"Dragon Son-in-law" a.k.a. Millionaire Son-in-law, Charlie Wade Story. Translated by Junlee (aka Jungal2000)

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Charlie Wade is a househusband son-in-law whom everyone looks down upon. However, unknown to them, his true identity is that of the young master from a top-tier family. Those who once belittled him will eventually kneel before him, trembling with fear and calling him "Master!" ...

The MC is Charlie Wade, and there's this girl Claire Wilson. They're in this savage clapback novel called "Ultimate Dragon Honcho", penned by this dude Ye Gongzi. Everyone knew Charlie Wade was the son-in-law of the Wilson family. Like, Grandpa Wilson legit pulled this broke boy outta nowhere and made him marry his grand daughter/princess, Claire. But bro's got no skills, no dough 💸, and Claire had to deal with so much BS 'cause of him. He even had the nerve to ask for money during Grandma Wilson's big party, making Claire hella embarrassed 😳. They kicked Charlie Wade out, but then plot twist! 🌀 Some butler dude shows up. Turns out, Charlie Wade's actually from the uber-rich Wade clan. The butler's like, "Come home, fam." But since his parents were, like, done dirty by the Wade fam, he's like "Nah." But he did take his grandpa’s black card loaded with 10 billion. 💳💰 #MicDrop

Author: Charlie Wade
Category: Urban Fiction
Status: Ongoing
Last Updated: October 18, 2023
Last edited:

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 1086: "Unexpected Reunion: Unveiling the Wilson Family's Arrival"

After listening, Charlie smiled and said, "Alright, you don't need to worry about where to go. Your husband will make the arrangements."

"That's great!" Claire said happily. "Then I'll wait for your arrangements!"

"Sounds good!"

After hanging up the phone, Elaine hurriedly flattered, "See, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Charlie nodded and took out his phone again, dialing George White's number.

"Master Wade! What made you think of calling me?" George asked.

Charlie replied calmly, "Elder George, my wife loves picking vegetables. I plan to allocate half of the Thomson Elite Villa to create a vegetable garden so that she can pick vegetables in the backyard every day. Can you find me the best varieties of vegetables and fruits? They should already be mature, bearing fruit, with vines, shoots, and roots intact. Can you arrange for them to be transplanted directly to Thomson Elite?"

Upon hearing this, George blurted out, "Master Wade, you can rest assured, even if you want a vegetable greenhouse, I can arrange it for you!"

Charlie continued, "Very well, let's start preparing today and transplant them to Thomson Elite tonight. I want my wife to wake up and see it tomorrow morning!"

George chuckled, "Master Wade, you really know how to take care of your wife. Don't worry; I'll make the arrangements!"

At this moment, Elaine was also thrilled. Charlie was indeed skilled at persuading people. Just one phone call, and someone was eagerly arranging a vegetable garden for him. His influence was not small at all!

She used to think that this guy would eventually run into trouble, but no matter how she looked at it, this young man seemed to be prospering more and more.

At this moment, Elaine suddenly heard a familiar voice in her ear, "Oh! Isn't this my good daughter-in-law? Why are you leaning on a crutch? I have to say, your posture is quite impressive!"

Elaine's face immediately turned extremely unpleasant.

She didn't even need to turn around to know that this voice came from her mother-in-law, the damn Madam Wilson!

But when she did turn around, she was suddenly shocked. What's going on? How did these five people gather here?

The old lady, Noah, and those two little brats, weren't they supposed to be detained for a few more days? Did they get released early?

The key question was, how did Zoraida get here? Wasn't she sent to the coal mine by Charlie's friend?

At this moment, Charlie also heard the commotion and couldn't help but frown.

He hadn't expected Zoraida to appear here.

Orvel had always been reliable, so he shouldn't have made such a big mistake as to let Zoraida escape. What had happened here?

Zoraida was a secret between Charlie and his mother-in-law, Elaine. Although later on, his wife and father-in-law found out about Elaine's gambling debt, they didn't know that Zoraida had been sent to the coal mine.

Both Charlie and Elaine assumed that Zoraida had embezzled the money and run away. So, Zoraida's sudden return was somewhat unsettling for Charlie as well.

At this moment, the usually strong-willed Elaine had already started scolding, "Who do you think you are? So, it turns out you're all from the same family, huh? What are you planning? You forgot how you got into jail last time? Do you all want me to call the police right now and have you arrested again?"

Chapter 1087: "Unfinished Business and Unwanted Neighbors"

As soon as Harold heard Elaine's taunting remarks about the detention center, Harold immediately became infuriated and said, "Elaine, take a look at yourself with that ugly appearance of yours. You've even lost two front teeth and talk like you're leaking air. What are you trying to show off here?"

Elaine was furious when she heard Harold mocking her teeth.

In the past few days since she returned, she dared not look in the mirror because she felt extremely ugly without her front teeth.

But visiting the dentist was a troublesome affair. Sometimes, even fixing a single tooth required multiple visits, let alone replacing several missing teeth.

Initially, Claire had planned to pay for her porcelain veneers, but because she had broken her leg and was immobile, she had temporarily put it off. They had agreed to wait until her leg had healed before getting her teeth fixed.

Because of her missing front teeth, Elaine had completely lost her desire to go out. Otherwise, her entire image would be ruined the moment she opened her mouth.

However, now that Harold, this little rascal, dared to mock her teeth, she couldn't stand it any longer.

So, Elaine immediately burst out, cursing, "Harold, I'm still your second aunt, and you dare to talk to me like this. Aren't you afraid of divine retribution?"

Harold sneered and said, "What kind of second aunt are you? Look at your sorry appearance. You haven't even bothered to fix your teeth. Are you planning to perform comedy without your front teeth?"

The last thing Elaine wanted to imagine was the character from a comedy skit, the old lady with missing teeth. Because her current appearance was identical to that character, hearing Harold's remarks infuriated her even more.

She then took out her phone from her pocket, gritted her teeth, and said, "Just wait, I'll call the police right now and report your invasion of a private residence. You never learn your lesson, and this time, you'll be in there for much longer!"

At this moment, Madam Wilson sneered with disdain, "Elaine, do you really think you're the only one who can afford to live in Thomson Elite?"

Elaine coldly snorted, "Of course. Can people like you, who are a bunch of losers, afford to live in Thomson Elite? It's not that I look down on you, but if you, the old hag, can afford to live in Thomson Elite, I'll twist my head off and use it as a soccer ball!"

Madam Wilson burst into laughter, "Oh, Elaine, you haven't changed a bit. Despite my frailty, I actually want to try kicking your head today!"

With that, the old lady pulled out a very exquisite key and proudly said, "Let me tell you, Elaine, Thomson Elite A04 is now mine. From today on, we are neighbors!"

Elaine retorted with disdain, "Pah! You old hag, you're really good at boasting. You can't even afford a meal, and now you're buying Thomson Elite A04? Did you sell Wendy to a rich man again? But with Wendy's looks, who would be willing to pay such a high price?"

As soon as Wendy heard this, she pointed angrily at Elaine and said, "Elaine, who are you calling a cheap woman?"

"I'm talking about you!" Elaine didn't hold back and said, "I don't know who's keeping an old man older than her father, and now you dare to come and make a fuss in front of me? What kind of person are you?"

Wendy was exposed, which naturally made her furious. She was about to confront Elaine, but Madam Wilson grabbed her and said calmly, "Wen, don't argue with this disabled person. She's already in such a sorry state. What's the point of arguing with her?"

After saying that, she beckoned to the other four people, "Let's go, let's go. We need to go to our villa and tidy up. There's no point in arguing with such a despicable person."

The others all spat in Elaine's direction before walking past her arrogantly.

Elaine still couldn't believe they could actually afford Thomson Elite. She muttered behind them, "You guys should be more moderate. If you keep showing off like this, the security will come and kick you out."

Zoraida turned around, her eyes filled with gloom as she stared at Elaine and said coldly, "Elaine, don't forget that we still have unfinished business between us!"

Chapter 1088: "Uninvited Neighbors and Suspicious Circumstances"

Elaine scolded, "Are you kidding me? Am I supposed to be afraid of you? Do you believe that I can have my son-in-law make a phone call and send you back to the coal mine?"

Since Jacob and Claire were not present, Elaine didn't care about mentioning the coal mine.

Zoraida glared at Elaine with a hostile look and was about to speak when Madam Wilson had already opened the door to Villa A04. She looked at Elaine, who was in shock, waved the keys in her hand, and said with a smile, "Elaine, what did you just say? Weren't you planning to offer your head for me to kick like a soccer ball? Come on in."

Elaine was speechless when she saw that Madam Wilson had actually opened the door to A04. How was this possible? Wasn't the Wilson family so poor that they couldn't even afford a place to live? Could it be that they had suddenly turned their luck around? And this family was going to be their neighbors? This was too frustrating...

Thinking about this, she immediately turned to look at Charlie and blurted out, "Charlie, what's going on? Didn't your friend send her to the coal mine? Wasn't it said that she wouldn't be allowed to come out in the future? How did Zoraida manage to escape?"

Charlie was also somewhat surprised. He took out his phone, walked to a quiet place, and dialed Orvel's number. "The people I asked you to send to the coal mine last time, how did one of them manage to come back? What happened over there?"

Orvel was surprised and said, "Is that possible? Master Wade, please wait a moment, let me make a call to inquire."

After a moment, Orvel called back, "Master Wade, someone bought my friend's small coal mine, and they paid three times the market price."

Charlie suddenly understood and asked, "It's the Weaver family, right?"

"Yes!" Orvel confirmed, "It's the Weaver family in Suzhou! Master Wade, are the Weaver family targeting you? Should we all come together to figure out a solution for you?"

Charlie replied calmly, "No need, the Weaver family hasn't formally taken action yet. Right now, it's just some small fry. We don't need to bother with them."

At this moment, Orvel felt guilty and said, "Master Wade, I'm responsible for not supervising effectively. Please punish me! Today, I'll arrange for someone to arrest Zoraida!"

"No need," Charlie said indifferently, "Since she's already back, let her stay here."

After that, Charlie asked, "What's the situation with the Weigard family father and son who were digging for ginseng in Evergreen Mountain?"

Orvel hurriedly replied, "The Weigard family father and son have been in Evergreen Mountain all along. Some people tried to rob them a while ago, but my men and Lorden's men drove them away. To strengthen their defense, both of us have sent more people over, and now there are nearly 20 people secretly guarding them."

"Good," Charlie nodded and said, "The Weaver family is probably looking for my enemies everywhere, so we must ensure the safety of the Weigard family. As for bringing back Zoraida, I won't hold you responsible, but the Weigard family father and son must not be released!"

Orvel said firmly, "Master Wade, please rest assured. I will instruct my subordinates to guard them closely and ensure that no one can take them away."

"Good," Charlie agreed and added, "Tell Lorden to increase manpower as well. We can't let his father and brother come back and try to snatch Weigard Pharmaceutical."

Chapter 1089: "A Frustrating Reunion and a Secret Plan"

No one feared their father and brother more than Lorden did.

If the Weaver family managed to snatch his father and brother back from Evergreen Mountain, their first order of business would undoubtedly be to help them regain control of Weigard Pharmaceutical.

Because the Weaver family definitely wouldn't want to bring back just a pair of underachieving father and son; they would prefer their allies to possess greater power.

Weigard Pharmaceutical, valued at tens of billions, was a pharmaceutical company after all. Collaborating with the Weaver family could potentially open up even more significant opportunities. So, if Donald could bring these two back and help them regain their authority, it would be like gaining an ally worth tens of billions, and a loyal one at that.

Charlie believed that after learning about this, Lorden would do everything in his power to obstruct the Weaver family's actions.

To put it bluntly, even if the Weigard father and son returned, it wouldn't matter to Charlie.

He had ten thousand ways to make the Weigard family father and son disappear instantly.

If he wanted to, he could even send Donald directly to his end.

But that wouldn't be fun.

After all, without enemies, what would make life interesting?

Since the Weaver family wanted to play, he would play along with them.

After all, there weren't many opportunities to spar with a family worth 200 billion, acting as their punching bag, and honing his skills.

In the future, he might have to return to Eastcliff, where he would face the unfamiliar Wade family.

Without learning some experience in aristocratic struggles in advance, he might not be able to handle any potential dangers.

Now was the perfect time for a little rehearsal.

Charlie hung up the phone and returned to the place where he was digging the soil. Elaine couldn't wait and asked, "Did you find out? What's going on? How did that wretched woman, Zoraida, come back?"

Charlie told Elaine, "I just asked over the phone. My friend said the black coal mine over there went bankrupt, and they got a new owner, so all the workers left. Zoraida probably took advantage of the opportunity to escape."

Elaine sighed in frustration, "How could that shameless woman be allowed to escape? Just seeing her makes me furious!"

Thinking back to when Zoraida had set her up, Elaine not only hated Zoraida but also resented Charlie.

Because at that time, Charlie had coerced Jinny into donating all the money, including the money she lost to Elaine. Originally, she had around two million in assets, but this young man had wiped it all out in one go.

If it were in the past, Elaine would have scolded him to his face for this matter. But now, she didn't dare to act tough with Charlie. After all, she was living in his villa, and her daughter was no longer on her side. So, she couldn't afford to provoke this young man now.

Charlie glanced at her and said casually, "It's meaningless to ask now how she managed to escape. Since she can move into Thomson Elite, it means she has someone backing her up now. You shouldn't mess with her for now. If she gets bullied again, we might not be able to handle it."

Hearing this, Elaine couldn't help but worry. But if she had to lower her head in front of this family in the future, she truly couldn't accept it.

Why should she?

These people were practically on their deathbeds, so why were they allowed to come back and live so well?

And they were thriving!

Chapter 1090: "Golden Rivalries and Green Thumbs: When Villas Collide"

So, she gritted her teeth and said, "Charlie, I'd suggest that someday you find an opportunity to give them a good beating, preferably break all five of their legs, so they'll have to sit in wheelchairs every day in this villa."

Charlie countered, "If they get arrested, I'll definitely go to jail. I don't mind that, but if I'm in jail, what will you do if they come to your doorstep to attack you?"

Upon hearing this, Elaine hesitated.

She had to admit that Charlie made a valid point.

The Wilson family members were numerous and influential, and with Charlie around, they probably wouldn't dare to provoke her. But if Charlie wasn't there, who could protect her?


That old scoundrel was now divorcing her, and he probably wished she'd be mistreated.

Furthermore, he was a spineless wimp. Just seeing his mother made his legs go weak. Expecting him to help was nothing but wishful thinking.

So, she could only sigh and say, "It looks like we'll have to be neighbors with the Wilson family in the future. I'm really feeling terrible about this..."


At this moment, the Wilson family was experiencing a shocking surprise in the villa!

The Thomson Elite No. A04 villa had the same layout as A05, and the previous owner had put a lot of effort into decorating it, making it incredibly luxurious.

After Madam Wilson opened the door and walked in, she was utterly stunned.

The decoration style in this house was rather extravagant, with an abundance of opulent golden decor that made it look like a palace. Charlie's A05 villa seemed much more colorful in comparison.

This was because George knew that Charlie was relatively low-key, so when he originally decorated Charlie's villa, he intentionally chose a less ostentatious decor style.

In contrast, A04 felt a bit like a high-end karaoke bar, with a touch of extravagance.

But the Wilson family members themselves were extravagant people who were extremely fond of flaunting their wealth. Moreover, none of them were particularly cultured, so they loved this kind of gaudy golden decoration.

Once they entered the living room, the Wilson family members were completely awestruck. Madam Wilson was so excited that tears welled up in her eyes. She touched everything and looked around, feeling like she was in a dream.

The others were no different. They had never seen much of the world, and when they had heard about Charlie's villa, they had been jealous. But they never expected that they would also have the chance to live in a similar villa, and more importantly, their villa appeared even more luxurious than Charlie's!

This made them even more excited.

Madam Wilson took the elevator all the way up to the third floor, to the best bedroom. When she saw the furnishings and furniture in the bedroom, she felt extremely satisfied.

The luxurious and comfortable Simmons mattress felt far from ordinary.

She had heard that a good Simmons mattress could cost hundreds of thousands, and back when Madam Wilson was in her prime, she couldn't bear to spend that kind of money.

But now, she had the chance to enjoy it.

She pushed open the door to the large balcony, where she could see the panoramic view of the villa area.

Because all the Thomson Elite No. villas had a three-story structure on top of two floors, their houses were not very tall. Standing on the third floor, they could see quite far and clearly.

Interestingly, from the third floor, they could also see Charlie's backyard.

Seeing Elaine instructing Charlie on how to plant in the backyard, Madam Wilson looked at her own backyard, which was completely bare. She smirked and coldly said, "It seems that Elaine wants to plant some flowers and plants. Well, I'll just wait for her to finish planting, and then I'll steal them. It'll save me the trouble of buying them."


Dragon Among Men
Oct 6, 2023
Chapter 1086: "Unexpected Reunion: Unveiling the Wilson Family's Arrival"

After listening, Charlie smiled and said, "Alright, you don't need to worry about where to go. Your husband will make the arrangements."

"That's great!" Claire said happily. "Then I'll wait for your arrangements!"

"Sounds good!"

After hanging up the phone, Elaine hurriedly flattered, "See, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Charlie nodded and took out his phone again, dialing George White's number.

"Master Wade! What made you think of calling me?" George asked.

Charlie replied calmly, "Elder George, my wife loves picking vegetables. I plan to allocate half of the Thomson Elite Villa to create a vegetable garden so that she can pick vegetables in the backyard every day. Can you find me the best varieties of vegetables and fruits? They should already be mature, bearing fruit, with vines, shoots, and roots intact. Can you arrange for them to be transplanted directly to Thomson Elite?"

Upon hearing this, George blurted out, "Master Wade, you can rest assured, even if you want a vegetable greenhouse, I can arrange it for you!"

Charlie continued, "Very well, let's start preparing today and transplant them to Thomson Elite tonight. I want my wife to wake up and see it tomorrow morning!"

George chuckled, "Master Wade, you really know how to take care of your wife. Don't worry; I'll make the arrangements!"

At this moment, Elaine was also thrilled. Charlie was indeed skilled at persuading people. Just one phone call, and someone was eagerly arranging a vegetable garden for him. His influence was not small at all!

She used to think that this guy would eventually run into trouble, but no matter how she looked at it, this young man seemed to be prospering more and more.

At this moment, Elaine suddenly heard a familiar voice in her ear, "Oh! Isn't this my good daughter-in-law? Why are you leaning on a crutch? I have to say, your posture is quite impressive!"

Elaine's face immediately turned extremely unpleasant.

She didn't even need to turn around to know that this voice came from her mother-in-law, the damn Madam Wilson!

But when she did turn around, she was suddenly shocked. What's going on? How did these five people gather here?

The old lady, Noah, and those two little brats, weren't they supposed to be detained for a few more days? Did they get released early?

The key question was, how did Zoraida get here? Wasn't she sent to the coal mine by Charlie's friend?

At this moment, Charlie also heard the commotion and couldn't help but frown.

He hadn't expected Zoraida to appear here.

Orvel had always been reliable, so he shouldn't have made such a big mistake as to let Zoraida escape. What had happened here?

Zoraida was a secret between Charlie and his mother-in-law, Elaine. Although later on, his wife and father-in-law found out about Elaine's gambling debt, they didn't know that Zoraida had been sent to the coal mine.

Both Charlie and Elaine assumed that Zoraida had embezzled the money and run away. So, Zoraida's sudden return was somewhat unsettling for Charlie as well.

At this moment, the usually strong-willed Elaine had already started scolding, "Who do you think you are? So, it turns out you're all from the same family, huh? What are you planning? You forgot how you got into jail last time? Do you all want me to call the police right now and have you arrested again?"

Chapter 1087: "Unfinished Business and Unwanted Neighbors"

As soon as Harold heard Elaine's taunting remarks about the detention center, Harold immediately became infuriated and said, "Elaine, take a look at yourself with that ugly appearance of yours. You've even lost two front teeth and talk like you're leaking air. What are you trying to show off here?"

Elaine was furious when she heard Harold mocking her teeth.

In the past few days since she returned, she dared not look in the mirror because she felt extremely ugly without her front teeth.

But visiting the dentist was a troublesome affair. Sometimes, even fixing a single tooth required multiple visits, let alone replacing several missing teeth.

Initially, Claire had planned to pay for her porcelain veneers, but because she had broken her leg and was immobile, she had temporarily put it off. They had agreed to wait until her leg had healed before getting her teeth fixed.

Because of her missing front teeth, Elaine had completely lost her desire to go out. Otherwise, her entire image would be ruined the moment she opened her mouth.

However, now that Harold, this little rascal, dared to mock her teeth, she couldn't stand it any longer.

So, Elaine immediately burst out, cursing, "Harold, I'm still your second aunt, and you dare to talk to me like this. Aren't you afraid of divine retribution?"

Harold sneered and said, "What kind of second aunt are you? Look at your sorry appearance. You haven't even bothered to fix your teeth. Are you planning to perform comedy without your front teeth?"

The last thing Elaine wanted to imagine was the character from a comedy skit, the old lady with missing teeth. Because her current appearance was identical to that character, hearing Harold's remarks infuriated her even more.

She then took out her phone from her pocket, gritted her teeth, and said, "Just wait, I'll call the police right now and report your invasion of a private residence. You never learn your lesson, and this time, you'll be in there for much longer!"

At this moment, Madam Wilson sneered with disdain, "Elaine, do you really think you're the only one who can afford to live in Thomson Elite?"

Elaine coldly snorted, "Of course. Can people like you, who are a bunch of losers, afford to live in Thomson Elite? It's not that I look down on you, but if you, the old hag, can afford to live in Thomson Elite, I'll twist my head off and use it as a soccer ball!"

Madam Wilson burst into laughter, "Oh, Elaine, you haven't changed a bit. Despite my frailty, I actually want to try kicking your head today!"

With that, the old lady pulled out a very exquisite key and proudly said, "Let me tell you, Elaine, Thomson Elite A04 is now mine. From today on, we are neighbors!"

Elaine retorted with disdain, "Pah! You old hag, you're really good at boasting. You can't even afford a meal, and now you're buying Thomson Elite A04? Did you sell Wendy to a rich man again? But with Wendy's looks, who would be willing to pay such a high price?"

As soon as Wendy heard this, she pointed angrily at Elaine and said, "Elaine, who are you calling a cheap woman?"

"I'm talking about you!" Elaine didn't hold back and said, "I don't know who's keeping an old man older than her father, and now you dare to come and make a fuss in front of me? What kind of person are you?"

Wendy was exposed, which naturally made her furious. She was about to confront Elaine, but Madam Wilson grabbed her and said calmly, "Wen, don't argue with this disabled person. She's already in such a sorry state. What's the point of arguing with her?"

After saying that, she beckoned to the other four people, "Let's go, let's go. We need to go to our villa and tidy up. There's no point in arguing with such a despicable person."

The others all spat in Elaine's direction before walking past her arrogantly.

Elaine still couldn't believe they could actually afford Thomson Elite. She muttered behind them, "You guys should be more moderate. If you keep showing off like this, the security will come and kick you out."

Zoraida turned around, her eyes filled with gloom as she stared at Elaine and said coldly, "Elaine, don't forget that we still have unfinished business between us!"

Chapter 1088: "Uninvited Neighbors and Suspicious Circumstances"

Elaine scolded, "Are you kidding me? Am I supposed to be afraid of you? Do you believe that I can have my son-in-law make a phone call and send you back to the coal mine?"

Since Jacob and Claire were not present, Elaine didn't care about mentioning the coal mine.

Zoraida glared at Elaine with a hostile look and was about to speak when Madam Wilson had already opened the door to Villa A04. She looked at Elaine, who was in shock, waved the keys in her hand, and said with a smile, "Elaine, what did you just say? Weren't you planning to offer your head for me to kick like a soccer ball? Come on in."

Elaine was speechless when she saw that Madam Wilson had actually opened the door to A04. How was this possible? Wasn't the Wilson family so poor that they couldn't even afford a place to live? Could it be that they had suddenly turned their luck around? And this family was going to be their neighbors? This was too frustrating...

Thinking about this, she immediately turned to look at Charlie and blurted out, "Charlie, what's going on? Didn't your friend send her to the coal mine? Wasn't it said that she wouldn't be allowed to come out in the future? How did Zoraida manage to escape?"

Charlie was also somewhat surprised. He took out his phone, walked to a quiet place, and dialed Orvel's number. "The people I asked you to send to the coal mine last time, how did one of them manage to come back? What happened over there?"

Orvel was surprised and said, "Is that possible? Master Wade, please wait a moment, let me make a call to inquire."

After a moment, Orvel called back, "Master Wade, someone bought my friend's small coal mine, and they paid three times the market price."

Charlie suddenly understood and asked, "It's the Weaver family, right?"

"Yes!" Orvel confirmed, "It's the Weaver family in Suzhou! Master Wade, are the Weaver family targeting you? Should we all come together to figure out a solution for you?"

Charlie replied calmly, "No need, the Weaver family hasn't formally taken action yet. Right now, it's just some small fry. We don't need to bother with them."

At this moment, Orvel felt guilty and said, "Master Wade, I'm responsible for not supervising effectively. Please punish me! Today, I'll arrange for someone to arrest Zoraida!"

"No need," Charlie said indifferently, "Since she's already back, let her stay here."

After that, Charlie asked, "What's the situation with the Weigard family father and son who were digging for ginseng in Evergreen Mountain?"

Orvel hurriedly replied, "The Weigard family father and son have been in Evergreen Mountain all along. Some people tried to rob them a while ago, but my men and Lorden's men drove them away. To strengthen their defense, both of us have sent more people over, and now there are nearly 20 people secretly guarding them."

"Good," Charlie nodded and said, "The Weaver family is probably looking for my enemies everywhere, so we must ensure the safety of the Weigard family. As for bringing back Zoraida, I won't hold you responsible, but the Weigard family father and son must not be released!"

Orvel said firmly, "Master Wade, please rest assured. I will instruct my subordinates to guard them closely and ensure that no one can take them away."

"Good," Charlie agreed and added, "Tell Lorden to increase manpower as well. We can't let his father and brother come back and try to snatch Weigard Pharmaceutical."

Chapter 1089: "A Frustrating Reunion and a Secret Plan"

No one feared their father and brother more than Lorden did.

If the Weaver family managed to snatch his father and brother back from Evergreen Mountain, their first order of business would undoubtedly be to help them regain control of Weigard Pharmaceutical.

Because the Weaver family definitely wouldn't want to bring back just a pair of underachieving father and son; they would prefer their allies to possess greater power.

Weigard Pharmaceutical, valued at tens of billions, was a pharmaceutical company after all. Collaborating with the Weaver family could potentially open up even more significant opportunities. So, if Donald could bring these two back and help them regain their authority, it would be like gaining an ally worth tens of billions, and a loyal one at that.

Charlie believed that after learning about this, Lorden would do everything in his power to obstruct the Weaver family's actions.

To put it bluntly, even if the Weigard father and son returned, it wouldn't matter to Charlie.

He had ten thousand ways to make the Weigard family father and son disappear instantly.

If he wanted to, he could even send Donald directly to his end.

But that wouldn't be fun.

After all, without enemies, what would make life interesting?

Since the Weaver family wanted to play, he would play along with them.

After all, there weren't many opportunities to spar with a family worth 200 billion, acting as their punching bag, and honing his skills.

In the future, he might have to return to Eastcliff, where he would face the unfamiliar Wade family.

Without learning some experience in aristocratic struggles in advance, he might not be able to handle any potential dangers.

Now was the perfect time for a little rehearsal.

Charlie hung up the phone and returned to the place where he was digging the soil. Elaine couldn't wait and asked, "Did you find out? What's going on? How did that wretched woman, Zoraida, come back?"

Charlie told Elaine, "I just asked over the phone. My friend said the black coal mine over there went bankrupt, and they got a new owner, so all the workers left. Zoraida probably took advantage of the opportunity to escape."

Elaine sighed in frustration, "How could that shameless woman be allowed to escape? Just seeing her makes me furious!"

Thinking back to when Zoraida had set her up, Elaine not only hated Zoraida but also resented Charlie.

Because at that time, Charlie had coerced Jinny into donating all the money, including the money she lost to Elaine. Originally, she had around two million in assets, but this young man had wiped it all out in one go.

If it were in the past, Elaine would have scolded him to his face for this matter. But now, she didn't dare to act tough with Charlie. After all, she was living in his villa, and her daughter was no longer on her side. So, she couldn't afford to provoke this young man now.

Charlie glanced at her and said casually, "It's meaningless to ask now how she managed to escape. Since she can move into Thomson Elite, it means she has someone backing her up now. You shouldn't mess with her for now. If she gets bullied again, we might not be able to handle it."

Hearing this, Elaine couldn't help but worry. But if she had to lower her head in front of this family in the future, she truly couldn't accept it.

Why should she?

These people were practically on their deathbeds, so why were they allowed to come back and live so well?

And they were thriving!

Chapter 1090: "Golden Rivalries and Green Thumbs: When Villas Collide"

So, she gritted her teeth and said, "Charlie, I'd suggest that someday you find an opportunity to give them a good beating, preferably break all five of their legs, so they'll have to sit in wheelchairs every day in this villa."

Charlie countered, "If they get arrested, I'll definitely go to jail. I don't mind that, but if I'm in jail, what will you do if they come to your doorstep to attack you?"

Upon hearing this, Elaine hesitated.

She had to admit that Charlie made a valid point.

The Wilson family members were numerous and influential, and with Charlie around, they probably wouldn't dare to provoke her. But if Charlie wasn't there, who could protect her?


That old scoundrel was now divorcing her, and he probably wished she'd be mistreated.

Furthermore, he was a spineless wimp. Just seeing his mother made his legs go weak. Expecting him to help was nothing but wishful thinking.

So, she could only sigh and say, "It looks like we'll have to be neighbors with the Wilson family in the future. I'm really feeling terrible about this..."


At this moment, the Wilson family was experiencing a shocking surprise in the villa!

The Thomson Elite No. A04 villa had the same layout as A05, and the previous owner had put a lot of effort into decorating it, making it incredibly luxurious.

After Madam Wilson opened the door and walked in, she was utterly stunned.

The decoration style in this house was rather extravagant, with an abundance of opulent golden decor that made it look like a palace. Charlie's A05 villa seemed much more colorful in comparison.

This was because George knew that Charlie was relatively low-key, so when he originally decorated Charlie's villa, he intentionally chose a less ostentatious decor style.

In contrast, A04 felt a bit like a high-end karaoke bar, with a touch of extravagance.

But the Wilson family members themselves were extravagant people who were extremely fond of flaunting their wealth. Moreover, none of them were particularly cultured, so they loved this kind of gaudy golden decoration.

Once they entered the living room, the Wilson family members were completely awestruck. Madam Wilson was so excited that tears welled up in her eyes. She touched everything and looked around, feeling like she was in a dream.

The others were no different. They had never seen much of the world, and when they had heard about Charlie's villa, they had been jealous. But they never expected that they would also have the chance to live in a similar villa, and more importantly, their villa appeared even more luxurious than Charlie's!

This made them even more excited.

Madam Wilson took the elevator all the way up to the third floor, to the best bedroom. When she saw the furnishings and furniture in the bedroom, she felt extremely satisfied.

The luxurious and comfortable Simmons mattress felt far from ordinary.

She had heard that a good Simmons mattress could cost hundreds of thousands, and back when Madam Wilson was in her prime, she couldn't bear to spend that kind of money.

But now, she had the chance to enjoy it.

She pushed open the door to the large balcony, where she could see the panoramic view of the villa area.

Because all the Thomson Elite No. villas had a three-story structure on top of two floors, their houses were not very tall. Standing on the third floor, they could see quite far and clearly.

Interestingly, from the third floor, they could also see Charlie's backyard.

Seeing Elaine instructing Charlie on how to plant in the backyard, Madam Wilson looked at her own backyard, which was completely bare. She smirked and coldly said, "It seems that Elaine wants to plant some flowers and plants. Well, I'll just wait for her to finish planting, and then I'll steal them. It'll save me the trouble of buying them."
I guess this is a culture thing the idea of being malicious to your family is so wrong to me, even if theu wronged you in the past... Or maybe it's a personal family thing, Charlie's actions have seemed wrong to me towards family, the idea that he is keeping it secret is baffling to me, what does he hope to gain? And, if Elaine tries to use it for her benefit then he can just say this is your own issues don't drag me into it, which isn't malicious, I don't understand why is it so difficult for no reason.


Oct 31, 2023
I guess this is a culture thing the idea of being malicious to your family is so wrong to me, even if theu wronged you in the past... Or maybe it's a personal family thing, Charlie's actions have seemed wrong to me towards family, the idea that he is keeping it secret is baffling to me, what does he hope to gain? And, if Elaine tries to use it for her benefit then he can just say this is your own issues don't drag me into it, which isn't malicious, I don't understand why is it so difficult for no reason.
Low key this, low key that... When will this Chinese writes stop all this, but I guess this is their sole aim cause it aids them in writing a story that spans around 3000 to 5000 chapters. Just look at this story now, for about 20 episodes I've not seen the bed scene between Charlie and Claire which is my main reason for continuing this story. The writer should just allow Charlie to have S£x with his wife so he can continue with the other girls too just like our Spiritual Energy Cultivator John White.


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 971: "The Urban Legend of High-Flying Nestor"

In the whirlwind city of wacky wonders, we're diving headfirst into the brain-bending brilliance of none other than Nestor! 🌪️

"Hey, Nestor," our daring main character, Charlie, chimed in, "Does Joss clock in at your fancy office gig?"

Nestor, the master of all things, flashed a sly grin. "Absolutely," he said, "Joss is my right-hand man, the wingman to my wild schemes!"

Hold onto your hats, folks, 'cause the rollercoaster's gearing up for a wild ride! 🎢

Nestor leaned in, giving Charlie a sly wink. "What do you say, pal? Wanna join my merry crew? No experience needed, just juggling cups and pouring H2O! You've got mad skills with the tea and water, after all. We'll toss in a sweet three grand a month for your trouble!"

Tea and water for three grand? 🍵💰

Charlie couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Three grand? That's a princely sum, but I think I'm too down-to-earth for the job!"

Nestor puffed up his chest. "Don't underestimate me! With me, you'd be swimming in cash! Just look at Joss; I saved him from the brink of broke-dom!"

Nestor continued to brag, "So, what's the verdict? If you're game, just give the word, and you'll be part of our crew by tomorrow!"

Joss squirmed, clearly torn. 😳

Charlie, with a mischievous glint in his eye, shook his head. "Thanks for the offer, buddy, but I'm more of a freeload-on-others kind of guy. I'll pass, my friend!"

Nestor's face turned as red as a firetruck, and he fumed, "Charlie, you're really testing my patience here! I offer a hand, and this is how you repay me?"

Aunt Lena, sensing an impending showdown, stepped in with sage advice. "Whoa, whoa, calm down, you two! We're here for a merry feast, not a fierce feud! We'll all go hungry if you keep up the bickering!"

Nestor, wearing a wounded expression, sighed, "Aunt Lena, I'm doing this for Charlie's own good! I don't usually spill my wealth-building secrets. If only he'd swallow his pride and join me, I'd turn him into a money magician!"

He turned to the crowd, pouring his heart into every word. "Folks, we're practically family! I won't lie to my kin. Listen up: I'm a top dog at a swanky investment company, part of the powerful White Group!"

"You catching my drift? Investments are the ticket to treasure! You put in some cash today, and tomorrow, you're rolling in gold! In a month, you're on your private island! We've got insider info, but I can't spill the beans to outsiders. I'm just showing Charlie the way out of sympathy for the guy, stuck in the in-law life."

The crowd hung onto his every word, and someone finally asked, "Nestor, are you for real? Can you give us a taste of that insider magic?"

Nestor nodded, playing the role like a pro. "You betcha, I'm knee-deep in the secrets game. And I've made a pretty penny; that's why I'm cruising in a Mercedes!"

But he wasn't finished, oh no! He dropped a bombshell. "Oh, and there's more! I've got a super-secret ride you won't even believe!"

An eager beaver in the crowd chimed in, "Spill the beans! What's the ride?"

Nestor burst into laughter. "A Volkswagen, my friends, a Phaeton to be precise!"

Then, with a dramatic flourish, he slapped Marion's Phaeton car key onto the table, grinning from ear to ear. "See, it's got the Volkswagen logo and the fancy 'Phaeton' in English! To the untrained eye, it's just a Passat in disguise. That's how I roll—low and stylish!" 🚗😎

But behind that smug facade, Nestor's heart was aching. 💔

Chapter 972: "The Million-Dollar Oopsie-Doodle"

Hang on to your knickers, kiddos! 🎢 Nestor's rollercoaster tale is back in action! 🚗

So, there he was, cruisin' down the street, thinking he's got it all figured out when WHAM! He slams right into a Phaeton. But here's the kicker, he thought it was just a regular ol' Passat! 💥

Talk about a million-dollar blunder! Nestor's in deep doo-doo, staring at a colossal loss, and he's sweatin' bullets, trying to figure a way out. 😱

If his master plan for the day doesn't work out, he's toast! 🍞

"Dang it!!! Is that really a Phaeton?!" cries a wide-eyed kid, spotin' the car key with the 'W12' badge. "This is like the crown jewel of Volkswagen, the top-dog version costs over 2 million bucks! It's the superhero of subtle luxury. Nestor, you're the low-key legend of our town now!"

Now, the folks watchin' this car crash drama unfold got all sorts of feelings. They sure as heck didn't expect Nestor to turn this mess into a one-man self-praise parade.

But hey, they're Nestor's loyal sidekicks, ain't no way they're spillin' the beans.

Nestor, cool as a cucumber, chimes in, "You know, us finance folks, we thrive in the shadows. It's a gold mine, I'm tellin' ya! Once the word's out that you're the master of secrets and the king of making money, everyone and their grandma wants a piece of your pie."

Another curious cat asks, "Hey Nestor, what flavor of Phaeton did you order?"

Nestor, with an ego bigger than a blimp, grins and says, "Oh, I got me a Phaeton, the W12 edition – that's twelve cylinders of pure power!"

The guy gasps, "Good gravy, Nestor! Isn't that the top-shelf Phaeton, costin' a crazy two hundred million?"

Nestor shrugs it off like it's no biggie, "Aw, it's just a little somethin'."

And he keeps the show rollin', "You know what? I didn't even spill the beans about my real income earlier. In the fund world, we focus on just 1 or 2 funds a month. If they do the money dance our way, each one can cough up several hundred thousand bucks or even more."

At this point, someone leans in, eyes twinklin' with desire, "Nestor, we've been buddies forever, right? If you've got a money tree, how 'bout sharin' a few leaves? I'm 'bout to tie the knot, and my future mother-in-law is waving the 300,000 dowry flag. My pockets are emptier than a sieve, and I've got a measly hundred grand stashed away. If things keep goin' like this, I won't even make it to the altar..."

Charlie spots this guy, Jerome, an orphan just like him.

Hearin' that Jerome scraped together a hundred grand, Nestor's gears start turnin'.

He can't help but say, "In the fund game, it's all about riding the money train. The fatter your wallet, the juicier your gains. Your spare change won't cut it."

Jerome pleads, "Nestor, this is my entire dowry, not a dollar more..."

His voice shakes as he continues, "Nestor, let me spill the beans here. As an orphan, I've had a rough go. No parents, no cash, no skills, barely literate. I break my back doin' grunt work for peanuts. And now, I can't even afford to say 'I do.' Please, be a good pal and toss me a lifeline!"

Nestor puts on a show of hesitation, "Buddy, let's keep it real. To play in the fund field, you need deep pockets. Your piggy bank won't get you a ticket."

With a heavy heart, he adds, "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, buddy. Don't hold it against me." 😔

Chapter 973: "The Tricky Trickster's Concoction"

Hold on tight, kiddos, 'cause we're about to take a wild ride through Nestor's twisted playbook! 🎩🔮

You see, Nestor had more tricks than a magician at a circus, and one of his favorites was playing hard to get, like a wily fox leading a merry chase.

Now, what was Nestor's day job, you ask? He was the grand puppet master behind a fraudulent fund scheme, a classic bait-and-switch operation, as shady as those mysterious bedtime stories that vanish like a ghost! 🕊️💨

The name of the game? Reel in unsuspecting folks, convince 'em to pour their hard-earned cash into these so-called funds. But here's the kicker: these funds were about as profitable as a chocolate teapot! Once you were in, your money was gone with the wind, no refunds!

But today, Nestor had a sneaky twist in mind. He wanted these poor souls to hand over their moolah so he could 'invest' it for 'em in these financial black holes. He'd use their dough to save his own skin first! 🌪️💰

When Jerome got wind of this, he went bonkers. He was already scraping the bottom of the barrel, hoping to hit the jackpot. He thought Nestor was his golden ticket, but now, he felt like a fish outta water in a high-stakes poker game.

So, with tears in his eyes, he begged, "Brother Nestor, you gotta help me out here. I'm hanging by a thread. My life is like a circus on fire, and you can't let my sweetheart leave me hangin'."

Nestor, keeping up his act, replied, "Buddy, it ain't that I don't wanna help. The problem is your piggy bank's lighter than a feather in a hurricane!"

But then, a lightbulb flashed above Nestor's head, and he grinned like a Cheshire cat, "Wait a second, I've got a dazzling idea to get you outta this pickle!"

Jerome leaned in, eyes wide as saucers, "Spill the beans, Brother Nestor! I'm all ears!"

Nestor laid it all out, "I've got some pals who dabble in online loans. All you need is an ID, and you can score some dough. Each loan might not be a fortune, but if you hit up a few of 'em, you can stack up a pretty penny. Let's say you borrow around four or five hundred grand, add your hundred grand to the pot, and bam, you've got at least six hundred grand. Toss that into the fund, and doubling it in a week is a piece of cake!"

Jerome, ecstatic and choked up, gushed, "Brother Nestor, your words are like a treasure map to me! Please, lead me to these online loan goldmines!"

Nestor beamed, "I'll point you to some loan app hotspots in a jiffy."

Jerome couldn't hold back his gratitude, "Brother Nestor, you're my savior, my ticket outta this jam!"

Now, Jerome, a guy with limited options, had just snagged himself a girlfriend, a second-hand model, if you catch my drift. And right when wedding bells were chiming, his future mother-in-law slammed the door in his face, sending him into a tailspin.

Desperation led him right into Nestor's web, like a lamb to the wildest rollercoaster in town.

Nestor, seeing the desperation in Jerome's eyes, hatched a plan for a grand swindle. He wanted Jerome to dive headfirst into a sea of online loans, piling up tens of thousands. Then, Nestor would toss in his own stash, filling the 600k-sized gap.

If he could rope in a few more suckers like Jerome, his money troubles would be history.

As for Jerome's future, tangled up in a dance with online loan sharks, well, that wasn't Nestor's problem. If folks played with fire, they got burned.

Meanwhile, some of Nestor's buddies from the old orphanage smelled the scent of six figures and couldn't resist the call of the wild. One of 'em piped up, "Hey, Brother Nestor, can we hop on this gravy train too?"

Nestor, poker-faced, shot back, "As long as you've got some cash to throw in the pot, I can sprinkle a little magic dust on your dreams. If your wallet's looking a tad slim, take a cue from Jerome: snag a loan from those online platforms, make a quick buck, and pay it back later. It's what we call 'borrowing chickens to hatch golden eggs!'" 🐔🥚💸

Chapter 974: "The House of Cards"

In the midst of our little gathering, there was that one bold soul who couldn't resist the siren call of riches. "Count me in, Brother Nestor, count me in!" they exclaimed with glee.

But Aunt Lena, with a lifetime's worth of wisdom packed into every wrinkle, couldn't let this rollercoaster of a plan go unchecked. She chimed in, "Hold on, Nestor! The TV's been buzzing about these online loan sharks lately. Interest rates? Through the roof! Compound interest? Scarier than a ghost story. We should steer clear unless it's a 'life-or-death' kinda situation."

Nestor's grand scheme was now in the hot seat, and he wasted no time mounting a defense. "Aunt Lena, you're such a worrywart! Those platforms you're talkin' about are like loan sharks on steroids. But my buddy's platforms? They're like the superhero squad of lending, legit as they come. Interest rates won't even tickle your wallet. When you compare it to the returns from my fund, it's basically chump change!"

He cranked up the charm, "Honestly, I wouldn't usually bother with this circus, but we go way back, me and my orphanage crew. I can't bear to see my buddies suffer, so I'm the one donning the cape."

Jerome, eyes sparkling with dollar signs, couldn't wait, "Brother Nestor, forget the fine print! Just toss me those loan apps, and I'll fire 'em off like fireworks on New Year's Eve. Then I'll bundle 'em up nice and neat for ya!"

Now, Charlie, our silent observer, decided it was his time to shine. He peered at Nestor with a twinkle in his eye and asked, "Nestor, you mentioned working for a company under the White family. But if my memory serves me right, the Whites aren't exactly known for their fund business, are they?"

Nestor's poker face gave a twitch, and he shot back, "Charlie, no offense, pal, but the Whites are like the buffet of wealth, serving up every financial dish under the sun. What would a small fry like you know about it?"

Charlie, the picture of cool, just grinned and kept prodding, "So, what's the name of your company then?"

Like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat, Nestor whipped out his business card, complete with the fancy title: "Investment Director."

Charlie's memory gears started turning. Harley Insurance Fund Investment and Financial Management Company? Ah, yes! The same company that had swindled his dear mother-in-law! Owned by the big, bad wolf Harley Zhou, with the notorious Orvel as his shadowy protector. Anybody who dared invest ended up watching their money vanish into thin air. Victims were muzzled, all thanks to Orvel's shady connections.

To Charlie's surprise, Nestor was a key player in Harley Zhou's twisted carnival of scams!

Now, Nestor had never crossed paths with Charlie during his debt-collecting days, but if he had, he'd be begging for mercy today.

Charlie, with a sly grin, asked, "Aren't the big boss's initials Harley Zhou? As far as I know, he's not part of the White clan. Are you just spinning a web of tales here, buddy?"

Nestor could feel a bead of sweat forming on his brow. How in the world did Charlie know about his company, and even the boss's name? The game might be up!

But before Nestor could muster up an excuse, Jerome, his patience as short as a stick of dynamite, scolded Charlie, "Charlie, what's eatin' ya, buddy? Brother Nestor's trying to lead us to the treasure chest, and you're here playing detective. Are you sore 'cause Brother Nestor didn't hand you a golden ticket?"

Charlie glanced at Jerome, marveling at his utter lack of discernment and street smarts. This poor fella, without a hint of education or the ability to sniff out a con, was about to take a leap into quicksand. Seeing this, Charlie just grinned and waved it off, "My bad, my bad, must've been my wild imagination running wild." 🤥

Chapter 975: "The Gigantic Feast of Friendship 🦐💰"

Charlie, bless his not-so-overflowing kindness, was more about transactions than handouts. He had a heart, but it wasn't a charity case; you had to show some appreciation. If you didn't, well, you were on your own, my friend! Some people, as Charlie saw it, needed a dose of life's lessons, served up piping hot.

Charlie swiftly cut to the chase, "If you've got money on your mind, save it for the group chat. We're here to treat Aunt Lena, and we haven't even given our taste buds a mission!"

Nestor, seizing the chance, perked up and said, "Let's turn the menu into Aunt Lena's playground. She's the queen of this culinary adventure!"

Aunt Lena waved her hands, "No fuss, no fuss. I've never been to such a fancy restaurant; I wouldn't know a lobster from a leprechaun. You youngins decide."

Nestor, the decision-maker supreme, grinned, "Leave it to me!"

Flagging down the waiter, he had a mischievous twinkle in his eye as he placed an order, but this time, he had a crafty agenda: selecting only the wallet-walloping wonders.

First up, the top-tier abalone dish, a jaw-dropping $1888 per person! 😲💸

Jerome, spotting the menu, blurted out, "Hold up, Nestor, isn't this over the top? This one dish alone could feed a small village! We can't afford this!"

The grand plan was for Nestor to foot half the bill, and the others would chip in. But even with Nestor's share, this lavish feast looked like a financial rollercoaster for the gang.

Nestor shot Jerome a look of disbelief, "No wonder your future mother-in-law is fixated on dowries. With your penny-pinching tendencies, she's probably safeguarding her daughter! Imagine if you were treating her today with this thriftiness. What impression would that leave?"

Jerome's cheeks flushed, and he muttered, "Nestor, I'm not swimming in riches like you. I'm just trying to save a buck. I'm living on a hundred dollars a week, sipping cold water and nibbling on steamed buns in my company dorm. I even debate buying an electric kettle..."

Nestor's tone turned icy, "No wonder you're skating on the edge of broke. With your mindset and spending habits, you're on the fast track to being a 'who's that?' instead of a 'who's who.' Money's like a superhero—it's only worth something when it's out there, fighting evil. Otherwise, it's just colorful paper in your wallet or digits in your bank account. Besides, I promised to help you rake in some cash. If you can't even splurge a little on a meal, maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree. My bad."

Jerome clamped his mouth shut, realizing Nestor was his golden ticket. Offending him would be like trying to fly without wings—impossible. What future lay ahead without Nestor's wisdom?

The others, though squirming at Nestor's extravagant choices, kept quiet after witnessing the Jerome spectacle. They figured since Nestor was paying half, and they were many mouths to split the rest, it'd be pretty awkward to bellyache about empty wallets.

And at that very moment, Nestor turned to the waiter and announced, "Bring us a 5-kilogram lobster!"

The waiter nodded, his professional smile unwavering, "Of course, sir. Our deluxe lobsters are priced at $688 per kilogram. Is that acceptable to you?" 🍽️🦞💰
They would probably learn their lesson the hard way


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 986: "Charlie's Surprise Move"

Nestor, in particular, was utterly flabbergasted. What on earth was happening? Had 2 million dollars actually landed on his lap?

After all, wasn't Charlie just the son-in-law who was essentially freeloading, a guy with no real value? How in the world did he manage to accumulate such a substantial sum of money?

The others, too, realized they had seriously underestimated Charlie. They never anticipated that this son-in-law, who had married into the family, wielded such remarkable influence.

Not only had he effortlessly donated 1 million dollars, shocking everyone present, but his friend, upon hearing about Charlie's donation, willingly pitched in an additional 1 million dollars for a charity organization with no personal ties. Who was this mysterious friend, and why were they so astonishingly generous?

At this very moment, Charlie rose from his seat, locking eyes with a bewildered and disheveled Nestor. He uttered, "Nestor, I reckon everyone's smartphones are still rolling. My 1 million has already made its way to the intended destination. But what about your 10 million? When can we expect your transfer?"

Nestor was left utterly dumbfounded. The truth was, donating 10 million dollars was a monumental stretch for him right now. In fact, he might not even have 100,000 dollars to his name at this very moment.

Moreover, he had a massive financial hole to fill, and if he couldn't cover it, his situation could turn dire, to say the least.

Facing this grim reality, Nestor came to terms with his impending loss of face. Any attempts to regain his pride would be in vain.

So, tossing caution aside and setting aside his ego, he turned to Charlie and said, "Charlie, given your wealth, why don't you let me help manage your assets? I guarantee I can double your fortune within a week!"

Charlie, wearing a wry smile, asked, "So, you're not going to donate the 10 million anymore?"

Nestor awkwardly replied, "You know, I was just kidding. Even though I'm doing reasonably well, I don't have that kind of money. I admit I underestimated your position. Please, forgive me for my ignorance, and don't stoop down to my level."

The others couldn't resist poking fun at him, saying, "Nestor, that's a bit much. Charlie has already donated 1 million, and his friend chipped in another 1 million. At the very least, you should keep your promise. Even if you can't muster 10 million, donating 1 million would be somewhat acceptable!"

Nestor's face turned sour, but at this point, he realized that continuing his charade was futile. After all, everyone was recording videos, and if he persisted with arrogance, those recordings would tarnish his reputation permanently.

So, he reluctantly slapped himself a few times, admitting guilt, "I confess, I was mistaken. I was pretending to be someone I'm not. I don't have that much money. I'm sorry!"

As he uttered these words, Nestor couldn't help but seethe with frustration. He thought about Jerome and a few other friends who had planned to invest in his fund. Seeing his public humiliation, they would likely withdraw their support.

This meant he had no idea how to secure the funds for Marion Molino to purchase the Phaeton.

With these distressing thoughts, Nestor, utterly embarrassed, hastily rose from his seat and declared, "Ladies and gentlemen, I have pressing matters to attend to. I must take my leave..."

As he made his hasty exit, the onlookers couldn't help but feel a surge of disdain. He had been so boastful earlier, and now he fled like a coward without donating a single cent. It was nothing short of revolting.

Gian, witnessing Nestor's escape, couldn't help but sigh, "Charlie, we shouldn't have let him off so easily. We should've compelled him to donate the money right here!"

Charlie responded with a nonchalant smile, "If I had done that, I would've played the villain, don't you think? Let him go. The wicked often bring their misfortunes upon themselves."

Jerome, ever the opportunist, panicked at the sight of Nestor's departure, fearing his own impending marriage might be at risk. He hurriedly chased after Nestor.

Once Nestor left, Joss, who had been Nestor's sycophant, sneered with disdain, "I've seen through Nestor now. He's nothing but a show-off! It's laughable how he cried like a baby when he scratched someone else's Phaeton. Yet here, he had the audacity to claim that Phaeton as his own. He's utterly worthless. I must distance myself from such a fool!"

The bystanders were taken aback and immediately inquired, "He scratched someone else's Phaeton? What exactly happened?!"

Chapter 987: "The Car Swap Conundrum"

Joss, seeing everyone's keen interest in the story of the crashed Phaeton, passionately recounted the entire sequence of events surrounding Nestor's car accident.

The crowd was left in stunned silence.

It was simply beyond their imagination that Nestor could possess such shamelessness. To crash into another car and then brazenly walk away with the keys, all while boasting about owning a Phaeton, was beyond belief.

This incident turned everyone's perception of Nestor upside down.

However, Jerome, who had hastily followed Nestor out of the hotel, had just missed this gripping tale.

He trailed Nestor to the parking lot, unaware that he was about to become a part of this unfolding drama.

Oblivious to Jerome's pursuit, Nestor, seething with anger, wrenched open the door of Marion's Phaeton and plopped down in the driver's seat.

Suddenly, a figure appeared at the car window.

Initially startled, Nestor then recognized Jerome, sporting a sycophantic smile.

He lowered the window and cast a cold gaze at Jerome, asking, "What do you want?"

With a fawning grin, Jerome replied, "Brother Nestor, you arrived in a Mercedes, and now you're in a Volkswagen? Is this the Phaeton? The interior looks incredibly luxurious!"

Nestor retorted, "Didn't I explain? I had a car accident on the way here, and the Mercedes couldn't be driven anymore. So, my driver brought this Phaeton."

Jerome, oozing admiration, gave a thumbs-up and continued with his flattery, "Brother Nestor, you're truly extraordinary. Compared to you, us orphans from the orphanage are merely ants!"

He went on, "Brother Nestor, you're a man of immense capability, adaptable and resilient. Unlike that fool Charlie, who recklessly donated a million to the orphanage just to win a bet. He must be out of his mind!"

In that moment, Nestor felt like he'd stepped into a bizarre alternate reality.

He had expected that losing the bet to Charlie would expose his true nature to all his peers. However, to his astonishment, Jerome was still fawning over him with unwavering devotion.

It appeared that this guy was dead set on tagging along and making a quick buck.

Nestor, for the first time since the bet, felt a glimmer of hope in Jerome.

He cautiously inquired, "Do you still want me to assist you with that fund?"

Jerome nodded eagerly, saying, "Absolutely, Brother Nestor. My chance of getting married depends entirely on you."

With an air of indifference, Nestor replied, "Hop in the car."

Taken aback, Jerome asked, "Where are we headed?"

Nestor responded, "Didn't you mention you left your ID behind? I'll drive you back to your dormitory now, so you can sort out those loan applications. We'll kickstart the fund first thing tomorrow morning."

Jerome, brimming with joy, exclaimed, "Brother Nestor, you're incredibly generous!"

He hastened to the passenger side, opened the door, and hopped in.

Nestor fired up the car and, following Jerome's directions, navigated towards the dormitory where Jerome worked.

Jerome was employed at a suburban printing factory, toiling tirelessly six days a week, with a meager monthly salary just above 3,000 dollars.

The fact that he had managed to save over a hundred thousand dollars on such a paltry income was a testament to Jerome's frugal way of life.

Upon reaching Jerome's dormitory, Nestor took a seat on the lone chair, and Jerome swiftly produced his ID card, opened the loan applications, and began the process of uploading his information and applying for loans.

Chapter 988: "The Loan App Temptation"

Discovering that the interest rates on these loan apps were ridiculously high, with some demanding borrowers to return 130,000 dollars for a loan of just 70,000 dollars in a week, Jerome couldn't help but express his concern to Nestor.

"Brother Nestor," he asked, a hint of worry in his voice, "aren't the interest rates on these loan apps sky-high? They're nearly matching the returns from your financial products. If I borrow from them for investment, won't I just be working for these apps?"

Nestor waved his hand dismissively and replied with a confident smile, "Don't fret. The loan apps I recommended are run by friends of mine. The interest may look steep, but I can arrange to have it waived for you."

He continued, "The reason they display such high interest rates is to maintain a facade. The actual operation is more complex than it appears. You don't need to worry; just follow my lead."

Jerome, who had been on the losing end for most of his life and had seldom encountered opportunities to make money, now viewed Nestor as his lifeline. He was determined to hold on without a trace of doubt in his words.

Under Nestor's guidance, Jerome ended up borrowing nearly 500,000 dollars from over a dozen loan apps. He didn't bother calculating the interest on this sum because Nestor assured him he wouldn't have to pay a cent in interest on the borrowed 500,000 dollars.

Subsequently, Jerome transferred all the borrowed money, along with his entire savings totaling 620,000 dollars, to Nestor.

Unbeknownst to Jerome, his eagerness for a good deal had led him straight into a massive trap.

Nestor, having received 620,000 dollars, was secretly thrilled. However, this amount still fell short of solving his own financial problems.

After losing 100,000 dollars at dinner earlier that day and still being short by several hundred thousand dollars, he promptly turned to Jerome and said, "Quickly, call your girlfriend. Let her know you've found a way to earn a 20% return in a week and ask if her mother would be interested in investing with you."

Jerome eagerly nodded and dialed his girlfriend's number.

As soon as the call connected, Jerome asked excitedly, "Janine, what are you up to?"

On the other end, his girlfriend made some unusual moaning sounds and replied, "I... I'm at home... what's going on?"

Confused by the strange noises, Jerome asked, "Janine, what's that sound?"

His girlfriend explained, "Oh, my back hurts, and I'm lying on the bed trying to relieve the pain by twisting my waist..."

As she spoke, she emitted a moan that seemed to blend pain and pleasure.

Jerome, concerned for her, quickly advised, "Janine, if your back hurts, don't continue twisting it. You might make it worse."

From the other end of the call, there were more creaking sounds, as if the mattress was being subjected to vigorous activity.

Standing beside him, Nestor's expression turned one of shock.

He had already realized something was amiss with the sounds coming from the other end. There was a 99% chance that Janine was engaged in an intimate act with another man!

But Jerome, metaphorically speaking, remained blissfully unaware. Was he incapable of sensing it? This man may have been overly greedy for small gains, but could he really be this oblivious?

Chapter 989: "The Scream and Financial Follies"

Right at that very moment, Janine, on the other end of the phone, let out an unexpected, ear-piercing shriek that sent Nestor's heart racing on a wild rollercoaster ride.

That sound? It was eerily familiar. Could it possibly be the unmistakable cry of sheer delight?

But Jerome, with genuine worry etched on his face, spoke up, "Darling, if you're not feeling well, please, don't push yourself too hard in your practice. If it gets worse, it'll break my heart."

In the midst of uncontrollable groans, Janine hastily asked, "Jerome, do you...have any urgent matters to attend to? If not, I might need to hang up. I'm at a crucial point in my practice, and quitting now would be a total waste..."

Jerome couldn't contain his excitement as he exclaimed, "Janine, I've got some thrilling news. A close buddy of mine introduced me to an investment opportunity that promises a whopping 20% return in just one week. Maybe you could check with your mom if she's interested?"

Janine couldn't hide her disbelief. "Jerome, are you for real? Do you know what's going on in the financial world right now? Average's annual yield is less than 3%, and you're telling me your friend can pull off a 20% profit in a week? Seriously, what kind of nonsense is this?"

In a panic, Jerome blurted out, "Janine, my friend is absolutely incredible. He drives a Volkswagen Phaeton, you know? The most expensive Volkswagen car, worth over two million. And today, he treated us to a meal that cost a hundred grand."

Janine scoffed, "So you met a rich guy and had an expensive meal? Do you really think I'm gullible enough to swallow your stories?"

Jerome quickly added, "Janine, I'm not lying. I'll soon have enough for a dowry. I'll ensure you live comfortably, and you won't have to sell cigarettes and e-cigarette pods in your social circle every day. I'll take care of you and provide for you."

Janine fired back with fury, "What? Are you looking down on me? What's wrong with my job? I easily make 5,000 dollars a month, and sometimes, with generous customers, I can pull in over 10,000. You don't even earn 3,000 a month. How dare you boast about taking care of me and giving me a better life?"

Emotionally, Jerome confessed, "Janine, I'm not trying to belittle you. I'm just concerned that dealing with contraband isn't safe. What if you get caught by the police someday? What would I do?"

Janine snapped, "Quit doubting me and scram!"

With that, she hung up the phone abruptly.

Jerome turned to Nestor, looking embarrassed, and said, "I'm sorry, Nestor. My girlfriend might not fully believe us, but she hasn't met you yet. Once she does, she'll definitely trust you. How about we arrange for you to meet her tomorrow so you can talk to her?"

Nestor waved it off and said, "No worries, no worries! If this deal doesn't pan out, it's okay. If she doesn't believe it, maybe it's just not meant to be. Let's not push it."

In reality, Nestor could tell from that phone conversation alone that Janine was no ordinary gal.

Being intimate with another guy while on the phone with her boyfriend and not hesitating to give him a piece of her mind? That took some serious guts. She must be quite the character!

And her sharp wit? She could probably outsmart a whole roomful of people!

If she ever found out that Jerome had handed over 620,000 dollars, she'd surely find a way to get her hands on that cash.

So, he cleared his throat, looked somewhat awkwardly at Jerome, and cautiously asked, "Jerome, how long have you been dating your girlfriend?"

Chapter 990: "Jerome's Unusual Tale"

Jerome responded promptly, "We've known each other for three years and have been together for two."

Nestor probed further, "How did you two cross paths?"

Jerome grinned and began her story, "Well, at that time, I needed a favor to get into a company, and they requested me to bring them two packs of Zhonghua cigarettes."

"I thought, 'Wow, Zhonghua cigarettes don't come cheap! A single pack can cost several hundred dollars, and two packs would be over a thousand!' So, I decided to explore more budget-friendly options. I scoured the internet and, behold, I stumbled upon someone selling them at a lower price. It was Janine! She had a deal on smuggled Zhonghua cigarettes, only two hundred dollars per pack!"

Nestor's expression turned extremely awkward upon hearing this. He inquired, "Jerome, tell me, which country manufactures Zhonghua cigarettes?"

Jerome instinctively replied, "China."

Nestor nodded and prodded further, "Then why did you search for smuggled Chinese cigarettes when they're produced right here?"

Puzzled, Jerome furrowed her brow, saying, "Ah, Brother Nestor, that's a head-scratcher, isn't it? I can't quite figure it out either. Maybe Janine has some special sources?"

Nestor sighed and posed another question, "So, after you purchased those two packs of smuggled Zhonghua cigarettes from your girlfriend, did you manage to get your task done?"

"No," Jerome confessed, a hint of disappointment in her voice. "I handed over the cigarettes, and then there was no follow-up. Later, when I tried to contact them, they blocked my number. I still remember this incident. Every first and fifteenth day of the lunar month, I burn two dollars's worth of paper money on the roadside, cursing that swindler who duped me out of two packs of cigarettes."

Nestor shook his head, exasperated, muttering, "You truly are something..."

He continued, "Jerome, you've been in a relationship with your girlfriend for two years. Have you two been intimate?"

Jerome blushed, bashfully replying, "We wanted to, but haven't yet. Janine told me she wants to save her most precious first night for our wedding day. I respect her choice."

Nestor rubbed his temples and inquired, "Didn't you find anything peculiar about the sounds she was making during that phone call earlier? Under what circumstances would a woman make those sounds? Not just the moans but also the creaking of a mattress. Think carefully, think about those Japanese movies you might have seen, the straightforward ones with only one man and one woman."

Nestor hoped to provide Jerome with a hint, believing that his words would surely enlighten her.

To his surprise, Jerome replied earnestly, "Of course, a woman would make such sounds when she has a twisted waist and needs to exercise it in bed."

She added sadly, "It's a shame my dorm is so far from her place; otherwise, I'd have bought her some adhesive plasters."

Nestor sneered, "Forget the plasters; you might as well get a couple of boxes of emergency contraception, or there might be some unexpected issues."

"What?" Jerome asked in a hurry, "Is that for treating waist problems? Does it work? Is it expensive? How much for a box?"

"Never mind," Nestor waved his hand dismissively, "You just stay put. I have to go. I'll sort out your financial matter as quickly as possible. If everything goes smoothly, you should have your money within a week!"
This Jerome is really a block head,only know how to figure out shortcut to wealth making but can't fathom just mere moaning sounds and mattress creaking and what it means 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
This guy is really blockhead idiot 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.

Let me laugh my ass out

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 1091: "Midnight Gardening and Empty Stomachs: The Wilson Family's Villa Dilemma"

Charlie didn't really take the Wilson family seriously.

After all, in his eyes, these people were nothing more than clowns.

Moreover, he was certain that they wouldn't dare to trouble him.

Besides, Zoraida undoubtedly harbored deep hatred towards Elaine, so he guessed that the Wilson family's future focus would probably be on his mother-in-law.

In a way, this was a good thing, as villains often meet their match in other villains.

His thoughts then fully shifted to building a vegetable garden for his wife.

At this time, George White was fully engaged in visiting various vegetable planting bases, seeking to purchase high-quality vegetables and fruits.

By the afternoon, he had already collected many healthy and green organic varieties.

Charlie wanted his wife to wake up the next morning and see the vegetable garden below, so he had George bring people over in the dead of night to work on the garden, filled with vegetable and fruit plants.

At this moment, the elderly Mrs. Wilson was looking at the luxurious kitchen in the villa, at a complete loss.

The villa was excellent in every way - the design, appliances, and furniture - but the kitchen lacked even a drop of oil or a grain of rice.

Without anything, it was impossible to cook.

Everyone had set out from the Weaver family in the morning, traveling from Suzhou and Hangzhou to get here.

Now it was six in the evening, and it was almost time for dinner, with everyone's stomachs growling with hunger.

However, a very awkward problem presented itself to the five members of the Wilson family.

They had no money for food.

Mrs. Wilson, Wendy, Noah, and Harold had been penniless even before their time in the detention center.

Having spent so many days there, they naturally had no income, and were utterly broke.

Zoraida, before going to the black coal mining, had also been left penniless by Charlie, and when she was rescued, she had nothing but coal dust on her.

Donald of the Weaver family had promised to invest 80 million in the Wilson Corporation.

But this money had not yet been received.

In other words, they didn't even have money for dinner.

Harold suggested, "Grandma, why don't we call Donald and ask him to transfer us eight or ten thousand on WeChat, just so we have some living expenses for food?"

Mrs. Wilson waved her hand and said sternly, "You foolish thing, wouldn't that just make Donald look down on us? We're living in a villa worth over a hundred million, and yet we don't even have money for a meal, do you have the nerve to ask for that?"

Harold replied sullenly, "Then what should we do? We can't just starve!"

"Yes, Mom..." Noah said awkwardly, "It's okay to be hungry for a meal or two, but who can stand this indefinitely? The company investment is a complicated matter, and besides, our accounts have been frozen by the bank. Even if Donald's money is transferred to the company account, we still have to settle with the bank and wait for them to unfreeze the account. We can't just starve while waiting for this money, can we?"

Mrs. Wilson asked him, "Don't you have a friend or something who can lend us ten thousand to tide us over?"

Chapter 1092: "The Unprecedented TV Sale: Wilson Family's Quest for a Meal"

Noah said awkwardly, "I borrowed money before going to the detention center. I borrowed as much as I could, but many people have blocked me."

Madam Wilson looked at Harold and Wendy and asked, "Harold, Wen, what about you two? Don't you have any friends who can lend you some money?"

"Grandma, you don't know," Harold said in frustration, "The news of our Wilson family's bankruptcy has already spread throughout my social circle. Now, no matter who I talk to on WeChat, they won't pay attention to me. And even if they do, as soon as I ask for money, they pretend to be dead."

Wendy also looked frustrated and said, "Grandma, I can't borrow money either. If I could, I wouldn't have resorted to using cheap beauty products in the first place."

Madam Wilson suggested, "How about you send a WeChat message to Joaquin and ask for some assistance? You two were at least a couple for some time. He should be willing to help, right?"

Sighing, Wendy replied, "Joaquin has already blocked me..."

Noah looked at Madam Wilson and asked, "Mom, don't you have any friends who can help?"

"Me?" Madam Wilson replied with an unnatural expression, "If I had any connections to borrow money, I wouldn't be wasting time talking to you all."

Suddenly, Harold had a bright idea and blurted out, "Grandma, how about we find some items in this villa to sell on the market? Let's not consider anything else, just the big LCD TV in the living room. It's practically brand new, and I estimate it's worth around twenty to thirty thousand. We can definitely sell it for 20,000, right?"

Noah expressed concern, "This villa was lent to us by Donald. Isn't it inappropriate to sell his belongings?"

"What's inappropriate about it?" Harold argued, "We'll be living here for almost ten years. Do you really expect a TV to last that long? When the time comes, we can just tell him it broke down, and we had to replace it, right?"

He continued, "Besides, when Donald's 80 million is deposited into the company's account, won't we have money then? We can buy a brand new TV just like this one."

Madam Wilson's eyes lit up, and she said, "You know, Harold, that's actually not a bad idea!"

Harold grinned and said, "See, Grandma? My brain still works pretty well in crucial moments, doesn't it?"

"Indeed, indeed," Madam Wilson nodded, "Then, you should check how much this TV is worth when it's new and list it on Facebook market for sale."

Harold immediately went to the living room and examined the large LCD TV closely. After checking the model, he searched online and exclaimed, "Wow, I can't believe this TV is worth 100,000!"

The whole family was stunned by this amount.

A TV for 100,000? That's incredibly extravagant!

Harold quickly checked a second-hand website and found that a TV in nearly new condition like theirs could sell for over 60,000. He said, "I see that even slightly used ones are selling for over 60,000. So, we can easily ask for 75,000 for a brand new one!"

Madam Wilson hurriedly said, "Don't ask for 75,000; you might not find a buyer right away. Just list it for 60,000, and I'm sure it'll sell quickly. Our immediate priority is to have a meal."

Harold suddenly realized and said, "You're right, Grandma, you think of everything. I'll take some photos and list it for 60,000."

With that, he opened his phone's camera, took several pictures of the TV, and posted them on the second-hand platform.

Meanwhile, at the Weaver residence in Suhang:

Donald asked his assistant, "What's the situation with the Wilson family? Have they started a conflict with Charlie?"

The assistant made a phone call and then reported, "Mr. Weaver, according to our surveillance team, they didn't have any conflicts with Charlie. They exchanged a few words with Charlie's mother-in-law, but then they returned to the villa. Right now, they are trying to sell the TV that came with the villa on a website!"

Donald thought he misheard and asked, "What are they doing?"

Chapter 1093 "The Great TV Drama Unfolds"

Donald knew that the Wilson family was going through tough times, but he had no idea they were this desperate.

He had kindly provided them with a place to stay, with the intention of keeping them like a thorn in Charlie's side.

However, what he hadn't expected was that the first thing they did upon moving in was to sell the household appliances in the villa.

He couldn't help but angrily mutter, "This family is nothing but a bunch of rotten scoundrels, sinking deeper into the mire!"

His assistant also found their actions despicable and asked, "Mr. Weaver, should we kick them out now? If we don't, they might completely empty this villa in no time!"

Donald sighed. He genuinely looked down on this family, but now that they had already moved in next door to Charlie's house, driving them away would be seen as a sign of weakness.

So he waved his hand and said, "Let's not rush it for now; let's observe them first."

The assistant nodded and said, "I'll have our people continue monitoring them."

At this moment, the Wilson family had no clue that their every move was under Donald's watchful eyes.

After Harold posted the television on a second-hand website, he immediately received inquiries. The price he offered was indeed very cheap, selling a brand-new TV for only 60,000 dollars, essentially a 40% discount.

After some inquiries, the interested buyer confirmed that the TV was in working condition and decided to purchase it. However, since they were outsiders and not well-known figures, they could only park their car at the entrance of the villa area.

The couple requested Harold to dismantle the TV and deliver it to the entrance of the Thomson Elite.

Harold agreed without any objection, but the TV was quite large. Even he and the middle-aged man couldn't lift it alone, so Noah joined in to help.

Father and son, along with the middle-aged man, carried the massive television towards the villa area's entrance.

Meanwhile, Zoraida supported the elderly lady, who was quite weak due to hunger, and needed assistance.

At that moment, Elaine happened to see this scene. She leaned on her cane by the roadside and teasingly said, "Oh, you just moved in, and you're already selling a TV? We told you before, if you don't have the money, don't pretend to be wealthy. Can your family really afford to live in Thomson Elite? Your family's situation is no secret; the Wilson Group went bankrupt, and your wife donated all the money to charity. What do you have left? If you were truly wealthy, you wouldn't have ended up on the streets, seeking our help."

Hearing Elaine mention his wife's donation to charity, Noah's anger flared up. He knew the whole story well.

Through gritted teeth, he glared at Elaine and warned, "Watch your words! Be careful; I'll settle the score with you sooner or later!"

Elaine, unimpressed, retorted, "Come on then! If you have the guts, settle it now. My son-in-law is at home. Why don't you two have a chat?"

Upon hearing this, Noah immediately softened. He didn't dare to provoke Charlie, so he clenched his teeth and said, "You'll see. You'll have a hard time in the future!"

With that, he called out to Harold, "Harold, hurry up and deliver the TV."

As they were leaving, Zoraida shot a disdainful glance at Elaine. Despite her deep-seated hatred, she refrained from saying a word.

Chapter 1094: "The Hotpot Surprise: Itch You Can't Scratch"

After painstakingly helping someone load a television onto their car, they received the 60,000 dollars payment for the TV.

Harold exclaimed excitedly, "Our family should go out for a nice meal! How about a seafood hotpot?"

Noah quickly agreed, "Sounds good! I want to indulge in some abalone!"

At that moment, Madam Wilson said, "Harold, transfer the money from selling the TV to me through WeChat."

Hearing this, Harold hastily replied, "Grandma, you don't need to worry about it; I can keep the money safe."

After all her experiences, Madam Wilson had one thought in mind: all the money must be under her control, or she wouldn't feel secure at all.

So she shouted at Harold, "Since when did our family let you make decisions? Who fought for the Thomson Elite Villa, have you forgotten?"

Upon hearing this, Harold's expression turned somewhat unpleasant.

Noah knew very well that it was Grandma who was in charge now, and nobody could defy her wishes.

He scolded Harold, "You brat, when did you start arguing with your grandma? Transfer the money to her!"

Reluctantly, Harold used WeChat to transfer all the money to Grandma.

Once she received the money, Grandma eased up a bit and said, "Alright, we'll go for the seafood hotpot, just as you all wish!"


Inside the seafood hotpot restaurant.

The Wilson family reserved a private room, with each person having their own small hotpot.

Because they had been through tough times lately, their stomachs were empty, and they ordered a table full of seafood without even a single vegetable.

The room was already warm, and they had ordered six hotpots, making it incredibly hot and humid.

However, the Wilson family thoroughly enjoyed the meal, especially Noah and Harold, who were sweating profusely.

Zoraida also indulged in the feast, as she had endured a lot in the coal mine and hadn't even eaten a single shrimp during that time.

As they savored the meal, she also felt increasingly overheated.

Subconsciously, she took off her jacket but realized that her buttocks were getting sweaty and uncomfortable against the chair.

At that moment, she suddenly felt an itching sensation in her private area.

But it was too private a location for her to scratch in public, so she could only rub against the chair discreetly.

However, the more she rubbed, the itchier and more uncomfortable it became.

She initially thought it was due to the hotpot, but then a thought struck her.

That awful supervisor from the coal mine, the one who forced her to spend nights with him recently, never bathed and took no precautions...

Though that period of time wasn't particularly long, it wasn't short either. His lack of hygiene left her with some potential risks...

With these thoughts, she couldn't help but wonder, "Could I be... sick?"

Chapter 1095: "The Seafood Scare and Sneaky Solutions"

The moment she thought that she might be sick, Zoraida felt that the itching sensation became even stronger.

She suddenly felt a sense of panic. What if she was really sick? What would she do? She had just reunited with her husband, and if she were truly ill, there was no way to hide it. What if he found out?

What was even more terrifying was that yesterday, when they were at the Weaver family's house, they had been intimate without any protection. What if she had infected him? What would she do if he found out about her past in the coal mine?

With these worries in mind, Zoraida decided to go to the hospital early the next morning for a checkup. If she wasn't sick, it would be a relief. But if she was indeed sick, she would have to find a way to get treatment.

However, there was a problem. Going to the hospital required money for registration, examinations, prescriptions, and treatment. She was currently penniless.

The old lady had around 60,000 dollars, but how could she ask for any of it? Zoraida was well aware that the old lady had a lot of grievances against her. It was all because, when the old lady had asked her husband for money in the past, she had been dismissive, and the money had ended up in Charlie's hands. This had left the old lady extremely angry.

In this situation, it was certain that she wouldn't be able to borrow money from the old lady.

So, what could she do? She couldn't afford not to seek treatment if she was really sick.

With these thoughts weighing on her, she started to worry.

How could she get some money?

She suddenly thought about selling some of the electronics and appliances in the villa. The villa was so big, and there were so many items inside. If she could discreetly sell one or two inconspicuous things, the old lady wouldn't notice.

With this plan in mind, Zoraida finally felt relieved. She decided that tonight she would go back and see if there was anything she could secretly sell, and then she would go to the hospital the next day for a checkup.

However, Zoraida didn't anticipate that the itching sensation would not only not go away but would also intensify.

She sat in the chair, rubbing herself back and forth for a long time. The more she rubbed, the more uncomfortable she felt.

Noah noticed her constantly fidgeting and couldn't help but ask, "Honey, what's going on? Are you feeling unwell?"

Zoraida panicked and quickly replied, "No, it's nothing. I'm fine."

Noah nodded and didn't press further, but after a while, he leaned close to her ear and whispered, "Wife, do you have hemorrhoids?"

Zoraida, taken aback by the question, instinctively waved her hand and said, "No, don't talk nonsense."

Noah chuckled, "We've been married for so long, I know you well. You used to have it quite often, didn't you? I'll buy some ointment on the way home, and it'll be fine."

Zoraida, flustered, said, "You're talking nonsense. There's nothing like that."

The more unnatural Zoraida's expression became, the more suspicious it seemed to Noah.

So, he chuckled mischievously, pointed to the table full of seafood, and said with a sly smile, "Wife, even if you don't admit it, don't blame me for not warning you. All this seafood is considered 'heaty' food. If you have any inflammation, ulcers, or hemorrhoids, you should definitely avoid seafood. You've just eaten so much; you'd better be careful!"

Zoraida's face paled at his words, and she dropped her chopsticks with a clatter.

She knew that seafood was considered a "heaty" food, and if she had inflammation, ulcers, or hemorrhoids, it would be risky to consume it. But what about gynecological or sexually transmitted diseases?

With these thoughts in mind, Zoraida quickly took out her phone and, when no one was looking, searched for a phrase: "Can you eat seafood with a sexually transmitted disease?"

The search results left her shocked and horrified!

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 1096: "The Seafood Scare Fallout and a Secret Sale"

Because all the doctors had explicitly warned that seafood should absolutely be avoided when dealing with a sexually transmitted disease! Not only could it worsen the symptoms, but it might even lead to ulcers!

Zoraida was trembling with fear!

She had just indulged in so much seafood a while ago. Wasn't she in for a rough night now...

At this moment, Wendy handed a piece of sea cucumber to Zoraida's bowl and said, "Mom, you've been through a lot recently. Have some sea cucumber to nourish yourself."

Zoraida saw the sea cucumber and felt a shiver down her spine!

Immediately after, that peculiar itch seemed to have intensified a few notches.

She hurriedly returned the sea cucumber to Wendy, her heart in a state of panic.

By now, the six hot pots had turned the private room into a steamy sauna, and Zoraida felt sweat pouring down her body, with the itching sensation intensifying.

She hastily stood up and said, "I've had enough, I'll go get some fresh air outside. You all continue eating."

Harold said, "Mom, there are still plenty of abalones and oysters left."

Zoraida impatiently replied, "Oh, I'm full and not hungry anymore!"

After saying that, she quickly left the room.

Once outside the stifling hot room, Zoraida felt slightly better.

But she knew that after consuming so much seafood just now, it hadn't started to take its toll yet.

During her previous bouts of hemorrhoids, she had also eaten seafood and knew that the seafood reaction usually occurred about three hours after consumption.

Judging by that, tonight was going to be tough...

She felt extremely frustrated. Yesterday, while she and her husband were having a good time, she had thought that her husband was indeed much better than that foreman. At that time, comparing the two, she didn't hate the foreman as much because he had also brought her some happiness.

But she never expected that in just one day, things would turn out like this.

If she were really ill, wouldn't that be a disaster?

Feeling utterly dejected, Zoraida dared not return to the stuffy private room.

She waited for the others in the family to finish eating and walked back with them.

By this time, the seafood seemed to have started taking its toll. The itching sensation continued to intensify, making it incredibly uncomfortable for her to walk.

When she arrived back at the Thomson Elite villa, Zoraida was itching uncontrollably.

The first thing she did upon returning to the villa was to search for inconspicuous items that she could sell.

After a thorough search, she noticed an imported DeLonghi coffee machine in the kitchen, which seemed quite high-end. Madam Wilson never drank coffee, she preferred tea, so she would likely never notice the coffee machine. Even if she discreetly sold it, she wouldn't be aware.

So she decided to look up the model of the coffee machine online.

To her surprise, it turned out to be a top-of-the-line imported high-end coffee machine, despite its small size, it was worth over 50,000 dollars!

She followed her son's approach and went to a second-hand website. She found that a second-hand machine like this would fetch at least 30,000 dollars.

In order to find a buyer quickly and get the money for her medical expenses, she immediately listed it for 25,000 dollars on the local second-hand website.

She endured the itching sensation and held onto her phone, waiting for over ten minutes before someone contacted her and said, "I'll take it. Can I come pick it up tomorrow morning?"

Zoraida hastily replied, "No problem, let's meet at 9 am tomorrow at the entrance of Thomson Elite!"

Meanwhile, in Suzhou and Hangzhou, Donald was trying to figure out how to stop the endless decline of his stocks. His assistant entered and whispered, "Mr. Weaver, that Zoraida from the Wilson family just posted their villa's coffee machine for sale on a second-hand website."

Upon hearing this, Donald cursed, "This family is a bunch of damn bandits, aren't they?!"

Chapter 1097: "Family Ambitions and Unwelcome Restlessness"

As tonight marked the first evening of the Wilson family's stay at Thomson Elite, everyone felt a strong sense of ceremony deep within their hearts.

Mrs. Wilson gathered everyone in the living room, sitting on the luxurious European-style sofa. She seemed to have regained the aura she had when she was in control of the Wilson Group.

She wore a smile on her face, but it carried a hint of authority.

After assessing everyone for a moment, she spoke calmly, "Today marks a significant phase of our victory. Although the Wilson Group has not yet fully recovered, our family has already made it ashore. Just this alone is worth celebrating."

Everyone nodded in agreement, except for Zoraida, whose expression was less than pleasant. Everyone else appeared excited.

Zoraida was already feeling the effects of the seafood she had indulged in, and the tingling sensation was making her restless.

Mrs. Wilson glanced at her with a somewhat disdainful expression and said, "Zoraida, you're not a child anymore. Why do you keep fidgeting like a worm? "

Zoraida's expression became even more unsightly.

Mrs. Wilson was indeed sharp with her words. Comparing her to a worm? Was that how a mother-in-law described her daughter-in-law?

However, she didn't dare to be defiant towards Mrs. Wilson and could only apologize, "I'm sorry, Mom. I'm just not feeling well in my stomach..."

Mrs. Wilson gave her a disdainful look and said, "I see that you've suffered a lot in the coal mine. When we were eating the seafood hotpot earlier, you devoured so much as if you hadn't eaten in three years. How could your stomach possibly handle it?"

Zoraida felt even more frustrated but had no choice but to nod and say, "You're right, Mom."

Mrs. Wilson couldn't be bothered with her and continued, "Now that our family has made it ashore, the next step is to ensure that the Wilson Group also does. After Chairman Weaver transfers the funds to the company's account, the Wilson Group will resume its normal operations."

With that, she turned her gaze towards Noah and said, "Noah, when the group is back on track, you'll become the business manager, responsible for negotiating partnerships for the Wilson Group."

Noah nodded, "Alright, Mom, I understand. I'll do my best!"

Mrs. Wilson nodded in satisfaction and then looked at Harold, who was beside her. "Harold, from now on, you will be the director of the Wilson Group. You must put away your carefree attitude and not let anyone laugh at you, especially Claire. Do you understand?"

Harold quickly replied, "I understand, Grandma!"

Mrs. Wilson then turned her attention to Wendy. "Wen, you're young and beautiful. When you were with Gerald, you were always having fun. From now on, you need to work for the group. I think you should be the public relations manager for the Wilson Group, responsible for market and client relations."

Wendy obediently nodded, "Of course, Grandma. I'll do as you say."

"Good," Mrs. Wilson said with satisfaction. "All of you need to give your utmost effort. Our Wilson family has this opportunity today, and we mustn't let it slip away. Do you all understand?"

"We understand!"

Everyone responded energetically and with determination.

Noah hurriedly suggested, "Mom, can't we find a job for Zoraida too?"

Mrs. Wilson snorted and said, "Zoraida can stay at home and take care of household chores. There always needs to be someone managing the home."

Without waiting for Zoraida's response, she stood up and said, "That's enough for now. I'm going upstairs to rest, and you all should get some rest too."

Harold and Wendy had been eager to return to their respective rooms and enjoy the high-quality furnishings and decoration of the house. So, after Mrs. Wilson left, they also got up and went to their rooms.

Noah looked at his wife and suddenly had thoughts of continuing their intimate moments. He hurriedly said, "Wife, let's go back to our room and rest."

Chapter 1098: "Sleepless Itches and a Midnight Surprise"

Zoraida felt increasingly itchy and agitated, but on this late night, she had no other way to deal with it.

Even if she wanted to go to the hospital, she had no money. She had to wait until tomorrow to sell the coffee machine.

There was no choice; she could only get up and return to the second-floor bedroom with Noah.

As they entered the incredibly spacious and luxurious master bedroom on the second floor, Noah couldn't wait any longer. He mumbled, "Honey, I want to have some quality time together tonight..."

Zoraida was shocked to hear this and, as she struggled to free herself, said, "Let's skip it for tonight. You're tired; it's better to rest early."

Noah pleaded, "Please, honey."

At this point, Zoraida was feeling extremely uncomfortable, and she didn't have the mood for it at all. She blurted out, "I said no, and that's final. Tonight, we're both sleeping separately!"

Though Noah was quite frustrated, he couldn't force the issue when he saw how emotional his wife was. He reluctantly agreed.

The two of them lay in bed, with Noah still attempting to convince Zoraida. However, Zoraida remained resolute. In the end, Noah fell into a deep sleep.

But Zoraida, lying beside him, couldn't sleep no matter how much she tossed and turned.

The itching sensation that was driving her crazy made her extremely uncomfortable. She was getting increasingly anxious, fearing that she might actually be suffering from a certain health issue.

She thought about going to the hospital tomorrow for a thorough check-up while worrying about whether her husband might get infected because of her.


Charlie had been thinking about preparing a vegetable garden for his wife that she could harvest from.

Claire, on the other hand, was looking forward to the harvesting trip tomorrow until she went to bed.

She originally thought her husband would take her to some vegetable and fruit farm in the suburbs.

But little did she know that her husband, the doting husband Charlie, had already prepared to create a unique vegetable garden for her in their yard tonight!

At 12 o'clock in the evening, George White sent him a WeChat message, saying that he had already brought some people over.

Claire, who was lying next to Charlie, was fast asleep, breathing steadily. However, to ensure she wouldn't wake up, Charlie quietly gathered a bit of spiritual energy at his fingertips and lightly touched her forehead.

This way, he could make sure his wife would sleep until the next morning.

After all, it was meant to be a surprise for her, and if she woke up to any noise and looked out the window, the surprise would be spoiled.

Later, Charlie turned over and got out of bed, heading downstairs to the yard.

A few minutes later, George arrived in person with several light trucks at the villa's entrance.

The trucks were filled with various vegetable and fruit plants, all of them bearing abundant fruit and thriving.

George respectfully said, "Master Wade, I've brought the best vegetable and fruit plants we could find in Aurous Hill! Every variety, every plant, has been carefully selected from countless greenhouses. I guarantee that the vegetable garden we're creating for you will be the best in Aurous Hill, if not the entire country!"

Charlie Wade nodded in satisfaction and smiled, "You've worked hard. I'll remember this."

Chapter 1099: "Late-Night Gardening and Domestic Drama"

Upon hearing these words, George couldn't contain his excitement and exclaimed, "It's my honor to assist Master Wade!"

Without delay, George continued, "Master Wade, I've prepared over two hundred plants. If we transplant and cultivate all of them, it will take quite some time. Should I instruct the workers to start right away? I estimate they'll need to work until at least five or six in the morning."

Charlie nodded and replied, "Very well, let's have the workers get to work promptly."

George quickly waved to one of his subordinates and instructed, "Tell the workers to start working immediately. They must be diligent and ensure that none of the plants are damaged, especially the fruits and vegetables. If they do a good job, I'll reward them generously with ten thousand dollars each. If they fail to meet Master Wade's expectations, don't blame me for being strict!"

The assistant nodded hurriedly and then approached the workers, saying, "Everyone, you must work diligently. Mr. White has promised each of you ten thousand dollars as a bonus if you complete the task on time and as required!"

Upon hearing this, all the workers were extremely excited. Normally, they couldn't earn ten thousand dollars in a month, even with strenuous work, five thousand was considered good. But now, if they worked well tonight, each of them could earn two months' worth of salary. This was like a dream come true for them.

So, the group of workers enthusiastically got to work.

Charlie decided to stay awake as well, overseeing the workers as they carefully planted various types of plants in the villa's garden.

Thomson Elite's villa had a large garden, divided into a front and back yard, covering an area of at least four to five acres.

Charlie decided to allocate about an acre of space along the walls and neatly planted all the vegetables and fruits by type. If his wife, Claire, really liked it, he could prepare a sunroom later and install temperature and humidity control equipment inside. This way, even in snowy winter, there would always be fresh vegetables and fruits available. Claire could enjoy picking them every day, which would undoubtedly make her very happy.

Although it was a bit of an effort, making his wife happy was more important than anything else.

Jacob and Elaine, although separated, rushed to the terrace upon hearing the commotion. They both instinctively looked down from their respective room terraces and witnessed the bustling scene below.

Jacob couldn't figure out what Charlie was up to and quickly ran down to ask, "Charlie, what are you doing? Are you planning to start farming at home with all these fruits and vegetables?"

Charlie nodded and smiled, "Exactly. I heard that Clay really enjoys picking fruits and vegetables, so I'm preparing a part of the garden for that purpose. From now on, she can pick them here every day."

Jacob gave him a thumbs-up and said, "I had forgotten that Clay enjoys picking fruits and vegetables. It's surprising that you knew about it. It looks like marrying you was a blessing. Most men wouldn't put in such effort for their wives."

At that moment, Elaine, who was on the third-floor terrace, snorted coldly and remarked, "Jacob, a real man is better than you! A real man knows how to cherish his wife! Only a scoundrel like you would separate from your wife and even consider divorcing her after she suffered so much for you!"

Jacob scowled and shouted back, "Elaine, you better stop talking nonsense. Don't you know your own character? If it weren't for Charlie, our family would have been ruined a long time ago! If I don't divorce you, my life will be ruined!"

Elaine cursed, "Bullshit! Jacob, mark my words: as long as I'm alive, you won't be able to divorce me!"

With that, Elaine snorted coldly and went back to her room.

Jacob was frustrated but had no way to respond, so he looked at Charlie and said, "Did you see that? She's like a shrew."

Charlie smiled calmly, thinking to himself that Elaine's true nature was even clearer to him than to Jacob. However, he couldn't say that out loud.

Instead, he asked Jacob, "Have you met Aunt Merit these past few days?"

Jacob waved his hand in fear and whispered, "Keep your voice down. If that shrew hears that Aunt Merit has returned to the country, it'll be over."

Chapter 1100: "A Night of Torment and a Hasty Sale"

Charlie gave a faint smile. It seemed that his father-in-law, Jacob, was quite worried about Elaine finding out about Merit's return to the country.

However, such matters are often hidden for a while but not forever.

The specific duration of secrecy would depend on his father-in-law's luck.


Next door, Mrs. Wilson, who had a sharp intuition, heard some commotion outside, so she got up from her bed and walked to the terrace.

With a glance, she noticed that the lights were on at Charlie's house, and upon closer inspection, she realized that there was a large group of workers planting vegetables for them!

What on earth was going on?

Wasn't planting vegetables supposed to start with sowing the seeds first?

In essence, Charlie had practically moved the entire vegetable garden from his own yard.

Some people were just plain rustic; this beautiful villa could have been adorned with high-end flowers to enhance its grandeur!

However, as she observed more closely, Mrs. Wilson noticed that the quality of the vegetables and fruits they were planting was quite good. They were probably all organic produce, the kind that sold for a high price.

Thinking about this, Mrs. Wilson decided that she would ask Zoraida to sneak some vegetables back tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Zoraida was lying in bed, unable to sleep, tossing and turning.

The itching sensation was becoming unbearable, and she was finding it increasingly difficult to endure.

Unable to bear it any longer, she took another shower.

However, this time, to her horror, Zoraida discovered that her body was covered in red rashes, looking particularly terrifying.

Deep inside, she felt lost and desperate, only hoping for daybreak to come quickly so that she could go to the hospital.

This night was an extreme torment for Zoraida.

In the first half of the night, she was merely tossing and turning in bed, but by the latter half, she could hardly lie down at all.

She couldn't understand why this illness had suddenly struck, and why it had come so quickly.

After searching on her phone for a while, she found that everyone said that for a sexually transmitted disease, it was crucial to watch your diet, especially avoiding seafood and spicy foods.

Upon reading this, she regretted it deeply.

She had had seafood hotpot for dinner, and she had specifically asked for the spicy broth.

She never wanted to eat either of those again in her entire life.

Because she was worried about leaving too late and not being able to take the coffee machine in front of her family, Zoraida quietly got up a little after 5 a.m., went to the kitchen, and grabbed the coffee machine before leaving.

As she passed by Charlie's house, she noticed that Charlie had more or less finished the vegetable garden he had prepared for his wife overnight.

Separate by the backyard fence, Zoraida was surprised to see that Charlie's house now had a large vegetable garden that had seemingly appeared overnight. However, she couldn't spare any attention for this because her focus was entirely on something else.

She waited for over an hour at the entrance of Thomson Elite, and only when the person buying the coffee machine arrived and she received her payment did she immediately take a taxi and rushed to People's Hospital!


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 1006: A Divorce Dilemma and a Race Against Time

Jacob, unable to contain his impatience, voiced his concern, "Two years is just too long. That shrew doesn't know about Aunt Merit's return yet, but we can't hide it forever. My idea is to divorce her before she finds out about Aunt Merit."

With a hint of frustration, he continued, "But, as you heard what she said yesterday, she threatened to make my life miserable if I found another woman. I'm afraid that if she discovers Aunt Merit's return, she'll cause trouble for her. Aunt Merit is gentle, dignified, and has a good temperament, no match for that shrew."

Charlie replied firmly, "Dad, I genuinely want to help you, but I'm powerless in this matter. Some things you have to tackle on your own."

In truth, Charlie had contemplated making Elaine vanish from the world after she had stolen his bank card the last time. Regrettably, he didn't want to upset Claire, or he would have never allowed Elaine to return in the first place.

If he hadn't allowed Elaine to come back, his father-in-law's life would have been considerably more peaceful.

Thinking this, Charlie added, "Dad, I don't mean to be harsh, but your biggest issue is that you're too weak and fearful of her. Just a few harsh words from her, and you don't know how to respond. This can't continue; no one can solve this problem for you. If you want to resolve it, you'll have to depend on yourself."

Jacob sighed and admitted, "I understand what you're saying, but some things create deep psychological scars that are hard to overcome."

Charlie concluded, "In that case, there's little I can do. Dad, Aunt Merit has only just returned. If Mom discovers her presence, she might wage an all-out war to drive her out of Aurous Hill. You'll need to consider your options if that happens carefully."

Hearing this, Jacob's heart sank. His greatest fear was that this very scenario would unfold.

If Elaine learned about Merit's return, she would undoubtedly harass her relentlessly, determined to force her out of Aurous Hill.

Jacob could only sigh and say, "I'll have to think about it. I need to find a solution."


Jacob dropped Charlie off at the orphanage before heading to a calligraphy and painting appreciation event at the art society.

As Charlie stepped out of the car, he spotted Natasha waiting at the entrance. The young girl hurried toward him.

"Brother Charlie!" Natasha choked back tears as she clung to Charlie, crying, "Brother Charlie, please find a way. I'm terrified we won't ever locate the other children..."

Charlie gently patted her back and reassured her, "Don't worry, I'll do everything I can. Has Aunt Lena returned? Do we have any new leads?"

Natasha, her eyes swollen from crying, shook her head, "Aunt Lena and the others are just coming back. I'm not sure if they've made any progress."

As they spoke, a taxi pulled up at the orphanage's entrance.

Aunt Lena and the orphanage director, looking deeply concerned, emerged from the taxi.

Charlie quickly approached them, accompanied by Natasha, and asked, "Aunt Lena, what did the police say? Any leads?"

Aunt Lena, upon seeing Charlie, offered a sad smile, "The police have opened an investigation. They're starting by reviewing surveillance footage. But, as of now, the only lead is a white Iveco van. The criminals, about six or seven of them, drugged the children and loaded them onto the van before leaving the city."

Charlie inquired urgently, "Are the police actively tracking the van?"

Aunt Lena sighed, "They are, but the van had fake license plates, and it disappeared after entering the highway. We suspect they swapped license plates on the highway. Iveco vans are quite common in Aurous Hill, and without a specific plate number, it's challenging to locate them."

Charlie nodded gravely, understanding that, under these circumstances, relying solely on the police's systematic approach might not yield swift results. To find the culprits or gather pertinent information in the shortest amount of time, they would need assistance from individuals with extensive underground connections, as they often possessed more detailed intelligence than the police.

Chapter 1007: Unveiling the Criminal Network

With the urgency of finding the missing children weighing heavily on him, Charlie immediately dialed Orvel's number.

As the underground kingpin of Aurous Hill, Orvel Heller had a vast network of informants at his disposal, making him an invaluable resource for gathering information.

When the call connected, Orvel respectfully inquired, "Master Wade, what can I assist you with?"

Charlie wasted no time, stating his request, "Ten children, aged two to three, were abducted from the Aurous Hill Orphanage last night. Given your extensive connections in the Aurous Hill underworld, I need your help investigating whether there have been recent discussions regarding child procurement or inquiries about acquiring children."

Many criminal cases are resolved not solely due to the investigators' omnipotence or advanced technology, but because criminals often leave critical clues within their own distinctive community.

For instance, when a murder occurs, the police must start by identifying the victim and then meticulously follow the leads. Yet, within the underworld, some might already be aware of the victim's adversaries, the nature of their dealings, and the probable culprits.

Similarly, if a local car theft takes place, the police would typically conduct inquiries regarding the vehicle's last-known location, where it was stolen, and any individuals captured by surveillance cameras in proximity to it. However, individuals within the criminal world may already have information about the local car theft ring or those involved in selling stolen vehicles, making them privy to pertinent details that law enforcement might not readily possess.

Nonetheless, the underworld operates under strict rules and a structured hierarchy. Even insiders' access to certain information hinges on their status and influence.

For instance, a low-level hoodlum wouldn't have the means to discover Orvel's recent activities or meetings. Nevertheless, if Orvel desired information about such a hoodlum's recent activities or contacts, his subordinates could promptly provide him with the details.

Orvel understood that Charlie had spent his formative years in the orphanage, so he recognized the depth of Charlie's emotional attachment to the missing children.

As a result, Orvel immediately set out to investigate the matter.

Within a mere ten minutes, Orvel received a lead. A local youth named Willy Mason had recently been inquiring among his underworld associates about purchasing children in Aurous Hill.

Charlie inquired urgently, "What's Willy's background?"

Orvel responded, "This individual is a Aurous Hill native who has been involved in petty crimes since a young age, ranging from minor thefts to more serious offenses like robberies and abductions. His family has a similar track record. Before reaching adulthood, he had already engaged in a multitude of illicit activities, from minor thefts to armed robberies and kidnappings, whatever yielded a profit."

"A few years back, his family ventured into the movie piracy business, making money by illicitly recording films in theaters and subsequently producing counterfeit DVDs for sale. They were quite active for a period."

"However, they crossed paths with a high-profile movie producer whose film they pirated as soon as it hit the screens. In retaliation, this producer arranged for one of Willy's hands to be severed, effectively dissuading them from further piracy activities. Consequently, they switched to the human trafficking trade, specializing in the sale of underage children, often to beggar gangs in the southern regions. Occasionally, they even leased children to these gangs. I heard that the police recently conducted a targeted operation that resulted in the rescue of many such children, causing the beggar gangs to become desperate for new acquisitions, and Willy has been actively procuring children for them."

Charlie's voice dripped with disdain as he commented, "Such despicable scum deserves nothing less than death!"

He then inquired further, "Orvel, is the entire Mason family involved in this sinister trade?"

Orvel confirmed, "Yes, every member of their family, all six of them—his father, mother, two brothers, and a sister—are deeply enmeshed in this nefarious business."

Charlie clenched his fists, his anger simmering beneath the surface. He declared, "These vile individuals must face justice!"

He then asked, "Orvel, do you know the current whereabouts of Willy? I need to learn about his recent activities over the past two days."

Orvel assured him, "I'm already working on it. We should have a lead very soon!"

Chapter 1008: A Race Against Time

Charlie acknowledged Orvel's update with a determined hum, emphasizing, "Notify me immediately if you uncover any leads!"

Orvel responded respectfully, "Yes, Master Wade, I understand!"

After ending the call, Charlie turned back to Aunt Lena and Natasha, offering reassurance, "Aunt Lena, Tash, please try not to worry too much. I've reached out to a friend who has considerable influence, and I'm confident we'll receive leads shortly."

Aunt Lena, her eyes filled with gratitude and tears, said, "Charlie, thank you so much!"

Charlie responded sincerely, "Aunt Lena, you needn't thank me. I also grew up in the welfare home, and now that some of our younger siblings are missing, I'm determined to do everything in my power to find them."

Natasha, choking back her emotions, added, "Brother Charlie, you donated such a significant amount yesterday. On the way back, Aunt Lena suggested installing a surveillance system throughout the entire welfare home. We never anticipated that today..."

Her voice faltered, and fresh tears welled up in her eyes.

Charlie was well acquainted with Aunt Lena and Natasha. Most of the staff at the welfare home were incredibly kind-hearted, treating the parentless children as their own, providing them with the love and care they deserved.

The sudden disappearance of ten children from the welfare home had undoubtedly dealt a devastating blow to their hearts.

Just as Charlie was about to offer words of comfort, a call from Orvel interrupted him.

He swiftly picked up the call.

On the other end, Orvel reported, "Master Wade, I've gathered information. Willy borrowed a fake-plated Iveco from an underworld acquaintance last night. His entire family of six vacated their residence during the night and remained unaccounted for by dawn."

Charlie's eyebrows furrowed, his voice turning icy, "A borrowed Iveco? The child abductors were also driving an Iveco. It's highly likely that this individual and his family are the culprits!"

Orvel continued, "Master Wade, should I provide this man's phone number to the police for tracking and apprehension?"

Charlie's tone remained frigid as he replied, "No! For those who specifically target children, imprisonment is far too lenient a punishment. I want their lives!"

Orvel shivered at the intensity of Charlie's resolve and pled, "Master, if there's anything you need, even if it means risking my life, Orvel is at your service!"

Charlie inquired, "Can you pinpoint his location based on his phone number?"

Orvel affirmed, "Certainly, I have contacts at both China Mobile and China Unicom. I can obtain real-time location information!"

Charlie ordered decisively, "Excellent! Retrieve his location for me right away!"

Orvel acknowledged, "Master Wade, please give me five minutes!"

"Very well!"

After hanging up, Charlie promptly called Isaac Craven and queried, "How many helicopters are currently available for deployment in Aurous Hill, and how many individuals can each accommodate?"

Isaac responded, "Young master, there are two heavy-duty helicopters stationed at Shangri-La, each capable of accommodating twelve passengers. Additionally, we have invested in an aviation company at the airport, which owns three medium-sized helicopters, each capable of carrying eight individuals."

Charlie nodded and instructed, "Prepare all the helicopters, gather your most skilled men, and have one of them come to the Aurous Hill Orphanage to pick me up immediately!"

Isaac inquired urgently, "Young master, what is your plan?"

Charlie's voice dripped with icy determination as he declared, "I am going to deliver justice on behalf of Heaven!"

Chapter 1009: A Nationwide Outcry for the Stolen Children

Isaac, upon hearing Charlie's tone, immediately grasped the gravity of the situation. Without hesitation, he assured, "Young Master, I'll arrange it immediately!"

Inquiring further, he asked, "Should I dispatch a helicopter to pick you up right now? Are we heading straight to the Aurous Hill Orphanage?"

Charlie, mindful of not revealing the extent of his influence, inquired, "Is there a suitable helipad near the orphanage?"

After a brief pause, Isaac replied, "There's a building nearby called the Lavern Building, which has a helipad on its roof. Would that work for you? I'll set out right away and should arrive quickly."

"Perfect!" Charlie responded decisively. "Make it swift."

"I understand, Young Master!"

Having ended the call, Charlie turned to Aunt Lena and the others and explained, "Aunt Lena, Tash, a friend of mine may have uncovered some leads. I'm going to meet him now. Please wait patiently for my updates and try not to worry."

Natasha eagerly offered, "Brother Charlie, can I accompany you, please?"

Charlie gently declined, saying, "Tash, please stay here with Aunt Lena. Let me handle this matter."

Natasha nodded obediently and expressed, "Alright, Brother Charlie, Aunt Lena and I will await your positive news. Ensure you bring back our brothers and sisters safely!"

Charlie, filled with determination, assured them, "Rest assured, I will ensure their safe return!"

With those words, he promptly left the orphanage and headed towards the nearby Lavern Building.


Simultaneously, the police launched a nationwide search and issued notices through various media outlets. The news of the ten infants being stolen from the orphanage by human traffickers rapidly spread online and became a widely discussed topic.

On numerous news platforms, this information claimed the top spot on trending lists.

Even TikTok prominently featured the news on its opening screen, ensuring it reached a vast audience across the nation.

In the past, when a child went missing or was abducted, it would often grab national attention and dominate headlines.

Now, the audacity of human traffickers to steal children from a orphanage, and in such numbers – ten infants at once – was an unprecedented and heinous act that provoked intense outrage.

Instantly, countless netizens across the country were incensed, expressing their indignation, condemnation, criticism, comments, and shares on the internet, ensuring that the topic remained at the forefront of discussions.

In recent years, human trafficking had surged, causing untold suffering for numerous families who experienced the heartbreak of having their children stolen or sold.

In every family, a child is a cherished treasure in the parents' hearts. If that treasure is stolen or abducted, it can leave parents utterly bereft of hope or the will to go on.

Chapter 1010: "Charlie Wade's Race Against Time"

In the world, there were few things that could stir Charlie's usually composed spirit, but today, an urgent situation had him racing against the clock. The heart-wrenching tale began with the sinister tale of human traffickers wreaking havoc on countless happy families.

The most abominable aspect was how these heartless traffickers would, in some cases, sell abducted children to families who genuinely desired to provide them a loving home. In those instances, the children's lives might not be in immediate peril. But there was a darker, more sinister side to this nightmare: when these vile individuals maimed the children and forced them into begging for profit, it was nothing short of a tragedy.

Now, the entire nation held its collective breath as the fate of ten abducted children hung in the balance.

But in this moment, Charlie's thoughts were laser-focused on one thing—rescuing those innocent souls as swiftly as possible! As he ascended to the top of a towering building, a helicopter thundered towards him from the distant sky.

Just then, Orvel sent him a message on WeChat, stating, "Master Wade, Willy has fled the province, but they're avoiding the highways and taking backroads. They've covered less than 400 kilometers."

Charlie scrutinized the address and discovered that the abductors were headed south with the children from the welfare home, currently in Clearwater County of the neighboring Wulin Province.

The helicopter gracefully touched down atop the Lavern Building, and before it had completely landed, Isaac had already swung open the door. Without hesitation, Charlie leaped aboard and commanded, "Instruct the pilot to take off immediately and head full speed towards Clearwater County. Alert the other helicopters to follow suit!"

"Right away, young master!" Isaac swiftly relayed the coordinates to the pilot through his headset.

With a puzzled expression, Isaac inquired, "Young master, if I may be so bold, what has prompted this sudden urgency?"

Charlie's face was serious as he revealed, "Early this morning, a gang of human traffickers, a family of six to be exact, abducted ten children from a welfare home!"

Isaac gasped in disbelief, exclaiming, "How could they commit such heinous acts!?"

Charlie's voice grew stern as he stated, "Among all the deplorable crimes, the one that truly infuriates me is child abduction. I grew up in a welfare home and witnessed countless children rescued from the clutches of these heartless criminals. While they were saved from the immediate danger, many of them struggled to reunite with their families, often ending up as unintentional orphans."

Isaac nodded with determination and said, "Rest assured, young master, I've brought my finest men, a formidable team of capable soldiers. When we apprehend these criminals, they won't escape justice."

Charlie declared with unwavering resolve, "I want more than justice; I want to dismantle their entire operation, uncover their collaborators, and expose their network!"

Then, Charlie inquired, "Does the Wade family hold influence in Wulin Province?"

Isaac affirmed, "The family wields substantial influence in Wulin, though we prefer to keep a low profile. Similar to my role here in Aurous Hill, we typically avoid entangling ourselves in the local disputes among tycoons, families, and gangs. However, if the locals stray from the path of righteousness, I can intervene at any time."

Suddenly recalling something, Charlie probed further, "The Weaver family has a stronghold in Suzhou-Hangzhou, and it's the capital of Wulin. They must be prominent figures there, right?"

Isaac confirmed, "Indeed, the Weaver family is the leading clan in South Laverton, with deep roots in Suzhou-Hangzhou. Their power in Wulin is formidable."

Isaac added, "Yet, this 'formidable' is relative. To the Wade family, they are merely minor players."

Charlie nodded, his gaze steely.

Isaac, mentioning the Weaver family, cautioned, "Young master, the Weaver family recently sought information about your enemies. Please remain vigilant. Although you don't require the family's assistance, should I assign some bodyguards to ensure your safety?"

Charlie waved off the concern, concealing his true strength. With his current abilities, no one posed a threat he couldn't handle.
Those are despised individuals with no hint of pity and malevolence for the less privileged,children at that
Their punishment should be ultimate execution in hell

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 1101: "A Surprise Morning in the Garden: Claire's Delightful Awakening"

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Claire slowly woke up. This night's sleep was far more comfortable than usual. She hadn't had any dreams or even woken up once throughout the night, as if she had been in deep sleep the whole time. So, she felt incredibly refreshed.

Not seeing Charlie when she got out of bed didn't surprise Claire because he always woke up earlier than her.

Knowing that Charlie was going to take her fruit picking today, Claire was in an exceptionally good mood, filled with anticipation.

After getting ready, Claire changed into sports attire and then headed downstairs.

She thought Charlie would be preparing breakfast so they could leave for the countryside after eating, but to her surprise, he was waiting for her in the living room.

As soon as Claire came downstairs, Charlie greeted her with a smile, "Darling, let's go fruit picking!"

Claire was genuinely surprised, "Huh? Are we leaving right away? I haven't had breakfast yet..."

Charlie chuckled, "Who needs breakfast? We'll have it when we get back."

With that, he reached out and took Claire's hand, leading her towards the door.

Being led by Charlie while holding her hand, Claire's heart raced, feeling both bashful and intrigued. She couldn't help but ask, "Charlie, we're going to the countryside to pick fruit, and then we'll come back. That's going to take a good part of the day. What if we get hungry along the way?"

Charlie smiled and replied, "You'll see when you come with me. I've got everything planned."

Curious, Claire asked, "Did you arrange a farmhouse experience there?"

Charlie brought Claire to the doorstep and said with a smile, "Come on, close your eyes."

Claire was even more surprised, "Close my eyes already? Isn't it a bit early for that?"

Charlie laughed, "What's early about it? You'll find out soon enough."

Helpless, Claire smiled and closed her eyes, saying softly, "Alright, I'll trust you since you're taking me fruit picking."

Charlie grinned, "No peeking, okay?"

Claire replied earnestly, "Don't worry, I won't peek. I love surprises!"

"That's great!"

Hand in hand, Charlie led Claire with her delicate, warm hand out of the house and into the yard. The easternmost part of the yard was now cultivated with over an acre of fruits and vegetables.

These plants had been carefully selected by George White. Not only did the fruits and vegetables grow well, but there wasn't a single blemish on them. The fruits were vibrant in color, the leaves were lush green, and the morning dew added to their charm.

Leading Claire outside, they reached the garden. Then Charlie smiled at her and said, "Darling, you can open your eyes now."

Surprised, Claire asked, "Aren't we supposed to get in the car first? You want me to open my eyes before we even get in?"

Charlie chuckled and replied, "Yes, I want you to open your eyes."

Claire laughed, "Then I've already opened them!"

With that, she gently opened her eyes.

At the moment her eyes opened, the rising sun from the east cast its brilliant morning light directly into her bright eyes, momentarily blinding her.

Her vision gradually adjusted, and at that moment, she was astonished to discover a perfect and flawless fruit and vegetable garden right in front of her!

She let out a surprised "Ah!"

Immediately, she covered her mouth with both hands.

Chapter 1102: "A Garden of Love: Charlie's Surprise for Claire"

Afterward, she glanced at Charlie beside her, her face filled with shock and disbelief.

"This... am I... I'm not dreaming, right, Charlie? How do we have such a vegetable garden in our home?!"

Charlie looked at her affectionately and smiled, "Silly wife, you're definitely not dreaming. You love picking fruits, don't you? From now on, you can come here every day to pick. I had it arranged for us, the best fruit and vegetable plants available in Aurous Hill. I will also take good care of this vegetable garden, ensuring it bears abundant fruit all year round for you to pick and taste!"

Claire was deeply moved, her eyes teary.

She had never dreamt that her husband would prepare such a huge surprise for her overnight.

When she was younger, she had always wished to grow some fruits and vegetables in the yard, even if it was just a tomato plant or a chili pepper. However, Madam Wilson had never given her the opportunity.

But now, her husband had suddenly gifted her this vast and beautiful vegetable garden!

Especially Charlie's heartfelt promise made Claire even more touched. Although Charlie had done many things for her in the past, nothing had ever moved her like this.

It felt as if she had only expected her husband to give her a single flower, but he had gifted her an entire garden.

It was as though she suddenly possessed the whole world.

Despite the absence of romantic roses, the vegetables and fruits before Claire's eyes were more captivating than the most beautiful roses in the world.

At this moment, she felt even more excited than when she first saw Charlie organizing a grand wedding in Shangri-La's Sky Garden.

At this point, Charlie had already handed a beautifully crafted small bamboo basket to Claire, smiling as he said, "Wife, you wanted to pick, right? Why are you standing there? All the vegetables and fruits here are organically grown, pesticide-free. You can pick with confidence!"

Claire was deeply moved; she looked at Charlie and instinctively threw herself into his arms, tightly hugging his waist. She said emotionally, "Husband, thank you, thank you for everything you've done for me. I feel like I'm the happiest person in the world right now."

Charlie gently touched her cheek, overflowing with tenderness, and said, "Silly girl, are you my wife? Don't thank me for anything. As long as you're happy, I'm happy."

As he spoke, Charlie, feeling an impulse, lowered his head and gently kissed Claire's lips.

In that moment, Claire suddenly felt her mind go blank.

This was her first kiss, and she hadn't expected it to be taken by Charlie so suddenly!

However, she didn't feel angry at all; instead, she felt an unprecedented sense of happiness as she looked up at the handsome and gentle Charlie.

Being a happy woman in her husband's arms felt so amazing!

Though she felt incredibly happy, she couldn't help but feel a bit shy. After that light kiss from Charlie, Claire anxiously pushed him away, nervously straightening her hair. She stammered, "Um, I want to start picking..."

Charlie gently held her and said, "Wife, I'll pick with you!"

Blushing, Claire handed the bamboo basket back to him and said shyly, "Then, you can pick with me, and I'll let you carry it for me!"

"Sure!" Charlie immediately agreed, holding his wife's hand as they entered the vegetable garden.

On the terrace of the third floor, Elaine watched the two in the yard and grumbled, "They're being all lovey-dovey early in the morning, don't they know I'm about to lose my teeth from all this sweetness?"

With that in mind, she angrily shouted, "Hey, you two, pick faster! I'm waiting to take pictures of the vegetable garden and post them on my social media!"

Chapter 1103: "Zoraida's Health Scare: A Shocking Discovery"

On this particular morning, Claire felt like the luckiest woman in the world. But simultaneously, another woman believed herself to be the unluckiest. That woman was Zoraida, who had come to the People's Hospital for a medical check-up.

She had initially registered for a gynecological examination and had waited in line for a long time before it was finally her turn. Once inside, the doctor began a routine examination. However, when the doctor saw the actual condition, even someone experienced like her couldn't help but be astonished and blurted out, "What's going on? How did it get to this point? Haven't you been taking care of personal hygiene?"

Although the doctor conducting the examination was female, Zoraida couldn't help but feel extremely embarrassed by the doctor's words, wishing she could just disappear into the ground. She could only awkwardly mumble, "Doctor, I won't hide it from you; it's mainly because my husband isn't very hygienic..."

The doctor scolded, "If your husband isn't hygienic, you should demand that he pay more attention to personal hygiene! Look at what this has caused you. This is a serious problem; let me tell you that!"

Terrified, Zoraida asked, "Doctor, what exactly is wrong with me?"

The doctor, with a stern expression, replied, "Based on the initial examination, there are red spots, infections, and ulcerations. I suspect that you have more than one issue."

She continued, "Here's what we'll do: I'll give you a lab requisition, and you can get your blood and secretions tested to see what the results reveal."

Zoraida was panicked and asked nervously, "Doctor, could it be HIV?"

The doctor said, "HIV can't be determined with the naked eye; it requires a blood test for confirmation."

Concluding, the doctor urged her, "You should hurry and get tested early. The sooner we have the results, the sooner we can find a solution."

Reluctantly, Zoraida got up and rushed to pay for the tests with the lab requisition in hand.

After drawing blood and collecting secretions, Zoraida anxiously sat on a bench waiting. Her fear overwhelmed her, and she was no longer concerned about the itching on her body; all she wanted was to know what was wrong with her as soon as possible.

The first results that came in were from the secretion tests, and the report instantly terrified her.

Gonorrhea testing: Positive!

Gonorrhea? This was a nightmare. That damn foreman had infected her with gonorrhea?!

Zoraida was filled with overwhelming fear, trembling as she reluctantly opened the second report.

The second report read: Syphilis Treponema Pallidum Particle Agglutination Test: Positive!

Chapter 1104: "A Series of Shocking Discoveries: Zoraida's Desperate Situation"

Upon reading this, Zoraida felt a sudden dizziness wash over her!

Not only did she have gonorrhea, but she also had syphilis?

That damn overseer was practically a drug kingpin!

Wasn't this a death sentence waiting to happen?

Zoraida felt her legs go weak, almost unable to stand. Hastily, she leaned against the wall and sat on the ground, wiping away tears while trembling, and opened the third report.

The third report read: HIV antibody, value 0.11, with a note stating that a reference value of <1 is considered negative.

Zoraida finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness she didn't have HIV; otherwise, it would have truly been a death sentence!

With some consolation found, she opened the last report.

This report stated: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) hormone: 5324.2!

Looking at the subsequent indicators, she nearly fainted on the spot.

This... wasn't this the indicator for pregnancy?

Glancing at the notes, she realized that her value corresponded to pregnancy between 4 to 8 weeks.

Oh no, this was a disaster...

At this moment, Zoraida wished she could just slam her head against the wall and be done with it.

She hadn't dreamt that after finally escaping the despair of the coal mine, thanks to the Weaver family's support, she would discover so many illnesses one after another!

Inflammation, ulceration, gonorrhea, syphilis...

Having so many diseases would have been bad enough, but why was she pregnant?

She was 51 years old this year, well past her prime. Her son, Harold, was already 28 years old. If news of her pregnancy got out, where could she hide her shame?

She'd be ridiculed and scolded by everyone.

With these thoughts racing through her mind, Zoraida hurriedly took the results and went to see a doctor.

As she entered the doctor's office, she locked the door and knelt in front of the doctor, crying, "Doctor, you have to save me! You absolutely must save me!"

The doctor was also taken aback and asked, "What's wrong? Is the HIV test positive?"

The doctor dreaded diagnosing HIV because it was such an insurmountable illness.

Zoraida shook her head frantically and said, "HIV is negative, but I have gonorrhea and syphilis. What's even more important is that I'm pregnant..."

The doctor heaved a sigh of relief this time, saying calmly, "While treating gonorrhea and syphilis can be troublesome, there's still a chance for a complete cure as long as you cooperate with the treatment."

The doctor continued, "As for the pregnancy, you shouldn't be too surprised or worried. Women your age getting pregnant isn't unheard of, and some even go on to have healthy babies."

Just as the doctor finished speaking, they added, "However, I strongly recommend against keeping this child, especially since you have gonorrhea and syphilis. Syphilis can be transmitted from mother to child, so I suggest you terminate the pregnancy and focus on treating these gynecological and sexually transmitted diseases."

In her heart, Zoraida thought, even if you held a knife to my throat, I could never bring this child into the world!

If her husband, mother-in-law, son, and daughter found out that she had spent so long in the coal mine, only to emerge pregnant, she would have no face left to live with them.

Chapter 1105: "A Hasty Appointment: Zoraida's Secretive Struggle"

When Zoraida regained her senses, her first thought was to hurry and arrange for an abortion as soon as possible.

So she asked the doctor, "Doctor, when is the soonest I can schedule an abortion?"

The doctor replied, "If you want to have the procedure done, you'll have to wait until next week, at the earliest, on Monday."

Upon hearing that she would have to wait until Monday, Zoraida immediately felt anxious. She asked in a frantic tone, "Why do I have to wait until Monday? If it's a matter of money, I can pay double or even ten times the price."

The situation was becoming increasingly serious, and every additional day increased the risk of discovery. She couldn't afford not to be in a hurry.

The doctor shook his head and said, "It's not about the money. We only have outpatient appointments on weekends, and we don't perform surgeries. So, if you want to terminate this pregnancy, you'll have to wait until Monday."

"Well... Monday it is, then."

Zoraida's face changed once again, and although she was panicking, she had no other choice.

After all, she couldn't perform the procedure on herself!

Abortion was not a trivial matter, and at her age, it could potentially be life-threatening.

The doctor continued, "In the meantime, I'll prescribe some oral medication and ointments for you to control the situation at home. After the abortion procedure, we'll start a comprehensive treatment plan for your STD."

Zoraida nodded repeatedly and blurted out, "Thank you so much, doctor!"

The doctor waved his hand and added, "When you go back, it's a good idea to have your husband checked as well. Diseases like chlamydia and syphilis are usually transmitted through sexual activity between partners. If you've been intimate with your husband recently, it's possible that he transmitted it to you, or vice versa. These two diseases have high transmission rates, so it's better for him to get tested too. If both of you have it, it's advisable to undergo treatment together and support each other."

Upon hearing this, Zoraida's heart sank.

She was well aware that her husband couldn't have transmitted the disease to her. It must have been that foreman who infected her.

However, two days ago, when she and her husband were at the Weaver residence, they couldn't resist their desires and had unprotected intercourse. Now the doctor was saying that these diseases were highly contagious. Did this mean there was a high probability that she had infected her husband too?

Thinking about this, her heart raced with anxiety.

It seemed like the best solution was to treat the disease herself before her husband showed any symptoms. This way, if her husband were to discover he had the disease later, he wouldn't be able to blame her.

With this thought in mind, Zoraida hastily asked the doctor, "Doctor, how long will it take for this disease to be cured if I actively pursue treatment?"

The doctor hesitated for a moment and then said, "Well... I won't hide it from you; both of these diseases are quite difficult to cure, and the treatment period is relatively long. I estimate it will take at least two months or so."

"So long..." Zoraida's heart sank even further.

The doctor tried to reassure her, "But it's not a guarantee; everyone's body reacts differently, and some people recover more quickly."

With that, the doctor added, "For now, try not to think too much about it. Let's first schedule the surgery for next Monday. After the procedure, we can begin aggressive treatment."

Zoraida nodded. She knew there was no better option at the moment. She made an appointment with the doctor to have the abortion procedure on Monday afternoon. Just as she finished scheduling, she received a call from her husband, who asked right away, "You disappeared early in the morning. Where did you go?"

Zoraida hurriedly replied, "I had some errands to run, and I'm on my way back now."

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 1106: "The Vegetable Thief: Madam Wilson's Backyard Raid"

Noah said, "Mom asked you to come back and buy some meat at the market to cook lunch."

Zoraida felt a bit annoyed but still said obediently, "Alright, I'll buy the groceries and head back in a while."


Charlie and his wife spent the morning picking fruits in their backyard orchard.

Claire was as happy as an 18-year-old girl. She not only picked fruits but also diligently loosened the soil and watered the plants.

Elaine was eagerly waiting to take photos and share them on her social media, and she became impatient when she saw the couple not coming out of the orchard.

After they finally brought a large basket of fruits inside the house, she hurriedly descended the stairs, pulled out her phone, and took various photos, including selfies, in the orchard.

After taking a bunch of photos under the scorching sun, she immediately returned to her room. She applied aloe vera gel for sunburn relief while carefully selecting nine images from her phone. She then posted them on her social media with the caption: "Look at our family's garden. Thanks to my meticulous care, it's grown so beautifully!"

This social media post immediately garnered numerous likes and comments. No one had expected Elaine to cultivate such a vast and impressive garden in her own backyard. Some friends, including those who had previously bought villas and planted a small portion of vegetables, commented somewhat sarcastically, "Wow, Elaine, you're really amazing! You've managed to grow so much at home. But isn't it unusual for ordinary people to grow so much on their own property? Did you secretly pick from someone else's garden and intentionally deceive us?"

"Hey!" Elaine was infuriated when she read this comment.

She had indeed taken these pictures in her own villa, so how dare they question her? Just wait; she would take an overhead shot of the backyard from the third-floor balcony!

With that in mind, Elaine immediately went up to the terrace of her master bedroom on the third floor, opened her phone's camera, and prepared to take a photo of the garden.

However, at that moment, she suddenly noticed a strange figure on her phone screen!

There was a silhouette outside the garden fence, reaching out and stealing vegetables from her own garden.

As Elaine watched, the thief plucked a large eggplant, followed by a big cucumber and a ripe tomato.

Elaine immediately shouted, "Hey! What are you doing? Are you stealing my vegetables?"

As soon as the figure heard her shout, they withdrew their hand, turned, and started running.

Elaine focused her eyes and realized, to her astonishment, that the vegetable thief was none other than that annoying Madam Wilson!

So, she was immediately furious and shouted loudly, "You shameless old woman! How dare you come to my house and steal my vegetables! I swear I'll call the police on you right now!"

Madam Wilson, carrying a basket of stolen vegetables, couldn't run very fast. Upon hearing Elaine's threats, she turned her head, not in fear, but instead spat in her direction.

This further enraged Elaine, and she rushed downstairs. Finding Charlie and their daughter washing vegetables in the kitchen, she blurted out, "Both of you are still in the mood to wash vegetables here, while our garden is being robbed!"

"Who did it?" Claire asked instinctively.

Elaine fumed, "That old hag of yours! Besides her, who else would stoop so low?"

Chapter 1107: "Granny's Green Fingers and the Stolen Greens: A Vegetable Vendetta Unfolds!"

When Claire heard that her grandmother had stolen vegetables from the family's garden, she sighed helplessly and said, "Mom, since it was Grandma who picked them, just let her have them. It's just some vegetables."

Elaine blurted out, "It's not that simple. What has your grandmother ever given us? Have you forgotten how she treated our family in the past? And now she shamelessly comes to our house to steal vegetables. I can't tolerate this!"

Claire shook her head in resignation and replied, "Don't overthink it. Grandma just saw that our vegetables were so good and wanted to pick some for a meal. We shouldn't be so stingy."

Elaine muttered, "All you ever do is bend over backward for others."

With that, she turned and went upstairs.

However, the more Elaine thought about the situation, the more she felt wronged. Such excellent vegetables, and not even a leaf could be spared for Grandma Wilson? Her daughter didn't seem to care at all! If they allowed Grandma to get away with stealing this time, she would keep coming back for more.

So, Elaine hurriedly left her room, went to the kitchen doorway, and called out to Charlie, saying, "Charlie, I need to talk to you about something."

Charlie nodded and approached the door.

Elaine whispered urgently, "Charlie, I'm giving you a friendly warning. You've prepared such a great vegetable garden for Clay; you must be cautious against theft. I've lived with Grandma for so many years, and I know exactly what kind of person she is. If you don't stop her, she'll steal from you tomorrow."

In truth, during his three-plus years at the Wilson residence, Charlie had gained a deep understanding of each member of the family. He knew their individual personalities well.

He was well aware of the nature of every person in the Wilson family.

In his eyes, aside from his wife, Claire, who was inherently a good person, there was only a sliver of hope for Jacob. The rest of them were all trash.

This included Elaine and Grandma Wilson.

So, he was also fully aware that if he didn't take action, Grandma Wilson would indeed steal again, just as Elaine had described—once, twice, a hundred times.

Therefore, he had a plan in mind.

Afterward, Charlie asked Elaine, "Do you know what Grandma's favorite vegetable is?"

Elaine thought for a moment and said, "If we're talking about her absolute favorite, it should be Chinese chives! Grandma never cooks, but if you mention making dumplings with Chinese chives and eggs, she'll personally get in the kitchen to prepare the filling. That's her favorite!"

"Good," Charlie nodded. Chinese chives it is, which worked perfectly.

He then went to a secluded spot and made a call to George.

Once the call connected, George asked, "Mr. Wade, is your wife satisfied with the vegetable garden I arranged for her last night?"

"She's quite pleased," Charlie replied. "I called to ask for another favor from you."

George eagerly said, "Mr. Wade, just give me your instructions."

Charlie said, "I want you to find dozens of the best pots of Narcissus bulbs for me, specifically ones that haven't bloomed yet and have vibrant green leaves."

George pondered for a moment and said, "Mr. Wade, these Narcissus bulbs are poisonous. If you need just a few, it should be fine, but if you want that many, I'm concerned about safety."

Charlie gave a slight smile and reassured him, "I know they're poisonous, but you don't need to worry. Just prepare them for me. Make sure they arrive before this afternoon."

Upon hearing this, George promptly agreed, "Certainly, Mr. Wade, I'll take care of it right away."


After Grandma Wilson stole a basket of vegetables from Charlie's home, she returned just as Zoraida arrived.

She asked Zoraida, "Did you buy the meat I asked for?"

Zoraida nodded, "Not only did I buy the meat, but I also bought a lot of vegetables."

Chapter 1108: "The Great Vegetable Heist: Grandma's Green Crime Spree Begins!"

Zoraida felt extremely guilty at the moment, so she decided to please both the old lady and her husband. Coincidentally, she had sold the coffee machine, and now she had some money in her hand. She decided to buy some spare ribs and pork belly to make a sumptuous meat dish for her family.

When Madam Wilson heard that Zoraida had bought vegetables, she immediately expressed her disapproval, saying, "Why waste money on buying vegetables?"

Zoraida asked in surprise, "Mom, we can't just eat meat without vegetables, right? We need to supplement our vitamins."

Madam Wilson took her to the kitchen and pointed to a basket of fresh vegetables she had recently acquired, saying, "See these high-quality vegetables? They were all stolen from the Charlie Wade family. The Charlie Wade family has a big vegetable garden, and you can just reach out beyond the fence to pick them. From now on, we won't need to spend money on vegetables."

Zoraida then remembered that she had seen the bustling construction at the Charlie Wade family's house when she left in the morning. Although she found it strange at the time, she didn't pay much attention.

She carefully examined the basket of vegetables that Madam Wilson had stolen and couldn't help but exclaim, "Mom, you're right. These vegetables look really good, even better than the organic ones I usually buy."

Madam Wilson nodded and picked up a long, vibrant cucumber. "Look at this cucumber, it's big and long, with fresh yellow flowers at the tip. It's so clean, it looks like it's just been washed!"

She then washed the cucumber under the tap, scrubbed it, and with a slight twist, it broke cleanly, emitting a rich and pleasant fragrance. Madam Wilson couldn't help but sigh, "Why does this cucumber smell so good!"

She put it in her mouth and took a bite.

The taste of the cucumber made Madam Wilson's face light up with delight.

With her mouth full, she mumbled, "This is the best cucumber I've ever had in my life!"

Noah had just arrived at the kitchen door and caught a whiff of the cucumber's aroma. He exclaimed, "Wow, this cucumber smells so fragrant! Give me half of it to eat."

The old lady handed him half, and after taking a bite, Noah immediately gave a thumbs-up and said to his wife, "Honey, where did you buy this cucumber? It's delicious!"

Zoraida hurriedly explained, "I didn't buy it; Mom picked it, I mean, Mom stole it."

"Stole it?" Noah looked at his mother in surprise and asked, "Mom, where did you steal these cucumbers from?"

Madam Wilson chuckled and said, "The Charlie Wade family has a vegetable garden with all sorts of vegetables. They're all growing beautifully. I just passed by their front gate and saw it, so I brought a basket to pick some."

Noah furrowed his brows and said, "Is Charlie out of his mind? Why is he planting vegetables in his yard?"

"Who cares?" Madam Wilson chuckled. "Anyway, we won't need to spend money on vegetables anymore. We can just go to the Charlie Wade family and pick the freshest and best vegetables every day!"

Noah laughed and said, "That's really great! It's not only healthy but also cost-saving!"

For this lunch, Zoraida used the vegetables that her mother had stolen from the Charlie Wade family to prepare several delicious dishes. The entire Wilson family praised the food, and even Harold, who usually disliked vegetables, ate a lot because the vegetables were exceptionally delicious.

As the dishes on the table were almost finished, Madam Wilson couldn't help but say, "I never expected that the vegetables from the Charlie Wade family would be this good. So, in the afternoon, I'll go there again and pick some more."

Harold asked anxiously, "Grandma, what if Charlie finds out that we're stealing vegetables from his house? Won't he come and cause trouble?"

Madam Wilson snorted, "Let him come and cause trouble. As long as he dares to touch me, I'll sue him!"

Noah laughed and said, "Mom, you really know how to handle things!"

Chapter 1109: "Madam Wilson's Chive Caper: A Recipe for Misadventure!"

After having lunch, George arranged for another truck to deliver a truckload of foreign daffodils.

The daffodils he sent were all of high-quality varieties, with lush green growth. And, as per Charlie's request, each plant had not yet bloomed.

Daffodils are plants that resemble chives, especially when they haven't bloomed yet.

City dwellers are not always experts at distinguishing plants, and since most people have eaten chives and seen them cut, but haven't seen them grow in the ground, it's easy to confuse chives with daffodils.

Chives are a beloved vegetable, essential for stir-frying, making soup, or filling dumplings and pies.

However, daffodils, on the other hand, are not edible.

Why not? Because daffodils contain narcissine.

And narcissine itself is a toxic alkaloid.

Upon hearing from Elaine that Madam Wilson liked to eat chives, Charlie immediately thought of these daffodils.

He knew that after Madam Wilson successfully stole vegetables once, she would definitely come back for more and do so frequently.

So he instructed George to have the workers plant all these daffodils by the wall.

This way, Madam Wilson could easily reach out and grab a handful from outside the iron fence; stealing them would be incredibly easy.

If she stole these daffodils and mistook them for chives to eat, her fate would certainly be grim.

Although it wouldn't be life-threatening, she would probably have to spend a few days in the hospital.

Charlie's idea was to let her and her family eat the daffodils and end up in the hospital. During their hospital stay, he would have his workers turn the fence into a wall and transform his vegetable garden into a greenhouse. This way, he would no longer have to worry about anyone stealing from him.

When the truck arrived to unload the cargo, Madam Wilson from next door happened to be on the terrace on the third floor, and she immediately lit up when she saw the workers unloading clusters of long, green, slender plants.

It was chives!

And such fresh chives!

She couldn't help but think of the delicious meal she had for lunch, made even more delectable with vegetables stolen from Charlie's house. The homely meal had a vibrant, healthy feel to it.

Now, seeing so many fresh chives from Charlie's house again, Madam Wilson was naturally overjoyed, as chives were her absolute favorite!

Moreover, during this period of upheaval and her time spent in detention, she hadn't had chive and egg dumplings in a long time!

Seeing these fresh chives from Charlie's house, her first thought was to quickly grab a knife, cut a bunch, and make some chive and egg dumplings for a satisfying dinner!


Around 4 PM, Madam Wilson woke up from a short nap and her first thought was to go to the terrace and check on the chives from Charlie's house.

Seeing that Charlie had already planted all the chives next to the iron fence, Madam Wilson was overjoyed.

Wasn't this just making it more convenient for her?

So, she immediately went downstairs.

At this moment, the Wilson family of four were sitting in the living room watching TV.

Harold had brought a TV from an empty room downstairs. Although it wasn't as big as the one they had sold, it was still pretty good.

Madam Wilson said to Zoraida, "Zoraida, go out and buy a box of eggs and a bag of flour."

Chapter 1110: "Leek and Egg Dumplings: Grandma's Stolen Secret Ingredient!"

Zoraida hurriedly inquired with flattery, "Mom, what do you need eggs and flour for?"

Madam Wilson replied, "We're making leek and egg dumplings for dinner!"

Harold exclaimed with joy, "Grandma, we're having dumplings tonight?"

"Yes!" Madam Wilson chuckled, "Do you like leek and egg dumplings?"

Harold smiled and said, "Oh, I love them! It's been so long since I've had dumplings with leek and egg filling. Just hearing you talk about it is making my mouth water!"

Noah also chuckled and said, "Mom, why the sudden craving for leek and egg dumplings today? It's been a while since you've cooked dumplings."

Madam Wilson said, "I'm in a good mood today, so we're going all in on leek and egg dumplings for dinner!"

"Great!" Noah exclaimed, "I haven't had dumplings in ages. Today's a perfect day to satisfy my cravings!"

Zoraida chimed in, "Mom, besides flour and eggs, should I buy some leeks too?"

Madam Wilson grinned triumphantly and said, "The Wade family got some exceptionally fresh leeks this afternoon. I'll go and pick a bunch later!"

Noah hurriedly added, "Mom, pick a little extra, and maybe we can make some leek and pork dumplings too!"

Wendy suggested, "We can even make leek-filled pancakes!"

"Alright, alright!" Madam Wilson nodded and smiled, "I'll pick extra then!"

By the time it was a little past 5 in the afternoon, Madam Wilson grabbed a kitchen knife and headed out.

She placed the knife in a bamboo basket and jogged her way to the fence outside Charlie's house.

Madam Wilson looked around and saw no one in the yard, so she quickly pulled out the knife and reached into the fence to cut a large bunch of leeks.

After cutting one bunch, she immediately cut two more.

At first, she thought it was enough, but upon careful consideration, these leeks were exceptionally good. It would be a shame not to take a little more.

So, she ended up cutting six bunches, and the bamboo basket was overflowing with freshly cut "leeks."

Feeling triumphant, Madam Wilson hurried to make her way back.

At this moment, Elaine saw that the sun was about to set and decided to go out on the terrace to soak up some sunlight.

After all, the doctor had advised her to get plenty of sunlight to help her leg heal faster by synthesizing vitamin D.

As she arrived on the terrace, she happened to spot Madam Wilson stealing vegetables again and couldn't contain her anger. She shouted, "You shameless old hag! You stole so many vegetables from my house this morning, and now you dare to come again this afternoon? Have you no shame?"

Madam Wilson turned around and looked at her, cursing, "What's the matter? You're my daughter-in-law. If I want to eat some of your vegetables, why are you complaining?"

Elaine retorted, "Who the hell is your daughter-in-law? You shameless old witch! Next time you dare to steal vegetables from my house, I'll break your legs!"

Madam Wilson scoffed and said, "You still don't know when your own broken leg will heal, yet you dare to argue with me? Do you believe I'll break your legs next time?"

Hearing this, Elaine was filled with rage!

It was Madam Wilson who had broken her leg in the detention center, and she had never forgotten that grudge.

Seeing Madam Wilson come to steal vegetables again and even using her broken leg against her, Elaine gritted her teeth and cursed, "Go ahead, steal! You old hag! Your mouth is so foul; I'll make sure it's the death of you one day!"

Madam Wilson coldly snorted, "Let me tell you, Elaine, I've got plenty of life left in me. You'll die eight hundred times before I do! If you don't believe it, let's see who dies first!"


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 1096: "The Seafood Scare Fallout and a Secret Sale"

Because all the doctors had explicitly warned that seafood should absolutely be avoided when dealing with a sexually transmitted disease! Not only could it worsen the symptoms, but it might even lead to ulcers!

Zoraida was trembling with fear!

She had just indulged in so much seafood a while ago. Wasn't she in for a rough night now...

At this moment, Wendy handed a piece of sea cucumber to Zoraida's bowl and said, "Mom, you've been through a lot recently. Have some sea cucumber to nourish yourself."

Zoraida saw the sea cucumber and felt a shiver down her spine!

Immediately after, that peculiar itch seemed to have intensified a few notches.

She hurriedly returned the sea cucumber to Wendy, her heart in a state of panic.

By now, the six hot pots had turned the private room into a steamy sauna, and Zoraida felt sweat pouring down her body, with the itching sensation intensifying.

She hastily stood up and said, "I've had enough, I'll go get some fresh air outside. You all continue eating."

Harold said, "Mom, there are still plenty of abalones and oysters left."

Zoraida impatiently replied, "Oh, I'm full and not hungry anymore!"

After saying that, she quickly left the room.

Once outside the stifling hot room, Zoraida felt slightly better.

But she knew that after consuming so much seafood just now, it hadn't started to take its toll yet.

During her previous bouts of hemorrhoids, she had also eaten seafood and knew that the seafood reaction usually occurred about three hours after consumption.

Judging by that, tonight was going to be tough...

She felt extremely frustrated. Yesterday, while she and her husband were having a good time, she had thought that her husband was indeed much better than that foreman. At that time, comparing the two, she didn't hate the foreman as much because he had also brought her some happiness.

But she never expected that in just one day, things would turn out like this.

If she were really ill, wouldn't that be a disaster?

Feeling utterly dejected, Zoraida dared not return to the stuffy private room.

She waited for the others in the family to finish eating and walked back with them.

By this time, the seafood seemed to have started taking its toll. The itching sensation continued to intensify, making it incredibly uncomfortable for her to walk.

When she arrived back at the Thomson Elite villa, Zoraida was itching uncontrollably.

The first thing she did upon returning to the villa was to search for inconspicuous items that she could sell.

After a thorough search, she noticed an imported DeLonghi coffee machine in the kitchen, which seemed quite high-end. Madam Wilson never drank coffee, she preferred tea, so she would likely never notice the coffee machine. Even if she discreetly sold it, she wouldn't be aware.

So she decided to look up the model of the coffee machine online.

To her surprise, it turned out to be a top-of-the-line imported high-end coffee machine, despite its small size, it was worth over 50,000 dollars!

She followed her son's approach and went to a second-hand website. She found that a second-hand machine like this would fetch at least 30,000 dollars.

In order to find a buyer quickly and get the money for her medical expenses, she immediately listed it for 25,000 dollars on the local second-hand website.

She endured the itching sensation and held onto her phone, waiting for over ten minutes before someone contacted her and said, "I'll take it. Can I come pick it up tomorrow morning?"

Zoraida hastily replied, "No problem, let's meet at 9 am tomorrow at the entrance of Thomson Elite!"

Meanwhile, in Suzhou and Hangzhou, Donald was trying to figure out how to stop the endless decline of his stocks. His assistant entered and whispered, "Mr. Weaver, that Zoraida from the Wilson family just posted their villa's coffee machine for sale on a second-hand website."

Upon hearing this, Donald cursed, "This family is a bunch of damn bandits, aren't they?!"

Chapter 1097: "Family Ambitions and Unwelcome Restlessness"

As tonight marked the first evening of the Wilson family's stay at Thomson Elite, everyone felt a strong sense of ceremony deep within their hearts.

Mrs. Wilson gathered everyone in the living room, sitting on the luxurious European-style sofa. She seemed to have regained the aura she had when she was in control of the Wilson Group.

She wore a smile on her face, but it carried a hint of authority.

After assessing everyone for a moment, she spoke calmly, "Today marks a significant phase of our victory. Although the Wilson Group has not yet fully recovered, our family has already made it ashore. Just this alone is worth celebrating."

Everyone nodded in agreement, except for Zoraida, whose expression was less than pleasant. Everyone else appeared excited.

Zoraida was already feeling the effects of the seafood she had indulged in, and the tingling sensation was making her restless.

Mrs. Wilson glanced at her with a somewhat disdainful expression and said, "Zoraida, you're not a child anymore. Why do you keep fidgeting like a worm? "

Zoraida's expression became even more unsightly.

Mrs. Wilson was indeed sharp with her words. Comparing her to a worm? Was that how a mother-in-law described her daughter-in-law?

However, she didn't dare to be defiant towards Mrs. Wilson and could only apologize, "I'm sorry, Mom. I'm just not feeling well in my stomach..."

Mrs. Wilson gave her a disdainful look and said, "I see that you've suffered a lot in the coal mine. When we were eating the seafood hotpot earlier, you devoured so much as if you hadn't eaten in three years. How could your stomach possibly handle it?"

Zoraida felt even more frustrated but had no choice but to nod and say, "You're right, Mom."

Mrs. Wilson couldn't be bothered with her and continued, "Now that our family has made it ashore, the next step is to ensure that the Wilson Group also does. After Chairman Weaver transfers the funds to the company's account, the Wilson Group will resume its normal operations."

With that, she turned her gaze towards Noah and said, "Noah, when the group is back on track, you'll become the business manager, responsible for negotiating partnerships for the Wilson Group."

Noah nodded, "Alright, Mom, I understand. I'll do my best!"

Mrs. Wilson nodded in satisfaction and then looked at Harold, who was beside her. "Harold, from now on, you will be the director of the Wilson Group. You must put away your carefree attitude and not let anyone laugh at you, especially Claire. Do you understand?"

Harold quickly replied, "I understand, Grandma!"

Mrs. Wilson then turned her attention to Wendy. "Wen, you're young and beautiful. When you were with Gerald, you were always having fun. From now on, you need to work for the group. I think you should be the public relations manager for the Wilson Group, responsible for market and client relations."

Wendy obediently nodded, "Of course, Grandma. I'll do as you say."

"Good," Mrs. Wilson said with satisfaction. "All of you need to give your utmost effort. Our Wilson family has this opportunity today, and we mustn't let it slip away. Do you all understand?"

"We understand!"

Everyone responded energetically and with determination.

Noah hurriedly suggested, "Mom, can't we find a job for Zoraida too?"

Mrs. Wilson snorted and said, "Zoraida can stay at home and take care of household chores. There always needs to be someone managing the home."

Without waiting for Zoraida's response, she stood up and said, "That's enough for now. I'm going upstairs to rest, and you all should get some rest too."

Harold and Wendy had been eager to return to their respective rooms and enjoy the high-quality furnishings and decoration of the house. So, after Mrs. Wilson left, they also got up and went to their rooms.

Noah looked at his wife and suddenly had thoughts of continuing their intimate moments. He hurriedly said, "Wife, let's go back to our room and rest."

Chapter 1098: "Sleepless Itches and a Midnight Surprise"

Zoraida felt increasingly itchy and agitated, but on this late night, she had no other way to deal with it.

Even if she wanted to go to the hospital, she had no money. She had to wait until tomorrow to sell the coffee machine.

There was no choice; she could only get up and return to the second-floor bedroom with Noah.

As they entered the incredibly spacious and luxurious master bedroom on the second floor, Noah couldn't wait any longer. He mumbled, "Honey, I want to have some quality time together tonight..."

Zoraida was shocked to hear this and, as she struggled to free herself, said, "Let's skip it for tonight. You're tired; it's better to rest early."

Noah pleaded, "Please, honey."

At this point, Zoraida was feeling extremely uncomfortable, and she didn't have the mood for it at all. She blurted out, "I said no, and that's final. Tonight, we're both sleeping separately!"

Though Noah was quite frustrated, he couldn't force the issue when he saw how emotional his wife was. He reluctantly agreed.

The two of them lay in bed, with Noah still attempting to convince Zoraida. However, Zoraida remained resolute. In the end, Noah fell into a deep sleep.

But Zoraida, lying beside him, couldn't sleep no matter how much she tossed and turned.

The itching sensation that was driving her crazy made her extremely uncomfortable. She was getting increasingly anxious, fearing that she might actually be suffering from a certain health issue.

She thought about going to the hospital tomorrow for a thorough check-up while worrying about whether her husband might get infected because of her.


Charlie had been thinking about preparing a vegetable garden for his wife that she could harvest from.

Claire, on the other hand, was looking forward to the harvesting trip tomorrow until she went to bed.

She originally thought her husband would take her to some vegetable and fruit farm in the suburbs.

But little did she know that her husband, the doting husband Charlie, had already prepared to create a unique vegetable garden for her in their yard tonight!

At 12 o'clock in the evening, George White sent him a WeChat message, saying that he had already brought some people over.

Claire, who was lying next to Charlie, was fast asleep, breathing steadily. However, to ensure she wouldn't wake up, Charlie quietly gathered a bit of spiritual energy at his fingertips and lightly touched her forehead.

This way, he could make sure his wife would sleep until the next morning.

After all, it was meant to be a surprise for her, and if she woke up to any noise and looked out the window, the surprise would be spoiled.

Later, Charlie turned over and got out of bed, heading downstairs to the yard.

A few minutes later, George arrived in person with several light trucks at the villa's entrance.

The trucks were filled with various vegetable and fruit plants, all of them bearing abundant fruit and thriving.

George respectfully said, "Master Wade, I've brought the best vegetable and fruit plants we could find in Aurous Hill! Every variety, every plant, has been carefully selected from countless greenhouses. I guarantee that the vegetable garden we're creating for you will be the best in Aurous Hill, if not the entire country!"

Charlie Wade nodded in satisfaction and smiled, "You've worked hard. I'll remember this."

Chapter 1099: "Late-Night Gardening and Domestic Drama"

Upon hearing these words, George couldn't contain his excitement and exclaimed, "It's my honor to assist Master Wade!"

Without delay, George continued, "Master Wade, I've prepared over two hundred plants. If we transplant and cultivate all of them, it will take quite some time. Should I instruct the workers to start right away? I estimate they'll need to work until at least five or six in the morning."

Charlie nodded and replied, "Very well, let's have the workers get to work promptly."

George quickly waved to one of his subordinates and instructed, "Tell the workers to start working immediately. They must be diligent and ensure that none of the plants are damaged, especially the fruits and vegetables. If they do a good job, I'll reward them generously with ten thousand dollars each. If they fail to meet Master Wade's expectations, don't blame me for being strict!"

The assistant nodded hurriedly and then approached the workers, saying, "Everyone, you must work diligently. Mr. White has promised each of you ten thousand dollars as a bonus if you complete the task on time and as required!"

Upon hearing this, all the workers were extremely excited. Normally, they couldn't earn ten thousand dollars in a month, even with strenuous work, five thousand was considered good. But now, if they worked well tonight, each of them could earn two months' worth of salary. This was like a dream come true for them.

So, the group of workers enthusiastically got to work.

Charlie decided to stay awake as well, overseeing the workers as they carefully planted various types of plants in the villa's garden.

Thomson Elite's villa had a large garden, divided into a front and back yard, covering an area of at least four to five acres.

Charlie decided to allocate about an acre of space along the walls and neatly planted all the vegetables and fruits by type. If his wife, Claire, really liked it, he could prepare a sunroom later and install temperature and humidity control equipment inside. This way, even in snowy winter, there would always be fresh vegetables and fruits available. Claire could enjoy picking them every day, which would undoubtedly make her very happy.

Although it was a bit of an effort, making his wife happy was more important than anything else.

Jacob and Elaine, although separated, rushed to the terrace upon hearing the commotion. They both instinctively looked down from their respective room terraces and witnessed the bustling scene below.

Jacob couldn't figure out what Charlie was up to and quickly ran down to ask, "Charlie, what are you doing? Are you planning to start farming at home with all these fruits and vegetables?"

Charlie nodded and smiled, "Exactly. I heard that Clay really enjoys picking fruits and vegetables, so I'm preparing a part of the garden for that purpose. From now on, she can pick them here every day."

Jacob gave him a thumbs-up and said, "I had forgotten that Clay enjoys picking fruits and vegetables. It's surprising that you knew about it. It looks like marrying you was a blessing. Most men wouldn't put in such effort for their wives."

At that moment, Elaine, who was on the third-floor terrace, snorted coldly and remarked, "Jacob, a real man is better than you! A real man knows how to cherish his wife! Only a scoundrel like you would separate from your wife and even consider divorcing her after she suffered so much for you!"

Jacob scowled and shouted back, "Elaine, you better stop talking nonsense. Don't you know your own character? If it weren't for Charlie, our family would have been ruined a long time ago! If I don't divorce you, my life will be ruined!"

Elaine cursed, "Bullshit! Jacob, mark my words: as long as I'm alive, you won't be able to divorce me!"

With that, Elaine snorted coldly and went back to her room.

Jacob was frustrated but had no way to respond, so he looked at Charlie and said, "Did you see that? She's like a shrew."

Charlie smiled calmly, thinking to himself that Elaine's true nature was even clearer to him than to Jacob. However, he couldn't say that out loud.

Instead, he asked Jacob, "Have you met Aunt Merit these past few days?"

Jacob waved his hand in fear and whispered, "Keep your voice down. If that shrew hears that Aunt Merit has returned to the country, it'll be over."

Chapter 1100: "A Night of Torment and a Hasty Sale"

Charlie gave a faint smile. It seemed that his father-in-law, Jacob, was quite worried about Elaine finding out about Merit's return to the country.

However, such matters are often hidden for a while but not forever.

The specific duration of secrecy would depend on his father-in-law's luck.


Next door, Mrs. Wilson, who had a sharp intuition, heard some commotion outside, so she got up from her bed and walked to the terrace.

With a glance, she noticed that the lights were on at Charlie's house, and upon closer inspection, she realized that there was a large group of workers planting vegetables for them!

What on earth was going on?

Wasn't planting vegetables supposed to start with sowing the seeds first?

In essence, Charlie had practically moved the entire vegetable garden from his own yard.

Some people were just plain rustic; this beautiful villa could have been adorned with high-end flowers to enhance its grandeur!

However, as she observed more closely, Mrs. Wilson noticed that the quality of the vegetables and fruits they were planting was quite good. They were probably all organic produce, the kind that sold for a high price.

Thinking about this, Mrs. Wilson decided that she would ask Zoraida to sneak some vegetables back tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Zoraida was lying in bed, unable to sleep, tossing and turning.

The itching sensation was becoming unbearable, and she was finding it increasingly difficult to endure.

Unable to bear it any longer, she took another shower.

However, this time, to her horror, Zoraida discovered that her body was covered in red rashes, looking particularly terrifying.

Deep inside, she felt lost and desperate, only hoping for daybreak to come quickly so that she could go to the hospital.

This night was an extreme torment for Zoraida.

In the first half of the night, she was merely tossing and turning in bed, but by the latter half, she could hardly lie down at all.

She couldn't understand why this illness had suddenly struck, and why it had come so quickly.

After searching on her phone for a while, she found that everyone said that for a sexually transmitted disease, it was crucial to watch your diet, especially avoiding seafood and spicy foods.

Upon reading this, she regretted it deeply.

She had had seafood hotpot for dinner, and she had specifically asked for the spicy broth.

She never wanted to eat either of those again in her entire life.

Because she was worried about leaving too late and not being able to take the coffee machine in front of her family, Zoraida quietly got up a little after 5 a.m., went to the kitchen, and grabbed the coffee machine before leaving.

As she passed by Charlie's house, she noticed that Charlie had more or less finished the vegetable garden he had prepared for his wife overnight.

Separate by the backyard fence, Zoraida was surprised to see that Charlie's house now had a large vegetable garden that had seemingly appeared overnight. However, she couldn't spare any attention for this because her focus was entirely on something else.

She waited for over an hour at the entrance of Thomson Elite, and only when the person buying the coffee machine arrived and she received her payment did she immediately take a taxi and rushed to People's Hospital!

Chapter 1101: "A Surprise Morning in the Garden: Claire's Delightful Awakening"

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Claire slowly woke up. This night's sleep was far more comfortable than usual. She hadn't had any dreams or even woken up once throughout the night, as if she had been in deep sleep the whole time. So, she felt incredibly refreshed.

Not seeing Charlie when she got out of bed didn't surprise Claire because he always woke up earlier than her.

Knowing that Charlie was going to take her fruit picking today, Claire was in an exceptionally good mood, filled with anticipation.

After getting ready, Claire changed into sports attire and then headed downstairs.

She thought Charlie would be preparing breakfast so they could leave for the countryside after eating, but to her surprise, he was waiting for her in the living room.

As soon as Claire came downstairs, Charlie greeted her with a smile, "Darling, let's go fruit picking!"

Claire was genuinely surprised, "Huh? Are we leaving right away? I haven't had breakfast yet..."

Charlie chuckled, "Who needs breakfast? We'll have it when we get back."

With that, he reached out and took Claire's hand, leading her towards the door.

Being led by Charlie while holding her hand, Claire's heart raced, feeling both bashful and intrigued. She couldn't help but ask, "Charlie, we're going to the countryside to pick fruit, and then we'll come back. That's going to take a good part of the day. What if we get hungry along the way?"

Charlie smiled and replied, "You'll see when you come with me. I've got everything planned."

Curious, Claire asked, "Did you arrange a farmhouse experience there?"

Charlie brought Claire to the doorstep and said with a smile, "Come on, close your eyes."

Claire was even more surprised, "Close my eyes already? Isn't it a bit early for that?"

Charlie laughed, "What's early about it? You'll find out soon enough."

Helpless, Claire smiled and closed her eyes, saying softly, "Alright, I'll trust you since you're taking me fruit picking."

Charlie grinned, "No peeking, okay?"

Claire replied earnestly, "Don't worry, I won't peek. I love surprises!"

"That's great!"

Hand in hand, Charlie led Claire with her delicate, warm hand out of the house and into the yard. The easternmost part of the yard was now cultivated with over an acre of fruits and vegetables.

These plants had been carefully selected by George White. Not only did the fruits and vegetables grow well, but there wasn't a single blemish on them. The fruits were vibrant in color, the leaves were lush green, and the morning dew added to their charm.

Leading Claire outside, they reached the garden. Then Charlie smiled at her and said, "Darling, you can open your eyes now."

Surprised, Claire asked, "Aren't we supposed to get in the car first? You want me to open my eyes before we even get in?"

Charlie chuckled and replied, "Yes, I want you to open your eyes."

Claire laughed, "Then I've already opened them!"

With that, she gently opened her eyes.

At the moment her eyes opened, the rising sun from the east cast its brilliant morning light directly into her bright eyes, momentarily blinding her.

Her vision gradually adjusted, and at that moment, she was astonished to discover a perfect and flawless fruit and vegetable garden right in front of her!

She let out a surprised "Ah!"

Immediately, she covered her mouth with both hands.

Chapter 1102: "A Garden of Love: Charlie's Surprise for Claire"

Afterward, she glanced at Charlie beside her, her face filled with shock and disbelief.

"This... am I... I'm not dreaming, right, Charlie? How do we have such a vegetable garden in our home?!"

Charlie looked at her affectionately and smiled, "Silly wife, you're definitely not dreaming. You love picking fruits, don't you? From now on, you can come here every day to pick. I had it arranged for us, the best fruit and vegetable plants available in Aurous Hill. I will also take good care of this vegetable garden, ensuring it bears abundant fruit all year round for you to pick and taste!"

Claire was deeply moved, her eyes teary.

She had never dreamt that her husband would prepare such a huge surprise for her overnight.

When she was younger, she had always wished to grow some fruits and vegetables in the yard, even if it was just a tomato plant or a chili pepper. However, Madam Wilson had never given her the opportunity.

But now, her husband had suddenly gifted her this vast and beautiful vegetable garden!

Especially Charlie's heartfelt promise made Claire even more touched. Although Charlie had done many things for her in the past, nothing had ever moved her like this.

It felt as if she had only expected her husband to give her a single flower, but he had gifted her an entire garden.

It was as though she suddenly possessed the whole world.

Despite the absence of romantic roses, the vegetables and fruits before Claire's eyes were more captivating than the most beautiful roses in the world.

At this moment, she felt even more excited than when she first saw Charlie organizing a grand wedding in Shangri-La's Sky Garden.

At this point, Charlie had already handed a beautifully crafted small bamboo basket to Claire, smiling as he said, "Wife, you wanted to pick, right? Why are you standing there? All the vegetables and fruits here are organically grown, pesticide-free. You can pick with confidence!"

Claire was deeply moved; she looked at Charlie and instinctively threw herself into his arms, tightly hugging his waist. She said emotionally, "Husband, thank you, thank you for everything you've done for me. I feel like I'm the happiest person in the world right now."

Charlie gently touched her cheek, overflowing with tenderness, and said, "Silly girl, are you my wife? Don't thank me for anything. As long as you're happy, I'm happy."

As he spoke, Charlie, feeling an impulse, lowered his head and gently kissed Claire's lips.

In that moment, Claire suddenly felt her mind go blank.

This was her first kiss, and she hadn't expected it to be taken by Charlie so suddenly!

However, she didn't feel angry at all; instead, she felt an unprecedented sense of happiness as she looked up at the handsome and gentle Charlie.

Being a happy woman in her husband's arms felt so amazing!

Though she felt incredibly happy, she couldn't help but feel a bit shy. After that light kiss from Charlie, Claire anxiously pushed him away, nervously straightening her hair. She stammered, "Um, I want to start picking..."

Charlie gently held her and said, "Wife, I'll pick with you!"

Blushing, Claire handed the bamboo basket back to him and said shyly, "Then, you can pick with me, and I'll let you carry it for me!"

"Sure!" Charlie immediately agreed, holding his wife's hand as they entered the vegetable garden.

On the terrace of the third floor, Elaine watched the two in the yard and grumbled, "They're being all lovey-dovey early in the morning, don't they know I'm about to lose my teeth from all this sweetness?"

With that in mind, she angrily shouted, "Hey, you two, pick faster! I'm waiting to take pictures of the vegetable garden and post them on my social media!"

Chapter 1103: "Zoraida's Health Scare: A Shocking Discovery"

On this particular morning, Claire felt like the luckiest woman in the world. But simultaneously, another woman believed herself to be the unluckiest. That woman was Zoraida, who had come to the People's Hospital for a medical check-up.

She had initially registered for a gynecological examination and had waited in line for a long time before it was finally her turn. Once inside, the doctor began a routine examination. However, when the doctor saw the actual condition, even someone experienced like her couldn't help but be astonished and blurted out, "What's going on? How did it get to this point? Haven't you been taking care of personal hygiene?"

Although the doctor conducting the examination was female, Zoraida couldn't help but feel extremely embarrassed by the doctor's words, wishing she could just disappear into the ground. She could only awkwardly mumble, "Doctor, I won't hide it from you; it's mainly because my husband isn't very hygienic..."

The doctor scolded, "If your husband isn't hygienic, you should demand that he pay more attention to personal hygiene! Look at what this has caused you. This is a serious problem; let me tell you that!"

Terrified, Zoraida asked, "Doctor, what exactly is wrong with me?"

The doctor, with a stern expression, replied, "Based on the initial examination, there are red spots, infections, and ulcerations. I suspect that you have more than one issue."

She continued, "Here's what we'll do: I'll give you a lab requisition, and you can get your blood and secretions tested to see what the results reveal."

Zoraida was panicked and asked nervously, "Doctor, could it be HIV?"

The doctor said, "HIV can't be determined with the naked eye; it requires a blood test for confirmation."

Concluding, the doctor urged her, "You should hurry and get tested early. The sooner we have the results, the sooner we can find a solution."

Reluctantly, Zoraida got up and rushed to pay for the tests with the lab requisition in hand.

After drawing blood and collecting secretions, Zoraida anxiously sat on a bench waiting. Her fear overwhelmed her, and she was no longer concerned about the itching on her body; all she wanted was to know what was wrong with her as soon as possible.

The first results that came in were from the secretion tests, and the report instantly terrified her.

Gonorrhea testing: Positive!

Gonorrhea? This was a nightmare. That damn foreman had infected her with gonorrhea?!

Zoraida was filled with overwhelming fear, trembling as she reluctantly opened the second report.

The second report read: Syphilis Treponema Pallidum Particle Agglutination Test: Positive!

Chapter 1104: "A Series of Shocking Discoveries: Zoraida's Desperate Situation"

Upon reading this, Zoraida felt a sudden dizziness wash over her!

Not only did she have gonorrhea, but she also had syphilis?

That damn overseer was practically a drug kingpin!

Wasn't this a death sentence waiting to happen?

Zoraida felt her legs go weak, almost unable to stand. Hastily, she leaned against the wall and sat on the ground, wiping away tears while trembling, and opened the third report.

The third report read: HIV antibody, value 0.11, with a note stating that a reference value of <1 is considered negative.

Zoraida finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness she didn't have HIV; otherwise, it would have truly been a death sentence!

With some consolation found, she opened the last report.

This report stated: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) hormone: 5324.2!

Looking at the subsequent indicators, she nearly fainted on the spot.

This... wasn't this the indicator for pregnancy?

Glancing at the notes, she realized that her value corresponded to pregnancy between 4 to 8 weeks.

Oh no, this was a disaster...

At this moment, Zoraida wished she could just slam her head against the wall and be done with it.

She hadn't dreamt that after finally escaping the despair of the coal mine, thanks to the Weaver family's support, she would discover so many illnesses one after another!

Inflammation, ulceration, gonorrhea, syphilis...

Having so many diseases would have been bad enough, but why was she pregnant?

She was 51 years old this year, well past her prime. Her son, Harold, was already 28 years old. If news of her pregnancy got out, where could she hide her shame?

She'd be ridiculed and scolded by everyone.

With these thoughts racing through her mind, Zoraida hurriedly took the results and went to see a doctor.

As she entered the doctor's office, she locked the door and knelt in front of the doctor, crying, "Doctor, you have to save me! You absolutely must save me!"

The doctor was also taken aback and asked, "What's wrong? Is the HIV test positive?"

The doctor dreaded diagnosing HIV because it was such an insurmountable illness.

Zoraida shook her head frantically and said, "HIV is negative, but I have gonorrhea and syphilis. What's even more important is that I'm pregnant..."

The doctor heaved a sigh of relief this time, saying calmly, "While treating gonorrhea and syphilis can be troublesome, there's still a chance for a complete cure as long as you cooperate with the treatment."

The doctor continued, "As for the pregnancy, you shouldn't be too surprised or worried. Women your age getting pregnant isn't unheard of, and some even go on to have healthy babies."

Just as the doctor finished speaking, they added, "However, I strongly recommend against keeping this child, especially since you have gonorrhea and syphilis. Syphilis can be transmitted from mother to child, so I suggest you terminate the pregnancy and focus on treating these gynecological and sexually transmitted diseases."

In her heart, Zoraida thought, even if you held a knife to my throat, I could never bring this child into the world!

If her husband, mother-in-law, son, and daughter found out that she had spent so long in the coal mine, only to emerge pregnant, she would have no face left to live with them.

Chapter 1105: "A Hasty Appointment: Zoraida's Secretive Struggle"

When Zoraida regained her senses, her first thought was to hurry and arrange for an abortion as soon as possible.

So she asked the doctor, "Doctor, when is the soonest I can schedule an abortion?"

The doctor replied, "If you want to have the procedure done, you'll have to wait until next week, at the earliest, on Monday."

Upon hearing that she would have to wait until Monday, Zoraida immediately felt anxious. She asked in a frantic tone, "Why do I have to wait until Monday? If it's a matter of money, I can pay double or even ten times the price."

The situation was becoming increasingly serious, and every additional day increased the risk of discovery. She couldn't afford not to be in a hurry.

The doctor shook his head and said, "It's not about the money. We only have outpatient appointments on weekends, and we don't perform surgeries. So, if you want to terminate this pregnancy, you'll have to wait until Monday."

"Well... Monday it is, then."

Zoraida's face changed once again, and although she was panicking, she had no other choice.

After all, she couldn't perform the procedure on herself!

Abortion was not a trivial matter, and at her age, it could potentially be life-threatening.

The doctor continued, "In the meantime, I'll prescribe some oral medication and ointments for you to control the situation at home. After the abortion procedure, we'll start a comprehensive treatment plan for your STD."

Zoraida nodded repeatedly and blurted out, "Thank you so much, doctor!"

The doctor waved his hand and added, "When you go back, it's a good idea to have your husband checked as well. Diseases like chlamydia and syphilis are usually transmitted through sexual activity between partners. If you've been intimate with your husband recently, it's possible that he transmitted it to you, or vice versa. These two diseases have high transmission rates, so it's better for him to get tested too. If both of you have it, it's advisable to undergo treatment together and support each other."

Upon hearing this, Zoraida's heart sank.

She was well aware that her husband couldn't have transmitted the disease to her. It must have been that foreman who infected her.

However, two days ago, when she and her husband were at the Weaver residence, they couldn't resist their desires and had unprotected intercourse. Now the doctor was saying that these diseases were highly contagious. Did this mean there was a high probability that she had infected her husband too?

Thinking about this, her heart raced with anxiety.

It seemed like the best solution was to treat the disease herself before her husband showed any symptoms. This way, if her husband were to discover he had the disease later, he wouldn't be able to blame her.

With this thought in mind, Zoraida hastily asked the doctor, "Doctor, how long will it take for this disease to be cured if I actively pursue treatment?"

The doctor hesitated for a moment and then said, "Well... I won't hide it from you; both of these diseases are quite difficult to cure, and the treatment period is relatively long. I estimate it will take at least two months or so."

"So long..." Zoraida's heart sank even further.

The doctor tried to reassure her, "But it's not a guarantee; everyone's body reacts differently, and some people recover more quickly."

With that, the doctor added, "For now, try not to think too much about it. Let's first schedule the surgery for next Monday. After the procedure, we can begin aggressive treatment."

Zoraida nodded. She knew there was no better option at the moment. She made an appointment with the doctor to have the abortion procedure on Monday afternoon. Just as she finished scheduling, she received a call from her husband, who asked right away, "You disappeared early in the morning. Where did you go?"

Zoraida hurriedly replied, "I had some errands to run, and I'm on my way back now."
Claire should let Charlie do the thing and stop behaving like a Roman sister else I'll let Emeka visit her 😃😃😃


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 1106: "The Vegetable Thief: Madam Wilson's Backyard Raid"

Noah said, "Mom asked you to come back and buy some meat at the market to cook lunch."

Zoraida felt a bit annoyed but still said obediently, "Alright, I'll buy the groceries and head back in a while."


Charlie and his wife spent the morning picking fruits in their backyard orchard.

Claire was as happy as an 18-year-old girl. She not only picked fruits but also diligently loosened the soil and watered the plants.

Elaine was eagerly waiting to take photos and share them on her social media, and she became impatient when she saw the couple not coming out of the orchard.

After they finally brought a large basket of fruits inside the house, she hurriedly descended the stairs, pulled out her phone, and took various photos, including selfies, in the orchard.

After taking a bunch of photos under the scorching sun, she immediately returned to her room. She applied aloe vera gel for sunburn relief while carefully selecting nine images from her phone. She then posted them on her social media with the caption: "Look at our family's garden. Thanks to my meticulous care, it's grown so beautifully!"

This social media post immediately garnered numerous likes and comments. No one had expected Elaine to cultivate such a vast and impressive garden in her own backyard. Some friends, including those who had previously bought villas and planted a small portion of vegetables, commented somewhat sarcastically, "Wow, Elaine, you're really amazing! You've managed to grow so much at home. But isn't it unusual for ordinary people to grow so much on their own property? Did you secretly pick from someone else's garden and intentionally deceive us?"

"Hey!" Elaine was infuriated when she read this comment.

She had indeed taken these pictures in her own villa, so how dare they question her? Just wait; she would take an overhead shot of the backyard from the third-floor balcony!

With that in mind, Elaine immediately went up to the terrace of her master bedroom on the third floor, opened her phone's camera, and prepared to take a photo of the garden.

However, at that moment, she suddenly noticed a strange figure on her phone screen!

There was a silhouette outside the garden fence, reaching out and stealing vegetables from her own garden.

As Elaine watched, the thief plucked a large eggplant, followed by a big cucumber and a ripe tomato.

Elaine immediately shouted, "Hey! What are you doing? Are you stealing my vegetables?"

As soon as the figure heard her shout, they withdrew their hand, turned, and started running.

Elaine focused her eyes and realized, to her astonishment, that the vegetable thief was none other than that annoying Madam Wilson!

So, she was immediately furious and shouted loudly, "You shameless old woman! How dare you come to my house and steal my vegetables! I swear I'll call the police on you right now!"

Madam Wilson, carrying a basket of stolen vegetables, couldn't run very fast. Upon hearing Elaine's threats, she turned her head, not in fear, but instead spat in her direction.

This further enraged Elaine, and she rushed downstairs. Finding Charlie and their daughter washing vegetables in the kitchen, she blurted out, "Both of you are still in the mood to wash vegetables here, while our garden is being robbed!"

"Who did it?" Claire asked instinctively.

Elaine fumed, "That old hag of yours! Besides her, who else would stoop so low?"

Chapter 1107: "Granny's Green Fingers and the Stolen Greens: A Vegetable Vendetta Unfolds!"

When Claire heard that her grandmother had stolen vegetables from the family's garden, she sighed helplessly and said, "Mom, since it was Grandma who picked them, just let her have them. It's just some vegetables."

Elaine blurted out, "It's not that simple. What has your grandmother ever given us? Have you forgotten how she treated our family in the past? And now she shamelessly comes to our house to steal vegetables. I can't tolerate this!"

Claire shook her head in resignation and replied, "Don't overthink it. Grandma just saw that our vegetables were so good and wanted to pick some for a meal. We shouldn't be so stingy."

Elaine muttered, "All you ever do is bend over backward for others."

With that, she turned and went upstairs.

However, the more Elaine thought about the situation, the more she felt wronged. Such excellent vegetables, and not even a leaf could be spared for Grandma Wilson? Her daughter didn't seem to care at all! If they allowed Grandma to get away with stealing this time, she would keep coming back for more.

So, Elaine hurriedly left her room, went to the kitchen doorway, and called out to Charlie, saying, "Charlie, I need to talk to you about something."

Charlie nodded and approached the door.

Elaine whispered urgently, "Charlie, I'm giving you a friendly warning. You've prepared such a great vegetable garden for Clay; you must be cautious against theft. I've lived with Grandma for so many years, and I know exactly what kind of person she is. If you don't stop her, she'll steal from you tomorrow."

In truth, during his three-plus years at the Wilson residence, Charlie had gained a deep understanding of each member of the family. He knew their individual personalities well.

He was well aware of the nature of every person in the Wilson family.

In his eyes, aside from his wife, Claire, who was inherently a good person, there was only a sliver of hope for Jacob. The rest of them were all trash.

This included Elaine and Grandma Wilson.

So, he was also fully aware that if he didn't take action, Grandma Wilson would indeed steal again, just as Elaine had described—once, twice, a hundred times.

Therefore, he had a plan in mind.

Afterward, Charlie asked Elaine, "Do you know what Grandma's favorite vegetable is?"

Elaine thought for a moment and said, "If we're talking about her absolute favorite, it should be Chinese chives! Grandma never cooks, but if you mention making dumplings with Chinese chives and eggs, she'll personally get in the kitchen to prepare the filling. That's her favorite!"

"Good," Charlie nodded. Chinese chives it is, which worked perfectly.

He then went to a secluded spot and made a call to George.

Once the call connected, George asked, "Mr. Wade, is your wife satisfied with the vegetable garden I arranged for her last night?"

"She's quite pleased," Charlie replied. "I called to ask for another favor from you."

George eagerly said, "Mr. Wade, just give me your instructions."

Charlie said, "I want you to find dozens of the best pots of Narcissus bulbs for me, specifically ones that haven't bloomed yet and have vibrant green leaves."

George pondered for a moment and said, "Mr. Wade, these Narcissus bulbs are poisonous. If you need just a few, it should be fine, but if you want that many, I'm concerned about safety."

Charlie gave a slight smile and reassured him, "I know they're poisonous, but you don't need to worry. Just prepare them for me. Make sure they arrive before this afternoon."

Upon hearing this, George promptly agreed, "Certainly, Mr. Wade, I'll take care of it right away."


After Grandma Wilson stole a basket of vegetables from Charlie's home, she returned just as Zoraida arrived.

She asked Zoraida, "Did you buy the meat I asked for?"

Zoraida nodded, "Not only did I buy the meat, but I also bought a lot of vegetables."

Chapter 1108: "The Great Vegetable Heist: Grandma's Green Crime Spree Begins!"

Zoraida felt extremely guilty at the moment, so she decided to please both the old lady and her husband. Coincidentally, she had sold the coffee machine, and now she had some money in her hand. She decided to buy some spare ribs and pork belly to make a sumptuous meat dish for her family.

When Madam Wilson heard that Zoraida had bought vegetables, she immediately expressed her disapproval, saying, "Why waste money on buying vegetables?"

Zoraida asked in surprise, "Mom, we can't just eat meat without vegetables, right? We need to supplement our vitamins."

Madam Wilson took her to the kitchen and pointed to a basket of fresh vegetables she had recently acquired, saying, "See these high-quality vegetables? They were all stolen from the Charlie Wade family. The Charlie Wade family has a big vegetable garden, and you can just reach out beyond the fence to pick them. From now on, we won't need to spend money on vegetables."

Zoraida then remembered that she had seen the bustling construction at the Charlie Wade family's house when she left in the morning. Although she found it strange at the time, she didn't pay much attention.

She carefully examined the basket of vegetables that Madam Wilson had stolen and couldn't help but exclaim, "Mom, you're right. These vegetables look really good, even better than the organic ones I usually buy."

Madam Wilson nodded and picked up a long, vibrant cucumber. "Look at this cucumber, it's big and long, with fresh yellow flowers at the tip. It's so clean, it looks like it's just been washed!"

She then washed the cucumber under the tap, scrubbed it, and with a slight twist, it broke cleanly, emitting a rich and pleasant fragrance. Madam Wilson couldn't help but sigh, "Why does this cucumber smell so good!"

She put it in her mouth and took a bite.

The taste of the cucumber made Madam Wilson's face light up with delight.

With her mouth full, she mumbled, "This is the best cucumber I've ever had in my life!"

Noah had just arrived at the kitchen door and caught a whiff of the cucumber's aroma. He exclaimed, "Wow, this cucumber smells so fragrant! Give me half of it to eat."

The old lady handed him half, and after taking a bite, Noah immediately gave a thumbs-up and said to his wife, "Honey, where did you buy this cucumber? It's delicious!"

Zoraida hurriedly explained, "I didn't buy it; Mom picked it, I mean, Mom stole it."

"Stole it?" Noah looked at his mother in surprise and asked, "Mom, where did you steal these cucumbers from?"

Madam Wilson chuckled and said, "The Charlie Wade family has a vegetable garden with all sorts of vegetables. They're all growing beautifully. I just passed by their front gate and saw it, so I brought a basket to pick some."

Noah furrowed his brows and said, "Is Charlie out of his mind? Why is he planting vegetables in his yard?"

"Who cares?" Madam Wilson chuckled. "Anyway, we won't need to spend money on vegetables anymore. We can just go to the Charlie Wade family and pick the freshest and best vegetables every day!"

Noah laughed and said, "That's really great! It's not only healthy but also cost-saving!"

For this lunch, Zoraida used the vegetables that her mother had stolen from the Charlie Wade family to prepare several delicious dishes. The entire Wilson family praised the food, and even Harold, who usually disliked vegetables, ate a lot because the vegetables were exceptionally delicious.

As the dishes on the table were almost finished, Madam Wilson couldn't help but say, "I never expected that the vegetables from the Charlie Wade family would be this good. So, in the afternoon, I'll go there again and pick some more."

Harold asked anxiously, "Grandma, what if Charlie finds out that we're stealing vegetables from his house? Won't he come and cause trouble?"

Madam Wilson snorted, "Let him come and cause trouble. As long as he dares to touch me, I'll sue him!"

Noah laughed and said, "Mom, you really know how to handle things!"

Chapter 1109: "Madam Wilson's Chive Caper: A Recipe for Misadventure!"

After having lunch, George arranged for another truck to deliver a truckload of foreign daffodils.

The daffodils he sent were all of high-quality varieties, with lush green growth. And, as per Charlie's request, each plant had not yet bloomed.

Daffodils are plants that resemble chives, especially when they haven't bloomed yet.

City dwellers are not always experts at distinguishing plants, and since most people have eaten chives and seen them cut, but haven't seen them grow in the ground, it's easy to confuse chives with daffodils.

Chives are a beloved vegetable, essential for stir-frying, making soup, or filling dumplings and pies.

However, daffodils, on the other hand, are not edible.

Why not? Because daffodils contain narcissine.

And narcissine itself is a toxic alkaloid.

Upon hearing from Elaine that Madam Wilson liked to eat chives, Charlie immediately thought of these daffodils.

He knew that after Madam Wilson successfully stole vegetables once, she would definitely come back for more and do so frequently.

So he instructed George to have the workers plant all these daffodils by the wall.

This way, Madam Wilson could easily reach out and grab a handful from outside the iron fence; stealing them would be incredibly easy.

If she stole these daffodils and mistook them for chives to eat, her fate would certainly be grim.

Although it wouldn't be life-threatening, she would probably have to spend a few days in the hospital.

Charlie's idea was to let her and her family eat the daffodils and end up in the hospital. During their hospital stay, he would have his workers turn the fence into a wall and transform his vegetable garden into a greenhouse. This way, he would no longer have to worry about anyone stealing from him.

When the truck arrived to unload the cargo, Madam Wilson from next door happened to be on the terrace on the third floor, and she immediately lit up when she saw the workers unloading clusters of long, green, slender plants.

It was chives!

And such fresh chives!

She couldn't help but think of the delicious meal she had for lunch, made even more delectable with vegetables stolen from Charlie's house. The homely meal had a vibrant, healthy feel to it.

Now, seeing so many fresh chives from Charlie's house again, Madam Wilson was naturally overjoyed, as chives were her absolute favorite!

Moreover, during this period of upheaval and her time spent in detention, she hadn't had chive and egg dumplings in a long time!

Seeing these fresh chives from Charlie's house, her first thought was to quickly grab a knife, cut a bunch, and make some chive and egg dumplings for a satisfying dinner!


Around 4 PM, Madam Wilson woke up from a short nap and her first thought was to go to the terrace and check on the chives from Charlie's house.

Seeing that Charlie had already planted all the chives next to the iron fence, Madam Wilson was overjoyed.

Wasn't this just making it more convenient for her?

So, she immediately went downstairs.

At this moment, the Wilson family of four were sitting in the living room watching TV.

Harold had brought a TV from an empty room downstairs. Although it wasn't as big as the one they had sold, it was still pretty good.

Madam Wilson said to Zoraida, "Zoraida, go out and buy a box of eggs and a bag of flour."

Chapter 1110: "Leek and Egg Dumplings: Grandma's Stolen Secret Ingredient!"

Zoraida hurriedly inquired with flattery, "Mom, what do you need eggs and flour for?"

Madam Wilson replied, "We're making leek and egg dumplings for dinner!"

Harold exclaimed with joy, "Grandma, we're having dumplings tonight?"

"Yes!" Madam Wilson chuckled, "Do you like leek and egg dumplings?"

Harold smiled and said, "Oh, I love them! It's been so long since I've had dumplings with leek and egg filling. Just hearing you talk about it is making my mouth water!"

Noah also chuckled and said, "Mom, why the sudden craving for leek and egg dumplings today? It's been a while since you've cooked dumplings."

Madam Wilson said, "I'm in a good mood today, so we're going all in on leek and egg dumplings for dinner!"

"Great!" Noah exclaimed, "I haven't had dumplings in ages. Today's a perfect day to satisfy my cravings!"

Zoraida chimed in, "Mom, besides flour and eggs, should I buy some leeks too?"

Madam Wilson grinned triumphantly and said, "The Wade family got some exceptionally fresh leeks this afternoon. I'll go and pick a bunch later!"

Noah hurriedly added, "Mom, pick a little extra, and maybe we can make some leek and pork dumplings too!"

Wendy suggested, "We can even make leek-filled pancakes!"

"Alright, alright!" Madam Wilson nodded and smiled, "I'll pick extra then!"

By the time it was a little past 5 in the afternoon, Madam Wilson grabbed a kitchen knife and headed out.

She placed the knife in a bamboo basket and jogged her way to the fence outside Charlie's house.

Madam Wilson looked around and saw no one in the yard, so she quickly pulled out the knife and reached into the fence to cut a large bunch of leeks.

After cutting one bunch, she immediately cut two more.

At first, she thought it was enough, but upon careful consideration, these leeks were exceptionally good. It would be a shame not to take a little more.

So, she ended up cutting six bunches, and the bamboo basket was overflowing with freshly cut "leeks."

Feeling triumphant, Madam Wilson hurried to make her way back.

At this moment, Elaine saw that the sun was about to set and decided to go out on the terrace to soak up some sunlight.

After all, the doctor had advised her to get plenty of sunlight to help her leg heal faster by synthesizing vitamin D.

As she arrived on the terrace, she happened to spot Madam Wilson stealing vegetables again and couldn't contain her anger. She shouted, "You shameless old hag! You stole so many vegetables from my house this morning, and now you dare to come again this afternoon? Have you no shame?"

Madam Wilson turned around and looked at her, cursing, "What's the matter? You're my daughter-in-law. If I want to eat some of your vegetables, why are you complaining?"

Elaine retorted, "Who the hell is your daughter-in-law? You shameless old witch! Next time you dare to steal vegetables from my house, I'll break your legs!"

Madam Wilson scoffed and said, "You still don't know when your own broken leg will heal, yet you dare to argue with me? Do you believe I'll break your legs next time?"

Hearing this, Elaine was filled with rage!

It was Madam Wilson who had broken her leg in the detention center, and she had never forgotten that grudge.

Seeing Madam Wilson come to steal vegetables again and even using her broken leg against her, Elaine gritted her teeth and cursed, "Go ahead, steal! You old hag! Your mouth is so foul; I'll make sure it's the death of you one day!"

Madam Wilson coldly snorted, "Let me tell you, Elaine, I've got plenty of life left in me. You'll die eight hundred times before I do! If you don't believe it, let's see who dies first!"
Charlie the master planner


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 1046: "Unveiling Shadows"

A tense encounter unfolds between the enigmatic men in black and the leader of the internet trolls. The atmosphere brims with trepidation as the leader finds himself thrust into an unwelcome confrontation.

Amidst the dimly lit room, one of the imposing men in black takes a deliberate step forward, his demeanor as cold as the steel he wields. He levels a firearm against the leader's forehead and, in a voice that could freeze the sun, inquires, "Are you the one who maintains anonymity?"

The leader, overwhelmed by fear, hastily retorts, "No, no! I'm utterly baffled by your words. Who are you people?"

The man in black responds with an icy resolve, "You shall soon acquaint yourself with our identity. Come along."

Panic-stricken, the leader cries out, "Accompany you? Why are you trespassing in my abode? If you don't withdraw, I shall summon the authorities!"

Two additional figures in black advance menacingly; one seizes the leader's arms and mercilessly twists them, fracturing both. Agonizing screams pierce the air as the other operative delivers brutal kicks to the leader's knees, forcing them to buckle backward!

The leader writhes in agony, while his family watches in sheer terror.

Mocking laughter emanates from the man in black, who sneers, "You were quite audacious behind the shield of your screen, weren't you? Words flowed freely from your fingertips. Yet, why do you tremble after a few mere blows? Individuals like you do not possess the same luster in the realm of reality."

Desperate and tearful, the leader implores, "Please, sirs, have mercy! I am but a wretched failure. I can offer you riches, I possess an abundance!"

One of the men in black retorts angrily, "Profiting from treachery, and you dare flaunt your arrogance? Scoundrels like you do not merit existence!"

With that, he produces a cigar cutter, seizes the leader's right hand, and utters chilling words, "Do not your livelihood and aspirations rely on these ten fingers? Today, you shall witness the dismantling of your means of subsistence."

With ruthless precision, he severs all ten fingers, leaving them strewn across the floor...

The leader descends into abject despair, only to hear the man in black declare, "This is but the prologue, and your fear knows no bounds? Worry not, for the true spectacle awaits us in Aurous Hill!"

Amidst sobs, the leader pleads, "Spare me, kind sir! I am but twenty-five, unworthy of death!"

The man in black remains unmoved, his voice a frigid whisper, "Our young master's decree is absolute: those who propagate fake news must face retribution."

With a commanding gesture, he commands, "Escort this man away. Drive him to the eastern outskirts, ten miles hence. The helicopter is en route."

The shadowy assembly of men in black proceeds to transport the incapacitated leader beyond the threshold, depositing him into a waiting vehicle that soon departs for the distant outskirts.

Meanwhile, in Suzhou-Hangzhou, Xander eagerly anticipates the internet trolls' efforts to divert attention and exonerate the Weaver family. However, an unforeseen development unfurls:

"Astonishing Revelation: Weaver Family Allocates 20 Million for Internet Trolling Campaign!"

Beneath this viral revelation lies a trove of damning screenshots, documenting the correspondence between Xander and the troll leader, replete with financial transactions and bank records.

The online sphere detonates with outrage.

The Weaver family, at this inopportune juncture, has ignited a conflagration of public sentiment, stirring indignation and awakening dormant senses of justice within the populace.

Donald, already beleaguered by the initial controversy, receives the grim tidings from his aide, who reports, "Chairman, grave news has surfaced—every interaction between the young master and the trolls is exposed! The online assault against the Weaver family has intensified!"

Reading this on his phone, Donald's fury borders on incapacitation. He storms towards Xander and delivers a resounding slap, rebuking him harshly, "You imbecile! Who authorized your independent actions?"

Chapter 1047: "Unveiling the Intrigue"

Xander's sense of injustice was palpable, deeply etched upon his countenance. He had set out to alleviate his father's concerns, but the leader of the cyber army had proven to be both unreliable and treacherous, exposing Xander to the world's prying eyes.

In a fit of anger, Xander turned to his father, Donald, exclaiming, "Dad! The leader of that cyber army absconded with my funds and had the audacity to expose me. I am resolute in tearing him asunder!"

Donald's demeanor remained frosty as he retorted, "Your impulsiveness is glaring, my son. A mere cyber warrior with a tarnished reputation, how could he possibly muster the audacity to oppose the Weaver family? Surely, there are clandestine machinations at play here!"

Xander pressed on, his anxiety palpable, "Father, who do you suspect is orchestrating this? Who could have the temerity to eliminate my uncle and the core members of the Beggar Gang, and openly defy the Weaver family?"

Donald clenched his jaw, his voice laden with bitterness, "I have contemplated this, but I am at a loss to identify the orchestrator. The families that once contested our supremacy have already been subdued; they could not possibly orchestrate such a grand-scale assault."

Xander probed further, "Father, do you suggest that a more formidable family is targeting us?"

With a sigh, Donald confessed, "I cannot say for certain, but a name has surfaced in my mind—Charlie from Aurous Hill."

"Charlie Wade?!" Xander exclaimed, incredulous. "He may possess local influence in Aurous Hill, but how could he possibly commandeer the capture of the Beggar Gang's core members in Suzhou and Hangzhou? Such an undertaking surpasses even the Weaver family's capabilities!"

Donald nodded, acknowledging the improbability. "Your skepticism is warranted, but I suspect Charlie due to a piece of information I recently uncovered."

"Inform me, Father," Xander urged.

With a grim expression, Donald divulged, "Your wretched uncle was involved in a heinous act—procuring children stolen from a Aurous Hill orphanage."

He paused briefly before continuing, bitterness accentuating his words, "My investigations have revealed that Charlie Wade was raised in that very orphanage."

A realization struck Xander. "So, the abducted children could be considered Charlie's kin!"

"Yes," Donald confirmed, his voice heavy with concern. "That is why I suspect a connection between this ordeal and Charlie."

Xander inquired, "But Father, what could possibly grant Charlie such influence? Even his associates in Aurous Hill lack the resources for such an operation. The Walker family, for all its influence, could not wield such power even if they were involved."

Donald expressed his trepidation, "That is precisely what worries me. If the Walker family is indeed backing him, it would not be cause for alarm. However, I fear the influence of Isaac Craven!"

The memories of their ignominious expulsion from Shangri-La in Aurous Hill, with their legs broken, resurfaced in both their minds. Isaac's audacious display of power and the absolute disregard for their dignity remained fresh wounds.

Nonetheless, the enigma persisted. Donald harbored suspicions that the mastermind capable of dismantling the Beggar Gang in Suzhou and Hangzhou with such swiftness was none other than Isaac.

Xander, now equally uneasy, ventured, "Dad, why would Isaac extend such support to Charlie? He is, after all, merely the public face of the Wade family."

"Indeed," Donald mused, "if it were his own initiative, he would not possess the means to mobilize such formidable forces. This matter undoubtedly leverages the Wade family's extensive network. But why would Isaac stake the Wade family's reputation for Charlie Wade?"

An unsettling notion dawned on Xander, his face contorting with anxiety. He looked at his father and whispered, "Could it be, Father, that Charlie is a member of the Wade family? Such a revelation would explain his ascendancy and Isaac's unwavering support!"

Chapter 1048: "Unveiling the Veil of Mystery"

Donald's countenance exhibited profound astonishment. After a brief moment of contemplation, he gestured dismissively and uttered, "No, the probability remains remote. The Wade family, as an influential clan, would never condone one of their own affiliating with a relatively obscure household in Aurous Hill. It would be an utter disgrace to their esteemed lineage. Moreover, not only would the Wade family balk at such an arrangement, but even our Weaver family, despite its comparative obscurity, would never entertain the thought of you or your brother entangling yourselves in such an ill-conceived union. It defies all reason!"

Xander furrowed his brow deeply and inquired, "Then, Father, considering all aspects, could this truly involve Charlie?"

Donald responded, "I suspect there may be a connection, but I cannot discern the precise link. Given our longstanding desire for retribution against him, let us amalgamate vengeance with investigation this time."

Xander pressed, "Father, are you suggesting we make another expedition to Aurous Hill?"

"Wades," Donald affirmed with a resolute tone, his jaw clenching with determination. "This time, I intend to make Charlie's existence a living hell."

He then turned his gaze to Xander and inquired, "Have you had any dealings with Joaquin Wilson?"

"I have," Xander hastened to respond. "His position is straightforward: if we take action, he will unequivocally stand with us. His enmity toward Charlie is profound, primarily due to the agonizing ailment he suffers from."

"Very well," Donald declared. He then inquired further, "And what of Zoraida, the individual dispatched to the coal mine for excavation?"

Xander replied, "Her situation remains relatively stable. In contrast to the father and son duo in Evergreen Mountain, who are continually shielded by experts, the coal mine lacks a fortified presence. Consequently, we can summon her back at our discretion, if the need arises."

With a grim expression, Donald affirmed, "We were unable to apprehend those two in Evergreen Mountain during our last attempt. This time, I want more manpower deployed. Regardless of the circumstances, we must secure their return."

Continuing, Donald declared, "Dispatch our family's Eight Great Kings! I refuse to accept that we cannot capture two anonymous individuals foraging ginseng in Evergreen Mountain!"

Xander exclaimed in disbelief, "Father, send the Eight Great Kings? Is that not overkill, akin to using a sledgehammer to crack a nut?"

The Weaver family, as the foremost family in South Laverton region, possessed not only its own medical team but also a corps of expert bodyguards.

The Weaver family's security apparatus was structured into three tiers.

The third tier consisted of former military personnel, above-average in physical prowess but lacking the prowess to confront true masters. They primarily served as household sentinels.

The second tier comprised ex-special forces operatives, formidable in strength, designated as personal protectors for the core members of the Weaver family.

The first tier was the prestigious Eight Great Kings.

The Eight Great Kings were martial arts virtuosos, hailing from eight clandestine sects, recruited at great cost by the Weaver family patriarch.

These eight individuals enjoyed an exalted status within the Weaver family. In ordinary circumstances, they were not tasked with mundane matters.

They functioned akin to strategic nuclear assets, reserved solely for critical exigencies.

Donald, cognizant of Charlie's extraordinary abilities, vividly recalled how his previous deployment of numerous bodyguards had culminated in utter ineffectuality when confronted with Charlie.

Furthermore, his prior endeavor to abduct individuals from Evergreen Mountain had been an unmitigated failure.

Consequently, Donald nursed an overwhelming sense of frustration.

From the outset, he had consistently found himself outmaneuvered by Charlie, enduring an unbroken series of defeats.

This relentless pattern of failure had pushed him to the brink of despair.

Hence, Donald yearned for an unqualified triumph, resolute in his determination to secure a decisive victory that could soothe the wounds to his wounded pride.

With unyielding resolve, he clenched his teeth and declared, "This time, we must achieve a resounding triumph! A thorough and unequivocal victory!"

Chapter 1049: "A Benevolent Resolving"

At this juncture, Charlie found himself aboard a helicopter soaring over the sprawling landscape of Aurous Hill City.

Isaac, his trusted confidant, inquired of Charlie, "Young Master, how do you intend to address the matter concerning Kobi's daughter?"

Charlie, his demeanor unflinching, responded with equanimity, "Her parents are no more, and she stands alone as an orphan now. Let us arrange for her to be placed in the care of a welfare home."

Isaac, ever the vigilant advisor, hastened to counsel, "Young Master, it would be wise to ensure that no lingering issues arise from this decision..."

Charlie waved his hand dismissively, "A man must be guided by principles, and there are boundaries he must not cross. I will not bring harm to a child. Place her in the welfare home, and should the Weaver family come forward to claim her, do not impede them."

Isaac nodded, adding, "It is unlikely that the Weaver family will show interest in the child. Their animosity towards Kobi and his spouse is too deep-seated. I suspect that, following the Weaver family's impending crisis, they will witness a significant erosion of their assets, which will be apparent in the stock market come tomorrow."

Charlie's lips curled into a sly smile, "That is most favorable. If the Weaver family's influence wanes, I shall extend my support to the Walker family, propelling them to the apex of South Laverton region's elite."

Isaac pledged with unwavering commitment, "Young Master, your word is my command."

He then ventured, "On another note, Young Master, the online provocateur 'Anfen Shouji' has been dispatched to Orvels canine sanctuary. Would you like to pay a visit?"

Charlie, with an air of indifference, responded, "A mere provocateur, deriving sustenance from verbal vitriol. Dispatch him, let the hounds make a feast of his insolence. I have no desire to sully my gaze with such individuals."

In the midst of this discourse, Charlie's thoughts drifted to Xiao Lin Yi Lang, who remained ensnared within Orvels canine domain.

Turning to Isaac, he inquired, "How fares Ichiro Kobayashi in recent times?"

Isaac chuckled, "What options does he have? His days are consumed by the mundane chores of raising, feeding, and tending to dogs, alongside the unenviable task of cleaning up after them. He dare not stray from the sanctuary; should his brother discover his absence, a princely sum will be expended to ensure his untimely demise."

Charlie nodded, a subtle grin forming, "Let him continue in his current predicament for now. When the timing is propitious, I shall dispatch him back to Japan to contest the family fortune alongside his brother."

Isaac, foreseeing potential repercussions, commented, "Young Master, if Jiro learns of Ichiro Kobayashi's survival, his ire will know no bounds."

Charlie's smile persisted, "I remain unconcerned. By that juncture, Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals will likely be under my control."

Isaac offered genuine admiration, "Young Master, your manipulation of the Kobayashi clan is nothing short of genius, truly remarkable."

Charlie humbly replied, "It is a matter of exploiting their avarice. Overindulgence is the harbinger of one's own demise, much like our online provocateur. Had he not been so consumed by greed, his fate might not have culminated in becoming a canine repast."


A few moments later.

The helicopter touched down on the rooftop of Shangri-La Hotel.

Simultaneously, another aircraft had already transported the rescued children to the People's Hospital.

The welfare home staff, including Aunt Lena, had been following the developments online and were overjoyed to learn of the children's rescue. They rushed to the People's Hospital, brimming with excitement.

Charlie initially contemplated visiting the hospital but, cognizant of the heightened publicity surrounding the matter, opted to avoid any association that might suggest his involvement. Instead, he instructed Isaac to arrange for his return home.

Upon reaching Thomson Elite, Charlie refrained from hastening inside and opted to place a call to Aunt Lena. "Aunt Lena, I've heard that the children have been found," he inquired.

Aunt Lena, her voice laden with emotion, replied, "Charlie, the children have been located. They are currently at the People's Hospital undergoing observation."

Charlie swiftly inquired, "Are they in good health?"

"They are safe, Charlie, they are safe!" Aunt Lena exclaimed with joy, "The doctors have assessed them, and it appears they had consumed sleeping pills. Three of them have already awakened and are in stable condition. They can be brought back to the welfare home later tonight."

Chapter 1050: "Unfolding Consequences"

As Aunt Lena spoke, she lowered her voice to inquire, "Charlie, did you capture that online video? Were those children discovered by you?"

Charlie responded with a smile, "Aunt Lena, you give me too much credit. How could I possess such remarkable abilities?"

Aunt Lena fell momentarily silent, then sighed as she murmured, "I watched the video... it appeared as though Nestor has met a tragic end... I never envisioned that this child would face such a fate."

Charlie also sighed and offered his perspective, "I witnessed the video as well. Nestor took a grievous path. Aunt Lena, please don't dwell too deeply on this."

"I understand," Aunt Lena replied, her heart heavy. "I always thought I would pass away before any of you children. I even imagined that when I grew old and departed this world, all of you would attend my memorial service and offer a single flower..."

Tears welled in her eyes as she continued softly, "I never imagined that a child would precede me in death... Nestor... It's so infuriating, yet profoundly heartbreaking."

Charlie nodded, acknowledging her grief. "Indeed, Aunt Lena. However, we should consider that Nestor's unfortunate incident might serve as a cautionary tale for many. His demise might prompt others to reconsider their paths, ultimately benefiting society."

Aunt Lena replied, "You're correct, Charlie. I won't keep you any longer. I need to attend to the children who have awakened. Please remember to visit the welfare home when you have the opportunity."

"Of course, Aunt Lena."

After concluding their conversation, Charlie sighed and entered his home.


Meanwhile, Jerome, who had a penchant for exploiting situations, had just completed his shift.

The factory where he worked imposed stringent regulations, prohibiting the use of mobile phones during working hours. Consequently, he was blissfully unaware of the day's events and the numerous online news updates.

Upon concluding his work, Jerome changed into his regular clothes in the locker room and retrieved his phone. To his astonishment, he was greeted by a plethora of WeChat notifications.

Intrigued, he opened the WeChat app, only to find the welfare home's group chat in a state of chaos.

There were over 3,000 unread messages!

Beginning at the top, he commenced reading each message.

Initially, when he learned that 10 children from the welfare home had gone missing, he did not give it much thought, as their disappearance or return had no bearing on his financial situation.

However, as he continued reading, he stumbled upon a video.

With anticipation, he clicked on the video and found himself abruptly stunned.

Never could he have fathomed that the individual responsible for the abduction of 10 children from the welfare home was none other than Nestor!

As he watched Nestor kneel in contrition, Jerome was utterly perplexed.

Nestor, a man so successful that he could double his profits in a week simply by managing a fund, why would he resort to kidnapping children from a welfare home?

Nestor, a young man who owned a Mercedes and a Phaeton, was an idol in Jerome's eyes!

Continuing to watch, Jerome witnessed Nestor standing on a bridge before being shot in the head and plummeting into the river...

The phone slipped from his trembling hand.

What... was happening...

Nestor was dead!?

With his demise, what would become of Jerome's 620,000 dollars? Five hundred thousand of it comprised high-interest loans borrowed from a mobile app! This was a life-threatening predicament!
You surely deserves the impending disaster coming your way


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
I can't help the feeling that 97% of this characters are dumb. Someone has the surname of the most prestigious family, you're saying it cannot be him, another asking if he orchestrated a extraction of the children when you clearly thought there's more to him than eyes meet.
If It'll be something I think, then that'll be that this story can just be related to what Dustin did for Dahlia within the 3 years of their marriage since he also helped her secretly.

The only part I'm waiting for now is the night 🌃 scene, where they'll both be playing on the bed 🛏️ cause that's the only thing keeping me to continue reading the story
On point bro,same to me also


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 1059: A PLEA FOR MERCY

Jerome found himself sprawled on the pavement, gazing up at the irate taxi driver before him. His once arrogant demeanor had vanished, replaced by a plea for mercy, a stark contrast to the swagger he'd displayed when demanding cars to halt.

With a pitiful expression, he implored the cab driver, "Sir, I've recently faced bankruptcy, my financial well has run dry, and the weight of my debts crushes me. I've been subjected to a thrashing, leaving me both physically and financially battered. I simply cannot afford the fare. I beseech you, have compassion upon me."

The taxi driver's temper flared as he retorted, "Debts? I'm mired in them as well. If I were flush with cash, would I still be driving this cab? Do you think the 45 dollars you owe me came easily? It's enough to feed me for two days! Settle your account promptly!"

Tears welled in Jerome's eyes as he wept, "Dear driver, I genuinely lack the means to pay, and I possess nothing of value. I beseech you to show mercy."

The cabbie shot back coldly, "Spare me your theatrics. Failure to remit payment will force my hand, and I will summon the authorities."

Upon hearing this, Jerome struggled to rise, knelt at the driver's feet, and began to kowtow, desperation etched on his face. "Sir, I'm bereft of funds. Even if you were to take my life, I'd remain penniless. I entreat you, consider this act of bowing as a sign of my profound gratitude. Imagine I'm your own child, bestowing upon you a New Year's greeting—would you not extend a red envelope in return?"

The taxi driver, incensed by such audacity, exclaimed, "How can you sink to such depths of shamelessness? Do you not have parents? How would they feel knowing you prostrate yourself before strangers for the sake of 45 dollars, yearning to be adopted as their kin?"

Jerome's response was heavy with sorrow, "Sir, I am an orphan, raised in the Aurous Hill Orphanage without parents. I toiled for years, amassing 120,000 dollars, only to have it pilfered by a so-called friend from the orphanage. That scoundrel not only absconded with my savings but also deceived me into acquiring 500,000 dollars in high-interest loans from various lending apps, all on his behalf. Now, I am ensnared in a web of insurmountable debt…"

The taxi driver, moved by the sincerity in his tale, was taken aback. "Even in our pursuit of a moderately prosperous society, how can such unfortunate souls still exist?"

His heart softened, and he decided to forgo demanding payment for the ride. He sighed and told Jerome, "Given your unfortunate circumstances, your orphaned upbringing, I shall let the fare slide this time. Consider it my treat for your journey."

Hearing this, Jerome kowtowed three more times, gratitude flowing from his lips, "You are a true benevolent soul, akin to a reborn parent to me."

He then raised his head, beseeching the driver, "Since you've already generously covered the fare, may I humbly request an additional 50 dollars for a meal?"

The driver, incensed once more, gave him a swift kick, exclaiming, "Indeed, a pitiable soul can be shameless. Your audacity knows no bounds. I am utterly exasperated with you!"

With that, the cabbie returned to his vehicle and sped away.

Jerome managed to rise to his feet, brushed the dust from his clothing, and contemplated, "Despite the tumultuous encounter, I've managed to save that precious 45 dollars."

Gaining a small advantage over the taxi driver somewhat lifted Jerome's spirits.

Limping toward his girlfriend's residence, he contemplated that the first thing he would do upon arrival was to find solace in her embrace.

His girlfriend dwelled in a city shantytown, in a self-constructed, timeworn abode.

But to Jerome, this ramshackle dwelling was a potential goldmine. The area was slated for redevelopment, and in such cases, compensation often translated into multiple new apartments.

Hence, his fervent wish to wed his girlfriend soon; by becoming a member of her family, he hoped to share in the forthcoming redevelopment benefits.
This guy do not stop at dreaming
Very soon he is gonna face the heartbreaking scene of his life
Last edited:


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 1076: "Unveiling the Unexpected: The Meeting with Zoraida"

Why do the prominent families decline from one generation to the next?

In fact, this has a lot to do with the environment they grow up in.

The older generation was born in adversity, fighting for every meal and earning every penny with their lives on the line. In those times, anyone who could establish a family legacy was no ordinary person; they were all elites.

However, when they built their empire, their sons were born into a life of abundance. With no need to struggle or fight for survival in comfort, their ferocity naturally diminished.

By the time their grandsons were born, they were already born with silver spoons in their mouths. Expecting them to work hard or possess any kind of fighting spirit was a far-fetched dream. How could you expect them to have any determination or tenacity when they were born into privilege?

Those who are born and raised in the wilderness, facing life-threatening challenges to hunt and survive, are the true wolves.

Those born in captivity, where they have meat to eat every day, might not even compare to stray dogs in terms of their ferocity.

Donald knew that his abilities fell far short of his father's, and he was well aware that his own son was even less capable than him. In this situation, he felt an unprecedented sense of loneliness.

This loneliness was like being isolated and helpless, feeling that no one in the world could help him. Even his only hope, his father, was now in a coma due to a stroke.

Just as he was lamenting his situation, his younger brother, Dominic, walked in and blurted out, "Brother, I've brought the family you asked me to fetch from Aurous Hill."

Donald nodded and asked, "Where are they now?"

Dominic replied, "They are in the living room."

Donald said, "Good. I'll go meet them first. You go and call Zoraida."

"Sure, Brother," Dominic replied eagerly, nodding his head, and went to find Zoraida.

Donald lit a cigar and, while puffing on it, walked out of his study and headed to the living room.

In the living room, the four members of the Wilson family were anxiously waiting.

As they saw Donald coming out, their faces lit up, and each of them wore an expression of flattery and fawning.

Madam Wilson, as the head of the Wilson family, immediately stepped forward, smiling broadly, and said, "Oh, Mr. Weaver, we've only seen you on television before. Today, we finally get to meet you in person, and you are even more extraordinary than on TV!"

Donald, with an expressionless face, nodded. He naturally didn't take the flattery from an old lady seriously.

So, he calmly said, "I had Dominic bring you here for two reasons."

Madam Wilson hurriedly said, "Mr. Weaver, if you have any requests or instructions for us, please feel free to tell us!"

Donald nodded and said, "The first reason is for you to meet someone, and the second reason is that I need your help to deal with someone."

Madam Wilson understood very well that the Weaver family was the lifeline given to the Wilson family by the heavens.

Previously, the Wilson family had wanted to become a dog for the prominent families, but those families had never paid them any attention.

However, things were different now. The Wilson family had an opportunity to become the Weaver family's loyal dogs, a once-in-a-lifetime chance!

So, she quickly flattered, "Mr. Weaver, the Wilson family regards you as our utmost priority. Whoever you want us to meet, we will meet them. Whoever you want us to deal with, we will deal with them!"

Just as she spoke, Dominic arrived with Zoraida.

Donald pointed at Zoraida and said to the Wilson family's four members, "The person I want you to meet is her!"

The four members of the Wilson family looked in the direction he pointed and saw Zoraida. The expressions on their faces turned extremely ugly.

Noah instantly erupted in anger, gritting his teeth as he cursed, "Zoraida, you shameless wench, today I'll definitely kill you!"

Chapter 1077: "Revelations and Regret: Noah's Shocking Encounter with Zoraida"

During this period, Noah harbored an intense hatred towards Zoraida!

After all, for a man, there is nothing more painful than the betrayal of his beloved woman.

When Zoraida disappeared, Noah was led astray by Charlie's influence and mistakenly believed that she had truly eloped with a younger man.

Furthermore, since all the family's money was in his possession at the time, he held an even deeper grudge against Zoraida.

As the days and nights passed, every time he thought of Zoraida, he wished nothing more than to catch her and beat her half to death!

However, he also knew that since Zoraida had disappeared with the money, it was highly unlikely he would ever see her again. She might even have fled overseas with the funds.

But he never imagined that today, he would come face to face with the woman he hated so much, Zoraida, in the luxurious mansion.

So, almost without thinking, he rushed towards Zoraida, extending his hand to viciously slap her across the face, sending her sprawling to the ground with one strike.

After the slap, Noah pointed at her angrily and shouted, "You despicable woman! How dare you come back! Do you have any idea how miserable our family has become because of you, taking away all my money?"

Zoraida was dazed from the blow. She never expected that her husband, whom she had thought about day and night, would slap her across the face as soon as they met.

Her leg was still hurting, and she struggled to crawl away, crying out, "Noah, why are you hitting me?"

"Why am I hitting you?" Noah gritted his teeth and cursed, "I'm not only going to hit you, but I'm also going to kill you! You dared to take my money and keep a younger man, not leaving a single cent for me! You heartless woman!"

Zoraida screamed and cried out, "Noah, what nonsense are you talking? When did I keep a younger man? I was tricked by Charlie Wade!"

"What?!" Noah furrowed his brows. "What does this have to do with Charlie?"

Thinking about the torment she had endured for many days, Zoraida burst into tears and said, "Don't you remember, originally we were trying to set a trap for Elaine? I had almost completed that task with Jinny, but then Charlie, that scoundrel, suddenly appeared with his men and brutally beat us. He forced me to donate all the money in my bank account and then sent all of us to work in a coal mine..."

As she spoke, tears streamed down Zoraida's face.

She wiped away her tears and continued, choking on her sobs, "Do you know how miserable I've been during this time? Working as a laborer in a dark and endless coal mine, getting only four to five hours of rest a day, and spending the rest of the time toiling underground. I can barely eat, and I can't keep warm. I'm constantly being beaten. It's like living in hell. Is this how you treat me? After finally being rescued by the Weaver family, you not only hit me but also accused me of keeping a younger man. Is this how you treat me?"

Noah was overcome with dizziness as he listened to her words.

He had never dreamed that his wife, instead of enjoying herself with the money, had suffered so much.

In an instant, he felt both regret and guilt towards his wife, and at the same time, he despised Charlie to the core.

The mastermind behind taking away all his savings and banishing his wife to a coal mine was none other than Charlie!

In that moment, a rush of anger filled him.

Beside him, Harold and Wendy were equally filled with rage.

Chapter 1078: "Vendetta and Vengeance: Donald's Scheme Against Charlie Wade"

Not too long ago, just like their father, Noah, both of them despised their mother, Zoraida, for her greed, money-grabbing ways, and fleeing with ill-gotten gains. During these tough times, they couldn't help but curse her in their hearts.

But today, they came to know that their mother's life was even more miserable than theirs, far more agonizing.

The four of them had, at most, suffered some time in the detention center, while Zoraida had endured torment in the coal mines.

Madam Wilson's face was extremely unpleasant.

She didn't sympathize with Zoraida's ordeal; instead, she felt pity for the money that Charlie had taken away from them!

At this thought, the old lady couldn't contain her anger any longer and strode over to Noah, catching him off guard, and delivered a resounding slap across his face.

A loud smack echoed, leaving Noah stunned.

He looked at his mother in shock and asked, "Mom, why did you hit me?"

Madam Wilson, in her rage, scolded, "I'm hitting you, this disloyal and unfilial scoundrel! I told you a long time ago, give me the money! Give me the money! You insisted on being stingy with that little bit of money, holding onto it for dear life. And what happened? The Wilson family is ruined, and all that money of yours is gone too!"

Hearing these words, Noah hung his head in shame.

If he had known that Charlie would squander all that money, he would have been better off giving it to his mother, at least it could have helped solve some of the troubles facing the Wilson Group.

But back then, he didn't want to sink with the Wilson Group, so he had played some tricks.

Little did he know, he had played himself into a corner, causing misery to his own wife in the process.

Thinking of this, he felt guilty towards his wife, his mother, and even his two children.

And the thought of his wife suffering so much made him even more distressed, as he hugged Zoraida and burst into tears.

At that moment, Donald approached them, his voice cold as he said, "It seems that you all have a deep-seated grudge against Charlie. If I were to offer you a chance for revenge, would you be willing to accept it?"

Upon hearing this, Noah blurted out, "Willing! I'm willing! I want to tear that bastard Charlie apart while he's still alive!"

Madam Wilson, sharp-witted as she was, had already figured out that Donald had brought her family here to deal with Charlie, which meant he also had a score to settle with Charlie.

So, the old lady nodded repeatedly and said, "Mr. Weaver, as long as you give us a chance, we will do everything in our power to deal with Charlie!"

Harold, filled with anger, declared, "If someone gives me a gun, I'll go slaughter that bastard tonight!"

Donald was extremely satisfied with this family's attitude. He wanted people who were willing to go to any lengths to kill Charlie.

With a faint smile, he said, "I won't hide it from you. I also have a deep grudge against Charlie and would like to kill him with my own hands. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, so that's why I brought your family here. If you're willing to seek revenge, then let's cooperate."

Madam Wilson immediately responded, "Mr. Weaver, just give us your orders! What do you need us to do?"

Donald calmly replied, "I want to personally take Charlie's life. As for you, I'll send you back to Aurous Hill and help you resolve all your current problems. From now on, your only goal will be to find every possible way to torment Charlie, make his life a living hell, and distract his attention. Before we lay our hands on him, I want to set his backyard on fire!"

Chapter 1079: "Strategic Neighbors: The Wilson Family's Plan to Torment Charlie"

When Madam Wilson heard these words, she was overjoyed deep inside.

Whether Donald could kill Charlie or not, she didn't really care in her heart.

What she truly cared about was that, with Donald needing her help, it meant that the Wilson family was now tied to the Weaver family's big ship.

The Wilson family was already on the brink of extinction, but now they had a chance at resurrection by becoming partners with the Weaver family.

And not only could they be revived, but they might even become more formidable than they were at their peak.

So, the old lady spoke to Donald, "Mr. Weaver, my granddaughter, who happens to be Charlie's wife, Claire, now runs a renovation company that competes with our Wilson Group. If you can help revive the Wilson Group, we can strike back in the business."

Donald nodded and said calmly, "Rest assured, I will invest 80 million dollars in your Wilson Group and help clear all your debts. If you perform well, I will continue to invest."

Madam Wilson almost couldn't contain her joy upon hearing this.

This was truly a stroke of luck, coming effortlessly.

One could even say it was a silver lining after the dark clouds.

During this time, she had always felt that the Wilson Group could never come back to life. But unexpectedly, with just one sentence from Donald, she found a powerful lifeline.

The only problem with the Wilson Group was their lack of money and the millions in external debt they owed. They didn't know how to handle it.

The bank had been pressuring them, trying to reclaim the loan. But as long as they paid off the money, everything would be fine.

Originally, the Wilson Group owed 80 million, but Joaquin had already invested 10 million initially, and the bank had taken his villa and many antiques. So, as long as they paid off the remaining millions, the villa and antiques would be returned, and there would be millions left in the company's account. They would instantly turn things around!

Harold and Wendy were both extremely excited upon hearing this. They looked at their grandmother and asked eagerly, "Grandma, does this mean we can go back to our Wilson family villa this time? Are we no longer going to be homeless?"

Wendy was so thrilled that tears welled up in her eyes. "Do I no longer need to use Big Treasure sod honey?"

Madam Wilson was about to nod but suddenly had a brilliant idea.

So, she spoke to Donald, "Mr. Weaver, Charlie's family and ours are like water and fire, irreconcilable enemies. They would love to see us end up in a small coal mine or in prison, out of sight, out of mind. But if we go back this time, being under their watchful eyes every day, it will make them extremely miserable. Didn't you want them to suffer in their own backyard? If you put us right next to them, their backyard will be on fire all day long!"

Donald became interested upon hearing this and asked, "Madam Wilson, what exactly do you mean? Please clarify, no need to beat around the bush."

Madam Wilson quickly and obsequiously said, "Mr. Weaver, Charlie's family lives in a villa at Aurous Hill Thomson Elite. You may not know, but because of that villa, they are flaunting themselves day in and day out! Especially my daughter-in-law, she acts so high and mighty that her nose seems about to reach the sky. She keeps saying that people like us don't even have the qualification to guard her gate. If, all of a sudden, we become their neighbors, seeing each other every day, just think about it, how would they feel?"

Donald's eyes lit up instantly.

Damn, this sounds interesting!

Just imagine, you've just moved into a luxurious villa, enjoying a life of luxury and tranquility every day. Then, you see your nemesis reduced to a miserable existence on the streets, struggling to even put food on the table. That feeling must be extremely satisfying.

But if one day, you wake up and find that your nemesis on the streets has become your neighbor, your life will instantly plummet from heaven to hell.

Chapter 1080: "From Misery to Opportunity: The Wilson Family's Second Chance"

Donald firmly believed in feng shui, fortune, and magnetic fields.

He was convinced that if a person had good feng shui and good fortune, their mood would be excellent, and everything they did would go smoothly.

But if someone's mood was affected, if they felt restless from morning till night, they couldn't concentrate on anything. They would lose interest in everything, and even the finest wine would lose its taste to them, and the most delicious food would not be enjoyable.

Over time, this negative emotional field would affect their entire being, subsequently influencing their feng shui and fortune, ultimately impacting their physical health.

In the field of feng shui, everything that caused restlessness was referred to as "sha."

Loud noise was called "sound sha," excessive brightness was "light sha," and a restless mood was "heart sha."

These types of negative energies were colorless, tasteless, formless, invisible, and elusive, making them extremely challenging to dispel.

If they were to send the Wilson family to Charlie's doorstep, it would be equivalent to giving him these types of negative energies, tormenting Charlie every day!

With this in mind, Donald said with a delighted expression, "In that case, I can help you purchase a villa in the Thomson Elite, right next to Charlie's. Then, your whole family can move in."

Upon hearing this, Madam Wilson trembled with excitement.

Ultimately, why had she severed ties with her second son's family, and why had she spent so many days in detention?

Ultimately, it was all because of the luxurious villas at Thomson Elite.

She had been too envious of the unparalleled luxury offered by Thomson Elite's villas. She had dreamt of living there and experiencing the extravagant lifestyle of the elite. However, she had ultimately been unable to compete with her second son's family. Not only had she failed to move into their Thomson Elite villa, but even her old villa had been seized by the bank.

But now, the situation was different. She had attached herself to the Weaver family's coat-tails.

After her persuasive words, Donald indeed became interested.

It seemed he truly despised Charlie, and anything that could make Charlie suffer piqued his interest!

Even Madam Wilson herself had not expected Donald to agree so readily to buy a villa for her!

This was just like the old saying, "When the snipe and the clam grapple, it is the fisherman who profits."

With this in mind, Thomson Elite would be a bargain for her!

So, she excitedly said to Donald, "Mr. Weaver, I won't hide it from you. Charlie's family resides in A05 at Thomson Elite. I've been there and know the layout. A04 and A06 are adjacent to a05. If we could move into a04 or a06, it would make things difficult for Charlie!"

Madam Wilson was a very shrewd person, skilled in calculations her entire life.

In reality, behind the "A" series villas, there were also "B" series villas. However, the "A" series was the largest layout at Thomson Elite, which was why she suggested A04 or a06 to Donald.

This way, she would be living in a luxurious villa of the same caliber as Charlie's, which would be splendid!
This Old Mrs.Wilson could the termed as the Queen of Scheming


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 1086: "Unexpected Reunion: Unveiling the Wilson Family's Arrival"

After listening, Charlie smiled and said, "Alright, you don't need to worry about where to go. Your husband will make the arrangements."

"That's great!" Claire said happily. "Then I'll wait for your arrangements!"

"Sounds good!"

After hanging up the phone, Elaine hurriedly flattered, "See, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Charlie nodded and took out his phone again, dialing George White's number.

"Master Wade! What made you think of calling me?" George asked.

Charlie replied calmly, "Elder George, my wife loves picking vegetables. I plan to allocate half of the Thomson Elite Villa to create a vegetable garden so that she can pick vegetables in the backyard every day. Can you find me the best varieties of vegetables and fruits? They should already be mature, bearing fruit, with vines, shoots, and roots intact. Can you arrange for them to be transplanted directly to Thomson Elite?"

Upon hearing this, George blurted out, "Master Wade, you can rest assured, even if you want a vegetable greenhouse, I can arrange it for you!"

Charlie continued, "Very well, let's start preparing today and transplant them to Thomson Elite tonight. I want my wife to wake up and see it tomorrow morning!"

George chuckled, "Master Wade, you really know how to take care of your wife. Don't worry; I'll make the arrangements!"

At this moment, Elaine was also thrilled. Charlie was indeed skilled at persuading people. Just one phone call, and someone was eagerly arranging a vegetable garden for him. His influence was not small at all!

She used to think that this guy would eventually run into trouble, but no matter how she looked at it, this young man seemed to be prospering more and more.

At this moment, Elaine suddenly heard a familiar voice in her ear, "Oh! Isn't this my good daughter-in-law? Why are you leaning on a crutch? I have to say, your posture is quite impressive!"

Elaine's face immediately turned extremely unpleasant.

She didn't even need to turn around to know that this voice came from her mother-in-law, the damn Madam Wilson!

But when she did turn around, she was suddenly shocked. What's going on? How did these five people gather here?

The old lady, Noah, and those two little brats, weren't they supposed to be detained for a few more days? Did they get released early?

The key question was, how did Zoraida get here? Wasn't she sent to the coal mine by Charlie's friend?

At this moment, Charlie also heard the commotion and couldn't help but frown.

He hadn't expected Zoraida to appear here.

Orvel had always been reliable, so he shouldn't have made such a big mistake as to let Zoraida escape. What had happened here?

Zoraida was a secret between Charlie and his mother-in-law, Elaine. Although later on, his wife and father-in-law found out about Elaine's gambling debt, they didn't know that Zoraida had been sent to the coal mine.

Both Charlie and Elaine assumed that Zoraida had embezzled the money and run away. So, Zoraida's sudden return was somewhat unsettling for Charlie as well.

At this moment, the usually strong-willed Elaine had already started scolding, "Who do you think you are? So, it turns out you're all from the same family, huh? What are you planning? You forgot how you got into jail last time? Do you all want me to call the police right now and have you arrested again?"

Chapter 1087: "Unfinished Business and Unwanted Neighbors"

As soon as Harold heard Elaine's taunting remarks about the detention center, Harold immediately became infuriated and said, "Elaine, take a look at yourself with that ugly appearance of yours. You've even lost two front teeth and talk like you're leaking air. What are you trying to show off here?"

Elaine was furious when she heard Harold mocking her teeth.

In the past few days since she returned, she dared not look in the mirror because she felt extremely ugly without her front teeth.

But visiting the dentist was a troublesome affair. Sometimes, even fixing a single tooth required multiple visits, let alone replacing several missing teeth.

Initially, Claire had planned to pay for her porcelain veneers, but because she had broken her leg and was immobile, she had temporarily put it off. They had agreed to wait until her leg had healed before getting her teeth fixed.

Because of her missing front teeth, Elaine had completely lost her desire to go out. Otherwise, her entire image would be ruined the moment she opened her mouth.

However, now that Harold, this little rascal, dared to mock her teeth, she couldn't stand it any longer.

So, Elaine immediately burst out, cursing, "Harold, I'm still your second aunt, and you dare to talk to me like this. Aren't you afraid of divine retribution?"

Harold sneered and said, "What kind of second aunt are you? Look at your sorry appearance. You haven't even bothered to fix your teeth. Are you planning to perform comedy without your front teeth?"

The last thing Elaine wanted to imagine was the character from a comedy skit, the old lady with missing teeth. Because her current appearance was identical to that character, hearing Harold's remarks infuriated her even more.

She then took out her phone from her pocket, gritted her teeth, and said, "Just wait, I'll call the police right now and report your invasion of a private residence. You never learn your lesson, and this time, you'll be in there for much longer!"

At this moment, Madam Wilson sneered with disdain, "Elaine, do you really think you're the only one who can afford to live in Thomson Elite?"

Elaine coldly snorted, "Of course. Can people like you, who are a bunch of losers, afford to live in Thomson Elite? It's not that I look down on you, but if you, the old hag, can afford to live in Thomson Elite, I'll twist my head off and use it as a soccer ball!"

Madam Wilson burst into laughter, "Oh, Elaine, you haven't changed a bit. Despite my frailty, I actually want to try kicking your head today!"

With that, the old lady pulled out a very exquisite key and proudly said, "Let me tell you, Elaine, Thomson Elite A04 is now mine. From today on, we are neighbors!"

Elaine retorted with disdain, "Pah! You old hag, you're really good at boasting. You can't even afford a meal, and now you're buying Thomson Elite A04? Did you sell Wendy to a rich man again? But with Wendy's looks, who would be willing to pay such a high price?"

As soon as Wendy heard this, she pointed angrily at Elaine and said, "Elaine, who are you calling a cheap woman?"

"I'm talking about you!" Elaine didn't hold back and said, "I don't know who's keeping an old man older than her father, and now you dare to come and make a fuss in front of me? What kind of person are you?"

Wendy was exposed, which naturally made her furious. She was about to confront Elaine, but Madam Wilson grabbed her and said calmly, "Wen, don't argue with this disabled person. She's already in such a sorry state. What's the point of arguing with her?"

After saying that, she beckoned to the other four people, "Let's go, let's go. We need to go to our villa and tidy up. There's no point in arguing with such a despicable person."

The others all spat in Elaine's direction before walking past her arrogantly.

Elaine still couldn't believe they could actually afford Thomson Elite. She muttered behind them, "You guys should be more moderate. If you keep showing off like this, the security will come and kick you out."

Zoraida turned around, her eyes filled with gloom as she stared at Elaine and said coldly, "Elaine, don't forget that we still have unfinished business between us!"

Chapter 1088: "Uninvited Neighbors and Suspicious Circumstances"

Elaine scolded, "Are you kidding me? Am I supposed to be afraid of you? Do you believe that I can have my son-in-law make a phone call and send you back to the coal mine?"

Since Jacob and Claire were not present, Elaine didn't care about mentioning the coal mine.

Zoraida glared at Elaine with a hostile look and was about to speak when Madam Wilson had already opened the door to Villa A04. She looked at Elaine, who was in shock, waved the keys in her hand, and said with a smile, "Elaine, what did you just say? Weren't you planning to offer your head for me to kick like a soccer ball? Come on in."

Elaine was speechless when she saw that Madam Wilson had actually opened the door to A04. How was this possible? Wasn't the Wilson family so poor that they couldn't even afford a place to live? Could it be that they had suddenly turned their luck around? And this family was going to be their neighbors? This was too frustrating...

Thinking about this, she immediately turned to look at Charlie and blurted out, "Charlie, what's going on? Didn't your friend send her to the coal mine? Wasn't it said that she wouldn't be allowed to come out in the future? How did Zoraida manage to escape?"

Charlie was also somewhat surprised. He took out his phone, walked to a quiet place, and dialed Orvel's number. "The people I asked you to send to the coal mine last time, how did one of them manage to come back? What happened over there?"

Orvel was surprised and said, "Is that possible? Master Wade, please wait a moment, let me make a call to inquire."

After a moment, Orvel called back, "Master Wade, someone bought my friend's small coal mine, and they paid three times the market price."

Charlie suddenly understood and asked, "It's the Weaver family, right?"

"Yes!" Orvel confirmed, "It's the Weaver family in Suzhou! Master Wade, are the Weaver family targeting you? Should we all come together to figure out a solution for you?"

Charlie replied calmly, "No need, the Weaver family hasn't formally taken action yet. Right now, it's just some small fry. We don't need to bother with them."

At this moment, Orvel felt guilty and said, "Master Wade, I'm responsible for not supervising effectively. Please punish me! Today, I'll arrange for someone to arrest Zoraida!"

"No need," Charlie said indifferently, "Since she's already back, let her stay here."

After that, Charlie asked, "What's the situation with the Weigard family father and son who were digging for ginseng in Evergreen Mountain?"

Orvel hurriedly replied, "The Weigard family father and son have been in Evergreen Mountain all along. Some people tried to rob them a while ago, but my men and Lorden's men drove them away. To strengthen their defense, both of us have sent more people over, and now there are nearly 20 people secretly guarding them."

"Good," Charlie nodded and said, "The Weaver family is probably looking for my enemies everywhere, so we must ensure the safety of the Weigard family. As for bringing back Zoraida, I won't hold you responsible, but the Weigard family father and son must not be released!"

Orvel said firmly, "Master Wade, please rest assured. I will instruct my subordinates to guard them closely and ensure that no one can take them away."

"Good," Charlie agreed and added, "Tell Lorden to increase manpower as well. We can't let his father and brother come back and try to snatch Weigard Pharmaceutical."

Chapter 1089: "A Frustrating Reunion and a Secret Plan"

No one feared their father and brother more than Lorden did.

If the Weaver family managed to snatch his father and brother back from Evergreen Mountain, their first order of business would undoubtedly be to help them regain control of Weigard Pharmaceutical.

Because the Weaver family definitely wouldn't want to bring back just a pair of underachieving father and son; they would prefer their allies to possess greater power.

Weigard Pharmaceutical, valued at tens of billions, was a pharmaceutical company after all. Collaborating with the Weaver family could potentially open up even more significant opportunities. So, if Donald could bring these two back and help them regain their authority, it would be like gaining an ally worth tens of billions, and a loyal one at that.

Charlie believed that after learning about this, Lorden would do everything in his power to obstruct the Weaver family's actions.

To put it bluntly, even if the Weigard father and son returned, it wouldn't matter to Charlie.

He had ten thousand ways to make the Weigard family father and son disappear instantly.

If he wanted to, he could even send Donald directly to his end.

But that wouldn't be fun.

After all, without enemies, what would make life interesting?

Since the Weaver family wanted to play, he would play along with them.

After all, there weren't many opportunities to spar with a family worth 200 billion, acting as their punching bag, and honing his skills.

In the future, he might have to return to Eastcliff, where he would face the unfamiliar Wade family.

Without learning some experience in aristocratic struggles in advance, he might not be able to handle any potential dangers.

Now was the perfect time for a little rehearsal.

Charlie hung up the phone and returned to the place where he was digging the soil. Elaine couldn't wait and asked, "Did you find out? What's going on? How did that wretched woman, Zoraida, come back?"

Charlie told Elaine, "I just asked over the phone. My friend said the black coal mine over there went bankrupt, and they got a new owner, so all the workers left. Zoraida probably took advantage of the opportunity to escape."

Elaine sighed in frustration, "How could that shameless woman be allowed to escape? Just seeing her makes me furious!"

Thinking back to when Zoraida had set her up, Elaine not only hated Zoraida but also resented Charlie.

Because at that time, Charlie had coerced Jinny into donating all the money, including the money she lost to Elaine. Originally, she had around two million in assets, but this young man had wiped it all out in one go.

If it were in the past, Elaine would have scolded him to his face for this matter. But now, she didn't dare to act tough with Charlie. After all, she was living in his villa, and her daughter was no longer on her side. So, she couldn't afford to provoke this young man now.

Charlie glanced at her and said casually, "It's meaningless to ask now how she managed to escape. Since she can move into Thomson Elite, it means she has someone backing her up now. You shouldn't mess with her for now. If she gets bullied again, we might not be able to handle it."

Hearing this, Elaine couldn't help but worry. But if she had to lower her head in front of this family in the future, she truly couldn't accept it.

Why should she?

These people were practically on their deathbeds, so why were they allowed to come back and live so well?

And they were thriving!

Chapter 1090: "Golden Rivalries and Green Thumbs: When Villas Collide"

So, she gritted her teeth and said, "Charlie, I'd suggest that someday you find an opportunity to give them a good beating, preferably break all five of their legs, so they'll have to sit in wheelchairs every day in this villa."

Charlie countered, "If they get arrested, I'll definitely go to jail. I don't mind that, but if I'm in jail, what will you do if they come to your doorstep to attack you?"

Upon hearing this, Elaine hesitated.

She had to admit that Charlie made a valid point.

The Wilson family members were numerous and influential, and with Charlie around, they probably wouldn't dare to provoke her. But if Charlie wasn't there, who could protect her?


That old scoundrel was now divorcing her, and he probably wished she'd be mistreated.

Furthermore, he was a spineless wimp. Just seeing his mother made his legs go weak. Expecting him to help was nothing but wishful thinking.

So, she could only sigh and say, "It looks like we'll have to be neighbors with the Wilson family in the future. I'm really feeling terrible about this..."


At this moment, the Wilson family was experiencing a shocking surprise in the villa!

The Thomson Elite No. A04 villa had the same layout as A05, and the previous owner had put a lot of effort into decorating it, making it incredibly luxurious.

After Madam Wilson opened the door and walked in, she was utterly stunned.

The decoration style in this house was rather extravagant, with an abundance of opulent golden decor that made it look like a palace. Charlie's A05 villa seemed much more colorful in comparison.

This was because George knew that Charlie was relatively low-key, so when he originally decorated Charlie's villa, he intentionally chose a less ostentatious decor style.

In contrast, A04 felt a bit like a high-end karaoke bar, with a touch of extravagance.

But the Wilson family members themselves were extravagant people who were extremely fond of flaunting their wealth. Moreover, none of them were particularly cultured, so they loved this kind of gaudy golden decoration.

Once they entered the living room, the Wilson family members were completely awestruck. Madam Wilson was so excited that tears welled up in her eyes. She touched everything and looked around, feeling like she was in a dream.

The others were no different. They had never seen much of the world, and when they had heard about Charlie's villa, they had been jealous. But they never expected that they would also have the chance to live in a similar villa, and more importantly, their villa appeared even more luxurious than Charlie's!

This made them even more excited.

Madam Wilson took the elevator all the way up to the third floor, to the best bedroom. When she saw the furnishings and furniture in the bedroom, she felt extremely satisfied.

The luxurious and comfortable Simmons mattress felt far from ordinary.

She had heard that a good Simmons mattress could cost hundreds of thousands, and back when Madam Wilson was in her prime, she couldn't bear to spend that kind of money.

But now, she had the chance to enjoy it.

She pushed open the door to the large balcony, where she could see the panoramic view of the villa area.

Because all the Thomson Elite No. villas had a three-story structure on top of two floors, their houses were not very tall. Standing on the third floor, they could see quite far and clearly.

Interestingly, from the third floor, they could also see Charlie's backyard.

Seeing Elaine instructing Charlie on how to plant in the backyard, Madam Wilson looked at her own backyard, which was completely bare. She smirked and coldly said, "It seems that Elaine wants to plant some flowers and plants. Well, I'll just wait for her to finish planting, and then I'll steal them. It'll save me the trouble of buying them."
This woman wouldn't stop scheming against Charlie,I hope she doesn't regret it because she would be given the beatings if her and might spend some few months again at the detention centre


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 1106: "The Vegetable Thief: Madam Wilson's Backyard Raid"

Noah said, "Mom asked you to come back and buy some meat at the market to cook lunch."

Zoraida felt a bit annoyed but still said obediently, "Alright, I'll buy the groceries and head back in a while."


Charlie and his wife spent the morning picking fruits in their backyard orchard.

Claire was as happy as an 18-year-old girl. She not only picked fruits but also diligently loosened the soil and watered the plants.

Elaine was eagerly waiting to take photos and share them on her social media, and she became impatient when she saw the couple not coming out of the orchard.

After they finally brought a large basket of fruits inside the house, she hurriedly descended the stairs, pulled out her phone, and took various photos, including selfies, in the orchard.

After taking a bunch of photos under the scorching sun, she immediately returned to her room. She applied aloe vera gel for sunburn relief while carefully selecting nine images from her phone. She then posted them on her social media with the caption: "Look at our family's garden. Thanks to my meticulous care, it's grown so beautifully!"

This social media post immediately garnered numerous likes and comments. No one had expected Elaine to cultivate such a vast and impressive garden in her own backyard. Some friends, including those who had previously bought villas and planted a small portion of vegetables, commented somewhat sarcastically, "Wow, Elaine, you're really amazing! You've managed to grow so much at home. But isn't it unusual for ordinary people to grow so much on their own property? Did you secretly pick from someone else's garden and intentionally deceive us?"

"Hey!" Elaine was infuriated when she read this comment.

She had indeed taken these pictures in her own villa, so how dare they question her? Just wait; she would take an overhead shot of the backyard from the third-floor balcony!

With that in mind, Elaine immediately went up to the terrace of her master bedroom on the third floor, opened her phone's camera, and prepared to take a photo of the garden.

However, at that moment, she suddenly noticed a strange figure on her phone screen!

There was a silhouette outside the garden fence, reaching out and stealing vegetables from her own garden.

As Elaine watched, the thief plucked a large eggplant, followed by a big cucumber and a ripe tomato.

Elaine immediately shouted, "Hey! What are you doing? Are you stealing my vegetables?"

As soon as the figure heard her shout, they withdrew their hand, turned, and started running.

Elaine focused her eyes and realized, to her astonishment, that the vegetable thief was none other than that annoying Madam Wilson!

So, she was immediately furious and shouted loudly, "You shameless old woman! How dare you come to my house and steal my vegetables! I swear I'll call the police on you right now!"

Madam Wilson, carrying a basket of stolen vegetables, couldn't run very fast. Upon hearing Elaine's threats, she turned her head, not in fear, but instead spat in her direction.

This further enraged Elaine, and she rushed downstairs. Finding Charlie and their daughter washing vegetables in the kitchen, she blurted out, "Both of you are still in the mood to wash vegetables here, while our garden is being robbed!"

"Who did it?" Claire asked instinctively.

Elaine fumed, "That old hag of yours! Besides her, who else would stoop so low?"

Chapter 1107: "Granny's Green Fingers and the Stolen Greens: A Vegetable Vendetta Unfolds!"

When Claire heard that her grandmother had stolen vegetables from the family's garden, she sighed helplessly and said, "Mom, since it was Grandma who picked them, just let her have them. It's just some vegetables."

Elaine blurted out, "It's not that simple. What has your grandmother ever given us? Have you forgotten how she treated our family in the past? And now she shamelessly comes to our house to steal vegetables. I can't tolerate this!"

Claire shook her head in resignation and replied, "Don't overthink it. Grandma just saw that our vegetables were so good and wanted to pick some for a meal. We shouldn't be so stingy."

Elaine muttered, "All you ever do is bend over backward for others."

With that, she turned and went upstairs.

However, the more Elaine thought about the situation, the more she felt wronged. Such excellent vegetables, and not even a leaf could be spared for Grandma Wilson? Her daughter didn't seem to care at all! If they allowed Grandma to get away with stealing this time, she would keep coming back for more.

So, Elaine hurriedly left her room, went to the kitchen doorway, and called out to Charlie, saying, "Charlie, I need to talk to you about something."

Charlie nodded and approached the door.

Elaine whispered urgently, "Charlie, I'm giving you a friendly warning. You've prepared such a great vegetable garden for Clay; you must be cautious against theft. I've lived with Grandma for so many years, and I know exactly what kind of person she is. If you don't stop her, she'll steal from you tomorrow."

In truth, during his three-plus years at the Wilson residence, Charlie had gained a deep understanding of each member of the family. He knew their individual personalities well.

He was well aware of the nature of every person in the Wilson family.

In his eyes, aside from his wife, Claire, who was inherently a good person, there was only a sliver of hope for Jacob. The rest of them were all trash.

This included Elaine and Grandma Wilson.

So, he was also fully aware that if he didn't take action, Grandma Wilson would indeed steal again, just as Elaine had described—once, twice, a hundred times.

Therefore, he had a plan in mind.

Afterward, Charlie asked Elaine, "Do you know what Grandma's favorite vegetable is?"

Elaine thought for a moment and said, "If we're talking about her absolute favorite, it should be Chinese chives! Grandma never cooks, but if you mention making dumplings with Chinese chives and eggs, she'll personally get in the kitchen to prepare the filling. That's her favorite!"

"Good," Charlie nodded. Chinese chives it is, which worked perfectly.

He then went to a secluded spot and made a call to George.

Once the call connected, George asked, "Mr. Wade, is your wife satisfied with the vegetable garden I arranged for her last night?"

"She's quite pleased," Charlie replied. "I called to ask for another favor from you."

George eagerly said, "Mr. Wade, just give me your instructions."

Charlie said, "I want you to find dozens of the best pots of Narcissus bulbs for me, specifically ones that haven't bloomed yet and have vibrant green leaves."

George pondered for a moment and said, "Mr. Wade, these Narcissus bulbs are poisonous. If you need just a few, it should be fine, but if you want that many, I'm concerned about safety."

Charlie gave a slight smile and reassured him, "I know they're poisonous, but you don't need to worry. Just prepare them for me. Make sure they arrive before this afternoon."

Upon hearing this, George promptly agreed, "Certainly, Mr. Wade, I'll take care of it right away."


After Grandma Wilson stole a basket of vegetables from Charlie's home, she returned just as Zoraida arrived.

She asked Zoraida, "Did you buy the meat I asked for?"

Zoraida nodded, "Not only did I buy the meat, but I also bought a lot of vegetables."

Chapter 1108: "The Great Vegetable Heist: Grandma's Green Crime Spree Begins!"

Zoraida felt extremely guilty at the moment, so she decided to please both the old lady and her husband. Coincidentally, she had sold the coffee machine, and now she had some money in her hand. She decided to buy some spare ribs and pork belly to make a sumptuous meat dish for her family.

When Madam Wilson heard that Zoraida had bought vegetables, she immediately expressed her disapproval, saying, "Why waste money on buying vegetables?"

Zoraida asked in surprise, "Mom, we can't just eat meat without vegetables, right? We need to supplement our vitamins."

Madam Wilson took her to the kitchen and pointed to a basket of fresh vegetables she had recently acquired, saying, "See these high-quality vegetables? They were all stolen from the Charlie Wade family. The Charlie Wade family has a big vegetable garden, and you can just reach out beyond the fence to pick them. From now on, we won't need to spend money on vegetables."

Zoraida then remembered that she had seen the bustling construction at the Charlie Wade family's house when she left in the morning. Although she found it strange at the time, she didn't pay much attention.

She carefully examined the basket of vegetables that Madam Wilson had stolen and couldn't help but exclaim, "Mom, you're right. These vegetables look really good, even better than the organic ones I usually buy."

Madam Wilson nodded and picked up a long, vibrant cucumber. "Look at this cucumber, it's big and long, with fresh yellow flowers at the tip. It's so clean, it looks like it's just been washed!"

She then washed the cucumber under the tap, scrubbed it, and with a slight twist, it broke cleanly, emitting a rich and pleasant fragrance. Madam Wilson couldn't help but sigh, "Why does this cucumber smell so good!"

She put it in her mouth and took a bite.

The taste of the cucumber made Madam Wilson's face light up with delight.

With her mouth full, she mumbled, "This is the best cucumber I've ever had in my life!"

Noah had just arrived at the kitchen door and caught a whiff of the cucumber's aroma. He exclaimed, "Wow, this cucumber smells so fragrant! Give me half of it to eat."

The old lady handed him half, and after taking a bite, Noah immediately gave a thumbs-up and said to his wife, "Honey, where did you buy this cucumber? It's delicious!"

Zoraida hurriedly explained, "I didn't buy it; Mom picked it, I mean, Mom stole it."

"Stole it?" Noah looked at his mother in surprise and asked, "Mom, where did you steal these cucumbers from?"

Madam Wilson chuckled and said, "The Charlie Wade family has a vegetable garden with all sorts of vegetables. They're all growing beautifully. I just passed by their front gate and saw it, so I brought a basket to pick some."

Noah furrowed his brows and said, "Is Charlie out of his mind? Why is he planting vegetables in his yard?"

"Who cares?" Madam Wilson chuckled. "Anyway, we won't need to spend money on vegetables anymore. We can just go to the Charlie Wade family and pick the freshest and best vegetables every day!"

Noah laughed and said, "That's really great! It's not only healthy but also cost-saving!"

For this lunch, Zoraida used the vegetables that her mother had stolen from the Charlie Wade family to prepare several delicious dishes. The entire Wilson family praised the food, and even Harold, who usually disliked vegetables, ate a lot because the vegetables were exceptionally delicious.

As the dishes on the table were almost finished, Madam Wilson couldn't help but say, "I never expected that the vegetables from the Charlie Wade family would be this good. So, in the afternoon, I'll go there again and pick some more."

Harold asked anxiously, "Grandma, what if Charlie finds out that we're stealing vegetables from his house? Won't he come and cause trouble?"

Madam Wilson snorted, "Let him come and cause trouble. As long as he dares to touch me, I'll sue him!"

Noah laughed and said, "Mom, you really know how to handle things!"

Chapter 1109: "Madam Wilson's Chive Caper: A Recipe for Misadventure!"

After having lunch, George arranged for another truck to deliver a truckload of foreign daffodils.

The daffodils he sent were all of high-quality varieties, with lush green growth. And, as per Charlie's request, each plant had not yet bloomed.

Daffodils are plants that resemble chives, especially when they haven't bloomed yet.

City dwellers are not always experts at distinguishing plants, and since most people have eaten chives and seen them cut, but haven't seen them grow in the ground, it's easy to confuse chives with daffodils.

Chives are a beloved vegetable, essential for stir-frying, making soup, or filling dumplings and pies.

However, daffodils, on the other hand, are not edible.

Why not? Because daffodils contain narcissine.

And narcissine itself is a toxic alkaloid.

Upon hearing from Elaine that Madam Wilson liked to eat chives, Charlie immediately thought of these daffodils.

He knew that after Madam Wilson successfully stole vegetables once, she would definitely come back for more and do so frequently.

So he instructed George to have the workers plant all these daffodils by the wall.

This way, Madam Wilson could easily reach out and grab a handful from outside the iron fence; stealing them would be incredibly easy.

If she stole these daffodils and mistook them for chives to eat, her fate would certainly be grim.

Although it wouldn't be life-threatening, she would probably have to spend a few days in the hospital.

Charlie's idea was to let her and her family eat the daffodils and end up in the hospital. During their hospital stay, he would have his workers turn the fence into a wall and transform his vegetable garden into a greenhouse. This way, he would no longer have to worry about anyone stealing from him.

When the truck arrived to unload the cargo, Madam Wilson from next door happened to be on the terrace on the third floor, and she immediately lit up when she saw the workers unloading clusters of long, green, slender plants.

It was chives!

And such fresh chives!

She couldn't help but think of the delicious meal she had for lunch, made even more delectable with vegetables stolen from Charlie's house. The homely meal had a vibrant, healthy feel to it.

Now, seeing so many fresh chives from Charlie's house again, Madam Wilson was naturally overjoyed, as chives were her absolute favorite!

Moreover, during this period of upheaval and her time spent in detention, she hadn't had chive and egg dumplings in a long time!

Seeing these fresh chives from Charlie's house, her first thought was to quickly grab a knife, cut a bunch, and make some chive and egg dumplings for a satisfying dinner!


Around 4 PM, Madam Wilson woke up from a short nap and her first thought was to go to the terrace and check on the chives from Charlie's house.

Seeing that Charlie had already planted all the chives next to the iron fence, Madam Wilson was overjoyed.

Wasn't this just making it more convenient for her?

So, she immediately went downstairs.

At this moment, the Wilson family of four were sitting in the living room watching TV.

Harold had brought a TV from an empty room downstairs. Although it wasn't as big as the one they had sold, it was still pretty good.

Madam Wilson said to Zoraida, "Zoraida, go out and buy a box of eggs and a bag of flour."

Chapter 1110: "Leek and Egg Dumplings: Grandma's Stolen Secret Ingredient!"

Zoraida hurriedly inquired with flattery, "Mom, what do you need eggs and flour for?"

Madam Wilson replied, "We're making leek and egg dumplings for dinner!"

Harold exclaimed with joy, "Grandma, we're having dumplings tonight?"

"Yes!" Madam Wilson chuckled, "Do you like leek and egg dumplings?"

Harold smiled and said, "Oh, I love them! It's been so long since I've had dumplings with leek and egg filling. Just hearing you talk about it is making my mouth water!"

Noah also chuckled and said, "Mom, why the sudden craving for leek and egg dumplings today? It's been a while since you've cooked dumplings."

Madam Wilson said, "I'm in a good mood today, so we're going all in on leek and egg dumplings for dinner!"

"Great!" Noah exclaimed, "I haven't had dumplings in ages. Today's a perfect day to satisfy my cravings!"

Zoraida chimed in, "Mom, besides flour and eggs, should I buy some leeks too?"

Madam Wilson grinned triumphantly and said, "The Wade family got some exceptionally fresh leeks this afternoon. I'll go and pick a bunch later!"

Noah hurriedly added, "Mom, pick a little extra, and maybe we can make some leek and pork dumplings too!"

Wendy suggested, "We can even make leek-filled pancakes!"

"Alright, alright!" Madam Wilson nodded and smiled, "I'll pick extra then!"

By the time it was a little past 5 in the afternoon, Madam Wilson grabbed a kitchen knife and headed out.

She placed the knife in a bamboo basket and jogged her way to the fence outside Charlie's house.

Madam Wilson looked around and saw no one in the yard, so she quickly pulled out the knife and reached into the fence to cut a large bunch of leeks.

After cutting one bunch, she immediately cut two more.

At first, she thought it was enough, but upon careful consideration, these leeks were exceptionally good. It would be a shame not to take a little more.

So, she ended up cutting six bunches, and the bamboo basket was overflowing with freshly cut "leeks."

Feeling triumphant, Madam Wilson hurried to make her way back.

At this moment, Elaine saw that the sun was about to set and decided to go out on the terrace to soak up some sunlight.

After all, the doctor had advised her to get plenty of sunlight to help her leg heal faster by synthesizing vitamin D.

As she arrived on the terrace, she happened to spot Madam Wilson stealing vegetables again and couldn't contain her anger. She shouted, "You shameless old hag! You stole so many vegetables from my house this morning, and now you dare to come again this afternoon? Have you no shame?"

Madam Wilson turned around and looked at her, cursing, "What's the matter? You're my daughter-in-law. If I want to eat some of your vegetables, why are you complaining?"

Elaine retorted, "Who the hell is your daughter-in-law? You shameless old witch! Next time you dare to steal vegetables from my house, I'll break your legs!"

Madam Wilson scoffed and said, "You still don't know when your own broken leg will heal, yet you dare to argue with me? Do you believe I'll break your legs next time?"

Hearing this, Elaine was filled with rage!

It was Madam Wilson who had broken her leg in the detention center, and she had never forgotten that grudge.

Seeing Madam Wilson come to steal vegetables again and even using her broken leg against her, Elaine gritted her teeth and cursed, "Go ahead, steal! You old hag! Your mouth is so foul; I'll make sure it's the death of you one day!"

Madam Wilson coldly snorted, "Let me tell you, Elaine, I've got plenty of life left in me. You'll die eight hundred times before I do! If you don't believe it, let's see who dies first!"
What I really love in the episode is the kiss scenery,but the kiss isn't enough,I want more scenes to haopen. Claire should just upgrade to the next level that is bedroom hottest scene 😁😁😁😁😁😁😉😉


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
Claire sometimes can be dumb, at the beginning of novel, one would almost thought that Charlie was dumb before he was discovered by Wade family. You know there is a way you can be humble and yet remain formidable. People can't take your meekness as your weakness. You can't say they should allow her to steal from your garden. Do you appreciate the effort your husband has put up to set the garden overnight and it's not yet the twelfth hour and the first theft has taken place.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 1111 - "The Garden's Whims and Family Ties"

Elaine was so angry she was about to explode.

She couldn't believe it. She had just warned Charlie in the morning to be wary of the old lady, but not only did he ignore her advice, he even bought more leeks.

Now, it all benefited the old lady.

In the past, Elaine would have scolded Charlie, but now she didn't dare to.

At this moment, Claire asked Charlie in the room, "What shall we have for dinner tonight, husband?"

Charlie, smiling, asked, "You usually don't care about these things. Why are you interested in what we're having tonight?"

Claire replied with a smile, "I was thinking of picking vegetables from the garden. Tell me what you want for dinner, and I'll pick it. How about that?"

Charlie nodded and said with a smile, "Then let's go together, just like this morning."

Thinking of the morning when Charlie had stolen her first kiss, Claire's face turned instantly red.

She glared at Charlie and said shyly, "You can pick, but you're not allowed to take advantage of me again!"

Pretending to be confused, Charlie asked, "What are you talking about, wife? I don't understand. What do you mean by taking advantage?"

Claire huffed, "Just keep your distance from me, at least half a meter!"

After saying that, she turned and went downstairs first.

Charlie quickly followed her.

In the vegetable garden, Claire immediately noticed the leeks on the ground and asked in surprise, "Where did these leeks come from? They weren't here this morning."

Charlie replied with a smile, "A friend just delivered them."

Claire suggested, "Let's have leeks and shrimp stir-fry for dinner tonight, okay?"

Charlie quickly said, "The leeks aren't ready to eat yet."

Surprised, Claire asked, "They look quite good to me, why can't we eat them?"

Charlie explained, "They might look good, but it's not the right time to eat them yet. Just wait a bit longer."

Claire nodded and said, "Alright, then let's have roasted eggplant and Mu Shu Pork for dinner."

"Okay," Charlie agreed with a smile. "Everything in the garden is edible except for the leeks."

The couple picked some vegetables and went back to the kitchen to cook together. Claire was starting to enjoy this feeling, bustling in the kitchen with Charlie.

Meanwhile, the Wilson family was bustling with activity.

With many people and plenty of leeks harvested by Madam Wilson, all five family members were busy.

Madam Wilson was kneading dough, Noah was chopping meat, Zoraida was stir-frying eggs, and Harold and Wendy were washing the leeks.

Noah was a bit grumpy, chopping meat while complaining, "Why didn't we just buy ground meat? Why go through the trouble of chopping it? My arms are sore."

Zoraida responded, "Mom said that machine-ground meat isn't as fragrant as hand-chopped meat."

"Bullshit," Noah retorted dismissively. "It's all the same meat. What's the difference if it's chopped by hand?"

Just then, they heard the old lady scold from behind, "What do you know! Ask any older person, and they'll tell you, only hand-chopped meat filling is fragrant."

Chapter 1112 - "Dumpling Delights: Grandma's Special Recipe and Family Harmony"

Noah could only helplessly concede, "Alright, alright, Mom, you're right, I'll listen to you, okay?"

Madam Wilson gave him a stern look and instructed, "Put some effort into it, chop the meat finer!"

"I know, I know..." Noah grumbled in response.

By evening, the minced meat was ready, the eggs were scrambled, and a bunch of daffodils were washed clean and placed on the chopping board.

Madam Wilson personally took charge of preparing the dumpling filling, first mixing eggs and leeks with seasonings for a leek and egg filling, then creating a leek and pork filling with the meat.

The other members of the Wilson family were already drooling, especially since the household had been quite turbulent lately. They hadn't enjoyed such homely, life-filled dumplings in a long time.

Madam Wilson led everyone in dumpling making. Honestly, the dumplings they made were all over the place - lopsided and varied in shapes, but it indeed brought a festive New Year's atmosphere.

Madam Wilson, known for her bad temper, also felt a warmth of family life at this moment.

She showed a rare kind side, patiently teaching her grandchildren how to make better and sturdier dumplings.

Noah felt deeply moved inside. He too cherished this harmonious atmosphere.

Especially since his missing wife had returned, and they were back to their original harmonious and loving life.

Moreover, with their children around and living in such a grand villa, the Wilson Corporation was soon to rejuvenate.

Life seemed perfect at that moment.

If he had to describe his feelings in four words, it would be: "What more could I ask for?"

He felt like he had reached the pinnacle of life.

Madam Wilson had everyone make lots of dumplings. Zoraida moved the induction cooker to the living room. They decided to wrap dumplings while watching TV, preparing to cook them.

The TV was a bit small, but it was pretty good. Harold found a comedy movie by Stephen Chow, "Hail the Judge," and the family enjoyed watching it.

Zoraida, while watching TV, also kept an eye on the dumplings. Soon, they were floating in the pot, emitting a delicious aroma that whetted everyone's appetite.

Madam Wilson urged, "Zoraida, hurry up and serve me a bowl."

Noah chuckled, "Hurry up and dish out the dumplings, then cook the next batch. I'll get some vinegar, it's time for dumplings!"

Harold and Wendy also eagerly joined in.

After Zoraida scooped out the dumplings, Noah came with the vinegar.

Thus, the family of five joyously ate the dumplings they had made.

Noah, always quick to eat, didn't mind the hot dumplings and stuffed one into his mouth, mumbling, "Oh my, dumplings with our own minced filling are just so delicious!"

Madam Wilson also quickly ate one, praising, "Ah, these leeks are so tender!"

Zoraida asked while eating, "Where did Charlie get such good leeks? Even the market doesn't have ones this nice!"

After eating another dumpling, Madam Wilson remarked, "That rascal Charlie does have some skills. I underestimated him before. Had I known he had such talent for tricking and deceiving, I would have kept him in the Wilson Corporation. He might have been very useful."

Harold quickly said, "Grandma, why would the Wilson Corporation need such trash? Someone like Charlie who makes money through deceit will eventually face trouble. Who knows how many people will be lined up to take him down!"

Madam Wilson hummed in agreement, waving her hand, "Enough of that, let's eat. We have plenty of dumplings today, everyone should eat at least two bowls!"

Chapter 1113 - "Dumpling Dilemma: A Diabolical Plan Gone Wrong"

The Wilson family made two kinds of dumplings, and they made a huge pile of them. The quantity they prepared was enough to fill ten adults.

However, the family of five managed to eat almost all of it.

After the meal, every member of the Wilson family was so full they couldn't even straighten their waists.

Seeing about twenty to thirty dumplings still left on the table, Madam Wilson said to everyone, "Who can muster the strength to finish these dumplings? We shouldn't waste food!"

Noah, rubbing his round belly, said helplessly, "Mom, I really can't eat anymore, not even one."

Zoraida also shook her head repeatedly, "Mom, I'm too stuffed to eat any more."

Wendy, too exhausted to even speak, slumped on the sofa and waved her hand.

Harold suggested, "Grandma, how about we put them in the fridge for now and fry them in oil tomorrow morning?"

A sly smile crossed Madam Wilson's face, and she said to Zoraida, "Zoraida, put these dumplings in a plastic bag and take them to Charlie's family."

Zoraida, surprised, asked, "Mom, why should we send perfectly good dumplings to them?"

Madam Wilson chuckled, "It's their chives after all. Let them have a taste. It'll drive them mad!"

Harold added, "Grandma, should we mix in some laxatives?"

Noah asked, "The dumplings are already made and cooked. How would we add laxatives?"

Harold replied, "We could grind the laxatives into powder, mix them with water, and inject them into the dumplings with a syringe!"

"That's a great idea!" Wendy, excited, said, "Brother, your plan is brilliant!"

Madam Wilson mentioned, "There's a first aid kit in the villa's storage room that has all sorts of medicines and syringes."

Harold, slapping his chest, declared, "Leave it to me, Grandma. Tonight, Charlie and his family will have a serious case of diarrhea!"

He immediately went to the storage room and soon returned with a plastic box marked with a red cross.

The former owner of the villa had stocked the first aid kit comprehensively, ranging from cold and fever medications to chronic disease treatments.

Harold found a bottle of laxative tablets and said with a sinister smile, "I used these when I was constipated. They work wonders. Two tablets will cause severe diarrhea."

Wendy hurriedly suggested, "Then let's put one in each dumpling!"

"Done!" Harold said with a smile, "Let them have a real blast tonight."

He began to grind the tablets into powder and mixed them with water, injecting them into the dumplings with a syringe.

However, after processing only half of the dumplings, Harold suddenly felt an unbearable pain in his stomach, clutching his belly and groaning.

Zoraida asked anxiously, "Son, what's wrong with you?"

Harold, in agony, said, "Mom, my stomach hurts so much, it feels like my intestines are twisted... Oh, it's killing me..."

Before he could recover, he released an incredibly foul-smelling fart.

The luxurious living room was filled with an unbearable stench.

Madam Wilson, coughing from the smell, scolded, "Harold! How can you fart so disgustingly in front of your family?"

Wendy, covering her nose and mouth in disgust, complained, "Brother, that was way too smelly!"

Chapter 1114 - "An Unforgettable Night: The Laxative Catastrophe"

In the midst of unbearable pain, Harold lamented, "I have no idea what's happening. My stomach just hurts so much..."

He barely finished his sentence when he suddenly felt an even more intense surge of energy, several times stronger than before, rushing downwards at a breakneck speed.

Following that, a loud 'pfft' echoed, and a foul stench instantly pervaded the entire living room.

Noah, glancing under Harold's backside, exclaimed in shock, "Holy smokes, Harold! You've soiled your pants!"

Everyone turned to look in disbelief.

And indeed, beneath Harold was something unspeakably disgusting.

The matriarch, Wilson's grandmother, cursed furiously, "You wretch! This sofa is imported from Italy!"

Harold was equally stunned and blurted out, "I... I... I don't know what happened. My stomach just hurt so much, and then I thought I was just passing gas, but then..."

Wendy, puzzled, asked, "Brother, did you accidentally inhale the powdered laxative while grinding it?"

"No!" Harold replied, his expression ghastly.

Just as the grandmother was about to scold him, she suddenly clutched her stomach, crying out, "What's going on? My stomach hurts terribly too... Oh no, I can't handle this..."

While speaking, she reached for her stomach but collapsed to the floor due to a sudden spasm.

"Mum!" Noah, seeing his grandmother fall, rushed to her aid but felt a stabbing pain in his stomach as he stood up, as if he had been repeatedly stabbed.

Then, he too felt that overwhelming sensation in his belly, followed by a warm, wet feeling in his pants.

Oh no!

He had soiled his pants too!

What on earth was happening?

The grandmother lay on the ground, writhing in agony, moaning, "Oh, the pain! It's killing me, this old lady!"

After saying this, she vomited everything she had eaten and then lost control of her bowels as well...

While uncontrollably expelling, she cried out for help, "Call an ambulance, quickly call an ambulance..."

Wendy reached for her phone, but a severe pain in her stomach made her collapse on the sofa, unable to move.

Zoraida, though affected last, quickly began to experience the same symptoms.

The living room was a disaster, reeking worse than a roadside toilet.

Beneath Harold was a mess of excrement. He tried to move to a cleaner spot but couldn't muster the strength, his face twisted in discomfort, asking, "Grandma, could it be that the dumplings weren't clean?"

The grandmother weakly replied, "Impossible. The chives, meat, and eggs were all fresh. How could there be a problem?"

Wendy's lips turned purple as she shakily said, "Grandma, my stomach feels like it's being sliced open. I hope I don't die here..."

Noah, gritting his teeth, said, "I'm calling 120 right now. You all have to hang in there!"

Chapter 1115 - "Daffodil Dilemma: A Toxic Dinner Party Mystery"

At this moment, the Wilson family members had no idea why they were suffering from such severe diarrhea and vomiting.

Narcissus alkaloid, found in Daffodils, is an extremely potent toxin.

If it's pure narcissus alkaloid, even a tiny amount could be lethal.

However, the natural concentration of this alkaloid in Daffodils is relatively small, so consuming a bit more would typically only lead to severe symptoms of food poisoning, but it wouldn't be fatal.

Although it was unlikely to be deadly, the pain caused by narcissus alkaloid consumption was unbearable for the average person.

It not only induced vomiting and diarrhea but also led to fever, convulsions, and disruptions in the nervous system.

If consumed recklessly, it could even trigger shock and pose a life-threatening risk.

Today, every member of the Wilson family had eaten a substantial amount of it, making their situation indeed dangerous.

Even Charlie couldn't believe that the Wilson family members had eaten so recklessly.

News often reported cases of people mistaking Daffodils for leeks and ending up hospitalized due to poisoning.

This kind of confusion was quite common.

When the ambulance arrived, three out of the five members of the Wilson family had already passed out.

Only Noah and Wendy remained barely conscious.

However, at this point, although they had a faint sense of awareness, they couldn't control their own bodies, so each of them had soiled themselves.

The living room was now so foul-smelling that it was impossible to enter. Even the paramedics from 120 rushed in but immediately turned and vomited.

Five people experiencing simultaneous vomiting and diarrhea created an overwhelming stench.

However, there was no choice; saving their lives was the priority. They gritted their teeth and, despite the nauseating smell, managed to rescue the five Wilson family members from the villa.

Medical personnel quickly transported the Wilson family members to the Aurous Hill People's Hospital.

After a series of gastric lavage procedures and intravenous drips, the Wilson family members finally experienced some relief and regained consciousness. They were then transferred to the emergency room for further treatment.

Madam Wilson and Zoraida were placed in neighboring beds, while Noah and the others were further inside.

At this point, everyone appeared pale and sickly, devoid of any spirit.

A masked doctor entered the room and inquired, "What did you have for dinner tonight? We suspect it might be food poisoning. You need to think carefully about what you ate so that we can narrow down the cause. If we can't identify the source of the poisoning, it will be difficult for us to provide the appropriate treatment."

Unable to contain herself, Madam Wilson murmured, "We didn't eat anything unusual tonight. We just had dumplings."

"Mom, there's definitely something wrong with those dumplings, or else we wouldn't all be suffering from food poisoning," Zoraida complained. She regretted eating those dumplings in the first place. If only she had known, she wouldn't have joined in.

At this moment, Madam Wilson also suspected that the dumplings were the culprit, but every step of the process seemed fine. So logically, there shouldn't have been any food poisoning.

Thinking it over, Madam Wilson said, "We made the dumplings ourselves at home, and there shouldn't have been any issues. Where could the problem have arisen?"

Harold, who was standing nearby with a troubled expression, suggested, "Grandma, I heard that some unscrupulous businesses use low-quality pork as a substitute for good meat. Could it be an issue with the pork?"

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 1116 - "Poisonous Plot: The Colchicum Conundrum"

"Pork? We need to ask your mom where she bought it," Madam Wilson frowned and looked at Zoraida, inquiring, "Did you buy pork with added water from the black market?"

Zoraida quickly shook her head, saying, "No way! I saw the vendor cut it from half a pig myself; there's absolutely no problem."

Wendy, sounding weak, added, "What about the flour? Could there be an issue with the dumpling wrappers?"

Once again, Zoraida shook her head, "The flour is fine too. I've used it before."

The flour was fine, the pork was fine, so could the issue be with the leeks?

With that thought in mind, Zoraida couldn't help but suggest, "It must be the leeks, maybe they have pesticide residues."

Madam Wilson furrowed her brow, saying, "Freshly cut leeks can't have any problems, and Harold washed them thoroughly. Even if there were pesticide residues, they would be washed away."

Harold chimed in, "I washed them very carefully, one by one."

Each member of the Wilson family reiterated their points, but no one could come up with a clear explanation. They were all left baffled.

The doctor sighed, "If you can't figure it out yourselves, you'll have to endure the discomfort a little longer. We'll send your blood and secretions to the testing department for analysis. Once we have the results, we'll know what kind of poisoning you've experienced."

Madam Wilson, feeling weak, nodded, saying, "Please go ahead and conduct the tests."

After waiting for about an hour, the doctor returned with several test reports in hand.

Upon entering the room, the doctor addressed them, "Your test results are out, and all five of you have been poisoned by colchicine, and the dosage is quite substantial. What's going on? Do you have a large quantity of colchicum plants in your home?"

Hearing this, Madam Wilson was stunned and asked with a furrowed brow, "Colchicine poisoning? What is that?"

A healthcare worker calmly explained, "Colchicum is a plant often used for ornamental purposes. It looks like leeks when it's not in bloom, and many people accidentally ingest it every year."

As the healthcare worker spoke, they also retrieved their phone and showed Madam Wilson pictures of colchicum plants.

"Here, this is it."

Madam Wilson turned pale when she saw the pictures of colchicum plants and tremblingly said, "This... This is the newly planted leeks in Charlie's house today? This thing turned out to be colchicum!!!"

At this point, Madam Wilson was on the verge of cursing, "Charlie, you heartless devil! How could there be someone as wicked as you in this world!"

The doctor asked in surprise, "What's going on? Did someone poison you? If someone poisoned you, you should report it to the police immediately!"

Harold immediately erupted in anger, "Grandma, call the police! Call them now! Let's get that son of a bitch Charlie arrested!"

Madam Wilson had also lost her temper, taking out her phone, and tremblingly dialed 110, then placed the call.

Once the call was answered, the operator asked, "Hello, this is the police emergency line. Can you please tell us what the problem is?"

Madam Wilson immediately said, "Police officer, all five of us in our family have been poisoned, and it's definitely deliberate poisoning! You must help us get justice and catch that poisoner!"

Upon hearing this, the operator immediately grew tense and asked, "What's the situation? Can you provide more details?"

Madam Wilson said, "There's a scoundrel named Charlie Wade who lives in Villa A05 of Thomson Elite. This scoundrel planted colchicum in his home, pretending it was leeks!"

"I cut his colchicum this afternoon to make dumplings at home, and after eating, our whole family got poisoned. We're currently in the hospital, so you must ensure justice for us!"

Chapter 1117 - "Unexpected Revelation: An Elderly Pregnant Woman

The operator asked in astonishment, "So, you went into someone else's yard and cut their daffodils, thinking they were chives?"

"Yes!" Madam Wilson blurted out, "He planted those daffodils right by the fence. I thought they were chives, so I cut a few bunches and ate them. Then, I got poisoned. Can you believe he committed a crime?"

The operator sighed, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but there is no law that prohibits any citizen from planting daffodils in their own yard. So, it's perfectly legal for someone to have daffodils in their garden. The issue here is, why did you enter someone else's yard and cut their daffodils, mistaking them for chives? You're now suspected of unlawful entry into private property and theft."

"What nonsense!" Madam Wilson angrily retorted, "I'm lying in the hospital poisoned, and you're accusing me of a crime?"

The operator asked earnestly, "If someone came to your house, stole your car, and then had an accident and died, can they blame your car for having problems?"

"This..." Madam Wilson was at a loss for words.

She suddenly realized that there was nothing wrong with Charlie planting daffodils in his own yard. The problem lay with her trespassing into someone else's property and stealing their daffodils, thinking they were chives.

It seemed that Charlie had planned this all along, intentionally planting daffodils that resembled chives in his yard and enticing her to cut them. And he didn't have to bear any responsibility!

Thinking about this, Madam Wilson was filled with resentment.

Wasn't this a clear case of being cunningly outsmarted by Charlie?

Moreover, her whole family was now in the hospital, and they could do nothing but endure this humiliation without being able to confront him!

That little rascal was really cunning!

The doctor also figured out what had probably happened and felt nothing but disdain for this family of five.

Who would have thought that they had gone to someone else's house, cut their daffodils, mistaking them for chives, and ended up in the hospital due to poisoning? It was truly embarrassing.

So, she calmly explained, "Let me tell you about your current situation. Because we've already performed gastric lavage, you've overcome the major issue. However, colchicine from daffodils affects your bloodstream, so we'll need to administer intravenous fluids to neutralize the toxins."

Upon hearing this, Madam Wilson quickly said, "Okay, okay, please prepare the medication for us, and make sure it's of the highest quality. Don't give us subpar treatment."

The medical staff glanced at Madam Wilson and the others, saying calmly, "Rest assured, our hospital is reputable, and our medication is of the highest quality. You won't receive subpar treatment here."

Madam Wilson breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, that's good..."

However, at that moment, another medical staff member entered the room and handed a document to the doctor.

The doctor frowned as she examined the test report and then asked, "Which one of you is Zoraida?"

Hearing this, the Wilson family members were all taken aback, and Zoraida looked puzzled as she replied, "I am, what's the matter?"

The doctor looked at Zoraida and said seriously, "Well, because we need to use medication to counteract the colchicine in your body, I must explain the details about medication usage and potential side effects. Since you are an elderly pregnant woman, there are strict dosage limits for pregnant women. Otherwise, it could have a detrimental effect on your unborn child. So, we can only give you a minimal dosage of medication, which means your recovery might be slower than the others."

"What in the world?"

"An elderly pregnant woman?!"

Chapter 1118: "Bun in the Wilson Family Oven!"

A stone thrown into calm waters.

In an instant, everyone in the Wilson family was dumbfounded.

Zoraida was pregnant?

What the hell was going on?

Among the four members of the Wilson family, the most shocked was her husband, Noah!

He knew very well that just a few days ago, he had reconciled with Zoraida. Before that, they had been separated for a long time, during which Zoraida had been working in the coal mine, and he hadn't seen her at all.

Moreover, Noah remembered a crucial detail.

When Zoraida had set a trap for Elaine, she happened to be on her menstrual cycle at the time. She had complained to him about it, saying that her period had come at an inconvenient time, just when they were planning to do something.

This proved that she wasn't pregnant when she disappeared.

But now she was already pregnant?

What did this mean? It meant that she had become pregnant during the time she was missing.

In other words, this shameless woman had slept with another man while she was in the coal mine!

Madam Wilson, being an experienced woman, immediately sensed that something was amiss.

Zoraida herself felt as if she had been struck by lightning. In an instant, she went limp, as if all the bones in her body had turned into mush.

Her mouth hung open, her face turned gray, and she was filled with terror. She instinctively blurted out, "Pregnant? I'm too old for that! You're a medical worker, how can you make such baseless claims? This is slander, it's all lies!"

The doctor, hearing this, was somewhat offended and said, "Ms. Zoraida, what do you mean by this? Why would I lie? The blood test report I have clearly states that your pregnancy hormone levels are high, and based on the values, you've been pregnant for about two months now, and the fetus is nearly fully formed."

Zoraida knew very well that she couldn't admit to something like this under any circumstances. If she did, how would her husband see her, how would her mother-in-law see her, and what would her children think of her?

So Zoraida decided to stick to her story, no matter what.

She glared at the doctor and angrily retorted, "You're talking nonsense! At my age, it's impossible for me to be pregnant. This is definitely a misdiagnosis."

The doctor, with a stern expression, said, "Under normal circumstances, it's true that it's not easy for someone your age to get pregnant, but if you've had frequent and regular intercourse for an extended period, the chances of pregnancy aren't that low. We see cases of women your age getting pregnant in our hospital's obstetrics and gynecology department all the time. Some women in their fifties even have natural childbirth."

Zoraida couldn't let the medical staff continue talking, so she erupted in a fit of rage and cursed, "Shut up! You quack! If you keep talking, I'll call the police and have you arrested. Let me say it again, I am not pregnant, and it's impossible for me to be pregnant."

The doctor, infuriated by her response, took out the test report and said, word by word, "Do you think your words can override our test report? The report clearly states that you, Zoraida, are pregnant! I'm only trying to help you by warning you not to take high doses of medication. How can you interpret kindness as malice?"

Struggling to get up, Noah snatched the report from the doctor's hand and examined it closely. His expression changed drastically, and he trembled with anger.

Seeing her son's terrible expression, Madam Wilson couldn't help but ask, "Son! Is it true?! Is this vile woman really pregnant?!"

Chapter 1119 - " Dumplings, Deceit, and Domestic Drama!"

Upon hearing the inquiry from Madam Wilson, Noah glanced at the contents on the paper, his face darkened, and he nodded begrudgingly.

Seeing him nod, Madam Wilson immediately felt an excruciating pain in her heart, clutching her chest and crying out in distress.

Harold and Wendy were both extremely uncomfortable at this moment, unsure of what to say. After all, it was their own mother, and as children, they couldn't find words to speak.

At this moment, Noah gritted his teeth, his eyes bloodshot, glaring angrily at Zoraida as if ready to devour her. He shouted furiously, "You wretched woman! Did you sleep with another man in the coal mine? Who was it?!"

Zoraida was now on the verge of a breakdown. She had already scheduled an appointment with the gynecologist for Monday to have an abortion, and as long as the procedure was done, no one would know about her pregnancy.

However, Zoraida could never have imagined that she would end up in the hospital because of eating dumplings made by Madam Wilson, and then have her blood tested by the hospital's emergency department.

The indicators of her pregnancy were already quite evident, easily detectable through a blood test.

If she had known this would happen, she would never have eaten Madam Wilson's dumplings!

But now that the truth was exposed, she had to figure out a way to salvage the situation. She cried and said, "Noah, please listen to my explanation! I had my reasons!"

"Explanation, my foot! Reasons, my foot!"

Noah erupted in a fit of hysterical rage, shouting, "You shameless, wretched woman! You dared to cuckold me and sleep with another man, and you're carrying another man's bastard child! I'm going to kill you!"

As he spoke, Noah stormed up to Zoraida, grabbed her hair, and viciously slapped her face.

The sound of slaps echoed clearly.

The pain made Zoraida cry out in agony.

"Noah, please listen to me! I had no choice in all of this!"

"Listen? What's there to listen to! You're as good as dead! You've cuckolded me, and I want your life!"

Madam Wilson was also on the brink of passing out, her eyes filled with fury, her hands trembling uncontrollably.

This was a family's disgrace, a family's misfortune!

"Zoraida, you wretched woman! How could you, as a woman, commit such a shameless act, tarnishing the reputation of our Wilson family and bringing shame upon us! A wretched woman like you deserves to be thrown into a pigsty and sent to hell!"

Madam Wilson scolded and cursed in anger, hurling the most venomous words at Zoraida.

And following that, came Noah's brutal beating!

Though Noah's body was still very weak at this moment, the fact that he had been cuckolded, something no man could tolerate, ignited his latent anger and he erupted in a fit of rage.

Zoraida was crying out in pain, but before she could beg for mercy, Madam Wilson picked up a broom from the hospital room and charged forward to join the assault.

Madam Wilson had been proud her whole life and despised anyone who tarnished the family's reputation. Now, her eldest daughter-in-law had returned with a bastard child from outside. How could she possibly accept this?

Chapter 1120 - "A Brutal Family Reckoning!"

Furthermore, the elderly lady held onto outdated, conservative beliefs. In her eyes, women like Zoraida, who shamelessly disregarded traditional values and marital fidelity, deserved nothing less than punishment by death to serve as a dire warning!

As Noah and Madam Wilson joined forces to viciously assault Zoraida, a female doctor who witnessed the scene was left in shock. She kept shouting desperately, "Stop! If you don't stop, I'll call the police!"

Seeing that the two were undeterred, continuing to beat Zoraida, the female doctor turned to Wendy and Harold, pleading, "Can't you two do something? Can't stand idly by while your mother is being beaten, can you?"

These two had been silently observing from the sidelines, their expressions tinged with anger.

Under normal circumstances, they would never allow their mother to be beaten, even if there were family conflicts. As children, they should have intervened to mediate.

However, this situation was exceptionally unique.

Their mother had been away for so long and returned pregnant with someone else's child, a situation that was deeply embarrassing to them.

Today's children are often quite self-centered, prioritizing their own interests in most cases.

Television frequently reports stories of elderly parents wanting to have children, only to face strong opposition from their adult offspring.

Wendy and Harold were exactly those selfish children. They cared little about Zoraida's potential suffering or the torment she had endured.

All they knew was that their mother had strayed from the path of marital fidelity, causing them great embarrassment.

At this moment, as Zoraida endured the brutal assault, she couldn't help but cry out in pain, her eyes filled with despair as she looked at her son and daughter.

Seeing her children's cold indifference, Zoraida's heart nearly shattered.

She didn't know where the strength came from, but suddenly, she pushed the two people attacking her away and yelled, "Enough! What difference does it make if I slept with someone else? Do you think I wanted to? Wasn't I forced by Charlie? A woman like me, in a dark coal mine, struggling every day to eat, to keep warm, and to get enough sleep. On top of that, I had to do heavy physical labor and endure beatings. What else could I do?"

At this point, Zoraida's emotions were running extremely high, and she continued hysterically, "If I didn't agree to the overseer, if I didn't agree to sleep with him, I might not have survived until now. I might have died in that coal mine long ago! But have you ever thought why I ended up in this situation? Wasn't it all for this family?"

She turned to Noah, angrily reprimanding him, "Noah, you heartless creature! When we set up Elaine, wasn't it to bring more money into the family? Wasn't it to give our family the chance to live in the Thomson Elite mansion? And what's the result? I sacrificed so much for this family, and now you treat me like this? Are you even human? If you have the guts, go confront Charlie yourself!"

Anger, humiliation, and panic swelled within her, and Zoraida couldn't hold back any longer. She spilled everything out, feeling that she, the true victim, shouldn't have to endure this unfair treatment.

Why should she?

However, Madam Wilson and Noah paid no heed to Zoraida's explanations. To them, regardless of her reasons or any persecution she may have suffered, the humiliation Zoraida had brought upon the Wilson family was unforgivable!

Noah, thinking of the cuckold's hat he was now wearing, perhaps even more than one, was on the brink of a breakdown, consumed by a frenzy of resentment.

Madam Wilson believed that Zoraida had brought disgrace upon the Wilson family and that her very existence was a sin. How could they possibly listen to her explanations?

Thus, Madam Wilson shouted furiously, "You shameless woman, still shouting and screaming here? Don't you know that a woman's most precious virtue is her chastity?"

Noah joined in, his eyes wide with anger as he shouted, "Zoraida, you should have died in that dark coal mine long ago! At least you would have preserved your chastity in death! Now that you're pregnant with an illegitimate child, do you still have the face to live in this world? I think you should just jump off this building and end it!"


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 1116 - "Poisonous Plot: The Colchicum Conundrum"

"Pork? We need to ask your mom where she bought it," Madam Wilson frowned and looked at Zoraida, inquiring, "Did you buy pork with added water from the black market?"

Zoraida quickly shook her head, saying, "No way! I saw the vendor cut it from half a pig myself; there's absolutely no problem."

Wendy, sounding weak, added, "What about the flour? Could there be an issue with the dumpling wrappers?"

Once again, Zoraida shook her head, "The flour is fine too. I've used it before."

The flour was fine, the pork was fine, so could the issue be with the leeks?

With that thought in mind, Zoraida couldn't help but suggest, "It must be the leeks, maybe they have pesticide residues."

Madam Wilson furrowed her brow, saying, "Freshly cut leeks can't have any problems, and Harold washed them thoroughly. Even if there were pesticide residues, they would be washed away."

Harold chimed in, "I washed them very carefully, one by one."

Each member of the Wilson family reiterated their points, but no one could come up with a clear explanation. They were all left baffled.

The doctor sighed, "If you can't figure it out yourselves, you'll have to endure the discomfort a little longer. We'll send your blood and secretions to the testing department for analysis. Once we have the results, we'll know what kind of poisoning you've experienced."

Madam Wilson, feeling weak, nodded, saying, "Please go ahead and conduct the tests."

After waiting for about an hour, the doctor returned with several test reports in hand.

Upon entering the room, the doctor addressed them, "Your test results are out, and all five of you have been poisoned by colchicine, and the dosage is quite substantial. What's going on? Do you have a large quantity of colchicum plants in your home?"

Hearing this, Madam Wilson was stunned and asked with a furrowed brow, "Colchicine poisoning? What is that?"

A healthcare worker calmly explained, "Colchicum is a plant often used for ornamental purposes. It looks like leeks when it's not in bloom, and many people accidentally ingest it every year."

As the healthcare worker spoke, they also retrieved their phone and showed Madam Wilson pictures of colchicum plants.

"Here, this is it."

Madam Wilson turned pale when she saw the pictures of colchicum plants and tremblingly said, "This... This is the newly planted leeks in Charlie's house today? This thing turned out to be colchicum!!!"

At this point, Madam Wilson was on the verge of cursing, "Charlie, you heartless devil! How could there be someone as wicked as you in this world!"

The doctor asked in surprise, "What's going on? Did someone poison you? If someone poisoned you, you should report it to the police immediately!"

Harold immediately erupted in anger, "Grandma, call the police! Call them now! Let's get that son of a bitch Charlie arrested!"

Madam Wilson had also lost her temper, taking out her phone, and tremblingly dialed 110, then placed the call.

Once the call was answered, the operator asked, "Hello, this is the police emergency line. Can you please tell us what the problem is?"

Madam Wilson immediately said, "Police officer, all five of us in our family have been poisoned, and it's definitely deliberate poisoning! You must help us get justice and catch that poisoner!"

Upon hearing this, the operator immediately grew tense and asked, "What's the situation? Can you provide more details?"

Madam Wilson said, "There's a scoundrel named Charlie Wade who lives in Villa A05 of Thomson Elite. This scoundrel planted colchicum in his home, pretending it was leeks!"

"I cut his colchicum this afternoon to make dumplings at home, and after eating, our whole family got poisoned. We're currently in the hospital, so you must ensure justice for us!"

Chapter 1117 - "Unexpected Revelation: An Elderly Pregnant Woman

The operator asked in astonishment, "So, you went into someone else's yard and cut their daffodils, thinking they were chives?"

"Yes!" Madam Wilson blurted out, "He planted those daffodils right by the fence. I thought they were chives, so I cut a few bunches and ate them. Then, I got poisoned. Can you believe he committed a crime?"

The operator sighed, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but there is no law that prohibits any citizen from planting daffodils in their own yard. So, it's perfectly legal for someone to have daffodils in their garden. The issue here is, why did you enter someone else's yard and cut their daffodils, mistaking them for chives? You're now suspected of unlawful entry into private property and theft."

"What nonsense!" Madam Wilson angrily retorted, "I'm lying in the hospital poisoned, and you're accusing me of a crime?"

The operator asked earnestly, "If someone came to your house, stole your car, and then had an accident and died, can they blame your car for having problems?"

"This..." Madam Wilson was at a loss for words.

She suddenly realized that there was nothing wrong with Charlie planting daffodils in his own yard. The problem lay with her trespassing into someone else's property and stealing their daffodils, thinking they were chives.

It seemed that Charlie had planned this all along, intentionally planting daffodils that resembled chives in his yard and enticing her to cut them. And he didn't have to bear any responsibility!

Thinking about this, Madam Wilson was filled with resentment.

Wasn't this a clear case of being cunningly outsmarted by Charlie?

Moreover, her whole family was now in the hospital, and they could do nothing but endure this humiliation without being able to confront him!

That little rascal was really cunning!

The doctor also figured out what had probably happened and felt nothing but disdain for this family of five.

Who would have thought that they had gone to someone else's house, cut their daffodils, mistaking them for chives, and ended up in the hospital due to poisoning? It was truly embarrassing.

So, she calmly explained, "Let me tell you about your current situation. Because we've already performed gastric lavage, you've overcome the major issue. However, colchicine from daffodils affects your bloodstream, so we'll need to administer intravenous fluids to neutralize the toxins."

Upon hearing this, Madam Wilson quickly said, "Okay, okay, please prepare the medication for us, and make sure it's of the highest quality. Don't give us subpar treatment."

The medical staff glanced at Madam Wilson and the others, saying calmly, "Rest assured, our hospital is reputable, and our medication is of the highest quality. You won't receive subpar treatment here."

Madam Wilson breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, that's good..."

However, at that moment, another medical staff member entered the room and handed a document to the doctor.

The doctor frowned as she examined the test report and then asked, "Which one of you is Zoraida?"

Hearing this, the Wilson family members were all taken aback, and Zoraida looked puzzled as she replied, "I am, what's the matter?"

The doctor looked at Zoraida and said seriously, "Well, because we need to use medication to counteract the colchicine in your body, I must explain the details about medication usage and potential side effects. Since you are an elderly pregnant woman, there are strict dosage limits for pregnant women. Otherwise, it could have a detrimental effect on your unborn child. So, we can only give you a minimal dosage of medication, which means your recovery might be slower than the others."

"What in the world?"

"An elderly pregnant woman?!"

Chapter 1118: "Bun in the Wilson Family Oven!"

A stone thrown into calm waters.

In an instant, everyone in the Wilson family was dumbfounded.

Zoraida was pregnant?

What the hell was going on?

Among the four members of the Wilson family, the most shocked was her husband, Noah!

He knew very well that just a few days ago, he had reconciled with Zoraida. Before that, they had been separated for a long time, during which Zoraida had been working in the coal mine, and he hadn't seen her at all.

Moreover, Noah remembered a crucial detail.

When Zoraida had set a trap for Elaine, she happened to be on her menstrual cycle at the time. She had complained to him about it, saying that her period had come at an inconvenient time, just when they were planning to do something.

This proved that she wasn't pregnant when she disappeared.

But now she was already pregnant?

What did this mean? It meant that she had become pregnant during the time she was missing.

In other words, this shameless woman had slept with another man while she was in the coal mine!

Madam Wilson, being an experienced woman, immediately sensed that something was amiss.

Zoraida herself felt as if she had been struck by lightning. In an instant, she went limp, as if all the bones in her body had turned into mush.

Her mouth hung open, her face turned gray, and she was filled with terror. She instinctively blurted out, "Pregnant? I'm too old for that! You're a medical worker, how can you make such baseless claims? This is slander, it's all lies!"

The doctor, hearing this, was somewhat offended and said, "Ms. Zoraida, what do you mean by this? Why would I lie? The blood test report I have clearly states that your pregnancy hormone levels are high, and based on the values, you've been pregnant for about two months now, and the fetus is nearly fully formed."

Zoraida knew very well that she couldn't admit to something like this under any circumstances. If she did, how would her husband see her, how would her mother-in-law see her, and what would her children think of her?

So Zoraida decided to stick to her story, no matter what.

She glared at the doctor and angrily retorted, "You're talking nonsense! At my age, it's impossible for me to be pregnant. This is definitely a misdiagnosis."

The doctor, with a stern expression, said, "Under normal circumstances, it's true that it's not easy for someone your age to get pregnant, but if you've had frequent and regular intercourse for an extended period, the chances of pregnancy aren't that low. We see cases of women your age getting pregnant in our hospital's obstetrics and gynecology department all the time. Some women in their fifties even have natural childbirth."

Zoraida couldn't let the medical staff continue talking, so she erupted in a fit of rage and cursed, "Shut up! You quack! If you keep talking, I'll call the police and have you arrested. Let me say it again, I am not pregnant, and it's impossible for me to be pregnant."

The doctor, infuriated by her response, took out the test report and said, word by word, "Do you think your words can override our test report? The report clearly states that you, Zoraida, are pregnant! I'm only trying to help you by warning you not to take high doses of medication. How can you interpret kindness as malice?"

Struggling to get up, Noah snatched the report from the doctor's hand and examined it closely. His expression changed drastically, and he trembled with anger.

Seeing her son's terrible expression, Madam Wilson couldn't help but ask, "Son! Is it true?! Is this vile woman really pregnant?!"

Chapter 1119 - " Dumplings, Deceit, and Domestic Drama!"

Upon hearing the inquiry from Madam Wilson, Noah glanced at the contents on the paper, his face darkened, and he nodded begrudgingly.

Seeing him nod, Madam Wilson immediately felt an excruciating pain in her heart, clutching her chest and crying out in distress.

Harold and Wendy were both extremely uncomfortable at this moment, unsure of what to say. After all, it was their own mother, and as children, they couldn't find words to speak.

At this moment, Noah gritted his teeth, his eyes bloodshot, glaring angrily at Zoraida as if ready to devour her. He shouted furiously, "You wretched woman! Did you sleep with another man in the coal mine? Who was it?!"

Zoraida was now on the verge of a breakdown. She had already scheduled an appointment with the gynecologist for Monday to have an abortion, and as long as the procedure was done, no one would know about her pregnancy.

However, Zoraida could never have imagined that she would end up in the hospital because of eating dumplings made by Madam Wilson, and then have her blood tested by the hospital's emergency department.

The indicators of her pregnancy were already quite evident, easily detectable through a blood test.

If she had known this would happen, she would never have eaten Madam Wilson's dumplings!

But now that the truth was exposed, she had to figure out a way to salvage the situation. She cried and said, "Noah, please listen to my explanation! I had my reasons!"

"Explanation, my foot! Reasons, my foot!"

Noah erupted in a fit of hysterical rage, shouting, "You shameless, wretched woman! You dared to cuckold me and sleep with another man, and you're carrying another man's bastard child! I'm going to kill you!"

As he spoke, Noah stormed up to Zoraida, grabbed her hair, and viciously slapped her face.

The sound of slaps echoed clearly.

The pain made Zoraida cry out in agony.

"Noah, please listen to me! I had no choice in all of this!"

"Listen? What's there to listen to! You're as good as dead! You've cuckolded me, and I want your life!"

Madam Wilson was also on the brink of passing out, her eyes filled with fury, her hands trembling uncontrollably.

This was a family's disgrace, a family's misfortune!

"Zoraida, you wretched woman! How could you, as a woman, commit such a shameless act, tarnishing the reputation of our Wilson family and bringing shame upon us! A wretched woman like you deserves to be thrown into a pigsty and sent to hell!"

Madam Wilson scolded and cursed in anger, hurling the most venomous words at Zoraida.

And following that, came Noah's brutal beating!

Though Noah's body was still very weak at this moment, the fact that he had been cuckolded, something no man could tolerate, ignited his latent anger and he erupted in a fit of rage.

Zoraida was crying out in pain, but before she could beg for mercy, Madam Wilson picked up a broom from the hospital room and charged forward to join the assault.

Madam Wilson had been proud her whole life and despised anyone who tarnished the family's reputation. Now, her eldest daughter-in-law had returned with a bastard child from outside. How could she possibly accept this?

Chapter 1120 - "A Brutal Family Reckoning!"

Furthermore, the elderly lady held onto outdated, conservative beliefs. In her eyes, women like Zoraida, who shamelessly disregarded traditional values and marital fidelity, deserved nothing less than punishment by death to serve as a dire warning!

As Noah and Madam Wilson joined forces to viciously assault Zoraida, a female doctor who witnessed the scene was left in shock. She kept shouting desperately, "Stop! If you don't stop, I'll call the police!"

Seeing that the two were undeterred, continuing to beat Zoraida, the female doctor turned to Wendy and Harold, pleading, "Can't you two do something? Can't stand idly by while your mother is being beaten, can you?"

These two had been silently observing from the sidelines, their expressions tinged with anger.

Under normal circumstances, they would never allow their mother to be beaten, even if there were family conflicts. As children, they should have intervened to mediate.

However, this situation was exceptionally unique.

Their mother had been away for so long and returned pregnant with someone else's child, a situation that was deeply embarrassing to them.

Today's children are often quite self-centered, prioritizing their own interests in most cases.

Television frequently reports stories of elderly parents wanting to have children, only to face strong opposition from their adult offspring.

Wendy and Harold were exactly those selfish children. They cared little about Zoraida's potential suffering or the torment she had endured.

All they knew was that their mother had strayed from the path of marital fidelity, causing them great embarrassment.

At this moment, as Zoraida endured the brutal assault, she couldn't help but cry out in pain, her eyes filled with despair as she looked at her son and daughter.

Seeing her children's cold indifference, Zoraida's heart nearly shattered.

She didn't know where the strength came from, but suddenly, she pushed the two people attacking her away and yelled, "Enough! What difference does it make if I slept with someone else? Do you think I wanted to? Wasn't I forced by Charlie? A woman like me, in a dark coal mine, struggling every day to eat, to keep warm, and to get enough sleep. On top of that, I had to do heavy physical labor and endure beatings. What else could I do?"

At this point, Zoraida's emotions were running extremely high, and she continued hysterically, "If I didn't agree to the overseer, if I didn't agree to sleep with him, I might not have survived until now. I might have died in that coal mine long ago! But have you ever thought why I ended up in this situation? Wasn't it all for this family?"

She turned to Noah, angrily reprimanding him, "Noah, you heartless creature! When we set up Elaine, wasn't it to bring more money into the family? Wasn't it to give our family the chance to live in the Thomson Elite mansion? And what's the result? I sacrificed so much for this family, and now you treat me like this? Are you even human? If you have the guts, go confront Charlie yourself!"

Anger, humiliation, and panic swelled within her, and Zoraida couldn't hold back any longer. She spilled everything out, feeling that she, the true victim, shouldn't have to endure this unfair treatment.

Why should she?

However, Madam Wilson and Noah paid no heed to Zoraida's explanations. To them, regardless of her reasons or any persecution she may have suffered, the humiliation Zoraida had brought upon the Wilson family was unforgivable!

Noah, thinking of the cuckold's hat he was now wearing, perhaps even more than one, was on the brink of a breakdown, consumed by a frenzy of resentment.

Madam Wilson believed that Zoraida had brought disgrace upon the Wilson family and that her very existence was a sin. How could they possibly listen to her explanations?

Thus, Madam Wilson shouted furiously, "You shameless woman, still shouting and screaming here? Don't you know that a woman's most precious virtue is her chastity?"

Noah joined in, his eyes wide with anger as he shouted, "Zoraida, you should have died in that dark coal mine long ago! At least you would have preserved your chastity in death! Now that you're pregnant with an illegitimate child, do you still have the face to live in this world? I think you should just jump off this building and end it!"
Next time you won't joke with Charlie. Bunch of idiots 😂😂😂


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 1111 - "The Garden's Whims and Family Ties"

Elaine was so angry she was about to explode.

She couldn't believe it. She had just warned Charlie in the morning to be wary of the old lady, but not only did he ignore her advice, he even bought more leeks.

Now, it all benefited the old lady.

In the past, Elaine would have scolded Charlie, but now she didn't dare to.

At this moment, Claire asked Charlie in the room, "What shall we have for dinner tonight, husband?"

Charlie, smiling, asked, "You usually don't care about these things. Why are you interested in what we're having tonight?"

Claire replied with a smile, "I was thinking of picking vegetables from the garden. Tell me what you want for dinner, and I'll pick it. How about that?"

Charlie nodded and said with a smile, "Then let's go together, just like this morning."

Thinking of the morning when Charlie had stolen her first kiss, Claire's face turned instantly red.

She glared at Charlie and said shyly, "You can pick, but you're not allowed to take advantage of me again!"

Pretending to be confused, Charlie asked, "What are you talking about, wife? I don't understand. What do you mean by taking advantage?"

Claire huffed, "Just keep your distance from me, at least half a meter!"

After saying that, she turned and went downstairs first.

Charlie quickly followed her.

In the vegetable garden, Claire immediately noticed the leeks on the ground and asked in surprise, "Where did these leeks come from? They weren't here this morning."

Charlie replied with a smile, "A friend just delivered them."

Claire suggested, "Let's have leeks and shrimp stir-fry for dinner tonight, okay?"

Charlie quickly said, "The leeks aren't ready to eat yet."

Surprised, Claire asked, "They look quite good to me, why can't we eat them?"

Charlie explained, "They might look good, but it's not the right time to eat them yet. Just wait a bit longer."

Claire nodded and said, "Alright, then let's have roasted eggplant and Mu Shu Pork for dinner."

"Okay," Charlie agreed with a smile. "Everything in the garden is edible except for the leeks."

The couple picked some vegetables and went back to the kitchen to cook together. Claire was starting to enjoy this feeling, bustling in the kitchen with Charlie.

Meanwhile, the Wilson family was bustling with activity.

With many people and plenty of leeks harvested by Madam Wilson, all five family members were busy.

Madam Wilson was kneading dough, Noah was chopping meat, Zoraida was stir-frying eggs, and Harold and Wendy were washing the leeks.

Noah was a bit grumpy, chopping meat while complaining, "Why didn't we just buy ground meat? Why go through the trouble of chopping it? My arms are sore."

Zoraida responded, "Mom said that machine-ground meat isn't as fragrant as hand-chopped meat."

"Bullshit," Noah retorted dismissively. "It's all the same meat. What's the difference if it's chopped by hand?"

Just then, they heard the old lady scold from behind, "What do you know! Ask any older person, and they'll tell you, only hand-chopped meat filling is fragrant."

Chapter 1112 - "Dumpling Delights: Grandma's Special Recipe and Family Harmony"

Noah could only helplessly concede, "Alright, alright, Mom, you're right, I'll listen to you, okay?"

Madam Wilson gave him a stern look and instructed, "Put some effort into it, chop the meat finer!"

"I know, I know..." Noah grumbled in response.

By evening, the minced meat was ready, the eggs were scrambled, and a bunch of daffodils were washed clean and placed on the chopping board.

Madam Wilson personally took charge of preparing the dumpling filling, first mixing eggs and leeks with seasonings for a leek and egg filling, then creating a leek and pork filling with the meat.

The other members of the Wilson family were already drooling, especially since the household had been quite turbulent lately. They hadn't enjoyed such homely, life-filled dumplings in a long time.

Madam Wilson led everyone in dumpling making. Honestly, the dumplings they made were all over the place - lopsided and varied in shapes, but it indeed brought a festive New Year's atmosphere.

Madam Wilson, known for her bad temper, also felt a warmth of family life at this moment.

She showed a rare kind side, patiently teaching her grandchildren how to make better and sturdier dumplings.

Noah felt deeply moved inside. He too cherished this harmonious atmosphere.

Especially since his missing wife had returned, and they were back to their original harmonious and loving life.

Moreover, with their children around and living in such a grand villa, the Wilson Corporation was soon to rejuvenate.

Life seemed perfect at that moment.

If he had to describe his feelings in four words, it would be: "What more could I ask for?"

He felt like he had reached the pinnacle of life.

Madam Wilson had everyone make lots of dumplings. Zoraida moved the induction cooker to the living room. They decided to wrap dumplings while watching TV, preparing to cook them.

The TV was a bit small, but it was pretty good. Harold found a comedy movie by Stephen Chow, "Hail the Judge," and the family enjoyed watching it.

Zoraida, while watching TV, also kept an eye on the dumplings. Soon, they were floating in the pot, emitting a delicious aroma that whetted everyone's appetite.

Madam Wilson urged, "Zoraida, hurry up and serve me a bowl."

Noah chuckled, "Hurry up and dish out the dumplings, then cook the next batch. I'll get some vinegar, it's time for dumplings!"

Harold and Wendy also eagerly joined in.

After Zoraida scooped out the dumplings, Noah came with the vinegar.

Thus, the family of five joyously ate the dumplings they had made.

Noah, always quick to eat, didn't mind the hot dumplings and stuffed one into his mouth, mumbling, "Oh my, dumplings with our own minced filling are just so delicious!"

Madam Wilson also quickly ate one, praising, "Ah, these leeks are so tender!"

Zoraida asked while eating, "Where did Charlie get such good leeks? Even the market doesn't have ones this nice!"

After eating another dumpling, Madam Wilson remarked, "That rascal Charlie does have some skills. I underestimated him before. Had I known he had such talent for tricking and deceiving, I would have kept him in the Wilson Corporation. He might have been very useful."

Harold quickly said, "Grandma, why would the Wilson Corporation need such trash? Someone like Charlie who makes money through deceit will eventually face trouble. Who knows how many people will be lined up to take him down!"

Madam Wilson hummed in agreement, waving her hand, "Enough of that, let's eat. We have plenty of dumplings today, everyone should eat at least two bowls!"

Chapter 1113 - "Dumpling Dilemma: A Diabolical Plan Gone Wrong"

The Wilson family made two kinds of dumplings, and they made a huge pile of them. The quantity they prepared was enough to fill ten adults.

However, the family of five managed to eat almost all of it.

After the meal, every member of the Wilson family was so full they couldn't even straighten their waists.

Seeing about twenty to thirty dumplings still left on the table, Madam Wilson said to everyone, "Who can muster the strength to finish these dumplings? We shouldn't waste food!"

Noah, rubbing his round belly, said helplessly, "Mom, I really can't eat anymore, not even one."

Zoraida also shook her head repeatedly, "Mom, I'm too stuffed to eat any more."

Wendy, too exhausted to even speak, slumped on the sofa and waved her hand.

Harold suggested, "Grandma, how about we put them in the fridge for now and fry them in oil tomorrow morning?"

A sly smile crossed Madam Wilson's face, and she said to Zoraida, "Zoraida, put these dumplings in a plastic bag and take them to Charlie's family."

Zoraida, surprised, asked, "Mom, why should we send perfectly good dumplings to them?"

Madam Wilson chuckled, "It's their chives after all. Let them have a taste. It'll drive them mad!"

Harold added, "Grandma, should we mix in some laxatives?"

Noah asked, "The dumplings are already made and cooked. How would we add laxatives?"

Harold replied, "We could grind the laxatives into powder, mix them with water, and inject them into the dumplings with a syringe!"

"That's a great idea!" Wendy, excited, said, "Brother, your plan is brilliant!"

Madam Wilson mentioned, "There's a first aid kit in the villa's storage room that has all sorts of medicines and syringes."

Harold, slapping his chest, declared, "Leave it to me, Grandma. Tonight, Charlie and his family will have a serious case of diarrhea!"

He immediately went to the storage room and soon returned with a plastic box marked with a red cross.

The former owner of the villa had stocked the first aid kit comprehensively, ranging from cold and fever medications to chronic disease treatments.

Harold found a bottle of laxative tablets and said with a sinister smile, "I used these when I was constipated. They work wonders. Two tablets will cause severe diarrhea."

Wendy hurriedly suggested, "Then let's put one in each dumpling!"

"Done!" Harold said with a smile, "Let them have a real blast tonight."

He began to grind the tablets into powder and mixed them with water, injecting them into the dumplings with a syringe.

However, after processing only half of the dumplings, Harold suddenly felt an unbearable pain in his stomach, clutching his belly and groaning.

Zoraida asked anxiously, "Son, what's wrong with you?"

Harold, in agony, said, "Mom, my stomach hurts so much, it feels like my intestines are twisted... Oh, it's killing me..."

Before he could recover, he released an incredibly foul-smelling fart.

The luxurious living room was filled with an unbearable stench.

Madam Wilson, coughing from the smell, scolded, "Harold! How can you fart so disgustingly in front of your family?"

Wendy, covering her nose and mouth in disgust, complained, "Brother, that was way too smelly!"

Chapter 1114 - "An Unforgettable Night: The Laxative Catastrophe"

In the midst of unbearable pain, Harold lamented, "I have no idea what's happening. My stomach just hurts so much..."

He barely finished his sentence when he suddenly felt an even more intense surge of energy, several times stronger than before, rushing downwards at a breakneck speed.

Following that, a loud 'pfft' echoed, and a foul stench instantly pervaded the entire living room.

Noah, glancing under Harold's backside, exclaimed in shock, "Holy smokes, Harold! You've soiled your pants!"

Everyone turned to look in disbelief.

And indeed, beneath Harold was something unspeakably disgusting.

The matriarch, Wilson's grandmother, cursed furiously, "You wretch! This sofa is imported from Italy!"

Harold was equally stunned and blurted out, "I... I... I don't know what happened. My stomach just hurt so much, and then I thought I was just passing gas, but then..."

Wendy, puzzled, asked, "Brother, did you accidentally inhale the powdered laxative while grinding it?"

"No!" Harold replied, his expression ghastly.

Just as the grandmother was about to scold him, she suddenly clutched her stomach, crying out, "What's going on? My stomach hurts terribly too... Oh no, I can't handle this..."

While speaking, she reached for her stomach but collapsed to the floor due to a sudden spasm.

"Mum!" Noah, seeing his grandmother fall, rushed to her aid but felt a stabbing pain in his stomach as he stood up, as if he had been repeatedly stabbed.

Then, he too felt that overwhelming sensation in his belly, followed by a warm, wet feeling in his pants.

Oh no!

He had soiled his pants too!

What on earth was happening?

The grandmother lay on the ground, writhing in agony, moaning, "Oh, the pain! It's killing me, this old lady!"

After saying this, she vomited everything she had eaten and then lost control of her bowels as well...

While uncontrollably expelling, she cried out for help, "Call an ambulance, quickly call an ambulance..."

Wendy reached for her phone, but a severe pain in her stomach made her collapse on the sofa, unable to move.

Zoraida, though affected last, quickly began to experience the same symptoms.

The living room was a disaster, reeking worse than a roadside toilet.

Beneath Harold was a mess of excrement. He tried to move to a cleaner spot but couldn't muster the strength, his face twisted in discomfort, asking, "Grandma, could it be that the dumplings weren't clean?"

The grandmother weakly replied, "Impossible. The chives, meat, and eggs were all fresh. How could there be a problem?"

Wendy's lips turned purple as she shakily said, "Grandma, my stomach feels like it's being sliced open. I hope I don't die here..."

Noah, gritting his teeth, said, "I'm calling 120 right now. You all have to hang in there!"

Chapter 1115 - "Daffodil Dilemma: A Toxic Dinner Party Mystery"

At this moment, the Wilson family members had no idea why they were suffering from such severe diarrhea and vomiting.

Narcissus alkaloid, found in Daffodils, is an extremely potent toxin.

If it's pure narcissus alkaloid, even a tiny amount could be lethal.

However, the natural concentration of this alkaloid in Daffodils is relatively small, so consuming a bit more would typically only lead to severe symptoms of food poisoning, but it wouldn't be fatal.

Although it was unlikely to be deadly, the pain caused by narcissus alkaloid consumption was unbearable for the average person.

It not only induced vomiting and diarrhea but also led to fever, convulsions, and disruptions in the nervous system.

If consumed recklessly, it could even trigger shock and pose a life-threatening risk.

Today, every member of the Wilson family had eaten a substantial amount of it, making their situation indeed dangerous.

Even Charlie couldn't believe that the Wilson family members had eaten so recklessly.

News often reported cases of people mistaking Daffodils for leeks and ending up hospitalized due to poisoning.

This kind of confusion was quite common.

When the ambulance arrived, three out of the five members of the Wilson family had already passed out.

Only Noah and Wendy remained barely conscious.

However, at this point, although they had a faint sense of awareness, they couldn't control their own bodies, so each of them had soiled themselves.

The living room was now so foul-smelling that it was impossible to enter. Even the paramedics from 120 rushed in but immediately turned and vomited.

Five people experiencing simultaneous vomiting and diarrhea created an overwhelming stench.

However, there was no choice; saving their lives was the priority. They gritted their teeth and, despite the nauseating smell, managed to rescue the five Wilson family members from the villa.

Medical personnel quickly transported the Wilson family members to the Aurous Hill People's Hospital.

After a series of gastric lavage procedures and intravenous drips, the Wilson family members finally experienced some relief and regained consciousness. They were then transferred to the emergency room for further treatment.

Madam Wilson and Zoraida were placed in neighboring beds, while Noah and the others were further inside.

At this point, everyone appeared pale and sickly, devoid of any spirit.

A masked doctor entered the room and inquired, "What did you have for dinner tonight? We suspect it might be food poisoning. You need to think carefully about what you ate so that we can narrow down the cause. If we can't identify the source of the poisoning, it will be difficult for us to provide the appropriate treatment."

Unable to contain herself, Madam Wilson murmured, "We didn't eat anything unusual tonight. We just had dumplings."

"Mom, there's definitely something wrong with those dumplings, or else we wouldn't all be suffering from food poisoning," Zoraida complained. She regretted eating those dumplings in the first place. If only she had known, she wouldn't have joined in.

At this moment, Madam Wilson also suspected that the dumplings were the culprit, but every step of the process seemed fine. So logically, there shouldn't have been any food poisoning.

Thinking it over, Madam Wilson said, "We made the dumplings ourselves at home, and there shouldn't have been any issues. Where could the problem have arisen?"

Harold, who was standing nearby with a troubled expression, suggested, "Grandma, I heard that some unscrupulous businesses use low-quality pork as a substitute for good meat. Could it be an issue with the pork?"
I really love this drama with the Wilson's family soling their pants and vomitting 😁😁😁😁😁


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 1116 - "Poisonous Plot: The Colchicum Conundrum"

"Pork? We need to ask your mom where she bought it," Madam Wilson frowned and looked at Zoraida, inquiring, "Did you buy pork with added water from the black market?"

Zoraida quickly shook her head, saying, "No way! I saw the vendor cut it from half a pig myself; there's absolutely no problem."

Wendy, sounding weak, added, "What about the flour? Could there be an issue with the dumpling wrappers?"

Once again, Zoraida shook her head, "The flour is fine too. I've used it before."

The flour was fine, the pork was fine, so could the issue be with the leeks?

With that thought in mind, Zoraida couldn't help but suggest, "It must be the leeks, maybe they have pesticide residues."

Madam Wilson furrowed her brow, saying, "Freshly cut leeks can't have any problems, and Harold washed them thoroughly. Even if there were pesticide residues, they would be washed away."

Harold chimed in, "I washed them very carefully, one by one."

Each member of the Wilson family reiterated their points, but no one could come up with a clear explanation. They were all left baffled.

The doctor sighed, "If you can't figure it out yourselves, you'll have to endure the discomfort a little longer. We'll send your blood and secretions to the testing department for analysis. Once we have the results, we'll know what kind of poisoning you've experienced."

Madam Wilson, feeling weak, nodded, saying, "Please go ahead and conduct the tests."

After waiting for about an hour, the doctor returned with several test reports in hand.

Upon entering the room, the doctor addressed them, "Your test results are out, and all five of you have been poisoned by colchicine, and the dosage is quite substantial. What's going on? Do you have a large quantity of colchicum plants in your home?"

Hearing this, Madam Wilson was stunned and asked with a furrowed brow, "Colchicine poisoning? What is that?"

A healthcare worker calmly explained, "Colchicum is a plant often used for ornamental purposes. It looks like leeks when it's not in bloom, and many people accidentally ingest it every year."

As the healthcare worker spoke, they also retrieved their phone and showed Madam Wilson pictures of colchicum plants.

"Here, this is it."

Madam Wilson turned pale when she saw the pictures of colchicum plants and tremblingly said, "This... This is the newly planted leeks in Charlie's house today? This thing turned out to be colchicum!!!"

At this point, Madam Wilson was on the verge of cursing, "Charlie, you heartless devil! How could there be someone as wicked as you in this world!"

The doctor asked in surprise, "What's going on? Did someone poison you? If someone poisoned you, you should report it to the police immediately!"

Harold immediately erupted in anger, "Grandma, call the police! Call them now! Let's get that son of a bitch Charlie arrested!"

Madam Wilson had also lost her temper, taking out her phone, and tremblingly dialed 110, then placed the call.

Once the call was answered, the operator asked, "Hello, this is the police emergency line. Can you please tell us what the problem is?"

Madam Wilson immediately said, "Police officer, all five of us in our family have been poisoned, and it's definitely deliberate poisoning! You must help us get justice and catch that poisoner!"

Upon hearing this, the operator immediately grew tense and asked, "What's the situation? Can you provide more details?"

Madam Wilson said, "There's a scoundrel named Charlie Wade who lives in Villa A05 of Thomson Elite. This scoundrel planted colchicum in his home, pretending it was leeks!"

"I cut his colchicum this afternoon to make dumplings at home, and after eating, our whole family got poisoned. We're currently in the hospital, so you must ensure justice for us!"

Chapter 1117 - "Unexpected Revelation: An Elderly Pregnant Woman

The operator asked in astonishment, "So, you went into someone else's yard and cut their daffodils, thinking they were chives?"

"Yes!" Madam Wilson blurted out, "He planted those daffodils right by the fence. I thought they were chives, so I cut a few bunches and ate them. Then, I got poisoned. Can you believe he committed a crime?"

The operator sighed, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but there is no law that prohibits any citizen from planting daffodils in their own yard. So, it's perfectly legal for someone to have daffodils in their garden. The issue here is, why did you enter someone else's yard and cut their daffodils, mistaking them for chives? You're now suspected of unlawful entry into private property and theft."

"What nonsense!" Madam Wilson angrily retorted, "I'm lying in the hospital poisoned, and you're accusing me of a crime?"

The operator asked earnestly, "If someone came to your house, stole your car, and then had an accident and died, can they blame your car for having problems?"

"This..." Madam Wilson was at a loss for words.

She suddenly realized that there was nothing wrong with Charlie planting daffodils in his own yard. The problem lay with her trespassing into someone else's property and stealing their daffodils, thinking they were chives.

It seemed that Charlie had planned this all along, intentionally planting daffodils that resembled chives in his yard and enticing her to cut them. And he didn't have to bear any responsibility!

Thinking about this, Madam Wilson was filled with resentment.

Wasn't this a clear case of being cunningly outsmarted by Charlie?

Moreover, her whole family was now in the hospital, and they could do nothing but endure this humiliation without being able to confront him!

That little rascal was really cunning!

The doctor also figured out what had probably happened and felt nothing but disdain for this family of five.

Who would have thought that they had gone to someone else's house, cut their daffodils, mistaking them for chives, and ended up in the hospital due to poisoning? It was truly embarrassing.

So, she calmly explained, "Let me tell you about your current situation. Because we've already performed gastric lavage, you've overcome the major issue. However, colchicine from daffodils affects your bloodstream, so we'll need to administer intravenous fluids to neutralize the toxins."

Upon hearing this, Madam Wilson quickly said, "Okay, okay, please prepare the medication for us, and make sure it's of the highest quality. Don't give us subpar treatment."

The medical staff glanced at Madam Wilson and the others, saying calmly, "Rest assured, our hospital is reputable, and our medication is of the highest quality. You won't receive subpar treatment here."

Madam Wilson breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, that's good..."

However, at that moment, another medical staff member entered the room and handed a document to the doctor.

The doctor frowned as she examined the test report and then asked, "Which one of you is Zoraida?"

Hearing this, the Wilson family members were all taken aback, and Zoraida looked puzzled as she replied, "I am, what's the matter?"

The doctor looked at Zoraida and said seriously, "Well, because we need to use medication to counteract the colchicine in your body, I must explain the details about medication usage and potential side effects. Since you are an elderly pregnant woman, there are strict dosage limits for pregnant women. Otherwise, it could have a detrimental effect on your unborn child. So, we can only give you a minimal dosage of medication, which means your recovery might be slower than the others."

"What in the world?"

"An elderly pregnant woman?!"

Chapter 1118: "Bun in the Wilson Family Oven!"

A stone thrown into calm waters.

In an instant, everyone in the Wilson family was dumbfounded.

Zoraida was pregnant?

What the hell was going on?

Among the four members of the Wilson family, the most shocked was her husband, Noah!

He knew very well that just a few days ago, he had reconciled with Zoraida. Before that, they had been separated for a long time, during which Zoraida had been working in the coal mine, and he hadn't seen her at all.

Moreover, Noah remembered a crucial detail.

When Zoraida had set a trap for Elaine, she happened to be on her menstrual cycle at the time. She had complained to him about it, saying that her period had come at an inconvenient time, just when they were planning to do something.

This proved that she wasn't pregnant when she disappeared.

But now she was already pregnant?

What did this mean? It meant that she had become pregnant during the time she was missing.

In other words, this shameless woman had slept with another man while she was in the coal mine!

Madam Wilson, being an experienced woman, immediately sensed that something was amiss.

Zoraida herself felt as if she had been struck by lightning. In an instant, she went limp, as if all the bones in her body had turned into mush.

Her mouth hung open, her face turned gray, and she was filled with terror. She instinctively blurted out, "Pregnant? I'm too old for that! You're a medical worker, how can you make such baseless claims? This is slander, it's all lies!"

The doctor, hearing this, was somewhat offended and said, "Ms. Zoraida, what do you mean by this? Why would I lie? The blood test report I have clearly states that your pregnancy hormone levels are high, and based on the values, you've been pregnant for about two months now, and the fetus is nearly fully formed."

Zoraida knew very well that she couldn't admit to something like this under any circumstances. If she did, how would her husband see her, how would her mother-in-law see her, and what would her children think of her?

So Zoraida decided to stick to her story, no matter what.

She glared at the doctor and angrily retorted, "You're talking nonsense! At my age, it's impossible for me to be pregnant. This is definitely a misdiagnosis."

The doctor, with a stern expression, said, "Under normal circumstances, it's true that it's not easy for someone your age to get pregnant, but if you've had frequent and regular intercourse for an extended period, the chances of pregnancy aren't that low. We see cases of women your age getting pregnant in our hospital's obstetrics and gynecology department all the time. Some women in their fifties even have natural childbirth."

Zoraida couldn't let the medical staff continue talking, so she erupted in a fit of rage and cursed, "Shut up! You quack! If you keep talking, I'll call the police and have you arrested. Let me say it again, I am not pregnant, and it's impossible for me to be pregnant."

The doctor, infuriated by her response, took out the test report and said, word by word, "Do you think your words can override our test report? The report clearly states that you, Zoraida, are pregnant! I'm only trying to help you by warning you not to take high doses of medication. How can you interpret kindness as malice?"

Struggling to get up, Noah snatched the report from the doctor's hand and examined it closely. His expression changed drastically, and he trembled with anger.

Seeing her son's terrible expression, Madam Wilson couldn't help but ask, "Son! Is it true?! Is this vile woman really pregnant?!"

Chapter 1119 - " Dumplings, Deceit, and Domestic Drama!"

Upon hearing the inquiry from Madam Wilson, Noah glanced at the contents on the paper, his face darkened, and he nodded begrudgingly.

Seeing him nod, Madam Wilson immediately felt an excruciating pain in her heart, clutching her chest and crying out in distress.

Harold and Wendy were both extremely uncomfortable at this moment, unsure of what to say. After all, it was their own mother, and as children, they couldn't find words to speak.

At this moment, Noah gritted his teeth, his eyes bloodshot, glaring angrily at Zoraida as if ready to devour her. He shouted furiously, "You wretched woman! Did you sleep with another man in the coal mine? Who was it?!"

Zoraida was now on the verge of a breakdown. She had already scheduled an appointment with the gynecologist for Monday to have an abortion, and as long as the procedure was done, no one would know about her pregnancy.

However, Zoraida could never have imagined that she would end up in the hospital because of eating dumplings made by Madam Wilson, and then have her blood tested by the hospital's emergency department.

The indicators of her pregnancy were already quite evident, easily detectable through a blood test.

If she had known this would happen, she would never have eaten Madam Wilson's dumplings!

But now that the truth was exposed, she had to figure out a way to salvage the situation. She cried and said, "Noah, please listen to my explanation! I had my reasons!"

"Explanation, my foot! Reasons, my foot!"

Noah erupted in a fit of hysterical rage, shouting, "You shameless, wretched woman! You dared to cuckold me and sleep with another man, and you're carrying another man's bastard child! I'm going to kill you!"

As he spoke, Noah stormed up to Zoraida, grabbed her hair, and viciously slapped her face.

The sound of slaps echoed clearly.

The pain made Zoraida cry out in agony.

"Noah, please listen to me! I had no choice in all of this!"

"Listen? What's there to listen to! You're as good as dead! You've cuckolded me, and I want your life!"

Madam Wilson was also on the brink of passing out, her eyes filled with fury, her hands trembling uncontrollably.

This was a family's disgrace, a family's misfortune!

"Zoraida, you wretched woman! How could you, as a woman, commit such a shameless act, tarnishing the reputation of our Wilson family and bringing shame upon us! A wretched woman like you deserves to be thrown into a pigsty and sent to hell!"

Madam Wilson scolded and cursed in anger, hurling the most venomous words at Zoraida.

And following that, came Noah's brutal beating!

Though Noah's body was still very weak at this moment, the fact that he had been cuckolded, something no man could tolerate, ignited his latent anger and he erupted in a fit of rage.

Zoraida was crying out in pain, but before she could beg for mercy, Madam Wilson picked up a broom from the hospital room and charged forward to join the assault.

Madam Wilson had been proud her whole life and despised anyone who tarnished the family's reputation. Now, her eldest daughter-in-law had returned with a bastard child from outside. How could she possibly accept this?

Chapter 1120 - "A Brutal Family Reckoning!"

Furthermore, the elderly lady held onto outdated, conservative beliefs. In her eyes, women like Zoraida, who shamelessly disregarded traditional values and marital fidelity, deserved nothing less than punishment by death to serve as a dire warning!

As Noah and Madam Wilson joined forces to viciously assault Zoraida, a female doctor who witnessed the scene was left in shock. She kept shouting desperately, "Stop! If you don't stop, I'll call the police!"

Seeing that the two were undeterred, continuing to beat Zoraida, the female doctor turned to Wendy and Harold, pleading, "Can't you two do something? Can't stand idly by while your mother is being beaten, can you?"

These two had been silently observing from the sidelines, their expressions tinged with anger.

Under normal circumstances, they would never allow their mother to be beaten, even if there were family conflicts. As children, they should have intervened to mediate.

However, this situation was exceptionally unique.

Their mother had been away for so long and returned pregnant with someone else's child, a situation that was deeply embarrassing to them.

Today's children are often quite self-centered, prioritizing their own interests in most cases.

Television frequently reports stories of elderly parents wanting to have children, only to face strong opposition from their adult offspring.

Wendy and Harold were exactly those selfish children. They cared little about Zoraida's potential suffering or the torment she had endured.

All they knew was that their mother had strayed from the path of marital fidelity, causing them great embarrassment.

At this moment, as Zoraida endured the brutal assault, she couldn't help but cry out in pain, her eyes filled with despair as she looked at her son and daughter.

Seeing her children's cold indifference, Zoraida's heart nearly shattered.

She didn't know where the strength came from, but suddenly, she pushed the two people attacking her away and yelled, "Enough! What difference does it make if I slept with someone else? Do you think I wanted to? Wasn't I forced by Charlie? A woman like me, in a dark coal mine, struggling every day to eat, to keep warm, and to get enough sleep. On top of that, I had to do heavy physical labor and endure beatings. What else could I do?"

At this point, Zoraida's emotions were running extremely high, and she continued hysterically, "If I didn't agree to the overseer, if I didn't agree to sleep with him, I might not have survived until now. I might have died in that coal mine long ago! But have you ever thought why I ended up in this situation? Wasn't it all for this family?"

She turned to Noah, angrily reprimanding him, "Noah, you heartless creature! When we set up Elaine, wasn't it to bring more money into the family? Wasn't it to give our family the chance to live in the Thomson Elite mansion? And what's the result? I sacrificed so much for this family, and now you treat me like this? Are you even human? If you have the guts, go confront Charlie yourself!"

Anger, humiliation, and panic swelled within her, and Zoraida couldn't hold back any longer. She spilled everything out, feeling that she, the true victim, shouldn't have to endure this unfair treatment.

Why should she?

However, Madam Wilson and Noah paid no heed to Zoraida's explanations. To them, regardless of her reasons or any persecution she may have suffered, the humiliation Zoraida had brought upon the Wilson family was unforgivable!

Noah, thinking of the cuckold's hat he was now wearing, perhaps even more than one, was on the brink of a breakdown, consumed by a frenzy of resentment.

Madam Wilson believed that Zoraida had brought disgrace upon the Wilson family and that her very existence was a sin. How could they possibly listen to her explanations?

Thus, Madam Wilson shouted furiously, "You shameless woman, still shouting and screaming here? Don't you know that a woman's most precious virtue is her chastity?"

Noah joined in, his eyes wide with anger as he shouted, "Zoraida, you should have died in that dark coal mine long ago! At least you would have preserved your chastity in death! Now that you're pregnant with an illegitimate child, do you still have the face to live in this world? I think you should just jump off this building and end it!"
Their hatched evil plan backfired and resulted into exposure of many secrets of the family

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