"Dragon Son-in-law" a.k.a. Millionaire Son-in-law, Charlie Wade Story. Translated by Junlee (aka Jungal2000)

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Charlie Wade is a househusband son-in-law whom everyone looks down upon. However, unknown to them, his true identity is that of the young master from a top-tier family. Those who once belittled him will eventually kneel before him, trembling with fear and calling him "Master!" ...

The MC is Charlie Wade, and there's this girl Claire Wilson. They're in this savage clapback novel called "Ultimate Dragon Honcho", penned by this dude Ye Gongzi. Everyone knew Charlie Wade was the son-in-law of the Wilson family. Like, Grandpa Wilson legit pulled this broke boy outta nowhere and made him marry his grand daughter/princess, Claire. But bro's got no skills, no dough 💸, and Claire had to deal with so much BS 'cause of him. He even had the nerve to ask for money during Grandma Wilson's big party, making Claire hella embarrassed 😳. They kicked Charlie Wade out, but then plot twist! 🌀 Some butler dude shows up. Turns out, Charlie Wade's actually from the uber-rich Wade clan. The butler's like, "Come home, fam." But since his parents were, like, done dirty by the Wade fam, he's like "Nah." But he did take his grandpa’s black card loaded with 10 billion. 💳💰 #MicDrop

Author: Charlie Wade
Category: Urban Fiction
Status: Ongoing
Last Updated: October 18, 2023
Last edited:


Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 15, 2023
I'm somewhat empathetic to her actually myself
Well, we could say that all their torment is madame Wilson's fault. It would be a little unfair to put all the blame on her, but she was the one to raise her family. They inherited their wretched behaviour from her. It's difficult to say how much at fault Old mr. Wilson is because we never met him. What is clear is that after his death old Mrs. Wilson changed into a power-hungry, money-grabbing shrew and it definately reflects in her offspring.

Zaradia is a different matter. As a daughter-in-law she had the chance to experience a normal upbringing, but it seems that birds of a feather flock together.
While we can blame old Mrs Wilson for Harold and Wendy being spoiled and Noah feeling priviledged, they are adults capable of thinking, so they are to blame as well. After all Claire somehow managed to stay kind of normal.


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
Chapter 1116 - "Poisonous Plot: The Colchicum Conundrum"

"Pork? We need to ask your mom where she bought it," Madam Wilson frowned and looked at Zoraida, inquiring, "Did you buy pork with added water from the black market?"

Zoraida quickly shook her head, saying, "No way! I saw the vendor cut it from half a pig myself; there's absolutely no problem."

Wendy, sounding weak, added, "What about the flour? Could there be an issue with the dumpling wrappers?"

Once again, Zoraida shook her head, "The flour is fine too. I've used it before."

The flour was fine, the pork was fine, so could the issue be with the leeks?

With that thought in mind, Zoraida couldn't help but suggest, "It must be the leeks, maybe they have pesticide residues."

Madam Wilson furrowed her brow, saying, "Freshly cut leeks can't have any problems, and Harold washed them thoroughly. Even if there were pesticide residues, they would be washed away."

Harold chimed in, "I washed them very carefully, one by one."

Each member of the Wilson family reiterated their points, but no one could come up with a clear explanation. They were all left baffled.

The doctor sighed, "If you can't figure it out yourselves, you'll have to endure the discomfort a little longer. We'll send your blood and secretions to the testing department for analysis. Once we have the results, we'll know what kind of poisoning you've experienced."

Madam Wilson, feeling weak, nodded, saying, "Please go ahead and conduct the tests."

After waiting for about an hour, the doctor returned with several test reports in hand.

Upon entering the room, the doctor addressed them, "Your test results are out, and all five of you have been poisoned by colchicine, and the dosage is quite substantial. What's going on? Do you have a large quantity of colchicum plants in your home?"

Hearing this, Madam Wilson was stunned and asked with a furrowed brow, "Colchicine poisoning? What is that?"

A healthcare worker calmly explained, "Colchicum is a plant often used for ornamental purposes. It looks like leeks when it's not in bloom, and many people accidentally ingest it every year."

As the healthcare worker spoke, they also retrieved their phone and showed Madam Wilson pictures of colchicum plants.

"Here, this is it."

Madam Wilson turned pale when she saw the pictures of colchicum plants and tremblingly said, "This... This is the newly planted leeks in Charlie's house today? This thing turned out to be colchicum!!!"

At this point, Madam Wilson was on the verge of cursing, "Charlie, you heartless devil! How could there be someone as wicked as you in this world!"

The doctor asked in surprise, "What's going on? Did someone poison you? If someone poisoned you, you should report it to the police immediately!"

Harold immediately erupted in anger, "Grandma, call the police! Call them now! Let's get that son of a bitch Charlie arrested!"

Madam Wilson had also lost her temper, taking out her phone, and tremblingly dialed 110, then placed the call.

Once the call was answered, the operator asked, "Hello, this is the police emergency line. Can you please tell us what the problem is?"

Madam Wilson immediately said, "Police officer, all five of us in our family have been poisoned, and it's definitely deliberate poisoning! You must help us get justice and catch that poisoner!"

Upon hearing this, the operator immediately grew tense and asked, "What's the situation? Can you provide more details?"

Madam Wilson said, "There's a scoundrel named Charlie Wade who lives in Villa A05 of Thomson Elite. This scoundrel planted colchicum in his home, pretending it was leeks!"

"I cut his colchicum this afternoon to make dumplings at home, and after eating, our whole family got poisoned. We're currently in the hospital, so you must ensure justice for us!"

Chapter 1117 - "Unexpected Revelation: An Elderly Pregnant Woman

The operator asked in astonishment, "So, you went into someone else's yard and cut their daffodils, thinking they were chives?"

"Yes!" Madam Wilson blurted out, "He planted those daffodils right by the fence. I thought they were chives, so I cut a few bunches and ate them. Then, I got poisoned. Can you believe he committed a crime?"

The operator sighed, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but there is no law that prohibits any citizen from planting daffodils in their own yard. So, it's perfectly legal for someone to have daffodils in their garden. The issue here is, why did you enter someone else's yard and cut their daffodils, mistaking them for chives? You're now suspected of unlawful entry into private property and theft."

"What nonsense!" Madam Wilson angrily retorted, "I'm lying in the hospital poisoned, and you're accusing me of a crime?"

The operator asked earnestly, "If someone came to your house, stole your car, and then had an accident and died, can they blame your car for having problems?"

"This..." Madam Wilson was at a loss for words.

She suddenly realized that there was nothing wrong with Charlie planting daffodils in his own yard. The problem lay with her trespassing into someone else's property and stealing their daffodils, thinking they were chives.

It seemed that Charlie had planned this all along, intentionally planting daffodils that resembled chives in his yard and enticing her to cut them. And he didn't have to bear any responsibility!

Thinking about this, Madam Wilson was filled with resentment.

Wasn't this a clear case of being cunningly outsmarted by Charlie?

Moreover, her whole family was now in the hospital, and they could do nothing but endure this humiliation without being able to confront him!

That little rascal was really cunning!

The doctor also figured out what had probably happened and felt nothing but disdain for this family of five.

Who would have thought that they had gone to someone else's house, cut their daffodils, mistaking them for chives, and ended up in the hospital due to poisoning? It was truly embarrassing.

So, she calmly explained, "Let me tell you about your current situation. Because we've already performed gastric lavage, you've overcome the major issue. However, colchicine from daffodils affects your bloodstream, so we'll need to administer intravenous fluids to neutralize the toxins."

Upon hearing this, Madam Wilson quickly said, "Okay, okay, please prepare the medication for us, and make sure it's of the highest quality. Don't give us subpar treatment."

The medical staff glanced at Madam Wilson and the others, saying calmly, "Rest assured, our hospital is reputable, and our medication is of the highest quality. You won't receive subpar treatment here."

Madam Wilson breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, that's good..."

However, at that moment, another medical staff member entered the room and handed a document to the doctor.

The doctor frowned as she examined the test report and then asked, "Which one of you is Zoraida?"

Hearing this, the Wilson family members were all taken aback, and Zoraida looked puzzled as she replied, "I am, what's the matter?"

The doctor looked at Zoraida and said seriously, "Well, because we need to use medication to counteract the colchicine in your body, I must explain the details about medication usage and potential side effects. Since you are an elderly pregnant woman, there are strict dosage limits for pregnant women. Otherwise, it could have a detrimental effect on your unborn child. So, we can only give you a minimal dosage of medication, which means your recovery might be slower than the others."

"What in the world?"

"An elderly pregnant woman?!"

Chapter 1118: "Bun in the Wilson Family Oven!"

A stone thrown into calm waters.

In an instant, everyone in the Wilson family was dumbfounded.

Zoraida was pregnant?

What the hell was going on?

Among the four members of the Wilson family, the most shocked was her husband, Noah!

He knew very well that just a few days ago, he had reconciled with Zoraida. Before that, they had been separated for a long time, during which Zoraida had been working in the coal mine, and he hadn't seen her at all.

Moreover, Noah remembered a crucial detail.

When Zoraida had set a trap for Elaine, she happened to be on her menstrual cycle at the time. She had complained to him about it, saying that her period had come at an inconvenient time, just when they were planning to do something.

This proved that she wasn't pregnant when she disappeared.

But now she was already pregnant?

What did this mean? It meant that she had become pregnant during the time she was missing.

In other words, this shameless woman had slept with another man while she was in the coal mine!

Madam Wilson, being an experienced woman, immediately sensed that something was amiss.

Zoraida herself felt as if she had been struck by lightning. In an instant, she went limp, as if all the bones in her body had turned into mush.

Her mouth hung open, her face turned gray, and she was filled with terror. She instinctively blurted out, "Pregnant? I'm too old for that! You're a medical worker, how can you make such baseless claims? This is slander, it's all lies!"

The doctor, hearing this, was somewhat offended and said, "Ms. Zoraida, what do you mean by this? Why would I lie? The blood test report I have clearly states that your pregnancy hormone levels are high, and based on the values, you've been pregnant for about two months now, and the fetus is nearly fully formed."

Zoraida knew very well that she couldn't admit to something like this under any circumstances. If she did, how would her husband see her, how would her mother-in-law see her, and what would her children think of her?

So Zoraida decided to stick to her story, no matter what.

She glared at the doctor and angrily retorted, "You're talking nonsense! At my age, it's impossible for me to be pregnant. This is definitely a misdiagnosis."

The doctor, with a stern expression, said, "Under normal circumstances, it's true that it's not easy for someone your age to get pregnant, but if you've had frequent and regular intercourse for an extended period, the chances of pregnancy aren't that low. We see cases of women your age getting pregnant in our hospital's obstetrics and gynecology department all the time. Some women in their fifties even have natural childbirth."

Zoraida couldn't let the medical staff continue talking, so she erupted in a fit of rage and cursed, "Shut up! You quack! If you keep talking, I'll call the police and have you arrested. Let me say it again, I am not pregnant, and it's impossible for me to be pregnant."

The doctor, infuriated by her response, took out the test report and said, word by word, "Do you think your words can override our test report? The report clearly states that you, Zoraida, are pregnant! I'm only trying to help you by warning you not to take high doses of medication. How can you interpret kindness as malice?"

Struggling to get up, Noah snatched the report from the doctor's hand and examined it closely. His expression changed drastically, and he trembled with anger.

Seeing her son's terrible expression, Madam Wilson couldn't help but ask, "Son! Is it true?! Is this vile woman really pregnant?!"

Chapter 1119 - " Dumplings, Deceit, and Domestic Drama!"

Upon hearing the inquiry from Madam Wilson, Noah glanced at the contents on the paper, his face darkened, and he nodded begrudgingly.

Seeing him nod, Madam Wilson immediately felt an excruciating pain in her heart, clutching her chest and crying out in distress.

Harold and Wendy were both extremely uncomfortable at this moment, unsure of what to say. After all, it was their own mother, and as children, they couldn't find words to speak.

At this moment, Noah gritted his teeth, his eyes bloodshot, glaring angrily at Zoraida as if ready to devour her. He shouted furiously, "You wretched woman! Did you sleep with another man in the coal mine? Who was it?!"

Zoraida was now on the verge of a breakdown. She had already scheduled an appointment with the gynecologist for Monday to have an abortion, and as long as the procedure was done, no one would know about her pregnancy.

However, Zoraida could never have imagined that she would end up in the hospital because of eating dumplings made by Madam Wilson, and then have her blood tested by the hospital's emergency department.

The indicators of her pregnancy were already quite evident, easily detectable through a blood test.

If she had known this would happen, she would never have eaten Madam Wilson's dumplings!

But now that the truth was exposed, she had to figure out a way to salvage the situation. She cried and said, "Noah, please listen to my explanation! I had my reasons!"

"Explanation, my foot! Reasons, my foot!"

Noah erupted in a fit of hysterical rage, shouting, "You shameless, wretched woman! You dared to cuckold me and sleep with another man, and you're carrying another man's bastard child! I'm going to kill you!"

As he spoke, Noah stormed up to Zoraida, grabbed her hair, and viciously slapped her face.

The sound of slaps echoed clearly.

The pain made Zoraida cry out in agony.

"Noah, please listen to me! I had no choice in all of this!"

"Listen? What's there to listen to! You're as good as dead! You've cuckolded me, and I want your life!"

Madam Wilson was also on the brink of passing out, her eyes filled with fury, her hands trembling uncontrollably.

This was a family's disgrace, a family's misfortune!

"Zoraida, you wretched woman! How could you, as a woman, commit such a shameless act, tarnishing the reputation of our Wilson family and bringing shame upon us! A wretched woman like you deserves to be thrown into a pigsty and sent to hell!"

Madam Wilson scolded and cursed in anger, hurling the most venomous words at Zoraida.

And following that, came Noah's brutal beating!

Though Noah's body was still very weak at this moment, the fact that he had been cuckolded, something no man could tolerate, ignited his latent anger and he erupted in a fit of rage.

Zoraida was crying out in pain, but before she could beg for mercy, Madam Wilson picked up a broom from the hospital room and charged forward to join the assault.

Madam Wilson had been proud her whole life and despised anyone who tarnished the family's reputation. Now, her eldest daughter-in-law had returned with a bastard child from outside. How could she possibly accept this?

Chapter 1120 - "A Brutal Family Reckoning!"

Furthermore, the elderly lady held onto outdated, conservative beliefs. In her eyes, women like Zoraida, who shamelessly disregarded traditional values and marital fidelity, deserved nothing less than punishment by death to serve as a dire warning!

As Noah and Madam Wilson joined forces to viciously assault Zoraida, a female doctor who witnessed the scene was left in shock. She kept shouting desperately, "Stop! If you don't stop, I'll call the police!"

Seeing that the two were undeterred, continuing to beat Zoraida, the female doctor turned to Wendy and Harold, pleading, "Can't you two do something? Can't stand idly by while your mother is being beaten, can you?"

These two had been silently observing from the sidelines, their expressions tinged with anger.

Under normal circumstances, they would never allow their mother to be beaten, even if there were family conflicts. As children, they should have intervened to mediate.

However, this situation was exceptionally unique.

Their mother had been away for so long and returned pregnant with someone else's child, a situation that was deeply embarrassing to them.

Today's children are often quite self-centered, prioritizing their own interests in most cases.

Television frequently reports stories of elderly parents wanting to have children, only to face strong opposition from their adult offspring.

Wendy and Harold were exactly those selfish children. They cared little about Zoraida's potential suffering or the torment she had endured.

All they knew was that their mother had strayed from the path of marital fidelity, causing them great embarrassment.

At this moment, as Zoraida endured the brutal assault, she couldn't help but cry out in pain, her eyes filled with despair as she looked at her son and daughter.

Seeing her children's cold indifference, Zoraida's heart nearly shattered.

She didn't know where the strength came from, but suddenly, she pushed the two people attacking her away and yelled, "Enough! What difference does it make if I slept with someone else? Do you think I wanted to? Wasn't I forced by Charlie? A woman like me, in a dark coal mine, struggling every day to eat, to keep warm, and to get enough sleep. On top of that, I had to do heavy physical labor and endure beatings. What else could I do?"

At this point, Zoraida's emotions were running extremely high, and she continued hysterically, "If I didn't agree to the overseer, if I didn't agree to sleep with him, I might not have survived until now. I might have died in that coal mine long ago! But have you ever thought why I ended up in this situation? Wasn't it all for this family?"

She turned to Noah, angrily reprimanding him, "Noah, you heartless creature! When we set up Elaine, wasn't it to bring more money into the family? Wasn't it to give our family the chance to live in the Thomson Elite mansion? And what's the result? I sacrificed so much for this family, and now you treat me like this? Are you even human? If you have the guts, go confront Charlie yourself!"

Anger, humiliation, and panic swelled within her, and Zoraida couldn't hold back any longer. She spilled everything out, feeling that she, the true victim, shouldn't have to endure this unfair treatment.

Why should she?

However, Madam Wilson and Noah paid no heed to Zoraida's explanations. To them, regardless of her reasons or any persecution she may have suffered, the humiliation Zoraida had brought upon the Wilson family was unforgivable!

Noah, thinking of the cuckold's hat he was now wearing, perhaps even more than one, was on the brink of a breakdown, consumed by a frenzy of resentment.

Madam Wilson believed that Zoraida had brought disgrace upon the Wilson family and that her very existence was a sin. How could they possibly listen to her explanations?

Thus, Madam Wilson shouted furiously, "You shameless woman, still shouting and screaming here? Don't you know that a woman's most precious virtue is her chastity?"

Noah joined in, his eyes wide with anger as he shouted, "Zoraida, you should have died in that dark coal mine long ago! At least you would have preserved your chastity in death! Now that you're pregnant with an illegitimate child, do you still have the face to live in this world? I think you should just jump off this building and end it!"
I can only imagine them going back home, How smelly the living room is going to be. Normally another round of vomiting and fainting should take place.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 1121

Her own husband had actually told her to jump off the building, and Zoraida was instantly furious!

She pointed at Noah with uncontrollable anger and cursed, "Noah, have you forgotten who has been supporting you, helping you, and taking care of you for all these years? And now, just because I betrayed you a few times in the past for the sake of survival, you want me to die? Are you even human?"

Noah gritted his teeth and retorted, "Stop the nonsense! You should be grateful that this isn't ancient times; otherwise, I would have personally killed you! You have the audacity to cuckold me, what a nerve!"

Madam Wilson, watching her eldest son Noah's painful expression, became furious. She leaned on her cane and forcefully poked Zoraida, scolding her, "Noah has never been this angry in his entire life. It's all because of you, you wretched woman! Look at the mess you've created!"

Zoraida winced in pain from the cane poke, grimacing as she said, "You old hag, don't blame me for everything. If it weren't for me making connections with the Weaver family, you would all still be in prison, and there's no way you'd be living in Thomson Elite now. You should be thanking me!"

Madam Wilson immediately retorted with a stern voice, "Stop your nonsense. What the Weaver family values is our family's abilities, not some shameless woman like you. Even if you had died in the coal mines back then, Weaver would have still found us, and we would still be living in Thomson Elite!"

Zoraida cursed, "You old hag who won't die! You pick up a bowl to eat and put down your chopsticks to scold others; that's exactly who you are! You don't even have a shred of gratitude. No wonder the Wilson family has fallen to this state today! With an old hag like you running things behind the scenes, the Wilson family can only get worse!"

She then turned to Noah, grinding her teeth as she continued, "And you, Noah! Don't act like life is no longer worth living just because I put a green hat on you. Do you think I wanted to? It was all for survival!"

Noah, in a fit of rage, yelled, "Stop talking nonsense! You should have defended your purity even if it meant death!"

Zoraida retorted through clenched teeth, "Cut the crap! I can guarantee that if you had been in the same environment as the coal mines, you would have sold yourself for survival!"

Hearing Zoraida's defense, Noah exploded in anger, shouting, "What did you say? I sold myself? I swear, I'll kill you today! Even the God of Heaven won't be able to save you!"

Seeing that the situation was spiraling out of control, a doctor quickly pulled out his phone and dialed 110 (the emergency hotline).


While chaos reigned in the hospital room, Donald was at home, holding a meeting with family members.

He addressed his younger brothers, "Dad is still unconscious, and the Eight Kings don't listen to my commands for now. But I've already dispatched a large team to capture the Weigard father and son. Once we have them back, we'll have an additional ally."

Confused, Dominic asked, "Brother, why are you going to such lengths to rescue the Weigard father and son?"

"You don't understand," Donald said with a cold expression. "Weigard Pharmaceutical is a company worth tens of billions, and it has some reputation in the country. If we rescue the Weigard father and son and help them regain control of Weigard Pharmaceutical, I'll make them sign an agreement. They'll give me 70% of Weigard Pharmaceutical's shares. I'm confident they'll agree."

"After all, they won't willingly spend their lives digging ginseng in that remote place in Evergreen Mountain. If they come back and serve me, it's better than struggling there!"

Donnie, the third brother, said calmly, "Big brother, even if we get Weigard Pharmaceutical, it's just a few tens of billions. Our family's market value may have dropped, but it's still not worth that much."

Donald sneered, saying, "You don't understand this either. Why do I want a stake in Weigard Pharmaceutical? It's because I want to use Weigard Pharmaceutical in negotiations with Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals in Japan."

Chapter 1122

The crowd looked surprised, their faces showing disbelief. "Kobayashi Pharmaceutical? Why negotiate with them? Isn't that a Japanese company?"

Donald explained, "I received information some time ago that Kobayashi Pharmaceutical in Japan has also been deceived by that Charlie. Furthermore, Kobayashi Pharmaceutical has been wanting to expand their business into China, but they've been waiting for the right opportunity."

"If I gain control of Weigard's Pharmaceuticals, I can collaborate with Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, making it easier for them to enter the Chinese market."

"At the same time, Kobayashi Pharmaceutical will undoubtedly join forces with me to take down Charlie. When we eliminate Charlie, Weigard's Pharmaceuticals and Kobayashi Pharmaceutical will deeply cooperate, and this partnership will bring in even more profits. It's a win-win situation, isn't it?"

Dominic and Donnie were impressed. "Big brother, you have a far-reaching vision! With this, we not only have a powerful ally but also a promising revenue channel!"

Donald smiled and nodded, saying, "You should keep learning and progressing faster to better assist me."

Dominic then asked, "Big brother, I still don't understand why you brought those people from the Wilson family into this. In my eyes, they're just a bunch of trash. Even if they disgust Charlie, they're not worth our attention."

Donald wore a mysterious expression as he replied, "You don't understand. The Wilson family members are common folks, and there are some things that only common folks can do best. The lower-end of society can sometimes stir up things unexpectedly. You never know what bizarre ideas they might come up with tomorrow. Perhaps they'll surprise us."

As they were discussing, his assistant rushed in and said, "Mr. Weaver, something has happened with the Wilson family!"

Donald frowned, asking, "What's going on?"

The assistant explained, "The police in Aurous Hill received a report that the Wilson family members were fighting with each other in the hospital."

Donald inquired further, "What's the situation? Instead of focusing on annoying Charlie at Thomson Elite, why did they go to the hospital to fight?"

The assistant awkwardly said, "Well, it's like this, Mr. Weaver. The old lady from the Wilson family went to Charlie's house and stole some chives. They used those chives to make dumplings for dinner, but it turns out those were not chives but daffodils. So, the entire family got food poisoning and had to be rushed to the hospital."

Taking a deep breath, the assistant continued, "After they were admitted to the hospital, the doctors ran some tests and discovered something unexpected. Zoraida is actually pregnant, and judging by her pregnancy period, it seems the child was conceived in a coal mine. Noah and the old lady thought it brought shame to the family, so they started fighting with her..."

Donald was left utterly speechless.

His two brothers and some younger attendees at the meeting couldn't help but burst into laughter upon hearing this.

Just a moment ago, Donald had questioned what kind of unexpected things these lower-class individuals could stir up. Little did he know that they would promptly concoct such a bizarre situation, which was indeed ironic.

At this point, Donald's expression was more unpleasant than if he had eaten something distasteful.

He had tasked these people with annoying Charlie, but it seemed like they were experts at annoying him instead.

Chapter 1123

At this moment, Donald secretly thought to himself, "Let this family be thrown out of the Thomson Elite residence. Let them fend for themselves and face their doom."

But after some thought, he felt an unbearable sense of loss.

He spoke up, "I know what you all are thinking. You find this family too low-class, incapable of achieving anything. But think about it, if they can disgust me today, they might very well disgust Charlie tomorrow. The problem now is that this family hasn’t put their strength together. If we can get them to unite, I believe they'll be formidable!"

Dominic couldn't help asking, "Brother, how can we get this family to band together? Now that Zoraida is pregnant with another man's child, how could Noah possibly want to join forces with her? And there’s the old lady, she's no easy character."

Donald coldly replied, "If they can’t unite, I’ll just weld them together! I want to see whether their pride or survival is more important to them!"

At the Aurous Hill People's Hospital.

After receiving a call, several police officers arrived at the hospital ward.

Zoraida had been beaten beyond recognition by the old lady and Noah.

Fortunately, everyone was suffering from food poisoning, which limited their strength. Otherwise, Zoraida might have been beaten half to death.

Upon arrival, the police separated everyone and demanded, "What’s going on here? Don’t you know that a hospital is a public place? How dare you fight here?"

The Madam Wilson hurriedly explained, "Officer, this is a family matter."

The officer scolded, "Family matters should be settled at home. Why resort to violence here?"

Noah, seething with anger, pointed at Zoraida and blurted out, "Officer, this woman cheated on me and is pregnant with another man's child. Worse, she hid it from me! If it weren’t for today’s accidental discovery at the hospital, I would still be in the dark!"

The officer frowned slightly, showing a hint of sympathy for Noah.

Still, he professionally advised, "Domestic affairs are hard for even a fair judge to settle. You should handle these matters privately. If you can talk it out, then continue living well together. If not, just go to the Civil Affairs Bureau for a divorce. Why make a scene in public? Besides, isn’t it said that family scandals should not be aired in public? Right?"

Noah nodded vigorously, agreeing, "You’re right, officer."

Then, turning to Zoraida, he said without any courtesy, "Zoraida, you unfaithful woman, I want a divorce! We must divorce! First thing tomorrow morning!"

The Madam Wilson also firmly said, "Yes, divorce! Only a divorce can save our Wilson family’s face. Let her take her illegitimate child and get out!"

Meanwhile, Harold and Wendy, who had been quiet, had complicated looks in their eyes.

For them, today's revelations were too shocking to process. Their mother’s affair and pregnancy, their father wanting a divorce – was this family really falling apart?

Zoraida was also devastated. She had given so much to this family, only to be repaid with such a result. Her heart was filled with reluctance!

After enduring so much hardship and suffering, for what?

Wasn't it all for this family?

And now her husband wanted a divorce!

Without her, wouldn't the entire Wilson family still be languishing in jail?

Without her, how could the Wilsons afford to live in a Thomson Elite villa?

Chapter 1124

Zoraida was boiling with rage. Pointing at Noah, she bellowed, "Noah, so now you want to ditch me after crossing the bridge, huh? Let me tell you, there's no way I'm agreeing to a divorce! You want to divorce me? Fine, I'm calling Director Weaver right now and let him be the judge!"

With that, Zoraida whipped out her phone and dialed Donald's number.

To her delight, the call was answered immediately.

As soon as the call connected, Zoraida burst into tears, "Director Weaver, you have to stand up for me!"

Donald's voice, cold as ice, came through, "What's going on?"

Zoraida blurted out, "That heartless Noah wants to divorce me. He and his mother ganged up to beat me. Even the police were involved!"

Donald snapped, "This is outrageous! Hand the phone to the old lady!"

Zoraida, smirking with triumph, passed the phone to Madam Wilson, saying, "Director Weaver wants to speak with you!"

Madam Wilson, in a panic, took the phone and respectfully said, "Hello, Director Weaver!"

Donald, his voice low and stern, asked, "What's this I hear about you and your son beating up Zoraida?"

Madam Wilson immediately played the victim, "Director Weaver, you don't know, this shameless woman has ruined our family's reputation! And she's carrying someone else's illegitimate child!"

Donald cursed outright, "I warn you, old fool, I brought your family together and moved you into the Thomson Elite Villas to unite against Charlie, not to create such drama! If your son dares to divorce Zoraida, your whole family can pack up and leave the villas! Any unfriendly actions towards Zoraida in the future, and you're out. Got it?"

Hearing this, Madam Wilson panicked, blurting out, "But Director Weaver, this woman is despicable, carrying another man's child! How can we tolerate this?"

Donald retorted, "Can't tolerate it? Well then, from now on, the Thomson Elite Villas have nothing to do with you. Get out!"

Madam Wilson was shocked, hastily pleading, "Director Weaver, please! We'll listen to you, isn't that enough?"

Donald coldly asked, "What about your son? Does he agree?"

Madam Wilson didn't even bother to consult Noah.

She knew that no matter the sacrifice, they couldn't afford to lose the villa at the Thomson Elite Villas.

She wouldn't dream of leaving now that she had finally gotten in.

As long as they could keep the villa, even if Zoraida had the baby, she'd tolerate it.

As for her son, whether he could bear it or not, she didn't care anymore.

So, Madam Wilson immediately decided for Noah, "Don't worry, Director Weaver, he won't have any objections! In this house, I, the old lady, have the final say!"

Donald finally seemed satisfied, his voice still cold, "If that's the case, I'll give you one more chance. But remember my words, any defiance, and I won't just kick your family out, I'll send you all to the coal mines!"

With that, Donald hung up.

Noah, anxious, rushed over, "Mom, what did Director Weaver say?"

Madam Wilson, with a venomous look at Zoraida, told Noah, "Director Weaver said we can't divorce Zoraida or treat her unkindly. Otherwise, we'll be thrown out of the Thomson Elite Villas and sent to work in coal mines!"

Noah's world went dark, and he collapsed to the ground with a thud...

Chapter 1125

At this moment, Noah felt like he wanted to die.

He never imagined that Donald would actually stand up for Zoraida for the sake of money.

This made him incredibly uncomfortable.

Noah had lived half his life with pride, never having experienced the humiliation of being cuckolded. But now, not only had he been cuckolded, his wife had even come home pregnant with another man's child.

What's worse, he found himself unable to divorce her.

Wasn't this like permanently wearing the cuckold's green hat?

At this moment, he was seething with hatred for Zoraida, but the mere thought of Donald's words made him cower again.

He knew he couldn't go against Donald's wishes, or else not only he, but the entire Wilson family would be doomed.

The Wilson family's only lifeline now was Donald; crossing him would mean plummeting from living in the luxurious Thomson Elite villas to being homeless on the streets, starving and destitute.

For survival, for Thomson Elite, for the Wilson Corporation, he had no choice but to bear this humiliation.

And he had to continue living with Zoraida, a thought that made him feel like collapsing.

But for survival, he had to compromise.

So, through gritted teeth, he said to Zoraida, "I won't divorce you, but the child in your womb must be aborted!"

Old Madam Wilson nodded, adding coldly, "That's right. Our Wilson family will not keep such an illegitimate child; the abortion is a must."

Zoraida was quite satisfied with the Wilson family's concession. After all, she was the one least willing to have this child.

The father was a dirty, ugly middle-aged loser, exuding a disgusting, sour stench. He had not only impregnated her but also transmitted a bunch of STDs.

Every time she thought about this, Zoraida wished she could kill that foreman.

So, Zoraida agreed, "Don't worry, I've already scheduled an abortion for Monday. I won't have this child."

Old Madam Wilson coldly said, "That's for the best!"

Zoraida sighed, "You really should sympathize with me. I've suffered all kinds of miseries in the coal mine, and what kept me going was thinking of you all, my family..."

Her words were heartfelt, but to Noah, they sounded utterly disgusting. He coldly said, "Enough, stop playing the victim. If it weren't for Mr. Weaver's protection, I would have thrown you out long ago!"

Seeing Noah's extreme anger, Zoraida dropped her previous sentimental act, coldly saying, "Noah, I gave you a chance to have a good life. If you insist on making trouble, then I, Zoraida, will see it through to the end!"

Furious, Noah was about to explode in anger, but Old Madam Wilson sharply interrupted, "Enough! Both of you, stop this nonsense! Mr. Weaver has spoken. Do you want to ruin the Wilson family with your squabbling?!"

To Old Madam Wilson, nothing was more important than living in Thomson Elite and reviving the Wilson Corporation. Anything else was secondary.

Noah and Zoraida both looked awkward, though Zoraida had a slight look of triumph.

She knew the old lady had compromised.

Old Madam Wilson, with a stern face, said, "Enough. Our family has been through everything and has learned to let go of many things."

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 1126

Speaking of which, madam Wilson looked towards Noah and coldly said, "Noah, you feel upset because Zoraida cheated on you, but have you ever thought about how you two, for five million dollars personally delivered Wendy into the arms of Joaquin?"

As she said this, everyone lowered their heads.

Wendy's face was flush with shame, yet she dared not retort.

Noah's face was even redder.

Indeed, the old lady was right.

He was furious about being cheated on, feeling that Zoraida dishonored the family. But he, as a father, had once handed his daughter to a man older than himself.

Seeing everyone's reluctance to speak, the old lady coldly said, "At this point, no one is clean. No one should look down on anyone else. We need to unite, stand together against outsiders, and revitalize the Wilson Corporation. Do you understand?"

Everyone hurriedly responded, "Understood!"

Continuing, the old lady warned the others, "Also, no one is allowed to mention this matter again. Otherwise, they'll be expelled from the Wilson family, as a warning to others."

Noah and others looked serious, knowing the old lady was not joking and wouldn't spread such disgraceful news.

With that, the matter with Zoraida was put to rest.

Noah's inner rage lessened somewhat. The old lady's strategy had indeed worked.

Thus, the family of five lay back on their hospital beds. Seeing the drama end, the doctor immediately came to administer IVs to neutralize the colchicine in their bodies.

However, Noah suddenly felt an unbearable itching in his groin and stealthily scratched under the blanket, only to find the itching worsening.

But he thought it was a symptom of poisoning and didn't pay much attention.


At that moment, in the Thomson Elite residential complex.

Charlie's family had just finished dinner.

Two middle-aged men in suits knocked on the door and respectfully said to Charlie, "Sir, we are from the Thomson Elite Property Management Company. There was a mass food poisoning incident in our complex, unit A04. A family of five was taken away by an ambulance. We're here to remind all residents to pay attention to food hygiene and safety."

Before Charlie could respond, his mother-in-law, Elaine, curiously approached, "A family of five from A04 was taken away by an ambulance? What happened to them?"

One of the suited men respectfully replied, "Madam, the family from A04, all five of them, suffered food poisoning and were taken to the hospital. May I ask if your family has consumed any wild animals or wild vegetables and mushrooms?"

Elaine chuckled, "Oh, we would never eat such things, unlike that poor family in A04, so broke they had to steal vegetables from others!"

The property management staff awkwardly smiled, "We're just here to remind you to be careful. It's good to see you're aware."

After the property staff left, Elaine gleefully said, "Ah, what goes around comes around. I always said the Wilson family didn't belong in Thomson Elite. Look, they got into trouble, haha, justice is served!"

Claire curiously asked, "Mom, what happened?"

Elaine laughed, "Your grandma and her family got food poisoned and were taken away by an ambulance. Serves them right!"

"Food poisoning?" Claire asked in surprise, "How did they get poisoned? Didn't they steal our vegetables? We're fine."

Jacob wondered, "Maybe they ate some spoiled meat?"

Charlie casually said, "I guess they must have eaten the Foreign daffodils I planted."

Chapter 1127

"Foreign daffodils?" Claire asked in surprise, "Where did these foreign daffodils come from? How could they have eaten them?"

Charlie chuckled, "Those plants that look like leeks planted at the base of our fence, they're actually foreign daffodils."

"Oh my!" Claire blurted out, "Aren't those leeks? I was even thinking of eating them!"

Charlie smiled and said, "They look like leeks, but they're not leeks."

Claire remarked, "I remember my biology book mentioned that foreign daffodils are poisonous, right?"

Nodding, Charlie replied with a smile, "My wife really knows her stuff. Indeed, foreign daffodils are poisonous. They contain a toxin called narciclasine, which can cause poisoning if consumed excessively."

Elaine's eyes widened in shock, "Oh my, Charlie! You did this on purpose, didn't you? No wonder you asked what my mother-in-law likes to eat, and when I told you she likes leeks, you planted all these foreign daffodils. You were setting a trap for them!"

Charlie said earnestly, "Mom, you can't say that. I had no intention of trapping anyone. I just planted the foreign daffodils in our yard. As for who stole and ate them, that has nothing to do with me."

Quickly, Elaine said with a smile brimming with gratitude, "Ah, my wonderful son-in-law, where did your mind wander off to? Do you think I would blame you? I can't thank you enough! What you did today was brilliant, helping me get my revenge!"

Unable to hold back, Jacob asked, "This Charlie, eating too many foreign daffodils won't be life-threatening, right?"

Charlie chuckled, "No, it'll just be a case of food poisoning at most."

"That's a relief," Jacob sighed, adding, "Although they are overbearing, they're still family. It's fine to teach them a lesson, but we can't have them lose their lives."

Pointing at Jacob, Elaine scolded, "That's just womanly compassion! You don't wish them dead, but they're after your life! Do you have any idea how your mother treated me in prison? My leg was broken by her!"

Continuing furiously, Elaine said, "That wretched old lady is so cruel! She deserves a lesson to see if she dares to be so arrogant in the future!"

Jacob replied helplessly, "A lesson is fine, as long as no one dies."

Elaine snorted, "After all these years of mistreatment from your mother, you still care for her. I've slaved away for you for years, and yet you want to separate and divorce me. You're heartless!"

Jacob retorted, "Don't bring our issues into everything!"

Elaine responded disdainfully, "I don't want to talk about it. I just want to tell you that I will never agree to a divorce!"

As the two were about to start another quarrel, Claire quickly interjected, "Oh come on, can you two not start arguing again? It always comes back to this topic."

Elaine muttered, "I don't even want to talk to him."

While they were talking, she suddenly received a WeChat message. A woman's voice note said, "Hey, Sister Elaine, have you seen the video website? There's big trouble at your place again!"

Elaine exclaimed in surprise and asked, "What happened to our family?"

The other party replied, "Your mother-in-law and your husband's brother's family are fighting in the hospital. Someone recorded it and uploaded the video online."

"Really?!" Elaine, intrigued to hear about the old lady's troubles in the hospital, eagerly said, "Send it to me quick, hurry up!"

The person then immediately sent a video.

Elaine quickly opened the video. After it buffered, she saw Noah and the old Mrs. Wilson beating Zoraida.

Charlie and the others watched, dumbfounded. They couldn't believe that this family, supposedly suffering from food poisoning, was still able to fight in the hospital. And from the looks of it, they didn't seem like they were suffering from food poisoning at all.

But what was even more shocking was yet to come.

Chapter 1128

Through the rantings of Noah, everyone discerned the root cause of the massive family brawl in the hospital!

Turns out, Zoraida was pregnant!

And the child she carried wasn't Noah's!

Elaine burst into uncontrollable laughter: "Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter! Zoraida actually got pregnant with another man's child, hahaha!"

Jacob was astounded: "This woman is shameless! She runs off with another man, gets pregnant, and still has the face to come back?"

Elaine chuckled: "Madam Wilson must be livid. She always thought so highly of her eldest daughter-in-law. Well, this sure gives her something to brag about!"

Claire awkwardly said, "With such a scandal, I guess Uncle is going to divorce Auntie, right?"

"Not divorce? Wait for her to give birth?" Jacob, despite his issues with his brother, empathized with his despair.

In his view, a woman like Zoraida, who betrayed her marital vows, deserved to be divorced and thrown out of the house.

Charlie couldn't help but scoff inwardly, guessing that Zoraida must have gotten pregnant during some shady encounter at a coal mine. "Wow, she really knows how to live it up, even finding romance in a coal mine," he mused, though not ruling out the possibility of coercion.

Meanwhile, Elaine received a voice message from a friend: "Sister Elaine, isn't this video thrilling?"

Elaine laughed, "It's incredibly exciting, it's exhilarating!"

Her friend replied, "Just got another video, even more sensational!"

"Send it over, quick!" urged Elaine.

As soon as she received and opened the video, she was stunned to see Madam Wilson trying to reconcile Noah and Zoraida!

Elaine was baffled. She couldn't fathom why Madam Wilson, who cared so much about appearances, would allow Zoraida, pregnant with another man's child, to remain in the Wilson family.

And what followed was even more shocking!

Madam Wilson's reasoning was this: Although Zoraida cuckolded Noah, he himself had once sold his daughter to an old man for five million dollars!

With everyone's dirty laundry aired, no one had the right to blame anyone else.

This totally upended conventional thinking!

It wasn't just a subversion of Noah and Zoraida's relationship, but also revealed a bigger scandal.

It turns out, not only did the mother have an affair, but the father had specifically sold his own daughter to another decrepit old man...

Netizens, shocked, lashed out online: "This family defies all norms. They are the most twisted family we've ever seen. Everyone is shameless to the extreme. Such people, indeed, prove the old saying: 'Birds of a feather flock together.'"

Unaware of their newfound notoriety in Aurous Hill following a poisoning incident and a major disturbance, the Wilson family continued their lives, oblivious to their infamy.

Chapter 1129

That night, a video of the Wilson family rapidly spread throughout Aurous Hill.

The video quickly made its way to TikTok, but Charlie instructed TikTok to block it. He didn’t want the video to wield too much influence yet, especially not beyond Aurous Hill.

The reason was clear to him. He knew Donald would likely invest in the Wilson family, bolstering the Wilson Corporation. If the Wilson family's notoriety spread nationwide now, it might affect Donald's decision.

Charlie didn’t want the Wilson family to fall from grace too soon. It would be better if Donald invested first, and then the scandal broke. This way, it would be a double blow to both the Wilson family and Donald.

After a night of turmoil and medicated specifically against Hyacinthine Alkaloid, the five family members were drowsy and unaware of their scandal spreading in Aurous Hill.

The next morning, the doctor, after examining the Wilson family, declared them fit to be discharged.

Upon leaving the hospital, Madam Wilson's first act was to call Donald, inquiring when he would fulfill his promise to invest 80 million in Wilson Corporation.

Although Donald was disgusted by this family, he believed that once united, they could be a formidable force against Charlie. He immediately instructed his assistant to invest 80 million in Wilson Corporation.

Thinking further, Donald added, “I promised to support your family. I’m starting a real estate project in Aurous Hill, involving a bid for city land. After the bid, I’ll need a large decoration company. Your family will take on this project.”

Madam Wilson, elated, assured him, “Don’t worry, Mr. Weaver. Our family has always been in construction. We can handle the decoration without any issue.”

Donald coldly warned, “I’m investing in you and giving you projects to unite against Charlie. Don’t mess this up, or I’ll withdraw my investment, suspend our cooperation, and evict you from Thomson Elite. I can raise you up or bring you down. Understood?”

Madam Wilson, thrilled, nodded vigorously, “Rest assured, Mr. Weaver, the Wilson family will unite and act on your behalf. We are your dogs; a word from you, and we shall obey!”

Satisfied, Donald concluded, “Remember your words. Serve well, and you won’t be mistreated.”


After hanging up, Madam Wilson hurriedly shared the news with Noah and others.

Zoraida felt even more triumphant, seeing this as her get-out-of-jail-free card. With Donald’s backing, Noah wouldn’t dare divorce her.

Noah, pained by Zoraida's smugness, was trapped. Swallowing his pride was impossible, but divorcing her would offend the Weaver family.

He didn’t dare cross them!

Madam Wilson, noticing her eldest son’s displeasure, warned, “Noah, you heard Mr. Weaver. If you ruin our family and corporation, don’t blame me for being harsh.”

Resigned, Noah muttered, “I understand, Mom.”

Though he was distressed over Zoraida, the thought of Wu’s investment and the new project still thrilled him.

Chapter 1130

Not just him, the entire Wilson family, from top to bottom, was extremely excited.

Everyone knew that this time, the Wilson family was finally going to rise again!

Harold was all smiles as he said to Grandma Wilson, “Grandma, our Wilson family is going to thrive now. The Weaver family is giving both money and projects, clearly starting to support us!”

As he spoke, Harold was also making plans in his heart.

Once a well-known rich second generation, Harold used to live a life of luxury, surrounded by people flattering him. But recently, his life had been hellish, and everyone in Aurous Hill knew he had become a fallen dog.

Now, it was finally time for Harold to turn things around.

Wendy, also full of longing, said, “When our family gets rich, won’t our future be even more luxurious than before?”

For a long time, Wendy had lived a miserable life, losing both her reputation and her money, living in destitution. But now, she could return to her extravagant lifestyle, which excited her deeply.

Grandma Wilson was even more thrilled.

She knew that with this money, not only could they resolve all of Wilson Corporation’s debt crises, but also get back all the seized houses and antiques from the bank.


The news of Wilson Corporation receiving investment from the Weaver family and reviving caused quite a stir in Aurous Hill.

Normally, given the size of Wilson Corporation, it wouldn’t have attracted much attention. But with the Weaver family backing them, Wilson Corporation suddenly gained significant interest.

Though the Weaver family was facing public criticism and severe losses, being a billion-dollar clan, their support made Wilson Corporation soar. Suddenly, Wilson Corporation became the hot company in Aurous Hill, with many seeking to curry favor with Grandma Wilson. The Wilson family's Thomson Elite villa was bustling with visitors bringing gifts.

In a single day, Grandma Wilson received countless guests and gifts at the villa, overjoyed beyond measure.

She knew this was the advantage of leaning on a big tree.

With the big tree’s shade, not only could she enjoy the coolness, but also the fruits that fell into her lap.

At this moment, the Wilson family was immersed in the joy of receiving numerous gifts. Harold, Wendy, and Zoraida were opening gifts until their hands were sore.

Charlie, guessing the Wilson family was in high spirits, let TikTok broadcast a video of the Wilson family in the hospital, putting it at the forefront.

The title accompanying the video was: “The real reason behind the Weaver family’s investment in Wilson Corporation – touched by the noble integrity of the Wilson family!”


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 1126

Speaking of which, madam Wilson looked towards Noah and coldly said, "Noah, you feel upset because Zoraida cheated on you, but have you ever thought about how you two, for five million dollars personally delivered Wendy into the arms of Joaquin?"

As she said this, everyone lowered their heads.

Wendy's face was flush with shame, yet she dared not retort.

Noah's face was even redder.

Indeed, the old lady was right.

He was furious about being cheated on, feeling that Zoraida dishonored the family. But he, as a father, had once handed his daughter to a man older than himself.

Seeing everyone's reluctance to speak, the old lady coldly said, "At this point, no one is clean. No one should look down on anyone else. We need to unite, stand together against outsiders, and revitalize the Wilson Corporation. Do you understand?"

Everyone hurriedly responded, "Understood!"

Continuing, the old lady warned the others, "Also, no one is allowed to mention this matter again. Otherwise, they'll be expelled from the Wilson family, as a warning to others."

Noah and others looked serious, knowing the old lady was not joking and wouldn't spread such disgraceful news.

With that, the matter with Zoraida was put to rest.

Noah's inner rage lessened somewhat. The old lady's strategy had indeed worked.

Thus, the family of five lay back on their hospital beds. Seeing the drama end, the doctor immediately came to administer IVs to neutralize the colchicine in their bodies.

However, Noah suddenly felt an unbearable itching in his groin and stealthily scratched under the blanket, only to find the itching worsening.

But he thought it was a symptom of poisoning and didn't pay much attention.


At that moment, in the Thomson Elite residential complex.

Charlie's family had just finished dinner.

Two middle-aged men in suits knocked on the door and respectfully said to Charlie, "Sir, we are from the Thomson Elite Property Management Company. There was a mass food poisoning incident in our complex, unit A04. A family of five was taken away by an ambulance. We're here to remind all residents to pay attention to food hygiene and safety."

Before Charlie could respond, his mother-in-law, Elaine, curiously approached, "A family of five from A04 was taken away by an ambulance? What happened to them?"

One of the suited men respectfully replied, "Madam, the family from A04, all five of them, suffered food poisoning and were taken to the hospital. May I ask if your family has consumed any wild animals or wild vegetables and mushrooms?"

Elaine chuckled, "Oh, we would never eat such things, unlike that poor family in A04, so broke they had to steal vegetables from others!"

The property management staff awkwardly smiled, "We're just here to remind you to be careful. It's good to see you're aware."

After the property staff left, Elaine gleefully said, "Ah, what goes around comes around. I always said the Wilson family didn't belong in Thomson Elite. Look, they got into trouble, haha, justice is served!"

Claire curiously asked, "Mom, what happened?"

Elaine laughed, "Your grandma and her family got food poisoned and were taken away by an ambulance. Serves them right!"

"Food poisoning?" Claire asked in surprise, "How did they get poisoned? Didn't they steal our vegetables? We're fine."

Jacob wondered, "Maybe they ate some spoiled meat?"

Charlie casually said, "I guess they must have eaten the Foreign daffodils I planted."

Chapter 1127

"Foreign daffodils?" Claire asked in surprise, "Where did these foreign daffodils come from? How could they have eaten them?"

Charlie chuckled, "Those plants that look like leeks planted at the base of our fence, they're actually foreign daffodils."

"Oh my!" Claire blurted out, "Aren't those leeks? I was even thinking of eating them!"

Charlie smiled and said, "They look like leeks, but they're not leeks."

Claire remarked, "I remember my biology book mentioned that foreign daffodils are poisonous, right?"

Nodding, Charlie replied with a smile, "My wife really knows her stuff. Indeed, foreign daffodils are poisonous. They contain a toxin called narciclasine, which can cause poisoning if consumed excessively."

Elaine's eyes widened in shock, "Oh my, Charlie! You did this on purpose, didn't you? No wonder you asked what my mother-in-law likes to eat, and when I told you she likes leeks, you planted all these foreign daffodils. You were setting a trap for them!"

Charlie said earnestly, "Mom, you can't say that. I had no intention of trapping anyone. I just planted the foreign daffodils in our yard. As for who stole and ate them, that has nothing to do with me."

Quickly, Elaine said with a smile brimming with gratitude, "Ah, my wonderful son-in-law, where did your mind wander off to? Do you think I would blame you? I can't thank you enough! What you did today was brilliant, helping me get my revenge!"

Unable to hold back, Jacob asked, "This Charlie, eating too many foreign daffodils won't be life-threatening, right?"

Charlie chuckled, "No, it'll just be a case of food poisoning at most."

"That's a relief," Jacob sighed, adding, "Although they are overbearing, they're still family. It's fine to teach them a lesson, but we can't have them lose their lives."

Pointing at Jacob, Elaine scolded, "That's just womanly compassion! You don't wish them dead, but they're after your life! Do you have any idea how your mother treated me in prison? My leg was broken by her!"

Continuing furiously, Elaine said, "That wretched old lady is so cruel! She deserves a lesson to see if she dares to be so arrogant in the future!"

Jacob replied helplessly, "A lesson is fine, as long as no one dies."

Elaine snorted, "After all these years of mistreatment from your mother, you still care for her. I've slaved away for you for years, and yet you want to separate and divorce me. You're heartless!"

Jacob retorted, "Don't bring our issues into everything!"

Elaine responded disdainfully, "I don't want to talk about it. I just want to tell you that I will never agree to a divorce!"

As the two were about to start another quarrel, Claire quickly interjected, "Oh come on, can you two not start arguing again? It always comes back to this topic."

Elaine muttered, "I don't even want to talk to him."

While they were talking, she suddenly received a WeChat message. A woman's voice note said, "Hey, Sister Elaine, have you seen the video website? There's big trouble at your place again!"

Elaine exclaimed in surprise and asked, "What happened to our family?"

The other party replied, "Your mother-in-law and your husband's brother's family are fighting in the hospital. Someone recorded it and uploaded the video online."

"Really?!" Elaine, intrigued to hear about the old lady's troubles in the hospital, eagerly said, "Send it to me quick, hurry up!"

The person then immediately sent a video.

Elaine quickly opened the video. After it buffered, she saw Noah and the old Mrs. Wilson beating Zoraida.

Charlie and the others watched, dumbfounded. They couldn't believe that this family, supposedly suffering from food poisoning, was still able to fight in the hospital. And from the looks of it, they didn't seem like they were suffering from food poisoning at all.

But what was even more shocking was yet to come.

Chapter 1128

Through the rantings of Noah, everyone discerned the root cause of the massive family brawl in the hospital!

Turns out, Zoraida was pregnant!

And the child she carried wasn't Noah's!

Elaine burst into uncontrollable laughter: "Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter! Zoraida actually got pregnant with another man's child, hahaha!"

Jacob was astounded: "This woman is shameless! She runs off with another man, gets pregnant, and still has the face to come back?"

Elaine chuckled: "Madam Wilson must be livid. She always thought so highly of her eldest daughter-in-law. Well, this sure gives her something to brag about!"

Claire awkwardly said, "With such a scandal, I guess Uncle is going to divorce Auntie, right?"

"Not divorce? Wait for her to give birth?" Jacob, despite his issues with his brother, empathized with his despair.

In his view, a woman like Zoraida, who betrayed her marital vows, deserved to be divorced and thrown out of the house.

Charlie couldn't help but scoff inwardly, guessing that Zoraida must have gotten pregnant during some shady encounter at a coal mine. "Wow, she really knows how to live it up, even finding romance in a coal mine," he mused, though not ruling out the possibility of coercion.

Meanwhile, Elaine received a voice message from a friend: "Sister Elaine, isn't this video thrilling?"

Elaine laughed, "It's incredibly exciting, it's exhilarating!"

Her friend replied, "Just got another video, even more sensational!"

"Send it over, quick!" urged Elaine.

As soon as she received and opened the video, she was stunned to see Madam Wilson trying to reconcile Noah and Zoraida!

Elaine was baffled. She couldn't fathom why Madam Wilson, who cared so much about appearances, would allow Zoraida, pregnant with another man's child, to remain in the Wilson family.

And what followed was even more shocking!

Madam Wilson's reasoning was this: Although Zoraida cuckolded Noah, he himself had once sold his daughter to an old man for five million dollars!

With everyone's dirty laundry aired, no one had the right to blame anyone else.

This totally upended conventional thinking!

It wasn't just a subversion of Noah and Zoraida's relationship, but also revealed a bigger scandal.

It turns out, not only did the mother have an affair, but the father had specifically sold his own daughter to another decrepit old man...

Netizens, shocked, lashed out online: "This family defies all norms. They are the most twisted family we've ever seen. Everyone is shameless to the extreme. Such people, indeed, prove the old saying: 'Birds of a feather flock together.'"

Unaware of their newfound notoriety in Aurous Hill following a poisoning incident and a major disturbance, the Wilson family continued their lives, oblivious to their infamy.

Chapter 1129

That night, a video of the Wilson family rapidly spread throughout Aurous Hill.

The video quickly made its way to TikTok, but Charlie instructed TikTok to block it. He didn’t want the video to wield too much influence yet, especially not beyond Aurous Hill.

The reason was clear to him. He knew Donald would likely invest in the Wilson family, bolstering the Wilson Corporation. If the Wilson family's notoriety spread nationwide now, it might affect Donald's decision.

Charlie didn’t want the Wilson family to fall from grace too soon. It would be better if Donald invested first, and then the scandal broke. This way, it would be a double blow to both the Wilson family and Donald.

After a night of turmoil and medicated specifically against Hyacinthine Alkaloid, the five family members were drowsy and unaware of their scandal spreading in Aurous Hill.

The next morning, the doctor, after examining the Wilson family, declared them fit to be discharged.

Upon leaving the hospital, Madam Wilson's first act was to call Donald, inquiring when he would fulfill his promise to invest 80 million in Wilson Corporation.

Although Donald was disgusted by this family, he believed that once united, they could be a formidable force against Charlie. He immediately instructed his assistant to invest 80 million in Wilson Corporation.

Thinking further, Donald added, “I promised to support your family. I’m starting a real estate project in Aurous Hill, involving a bid for city land. After the bid, I’ll need a large decoration company. Your family will take on this project.”

Madam Wilson, elated, assured him, “Don’t worry, Mr. Weaver. Our family has always been in construction. We can handle the decoration without any issue.”

Donald coldly warned, “I’m investing in you and giving you projects to unite against Charlie. Don’t mess this up, or I’ll withdraw my investment, suspend our cooperation, and evict you from Thomson Elite. I can raise you up or bring you down. Understood?”

Madam Wilson, thrilled, nodded vigorously, “Rest assured, Mr. Weaver, the Wilson family will unite and act on your behalf. We are your dogs; a word from you, and we shall obey!”

Satisfied, Donald concluded, “Remember your words. Serve well, and you won’t be mistreated.”


After hanging up, Madam Wilson hurriedly shared the news with Noah and others.

Zoraida felt even more triumphant, seeing this as her get-out-of-jail-free card. With Donald’s backing, Noah wouldn’t dare divorce her.

Noah, pained by Zoraida's smugness, was trapped. Swallowing his pride was impossible, but divorcing her would offend the Weaver family.

He didn’t dare cross them!

Madam Wilson, noticing her eldest son’s displeasure, warned, “Noah, you heard Mr. Weaver. If you ruin our family and corporation, don’t blame me for being harsh.”

Resigned, Noah muttered, “I understand, Mom.”

Though he was distressed over Zoraida, the thought of Wu’s investment and the new project still thrilled him.

Chapter 1130

Not just him, the entire Wilson family, from top to bottom, was extremely excited.

Everyone knew that this time, the Wilson family was finally going to rise again!

Harold was all smiles as he said to Grandma Wilson, “Grandma, our Wilson family is going to thrive now. The Weaver family is giving both money and projects, clearly starting to support us!”

As he spoke, Harold was also making plans in his heart.

Once a well-known rich second generation, Harold used to live a life of luxury, surrounded by people flattering him. But recently, his life had been hellish, and everyone in Aurous Hill knew he had become a fallen dog.

Now, it was finally time for Harold to turn things around.

Wendy, also full of longing, said, “When our family gets rich, won’t our future be even more luxurious than before?”

For a long time, Wendy had lived a miserable life, losing both her reputation and her money, living in destitution. But now, she could return to her extravagant lifestyle, which excited her deeply.

Grandma Wilson was even more thrilled.

She knew that with this money, not only could they resolve all of Wilson Corporation’s debt crises, but also get back all the seized houses and antiques from the bank.


The news of Wilson Corporation receiving investment from the Weaver family and reviving caused quite a stir in Aurous Hill.

Normally, given the size of Wilson Corporation, it wouldn’t have attracted much attention. But with the Weaver family backing them, Wilson Corporation suddenly gained significant interest.

Though the Weaver family was facing public criticism and severe losses, being a billion-dollar clan, their support made Wilson Corporation soar. Suddenly, Wilson Corporation became the hot company in Aurous Hill, with many seeking to curry favor with Grandma Wilson. The Wilson family's Thomson Elite villa was bustling with visitors bringing gifts.

In a single day, Grandma Wilson received countless guests and gifts at the villa, overjoyed beyond measure.

She knew this was the advantage of leaning on a big tree.

With the big tree’s shade, not only could she enjoy the coolness, but also the fruits that fell into her lap.

At this moment, the Wilson family was immersed in the joy of receiving numerous gifts. Harold, Wendy, and Zoraida were opening gifts until their hands were sore.

Charlie, guessing the Wilson family was in high spirits, let TikTok broadcast a video of the Wilson family in the hospital, putting it at the forefront.

The title accompanying the video was: “The real reason behind the Weaver family’s investment in Wilson Corporation – touched by the noble integrity of the Wilson family!”
Charlie is too smart. He always know when to strike


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 1121

Her own husband had actually told her to jump off the building, and Zoraida was instantly furious!

She pointed at Noah with uncontrollable anger and cursed, "Noah, have you forgotten who has been supporting you, helping you, and taking care of you for all these years? And now, just because I betrayed you a few times in the past for the sake of survival, you want me to die? Are you even human?"

Noah gritted his teeth and retorted, "Stop the nonsense! You should be grateful that this isn't ancient times; otherwise, I would have personally killed you! You have the audacity to cuckold me, what a nerve!"

Madam Wilson, watching her eldest son Noah's painful expression, became furious. She leaned on her cane and forcefully poked Zoraida, scolding her, "Noah has never been this angry in his entire life. It's all because of you, you wretched woman! Look at the mess you've created!"

Zoraida winced in pain from the cane poke, grimacing as she said, "You old hag, don't blame me for everything. If it weren't for me making connections with the Weaver family, you would all still be in prison, and there's no way you'd be living in Thomson Elite now. You should be thanking me!"

Madam Wilson immediately retorted with a stern voice, "Stop your nonsense. What the Weaver family values is our family's abilities, not some shameless woman like you. Even if you had died in the coal mines back then, Weaver would have still found us, and we would still be living in Thomson Elite!"

Zoraida cursed, "You old hag who won't die! You pick up a bowl to eat and put down your chopsticks to scold others; that's exactly who you are! You don't even have a shred of gratitude. No wonder the Wilson family has fallen to this state today! With an old hag like you running things behind the scenes, the Wilson family can only get worse!"

She then turned to Noah, grinding her teeth as she continued, "And you, Noah! Don't act like life is no longer worth living just because I put a green hat on you. Do you think I wanted to? It was all for survival!"

Noah, in a fit of rage, yelled, "Stop talking nonsense! You should have defended your purity even if it meant death!"

Zoraida retorted through clenched teeth, "Cut the crap! I can guarantee that if you had been in the same environment as the coal mines, you would have sold yourself for survival!"

Hearing Zoraida's defense, Noah exploded in anger, shouting, "What did you say? I sold myself? I swear, I'll kill you today! Even the God of Heaven won't be able to save you!"

Seeing that the situation was spiraling out of control, a doctor quickly pulled out his phone and dialed 110 (the emergency hotline).


While chaos reigned in the hospital room, Donald was at home, holding a meeting with family members.

He addressed his younger brothers, "Dad is still unconscious, and the Eight Kings don't listen to my commands for now. But I've already dispatched a large team to capture the Weigard father and son. Once we have them back, we'll have an additional ally."

Confused, Dominic asked, "Brother, why are you going to such lengths to rescue the Weigard father and son?"

"You don't understand," Donald said with a cold expression. "Weigard Pharmaceutical is a company worth tens of billions, and it has some reputation in the country. If we rescue the Weigard father and son and help them regain control of Weigard Pharmaceutical, I'll make them sign an agreement. They'll give me 70% of Weigard Pharmaceutical's shares. I'm confident they'll agree."

"After all, they won't willingly spend their lives digging ginseng in that remote place in Evergreen Mountain. If they come back and serve me, it's better than struggling there!"

Donnie, the third brother, said calmly, "Big brother, even if we get Weigard Pharmaceutical, it's just a few tens of billions. Our family's market value may have dropped, but it's still not worth that much."

Donald sneered, saying, "You don't understand this either. Why do I want a stake in Weigard Pharmaceutical? It's because I want to use Weigard Pharmaceutical in negotiations with Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals in Japan."

Chapter 1122

The crowd looked surprised, their faces showing disbelief. "Kobayashi Pharmaceutical? Why negotiate with them? Isn't that a Japanese company?"

Donald explained, "I received information some time ago that Kobayashi Pharmaceutical in Japan has also been deceived by that Charlie. Furthermore, Kobayashi Pharmaceutical has been wanting to expand their business into China, but they've been waiting for the right opportunity."

"If I gain control of Weigard's Pharmaceuticals, I can collaborate with Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, making it easier for them to enter the Chinese market."

"At the same time, Kobayashi Pharmaceutical will undoubtedly join forces with me to take down Charlie. When we eliminate Charlie, Weigard's Pharmaceuticals and Kobayashi Pharmaceutical will deeply cooperate, and this partnership will bring in even more profits. It's a win-win situation, isn't it?"

Dominic and Donnie were impressed. "Big brother, you have a far-reaching vision! With this, we not only have a powerful ally but also a promising revenue channel!"

Donald smiled and nodded, saying, "You should keep learning and progressing faster to better assist me."

Dominic then asked, "Big brother, I still don't understand why you brought those people from the Wilson family into this. In my eyes, they're just a bunch of trash. Even if they disgust Charlie, they're not worth our attention."

Donald wore a mysterious expression as he replied, "You don't understand. The Wilson family members are common folks, and there are some things that only common folks can do best. The lower-end of society can sometimes stir up things unexpectedly. You never know what bizarre ideas they might come up with tomorrow. Perhaps they'll surprise us."

As they were discussing, his assistant rushed in and said, "Mr. Weaver, something has happened with the Wilson family!"

Donald frowned, asking, "What's going on?"

The assistant explained, "The police in Aurous Hill received a report that the Wilson family members were fighting with each other in the hospital."

Donald inquired further, "What's the situation? Instead of focusing on annoying Charlie at Thomson Elite, why did they go to the hospital to fight?"

The assistant awkwardly said, "Well, it's like this, Mr. Weaver. The old lady from the Wilson family went to Charlie's house and stole some chives. They used those chives to make dumplings for dinner, but it turns out those were not chives but daffodils. So, the entire family got food poisoning and had to be rushed to the hospital."

Taking a deep breath, the assistant continued, "After they were admitted to the hospital, the doctors ran some tests and discovered something unexpected. Zoraida is actually pregnant, and judging by her pregnancy period, it seems the child was conceived in a coal mine. Noah and the old lady thought it brought shame to the family, so they started fighting with her..."

Donald was left utterly speechless.

His two brothers and some younger attendees at the meeting couldn't help but burst into laughter upon hearing this.

Just a moment ago, Donald had questioned what kind of unexpected things these lower-class individuals could stir up. Little did he know that they would promptly concoct such a bizarre situation, which was indeed ironic.

At this point, Donald's expression was more unpleasant than if he had eaten something distasteful.

He had tasked these people with annoying Charlie, but it seemed like they were experts at annoying him instead.

Chapter 1123

At this moment, Donald secretly thought to himself, "Let this family be thrown out of the Thomson Elite residence. Let them fend for themselves and face their doom."

But after some thought, he felt an unbearable sense of loss.

He spoke up, "I know what you all are thinking. You find this family too low-class, incapable of achieving anything. But think about it, if they can disgust me today, they might very well disgust Charlie tomorrow. The problem now is that this family hasn’t put their strength together. If we can get them to unite, I believe they'll be formidable!"

Dominic couldn't help asking, "Brother, how can we get this family to band together? Now that Zoraida is pregnant with another man's child, how could Noah possibly want to join forces with her? And there’s the old lady, she's no easy character."

Donald coldly replied, "If they can’t unite, I’ll just weld them together! I want to see whether their pride or survival is more important to them!"

At the Aurous Hill People's Hospital.

After receiving a call, several police officers arrived at the hospital ward.

Zoraida had been beaten beyond recognition by the old lady and Noah.

Fortunately, everyone was suffering from food poisoning, which limited their strength. Otherwise, Zoraida might have been beaten half to death.

Upon arrival, the police separated everyone and demanded, "What’s going on here? Don’t you know that a hospital is a public place? How dare you fight here?"

The Madam Wilson hurriedly explained, "Officer, this is a family matter."

The officer scolded, "Family matters should be settled at home. Why resort to violence here?"

Noah, seething with anger, pointed at Zoraida and blurted out, "Officer, this woman cheated on me and is pregnant with another man's child. Worse, she hid it from me! If it weren’t for today’s accidental discovery at the hospital, I would still be in the dark!"

The officer frowned slightly, showing a hint of sympathy for Noah.

Still, he professionally advised, "Domestic affairs are hard for even a fair judge to settle. You should handle these matters privately. If you can talk it out, then continue living well together. If not, just go to the Civil Affairs Bureau for a divorce. Why make a scene in public? Besides, isn’t it said that family scandals should not be aired in public? Right?"

Noah nodded vigorously, agreeing, "You’re right, officer."

Then, turning to Zoraida, he said without any courtesy, "Zoraida, you unfaithful woman, I want a divorce! We must divorce! First thing tomorrow morning!"

The Madam Wilson also firmly said, "Yes, divorce! Only a divorce can save our Wilson family’s face. Let her take her illegitimate child and get out!"

Meanwhile, Harold and Wendy, who had been quiet, had complicated looks in their eyes.

For them, today's revelations were too shocking to process. Their mother’s affair and pregnancy, their father wanting a divorce – was this family really falling apart?

Zoraida was also devastated. She had given so much to this family, only to be repaid with such a result. Her heart was filled with reluctance!

After enduring so much hardship and suffering, for what?

Wasn't it all for this family?

And now her husband wanted a divorce!

Without her, wouldn't the entire Wilson family still be languishing in jail?

Without her, how could the Wilsons afford to live in a Thomson Elite villa?

Chapter 1124

Zoraida was boiling with rage. Pointing at Noah, she bellowed, "Noah, so now you want to ditch me after crossing the bridge, huh? Let me tell you, there's no way I'm agreeing to a divorce! You want to divorce me? Fine, I'm calling Director Weaver right now and let him be the judge!"

With that, Zoraida whipped out her phone and dialed Donald's number.

To her delight, the call was answered immediately.

As soon as the call connected, Zoraida burst into tears, "Director Weaver, you have to stand up for me!"

Donald's voice, cold as ice, came through, "What's going on?"

Zoraida blurted out, "That heartless Noah wants to divorce me. He and his mother ganged up to beat me. Even the police were involved!"

Donald snapped, "This is outrageous! Hand the phone to the old lady!"

Zoraida, smirking with triumph, passed the phone to Madam Wilson, saying, "Director Weaver wants to speak with you!"

Madam Wilson, in a panic, took the phone and respectfully said, "Hello, Director Weaver!"

Donald, his voice low and stern, asked, "What's this I hear about you and your son beating up Zoraida?"

Madam Wilson immediately played the victim, "Director Weaver, you don't know, this shameless woman has ruined our family's reputation! And she's carrying someone else's illegitimate child!"

Donald cursed outright, "I warn you, old fool, I brought your family together and moved you into the Thomson Elite Villas to unite against Charlie, not to create such drama! If your son dares to divorce Zoraida, your whole family can pack up and leave the villas! Any unfriendly actions towards Zoraida in the future, and you're out. Got it?"

Hearing this, Madam Wilson panicked, blurting out, "But Director Weaver, this woman is despicable, carrying another man's child! How can we tolerate this?"

Donald retorted, "Can't tolerate it? Well then, from now on, the Thomson Elite Villas have nothing to do with you. Get out!"

Madam Wilson was shocked, hastily pleading, "Director Weaver, please! We'll listen to you, isn't that enough?"

Donald coldly asked, "What about your son? Does he agree?"

Madam Wilson didn't even bother to consult Noah.

She knew that no matter the sacrifice, they couldn't afford to lose the villa at the Thomson Elite Villas.

She wouldn't dream of leaving now that she had finally gotten in.

As long as they could keep the villa, even if Zoraida had the baby, she'd tolerate it.

As for her son, whether he could bear it or not, she didn't care anymore.

So, Madam Wilson immediately decided for Noah, "Don't worry, Director Weaver, he won't have any objections! In this house, I, the old lady, have the final say!"

Donald finally seemed satisfied, his voice still cold, "If that's the case, I'll give you one more chance. But remember my words, any defiance, and I won't just kick your family out, I'll send you all to the coal mines!"

With that, Donald hung up.

Noah, anxious, rushed over, "Mom, what did Director Weaver say?"

Madam Wilson, with a venomous look at Zoraida, told Noah, "Director Weaver said we can't divorce Zoraida or treat her unkindly. Otherwise, we'll be thrown out of the Thomson Elite Villas and sent to work in coal mines!"

Noah's world went dark, and he collapsed to the ground with a thud...

Chapter 1125

At this moment, Noah felt like he wanted to die.

He never imagined that Donald would actually stand up for Zoraida for the sake of money.

This made him incredibly uncomfortable.

Noah had lived half his life with pride, never having experienced the humiliation of being cuckolded. But now, not only had he been cuckolded, his wife had even come home pregnant with another man's child.

What's worse, he found himself unable to divorce her.

Wasn't this like permanently wearing the cuckold's green hat?

At this moment, he was seething with hatred for Zoraida, but the mere thought of Donald's words made him cower again.

He knew he couldn't go against Donald's wishes, or else not only he, but the entire Wilson family would be doomed.

The Wilson family's only lifeline now was Donald; crossing him would mean plummeting from living in the luxurious Thomson Elite villas to being homeless on the streets, starving and destitute.

For survival, for Thomson Elite, for the Wilson Corporation, he had no choice but to bear this humiliation.

And he had to continue living with Zoraida, a thought that made him feel like collapsing.

But for survival, he had to compromise.

So, through gritted teeth, he said to Zoraida, "I won't divorce you, but the child in your womb must be aborted!"

Old Madam Wilson nodded, adding coldly, "That's right. Our Wilson family will not keep such an illegitimate child; the abortion is a must."

Zoraida was quite satisfied with the Wilson family's concession. After all, she was the one least willing to have this child.

The father was a dirty, ugly middle-aged loser, exuding a disgusting, sour stench. He had not only impregnated her but also transmitted a bunch of STDs.

Every time she thought about this, Zoraida wished she could kill that foreman.

So, Zoraida agreed, "Don't worry, I've already scheduled an abortion for Monday. I won't have this child."

Old Madam Wilson coldly said, "That's for the best!"

Zoraida sighed, "You really should sympathize with me. I've suffered all kinds of miseries in the coal mine, and what kept me going was thinking of you all, my family..."

Her words were heartfelt, but to Noah, they sounded utterly disgusting. He coldly said, "Enough, stop playing the victim. If it weren't for Mr. Weaver's protection, I would have thrown you out long ago!"

Seeing Noah's extreme anger, Zoraida dropped her previous sentimental act, coldly saying, "Noah, I gave you a chance to have a good life. If you insist on making trouble, then I, Zoraida, will see it through to the end!"

Furious, Noah was about to explode in anger, but Old Madam Wilson sharply interrupted, "Enough! Both of you, stop this nonsense! Mr. Weaver has spoken. Do you want to ruin the Wilson family with your squabbling?!"

To Old Madam Wilson, nothing was more important than living in Thomson Elite and reviving the Wilson Corporation. Anything else was secondary.

Noah and Zoraida both looked awkward, though Zoraida had a slight look of triumph.

She knew the old lady had compromised.

Old Madam Wilson, with a stern face, said, "Enough. Our family has been through everything and has learned to let go of many things."
It's all their fault,so they should all dance to their music


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 1126

Speaking of which, madam Wilson looked towards Noah and coldly said, "Noah, you feel upset because Zoraida cheated on you, but have you ever thought about how you two, for five million dollars personally delivered Wendy into the arms of Joaquin?"

As she said this, everyone lowered their heads.

Wendy's face was flush with shame, yet she dared not retort.

Noah's face was even redder.

Indeed, the old lady was right.

He was furious about being cheated on, feeling that Zoraida dishonored the family. But he, as a father, had once handed his daughter to a man older than himself.

Seeing everyone's reluctance to speak, the old lady coldly said, "At this point, no one is clean. No one should look down on anyone else. We need to unite, stand together against outsiders, and revitalize the Wilson Corporation. Do you understand?"

Everyone hurriedly responded, "Understood!"

Continuing, the old lady warned the others, "Also, no one is allowed to mention this matter again. Otherwise, they'll be expelled from the Wilson family, as a warning to others."

Noah and others looked serious, knowing the old lady was not joking and wouldn't spread such disgraceful news.

With that, the matter with Zoraida was put to rest.

Noah's inner rage lessened somewhat. The old lady's strategy had indeed worked.

Thus, the family of five lay back on their hospital beds. Seeing the drama end, the doctor immediately came to administer IVs to neutralize the colchicine in their bodies.

However, Noah suddenly felt an unbearable itching in his groin and stealthily scratched under the blanket, only to find the itching worsening.

But he thought it was a symptom of poisoning and didn't pay much attention.


At that moment, in the Thomson Elite residential complex.

Charlie's family had just finished dinner.

Two middle-aged men in suits knocked on the door and respectfully said to Charlie, "Sir, we are from the Thomson Elite Property Management Company. There was a mass food poisoning incident in our complex, unit A04. A family of five was taken away by an ambulance. We're here to remind all residents to pay attention to food hygiene and safety."

Before Charlie could respond, his mother-in-law, Elaine, curiously approached, "A family of five from A04 was taken away by an ambulance? What happened to them?"

One of the suited men respectfully replied, "Madam, the family from A04, all five of them, suffered food poisoning and were taken to the hospital. May I ask if your family has consumed any wild animals or wild vegetables and mushrooms?"

Elaine chuckled, "Oh, we would never eat such things, unlike that poor family in A04, so broke they had to steal vegetables from others!"

The property management staff awkwardly smiled, "We're just here to remind you to be careful. It's good to see you're aware."

After the property staff left, Elaine gleefully said, "Ah, what goes around comes around. I always said the Wilson family didn't belong in Thomson Elite. Look, they got into trouble, haha, justice is served!"

Claire curiously asked, "Mom, what happened?"

Elaine laughed, "Your grandma and her family got food poisoned and were taken away by an ambulance. Serves them right!"

"Food poisoning?" Claire asked in surprise, "How did they get poisoned? Didn't they steal our vegetables? We're fine."

Jacob wondered, "Maybe they ate some spoiled meat?"

Charlie casually said, "I guess they must have eaten the Foreign daffodils I planted."

Chapter 1127

"Foreign daffodils?" Claire asked in surprise, "Where did these foreign daffodils come from? How could they have eaten them?"

Charlie chuckled, "Those plants that look like leeks planted at the base of our fence, they're actually foreign daffodils."

"Oh my!" Claire blurted out, "Aren't those leeks? I was even thinking of eating them!"

Charlie smiled and said, "They look like leeks, but they're not leeks."

Claire remarked, "I remember my biology book mentioned that foreign daffodils are poisonous, right?"

Nodding, Charlie replied with a smile, "My wife really knows her stuff. Indeed, foreign daffodils are poisonous. They contain a toxin called narciclasine, which can cause poisoning if consumed excessively."

Elaine's eyes widened in shock, "Oh my, Charlie! You did this on purpose, didn't you? No wonder you asked what my mother-in-law likes to eat, and when I told you she likes leeks, you planted all these foreign daffodils. You were setting a trap for them!"

Charlie said earnestly, "Mom, you can't say that. I had no intention of trapping anyone. I just planted the foreign daffodils in our yard. As for who stole and ate them, that has nothing to do with me."

Quickly, Elaine said with a smile brimming with gratitude, "Ah, my wonderful son-in-law, where did your mind wander off to? Do you think I would blame you? I can't thank you enough! What you did today was brilliant, helping me get my revenge!"

Unable to hold back, Jacob asked, "This Charlie, eating too many foreign daffodils won't be life-threatening, right?"

Charlie chuckled, "No, it'll just be a case of food poisoning at most."

"That's a relief," Jacob sighed, adding, "Although they are overbearing, they're still family. It's fine to teach them a lesson, but we can't have them lose their lives."

Pointing at Jacob, Elaine scolded, "That's just womanly compassion! You don't wish them dead, but they're after your life! Do you have any idea how your mother treated me in prison? My leg was broken by her!"

Continuing furiously, Elaine said, "That wretched old lady is so cruel! She deserves a lesson to see if she dares to be so arrogant in the future!"

Jacob replied helplessly, "A lesson is fine, as long as no one dies."

Elaine snorted, "After all these years of mistreatment from your mother, you still care for her. I've slaved away for you for years, and yet you want to separate and divorce me. You're heartless!"

Jacob retorted, "Don't bring our issues into everything!"

Elaine responded disdainfully, "I don't want to talk about it. I just want to tell you that I will never agree to a divorce!"

As the two were about to start another quarrel, Claire quickly interjected, "Oh come on, can you two not start arguing again? It always comes back to this topic."

Elaine muttered, "I don't even want to talk to him."

While they were talking, she suddenly received a WeChat message. A woman's voice note said, "Hey, Sister Elaine, have you seen the video website? There's big trouble at your place again!"

Elaine exclaimed in surprise and asked, "What happened to our family?"

The other party replied, "Your mother-in-law and your husband's brother's family are fighting in the hospital. Someone recorded it and uploaded the video online."

"Really?!" Elaine, intrigued to hear about the old lady's troubles in the hospital, eagerly said, "Send it to me quick, hurry up!"

The person then immediately sent a video.

Elaine quickly opened the video. After it buffered, she saw Noah and the old Mrs. Wilson beating Zoraida.

Charlie and the others watched, dumbfounded. They couldn't believe that this family, supposedly suffering from food poisoning, was still able to fight in the hospital. And from the looks of it, they didn't seem like they were suffering from food poisoning at all.

But what was even more shocking was yet to come.

Chapter 1128

Through the rantings of Noah, everyone discerned the root cause of the massive family brawl in the hospital!

Turns out, Zoraida was pregnant!

And the child she carried wasn't Noah's!

Elaine burst into uncontrollable laughter: "Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter! Zoraida actually got pregnant with another man's child, hahaha!"

Jacob was astounded: "This woman is shameless! She runs off with another man, gets pregnant, and still has the face to come back?"

Elaine chuckled: "Madam Wilson must be livid. She always thought so highly of her eldest daughter-in-law. Well, this sure gives her something to brag about!"

Claire awkwardly said, "With such a scandal, I guess Uncle is going to divorce Auntie, right?"

"Not divorce? Wait for her to give birth?" Jacob, despite his issues with his brother, empathized with his despair.

In his view, a woman like Zoraida, who betrayed her marital vows, deserved to be divorced and thrown out of the house.

Charlie couldn't help but scoff inwardly, guessing that Zoraida must have gotten pregnant during some shady encounter at a coal mine. "Wow, she really knows how to live it up, even finding romance in a coal mine," he mused, though not ruling out the possibility of coercion.

Meanwhile, Elaine received a voice message from a friend: "Sister Elaine, isn't this video thrilling?"

Elaine laughed, "It's incredibly exciting, it's exhilarating!"

Her friend replied, "Just got another video, even more sensational!"

"Send it over, quick!" urged Elaine.

As soon as she received and opened the video, she was stunned to see Madam Wilson trying to reconcile Noah and Zoraida!

Elaine was baffled. She couldn't fathom why Madam Wilson, who cared so much about appearances, would allow Zoraida, pregnant with another man's child, to remain in the Wilson family.

And what followed was even more shocking!

Madam Wilson's reasoning was this: Although Zoraida cuckolded Noah, he himself had once sold his daughter to an old man for five million dollars!

With everyone's dirty laundry aired, no one had the right to blame anyone else.

This totally upended conventional thinking!

It wasn't just a subversion of Noah and Zoraida's relationship, but also revealed a bigger scandal.

It turns out, not only did the mother have an affair, but the father had specifically sold his own daughter to another decrepit old man...

Netizens, shocked, lashed out online: "This family defies all norms. They are the most twisted family we've ever seen. Everyone is shameless to the extreme. Such people, indeed, prove the old saying: 'Birds of a feather flock together.'"

Unaware of their newfound notoriety in Aurous Hill following a poisoning incident and a major disturbance, the Wilson family continued their lives, oblivious to their infamy.

Chapter 1129

That night, a video of the Wilson family rapidly spread throughout Aurous Hill.

The video quickly made its way to TikTok, but Charlie instructed TikTok to block it. He didn’t want the video to wield too much influence yet, especially not beyond Aurous Hill.

The reason was clear to him. He knew Donald would likely invest in the Wilson family, bolstering the Wilson Corporation. If the Wilson family's notoriety spread nationwide now, it might affect Donald's decision.

Charlie didn’t want the Wilson family to fall from grace too soon. It would be better if Donald invested first, and then the scandal broke. This way, it would be a double blow to both the Wilson family and Donald.

After a night of turmoil and medicated specifically against Hyacinthine Alkaloid, the five family members were drowsy and unaware of their scandal spreading in Aurous Hill.

The next morning, the doctor, after examining the Wilson family, declared them fit to be discharged.

Upon leaving the hospital, Madam Wilson's first act was to call Donald, inquiring when he would fulfill his promise to invest 80 million in Wilson Corporation.

Although Donald was disgusted by this family, he believed that once united, they could be a formidable force against Charlie. He immediately instructed his assistant to invest 80 million in Wilson Corporation.

Thinking further, Donald added, “I promised to support your family. I’m starting a real estate project in Aurous Hill, involving a bid for city land. After the bid, I’ll need a large decoration company. Your family will take on this project.”

Madam Wilson, elated, assured him, “Don’t worry, Mr. Weaver. Our family has always been in construction. We can handle the decoration without any issue.”

Donald coldly warned, “I’m investing in you and giving you projects to unite against Charlie. Don’t mess this up, or I’ll withdraw my investment, suspend our cooperation, and evict you from Thomson Elite. I can raise you up or bring you down. Understood?”

Madam Wilson, thrilled, nodded vigorously, “Rest assured, Mr. Weaver, the Wilson family will unite and act on your behalf. We are your dogs; a word from you, and we shall obey!”

Satisfied, Donald concluded, “Remember your words. Serve well, and you won’t be mistreated.”


After hanging up, Madam Wilson hurriedly shared the news with Noah and others.

Zoraida felt even more triumphant, seeing this as her get-out-of-jail-free card. With Donald’s backing, Noah wouldn’t dare divorce her.

Noah, pained by Zoraida's smugness, was trapped. Swallowing his pride was impossible, but divorcing her would offend the Weaver family.

He didn’t dare cross them!

Madam Wilson, noticing her eldest son’s displeasure, warned, “Noah, you heard Mr. Weaver. If you ruin our family and corporation, don’t blame me for being harsh.”

Resigned, Noah muttered, “I understand, Mom.”

Though he was distressed over Zoraida, the thought of Wu’s investment and the new project still thrilled him.

Chapter 1130

Not just him, the entire Wilson family, from top to bottom, was extremely excited.

Everyone knew that this time, the Wilson family was finally going to rise again!

Harold was all smiles as he said to Grandma Wilson, “Grandma, our Wilson family is going to thrive now. The Weaver family is giving both money and projects, clearly starting to support us!”

As he spoke, Harold was also making plans in his heart.

Once a well-known rich second generation, Harold used to live a life of luxury, surrounded by people flattering him. But recently, his life had been hellish, and everyone in Aurous Hill knew he had become a fallen dog.

Now, it was finally time for Harold to turn things around.

Wendy, also full of longing, said, “When our family gets rich, won’t our future be even more luxurious than before?”

For a long time, Wendy had lived a miserable life, losing both her reputation and her money, living in destitution. But now, she could return to her extravagant lifestyle, which excited her deeply.

Grandma Wilson was even more thrilled.

She knew that with this money, not only could they resolve all of Wilson Corporation’s debt crises, but also get back all the seized houses and antiques from the bank.


The news of Wilson Corporation receiving investment from the Weaver family and reviving caused quite a stir in Aurous Hill.

Normally, given the size of Wilson Corporation, it wouldn’t have attracted much attention. But with the Weaver family backing them, Wilson Corporation suddenly gained significant interest.

Though the Weaver family was facing public criticism and severe losses, being a billion-dollar clan, their support made Wilson Corporation soar. Suddenly, Wilson Corporation became the hot company in Aurous Hill, with many seeking to curry favor with Grandma Wilson. The Wilson family's Thomson Elite villa was bustling with visitors bringing gifts.

In a single day, Grandma Wilson received countless guests and gifts at the villa, overjoyed beyond measure.

She knew this was the advantage of leaning on a big tree.

With the big tree’s shade, not only could she enjoy the coolness, but also the fruits that fell into her lap.

At this moment, the Wilson family was immersed in the joy of receiving numerous gifts. Harold, Wendy, and Zoraida were opening gifts until their hands were sore.

Charlie, guessing the Wilson family was in high spirits, let TikTok broadcast a video of the Wilson family in the hospital, putting it at the forefront.

The title accompanying the video was: “The real reason behind the Weaver family’s investment in Wilson Corporation – touched by the noble integrity of the Wilson family!”
It would now look as if the Weaver's were the one who impregnated Zoraida and trying to make seal her mouth from blackmailing them,they had to invest in them so as to make happy and keep quiet.
That's a big sophisticated strategy of manipulation


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
I think Charlie has been a god of Mischief in his previous life. That guy is more mischievous than the devil. I wonder who can play his card

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 1131: "Public Relations Peril: Donald's Dilemma"

When Donald saw this video, he was so infuriated that his nose was nearly crooked.

He never expected that the Wilson family's brawl in the hospital would be captured on video.

What surprised him even more was that this video was exposed after he announced his investment in the Wilson Group.

It was clear that this was done deliberately to disgust him, as if waiting for him to publicly invest in the Wilson Group, and then slap him in the face!

The most hateful thing was TikTok!

This platform seemed to have a grudge against him!

Last time, the comic dialogue of Gary Lambert and his son was spread by this platform.

There was no use in trying to manage public relations, as this software had already been bought by the Eastcliff elite families.

Last time, the downfall of his annoying brother-in-law, Kobi Reynolds, and his Beggar Gang was also widely known because of this software.

Now, the Wilson family's scandalous drama was also being pushed by this software.

Wasn't this openly opposing him?

Why were they clinging to him when he had never provoked them?

The Weaver family was already pitiable, their reputation utterly ruined, and yet they wouldn’t let go of the Weaver family, or him...

Sure enough, after this video started to circulate, the whole nation was scolding the Weaver family.

Since the Weaver family was already notorious, and now they were investing in the shameless, low-class Wilson family, they were truly shameless.

Dominic went to his brother Donald and said, "Brother, this family you've found is really despicable. They've completely tarnished our Weaver family's name. If you ask me, we should kick them out and announce that we have nothing to do with them."

Donald shook his head gently and said, "It's pointless now. What's done is done. Even if the Weaver family immediately announces divestment, there won’t be any improvement. Everyone is just watching the Wilson family's clownish antics, but our Weaver family, as a prominent family, is the real target of national ridicule."

With a sigh, Donald continued, "You know about the Beggar Gang incident. It had a huge impact on our Weaver family. Compared to that, the Wilson family's scandal is nothing. Let the netizens say what they want."

Dominic said resentfully, "I think these lowlifes are pointless. We might as well let them leave now."

Donald asked him, "Even if we sever ties with the Wilson family, will the Weaver family's reputation be restored? Don't forget, we have many others we need to unite. If we give up on the Wilson family over such a trivial matter, how can others dare to cooperate with us? What we need to do now is to stand firmly with the Wilson family, even if just for show, to let everyone know that the Weaver family does not abandon its allies. Only then will everyone unite with us to confront Charlie."

Finally understanding his brother's intentions, Dominic asked, "Brother, how are the people we sent to Evergreen Mountain doing?"

Donald replied coldly, "They will make their move tonight. They will definitely rescue the Weigard father and son, and also eliminate all of Charlie's people left there!"


Chapter 1132: "Winter's Resolve: Ricky's Determination"

In the heart of the night, at the base of Evergreen Mountain.

Wrapped in a thick deer hide overcoat, Ricky was guiding his elderly father, Yorick, through the rugged terrain of the deep mountains.

Lately, Evergreen Mountain had been experiencing a severe drop in temperature, with nighttime lows plummeting to around minus 30 degrees Celsius.

Under usual circumstances, they would never have considered leaving their home, but they were compelled to embark on this journey due to a specific request: the gathering of ginseng.

Their survival depended on amassing enough ginseng to trade for essential supplies like food, medicine, kerosene, and firewood for heating.

In such frigid conditions, the daily consumption of heating resources was substantial. Relying solely on gathered firewood proved inadequate; a certain amount of kerosene was indispensable.

After an entire day of foraging in the mountains, the father and son had managed to collect just six or seven small ginseng roots, barely enough to barter for their next day's provisions.

Yorick, fatigued and famished, had lips tinged purple from the cold.

Ricky, though in better physical shape, also keenly felt the toll on his body.

With snow starting to accumulate on Evergreen Mountain, traversing the deep mountainous terrain had become an arduous task, significantly depleting their physical stamina. The scarcity of ginseng meant they had to venture deeper into the mountains with each trip.

Presently, they could only return home under the shroud of night, and it seemed that soon, they might have to endure nights amidst the unforgiving mountains.

Yorick scooped up a handful of snow, melting it in his mouth, and with chapped lips, he said, "Son, if this persists, I worry I won't survive the winter. After I'm gone, you must persevere and survive at all costs. Strive to leave behind a descendant for our Weigard family, and if possible, make your way back to Aurous Hill to reclaim Weigard's Pharmaceutical. That would be the ultimate achievement."

Ricky, panting for breath, reassured him, "Dad, don't speak like that. Although life is harsh on Evergreen Mountain, I sense an improvement in your health since we arrived here."

He continued, somewhat wistfully, "Back in the day, you pushed yourself too hard. You exhausted your vitality prematurely and neglected your physical well-being. Your health deteriorated steadily. Yet, now, gathering ginseng in the mountains daily, your body seems much more robust. I believe you can enjoy a longer life if you persist with this routine!"

Yorick settled heavily onto the thick snow, pondering, "You may be onto something. I do feel more vigorous than before. There was a time when even a few steps left me breathless, but now I can gather ginseng all day in the mountains."

He sighed, "I rue not appreciating my health when I was younger, expending my energy too soon. You must learn from my mistakes and avoid following in my footsteps."

Ricky seated himself beside his father, his powerful flashlight casting its glow on the surrounding snow and trees. He spoke somberly, "I'd like to follow in your footsteps, but I don't even have the opportunity. Look at this remote wilderness. Even the bears are hibernating. Where can I find a woman to share my life with?"

Yorick couldn't help but chuckle.

When it came to women, his son's experiences paled in comparison to his own.

In his youth, he had been quite the charmer, having been romantically involved with more women than his son had even met.

Contemplating it, he felt he had not lived in vain.

Ricky, thinking of women, let out a sigh, "Speaking of women, I do miss Wendy from the Wilson family in Aurous Hill. I wonder if I'll ever have the chance to return. If I do, I must find her and make the most of our time together."

Yorick patted his shoulder, offering encouragement, "I have faith that one day, we, father and son, will turn the tide of our fortune!"

Chapter 1133: "An Unconventional Heist: Ginseng and Deer Meat"

Yorick and his son, Ricky, harbored dreams of transforming their fortunes amidst the remote expanse of Evergreen Mountain. Out of nowhere, a bitterly cold gust of wind surged from the base of the mountain, causing both of them to shiver uncontrollably.

Yorick voiced his discomfort, "Good grief, the wind in this desolate place is unforgiving. It's chilled me to the bone. Let's move along swiftly."

"Agreed!" Ricky, also feeling the bone-chilling cold, instinctively withdrew his neck, rose to his feet, cleared the snow from his buttocks, and extended his hand to assist his father.

It must be acknowledged that their shared experiences in Evergreen Mountain had greatly reinforced the bond between father and son, more than ever before.

Previously, Yorick had displayed a preference for his eldest son, but his inherently selfish nature had hindered him from forming genuine emotional connections.

Consequently, his affection for Ricky had been relatively commonplace, slightly more favorable than that for Lorden.

Ricky had always lived a lavish lifestyle, marked by extravagant spending, excessive drinking, and promiscuity, which had distanced him from his father.

This estrangement stemmed largely from his mother's influence during his formative years, constantly portraying his father as neglectful of their family and involved with mistresses elsewhere.

Such narratives had sowed resentment in Ricky's heart towards his father from a young age.

Nonetheless, the necessity of cooperating for survival in Evergreen Mountain compelled them to shed their biases and increasingly depend on each other.

They both understood that in this harsh environment, losing the other would equate to a loss of courage and the ability to endure.

The father and son journeyed towards the distant twinkling lights emanating from the mountain's base, signifying their village still lying three to four miles away.

During their trek, Ricky broached a topic, "Dad, I heard that Lim, the hunter from our village, caught a roe deer yesterday. They say it's incredibly delicious. Should we pay him a visit later and see if we can snatch a couple of pounds?"

"Steal his meat?" Yorick sighed, "That Lim is quite miserly. The last time he bagged a wild boar weighing over 500 pounds, he wouldn't even part with a piece of its entrails without demanding payment."

While expressing his frustration, Yorick added, "Do you even know what this hunter Lim's full name is?"

Ricky shook his head, replying, "How could I possibly know? I only know his last name is Lim."

Yorick spat disdainfully, remarking, "Incredible, an illiterate hunter by the name of Margo Lim. I once inquired if he could write his own name, and can you believe what he told me?"

"What did he say?" Ricky inquired with curiosity.

Yorick chuckled, "He claimed he could only write 'Lim Wen' and not even 'Margo'."

Ricky joined in the laughter, saying, "I should have offered to teach him how to write 'Margo' and charged him two pounds of meat for the lesson."

Yorick commented, "Ask him for meat? He wouldn't even spare you a piece of pigskin."

Ricky proposed, "Considering how cold it is now, with temperatures several degrees below freezing, he must have already slaughtered the deer, and the meat is probably hanging in the yard, frozen. Perhaps we could sneak over the wall later and liberate a portion for tasting and sustenance."

Hearing this, Yorick swiftly suggested, "In that case, conceal the ginseng we unearthed today within your clothing. Don't give it all away. Tomorrow, we can use it to augment the deer meat, creating a nourishing dish!"

"Understood, I'll handle it."

With that said, Ricky took out a ginseng and stuffed it into his underwear.

The frozen ginseng got into his underwear, and he screamed because of the ice.

Yorick, slightly repulsed, remarked, "Why on earth would you put it there? How can we eat it now?"

Ricky explained, "It's necessary, Dad. If I don't conceal it there, we might get searched, and you know the consequences."

"Fair enough," Yorick conceded, "but be sure to rinse it thoroughly, perhaps even blanch it in hot water."

Ricky waved off the suggestion, stating, "Oh, Dad, you don't understand. If we blanch ginseng in hot water, it'll leach away all the valuable nutrients."

Chapter 1134: "Ricky and Yorick's Roe-deo Rescue: Unexpected Meat and Masked Heroes"

Yorick couldn't help but nod in agreement, expressing his longing for a simple pleasure, "If only we could find a couple of pounds of alcohol to steep some ginseng in. Carrying it with us into the mountains and taking a sip to warm ourselves when it's cold would be a true delight!"

Ricky suggested, "You know, Widow Lim seems to be quite skilled in brewing liquor. Perhaps I'll have a friendly chat with that person when the opportunity arises, and who knows, maybe Lim has some of homemade brew stored away."

Father and son continued their conversation as they walked through the chilly wind, finally arriving at the entrance to their village after more than half an hour.

Instead of heading straight back to their run-down home, they chose a discreet path that led them to Lim, the village's accomplished hunter.

Despite the village's location at the base of Evergreen Mountain and the simplicity of their lives, the villagers never lacked for anything.

In earlier times, the entire village used to embark on hunting expeditions in the mountains.

However, with most of the younger villagers venturing out for various opportunities, few were left to pursue hunting.

Lim remained the sole professional hunter in the village.

Whenever someone in the village had a craving for game meat, they would bring money or other goods to exchange for some of Lim's freshly caught game (the flesh of any wild animal or bird and not raised domestically nor in farms).

Ricky had always yearned for a taste of Lim's game, but due to his family's perpetual poverty and their daily struggle to secure even the most basic necessities, he had nothing of value to barter for such a treat.

Driven by their insatiable desire and the knowledge that Lim had recently hunted a roe deer, they were determined to obtain some meat, no matter the cost.

Glancing over the wall surrounding Lim's house, they spotted the coveted roe deer meat hanging in the courtyard.

Ricky whispered to his father, Yorick, "Dad, please crouch down so I can use your shoulders to climb over."

Yorick, equally eager, obediently squatted by the wall, allowing his son to clamber over and sneak into the yard.

Ricky swiftly grabbed hold of a roe deer leg and fastened it securely to his waist before making his way back over the wall.

With excitement, he whispered to his father, "This leg must weigh at least five kilograms. It'll provide us with food for a week, if not more!"

"Fantastic, fantastic!" Yorick exclaimed, clapping his hands in delight.

Having gone without meat for such an extended period, this unexpected windfall was truly a gift to be cherished.

As the father and son prepared to make their way back, their elation was short-lived as over a dozen individuals dressed in black clothing and wearing masks suddenly emerged from the shadows. Some held knives, while others carried handguns.

Taken aback, Ricky appealed, "Gentlemen, we only took some meat. Isn't this response a bit excessive?"

Yorick, trembling with fear, urged, "What are you waiting for? Give them back the meat."

Ricky hastily dropped the roe deer leg, pleading for mercy, "Please, show us mercy."

The group of men encircled them, and one of them inquired, "Are you Yorick and Ricky Weigard?"

Yorick, bewildered, nodded and inquired, "Who are you, gentlemen?"

The man responded coldly, "We are from the Weaver family in Suzhou and Hangzhou. We've been sent here to rescue you. There's a car waiting at the village entrance. Come with us immediately; we'll take you back to Aurous Hill!"

Hearing this, father and son were left stunned and began shedding tears.

Never in their wildest dreams had they imagined that they would see a glimmer of hope in their otherwise bleak lives.

Kneeling on the ground, they bowed deeply and wept, "Thank you, kind sirs, for your immense generosity. We will forever be grateful for this unexpected lifeline!"

Chapter 1135: "Midnight Mayhem: Ambush at Evergreen's Doorstep"

The last time someone came to rescue the Weigard father and son, they were dealt with before they even got close to their residence. As a result, the Weigards were unaware of the attempt.

At this moment, the Weaver family of Suzhou and Hangzhou was actually thinking of rescuing them and bringing them back.

Both father and son were thrilled and immediately agreed to follow the Weaver family by car back to Aurous Hill.

As they were heading to the village entrance, Yorick couldn't help but ask the black-clothed man beside him, "Brother, we don't really have any ties with the Weaver family of Suzhou and Hangzhou. Why would they want to save us?"

The man replied coldly, "Our boss Weaver has a common enemy with you."

"A common enemy?" Yorick exclaimed in surprise, "Who is it?"

Through gritted teeth, the man spat out two words: "Charlie! Wade"

Yorick and Ricky shuddered at once.

So, it was Charlie, that bastard, who had provoked the Weaver family of Suzhou and Hangzhou!

They were the top family in South Laverron!

Provoking them meant Charlie's death was imminent!

But, they were also thankful to Charlie for provoking the Weaver family, as this led them to be rescued from the desolate Evergreen Mountains.

With this thought, the father and son were extremely excited.

When the group reached the village entrance, several SUVs were already parked there, engines running, ready for a swift departure.

Just as everyone was about to board the vehicles, a loud 'bang' was heard from the snow.

Immediately after, one of the black-clothed men beside the Weigard father and son fell to the ground, shot.

Then, a fierce gun battle erupted.

The men sent by the Weaver family quickly drew their pistols to engage in the firefight.

Gunshots and cries of pain filled the air.

The area, at the foot of the Evergreen Mountains and far from the city, was almost pitch black at night. The gunfire created flashes of light, making the scene look even more terrifying.

Had this peaceful village ever witnessed such a large-scale battle?

The villagers, under the sounds of gunfire, dared not leave their homes, and the village dogs barked furiously.

More and more people were falling in this battlefield at the village entrance.

Donald's men shouted, "Retreat, everyone retreat! Get in the cars, we're ambushed!"

As soon as he finished speaking, bullets from the ambush rained down on the SUVs.

The gun battle continued, with casualties on both sides.

But the Weaver family was at a disadvantage, being in the open while their attackers were hidden.

The Weigard father and son, lying in the snow, watched in panic as more and more of Weaver's men fell around them. It seemed this group wouldn't last long.

A few minutes later, almost all of Weaver's men were killed, except for a driver who frantically drove away in one of the vehicles. The rest were left behind at the foot of the Evergreen Mountains.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 1136: "Evergreen Ambush: Donald's Disastrous Debut"

The Weaver family sadly lost fifteen members in the recent events, and along with Orvel and Lorden's people, four more lives were tragically lost.

Luckily, just a few days before, Charlie had advised Orvel and Lorden to strengthen their defenses, and as a result, both sides had sent additional help to Evergreen Mountain. This move turned out to be a lifesaver, as they would have faced insurmountable challenges without the extra support.

Amidst the chaos, Weigard's father and son, overwhelmed with fear, were rescued from the snow.

The hero who had rescued them was none other than Emory, a loyal member of Orvel's team and the person responsible for security on Evergreen Mountain.

With a stern but concerned expression, Emory sternly addressed the terrified pair, "Did you honestly think you could escape?"

Yorick, his voice trembling, replied, "Brother Emory, we never intended to run away. These individuals forced us into this situation without any explanation."

Emory, with a stern gaze, retorted, "Enough with the act. I see through your intentions clearly. Let me make this clear – as long as I'm alive, you and your son won't leave Evergreen Mountain."

Yorick nodded vigorously and respectfully added, "Brother Emory, we have no intention of leaving Evergreen Mountain. Over time, we've grown deeply attached to this place. I've even been thinking about retiring here."

Ricky quickly chimed in, "Absolutely, Brother Emory. What my father says is true. We've both come to love this land deeply."

Despite his anger, Emory couldn't help but feel a bit touched by their words. After a severe scolding, he eventually let them be, warning, "Because of you two, I lost four brothers. But I hope you truly mean what you say, or else I might decide to give you a more challenging task, like gathering herbs up in the mountains with broken legs!"

After the confrontation, the father and son were brought back to a chilly, rundown building.

Meanwhile, Donald was anxiously awaiting positive news from Evergreen Mountain.

He had nearly finished his cigar, constantly calculating the time in his head, hoping for a favorable outcome.

The Eight Great Kings not following his orders? No problem – he could dispatch others.

And if locating the Eight Great Kings proved challenging, he could send sixteen other capable individuals. After all, wouldn't that be enough to secure success?

Suddenly, his phone rang.

Donald hurriedly picked up the call, asking, "How did it go? Did you manage to rescue them?"

A tearful voice on the other end replied, "Boss, we fell into an ambush. Everyone is gone, and I barely managed to escape."

"What?!" Donald's heart skipped a beat, and he inquired, "What went wrong? Sixteen of you should have been more than enough to rescue two individuals."

The caller, still upset, explained, "The other side had equal numbers, and it appeared like they were prepared for our arrival, setting up an ambush. We had just secured the father and son and were heading back when we walked right into their trap..."

He continued, "Boss, Evergreen Mountain is vast and not frequently visited by outsiders. Our presence stood out, making them suspicious even before we reached their village. To handle such a mission, we need someone like the Eight Great Kings, a true expert. Otherwise, no matter how many of us go, it won't be sufficient, as we have no idea about their numbers!"

"Damn it!" Donald exclaimed, frustration evident as he tossed his cigar to the ground, sparks flying.

Sixteen men gone, fifteen lives lost – the financial compensation alone would be astronomical, all wasted.

If he had known what would happen, he would have taken a different approach.

Just then, his brother Dominic rushed in, excitedly announcing, "Brother, Dad has awakened!"

Donald felt a mix of joy and regret. He was relieved that his father had finally regained consciousness but regretful for the unnecessary loss of fifteen lives. Now that his father was awake, he could inform him about the possibility of the Eight Great Kings heading to Evergreen Mountain tomorrow.

With a deep sigh, he stood up and said, "Let's go see Dad."

Chapter 1137: "Elder Weaver's Wake-Up Call: A Frail Patriarch and a Tarnished Legacy"

Elder Weaver was an unparalleled hero in his time.

In South Laverton, his name was known to all.

As a young man, he was smart and built the Weaver family from scratch into the foremost family in South Laverton, demonstrating his extraordinary capabilities.

However, no one can defy age and time. Since Elder Weaver stepped back due to ill health, the Weaver family began its decline.

Unexpectedly, the Weaver family fell into rapid decay recently, tormenting Elder Weaver deeply.

It started with his second grandson, once a proud young man, who suddenly contracted an indescribable bizarre illness.

Then, his eldest son and grandson were humiliated in Aurous Hill, losing all face.

Even a clownish father-son duo from Aurous Hill dared to mock and insult the Weaver family in online videos.

These continuous blows worsened his health, marking the start of a nightmare.

The most unbearable was the recent blow to the Weaver family's reputation.

The Weaver family, a top clan, was rumored to be entangled with the notorious Beggar Gang, even secretly supporting them and having familial ties. This rumor brought the family's reputation to an all-time low. That incident greatly hurt Elder Weaver and caused him to suffer a stroke and remain unconscious for days.

Finally awakening today, his physical and mental state has drastically deteriorated, showing signs of severe illness.

His sons, led by Donald, and grandchildren hurried to the family hospital room.

Seeing Elder Weaver's current state, they were all shocked.

No one expected him to be so frail, looking like a man in his final years, close to death.

Donald, looking at his father, felt a deep shame and gently asked, "Dad, how are you feeling?"

Elder Weaver, full of anger, looked at Donald.

After gasping for air, he slurred angrily, "You... you disgrace! Look at the woman you married, your damned brother-in-law! He has ruined our Weaver family!"

Donald, filled with shame, replied, "Dad, I'm sorry, I didn't expect things to turn out like this..."

"Sorry?! Sorry?!" Elder Weaver stuttered, gritting his teeth, "My lifetime of hard work destroyed by you... What use is your sorry!"

He continued to cough violently due to his extreme emotions.

Donald rushed to soothe his father.

Elder Weaver pushed him away, saying coldly, "I spent decades building my business, facing countless foes, never expecting to be ruined by my own son..."

Tears filled Donald's eyes, his heart full of regret and shame.

He had always been devoted to his wife, Alison Reynolds, never expecting her to bring him such a "gift".

Chapter 1138: "Donald's Wake-Up Call: Elder Weaver's Stern Lesson in Leadership"

If it weren't for Alison's brother already being killed by someone, Donald himself would have wanted to tear her brother into thousands of pieces!

But regret is meaningless. Otherwise, the Weaver family wouldn't have ended up in this situation today.

Elder Weaver, looking at him, coldly asked, "Where is that woman now?"

Donald hurriedly said, "Dad, Alison has locked herself in her room these days, washing her face with tears every day."

"Washing her face with tears?!" Elder Weaver gritted his teeth and said, "Such a woman, and you still haven't driven her out of the house? What's the use of keeping her? Do you have to wait until the entire Weaver family is ruined by her before you wake up?"

Donald's heart skipped a beat and he quickly explained, "Dad, this matter can't be blamed on Alison. It's her brother who is inhumane; she and I are both victims."


Nobody expected the frail Elder Weaver to suddenly give Donald a slap in the face.

Elder Weaver, trembling with anger, said coldly, "A real man should be decisive! If you hesitate when you should act, you will only invite chaos! Why do you think I was able to grow the Weaver family step by step to its peak? Not only because I was more decisive than anyone when moving forward, but also because I was more resolute than anyone when stepping back! But you, not only do you lack the courage to make hard decisions, but you also drag on in misery. You should know, if you entangle yourself, you're not only harming yourself but the entire Weaver family!"

Donald said with difficulty, "Dad, Alison has been with me for so many years, how can I drive her out at this time? If this gets out, how will people view me, how will they view the Weaver family? How can I face anyone in the future?"

Elder Weaver looked at him with contempt and coldly snorted, "You think by not driving her out, your reputation won't be damaged? The whole world knows Kobi is your wife's brother, that he's your brother-in-law, that you were backing him and his beggar gang. Now that he's dead, if you keep that woman, people will only say Donald is blind to the truth!"

Donald was shaken by the scolding.

Before this, he hadn't thought of this perspective.

If we talk about strategizing from behind the scenes, he's far behind Elder Weaver.

Therefore, many things would never have occurred to him if Elder Weaver hadn't pointed them out.

Thinking of this, he was already sweating profusely.

Only then did he realize the terrible impact of keeping his wife at home on the entire family.

So he clenched his teeth and said to Elder Weaver, "Dad, rest assured, I will handle this matter."

Elder Weaver slowly closed his eyes, sighed deeply, and after a long time, opened his eyes and said, "Tell me, what has happened recently?"

Donald quickly recounted all the events of the recent period to Elder Weaver.

Upon hearing this, Elder Weaver's face turned extremely pale.

He looked at Donald and asked coldly, "Just an Evergreen Mountain, just a father and son gathering ginseng there, and you've twice sent over twenty people to their deaths?!"

Donald hurriedly explained, "Dad, actually the second time, I wanted to ask the Eight Great Kings for help, but they told me they only follow your orders. But you weren't awake at that time, so I had no choice but to send people over first."

Elder Weaver gave him another slap, and Donald, covering his face, didn't dare say a word.

After slapping him, Elder Weaver coldly said, "The father and son at the foot of Evergreen Mountain are alive. What's the difference between bringing them back today, next week, or next month?"

"Do you think if we don't bring them back today, they will die next week? If they were that easy to kill, the enemy wouldn't have sent so many people to guard them in that godforsaken place of Evergreen Mountain."

"So what exactly are you in such a hurry for, you disappointing fool?"

Chapter 1139: "Donald's Humbling Epiphany: Learning from Past Mistakes"

Donald covered his reddened face, overwhelmed with shame.

It was only now that he finally understood where he had gone wrong.

His strategy was not flawed; uniting all forces, considering the enemies of his enemies as allies was sound.

Whether it was the Weigard family father and son from Evergreen Mountain, the Wilson family, or others, all were potential allies.

But his mistake lay in his impatience and in disturbing his own camp's morale.

The enemy was there, not disappearing just because he was a step late;

Allies were there too, not dying just because he approached them later;

Why was he in such a hurry? Sending people to Evergreen Mountain twice, both attempts failing, resulting in the pointless loss of over twenty lives.

If he had kept his composure, waiting until now, until his father awoke,

Then letting his father dispatch the "Eight Great Kings", he could have easily triumphed in one strike.

Thinking this, he said to Elder Weaver with immense guilt, “Dad, I was wrong... Your criticism is right! I will definitely correct my ways!”

Elder Weaver snorted coldly, “You’ve missed the best opportunity. You’ve turned a simple matter into a difficult one by your own hands.”

He continued, “The first attempt was the easiest to catch them off guard. If you were more prepared and less arrogant, you could have succeeded in one go.”

“But due to your arrogance, not only did you lose several men, but you also made the enemy more cautious, increasing the difficulty of the task.”

“Now, because of your second arrogant and rash move, the enemy will surely be more prepared. Even the 'Eight Great Kings' might not guarantee victory!”

Donald hurriedly said, “Dad, don’t worry, with the strength of the 'Eight Great Kings', the enemy surely won’t be able to withstand them.”

Elder Weaver coldly said, “Who gave you this confidence? You’re making the same mistake I just mentioned, don’t be so arrogant.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he added, “The strength of the 'Eight Great Kings', though formidable, is not the strongest in the real world of martial artists, not even ranking as average.”

Donald was startled, “Dad, how is that possible? The 'Eight Great Kings' are so powerful, they have never met their match in my memory. How could they be less than average?”

Elder Weaver coldly replied, “You’re not much better than a frog in a well. The truly top martial artists are under a few super clans in Huaxia. Their strength is beyond your belief. In front of a real top master, even if all eight kings come together, they might not withstand eight moves from the opponent.”

Donald hastily said, “Dad, that kid from Aurous Hill, he’s just a nobody who reads feng shui, bluffing some capable locals and followed by a street thug, so he dares to strut around. I believe he can’t find the kind of top master you mentioned, so the 'Eight Great Kings' should be able to handle it.”

Elder Weaver countered, “Is everything investigated thoroughly? Any overlooked detail could put the 'Eight Great Kings' in danger. They are our family’s trump card and must not be risked unless absolutely necessary.”

Donald confidently said, “Don’t worry, if the 'Eight Great Kings' take action, there will be no problems.”

Chapter 1140: "Elder Weaver's Midnight Gambit: The Eight Great Kings Take Flight"

"Alright." Elder Weaver finally nodded and said, "Then I will send the Eight Great Kings to Evergreen Mountain overnight. Have the private plane ready."

Donald, surprised, asked, "Dad, isn't this too urgent?"

Elder Weaver seriously replied, "In action, one must strike unexpectedly. You just dispatched 15 lives tonight; they will surely think we won't strike back so soon. So, we'll send the Eight Great Kings tonight, aiming for them to confront our enemies by tomorrow morning. This way, we can catch them off guard!"

Donald nodded, taking the lesson to heart.

He felt inferior at that moment, realizing his abilities paled in comparison to his father's.

Elder Weaver was truly the strategist, commanding from behind the scenes and securing victory from afar.

Immediately after, Donald made a call to arrange for the private plane to take off from Su Hang in an hour, heading straight to Evergreen Mountain.

Elder Weaver also summoned the leader of the Eight Great Kings to his bedside.

This man, over 60 years old but appearing only around 40 thanks to his lifelong practice of ancient martial arts, had been a companion and aide to Elder Weaver in his younger days. Elder Weaver held him in high regard, treating him with utmost respect.

Their relationship was that of master and servant, friends, and brothers, deeply valuing and respecting each other.

After receiving his orders, the man bowed slightly and said coldly, "Rest assured, Elder Weaver. I'll bring those two back to Su Hang and leave none of our enemies at the foot of Evergreen Mountain!"

"Good!" Elder Weaver, feeling somewhat rejuvenated, smiled faintly, "Then I'll wait in Su Hang to welcome you all back."

After speaking, he sternly instructed Donald, "Donald, go to Jadenvale immediately and buy the oldest, highest-quality Daughter Red wine they have. Buy as much as you can to welcome Raleigh Mackenzie back!"

Raleigh, the leader of the Eight Great Kings, thanked him, "After all these years, Elder Weaver still remembers my favorite. I'm deeply grateful."

Elder Weaver hurriedly responded, "No need for formalities, sir. You are the guardian of the Weaver family, a vital asset. I will always honor my promise to respect and prioritize you and your peers."

Soon, the plane arranged by Donald was ready to take off from Su Hang Airport.

Raleigh, accompanied by the other members of the Eight Great Kings, headed to Su Hang Airport in a Toyota Coaster.

These men, all disciples of Raleigh, had joined Elder Weaver's father years ago and remained loyal due to the excellent life and generous rewards offered. They willingly followed him.

The Eight Great Kings, all dressed in green robes and hand-sewn cloth shoes, looked as if they were off to a warm vacation spot.

However, they were heading to the frigid Evergreen Mountain. Their profound internal skills made them immune to the cold, so the scant clothing posed no issue for their mountain ascent.

On the way, Raleigh rested with his eyes closed. As they neared the airport, he opened his eyes and said to his disciples, "This trip to Evergreen Mountain allows no failure. We must succeed, not only to save the Weigard father and son but also to annihilate all our adversaries. Once on the plane, prepare yourselves for battle. We shall unleash a massacre on Evergreen Mountain!"


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 1131: "Public Relations Peril: Donald's Dilemma"

When Donald saw this video, he was so infuriated that his nose was nearly crooked.

He never expected that the Wilson family's brawl in the hospital would be captured on video.

What surprised him even more was that this video was exposed after he announced his investment in the Wilson Group.

It was clear that this was done deliberately to disgust him, as if waiting for him to publicly invest in the Wilson Group, and then slap him in the face!

The most hateful thing was TikTok!

This platform seemed to have a grudge against him!

Last time, the comic dialogue of Gary Lambert and his son was spread by this platform.

There was no use in trying to manage public relations, as this software had already been bought by the Eastcliff elite families.

Last time, the downfall of his annoying brother-in-law, Kobi Reynolds, and his Beggar Gang was also widely known because of this software.

Now, the Wilson family's scandalous drama was also being pushed by this software.

Wasn't this openly opposing him?

Why were they clinging to him when he had never provoked them?

The Weaver family was already pitiable, their reputation utterly ruined, and yet they wouldn’t let go of the Weaver family, or him...

Sure enough, after this video started to circulate, the whole nation was scolding the Weaver family.

Since the Weaver family was already notorious, and now they were investing in the shameless, low-class Wilson family, they were truly shameless.

Dominic went to his brother Donald and said, "Brother, this family you've found is really despicable. They've completely tarnished our Weaver family's name. If you ask me, we should kick them out and announce that we have nothing to do with them."

Donald shook his head gently and said, "It's pointless now. What's done is done. Even if the Weaver family immediately announces divestment, there won’t be any improvement. Everyone is just watching the Wilson family's clownish antics, but our Weaver family, as a prominent family, is the real target of national ridicule."

With a sigh, Donald continued, "You know about the Beggar Gang incident. It had a huge impact on our Weaver family. Compared to that, the Wilson family's scandal is nothing. Let the netizens say what they want."

Dominic said resentfully, "I think these lowlifes are pointless. We might as well let them leave now."

Donald asked him, "Even if we sever ties with the Wilson family, will the Weaver family's reputation be restored? Don't forget, we have many others we need to unite. If we give up on the Wilson family over such a trivial matter, how can others dare to cooperate with us? What we need to do now is to stand firmly with the Wilson family, even if just for show, to let everyone know that the Weaver family does not abandon its allies. Only then will everyone unite with us to confront Charlie."

Finally understanding his brother's intentions, Dominic asked, "Brother, how are the people we sent to Evergreen Mountain doing?"

Donald replied coldly, "They will make their move tonight. They will definitely rescue the Weigard father and son, and also eliminate all of Charlie's people left there!"


Chapter 1132: "Winter's Resolve: Ricky's Determination"

In the heart of the night, at the base of Evergreen Mountain.

Wrapped in a thick deer hide overcoat, Ricky was guiding his elderly father, Yorick, through the rugged terrain of the deep mountains.

Lately, Evergreen Mountain had been experiencing a severe drop in temperature, with nighttime lows plummeting to around minus 30 degrees Celsius.

Under usual circumstances, they would never have considered leaving their home, but they were compelled to embark on this journey due to a specific request: the gathering of ginseng.

Their survival depended on amassing enough ginseng to trade for essential supplies like food, medicine, kerosene, and firewood for heating.

In such frigid conditions, the daily consumption of heating resources was substantial. Relying solely on gathered firewood proved inadequate; a certain amount of kerosene was indispensable.

After an entire day of foraging in the mountains, the father and son had managed to collect just six or seven small ginseng roots, barely enough to barter for their next day's provisions.

Yorick, fatigued and famished, had lips tinged purple from the cold.

Ricky, though in better physical shape, also keenly felt the toll on his body.

With snow starting to accumulate on Evergreen Mountain, traversing the deep mountainous terrain had become an arduous task, significantly depleting their physical stamina. The scarcity of ginseng meant they had to venture deeper into the mountains with each trip.

Presently, they could only return home under the shroud of night, and it seemed that soon, they might have to endure nights amidst the unforgiving mountains.

Yorick scooped up a handful of snow, melting it in his mouth, and with chapped lips, he said, "Son, if this persists, I worry I won't survive the winter. After I'm gone, you must persevere and survive at all costs. Strive to leave behind a descendant for our Weigard family, and if possible, make your way back to Aurous Hill to reclaim Weigard's Pharmaceutical. That would be the ultimate achievement."

Ricky, panting for breath, reassured him, "Dad, don't speak like that. Although life is harsh on Evergreen Mountain, I sense an improvement in your health since we arrived here."

He continued, somewhat wistfully, "Back in the day, you pushed yourself too hard. You exhausted your vitality prematurely and neglected your physical well-being. Your health deteriorated steadily. Yet, now, gathering ginseng in the mountains daily, your body seems much more robust. I believe you can enjoy a longer life if you persist with this routine!"

Yorick settled heavily onto the thick snow, pondering, "You may be onto something. I do feel more vigorous than before. There was a time when even a few steps left me breathless, but now I can gather ginseng all day in the mountains."

He sighed, "I rue not appreciating my health when I was younger, expending my energy too soon. You must learn from my mistakes and avoid following in my footsteps."

Ricky seated himself beside his father, his powerful flashlight casting its glow on the surrounding snow and trees. He spoke somberly, "I'd like to follow in your footsteps, but I don't even have the opportunity. Look at this remote wilderness. Even the bears are hibernating. Where can I find a woman to share my life with?"

Yorick couldn't help but chuckle.

When it came to women, his son's experiences paled in comparison to his own.

In his youth, he had been quite the charmer, having been romantically involved with more women than his son had even met.

Contemplating it, he felt he had not lived in vain.

Ricky, thinking of women, let out a sigh, "Speaking of women, I do miss Wendy from the Wilson family in Aurous Hill. I wonder if I'll ever have the chance to return. If I do, I must find her and make the most of our time together."

Yorick patted his shoulder, offering encouragement, "I have faith that one day, we, father and son, will turn the tide of our fortune!"

Chapter 1133: "An Unconventional Heist: Ginseng and Deer Meat"

Yorick and his son, Ricky, harbored dreams of transforming their fortunes amidst the remote expanse of Evergreen Mountain. Out of nowhere, a bitterly cold gust of wind surged from the base of the mountain, causing both of them to shiver uncontrollably.

Yorick voiced his discomfort, "Good grief, the wind in this desolate place is unforgiving. It's chilled me to the bone. Let's move along swiftly."

"Agreed!" Ricky, also feeling the bone-chilling cold, instinctively withdrew his neck, rose to his feet, cleared the snow from his buttocks, and extended his hand to assist his father.

It must be acknowledged that their shared experiences in Evergreen Mountain had greatly reinforced the bond between father and son, more than ever before.

Previously, Yorick had displayed a preference for his eldest son, but his inherently selfish nature had hindered him from forming genuine emotional connections.

Consequently, his affection for Ricky had been relatively commonplace, slightly more favorable than that for Lorden.

Ricky had always lived a lavish lifestyle, marked by extravagant spending, excessive drinking, and promiscuity, which had distanced him from his father.

This estrangement stemmed largely from his mother's influence during his formative years, constantly portraying his father as neglectful of their family and involved with mistresses elsewhere.

Such narratives had sowed resentment in Ricky's heart towards his father from a young age.

Nonetheless, the necessity of cooperating for survival in Evergreen Mountain compelled them to shed their biases and increasingly depend on each other.

They both understood that in this harsh environment, losing the other would equate to a loss of courage and the ability to endure.

The father and son journeyed towards the distant twinkling lights emanating from the mountain's base, signifying their village still lying three to four miles away.

During their trek, Ricky broached a topic, "Dad, I heard that Lim, the hunter from our village, caught a roe deer yesterday. They say it's incredibly delicious. Should we pay him a visit later and see if we can snatch a couple of pounds?"

"Steal his meat?" Yorick sighed, "That Lim is quite miserly. The last time he bagged a wild boar weighing over 500 pounds, he wouldn't even part with a piece of its entrails without demanding payment."

While expressing his frustration, Yorick added, "Do you even know what this hunter Lim's full name is?"

Ricky shook his head, replying, "How could I possibly know? I only know his last name is Lim."

Yorick spat disdainfully, remarking, "Incredible, an illiterate hunter by the name of Margo Lim. I once inquired if he could write his own name, and can you believe what he told me?"

"What did he say?" Ricky inquired with curiosity.

Yorick chuckled, "He claimed he could only write 'Lim Wen' and not even 'Margo'."

Ricky joined in the laughter, saying, "I should have offered to teach him how to write 'Margo' and charged him two pounds of meat for the lesson."

Yorick commented, "Ask him for meat? He wouldn't even spare you a piece of pigskin."

Ricky proposed, "Considering how cold it is now, with temperatures several degrees below freezing, he must have already slaughtered the deer, and the meat is probably hanging in the yard, frozen. Perhaps we could sneak over the wall later and liberate a portion for tasting and sustenance."

Hearing this, Yorick swiftly suggested, "In that case, conceal the ginseng we unearthed today within your clothing. Don't give it all away. Tomorrow, we can use it to augment the deer meat, creating a nourishing dish!"

"Understood, I'll handle it."

With that said, Ricky took out a ginseng and stuffed it into his underwear.

The frozen ginseng got into his underwear, and he screamed because of the ice.

Yorick, slightly repulsed, remarked, "Why on earth would you put it there? How can we eat it now?"

Ricky explained, "It's necessary, Dad. If I don't conceal it there, we might get searched, and you know the consequences."

"Fair enough," Yorick conceded, "but be sure to rinse it thoroughly, perhaps even blanch it in hot water."

Ricky waved off the suggestion, stating, "Oh, Dad, you don't understand. If we blanch ginseng in hot water, it'll leach away all the valuable nutrients."

Chapter 1134: "Ricky and Yorick's Roe-deo Rescue: Unexpected Meat and Masked Heroes"

Yorick couldn't help but nod in agreement, expressing his longing for a simple pleasure, "If only we could find a couple of pounds of alcohol to steep some ginseng in. Carrying it with us into the mountains and taking a sip to warm ourselves when it's cold would be a true delight!"

Ricky suggested, "You know, Widow Lim seems to be quite skilled in brewing liquor. Perhaps I'll have a friendly chat with that person when the opportunity arises, and who knows, maybe Lim has some of homemade brew stored away."

Father and son continued their conversation as they walked through the chilly wind, finally arriving at the entrance to their village after more than half an hour.

Instead of heading straight back to their run-down home, they chose a discreet path that led them to Lim, the village's accomplished hunter.

Despite the village's location at the base of Evergreen Mountain and the simplicity of their lives, the villagers never lacked for anything.

In earlier times, the entire village used to embark on hunting expeditions in the mountains.

However, with most of the younger villagers venturing out for various opportunities, few were left to pursue hunting.

Lim remained the sole professional hunter in the village.

Whenever someone in the village had a craving for game meat, they would bring money or other goods to exchange for some of Lim's freshly caught game (the flesh of any wild animal or bird and not raised domestically nor in farms).

Ricky had always yearned for a taste of Lim's game, but due to his family's perpetual poverty and their daily struggle to secure even the most basic necessities, he had nothing of value to barter for such a treat.

Driven by their insatiable desire and the knowledge that Lim had recently hunted a roe deer, they were determined to obtain some meat, no matter the cost.

Glancing over the wall surrounding Lim's house, they spotted the coveted roe deer meat hanging in the courtyard.

Ricky whispered to his father, Yorick, "Dad, please crouch down so I can use your shoulders to climb over."

Yorick, equally eager, obediently squatted by the wall, allowing his son to clamber over and sneak into the yard.

Ricky swiftly grabbed hold of a roe deer leg and fastened it securely to his waist before making his way back over the wall.

With excitement, he whispered to his father, "This leg must weigh at least five kilograms. It'll provide us with food for a week, if not more!"

"Fantastic, fantastic!" Yorick exclaimed, clapping his hands in delight.

Having gone without meat for such an extended period, this unexpected windfall was truly a gift to be cherished.

As the father and son prepared to make their way back, their elation was short-lived as over a dozen individuals dressed in black clothing and wearing masks suddenly emerged from the shadows. Some held knives, while others carried handguns.

Taken aback, Ricky appealed, "Gentlemen, we only took some meat. Isn't this response a bit excessive?"

Yorick, trembling with fear, urged, "What are you waiting for? Give them back the meat."

Ricky hastily dropped the roe deer leg, pleading for mercy, "Please, show us mercy."

The group of men encircled them, and one of them inquired, "Are you Yorick and Ricky Weigard?"

Yorick, bewildered, nodded and inquired, "Who are you, gentlemen?"

The man responded coldly, "We are from the Weaver family in Suzhou and Hangzhou. We've been sent here to rescue you. There's a car waiting at the village entrance. Come with us immediately; we'll take you back to Aurous Hill!"

Hearing this, father and son were left stunned and began shedding tears.

Never in their wildest dreams had they imagined that they would see a glimmer of hope in their otherwise bleak lives.

Kneeling on the ground, they bowed deeply and wept, "Thank you, kind sirs, for your immense generosity. We will forever be grateful for this unexpected lifeline!"

Chapter 1135: "Midnight Mayhem: Ambush at Evergreen's Doorstep"

The last time someone came to rescue the Weigard father and son, they were dealt with before they even got close to their residence. As a result, the Weigards were unaware of the attempt.

At this moment, the Weaver family of Suzhou and Hangzhou was actually thinking of rescuing them and bringing them back.

Both father and son were thrilled and immediately agreed to follow the Weaver family by car back to Aurous Hill.

As they were heading to the village entrance, Yorick couldn't help but ask the black-clothed man beside him, "Brother, we don't really have any ties with the Weaver family of Suzhou and Hangzhou. Why would they want to save us?"

The man replied coldly, "Our boss Weaver has a common enemy with you."

"A common enemy?" Yorick exclaimed in surprise, "Who is it?"

Through gritted teeth, the man spat out two words: "Charlie! Wade"

Yorick and Ricky shuddered at once.

So, it was Charlie, that bastard, who had provoked the Weaver family of Suzhou and Hangzhou!

They were the top family in South Laverron!

Provoking them meant Charlie's death was imminent!

But, they were also thankful to Charlie for provoking the Weaver family, as this led them to be rescued from the desolate Evergreen Mountains.

With this thought, the father and son were extremely excited.

When the group reached the village entrance, several SUVs were already parked there, engines running, ready for a swift departure.

Just as everyone was about to board the vehicles, a loud 'bang' was heard from the snow.

Immediately after, one of the black-clothed men beside the Weigard father and son fell to the ground, shot.

Then, a fierce gun battle erupted.

The men sent by the Weaver family quickly drew their pistols to engage in the firefight.

Gunshots and cries of pain filled the air.

The area, at the foot of the Evergreen Mountains and far from the city, was almost pitch black at night. The gunfire created flashes of light, making the scene look even more terrifying.

Had this peaceful village ever witnessed such a large-scale battle?

The villagers, under the sounds of gunfire, dared not leave their homes, and the village dogs barked furiously.

More and more people were falling in this battlefield at the village entrance.

Donald's men shouted, "Retreat, everyone retreat! Get in the cars, we're ambushed!"

As soon as he finished speaking, bullets from the ambush rained down on the SUVs.

The gun battle continued, with casualties on both sides.

But the Weaver family was at a disadvantage, being in the open while their attackers were hidden.

The Weigard father and son, lying in the snow, watched in panic as more and more of Weaver's men fell around them. It seemed this group wouldn't last long.

A few minutes later, almost all of Weaver's men were killed, except for a driver who frantically drove away in one of the vehicles. The rest were left behind at the foot of the Evergreen Mountains.
Your downfall is imminent @Weaver's family,trying to outsmart Charlie,you must be joking 😃😃😃😃😃


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
Chapter 1136: "Evergreen Ambush: Donald's Disastrous Debut"

The Weaver family sadly lost fifteen members in the recent events, and along with Orvel and Lorden's people, four more lives were tragically lost.

Luckily, just a few days before, Charlie had advised Orvel and Lorden to strengthen their defenses, and as a result, both sides had sent additional help to Evergreen Mountain. This move turned out to be a lifesaver, as they would have faced insurmountable challenges without the extra support.

Amidst the chaos, Weigard's father and son, overwhelmed with fear, were rescued from the snow.

The hero who had rescued them was none other than Emory, a loyal member of Orvel's team and the person responsible for security on Evergreen Mountain.

With a stern but concerned expression, Emory sternly addressed the terrified pair, "Did you honestly think you could escape?"

Yorick, his voice trembling, replied, "Brother Emory, we never intended to run away. These individuals forced us into this situation without any explanation."

Emory, with a stern gaze, retorted, "Enough with the act. I see through your intentions clearly. Let me make this clear – as long as I'm alive, you and your son won't leave Evergreen Mountain."

Yorick nodded vigorously and respectfully added, "Brother Emory, we have no intention of leaving Evergreen Mountain. Over time, we've grown deeply attached to this place. I've even been thinking about retiring here."

Ricky quickly chimed in, "Absolutely, Brother Emory. What my father says is true. We've both come to love this land deeply."

Despite his anger, Emory couldn't help but feel a bit touched by their words. After a severe scolding, he eventually let them be, warning, "Because of you two, I lost four brothers. But I hope you truly mean what you say, or else I might decide to give you a more challenging task, like gathering herbs up in the mountains with broken legs!"

After the confrontation, the father and son were brought back to a chilly, rundown building.

Meanwhile, Donald was anxiously awaiting positive news from Evergreen Mountain.

He had nearly finished his cigar, constantly calculating the time in his head, hoping for a favorable outcome.

The Eight Great Kings not following his orders? No problem – he could dispatch others.

And if locating the Eight Great Kings proved challenging, he could send sixteen other capable individuals. After all, wouldn't that be enough to secure success?

Suddenly, his phone rang.

Donald hurriedly picked up the call, asking, "How did it go? Did you manage to rescue them?"

A tearful voice on the other end replied, "Boss, we fell into an ambush. Everyone is gone, and I barely managed to escape."

"What?!" Donald's heart skipped a beat, and he inquired, "What went wrong? Sixteen of you should have been more than enough to rescue two individuals."

The caller, still upset, explained, "The other side had equal numbers, and it appeared like they were prepared for our arrival, setting up an ambush. We had just secured the father and son and were heading back when we walked right into their trap..."

He continued, "Boss, Evergreen Mountain is vast and not frequently visited by outsiders. Our presence stood out, making them suspicious even before we reached their village. To handle such a mission, we need someone like the Eight Great Kings, a true expert. Otherwise, no matter how many of us go, it won't be sufficient, as we have no idea about their numbers!"

"Damn it!" Donald exclaimed, frustration evident as he tossed his cigar to the ground, sparks flying.

Sixteen men gone, fifteen lives lost – the financial compensation alone would be astronomical, all wasted.

If he had known what would happen, he would have taken a different approach.

Just then, his brother Dominic rushed in, excitedly announcing, "Brother, Dad has awakened!"

Donald felt a mix of joy and regret. He was relieved that his father had finally regained consciousness but regretful for the unnecessary loss of fifteen lives. Now that his father was awake, he could inform him about the possibility of the Eight Great Kings heading to Evergreen Mountain tomorrow.

With a deep sigh, he stood up and said, "Let's go see Dad."

Chapter 1137: "Elder Weaver's Wake-Up Call: A Frail Patriarch and a Tarnished Legacy"

Elder Weaver was an unparalleled hero in his time.

In South Laverton, his name was known to all.

As a young man, he was smart and built the Weaver family from scratch into the foremost family in South Laverton, demonstrating his extraordinary capabilities.

However, no one can defy age and time. Since Elder Weaver stepped back due to ill health, the Weaver family began its decline.

Unexpectedly, the Weaver family fell into rapid decay recently, tormenting Elder Weaver deeply.

It started with his second grandson, once a proud young man, who suddenly contracted an indescribable bizarre illness.

Then, his eldest son and grandson were humiliated in Aurous Hill, losing all face.

Even a clownish father-son duo from Aurous Hill dared to mock and insult the Weaver family in online videos.

These continuous blows worsened his health, marking the start of a nightmare.

The most unbearable was the recent blow to the Weaver family's reputation.

The Weaver family, a top clan, was rumored to be entangled with the notorious Beggar Gang, even secretly supporting them and having familial ties. This rumor brought the family's reputation to an all-time low. That incident greatly hurt Elder Weaver and caused him to suffer a stroke and remain unconscious for days.

Finally awakening today, his physical and mental state has drastically deteriorated, showing signs of severe illness.

His sons, led by Donald, and grandchildren hurried to the family hospital room.

Seeing Elder Weaver's current state, they were all shocked.

No one expected him to be so frail, looking like a man in his final years, close to death.

Donald, looking at his father, felt a deep shame and gently asked, "Dad, how are you feeling?"

Elder Weaver, full of anger, looked at Donald.

After gasping for air, he slurred angrily, "You... you disgrace! Look at the woman you married, your damned brother-in-law! He has ruined our Weaver family!"

Donald, filled with shame, replied, "Dad, I'm sorry, I didn't expect things to turn out like this..."

"Sorry?! Sorry?!" Elder Weaver stuttered, gritting his teeth, "My lifetime of hard work destroyed by you... What use is your sorry!"

He continued to cough violently due to his extreme emotions.

Donald rushed to soothe his father.

Elder Weaver pushed him away, saying coldly, "I spent decades building my business, facing countless foes, never expecting to be ruined by my own son..."

Tears filled Donald's eyes, his heart full of regret and shame.

He had always been devoted to his wife, Alison Reynolds, never expecting her to bring him such a "gift".

Chapter 1138: "Donald's Wake-Up Call: Elder Weaver's Stern Lesson in Leadership"

If it weren't for Alison's brother already being killed by someone, Donald himself would have wanted to tear her brother into thousands of pieces!

But regret is meaningless. Otherwise, the Weaver family wouldn't have ended up in this situation today.

Elder Weaver, looking at him, coldly asked, "Where is that woman now?"

Donald hurriedly said, "Dad, Alison has locked herself in her room these days, washing her face with tears every day."

"Washing her face with tears?!" Elder Weaver gritted his teeth and said, "Such a woman, and you still haven't driven her out of the house? What's the use of keeping her? Do you have to wait until the entire Weaver family is ruined by her before you wake up?"

Donald's heart skipped a beat and he quickly explained, "Dad, this matter can't be blamed on Alison. It's her brother who is inhumane; she and I are both victims."


Nobody expected the frail Elder Weaver to suddenly give Donald a slap in the face.

Elder Weaver, trembling with anger, said coldly, "A real man should be decisive! If you hesitate when you should act, you will only invite chaos! Why do you think I was able to grow the Weaver family step by step to its peak? Not only because I was more decisive than anyone when moving forward, but also because I was more resolute than anyone when stepping back! But you, not only do you lack the courage to make hard decisions, but you also drag on in misery. You should know, if you entangle yourself, you're not only harming yourself but the entire Weaver family!"

Donald said with difficulty, "Dad, Alison has been with me for so many years, how can I drive her out at this time? If this gets out, how will people view me, how will they view the Weaver family? How can I face anyone in the future?"

Elder Weaver looked at him with contempt and coldly snorted, "You think by not driving her out, your reputation won't be damaged? The whole world knows Kobi is your wife's brother, that he's your brother-in-law, that you were backing him and his beggar gang. Now that he's dead, if you keep that woman, people will only say Donald is blind to the truth!"

Donald was shaken by the scolding.

Before this, he hadn't thought of this perspective.

If we talk about strategizing from behind the scenes, he's far behind Elder Weaver.

Therefore, many things would never have occurred to him if Elder Weaver hadn't pointed them out.

Thinking of this, he was already sweating profusely.

Only then did he realize the terrible impact of keeping his wife at home on the entire family.

So he clenched his teeth and said to Elder Weaver, "Dad, rest assured, I will handle this matter."

Elder Weaver slowly closed his eyes, sighed deeply, and after a long time, opened his eyes and said, "Tell me, what has happened recently?"

Donald quickly recounted all the events of the recent period to Elder Weaver.

Upon hearing this, Elder Weaver's face turned extremely pale.

He looked at Donald and asked coldly, "Just an Evergreen Mountain, just a father and son gathering ginseng there, and you've twice sent over twenty people to their deaths?!"

Donald hurriedly explained, "Dad, actually the second time, I wanted to ask the Eight Great Kings for help, but they told me they only follow your orders. But you weren't awake at that time, so I had no choice but to send people over first."

Elder Weaver gave him another slap, and Donald, covering his face, didn't dare say a word.

After slapping him, Elder Weaver coldly said, "The father and son at the foot of Evergreen Mountain are alive. What's the difference between bringing them back today, next week, or next month?"

"Do you think if we don't bring them back today, they will die next week? If they were that easy to kill, the enemy wouldn't have sent so many people to guard them in that godforsaken place of Evergreen Mountain."

"So what exactly are you in such a hurry for, you disappointing fool?"

Chapter 1139: "Donald's Humbling Epiphany: Learning from Past Mistakes"

Donald covered his reddened face, overwhelmed with shame.

It was only now that he finally understood where he had gone wrong.

His strategy was not flawed; uniting all forces, considering the enemies of his enemies as allies was sound.

Whether it was the Weigard family father and son from Evergreen Mountain, the Wilson family, or others, all were potential allies.

But his mistake lay in his impatience and in disturbing his own camp's morale.

The enemy was there, not disappearing just because he was a step late;

Allies were there too, not dying just because he approached them later;

Why was he in such a hurry? Sending people to Evergreen Mountain twice, both attempts failing, resulting in the pointless loss of over twenty lives.

If he had kept his composure, waiting until now, until his father awoke,

Then letting his father dispatch the "Eight Great Kings", he could have easily triumphed in one strike.

Thinking this, he said to Elder Weaver with immense guilt, “Dad, I was wrong... Your criticism is right! I will definitely correct my ways!”

Elder Weaver snorted coldly, “You’ve missed the best opportunity. You’ve turned a simple matter into a difficult one by your own hands.”

He continued, “The first attempt was the easiest to catch them off guard. If you were more prepared and less arrogant, you could have succeeded in one go.”

“But due to your arrogance, not only did you lose several men, but you also made the enemy more cautious, increasing the difficulty of the task.”

“Now, because of your second arrogant and rash move, the enemy will surely be more prepared. Even the 'Eight Great Kings' might not guarantee victory!”

Donald hurriedly said, “Dad, don’t worry, with the strength of the 'Eight Great Kings', the enemy surely won’t be able to withstand them.”

Elder Weaver coldly said, “Who gave you this confidence? You’re making the same mistake I just mentioned, don’t be so arrogant.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he added, “The strength of the 'Eight Great Kings', though formidable, is not the strongest in the real world of martial artists, not even ranking as average.”

Donald was startled, “Dad, how is that possible? The 'Eight Great Kings' are so powerful, they have never met their match in my memory. How could they be less than average?”

Elder Weaver coldly replied, “You’re not much better than a frog in a well. The truly top martial artists are under a few super clans in Huaxia. Their strength is beyond your belief. In front of a real top master, even if all eight kings come together, they might not withstand eight moves from the opponent.”

Donald hastily said, “Dad, that kid from Aurous Hill, he’s just a nobody who reads feng shui, bluffing some capable locals and followed by a street thug, so he dares to strut around. I believe he can’t find the kind of top master you mentioned, so the 'Eight Great Kings' should be able to handle it.”

Elder Weaver countered, “Is everything investigated thoroughly? Any overlooked detail could put the 'Eight Great Kings' in danger. They are our family’s trump card and must not be risked unless absolutely necessary.”

Donald confidently said, “Don’t worry, if the 'Eight Great Kings' take action, there will be no problems.”

Chapter 1140: "Elder Weaver's Midnight Gambit: The Eight Great Kings Take Flight"

"Alright." Elder Weaver finally nodded and said, "Then I will send the Eight Great Kings to Evergreen Mountain overnight. Have the private plane ready."

Donald, surprised, asked, "Dad, isn't this too urgent?"

Elder Weaver seriously replied, "In action, one must strike unexpectedly. You just dispatched 15 lives tonight; they will surely think we won't strike back so soon. So, we'll send the Eight Great Kings tonight, aiming for them to confront our enemies by tomorrow morning. This way, we can catch them off guard!"

Donald nodded, taking the lesson to heart.

He felt inferior at that moment, realizing his abilities paled in comparison to his father's.

Elder Weaver was truly the strategist, commanding from behind the scenes and securing victory from afar.

Immediately after, Donald made a call to arrange for the private plane to take off from Su Hang in an hour, heading straight to Evergreen Mountain.

Elder Weaver also summoned the leader of the Eight Great Kings to his bedside.

This man, over 60 years old but appearing only around 40 thanks to his lifelong practice of ancient martial arts, had been a companion and aide to Elder Weaver in his younger days. Elder Weaver held him in high regard, treating him with utmost respect.

Their relationship was that of master and servant, friends, and brothers, deeply valuing and respecting each other.

After receiving his orders, the man bowed slightly and said coldly, "Rest assured, Elder Weaver. I'll bring those two back to Su Hang and leave none of our enemies at the foot of Evergreen Mountain!"

"Good!" Elder Weaver, feeling somewhat rejuvenated, smiled faintly, "Then I'll wait in Su Hang to welcome you all back."

After speaking, he sternly instructed Donald, "Donald, go to Jadenvale immediately and buy the oldest, highest-quality Daughter Red wine they have. Buy as much as you can to welcome Raleigh Mackenzie back!"

Raleigh, the leader of the Eight Great Kings, thanked him, "After all these years, Elder Weaver still remembers my favorite. I'm deeply grateful."

Elder Weaver hurriedly responded, "No need for formalities, sir. You are the guardian of the Weaver family, a vital asset. I will always honor my promise to respect and prioritize you and your peers."

Soon, the plane arranged by Donald was ready to take off from Su Hang Airport.

Raleigh, accompanied by the other members of the Eight Great Kings, headed to Su Hang Airport in a Toyota Coaster.

These men, all disciples of Raleigh, had joined Elder Weaver's father years ago and remained loyal due to the excellent life and generous rewards offered. They willingly followed him.

The Eight Great Kings, all dressed in green robes and hand-sewn cloth shoes, looked as if they were off to a warm vacation spot.

However, they were heading to the frigid Evergreen Mountain. Their profound internal skills made them immune to the cold, so the scant clothing posed no issue for their mountain ascent.

On the way, Raleigh rested with his eyes closed. As they neared the airport, he opened his eyes and said to his disciples, "This trip to Evergreen Mountain allows no failure. We must succeed, not only to save the Weigard father and son but also to annihilate all our adversaries. Once on the plane, prepare yourselves for battle. We shall unleash a massacre on Evergreen Mountain!"
I wonder if Charlie might join this fight, he is the only martial artist that can contend with the eight great kings. I don't think orvel and his boys can handle it


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 1136: "Evergreen Ambush: Donald's Disastrous Debut"

The Weaver family sadly lost fifteen members in the recent events, and along with Orvel and Lorden's people, four more lives were tragically lost.

Luckily, just a few days before, Charlie had advised Orvel and Lorden to strengthen their defenses, and as a result, both sides had sent additional help to Evergreen Mountain. This move turned out to be a lifesaver, as they would have faced insurmountable challenges without the extra support.

Amidst the chaos, Weigard's father and son, overwhelmed with fear, were rescued from the snow.

The hero who had rescued them was none other than Emory, a loyal member of Orvel's team and the person responsible for security on Evergreen Mountain.

With a stern but concerned expression, Emory sternly addressed the terrified pair, "Did you honestly think you could escape?"

Yorick, his voice trembling, replied, "Brother Emory, we never intended to run away. These individuals forced us into this situation without any explanation."

Emory, with a stern gaze, retorted, "Enough with the act. I see through your intentions clearly. Let me make this clear – as long as I'm alive, you and your son won't leave Evergreen Mountain."

Yorick nodded vigorously and respectfully added, "Brother Emory, we have no intention of leaving Evergreen Mountain. Over time, we've grown deeply attached to this place. I've even been thinking about retiring here."

Ricky quickly chimed in, "Absolutely, Brother Emory. What my father says is true. We've both come to love this land deeply."

Despite his anger, Emory couldn't help but feel a bit touched by their words. After a severe scolding, he eventually let them be, warning, "Because of you two, I lost four brothers. But I hope you truly mean what you say, or else I might decide to give you a more challenging task, like gathering herbs up in the mountains with broken legs!"

After the confrontation, the father and son were brought back to a chilly, rundown building.

Meanwhile, Donald was anxiously awaiting positive news from Evergreen Mountain.

He had nearly finished his cigar, constantly calculating the time in his head, hoping for a favorable outcome.

The Eight Great Kings not following his orders? No problem – he could dispatch others.

And if locating the Eight Great Kings proved challenging, he could send sixteen other capable individuals. After all, wouldn't that be enough to secure success?

Suddenly, his phone rang.

Donald hurriedly picked up the call, asking, "How did it go? Did you manage to rescue them?"

A tearful voice on the other end replied, "Boss, we fell into an ambush. Everyone is gone, and I barely managed to escape."

"What?!" Donald's heart skipped a beat, and he inquired, "What went wrong? Sixteen of you should have been more than enough to rescue two individuals."

The caller, still upset, explained, "The other side had equal numbers, and it appeared like they were prepared for our arrival, setting up an ambush. We had just secured the father and son and were heading back when we walked right into their trap..."

He continued, "Boss, Evergreen Mountain is vast and not frequently visited by outsiders. Our presence stood out, making them suspicious even before we reached their village. To handle such a mission, we need someone like the Eight Great Kings, a true expert. Otherwise, no matter how many of us go, it won't be sufficient, as we have no idea about their numbers!"

"Damn it!" Donald exclaimed, frustration evident as he tossed his cigar to the ground, sparks flying.

Sixteen men gone, fifteen lives lost – the financial compensation alone would be astronomical, all wasted.

If he had known what would happen, he would have taken a different approach.

Just then, his brother Dominic rushed in, excitedly announcing, "Brother, Dad has awakened!"

Donald felt a mix of joy and regret. He was relieved that his father had finally regained consciousness but regretful for the unnecessary loss of fifteen lives. Now that his father was awake, he could inform him about the possibility of the Eight Great Kings heading to Evergreen Mountain tomorrow.

With a deep sigh, he stood up and said, "Let's go see Dad."

Chapter 1137: "Elder Weaver's Wake-Up Call: A Frail Patriarch and a Tarnished Legacy"

Elder Weaver was an unparalleled hero in his time.

In South Laverton, his name was known to all.

As a young man, he was smart and built the Weaver family from scratch into the foremost family in South Laverton, demonstrating his extraordinary capabilities.

However, no one can defy age and time. Since Elder Weaver stepped back due to ill health, the Weaver family began its decline.

Unexpectedly, the Weaver family fell into rapid decay recently, tormenting Elder Weaver deeply.

It started with his second grandson, once a proud young man, who suddenly contracted an indescribable bizarre illness.

Then, his eldest son and grandson were humiliated in Aurous Hill, losing all face.

Even a clownish father-son duo from Aurous Hill dared to mock and insult the Weaver family in online videos.

These continuous blows worsened his health, marking the start of a nightmare.

The most unbearable was the recent blow to the Weaver family's reputation.

The Weaver family, a top clan, was rumored to be entangled with the notorious Beggar Gang, even secretly supporting them and having familial ties. This rumor brought the family's reputation to an all-time low. That incident greatly hurt Elder Weaver and caused him to suffer a stroke and remain unconscious for days.

Finally awakening today, his physical and mental state has drastically deteriorated, showing signs of severe illness.

His sons, led by Donald, and grandchildren hurried to the family hospital room.

Seeing Elder Weaver's current state, they were all shocked.

No one expected him to be so frail, looking like a man in his final years, close to death.

Donald, looking at his father, felt a deep shame and gently asked, "Dad, how are you feeling?"

Elder Weaver, full of anger, looked at Donald.

After gasping for air, he slurred angrily, "You... you disgrace! Look at the woman you married, your damned brother-in-law! He has ruined our Weaver family!"

Donald, filled with shame, replied, "Dad, I'm sorry, I didn't expect things to turn out like this..."

"Sorry?! Sorry?!" Elder Weaver stuttered, gritting his teeth, "My lifetime of hard work destroyed by you... What use is your sorry!"

He continued to cough violently due to his extreme emotions.

Donald rushed to soothe his father.

Elder Weaver pushed him away, saying coldly, "I spent decades building my business, facing countless foes, never expecting to be ruined by my own son..."

Tears filled Donald's eyes, his heart full of regret and shame.

He had always been devoted to his wife, Alison Reynolds, never expecting her to bring him such a "gift".

Chapter 1138: "Donald's Wake-Up Call: Elder Weaver's Stern Lesson in Leadership"

If it weren't for Alison's brother already being killed by someone, Donald himself would have wanted to tear her brother into thousands of pieces!

But regret is meaningless. Otherwise, the Weaver family wouldn't have ended up in this situation today.

Elder Weaver, looking at him, coldly asked, "Where is that woman now?"

Donald hurriedly said, "Dad, Alison has locked herself in her room these days, washing her face with tears every day."

"Washing her face with tears?!" Elder Weaver gritted his teeth and said, "Such a woman, and you still haven't driven her out of the house? What's the use of keeping her? Do you have to wait until the entire Weaver family is ruined by her before you wake up?"

Donald's heart skipped a beat and he quickly explained, "Dad, this matter can't be blamed on Alison. It's her brother who is inhumane; she and I are both victims."


Nobody expected the frail Elder Weaver to suddenly give Donald a slap in the face.

Elder Weaver, trembling with anger, said coldly, "A real man should be decisive! If you hesitate when you should act, you will only invite chaos! Why do you think I was able to grow the Weaver family step by step to its peak? Not only because I was more decisive than anyone when moving forward, but also because I was more resolute than anyone when stepping back! But you, not only do you lack the courage to make hard decisions, but you also drag on in misery. You should know, if you entangle yourself, you're not only harming yourself but the entire Weaver family!"

Donald said with difficulty, "Dad, Alison has been with me for so many years, how can I drive her out at this time? If this gets out, how will people view me, how will they view the Weaver family? How can I face anyone in the future?"

Elder Weaver looked at him with contempt and coldly snorted, "You think by not driving her out, your reputation won't be damaged? The whole world knows Kobi is your wife's brother, that he's your brother-in-law, that you were backing him and his beggar gang. Now that he's dead, if you keep that woman, people will only say Donald is blind to the truth!"

Donald was shaken by the scolding.

Before this, he hadn't thought of this perspective.

If we talk about strategizing from behind the scenes, he's far behind Elder Weaver.

Therefore, many things would never have occurred to him if Elder Weaver hadn't pointed them out.

Thinking of this, he was already sweating profusely.

Only then did he realize the terrible impact of keeping his wife at home on the entire family.

So he clenched his teeth and said to Elder Weaver, "Dad, rest assured, I will handle this matter."

Elder Weaver slowly closed his eyes, sighed deeply, and after a long time, opened his eyes and said, "Tell me, what has happened recently?"

Donald quickly recounted all the events of the recent period to Elder Weaver.

Upon hearing this, Elder Weaver's face turned extremely pale.

He looked at Donald and asked coldly, "Just an Evergreen Mountain, just a father and son gathering ginseng there, and you've twice sent over twenty people to their deaths?!"

Donald hurriedly explained, "Dad, actually the second time, I wanted to ask the Eight Great Kings for help, but they told me they only follow your orders. But you weren't awake at that time, so I had no choice but to send people over first."

Elder Weaver gave him another slap, and Donald, covering his face, didn't dare say a word.

After slapping him, Elder Weaver coldly said, "The father and son at the foot of Evergreen Mountain are alive. What's the difference between bringing them back today, next week, or next month?"

"Do you think if we don't bring them back today, they will die next week? If they were that easy to kill, the enemy wouldn't have sent so many people to guard them in that godforsaken place of Evergreen Mountain."

"So what exactly are you in such a hurry for, you disappointing fool?"

Chapter 1139: "Donald's Humbling Epiphany: Learning from Past Mistakes"

Donald covered his reddened face, overwhelmed with shame.

It was only now that he finally understood where he had gone wrong.

His strategy was not flawed; uniting all forces, considering the enemies of his enemies as allies was sound.

Whether it was the Weigard family father and son from Evergreen Mountain, the Wilson family, or others, all were potential allies.

But his mistake lay in his impatience and in disturbing his own camp's morale.

The enemy was there, not disappearing just because he was a step late;

Allies were there too, not dying just because he approached them later;

Why was he in such a hurry? Sending people to Evergreen Mountain twice, both attempts failing, resulting in the pointless loss of over twenty lives.

If he had kept his composure, waiting until now, until his father awoke,

Then letting his father dispatch the "Eight Great Kings", he could have easily triumphed in one strike.

Thinking this, he said to Elder Weaver with immense guilt, “Dad, I was wrong... Your criticism is right! I will definitely correct my ways!”

Elder Weaver snorted coldly, “You’ve missed the best opportunity. You’ve turned a simple matter into a difficult one by your own hands.”

He continued, “The first attempt was the easiest to catch them off guard. If you were more prepared and less arrogant, you could have succeeded in one go.”

“But due to your arrogance, not only did you lose several men, but you also made the enemy more cautious, increasing the difficulty of the task.”

“Now, because of your second arrogant and rash move, the enemy will surely be more prepared. Even the 'Eight Great Kings' might not guarantee victory!”

Donald hurriedly said, “Dad, don’t worry, with the strength of the 'Eight Great Kings', the enemy surely won’t be able to withstand them.”

Elder Weaver coldly said, “Who gave you this confidence? You’re making the same mistake I just mentioned, don’t be so arrogant.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he added, “The strength of the 'Eight Great Kings', though formidable, is not the strongest in the real world of martial artists, not even ranking as average.”

Donald was startled, “Dad, how is that possible? The 'Eight Great Kings' are so powerful, they have never met their match in my memory. How could they be less than average?”

Elder Weaver coldly replied, “You’re not much better than a frog in a well. The truly top martial artists are under a few super clans in Huaxia. Their strength is beyond your belief. In front of a real top master, even if all eight kings come together, they might not withstand eight moves from the opponent.”

Donald hastily said, “Dad, that kid from Aurous Hill, he’s just a nobody who reads feng shui, bluffing some capable locals and followed by a street thug, so he dares to strut around. I believe he can’t find the kind of top master you mentioned, so the 'Eight Great Kings' should be able to handle it.”

Elder Weaver countered, “Is everything investigated thoroughly? Any overlooked detail could put the 'Eight Great Kings' in danger. They are our family’s trump card and must not be risked unless absolutely necessary.”

Donald confidently said, “Don’t worry, if the 'Eight Great Kings' take action, there will be no problems.”

Chapter 1140: "Elder Weaver's Midnight Gambit: The Eight Great Kings Take Flight"

"Alright." Elder Weaver finally nodded and said, "Then I will send the Eight Great Kings to Evergreen Mountain overnight. Have the private plane ready."

Donald, surprised, asked, "Dad, isn't this too urgent?"

Elder Weaver seriously replied, "In action, one must strike unexpectedly. You just dispatched 15 lives tonight; they will surely think we won't strike back so soon. So, we'll send the Eight Great Kings tonight, aiming for them to confront our enemies by tomorrow morning. This way, we can catch them off guard!"

Donald nodded, taking the lesson to heart.

He felt inferior at that moment, realizing his abilities paled in comparison to his father's.

Elder Weaver was truly the strategist, commanding from behind the scenes and securing victory from afar.

Immediately after, Donald made a call to arrange for the private plane to take off from Su Hang in an hour, heading straight to Evergreen Mountain.

Elder Weaver also summoned the leader of the Eight Great Kings to his bedside.

This man, over 60 years old but appearing only around 40 thanks to his lifelong practice of ancient martial arts, had been a companion and aide to Elder Weaver in his younger days. Elder Weaver held him in high regard, treating him with utmost respect.

Their relationship was that of master and servant, friends, and brothers, deeply valuing and respecting each other.

After receiving his orders, the man bowed slightly and said coldly, "Rest assured, Elder Weaver. I'll bring those two back to Su Hang and leave none of our enemies at the foot of Evergreen Mountain!"

"Good!" Elder Weaver, feeling somewhat rejuvenated, smiled faintly, "Then I'll wait in Su Hang to welcome you all back."

After speaking, he sternly instructed Donald, "Donald, go to Jadenvale immediately and buy the oldest, highest-quality Daughter Red wine they have. Buy as much as you can to welcome Raleigh Mackenzie back!"

Raleigh, the leader of the Eight Great Kings, thanked him, "After all these years, Elder Weaver still remembers my favorite. I'm deeply grateful."

Elder Weaver hurriedly responded, "No need for formalities, sir. You are the guardian of the Weaver family, a vital asset. I will always honor my promise to respect and prioritize you and your peers."

Soon, the plane arranged by Donald was ready to take off from Su Hang Airport.

Raleigh, accompanied by the other members of the Eight Great Kings, headed to Su Hang Airport in a Toyota Coaster.

These men, all disciples of Raleigh, had joined Elder Weaver's father years ago and remained loyal due to the excellent life and generous rewards offered. They willingly followed him.

The Eight Great Kings, all dressed in green robes and hand-sewn cloth shoes, looked as if they were off to a warm vacation spot.

However, they were heading to the frigid Evergreen Mountain. Their profound internal skills made them immune to the cold, so the scant clothing posed no issue for their mountain ascent.

On the way, Raleigh rested with his eyes closed. As they neared the airport, he opened his eyes and said to his disciples, "This trip to Evergreen Mountain allows no failure. We must succeed, not only to save the Weigard father and son but also to annihilate all our adversaries. Once on the plane, prepare yourselves for battle. We shall unleash a massacre on Evergreen Mountain!"
We are awaiting a battle
I hope Charlie is prepared also

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 1141: "Dark Shadows of Evergreen Mountain"

In this particular moment...

Thompson Elite!

The night was veiled in darkness, with Charlie and his wife deep in slumber, each in their own bed.

Suddenly, in the quiet of the night, Charlie's phone buzzed twice, startling him from his peaceful rest.

Wary of waking his wife, he hastily reached for his phone and discovered two new WeChat messages awaiting his attention.

Given the late hour, he couldn't help but wonder who might be reaching out to him at this time. Yet, he couldn't shake the feeling that it was something of significance.

Unlocking his phone, he found that the messages had been sent by Orvel.

"Master Wade, there's been an incident at Evergreen Mountain. Lorden and I are outside your residence, hoping to discuss it with you."

Charlie furrowed his brows.

An issue at Evergreen Mountain likely meant that the Weaver family was once again targeting Yorick and his son.

Quietly, he rose from his bed and descended the stairs to the villa's entrance.

At the doorstep, Orvel and Lorden stood with a respectful demeanor.

Observing their anxious expressions, Charlie inquired, "What's the matter?"

Orvel began to explain, "Around half an hour ago, the Weaver family dispatched a group of 16 individuals to Evergreen Mountain. Their intention was to seize the Weigard father and son. A confrontation ensued, resulting in the deaths of 15 of the Weaver family's members, with Lorden's and my men prevailing."

Charlie nodded and asked, "And the remaining one? What happened to them?"

With a respectful tone, Orvel continued, "One of them managed to escape."

Charlie nodded once more and questioned, "Did we suffer any casualties?"

Lorden replied, "Master Wade, we lost three of our men and one of Weaver Wade's men, totaling four casualties."

Charlie expressed his approval, saying, "Considering the circumstances, it's still a favorable outcome."

Orvel added, "I fear that the Weaver family won't back down easily after two unsuccessful attempts. They might be planning a more comprehensive assault on Evergreen Mountain. Lorden and I are preparing to head there, but we're concerned that next time they might deploy their elite masters."

Charlie's brow furrowed as he asked, "Elite masters?"

"Yes," Orvel confirmed, "Rumors circulating in the martial world suggest that the Weaver family patriarch possesses Eight Great Kings all of whom are incredibly skilled martial artists."

Following this revelation, Orvel voiced his concern, "Master Wade, our forces can handle ordinary adversaries, but facing martial arts masters could be like trying to halt a speeding car with one's arm. Dealing with a dozen or so of their men is manageable, but I'm worried that we might inadvertently cause complications for you, Master Wade. If they manage to rescue the Weigard father and son, I won't be able to absolve myself of responsibility."

Charlie was well aware that prominent families always had formidable protectors.

Even the relatively smaller Wade family boasted numerous highly skilled individuals.

Their capabilities far surpassed the comprehension of ordinary individuals.

For a super-wealthy family with trillions in assets, only top-tier masters could guarantee their security.

In light of this, Charlie inquired, "Orvel, what's your proposed course of action?"

Orvel responded promptly, "Master Wade, please pardon my frankness, but I've always believed there's no need to keep the Weigard father and son alive. Your adversaries are using them as bargaining chips, striving relentlessly to secure their release. Instead of enduring this predicament, why not eliminate the threat by eliminating them, thus averting future complications?"

Chapter 1142: "Weaver's Gambit: Unveiling the Eight Great Kings"

Charlie offered a slight smile and shared, "If we relied solely on violence to resolve every issue, the Weaver family would have vanished ages ago. There are those who merit consequences like the members of the Beggar's Gang, and swift action is warranted. However, there are instances where taking a life serves no purpose."

He chuckled and added, "Consider Ichiro Kobayashi from your dog-breeding facility, for example. I could have ended his life, but I spared him because I find him intriguing in his current state. He possesses more potential while alive, and his presence adds an element of excitement. Eliminating him would have consequences, similar to the dynamics between the Weaver and Weigard families."

In Charlie's perspective, the world operated through a balance of complements and contradictions.

He chose to spare Ichiro Kobayashi's life to maintain equilibrium with his brother, Jiro Kobayashi.

He allowed the Weigard family father and son to live, positioning them as a counterbalance to Lorden.

Should Ichiro Kobayashi meet an untimely end, Charlie would lose a valuable bargaining asset for controlling Jiro Kobayashi or potentially influencing Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals in the future.

Should Lorden ever turn against him, Charlie could leverage the Weigard family father and son to keep him in check.

This was an age-old strategy of rulership.

A wise ruler never placed absolute trust in a treacherous minister nor showed excessive favoritism to a loyal one.

A court without treacherous ministers would risk the loyal ones growing arrogant, eventually turning against the ruler.

Thus, Charlie needed different individuals to balance one another.

The Wade family was known for their excellence. Generations of Wade descendants were schooled in classics, ancient history, and the art of governance from a young age. These principles were practically ingrained in their blood.

Charlie shook his head and remarked, "If I were to eliminate Yorick and his son, it would signify my fear of the Weaver family, a display of weakness. I do not entertain weakness."

He continued, "I suspect that the Weaver family has already dispatched their Eight Great Kings, possibly en route to Evergreen Mountain."

"Hmm?!" Both Orvel and Lorden were taken aback.

Lorden voiced his surprise, "Shouldn't they take some time to regroup after losing fifteen men before making a move?"

"No," Charlie asserted confidently. "If Donald possessed the ability to mobilize warriors, he would have done so. My hunch is that the true authority behind the warrior mobilization lies with the Weaver family's elder patriarch."

"The old generation of entrepreneurs wields considerable strength. Mr. Weaver, who rose from humble beginnings, must possess greater acumen, courage, and insight than most. If he orchestrates things from the shadows, his tactics are likely far more sophisticated than Donald's. He will strike when least expected."

He smiled faintly, "The least expected moment to strike is right after a setback, when everyone anticipates a retreat for recovery, but instead, the unexpected blow is delivered."

Orvel inquired urgently, "Master Wade, what is our next step? Should we dispatch someone tonight?"

Charlie waved his hand dismissively and said calmly, "Sending individuals will be futile if they are deploying warriors. It would be a death sentence."

Orvel gasped, "Master Wade, then what shall we do?"

Charlie responded composedly, "No need to fret. I have my plans. The distance between Suzhou and Hangzhou and Evergreen Mountain affords us ample time for preparation."

Upon hearing this, Lorden felt a surge of relief, a heavy burden lifted from his heart.

With gratitude, he expressed, "It appears Master Wade is already well-prepared. Lorden extends his thanks to Master Wade!"

Lorden harbored the greatest fear of the return of the Weigard family father and son. He was unwilling to relinquish control over Weigard Pharmaceuticals, which he had just acquired so easily.

Chapter 1143: "Clash of Medicine and Mastery"

Charlie noticed Lorden's growing unease and decided to change the topic, asking, "How are things going at Weigard's Pharmaceuticals these days?"

Lorden's expression turned more serious as he gave an update, saying, "Master Wade, our pharmaceutical company has been sailing on relatively smooth waters lately. However, we've faced some challenges when it comes to expanding into new markets."

Curious, Charlie probed further, "What kind of challenges are you encountering?" Weigard's Pharmaceuticals had always held a prominent position in the domestic pharmaceutical industry, so facing significant competition was unusual.

Lorden replied promptly, "Recently, we've invested heavily in developing a new traditional Chinese medicine. This medicine is designed to alleviate stomach discomfort by dispelling negative energy, reducing moisture, cooling the blood, and calming the heart. It's essentially a stomach powder meant to address issues like stomach pain, acid reflux, and nausea."

Charlie contemplated this and commented, "Stomach problems are quite common in modern times. Apart from TummyTonic, which has gained some recognition, there aren't many Chinese-origin stomach medicines. Given the demand, you shouldn't have too much trouble, right?"

Lorden furrowed his brows and explained, "I developed this medicine after observing the constant stress and busy lifestyles of urban dwellers. Many young professionals suffer from stomach issues. The potential market is vast, so I embarked on a journey to find the right formula from ancient prescriptions. Unexpectedly, a foreign company beat us to it and even improved upon our original formula."

Charlie grew concerned and asked, "A foreign company? Aren't they primarily focused on Western medicine? Are they now imitating Chinese traditional medicine formulas?"

Lorden shook his head and clarified, "It's not Western medicine. Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals managed to obtain an ancient Chinese formula and used it as the basis to create their own stomach powder. Their product is actually more effective than our own, and Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals has taken over the market, putting us at a disadvantage."

Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, he added with a touch of dejection, "Moreover, Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals has shown remarkable proficiency in developing our Chinese traditional medicine formulas. Since the time of Masao Kobayashi, they've successfully capitalized on Chinese traditional medicine on a global scale, building a solid foundation over the years."

"Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals?" Charlie raised an eyebrow and asked, "Weren't they considerably weakened before? How are they so competitive now?"

Lorden nodded, sighed, and replied, "Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals remains one of Asia's top pharmaceutical companies. As long as their core remains intact, they continue to pose a formidable challenge. They have the finest hardware laboratory in Asia and a dedicated research and development team, allowing them to optimize a stomach powder based on an ancient formula."

Charlie couldn't help but be impressed by Jiro Kobayashi's capabilities. Despite suffering losses exceeding ten billion due to his own actions, Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals had managed to recover swiftly.

During their conversation, Lorden expressed his regrets, saying, "It's truly unfortunate that we couldn't fully tap into the wisdom left by our ancestors, only to see it copied by foreign entities."

Charlie inquired, "How badly has Weigard's Pharmaceuticals been affected by Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals?"

Lorden answered, "The impact is significant, especially in the realm of stomach medicine. Over time, Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals is also actively venturing into developing new medications. They may gradually encroach on our territory. Weigard's Pharmaceuticals has already seen a substantial drop in revenue. The funds invested in stomach medicine have nearly gone to waste, and we're still committed to developing new medications. If we succeed, that's great, but if we fail, we'll be in an even deeper crisis."

With a hint of disappointment, Lorden added, "The World University Sanshou Boxing Competition is about to begin in Aurous Hill, and Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals is the primary sponsor, gaining significant publicity."

Charlie, intrigued, asked, "Will Jiro Kobayashi be attending?"

Lorden replied, "I'm not sure, but I've heard that a high-ranking executive from Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals will be the guest of honor at the finals. The specific individual hasn't been confirmed yet, but it could very well be Jiro Kobayashi."

Charlie nodded thoughtfully.

Chapter 1144: "Recipe for Success: A Pharmaceutical Partnership"

Actually, the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" records countless ancient and miraculous medical prescriptions. Just for stomach medicine alone, there are dozens of types. Any one of them could easily help Lorden completely outdo Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals.

However, pharmaceuticals are a highly profitable industry, so naturally, I couldn't just help Lorden for free.

Thus, I said to Lorden, "Lorden, I do have some excellent recipes in my possession. If produced, they are sure to be best-selling miracle drugs. If I contribute these recipes as my investment, how many shares are you willing to give me?"

Lorden almost immediately replied, "Master Wade, Lorden owes all his success to you. The entire Weigard Pharmaceuticals is yours. Just say the word, and I will hand it over to you without hesitation!"

Lorden was very clear in his mind.

Without Charlie, he could never have taken over Weigard Pharmaceuticals.

Without Charlie, if the Weigard family returned, he couldn't have held onto Weigard Pharmaceuticals.

Therefore, he was willing to completely rely on Charlie, even if it meant handing over Weigard Pharmaceuticals to prevent the Weigard family from turning the tables.

Charlie nodded and said, "In that case, if the recipes I give you are more effective than Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's stomach powder, you'll give me 80% of the shares in Weigard Pharmaceuticals. I'll continue to provide you with excellent recipes, ensuring that Weigard Pharmaceuticals grows into a company worth hundreds of billions. By then, your personal assets will exceed twenty billion."

Currently, Weigard Pharmaceuticals is valued at around twenty to thirty billion, but they have some debts, and their business has been declining recently.

If Charlie can truly grow Weigard Pharmaceuticals into a hundred-billion-level conglomerate, even 10% of the shares would significantly increase Lorden's assets.

So, for him, there was no reason to refuse.

Moreover, he had long heard about the miraculous medicines refined by Master Wade. If Charlie was offering his recipes, they were bound to sell well!

Therefore, Lorden agreed without hesitation, excitedly saying, "Thank you, Master Wade! I have no objections!"

Charlie wasn't trying to take advantage of Lorden; top-tier medical recipes are indeed invaluable.

For example, the male enhancement drug "PotenX." Its parent company made profits in the hundreds of billions of dollars just from this one drug.

So, giving it away for free would be foolish.

A win-win cooperation is the best solution.

Thus, Charlie said to Lorden, "In that case, you can go back for now. Tomorrow, I'll have my lawyer draft a contract with you and give you the prescription."

Orvel, who was standing by, quickly asked, "Master Wade, what about the matter with the Weaver family?"

Charlie smiled faintly and said, "I have my own plans. You don't need to worry."

Chapter 1145 : Title: "Race Against Time: Evergreen Mountain Showdown"

At this moment, Charlie was faced with two possible solutions.

The first was to immediately seek out Stephen Thompson, asking him to dispatch experts from the Wade family in Eastcliff to intercept at Evergreen Mountain. The Wade family had numerous masters, and dealing with the mere Eight Great Kings should be effortless.

The second option was for him to personally set off for Evergreen Mountain and ambush the Eight Great Kings at the foot of the mountain.

After a few seconds of thought, Charlie decided to handle the matter himself. He would go to Evergreen Mountain and take care of the Eight Great Kings.

Charlie had been studying the Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures for some time now, continuously comprehending it, which had greatly enhanced his strength.

Moreover, his body had been tempered by spiritual energy, making him extraordinary compared to ordinary people.

Not to mention the many rejuvenation pills he had concocted himself. Relying on these pills, he had elevated his body to an even higher realm.

With Charlie's current strength, not only the Eight Great Kings, but even if their number doubled, they would be no match for him.

However, he needed to hurry to Evergreen Mountain.

It was very likely that the Eight Great Kings of the Weaver family had already set off.

Suzhou was several hundred kilometers south of Aurous Hill, providing Charlie with a small window of time.

If he was efficient, he might be able to reach Evergreen Mountain before the Eight Great Kings.

So, he immediately called Isaac and blurted out, "Can you arrange a plane for me? I need to head to Evergreen Mountain right away."

Isaac promptly replied, "No problem, Young Master. Our private jet is ready at Aurous Hill Airport, and it's the fastest civilian business jet in the world, customized by the Wade family and much faster than ordinary planes."

Isaac added, "The Wade family always believes that timing is everything, so our plane is faster than any other family's private jets!"

"Excellent!" Charlie said, satisfied. "Have the plane wait for me at the airport, ready for takeoff. Also, send your Shangri-La helicopter to pick me up from Thompson Elite now. I need to get to the airport immediately."

"No problem!"

Isaac, while arranging things, asked anxiously, "Young Master, do you need assistance for your trip to Evergreen Mountain? If so, I can call the family right away."

Charlie replied calmly, "No need for assistance. Just do me another favor – arrange a helicopter to wait for me at Evergreen Mountain's airport. After I land, I need to quickly get to a village at the foot of Evergreen Mountain."

"No problem!" Isaac immediately responded. "I'll arrange it right away. If there's no helicopter at Evergreen Mountain, I'll have one transferred from elsewhere, ensuring it's ready before you arrive."


After Charlie hung up the phone, Orvel immediately said, "Master Wade, I wish to accompany you."

Lorden, standing beside him, also clasped his hands and said, "Master Wade, I too wish to accompany you."

After a moment's thought, Charlie said to them, "If you both wish to go, then come along with me."

Both were utterly devoted and loyal to Charlie, not wanting him to go to Evergreen Mountain alone.

Charlie understood well that to ensure their unwavering loyalty, he needed to let them witness his true strength.

Especially Lorden, Charlie had to be sure of his absolute loyalty before he could confidently share the extraordinary medical formulas from the Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures with him.

So, this trip to Evergreen Mountain was an opportunity for them to see the true strength of their master.


Soon, Isaac's helicopter arrived at Thompson Elite.

Charlie and the two others boarded the helicopter and immediately headed for Aurous Hill Airport.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 1146: "The Revelation and Loyalty"

At this moment, at Aurous Hill Airport, the Wade family's private plane deployed in Aurous Hill was ready for takeoff at the end of the runway.

As soon as Charlie boarded the plane, it would immediately take off.

Moreover, this plane could take Charlie to Evergreen Mountain in just two hours.

In comparison, the Weaver family's private plane would take at least three hours.

Moreover, the Weaver family did not have the ability to mobilize resources nationally and even globally like the Wade family.

It was believed that when the Eight Great Kings arrived at Evergreen Mountain, there would be no helicopter waiting for them there. At most, the Weaver family could prepare an off-road vehicle to take them to the foot of the mountain.

According to Orvel, from Evergreen Mountain Airport to the small village where the Weigard family father and son lived, it would take at least two hours by off-road vehicle when it was not snowing.

If it snowed and the road conditions were bad, it would take more than three hours.

But with a helicopter, it would be much faster, just a forty-minute straight flight.

Therefore, Charlie had plenty of time and could definitely arrive before the Eight Great Kings.

The helicopter landed right at the end of the airport runway, next to the Wade family's business jet.

As soon as Charlie got off the helicopter, the cabin door of the business jet opened.

To his surprise, the one who opened the door was Isaac!

Charlie looked at him in amazement and asked, "How come you're here?"

Isaac hurriedly said, "Young Master, I really couldn't rest easy with you going alone. I feared you wouldn't want me to follow, so I had to resort to this. Please don't blame me."

Charlie nodded lightly, "Since you're already here, I can't ask you to leave. Let's go, have the plane take off as soon as possible."

Orvel had always known that Charlie was Isaac's young master, so he wasn't surprised. However, he knew little about the Wade family, so every time he saw Charlie, he respectfully called him Master Wade instead of Young Master Wade.

Of course, this was also related to Charlie's desire to keep his identity secret. If he was called Young Master Wade, some people might connect him with the Wade family of Eastcliff.

However, Lorden, standing nearby, was stunned by this address.

Isaac was a clever man. Seeing that the young master had brought Lorden, he knew that Lorden had become the young master's confidant.

Moreover, since the young master planned to take him to Evergreen Mountain, he must be ready to display his skills in front of him, so there was no need to deliberately hide his identity.

At this moment, Lorden was greatly shocked. He knew who Isaac was, so with that address, he immediately guessed Charlie's identity.

He was astounded.

He had never dreamed that his benefactor, Master Wade, was not only a master with incredible abilities but also the eldest young master of the top family in Eastcliff, the Wade family!

His extraordinary abilities were already admirable, but his family background was even more prestigious!

No wonder people said Master Wade was a real dragon among men!

With such abilities and background, he certainly deserved the title of a real dragon among men!

Thinking this, he immediately knelt on one knee and said respectfully to Charlie, "Master Wade, you are the highly esteemed young master of the Wade family, yet you are willing to stand up for me, avenge my deceased mother, and fight for my family's property. I, Lorden, will never forget your great kindness!"

Charlie said indifferently, "Lorden, if you are grateful and wish to follow me devotedly, I will certainly grant you a lavish life!"

After that, he turned to Orvel and smiled, "Orvel, the same goes for you."

Orvel also immediately knelt down and said respectfully, "Young Master, from the moment you saved me from the Weaver family's bodyguards, my life has been yours!"

Chapter 1147: "The Elite Family's Resources"

Wade's private jet soared through the darkness, speeding towards Evergreen Mountain at an incredible pace!

This plane was indeed much faster than ordinary aircraft, a fact that even Charlie couldn't help but marvel at. It's no wonder the Wade family stands at the pinnacle of China's elite families. Just from the detail of their aircraft, one can glean their extraordinary capabilities.

In major cities across the country, such planes are arranged to ensure that the family can be one step ahead of others in case of emergencies. Being first on the scene often means the possibility of victory.

Isaac informed Charlie, "Young Master, actually the Wade family owns an even faster aircraft. However, this plane is one of a kind and is kept at the Eastcliff Airport by the patriarch."

"Oh?" Charlie asked curiously, "There's a plane faster than this?"

"Yes!" Isaac nodded, "Have you ever heard of the Concorde? Developed by the French many years ago, this supersonic passenger jet can reach twice the speed of sound, cruising at speeds up to 2150 kilometers per hour."

Charlie expressed his surprise, "I've heard of the Concorde, but wasn't it retired a long time ago?"

Isaac explained, "Its retirement was just from public view. That's because its operating costs were too high due to its fast speeds and the loud noise created by breaking the sound barrier, making it unaffordable for the general public. However, after its retirement, the four best-maintained units were purchased by the world's top families. These planes have since been receiving the best care and maintenance."

Charlie couldn't help but be astonished.

He hadn't expected his grandfather to make such a grand purchase, owning a Concorde. This spoke volumes about the extraordinary vision and boldness of the older generation of entrepreneurs.

Despite the exorbitant cost of a Concorde, its presence meant that the patriarch could be two to three times faster than others in crucial moments.

While ordinary private jets could fly at most 800 to 900 kilometers per hour, the Concorde could reach 2.5 times that speed!

If there was a 1 billion dollar deal waiting to be signed in the United States, and the quickest to arrive would win the contract, then the Wade family would undoubtedly be the top choice.

While others' planes would take eleven to twelve hours, the Concorde would only need about five hours. This meant that by the time others arrived, the contract would already be signed by the Wade family.


Two hours later, the plane carrying Charlie landed at Evergreen Mountain Airport.

On one side of the runway, a helicopter was already waiting.

After disembarking, Charlie asked Isaac, "Please check with the airport if the Weaver family's private plane has landed here."

Isaac quickly made a call on his phone. Moments later, he spoke admiringly to Charlie, "Young Master, you are truly prescient. The control tower just received an application from a private plane, due to land here in an hour."

Charlie nodded in satisfaction, "An hour's lead is more than enough. Let's go and enjoy the scenery at the foot of Evergreen Mountain!"

With that, he stepped into the waiting helicopter.

Isaac, Orvel, and Lorden also boarded the aircraft.

The helicopter immediately ascended, swiftly heading towards the base of Evergreen Mountain.

It was past four in the morning, and in the winter darkness, there was no sign of dawn yet.

However, a delicate moon in the sky outlined the contours of the land clearly.

The helicopter flew out of the airport, over the city, and straight towards the majestic Evergreen Mountain.

Under the moonlight, the silhouette of Evergreen Mountain was especially clear. As the entire mountain range was snow-covered, it appeared incredibly beautiful in the moonlight's glow.

Forty minutes later, the helicopter landed about a kilometer outside a village.

Chapter 1148: "High Stakes Hide and Seek in the Frozen North"

Orvel had visited Evergreen Mountain once before, so he was somewhat familiar with the terrain. Pointing to a snow-covered mountain road next to the plane, he said to Charlie, "Young Master, this is the only road leading into the mountain. If the Eight Great Kings of the Weaver family don't use a helicopter, then this is the only way they can come."

Charlie nodded and said, "In that case, let’s wait here to ambush them."

Orvel anxiously asked, "Young Master, should we call everyone else here to help?"

Charlie calmly replied with two words: "No need."

Isaac, somewhat concerned for the young master's safety, couldn't help but say, "I have some understanding of the Eight Great Kings of the Weaver family. They are indeed formidable. You alone may not be able to handle them. For safety's sake, let's call some more people to help!"

Charlie waved his hand and said coldly, "Today's matter is only for the four of us to know and witness. If anyone else learns of it, they must be silenced!"

The other three turned solemn at his words.

They could sense the strong pressure and overwhelming aura in Charlie's words.

It seemed that Charlie intended to leave all of the Eight Great Kings here today!


At this moment, the Eight Great Kings had just landed at the Evergreen Mountain Airport.

After the plane landed, the eight of them walked out and went through the regular passenger exit.

Unlike Charlie, who didn't use the passenger exit and instead left directly from the runway in a helicopter.

The reason they didn't receive such treatment was mainly that the Weaver family had no influence here.

The Weaver family, a prominent clan from the South Laverton region, might be the top family there, but they were far from being among the real top-tier families.

Their influence was mainly in the South Laverton region, waning north of the Yangtze River, and even weaker further north, especially in a place as far north as Evergreen Mountain.

However, for a top-tier family like the Wade family from Eastcliff, their national strategy was like the global strategy of the United States: complete domination.

The United States aimed for global domination, while the Wade family sought national domination.

For the Wade family, anywhere in the country was their home ground.

If they wished, they could eliminate the Weaver family right at their stronghold in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Such was the power of a top-tier family!

Now, led by Raleigh, the Eight Great Kings left the airport and saw two SUVs parked at the entrance.

These SUVs were arranged by the Weaver family at short notice.

Having no local influence, the sixteen men the Weaver family sent yesterday had to rent five SUVs for their mission to rescue the Weigard family father and son.

This time, the Weaver family had rented two more expensive SUVs online for the Eight Great Kings to drive themselves.

After getting the cars, the Eight Great Kings split into the two SUVs and headed towards the mountains.

On the way, Raleigh, the leader of the Eight Great Kings, sitting in the passenger seat, picked up the walkie-talkie and said coldly, "Brothers, we have more than two hours' drive ahead. Rest up and conserve your energy. Once we arrive, we'll unleash hell! Anyone who dares to stand in our way will be shown no mercy!"

Chapter 1149: "Chasing Shadows in the Frozen Abyss"

On a mountain road stretching tens of kilometers, two off-road vehicles traveled closely, one after the other.

These were the only two vehicles on this lengthy stretch of the mountain road.

Driving in the snow was challenging. The reach of the headlights revealed nothing but a blanket of white.

Raleigh, dazzled by the endless white snow outside, said with irritation, "That Wade guy is truly a beast. If that father and son duo offended him, he should have just killed them. Why send them to this godforsaken place? Now we have to come all the way here, such bad luck."

The driver replied helplessly, "Before I came here, I heard that this Wade fellow is a devil. He not only sends people here to dig for ginseng but also likes sending them to coal mines. I heard he once forced a CEO to carry cement on a construction site."

"So what?" Raleigh said indifferently, "Have you forgotten how the people from the Beggar Gang died? More than a dozen were welded inside a car and sunk in the river. Their bodies haven't been recovered to this day. Do you know what fate awaits them?"

The driver laughed, "They're already dead, what fate could they possibly have?"

Raleigh explained, "The river is full of fish and crabs. A car turned into an iron cage, sunk at the bottom with a dozen bodies inside, will eventually be eaten by these creatures. The bigger fish eat the flesh, the smaller ones the skin. Have you ever been to a fish spa? Those fish clean off dead skin so thoroughly. In no time, there will be nothing left on their bones."

"Damn!" exclaimed a man in the back seat, "No wonder the Weaver family is so keen on killing him. This guy is too sinister!"

Raleigh spoke calmly, "We must not take him lightly. We need to come out of today's battle unscathed."

The driver then asked, "Brother, do you think there are any masters on Mount Evergreen?"

"I don't think so," Raleigh replied. "People from the Donald faction were here a few hours ago. According to the only survivor, there was no close combat, just gunfire. So I guess they're just armed bodyguards."

"That's good," the driver said with a smile. "Brother, since our childhood, we've trained in Iron Shirt and Golden Bell Shield. We may not be top experts, but ordinary bullets can't harm us. Tonight's battle seems like an easy victory, a mere dogfight, and we'll triumphantly return to Suzhou and Hangzhou."

Another man said, "If only Charlie was here too. We could kill him and claim our reward from Elder Weaver!"

Raleigh smiled, "Charlie is probably not here. The Weaver family had investigated before we set off; he was still in Aurous Hill."

Sighing, Raleigh added, "It would be great if he were here. Bringing his head back to Elder Weaver would surely earn us a few billion."

The driver then mentioned, "Brother, since this Charlie is so eerie, could that strange illness of the second young master of the Weaver family be related to him?"

Raleigh shook his head, "It's hard to say, but it's not impossible."

He continued, "That illness of the second young master is truly unheard of. It's been a long time with no cure or relief, utterly bizarre."


At this moment, Charlie stood with his hands behind his back in the snowy landscape on the mountainside.

Behind him, Isaac, Orvel, and Lorden were shivering in the cold, their faces pale and lips purple.

Isaac, rubbing his hands, cursed, "These damn Eight Great Kings are too slow! It'll be dawn in another hour!"

Orvel, looking at Charlie with concern, asked, "Young Master, aren't you cold dressed so lightly?"

Charlie shook his head slightly. He was now impervious to the severe cold.

Standing here for an hour or two, even a day or a month, wouldn't cause him any frostbite.

Chapter 1150: "Confrontation on the Frigid Highway"

Lorden's nose was freezing as well. When the four of them first arrived here, Charlie had the helicopter leave early to avoid exposing their location. Otherwise, they could have stayed inside the helicopter a bit longer, at least to shield themselves from the biting cold winds of Evergreen Mountain.

After waiting for roughly ten more minutes, Charlie suddenly noticed four beams of light from two vehicles winding up the mountain road.

Isaac also saw the lights and nervously said, "Young Master, it must be them coming!"

Charlie nodded and smiled, "We've waited so long for them, I almost fell asleep."

Orvel quickly pulled out his pistol from his waist and said through gritted teeth, "Damn it, today I want to see just how impressive these Eight Great Heavenly Kings are!"

Charlie calmly replied, "Orvel, put away your gun. It's useless against them."

Orvel was stunned for a moment, but then he understood.

He had witnessed some of the abilities of the metaphysical world before, including Charlie, who could command the heavens' thunder. If a warrior had profound cultivation, they could easily block bullets, which wasn't surprising.

Isaac then asked, "Young Master, what should we do now? If there’s anything we can help with, just tell us."

Charlie smiled slightly and said, "You don’t need to help with anything, just follow behind me."

Orvel hurriedly said, "Young Master, why don't you just summon a few bolts of heavenly thunder later and turn these Eight Great Heavenly Kings to ash, just like Devon Lee."

Charlie laughed, "I'm already tired of using thunder to strike people. Since warriors are coming today, let's just have a pure martial contest."

Isaac had never seen Charlie use thunder to strike Devon Lee, but he had heard about it.

However, he had always thought it was a coincidence, as he had never seen anyone command heavenly thunder before.

Although the Wade family knew many people in the metaphysical world, they had never heard of anyone with such a heaven-reaching ability.

At this moment, as the two vehicles continued to wind up the mountain road, getting closer and closer, Charlie proactively stepped into the middle of the road and walked towards the direction of the descent.

The other three exchanged glances and quickly followed.

Raleigh, sitting in the car, was already dozing off, but his junior brother, the driver, glanced at the navigation and said, "Senior Brother, we are almost there."

Raleigh quickly asked, "How much further?"

The other replied, "The navigation shows less than 5 kilometers."

Raleigh stretched and cursed, "Finally, we are almost there. Everyone, stay alert. Even if the enemy is weak, we can't take them lightly."

One of his junior brothers immediately took out a walkie-talkie and said, "Everyone, be alert, we are almost there!"

The people in the car behind replied through the walkie-talkie, "Received, we are warming up already."

As the vehicle continued to drive and was turning a corner, the driver suddenly saw a figure standing right in the middle of the road in the headlights' beam!

The driver next to Raleigh exclaimed, "Damn, is that a person or a ghost?!"

Bladeheart Ronin

Shogun - Samurai
Sep 18, 2023
Jacob is too coward 🤔🤔🤔
True. Why being pushed around by your loser wife. Just sign the divorce papers and get it done and over with.
Merit owns a law firm how hard can divorcing his wife be? He can always get advice from Merit if he's unsure of what to do.
I feel like giving up on the story altogether out of frustration for Elaine and Jacob.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 1151: "King of Hell's Challenge: Iron Fist Lee vs. Charlie the True Dragon"

The driver couldn't help but be scared.

After all, they hadn't seen a soul on these dozens of kilometers of mountain roads.

Suddenly seeing someone standing in the middle of the road in the dead of night was indeed terrifying.

Raleigh was also startled, his eyes wide and speechless, staring dumbfounded at the young man getting closer in the middle of the road, blurting out, "This... this is really a person!"

The person outside the car, standing in the middle of the road, looked very young, smiling. He was dressed in thin clothes, hands clasped behind his back, appearing relaxed and indifferent, a stark contrast to the freezing cold and snowy Evergreen Mountain around him.

This person was Charlie!

Meanwhile, Isaac and others were hiding in the shadows just 10 meters behind Charlie.

Charlie had instructed them to just watch the show and not reveal themselves.

The driver nervously said to Charlie, "Brother, seeing someone standing here so late at night is really eerie. It might be a trap set especially for us. Should we just drive straight into him?"

After a moment's thought, Raleigh decisively said, "This person dares to wait here alone for the eight of us. He must be no ordinary individual and might have a trap waiting for us. Let's stop the car and go check it out!"

At this moment, Charlie, holding the Thunder Command in his hand, was calm inside.

He dared to stand in the middle of the road, unafraid of the Eight Great Kings driving into him.

The Thunder Command could summon lightning at any time. If the Eight Great Kings refused to get out of their car and face him directly, he would simply summon two bolts of lightning to strike their car off the cliff, ending the battle.

Luckily, Raleigh was not complacent. The two cars slowly stopped about 10 meters away from Charlie.

Then, the Eight Great Kings got out of the car together.

Raleigh, taking the lead, sized up Charlie under the headlights and coldly said, "Boy, who are you to block the way of the Eight Great Kings?"

Charlie smiled slightly, "My surname is Wade, named Charlie. I am the most famous son-in-law from Aurous Hill City."

Raleigh was shocked!

They had just mentioned Charlie in the car, hoping he would be here so they could finish him off in one go.

But they never dreamed he would actually appear here!

And this seemed a bit unreasonable.

When they set off, he was still in Aurous Hill. Why was he here even earlier than them?

It didn't seem logical.

However, he quickly put this thought aside and coldly asked Charlie, "Mr. Wade, did you know in advance we would be here?"

"Yes," Charlie replied casually with a smile, "I thought the Eight Great Kings were something impressive, but it turns out they are just eight old men. Together, you must be over 400 years old, right?"

Indeed, the brothers of Raleigh were no longer young, the youngest being over 50. Together, their ages indeed exceeded 400 years.

Seeing himself and his brothers belittled by Charlie, Raleigh coldly said, "Today, we didn't intend to take your life, intending to spare you for a future day when we, the eight brothers, would personally go to Aurous Hill to take your head. But it seems you've walked into hell with no exit. This actually saves us a trip to Aurous Hill."

Charlie, with a mocking smile, retorted, "Take my head? Let's see if you have the capability!"

"Enough talk!" Raleigh snorted, "Charlie, we Eight Great Kings are not famous for nothing. Having dominated the martial world for decades, we never relied on outnumbering our opponents. Today, I'll let my youngest brother fight for all of us. He's known as Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell. Dying at his hands, you won't have lived in vain!"

Upon hearing this, Charlie's face showed a disdainful smile, "Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell? Good. Today, if he can die by the hands of Charlie, the True Dragon among men, it would be his life's fortune!"

At that moment, one of the robust middle-aged men among the Eight Great Kings burst out, stepping forward and pointing at Charlie angrily, "Brat, you dare to covet my life? Watch as I smash your head with one punch!"

Chapter 1152: "The True Iron Fist"

Having said that, he moved as swiftly as the wind, charging furiously towards Charlie!

His fist, larger than a bowl, was already raised in front of him.

Having devoted decades to perfecting his boxing skills, his lifetime of martial arts prowess and effort were all concentrated in his fists. A single punch of his could shatter a stone tablet several centimeters thick, an incredible feat not just any person could withstand.

However, Charlie had already seen through his level of skill.

He was nothing more than a brute with somewhat stronger fists!

To Charlie, facing him was no different than confronting an ant shaking a tree!

Thus, Charlie stood unflinchingly before Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell, his face wearing a chillingly indifferent smile.

Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell couldn't believe it. This young man was actually looking down on him so much. As he rushed towards Charlie, ready to smash his fist into Charlie's head, he saw no hint of fear in Charlie.

This was a clear underestimation!

In that case, let him taste the price of underestimating the King of Hell!

In the next moment, he had reached Charlie, his iron fist hurtling towards Charlie's head.

At this time, Raleigh commented with a smile, "Eighth junior brother is really lucky this time, to have stumbled upon such a remarkable skill! I believe Master Weaver will surely reward him handsomely!"

The other junior brothers all showed envy.

In their view, the eighth junior brother's opportunity was all thanks to the senior brother's generosity. They thought this Wade guy was so foolish that even they could have easily killed him with a single strike.

Isaac, Orvel, and Lorden who were hiding in the shadows, were all sweating coldly for Charlie.

They didn't understand why Charlie didn't dodge.

But only Charlie knew that he didn't need to dodge against the likes of the King of Hell.

With this thought, the King of Hell's fist was already brushing past his face!

Then, the fist was right before his eyes!

Just when Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell thought Charlie was done for, Charlie suddenly pulled out a hand from behind, his seemingly frail fist lightly meeting the iron fist.

In the next instant, Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell felt as if his fist had been struck by a hard armor-piercing shell!

He felt intense pain followed by the sound of his bones shattering!

Charlie's light punch not only completely neutralized all the force in Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell's punch but also shattered the latter's right fist, hand, and arm into pieces with immense power!

Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell let out a miserable howl, flying backward and thudding into the snow.

His seven senior brothers were staring, dumbfounded, as they saw his right arm turned into a bloodied mess, resembling flesh blown apart by a massive explosion.

He was Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell!

His fists could smash even the hardest rocks! Anyone's body under his fists was as fragile as tofu.

But why, in front of Charlie's fist, did his iron fist turn into tofu?

Smashed to bits with a single punch from Charlie!

Who among them was truly the Iron Fist?!

Chapter 1153: "The Eight Great Kings' Final Stand"

As Raleigh watched his junior brother being instantly defeated, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning!

Although his own strength was somewhat greater than that of his eighth junior brother, his fists were far weaker compared to his junior brother's iron fists.

After all, his eighth junior brother had devoted decades to perfecting his iron fists, and had never met his match under the heavens.

But who could have imagined that a young man in his twenties could shatter his fists and arms with a single punch...

Such immense, almost monstrously powerful strength!

Raleigh was tremendously shocked!

It seemed that this Charlie was truly no ordinary person!

And today, a fierce battle was inevitable for him and his seven brothers.

Isaac and the others were also astounded!

They had never dreamed that Charlie's strength could be so freakishly powerful.

The opponent was a well-known figure, and even if Charlie had fought him for over a dozen rounds before defeating him, it would have been considered reasonable.

But Charlie was unreasonable, smashing the iron fist with a single move!

This clearly meant, if you are the iron fist, then I will specifically smash that iron fist!

When Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell was smashed to the ground, he was utterly terrified.

He never expected his strongest and most confident asset to be so fragile in front of others.

Seeing his right arm reduced to mush, he knew half of his skills were ruined.

Decades of effort were halved in an instant, and Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell, in immense pain, crawled towards Raleigh with one arm, crying, "Big brother, you must avenge me!"

Raleigh's face darkened as he nodded grimly.

"Don't worry, eighth junior brother, we brothers will surely avenge you!"

Then, he said to the other six, "Junior brothers, this kid is truly formidable! Since that's the case, we need not talk about martial morals anymore, let's take him down together!"

Hearing this, Charlie laughed heartily: "Just now, you spoke of the 'Eight Great Kings' as being more than just empty names, dominating the martial world for decades, not winning by sheer numbers. But it turns out to be just empty talk! Had I known earlier, it would have been better for you eight old dogs to attack together, at least it would have been a hearty fight for me!"

Raleigh felt his face burning with rage, saying angrily, "Wade, don't try to provoke me with your words. You might have hurt my eighth junior brother, but you definitely can't harm the seven of us. Today, I, Raleigh, will make you leave your life in Evergreen Mountain!"

Then he added coldly, "But rest assured, I will only leave your corpse in Evergreen Mountain, but your head will be taken to the Weaver family's old master in Suzhou and Hangzhou for reporting. If the Elder Weaver family pities you, he might give your head to your wife!"

Charlie, hearing this, coldly said, "Raleigh, is it? Don't worry, today, all eight of you brothers will rest here forever! But I won't take your heads, because you old losers aren't worth me taking your dog heads!"

"You talk big!" Raleigh roared angrily, "Since the day we eight brothers became disciples, we've never tasted defeat, with countless wronged souls on our hands. We don't mind adding one more to the list!"

Charlie smiled faintly, "Today, I shall avenge and liberate the numerous wronged souls under your hands!"

Raleigh clenched his teeth and coldly ordered, "Junior brothers, follow me and take down this kid. We'll use his head to commemorate the eighth junior brother's right arm!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the other six rushed forward with him.

Charlie stood still, his left hand behind his body, and his right hand in front, with all his spiritual energy subtly converging in his right hand at that moment.

At this time, a faint excitement began to stir in his heart, and the blood in his body started to boil.

Ever since obtaining the Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures, Charlie had never encountered a truly powerful top-notch expert.

Chapter 1154: "The Clash of Palms: Raleigh's Fierce Strike"

Like Devon Lee in the realm of metaphysics, although he possesses some accomplishments, he actually cannot withstand even one of his own startling thunder commands.

As for the Southern Twin Devils, those riffraffs, they are at most wandering bandits, far from being considered true masters.

However, the Eight Great Kings do have some interest.

Just now, Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell's punch, if aimed at Devon Lee, could truly shatter his head with a single blow.

The Southern Twin Devils, in his presence, probably couldn't withstand a single exchange.

But even so, Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell is still too weak in front of Charlie.

Now, with seven people attacking together, they finally possess a bit of fighting strength!

At this moment, Raleigh takes the lead!

His seven junior brothers closely follow behind him.

The seven have already arranged their formation, ready to take Charlie's life.

Raleigh approaches Charlie, his inner strength emerging from his dantian, gathering in his hands, and then he leaps fiercely, his palms rushing towards Charlie!

Raleigh excels in palm techniques!

His most impressive feat in his life was killing a mad adult male elephant with a single palm strike!

His palm technique appears soft but contains immense force, far more advanced than any fist technique.

In both the martial world and martial fiction, palm techniques are truly the top-notch secret skills!

Guo Jing (a fictional character from the popular wuxia novel "The Legend of the Condor Heroes") has the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Yang Guo (is another fictional character known for his role in "The Return of the Condor Heroes") has the Sad Palms, and the Wanderlust Guardians has the Six Solar Palms.

Besides these, there are the Mystic Shadowlord Divine Palm, the Buddha Palm, the Cold Ice Cotton Palm, and the Bone Dissolving Soft Palm.

In martial fiction, there are so many ultimate skills related to palm techniques, showing that palm techniques are the most profound and inscrutable among martial artists!

Raleigh's palm technique is extraordinary and extremely powerful. Looking across the entire South Laverton, it's hard to find a master who can contend with him.

Moreover, with six junior brothers backing him, they are all set to kill Charlie with one strike!

But unexpectedly, Charlie remains calm and composed, with an indescribable lightness.

He stands there quietly, not moving an inch, leisurely saying, "I admire your fearless spirit, but being fierce is one thing, and strength is another!"

At this moment, Raleigh has exerted his full power! Like a cannonball that has left the barrel, his momentum is unstoppable!

He is now certain that even if Charlie is a martial arts master, this palm strike would be enough to take half his life!

Thus, he coldly shouts, "Boy! You're seeking death! Watch me destroy all your meridians with one palm!"

Just as Raleigh's palm is about half a meter away from him, Charlie slightly narrows his eyes, casually steps forward, and softly says, "Raleigh, you're skilled in palm techniques, right? Then let me show you my palm technique!"

With that, he transforms his right fist into a palm, filled with full spiritual energy, and leisurely meets Raleigh's attack!

Raleigh's palm carries the force of thousands of troops, unstoppable.

But when Charlie's soft palm meets it, he suddenly feels as if he has struck Mount Tai!

What he doesn't know is that Charlie's palm is enveloped in a spiritual energy he has never heard of!

Spiritual energy, the most refined, purest, most rigid, most yang, and even the strongest force between heaven and earth!

Chapter 1155: "The Unseen Power: Raleigh's Dismay"

Raleigh had no idea of Charlie's true capabilities!

As he watched Charlie stand motionless, his front half as still as a mountain, while his back half delivered a seemingly soft, languid palm strike, Raleigh thought the young man was negligent in his defense and would be severely injured by his own attack.

However, the moment his palm met Charlie's, Raleigh realized that his strike not only failed to push Charlie back but also rebounded with immense force, shattering his right arm into pieces!

He never expected his fate would be the same as his eighth junior brother!

Seeing his right arm reduced to a bloody mess, Raleigh could hardly pay attention to his wound. The tremendous force from Charlie's palm had sent him flying backward several meters!

As Raleigh rapidly retreated, he frantically tried to stop himself using his legs on the snowy ground.

But the power of Charlie's palm was so immense that his legs couldn’t support it, forcing him to keep moving backward!

His six junior brothers were shocked at this sight!

They were well aware of their eldest senior brother's strength. If he struck with full power, even top experts would need to brace themselves seriously to barely handle it.

They might even be left in a dire state due to the eldest senior brother’s strike.

But who would have thought that Charlie, appearing so calm and composed, could repel the eldest senior brother with a single hand, sending him back like a cannonball?

One of them shouted urgently, "Quick! Help the eldest senior brother to dissipate the force!"

The others snapped back to reality. The six of them hurriedly stood in two rows behind Raleigh, exerting all their strength to help him.

But his retreat was unstoppable, like a force of ten thousand pounds!

At this moment, Raleigh’s body was bearing the spiritual energy from Charlie’s palm strike!

The others felt a sharp pain in their arms as they tried to dissipate the force together. All seven of them were sent flying several meters backward, crashing heavily to the ground!

Even more tragically, three of them landed directly on their eighth junior brother, also known as Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell.

The immense force made Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell spit out blood!

Charlie's spiritual energy was overwhelmingly powerful. Raleigh, bearing the brunt of it, crashed heavily into the snow, unable to move like a lump of mud.

"How... How is this possible?!" Raleigh stared at Charlie in disbelief, his face filled with shock.

He was a martial arts expert from a hidden sect, undefeated across the entire South Laverton region!

If not for his connection with Elder Weaver and the latter's generous offer, why would someone of his formidable strength linger in the small pond of South Laverton?

He reflected that throughout his life, he had faced numerous opponents but never felt as powerless as he did at that moment.

He couldn’t even see how the young man had struck before he was grievously injured!

For a martial artist, nothing is more important than their arms, especially the right arm.

With the right arm disabled, a person is ruined.

What high-level expert? Impossible.

After all, Yang Guo (character in "The Return of the Condor Heroes") is just a character in martial arts novels. In reality, there has never been a one-armed expert.

Because with only one arm, the body is always unbalanced. Forget about fighting fiercely with others; even running would be noticeably unbalanced. How can someone, whose body’s center of gravity can't be at the center, become a high-level expert?


First level Tribulator
Sep 19, 2023
Chapter 1151: "King of Hell's Challenge: Iron Fist Lee vs. Charlie the True Dragon"

The driver couldn't help but be scared.

After all, they hadn't seen a soul on these dozens of kilometers of mountain roads.

Suddenly seeing someone standing in the middle of the road in the dead of night was indeed terrifying.

Raleigh was also startled, his eyes wide and speechless, staring dumbfounded at the young man getting closer in the middle of the road, blurting out, "This... this is really a person!"

The person outside the car, standing in the middle of the road, looked very young, smiling. He was dressed in thin clothes, hands clasped behind his back, appearing relaxed and indifferent, a stark contrast to the freezing cold and snowy Evergreen Mountain around him.

This person was Charlie!

Meanwhile, Isaac and others were hiding in the shadows just 10 meters behind Charlie.

Charlie had instructed them to just watch the show and not reveal themselves.

The driver nervously said to Charlie, "Brother, seeing someone standing here so late at night is really eerie. It might be a trap set especially for us. Should we just drive straight into him?"

After a moment's thought, Raleigh decisively said, "This person dares to wait here alone for the eight of us. He must be no ordinary individual and might have a trap waiting for us. Let's stop the car and go check it out!"

At this moment, Charlie, holding the Thunder Command in his hand, was calm inside.

He dared to stand in the middle of the road, unafraid of the Eight Great Kings driving into him.

The Thunder Command could summon lightning at any time. If the Eight Great Kings refused to get out of their car and face him directly, he would simply summon two bolts of lightning to strike their car off the cliff, ending the battle.

Luckily, Raleigh was not complacent. The two cars slowly stopped about 10 meters away from Charlie.

Then, the Eight Great Kings got out of the car together.

Raleigh, taking the lead, sized up Charlie under the headlights and coldly said, "Boy, who are you to block the way of the Eight Great Kings?"

Charlie smiled slightly, "My surname is Wade, named Charlie. I am the most famous son-in-law from Aurous Hill City."

Raleigh was shocked!

They had just mentioned Charlie in the car, hoping he would be here so they could finish him off in one go.

But they never dreamed he would actually appear here!

And this seemed a bit unreasonable.

When they set off, he was still in Aurous Hill. Why was he here even earlier than them?

It didn't seem logical.

However, he quickly put this thought aside and coldly asked Charlie, "Mr. Wade, did you know in advance we would be here?"

"Yes," Charlie replied casually with a smile, "I thought the Eight Great Kings were something impressive, but it turns out they are just eight old men. Together, you must be over 400 years old, right?"

Indeed, the brothers of Raleigh were no longer young, the youngest being over 50. Together, their ages indeed exceeded 400 years.

Seeing himself and his brothers belittled by Charlie, Raleigh coldly said, "Today, we didn't intend to take your life, intending to spare you for a future day when we, the eight brothers, would personally go to Aurous Hill to take your head. But it seems you've walked into hell with no exit. This actually saves us a trip to Aurous Hill."

Charlie, with a mocking smile, retorted, "Take my head? Let's see if you have the capability!"

"Enough talk!" Raleigh snorted, "Charlie, we Eight Great Kings are not famous for nothing. Having dominated the martial world for decades, we never relied on outnumbering our opponents. Today, I'll let my youngest brother fight for all of us. He's known as Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell. Dying at his hands, you won't have lived in vain!"

Upon hearing this, Charlie's face showed a disdainful smile, "Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell? Good. Today, if he can die by the hands of Charlie, the True Dragon among men, it would be his life's fortune!"

At that moment, one of the robust middle-aged men among the Eight Great Kings burst out, stepping forward and pointing at Charlie angrily, "Brat, you dare to covet my life? Watch as I smash your head with one punch!"

Chapter 1152: "The True Iron Fist"

Having said that, he moved as swiftly as the wind, charging furiously towards Charlie!

His fist, larger than a bowl, was already raised in front of him.

Having devoted decades to perfecting his boxing skills, his lifetime of martial arts prowess and effort were all concentrated in his fists. A single punch of his could shatter a stone tablet several centimeters thick, an incredible feat not just any person could withstand.

However, Charlie had already seen through his level of skill.

He was nothing more than a brute with somewhat stronger fists!

To Charlie, facing him was no different than confronting an ant shaking a tree!

Thus, Charlie stood unflinchingly before Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell, his face wearing a chillingly indifferent smile.

Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell couldn't believe it. This young man was actually looking down on him so much. As he rushed towards Charlie, ready to smash his fist into Charlie's head, he saw no hint of fear in Charlie.

This was a clear underestimation!

In that case, let him taste the price of underestimating the King of Hell!

In the next moment, he had reached Charlie, his iron fist hurtling towards Charlie's head.

At this time, Raleigh commented with a smile, "Eighth junior brother is really lucky this time, to have stumbled upon such a remarkable skill! I believe Master Weaver will surely reward him handsomely!"

The other junior brothers all showed envy.

In their view, the eighth junior brother's opportunity was all thanks to the senior brother's generosity. They thought this Wade guy was so foolish that even they could have easily killed him with a single strike.

Isaac, Orvel, and Lorden who were hiding in the shadows, were all sweating coldly for Charlie.

They didn't understand why Charlie didn't dodge.

But only Charlie knew that he didn't need to dodge against the likes of the King of Hell.

With this thought, the King of Hell's fist was already brushing past his face!

Then, the fist was right before his eyes!

Just when Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell thought Charlie was done for, Charlie suddenly pulled out a hand from behind, his seemingly frail fist lightly meeting the iron fist.

In the next instant, Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell felt as if his fist had been struck by a hard armor-piercing shell!

He felt intense pain followed by the sound of his bones shattering!

Charlie's light punch not only completely neutralized all the force in Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell's punch but also shattered the latter's right fist, hand, and arm into pieces with immense power!

Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell let out a miserable howl, flying backward and thudding into the snow.

His seven senior brothers were staring, dumbfounded, as they saw his right arm turned into a bloodied mess, resembling flesh blown apart by a massive explosion.

He was Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell!

His fists could smash even the hardest rocks! Anyone's body under his fists was as fragile as tofu.

But why, in front of Charlie's fist, did his iron fist turn into tofu?

Smashed to bits with a single punch from Charlie!

Who among them was truly the Iron Fist?!

Chapter 1153: "The Eight Great Kings' Final Stand"

As Raleigh watched his junior brother being instantly defeated, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning!

Although his own strength was somewhat greater than that of his eighth junior brother, his fists were far weaker compared to his junior brother's iron fists.

After all, his eighth junior brother had devoted decades to perfecting his iron fists, and had never met his match under the heavens.

But who could have imagined that a young man in his twenties could shatter his fists and arms with a single punch...

Such immense, almost monstrously powerful strength!

Raleigh was tremendously shocked!

It seemed that this Charlie was truly no ordinary person!

And today, a fierce battle was inevitable for him and his seven brothers.

Isaac and the others were also astounded!

They had never dreamed that Charlie's strength could be so freakishly powerful.

The opponent was a well-known figure, and even if Charlie had fought him for over a dozen rounds before defeating him, it would have been considered reasonable.

But Charlie was unreasonable, smashing the iron fist with a single move!

This clearly meant, if you are the iron fist, then I will specifically smash that iron fist!

When Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell was smashed to the ground, he was utterly terrified.

He never expected his strongest and most confident asset to be so fragile in front of others.

Seeing his right arm reduced to mush, he knew half of his skills were ruined.

Decades of effort were halved in an instant, and Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell, in immense pain, crawled towards Raleigh with one arm, crying, "Big brother, you must avenge me!"

Raleigh's face darkened as he nodded grimly.

"Don't worry, eighth junior brother, we brothers will surely avenge you!"

Then, he said to the other six, "Junior brothers, this kid is truly formidable! Since that's the case, we need not talk about martial morals anymore, let's take him down together!"

Hearing this, Charlie laughed heartily: "Just now, you spoke of the 'Eight Great Kings' as being more than just empty names, dominating the martial world for decades, not winning by sheer numbers. But it turns out to be just empty talk! Had I known earlier, it would have been better for you eight old dogs to attack together, at least it would have been a hearty fight for me!"

Raleigh felt his face burning with rage, saying angrily, "Wade, don't try to provoke me with your words. You might have hurt my eighth junior brother, but you definitely can't harm the seven of us. Today, I, Raleigh, will make you leave your life in Evergreen Mountain!"

Then he added coldly, "But rest assured, I will only leave your corpse in Evergreen Mountain, but your head will be taken to the Weaver family's old master in Suzhou and Hangzhou for reporting. If the Elder Weaver family pities you, he might give your head to your wife!"

Charlie, hearing this, coldly said, "Raleigh, is it? Don't worry, today, all eight of you brothers will rest here forever! But I won't take your heads, because you old losers aren't worth me taking your dog heads!"

"You talk big!" Raleigh roared angrily, "Since the day we eight brothers became disciples, we've never tasted defeat, with countless wronged souls on our hands. We don't mind adding one more to the list!"

Charlie smiled faintly, "Today, I shall avenge and liberate the numerous wronged souls under your hands!"

Raleigh clenched his teeth and coldly ordered, "Junior brothers, follow me and take down this kid. We'll use his head to commemorate the eighth junior brother's right arm!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the other six rushed forward with him.

Charlie stood still, his left hand behind his body, and his right hand in front, with all his spiritual energy subtly converging in his right hand at that moment.

At this time, a faint excitement began to stir in his heart, and the blood in his body started to boil.

Ever since obtaining the Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures, Charlie had never encountered a truly powerful top-notch expert.

Chapter 1154: "The Clash of Palms: Raleigh's Fierce Strike"

Like Devon Lee in the realm of metaphysics, although he possesses some accomplishments, he actually cannot withstand even one of his own startling thunder commands.

As for the Southern Twin Devils, those riffraffs, they are at most wandering bandits, far from being considered true masters.

However, the Eight Great Kings do have some interest.

Just now, Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell's punch, if aimed at Devon Lee, could truly shatter his head with a single blow.

The Southern Twin Devils, in his presence, probably couldn't withstand a single exchange.

But even so, Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell is still too weak in front of Charlie.

Now, with seven people attacking together, they finally possess a bit of fighting strength!

At this moment, Raleigh takes the lead!

His seven junior brothers closely follow behind him.

The seven have already arranged their formation, ready to take Charlie's life.

Raleigh approaches Charlie, his inner strength emerging from his dantian, gathering in his hands, and then he leaps fiercely, his palms rushing towards Charlie!

Raleigh excels in palm techniques!

His most impressive feat in his life was killing a mad adult male elephant with a single palm strike!

His palm technique appears soft but contains immense force, far more advanced than any fist technique.

In both the martial world and martial fiction, palm techniques are truly the top-notch secret skills!

Guo Jing (a fictional character from the popular wuxia novel "The Legend of the Condor Heroes") has the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Yang Guo (is another fictional character known for his role in "The Return of the Condor Heroes") has the Sad Palms, and the Wanderlust Guardians has the Six Solar Palms.

Besides these, there are the Mystic Shadowlord Divine Palm, the Buddha Palm, the Cold Ice Cotton Palm, and the Bone Dissolving Soft Palm.

In martial fiction, there are so many ultimate skills related to palm techniques, showing that palm techniques are the most profound and inscrutable among martial artists!

Raleigh's palm technique is extraordinary and extremely powerful. Looking across the entire South Laverton, it's hard to find a master who can contend with him.

Moreover, with six junior brothers backing him, they are all set to kill Charlie with one strike!

But unexpectedly, Charlie remains calm and composed, with an indescribable lightness.

He stands there quietly, not moving an inch, leisurely saying, "I admire your fearless spirit, but being fierce is one thing, and strength is another!"

At this moment, Raleigh has exerted his full power! Like a cannonball that has left the barrel, his momentum is unstoppable!

He is now certain that even if Charlie is a martial arts master, this palm strike would be enough to take half his life!

Thus, he coldly shouts, "Boy! You're seeking death! Watch me destroy all your meridians with one palm!"

Just as Raleigh's palm is about half a meter away from him, Charlie slightly narrows his eyes, casually steps forward, and softly says, "Raleigh, you're skilled in palm techniques, right? Then let me show you my palm technique!"

With that, he transforms his right fist into a palm, filled with full spiritual energy, and leisurely meets Raleigh's attack!

Raleigh's palm carries the force of thousands of troops, unstoppable.

But when Charlie's soft palm meets it, he suddenly feels as if he has struck Mount Tai!

What he doesn't know is that Charlie's palm is enveloped in a spiritual energy he has never heard of!

Spiritual energy, the most refined, purest, most rigid, most yang, and even the strongest force between heaven and earth!

Chapter 1155: "The Unseen Power: Raleigh's Dismay"

Raleigh had no idea of Charlie's true capabilities!

As he watched Charlie stand motionless, his front half as still as a mountain, while his back half delivered a seemingly soft, languid palm strike, Raleigh thought the young man was negligent in his defense and would be severely injured by his own attack.

However, the moment his palm met Charlie's, Raleigh realized that his strike not only failed to push Charlie back but also rebounded with immense force, shattering his right arm into pieces!

He never expected his fate would be the same as his eighth junior brother!

Seeing his right arm reduced to a bloody mess, Raleigh could hardly pay attention to his wound. The tremendous force from Charlie's palm had sent him flying backward several meters!

As Raleigh rapidly retreated, he frantically tried to stop himself using his legs on the snowy ground.

But the power of Charlie's palm was so immense that his legs couldn’t support it, forcing him to keep moving backward!

His six junior brothers were shocked at this sight!

They were well aware of their eldest senior brother's strength. If he struck with full power, even top experts would need to brace themselves seriously to barely handle it.

They might even be left in a dire state due to the eldest senior brother’s strike.

But who would have thought that Charlie, appearing so calm and composed, could repel the eldest senior brother with a single hand, sending him back like a cannonball?

One of them shouted urgently, "Quick! Help the eldest senior brother to dissipate the force!"

The others snapped back to reality. The six of them hurriedly stood in two rows behind Raleigh, exerting all their strength to help him.

But his retreat was unstoppable, like a force of ten thousand pounds!

At this moment, Fan Linyuan’s body was bearing the spiritual energy from Wade Chen’s palm strike!

The others felt a sharp pain in their arms as they tried to dissipate the force together. All seven of them were sent flying several meters backward, crashing heavily to the ground!

Even more tragically, three of them landed directly on their eighth junior brother, also known as Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell.

The immense force made Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell spit out blood!

Charlie's spiritual energy was overwhelmingly powerful. Raleigh, bearing the brunt of it, crashed heavily into the snow, unable to move like a lump of mud.

"How... How is this possible?!" Raleigh stared at Charlie in disbelief, his face filled with shock.

He was a martial arts expert from a hidden sect, undefeated across the entire South Laverton region!

If not for his connection with Elder Weaver and the latter's generous offer, why would someone of his formidable strength linger in the small pond of South Laverton?

He reflected that throughout his life, he had faced numerous opponents but never felt as powerless as he did at that moment.

He couldn’t even see how the young man had struck before he was grievously injured!

For a martial artist, nothing is more important than their arms, especially the right arm.

With the right arm disabled, a person is ruined.

What high-level expert? Impossible.

After all, Yang Guo (character in "The Return of the Condor Heroes") is just a character in martial arts novels. In reality, there has never been a one-armed expert.

Because with only one arm, the body is always unbalanced. Forget about fighting fiercely with others; even running would be noticeably unbalanced. How can someone, whose body’s center of gravity can't be at the center, become a high-level expert?

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 1156: "The Dagger's Secret: Raleigh's Last Gamble"

Charlie's single palm strike repelled seven men, leaving the Eight Great Kings utterly astonished!

What kind of strength is required to achieve such an inconceivable feat?

Even the world's top masters couldn't possibly possess such formidable power!

After all, the Eight Great Kings are no pushovers. When these brothers join forces, their effect is more than the sum of their parts.

Wadet, even together, the Eight Great Kings are nothing more than a punch or a palm strike from Charlie.

Raleigh struggled to his feet, blurting out, "Who exactly are you? Which school do you belong to? Who is your master?"

Charlie sneered, "I have no school, I am my own master. What, you don't accept that?"

Raleigh swallowed hard, his voice trembling with nervousness, "I accept! I truly accept! Master Wade, you are a top master of this world. Surely, you know how difficult it is for martial artists to cultivate. Please, in consideration of us brothers realizing our mistake and willing to change, spare our lives."

Charlie smiled, "So quick to beg for mercy? Why aren't you following the usual script?"

Raleigh, struggling, said, "I acknowledge that I am no match for you and don't wish to struggle pointlessly. I only ask that you, Master Wade, show mercy!"

Charlie retorted, "When you came to kill me, and now that you can't, you ask for mercy. Is the world really so beautiful? If I were weaker than you, and I begged you not to kill me, would you agree?"

Raleigh's expression turned ugly. He knew Charlie wouldn't let them off easily.

So, he immediately knelt down and said to Charlie, "Master Wade! If you are willing to show mercy, we, the eight brothers, will honor and obey only you for the rest of our lives!"

Charlie, with an amused expression, smiled and asked, "What? Defecting at the last moment? How will you report back to Elder Weaver then?"

Raleigh earnestly replied, "As the saying goes, a good bird chooses the tree it perches in. I know that Master Wade possesses great divine powers. I am willing to turn from darkness to light and follow Master Wade all my life!"

Charlie nodded indifferently, slowly walking towards Raleigh and the others, his thoughts inscrutable.

Seeing him approach, a nervous Raleigh said to his younger brothers, "Quick! Kneel and pay homage to Master Wade!"

So, the Eight Great Kings struggled to their feet and bowed deeply to Charlie.

Even Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell, whose right arm had been disabled, knelt down without rising.

And Raleigh, with his left hand tucked in his sleeve, secretly gripped a dagger, unseen and unheard.

This dagger was no longer than a chopstick and wasn't particularly lethal, especially against a master.

However, Raleigh's dagger was extraordinary. He had imbued the blade with a deadly poison and smeared it with a bit of radioactive powder.

This tiny amount of radioactive powder wasn't harmful if not touched, but once it entered the body through a wound, the flesh would continuously deteriorate.

This was Raleigh's ultimate move, kept secret throughout his years in the martial world.

Apart from his brothers, anyone who had seen this dagger was dead!

Charlie had disabled his right arm, a grudge as deep as the sea.

Thus, he could never truly submit to Charlie!

His submissive stance was just a ruse, assuming Charlie's lack of experience due to his young age, planning to feign submission to stabilize the situation, then take the opportunity to launch a treacherous attack.

Hoping for a fatal blow!

Chapter 1157: "Charlie's Mysterious Defense: A Master's Secret Revealed"

Charlie, despite his youth, was by no means a greenhorn.

Raleigh thought he had deceived him, but in fact, Charlie had been on guard against these eight people all along.

For Charlie, he never intended to subjugate these eight men for his own use.

The reason was simple: he just didn't think much of them.

With their level of ability, even if they truly revered him, what could they really do for him?

They were nothing more than eight sharp-tongued dogs!

And Charlie had no interest in such dogs.

Nevertheless, he approached the Eight Great Kings with a playful smile on his face.

"Do you really wish to acknowledge me as your master?"

Led by Raleigh, the eight chorused, "We wish to bow our heads to Master Wade for our entire lives!"

Charlie nodded, asking with a light laugh, "And what if I don't allow you to bow?"


Raleigh and the others were dumbfounded, never expecting such a response from Charlie.

"Not allow us to bow? Is he being too arrogant?"

Thinking this, Raleigh prepared to attack Charlie.

He knelt and crawled to Charlie's feet, bowing his head in submission, chokingly saying, "Master Wade, I, Raleigh, have never submitted to anyone in my life. You are the only one I truly admire from the bottom of my heart! Please show mercy and grant me, and my fellow disciples, a chance to serve you faithfully. Though we are far weaker than you, in this mundane world, we are still considered masters. Please do not disdain us, Master Wade."

Charlie sneered, "Serving me loyally is not about strength, but about character. Those with poor character will never have a chance with me."

With that, he looked coldly at Raleigh, "Look at you, with your thievish brows and rat eyes, protruding teeth, long tongue, and sharp, meatless cheekbones. You're the epitome of a villainous face. Why would I ever want someone like you as my subordinate? Wouldn't that be a disgrace?"

Raleigh, having knelt and kowtowed to Charlie, was infuriated by his mockery and sarcasm.

Realizing that Charlie was arrogant and had his hands behind his back, Raleigh knew his chance for a deadly strike had come.

Suddenly, he lunged at Charlie, revealing a black, sharp dagger, aiming for Charlie's legs.

Charlie watched him with a cold smile, not moving an inch, saying, "Come on, I'll stand still and let you stab me!"

Raleigh, unaware that Charlie had seen through him and thinking him overly confident, didn't expect any evasion.

The blade, coated with lethal poison and radioactive powder, would be fatal upon piercing the skin.

He thought Charlie's lack of worldly experience would be his downfall.

With a ferocious smile, he coldly said, "Bastard, you crippled my right arm and insulted my face. Today, you'll pay with your life!"

As he thrust the blade towards Charlie, something eerie happened!

Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that the blade, just a millimeter away from Charlie's leg, would seemingly hit an invisible wall. Despite all his strength, he couldn't move the blade forward even a fraction!

"What... what is this?!"

Chapter 1158: "Charlie's Foot of Justice: Crushing Raleigh's Ego (and Arm)"

Raleigh couldn't understand why he was unable to stab Charlie. Charlie didn't even raise a hand to stop him, so why couldn't he land a hit? What invisible force was blocking him?

As a martial artist, he had mastered martial arts to the extreme, but he was unaware of true supernatural powers. He didn't know about a force that could be transmitted without physical contact - the power of spiritual energy.

It's like Devon Lee, a master of metaphysics, who knows the mystical techniques of Miaojiang (a fictional setting in Chinese martial arts stories, known for its remote and exotic nature where characters seek rare martial arts techniques and encounter adventure) and can control mystical insects, but is unaware of other supernatural powers like summoning thunder from the sky.

Thus, what defeats a person is not strength, but arrogance.

Raleigh thought he had found Charlie's weak point and was certain of a fatal blow. His arrogance was his downfall.

Now, he was about to pay the price for his arrogance.

Charlie let out a cold laugh, lifted his foot, and stepped on Raleigh's left arm.

With a slight exertion of his foot, Raleigh's left arm was crushed at the elbow, leaving only his clothes connecting his upper and lower arm. He wailed in pain, desperately trying to retreat, tearing his clothes in the process.

He was horrified to find his forearm and left hand on the other side of Charlie's foot.

Charlie looked at him and sneered, "Mr. Raleigh, I was right. You have the face of a petty person. Keeping someone like you around only brings harm to others."

Terrified, Raleigh trembled and backed away, but he knew he had no escape.

Where could he run? He couldn't outrun Charlie, couldn't drive away, and couldn't fly.

Perhaps, he thought, his disciples could buy him time to escape.

He shouted, "Disciples, listen! This is a matter of life and death. If we don't unite and kill this scoundrel, we will all perish! I urge you, give it your all and fight for a way out!"

The other seven disciples were instantly alert, understanding the life-and-death stakes of the battle.

They all got up and charged towards Charlie, disregarding everything.

Meanwhile, Raleigh continued to retreat and then turned to flee.

Just as Charlie kicked another disciple away, he saw Raleigh escaping, grabbed a disciple, and threw him towards Raleigh.

This disciple, Raleigh's third junior brother, had practiced iron head technique for many years, making his bald head as hard as iron.

He flew like a cannonball towards Raleigh's lower back.

His iron head struck Raleigh's lower back, breaking his spine in two with a crack.

As Raleigh fell to the ground, paralyzed from the waist down, he angrily accused his third junior brother of backstabbing him.

The third junior brother wailed, "Big brother, I didn't mean to attack you! That guy threw me!"

Realizing the situation, he angrily retorted, "Big brother, didn't you tell us to fight our way out? Then why were you running away?!"

Chapter 1159: "Eight Great Kings vs. One Witty Master: Charlie's Holy Funeral"

Raleigh was left speechless by the question posed by his third junior brother.

He indeed had intentions to flee, but never anticipated that his escape would lead to such a predicament.

Not only did he fail to escape, but he also suffered such severe injuries!

In agony, Raleigh looked at his third junior brother and blurted out, "I wasn't trying to flee; I was just thinking of giving that Wade a parting shot!"

The third junior brother was no fool. He glared at Raleigh angrily and roared, "Do you think I'm an idiot? Your hands are gone; how are you going to strike back at Wade?!"

Raleigh, unable to contain his anger, retorted, "How dare you speak to your senior brother like that? Are you planning a rebellion?"

The third junior brother bit Raleigh's ear and scolded, "This senior brother of ours wants us to die for him while he escapes. I hereby sever all ties with you from this moment!"

Raleigh screamed in pain.

But what kind of expert was he at this point?

With his hands disabled and lower limbs paralyzed, he was now nothing but a cripple.

Thus, when the third junior brother bit his ear, he was in excruciating pain and utterly helpless.

All he could do was hysterically yell, "You bastard, let go of me! Do you think I wanted to run? Wasn't I just trying to leave a seed for our eight brothers?"

The third junior brother angrily retorted, "Even if we were to leave a seed, it shouldn't be you, a useless man with disabled arms! Why can't it be me?"

Raleigh, still being bitten, shouted back, "You fool, talking about who should stay behind. Do you think you could escape?"

The third junior brother angrily replied, "How do you know I couldn't escape?"

At that moment, Charlie's cold voice reached them: "You should listen to your senior brother. He's right. You can't escape. None of you can."

The third junior brother then subconsciously released his bite and looked up at Charlie.

By then, Charlie had already approached them.

The other six of the Eight Great Kings were all lying on the ground, wailing in pain!

It turned out that during the fight between the two brothers, Charlie had incapacitated the rest of their brothers, one by one.

Raleigh, terrified and pale, begged, "Master Wade, I am already a cripple. Please, have mercy and spare my life."

Charlie smiled and said, "You just attacked me, intending to take my life. Do you really think I should spare you? Am I that easy to bully?"

Raleigh burst into tears and pleaded, "Master Wade, you are a true master. A true master surely wouldn't stoop to my level. Look at my current state; please show mercy and let me go!"

Charlie smiled slightly and said, "Raleigh, from the moment you and your brothers boarded the plane to Mount Evergreen, your fate was sealed."

Then, pointing to the snowy mountains of Evergreen, he added with a smile, "Don't you think Mount Evergreen is a feng shui treasure? Dying here and resting in this place, don't you think it's a blessing?"

"No! I don't think so!" Raleigh, tears and snot streaming down his face, said, "Master Wade, I'm not ready to die! Killing a lowly person like me will sully your noble hands, please spare me!"

Charlie chuckled, "Of course, I won't kill you personally, because you don't deserve it."

He then looked around and sneered, "None of you eight deserve to be killed by my hand!"

The Eight Great Kings all showed signs of terror.

Each of them questioned themselves: Charlie was only one person, and he didn't plan to kill them himself, so what did he intend to do to them?

In other words, how did Charlie plan to kill them?

Standing amidst the eight, Charlie raised his arm and declared, "Mount Evergreen is a divine and holy mountain, eternally covered in snow, pure and flawless. For you eight filthy people to die here is a blessing you've cultivated over eight lifetimes!"

After speaking, Charlie continued, "And I, today, will give you a holy funeral! Let your filthy bodies rest eternally in the pure white snow!"

All the Eight Great Kings trembled with fear, still unclear and unable to comprehend how Charlie intended to kill them.

At that moment, Charlie looked at them with pity and said, "After all, you are brothers. Even if you committed evil together, dying together means you'll have company on the road to the underworld."

Chapter 1160: "The Eight Great Kings' Group Hug: Bonding Before the Storm"

Having finished speaking, he waved at the eight men and smiled, "Your eldest brother is now incapacitated. It's tough on the rest of you, but please gather around him. If you wish to die together, you might as well embrace each other before your death. If you prefer not to die together, feel free to spread out. I'll give you one last minute to prepare."

Upon hearing this, the Eight Great Kings felt a wave of despair, yet deep down, none wished to walk the road to the underworld alone.

Thus, Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell, the first to be incapacitated, struggled to his feet. Dragging his seriously injured body, he slowly made his way to Raleigh and sat down beside him.

As he sat, he broke down and cried, "Eldest brother, had we known this day would come, it would have been better for the eight of us brothers not to have entered this world..."

The others, too, crawled over with difficulty.

The eight tightly embraced each other, having forgiven Raleigh for his earlier attempt to flee alone.

After all, aside from that moment, their eldest brother had indeed taken good care of them over the years.

More importantly, at this juncture, with all eight brothers facing death together, what grievances couldn't be let go in these final moments?

Seeing the eight huddled together, Charlie nodded and smiled, his voice cold, "Today, let the eight of you brothers witness a true miracle before your end!"

With that, he raised the Thunder Command with one hand towards the sky!

The Thunder Command emitted a faint blue light, stunning everyone.

At that moment, Charlie roared, "Thunder, come forth!"

With his command, the originally clear night sky suddenly became overcast with dark clouds.

The summer thunder, now roaring in this freezing night, was astounding!

Raleigh and the others trembled in fear.

What kind of divine power was this? To summon thunder with a mere wave of his hand?

Soon after, a massive streak of lightning, like a whip, cracked down from the sky!

Raleigh yelled with all his might, "This man can summon thunder! He is a god! A god indeed!"

As his words fell, the enormous lightning struck the thick, perennial snow on the mountain path.

Following that, tons of snow began to cascade down the slope, causing an avalanche!

And it was heading straight for Charlie and the Eight Great Kings!

The Eight Great Kings were so terrified they nearly fainted. Isaac, Orvel, and Lorden also shouted in alarm, "Master Wade! Danger!"

Charlie smiled calmly and declared loudly, "Listen well, I am Charlie, the True Dragon of the human realm! Today, with the purest of nature, I will cleanse your tainted bodies! In your next life, be good people!"

As soon as he finished speaking, tons of snow thundered down, instantly engulfing him, the Eight Great Kings, and the two SUVs!

After the avalanche subsided, Isaac and the others, horrified, looked towards where Charlie had been.

Where was the mountain path? All that remained was a heavy layer of snow.

The two SUVs and everyone else had vanished without a trace!

At this moment, the dark clouds, gathered because of Charlie, had dispersed, and a hint of dawn appeared on the horizon.

It was daybreak!

The three shouted in panic, "Master Wade! Master Wade!"

As dawn broke, the eastern sky bathed the land in golden sunlight. Suddenly, from the collapsed snow pile, a man emerged, his body reflecting golden light.

He moved steadily, his steps light, his expression resolute and godlike.

It was Charlie, Master Wade!


Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 1161: "Charlie's Heavenly Skills: From Avalanche to Omelettes"

Isaac and the others, watching Charlie bathed in golden sunlight, were completely stunned and at a loss for words!

Charlie today completely overturned their previous impressions of him!

In their eyes, Charlie today was like a god.

They couldn't imagine how Charlie single-handedly easily annihilated the Eight Great Kings, not only remaining unharmed but also summoning thunder and causing an avalanche that buried the Eight Great Kings!

And in such a powerful avalanche, Charlie emerged without a scratch.

As Charlie approached, Lorden was the first who couldn't hold back and knelt in the snow, bowing his head to Charlie: "Master Wade, please accept my bow. From now on, I am willing to only bow to Master Wade in this life!"

Then, Orvel also knelt with a thud: "Master Wade, Orvel will honor you as the most respected in his life!"

Isaac, trembling, knelt on the ground, hands raised to the sky and prostrated: "Young Master! From today onwards, you are the only god in Isaac's heart!"

Charlie walked up to them, smiled faintly, and said, "From now on, I am still the same Charlie Wade, still that son-in-law Charlie. Whatever you think of me or how you treat me, keep it to yourselves and don't reveal today's events to anyone."

After hearing this, the three of them repeatedly kowtowed in agreement.

Charlie looked at Isaac and said seriously, "Isaac, especially you, you must not tell anyone from the Wade family about what happened just now!"

Isaac's expression became solemn, and he blurted out, "Young Master, rest assured, if the Wade family asks, I'll say these people died in the avalanche!"

Charlie nodded and said, "That's good."

Then he continued, "This seems to be the only road to the village, and now it's been blocked by the avalanche. Try to use the power of the Wade family to repair these roads quickly. Before they are fixed, send a helicopter to deliver necessary supplies to the villagers. Don't let my actions affect their normal lives."

Isaac immediately responded, "Young Master, rest assured, I'll make a call right now to arrange everything properly!"

Charlie hummed, checked the time, and said, "It's already almost seven o'clock. My wife must be worried not finding me. Hurry and take me back! I won't be able to cook breakfast for my wife this morning."

Everyone was astonished.

Was this the same Master Wade who just defeated the Eight Great Kings?

Was this the same Master Wade who summoned thunder and caused an avalanche?

Just now, he used such a domineering method to kill the Eight Great Kings, but now he was worried about not being able to cook for his wife.

Isaac was the first to react, quickly saying, "Young Master, I'll have the helicopter take us to the airport first, then we'll hurry back to Aurous Hill. If we're fast, we can get you home in a little over three hours!"

"Good," Charlie nodded, "Let's hurry."


Under the morning sun, a helicopter swiftly left Evergreen Mountain, heading towards the airport of Evergreen Mountain.

Meanwhile, the local media had already received reports about the avalanche.

As the media and locals followed up, the Wade family's disaster relief helicopter, loaded with a large amount of supplies, began flying towards the villages in Evergreen Mountain.

At this moment, in the Su Hang Weaver family residence.

Elder Weaver, lying on his sickbed, was still waiting for news about the Eight Great Kings.

He hadn't slept much last night, partly due to discomfort, but more so because he felt uneasy.

Before dawn, Donald had called the Eight Great Kings. Raleigh had told him that they were almost at their destination.

Chapter 1162: "When Super Warriors Play Hide and Seek: The Mysterious Vanishing Act"

The Weaver family thought that the upcoming time would be when the Eight Great Kings would be busy with their mission, so they dared not disturb them too much.

After about an hour had passed, Elder Weaver calculated that with the formidable strength of the Eight Great Kings, an hour should have been enough to eliminate the opposition and rescue the Weigard father and son.

So, he said to Donald, "Donald, call Mr. Raleigh and ask how things are going."

"Okay!" Donald immediately nodded, took out his phone, and called Raleigh.

The phone rang for a long time, but no one answered.

He reported to Elder Weaver, "Dad, no one's answering. Could they still be handling the matter?"

Elder Weaver nodded, "Possibly, let's wait a bit more patiently."

Ten minutes later, Elder Weaver urged, "Donald, try calling Mr. Raleigh again!"

Donald did as told.

But this time, too, there was no answer.

Elder Weaver frowned, "Something's not right. With their strength, how could it take this long? They're just dealing with second-rate bodyguards. To Mr. Raleigh and his team, that's nothing. I remember when I was battling enemies far and wide, Mr. Raleigh would follow me into the enemy's lair. He once took down over twenty people in the time it takes an incense stick to burn. His strength is unimaginable for ordinary people."

Donald tried to reassure him, "Dad, don't worry. Evergreen Mountain is remote and cold, and it's an isolated place. There might be some minor issues."

Elder Weaver nodded slightly, "Let's wait a bit longer then."

Another ten minutes passed, and Elder Weaver persisted, "Donald, keep calling!"

Donald followed the instruction, but there was still no change.

Elder Weaver was now visibly anxious, feeling that something was seriously wrong.

So, he kept urging Donald to call Raleigh repeatedly.

When Raleigh's phone remained unreachable, he asked Donald to try the other members of the Eight Great Kings.

But the calls to the others also went unanswered.

To be precise, the calls went through, but no one picked up.

After nearly an hour of failing to contact any of the Eight Great Kings, the Weaver family felt a chill down their spines.

How could all Eight Great Kings disappear at once? That seemed unrealistic!

Even if the Eight Great Kings encountered a formidable opponent, with their strength, it's impossible that none could escape.

Especially since, just a few hours earlier, among the sixteen people who went to Evergreen Mountain, one managed to escape.

Those were just ordinary, second-rate experts, better with guns than with fists and feet, not martial arts masters.

It didn't make sense that the Eight Great Kings, super warriors, couldn't escape.

Elder Weaver, anxious, began to breathe rapidly.

He gripped Donald's hand tightly, his face pale, and muttered in a low voice, "Something's wrong, something's really wrong this time."

Donald could only comfort him, "Dad, don't be so anxious. Let's wait a bit longer and stay calm."

Elder Weaver said earnestly, "Mr. Raleigh has been with me for so many years and has never encountered a situation like this. Something is definitely wrong this time. I even suspect they might have met with a disaster!"

Chapter 1163: "Charlie's Vanishing Act: Breakfast without the Magician"

As Charlie was already on the plane returning to Aurous Hill from Evergreen Mountain, the Weaver family was in a state of utter panic.

The Eight Great Kings had rushed to Evergreen Mountain overnight, solely to rescue a father and son, but unexpectedly, they lost contact immediately upon arrival.

Donald repeatedly dialed phone numbers until his mobile phone was almost out of battery, yet he couldn't reach anyone.

Just then, his phone suddenly rang with an incoming call.

The caller was the one who had fled Evergreen Mountain the night before.

He was still hiding in Evergreen Mountain City, originally planning to return with the Eight Great Kings after their triumphant rescue.

He never expected that instead of waiting for the Eight Great Kings, he would receive shocking bad news!

The local Evergreen Mountain TV station just broadcast an emergency news report: a massive avalanche had occurred at the foot of Evergreen Mountain. Triggered by the avalanche, tons of snow cascaded down, destroying the road leading into the mountains and burying two vehicles and eight people under the snow.

Rescue workers, using heavy-duty equipment, dug out eight bodies, unrecognizable after being battered by the snow.

Hearing this news, he immediately thought of the Eight Great Kings.

He knew that in the early hours of the morning, the Eight Great Kings had driven two off-road vehicles into the mountains.

That place, scarcely populated and not a tourist attraction, was home to poor locals who couldn't afford off-road vehicles, and it wasn't a place tourists liked to visit due to its remote location, so the roads were mostly empty.

Locals would usually travel by horse-drawn carriage, not by off-road vehicle.

He was almost certain that the eight people killed in the avalanche were the Eight Great Kings.

Immediately, he relayed this information to Donald.

Upon receiving this news, Donald was struck as if by lightning!

It took him a long time to recover from the shock. Then, looking at his father, who lay anxiously on the sickbed, he said tremblingly, "Dad, my man just told me there was an avalanche at the foot of Evergreen Mountain. The avalanche swept away two cars and eight people, all of whom are dead. It's very likely that they were the Eight Great Kings..."

Elder Weaver felt as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer, coughing several times before exclaiming, "Impossible, how could the Eight Great Kings die in an avalanche?! They are all top-notch experts!"

Donald sighed and asked, "Shall I send someone to identify the bodies, to confirm if it's them?"

After a moment's hesitation, Elder Weaver nodded and said, "If that's the case, go and check it out."


Claire woke up in the morning and found it strange not to see Charlie around.

She tried calling him, only to discover that his phone was unreachable, which she found even more peculiar.

In their more than three years of marriage, Charlie had never mysteriously disappeared like this.

Whenever she couldn't see him in the morning, he was either out buying groceries or making breakfast.

But now, he was suddenly uncontactable.

Chapter 1164: "Charlie's Vanishing Act: The Feng Shui Consultant's Mysterious Disappearance"

Claire anxiously waited until around 10 o'clock, but still couldn't get through to Charlie's phone, which made her start to worry.

She thought about how Charlie had recently been in close contact with many influential figures, consulting for them on Feng Shui and receiving substantial sums of money, even acquiring this luxurious Thomson Elite villa. The more she thought about it, the more uneasy she felt.

Before this, Claire had always feared that Charlie would one day face a sudden downfall, like those financial products that collapse unexpectedly, leading to a complete loss of credibility.

If he really lost his credibility, those influential figures would certainly not let him off easily.

Just as Claire was lost in these worried thoughts, Charlie finally called.

Immediately upon answering, Claire blurted out, “Hey, Charlie, where have you been?”

Charlie had just gotten off a plane and was about to take a helicopter. He explained to Claire, “Wife, I was consulting on Feng Shui for a friend this morning. Their house has a very unique Feng Shui, so I had to turn off my phone to avoid any interference with my assessment.”

“You went to do Feng Shui consultation again?” Claire was overwhelmed and said, “Charlie, didn’t we agree? Try not to do Feng Shui consultations for others.”

Charlie quickly responded, “Wife, this time it wasn’t for those influential figures. It was for a friend from the orphanage where I grew up. He’s been having bad luck recently, so he asked me to take a look. I didn’t take any money for it.”

Hearing this, Claire relaxed and asked, “When will you be home?”

Charlie replied, “I should be there in about 20 to 30 minutes.”

Claire said, “That’s good. I’ll wait for you at home.”

Isaac’s helicopter soon took off, carrying Charlie along with Orvel and Lorden towards the city.

As they neared the Thomson Elite villa, Charlie said to Lorden “Lorden, if I have time tomorrow, I’ll bring a lawyer to Weigard’s Pharmaceuticals. After we sign the contract, I’ll give you a good prescription for stomach medicine.”

Lorden exclaimed, “Master Wade, I’ve already vowed to follow only you in this life. Weigard’s Pharmaceuticals was reclaimed with your help. I am willing to give all its shares to you!”

Charlie waved his hand and said indifferently, “I’ve already said, I only want 80% of Weigard’s Pharmaceuticals. More than that I won’t accept, but less, and I won’t agree to give you the prescription. Keeping 20% for you is fair, so don’t talk to me about giving everything to me anymore.”

Lorden felt a chill and hastily bowed, saying, “I will heed Master Wade’s instructions!”

Charlie nodded and then turned to Orvel and Isaac, “You two go back, and remember not to tell anyone about this.”

“Understood, Master Wade!”


Satisfied, Charlie nodded. As they were about to reach the Thomson Elite villa, he said to Isaac, “Land on the golf course. I’ll walk from there.”

“Understood, Young Master!”

After rushing home, Claire couldn’t imagine that her husband had urgently departed from Aurous Hill in the early hours of the morning, traveled over 2000 kilometers to Evergreen Mountain, and at the foot of the mountain, eliminated eight blood-stained criminals.

Thanks to Charlie’s strong abilities and exceptional physical fitness, he showed no signs of fatigue despite the long and strenuous journey.

Just in time for lunch, Claire pulled him into their garden, happily picking many ingredients she wanted to eat for the midday meal.

At that moment, the gate opened, and Charlie’s mother-in-law, Elaine, sneaked in, walking with a cane!

Chapter 1165: "The Hat Trick: Elaine's Hilarious Plan to Taunt Noah"

Watching Elaine enter the courtyard with a crutch and carrying a huge over-the-shoulder bag, bulging with contents, Charlie couldn’t help but think that his mother-in-law must be up to no good again.

Claire asked in surprise, “Mom, where did you go so early in the morning? I haven’t seen you all day.”

Elaine laughed heartily, “I went to the wholesale market and bought some stuff!”

Claire scolded gently, “Mom, your leg hasn’t fully healed, and you’re wandering around with a crutch. Why?”

“It’s nothing, it's nothing,” Elaine waved her hand dismissively. “Although it’s a bit inconvenient with the crutch, I’ve gotten quite used to it. My leg doesn’t hurt, it’s just a bit tiring, but that’s all.”

Claire then asked, “Mom, what did you buy in that big bag? Aren’t you tired? Let me help you with it.”

“No, no, I’m not tired at all,” Elaine replied cheerfully. “It’s just hats, not very heavy.”

“Hats?” Claire was even more puzzled. “Mom, why did you buy so many hats? That bulging bag must have a dozen or so, right?”

Elaine, with a mischievous smile, opened the zipper of her bag.

Claire and Charlie peered inside, only to find it was filled with a vibrant green.

Elaine then pulled out several different hats, all of them unmistakably green.

Claire, dumbfounded, asked, “Mom... why did you buy so many green hats... Who would wear these...”

Elaine laughed, “I bought 20 different green hats, not for wearing, but to hang on the balcony!”

“You’ve seen the video from the hospital of your grandmother and her family. That damn Noah was actually cuckolded by Zoraida. How could I let such a funny incident pass by?”

“It just so happens that their house can see my bedroom balcony. I’m going to hang these hats on the balcony facing their side. I want Noah to see these twenty green hats every day, that’ll teach him!”

Claire, torn between laughter and tears, said, “Mom, why do you have to be so hard on Uncle? He’s already having a tough time.”

“Tough time, my foot!” Elaine retorted angrily. “You have no idea how arrogant he used to be, how badly he treated our family. Now that I’ve got something on him, I won’t miss any chance to mock him!”

Charlie shook his head helplessly.

Setting aside everything else, Elaine’s talent for tormenting people was indeed rare.

Noah was already in a bad state. If he had to see twenty green hats fluttering in the wind on the neighboring balcony every day, his mood must be incredibly miserable.

Such a method of torment was something only Elaine could come up with.

Claire felt it was inappropriate and tried to persuade Elaine, but Elaine wouldn’t listen and went straight into the villa with her crutch.

Once back in her room, the first thing Elaine did was to go out onto the balcony and hang up the twenty green hats, one after another, all facing the Xiao family’s villa.

Twenty green hats fluttering in the wind, it was indeed a uniquely sour and satisfying sight.


Ever since he left the hospital, Noah had been living separately from Zoraida.

The reason for the separation was that he no longer had any feelings for Zoraida.

He also felt deep down that Zoraida was too dirty.

If it weren’t for Donald’s request, he would have divorced Zoraida long ago, or at least kicked her out of the house.

But now that Donald had stood up for Zoraida, Noah naturally didn’t dare to go against his wishes.

But if he couldn’t get a divorce, he could still live separately, right?

So he sent Zoraida to a bedroom on the first floor.


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
Donald should get ready for another of slap from his father 😂. The first question he will ask him is if he did his assignment on Charlie's background before asking him to deploy the eight great Kings
Chapter 1151: "King of Hell's Challenge: Iron Fist Lee vs. Charlie the True Dragon"

The driver couldn't help but be scared.

After all, they hadn't seen a soul on these dozens of kilometers of mountain roads.

Suddenly seeing someone standing in the middle of the road in the dead of night was indeed terrifying.

Raleigh was also startled, his eyes wide and speechless, staring dumbfounded at the young man getting closer in the middle of the road, blurting out, "This... this is really a person!"

The person outside the car, standing in the middle of the road, looked very young, smiling. He was dressed in thin clothes, hands clasped behind his back, appearing relaxed and indifferent, a stark contrast to the freezing cold and snowy Evergreen Mountain around him.

This person was Charlie!

Meanwhile, Isaac and others were hiding in the shadows just 10 meters behind Charlie.

Charlie had instructed them to just watch the show and not reveal themselves.

The driver nervously said to Charlie, "Brother, seeing someone standing here so late at night is really eerie. It might be a trap set especially for us. Should we just drive straight into him?"

After a moment's thought, Raleigh decisively said, "This person dares to wait here alone for the eight of us. He must be no ordinary individual and might have a trap waiting for us. Let's stop the car and go check it out!"

At this moment, Charlie, holding the Thunder Command in his hand, was calm inside.

He dared to stand in the middle of the road, unafraid of the Eight Great Kings driving into him.

The Thunder Command could summon lightning at any time. If the Eight Great Kings refused to get out of their car and face him directly, he would simply summon two bolts of lightning to strike their car off the cliff, ending the battle.

Luckily, Raleigh was not complacent. The two cars slowly stopped about 10 meters away from Charlie.

Then, the Eight Great Kings got out of the car together.

Raleigh, taking the lead, sized up Charlie under the headlights and coldly said, "Boy, who are you to block the way of the Eight Great Kings?"

Charlie smiled slightly, "My surname is Wade, named Charlie. I am the most famous son-in-law from Aurous Hill City."

Raleigh was shocked!

They had just mentioned Charlie in the car, hoping he would be here so they could finish him off in one go.

But they never dreamed he would actually appear here!

And this seemed a bit unreasonable.

When they set off, he was still in Aurous Hill. Why was he here even earlier than them?

It didn't seem logical.

However, he quickly put this thought aside and coldly asked Charlie, "Mr. Wade, did you know in advance we would be here?"

"Yes," Charlie replied casually with a smile, "I thought the Eight Great Kings were something impressive, but it turns out they are just eight old men. Together, you must be over 400 years old, right?"

Indeed, the brothers of Raleigh were no longer young, the youngest being over 50. Together, their ages indeed exceeded 400 years.

Seeing himself and his brothers belittled by Charlie, Raleigh coldly said, "Today, we didn't intend to take your life, intending to spare you for a future day when we, the eight brothers, would personally go to Aurous Hill to take your head. But it seems you've walked into hell with no exit. This actually saves us a trip to Aurous Hill."

Charlie, with a mocking smile, retorted, "Take my head? Let's see if you have the capability!"

"Enough talk!" Raleigh snorted, "Charlie, we Eight Great Kings are not famous for nothing. Having dominated the martial world for decades, we never relied on outnumbering our opponents. Today, I'll let my youngest brother fight for all of us. He's known as Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell. Dying at his hands, you won't have lived in vain!"

Upon hearing this, Charlie's face showed a disdainful smile, "Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell? Good. Today, if he can die by the hands of Charlie, the True Dragon among men, it would be his life's fortune!"

At that moment, one of the robust middle-aged men among the Eight Great Kings burst out, stepping forward and pointing at Charlie angrily, "Brat, you dare to covet my life? Watch as I smash your head with one punch!"

Chapter 1152: "The True Iron Fist"

Having said that, he moved as swiftly as the wind, charging furiously towards Charlie!

His fist, larger than a bowl, was already raised in front of him.

Having devoted decades to perfecting his boxing skills, his lifetime of martial arts prowess and effort were all concentrated in his fists. A single punch of his could shatter a stone tablet several centimeters thick, an incredible feat not just any person could withstand.

However, Charlie had already seen through his level of skill.

He was nothing more than a brute with somewhat stronger fists!

To Charlie, facing him was no different than confronting an ant shaking a tree!

Thus, Charlie stood unflinchingly before Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell, his face wearing a chillingly indifferent smile.

Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell couldn't believe it. This young man was actually looking down on him so much. As he rushed towards Charlie, ready to smash his fist into Charlie's head, he saw no hint of fear in Charlie.

This was a clear underestimation!

In that case, let him taste the price of underestimating the King of Hell!

In the next moment, he had reached Charlie, his iron fist hurtling towards Charlie's head.

At this time, Raleigh commented with a smile, "Eighth junior brother is really lucky this time, to have stumbled upon such a remarkable skill! I believe Master Weaver will surely reward him handsomely!"

The other junior brothers all showed envy.

In their view, the eighth junior brother's opportunity was all thanks to the senior brother's generosity. They thought this Wade guy was so foolish that even they could have easily killed him with a single strike.

Isaac, Orvel, and Lorden who were hiding in the shadows, were all sweating coldly for Charlie.

They didn't understand why Charlie didn't dodge.

But only Charlie knew that he didn't need to dodge against the likes of the King of Hell.

With this thought, the King of Hell's fist was already brushing past his face!

Then, the fist was right before his eyes!

Just when Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell thought Charlie was done for, Charlie suddenly pulled out a hand from behind, his seemingly frail fist lightly meeting the iron fist.

In the next instant, Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell felt as if his fist had been struck by a hard armor-piercing shell!

He felt intense pain followed by the sound of his bones shattering!

Charlie's light punch not only completely neutralized all the force in Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell's punch but also shattered the latter's right fist, hand, and arm into pieces with immense power!

Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell let out a miserable howl, flying backward and thudding into the snow.

His seven senior brothers were staring, dumbfounded, as they saw his right arm turned into a bloodied mess, resembling flesh blown apart by a massive explosion.

He was Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell!

His fists could smash even the hardest rocks! Anyone's body under his fists was as fragile as tofu.

But why, in front of Charlie's fist, did his iron fist turn into tofu?

Smashed to bits with a single punch from Charlie!

Who among them was truly the Iron Fist?!

Chapter 1153: "The Eight Great Kings' Final Stand"

As Raleigh watched his junior brother being instantly defeated, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning!

Although his own strength was somewhat greater than that of his eighth junior brother, his fists were far weaker compared to his junior brother's iron fists.

After all, his eighth junior brother had devoted decades to perfecting his iron fists, and had never met his match under the heavens.

But who could have imagined that a young man in his twenties could shatter his fists and arms with a single punch...

Such immense, almost monstrously powerful strength!

Raleigh was tremendously shocked!

It seemed that this Charlie was truly no ordinary person!

And today, a fierce battle was inevitable for him and his seven brothers.

Isaac and the others were also astounded!

They had never dreamed that Charlie's strength could be so freakishly powerful.

The opponent was a well-known figure, and even if Charlie had fought him for over a dozen rounds before defeating him, it would have been considered reasonable.

But Charlie was unreasonable, smashing the iron fist with a single move!

This clearly meant, if you are the iron fist, then I will specifically smash that iron fist!

When Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell was smashed to the ground, he was utterly terrified.

He never expected his strongest and most confident asset to be so fragile in front of others.

Seeing his right arm reduced to mush, he knew half of his skills were ruined.

Decades of effort were halved in an instant, and Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell, in immense pain, crawled towards Raleigh with one arm, crying, "Big brother, you must avenge me!"

Raleigh's face darkened as he nodded grimly.

"Don't worry, eighth junior brother, we brothers will surely avenge you!"

Then, he said to the other six, "Junior brothers, this kid is truly formidable! Since that's the case, we need not talk about martial morals anymore, let's take him down together!"

Hearing this, Charlie laughed heartily: "Just now, you spoke of the 'Eight Great Kings' as being more than just empty names, dominating the martial world for decades, not winning by sheer numbers. But it turns out to be just empty talk! Had I known earlier, it would have been better for you eight old dogs to attack together, at least it would have been a hearty fight for me!"

Raleigh felt his face burning with rage, saying angrily, "Wade, don't try to provoke me with your words. You might have hurt my eighth junior brother, but you definitely can't harm the seven of us. Today, I, Raleigh, will make you leave your life in Evergreen Mountain!"

Then he added coldly, "But rest assured, I will only leave your corpse in Evergreen Mountain, but your head will be taken to the Weaver family's old master in Suzhou and Hangzhou for reporting. If the Elder Weaver family pities you, he might give your head to your wife!"

Charlie, hearing this, coldly said, "Raleigh, is it? Don't worry, today, all eight of you brothers will rest here forever! But I won't take your heads, because you old losers aren't worth me taking your dog heads!"

"You talk big!" Raleigh roared angrily, "Since the day we eight brothers became disciples, we've never tasted defeat, with countless wronged souls on our hands. We don't mind adding one more to the list!"

Charlie smiled faintly, "Today, I shall avenge and liberate the numerous wronged souls under your hands!"

Raleigh clenched his teeth and coldly ordered, "Junior brothers, follow me and take down this kid. We'll use his head to commemorate the eighth junior brother's right arm!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the other six rushed forward with him.

Charlie stood still, his left hand behind his body, and his right hand in front, with all his spiritual energy subtly converging in his right hand at that moment.

At this time, a faint excitement began to stir in his heart, and the blood in his body started to boil.

Ever since obtaining the Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures, Charlie had never encountered a truly powerful top-notch expert.

Chapter 1154: "The Clash of Palms: Raleigh's Fierce Strike"

Like Devon Lee in the realm of metaphysics, although he possesses some accomplishments, he actually cannot withstand even one of his own startling thunder commands.

As for the Southern Twin Devils, those riffraffs, they are at most wandering bandits, far from being considered true masters.

However, the Eight Great Kings do have some interest.

Just now, Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell's punch, if aimed at Devon Lee, could truly shatter his head with a single blow.

The Southern Twin Devils, in his presence, probably couldn't withstand a single exchange.

But even so, Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell is still too weak in front of Charlie.

Now, with seven people attacking together, they finally possess a bit of fighting strength!

At this moment, Raleigh takes the lead!

His seven junior brothers closely follow behind him.

The seven have already arranged their formation, ready to take Charlie's life.

Raleigh approaches Charlie, his inner strength emerging from his dantian, gathering in his hands, and then he leaps fiercely, his palms rushing towards Charlie!

Raleigh excels in palm techniques!

His most impressive feat in his life was killing a mad adult male elephant with a single palm strike!

His palm technique appears soft but contains immense force, far more advanced than any fist technique.

In both the martial world and martial fiction, palm techniques are truly the top-notch secret skills!

Guo Jing (a fictional character from the popular wuxia novel "The Legend of the Condor Heroes") has the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Yang Guo (is another fictional character known for his role in "The Return of the Condor Heroes") has the Sad Palms, and the Wanderlust Guardians has the Six Solar Palms.

Besides these, there are the Mystic Shadowlord Divine Palm, the Buddha Palm, the Cold Ice Cotton Palm, and the Bone Dissolving Soft Palm.

In martial fiction, there are so many ultimate skills related to palm techniques, showing that palm techniques are the most profound and inscrutable among martial artists!

Raleigh's palm technique is extraordinary and extremely powerful. Looking across the entire South Laverton, it's hard to find a master who can contend with him.

Moreover, with six junior brothers backing him, they are all set to kill Charlie with one strike!

But unexpectedly, Charlie remains calm and composed, with an indescribable lightness.

He stands there quietly, not moving an inch, leisurely saying, "I admire your fearless spirit, but being fierce is one thing, and strength is another!"

At this moment, Raleigh has exerted his full power! Like a cannonball that has left the barrel, his momentum is unstoppable!

He is now certain that even if Charlie is a martial arts master, this palm strike would be enough to take half his life!

Thus, he coldly shouts, "Boy! You're seeking death! Watch me destroy all your meridians with one palm!"

Just as Raleigh's palm is about half a meter away from him, Charlie slightly narrows his eyes, casually steps forward, and softly says, "Raleigh, you're skilled in palm techniques, right? Then let me show you my palm technique!"

With that, he transforms his right fist into a palm, filled with full spiritual energy, and leisurely meets Raleigh's attack!

Raleigh's palm carries the force of thousands of troops, unstoppable.

But when Charlie's soft palm meets it, he suddenly feels as if he has struck Mount Tai!

What he doesn't know is that Charlie's palm is enveloped in a spiritual energy he has never heard of!

Spiritual energy, the most refined, purest, most rigid, most yang, and even the strongest force between heaven and earth!

Chapter 1155: "The Unseen Power: Raleigh's Dismay"

Raleigh had no idea of Charlie's true capabilities!

As he watched Charlie stand motionless, his front half as still as a mountain, while his back half delivered a seemingly soft, languid palm strike, Raleigh thought the young man was negligent in his defense and would be severely injured by his own attack.

However, the moment his palm met Charlie's, Raleigh realized that his strike not only failed to push Charlie back but also rebounded with immense force, shattering his right arm into pieces!

He never expected his fate would be the same as his eighth junior brother!

Seeing his right arm reduced to a bloody mess, Raleigh could hardly pay attention to his wound. The tremendous force from Charlie's palm had sent him flying backward several meters!

As Raleigh rapidly retreated, he frantically tried to stop himself using his legs on the snowy ground.

But the power of Charlie's palm was so immense that his legs couldn’t support it, forcing him to keep moving backward!

His six junior brothers were shocked at this sight!

They were well aware of their eldest senior brother's strength. If he struck with full power, even top experts would need to brace themselves seriously to barely handle it.

They might even be left in a dire state due to the eldest senior brother’s strike.

But who would have thought that Charlie, appearing so calm and composed, could repel the eldest senior brother with a single hand, sending him back like a cannonball?

One of them shouted urgently, "Quick! Help the eldest senior brother to dissipate the force!"

The others snapped back to reality. The six of them hurriedly stood in two rows behind Raleigh, exerting all their strength to help him.

But his retreat was unstoppable, like a force of ten thousand pounds!

At this moment, Raleigh’s body was bearing the spiritual energy from Charlie’s palm strike!

The others felt a sharp pain in their arms as they tried to dissipate the force together. All seven of them were sent flying several meters backward, crashing heavily to the ground!

Even more tragically, three of them landed directly on their eighth junior brother, also known as Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell.

The immense force made Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell spit out blood!

Charlie's spiritual energy was overwhelmingly powerful. Raleigh, bearing the brunt of it, crashed heavily into the snow, unable to move like a lump of mud.

"How... How is this possible?!" Raleigh stared at Charlie in disbelief, his face filled with shock.

He was a martial arts expert from a hidden sect, undefeated across the entire South Laverton region!

If not for his connection with Elder Weaver and the latter's generous offer, why would someone of his formidable strength linger in the small pond of South Laverton?

He reflected that throughout his life, he had faced numerous opponents but never felt as powerless as he did at that moment.

He couldn’t even see how the young man had struck before he was grievously injured!

For a martial artist, nothing is more important than their arms, especially the right arm.

With the right arm disabled, a person is ruined.

What high-level expert? Impossible.

After all, Yang Guo (character in "The Return of the Condor Heroes") is just a character in martial arts novels. In reality, there has never been a one-armed expert.

Because with only one arm, the body is always unbalanced. Forget about fighting fiercely with others; even running would be noticeably unbalanced. How can someone, whose body’s center of gravity can't be at the center, become a high-level expert?


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 1141: "Dark Shadows of Evergreen Mountain"

In this particular moment...

Thompson Elite!

The night was veiled in darkness, with Charlie and his wife deep in slumber, each in their own bed.

Suddenly, in the quiet of the night, Charlie's phone buzzed twice, startling him from his peaceful rest.

Wary of waking his wife, he hastily reached for his phone and discovered two new WeChat messages awaiting his attention.

Given the late hour, he couldn't help but wonder who might be reaching out to him at this time. Yet, he couldn't shake the feeling that it was something of significance.

Unlocking his phone, he found that the messages had been sent by Orvel.

"Master Wade, there's been an incident at Evergreen Mountain. Lorden and I are outside your residence, hoping to discuss it with you."

Charlie furrowed his brows.

An issue at Evergreen Mountain likely meant that the Weaver family was once again targeting Yorick and his son.

Quietly, he rose from his bed and descended the stairs to the villa's entrance.

At the doorstep, Orvel and Lorden stood with a respectful demeanor.

Observing their anxious expressions, Charlie inquired, "What's the matter?"

Orvel began to explain, "Around half an hour ago, the Weaver family dispatched a group of 16 individuals to Evergreen Mountain. Their intention was to seize the Weigard father and son. A confrontation ensued, resulting in the deaths of 15 of the Weaver family's members, with Lorden's and my men prevailing."

Charlie nodded and asked, "And the remaining one? What happened to them?"

With a respectful tone, Orvel continued, "One of them managed to escape."

Charlie nodded once more and questioned, "Did we suffer any casualties?"

Lorden replied, "Master Wade, we lost three of our men and one of Weaver Wade's men, totaling four casualties."

Charlie expressed his approval, saying, "Considering the circumstances, it's still a favorable outcome."

Orvel added, "I fear that the Weaver family won't back down easily after two unsuccessful attempts. They might be planning a more comprehensive assault on Evergreen Mountain. Lorden and I are preparing to head there, but we're concerned that next time they might deploy their elite masters."

Charlie's brow furrowed as he asked, "Elite masters?"

"Yes," Orvel confirmed, "Rumors circulating in the martial world suggest that the Weaver family patriarch possesses Eight Great Kings all of whom are incredibly skilled martial artists."

Following this revelation, Orvel voiced his concern, "Master Wade, our forces can handle ordinary adversaries, but facing martial arts masters could be like trying to halt a speeding car with one's arm. Dealing with a dozen or so of their men is manageable, but I'm worried that we might inadvertently cause complications for you, Master Wade. If they manage to rescue the Weigard father and son, I won't be able to absolve myself of responsibility."

Charlie was well aware that prominent families always had formidable protectors.

Even the relatively smaller Wade family boasted numerous highly skilled individuals.

Their capabilities far surpassed the comprehension of ordinary individuals.

For a super-wealthy family with trillions in assets, only top-tier masters could guarantee their security.

In light of this, Charlie inquired, "Orvel, what's your proposed course of action?"

Orvel responded promptly, "Master Wade, please pardon my frankness, but I've always believed there's no need to keep the Weigard father and son alive. Your adversaries are using them as bargaining chips, striving relentlessly to secure their release. Instead of enduring this predicament, why not eliminate the threat by eliminating them, thus averting future complications?"

Chapter 1142: "Weaver's Gambit: Unveiling the Eight Great Kings"

Charlie offered a slight smile and shared, "If we relied solely on violence to resolve every issue, the Weaver family would have vanished ages ago. There are those who merit consequences like the members of the Beggar's Gang, and swift action is warranted. However, there are instances where taking a life serves no purpose."

He chuckled and added, "Consider Ichiro Kobayashi from your dog-breeding facility, for example. I could have ended his life, but I spared him because I find him intriguing in his current state. He possesses more potential while alive, and his presence adds an element of excitement. Eliminating him would have consequences, similar to the dynamics between the Weaver and Weigard families."

In Charlie's perspective, the world operated through a balance of complements and contradictions.

He chose to spare Ichiro Kobayashi's life to maintain equilibrium with his brother, Jiro Kobayashi.

He allowed the Weigard family father and son to live, positioning them as a counterbalance to Lorden.

Should Ichiro Kobayashi meet an untimely end, Charlie would lose a valuable bargaining asset for controlling Jiro Kobayashi or potentially influencing Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals in the future.

Should Lorden ever turn against him, Charlie could leverage the Weigard family father and son to keep him in check.

This was an age-old strategy of rulership.

A wise ruler never placed absolute trust in a treacherous minister nor showed excessive favoritism to a loyal one.

A court without treacherous ministers would risk the loyal ones growing arrogant, eventually turning against the ruler.

Thus, Charlie needed different individuals to balance one another.

The Wade family was known for their excellence. Generations of Wade descendants were schooled in classics, ancient history, and the art of governance from a young age. These principles were practically ingrained in their blood.

Charlie shook his head and remarked, "If I were to eliminate Yorick and his son, it would signify my fear of the Weaver family, a display of weakness. I do not entertain weakness."

He continued, "I suspect that the Weaver family has already dispatched their Eight Great Kings, possibly en route to Evergreen Mountain."

"Hmm?!" Both Orvel and Lorden were taken aback.

Lorden voiced his surprise, "Shouldn't they take some time to regroup after losing fifteen men before making a move?"

"No," Charlie asserted confidently. "If Donald possessed the ability to mobilize warriors, he would have done so. My hunch is that the true authority behind the warrior mobilization lies with the Weaver family's elder patriarch."

"The old generation of entrepreneurs wields considerable strength. Mr. Weaver, who rose from humble beginnings, must possess greater acumen, courage, and insight than most. If he orchestrates things from the shadows, his tactics are likely far more sophisticated than Donald's. He will strike when least expected."

He smiled faintly, "The least expected moment to strike is right after a setback, when everyone anticipates a retreat for recovery, but instead, the unexpected blow is delivered."

Orvel inquired urgently, "Master Wade, what is our next step? Should we dispatch someone tonight?"

Charlie waved his hand dismissively and said calmly, "Sending individuals will be futile if they are deploying warriors. It would be a death sentence."

Orvel gasped, "Master Wade, then what shall we do?"

Charlie responded composedly, "No need to fret. I have my plans. The distance between Suzhou and Hangzhou and Evergreen Mountain affords us ample time for preparation."

Upon hearing this, Lorden felt a surge of relief, a heavy burden lifted from his heart.

With gratitude, he expressed, "It appears Master Wade is already well-prepared. Lorden extends his thanks to Master Wade!"

Lorden harbored the greatest fear of the return of the Weigard family father and son. He was unwilling to relinquish control over Weigard Pharmaceuticals, which he had just acquired so easily.

Chapter 1143: "Clash of Medicine and Mastery"

Charlie noticed Lorden's growing unease and decided to change the topic, asking, "How are things going at Weigard's Pharmaceuticals these days?"

Lorden's expression turned more serious as he gave an update, saying, "Master Wade, our pharmaceutical company has been sailing on relatively smooth waters lately. However, we've faced some challenges when it comes to expanding into new markets."

Curious, Charlie probed further, "What kind of challenges are you encountering?" Weigard's Pharmaceuticals had always held a prominent position in the domestic pharmaceutical industry, so facing significant competition was unusual.

Lorden replied promptly, "Recently, we've invested heavily in developing a new traditional Chinese medicine. This medicine is designed to alleviate stomach discomfort by dispelling negative energy, reducing moisture, cooling the blood, and calming the heart. It's essentially a stomach powder meant to address issues like stomach pain, acid reflux, and nausea."

Charlie contemplated this and commented, "Stomach problems are quite common in modern times. Apart from TummyTonic, which has gained some recognition, there aren't many Chinese-origin stomach medicines. Given the demand, you shouldn't have too much trouble, right?"

Lorden furrowed his brows and explained, "I developed this medicine after observing the constant stress and busy lifestyles of urban dwellers. Many young professionals suffer from stomach issues. The potential market is vast, so I embarked on a journey to find the right formula from ancient prescriptions. Unexpectedly, a foreign company beat us to it and even improved upon our original formula."

Charlie grew concerned and asked, "A foreign company? Aren't they primarily focused on Western medicine? Are they now imitating Chinese traditional medicine formulas?"

Lorden shook his head and clarified, "It's not Western medicine. Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals managed to obtain an ancient Chinese formula and used it as the basis to create their own stomach powder. Their product is actually more effective than our own, and Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals has taken over the market, putting us at a disadvantage."

Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, he added with a touch of dejection, "Moreover, Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals has shown remarkable proficiency in developing our Chinese traditional medicine formulas. Since the time of Masao Kobayashi, they've successfully capitalized on Chinese traditional medicine on a global scale, building a solid foundation over the years."

"Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals?" Charlie raised an eyebrow and asked, "Weren't they considerably weakened before? How are they so competitive now?"

Lorden nodded, sighed, and replied, "Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals remains one of Asia's top pharmaceutical companies. As long as their core remains intact, they continue to pose a formidable challenge. They have the finest hardware laboratory in Asia and a dedicated research and development team, allowing them to optimize a stomach powder based on an ancient formula."

Charlie couldn't help but be impressed by Jiro Kobayashi's capabilities. Despite suffering losses exceeding ten billion due to his own actions, Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals had managed to recover swiftly.

During their conversation, Lorden expressed his regrets, saying, "It's truly unfortunate that we couldn't fully tap into the wisdom left by our ancestors, only to see it copied by foreign entities."

Charlie inquired, "How badly has Weigard's Pharmaceuticals been affected by Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals?"

Lorden answered, "The impact is significant, especially in the realm of stomach medicine. Over time, Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals is also actively venturing into developing new medications. They may gradually encroach on our territory. Weigard's Pharmaceuticals has already seen a substantial drop in revenue. The funds invested in stomach medicine have nearly gone to waste, and we're still committed to developing new medications. If we succeed, that's great, but if we fail, we'll be in an even deeper crisis."

With a hint of disappointment, Lorden added, "The World University Sanshou Boxing Competition is about to begin in Aurous Hill, and Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals is the primary sponsor, gaining significant publicity."

Charlie, intrigued, asked, "Will Jiro Kobayashi be attending?"

Lorden replied, "I'm not sure, but I've heard that a high-ranking executive from Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals will be the guest of honor at the finals. The specific individual hasn't been confirmed yet, but it could very well be Jiro Kobayashi."

Charlie nodded thoughtfully.

Chapter 1144: "Recipe for Success: A Pharmaceutical Partnership"

Actually, the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" records countless ancient and miraculous medical prescriptions. Just for stomach medicine alone, there are dozens of types. Any one of them could easily help Lorden completely outdo Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals.

However, pharmaceuticals are a highly profitable industry, so naturally, I couldn't just help Lorden for free.

Thus, I said to Lorden, "Lorden, I do have some excellent recipes in my possession. If produced, they are sure to be best-selling miracle drugs. If I contribute these recipes as my investment, how many shares are you willing to give me?"

Lorden almost immediately replied, "Master Wade, Lorden owes all his success to you. The entire Weigard Pharmaceuticals is yours. Just say the word, and I will hand it over to you without hesitation!"

Lorden was very clear in his mind.

Without Charlie, he could never have taken over Weigard Pharmaceuticals.

Without Charlie, if the Weigard family returned, he couldn't have held onto Weigard Pharmaceuticals.

Therefore, he was willing to completely rely on Charlie, even if it meant handing over Weigard Pharmaceuticals to prevent the Weigard family from turning the tables.

Charlie nodded and said, "In that case, if the recipes I give you are more effective than Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's stomach powder, you'll give me 80% of the shares in Weigard Pharmaceuticals. I'll continue to provide you with excellent recipes, ensuring that Weigard Pharmaceuticals grows into a company worth hundreds of billions. By then, your personal assets will exceed twenty billion."

Currently, Weigard Pharmaceuticals is valued at around twenty to thirty billion, but they have some debts, and their business has been declining recently.

If Charlie can truly grow Weigard Pharmaceuticals into a hundred-billion-level conglomerate, even 10% of the shares would significantly increase Lorden's assets.

So, for him, there was no reason to refuse.

Moreover, he had long heard about the miraculous medicines refined by Master Wade. If Charlie was offering his recipes, they were bound to sell well!

Therefore, Lorden agreed without hesitation, excitedly saying, "Thank you, Master Wade! I have no objections!"

Charlie wasn't trying to take advantage of Lorden; top-tier medical recipes are indeed invaluable.

For example, the male enhancement drug "PotenX." Its parent company made profits in the hundreds of billions of dollars just from this one drug.

So, giving it away for free would be foolish.

A win-win cooperation is the best solution.

Thus, Charlie said to Lorden, "In that case, you can go back for now. Tomorrow, I'll have my lawyer draft a contract with you and give you the prescription."

Orvel, who was standing by, quickly asked, "Master Wade, what about the matter with the Weaver family?"

Charlie smiled faintly and said, "I have my own plans. You don't need to worry."

Chapter 1145 : Title: "Race Against Time: Evergreen Mountain Showdown"

At this moment, Charlie was faced with two possible solutions.

The first was to immediately seek out Stephen Thompson, asking him to dispatch experts from the Wade family in Eastcliff to intercept at Evergreen Mountain. The Wade family had numerous masters, and dealing with the mere Eight Great Kings should be effortless.

The second option was for him to personally set off for Evergreen Mountain and ambush the Eight Great Kings at the foot of the mountain.

After a few seconds of thought, Charlie decided to handle the matter himself. He would go to Evergreen Mountain and take care of the Eight Great Kings.

Charlie had been studying the Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures for some time now, continuously comprehending it, which had greatly enhanced his strength.

Moreover, his body had been tempered by spiritual energy, making him extraordinary compared to ordinary people.

Not to mention the many rejuvenation pills he had concocted himself. Relying on these pills, he had elevated his body to an even higher realm.

With Charlie's current strength, not only the Eight Great Kings, but even if their number doubled, they would be no match for him.

However, he needed to hurry to Evergreen Mountain.

It was very likely that the Eight Great Kings of the Weaver family had already set off.

Suzhou was several hundred kilometers south of Aurous Hill, providing Charlie with a small window of time.

If he was efficient, he might be able to reach Evergreen Mountain before the Eight Great Kings.

So, he immediately called Isaac and blurted out, "Can you arrange a plane for me? I need to head to Evergreen Mountain right away."

Isaac promptly replied, "No problem, Young Master. Our private jet is ready at Aurous Hill Airport, and it's the fastest civilian business jet in the world, customized by the Wade family and much faster than ordinary planes."

Isaac added, "The Wade family always believes that timing is everything, so our plane is faster than any other family's private jets!"

"Excellent!" Charlie said, satisfied. "Have the plane wait for me at the airport, ready for takeoff. Also, send your Shangri-La helicopter to pick me up from Thompson Elite now. I need to get to the airport immediately."

"No problem!"

Isaac, while arranging things, asked anxiously, "Young Master, do you need assistance for your trip to Evergreen Mountain? If so, I can call the family right away."

Charlie replied calmly, "No need for assistance. Just do me another favor – arrange a helicopter to wait for me at Evergreen Mountain's airport. After I land, I need to quickly get to a village at the foot of Evergreen Mountain."

"No problem!" Isaac immediately responded. "I'll arrange it right away. If there's no helicopter at Evergreen Mountain, I'll have one transferred from elsewhere, ensuring it's ready before you arrive."


After Charlie hung up the phone, Orvel immediately said, "Master Wade, I wish to accompany you."

Lorden, standing beside him, also clasped his hands and said, "Master Wade, I too wish to accompany you."

After a moment's thought, Charlie said to them, "If you both wish to go, then come along with me."

Both were utterly devoted and loyal to Charlie, not wanting him to go to Evergreen Mountain alone.

Charlie understood well that to ensure their unwavering loyalty, he needed to let them witness his true strength.

Especially Lorden, Charlie had to be sure of his absolute loyalty before he could confidently share the extraordinary medical formulas from the Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures with him.

So, this trip to Evergreen Mountain was an opportunity for them to see the true strength of their master.


Soon, Isaac's helicopter arrived at Thompson Elite.

Charlie and the two others boarded the helicopter and immediately headed for Aurous Hill Airport.
Hmmm a show is about to manifest


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 1146: "The Revelation and Loyalty"

At this moment, at Aurous Hill Airport, the Wade family's private plane deployed in Aurous Hill was ready for takeoff at the end of the runway.

As soon as Charlie boarded the plane, it would immediately take off.

Moreover, this plane could take Charlie to Evergreen Mountain in just two hours.

In comparison, the Weaver family's private plane would take at least three hours.

Moreover, the Weaver family did not have the ability to mobilize resources nationally and even globally like the Wade family.

It was believed that when the Eight Great Kings arrived at Evergreen Mountain, there would be no helicopter waiting for them there. At most, the Weaver family could prepare an off-road vehicle to take them to the foot of the mountain.

According to Orvel, from Evergreen Mountain Airport to the small village where the Weigard family father and son lived, it would take at least two hours by off-road vehicle when it was not snowing.

If it snowed and the road conditions were bad, it would take more than three hours.

But with a helicopter, it would be much faster, just a forty-minute straight flight.

Therefore, Charlie had plenty of time and could definitely arrive before the Eight Great Kings.

The helicopter landed right at the end of the airport runway, next to the Wade family's business jet.

As soon as Charlie got off the helicopter, the cabin door of the business jet opened.

To his surprise, the one who opened the door was Isaac!

Charlie looked at him in amazement and asked, "How come you're here?"

Isaac hurriedly said, "Young Master, I really couldn't rest easy with you going alone. I feared you wouldn't want me to follow, so I had to resort to this. Please don't blame me."

Charlie nodded lightly, "Since you're already here, I can't ask you to leave. Let's go, have the plane take off as soon as possible."

Orvel had always known that Charlie was Isaac's young master, so he wasn't surprised. However, he knew little about the Wade family, so every time he saw Charlie, he respectfully called him Master Wade instead of Young Master Wade.

Of course, this was also related to Charlie's desire to keep his identity secret. If he was called Young Master Wade, some people might connect him with the Wade family of Eastcliff.

However, Lorden, standing nearby, was stunned by this address.

Isaac was a clever man. Seeing that the young master had brought Lorden, he knew that Lorden had become the young master's confidant.

Moreover, since the young master planned to take him to Evergreen Mountain, he must be ready to display his skills in front of him, so there was no need to deliberately hide his identity.

At this moment, Lorden was greatly shocked. He knew who Isaac was, so with that address, he immediately guessed Charlie's identity.

He was astounded.

He had never dreamed that his benefactor, Master Wade, was not only a master with incredible abilities but also the eldest young master of the top family in Eastcliff, the Wade family!

His extraordinary abilities were already admirable, but his family background was even more prestigious!

No wonder people said Master Wade was a real dragon among men!

With such abilities and background, he certainly deserved the title of a real dragon among men!

Thinking this, he immediately knelt on one knee and said respectfully to Charlie, "Master Wade, you are the highly esteemed young master of the Wade family, yet you are willing to stand up for me, avenge my deceased mother, and fight for my family's property. I, Lorden, will never forget your great kindness!"

Charlie said indifferently, "Lorden, if you are grateful and wish to follow me devotedly, I will certainly grant you a lavish life!"

After that, he turned to Orvel and smiled, "Orvel, the same goes for you."

Orvel also immediately knelt down and said respectfully, "Young Master, from the moment you saved me from the Weaver family's bodyguards, my life has been yours!"

Chapter 1147: "The Elite Family's Resources"

Wade's private jet soared through the darkness, speeding towards Evergreen Mountain at an incredible pace!

This plane was indeed much faster than ordinary aircraft, a fact that even Charlie couldn't help but marvel at. It's no wonder the Wade family stands at the pinnacle of China's elite families. Just from the detail of their aircraft, one can glean their extraordinary capabilities.

In major cities across the country, such planes are arranged to ensure that the family can be one step ahead of others in case of emergencies. Being first on the scene often means the possibility of victory.

Isaac informed Charlie, "Young Master, actually the Wade family owns an even faster aircraft. However, this plane is one of a kind and is kept at the Eastcliff Airport by the patriarch."

"Oh?" Charlie asked curiously, "There's a plane faster than this?"

"Yes!" Isaac nodded, "Have you ever heard of the Concorde? Developed by the French many years ago, this supersonic passenger jet can reach twice the speed of sound, cruising at speeds up to 2150 kilometers per hour."

Charlie expressed his surprise, "I've heard of the Concorde, but wasn't it retired a long time ago?"

Isaac explained, "Its retirement was just from public view. That's because its operating costs were too high due to its fast speeds and the loud noise created by breaking the sound barrier, making it unaffordable for the general public. However, after its retirement, the four best-maintained units were purchased by the world's top families. These planes have since been receiving the best care and maintenance."

Charlie couldn't help but be astonished.

He hadn't expected his grandfather to make such a grand purchase, owning a Concorde. This spoke volumes about the extraordinary vision and boldness of the older generation of entrepreneurs.

Despite the exorbitant cost of a Concorde, its presence meant that the patriarch could be two to three times faster than others in crucial moments.

While ordinary private jets could fly at most 800 to 900 kilometers per hour, the Concorde could reach 2.5 times that speed!

If there was a 1 billion dollar deal waiting to be signed in the United States, and the quickest to arrive would win the contract, then the Wade family would undoubtedly be the top choice.

While others' planes would take eleven to twelve hours, the Concorde would only need about five hours. This meant that by the time others arrived, the contract would already be signed by the Wade family.


Two hours later, the plane carrying Charlie landed at Evergreen Mountain Airport.

On one side of the runway, a helicopter was already waiting.

After disembarking, Charlie asked Isaac, "Please check with the airport if the Weaver family's private plane has landed here."

Isaac quickly made a call on his phone. Moments later, he spoke admiringly to Charlie, "Young Master, you are truly prescient. The control tower just received an application from a private plane, due to land here in an hour."

Charlie nodded in satisfaction, "An hour's lead is more than enough. Let's go and enjoy the scenery at the foot of Evergreen Mountain!"

With that, he stepped into the waiting helicopter.

Isaac, Orvel, and Lorden also boarded the aircraft.

The helicopter immediately ascended, swiftly heading towards the base of Evergreen Mountain.

It was past four in the morning, and in the winter darkness, there was no sign of dawn yet.

However, a delicate moon in the sky outlined the contours of the land clearly.

The helicopter flew out of the airport, over the city, and straight towards the majestic Evergreen Mountain.

Under the moonlight, the silhouette of Evergreen Mountain was especially clear. As the entire mountain range was snow-covered, it appeared incredibly beautiful in the moonlight's glow.

Forty minutes later, the helicopter landed about a kilometer outside a village.

Chapter 1148: "High Stakes Hide and Seek in the Frozen North"

Orvel had visited Evergreen Mountain once before, so he was somewhat familiar with the terrain. Pointing to a snow-covered mountain road next to the plane, he said to Charlie, "Young Master, this is the only road leading into the mountain. If the Eight Great Kings of the Weaver family don't use a helicopter, then this is the only way they can come."

Charlie nodded and said, "In that case, let’s wait here to ambush them."

Orvel anxiously asked, "Young Master, should we call everyone else here to help?"

Charlie calmly replied with two words: "No need."

Isaac, somewhat concerned for the young master's safety, couldn't help but say, "I have some understanding of the Eight Great Kings of the Weaver family. They are indeed formidable. You alone may not be able to handle them. For safety's sake, let's call some more people to help!"

Charlie waved his hand and said coldly, "Today's matter is only for the four of us to know and witness. If anyone else learns of it, they must be silenced!"

The other three turned solemn at his words.

They could sense the strong pressure and overwhelming aura in Charlie's words.

It seemed that Charlie intended to leave all of the Eight Great Kings here today!


At this moment, the Eight Great Kings had just landed at the Evergreen Mountain Airport.

After the plane landed, the eight of them walked out and went through the regular passenger exit.

Unlike Charlie, who didn't use the passenger exit and instead left directly from the runway in a helicopter.

The reason they didn't receive such treatment was mainly that the Weaver family had no influence here.

The Weaver family, a prominent clan from the South Laverton region, might be the top family there, but they were far from being among the real top-tier families.

Their influence was mainly in the South Laverton region, waning north of the Yangtze River, and even weaker further north, especially in a place as far north as Evergreen Mountain.

However, for a top-tier family like the Wade family from Eastcliff, their national strategy was like the global strategy of the United States: complete domination.

The United States aimed for global domination, while the Wade family sought national domination.

For the Wade family, anywhere in the country was their home ground.

If they wished, they could eliminate the Weaver family right at their stronghold in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Such was the power of a top-tier family!

Now, led by Raleigh, the Eight Great Kings left the airport and saw two SUVs parked at the entrance.

These SUVs were arranged by the Weaver family at short notice.

Having no local influence, the sixteen men the Weaver family sent yesterday had to rent five SUVs for their mission to rescue the Weigard family father and son.

This time, the Weaver family had rented two more expensive SUVs online for the Eight Great Kings to drive themselves.

After getting the cars, the Eight Great Kings split into the two SUVs and headed towards the mountains.

On the way, Raleigh, the leader of the Eight Great Kings, sitting in the passenger seat, picked up the walkie-talkie and said coldly, "Brothers, we have more than two hours' drive ahead. Rest up and conserve your energy. Once we arrive, we'll unleash hell! Anyone who dares to stand in our way will be shown no mercy!"

Chapter 1149: "Chasing Shadows in the Frozen Abyss"

On a mountain road stretching tens of kilometers, two off-road vehicles traveled closely, one after the other.

These were the only two vehicles on this lengthy stretch of the mountain road.

Driving in the snow was challenging. The reach of the headlights revealed nothing but a blanket of white.

Raleigh, dazzled by the endless white snow outside, said with irritation, "That Wade guy is truly a beast. If that father and son duo offended him, he should have just killed them. Why send them to this godforsaken place? Now we have to come all the way here, such bad luck."

The driver replied helplessly, "Before I came here, I heard that this Wade fellow is a devil. He not only sends people here to dig for ginseng but also likes sending them to coal mines. I heard he once forced a CEO to carry cement on a construction site."

"So what?" Raleigh said indifferently, "Have you forgotten how the people from the Beggar Gang died? More than a dozen were welded inside a car and sunk in the river. Their bodies haven't been recovered to this day. Do you know what fate awaits them?"

The driver laughed, "They're already dead, what fate could they possibly have?"

Raleigh explained, "The river is full of fish and crabs. A car turned into an iron cage, sunk at the bottom with a dozen bodies inside, will eventually be eaten by these creatures. The bigger fish eat the flesh, the smaller ones the skin. Have you ever been to a fish spa? Those fish clean off dead skin so thoroughly. In no time, there will be nothing left on their bones."

"Damn!" exclaimed a man in the back seat, "No wonder the Weaver family is so keen on killing him. This guy is too sinister!"

Raleigh spoke calmly, "We must not take him lightly. We need to come out of today's battle unscathed."

The driver then asked, "Brother, do you think there are any masters on Mount Evergreen?"

"I don't think so," Raleigh replied. "People from the Donald faction were here a few hours ago. According to the only survivor, there was no close combat, just gunfire. So I guess they're just armed bodyguards."

"That's good," the driver said with a smile. "Brother, since our childhood, we've trained in Iron Shirt and Golden Bell Shield. We may not be top experts, but ordinary bullets can't harm us. Tonight's battle seems like an easy victory, a mere dogfight, and we'll triumphantly return to Suzhou and Hangzhou."

Another man said, "If only Charlie was here too. We could kill him and claim our reward from Elder Weaver!"

Raleigh smiled, "Charlie is probably not here. The Weaver family had investigated before we set off; he was still in Aurous Hill."

Sighing, Raleigh added, "It would be great if he were here. Bringing his head back to Elder Weaver would surely earn us a few billion."

The driver then mentioned, "Brother, since this Charlie is so eerie, could that strange illness of the second young master of the Weaver family be related to him?"

Raleigh shook his head, "It's hard to say, but it's not impossible."

He continued, "That illness of the second young master is truly unheard of. It's been a long time with no cure or relief, utterly bizarre."


At this moment, Charlie stood with his hands behind his back in the snowy landscape on the mountainside.

Behind him, Isaac, Orvel, and Lorden were shivering in the cold, their faces pale and lips purple.

Isaac, rubbing his hands, cursed, "These damn Eight Great Kings are too slow! It'll be dawn in another hour!"

Orvel, looking at Charlie with concern, asked, "Young Master, aren't you cold dressed so lightly?"

Charlie shook his head slightly. He was now impervious to the severe cold.

Standing here for an hour or two, even a day or a month, wouldn't cause him any frostbite.

Chapter 1150: "Confrontation on the Frigid Highway"

Lorden's nose was freezing as well. When the four of them first arrived here, Charlie had the helicopter leave early to avoid exposing their location. Otherwise, they could have stayed inside the helicopter a bit longer, at least to shield themselves from the biting cold winds of Evergreen Mountain.

After waiting for roughly ten more minutes, Charlie suddenly noticed four beams of light from two vehicles winding up the mountain road.

Isaac also saw the lights and nervously said, "Young Master, it must be them coming!"

Charlie nodded and smiled, "We've waited so long for them, I almost fell asleep."

Orvel quickly pulled out his pistol from his waist and said through gritted teeth, "Damn it, today I want to see just how impressive these Eight Great Heavenly Kings are!"

Charlie calmly replied, "Orvel, put away your gun. It's useless against them."

Orvel was stunned for a moment, but then he understood.

He had witnessed some of the abilities of the metaphysical world before, including Charlie, who could command the heavens' thunder. If a warrior had profound cultivation, they could easily block bullets, which wasn't surprising.

Isaac then asked, "Young Master, what should we do now? If there’s anything we can help with, just tell us."

Charlie smiled slightly and said, "You don’t need to help with anything, just follow behind me."

Orvel hurriedly said, "Young Master, why don't you just summon a few bolts of heavenly thunder later and turn these Eight Great Heavenly Kings to ash, just like Devon Lee."

Charlie laughed, "I'm already tired of using thunder to strike people. Since warriors are coming today, let's just have a pure martial contest."

Isaac had never seen Charlie use thunder to strike Devon Lee, but he had heard about it.

However, he had always thought it was a coincidence, as he had never seen anyone command heavenly thunder before.

Although the Wade family knew many people in the metaphysical world, they had never heard of anyone with such a heaven-reaching ability.

At this moment, as the two vehicles continued to wind up the mountain road, getting closer and closer, Charlie proactively stepped into the middle of the road and walked towards the direction of the descent.

The other three exchanged glances and quickly followed.

Raleigh, sitting in the car, was already dozing off, but his junior brother, the driver, glanced at the navigation and said, "Senior Brother, we are almost there."

Raleigh quickly asked, "How much further?"

The other replied, "The navigation shows less than 5 kilometers."

Raleigh stretched and cursed, "Finally, we are almost there. Everyone, stay alert. Even if the enemy is weak, we can't take them lightly."

One of his junior brothers immediately took out a walkie-talkie and said, "Everyone, be alert, we are almost there!"

The people in the car behind replied through the walkie-talkie, "Received, we are warming up already."

As the vehicle continued to drive and was turning a corner, the driver suddenly saw a figure standing right in the middle of the road in the headlights' beam!

The driver next to Raleigh exclaimed, "Damn, is that a person or a ghost?!"
That's your downfall awaiting you


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 1131: "Public Relations Peril: Donald's Dilemma"

When Donald saw this video, he was so infuriated that his nose was nearly crooked.

He never expected that the Wilson family's brawl in the hospital would be captured on video.

What surprised him even more was that this video was exposed after he announced his investment in the Wilson Group.

It was clear that this was done deliberately to disgust him, as if waiting for him to publicly invest in the Wilson Group, and then slap him in the face!

The most hateful thing was TikTok!

This platform seemed to have a grudge against him!

Last time, the comic dialogue of Gary Lambert and his son was spread by this platform.

There was no use in trying to manage public relations, as this software had already been bought by the Eastcliff elite families.

Last time, the downfall of his annoying brother-in-law, Kobi Reynolds, and his Beggar Gang was also widely known because of this software.

Now, the Wilson family's scandalous drama was also being pushed by this software.

Wasn't this openly opposing him?

Why were they clinging to him when he had never provoked them?

The Weaver family was already pitiable, their reputation utterly ruined, and yet they wouldn’t let go of the Weaver family, or him...

Sure enough, after this video started to circulate, the whole nation was scolding the Weaver family.

Since the Weaver family was already notorious, and now they were investing in the shameless, low-class Wilson family, they were truly shameless.

Dominic went to his brother Donald and said, "Brother, this family you've found is really despicable. They've completely tarnished our Weaver family's name. If you ask me, we should kick them out and announce that we have nothing to do with them."

Donald shook his head gently and said, "It's pointless now. What's done is done. Even if the Weaver family immediately announces divestment, there won’t be any improvement. Everyone is just watching the Wilson family's clownish antics, but our Weaver family, as a prominent family, is the real target of national ridicule."

With a sigh, Donald continued, "You know about the Beggar Gang incident. It had a huge impact on our Weaver family. Compared to that, the Wilson family's scandal is nothing. Let the netizens say what they want."

Dominic said resentfully, "I think these lowlifes are pointless. We might as well let them leave now."

Donald asked him, "Even if we sever ties with the Wilson family, will the Weaver family's reputation be restored? Don't forget, we have many others we need to unite. If we give up on the Wilson family over such a trivial matter, how can others dare to cooperate with us? What we need to do now is to stand firmly with the Wilson family, even if just for show, to let everyone know that the Weaver family does not abandon its allies. Only then will everyone unite with us to confront Charlie."

Finally understanding his brother's intentions, Dominic asked, "Brother, how are the people we sent to Evergreen Mountain doing?"

Donald replied coldly, "They will make their move tonight. They will definitely rescue the Weigard father and son, and also eliminate all of Charlie's people left there!"


Chapter 1132: "Winter's Resolve: Ricky's Determination"

In the heart of the night, at the base of Evergreen Mountain.

Wrapped in a thick deer hide overcoat, Ricky was guiding his elderly father, Yorick, through the rugged terrain of the deep mountains.

Lately, Evergreen Mountain had been experiencing a severe drop in temperature, with nighttime lows plummeting to around minus 30 degrees Celsius.

Under usual circumstances, they would never have considered leaving their home, but they were compelled to embark on this journey due to a specific request: the gathering of ginseng.

Their survival depended on amassing enough ginseng to trade for essential supplies like food, medicine, kerosene, and firewood for heating.

In such frigid conditions, the daily consumption of heating resources was substantial. Relying solely on gathered firewood proved inadequate; a certain amount of kerosene was indispensable.

After an entire day of foraging in the mountains, the father and son had managed to collect just six or seven small ginseng roots, barely enough to barter for their next day's provisions.

Yorick, fatigued and famished, had lips tinged purple from the cold.

Ricky, though in better physical shape, also keenly felt the toll on his body.

With snow starting to accumulate on Evergreen Mountain, traversing the deep mountainous terrain had become an arduous task, significantly depleting their physical stamina. The scarcity of ginseng meant they had to venture deeper into the mountains with each trip.

Presently, they could only return home under the shroud of night, and it seemed that soon, they might have to endure nights amidst the unforgiving mountains.

Yorick scooped up a handful of snow, melting it in his mouth, and with chapped lips, he said, "Son, if this persists, I worry I won't survive the winter. After I'm gone, you must persevere and survive at all costs. Strive to leave behind a descendant for our Weigard family, and if possible, make your way back to Aurous Hill to reclaim Weigard's Pharmaceutical. That would be the ultimate achievement."

Ricky, panting for breath, reassured him, "Dad, don't speak like that. Although life is harsh on Evergreen Mountain, I sense an improvement in your health since we arrived here."

He continued, somewhat wistfully, "Back in the day, you pushed yourself too hard. You exhausted your vitality prematurely and neglected your physical well-being. Your health deteriorated steadily. Yet, now, gathering ginseng in the mountains daily, your body seems much more robust. I believe you can enjoy a longer life if you persist with this routine!"

Yorick settled heavily onto the thick snow, pondering, "You may be onto something. I do feel more vigorous than before. There was a time when even a few steps left me breathless, but now I can gather ginseng all day in the mountains."

He sighed, "I rue not appreciating my health when I was younger, expending my energy too soon. You must learn from my mistakes and avoid following in my footsteps."

Ricky seated himself beside his father, his powerful flashlight casting its glow on the surrounding snow and trees. He spoke somberly, "I'd like to follow in your footsteps, but I don't even have the opportunity. Look at this remote wilderness. Even the bears are hibernating. Where can I find a woman to share my life with?"

Yorick couldn't help but chuckle.

When it came to women, his son's experiences paled in comparison to his own.

In his youth, he had been quite the charmer, having been romantically involved with more women than his son had even met.

Contemplating it, he felt he had not lived in vain.

Ricky, thinking of women, let out a sigh, "Speaking of women, I do miss Wendy from the Wilson family in Aurous Hill. I wonder if I'll ever have the chance to return. If I do, I must find her and make the most of our time together."

Yorick patted his shoulder, offering encouragement, "I have faith that one day, we, father and son, will turn the tide of our fortune!"

Chapter 1133: "An Unconventional Heist: Ginseng and Deer Meat"

Yorick and his son, Ricky, harbored dreams of transforming their fortunes amidst the remote expanse of Evergreen Mountain. Out of nowhere, a bitterly cold gust of wind surged from the base of the mountain, causing both of them to shiver uncontrollably.

Yorick voiced his discomfort, "Good grief, the wind in this desolate place is unforgiving. It's chilled me to the bone. Let's move along swiftly."

"Agreed!" Ricky, also feeling the bone-chilling cold, instinctively withdrew his neck, rose to his feet, cleared the snow from his buttocks, and extended his hand to assist his father.

It must be acknowledged that their shared experiences in Evergreen Mountain had greatly reinforced the bond between father and son, more than ever before.

Previously, Yorick had displayed a preference for his eldest son, but his inherently selfish nature had hindered him from forming genuine emotional connections.

Consequently, his affection for Ricky had been relatively commonplace, slightly more favorable than that for Lorden.

Ricky had always lived a lavish lifestyle, marked by extravagant spending, excessive drinking, and promiscuity, which had distanced him from his father.

This estrangement stemmed largely from his mother's influence during his formative years, constantly portraying his father as neglectful of their family and involved with mistresses elsewhere.

Such narratives had sowed resentment in Ricky's heart towards his father from a young age.

Nonetheless, the necessity of cooperating for survival in Evergreen Mountain compelled them to shed their biases and increasingly depend on each other.

They both understood that in this harsh environment, losing the other would equate to a loss of courage and the ability to endure.

The father and son journeyed towards the distant twinkling lights emanating from the mountain's base, signifying their village still lying three to four miles away.

During their trek, Ricky broached a topic, "Dad, I heard that Lim, the hunter from our village, caught a roe deer yesterday. They say it's incredibly delicious. Should we pay him a visit later and see if we can snatch a couple of pounds?"

"Steal his meat?" Yorick sighed, "That Lim is quite miserly. The last time he bagged a wild boar weighing over 500 pounds, he wouldn't even part with a piece of its entrails without demanding payment."

While expressing his frustration, Yorick added, "Do you even know what this hunter Lim's full name is?"

Ricky shook his head, replying, "How could I possibly know? I only know his last name is Lim."

Yorick spat disdainfully, remarking, "Incredible, an illiterate hunter by the name of Margo Lim. I once inquired if he could write his own name, and can you believe what he told me?"

"What did he say?" Ricky inquired with curiosity.

Yorick chuckled, "He claimed he could only write 'Lim Wen' and not even 'Margo'."

Ricky joined in the laughter, saying, "I should have offered to teach him how to write 'Margo' and charged him two pounds of meat for the lesson."

Yorick commented, "Ask him for meat? He wouldn't even spare you a piece of pigskin."

Ricky proposed, "Considering how cold it is now, with temperatures several degrees below freezing, he must have already slaughtered the deer, and the meat is probably hanging in the yard, frozen. Perhaps we could sneak over the wall later and liberate a portion for tasting and sustenance."

Hearing this, Yorick swiftly suggested, "In that case, conceal the ginseng we unearthed today within your clothing. Don't give it all away. Tomorrow, we can use it to augment the deer meat, creating a nourishing dish!"

"Understood, I'll handle it."

With that said, Ricky took out a ginseng and stuffed it into his underwear.

The frozen ginseng got into his underwear, and he screamed because of the ice.

Yorick, slightly repulsed, remarked, "Why on earth would you put it there? How can we eat it now?"

Ricky explained, "It's necessary, Dad. If I don't conceal it there, we might get searched, and you know the consequences."

"Fair enough," Yorick conceded, "but be sure to rinse it thoroughly, perhaps even blanch it in hot water."

Ricky waved off the suggestion, stating, "Oh, Dad, you don't understand. If we blanch ginseng in hot water, it'll leach away all the valuable nutrients."

Chapter 1134: "Ricky and Yorick's Roe-deo Rescue: Unexpected Meat and Masked Heroes"

Yorick couldn't help but nod in agreement, expressing his longing for a simple pleasure, "If only we could find a couple of pounds of alcohol to steep some ginseng in. Carrying it with us into the mountains and taking a sip to warm ourselves when it's cold would be a true delight!"

Ricky suggested, "You know, Widow Lim seems to be quite skilled in brewing liquor. Perhaps I'll have a friendly chat with that person when the opportunity arises, and who knows, maybe Lim has some of homemade brew stored away."

Father and son continued their conversation as they walked through the chilly wind, finally arriving at the entrance to their village after more than half an hour.

Instead of heading straight back to their run-down home, they chose a discreet path that led them to Lim, the village's accomplished hunter.

Despite the village's location at the base of Evergreen Mountain and the simplicity of their lives, the villagers never lacked for anything.

In earlier times, the entire village used to embark on hunting expeditions in the mountains.

However, with most of the younger villagers venturing out for various opportunities, few were left to pursue hunting.

Lim remained the sole professional hunter in the village.

Whenever someone in the village had a craving for game meat, they would bring money or other goods to exchange for some of Lim's freshly caught game (the flesh of any wild animal or bird and not raised domestically nor in farms).

Ricky had always yearned for a taste of Lim's game, but due to his family's perpetual poverty and their daily struggle to secure even the most basic necessities, he had nothing of value to barter for such a treat.

Driven by their insatiable desire and the knowledge that Lim had recently hunted a roe deer, they were determined to obtain some meat, no matter the cost.

Glancing over the wall surrounding Lim's house, they spotted the coveted roe deer meat hanging in the courtyard.

Ricky whispered to his father, Yorick, "Dad, please crouch down so I can use your shoulders to climb over."

Yorick, equally eager, obediently squatted by the wall, allowing his son to clamber over and sneak into the yard.

Ricky swiftly grabbed hold of a roe deer leg and fastened it securely to his waist before making his way back over the wall.

With excitement, he whispered to his father, "This leg must weigh at least five kilograms. It'll provide us with food for a week, if not more!"

"Fantastic, fantastic!" Yorick exclaimed, clapping his hands in delight.

Having gone without meat for such an extended period, this unexpected windfall was truly a gift to be cherished.

As the father and son prepared to make their way back, their elation was short-lived as over a dozen individuals dressed in black clothing and wearing masks suddenly emerged from the shadows. Some held knives, while others carried handguns.

Taken aback, Ricky appealed, "Gentlemen, we only took some meat. Isn't this response a bit excessive?"

Yorick, trembling with fear, urged, "What are you waiting for? Give them back the meat."

Ricky hastily dropped the roe deer leg, pleading for mercy, "Please, show us mercy."

The group of men encircled them, and one of them inquired, "Are you Yorick and Ricky Weigard?"

Yorick, bewildered, nodded and inquired, "Who are you, gentlemen?"

The man responded coldly, "We are from the Weaver family in Suzhou and Hangzhou. We've been sent here to rescue you. There's a car waiting at the village entrance. Come with us immediately; we'll take you back to Aurous Hill!"

Hearing this, father and son were left stunned and began shedding tears.

Never in their wildest dreams had they imagined that they would see a glimmer of hope in their otherwise bleak lives.

Kneeling on the ground, they bowed deeply and wept, "Thank you, kind sirs, for your immense generosity. We will forever be grateful for this unexpected lifeline!"

Chapter 1135: "Midnight Mayhem: Ambush at Evergreen's Doorstep"

The last time someone came to rescue the Weigard father and son, they were dealt with before they even got close to their residence. As a result, the Weigards were unaware of the attempt.

At this moment, the Weaver family of Suzhou and Hangzhou was actually thinking of rescuing them and bringing them back.

Both father and son were thrilled and immediately agreed to follow the Weaver family by car back to Aurous Hill.

As they were heading to the village entrance, Yorick couldn't help but ask the black-clothed man beside him, "Brother, we don't really have any ties with the Weaver family of Suzhou and Hangzhou. Why would they want to save us?"

The man replied coldly, "Our boss Weaver has a common enemy with you."

"A common enemy?" Yorick exclaimed in surprise, "Who is it?"

Through gritted teeth, the man spat out two words: "Charlie! Wade"

Yorick and Ricky shuddered at once.

So, it was Charlie, that bastard, who had provoked the Weaver family of Suzhou and Hangzhou!

They were the top family in South Laverron!

Provoking them meant Charlie's death was imminent!

But, they were also thankful to Charlie for provoking the Weaver family, as this led them to be rescued from the desolate Evergreen Mountains.

With this thought, the father and son were extremely excited.

When the group reached the village entrance, several SUVs were already parked there, engines running, ready for a swift departure.

Just as everyone was about to board the vehicles, a loud 'bang' was heard from the snow.

Immediately after, one of the black-clothed men beside the Weigard father and son fell to the ground, shot.

Then, a fierce gun battle erupted.

The men sent by the Weaver family quickly drew their pistols to engage in the firefight.

Gunshots and cries of pain filled the air.

The area, at the foot of the Evergreen Mountains and far from the city, was almost pitch black at night. The gunfire created flashes of light, making the scene look even more terrifying.

Had this peaceful village ever witnessed such a large-scale battle?

The villagers, under the sounds of gunfire, dared not leave their homes, and the village dogs barked furiously.

More and more people were falling in this battlefield at the village entrance.

Donald's men shouted, "Retreat, everyone retreat! Get in the cars, we're ambushed!"

As soon as he finished speaking, bullets from the ambush rained down on the SUVs.

The gun battle continued, with casualties on both sides.

But the Weaver family was at a disadvantage, being in the open while their attackers were hidden.

The Weigard father and son, lying in the snow, watched in panic as more and more of Weaver's men fell around them. It seemed this group wouldn't last long.

A few minutes later, almost all of Weaver's men were killed, except for a driver who frantically drove away in one of the vehicles. The rest were left behind at the foot of the Evergreen Mountains.
Kill all the cockroaches


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 1161: "Charlie's Heavenly Skills: From Avalanche to Omelettes"

Isaac and the others, watching Charlie bathed in golden sunlight, were completely stunned and at a loss for words!

Charlie today completely overturned their previous impressions of him!

In their eyes, Charlie today was like a god.

They couldn't imagine how Charlie single-handedly easily annihilated the Eight Great Kings, not only remaining unharmed but also summoning thunder and causing an avalanche that buried the Eight Great Kings!

And in such a powerful avalanche, Charlie emerged without a scratch.

As Charlie approached, Lorden was the first who couldn't hold back and knelt in the snow, bowing his head to Charlie: "Master Wade, please accept my bow. From now on, I am willing to only bow to Master Wade in this life!"

Then, Orvel also knelt with a thud: "Master Wade, Orvel will honor you as the most respected in his life!"

Isaac, trembling, knelt on the ground, hands raised to the sky and prostrated: "Young Master! From today onwards, you are the only god in Isaac's heart!"

Charlie walked up to them, smiled faintly, and said, "From now on, I am still the same Charlie Wade, still that son-in-law Charlie. Whatever you think of me or how you treat me, keep it to yourselves and don't reveal today's events to anyone."

After hearing this, the three of them repeatedly kowtowed in agreement.

Charlie looked at Isaac and said seriously, "Isaac, especially you, you must not tell anyone from the Wade family about what happened just now!"

Isaac's expression became solemn, and he blurted out, "Young Master, rest assured, if the Wade family asks, I'll say these people died in the avalanche!"

Charlie nodded and said, "That's good."

Then he continued, "This seems to be the only road to the village, and now it's been blocked by the avalanche. Try to use the power of the Wade family to repair these roads quickly. Before they are fixed, send a helicopter to deliver necessary supplies to the villagers. Don't let my actions affect their normal lives."

Isaac immediately responded, "Young Master, rest assured, I'll make a call right now to arrange everything properly!"

Charlie hummed, checked the time, and said, "It's already almost seven o'clock. My wife must be worried not finding me. Hurry and take me back! I won't be able to cook breakfast for my wife this morning."

Everyone was astonished.

Was this the same Master Wade who just defeated the Eight Great Kings?

Was this the same Master Wade who summoned thunder and caused an avalanche?

Just now, he used such a domineering method to kill the Eight Great Kings, but now he was worried about not being able to cook for his wife.

Isaac was the first to react, quickly saying, "Young Master, I'll have the helicopter take us to the airport first, then we'll hurry back to Aurous Hill. If we're fast, we can get you home in a little over three hours!"

"Good," Charlie nodded, "Let's hurry."


Under the morning sun, a helicopter swiftly left Evergreen Mountain, heading towards the airport of Evergreen Mountain.

Meanwhile, the local media had already received reports about the avalanche.

As the media and locals followed up, the Wade family's disaster relief helicopter, loaded with a large amount of supplies, began flying towards the villages in Evergreen Mountain.

At this moment, in the Su Hang Weaver family residence.

Elder Weaver, lying on his sickbed, was still waiting for news about the Eight Great Kings.

He hadn't slept much last night, partly due to discomfort, but more so because he felt uneasy.

Before dawn, Donald had called the Eight Great Kings. Raleigh had told him that they were almost at their destination.

Chapter 1162: "When Super Warriors Play Hide and Seek: The Mysterious Vanishing Act"

The Weaver family thought that the upcoming time would be when the Eight Great Kings would be busy with their mission, so they dared not disturb them too much.

After about an hour had passed, Elder Weaver calculated that with the formidable strength of the Eight Great Kings, an hour should have been enough to eliminate the opposition and rescue the Weigard father and son.

So, he said to Donald, "Donald, call Mr. Raleigh and ask how things are going."

"Okay!" Donald immediately nodded, took out his phone, and called Raleigh.

The phone rang for a long time, but no one answered.

He reported to Elder Weaver, "Dad, no one's answering. Could they still be handling the matter?"

Elder Weaver nodded, "Possibly, let's wait a bit more patiently."

Ten minutes later, Elder Weaver urged, "Donald, try calling Mr. Raleigh again!"

Donald did as told.

But this time, too, there was no answer.

Elder Weaver frowned, "Something's not right. With their strength, how could it take this long? They're just dealing with second-rate bodyguards. To Mr. Raleigh and his team, that's nothing. I remember when I was battling enemies far and wide, Mr. Raleigh would follow me into the enemy's lair. He once took down over twenty people in the time it takes an incense stick to burn. His strength is unimaginable for ordinary people."

Donald tried to reassure him, "Dad, don't worry. Evergreen Mountain is remote and cold, and it's an isolated place. There might be some minor issues."

Elder Weaver nodded slightly, "Let's wait a bit longer then."

Another ten minutes passed, and Elder Weaver persisted, "Donald, keep calling!"

Donald followed the instruction, but there was still no change.

Elder Weaver was now visibly anxious, feeling that something was seriously wrong.

So, he kept urging Donald to call Raleigh repeatedly.

When Raleigh's phone remained unreachable, he asked Donald to try the other members of the Eight Great Kings.

But the calls to the others also went unanswered.

To be precise, the calls went through, but no one picked up.

After nearly an hour of failing to contact any of the Eight Great Kings, the Weaver family felt a chill down their spines.

How could all Eight Great Kings disappear at once? That seemed unrealistic!

Even if the Eight Great Kings encountered a formidable opponent, with their strength, it's impossible that none could escape.

Especially since, just a few hours earlier, among the sixteen people who went to Evergreen Mountain, one managed to escape.

Those were just ordinary, second-rate experts, better with guns than with fists and feet, not martial arts masters.

It didn't make sense that the Eight Great Kings, super warriors, couldn't escape.

Elder Weaver, anxious, began to breathe rapidly.

He gripped Donald's hand tightly, his face pale, and muttered in a low voice, "Something's wrong, something's really wrong this time."

Donald could only comfort him, "Dad, don't be so anxious. Let's wait a bit longer and stay calm."

Elder Weaver said earnestly, "Mr. Raleigh has been with me for so many years and has never encountered a situation like this. Something is definitely wrong this time. I even suspect they might have met with a disaster!"

Chapter 1163: "Charlie's Vanishing Act: Breakfast without the Magician"

As Charlie was already on the plane returning to Aurous Hill from Evergreen Mountain, the Weaver family was in a state of utter panic.

The Eight Great Kings had rushed to Evergreen Mountain overnight, solely to rescue a father and son, but unexpectedly, they lost contact immediately upon arrival.

Donald repeatedly dialed phone numbers until his mobile phone was almost out of battery, yet he couldn't reach anyone.

Just then, his phone suddenly rang with an incoming call.

The caller was the one who had fled Evergreen Mountain the night before.

He was still hiding in Evergreen Mountain City, originally planning to return with the Eight Great Kings after their triumphant rescue.

He never expected that instead of waiting for the Eight Great Kings, he would receive shocking bad news!

The local Evergreen Mountain TV station just broadcast an emergency news report: a massive avalanche had occurred at the foot of Evergreen Mountain. Triggered by the avalanche, tons of snow cascaded down, destroying the road leading into the mountains and burying two vehicles and eight people under the snow.

Rescue workers, using heavy-duty equipment, dug out eight bodies, unrecognizable after being battered by the snow.

Hearing this news, he immediately thought of the Eight Great Kings.

He knew that in the early hours of the morning, the Eight Great Kings had driven two off-road vehicles into the mountains.

That place, scarcely populated and not a tourist attraction, was home to poor locals who couldn't afford off-road vehicles, and it wasn't a place tourists liked to visit due to its remote location, so the roads were mostly empty.

Locals would usually travel by horse-drawn carriage, not by off-road vehicle.

He was almost certain that the eight people killed in the avalanche were the Eight Great Kings.

Immediately, he relayed this information to Donald.

Upon receiving this news, Donald was struck as if by lightning!

It took him a long time to recover from the shock. Then, looking at his father, who lay anxiously on the sickbed, he said tremblingly, "Dad, my man just told me there was an avalanche at the foot of Evergreen Mountain. The avalanche swept away two cars and eight people, all of whom are dead. It's very likely that they were the Eight Great Kings..."

Elder Weaver felt as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer, coughing several times before exclaiming, "Impossible, how could the Eight Great Kings die in an avalanche?! They are all top-notch experts!"

Donald sighed and asked, "Shall I send someone to identify the bodies, to confirm if it's them?"

After a moment's hesitation, Elder Weaver nodded and said, "If that's the case, go and check it out."


Claire woke up in the morning and found it strange not to see Charlie around.

She tried calling him, only to discover that his phone was unreachable, which she found even more peculiar.

In their more than three years of marriage, Charlie had never mysteriously disappeared like this.

Whenever she couldn't see him in the morning, he was either out buying groceries or making breakfast.

But now, he was suddenly uncontactable.

Chapter 1164: "Charlie's Vanishing Act: The Feng Shui Consultant's Mysterious Disappearance"

Claire anxiously waited until around 10 o'clock, but still couldn't get through to Charlie's phone, which made her start to worry.

She thought about how Charlie had recently been in close contact with many influential figures, consulting for them on Feng Shui and receiving substantial sums of money, even acquiring this luxurious Thomson Elite villa. The more she thought about it, the more uneasy she felt.

Before this, Claire had always feared that Charlie would one day face a sudden downfall, like those financial products that collapse unexpectedly, leading to a complete loss of credibility.

If he really lost his credibility, those influential figures would certainly not let him off easily.

Just as Claire was lost in these worried thoughts, Charlie finally called.

Immediately upon answering, Claire blurted out, “Hey, Charlie, where have you been?”

Charlie had just gotten off a plane and was about to take a helicopter. He explained to Claire, “Wife, I was consulting on Feng Shui for a friend this morning. Their house has a very unique Feng Shui, so I had to turn off my phone to avoid any interference with my assessment.”

“You went to do Feng Shui consultation again?” Claire was overwhelmed and said, “Charlie, didn’t we agree? Try not to do Feng Shui consultations for others.”

Charlie quickly responded, “Wife, this time it wasn’t for those influential figures. It was for a friend from the orphanage where I grew up. He’s been having bad luck recently, so he asked me to take a look. I didn’t take any money for it.”

Hearing this, Claire relaxed and asked, “When will you be home?”

Charlie replied, “I should be there in about 20 to 30 minutes.”

Claire said, “That’s good. I’ll wait for you at home.”

Isaac’s helicopter soon took off, carrying Charlie along with Orvel and Lorden towards the city.

As they neared the Thomson Elite villa, Charlie said to Lorden “Lorden, if I have time tomorrow, I’ll bring a lawyer to Weigard’s Pharmaceuticals. After we sign the contract, I’ll give you a good prescription for stomach medicine.”

Lorden exclaimed, “Master Wade, I’ve already vowed to follow only you in this life. Weigard’s Pharmaceuticals was reclaimed with your help. I am willing to give all its shares to you!”

Charlie waved his hand and said indifferently, “I’ve already said, I only want 80% of Weigard’s Pharmaceuticals. More than that I won’t accept, but less, and I won’t agree to give you the prescription. Keeping 20% for you is fair, so don’t talk to me about giving everything to me anymore.”

Lorden felt a chill and hastily bowed, saying, “I will heed Master Wade’s instructions!”

Charlie nodded and then turned to Orvel and Isaac, “You two go back, and remember not to tell anyone about this.”

“Understood, Master Wade!”


Satisfied, Charlie nodded. As they were about to reach the Thomson Elite villa, he said to Isaac, “Land on the golf course. I’ll walk from there.”

“Understood, Young Master!”

After rushing home, Claire couldn’t imagine that her husband had urgently departed from Aurous Hill in the early hours of the morning, traveled over 2000 kilometers to Evergreen Mountain, and at the foot of the mountain, eliminated eight blood-stained criminals.

Thanks to Charlie’s strong abilities and exceptional physical fitness, he showed no signs of fatigue despite the long and strenuous journey.

Just in time for lunch, Claire pulled him into their garden, happily picking many ingredients she wanted to eat for the midday meal.

At that moment, the gate opened, and Charlie’s mother-in-law, Elaine, sneaked in, walking with a cane!

Chapter 1165: "The Hat Trick: Elaine's Hilarious Plan to Taunt Noah"

Watching Elaine enter the courtyard with a crutch and carrying a huge over-the-shoulder bag, bulging with contents, Charlie couldn’t help but think that his mother-in-law must be up to no good again.

Claire asked in surprise, “Mom, where did you go so early in the morning? I haven’t seen you all day.”

Elaine laughed heartily, “I went to the wholesale market and bought some stuff!”

Claire scolded gently, “Mom, your leg hasn’t fully healed, and you’re wandering around with a crutch. Why?”

“It’s nothing, it's nothing,” Elaine waved her hand dismissively. “Although it’s a bit inconvenient with the crutch, I’ve gotten quite used to it. My leg doesn’t hurt, it’s just a bit tiring, but that’s all.”

Claire then asked, “Mom, what did you buy in that big bag? Aren’t you tired? Let me help you with it.”

“No, no, I’m not tired at all,” Elaine replied cheerfully. “It’s just hats, not very heavy.”

“Hats?” Claire was even more puzzled. “Mom, why did you buy so many hats? That bulging bag must have a dozen or so, right?”

Elaine, with a mischievous smile, opened the zipper of her bag.

Claire and Charlie peered inside, only to find it was filled with a vibrant green.

Elaine then pulled out several different hats, all of them unmistakably green.

Claire, dumbfounded, asked, “Mom... why did you buy so many green hats... Who would wear these...”

Elaine laughed, “I bought 20 different green hats, not for wearing, but to hang on the balcony!”

“You’ve seen the video from the hospital of your grandmother and her family. That damn Noah was actually cuckolded by Zoraida. How could I let such a funny incident pass by?”

“It just so happens that their house can see my bedroom balcony. I’m going to hang these hats on the balcony facing their side. I want Noah to see these twenty green hats every day, that’ll teach him!”

Claire, torn between laughter and tears, said, “Mom, why do you have to be so hard on Uncle? He’s already having a tough time.”

“Tough time, my foot!” Elaine retorted angrily. “You have no idea how arrogant he used to be, how badly he treated our family. Now that I’ve got something on him, I won’t miss any chance to mock him!”

Charlie shook his head helplessly.

Setting aside everything else, Elaine’s talent for tormenting people was indeed rare.

Noah was already in a bad state. If he had to see twenty green hats fluttering in the wind on the neighboring balcony every day, his mood must be incredibly miserable.

Such a method of torment was something only Elaine could come up with.

Claire felt it was inappropriate and tried to persuade Elaine, but Elaine wouldn’t listen and went straight into the villa with her crutch.

Once back in her room, the first thing Elaine did was to go out onto the balcony and hang up the twenty green hats, one after another, all facing the Xiao family’s villa.

Twenty green hats fluttering in the wind, it was indeed a uniquely sour and satisfying sight.


Ever since he left the hospital, Noah had been living separately from Zoraida.

The reason for the separation was that he no longer had any feelings for Zoraida.

He also felt deep down that Zoraida was too dirty.

If it weren’t for Donald’s request, he would have divorced Zoraida long ago, or at least kicked her out of the house.

But now that Donald had stood up for Zoraida, Noah naturally didn’t dare to go against his wishes.

But if he couldn’t get a divorce, he could still live separately, right?

So he sent Zoraida to a bedroom on the first floor.
It's really tormenting to be cuckolded by one's partner. But you deserve all of it


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 1156: "The Dagger's Secret: Raleigh's Last Gamble"

Charlie's single palm strike repelled seven men, leaving the Eight Great Kings utterly astonished!

What kind of strength is required to achieve such an inconceivable feat?

Even the world's top masters couldn't possibly possess such formidable power!

After all, the Eight Great Kings are no pushovers. When these brothers join forces, their effect is more than the sum of their parts.

Wadet, even together, the Eight Great Kings are nothing more than a punch or a palm strike from Charlie.

Raleigh struggled to his feet, blurting out, "Who exactly are you? Which school do you belong to? Who is your master?"

Charlie sneered, "I have no school, I am my own master. What, you don't accept that?"

Raleigh swallowed hard, his voice trembling with nervousness, "I accept! I truly accept! Master Wade, you are a top master of this world. Surely, you know how difficult it is for martial artists to cultivate. Please, in consideration of us brothers realizing our mistake and willing to change, spare our lives."

Charlie smiled, "So quick to beg for mercy? Why aren't you following the usual script?"

Raleigh, struggling, said, "I acknowledge that I am no match for you and don't wish to struggle pointlessly. I only ask that you, Master Wade, show mercy!"

Charlie retorted, "When you came to kill me, and now that you can't, you ask for mercy. Is the world really so beautiful? If I were weaker than you, and I begged you not to kill me, would you agree?"

Raleigh's expression turned ugly. He knew Charlie wouldn't let them off easily.

So, he immediately knelt down and said to Charlie, "Master Wade! If you are willing to show mercy, we, the eight brothers, will honor and obey only you for the rest of our lives!"

Charlie, with an amused expression, smiled and asked, "What? Defecting at the last moment? How will you report back to Elder Weaver then?"

Raleigh earnestly replied, "As the saying goes, a good bird chooses the tree it perches in. I know that Master Wade possesses great divine powers. I am willing to turn from darkness to light and follow Master Wade all my life!"

Charlie nodded indifferently, slowly walking towards Raleigh and the others, his thoughts inscrutable.

Seeing him approach, a nervous Raleigh said to his younger brothers, "Quick! Kneel and pay homage to Master Wade!"

So, the Eight Great Kings struggled to their feet and bowed deeply to Charlie.

Even Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell, whose right arm had been disabled, knelt down without rising.

And Raleigh, with his left hand tucked in his sleeve, secretly gripped a dagger, unseen and unheard.

This dagger was no longer than a chopstick and wasn't particularly lethal, especially against a master.

However, Raleigh's dagger was extraordinary. He had imbued the blade with a deadly poison and smeared it with a bit of radioactive powder.

This tiny amount of radioactive powder wasn't harmful if not touched, but once it entered the body through a wound, the flesh would continuously deteriorate.

This was Raleigh's ultimate move, kept secret throughout his years in the martial world.

Apart from his brothers, anyone who had seen this dagger was dead!

Charlie had disabled his right arm, a grudge as deep as the sea.

Thus, he could never truly submit to Charlie!

His submissive stance was just a ruse, assuming Charlie's lack of experience due to his young age, planning to feign submission to stabilize the situation, then take the opportunity to launch a treacherous attack.

Hoping for a fatal blow!

Chapter 1157: "Charlie's Mysterious Defense: A Master's Secret Revealed"

Charlie, despite his youth, was by no means a greenhorn.

Raleigh thought he had deceived him, but in fact, Charlie had been on guard against these eight people all along.

For Charlie, he never intended to subjugate these eight men for his own use.

The reason was simple: he just didn't think much of them.

With their level of ability, even if they truly revered him, what could they really do for him?

They were nothing more than eight sharp-tongued dogs!

And Charlie had no interest in such dogs.

Nevertheless, he approached the Eight Great Kings with a playful smile on his face.

"Do you really wish to acknowledge me as your master?"

Led by Raleigh, the eight chorused, "We wish to bow our heads to Master Wade for our entire lives!"

Charlie nodded, asking with a light laugh, "And what if I don't allow you to bow?"


Raleigh and the others were dumbfounded, never expecting such a response from Charlie.

"Not allow us to bow? Is he being too arrogant?"

Thinking this, Raleigh prepared to attack Charlie.

He knelt and crawled to Charlie's feet, bowing his head in submission, chokingly saying, "Master Wade, I, Raleigh, have never submitted to anyone in my life. You are the only one I truly admire from the bottom of my heart! Please show mercy and grant me, and my fellow disciples, a chance to serve you faithfully. Though we are far weaker than you, in this mundane world, we are still considered masters. Please do not disdain us, Master Wade."

Charlie sneered, "Serving me loyally is not about strength, but about character. Those with poor character will never have a chance with me."

With that, he looked coldly at Raleigh, "Look at you, with your thievish brows and rat eyes, protruding teeth, long tongue, and sharp, meatless cheekbones. You're the epitome of a villainous face. Why would I ever want someone like you as my subordinate? Wouldn't that be a disgrace?"

Raleigh, having knelt and kowtowed to Charlie, was infuriated by his mockery and sarcasm.

Realizing that Charlie was arrogant and had his hands behind his back, Raleigh knew his chance for a deadly strike had come.

Suddenly, he lunged at Charlie, revealing a black, sharp dagger, aiming for Charlie's legs.

Charlie watched him with a cold smile, not moving an inch, saying, "Come on, I'll stand still and let you stab me!"

Raleigh, unaware that Charlie had seen through him and thinking him overly confident, didn't expect any evasion.

The blade, coated with lethal poison and radioactive powder, would be fatal upon piercing the skin.

He thought Charlie's lack of worldly experience would be his downfall.

With a ferocious smile, he coldly said, "Bastard, you crippled my right arm and insulted my face. Today, you'll pay with your life!"

As he thrust the blade towards Charlie, something eerie happened!

Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that the blade, just a millimeter away from Charlie's leg, would seemingly hit an invisible wall. Despite all his strength, he couldn't move the blade forward even a fraction!

"What... what is this?!"

Chapter 1158: "Charlie's Foot of Justice: Crushing Raleigh's Ego (and Arm)"

Raleigh couldn't understand why he was unable to stab Charlie. Charlie didn't even raise a hand to stop him, so why couldn't he land a hit? What invisible force was blocking him?

As a martial artist, he had mastered martial arts to the extreme, but he was unaware of true supernatural powers. He didn't know about a force that could be transmitted without physical contact - the power of spiritual energy.

It's like Devon Lee, a master of metaphysics, who knows the mystical techniques of Miaojiang (a fictional setting in Chinese martial arts stories, known for its remote and exotic nature where characters seek rare martial arts techniques and encounter adventure) and can control mystical insects, but is unaware of other supernatural powers like summoning thunder from the sky.

Thus, what defeats a person is not strength, but arrogance.

Raleigh thought he had found Charlie's weak point and was certain of a fatal blow. His arrogance was his downfall.

Now, he was about to pay the price for his arrogance.

Charlie let out a cold laugh, lifted his foot, and stepped on Raleigh's left arm.

With a slight exertion of his foot, Raleigh's left arm was crushed at the elbow, leaving only his clothes connecting his upper and lower arm. He wailed in pain, desperately trying to retreat, tearing his clothes in the process.

He was horrified to find his forearm and left hand on the other side of Charlie's foot.

Charlie looked at him and sneered, "Mr. Raleigh, I was right. You have the face of a petty person. Keeping someone like you around only brings harm to others."

Terrified, Raleigh trembled and backed away, but he knew he had no escape.

Where could he run? He couldn't outrun Charlie, couldn't drive away, and couldn't fly.

Perhaps, he thought, his disciples could buy him time to escape.

He shouted, "Disciples, listen! This is a matter of life and death. If we don't unite and kill this scoundrel, we will all perish! I urge you, give it your all and fight for a way out!"

The other seven disciples were instantly alert, understanding the life-and-death stakes of the battle.

They all got up and charged towards Charlie, disregarding everything.

Meanwhile, Raleigh continued to retreat and then turned to flee.

Just as Charlie kicked another disciple away, he saw Raleigh escaping, grabbed a disciple, and threw him towards Raleigh.

This disciple, Raleigh's third junior brother, had practiced iron head technique for many years, making his bald head as hard as iron.

He flew like a cannonball towards Raleigh's lower back.

His iron head struck Raleigh's lower back, breaking his spine in two with a crack.

As Raleigh fell to the ground, paralyzed from the waist down, he angrily accused his third junior brother of backstabbing him.

The third junior brother wailed, "Big brother, I didn't mean to attack you! That guy threw me!"

Realizing the situation, he angrily retorted, "Big brother, didn't you tell us to fight our way out? Then why were you running away?!"

Chapter 1159: "Eight Great Kings vs. One Witty Master: Charlie's Holy Funeral"

Raleigh was left speechless by the question posed by his third junior brother.

He indeed had intentions to flee, but never anticipated that his escape would lead to such a predicament.

Not only did he fail to escape, but he also suffered such severe injuries!

In agony, Raleigh looked at his third junior brother and blurted out, "I wasn't trying to flee; I was just thinking of giving that Wade a parting shot!"

The third junior brother was no fool. He glared at Raleigh angrily and roared, "Do you think I'm an idiot? Your hands are gone; how are you going to strike back at Wade?!"

Raleigh, unable to contain his anger, retorted, "How dare you speak to your senior brother like that? Are you planning a rebellion?"

The third junior brother bit Raleigh's ear and scolded, "This senior brother of ours wants us to die for him while he escapes. I hereby sever all ties with you from this moment!"

Raleigh screamed in pain.

But what kind of expert was he at this point?

With his hands disabled and lower limbs paralyzed, he was now nothing but a cripple.

Thus, when the third junior brother bit his ear, he was in excruciating pain and utterly helpless.

All he could do was hysterically yell, "You bastard, let go of me! Do you think I wanted to run? Wasn't I just trying to leave a seed for our eight brothers?"

The third junior brother angrily retorted, "Even if we were to leave a seed, it shouldn't be you, a useless man with disabled arms! Why can't it be me?"

Raleigh, still being bitten, shouted back, "You fool, talking about who should stay behind. Do you think you could escape?"

The third junior brother angrily replied, "How do you know I couldn't escape?"

At that moment, Charlie's cold voice reached them: "You should listen to your senior brother. He's right. You can't escape. None of you can."

The third junior brother then subconsciously released his bite and looked up at Charlie.

By then, Charlie had already approached them.

The other six of the Eight Great Kings were all lying on the ground, wailing in pain!

It turned out that during the fight between the two brothers, Charlie had incapacitated the rest of their brothers, one by one.

Raleigh, terrified and pale, begged, "Master Wade, I am already a cripple. Please, have mercy and spare my life."

Charlie smiled and said, "You just attacked me, intending to take my life. Do you really think I should spare you? Am I that easy to bully?"

Raleigh burst into tears and pleaded, "Master Wade, you are a true master. A true master surely wouldn't stoop to my level. Look at my current state; please show mercy and let me go!"

Charlie smiled slightly and said, "Raleigh, from the moment you and your brothers boarded the plane to Mount Evergreen, your fate was sealed."

Then, pointing to the snowy mountains of Evergreen, he added with a smile, "Don't you think Mount Evergreen is a feng shui treasure? Dying here and resting in this place, don't you think it's a blessing?"

"No! I don't think so!" Raleigh, tears and snot streaming down his face, said, "Master Wade, I'm not ready to die! Killing a lowly person like me will sully your noble hands, please spare me!"

Charlie chuckled, "Of course, I won't kill you personally, because you don't deserve it."

He then looked around and sneered, "None of you eight deserve to be killed by my hand!"

The Eight Great Kings all showed signs of terror.

Each of them questioned themselves: Charlie was only one person, and he didn't plan to kill them himself, so what did he intend to do to them?

In other words, how did Charlie plan to kill them?

Standing amidst the eight, Charlie raised his arm and declared, "Mount Evergreen is a divine and holy mountain, eternally covered in snow, pure and flawless. For you eight filthy people to die here is a blessing you've cultivated over eight lifetimes!"

After speaking, Charlie continued, "And I, today, will give you a holy funeral! Let your filthy bodies rest eternally in the pure white snow!"

All the Eight Great Kings trembled with fear, still unclear and unable to comprehend how Charlie intended to kill them.

At that moment, Charlie looked at them with pity and said, "After all, you are brothers. Even if you committed evil together, dying together means you'll have company on the road to the underworld."

Chapter 1160: "The Eight Great Kings' Group Hug: Bonding Before the Storm"

Having finished speaking, he waved at the eight men and smiled, "Your eldest brother is now incapacitated. It's tough on the rest of you, but please gather around him. If you wish to die together, you might as well embrace each other before your death. If you prefer not to die together, feel free to spread out. I'll give you one last minute to prepare."

Upon hearing this, the Eight Great Kings felt a wave of despair, yet deep down, none wished to walk the road to the underworld alone.

Thus, Iron Fist Lee, the King of Hell, the first to be incapacitated, struggled to his feet. Dragging his seriously injured body, he slowly made his way to Raleigh and sat down beside him.

As he sat, he broke down and cried, "Eldest brother, had we known this day would come, it would have been better for the eight of us brothers not to have entered this world..."

The others, too, crawled over with difficulty.

The eight tightly embraced each other, having forgiven Raleigh for his earlier attempt to flee alone.

After all, aside from that moment, their eldest brother had indeed taken good care of them over the years.

More importantly, at this juncture, with all eight brothers facing death together, what grievances couldn't be let go in these final moments?

Seeing the eight huddled together, Charlie nodded and smiled, his voice cold, "Today, let the eight of you brothers witness a true miracle before your end!"

With that, he raised the Thunder Command with one hand towards the sky!

The Thunder Command emitted a faint blue light, stunning everyone.

At that moment, Charlie roared, "Thunder, come forth!"

With his command, the originally clear night sky suddenly became overcast with dark clouds.

The summer thunder, now roaring in this freezing night, was astounding!

Raleigh and the others trembled in fear.

What kind of divine power was this? To summon thunder with a mere wave of his hand?

Soon after, a massive streak of lightning, like a whip, cracked down from the sky!

Raleigh yelled with all his might, "This man can summon thunder! He is a god! A god indeed!"

As his words fell, the enormous lightning struck the thick, perennial snow on the mountain path.

Following that, tons of snow began to cascade down the slope, causing an avalanche!

And it was heading straight for Charlie and the Eight Great Kings!

The Eight Great Kings were so terrified they nearly fainted. Isaac, Orvel, and Lorden also shouted in alarm, "Master Wade! Danger!"

Charlie smiled calmly and declared loudly, "Listen well, I am Charlie, the True Dragon of the human realm! Today, with the purest of nature, I will cleanse your tainted bodies! In your next life, be good people!"

As soon as he finished speaking, tons of snow thundered down, instantly engulfing him, the Eight Great Kings, and the two SUVs!

After the avalanche subsided, Isaac and the others, horrified, looked towards where Charlie had been.

Where was the mountain path? All that remained was a heavy layer of snow.

The two SUVs and everyone else had vanished without a trace!

At this moment, the dark clouds, gathered because of Charlie, had dispersed, and a hint of dawn appeared on the horizon.

It was daybreak!

The three shouted in panic, "Master Wade! Master Wade!"

As dawn broke, the eastern sky bathed the land in golden sunlight. Suddenly, from the collapsed snow pile, a man emerged, his body reflecting golden light.

He moved steadily, his steps light, his expression resolute and godlike.

It was Charlie, Master Wade!
Charlie, you have done well. It's left with the weaver family .

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