious.

“Has Ms. Selma received the message yet? Why hasn’t she arrived?” he said.

“Uncle Marc, look!” Right then, someone noticed what seemed like a beam of light descending from the sky, illuminating the interior of the mansion. Marc fixed his gaze on that beam of light, and his expression grew increasingly grim.

“That brat must be having some kind of fortuitous encounter in there. The energy of this beam of light is incredibly intense. There’s a chance he might be absorbing the legacy of that celestial technique! I can’t wait any longer. I’m going to find Ms. Selma. You guys stay put and keep watch. If John emerges, don’t engage him directly. Just notify me,” said Marc impatiently. He couldn’t wait any longer, but he was unable to break through the mansion’s formation and could only wait for Selma to arrive.Unfortunately, Selma was nowhere to be seen, and Marc was beside himself with anxiety.

“Understood!” The Millers nodded in unison. Relieved to leave his comrades in charge, Marc left to look for Selma. It’ll be too late if we wait until John absorbs the legacy!

When Marc was searching for Selma, the latter had already returned to the sect’s main hall. She ran into Dahlia and the others, who were waiting for John. Dahlia and her gang harbored a deep-seated hatred for Selma, for she had killed several holy maidens previously. Yvonne, too, glared at Selma in anger. How could she, as an elder of Lunarius Palace, be so ruthless toward the holy maidens of Lunarius Palace? She deserves to die!

“All of you, come with me right now.” Selma glanced at Dahlia and the others before speaking. Dahlia and her gang remained silent, glaring furiously at Selma.

“Do you guys not hear me? I am ordering you as an elder,” said Selma coldly.

“Some elder! You’ve killed so many of our friends, yet you still have the audacity to command us? You’ve lost your position as an elder of Lunarius Palace long ago.” Dahlia spat.

Instead of flying into a rage, Selma remained calm, her voice icy as ever. “Come with me and I can spare your lives. Don’t make me take action. You know the consequences.” Selma was a Top Level Tribulator. Dahlia and her companions were simply no match for her. Yet, they didn’t show a hint of fear.

“Hmph! Go ahead and kill us all if you have the guts. We won’t listen to you even if it means we have to die.” With that, Dahlia wielded her frost sword, readying herself for a fierce battle

The others, too, unsheathed their frost swords one after another.

Selma’s lips curled into a smirk. “Such fools…” After she finished speaking, an overwhelming aura burst forth from her body. This aura, as intense as a storm, overwhelmed Dahlia and the others, leaving them breathless. They couldn’t even move a muscle, let alone brandish their weapons. After all, the disparity in their capabilities was too vast. The aura that Selma exuded was simply too overwhelming for them to handle. They couldn’t fight beyond their level like John.

Just as Dahlia and the others were gasping for breath, kneeling on the ground, a sudden surge of aura came shooting from behind, providing them instant relief. “Ms. Selma, why are you in such a bad mood?” Eldon, with a group of cultivators in tow, slowly approached. It was Eldon who came to Dahlia and her gang’s rescue earlier.

Selma couldn’t help frowning when she saw Eldon. “Who are you?”

“I am the head of the Olson family, Eldon Olson.” Eldon spoke politely. S

elma scoffed. “I’m surprised the Olson family dares to meddle with the Miller family’s affairs. Moreover, you’re merely a Ninth Level Tribulator, and you dare to challenge me?”

“Oh, no, I wouldn’t. It’s just that these young ladies have saved our lives. Therefore, I kindly request you to be magnanimous and show mercy, Ms. Selma.” Eldon knew he was no match for Selma, nor did he want to engage in a fight with her.

“What if I insist on taking them with me?” said Selma with a look of contempt in her eyes.

“If you insist on doing so, you leave me no choice but to intervene. Although I’m no match for you, with so many of us here against you alone, I believe we stand a chance.” Eldon spoke with a stern expression on his face.

Fury flared in Selma’s eyes. However, she had to admit Eldon was right. If they all attacked at once, she wouldn’t be able to hold them off. Yet, she couldn’t simply let Dahlia and the others go. If she did, it’d be difficult for her to find them again. For a moment, she found herself in quite a predicament, unsure of what to do. Marc came to her aid just as she was in a bind.

“Ms. Selma!” Marc called out when he saw Selma. Selma was overjoyed to see Marc.

“Why are you here? What about John?” asked Selma.

“Ms. Selma, John has been hiding in a mansion for quite some time. I suspect he’s absorbing the legacy within the statue, so I came here to discuss a strategy with you,” replied Marc. Hearing that, Selma instantly turned to look at Dahlia and her gang.

“Great. We’ll capture these holy maidens and use them to force John to show himself. Let’s see if John actually cares about them or not.”

Meanwhile, Dahlia and the others felt a wave of despair washing over them as they saw Marc appear. Already struggling to deal with Selma, they were utterly helpless when Marc showed up as well.

Eldon, too, was distressed. They would’ve been able to deal with Selma as long as they joined forces, but now, with Marc, another Ninth Level Tribulator joining the fight, they wouldn’t stand a chance.

“I’m taking them with me. Anyone who doesn’t want to die should stay away.” Selma swept her gaze over Eldon and the others. Her threatening words caused numerous cultivators to retreat.

After a moment of hesitation, Eldon, too, had no choice but to step back. Even if they intervened, they wouldn’t be able to stop Selma. At that moment, Dahlia and the others’ hearts sank. Under the imposing pressure of Selma and Marc, they couldn’t do anything to fight back. They were left with no choice but to comply and leave with Selma. Eldon watched Dahlia and her gang being taken away and gritted his teeth.

“Let’s go, too. Follow them and see what happens.”


First level Tribulator
Feb 9, 2024
John is a cheerful giver, he's going to cultivate with her squally
But she has to wait a year for the Mundane world's defense mechanism to open. Remember there's no passage between the Ethereal Realm and Mundane world as a result of the spiritual energy restoration.


First level Tribulator
Feb 9, 2024
I forgot about Nathan Sykes. I give you this beautful lady for getting the question right. I will post chapters today in dedicated to you. I also have increased your cultivation. Get more question right you will be awarded higher cultivation than those members of virgin sect 😀View attachment 3364
Thank you g
Gilly, I'll do my best to protect her and increase her cultivation, she doesn't want to be a pretty face who's unable to protect herself from these Virgin Sect members😕


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Jan 7, 2024
Thank you g
Gilly, I'll do my best to protect her and increase her cultivation, she doesn't want to be a pretty face who's unable to protect herself from these Virgin Sect members😕
Continue the good work 👏


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Dedicated to Mykel

Chapter 3852 - 3854 Infinitus Toke......

“But…” John, too, didn’t know what else to say. The Ethereal Realm’s rules were too profound for his current self to comprehend. However, these immortals were oblivious to the hardships of the mortal world. Although the Infinitus Token given by Darren was considered a priceless treasure among many immortals, but to John, it felt useless and empty.

“You should really take a look at the legacy of Infinitnus Celestial Sect. It might not be complete, but it’s definitely impressive. We’re not sure how much longer the formation outside the mansion will hold. Seize this opportunity. If you can obtain the legacy of Infinitnus Celestial Sect, you won’t need to fear those guys outside,” said Vermilion Demon Lord to John.

John thought his words made sense. Rather than wasting time complaining, he should focus on mastering the legacy of Infinitnus Celestial Sect instead. Holding the Infinitus Token, he infused it with a surge of spiritual energy.

Buzz! In the next moment, a thunderous noise echoed in John’s mind, followed by a slight tremble in his consciousness field. A torrent of information continually surged into John’s consciousness field. The legacy was immensely vast and intricate.

As John absorbed it, it felt as if a beam of light had descended from the heavens, striking him directly. He felt incredibly refreshed at that moment. John didn’t feel the legacy was of much use, but the beam of light that struck him while he accepted it carried an overwhelming aura. John activated Focus Technique and began absorbing it without hesitation.

The liquified celestial energy had been entirely absorbed by Darren, so John was determined to seize the energy brought by this ray of light. He fervently absorbed all the energy he could. At that very moment, Marc, along with a few other Millers, were keeping watch outside the mansion. Marc was extremely anxious.

“Has Ms. Selma received the message yet? Why hasn’t she arrived?” he said.

“Uncle Marc, look!” Right then, someone noticed what seemed like a beam of light descending from the sky, illuminating the interior of the mansion. Marc fixed his gaze on that beam of light, and his expression grew increasingly grim.

“That brat must be having some kind of fortuitous encounter in there. The energy of this beam of light is incredibly intense. There’s a chance he might be absorbing the legacy of that celestial technique! I can’t wait any longer. I’m going to find Ms. Selma. You guys stay put and keep watch. If John emerges, don’t engage him directly. Just notify me,” said Marc impatiently. He couldn’t wait any longer, but he was unable to break through the mansion’s formation and could only wait for Selma to arrive.Unfortunately, Selma was nowhere to be seen, and Marc was beside himself with anxiety.

“Understood!” The Millers nodded in unison. Relieved to leave his comrades in charge, Marc left to look for Selma. It’ll be too late if we wait until John absorbs the legacy!

When Marc was searching for Selma, the latter had already returned to the sect’s main hall. She ran into Dahlia and the others, who were waiting for John. Dahlia and her gang harbored a deep-seated hatred for Selma, for she had killed several holy maidens previously. Yvonne, too, glared at Selma in anger. How could she, as an elder of Lunarius Palace, be so ruthless toward the holy maidens of Lunarius Palace? She deserves to die!

“All of you, come with me right now.” Selma glanced at Dahlia and the others before speaking. Dahlia and her gang remained silent, glaring furiously at Selma.

“Do you guys not hear me? I am ordering you as an elder,” said Selma coldly.

“Some elder! You’ve killed so many of our friends, yet you still have the audacity to command us? You’ve lost your position as an elder of Lunarius Palace long ago.” Dahlia spat.

Instead of flying into a rage, Selma remained calm, her voice icy as ever. “Come with me and I can spare your lives. Don’t make me take action. You know the consequences.” Selma was a Top Level Tribulator. Dahlia and her companions were simply no match for her. Yet, they didn’t show a hint of fear.

“Hmph! Go ahead and kill us all if you have the guts. We won’t listen to you even if it means we have to die.” With that, Dahlia wielded her frost sword, readying herself for a fierce battle

The others, too, unsheathed their frost swords one after another.

Selma’s lips curled into a smirk. “Such fools…” After she finished speaking, an overwhelming aura burst forth from her body. This aura, as intense as a storm, overwhelmed Dahlia and the others, leaving them breathless. They couldn’t even move a muscle, let alone brandish their weapons. After all, the disparity in their capabilities was too vast. The aura that Selma exuded was simply too overwhelming for them to handle. They couldn’t fight beyond their level like John.

Just as Dahlia and the others were gasping for breath, kneeling on the ground, a sudden surge of aura came shooting from behind, providing them instant relief. “Ms. Selma, why are you in such a bad mood?” Eldon, with a group of cultivators in tow, slowly approached. It was Eldon who came to Dahlia and her gang’s rescue earlier.

Selma couldn’t help frowning when she saw Eldon. “Who are you?”

“I am the head of the Olson family, Eldon Olson.” Eldon spoke politely. S

elma scoffed. “I’m surprised the Olson family dares to meddle with the Miller family’s affairs. Moreover, you’re merely a Ninth Level Tribulator, and you dare to challenge me?”

“Oh, no, I wouldn’t. It’s just that these young ladies have saved our lives. Therefore, I kindly request you to be magnanimous and show mercy, Ms. Selma.” Eldon knew he was no match for Selma, nor did he want to engage in a fight with her.

“What if I insist on taking them with me?” said Selma with a look of contempt in her eyes.

“If you insist on doing so, you leave me no choice but to intervene. Although I’m no match for you, with so many of us here against you alone, I believe we stand a chance.” Eldon spoke with a stern expression on his face.

Fury flared in Selma’s eyes. However, she had to admit Eldon was right. If they all attacked at once, she wouldn’t be able to hold them off. Yet, she couldn’t simply let Dahlia and the others go. If she did, it’d be difficult for her to find them again. For a moment, she found herself in quite a predicament, unsure of what to do. Marc came to her aid just as she was in a bind.

“Ms. Selma!” Marc called out when he saw Selma. Selma was overjoyed to see Marc.

“Why are you here? What about John?” asked Selma.

“Ms. Selma, John has been hiding in a mansion for quite some time. I suspect he’s absorbing the legacy within the statue, so I came here to discuss a strategy with you,” replied Marc. Hearing that, Selma instantly turned to look at Dahlia and her gang.

“Great. We’ll capture these holy maidens and use them to force John to show himself. Let’s see if John actually cares about them or not.”

Meanwhile, Dahlia and the others felt a wave of despair washing over them as they saw Marc appear. Already struggling to deal with Selma, they were utterly helpless when Marc showed up as well.

Eldon, too, was distressed. They would’ve been able to deal with Selma as long as they joined forces, but now, with Marc, another Ninth Level Tribulator joining the fight, they wouldn’t stand a chance.

“I’m taking them with me. Anyone who doesn’t want to die should stay away.” Selma swept her gaze over Eldon and the others. Her threatening words caused numerous cultivators to retreat.

After a moment of hesitation, Eldon, too, had no choice but to step back. Even if they intervened, they wouldn’t be able to stop Selma. At that moment, Dahlia and the others’ hearts sank. Under the imposing pressure of Selma and Marc, they couldn’t do anything to fight back. They were left with no choice but to comply and leave with Selma. Eldon watched Dahlia and her gang being taken away and gritted his teeth.

“Let’s go, too. Follow them and see what happens.”
Nice work Immortal Gily. God bless you for all the effort you put into your work. Gracias 🙏🙏🙏🥂🥂🥂


Eight Level Body Fusion Realm - Virgin Sect
Sep 17, 2023
Thanks a lot immortal Gily. You are the champion of champions.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
svetovid why are you giving me angry like on John episode. That's not cool, you are deducting my points man.


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Sep 24, 2023
Dedicated to Mykel

Chapter 3849 -3851 Infinitus Token

John continued his escape, with Marc and his men hot on his heels, a fact that left John on edge. Fortunately, Selma was absent. John knew that he certainly wouldn’t have stood a chance if Selma had intervened. The main problem was that the statue was too cumbersome, and it couldn’t be stored in the Storage Ring.

“Had I not been interested in the legacy of the Infinitnus Celestial Sect, I would have smashed you to pieces long ago.” With a sense of helplessness, John gazed at the statue and spoke. No sooner had John finished speaking than the statue seemed to glare at him fiercely.

John initially thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. Upon closer inspection, he indeed found that the statue was glaring at him.

“F*ck!” John was taken aback. “Kid, I already told you that this isn’t a statue. It’s actually a living person. Do you think he’d be pleased at your insult?” Vermilion Demon Lord said to John.

John was at a loss for words. The celestial energy pool he had painstakingly found was absorbed entirely by the statue. Why can’t I even scold it?

Just as John was physically and emotionally exhausted and on the verge of being caught, another intact mansion appeared. Without a moment’s hesitation, John immediately rushed into it. He knew that there had to be an arcane array within this mansion. With the help of Nethersky Eye, he could discern the array runes of the arcane array. Once he entered, Marc and the others would be blocked outside by the arcane array.

No sooner had John burst into the mansion than the mansion’s defensive arcane array activated, a beam of light hurtling toward him.

“Such a powerful aura. This arcane array is incredibly strong. I’m afraid we can’t break it!” Vermilion Demon Lord said helplessly. John also felt it, the arcane array within this mansion was terrifyingly powerful, incomparably stronger than the ones set up by the ordinary disciples outside.

At that moment, John was thrown into a panic. He was worried about not being able to break the arcane array. If a backlash were to result, he would be walking right into a trap. In the midst of John’s panic, a beam of light surprisingly struck the statue. Quickly, the arcane array gradually closed, and John walked in unscathed. This left John astonished, but Vermilion Demon Lord quickly caught on and said, “The arcane array must have sensed the aura of the statue, which is why it shut down, allowing you to enter.” John considered it and realized it was true. After all, the statue was originally a member of the Infinitnus Celestial Sect and was still alive. The arcane array would naturally shut down upon sensing the presence of one of its own.

Just as John had stepped into the mansion, Marc and his men followed suit. Seeing John entering without any trouble, they too, rushed in. No sooner had they entered than they were hurled away by a burst of golden light from the arcane array.

Marc was taken aback, puzzled as to why John could enter without a problem, yet they were forbidden to set foot inside. After several attempts, he still hadn’t succeeded. Left with no other choice, Marc could only stay around the mansion, waiting for Selma’s arrival before making any further decisions. After all, John couldn’t escape from there.

When John entered the mansion, he discovered that it was surprisingly empty, with nothing but a worn-out cushion in sight.

“Could it be that everything in this mansion has been cleared out?” John scanned the vacant room around him, his face filled with confusion.

“This must be the training hall, a place for meditation and cultivation. Naturally, there wouldn’t be much else here. Don’t you see the meditation cushion on the floor?” Vermilion Demon Lord remarked.

“To use such a grand hall only for meditation and cultivation seems rather excessive. It even has such a powerful arcane array set up outside. I really can’t understand what the leader of the Infinitnus Celestial Sect was thinking,” John commented in resignation.

“You’re young and naive. What do you know?” Suddenly, a voice echoed, carrying a hint of displeasure.

“Holy smokes, who’s there?” John quickly scanned his surroundings. This place is empty. There shouldn’t have been anyone speaking!

After scanning the area and finding no one, John hurriedly turned to Vermilion Demon Lord and asked, “Who was speaking just now?” Vermilion Demon Lord remained silent, yet he was frantically signaling John with his eyes, as if he was afraid of something

When John realized something was off with Vermilion Demon Lord, he glanced at his own palm and was instantly taken aback. That person held a device in his hand. Donned in a splendid golden robe, he appeared quite youthful. However, it seemed like the person couldn’t move and was supported by John. Startled, John instinctively threw the person away, causing him to tumble onto the ground.

“You clueless kid, why did you drop me? Hurry up and place me on that cushion,” the man yelled at John, his face flushed with anger. John studied the individual before him, his face etched with confusion.

“Who are you? And why should I listen to you? Besides, judging by our ages, you’re not much older than me. How dare you call me a kid?”

“I am the leader of the Infinitnus Celestial Sect and have lived for tens of thousands of years. What’s wrong with addressing you as a kid?” The person glared at John in irritation.

“After becoming an immortal, one can change their appearance at will. You are utterly ignorant to judge age by appearance!”

“Fuck…” John was flabbergasted. The sect leader of Infinitnus Celestial Sect has lived for over ten thousand years? In that case, he is allowed to call me a kid. In a hurry, John placed the leader of the Infinitnus Celestial Sect on the cushion.

Just as he settled down, the sect leader, Darren Moore, seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. His hands began to move slowly. Following that, the liquified celestial energy that John had painstakingly frozen was now being absorbed frantically by Darren.

“What are you doing? This is mine…” John was shocked. What he had managed to obtain after much difficulty was now being taken away from him.

John wanted to intervene, but he found himself completely immobilized. He watched, wide-eyed, as the celestial energy ice block was completely absorbed by Darren. The sight brought John to the verge of tears.

“Hahaha, I have finally recovered!” Darren stood up, bursting into uncontrollable laughter. In response, John said, “You’ve absorbed my celestial energy ice block, what will you compensate me with?”

“What do you mean by yours?” Darren looked at John.

“The celestial energy pool has always belonged to the Infinitnus Celestial Sect. Since when did it become yours?” John was suddenly at a loss for words. Darren spoke the truth, leaving John with no room for rebuttal.

“Hand it over!” Darren beckoned to John as he spoke.

“Hand what over?” John was taken aback.

“The painting!” exclaimed Darren.

“What painting? I don’t have any!” John acted as if he knew nothing at all. The painting was a treasured possession of the Infinitnus Celestial Sect, undoubtedly a valuable item. John certainly couldn’t bear to part with it.

Darren gestured, and the painting flew out from John’s Storage Ring, landing in Darren’s hands.

“You ignorant fool. If the demon within this painting is released, not just you, but the entire Ethereal Realm will disappear,” Darren sneered.

“The Ethereal Realm will vanish?” John was taken aback, then turned to Darren and asked, “In that case, was Ethereal Realm established by the Infinitnus Celestial Sect?”

Darren nodded in acknowledgment. “Correct!” John was even more astonished. It seems the Infinitnus Celestial Sect is incredibly powerful!

Intrigued, John asked, “Why did the Infinitnus Celestial Sect decide to establish the Ethereal Realm? And how did your sect come to be annihilated?”

“Young one, you talk too much. Even if I explained, you wouldn’t understand. Considering that you helped me without realizing it, I’ll reward you with a little something.” After Darren finished speaking, he casually tossed a documentation device to John.

John took the documentation device, noticing that it contained the legacy of the Infinitnus Celestial Sect. On the other side of the device, the words “Infinitus Token” were inscribed.

“What’s the use of this thing?” John asked quizzically. This contains the legacy of the Infinitnus Celestial Sect. As you are not a disciple of our sect, this legacy is not complete. Moreover, this is an Infinitus Token. Once you ascend to the celestial realm, you can use this Infinitus Token to get the Infinitnus Celestial Sect to assist you with three tasks,” Darren said.

“Does this mean the legacy is incomplete?” asked John.

“Of course, if I had perished, you would have received the complete legacy. But as it stands, I’m still alive and you’re not a disciple of Infinitnus Celestial Sect. How could you possibly have the complete legacy?” explained the sect leader of Infinitnus Celestial Sect. “I will grant you with three request”

“So what’s the point of this Infinitus Token? Infinitnus Celestial Sect has been wiped out, leaving you as the lone leader. How am I supposed to get you to carry out three tasks?” John was speechless. This Infinitus Token is totally useless! It’s not even as useful as that liquified celestial energy!

“How audacious of you to say that! Now that I’ve recovered, Infinitnus Celestial Sect will definitely regain its glory. This Infinitus Token is something many people yearn for, yet you dare to say it’s useless?” exclaimed Darren, exasperated.

John hurriedly apologized, “I’m sorry to offend you.” He couldn’t comprehend why all these people from the Ethereal Realm seemed to be so bad- tempered. That Fire Spirit Lord stormed away in a huff, too, and John was afraid that Darren might do the same, and he’d end up with nothing at all.

“Sir, since you said I could ask for three favors from Infinitnus Celestial Sect, can I possibly make one request now?” asked John.

“Why?” Darren was taken aback.

“I’m being hunted down. Please eliminate those people from the Demon Seal Alliance who are hunting me down. Wipe them all out. This Ethereal Realm was established by your sect anyway, so you could be considered its ruler. It’ll be like a walk in the park for you to do that!” said John. John was annoyed by the Demon Seal Alliance’s constant pestering. Now, he finally found a chance to eradicate them once and for all. Darren glared at John as if the latter was a fool.

“Even though the Ethereal Realm was established by Infinitnus Celestial Sect, I, however, cannot interfere with its affairs. This is the Heavenly Law. I can’t just alter a world I created however I wanted, let alone make it vanish. I could do it if this were just a secret realm, but this is a whole world. I’m not yet capable of defying the Heavenly Law. Although you guys are as weak and insignificant as ants before me, I am, however, unable to alter your fates.” John couldn’t fully understand Darren’s words.

Looking at John’s expression, Darren continued, “The master who controls the cosmos could cause countless dimensions to collapse with his sneeze alone, not to mention this tiny Ethereal Realm. However, he can’t do so. All beings must adhere to the Heavenly Law. Precisely because this Ethereal Realm was established by Infinitnus Celestial Sect, we must refrain from intervening in its affairs.

Darren’s figure suddenly vanished into thin air after he finished speaking. The main hall was utterly empty, and even the cushion had disappeared.

“How could you just leave like that? I still have questions!” John was at a loss for what to do.

“Have you lost your mind or something?” Only then did the Vermilion Demon Lord dare to speak.

“What’s wrong?” John was confused. Why’d he yell at me?

“The sect leader of Infinitnus Celestial Sect gave you the Infinitus Token, promising to fulfill your three requests, and you actually told him to obliterate the Demon Seal Alliance? Are you a fool? This is like a billionaire promising to do three favors for you, and you ask him to start by buying you breakfast! Are you stupid or something?” The Vermilion Demon Lord was driven to his wits’ end.

“What should I do then? I can’t deal with the Demon Seal Alliance now,” said John.

“Collect all my bones and remains for me. Once I’ve restored my physical body, I will help you eradicate them. You’re really using a cannon to kill a mosquito, you know? You won’t need the sect leader of Infinitnus Celestial Sect to deal with the Demon Seal Alliance! You’re humiliating him by requesting that!” Vermilion Demon Lord was utterly speechless.
When jhon will learn lesson. Why john will think he is superior and why he will irritate others he needs others things but he wont listen and when john will change his attitude and behave like a wise man. why he has that much attitude and head weight by seeing what when he know the other person was more powerful and giving him chance why is he not using his brain and question him and irritate him? He behaves so selfish some times with out using his brain. I don’t know


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Jan 7, 2024
When jhon will learn lesson. Why john will think he is superior and why he will irritate others he needs others things but he wont listen and when john will change his attitude and behave like a wise man. why he has that much attitude and head weight by seeing what when he know the other person was more powerful and giving him chance why is he not using his brain and question him and irritate him? He behaves so selfish some times with out using his brain. I don’t know
You can't blame him entirely, the blood flowing through his veins holds that high self-esteem feature.

That's why he act so highly always


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Sep 24, 2023
You can't blame him entirely, the blood flowing through his veins holds that high self-esteem feature.

That's why he act so highly always
Ya am not blaming him entirely but he shoukd learn lesson from past and should give respect to the elders who are much much powerful than him right then only he can make friends and they will be help full to him na he thinks nothing is useful same mistake with fire spirit lord and he thinks their skills are not useful when he tries to explain regarding fire he compares it with demonic fire and insulted him when he doesnt know he should ask and learn right and he thinks they are impatient. Because of him they became impatient orginally john is impatient and he thinks not ready to listen others
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Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Jan 7, 2024
Ya am not blaming him entirely but he shoukd learn lesson from past and should give respect to the elders who are much much powerful tgan him right then inly he can make friends and they will be help full to him na he thinks nothing is useful same mistake with fire spirit lord and he thinks their skills are not useful when he trues to explain regarding fire he compares it with deminic fire and insulted him when he doesnt know he should ask and learn right and he thinks they are impatient. Because of him they became impatient orginally john is impatient and he thinks not ready to listen others
That's true, I think the author painted him in such a way to increase the suspence and excitement in the story line.

Let's cross our legs and enjoy our cultivation


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Jan 7, 2024
Happy birthday Hakimu .. since you have reached over 75, you can get in touch with mathics. He has got enough virgins of near your age that may interest you 😂. Gily has declined his offer few times now.
Happy birthday Hakimu .. since you have reached over 75, you can get in touch with mathics. He has got enough virgins of near your age that may interest you 😂. Gily has declined his offer few times now.
I assume today is the day I acquired the grace to level up my cultivation as I'm the Lord of a virgin sect lol 😆 😂 😅 🤣 🎶 💯

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