"Dragon Son-in-law" a.k.a. Millionaire Son-in-law, Charlie Wade Story. Translated by Junlee (aka Jungal2000)

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Charlie Wade is a househusband son-in-law whom everyone looks down upon. However, unknown to them, his true identity is that of the young master from a top-tier family. Those who once belittled him will eventually kneel before him, trembling with fear and calling him "Master!" ...

The MC is Charlie Wade, and there's this girl Claire Wilson. They're in this savage clapback novel called "Ultimate Dragon Honcho", penned by this dude Ye Gongzi. Everyone knew Charlie Wade was the son-in-law of the Wilson family. Like, Grandpa Wilson legit pulled this broke boy outta nowhere and made him marry his grand daughter/princess, Claire. But bro's got no skills, no dough 💸, and Claire had to deal with so much BS 'cause of him. He even had the nerve to ask for money during Grandma Wilson's big party, making Claire hella embarrassed 😳. They kicked Charlie Wade out, but then plot twist! 🌀 Some butler dude shows up. Turns out, Charlie Wade's actually from the uber-rich Wade clan. The butler's like, "Come home, fam." But since his parents were, like, done dirty by the Wade fam, he's like "Nah." But he did take his grandpa’s black card loaded with 10 billion. 💳💰 #MicDrop

Author: Charlie Wade
Category: Urban Fiction
Status: Ongoing
Last Updated: October 18, 2023
Last edited:

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Claire is good.. But she is not fulfilling her husband's physical needs for affection. I think that will put her slightly behind sarah who is equal to her in beauty, brain and character. Sarah is more reliable and is independent-minded which adds up. So, Sarah is slightly ahead against claire in my scorebook. And I think the name Sarah sounds sexier than Claire.... 🤣


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 1191: "Charlie Wade's Masterful Insights: A South Laverton Power Play"

After promising Dianne that he'd attend her competition, Charlie escorted her back to the bustling banquet venue. The atmosphere had grown livelier as more guests had joined the celebration.

When word reached Elder Walker that Charlie had arrived, he rushed out to welcome him, but Charlie had already left with Dianne.

Upon Charlie's return, Elder Walker greeted him with joy, exclaiming, "Ah, Master Wade, it's been quite some time!"

Charlie smiled warmly at Elder Walker and replied, "Elder Walker, you're looking as energetic as ever. I hope you've been keeping well?"

Elder Walker expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thanks to you, Master Wade, I've found renewed vigor."

He then inquired about Charlie's well-being, asking, "Master Wade, how have things been for you lately?"

Charlie nodded and responded, "I've been doing well. Everything's been fairly consistent."

Elder Walker alluded to past troubles, mentioning, "Master Wade, it seems there was some unpleasantness with the Weaver family before. Since the birthday banquet, have they caused you any more problems?"

Charlie chuckled and retorted, "Even if they did stir up trouble, what can they achieve? They're nothing more than a bunch of comical troublemakers."

Elder Walker nodded in admiration. He was well aware of Charlie's extraordinary abilities, and despite the Weaver family's prominence in South Laverton, they posed little threat to Master Wade.

Just then, Ryan approached and whispered to her grandfather, "Grandfather, Young Master from the Hansen family in Eastcliff has arrived."

Elder Walker looked surprised and asked, "Young Master Shelby is really here?"

"Indeed," Ryan confirmed. "Young Master Shelby's car has just entered the villa area. He should be arriving shortly."

Elder Walker nodded and said, "Fetch Sarah. Let's go out together to welcome him."

Turning to Charlie, he apologized, "Master Wade, please forgive my momentary absence. We have another distinguished guest from Eastcliff. I need to go greet him."

Charlie graciously accepted and nodded.

Meanwhile, Isaac, who stood nearby, wore a look of surprise. He whispered to Charlie, "Young Master, the Hansen family in Eastcliff is a top-tier clan, ranking around sixth or seventh in terms of strength. Though they may not match the Wade family's power, their combined assets still amount to five to six trillion. Ordinarily, they wouldn't pay much attention to the Walker family. I wonder why Young Master Shelby has come."

Charlie smiled calmly and replied, "While I don't have specific information on the Hansen family, they may have realized that further growth in Eastcliff, a city teeming with talent, is challenging. If local expansion proves elusive, what might they consider?"

Isaac pondered for a moment before suggesting, "If they can't expand locally, they might seek opportunities in nearby regions."

He inquired, "Young Master, are you suggesting that the Hansen family might be eyeing development in Aurous Hill?"

Charlie grinned and explained, "Aurous Hill is just a stepping stone. The Hansen family likely recognizes the chance to expand southward."

"Given that the Weaver family has relinquished its position as South Laverton's top family, the key now is to determine the new leader. Despite some weakening, the Walker family remains a contender."

"If I were advising the Hansen family, I'd seek a local ally in South Laverton with decent strength, helping them ascend to the top while securing their loyalty to my family—creating an external force."

"In this way, my family would effectively extend its influence into South Laverton, establishing a firm foothold."

Isaac nodded in understanding and remarked, "Young Master, I see your point. It appears the Hansen family has set its sights on the Walker family, possibly considering a partnership."

Charlie nodded, concluding, "The Hansen family's presence at Miss Walker's birthday banquet suggests deeper intentions, perhaps even contemplating a marriage alliance with the Walker family." 😊💐👫

Chapter 1192: "Hansen's Horse Race: Betting on Sarah's Heart"

Isaac furrowed his brow, expressing his concern, "Young Master, in the event the Hansen family proposes a matrimonial union, there's no guarantee they'll choose to favor the Walker family."

Charlie responded with a playful smile, "Well, it all hinges on the status of this young Hansen sent over by their family. If he turns out to be the eldest son or the primary heir of the Hansen clan, then our chances might indeed be slim. However, if he's just one among the many descendants and not necessarily the standout, offering him to wed Sarah might not be a loss for the Hansen family, don't you think?"

Isaac took a moment to contemplate before responding, "Your perspective does hold merit. It appears that the Hansen family has a substantial number of young heirs in this generation, possibly around six or seven male descendants."

Charlie further elaborated, "This situation resembles the tale of Tian Ji's horse racing. Even if the other side possesses overall strength, it doesn't guarantee that every horse in their stable is superior to our best one. It's entirely plausible that their weaker horses may not match up to our top contender."

(Note from translator: The tale of Tian Ji's horse racing is a famous story from ancient Chinese history. It exemplifies strategic thinking as General Tian Ji, despite appearing at a disadvantage, used clever tactics to secure victory in a horse race against his opponent, Pang Juan. This story underscores the importance of strategy and seizing opportunities.)

Isaac nodded in agreement and admitted, "Young Master, your insights are truly remarkable. I've gained valuable wisdom from you!"

Charlie waved his hand modestly and said with a warm grin, "You've been deeply rooted in Aurous Hill for many years, and I believe you can grasp these principles easily. Even if they don't immediately click, a bit of reflection will certainly help."

Meanwhile, at a short distance, Paul observed Charlie with a glass of wine in his hand, deeply impressed. It was astonishing to witness the level of respect Charlie commanded from the elite members of Aurous Hill's high society. Even the representative of the Wade family in Aurous Hill displayed great reverence towards him, a testament to Charlie's substantial influence in the city.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the banquet hall, exclaiming, "The Third Young Master of the Hansen family from Eastcliff has arrived!"

This announcement stirred a buzz of excitement throughout the entire gathering. The Hansen family in Eastcliff held a position within the top 10 in terms of power, with assets exceeding 500 billion, boasting a rich family heritage and formidable strength.

Considering their financial stature, the Hansen family's wealth was at least five times greater than that of the Walker family. The fact that the Third Young Master of the Hansen family had journeyed to Aurous Hill to attend Sarah's birthday celebration raised intriguing speculation.

Some guests even voiced their thoughts, speculating, "Could it be that the Hansen family is considering a matrimonial alliance with the Walker family?"

Others chimed in, "It's highly probable. Miss Walker possesses unparalleled beauty, grace, and capability. In the eyes of major families in Eastcliff, she undoubtedly qualifies as an exceptional daughter-in-law!"

Isaac turned to Charlie and revealed, "Young Master, the Third Young Master of the Hansen family holds a significant position within their clan."

Charlie's curiosity was piqued as he inquired, "What leads you to say that?"

Isaac elucidated, "In the previous generation of the Hansen family, there were four male heirs, each of them having at least two offspring. Furthermore, every one of them has sons. This Third Young Master is the sole son of the second elder of the Hansen family. Despite being the third in terms of age, his influence and standing rank second."

Charlie acknowledged with a nod and a wry grin, "Seems like the Hansen family wants to pit their mid-level contender against the Walker family's top pick."

Isaac offered a faint smile and shared his insight, "I'm not convinced that Miss Walker would necessarily be interested in him."

Intrigued, Charlie probed, "What makes you say that?"

Isaac responded with earnestness, "Young Master, you must have observed that Miss Walker has consistently shown a special fondness for you. It's evident she harbors deep affection towards you. When compared to you, even if we tally all the young masters from the Hansen family, they wouldn't come close to matching your stature."

Charlie gestured for caution and stated, "Going forward, refrain from making such comments casually. Miss Sarah remains unmarried, and I, as you know, am already wed. If such remarks were to circulate, it could tarnish her reputation."

Isaac nodded in understanding, his expression reflecting respect. "Certainly, Young Master. You can trust me completely. My words are only meant for you, and I won't divulge them to anyone else." 😊🤝🌟

Chapter 1193 - "Hungry Gazes and Power Plays at the Banquet"

In no time, a well-dressed young man, surrounded by the Walker family, made his entrance. Ryan and his father, Benjamin, were close at his side, showing their utmost respect.

The Elder Walker and Sarah trailed behind, though Sarah's demeanor seemed chilly.

Charlie cast a quick glance at the young man, who appeared to be around twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old and carried an air of arrogance.

Standing nearby, Isaac made a casual observation, "I bet Young Master Shelby from the Hansen family feels like a dragon in a small pond. Little did he know that a true dragon like you would be residing here in Aurous Hill."

Charlie smiled faintly but didn't confirm or deny it.

In truth, Charlie was indifferent to people's haughty behavior in his presence. As long as they didn't provoke him, he had no interest in engaging.

The crowd murmured with astonishment; no one expected Young Master Shelby from the Hansen family to make an appearance.

Among them were some less influential families eager to establish a connection with the Hansen family. Their hungry gazes fixed on Young Master Shelby.

Accompanied by the Walker family, Young Master Shelby entered the banquet hall. Elder Walker took the lead in introducing him to Charlie with great respect, "Young Master, this is the esteemed master of Aurous Hill, Mr. Charlie Wade. He saved my life and, like you, is a young genius—a rare talent."

Young Master Shelby looked Charlie over and found him unremarkable in appearance, dressed like an ordinary person.

Young Master Shelby was about to sneer but then noticed Isaac out of the corner of his eye. He recognized Isaac Craven as he was connected with the Wade family, which far surpassed the Hansen family in power. Even the Hansen family sought to gain favor with the Wade family, so seeing Isaac here surprised him.

He turned his gaze back to Charlie and wondered if this young man surnamed Wade had any connection to the Wade family.

With polite curiosity, Young Master Shelby addressed Charlie, "Ah, so you are Young Master Wade. I've heard of you for a while. I had plans to visit the Wade family but never had the chance. Meeting you here is unexpected."

Charlie responded calmly with a smile, "You seem to have mistaken me for someone else. I'm not part of the Wade family; we simply share the same surname, Wade."

Young Master Shelby quickly looked at Isaac, his gaze now tinged with disdain as he inquired, "Mr. Craven, are you associated with the Wade family? Isn't this gentleman a Wade family member?"

Isaac chuckled and replied, "As Mr. Wade just mentioned, he's not connected to the Wade family. It's just a coincidence that they share the same last name."

Young Master Shelby nodded, and his gaze towards Charlie now carried a hint of contempt. 😒😏🤨

Chapter 1194: "Lavish Gifts and the Art of Declining Politely"

The individual dared to compare himself to me? What a ludicrous notion!

With that thought firmly entrenched in his mind, he couldn't be bothered with Charlie any longer. He turned his attention to Isaac, extending a friendly fist bump and addressing him with a warm smile, "Well, well, if it isn't Mr. Craven! I hadn't anticipated our paths crossing here today. My original plan was to pay a visit to Shangri-La tomorrow."

Isaac responded casually, "Young Master, your presence is most welcome. May I inquire about the purpose of your visit to Aurous Hill?"

The Young Master from the prestigious Hansen family, glancing briefly at Sarah, couldn't help but smile as he replied, "My dear sister and Miss Sarah were former classmates during their time abroad. I initially journeyed to Aurous Hill to discuss potential business collaborations with Elder Walker. Originally, I had intended to arrive in a couple of days, but upon learning that today marks Miss Sarah's birthday, I decided to make an early appearance."

With that statement, he produced a meticulously crafted gift box from his pocket. Upon opening it, a dazzling string of ruby necklaces was revealed. Turning his attention to Sarah, he offered, "Miss Sarah, this necklace was handpicked by yours truly, featuring a natural ruby sourced from the heart of Africa."

Every gaze was drawn to the box, revealing an exquisite necklace adorned with a sparkling red ruby that was nearly the size of an egg.

An audible gasp escaped the lips of onlookers involuntarily.

Each person present possessed enough knowledge to recognize the immense value of such a ruby.

The Hansen family's Young Master, noting the awe-inspired reactions, couldn't help but wear a proud grin as he continued, "As you may well know, rubies are among the most valuable gemstones in the world. On the international market, even a one-carat ruby can command tens of thousands of dollars. This one, as pure and sizable as it is, boasting a weight of 26 carats, was carefully cut and mounted by Tiffany's top chief jewelry master. The price tag on this piece alone exceeds a staggering 20 million dollars. I sincerely hope Miss Sarah finds it to her liking."

Many were consumed by envy, their eyes nearly bulging from their sockets.

Receiving a 20-million-dollar gift for one's birthday was nothing short of surreal.

However, Sarah appeared disinterested in the necklace and calmly declined, stating, "Young Master, this necklace is far too valuable. I cannot accept it."

The Hansen family's Young Master, his expression briefly darkening, queried, "Miss Walker, why do you feel the need to be so formal? This visit isn't just to celebrate your birthday; it also involves discussions of deeper cooperation between our respective families. If we begin with such formalities, how can we ever progress with our partnership?"

Ryan, who stood nearby, interjected, "Sarah, think about it. Young Master has bestowed upon you such a magnificent gift; it would be impolite to refuse. Quickly accept it!"

Ryan's father, Benjamin, nodded in agreement, chiming in, "Sarah, consider the rarity of someone presenting such a lavish gift on your birthday. Only Young Master would demonstrate such remarkable generosity."

But Sarah remained resolute, replying, "I acknowledge the immense generosity of Young Master's gift, and I am genuinely grateful. However, I cannot accept such an extravagant present. Please understand that it's a matter of personal principles, not a reflection of any discontent with Young Master or the necklace itself. I implore you, Young Master, not to misinterpret my intentions."

At this juncture, Elder Walker stepped in as a mediator, addressing Young Master, "Young Master, your gift is undeniably extravagant, and Sarah feels somewhat embarrassed about accepting it. We hope you can understand."

A furrow appeared on the Hansen family's Young Master's brow as he asked with a hint of tension, "Elder Walker, Miss Walker, do you perceive my Hansen family or me in a derogatory light?" 😕🎁🙏

Chapter 1195: "The Priceless Gift of Life: Charlie Wade's Legacy"

In an unexpected turn of events, the third young master of the Hansen family broke the silence, causing Elder Walker to feel a subtle unease creeping in.

Aware of the vast difference in power between the Walker and Hansen families in Eastcliff, Elder Walker had been handling their interactions with utmost care and politeness. However, his courtesy was purely a facade, and he had no genuine desire to establish a connection with the Hansen family.

Having witnessed and endured a lifetime's worth of experiences, Elder Walker easily discerned the true purpose behind the visit of the Hansen family's third young master today.

Irrespective of the Hansen family's intentions to collaborate with the Walker family, it was unmistakable that the third young master had his sights set on his granddaughter, Sarah.

In days gone by, if the Hansen family had genuinely sought to unite with the Walker family, Elder Walker would have been ecstatic. But now, his interest waned.

In Elder Walker's discerning eyes, the ideal future husband for his granddaughter was the unpretentious and talented Charlie, famously known as Master Wade.

If Charlie could become his granddaughter's spouse, Elder Walker wouldn't trade it for anything, not even the title of the world's wealthiest man.

What made this prospect even more precious was that Sarah harbored deep affection for Master Wade.

Without Master Wade's Resurrection Pill Elder Walker might have already departed this world. How could he now possess such a hale and hearty physique?

In Elder Walker's estimation, there was no one on this earth who could rival Charlie because Charlie offered something priceless – the gift of life.

Observing this, Benjamin promptly stepped forward, worried that his father might have inadvertently offended the Hansen family's young master. He expressed, "Young Master Shelby, we sincerely appreciate this generous gift. I am certain that Sarah will cherish it greatly. However, she tends to be reserved and not very talkative. Hence, as her uncle, I will graciously accept this gift on her behalf and convey her gratitude to you, Young Master Shelby."

Sarah yearned to speak up but received a subtle signal from her grandfather, Elder Walker.

Elder Walker whispered reassuringly to her, "Sarah, let us not be discourteous. We shall accept the gift for now, and later, in private, we can arrange to return it discreetly."

With some reluctance, Sarah nodded in agreement.

Subsequently, the third young master of the Hansen family, accompanied by Benjamin and Ryan, proceeded to take their designated seats within the banquet hall.

The third young master of the Hansen family projected an air of aloofness and remained indifferent to most attendees, save for Isaac, to whom he extended a cordial greeting, "Mr. Craven, would you honor us by sharing this table?"

Isaac instinctively glanced in the direction of Charlie, recalling that Charlie preferred to keep his identity concealed, and public association with him would be unwise.

Just as Isaac was about to politely decline the Hansen family's young master's invitation, Elder Walker intervened, addressing Charlie, "Master Wade, why don't you join us?"

The banquet hall consisted of six tables, with one designated as the head table for the most esteemed guests.

As the name implied, the head table was where the host entertained the most distinguished visitors. Elder Walker, accompanied by Benjamin, Ryan, and Sarah, occupied the ten-seat head table.

The remaining four seats at this table were allotted based on the prominence of all the attendees present. Benjamin and Ryan naturally invited the third young master of the Hansen family to sit beside them. Elder Walker extended the invitation to Charlie, inviting him to share the same table.

The four remaining seats were allocated to Isaac, Doris, Samuel, and Alan.

While George White held significant power, he ranked slightly below Alan and thus couldn't secure a place at the head table.

Abby and Dianne, although eager to sit alongside their father and Charlie, found themselves seated at a separate table. 😊🌟💕
This Hansen family member will definitely provoke Charlie. 🤔🤔🤔


First level Tribulator
Sep 19, 2023
Claire is good.. But she is not fulfilling her husband's physical needs for affection. I think that will put her slightly behind sarah who is equal to her in beauty, brain and character. Sarah is more reliable and is independent-minded which adds up. So, Sarah is slightly ahead against claire in my scorebook. And I think the name Sarah sounds sexier than Claire.... 🤣
Charlie will John my sect 😁

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 1196: "The Third Young Master's Frustration"

However, as all the seats were already taken, she found herself sitting next to Abby.

Before the banquet officially began, an elderly gentleman stood up to deliver a speech filled with gratitude.

During his address, when expressing his appreciation for the guests in attendance, Elder Walker commenced by saying, "Today, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to Master Wade for gracing us with his presence at my granddaughter's birthday celebration!"

Upon hearing Elder Walker's words, the third young master Hansen, seated in the place of honor, immediately wore a somber expression.

What's happening here?

Doesn't this elderly gentleman from the Walker family understand the customary way of showing respect? He came to attend his granddaughter's birthday celebration and should have positioned himself at the forefront of expressing gratitude, right?

Thinking this, he couldn't help but shoot a curious glance at Charlie, who sat beside him.

This guy appears rather unassuming. He probably wonders why the Walker family elder is being overly polite to him.

After thanking Charlie, Elder Walker proceeded to extend his gratitude to the third young master Hansen.

Observing that he had been overshadowed by Charlie, a person of uncertain origins, the third young master Hansen couldn't suppress his frustration.

At that moment, Elder Walker concluded his speech and invited his granddaughter, Sarah, to step forward and convey her thanks.

Elegant and graceful, Sarah, just like her grandfather, expressed her appreciation to the guests, commencing with Charlie Wade.

She looked into Charlie's eyes with sincerity and said, "I want to express my heartfelt thanks to Master Wade for taking time out of his busy schedule to join me on my special day. I feel truly honored."

After thanking Charlie, Sarah continued, "In addition to expressing my gratitude to Master Wade, I also want to thank all the friends who have gathered here today. Your support means the world to me."

With that, Sarah offered a gracious bow to the assembled guests.

The third young master Hansen was seething with anger.

While Elder Walker had placed him second in the list of thanks, at least he had acknowledged him by name. Yet, when it came to Sarah, she didn't even mention his name, treating him just like everyone else. This ignited his fury.

At that moment, he whispered to the person seated next to him, Ryan, "Who exactly is this Charlie?"

Ryan had always harbored resentment toward Charlie but had never dared to openly disrespect him. Now, sensing the third young master Hansen's displeasure toward Charlie, he seized the opportunity to explain, "This Charlie is quite renowned in Aurous Hill. He's the one who married into a prominent family. People also know him as a reputable Feng Shui master, and he possesses some knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, which has earned him the title of Master Wade."

Upon hearing this, the third young master Hansen couldn't help but sneer, "Master Wade? Just because he knows a bit about Feng Shui and traditional Chinese medicine, he dares to call himself a master? In Eastcliff, he would have faced ridicule and humiliation countless times by now."

Ryan quickly added, "You're absolutely right, Third Young Master. Aurous Hill may be a smaller city, but even here, there are plenty of impostors who claim to be top-tier talents."

"Impostors posing as top-tier talents?" the third young master Hansen snorted, raising an eyebrow. "Does this Charlie claim to be a true dragon?"

In a hushed tone, Ryan replied, "I'm not entirely sure if he claims that, but within the Aurous Hill underworld, they often refer to him as the 'Heavenly Dragon Among Men of Aurous Hill.'"

The third young master Hansen chuckled coldly, "The 'Heavenly Dragon Among Men'? I, Shelby, come from the Hansen family in Eastcliff, and I'm certainly no stranger to dragon blood. Today, I'll determine who the real 'Heavenly Dragon Among Men' is."

Ryan quickly ingratiated himself, "In comparison to you, Third Young Master, he's undoubtedly inferior in every way. He probably doesn't even measure up to a single strand of your hair."

"Of course," the third young master Hansen replied, tilting his nose haughtily. He cast a sharp gaze at Charlie and thought, "A nobody from a small place who dares to steal my spotlight. Today, I, the formidable dragon, will make an example out of him and show these Aurous Hill folks who the true Heavenly Dragon Among Men is!" 😠🐉💥

Chapter 1197 - "The Battle of Generosity: Shelby vs. Charlie"

Shelby Hansen had a burning desire to publicly challenge Charlie. Thus, he boldly rose from his seat at the guest table and began with a direct inquiry, "Hello there, Master Wade, isn't it? I've heard an interesting rumor about you - they call you the 'Heavenly Dragon Among Men,' is that right?"

Charlie maintained his composure and responded with a serene smile, "Well, the 'Heavenly Dragon Among Men' moniker is just a playful title some of my martial arts acquaintances bestowed upon me."

Shelby couldn't resist a scornful smirk as he continued with a hint of mockery, "Master Wade, I'm genuinely curious about the birthday gift you've brought for Miss Sarah today. With a title like 'Heavenly Dragon Among Men,' I assume it's something extraordinary, correct?"

Charlie chuckled and replied, "Honestly, I only learned about Miss Sarah's birthday gathering at the last minute, and I hastily prepared a modest gift. It's merely a gesture of goodwill; nothing compared to the offerings Mr. Hansen might provide."

The more Charlie downplayed his gift, the more Shelby was compelled to challenge him publicly. Thus, he persisted, asking, "Why the modesty, Master Wade? I'm simply intrigued by your gift. How about sharing it with all of us or giving us a glimpse?"

Shelby pressed on, "Furthermore, since you're renowned as a Feng Shui master, could I venture a guess that your gift for Miss Sarah is a blessed talisman or an amulet?"

Charlie responded with a faint smile, "Mr. Hansen, you have a keen intuition. You're getting close."

Hearing this, Shelby couldn't resist taunting, "In my family, we have a servant who handles small trinkets in TradeWise District. He informed me that those wholesale amulets in TradeWise District's market cost mere pennies each. I wonder, Master Wade, what's your wholesale price? If it's on the higher side, I can introduce you to our servant for a more economical source."

Ryan found this amusing, and his father, Benjamin, couldn't help but smile. However, the others at the table displayed varying degrees of displeasure. After all, Charlie had always commanded respect from everyone, whether as Master Wade or Young Master Wade. Such insolence was unwarranted.

Isaac even felt an impulse to slap Shelby across the face, but he quickly reined it in. While it would be easy to do so, such an act might expose Charlie's true identity.

Meanwhile, Charlie remained unfazed, sporting a knowing smile. He didn't take Shelby seriously in the least. If Shelby were wise, he would opt for a peaceful coexistence. However, if he insisted on provoking Charlie Wade, he'd be ready to serve a taste of his own medicine.

So, Charlie covertly instructed Isaac to record a video on his phone before addressing Shelby with a friendly tone, "Young Master Hansen, you indeed stand out among the crowd. It's our first meeting, and you've already left quite an impression. Your generosity earlier didn't go unnoticed, and I was genuinely touched."

Shelby couldn't help but beam with pride, thinking that he had successfully outshone Charlie. Little did he anticipate that Charlie would follow up with a question, "Young Master Hansen, you mentioned earlier that the necklace you gifted Miss Walker is worth 20 million US dollars. Is that accurate?"

Shelby, brimming with confidence, retorted icily, "The Hansen family in Eastcliff is among the top ten elite families. A mere 20 million US dollars for a necklace doesn't warrant me resorting to deception."

Charlie nodded appreciatively and continued with a smile, "In that case, Young Master Hansen, would you care to take a guess at the approximate value of the gift I've presented to Miss Walker?"

Shelby sneered, "Though I haven't had the pleasure of seeing your gift, my guess would be that it couldn't possibly exceed 10,000 dollars." 😏💰

Chapter 1198: "A Bite of Ruby or a Taste of China?"

Charlie couldn't help but let out a friendly chuckle. "Young Master Hansen," he began with a wink, "I must confess, the gift I've brought today not only surpasses the 10,000 dollars mark in value, but it also outshines your lovely necklace by quite a margin."

Shelby, upon hearing this, couldn't contain his anger any longer. "Where on Earth did you come from, you cheeky rascal? How dare you play tricks in front of me?"

Charlie maintained his cool composure and inquired with a sly grin, "But what if my gift truly outshines your necklace, Young Master Hansen?"

Shelby snorted dismissively, "With all these witnesses around, if your gift is indeed more valuable than my necklace, I'll eat that necklace right here, right now."

Charlie clapped his hands lightly and gave a confident smile. "Splendid! It's a deal then."

Shelby raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Master Wade, what if, by some strange twist of fate, your gift turns out to be less valuable?"

Charlie responded with unwavering confidence, "If my gift falls short, I'll devour this entire set of exquisite tableware before us."

Shelby chuckled, "This tableware is made of delicate bone china. Can you really eat it?"

Charlie replied with determination, "If I lose, I'll eat it, even if it's shattered into pieces. Not a single shard will be spared."

Sarah, hearing this exchange, rushed to dissuade Charlie. "Master Wade, there's no need for such a competition. Even a simple token from you would be priceless in my eyes."

Charlie gave a faint smile and reassured her, "Miss Walker, there's no need to worry. When I set my mind to something, I always carry it through."

Shelby, witnessing Sarah's staunch defense of Charlie, couldn't contain his rising anger.

He slammed the table, stood up, and applauded mockingly, "Well said, Master Wade! Your confidence is indeed that of a master. Let all these witnesses attest to our wager. If the gift you present to Miss Walker surpasses mine in value, I'll swallow the ruby necklace I gave her. But if your gift falls short, you won't escape without tasting a piece of this bone china tableware!"

Charlie nodded in agreement and added with a smirk, "Now that it's settled, Miss Walker, would you kindly reveal the gift I've prepared for you?"

Sarah felt a tad anxious as she produced the small gift box Charlie had bestowed upon her.

She hadn't yet unveiled its contents, leaving her in suspense.

Charlie, with an apologetic look, addressed Sarah, "Miss Sarah, I apologize for requesting you to open this gift in front of everyone, but I wish to share it with all."

Sarah responded gracefully, "Master Wade, you are too kind."

Charlie smiled warmly and gestured, "Please, Miss Sarah, do unveil the gift for everyone to see."

Shelby, eyeing the diminutive gift box in Sarah's hand, no larger than a ring box, couldn't help but scoff. "Such a small box couldn't possibly contain anything of value. My ruby necklace is undoubtedly far more precious."

Charlie chuckled and quipped, "You see, diamonds are just carbon atoms. In my eyes, there's not much difference between a diamond and a lump of coal. Why would I gift Miss Sarah something so ordinary?"

Shelby was seething with anger, realizing that Charlie had just delivered a thinly veiled insult.

He huffed, "Enough with the empty words! Let's reveal the contents of that tiny box to everyone! I highly doubt it could surpass a 20-million-dollar ruby necklace. Prepare to dine on that bone china, my friend!" 😠🙄🍽️

Chapter 1199: "Shabby Box, Priceless Gift"

At this precise moment, a collective anxiety had settled upon the gathered crowd, their apprehension palpable as they watched Charlie's next move.

Although Charlie had earned a reputation for his formidable knowledge of Mystic Arts, doubts loomed in the minds of those present. Could he truly outshine Shelby in a matter solely centered around money?

The Hansen family's influence was unparalleled in the South Laverton region, casting a shadow over all other families. Shelby's arrival in Aurous Hill was akin to a mighty dragon crossing the river—unrivaled in the city, unchallenged in the entire South Laverton region.

Adding to the intrigue was the $20 million ruby necklace, a pinnacle of luxury within the world of gemstone necklaces. Even diamond necklaces the size of eggs might not command such a price tag.

Speculation ran rampant as to the contents of the small box Charlie had entrusted to Sarah. What could possibly be inside that would warrant his unwavering confidence that it surpassed a $20 million value?

With a delicate touch, Sarah began to unwrap the gift box, revealing the small square container within. Onlookers held their breath, their anticipation mounting.

The box did not exude an air of opulence; it lacked the exquisite packaging typically associated with extraordinary items. Instead, Charlie's choice appeared casual, as though he had purchased it from a neighborhood gift shop, its value likely no more than a few hundred dollars.

At this point, it seemed to most that Charlie had already conceded defeat.

Upon seeing the unimpressive gift box, Shelby couldn't help but sneer, "Master Wade, are you implying that something worth more than $20 million would be concealed in such a shabby box? Is that your suggestion?"

Charlie responded with composure, "The true worth of an item is not determined by its packaging. Young Master Hansen, though you present a striking image, your actual value might not surpass that of an ordinary individual."

Shelby retorted, irritation simmering, "What are you insinuating, Wade? Are you suggesting that I, a Hansen, possess less value than a commoner?"

Charlie offered a faint smile, "I'm merely drawing a comparison. If that's how you choose to interpret it, I cannot dissuade you."

With a helpless shrug, Charlie brimmed with self-assuredness.

Shelby felt the frustration mounting but opted not to engage in a verbal duel. He coolly declared, "Let's proceed and reveal the contents. I'm eager to witness how you intend to employ these 'utensils'."

Sarah cast a worried glance at Charlie, uncertain about whether to proceed with opening the gift box.

However, Charlie bestowed a reassuring look upon her and calmly suggested, "Miss Sarah, since Young Master Hansen is so eager, let's unveil the contents. Open it and satisfy his curiosity."

With a nod from Sarah, she delicately lifted the lid of the gift box.

As the box was unveiled, a peculiar fragrance instantly permeated the air, sending shockwaves through Elder Walker.

He recognized this scent all too well; it was the miraculous elixir that had restored him to a youthful state—a fabled Resurrection Pill!

Simultaneously, murmurs arose from different tables, "Unbelievable! It's an actual Resurrection Pill!"

"Master Wade's generosity knows no bounds! He gifted Miss Sarah a Resurrection Pill for her birthday?"

"Miss Sarah is truly fortunate to receive such a precious gift from Master Wade!"

Many of those in attendance at Sarah's birthday celebration had also been present at Elder Walker's birthday party. They had witnessed firsthand the astonishing transformation he had undergone after taking the Resurrection Pill.

On that occasion, a profound longing for the Resurrection Pill had taken root within every guest.

Without a doubt, the attendees were affluent individuals, even if they did not possess the vast riches of the Hansen family. Yet, they all harbored fortunes that would last them a lifetime. 😲🎁💎💖

Chapter 1200: "The Temptation of Time and Youth"😲

Samuel Turner, seated at the same table, found himself at a loss for words!

Samuel, the wealthiest man in Sea City, was nearly on par with the renowned Walker family when it came to his riches. Yet, as he approached old age, he couldn't help but feel the inexorable decline in his physical condition, a reality that even his immense wealth couldn't change.

He yearned for a chance to possess a Resurrection Pill, willing to part with ten percent of his assets without a hint of regret. He understood that, aside from the Resurrection Pill, no amount of money could buy back two decades of lost youth.

Stanley Ho, the Macau gambling mogul, was undoubtedly a billionaire, but at the age of over 90, he couldn't buy back his youth. His only recourse was to pour billions into hospitals each year, merely prolonging his life without halting the deterioration of his health.

The time purchased through vast sums could only stave off death, offering a few more years, maybe even five, but it didn't reverse his worsening physical state. If he could somehow revert his body, even if just for five years, he'd be willing to spend a hundred billion.

In this moment, it wasn't just about money for everyone; it was the intangibles that held even greater value. Things like time, youth, well-being, and life itself.

So, the Resurrection Pill was more alluring to them than anything else.

A pill that could instantaneously turn back the clock by two decades, offering a chance at health and an extended lifespan—it was nothing short of miraculous.

Even Sarah herself couldn't utter a word, so shocked was she by this extraordinary gift from Charlie!

She had never fathomed that Charlie would present her with such a priceless treasure.

In her eyes, the Resurrection Pill far surpassed the value of Shelby's ruby necklace, perhaps by ten, twenty, or even a hundred times.

Tears welled up in Sarah's eyes as she gazed at Charlie with profound affection, her voice trembling, "Master Wade, Sarah dares not accept such a precious gift from you..."

Charlie smiled gently and replied with warmth, "I'm giving it to you, so please accept it. There's no need to hesitate."

On the sidelines, Elder Walker was on the verge of fainting from excitement.

After experiencing the transformative power of a Resurrection Pill himself, his desire for it had intensified. Sometimes, the true marvel of something only became apparent once it was in your possession.

Having taken one, Elder Walker felt as if he had recaptured his youth. He eagerly anticipated the possibility of making his body even younger.

Simultaneously, he harbored concerns. What if, twenty years down the line, he found himself an aging old man once again? Would he have any hope of obtaining another Resurrection Pill from Master Wade?

After all, a gift of twenty more years of life was a temptation few could resist.

And now, Master Wade had generously presented another Resurrection Pill to his granddaughter.

Perhaps, if he treated her even better, she might consider gifting him this incredible treasure!

Shelby, noticing the astonishment on everyone's faces over the seemingly unremarkable pill, couldn't help but feel slighted.

With a disdainful snort, he sneered, "Wade, where did you stumble upon such a potent elixir? You actually claim it's more valuable than my ruby necklace?!" 😏💎

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 1201: "When Appraisals Collide: Pill vs. Precious Stone"

In Shelby's view, the Resurrection Pill that Charlie presented appeared rather unimpressive.

Even the renowned Golden Bull's Heart Pill, a gem in the world of traditional Chinese medicine, typically fetched no more than a few hundred thousand dollars.

Even if we generously assumed that this Resurrection Pill matched the Golden Bull's Heart Pill in effectiveness, what difference would it make?

Compared to his precious ruby valued at nearly 20 million dollars, it seemed like comparing apples to oranges.

Thus, in this instance, Shelby believed that he had secured victory over Charlie.

He had initially expected his confident statement to earn him praise from the gathering. To his surprise, the looks he received from everyone resembled more concern for someone who might not be fully informed.

This was not entirely his fault because he was the third young master of the esteemed Hansen family in Eastcliff, and no one dared to be too blunt in their expressions.

Yet, Shelby could still sense the subtle undertone in their gazes.

He couldn't help but wonder, what's going on here? Could this so-called Resurrection Pill actually be valuable? It couldn't be, right? Such a shoddy item, how could it be worth anything?

In that moment, Charlie glanced at him with a faint smile and inquired, "Young Master Hansen, how much do you believe my pill is worth?"

Shelby scoffed dismissively and replied, "In my estimation, it's worth a maximum of 100,000!"

Charlie chuckled and proposed, "Well then, how about a spontaneous mini-auction right here? We'll auction off these two items and see which one fetches a higher price. What do you say?"

Shelby furrowed his brows and asked, "An auction? What do you mean?"

Charlie clarified, "It means we'll put these two items up for auction right now, and we'll see which one ultimately commands the higher price. How does that sound?"

Shelby responded coldly, "Are you jesting? How can I put my 20-million-dollar ruby necklace up for sale here? It's intended as a birthday gift for Miss Sarah, and auctioning it would be utterly inappropriate."

Charlie countered, "Very well, since you are convinced your necklace is genuinely worth 20 million dollars, according to our wager, if my pill fetches a higher price than your necklace, that means I win, correct?"

Shelby burst into laughter, "Wade, are you really suggesting we auction your so-called Resurrection Pill here? Do you truly believe this worthless item could surpass 20 million dollars?"

With a mocking tone, Shelby added, "And you, Wade, you are quite audacious. Even if your Resurrection Pill is deemed worthless, it's still a birthday gift for Miss Sarah. How could you possibly auction it? That would be utterly shameless, wouldn't it?"

Upon hearing this, Sarah couldn't hold back and immediately spoke up, almost instinctively, "Shelby, I won't tolerate you speaking ill of Master Wade!"

Everyone present was taken aback. No one had anticipated that Sarah would boldly confront Shelby to defend Charlie.

Shelby's expression mirrored the collective astonishment. Had Sarah lost her senses? How could she stand up for someone like this just because he had given her a modest gift?

However, Shelby remained completely unaware of the immense gratitude Sarah felt towards Charlie at this very moment. 😊❤️🎉

Chapter 1202: "Auction Fever: Bidding for Elixir"

As Shelby ridiculed Charlie, Sarah couldn't remain silent.

In that moment, Charlie let out a light chuckle and produced another Resurrection Pill from his pocket, wearing a friendly smile. "You see, I've got plenty of these little wonders. The Resurrection Pill I gave Miss Sarah won't be up for auction again. What's on the block right now is the one I'm holding."

With a gracious gesture, Charlie stood and addressed the eager crowd. "I'm sure you're all well-acquainted with the Resurrection Pill by now, so I won't bore you with details. Let's dive right into the auction."

The audience practically burst with excitement at the prospect of the Resurrection Pill going up for bidding. This miraculous elixir was an elusive treasure beyond their wildest dreams. Charlie had never offered one for sale before, rendering it truly invaluable.

The attendees were affluent individuals who had come prepared for this opportunity to purchase a Resurrection Pill, a chance to rejuvenate themselves. They were all eager to participate, each one resolved to go to great lengths to secure this coveted pill.

Turning his gaze to Shelby, Charlie spoke with a friendly smile, "Young Master Hansen, so, your ruby necklace is valued at around 20 million dollars, isn't it?"

Shelby, with a smug demeanor, responded, "It is indeed 20 million dollars. You probably never even handled so much cash in your life, have you? Are you trembling?"

Charlie maintained a faint smile and replied, "Fear isn't in my vocabulary. I'm Charlie Wade, and fear doesn't find a place in my lifetime."

Without acknowledging Shelby any further, Charlie turned to the crowd and continued, "Ladies and gentlemen, let me briefly explain the auction rules. Since Young Master Hansen believes that my Resurrection Pill isn't as valuable as his ruby necklace, I'll set the starting bid at 30 million dollars."


Shelby was taken aback by Charlie's audacity to set the starting bid for the Resurrection Pill at 30 million dollars. He widened his eyes and exclaimed, "Wade, have you lost your mind? Your insignificant trinket is worth 30 million dollars? Do you think we're all fools here?"

Before he could finish, Elder Walker swiftly raised his hand and said, "Master Wade, I'll bid 30 million!"

Shelby was left stunned. He glared at Elder Walker and questioned coldly, "Elder Walker, are you deliberately siding with this Wade character to oppose me? I came to the Walker family with utmost sincerity. If you're lacking in sincerity like this, don't blame Shelby for turning hostile!"

Elder Walker appeared embarrassed. His bid wasn't to support Charlie; he genuinely desired the Resurrection Pill. Having experienced its miraculous effects personally, no price was too high for him. Even if it cost 1.5 billion, he would buy it, ten times over. Spending 15 billion dollars was a small investment for potentially extending his life by decades, not to mention the substantial profits it could bring to the Walker family.

However, in light of Shelby's threat, he hesitated. He didn't want to openly provoke Shelby and make a formidable enemy.

Charlie, with a congenial smile, suggested, "Elder Walker, to avoid any appearance of impropriety, why don't you refrain from participating in this auction? Let others outside the Walker family have a fair chance. This way, we won't give Young Master Hansen the impression that you're colluding with me."

Elder Walker reluctantly and respectfully complied, saying, "Since Master Wade has spoken, I'll abstain from this auction."

Shelby's expression eased somewhat. It appeared that the Walker family understood their boundaries. Furthermore, other than the Walker family, it was unlikely that anyone would be interested in a pill with a starting bid of 30 million.

Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Samuel, the wealthiest man in Sea City, seated at the same table, excitedly raised his hand and declared, "Master Wade, since Elder Walker is stepping aside, I'm willing to bid 30 million!" 😃💰💎

Chapter 1203: "The Price of Immortality: A Growing Auction"

Shelby was initially confident that he had the deal in the bag, thinking that nobody would dare to bid 30 million for that magical Resurrection Pill. But, to his astonishment, Samuel Turner had other plans.

Shelby looked at Samuel with surprise, clenching his teeth, and asked, "Mr. Turner, what's the meaning of this?"

Despite being aware of Shelby's influential background, the allure of the Resurrection Pill was too strong for Samuel to resist. Even if it meant going against the Hansen family, he was determined to get his hands on this extraordinary elixir.

Who could pass up such a golden opportunity, especially when pitted against a man twenty years younger?

Moreover, if Shelby tried to thwart him, not even the greatest kings could prevent Samuel from bidding.

So, Samuel gazed at Shelby and calmly explained, "I apologize, Young Master Hansen. Mr. Wade's Resurrection Pill has been a long-time desire of mine. Today, with such a perfect opportunity at hand, I can't afford to let it slip away easily. If my actions cause any offense, I hope you can understand!"

Shelby's expression turned sour, realizing that with Samuel's bid, he had already lost to Charlie. Losing to Charlie not only meant a loss of face in front of a large audience but also the humiliating prospect of swallowing that ruby necklace in front of everyone.

Just as he wore a displeased expression, thinking that Samuel was deliberately opposing him, someone from another table chimed in, "I bid 31 million!"

Someone had actually placed a bid, and Samuel raised it by 1 million. Could this be turning into a full-fledged bidding war?

Just then, Charlie, wearing a charming smile, interjected, "I forgot to mention earlier, the starting price is 30 million, and the minimum increment is 10 million. We wouldn't want to increase it by just 1 million; that would be rather petty."

The bidder quickly nodded and exclaimed, "Given Master Wade's request, I'll bid 40 million!"

"Wow!" Shelby's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

The starting price was 30 million, and not only were people bidding, but they were also raising the stakes. Had these two lost their minds?

Before Shelby could recover from the shock, someone from another table stood up excitedly and declared, "I'm willing to offer 50 million!"

Shelby's expression grew even more unpleasant. Internally, he couldn't help but mutter, "Are these people all out of their minds?"

Before Shelby could consider accepting the 50 million offer, Samuel waved his hand and declared, "I'll bid 200 million!"

The room erupted in an uproar!

Samuel was unshakable in his determination to obtain the Resurrection Pill. To him, 200 million was just the beginning.

Alan Ward had been silent all this while, but his patience was wearing thin.

The Resurrection Pill!

The one crafted by Master Wade!

Even though he and his daughter had received two divine medicines from Master Wade as gifts, they paled in comparison to the Resurrection Pill.

Therefore, he couldn't afford to miss this golden opportunity.

He raised his hand and announced, "I'm willing to offer 210 million!"

Shelby's face turned a shade of green!

They had already reached the 200-million mark, and someone was still upping the ante?

Just when he thought that, George White spoke up, saying, "I'll offer 220 million!"

Afterward, George glanced apologetically at Alan and said, "Brother Ward, I'm sorry!"

Alan fully understood George's intentions. Everyone had witnessed the miraculous abilities of Master Wade, and they all knew the true worth of this Resurrection Pill.

This was the first and possibly the only time that Master Wade had ever put the Resurrection Pill up for auction.

If they didn't seize this opportunity, they might regret it for the rest of their lives.

Therefore, no one was willing to back down easily.

Samuel's spirits also rose, and he raised his hand once more, saying, "250 million. My apologies, gentlemen, if I've offended anyone."

From the neighboring table, a voice rang out, "In that case, I'll offer 260 million!" 😲💰

Chapter 1204: "Samuel, George, and Alan: Brothers in Bidding"

"270 million!"

"280 million!"

"290 million!"

Alan raised his hand again, confidently declaring, "I'll bid 3 billion!"

With each new bid, another participant eagerly upped the ante, increasing the stakes by 10 million without hesitation.

The entire scene buzzed with exhilaration. Even those with a net worth hovering around 1 billion didn't hesitate to dive into the bidding fray. Everyone understood that, while money held its worth, the value of human life was immeasurable.

For Shelby, each bid from others felt like a stinging humiliation. He had never experienced such embarrassment before.

And yet, this was just the beginning.

What troubled him most was how he would gracefully withdraw from this situation later. Did he genuinely need to consume that ruby necklace?

The bidding frenzy showed no signs of abating, continuing to escalate.

Samuel Turner, George White, and Alan Ward were determined not to let this golden opportunity slip through their fingers, and others joined in, gritting their teeth as they raised their bids.

Soon, the price soared beyond 500 million dollars.

At this juncture, only a couple of individuals at neighboring tables remained in the competition. For the rest, the cost had become prohibitive, forcing them to reluctantly bow out.

Nevertheless, even with the price surging past 500 million dollars, the auction persisted.

The numbers continued to climb swiftly, quickly breaching the 600 million mark.

Now, only Samuel, George, and Alan remained in contention. These three had strong bonds with one another and were acquainted with Charlie. In reality, none of them wished to create a rift, but the Resurrection Pill's allure was irresistible. So, each time one of them raised the bid, they offered apologies to the others with a respectful nod.

The spectacle grew increasingly unique.

After George bid 600 million, he quickly apologized, stating, "I'm sorry, dear friends, please pardon any offense."

Alan followed suit. Following his 610 million bid, he also expressed his apologies, "I'm sorry, dear friends, please pardon any offense."

Then, it was Samuel's turn. He boldly bid 650 million but still extended his apologies, remarking, "I'm sorry, dear friends, please pardon any offense."

Spectators were left bewildered. What kind of relationship did these three share? They referred to each other as "brothers," and the order of seniority no longer seemed to matter. What did matter was their unyielding determination to secure the prize, driving the price higher and higher.

In the blink of an eye, the bid reached 980 million.

Shelby was utterly mystified. 980 million! His string of necklaces was valued at just 20 million, and this had multiplied several times over!

What in the world was this Resurrection Pill? How could it command such astronomical worth?

Just as he contemplated this, Samuel decisively declared, "I'll bid 1 billion!"

George realized that this bidding war could stretch endlessly. Though he could rival Alan in assets, he recognized he couldn't compete with Samuel's financial firepower. Thus, he gritted his teeth and boldly proclaimed, "I'll bid 1.1 billion!"

He added an extra million to the bid in one daring move, leaving the entire room flabbergasted by his audacity! 😲💰🔥

Chapter 1205: "Samuel's Two-Billion-Dollar Mic Drop"

As soon as George threw down a bid of 1.1 billion, Alan knew he had to up the ante if he didn't want to lose out on the coveted Resurrection Pill.

Determined and with gritted teeth, Alan declared, "Since our friend White here has put 1.1 billion on the table, I'll make it an even 1.2 billion."

Samuel, with all his wealth, remained unfazed. Whether it was 1.2 billion or 1.5 billion, it didn't matter much to him. However, that Resurrection Pill was his target.

With a calm demeanor, Samuel calmly said, "Well then, let's skip the small talk and go straight to 20 billion."

The crowd erupted in astonishment. Going from 1.2 billion to 2 billion was the most jaw-dropping display of extravagance anyone had ever witnessed.

What did 2 billion in cash even mean? If someone had a monthly allowance of 10 million, 2 billion would sustain them for almost 17 years. If they deposited that 2 billion in a bank with a 5% annual interest rate, they'd rake in 100 million in interest every year. That was over 8 million just from interest each month!

For an ordinary person or even an average wealthy individual, these were astronomical numbers beyond imagination. But for someone like Samuel, worth billions, it was just a drop in his vast ocean of wealth.

Samuel had toiled away for half his life, amassing his wealth to ensure a carefree future. Spending 2 billion on a Resurrection Pill was an incredible deal for him. Regret never even crossed his mind.

However, for George and Alan, they felt utterly powerless at this moment.

Both hailed from substantial families with dozens of direct and extended family members depending on them. Take Alan, for instance; the Ward family's assets didn't even reach the hundreds of billions mark. If he invested 20 billion in this Resurrection Pill, it wouldn't be enough, and he'd have to tap into the family's coffers.

This would undoubtedly stir up major strife within the family. After all, there was only one Resurrection Pill, and it couldn't be divided among everyone.

So, Alan reluctantly bowed to Samuel and admitted, "Mr. Turner, your resolve is truly admirable."

George's predicament mirrored Alan's, but his family's resources were even more limited. Moreover, his family had taken a hit due to Gerald and Fred's feud with Charlie, missing out on a chance to collaborate with the Emgrand Group.

Now, facing a 2 billion price tag, the White family could only withdraw from the bidding.

Seeing no other contenders, Samuel let out a sigh of relief. Yet, he didn't display arrogance or elation. Instead, he respectfully acknowledged George and Alan, saying, "Brother White, Brother Ward, I appreciate your understanding. I'll be sure to pay a visit to express my gratitude in the future."

Both George and Alan responded humbly, "Mr. Turner, your abilities are beyond our reach."

Onlookers marveled at the harmonious interaction between these three men. A Resurrection Pill that had started with a bid of 30 million had now skyrocketed to 2 billion. Yet, the trio remained composed and unruffled, exuding an air of magnanimity that earned them everyone's admiration.

At this juncture, Samuel turned to Charlie and spoke with great respect, "Master Wade, since no one else has challenged me, I'll take possession of this Resurrection Pill."

Charlie nodded approvingly and handed over the Resurrection Pill, saying, "Very well, this Resurrection Pill is now yours!" 😌🙌💊


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 1196: "The Third Young Master's Frustration"

However, as all the seats were already taken, she found herself sitting next to Abby.

Before the banquet officially began, an elderly gentleman stood up to deliver a speech filled with gratitude.

During his address, when expressing his appreciation for the guests in attendance, Elder Walker commenced by saying, "Today, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to Master Wade for gracing us with his presence at my granddaughter's birthday celebration!"

Upon hearing Elder Walker's words, the third young master Hansen, seated in the place of honor, immediately wore a somber expression.

What's happening here?

Doesn't this elderly gentleman from the Walker family understand the customary way of showing respect? He came to attend his granddaughter's birthday celebration and should have positioned himself at the forefront of expressing gratitude, right?

Thinking this, he couldn't help but shoot a curious glance at Charlie, who sat beside him.

This guy appears rather unassuming. He probably wonders why the Walker family elder is being overly polite to him.

After thanking Charlie, Elder Walker proceeded to extend his gratitude to the third young master Hansen.

Observing that he had been overshadowed by Charlie, a person of uncertain origins, the third young master Hansen couldn't suppress his frustration.

At that moment, Elder Walker concluded his speech and invited his granddaughter, Sarah, to step forward and convey her thanks.

Elegant and graceful, Sarah, just like her grandfather, expressed her appreciation to the guests, commencing with Charlie Wade.

She looked into Charlie's eyes with sincerity and said, "I want to express my heartfelt thanks to Master Wade for taking time out of his busy schedule to join me on my special day. I feel truly honored."

After thanking Charlie, Sarah continued, "In addition to expressing my gratitude to Master Wade, I also want to thank all the friends who have gathered here today. Your support means the world to me."

With that, Sarah offered a gracious bow to the assembled guests.

The third young master Hansen was seething with anger.

While Elder Walker had placed him second in the list of thanks, at least he had acknowledged him by name. Yet, when it came to Sarah, she didn't even mention his name, treating him just like everyone else. This ignited his fury.

At that moment, he whispered to the person seated next to him, Ryan, "Who exactly is this Charlie?"

Ryan had always harbored resentment toward Charlie but had never dared to openly disrespect him. Now, sensing the third young master Hansen's displeasure toward Charlie, he seized the opportunity to explain, "This Charlie is quite renowned in Aurous Hill. He's the one who married into a prominent family. People also know him as a reputable Feng Shui master, and he possesses some knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, which has earned him the title of Master Wade."

Upon hearing this, the third young master Hansen couldn't help but sneer, "Master Wade? Just because he knows a bit about Feng Shui and traditional Chinese medicine, he dares to call himself a master? In Eastcliff, he would have faced ridicule and humiliation countless times by now."

Ryan quickly added, "You're absolutely right, Third Young Master. Aurous Hill may be a smaller city, but even here, there are plenty of impostors who claim to be top-tier talents."

"Impostors posing as top-tier talents?" the third young master Hansen snorted, raising an eyebrow. "Does this Charlie claim to be a true dragon?"

In a hushed tone, Ryan replied, "I'm not entirely sure if he claims that, but within the Aurous Hill underworld, they often refer to him as the 'Heavenly Dragon Among Men of Aurous Hill.'"

The third young master Hansen chuckled coldly, "The 'Heavenly Dragon Among Men'? I, Shelby, come from the Hansen family in Eastcliff, and I'm certainly no stranger to dragon blood. Today, I'll determine who the real 'Heavenly Dragon Among Men' is."

Ryan quickly ingratiated himself, "In comparison to you, Third Young Master, he's undoubtedly inferior in every way. He probably doesn't even measure up to a single strand of your hair."

"Of course," the third young master Hansen replied, tilting his nose haughtily. He cast a sharp gaze at Charlie and thought, "A nobody from a small place who dares to steal my spotlight. Today, I, the formidable dragon, will make an example out of him and show these Aurous Hill folks who the true Heavenly Dragon Among Men is!" 😠🐉💥

Chapter 1197 - "The Battle of Generosity: Shelby vs. Charlie"

Shelby Hansen had a burning desire to publicly challenge Charlie. Thus, he boldly rose from his seat at the guest table and began with a direct inquiry, "Hello there, Master Wade, isn't it? I've heard an interesting rumor about you - they call you the 'Heavenly Dragon Among Men,' is that right?"

Charlie maintained his composure and responded with a serene smile, "Well, the 'Heavenly Dragon Among Men' moniker is just a playful title some of my martial arts acquaintances bestowed upon me."

Shelby couldn't resist a scornful smirk as he continued with a hint of mockery, "Master Wade, I'm genuinely curious about the birthday gift you've brought for Miss Sarah today. With a title like 'Heavenly Dragon Among Men,' I assume it's something extraordinary, correct?"

Charlie chuckled and replied, "Honestly, I only learned about Miss Sarah's birthday gathering at the last minute, and I hastily prepared a modest gift. It's merely a gesture of goodwill; nothing compared to the offerings Mr. Hansen might provide."

The more Charlie downplayed his gift, the more Shelby was compelled to challenge him publicly. Thus, he persisted, asking, "Why the modesty, Master Wade? I'm simply intrigued by your gift. How about sharing it with all of us or giving us a glimpse?"

Shelby pressed on, "Furthermore, since you're renowned as a Feng Shui master, could I venture a guess that your gift for Miss Sarah is a blessed talisman or an amulet?"

Charlie responded with a faint smile, "Mr. Hansen, you have a keen intuition. You're getting close."

Hearing this, Shelby couldn't resist taunting, "In my family, we have a servant who handles small trinkets in TradeWise District. He informed me that those wholesale amulets in TradeWise District's market cost mere pennies each. I wonder, Master Wade, what's your wholesale price? If it's on the higher side, I can introduce you to our servant for a more economical source."

Ryan found this amusing, and his father, Benjamin, couldn't help but smile. However, the others at the table displayed varying degrees of displeasure. After all, Charlie had always commanded respect from everyone, whether as Master Wade or Young Master Wade. Such insolence was unwarranted.

Isaac even felt an impulse to slap Shelby across the face, but he quickly reined it in. While it would be easy to do so, such an act might expose Charlie's true identity.

Meanwhile, Charlie remained unfazed, sporting a knowing smile. He didn't take Shelby seriously in the least. If Shelby were wise, he would opt for a peaceful coexistence. However, if he insisted on provoking Charlie Wade, he'd be ready to serve a taste of his own medicine.

So, Charlie covertly instructed Isaac to record a video on his phone before addressing Shelby with a friendly tone, "Young Master Hansen, you indeed stand out among the crowd. It's our first meeting, and you've already left quite an impression. Your generosity earlier didn't go unnoticed, and I was genuinely touched."

Shelby couldn't help but beam with pride, thinking that he had successfully outshone Charlie. Little did he anticipate that Charlie would follow up with a question, "Young Master Hansen, you mentioned earlier that the necklace you gifted Miss Walker is worth 20 million US dollars. Is that accurate?"

Shelby, brimming with confidence, retorted icily, "The Hansen family in Eastcliff is among the top ten elite families. A mere 20 million US dollars for a necklace doesn't warrant me resorting to deception."

Charlie nodded appreciatively and continued with a smile, "In that case, Young Master Hansen, would you care to take a guess at the approximate value of the gift I've presented to Miss Walker?"

Shelby sneered, "Though I haven't had the pleasure of seeing your gift, my guess would be that it couldn't possibly exceed 10,000 dollars." 😏💰

Chapter 1198: "A Bite of Ruby or a Taste of China?"

Charlie couldn't help but let out a friendly chuckle. "Young Master Hansen," he began with a wink, "I must confess, the gift I've brought today not only surpasses the 10,000 dollars mark in value, but it also outshines your lovely necklace by quite a margin."

Shelby, upon hearing this, couldn't contain his anger any longer. "Where on Earth did you come from, you cheeky rascal? How dare you play tricks in front of me?"

Charlie maintained his cool composure and inquired with a sly grin, "But what if my gift truly outshines your necklace, Young Master Hansen?"

Shelby snorted dismissively, "With all these witnesses around, if your gift is indeed more valuable than my necklace, I'll eat that necklace right here, right now."

Charlie clapped his hands lightly and gave a confident smile. "Splendid! It's a deal then."

Shelby raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Master Wade, what if, by some strange twist of fate, your gift turns out to be less valuable?"

Charlie responded with unwavering confidence, "If my gift falls short, I'll devour this entire set of exquisite tableware before us."

Shelby chuckled, "This tableware is made of delicate bone china. Can you really eat it?"

Charlie replied with determination, "If I lose, I'll eat it, even if it's shattered into pieces. Not a single shard will be spared."

Sarah, hearing this exchange, rushed to dissuade Charlie. "Master Wade, there's no need for such a competition. Even a simple token from you would be priceless in my eyes."

Charlie gave a faint smile and reassured her, "Miss Walker, there's no need to worry. When I set my mind to something, I always carry it through."

Shelby, witnessing Sarah's staunch defense of Charlie, couldn't contain his rising anger.

He slammed the table, stood up, and applauded mockingly, "Well said, Master Wade! Your confidence is indeed that of a master. Let all these witnesses attest to our wager. If the gift you present to Miss Walker surpasses mine in value, I'll swallow the ruby necklace I gave her. But if your gift falls short, you won't escape without tasting a piece of this bone china tableware!"

Charlie nodded in agreement and added with a smirk, "Now that it's settled, Miss Walker, would you kindly reveal the gift I've prepared for you?"

Sarah felt a tad anxious as she produced the small gift box Charlie had bestowed upon her.

She hadn't yet unveiled its contents, leaving her in suspense.

Charlie, with an apologetic look, addressed Sarah, "Miss Sarah, I apologize for requesting you to open this gift in front of everyone, but I wish to share it with all."

Sarah responded gracefully, "Master Wade, you are too kind."

Charlie smiled warmly and gestured, "Please, Miss Sarah, do unveil the gift for everyone to see."

Shelby, eyeing the diminutive gift box in Sarah's hand, no larger than a ring box, couldn't help but scoff. "Such a small box couldn't possibly contain anything of value. My ruby necklace is undoubtedly far more precious."

Charlie chuckled and quipped, "You see, diamonds are just carbon atoms. In my eyes, there's not much difference between a diamond and a lump of coal. Why would I gift Miss Sarah something so ordinary?"

Shelby was seething with anger, realizing that Charlie had just delivered a thinly veiled insult.

He huffed, "Enough with the empty words! Let's reveal the contents of that tiny box to everyone! I highly doubt it could surpass a 20-million-dollar ruby necklace. Prepare to dine on that bone china, my friend!" 😠🙄🍽️

Chapter 1199: "Shabby Box, Priceless Gift"

At this precise moment, a collective anxiety had settled upon the gathered crowd, their apprehension palpable as they watched Charlie's next move.

Although Charlie had earned a reputation for his formidable knowledge of Mystic Arts, doubts loomed in the minds of those present. Could he truly outshine Shelby in a matter solely centered around money?

The Hansen family's influence was unparalleled in the South Laverton region, casting a shadow over all other families. Shelby's arrival in Aurous Hill was akin to a mighty dragon crossing the river—unrivaled in the city, unchallenged in the entire South Laverton region.

Adding to the intrigue was the $20 million ruby necklace, a pinnacle of luxury within the world of gemstone necklaces. Even diamond necklaces the size of eggs might not command such a price tag.

Speculation ran rampant as to the contents of the small box Charlie had entrusted to Sarah. What could possibly be inside that would warrant his unwavering confidence that it surpassed a $20 million value?

With a delicate touch, Sarah began to unwrap the gift box, revealing the small square container within. Onlookers held their breath, their anticipation mounting.

The box did not exude an air of opulence; it lacked the exquisite packaging typically associated with extraordinary items. Instead, Charlie's choice appeared casual, as though he had purchased it from a neighborhood gift shop, its value likely no more than a few hundred dollars.

At this point, it seemed to most that Charlie had already conceded defeat.

Upon seeing the unimpressive gift box, Shelby couldn't help but sneer, "Master Wade, are you implying that something worth more than $20 million would be concealed in such a shabby box? Is that your suggestion?"

Charlie responded with composure, "The true worth of an item is not determined by its packaging. Young Master Hansen, though you present a striking image, your actual value might not surpass that of an ordinary individual."

Shelby retorted, irritation simmering, "What are you insinuating, Wade? Are you suggesting that I, a Hansen, possess less value than a commoner?"

Charlie offered a faint smile, "I'm merely drawing a comparison. If that's how you choose to interpret it, I cannot dissuade you."

With a helpless shrug, Charlie brimmed with self-assuredness.

Shelby felt the frustration mounting but opted not to engage in a verbal duel. He coolly declared, "Let's proceed and reveal the contents. I'm eager to witness how you intend to employ these 'utensils'."

Sarah cast a worried glance at Charlie, uncertain about whether to proceed with opening the gift box.

However, Charlie bestowed a reassuring look upon her and calmly suggested, "Miss Sarah, since Young Master Hansen is so eager, let's unveil the contents. Open it and satisfy his curiosity."

With a nod from Sarah, she delicately lifted the lid of the gift box.

As the box was unveiled, a peculiar fragrance instantly permeated the air, sending shockwaves through Elder Walker.

He recognized this scent all too well; it was the miraculous elixir that had restored him to a youthful state—a fabled Resurrection Pill!

Simultaneously, murmurs arose from different tables, "Unbelievable! It's an actual Resurrection Pill!"

"Master Wade's generosity knows no bounds! He gifted Miss Sarah a Resurrection Pill for her birthday?"

"Miss Sarah is truly fortunate to receive such a precious gift from Master Wade!"

Many of those in attendance at Sarah's birthday celebration had also been present at Elder Walker's birthday party. They had witnessed firsthand the astonishing transformation he had undergone after taking the Resurrection Pill.

On that occasion, a profound longing for the Resurrection Pill had taken root within every guest.

Without a doubt, the attendees were affluent individuals, even if they did not possess the vast riches of the Hansen family. Yet, they all harbored fortunes that would last them a lifetime. 😲🎁💎💖

Chapter 1200: "The Temptation of Time and Youth"😲

Samuel Turner, seated at the same table, found himself at a loss for words!

Samuel, the wealthiest man in Sea City, was nearly on par with the renowned Walker family when it came to his riches. Yet, as he approached old age, he couldn't help but feel the inexorable decline in his physical condition, a reality that even his immense wealth couldn't change.

He yearned for a chance to possess a Resurrection Pill, willing to part with ten percent of his assets without a hint of regret. He understood that, aside from the Resurrection Pill, no amount of money could buy back two decades of lost youth.

Stanley Ho, the Macau gambling mogul, was undoubtedly a billionaire, but at the age of over 90, he couldn't buy back his youth. His only recourse was to pour billions into hospitals each year, merely prolonging his life without halting the deterioration of his health.

The time purchased through vast sums could only stave off death, offering a few more years, maybe even five, but it didn't reverse his worsening physical state. If he could somehow revert his body, even if just for five years, he'd be willing to spend a hundred billion.

In this moment, it wasn't just about money for everyone; it was the intangibles that held even greater value. Things like time, youth, well-being, and life itself.

So, the Resurrection Pill was more alluring to them than anything else.

A pill that could instantaneously turn back the clock by two decades, offering a chance at health and an extended lifespan—it was nothing short of miraculous.

Even Sarah herself couldn't utter a word, so shocked was she by this extraordinary gift from Charlie!

She had never fathomed that Charlie would present her with such a priceless treasure.

In her eyes, the Resurrection Pill far surpassed the value of Shelby's ruby necklace, perhaps by ten, twenty, or even a hundred times.

Tears welled up in Sarah's eyes as she gazed at Charlie with profound affection, her voice trembling, "Master Wade, Sarah dares not accept such a precious gift from you..."

Charlie smiled gently and replied with warmth, "I'm giving it to you, so please accept it. There's no need to hesitate."

On the sidelines, Elder Walker was on the verge of fainting from excitement.

After experiencing the transformative power of a Resurrection Pill himself, his desire for it had intensified. Sometimes, the true marvel of something only became apparent once it was in your possession.

Having taken one, Elder Walker felt as if he had recaptured his youth. He eagerly anticipated the possibility of making his body even younger.

Simultaneously, he harbored concerns. What if, twenty years down the line, he found himself an aging old man once again? Would he have any hope of obtaining another Resurrection Pill from Master Wade?

After all, a gift of twenty more years of life was a temptation few could resist.

And now, Master Wade had generously presented another Resurrection Pill to his granddaughter.

Perhaps, if he treated her even better, she might consider gifting him this incredible treasure!

Shelby, noticing the astonishment on everyone's faces over the seemingly unremarkable pill, couldn't help but feel slighted.

With a disdainful snort, he sneered, "Wade, where did you stumble upon such a potent elixir? You actually claim it's more valuable than my ruby necklace?!" 😏💎
Shelby, your time bomb is ticking


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 1201: "When Appraisals Collide: Pill vs. Precious Stone"

In Shelby's view, the Resurrection Pill that Charlie presented appeared rather unimpressive.

Even the renowned Golden Bull's Heart Pill, a gem in the world of traditional Chinese medicine, typically fetched no more than a few hundred thousand dollars.

Even if we generously assumed that this Resurrection Pill matched the Golden Bull's Heart Pill in effectiveness, what difference would it make?

Compared to his precious ruby valued at nearly 20 million dollars, it seemed like comparing apples to oranges.

Thus, in this instance, Shelby believed that he had secured victory over Charlie.

He had initially expected his confident statement to earn him praise from the gathering. To his surprise, the looks he received from everyone resembled more concern for someone who might not be fully informed.

This was not entirely his fault because he was the third young master of the esteemed Hansen family in Eastcliff, and no one dared to be too blunt in their expressions.

Yet, Shelby could still sense the subtle undertone in their gazes.

He couldn't help but wonder, what's going on here? Could this so-called Resurrection Pill actually be valuable? It couldn't be, right? Such a shoddy item, how could it be worth anything?

In that moment, Charlie glanced at him with a faint smile and inquired, "Young Master Hansen, how much do you believe my pill is worth?"

Shelby scoffed dismissively and replied, "In my estimation, it's worth a maximum of 100,000!"

Charlie chuckled and proposed, "Well then, how about a spontaneous mini-auction right here? We'll auction off these two items and see which one fetches a higher price. What do you say?"

Shelby furrowed his brows and asked, "An auction? What do you mean?"

Charlie clarified, "It means we'll put these two items up for auction right now, and we'll see which one ultimately commands the higher price. How does that sound?"

Shelby responded coldly, "Are you jesting? How can I put my 20-million-dollar ruby necklace up for sale here? It's intended as a birthday gift for Miss Sarah, and auctioning it would be utterly inappropriate."

Charlie countered, "Very well, since you are convinced your necklace is genuinely worth 20 million dollars, according to our wager, if my pill fetches a higher price than your necklace, that means I win, correct?"

Shelby burst into laughter, "Wade, are you really suggesting we auction your so-called Resurrection Pill here? Do you truly believe this worthless item could surpass 20 million dollars?"

With a mocking tone, Shelby added, "And you, Wade, you are quite audacious. Even if your Resurrection Pill is deemed worthless, it's still a birthday gift for Miss Sarah. How could you possibly auction it? That would be utterly shameless, wouldn't it?"

Upon hearing this, Sarah couldn't hold back and immediately spoke up, almost instinctively, "Shelby, I won't tolerate you speaking ill of Master Wade!"

Everyone present was taken aback. No one had anticipated that Sarah would boldly confront Shelby to defend Charlie.

Shelby's expression mirrored the collective astonishment. Had Sarah lost her senses? How could she stand up for someone like this just because he had given her a modest gift?

However, Shelby remained completely unaware of the immense gratitude Sarah felt towards Charlie at this very moment. 😊❤️🎉

Chapter 1202: "Auction Fever: Bidding for Elixir"

As Shelby ridiculed Charlie, Sarah couldn't remain silent.

In that moment, Charlie let out a light chuckle and produced another Resurrection Pill from his pocket, wearing a friendly smile. "You see, I've got plenty of these little wonders. The Resurrection Pill I gave Miss Sarah won't be up for auction again. What's on the block right now is the one I'm holding."

With a gracious gesture, Charlie stood and addressed the eager crowd. "I'm sure you're all well-acquainted with the Resurrection Pill by now, so I won't bore you with details. Let's dive right into the auction."

The audience practically burst with excitement at the prospect of the Resurrection Pill going up for bidding. This miraculous elixir was an elusive treasure beyond their wildest dreams. Charlie had never offered one for sale before, rendering it truly invaluable.

The attendees were affluent individuals who had come prepared for this opportunity to purchase a Resurrection Pill, a chance to rejuvenate themselves. They were all eager to participate, each one resolved to go to great lengths to secure this coveted pill.

Turning his gaze to Shelby, Charlie spoke with a friendly smile, "Young Master Hansen, so, your ruby necklace is valued at around 20 million dollars, isn't it?"

Shelby, with a smug demeanor, responded, "It is indeed 20 million dollars. You probably never even handled so much cash in your life, have you? Are you trembling?"

Charlie maintained a faint smile and replied, "Fear isn't in my vocabulary. I'm Charlie Wade, and fear doesn't find a place in my lifetime."

Without acknowledging Shelby any further, Charlie turned to the crowd and continued, "Ladies and gentlemen, let me briefly explain the auction rules. Since Young Master Hansen believes that my Resurrection Pill isn't as valuable as his ruby necklace, I'll set the starting bid at 30 million dollars."


Shelby was taken aback by Charlie's audacity to set the starting bid for the Resurrection Pill at 30 million dollars. He widened his eyes and exclaimed, "Wade, have you lost your mind? Your insignificant trinket is worth 30 million dollars? Do you think we're all fools here?"

Before he could finish, Elder Walker swiftly raised his hand and said, "Master Wade, I'll bid 30 million!"

Shelby was left stunned. He glared at Elder Walker and questioned coldly, "Elder Walker, are you deliberately siding with this Wade character to oppose me? I came to the Walker family with utmost sincerity. If you're lacking in sincerity like this, don't blame Shelby for turning hostile!"

Elder Walker appeared embarrassed. His bid wasn't to support Charlie; he genuinely desired the Resurrection Pill. Having experienced its miraculous effects personally, no price was too high for him. Even if it cost 1.5 billion, he would buy it, ten times over. Spending 15 billion dollars was a small investment for potentially extending his life by decades, not to mention the substantial profits it could bring to the Walker family.

However, in light of Shelby's threat, he hesitated. He didn't want to openly provoke Shelby and make a formidable enemy.

Charlie, with a congenial smile, suggested, "Elder Walker, to avoid any appearance of impropriety, why don't you refrain from participating in this auction? Let others outside the Walker family have a fair chance. This way, we won't give Young Master Hansen the impression that you're colluding with me."

Elder Walker reluctantly and respectfully complied, saying, "Since Master Wade has spoken, I'll abstain from this auction."

Shelby's expression eased somewhat. It appeared that the Walker family understood their boundaries. Furthermore, other than the Walker family, it was unlikely that anyone would be interested in a pill with a starting bid of 30 million.

Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Samuel, the wealthiest man in Sea City, seated at the same table, excitedly raised his hand and declared, "Master Wade, since Elder Walker is stepping aside, I'm willing to bid 30 million!" 😃💰💎

Chapter 1203: "The Price of Immortality: A Growing Auction"

Shelby was initially confident that he had the deal in the bag, thinking that nobody would dare to bid 30 million for that magical Resurrection Pill. But, to his astonishment, Samuel Turner had other plans.

Shelby looked at Samuel with surprise, clenching his teeth, and asked, "Mr. Turner, what's the meaning of this?"

Despite being aware of Shelby's influential background, the allure of the Resurrection Pill was too strong for Samuel to resist. Even if it meant going against the Hansen family, he was determined to get his hands on this extraordinary elixir.

Who could pass up such a golden opportunity, especially when pitted against a man twenty years younger?

Moreover, if Shelby tried to thwart him, not even the greatest kings could prevent Samuel from bidding.

So, Samuel gazed at Shelby and calmly explained, "I apologize, Young Master Hansen. Mr. Wade's Resurrection Pill has been a long-time desire of mine. Today, with such a perfect opportunity at hand, I can't afford to let it slip away easily. If my actions cause any offense, I hope you can understand!"

Shelby's expression turned sour, realizing that with Samuel's bid, he had already lost to Charlie. Losing to Charlie not only meant a loss of face in front of a large audience but also the humiliating prospect of swallowing that ruby necklace in front of everyone.

Just as he wore a displeased expression, thinking that Samuel was deliberately opposing him, someone from another table chimed in, "I bid 31 million!"

Someone had actually placed a bid, and Samuel raised it by 1 million. Could this be turning into a full-fledged bidding war?

Just then, Charlie, wearing a charming smile, interjected, "I forgot to mention earlier, the starting price is 30 million, and the minimum increment is 10 million. We wouldn't want to increase it by just 1 million; that would be rather petty."

The bidder quickly nodded and exclaimed, "Given Master Wade's request, I'll bid 40 million!"

"Wow!" Shelby's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

The starting price was 30 million, and not only were people bidding, but they were also raising the stakes. Had these two lost their minds?

Before Shelby could recover from the shock, someone from another table stood up excitedly and declared, "I'm willing to offer 50 million!"

Shelby's expression grew even more unpleasant. Internally, he couldn't help but mutter, "Are these people all out of their minds?"

Before Shelby could consider accepting the 50 million offer, Samuel waved his hand and declared, "I'll bid 200 million!"

The room erupted in an uproar!

Samuel was unshakable in his determination to obtain the Resurrection Pill. To him, 200 million was just the beginning.

Alan Ward had been silent all this while, but his patience was wearing thin.

The Resurrection Pill!

The one crafted by Master Wade!

Even though he and his daughter had received two divine medicines from Master Wade as gifts, they paled in comparison to the Resurrection Pill.

Therefore, he couldn't afford to miss this golden opportunity.

He raised his hand and announced, "I'm willing to offer 210 million!"

Shelby's face turned a shade of green!

They had already reached the 200-million mark, and someone was still upping the ante?

Just when he thought that, George White spoke up, saying, "I'll offer 220 million!"

Afterward, George glanced apologetically at Alan and said, "Brother Ward, I'm sorry!"

Alan fully understood George's intentions. Everyone had witnessed the miraculous abilities of Master Wade, and they all knew the true worth of this Resurrection Pill.

This was the first and possibly the only time that Master Wade had ever put the Resurrection Pill up for auction.

If they didn't seize this opportunity, they might regret it for the rest of their lives.

Therefore, no one was willing to back down easily.

Samuel's spirits also rose, and he raised his hand once more, saying, "250 million. My apologies, gentlemen, if I've offended anyone."

From the neighboring table, a voice rang out, "In that case, I'll offer 260 million!" 😲💰

Chapter 1204: "Samuel, George, and Alan: Brothers in Bidding"

"270 million!"

"280 million!"

"290 million!"

Alan raised his hand again, confidently declaring, "I'll bid 3 billion!"

With each new bid, another participant eagerly upped the ante, increasing the stakes by 10 million without hesitation.

The entire scene buzzed with exhilaration. Even those with a net worth hovering around 1 billion didn't hesitate to dive into the bidding fray. Everyone understood that, while money held its worth, the value of human life was immeasurable.

For Shelby, each bid from others felt like a stinging humiliation. He had never experienced such embarrassment before.

And yet, this was just the beginning.

What troubled him most was how he would gracefully withdraw from this situation later. Did he genuinely need to consume that ruby necklace?

The bidding frenzy showed no signs of abating, continuing to escalate.

Samuel Turner, George White, and Alan Ward were determined not to let this golden opportunity slip through their fingers, and others joined in, gritting their teeth as they raised their bids.

Soon, the price soared beyond 500 million dollars.

At this juncture, only a couple of individuals at neighboring tables remained in the competition. For the rest, the cost had become prohibitive, forcing them to reluctantly bow out.

Nevertheless, even with the price surging past 500 million dollars, the auction persisted.

The numbers continued to climb swiftly, quickly breaching the 600 million mark.

Now, only Samuel, George, and Alan remained in contention. These three had strong bonds with one another and were acquainted with Charlie. In reality, none of them wished to create a rift, but the Resurrection Pill's allure was irresistible. So, each time one of them raised the bid, they offered apologies to the others with a respectful nod.

The spectacle grew increasingly unique.

After George bid 600 million, he quickly apologized, stating, "I'm sorry, dear friends, please pardon any offense."

Alan followed suit. Following his 610 million bid, he also expressed his apologies, "I'm sorry, dear friends, please pardon any offense."

Then, it was Samuel's turn. He boldly bid 650 million but still extended his apologies, remarking, "I'm sorry, dear friends, please pardon any offense."

Spectators were left bewildered. What kind of relationship did these three share? They referred to each other as "brothers," and the order of seniority no longer seemed to matter. What did matter was their unyielding determination to secure the prize, driving the price higher and higher.

In the blink of an eye, the bid reached 980 million.

Shelby was utterly mystified. 980 million! His string of necklaces was valued at just 20 million, and this had multiplied several times over!

What in the world was this Resurrection Pill? How could it command such astronomical worth?

Just as he contemplated this, Samuel decisively declared, "I'll bid 1 billion!"

George realized that this bidding war could stretch endlessly. Though he could rival Alan in assets, he recognized he couldn't compete with Samuel's financial firepower. Thus, he gritted his teeth and boldly proclaimed, "I'll bid 1.1 billion!"

He added an extra million to the bid in one daring move, leaving the entire room flabbergasted by his audacity! 😲💰🔥

Chapter 1205: "Samuel's Two-Billion-Dollar Mic Drop"

As soon as George threw down a bid of 1.1 billion, Alan knew he had to up the ante if he didn't want to lose out on the coveted Resurrection Pill.

Determined and with gritted teeth, Alan declared, "Since our friend White here has put 1.1 billion on the table, I'll make it an even 1.2 billion."

Samuel, with all his wealth, remained unfazed. Whether it was 1.2 billion or 1.5 billion, it didn't matter much to him. However, that Resurrection Pill was his target.

With a calm demeanor, Samuel calmly said, "Well then, let's skip the small talk and go straight to 20 billion."

The crowd erupted in astonishment. Going from 1.2 billion to 2 billion was the most jaw-dropping display of extravagance anyone had ever witnessed.

What did 2 billion in cash even mean? If someone had a monthly allowance of 10 million, 2 billion would sustain them for almost 17 years. If they deposited that 2 billion in a bank with a 5% annual interest rate, they'd rake in 100 million in interest every year. That was over 8 million just from interest each month!

For an ordinary person or even an average wealthy individual, these were astronomical numbers beyond imagination. But for someone like Samuel, worth billions, it was just a drop in his vast ocean of wealth.

Samuel had toiled away for half his life, amassing his wealth to ensure a carefree future. Spending 2 billion on a Resurrection Pill was an incredible deal for him. Regret never even crossed his mind.

However, for George and Alan, they felt utterly powerless at this moment.

Both hailed from substantial families with dozens of direct and extended family members depending on them. Take Alan, for instance; the Ward family's assets didn't even reach the hundreds of billions mark. If he invested 20 billion in this Resurrection Pill, it wouldn't be enough, and he'd have to tap into the family's coffers.

This would undoubtedly stir up major strife within the family. After all, there was only one Resurrection Pill, and it couldn't be divided among everyone.

So, Alan reluctantly bowed to Samuel and admitted, "Mr. Turner, your resolve is truly admirable."

George's predicament mirrored Alan's, but his family's resources were even more limited. Moreover, his family had taken a hit due to Gerald and Fred's feud with Charlie, missing out on a chance to collaborate with the Emgrand Group.

Now, facing a 2 billion price tag, the White family could only withdraw from the bidding.

Seeing no other contenders, Samuel let out a sigh of relief. Yet, he didn't display arrogance or elation. Instead, he respectfully acknowledged George and Alan, saying, "Brother White, Brother Ward, I appreciate your understanding. I'll be sure to pay a visit to express my gratitude in the future."

Both George and Alan responded humbly, "Mr. Turner, your abilities are beyond our reach."

Onlookers marveled at the harmonious interaction between these three men. A Resurrection Pill that had started with a bid of 30 million had now skyrocketed to 2 billion. Yet, the trio remained composed and unruffled, exuding an air of magnanimity that earned them everyone's admiration.

At this juncture, Samuel turned to Charlie and spoke with great respect, "Master Wade, since no one else has challenged me, I'll take possession of this Resurrection Pill."

Charlie nodded approvingly and handed over the Resurrection Pill, saying, "Very well, this Resurrection Pill is now yours!" 😌🙌
Shelby, next time know your boundaries before you act😀😀😀


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
I can only anticipate that in the next chapters, Samuel will probably use the pill in front of the Shelby and he will be flabbergasted and probably he might tell his family patriarch about the pill, and they might demand one covetly. And then a battle will begin between them because Charlie would usually refuse to give them. But the story might not go this way I just like taking bet on outcomes. The author should burst my brain.


First level Tribulator
Sep 19, 2023
Charlie and Dustin have done and tried everything except demonic cultivation. I'm pretty sure they'll join me.
let's not forget that Dustin was once married and have been enjoying sex with that girl just that they didn't bar a child and now prosper is saying virgin sect is rcuit a person who have been a sex master before hmmm I don't want to say anything let you all be the Judge 🙌 I rest my case 😌😌😌😌


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 1186: "A Star-Studded Celebration: Notable Guests"

As Charlie laid eyes on her, he couldn't help but be awestruck.

He had always felt that Sarah's beauty and figure were on par with his own wife, Claire.

Even the innate elegance that had been cultivated in Sarah since her childhood surpassed that of his wife.

After all, she was the eldest daughter of the local aristocratic elite, growing up amidst opulence, and receiving meticulous aristocratic etiquette training that set her apart from ordinary girls.

When Sarah spotted Charlie, she approached him with excitement, a hint of shyness in her demeanor. "Master Wade, you've come."

Charlie offered a gentle smile and remarked, "Miss Sarah, why didn't you mention that today is your birthday?"

Sarah apologized, saying, "Master Wade, please don't be upset. I didn't inform you because I was afraid you'd go through the trouble of getting me a gift and spending money on me."

Charlie chuckled, "It's no trouble at all. Aren't we friends? I would have certainly prepared a gift for your birthday. Even if you hadn't mentioned it, I would still have brought something for you."

With that, Charlie retrieved a small box containing the Resurrection Pill from his pocket.

However, the gift was meticulously wrapped, concealing its contents.

Sarah's delight was palpable as she received the gift that Charlie had prepared for her. She had always held a deep affection for Charlie, and this marked her first birthday gift from her beloved, filling her with excitement. She accepted the gift and expressed her gratitude, saying, "Master Wade, thank you so much for thoughtfully preparing a gift for me."

Charlie offered a faint smile, "No need to be so polite."

Sarah felt like she had just tasted the sweetest honey as she listened to Charlie's words.

In that moment, Paul, who had been nearby, approached and presented a gift box to her with a warm smile. "Miss Walker, happy birthday."

With a smile, Sarah looked at Paul and inquired, "You must have told Master Wade that today is my birthday, didn't you?"

"Indeed," Paul smiled and confirmed, "When you called, I happened to be with him, wrapping up some business."

"Is that so?" Sarah was surprised as she asked, "Do you and Master Wade still have business dealings?"

Paul replied with a smile, "I am now Master Wade's lawyer and legal advisor."

Charlie chimed in, "And he's the kind of lawyer who doesn't charge a penny."

Intriguingly, Sarah inquired, "Master Wade, why do you need a legal advisor now? Are you facing any trouble?"

"No," Charlie replied with a smile, "I've recently acquired a company, so I've enlisted Paul to assist with some legal matters."

"Understood!" Sarah nodded and suggested with a smile, "Master Wade, let's head inside quickly. There are quite a few familiar faces in there."

"Of course!"

Charlie followed Sarah into the Walker family villa, where the spacious hall had been transformed into a festive banquet hall.

Inside, guests were not only being welcomed but also entertained by a jazz band.

At a glance, Charlie recognized several familiar faces.

The first person he noticed was Sarah's cousin, Ryan.

However, Charlie had a rather unfavorable impression of Ryan, so he decided not to approach him.

Among the guests from outside, he spotted Isaac Craven, George White, Orvel Heller, Simon, and his granddaughter Abby, Alan Ward and his daughter, Dianne.

Even Sea City's wealthiest man, Samuel Turner, was present.

And not to forget, Doris York, the head of the Emgrand Group, had graced the occasion.

It appeared that Sarah had extended invitations to all these individuals, who were her close friends and acquaintances. 😊🎉🎶

Chapter 1187: "Charlie Wade: The Deity of Aurous Hill"

Right now, amidst the guests gathered here exclusively for Sarah's birthday celebration, the person they are all secretly anticipating is none other than Charlie Wade.

Everyone is well aware of the recent clash between the Weaver father and son, who arrived in Aurous Hill, and Charlie.

At Elder Walker's birthday bash, Charlie even went to the extent of publicly severing one of Xander's hands. Isaac then stepped in, breaking their legs and compelling this father-son duo to flee back to Suzhou and Hangzhou in a pitiable state.

Since that incident, it's become evident to everyone that Charlie, Master Wade, is utterly fearless, showing no regard even for the most influential family in South Laverton.

Back then, many were concerned that Charlie might ultimately succumb to the financial might of the Weaver family.

However, much to everyone's surprise, the Weaver family swiftly tumbled from its perch as the number one clan in South Laverton.

Moreover, the Weaver family faced numerous setbacks during this period.

Firstly, their reputation took a significant hit due to their association with the Beggar Gang.

Secondly, they dispatched experts one after the other to Evergreen Mountain, all of whom met with failure.

In their final confrontation, even the Weaver family's ultimate trump card, the Eight Great Kings, met their demise.

Presently, the Weaver family can hardly be compared to a top-tier family, and they lag far behind the Walker family.

While there isn't concrete evidence linking Charlie to all of these events, everyone secretly attributes these incidents to him.

In their eyes, only Master Wade possesses the capabilities to orchestrate such occurrences.

Isaac, in particular, witnessed firsthand how Charlie single-handedly defeated the Eight Great Kings at the base of Evergreen Mountain.

Thus, at this moment, Charlie is regarded as a deity, someone who stands above all.

The first person to approach Charlie is Isaac.

He strides towards Charlie with purpose, almost as if he wishes to kneel before him.

Because that day at Evergreen Mountain left an indelible mark on Isaac, shattering his worldview.

Yet he maintains his composure and respectfully greets Charlie, addressing him as "Master Wade."

For those unaware of his connection to the Wade family, it might seem as though Isaac is seeking Charlie's advice on feng shui or some other matter.

Following him is Doris, dressed in a tantalizing silver gown.

In Charlie's memory, Doris has always embodied the image of a professional and reserved career woman.

However, today, she has undergone a striking transformation, exuding an aura of seductive allure. To those unacquainted with her, seeing her now might lead them to believe she is a bewitching goddess.

Doris is aware of Charlie's identity as a young master from the Wade family but knows little about his role as Master Wade.

After all, she has no ties to prominent families in Aurous Hill and is disconnected from the world of metaphysics. For Doris, what Charlie has accomplished as Master Wade is virtually a different realm.

She would have preferred to address him as "Young Master," but given the numerous onlookers, she respectfully calls him "Mr. Wade."

Charlie nods slightly, a warm smile gracing his lips, as he comments, "Miss Doris, you look absolutely stunning today. I never imagined that the Vice Chairman of the Emgrand Group could exude such captivating charm."

Doris blushes and modestly responds, "Mr. Wade, you're too kind."

With a friendly grin, she adds, "Mr. Wade, may I inquire when you might have the time to pay a visit to the Emgrand Group?"

Charlie, feeling a tad sheepish about his recent neglect of his responsibilities as the Chairman of the Emgrand Group, pauses for a moment before replying. 😊🌟

Chapter 1188: "The Unforgettable Two Pills: Dianne's Deepest Affection"

Normally, he scarcely ever made visits to the Emgrand Group, preferring to keep his distance from its operations, entrusting everything to Doris.

Doris's earlier comment might have been a subtle hint that she wanted him to become more involved with the Emgrand Group.

With this in mind, a warm smile spread across his face as he turned to Doris and remarked, "For someone as charming as General Manager Doris York, I suppose I should grace the Emgrand Group with my presence more frequently and stir up some commotion!"

Upon hearing this, a rosy blush painted Doris's already stunning features. 😊❤️🏢

Just then, Simon arrived, accompanied by Abby.

Abby gazed at Charlie with eyes full of affection, yet a hint of pouting crossed her girlish heart. Lately, she felt that Master Wade had been somewhat less attentive to her and her grandfather. His absence from the medical hall had left her yearning for his presence.

Simon, however, bore no such intricate feelings. He was filled with gratitude towards Master Wade for the Resurrection Pill, which had rejuvenated him, and he cherished this newfound youth every day.

Approaching with respect, Simon bowed and said sincerely, "Master Wade, it's been a while since our paths crossed. How have you been lately?"

Charlie responded with a gentle smile, "Doctor Thorpe, you're too kind. I've been quite well. And you?"

Simon expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thanks to your blessings, Master Wade, I feel fantastic every single day. It's all thanks to the opportunity you provided."

Charlie smiled modestly and replied, "As you mentioned, it was your opportunity, so there's no need for such formalities."

Dianne, engrossed in savoring desserts, suddenly caught sight of Charlie. Her heart raced with excitement, her face flushed even before she approached him.

Dianne was known for her fiery and bold personality. When she had first confronted Charlie, she had dared to challenge him, refusing to admit defeat even after he had kicked her.

But now, Dianne saw Charlie as the man of her dreams, thinking of him every night before falling asleep. She often dreamed of him, sometimes indulging in rather intimate fantasies. 😍

She couldn't help herself; her affection for Charlie ran deep.

Her admiration for him grew immensely after Charlie saved the Ward family.

Later, when Charlie began crafting divine medicine, Dianne, acting on her father Alan's behalf, beseeched Charlie for a dose of the medicine.

She believed that even a single pill from Charlie would be a tremendous blessing. To her astonishment, Charlie said, "For a beauty like you, I'll give you two."

From that moment, Dianne fell head over heels for Charlie.

What deepened her affection was how Charlie had stood up for her in the face of injustice. When her best friend had been driven to the brink of suicide by Quintin Weaver, she had been unaware of Quintin’s true background.

Yet, for her sake, Charlie had dared to offend the second young master of the Weaver family, the most influential clan in South Laverton.

The way Charlie handled the situation with the Weaver family's second young master had been deeply satisfying to her.

From that point on, Charlie had become a godlike figure in Dianne’s heart.

A god she adored with all her heart.

Now, as she laid eyes on the man of her dreams, Dianne's emotions were clearly on display.

She tugged her father along, hurrying toward Charlie, her face flushed with shyness.

Glancing deeply at Charlie, she quickly averted her gaze and spoke softly with a tender voice, "Master Wade, I have been eagerly awaiting your arrival. You're finally here…" 😊❤️🏃‍♀️

Chapter 1189: "Beneath Confidence Lies Shyness: Dianne's Crush"

As Charlie glanced at Dianne, her cheeks flushed with shyness.

Dianne was no ordinary girl, having a strong background in martial arts and exuding a vibrant, confident aura. Yet, beneath it all, the excitement of a young girl meeting her crush had made her unexpectedly adorable.

Charlie offered a gentle smile and inquired, "Dianne, you're here too. How have things been going for you lately?"

Blushing even deeper, Dianne replied, "Well, lately, I've been doing just fine. Thank you for asking, Master Wade."

Charlie nodded with kindness and turned to the others, saying, "It's been quite some time since we all gathered like this. Today also marks Miss Walker's birthday, so let's plan on enjoying a few extra drinks later."

The group enthusiastically agreed, chiming in with, "Absolutely! We'll definitely raise a toast tonight!"

Sarah, at this moment, excused herself, saying, "Master Wade, please excuse me for a moment. I need to welcome a few more guests."

Charlie nodded, reassuring her, "Of course, go ahead. Take your time."

With that, Sarah bid farewell and headed off, leaving Charlie to join the rest of the party in the banquet hall.

With all eyes on Charlie, Dianne struggled to find a way into the conversation, feeling somewhat anxious.

Observing Dianne's hesitation to speak amid the lively chatter, Charlie smiled and asked her, "Dianne, is there something you'd like to discuss with me privately?"

Upon hearing this, Dianne eagerly nodded and expressed, "Master Wade, there are some matters I'd like to discuss privately with you, if you have a moment."

Her eyes glistened with anticipation and a hint of longing as she looked up at Charlie.

Charlie held a positive view of Dianne for several reasons.

Firstly, she was independent and lacked the spoiled tendencies often seen in children from affluent families.

Secondly, as a young woman from a prestigious background, she displayed a rare determination by undergoing martial arts training, despite her privileged status.

Thus, Charlie suggested, "How about we take a stroll outside, Dianne?"

Overjoyed, Dianne nodded eagerly.

Alan, observing this scene, couldn't help but break into a wide smile. He had high hopes for a potential relationship between Charlie and his daughter. In his eyes, even if it were Dianne, being romantically involved with Charlie would be a blessing for the Ward family, especially for his beloved daughter.

Abby, on the other hand, watched as Dianne left with Charlie, her heart filled with jealousy and envy. She, too, wished to get closer to Charlie but lacked a suitable opportunity. Moreover, she didn't possess the courage to approach Master Wade directly in front of such a large gathering.

In the courtyard of the Walker family's villa, Charlie and Dianne halted, and Charlie turned to her with a faint smile, asking, "So, what's on your mind this time, little lady? Is it another school-related issue or something else bothering you?" 😊❤️🚶‍♂️🌟

With a bashful smile, Dianne hesitated before confessing, "Master Wade, this time, it's actually…"

Chapter 1190: "A Precious Gift: Dianne's Cherished Spirit Medicine"

Dianne found herself blushing, her heart brimming with shyness, leaving her at a loss for words.

Charlie flashed a warm smile and quipped, "Is this still the spirited Dianne I remember? The one who fearlessly stood up to me in the antique street? How has this version of Dianne suddenly lost her voice?"

Dianne's embarrassment deepened at his teasing words. She stammered nervously, "Master Wade, back then, I didn't realize how formidable you were, so I made a mistake. Please don't tease me."

Recalling the day when Charlie had playfully kicked her, she felt a mix of embarrassment and a strange delight, akin to a young girl's fluttering heart.

Summoning her courage, she finally addressed Charlie, "Master Wade, I actually wanted to extend an invitation to you for this year's international university kickboxing competition in Aurous Hill."

Charlie raised an inquisitive eyebrow, asking, "International university kickboxing competition?"

A memory clicked in Charlie's mind. Lorden had mentioned that Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals was sponsoring this competition as part of their promotion for Kobayashi Gastric Powder.

Knowing that Dianne had a background in martial arts, Charlie's curiosity got the better of him as he inquired, "Are you participating in the competition, Dianne?"

Blushing even more, Dianne nodded and admitted, "Master Wade, I'll be representing Chinese university students."

Charlie's eyes lit up, and he pressed on, "Impressive! Do you think you can clinch victory?"

In a shy yet determined tone, Dianne replied, "I dare not think about winning. The Japanese seed player this time is exceptionally strong and a top contender. Her skills far surpass mine."

Adding with a touch of humility, she continued, "But I won't give up. My goal is to secure a spot among the top three."

Charlie's grin widened as he encouraged her, "Dreams are meant to be audacious. I have faith in you. I believe you can seize the championship. After all, many Japanese kickboxing techniques draw inspiration from the essence of Chinese martial arts. When the time comes, you must bring honor to our nation, show the Japanese fighters a thing or two, and conquer the championship on our home turf!"

Filled with joy, Dianne eagerly asked, "Master Wade, do you really think I can claim first place?"

Charlie nodded earnestly, "Without a doubt, I have great confidence in you."

With a radiant smile, Dianne exclaimed, "Master Wade, can I count on you to come watch my matches?"

Charlie readily agreed, "Of course, I will be there to support you."

"Fantastic!" Dianne couldn't contain her excitement.

In that moment, she felt an urge to hug Charlie and act affectionate, much like she used to with her father at home. However, she quickly restrained herself, mindful of Charlie's marital status.

Charlie redirected the conversation, asking, "By the way, Dianne, when I was crafting the spirit medicine, I gave your family two pills. Did your father keep one for you?"

With a warm blush, Dianne responded, "Yes!" She retrieved a small box from her inner coat pocket and revealed the pill Charlie had gifted her.

She confessed, "Master Wade, my father handed me the pill that very night, and I've cherished it ever since."

Charlie nodded and offered some guidance, "This pill can significantly boost your physical prowess. If you ever feel overwhelmed or uncertain during the competition, don't hesitate to use it."

Dianne hesitated before voicing her concern, "But how can I use it? This is a gift from you, Master Wade, so it feels like a precious treasure."

Charlie chuckled reassuringly, "Medicine is meant to aid people. Don't fret too much about it."

Grateful, Dianne nodded and affirmed, "Alright, Master Wade, I understand." 😊👍
Am just flowing with the story
Don't have much to say


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 1191: "Charlie Wade's Masterful Insights: A South Laverton Power Play"

After promising Dianne that he'd attend her competition, Charlie escorted her back to the bustling banquet venue. The atmosphere had grown livelier as more guests had joined the celebration.

When word reached Elder Walker that Charlie had arrived, he rushed out to welcome him, but Charlie had already left with Dianne.

Upon Charlie's return, Elder Walker greeted him with joy, exclaiming, "Ah, Master Wade, it's been quite some time!"

Charlie smiled warmly at Elder Walker and replied, "Elder Walker, you're looking as energetic as ever. I hope you've been keeping well?"

Elder Walker expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thanks to you, Master Wade, I've found renewed vigor."

He then inquired about Charlie's well-being, asking, "Master Wade, how have things been for you lately?"

Charlie nodded and responded, "I've been doing well. Everything's been fairly consistent."

Elder Walker alluded to past troubles, mentioning, "Master Wade, it seems there was some unpleasantness with the Weaver family before. Since the birthday banquet, have they caused you any more problems?"

Charlie chuckled and retorted, "Even if they did stir up trouble, what can they achieve? They're nothing more than a bunch of comical troublemakers."

Elder Walker nodded in admiration. He was well aware of Charlie's extraordinary abilities, and despite the Weaver family's prominence in South Laverton, they posed little threat to Master Wade.

Just then, Ryan approached and whispered to her grandfather, "Grandfather, Young Master from the Hansen family in Eastcliff has arrived."

Elder Walker looked surprised and asked, "Young Master Shelby is really here?"

"Indeed," Ryan confirmed. "Young Master Shelby's car has just entered the villa area. He should be arriving shortly."

Elder Walker nodded and said, "Fetch Sarah. Let's go out together to welcome him."

Turning to Charlie, he apologized, "Master Wade, please forgive my momentary absence. We have another distinguished guest from Eastcliff. I need to go greet him."

Charlie graciously accepted and nodded.

Meanwhile, Isaac, who stood nearby, wore a look of surprise. He whispered to Charlie, "Young Master, the Hansen family in Eastcliff is a top-tier clan, ranking around sixth or seventh in terms of strength. Though they may not match the Wade family's power, their combined assets still amount to five to six trillion. Ordinarily, they wouldn't pay much attention to the Walker family. I wonder why Young Master Shelby has come."

Charlie smiled calmly and replied, "While I don't have specific information on the Hansen family, they may have realized that further growth in Eastcliff, a city teeming with talent, is challenging. If local expansion proves elusive, what might they consider?"

Isaac pondered for a moment before suggesting, "If they can't expand locally, they might seek opportunities in nearby regions."

He inquired, "Young Master, are you suggesting that the Hansen family might be eyeing development in Aurous Hill?"

Charlie grinned and explained, "Aurous Hill is just a stepping stone. The Hansen family likely recognizes the chance to expand southward."

"Given that the Weaver family has relinquished its position as South Laverton's top family, the key now is to determine the new leader. Despite some weakening, the Walker family remains a contender."

"If I were advising the Hansen family, I'd seek a local ally in South Laverton with decent strength, helping them ascend to the top while securing their loyalty to my family—creating an external force."

"In this way, my family would effectively extend its influence into South Laverton, establishing a firm foothold."

Isaac nodded in understanding and remarked, "Young Master, I see your point. It appears the Hansen family has set its sights on the Walker family, possibly considering a partnership."

Charlie nodded, concluding, "The Hansen family's presence at Miss Walker's birthday banquet suggests deeper intentions, perhaps even contemplating a marriage alliance with the Walker family." 😊💐👫

Chapter 1192: "Hansen's Horse Race: Betting on Sarah's Heart"

Isaac furrowed his brow, expressing his concern, "Young Master, in the event the Hansen family proposes a matrimonial union, there's no guarantee they'll choose to favor the Walker family."

Charlie responded with a playful smile, "Well, it all hinges on the status of this young Hansen sent over by their family. If he turns out to be the eldest son or the primary heir of the Hansen clan, then our chances might indeed be slim. However, if he's just one among the many descendants and not necessarily the standout, offering him to wed Sarah might not be a loss for the Hansen family, don't you think?"

Isaac took a moment to contemplate before responding, "Your perspective does hold merit. It appears that the Hansen family has a substantial number of young heirs in this generation, possibly around six or seven male descendants."

Charlie further elaborated, "This situation resembles the tale of Tian Ji's horse racing. Even if the other side possesses overall strength, it doesn't guarantee that every horse in their stable is superior to our best one. It's entirely plausible that their weaker horses may not match up to our top contender."

(Note from translator: The tale of Tian Ji's horse racing is a famous story from ancient Chinese history. It exemplifies strategic thinking as General Tian Ji, despite appearing at a disadvantage, used clever tactics to secure victory in a horse race against his opponent, Pang Juan. This story underscores the importance of strategy and seizing opportunities.)

Isaac nodded in agreement and admitted, "Young Master, your insights are truly remarkable. I've gained valuable wisdom from you!"

Charlie waved his hand modestly and said with a warm grin, "You've been deeply rooted in Aurous Hill for many years, and I believe you can grasp these principles easily. Even if they don't immediately click, a bit of reflection will certainly help."

Meanwhile, at a short distance, Paul observed Charlie with a glass of wine in his hand, deeply impressed. It was astonishing to witness the level of respect Charlie commanded from the elite members of Aurous Hill's high society. Even the representative of the Wade family in Aurous Hill displayed great reverence towards him, a testament to Charlie's substantial influence in the city.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the banquet hall, exclaiming, "The Third Young Master of the Hansen family from Eastcliff has arrived!"

This announcement stirred a buzz of excitement throughout the entire gathering. The Hansen family in Eastcliff held a position within the top 10 in terms of power, with assets exceeding 500 billion, boasting a rich family heritage and formidable strength.

Considering their financial stature, the Hansen family's wealth was at least five times greater than that of the Walker family. The fact that the Third Young Master of the Hansen family had journeyed to Aurous Hill to attend Sarah's birthday celebration raised intriguing speculation.

Some guests even voiced their thoughts, speculating, "Could it be that the Hansen family is considering a matrimonial alliance with the Walker family?"

Others chimed in, "It's highly probable. Miss Walker possesses unparalleled beauty, grace, and capability. In the eyes of major families in Eastcliff, she undoubtedly qualifies as an exceptional daughter-in-law!"

Isaac turned to Charlie and revealed, "Young Master, the Third Young Master of the Hansen family holds a significant position within their clan."

Charlie's curiosity was piqued as he inquired, "What leads you to say that?"

Isaac elucidated, "In the previous generation of the Hansen family, there were four male heirs, each of them having at least two offspring. Furthermore, every one of them has sons. This Third Young Master is the sole son of the second elder of the Hansen family. Despite being the third in terms of age, his influence and standing rank second."

Charlie acknowledged with a nod and a wry grin, "Seems like the Hansen family wants to pit their mid-level contender against the Walker family's top pick."

Isaac offered a faint smile and shared his insight, "I'm not convinced that Miss Walker would necessarily be interested in him."

Intrigued, Charlie probed, "What makes you say that?"

Isaac responded with earnestness, "Young Master, you must have observed that Miss Walker has consistently shown a special fondness for you. It's evident she harbors deep affection towards you. When compared to you, even if we tally all the young masters from the Hansen family, they wouldn't come close to matching your stature."

Charlie gestured for caution and stated, "Going forward, refrain from making such comments casually. Miss Sarah remains unmarried, and I, as you know, am already wed. If such remarks were to circulate, it could tarnish her reputation."

Isaac nodded in understanding, his expression reflecting respect. "Certainly, Young Master. You can trust me completely. My words are only meant for you, and I won't divulge them to anyone else." 😊🤝🌟

Chapter 1193 - "Hungry Gazes and Power Plays at the Banquet"

In no time, a well-dressed young man, surrounded by the Walker family, made his entrance. Ryan and his father, Benjamin, were close at his side, showing their utmost respect.

The Elder Walker and Sarah trailed behind, though Sarah's demeanor seemed chilly.

Charlie cast a quick glance at the young man, who appeared to be around twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old and carried an air of arrogance.

Standing nearby, Isaac made a casual observation, "I bet Young Master Shelby from the Hansen family feels like a dragon in a small pond. Little did he know that a true dragon like you would be residing here in Aurous Hill."

Charlie smiled faintly but didn't confirm or deny it.

In truth, Charlie was indifferent to people's haughty behavior in his presence. As long as they didn't provoke him, he had no interest in engaging.

The crowd murmured with astonishment; no one expected Young Master Shelby from the Hansen family to make an appearance.

Among them were some less influential families eager to establish a connection with the Hansen family. Their hungry gazes fixed on Young Master Shelby.

Accompanied by the Walker family, Young Master Shelby entered the banquet hall. Elder Walker took the lead in introducing him to Charlie with great respect, "Young Master, this is the esteemed master of Aurous Hill, Mr. Charlie Wade. He saved my life and, like you, is a young genius—a rare talent."

Young Master Shelby looked Charlie over and found him unremarkable in appearance, dressed like an ordinary person.

Young Master Shelby was about to sneer but then noticed Isaac out of the corner of his eye. He recognized Isaac Craven as he was connected with the Wade family, which far surpassed the Hansen family in power. Even the Hansen family sought to gain favor with the Wade family, so seeing Isaac here surprised him.

He turned his gaze back to Charlie and wondered if this young man surnamed Wade had any connection to the Wade family.

With polite curiosity, Young Master Shelby addressed Charlie, "Ah, so you are Young Master Wade. I've heard of you for a while. I had plans to visit the Wade family but never had the chance. Meeting you here is unexpected."

Charlie responded calmly with a smile, "You seem to have mistaken me for someone else. I'm not part of the Wade family; we simply share the same surname, Wade."

Young Master Shelby quickly looked at Isaac, his gaze now tinged with disdain as he inquired, "Mr. Craven, are you associated with the Wade family? Isn't this gentleman a Wade family member?"

Isaac chuckled and replied, "As Mr. Wade just mentioned, he's not connected to the Wade family. It's just a coincidence that they share the same last name."

Young Master Shelby nodded, and his gaze towards Charlie now carried a hint of contempt. 😒😏🤨

Chapter 1194: "Lavish Gifts and the Art of Declining Politely"

The individual dared to compare himself to me? What a ludicrous notion!

With that thought firmly entrenched in his mind, he couldn't be bothered with Charlie any longer. He turned his attention to Isaac, extending a friendly fist bump and addressing him with a warm smile, "Well, well, if it isn't Mr. Craven! I hadn't anticipated our paths crossing here today. My original plan was to pay a visit to Shangri-La tomorrow."

Isaac responded casually, "Young Master, your presence is most welcome. May I inquire about the purpose of your visit to Aurous Hill?"

The Young Master from the prestigious Hansen family, glancing briefly at Sarah, couldn't help but smile as he replied, "My dear sister and Miss Sarah were former classmates during their time abroad. I initially journeyed to Aurous Hill to discuss potential business collaborations with Elder Walker. Originally, I had intended to arrive in a couple of days, but upon learning that today marks Miss Sarah's birthday, I decided to make an early appearance."

With that statement, he produced a meticulously crafted gift box from his pocket. Upon opening it, a dazzling string of ruby necklaces was revealed. Turning his attention to Sarah, he offered, "Miss Sarah, this necklace was handpicked by yours truly, featuring a natural ruby sourced from the heart of Africa."

Every gaze was drawn to the box, revealing an exquisite necklace adorned with a sparkling red ruby that was nearly the size of an egg.

An audible gasp escaped the lips of onlookers involuntarily.

Each person present possessed enough knowledge to recognize the immense value of such a ruby.

The Hansen family's Young Master, noting the awe-inspired reactions, couldn't help but wear a proud grin as he continued, "As you may well know, rubies are among the most valuable gemstones in the world. On the international market, even a one-carat ruby can command tens of thousands of dollars. This one, as pure and sizable as it is, boasting a weight of 26 carats, was carefully cut and mounted by Tiffany's top chief jewelry master. The price tag on this piece alone exceeds a staggering 20 million dollars. I sincerely hope Miss Sarah finds it to her liking."

Many were consumed by envy, their eyes nearly bulging from their sockets.

Receiving a 20-million-dollar gift for one's birthday was nothing short of surreal.

However, Sarah appeared disinterested in the necklace and calmly declined, stating, "Young Master, this necklace is far too valuable. I cannot accept it."

The Hansen family's Young Master, his expression briefly darkening, queried, "Miss Walker, why do you feel the need to be so formal? This visit isn't just to celebrate your birthday; it also involves discussions of deeper cooperation between our respective families. If we begin with such formalities, how can we ever progress with our partnership?"

Ryan, who stood nearby, interjected, "Sarah, think about it. Young Master has bestowed upon you such a magnificent gift; it would be impolite to refuse. Quickly accept it!"

Ryan's father, Benjamin, nodded in agreement, chiming in, "Sarah, consider the rarity of someone presenting such a lavish gift on your birthday. Only Young Master would demonstrate such remarkable generosity."

But Sarah remained resolute, replying, "I acknowledge the immense generosity of Young Master's gift, and I am genuinely grateful. However, I cannot accept such an extravagant present. Please understand that it's a matter of personal principles, not a reflection of any discontent with Young Master or the necklace itself. I implore you, Young Master, not to misinterpret my intentions."

At this juncture, Elder Walker stepped in as a mediator, addressing Young Master, "Young Master, your gift is undeniably extravagant, and Sarah feels somewhat embarrassed about accepting it. We hope you can understand."

A furrow appeared on the Hansen family's Young Master's brow as he asked with a hint of tension, "Elder Walker, Miss Walker, do you perceive my Hansen family or me in a derogatory light?" 😕🎁🙏

Chapter 1195: "The Priceless Gift of Life: Charlie Wade's Legacy"

In an unexpected turn of events, the third young master of the Hansen family broke the silence, causing Elder Walker to feel a subtle unease creeping in.

Aware of the vast difference in power between the Walker and Hansen families in Eastcliff, Elder Walker had been handling their interactions with utmost care and politeness. However, his courtesy was purely a facade, and he had no genuine desire to establish a connection with the Hansen family.

Having witnessed and endured a lifetime's worth of experiences, Elder Walker easily discerned the true purpose behind the visit of the Hansen family's third young master today.

Irrespective of the Hansen family's intentions to collaborate with the Walker family, it was unmistakable that the third young master had his sights set on his granddaughter, Sarah.

In days gone by, if the Hansen family had genuinely sought to unite with the Walker family, Elder Walker would have been ecstatic. But now, his interest waned.

In Elder Walker's discerning eyes, the ideal future husband for his granddaughter was the unpretentious and talented Charlie, famously known as Master Wade.

If Charlie could become his granddaughter's spouse, Elder Walker wouldn't trade it for anything, not even the title of the world's wealthiest man.

What made this prospect even more precious was that Sarah harbored deep affection for Master Wade.

Without Master Wade's Resurrection Pill Elder Walker might have already departed this world. How could he now possess such a hale and hearty physique?

In Elder Walker's estimation, there was no one on this earth who could rival Charlie because Charlie offered something priceless – the gift of life.

Observing this, Benjamin promptly stepped forward, worried that his father might have inadvertently offended the Hansen family's young master. He expressed, "Young Master Shelby, we sincerely appreciate this generous gift. I am certain that Sarah will cherish it greatly. However, she tends to be reserved and not very talkative. Hence, as her uncle, I will graciously accept this gift on her behalf and convey her gratitude to you, Young Master Shelby."

Sarah yearned to speak up but received a subtle signal from her grandfather, Elder Walker.

Elder Walker whispered reassuringly to her, "Sarah, let us not be discourteous. We shall accept the gift for now, and later, in private, we can arrange to return it discreetly."

With some reluctance, Sarah nodded in agreement.

Subsequently, the third young master of the Hansen family, accompanied by Benjamin and Ryan, proceeded to take their designated seats within the banquet hall.

The third young master of the Hansen family projected an air of aloofness and remained indifferent to most attendees, save for Isaac, to whom he extended a cordial greeting, "Mr. Craven, would you honor us by sharing this table?"

Isaac instinctively glanced in the direction of Charlie, recalling that Charlie preferred to keep his identity concealed, and public association with him would be unwise.

Just as Isaac was about to politely decline the Hansen family's young master's invitation, Elder Walker intervened, addressing Charlie, "Master Wade, why don't you join us?"

The banquet hall consisted of six tables, with one designated as the head table for the most esteemed guests.

As the name implied, the head table was where the host entertained the most distinguished visitors. Elder Walker, accompanied by Benjamin, Ryan, and Sarah, occupied the ten-seat head table.

The remaining four seats at this table were allotted based on the prominence of all the attendees present. Benjamin and Ryan naturally invited the third young master of the Hansen family to sit beside them. Elder Walker extended the invitation to Charlie, inviting him to share the same table.

The four remaining seats were allocated to Isaac, Doris, Samuel, and Alan.

While George White held significant power, he ranked slightly below Alan and thus couldn't secure a place at the head table.

Abby and Dianne, although eager to sit alongside their father and Charlie, found themselves seated at a separate table. 😊🌟💕
Wow,really nice settings
Happy birthday to our beloved Sarah 🎂🎂🎂
Many Happy returns 🎊🎊🎉


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 1191: "Charlie Wade's Masterful Insights: A South Laverton Power Play"

After promising Dianne that he'd attend her competition, Charlie escorted her back to the bustling banquet venue. The atmosphere had grown livelier as more guests had joined the celebration.

When word reached Elder Walker that Charlie had arrived, he rushed out to welcome him, but Charlie had already left with Dianne.

Upon Charlie's return, Elder Walker greeted him with joy, exclaiming, "Ah, Master Wade, it's been quite some time!"

Charlie smiled warmly at Elder Walker and replied, "Elder Walker, you're looking as energetic as ever. I hope you've been keeping well?"

Elder Walker expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thanks to you, Master Wade, I've found renewed vigor."

He then inquired about Charlie's well-being, asking, "Master Wade, how have things been for you lately?"

Charlie nodded and responded, "I've been doing well. Everything's been fairly consistent."

Elder Walker alluded to past troubles, mentioning, "Master Wade, it seems there was some unpleasantness with the Weaver family before. Since the birthday banquet, have they caused you any more problems?"

Charlie chuckled and retorted, "Even if they did stir up trouble, what can they achieve? They're nothing more than a bunch of comical troublemakers."

Elder Walker nodded in admiration. He was well aware of Charlie's extraordinary abilities, and despite the Weaver family's prominence in South Laverton, they posed little threat to Master Wade.

Just then, Ryan approached and whispered to her grandfather, "Grandfather, Young Master from the Hansen family in Eastcliff has arrived."

Elder Walker looked surprised and asked, "Young Master Shelby is really here?"

"Indeed," Ryan confirmed. "Young Master Shelby's car has just entered the villa area. He should be arriving shortly."

Elder Walker nodded and said, "Fetch Sarah. Let's go out together to welcome him."

Turning to Charlie, he apologized, "Master Wade, please forgive my momentary absence. We have another distinguished guest from Eastcliff. I need to go greet him."

Charlie graciously accepted and nodded.

Meanwhile, Isaac, who stood nearby, wore a look of surprise. He whispered to Charlie, "Young Master, the Hansen family in Eastcliff is a top-tier clan, ranking around sixth or seventh in terms of strength. Though they may not match the Wade family's power, their combined assets still amount to five to six trillion. Ordinarily, they wouldn't pay much attention to the Walker family. I wonder why Young Master Shelby has come."

Charlie smiled calmly and replied, "While I don't have specific information on the Hansen family, they may have realized that further growth in Eastcliff, a city teeming with talent, is challenging. If local expansion proves elusive, what might they consider?"

Isaac pondered for a moment before suggesting, "If they can't expand locally, they might seek opportunities in nearby regions."

He inquired, "Young Master, are you suggesting that the Hansen family might be eyeing development in Aurous Hill?"

Charlie grinned and explained, "Aurous Hill is just a stepping stone. The Hansen family likely recognizes the chance to expand southward."

"Given that the Weaver family has relinquished its position as South Laverton's top family, the key now is to determine the new leader. Despite some weakening, the Walker family remains a contender."

"If I were advising the Hansen family, I'd seek a local ally in South Laverton with decent strength, helping them ascend to the top while securing their loyalty to my family—creating an external force."

"In this way, my family would effectively extend its influence into South Laverton, establishing a firm foothold."

Isaac nodded in understanding and remarked, "Young Master, I see your point. It appears the Hansen family has set its sights on the Walker family, possibly considering a partnership."

Charlie nodded, concluding, "The Hansen family's presence at Miss Walker's birthday banquet suggests deeper intentions, perhaps even contemplating a marriage alliance with the Walker family." 😊💐👫

Chapter 1192: "Hansen's Horse Race: Betting on Sarah's Heart"

Isaac furrowed his brow, expressing his concern, "Young Master, in the event the Hansen family proposes a matrimonial union, there's no guarantee they'll choose to favor the Walker family."

Charlie responded with a playful smile, "Well, it all hinges on the status of this young Hansen sent over by their family. If he turns out to be the eldest son or the primary heir of the Hansen clan, then our chances might indeed be slim. However, if he's just one among the many descendants and not necessarily the standout, offering him to wed Sarah might not be a loss for the Hansen family, don't you think?"

Isaac took a moment to contemplate before responding, "Your perspective does hold merit. It appears that the Hansen family has a substantial number of young heirs in this generation, possibly around six or seven male descendants."

Charlie further elaborated, "This situation resembles the tale of Tian Ji's horse racing. Even if the other side possesses overall strength, it doesn't guarantee that every horse in their stable is superior to our best one. It's entirely plausible that their weaker horses may not match up to our top contender."

(Note from translator: The tale of Tian Ji's horse racing is a famous story from ancient Chinese history. It exemplifies strategic thinking as General Tian Ji, despite appearing at a disadvantage, used clever tactics to secure victory in a horse race against his opponent, Pang Juan. This story underscores the importance of strategy and seizing opportunities.)

Isaac nodded in agreement and admitted, "Young Master, your insights are truly remarkable. I've gained valuable wisdom from you!"

Charlie waved his hand modestly and said with a warm grin, "You've been deeply rooted in Aurous Hill for many years, and I believe you can grasp these principles easily. Even if they don't immediately click, a bit of reflection will certainly help."

Meanwhile, at a short distance, Paul observed Charlie with a glass of wine in his hand, deeply impressed. It was astonishing to witness the level of respect Charlie commanded from the elite members of Aurous Hill's high society. Even the representative of the Wade family in Aurous Hill displayed great reverence towards him, a testament to Charlie's substantial influence in the city.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the banquet hall, exclaiming, "The Third Young Master of the Hansen family from Eastcliff has arrived!"

This announcement stirred a buzz of excitement throughout the entire gathering. The Hansen family in Eastcliff held a position within the top 10 in terms of power, with assets exceeding 500 billion, boasting a rich family heritage and formidable strength.

Considering their financial stature, the Hansen family's wealth was at least five times greater than that of the Walker family. The fact that the Third Young Master of the Hansen family had journeyed to Aurous Hill to attend Sarah's birthday celebration raised intriguing speculation.

Some guests even voiced their thoughts, speculating, "Could it be that the Hansen family is considering a matrimonial alliance with the Walker family?"

Others chimed in, "It's highly probable. Miss Walker possesses unparalleled beauty, grace, and capability. In the eyes of major families in Eastcliff, she undoubtedly qualifies as an exceptional daughter-in-law!"

Isaac turned to Charlie and revealed, "Young Master, the Third Young Master of the Hansen family holds a significant position within their clan."

Charlie's curiosity was piqued as he inquired, "What leads you to say that?"

Isaac elucidated, "In the previous generation of the Hansen family, there were four male heirs, each of them having at least two offspring. Furthermore, every one of them has sons. This Third Young Master is the sole son of the second elder of the Hansen family. Despite being the third in terms of age, his influence and standing rank second."

Charlie acknowledged with a nod and a wry grin, "Seems like the Hansen family wants to pit their mid-level contender against the Walker family's top pick."

Isaac offered a faint smile and shared his insight, "I'm not convinced that Miss Walker would necessarily be interested in him."

Intrigued, Charlie probed, "What makes you say that?"

Isaac responded with earnestness, "Young Master, you must have observed that Miss Walker has consistently shown a special fondness for you. It's evident she harbors deep affection towards you. When compared to you, even if we tally all the young masters from the Hansen family, they wouldn't come close to matching your stature."

Charlie gestured for caution and stated, "Going forward, refrain from making such comments casually. Miss Sarah remains unmarried, and I, as you know, am already wed. If such remarks were to circulate, it could tarnish her reputation."

Isaac nodded in understanding, his expression reflecting respect. "Certainly, Young Master. You can trust me completely. My words are only meant for you, and I won't divulge them to anyone else." 😊🤝🌟

Chapter 1193 - "Hungry Gazes and Power Plays at the Banquet"

In no time, a well-dressed young man, surrounded by the Walker family, made his entrance. Ryan and his father, Benjamin, were close at his side, showing their utmost respect.

The Elder Walker and Sarah trailed behind, though Sarah's demeanor seemed chilly.

Charlie cast a quick glance at the young man, who appeared to be around twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old and carried an air of arrogance.

Standing nearby, Isaac made a casual observation, "I bet Young Master Shelby from the Hansen family feels like a dragon in a small pond. Little did he know that a true dragon like you would be residing here in Aurous Hill."

Charlie smiled faintly but didn't confirm or deny it.

In truth, Charlie was indifferent to people's haughty behavior in his presence. As long as they didn't provoke him, he had no interest in engaging.

The crowd murmured with astonishment; no one expected Young Master Shelby from the Hansen family to make an appearance.

Among them were some less influential families eager to establish a connection with the Hansen family. Their hungry gazes fixed on Young Master Shelby.

Accompanied by the Walker family, Young Master Shelby entered the banquet hall. Elder Walker took the lead in introducing him to Charlie with great respect, "Young Master, this is the esteemed master of Aurous Hill, Mr. Charlie Wade. He saved my life and, like you, is a young genius—a rare talent."

Young Master Shelby looked Charlie over and found him unremarkable in appearance, dressed like an ordinary person.

Young Master Shelby was about to sneer but then noticed Isaac out of the corner of his eye. He recognized Isaac Craven as he was connected with the Wade family, which far surpassed the Hansen family in power. Even the Hansen family sought to gain favor with the Wade family, so seeing Isaac here surprised him.

He turned his gaze back to Charlie and wondered if this young man surnamed Wade had any connection to the Wade family.

With polite curiosity, Young Master Shelby addressed Charlie, "Ah, so you are Young Master Wade. I've heard of you for a while. I had plans to visit the Wade family but never had the chance. Meeting you here is unexpected."

Charlie responded calmly with a smile, "You seem to have mistaken me for someone else. I'm not part of the Wade family; we simply share the same surname, Wade."

Young Master Shelby quickly looked at Isaac, his gaze now tinged with disdain as he inquired, "Mr. Craven, are you associated with the Wade family? Isn't this gentleman a Wade family member?"

Isaac chuckled and replied, "As Mr. Wade just mentioned, he's not connected to the Wade family. It's just a coincidence that they share the same last name."

Young Master Shelby nodded, and his gaze towards Charlie now carried a hint of contempt. 😒😏🤨

Chapter 1194: "Lavish Gifts and the Art of Declining Politely"

The individual dared to compare himself to me? What a ludicrous notion!

With that thought firmly entrenched in his mind, he couldn't be bothered with Charlie any longer. He turned his attention to Isaac, extending a friendly fist bump and addressing him with a warm smile, "Well, well, if it isn't Mr. Craven! I hadn't anticipated our paths crossing here today. My original plan was to pay a visit to Shangri-La tomorrow."

Isaac responded casually, "Young Master, your presence is most welcome. May I inquire about the purpose of your visit to Aurous Hill?"

The Young Master from the prestigious Hansen family, glancing briefly at Sarah, couldn't help but smile as he replied, "My dear sister and Miss Sarah were former classmates during their time abroad. I initially journeyed to Aurous Hill to discuss potential business collaborations with Elder Walker. Originally, I had intended to arrive in a couple of days, but upon learning that today marks Miss Sarah's birthday, I decided to make an early appearance."

With that statement, he produced a meticulously crafted gift box from his pocket. Upon opening it, a dazzling string of ruby necklaces was revealed. Turning his attention to Sarah, he offered, "Miss Sarah, this necklace was handpicked by yours truly, featuring a natural ruby sourced from the heart of Africa."

Every gaze was drawn to the box, revealing an exquisite necklace adorned with a sparkling red ruby that was nearly the size of an egg.

An audible gasp escaped the lips of onlookers involuntarily.

Each person present possessed enough knowledge to recognize the immense value of such a ruby.

The Hansen family's Young Master, noting the awe-inspired reactions, couldn't help but wear a proud grin as he continued, "As you may well know, rubies are among the most valuable gemstones in the world. On the international market, even a one-carat ruby can command tens of thousands of dollars. This one, as pure and sizable as it is, boasting a weight of 26 carats, was carefully cut and mounted by Tiffany's top chief jewelry master. The price tag on this piece alone exceeds a staggering 20 million dollars. I sincerely hope Miss Sarah finds it to her liking."

Many were consumed by envy, their eyes nearly bulging from their sockets.

Receiving a 20-million-dollar gift for one's birthday was nothing short of surreal.

However, Sarah appeared disinterested in the necklace and calmly declined, stating, "Young Master, this necklace is far too valuable. I cannot accept it."

The Hansen family's Young Master, his expression briefly darkening, queried, "Miss Walker, why do you feel the need to be so formal? This visit isn't just to celebrate your birthday; it also involves discussions of deeper cooperation between our respective families. If we begin with such formalities, how can we ever progress with our partnership?"

Ryan, who stood nearby, interjected, "Sarah, think about it. Young Master has bestowed upon you such a magnificent gift; it would be impolite to refuse. Quickly accept it!"

Ryan's father, Benjamin, nodded in agreement, chiming in, "Sarah, consider the rarity of someone presenting such a lavish gift on your birthday. Only Young Master would demonstrate such remarkable generosity."

But Sarah remained resolute, replying, "I acknowledge the immense generosity of Young Master's gift, and I am genuinely grateful. However, I cannot accept such an extravagant present. Please understand that it's a matter of personal principles, not a reflection of any discontent with Young Master or the necklace itself. I implore you, Young Master, not to misinterpret my intentions."

At this juncture, Elder Walker stepped in as a mediator, addressing Young Master, "Young Master, your gift is undeniably extravagant, and Sarah feels somewhat embarrassed about accepting it. We hope you can understand."

A furrow appeared on the Hansen family's Young Master's brow as he asked with a hint of tension, "Elder Walker, Miss Walker, do you perceive my Hansen family or me in a derogatory light?" 😕🎁🙏

Chapter 1195: "The Priceless Gift of Life: Charlie Wade's Legacy"

In an unexpected turn of events, the third young master of the Hansen family broke the silence, causing Elder Walker to feel a subtle unease creeping in.

Aware of the vast difference in power between the Walker and Hansen families in Eastcliff, Elder Walker had been handling their interactions with utmost care and politeness. However, his courtesy was purely a facade, and he had no genuine desire to establish a connection with the Hansen family.

Having witnessed and endured a lifetime's worth of experiences, Elder Walker easily discerned the true purpose behind the visit of the Hansen family's third young master today.

Irrespective of the Hansen family's intentions to collaborate with the Walker family, it was unmistakable that the third young master had his sights set on his granddaughter, Sarah.

In days gone by, if the Hansen family had genuinely sought to unite with the Walker family, Elder Walker would have been ecstatic. But now, his interest waned.

In Elder Walker's discerning eyes, the ideal future husband for his granddaughter was the unpretentious and talented Charlie, famously known as Master Wade.

If Charlie could become his granddaughter's spouse, Elder Walker wouldn't trade it for anything, not even the title of the world's wealthiest man.

What made this prospect even more precious was that Sarah harbored deep affection for Master Wade.

Without Master Wade's Resurrection Pill Elder Walker might have already departed this world. How could he now possess such a hale and hearty physique?

In Elder Walker's estimation, there was no one on this earth who could rival Charlie because Charlie offered something priceless – the gift of life.

Observing this, Benjamin promptly stepped forward, worried that his father might have inadvertently offended the Hansen family's young master. He expressed, "Young Master Shelby, we sincerely appreciate this generous gift. I am certain that Sarah will cherish it greatly. However, she tends to be reserved and not very talkative. Hence, as her uncle, I will graciously accept this gift on her behalf and convey her gratitude to you, Young Master Shelby."

Sarah yearned to speak up but received a subtle signal from her grandfather, Elder Walker.

Elder Walker whispered reassuringly to her, "Sarah, let us not be discourteous. We shall accept the gift for now, and later, in private, we can arrange to return it discreetly."

With some reluctance, Sarah nodded in agreement.

Subsequently, the third young master of the Hansen family, accompanied by Benjamin and Ryan, proceeded to take their designated seats within the banquet hall.

The third young master of the Hansen family projected an air of aloofness and remained indifferent to most attendees, save for Isaac, to whom he extended a cordial greeting, "Mr. Craven, would you honor us by sharing this table?"

Isaac instinctively glanced in the direction of Charlie, recalling that Charlie preferred to keep his identity concealed, and public association with him would be unwise.

Just as Isaac was about to politely decline the Hansen family's young master's invitation, Elder Walker intervened, addressing Charlie, "Master Wade, why don't you join us?"

The banquet hall consisted of six tables, with one designated as the head table for the most esteemed guests.

As the name implied, the head table was where the host entertained the most distinguished visitors. Elder Walker, accompanied by Benjamin, Ryan, and Sarah, occupied the ten-seat head table.

The remaining four seats at this table were allotted based on the prominence of all the attendees present. Benjamin and Ryan naturally invited the third young master of the Hansen family to sit beside them. Elder Walker extended the invitation to Charlie, inviting him to share the same table.

The four remaining seats were allocated to Isaac, Doris, Samuel, and Alan.

While George White held significant power, he ranked slightly below Alan and thus couldn't secure a place at the head table.

Abby and Dianne, although eager to sit alongside their father and Charlie, found themselves seated at a separate table. 😊🌟💕
Hey you Shelby Hansen,it is better you watch your ways around Master Wade there,cos if you misbehave,you might not leave there in one piece


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 1196: "The Third Young Master's Frustration"

However, as all the seats were already taken, she found herself sitting next to Abby.

Before the banquet officially began, an elderly gentleman stood up to deliver a speech filled with gratitude.

During his address, when expressing his appreciation for the guests in attendance, Elder Walker commenced by saying, "Today, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to Master Wade for gracing us with his presence at my granddaughter's birthday celebration!"

Upon hearing Elder Walker's words, the third young master Hansen, seated in the place of honor, immediately wore a somber expression.

What's happening here?

Doesn't this elderly gentleman from the Walker family understand the customary way of showing respect? He came to attend his granddaughter's birthday celebration and should have positioned himself at the forefront of expressing gratitude, right?

Thinking this, he couldn't help but shoot a curious glance at Charlie, who sat beside him.

This guy appears rather unassuming. He probably wonders why the Walker family elder is being overly polite to him.

After thanking Charlie, Elder Walker proceeded to extend his gratitude to the third young master Hansen.

Observing that he had been overshadowed by Charlie, a person of uncertain origins, the third young master Hansen couldn't suppress his frustration.

At that moment, Elder Walker concluded his speech and invited his granddaughter, Sarah, to step forward and convey her thanks.

Elegant and graceful, Sarah, just like her grandfather, expressed her appreciation to the guests, commencing with Charlie Wade.

She looked into Charlie's eyes with sincerity and said, "I want to express my heartfelt thanks to Master Wade for taking time out of his busy schedule to join me on my special day. I feel truly honored."

After thanking Charlie, Sarah continued, "In addition to expressing my gratitude to Master Wade, I also want to thank all the friends who have gathered here today. Your support means the world to me."

With that, Sarah offered a gracious bow to the assembled guests.

The third young master Hansen was seething with anger.

While Elder Walker had placed him second in the list of thanks, at least he had acknowledged him by name. Yet, when it came to Sarah, she didn't even mention his name, treating him just like everyone else. This ignited his fury.

At that moment, he whispered to the person seated next to him, Ryan, "Who exactly is this Charlie?"

Ryan had always harbored resentment toward Charlie but had never dared to openly disrespect him. Now, sensing the third young master Hansen's displeasure toward Charlie, he seized the opportunity to explain, "This Charlie is quite renowned in Aurous Hill. He's the one who married into a prominent family. People also know him as a reputable Feng Shui master, and he possesses some knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, which has earned him the title of Master Wade."

Upon hearing this, the third young master Hansen couldn't help but sneer, "Master Wade? Just because he knows a bit about Feng Shui and traditional Chinese medicine, he dares to call himself a master? In Eastcliff, he would have faced ridicule and humiliation countless times by now."

Ryan quickly added, "You're absolutely right, Third Young Master. Aurous Hill may be a smaller city, but even here, there are plenty of impostors who claim to be top-tier talents."

"Impostors posing as top-tier talents?" the third young master Hansen snorted, raising an eyebrow. "Does this Charlie claim to be a true dragon?"

In a hushed tone, Ryan replied, "I'm not entirely sure if he claims that, but within the Aurous Hill underworld, they often refer to him as the 'Heavenly Dragon Among Men of Aurous Hill.'"

The third young master Hansen chuckled coldly, "The 'Heavenly Dragon Among Men'? I, Shelby, come from the Hansen family in Eastcliff, and I'm certainly no stranger to dragon blood. Today, I'll determine who the real 'Heavenly Dragon Among Men' is."

Ryan quickly ingratiated himself, "In comparison to you, Third Young Master, he's undoubtedly inferior in every way. He probably doesn't even measure up to a single strand of your hair."

"Of course," the third young master Hansen replied, tilting his nose haughtily. He cast a sharp gaze at Charlie and thought, "A nobody from a small place who dares to steal my spotlight. Today, I, the formidable dragon, will make an example out of him and show these Aurous Hill folks who the true Heavenly Dragon Among Men is!" 😠🐉💥

Chapter 1197 - "The Battle of Generosity: Shelby vs. Charlie"

Shelby Hansen had a burning desire to publicly challenge Charlie. Thus, he boldly rose from his seat at the guest table and began with a direct inquiry, "Hello there, Master Wade, isn't it? I've heard an interesting rumor about you - they call you the 'Heavenly Dragon Among Men,' is that right?"

Charlie maintained his composure and responded with a serene smile, "Well, the 'Heavenly Dragon Among Men' moniker is just a playful title some of my martial arts acquaintances bestowed upon me."

Shelby couldn't resist a scornful smirk as he continued with a hint of mockery, "Master Wade, I'm genuinely curious about the birthday gift you've brought for Miss Sarah today. With a title like 'Heavenly Dragon Among Men,' I assume it's something extraordinary, correct?"

Charlie chuckled and replied, "Honestly, I only learned about Miss Sarah's birthday gathering at the last minute, and I hastily prepared a modest gift. It's merely a gesture of goodwill; nothing compared to the offerings Mr. Hansen might provide."

The more Charlie downplayed his gift, the more Shelby was compelled to challenge him publicly. Thus, he persisted, asking, "Why the modesty, Master Wade? I'm simply intrigued by your gift. How about sharing it with all of us or giving us a glimpse?"

Shelby pressed on, "Furthermore, since you're renowned as a Feng Shui master, could I venture a guess that your gift for Miss Sarah is a blessed talisman or an amulet?"

Charlie responded with a faint smile, "Mr. Hansen, you have a keen intuition. You're getting close."

Hearing this, Shelby couldn't resist taunting, "In my family, we have a servant who handles small trinkets in TradeWise District. He informed me that those wholesale amulets in TradeWise District's market cost mere pennies each. I wonder, Master Wade, what's your wholesale price? If it's on the higher side, I can introduce you to our servant for a more economical source."

Ryan found this amusing, and his father, Benjamin, couldn't help but smile. However, the others at the table displayed varying degrees of displeasure. After all, Charlie had always commanded respect from everyone, whether as Master Wade or Young Master Wade. Such insolence was unwarranted.

Isaac even felt an impulse to slap Shelby across the face, but he quickly reined it in. While it would be easy to do so, such an act might expose Charlie's true identity.

Meanwhile, Charlie remained unfazed, sporting a knowing smile. He didn't take Shelby seriously in the least. If Shelby were wise, he would opt for a peaceful coexistence. However, if he insisted on provoking Charlie Wade, he'd be ready to serve a taste of his own medicine.

So, Charlie covertly instructed Isaac to record a video on his phone before addressing Shelby with a friendly tone, "Young Master Hansen, you indeed stand out among the crowd. It's our first meeting, and you've already left quite an impression. Your generosity earlier didn't go unnoticed, and I was genuinely touched."

Shelby couldn't help but beam with pride, thinking that he had successfully outshone Charlie. Little did he anticipate that Charlie would follow up with a question, "Young Master Hansen, you mentioned earlier that the necklace you gifted Miss Walker is worth 20 million US dollars. Is that accurate?"

Shelby, brimming with confidence, retorted icily, "The Hansen family in Eastcliff is among the top ten elite families. A mere 20 million US dollars for a necklace doesn't warrant me resorting to deception."

Charlie nodded appreciatively and continued with a smile, "In that case, Young Master Hansen, would you care to take a guess at the approximate value of the gift I've presented to Miss Walker?"

Shelby sneered, "Though I haven't had the pleasure of seeing your gift, my guess would be that it couldn't possibly exceed 10,000 dollars." 😏💰

Chapter 1198: "A Bite of Ruby or a Taste of China?"

Charlie couldn't help but let out a friendly chuckle. "Young Master Hansen," he began with a wink, "I must confess, the gift I've brought today not only surpasses the 10,000 dollars mark in value, but it also outshines your lovely necklace by quite a margin."

Shelby, upon hearing this, couldn't contain his anger any longer. "Where on Earth did you come from, you cheeky rascal? How dare you play tricks in front of me?"

Charlie maintained his cool composure and inquired with a sly grin, "But what if my gift truly outshines your necklace, Young Master Hansen?"

Shelby snorted dismissively, "With all these witnesses around, if your gift is indeed more valuable than my necklace, I'll eat that necklace right here, right now."

Charlie clapped his hands lightly and gave a confident smile. "Splendid! It's a deal then."

Shelby raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Master Wade, what if, by some strange twist of fate, your gift turns out to be less valuable?"

Charlie responded with unwavering confidence, "If my gift falls short, I'll devour this entire set of exquisite tableware before us."

Shelby chuckled, "This tableware is made of delicate bone china. Can you really eat it?"

Charlie replied with determination, "If I lose, I'll eat it, even if it's shattered into pieces. Not a single shard will be spared."

Sarah, hearing this exchange, rushed to dissuade Charlie. "Master Wade, there's no need for such a competition. Even a simple token from you would be priceless in my eyes."

Charlie gave a faint smile and reassured her, "Miss Walker, there's no need to worry. When I set my mind to something, I always carry it through."

Shelby, witnessing Sarah's staunch defense of Charlie, couldn't contain his rising anger.

He slammed the table, stood up, and applauded mockingly, "Well said, Master Wade! Your confidence is indeed that of a master. Let all these witnesses attest to our wager. If the gift you present to Miss Walker surpasses mine in value, I'll swallow the ruby necklace I gave her. But if your gift falls short, you won't escape without tasting a piece of this bone china tableware!"

Charlie nodded in agreement and added with a smirk, "Now that it's settled, Miss Walker, would you kindly reveal the gift I've prepared for you?"

Sarah felt a tad anxious as she produced the small gift box Charlie had bestowed upon her.

She hadn't yet unveiled its contents, leaving her in suspense.

Charlie, with an apologetic look, addressed Sarah, "Miss Sarah, I apologize for requesting you to open this gift in front of everyone, but I wish to share it with all."

Sarah responded gracefully, "Master Wade, you are too kind."

Charlie smiled warmly and gestured, "Please, Miss Sarah, do unveil the gift for everyone to see."

Shelby, eyeing the diminutive gift box in Sarah's hand, no larger than a ring box, couldn't help but scoff. "Such a small box couldn't possibly contain anything of value. My ruby necklace is undoubtedly far more precious."

Charlie chuckled and quipped, "You see, diamonds are just carbon atoms. In my eyes, there's not much difference between a diamond and a lump of coal. Why would I gift Miss Sarah something so ordinary?"

Shelby was seething with anger, realizing that Charlie had just delivered a thinly veiled insult.

He huffed, "Enough with the empty words! Let's reveal the contents of that tiny box to everyone! I highly doubt it could surpass a 20-million-dollar ruby necklace. Prepare to dine on that bone china, my friend!" 😠🙄🍽️

Chapter 1199: "Shabby Box, Priceless Gift"

At this precise moment, a collective anxiety had settled upon the gathered crowd, their apprehension palpable as they watched Charlie's next move.

Although Charlie had earned a reputation for his formidable knowledge of Mystic Arts, doubts loomed in the minds of those present. Could he truly outshine Shelby in a matter solely centered around money?

The Hansen family's influence was unparalleled in the South Laverton region, casting a shadow over all other families. Shelby's arrival in Aurous Hill was akin to a mighty dragon crossing the river—unrivaled in the city, unchallenged in the entire South Laverton region.

Adding to the intrigue was the $20 million ruby necklace, a pinnacle of luxury within the world of gemstone necklaces. Even diamond necklaces the size of eggs might not command such a price tag.

Speculation ran rampant as to the contents of the small box Charlie had entrusted to Sarah. What could possibly be inside that would warrant his unwavering confidence that it surpassed a $20 million value?

With a delicate touch, Sarah began to unwrap the gift box, revealing the small square container within. Onlookers held their breath, their anticipation mounting.

The box did not exude an air of opulence; it lacked the exquisite packaging typically associated with extraordinary items. Instead, Charlie's choice appeared casual, as though he had purchased it from a neighborhood gift shop, its value likely no more than a few hundred dollars.

At this point, it seemed to most that Charlie had already conceded defeat.

Upon seeing the unimpressive gift box, Shelby couldn't help but sneer, "Master Wade, are you implying that something worth more than $20 million would be concealed in such a shabby box? Is that your suggestion?"

Charlie responded with composure, "The true worth of an item is not determined by its packaging. Young Master Hansen, though you present a striking image, your actual value might not surpass that of an ordinary individual."

Shelby retorted, irritation simmering, "What are you insinuating, Wade? Are you suggesting that I, a Hansen, possess less value than a commoner?"

Charlie offered a faint smile, "I'm merely drawing a comparison. If that's how you choose to interpret it, I cannot dissuade you."

With a helpless shrug, Charlie brimmed with self-assuredness.

Shelby felt the frustration mounting but opted not to engage in a verbal duel. He coolly declared, "Let's proceed and reveal the contents. I'm eager to witness how you intend to employ these 'utensils'."

Sarah cast a worried glance at Charlie, uncertain about whether to proceed with opening the gift box.

However, Charlie bestowed a reassuring look upon her and calmly suggested, "Miss Sarah, since Young Master Hansen is so eager, let's unveil the contents. Open it and satisfy his curiosity."

With a nod from Sarah, she delicately lifted the lid of the gift box.

As the box was unveiled, a peculiar fragrance instantly permeated the air, sending shockwaves through Elder Walker.

He recognized this scent all too well; it was the miraculous elixir that had restored him to a youthful state—a fabled Resurrection Pill!

Simultaneously, murmurs arose from different tables, "Unbelievable! It's an actual Resurrection Pill!"

"Master Wade's generosity knows no bounds! He gifted Miss Sarah a Resurrection Pill for her birthday?"

"Miss Sarah is truly fortunate to receive such a precious gift from Master Wade!"

Many of those in attendance at Sarah's birthday celebration had also been present at Elder Walker's birthday party. They had witnessed firsthand the astonishing transformation he had undergone after taking the Resurrection Pill.

On that occasion, a profound longing for the Resurrection Pill had taken root within every guest.

Without a doubt, the attendees were affluent individuals, even if they did not possess the vast riches of the Hansen family. Yet, they all harbored fortunes that would last them a lifetime. 😲🎁💎💖

Chapter 1200: "The Temptation of Time and Youth"😲

Samuel Turner, seated at the same table, found himself at a loss for words!

Samuel, the wealthiest man in Sea City, was nearly on par with the renowned Walker family when it came to his riches. Yet, as he approached old age, he couldn't help but feel the inexorable decline in his physical condition, a reality that even his immense wealth couldn't change.

He yearned for a chance to possess a Resurrection Pill, willing to part with ten percent of his assets without a hint of regret. He understood that, aside from the Resurrection Pill, no amount of money could buy back two decades of lost youth.

Stanley Ho, the Macau gambling mogul, was undoubtedly a billionaire, but at the age of over 90, he couldn't buy back his youth. His only recourse was to pour billions into hospitals each year, merely prolonging his life without halting the deterioration of his health.

The time purchased through vast sums could only stave off death, offering a few more years, maybe even five, but it didn't reverse his worsening physical state. If he could somehow revert his body, even if just for five years, he'd be willing to spend a hundred billion.

In this moment, it wasn't just about money for everyone; it was the intangibles that held even greater value. Things like time, youth, well-being, and life itself.

So, the Resurrection Pill was more alluring to them than anything else.

A pill that could instantaneously turn back the clock by two decades, offering a chance at health and an extended lifespan—it was nothing short of miraculous.

Even Sarah herself couldn't utter a word, so shocked was she by this extraordinary gift from Charlie!

She had never fathomed that Charlie would present her with such a priceless treasure.

In her eyes, the Resurrection Pill far surpassed the value of Shelby's ruby necklace, perhaps by ten, twenty, or even a hundred times.

Tears welled up in Sarah's eyes as she gazed at Charlie with profound affection, her voice trembling, "Master Wade, Sarah dares not accept such a precious gift from you..."

Charlie smiled gently and replied with warmth, "I'm giving it to you, so please accept it. There's no need to hesitate."

On the sidelines, Elder Walker was on the verge of fainting from excitement.

After experiencing the transformative power of a Resurrection Pill himself, his desire for it had intensified. Sometimes, the true marvel of something only became apparent once it was in your possession.

Having taken one, Elder Walker felt as if he had recaptured his youth. He eagerly anticipated the possibility of making his body even younger.

Simultaneously, he harbored concerns. What if, twenty years down the line, he found himself an aging old man once again? Would he have any hope of obtaining another Resurrection Pill from Master Wade?

After all, a gift of twenty more years of life was a temptation few could resist.

And now, Master Wade had generously presented another Resurrection Pill to his granddaughter.

Perhaps, if he treated her even better, she might consider gifting him this incredible treasure!

Shelby, noticing the astonishment on everyone's faces over the seemingly unremarkable pill, couldn't help but feel slighted.

With a disdainful snort, he sneered, "Wade, where did you stumble upon such a potent elixir? You actually claim it's more valuable than my ruby necklace?!" 😏💎
Haven't I warned this Shelby not to provoke.
All the way,I am happy he was given a taste of his own medicine


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 1201: "When Appraisals Collide: Pill vs. Precious Stone"

In Shelby's view, the Resurrection Pill that Charlie presented appeared rather unimpressive.

Even the renowned Golden Bull's Heart Pill, a gem in the world of traditional Chinese medicine, typically fetched no more than a few hundred thousand dollars.

Even if we generously assumed that this Resurrection Pill matched the Golden Bull's Heart Pill in effectiveness, what difference would it make?

Compared to his precious ruby valued at nearly 20 million dollars, it seemed like comparing apples to oranges.

Thus, in this instance, Shelby believed that he had secured victory over Charlie.

He had initially expected his confident statement to earn him praise from the gathering. To his surprise, the looks he received from everyone resembled more concern for someone who might not be fully informed.

This was not entirely his fault because he was the third young master of the esteemed Hansen family in Eastcliff, and no one dared to be too blunt in their expressions.

Yet, Shelby could still sense the subtle undertone in their gazes.

He couldn't help but wonder, what's going on here? Could this so-called Resurrection Pill actually be valuable? It couldn't be, right? Such a shoddy item, how could it be worth anything?

In that moment, Charlie glanced at him with a faint smile and inquired, "Young Master Hansen, how much do you believe my pill is worth?"

Shelby scoffed dismissively and replied, "In my estimation, it's worth a maximum of 100,000!"

Charlie chuckled and proposed, "Well then, how about a spontaneous mini-auction right here? We'll auction off these two items and see which one fetches a higher price. What do you say?"

Shelby furrowed his brows and asked, "An auction? What do you mean?"

Charlie clarified, "It means we'll put these two items up for auction right now, and we'll see which one ultimately commands the higher price. How does that sound?"

Shelby responded coldly, "Are you jesting? How can I put my 20-million-dollar ruby necklace up for sale here? It's intended as a birthday gift for Miss Sarah, and auctioning it would be utterly inappropriate."

Charlie countered, "Very well, since you are convinced your necklace is genuinely worth 20 million dollars, according to our wager, if my pill fetches a higher price than your necklace, that means I win, correct?"

Shelby burst into laughter, "Wade, are you really suggesting we auction your so-called Resurrection Pill here? Do you truly believe this worthless item could surpass 20 million dollars?"

With a mocking tone, Shelby added, "And you, Wade, you are quite audacious. Even if your Resurrection Pill is deemed worthless, it's still a birthday gift for Miss Sarah. How could you possibly auction it? That would be utterly shameless, wouldn't it?"

Upon hearing this, Sarah couldn't hold back and immediately spoke up, almost instinctively, "Shelby, I won't tolerate you speaking ill of Master Wade!"

Everyone present was taken aback. No one had anticipated that Sarah would boldly confront Shelby to defend Charlie.

Shelby's expression mirrored the collective astonishment. Had Sarah lost her senses? How could she stand up for someone like this just because he had given her a modest gift?

However, Shelby remained completely unaware of the immense gratitude Sarah felt towards Charlie at this very moment. 😊❤️🎉

Chapter 1202: "Auction Fever: Bidding for Elixir"

As Shelby ridiculed Charlie, Sarah couldn't remain silent.

In that moment, Charlie let out a light chuckle and produced another Resurrection Pill from his pocket, wearing a friendly smile. "You see, I've got plenty of these little wonders. The Resurrection Pill I gave Miss Sarah won't be up for auction again. What's on the block right now is the one I'm holding."

With a gracious gesture, Charlie stood and addressed the eager crowd. "I'm sure you're all well-acquainted with the Resurrection Pill by now, so I won't bore you with details. Let's dive right into the auction."

The audience practically burst with excitement at the prospect of the Resurrection Pill going up for bidding. This miraculous elixir was an elusive treasure beyond their wildest dreams. Charlie had never offered one for sale before, rendering it truly invaluable.

The attendees were affluent individuals who had come prepared for this opportunity to purchase a Resurrection Pill, a chance to rejuvenate themselves. They were all eager to participate, each one resolved to go to great lengths to secure this coveted pill.

Turning his gaze to Shelby, Charlie spoke with a friendly smile, "Young Master Hansen, so, your ruby necklace is valued at around 20 million dollars, isn't it?"

Shelby, with a smug demeanor, responded, "It is indeed 20 million dollars. You probably never even handled so much cash in your life, have you? Are you trembling?"

Charlie maintained a faint smile and replied, "Fear isn't in my vocabulary. I'm Charlie Wade, and fear doesn't find a place in my lifetime."

Without acknowledging Shelby any further, Charlie turned to the crowd and continued, "Ladies and gentlemen, let me briefly explain the auction rules. Since Young Master Hansen believes that my Resurrection Pill isn't as valuable as his ruby necklace, I'll set the starting bid at 30 million dollars."


Shelby was taken aback by Charlie's audacity to set the starting bid for the Resurrection Pill at 30 million dollars. He widened his eyes and exclaimed, "Wade, have you lost your mind? Your insignificant trinket is worth 30 million dollars? Do you think we're all fools here?"

Before he could finish, Elder Walker swiftly raised his hand and said, "Master Wade, I'll bid 30 million!"

Shelby was left stunned. He glared at Elder Walker and questioned coldly, "Elder Walker, are you deliberately siding with this Wade character to oppose me? I came to the Walker family with utmost sincerity. If you're lacking in sincerity like this, don't blame Shelby for turning hostile!"

Elder Walker appeared embarrassed. His bid wasn't to support Charlie; he genuinely desired the Resurrection Pill. Having experienced its miraculous effects personally, no price was too high for him. Even if it cost 1.5 billion, he would buy it, ten times over. Spending 15 billion dollars was a small investment for potentially extending his life by decades, not to mention the substantial profits it could bring to the Walker family.

However, in light of Shelby's threat, he hesitated. He didn't want to openly provoke Shelby and make a formidable enemy.

Charlie, with a congenial smile, suggested, "Elder Walker, to avoid any appearance of impropriety, why don't you refrain from participating in this auction? Let others outside the Walker family have a fair chance. This way, we won't give Young Master Hansen the impression that you're colluding with me."

Elder Walker reluctantly and respectfully complied, saying, "Since Master Wade has spoken, I'll abstain from this auction."

Shelby's expression eased somewhat. It appeared that the Walker family understood their boundaries. Furthermore, other than the Walker family, it was unlikely that anyone would be interested in a pill with a starting bid of 30 million.

Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Samuel, the wealthiest man in Sea City, seated at the same table, excitedly raised his hand and declared, "Master Wade, since Elder Walker is stepping aside, I'm willing to bid 30 million!" 😃💰💎

Chapter 1203: "The Price of Immortality: A Growing Auction"

Shelby was initially confident that he had the deal in the bag, thinking that nobody would dare to bid 30 million for that magical Resurrection Pill. But, to his astonishment, Samuel Turner had other plans.

Shelby looked at Samuel with surprise, clenching his teeth, and asked, "Mr. Turner, what's the meaning of this?"

Despite being aware of Shelby's influential background, the allure of the Resurrection Pill was too strong for Samuel to resist. Even if it meant going against the Hansen family, he was determined to get his hands on this extraordinary elixir.

Who could pass up such a golden opportunity, especially when pitted against a man twenty years younger?

Moreover, if Shelby tried to thwart him, not even the greatest kings could prevent Samuel from bidding.

So, Samuel gazed at Shelby and calmly explained, "I apologize, Young Master Hansen. Mr. Wade's Resurrection Pill has been a long-time desire of mine. Today, with such a perfect opportunity at hand, I can't afford to let it slip away easily. If my actions cause any offense, I hope you can understand!"

Shelby's expression turned sour, realizing that with Samuel's bid, he had already lost to Charlie. Losing to Charlie not only meant a loss of face in front of a large audience but also the humiliating prospect of swallowing that ruby necklace in front of everyone.

Just as he wore a displeased expression, thinking that Samuel was deliberately opposing him, someone from another table chimed in, "I bid 31 million!"

Someone had actually placed a bid, and Samuel raised it by 1 million. Could this be turning into a full-fledged bidding war?

Just then, Charlie, wearing a charming smile, interjected, "I forgot to mention earlier, the starting price is 30 million, and the minimum increment is 10 million. We wouldn't want to increase it by just 1 million; that would be rather petty."

The bidder quickly nodded and exclaimed, "Given Master Wade's request, I'll bid 40 million!"

"Wow!" Shelby's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

The starting price was 30 million, and not only were people bidding, but they were also raising the stakes. Had these two lost their minds?

Before Shelby could recover from the shock, someone from another table stood up excitedly and declared, "I'm willing to offer 50 million!"

Shelby's expression grew even more unpleasant. Internally, he couldn't help but mutter, "Are these people all out of their minds?"

Before Shelby could consider accepting the 50 million offer, Samuel waved his hand and declared, "I'll bid 200 million!"

The room erupted in an uproar!

Samuel was unshakable in his determination to obtain the Resurrection Pill. To him, 200 million was just the beginning.

Alan Ward had been silent all this while, but his patience was wearing thin.

The Resurrection Pill!

The one crafted by Master Wade!

Even though he and his daughter had received two divine medicines from Master Wade as gifts, they paled in comparison to the Resurrection Pill.

Therefore, he couldn't afford to miss this golden opportunity.

He raised his hand and announced, "I'm willing to offer 210 million!"

Shelby's face turned a shade of green!

They had already reached the 200-million mark, and someone was still upping the ante?

Just when he thought that, George White spoke up, saying, "I'll offer 220 million!"

Afterward, George glanced apologetically at Alan and said, "Brother Ward, I'm sorry!"

Alan fully understood George's intentions. Everyone had witnessed the miraculous abilities of Master Wade, and they all knew the true worth of this Resurrection Pill.

This was the first and possibly the only time that Master Wade had ever put the Resurrection Pill up for auction.

If they didn't seize this opportunity, they might regret it for the rest of their lives.

Therefore, no one was willing to back down easily.

Samuel's spirits also rose, and he raised his hand once more, saying, "250 million. My apologies, gentlemen, if I've offended anyone."

From the neighboring table, a voice rang out, "In that case, I'll offer 260 million!" 😲💰

Chapter 1204: "Samuel, George, and Alan: Brothers in Bidding"

"270 million!"

"280 million!"

"290 million!"

Alan raised his hand again, confidently declaring, "I'll bid 3 billion!"

With each new bid, another participant eagerly upped the ante, increasing the stakes by 10 million without hesitation.

The entire scene buzzed with exhilaration. Even those with a net worth hovering around 1 billion didn't hesitate to dive into the bidding fray. Everyone understood that, while money held its worth, the value of human life was immeasurable.

For Shelby, each bid from others felt like a stinging humiliation. He had never experienced such embarrassment before.

And yet, this was just the beginning.

What troubled him most was how he would gracefully withdraw from this situation later. Did he genuinely need to consume that ruby necklace?

The bidding frenzy showed no signs of abating, continuing to escalate.

Samuel Turner, George White, and Alan Ward were determined not to let this golden opportunity slip through their fingers, and others joined in, gritting their teeth as they raised their bids.

Soon, the price soared beyond 500 million dollars.

At this juncture, only a couple of individuals at neighboring tables remained in the competition. For the rest, the cost had become prohibitive, forcing them to reluctantly bow out.

Nevertheless, even with the price surging past 500 million dollars, the auction persisted.

The numbers continued to climb swiftly, quickly breaching the 600 million mark.

Now, only Samuel, George, and Alan remained in contention. These three had strong bonds with one another and were acquainted with Charlie. In reality, none of them wished to create a rift, but the Resurrection Pill's allure was irresistible. So, each time one of them raised the bid, they offered apologies to the others with a respectful nod.

The spectacle grew increasingly unique.

After George bid 600 million, he quickly apologized, stating, "I'm sorry, dear friends, please pardon any offense."

Alan followed suit. Following his 610 million bid, he also expressed his apologies, "I'm sorry, dear friends, please pardon any offense."

Then, it was Samuel's turn. He boldly bid 650 million but still extended his apologies, remarking, "I'm sorry, dear friends, please pardon any offense."

Spectators were left bewildered. What kind of relationship did these three share? They referred to each other as "brothers," and the order of seniority no longer seemed to matter. What did matter was their unyielding determination to secure the prize, driving the price higher and higher.

In the blink of an eye, the bid reached 980 million.

Shelby was utterly mystified. 980 million! His string of necklaces was valued at just 20 million, and this had multiplied several times over!

What in the world was this Resurrection Pill? How could it command such astronomical worth?

Just as he contemplated this, Samuel decisively declared, "I'll bid 1 billion!"

George realized that this bidding war could stretch endlessly. Though he could rival Alan in assets, he recognized he couldn't compete with Samuel's financial firepower. Thus, he gritted his teeth and boldly proclaimed, "I'll bid 1.1 billion!"

He added an extra million to the bid in one daring move, leaving the entire room flabbergasted by his audacity! 😲💰🔥

Chapter 1205: "Samuel's Two-Billion-Dollar Mic Drop"

As soon as George threw down a bid of 1.1 billion, Alan knew he had to up the ante if he didn't want to lose out on the coveted Resurrection Pill.

Determined and with gritted teeth, Alan declared, "Since our friend White here has put 1.1 billion on the table, I'll make it an even 1.2 billion."

Samuel, with all his wealth, remained unfazed. Whether it was 1.2 billion or 1.5 billion, it didn't matter much to him. However, that Resurrection Pill was his target.

With a calm demeanor, Samuel calmly said, "Well then, let's skip the small talk and go straight to 20 billion."

The crowd erupted in astonishment. Going from 1.2 billion to 2 billion was the most jaw-dropping display of extravagance anyone had ever witnessed.

What did 2 billion in cash even mean? If someone had a monthly allowance of 10 million, 2 billion would sustain them for almost 17 years. If they deposited that 2 billion in a bank with a 5% annual interest rate, they'd rake in 100 million in interest every year. That was over 8 million just from interest each month!

For an ordinary person or even an average wealthy individual, these were astronomical numbers beyond imagination. But for someone like Samuel, worth billions, it was just a drop in his vast ocean of wealth.

Samuel had toiled away for half his life, amassing his wealth to ensure a carefree future. Spending 2 billion on a Resurrection Pill was an incredible deal for him. Regret never even crossed his mind.

However, for George and Alan, they felt utterly powerless at this moment.

Both hailed from substantial families with dozens of direct and extended family members depending on them. Take Alan, for instance; the Ward family's assets didn't even reach the hundreds of billions mark. If he invested 20 billion in this Resurrection Pill, it wouldn't be enough, and he'd have to tap into the family's coffers.

This would undoubtedly stir up major strife within the family. After all, there was only one Resurrection Pill, and it couldn't be divided among everyone.

So, Alan reluctantly bowed to Samuel and admitted, "Mr. Turner, your resolve is truly admirable."

George's predicament mirrored Alan's, but his family's resources were even more limited. Moreover, his family had taken a hit due to Gerald and Fred's feud with Charlie, missing out on a chance to collaborate with the Emgrand Group.

Now, facing a 2 billion price tag, the White family could only withdraw from the bidding.

Seeing no other contenders, Samuel let out a sigh of relief. Yet, he didn't display arrogance or elation. Instead, he respectfully acknowledged George and Alan, saying, "Brother White, Brother Ward, I appreciate your understanding. I'll be sure to pay a visit to express my gratitude in the future."

Both George and Alan responded humbly, "Mr. Turner, your abilities are beyond our reach."

Onlookers marveled at the harmonious interaction between these three men. A Resurrection Pill that had started with a bid of 30 million had now skyrocketed to 2 billion. Yet, the trio remained composed and unruffled, exuding an air of magnanimity that earned them everyone's admiration.

At this juncture, Samuel turned to Charlie and spoke with great respect, "Master Wade, since no one else has challenged me, I'll take possession of this Resurrection Pill."

Charlie nodded approvingly and handed over the Resurrection Pill, saying, "Very well, this Resurrection Pill is now yours!" 😌🙌💊
I bet Charlie would just gift him the pill


Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 15, 2023
I think Clare compliments Charlie's personality, I think there are times Charlie could have breached his moral values but Claire kept him in check.

Every other women would readily say yes to Charlie's opinions and actions but Claire would say no even those things about him are true as long as she is yet to know his new profound personality she will say no and that is a true wife

I do have to ask though... When did Claire keep Charlie in check or tell him "No"? He doesn't really hold himself back from breaching his moral code in order to respect her wishes, nor does she intervene. Hell, Claire doesn't even know 5% of the things Charlie does.

If anything Charlie stops himself with a thought: "What would my wife think of me if she were to find out everything?". However I can bet my two left hand fingernails that the person on this thread who read all 6000 chapters will say that Claire still doesn't know. :ROFLMAO:

Or did I miss something? Could you give
me a memory refresher? 🤔


New member
Oct 12, 2023
Hello.. Ill post some later.. Im just enjoying the holiday here in Australia. It's Australia day and happens to be my wife's bday as well... Currently out watching the Australian open. Be posting later when I get home.
Have a great day, and Happy Birthday to to Mrs Junlee🎂

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