The Dragon Man's Decree - Translated by GILY

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Author: Unknown
Type: Action and Adventure
Posted : 07 October 2023
Status: Ongoing

John White is furious that someone has tried to make an advance on his girlfriend. In the end, he ends up behind bars after his attempt to protect her. Three years later, he is a free man but finds out that that girlfriend of his has married the man who hit on her back then. John will not let things slide. Thankfully, he has learned Focus Technique during his time in prison. At that, he embarks on the journey of cultivation and is accompanied by a gorgeous Miranda. Who would have thought this would enrage his ex-girlfriend?


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Chapter 3839 - 3841 Extremus Frost Flame

John was somewhat reluctant to let Vermilion Demon Lord regain his physical body. Having him reside within my consciousness field to serve as my advisor should be quite beneficial!

“Brat, don’t you dare harbor any ideas. I won’t stay in your consciousness field forever. If you dare to trap me, I swear, even if it means my soul shattering into pieces, I will explode your consciousness field!” Vermilion Demon Lord threatened John. In reality, Vermilion Demon Lord was merely issuing threats. If he could shatter John’s consciousness field, he didn’t need to coexist with John. He would have taken control over John long ago. When John’s Golden Tome within his consciousness field let out a single flash of golden light, it was enough to scare Vermilion Demon Lord. The idea of Vermilion Demon Lord trying to shatter John’s consciousness field was nothing short of a joke.

“Mr. Vermilion, I was just thinking out loud. There’s no need to be nervous.” John chuckled.

“Brat, I would have never imagined that I, of all people, could be cornered by a mere Tribulator. This Extremus Frost Flame is also a type of demonic fire. You should be able to absorb it. If you manage to refine it, you’ll possess three types of demonic fire,” Vermilion Demon Lord said to John.

“H-How do I refine it? If I touch it, it’ll freeze me solid, no?” John was utterly speechless.

“Don’t be afraid. You possess the demonic fire soul essence. It’s not possible for you to freeze to death. If things really get out of hand, you can always use the demonic fire soul essence to absorb the Extremus Frost Flame. But that would be such a waste,” Vermilion Demon Lord said.

Upon hearing this, John nodded. He then took the Dragonslayer Sword and fiercely struck the polar stone in front of him. He needed to first release the Extremus Frost Flame, only then could he refine it more effectively.

Boom! Accompanied by a deafening blast, the polar stone shattered instantly, and the Extremus Frost Flame leaped into mid-air. The Extremus Frost Flame, seemingly alive, attempted to flee rapidly after detaching from the polar stone.

John, however, leaped forward, catching the Extremus Frost Flame right in the palm of his hand. The Extremus Frost Flame struggled, instantly enveloping John in frost energy.

Upon observing the situation, John hastily harnessed the fire nascence within him. At that moment, he was enveloped by fierce flames. Yet, even in such conditions, frost rapidly formed over his body, almost turning him into an ice sculpture. John gritted his teeth, his nascence star constantly flickering. A powerful suction force was drawing the Extremus Frost Flame into his body.

The Extremus Frost Flame fought back with all its might, seemingly unwilling to be refined by John. While John was absorbing the Extremus Frost Flame, his demonic fire soul essence was already well-prepared. If the Extremus Frost Flame were to enter his body and he couldn’t refine it, his only option would be to ingest the demonic fire soul essence to counteract it. Otherwise, John might just end up frozen solid, with no hope of ever breaking free.

The moment the Extremus Frost Flame entered John’s body, frost energy began to spread wildly within him as if it intended to freeze him entirely. John’s fire of the Earth’s core and demon fire were both coursing through his body, encompassing the Extremus Frost Flame.

The three demonic fires began to chase and battle within John’s body. If it weren’t for John’s robust physical body, he would’ve been devoured there and then.

At this moment, John was completely covered in frost, standing blankly at the bottom of the pit. John remained motionless, yet a fierce battle had already erupted within him.

Dahlia and the others were utterly shocked and horrified when they saw that John had unexpectedly been encased in ice.

Just as they were about to descend into the deep pit to rescue John, they found the frost energy within it to be overwhelmingly intense. Even their frost cultivation techniques seemed to falter against this frost energy. Dahlia and the others could only watch anxiously and helplessly from the edge of the deep pit.

As John was taming and refining the Extremus Frost Flame, Selma had already led Marc and the others into Infinitnus Celestial Sect.

“Ms. Selma, t-this is just too immense. Who would have thought that such a big sect was concealed within this mountain peak?” Marc was completely taken aback as he gazed upon Infinitnus Celestial Sect before him.

“This isn’t within the mountain peaks, it’s in the chaos dimension. Haven’t you seen the constant temporal disturbances above the sect’s sky?” Selma looked above Infinitnus Celestial Sect, her eyes filled with awe

“Ms. Selma, it seems like John and his crew must be here already. We’ve been left behind. Let’s head down quickly. In such a big sect, there must be a considerable amount of magical items hidden within.” Marc was growing rather impatient.

Selma nodded and said, “Go ahead but be cautious. Such a large sect hidden here is bound to be filled with traps and mechanisms.” After giving a piece of advice, Selma was the first one to jump down.

Upon entering Infinitnus Celestial Sect, the members of the Miller family were left utterly stunned. Upon observing the intact courtyard, Marc also proceeded to conduct a search. Unfortunately for him, all these courtyards had been searched through, and there was nothing of value left.

“Ms. Selma, it’s clear that these courtyards have been tampered with. I suspect all the valuable items have been taken. I suggest we quicken our pace to get ahead of these people,” Marc said.

Selma nodded and quickened her pace. Before long, Selma and her group encountered Eldon and his party. The two groups merely exchanged glances and said nothing to one another. Selma led her team and continued to delve deeper.

At that moment, a flustered holy maiden said to Dahlia, “Dahlia, the people from the Miller family have arrived.” The Miller family was rushing over, yet John remained frozen at the bottom of the pit. If the people from the Miller family were to find out, it would spell serious trouble. Dahlia was also thrown into a panic.

“What should we do?” They were no match for the Miller family. If the Miller family were to discover John, he would be in great danger.

At a moment when Dahlia was somewhat at a loss, Yvonne said, “Let’s bury Mr. White first. We don’t want the Miller family to discover him. Once the Miller family leaves, we’ll figure out a way to rescue Mr. White.” Upon hearing this, Dahlia also nodded in agreement.

At this point, that was the only solution. Therefore, they joined forces, each strike filled with frost energy aimed at the edge of the deep pit. The soil began to crumble and fall, and in no time at all, John was buried.

Seeing that John had been buried, Dahlia and the others promptly left to seek refuge in the ruins. Just as Dahlia and the others had left, Selma arrived with her crew. Looking at the deep pit in front of her, her eyes were filled with surprise.

“It seems this sect has suffered a significant blow. I hope some intact magical items have been left behind.”

After a brief pause, Selma led the Miller family around the deep pit, continuing their journey deeper into the sect’s territory. Only after seeing the Miller family depart did Dahlia and her companions dare to step out.

“What should we do?” Watching as John was buried, the group found themselves in a difficult situation once again. The frost energy within this deep pit was far too intense, they simply couldn’t bear it.

At that moment, John was still fervently trying to conquer the Extremus Frost Flame. Once he had refined it, John would possess the three demonic fires. Under John’s persistent efforts, the Extremus Frost Flame gradually weakened under the relentless pursuit of the two demonic fires.

In the end, John’s nascence star shimmered, directly absorbing the Extremus Frost Flame into itself. Having absorbed the Extremus Frost Flame, the temperature within the deep pit instantly rose, and it was no longer as cold as before.

At the moment when Dahlia and the others were at a loss, John unexpectedly emerged from the ground. With a swift jump, he landed on the ground.

Upon seeing John approach, a few people hurriedly rushed over to him. “Mr. White, are you all right?”

“I’m fine. I just found a piece of polar stone.” John casually pulled out the large piece of polar stone. Though John’s sword had shattered it, this polar stone was significantly larger than the others. Moreover, this polar stone once contained the Extremus Frost Flame, thus it was even more beneficial for Dahlia and the others in their cultivation.

“What a massive polar stone!” Dahlia’s face was filled with excitement as she carefully stored away the polar stone. John cast a glance around before he asked, “Have Mr. Eldon and the others not caught up with us yet?”

“No. However, the members of the Miller family were here,” Dahlia answered.

“What? The Miller family has found this place as well?” John’s brow furrowed involuntarily.

He hadn’t expected the Miller family to locate this place so quickly.

“They’ve already passed through here. We just hid you in the dirt just now. That’s why they didn’t discover you,” Dahlia said

Only then did John understand. I thought I was buried because I refined the demonic fire! As it turns out, Dahlia and the others were behind it!

John cast a glance toward the depths of the sect before saying to Dahlia, “You guys should stay put for now. Don’t wander around. You can rest in the few courtyards that were just inspected. I’ll go check out the depths of the sect’s grounds myself. Remember! Don’t wander around or venture into unexplored areas.” John wanted to venture deeper into the sect. He feared that bringing Dahlia and the others along might hold him back. Furthermore, bringing them along was quite risky. After all, members of the Miller family had also entered. If they happened to encounter each other, John was afraid he wouldn’t have the energy to protect Dahlia and the others.

Dahlia was well aware that their current abilities were no match for the Miller family and would likely only cause more trouble for John. Dahlia nodded and replied, “Mr. White, please take good care of yourself. We’ll be waiting for you here!”

“All right!” John began to head toward the depths of the sect.

At that time, Selma, along with the Miller family, had already swiftly ventured deep into the heart of the sect. At that moment, deep within the sect, a remarkably well preserved mansion emerged. This mansion was incomparably more impressive than the courtyard one would see upon entering.

At a single glance, one could tell that this mansion was undoubtedly a residence for the higher-ups of the sect. With great excitement, Marc exclaimed, “Ms. Selma, such a well-preserved mansion must certainly house numerous magical items!”

Selma gazed at the mansion before her, then pointed and said, “You go ahead and scout the place…”

The individual from the Miller family who was pointed out was startled, yet he had no choice but to go. Summoning all his courage, he slowly made his way toward the mansion. As he ventured deeper into the mansion, he realized that there was nothing out of the ordinary. No restraints, no traps, not even the slightest hint of danger.

That member of the Miller family then declared, “Ms. Selma, it’s safe!”

Upon hearing this, Selma then proceeded to lead the group inside. However, what they all failed to notice was that as they stepped into the mansion, the ground beneath them seemed to ripple, as if stirred by a flowing current. At the same time, the void surrounding the mansion was also undergoing a distorted transformation.

Selma and the others, completely oblivious to the changes in the mansion, continued to head toward it. When the group ventured deep into the mansion, a main hall loomed before their eyes. Within the main hall, a statue was seated in a cross-legged position. The man depicted in the statue looked like an immortal. At first glance, he exuded an aura of mysticism and wisdom. His eyes, in particular, were remarkably expressive and lively. In the statue’s hand, there was also a communication device, as if it were being carefully examined.

Besides, a subtle halo even permeated around the statue. “Could this possibly be a body sculpting statue?” Marc asked curiously. After all, in Ethereal Realm, many elders and sect leaders felt quite proud of themselves. Consequently, they had statues sculpted in their own image, hoping to be revered and worshipped by others. However, those who were capable of sculpting figure statues all held positions of status within the sect. Ordinary disciples certainly didn’t receive that kind of treatment.

“The material of this sculpted statue is quite unique, isn’t it?” Selma gazed at the statue before her, reaching out, longing to touch it.

Marc quickly reminded, “Ms. Selma, be careful!” However, Selma didn’t pay any mind to it. Instead, she gently ran her fingers over the statue.

Buzz! Suddenly, the statue emitted a burst of golden light, sending Selma flying straight out. Selma, a Top Level Tribulator, was surprisingly weak in front of this statue.

Upon seeing the situation, Marc quickly stepped forward to help Selma up.

“Ms. Selma, are you all right?”


First level Tribulator
Sep 19, 2023
Chapter 3836 - 3838 Seal in The Painting

John slowly picked up the painting, studying it meticulously. Even the courtyard where he was standing was depicted with remarkable clarity. However, when John picked up the painting to admire it, he noticed that something seemed to be faintly visible through the light shining on the painting from behind. One could see a mere illusion, but not the reality.

“Could this painting possibly contain a painting within a painting?” John’s brows slightly furrowed. The painting within a painting was essentially a piece of artwork concealed within another. It could only be seen under specific lighting conditions or when soaked in a special solution.

John picked up the painting, turning to Dahlia and the others to ask, “Do you all notice anything else in this painting?”. However, Dahlia and the others simply shook their heads.

“Mr. White, isn’t this just a painting of Infinitnus Celestial Sect? I don’t see any other artwork, do you?” Dahlia asked. John was truly puzzled. He lifted the painting once again, examining it meticulously under the light. Indeed, beneath the painting of the sect, he could discern a rather indistinct figure. John attempted to activate his Nethersky Eye, for it had the power to cast aside all hindrances and perceive the true essence of things.

When John activated his Nethersky Eye, he noticed a gradual change in the painting. The once grand sect had vanished without a trace, and the previously blurred figure was becoming increasingly clear. Suddenly, a figure appeared, shrouded in a black robe, a dark crown adorning his head, and a bone cane clutched in his hand.

This individual had eyes of the deepest black, exuding demonic energy. One glance was enough to make one feel as though they had plunged into a bottomless abyss. Moreover, around this person, countless grotesque and grimacing malicious spirits lingered.

Atop the man’s black robe, a pattern resembling a ghostly face appeared to be radiating a certain glow. It was this very glow that seemed to be drawing the surrounding malicious spirits toward him.

John was extremely curious, wondering who the person depicted in the painting truly was. He seems like a Demonic Cultivator, but why is there a portrait of a Demonic Cultivator hidden within the painting of Infinitnus Celestial Sect? Isn’t this just too strange?

As John was utterly captivated, the figure in the painting seemed to come alive. The profound, dark eyes emitted a breathtaking glow. At the same time, the surrounding malicious spirits, each baring their fangs and claws, were surprisingly rushing toward John. This gave John quite a scare. He had never imagined that the malicious spirits in the painting could actually come to life.

“Ah!” Caught off guard, John let out a startled yell. Simultaneously, the Golden Tome within John’s consciousness field unleashed a dazzling golden light in an instant.

Dahlia and Yvonne hurriedly stepped forward to ask, “Mr. White, what’s wrong?” Only then did John regain his senses, realizing that he was still holding the painting in his hand. The painting of Infinitnus Celestial Sect was still depicted on it. He could no longer see the portrait of the Demonic Cultivator, let alone the malicious spirits.

“Did any of you see the malicious spirits?” John asked with lingering fear. Dahlia shook her head, answering, “No… Not at all. You were just standing there, holding this painting, looking as if you were lost in another world.”

“How odd? Could it have been just an illusion?” Cold sweat broke out on John’s forehead. However, the sensation he had just experienced was incredibly real and terrifying, especially the glow emanating from the eyes in the portrait of the Demonic Cultivator. John felt as if he had plunged straight into hell itself.

“It wasn’t an illusion. Just now, a flash of golden light passed through your consciousness field, nearly costing my life,” Vermilion Demon Lord said, trembling. Only then did John recall that the Golden Tome he had just identified in the consciousness field had suddenly burst into a golden light. Even John himself didn’t know what was going on.

John turned to ask Vermilion Demon Lord, “Mr. Vermilion, do you know the person depicted in the painting? He seemed to be a Demonic Cultivator as well.” Having just witnessed it himself, John thought it was certain that Vermilion Demon Lord could also see it. Vermilion Demon Lord shook his head.

“I don’t know, or perhaps I can’t remember. However, it’s apparent that this person has been sealed within the painting by Infinitnus Celestial Sect. The sect’s image painted on it is clearly used to seal him within it!”

John’s face was filled with even more confusion and incomprehension when he heard Vermilion Demon Lord’s words. If this painting is meant to seal something, why isn’t there a hint of spiritual energy fluctuation? How could a painting designed to seal a demon lord possibly turn up in such an ordinary disciple’s courtyard? This doesn’t make any sense. Logically, it should have been kept in the most secure room within the entire sect! Even though John remained silent, Vermilion Demon Lord still understood John’s unspoken questions.

“I think that the reason this painting doesn’t emit any spiritual energy is to prevent anyone from detecting it. Surely, someone wanted to save the person sealed by this painting. That’s why Infinitnus Celestial Sect made this painting devoid of any spiritual energy fluctuations, making it difficult for anyone to realize that such an unremarkable painting, devoid of any spiritual energy, could be a sealing object. It’s also placed in the room of an ordinary disciple, likely intended to mislead others. Outsiders would never suspect that such an important item would be stored in the room of a mere disciple. Perhaps the downfall of Infinitnus Celestial Sect is linked to the man in the painting…” Vermilion Demon Lord was analyzing the situation. However, he was also unsure of the specifics. All he could do was speculate.

“Who exactly is this person sealed in the painting, causing such a large sect to be on tenterhooks?” John was quite puzzled, but he didn’t recognize the person in the painting. Therefore, he decided to put the painting away temporarily.

At that moment, Eldon and the others had also arrived. Without waiting for John to speak, they had already begun to search. Since John had already gone in and checked, they believed it was safe. Whenever there was something valuable, John would be the first to get it. They were content with just picking up the leftovers. After all, without John, they wouldn’t even have been able to get in

John continued his exploration of the other courtyards. Although the previous two courtyards didn’t yield much, he did find a formation plate and a painting. Even though John had no use for them at the moment, it didn’t mean they wouldn’t come in handy in the future.

John, along with Dahlia and the others, ventured further in. The deeper they delved into the sect, the more shocking the sight of the crumbling walls and ruins became. The destruction was severe, to the point where hardly a single building remained intact. What puzzled John, however, was that despite delving deep into the sect’s territory, he hadn’t seen a single corpse. Even after many years had passed, and the body had decayed, remnants of the stark white bones were supposed to be left behind. However, not a single bone could be found. This was rather peculiar.

The once prosperous big sect was then in a state of utter ruin. The main hall of Infinitnus Celestial Sect had dramatically collapsed. In its place, a deep pit, a few kilometers in radius, had formed. It was as if something had viciously smashed into it. This place had been the epicenter of the fiercest battles, so much so that not even the remnants of the ruined walls remained. All had turned to ashes.

“Stop following me. Wait here. I’m going to check out what’s in this deep pit.” John was extremely curious, wondering what on earth could have created such a deep crater in the main hall of Infinitnus Celestial Sect.

Dahlia nodded in agreement. They understood that tagging along with John to explore uncharted territories wouldn’t be of any assistance to him. In fact, it would only add to his troubles.

John then cautiously ventured into the deep pit. No sooner had he stepped inside than John was engulfed by waves of icy aura. Despite the fact that Infinitnus Celestial Sect was located in the chaos dimension between the polar region and the northern region, it was not cold at all. It appeared that this chaos dimension was unaffected by the climates of the northern region and the southern region. However, as John stepped into the deep pit, he felt waves of chilling aura. As John ventured further into the pit, he ultimately had to tap into his inner demonic fire to ward off the chilling cold.

“It’s really strange. Why is it so cold here?” John was utterly perplexed. Quickly, John reached the bottom of the large pit. The base was filled with the ruins of the main hall, and John was meticulously searching through them.

However, after conducting a thorough search, he found nothing. Instead, the chilling cold only seemed to intensify. John was at his wit’s end.

Once again, he resorted to the use of his Nethersky Eye. With its aid, to his surprise, John discovered a stream of white mist continuously rising from the bottom of the large pit. The reason for the chilly temperature within this large pit was due to this streak of white mist.

With all his might, John plunged the Dragonslayer Sword into the ground. Suddenly, an even more massive burst of white mist erupted, scattering the surrounding dirt and debris of the ruined buildings all around. At that moment, a stone, completely milky white and about the size of a head, appeared.

“Such a massive polar stone. Could it be that this deep pit was caused by it?” John gazed at the polar stone before him, feeling utterly astounded. No wonder the frost energy in this deep pit is so intense. It’s due to the presence of such a large piece of polar stone!

John reached out to grasp the polar stone, intending to lift it up. But the moment his hand barely grazed the polar stone, his entire arm startlingly began to freeze at an astonishing speed. A layer of white frost swiftly enveloped John’s arm.

At this moment, John panicked. He tried to break free, only to realize that his arm was immobile. In a rush, John harnessed the power of the fire nascence, causing his entire arm to be enveloped in flames. Under the demonic fire, John’s arm finally thawed, and he managed to break free.

John gazed at the polar stone before him, feeling utterly astounded inside. This stone is truly peculiar. Even though it’s large, the frost energy it emits is simply too intense! Despite having collected so many polar stones in the polar region, John had never encountered such a situation before.

Though polar stones were all extremely cold, they normally wouldn’t instantly freeze a person upon touch. At that moment, Vermilion Demon Lord asked, “What do you see inside that rock?” Only then did John take a closer look, and indeed, within that polar stone, he discovered a flame that was still flickering.

“Um…” John was dumbfounded. This polar stone is an embodiment of icy cold, capable of aiding those who practiced frost-based cultivation techniques in their training. How could it possibly have flames inside? Fire and ice simply can’t coexist!

Looking at the peculiar stone in front of him, John was utterly dumbfounded. It was definitely beyond his knowledge. He had never seen anything like this before.

Suddenly, Vermilion Demon Lord said, “I remember now. This must be the legendary Extremus Frost Flame, right?”

“Extremus Frost Flame?” John was taken aback.

“This Extremus Frost Flame is actually a type of demonic fire. However, it’s said to originate from the coldest part of the celestial realm. I wonder how it ended up here? Could the destruction of Infinitnus Celestial Sect be related to this Extremus Frost Flame?” Vermilion Demon Lord said.

“A type of demonic fire?” John was even more confused.

“Does this Extremus Frost Flame burn people to death or freeze them?”

“Of course, it’s freezing to death. Don’t you know something in extremity conjures the opposite effect?” Vermilion Demon Lord asked.

“Of course, I’ve heard of it.” John nodded in affirmation.

“When the temperature of the demonic fire reached a critical point, it would create a contrasting temperature. That is to say, the higher the temperature, the more intense the frost energy of the demonic fire would be. This Extremus Frost Flame is probably colder than anything else you could ever imagine,” Vermilion Demon Lord explained.

Upon hearing this, John was still somewhat confused. However, he knew that this Extremus Frost Flame was the coldest thing. No wonder the moment I touched it, my arm froze instantly.

Upon noticing John’s puzzled expression, Vermilion Demon Lord continued to explain, “When an object reaches its maximum speed, hitting a critical point, it appears slow. To everyone else, its speed seems incredibly slow. Similarly, in the eyes of that object, everything is slow, including the flow of time and the span of space. I’ve told you so much, so you might not be able to take it all in. Just remember this. The Extremus Frost Flame is the coldest of them all.” John nodded, seemingly understanding a bit more.

At that moment, John suddenly felt that keeping Vermilion Demon Lord within his consciousness field was indeed a wise decision.
smart move 😊


First level Tribulator
Sep 19, 2023
Chapter 3839 - 3841 Extremus Frost Flame

John was somewhat reluctant to let Vermilion Demon Lord regain his physical body. Having him reside within my consciousness field to serve as my advisor should be quite beneficial!

“Brat, don’t you dare harbor any ideas. I won’t stay in your consciousness field forever. If you dare to trap me, I swear, even if it means my soul shattering into pieces, I will explode your consciousness field!” Vermilion Demon Lord threatened John. In reality, Vermilion Demon Lord was merely issuing threats. If he could shatter John’s consciousness field, he didn’t need to coexist with John. He would have taken control over John long ago. When John’s Golden Tome within his consciousness field let out a single flash of golden light, it was enough to scare Vermilion Demon Lord. The idea of Vermilion Demon Lord trying to shatter John’s consciousness field was nothing short of a joke.

“Mr. Vermilion, I was just thinking out loud. There’s no need to be nervous.” John chuckled.

“Brat, I would have never imagined that I, of all people, could be cornered by a mere Tribulator. This Extremus Frost Flame is also a type of demonic fire. You should be able to absorb it. If you manage to refine it, you’ll possess three types of demonic fire,” Vermilion Demon Lord said to John.

“H-How do I refine it? If I touch it, it’ll freeze me solid, no?” John was utterly speechless.

“Don’t be afraid. You possess the demonic fire soul essence. It’s not possible for you to freeze to death. If things really get out of hand, you can always use the demonic fire soul essence to absorb the Extremus Frost Flame. But that would be such a waste,” Vermilion Demon Lord said.

Upon hearing this, John nodded. He then took the Dragonslayer Sword and fiercely struck the polar stone in front of him. He needed to first release the Extremus Frost Flame, only then could he refine it more effectively.

Boom! Accompanied by a deafening blast, the polar stone shattered instantly, and the Extremus Frost Flame leaped into mid-air. The Extremus Frost Flame, seemingly alive, attempted to flee rapidly after detaching from the polar stone.

John, however, leaped forward, catching the Extremus Frost Flame right in the palm of his hand. The Extremus Frost Flame struggled, instantly enveloping John in frost energy.

Upon observing the situation, John hastily harnessed the fire nascence within him. At that moment, he was enveloped by fierce flames. Yet, even in such conditions, frost rapidly formed over his body, almost turning him into an ice sculpture. John gritted his teeth, his nascence star constantly flickering. A powerful suction force was drawing the Extremus Frost Flame into his body.

The Extremus Frost Flame fought back with all its might, seemingly unwilling to be refined by John. While John was absorbing the Extremus Frost Flame, his demonic fire soul essence was already well-prepared. If the Extremus Frost Flame were to enter his body and he couldn’t refine it, his only option would be to ingest the demonic fire soul essence to counteract it. Otherwise, John might just end up frozen solid, with no hope of ever breaking free.

The moment the Extremus Frost Flame entered John’s body, frost energy began to spread wildly within him as if it intended to freeze him entirely. John’s fire of the Earth’s core and demon fire were both coursing through his body, encompassing the Extremus Frost Flame.

The three demonic fires began to chase and battle within John’s body. If it weren’t for John’s robust physical body, he would’ve been devoured there and then.

At this moment, John was completely covered in frost, standing blankly at the bottom of the pit. John remained motionless, yet a fierce battle had already erupted within him.

Dahlia and the others were utterly shocked and horrified when they saw that John had unexpectedly been encased in ice.

Just as they were about to descend into the deep pit to rescue John, they found the frost energy within it to be overwhelmingly intense. Even their frost cultivation techniques seemed to falter against this frost energy. Dahlia and the others could only watch anxiously and helplessly from the edge of the deep pit.

As John was taming and refining the Extremus Frost Flame, Selma had already led Marc and the others into Infinitnus Celestial Sect.

“Ms. Selma, t-this is just too immense. Who would have thought that such a big sect was concealed within this mountain peak?” Marc was completely taken aback as he gazed upon Infinitnus Celestial Sect before him.

“This isn’t within the mountain peaks, it’s in the chaos dimension. Haven’t you seen the constant temporal disturbances above the sect’s sky?” Selma looked above Infinitnus Celestial Sect, her eyes filled with awe

“Ms. Selma, it seems like John and his crew must be here already. We’ve been left behind. Let’s head down quickly. In such a big sect, there must be a considerable amount of magical items hidden within.” Marc was growing rather impatient.

Selma nodded and said, “Go ahead but be cautious. Such a large sect hidden here is bound to be filled with traps and mechanisms.” After giving a piece of advice, Selma was the first one to jump down.

Upon entering Infinitnus Celestial Sect, the members of the Miller family were left utterly stunned. Upon observing the intact courtyard, Marc also proceeded to conduct a search. Unfortunately for him, all these courtyards had been searched through, and there was nothing of value left.

“Ms. Selma, it’s clear that these courtyards have been tampered with. I suspect all the valuable items have been taken. I suggest we quicken our pace to get ahead of these people,” Marc said.

Selma nodded and quickened her pace. Before long, Selma and her group encountered Eldon and his party. The two groups merely exchanged glances and said nothing to one another. Selma led her team and continued to delve deeper.

At that moment, a flustered holy maiden said to Dahlia, “Dahlia, the people from the Miller family have arrived.” The Miller family was rushing over, yet John remained frozen at the bottom of the pit. If the people from the Miller family were to find out, it would spell serious trouble. Dahlia was also thrown into a panic.

“What should we do?” They were no match for the Miller family. If the Miller family were to discover John, he would be in great danger.

At a moment when Dahlia was somewhat at a loss, Yvonne said, “Let’s bury Mr. White first. We don’t want the Miller family to discover him. Once the Miller family leaves, we’ll figure out a way to rescue Mr. White.” Upon hearing this, Dahlia also nodded in agreement.

At this point, that was the only solution. Therefore, they joined forces, each strike filled with frost energy aimed at the edge of the deep pit. The soil began to crumble and fall, and in no time at all, John was buried.

Seeing that John had been buried, Dahlia and the others promptly left to seek refuge in the ruins. Just as Dahlia and the others had left, Selma arrived with her crew. Looking at the deep pit in front of her, her eyes were filled with surprise.

“It seems this sect has suffered a significant blow. I hope some intact magical items have been left behind.”

After a brief pause, Selma led the Miller family around the deep pit, continuing their journey deeper into the sect’s territory. Only after seeing the Miller family depart did Dahlia and her companions dare to step out.

“What should we do?” Watching as John was buried, the group found themselves in a difficult situation once again. The frost energy within this deep pit was far too intense, they simply couldn’t bear it.

At that moment, John was still fervently trying to conquer the Extremus Frost Flame. Once he had refined it, John would possess the three demonic fires. Under John’s persistent efforts, the Extremus Frost Flame gradually weakened under the relentless pursuit of the two demonic fires.

In the end, John’s nascence star shimmered, directly absorbing the Extremus Frost Flame into itself. Having absorbed the Extremus Frost Flame, the temperature within the deep pit instantly rose, and it was no longer as cold as before.

At the moment when Dahlia and the others were at a loss, John unexpectedly emerged from the ground. With a swift jump, he landed on the ground.

Upon seeing John approach, a few people hurriedly rushed over to him. “Mr. White, are you all right?”

“I’m fine. I just found a piece of polar stone.” John casually pulled out the large piece of polar stone. Though John’s sword had shattered it, this polar stone was significantly larger than the others. Moreover, this polar stone once contained the Extremus Frost Flame, thus it was even more beneficial for Dahlia and the others in their cultivation.

“What a massive polar stone!” Dahlia’s face was filled with excitement as she carefully stored away the polar stone. John cast a glance around before he asked, “Have Mr. Eldon and the others not caught up with us yet?”

“No. However, the members of the Miller family were here,” Dahlia answered.

“What? The Miller family has found this place as well?” John’s brow furrowed involuntarily.

He hadn’t expected the Miller family to locate this place so quickly.

“They’ve already passed through here. We just hid you in the dirt just now. That’s why they didn’t discover you,” Dahlia said

Only then did John understand. I thought I was buried because I refined the demonic fire! As it turns out, Dahlia and the others were behind it!

John cast a glance toward the depths of the sect before saying to Dahlia, “You guys should stay put for now. Don’t wander around. You can rest in the few courtyards that were just inspected. I’ll go check out the depths of the sect’s grounds myself. Remember! Don’t wander around or venture into unexplored areas.” John wanted to venture deeper into the sect. He feared that bringing Dahlia and the others along might hold him back. Furthermore, bringing them along was quite risky. After all, members of the Miller family had also entered. If they happened to encounter each other, John was afraid he wouldn’t have the energy to protect Dahlia and the others.

Dahlia was well aware that their current abilities were no match for the Miller family and would likely only cause more trouble for John. Dahlia nodded and replied, “Mr. White, please take good care of yourself. We’ll be waiting for you here!”

“All right!” John began to head toward the depths of the sect.

At that time, Selma, along with the Miller family, had already swiftly ventured deep into the heart of the sect. At that moment, deep within the sect, a remarkably well preserved mansion emerged. This mansion was incomparably more impressive than the courtyard one would see upon entering.

At a single glance, one could tell that this mansion was undoubtedly a residence for the higher-ups of the sect. With great excitement, Marc exclaimed, “Ms. Selma, such a well-preserved mansion must certainly house numerous magical items!”

Selma gazed at the mansion before her, then pointed and said, “You go ahead and scout the place…”

The individual from the Miller family who was pointed out was startled, yet he had no choice but to go. Summoning all his courage, he slowly made his way toward the mansion. As he ventured deeper into the mansion, he realized that there was nothing out of the ordinary. No restraints, no traps, not even the slightest hint of danger.

That member of the Miller family then declared, “Ms. Selma, it’s safe!”

Upon hearing this, Selma then proceeded to lead the group inside. However, what they all failed to notice was that as they stepped into the mansion, the ground beneath them seemed to ripple, as if stirred by a flowing current. At the same time, the void surrounding the mansion was also undergoing a distorted transformation.

Selma and the others, completely oblivious to the changes in the mansion, continued to head toward it. When the group ventured deep into the mansion, a main hall loomed before their eyes. Within the main hall, a statue was seated in a cross-legged position. The man depicted in the statue looked like an immortal. At first glance, he exuded an aura of mysticism and wisdom. His eyes, in particular, were remarkably expressive and lively. In the statue’s hand, there was also a communication device, as if it were being carefully examined.

Besides, a subtle halo even permeated around the statue. “Could this possibly be a body sculpting statue?” Marc asked curiously. After all, in Ethereal Realm, many elders and sect leaders felt quite proud of themselves. Consequently, they had statues sculpted in their own image, hoping to be revered and worshipped by others. However, those who were capable of sculpting figure statues all held positions of status within the sect. Ordinary disciples certainly didn’t receive that kind of treatment.

“The material of this sculpted statue is quite unique, isn’t it?” Selma gazed at the statue before her, reaching out, longing to touch it.

Marc quickly reminded, “Ms. Selma, be careful!” However, Selma didn’t pay any mind to it. Instead, she gently ran her fingers over the statue.

Buzz! Suddenly, the statue emitted a burst of golden light, sending Selma flying straight out. Selma, a Top Level Tribulator, was surprisingly weak in front of this statue.

Upon seeing the situation, Marc quickly stepped forward to help Selma up.

“Ms. Selma, are you all right?”
you're doing amazing work immortal Gily 🙌🙌🙌


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Jan 7, 2024
Chapter 3839 - 3841 Extremus Frost Flame

John was somewhat reluctant to let Vermilion Demon Lord regain his physical body. Having him reside within my consciousness field to serve as my advisor should be quite beneficial!

“Brat, don’t you dare harbor any ideas. I won’t stay in your consciousness field forever. If you dare to trap me, I swear, even if it means my soul shattering into pieces, I will explode your consciousness field!” Vermilion Demon Lord threatened John. In reality, Vermilion Demon Lord was merely issuing threats. If he could shatter John’s consciousness field, he didn’t need to coexist with John. He would have taken control over John long ago. When John’s Golden Tome within his consciousness field let out a single flash of golden light, it was enough to scare Vermilion Demon Lord. The idea of Vermilion Demon Lord trying to shatter John’s consciousness field was nothing short of a joke.

“Mr. Vermilion, I was just thinking out loud. There’s no need to be nervous.” John chuckled.

“Brat, I would have never imagined that I, of all people, could be cornered by a mere Tribulator. This Extremus Frost Flame is also a type of demonic fire. You should be able to absorb it. If you manage to refine it, you’ll possess three types of demonic fire,” Vermilion Demon Lord said to John.

“H-How do I refine it? If I touch it, it’ll freeze me solid, no?” John was utterly speechless.

“Don’t be afraid. You possess the demonic fire soul essence. It’s not possible for you to freeze to death. If things really get out of hand, you can always use the demonic fire soul essence to absorb the Extremus Frost Flame. But that would be such a waste,” Vermilion Demon Lord said.

Upon hearing this, John nodded. He then took the Dragonslayer Sword and fiercely struck the polar stone in front of him. He needed to first release the Extremus Frost Flame, only then could he refine it more effectively.

Boom! Accompanied by a deafening blast, the polar stone shattered instantly, and the Extremus Frost Flame leaped into mid-air. The Extremus Frost Flame, seemingly alive, attempted to flee rapidly after detaching from the polar stone.

John, however, leaped forward, catching the Extremus Frost Flame right in the palm of his hand. The Extremus Frost Flame struggled, instantly enveloping John in frost energy.

Upon observing the situation, John hastily harnessed the fire nascence within him. At that moment, he was enveloped by fierce flames. Yet, even in such conditions, frost rapidly formed over his body, almost turning him into an ice sculpture. John gritted his teeth, his nascence star constantly flickering. A powerful suction force was drawing the Extremus Frost Flame into his body.

The Extremus Frost Flame fought back with all its might, seemingly unwilling to be refined by John. While John was absorbing the Extremus Frost Flame, his demonic fire soul essence was already well-prepared. If the Extremus Frost Flame were to enter his body and he couldn’t refine it, his only option would be to ingest the demonic fire soul essence to counteract it. Otherwise, John might just end up frozen solid, with no hope of ever breaking free.

The moment the Extremus Frost Flame entered John’s body, frost energy began to spread wildly within him as if it intended to freeze him entirely. John’s fire of the Earth’s core and demon fire were both coursing through his body, encompassing the Extremus Frost Flame.

The three demonic fires began to chase and battle within John’s body. If it weren’t for John’s robust physical body, he would’ve been devoured there and then.

At this moment, John was completely covered in frost, standing blankly at the bottom of the pit. John remained motionless, yet a fierce battle had already erupted within him.

Dahlia and the others were utterly shocked and horrified when they saw that John had unexpectedly been encased in ice.

Just as they were about to descend into the deep pit to rescue John, they found the frost energy within it to be overwhelmingly intense. Even their frost cultivation techniques seemed to falter against this frost energy. Dahlia and the others could only watch anxiously and helplessly from the edge of the deep pit.

As John was taming and refining the Extremus Frost Flame, Selma had already led Marc and the others into Infinitnus Celestial Sect.

“Ms. Selma, t-this is just too immense. Who would have thought that such a big sect was concealed within this mountain peak?” Marc was completely taken aback as he gazed upon Infinitnus Celestial Sect before him.

“This isn’t within the mountain peaks, it’s in the chaos dimension. Haven’t you seen the constant temporal disturbances above the sect’s sky?” Selma looked above Infinitnus Celestial Sect, her eyes filled with awe

“Ms. Selma, it seems like John and his crew must be here already. We’ve been left behind. Let’s head down quickly. In such a big sect, there must be a considerable amount of magical items hidden within.” Marc was growing rather impatient.

Selma nodded and said, “Go ahead but be cautious. Such a large sect hidden here is bound to be filled with traps and mechanisms.” After giving a piece of advice, Selma was the first one to jump down.

Upon entering Infinitnus Celestial Sect, the members of the Miller family were left utterly stunned. Upon observing the intact courtyard, Marc also proceeded to conduct a search. Unfortunately for him, all these courtyards had been searched through, and there was nothing of value left.

“Ms. Selma, it’s clear that these courtyards have been tampered with. I suspect all the valuable items have been taken. I suggest we quicken our pace to get ahead of these people,” Marc said.

Selma nodded and quickened her pace. Before long, Selma and her group encountered Eldon and his party. The two groups merely exchanged glances and said nothing to one another. Selma led her team and continued to delve deeper.

At that moment, a flustered holy maiden said to Dahlia, “Dahlia, the people from the Miller family have arrived.” The Miller family was rushing over, yet John remained frozen at the bottom of the pit. If the people from the Miller family were to find out, it would spell serious trouble. Dahlia was also thrown into a panic.

“What should we do?” They were no match for the Miller family. If the Miller family were to discover John, he would be in great danger.

At a moment when Dahlia was somewhat at a loss, Yvonne said, “Let’s bury Mr. White first. We don’t want the Miller family to discover him. Once the Miller family leaves, we’ll figure out a way to rescue Mr. White.” Upon hearing this, Dahlia also nodded in agreement.

At this point, that was the only solution. Therefore, they joined forces, each strike filled with frost energy aimed at the edge of the deep pit. The soil began to crumble and fall, and in no time at all, John was buried.

Seeing that John had been buried, Dahlia and the others promptly left to seek refuge in the ruins. Just as Dahlia and the others had left, Selma arrived with her crew. Looking at the deep pit in front of her, her eyes were filled with surprise.

“It seems this sect has suffered a significant blow. I hope some intact magical items have been left behind.”

After a brief pause, Selma led the Miller family around the deep pit, continuing their journey deeper into the sect’s territory. Only after seeing the Miller family depart did Dahlia and her companions dare to step out.

“What should we do?” Watching as John was buried, the group found themselves in a difficult situation once again. The frost energy within this deep pit was far too intense, they simply couldn’t bear it.

At that moment, John was still fervently trying to conquer the Extremus Frost Flame. Once he had refined it, John would possess the three demonic fires. Under John’s persistent efforts, the Extremus Frost Flame gradually weakened under the relentless pursuit of the two demonic fires.

In the end, John’s nascence star shimmered, directly absorbing the Extremus Frost Flame into itself. Having absorbed the Extremus Frost Flame, the temperature within the deep pit instantly rose, and it was no longer as cold as before.

At the moment when Dahlia and the others were at a loss, John unexpectedly emerged from the ground. With a swift jump, he landed on the ground.

Upon seeing John approach, a few people hurriedly rushed over to him. “Mr. White, are you all right?”

“I’m fine. I just found a piece of polar stone.” John casually pulled out the large piece of polar stone. Though John’s sword had shattered it, this polar stone was significantly larger than the others. Moreover, this polar stone once contained the Extremus Frost Flame, thus it was even more beneficial for Dahlia and the others in their cultivation.

“What a massive polar stone!” Dahlia’s face was filled with excitement as she carefully stored away the polar stone. John cast a glance around before he asked, “Have Mr. Eldon and the others not caught up with us yet?”

“No. However, the members of the Miller family were here,” Dahlia answered.

“What? The Miller family has found this place as well?” John’s brow furrowed involuntarily.

He hadn’t expected the Miller family to locate this place so quickly.

“They’ve already passed through here. We just hid you in the dirt just now. That’s why they didn’t discover you,” Dahlia said

Only then did John understand. I thought I was buried because I refined the demonic fire! As it turns out, Dahlia and the others were behind it!

John cast a glance toward the depths of the sect before saying to Dahlia, “You guys should stay put for now. Don’t wander around. You can rest in the few courtyards that were just inspected. I’ll go check out the depths of the sect’s grounds myself. Remember! Don’t wander around or venture into unexplored areas.” John wanted to venture deeper into the sect. He feared that bringing Dahlia and the others along might hold him back. Furthermore, bringing them along was quite risky. After all, members of the Miller family had also entered. If they happened to encounter each other, John was afraid he wouldn’t have the energy to protect Dahlia and the others.

Dahlia was well aware that their current abilities were no match for the Miller family and would likely only cause more trouble for John. Dahlia nodded and replied, “Mr. White, please take good care of yourself. We’ll be waiting for you here!”

“All right!” John began to head toward the depths of the sect.

At that time, Selma, along with the Miller family, had already swiftly ventured deep into the heart of the sect. At that moment, deep within the sect, a remarkably well preserved mansion emerged. This mansion was incomparably more impressive than the courtyard one would see upon entering.

At a single glance, one could tell that this mansion was undoubtedly a residence for the higher-ups of the sect. With great excitement, Marc exclaimed, “Ms. Selma, such a well-preserved mansion must certainly house numerous magical items!”

Selma gazed at the mansion before her, then pointed and said, “You go ahead and scout the place…”

The individual from the Miller family who was pointed out was startled, yet he had no choice but to go. Summoning all his courage, he slowly made his way toward the mansion. As he ventured deeper into the mansion, he realized that there was nothing out of the ordinary. No restraints, no traps, not even the slightest hint of danger.

That member of the Miller family then declared, “Ms. Selma, it’s safe!”

Upon hearing this, Selma then proceeded to lead the group inside. However, what they all failed to notice was that as they stepped into the mansion, the ground beneath them seemed to ripple, as if stirred by a flowing current. At the same time, the void surrounding the mansion was also undergoing a distorted transformation.

Selma and the others, completely oblivious to the changes in the mansion, continued to head toward it. When the group ventured deep into the mansion, a main hall loomed before their eyes. Within the main hall, a statue was seated in a cross-legged position. The man depicted in the statue looked like an immortal. At first glance, he exuded an aura of mysticism and wisdom. His eyes, in particular, were remarkably expressive and lively. In the statue’s hand, there was also a communication device, as if it were being carefully examined.

Besides, a subtle halo even permeated around the statue. “Could this possibly be a body sculpting statue?” Marc asked curiously. After all, in Ethereal Realm, many elders and sect leaders felt quite proud of themselves. Consequently, they had statues sculpted in their own image, hoping to be revered and worshipped by others. However, those who were capable of sculpting figure statues all held positions of status within the sect. Ordinary disciples certainly didn’t receive that kind of treatment.

“The material of this sculpted statue is quite unique, isn’t it?” Selma gazed at the statue before her, reaching out, longing to touch it.

Marc quickly reminded, “Ms. Selma, be careful!” However, Selma didn’t pay any mind to it. Instead, she gently ran her fingers over the statue.

Buzz! Suddenly, the statue emitted a burst of golden light, sending Selma flying straight out. Selma, a Top Level Tribulator, was surprisingly weak in front of this statue.

Upon seeing the situation, Marc quickly stepped forward to help Selma up.

“Ms. Selma, are you all right?”
Selma must be punished for her evil deeds, I can't wait to see her head roll on the ground 😀 sooner enough 😀 😄


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 3839 - 3841 Extremus Frost Flame

John was somewhat reluctant to let Vermilion Demon Lord regain his physical body. Having him reside within my consciousness field to serve as my advisor should be quite beneficial!

“Brat, don’t you dare harbor any ideas. I won’t stay in your consciousness field forever. If you dare to trap me, I swear, even if it means my soul shattering into pieces, I will explode your consciousness field!” Vermilion Demon Lord threatened John. In reality, Vermilion Demon Lord was merely issuing threats. If he could shatter John’s consciousness field, he didn’t need to coexist with John. He would have taken control over John long ago. When John’s Golden Tome within his consciousness field let out a single flash of golden light, it was enough to scare Vermilion Demon Lord. The idea of Vermilion Demon Lord trying to shatter John’s consciousness field was nothing short of a joke.

“Mr. Vermilion, I was just thinking out loud. There’s no need to be nervous.” John chuckled.

“Brat, I would have never imagined that I, of all people, could be cornered by a mere Tribulator. This Extremus Frost Flame is also a type of demonic fire. You should be able to absorb it. If you manage to refine it, you’ll possess three types of demonic fire,” Vermilion Demon Lord said to John.

“H-How do I refine it? If I touch it, it’ll freeze me solid, no?” John was utterly speechless.

“Don’t be afraid. You possess the demonic fire soul essence. It’s not possible for you to freeze to death. If things really get out of hand, you can always use the demonic fire soul essence to absorb the Extremus Frost Flame. But that would be such a waste,” Vermilion Demon Lord said.

Upon hearing this, John nodded. He then took the Dragonslayer Sword and fiercely struck the polar stone in front of him. He needed to first release the Extremus Frost Flame, only then could he refine it more effectively.

Boom! Accompanied by a deafening blast, the polar stone shattered instantly, and the Extremus Frost Flame leaped into mid-air. The Extremus Frost Flame, seemingly alive, attempted to flee rapidly after detaching from the polar stone.

John, however, leaped forward, catching the Extremus Frost Flame right in the palm of his hand. The Extremus Frost Flame struggled, instantly enveloping John in frost energy.

Upon observing the situation, John hastily harnessed the fire nascence within him. At that moment, he was enveloped by fierce flames. Yet, even in such conditions, frost rapidly formed over his body, almost turning him into an ice sculpture. John gritted his teeth, his nascence star constantly flickering. A powerful suction force was drawing the Extremus Frost Flame into his body.

The Extremus Frost Flame fought back with all its might, seemingly unwilling to be refined by John. While John was absorbing the Extremus Frost Flame, his demonic fire soul essence was already well-prepared. If the Extremus Frost Flame were to enter his body and he couldn’t refine it, his only option would be to ingest the demonic fire soul essence to counteract it. Otherwise, John might just end up frozen solid, with no hope of ever breaking free.

The moment the Extremus Frost Flame entered John’s body, frost energy began to spread wildly within him as if it intended to freeze him entirely. John’s fire of the Earth’s core and demon fire were both coursing through his body, encompassing the Extremus Frost Flame.

The three demonic fires began to chase and battle within John’s body. If it weren’t for John’s robust physical body, he would’ve been devoured there and then.

At this moment, John was completely covered in frost, standing blankly at the bottom of the pit. John remained motionless, yet a fierce battle had already erupted within him.

Dahlia and the others were utterly shocked and horrified when they saw that John had unexpectedly been encased in ice.

Just as they were about to descend into the deep pit to rescue John, they found the frost energy within it to be overwhelmingly intense. Even their frost cultivation techniques seemed to falter against this frost energy. Dahlia and the others could only watch anxiously and helplessly from the edge of the deep pit.

As John was taming and refining the Extremus Frost Flame, Selma had already led Marc and the others into Infinitnus Celestial Sect.

“Ms. Selma, t-this is just too immense. Who would have thought that such a big sect was concealed within this mountain peak?” Marc was completely taken aback as he gazed upon Infinitnus Celestial Sect before him.

“This isn’t within the mountain peaks, it’s in the chaos dimension. Haven’t you seen the constant temporal disturbances above the sect’s sky?” Selma looked above Infinitnus Celestial Sect, her eyes filled with awe

“Ms. Selma, it seems like John and his crew must be here already. We’ve been left behind. Let’s head down quickly. In such a big sect, there must be a considerable amount of magical items hidden within.” Marc was growing rather impatient.

Selma nodded and said, “Go ahead but be cautious. Such a large sect hidden here is bound to be filled with traps and mechanisms.” After giving a piece of advice, Selma was the first one to jump down.

Upon entering Infinitnus Celestial Sect, the members of the Miller family were left utterly stunned. Upon observing the intact courtyard, Marc also proceeded to conduct a search. Unfortunately for him, all these courtyards had been searched through, and there was nothing of value left.

“Ms. Selma, it’s clear that these courtyards have been tampered with. I suspect all the valuable items have been taken. I suggest we quicken our pace to get ahead of these people,” Marc said.

Selma nodded and quickened her pace. Before long, Selma and her group encountered Eldon and his party. The two groups merely exchanged glances and said nothing to one another. Selma led her team and continued to delve deeper.

At that moment, a flustered holy maiden said to Dahlia, “Dahlia, the people from the Miller family have arrived.” The Miller family was rushing over, yet John remained frozen at the bottom of the pit. If the people from the Miller family were to find out, it would spell serious trouble. Dahlia was also thrown into a panic.

“What should we do?” They were no match for the Miller family. If the Miller family were to discover John, he would be in great danger.

At a moment when Dahlia was somewhat at a loss, Yvonne said, “Let’s bury Mr. White first. We don’t want the Miller family to discover him. Once the Miller family leaves, we’ll figure out a way to rescue Mr. White.” Upon hearing this, Dahlia also nodded in agreement.

At this point, that was the only solution. Therefore, they joined forces, each strike filled with frost energy aimed at the edge of the deep pit. The soil began to crumble and fall, and in no time at all, John was buried.

Seeing that John had been buried, Dahlia and the others promptly left to seek refuge in the ruins. Just as Dahlia and the others had left, Selma arrived with her crew. Looking at the deep pit in front of her, her eyes were filled with surprise.

“It seems this sect has suffered a significant blow. I hope some intact magical items have been left behind.”

After a brief pause, Selma led the Miller family around the deep pit, continuing their journey deeper into the sect’s territory. Only after seeing the Miller family depart did Dahlia and her companions dare to step out.

“What should we do?” Watching as John was buried, the group found themselves in a difficult situation once again. The frost energy within this deep pit was far too intense, they simply couldn’t bear it.

At that moment, John was still fervently trying to conquer the Extremus Frost Flame. Once he had refined it, John would possess the three demonic fires. Under John’s persistent efforts, the Extremus Frost Flame gradually weakened under the relentless pursuit of the two demonic fires.

In the end, John’s nascence star shimmered, directly absorbing the Extremus Frost Flame into itself. Having absorbed the Extremus Frost Flame, the temperature within the deep pit instantly rose, and it was no longer as cold as before.

At the moment when Dahlia and the others were at a loss, John unexpectedly emerged from the ground. With a swift jump, he landed on the ground.

Upon seeing John approach, a few people hurriedly rushed over to him. “Mr. White, are you all right?”

“I’m fine. I just found a piece of polar stone.” John casually pulled out the large piece of polar stone. Though John’s sword had shattered it, this polar stone was significantly larger than the others. Moreover, this polar stone once contained the Extremus Frost Flame, thus it was even more beneficial for Dahlia and the others in their cultivation.

“What a massive polar stone!” Dahlia’s face was filled with excitement as she carefully stored away the polar stone. John cast a glance around before he asked, “Have Mr. Eldon and the others not caught up with us yet?”

“No. However, the members of the Miller family were here,” Dahlia answered.

“What? The Miller family has found this place as well?” John’s brow furrowed involuntarily.

He hadn’t expected the Miller family to locate this place so quickly.

“They’ve already passed through here. We just hid you in the dirt just now. That’s why they didn’t discover you,” Dahlia said

Only then did John understand. I thought I was buried because I refined the demonic fire! As it turns out, Dahlia and the others were behind it!

John cast a glance toward the depths of the sect before saying to Dahlia, “You guys should stay put for now. Don’t wander around. You can rest in the few courtyards that were just inspected. I’ll go check out the depths of the sect’s grounds myself. Remember! Don’t wander around or venture into unexplored areas.” John wanted to venture deeper into the sect. He feared that bringing Dahlia and the others along might hold him back. Furthermore, bringing them along was quite risky. After all, members of the Miller family had also entered. If they happened to encounter each other, John was afraid he wouldn’t have the energy to protect Dahlia and the others.

Dahlia was well aware that their current abilities were no match for the Miller family and would likely only cause more trouble for John. Dahlia nodded and replied, “Mr. White, please take good care of yourself. We’ll be waiting for you here!”

“All right!” John began to head toward the depths of the sect.

At that time, Selma, along with the Miller family, had already swiftly ventured deep into the heart of the sect. At that moment, deep within the sect, a remarkably well preserved mansion emerged. This mansion was incomparably more impressive than the courtyard one would see upon entering.

At a single glance, one could tell that this mansion was undoubtedly a residence for the higher-ups of the sect. With great excitement, Marc exclaimed, “Ms. Selma, such a well-preserved mansion must certainly house numerous magical items!”

Selma gazed at the mansion before her, then pointed and said, “You go ahead and scout the place…”

The individual from the Miller family who was pointed out was startled, yet he had no choice but to go. Summoning all his courage, he slowly made his way toward the mansion. As he ventured deeper into the mansion, he realized that there was nothing out of the ordinary. No restraints, no traps, not even the slightest hint of danger.

That member of the Miller family then declared, “Ms. Selma, it’s safe!”

Upon hearing this, Selma then proceeded to lead the group inside. However, what they all failed to notice was that as they stepped into the mansion, the ground beneath them seemed to ripple, as if stirred by a flowing current. At the same time, the void surrounding the mansion was also undergoing a distorted transformation.

Selma and the others, completely oblivious to the changes in the mansion, continued to head toward it. When the group ventured deep into the mansion, a main hall loomed before their eyes. Within the main hall, a statue was seated in a cross-legged position. The man depicted in the statue looked like an immortal. At first glance, he exuded an aura of mysticism and wisdom. His eyes, in particular, were remarkably expressive and lively. In the statue’s hand, there was also a communication device, as if it were being carefully examined.

Besides, a subtle halo even permeated around the statue. “Could this possibly be a body sculpting statue?” Marc asked curiously. After all, in Ethereal Realm, many elders and sect leaders felt quite proud of themselves. Consequently, they had statues sculpted in their own image, hoping to be revered and worshipped by others. However, those who were capable of sculpting figure statues all held positions of status within the sect. Ordinary disciples certainly didn’t receive that kind of treatment.

“The material of this sculpted statue is quite unique, isn’t it?” Selma gazed at the statue before her, reaching out, longing to touch it.

Marc quickly reminded, “Ms. Selma, be careful!” However, Selma didn’t pay any mind to it. Instead, she gently ran her fingers over the statue.

Buzz! Suddenly, the statue emitted a burst of golden light, sending Selma flying straight out. Selma, a Top Level Tribulator, was surprisingly weak in front of this statue.

Upon seeing the situation, Marc quickly stepped forward to help Selma up.

“Ms. Selma, are you all right?”
Thank you very much Immortal Gily.

Devil Nava

Tribulator - Disciple of Virgin Sect
Apr 3, 2024
Hi Gily - Just on curiosity, want to check on whether we can reached on par with the original story


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023

Chapter 3842 - 3843 Celestial Energy?

Even though Selma was sent flying, she didn’t show the slightest bit of displeasure. On the contrary, she spoke with delight.

“To think the statue has a restraint. It seems there’s a secret within it. Or perhaps the documentation device in the statue’s hand is some sort of supreme secret manual.”

“Go and check if there’s anything recorded on that documentation device.” Marc addressed the Miller family member who had ventured in to scout the way.

At that moment, that member of the Miller family was almost brought to tears. After all, if even Selma was sent flying away by the restraint, he would be hurt even more with his weaker capabilities. However, he couldn’t just ignore the order.

At that moment, he was already cursing under his breath. Why do they always pick me? He cautiously approached, then drew closer to the statue. Eager to see the content on the documentation device, he leaned forward with all his might. Due to extreme nervousness, he suddenly threw himself onto the statue.

“Ah!” It certainly gave him quite a scare, but it seemed as though the restraint surrounding the statue had not been activated, and he was unharmed.

“I… I’m okay?” He was utterly bewildered. Both Marc and Selma were left completely bewildered. Marc personally stepped forward, reaching out to touch the statue, but surprisingly, there was no reaction. Marc turned toward Selma and spoke.

“Ms. Selma, nothing’s happening.” Selma had a slight frown before stepping forward to touch it again.

Buzz. A burst of golden light appeared, and Selma was sent flying once again with greater force. It seemed she had been injured, with traces of blood trickling from the corner of her mouth.

“This…” Marc was baffled. He was clearly able to touch the statue without any issues, but when Selma stepped forward to do the same, she was suddenly flung away for some reason. Selma was also flabbergasted, completely clueless about what was actually going on.

“Ms. Selma, could it be that the statue distinguishes between genders? Is it because you are a woman that it’s triggering the restraint?” Marc analyzed.

“It’s possible.” Selma nodded but then fell into deep thought. “There’s also a chance that the restraint of this statue isn’t triggered based on gender but by cultivation technique. I practiced the frost cultivation technique, which might have triggered the statue’s restraint. However, you all practiced fire magic, which likely wouldn’t have caused such a reaction. Try infusing some spiritual energy into this statue and see what changes.” A restraint reacting to different genders was indeed rare. However, it was quite common for many restraints to react differently to people with different cultivation techniques.

Marc nodded, and then gently placed his hand on the statue and started injecting spiritual energy. Streams of spiritual energy flowed into the statue, and indeed, the statue began to change. The halo around the statue grew even brighter, to the point where even the documentation device in its hand began to emit a glow.

“Ms. Selma, the cultivation technique legacy!” Marc began to shout in excitement.

“Take your time. What happened?” Selma asked.

“Ms. Selma, after I channeled the spiritual energy, I found myself able to communicate with the statue. Surprisingly, I could see the cultivation technique legacy on the documentation device. This is a celestial technique. If the Miller family inherits this, no one in Ethereal Realm will dare to mess with us again!” Marc was so thrilled that he could almost jump for joy.

Upon hearing that, everyone else was also extremely thrilled. That was, after all, the celestial technique legacy. If they all mastered it, they could achieve great things. That celestial technique legacy was way more impressive than the polar stones.

Upon hearing that, Selma felt her breath quicken, and her heart filled with overwhelming joy.

“Marc, you must immediately learn that celestial technique’s legacy. It’s vital that you master it completely. Once we return, I’ll recommend you to become an elder of the Miller family, granting you unparalleled authority.” Selma knew that she couldn’t obtain the celestial technique legacy herself. It was something that only Marc could do.

“Rest assured, Ms. Selma. I will do everything within my power.” At that moment, Marc really wanted to let out a few shouts of joy to celebrate his great fortune.

“Everyone else, protect Marc,” Selma issued orders to the other members of the Miller family.

At that moment, John had also arrived outside the grand and well-preserved mansion. However, with just one glance, John had noticed the aura within the mansion, as fluid as flowing water. However, that aura seemed to be confined within the mansion, as if it was incapable of spilling out. John controlled his aura, held his breath, and focused his mind as he slowly walked in. As soon as he stepped inside, the aura within the mansion seemed to part ways automatically. Upon entering the mansion, John was instantly taken aback.

“Celestial energy?” The aura within the mansion was unexpectedly celestial energy. Even though there was only a thin layer of celestial energy hovering above the ground, its potency was incomparably stronger than any spiritual energy.

The reason why Selma and her group, upon entering the mansion, hadn’t detected the presence of any celestial energy, was simply because they couldn’t perceive it, let alone absorb and refine it. Only when one ascended to immortality would the cultivation technique within one’s body transform and improve through the absorption of celestial energy. With the cultivation techniques they were practicing, they simply could not absorb the celestial energy.

John was different as his Focus Technique had the ability to absorb everything. “Brat, have you noticed? This celestial energy is in constant motion. That means there must be a place from where this energy is flowing. This is what keeps the celestial energy within this mansion alive. Otherwise, after all these years, this faint layer of celestial energy would have gradually faded away.” Vermilion Demon Lord spoke to John.

“Indeed, I noticed it too.” John gave a nod. He also noticed that the celestial energy within the mansion seemed to emanate from a specific location. However, John was still unsure of where exactly that might be.

Even though John was eager to absorb the celestial energy for his cultivation at that moment, he was wary. There was a chance that the Miller family members were around. The last thing John wanted was to be ambushed and killed while he was in the middle of his cultivation. Suppressing the urge to absorb the celestial energy, John cautiously made his way toward the mansion’s main hall.

John was extremely cautious, having subdued his aura to the utmost degree. If one weren’t intentionally searching, they wouldn’t have noticed where John was at all. Just as John was approaching the main hall, Selma, who had been patiently waiting with her eyes slightly closed for Marc to learn the celestial technique legacy, suddenly opened her eyes.

Selma furrowed her brows, turning her gaze toward the outside of the main hall, only to find nothing. Yet, she distinctly felt as if someone had arrived outside. Selma pointed at two members of the Miller family and spoke.

“You two, go out and investigate, then keep watch outside. As soon as anyone approaches, notify me immediately.”

“Yes, Ms. Selma.” The two members of the Miller family walked out.

At that moment, Selma absolutely wouldn’t allow anyone to disturb her and Marc. As the two members of the Miller family stepped out, a sense of tension gripped John. He knew someone had come out. However, within the confines of the mansion, there was simply nowhere to hide.

Just as John was about to be discovered, he had an idea. In the blink of an eye, he astonishingly transformed into Selma. John did his best to conceal his aura. Just by appearances, it was quite hard to tell he wasn’t actually Selma.

Meanwhile, the two individuals from the Miller family exited the main hall, beginning their investigation within the mansion’s courtyard. John, however, had circled behind the two, lightly clearing his throat. The two individuals from the Miller family were taken aback and swiftly turned around.

Upon seeing the person was Selma, they hurriedly paid their respects, saying, “Ms. Selma, why did you come out? There’s no one in this courtyard. We’ve already checked.”

“Very well. Be extra careful.” John nodded, feigning composure as he spoke.

“Rest assured, Ms. Selma, we won’t allow anyone to interfere. We’ll ensure Uncle Marc has ample time to study the celestial technique legacy thoroughly. Once the Miller family mastered this celestial technique, the other families would no longer be able to compete with us!” An excited individual from the Miller family exclaimed.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Hi Gily - Just on curiosity, want to check on whether we can reached on par with the original story
We have almost reached on per. I am delaying coz if I post 30 chapters we will be waiting for single chapter everyday. Last week the author didn't post for seven days. Bummer

Should I post all remaining 30 chapters and wait for single chapter everyday?


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Jan 7, 2024
Chapter 3842 - 3843 Celestial Energy?

Even though Selma was sent flying, she didn’t show the slightest bit of displeasure. On the contrary, she spoke with delight.

“To think the statue has a restraint. It seems there’s a secret within it. Or perhaps the documentation device in the statue’s hand is some sort of supreme secret manual.”

“Go and check if there’s anything recorded on that documentation device.” Marc addressed the Miller family member who had ventured in to scout the way.

At that moment, that member of the Miller family was almost brought to tears. After all, if even Selma was sent flying away by the restraint, he would be hurt even more with his weaker capabilities. However, he couldn’t just ignore the order.

At that moment, he was already cursing under his breath. Why do they always pick me? He cautiously approached, then drew closer to the statue. Eager to see the content on the documentation device, he leaned forward with all his might. Due to extreme nervousness, he suddenly threw himself onto the statue.

“Ah!” It certainly gave him quite a scare, but it seemed as though the restraint surrounding the statue had not been activated, and he was unharmed.

“I… I’m okay?” He was utterly bewildered. Both Marc and Selma were left completely bewildered. Marc personally stepped forward, reaching out to touch the statue, but surprisingly, there was no reaction. Marc turned toward Selma and spoke.

“Ms. Selma, nothing’s happening.” Selma had a slight frown before stepping forward to touch it again.

Buzz. A burst of golden light appeared, and Selma was sent flying once again with greater force. It seemed she had been injured, with traces of blood trickling from the corner of her mouth.

“This…” Marc was baffled. He was clearly able to touch the statue without any issues, but when Selma stepped forward to do the same, she was suddenly flung away for some reason. Selma was also flabbergasted, completely clueless about what was actually going on.

“Ms. Selma, could it be that the statue distinguishes between genders? Is it because you are a woman that it’s triggering the restraint?” Marc analyzed.

“It’s possible.” Selma nodded but then fell into deep thought. “There’s also a chance that the restraint of this statue isn’t triggered based on gender but by cultivation technique. I practiced the frost cultivation technique, which might have triggered the statue’s restraint. However, you all practiced fire magic, which likely wouldn’t have caused such a reaction. Try infusing some spiritual energy into this statue and see what changes.” A restraint reacting to different genders was indeed rare. However, it was quite common for many restraints to react differently to people with different cultivation techniques.

Marc nodded, and then gently placed his hand on the statue and started injecting spiritual energy. Streams of spiritual energy flowed into the statue, and indeed, the statue began to change. The halo around the statue grew even brighter, to the point where even the documentation device in its hand began to emit a glow.

“Ms. Selma, the cultivation technique legacy!” Marc began to shout in excitement.

“Take your time. What happened?” Selma asked.

“Ms. Selma, after I channeled the spiritual energy, I found myself able to communicate with the statue. Surprisingly, I could see the cultivation technique legacy on the documentation device. This is a celestial technique. If the Miller family inherits this, no one in Ethereal Realm will dare to mess with us again!” Marc was so thrilled that he could almost jump for joy.

Upon hearing that, everyone else was also extremely thrilled. That was, after all, the celestial technique legacy. If they all mastered it, they could achieve great things. That celestial technique legacy was way more impressive than the polar stones.

Upon hearing that, Selma felt her breath quicken, and her heart filled with overwhelming joy.

“Marc, you must immediately learn that celestial technique’s legacy. It’s vital that you master it completely. Once we return, I’ll recommend you to become an elder of the Miller family, granting you unparalleled authority.” Selma knew that she couldn’t obtain the celestial technique legacy herself. It was something that only Marc could do.

“Rest assured, Ms. Selma. I will do everything within my power.” At that moment, Marc really wanted to let out a few shouts of joy to celebrate his great fortune.

“Everyone else, protect Marc,” Selma issued orders to the other members of the Miller family.

At that moment, John had also arrived outside the grand and well-preserved mansion. However, with just one glance, John had noticed the aura within the mansion, as fluid as flowing water. However, that aura seemed to be confined within the mansion, as if it was incapable of spilling out. John controlled his aura, held his breath, and focused his mind as he slowly walked in. As soon as he stepped inside, the aura within the mansion seemed to part ways automatically. Upon entering the mansion, John was instantly taken aback.

“Celestial energy?” The aura within the mansion was unexpectedly celestial energy. Even though there was only a thin layer of celestial energy hovering above the ground, its potency was incomparably stronger than any spiritual energy.

The reason why Selma and her group, upon entering the mansion, hadn’t detected the presence of any celestial energy, was simply because they couldn’t perceive it, let alone absorb and refine it. Only when one ascended to immortality would the cultivation technique within one’s body transform and improve through the absorption of celestial energy. With the cultivation techniques they were practicing, they simply could not absorb the celestial energy.

John was different as his Focus Technique had the ability to absorb everything. “Brat, have you noticed? This celestial energy is in constant motion. That means there must be a place from where this energy is flowing. This is what keeps the celestial energy within this mansion alive. Otherwise, after all these years, this faint layer of celestial energy would have gradually faded away.” Vermilion Demon Lord spoke to John.

“Indeed, I noticed it too.” John gave a nod. He also noticed that the celestial energy within the mansion seemed to emanate from a specific location. However, John was still unsure of where exactly that might be.

Even though John was eager to absorb the celestial energy for his cultivation at that moment, he was wary. There was a chance that the Miller family members were around. The last thing John wanted was to be ambushed and killed while he was in the middle of his cultivation. Suppressing the urge to absorb the celestial energy, John cautiously made his way toward the mansion’s main hall.

John was extremely cautious, having subdued his aura to the utmost degree. If one weren’t intentionally searching, they wouldn’t have noticed where John was at all. Just as John was approaching the main hall, Selma, who had been patiently waiting with her eyes slightly closed for Marc to learn the celestial technique legacy, suddenly opened her eyes.

Selma furrowed her brows, turning her gaze toward the outside of the main hall, only to find nothing. Yet, she distinctly felt as if someone had arrived outside. Selma pointed at two members of the Miller family and spoke.

“You two, go out and investigate, then keep watch outside. As soon as anyone approaches, notify me immediately.”

“Yes, Ms. Selma.” The two members of the Miller family walked out.

At that moment, Selma absolutely wouldn’t allow anyone to disturb her and Marc. As the two members of the Miller family stepped out, a sense of tension gripped John. He knew someone had come out. However, within the confines of the mansion, there was simply nowhere to hide.

Just as John was about to be discovered, he had an idea. In the blink of an eye, he astonishingly transformed into Selma. John did his best to conceal his aura. Just by appearances, it was quite hard to tell he wasn’t actually Selma.

Meanwhile, the two individuals from the Miller family exited the main hall, beginning their investigation within the mansion’s courtyard. John, however, had circled behind the two, lightly clearing his throat. The two individuals from the Miller family were taken aback and swiftly turned around.

Upon seeing the person was Selma, they hurriedly paid their respects, saying, “Ms. Selma, why did you come out? There’s no one in this courtyard. We’ve already checked.”

“Very well. Be extra careful.” John nodded, feigning composure as he spoke.

“Rest assured, Ms. Selma, we won’t allow anyone to interfere. We’ll ensure Uncle Marc has ample time to study the celestial technique legacy thoroughly. Once the Miller family mastered this celestial technique, the other families would no longer be able to compete with us!” An excited individual from the Miller family exclaimed.
Its becoming more and more interesting


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Jan 7, 2024
We have almost reached on per. I am delaying coz if I post 30 chapters we will be waiting for single chapter everyday. Last week the author didn't post for seven days. Bummer

Should I post all remaining 30 chapters and wait for single chapter everyday?
Let's keep progressing with your pace, but we can only make it five episodes daily. Lol 😆 🤣 😂 just to satisfy our hunger, but waiting for days without any episode could be dangerous to our health and cultivation.

Celestial Lord Gily is the best

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
We have almost reached on per. I am delaying coz if I post 30 chapters we will be waiting for single chapter everyday. Last week the author didn't post for seven days. Bummer

Should I post all remaining 30 chapters and wait for single chapter everyday?
I like the pace we in now


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
Chapter 3842 - 3843 Celestial Energy?

Even though Selma was sent flying, she didn’t show the slightest bit of displeasure. On the contrary, she spoke with delight.

“To think the statue has a restraint. It seems there’s a secret within it. Or perhaps the documentation device in the statue’s hand is some sort of supreme secret manual.”

“Go and check if there’s anything recorded on that documentation device.” Marc addressed the Miller family member who had ventured in to scout the way.

At that moment, that member of the Miller family was almost brought to tears. After all, if even Selma was sent flying away by the restraint, he would be hurt even more with his weaker capabilities. However, he couldn’t just ignore the order.

At that moment, he was already cursing under his breath. Why do they always pick me? He cautiously approached, then drew closer to the statue. Eager to see the content on the documentation device, he leaned forward with all his might. Due to extreme nervousness, he suddenly threw himself onto the statue.

“Ah!” It certainly gave him quite a scare, but it seemed as though the restraint surrounding the statue had not been activated, and he was unharmed.

“I… I’m okay?” He was utterly bewildered. Both Marc and Selma were left completely bewildered. Marc personally stepped forward, reaching out to touch the statue, but surprisingly, there was no reaction. Marc turned toward Selma and spoke.

“Ms. Selma, nothing’s happening.” Selma had a slight frown before stepping forward to touch it again.

Buzz. A burst of golden light appeared, and Selma was sent flying once again with greater force. It seemed she had been injured, with traces of blood trickling from the corner of her mouth.

“This…” Marc was baffled. He was clearly able to touch the statue without any issues, but when Selma stepped forward to do the same, she was suddenly flung away for some reason. Selma was also flabbergasted, completely clueless about what was actually going on.

“Ms. Selma, could it be that the statue distinguishes between genders? Is it because you are a woman that it’s triggering the restraint?” Marc analyzed.

“It’s possible.” Selma nodded but then fell into deep thought. “There’s also a chance that the restraint of this statue isn’t triggered based on gender but by cultivation technique. I practiced the frost cultivation technique, which might have triggered the statue’s restraint. However, you all practiced fire magic, which likely wouldn’t have caused such a reaction. Try infusing some spiritual energy into this statue and see what changes.” A restraint reacting to different genders was indeed rare. However, it was quite common for many restraints to react differently to people with different cultivation techniques.

Marc nodded, and then gently placed his hand on the statue and started injecting spiritual energy. Streams of spiritual energy flowed into the statue, and indeed, the statue began to change. The halo around the statue grew even brighter, to the point where even the documentation device in its hand began to emit a glow.

“Ms. Selma, the cultivation technique legacy!” Marc began to shout in excitement.

“Take your time. What happened?” Selma asked.

“Ms. Selma, after I channeled the spiritual energy, I found myself able to communicate with the statue. Surprisingly, I could see the cultivation technique legacy on the documentation device. This is a celestial technique. If the Miller family inherits this, no one in Ethereal Realm will dare to mess with us again!” Marc was so thrilled that he could almost jump for joy.

Upon hearing that, everyone else was also extremely thrilled. That was, after all, the celestial technique legacy. If they all mastered it, they could achieve great things. That celestial technique legacy was way more impressive than the polar stones.

Upon hearing that, Selma felt her breath quicken, and her heart filled with overwhelming joy.

“Marc, you must immediately learn that celestial technique’s legacy. It’s vital that you master it completely. Once we return, I’ll recommend you to become an elder of the Miller family, granting you unparalleled authority.” Selma knew that she couldn’t obtain the celestial technique legacy herself. It was something that only Marc could do.

“Rest assured, Ms. Selma. I will do everything within my power.” At that moment, Marc really wanted to let out a few shouts of joy to celebrate his great fortune.

“Everyone else, protect Marc,” Selma issued orders to the other members of the Miller family.

At that moment, John had also arrived outside the grand and well-preserved mansion. However, with just one glance, John had noticed the aura within the mansion, as fluid as flowing water. However, that aura seemed to be confined within the mansion, as if it was incapable of spilling out. John controlled his aura, held his breath, and focused his mind as he slowly walked in. As soon as he stepped inside, the aura within the mansion seemed to part ways automatically. Upon entering the mansion, John was instantly taken aback.

“Celestial energy?” The aura within the mansion was unexpectedly celestial energy. Even though there was only a thin layer of celestial energy hovering above the ground, its potency was incomparably stronger than any spiritual energy.

The reason why Selma and her group, upon entering the mansion, hadn’t detected the presence of any celestial energy, was simply because they couldn’t perceive it, let alone absorb and refine it. Only when one ascended to immortality would the cultivation technique within one’s body transform and improve through the absorption of celestial energy. With the cultivation techniques they were practicing, they simply could not absorb the celestial energy.

John was different as his Focus Technique had the ability to absorb everything. “Brat, have you noticed? This celestial energy is in constant motion. That means there must be a place from where this energy is flowing. This is what keeps the celestial energy within this mansion alive. Otherwise, after all these years, this faint layer of celestial energy would have gradually faded away.” Vermilion Demon Lord spoke to John.

“Indeed, I noticed it too.” John gave a nod. He also noticed that the celestial energy within the mansion seemed to emanate from a specific location. However, John was still unsure of where exactly that might be.

Even though John was eager to absorb the celestial energy for his cultivation at that moment, he was wary. There was a chance that the Miller family members were around. The last thing John wanted was to be ambushed and killed while he was in the middle of his cultivation. Suppressing the urge to absorb the celestial energy, John cautiously made his way toward the mansion’s main hall.

John was extremely cautious, having subdued his aura to the utmost degree. If one weren’t intentionally searching, they wouldn’t have noticed where John was at all. Just as John was approaching the main hall, Selma, who had been patiently waiting with her eyes slightly closed for Marc to learn the celestial technique legacy, suddenly opened her eyes.

Selma furrowed her brows, turning her gaze toward the outside of the main hall, only to find nothing. Yet, she distinctly felt as if someone had arrived outside. Selma pointed at two members of the Miller family and spoke.

“You two, go out and investigate, then keep watch outside. As soon as anyone approaches, notify me immediately.”

“Yes, Ms. Selma.” The two members of the Miller family walked out.

At that moment, Selma absolutely wouldn’t allow anyone to disturb her and Marc. As the two members of the Miller family stepped out, a sense of tension gripped John. He knew someone had come out. However, within the confines of the mansion, there was simply nowhere to hide.

Just as John was about to be discovered, he had an idea. In the blink of an eye, he astonishingly transformed into Selma. John did his best to conceal his aura. Just by appearances, it was quite hard to tell he wasn’t actually Selma.

Meanwhile, the two individuals from the Miller family exited the main hall, beginning their investigation within the mansion’s courtyard. John, however, had circled behind the two, lightly clearing his throat. The two individuals from the Miller family were taken aback and swiftly turned around.

Upon seeing the person was Selma, they hurriedly paid their respects, saying, “Ms. Selma, why did you come out? There’s no one in this courtyard. We’ve already checked.”

“Very well. Be extra careful.” John nodded, feigning composure as he spoke.

“Rest assured, Ms. Selma, we won’t allow anyone to interfere. We’ll ensure Uncle Marc has ample time to study the celestial technique legacy thoroughly. Once the Miller family mastered this celestial technique, the other families would no longer be able to compete with us!” An excited individual from the Miller family exclaimed.
Those idiots have spilled the beans too early, anyways Dustin now knows about the celestial technique altho it's not like he wasn't going to know eventually


Eight Level Body Fusion Realm - Virgin Sect
Sep 17, 2023
I also like the current pace. These days I am getting more resources from Levi story. In 5 days I read 650 chapters and hoping to catch up with the current in just a few more days. The university will reopen on June 19th and then I will have to get busy to recruite more new members for the virgin sect. Who knows by that time the students enter the university, they all might be the members of the Emeka. I will also have to be careful about master Xavier group members, especially my future colleagues.


First level Tribulator
Feb 9, 2024
1. There are 13 Dragon Sect Regiment.

2. John father created these Dragon Sect Regiment

3. Drake wasn't just a butler was her? Some stupid people thought drake was John's father🤣

4 John found six Regiment so far. About the names I will see if these people here remember 😀

5. .....only one in Etheral Realm, five in mundane world 😀
Your no. 4 and five are wrong, John has found 7 Regiments of his father's Dragon Sect.
1. Templar Regiment - Ivan
2. Phoenix Regiment - Ms Phoenix
3. Shadow Estate - Michael Gray
4. Village of The Villains - Villainous Four
5. Hidden Realm Sykes(Sea Demon Beasts)- Nathan Sykes
6. Secret Realm Gunderson's - Great Elder
7. Imperial Beast City of Ethereal Realm - King Yuri


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Your no. 4 and five are wrong, John has found 7 Regiments of his father's Dragon Sect.
1. Templar Regiment - Ivan
2. Phoenix Regiment - Ms Phoenix
3. Shadow Estate - Michael Gray
4. Village of The Villains - Villainous Four
5. Hidden Realm Sykes(Sea Demon Beasts)- Nathan Sykes
6. Secret Realm Gunderson's - Great Elder
7. Imperial Beast City of Ethereal Realm - King Yuri
I forgot about Nathan Sykes. I give you this beautful lady for getting the question right. I will post chapters today in dedicated to you. I also have increased your cultivation. Get more question right you will be awarded higher cultivation than those members of virgin sect 😀1000041569.jpg


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Jan 7, 2024
I forgot about Nathan Sykes. I give you this beautful lady for getting the question right. I will post chapters today in dedicated to you. I also have increased your cultivation. Get more question right you will be awarded higher cultivation than those members of virgin sect 😀View attachment 3364
I'm absolutely 💯 jealous here... 😫 😩 😢

God when???

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
I also like the current pace. These days I am getting more resources from Levi story. In 5 days I read 650 chapters and hoping to catch up with the current in just a few more days. The university will reopen on June 19th and then I will have to get busy to recruite more new members for the virgin sect. Who knows by that time the students enter the university, they all might be the members of the Emeka. I will also have to be careful about master Xavier group members, especially my future colleagues.
So you end up chosen to be a lecturer in a university rather than working in an MNC? I am happy for you brits.. though I am sure the reason is that 18 is better than 92.. you know what I mean. mathics any comment?

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Your no. 4 and five are wrong, John has found 7 Regiments of his father's Dragon Sect.
1. Templar Regiment - Ivan
2. Phoenix Regiment - Ms Phoenix
3. Shadow Estate - Michael Gray
4. Village of The Villains - Villainous Four
5. Hidden Realm Sykes(Sea Demon Beasts)- Nathan Sykes
6. Secret Realm Gunderson's - Great Elder
7. Imperial Beast City of Ethereal Realm - King Yuri
Simply wow.. good to be reminded. Thank you Mykel .

mathics give him 1. He got it right.

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
I forgot about Nathan Sykes. I give you this beautful lady for getting the question right. I will post chapters today in dedicated to you. I also have increased your cultivation. Get more question right you will be awarded higher cultivation than those members of virgin sect 😀View attachment 3364
Look, she's staring at me like she's fallen in love.. 😂


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Jan 7, 2024
So you end up chosen to be a lecturer in a university rather than working in an MNC? I am happy for you brits.. though I am sure the reason is that 18 is better than 92.. you know what I mean. mathics any comment?
The number is better you know, just like John was absolutely overwhelmed when he was offered the whole virgin of a family.

Anyway he ran for his life lol 😆 😂 🤣
Simply wow.. good to be reminded. Thank you Mykel .

mathics give him 1. He got it right.
Delivered already

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