The Dragon Man's Decree - Translated by GILY

Author: Unknown
Type: Action and Adventure
Posted : 07 October 2023
Status: Ongoing

John White is furious that someone has tried to make an advance on his girlfriend. In the end, he ends up behind bars after his attempt to protect her. Three years later, he is a free man but finds out that that girlfriend of his has married the man who hit on her back then. John will not let things slide. Thankfully, he has learned Focus Technique during his time in prison. At that, he embarks on the journey of cultivation and is accompanied by a gorgeous Miranda. Who would have thought this would enrage his ex-girlfriend?
Chapter 3713 – 3714 Nine Motherfucking Shadows

Before anyone could even comprehend what had transpired, John stood among the chaos, Dragonslayer Sword in hand, its blade still dripping with fresh blood.

Every disciple of Pathfinder Sect drew in a sharp breath, their initial frustration now replaced by utter astonishment

Just moments ago, they were irate because John looked down on them, but now, they stood in awe. Witnessing a Third Level Tribulator dispatch a Fourth Level Tribulator with such precision and speed left them speechless.

Even for a Fifth Level Tribulator, such a feat would be impressive, but John had accomplished it effortlessly. Dillon, too, was profoundly astonished. He had underestimated John’s strength; he couldn’t fathom achieving such a feat himself.

One-Eyed stared at his fallen comrade, flabbergasted. “Brat! You’ll pay for this with your life!” he bellowed, his voice reverberating with fury as he lunged toward John with a scimitar encased in a sinister black aura.

“I won’t let you harm Mr. White!” In response, Dillon surged forward, his determination fueled by John’s astounding display of strength moments earlier. As Dillon clashed with One-Eyed in a fierce struggle, the remaining dozen Demonic Cultivators surged toward John.

“Nine Motherfucking Shadows!” John’s voice thundered as he wielded the Dragonslayer Sword.

With each stroke, one figure after another materialized until there were seven identical versions of himself, each adorned in gleaming golden armor and brandishing a Dragonslayer Sword. Their eyes blazed with an unmistakable murderous intent as they faced down the Demonic ‘Cultivators.

The sudden appearance of multiple identical Johns left the dozen or so Demonic Cultivators utterly dumbfounded. Their shock was mirrored by the disciples of Pathfinder Sect and the other cultivators aboard the airship, who watched in awe.

They were puzzled, wondering what manner of technique was John employing, how had he multiplied himself so suddenly, and which figure was the real deal.

“Don’t panic! It’s merely an illusion spell! It’s all fake! Just continue your attacks!” One-Eyed roared, rallying his underlings when he noticed their confusion. He was confident John had used some sort of illusion to confuse everyone.

With renewed determination, the Demonic Cultivators launched their assault once more, their mystical weapons slicing through the air in a synchronized barrage aimed at the illusionary Johns.

John soared into the air, Dragonslayer Sword gleaming in his grasp. Instantly, the attention of the Demonic Cultivators converged on him. They recognized him as the genuine threat amidst the illusions, focusing their assault on the real John with a determined intensity. That was exactly what John wanted.

The Demonic Cultivators leaped into the air, charging straight toward John, completely ignoring the duplicate bodies of John below. As the Demonic Cultivators closed in on him, they were caught off guard by an unexpected chill creeping up from behind. Initially assuming it was the disciples of Pathfinder Sect making their move, they turned to find, to their astonishment, the John clones that they had overlooked charging toward them with Dragonslayer Swords in hand.

The Demonic Cultivators stood frozen in shock, their faces pale as they witnessed six or seven of their comrades swiftly cut down, halving their force in an instant

“What is going on?”

“Damn! His shadow clones can kill, too?”

“These clones aren’t just illusions! They each have their own distinct auras!”

“That’s terrifying! Is this brat really a Third Level Tribulator?” The spectators, including the disciples from Pathfinder Sect and the passengers on the airship, were equally stunned, their eyes wide with disbelief. One-Eyed, engrossed in his battle with Dillon, hadn’t noticed the unfolding chaos until he casually glanced over. His expression morphed into dumbfounded disbelief as he beheld the scene before him.

Just moments earlier, his underlings were spiritedly engaged in combat, but now, half of them lay lifeless. He struggled to comprehend how John had managed to accomplish that. In that fleeting moment of One-Eyed’s disbelief, Dillon seized the opportunity with precision. With a swift strike aimed at One-Eyed’s chest, he sent him hurtling a considerable distance away.

As Dillon executed his move, he also witnessed the astonishing sight unfolding before him: John, in the blink of an eye, had single- handedly eliminated half of the dozen or so Demonic Cultivators.

It was now abundantly clear to Dillon why John had earlier asked if he could face One-Eyed alone. The fact that over a dozen Demonic Cultivators, who were Fourth or Fifth Level Tribulators, stood no chance against John, a mere Third Level Tribulator, was simply absurd.

“Retreat!” One-Eyed could sense the turmoil within himself, knowing he was injured. Realizing his current state was no longer fit for battle, coupled with the fact that his underlings were no match for John either, he swiftly waved his hand, making the decision to retreat.

Neither Dillon nor John gave chase. Their primary objective was to continue their journey. Engaging in further conflict would only serve as a needless distraction. With John’s identity now exposed, they had to remain vigilant, as more interruptions were likely to arise during their journey to Lunarius Palace.

Dillon understood the urgency of the situation; their priority was to expedite their travel and ensure John’s safety.

“Mr. White, are you all right?” Dillon inquired, concern evident in his voice.

“Yes. They’re only Fourth and Fifth Level Tribulators. They can’t harm me,” John replied with indifference. Dillon no longer thought John was showing off. Now, he too comprehended why the Demon Seal Alliance had placed such a generous bounty on John’s head.

As they returned to the airship, Dillon noticed the deceased cultivator and frowned. Unaware of John’s involvement in the cultivator’s demise, he was about to ask questions when John said, “This person discovered my identity and attempted to claim the reward offered by the Demon Seal Alliance by ending my life. Unfortunately for him, luck was not on his side. I took care of him instead…”

Dillon didn’t say much after hearing John’s explanation. His gaze swept over the numerous cultivators aboard the airship as he spoke.

“As passengers of Pathfinder Sect, I assure you of your safety. However, should any of you dare to cause trouble on this airship, I will not hesitate to enforce discipline!” Dillon was clearly warning everyone not to mess with John.

With the warning issued, the airship resumed its journey smoothly, encountering no further interruptions. Two days passed uneventfully, and finally, the airship arrived at the edge of the southern region.

As John peered down from the airship, he beheld a sprawling landscape blanketed in white. Amidst this snowy expanse lay a modest-sized city, its structures standing out against the pristine backdrop.

“Mr. White, welcome to Southedge City, the edge of the southern region. Our airship will soon make its descent into the city, and to head to Lunarius Palace, you’ll have to traverse the city and venture deep into the depths of Demonia Mountain. The weather here is unforgiving, and the depths of Demonia Mountain, where Lunarius Palace resides, are even more treacherous. Despite the risks, there are safety measures in place. Lunarius Palace has a reception center here in Southedge City. Once we land, you can head there for registration, and you’ll be guided to the palace, which is relatively safer. Additionally, our sect maintains a branch in this city. Should you require any assistance, do not hesitate to seek us out. We are committed to supporting you in any way we can.” Dillon treated John with utmost respect, especially after witnessing John’s impressive display of power

The prowess John displayed, despite being just a Third Level Tribulator, left Dillon awestruck. It was a testament to his exceptional talent, marking him as a true genius among geniuses. Dillon couldn’t help but ponder the future possibilities that lay ahead for John, envisioning a future where John would rise to unparalleled heights of power and influence within the Ethereal Realm. Perhaps he would ascend to become a governor, or even achieve the pinnacle of immortality. Recognizing John as a potential rising star, Dillon knew that befriending him now was a strategic decision.

“Thank you, Mr. Vanders,” John said, offering a slight nod as a gesture of gratitude. His curiosity piqued, he then inquired further, “Mг. Vanders, now that we’ve reached the end of the southern region, I wonder, what lies beyond if we were to continue walking forward?”

John’s question stemmed from uncertainty regarding the structure of the Ethereal Realm. He wondered if it resembled the mundane world, spherical in shape, with defined borders
it's been awhile since John cultivating with sex sect style
it's been awhile since John cultivating with sex sect style
Don't worry, it is just a matter of time. I just don't know how many virgin sect members we might lose by that time he reaches the 4th level.
Don't worry, it is just a matter of time. I just don't know how many virgin sect members we might lose by that time he reaches the 4th level.
you know as long as John still alive no virgin will go free
Chapter 3715 – 3719 Lunarius Palace Registration

Dillon shook his head in response. “Nobody knows. The truth is, the extremities of the four major regions-East, South, West, and North- are all shrouded in mystery. Each region is ensconced behind impenetrable shields, preventing any exploration beyond. Thus, what lies beyond the confines of the southern region remains a mystery to all.”

He added with a slight smile, “There’s a tale of a formidable individual who reached the Immortal Realm but found himself unable to ascend further to become an immortal. Driven by curiosity, he sought to breach the shield and explore the unknown beyond. However, his venture ended tragically, leading to his demise. Since then, few have dared to entertain the idea of venturing beyond the shield, content with the mysteries that lie within the known realms.”

As John absorbed this information, a realization dawned upon him. The notion that the end of the Ethereal Realm was a shield hinted at a grander truth-that the entire realm might be the creation of an immortal being. Contemplating this, John envisioned the cosmos as an intricate chessboard in the eyes of the creator, with countless worlds and stars merely pieces in a cosmic game.

The power of an immortal extended far beyond the confines of mortal comprehension. He could shape and obliterate worlds effortlessly. As John’s strength grew, so did his perception of the vastness and intricacy of the universe. John wondered about the extent of his father’s capabilities at that moment.

“Mr. White, please, don’t even think about venturing there. Everything I’ve told you is the truth.” Dillon assumed that John was curious when the latter didn’t respond. As the saying goes, curiosity kills the cat. If John really did want to venture to the far reaches of the southern region and attempt to cross that shield, it would certainly spell disaster.

“Rest assured, I have no intention of taking such risks.” John offered a reassuring smile.

As John and Dillon were engrossed in their conversation, the airship descended onto the square of Pathfinder Sect’s branch. Stepping off the airship, John surveyed a bustling crowd of cultivators, mostly young ones, milling about the area. The distinguished architecture of Pathfinder Sect loomed prominently over the small border town, a testament to the sect’s considerable wealth.

“Mr. White, ever since Lunarius Palace set up a reception center in Southedge City and news spread about the stunning beauty of its disciples, this place has seen a surge in activity,” Dillon remarked, watching the cultivators coming and going with a sense of wonder.

“Our sect has certainly benefited from this influx. It’s quite remarkable how the city has transformed from its quieter past.” John found himself perplexed. Why has Lunarius Palace set up a reception area, and what’s the purpose of bringing people specifically to the palace? Is it merely to find partners for the outer circle’s disciples? Despite his curiosity, John chose not to delve deeper. His primary objective was to retrieve the Demonia Stone and return home. As for Lunarius Palace’s motives, John decided not to dwell on them.

Upon disembarking from the airship, several individuals dressed in Pathfinder Sect attire promptly approached them.

“Mr. Vanders, you must be exhausted. Did everything go smoothly this time?” A tall, fair- skinned disciple of Pathfinder Sect respectfully addressed Dillon.

“Yes, there were minor hiccups, but overall it was a smooth journey,” Dillon replied with a faint smile.

Glancing around, he observed, “It appears there are significantly more cultivators in Southedge City than before. Could it be that Lunarius Palace has unveiled another holy maiden to draw such crowds?”

“Not quite,” the disciple explained. “Lunarius Palace recently announced the discovery of an immortal’s tomb in the extreme polar regions. However, the location is exceedingly perilous. Thus, Lunarius Palace seeks partners for their outer circle disciples to venture forth together. This time, however, they’ve implemented a series of trials. Only those who pass these trials can select a partner for the journey to the polar regions. This unique approach has attracted a larger crowd than usual.”

“If I didn’t have the weight of being a branch manager on my shoulders, I’d jump at the chance to visit Lunarius Palace,” the disciple quipped. John observed the person before him with interest. He hadn’t anticipated such a young disciple to be the person in charge of Pathfinder Sect’s branch. No wonder this guy has the guts to joke around with Mr. Vanders like that!

“Haha! Don’t let your wife hear you talk like this, Mr. Wenzel. Otherwise, you’ll be in for it.” Dillon burst out laughing heartily.

“I was only joking. You wouldn’t rat me out, right, Mr. Vanders?” asked Torben Wenzel with a laugh.

“Well, I don’t know. If you want to shut me up, you might have to pay up.” Dillon was joking around with Torben.

Seeing Dillon engrossed in a lively conversation with Torben, John didn’t want to waste any more time. Hence, he asked Dillon, “Mr. Vanders, now that I’ve arrived, I won’t bother you any longer. Could you tell me where the reception of Lunarius Palace is? I need to make some inquiries.”

“Mr. Vanders, who might this be?” Mr. Wenzel sized up John. Dillon quickly introduced John by saying, “Oh, this is Mr. White. He’s the one who successfully treated the illness of Mr. Wickman’s daughter.”

Dillon specifically brought up the matter of August’ daughter because Torben had a close relationship with August.

The young Torben could assume the role of a branch sect leader in Southedge City at such a tender age, thanks largely to August’ recommendation.

Although Southedge City was desolate at that time, he still served as the branch sect leader. For a young man, this represented boundless opportunities. With the emergence of Lunarius Palace, Southedge City had become more prosperous.

Consequently, Torben’s wealth and Pathfinder Sect’s status had risen to the point where he could then afford to joke around with Dillon.

“What? Mr. Wickman’s daughter has recovered from her illness?” Torben was surprised.

Dillon nodded. “Yes. It was Mr. White who cured her. In gratitude, August even gave Mr. White a token.” Upon hearing Dillon’s words, the way Torben looked at John became significantly more respectful.

“Mr. White, I’m Torben Wenzel. I’m in charge of this branch sect of Pathfinder Sect. If you need anything while you’re here, feel free to reach out to me at any time,” Torben uttered with utmost politeness.

“Thanks a lot, Mr. Wenzel. Right now, all I want to do is to register at the reception of Lunarius Palace. Do you happen to know where it is?”

All John wanted was to swiftly reach Lunarius Palace and get the Demonia Stone. If his identity were to be completely exposed, things would become even more difficult for him. Torben informed John about the location and intended to take him there. However, John flatly refused.

John planned to find a secluded spot to alter his appearance. Having Torben trailing behind him would be very inconvenient. After bidding farewell to Dillon and Torben, John found a secluded spot to alter his appearance subtly. However, this time, John did not transform into a bearded old man. After all, most of the cultivators journeying to Lunarius Palace were young. If John were to take on the appearance of an older man, he’d stand out far too much. John simply transformed into a rather ordinary-looking young man and headed toward the reception of Lunarius Palace.

Before John even reached the reception, he saw that a crowd had already formed ahead. The line of people extended for several hundred meters, stretching as far as the eye could see.

John’s brows instantly furrowed when he saw such a lengthy line. He hadn’t anticipated so many people wanting to visit Lunarius Palace. Why are so many people queueing? How long do I have to wait?

Just as John was finding himself in a bit of a pickle, a cultivator with a goatee and squinty eyes started walking toward him. The man with the goatee approached John, quietly asking, “Hey, are you interested in signing up to go to Lunarius Palace to look for a partner?”

John nodded. Although he wasn’t in search of a partner, he couldn’t exactly tell this guy that he was here to get the Demonia Stone. The man with the goatee said to John, “If you’re queueing here to register to go to Lunarius Palace, you’re going to wait until who knows when. However, for a mere hundred thousand spirit coins, I can escort you to Lunarius Palace. I know the way there, and I assure you, it’s completely safe. But I can only take you as far as the entrance of the outer court of Lunarius Palace.

As for how you’ll get in, you’ll have to figure that out for yourself. If you wish to gain entry into the outer court, I can assist you. However, it will cost a million spirit coins.”

“Could you really take me to Lunarius Palace?” John scrutinized the goatee, disbelief evident in his gaze.

The man with the goatee stroked his beard, saying with an air of confidence, “Of course. I’ve spent my whole life here. I know the way to Lunarius Palace like the back of my hand, and it’s completely safe. Let me be honest with you. I’m well-acquainted with an elder at Lunarius Palace. If you’re generous with your spiritual coin, I can even get you into the inner court without a hitch.”

“All right. Lead me to the inner court. Hopefully, I’ll get a chance to meet the head of Lunarius Palace!”‘ After he finished speaking, John immediately pulled out a dozen purple spirit coins from his Storage Ring and tossed them to the man with a goatee.

“Purple spirit coins?” The man was stunned as he stared at the purple spirit coins in his hand. It took quite a while before he could regain his senses. The moment he looked at John, his gaze transformed into an irresistible charm. He hadn’t expected that John would turn out to be a wealthy tycoon, casually doling out dozens of purple spirit coins.

“Rest assured, Sir. I, Alastair, have spent my entire life here. I’ll certainly guide you to Lunarius Palace!” Swiftly, Alastair pocketed the purple spirit coins into his jacket, preparing to leave with John in tow.

“Alastair, you’re up to your old tricks again. How many times have I warned you?” Just as Alastair was about to leave with John, a sudden delicate shout rang out. A woman clad in green, wielding a magic sword, swiftly approached, her glare fixed fiercely on Alastair.

Upon seeing the woman, Alastair was instantly overcome with extreme awkwardness. Quickly, Alastair shook his head and said, “Ms. Baron, I assure you, I’m not scamming anyone. Please, don’t make a groundless accusation!”

“Hmph! I’ve been watching you for quite some time now. You’re always using Lunarius Palace as an excuse to deceive others. Don’t think for a second that I’m not aware of it.” Yvonne Baron scoffed and turned her attention to John.

“Sir, I’m in charge of the reception at Lunarius Palace. My name is Yvonne Baron. Did this guy tell you that he could take you to Lunarius Palace and even get you inside for a fee?” John gave a slight nod and turned his gaze to Alastair. His eyes held a flicker of anger. This guy is a fraudster!

“Don’t let yourself be fooled. If you wish to visit Lunarius Palace, you must register at the reception first. Only then can we guide you there. If you recklessly ventured up the mountain on your own, you wouldn’t be able to locate Lunarius Palace at all. Instead, you would find yourself in a predicament. The conditions here are harsh, and there are demon beasts lurking everywhere. If you really want to go to Lunarius Palace, then please line up to register.”

After Yvonne finished speaking, she glanced at John before quickly continuing, “However, you’re a Third Level Tribulator. I’m afraid you might not be able to visit Lunarius Palace this time. The minimum requirement for the registration for cultivators this time is to be at least a Fifth Level Tribulator. After all, this time the women from the outer circle are seeking partners to venture into the polar region with. You’ll die if your cultivation is too low.”

Upon hearing Yvonne’s words, John was genuinely taken aback. He hadn’t expected Lunarius Palace to be so uniquely different. They want to find a partner for their disciples from the outer circle residing in the palace, and there are even requirements for cultivation level! This is hardly a search for a partner. It is clear they are looking for an easy mark, someone to do the grunt work for Lunarius Palace for nothing in return!

John was just about to ask Yvonne if the head of Lunarius Palace was present. He was hoping to establish a connection and see if he could gain entry into Lunarius Palace. Before John could even speak, a wave of commotion swept through the waiting crowd.

“Who do you think you are? We’ve been lining up for ages. How dare you cut in line?”

“What on earth is this? Is Lunarius Palace not doing anything to manage this?”

“I’ve been waiting in line for ages. No one’s allowed to cut in!” People in the queue began to voice their dissatisfaction loudly.

Yvonne’s brows furrowed, her face taking on a displeased expression. It seemed that line- cutting was a frequent occurrence there

Yvonne turned her gaze toward a female cultivator not too far away, her voice stern as she questioned her, “Zaira, what’s going on? Why is there a line jumper?”

The female cultivator hurriedly came over and reported, “Ms. Baron, this person is associated with Ms. Miller.”

With a stern expression, Yvonne voiced her displeasure by saying, “Didn’t I make it clear before? Regardless of relationships, we must adhere to the rules, right? Have you forgotten the rules of Lunarius Palace?”

“Ms. Baron, I…” The female cultivator’s voice trailed off as she lowered her head, appearing somewhat upset.

“Do I also have to follow the rules?” A male cultivator donned in white was striding toward Yvonne, an amused smirk playing on his face. When John caught sight of this male cultivator, he was instantly taken aback. Isn’t this Killian, the one whom Mr. Wickman had let go? When did this guy arrive in Southedge City? Could it be that he is also heading to Lunarius Palace? Yvonne’s brows furrowed slightly when she saw Killian.

“Mr. Miller, your actions are now causing displeasure among others. Besides, our hands are tied…” It was clear that Yvonne’s tone had softened considerably, and it seemed that she was also acquainted with Killian.

Killian glanced at Yvonne, his eyes brimming with a playful glint, and with a smirk, he asked, “Are you suggesting that I should wait in line?”

“Yes!” Yvonne nodded in agreement.

“What if I don’t get in line?” It appeared as though Killian was challenging Yvonne.

“Then I simply can’t register you!” Even though Yvonne spoke in a calm tone, she was incredibly resolute.

“You won’t register me?” Killian scoffed. “I’d like to see if you really have the guts to do that.”

“Open your eyes wide. Do you see what this is?” Killian was seen pulling out a token, which he casually flaunted in front of Yvonne. It was indeed the token of Lunarius Palace. Yvonne fell silent when she saw the token.

“This is the token given to me personally by Ms. Miller of Lunarius Palace. What else dare you say? Let me tell you something. If it weren’t for the fact that you’re a disciple from the inner circle of Lunarius Palace, I would have dealt with you a long time ago. My aunt was the one who personally instructed me to come here, with the intention of giving me some experience in the polar region. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have willingly come to this godforsaken place.” After Killian finished speaking, he pocketed his token and headed straight for the reception room, completely disregarding the line.

The entire time, Killian remained oblivious to John’s presence. John had altered his appearance and suppressed his aura. Unless Killian had deliberately probed, there was no way he could have detected him.

Yvonne watched Killian’s retreating figure. Her face was flushed with frustration, but she was utterly helpless.

The female cultivator fumed, “Yvonne, this Killian has gone too far! He dares to speak to you like that, hiding behind his relationship with Ms. Miller. Plus, this guy, flaunting his status as the pampered son of the Miller family, has been messing with several of us from the outer circle. He also talked about balancing the forces of negative and positive energy, and the dual cultivation of ice and fire, claiming it could rapidly increase one’s power. Many of us from the outer circle were deceived by his words, vying to be with him-” Before Zaira could finish her sentence, Yvonne quickly shot her a stern look.

“Zaira, shut up!”

After all, with John and Alastair there, it wasn’t appropriate to discuss some of the scandals from Lunarius Palace. Yvonne left with Zaira without casting another glance at John. In the eyes of Yvonne, John was nothing more than a mere Third Level Tribulator. In her eyes, he didn’t even qualify to sign up.

Seeing the situation, Alastair also turned around, ready to leave.

Seeing that Alastair was about to leave, John asked, “Sir, did you forget something?”

“What have I forgotten?” Alastair feigned confusion. “You forgot to return me the money.” John reached out toward Alastair.

“What money? I didn’t take your money. Don’t make groundless accusations. Leave immediately, or don’t blame me for being rude!”

Alastair had already pocketed the money, and he wasn’t returning it to John. Moreover, John was merely a Third Level Tribulator, while he himself was a Fifth Level Tribulator. John was alone, without any companions. Alastair was clearly planning to take advantage of John.

With a cool smile, John responded, “You’re robbing me.”

“Well, I did. What can you do about it? Let me tell you, wealth is but a worldly possession. Be careful, or you might lose your life over money! If you die, then-” Before Alastair could even finish his sentence, he realized that John had disappeared

Immediately after, a dark figure flashed before him. Alastair felt his breath hitch, struggling to catch his breath. Before anyone knew it, John was already before Alastair’s eyes and gripping Alastair’s throat. Alastair’s eyes were wide open, filled with an expression of utter disbelief. Despite being a Fifth Level Tribulator, he had no time to react before he was completely controlled by John, who was merely a Third Level Tribulator.

“Nobody has ever dared to rob from me…” John’s gaze was icy cold, while his hands ceaselessly emitted waves of aura. Alastair was suppressed by this overwhelming aura, rendering him completely immobile. Moreover, he could feel his divine soul gradually being stripped away, bit by bit.

Alastair was thrown into a panic, and he realized he was dealing with an expert. How could someone who casually spent over a dozen purple spirit coins possibly be an ordinary cultivator? Shit! Regret consumed Alastair, and beads of cold sweat continuously dripped down his forehead.

“Sir, please show mercy. I haven’t deceived you. I genuinely know the way to Lunarius Palace, and it’s absolutely safe. I can take you to Lunarius Palace and also return all your money to you. Please, Sir. Show me some mercy and spare my life,” Alastair pleaded.

“I have elderly parents who are hundreds of years old and children who are decades old. They all rely on me to provide for them…” As Alastair spoke, tears surprisingly began to fall.

John didn’t intend to kill him either. After all, it wasn’t worth it over just a handful of purple spirit coins.

“Do you truly know the way to Lunarius Palace?” John asked. Since he couldn’t register himself, John had no choice but to head to Lunarius Palace himself. If someone could guide him, that would be more than ideal.

“I do! If I were to lie, may the heavens strike me with thunder, let lightning end my life, and forever bar me from reincarnation.” Quickly, Alastair made a solemn vow.

Seeing that, John loosened his grip on Alastair. Alastair was panting heavily and feeling relieved.

“First, I’ll repay you the money. After that, I’ll take you there…” As he spoke, Alastair reached for his wallet. With a wave of his hand, John casually said, “No need. If you take me to Lunarius Palace, consider that money as your fee!”

Alastair’s eyes lit up instantly when he heard that. He patted his chest confidently and assured, “Sir, don’t worry. I will definitely take you to Lunarius Palace, both swiftly and safely!” Alastair led John away from Southedge City, subsequently arriving at the foot of Demonia Mountain. There, it was a blanket of endless snow, stretching as far as the eye could see.

Alastair did not lead John up the mountain. Instead, they continued their journey south along the base of the mountain. John was somewhat taken aback. Lunarius Palace is situated on the mountain, yet Alastair isn’t taking me up there!

Alastair could see the confusion in John’s eyes, so he clarified, “Sir, I have my own secret passage that leads to Lunarius Palace. However, it only takes you as far as the entrance of the outer court. If you wish to get inside, you’ll have to figure out a way on your own. I don’t even have the connections to get into the outer court, let alone meet the head of Lunarius Palace. All that was just me boasting!” Alastair spoke truthfully because he was aware of John’s prowess. He dared not hide anything from John.

“No problem. Just lead me to Lunarius Palace!” John said in a nonchalant manner. I just need to locate Lunarius Palace, figure out a way to meet the head of the palace, and obtain Demonia Stone. After that, all will be fine! John didn’t want to linger in Lunarius Palace, nor did he want to bother Killian any longer. After all, given his status, it wasn’t suitable for him to stay in one place for too long. If his identity were exposed, the ensuing complications would be immense. The Decree of Execution from Demon Seal Alliance indeed caused a great deal of inconvenience for John.

John made a promise to himself. One day, mark my words, I’ll crush Demon Seal Alliance! At that moment, with his current strength, the idea of annihilating Demon Seal Alliance was nothing short of a pipe dream

Chapter 3720 - 3723 Illusion Array

Alastair nodded in agreement, and then he and John continued their journey southward. Not long after that, Alastair halted, surveying their surroundings. With a wave of his hand, a gust of wind swept through, whisking away all the accumulated snow on the ground

After the snow was blown away, a cave was startlingly revealed. However, this cave was quite small, requiring one to stoop to enter. Alastair gestured toward the cave and said, “Once you enter this cave, it leads directly to the outer court of Lunarius Palace. This place is incredibly secluded and unknown to many, offering a great deal of safety. All this while, I’ve been making my money from this cave…” John glanced at the cave and scoffed.

“You’ve probably killed many in this cave, haven’t you?” John could distinctly feel the waves of deathly aura emanating from within the cave.

Alastair was taken aback, quickly clarifying, “Sir, please don’t misunderstand. Even though I’ve taken lives in this cave before, I would never dare to harbor any ill intentions toward you.”

“Even if you made a move, it would be utterly pointless!” With a casual smile, John then disappeared into the cave.

Stunned for a moment, Alastair then proceeded to follow inside. The cave was shrouded in darkness, and John had lost track of how long he’d been walking. Suddenly, a light appeared before his eyes.

When John emerged from the cave, he found himself facing a scene shrouded in mist. Within this haze, a palace stood. “We’re now at the outer circle of Lunarius Palace. I can only take you this far. If you want to get inside Lunarius Palace, you’ll have to figure it out on your own,” Alastair said with utmost caution. “All right, this is far enough. You don’t need to worry about the rest!” John nodded and headed toward the outer court of Lunarius Palace.

From a distance, John observed the outer court, guarded by a few female cultivators. Each of these women was slender and elegant, their beauty stirring an undeniable urge in anyone who caught a glimpse of them. Outside the entrance of the outer court of Lunarius Palace, there were a few male cultivators who seemed to be conversing with several female cultivators. These few male cultivators were barred from entry, unable to get in.

Judging by the ragged clothing of those male cultivators, it seemed they had found their own way to Lunarius Palace. It was apparent that they had not had an easy journey. However, the cultivators who ventured up the mountain on their own were not permitted to enter Lunarius Palace. Only those who registered at the reception and were escorted up by someone from Lunarius Palace were permitted to enter.

Soon, another group of people was seen heading toward the outer court of Lunarius Palace. However, this time, it was Yvonne who led the team, followed by a dozen male cultivators. Killian among them.

“Ms. Baron, you’ve arrived…” A female cultivator from Lunarius Palace caught sight of Yvonne and hurriedly opened the door to welcome her. Yvonne gave a slight nod and turned her attention to the few raggedly dressed cultivators standing outside the door.

A frown creased her brows as she remarked, “Why are there so many people showing up uninvited at Lunarius Palace today? They just never learn!”

After speaking, Yvonne instructed all the cultivators she had brought with her to enter the outer court. Then, she turned to the poorly dressed cultivators and said, “Those of you who came to Lunarius Palace on your own, it’s impossible for you to get in. You should all go back…”

“We’ve endured countless hardships to find this place and lost many on the journey. Please, allow us entry.” “Yes. If we head back like this, we’re definitely not going to make it halfway. Let’s just go in.”

“All we are seeking is a partner. We are willing to put in the effort for the sake of Lunarius Palace!” Several cultivators were desperately pleading with Yvonne. Some were even on the verge of kneeling down.

Yvonne gazed at these cultivators, letting out a long sigh before saying, “Lunarius Palace abides by its own rules. If we were to let you all in, wouldn’t that break the precedent? Then anyone can enter Lunarius Palace as they wish.”

Yvonne pointed toward the thick white mist that was lingering beside the grand hall and said, “If you’re truly determined to enter Lunarius Palace, then you should approach from the side of the main hall. There, you’ll find an illusion array. As long as you can navigate through it, Lunarius Palace will be within your reach.”

A few cultivators glanced at the white mist, their faces revealing a struggle. It seemed they were well aware of the potency of that illusion array. “If you lack the courage, then leave. You simply cannot enter.” With that, Yvonne turned and entered the grand hall. The remaining cultivators stared blankly at one another.

Not far off, John, hearing Yvonne’s words and seeing the mist on one side, was immediately overwhelmed with joy. He had been worried about how to get in, but he had found a way.

Without a moment’s hesitation, John made his way toward the mist. However, Alastair had unexpectedly followed him, catching hold of John, and urgently said, “Sir, you mustn’t go. This illusion array is no ordinary thing. You simply cannot enter. From what I understand, no one has ever managed to cross that illusion array to enter Lunarius Palace. Many have lost their lives within it. The illusion array is a complex combination of various arcane arrays, and some people have been trapped inside for their entire lives. I strongly advise against attempting it! I’m not trying to scare you here. If it weren’t for your generous payment, I wouldn’t have shared this with you. Don’t you see? Those cultivators are all hesitating to even give it a try.”

Alastair was persuading John, imploring him not to enter the illusion array.

John glanced at Alastair, a subtle smile playing on his lips. “I have some knowledge of array craft. Even if I can’t get through, getting out wouldn’t be an issue…”

Upon seeing John’s determination to leave, Alastair finally let him go. “Just a reminder, if you end up caught in the situation, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

John gave a nod and proceeded toward the heart of the illusion array. The cultivators at the entrance were taken aback as they saw John approaching the illusion array, their faces filled with disbelief. Even the few female cultivators from Lunarius Palace at the entrance were stunned as they looked at John.

“It seems that this guy has no idea how formidable the illusion array is, daring to give it a try.”

“It has been quite some time since anyone has attempted the illusion array. Today, there’s finally some entertainment to look forward to.”

“The illusion array is merely a pretext set up by the head of Lunarius Palace, designed to deter those who dare to trespass into Lunarius Palace.” A few female cultivators from Lunarius Palace were engaged in a discussion.

Without any hesitation, John stepped into the illusion array, and in the blink of an eye, his figure vanished.

“Well…” Upon witnessing John’s silhouette vanish into the illusion array, Alastair let out a sigh.

“Such a shame. A decent man he was, likely still had a good amount of money on him. If only he had handed over his money to me before stepping into that illusion array!” Alastair had always been fixated on the money that John possessed. If John were to die within the illusion array, the spiritual coins he carried would serve no purpose.

Alastair was about to turn around and leave, but a surge of mist from within the illusion array was astonishingly shooting straight up into the sky suddenly. Alastair was taken aback, staring blankly at the illusion array. Even the few male cultivators and female cultivators at the entrance had their mouths wide open, their faces full of astonishment.

Incredulously, Alastair exclaimed, “How could this be possible? The arcane arrays of the illusion array have been broken?”

As soon as John entered the illusion array, he broke through its outer arcane arrays, advancing directly into the core area of the illusion array. His speed was astonishing. There were indeed many who could break through the illusion array, but none were as swift as John.

“H-How is this possible? Didn’t that guy just go in?”

“This is outrageous. In just the blink of an eye, the peripheral array arrays are broken. Is this guy an array master?”

“So what if he’s an array master? He simply can’t break the core of the illusion array. He’s doomed to be trapped inside until his end.”

“If he had failed to break through the outer arçane arrays, he would still have had time to realize his mistakes and turn back from his wrong path. But now that he’s entered the heart of the illusion array, he might as well prepare to be trapped inside until his death.” Several female cultivators from Lunarius Palace were engaged in a lively discussion.

At that moment, Yvonne briskly approached, her brows slightly furrowed as she asked, “What’s going on? Did those guys really enter the illusion array?”

Yvonne had initially assumed that those raggedly dressed cultivators had been persuaded by her to enter the illusion array.

“No. Those guys are still standing outside. It was someone else who went in.”

“However, this person was rather peculiar. He had come to Lunarius Palace on his own, and his clothes were surprisingly unscathed. It was as if he hadn’t faced any difficulties at all!” a female cultivator from Lunarius Palace exclaimed.

“Another person?” Yvonne was somewhat taken aback.

Upon seeing Yvonne, Alastair quickly turned and left. He feared that if Yvonne discovered him, his path to wealth would likely be jeopardized.

At that moment, within the illusion array, John was nonchalantly strolling forward. This kind of illusion array had absolutely no effect on him.

“Sir…” Suddenly, someone called out to John. John followed the sound, only to discover a few beauties were walking toward him. As John drew closer, he was surprised to see that it was Angeline, Astrid, Elizabeth, Melanie, and Amelia.

“You guys…” John found himself at a loss for words as he looked at the women standing before him.

“Are we beautiful?” Amelia still exuded her characteristic grace and elegance. Her porcelain-like skin and breathtaking beauty were enough to make anyone fall head over heels for her. More importantly, at that moment, Amelia was wearing a translucent white dress. Her figure was subtly showing, making her incredibly enticing.

The other girls were also dressed in incredibly sexy outfits, exposing large areas of their skin. Each of them had eyes as captivating as silk, exuding an irresistible allure. As John gazed at the women before him, he surprisingly felt a twinge of heartache deep within.

“Come on, let’s have some fun together. We promise you’ll be in seventh heaven…” Amelia gently caressed John’s face as she stepped forward. It seemed as though they didn’t recognize John. After all, his appearance had changed drastically.

“Damn that holy maiden of Lunarius Palace. She’s actually using my women to lure me inside this illusion array. I’m definitely going to settle the score with her.”

Suddenly, John cursed in anger. With a swift wave of his hand, all the women before him vanished into thin air. John wasn’t fooled, and he knew those women were merely illusions created by the illusion array. However, the holy maiden of Lunarius Palace surprisingly used the appearances of John’s women as the basis of temptation. John found it a bit hard to accept.

Even though John knew it was all an illusion, all fabricated, he still felt a pang of sadness in his heart. He resolved that once he met the holy maiden of Lunarius Palace, he would definitely demand an explanation.

John dismissed this art of seduction with a wave of his hand. However, many had fallen prey to it. After all, those who went there were young cultivators, driven by the pursuit of a partner, drawn by the beauty of the female cultivators in Lunarius Palace. If one were to encounter such a multitude of alluring beauties, scantily clad within this illusion array, there would be few who could resist.

Following John’s dismissal of the illusion array’s allure, the surroundings abruptly plunged into pitch darkness. This was swiftly followed by waves of frosty energy, accompanied by the terrifying howls of malicious spirits. A smirk tugged at John’s lips as he let out a cold, mocking laugh.

“It’s quite pitiful, really. Such a low-level illusion array managed to trap so many people. It just goes to show how little the cultivators of Ethereal Realm actually know about array craft.” With a sneer, John strode forward, utterly indifferent to everything around him.

John continued to move forward, while the arcane arrays behind him spectacularly collapsed. As he journeyed on, the arcane arrays crumbled with each step he took. When John caught sight of a grand hall once more, the illusion array behind him had completely collapsed. It vanished without a trace in an instant.

“The illusion array has collapsed! It has vanished completely!”

“What’s going on here? Could it be that someone has breached the illusion array and entered the outer court of Lunarius Palace?”

“Who on earth is this person? He’s absolutely impressive!” The collapse of the illusion array instantly sparked a flurry of discussions among the numerous cultivators within the outer court. They all had been admitted through a registration process, yet they never imagined that someone could penetrate the illusion array of Lunarius Palace and forcefully barge in.

Yvonne’s brows were tightly knit, her gaze fixed intently on the illusion array on one side. The illusion array has been broken. That’s not even it! That person has completely destroyed our illusion array. It was important to note that the illusion array was personally set up by the head of Lunarius Palace. Yet, unexpectedly, someone had managed to destroy it.

“I was curious to see who it is. It’s one thing to break through the illusion array, but to actually destroy it is another matter entirely.” Yvonne gritted her teeth, her heart brimming with intense indignation.

At that moment, after dismantling the illusion array, John found himself gazing down a narrow path, leisurely making his way toward the outer court. Through the illusion array, that path could lead straight to the outer court. The narrow path was blanketed with untouched snow, clearly showing that no one had bothered to clear it. This indeed proved that this path had never been tread upon before.

“I wonder who has passed through the illusion array. If he’s handsome, I might want to take him in!”

“Anyone capable of breaking into Lunarius Palace is undoubtedly powerful. When that time comes, there’ll hardly be a chance for you.”

“I also want to make him my partner!” The female cultivators in the outer court were all wide-eyed with anticipation. As disciples of the outer circle of Lunarius Palace, they were permitted to form partnerships with male cultivators. They were aware of their mission, which was to seek out male cultivators with the potential to become their partners. This was also done to boost the strength and influence of Lunarius Palace.

When it came to finding a partner, everyone would want a handsome and capable cultivator. These female cultivators were all brimming with anticipation. Yet, Yvonne sternly glared at them, causing them all to promptly close their mouths. Regardless of who this person is or what skills he possesses, he has destroyed the illusion array of Lunarius Palace. There’s no doubt that an explanation is definitely required from this person.

Before long, a figure gradually emerged from the small path. Everyone was waiting in silence. Not a single word was spoken. It was as quiet as a deserted field. As the figure approached, Yvonne was instantly rooted to the spot, her eyes wide open in disbelief, her face a mask of incredulity. She hadn’t expected that the one who had managed to break through the illusion array was none other than John. After all, John was a Third Level Tribulator that she didn’t even bother sparing a second glance.

Yvonne still remembered the words she had once spoken, that a Third Level Tribulator wouldn’t even have the chance to register. Yet, John had actually ventured into Lunarius Palace all by himself. Yvonne looked at John, utterly surprised.

“It’s you?”

“Yes. It’s me. Since you guys didn’t want to bring me here, I thought I would just come in myself!” John gave Yvonne a casual smile. Everyone else was utterly taken aback as well when they saw John.

“How could this guy, who is merely a Third Level Tribulator, possibly pass through the illusionary realm?”

“Not only did he traverse through the illusionary realm, but he also destroyed the arcane arrays of Lunarius Palace. He’s causing serious trouble!”

“Where did this guy come from? How come I don’t recognize him?” Numerous cultivators observed John, their discussions filled the air.

Killian also found himself slightly furrowing his brows as he looked at John. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but something about John seemed familiar. However, John had altered his appearance and concealed his aura, so Killian failed to recognize him.

Upon seeing John, all the women who had just wholeheartedly wanted to become his partner felt a wave of disappointment wash over them.

“His looks won’t do! This is truly disappointing!”

“He’s only a Third Level Tribulator. I thought he would be an expert.”

“Who was it just now that said they wanted to become his partner? Go on, hurry up!” The female disciples of Lunarius Palace were quietly having a discussion. Yvonne didn’t pay attention to the other female cultivators. Instead, she glared at John with anger.

“Since you’ve made it through the illusion array, why did you have to destroy our arcane arrays? That was an illusion array personally set up by the head of Lunarius Palace, and now that you’ve destroyed it, you owe us an explanation!”

John’s face instantly turned cold when he heard that. He then retorted, “I believe it should be your leader who owes me an explanation, shouldn’t it? Call her over. I have some matters to discuss with her!”

Upon hearing John’s audacious remarks, Yvonne couldn’t help but fly into a rage

Chapter 3720 - 3723 Illusion Array

Alastair nodded in agreement, and then he and John continued their journey southward. Not long after that, Alastair halted, surveying their surroundings. With a wave of his hand, a gust of wind swept through, whisking away all the accumulated snow on the ground

After the snow was blown away, a cave was startlingly revealed. However, this cave was quite small, requiring one to stoop to enter. Alastair gestured toward the cave and said, “Once you enter this cave, it leads directly to the outer court of Lunarius Palace. This place is incredibly secluded and unknown to many, offering a great deal of safety. All this while, I’ve been making my money from this cave…” John glanced at the cave and scoffed.

“You’ve probably killed many in this cave, haven’t you?” John could distinctly feel the waves of deathly aura emanating from within the cave.

Alastair was taken aback, quickly clarifying, “Sir, please don’t misunderstand. Even though I’ve taken lives in this cave before, I would never dare to harbor any ill intentions toward you.”

“Even if you made a move, it would be utterly pointless!” With a casual smile, John then disappeared into the cave.

Stunned for a moment, Alastair then proceeded to follow inside. The cave was shrouded in darkness, and John had lost track of how long he’d been walking. Suddenly, a light appeared before his eyes.

When John emerged from the cave, he found himself facing a scene shrouded in mist. Within this haze, a palace stood. “We’re now at the outer circle of Lunarius Palace. I can only take you this far. If you want to get inside Lunarius Palace, you’ll have to figure it out on your own,” Alastair said with utmost caution. “All right, this is far enough. You don’t need to worry about the rest!” John nodded and headed toward the outer court of Lunarius Palace.

From a distance, John observed the outer court, guarded by a few female cultivators. Each of these women was slender and elegant, their beauty stirring an undeniable urge in anyone who caught a glimpse of them. Outside the entrance of the outer court of Lunarius Palace, there were a few male cultivators who seemed to be conversing with several female cultivators. These few male cultivators were barred from entry, unable to get in.

Judging by the ragged clothing of those male cultivators, it seemed they had found their own way to Lunarius Palace. It was apparent that they had not had an easy journey. However, the cultivators who ventured up the mountain on their own were not permitted to enter Lunarius Palace. Only those who registered at the reception and were escorted up by someone from Lunarius Palace were permitted to enter.

Soon, another group of people was seen heading toward the outer court of Lunarius Palace. However, this time, it was Yvonne who led the team, followed by a dozen male cultivators. Killian among them.

“Ms. Baron, you’ve arrived…” A female cultivator from Lunarius Palace caught sight of Yvonne and hurriedly opened the door to welcome her. Yvonne gave a slight nod and turned her attention to the few raggedly dressed cultivators standing outside the door.

A frown creased her brows as she remarked, “Why are there so many people showing up uninvited at Lunarius Palace today? They just never learn!”

After speaking, Yvonne instructed all the cultivators she had brought with her to enter the outer court. Then, she turned to the poorly dressed cultivators and said, “Those of you who came to Lunarius Palace on your own, it’s impossible for you to get in. You should all go back…”

“We’ve endured countless hardships to find this place and lost many on the journey. Please, allow us entry.” “Yes. If we head back like this, we’re definitely not going to make it halfway. Let’s just go in.”

“All we are seeking is a partner. We are willing to put in the effort for the sake of Lunarius Palace!” Several cultivators were desperately pleading with Yvonne. Some were even on the verge of kneeling down.

Yvonne gazed at these cultivators, letting out a long sigh before saying, “Lunarius Palace abides by its own rules. If we were to let you all in, wouldn’t that break the precedent? Then anyone can enter Lunarius Palace as they wish.”

Yvonne pointed toward the thick white mist that was lingering beside the grand hall and said, “If you’re truly determined to enter Lunarius Palace, then you should approach from the side of the main hall. There, you’ll find an illusion array. As long as you can navigate through it, Lunarius Palace will be within your reach.”

A few cultivators glanced at the white mist, their faces revealing a struggle. It seemed they were well aware of the potency of that illusion array. “If you lack the courage, then leave. You simply cannot enter.” With that, Yvonne turned and entered the grand hall. The remaining cultivators stared blankly at one another.

Not far off, John, hearing Yvonne’s words and seeing the mist on one side, was immediately overwhelmed with joy. He had been worried about how to get in, but he had found a way.

Without a moment’s hesitation, John made his way toward the mist. However, Alastair had unexpectedly followed him, catching hold of John, and urgently said, “Sir, you mustn’t go. This illusion array is no ordinary thing. You simply cannot enter. From what I understand, no one has ever managed to cross that illusion array to enter Lunarius Palace. Many have lost their lives within it. The illusion array is a complex combination of various arcane arrays, and some people have been trapped inside for their entire lives. I strongly advise against attempting it! I’m not trying to scare you here. If it weren’t for your generous payment, I wouldn’t have shared this with you. Don’t you see? Those cultivators are all hesitating to even give it a try.”

Alastair was persuading John, imploring him not to enter the illusion array.

John glanced at Alastair, a subtle smile playing on his lips. “I have some knowledge of array craft. Even if I can’t get through, getting out wouldn’t be an issue…”

Upon seeing John’s determination to leave, Alastair finally let him go. “Just a reminder, if you end up caught in the situation, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

John gave a nod and proceeded toward the heart of the illusion array. The cultivators at the entrance were taken aback as they saw John approaching the illusion array, their faces filled with disbelief. Even the few female cultivators from Lunarius Palace at the entrance were stunned as they looked at John.

“It seems that this guy has no idea how formidable the illusion array is, daring to give it a try.”

“It has been quite some time since anyone has attempted the illusion array. Today, there’s finally some entertainment to look forward to.”

“The illusion array is merely a pretext set up by the head of Lunarius Palace, designed to deter those who dare to trespass into Lunarius Palace.” A few female cultivators from Lunarius Palace were engaged in a discussion.

Without any hesitation, John stepped into the illusion array, and in the blink of an eye, his figure vanished.

“Well…” Upon witnessing John’s silhouette vanish into the illusion array, Alastair let out a sigh.

“Such a shame. A decent man he was, likely still had a good amount of money on him. If only he had handed over his money to me before stepping into that illusion array!” Alastair had always been fixated on the money that John possessed. If John were to die within the illusion array, the spiritual coins he carried would serve no purpose.

Alastair was about to turn around and leave, but a surge of mist from within the illusion array was astonishingly shooting straight up into the sky suddenly. Alastair was taken aback, staring blankly at the illusion array. Even the few male cultivators and female cultivators at the entrance had their mouths wide open, their faces full of astonishment.

Incredulously, Alastair exclaimed, “How could this be possible? The arcane arrays of the illusion array have been broken?”

As soon as John entered the illusion array, he broke through its outer arcane arrays, advancing directly into the core area of the illusion array. His speed was astonishing. There were indeed many who could break through the illusion array, but none were as swift as John.

“H-How is this possible? Didn’t that guy just go in?”

“This is outrageous. In just the blink of an eye, the peripheral array arrays are broken. Is this guy an array master?”

“So what if he’s an array master? He simply can’t break the core of the illusion array. He’s doomed to be trapped inside until his end.”

“If he had failed to break through the outer arçane arrays, he would still have had time to realize his mistakes and turn back from his wrong path. But now that he’s entered the heart of the illusion array, he might as well prepare to be trapped inside until his death.” Several female cultivators from Lunarius Palace were engaged in a lively discussion.

At that moment, Yvonne briskly approached, her brows slightly furrowed as she asked, “What’s going on? Did those guys really enter the illusion array?”

Yvonne had initially assumed that those raggedly dressed cultivators had been persuaded by her to enter the illusion array.

“No. Those guys are still standing outside. It was someone else who went in.”

“However, this person was rather peculiar. He had come to Lunarius Palace on his own, and his clothes were surprisingly unscathed. It was as if he hadn’t faced any difficulties at all!” a female cultivator from Lunarius Palace exclaimed.

“Another person?” Yvonne was somewhat taken aback.

Upon seeing Yvonne, Alastair quickly turned and left. He feared that if Yvonne discovered him, his path to wealth would likely be jeopardized.

At that moment, within the illusion array, John was nonchalantly strolling forward. This kind of illusion array had absolutely no effect on him.

“Sir…” Suddenly, someone called out to John. John followed the sound, only to discover a few beauties were walking toward him. As John drew closer, he was surprised to see that it was Angeline, Astrid, Elizabeth, Melanie, and Amelia.

“You guys…” John found himself at a loss for words as he looked at the women standing before him.

“Are we beautiful?” Amelia still exuded her characteristic grace and elegance. Her porcelain-like skin and breathtaking beauty were enough to make anyone fall head over heels for her. More importantly, at that moment, Amelia was wearing a translucent white dress. Her figure was subtly showing, making her incredibly enticing.

The other girls were also dressed in incredibly sexy outfits, exposing large areas of their skin. Each of them had eyes as captivating as silk, exuding an irresistible allure. As John gazed at the women before him, he surprisingly felt a twinge of heartache deep within.

“Come on, let’s have some fun together. We promise you’ll be in seventh heaven…” Amelia gently caressed John’s face as she stepped forward. It seemed as though they didn’t recognize John. After all, his appearance had changed drastically.

“Damn that holy maiden of Lunarius Palace. She’s actually using my women to lure me inside this illusion array. I’m definitely going to settle the score with her.”

Suddenly, John cursed in anger. With a swift wave of his hand, all the women before him vanished into thin air. John wasn’t fooled, and he knew those women were merely illusions created by the illusion array. However, the holy maiden of Lunarius Palace surprisingly used the appearances of John’s women as the basis of temptation. John found it a bit hard to accept.

Even though John knew it was all an illusion, all fabricated, he still felt a pang of sadness in his heart. He resolved that once he met the holy maiden of Lunarius Palace, he would definitely demand an explanation.

John dismissed this art of seduction with a wave of his hand. However, many had fallen prey to it. After all, those who went there were young cultivators, driven by the pursuit of a partner, drawn by the beauty of the female cultivators in Lunarius Palace. If one were to encounter such a multitude of alluring beauties, scantily clad within this illusion array, there would be few who could resist.

Following John’s dismissal of the illusion array’s allure, the surroundings abruptly plunged into pitch darkness. This was swiftly followed by waves of frosty energy, accompanied by the terrifying howls of malicious spirits. A smirk tugged at John’s lips as he let out a cold, mocking laugh.

“It’s quite pitiful, really. Such a low-level illusion array managed to trap so many people. It just goes to show how little the cultivators of Ethereal Realm actually know about array craft.” With a sneer, John strode forward, utterly indifferent to everything around him.

John continued to move forward, while the arcane arrays behind him spectacularly collapsed. As he journeyed on, the arcane arrays crumbled with each step he took. When John caught sight of a grand hall once more, the illusion array behind him had completely collapsed. It vanished without a trace in an instant.

“The illusion array has collapsed! It has vanished completely!”

“What’s going on here? Could it be that someone has breached the illusion array and entered the outer court of Lunarius Palace?”

“Who on earth is this person? He’s absolutely impressive!” The collapse of the illusion array instantly sparked a flurry of discussions among the numerous cultivators within the outer court. They all had been admitted through a registration process, yet they never imagined that someone could penetrate the illusion array of Lunarius Palace and forcefully barge in.

Yvonne’s brows were tightly knit, her gaze fixed intently on the illusion array on one side. The illusion array has been broken. That’s not even it! That person has completely destroyed our illusion array. It was important to note that the illusion array was personally set up by the head of Lunarius Palace. Yet, unexpectedly, someone had managed to destroy it.

“I was curious to see who it is. It’s one thing to break through the illusion array, but to actually destroy it is another matter entirely.” Yvonne gritted her teeth, her heart brimming with intense indignation.

At that moment, after dismantling the illusion array, John found himself gazing down a narrow path, leisurely making his way toward the outer court. Through the illusion array, that path could lead straight to the outer court. The narrow path was blanketed with untouched snow, clearly showing that no one had bothered to clear it. This indeed proved that this path had never been tread upon before.

“I wonder who has passed through the illusion array. If he’s handsome, I might want to take him in!”

“Anyone capable of breaking into Lunarius Palace is undoubtedly powerful. When that time comes, there’ll hardly be a chance for you.”

“I also want to make him my partner!” The female cultivators in the outer court were all wide-eyed with anticipation. As disciples of the outer circle of Lunarius Palace, they were permitted to form partnerships with male cultivators. They were aware of their mission, which was to seek out male cultivators with the potential to become their partners. This was also done to boost the strength and influence of Lunarius Palace.

When it came to finding a partner, everyone would want a handsome and capable cultivator. These female cultivators were all brimming with anticipation. Yet, Yvonne sternly glared at them, causing them all to promptly close their mouths. Regardless of who this person is or what skills he possesses, he has destroyed the illusion array of Lunarius Palace. There’s no doubt that an explanation is definitely required from this person.

Before long, a figure gradually emerged from the small path. Everyone was waiting in silence. Not a single word was spoken. It was as quiet as a deserted field. As the figure approached, Yvonne was instantly rooted to the spot, her eyes wide open in disbelief, her face a mask of incredulity. She hadn’t expected that the one who had managed to break through the illusion array was none other than John. After all, John was a Third Level Tribulator that she didn’t even bother sparing a second glance.

Yvonne still remembered the words she had once spoken, that a Third Level Tribulator wouldn’t even have the chance to register. Yet, John had actually ventured into Lunarius Palace all by himself. Yvonne looked at John, utterly surprised.

“It’s you?”

“Yes. It’s me. Since you guys didn’t want to bring me here, I thought I would just come in myself!” John gave Yvonne a casual smile. Everyone else was utterly taken aback as well when they saw John.

“How could this guy, who is merely a Third Level Tribulator, possibly pass through the illusionary realm?”

“Not only did he traverse through the illusionary realm, but he also destroyed the arcane arrays of Lunarius Palace. He’s causing serious trouble!”

“Where did this guy come from? How come I don’t recognize him?” Numerous cultivators observed John, their discussions filled the air.

Killian also found himself slightly furrowing his brows as he looked at John. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but something about John seemed familiar. However, John had altered his appearance and concealed his aura, so Killian failed to recognize him.

Upon seeing John, all the women who had just wholeheartedly wanted to become his partner felt a wave of disappointment wash over them.

“His looks won’t do! This is truly disappointing!”

“He’s only a Third Level Tribulator. I thought he would be an expert.”

“Who was it just now that said they wanted to become his partner? Go on, hurry up!” The female disciples of Lunarius Palace were quietly having a discussion. Yvonne didn’t pay attention to the other female cultivators. Instead, she glared at John with anger.

“Since you’ve made it through the illusion array, why did you have to destroy our arcane arrays? That was an illusion array personally set up by the head of Lunarius Palace, and now that you’ve destroyed it, you owe us an explanation!”

John’s face instantly turned cold when he heard that. He then retorted, “I believe it should be your leader who owes me an explanation, shouldn’t it? Call her over. I have some matters to discuss with her!”

Upon hearing John’s audacious remarks, Yvonne couldn’t help but fly into a rage
The Dragon is going to finish all the maidens. Emeka will be happy now
Guys. I will try my best to post tomorrow. My laptop is really giving me hard time. My daughter smacked it with an object, and since has been broken has been shutting up instantly.

Tomorrow will do my best to post.
Guys. I will try my best to post tomorrow. My laptop is really giving me hard time. My daughter smacked it with an object, and since has been broken has been shutting up instantly.

Tomorrow will do my best to post.
How I wish I'm close to you .... I would've repaired it for you as I'm a Computer Engineer/Technician
Chapter 3724 - 3728 Pass a Test

“Who do you think you are, demanding our leader to meet with you? If our leader were to come, you’d surely be doomed!” Yvonne was angrily reprimanding John.

“Since you won’t ask her to come here, I’ll personally go and settle the score with her…” John said, preparing to head toward the inner court. John couldn’t hold it in because the holy maiden of Lunarius Palace used his women to lure him within the illusion array. Even if it was all a sham, John felt as though he had been cuckolded.

“Halt!” Yvonne stopped John in his tracks.

John’s brows furrowed as he said, “What’s this? I walked in here myself. Are you planning to kick me out now? Doesn’t Lunarius Palace always abide by the rules?” John raised his voice on purpose, emphasizing the importance of adhering to rules. After all, Yvonne was known for her straightforwardness, especially when it came to Killian queuing up. However, things took a turn when Killian presented an elder’s token, leaving Yvonne with no choice but to comply.

“Of course, we at Lunarius Palace adhere to our rules. Since you’ve managed to penetrate the illusion array and find your way here, rest assured, we won’t cast you out. You could also choose a female cultivator you fancy here, then win her over through challenges, forming a spiritual bond! However, if you wish to enter the inner court, you must endure a test. It’s not just you, even the cultivators I brought along must go through the same trial to gain access to the inner court! Given the unique circumstances this time around, a test is indeed necessary. However, once the test is passed, a grand opportunity awaits in the future. Once the test is passed, not only could one win the heart of the beauty but also journey together to the polar region. They could explore the immortal’s tomb, and if luck is on their side, they might even find a celestial weapon,” Yvonne said to John.

Even though Yvonne was furious at John for destroying the arcane arrays of Lunarius Palace, she didn’t overly trouble John. Instead, she meticulously explained the rules of Lunarius Palace. As for the matter of the arcane arrays being destroyed, it was up to the head of Lunarius Palace to decide. It was certainly not something a minor receptionist like her could handle.

Upon hearing this, John immediately shook his head and said, “I’m not here to find a partner, nor to win the heart of a beauty, and I certainly have no interest in joining any expedition to the polar region. I simply wish to meet your leader. That’s all!” John was there to seek Demonia Stone instead of a partner.

Moreover, John was never short of women. Each one of them was as beautiful as a goddess. If he desired a woman, they would eagerly throw themselves at him. There was no need for him to endure any tests. As for that journey to the polar region to search for the immortal’s tomb and whatever celestial weapon could be obtained, John was even less interested. He had no shortage of divine weapons in his hands. He didn’t need any celestial weapons.

Yvonne stared blankly at John, utterly puzzled. She couldn’t comprehend why John had gone through the trouble of breaking through the illusion array, and he didn’t do it to seek a partner or for a journey to the polar region. It was simply to meet the head of Lunarius Palace. It was important to note that those young cultivators who visited Lunarius Palace over the years were primarily in search of a partner. Of course, a portion of them had also heard about Lunarius Palace’s expedition to the polar region and had specifically gone for that. Yet, John was neither of these. He had simply wanted to catch a glimpse of the head of Lunarius Palace, so he ventured into the palace. That was quite unconventional.

“You have to pass a test if you want to meet the head of Lunarius Palace. Otherwise, it’s simply impossible to reach the inner court!” Yvonne said to John.

Seeing the situation, John could only respond helplessly, “Fine. How do you plan to test me? Please hurry. My time is very precious…”

Upon seeing that John didn’t take the test of Lunarius Palace seriously, Yvonne said in an icy tone, “Don’t get ahead of yourself just because you’ve managed to pass through Lunarius Palace’s illusion array. I’m telling you that your success might just be down to good luck. After all, the illusion array is designed to bewilder the mind. If you have a strong mind, it’s easier to get through. But this time, the test is a true measure of strength. To think you can pass this test as a Third Level Tribulator is simply a pipe dream.”

“Is it impossible? We’ll only know once we give it a go. Let’s get started right away!” John was growing somewhat impatient.

Yvonne shot John a sharp look, but she chose not to continue speaking. Instead, she walked up to the crowd of cultivators and announced, “Everyone, you’ve all been selected after signing up. Now that you’re here, you can choose a female cultivator that you fancy. If you manage to win a challenge against her, you may become partners. However, if you wish to advance to the inner court and embark on the journey to the polar region, you must undergo another test. But rest assured, our leader has already set up this trial tower. So even if someone can’t pass the trial tower, there won’t be any danger to their life. We are simply trying to choose the most suitable candidate. After all, this expedition to the polar region is extremely dangerous. Our leader doesn’t want any casualties, which is why we set up this test!” Everyone grew excited when they heard Yvonne’s words.

“Let’s get started already. We can hardly contain ourselves!” After all, there was no risk to life, so there was no reason to back out.

Taking a step forward, Killian asked Yvonne, “Do I still need to be tested?”

“Mr. Miller, even though you possess an elder’s token, this test is still mandatory. It’s a rule personally set by our leader. But, rest assured, this trial tower poses no danger. Given your abilities, passing through this trial tower will be a breeze,” Yvonne said to Killian.

“All right. I’m ready to face the challenge!” Killian greatly appreciated Yvonne’s words. After all, everyone liked a bit of flattery. However, when Yvonne saw Killian agree, she couldn’t help but let out a quiet, sarcastic chuckle! Clearly, Yvonne was deliberately setting Killian up for failure by giving him excessive praise.

John’s brows immediately furrowed when he saw that Killian was also about to face a trial. After all, this guy had sparred with John and was very familiar with his aura. If they were to enter the trial tower, John would inevitably have to release his aura. If that were the case, he would undoubtedly be identified by Killian.

However, given the circumstances, John could not back down. All he could do was wait. If Killian passed the test, then John would be able to take the test without revealing his identity. Yvonne led the group through the outer court, eventually arriving in front of a tower.

The area surrounding the tower was shrouded in a thin, white mist, giving it a surreal aura. The entire structure seemed as if it was cast from gold, gleaming with a radiant golden light. At the very top of the tower, a dash of green light kept flickering, adding to its enchanting appeal.

“Everyone, what you see here is our very own trial tower of Lunarius Palace. Don’t be fooled by its small exterior appearance. The interior houses an expansive space. Rest assured, there’s ample room for you all to demonstrate your abilities to the fullest. Of course, to pass the test, one has to journey from the base of the tower to its peak. The gemstone, shimmering with a green glow, merely requires a touch. With that simple contact, one will be transported outside of the tower, signifying the successful completion of the test. Inside, it’s a maze of intricate mechanisms. Perhaps each person’s trial might be unique, so relying on others for their experiences is absolutely out of the question,” Yvonne said to the cultivators.

No sooner had Yvonne finished speaking than someone impatiently said, “Enough already. Hurry up and start the trial tower. We can’t wait any longer!” With a casual wave of her hand, Yvonne set the doors of the trial tower slowly swinging open

As soon as the grand gates were flung open, a handful of eager cultivators couldn’t help but rush inside. These individuals probably thought that by passing the test first, they would gain significant prestige. This, in turn, would attract the attention of numerous female cultivators. Watching those cultivators rushing in, John could only scoff in disdain. These guys are so hasty. Although the trial tower isn’t life- threatening, they might still get hurt! If one were to be seriously injured and unable to continue cultivating, that would be a fate worse than death.

John then glanced at Killian, hoping the latter would pass the test first. That way, John’s identity could remain concealed.

Suddenly, the few cultivators who had just rushed in were all shockingly hurled out. One by one, these individuals collapsed onto the ground, wailing in agony.

“Damn! What kind of test is this? It’s utterly insane

“Didn’t they say my life wouldn’t be in danger? I nearly died in there!”

“My leg is broken. How was I supposed to continue cultivating?”

“A bunch of liars! Lunarius Palace is filled with a bunch of liars!” The cultivators who were flung out were all screaming in pain and cursing at Lunarius Palace.

At that moment, the numerous cultivators who were eager to get into action were all left dumbfounded. Many people began to feel nervous. They had only mustered the courage to participate after hearing Yvonne’s assurance that there was no threat to their lives. If they were to escape death only to be gravely injured, unable to continue their cultivation, it would be a fate worse than death itself.

“Hmph! What a bunch of cowards!” Upon realizing that no one dared to step forward, Killian let out a cold huff. With an air of confidence and nonchalance, he strode into the trial tower.

Seeing that, some of the other cultivators gritted their teeth and followed suit, while others decided to bow out.

John was meticulously calculating the time, anticipating the moment when Killian was about to pass the test. That was when he would make his move. Yvonne saw that John was hesitant to proceed, and immediately, her face twisted into a smirk.

“If you’re too scared to go in, just turn back. I’ve told you before that even though you luckily made it through the illusion array, you won’t be able to pass this trial tower!”

John gazed at Yvonne, yet he remained silent. After a brief pause, he stepped into the trial tower. As soon as he stepped into the trial tower, John discovered a drastic shift in his surroundings. Astonishingly, he found himself in the midst of a boundless forest. The air was filled with the roars of various wild beasts all around.

“Is this even a test?” A smirk played at the corner of John’s mouth. He hadn’t expected the test at Lunarius Palace to be so easy. It was possible that every person who entered the trial tower experienced a different setting, and each of these settings held its own unique dangers.

John ventured forth into the seemingly endless forest. Occasionally, savage beasts would charge out, only to be effortlessly slain by John, wielding his Dragonslayer Sword. Although John was only a Third Level Tribulator, he was fearless, even when faced with a Seventh Level Tribulator. John effortlessly made his way, slaying fierce beasts along his journey, until he finally arrived before the gemstone that radiated a green glow.

At that moment, all John had to do was touch the gemstone, infusing it with his own aura, and he would be transported out of the trial tower, thereby successfully passing the test. Just as John was preparing to approach the gem by emanating his aura from his body, his expression suddenly tightened.

“Who’s there? Come out now…” John made a surprising discovery. Someone was actually hiding not too far away.

John was somewhat taken aback. He couldn’t comprehend why the other party chose to hide, let alone spy on him surreptitiously. “I didn’t expect it to be you. Even though you’ve changed your appearance, your aura remains unaltered.”

Killian emerged from his hiding spot, and a few individuals trailed behind him. It was clear that these individuals had also entered this scene from the trial tower and were walking alongside Killian. After all, it was only Killian who had the strongest capability there.

Upon seeing Killian appear, John immediately furrowed his brows. “Were you waiting for me all this time?” He hadn’t expected that Killian, surprisingly, hadn’t left the trial tower. Instead, he was waiting for John.

With a cold laugh, Killian said, “I felt a sense of familiarity when I saw you, but I couldn’t quite place it. Now, recognizing your distinctive aura, I finally know who you are. Surprisingly, you have the audacity to come to Lunarius Palace!”

“Why wouldn’t I dare? You revealed my whereabouts to others, intending to use them to get rid of me. Unfortunately for you, the people you found were too lousy. They couldn’t possibly harm me! Since you’ve already discovered my true identity, I can’t let you off the hook!” A murderous intent was surging in John’s eyes.

Surprisingly, Killian wasn’t the least bit intimidated by John. “John, don’t forget that this is Lunarius Palace. Do you dare to make a move here? Aren’t you afraid of Lunarius Palace?” That place was Lunarius Palace, where his aunt stood as an elder. Killian held considerable influence within Lunarius Palace, so naturally, he had no reason to fear John.

As long as John dared to make a move, he would immediately leave the trial tower. By then, he could have the people of Lunarius Palace surround John. At that moment, a cultivator was standing behind Killian. His eyes lit up with excitement when he heard John’s name.

Eagerly, he asked, “John? Could this be the very person whom Demon Seal Alliance has offered rewards to eradicate?”

Pointing at John, Killian said, “Yes. It’s him. Whoever among you can kill him will receive a century’s worth of tribute from Demon Seal Alliance.” The eyes of those cultivators lit up instantly when they heard that. It was as if they had just seen a beautiful woman.

“Haha! I’ve struck gold. With a century’s worth of offerings from Demon Seal Alliance, who needs a damn trip to the polar region?”

“Wow! What a stroke of luck!”

“Don’t any of you snatch to kill him!” Those few cultivators thought they had struck gold and eagerly rushed toward John. Gazing at the approaching cultivators, John maintained a serene expression. In his eyes, those fellows were already as good as dead! The moment they harbored intentions to kill him, they were already dead.

Killian simply watched everything unfold with a cold, scornful laugh, gradually moving closer to the gemstone. He knew those people stood no chance against John. He did that on purpose, with the sole intention of provoking John into killing those people. When the time came for him to emerge from the trial tower, he would be able to pin the blame on John. Lunarius Palace wouldn’t just stand by and do nothing.

John had long since discerned Killian’s intentions. However, he couldn’t possibly let Killian leave alive. If his identity were to be exposed, it would spell trouble. With a flick of his wrist, John suddenly held a bow and arrow in his hand. Needless to say, he was holding Divine Bow. Incredibly, John had actually taken out Divine Bow. The aim was to kill everyone there. Once those people died, no one would be aware of his identity, let alone the fact that he possessed Divine Bow.

Several cultivators were taken aback when they suddenly saw John suddenly whip out Divine Bow. But while they were caught off guard, John had already seized the bowstring, gradually pulling it to its full extent. The marked aura continuously consolidated, eventually forming several arrows.

Whoosh! The moment John let go, the arrows instantly flew toward those cultivators. Before the cultivators had any chance to react, their bodies were pierced by arrows. The moment the arrows pierced through, several cultivators astonishingly began to fade. Eventually, they vanished into thin air, leaving not even a trace of their bodies behind

Watching the horrifying scene unfold, Killian, who had just been scoffing moments ago, was completely dumbfounded. He had no idea that John had such a formidable weapon. Surprisingly, Killian didn’t recognize Divine Bow. Killian swiftly turned around, heading straight for the gemstone. He was determined to leave that trial tower as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, John drew his bow once again, as an arrow radiating a chilling aura materialized. John gently released his grip, and the arrow flew toward Killian like a shooting star. In the blink of an eye, the arrow had pierced through the void, arriving in front of Killian.

J-Just who on earth is this guy? Killian was taken aback, utterly bewildered. He couldn’t comprehend what kind of aristocrat John was, and how he could possess such a formidable weapon. Feeling the relentless approach of death, Killian was filled with regret. He regretted provoking John. I should have just left the trial tower! However, it was too late for regrets. All Killian could do was continuously unleash waves of spiritual energy, subsequently creating various barriers in front of him. In the end, it was a wall of fire, and shields appeared before Killian. Regrettably, the weapon in John’s hand was not ordinary. It was Divine Bow. The shields, in the face of Divine Bow, were as fragile as discarded paper.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Truth Will The arrow whizzed through several shields in a row, finally shattering the firewall in an instant. Killian’s heart pounded with terror. Left with no choice, he bit down hard on his tongue, spitting out a mouthful of blood essence.

In an instant, his blood essence froze, and then, just as the arrow was about to strike, a violent explosion occurred. The aura of terror surged like a flood, wildly spreading in all directions. Indeed, it was this aura that brought the arrow’s flight to a halt. However, the aura emanating from Killian was visibly diminishing at a rapid pace.

In a desperate bid to survive, Killian utilized all his blood essence within himself. Although he managed to stay alive, he had no chance of advancing further. His strength was likely to decline. With a menacing glare, Killian shot John a look, then swiftly moved forward to seize the gemstone that shimmered with a green glow.

As a surge of aura flowed into the gemstone, Killian’s form started to fade. Ultimately, he was transported away. Seeing that, John quickly stowed away his Divine Bow and hurriedly pursued. He didn’t anticipate that even with Divine Bow in his hands, Killian managed to escape. He was determined to kill Killian. The moment John touched the gemstone, his body was instantly transported away.

Yvonne, accompanied by numerous female cultivators from Lunarius Palace, was waiting for those who would pass the test. People were occasionally teleported out of the trial tower, but to Yvonne’s surprise, Killian never appeared. After all, that guy was the most capable.

Logically speaking, passing the test was supposed to be a breeze for him. However, quite a few people had already passed the test, but there was still no sign of Killian.

Yvonne couldn’t help but feel a bit anxious. After all, Killian was Selma Miller’s nephew, and Selma was an elder. If anything were to go wrong in the trial tower, Yvonne knew she would suffer the consequences.

At the same time, Yvonne was observing John’s silhouette. He’s only a Third Level Tribulator. Passing the test is supposed to be quite challenging for him! However, John was neither eliminated nor did he pass, which left Yvonne utterly baffled. At that very moment, a shadow abruptly surged from the top of the trial tower before swiftly plummeting toward the ground. “Help! Save me!” Killian roared and charged straight toward Yvonne.

At the same time, John was right on his tail, relentlessly pursuing him with Dragonslayer Sword in his hand.

Yvonne was taken aback. When she gazed at the fallen Killian, her face was filled with bewilderment.

Upon seeing Killian, it was clear that he looked terribly ill, his energy seemingly depleted, as if he had suffered a severe injury.

Meanwhile, John was gripping Dragonslayer Sword, his gaze fixed harshly on Killian. Yvonne, along with the other cultivators, were taken aback. How could it be that a Seventh- Level Tribulator is left in such a sorry state, pursued relentlessly by a mere ThirdLevel Tribulator?

“Ms. Baron, this guy killed people inside the trial tower, and he’s after me next. You need to stop him quickly…” Killian asked Yvonne to stop John. However, Killian did not reveal John’s true identity to Yvonne because he had his own plans. He planned to reveal John’s identity to his aunt, Selma.

Once John was killed, the hundred- year-old offerings of Demon Seal Alliance could be completely taken over by the Miller family. At this moment, Yvonne wore a bewildered expression as she questioned John, “W-What’s going on here? Why did you have to kill people?”

John pointed at Yvonne, saying assertively, “I don’t want to hurt any of you, so please step aside. He must meet his end today!” John would never let Killian get away with revealing his whereabouts and attempting to have him killed. To make matters worse, Killian had discovered his true identity.

“How audacious! This is Lunarius Palace. How dare you…” Before Yvonne could even finish her sentence, an intimidating aura unexpectedly erupted from John. Yvonne paused, staring at John in disbelief.

“Is this an aura that a Third Level Tribulator can emit?” Yvonne was utterly bewildered. Upon seeing the situation, Killian realized that Yvonne couldn’t save him. So, he took a leap of faith, heading toward the inner court of Lunarius Palace. All he needed was to find his aunt.
Chapter 3724 - 3728 Pass a Test

“Who do you think you are, demanding our leader to meet with you? If our leader were to come, you’d surely be doomed!” Yvonne was angrily reprimanding John.

“Since you won’t ask her to come here, I’ll personally go and settle the score with her…” John said, preparing to head toward the inner court. John couldn’t hold it in because the holy maiden of Lunarius Palace used his women to lure him within the illusion array. Even if it was all a sham, John felt as though he had been cuckolded.

“Halt!” Yvonne stopped John in his tracks.

John’s brows furrowed as he said, “What’s this? I walked in here myself. Are you planning to kick me out now? Doesn’t Lunarius Palace always abide by the rules?” John raised his voice on purpose, emphasizing the importance of adhering to rules. After all, Yvonne was known for her straightforwardness, especially when it came to Killian queuing up. However, things took a turn when Killian presented an elder’s token, leaving Yvonne with no choice but to comply.

“Of course, we at Lunarius Palace adhere to our rules. Since you’ve managed to penetrate the illusion array and find your way here, rest assured, we won’t cast you out. You could also choose a female cultivator you fancy here, then win her over through challenges, forming a spiritual bond! However, if you wish to enter the inner court, you must endure a test. It’s not just you, even the cultivators I brought along must go through the same trial to gain access to the inner court! Given the unique circumstances this time around, a test is indeed necessary. However, once the test is passed, a grand opportunity awaits in the future. Once the test is passed, not only could one win the heart of the beauty but also journey together to the polar region. They could explore the immortal’s tomb, and if luck is on their side, they might even find a celestial weapon,” Yvonne said to John.

Even though Yvonne was furious at John for destroying the arcane arrays of Lunarius Palace, she didn’t overly trouble John. Instead, she meticulously explained the rules of Lunarius Palace. As for the matter of the arcane arrays being destroyed, it was up to the head of Lunarius Palace to decide. It was certainly not something a minor receptionist like her could handle.

Upon hearing this, John immediately shook his head and said, “I’m not here to find a partner, nor to win the heart of a beauty, and I certainly have no interest in joining any expedition to the polar region. I simply wish to meet your leader. That’s all!” John was there to seek Demonia Stone instead of a partner.

Moreover, John was never short of women. Each one of them was as beautiful as a goddess. If he desired a woman, they would eagerly throw themselves at him. There was no need for him to endure any tests. As for that journey to the polar region to search for the immortal’s tomb and whatever celestial weapon could be obtained, John was even less interested. He had no shortage of divine weapons in his hands. He didn’t need any celestial weapons.

Yvonne stared blankly at John, utterly puzzled. She couldn’t comprehend why John had gone through the trouble of breaking through the illusion array, and he didn’t do it to seek a partner or for a journey to the polar region. It was simply to meet the head of Lunarius Palace. It was important to note that those young cultivators who visited Lunarius Palace over the years were primarily in search of a partner. Of course, a portion of them had also heard about Lunarius Palace’s expedition to the polar region and had specifically gone for that. Yet, John was neither of these. He had simply wanted to catch a glimpse of the head of Lunarius Palace, so he ventured into the palace. That was quite unconventional.

“You have to pass a test if you want to meet the head of Lunarius Palace. Otherwise, it’s simply impossible to reach the inner court!” Yvonne said to John.

Seeing the situation, John could only respond helplessly, “Fine. How do you plan to test me? Please hurry. My time is very precious…”

Upon seeing that John didn’t take the test of Lunarius Palace seriously, Yvonne said in an icy tone, “Don’t get ahead of yourself just because you’ve managed to pass through Lunarius Palace’s illusion array. I’m telling you that your success might just be down to good luck. After all, the illusion array is designed to bewilder the mind. If you have a strong mind, it’s easier to get through. But this time, the test is a true measure of strength. To think you can pass this test as a Third Level Tribulator is simply a pipe dream.”

“Is it impossible? We’ll only know once we give it a go. Let’s get started right away!” John was growing somewhat impatient.

Yvonne shot John a sharp look, but she chose not to continue speaking. Instead, she walked up to the crowd of cultivators and announced, “Everyone, you’ve all been selected after signing up. Now that you’re here, you can choose a female cultivator that you fancy. If you manage to win a challenge against her, you may become partners. However, if you wish to advance to the inner court and embark on the journey to the polar region, you must undergo another test. But rest assured, our leader has already set up this trial tower. So even if someone can’t pass the trial tower, there won’t be any danger to their life. We are simply trying to choose the most suitable candidate. After all, this expedition to the polar region is extremely dangerous. Our leader doesn’t want any casualties, which is why we set up this test!” Everyone grew excited when they heard Yvonne’s words.

“Let’s get started already. We can hardly contain ourselves!” After all, there was no risk to life, so there was no reason to back out.

Taking a step forward, Killian asked Yvonne, “Do I still need to be tested?”

“Mr. Miller, even though you possess an elder’s token, this test is still mandatory. It’s a rule personally set by our leader. But, rest assured, this trial tower poses no danger. Given your abilities, passing through this trial tower will be a breeze,” Yvonne said to Killian.

“All right. I’m ready to face the challenge!” Killian greatly appreciated Yvonne’s words. After all, everyone liked a bit of flattery. However, when Yvonne saw Killian agree, she couldn’t help but let out a quiet, sarcastic chuckle! Clearly, Yvonne was deliberately setting Killian up for failure by giving him excessive praise.

John’s brows immediately furrowed when he saw that Killian was also about to face a trial. After all, this guy had sparred with John and was very familiar with his aura. If they were to enter the trial tower, John would inevitably have to release his aura. If that were the case, he would undoubtedly be identified by Killian.

However, given the circumstances, John could not back down. All he could do was wait. If Killian passed the test, then John would be able to take the test without revealing his identity. Yvonne led the group through the outer court, eventually arriving in front of a tower.

The area surrounding the tower was shrouded in a thin, white mist, giving it a surreal aura. The entire structure seemed as if it was cast from gold, gleaming with a radiant golden light. At the very top of the tower, a dash of green light kept flickering, adding to its enchanting appeal.

“Everyone, what you see here is our very own trial tower of Lunarius Palace. Don’t be fooled by its small exterior appearance. The interior houses an expansive space. Rest assured, there’s ample room for you all to demonstrate your abilities to the fullest. Of course, to pass the test, one has to journey from the base of the tower to its peak. The gemstone, shimmering with a green glow, merely requires a touch. With that simple contact, one will be transported outside of the tower, signifying the successful completion of the test. Inside, it’s a maze of intricate mechanisms. Perhaps each person’s trial might be unique, so relying on others for their experiences is absolutely out of the question,” Yvonne said to the cultivators.

No sooner had Yvonne finished speaking than someone impatiently said, “Enough already. Hurry up and start the trial tower. We can’t wait any longer!” With a casual wave of her hand, Yvonne set the doors of the trial tower slowly swinging open

As soon as the grand gates were flung open, a handful of eager cultivators couldn’t help but rush inside. These individuals probably thought that by passing the test first, they would gain significant prestige. This, in turn, would attract the attention of numerous female cultivators. Watching those cultivators rushing in, John could only scoff in disdain. These guys are so hasty. Although the trial tower isn’t life- threatening, they might still get hurt! If one were to be seriously injured and unable to continue cultivating, that would be a fate worse than death.

John then glanced at Killian, hoping the latter would pass the test first. That way, John’s identity could remain concealed.

Suddenly, the few cultivators who had just rushed in were all shockingly hurled out. One by one, these individuals collapsed onto the ground, wailing in agony.

“Damn! What kind of test is this? It’s utterly insane

“Didn’t they say my life wouldn’t be in danger? I nearly died in there!”

“My leg is broken. How was I supposed to continue cultivating?”

“A bunch of liars! Lunarius Palace is filled with a bunch of liars!” The cultivators who were flung out were all screaming in pain and cursing at Lunarius Palace.

At that moment, the numerous cultivators who were eager to get into action were all left dumbfounded. Many people began to feel nervous. They had only mustered the courage to participate after hearing Yvonne’s assurance that there was no threat to their lives. If they were to escape death only to be gravely injured, unable to continue their cultivation, it would be a fate worse than death itself.

“Hmph! What a bunch of cowards!” Upon realizing that no one dared to step forward, Killian let out a cold huff. With an air of confidence and nonchalance, he strode into the trial tower.

Seeing that, some of the other cultivators gritted their teeth and followed suit, while others decided to bow out.

John was meticulously calculating the time, anticipating the moment when Killian was about to pass the test. That was when he would make his move. Yvonne saw that John was hesitant to proceed, and immediately, her face twisted into a smirk.

“If you’re too scared to go in, just turn back. I’ve told you before that even though you luckily made it through the illusion array, you won’t be able to pass this trial tower!”

John gazed at Yvonne, yet he remained silent. After a brief pause, he stepped into the trial tower. As soon as he stepped into the trial tower, John discovered a drastic shift in his surroundings. Astonishingly, he found himself in the midst of a boundless forest. The air was filled with the roars of various wild beasts all around.

“Is this even a test?” A smirk played at the corner of John’s mouth. He hadn’t expected the test at Lunarius Palace to be so easy. It was possible that every person who entered the trial tower experienced a different setting, and each of these settings held its own unique dangers.

John ventured forth into the seemingly endless forest. Occasionally, savage beasts would charge out, only to be effortlessly slain by John, wielding his Dragonslayer Sword. Although John was only a Third Level Tribulator, he was fearless, even when faced with a Seventh Level Tribulator. John effortlessly made his way, slaying fierce beasts along his journey, until he finally arrived before the gemstone that radiated a green glow.

At that moment, all John had to do was touch the gemstone, infusing it with his own aura, and he would be transported out of the trial tower, thereby successfully passing the test. Just as John was preparing to approach the gem by emanating his aura from his body, his expression suddenly tightened.

“Who’s there? Come out now…” John made a surprising discovery. Someone was actually hiding not too far away.

John was somewhat taken aback. He couldn’t comprehend why the other party chose to hide, let alone spy on him surreptitiously. “I didn’t expect it to be you. Even though you’ve changed your appearance, your aura remains unaltered.”

Killian emerged from his hiding spot, and a few individuals trailed behind him. It was clear that these individuals had also entered this scene from the trial tower and were walking alongside Killian. After all, it was only Killian who had the strongest capability there.

Upon seeing Killian appear, John immediately furrowed his brows. “Were you waiting for me all this time?” He hadn’t expected that Killian, surprisingly, hadn’t left the trial tower. Instead, he was waiting for John.

With a cold laugh, Killian said, “I felt a sense of familiarity when I saw you, but I couldn’t quite place it. Now, recognizing your distinctive aura, I finally know who you are. Surprisingly, you have the audacity to come to Lunarius Palace!”

“Why wouldn’t I dare? You revealed my whereabouts to others, intending to use them to get rid of me. Unfortunately for you, the people you found were too lousy. They couldn’t possibly harm me! Since you’ve already discovered my true identity, I can’t let you off the hook!” A murderous intent was surging in John’s eyes.

Surprisingly, Killian wasn’t the least bit intimidated by John. “John, don’t forget that this is Lunarius Palace. Do you dare to make a move here? Aren’t you afraid of Lunarius Palace?” That place was Lunarius Palace, where his aunt stood as an elder. Killian held considerable influence within Lunarius Palace, so naturally, he had no reason to fear John.

As long as John dared to make a move, he would immediately leave the trial tower. By then, he could have the people of Lunarius Palace surround John. At that moment, a cultivator was standing behind Killian. His eyes lit up with excitement when he heard John’s name.

Eagerly, he asked, “John? Could this be the very person whom Demon Seal Alliance has offered rewards to eradicate?”

Pointing at John, Killian said, “Yes. It’s him. Whoever among you can kill him will receive a century’s worth of tribute from Demon Seal Alliance.” The eyes of those cultivators lit up instantly when they heard that. It was as if they had just seen a beautiful woman.

“Haha! I’ve struck gold. With a century’s worth of offerings from Demon Seal Alliance, who needs a damn trip to the polar region?”

“Wow! What a stroke of luck!”

“Don’t any of you snatch to kill him!” Those few cultivators thought they had struck gold and eagerly rushed toward John. Gazing at the approaching cultivators, John maintained a serene expression. In his eyes, those fellows were already as good as dead! The moment they harbored intentions to kill him, they were already dead.

Killian simply watched everything unfold with a cold, scornful laugh, gradually moving closer to the gemstone. He knew those people stood no chance against John. He did that on purpose, with the sole intention of provoking John into killing those people. When the time came for him to emerge from the trial tower, he would be able to pin the blame on John. Lunarius Palace wouldn’t just stand by and do nothing.

John had long since discerned Killian’s intentions. However, he couldn’t possibly let Killian leave alive. If his identity were to be exposed, it would spell trouble. With a flick of his wrist, John suddenly held a bow and arrow in his hand. Needless to say, he was holding Divine Bow. Incredibly, John had actually taken out Divine Bow. The aim was to kill everyone there. Once those people died, no one would be aware of his identity, let alone the fact that he possessed Divine Bow.

Several cultivators were taken aback when they suddenly saw John suddenly whip out Divine Bow. But while they were caught off guard, John had already seized the bowstring, gradually pulling it to its full extent. The marked aura continuously consolidated, eventually forming several arrows.

Whoosh! The moment John let go, the arrows instantly flew toward those cultivators. Before the cultivators had any chance to react, their bodies were pierced by arrows. The moment the arrows pierced through, several cultivators astonishingly began to fade. Eventually, they vanished into thin air, leaving not even a trace of their bodies behind

Watching the horrifying scene unfold, Killian, who had just been scoffing moments ago, was completely dumbfounded. He had no idea that John had such a formidable weapon. Surprisingly, Killian didn’t recognize Divine Bow. Killian swiftly turned around, heading straight for the gemstone. He was determined to leave that trial tower as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, John drew his bow once again, as an arrow radiating a chilling aura materialized. John gently released his grip, and the arrow flew toward Killian like a shooting star. In the blink of an eye, the arrow had pierced through the void, arriving in front of Killian.

J-Just who on earth is this guy? Killian was taken aback, utterly bewildered. He couldn’t comprehend what kind of aristocrat John was, and how he could possess such a formidable weapon. Feeling the relentless approach of death, Killian was filled with regret. He regretted provoking John. I should have just left the trial tower! However, it was too late for regrets. All Killian could do was continuously unleash waves of spiritual energy, subsequently creating various barriers in front of him. In the end, it was a wall of fire, and shields appeared before Killian. Regrettably, the weapon in John’s hand was not ordinary. It was Divine Bow. The shields, in the face of Divine Bow, were as fragile as discarded paper.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Truth Will The arrow whizzed through several shields in a row, finally shattering the firewall in an instant. Killian’s heart pounded with terror. Left with no choice, he bit down hard on his tongue, spitting out a mouthful of blood essence.

In an instant, his blood essence froze, and then, just as the arrow was about to strike, a violent explosion occurred. The aura of terror surged like a flood, wildly spreading in all directions. Indeed, it was this aura that brought the arrow’s flight to a halt. However, the aura emanating from Killian was visibly diminishing at a rapid pace.

In a desperate bid to survive, Killian utilized all his blood essence within himself. Although he managed to stay alive, he had no chance of advancing further. His strength was likely to decline. With a menacing glare, Killian shot John a look, then swiftly moved forward to seize the gemstone that shimmered with a green glow.

As a surge of aura flowed into the gemstone, Killian’s form started to fade. Ultimately, he was transported away. Seeing that, John quickly stowed away his Divine Bow and hurriedly pursued. He didn’t anticipate that even with Divine Bow in his hands, Killian managed to escape. He was determined to kill Killian. The moment John touched the gemstone, his body was instantly transported away.

Yvonne, accompanied by numerous female cultivators from Lunarius Palace, was waiting for those who would pass the test. People were occasionally teleported out of the trial tower, but to Yvonne’s surprise, Killian never appeared. After all, that guy was the most capable.

Logically speaking, passing the test was supposed to be a breeze for him. However, quite a few people had already passed the test, but there was still no sign of Killian.

Yvonne couldn’t help but feel a bit anxious. After all, Killian was Selma Miller’s nephew, and Selma was an elder. If anything were to go wrong in the trial tower, Yvonne knew she would suffer the consequences.

At the same time, Yvonne was observing John’s silhouette. He’s only a Third Level Tribulator. Passing the test is supposed to be quite challenging for him! However, John was neither eliminated nor did he pass, which left Yvonne utterly baffled. At that very moment, a shadow abruptly surged from the top of the trial tower before swiftly plummeting toward the ground. “Help! Save me!” Killian roared and charged straight toward Yvonne.

At the same time, John was right on his tail, relentlessly pursuing him with Dragonslayer Sword in his hand.

Yvonne was taken aback. When she gazed at the fallen Killian, her face was filled with bewilderment.

Upon seeing Killian, it was clear that he looked terribly ill, his energy seemingly depleted, as if he had suffered a severe injury.

Meanwhile, John was gripping Dragonslayer Sword, his gaze fixed harshly on Killian. Yvonne, along with the other cultivators, were taken aback. How could it be that a Seventh- Level Tribulator is left in such a sorry state, pursued relentlessly by a mere ThirdLevel Tribulator?

“Ms. Baron, this guy killed people inside the trial tower, and he’s after me next. You need to stop him quickly…” Killian asked Yvonne to stop John. However, Killian did not reveal John’s true identity to Yvonne because he had his own plans. He planned to reveal John’s identity to his aunt, Selma.

Once John was killed, the hundred- year-old offerings of Demon Seal Alliance could be completely taken over by the Miller family. At this moment, Yvonne wore a bewildered expression as she questioned John, “W-What’s going on here? Why did you have to kill people?”

John pointed at Yvonne, saying assertively, “I don’t want to hurt any of you, so please step aside. He must meet his end today!” John would never let Killian get away with revealing his whereabouts and attempting to have him killed. To make matters worse, Killian had discovered his true identity.

“How audacious! This is Lunarius Palace. How dare you…” Before Yvonne could even finish her sentence, an intimidating aura unexpectedly erupted from John. Yvonne paused, staring at John in disbelief.

“Is this an aura that a Third Level Tribulator can emit?” Yvonne was utterly bewildered. Upon seeing the situation, Killian realized that Yvonne couldn’t save him. So, he took a leap of faith, heading toward the inner court of Lunarius Palace. All he needed was to find his aunt.
Another troublesome guy has emerge. John, don't spare him.
Anyone wanna cover our 18$ payment for the site? I could send them payment information

King of Dragonmarsh up for it?
Yeah, send it over. I'll transfer on Monday.

Now i'm too busy with work, I was just at the edge of losing a big tender that we have been working for months.. too tiring and frustrating. Now re-working on it trying hard 24/7 day & night. Hopefully something will come out well 🙏
Yeah, send it over. I'll transfer on Monday.

Now i'm too busy with work, I was just at the edge of losing a big tender that we have been working for months.. too tiring and frustrating. Now re-working on it trying hard 24/7 day & night. Hopefully something will come out well 🙏
Alll the best King of Dragonmarsh
I couldn't post today. My laptop has been doing this all day 😔 Screenshot_20240512_002904_Gallery.jpg
Yeah, send it over. I'll transfer on Monday.

Now i'm too busy with work, I was just at the edge of losing a big tender that we have been working for months.. too tiring and frustrating. Now re-working on it trying hard 24/7 day & night. Hopefully something will come out well 🙏
Hakimu Do send the payment form to King of Dragonmarsh.

After you make payment you will be platinum member. In our site platinum members are highly respected member even if you insult me no punishment at all.

Even if you insult Hakim. He will have to suck it😀 We actually cant do anything. Plus you can insult other member to test. Start with xavier. Here everyone wishes to insult him, he is quite annoying.

Thanks buddy.

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