The Dragon Man's Decree - Translated by GILY

Author: Unknown
Type: Action and Adventure
Posted : 07 October 2023
Status: Ongoing

John White is furious that someone has tried to make an advance on his girlfriend. In the end, he ends up behind bars after his attempt to protect her. Three years later, he is a free man but finds out that that girlfriend of his has married the man who hit on her back then. John will not let things slide. Thankfully, he has learned Focus Technique during his time in prison. At that, he embarks on the journey of cultivation and is accompanied by a gorgeous Miranda. Who would have thought this would enrage his ex-girlfriend?
Chapter 3729 - 3732 “Step aside, or face death…”

“How dare you? The inner court isn’t a place you can just waltz into.” Furious, Yvonne stepped forward, effectively stopping John in his tracks. John’s brows furrowed as he pointed his Dragonslayer Sword toward Yvonne.

“Step aside, or face death…” John radiated a murderous intent, his gaze chillingly terrifying. It seemed like in just a fleeting moment, he could end Yvonne’s life.

Yvonne felt the terrifying murderous intent emanating from John, causing her to freeze in shock. Her body even started to tremble slightly. Upon seeing Yvonne’s state, John chose not to say anything. Instead, he passed by her and pursued Killian. This time, Yvonne didn’t give chase. She had this gut feeling that if she did, John would indeed kill her.

Upon seeing John catching up, Killian was internally consumed by panic. His strength was steadily declining at that time because he had completely exhausted his blood essence from within. If John were to catch up with him, John could easily slay him with a single stroke of his sword.

“Who’s there? Who dares to intrude into the inner court of Lunarius Palace?” Just as Killian was about to reach the inner court of Lunarius Palace, suddenly, two inner court disciples from within the palace blocked his path.

“Make way! I’m Ms. Miller’s nephew. I have a token!” In haste, Killian presented his token. “I came to look for my aunt…”

Upon seeing the token, the two inner court disciples could only step aside, allowing Killian to enter the inner court of Lunarius Palace.

As soon as he stepped through the inner court, Killian began to shout, “Aunt Selma, help! Save me!” This left many female cultivators from Lunarius Palace looking at him with faces full of surprise. At this moment, John had already reached the inner court of Lunarius Palace. Two disciples stationed at the gate stopped him, sternly questioning,

“Who are you? You are not allowed to barge into the inner court of the palace!”

“Move away. I don’t want to hurt you!” John said with a chillingly cold expression. An inner court disciple glared furiously at John and roared, “How audacious! A mere Third Level Tribulator daring to spout such reckless words!” They were all Sixth Level Tribulators, yet John had the audacity to speak to them like that.

John didn’t utter another word. Instead, he let his Dragonslayer Sword do the talking with a swift strike. Roar! The sword energy surged like a dragon, roaring incessantly as it charged straight toward the two unsuspecting disciples. At this point, both of the inner court disciples were completely taken aback.

“C-Could this be the sword energy released by a Third Level Tribulator?”

“It’s terrifying! Hide quickly…” The two inner court disciples swiftly dodged to either side. In truth, John did not wish to hurt them. All he wanted was for them to clear the path.

While the two inner court disciples were dodging, John suddenly burst into the inner court. At that moment, a woman of middle age emerged from the inner court of the palace. Her face darkened when she asked, “Killian, this is the inner court of Lunarius Palace. What on earth are you shouting about?” The person in question was none other than Killian’s aunt, Selma, an elder of Lunarius Palace.

Upon seeing his aunt, Killian immediately descended from mid-air and, with a face full of grievance, knelt before Selma.

“Aunt Selma, help me! Someone wants to kill me…”

Selma, taken aback, questioned Killian upon seeing his condition, “What’s going on? Who did this to you? Why is your blood essence completely drained? Your strength is rapidly declining, too. If that’s the case, wouldn’t you be unable to continue your cultivation in the future? Wouldn’t that make you useless?”

“Aunt Selma, it’s John. He intends to take my life. In the trial tower, I had to exert all my blood essence just to survive. He’s caught up with me now!” Killian exclaimed in alarm.

While speaking, he looked back, his body trembling with extreme fear. Selma clenched her teeth, roaring in a fit of rage, “What? Did someone attack you in the trial tower? Who sent you there? With my token, you have free access to the inner court. Why did you need to be tested?

With that in mind, Killian wished he could give Yvonne a good thrashing right then and there.

In a hushed tone, Killian said, “Aunt Selma, John has arrived. I can sense his aura. This guy is the one Demon Seal Alliance has been hunting for. If we manage to kill him, we can claim the century-long offerings. I’ve only told you about this matter. You mustn’t share it with anyone else. If things go as planned, the century-long tribute of Demon Seal Alliance will belong to our family alone.”

At this point in time, Killian was surprisingly still contemplating the century-long offerings from Demon Seal Alliance. However, he was then within the inner court of Lunarius Palace, with Selma’s protection. Killian was confident that John simply could not harm him.

“What? This guy is the one that Demon Seal Alliance has been tirelessly pursuing? That’s fantastic!” Selma gave a cold laugh and said, “Hide behind me, and watch how I avenge you!”

Killian took refuge behind Selma, and soon after, John emerged, landing in front of Selma. Selma gave John a thorough once-over and was taken aback to discover that John was merely a Third Level Tribulator. “Brat, did you injure my nephew?” Selma questioned John. John glanced at Killian, who was hiding behind Selma, and nodded.

“I don’t just intend to injure him. I plan on killing him…” Once John finished speaking, he didn’t hesitate to bring down his sword. The terrifying aura of the sword energy surprisingly converged on Killian from all directions.

“How audacious of you! To dare lay a hand on someone within the inner court of Lunarius Palace, right in front of me!” Selma hadn’t anticipated that John, a Third Level Tribulator, would be so audacious. Thus, with a swift wave of her hand, layers of frost mist instantly appeared around her, effectively blocking John’s sword energy.

John gazed at Selma, fully aware that he had to give it his all. He knew he had to find a way to kill Killian. Otherwise, Killian would surely reveal his identity. John sheathed his Dragonslayer Sword, an ominous aura continuously radiating from him.

Suddenly, the world plunged into darkness, as if signaling the end of days. A blanket of ominous clouds unexpectedly engulfed the sky, casting a gloomy shadow over the entire Lunarius Palace. Everyone stared in astonishment at the sudden transformation of the sky. Their shock was beyond words. Amidst the ominous dark clouds, flashes of lightning and peals of thunder roared while John’s body gradually levitated. His form was enveloped in a halo of electricity, resonating with the stormy spectacle in the blackened sky.

Right then, a glimmer of light slowly emerged from John’s eyes. The lightning nascence within him was continually radiating outward. Bolts of lightning flickered in and out of sight, and soon, all of them were converging toward John.

John slowly raised his hand and pressed it down toward Killian. Everyone watched as John’s palm thrummed with electricity, all the surrounding lightning seemed to be drawn toward his hand.

John’s palm seemed like a vortex, ceaselessly absorbing the surrounding lightning. 4/22/24,

“What kind of technique is this? It’s too terrifying!”

“Is it possible for a Third Level Tribulator to pull off such a technique?” Everyone looked up at John. Yvonne was utterly astounded. She couldn’t believe that John had managed to surprise her time and time again. Is this the same weak Third Level Tribulator I once looked down upon?

Selma’s brows furrowed, and a wave of unease surged within her. In a rush, she firmly shielded Killian behind her.

“Thunder Palm!” With a sweep of his hand, John made his move. In the palm of his hand, the lightning power roared down, instantly tearing through the void. The potency of Thunder Palm, bolstered by the lightning nascence, was effectively doubled. As the lightning roared down, Selma swiftly waved her hand, causing walls of ice to erupt from the ground, intending to envelop Killian within them.

John had long known that Selma would intervene. He was aware that he was no match for Selma at the moment. Thus, as John executed Thunder Palm, his other hand had already secured the timepiece.

As Thunder Palm came down, the timepiece in John’s hand began to glow, its hands starting to spin. The time magical item activated, and instantly, everything around started to slow down, as if time itself was on the brink of halting.

Selma was taken aback. She suddenly felt as if time around her had come to a standstill. The magecraft she was casting began to slow down significantly, and the walls of ice that she was conjuring from the ground were rising at a snail’s pace.

In the eyes of those around them, Selma and her companions appeared as if they were frozen in time. No one knew what was actually going on. John’s Thunder Palm, however, remained unaffected, striking Killian with a resounding impact.

Killian’s eyes widened in disbelief, his face full of astonishment. He had assumed that he would be safe from harm under his aunt’s protection once he reached the inner court of Lunarius Palace. But now, John had hit him squarely with ease. In a state of shock, Killian slowly fell to the ground. Already weakened, he couldn’t possibly withstand such a terrifying blow from John. Killian gently closed his eyes. He felt as though he saw his aunt calling out to him just before his death.

“Killian! Killian!” Selma stared at the lifeless body of Killian, her eyes filled with rage and despair as she cried out in desperation. However, Killian was already dead, so he could no longer hear anything.

At this moment, the passage of time had already returned to normal. Everyone stared in shock at the lifeless body of Killian, utterly clueless about how he had met his end.

Yvonne wore a look of utter bewilderment. She hadn’t expected that John would audaciously kill Killian right in front of Selma. How could this possibly be? Selma is a Top Level Tribulator, who would soon ascend to Ultimate Realm! How did a Third Level Tribulator like John manage to kill a Seventh Level Tribulator, who was under the protection of a Top Level Tribulator? This doesn’t make sense!

The other cultivators were also utterly astounded at that moment, each of them rendered speechless. At first, they all looked down on John, who was only a Third Level Tribulator. Yet the scene unfolding before them made them realize they had underestimated him.

“You took the life of my nephew! You must pay for what you’ve done! You must die!” Selma glared furiously at John, her expression incredibly gloomy. It was common knowledge that the Miller family was among the aristocratic families, and she was even an elder of Lunarius Palace. As such, she was astounded that John had the audacity to harm her nephew. With a wave of her hand, Selma caused countless waves of frost energy to ceaselessly converged toward her. Her specialization in ice magic truly came into its own in this expansive, frosty palace. It was like a duck to water, allowing her to unleash her power to an even greater extent.

The frost energy continuously gathered from all around, and in the end, Selma directly smashed it out with a punch.


A terrifying wave of frost energy erupted, surging toward John like a tsunami. Every direction was entirely sealed off by the chilling air, leaving John with absolutely no way out.

John’s brow furrowed as a sense of impending danger washed over him entirely. As this was a strike from a Top Level Tribulator, John didn’t have the confidence to take it head- on. John, who didn’t dare to be the slightest bit careless, activated his Golem Body in an instant. His entire body was covered in golden scales. His eyes swirled with a harsh intensity, and the draconic essence on his chest began to glow.

The terrifying frost energy had already drawn near, ultimately enveloping John completely. John’s body was instantly covered in frost. Even though he was protected by an indestructible shield, John still felt the bone- piercing cold.

In just the blink of an eye, John was completely encased in ice. At that moment, he looked like an ice sculpture, standing frozen in place, unable to move. When faced with a Top Level Tribulator, he truly had no means of retaliating. If it wasn’t for his initial covert use of the time magical item, he wouldn’t have stood a chance at defeating Killian.

“Such a reckless fool…” Surprising Selma glanced at John, who had now become as still as an ice sculpture, and let out a cold huff. Others, meanwhile, watched John with a series of sighs.

“Who would have thought that a Third Level Tribulator could unleash such power? It’s a shame he lacked self-awareness, which led to his current state.”

“Selma is a renowned Top Level Tribulator. How could a Third Level Tribulator dare to challenge her?”

“The young are fearless. He failed to realize that however good somebody is, there is always somebody better.” Many cultivators greatly admired John’s courage, yet they couldn’t help but laugh at his recklessness.

Using the power of a Third Level Tribulator to challenge the Top Level Tribulator? Isn’t this tantamount to courting death? Even Yvonne’s face was filled with disbelief as she stared at John, who had seemingly turned into an ice sculpture. She couldn’t comprehend what was going through John’s mind. Could it be that he truly has no fear of death?

While everyone was busy gossiping about John, no one noticed that a flicker of flame had unexpectedly sparked on his chest. This was John’s fire nascence working tirelessly inside his body. The nascence star shimmered radiantly, virtually releasing all of its nascence power. The flames grew increasingly intense, gradually thawing the ice that had enveloped John.

The intense heat tested the cold ice, emitting waves of steam that instantly filled the air. Beneath the steam, John’s figure started to appear translucent.

Upon witnessing this scene, everyone was taken aback. They hadn’t expected John to survive under Selma’s Ice Seal, let alone use demonic fire to melt the ice.

Selma was taken aback for a moment, then she frowned slightly and said, “So, he knows fire- related techniques. No wonder he’s so audacious. Don’t assume that your meager flame could melt my ice. I’ll show you what I’m truly capable of.” Selma remained calm and composed.

With a subtle clench of her hands, the frost energy in the air directly converged toward her.

Upon witnessing this scene, John’s heart instantly filled with a sense of despair. He had exhausted every bit of his fire nascence, just to gradually melt the ice surrounding his body. However, it seemed that Selma was gearing up to make another move, and this time, it appeared to be even more ruthless than before.

John was terrified as he knew he wouldn’t be able to withstand this attack. Even if John had just narrowly escaped death, there was no doubt that this strike would certainly be his end.

“You probably won’t survive this attack. I never thought a mere Top Level Tribulator would push me into a dire situation. Had I known you were this useless, I wouldn’t have taken up residence in your consciousness field,” Vermilion Demon Lord said, expressing his regret. However, it was utterly pointless to express regret at this point.

“I’m truly sorry for dragging you into this mess, Mr. Vermilion.” John expressed his remorse with a heavy heart.

“Do you need me to use my worn-out soul remnant to shield you? This way, you should be safe. However, whether I can remain in this world after that, is uncertain.” Vermilion Demon Lord was planning to sacrifice himself to ensure John’s safety. After all, he was merely a fragment of a divine soul. Once separated from his host, his power significantly diminished. If attacked, he would undoubtedly be reduced to nothing.

“Mr. Vermilion, I appreciate your kindness, but we can’t give up until the very end. Who knows, there might be a chance for a turnaround,” John said. John tried to persuade the Vermilion Demon Lord, but he himself was prepared for the worst.

“Halt!” Just as Selma was about to strike John with her palm, a delicate cry rang out. Selma halted her actions, her entire being succumbing to a state of stupefaction. She observed how the entirety of Lunarius Palace, both inside and out, had turned unbearably cold.

Within a distance of several miles, snowflakes were falling. The strong wind was filled with wails and howls. All the cultivators felt an intense chill coursing through their bodies, compelling them to involuntarily retreat into the distance.
Chapter 3729 - 3732 “Step aside, or face death…”

“How dare you? The inner court isn’t a place you can just waltz into.” Furious, Yvonne stepped forward, effectively stopping John in his tracks. John’s brows furrowed as he pointed his Dragonslayer Sword toward Yvonne.

“Step aside, or face death…” John radiated a murderous intent, his gaze chillingly terrifying. It seemed like in just a fleeting moment, he could end Yvonne’s life.

Yvonne felt the terrifying murderous intent emanating from John, causing her to freeze in shock. Her body even started to tremble slightly. Upon seeing Yvonne’s state, John chose not to say anything. Instead, he passed by her and pursued Killian. This time, Yvonne didn’t give chase. She had this gut feeling that if she did, John would indeed kill her.

Upon seeing John catching up, Killian was internally consumed by panic. His strength was steadily declining at that time because he had completely exhausted his blood essence from within. If John were to catch up with him, John could easily slay him with a single stroke of his sword.

“Who’s there? Who dares to intrude into the inner court of Lunarius Palace?” Just as Killian was about to reach the inner court of Lunarius Palace, suddenly, two inner court disciples from within the palace blocked his path.

“Make way! I’m Ms. Miller’s nephew. I have a token!” In haste, Killian presented his token. “I came to look for my aunt…”

Upon seeing the token, the two inner court disciples could only step aside, allowing Killian to enter the inner court of Lunarius Palace.

As soon as he stepped through the inner court, Killian began to shout, “Aunt Selma, help! Save me!” This left many female cultivators from Lunarius Palace looking at him with faces full of surprise. At this moment, John had already reached the inner court of Lunarius Palace. Two disciples stationed at the gate stopped him, sternly questioning,

“Who are you? You are not allowed to barge into the inner court of the palace!”

“Move away. I don’t want to hurt you!” John said with a chillingly cold expression. An inner court disciple glared furiously at John and roared, “How audacious! A mere Third Level Tribulator daring to spout such reckless words!” They were all Sixth Level Tribulators, yet John had the audacity to speak to them like that.

John didn’t utter another word. Instead, he let his Dragonslayer Sword do the talking with a swift strike. Roar! The sword energy surged like a dragon, roaring incessantly as it charged straight toward the two unsuspecting disciples. At this point, both of the inner court disciples were completely taken aback.

“C-Could this be the sword energy released by a Third Level Tribulator?”

“It’s terrifying! Hide quickly…” The two inner court disciples swiftly dodged to either side. In truth, John did not wish to hurt them. All he wanted was for them to clear the path.

While the two inner court disciples were dodging, John suddenly burst into the inner court. At that moment, a woman of middle age emerged from the inner court of the palace. Her face darkened when she asked, “Killian, this is the inner court of Lunarius Palace. What on earth are you shouting about?” The person in question was none other than Killian’s aunt, Selma, an elder of Lunarius Palace.

Upon seeing his aunt, Killian immediately descended from mid-air and, with a face full of grievance, knelt before Selma.

“Aunt Selma, help me! Someone wants to kill me…”

Selma, taken aback, questioned Killian upon seeing his condition, “What’s going on? Who did this to you? Why is your blood essence completely drained? Your strength is rapidly declining, too. If that’s the case, wouldn’t you be unable to continue your cultivation in the future? Wouldn’t that make you useless?”

“Aunt Selma, it’s John. He intends to take my life. In the trial tower, I had to exert all my blood essence just to survive. He’s caught up with me now!” Killian exclaimed in alarm.

While speaking, he looked back, his body trembling with extreme fear. Selma clenched her teeth, roaring in a fit of rage, “What? Did someone attack you in the trial tower? Who sent you there? With my token, you have free access to the inner court. Why did you need to be tested?

With that in mind, Killian wished he could give Yvonne a good thrashing right then and there.

In a hushed tone, Killian said, “Aunt Selma, John has arrived. I can sense his aura. This guy is the one Demon Seal Alliance has been hunting for. If we manage to kill him, we can claim the century-long offerings. I’ve only told you about this matter. You mustn’t share it with anyone else. If things go as planned, the century-long tribute of Demon Seal Alliance will belong to our family alone.”

At this point in time, Killian was surprisingly still contemplating the century-long offerings from Demon Seal Alliance. However, he was then within the inner court of Lunarius Palace, with Selma’s protection. Killian was confident that John simply could not harm him.

“What? This guy is the one that Demon Seal Alliance has been tirelessly pursuing? That’s fantastic!” Selma gave a cold laugh and said, “Hide behind me, and watch how I avenge you!”

Killian took refuge behind Selma, and soon after, John emerged, landing in front of Selma. Selma gave John a thorough once-over and was taken aback to discover that John was merely a Third Level Tribulator. “Brat, did you injure my nephew?” Selma questioned John. John glanced at Killian, who was hiding behind Selma, and nodded.

“I don’t just intend to injure him. I plan on killing him…” Once John finished speaking, he didn’t hesitate to bring down his sword. The terrifying aura of the sword energy surprisingly converged on Killian from all directions.

“How audacious of you! To dare lay a hand on someone within the inner court of Lunarius Palace, right in front of me!” Selma hadn’t anticipated that John, a Third Level Tribulator, would be so audacious. Thus, with a swift wave of her hand, layers of frost mist instantly appeared around her, effectively blocking John’s sword energy.

John gazed at Selma, fully aware that he had to give it his all. He knew he had to find a way to kill Killian. Otherwise, Killian would surely reveal his identity. John sheathed his Dragonslayer Sword, an ominous aura continuously radiating from him.

Suddenly, the world plunged into darkness, as if signaling the end of days. A blanket of ominous clouds unexpectedly engulfed the sky, casting a gloomy shadow over the entire Lunarius Palace. Everyone stared in astonishment at the sudden transformation of the sky. Their shock was beyond words. Amidst the ominous dark clouds, flashes of lightning and peals of thunder roared while John’s body gradually levitated. His form was enveloped in a halo of electricity, resonating with the stormy spectacle in the blackened sky.

Right then, a glimmer of light slowly emerged from John’s eyes. The lightning nascence within him was continually radiating outward. Bolts of lightning flickered in and out of sight, and soon, all of them were converging toward John.

John slowly raised his hand and pressed it down toward Killian. Everyone watched as John’s palm thrummed with electricity, all the surrounding lightning seemed to be drawn toward his hand.

John’s palm seemed like a vortex, ceaselessly absorbing the surrounding lightning. 4/22/24,

“What kind of technique is this? It’s too terrifying!”

“Is it possible for a Third Level Tribulator to pull off such a technique?” Everyone looked up at John. Yvonne was utterly astounded. She couldn’t believe that John had managed to surprise her time and time again. Is this the same weak Third Level Tribulator I once looked down upon?

Selma’s brows furrowed, and a wave of unease surged within her. In a rush, she firmly shielded Killian behind her.

“Thunder Palm!” With a sweep of his hand, John made his move. In the palm of his hand, the lightning power roared down, instantly tearing through the void. The potency of Thunder Palm, bolstered by the lightning nascence, was effectively doubled. As the lightning roared down, Selma swiftly waved her hand, causing walls of ice to erupt from the ground, intending to envelop Killian within them.

John had long known that Selma would intervene. He was aware that he was no match for Selma at the moment. Thus, as John executed Thunder Palm, his other hand had already secured the timepiece.

As Thunder Palm came down, the timepiece in John’s hand began to glow, its hands starting to spin. The time magical item activated, and instantly, everything around started to slow down, as if time itself was on the brink of halting.

Selma was taken aback. She suddenly felt as if time around her had come to a standstill. The magecraft she was casting began to slow down significantly, and the walls of ice that she was conjuring from the ground were rising at a snail’s pace.

In the eyes of those around them, Selma and her companions appeared as if they were frozen in time. No one knew what was actually going on. John’s Thunder Palm, however, remained unaffected, striking Killian with a resounding impact.

Killian’s eyes widened in disbelief, his face full of astonishment. He had assumed that he would be safe from harm under his aunt’s protection once he reached the inner court of Lunarius Palace. But now, John had hit him squarely with ease. In a state of shock, Killian slowly fell to the ground. Already weakened, he couldn’t possibly withstand such a terrifying blow from John. Killian gently closed his eyes. He felt as though he saw his aunt calling out to him just before his death.

“Killian! Killian!” Selma stared at the lifeless body of Killian, her eyes filled with rage and despair as she cried out in desperation. However, Killian was already dead, so he could no longer hear anything.

At this moment, the passage of time had already returned to normal. Everyone stared in shock at the lifeless body of Killian, utterly clueless about how he had met his end.

Yvonne wore a look of utter bewilderment. She hadn’t expected that John would audaciously kill Killian right in front of Selma. How could this possibly be? Selma is a Top Level Tribulator, who would soon ascend to Ultimate Realm! How did a Third Level Tribulator like John manage to kill a Seventh Level Tribulator, who was under the protection of a Top Level Tribulator? This doesn’t make sense!

The other cultivators were also utterly astounded at that moment, each of them rendered speechless. At first, they all looked down on John, who was only a Third Level Tribulator. Yet the scene unfolding before them made them realize they had underestimated him.

“You took the life of my nephew! You must pay for what you’ve done! You must die!” Selma glared furiously at John, her expression incredibly gloomy. It was common knowledge that the Miller family was among the aristocratic families, and she was even an elder of Lunarius Palace. As such, she was astounded that John had the audacity to harm her nephew. With a wave of her hand, Selma caused countless waves of frost energy to ceaselessly converged toward her. Her specialization in ice magic truly came into its own in this expansive, frosty palace. It was like a duck to water, allowing her to unleash her power to an even greater extent.

The frost energy continuously gathered from all around, and in the end, Selma directly smashed it out with a punch.


A terrifying wave of frost energy erupted, surging toward John like a tsunami. Every direction was entirely sealed off by the chilling air, leaving John with absolutely no way out.

John’s brow furrowed as a sense of impending danger washed over him entirely. As this was a strike from a Top Level Tribulator, John didn’t have the confidence to take it head- on. John, who didn’t dare to be the slightest bit careless, activated his Golem Body in an instant. His entire body was covered in golden scales. His eyes swirled with a harsh intensity, and the draconic essence on his chest began to glow.

The terrifying frost energy had already drawn near, ultimately enveloping John completely. John’s body was instantly covered in frost. Even though he was protected by an indestructible shield, John still felt the bone- piercing cold.

In just the blink of an eye, John was completely encased in ice. At that moment, he looked like an ice sculpture, standing frozen in place, unable to move. When faced with a Top Level Tribulator, he truly had no means of retaliating. If it wasn’t for his initial covert use of the time magical item, he wouldn’t have stood a chance at defeating Killian.

“Such a reckless fool…” Surprising Selma glanced at John, who had now become as still as an ice sculpture, and let out a cold huff. Others, meanwhile, watched John with a series of sighs.

“Who would have thought that a Third Level Tribulator could unleash such power? It’s a shame he lacked self-awareness, which led to his current state.”

“Selma is a renowned Top Level Tribulator. How could a Third Level Tribulator dare to challenge her?”

“The young are fearless. He failed to realize that however good somebody is, there is always somebody better.” Many cultivators greatly admired John’s courage, yet they couldn’t help but laugh at his recklessness.

Using the power of a Third Level Tribulator to challenge the Top Level Tribulator? Isn’t this tantamount to courting death? Even Yvonne’s face was filled with disbelief as she stared at John, who had seemingly turned into an ice sculpture. She couldn’t comprehend what was going through John’s mind. Could it be that he truly has no fear of death?

While everyone was busy gossiping about John, no one noticed that a flicker of flame had unexpectedly sparked on his chest. This was John’s fire nascence working tirelessly inside his body. The nascence star shimmered radiantly, virtually releasing all of its nascence power. The flames grew increasingly intense, gradually thawing the ice that had enveloped John.

The intense heat tested the cold ice, emitting waves of steam that instantly filled the air. Beneath the steam, John’s figure started to appear translucent.

Upon witnessing this scene, everyone was taken aback. They hadn’t expected John to survive under Selma’s Ice Seal, let alone use demonic fire to melt the ice.

Selma was taken aback for a moment, then she frowned slightly and said, “So, he knows fire- related techniques. No wonder he’s so audacious. Don’t assume that your meager flame could melt my ice. I’ll show you what I’m truly capable of.” Selma remained calm and composed.

With a subtle clench of her hands, the frost energy in the air directly converged toward her.

Upon witnessing this scene, John’s heart instantly filled with a sense of despair. He had exhausted every bit of his fire nascence, just to gradually melt the ice surrounding his body. However, it seemed that Selma was gearing up to make another move, and this time, it appeared to be even more ruthless than before.

John was terrified as he knew he wouldn’t be able to withstand this attack. Even if John had just narrowly escaped death, there was no doubt that this strike would certainly be his end.

“You probably won’t survive this attack. I never thought a mere Top Level Tribulator would push me into a dire situation. Had I known you were this useless, I wouldn’t have taken up residence in your consciousness field,” Vermilion Demon Lord said, expressing his regret. However, it was utterly pointless to express regret at this point.

“I’m truly sorry for dragging you into this mess, Mr. Vermilion.” John expressed his remorse with a heavy heart.

“Do you need me to use my worn-out soul remnant to shield you? This way, you should be safe. However, whether I can remain in this world after that, is uncertain.” Vermilion Demon Lord was planning to sacrifice himself to ensure John’s safety. After all, he was merely a fragment of a divine soul. Once separated from his host, his power significantly diminished. If attacked, he would undoubtedly be reduced to nothing.

“Mr. Vermilion, I appreciate your kindness, but we can’t give up until the very end. Who knows, there might be a chance for a turnaround,” John said. John tried to persuade the Vermilion Demon Lord, but he himself was prepared for the worst.

“Halt!” Just as Selma was about to strike John with her palm, a delicate cry rang out. Selma halted her actions, her entire being succumbing to a state of stupefaction. She observed how the entirety of Lunarius Palace, both inside and out, had turned unbearably cold.

Within a distance of several miles, snowflakes were falling. The strong wind was filled with wails and howls. All the cultivators felt an intense chill coursing through their bodies, compelling them to involuntarily retreat into the distance.
God bless you for all the struggles you go through to update.
No Internet today. Tanzania and neighboring countries.

Sucks. Posting in the morning took ne 30 minutes.

I will update more tomorrow
Thanks and appreciate all your hardwork
Chapter 3733 – 3735 Ms. Silver

From amidst the swirling snowstorm, a woman garbed in white, reminiscent of a fairy, emerged from the grand hall.

The chilling air around her instantly enveloped the woman, even the cold air manipulated by Selma was swiftly drawn toward her.

“Greetings, Ms. Silver…”

Upon witnessing this scene, Yvonne was the first to fall to her knees. Soon after, every disciple from Lunarius Palace followed suit, all of them kneeling down in unison.

“Is this the head of Lunarius Palace? She’s really stunning!”

“Today truly is an eye-opener. I actually got to meet the head of Lunarius Palace!”

“What an intimidating aura! I bet the head of Lunarius Palace has already reached Ultimate Realm, hasn’t she?” Numerous cultivators stared in astonishment at the woman who had suddenly appeared.

The head of Lunarius Palace casually waved her sleeve, and in an instant, the snowstorm reversed its course, roaring like a huge wave. The snowflakes that had been floating disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The head of Lunarius Palace looked toward Selma with an icy expression and asked, “Ms. Miller, you acted as you pleased in Lunarius Palace. Are you aware that you’ve broken our rules? If word of this gets out, who will dare to visit Lunarius Palace?” Selma wore a look of displeasure on her face. She didn’t kneel before the head of Lunarius Palace, showing that she didn’t hold any particular reverence for Silver.

“Ms. Silver, this man killed my nephew right in front of me. How can I face my late nephew if I don’t take his life today?” Selma retorted with her teeth clenched.

Silver said with an icy tone, “Ms. Miller, if he did kill your nephew, it’s up to the Miller family to seek justice. Although you’re part of the Miller family, you’re currently an elder of Lunarius Palace, so you must respect its rules.”

Selma’s eyes narrowed slightly. “What if I must kill him today?”

Selma, a Top Level Tribulator, surprisingly challenged Silver, who had reached Ultimate Realm, in public. This situation instantly left many people utterly baffled. An elder is having a confrontation with the head of the palace? Has she lost her mind?

John was utterly taken aback, staring in shock at everything unfolding before his eyes.

“You cannot kill him with me around.” Silver waved her hand gently, and in an instant, a transparent ice barrier appeared in front of John.

Upon seeing the situation, Selma gritted her teeth, making a grating noise as she exclaimed, “Ms. Silver, are you seriously cutting ties with the Miller family over an insignificant brat who has nothing to do with us?”

“I am merely upholding the traditions of Lunarius Palace. Must you insist on bloodshed within these walls? Don’t forget, you hold the position of an elder in Lunarius Palace,” Silver said coldly.

“All right, I’ll wait until he leaves Lunarius Palace, then I’ll tear him to pieces! I’ll also notify the Miller family and reveal everything that’s happened here. My nephew’s death won’t be left unresolved.” After Selma finished speaking, she shot John a fierce glare, then stormed off with a dismissive flick of her sleeve.

Understanding the current situation, Selma had yet to reveal John’s true identity as she didn’t want others to beat her to it. She intended for the century-long offerings of the Demon Seal Alliance to fall entirely into the hands of the Miller family.

Silver told Yvonne, “Yvonne, could you arrange for someone to tidy up this place? Afterwards, tell all the cultivators that they can go get some rest. Now, they are free to choose the female cultivators they fancy.”

“Understood!” Yvonne gave a slight nod, then left with a multitude of cultivators trailing behind her.

Upon seeing the situation, John didn’t leave. Yvonne, however, slightly furrowed her brows and asked, “Why aren’t you leaving? What are you staying for?”

“I came here to see the head of the palace, not to seek a female cultivator. Naturally, I can’t leave,” John replied.

“Don’t push your luck. Ms. Silver….”

“Yvonne, let him stay and lead the others away,” Silver cut her off.

Upon hearing this, Yvonne was taken aback. She knew Silver had no fondness for men. Moreover, the rules within the palace strictly forbade any disciple from seeking a partner. Silver set the perfect example herself. She simply would not get close to any male cultivator. This time, however, Silver had unexpectedly invited John to stay, which greatly surprised Yvonne. Even so, Yvonne didn’t dare to press further. She could only lead the numerous cultivators away.

“Come with me…” She then turned around and walked into the grand hall.

Without any hesitation, John followed suit. Even though Silver had already regained her physical form, John still remembered a time when she was merely a wisp of a spirit, nothing more than a mere holy maiden of Lunarius Palace.

Upon entering the grand hall, Silver unleashed a surge of spiritual energy, which flowed directly into John’s body. Instead of dodging, John simply allowed that surge of spiritual energy to enter his body.

“Although you managed to break free from Selma’s icy seal, your body accumulated a significant amount of frost energy, which could have impacted your subsequent training. I’ve just removed the frost energy from your body,” Silver told John.

“Do you know me?”

John was somewhat taken aback. After all, he had drastically changed his appearance, and so much time had passed. There was no way Silver could possibly recognize him.

“Of course. I will forever remember the great kindness you have shown me, Mr. White. Even though you altered your appearance, your aura remains unchanged. Why would I have intervened if I didn’t know it was you?” Silver replied with a faint smile.

“Ms. Silver, there’s something that I find rather peculiar. How could one of the elders dare to oppose you?” John couldn’t comprehend it. An elder defying the head was simply outrageous.

“Ah…” Silver sighed, gesturing for John to take a seat. She then said, “Haven’t you noticed that the disciples within Lunarius Palace aren’t particularly strong?”

“The blood demon reconstructed my physical body, enabling me to rebuild Lunarius Palace. I even managed to gather some of the scattered disciples of Lunarius Palace. However, most of them were newly recruited. For Lunarius Palace to grow, it’s essential to have resources.”

“Left with no other options, it occurred to me to have the outer circle disciples seek partners. Numerous male cultivators came in droves. As long as they found a suitable partner, they could be of use to Lunarius Palace, Consequently, their resources would also belong to Lunarius Palace. As for Selma, she is primarily interested in the ice based cultivation techniques of Lunarius Palace. I, in turn, utilized her status to establish a connection with the Miller family, enabling me to access some of their resources. All the men in the Miller family practiced fire based cultivation techniques. When they later paired with the female disciples of Lunarius Palace for dual cultivation, it allowed for a rapid advancement in their cultivation levels. When it comes down to it, we were merely using each other. Since there is no real hierarchy between us, Selma isn’t afraid of me at all,” Silver explained with a helpless look on her face.

Upon hearing this, John also felt Silver’s helplessness. Having just regained her physical form, she was faced with the task of rebuilding Lunarius Palace. On top of that, she had to devise ways to gather resources to facilitate the development of the palace. This was essentially similar to the initial stages of establishing Lunarius Palace, which were undoubtedly the most challenging.

“Did you just offend the Miller family for my sake, Ms. Silver?” John felt somewhat embarrassed. Had he known the consequences, he wouldn’t have killed Killian, which caused Lunarius Palace such a huge trouble.

“For you, Mr. White, it wouldn’t just be worth it to offend the Miller family. Even if I had to offend many more, it would all be worth it. If it weren’t for you, I fear my spirit would have already vanished, and the world would never have known of Lunarius Palace again.” Silver had no regrets.

At this point, John felt even more awkward. Initially, he had planned to take Demonia Stone and leave. How am I supposed to leave now?

John turned toward Silver and asked, “Ms. Silver, what’s the story behind Lunarius Palace’s journey to the polar region? If there’s any way I can assist, I’d be more than happy to.”

Given that John had caused such a significant inconvenience to Lunarius Palace, it was only right that he did something to make amends before leaving. After all, it would be utterly inconsiderate of him to simply take Demonia Stone and depart without a second thought. Upon seeing John inquire about the trip to the polar region, Silver hesitated briefly before shaking her head. “Mr. White, I would advise against your journey to the polar region. Did you come to Lunarius Palace to obtain Demonia Stone? I’ll give it to you right away. It’s best for you to leave.”

Surprisingly, Silver didn’t allow John to participate in the polar region expedition. Moreover, she knew that John was there to retrieve the Demonia Stone.

“Why? Wasn’t the whole point of you testing so many people to prepare for the expedition to the polar region, Ms. Silver? I believe I can help.” John couldn’t comprehend why Silver wanted him to leave.

“Mr. White, you may not know this, but the expedition to the polar region is fraught with danger. True, it’s an immortal’s tomb, abundant with opportunities and untapped resources. However, it’s also a perilous territory. Those who venture there may not have a chance to come back alive. This expedition to the polar region is merely exploratory. It’s the most dangerous phase, so you can’t go,” Silver explained. It turned out Silver was forbidding John to take part out of concern for his safety.

“In that case, it’s even more necessary for me to ease your burden, Ms. Silver. If we can figure out this place, perhaps you won’t have to worry about resources in the future.”

Upon hearing that, John became even more resolute in his thoughts. Since Ms. Silver has been looking out for me at every turn, it was only right that I do something in return. The resources in Lunarius Palace are extremely scarce at the moment. Without resources, a sect can hardly flourish. This is a perfect chance for me to explore the polar region. If I can discover resource-rich areas, it will be a tremendous help to Lunarius Palace!

Taking in John’s unwavering demeanor, Silver became at a loss for words. In the end, she could only nod with a sense of resignation. Silver let out a sigh and said, “Whether Lunarius Palace can continue to expand in the future hinged on this expedition to the polar region. After falling out with the Miller family, I fear they would no longer share their demonic fire for dual cultivation with Lunarius Palace’s disciples.”

“Ms. Silver, I’m willing to undergo dual cultivation with disciples of Lunarius Palace to help them rapidly increase their strength. Even though these disciples can’t match the beauty of my women, I’m ready to make this sacrifice to repay the favor of you saving my life. However, I can only handle five people at most in one night. I’m afraid my body won’t be able to take it if I overdo it,” John said helplessly to Silver. He had started viewing himself as a stud now.

I was treated as a stud when I was previously in the Max residence. However, that time wasn’t too bad because it only involved the Max sisters. This time, there are probably dozens of disciples at the Lunarius Palace. I’m not sure if I can handle it all!

“You can do that?” Silver was taken aback.

John didn’t utter a word. Instead, he slightly lifted his right hand, and in an instant, a flame ignited in his palm. Following that, the flames continued to rise, rapidly increasing the temperature within the grand hall. At the same time, the fire nascence within John continuously surged forth.

“You’ve actually comprehended fire nascence. This is much more powerful than the Miller family’s fire cultivation technique!” Silver exclaimed in shock.

“There shouldn’t be a problem for me to undergo dual cultivation with Lunarius Palace’s disciples, right?” John put away the demonic fire, offering a slight smile as he spoke.

“No problem. However, when you say that none of the women from Lunarius Palace are as beautiful as yours, are you implying that you’ve seen every disciple here?” Silver asked.

As John was reminded of the events that transpired within the illusion array, he felt displeased. Consequently, he glared at Silver and said, “No, but if the disciples of Lunarius Palace were more beautiful than my women, you wouldn’t have used the image of my women in that illusion array to bewitch the minds of those who entered it. Did you realize how much that hurt me? Even though I know it’s all imaginary, I can’t shake the feeling of being cuckolded.”

“Haha! I’ve actually forgotten about that. When setting up the illusion array, I hadn’t seen many breathtaking beauties. Since the only stunning beauties I’ve seen were the women by your side, I adopted their appearances. The illusion array is already destroyed. I won’t use their faces when I set up the array again.” Silver burst into laughter.

“Ms. Silver, there’s no time to lose. You should summon your disciples. Let’s start with five of them tonight. I’ll see if I can manage. If it’s feasible, we can add a few more tomorrow night,” John said to Silver.
Chapter 3736 - 3738 Are you trying to bed my disciples?

“What are you trying to do?” Silver asked somewhat bewilderedly.

“I’m going to undergo dual cultivation with them to help enhance their abilities, right? If we don’t do that at night, when else? It’ll be so embarrassing to do it in the day.” As John spoke, he surprisingly found himself blushing a little.

Silver paused slightly, then laughed and said, “Mr. White, what are you fantasizing? The dual cultivation I’m referring to is not about balancing positive and negative energies, asking you to engage in intimate activities with them. It’s about intertwining your demonic fire with the frost aura of my disciples. In this way, their frost energy will become more immune to fire. Could it be that you actually intend to bed all my disciples, Mr. White? You already have so many women, yet you’re not satisfied?”

Silver spoke with a face filled with amusement, leaving John utterly embarrassed and ashamed. In a flurry, John hastily explained, “I misunderstood. I got it all wrong.”

Upon seeing John’s awkward demeanor, Silver chuckled. “Mr. White, I was just teasing you. If you fancy any of my disciples, just let me know. I’ll have her keep you company at night. However, you’ve just been through a tough battle, and your body hasn’t fully recovered yet. Take a few days to rest first. The expedition to the polar region isn’t until three days later.”

“No need. That won’t be necessary. I’ll be fine resting on my own.” John hastily waved his hands. He had just managed to free himself from women for a while, and he certainly didn’t want to go through the trouble and exhaustion again.

A while back, John frequently had to satisfy Catlin to save himself, which resulted in him being unable to get any rest every night. After such a torment, why would he still look for the company of women now that he finally had a chance to rest? Silver had someone prepare a room for John to rest.

As John made his way to the room, Silver crossed through the grand hall and headed toward the rear end of Lunarius Palace. There was a modestly sized palace there, with lights twinkling within.

Upon entering, two Lunarius Palace disciples stood on either side. Seeing Silver’s arrival, they hastily paid their respects. Silver waved her hand, signaling the two to leave. Then, with another wave of her hand, the wall before her astonishingly began to gradually vanish.

Subsequently, a table with many memorial tablets arranged on it was revealed, and placed in front of these memorial tablets were the Demonia Stones. Those memorial tablets were there to honor the previous heads and elders of Lunarius Palace. As the holy maiden of Lunarius Palace, Silver was the designated successor to Lunarius Palace. However, she never expected Lunarius Palace to face such a massacre, almost annihilated to the brink of extinction.

“Elders, if your spirits still roam this world, I hope you can find this place so we can rebuild Lunarius Palace together. There are some Demonia Stones here. As long as your spirits return, you can use these stones to recreate your physical form, thus allowing you to be reborn.” Silver reverently paid her respects before those memorial tablets. She knew that if her soul could escape, then others could, too. As long as a shred of the soul remained, one could reconstruct one’s physical form and essentially be reborn. Baal had left all those Demonia Stones in Lunarius Palace with the hope that those who had been slaughtered in the past could reincarnate.

The past carnage wasn’t about who was right or wrong. It seemed more like a plot. Everyone in the Ethereal Realm seems to be mere pawnsperhaps the entire Ethereal Realm is nothing more than someone else’s pawn. Silver stood in front of the memorial tablets in a daze, her expression bewildered.

At that moment, she genuinely wished for the spirits of her ancestors to return. If that were the case, things would become a bit easier for her. She felt immense pressure, having to hold up Lunarius Palace all by herself. That night, Silver spent the entire night in front of the memorial tablets.

Meanwhile, the Miller family, situated five hundred kilometers away, had also received the news of Killian’s tragic demise.

Even though Killian had always acted recklessly, even frequently using the souls of Inferno Devils to augment his strength, he was, after all, the son of the Miller family

The news of Killian’s death cast a terrifying gloom over the entire Miller family. Since the head of the Miller family, who was also Killian’s father, was in solitary cultivation, no one dared to make a decision regarding that matter

An elderly man with a beard and a thin figure asked, “Can we be certain that Mr. Killian was murdered?” That person was Dean Watson, the Miller family’s chief butler. After the head of the Miller family went into solitary cultivation, Dean was tasked with handling all the family’s affairs.

“Yes. The message came from Lunarius Palace. Ms. Selma had personally sent the message.” At that moment, a servant from the Miller family handed a letter to Dean. Dean unfolded the letter, and after he read the content, his expression turned cold and stern.

“I can’t believe Mr. Killian was killed by this guy named John, and Ms. Silver is even sheltering that guy. Relay these orders at once! The Miller family members are forbidden from collaborating with Lunarius Palace. Also, select a few experts to standby in Lunarius Palace’s vicinity to heed Ms. Selma’s commands at any moment.”

Upon reading the letter, Dean immediately made the arrangements. It seemed that Selma had no intention of letting John off the hook. The moment John stepped out of Lunarius Palace, she would make her move against him. Even if she found it inconvenient to take action personally, she could still have the Miller family experts, who were hiding near Lunarius Palace, eliminate John.

Selma was determined to avenge Killian. Apart from eliminating John, Selma also had plans to journey to the polar region. The Miller family and Lunarius Palace had always been on good terms, and Killian was also set to take part in the expedition, so there wasn’t an issue. However, Killian was dead now.

The polar region was clearly abundant with resources and opportunities. Selma simply couldn’t let slip of this chance. If possible, the Miller family also desired to claim the immortal’s tomb in the polar region as their own.

At the crack of dawn the next day, John woke up after having slept exceptionally well that night. He reckoned that was likely due to the exhaustion from the intense battle he had endured the previous day.

At that moment, Silver was already standing in the courtyard, staring blankly at the snowy mountains. John stretched languidly, then greeted Silver, “Good morning, Ms. Silver!”

“Mr. White, how was your rest?” inquired Silver.

“Pretty good. I didn’t expect to sleep so comfortably here,” John responded.

“I’m glad that you’ve rested well. I was worried you might lose sleep from getting hung up over Lunarius Palace’s female disciples,” Silver teased.

Upon hearing that, John gave an awkward laugh. “Mr. White, come with me. I’ll take you to retrieve the Demonia Stones and introduce you to your companions along the way,” Silver said.

“Companion?” John was taken aback.

“Do you really think you can venture to the polar region without companions?” Silver asked with a smile.

“Aren’t those cultivators who had passed the trials considered companions? Didn’t you mention that each of them could choose one disciple from Lunarius Palace and then journey to the polar region together?” John asked in surprise.

“Indeed. They are also headed to the polar region. However, as I’ve mentioned before, they are merely pathfinders. You must understand that the journey to the polar region is fraught with peril. Many might meet their end midway. Those individuals aren’t your companions, and you won’t be journeying with them. They are set to depart tomorrow,” Silver explained.

After hearing that, John was at a loss for words. He knew those people were considered cannon fodders, but he couldn’t help feeling a peculiar sensation, watching them march to their doom.

“Ms. Silver, will Yvonne also accompany those people on their journey?” John asked. Yvonne was the only person John was better acquainted with in Lunarius Palace.

“What’s the matter? Have you taken a liking to her, Mr. White? If that’s the case, I can arrange for someone else to lead the team.” Silver gave a slight smile.

“That’s not it. I was just asking casually.” John hurriedly waved his hand.

“Come with me. The companions I’ve found for you are no less captivating than Yvonne, Mr. White.” Silver smiled, then turned and took off into the air. Seeing that, John quickly followed suit.

John followed Silver all the way to the grand hall. After passing several buildings, they landed in front of a moderate-sized house. Two disciples from Lunarius Palace stood guard at the house’s entrance.

Upon seeing Silver’s arrival, they quickly paid their respects.

Subsequently, Silver led John inward. Inside the house, John was surprised to find many memorial tablets, and placed in front of the memorial tablets were the Demonia Stones.

“Mr. White, these are the Demonia Stones. Please, feel free to take as many as you need,” Silver said. John looked at the Demonia Stones, which appeared ordinary. He stepped forward and merely took one of them before putting it away in his Storage Ring. John glanced at the tablets and asked, “Ms. Silver, are these memorial tablets to honor the past elders of Lunarius Palace?”

“Indeed. I set up these memorial tablets with the hope that Lunarius Palace’s predecessors could find their way back to us. If their spirits still linger, these Demonia Stones can allow them to be reincarnated,” Silver explained. John gazed at the memorial tablets in bafflement.

“In that case, could the companions you told me about be…” Does she want me to bring these memorial tablets to the polar region?

Silver sensed John’s confusion. With a slight smile, she then moved behind those memorial tablets. To John’s surprise, there was an arcane array blocking the way behind the memorial tablets.

Silver took out an emerald token and lightly pressed it onto the array. Suddenly, a burst of radiant light filled the room. The arcane array in front of her gradually faded, revealing an expanse of space that appeared out of nowhere.

After Silver led John inside, he discovered that there wasn’t any snowy mountain in sight. Instead, the place was filled with pristine mountains and clear waters. However, that place wasn’t particularly expansive because John could see the boundary barrier in the distance. This should be a small world that someone created.

Swoosh! Just after Silver led John inside, figures suddenly emerged from all directions. John instantly put up his guard, his aura churning and bursting forth.

“There’s no need to be afraid. These are Lunarius Palace’s holy maidens, potential successors to Lunarius Palace’s headship,” Silver explained to John.

In no time, twelve women, striking in appearance and clad in uniform attire, landed in front of John and Silver.

“Greetings, Ms. Silver.” All twelve holy maidens simultaneously dropped to their knees. However, they couldn’t help but steal an extra glance at John. Since they were chosen as the holy maidens, they hadn’t seen a man. Silver had never brought a man there before. Even the other disciples from Lunarius Palace hadn’t set foot in that place.

John glanced at those holy maidens. All of them are Sixth Level Tribulator. For the newly reestablished Lunarius Palace, possessing such strength is already considered quite impressive. After all, the three kings and four archons of the beast race are mere Seventh Level Tribulators.

Although those twelve holy maidens were only Sixth Level Tribulators, their auras could converge to form a powerful one. Although there were only twelve of them, their combined aura was no less formidable than an army.

Of course, those female cultivators were undoubtedly extraordinary in their own ways to be selected as holy maidens.

“Ms. Silver, are these holy maidens the companions you referred to?” John asked.

“That’s right. It’s them. I need them to break through in the polar region. They must elevate their strength as soon as possible.” Silver was well aware that Lunarius Palace’s overall strength was far too weak. Aside from herself and Selma, the cultivators with the next highest cultivation level were basically all Sixth Level Tribulators. Their current strength was a world different from the Lunarius Palace of the past. After all, in the past, only those who had attained the Ultimate Realm could be chosen as Lunarius Palace’s holy maidens. But now, the situation had changed. Silver had no choice but to pick the best out of a mediocre bunch.
Chapter 3733 – 3735 Ms. Silver

From amidst the swirling snowstorm, a woman garbed in white, reminiscent of a fairy, emerged from the grand hall.

The chilling air around her instantly enveloped the woman, even the cold air manipulated by Selma was swiftly drawn toward her.

“Greetings, Ms. Silver…”

Upon witnessing this scene, Yvonne was the first to fall to her knees. Soon after, every disciple from Lunarius Palace followed suit, all of them kneeling down in unison.

“Is this the head of Lunarius Palace? She’s really stunning!”

“Today truly is an eye-opener. I actually got to meet the head of Lunarius Palace!”

“What an intimidating aura! I bet the head of Lunarius Palace has already reached Ultimate Realm, hasn’t she?” Numerous cultivators stared in astonishment at the woman who had suddenly appeared.

The head of Lunarius Palace casually waved her sleeve, and in an instant, the snowstorm reversed its course, roaring like a huge wave. The snowflakes that had been floating disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The head of Lunarius Palace looked toward Selma with an icy expression and asked, “Ms. Miller, you acted as you pleased in Lunarius Palace. Are you aware that you’ve broken our rules? If word of this gets out, who will dare to visit Lunarius Palace?” Selma wore a look of displeasure on her face. She didn’t kneel before the head of Lunarius Palace, showing that she didn’t hold any particular reverence for Silver.

“Ms. Silver, this man killed my nephew right in front of me. How can I face my late nephew if I don’t take his life today?” Selma retorted with her teeth clenched.

Silver said with an icy tone, “Ms. Miller, if he did kill your nephew, it’s up to the Miller family to seek justice. Although you’re part of the Miller family, you’re currently an elder of Lunarius Palace, so you must respect its rules.”

Selma’s eyes narrowed slightly. “What if I must kill him today?”

Selma, a Top Level Tribulator, surprisingly challenged Silver, who had reached Ultimate Realm, in public. This situation instantly left many people utterly baffled. An elder is having a confrontation with the head of the palace? Has she lost her mind?

John was utterly taken aback, staring in shock at everything unfolding before his eyes.

“You cannot kill him with me around.” Silver waved her hand gently, and in an instant, a transparent ice barrier appeared in front of John.

Upon seeing the situation, Selma gritted her teeth, making a grating noise as she exclaimed, “Ms. Silver, are you seriously cutting ties with the Miller family over an insignificant brat who has nothing to do with us?”

“I am merely upholding the traditions of Lunarius Palace. Must you insist on bloodshed within these walls? Don’t forget, you hold the position of an elder in Lunarius Palace,” Silver said coldly.

“All right, I’ll wait until he leaves Lunarius Palace, then I’ll tear him to pieces! I’ll also notify the Miller family and reveal everything that’s happened here. My nephew’s death won’t be left unresolved.” After Selma finished speaking, she shot John a fierce glare, then stormed off with a dismissive flick of her sleeve.

Understanding the current situation, Selma had yet to reveal John’s true identity as she didn’t want others to beat her to it. She intended for the century-long offerings of the Demon Seal Alliance to fall entirely into the hands of the Miller family.

Silver told Yvonne, “Yvonne, could you arrange for someone to tidy up this place? Afterwards, tell all the cultivators that they can go get some rest. Now, they are free to choose the female cultivators they fancy.”

“Understood!” Yvonne gave a slight nod, then left with a multitude of cultivators trailing behind her.

Upon seeing the situation, John didn’t leave. Yvonne, however, slightly furrowed her brows and asked, “Why aren’t you leaving? What are you staying for?”

“I came here to see the head of the palace, not to seek a female cultivator. Naturally, I can’t leave,” John replied.

“Don’t push your luck. Ms. Silver….”

“Yvonne, let him stay and lead the others away,” Silver cut her off.

Upon hearing this, Yvonne was taken aback. She knew Silver had no fondness for men. Moreover, the rules within the palace strictly forbade any disciple from seeking a partner. Silver set the perfect example herself. She simply would not get close to any male cultivator. This time, however, Silver had unexpectedly invited John to stay, which greatly surprised Yvonne. Even so, Yvonne didn’t dare to press further. She could only lead the numerous cultivators away.

“Come with me…” She then turned around and walked into the grand hall.

Without any hesitation, John followed suit. Even though Silver had already regained her physical form, John still remembered a time when she was merely a wisp of a spirit, nothing more than a mere holy maiden of Lunarius Palace.

Upon entering the grand hall, Silver unleashed a surge of spiritual energy, which flowed directly into John’s body. Instead of dodging, John simply allowed that surge of spiritual energy to enter his body.

“Although you managed to break free from Selma’s icy seal, your body accumulated a significant amount of frost energy, which could have impacted your subsequent training. I’ve just removed the frost energy from your body,” Silver told John.

“Do you know me?”

John was somewhat taken aback. After all, he had drastically changed his appearance, and so much time had passed. There was no way Silver could possibly recognize him.

“Of course. I will forever remember the great kindness you have shown me, Mr. White. Even though you altered your appearance, your aura remains unchanged. Why would I have intervened if I didn’t know it was you?” Silver replied with a faint smile.

“Ms. Silver, there’s something that I find rather peculiar. How could one of the elders dare to oppose you?” John couldn’t comprehend it. An elder defying the head was simply outrageous.

“Ah…” Silver sighed, gesturing for John to take a seat. She then said, “Haven’t you noticed that the disciples within Lunarius Palace aren’t particularly strong?”

“The blood demon reconstructed my physical body, enabling me to rebuild Lunarius Palace. I even managed to gather some of the scattered disciples of Lunarius Palace. However, most of them were newly recruited. For Lunarius Palace to grow, it’s essential to have resources.”

“Left with no other options, it occurred to me to have the outer circle disciples seek partners. Numerous male cultivators came in droves. As long as they found a suitable partner, they could be of use to Lunarius Palace, Consequently, their resources would also belong to Lunarius Palace. As for Selma, she is primarily interested in the ice based cultivation techniques of Lunarius Palace. I, in turn, utilized her status to establish a connection with the Miller family, enabling me to access some of their resources. All the men in the Miller family practiced fire based cultivation techniques. When they later paired with the female disciples of Lunarius Palace for dual cultivation, it allowed for a rapid advancement in their cultivation levels. When it comes down to it, we were merely using each other. Since there is no real hierarchy between us, Selma isn’t afraid of me at all,” Silver explained with a helpless look on her face.

Upon hearing this, John also felt Silver’s helplessness. Having just regained her physical form, she was faced with the task of rebuilding Lunarius Palace. On top of that, she had to devise ways to gather resources to facilitate the development of the palace. This was essentially similar to the initial stages of establishing Lunarius Palace, which were undoubtedly the most challenging.

“Did you just offend the Miller family for my sake, Ms. Silver?” John felt somewhat embarrassed. Had he known the consequences, he wouldn’t have killed Killian, which caused Lunarius Palace such a huge trouble.

“For you, Mr. White, it wouldn’t just be worth it to offend the Miller family. Even if I had to offend many more, it would all be worth it. If it weren’t for you, I fear my spirit would have already vanished, and the world would never have known of Lunarius Palace again.” Silver had no regrets.

At this point, John felt even more awkward. Initially, he had planned to take Demonia Stone and leave. How am I supposed to leave now?

John turned toward Silver and asked, “Ms. Silver, what’s the story behind Lunarius Palace’s journey to the polar region? If there’s any way I can assist, I’d be more than happy to.”

Given that John had caused such a significant inconvenience to Lunarius Palace, it was only right that he did something to make amends before leaving. After all, it would be utterly inconsiderate of him to simply take Demonia Stone and depart without a second thought. Upon seeing John inquire about the trip to the polar region, Silver hesitated briefly before shaking her head. “Mr. White, I would advise against your journey to the polar region. Did you come to Lunarius Palace to obtain Demonia Stone? I’ll give it to you right away. It’s best for you to leave.”

Surprisingly, Silver didn’t allow John to participate in the polar region expedition. Moreover, she knew that John was there to retrieve the Demonia Stone.

“Why? Wasn’t the whole point of you testing so many people to prepare for the expedition to the polar region, Ms. Silver? I believe I can help.” John couldn’t comprehend why Silver wanted him to leave.

“Mr. White, you may not know this, but the expedition to the polar region is fraught with danger. True, it’s an immortal’s tomb, abundant with opportunities and untapped resources. However, it’s also a perilous territory. Those who venture there may not have a chance to come back alive. This expedition to the polar region is merely exploratory. It’s the most dangerous phase, so you can’t go,” Silver explained. It turned out Silver was forbidding John to take part out of concern for his safety.

“In that case, it’s even more necessary for me to ease your burden, Ms. Silver. If we can figure out this place, perhaps you won’t have to worry about resources in the future.”

Upon hearing that, John became even more resolute in his thoughts. Since Ms. Silver has been looking out for me at every turn, it was only right that I do something in return. The resources in Lunarius Palace are extremely scarce at the moment. Without resources, a sect can hardly flourish. This is a perfect chance for me to explore the polar region. If I can discover resource-rich areas, it will be a tremendous help to Lunarius Palace!

Taking in John’s unwavering demeanor, Silver became at a loss for words. In the end, she could only nod with a sense of resignation. Silver let out a sigh and said, “Whether Lunarius Palace can continue to expand in the future hinged on this expedition to the polar region. After falling out with the Miller family, I fear they would no longer share their demonic fire for dual cultivation with Lunarius Palace’s disciples.”

“Ms. Silver, I’m willing to undergo dual cultivation with disciples of Lunarius Palace to help them rapidly increase their strength. Even though these disciples can’t match the beauty of my women, I’m ready to make this sacrifice to repay the favor of you saving my life. However, I can only handle five people at most in one night. I’m afraid my body won’t be able to take it if I overdo it,” John said helplessly to Silver. He had started viewing himself as a stud now.

I was treated as a stud when I was previously in the Max residence. However, that time wasn’t too bad because it only involved the Max sisters. This time, there are probably dozens of disciples at the Lunarius Palace. I’m not sure if I can handle it all!

“You can do that?” Silver was taken aback.

John didn’t utter a word. Instead, he slightly lifted his right hand, and in an instant, a flame ignited in his palm. Following that, the flames continued to rise, rapidly increasing the temperature within the grand hall. At the same time, the fire nascence within John continuously surged forth.

“You’ve actually comprehended fire nascence. This is much more powerful than the Miller family’s fire cultivation technique!” Silver exclaimed in shock.

“There shouldn’t be a problem for me to undergo dual cultivation with Lunarius Palace’s disciples, right?” John put away the demonic fire, offering a slight smile as he spoke.

“No problem. However, when you say that none of the women from Lunarius Palace are as beautiful as yours, are you implying that you’ve seen every disciple here?” Silver asked.

As John was reminded of the events that transpired within the illusion array, he felt displeased. Consequently, he glared at Silver and said, “No, but if the disciples of Lunarius Palace were more beautiful than my women, you wouldn’t have used the image of my women in that illusion array to bewitch the minds of those who entered it. Did you realize how much that hurt me? Even though I know it’s all imaginary, I can’t shake the feeling of being cuckolded.”

“Haha! I’ve actually forgotten about that. When setting up the illusion array, I hadn’t seen many breathtaking beauties. Since the only stunning beauties I’ve seen were the women by your side, I adopted their appearances. The illusion array is already destroyed. I won’t use their faces when I set up the array again.” Silver burst into laughter.

“Ms. Silver, there’s no time to lose. You should summon your disciples. Let’s start with five of them tonight. I’ll see if I can manage. If it’s feasible, we can add a few more tomorrow night,” John said to Silver.
John will never disappoint you. 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 3736 - 3738 Are you trying to bed my disciples?

“What are you trying to do?” Silver asked somewhat bewilderedly.

“I’m going to undergo dual cultivation with them to help enhance their abilities, right? If we don’t do that at night, when else? It’ll be so embarrassing to do it in the day.” As John spoke, he surprisingly found himself blushing a little.

Silver paused slightly, then laughed and said, “Mr. White, what are you fantasizing? The dual cultivation I’m referring to is not about balancing positive and negative energies, asking you to engage in intimate activities with them. It’s about intertwining your demonic fire with the frost aura of my disciples. In this way, their frost energy will become more immune to fire. Could it be that you actually intend to bed all my disciples, Mr. White? You already have so many women, yet you’re not satisfied?”

Silver spoke with a face filled with amusement, leaving John utterly embarrassed and ashamed. In a flurry, John hastily explained, “I misunderstood. I got it all wrong.”

Upon seeing John’s awkward demeanor, Silver chuckled. “Mr. White, I was just teasing you. If you fancy any of my disciples, just let me know. I’ll have her keep you company at night. However, you’ve just been through a tough battle, and your body hasn’t fully recovered yet. Take a few days to rest first. The expedition to the polar region isn’t until three days later.”

“No need. That won’t be necessary. I’ll be fine resting on my own.” John hastily waved his hands. He had just managed to free himself from women for a while, and he certainly didn’t want to go through the trouble and exhaustion again.

A while back, John frequently had to satisfy Catlin to save himself, which resulted in him being unable to get any rest every night. After such a torment, why would he still look for the company of women now that he finally had a chance to rest? Silver had someone prepare a room for John to rest.

As John made his way to the room, Silver crossed through the grand hall and headed toward the rear end of Lunarius Palace. There was a modestly sized palace there, with lights twinkling within.

Upon entering, two Lunarius Palace disciples stood on either side. Seeing Silver’s arrival, they hastily paid their respects. Silver waved her hand, signaling the two to leave. Then, with another wave of her hand, the wall before her astonishingly began to gradually vanish.

Subsequently, a table with many memorial tablets arranged on it was revealed, and placed in front of these memorial tablets were the Demonia Stones. Those memorial tablets were there to honor the previous heads and elders of Lunarius Palace. As the holy maiden of Lunarius Palace, Silver was the designated successor to Lunarius Palace. However, she never expected Lunarius Palace to face such a massacre, almost annihilated to the brink of extinction.

“Elders, if your spirits still roam this world, I hope you can find this place so we can rebuild Lunarius Palace together. There are some Demonia Stones here. As long as your spirits return, you can use these stones to recreate your physical form, thus allowing you to be reborn.” Silver reverently paid her respects before those memorial tablets. She knew that if her soul could escape, then others could, too. As long as a shred of the soul remained, one could reconstruct one’s physical form and essentially be reborn. Baal had left all those Demonia Stones in Lunarius Palace with the hope that those who had been slaughtered in the past could reincarnate.

The past carnage wasn’t about who was right or wrong. It seemed more like a plot. Everyone in the Ethereal Realm seems to be mere pawnsperhaps the entire Ethereal Realm is nothing more than someone else’s pawn. Silver stood in front of the memorial tablets in a daze, her expression bewildered.

At that moment, she genuinely wished for the spirits of her ancestors to return. If that were the case, things would become a bit easier for her. She felt immense pressure, having to hold up Lunarius Palace all by herself. That night, Silver spent the entire night in front of the memorial tablets.

Meanwhile, the Miller family, situated five hundred kilometers away, had also received the news of Killian’s tragic demise.

Even though Killian had always acted recklessly, even frequently using the souls of Inferno Devils to augment his strength, he was, after all, the son of the Miller family

The news of Killian’s death cast a terrifying gloom over the entire Miller family. Since the head of the Miller family, who was also Killian’s father, was in solitary cultivation, no one dared to make a decision regarding that matter

An elderly man with a beard and a thin figure asked, “Can we be certain that Mr. Killian was murdered?” That person was Dean Watson, the Miller family’s chief butler. After the head of the Miller family went into solitary cultivation, Dean was tasked with handling all the family’s affairs.

“Yes. The message came from Lunarius Palace. Ms. Selma had personally sent the message.” At that moment, a servant from the Miller family handed a letter to Dean. Dean unfolded the letter, and after he read the content, his expression turned cold and stern.

“I can’t believe Mr. Killian was killed by this guy named John, and Ms. Silver is even sheltering that guy. Relay these orders at once! The Miller family members are forbidden from collaborating with Lunarius Palace. Also, select a few experts to standby in Lunarius Palace’s vicinity to heed Ms. Selma’s commands at any moment.”

Upon reading the letter, Dean immediately made the arrangements. It seemed that Selma had no intention of letting John off the hook. The moment John stepped out of Lunarius Palace, she would make her move against him. Even if she found it inconvenient to take action personally, she could still have the Miller family experts, who were hiding near Lunarius Palace, eliminate John.

Selma was determined to avenge Killian. Apart from eliminating John, Selma also had plans to journey to the polar region. The Miller family and Lunarius Palace had always been on good terms, and Killian was also set to take part in the expedition, so there wasn’t an issue. However, Killian was dead now.

The polar region was clearly abundant with resources and opportunities. Selma simply couldn’t let slip of this chance. If possible, the Miller family also desired to claim the immortal’s tomb in the polar region as their own.

At the crack of dawn the next day, John woke up after having slept exceptionally well that night. He reckoned that was likely due to the exhaustion from the intense battle he had endured the previous day.

At that moment, Silver was already standing in the courtyard, staring blankly at the snowy mountains. John stretched languidly, then greeted Silver, “Good morning, Ms. Silver!”

“Mr. White, how was your rest?” inquired Silver.

“Pretty good. I didn’t expect to sleep so comfortably here,” John responded.

“I’m glad that you’ve rested well. I was worried you might lose sleep from getting hung up over Lunarius Palace’s female disciples,” Silver teased.

Upon hearing that, John gave an awkward laugh. “Mr. White, come with me. I’ll take you to retrieve the Demonia Stones and introduce you to your companions along the way,” Silver said.

“Companion?” John was taken aback.

“Do you really think you can venture to the polar region without companions?” Silver asked with a smile.

“Aren’t those cultivators who had passed the trials considered companions? Didn’t you mention that each of them could choose one disciple from Lunarius Palace and then journey to the polar region together?” John asked in surprise.

“Indeed. They are also headed to the polar region. However, as I’ve mentioned before, they are merely pathfinders. You must understand that the journey to the polar region is fraught with peril. Many might meet their end midway. Those individuals aren’t your companions, and you won’t be journeying with them. They are set to depart tomorrow,” Silver explained.

After hearing that, John was at a loss for words. He knew those people were considered cannon fodders, but he couldn’t help feeling a peculiar sensation, watching them march to their doom.

“Ms. Silver, will Yvonne also accompany those people on their journey?” John asked. Yvonne was the only person John was better acquainted with in Lunarius Palace.

“What’s the matter? Have you taken a liking to her, Mr. White? If that’s the case, I can arrange for someone else to lead the team.” Silver gave a slight smile.

“That’s not it. I was just asking casually.” John hurriedly waved his hand.

“Come with me. The companions I’ve found for you are no less captivating than Yvonne, Mr. White.” Silver smiled, then turned and took off into the air. Seeing that, John quickly followed suit.

John followed Silver all the way to the grand hall. After passing several buildings, they landed in front of a moderate-sized house. Two disciples from Lunarius Palace stood guard at the house’s entrance.

Upon seeing Silver’s arrival, they quickly paid their respects.

Subsequently, Silver led John inward. Inside the house, John was surprised to find many memorial tablets, and placed in front of the memorial tablets were the Demonia Stones.

“Mr. White, these are the Demonia Stones. Please, feel free to take as many as you need,” Silver said. John looked at the Demonia Stones, which appeared ordinary. He stepped forward and merely took one of them before putting it away in his Storage Ring. John glanced at the tablets and asked, “Ms. Silver, are these memorial tablets to honor the past elders of Lunarius Palace?”

“Indeed. I set up these memorial tablets with the hope that Lunarius Palace’s predecessors could find their way back to us. If their spirits still linger, these Demonia Stones can allow them to be reincarnated,” Silver explained. John gazed at the memorial tablets in bafflement.

“In that case, could the companions you told me about be…” Does she want me to bring these memorial tablets to the polar region?

Silver sensed John’s confusion. With a slight smile, she then moved behind those memorial tablets. To John’s surprise, there was an arcane array blocking the way behind the memorial tablets.

Silver took out an emerald token and lightly pressed it onto the array. Suddenly, a burst of radiant light filled the room. The arcane array in front of her gradually faded, revealing an expanse of space that appeared out of nowhere.

After Silver led John inside, he discovered that there wasn’t any snowy mountain in sight. Instead, the place was filled with pristine mountains and clear waters. However, that place wasn’t particularly expansive because John could see the boundary barrier in the distance. This should be a small world that someone created.

Swoosh! Just after Silver led John inside, figures suddenly emerged from all directions. John instantly put up his guard, his aura churning and bursting forth.

“There’s no need to be afraid. These are Lunarius Palace’s holy maidens, potential successors to Lunarius Palace’s headship,” Silver explained to John.

In no time, twelve women, striking in appearance and clad in uniform attire, landed in front of John and Silver.

“Greetings, Ms. Silver.” All twelve holy maidens simultaneously dropped to their knees. However, they couldn’t help but steal an extra glance at John. Since they were chosen as the holy maidens, they hadn’t seen a man. Silver had never brought a man there before. Even the other disciples from Lunarius Palace hadn’t set foot in that place.

John glanced at those holy maidens. All of them are Sixth Level Tribulator. For the newly reestablished Lunarius Palace, possessing such strength is already considered quite impressive. After all, the three kings and four archons of the beast race are mere Seventh Level Tribulators.

Although those twelve holy maidens were only Sixth Level Tribulators, their auras could converge to form a powerful one. Although there were only twelve of them, their combined aura was no less formidable than an army.

Of course, those female cultivators were undoubtedly extraordinary in their own ways to be selected as holy maidens.

“Ms. Silver, are these holy maidens the companions you referred to?” John asked.

“That’s right. It’s them. I need them to break through in the polar region. They must elevate their strength as soon as possible.” Silver was well aware that Lunarius Palace’s overall strength was far too weak. Aside from herself and Selma, the cultivators with the next highest cultivation level were basically all Sixth Level Tribulators. Their current strength was a world different from the Lunarius Palace of the past. After all, in the past, only those who had attained the Ultimate Realm could be chosen as Lunarius Palace’s holy maidens. But now, the situation had changed. Silver had no choice but to pick the best out of a mediocre bunch.
Ms Silver, your last warning. John is not impotent like Dustin and Charlie so never do that again when he wants to cultivate with your maidens. The miller family shouldn't dare the Dragon else they'll ruin their family.
John tried to use his pervert sect style to bed those maidens but somehow the plans got thwarted. But i believe still he will use some other methods to bed some of those maidens if not all. Just as how he made pheonix and Caitlyn to help him with life force to recover, I suspect he might employ the same technique to bed these women. Master Xavier and Emeka might get busy during this expedition.
I have a doubt, why did John take only one demonia stone, when he could have taken more if he wanted. Why did he not take 2 more to help
Vermilion demon Lord and Daddy-O, along with Old-Geezer. Or is it because the demonia stone might not be of use to both of these people.
When John had an opportunity he could have used that opportunity at the pathfinder sect, to find more information about Vermillion Demon Lord and helped him or may be he could have tried to find information about Miranda.
John tried to use his pervert sect style to bed those maidens but somehow the plans got thwarted. But i believe still he will use some other methods to bed some of those maidens if not all. Just as how he made pheonix and Caitlyn to help him with life force to recover, I suspect he might employ the same technique to bed these women. Master Xavier and Emeka might get busy during this expedition.
Shame, Lunarius Palace missed a great chance to improve their blood line.

Master brits, Doubt Ms. Silver might be saving him for herself.
Chapter 3321 - 3330 Supreme Alchemist

Rumble! Immediately afterward, a blinding bolt of lightning struck, directly hitting the inside of the mountain range through the gap. The sudden turn of events prompted everyone to halt in their tracks.

“I-Is this lightning tribulation?” Milan asked confusedly at the sight of the lightning striking the mountain.

“Indeed. That is undoubtedly lightning tribulation!” Von nodded in astonishment. It was clear to everyone how the lightning tribulation came about. John was the only person cultivating within the mountain range. The pounding of lightning tribulation on the mountain could only mean John had broken through.

Boom! Under everyone’s watchful gaze, another bolt of lightning struck, and only after a round of bombardment did the lightning tribulation cloud gradually disperse. Following the dissipation of the lightning tribulation Polar, John emerged from the cave.

As a result of enduring the lightning tribulation, his clothes were tattered and in pieces, barely covering his body. However, John was unconcerned because his cultivation had advanced by another minor level. It won’t be long before I break through Body Fusion Realm and become a Tribulator!

Despite his pathetic and disheveled appearance, his eyes shone, and his aura grew more formidable.

“Ah!” the two girls, Keira and Mila, suddenly exclaimed and quickly spun around. Their scream pulled John back to his senses, and he hastily covered his private parts with his hand.

Phoenix swiftly took out a new set of clothes and stepped forward to help John put them on. John felt quite embarrassed, showing up in that indecent state in front of everyone, not to mention in the presence of a few girls.

“John, have you broken through?” Milan inquired after the younger man was done changing. The latter nodded.

“Yes. I’ve advanced from the Eighth Level of Body Fusion Realm to the Ninth Level. I reckon it won’t be long before I become a Tribulator too.” John was ecstatic. After all, even advancing a minor cultivation level was exceptionally arduous for him.

“You triggered such a massive lightning tribulation by breaking through a minor cultivation level? This is absurd!” Von remarked in awe. John didn’t know how to explain the phenomenon either. Whenever he experienced an advancement in cultivation level, it would be accompanied by a great commotion.

“All right. We should get going and leave Mount Crimson as soon as possible. We can’t fly here, and this place is infested with demon beasts, so it’s too dangerous.” Sensing John was at a loss for a response, Milan quickly helped him out of the tight spot.

“Okay. Let’s depart. If we move fast, we should be able to exit Mount Crimson in a day and a night,” Von said. Not long after they set off, the group encountered a group of silver tigers blocking their way, with Tiger King leading the beasts. Everyone tensed up, unsure of the silver tigers’ intentions.

John also knitted his brows. “What do you want?”

“Don’t misunderstand. We mean no harm. I led my subordinates here to send you off. Ride on our backs. This way, we can get you out of Mount Crimson faster,” Tiger King explained. Hearing that, John was taken aback. He didn’t anticipate Tiger King would offer to send them out of Mount Crimson.

“Why would you do this?” John was baffled, given his lack of deep connection with Tiger King. Tiger King approached him and whispered, “I just hope you can also enlighten me someday. Although I’m still not sufficiently strong, I’m confident I can also attain Ascendance in the future.”

It turned out Tiger King had learned of the incident where John led the water dragon into the cave and showed the water dragon guidance.

The water dragon ascended to the sky after achieving enlightenment from John, whose cultivation level received a boost as well. That was why Tiger King believed John had a way to help increase someone’s power.

John smiled and replied with a nod, “That’s no problem. I’ll enlighten you once you reach Ascendance.”

Delighted after hearing that, Tiger King immediately lowered its head and allowed John to ride on its back. John then motioned at everyone to ride on the backs of the other silver tigers. As the silver tigers had been living in Mount Crimson all their lives, they were able to traverse the terrain a lot faster than John and his party.

The journey would have originally taken them a whole day and a night, but the silver tigers managed to get them out of Mount Crimson within a day. After saying goodbye to John and the others, Tiger King led its subordinate back into Mount Crimson.

“What did Tiger King tell you, Mr. White? Why were they willing to give us a ride?” Polar asked curiously.

“Nothing much. Hurry up and retrieve the airship so we can get some rest in there. We’ve been travelling all night,” John replied.

Von stepped forward and halted them, stating, “We’re currently in the southern region. Salinsburgh City is approximately a thousand miles away, and Demonia Mountain lies just beyond the city. This area, being the border, tends to be quite tumultuous. Moreover, Salinsburgh City is the final location for resupply before entering Demonia Mountain, making it inevitably crowded. Boarding the airship at this moment would draw excessive attention. I recommend maintaining a low profile since it’s not too far away.”

As Von was the leader of the group, his words carried a lot of authority. John motioned at Polar to stow the airship away, and the group began heading toward Salinsburgh City on foot. Along the way, John noticed that the area was indeed rather chaotic.

Demon beasts were spotted even in towns where cultivators resided. As if that wasn’t bad enough, fights would often break out between the towns as well. In order to ensure their safety during their journey, John and his party picked the routes where they would encounter the least amount of people. Even so, they still saw lots of dead demon beasts and cultivators lying on the roads.

John couldn’t help but feel as though the southern region was no different from a wasteland. They spent a whole night walking and only took a short break halfway through the journey. At sunrise, they finally arrived at Salinsburgh City. Salinsburgh City was not as big as Yellow Blue City, nor was it as luxurious. The moat wasn’t all that big, but the queue at the city gate was incredibly long.

“It seems these people are all headed for Demonia Mountain in search of magical items. They don’t even know if there will be any!” Mila said with a sneer as she stared at the people queuing at the gate. Milan shot her a fierce glare in response.

“Shut your mouth!”

“Come on, let’s go find a place to stay and rest for a day or two. After that, we’ll head straight to Demonia Mountain,” Von said.

Since he was the leader, everyone followed in his lead and entered Salinsburgh City with him. Meanwhile, Brian and George were searching for something on the streets of Salinsburgh City.

“Elder Wells, could it be that Salinsburgh City doesn’t have any Demon Seal Alliance sub-branches?” George asked. We got here yesterday, but we haven’t found any of Demon Seal Alliance’s sub-branches at all. There’s no way the few of us can kill John on our own!

“Logically speaking, that shouldn’t be the case. Demon Seal Alliance has countless sub-branches all over the ethereal realm.”

Having been imprisoned by Demon Seal Alliance for so many years, Brian knew all about its operations and forces.

“Let’s continue searching, then. If we still can’t find any, then we’ll just have to figure something out.” George hated John to the bone after being forced to lose his parasitic silkworm. He was determined to kill John even if the people from Demon Seal Alliance couldn’t do so.

While Brian and George continued to search for the sub-branch, they saw a huge amount of people gathered at the square and headed over out of curiosity.

“What’s going on? Why are so many people gathered here?” Brian asked a cultivator.

The cultivator simply shot Brian an icy-cold glare and ignored his question completely. Brian frowned in anger, but George quickly handed the cultivator a valuable ancient coin. The cultivator’s attitude changed the moment he saw the ancient coin.

“You two must be new here, huh?” he asked with a smile.

“Yes, that’s right. We just got here a while ago!” George replied with a nod.

“It’s no wonder you two don’t know what’s going on. Mr. Hart is seeking medical assistance here. His daughter contracted some kind of illness that no one could cure. Since a lot of cultivators have come to Salinsburgh City after the discovery of the celestial battlefield in Demonia Mountain, Mr. Hart decided to look for alchemists who could cure his daughter. It has been three days now. Although quite a few alchemists have tried to cure his daughter, none of them have succeeded. As if that wasn’t bad enough, they even died in the process. Despite the huge reward, no one else dared risk their life after seeing what happened,” the cultivator explained.

Brian’ eyes lit up immediately after he heard that. He then guided George forward and noticed an advertisement for alchemists on a stone pillar. Not only would Kevin Hart reward the individual who successfully cured his daughter with a substantial sum of spirit coins, but he also pledged to fulfill a single request unconditionally.

“Your chance has come, Mr. Clooney!” Brian said with a faint smile.

“Many alchemists have tried to cure Mr. Hart’s daughter, but to no avail. I don’t think I can do it, Elder Wells. Besides, things could get dangerous if Mr. Hart finds out about our identities,” George said, feeling a little scared. Although Demonic Cultivators could suppress their aura with the help of pills, they would still be in huge danger if they got exposed.

“What are you so afraid of? I could save you even if you fail to cure her! We should split up. I’ll go look for Demon Seal Alliance’s sub-branch while you treat Mr. Hart’s daughter. We’ll be able to kill John no matter which one of us succeeds,” Brian said.

Although reluctant, George nodded in response anyway. After all, Brian held a higher position than he did. Two of Kevin’ men took George away shortly after he accepted the task while Brian headed off in search of the sub-branch.

John and the others arrived shortly after the two had left. “Looks like we’ve got another gutsy one. A few of those alchemists have already been killed, and there are still more who are willing to give it a shot”.

“People are willing to give their lives up for riches. Mr. Hart’s rewards are simply too attractive to resist. I’d try my hand at it too if I were an alchemist. I’ll even have his daughter marry me if I manage to cure her.”

“Oh, dream on!” The crowd slowly dispersed while gossiping about the rewards. Von got curious when he heard what they said, so he stopped one of the cultivators and asked, “Hi, could you tell me what just happened?

The cultivator eyed Von from head to toe in response. Before he could even say anything Von had stuffed a bag off spirit coins in his hand The cultivator then told Von everything that had just happened.

“I can’t believe Mr. Hart’s daughter is sick. She was just fine a while back!” Von exclaimed with a sigh.

“You know Mr. Hart?” Milan asked. Things would be a lot easier for them if Von was acquainted with Kevin as they could all stay over at the latter’s residence for two days. Alas, Von shook his head.

“Of course not! I just happened to run into him a few times in the past, that’s all. While I may not know the mayor, I do have friends here in Salinsburgh City, so you need not worry about our lodging,” he replied as he led the group deeper into the city.

The mayor’s residence was located in the center of the city. It had been renovated and looked a lot more luxurious compared to the somewhat shabby city gate. The mayor had a thing for luxury, so he had a fancy mansion constructed in the center of Salinsburgh City. On one side of the mayor’s residence was a medium-sized courtyard that had somehow withstood the harsh weather fairly well.

Von then led the group straight into the courtyard. However, John frowned slightly the moment they entered the courtyard. Wait a minute… Why am I detecting celestial energy here? We’re no longer in Mount Crimson, so how could there be celestial energy here? It’s faint, but definitely noticeable!

“What’s wrong, Master?” Phoenix asked. John shook his head.

“It’s nothing.”

“Guests have arrived, Hector! Come receive them!” Von shouted the moment he walked through the door. Had they not known any better, they would have assumed they were entering a brothel. A hunchbacked elderly man with a walking stick in hand came out shortly after.

“You’ve certainly brought quite a lot of people over, Von! Unfortunately, you guys arrived a little late today, so you’ll have to make do with the east wing,” Hector Hart said. Von froze when he heard that.

“Huh? You have other guests here?” Hector nodded in response.

“You’re not short on cash or anything, so why would you start accepting guests?” Von asked in confusion.

“What are you talking about? They’re practically family to me, so I can’t just turn them down! Lots of people from the five regions have been coming over asking for lodgings ever since word got out about Demonia Mountain. I knew you’d be coming over, so I reserved the east wing for you. Otherwise, it wouldn’t even be available to you by now! You’d have to sleep on the street, then!” Hector said and went back into the house.

Von quickly led the group inside after hearing that. After the group had chosen their respective rooms, Von sat down in the main hall and chatted with Hector. The two were such close friends that they could talk just about anything.

“I heard Mr. Hart’s daughter is sick. It sounds serious,” Von said.

“It is. He has been seeking the help of alchemists for days, but none of them were of any use. My eldest niece killed them all on the spot. I know the word on the street is that my brother killed those alchemists, but that’s not true.” Hector then glanced about to make sure no one was around before continuing softly, “My niece started having manic episodes lately for some reason. She would kill those alchemists whenever they failed to cure her. My brother may be ruthless, but he’s not so cruel that he would kill those alchemists. Because of those false rumors spreading like wildfire, however, no alchemists dared accept the task anymore. My brother is at a loss right now.”

Von was a little surprised when he heard that. Why does it sound as though Mr. Hart’s daughter is suffering from the effects of the poison veil in Mount Crimson? While the poison veil does cause its victims to lose their minds and become violent, its effects are temporary. They return to normal once the poison veil is gone, and there are no poison veils here in Salinsburgh City, so I can’t really tell if it is the poison veil that’s causing her manic episodes.

“I happen to have an alchemist in my group, Hector. How about I have him treat your niece?” Von suggested.

“Forget it. So many alchemists have tried, and none have succeeded. I doubt that alchemist of yours is any better, so there’s no point in trying,” Hector replied with a dismissive wave. Having known Von for a long time, Hector knew that the alchemists travelling with him were all average at best.

Displeased with Hector’s dismissive attitude, Von exclaimed, “Don’t underestimate him, Hector. The alchemist in my group is a Supreme Alchemist.”

Hector froze. “A Supreme Alchemist? Really?”

“Wait here while I go get him,” Von said as he got up and went looking for John. John was planning on getting some rest so he could cultivate after making a breakthrough, only to have Von come asking him for help.

“Hector, this is Mr. White, the Supreme Alchemist,” Von said, introducing him to Hector

Von then pointed at Hector and said, “Mr. White, this is Hector, Mr. Hart’s sworn brother. He’s older than Mr. Hart, which is why he could have this courtyard built right next to the mansion.”

“Are you kidding me, Von? This guy is the Supreme Alchemist you mentioned?” Hector asked in disbelief as he eyed John from head to toe. This guy looks way too young to be a Supreme Alchemist!

“Do I look like I’m kidding? We encountered a poison veil while we were in Mount Crimson. It was Mr. White who saved our lives back there. He gave me a pill when I got injured at one point, and my wound healed completely the next day. Hurry up and bring us to Mr. Hart’s mansion. Who knows? Mr. White might just be able to cure your niece!”

After seeing how serious Von was, Hector shot John another doubtful glance before replying with a nod, “All right, then. I’ll let you guys give it a shot.”

“Sorry, but I don’t have time for that.” To their surprise, John refused to help. I don’t know the mayor, let alone his daughter, so why should I treat her? Besides, I’m not in desperate need for spirit coins either. I just want to cultivate while we rest to prepare for our trip to Demonia Mountain. There’s no telling what dangers we may come across.

Hector froze in shock as he didn’t think John would refuse to help out. Von, too, was equally surprised.

“Please just take a look at her, Mr. White. You will be rewarded generously if you manage to treat her condition!”

“Young man, you may make any request if you successfully treat my niece!” Hector said.

“All right, then. I’ll try treating your niece, but I don’t want spirit coins as a reward. Instead, I want that trove tree in your backyard,” John replied with a faint smile.

John had detected a faint celestial energy the moment he entered the courtyard. After looking around for a bit, he noticed a trove tree in the backyard. It was enclosed with arcane arrays to keep the celestial energy trapped inside.

Hector froze for a few seconds before casting John a terrifying glare in response. Noticing that something was off about Hector’s expression, Von quickly said, “What’s so great about a tree, Mr. White?”

“I want that tree. I will proceed to treat her as soon as you agree to my request,” John said calmly. Hector’s expression eased up a little as he said, “Fine, you’re quite good if you saw what’s special about that tree. I hope you won’t disappoint me.” He then proceeded to lead John and Von to the mayor’s mansion.

Inside the mayor’s mansion, Kevin looked anxiously at his daughter, his face etched with worry. Before him, his daughter, Erica Hart, was bound in chains and surrounded by an arcane array.

“Don’t blame me, Erica. I have no other choice. This is the only way to prevent you from hurting others, Kevin said, tears in his eyes. He didn’t want to do this, but after Erica killed several alchemists, the entire mayor’s mansion was besieged by rumors and criticism, leaving him with no alternative.

“Dad, don’t be sad. I won’t blame you. If my illness truly has no cure, then it’s better to end my life. I don’t wish to become a murderous lunatic,” Erica comforted her father.

“Rest assured, I’ve issued a notice. If anyone can cure you, I’m willing to agree to any of their demands. Even if it means relinquishing my mayorship, I’m prepared to do it. I just want you safe and sound.” Kevin’ eyes brimmed with love and a readiness to sacrifice everything for his daughter.

Erica, on the other hand, felt a pang of guilt upon hearing her father’s words. She couldn’t comprehend why she had turned into this state.

“Dad, where’s Mom? I haven’t seen her for several days,” Erica asked.

“Your mom…” Kevin hesitated, unsure whether to tell his daughter the truth. His wife had been bedridden for days due to stress from their daughter’s condition, and he had not told Erica to avoid worrying her.

Noticing her father’s hesitation, Erica became anxious and was about to press for more information when the butler came in and reported to Kevin, “Mr. Hart, an alchemist named Mr. Clooney has responded to your notice. He is waiting outside right now.”

“Please, bring him in immediately!” Kevin was overjoyed. No alchemist had been willing to come to the mayor’s mansion due to recent rumors, which had left him apprehensive.

Alchemists were a rare existence in Ethereal Realm. Where cultivators were common, alchemists were not, especially in the southern region. As a result, even a low-level and weak alchemist would garner respect and could lead an honorable life in Ethereal Realm. Shortly, George was ushered in, and Kevin eagerly approached to greet him.

“Mr. Clooney, I hope you can save my daughter. Cure her, and any conditions you may have will be negotiable,” Kevin expressed respectfully. George was somewhat nervous at that moment, fearing that his true identity as a Demonic Cultivator would be revealed.

“Mr. Hart, there’s no need for formalities. Let me see what ails your daughter,” George said and turned to look at Erica, who was still bound in chains.

Kevin led the way, providing an explanation of Erica’s condition. As he listened, a glint of excitement flickered in George’s eyes. From Kevin’ description, it became apparent that Erica wasn’t sick but poisoned, and the symptoms resembled those of poison veil-a poison George himself had crafted. If it was indeed that poison, he would have a method to cure Erica, putting Kevin in his debt.

“Mr. Hart, open up the arcane array. I need to examine your daughter, but during the process, I’ll require the use of an arcane array to shield my aura from detection,” George requested, concerned that his aura might be revealed during the examination.

“You have my full cooperation, Mr. Clooney.” Kevin nodded and deactivated the arcane array to allow George near Erica. George conducted his examination, and at first glance, Erica appeared normal, resembling any other person. However, as George approached, Erica’s eyes suddenly turned bloodred, and she became delirious, glaring and growling at him.

“Don’t be afraid, Mr. Clooney. My daughter is chained up. She won’t be able to hurt you,” Kevin hastily reassured. He feared that George might be frightened away.

“A mere hysteria can’t scare me,” George replied. He immediately took out a packet of white powder and tossed it toward Erica. Erica inhaled the white powder, and immediately, she calmed down, her eyes gradually regaining clarity.

Kevin was thrilled by this unexpected development, not anticipating that George would swiftly subdue his daughter’s condition. With Erica now restored to her normal state, George infused her with a stream of spiritual energy. After a moment, George’s expression turned grave, causing unease to settle in Kevin.

Stepping out of the arcane array, George addressed him, “Mr. Hart, your daughter’s condition is quite serious. If this continues, I fear she won’t have much time left…”

Hearing this, Kevin became panicked. “Mr. Clooney, could you save my daughter? If you could cure her, I’ll do anything you ask. I can even retire from my mayorship and let you succeed me…”

George felt a surge of joy inside. Although he couldn’t be the mayor, he could certainly use Kevin to deal with John.

“Mr. Hart, your daughter’s condition is severe, but it’s not beyond treatment. It’s just that the treatment is somewhat complex, and I need to concoct a pill,” George said with feigned profundity.

“Mr. Clooney, tell me what you need for the pill concoction. I will fulfill any requirement,” Kevin said.

“That won’t be necessary. I have my own mystical herb. However, there is one thing I would ask of you,” George stated as he looked at Kevin.

“Please tell me, Mr. Clooney. I’ll even agree to ten things if you so require,” Kevin said, desperate to save his daughter.

“I have a grudge with a man named John White. He should be arriving in Salinsburgh City within a day or two, so I would like you to capture him and hand him over to me,” George said.

“No problem. I’ll give the orders right away. Anyone named John White who appears in Salinsburgh City will be captured.” Kevin nodded, showing little concern for who John was, as his daughter remained his priority. Upon Kevin’ swift agreement, a smug expression crossed George’s face.

“Mr. Hart, there’s no need to bind your daughter now. The medicine I just administered will ensure she won’t relapse for three days. Within that time, I will concoct the pill to completely cure her,” George confidently declared.

“Thank you, Mr. Clooney! Thank you so much,” Kevin expressed with excitement, repeatedly expressing his gratitude.

Soon after, Kevin personally escorted George out of the mayor’s mansion, then issued the order to capture John. Unaware of the warrant for his arrest, John, accompanied by Hector and Von, entered the mayor’s mansion. Recognizing Hector, the guards didn’t hinder their entry.

For Von, it was his inaugural visit to the mayor’s mansion, and he appeared quite thrilled. Hector, leading John and the others, navigated directly to Erica’s room. His familiarity with the mansion’s layout indicated frequent visits. Upon reaching Erica’s room, however, Hector found it empty. The empty chains and the arcane array put in place were gone.

“Butler, where is Erica?” Hector’s expression turned serious. He was worried that something might have happened to Erica, for he had watched over her since she was little and had grown quite fond of her.

“Hector, when did you get here?” Kevin hurried over upon seeing Hector. The latter’s expression remained stern as he demanded, “Where is Erica? What have you done with her?”

“Erica’s in her mother’s room. Where else could she be?” Kevin asked with a chuckle. Stumped, Hector asked, “Aren’t you afraid Erica will have an episode?

“Don’t worry, Erica’s condition has been stabilized. Mr. Clooney will be coming over today. He’ll be able to treat Erica’s illness. Since her condition has stabilized, she won’t be experiencing any flare-ups for now,” Kevin explained. Upon hearing that Erica’s condition had been stabilized, Hector beamed.

“That’s wonderful! I even brought an alchemist with me, hoping that he’d be able to treat Erica. It looks like he’s no longer needed.” Kevin glanced at Von and John, who were behind Hector, and said, “Well, not exactly. Erica’s mother has fallen ill from worrying about Erica’s condition. You might as well bring your alchemist to check on her.”

“Sure.” Hector nodded before heading toward the bedroom with Von, John, and Kevin. Upon entering the bedroom, John was greeted with the sight of a girl on the bed, her face tearstained. At the same time, there was a woman on the bed with a pale face. Though her eyes were open, they were unfocused.

“Uncle Hector …” Erica greeted when she saw Hector. Hector’s smile widened when he realized that Erica was truly fine. He then turned to John and said, “My niece seems fine now, so please check my sister-in-law instead.”

“Hector, the alchemist you were speaking of was him?” Kevin was taken aback when he saw Hector talking to John. He had thought Von was the alchemist and John was the apprentice! After all, John appeared young, and alchemists his age were a rare sight. Even Erica was baffled.

“Uncle Hector, isn’t this alchemist too young?”

“Just let him try. He’s someone an old friend recommended, so I doubt he’s bad,” Hector explained.

“Mr. Hart, I was the one who recommended Mr. White to Hector. I’m always traveling between the central region and the southern region, but I haven’t seen any alchemist as excellent as Mr. White!” Von said to Kevin.

“You are…?” Kevin asked as he studied Von.

“Kevin, this is Mr. Rambo. He’s often treasure hunting in the southern region,” Hector introduced.

“Oh, I see. I have heard of your name. Since he’s an alchemist that you recommend, Mr. Rambo, we’ll let him try it out.” It was only then Kevin let down his guard and allowed John to treat his wife. Stepping forward, John glanced at Eden, Kevin’ wife, then lifted his hand. A strand of spiritual energy gathered around the tip of his finger before transforming into invisible needles that shot into Eden’s body.

In a mere instance, Eden’s complexion began to improve. Meanwhile, John fished out a pill and said, “Let Mrs. Hart take this, and she’ll be fine. She only fell ill because she was experiencing too strong emotions. It isn’t anything serious.”

Erica took the pill from John, but just as her hand accidentally touched his, he frowned. Nevertheless, Erica did not notice John’s shift of expression. She went on to feed her mother the pill. Eden, who took the pill, soon seemed revitalized, and she grabbed her daughter’s hand tightly. Knowing that his wife’s condition was not severe in the first place, Kevin did not think much of John’s capability. But still, he had to remain polite.

“Thank you very much, Mr. White. I’ll send someone to thank you with ten thousand spirit coins,” he said. But John did not want ten thousand spirit coins; he wanted Hector’s tree.

“Mr. Hart, pardon my rudeness, but may I know which alchemist cured your daughter? Do you know that alchemist well?” John queried.

“No, they came after seeing the notice. Is there a problem?” Kevin queried in bewilderment.

“Of course. When I accidentally touched Ms. Hart earlier, I discovered that there were weak traces of demon aura in her. This must have been left behind by the alchemist when they were giving Ms. Hart a checkup. Also, Ms. Hart isn’t actually ill. She’s in this state because she’s been poisoned, and the toxin has gone into her bloodstream,” John somberly revealed.

“Poisoned? A Demonic Cultivator? What are you talking about?” Kevin looked at John in disbelief. “My daughter hasn’t even left the manor all this while, so how could she have been poisoned? Also, you’re saying that Mr. Clooney is a Demonic Cultivator? I was by his side the entire time, so how can I not tell that he’s a Demonic Cultivator if he’s really one? You’ve cured my wife, and that is something I’m grateful for, but if you’re trying to show off your medical skills, it’s best if you do that after a few years more of training.”

Kevin did not believe John at all. Even Hector was looking at Von with a troubled look. Thus, Von stepped forward to tug John and said, “Mr. White, perhaps you’ve misjudged the situation. Let’s go.”

Von knew that Kevin would certainly not believe John’s words. If John insisted that he was right, then the atmosphere would turn tense. Noting Kevin’ attitude, John could only smile and say, “Maybe I’ve misjudged the situation. I’ll be staying in Salinsburgh City for a few days, and if you have anything you need, feel free to come to me.”

With that, John left. If not for that tree of Hector’s that contained celestial energy, he would not have said anything about Erica at all.

“He may be young, but he’s quite an ill- tempered one,” Kevin remarked with a scoff. Hector, too, had a look of displeasure on his face.

“Von, you’ve brought a rather arrogant alchemist with you this time.” Von could only offer a sheepish smile and nothing else. At a courtyard in Salinsburgh City, George was merrily lying on the reclining chair, sunbathing.

At that moment, Brian returned in a despondent state. Perhaps he was unhappy because he could not find Demon Seal Alliance’s branch. Without Demon Seal Alliance’s branch’s assistance, it would be challenging for them to kill John. Thus, upon seeing the return of Brian, George leaped to his feet. However, with a gloomy look, Brian asked, “How was it? Did you cure Mr. Hart’s daughter?”

“I didn’t…” George shook his head.

“Then wipe that smile off your face. We can’t find anyone from Demon Seal Alliance to help us out, and I’m afraid the few of us won’t be able to kill John.” Brian then fell heavily onto the reclining chair. Nonetheless, George continued to grin.

“Calm down. Although I couldn’t cure Mr. Hart’s daughter, they’ve agreed to put out a bounty for John. As long as John dares to step foot into Salinsburgh City, Mr. Hart will help us capture him.” Brian’ interest was piqued when he heard that.

“What do you mean? Tell me the whole story.”

“Mr. Hart’s daughter isn’t ill. She’s just poisoned, and it’s from the type of poison I create, a poison veil. However, her case is severe, and even if she’s away from the poison veil, she’ll still lose consciousness every once in a while. I’ve used drugs to temporarily suppress her episodes, and I told him that I can concoct the right pill to cure his daughter for good. That’s why Mr. Hart agreed to my terms,” George smugly said.

“Then can you really cure his daughter?” Brian inquired. George shook his head.

“His daughter’s poisoning is severe; I can’t cure her completely. However, I can create the right pill to temporarily suppress her symptoms. Once Mr. Hart helps us capture John, we’ll leave Salinsburgh City right away. By then, his daughter’s condition won’t be an issue to us anymore.” George knew from the start that he could not cure Erica; he was merely lying to Kevin.

“That’s a good plan.” Brian curled his lips.

“You didn’t expose your identity, did you? I hear that Mr. Hart is quite a formidable opponent. If he finds out your true identity, we’re doomed.”

“No, I had them stay far away from me when I was treating her, and I had an arcane array shielding me too. There’s no way they discovered anything,” George answered with a shake of his head.

“Hahaha! In that case, let’s just wait for John to be sent to our doorstep!” By now, Brian’ foul mood was nowhere to be seen as he burst into happy laughter.

John stood silently before the trove tree in Hector’s backyard. It looked very ordinary, and even though people often passed by the yard, no one ever cared to take a second look at the tree. The glint in John’s eyes, however, was of absolute envy. After all, the trove tree had grown while absorbing celestial energy and was now practically bursting with it. Oh, my… If I could absorb every last drop of celestial energy from this tree, I might just be able to break through Body Fusion Realm! There’s spiritual energy everywhere in this Ethereal Realm, but pure celestial energy is as scarce as a hen’s teeth. In any case, using celestial energy for my cultivation would be way faster than using spiritual energy!

With that, John took a deep breath. Ah… The trove tree is surrounded by an arcane array to keep its celestial energy from leaking. That said, an opening must’ve appeared, which allowed me to pick up on the slight energy traces. Otherwise, I’d never have paid any attention to this plain-looking tree! Just then, Von and Hector walked into the yard.

“This tree of mine was transplanted from Mount Crimson. When I first discovered it, a skeleton was buried underneath, and it most likely belonged to an immortal who died during the Celestial Battle. The tree then grew by absorbing the dead immortal’s celestial energy which explains why it’s filled with so much energy now…” the latter explained.

Since John already knew the trove tree’s uniqueness, Hector realized there was no longer a need to hide its origins.

After hearing it, Von turned green with envy. “You have amazing luck, Hector. I’ve walked through Mount Crimson many times, yet I’ve never chanced upon a treasure like this or even a celestial beast.”

“Celestial beast, huh…” Hector muttered with a smile. “You’d better not run into one if you don’t want to be eaten. Given your abilities, you won’t be able to take them on.”

“Mr. Hart, can I use something else in exchange for your tree?” John asked. Oh, I really want the tree… I want to absorb all of its celestial energy! Hector shook his head.

“No. There’s nothing I’ll exchange it for. I’d have given you the tree if you managed to cure my niece. Alas, she has already recovered, so there’s no way you’ll get your hands on it.” A smile tugged at John’s lips.

“Don’t say that. For all you know, I might still have a chanve…”

“I suggest you drop the idea of stealing my tree. You don’t have that capability, nor would you be able to leave Salinsburgh City, Hector snapped, thinking John was planning to abscond with the trove tree.

“I, John White, have never been one to resort to such underhanded means. When the time comes, you’ll be offering me the tree willingly,” John said before returning to his room to rest.

“Hmph. How arrogant…” Hector scoffed, not at all caring about John. This punk is just a Body Fusion Realm cultivator and a junior alchemist. If it weren’t for Von, I’d never have let him stay at my place!

The next day, George concocted a pill and sent it directly to the Hart residence. Filled with utter respect for the man, Kevin personally welcomed him.

“I made this pill overnight, Mr. Hart,” George said as he handed Kevin a black pill.

“You may give it to Ms. Hart. Once she has consumed three of my pills in succession, I guarantee she will be fully cured.” Carefully accepting the pill, Kevin beamed with joy.

“You’re truly impressive, Mr. Clooney. I can’t believe you managed to concoct this pill so quickly,” he praised.

“Sadly, there aren’t many alchemists of your caliber in Ethereal Realm. Most of them are nothing but charlatans! Just yesterday, a young man dropped by and claimed to be an alchemist. However, he kept insisting that Erica was poisoned and that you’re a Demonic Cultivator, Mr. Clooney. He even said there was a demonic aura inside Erica. How ridiculous!”
This Kevin doesn't know anything,well he will receive an eye-opener soon
This Kevin doesn't know anything,well he will receive an eye-opener soon
After getting a maiden to cultivate for the first time, you are finally back. I was told you got missing in the maidens pool. It took the timely intervention of the experience Emeka to rescue you
Prodigy nigger where have you been?
If it would have passed a month without you here we would have mourned your death.
Because it was his first time, He tried using all his body to cultivate and got missing in the maidens pool. It took Emeka's experience to rescue him
Hakimu Do send the payment form to King of Dragonmarsh.

After you make payment you will be platinum member. In our site platinum members are highly respected member even if you insult me no punishment at all.

Even if you insult Hakim. He will have to suck it😀 We actually cant do anything. Plus you can insult other member to test. Start with xavier. Here everyone wishes to insult him, he is quite annoying.

Thanks buddy.
Hakimu I've not received any detail for transfer. Don't worry about platinum members, you don't need to give platinum to me and I will not insult you :). Just send me payment details :sneaky:
John tried to use his pervert sect style to bed those maidens but somehow the plans got thwarted. But i believe still he will use some other methods to bed some of those maidens if not all. Just as how he made pheonix and Caitlyn to help him with life force to recover, I suspect he might employ the same technique to bed these women. Master Xavier and Emeka might get busy during this expedition.
surely I think John now like sex like master flaxseed
After getting a maiden to cultivate for the first time, you are finally back. I was told you got missing in the maidens pool. It took the timely intervention of the experience Emeka to rescue you
those maiden are too hot he wanted to stay more and cultivate with sex sect style
Hakimu I've not received any detail for transfer. Don't worry about platinum members, you don't need to give platinum to me and I will not insult you :). Just send me payment details :sneaky:
Sorry buddy but i going to PM you, feel free to insult me now because your the boss now hhaha
Chapter 3739 - 3741

“Ms. Silver, am I supposed to take these twelve people with me? This… Isn’t this a bit too much? I’m afraid I might not be able to protect them all!” John expressed his concern with a slight frown. Had it been just one or two people, it would have been more convenient for John to manage. However, these were twelve individuals! How could John possibly look out for them all? If danger were to strike, was he supposed to run alone, or would he have to flee with these people?

Currently now, John had already mastered Blazing Stride. Even if he encountered a Top Level Tribulator, he could still likely escape if he chose to flee. But if he were to bring along so many people, then there would be no way to make a quick getaway! After all, these people were simply too weak, only Sixth Level Tribulators. If they were all Top Level Tribulators, John would have been more than happy to bring them with him.

After John finished speaking, Silver hadn’t yet responded when one of the female cultivators present expressed her displeasure. Her expression shifted abruptly, her eyes brimming with anger as she snapped,

“Hmph! You sure talk big. You’re just a lowly Third Level Tribulator, yet you dare to make such claims? We’ll see who ends up protecting whom!”

“Dahlia, shut up.” Silver shot a stern glance at the female cultivator, who closed her mouth.

John also felt that he might have gone a bit too far with his words, so he didn’t bother to argue.

“Mr. White, take them with you. There’s no need to look after them. If danger arises, feel free to leave first. Don’t concern yourself with their fate. In the end, there can only be one true holy maiden in Lunarius Palace, so inevitably, some of them will have to be eliminated.”

To John’s shock, Silver uttered such words in front of these holy maidens. However, the holy maidens didn’t seem surprised at all, as if they already knew their own destiny and outcome!

“Ms. Silver, I promise I’ll do my best to protect them!” John said somewhat sheepishly.

“Dahlia, for the upcoming journey to the polar region in two days, you and the other eleven holy maidens must adhere to Mr. White’s plans. When necessary, you must ensure Mr. White’s safety, even if it means putting yourselves in harm’s way. The trip to the polar region this time is pivotal for the future fate and development of Lunarius Palace. It also concerns your own destinies. Whoever shows the most improvement and makes the greatest contribution during this polar region expedition can become the sole holy maiden of Lunarius Palace. The rest will be demoted to ordinary inner circle disciples!” Silver told Dahlia and the others.

“Ms. Silver, we still need to ensure his safety?” Dahlia frowned slightly as she spoke. John’s words had already left a bitter taste in Dahlia’s mouth. She had long been irritated, so the very notion of them having to sacrifice themselves to protect John’s life was, in her view, nothing short of a joke. Moreover, John, a mere Third Level Tribulator, was already considered weak no matter where they were in Demonia Mountain. It was likely that even the demon beasts on the way to the polar region could kill him in a single bite! Having them protect John while risking their lives was simply adding unnecessary burden!

“Do you have any objections?” Silver asked with furrowed brows, an icy aura instantly bursting forth from her.

“I wouldn’t dare!” Dahlia humbly lowered her head.

However, it was clear to see that these holy maidens all had a hint of indignance in their eyes. After all, they were all Sixth Level Tribulators, while John was merely a Third Level Tribulator. The disparity in their abilities was simply too vast! It was one thing to have John leading them, but to expect them to risk their lives to ensure his safety was utterly outrageous! Silver could tell that these holy maidens were not satisfied with having to be subservient to John. In their view, John was nothing more than a weak Third Level Tribulator.

Silver sternly warned, “Don’t underestimate Mr. White’s capabilities. Despite his appearance as a mere Third Level Tribulator, even if all twelve of you join forces, you still wouldn’t stand a chance against him. Who among you is confident enough to withstand a single move from Ms. Miller?”

“Ms. Silver, Ms. Miller is a Top Level Tribulator and is proficient in ice-based techniques. Forget about just one of us; even if all of us were to gang up against her, I’m afraid we wouldn’t be able to withstand Ms. Miller’s Ice Seal technique!” Dahlia answered truthfully.

“At least you’re self-aware. Not only did Mr. White withstand Ms. Miller’s Ice Seal, but he also effortlessly dispelled it. If Mr. White were to give it his all, it’s anybody’s guess who would win or lose in a match between them!” Silver said.

A Third Level Tribulator managing to hold his own against a Top Level Tribulator, even to the point where the outcome was uncertain – wasn’t this a bit too outrageous? At that moment, John’s face was flushed with embarrassment. He thought Silver was overselling him. If he were to really meet a Top Level Tribulator in the polar region, he would probably be in for humiliation.

“Ms. Silver, you’re being far too generous with your praise. Truth be told, I couldn’t even withstand two moves from Ms. Miller!” John hurriedly corrected. John knew that had it not been for the timely arrival of Silver, he might have already been killed by Selma.

With his own abilities, coupled with the Divine Bow, the Dragon Bell, and that incredibly unstable Celestial Devourer, John might just have been able to exchange a blow or two with a Top Level Tribulator. However, the idea of defeating the other party seemed utterly impossible, given the stark disparity in their abilities!

However, if John were to advance to the Fourth Level of the Tribulator realm, he would be able to compete with a Top Level Tribulator. Even though his chances of winning weren’t high, he was quite confident about making an easy escape!

“Mr. White, there’s no need for modesty. I’m well aware of your capabilities. I also know about the Demon Seal Alliance placing a bounty on you. The fact that an enormous organization like the Demon Seal Alliance was willing to offer up a hundred years of offerings just goes to show how incredibly powerful you are!” Silver stated. The fact that she dared reveal John’s true identity in front of all these holy maidens showed just how loyal and devoted they were, plus how much she trusted they would never act inappropriately toward John for the sake of the Demon Seal Alliance’s reward!

Upon hearing Silver’s words, these holy maidens were all taken aback, their gazes turning toward John in shock. Clearly, they too had heard about the Demon Seal Alliance matter, but they hadn’t expected that the protagonist of the tale stood right before their eyes!

“In order to evade pursuit, I’ve already altered my appearance. I implore you all to keep this a secret for me. Otherwise, it would only attract unnecessary trouble along the way!” John hurriedly addressed the holy maidens.

The holy maidens remained silent, though Silver spoke in a chilling tone, “Have you all lost your voices? Didn’t you hear Mr. White? His words are commands. Let me tell you this. Once you leave Lunarius Palace, Mr. White’s words become orders. You must obey without question. Anyone who dares to defy will face the consequences. You understand what that means, don’t you?” Silver emanated an incredibly chilly aura, her tone as cold as ice!

Fearful, all the holy maidens fell to their knees, hastily responding, “Understood, Ms. Silver!”

Seeing that, John felt rather embarrassed and uttered, “Ms. Silver, there’s no need for this. We can discuss any issues that arise along the way. I’ll do my best to protect them.”

“Mr. White, feel free to act according to your own desires during this expedition to the polar region. There’s no need to consider them. This journey will be fraught with danger, and casualties are inevitable.

After John and Silver left, a holy maiden turned to Dahlia and asked, “Dahlia, do we really need to listen to this so-called Mr. White? Isn’t Ms. Silver overestimating him?”

“Of course, we have to obey. It’s an order from Ms. Silver, and we have no choice but to comply. However, the journey to the polar region is incredibly challenging. Even after we reach there, various dangers await us. Whether we can survive or not will depend on our fate.”

The implication in Dahlia’s words was clear. She wouldn’t actually risk her life to protect John. Venturing to the polar region with their abilities was already dangerous in the first place, yet they had to bring along John, an encumbrance, which only added to their troubles. Not to mention, they had to obey John’s orders. The holy maidens simply couldn’t bring themselves to accept that.

The maiden rolled her eyes and said, “That’s right. A general in the field is not bound by orders of his sovereign. Who cares about him once we reach the polar region? I won’t be protecting that guy!”

Another maiden chimed in, “We’ll only listen to your instructions, Dahlia. That brat can issue orders all he wants.”

“That’s enough. Let’s continue our cultivation. We’re leaving the day after tomorrow. Who knows how many of us will make it back?” With a wave of her hand, Dahlia instructed everyone to resume their cultivation.

Meanwhile, after John had left that space, he was left with a bitter taste in his mouth. After all, the words he had said were indeed hurtful. He knew as well that under the pressure asserted by Silver, those holy maidens would heed his commands. However, once they left Lunarius Palace, it would become uncertain whether those holy maidens would continue to do that.

John wouldn’t desire for a disagreement to break out, resulting in the collapse of the party. John planned to improve his relationships with those maidens. The only solution to mend a relationship with women is to shop, shop, and shop some more! These maidens have been engrossed in their cultivation within that secluded space and must undoubtedly be cut off from the outside world the whole time. Moreover, they will surely be thrilled to receive some auxiliary items that can aid in their cultivation.

With those thoughts in mind, John abruptly left Lunarius Palace, heading straight for Southedge City. John intended to purchase some items sujtable as gifts for the holy maidens at Pathfinder Sect to ease the tension. Once John arrived at Southedge City, he located Pathfinder Sect and promptly brandished the token August gave him.

With that token in hand, John could enjoy unimpeded access within the Pathfinder Sect. Subsequently, John purchased some mystical herbs and pills for those holy maidens, along with some Beauty Pills that women adored the most.

Although the process of concocting those items was not particularly challenging, alchemists were incredibly rare and precious beings within the Ethereal Realm. Therefore, even the simplest of pills held great value to the multitude of cultivators in there.

John had also purchased some materials for crafting charms, and he was planning to create a few of his own. This way, he could aid those holy maidens in fending off their adversaries when necessary.

At that moment, Torben, who was in charge of Southedge City, noticed that John had purchased a lot of items. Consequently, he approached him and asked, “Mr. White, you’ve bought so many things. Are you planning a trip to the polar region?”

John nodded and said, “Yes, I’m leaving the day after tomorrow. That’s why I came to Pathfinder Sect to buy some items as preparation for any unforeseen needs.”

Upon hearing John’s affirmative response, Torben looked at him with a hint of surprise.

“I’ve heard that the test to qualify for the journey to the polar region by Lunarius Palace was extremely challenging this time. Unexpectedly, you passed the test, John.” In his opinion, it was indeed quite impressive that John, a Third Level Tribulator, had managed to pass the test.

“I merely scraped by on luck alone.” John gave a faint smile. After exchanging a few words with Torben, John left Pathfinder Sect, intending to return to Lunarius Palace. Unexpectedly, he ran into that Alastair. When Alastair saw John, he was completely stunned and even rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

“Y-You’re not dead?” Alastair assumed John would die within Lunarius Palace’s illusion array. John patted his own body and said, “I’m not dead. See? I’m perfectly fine.”
Chapter 3742 - 3746 Underground Market

Alastair asked, “How peculiar. Could it be possible that you passed Lunarius Palace’s illusion array?” Th

John answered honestly, “Of course. I even passed Lunarius Palace’s test. The day after tomorrow, I’ll be heading to the polar region. That’s why I specifically came to Pathfinder Sect to pick up a few items.”

With a sense of regret, Alastair exclaimed, “Why did you shop at Pathfinder Sect? It’s so expensive. Why didn’t you consider going to the underground market instead?”

“An underground market?” John was taken aback. He had no idea there was an underground market in Southedge City.

“Exactly. The items in this underground market may be disorganized, but you can still find some gems. The best part is the affordability and the chance to haggle. Only the information sold by Pathfinder Sect is somewhat reliable. Everything else is subpar.” It appeared that Alastair wasn’t particularly fond of Pathfinder Sect.

“Where is this underground market located?” John, who was initially about to leave, suddenly became interested. If I can find some good stuff there, that’d be great. Alastair cast a glance at John, stroking his beard thoughtfully. His intentions were clear as day.

John didn’t hesitate at all. He immediately took out a purple spirit coin and tossed it to Alastair. Alastair’s eyes lit up instantly as he hastily put away the purple spirit coin and said, “We’ve known each other for so long. There’s no need for such formalities. I’ll take you there. I know the place like the back of my hand. Besides, I have acquaintances there. It’s impossible to get in without knowing anyone there.”

After Alastair finished speaking, he led John toward Southedge City. Before long, Alastair led John to a small courtyard. Surprisingly, within such a tiny courtyard, there were three Fifth Level Tribulators cultivators, and from the looks of it, those three were merely guards.

Upon seeing Alastair, a guard playfully remarked, “Alastair, you old brat. Are you here to swindle again?”

Alastair didn’t get angry. Instead, he chuckled and said, “I brought a guest with me today, a VIP no less. So, keep your eyes peeled. If you offend this VIP, it won’t end well for you.” The three guards gave John a once-over and noted his cultivation level as a Third Level Tribulator.

John looked rather ordinary, not at all like a scion of a wealthy family, which made them somewhat skeptical. While those three guards were busy scrutinizing John, John nonchalantly tossed out three purple spirit coins.

“This is a reward for you all,” John said indifferently. The three guards were left dumbfounded as they stared at the purple spirit coins in their hands. After all, one purple spirit coin was worth a million ordinary spirit coins. The three guards were shocked to their cores. Who’s capable of giving such a generous reward? This must be a big client!

“Sir, please come in. We were ignorant before.” The three guards instantly started treating John with the utmost respect.

Alastair, however, said arrogantly, “I already told you this is a major client, but you all didn’t believe me.”

Alastair pushed the door open and stepped inside. John followed suit, entering what appeared to be a rather ordinary room. It wasn’t particularly spacious and certainly didn’t look like any underground market.

Upon taking in John’s confusion, Alastair lightly stomped on the ground three times. The next second, a beam of light enveloped both John and Alastair.

Immediately after, a burst of brilliant light erupted, and John and his group astonishingly found themselves in a completely different space. This place was bustling with quite a number of cultivators coming and going, making it incredibly lively. Moreover, the place was just like a bustling market, with various stalls lining both sides.

“Pathfinder Sect is strict, prohibiting any private shopping districts. Therefore, this underground market could only exist within this designated space. We also have to stay vigilant against the Pathfinder Sect at all times,” Alastair said with a hint of helplessness.

John gazed at the bustling underground market and couldn’t help but admire the person behind its creation. That person actually managed to establish a whole new space just to host an underground market…

John strolled through the market with Alastair. Although the stalls were plentiful, they lacked worthwhile finds.

No sooner had they taken a few steps than they discovered a stall up ahead that was surrounded by a crowd.

“Let’s go. There must be treasures up ahead. Let’s check it out.” Alastair could tell at first glance that the stall ahead must be selling a valuable item. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have attracted such a crowd.

As soon as John and Alastair approached, they heard a flurry of heated discussions among the crowd.

“This black tortoiseshell is fake, isn’t it? This guy claims it can withstand attacks from an elite cultivator. What a joke!”

“It must be true, but suddenly acquiring a dozen or so black tortoiseshells is like hitting the jackpot.”

“Even though this black tortoiseshell is authentic, it’s only useful when combined with charms. For us ordinary cultivators, it’s pretty much useless. Does anyone here know how to draw runic talismans?”

“At five hundred thousand spirit coins each, they’re not too pricey. The real challenge, however, would be finding a high level charm master to inscribe the talisman. That’ll cost millions of spirit coins.”

As John listened to those cultivators’ chatter, his interest was immediately piqued. He hurriedly squeezed his way into the crowd.

John discovered that the stall owner was an elderly man who appeared somewhat aged. In front of him, he had arranged a dozen or so black tortoiseshells. Astonishingly, those shells were all of the same size, and even more intriguing was the faint spiritual energy he could sense emanating from within those tortoiseshells.

John crouched down, picked up a black tortoiseshell, and began to scrutinize it. The patterns on the tortoiseshells were distinct, and spiritual energy emanated continuously from within. John reckoned those tortoiseshells were genuine.

“Though the black tortoiseshell is incredibly tough, it only works in conjunction with charms. Without drawing runic talismans onto the tortoiseshell, it’s no more effective than a regular golden chain mail. However, if one can draw runic talismans and combine them with the black tortoiseshell, it’ll be capable of fending off attacks from elite cultivators. As for how powerful an attack the tortoiseshell can withstand, that’ll depend on the skill level of the charm master”

“Let’s go check out other places. This thing is just not worth it!” Alastair said, giving John a tug.

To those ordinary cultivators, half a million spirit coins for one item was no small sum. Moreover, they saw no use in having such a thing in their possession. If they were to hire a high-level charm master to draw the runic talisman, the cost would likely skyrocket.

Upon hearing Alastair’s words, John was overjoyed inside, yet he managed to maintain a poker face. He was cautious not to let the vendor seize the opportunity to hike up the price.

John turned to the stall owner and asked, “If I were to buy all of these black tortoiseshells, would it be possible to get a discount?”

“You want to buy all of them?” the stall owner asked, looking at John with a hint of surprise.

“That’s right. I’ll take them all, but your price needs to be reasonable.” John casually fiddled with those black tortoiseshells, feigning disinterest.

The stall owner studied John, then glanced at his black tortoiseshells and said, “There are thirteen black tortoiseshells here. You can just pay me five million spirit coins for everything.”

“Okay.” Without hesitation, John pulled out five purple spirit coins and handed them to the stall owner.

Immediately after, he stowed away the thirteen black tortoiseshells into his Storage Ring, Once the deal was done, John didn’t linger and got up to leave at once. After the stall owner witnessed how decisive John was in making the deal, a hint of regret surfaced in his eyes. If I had known earlier, I would have set the price higher.

The other cultivators were also similarly astonished to see how readily John purchased all the black tortoiseshells.

Alastair was particularly shocked. He hastily caught up with John and said, “Sir, don’t take this the wrong way, but even if you’re rich, you can’t just spend money like this. You’re squandering your wealth!”

Alastair wore a pained expression as if John had just spent his money. Observing Alastair’s demeanor, John merely chuckled without uttering a word. This guy is really quite the miser. He probably values money more than his life.

“Is there a more upscale stall in this market? Browsing each one is just too time-consuming.” John wanted to go straight to the stalls selling high-end items. Looking for something worthwhile at those ordinary stalls was like finding a needle in a haystack.

After a moment of contemplation, Alastair whispered, “I know of an auction, but to enter, each person has to pay a million spirit coins, So…”

“I’ll pay for you. Bring me there.” John fathomed Alastair’s intention. He doesn’t want to spend his money!

After listening to John’s response, Alastair beamed with joy and said, “Okay. I’ll take you there right now. I’ve never even entered that place before.” Alastair navigated through the bustling market with John.

Eventually, they arrived in front of a grand hall. At the entrance of the hall, two Seventh Level Tribulators stood guard. John was astounded to see the strength of those guards. The more he observed, the more he realized the extraordinary nature of the person running that underground market.

Upon seeing Alastair and John arrive, one of the guards extended his hand. John was taken aback.

Alastair quickly chimed in, “You need to pay.”

Only then did John gain clarity. He quickly pulled out two purple spirit coins and handed them over.

Upon seeing the purple spirit coin, the two guards immediately stepped aside. Then, both simultaneously made a light sweeping gesture with their hands.

Subsequently, John and Alastair were both shrouded in an enigmatic aura. The aura, akin to a spiritual energy shield, enveloped the two of them. John furrowed his brows slightly, instinctively wanting to resist.

“Don’t move. It’s okay. This is to prevent the leakage of our aura. Anyone who enters here isn’t allowed to reveal their aura. Also, we need to alter your appearance a bit. That way, no one will know who anyone is. That’s because there are some items in this auction that are worth a fortune. This is done to ensure the safety of the buyers. After all, it would be dangerous if someone set their sights on the buyers,” Alastair explained the rules to John.

Upon hearing that, John finally understood. So, this is all in the interest of protecting the buyers. This is also to prevent the inevitable conflicts that will arise when multiple people vie for the same item. The final buyer will undoubtedly become a target. However, if the buyer’s identity remains unknown and even their aura is undetectable, no one will know who they are even after they leave this auction place.

John followed Alastair into the hall, which was already filled with numerous cultivators. However, John couldn’t be certain whether those cultivators had altered their appearances.

John followed Alastair to a spot toward the back and settled down, quietly waiting. Roughly fifteen minutes later, a few more cultivators gradually made their entrance. Immediately after, the doors to the hall were shut, and the entire hall was enveloped by a force.

An elderly man with white hair slowly ascended the stage and spoke in an icy tone. “The time has come. The auction is about to commence. Among you, we have both familiar faces and newcomers, so allow me to go over the rules once again. Here, every item goes to the highest bidder. No one knows who you are, so don’t expect to intimidate others with your status. Whether you’re an ordinary individual or a sect elder, everyone is treated equally. This auction only recognizes money, not individuals. No one should even think about causing trouble here, or they will bear the consequences!”

Surprisingly, the elderly man made no attempt to conceal his aura, clearly revealing his cultivation level as a Top Level Tribulator.

John figured perhaps that was also meant to intimidate those present at the scene better. The elderly man’s words were indeed effective. The scene, which was somewhat noisy just a moment ago, had now become incredibly quiet.

Seeing everyone quiet and settled down, the elderly man continued, “There’s another rule around here. Once you’ve bought something, the sale is final. No returns or exchanges are allowed. Before you bid, make sure you’ve accurately assessed the item’s value. If it seems worth it, go ahead and bid. If not, don’t. Once you’ve won the item, don’t come to us claiming it’s a fake. We won’t take responsibility for that.”

John thought the elderly man’s words made sense. That’s just how auctions work. One should assess the item’s value and bid if one feels it’s worth it. If not, one shouldn’t bid. No one is going to pay for another’s decisions.

At this point, everyone’s experience will be put to the test. If one ends up buying a counterfeit, it’ll be utterly embarrassing. That’ll be no different from suffering a double loss.

“Monte, we all understand the rules,” they said.

“Please hurry up, we’re all anxious here.” At that moment, a cultivator spoke to the old man. It was clear that this cultivator was a regular, likely very familiar with the place. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have made such a remark!

“Okay, then I will reveal the first treasure to you all!” After Monte Wasch finished speaking, he casually waved his hand! A staff member approached, carrying an item shrouded in red cloth!

As the red cloth was lifted, a statue was revealed to the crowd. However, the statue appeared extremely ancient and timeworn, seemingly adorned with patches of rust. However, the moment the red cloth was removed, an aura of time-worn melancholy instantly filled the air!

Following this, Monte infused the statue with a surge of spiritual energy. Almost immediately, the statue began to shimmer with a radiant glow. This holy light was incredibly soothing to the beholder!

Upon witnessing this scene, many of the cultivators became restless. Even Alastair was so, enthralled that he literally jumped out of his seat!

“Could this be a deity sculpture? I absolutely adore such things, you know. My home is filled with quite a collection of these deity figures.” Alastair’s breathing quickened, and he spoke in a somewhat excited tone.

John didn’t utter a word. Instead, he just quietly observed.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this statue was discovered in a cave at Demonia Mountain. As you may know, our Demonia Mountain was once the Celestial Battlefield. Countless supreme beings have fallen there, so it’s quite normal to find scattered magical items. Although this statue is a bit damaged and old now, there’s still a certain charm about it. If anyone wants it, it’s theirs for just five million spirit coins. Of course, the highest bidder wins. If anyone wants to raise the price, they’re welcome to. The starting bid is five million!” Monte announced to the crowd.

“What’s going on this year? They’ve kicked things off with such a precious item. It looks like something left behind by immortals.”

“Five million, the price isn’t too steep, but the item is just a bit too run-down!”

“There should be more good stuff coming up. Let’s wait and see!” Numerous cultivators were whispering among themselves!

Yet, Alastair seemed a bit impatient, raising his hand and saying, “I bid five million…”

John looked at Alastair, a usually greedy fellow. Hence, John was surprised to see him acting so generously. Without any hesitation, he had placed a bid on this shabby statue! John stared at the statue, unable to discern its authenticity. After all, their auras had been shielded, preventing the use of spiritual sense. Relying solely on the naked eye, it was impossible to make out anything!

“Someone actually wanted this fake trinket…” At that moment, Vermilion Demon Lord began to speak within John’s consciousness field. Is this fake? John was taken aback.

Of course, a deity doesn’t really look like that. And that holy light just now, it was definitely not a divine aura. A bunch of clueless folks like them, they’ve surely never seen the real holy light. With my Nethersky Eye, I can tell at just one glance… Once Vermilion Demon Lord finished speaking, John felt as though the world before his eyes had instantly changed color!

Vermilion Demon Lord had opened Nethersky Eye for him. At that moment, intricate patterns began to appear on the statue in John’s view! John was intently studying the statue when suddenly, it all made sense to him! It turned out that just now, it was not holy light or profound aura at all. They all came from a very small array runes etched within this statue. Once activated by spiritual energy, the alleged holy light would appear. Because these array runes was inside the statue, it was impossible to see them with the naked eye!

As John stared at the fake statue, he was suddenly on high alert. It seemed that the auction had been designed to suppress their aura, not allowing people to reveal their true aura. It wasn’t for safety reasons as he’d initially thought, but rather, it was likely a scheme to facilitate the sale of fake items. After all, they couldn’t emit their spiritual senses to investigate.

Relying solely on their eyes made it difficult to discern the truth. In this way, they could openly sell fakes without fear of being discovered!

“Indeed, every capitalist’s blood is tainted.” A wave of contempt couldn’t help but surge within John’s heart! The individuals capable of running such an underground market and these kinds of auctions were surely driven by the pursuit of wealth!

Since it was all for money, no method was off the table. Perhaps this was just human nature.

“I’ll offer six million…” Someone else had raised their hand, offering a bid!

This caused Alastair to slightly furrow his brow, experiencing a twinge in his heart. However, as he looked at the statue before him, Alastair could only raise his hand again and say, “I bid seven million…” This time, Alastair was gritting his teeth as he made his bid. If he wasn’t extremely fond of it, there was no way he would have continued to raise the price!

“I offer eight million…” The individual glanced at Alastair, and then once again, he called out a higher bid!

Alastair’s eyes were wide open in surprise. Just as he was about to raise his hand, he was abruptly pulled back by John! This time, John nearly dragged Alastair to the ground! Baffled, Alastair turned his gaze toward John.

In a hushed voice, John said, “Stop bidding. The statue is fake…”

“Fake?” Alastair was greatly surprised. However, his statement immediately attracted many glances. Alastair quickly lowered his voice and asked, “How did you know it was fake?”

“Don’t worry about it, it’s all a sham anyway. Inside this statue, there’s a miniature array runes. Once spiritual energy is channeled into it, the array runes will activate, emitting a light similar to holy light,” John explained.

Upon hearing this, Alastair looked at John with a skeptical expression. However, he didn’t proceed to bid. Monte watched Alastair quietly, as if waiting for him to make an offer. However, after waiting for a while and seeing that Alastair was not bidding, Monte had no choice but to announce loudly, “Since no one else is bidding, this statue is sold for eight million!”

However, after he had finished speaking, Monte cast a rather piercing glance at John! It was quite clear that Alastair stopped bidding because of John. Monte wasn’t upset because Alastair didn’t raise the price. Rather, he was a bit puzzled. How did John know that his statue was a fake without revealing any aura or using any spiritual sense to investigate? Could John figure it out just with his naked eye?

Monte had no clue at all that John had used Nethersky Eye to discern the statue’s authenticity.

Following that, one precious item after another was brought forth-all sorts of odds and ends, from incomplete cultivation techniques, and pills left behind by immortals, to celestial beast cores. However, after John scanned the items with his Nethersky Eye, he realized that most of it was a sham. There wasn’t a trace of the authentic ancient aura! However, numerous cultivators began to fervently bid and compete for it! John was also helpless.

At that time, their aura was confined and, frankly, they were as good as blind. They couldn’t even spot a fake, let alone discern anything! Yet, Monte had the audacity to claim it was for safety reasons. It seemed this auction was nothing but a scam.

John’s heart sank. If he had known things would turn out this way, he wouldn’t have come at all. He had wasted two million spiritual coins for nothing! John stood up, intending to leave. Staying here was nothing but a waste of time!

“Ladies and gentlemen, the item I am about to present is a rare treasure of this world, one I believe none of you have ever laid eyes on before.”

The words that Monte spoke next made John, who was about to leave, halt in his tracks. John settled back into his seat, eager to examine whatever it was that no one had ever seen before. An employee was seen approaching, cradling a wooden box in both hands.

A red envelope was placed atop the wooden box. After carefully placing it down, the staff member then withdrew. Monte, on the other hand, gently tugged at a corner of the red cloth, then said, “Ladies and gentlemen, keep your eyes wide open. I dare say none of you have ever seen such a treasure!”

“Monte, hurry up,” they urged, “Stop keeping us in suspense, we’re all on edge!” A cultivator cried out loudly.

“All right!” Monte exclaimed, and then he lifted the red cloth. Upon looking, it was clear that the wooden box was transparent. Inside the box, there was a skeletal arm.
Chapter 3406 Injured, huh?

Rose felt relieved when she saw the changes in Catlin’s appearance. “They say you cultivate by sucking men’s essence. They also say you’re incredibly ruthless and would kill anyone upon sight. Oh, and you also eat children…”

Catlin’s smile faded the moment she heard Rose mention the eating of children, and her expression grew vicious all of a sudden. Rose tensed up and broke out in a cold sweat when she saw that.

“Those fucking bastards! As if spreading rumors about me sleeping around wasn’t bad enough, they even went as far as accusing me of eating children? I love children the most, so there’s no way I’d eat them! Those old bastards are just jealous that I’m as powerful as they are! That’s why they go around spreading rumors about me! If I find out who accused me of eating children, I’ll skin that person alive!”

Catlin’s eyes were wide with fury, and she looked as though she was about to kill someone. It took quite a while before Catlin’s anger subsided. She then flashed Rose another faint smile and asked, “Do I look as scary as the rumors say?”

Rose shook her head. “N-No, you don’t…”

“Hahaha! You’re way too pure and naive! Did you think I’m a good person simply because I smiled at you? Honestly, I don’t understand why your father would leave an innocent and pure girl like you in a place like this! There are no rules here in this Celestial Battlefield. Given your current strength, you’re practically a sitting duck if you run into bad guys here! What are you doing in that cave all by yourself? Why aren’t you with your father?” Catlin asked.

“I… I’m waiting for my father and the others. They went off searching for magical items. I had to wait here because I’m too weak to go with them. They should be back soon,” Rose replied while instinctively stealing glances at the cave.

Catlin saw right through Rose’s lies and asked with a chuckle, “What’s inside that cave? Is it the magical items you’ve found?”

Rose shook her head profusely. “T-There’s nothing inside!”

Naturally, Catlin didn’t believe a word she said. As Catlin started making her way toward the cave, Rose quickly stepped in front of her to block her path. Upon seeing her response, Catlin was all the more certain that there was something inside the cave.

“Do you really think you can stop me?” With a gentle wave of Catlin’s hand, an invisible force effortlessly shoved Rose aside. She had just entered the cave when she saw John lying on the ground.

“I didn’t think a young girl like you would be keeping a handsome man in here. That explains why you were panicking so much. Is he your boyfriend?” Catlin said while eyeing John from head to toe.

“No, he’s not. We’re just friends. Mr. White here got injured, so I brought him in here,” Rose explained.

“Injured, huh?” Catlin knelt down and began examining John’s injuries. Right as her hand was about to touch John’s chest, Rose reached out and smacked it aside.

“Don’t you lay a finger on Mr. White! As long as I’m alive, I won’t let you touch him!” Rose roared angrily at the top of her voice. As John had saved her life before, she refused to let anyone hurt him.

“Why are you freaking out, Demonic Cultivator? I’m just examining his injuries.”

Without even looking back, Catlin waved at Rose and sent her flying with a burst of aura Rose was about to get up when she realized she was immobilized by an invisible force. Catlin gently placed her palm on John’s chest. The fair skin of her hand formed a huge contrast with John’s tanned chest.

Right as Catlin was about to inject her aura into John’s body, a white light flashed past his chest. The next thing Catlin knew, a powerful force had knocked her back a few steps. After taking a moment to regain her composure, Catlin looked up at John with shock written all over her face.
I wonder who this Fox queen might be
She will really be something if she joined John
Chapter 3407 - 3411 Dragonian Bloodline

The dragonic essence in John’s chest was glowing brightly, and a dragon’s roar could be heard coming from his body. Catlin was stunned speechless as she did not expect that to happen. All I did was inject some beastly power into his body! Why would it react like that? I can’t believe this young man has beast race blood in him as well!

“Dragonian bloodline…”

The look in Catlin’s eyes grew intent as she stared at John like a hungry wolf. Rose had noticed the change in Catlin’s behavior as well, but she was completely powerless to stop her. With a wave of her hand, Catlin conjured up a shield, which kept Rose out and prevented her from seeing anything on the other side.

“A man with Dragonian bloodline, huh? Looks like my chance has finally come! I’ll treat your injuries, and you will strengthen my bloodline…” Catlin said as she took her clothes off and gently lay on top of John. This way, she could heal his injuries and strengthen her bloodline by combining it with his Dragonian bloodline.

Unsure of what Catlin was doing to John behind the shield, Rose became so anxious that she tugged at her hair in frustration. Little did she know, Catlin was already riding on top of John. An hour later, Catlin was completely drenched in sweat. John’s face was no longer pale, and he had regained most of his strength as well. As he slowly opened his eyes, he was shocked to see a woman smiling at him while riding on top of him.

“You’re finally awake, huh?” Catlin said with a smile.

John jumped in shock and quickly backed away from her as he asked, “Who are you?” That was when he realized his clothes were gone. After taking another look at Catlin’s expression, John was able to figure out what had happened. My goodness… I never expected to have a woman take advantage of me while I was unconscious!

John hurriedly got dressed and shouted angrily, “Who the fuck are you?”

Catlin chuckled when she saw the murderous intent in John’s eyes. “You men are all the same. I sacrificed my virginity to save your life! Instead of thanking me gratefully, you yell at me fiercely?”

“You saved me? Who are you? Why would you save me?” John pressed on with a frown. All he remembered was passing out, so he had no memory of what happened afterward. Since John had used Divine Bow, he had to be wary of everyone around him. For all he knew, a person could be approaching him to steal Divine Bow.

“My name is Catlin Flowers, but you can also call me Fox Queen. I only saved you because of your Dragonian bloodline, so you don’t really have to thank me too much,” Catlin replied in a straightforward manner.

“Catlin? Fox Queen?” John’s brow furrowed as he enveloped Catlin with his spiritual sense. Catlin made no attempt to resist and simply let John scan her body.

“You’re from the beast race. Are you one of the three kings and four archons like King Yuri?” John asked.

“Yuri is no match for me now. He’s so caught up in scheming against King Lucas that he forgot to cultivate! Wait a minute, how do you know Yuri? What’s with that Dragonian bloodline of yours? Are you a Dragonian? I noticed many different types of auras in your body, though. What’s going on here?” Catlin exclaimed in confusion.

While having sex with John, Catlin had picked up a few other auras in his body other than the Power of Dragons.

“Stop asking about me for now. What did you do to me?” John asked with a stern look on his face.

“I didn’t do anything much. All I did was merge our two bloodlines. This way, my bloodline will grow stronger, and cultivation will become more effective for me. But don’t think I took advantage of you, brat. I was a virgin, untouched by any men before. Also, you were on the verge of dying back then. Had I not come to your rescue, you would’ve been dead. I saved you and used your bloodline, so we’re even now. I must admit, I’m quite lucky to have my first time with a Dragonian.”

With that, Catlin waved her hand, removing the shield. Rose was still panicking outside, unsure what to do, when she noticed the shield had disappeared and quickly dashed in. She had already prepared for the worst. If Catlin had completely sucked John dry, then she would give up her life as well and fight against Catlin to the bitter end.

Just as she arrived inside, she was dumbfounded because she saw John standing before her and looking alive and well.

“You’re awake, Mr. White?” Rose was shocked.

“Yeah, I’m all fine, Ms. Washington. Why are you here?” asked John, confused.

“You passed out, Mr. White. I brought you here.”

“You brought me here?” John was taken aback. Then, he pointed at Catlin. “What about her?”

“She was just passing by and encountered you by chance.” It was then John understood that Rose had saved him and then bumped into Catlin, who had taken advantage of him.

“Now that you’re awake and fine, we owe each other nothing. I’ll be taking my leave now,” said Catlin before she departed without glancing at John. She was gone after having her way with John.

Rose stared at John in bewilderment and asked, “Do you know her, Mr. White?” John shook his head.

“I don’t.”

“If you don’t know her, then why did she say you two don’t owe each other now? What’s going on?” Rose was baffled. There was no way she could have imagined what the two had done in the hour or so that had passed. After all, they were strangers, and an innocent woman like Rose wouldn’t think of such things.

“Don’t ask me about it anymore. Let’s follow her,” said John before rushing out, chasing after Catlin. Rose was puzzled as to why John was chasing after Catlin, but she still followed him. She was afraid she would encounter danger if she didn’t stick close to John in the Celestial Battlefield. Catlin didn’t go far before John caught up.

Seeing that, she asked with a teasing smile, “What’s the matter? Do you want another round because you didn’t have enough?”

“You took advantage of me while I was unconscious. Do you really think you can simply leave like that? I’m coming with you since we now share a special connection. Besides, a part of me may now be in your bloodline.”

Surprisingly, John was being petty about the issue. He insisted on following Catlin, forcing her to bear the responsibility.

Seeing John acting like that, Catlin guffawed. “Do you think I don’t know what you’re thinking? No doubt you encountered a formidable foe, which was why you were unconscious and spent. Now, you’re clinging onto me because you’re hoping I’ll protect you. Am I right?” John instantly felt awkward because Catlin was correct. She had seen through him.

“No need to be embarrassed. I can protect you on one condition,” Catlin stated.

“What is it?”

“I can protect you while we’re in the Celestial Battlefield, but you must sleep with me every night. I desire to strengthen my bloodline. If I’m lucky enough to bear a son of a dragon, then it’ll be worth it. I love kids the most.

John was flabbergasted upon hearing that. What kind of condition is that? Not only that, she even wants my baby? I’ve never even thought about having children before! I’ve spent nights with Amelia, Astrid, Evangeline, and Hailey before, but none of them got pregnant. Wait, does this mean I’m… He broke into a cold sweat. He had never thought about that before, and it wasn’t until Catlin brought it up that he did.

In response to John’s silence, Catlin questioned, “What’s with the hesitation? Do you agree to my terms or not?” Resignation was scribbled all over John’s countenance. He didn’t expect that he, the son of a dragon and lord of Dragon Sect, would be blackmailed by a woman like that. Not only that, but he also had to sell his body to ensure his safety.

“Fine, I agree to your terms. I will sleep with you every night…” John nodded helplessly. He had no choice in the matter. He needed assistance, and he was confident Pablo was still alive, which meant it would only be a matter of time before the latter sought him out again. If news of him possessing the Divine Bow leaked out, more foes would flock to him.

While Von, Milan, and the others could aid him, they were all too weak to fight against Pablo. However, Catlin was different. She was a Seventh Level Tribulator cultivator. If she faced Pablo, she would stand a chance against him. With John supporting her, Pablo could be defeated.

Catlin smiled faintly. “Follow me, then.”

“Why did you run so fast, Mr. White?” At that moment, Rose caught up to John, panting. When she saw Rose, Catlin said, “I don’t care about this little demoness. I don’t get anything out of…”

“No. I promised Mr. Washington to take care of his daughter. I won’t abandon Ms. Washington.” John shook his head, refusing to leave Rose behind. If he did, then it was unlikely Rose would survive in the Celestial Battlefield.

Catlin stared at John with slight disbelief. “I didn’t realize you were a man of your word. Very well, then. She can follow us. But you’ll have to sleep with me one extra night.” John frowned, checked his body’s condition, and nodded.

“Fine. I’m not afraid.” With how things have turned out, I doubt that’ll make a difference. Rose was startled upon hearing that exchange.

“What does she mean by that, Mr. White?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. Just stay close to me and don’t run around blindly,” said John somewhat awkwardly. Rose nodded. “Okay!”

The trio proceeded to traverse through the mountains. It was entirely up to luck if they could find any magical items in the Celestial Battlefield. At that moment, John was much more relaxed because he didn’t have to worry about Pablo anymore.

Suddenly, he thought being a sugar baby wasn’t all that bad. The expanse of mountain ranges stretched into infinity. Everywhere he looked were plants and streams, which formed a rather beautiful scenery. It was an excellent place to cultivate. However, the trio was not in the mood to appreciate their surroundings. They were all focusing on searching for magical items with their spiritual sense, afraid they would miss out on one.

“There should be something good ahead,” John said abruptly. Rose and Catlin both turned to John in unison.

“The spiritual energy ahead is clearly extraordinary. It’s much thicker. There should be magical items there,” explained John.

Catlin glanced at John. “I didn’t expect the spiritual sense of a First Level Tribulator cultivator to be that sharp. I didn’t even sense anything.” She was skeptical of John’s claim.

After all, even though John was a Dragonian, he was but a First Level Tribulator cultivator. How could she, someone more powerful than him, fail to detect what he could?

“If you don’t believe me, we can go ahead and take a look.” John strode forward

Rose and Catlin trailed behind John. After traveling a little longer, they heard the buzzing sound of an arcane array. Pillars of light materialized above the earth, converging in a radiant spectacle before ascending toward the heavens.

Immediately after that, John saw a gigantic tree emerging from the ground. In the blink of an eye, a dense patch of forest vanished, replaced by a humongous tree. The area surrounding the tree was burnt, utterly barren. It was as though all the nutrients in the soil had been absorbed by that tree. The tree bore the marks of time, its leaves dry and withered, hinting at a state of decline.

However, there were a few apple-sized fruits on its branches, and they seemed flawless and delectable. It seemed as if the tree had poured all its energy into nurturing its dozen fruits, so much so that it appeared to have forsaken the rest of its form.

Gently, John laid his hand on the trunk. Thick celestial energy instantly flowed into his body. It was a celestial tree surging with celestial energy, forming the celestial mist around each fruit.

“There’s such a big celestial tree here with many celestial fruits! We’ve truly hit the jackpot!” John couldn’t help the excitement within him. Rose rested her gaze upon the massive tree before her, surprised and confused.

“How come we didn’t notice this tree earlier? It’s humongous enough that we could’ve seen it, but we only discovered it after getting close.”

Similarly astounded, John speculated, “Perhaps someone spotted this celestial tree before, and they intentionally conjured an illusion, preventing anyone from finding it.”

Looking at the celestial tree, Catlin said, “No. The illusion is formed by the celestial tree itself. No one knows when the Celestial Battlefield will open again, so it doesn’t make sense for anyone to conjure an illusion here. A celestial tree like this must’ve lived for at least thousands of years. It should have its own spiritual sense, so it’s capable of forming a simple illusion around it.”

“Are you saying it possesses intelligence? Incredible.” John looked at the tree in disbelief.

“What’s the name of this tree? And what are the fruits on its branches?” asked Rose curiously.

“It should be spiritual fruit. It can raise one’s cultivation level and one’s sensitivity to the environment. If Tribulator cultivators like us consume a spiritual fruit, we can easily comprehend nascence,” Catlin answered.

“It’s that powerful?” Excitement danced in Rose’s eyes.

“I’ll pick these awesome fruits and share a few with you.” John turned to Rose gleefully. After all, John had already opened his nascence space and possessed multiple types of nascence. The fruits didn’t help him much. However, it was different for Rose.

“Thank you, Mr. White,” said Rose cheerfully. Just as John was about to climb the tree and harvest the fruits, Catlin tossed him aside.

“Do you think you have a share of these fruits? Know your place,” spat Catlin before she leaped onto the tree.

In a flash, Catlin collected all the fruits. John was enraged by Catlin’s aggressive act, but he dared not say anything. At that moment, he had to obey Catlin to remain safe. Rose was disappointed, but she still comforted John, “It’s fine, Mr. White. I don’t need the fruit.” She was afraid John would feel guilty.

“Don’t worry. I’ll ask for two fruits for you. I don’t think it’ll be an issue if I ask for two since I was the one who discovered the tree.”

Upon ending his sentence, he approached Catlin. “There are so many fruits here, Ms. Flowers. Do you think you can share two of them with Ms. Washington? You can have the rest, and no matter what magical items we stumble across later, I won’t fight for it with you.”
Caitlin is really jealous of Rose oooo
Look at John and his pervert sect styles
He seems to be well determined to bed these holy maidens during the expedition. Just look at the amount of gifts he is buying for them. Looks like Dahlia might be the next in line.
Look at John and his pervert sect styles
He seems to be well determined to bed these holy maidens during the expedition. Just look at the amount of gifts he is buying for them. Looks like Dahlia might be the next in line.
Dahlia is bow a holy maiden. John will help Dustin bed her.

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