"Dragon Son-in-law" a.k.a. Millionaire Son-in-law, Charlie Wade Story. Translated by Junlee (aka Jungal2000)

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Charlie Wade is a househusband son-in-law whom everyone looks down upon. However, unknown to them, his true identity is that of the young master from a top-tier family. Those who once belittled him will eventually kneel before him, trembling with fear and calling him "Master!" ...

The MC is Charlie Wade, and there's this girl Claire Wilson. They're in this savage clapback novel called "Ultimate Dragon Honcho", penned by this dude Ye Gongzi. Everyone knew Charlie Wade was the son-in-law of the Wilson family. Like, Grandpa Wilson legit pulled this broke boy outta nowhere and made him marry his grand daughter/princess, Claire. But bro's got no skills, no dough 💸, and Claire had to deal with so much BS 'cause of him. He even had the nerve to ask for money during Grandma Wilson's big party, making Claire hella embarrassed 😳. They kicked Charlie Wade out, but then plot twist! 🌀 Some butler dude shows up. Turns out, Charlie Wade's actually from the uber-rich Wade clan. The butler's like, "Come home, fam." But since his parents were, like, done dirty by the Wade fam, he's like "Nah." But he did take his grandpa’s black card loaded with 10 billion. 💳💰 #MicDrop

Author: Charlie Wade
Category: Urban Fiction
Status: Ongoing
Last Updated: October 18, 2023
Last edited:

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 1206: "Shelby's Dilemma: To Swallow or Not to Swallow?"

Samuel couldn't bring himself to accept the Resurrection Pill. He hurriedly said, "Master Wade, I haven't settled the payment yet, and it wouldn't feel right to take it without doing so. Let me call the company's finance department right away and transfer the money to your account."

Charlie smiled and nodded, handing over his black card. "Sure, just transfer the funds to this account."

Shelby couldn't help but be amazed by the black card in Charlie's hand. Wasn't that the prestigious Citibank top-level black card? There were probably no more than five people in the whole country who possessed one. Citibank was known for its strict privacy protection for these cardholders. Who exactly was Charlie, and how had he come to possess such a card?

At this moment, Charlie turned his gaze towards Shelby and playfully remarked, "Young Master Hansen, your necklace is valued at 20 million US dollars, while my Resurrection Pill is worth 2 billion dollars. I don't think we need to discuss who has the upper hand here, do we?" 😏💰

Shelby's expression soured considerably.

What kind of people were they? Spending 2 billion on a single pill? Were they out of their minds?

But venting his frustration wouldn't help. After all, he had already made a bold statement earlier, and now he didn't know how to save face.

Should he really go through with swallowing that precious ruby necklace?

Swallowing it might be the easy way out, but what if it got stuck in his intestines and couldn't be retrieved?

On the other hand, if he didn't swallow it, how could he salvage his pride today? After all, he had spoken those harsh words himself. He couldn't just backpedal on his word in front of everyone.

However, upon closer reflection, Shelby realized that he didn't have any close acquaintances in Aurous Hill. He didn't care about what these people might gossip about behind his back.

But then again, he had been planning to build a connection with Sarah Walker. If he lost face in front of everyone today and broke his promise, it might jeopardize his chances with her in the future.

Just as he wrestled with his decision, Isaac shook his phone and issued a stern warning, "Young Master Hansen, I've recorded the entire incident. If you go back on your word, I'll share this video in Eastcliff's social circles. I hope you'll think this through carefully."

Shelby stared at Isaac, his anger evident. "Mr. Craven, I have no grievances with you. Why are you doing this to me?"

Isaac responded calmly, "Young Master Hansen, your argument lacks reason. I, Isaac Craven, have always stood for justice over personal ties. Today's confrontation was initiated by you, and the bet was mutually agreed upon by you and Master Wade. What right do you have to break your promise now? Just because you are Young Master Hansen, does that mean you can disregard your commitments? I recall that your father, Scott, and your grandfather, Randell, have been esteemed figures in society for years, renowned for their integrity and reliability. Are you truly prepared to tarnish the Hansen family's reputation by reneging on your word? The Hansen family has a longstanding tradition. Shelby, you belong to the latest Hansen generation. Even your forebears upheld their reputation and promises. Are you willing to be the one to betray this legacy?"

Shelby's expression grew even darker as he mulled over Isaac's words.

He hadn't anticipated that Isaac would be privy to so much information about his family, especially his father and grandfather.

The Hansen family traced its lineage back to Confucius himself, with their generation names following a consistent convention. In modern times, Hansen was the most common generational name within that root.

Shelby belonged to the latest generation.

The Hansen family's esteemed reputation in Eastcliff had been carefully nurtured by previous generations. Even his father and grandfather had been celebrated for their unwavering commitment to their word.

Shelby was acutely aware that any tarnishing of the family's reputation would result in harsh consequences. His grandfather would likely punish him, and he might even be isolated from the family for several years.

As he contemplated the situation, a deep sense of regret and resentment welled up within him.

As the old adage goes, "If only I had known then what I know now." 😔🤔🙁

Chapter 1207: "Shelby's Swallowing Saga: A Jewelry Journey"

Deep within Shelby's heart, regret surged at this very moment.

He shouldn't have attempted to outshine Charlie with a pricier gift.

In this contest, he found himself facing the daunting task of swallowing a ruby, a situation filled with humiliation.

However, with Isaac as a witness, he couldn't back down or make excuses. He had no choice but to grit his teeth and declare, "I, Shelby Hansen, have always been willing to take risks and accept defeat!"

He glanced at Sarah with an anguished expression and requested, "Miss Sarah, could you kindly lend me the ruby necklace I presented to you?"

Sarah's face contorted with displeasure upon hearing this.

"What do you mean, 'lend it to you'? Are you planning to return it to me afterward?"

Her disgust was evident as she promptly handed the gift box to him, saying with sincerity, "Mr. Hansen, please take your gift back."

In that moment, Shelby realized he had misspoken. He was supposed to publicly swallow the necklace, and there was no way to retrieve it and return it to Sarah afterward.

Recognizing his blunder, his expression darkened, but he had to muster the words, "I apologize, Miss Sarah. I will find a more valuable gift for you another day. Please forgive me."

Sarah waved her hand dismissively and said, "No need, Mr. Hansen. I appreciate the gesture, but there's no need for another gift."

Shelby understood he had been rejected, and his expression grew even grimmer.

At this juncture, Charlie flashed a casual smile and encouraged, "Mr. Hansen, everyone is eager for you to complete your performance so we can enjoy our dinner. Don't linger here."

Shelby's face darkened, and he clenched his teeth as he contemplated the massive ruby necklace, feeling increasingly anxious.

Swallowing this object would be quite a feat. Some oil might help lubricate his throat and digestive system, making it a smoother process.

Turning to Elder Walker, he made a request, "Elder Walker, could you please have the chef prepare some olive oil for me?"

Elder Walker nodded subtly and instructed the butler, Mr. Dondie, "Fetch a bottle of olive oil for Mr. Hansen from the kitchen."

Mr. Dondie promptly returned with an unopened bottle of olive oil and respectfully handed it to Shelby.

Charlie couldn't resist a smirk and commented, "It appears that Mr. Hansen knows what he's doing! Adding more oil can assist in lubricating your digestive tract, making the journey of your $20 million ruby necklace in and out smoother."

Laughter couldn't be contained upon hearing Charlie's remark.

Shelby's face soured as he absorbed the jest.

This Charlie truly didn't grasp the gravity of the situation; he was acting audaciously. Shelby resolved to exact his revenge after this ordeal.

Isaac grew impatient at this point and issued a warning, "Mr. Hansen, I'm growing restless. If you don't swallow that necklace soon, I'll share the video on Eastcliff's social circles."

Hearing this threat, Shelby hurriedly declared, "Mr. Craven, please don't rush. I'll proceed now!"

With determination, he clenched his teeth, uncorked the bottle of olive oil, took a deep breath, and consumed half of it. Then, he poured some oil onto his palm, coated the necklace until it gleamed with the slick substance, and, with closed eyes, inserted the necklace into his mouth.

All eyes were fixated on him, with some even reaching for their phones to capture the entire necklace-swallowing process.

Shelby contorted his face in agony as he struggled to gulp it down. When it became too arduous, he poured the remaining half of the olive oil into his mouth.

Finally, with the assistance of the olive oil's lubrication and some pushing, the necklace successfully disappeared into his stomach.

Charlie was the first to applaud and commented with a grin, "Mr. Hansen, you certainly possess a unique talent. I greatly admire your determination."

Shelby displayed a nauseated expression and swiftly stood up, addressing Elder Walker, "Elder Walker, may I inquire about the location of the restroom?" 😖👏

Chapter 1208: "Laxatives and Luxury: A Necklace's Digestive Journey"

In this critical moment, Shelby's initial instinct was to induce vomiting, hoping to rid himself of that troublesome necklace. After all, throwing it up seemed a much better option than having it forcibly extracted, right?

In a rush, Dondie Edwards said, "Young Master Hansen, please follow me; I'll take you to the restroom."

Shelby promptly stood up and trailed behind Dondie.

Once inside the restroom, Shelby cleared his throat, attempting to induce vomiting repeatedly, even though it left him feeling queasy.

Several times, he felt the necklace inching towards his throat, but despite his determined efforts, he just couldn't expel it.

Shelby tried persistently, each attempt turning his face various shades of red and even purplish from the exertion. However, his throat and esophagus throbbed with pain, and he soon ran out of strength to continue.

Regrettably, he reluctantly abandoned his efforts.

The unsettling thought of being unable to rid himself of the necklace through vomiting, and the possibility of needing an alternative extraction method, sent shivers down Shelby's spine.

He even began to worry about the necklace becoming lodged in his intestines.

Without further ado, he grabbed his phone and dialed his family doctor.

As soon as Dr. Nigel answered, Shelby inquired anxiously, "Dr. Nigel, I accidentally swallowed a ruby necklace, and I can't seem to vomit it out. Could it get stuck in my intestines and become life-threatening?"

Dr. Nigel wasted no time asking, "Young Master Three, how big is this ruby necklace?"

Shelby replied, "It's about the size of a quail's egg, slightly larger than a button quail's egg."

The doctor followed up, "Are there any sharp edges on it?"

After pondering for a moment, Shelby replied, "No, it's smooth."

Dr. Nigel advised, "In that case, it might be best to observe for a day and see if it passes naturally. You should also consider taking some laxatives; they can encourage intestinal movement and potentially expedite its passage."

Shelby questioned further, "But what if it doesn't come out on its own?"

The doctor explained, "If it doesn't emerge within 24 hours, that's a cause for concern. Prolonged obstruction could lead to intestinal blockage, which is a critical condition and could endanger your life."

He added, "It might be wise for you to come over now. I can monitor your condition, and if any discomfort arises, we can perform surgery promptly. Otherwise, if it leads to intestinal obstruction, it could be very dangerous."

Hearing the possibility that the necklace might not naturally exit his system and could be life-threatening, Shelby was enraged.

What a predicament! He not only risked embarrassment but also his very life, all because of a foolish bet.

At this point, Shelby seethed with anger towards Charlie, wishing he could instantly exact revenge.

Nevertheless, his top priority was his own well-being. If anything went awry due to this trivial bet, he would suffer the most significant loss.

So, without hesitation, Shelby took out his phone and dialed the captain of his family's private jet, asking, "Captain Dayton, where are you right now?"

Earlier in the afternoon, Shelby had flown from Eastcliff to Aurous Hill on his father's private jet, initially planning to stay for a few days. The captain was preparing to return the plane to Eastcliff tonight, as it was mainly used by Shelby's father.

Shelby's plan was to accompany the jet back to Eastcliff if it hadn't departed yet. He was resolute in ensuring that this ruby necklace within his stomach would not put an end to his life. 😤📱🛩️

Chapter 1209: "Aurous Hill to Eastcliff: Shelby's Hasty Farewell"

At this very moment, the pilot of Shelby's private aircraft was making preparations to queue up for takeoff at Aurous Hill Airport.

Upon receiving Shelby's call, he promptly responded, "Young Master, I'm currently in line for takeoff to the capital."

Shelby urgently instructed, "Please request a delay in our departure from the control tower right away. Bring the plane back to the executive jet parking area and await my return. I'm heading back to Eastcliff tonight."

The pilot inquired with surprise, "But Young Master, you just arrived this afternoon, and weren't you planning to stay for a few days? Why the sudden change of plans?"

Impatiently, Shelby replied, "Don't worry about the details. Just return the plane to the executive jet parking area and wait for me. I'm on my way to the airport right now."

The pilot quickly assured him, "Understood, Young Master. I'll request the delay from the control tower immediately."

As Shelby emerged from the bathroom, his expression remained grim, and Dondie awaited him at the door. Seeing his arrival, Dondie respectfully inquired, "Young Master Hansen, how are you feeling?"

Shelby sighed, "Not great." He continued, "Please inform your master that I'll be departing for Eastcliff."

Dondie exclaimed, "What? Young Master Hansen, are you leaving already? The banquet hasn't even officially begun."

"Enough of this!" Shelby, visibly annoyed, declared, "Let your old man know that my intention in coming here was to offer the Walker family a golden opportunity. Unfortunately, the Walker family has proven to be untrustworthy!"

With that, Shelby bypassed the banquet hall, ready to make his exit.

Recognizing Shelby's anger, Dondie hurriedly returned to the banquet hall to inform Elder Walker.

Upon learning of Shelby's desire to leave, Elder Walker's expression briefly displayed a hint of regret, but he quickly regained his composure and calmly said, "If Young Master Hansen wishes to depart, then let him."

Ryan was taken aback and blurted out, "Grandfather, Young Master Hansen came here for a deep collaboration with us. How can we allow him to leave like this?"

Elder Walker inquired, "Can we forcibly keep him if he wishes to leave?"

"Oh..." Ryan said in frustration, "Grandfather, you're a visionary. Can't you fathom the true purpose of Young Master Hansen's visit?"

Hearing this, Sarah interjected, "Brother, you can't speak of Grandfather that way!"

In Sarah's eyes, Elder Walker not only played the role of a grandfather but also filled the role of her parents. She couldn't tolerate any disrespect towards him, even from her own cousin.

Glancing at Sarah, Ryan's eyes briefly showed frustration. He sighed and continued, "Sister, Grandfather, the Hansen family must have come here because the Weaver family's influence is rapidly declining. The top family position in South Laverton is up for grabs, and the Hansen family likely aims to seize it. I believe Shelby's visit is intended to forge a strong alliance with us. In return, the Hansen family would support our ascent to the top of South Laverton's elite families, providing us with a formidable ally in Eastcliff. It's a mutually beneficial proposition!"

In truth, Elder Walker had long suspected the true purpose behind the Hansen family's young master's visit.

As a seasoned statesman, despite his age, his insight and understanding of the situation remained sharp and profound.

He had long realized that as the Weaver family's influence waned, there would be a reshuffling of power among the major families in South Laverton.

The old guard would step aside, making way for new leaders – an unchanging principle of history.

However, he had never imagined that the Walker family might have the chance to emerge as the new leaders among South Laverton's families.

While powerful in Aurous Hill, the Walker family held a comparatively weaker position in the broader context of South Laverton.

Chapter 1210: "A Grandfather's Dream: Sarah and Charlie's Future"

As Shelby paid a visit this time, it wasn't hard for Elder Walker to decipher his likely intentions.

Shelby seemed to have set his eyes on the stunning beauty of his granddaughter, with aspirations to not only win the favor of the Walker family but also to have his granddaughter by his side.

In the past, even if Elder Walker had unraveled every nuance of Shelby's motives, he wouldn't have turned down such an opportunity.

Opportunities like these were indeed scarce. In South Laverton, numerous families vied for the chance to serve the mighty Eastcliff families, even willing to become their loyal followers. However, the influential Eastcliff families often looked down upon them.

Eastcliff harbored many concealed families, and their wealth was beyond the grasp of these South Laverton counterparts.

Consider the Wade family from Eastcliff, for instance. Due to their formidable power and connections, none of them made appearances on any global billionaire lists. As long as the Wade family chose to remain hidden, no billionaire ranking dared to include their names.

Hence, the true extent of the Wade family's fortune remained a mystery.

The Wade family, collectively, had dozens to hundreds of direct relatives. Even the least affluent among them possessed net worths in the tens of billions, while the wealthiest individuals approached the trillion-dollar mark. When summed up, the family's overall strength was nothing short of astounding.

Yet, this was only one of the top families within the country. If one were to consider the ancient European and American lineages with centuries of history, their wealth could rival that of entire nations.

Similar to the Wade family, they opted for utmost discretion, never allowing their names to grace any billionaire rankings.

The Rothschild family, having operated for centuries with countless descendants, didn't have a single representative on billionaire lists.

However, being affluent was one thing; compared to those who possessed both riches and influence, they were worlds apart.

The Hansen family of Eastcliff wasn't regarded as a top-tier family, which explained their focus on the South Laverton region.

Had it been the Wade family, no South Laverton family would have even piqued their interest.

But now, Elder Walker had seen through it all.

The various families held little significance to him.

What truly mattered was the man seated at the dining table—the enigmatic Charlie Wade, whose true strength remained a mystery to all.

Whether it was for his personal motives, the future of his family, or even his affection for his granddaughter, Elder Walker yearned for Sarah to be with Charlie.

He understood that to secure a long and prosperous life, establishing a genuine bond with Charlie was imperative.

Addressing him as "Master Wade" was mere formality, as everyone referred to him as such.

Only by making him his grandson-in-law could Charlie truly become a part of their family.

Furthermore, he was well-acquainted with his cherished granddaughter's sentiments. She was a proud and dignified young woman who had never truly held affection for any man, except for Charlie.

As a loving grandfather who had watched her grow, how could he not wish for her to have a radiant future?

Hence, no matter how one looked at it, Shelby was leagues behind Charlie. 😊💕🌟


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 1206: "Shelby's Dilemma: To Swallow or Not to Swallow?"

Samuel couldn't bring himself to accept the Resurrection Pill. He hurriedly said, "Master Wade, I haven't settled the payment yet, and it wouldn't feel right to take it without doing so. Let me call the company's finance department right away and transfer the money to your account."

Charlie smiled and nodded, handing over his black card. "Sure, just transfer the funds to this account."

Shelby couldn't help but be amazed by the black card in Charlie's hand. Wasn't that the prestigious Citibank top-level black card? There were probably no more than five people in the whole country who possessed one. Citibank was known for its strict privacy protection for these cardholders. Who exactly was Charlie, and how had he come to possess such a card?

At this moment, Charlie turned his gaze towards Shelby and playfully remarked, "Young Master Hansen, your necklace is valued at 20 million US dollars, while my Resurrection Pill is worth 2 billion dollars. I don't think we need to discuss who has the upper hand here, do we?" 😏💰

Shelby's expression soured considerably.

What kind of people were they? Spending 2 billion on a single pill? Were they out of their minds?

But venting his frustration wouldn't help. After all, he had already made a bold statement earlier, and now he didn't know how to save face.

Should he really go through with swallowing that precious ruby necklace?

Swallowing it might be the easy way out, but what if it got stuck in his intestines and couldn't be retrieved?

On the other hand, if he didn't swallow it, how could he salvage his pride today? After all, he had spoken those harsh words himself. He couldn't just backpedal on his word in front of everyone.

However, upon closer reflection, Shelby realized that he didn't have any close acquaintances in Aurous Hill. He didn't care about what these people might gossip about behind his back.

But then again, he had been planning to build a connection with Sarah Walker. If he lost face in front of everyone today and broke his promise, it might jeopardize his chances with her in the future.

Just as he wrestled with his decision, Isaac shook his phone and issued a stern warning, "Young Master Hansen, I've recorded the entire incident. If you go back on your word, I'll share this video in Eastcliff's social circles. I hope you'll think this through carefully."

Shelby stared at Isaac, his anger evident. "Mr. Craven, I have no grievances with you. Why are you doing this to me?"

Isaac responded calmly, "Young Master Hansen, your argument lacks reason. I, Isaac Craven, have always stood for justice over personal ties. Today's confrontation was initiated by you, and the bet was mutually agreed upon by you and Master Wade. What right do you have to break your promise now? Just because you are Young Master Hansen, does that mean you can disregard your commitments? I recall that your father, Scott, and your grandfather, Randell, have been esteemed figures in society for years, renowned for their integrity and reliability. Are you truly prepared to tarnish the Hansen family's reputation by reneging on your word? The Hansen family has a longstanding tradition. Shelby, you belong to the latest Hansen generation. Even your forebears upheld their reputation and promises. Are you willing to be the one to betray this legacy?"

Shelby's expression grew even darker as he mulled over Isaac's words.

He hadn't anticipated that Isaac would be privy to so much information about his family, especially his father and grandfather.

The Hansen family traced its lineage back to Confucius himself, with their generation names following a consistent convention. In modern times, Hansen was the most common generational name within that root.

Shelby belonged to the latest generation.

The Hansen family's esteemed reputation in Eastcliff had been carefully nurtured by previous generations. Even his father and grandfather had been celebrated for their unwavering commitment to their word.

Shelby was acutely aware that any tarnishing of the family's reputation would result in harsh consequences. His grandfather would likely punish him, and he might even be isolated from the family for several years.

As he contemplated the situation, a deep sense of regret and resentment welled up within him.

As the old adage goes, "If only I had known then what I know now." 😔🤔🙁

Chapter 1207: "Shelby's Swallowing Saga: A Jewelry Journey"

Deep within Shelby's heart, regret surged at this very moment.

He shouldn't have attempted to outshine Charlie with a pricier gift.

In this contest, he found himself facing the daunting task of swallowing a ruby, a situation filled with humiliation.

However, with Isaac as a witness, he couldn't back down or make excuses. He had no choice but to grit his teeth and declare, "I, Shelby Hansen, have always been willing to take risks and accept defeat!"

He glanced at Sarah with an anguished expression and requested, "Miss Sarah, could you kindly lend me the ruby necklace I presented to you?"

Sarah's face contorted with displeasure upon hearing this.

"What do you mean, 'lend it to you'? Are you planning to return it to me afterward?"

Her disgust was evident as she promptly handed the gift box to him, saying with sincerity, "Mr. Hansen, please take your gift back."

In that moment, Shelby realized he had misspoken. He was supposed to publicly swallow the necklace, and there was no way to retrieve it and return it to Sarah afterward.

Recognizing his blunder, his expression darkened, but he had to muster the words, "I apologize, Miss Sarah. I will find a more valuable gift for you another day. Please forgive me."

Sarah waved her hand dismissively and said, "No need, Mr. Hansen. I appreciate the gesture, but there's no need for another gift."

Shelby understood he had been rejected, and his expression grew even grimmer.

At this juncture, Charlie flashed a casual smile and encouraged, "Mr. Hansen, everyone is eager for you to complete your performance so we can enjoy our dinner. Don't linger here."

Shelby's face darkened, and he clenched his teeth as he contemplated the massive ruby necklace, feeling increasingly anxious.

Swallowing this object would be quite a feat. Some oil might help lubricate his throat and digestive system, making it a smoother process.

Turning to Elder Walker, he made a request, "Elder Walker, could you please have the chef prepare some olive oil for me?"

Elder Walker nodded subtly and instructed the butler, Mr. Dondie, "Fetch a bottle of olive oil for Mr. Hansen from the kitchen."

Mr. Dondie promptly returned with an unopened bottle of olive oil and respectfully handed it to Shelby.

Charlie couldn't resist a smirk and commented, "It appears that Mr. Hansen knows what he's doing! Adding more oil can assist in lubricating your digestive tract, making the journey of your $20 million ruby necklace in and out smoother."

Laughter couldn't be contained upon hearing Charlie's remark.

Shelby's face soured as he absorbed the jest.

This Charlie truly didn't grasp the gravity of the situation; he was acting audaciously. Shelby resolved to exact his revenge after this ordeal.

Isaac grew impatient at this point and issued a warning, "Mr. Hansen, I'm growing restless. If you don't swallow that necklace soon, I'll share the video on Eastcliff's social circles."

Hearing this threat, Shelby hurriedly declared, "Mr. Craven, please don't rush. I'll proceed now!"

With determination, he clenched his teeth, uncorked the bottle of olive oil, took a deep breath, and consumed half of it. Then, he poured some oil onto his palm, coated the necklace until it gleamed with the slick substance, and, with closed eyes, inserted the necklace into his mouth.

All eyes were fixated on him, with some even reaching for their phones to capture the entire necklace-swallowing process.

Shelby contorted his face in agony as he struggled to gulp it down. When it became too arduous, he poured the remaining half of the olive oil into his mouth.

Finally, with the assistance of the olive oil's lubrication and some pushing, the necklace successfully disappeared into his stomach.

Charlie was the first to applaud and commented with a grin, "Mr. Hansen, you certainly possess a unique talent. I greatly admire your determination."

Shelby displayed a nauseated expression and swiftly stood up, addressing Elder Walker, "Elder Walker, may I inquire about the location of the restroom?" 😖👏

Chapter 1208: "Laxatives and Luxury: A Necklace's Digestive Journey"

In this critical moment, Shelby's initial instinct was to induce vomiting, hoping to rid himself of that troublesome necklace. After all, throwing it up seemed a much better option than having it forcibly extracted, right?

In a rush, Dondie Edwards said, "Young Master Hansen, please follow me; I'll take you to the restroom."

Shelby promptly stood up and trailed behind Dondie.

Once inside the restroom, Shelby cleared his throat, attempting to induce vomiting repeatedly, even though it left him feeling queasy.

Several times, he felt the necklace inching towards his throat, but despite his determined efforts, he just couldn't expel it.

Shelby tried persistently, each attempt turning his face various shades of red and even purplish from the exertion. However, his throat and esophagus throbbed with pain, and he soon ran out of strength to continue.

Regrettably, he reluctantly abandoned his efforts.

The unsettling thought of being unable to rid himself of the necklace through vomiting, and the possibility of needing an alternative extraction method, sent shivers down Shelby's spine.

He even began to worry about the necklace becoming lodged in his intestines.

Without further ado, he grabbed his phone and dialed his family doctor.

As soon as Dr. Nigel answered, Shelby inquired anxiously, "Dr. Nigel, I accidentally swallowed a ruby necklace, and I can't seem to vomit it out. Could it get stuck in my intestines and become life-threatening?"

Dr. Nigel wasted no time asking, "Young Master Three, how big is this ruby necklace?"

Shelby replied, "It's about the size of a quail's egg, slightly larger than a button quail's egg."

The doctor followed up, "Are there any sharp edges on it?"

After pondering for a moment, Shelby replied, "No, it's smooth."

Dr. Nigel advised, "In that case, it might be best to observe for a day and see if it passes naturally. You should also consider taking some laxatives; they can encourage intestinal movement and potentially expedite its passage."

Shelby questioned further, "But what if it doesn't come out on its own?"

The doctor explained, "If it doesn't emerge within 24 hours, that's a cause for concern. Prolonged obstruction could lead to intestinal blockage, which is a critical condition and could endanger your life."

He added, "It might be wise for you to come over now. I can monitor your condition, and if any discomfort arises, we can perform surgery promptly. Otherwise, if it leads to intestinal obstruction, it could be very dangerous."

Hearing the possibility that the necklace might not naturally exit his system and could be life-threatening, Shelby was enraged.

What a predicament! He not only risked embarrassment but also his very life, all because of a foolish bet.

At this point, Shelby seethed with anger towards Charlie, wishing he could instantly exact revenge.

Nevertheless, his top priority was his own well-being. If anything went awry due to this trivial bet, he would suffer the most significant loss.

So, without hesitation, Shelby took out his phone and dialed the captain of his family's private jet, asking, "Captain Dayton, where are you right now?"

Earlier in the afternoon, Shelby had flown from Eastcliff to Aurous Hill on his father's private jet, initially planning to stay for a few days. The captain was preparing to return the plane to Eastcliff tonight, as it was mainly used by Shelby's father.

Shelby's plan was to accompany the jet back to Eastcliff if it hadn't departed yet. He was resolute in ensuring that this ruby necklace within his stomach would not put an end to his life. 😤📱🛩️

Chapter 1209: "Aurous Hill to Eastcliff: Shelby's Hasty Farewell"

At this very moment, the pilot of Shelby's private aircraft was making preparations to queue up for takeoff at Aurous Hill Airport.

Upon receiving Shelby's call, he promptly responded, "Young Master, I'm currently in line for takeoff to the capital."

Shelby urgently instructed, "Please request a delay in our departure from the control tower right away. Bring the plane back to the executive jet parking area and await my return. I'm heading back to Eastcliff tonight."

The pilot inquired with surprise, "But Young Master, you just arrived this afternoon, and weren't you planning to stay for a few days? Why the sudden change of plans?"

Impatiently, Shelby replied, "Don't worry about the details. Just return the plane to the executive jet parking area and wait for me. I'm on my way to the airport right now."

The pilot quickly assured him, "Understood, Young Master. I'll request the delay from the control tower immediately."

As Shelby emerged from the bathroom, his expression remained grim, and Dondie awaited him at the door. Seeing his arrival, Dondie respectfully inquired, "Young Master Hansen, how are you feeling?"

Shelby sighed, "Not great." He continued, "Please inform your master that I'll be departing for Eastcliff."

Dondie exclaimed, "What? Young Master Hansen, are you leaving already? The banquet hasn't even officially begun."

"Enough of this!" Shelby, visibly annoyed, declared, "Let your old man know that my intention in coming here was to offer the Walker family a golden opportunity. Unfortunately, the Walker family has proven to be untrustworthy!"

With that, Shelby bypassed the banquet hall, ready to make his exit.

Recognizing Shelby's anger, Dondie hurriedly returned to the banquet hall to inform Elder Walker.

Upon learning of Shelby's desire to leave, Elder Walker's expression briefly displayed a hint of regret, but he quickly regained his composure and calmly said, "If Young Master Hansen wishes to depart, then let him."

Ryan was taken aback and blurted out, "Grandfather, Young Master Hansen came here for a deep collaboration with us. How can we allow him to leave like this?"

Elder Walker inquired, "Can we forcibly keep him if he wishes to leave?"

"Oh..." Ryan said in frustration, "Grandfather, you're a visionary. Can't you fathom the true purpose of Young Master Hansen's visit?"

Hearing this, Sarah interjected, "Brother, you can't speak of Grandfather that way!"

In Sarah's eyes, Elder Walker not only played the role of a grandfather but also filled the role of her parents. She couldn't tolerate any disrespect towards him, even from her own cousin.

Glancing at Sarah, Ryan's eyes briefly showed frustration. He sighed and continued, "Sister, Grandfather, the Hansen family must have come here because the Weaver family's influence is rapidly declining. The top family position in South Laverton is up for grabs, and the Hansen family likely aims to seize it. I believe Shelby's visit is intended to forge a strong alliance with us. In return, the Hansen family would support our ascent to the top of South Laverton's elite families, providing us with a formidable ally in Eastcliff. It's a mutually beneficial proposition!"

In truth, Elder Walker had long suspected the true purpose behind the Hansen family's young master's visit.

As a seasoned statesman, despite his age, his insight and understanding of the situation remained sharp and profound.

He had long realized that as the Weaver family's influence waned, there would be a reshuffling of power among the major families in South Laverton.

The old guard would step aside, making way for new leaders – an unchanging principle of history.

However, he had never imagined that the Walker family might have the chance to emerge as the new leaders among South Laverton's families.

While powerful in Aurous Hill, the Walker family held a comparatively weaker position in the broader context of South Laverton.

Chapter 1210: "A Grandfather's Dream: Sarah and Charlie's Future"

As Shelby paid a visit this time, it wasn't hard for Elder Walker to decipher his likely intentions.

Shelby seemed to have set his eyes on the stunning beauty of his granddaughter, with aspirations to not only win the favor of the Walker family but also to have his granddaughter by his side.

In the past, even if Elder Walker had unraveled every nuance of Shelby's motives, he wouldn't have turned down such an opportunity.

Opportunities like these were indeed scarce. In South Laverton, numerous families vied for the chance to serve the mighty Eastcliff families, even willing to become their loyal followers. However, the influential Eastcliff families often looked down upon them.

Eastcliff harbored many concealed families, and their wealth was beyond the grasp of these South Laverton counterparts.

Consider the Wade family from Eastcliff, for instance. Due to their formidable power and connections, none of them made appearances on any global billionaire lists. As long as the Wade family chose to remain hidden, no billionaire ranking dared to include their names.

Hence, the true extent of the Wade family's fortune remained a mystery.

The Wade family, collectively, had dozens to hundreds of direct relatives. Even the least affluent among them possessed net worths in the tens of billions, while the wealthiest individuals approached the trillion-dollar mark. When summed up, the family's overall strength was nothing short of astounding.

Yet, this was only one of the top families within the country. If one were to consider the ancient European and American lineages with centuries of history, their wealth could rival that of entire nations.

Similar to the Wade family, they opted for utmost discretion, never allowing their names to grace any billionaire rankings.

The Rothschild family, having operated for centuries with countless descendants, didn't have a single representative on billionaire lists.

However, being affluent was one thing; compared to those who possessed both riches and influence, they were worlds apart.

The Hansen family of Eastcliff wasn't regarded as a top-tier family, which explained their focus on the South Laverton region.

Had it been the Wade family, no South Laverton family would have even piqued their interest.

But now, Elder Walker had seen through it all.

The various families held little significance to him.

What truly mattered was the man seated at the dining table—the enigmatic Charlie Wade, whose true strength remained a mystery to all.

Whether it was for his personal motives, the future of his family, or even his affection for his granddaughter, Elder Walker yearned for Sarah to be with Charlie.

He understood that to secure a long and prosperous life, establishing a genuine bond with Charlie was imperative.

Addressing him as "Master Wade" was mere formality, as everyone referred to him as such.

Only by making him his grandson-in-law could Charlie truly become a part of their family.

Furthermore, he was well-acquainted with his cherished granddaughter's sentiments. She was a proud and dignified young woman who had never truly held affection for any man, except for Charlie.

As a loving grandfather who had watched her grow, how could he not wish for her to have a radiant future?

Hence, no matter how one looked at it, Shelby was leagues behind Charlie. 😊💕🌟
Shelby has gotten what he deserve. He'll definitely come back and that will be the downfall of the Hansen family


New member
Sep 24, 2023
Thanks Gily!
Actually, I've read this novel somewhere else maybe around a year ago if I'm not mistaken and it is indeed a good one! Good thinh you started it here. Forgot where I left off so in here I started from scratch! Again, thank you for your hardwork IGM Junlee..

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Actually, I've read this novel somewhere else maybe around a year ago if I'm not mistaken and it is indeed a good one! Good thinh you started it here. Forgot where I left off so in here I started from scratch! Again, thank you for your hardwork IGM Junlee..
Hello there! Thanks for reading with us, and I hope you'll enjoy it as much as we do. feel free to react to each post, it's a free space.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 1211: "Elder Walker's Birthday Bombshell: A Surprise in the Shadows"

Ryan found himself in a state of profound frustration at this moment.

He couldn't have foreseen that his own grandfather would go to such lengths, risking offending Shelby Hansen just to gain favor with Charlie.

Ryan wasn't naive; he could see that his grandfather's admiration for Charlie was largely due to the Resurrection Pill, which seemed to have cast a spell on him.

In essence, his grandfather had turned his back on Shelby and the olive branch extended by the Hansen family, all in pursuit of pleasing Charlie. It was evident that to him, the family's wealth had taken a backseat to the prospect of extending his years.

This infuriated Ryan to no end.

For one, the Walker family had squandered a golden opportunity for prosperity by forsaking the Hansen family.

Secondly, what if Charlie decided to bestow yet another Resurrection Pill upon his grandfather? Wouldn't that turn him into an ageless monster?

With his grandfather continually extending his life, when would his father ever have the chance to inherit the Walker family?

And if his father couldn't take over the family, when would it be his turn?

He couldn't bear the thought of his grandfather living for another three or four decades, making it unbearable for him.

Approaching thirty himself, and with his father in his fifties, waiting another 30 years for his grandfather to pass away would render his father in his eighties by the time he inherited the Walker family. If his father managed to hold on for another decade or even just 8 years before passing on the family responsibilities, he would still be in his sixties or seventies.

This was absolutely unacceptable to him.

He wished for his grandfather to breathe his last right there that very day. That would allow his father to take over the Walker family, significantly boosting his own power and influence.

He could endure another decade or so under his father's leadership, and then he could persuade him to retire early and pass on the family head position to him.

However, that wretched Resurrection Pill was complicating matters.

As long as that elixir was in the picture, who knew when the old man would finally meet his end?

Benjamin, Ryan's father, was also grappling with turmoil.

He had long prepared himself to assume control of the family business. During his father's previous bouts of illness, he had secretly felt a glimmer of hope, thinking that he might finally escape the looming shadow of his father.

But he had never imagined that Sarah would introduce Charlie Wade into the equation.

And then everything spiraled out of control.

At this very moment, Elder Walker suddenly rose from his seat, a smile gracing his features as he addressed the gathering, "Ladies and gentlemen, today marks my granddaughter's birthday, and I have something I'd like to share with all of you."

All eyes turned to the elder patriarch, curiosity piqued as they wondered what he was about to reveal.

The old man let out a sigh and continued, "Sarah has faced her fair share of hardships. She lost her parents at a tender age, and it was my late wife and I who raised her."

Ryan and Benjamin exchanged knowing glances, both uncertain about the nature of their grandfather's impending announcement. 😔🎉👴👀

Chapter 1212: "Sarah's Rise to Power: Breaking the Glass Ceiling!"

In this pivotal moment, Elder Walker took the floor once more, his voice carrying a weight of significance. "Sarah has always been a paragon of filial piety, and her unwavering dedication to our family's affairs has been truly remarkable. This is a source of great joy for me. Moreover, not too long ago, I fell gravely ill and was confined to my sickbed. The doctors gave me little hope, and it was Sarah who went above and beyond to bring Master Charlie here. It was Master Charlie who not only cured me but also gifted me a Resurrection Pill, bringing me back from the brink of death and allowing me to relish the sensation of being twenty years younger."

Elder Walker paused briefly, offering a respectful nod to Charlie before continuing, "My heart is filled with gratitude towards Master Wade, and of course, I hold immense appreciation for my dear granddaughter. So, on this auspicious day, her birthday, I wish to make a special announcement. And that announcement is this: as of tomorrow, Sarah will officially assume the role of the head of the Walker family, and I will formally retire!"

As these words hung in the air, it was as if a bomb had detonated amid the assembly.

No one could have anticipated that Elder Walker would bestow the family leadership upon a woman.

After all, in the realm of prominent families, it was unheard of for the position of family head to be entrusted to a young woman.

Furthermore, Elder Walker had multiple sons, and a plethora of grandsons. His eldest son, Benjamin, had long been groomed as the heir to the family's leadership. Speculation in the outside world had revolved around the idea that Elder Walker would pass on the mantle to his eldest son in the near future.

But no one could have foreseen that he not only bypassed his eldest son but also his eldest grandson, choosing to designate his granddaughter instead!

At this moment, both Benjamin and Ryan seethed with resentment!

They had never contemplated the possibility of Sarah ascending to the position of the Walker family's head.

At this very moment, their hearts brimmed with profound animosity towards Elder Walker and Sarah!

Was Elder Walker displaying an excess of favoritism?

To entrust the stewardship of the family's $200-billion fortune to Sarah?

A mere 26-year-old woman – why should she be responsible for the Walker family's $200-billion empire?

Sarah herself was stunned by this turn of events.

Her aspirations had solely revolved around serving the Walker family diligently and selflessly until her marriage. But the notion of inheriting the position of family head had always remained a distant dream.

Now, Sarah's heart surged with excitement. She was a woman of ambition and unwavering determination. The news that she would soon assume the mantle of family head flooded her with joy.

Ryan couldn't contain his emotions and sprang to his feet, protesting, "Grandfather! How can you entrust the family's leadership to Sarah? She is but a woman, and sooner or later, she will marry and become an outsider. Can you truly stand by and watch the family's wealth slip into the hands of another?"

Elder Walker regarded him with a steely resolve and replied, "Sarah still carries the Walker surname, and she will forever be a part of the Walker family, no matter what. I firmly believe that, in terms of capability, none can surpass Sarah within the entirety of the Walker family. Appointing her as the family head is the most prudent choice."

Benjamin remained impassive and stated, "Father, I sincerely believe that this decision is ill-advised. I implore you to reconsider."

Elder Walker's other sons rose from their seats and joined the chorus, "Father, we beseech you to reconsider."

None of them could accept Elder Walker's resolution to entrust the Walker family's destiny to Sarah.

With calm resolve, Elder Walker retorted, "What is there to reconsider? This family fortune was established from scratch by my own hands, not inherited from anyone else. Hence, I hold absolute authority over the Walker family. Designating Sarah is a well-pondered choice because I have unwavering faith in her ability to enhance and fortify the Walker family."

He cast his gaze across the assembly, addressing the entire Walker family. "Each descendant of the Walker family is entitled to a substantial share of our prosperity. Even with Sarah assuming the role of family head, every member of the Walker family will be well taken care of. And do not forget, it is not a matter of who inherits the family leadership; what truly matters is who can lead the Walker family to amass greater wealth. Take, for instance, the third branch. Currently, they receive 10% of the annual dividends from the Walker family, amounting to 5 billion annually. However, if someone can steer the Walker family towards earning 10 billion a year, they will receive 10 billion. Don't you all wish for a more capable leader who can help you amass greater wealth?" 💼💰🎤😡🎉

Chapter 1213: "Tradition vs. Talent: The Great Family Head Debate"

As the elder Mr. Walker voiced his perspective, those initially opposed to Sarah inheriting leadership in the Walker family fell into a contemplative hush. A sense of understanding began to dawn on them.

In that moment, a universal truth dawned upon them – neither they nor their descendants stood a chance at claiming the coveted position of family head. Hence, they found themselves inclined toward entrusting it to someone more qualified.

After all, a more competent family head promised greater prosperity for all.

While Ryan possessed an array of talents, when it boiled down to sheer competence, Sarah clearly held the upper hand.

Despite her youth, Sarah proved to be a virtuoso in managing the family enterprise. She had transformed the antique business into a thriving empire, achieved remarkable feats in international trade, and even garnered proactive interest from the Lindsay family in Honk Kong, led by Jian Lindsay.

In terms of capability, Sarah outshone all other heirs of the Walker lineage, including her uncles and senior relatives.

Thus, the consensus silently emerged that she was the rightful choice to lead the family.

With this realization, they all returned to their seats.

Even her uncles concurred, stating, "Since Father has made his decision, we offer no opposition."

The swift consensus among the other branches of the family left Benjamin and his son, Ryan, feeling isolated.

The elder's words struck a nerve. Did they imply that Sarah's abilities surpassed their own?

Clenching his jaw, Benjamin responded, "Father, according to our Chinese traditions, the position of family head has always been passed down to males. Granting it to Sarah might subject us to ridicule in high society."

"Oh?" Elder Mr. Walker responded with a nonchalant tone, "Most of our guests here hail from high society, but I haven't detected any overt mockery of my choice."

Benjamin weakly countered, "That's because they're guests; they wouldn't openly deride the host's decision."

The elder Mr. Walker let out a chuckle and spoke earnestly, "Benjamin, I understand your reservations. I am bestowing the position of family head upon Sarah, and I am well aware of your discontent. However, as I've emphasized, it's not the title that matters, but rather who can bring prosperity to the Walker family."

"Sarah might not have been deeply involved in family affairs for long, but her accomplishments are evident to all."

"Without her, would we have established ties with Jian Lindsay from Honk Kong?"

"You must recognize that Jian Lindsay and his two sons possess combined assets worth at least 800 billion Dollars. Our collaboration with them is bound to usher in substantial progress and growth."

"All of these contributions can be attributed to Sarah."

Elder Mr. Walker maintained his unwavering stance, gesturing toward Charlie, "Even our acquaintance with Master Wade, from which the Walker family benefits, owes itself to Sarah's efforts. Tell me, why shouldn't Sarah lead the Walker family?"

Benjamin found himself silenced by his father's words. He couldn't deny that Sarah possessed remarkable strengths in various aspects, surpassing even his own son and himself.

Yet, he couldn't reconcile himself to the idea of her becoming the family head.

Inwardly, he grumbled, "Sarah is just a young woman, and she presumes herself a business maven?"

"Fine, be a businesswoman, but do it beyond the confines of the Walker family. Don't obstruct my path here!" 😡🤷‍♂️

Chapter 1214: "Kindred Spirits: Charlie and Sarah's Unique Connection"

As these thoughts crossed his mind, Benjamin couldn't help but clench his teeth, his heart boiling with anger and a hint of vengeance.

Elder Walker, sensing the discontent brewing within his eldest son, turned to Charlie with the utmost respect and shared, "Master Wade, I have a rather daring request, and I hope you might consider it."

Charlie offered a faint but friendly smile and responded, "Please, go ahead, Elder."

Elder Walker continued, "I wish for you to become the second heir in line for the Walker family's leadership. In the unfortunate event that something happens to Sarah in the future, and she leaves no heirs, I want you to step up and lead the Walker family. If you agree, I can promise right here and now that you will permanently receive 30% of the Walker family's net profits."

Elder Walker's concern genuinely stemmed from the fear that his eldest son and his family might pose a threat to Sarah.

However, he was unwilling to abandon his vision for the Walker family's future.

He firmly believed that making Sarah the family head was crucial for their long-term success.

If Charlie could marry Sarah and become a part of the Walker family, it would be an ideal scenario. Even if Charlie chose not to fully integrate into the family, as long as they had children together, those children would carry on the Walker family's legacy. Whether they bore the Walker surname was of little consequence to him.

Furthermore, if Charlie became his granddaughter's husband, it would bring great advantages in the long run. At his age, he was less concerned about financial gains and more focused on his health and longevity.

Passing the family leadership to Sarah was just one facet of his plan. What he truly yearned for was for Charlie to marry Sarah.

Unaware of Elder Walker's intentions for him to become Sarah's husband, Charlie thought that the proposal was driven by Elder Walker's concern for her safety and his desire to ensure her protection through their connection.

After all, with Charlie as the second heir, any harm aimed at Sarah would be rendered futile, as he would be next in line to protect her. Additionally, anyone within the Walker family eyeing the leadership position would have to think twice before challenging him.

Elder Walker's offer of 30% of the family's profits was undoubtedly generous, but Charlie's motivations extended beyond financial gains. What he truly cared about were Sarah's safety and her future.

In Charlie's heart, Sarah held a unique place, second only to his beloved wife, Claire. He couldn't precisely pinpoint why, but he genuinely believed that Sarah was an exceptional woman. Their compatibility was evident, and their temperaments and approaches to life aligned remarkably well. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that they were kindred spirits.

Their past conversations over drinks had revealed Sarah's challenging background. As a woman from a prestigious family, she lacked the autonomy to decide her own marital fate. Therefore, Charlie hoped that Sarah could ascend to the position of Walker family head, safeguarding her from being coerced into unwanted decisions.

Charlie spoke with sincerity, "Elder Walker, please rest assured. From this moment on, I will make it my top priority to ensure Sarah's safety." 😊❤️👏

Chapter 1215: "Unseen Shadows: Charlie's Watchful Eye on the Conspirators"

At this particular moment, Charlie views Sarah as a cherished friend and naturally feels the need to ensure her safety.

Meanwhile, within the hearts of Benjamin and his son, Ryan, lurk sinister intentions.

This father and son duo has coveted the position of family head for many long years, and they struggle to accept that Sarah has now assumed that role.

Nevertheless, they understand all too well that to regain their rightful place as heirs, they must prepare for an intense battle.

Should they decide to take action, victory becomes an absolute necessity.

The birthday celebration, at this point, has Sarah as its undoubted star, radiating happiness, astonishment, and sheer joy.

Deep within her, her feelings of gratitude and fondness for Charlie have reached their zenith.

As a woman of intellect, she cannot be oblivious to the intent behind Charlie's gift of the Resurrection Pill.

Who could possibly need such a pill? Clearly, it is designed for the elderly, particularly those in their twilight years.

At the tender age of 26, its practical use for her is limited. Its true significance lies in presenting it respectfully to her grandfather.

Perhaps her grandfather, who is obsessed with the Resurrection Pill, decided to pass on the family head title to her after witnessing how easily Charlie bestowed it upon her.

In this way, Charlie has been of immeasurable assistance to her.

As the new head of the Walker family, Sarah elevates the birthday celebration to an even grander scale.

As the celebration approaches its conclusion, the servants of the Walker family unveil a magnificent birthday cake.

Adorned with 26 candles, as the lights are extinguished, Sarah stands alone before the flickering candles, her resplendent beauty aglow, exuding breathtaking allure.

With hands gently clasped over her heart, eyes closed, she silently makes a wish.

Upon opening her eyes, her gaze turns tender and affectionate as she looks towards Charlie.

At this very instant, she perceives Charlie as the sun and moon of her heart.

However, Charlie remains oblivious to her gaze.

In the dimness, concealed in shadow, he employs his extraordinary vision to discreetly observe Benjamin and his son, Ryan.

During that fleeting moment of darkness, the façade of calm smiles they've maintained suddenly dissolves, revealing a chilling and malevolent countenance.

Concealing their loathing for Sarah in front of the crowd proves an insurmountable task, so they involuntarily let their true emotions surface in the darkness.

As the lights are restored, applause erupts throughout the venue.

Sarah personally slices the birthday cake and serves two pieces: one to her grandfather and the other to Charlie.

Following the cake-cutting ceremony, the birthday celebration draws to a close.

In the grand scheme of things, it can be said that the birthday event brought joy to both hosts and guests alike.

The rest of the Walker family members, having reconciled with the circumstances, express no objections to Sarah's ascendancy as family head.

Only Benjamin and his son, Ryan, remain harboring deep-seated bitterness in their hearts.

As the banquet concludes, Paul, seated at another table, approaches Charlie with respect, offering, "Master Wade, allow me to escort you home." 😊🎂🎉


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 1206: "Shelby's Dilemma: To Swallow or Not to Swallow?"

Samuel couldn't bring himself to accept the Resurrection Pill. He hurriedly said, "Master Wade, I haven't settled the payment yet, and it wouldn't feel right to take it without doing so. Let me call the company's finance department right away and transfer the money to your account."

Charlie smiled and nodded, handing over his black card. "Sure, just transfer the funds to this account."

Shelby couldn't help but be amazed by the black card in Charlie's hand. Wasn't that the prestigious Citibank top-level black card? There were probably no more than five people in the whole country who possessed one. Citibank was known for its strict privacy protection for these cardholders. Who exactly was Charlie, and how had he come to possess such a card?

At this moment, Charlie turned his gaze towards Shelby and playfully remarked, "Young Master Hansen, your necklace is valued at 20 million US dollars, while my Resurrection Pill is worth 2 billion dollars. I don't think we need to discuss who has the upper hand here, do we?" 😏💰

Shelby's expression soured considerably.

What kind of people were they? Spending 2 billion on a single pill? Were they out of their minds?

But venting his frustration wouldn't help. After all, he had already made a bold statement earlier, and now he didn't know how to save face.

Should he really go through with swallowing that precious ruby necklace?

Swallowing it might be the easy way out, but what if it got stuck in his intestines and couldn't be retrieved?

On the other hand, if he didn't swallow it, how could he salvage his pride today? After all, he had spoken those harsh words himself. He couldn't just backpedal on his word in front of everyone.

However, upon closer reflection, Shelby realized that he didn't have any close acquaintances in Aurous Hill. He didn't care about what these people might gossip about behind his back.

But then again, he had been planning to build a connection with Sarah Walker. If he lost face in front of everyone today and broke his promise, it might jeopardize his chances with her in the future.

Just as he wrestled with his decision, Isaac shook his phone and issued a stern warning, "Young Master Hansen, I've recorded the entire incident. If you go back on your word, I'll share this video in Eastcliff's social circles. I hope you'll think this through carefully."

Shelby stared at Isaac, his anger evident. "Mr. Craven, I have no grievances with you. Why are you doing this to me?"

Isaac responded calmly, "Young Master Hansen, your argument lacks reason. I, Isaac Craven, have always stood for justice over personal ties. Today's confrontation was initiated by you, and the bet was mutually agreed upon by you and Master Wade. What right do you have to break your promise now? Just because you are Young Master Hansen, does that mean you can disregard your commitments? I recall that your father, Scott, and your grandfather, Randell, have been esteemed figures in society for years, renowned for their integrity and reliability. Are you truly prepared to tarnish the Hansen family's reputation by reneging on your word? The Hansen family has a longstanding tradition. Shelby, you belong to the latest Hansen generation. Even your forebears upheld their reputation and promises. Are you willing to be the one to betray this legacy?"

Shelby's expression grew even darker as he mulled over Isaac's words.

He hadn't anticipated that Isaac would be privy to so much information about his family, especially his father and grandfather.

The Hansen family traced its lineage back to Confucius himself, with their generation names following a consistent convention. In modern times, Hansen was the most common generational name within that root.

Shelby belonged to the latest generation.

The Hansen family's esteemed reputation in Eastcliff had been carefully nurtured by previous generations. Even his father and grandfather had been celebrated for their unwavering commitment to their word.

Shelby was acutely aware that any tarnishing of the family's reputation would result in harsh consequences. His grandfather would likely punish him, and he might even be isolated from the family for several years.

As he contemplated the situation, a deep sense of regret and resentment welled up within him.

As the old adage goes, "If only I had known then what I know now." 😔🤔🙁

Chapter 1207: "Shelby's Swallowing Saga: A Jewelry Journey"

Deep within Shelby's heart, regret surged at this very moment.

He shouldn't have attempted to outshine Charlie with a pricier gift.

In this contest, he found himself facing the daunting task of swallowing a ruby, a situation filled with humiliation.

However, with Isaac as a witness, he couldn't back down or make excuses. He had no choice but to grit his teeth and declare, "I, Shelby Hansen, have always been willing to take risks and accept defeat!"

He glanced at Sarah with an anguished expression and requested, "Miss Sarah, could you kindly lend me the ruby necklace I presented to you?"

Sarah's face contorted with displeasure upon hearing this.

"What do you mean, 'lend it to you'? Are you planning to return it to me afterward?"

Her disgust was evident as she promptly handed the gift box to him, saying with sincerity, "Mr. Hansen, please take your gift back."

In that moment, Shelby realized he had misspoken. He was supposed to publicly swallow the necklace, and there was no way to retrieve it and return it to Sarah afterward.

Recognizing his blunder, his expression darkened, but he had to muster the words, "I apologize, Miss Sarah. I will find a more valuable gift for you another day. Please forgive me."

Sarah waved her hand dismissively and said, "No need, Mr. Hansen. I appreciate the gesture, but there's no need for another gift."

Shelby understood he had been rejected, and his expression grew even grimmer.

At this juncture, Charlie flashed a casual smile and encouraged, "Mr. Hansen, everyone is eager for you to complete your performance so we can enjoy our dinner. Don't linger here."

Shelby's face darkened, and he clenched his teeth as he contemplated the massive ruby necklace, feeling increasingly anxious.

Swallowing this object would be quite a feat. Some oil might help lubricate his throat and digestive system, making it a smoother process.

Turning to Elder Walker, he made a request, "Elder Walker, could you please have the chef prepare some olive oil for me?"

Elder Walker nodded subtly and instructed the butler, Mr. Dondie, "Fetch a bottle of olive oil for Mr. Hansen from the kitchen."

Mr. Dondie promptly returned with an unopened bottle of olive oil and respectfully handed it to Shelby.

Charlie couldn't resist a smirk and commented, "It appears that Mr. Hansen knows what he's doing! Adding more oil can assist in lubricating your digestive tract, making the journey of your $20 million ruby necklace in and out smoother."

Laughter couldn't be contained upon hearing Charlie's remark.

Shelby's face soured as he absorbed the jest.

This Charlie truly didn't grasp the gravity of the situation; he was acting audaciously. Shelby resolved to exact his revenge after this ordeal.

Isaac grew impatient at this point and issued a warning, "Mr. Hansen, I'm growing restless. If you don't swallow that necklace soon, I'll share the video on Eastcliff's social circles."

Hearing this threat, Shelby hurriedly declared, "Mr. Craven, please don't rush. I'll proceed now!"

With determination, he clenched his teeth, uncorked the bottle of olive oil, took a deep breath, and consumed half of it. Then, he poured some oil onto his palm, coated the necklace until it gleamed with the slick substance, and, with closed eyes, inserted the necklace into his mouth.

All eyes were fixated on him, with some even reaching for their phones to capture the entire necklace-swallowing process.

Shelby contorted his face in agony as he struggled to gulp it down. When it became too arduous, he poured the remaining half of the olive oil into his mouth.

Finally, with the assistance of the olive oil's lubrication and some pushing, the necklace successfully disappeared into his stomach.

Charlie was the first to applaud and commented with a grin, "Mr. Hansen, you certainly possess a unique talent. I greatly admire your determination."

Shelby displayed a nauseated expression and swiftly stood up, addressing Elder Walker, "Elder Walker, may I inquire about the location of the restroom?" 😖👏

Chapter 1208: "Laxatives and Luxury: A Necklace's Digestive Journey"

In this critical moment, Shelby's initial instinct was to induce vomiting, hoping to rid himself of that troublesome necklace. After all, throwing it up seemed a much better option than having it forcibly extracted, right?

In a rush, Dondie Edwards said, "Young Master Hansen, please follow me; I'll take you to the restroom."

Shelby promptly stood up and trailed behind Dondie.

Once inside the restroom, Shelby cleared his throat, attempting to induce vomiting repeatedly, even though it left him feeling queasy.

Several times, he felt the necklace inching towards his throat, but despite his determined efforts, he just couldn't expel it.

Shelby tried persistently, each attempt turning his face various shades of red and even purplish from the exertion. However, his throat and esophagus throbbed with pain, and he soon ran out of strength to continue.

Regrettably, he reluctantly abandoned his efforts.

The unsettling thought of being unable to rid himself of the necklace through vomiting, and the possibility of needing an alternative extraction method, sent shivers down Shelby's spine.

He even began to worry about the necklace becoming lodged in his intestines.

Without further ado, he grabbed his phone and dialed his family doctor.

As soon as Dr. Nigel answered, Shelby inquired anxiously, "Dr. Nigel, I accidentally swallowed a ruby necklace, and I can't seem to vomit it out. Could it get stuck in my intestines and become life-threatening?"

Dr. Nigel wasted no time asking, "Young Master Three, how big is this ruby necklace?"

Shelby replied, "It's about the size of a quail's egg, slightly larger than a button quail's egg."

The doctor followed up, "Are there any sharp edges on it?"

After pondering for a moment, Shelby replied, "No, it's smooth."

Dr. Nigel advised, "In that case, it might be best to observe for a day and see if it passes naturally. You should also consider taking some laxatives; they can encourage intestinal movement and potentially expedite its passage."

Shelby questioned further, "But what if it doesn't come out on its own?"

The doctor explained, "If it doesn't emerge within 24 hours, that's a cause for concern. Prolonged obstruction could lead to intestinal blockage, which is a critical condition and could endanger your life."

He added, "It might be wise for you to come over now. I can monitor your condition, and if any discomfort arises, we can perform surgery promptly. Otherwise, if it leads to intestinal obstruction, it could be very dangerous."

Hearing the possibility that the necklace might not naturally exit his system and could be life-threatening, Shelby was enraged.

What a predicament! He not only risked embarrassment but also his very life, all because of a foolish bet.

At this point, Shelby seethed with anger towards Charlie, wishing he could instantly exact revenge.

Nevertheless, his top priority was his own well-being. If anything went awry due to this trivial bet, he would suffer the most significant loss.

So, without hesitation, Shelby took out his phone and dialed the captain of his family's private jet, asking, "Captain Dayton, where are you right now?"

Earlier in the afternoon, Shelby had flown from Eastcliff to Aurous Hill on his father's private jet, initially planning to stay for a few days. The captain was preparing to return the plane to Eastcliff tonight, as it was mainly used by Shelby's father.

Shelby's plan was to accompany the jet back to Eastcliff if it hadn't departed yet. He was resolute in ensuring that this ruby necklace within his stomach would not put an end to his life. 😤📱🛩️

Chapter 1209: "Aurous Hill to Eastcliff: Shelby's Hasty Farewell"

At this very moment, the pilot of Shelby's private aircraft was making preparations to queue up for takeoff at Aurous Hill Airport.

Upon receiving Shelby's call, he promptly responded, "Young Master, I'm currently in line for takeoff to the capital."

Shelby urgently instructed, "Please request a delay in our departure from the control tower right away. Bring the plane back to the executive jet parking area and await my return. I'm heading back to Eastcliff tonight."

The pilot inquired with surprise, "But Young Master, you just arrived this afternoon, and weren't you planning to stay for a few days? Why the sudden change of plans?"

Impatiently, Shelby replied, "Don't worry about the details. Just return the plane to the executive jet parking area and wait for me. I'm on my way to the airport right now."

The pilot quickly assured him, "Understood, Young Master. I'll request the delay from the control tower immediately."

As Shelby emerged from the bathroom, his expression remained grim, and Dondie awaited him at the door. Seeing his arrival, Dondie respectfully inquired, "Young Master Hansen, how are you feeling?"

Shelby sighed, "Not great." He continued, "Please inform your master that I'll be departing for Eastcliff."

Dondie exclaimed, "What? Young Master Hansen, are you leaving already? The banquet hasn't even officially begun."

"Enough of this!" Shelby, visibly annoyed, declared, "Let your old man know that my intention in coming here was to offer the Walker family a golden opportunity. Unfortunately, the Walker family has proven to be untrustworthy!"

With that, Shelby bypassed the banquet hall, ready to make his exit.

Recognizing Shelby's anger, Dondie hurriedly returned to the banquet hall to inform Elder Walker.

Upon learning of Shelby's desire to leave, Elder Walker's expression briefly displayed a hint of regret, but he quickly regained his composure and calmly said, "If Young Master Hansen wishes to depart, then let him."

Ryan was taken aback and blurted out, "Grandfather, Young Master Hansen came here for a deep collaboration with us. How can we allow him to leave like this?"

Elder Walker inquired, "Can we forcibly keep him if he wishes to leave?"

"Oh..." Ryan said in frustration, "Grandfather, you're a visionary. Can't you fathom the true purpose of Young Master Hansen's visit?"

Hearing this, Sarah interjected, "Brother, you can't speak of Grandfather that way!"

In Sarah's eyes, Elder Walker not only played the role of a grandfather but also filled the role of her parents. She couldn't tolerate any disrespect towards him, even from her own cousin.

Glancing at Sarah, Ryan's eyes briefly showed frustration. He sighed and continued, "Sister, Grandfather, the Hansen family must have come here because the Weaver family's influence is rapidly declining. The top family position in South Laverton is up for grabs, and the Hansen family likely aims to seize it. I believe Shelby's visit is intended to forge a strong alliance with us. In return, the Hansen family would support our ascent to the top of South Laverton's elite families, providing us with a formidable ally in Eastcliff. It's a mutually beneficial proposition!"

In truth, Elder Walker had long suspected the true purpose behind the Hansen family's young master's visit.

As a seasoned statesman, despite his age, his insight and understanding of the situation remained sharp and profound.

He had long realized that as the Weaver family's influence waned, there would be a reshuffling of power among the major families in South Laverton.

The old guard would step aside, making way for new leaders – an unchanging principle of history.

However, he had never imagined that the Walker family might have the chance to emerge as the new leaders among South Laverton's families.

While powerful in Aurous Hill, the Walker family held a comparatively weaker position in the broader context of South Laverton.

Chapter 1210: "A Grandfather's Dream: Sarah and Charlie's Future"

As Shelby paid a visit this time, it wasn't hard for Elder Walker to decipher his likely intentions.

Shelby seemed to have set his eyes on the stunning beauty of his granddaughter, with aspirations to not only win the favor of the Walker family but also to have his granddaughter by his side.

In the past, even if Elder Walker had unraveled every nuance of Shelby's motives, he wouldn't have turned down such an opportunity.

Opportunities like these were indeed scarce. In South Laverton, numerous families vied for the chance to serve the mighty Eastcliff families, even willing to become their loyal followers. However, the influential Eastcliff families often looked down upon them.

Eastcliff harbored many concealed families, and their wealth was beyond the grasp of these South Laverton counterparts.

Consider the Wade family from Eastcliff, for instance. Due to their formidable power and connections, none of them made appearances on any global billionaire lists. As long as the Wade family chose to remain hidden, no billionaire ranking dared to include their names.

Hence, the true extent of the Wade family's fortune remained a mystery.

The Wade family, collectively, had dozens to hundreds of direct relatives. Even the least affluent among them possessed net worths in the tens of billions, while the wealthiest individuals approached the trillion-dollar mark. When summed up, the family's overall strength was nothing short of astounding.

Yet, this was only one of the top families within the country. If one were to consider the ancient European and American lineages with centuries of history, their wealth could rival that of entire nations.

Similar to the Wade family, they opted for utmost discretion, never allowing their names to grace any billionaire rankings.

The Rothschild family, having operated for centuries with countless descendants, didn't have a single representative on billionaire lists.

However, being affluent was one thing; compared to those who possessed both riches and influence, they were worlds apart.

The Hansen family of Eastcliff wasn't regarded as a top-tier family, which explained their focus on the South Laverton region.

Had it been the Wade family, no South Laverton family would have even piqued their interest.

But now, Elder Walker had seen through it all.

The various families held little significance to him.

What truly mattered was the man seated at the dining table—the enigmatic Charlie Wade, whose true strength remained a mystery to all.

Whether it was for his personal motives, the future of his family, or even his affection for his granddaughter, Elder Walker yearned for Sarah to be with Charlie.

He understood that to secure a long and prosperous life, establishing a genuine bond with Charlie was imperative.

Addressing him as "Master Wade" was mere formality, as everyone referred to him as such.

Only by making him his grandson-in-law could Charlie truly become a part of their family.

Furthermore, he was well-acquainted with his cherished granddaughter's sentiments. She was a proud and dignified young woman who had never truly held affection for any man, except for Charlie.

As a loving grandfather who had watched her grow, how could he not wish for her to have a radiant future?

Hence, no matter how one looked at it, Shelby was leagues behind Charlie. 😊💕🌟
Elder Walker is truly insightful,he could fathom the difference in all between Charlie and Shelby

You swallowing a ruby the size of a quail egg,I can imagine your intestine getting ripped out 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 1211: "Elder Walker's Birthday Bombshell: A Surprise in the Shadows"

Ryan found himself in a state of profound frustration at this moment.

He couldn't have foreseen that his own grandfather would go to such lengths, risking offending Shelby Hansen just to gain favor with Charlie.

Ryan wasn't naive; he could see that his grandfather's admiration for Charlie was largely due to the Resurrection Pill, which seemed to have cast a spell on him.

In essence, his grandfather had turned his back on Shelby and the olive branch extended by the Hansen family, all in pursuit of pleasing Charlie. It was evident that to him, the family's wealth had taken a backseat to the prospect of extending his years.

This infuriated Ryan to no end.

For one, the Walker family had squandered a golden opportunity for prosperity by forsaking the Hansen family.

Secondly, what if Charlie decided to bestow yet another Resurrection Pill upon his grandfather? Wouldn't that turn him into an ageless monster?

With his grandfather continually extending his life, when would his father ever have the chance to inherit the Walker family?

And if his father couldn't take over the family, when would it be his turn?

He couldn't bear the thought of his grandfather living for another three or four decades, making it unbearable for him.

Approaching thirty himself, and with his father in his fifties, waiting another 30 years for his grandfather to pass away would render his father in his eighties by the time he inherited the Walker family. If his father managed to hold on for another decade or even just 8 years before passing on the family responsibilities, he would still be in his sixties or seventies.

This was absolutely unacceptable to him.

He wished for his grandfather to breathe his last right there that very day. That would allow his father to take over the Walker family, significantly boosting his own power and influence.

He could endure another decade or so under his father's leadership, and then he could persuade him to retire early and pass on the family head position to him.

However, that wretched Resurrection Pill was complicating matters.

As long as that elixir was in the picture, who knew when the old man would finally meet his end?

Benjamin, Ryan's father, was also grappling with turmoil.

He had long prepared himself to assume control of the family business. During his father's previous bouts of illness, he had secretly felt a glimmer of hope, thinking that he might finally escape the looming shadow of his father.

But he had never imagined that Sarah would introduce Charlie Wade into the equation.

And then everything spiraled out of control.

At this very moment, Elder Walker suddenly rose from his seat, a smile gracing his features as he addressed the gathering, "Ladies and gentlemen, today marks my granddaughter's birthday, and I have something I'd like to share with all of you."

All eyes turned to the elder patriarch, curiosity piqued as they wondered what he was about to reveal.

The old man let out a sigh and continued, "Sarah has faced her fair share of hardships. She lost her parents at a tender age, and it was my late wife and I who raised her."

Ryan and Benjamin exchanged knowing glances, both uncertain about the nature of their grandfather's impending announcement. 😔🎉👴👀

Chapter 1212: "Sarah's Rise to Power: Breaking the Glass Ceiling!"

In this pivotal moment, Elder Walker took the floor once more, his voice carrying a weight of significance. "Sarah has always been a paragon of filial piety, and her unwavering dedication to our family's affairs has been truly remarkable. This is a source of great joy for me. Moreover, not too long ago, I fell gravely ill and was confined to my sickbed. The doctors gave me little hope, and it was Sarah who went above and beyond to bring Master Charlie here. It was Master Charlie who not only cured me but also gifted me a Resurrection Pill, bringing me back from the brink of death and allowing me to relish the sensation of being twenty years younger."

Elder Walker paused briefly, offering a respectful nod to Charlie before continuing, "My heart is filled with gratitude towards Master Wade, and of course, I hold immense appreciation for my dear granddaughter. So, on this auspicious day, her birthday, I wish to make a special announcement. And that announcement is this: as of tomorrow, Sarah will officially assume the role of the head of the Walker family, and I will formally retire!"

As these words hung in the air, it was as if a bomb had detonated amid the assembly.

No one could have anticipated that Elder Walker would bestow the family leadership upon a woman.

After all, in the realm of prominent families, it was unheard of for the position of family head to be entrusted to a young woman.

Furthermore, Elder Walker had multiple sons, and a plethora of grandsons. His eldest son, Benjamin, had long been groomed as the heir to the family's leadership. Speculation in the outside world had revolved around the idea that Elder Walker would pass on the mantle to his eldest son in the near future.

But no one could have foreseen that he not only bypassed his eldest son but also his eldest grandson, choosing to designate his granddaughter instead!

At this moment, both Benjamin and Ryan seethed with resentment!

They had never contemplated the possibility of Sarah ascending to the position of the Walker family's head.

At this very moment, their hearts brimmed with profound animosity towards Elder Walker and Sarah!

Was Elder Walker displaying an excess of favoritism?

To entrust the stewardship of the family's $200-billion fortune to Sarah?

A mere 26-year-old woman – why should she be responsible for the Walker family's $200-billion empire?

Sarah herself was stunned by this turn of events.

Her aspirations had solely revolved around serving the Walker family diligently and selflessly until her marriage. But the notion of inheriting the position of family head had always remained a distant dream.

Now, Sarah's heart surged with excitement. She was a woman of ambition and unwavering determination. The news that she would soon assume the mantle of family head flooded her with joy.

Ryan couldn't contain his emotions and sprang to his feet, protesting, "Grandfather! How can you entrust the family's leadership to Sarah? She is but a woman, and sooner or later, she will marry and become an outsider. Can you truly stand by and watch the family's wealth slip into the hands of another?"

Elder Walker regarded him with a steely resolve and replied, "Sarah still carries the Walker surname, and she will forever be a part of the Walker family, no matter what. I firmly believe that, in terms of capability, none can surpass Sarah within the entirety of the Walker family. Appointing her as the family head is the most prudent choice."

Benjamin remained impassive and stated, "Father, I sincerely believe that this decision is ill-advised. I implore you to reconsider."

Elder Walker's other sons rose from their seats and joined the chorus, "Father, we beseech you to reconsider."

None of them could accept Elder Walker's resolution to entrust the Walker family's destiny to Sarah.

With calm resolve, Elder Walker retorted, "What is there to reconsider? This family fortune was established from scratch by my own hands, not inherited from anyone else. Hence, I hold absolute authority over the Walker family. Designating Sarah is a well-pondered choice because I have unwavering faith in her ability to enhance and fortify the Walker family."

He cast his gaze across the assembly, addressing the entire Walker family. "Each descendant of the Walker family is entitled to a substantial share of our prosperity. Even with Sarah assuming the role of family head, every member of the Walker family will be well taken care of. And do not forget, it is not a matter of who inherits the family leadership; what truly matters is who can lead the Walker family to amass greater wealth. Take, for instance, the third branch. Currently, they receive 10% of the annual dividends from the Walker family, amounting to 5 billion annually. However, if someone can steer the Walker family towards earning 10 billion a year, they will receive 10 billion. Don't you all wish for a more capable leader who can help you amass greater wealth?" 💼💰🎤😡🎉

Chapter 1213: "Tradition vs. Talent: The Great Family Head Debate"

As the elder Mr. Walker voiced his perspective, those initially opposed to Sarah inheriting leadership in the Walker family fell into a contemplative hush. A sense of understanding began to dawn on them.

In that moment, a universal truth dawned upon them – neither they nor their descendants stood a chance at claiming the coveted position of family head. Hence, they found themselves inclined toward entrusting it to someone more qualified.

After all, a more competent family head promised greater prosperity for all.

While Ryan possessed an array of talents, when it boiled down to sheer competence, Sarah clearly held the upper hand.

Despite her youth, Sarah proved to be a virtuoso in managing the family enterprise. She had transformed the antique business into a thriving empire, achieved remarkable feats in international trade, and even garnered proactive interest from the Lindsay family in Honk Kong, led by Jian Lindsay.

In terms of capability, Sarah outshone all other heirs of the Walker lineage, including her uncles and senior relatives.

Thus, the consensus silently emerged that she was the rightful choice to lead the family.

With this realization, they all returned to their seats.

Even her uncles concurred, stating, "Since Father has made his decision, we offer no opposition."

The swift consensus among the other branches of the family left Benjamin and his son, Ryan, feeling isolated.

The elder's words struck a nerve. Did they imply that Sarah's abilities surpassed their own?

Clenching his jaw, Benjamin responded, "Father, according to our Chinese traditions, the position of family head has always been passed down to males. Granting it to Sarah might subject us to ridicule in high society."

"Oh?" Elder Mr. Walker responded with a nonchalant tone, "Most of our guests here hail from high society, but I haven't detected any overt mockery of my choice."

Benjamin weakly countered, "That's because they're guests; they wouldn't openly deride the host's decision."

The elder Mr. Walker let out a chuckle and spoke earnestly, "Benjamin, I understand your reservations. I am bestowing the position of family head upon Sarah, and I am well aware of your discontent. However, as I've emphasized, it's not the title that matters, but rather who can bring prosperity to the Walker family."

"Sarah might not have been deeply involved in family affairs for long, but her accomplishments are evident to all."

"Without her, would we have established ties with Jian Lindsay from Honk Kong?"

"You must recognize that Jian Lindsay and his two sons possess combined assets worth at least 800 billion Dollars. Our collaboration with them is bound to usher in substantial progress and growth."

"All of these contributions can be attributed to Sarah."

Elder Mr. Walker maintained his unwavering stance, gesturing toward Charlie, "Even our acquaintance with Master Wade, from which the Walker family benefits, owes itself to Sarah's efforts. Tell me, why shouldn't Sarah lead the Walker family?"

Benjamin found himself silenced by his father's words. He couldn't deny that Sarah possessed remarkable strengths in various aspects, surpassing even his own son and himself.

Yet, he couldn't reconcile himself to the idea of her becoming the family head.

Inwardly, he grumbled, "Sarah is just a young woman, and she presumes herself a business maven?"

"Fine, be a businesswoman, but do it beyond the confines of the Walker family. Don't obstruct my path here!" 😡🤷‍♂️

Chapter 1214: "Kindred Spirits: Charlie and Sarah's Unique Connection"

As these thoughts crossed his mind, Benjamin couldn't help but clench his teeth, his heart boiling with anger and a hint of vengeance.

Elder Walker, sensing the discontent brewing within his eldest son, turned to Charlie with the utmost respect and shared, "Master Wade, I have a rather daring request, and I hope you might consider it."

Charlie offered a faint but friendly smile and responded, "Please, go ahead, Elder."

Elder Walker continued, "I wish for you to become the second heir in line for the Walker family's leadership. In the unfortunate event that something happens to Sarah in the future, and she leaves no heirs, I want you to step up and lead the Walker family. If you agree, I can promise right here and now that you will permanently receive 30% of the Walker family's net profits."

Elder Walker's concern genuinely stemmed from the fear that his eldest son and his family might pose a threat to Sarah.

However, he was unwilling to abandon his vision for the Walker family's future.

He firmly believed that making Sarah the family head was crucial for their long-term success.

If Charlie could marry Sarah and become a part of the Walker family, it would be an ideal scenario. Even if Charlie chose not to fully integrate into the family, as long as they had children together, those children would carry on the Walker family's legacy. Whether they bore the Walker surname was of little consequence to him.

Furthermore, if Charlie became his granddaughter's husband, it would bring great advantages in the long run. At his age, he was less concerned about financial gains and more focused on his health and longevity.

Passing the family leadership to Sarah was just one facet of his plan. What he truly yearned for was for Charlie to marry Sarah.

Unaware of Elder Walker's intentions for him to become Sarah's husband, Charlie thought that the proposal was driven by Elder Walker's concern for her safety and his desire to ensure her protection through their connection.

After all, with Charlie as the second heir, any harm aimed at Sarah would be rendered futile, as he would be next in line to protect her. Additionally, anyone within the Walker family eyeing the leadership position would have to think twice before challenging him.

Elder Walker's offer of 30% of the family's profits was undoubtedly generous, but Charlie's motivations extended beyond financial gains. What he truly cared about were Sarah's safety and her future.

In Charlie's heart, Sarah held a unique place, second only to his beloved wife, Claire. He couldn't precisely pinpoint why, but he genuinely believed that Sarah was an exceptional woman. Their compatibility was evident, and their temperaments and approaches to life aligned remarkably well. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that they were kindred spirits.

Their past conversations over drinks had revealed Sarah's challenging background. As a woman from a prestigious family, she lacked the autonomy to decide her own marital fate. Therefore, Charlie hoped that Sarah could ascend to the position of Walker family head, safeguarding her from being coerced into unwanted decisions.

Charlie spoke with sincerity, "Elder Walker, please rest assured. From this moment on, I will make it my top priority to ensure Sarah's safety." 😊❤️👏

Chapter 1215: "Unseen Shadows: Charlie's Watchful Eye on the Conspirators"

At this particular moment, Charlie views Sarah as a cherished friend and naturally feels the need to ensure her safety.

Meanwhile, within the hearts of Benjamin and his son, Ryan, lurk sinister intentions.

This father and son duo has coveted the position of family head for many long years, and they struggle to accept that Sarah has now assumed that role.

Nevertheless, they understand all too well that to regain their rightful place as heirs, they must prepare for an intense battle.

Should they decide to take action, victory becomes an absolute necessity.

The birthday celebration, at this point, has Sarah as its undoubted star, radiating happiness, astonishment, and sheer joy.

Deep within her, her feelings of gratitude and fondness for Charlie have reached their zenith.

As a woman of intellect, she cannot be oblivious to the intent behind Charlie's gift of the Resurrection Pill.

Who could possibly need such a pill? Clearly, it is designed for the elderly, particularly those in their twilight years.

At the tender age of 26, its practical use for her is limited. Its true significance lies in presenting it respectfully to her grandfather.

Perhaps her grandfather, who is obsessed with the Resurrection Pill, decided to pass on the family head title to her after witnessing how easily Charlie bestowed it upon her.

In this way, Charlie has been of immeasurable assistance to her.

As the new head of the Walker family, Sarah elevates the birthday celebration to an even grander scale.

As the celebration approaches its conclusion, the servants of the Walker family unveil a magnificent birthday cake.

Adorned with 26 candles, as the lights are extinguished, Sarah stands alone before the flickering candles, her resplendent beauty aglow, exuding breathtaking allure.

With hands gently clasped over her heart, eyes closed, she silently makes a wish.

Upon opening her eyes, her gaze turns tender and affectionate as she looks towards Charlie.

At this very instant, she perceives Charlie as the sun and moon of her heart.

However, Charlie remains oblivious to her gaze.

In the dimness, concealed in shadow, he employs his extraordinary vision to discreetly observe Benjamin and his son, Ryan.

During that fleeting moment of darkness, the façade of calm smiles they've maintained suddenly dissolves, revealing a chilling and malevolent countenance.

Concealing their loathing for Sarah in front of the crowd proves an insurmountable task, so they involuntarily let their true emotions surface in the darkness.

As the lights are restored, applause erupts throughout the venue.

Sarah personally slices the birthday cake and serves two pieces: one to her grandfather and the other to Charlie.

Following the cake-cutting ceremony, the birthday celebration draws to a close.

In the grand scheme of things, it can be said that the birthday event brought joy to both hosts and guests alike.

The rest of the Walker family members, having reconciled with the circumstances, express no objections to Sarah's ascendancy as family head.

Only Benjamin and his son, Ryan, remain harboring deep-seated bitterness in their hearts.

As the banquet concludes, Paul, seated at another table, approaches Charlie with respect, offering, "Master Wade, allow me to escort you home." 😊🎂🎉
Charlie the True Dragon 🐉🐉🐉


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 1211: "Elder Walker's Birthday Bombshell: A Surprise in the Shadows"

Ryan found himself in a state of profound frustration at this moment.

He couldn't have foreseen that his own grandfather would go to such lengths, risking offending Shelby Hansen just to gain favor with Charlie.

Ryan wasn't naive; he could see that his grandfather's admiration for Charlie was largely due to the Resurrection Pill, which seemed to have cast a spell on him.

In essence, his grandfather had turned his back on Shelby and the olive branch extended by the Hansen family, all in pursuit of pleasing Charlie. It was evident that to him, the family's wealth had taken a backseat to the prospect of extending his years.

This infuriated Ryan to no end.

For one, the Walker family had squandered a golden opportunity for prosperity by forsaking the Hansen family.

Secondly, what if Charlie decided to bestow yet another Resurrection Pill upon his grandfather? Wouldn't that turn him into an ageless monster?

With his grandfather continually extending his life, when would his father ever have the chance to inherit the Walker family?

And if his father couldn't take over the family, when would it be his turn?

He couldn't bear the thought of his grandfather living for another three or four decades, making it unbearable for him.

Approaching thirty himself, and with his father in his fifties, waiting another 30 years for his grandfather to pass away would render his father in his eighties by the time he inherited the Walker family. If his father managed to hold on for another decade or even just 8 years before passing on the family responsibilities, he would still be in his sixties or seventies.

This was absolutely unacceptable to him.

He wished for his grandfather to breathe his last right there that very day. That would allow his father to take over the Walker family, significantly boosting his own power and influence.

He could endure another decade or so under his father's leadership, and then he could persuade him to retire early and pass on the family head position to him.

However, that wretched Resurrection Pill was complicating matters.

As long as that elixir was in the picture, who knew when the old man would finally meet his end?

Benjamin, Ryan's father, was also grappling with turmoil.

He had long prepared himself to assume control of the family business. During his father's previous bouts of illness, he had secretly felt a glimmer of hope, thinking that he might finally escape the looming shadow of his father.

But he had never imagined that Sarah would introduce Charlie Wade into the equation.

And then everything spiraled out of control.

At this very moment, Elder Walker suddenly rose from his seat, a smile gracing his features as he addressed the gathering, "Ladies and gentlemen, today marks my granddaughter's birthday, and I have something I'd like to share with all of you."

All eyes turned to the elder patriarch, curiosity piqued as they wondered what he was about to reveal.

The old man let out a sigh and continued, "Sarah has faced her fair share of hardships. She lost her parents at a tender age, and it was my late wife and I who raised her."

Ryan and Benjamin exchanged knowing glances, both uncertain about the nature of their grandfather's impending announcement. 😔🎉👴👀

Chapter 1212: "Sarah's Rise to Power: Breaking the Glass Ceiling!"

In this pivotal moment, Elder Walker took the floor once more, his voice carrying a weight of significance. "Sarah has always been a paragon of filial piety, and her unwavering dedication to our family's affairs has been truly remarkable. This is a source of great joy for me. Moreover, not too long ago, I fell gravely ill and was confined to my sickbed. The doctors gave me little hope, and it was Sarah who went above and beyond to bring Master Charlie here. It was Master Charlie who not only cured me but also gifted me a Resurrection Pill, bringing me back from the brink of death and allowing me to relish the sensation of being twenty years younger."

Elder Walker paused briefly, offering a respectful nod to Charlie before continuing, "My heart is filled with gratitude towards Master Wade, and of course, I hold immense appreciation for my dear granddaughter. So, on this auspicious day, her birthday, I wish to make a special announcement. And that announcement is this: as of tomorrow, Sarah will officially assume the role of the head of the Walker family, and I will formally retire!"

As these words hung in the air, it was as if a bomb had detonated amid the assembly.

No one could have anticipated that Elder Walker would bestow the family leadership upon a woman.

After all, in the realm of prominent families, it was unheard of for the position of family head to be entrusted to a young woman.

Furthermore, Elder Walker had multiple sons, and a plethora of grandsons. His eldest son, Benjamin, had long been groomed as the heir to the family's leadership. Speculation in the outside world had revolved around the idea that Elder Walker would pass on the mantle to his eldest son in the near future.

But no one could have foreseen that he not only bypassed his eldest son but also his eldest grandson, choosing to designate his granddaughter instead!

At this moment, both Benjamin and Ryan seethed with resentment!

They had never contemplated the possibility of Sarah ascending to the position of the Walker family's head.

At this very moment, their hearts brimmed with profound animosity towards Elder Walker and Sarah!

Was Elder Walker displaying an excess of favoritism?

To entrust the stewardship of the family's $200-billion fortune to Sarah?

A mere 26-year-old woman – why should she be responsible for the Walker family's $200-billion empire?

Sarah herself was stunned by this turn of events.

Her aspirations had solely revolved around serving the Walker family diligently and selflessly until her marriage. But the notion of inheriting the position of family head had always remained a distant dream.

Now, Sarah's heart surged with excitement. She was a woman of ambition and unwavering determination. The news that she would soon assume the mantle of family head flooded her with joy.

Ryan couldn't contain his emotions and sprang to his feet, protesting, "Grandfather! How can you entrust the family's leadership to Sarah? She is but a woman, and sooner or later, she will marry and become an outsider. Can you truly stand by and watch the family's wealth slip into the hands of another?"

Elder Walker regarded him with a steely resolve and replied, "Sarah still carries the Walker surname, and she will forever be a part of the Walker family, no matter what. I firmly believe that, in terms of capability, none can surpass Sarah within the entirety of the Walker family. Appointing her as the family head is the most prudent choice."

Benjamin remained impassive and stated, "Father, I sincerely believe that this decision is ill-advised. I implore you to reconsider."

Elder Walker's other sons rose from their seats and joined the chorus, "Father, we beseech you to reconsider."

None of them could accept Elder Walker's resolution to entrust the Walker family's destiny to Sarah.

With calm resolve, Elder Walker retorted, "What is there to reconsider? This family fortune was established from scratch by my own hands, not inherited from anyone else. Hence, I hold absolute authority over the Walker family. Designating Sarah is a well-pondered choice because I have unwavering faith in her ability to enhance and fortify the Walker family."

He cast his gaze across the assembly, addressing the entire Walker family. "Each descendant of the Walker family is entitled to a substantial share of our prosperity. Even with Sarah assuming the role of family head, every member of the Walker family will be well taken care of. And do not forget, it is not a matter of who inherits the family leadership; what truly matters is who can lead the Walker family to amass greater wealth. Take, for instance, the third branch. Currently, they receive 10% of the annual dividends from the Walker family, amounting to 5 billion annually. However, if someone can steer the Walker family towards earning 10 billion a year, they will receive 10 billion. Don't you all wish for a more capable leader who can help you amass greater wealth?" 💼💰🎤😡🎉

Chapter 1213: "Tradition vs. Talent: The Great Family Head Debate"

As the elder Mr. Walker voiced his perspective, those initially opposed to Sarah inheriting leadership in the Walker family fell into a contemplative hush. A sense of understanding began to dawn on them.

In that moment, a universal truth dawned upon them – neither they nor their descendants stood a chance at claiming the coveted position of family head. Hence, they found themselves inclined toward entrusting it to someone more qualified.

After all, a more competent family head promised greater prosperity for all.

While Ryan possessed an array of talents, when it boiled down to sheer competence, Sarah clearly held the upper hand.

Despite her youth, Sarah proved to be a virtuoso in managing the family enterprise. She had transformed the antique business into a thriving empire, achieved remarkable feats in international trade, and even garnered proactive interest from the Lindsay family in Honk Kong, led by Jian Lindsay.

In terms of capability, Sarah outshone all other heirs of the Walker lineage, including her uncles and senior relatives.

Thus, the consensus silently emerged that she was the rightful choice to lead the family.

With this realization, they all returned to their seats.

Even her uncles concurred, stating, "Since Father has made his decision, we offer no opposition."

The swift consensus among the other branches of the family left Benjamin and his son, Ryan, feeling isolated.

The elder's words struck a nerve. Did they imply that Sarah's abilities surpassed their own?

Clenching his jaw, Benjamin responded, "Father, according to our Chinese traditions, the position of family head has always been passed down to males. Granting it to Sarah might subject us to ridicule in high society."

"Oh?" Elder Mr. Walker responded with a nonchalant tone, "Most of our guests here hail from high society, but I haven't detected any overt mockery of my choice."

Benjamin weakly countered, "That's because they're guests; they wouldn't openly deride the host's decision."

The elder Mr. Walker let out a chuckle and spoke earnestly, "Benjamin, I understand your reservations. I am bestowing the position of family head upon Sarah, and I am well aware of your discontent. However, as I've emphasized, it's not the title that matters, but rather who can bring prosperity to the Walker family."

"Sarah might not have been deeply involved in family affairs for long, but her accomplishments are evident to all."

"Without her, would we have established ties with Jian Lindsay from Honk Kong?"

"You must recognize that Jian Lindsay and his two sons possess combined assets worth at least 800 billion Dollars. Our collaboration with them is bound to usher in substantial progress and growth."

"All of these contributions can be attributed to Sarah."

Elder Mr. Walker maintained his unwavering stance, gesturing toward Charlie, "Even our acquaintance with Master Wade, from which the Walker family benefits, owes itself to Sarah's efforts. Tell me, why shouldn't Sarah lead the Walker family?"

Benjamin found himself silenced by his father's words. He couldn't deny that Sarah possessed remarkable strengths in various aspects, surpassing even his own son and himself.

Yet, he couldn't reconcile himself to the idea of her becoming the family head.

Inwardly, he grumbled, "Sarah is just a young woman, and she presumes herself a business maven?"

"Fine, be a businesswoman, but do it beyond the confines of the Walker family. Don't obstruct my path here!" 😡🤷‍♂️

Chapter 1214: "Kindred Spirits: Charlie and Sarah's Unique Connection"

As these thoughts crossed his mind, Benjamin couldn't help but clench his teeth, his heart boiling with anger and a hint of vengeance.

Elder Walker, sensing the discontent brewing within his eldest son, turned to Charlie with the utmost respect and shared, "Master Wade, I have a rather daring request, and I hope you might consider it."

Charlie offered a faint but friendly smile and responded, "Please, go ahead, Elder."

Elder Walker continued, "I wish for you to become the second heir in line for the Walker family's leadership. In the unfortunate event that something happens to Sarah in the future, and she leaves no heirs, I want you to step up and lead the Walker family. If you agree, I can promise right here and now that you will permanently receive 30% of the Walker family's net profits."

Elder Walker's concern genuinely stemmed from the fear that his eldest son and his family might pose a threat to Sarah.

However, he was unwilling to abandon his vision for the Walker family's future.

He firmly believed that making Sarah the family head was crucial for their long-term success.

If Charlie could marry Sarah and become a part of the Walker family, it would be an ideal scenario. Even if Charlie chose not to fully integrate into the family, as long as they had children together, those children would carry on the Walker family's legacy. Whether they bore the Walker surname was of little consequence to him.

Furthermore, if Charlie became his granddaughter's husband, it would bring great advantages in the long run. At his age, he was less concerned about financial gains and more focused on his health and longevity.

Passing the family leadership to Sarah was just one facet of his plan. What he truly yearned for was for Charlie to marry Sarah.

Unaware of Elder Walker's intentions for him to become Sarah's husband, Charlie thought that the proposal was driven by Elder Walker's concern for her safety and his desire to ensure her protection through their connection.

After all, with Charlie as the second heir, any harm aimed at Sarah would be rendered futile, as he would be next in line to protect her. Additionally, anyone within the Walker family eyeing the leadership position would have to think twice before challenging him.

Elder Walker's offer of 30% of the family's profits was undoubtedly generous, but Charlie's motivations extended beyond financial gains. What he truly cared about were Sarah's safety and her future.

In Charlie's heart, Sarah held a unique place, second only to his beloved wife, Claire. He couldn't precisely pinpoint why, but he genuinely believed that Sarah was an exceptional woman. Their compatibility was evident, and their temperaments and approaches to life aligned remarkably well. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that they were kindred spirits.

Their past conversations over drinks had revealed Sarah's challenging background. As a woman from a prestigious family, she lacked the autonomy to decide her own marital fate. Therefore, Charlie hoped that Sarah could ascend to the position of Walker family head, safeguarding her from being coerced into unwanted decisions.

Charlie spoke with sincerity, "Elder Walker, please rest assured. From this moment on, I will make it my top priority to ensure Sarah's safety." 😊❤️👏

Chapter 1215: "Unseen Shadows: Charlie's Watchful Eye on the Conspirators"

At this particular moment, Charlie views Sarah as a cherished friend and naturally feels the need to ensure her safety.

Meanwhile, within the hearts of Benjamin and his son, Ryan, lurk sinister intentions.

This father and son duo has coveted the position of family head for many long years, and they struggle to accept that Sarah has now assumed that role.

Nevertheless, they understand all too well that to regain their rightful place as heirs, they must prepare for an intense battle.

Should they decide to take action, victory becomes an absolute necessity.

The birthday celebration, at this point, has Sarah as its undoubted star, radiating happiness, astonishment, and sheer joy.

Deep within her, her feelings of gratitude and fondness for Charlie have reached their zenith.

As a woman of intellect, she cannot be oblivious to the intent behind Charlie's gift of the Resurrection Pill.

Who could possibly need such a pill? Clearly, it is designed for the elderly, particularly those in their twilight years.

At the tender age of 26, its practical use for her is limited. Its true significance lies in presenting it respectfully to her grandfather.

Perhaps her grandfather, who is obsessed with the Resurrection Pill, decided to pass on the family head title to her after witnessing how easily Charlie bestowed it upon her.

In this way, Charlie has been of immeasurable assistance to her.

As the new head of the Walker family, Sarah elevates the birthday celebration to an even grander scale.

As the celebration approaches its conclusion, the servants of the Walker family unveil a magnificent birthday cake.

Adorned with 26 candles, as the lights are extinguished, Sarah stands alone before the flickering candles, her resplendent beauty aglow, exuding breathtaking allure.

With hands gently clasped over her heart, eyes closed, she silently makes a wish.

Upon opening her eyes, her gaze turns tender and affectionate as she looks towards Charlie.

At this very instant, she perceives Charlie as the sun and moon of her heart.

However, Charlie remains oblivious to her gaze.

In the dimness, concealed in shadow, he employs his extraordinary vision to discreetly observe Benjamin and his son, Ryan.

During that fleeting moment of darkness, the façade of calm smiles they've maintained suddenly dissolves, revealing a chilling and malevolent countenance.

Concealing their loathing for Sarah in front of the crowd proves an insurmountable task, so they involuntarily let their true emotions surface in the darkness.

As the lights are restored, applause erupts throughout the venue.

Sarah personally slices the birthday cake and serves two pieces: one to her grandfather and the other to Charlie.

Following the cake-cutting ceremony, the birthday celebration draws to a close.

In the grand scheme of things, it can be said that the birthday event brought joy to both hosts and guests alike.

The rest of the Walker family members, having reconciled with the circumstances, express no objections to Sarah's ascendancy as family head.

Only Benjamin and his son, Ryan, remain harboring deep-seated bitterness in their hearts.

As the banquet concludes, Paul, seated at another table, approaches Charlie with respect, offering, "Master Wade, allow me to escort you home." 😊🎂🎉
I love this Elder Walker's decision
It's making feel happy 😊😊😊😊

I am picturing Sarah as Charlie's wife later on,your wish shall come true Sarah🧚🧚🧚 💖💖💖


First level Tribulator
Sep 19, 2023
Chapter 1211: "Elder Walker's Birthday Bombshell: A Surprise in the Shadows"

Ryan found himself in a state of profound frustration at this moment.

He couldn't have foreseen that his own grandfather would go to such lengths, risking offending Shelby Hansen just to gain favor with Charlie.

Ryan wasn't naive; he could see that his grandfather's admiration for Charlie was largely due to the Resurrection Pill, which seemed to have cast a spell on him.

In essence, his grandfather had turned his back on Shelby and the olive branch extended by the Hansen family, all in pursuit of pleasing Charlie. It was evident that to him, the family's wealth had taken a backseat to the prospect of extending his years.

This infuriated Ryan to no end.

For one, the Walker family had squandered a golden opportunity for prosperity by forsaking the Hansen family.

Secondly, what if Charlie decided to bestow yet another Resurrection Pill upon his grandfather? Wouldn't that turn him into an ageless monster?

With his grandfather continually extending his life, when would his father ever have the chance to inherit the Walker family?

And if his father couldn't take over the family, when would it be his turn?

He couldn't bear the thought of his grandfather living for another three or four decades, making it unbearable for him.

Approaching thirty himself, and with his father in his fifties, waiting another 30 years for his grandfather to pass away would render his father in his eighties by the time he inherited the Walker family. If his father managed to hold on for another decade or even just 8 years before passing on the family responsibilities, he would still be in his sixties or seventies.

This was absolutely unacceptable to him.

He wished for his grandfather to breathe his last right there that very day. That would allow his father to take over the Walker family, significantly boosting his own power and influence.

He could endure another decade or so under his father's leadership, and then he could persuade him to retire early and pass on the family head position to him.

However, that wretched Resurrection Pill was complicating matters.

As long as that elixir was in the picture, who knew when the old man would finally meet his end?

Benjamin, Ryan's father, was also grappling with turmoil.

He had long prepared himself to assume control of the family business. During his father's previous bouts of illness, he had secretly felt a glimmer of hope, thinking that he might finally escape the looming shadow of his father.

But he had never imagined that Sarah would introduce Charlie Wade into the equation.

And then everything spiraled out of control.

At this very moment, Elder Walker suddenly rose from his seat, a smile gracing his features as he addressed the gathering, "Ladies and gentlemen, today marks my granddaughter's birthday, and I have something I'd like to share with all of you."

All eyes turned to the elder patriarch, curiosity piqued as they wondered what he was about to reveal.

The old man let out a sigh and continued, "Sarah has faced her fair share of hardships. She lost her parents at a tender age, and it was my late wife and I who raised her."

Ryan and Benjamin exchanged knowing glances, both uncertain about the nature of their grandfather's impending announcement. 😔🎉👴👀

Chapter 1212: "Sarah's Rise to Power: Breaking the Glass Ceiling!"

In this pivotal moment, Elder Walker took the floor once more, his voice carrying a weight of significance. "Sarah has always been a paragon of filial piety, and her unwavering dedication to our family's affairs has been truly remarkable. This is a source of great joy for me. Moreover, not too long ago, I fell gravely ill and was confined to my sickbed. The doctors gave me little hope, and it was Sarah who went above and beyond to bring Master Charlie here. It was Master Charlie who not only cured me but also gifted me a Resurrection Pill, bringing me back from the brink of death and allowing me to relish the sensation of being twenty years younger."

Elder Walker paused briefly, offering a respectful nod to Charlie before continuing, "My heart is filled with gratitude towards Master Wade, and of course, I hold immense appreciation for my dear granddaughter. So, on this auspicious day, her birthday, I wish to make a special announcement. And that announcement is this: as of tomorrow, Sarah will officially assume the role of the head of the Walker family, and I will formally retire!"

As these words hung in the air, it was as if a bomb had detonated amid the assembly.

No one could have anticipated that Elder Walker would bestow the family leadership upon a woman.

After all, in the realm of prominent families, it was unheard of for the position of family head to be entrusted to a young woman.

Furthermore, Elder Walker had multiple sons, and a plethora of grandsons. His eldest son, Benjamin, had long been groomed as the heir to the family's leadership. Speculation in the outside world had revolved around the idea that Elder Walker would pass on the mantle to his eldest son in the near future.

But no one could have foreseen that he not only bypassed his eldest son but also his eldest grandson, choosing to designate his granddaughter instead!

At this moment, both Benjamin and Ryan seethed with resentment!

They had never contemplated the possibility of Sarah ascending to the position of the Walker family's head.

At this very moment, their hearts brimmed with profound animosity towards Elder Walker and Sarah!

Was Elder Walker displaying an excess of favoritism?

To entrust the stewardship of the family's $200-billion fortune to Sarah?

A mere 26-year-old woman – why should she be responsible for the Walker family's $200-billion empire?

Sarah herself was stunned by this turn of events.

Her aspirations had solely revolved around serving the Walker family diligently and selflessly until her marriage. But the notion of inheriting the position of family head had always remained a distant dream.

Now, Sarah's heart surged with excitement. She was a woman of ambition and unwavering determination. The news that she would soon assume the mantle of family head flooded her with joy.

Ryan couldn't contain his emotions and sprang to his feet, protesting, "Grandfather! How can you entrust the family's leadership to Sarah? She is but a woman, and sooner or later, she will marry and become an outsider. Can you truly stand by and watch the family's wealth slip into the hands of another?"

Elder Walker regarded him with a steely resolve and replied, "Sarah still carries the Walker surname, and she will forever be a part of the Walker family, no matter what. I firmly believe that, in terms of capability, none can surpass Sarah within the entirety of the Walker family. Appointing her as the family head is the most prudent choice."

Benjamin remained impassive and stated, "Father, I sincerely believe that this decision is ill-advised. I implore you to reconsider."

Elder Walker's other sons rose from their seats and joined the chorus, "Father, we beseech you to reconsider."

None of them could accept Elder Walker's resolution to entrust the Walker family's destiny to Sarah.

With calm resolve, Elder Walker retorted, "What is there to reconsider? This family fortune was established from scratch by my own hands, not inherited from anyone else. Hence, I hold absolute authority over the Walker family. Designating Sarah is a well-pondered choice because I have unwavering faith in her ability to enhance and fortify the Walker family."

He cast his gaze across the assembly, addressing the entire Walker family. "Each descendant of the Walker family is entitled to a substantial share of our prosperity. Even with Sarah assuming the role of family head, every member of the Walker family will be well taken care of. And do not forget, it is not a matter of who inherits the family leadership; what truly matters is who can lead the Walker family to amass greater wealth. Take, for instance, the third branch. Currently, they receive 10% of the annual dividends from the Walker family, amounting to 5 billion annually. However, if someone can steer the Walker family towards earning 10 billion a year, they will receive 10 billion. Don't you all wish for a more capable leader who can help you amass greater wealth?" 💼💰🎤😡🎉

Chapter 1213: "Tradition vs. Talent: The Great Family Head Debate"

As the elder Mr. Walker voiced his perspective, those initially opposed to Sarah inheriting leadership in the Walker family fell into a contemplative hush. A sense of understanding began to dawn on them.

In that moment, a universal truth dawned upon them – neither they nor their descendants stood a chance at claiming the coveted position of family head. Hence, they found themselves inclined toward entrusting it to someone more qualified.

After all, a more competent family head promised greater prosperity for all.

While Ryan possessed an array of talents, when it boiled down to sheer competence, Sarah clearly held the upper hand.

Despite her youth, Sarah proved to be a virtuoso in managing the family enterprise. She had transformed the antique business into a thriving empire, achieved remarkable feats in international trade, and even garnered proactive interest from the Lindsay family in Honk Kong, led by Jian Lindsay.

In terms of capability, Sarah outshone all other heirs of the Walker lineage, including her uncles and senior relatives.

Thus, the consensus silently emerged that she was the rightful choice to lead the family.

With this realization, they all returned to their seats.

Even her uncles concurred, stating, "Since Father has made his decision, we offer no opposition."

The swift consensus among the other branches of the family left Benjamin and his son, Ryan, feeling isolated.

The elder's words struck a nerve. Did they imply that Sarah's abilities surpassed their own?

Clenching his jaw, Benjamin responded, "Father, according to our Chinese traditions, the position of family head has always been passed down to males. Granting it to Sarah might subject us to ridicule in high society."

"Oh?" Elder Mr. Walker responded with a nonchalant tone, "Most of our guests here hail from high society, but I haven't detected any overt mockery of my choice."

Benjamin weakly countered, "That's because they're guests; they wouldn't openly deride the host's decision."

The elder Mr. Walker let out a chuckle and spoke earnestly, "Benjamin, I understand your reservations. I am bestowing the position of family head upon Sarah, and I am well aware of your discontent. However, as I've emphasized, it's not the title that matters, but rather who can bring prosperity to the Walker family."

"Sarah might not have been deeply involved in family affairs for long, but her accomplishments are evident to all."

"Without her, would we have established ties with Jian Lindsay from Honk Kong?"

"You must recognize that Jian Lindsay and his two sons possess combined assets worth at least 800 billion Dollars. Our collaboration with them is bound to usher in substantial progress and growth."

"All of these contributions can be attributed to Sarah."

Elder Mr. Walker maintained his unwavering stance, gesturing toward Charlie, "Even our acquaintance with Master Wade, from which the Walker family benefits, owes itself to Sarah's efforts. Tell me, why shouldn't Sarah lead the Walker family?"

Benjamin found himself silenced by his father's words. He couldn't deny that Sarah possessed remarkable strengths in various aspects, surpassing even his own son and himself.

Yet, he couldn't reconcile himself to the idea of her becoming the family head.

Inwardly, he grumbled, "Sarah is just a young woman, and she presumes herself a business maven?"

"Fine, be a businesswoman, but do it beyond the confines of the Walker family. Don't obstruct my path here!" 😡🤷‍♂️

Chapter 1214: "Kindred Spirits: Charlie and Sarah's Unique Connection"

As these thoughts crossed his mind, Benjamin couldn't help but clench his teeth, his heart boiling with anger and a hint of vengeance.

Elder Walker, sensing the discontent brewing within his eldest son, turned to Charlie with the utmost respect and shared, "Master Wade, I have a rather daring request, and I hope you might consider it."

Charlie offered a faint but friendly smile and responded, "Please, go ahead, Elder."

Elder Walker continued, "I wish for you to become the second heir in line for the Walker family's leadership. In the unfortunate event that something happens to Sarah in the future, and she leaves no heirs, I want you to step up and lead the Walker family. If you agree, I can promise right here and now that you will permanently receive 30% of the Walker family's net profits."

Elder Walker's concern genuinely stemmed from the fear that his eldest son and his family might pose a threat to Sarah.

However, he was unwilling to abandon his vision for the Walker family's future.

He firmly believed that making Sarah the family head was crucial for their long-term success.

If Charlie could marry Sarah and become a part of the Walker family, it would be an ideal scenario. Even if Charlie chose not to fully integrate into the family, as long as they had children together, those children would carry on the Walker family's legacy. Whether they bore the Walker surname was of little consequence to him.

Furthermore, if Charlie became his granddaughter's husband, it would bring great advantages in the long run. At his age, he was less concerned about financial gains and more focused on his health and longevity.

Passing the family leadership to Sarah was just one facet of his plan. What he truly yearned for was for Charlie to marry Sarah.

Unaware of Elder Walker's intentions for him to become Sarah's husband, Charlie thought that the proposal was driven by Elder Walker's concern for her safety and his desire to ensure her protection through their connection.

After all, with Charlie as the second heir, any harm aimed at Sarah would be rendered futile, as he would be next in line to protect her. Additionally, anyone within the Walker family eyeing the leadership position would have to think twice before challenging him.

Elder Walker's offer of 30% of the family's profits was undoubtedly generous, but Charlie's motivations extended beyond financial gains. What he truly cared about were Sarah's safety and her future.

In Charlie's heart, Sarah held a unique place, second only to his beloved wife, Claire. He couldn't precisely pinpoint why, but he genuinely believed that Sarah was an exceptional woman. Their compatibility was evident, and their temperaments and approaches to life aligned remarkably well. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that they were kindred spirits.

Their past conversations over drinks had revealed Sarah's challenging background. As a woman from a prestigious family, she lacked the autonomy to decide her own marital fate. Therefore, Charlie hoped that Sarah could ascend to the position of Walker family head, safeguarding her from being coerced into unwanted decisions.

Charlie spoke with sincerity, "Elder Walker, please rest assured. From this moment on, I will make it my top priority to ensure Sarah's safety." 😊❤️👏

Chapter 1215: "Unseen Shadows: Charlie's Watchful Eye on the Conspirators"

At this particular moment, Charlie views Sarah as a cherished friend and naturally feels the need to ensure her safety.

Meanwhile, within the hearts of Benjamin and his son, Ryan, lurk sinister intentions.

This father and son duo has coveted the position of family head for many long years, and they struggle to accept that Sarah has now assumed that role.

Nevertheless, they understand all too well that to regain their rightful place as heirs, they must prepare for an intense battle.

Should they decide to take action, victory becomes an absolute necessity.

The birthday celebration, at this point, has Sarah as its undoubted star, radiating happiness, astonishment, and sheer joy.

Deep within her, her feelings of gratitude and fondness for Charlie have reached their zenith.

As a woman of intellect, she cannot be oblivious to the intent behind Charlie's gift of the Resurrection Pill.

Who could possibly need such a pill? Clearly, it is designed for the elderly, particularly those in their twilight years.

At the tender age of 26, its practical use for her is limited. Its true significance lies in presenting it respectfully to her grandfather.

Perhaps her grandfather, who is obsessed with the Resurrection Pill, decided to pass on the family head title to her after witnessing how easily Charlie bestowed it upon her.

In this way, Charlie has been of immeasurable assistance to her.

As the new head of the Walker family, Sarah elevates the birthday celebration to an even grander scale.

As the celebration approaches its conclusion, the servants of the Walker family unveil a magnificent birthday cake.

Adorned with 26 candles, as the lights are extinguished, Sarah stands alone before the flickering candles, her resplendent beauty aglow, exuding breathtaking allure.

With hands gently clasped over her heart, eyes closed, she silently makes a wish.

Upon opening her eyes, her gaze turns tender and affectionate as she looks towards Charlie.

At this very instant, she perceives Charlie as the sun and moon of her heart.

However, Charlie remains oblivious to her gaze.

In the dimness, concealed in shadow, he employs his extraordinary vision to discreetly observe Benjamin and his son, Ryan.

During that fleeting moment of darkness, the façade of calm smiles they've maintained suddenly dissolves, revealing a chilling and malevolent countenance.

Concealing their loathing for Sarah in front of the crowd proves an insurmountable task, so they involuntarily let their true emotions surface in the darkness.

As the lights are restored, applause erupts throughout the venue.

Sarah personally slices the birthday cake and serves two pieces: one to her grandfather and the other to Charlie.

Following the cake-cutting ceremony, the birthday celebration draws to a close.

In the grand scheme of things, it can be said that the birthday event brought joy to both hosts and guests alike.

The rest of the Walker family members, having reconciled with the circumstances, express no objections to Sarah's ascendancy as family head.

Only Benjamin and his son, Ryan, remain harboring deep-seated bitterness in their hearts.

As the banquet concludes, Paul, seated at another table, approaches Charlie with respect, offering, "Master Wade, allow me to escort you home." 😊🎂🎉
thanks alot Immortal Junlee


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
Chapter 1211: "Elder Walker's Birthday Bombshell: A Surprise in the Shadows"

Ryan found himself in a state of profound frustration at this moment.

He couldn't have foreseen that his own grandfather would go to such lengths, risking offending Shelby Hansen just to gain favor with Charlie.

Ryan wasn't naive; he could see that his grandfather's admiration for Charlie was largely due to the Resurrection Pill, which seemed to have cast a spell on him.

In essence, his grandfather had turned his back on Shelby and the olive branch extended by the Hansen family, all in pursuit of pleasing Charlie. It was evident that to him, the family's wealth had taken a backseat to the prospect of extending his years.

This infuriated Ryan to no end.

For one, the Walker family had squandered a golden opportunity for prosperity by forsaking the Hansen family.

Secondly, what if Charlie decided to bestow yet another Resurrection Pill upon his grandfather? Wouldn't that turn him into an ageless monster?

With his grandfather continually extending his life, when would his father ever have the chance to inherit the Walker family?

And if his father couldn't take over the family, when would it be his turn?

He couldn't bear the thought of his grandfather living for another three or four decades, making it unbearable for him.

Approaching thirty himself, and with his father in his fifties, waiting another 30 years for his grandfather to pass away would render his father in his eighties by the time he inherited the Walker family. If his father managed to hold on for another decade or even just 8 years before passing on the family responsibilities, he would still be in his sixties or seventies.

This was absolutely unacceptable to him.

He wished for his grandfather to breathe his last right there that very day. That would allow his father to take over the Walker family, significantly boosting his own power and influence.

He could endure another decade or so under his father's leadership, and then he could persuade him to retire early and pass on the family head position to him.

However, that wretched Resurrection Pill was complicating matters.

As long as that elixir was in the picture, who knew when the old man would finally meet his end?

Benjamin, Ryan's father, was also grappling with turmoil.

He had long prepared himself to assume control of the family business. During his father's previous bouts of illness, he had secretly felt a glimmer of hope, thinking that he might finally escape the looming shadow of his father.

But he had never imagined that Sarah would introduce Charlie Wade into the equation.

And then everything spiraled out of control.

At this very moment, Elder Walker suddenly rose from his seat, a smile gracing his features as he addressed the gathering, "Ladies and gentlemen, today marks my granddaughter's birthday, and I have something I'd like to share with all of you."

All eyes turned to the elder patriarch, curiosity piqued as they wondered what he was about to reveal.

The old man let out a sigh and continued, "Sarah has faced her fair share of hardships. She lost her parents at a tender age, and it was my late wife and I who raised her."

Ryan and Benjamin exchanged knowing glances, both uncertain about the nature of their grandfather's impending announcement. 😔🎉👴👀

Chapter 1212: "Sarah's Rise to Power: Breaking the Glass Ceiling!"

In this pivotal moment, Elder Walker took the floor once more, his voice carrying a weight of significance. "Sarah has always been a paragon of filial piety, and her unwavering dedication to our family's affairs has been truly remarkable. This is a source of great joy for me. Moreover, not too long ago, I fell gravely ill and was confined to my sickbed. The doctors gave me little hope, and it was Sarah who went above and beyond to bring Master Charlie here. It was Master Charlie who not only cured me but also gifted me a Resurrection Pill, bringing me back from the brink of death and allowing me to relish the sensation of being twenty years younger."

Elder Walker paused briefly, offering a respectful nod to Charlie before continuing, "My heart is filled with gratitude towards Master Wade, and of course, I hold immense appreciation for my dear granddaughter. So, on this auspicious day, her birthday, I wish to make a special announcement. And that announcement is this: as of tomorrow, Sarah will officially assume the role of the head of the Walker family, and I will formally retire!"

As these words hung in the air, it was as if a bomb had detonated amid the assembly.

No one could have anticipated that Elder Walker would bestow the family leadership upon a woman.

After all, in the realm of prominent families, it was unheard of for the position of family head to be entrusted to a young woman.

Furthermore, Elder Walker had multiple sons, and a plethora of grandsons. His eldest son, Benjamin, had long been groomed as the heir to the family's leadership. Speculation in the outside world had revolved around the idea that Elder Walker would pass on the mantle to his eldest son in the near future.

But no one could have foreseen that he not only bypassed his eldest son but also his eldest grandson, choosing to designate his granddaughter instead!

At this moment, both Benjamin and Ryan seethed with resentment!

They had never contemplated the possibility of Sarah ascending to the position of the Walker family's head.

At this very moment, their hearts brimmed with profound animosity towards Elder Walker and Sarah!

Was Elder Walker displaying an excess of favoritism?

To entrust the stewardship of the family's $200-billion fortune to Sarah?

A mere 26-year-old woman – why should she be responsible for the Walker family's $200-billion empire?

Sarah herself was stunned by this turn of events.

Her aspirations had solely revolved around serving the Walker family diligently and selflessly until her marriage. But the notion of inheriting the position of family head had always remained a distant dream.

Now, Sarah's heart surged with excitement. She was a woman of ambition and unwavering determination. The news that she would soon assume the mantle of family head flooded her with joy.

Ryan couldn't contain his emotions and sprang to his feet, protesting, "Grandfather! How can you entrust the family's leadership to Sarah? She is but a woman, and sooner or later, she will marry and become an outsider. Can you truly stand by and watch the family's wealth slip into the hands of another?"

Elder Walker regarded him with a steely resolve and replied, "Sarah still carries the Walker surname, and she will forever be a part of the Walker family, no matter what. I firmly believe that, in terms of capability, none can surpass Sarah within the entirety of the Walker family. Appointing her as the family head is the most prudent choice."

Benjamin remained impassive and stated, "Father, I sincerely believe that this decision is ill-advised. I implore you to reconsider."

Elder Walker's other sons rose from their seats and joined the chorus, "Father, we beseech you to reconsider."

None of them could accept Elder Walker's resolution to entrust the Walker family's destiny to Sarah.

With calm resolve, Elder Walker retorted, "What is there to reconsider? This family fortune was established from scratch by my own hands, not inherited from anyone else. Hence, I hold absolute authority over the Walker family. Designating Sarah is a well-pondered choice because I have unwavering faith in her ability to enhance and fortify the Walker family."

He cast his gaze across the assembly, addressing the entire Walker family. "Each descendant of the Walker family is entitled to a substantial share of our prosperity. Even with Sarah assuming the role of family head, every member of the Walker family will be well taken care of. And do not forget, it is not a matter of who inherits the family leadership; what truly matters is who can lead the Walker family to amass greater wealth. Take, for instance, the third branch. Currently, they receive 10% of the annual dividends from the Walker family, amounting to 5 billion annually. However, if someone can steer the Walker family towards earning 10 billion a year, they will receive 10 billion. Don't you all wish for a more capable leader who can help you amass greater wealth?" 💼💰🎤😡🎉

Chapter 1213: "Tradition vs. Talent: The Great Family Head Debate"

As the elder Mr. Walker voiced his perspective, those initially opposed to Sarah inheriting leadership in the Walker family fell into a contemplative hush. A sense of understanding began to dawn on them.

In that moment, a universal truth dawned upon them – neither they nor their descendants stood a chance at claiming the coveted position of family head. Hence, they found themselves inclined toward entrusting it to someone more qualified.

After all, a more competent family head promised greater prosperity for all.

While Ryan possessed an array of talents, when it boiled down to sheer competence, Sarah clearly held the upper hand.

Despite her youth, Sarah proved to be a virtuoso in managing the family enterprise. She had transformed the antique business into a thriving empire, achieved remarkable feats in international trade, and even garnered proactive interest from the Lindsay family in Honk Kong, led by Jian Lindsay.

In terms of capability, Sarah outshone all other heirs of the Walker lineage, including her uncles and senior relatives.

Thus, the consensus silently emerged that she was the rightful choice to lead the family.

With this realization, they all returned to their seats.

Even her uncles concurred, stating, "Since Father has made his decision, we offer no opposition."

The swift consensus among the other branches of the family left Benjamin and his son, Ryan, feeling isolated.

The elder's words struck a nerve. Did they imply that Sarah's abilities surpassed their own?

Clenching his jaw, Benjamin responded, "Father, according to our Chinese traditions, the position of family head has always been passed down to males. Granting it to Sarah might subject us to ridicule in high society."

"Oh?" Elder Mr. Walker responded with a nonchalant tone, "Most of our guests here hail from high society, but I haven't detected any overt mockery of my choice."

Benjamin weakly countered, "That's because they're guests; they wouldn't openly deride the host's decision."

The elder Mr. Walker let out a chuckle and spoke earnestly, "Benjamin, I understand your reservations. I am bestowing the position of family head upon Sarah, and I am well aware of your discontent. However, as I've emphasized, it's not the title that matters, but rather who can bring prosperity to the Walker family."

"Sarah might not have been deeply involved in family affairs for long, but her accomplishments are evident to all."

"Without her, would we have established ties with Jian Lindsay from Honk Kong?"

"You must recognize that Jian Lindsay and his two sons possess combined assets worth at least 800 billion Dollars. Our collaboration with them is bound to usher in substantial progress and growth."

"All of these contributions can be attributed to Sarah."

Elder Mr. Walker maintained his unwavering stance, gesturing toward Charlie, "Even our acquaintance with Master Wade, from which the Walker family benefits, owes itself to Sarah's efforts. Tell me, why shouldn't Sarah lead the Walker family?"

Benjamin found himself silenced by his father's words. He couldn't deny that Sarah possessed remarkable strengths in various aspects, surpassing even his own son and himself.

Yet, he couldn't reconcile himself to the idea of her becoming the family head.

Inwardly, he grumbled, "Sarah is just a young woman, and she presumes herself a business maven?"

"Fine, be a businesswoman, but do it beyond the confines of the Walker family. Don't obstruct my path here!" 😡🤷‍♂️

Chapter 1214: "Kindred Spirits: Charlie and Sarah's Unique Connection"

As these thoughts crossed his mind, Benjamin couldn't help but clench his teeth, his heart boiling with anger and a hint of vengeance.

Elder Walker, sensing the discontent brewing within his eldest son, turned to Charlie with the utmost respect and shared, "Master Wade, I have a rather daring request, and I hope you might consider it."

Charlie offered a faint but friendly smile and responded, "Please, go ahead, Elder."

Elder Walker continued, "I wish for you to become the second heir in line for the Walker family's leadership. In the unfortunate event that something happens to Sarah in the future, and she leaves no heirs, I want you to step up and lead the Walker family. If you agree, I can promise right here and now that you will permanently receive 30% of the Walker family's net profits."

Elder Walker's concern genuinely stemmed from the fear that his eldest son and his family might pose a threat to Sarah.

However, he was unwilling to abandon his vision for the Walker family's future.

He firmly believed that making Sarah the family head was crucial for their long-term success.

If Charlie could marry Sarah and become a part of the Walker family, it would be an ideal scenario. Even if Charlie chose not to fully integrate into the family, as long as they had children together, those children would carry on the Walker family's legacy. Whether they bore the Walker surname was of little consequence to him.

Furthermore, if Charlie became his granddaughter's husband, it would bring great advantages in the long run. At his age, he was less concerned about financial gains and more focused on his health and longevity.

Passing the family leadership to Sarah was just one facet of his plan. What he truly yearned for was for Charlie to marry Sarah.

Unaware of Elder Walker's intentions for him to become Sarah's husband, Charlie thought that the proposal was driven by Elder Walker's concern for her safety and his desire to ensure her protection through their connection.

After all, with Charlie as the second heir, any harm aimed at Sarah would be rendered futile, as he would be next in line to protect her. Additionally, anyone within the Walker family eyeing the leadership position would have to think twice before challenging him.

Elder Walker's offer of 30% of the family's profits was undoubtedly generous, but Charlie's motivations extended beyond financial gains. What he truly cared about were Sarah's safety and her future.

In Charlie's heart, Sarah held a unique place, second only to his beloved wife, Claire. He couldn't precisely pinpoint why, but he genuinely believed that Sarah was an exceptional woman. Their compatibility was evident, and their temperaments and approaches to life aligned remarkably well. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that they were kindred spirits.

Their past conversations over drinks had revealed Sarah's challenging background. As a woman from a prestigious family, she lacked the autonomy to decide her own marital fate. Therefore, Charlie hoped that Sarah could ascend to the position of Walker family head, safeguarding her from being coerced into unwanted decisions.

Charlie spoke with sincerity, "Elder Walker, please rest assured. From this moment on, I will make it my top priority to ensure Sarah's safety." 😊❤️👏

Chapter 1215: "Unseen Shadows: Charlie's Watchful Eye on the Conspirators"

At this particular moment, Charlie views Sarah as a cherished friend and naturally feels the need to ensure her safety.

Meanwhile, within the hearts of Benjamin and his son, Ryan, lurk sinister intentions.

This father and son duo has coveted the position of family head for many long years, and they struggle to accept that Sarah has now assumed that role.

Nevertheless, they understand all too well that to regain their rightful place as heirs, they must prepare for an intense battle.

Should they decide to take action, victory becomes an absolute necessity.

The birthday celebration, at this point, has Sarah as its undoubted star, radiating happiness, astonishment, and sheer joy.

Deep within her, her feelings of gratitude and fondness for Charlie have reached their zenith.

As a woman of intellect, she cannot be oblivious to the intent behind Charlie's gift of the Resurrection Pill.

Who could possibly need such a pill? Clearly, it is designed for the elderly, particularly those in their twilight years.

At the tender age of 26, its practical use for her is limited. Its true significance lies in presenting it respectfully to her grandfather.

Perhaps her grandfather, who is obsessed with the Resurrection Pill, decided to pass on the family head title to her after witnessing how easily Charlie bestowed it upon her.

In this way, Charlie has been of immeasurable assistance to her.

As the new head of the Walker family, Sarah elevates the birthday celebration to an even grander scale.

As the celebration approaches its conclusion, the servants of the Walker family unveil a magnificent birthday cake.

Adorned with 26 candles, as the lights are extinguished, Sarah stands alone before the flickering candles, her resplendent beauty aglow, exuding breathtaking allure.

With hands gently clasped over her heart, eyes closed, she silently makes a wish.

Upon opening her eyes, her gaze turns tender and affectionate as she looks towards Charlie.

At this very instant, she perceives Charlie as the sun and moon of her heart.

However, Charlie remains oblivious to her gaze.

In the dimness, concealed in shadow, he employs his extraordinary vision to discreetly observe Benjamin and his son, Ryan.

During that fleeting moment of darkness, the façade of calm smiles they've maintained suddenly dissolves, revealing a chilling and malevolent countenance.

Concealing their loathing for Sarah in front of the crowd proves an insurmountable task, so they involuntarily let their true emotions surface in the darkness.

As the lights are restored, applause erupts throughout the venue.

Sarah personally slices the birthday cake and serves two pieces: one to her grandfather and the other to Charlie.

Following the cake-cutting ceremony, the birthday celebration draws to a close.

In the grand scheme of things, it can be said that the birthday event brought joy to both hosts and guests alike.

The rest of the Walker family members, having reconciled with the circumstances, express no objections to Sarah's ascendancy as family head.

Only Benjamin and his son, Ryan, remain harboring deep-seated bitterness in their hearts.

As the banquet concludes, Paul, seated at another table, approaches Charlie with respect, offering, "Master Wade, allow me to escort you home." 😊🎂🎉
Who else bore witness to Charlie and Sarah destinies been sealed together, even Claire doesn't have such a strong destiny with her husband

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 1216: "A One-of-a-Kind Escort: Sarah's Devotion"

As Charlie contemplated the offer, he couldn't help but notice the entrance of the enchanting and spellbinding Sarah. Her cheeks were tinged with a subtle blush as she addressed Paul, "Paul, you needn't trouble yourself with escorting Master Wade. I'll personally take care of him."

Paul, being astute, immediately grasped the depth of Sarah's affection for Charlie. After all, it was her birthday today, and she had just officially become the heir to the Walker family. Yet, she insisted on escorting Charlie home after the banquet.

The last person expected to see off guests on her own birthday was the birthday girl herself. Furthermore, with so many prominent guests present, her choice to accompany only Charlie spoke volumes about her feelings for him.

Paul tactfully responded, "I've just remembered that I have an urgent matter to attend to, and it's not along the way with Master Wade. Would you mind taking care of Master Wade, Miss Sarah?"

With a warm smile, Sarah nodded, "Of course not, Paul. You go ahead and attend to your business; I'll make sure Master Wade gets home safely."

Charlie couldn't help but smile and remarked, "Your grandfather tasked me with taking care of you, and now you want to take care of me."

In an unusually playful manner, Sarah playfully stuck out her tongue and spoke in an endearing, shy tone, "Opportunities like this to take care of Master Wade are rare. Please don't say no, Master Wade."

Charlie nodded and replied, "In that case, Miss Sarah, I'll gladly accept your escort."

At this moment, Samuel stepped forward, bowing respectfully, and expressed his gratitude, "Master Wade, I've longed for the Resurrection Pill for a while. Thank you for giving me this opportunity today."

Charlie smiled and responded, "Mr. Turner, there's no need for such formality. You acquired the Resurrection Pill fair and square at the auction, so there's no need to thank me."

Samuel continued to show great respect, saying, "You're always welcome, Master Wade. Let's meet again in Seas City in the future, and I promise to extend the warmest hospitality."

Charlie acknowledged, "If the opportunity arises, I'll be sure to visit."

Turning to Samuel, he inquired, "By the way, is my childhood friend and trusted companion, Gian, who is currently working as your assistant, present tonight? Did he attend?"

Samuel nodded and replied, "Gian now serves as my dedicated driver. He's reliable and trustworthy. I want to express my gratitude to Master Wade for introducing such a dependable individual to me."

Samuel, as the wealthiest figure in Seas City, possessed exceptional social finesse. In reality, elevating Gian from his previous modest income to a yearly salary of 2 million as his personal assistant was a sign of respect for Charlie.

However, in Charlie's presence, Samuel refrained from taking credit and instead reversed the narrative, acknowledging Charlie for introducing him to such a reliable person. This showcased his remarkable emotional intelligence.

Upon learning that his dear friend was present, Charlie eagerly inquired, "Where can I find Gian?"

Samuel answered, "The Walker family has organized a banquet for the drivers in the side hall. He should be waiting for me in the car outside."

Charlie nodded and said, "Perfect, I'll accompany you to greet Gian while we're at it."

At that moment, Gian had shed his former identity as a struggling individual entirely. He was impeccably dressed in a high-end designer suit, sporting white gloves, and standing by Samuel's custom limited edition Rolls-Royce.

When he saw Samuel emerging from the villa, he promptly exited the car and opened the rear door, ready to respectfully welcome Samuel inside.

Suddenly, Gian's eyes lit up with boundless joy as he noticed his close friend Charlie walking alongside Samuel. 🤩🚗👬

Chapter 1217: "Admiration and Disappointment: Sarah's Thoughts"

Gian couldn't contain his excitement as he approached Charlie, his heart racing with anticipation. However, a sudden realization struck him that he was now Samuel's designated chauffeur, and formality was expected.

With a quick effort to compose himself, Gian addressed Samuel with utmost respect, saying, "Mr. Turner!"

Samuel gave his shoulder a friendly pat and a warm smile before saying, "Gian, no need to be so formal with me. You're not only Master Wade's brother but mine as well. Despite the few decades that separate us, let's consider ourselves old pals!"

Gian was pleasantly surprised and nodded vigorously.

Meanwhile, Charlie chimed in, asking with a grin, "How's it going, buddy? Are you settling into your new role?"

Touched by the gesture, Gian replied, "Charlie, my dear brother, words can't express how thankful I am to you! Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today. You're the guardian angel of my life!"

Charlie's smile remained gentle as he responded, "Life has a way of bringing saviors into our paths. While you see me as your savior, I believe Mrs. Turner has been a savior to both of us."

"In the grand scheme of things, it's all about karma and blessings. Perhaps in our previous lives, we accumulated good deeds, leading us to Mrs. Turner's rescue and the gift of a new home."

"Maybe you amassed more good deeds than I did in our past lives, which is why you've encountered me in this lifetime and been given a chance to change your fate. So, be grateful to yourself."

Charlie's words took a philosophical turn, leaving the others deep in thought.

Sarah gazed at Charlie, her eyes filled with admiration. She pondered whether she had saved the entire galaxy in her past life to have the privilege of meeting Master Wade in this one.

Contemplating this, she couldn't help feeling slightly disappointed.

Because if she had indeed saved the galaxy in her past life, then Claire, the wife of Master Wade, must have saved the entire universe!

Gian, deeply moved by Charlie's words, attributed their journey to the workings of their past lives, even the hardships endured over two decades. Having a brother like Charlie, a true dragon and phoenix, made those years of adversity worthwhile.

Charlie then checked the time and suggested to Gian, "My friend, Mr. Turner and I have some business to attend to tonight. Why don't you chauffeur Mr. Turner back for now? We can catch up in Seas City when the opportunity arises, or you can visit Aurous Hill, and we can reunite as brothers."

Samuel, hearing this, waved his hand and insisted, "Master Wade, there's no urgent matter tonight. You and Gian can continue your conversation. Please don't worry about me!"

Charlie gave a faint smile but turned serious as he said, "Have you forgotten about the Resurrection Pill you purchased? Hurry back, take a nice bath, and consume the medicine. Tomorrow morning, you'll witness a remarkable transformation in your body."

Samuel's excitement surged at once!

He had carried the Resurrection Pill in his suit's inner pocket all day, waiting for the right moment to take it. Given the Walker family's event, especially on Sarah's birthday, he believed taking the pill there would be too conspicuous.

So, he had been delaying, planning to consume the Resurrection Pill once he returned to his Aurous Hill villa.

Upon hearing Charlie's words, he gratefully clasped his fists and said, "Master Wade, I am truly grateful for your consideration! In that case, I shall take my leave for today!"

With that, Charlie nodded, offering a brief embrace to his cherished friend before watching them drive away. 😊🚗👋

Chapter 1218: "A Protector's Promise: Charlie's Gift for Sarah" 😊

In that precise moment, Sarah leaned closer to Charlie, her voice a gentle whisper. "Master Wade, do you think it's time for us to make our exit?"



Behind the wheel of her crimson Bentley, Sarah embarked on a journey with Charlie away from the Walker family villa.

As the wheels turned, Sarah's heart raced faster than ever before. In Charlie's presence, she felt a nervousness she had never experienced before.

Within the confines of the luxurious car, silence hung in the air briefly. Eager to break it, Sarah ventured, "Master Wade, I truly want to express my gratitude for your generous gift today. The Resurrection Pill you gave me is beyond precious."

Charlie offered a faint smile and responded, "In truth, my motive behind gifting you the Resurrection Pill was to provide you with an opportunity to earn your grandfather's favor. With this pill, Elder Walker can prolong his life significantly. He will undoubtedly want the pill I've given you. However, Elder Walker is known for his fairness and integrity. If he desires your Resurrection Pill, he will reward you handsomely in return."

Moved by Charlie's thoughtfulness, Sarah nodded earnestly. "Master Wade, you've taken every detail into account for my sake. I am truly grateful. If you ever have any requests in the future, please don't hesitate to ask. I will do my utmost to fulfill them."

Charlie chuckled softly, "I have no requests, Sarah. Simply take good care of yourself from this point onward."

Continuing, he shared his thoughts, "I didn't anticipate Elder Walker's decisiveness. Announcing the transfer of the family leadership to you during this birthday banquet will undoubtedly be a severe blow to your elder uncle and cousin. It might even result in their harboring resentment towards you. You must exercise extreme caution in your actions moving forward—very, very cautious."

With a resolute expression, Sarah replied, "Master Wade, rest assured, I grasp the significance of your advice."

Charlie let out a faint sigh and added, "The allure of the Resurrection Pill may have clouded my grandfather's judgment. He may not have fully contemplated the consequences. What concerns me most now is your safety. If anyone within the Walker family harbors ill feelings toward your inheritance of the family leadership, you may face potential threats."

Sarah smiled reassuringly and stated, "Thank you for your concern, Master Wade. Let us not forget that I still possess the divine medicine you bestowed upon me earlier. They say it has life-saving properties during critical moments."

Intrigued, Charlie inquired, "Where have you kept that medicine?"

Blushing ever so slightly, Sarah confessed, "The medicine you gifted me... I've kept it close to my heart..."

As she uttered those words, Sarah couldn't muster the courage to meet Charlie's gaze. Initially, she had concealed the precious pill within her car, deeming it too vulnerable. However, since it was a gift from Charlie, she chose to keep it on her person, granting her a sense of being shielded by his presence.

Unaware of the subtle bashfulness in Sarah's demeanor, Charlie remained genuinely concerned for her safety. Thus, he proposed, "By the way, at some point, could you assist me in acquiring a piece of top-grade white jade from Timeless Collectibles?"

"White jade?" Sarah inquired with enthusiasm, "Master Wade, what specific type of white jade are you searching for?"

Charlie responded with composure, "The purest, most flawless, and whitest white jade you can find. I intend to craft an amulet for you, one that will serve as your safeguard and protector." 😇💎🔒

Chapter 1219: "Unique Friendship: A Special Place in Charlie's Heart"

Upon learning that Charlie was crafting a protective amulet for herself, Sarah couldn't contain her delight. She had no idea about the specifics of the amulet or its potential effects, but the mere fact that Charlie was creating it with his own hands filled her with profound gratitude.

Her eyes welled up with appreciation as she spoke, "Master Wade, your kindness to me knows no bounds. I can't even begin to fathom how to repay you!"

Deep inside, Sarah held a secret wish, one she couldn't openly express. She yearned to dedicate her life to Master Wade, to stand by his side, and repay his kindness with unwavering loyalty.

But as a dignified young lady from an esteemed family, such words felt too intimate to utter aloud.

Charlie, however, remained nonchalant about it all, guided by his principles of gratitude and reciprocation. While Sarah wasn't his benefactor, she had proven to be a genuine and dependable friend.

For such a friend, Charlie's sincerity was unwavering. Furthermore, he couldn't help but acknowledge the unique place Sarah held in his heart, distinct from ordinary friendships.

In Charlie's eyes, he held deep admiration for Sarah's character and her approach to life. He felt a sense of kinship with her due to their similar backgrounds—both born into prestigious families but orphaned at a young age.

Though her fate had been somewhat more favorable than his own, as she hadn't been separated from her family and placed in a distant land, Charlie's protective instincts naturally extended towards her. This sentiment was a genuine, instinctual response within him.

Sarah purposely maintained a leisurely pace as she drove, cherishing the moments of solitude with Charlie in the car. The Walker family villa and Charlie's residence, Thomson Elite, were separated by the majestic Yangtze River. As she neared the Yangtze River Bridge, Sarah turned to Charlie with anticipation in her eyes and proposed, "Master Wade, if you're not in a hurry to return home, would you be willing to join me for a stroll by the riverside?"

Charlie nodded with a warm smile. "Of course."

Sarah beamed with joy and continued, "Fantastic! There's a secluded spot I know of, rarely frequented by people. We can walk along the riverbank and savor the gentle breeze."

With that, she guided the car onto a narrow road running alongside the river. After driving a kilometer or so, she pulled over and suggested, "We can park here, and there's a path down to the river."

Charlie agreed, opening the car door and stepping out. The chill in the air didn't faze him.

Sarah, wrapped in a fluffy coat with the elegant evening dress she had worn at the birthday banquet underneath, carried a red Hermès handbag. The brisk wind tousled her long, flowing hair, creating an enchanting aura as a few strands caressed her face.

There were no onlookers or passing cars in sight. Standing against the breeze, Sarah took a deep breath and grinned, "As a child, I adored the riverside, but as I grew older, life's demands took over. I rarely found the time to visit."

Turning to Charlie, she suggested, "Master Wade, shall we descend to the riverside?" 😊🌊💑

Chapter 1220: "From Broken Vase to Unbreakable Bonds"

Charlie acknowledged with a nod, his friendly demeanor shining through as he replied, "Of course, I'll help you down, but these steps can be a bit tricky. Watch your step."

Sarah bashfully extended her delicate hand towards Charlie, her voice carrying a hint of shyness as she whispered, "Master Wade, could you lend me a hand? I'm worried about losing my balance."

In truth, her fear of falling was a mere pretense. What she truly desired was to draw closer to Charlie.

Charlie surveyed the steep stone staircase leading from the riverbank to the riverbed. Knowing the potential risks for someone as young as Sarah, he took her soft hand into his, guiding her down with care.

As they descended, the riverbank lay silent, punctuated only by the occasional passage of illuminated boats on the river, their engines humming loudly. Despite the noise, the vastness of the river seemed to absorb the sound, creating a serene atmosphere.

Reaching the riverbed, Charlie released Sarah's hand. Facing the brisk river breeze, he couldn't help but smile, remarking, "This place is truly beautiful."

Sarah responded with a faint smile, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear as she shared her childhood memories, "When I was little, I used to adore this place. My father was always busy with work, so my mother would bring me here every day."

She sighed, a tinge of nostalgia in her voice, "Back then, my mother would drive us here, park in the same spot, and we'd descend these very stone steps, much like how you held my hand so tenderly just now."

Charlie nodded in understanding.

During his time in the orphanage, he often thought about his parents. In his younger days, he wasn't as resilient as he is today, often finding solace in his blankets or hidden corners whenever the memories resurfaced.

However, with time, he learned to cope. The hardships he faced molded him into a stronger person, teaching him to let go of the past and come to terms with the reality of losing loved ones.

At that moment, Sarah sighed beside him, "This morning, when I visited my parents' graves, I couldn't believe it has been over a decade since they passed away. My childhood memories still feel so vivid, and sometimes, I feel like I'm still that eight-year-old girl."

Charlie offered a self-deprecating chuckle as he shared his own perspective, "You can still visit your parents' graves. I don't even know where my parents are buried."

Surprised, Sarah inquired, "You can't locate them, or is there more to the story?"

Charlie sighed, "When my parents passed away, I was just eight years old. I couldn't take care of myself, let alone handle their affairs. By the time I considered searching for them, it was already too late."

He added, "However, it's possible that their ashes were taken back by my grandfather's family, though I'm not entirely certain."

Curiosity piqued, Sarah asked, "Master Wade, do you have any family left in this world?"

Charlie nodded somberly, "Yes, I do, but I'm not yet ready to face them."

Sarah nodded in understanding, her graceful eyelashes fluttering as she proposed, "Master Wade, how about a stroll along the riverbank?"

"Of course," Charlie agreed with a smile, accompanying Sarah along the serene riverbank.

With a playful smile, Sarah asked, "By the way, Master Wade, do you recall how we first crossed paths?"

Charlie chuckled, "Certainly, it was at Timeless Collectibles when my father-in-law accidentally knocked over that antique vase of yours."

Sarah nodded, reflecting on that encounter, "Back then, I was astonished by your skill in repairing the vase. I never imagined a young man could master such a rare art. Little did I know, that was just the beginning of your talents, or that you would come to my aid in so many ways." 😊❤️🌟

DALL·E 2024-01-29 12.47.32 - A serene riverbank scene at twilight. A young man and woman in th...pngDALL·E 2024-01-29 12.48.15 - In this serene riverbank scene, Charlie and Sarah, both in their ...png


Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 15, 2023
I'd love to see a little more of character building for Claire. The fact that she likes vegetables is not a valid reason for Charlie to stay faithful to a woman, who doesn't even want him and has tumors for parents.

Did you notice that right now Sarah and Claire are pretty much on the same level when it comes to their relationships with Charlie? The only thing Sarah doesn't have is a marriage agreement.

Both aren't in a physical relationship with him. Sarah can't be, due to his marital status, but Claire made a choice again and again.

Claire shares a house and a bed with him, but because she's being neglected by the author, it SCREAMS that she's only treating him as a roommate and a security guard.
Sarah on the other hand literally drowns him in subtle affection, profound respect and unwavering loyalty, despite them not even being engaged. It evens them out in my opinion. After reading about their "date" right now and sharing past stories, I don't know if she hasn't surpassed Claire already.

With all the fake stories on reddit and the main reason for affairs being neglected emotionally by your partner, I can't really blame Charlie for developing a bit of an emotional affair with Sarah (even if he's oblivious to it). He's a gem among the scum of "high society" for not breaking his vows already, considering his wife doesn't even look his way.

If I was the writer, I'd ignore the idiot from Eastcliff for now, let the doctor pump his stomach for a month and then plan "revenge". :ROFLMAO:
Finish the conflict with the Weaver family and during their downfall along with the Wilsons, I'd focus on expanding Claire's character and getting her closer to Charlie. So far I still have a feeling that she's closer to Jacob and Elaine despite their past mistakes and Charlie proving himself repeatedly.
What do you think? What would you guys do?
Last edited:

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 1221: "Fate's Script: From Collectibles to Mastery"

Charlie reminisced about the extraordinary circumstances that had brought him into Sarah's life, finding it truly astonishing.

Had he not accompanied his prospective father-in-law to Timeless Collectibles on that fateful day, he would never have laid hands on the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture."

Without the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture," he would have remained Young Master Wade rather than ascending to the title of Master Wade.

Comparatively, he favored the Master Wade moniker, with its two words, as it symbolized an achievement earned through his own skills. Young Master Wade, on the other hand, was a title granted by his family's prestige, not his own accomplishments.

Hence, he held the belief that it was all a matter of fate.

Meeting Sarah and acquiring the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture" were both destined events, he felt.

With a sincere expression, he turned to Sarah and said, "They say that meeting is a matter of fate, but in reality, many things are preordained by destiny."

Blushing, Sarah asked in a soft voice, "Master Wade, are you suggesting that we have a predestined connection?"

"Yes," Charlie smiled, adding a touch of 😊. "It may take a century to cross paths, but even crossing paths is merely the fate of acquaintances. From acquaintances to friends, it probably requires two or three centuries of fate, wouldn't you say?"

Sarah gently nodded and softly replied, "Master Wade, you always speak in such enigmatic ways. Do people like you, with great skills, really hold such strong beliefs in fate and destiny?"

Charlie chuckled, "I wasn't a believer before, but after encountering certain events, I've slowly started to embrace it."

He waved his hand, "But let's not dwell on this. It's not very exciting. How about you? You're now the head of the Walker family. What are your future plans?"

With a serious and determined demeanor, Sarah responded, "As the family head, there are still many who don't fully support me, so I'll need some time to solidify my position. Afterward, I'll lead the family towards progress. If the family can thrive under my leadership and members can increase their earnings, I believe they'll stand by me."

Charlie nodded slightly, his expression serious, and said, "Your approach is sound. For most people, the desire for financial success is paramount."

He continued, "The current climate presents a great opportunity for the Walker family. The Weaver family is evidently declining, and the position of the top family in South Laverton region is up for grabs. I believe it's the perfect moment for the Walker family to rise."

Sarah added, "During this time, I also plan to travel more and explore opportunities to expand the Walker family's business beyond our current horizons. Finding new business partners would be a significant achievement."

Charlie inquired, "Is there anything I can assist with? If you ever require my help, please don't hesitate to ask."

Sarah hastily responded, "Master Wade, you've already been so generous with your assistance. I couldn't possibly ask for more. Instead, if there's anything in the future where you need my support, please don't hesitate to reach out. I truly hope to have the chance to reciprocate your kindness."

Charlie smiled, "You needn't keep mentioning repaying me. If I ever require your assistance down the road, I won't hesitate to ask."

Sarah gently nodded and said, "Understood, Master Wade."

Charlie said, "When you return, simply give the Resurrection Pill to your grandfather. It will bring him immense joy."

Sarah responded promptly, "I will do as you say!"

With a slight grin, Charlie checked the time and remarked, "Well, it's getting late. Let's head back. I'm certain Elder Walker is eagerly awaiting your return."

Sarah couldn't help but feel a pang of reluctance. She had never had the opportunity to spend private time with Charlie before, especially in one of her cherished childhood places.

At that moment, she yearned to hold Charlie's hand and express her feelings to him. Yet, the knowledge that Charlie was already married, committed to another woman, stifled her impulses.

So, she could only whisper softly, "Alright, Master Wade, if that's the case, let's return."

As they retraced their steps up the stone path they had descended earlier, Sarah's heart raced like a young deer. She wondered if Charlie would reach for her hand once more, savoring the feeling of being guided by him. ❤️🕊️😊

Chapter 1222: "Eyes Closed, Hearts Open"

You can genuinely experience happiness.

The stone steps were undeniably steep, so without much hesitation, Charlie extended his hand toward her and said, "Allow me to guide you up."

Sarah's heart fluttered with the excitement of a young woman. With a happy smile, she offered her hand, allowing Charlie to hold it.

She obediently followed Charlie, taking one step at a time.

Inside the car, Sarah's cheeks remained flushed with a rosy hue.

Due to her nervousness and shyness, her heartbeat raced faster than usual.

Nervously, she started the car and told Charlie, "Master Wade, I'll take you home now."

Charlie nodded, and Sarah drove back onto the main road.

As they crossed the Yangtze River, they soon arrived at the entrance of the Thomson Elite Villa area.

When the car stopped, Charlie thanked Sarah, saying, "I appreciate your kindness in driving me back."

Sarah quickly responded, "Master Wade, there's no need to be so formal."

Charlie advised, "Please drive safely on your way back."

"Of course."

With a hint of reluctance, Sarah nodded. Just as she saw Charlie about to open the car door and exit, a thought crossed her mind, and she hastily said, "Master Wade, could you wait for a moment?"

Charlie withdrew his hand from the car door and inquired, "Is there something else you'd like to say?"

Blushing, Sarah admitted, "I have a gift I'd like to give you."

Charlie smiled and remarked, "Today is your birthday, why are you preparing a gift for me?"

Sarah replied with hesitation, "It's a rather special gift, something I've wanted to give you for a long time, but I never had the chance."

Charlie nodded appreciatively and said, "Alright, thank you in advance."

Blushing even more intensely, Sarah requested, "To maintain the element of surprise, would you mind closing your eyes?"

"Of course." Charlie didn't think much of it and readily closed his eyes.

After a brief moment, Charlie suddenly felt a pair of soft lips pressing against his own.

Not only were those lips tender, but they also carried a subtle sweetness. After the initial kiss, they didn't immediately part but remained locked in a gentle embrace.

Charlie was taken aback and instinctively opened his eyes, only to find Sarah's beautiful eyes mere inches away.

He hadn't anticipated this unexpected kiss from Sarah...

In that moment, his instinct was to pull away or gently push her away. However, deep within his heart, conflicting emotions raged.

This inner turmoil prevented him from taking any action for the time being.

Sarah's daring move in initiating the kiss continued for a full minute... 😘💓🙈

DALL·E 2024-01-29 14.51.33 - In the final scene inside the car, Sarah, a young woman in her mi...png

Chapter 1223: "Claire's Goodness vs. Sarah's Determination"

Charlie never anticipated that Sarah would take the initiative to kiss him.

To be frank, despite being the young master of the illustrious Wade family and holding the esteemed title of Wade Master in Aurous Hill, his encounters with women had been quite limited.

Up until this point, his most intimate moment with a woman had been a gentle peck on the lips from his wife, Claire.

Yet, that kiss had been as fleeting as a dragonfly skimming the surface of water.

In contrast, Sarah's kiss felt more authentic, radiating a profound tenderness.

Charlie suddenly found himself a bit flustered, unsure of how to react.

Maybe it was the way Sarah had leaned across the center console to kiss him, leaving her a little breathless afterward. After a minute or so, she blushed and returned to her seat.

At this moment, Sarah's lovely face had turned crimson, as if it could drip with embarrassment.

Even the roots of her hair, hidden beneath her dark locks, had taken on a rosy hue.

Sarah couldn't bring herself to meet Charlie's eyes; she simply stared at the steering wheel, feeling uncertain about what to do next.

Charlie, too, felt a similar unease.

Inside the car, they both found themselves ensnared in an uncomfortable silence.

Finally, it was Sarah who broke the silence, her voice soft as she addressed Charlie, "Master Wade, what just happened was my impulsive act. If I offended you in any way, please accept my apologies..."

Charlie cleared his throat a couple of times, his embarrassment evident as he replied, "Well... Sarah... You see..."

At this point, Charlie appeared somewhat hesitant.

He didn't want to hurt Sarah's feelings.

Moreover, he found himself unable to bear causing her any pain.

With a sigh, he continued, "Sarah, I'm already married, you know..."

Sarah nodded repeatedly and whispered, "I've heard about your marriage with your wife."

Summoning her courage, she finally met Charlie's gaze and spoke earnestly, "Master Wade, I have genuine feelings for you, and I truly wish to be with you. I understand that you're already married, and my actions may not be ethically sound, but I believe that everyone deserves the right to pursue love, and I'm no exception..."

Charlie sighed, saying, "You're a truly wonderful person, but I am indeed a married man."

Somewhat stubbornly, Sarah responded, "Master Wade, I've heard that you and your wife have been married for over three years without any intimacy. Your marriage was arranged by your wife's grandfather. I simply can't comprehend why you would hold onto a marriage devoid of genuine connection for such a long time."

Her emotions grew more intense as she continued, tears welling up in her reddened eyes. She added, "Ever since I met you, Master Wade, I've felt sorry for you. In Aurous Hill, everyone sees you as an extraordinary man, endowed with exceptional abilities far beyond the ordinary folks. But I can't fathom why, possessing such talents, you'd agree to become the Wilson family's son-in-law and accept a loveless marriage."

Charlie managed a wistful smile and said, "Claire has been good to me. How can I simply abandon her because of newfound abilities?"

Upon hearing this, tears filled Sarah's eyes, and she whispered, "Whatever your wife can offer you, I believe I can provide as well. And whatever she can't give you, I am determined to make up for…" 😢❤️💔

Chapter 1224: "Love Knows No Boundaries: Sarah's Unwavering Resolve"

As she spoke, her tearful gaze turned towards Charlie. Tears streamed down her face as she looked at him with genuine emotion. She said, her voice trembling, "Master Wade, if you can accept me, Sarah, I'm ready to let go of myself and the entire Walker family. The Walker family will become the Wade family from now on, and you'll be the head of our household. I don't desire anything else in life; all I want is to be by your side as your lover and companion. If you want to travel, I'll forsake the Walker family and wander with you. If you wish for children, I'll gladly bear as many as you desire. Your happiness means everything to me, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes..."

DALL·E 2024-01-29 14.59.13 - In the car, Sarah, a young woman in her mid-20s, faces Charlie wi...png
Charlie found himself deeply moved by her words. Sarah was undeniably a rare gem, a beauty that came once in a lifetime, perhaps even once in a billion. Her extraordinary beauty was matched by her delightful personality. She had received a top-notch aristocratic education from a young age, and her talents were exceptional. She embodied the ideal image of a refined and cultured young lady among the elite families of Eastcliff. Even the most prominent clans in the city might struggle to raise such an outstanding young woman.

Thus, he considered himself fortunate that such an exceptional woman had feelings for him. But the unfortunate reality remained that he was already married, and his love for Claire ran deep. Leaving her was not something he could contemplate.

Yet, witnessing Sarah's heart-wrenching tears, he couldn't bear to see her in pain either. He didn't want to hurt Claire, but he also didn't want Sarah to suffer.

Caught in a dilemma, he paused for a moment.

Sarah continued to gaze at him with affection, awaiting his response.

After a silence that stretched for two to three minutes, Charlie sighed and said, "Sarah, I'm grateful for your feelings, but I can't leave Claire. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

The tears that had briefly stopped welled up in Sarah's eyes once more. Her red eyes remained fixed on Charlie as she spoke with profound affection, "It's alright, Master Wade, I understand. I may find it hard to win your heart, but I'm willing to wait, even if it means waiting until the seas dry up and the mountains crumble, or until the end of time itself."

Charlie sighed, "Why sacrifice your youth for me? There are plenty of better men out there. Don't compromise your lifelong happiness, and don't act on impulse."

"No," Sarah replied resolutely. "This isn't an impulsive decision. I believe there's no man in this world better than you, Master Wade. I've always been stubborn in my likes and dislikes, whether it's something I cherish or someone I love. Once I develop an affection, it's unwavering, a commitment for life."

She then lifted her wrist to reveal an old bracelet her mother had left her and spoke earnestly, "Just like this bracelet, our house holds countless other bracelets that are more beautiful, luxurious, and valuable than this one. But I don't like any of them; I only have affection for this one. And once I take it to heart, it's for a lifetime. I'll never give up halfway or change my mind."

Charlie spoke sincerely, "Sarah, today you turn twenty-six. In a prominent family like yours, this is the ideal age for marriage. In the next two to three years, you should find a suitable husband and start your own family. Placing your heart on someone like me, especially when I'm already married, isn't worth it."

Sarah insisted, "I'm willing to wait!"

Charlie sighed, "Wait for what? Are you waiting for me to get a divorce? But what if I never divorce?"

Sarah remained steadfast, "I'm willing to wait!"

Charlie felt helpless, "Let's say, even if I do get a divorce, as the esteemed daughter of the Walker family, aren't you afraid of being criticized for marrying a previously married man?"

Sarah shook her head and said, "I'm not afraid! As long as Master Wade doesn't mind, I'm not afraid of being your mistress. As long as I can be with you, even if the whole world mocks me, I won't be afraid!" 😢❤️💔

Chapter 1225: "Unanticipated Devotion: Sarah's Strong Will"

Charlie found himself in a rather tricky situation when it came to Sarah.

He hadn't expected her to be so devoted to him, nor had he anticipated her strong-willed personality.

He had never intended to become embroiled in any conflicts with her, but unwittingly, he had already left his mark.

With her feelings for him growing deeper, he couldn't deny his own responsibility in the matter.

However, he was well aware that matters of the heart couldn't be resolved in the blink of an eye.

So, Charlie could only offer her some reassurance, saying, "Let's discuss this later. We both need some time."

Sarah looked at him nervously and asked in a soft voice, "You won't start avoiding me from now on, will you? Will you purposely keep your distance in the future?"

Charlie smiled warmly and replied, "Why would I do that? I'm not that kind of person. Just because you've expressed your feelings for me doesn't mean I'll push you away."

Only then did Sarah breathe a sigh of relief and said, "Actually, I've been prepared to pursue this dream for a long time. Whether it takes 10, 8, or even 20 years, it doesn't feel too long to me. All I ask is that, no matter what, please don't deliberately distance yourself from me. Even if you don't have romantic feelings for me, please continue to treat me as your friend, just like before."

Charlie spoke sincerely, "Don't worry, I won't distance myself from you. We'll remain as close as we've always been."

Sarah nodded with understanding.

Charlie sighed and said, "Alright, it's getting late. I need to head home, and you should go back too."

Sarah agreed softly with a "Mmm" and said, "Goodnight, Master Wade. Thank you for today and for the Resurrection Pill."

Charlie waved his hand with a smile and said, "No need to be so formal. I'll go now, and you should drive carefully."

As Charlie was about to leave the car, Sarah called out hurriedly, "Master Wade!"

Charlie turned to her and inquired, "Is there something else?"

Blushing, Sarah shyly admitted, "There's nothing else. I just wanted to tell you that what just happened was my first kiss..."

Even Charlie, a composed man, couldn't help but blush a little at her confession.

He hadn't expected that Sarah's first kiss would be with him.

There's a saying that the most challenging thing to handle is a beautiful woman's favor, especially for a man like him with strong principles and emotions.

He didn't know how to respond to Sarah's confession for a moment. After a brief silence, he sincerely said, "Thank you..."

Sarah blushed sweetly and said, "Master Wade, I'll take my leave now..."

"Alright." 😊🌟🚗
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Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
I'd love to see a little more of character building for Claire. The fact that she likes vegetables is not a valid reason for Charlie to stay faithful to a woman, who doesn't even want him and has tumors for parents.

Did you notice that right now Sarah and Claire are pretty much on the same level when it comes to their relationships with Charlie? The only thing Sarah doesn't have is a marriage agreement.

Both aren't in a physical relationship with him. Sarah can't be, due to his marital status, but Claire made a choice again and again.

Claire shares a house and a bed with him, but because she's being neglected by the author, it SCREAMS that she's only treating him as a roommate and a security guard.
Sarah on the other hand literally drowns him in subtle affection, profound respect and unwavering loyalty, despite them not even being engaged. It evens them out in my opinion. After reading about their "date" right now and sharing past stories, I don't know if she hasn't surpassed Claire already.

With all the fake stories on reddit and the main reason for affairs being neglected emotionally by your partner, I can't really blame Charlie for developing a bit of an emotional affair with Sarah (even if he's oblivious to it). He's a gem among the scum of "high society" for not breaking his vows already, considering his wife doesn't even look his way.

If I was the writer, I'd ignore the idiot from Eastcliff for now, let the doctor pump his stomach for a month and then plan "revenge". :ROFLMAO:
Finish the conflict with the Weaver family and during their downfall along with the Wilsons, I'd focus on expanding Claire's character and getting her closer to Charlie. So far I still have a feeling that she's closer to Jacob and Elaine despite their past mistakes and Charlie proving himself repeatedly.
What do you think? What would you guys do?
I hate complicated thoughts, If I were Charlie on this given date in the riverbank, I'd just ask Sarah to drive straight to the nearest Inn! Or else, I will just pull her to go with me to the 2nd row of the car, while parked in that secluded part of the riverside...


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 1221: "Fate's Script: From Collectibles to Mastery"

Charlie reminisced about the extraordinary circumstances that had brought him into Sarah's life, finding it truly astonishing.

Had he not accompanied his prospective father-in-law to Timeless Collectibles on that fateful day, he would never have laid hands on the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture."

Without the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture," he would have remained Young Master Wade rather than ascending to the title of Master Wade.

Comparatively, he favored the Master Wade moniker, with its two words, as it symbolized an achievement earned through his own skills. Young Master Wade, on the other hand, was a title granted by his family's prestige, not his own accomplishments.

Hence, he held the belief that it was all a matter of fate.

Meeting Sarah and acquiring the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture" were both destined events, he felt.

With a sincere expression, he turned to Sarah and said, "They say that meeting is a matter of fate, but in reality, many things are preordained by destiny."

Blushing, Sarah asked in a soft voice, "Master Wade, are you suggesting that we have a predestined connection?"

"Yes," Charlie smiled, adding a touch of 😊. "It may take a century to cross paths, but even crossing paths is merely the fate of acquaintances. From acquaintances to friends, it probably requires two or three centuries of fate, wouldn't you say?"

Sarah gently nodded and softly replied, "Master Wade, you always speak in such enigmatic ways. Do people like you, with great skills, really hold such strong beliefs in fate and destiny?"

Charlie chuckled, "I wasn't a believer before, but after encountering certain events, I've slowly started to embrace it."

He waved his hand, "But let's not dwell on this. It's not very exciting. How about you? You're now the head of the Walker family. What are your future plans?"

With a serious and determined demeanor, Sarah responded, "As the family head, there are still many who don't fully support me, so I'll need some time to solidify my position. Afterward, I'll lead the family towards progress. If the family can thrive under my leadership and members can increase their earnings, I believe they'll stand by me."

Charlie nodded slightly, his expression serious, and said, "Your approach is sound. For most people, the desire for financial success is paramount."

He continued, "The current climate presents a great opportunity for the Walker family. The Weaver family is evidently declining, and the position of the top family in South Laverton region is up for grabs. I believe it's the perfect moment for the Walker family to rise."

Sarah added, "During this time, I also plan to travel more and explore opportunities to expand the Walker family's business beyond our current horizons. Finding new business partners would be a significant achievement."

Charlie inquired, "Is there anything I can assist with? If you ever require my help, please don't hesitate to ask."

Sarah hastily responded, "Master Wade, you've already been so generous with your assistance. I couldn't possibly ask for more. Instead, if there's anything in the future where you need my support, please don't hesitate to reach out. I truly hope to have the chance to reciprocate your kindness."

Charlie smiled, "You needn't keep mentioning repaying me. If I ever require your assistance down the road, I won't hesitate to ask."

Sarah gently nodded and said, "Understood, Master Wade."

Charlie said, "When you return, simply give the Resurrection Pill to your grandfather. It will bring him immense joy."

Sarah responded promptly, "I will do as you say!"

With a slight grin, Charlie checked the time and remarked, "Well, it's getting late. Let's head back. I'm certain Elder Walker is eagerly awaiting your return."

Sarah couldn't help but feel a pang of reluctance. She had never had the opportunity to spend private time with Charlie before, especially in one of her cherished childhood places.

At that moment, she yearned to hold Charlie's hand and express her feelings to him. Yet, the knowledge that Charlie was already married, committed to another woman, stifled her impulses.

So, she could only whisper softly, "Alright, Master Wade, if that's the case, let's return."

As they retraced their steps up the stone path they had descended earlier, Sarah's heart raced like a young deer. She wondered if Charlie would reach for her hand once more, savoring the feeling of being guided by him. ❤️🕊️😊

Chapter 1222: "Eyes Closed, Hearts Open"

You can genuinely experience happiness.

The stone steps were undeniably steep, so without much hesitation, Charlie extended his hand toward her and said, "Allow me to guide you up."

Sarah's heart fluttered with the excitement of a young woman. With a happy smile, she offered her hand, allowing Charlie to hold it.

She obediently followed Charlie, taking one step at a time.

Inside the car, Sarah's cheeks remained flushed with a rosy hue.

Due to her nervousness and shyness, her heartbeat raced faster than usual.

Nervously, she started the car and told Charlie, "Master Wade, I'll take you home now."

Charlie nodded, and Sarah drove back onto the main road.

As they crossed the Yangtze River, they soon arrived at the entrance of the Thomson Elite Villa area.

When the car stopped, Charlie thanked Sarah, saying, "I appreciate your kindness in driving me back."

Sarah quickly responded, "Master Wade, there's no need to be so formal."

Charlie advised, "Please drive safely on your way back."

"Of course."

With a hint of reluctance, Sarah nodded. Just as she saw Charlie about to open the car door and exit, a thought crossed her mind, and she hastily said, "Master Wade, could you wait for a moment?"

Charlie withdrew his hand from the car door and inquired, "Is there something else you'd like to say?"

Blushing, Sarah admitted, "I have a gift I'd like to give you."

Charlie smiled and remarked, "Today is your birthday, why are you preparing a gift for me?"

Sarah replied with hesitation, "It's a rather special gift, something I've wanted to give you for a long time, but I never had the chance."

Charlie nodded appreciatively and said, "Alright, thank you in advance."

Blushing even more intensely, Sarah requested, "To maintain the element of surprise, would you mind closing your eyes?"

"Of course." Charlie didn't think much of it and readily closed his eyes.

After a brief moment, Charlie suddenly felt a pair of soft lips pressing against his own.

Not only were those lips tender, but they also carried a subtle sweetness. After the initial kiss, they didn't immediately part but remained locked in a gentle embrace.

Charlie was taken aback and instinctively opened his eyes, only to find Sarah's beautiful eyes mere inches away.

He hadn't anticipated this unexpected kiss from Sarah...

In that moment, his instinct was to pull away or gently push her away. However, deep within his heart, conflicting emotions raged.

This inner turmoil prevented him from taking any action for the time being.

Sarah's daring move in initiating the kiss continued for a full minute... 😘💓🙈

View attachment 2836

Chapter 1223: "Claire's Goodness vs. Sarah's Determination"

Charlie never anticipated that Sarah would take the initiative to kiss him.

To be frank, despite being the young master of the illustrious Wade family and holding the esteemed title of Wade Master in Aurous Hill, his encounters with women had been quite limited.

Up until this point, his most intimate moment with a woman had been a gentle peck on the lips from his wife, Claire.

Yet, that kiss had been as fleeting as a dragonfly skimming the surface of water.

In contrast, Sarah's kiss felt more authentic, radiating a profound tenderness.

Charlie suddenly found himself a bit flustered, unsure of how to react.

Maybe it was the way Sarah had leaned across the center console to kiss him, leaving her a little breathless afterward. After a minute or so, she blushed and returned to her seat.

At this moment, Sarah's lovely face had turned crimson, as if it could drip with embarrassment.

Even the roots of her hair, hidden beneath her dark locks, had taken on a rosy hue.

Sarah couldn't bring herself to meet Charlie's eyes; she simply stared at the steering wheel, feeling uncertain about what to do next.

Charlie, too, felt a similar unease.

Inside the car, they both found themselves ensnared in an uncomfortable silence.

Finally, it was Sarah who broke the silence, her voice soft as she addressed Charlie, "Master Wade, what just happened was my impulsive act. If I offended you in any way, please accept my apologies..."

Charlie cleared his throat a couple of times, his embarrassment evident as he replied, "Well... Sarah... You see..."

At this point, Charlie appeared somewhat hesitant.

He didn't want to hurt Sarah's feelings.

Moreover, he found himself unable to bear causing her any pain.

With a sigh, he continued, "Sarah, I'm already married, you know..."

Sarah nodded repeatedly and whispered, "I've heard about your marriage with your wife."

Summoning her courage, she finally met Charlie's gaze and spoke earnestly, "Master Wade, I have genuine feelings for you, and I truly wish to be with you. I understand that you're already married, and my actions may not be ethically sound, but I believe that everyone deserves the right to pursue love, and I'm no exception..."

Charlie sighed, saying, "You're a truly wonderful person, but I am indeed a married man."

Somewhat stubbornly, Sarah responded, "Master Wade, I've heard that you and your wife have been married for over three years without any intimacy. Your marriage was arranged by your wife's grandfather. I simply can't comprehend why you would hold onto a marriage devoid of genuine connection for such a long time."

Her emotions grew more intense as she continued, tears welling up in her reddened eyes. She added, "Ever since I met you, Master Wade, I've felt sorry for you. In Aurous Hill, everyone sees you as an extraordinary man, endowed with exceptional abilities far beyond the ordinary folks. But I can't fathom why, possessing such talents, you'd agree to become the Wilson family's son-in-law and accept a loveless marriage."

Charlie managed a wistful smile and said, "Claire has been good to me. How can I simply abandon her because of newfound abilities?"

Upon hearing this, tears filled Sarah's eyes, and she whispered, "Whatever your wife can offer you, I believe I can provide as well. And whatever she can't give you, I am determined to make up for…" 😢❤️💔

Chapter 1224: "Love Knows No Boundaries: Sarah's Unwavering Resolve"

As she spoke, her tearful gaze turned towards Charlie. Tears streamed down her face as she looked at him with genuine emotion. She said, her voice trembling, "Master Wade, if you can accept me, Sarah, I'm ready to let go of myself and the entire Walker family. The Walker family will become the Wade family from now on, and you'll be the head of our household. I don't desire anything else in life; all I want is to be by your side as your lover and companion. If you want to travel, I'll forsake the Walker family and wander with you. If you wish for children, I'll gladly bear as many as you desire. Your happiness means everything to me, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes..."

View attachment 2838
Charlie found himself deeply moved by her words. Sarah was undeniably a rare gem, a beauty that came once in a lifetime, perhaps even once in a billion. Her extraordinary beauty was matched by her delightful personality. She had received a top-notch aristocratic education from a young age, and her talents were exceptional. She embodied the ideal image of a refined and cultured young lady among the elite families of Eastcliff. Even the most prominent clans in the city might struggle to raise such an outstanding young woman.

Thus, he considered himself fortunate that such an exceptional woman had feelings for him. But the unfortunate reality remained that he was already married, and his love for Claire ran deep. Leaving her was not something he could contemplate.

Yet, witnessing Sarah's heart-wrenching tears, he couldn't bear to see her in pain either. He didn't want to hurt Claire, but he also didn't want Sarah to suffer.

Caught in a dilemma, he paused for a moment.

Sarah continued to gaze at him with affection, awaiting his response.

After a silence that stretched for two to three minutes, Charlie sighed and said, "Sarah, I'm grateful for your feelings, but I can't leave Claire. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

The tears that had briefly stopped welled up in Sarah's eyes once more. Her red eyes remained fixed on Charlie as she spoke with profound affection, "It's alright, Master Wade, I understand. I may find it hard to win your heart, but I'm willing to wait, even if it means waiting until the seas dry up and the mountains crumble, or until the end of time itself."

Charlie sighed, "Why sacrifice your youth for me? There are plenty of better men out there. Don't compromise your lifelong happiness, and don't act on impulse."

"No," Sarah replied resolutely. "This isn't an impulsive decision. I believe there's no man in this world better than you, Master Wade. I've always been stubborn in my likes and dislikes, whether it's something I cherish or someone I love. Once I develop an affection, it's unwavering, a commitment for life."

She then lifted her wrist to reveal an old bracelet her mother had left her and spoke earnestly, "Just like this bracelet, our house holds countless other bracelets that are more beautiful, luxurious, and valuable than this one. But I don't like any of them; I only have affection for this one. And once I take it to heart, it's for a lifetime. I'll never give up halfway or change my mind."

Charlie spoke sincerely, "Sarah, today you turn twenty-six. In a prominent family like yours, this is the ideal age for marriage. In the next two to three years, you should find a suitable husband and start your own family. Placing your heart on someone like me, especially when I'm already married, isn't worth it."

Sarah insisted, "I'm willing to wait!"

Charlie sighed, "Wait for what? Are you waiting for me to get a divorce? But what if I never divorce?"

Sarah remained steadfast, "I'm willing to wait!"

Charlie felt helpless, "Let's say, even if I do get a divorce, as the esteemed daughter of the Walker family, aren't you afraid of being criticized for marrying a previously married man?"

Sarah shook her head and said, "I'm not afraid! As long as Master Wade doesn't mind, I'm not afraid of being your mistress. As long as I can be with you, even if the whole world mocks me, I won't be afraid!" 😢❤️💔

Chapter 1225: "Unanticipated Devotion: Sarah's Strong Will"

Charlie found himself in a rather tricky situation when it came to Sarah.

He hadn't expected her to be so devoted to him, nor had he anticipated her strong-willed personality.

He had never intended to become embroiled in any conflicts with her, but unwittingly, he had already left his mark.

With her feelings for him growing deeper, he couldn't deny his own responsibility in the matter.

However, he was well aware that matters of the heart couldn't be resolved in the blink of an eye.

So, Charlie could only offer her some reassurance, saying, "Let's discuss this later. We both need some time."

Sarah looked at him nervously and asked in a soft voice, "You won't start avoiding me from now on, will you? Will you purposely keep your distance in the future?"

Charlie smiled warmly and replied, "Why would I do that? I'm not that kind of person. Just because you've expressed your feelings for me doesn't mean I'll push you away."

Only then did Sarah breathe a sigh of relief and said, "Actually, I've been prepared to pursue this dream for a long time. Whether it takes 10, 8, or even 20 years, it doesn't feel too long to me. All I ask is that, no matter what, please don't deliberately distance yourself from me. Even if you don't have romantic feelings for me, please continue to treat me as your friend, just like before."

Charlie spoke sincerely, "Don't worry, I won't distance myself from you. We'll remain as close as we've always been."

Sarah nodded with understanding.

Charlie sighed and said, "Alright, it's getting late. I need to head home, and you should go back too."

Sarah agreed softly with a "Mmm" and said, "Goodnight, Master Wade. Thank you for today and for the Resurrection Pill."

Charlie waved his hand with a smile and said, "No need to be so formal. I'll go now, and you should drive carefully."

As Charlie was about to leave the car, Sarah called out hurriedly, "Master Wade!"

Charlie turned to her and inquired, "Is there something else?"

Blushing, Sarah shyly admitted, "There's nothing else. I just wanted to tell you that what just happened was my first kiss..."

Even Charlie, a composed man, couldn't help but blush a little at her confession.

He hadn't expected that Sarah's first kiss would be with him.

There's a saying that the most challenging thing to handle is a beautiful woman's favor, especially for a man like him with strong principles and emotions.

He didn't know how to respond to Sarah's confession for a moment. After a brief silence, he sincerely said, "Thank you..."

Sarah blushed sweetly and said, "Master Wade, I'll take my leave now..."

"Alright." 😊🌟🚗
Sex Sect is trying everything to recruit Charlie but he is too stubborn to give in. Emeka is really worried 😀😀😀

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023

Chapter 1226: "Charlie's Streak of Good Fortune"

After stepping out of the car, Charlie watched Sarah drive away from Thomson Elite, standing still for more than ten seconds before heading through the gates of Thomson Elite.

Upon his return home, his wife, Claire, had already finished her preparations and was nestled in bed with a book in hand.

Seeing Charlie's return, Claire broke into a warm smile and inquired, "How was your friend's birthday bash?"

Charlie's heart felt a tad uneasy, and he replied, "The party was... alright."

Unaware that the guest of honor that evening had been Sarah, Claire had not been informed, a deliberate omission on Charlie's part to spare her any undue concerns.

Detecting nothing amiss about her husband's demeanor, Claire set aside her book and, with a shy demeanor, requested, "Honey, could I ask you for a favor?"

Charlie responded with haste, "Why all the formality with your own husband? Just tell me what you need."

Claire began, "I have a high school friend who's tying the knot soon. She dropped by my studio today to deliver her wedding invitation. Would you accompany me to her wedding?"

Charlie grinned and inquired, "Is it a guy or a gal?"

"It's a girl," Claire replied. "We were desk buddies during our senior year of high school."

Charlie nodded and assured her, "Since she's a desk buddy, we should definitely attend!"

However, Claire hesitated before saying, "Well, honey, I have another request..."

Charlie encouraged her, "Don't hold back; tell me."

Claire spoke earnestly, "My high school friend has had a tough life. Her family always favored sons over daughters, and now, marrying into another family, she faces the same disregard from her in-laws. She'd like me to drive my BMW as the lead car in her wedding procession. She probably thinks the BMW is luxurious enough, but you see, in city weddings these days, the lead car should be a luxury vehicle worth at least a million dollars. A BMW 5 Series might not be suitable. So, I was wondering if you could lend one of the luxury cars that Mr. White and Mr. Ward used to own, just for this occasion."

Charlie was taken aback and asked, "Lending the car isn't a problem, but honey, I've only heard of wedding processions for the groom's side. I've never heard of one for the bride's side. Is that a tradition?"

Claire clarified, "My friend used to be a boarder, and her family hails from a county near Aurous Hill. Normally, the groom and his family would come to pick up the bride. However, her future in-laws look down on her, so they've imposed a harsh condition. They've decided not to fetch her and have instructed her family to drive her to the hotel instead. That's the reason..."

Charlie furrowed his brow and commented, "The groom's family is being excessively harsh. She's carrying their child, and they won't even come to pick her up?"

Claire sighed, saying, "There's no way around it. My friend is in a difficult situation. The groom's family doesn't value her and won't provide any dowry. Her own family initially hoped for some dowry money to buy a house for her younger brother, but now they won't receive a single penny. They were even against her marriage, but she insisted. So, both her future in-laws and her own family aren't happy with her. It's a tough spot for her."

With that, Claire embraced Charlie's arm and shook it with a pleading look, saying, "Honey, I know you're the most capable person I know, and I understand that you prefer to keep a low profile, but could you please help? On my friend's wedding day, could you drive one of those sports cars to lead the procession? I just want to ensure her in-laws don't treat her poorly. Please, honey..."

Charlie smiled, indulging her, and proposed, "Since she's your high school friend, one sports car won't suffice. How about we both drive one? You can escort your friend, and I'll take another. Does that sound good to you?"

Ecstatic, Claire hugged him and planted a kiss on his lips, exclaiming joyfully, "Perfect! I'm so delighted! You're the most wonderful husband in the world!"

Charlie remained stunned in place.

What had come over him today? Had he suddenly become a magnet for good fortune? 😳🌟

Chapter 1227: "Ryan and Benjamin's Nightmare Continues"

At this very moment, Sarah had already returned to the Walker family mansion.

On her drive back, she couldn't help but replay in her mind the daring kiss she'd planted on Charlie earlier, a warm blush creeping across her cheeks.

In truth, Sarah had never been the type to take the initiative in matters of the heart. Throughout her life, countless suitors had pursued her, but none had stirred her emotions. Before meeting Charlie, she had remained untouched by romantic feelings.

But little did she anticipate that falling in love with Charlie would turn her world upside down, making her lose control of her own heart.

If word got out about her bold move, her reputation as the eldest daughter of the prestigious Walker family in Aurous Hill would become the talk of the town. People would question how a young lady could behave so boldly.

And the precious gift she had willingly bestowed upon Charlie was her very first kiss, a treasure she had guarded for twenty-six years.

Yet, Sarah harbored no regrets. In her heart, she had made a firm decision.

At the same time, she vowed to prove every word she had spoken to Charlie with time and actions. She had declared her willingness to wait for him, and she meant to wait for as long as it took.

Upon her return home, Sarah parked her car in the courtyard, but Butler Dondie rushed over, offering to park it in the garage for her.

Politely declining, Sarah insisted, "No need, Butler Dondie. I can handle it myself. You can go about your duties."

Butler Dondie, slightly flustered, replied, "It's not proper, Miss. You are now the head of the Walker family, and many tasks can be handled by our staff."

In a hushed tone, he added, "Miss, your grandfather is waiting for you."

At the mention of her grandfather, Sarah nodded hurriedly, entrusted her car to Butler Dondie, slung her bag over her shoulder, and headed inside the house.

In the Walker family's living room, all the family members sat with utmost formality.

Though Sarah's birthday celebration had concluded, Elder Walker showed no intention of leaving, and no one dared to leave on their own.

Keen observers noted that this time, Elder Walker did not occupy his customary seat.

The Walker family's living room was designed like a corporate conference room, with a central main seat and eighteen seats on each side.

Normally, Elder Walker would unreservedly claim the main seat, but on this occasion, he had chosen to sit in the seat adjacent to the main one.

Everyone understood the implication—he was reserving the central seat for Sarah.

Across from Elder Walker, Ryan and his father, Benjamin, maintained stern expressions.

This evening had been nothing short of a nightmare for the father-son duo, and the nightmare showed no signs of abating.

Elder Walker was determined to elevate Sarah to a prominent position, and no matter how much Ryan and his father objected, they lacked the power to thwart him.

For Elder Walker, both physically and mentally robust, possessed a sharp mind and unyielding authority.

In this scenario, even if father and son harbored strong objections, they could not defy Elder Walker's resolve. As long as he remained in charge, Sarah had an unwavering pillar of support. 😌🌟🏡

Chapter 1228: "The Blessings of Master Wade"

What made them even more desperate was that Elder Walker had previously been seriously ill, but now he was as healthy as a middle-aged man.

This also meant that Elder Walker had at least another ten or twenty years of life ahead of him.

Although Sarah's wings were not fully spread yet, Elder Walker had helped her climb onto the horse and was giving his all to support her. In just a few years, Sarah would likely secure her position as the true head of the Walker family.

At that point, it would be very difficult to challenge her.

It was well known that in ancient times, the best time to revolt for power, like the emperors did, was when a new ruler ascended the throne and their foundation was unstable.

For instance, during the Ming Dynasty, Prince Zhu Di seized power while Emperor Jianwen's rule was still shaky. However, the problem now was that Sarah was not Emperor Jianwen.

When Emperor Jianwen ascended the throne, Elder Zhu Yuanzhang was already dead. If Zhu Yuanzhang were still alive, even if Prince Zhu Di had ten times the courage, he wouldn't have been able to successfully rebel.

Now, Elder Walker was alive and well.

This left Benjamin and Ryan feeling extremely frustrated.

At this moment, they had no way to change Elder Walker's decision, so they could only bide their time and look for opportunities in secret.

As soon as Sarah entered, Elder Walker smiled and said, "Our Walker family's new generation head is back! Sarah, come, take a seat in the main seat!"

Sarah had thought that only her grandfather was waiting for her, but she didn't expect the entire Walker family to be waiting, and she was even more surprised when her grandfather gave up the main seat for her. This made her feel quite honored.

So, Sarah hurriedly waved her hand and said, "Grandfather, it's better if you sit in the main seat. I can sit beside you."

Elder Walker smiled and said, "I'm no longer the head of the family now, so how can I sit in the main seat? That would be a disgraceful display."

With that, he stood up, took Sarah to the main seat, and let her sit down. Then he said with a loud voice, "Blessed are we, the Walker family! Not only do we have the help of the extraordinary Master Wade behind us, but we also have outstanding descendants like Sarah to guide the family towards greater glory. I believe that in just a few years, the Walker family's strength will make significant progress."

Everyone present, except for Benjamin and Ryan, applauded enthusiastically.

They had also realized the wisdom behind this decision.

They knew that Sarah must have earned the affection of Charlie, otherwise, he wouldn't have helped her so many times, including giving her two Resurrection Pill, each worth at least 2 billion dollars.

Now that Sarah had become the head of the family, Charlie was likely to assist her even more. With Charlie's help and guidance, the Walker family would naturally continue to prosper.

Seeing everyone applauding warmly, Elder Walker felt extremely pleased.

What he feared the most was that after Sarah became the head of the family, she would not be accepted by the others.

If the people below started to rebel against Sarah, it would be a big problem for her.

Fortunately, she had the protective aura of Master Charlie Wade, and with him by her side, along with his support, her position as the head of the family would undoubtedly be secure.

Thinking of this, Elder Walker couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "In my opinion, it won't be long before our Walker family becomes the number one family in South Laverton region. If Sarah is lucky enough to become Master Wade's wife, then our Walker family will surely soar to greater heights, just like a soaring dragon!"

Benjamin, who had been silent, expressed his concern, "Dad, don't forget, today we've offended Shelby of the Hansen family. We don't know how the Hansen family will retaliate against us!"

Elder Walker's tone turned cold, "With Master Wade by our side, I won't be afraid even if we offend the head of the Hansen family, let alone just their Third Young Master!"

Chapter 1229: "Hansen Family's High-Stakes Emergency"

At this very moment, deep in the night at Eastcliff International Airport.

Shelby's private plane touched down at Eastcliff Airport.

Throughout the journey, he had been on edge because of swallowing that ruby necklace. He was afraid that the necklace might cause a bowel obstruction, and even a divine intervention couldn't save him in that case.

Fortunately, he had safely landed in Eastcliff.

As soon as the plane landed, it taxied to the hangar, where an ambulance was already waiting.

The Hansen family in Eastcliff was extraordinarily powerful, with assets starting at a minimum of 500 billion. Therefore, they not only had their own personal doctors and expert teams but also their private hospital.

The ambulance that came to pick him up at the airport was dispatched by the Hansen family's hospital.

Accompanying the ambulance were the Vice-President of the hospital and several gastrointestinal experts.

It was said that Young Master Hansen had swallowed a ruby smaller than a chicken egg and was wearing a necklace. The experts from the Hansen family hospital were quite nervous because ingesting foreign objects was a very dangerous matter.

Especially when swallowing something relatively large and intricately shaped, the risk factor increased significantly.

A necklace wasn't like a simple stone. If he had swallowed just a single ruby, and if the gemstone was well-polished and relatively smooth, there might not be a significant issue. However, if there were a platinum base under the gemstone or it was part of a platinum necklace, it could pose a problem. It could easily get stuck in the intestines and, if not naturally excreted, might require surgery.

Shelby lay in the ambulance, hearing the possibility of surgery, and his face immediately turned pale.

He couldn't help but ask the experts, "Is there no other way besides surgery? I've never had surgery in my life."

The experts hastily replied, "Young Master, please don't worry. Let's first go back to the hospital and do a CT scan to see where the necklace is currently located. If it hasn't reached the intestines yet, we can wait a little longer to see if it will naturally pass. But if it's already in the intestines and doesn't seem like it can pass naturally, then we'll have to resort to surgery."

Shelby felt extremely frustrated and asked, "How long would it take for me to fully recover if surgery is necessary?"

After a moment of consideration, the expert replied, "If we have to remove something from your intestines, you'll need to rest absolutely in bed for at least two weeks post-surgery, and only after the wound has healed can you start moving. However, you still can't engage in strenuous activities. To fully recover, it will take at least three months."

Upon hearing that he would have to stay in bed for two weeks and recover for three months, Shelby became infuriated!

He gritted his teeth and asked, "Then how long until I can engage in sexual activities?"

The expert, feeling embarrassed, said, "Sexual activities are considered strenuous exercise, and the main area of movement is the abdominal region. After abdominal surgery, the thing to avoid most is sexual activity. It will take at least three months before you can resume."

"Damn it!"

Shelby was extremely frustrated.

This guy was a genuine playboy, constantly indulging in the pleasures of Eastcliff, roaming among flowers daily, often mingling with various models, celebrities, and peripheral women in various clubs. On his most extravagant days, he even entertained multiple women in one night.

But hearing that he might not be able to engage in sexual activities for the next three months was something he couldn't accept.

It felt like telling a heavy smoker that they couldn't smoke for three months; it was even more unbearable than being sentenced to death.

At this point, the expert couldn't help but ask him, "Young Master Hansen, how did you manage to swallow such a large necklace? Was it an accidental ingestion or something else?"

Chapter 1230: "Shelby's Desperate Pre-Operation Proposition"

When Shelby heard the expert inquire about this matter, he became even more infuriated!

He couldn't help but think of the smug expression on Charlie's face at the time, wishing he could kill him right away!

And then there was Isaac Craven.

Damn it, not only did he not give himself any face, but he also recorded a video to threaten him, forcing himself to swallow that string of ruby necklace.

If it weren't for his threat, he would never have made the decision to swallow it.

This bastard relied on the support of the Wade family, thinking he was invincible?

Damn it, this is outrageous.

So, in a fit of anger, Shelby shouted at the expert, "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, and if you keep babbling, be careful I'll kill you!"

The expert could only wisely keep his mouth shut. Although Hansen's third young master in the Hansen family was not the most powerful one, he was still not someone to be trifled with.

The ambulance sped toward the hospital and upon arrival, immediately rushed Shelby into the CT room.

The advanced CT machine was turned on to perform a comprehensive scan of Shelby's abdomen.

From the images captured by the CT scan, the experts could clearly see the prominent ruby necklace inside his stomach.

The problem was that this necklace had already gotten stuck in his intestinal bend, and the ruby and the necklace itself had formed a curvature. Looking at it this way, the chances of it passing naturally were extremely slim.

Moreover, the ruby was quite large, causing a significant blockage in the intestines. If they waited any longer, allowing other food residues to enter the intestines, it could lead to a blockage and intestinal obstruction.

So, after discussing it, the experts made a decision: they had to perform surgery immediately to remove the ruby necklace.

Just as Shelby was being lifted off the CT machine, he heard this dreadful news and felt extreme inner anguish.

But he wasn't a fool, and he knew that at a time like this, he absolutely couldn't joke with his own life, so he could only grit his teeth and say, "In that case, let's arrange the surgery as soon as possible."

One of the experts spoke, "Young Master Shelby, Mr. and Mrs. Hansen are already on their way, they'll be here shortly. We'll transfer you to a hospital room first, prepare surgical instruments, and formulate a surgical plan. This way, you can meet with Mr. and Mrs. when they arrive, and then proceed to the operating room."

Shelby asked, "They're coming?"

"Yes," the expert replied, "they've already set off."

Shelby could only nod.

Afterward, he was taken to a special care ward by a nurse.

In the special care ward, a beautiful young nurse was busy attending to him, changing his patient gown one moment and wiping his body the next.

Seeing how pretty the nurse was, Shelby immediately had impure thoughts.

His parents were expected to arrive in about half an hour, and he wouldn't be able to engage in any physical activity for the next three months. So why not take advantage of this opportunity and have some fun with this cute nurse before heading into the operating room?

As the nurse was changing his clothes, he grabbed her hand and leered, saying, "Hey there, beautiful, what's your name? How about keeping me company before I go into the operating room? Don't worry, I'll make it worth your while!"

Chapter 1231: "Family Surprise at the Worst Time"

Doctors and nurses at the Hansen Family Hospital all knew the exceptional power of the Hansen Family, so whenever they had the chance, they would go out of their way to please the Hansen Family members.

This young nurse never even dreamt that she would receive the favor of Young Master Shelby today. It was like rising from rags to riches for her.

Let's not even talk about spending a night of passion with Young Master Shelby; he would definitely not treat her poorly.

If she could conceive Young Master Shelby's child during their night together, wouldn't that elevate her status even more?

Many female celebrities, striving desperately, become mistresses to wealthy tycoons, or get pregnant before marriage just to give birth to their child, all in the hope of reaching the pinnacle of success.

Upon hearing this, the young nurse almost immediately nodded without hesitation and coquettishly said, "Young Master Shelby, no matter what you desire, I'm willing!"

Shelby, upon hearing this, was instantly overcome with desire and pulled the young nurse towards him, pressing her beneath him.

Fortunately, the ruby necklace hadn't yet had any substantial effect on him, so there were no issues with Shelby's abilities in that department before the surgery.

The young nurse was naturally very proactive, and the two of them quickly ignited a passionate flame.

However, just as they were engrossed in their battle, the door to the hospital room was suddenly pushed open.

Shelby was startled and turned to look at the door, his face pale with shock.

He never dreamt that his parents and grandparents would all be standing at the door, staring at him in disbelief.

His grandmother let out a scream and, losing her balance, sat down on the floor.

Immediately after, the old lady cried out in pain, clearly feeling intense discomfort.

Shelby hastily grabbed the bedsheet and wrapped himself up, nervously asking, "Grandpa... Grandma... Dad... Mom, how did you all get here so quickly?!"

"You good-for-nothing!"

Shelby's father, Rupert, angrily scolded him, then went to assist the old lady.

However, as he tried to help the old lady up, she cried out in pain, "Oh, it's unbearable! I might have injured my tailbone. Hurry, call a doctor..."

The head of the Hansen family was also furious, pointing at Shelby and scolding him, "You unfilial descendant! As a member of the Hansen family, how could you get involved with a woman like this? What if she were to bear our Hansen family's child? You've brought disgrace upon us!"

Shelby's face turned ashen with fear. He never expected his parents to arrive at the hospital within 10 minutes.

He never imagined that his impromptu decision to indulge with the nurse would be discovered by the elders so soon.

Seeing his grandfather's furious expression, he hastily repented, "Grandpa, please don't be angry. It was just a moment of foolishness because the doctor said I couldn't do that for three months after surgery. Please punish me!"

Rupert angrily retorted, "You ungrateful wretch! Despite your grandparents' concern for you, they came here specifically to visit you, and you turn out to be such a disgrace. I'm furious with you."

After scolding him, he continued, "Can't you see that your grandmother is injured? Aren't you going to come over and check on her?"

Shelby knew he had gotten himself into a huge mess. His first instinct was to deflect blame, so he pointed at the nurse and blurted out, "Dad, it was all because of this seductress..."

Chapter 1232: "Shelby's Million-Dollar Mistake"

The female nurse held a pillow to cover herself and said with a hint of grievance, "Third Young Master, you can't just accuse me like that. If it weren't for your desires, I would never have done something like betraying my boyfriend. Our relationship was so loving..."

Shelby angrily cursed, "You still have a boyfriend?"

Tears welled up in the nurse's eyes as she replied, "I've been with my boyfriend for several years. We were planning to get married this year. If he finds out about this, I won't be able to face anyone again..."

Shelby clenched his teeth in frustration, and his father, Rupert, had a stern expression as he told the nurse, "I'll have someone give you five million. Now, get out of this room and this hospital."

The nurse, upon hearing the offer of five million, excitedly nodded and quickly wrapped herself in her nurse's uniform before happily running out.

At that moment, the doctor arrived and took the elderly lady who had fallen to the ground for an examination.

Shelby's grandfather and father followed, leaving Shelby's mother, Corina, in the hospital room.

Corina, filled with anger, glared at her son and scolded, "Why is this child so clueless? You could have done that somewhere else; did you have to do it in the hospital? Do you know how angry your grandfather will be when he sees this situation?"

"Mom, I'm sorry..."

Shelby lowered his head, looking like a distressed child.

Corina couldn't help but sigh and said, "You know that your grandfather values the Hansen family's bloodline the most. Among the male heirs of the Hansen family, anyone who gets involved with women of questionable reputation and ends up with their child will never gain your grandfather's favor. You know what happened to your third uncle's youngest son and your fourth uncle's second son, right?"

Shelby knew very well that his third uncle's youngest son and fourth uncle's second son had both engaged in promiscuous behavior and impregnated women of low standing, which led to their expulsion from the family and their subsequent relocation to the south, where they managed businesses that couldn't be presented in polite society. They had become the abandoned scions of the Hansen family.

Their grandfather had always been extremely proud of their family's lineage. Their branch of the Hansen family had produced scholars and high-ranking officials for generations, even educating princes and heirs during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Therefore, in their grandfather's eyes, the Hansen family's bloodline could only be carried on by well-educated and respectable young ladies.

If these women from the lower class tarnished the Hansen family's descendants, it would be a great insult, something their grandfather couldn't tolerate.

So, deep down, Shelby was truly regretful.

Thankfully, his parents and grandparents arrived early. Otherwise, if he hadn't taken any precautions and had a physical relationship with that nurse, he could have been in serious trouble if she had become pregnant.

He fervently said to Corina, "Mom, don't worry. I won't do something like this again in the future."

Corina sighed and said seriously, "Your words won't be enough. You'll have to talk to your grandfather and make sure he forgives you. Do you understand?"

"I understand, Mom," Shelby nodded vigorously and couldn't help but ask in frustration, "Mom, how did you all get here so quickly? I thought you would need at least another 20 minutes."

Corina gave him a stern look and replied irritably, "We were originally planning to drive here, but your grandmother heard about it and was worried about your safety. So, she suggested we take a helicopter. Who would have thought that we'd encounter this situation after arriving? Now, hurry up and change your clothes, then go check on your grandmother."

Chapter 1233: "A Grandparent's Approval: The Key to Happiness"

Shelby's heart was filled with frustration at this moment. He had hastily nodded when his mother mentioned visiting his grandmother.

Corina turned around at this moment and said, "Put on your clothes now, hurry up!"

Only then did Shelby hurriedly put on his clothes.

Corina asked him, "What's the matter with your trip to Aurous Hill this time? How come you rushed back right after arriving? And I heard you even swallowed a string of ruby necklaces? Is it the one I helped you pick out, the one you were supposed to give to Sarah from the Walker family? What's the whole story?"

Facing his mother's barrage of questions, Shelby sighed and said, "Mom, please don't mention it. This time when I went to the Walker family in Aurous Hill, I unexpectedly encountered a guy surnamed Wade, a complete loser. I made a bet with him, and when I lost, I ended up swallowing that ruby necklace."

Corina furrowed her brow and said, "How did you manage to provoke someone surnamed Wade? Is he from the Wade family in Eastcliff? We can't afford to mess with the Wade family!"

Shelby quickly replied, "No, he's not from the Wade family in Eastcliff. He's just a lowly son-in-law from a Wade family in Aurous Hill. Damn, he claimed to be able to practice some kind of mystical elixir, and he had the Walker family completely mesmerized."

Corina then asked, "Have you discussed the matter of alliance and marriage with the Walker family's head? Your father is hoping that through this, you can earn your grandfather's approval."

Shelby angrily said, "The Walker family has no idea about what's good for them. Besides, Sarah has been flirting with that loser surnamed Wade all along. I strongly suspect they're having an affair!"

"Impossible!" Corina shook her head and said, "I've investigated Sarah's background thoroughly. She's an outstanding young lady. Among all the noble ladies in Eastcliff, very few can compare to her! Moreover, I hired a private investigator who informed me that Sarah has never had a romantic relationship."

Corina lowered her voice and continued, "To tell you the truth, I even had someone look into Sarah's recent medical records at a high-end private hospital. The records show that she is still a virgin!"

"What?!" Shelby's eyes lit up with a sinister gleam upon hearing this!

He blurted out, "Sarah is still a virgin?!"

Corina scolded him in a hushed tone, "I've told you countless times not to speak so crudely. If your grandparents hear this, it will leave a bad impression!"

Shelby hurriedly explained, "I'm sorry, Mom, I just couldn't believe it for a moment."

Corina said, "From my analysis, Sarah is truly an exceptional young lady. Your grandfather values lineage, social status, and refinement so much. I believe that if you can marry Sarah, your grandfather will be extremely pleased. Otherwise, why would I have you travel all the way to Aurous Hill?"

She went on, "Let me tell you, this is your opportunity. Your older brother from your uncle's family has been pursuing the fourth Miss from the Wade family, but she doesn't even look at him. Your grandfather has scolded him countless times, saying he's incompetent."

"Same thing for your second uncle's son, who is courting the eldest Miss from the Blake family in Eastcliff. Although she has a high social status, she's not very attractive even after getting plastic surgery. Moreover, she has a wild and carefree personality, lacking the refinement of a proper young lady. Your grandparents aren't very satisfied with her either. If you can find a good girl like Sarah, your grandparents will be overjoyed! At that point, you might become their favorite."

It was at this moment that Shelby realized what Sarah meant to him.

Chapter 1234: "Aurous Hill's Emgrand Enigma: Who's in Charge?"

He sighed in frustration, saying, "If I had known it would turn out like this, I would have pursued her when I was studying abroad..."

Corina asked, "Then why didn't you pursue her back then?"

Shelby sighed and said, "Back then, I just thought foreign girls were better. During those years abroad, I only dated foreign girls."

As he spoke, he recalled something and hurriedly added, "Mom, I embarrassed myself in front of Sarah this time. I'm afraid she doesn't have a good impression of me now. What should I do?"

Corina sighed and said, "You need to think of a way to improve the impression you left on her. Pursuing a girl isn't something that can be accomplished quickly. You should be prepared for a long battle."

Shelby said, "The doctor told me that I might have to stay in bed for 15 days after the surgery, so I won't be able to go to Aurous Hill for a while..."

Corina said, "Why worry about 15 days? Sarah has been single for 26 years!"

Upon hearing this, Shelby immediately smiled and said, "Mom, with your words, I feel more confident now."

Corina nodded and asked, "By the way, did you go to see Elsa in Aurous Hill this time?"

Shelby hurriedly replied, "I didn't have time to see her. I got off the plane and went straight to Walker's house, then rushed to the airport from there and flew back."

Corina said, "Next time you go to Aurous Hill, remember to visit her. She's been in Aurous Hill for quite a while and hasn't come back."

Shelby nodded but asked with surprise, "Mom, why would Elsa go to that remote place like Aurous Hill?"

Corina explained, "I heard from your grandfather that the Wade family recently bought a company in Aurous Hill called the Emgrand Group. It seems they handed it over to a young master from the Wade family to run. Your grandfather wanted Elsa to go there and see if she could develop something with the young master."

Shelby furrowed his brow again and said, "There's actually a young master in the Wade family in Aurous Hill? That's hard to believe..."

As he said this, he remembered Charlie.

Could this Charlie be the young master of the Wade family?

It didn't seem likely. Isaac had denied it, and that guy was just a live-in son-in-law. He had reportedly married into an insignificant family in Aurous Hill, so it didn't make sense for him to be the young master of the Wade family!

At this point, Corina also expressed doubts, saying, "I initially thought that the Chairman of the Emgrand Group might be the young master of the Wade family. However, according to Elsa, she has never seen the face of this Chairman, so I suspect that even if he is the young master of the Wade family, he might not be in Aurous Hill. He could be remotely controlling things from Eastcliff or even just holding a ceremonial position without actually managing anything, after all, the Wade family is so prominent, and a mere Emgrand Group might not be worth their attention."

Shelby asked in surprise, "Then why is Elsa staying there? Shouldn't she come back quickly?"

Corina explained, "Your grandfather want her to come back, but she didn't want to, so your grandfather decided to go along with her."

Chapter 1235: "Eastcliff's Intricate Web of Alliances"

The relationships between the prominent families in Eastcliff were incredibly intricate.

They were like the Eight Banners nobility of the Qing Dynasty, intermarrying and forming close ties with one another.

After all, every family had sons and daughters, and when they reached the age of marriage, they had to find suitable matches. These prestigious families had high standards, so they couldn't simply choose sons-in-law or daughters-in-law from ordinary households. Instead, they would look for suitable candidates within the other major families.

It could be said that there was no major family that did not intermarry with others, and some prosperous families would form connections with multiple major families simultaneously.

This was somewhat reminiscent of the European royalty. In those traditional monarchies in Europe, kings and queens were often related through marriage, creating a vast interconnected royal family.

Shelby's mother, Corina, was the precious daughter of the Dewey family and also the aunt of Elsa.

She had married Rupert, Shelby's father, 35 years ago.

Back when the Hansen and Dewey families had formed this union, the Dewey family was even slightly more powerful than the Hansen family.

However, over the years, the Dewey family had been on the decline, while the Hansen family had been on the rise, gradually widening the gap between the two.

Nevertheless, the elderly couple from the Hansen family had always favored Corina. This was mainly because the Dewey family had indeed assisted the Hansen family significantly after Corina's marriage into their family.

After marrying Rupert, Corina gave birth to three daughters before finally having Shelby as their fourth child. As a result, Shelby received special affection.

Shelby was now 27 years old, approaching 28, so Corina began to worry about her son's marriage.

She had initially searched extensively within the major families of Eastcliff but had not yet found a satisfactory match.

The Salvador and Wade families had highly esteemed daughters with both status and wealth, and everyone hoped to form a union with them. In comparison, the Hansen family lagged significantly behind in terms of strength.

As for families of similar status and strength to the Hansen family, the eligible young women were either already engaged or did not meet Corina's standards.

Naturally, Corina hoped her son could find a rich and capable young lady who was also exceptionally attractive.

However, most daughters from major families were noticeable for their advantages but also glaring shortcomings. They were wealthy and influential, but aside from that, they were rather ordinary.

For instance, some of these young ladies were simply idle and profligate, spending money from an early age. Although they had graduated from world-renowned universities, it was often thanks to substantial donations.

Just like Millie Fraser, who donated $15 million to secure his son's admission to Harvard.

Most of these rich second-generation kids were more show than substance.

Even Shelby himself fell into this category, a well-decorated but essentially useless figure.

When Shelby had gone abroad to study, his family had spent a considerable sum to secure his admission.

So, despite being known as the Third Young Master of the Hansen family, his personal abilities were far inferior to those diligent high achievers.

Corina also didn't want her son to end up with a slacker like that, so she searched and eventually set her sights on Sarah.

However, she hadn't expected her son to be so incompetent. He had gotten into an argument with someone during Sarah's birthday celebration and even bet on it, publicly swallowing a string of ruby necklaces.

At the moment, she couldn't help but feel extremely helpless.

However, with her son about to undergo surgery, Corina didn't want to show her disappointment too openly. She merely waited for her to get dressed and then took her to visit the injured elderly lady.
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New member
Dec 9, 2023
Chapter 1221: "Fate's Script: From Collectibles to Mastery"

Charlie reminisced about the extraordinary circumstances that had brought him into Sarah's life, finding it truly astonishing.

Had he not accompanied his prospective father-in-law to Timeless Collectibles on that fateful day, he would never have laid hands on the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture."

Without the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture," he would have remained Young Master Wade rather than ascending to the title of Master Wade.

Comparatively, he favored the Master Wade moniker, with its two words, as it symbolized an achievement earned through his own skills. Young Master Wade, on the other hand, was a title granted by his family's prestige, not his own accomplishments.

Hence, he held the belief that it was all a matter of fate.

Meeting Sarah and acquiring the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture" were both destined events, he felt.

With a sincere expression, he turned to Sarah and said, "They say that meeting is a matter of fate, but in reality, many things are preordained by destiny."

Blushing, Sarah asked in a soft voice, "Master Wade, are you suggesting that we have a predestined connection?"

"Yes," Charlie smiled, adding a touch of 😊. "It may take a century to cross paths, but even crossing paths is merely the fate of acquaintances. From acquaintances to friends, it probably requires two or three centuries of fate, wouldn't you say?"

Sarah gently nodded and softly replied, "Master Wade, you always speak in such enigmatic ways. Do people like you, with great skills, really hold such strong beliefs in fate and destiny?"

Charlie chuckled, "I wasn't a believer before, but after encountering certain events, I've slowly started to embrace it."

He waved his hand, "But let's not dwell on this. It's not very exciting. How about you? You're now the head of the Walker family. What are your future plans?"

With a serious and determined demeanor, Sarah responded, "As the family head, there are still many who don't fully support me, so I'll need some time to solidify my position. Afterward, I'll lead the family towards progress. If the family can thrive under my leadership and members can increase their earnings, I believe they'll stand by me."

Charlie nodded slightly, his expression serious, and said, "Your approach is sound. For most people, the desire for financial success is paramount."

He continued, "The current climate presents a great opportunity for the Walker family. The Weaver family is evidently declining, and the position of the top family in South Laverton region is up for grabs. I believe it's the perfect moment for the Walker family to rise."

Sarah added, "During this time, I also plan to travel more and explore opportunities to expand the Walker family's business beyond our current horizons. Finding new business partners would be a significant achievement."

Charlie inquired, "Is there anything I can assist with? If you ever require my help, please don't hesitate to ask."

Sarah hastily responded, "Master Wade, you've already been so generous with your assistance. I couldn't possibly ask for more. Instead, if there's anything in the future where you need my support, please don't hesitate to reach out. I truly hope to have the chance to reciprocate your kindness."

Charlie smiled, "You needn't keep mentioning repaying me. If I ever require your assistance down the road, I won't hesitate to ask."

Sarah gently nodded and said, "Understood, Master Wade."

Charlie said, "When you return, simply give the Resurrection Pill to your grandfather. It will bring him immense joy."

Sarah responded promptly, "I will do as you say!"

With a slight grin, Charlie checked the time and remarked, "Well, it's getting late. Let's head back. I'm certain Elder Walker is eagerly awaiting your return."

Sarah couldn't help but feel a pang of reluctance. She had never had the opportunity to spend private time with Charlie before, especially in one of her cherished childhood places.

At that moment, she yearned to hold Charlie's hand and express her feelings to him. Yet, the knowledge that Charlie was already married, committed to another woman, stifled her impulses.

So, she could only whisper softly, "Alright, Master Wade, if that's the case, let's return."

As they retraced their steps up the stone path they had descended earlier, Sarah's heart raced like a young deer. She wondered if Charlie would reach for her hand once more, savoring the feeling of being guided by him. ❤️🕊️😊

Chapter 1222: "Eyes Closed, Hearts Open"

You can genuinely experience happiness.

The stone steps were undeniably steep, so without much hesitation, Charlie extended his hand toward her and said, "Allow me to guide you up."

Sarah's heart fluttered with the excitement of a young woman. With a happy smile, she offered her hand, allowing Charlie to hold it.

She obediently followed Charlie, taking one step at a time.

Inside the car, Sarah's cheeks remained flushed with a rosy hue.

Due to her nervousness and shyness, her heartbeat raced faster than usual.

Nervously, she started the car and told Charlie, "Master Wade, I'll take you home now."

Charlie nodded, and Sarah drove back onto the main road.

As they crossed the Yangtze River, they soon arrived at the entrance of the Thomson Elite Villa area.

When the car stopped, Charlie thanked Sarah, saying, "I appreciate your kindness in driving me back."

Sarah quickly responded, "Master Wade, there's no need to be so formal."

Charlie advised, "Please drive safely on your way back."

"Of course."

With a hint of reluctance, Sarah nodded. Just as she saw Charlie about to open the car door and exit, a thought crossed her mind, and she hastily said, "Master Wade, could you wait for a moment?"

Charlie withdrew his hand from the car door and inquired, "Is there something else you'd like to say?"

Blushing, Sarah admitted, "I have a gift I'd like to give you."

Charlie smiled and remarked, "Today is your birthday, why are you preparing a gift for me?"

Sarah replied with hesitation, "It's a rather special gift, something I've wanted to give you for a long time, but I never had the chance."

Charlie nodded appreciatively and said, "Alright, thank you in advance."

Blushing even more intensely, Sarah requested, "To maintain the element of surprise, would you mind closing your eyes?"

"Of course." Charlie didn't think much of it and readily closed his eyes.

After a brief moment, Charlie suddenly felt a pair of soft lips pressing against his own.

Not only were those lips tender, but they also carried a subtle sweetness. After the initial kiss, they didn't immediately part but remained locked in a gentle embrace.

Charlie was taken aback and instinctively opened his eyes, only to find Sarah's beautiful eyes mere inches away.

He hadn't anticipated this unexpected kiss from Sarah...

In that moment, his instinct was to pull away or gently push her away. However, deep within his heart, conflicting emotions raged.

This inner turmoil prevented him from taking any action for the time being.

Sarah's daring move in initiating the kiss continued for a full minute... 😘💓🙈

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Chapter 1223: "Claire's Goodness vs. Sarah's Determination"

Charlie never anticipated that Sarah would take the initiative to kiss him.

To be frank, despite being the young master of the illustrious Wade family and holding the esteemed title of Wade Master in Aurous Hill, his encounters with women had been quite limited.

Up until this point, his most intimate moment with a woman had been a gentle peck on the lips from his wife, Claire.

Yet, that kiss had been as fleeting as a dragonfly skimming the surface of water.

In contrast, Sarah's kiss felt more authentic, radiating a profound tenderness.

Charlie suddenly found himself a bit flustered, unsure of how to react.

Maybe it was the way Sarah had leaned across the center console to kiss him, leaving her a little breathless afterward. After a minute or so, she blushed and returned to her seat.

At this moment, Sarah's lovely face had turned crimson, as if it could drip with embarrassment.

Even the roots of her hair, hidden beneath her dark locks, had taken on a rosy hue.

Sarah couldn't bring herself to meet Charlie's eyes; she simply stared at the steering wheel, feeling uncertain about what to do next.

Charlie, too, felt a similar unease.

Inside the car, they both found themselves ensnared in an uncomfortable silence.

Finally, it was Sarah who broke the silence, her voice soft as she addressed Charlie, "Master Wade, what just happened was my impulsive act. If I offended you in any way, please accept my apologies..."

Charlie cleared his throat a couple of times, his embarrassment evident as he replied, "Well... Sarah... You see..."

At this point, Charlie appeared somewhat hesitant.

He didn't want to hurt Sarah's feelings.

Moreover, he found himself unable to bear causing her any pain.

With a sigh, he continued, "Sarah, I'm already married, you know..."

Sarah nodded repeatedly and whispered, "I've heard about your marriage with your wife."

Summoning her courage, she finally met Charlie's gaze and spoke earnestly, "Master Wade, I have genuine feelings for you, and I truly wish to be with you. I understand that you're already married, and my actions may not be ethically sound, but I believe that everyone deserves the right to pursue love, and I'm no exception..."

Charlie sighed, saying, "You're a truly wonderful person, but I am indeed a married man."

Somewhat stubbornly, Sarah responded, "Master Wade, I've heard that you and your wife have been married for over three years without any intimacy. Your marriage was arranged by your wife's grandfather. I simply can't comprehend why you would hold onto a marriage devoid of genuine connection for such a long time."

Her emotions grew more intense as she continued, tears welling up in her reddened eyes. She added, "Ever since I met you, Master Wade, I've felt sorry for you. In Aurous Hill, everyone sees you as an extraordinary man, endowed with exceptional abilities far beyond the ordinary folks. But I can't fathom why, possessing such talents, you'd agree to become the Wilson family's son-in-law and accept a loveless marriage."

Charlie managed a wistful smile and said, "Claire has been good to me. How can I simply abandon her because of newfound abilities?"

Upon hearing this, tears filled Sarah's eyes, and she whispered, "Whatever your wife can offer you, I believe I can provide as well. And whatever she can't give you, I am determined to make up for…" 😢❤️💔

Chapter 1224: "Love Knows No Boundaries: Sarah's Unwavering Resolve"

As she spoke, her tearful gaze turned towards Charlie. Tears streamed down her face as she looked at him with genuine emotion. She said, her voice trembling, "Master Wade, if you can accept me, Sarah, I'm ready to let go of myself and the entire Walker family. The Walker family will become the Wade family from now on, and you'll be the head of our household. I don't desire anything else in life; all I want is to be by your side as your lover and companion. If you want to travel, I'll forsake the Walker family and wander with you. If you wish for children, I'll gladly bear as many as you desire. Your happiness means everything to me, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes..."

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Charlie found himself deeply moved by her words. Sarah was undeniably a rare gem, a beauty that came once in a lifetime, perhaps even once in a billion. Her extraordinary beauty was matched by her delightful personality. She had received a top-notch aristocratic education from a young age, and her talents were exceptional. She embodied the ideal image of a refined and cultured young lady among the elite families of Eastcliff. Even the most prominent clans in the city might struggle to raise such an outstanding young woman.

Thus, he considered himself fortunate that such an exceptional woman had feelings for him. But the unfortunate reality remained that he was already married, and his love for Claire ran deep. Leaving her was not something he could contemplate.

Yet, witnessing Sarah's heart-wrenching tears, he couldn't bear to see her in pain either. He didn't want to hurt Claire, but he also didn't want Sarah to suffer.

Caught in a dilemma, he paused for a moment.

Sarah continued to gaze at him with affection, awaiting his response.

After a silence that stretched for two to three minutes, Charlie sighed and said, "Sarah, I'm grateful for your feelings, but I can't leave Claire. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

The tears that had briefly stopped welled up in Sarah's eyes once more. Her red eyes remained fixed on Charlie as she spoke with profound affection, "It's alright, Master Wade, I understand. I may find it hard to win your heart, but I'm willing to wait, even if it means waiting until the seas dry up and the mountains crumble, or until the end of time itself."

Charlie sighed, "Why sacrifice your youth for me? There are plenty of better men out there. Don't compromise your lifelong happiness, and don't act on impulse."

"No," Sarah replied resolutely. "This isn't an impulsive decision. I believe there's no man in this world better than you, Master Wade. I've always been stubborn in my likes and dislikes, whether it's something I cherish or someone I love. Once I develop an affection, it's unwavering, a commitment for life."

She then lifted her wrist to reveal an old bracelet her mother had left her and spoke earnestly, "Just like this bracelet, our house holds countless other bracelets that are more beautiful, luxurious, and valuable than this one. But I don't like any of them; I only have affection for this one. And once I take it to heart, it's for a lifetime. I'll never give up halfway or change my mind."

Charlie spoke sincerely, "Sarah, today you turn twenty-six. In a prominent family like yours, this is the ideal age for marriage. In the next two to three years, you should find a suitable husband and start your own family. Placing your heart on someone like me, especially when I'm already married, isn't worth it."

Sarah insisted, "I'm willing to wait!"

Charlie sighed, "Wait for what? Are you waiting for me to get a divorce? But what if I never divorce?"

Sarah remained steadfast, "I'm willing to wait!"

Charlie felt helpless, "Let's say, even if I do get a divorce, as the esteemed daughter of the Walker family, aren't you afraid of being criticized for marrying a previously married man?"

Sarah shook her head and said, "I'm not afraid! As long as Master Wade doesn't mind, I'm not afraid of being your mistress. As long as I can be with you, even if the whole world mocks me, I won't be afraid!" 😢❤️💔

Chapter 1225: "Unanticipated Devotion: Sarah's Strong Will"

Charlie found himself in a rather tricky situation when it came to Sarah.

He hadn't expected her to be so devoted to him, nor had he anticipated her strong-willed personality.

He had never intended to become embroiled in any conflicts with her, but unwittingly, he had already left his mark.

With her feelings for him growing deeper, he couldn't deny his own responsibility in the matter.

However, he was well aware that matters of the heart couldn't be resolved in the blink of an eye.

So, Charlie could only offer her some reassurance, saying, "Let's discuss this later. We both need some time."

Sarah looked at him nervously and asked in a soft voice, "You won't start avoiding me from now on, will you? Will you purposely keep your distance in the future?"

Charlie smiled warmly and replied, "Why would I do that? I'm not that kind of person. Just because you've expressed your feelings for me doesn't mean I'll push you away."

Only then did Sarah breathe a sigh of relief and said, "Actually, I've been prepared to pursue this dream for a long time. Whether it takes 10, 8, or even 20 years, it doesn't feel too long to me. All I ask is that, no matter what, please don't deliberately distance yourself from me. Even if you don't have romantic feelings for me, please continue to treat me as your friend, just like before."

Charlie spoke sincerely, "Don't worry, I won't distance myself from you. We'll remain as close as we've always been."

Sarah nodded with understanding.

Charlie sighed and said, "Alright, it's getting late. I need to head home, and you should go back too."

Sarah agreed softly with a "Mmm" and said, "Goodnight, Master Wade. Thank you for today and for the Resurrection Pill."

Charlie waved his hand with a smile and said, "No need to be so formal. I'll go now, and you should drive carefully."

As Charlie was about to leave the car, Sarah called out hurriedly, "Master Wade!"

Charlie turned to her and inquired, "Is there something else?"

Blushing, Sarah shyly admitted, "There's nothing else. I just wanted to tell you that what just happened was my first kiss..."

Even Charlie, a composed man, couldn't help but blush a little at her confession.

He hadn't expected that Sarah's first kiss would be with him.

There's a saying that the most challenging thing to handle is a beautiful woman's favor, especially for a man like him with strong principles and emotions.

He didn't know how to respond to Sarah's confession for a moment. After a brief silence, he sincerely said, "Thank you..."

Sarah blushed sweetly and said, "Master Wade, I'll take my leave now..."

"Alright." 😊🌟🚗
The kissing scene gave me a lot of "kilig", haha. I guess I'm team Sarah now.🥰


Martial Arts Master
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 1231: "Family Surprise at the Worst Time"

Doctors and nurses at the Hansen Family Hospital all knew the exceptional power of the Hansen Family, so whenever they had the chance, they would go out of their way to please the Hansen Family members.

This young nurse never even dreamt that she would receive the favor of Young Master Shelby today. It was like rising from rags to riches for her.

Let's not even talk about spending a night of passion with Young Master Shelby; he would definitely not treat her poorly.

If she could conceive Young Master Shelby's child during their night together, wouldn't that elevate her status even more?

Many female celebrities, striving desperately, become mistresses to wealthy tycoons, or get pregnant before marriage just to give birth to their child, all in the hope of reaching the pinnacle of success.

Upon hearing this, the young nurse almost immediately nodded without hesitation and coquettishly said, "Young Master Shelby, no matter what you desire, I'm willing!"

Shelby, upon hearing this, was instantly overcome with desire and pulled the young nurse towards him, pressing her beneath him.

Fortunately, the ruby necklace hadn't yet had any substantial effect on him, so there were no issues with Shelby's abilities in that department before the surgery.

The young nurse was naturally very proactive, and the two of them quickly ignited a passionate flame.

However, just as they were engrossed in their battle, the door to the hospital room was suddenly pushed open.

Shelby was startled and turned to look at the door, his face pale with shock.

He never dreamt that his parents and grandparents would all be standing at the door, staring at him in disbelief.

His grandmother let out a scream and, losing her balance, sat down on the floor.

Immediately after, the old lady cried out in pain, clearly feeling intense discomfort.

Shelby hastily grabbed the bedsheet and wrapped himself up, nervously asking, "Grandpa... Grandma... Dad... Mom, how did you all get here so quickly?!"

"You good-for-nothing!"

Shelby's father, Rupert, angrily scolded him, then went to assist the old lady.

However, as he tried to help the old lady up, she cried out in pain, "Oh, it's unbearable! I might have injured my tailbone. Hurry, call a doctor..."

The head of the Hansen family was also furious, pointing at Shelby and scolding him, "You unfilial descendant! As a member of the Hansen family, how could you get involved with a woman like this? What if she were to bear our Hansen family's child? You've brought disgrace upon us!"

Shelby's face turned ashen with fear. He never expected his parents to arrive at the hospital within 10 minutes.

He never imagined that his impromptu decision to indulge with the nurse would be discovered by the elders so soon.

Seeing his grandfather's furious expression, he hastily repented, "Grandpa, please don't be angry. It was just a moment of foolishness because the doctor said I couldn't do that for three months after surgery. Please punish me!"

Rupert angrily retorted, "You ungrateful wretch! Despite your grandparents' concern for you, they came here specifically to visit you, and you turn out to be such a disgrace. I'm furious with you."

After scolding him, he continued, "Can't you see that your grandmother is injured? Aren't you going to come over and check on her?"

Shelby knew he had gotten himself into a huge mess. His first instinct was to deflect blame, so he pointed at the nurse and blurted out, "Dad, it was all because of this seductress..."

Chapter 1232: "Shelby's Million-Dollar Mistake"

The female nurse held a pillow to cover herself and said with a hint of grievance, "Third Young Master, you can't just accuse me like that. If it weren't for your desires, I would never have done something like betraying my boyfriend. Our relationship was so loving..."

Shelby angrily cursed, "You still have a boyfriend?"

Tears welled up in the nurse's eyes as she replied, "I've been with my boyfriend for several years. We were planning to get married this year. If he finds out about this, I won't be able to face anyone again..."

Shelby clenched his teeth in frustration, and his father, Rupert, had a stern expression as he told the nurse, "I'll have someone give you five million. Now, get out of this room and this hospital."

The nurse, upon hearing the offer of five million, excitedly nodded and quickly wrapped herself in her nurse's uniform before happily running out.

At that moment, the doctor arrived and took the elderly lady who had fallen to the ground for an examination.

Shelby's grandfather and father followed, leaving Shelby's mother, Corina, in the hospital room.

Corina, filled with anger, glared at her son and scolded, "Why is this child so clueless? You could have done that somewhere else; did you have to do it in the hospital? Do you know how angry your grandfather will be when he sees this situation?"

"Mom, I'm sorry..."

Shelby lowered his head, looking like a distressed child.

Corina couldn't help but sigh and said, "You know that your grandfather values the Hansen family's bloodline the most. Among the male heirs of the Hansen family, anyone who gets involved with women of questionable reputation and ends up with their child will never gain your grandfather's favor. You know what happened to your third uncle's youngest son and your fourth uncle's second son, right?"

Shelby knew very well that his third uncle's youngest son and fourth uncle's second son had both engaged in promiscuous behavior and impregnated women of low standing, which led to their expulsion from the family and their subsequent relocation to the south, where they managed businesses that couldn't be presented in polite society. They had become the abandoned scions of the Hansen family.

Their grandfather had always been extremely proud of their family's lineage. Their branch of the Hansen family had produced scholars and high-ranking officials for generations, even educating princes and heirs during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Therefore, in their grandfather's eyes, the Hansen family's bloodline could only be carried on by well-educated and respectable young ladies.

If these women from the lower class tarnished the Hansen family's descendants, it would be a great insult, something their grandfather couldn't tolerate.

So, deep down, Shelby was truly regretful.

Thankfully, his parents and grandparents arrived early. Otherwise, if he hadn't taken any precautions and had a physical relationship with that nurse, he could have been in serious trouble if she had become pregnant.

He fervently said to Corina, "Mom, don't worry. I won't do something like this again in the future."

Corina sighed and said seriously, "Your words won't be enough. You'll have to talk to your grandfather and make sure he forgives you. Do you understand?"

"I understand, Mom," Shelby nodded vigorously and couldn't help but ask in frustration, "Mom, how did you all get here so quickly? I thought you would need at least another 20 minutes."

Corina gave him a stern look and replied irritably, "We were originally planning to drive here, but your grandmother heard about it and was worried about your safety. So, she suggested we take a helicopter. Who would have thought that we'd encounter this situation after arriving? Now, hurry up and change your clothes, then go check on your grandmother."

Chapter 1233: "A Grandparent's Approval: The Key to Happiness"

Shelby's heart was filled with frustration at this moment. He had hastily nodded when his mother mentioned visiting his grandmother.

Corina turned around at this moment and said, "Put on your clothes now, hurry up!"

Only then did Shelby hurriedly put on his clothes.

Corina asked him, "What's the matter with your trip to Aurous Hill this time? How come you rushed back right after arriving? And I heard you even swallowed a string of ruby necklaces? Is it the one I helped you pick out, the one you were supposed to give to Sarah from the Walker family? What's the whole story?"

Facing his mother's barrage of questions, Shelby sighed and said, "Mom, please don't mention it. This time when I went to the Walker family in Aurous Hill, I unexpectedly encountered a guy surnamed Wade, a complete loser. I made a bet with him, and when I lost, I ended up swallowing that ruby necklace."

Corina furrowed her brow and said, "How did you manage to provoke someone surnamed Wade? Is he from the Wade family in Eastcliff? We can't afford to mess with the Wade family!"

Shelby quickly replied, "No, he's not from the Wade family in Eastcliff. He's just a lowly son-in-law from a Wade family in Aurous Hill. Damn, he claimed to be able to practice some kind of mystical elixir, and he had the Walker family completely mesmerized."

Corina then asked, "Have you discussed the matter of alliance and marriage with the Walker family's head? Your father is hoping that through this, you can earn your grandfather's approval."

Shelby angrily said, "The Walker family has no idea about what's good for them. Besides, Sarah has been flirting with that loser surnamed Wade all along. I strongly suspect they're having an affair!"

"Impossible!" Corina shook her head and said, "I've investigated Sarah's background thoroughly. She's an outstanding young lady. Among all the noble ladies in Eastcliff, very few can compare to her! Moreover, I hired a private investigator who informed me that Sarah has never had a romantic relationship."

Corina lowered her voice and continued, "To tell you the truth, I even had someone look into Sarah's recent medical records at a high-end private hospital. The records show that she is still a virgin!"

"What?!" Shelby's eyes lit up with a sinister gleam upon hearing this!

He blurted out, "Sarah is still a virgin?!"

Corina scolded him in a hushed tone, "I've told you countless times not to speak so crudely. If your grandparents hear this, it will leave a bad impression!"

Shelby hurriedly explained, "I'm sorry, Mom, I just couldn't believe it for a moment."

Corina said, "From my analysis, Sarah is truly an exceptional young lady. Your grandfather values lineage, social status, and refinement so much. I believe that if you can marry Sarah, your grandfather will be extremely pleased. Otherwise, why would I have you travel all the way to Aurous Hill?"

She went on, "Let me tell you, this is your opportunity. Your older brother from your uncle's family has been pursuing the fourth Miss from the Wade family, but she doesn't even look at him. Your grandfather has scolded him countless times, saying he's incompetent."

"Same thing for your second uncle's son, who is courting the eldest Miss from the Blake family in Eastcliff. Although she has a high social status, she's not very attractive even after getting plastic surgery. Moreover, she has a wild and carefree personality, lacking the refinement of a proper young lady. Your grandparents aren't very satisfied with her either. If you can find a good girl like Sarah, your grandparents will be overjoyed! At that point, you might become their favorite."

It was at this moment that Shelby realized what Sarah meant to him.

Chapter 1234: "Aurous Hill's Emgrand Enigma: Who's in Charge?"

He sighed in frustration, saying, "If I had known it would turn out like this, I would have pursued her when I was studying abroad..."

Corina asked, "Then why didn't you pursue her back then?"

Shelby sighed and said, "Back then, I just thought foreign girls were better. During those years abroad, I only dated foreign girls."

As he spoke, he recalled something and hurriedly added, "Mom, I embarrassed myself in front of Sarah this time. I'm afraid she doesn't have a good impression of me now. What should I do?"

Corina sighed and said, "You need to think of a way to improve the impression you left on her. Pursuing a girl isn't something that can be accomplished quickly. You should be prepared for a long battle."

Shelby said, "The doctor told me that I might have to stay in bed for 15 days after the surgery, so I won't be able to go to Aurous Hill for a while..."

Corina said, "Why worry about 15 days? Sarah has been single for 26 years!"

Upon hearing this, Shelby immediately smiled and said, "Mom, with your words, I feel more confident now."

Corina nodded and asked, "By the way, did you go to see Elsa in Aurous Hill this time?"

Shelby hurriedly replied, "I didn't have time to see her. I got off the plane and went straight to Walker's house, then rushed to the airport from there and flew back."

Corina said, "Next time you go to Aurous Hill, remember to visit her. She's been in Aurous Hill for quite a while and hasn't come back."

Shelby nodded but asked with surprise, "Mom, why would Elsa go to that remote place like Aurous Hill?"

Corina explained, "I heard from your grandfather that the Wade family recently bought a company in Aurous Hill called the Emgrand Group. It seems they handed it over to a young master from the Wade family to run. Your grandfather wanted Elsa to go there and see if she could develop something with the young master."

Shelby furrowed his brow again and said, "There's actually a young master in the Wade family in Aurous Hill? That's hard to believe..."

As he said this, he remembered Charlie.

Could this Charlie be the young master of the Wade family?

It didn't seem likely. Isaac had denied it, and that guy was just a live-in son-in-law. He had reportedly married into an insignificant family in Aurous Hill, so it didn't make sense for him to be the young master of the Wade family!

At this point, Corina also expressed doubts, saying, "I initially thought that the Chairman of the Emgrand Group might be the young master of the Wade family. However, according to Elsa, she has never seen the face of this Chairman, so I suspect that even if he is the young master of the Wade family, he might not be in Aurous Hill. He could be remotely controlling things from Eastcliff or even just holding a ceremonial position without actually managing anything, after all, the Wade family is so prominent, and a mere Emgrand Group might not be worth their attention."

Shelby asked in surprise, "Then why is Elsa staying there? Shouldn't she come back quickly?"

Corina explained, "Your grandfather want her to come back, but she didn't want to, so your grandfather decided to go along with her."

Chapter 1235: "Eastcliff's Intricate Web of Alliances"

The relationships between the prominent families in Eastcliff were incredibly intricate.

They were like the Eight Banners nobility of the Qing Dynasty, intermarrying and forming close ties with one another.

After all, every family had sons and daughters, and when they reached the age of marriage, they had to find suitable matches. These prestigious families had high standards, so they couldn't simply choose sons-in-law or daughters-in-law from ordinary households. Instead, they would look for suitable candidates within the other major families.

It could be said that there was no major family that did not intermarry with others, and some prosperous families would form connections with multiple major families simultaneously.

This was somewhat reminiscent of the European royalty. In those traditional monarchies in Europe, kings and queens were often related through marriage, creating a vast interconnected royal family.

Shelby's mother, Corina, was the precious daughter of the Dewey family and also the aunt of Elsa.

She had married Rupert, Shelby's father, 35 years ago.

Back when the Hansen and Dewey families had formed this union, the Dewey family was even slightly more powerful than the Hansen family.

However, over the years, the Dewey family had been on the decline, while the Hansen family had been on the rise, gradually widening the gap between the two.

Nevertheless, the elderly couple from the Hansen family had always favored Corina. This was mainly because the Dewey family had indeed assisted the Hansen family significantly after Corina's marriage into their family.

After marrying Rupert, Corina gave birth to three daughters before finally having Shelby as their fourth child. As a result, Shelby received special affection.

Shelby was now 27 years old, approaching 28, so Corina began to worry about her son's marriage.

She had initially searched extensively within the major families of Eastcliff but had not yet found a satisfactory match.

The Salvador and Wade families had highly esteemed daughters with both status and wealth, and everyone hoped to form a union with them. In comparison, the Hansen family lagged significantly behind in terms of strength.

As for families of similar status and strength to the Hansen family, the eligible young women were either already engaged or did not meet Corina's standards.

Naturally, Corina hoped her son could find a rich and capable young lady who was also exceptionally attractive.

However, most daughters from major families were noticeable for their advantages but also glaring shortcomings. They were wealthy and influential, but aside from that, they were rather ordinary.

For instance, some of these young ladies were simply idle and profligate, spending money from an early age. Although they had graduated from world-renowned universities, it was often thanks to substantial donations.

Just like Millie Fraser, who donated $15 million to secure his son's admission to Harvard.

Most of these rich second-generation kids were more show than substance.

Even Shelby himself fell into this category, a well-decorated but essentially useless figure.

When Shelby had gone abroad to study, his family had spent a considerable sum to secure his admission.

So, despite being known as the Third Young Master of the Hansen family, his personal abilities were far inferior to those diligent high achievers.

Corina also didn't want her son to end up with a slacker like that, so she searched and eventually set her sights on Sarah.

However, she hadn't expected her son to be so incompetent. He had gotten into an argument with someone during Sarah's birthday celebration and even bet on it, publicly swallowing a string of ruby necklaces.

At the moment, she couldn't help but feel extremely helpless.

However, with her son about to undergo surgery, Corina didn't want to show her disappointment too openly. She merely waited for her to get dressed and then took her to visit the injured elderly
Master Junlee, I think you have missed the chapters from 1226 to 1230.

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