An Understated Dominance, Dustin Rhys story. Chapters 1301 and beyond - JUNLEE (aka Jungal2000) English interpretation

Translated by Jungal2000

This is my take on an ongoing Chinese novel by an unknown author. I've never been much of a reader when it comes to lengthy novels, but as soon as I delved into this tale, I was hooked like a fanatic. And I can't seem to stop. Unfortunately, the English version I was following only released three chapters a day, and my appetite for the story was insatiable. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started translating the Chinese text myself. Along the way, I've tried to inject some context into it because Google's translation tends to be too literal.

I've used different names for characters in my translations since they're a result of my own artistic interpretation. I began my translations from Chapter 967, which was posted in a different discussion thread. My aim is to tackle at least 100 chapters a week. However, as much as I love translating and reading this novel, I make sure to reserve my weekends for my family and friends – they're the ones who matter most to me.

The reason for this new thread is that during my two days off, some talented translators have continued where I left off. Their work is already shared and posted in my previous thread. This is fantastic news for readers looking for weekend reads. To avoid any confusion, I decided to create a new thread where I can upload and continue my translations. I'm doing all of this out of love for the story and the enjoyment I get from the process; it makes me feel like I'm a part of the narrative.

For those who are new to this, the best translations are provided by Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, and they are the work of the legendary translator Marina Vitori.

This is the tale of a prince, a legendary Kirin known as Logan Rhys. His life underwent a dramatic change a decade ago when his mother met a mysterious and untimely demise. Fueled by a relentless pursuit of truth, justice, and vengeance, he abandoned his royal palace and adopted the guise of a commoner, going by the name Dustin Rhys. The once-arrogant young prince transformed into a timid and soft-spoken individual, making him an easy target for bullies.

During these ten years, Logan secretly honed his skills and strength, undergoing a profound transformation. However, a recent divorce from his wife, Dahlia Nicholson, after three years of marriage, coupled with a series of life-altering events, pushed him back into action. Slowly but surely, he began to shed his timid persona, reemerging as the formidable figure he once was.

Join us as we follow the journey of Dustin, or Logan, as he strives to surpass, outmaneuver, and overpower entire armies and kingdoms, all through his own determination and bare hands.
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Chapter 1666 The Stigma of Desertion

The black mist bomb that Abigail just threw was a hundred times more vicious than the white mist she had created earlier.

The white mist was a slow-acting poison. After being poisoned, the limbs would weaken, and one would fall into a coma. If timely aid was provided, there was a chance of survival.

However, the black mist was different. Its powerful corrosiveness could turn a living person into a lifeless corpse in just a few seconds.

And not just any corpse, but a distorted and unrecognizable one.

"What a demonic woman!"

Ignatius looked at Abigail in the sky, grinding his teeth in hatred.

A single poison bomb had wiped out several hundred elite soldiers within a few hundred meters. The killing efficiency was simply terrifying.

If she threw a few more, almost everyone here would be doomed.

"How about it? Do you now realize how formidable I am?"

Abigail, riding on the giant eagle, shouted from a high vantage point, "Old man, if you know what's good for you, get lost immediately. Otherwise, I'll throw a few more poison bombs, and you'll have no place to be buried!"

As she spoke, she took out a few more black spherical objects, shook them threateningly in her hand.

The soldiers on the ground scattered in fear, finding cover as they could.

However, in this wilderness, there was no suitable hiding place to prevent the invasion of the poison mist.

The so-called cover was just self-consolation.

"Lord Pierce, what should we do now? Shouldn't we retreat first?"

A commander, sweating profusely, ran up, his face full of panic.

Dealing with Logan, they could rely on superior numbers and courage.

But the problem was, Abigail's poison was too powerful. They couldn't even see her, and they were losing troops left and right in the most gruesome manner. It was simply unbearable.

These were soldiers they had brought out themselves, and they couldn't bear to see them die in vain.


Nestor coldly scanned the surroundings, "The order from above is to kill Logan at all costs. Do you plan to be deserters?"

"Lord Pierce! We're not trying to run away. We just want to temporarily avoid the danger and find a way to detoxify. We can resume the mission afterward." The commander explained.

"A hundred thousand strong army forced to flee by a little girl. If this gets out, where's the dignity of the Mighty Eight commanders? Where's the royal authority?" Nestor said coldly.

"Lord Pierce, what should we do then? We can't sacrifice our brothers in vain, can we?" The commander asked with a mournful face.

It wasn't an advance, it wasn't a retreat—what should they do?

"The order from above is clear. Even if all one hundred thousand people die today, we must not take a step back!" Nestor's gaze was icy.


Hearing this, the Mighty Eight were dumbfounded.

Not even a step back even if they all died? Wasn't that treating them as cannon fodder?

"Lord! The military command is not absolute. I can't watch my brothers die in vain, so I have to disobey orders!" The commander clasped his fists, stopped talking nonsense, turned around, and shouted, "Brothers of the Red Battalion, listen to my command! Retreat!"

"Desertion on the battlefield, disrupting morale—execution!"

Nestor suddenly reached out, grabbed the commander's neck, and squeezed hard.


A crisp sound, and the commander's neck snapped, taking his entire head off, blood splattering everywhere.

The headless body trembled slightly before collapsing to the ground.

"Anyone who dares to defy orders will end up like this!"

Nestor held the commander's head and threw it directly into the Red Battalion.

This bloody and brutal scene shocked everyone, leaving them silent.

If they retreated now, not only would they be killed, but they would also carry the stigma of desertion.

By then, they wouldn't even receive compensation, and their families would suffer as well.

So, they had no choice now. Even if it meant death, they had to fight with all their might!
Officially? Supreme level

Its like
*Supreme gm
*Apex gm
*Normal gm/martial master(not sure with this but translation used them interchangeably)
*Semi gm
*Semi master
This made me wonder where the innate martial stands in the rank?
Chapter 1663 Lamb Waiting to be Slaughtered

At the foot of Zenwood, roars, battle cries, and screams filled the air.

Dustin wielded his sword alone, weaving through the hundred thousand-strong army. Wherever his sword went, it was unstoppable.

With each swing, over a dozen people fell into the blood-soaked ground.

However, regardless of Dustin's ferocity, the surrounding forces showed no signs of diminishing. On the contrary, they kept increasing.

Like surging waves, one wave after another, endlessly, as if there was no end.

Even if these hundred thousand soldiers stood still and let people chop at them, it would take at least three days and three nights to make a dent.

Moreover, these hundred thousand soldiers were elites, armored and shielded. It was not an easy task to slaughter them.

Although Dustin was powerful, slaughtering a hundred thousand soldiers on his own was clearly impossible.

Humans were not machines, and continuous high-intensity combat was not sustainable.

Every swing of Dustin's sword consumed his energy.

In the short term, it might not show, but over time, fatigue would accumulate. Gradually, his strength would be depleted, and the ultimate result would be Dustin being worn down by the sea of people.

"Hmph! Kill as much as you want. I want to see how long you can last!"

Ignatius stood at a distance, a sneer playing on his lips.

After all, it wasn't his soldiers dying. He felt no remorse.

Dustin's displayed strength could probably only kill a few thousand people at most.

Once his strength was depleted, he would become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Didn't expect that in just a year, this guy's cultivation has improved so much. Truly a disaster."

Nestor muttered to himself, expressionless.

With Dustin's talent, given a few more years, it would be truly unstoppable.

"Kill, kill, kill! Keep killing for me!"

The Mighty Eight commanded their soldiers, continuously charging forward, showing no fear of life and death.

They received the order from above, no matter what, no matter how many people sacrificed, they must complete the mission.

Just as the two sides were fiercely engaged, a white mist suddenly appeared in the distant mountains and forests.

The mist, blown by the wind, began to spread rapidly.

In just a few minutes, it had spread to the battlefield and slowly infiltrated into the crowd.

"Strange, it's so sunny now. Why is there still mist?"

The surviving sect warriors looked at the swirling mist around them, unable to hide their confusion.

"Don't be surprised, these phenomena often occur in deep mountains and forests," a middle-aged man said calmly.

"No! This mist... is a bit strange!"

At this moment, the beautiful woman from the Shadow Claw Assassins sniffed lightly, her brows immediately furrowing.

"What's strange about it?"

The white-haired elder from the Thunderous Sect asked cautiously.

"The forest is so vast, yet this white mist is coming straight toward us. Moreover, most crucially, within this mist, I smell a strange fragrance. Someone might be deliberately behind this!" the beautiful woman said with a serious expression.


The white-haired elder's face changed. "Are you suggesting that this mist is poisonous?"

"It's possible!"

The beautiful woman nodded heavily, then immediately realized the severity of the situation and ordered, "Quick! Inform Young Lord Ignatius, tell them to beware of the mist!"

As soon as she finished speaking, an unexpected incident occurred.

Several weaker female disciples from the Shadow Claw Assassins suddenly felt dizzy and weak.

After staggering a few steps, they directly collapsed to the ground with a "thud."

Seeing this scene, all the warriors changed their expressions.

Without thinking, they immediately sat down, holding their breath to drive away the poison.

Conditions permitting, they took antidotes to be prepared for the worst.

When it came to life and death, there was no room for negligence.
1662 missing 🫣
Chapter 1661 Tacit Approval

In the midst of chaos, Bladeheart faced Billy's inquiry.

Meanwhile, a hundred miles east of Zenwood, Adam Spanner urgently led an elite force towards Zenwood.

Due to the sudden turn of events, he had only five hundred soldiers under his command.

Yet, these five hundred were his personal guards, formidable in combat, with many skilled martial artists among them.

Combined, they could easily stand their ground against a regular army of ten thousand.

"Faster! Speed up!"

"Increase the horsepower, make sure we reach Tranquil Sanctuary as soon as possible!"

Adam, sitting in his carriage, urged them on relentlessly, his expression tense.

This reaction surprised the two female officials sharing the carriage. The military lord was renowned for his unflappable demeanor, always calm and collected in the face of adversity.

What's happening today? Why the impatience?

What on earth has occurred?

"How is Scarlet? Any news?" Adam suddenly inquired.

"Miss was temporarily reassigned by the clan elders for a mission, and we can't reach her at the moment. However, we've left a message, and as soon as she returns, she can rush over to provide support," one of the female officials replied.

"A mission! It's just those old coots deliberately causing trouble!" Adam couldn't help but curse.

Sending Scarlet, the strongest combatant, away at such a critical moment was clearly a ploy to draw the tiger away from the mountain.

It was evident that if the Spanner family will stay silent, they tacitly approved of Logan's murder.

"Young Master, Master Dustin is bound to be fine. You don't need to worry too much," the official comforted.

"This matter is not so simple."

Adam said with a grave expression, "The entire Stonia City is in turmoil now. Even the forces behind the imperial authority have started to act. If I'm not mistaken, the bloodbath from ten years ago is about to repeat itself!"

"What? Is it that serious?" The two female officials were startled.

The bloodbath from ten years ago stirred up a storm in Stonia, a taboo that no one dared to mention even now.

They could hardly imagine how many lives would be lost if a similar incident occurred again.

"Elder Logan, elder Logan, you must hold on. I'll be there soon!"

Adam's brow furrowed deeply, his whole body tensed.

Ten years ago, he was still underage, powerless, and unable to assist Dustin. He could only watch the bloodshed unfold.

But now, it was different. He had the capability and the confidence to confront this unjust world alongside his brothers.

So, no matter what, even if he had to sacrifice his prestigious position, he would ensure Dustin's survival, just as Dustin had protected him years ago.


Just when Adam was anxiously awaiting, the leading vehicle in front suddenly screeched to a halt.

The following vehicles were forced to brake as well.

"What's going on? Why did we stop?!"

Adam immediately pulled out the walkie-talkie to inquire.

"Sir, there's a vehicle blocking the road ahead, and we can't get through," came the prompt response from the walkie-talkie.

"Blocking the road?"

Adam frowned, jumped out of the carriage, and indeed saw a large truck a hundred meters ahead, blocking the road.

On the truck stood a man wearing a faceless mask.

"Who are you? How dare you block my way?" Adam shouted loudly.

"God of War, this road is off-limits ahead. You better turn back," the masked man said calmly.

"And what if I don't?" Adam's eyes flashed with hostility.

"If the God of War refuses to heed advice, then don't blame us for being impolite," the masked man replied.

"Hmph! Let's see if you can stop me!" Adam waved his hand and roared, "Attack!"

In this critical situation, he would show no mercy to anyone obstructing his path, regardless of their identity.
Please where is 1662?
Chapter 1667 Angry Eye Guardian

After calming down everyone, Nestor's gaze once again swept towards the sky. He coldly said, "Little girl, I don't believe the poison in your hands can kill everyone here. If you really have that ability, go ahead and try."

"What? You don't care about the lives of your subordinates?" Abigail frowned slightly.

She had a variety of poisons on her, but unfortunately, the quantity was limited. Especially the corrosive poison she had just released—she only had three of those. Even if she threw them all, it wouldn't be enough to eliminate all the enemies.

That's why she resorted to various threats, trying to scare off the enemy.

However, she didn't anticipate that Nestor would be so ruthless, completely indifferent to the lives of those around him.

"Everyone present is a brave warrior, unafraid of life and death. As long as they can complete the mission, I believe they are willing to sacrifice themselves." Nestor said indifferently.


Ignatius shouted loudly, "Demon woman! I advise you not to meddle in our affairs. If you have any sense, leave immediately, or you won't escape death today!"

"Hmph! A heartless bunch you are! Since you've chosen the path of self-destruction, don't blame me!"

Abigail's face turned cold. Without further ado, she threw the three poison bombs in her hand directly at Nestor and his group.

Capturing the leader first would likely cause the soldiers to lose morale and give up the fight.

"Lord Pierce! Move quickly!"

Seeing the poison bombs falling, Ignatius's expression changed. He quickly retreated, afraid of being touched by even a bit of it.

Although the energy of a martial arts master could resist most poisons, he didn't dare to take any risks.

After all, he had witnessed the gruesome scene of the soldiers just now.

If the energy couldn't block the corrosive poison, it would not only disfigure but also cause the skin to peel off and the flesh to rot.


Nestor didn't dodge or evade.

The massive Angry Eye Guardian once again burst out of his body. He then swung its giant palm fiercely, slamming it onto the three poison bombs.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The three poison bombs, like ping pong balls being struck, flew several hundred meters away and exploded in the crowd.

Instantly, a large amount of black mist surged out again.

Over a thousand armed soldiers were directly engulfed by the black mist.

Cries, pleas, and wails echoed continuously.

Those who were poisoned were running around wildly, while those who weren't poisoned were retreating in panic, afraid of being implicated.

Soon, the entire battlefield descended into chaos.

With the terrifying experience they just had, many soldiers had lost their will to fight, their bodies trembling uncontrollably.

Even if they were well-trained, they were ultimately human beings.

Being human meant feeling fear, anxiety, and various negative emotions.

They would rather face the enemy head-on, fighting with blood spilled on the battlefield, than be mysteriously poisoned.

"Let's see how much you can withstand!"

Abigail didn't stop. With a wave of her hands, a row of white beads appeared between her fingers and were thrown down.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang..."

The white beads hadn't even touched the ground when they suddenly exploded.

A large amount of white mist spewed out, covering a distance of several hundred meters in the blink of an eye, obscuring the vision of everyone.

Although the white poisonous mist wasn't as fierce as the black one, it had the advantage of being abundant and covering a wide range.

"Uncle! Move quickly!"

Taking advantage of the chaos caused by the black and white poisonous mists, Abigail, riding the black giant eagle, dove down directly from high altitude, flying towards Dustin's direction.

With most of her poison used up, the best choice now was to escape with Dustin.

Seeing Abigail descending, Dustin reacted quickly. With a light step, he soared into the air and landed steadily on the back of the giant eagle.

"Little Black! Let's get out of here!"

Abigail patted the back of the giant eagle.

The giant eagle let out a cry, flapped its massive wings, and instantly soared high, flying rapidly into the distance.

"Great! Finally, we're safe!" Abigail's face showed a hint of joy.
Chapter 1668 Little Black

Glancing back, Dustin saw that Nestor and the others were still struggling in the white mist, unable to discern their direction.

"Be careful!" At this moment, Dustin's expression suddenly changed. He immediately stood in front of Abigail.

True energy surged from his entire body, forming a Black Tortoise Shield on the surface of his body.


The next second, a black arrow cut through the air, penetrating the body of the giant eagle with the speed of lightning. It continued its momentum and crashed into the Black Tortoise Shield.


A loud noise.

The Black Tortoise Shield burst instantly, and the powerful impact directly sent Dustin and Abigail flying.

The giant eagle, pierced through the chest by the arrow, didn't even have the chance to scream before it fell from the high altitude and died on the spot.

"Little Black!"

Abigail exclaimed in shock.

This giant eagle was not only the ride of the Mystic Arts Order's Grand Sorceress but also an heirloom left by her mother. She cherished it greatly and even considered it a friend. She never expected it would die like this today.


Accompanied by a breaking sound through the air, the second black arrow shot out from the woods, aiming straight at Dustin and Abigail who were still in the air.

This arrow was even faster and more ferocious, containing the power to destroy the heavens and earth within it.

As the arrow passed through, even the space itself seemed to distort.

"Sky Sword!"

Dustin pointed forward, and the Sky Sword on his back unsheathed instantly. It turned into a black light and collided heavily with the arrow.


Another loud noise.

The black arrow exploded, and Dustin's Sky Sword was forcefully sent flying dozens of meters away, spinning in the air.

"Such formidable strength!" Dustin's face turned solemn.

His Sky Sword was invincible and could easily break through anything it encountered in the past. However, today, it was shot back by an arrow and almost lost control.

The strength of the person shooting the arrows was truly unfathomable!

"Who dares to shoot in secret? Show yourself!" Dustin shouted towards the distant mountain forest.


Accompanied by laughter.

A middle-aged man dressed in luxurious clothes, with a slender figure, suddenly soared into the air and landed steadily on a large tree leaf.

His body floated with the wind, as light as a feather.

There was no aura leaked from his entire body, as if he and the world had become one. It was impossible to tell the reality from the illusion.

"Just an animal, killed just like that." The man in luxurious clothes spoke indifferently.

"You dare to kill my Little Black! I will make you pay with your life!"

Abigail gritted her teeth, her face full of anger.

"Just a beast, killing it is nothing." The man in luxurious clothes said casually.

"You killed my Little Black, I want your life!"

Abigail roared, about to rush forward for revenge, but Dustin extended his hand to stop her. "Don't be impulsive! This person is not simple!"

"Hehehe... Young Master Rhys, after ten years, we meet again." The man in luxurious clothes smiled and said.

"Who are you?" Dustin asked in a deep voice.

"I am surnamed Reynolds, named Nate." The man in luxurious clothes cupped his hands.

"Are you Nate Reynolds?!" Dustin's pupils contracted, his face becoming even more serious.

Nate, a Grandmaster powerhouse, and the current Chief of the Martial Law Bureau.

Ranked eighth on the Earthshaking List!
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Chapter 1669 Erase the Entire Bloodline

Looking at the seemingly harmless man with a smile in front of him, Dustin's heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

Nestor was already extremely difficult to deal with, and now Nate had appeared.

It should be noted that Nate had been in charge of the Martial Law Bureau for many years. Not only was his strength profound and unfathomable, but he was also a ruthless character that made people shudder.

All major sects had to obey his orders. Those who did not comply would face suppression from the Martial Law Bureau, and in severe cases, they might even face the calamity of annihilation.

"It seems that Young Master Rhys still remembers me. It's truly my honor," Nate said with a smile.

"I didn't expect even the Chief of the Martial Law Bureau to take action. The Serpentsteel Royal Guardians seems to want to exterminate me by all cost!" Dustin began to accumulate strength slowly.

He had just entered the realm of Supreme Grandmaster, and facing an old Supreme Grandmaster like Nate, he had no confidence at all.

Now, he could only fight desperately.

"Young Master Rhys, you shouldn't have come to Stonia alone. Without the protection of the three top experts from the Rhys family, your current self is just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered," Nate said with a smile.

"If you want to kill me, it might not be that easy."

Dustin beckoned, and the Sky Sword "whooshed" across dozens of meters before landing steadily in his hand.

"Young Master Rhys, resisting is futile. Give yourself some dignity. If you commit suicide now, you can avoid some unnecessary suffering," Nate said.

"Go to hell! If you want to kill my master, you have to ask whether I agree or not!"

Abigail suddenly took a step forward, and a black aura surged out instantly. Above her head, a phantom of a black phoenix took form.

The black phoenix looked lifelike, imposing, and between its flaps, black flames would rise.

It looked particularly terrifying.


Seeing this, Nate couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, quite surprised. "I didn't expect that at such a young age, you've already reached the realm of Grandmaster. When did Dragonmarsh produce such a genius?"

"It's none of your business!" Abigail glared.


At this moment, Nate seemed to have figured out something and said, "Your realm is unstable. It shouldn't be cultivated by yourself, but more like some kind of inheritance. With the bloodline of a phoenix and proficiency in witchcraft, if I'm not mistaken, you should be the new Grand Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order?"

"So what?"

Seeing her identity exposed, Abigail no longer hid it. Fortunately, she revealed everything, "Mr Reynolds! I warn you, Dustin is my master. If anything happens to him today, I will make everyone in Stonia City accompany you in death!"


At the words, Nate laughed again, "Little girl, it seems you haven't figured out the situation yet. Logan has now been identified as a traitor to the country. If you dare to help him, you will be the enemy of the entire Dragonmarsh. Can you bear the consequences?"

"I don't care about the consequences. If anyone hurts my master, I will erase his entire bloodline!"

Abigail said sternly.

"Hehehe... so stubborn!" Nate shook his head. "It seems that I need to give you and the Mystic Arts Order a little insight. At least let you understand who the true master of Dragonmarsh is."

"Humph! Do you think I'm afraid of you?!"

Abigail was not afraid.

The headquarters of the Mystic Arts Order was located in the primeval forest, filled with dangers. It was easy to defend and hard to attack. Regardless of the number of troops, anyone who dared to invade the territory of the Mystic Arts Order would be in for an endless loop.

"Lord Reynolds, you arrived just in time." At this moment, Nestor had already walked out of the white mist and appeared behind Dustin and Abigail. He said loudly, "These two are full of tricks and almost escaped. To avoid any more trouble, why don't we join forces and eliminate the trouble as soon as possible?"

"Lord Pierce, you are back in time."

At this moment, Nate seemed to be smirking.

"What's the matter? Lord Pierce, as the number one expert of the imperial court, can't you deal with these two little brats?" Nate said nonchalantly.

"The so-called number one expert of the imperial court is just an empty name. In front of Lord Reynolds, it's not worth mentioning. Moreover, today's matter is of great importance. Let's focus on completing the mission and not be careless."

"If that's what Lord Pierce said, then please take the lead. I'll stand by and help you," Nate said without moving.
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Ok I am confused why the hell Abigail looks like she knew dustin's identity as Logan from the start wasn't she in the dark all along !!🧐 Or am I missing something or does it have something to do with that missing story between chapter 1017-1018 !? Any IDEAS!?
Chapter 1670 The Black Arrow

Hearing this, Nestor couldn't help but furrow his brows slightly, but he quickly returned to normal and said indifferently, "Alright, I'll follow Lord Reynolds's plans."

Although he was a bit dissatisfied with Nate's indifferent attitude, with his strength, dealing with Dustin and Abigail was not a problem at all. At most, he would need to put in a bit more effort.

"Young Master Rhys, today you won't be able to escape even if you sprout wings. Let this old servant send you to the Western Heaven!"

Nestor's words had just fallen, and he immediately turned into a residual image, rushing towards Dustin.

"Abigail! You keep an eye on Nate for me. I'll deal with this eunuch!"

Dustin's Sky Sword quivered, not dodging or avoiding, and directly stabbed towards Nestor.

The two figures quickly intertwined, starting a fierce battle.

Dustin's swordsmanship was exquisite, having received the true skill training and knowledge transfer from the Sword Sage, coupled with the blessing of the treasured sword Sky Sword, his attacks were particularly sharp, every move was life-threatening.

On the other hand, Nestor cultivated the Grand Diamond Technique, a top-notch defensive technique. Once cultivated, it was impenetrable by knives and spears, impervious to fire and water. Moreover, it could form a diamond protective layer, making it incredibly powerful.

The key point was that Nestor had maintained the body of a eunuch for decades, never releasing his essence and blood, refining the Grand Diamond Technique to the extreme.

Even though Dustin had the Sky Sword, breaking through his defenses was still difficult for a while.

As Dustin fought against Nestor, Abigail didn't dare to be distracted. Her gaze was fixed on Nate.

Both were Grandmasters, but her realm was cultivated by inheriting the power of the phoenix. Although it was powerful, due to the short time, she still hadn't completely assimilated it.

Facing a powerful figure like Nate, she had no chance at all.

However, even if she knew she couldn't win, she wouldn't retreat. Once she retreated, Dustin would be surrounded, and death would be inevitable!

"Young lady, do you want to fight me?" Nate raised his eyebrows slightly.

"So what?" Abigail said coldly.

"Hehe... courage is commendable."

Nate smiled, "Alright, today I'll give you a chance. If you can withstand three of my arrows, I'll spare your life."

"Hmph! Who said I would die!" Abigail sneered.

"The first arrow, get ready."

Nate smiled with a playful look. At the same time, he made a motion of bending a bow to shoot an arrow.

Strangely, he didn't have a bow and arrow in his hands. However, after the motion was formed, a pitch-black large bow appeared out of thin air.

On the pulled bowstring, there was also a sharp arrow emitting a cold light.


Nate released his fingers, and the black arrow shot out instantly, making a thunderous sound as it collided towards Abigail.

Abigail's pupils contracted, and she immediately dodged to the side.

However, just as she dodged, the black arrow, as if it had a spirit, suddenly turned, accurately shooting into Abigail's chest.


A loud explosion resounded.

Abigail was instantly sent flying more than ten meters away, crashing heavily into a giant rock. She spat out blood, her face pale.
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Honestly I can't deal . Can't believe I need to wait now till Monday its torture
As we've learned from this story, spitting out blood is never a good sign. Abigail might have overestimated herself …
can someone release chapter 1873 - onwards... I'm really addicted to this novel.,,please..
reuploaded... hays the site has been really not friendly to me today.... should be a good chapter, scarlet's temper in action. dont miss it. Thanks!
Where was it uploaded?
Couldn't find it either
As we've learned from this story, spitting out blood is never a good sign. Abigail might have overestimated herself …
I think she will be alive as she still needs to avenge the people who killed her father so i have a 70% faith she will be alive 😂🤣😂
I’ve read somewhere that Dustin’s gonna die and that he will be resurrected. I’m just not sure if he will die at this part.
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