The Lawyer’s Romance in Law

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The Lawyer’s Romance in Law

Novel The Lawyer’s Romance in Law is an amazing story about a young woman Elias Winters and rich people Amanda Bailey. After being secretly married for a year, Elias Winters brought his mistress home but was confronted by his wife, Amanda Bailey, who presented him with a positive pregnancy test. Falsely accusing her of infidelity, he vowed never to see her again. Four years later, Amanda returned to the country as a successful barrister, causing Elias to cling to her and beg for reconciliation. He even went as far as kneeling in the rain, seeking her forgiveness. However, Amanda remained unmoved. It was then that their child rushed out and asked about Elias. He was shocked because he had always believed that she had aborted the child. To his surprise, the little one standing before him was a spitting image of himself!
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Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 85 He Needs Your

Amanda hurried over and asked with an anxious expression, “Doctor, how is he? Is he okay?

“He’s out of critical condition now. We’ve finished stitching him up and he’ll be transferred to the ward for 24-hour observation. Remember that he shouldn’t eat anything during these 24 hours. The only thing he can have is water. The doctor gave her some postoperative instructions.

“Alright, doctor. I will keep that in mind.”

As the doctor was about to leave, he remembered something and added, “By the way, if the patient regains. consciousness after the surgery, don’t say anything that might upset him to avoid reopening the wound.”

Amanda nodded and at that moment, the door to the operating room opened and Elias was pushed out in a wheelchair.

He was still under anesthesia and he looked weak wearing an oxygen mask.

However, she was relieved that he was out of danger.

An hour later, Amanda sat by the bedside in the ward and gazed at the man as he slept. She couldn’t help. recalling the words Elias had said in the woods.

It was something about karma.

So, the people from the Winters Family believe that my enigma of a father-in-law’s fatal accident is due to karma? Is this related to Elias indulging Grace? I have never thought that Elias is a superstitious person… But it is a bit creepy that he got into a car accident on his birthday. Then again, I finally understand why he got so angry at me on his birthday four years ago. It turns out that there is such a tragic story behind everything…

All of a sudden, someone pushed the door to the ward open. Amanda turned around, only to see Elias” grandfather hobbling in with a cane, his expression as dark as could be.

“Elias, Elias…”

Howard, who had always been hostile toward his grandson, was now shedding tears as he shakily approached the bedside while his bodyguard helped him up.

“Grandpa, the doctor said Elias is no longer in critical condition. He’ll wake up once the anesthesia wears off. Please don’t worry Amanda also stepped forward to help Howard steady his feet.

Hearing that, Howard looked at Amanda and suddenly asked, “Were you the one who found Elias? You found him by yourself?”

“Ah… yes. I thought of searching along the roadside and finally noticed some scratches on a tree trunk. I was just checking when I walked into the woods to take a look, but I actually found him. I brought him to the hospital after that.”

Amanda proceeded to give Howard a rough summary of the incident. However, she decided not to mention the talk about retribution that Elias had brought up. She didn’t want to further upset Elias” grandfather.

Overcome with emotion, Howard swiftly held Amanda’s hand and exclaimed. “You wonderful child! That astrologer wasn’t wrong at all. You are Elias’ lucky star! You are the only one who can save him!”

“Astrologer? What astrologer?” Amanda looked utterly bewildered. She couldn’t understand what Howard was saying.

“Oh, it’s nothing. Elias being safe and sound is all that matters. This happened on his birthday again, huh? Is this really retribution?” Howard unknowingly muttered to himself.

Amanda had heard that word so many times today that she probably had callous on her eardrums. It seemed like everyone in the Winters Family was starting to believe in the concept of retribution.

Elias getting into an accident on his birthday only further solidified the notion

But is this really retribution?

Amanda began to ponder this question that she didn’t have an answer to

“I’m sure you’ve had a long night, Amanda. Go home and rest. I’ll stay here with him. I’ll call and let you know as soon as he wakes up”

Howard then sat on a nearby chair as she prepared to keep his beloved grandson company throughout the night.

“That won’t do, Grandpa. How can you stay up all night at your age? Let me do it. I’ll be fine-” Amanda couldn’t bear to let an elderly man stay up all night like this.

Before she could finish her sentence, Howard looked into her eyes and explained, “Elias’ father also died in a car accident on Elias’ birthday.”

The entire ward fell silent at those words.

As the old man glanced at the bodyguard standing behind him, the latter tactfully exited the room and closed the door, granting them privacy for their conversation.

Amanda, on the other hand, quietly looked at Howard.

The elderly man slowly recounted the past. “Elias” birthday is the most dreaded day for the Winters Family. I know that you were wronged four years ago. He even made you cry on his birthday, but we can’t blame him. His birthday is a huge burden for him.”

Amanda did not reply as she looked at the man still in a deep slumber in the hospital bed. Even she thought that he had to shoulder immense pressure.

“Amanda, do you understand how I felt back then? To have my son go before an old man like me.. He was even completely crushed to the point where we couldn’t even see his body. That feeling.” As Howard spoke, he started to cry and his voice choked with emotion.

It was heartbreaking to hear an elderly man sob and tell the tragic story of his son.

“Grandpa……” Amanda didn’t know what else to say, but her voice was also choked with tears.

Howard continued, his voice filled with sorrow, “Elias’ father was the pride of my life, but he died before me! How was I supposed to come to terms with something like that? Waldo’s body couldn’t even be pieced together!”

The old man gently pulled up the covers for his beloved grandson. “Since then. Elias’ mother went insane and was sent to a nursing home. I’ve been telling everyone all these years that my son and daughter-in-law settled abroad but in reality- Ha!”

“Grandpa, I understand why you did what you did-”

“You don’t understand, my dear. Everything I’m doing now is to protect Elias and preserve the bloodline of our family. Elias is the sole heir of the Winters Family, but he doesn’t even have a child. If something were to happen to him and if he were to meet an untimely death, then the Winters Family would truly come to an end.”

Growing increasingly agitated, Howard forcefully hit the floor with his cane.

Amanda’s tears welled up and trickled down her face as she sobbed. That won’t happen, Grandpa. Don’t think like that. Nothing will happen to Elias. You can see how well he is today. He’s incredibly fortunate. The accident scene where his car flipped over was so terrible that I thought. But I found Elias and he’s alright. He’s perfectly fine!”

That’s because you were there to protect him. If someone else had gone looking for him today, they might have found his lifeless body!” Howard sighed heavily.

“How could that be.” Amanda’s voice grew weaker for she, too, wasn’t certain if someone else would have found him.

It was raining heavily at the time and if she hadn’t carefully scrutinized that particular tree by the roadside, she would never have thought the car could have veered into the woods.

And if she hadn’t entered those woods and instead only searched along the way, she would never have found Elias, especially when it was raining so heavily.

Howard looked up at Amanda, his gaze fixed on her. “Amanda, please don’t leave Elias, alright? He needs you. I can feel more at ease when you are by his side”

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 86 If There Are Too Many Coincidences, It’s No Longer One

Amanda’s emotions were in a mess right now.

At the sight of her hesitance, Howard laughed bitterly. “Now that I think about it. Elias not having any children may be a form of karmic retribution as well. Is it fated that the Winters Family will die out?”

“Grandpa, how can you think that? You’re overthinking this. It’s not karmic retribution at all!” Amanda was taken aback by the fact that Howard had started to believe in karma. Elias’ father’s death must have been too much of a shock to the family and made everyone lose their common sense!

“Go home. I’ll stay here for the night. Let me accompany my grandson for a while. It’s been a long time since I can look at him quietly like this” Howard’s eyes were fixed on the bedridden man the entire time.

She didn’t know what to say and could only nod. “Grandpa, call me if you need anything. If you can’t stand it, just take a break.”

“Go on. I know Howard finally smiled.

Amanda’s phone rang at that moment, causing some sudden noise in the quiet hospital ward. Quickly, she pressed on the mute button and retreated from the room. She picked up her phone as soon as she was outside. It was a call from Aiden, who probably was asking her to go home.

Sure enough, a cute yet angry voice came from the other end. “Mommy, you lied to me. Didn’t you say you will come home soon? Why aren’t you home yet? Hmph! You liar!”

“Baby, be good. Mommy is coming home now. I was delayed, plus it’s raining heavily, so I have to drive slowly.”

“I don’t care! You must have gone out alone to play without me! Hmph! I’m very angry!”

Amanda chuckled helplessly. “How about I go home now and bring you your favorite chocolate cake?”

“I guess I’ll forgive you. Come home quickly, Mommy! Luckily there’s chocolate cake or I would have gotten really angry.”

Aiden hung up immediately after that. She eyed her phone and shook her head with a smile. After all, he was still a child who could be easily reassured with cake.

She had just turned around when she saw Yacob who had rushed there and was breathing quickly. He seemed to have come to the hospital as soon as he received the message.

“Miss Bailey, is Mr. Winters okay now?”

“He’s out of danger and is now under observation,” she reported truthfully.

He sighed in relief. “Mr. Winters insisted on personally picking you up to celebrate his birthday. I didn’t think… Oh, where did you find him? We’ve looked along the road so many times but did not see any traces”

“It’s a long story. I accidentally saw the marks of a car collision on a tree, so I took a chance and went into the woods. I didn’t expect to really find him. Amanda felt that she had been lucky since not everyone would have noticed such detail when it was raining so heavily,

Yacob frowned deeply and muttered to himself, “On his birthday, and a car accident no less. Is it truly karmic retribution?”

Those wonds again.

“Yacob, do you believe in karma?”

“I’m not so sure about it. A lot of things happened by chance. If there are too many coincidences, it’s no longer one.” He looked into the hospital room and decided to remain outside when he saw Howard inside.

Amanda opened her mouth to say something but hesitated. “If Elias wakes up, you have to call me. I’ll head home first.” She turned and headed for the lift at the end of the corridor.

It was already 1.00AM when Amanda arrived home. Her entrance into the living room woke the bodyguard sleeping on the couch. She did have to admit that Elias bodyguards were all martial arts experts and highly alert to the point that they could detect even the slightest movement.

“It’s me. Everything’s okay. Just go back to sleep.”

The bodyguard lay back again when he realized it was her. “The boy is now asleep but was angry went to bed.”

She smiled in embarrassment and glanced at the chocolate cake she was holding. She would have in the refrigerator.

Amanda headed to her son’s bedroom on the first floor and opened the door gently, unable to help when she saw her darling son sleeping soundly with his rear in the air. Kissing him softly on the check, then turned and left the room.

She returned to her room and took a hot shower to warm herself up. She had nearly gotten a cold from being in the rain for so long while in the woods.

She lay on the bed and quickly fell asleep, falling into a dream where Elias knew of their son’s existence and became furious. She also dreamed of her father-in-law whom she had never seen. Her dreams were all jumbled together, and it was already daytime when she awoke in shock. However, the sky was still gloomy outside and the rain hadn’t stopped, though it had become lighter.

Amanda picked up her phone to look at it, not finding any phone calls from the hospital. Is Elias not awake yet? But that isn’t possible, since the effects of the anesthetic have probably gone away,

She tried calling Yacob, who quickly picked up.

“Yacob, has Elias not woken up yet?” Amanda felt anxious for no reason. If Elias wasn’t awake, it might mean something was wrong.

She didn’t expect to hear Yacob say, “He just woke up and is being fed water right now. I was about to call you.”

“Oh.. that’s good then. I’ll head to the hospital right now.”

She ended the call and washed herself up. She planned to make breakfast and send Aiden to kindergarten before going to the hospital.

In the luxurious hospital ward, Howard was sitting on the couch with a dark expression while Elias lay against the bed where Grace was feeding him water. The elderly man was infuriated by this since he didn’t like her at all, especially when there was Amanda to compare her to.

“Elias, do you still want water? I’ll pour another glass for you, alright?” Grace asked carefully.

Howard snorted and said mockingly. “Didn’t you hear the nurse’s advice? He isn’t allowed to eat within 24 hours and shouldn’t drink too much water either.”

“Sorry, I nearly forgot.” She placed the glass on the cabinet next to her.

Elias frowned slightly. “Go home if you have nothing else to do here. There are nurses here and I’m fine.”

She remained silent for several seconds, seemingly hurt. “You don’t want to see me that much? I was just worried about you and will go home later-”

“No,” Elias merely replied coldly while Howard snorted scornfully from the couch.

Grace stated again quietly, “Elias, it was your birthday yesterday. Don’t you think it’s too coincidence

“What do you mean?” He felt irritated suddenly, knowing that karma was about to be men

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 87 Have You Come to Anger Me

“I just thought it was too much of a coincidence. Why is it always on your birthday? It’s my fault since I should have reminded you not to go out yesterday-

Elias’ eyes were filled with impatience. “It has nothing to do with you. Don’t keep taking the blame for everything”

“But…. I’m scared that my brother is really haunting you. Did he see that I tried hurting myself recently and thought you were bullying me so- Grace tried directing their conversation with a mysterious tone toward her brother Yelan so everyone would think it was karmic retribution and his spirit had returned for revenge.

As soon as she mentioned him, the ward became deathly quiet. Howard, who had been scornful, suddenly turned pale as he thought of something, and his expression became complicated.

The bedridden man suddenly snorted. “Are you implying that Yelan is taking revenge on me? Why didn’t he just kill me yesterday? It was an amazing chance because it would’ve taken days for anyone to discover I had died there.”

Elias was already tired of everything being connected to karma. No matter what happened help thinking about it involuntarily.

“Yelan knows I fancy you, so he would never do that!” Grace looked extremely certain.

He was speechless.

Meanwhile, Howard stood up abruptly while leaning on his walking stick. “I’ll get a master fortune divine your future. Rest well and I’ll come back to visit you again tonight.”

He then walked out with the help of his cane. The elderly man hadn’t been so superstitious before this bu after his son had died and his daughter-in-law became mad, he had begun to believe intensely in those sorts of things. He started asking around for protective amulets and praying for Elias’ safety as well.

Elias’ expression was freezing as he looked at his grandfather’s stooped figure before glancing at Grace. “You should go too. I want to rest.”

He lay back on the bed, refusing to look at her anymore.

“Then you should rest, Elias. I’ll come to see you again tomorrow.” Her hands clenched at her sides in reaction to his frigid attitude, though she had to suppress the feeling.

The man didn’t reply but closed his eyes instead, pretending to sleep. Grace was extremely furious but couldn’t do anything, so she turned around and left.

It’s okay. I’ll take my time. I’m not impatient.

Besides, she knew his temper well. He would never change his decision quickly.

As soon as Grace left the hospital, she received a call. After looking around cautiously to check that no one was around, she found a corner to take the call. She didn’t expect Amanda to have arrived at the hospital at that very moment and walked past behind her.

Amanda had come to the hospital after sending her son to kindergarten. She had just parked her car and was about to enter the ward. When she passed the corridor, she saw a familiar-looking woman talking on the phone. She glanced at the talking woman for several moments before realizing it was Grace.

Amanda was about to walk directly past Grace since they didn’t have any love lost between them. I highly doubt we’ll be greeting each other with false courtesy.

However, as she walked past Grace quickly, she heard a strange conversation.

“Have you cleaned everything up? Will the police trace things back to me?”

“They won’t. Don’t worry. I have dealt with everything nicely so no matter how the police investigate the accident, they will only find that it was due to the brakes malfunctioning but not that it was deliberate.”

Grace’s mouth curved into a smile. “That’s good. Leave quickly before the police come. There are no closed-circuit cameras along that stretch of road anyway.”

“I know.”

Amanda couldn’t hear what was being said on the other end, just Grace mentioning the police and camera footage before she left the hospital.

Amanda muttered to herself as she watched Grace’s frail silhouette. “What did that all mean?”

The words ‘police’ and ‘camera footage didn’t seem to have any connection to Grace and felt like something was being kept secret. Amanda couldn’t understand it for now and instead prepared to go to Elias’ ward to see how he was.

When she arrived outside the ward, Yacob stood up at the sight of her. There you are. Miss Bailey”

“Hi. I’m going in to see him.”

She knocked on the door but didn’t get any response from the man inside, so she decided to push the door open and enter the room. However, she saw that the man had his back on her as he lay on the bed. seemingly asleep.

Suddenly, the man spoke coldly. “Get out.”

She was surprised since she thought he had fallen asleep. “So, you weren’t sleeping”

Elias cold expression turned warmer after he heard her voice and he turned to look at her, his eyes brightening somewhat. However, he then looked moody again. “Why did you come so late?”

“At least I’m here. Why are you complaining that I’m late? I must have allowed such a bad habit to develop.” Amanda couldn’t believe this. He had said he would change his temper but that was utterly impossible.

She walked toward him, planning to pour him a glass of water since the doctor had said he could only have water and not food. However, she noticed the half-empty glass of water on the cabinet which hadn’t been finished. Recalling that she had seen Grace who was taking a call outside, she now understood what had happened.

Amanda settled on the chair. “I was about to pour you a glass of water, but it looks like Grace has already fed you some. That saves me some effort.”

“How do you know she came?” He frowned.

“I saw her coincidentally.” Her smile was fake and emotionless.

Elias didn’t know what to say to that and tried to explain. “I didn’t ask her to come but she insisted on coming. I didn’t even tell her about the accident-”

“You don’t have to explain yourself since I can imagine it already. She must have called the butler and heard what happened. She fancies you a lot, so she would definitely come to the hospital to see you.”

Amanda’s unbothered attitude annoyed Elias and he couldn’t stand it. “Have you come to anger me?”

“You are so ungrateful. I’m here to visit you, aren’t I? How have I angered you? If I really wanted to do that, why did I go out into the heavy rain to find you last night?”

He replied after recalling something. “Oh, yes. You wanted to tell me something before I fell unconsciou in your car. I didn’t hear it, so can you repeat it?”

He could recall indistinctly that she wanted to tell him something. He had tried to remain awake but couldn’t hold on anymore.

She froze upon hearing that. So, was her courage in saying the truth last night all wasted? Did the man not hear a word of it?

She didn’t really have the bravery to repeat it in front of an alert-looking Elias though, feeling that he might lose his temper after knowing the truth just like she had dreamed last night. He might even be so furious that he would choke her to death. Besides, it currently wasn’t the right time. She would have to see how Elias behaved after this..

“It’s nothing. I just wanted to attract your attention so you could remain awake.”

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 88 Amanda’s Anger

Elias narrowed his eyes slightly. He might not have known what Amanda had said, but he sensed that it was extremely important.

“Really? Don’t lie to me.”

I’m not. The situation was so urgent, and I was in a mess, plus you were bleeding so much. I was afraid that you might faint again which would make you lose a lot of blood, so I had to think of a way to keep you awake all the way to the hospital.”

She tried hard to maintain a sincere expression, but he still looked suspicious, so she changed the subject instead. “Oh, where’s Grandpa? He stayed here the entire night, insisting on watching you wake up. Why has he left?”

“I don’t know.” Elias refused to say that his grandfather had gone off to see a fortune teller again.

Amanda looked at her watch. “Rest well, then. I have to go to work. I’m nearly one hour late already.”

She was about to get up when he caught her wrist, and she turned to glance at his hand. “What? Do you want anything else? Just call Yacob since he’s been waiting outside the entire time. You should give him a pay raise since he’s so loyal to you.”

Elias stared at her for a long while as if hesitating

“Are you going to say anything? If there’s nothing. I have to go to the law firm since I’m running very late.” Amanda was about to remove her hand, but he held it tighter.

There was a conflicted look in Elias’ eyes before he eventually spoke. “I just wanted to check something with you. I hope that you will answer honestly,”

It might not have been so important to him anymore, but he had always been curious.

Amanda’s curiosity was piqued as well and she looked confused. “What is it?”

He considered it again, knowing that she would get angry if he mentioned it, though he really wanted to know about it. “I just want to know something. When did we…. sleep together four years ago? When was that child conceived?”

Elias had always been curious about this. While the child was already lost, he had continued to ponder it. numerous times but couldn’t recall when he had slept with Amanda and allowed her to successfully conceive.

Sure enough, she became furious and slapped his hand away. “Do you still not believe what I said four years ago? Stop asking then!”

She turned and left the hospital room in a rage, slamming the door violently behind her, which caused a loud bang.

Elias lay against the bed, becoming immersed in his thoughts. The room was deathly silent and felt even colder than the morgue.

His memory returned to the night of the celebratory party four years ago, which was when Amanda had repeatedly insisted it had happened, However, the party had been held outside Imperia and she hadn’t gone there with him at all. Plus, he had gotten extremely drunk after being coaxed into drinking. By the time he woke up the next morning, he found that it was Grace who was lying beside him while half- dressed. The most terrifying thing had been the splotch of virgin blood on the pure white sheets.

Amanda, however, had claimed that she was the one who had fallen into bed with him. Whom should I believe? One of them has to be lying. If Amanda really had aborted a child, then Grace is lying.

But how can I explain what had happened that night? I did not see Amanda when I woke up, just Grace. Besides, Amanda was already home when I returned to Imperia. What exactly happened?

Elias felt a sudden yet intense headache coming on and he shouted angrily while holding his forehead, “Yacob! Get in here!”

Yacob, who had been waiting outside, immediately came in with a solemn expression. “Mr. Winters, how can I help?”

“Can we still get the hotel footage from the celebratory party in Flimwood four years ago?” Elias knew that it would be difficult, but he really wanted to know what had happened that night and whether Amanda had shown up or not.

Yacob was stunned for about three seconds before he uttered. “T-that may be impossible. It has been four years, plus the hotel would only store it for one to three months before replacing it with new footage-”

“Bullshit! Of course, I know that! Never mind. Just pretend I never asked. Elias lay on the bed, feeling his head throb painfully as he replayed the night of the party inside his mind.

He had been so drunk that he didn’t even know how he had gotten back to the hotel, never mind. remembering what had happened that night. Was there a possibility that Amanda was the one he had actually slept with that night? But why had it been Grace who had lay beside him while half-dressed?

Elias’ head hurt the more he thought about it. Coupled with the concussion he had suffered due to the accident, he felt like his head was about to explode.

“Mr. Winters, are you okay? I’ll call the doctor!” Yacob turned away to summon the doctor when he saw how much pain Elias was in.

“Come back! I want to ask you something else!”

“What is it?” Yacob was surprised, not understanding why Elias was suddenly so invested in what had happened four years ago.

Elias covered the wound on his forehead and asked seriously while suppressing his pain, “Who was the one that helped me back to the hotel? Were you there at the time? Did you see Amanda go inside my room that night?”

The string of questions confused Yacob momentarily as he began to recall the party four years ago. After at while, he said, “Mr. Winters, I was on leave that day and someone else took my place, so I’m not so sure.”

Elias was flabbergasted and glared at Yacob coldly, sounding annoyed as he growled, “Get out!”

“Yes, sir!” Yacob had no choice but to retreat outside the room again in puzzlement, not knowing what had happened. After all, he really hadn’t been there at the party since he had accompanied Howard to a forum that day.

The ward was quiet until nightfall, with no other visitors besides the doctors doing their rounds and the nurses applying medication.

Elias had been waiting for Amanda to show up, not expecting her to be so cruel. As a result, he felt gloomy and filled with emotions that had nowhere to go. He desperately wished he could fly to Flimwood right now to look into the momentous night four years ago, but he was confined to the bed and couldn’t move.

Suddenly, footsteps that belonged to a woman sounded outside the room. His eyes brightened slightly as he stared at the door, eagerly waiting for it to open. As the door was pushed open with a creak, Elias’ eyes dimmed again. It was none other than Grace.

“Elias, I have come to see you again. Do you feel better?” She had brought along some plain porridge this time.

“It’s too late. You should go home and rest. Elias’ tone was freezing.

She couldn’t take the sudden change in attitude. Before this, he would have been gentler toward her even though he had been faking it, but now it seemed like he had completely dropped the pretense.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 89 Have You Ever Lied to Me?

“It’s still okay since it’s not that late. I just wanted to visit you because I’m afraid you might be lonely” Grace placed the thermal flask beside her and ladled out a small bowl of porridge, intending to feed Elias.

“Elias, I’ve already checked with the doctor. The 24-hour observation period is over so you can have some plain porridge to replenish your energy. You haven’t eaten for an entire day” She took a spoonful of porridge and blew at it gently before moving it toward his mouth.

However, he turned away slightly and took the bowl from her. “I can do it myself.”

She froze awkwardly before eventually handing the bowl over to him.

The atmosphere felt oppressive as Elias silently ate his porridge, completely absorbed in wondering who had lied between Amanda and Grace.

He stared at the woman before him. He had always considered her to be a weak girl who needed protection from others, cried easily, and was frail enough to be knocked down by a gust of wind. That was probably why Yelan had asked him to help take care of her.

Grace noticed the strange look he was directing her way and smiled slightly. “Why are you looking at me like that? Don’t you recognize me anymore?”

Elias put his bowl to one side and wiped his mouth with a paper napkin. Even though he was covered in injuries and clad in a hospital gown given to all hospital patients, he still carried a strong aura that made others feel threatened.

“Have you ever lied to me?” he suddenly asked sternly.

Grace’s heart skipped a beat. She was frozen to the spot for a long while, not knowing how to respond.

After some time, she laughed in order to conceal her anxiety. “Why are you saying that? Why would I ever lie to you? I have never done that.”

Meanwhile, she was panicking internally while wondering why he had asked that question. Does he know something?

Elias kept staring at her while observing the minute changes in her expression, refusing to miss even the tiniest detail. “That’s good. Just answer one question from me honestly. Don’t hide anything.

“Fine. Ask away. I will answer honestly with the best of my knowledge.” Grace appeared calm on the surface but was panicking inside since she didn’t know what he actually knew.

He spoke carefully. “Do you remember the celebratory party in Flimwood four years ago?”

There was a flash of puzzlement in her eyes as she wondered why he was suddenly asking this and what he wanted. Her heart sped up involuntarily.

Has he found out something?

Swallowing hard, she replied, “Of course. What is it? It was my first time, so I will never forget it.”

Elias asked once more, “I was drunk rotten and couldn’t remember what happened, only discovering you
were beside me after I woke up. I just want to know whether I really did sleep with you that night since I can’t remember anything.”

So, he is really investigating that night.

Grace’s breathing became uneven as her mind raced, wondering what she could say in order to avoid suspicion, though she maintained a submissive demeanor. “Elias, do you think I’m lying to you? Do you think a girl would ever joke around about this? Plus, you saw the blood on the sheets as well. That proves it.”

“It may have been left behind by someone else. I didn’t see you when I returned but saw you after waking up, so I’m just wondering about how you managed to come in. After all, I was too drunk back then and couldn’t possibly open the door for you.” He kept studying her eyes and expression in search of clues. After all, the hotel footage from four years ago couldn’t be found anymore. If he had been able to check it, the truth would have been revealed.

Grace was feeling frantic now. Elias had believed her after waking up to see her as well as the bloodstain on the bed without looking too much into it. Why was he investigating it so earnestly after four years had passed?

She had been hiding in the hotel the night of the party, looking for a chance to approach him. he shone as brilliantly as the sun all night and she couldn’t get near him at all.

She had wanted to find a chance to knock on the door and confess her feelings to him afterwar couldn’t find the courage. However. Amanda had received the news of her mother being severel early hours of the morning and left so hurriedly that she didn’t close the door properly.

Grace had gone toward it and become brave enough to knock, yet she had found the door unlatche as such sneaked inside. She had burst into enraged tears after finding the mess on the bed, the smell o alcohol in the room, and the bright bloodstain.

However, an evil thought had appeared inside her mind too. If she lay on the bed while half-dressed, then Elias would mistake her for the woman he had slept with. That had been her intention and she carried it out daringly, allowing her to successfully close the distance between them and become the person he held dear.

As she returned to the present moment and watched how closely he was observing him, she bit her lip hard. Her tears began to fall in the next instant, making her look pitiful.

“Elias, I know that you don’t like me, but you don’t have to use this to shame me. No girl would ever take her first time as a joke! Do you suspect that nothing happened between us that night and I have been lying to you? Fine, just continue thinking that if that makes you feel better. I acted of my own volition that night and don’t regret it!”

Grace then turned and left the room in tears, looking as if she bore the blame from the entire world. Her acting was truly skilled.

Elias frowned deeply while watching the closed door. Grace’s act of dejectedness was enough to trick any man, including a rigid man like him.

He felt his head hurt more intensely. Grace had said her piece, so was Amanda the one who lied? It was impossible since Amanda hadn’t looked like she was. However, he couldn’t find any flaws which revealed. that Grace was lying. So, which one of them should he believe?

Frankly, Elias was more inclined to believe Amanda. It had been four years, so she didn’t have to lie to him anymore. After all, she hadn’t troubled him tirelessly even once upon returning after four instead. she avoided him and distanced herself from him.

He knocked over the thermal flask beside him, causing the porridge to spill all over the floor.

His head hurt so badly and was filled with way too many thoughts. He had to

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 90 Elias Blocked Her Car

For the next few days. Amanda was nowhere to be seen at the hospital.

No matter how many times Elias tried calling her, his calls were always met with a busy tone. He began suspect that she had intentionally blocked his number.

As Elias gazed out of the window, he couldn’t help but notice the perpetually gloomy sky. The rain had been pouring relentlessly, mirroring his own somber state of mind.

As the ward door creaked open, he turned around without a hint of emotion on his face. It was none other than Yacob.

“Mr. Winters, did you need me for something?” Yacob asked.

“Help me with the discharge process. I can’t stand being cooped up in this hospital any longer, Elias muttered. Each day felt stagnant and he found it impossible to accomplish anything.

Yacob hesitated and replied, “But your injury hasn’t fully recovered yet. The doctor recommended at least two more weeks of hospitalization.”

“No need. I’ll recover just fine at home, and tomorrow is the anniversary of Yelan’s death,” Elias insisted.

Time seemed to fly by and once again, it was the anniversary of Yelan’s death-a day Elias always reserved. for visiting the cemetery.

At the mention of Yelan, Yacob fell silent and quietly left the ward.

Elias pushed aside his blanket, got up, and walked over to the window. He stared at the sky outside, which was covered in dark, ominous clouds. Gradually, tiny raindrops started appearing on the glass.

It was raining again.

Undeterred, he summoned his resolve and dialed Amanda’s number once more, only to be met with the same disappointing outcome-her phone remained stubbornly out of reach.

Without a shred of doubt, he concluded that she had indeed blocked him.

After completing her evening shift, Amanda eagerly looked forward to returning home and spending time with her son. Today, there would be a new nanny in place as well.

It had taken a long search through the domestic service center to find someone who fit her criteria. Initially, people at the agency found her request for a young and martial arts-skilled caregiver eccentric and unusual.

Amanda was aware that her requirements were somewhat peculiar, but she had become frightened after the incident with Aiden being kidnapped.

Little did she expect to actually find a caregiver who perfectly matched her specific criteria.

The caregiver, possessing a black belt in Taekwondo, was not only remarkably young but also willing to
provide round-the-clock care for the child.

Perfect! It’s exactly what I’ve been searching for, Amanda thought to herself.

Anticipation filled her as she couldn’t wait to go home and meet the caregiver. She wondered how well the caregiver would get along with her little brat.

Just as Amanda’s car approached Galaxy Bay, another vehicle suddenly intercepted and blocked her way.

Fueled with anger, she swung open her car door and marched toward the vehicle, forcefully tapping on the window.

As the window gradually rolled down, Amanda found herself frozen in a state of disbelief. Why is Elias here?

“Elias! Are you out of your mind? Why did you block my car?” Her anger surged. After not seeing him for a few days, she felt his presence only intensified her fury. She pondered how he had managed to escape from the hospital.

Elias flung open the car door and stepped out, his imposing figure casting a shadow over her delicate frame. “Why did you block my number?” he demanded.

She was momentarily rendered speechless. Did he run out of the hospital just to confront me about this

Taking a deep breath, she composed herself and suppressed her anger. “I didn’t feel like picking up you calls and you just wouldn’t stop dialing, so I decided to block you. What do you have to say about that?”

“Very well done!” Amanda seethed through gritted teeth. The overwhelming urge to throttle her coursed through him. How dare she act so self-righteous?!

“Why on earth did you leave the hospital while you’re supposed to be recovering? Oh, and to top it off, it’s raining outside. I suppose your wound not getting infected and oozing pus must be breaking your heart hubi”

At this moment, the night sky drizzled with gentle rain. Although the rain wasn’t heavy. Elias carried numerous lingering injuries from the car accident that hadn’t fully recovered yet. It would be strange if getting soaked didn’t aggravate his condition.

Under the streetlights, his figure was stretched and elongated.

Elias fixed his gaze on her delicate face and that razor-sharp mouth. He felt an impulsive urge to kiss her forcefully, but he restrained himself. “Do you even care?”

“Who cares about you? You don’t even care about your own well-being, so who would waste their time on you? I just feel sorry for your grandfather, having to be in the hospital and keeping you company all night long at his age!” Amanda deliberately averted her gaze, unwilling to witness the expression in his eyes at that very moment.

For some inexplicable reason, she sensed a wave of desolation emanating from him. It evoked a tinge of sympathy within her, especially as she noticed blood seeping through the pristine bandage on his forehead.

From the car, Elias took out a small black velvet box and handed it to her. “It’s for you.”

“What is this?” She looked at the man with a puzzled expression as she received the delicate black velvet jewelry box. When she opened it, she found the emerald bracelet that had been auctioned off the other day and raised her gaze to meet his cold, handsome face. “What does this mean?”

“I initially planned to give it to you on my birthday, but I got into a car accident, he replied in a deep voice.

The thought of it seemed almost absurd. Elias wanted to present Amanda with a gift on his birthday. because he had never bestowed her with any tokens of affection, despite being married for a year.

On that fateful day, he had believed he would perish in the wreckage. However, against all odds, Amanda had found him.

In the pitch-black forest, when he heard her calling out his name, his heart felt as if it had been revived. It only deepened his resolve to marry her once again.

Suddenly, the atmosphere grew tense.

Amanda stared at the bracelet in a daze. It was worth a staggering 15 million. With a cold demeanor, she returned it to him, uttering, “I don’t want it. Take it back and give it to whomever you please.”

“Once I give it to you, it’s yours. Do whatever you want with it. Keep it or discard it, I can’t care less,”

With those words, Elias prepared to make his way to the car and depart.

However, before he could take a step. Amanda tightly grasped his arm. I-ve already made it clear that I don’t want it. Take it back. This isn’t how you pursue a woman anyway. Besides, I can’t even understand why you’re so determined to win me back. You never believed a word I said four years ago. You even doubted the existence of the child I miscarried, so why bother chasing after me?”

She genuinely couldn’t comprehend his motives.

“I never doubted the existence of the child. I believe you truly had a miscarriage, Elias replied, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty. “But the timing of the night you mentioned seemed a bit off. I wouldn’t have had any doubts if you had said any other day. Could it be that you remembered the wrong timing?

Given that both Grace and Amanda weren’t lying, the only logical explanation was that Amanda had recalled the timing incorrectly.

Amanda was momentarily taken aback before her anger resurfaced. “What do you mean? Are you saying that I remembered the wrong time? You still don’t believe me, do you?”

“No. I believe you!” Although Elias hadn’t yet pieced together the events of the night of the celebration banquet, he believed every word that Amanda spoke. He wanted to investigate what truly transpired on that night.

Narrowing her eyes, she pressed. “What else happened that night to make you doubt my words?”

A fleeting glimpse of panic flickered in his dark eyes.

If Amanda were to find out that Grace had slept with him, there would be no hope for them to reconcile.

“It’s nothing. I simply can’t recall the details of that night. Perhaps I had indulged in too much alcohol,” he responded hastily, attempting to downplay the situation.

Amanda let out a scornful snort. It was more than just excessive drinking-Elias had been completely intoxicated.

She had been present to take care of him, intending to prepare a sobering cup of tea. However, he forcefully held her down and made her sleep with him the entire night.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 91 Are You Trying to Tell Me How to Do My Job?

Seizing the opportunity, Elias tentatively asked, “How long did you stay that night? Why didn’t I see you when I woke up?”

He simply wanted an explanation for why he found Grace by his side instead of Amanda upon awakening.

Impatiently, Amanda replied, “I received a phone call about my critically ill mother, so I had to leave early.”

“So, you left while I was still unconscious?” Elias memory started piecing together the puzzle. A few days after the celebration banquet. Amanda’s mother passed away and she asked for his assistance in organizing the funeral.

Suddenly, it all clicked into place.

That was the reason.

At that very moment, Amanda’s phone rang. It was a call from Aiden.

She glanced at it but didn’t dare to answer in front of Elias, so she ended the call.

“I don’t have time to discuss this with you. I have things to take care of. I’m heading back.” Amanda glanced at the time, realizing she needed to hurry home to check on the little brat, or he would pester her relentlessly on the phone.

With that, she made her way back to her car and drove off toward Galaxy Bay

Elias stood alone beneath the streetlights, deep in thought. Can it be that Grace had been deceiving me?

Honk, honk!

Amanda pressed the car horn twice and directed her words to the man standing outside the car window. “Get back to the hospital quickly! If you don’t, I won’t answer your calls ever again, and you can forget about me unblocking you!”

With those words, she drove off, leaving the man behind.

Elias chuckled softly. Despite Amanda’s stern words, he understood her underlying concern.

It was evident that she still cared for him.

As Amanda arrived back at the villa, she was immediately greeted by a whirlwind of joy as she stepped into the living room.

“Mommy! Mommy!”

“Aiden, are you trying to knock me over? Why have you become so heavy lately?” Amanda’s body stumbled backward from the impact, but she managed to catch the little bundle in her arms flawlessly.

“Well, I’m a man, Mommy. It’s only natural that I keep getting heavier.”

She couldn’t help but burst into laughter. What a delightfully innocent perspective!

“Mommy! Mommy, let me tell you how amazing Miss Selina is. She knows Taekwondo! I want to learn it too, so I can protect you!” Aiden’s chubby hands formed a circle around her ear as he leaned in and whispered excitedly.

“What do you mean you can protect me? I’m strong too, you know. Do you like the new nanny?” Amanda’s mood brightened as well. This little brat seemed to be getting along well with the new caregiver.

Suddenly, a woman’s voice interrupted their conversation. “Hello, I’m Selina Yaleman,” the woman introduced herself and Amanda looked up, frozen in place.

Selina was equally stunned after seeing Amanda’s face.

“Selina? What a coincidence that it’s you!”

At that moment, memories flooded back to Amanda, taking her back to her childhood when her father hadn’t yet kicked her and her mother out of the house. They used to live in a vibrant alleyway, filled with laughter and the lingering scent of smoke.

Every day, she would play hopscotch with her best friend, Selina. However, after her father kicked them out, Amanda never saw Selina again.

Selina was also overwhelmed with astonishment. “Oh, my goodness, Amanda! I never expected to see you here. I thought I would never lay eyes on you again in this lifetime.”

To Amanda’s surprise, the caregiver assigned to her by the domestic service center turned out to be her long-lost childhood friend.

This brought her great relief. She could now confidently leave Aiden in the care of her childhood friend, knowing that he was in good hands.

Amanda couldn’t help but laugh from the bottom of her heart. “Me too!”

“Amanda, you’ve blossomed into such a beauty and you’re living in such a luxurious house. Did you marry a rich guy? And look at this adorable baby of yours. You’re definitely winning at life! Selina commented, her eyes filled with a mixture of admiration and envy. They used to be childhood playmates, but she never anticipated such divergent paths in their lives.

Amanda’s expression turned slightly awkward. “It’s a long story. I’ll fill you in gradually. It’s not exactly what you imagine.”

The following day, Elias’ car came to a gentle halt outside the cemetery as the rain drizzled incessantly.

Yacob held a black umbrella and opened the car door. Elias, with his tall figure, stepped out and made his way toward the cemetery.

His gait was slow and somewhat feeble, clearly indicating that his wounds hadn’t fully healed. The gloomy weather further exacerbated his discomfort.

With the umbrella in hand, Yacob walked behind him and said, “Mr. Winters, let’s return to the hospital in the afternoon. If Old Mr. Winters finds out you left without permission, he’ll surely start lecturing again.”

Howard remained oblivious to Elias unsanctioned departure from the hospital. If he were to discover it. his temper would surely reach its boiling point.

“Are you trying to tell me how to do my job?” Elias shot him a cold glance.

Yacob bowed his head in resignation. “No”

As they gradually approached Yelan’s tombstone, they noticed Grace standing in front of it from a dozen meters away

Both of them stopped in their tracks and didn’t move forward.

Standing before the tombstone was Grace with a black umbrella in her hand. Tears cascaded down her face as she fixed her gaze upon her brother’s photo engraved on the stone. She continuously brushed away the tears, unable to contain her sorrow

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Elias figure, which made her cry even harder. Placing the bouquet of flowers she held before the tombstone, she gently touched her brother’s photo. “Yelan. I’ve come to visit you. I’ve been so occupied lately and haven’t been here for a while. You won’t hold it against me, will you?”

Ever since Grace entered the entertainment industry, her first lesson was acting. She didn’t want to embarrass herself in front of Elias, who had provided her with opportunities in film and television.

Although she possessed a talent for acting, her popularity struggled to soar despite being recognized for her exceptional acting skills.

“Yelan, Elias had a car accident. It happened on his birthday. Are you punishing him for me? I beg you, Yelan, please don’t hurt him. My hurting myself had nothing to do with him. I truly love him. If anything happens to him. I won’t be able to go on. I beg you. Yelan. Even if he doesn’t believe me, doesn’t like me. or wants to abandon me. I don’t want to see him get hurt because I really like him.”

Grace put on a convincing display of sincerity that could deceive anyone.

The raindrops gradually grew larger, splattering into droplets on the ground.

Standing behind Elias, Yacob was deeply moved as he listened to Grace’s heartfelt words.

Elias stared at her figure with an emotionless expression for a long while. Eventually, he didn’t approach her but turned away and left the cemetery.

Yacob was momentarily stunned and almost couldn’t keep up with Elias footsteps, causing the latter to get drenched in the rain.

Meanwhile, as Grace remained kneeling before the tombstone, she watched Elias’ retreating figure. A faint smile appeared on her lips, while tears continued to flow down her cheeks, giving her a somewhat eerie feeling

She raised the umbrella slightly and watched the tall and handsome figure of Elias. Under her breath, she whispered, “I don’t believe that you have a heart of stone"

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 92 Suspicion.

Elias returned to the car with troubling thoughts in his mind. He stayed in silence as he processed the thoughts.

Yacob didn’t dare interrupt Elias’ train of thought, so he waited in the driver’s seat without speaking up.

There was no other sound in the car other than the sound of the rain beating against the windows.

A long while later, Elias began in a low voice. “What do you make of Grace? Can I trust her words?”

Yacob pondered for a moment before answering. “As far as I remember, Miss Murphy is pure and innocent. At worst, she prioritizes her beau over everything. She has no ambition other than staying by your side. I believe that you can trust her words.”

Yacob remembered Grace as a little girl who wasn’t worth their time.

Elias watched the raindrops slide down the window. The complex situation gave him a headache, so he used his slender fingers to massage the bridge of his nose.

If Amanda and Grace speak the truth, then I slept with both women during the dinner. That’s not possible.

The thought only worsened his headache.

Yacob noticed Elias discomfort and commented in concern. “We should go to the hospital, Mr. Winters. Pushing yourself too hard won’t do you good. Old Mr. Winters will blame me if anything happens to you.”

He could imagine the scene in which Howard went mad when he discovered that Yacob helped Elias to be discharged from the hospital. What if the discovery sends Old Mr. Winters to the hospital this time?

“Shut up. Just drive me home.” Elias continued to massage his forehead as he leaned against the seat with his eyes closed. He didn’t seem well to Yacob.

“Please listen to me. Mr. Winters. It was a serious car accident. Besides, I think somebody is behind the accident.” Yacob spoke his mind.

His words put Elias on alert. “Come again?” he asked with his eyes wide open.

Yacob hesitated. A frown formed between his brows. “It’s just a guess, but I think somebody must’ve planned it”

“And what proof do you have?”

Yacob didn’t answer as Elias’ words got him thinking. At first, he didn’t plan to trouble Elias with his guesses without solid evidence. However, the details in the crash site suggested otherwise.

“There are no cameras to monitor the situation in the section. Besides, according to the films in the drive recorder, you lost control of the car before the accident. Therefore, I gave the car a thorough inspection and found that the steering wheel and brake weren’t in good condition. However, one usually won’t pay attention to them.”

Elias narrowed his eyes as he tried to recall the details before the accident.

It rained heavily that day. He had always been blaming himself for not watching the road with attention. which resulted in him running the car off the road and into the forest. However, Yacob’s words allowed him to see things from a new perspective.

With Elias’ driving skills, he shouldn’t have overturned his car in the forest. There should only be a few scratches here and there. I can’t even remember what made the car turn over,

“Mr. Winters, I don’t have solid evidence for the time being, so I shouldn’t blame anyone, I might be imagining things.” Yacob did not want to jump to conclusions.

Elias watched the rain running down the window in silence. His thoughts remained unknown to Yacob.

It was raining again. The rainy spell frustrated Amanda.

She slept in because it was a weekend and woke up when it was almost 12.00PM.

Meanwhile, Selina had taken Aiden to the amusement park and the gesture eased Amanda’s burden. She was glad to have some alone time to herself on the weekend.

Suddenly, her stomach rumbled. She went downstairs and turned to head to the kitchen, intending to make noodles for brunch.

She was meeting up with a client in the afternoon for business, so she decided to grab a light meal.

Her phone rang when she was cooking the noodles. She picked up her phone with one hand while she continued to stir the noodles in the pot with a ladle.

Simon’s voice rang out from the other end of the line. “What are your plans for the weekend?”

“Enjoy it, of course. What’s the matter? Boss, is it a call from work?” Amanda teased

“It isn’t. Are you free later? I want to treat you and Aiden to lunch. The fish I ordered has arrived and it is very fresh. Aiden loves having fish, so I’ll make lunch for you”

Amanda giggled. It’s okay. That little brat is having a fun time with his babysitter in the amusement park.”

“Oh, I see. What about you? Do you have any plans for lunch? Why don’t you join me? Cooking for myself is demotivating.

She felt bad for turning him down not once but twice. However, she insisted on her stance. “Don’t worry about me. You can ask Miss Gowen to join you for lunch, though. I’m making noodles for brunch. I’m going to meet up with a client this afternoon.

“There’s one thing you need to know, Amanda. What happened between me and Lunabelle is all in the past. I’m not interested in picking up where we left off.”

“Whatever. You’re not obliged to explain to me, you know? It’s none of my business. If you don’t have feelings for her anymore, you should move on to another woman. After all, you’re at the age to find the woman of your life.”

Amanda recognized the undertone in Simon’s words. However, she didn’t see a future with him even if Lunabelle didn’t exist in the first place.

Simon Nicholson was an excellent man, but Amanda was a divorced woman with a child to take care of. Moreover, he proposed a marriage without love, and she couldn’t agree with him on that term.

She could tell he hadn’t moved on from his ex-girlfriend. I guess he can’t get over the fact he got ditched by her back then, which explains why he rejected her suggestion to rekindle the flame.

Amanda didn’t need more words to get her point across. Simon understood them and he changed the topic to lighten the mood. “By the way. I heard that Elias was involved in a car crash. Aren’t you going to visit him?”

His words put a frown between her brows. “Words sure travel fast, huh? Even you have heard of the news.”

“People in our social circle have been talking about the accident. I heard that it almost killed him. Is he all right?”

“He’s fine overall but needs some time to recover.

“It seems like you did visit him.” Simon’s disappointment was evident in his tone.

She couldn’t help but chuckle. “Don’t pull that trick on me, Mr. Nicholson. You won’t hear the answer you expect. Visiting him in the hospital doesn’t mean there’s anything between me and him. After all, he found my child and brought my child back to me. I’m grateful for that.”

“That’s not what I mean. I was told that there were no cameras in the certain section, let alone capturing what happened. The police couldn’t find anything at the crash site.”

Amanda’s heart skipped a beat at the innocent statement. Her smile froze on her face as she recalled eavesdropping on Grace’s call at the hospital.

The thought deepened the frown between her brows as she recalled the situation.

She remembered that Grace was talking to somebody on the phone in the hospital that day. Grace mentioned that there weren’t any cameras around the section, alongside exuding confidence that the police wouldn’t suspect her.

Now that he mentions it, something was not right with Grace. Is someone responsible for the accident and the person is none other than Grace? Besides, it was Elias’ birthday that day. Everyone calls it karma and it can be traced back to Grace’s brother, Yelan. Does it have anything to do with Grace? Is she behind all this nonsense of trying to make people believe that Elias had it coming?

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 93 A Test

The possibility occurred in Amanda’s mind and gave her goosebumps. She couldn’t help a shiver.

If my guesses are right, then Grace is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Why did Grace do that? Did she do it for Elias” attention? Is she trying to turn his head?

Lost in her thoughts, she wasn’t aware that the soup boiled over.

Simon heard the noise over the call, so he spoke up to remind her. “Amanda, are you watching the pot? I can hear it boiling over.

His reminder snapped her out of her trance. “Ah! I’ve got to go. I almost ruined my food. Bye.”

After hanging up the call, she turned off the stove and added some cold water to the pot before pouring the noodles into a plate. However, her food was ruined and no longer edible,

She had long lost the mood to make another meal for herself after the call. Besides, it was almost time to meet up with her client.

Therefore, she returned upstairs to change her clothes and put on some light makeup. After pac her things, she left home for the meeting place.

Amanda was meeting up with the client in Brownie Cafe.

She arrived early at the cafe. She chose somewhere conspicuous to sit so the client could see her amon the guests.

And the seat itself allowed her to take her surroundings in. She found Grace sitting in the corner at one glance.

What is she doing here?

A man in a strange outfit sat opposite Grace. He looked like a faceless person in the outfit as it aimed to conceal his facial features. The black sunglasses, black mask, and black cap made Amanda ponder.

Today’s a rainy day. Does he have to wear such outfits? He looks like a fugitive in them.

“Miss Bailey?” The arrival of her client interrupted her thoughts.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Amanda. Please take a seat.” She had no choice but to withdraw her gaze and focus on her work.

She spent the next hour talking to her client, not paying attention to what Grace was doing in the corner.

After she finally saw her client off, she found that Grace was no longer sitting in the corner.

Amanda purposely scanned her surroundings, looking for Grace. Is she gone? But I sit facing the entrance the whole time. I should’ve seen her if she left earlier.

She walked over to the counter to pay her bills with a frown on her face.

To her surprise, she saw Grace walking out of the washroom and was about to come across her.

Grace was surprised to see Amanda in the cafe, but she refused to let it show on her face.

“Fancy meeting you here. Grace thought Amanda just arrived at the cafe. She didn’t think Amanda had seen her meeting up with somebody.

Amanda’s reply was unrelated. “I thought you cared about Elias. He got in an accident. Aren’t you supposed to look after him in the hospital?”

That’s uncharacteristic of her. She should’ve been around him all the time.

Amanda remembered Grace’s conversation with another person in the hospital that day. I wonder if she’s responsible for the accident,

“I'll look after him without a doubt. I’m on my way now,” After that, Grace began to walk toward the door.

Watching the woman walk over to the exit, Amanda slowly began, “How did you manage to stay calm after learning that Elias got in an accident? Perhaps you have something to do with the accident?”

Grace immediately stopped in her tracks at the words, a faint smile remaining on her face.

What does that mean? Has she discovered anything? How much does she know?

Grace didn’t dare to expose herself. After all, she couldn’t tell how much Amanda knew,

“Those are some strong words, Amanda. You’re accusing me of a crime. Are you implying that I caused the accident? However, I heard from the butler that Elias was on his way to see you before he got in the accident.”

Taking the preemptive approach, eh? She’s clever.

The feeling that Grace was responsible for the accident grew stronger within Amanda. Grace doesn’t look as innocent as other people perceive her to be.

“Everyone agrees that your brother’s ghost comes back to haunt Elias. He specially chose to strike on Elias’ birthday.” Amanda emphasized, gauging Grace’s reaction to the mention of Yelan’s ghost.

Grace dismissed the claim with a chuckle. “You’re a lawyer. Amanda. You should know that karma doesn’t exist. My brother is loyal to Elias and will remain so even after he passes away. There’s no such thing as karma.”

Amanda began as if she was interrogating a suspect, “Why didn’t you celebrate Elias’ birthday with him? Knowing you, you must look forward to celebrating his birthday with him.”

“Are you trying to make fun of me? I don’t want to look for him, only to watch him cook for you.”

The mention of Elias’ birthday irritated Grace. At first, she didn’t plan to take such extreme measures.

However, Elias disappointed her. Not only did he cook for Amanda, he even tried to go and get her to celebrate his birthday with him.

Grace had been by his side during his birthday every year in the past. She supported him with her mere existence without making his birthday a scene as she always knew that he wasn’t a fan of his birthday.

To her surprise, Elias eventually got over the experience that bothered him for years. But it was for Amanda’s sake instead of her.

Grace was green with envy and planned the accident as a result to teach Elias a lesson. She wanted to remind him about Yelan’s death and his last words.

Amanda narrowed her eyes. “So, you did go to his place, or else you wouldn’t know he cooked for me.”

“I-I learned it from the call. The butler told me!”

Grace was frustrated as she belatedly realized that she willingly jumped into the trap Amanda set up for her. It has to stop now. I don’t want her to find out the truth.

“Forgive me, but I can’t stay for chit-chat. I’ve got things to do.”

After that, Grace turned around and left the cafe. As she spun around, blood drained from her face. I’ve said too much. I hope I didn’t raise suspicion.

Amanda trailed behind Grace in leaving the cafe. She watched as the latter left in haste.

The sight confirmed her guess. She’s somewhat related to the accident.

Pursing her lips into a thin line, Amanda headed to the parking lot. She started the car, about to head out to the crash site again.

The bad weather during the accident deprived her of the opportunity to look up details at the crash site.

Elias eventually gave in to Yacob’s reminder and visited the hospital even if he wasn’t pleased about it Once the doctor guaranteed that Elias was fine, Yacob finally sent him back to the manor.

Elias was quietly sulking in his mind on their way back to the manor. His gloomy expression indicated that he wasn’t happy-

Yacob kept his eyes on the road without trying to initiate a conversation. Suddenly, a car parked on the roadside caught his eye. Even more, it parked near the crash site.

Yacob took his time to study the situation before he brought it up to Elias. That is Miss Bailey’s car. I wonder why she’s here.”

A glint of anticipation flashed across Elias’ dark eyes at the mention of Amanda. He lowered the window and looked out the car. As expected, he saw Amanda’s car.

“Stop the car here.”

Yacob parked the car on the roadside as told.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 94 The Listening Device

Before Yacob could get out of the car to open the door for Elias, the latter already pushed the door open and walked toward the forest.

What is Amanda doing here? It’s getting dark.

Elias walked into the forest with questions in his mind. He began to look around for Amanda.

“Mr. Winters!” Yacob tried to follow Elias. He didn’t dare to let Elias out of his sight even for a moment.

However, Elias coldly ordered, “Stay where you are. Don’t follow me.”

Yacob did not answer and did as was told. He didn’t try to move after Elias made his words clear.

In the forest, Amanda had arrived at the crash site. The police had cleaned up the site, so she couldn’t find anything useful around other than the marks the car left when it flipped over.

She knew something was wrong when she saw the crash site at first sight. Why did Elias drive into the forest? How did the car flip over? It more or less has to do with the steering wheel, which caused the driver to lose control over the direction. Was there something wrong with the car? Knowing Elias, his luxury cars must go through regular car maintenance. Such a fault is unlikely to happen unless somebody is behind

She remembered the call Grace had in the hospital. The other details also suggested that the accident was planned.

I wish Elias was here. At least I can ask him what happened during the accident.

A man’s deep voice came from behind without a warning. “What are you doing?”

The unexpected voice startled her. Amanda turned around in the direction of the voice with. widened eyes. She sighed in relief and patted her chest to soothe her heartbeat when she found Elias standing there.

“You nearly scared me to death! Don’t come up behind me without making a sound!”

Elias took a few steps forward and stopped before her. “I wasn’t trying to hide the sound of my footsteps when I walked here. It’s just that you’re preoccupied with your thoughts.”

His honesty left her speechless as she indeed wasn’t paying attention to her surroundings earlier.

“What are you doing here?” Elias repeated.

Amanda tilted her chin at the area. “I came here to check on the site. By the way, I have a question for you. What exactly happened that day? Why did you drive the car into the forest?”

Her question put a slight frown on his face. What made her start investigating the accident? Does she know something?

“What did you find?”

“Oh. There’s nothing so far, but it gives me a strange feeling. After all, I know you’re a skillful driver. Knowing you, you wouldn’t have driven off the road into the forest during a rainy day.

Since Amanda hadn’t found solid evidence, she kept her answer vague.

“I lost control over the steering wheel that day, Elias mused out loud. When the accident happened, he tried to grab the steering wheel, only to find he didn’t have control over it. Therefore, his car ran straight into the forest. He couldn’t remember what happened afterward.

“I see. There’s one more thing. You studied computer science at university, right? I remember that you invented a mini listening device in the past. Do you still have it? Did you launch it into the market?”

Amanda remembered finding out about the products Elias researched four years ago, and it made him a genius in her mind. A listening device, which was as thin as paper, he was developing four years ago came to her mind. She dared to call it the pinnacle of listening devices. However, she no longer paid attention to its development, so she was wondering if he had launched it into the market or not.

Elias was taken aback by her question. I didn’t expect her to remember it after all these years.

“No, I didn’t. It takes a high cost and a long time to complete, so Grandpa advised against putting it on the market.”

“I see. Fine, then.” Amanda was disappointed to hear that. After all, she was somehow fond of the product.

The disappointment on her face didn’t go unnoticed by him. He prompted, “Are you interested in it? Even though it’s not in the market, I have a few samples with me.”

“Are you serious? Can I have one?”

“Who are you going to use the device on?” Elias squinted his eyes unhappily. Not only was his curiosity bugging him, he felt jealousy rooted in his mind.

Who is the person that is worth Amanda’s attention?

An excuse occurred to her. “A lawyer always needs to gather evidence. I need to collect the evidence for a case. Can I borrow the device from you?”

Even though her excuse didn’t convince Elias entirely, he decided to lend her the bug.

“Sure. You need my help to install it, though. Where are you going to install it? At home or on a pphone?”

“On a phone, obviously.”

Amanda planned to install the device on Grace’s phone, so she could learn whether the woman was responsible for the accident or not..

“I left them at home. You have to come home with me to take it,” Elias explained in a low voice.

“Lead the way.” Amanda gave him a curt answer. The reason for her urge to find out the truth. remained unknown to herself.

Amanda returned to the manor with Elias.

The pair went into the study room. Elias took out the micro listening device before reaching out his palm to her. “Give me the phone.”

“Sure!” She immediately gave him her phone.

The next moment, he brought her phone and the device to his computer before he inserted a bunch of commands into the computer. He slowly began. “Now the device is bound to your phone. You can stick it to the other phone. When the owner gets a call on their phone, you’ll receive a notification on yours as well. From that time on, you can listen to their conversation.”

Elias’ explanation was mesmerizing. She had to admit that he was a charismatic person. Moreover, he was wealthy and talented. She could see why women threw themselves at him.

“I understand. Thank you.”

She took the listening device and studied it as if it was a treasure. He’s a genius to create such an unassuming device. People would never catch it.

Elias studied her side profile and he couldn’t help but shoot her a question. “Who are you intending to use it on? Is it a man or a woman?”

“A man” His curiosity would only get in her way. Therefore, Amanda gave him the opposite answer.

It put a scowl between his brows. “A man?”

The words drove him mad. Is she tapping a man’s phone? Who is it? Is it Simon?

Amanda lowered her voice and whispered, “A female client of mine’s husband cheated on her. She asked me to gather evidence of her husband’s affair. The bug will come in handy.”

Her words smoothened the creases between Elias’ brows and somehow eased his mind.

“Remember to tell me once you put the device on your target’s phone. I’ll turn on the permission to tap their phone when they’re on a call.”

“No problem. I’ve got to go. And you’d best take care of yourself.”

After that, Amanda turned to leave.

At that moment, a thought occurred to her. She turned around to watch the man sitting behind the desk. “Aren’t you supposed to stay in the hospital for recovery? Why did you come back here?”

“It’s boring to stay in the hospital. It’s the same staying at home.”

“Sure, but don’t run around like that with an injury, alright? Your wound might reopen and get an infection. With that final reminder, she finally left for the door.

Elias wanted to ask her to stay, but her receding figure sent a pang of pain through his heart.

She’s a heartless and ungrateful woman.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 95 Perfect Timing

The butler saw Amanda off. He followed her until both of them stopped in front of her car.

“Miss Bailey, you should come to visit Mr. Winters when you’re free. He needs some company.”

He could tell Amanda was the only person to make Elias talk.

“All he needs to do for the time being is recover. He should stop running around. I’ve seen the weather forecast. It’ll continue to rain these few days.”

She then opened the door to get into the car.

The man couldn’t help but sigh. “Mr. Winters cooked for you on his birthday. He was going to pick you up to celebrate his birthday. Who would’ve known it would end up in an accident…”

If everything went smoothly that day, Elias could’ve brought Amanda back to the manor for his birthday celebration. Furthermore, it would also break the ice between Elias and Amanda.

The words took Amanda aback. “Since when did he learn to cook? I never once saw him do so.”

The butler had many stories to share with her. “That’s right. Mr. Winters never cooked, but he had a different idea in mind during his birthday. He woke up early and sought advice from the chef at home. He whipped up a feast with the chef’s help, but he cut his fingers many times in the process. I’ve never seen him being that serious about something.”

Amanda burst into laughter after hearing the story.

Elias, of all people, cooked? After learning the story from the butler, she felt a pang of sadness within her. Elias had long since abandoned celebrating his birthday. Just when he finally made up his mind to move on, his life gave him something bad in return. I need to find the truth, or else he’ll see it as karma. The thought will traumatize him and he will be strongly against the thought of celebrating his birthday for the rest of his life.

The butler sighed one more time. I guess Mr. Winters would never want to celebrate his birthday after this. It’s never a pleasant thought for him. After all, his father passed away on the same day.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll fix everything. He could have a normal birthday from next year on A hint of determination was shown in Amanda’s tone. After that, she closed the door.

Even though the man had no idea what she was talking about, her determined look convinced him.

Meanwhile, Elias’ tall stature was standing before the French windows on the third floor. He fixed gaze on Amanda’s car until he could no longer see it as she drove out of the manor.

He stated to Yacob, “Yacob, there’s something I need you to do for me.”“

“What is it, Mr. Winters?”

“Get me the staff list for the dinner I had in Flimwood four years ago, including those who had resigned.”

“All right, Mr. Winters.”

Even though Yacob didn’t understand the reason for Elias’ attention to the dinner four years ago, he did as told. After all, I’m just a bodyguard. It’s not my place to intervene in my higher-up’s business.

The door shut with a thud, leaving Elias alone in the room in silence.

Looking out of the window, he allowed his eyes to land on where Amanda parked her car earlier. His fathomless eyes gave off nothing.

He was determined to find out what happened during the dinner no matter what.

Little did he know, he was biased toward believing Amanda’s words.

Amanda returned home to find Selina accompanying Aiden in building toy blocks.

She had to admit that Selina’s presence eased her burdens and allowed her more time to focus on her work.

“Mommy, look at this! Miss Selina made me a Superman with the blocks!” Aiden shot her a joyful smile upon seeing her.

Amanda approached them with a smile mirroring his. That’s amazing! You can count on Miss Yaleman for a good time. She has a lot of tricks up her sleeves.”

Humming a response, the boy nodded his head vigorously. A few exchanges later, the toy blocks once again caught his attention.

“Did you have dinner?” Selina asked. “I can heat the leftovers for you. Aiden and I ate earlier. He had quite the appetite tonight. Do you know he finished the meal on his own?”

“He must really like your cooking. He never finishes his meal when I’m the cook The statement surprised Amanda. The little brat finished his meal? That’s new.

“I just made some simple food. Nothing too fancy. I’ll heat them for you.” Selina stood and walked toward the kitchen.

Amanda shot her a grateful smile. “Thank you. I’ll go and change in the bedroom.

After that, Amanda went into the bedroom and changed into something casual. Then, she took out the listening device and studied it. How am I supposed to stick it to Grace’s phone? Even though it’s not easy to spot it, I need to find a way to stick it to her phone in the first place.

Just when she was brainstorming for a solution, her phone rang.

She glanced at the screen. It was an anonymous number. After a moment of hesitation, she answered her phone, “Hello?”

“It’s Grace here. Are you free to meet up tomorrow? I’ve got something to tell you.”

Amanda’s eyes widened in surprise as she thought of something. Perfect timing! Just when I’m worrying about finding a way to put the device on her phone. It’s like the opportunity is handed to me on a silver platter. I don’t know the reason, but I’m glad she suggested meeting up.

Even so, Amanda pretended to be annoyed. “Is it something important? I’m busy with work these days. There are a lot of cases to deal with.”

“It won’t take you long. We can meet up after work tomorrow. It’ll only take about thirty minutes.” Grace remained calm on the phone.

Amanda eventually agreed with her. “Fine. See you tomorrow.”

After that, she hung up her phone. It’s a good thing she made it easy for me, but something’s not right. What does she want to tell me?

Meanwhile, Grace stared at the dark screen of her phone after the call ended. She was looking forward to discovering something during the meeting with Amanda tomorrow.

She had a feeling that Amanda knew something from their conversation in the cafe earlier that day. I need to bait her into giving me the information tomorrow. I need to know how much she knows, Besides, there’s another question. Why didn’t she tell Elias about their child?

The second day was a busy day for Amanda. At night, Grace called her as soon as she finished work.

Grace proposed to meet up with Amanda at Brownie Cafe, where they ran into each other yesterday.

The server brought Amanda to a private room once she arrived at the cafe.

She chose a private room. What kind of secret is she going to tell me?

Amanda pushed the door open and walked inside, Grace was taking a sip of her coffee as she glanced in Amanda’s direction. “Take a seat, Amanda.”

Amanda took a seat on the couch opposite Grace before turning to the server. “One coffee, please.”

Soon, the server served her order and closed the door for them.

It was a soundproof room. Their conversation would remain a secret to the guests outside since nobody could hear them.

Seeing no point in beating around the bush, Amanda cut to the chase. “Be honest, what are you on about? It’s not like we’re friends who can hang out after work.”

“That’s right. I sought you for some clarification. You have the answers to them. Grace studied Amanda’s expression meticulously.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 96 Do I Have to Do That?

Meanwhile, Amanda waited for Grace to finish her sentence.

However, Grace leisurely sipped her coffee before she opened her mouth. “It seems that you have some misconceptions about me. Maybe you can speak up, and I’d like to defend myself too.”

Huh? What is she up to? At that thought, Amanda asked, “What are you talking about? What misconceptions do I have about you? Why can’t I understand what you’re saying?”

Grace held the coffee cup and inquired inquisitively. “I cannot fathom why you would believe that Elias’ car accident has anything to do with me. Did someone tell you that?”

Oh… So, she’s still bothered by the probing yesterday. Is she feeling guilty? Doesn’t that prove there’s something wrong? At this realization, Amanda chuckled and asked, “Why are you so bothered by this? I was merely joking and making a passing comment when I said that.”

“Please don’t joke about such serious matters, Amanda! You have no evidence to say such things about me. It’s an insult to my character! As a lawyer, you should know that this constitutes defamation!” She doesn’t appear to have any evidence and is unlikely to know any inside information, so she probably uttered those words without much thought. As Grace pondered this, she felt a weight lift from her shoulders.

In the meantime, her unusual behavior confirmed Amanda’s suspicions and doubts, but she still needed to find a way to plant the bug in Grace’s phone. So, upon noticing Grace’s phone on the table, she discreetly removed the paper-thin bug from her bag while pretending to sip her coffee. Then, she said, “Miss Murphy, there’s no need to get so worked up. I was just speaking casually- The next moment, as she was about to put down her coffee cup, she deliberately knocked it over, and the coffee spilled directly onto Grace’s phone. “Oh no! I’m sorry! It was an accident! Let me help you clean it!” she apologized while wiping Grace’s phone with a tissue. After that, she took off the phone case, discreetly slid the bug inside, and reattached the cover. I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention… Let me clean it for you.” With a contrite expression on her face, she kept wiping the phone.

On the other hand, Grace looked annoyed that Amanda had removed her phone case, so she quickly retrieved the device and said, “No need! I’ll clean it myself!”

Phew… The bug has been placed inside the phone case. Hopefully, everything will be fine. Amanda looked at Grace, who was giving her phone a final, thorough wiping with a tissue. Then, Amanda smiled awkwardly and said, “I’m sorry I was too careless with my coffee. If your phone is damaged, I can pay to have it repaired or buy you a replacement.”

After hearing this, Grace slid her finger across her phone screen and noticed it was functioning properly. Fortunately, the spilled coffee was quickly cleaned up, and my phone was not damaged. “It’s fine. The coffee did not get into the phone,” Suddenly, her phone rang; she grimaced as she looked at the caller, as if the call were highly confidential, jumped to her feet hastily, and said, “I have something to take care of, so we’ll talk another time.”

After saying that, she grabbed her bag and left the private room.

She just lefi like that? Amanda felt confused. Yet, she is quite astute and appears to have picked up on my suspicions about her. Who is the caller? She seems a little on edge, though. While thinking about this, she took out her phone and dialed Elias’ number, and the call was connected after a few rings. Still, she was taken aback by how quickly the man responded to her call; she reasoned that he must be sitting around doing nothing while he recuperated from his injuries at home.

“What’s up?” His deep, seductive voice emanated from the other end of the line.

After hearing that, she said, “Quick, I’ve planted the bug. Help me set up the permissions for call monitoring.

“Okay, give me a few minutes.”

She could hear his footsteps on the other end of the phone, presumably toward the study. Nevertheless, she didn’t rush him and waited patiently. Later, she overheard the man at his desk. clicking the mouse and typing on the keyboard…

After approximately two or three minutes, Elias picked up his phone from the desk. “All right, now your tapped phone will receive incoming calls, and you can listen to all the conversations.”

“Great, thank you,” Amanda replied.

She was about to end the call when he asked. “Are you going to hang up just like that? Do you still need anything? Have you had dinner? I haven’t eaten yet. Join me for dinner.”

“I… Fine, then wait for me at home. She had initially planned to decline, but after recalling that he had assisted her in planting the bug, she agreed to have a meal with him.

“Really?” The man on the phone seemed somewhat skeptical of her swift response.

“I’ll drive over right now. After all, I’m hungry too. Didn’t Mr. Jones say you learned to cook? Why don’t you cook for me tonight? I really want to taste your cooking,” she said as she grabbed her bag and headed toward the private room’s exit.

“Okay.” As soon as he said that, he hung up the phone.

However, Amanda found it odd that he had hung up so quickly, as she knew him well enough to know that this was not his typical behavior.

Meanwhile, at Winters Estate, Elias dashed out of the study and shouted, “Mr. Jones! Mr. Jones!”

Then, he took the elevator to reach the first-floor living room. When Boris heard this, he rushed over to inquire, “Mr. Winters, did you call for me?”

“Prepare the kitchen. I want to cook” Elias said striding toward the knchen.

Boris was dumbfounded upon hearing this. He has been moody these past jetz den, and note he suddenly wants to cook? At this thought he couldn’t help but ask. Mr. Winters & Miss Bailey coming over?”

Elias paused and stared at him. “How did you know? Did she call you?

Boris was speechless by this. He wouldn’t have an imprompra arge to cook if she wasn’t coming. “I'lI inform the kitchen to prepare ingredients, but what dishes would you like to make?”

On the other hand, this question prompted Elas to contemplate deeply. Instead of acting wher dishes I wanted to make he should have asked what dister I could make ther all I have long forgotten the few recipes I learned on my birthday L Forget it: I’ll talk to the cook Mr Jones can’t even cook, so there is no point in speaking with him. Following this he went straight to the kitchen, where he found the head cook and the other cooks standing in line, awaiting his instructions

The estate’s cooks were known to be some of the best in the country; in fact, some had even cooked at state banquets. Even though they were undeniably talented cooks, it was difficult for them to teach Elias how to cook

“Quick, teach me how to make two dishes. They have to be delicious and not tasteless Elias exclaimed as he surveyed the fresh ingredients and realized he was overwhelmed by the thought of cooking because he knew he had little talent for it

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 97 Watch a Movie with Me

The head cook hesitated and suggested. “Mr. Winters, why don’t we prepare two simple dishes? Learning complicated dishes might take some time.”

After hearing this, Elias glared at the cook. “Do you expect my woman to eat just salad? Do you think you’re feeding rabbits?”

The head cook was speechless and silently thought to himself. If only he could make a salad properly…

On the other hand, it took Amanda nearly forty minutes to reach the estate, and it was already dark when she arrived. She had to hurry through her meal so she could get back home to her child. While knowing that Selina was keeping an eye on Aiden helped ease her mind, she knew that, as his mother, she had to be present for him.

When she exited her vehicle, Boris greeted her, “Miss Bailey, you’ve finally arrived. Mr. Winters requested that I bring you to the dining room so you could wait for him.”

“Wait for him? What is he busy with?”

After hearing this, he answered truthfully. “Knowing you were coming for dinner, he decided to learn to cook in the kitchen. It won’t take long, so kindly wait in the dining room.”

“Now? He’s learning to cook?” Amanda was astonished. I made a passing reference to it, and I do not expect Elias to cook. Considering that he is still recovering from his illness, how could he possibly cook?

Boris then led her to the dining room, where three dishes had already been set on the table. She wondered how they tasted because they appeared to have been prepared with the assistance of the head cook, as they smelled and looked delectable. After that, he said, “Mr. Winters is preparing one more dish. Please wait a little longer. If you’re hungry, you can start eating”

“I’ll wait for him,” she replied. How can I eat first?

Ten minutes later, she heard heavy footsteps approaching and looked up to see Elias tall figure. She observed that he looked refined and noble in his all-black top and off-white bottoms. He did not look like he had been cooking in the kitchen but had returned from a fashion show.

Afterward, the maid behind him placed the last dish on the table before leaving the dining room in silence with Boris, leaving the pair alone.

Elias pulled out a chair and sat next to her, saying. “Let’s eat. You haven’t had dinner either, right?” After saying this, he took a bite of one of the dishes with his fork. Then, a grin spread across his face, and it became clear that he was pleased with his efforts in preparing this meal.

“I never expected that you could cook…” Amanda was surprised that he had learned to cook, given. that he had been pampered since childhood and lived lavishly.

“I prepared more dishes that day, but you didn’t get to try them”

On her birthday, he had spent the entire day cooking in preparation for an evening celebration with her, but things didn’t go as planned. Even though there were only four dishes on the table today, the fact that he could eat with her was a blessing.

Eventually, she reached for her fork and sampled a morsel of fish. How should I describe it? It’s quite unexpected. The dish has an exquisite flavor that recalls the cook’s touch. The cook most likely guided Elias through preparing this dish, but it is a bit too salty… Yet, considering that he is just starting out, it is already quite remarkable.

“How is it?” Elias’ dark eyes held a hint of expectation as he waited for Amanda’s evaluation of his cooking.

She nodded and replied. “It’s very good and quite delicious. I’m famished!” Then, she tried the other dishes but still found them too salty. Is this man a supertaster? Can’t he taste the saltiness? Why would he put so much salt?

“Then, eat more. He had already eaten earlier and simply fabricated an excuse to see her. He then observed her eating with great interest. Never before have I noticed how gracefully she eats; she takes small, careful bites and chews them slowly, even when starving. When I first married her, I assumed a girl from the slums would have no table manners and might even chew with her mouth wide open. This is why I rarely ate with her in the past and never paid attention to her eating habits.

Eventually, Amanda had two bowls of rice to balance out the saltiness of the food. Tm full. I’m going home now. Rest early,” she stated as she glanced at her wristwatch. Time to head home, or else the little brat would start calling if I lingered any longer.

After hearing this, Elias’ face turned cold, and he looked at her, saying, “Do you think this place is a restaurant? You just eat and leave like that?”

“What do you want then? It’s already late, and it’s dark outside. It won’t be convenient for me to drive, and the weather these days isn’t good. It might rain anytime.”

“Watch a movie with me. I’ll have the driver take you home later.” Elias rose to his feet and grabbed Amanda’s wrist before leaving the dining room.

Nonetheless, she struggled to free herself from his grip. “No, I have something to do. Let’s do it another day. I really don’t have time now.”

“What do you have to do? Are you going on a date with another man?” His anger flared at the prospect of her hanging out with Simon.

“I-I have to work overtime. I’m busy with work.” Every once in a while, Amanda would look at her phone out of nervous anticipation that her son would call.

“You should only be busy with work at the law firm. Who allowed you to bring work home? Is that how Simon acts as a boss?” At that instant, Elias’ tone was full of mockery and disdam.

Ultimately, she had no choice but to compromise when she realized she couldn’t refuse him. “Then, let me call the nanny at home just to let her know not to enter my study.”

“Fine.” He agreed readily upon hearing this.

Hence, she picked up her phone and walked to the side, dialing Selina’s number.

However, the man seemed displeased when he saw her walk away. “Do you have to hide when you make the call? Is your nanny a man?”

“Could you give me some personal space? Didn’t we agree on giving me freedom? Didn’t we agree that you would change your lousy temper? What have you changed?” she complained because she could no longer tolerate his behavior. This man’s arrogance has not diminished at all.

No words were left in Elias’ vocabulary, so he said nothing.

On the other hand, Amanda waited for a while until Selina answered the call. Then, Amanda cast a sneaking glance at the man behind her in case he came over to eavesdrop. “Selina, is Aiden asleep? You should put him to bed first. I may return late, so please do not wait for me.” After quickly providing instructions, she hung up the phone, feeling nervous, as if she had committed a crime. Then, she turned to him and said, “Okay, hurry up, and let’s go watch your movie. Once it’s over, I can go home. Her tone was extremely perfunctory, as she doubted she could focus for even a second.

However, Elias didn’t like her dismissive attitude and said. “If you’re going to watch a movie with me, watch it seriously. Don’t try to brush me off. Ill test you on your thoughts about the movie later.”

Huh? He wants to test my thoughts on the movie? Why does it feel like I’m being assigned homework by an elementary school teacher? “Elias! Don’t push it too far. I remember you were the one pursuing me, not the other way around, right?”

“So, what?” Elias retorted, maintaining his arrogance without feeling any guilt. It seemed like this haughtiness was ingrained in him from birth.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 98 How to Pursue Women

Amanda snorted angrily and asked, “So, this is your approach to pursuing women? Can you win a woman’s heart like this? Do you even know how to pursue women?”

When Elias heard this, he seriously considered it before responding, “No.”

She was speechless by his reply. Indeed, how often does he pursue women? There are always women waiting in line to climb into his bed. How could he ever stoop so low as to go after women?

Meanwhile, inside the estate, they started watching the movie under the stars from the wicker chairs in the garden.

This scoundrel has some sense of style by choosing to watch a movie outdoors like this. Amanda suddenly realized it had been quite some time since she had devoted her full attention to a movie. Since there was a hint of floral scent in the air tonight, she decided it would be the perfect time to watch movie outside in the garden, where she could enjoy the fresh air and the scenery while unwinding from her busy day. They were watching Titanic,” a movie she liked, and even though she had seen it many times, it still made her shed tears.

On the other hand, Elias pretended to watch the film while leaning back in his chair and occasionally gazing at the woman sitting beside him. He just wanted an excuse to spend more time with her.

In the past, she was the one who went out of her way to find opportunities to spend time with him; however, the roles now appear to have reversed.

As the movie’s most touching scene of parting and farewell played out, Amanda’s eyes reddened, and tears began to trickle down her face. However, Elias was speechless upon seeing her tears. Is this scene so touching? Is it worth crying over? Consequently, he pulled out a tissue and gave it to her. She gave him a quick glance before grabbing a tissue to wipe her tears. During a particularly heartbreaking segment of the movie, he said faintly. “It’s all an act and nothing more. There’s no need to be sad about it.”

After hearing this, she stared emotionlessly at the man beside her, no longer experiencing sadness at the most heartbreaking scene. “Do you even know what it’s like to be fully immersed in the moment? This movie is well-made, and that’s why it can move me to tears. You, as a typical man, understand nothing.”

A typical man… Elias face immediately darkened upon hearing those words. Do I deserve to be called a typical man?

Half an hour later, the movie ended, but Amanda’s tears continued to flow. This time, he was more considerate and didn’t say anything to ruin the atmosphere. Instead, he silently handed her tissues.

Then, she took a deep breath, calmed down, and slowly stood up. “The movie is over now, so I can leave, right?”

After saying that, she was about to turn and leave, but this time, the man didn’t forcefully stop her but stood up. I’ll send you home.”

“You’ll send me home? You’re still recovering from your injury, so how can you do that? Are you honestly planning to drive?” She couldn’t help but wonder if he had a grudge against her. He can’t even walk properly, and now he insists on sending me home.

“I’m not that frail, and it’s too dark now. It’s unsafe for a woman to drive alone,” Elias replied. He had his reasons, and it was indeed somewhat risky for a woman to drive home at this hour, especially considering how far away this location was from the city center.

“No need. I’ll drive carefully. You should get some rest,” Amanda insisted. She had frequently driven home alone at night over the previous four years, and nights abroad were even more chaotic, so she reasoned that she could handle anything .

I said I’ll send you home. The driver will drive,” he said firmly, not allowing her to refuse.

“I also told you it’s not necessary. It has been four years, and I often go home alone at night. You should know the nighttime situation abroad, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

Elias was speechless upon hearing this. So, Amanda had such a difficult life for the last four years? It seems as though she’s been putting in a lot of late-night hours. Then, why did she not accept the money I offered her during the divorce? I can’t comprehend this woman’s behavior, as she seems adamant about maintaining her tough exterior. At this realization, he said. “During these four years, I was absent from your life. Now that I am around, I will no longer permit you to return home late at night. His resolute tone prevented her from refusing his offer.

Afterward, she sighed, realizing that he still hadn’t changed. He is still so domineering and assertive. “What about my car?”

“The driver will have it delivered to you tomorrow.”

Ultimately, Amanda said nothing and could only comply with Elias’ arrangements.

After a while, the driver drove the pair toward the city center. Nonetheless, the atmosphere inside the car was unusually subdued, and nobody spoke while the driver intently concentrated on the road.

At that moment, Elias remembered her words from earlier and couldn’t help but ask, “Were the past four years good for you?” He had wanted to ask this question for some time but had never gotten the chance. Although he was aware that what had happened to Amanda over the past four years had nothing to do with him, he was nevertheless responsible for it. He figured that if they hadn’t gotten a divorce back then, she would have been living happily by his side for the years, and their child would be about three years old now.

She was stunned for a moment when she heard this, then smiled. “How should I put it? It was bad and tough, but I made it through.”

He felt as though he were being suffocated by her ostensibly casual reply.

Eventually, the car stopped in front of Luminance Villa, and Amanda unbuckled her seatbelt, opened the door, and exited the vehicle. Then, Elias viewed her slender form through the car window as he pondered. How could I make up for those four years and start anew with her?

Nonetheless, he was unaware that he owed her more than just those four years; he also owed a well-behaved, understanding three-year-old named Aiden Bailey.

Meanwhile, at home, Amanda discovered that Selina and Aiden were already asleep. As usual, she went to the nursery to kiss the sleeping child before returning to her room for a quick, hot shower.

She was so worn out that she didn’t bother with her usual bedtime skincare routine, instead of lying on the bed and sleeping until morning. Then, she glanced at her phone. Why hasn’t Grace called anyone all night? At this moment, her phone abruptly rang, showing that it was a call from Grace’s phone. This is it!

Amanda sat bolt upright as she connected the call, pressed the phone to her car, and heard Grace’s voice on the other end. Unfortunately, she was disappointed because Grace was merely chatting with her manager, and the conversation revealed nothing of interest. Despite this, Amanda listened attentively because she hoped to hear something useful. After ending the call. she fell asleep due to sheer exhaustion.

The following morning, she sat up and stretched lazily after being roused from her sleep by the sound of Aiden, that little brat, playing downstairs. Hence, she showered, changed into more comfortable clothes, and went downstairs, where she found her son dancing joyfully to the television.

Meanwhile, Selina was preparing breakfast in the kitchen. Amanda went to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. That smells so good. Did you pour the milk?” She took a sip of water and couldn’t help but sniff the fragrant aroma of the congee.

Selina smiled and replied, “It’s congee cooked with milk. You and Aiden don’t eat properly most of the time, so I’m here to feed you both with nutritious food.”

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 99 How Could She Be So Evil?

“You’re the best, Selina,” Amanda said. “I am already embarrassed by how much you had to take cale of me years ago. Now, you’re taking care of my son in the same way. Thank you so much, Selina.”

Suddenly, Amanda thought Selina was just like a mother with her kind and warm aura.

“Oh, right. I’ve always wanted to ask you this; who is the boy’s father? Are you… divorced? The question had been bothering Selina the entire time, but she just could not find a chance to pop the question.

Amanda’s smile slowly faded away and she sighed. Yes. We’ve been divorced for four years. Aiden had never seen his father before, but he is always yearning for one. Sometimes, I feel guilty for what I’ve done to him.”

She glanced out of the kitchen into the living room where Aiden was intently watching his cartoons.

Sympathy flashed in Selina’s eyes. “I see. Well, children all need a father. If it’s possible, let him meet his father. Over the past few days, whenever I dropped him off at kindergarten, he would always stare in envy at the other children’s fathers.”

That tugged at Amanda’s heartstrings.

Aiden had recently stopped talking to her about looking for his father. He had also started to avoid telling her she had to make Frederick his father. She thought it was just a phase like most children would go through.

She did not expect to hear him… admire others for having fathers.

Selina continued, “Aiden is such a considerate young man. When I asked him why he doesn’t tell you he wants a father, he replied that you are going through your own difficulties as well, that it’s hard to be a mother. He said that no man alive was a good match for you. Once, he had a suitable candidate in mind, but you didn’t like the man. Since you don’t like the man, he wouldn’t like the man either. He only wants you to be happy.”

Tears swelled in Amanda’s eyes by the time Selina finished speaking.

Her son was very considerate and mature.

Her love for him had not been in vain.

“I suddenly feel immature. How is a child more considerate than I am?” She felt a lump in her throat

Selina smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder. “You have such an amazing son, making me green with envy. Your relationship with him is literally two hearts united in love.” She sighed.

Two hearts united in love? Amanda could not resist chuckling-

He had certainly given her hope in the darkest moments of her life. In the past four years, she had only lived because of him.

She headed to the couch in the living room and wrapped her arms around Aiden.

“What are you doing, Mommy? I’m watching cartoons!” Aiden shoved at her with a look of disdain on his face. His eyes remained trained on the television.

His response did not irritate her, and she ducked her head down to kiss his chubby cheek. “What present would you like. Aiden? I’m free to go shopping with you today.”

“Really? Don’t you dare lie to me, Mommy!” Aiden’s eyes lit up with glee.

“Of course! When have I ever lied to you?”

Then, the commercial break started, making him panic. “I want cartoons, Mommy! I don’t want ads!”

As she moved to the remote control to skip the advertisement, she grumbled under her breath, “Why are there advertisements? I paid for membership. What a scam….

Suddenly, he pointed at the person showing up on the television screen and screamed, “That’s her, Mommy! That’s the evil woman!”

She turned to look at the advertisement being played. It was a skincare brand advertisement featuring Grace.

Confused, she asked, “Evil woman? Do you mean the woman in the advertisement? Why is she evil?”

“That’s the woman who shouted your name outside the kindergarten gates and pulled on my hair. Mommy!

Amanda was shocked.

At that moment, there was a ringing sound in her ears as her mind went blank. She felt her head going numb as if a bomb had exploded in her mind.

“Wait. Do you mean the woman in this video shouted my name outside the kindergarten and pulled on your hair? Why would she pull on your hair?”

She suddenly recalled that Aiden had told her about a mean woman who had pulled on his hair in kindergarten. She had assumed he was making up a story back then. After all, who would pull ar his hair for no reason? It might have just been a fight between the children. She had not expected it to be Grace!

His black eyes solemnly stared at the television as he continued to point at it. “That’s the woman. She said she knew you. I don’t know why she pulled my hair, though. She ran away soon after.”

Grace ran away after pulling Aiden’s hair.

Why would she do that?

Why did Grace’s weird actions sound so horrifying when he spoke of them?

Amanda’s hair was standing on its ends. Did this mean Grace knew about Aiden?


Her heart skipped. Did Grace grab some of Aiden’s hair for a paternity test? Was Grace trying to confirm if he was Elias’ child?

As she felt even more certain of her guess, her heart began to race.

Just then, her phone rang.

She had planned to end it since she was not in the mood for a phone call.

However, one glance down at the phone screen revealed that it was a call from Grace. After a few moments of hesitation, she answered the call and held her phone up to her ear.

What she heard was Grace talking to a man.

“I’ve paid you, so go away! Even if they do pinpoint you as the ultimate culprit behind the car crash, you are not allowed to betray me, Grace said.

“Don’t worry. It will never happen. I cleaned up after myself. You know how good I am,” the man said.

“Hmph! Yeah, right! Remember the trash you hired last time? I told him to kidnap the child and abandon the boy in the mountains. In the end, the child returned safe and sound. Meanwhile, the guy disappeared! Of course, I would worry!”

“Ah, well… I didn’t expect him to be so unreliable either. He was already in the designated area. He just needed to abandon him there. The people who forced him to hand over the boy must have been hired by someone very powerful. He is also a well-known gambler. He would never turn away from more money.”

“Enough with the excuses! Disappear from my sight right now. Do not let anyone know you were involved.”

Doot. Doot…

By the end of the call, Amanda’s hands were trembling, and her face went stark white.

What she had just learned was just too overwhelming.

Did this mean Grace was behind Aiden’s kidnapping as well?

She abruptly felt the urge to charge over to Grace and tear her apart. How could she be so evil?

Grace was going to abandon Aiden in a remote mountainous region only occupied by the poorest villages in the nation. Did she want Amanda to lose Aiden forever?

Grace Murphy!

How could she be so very sinister?

Amanda’s breathing began to come out in harsh pants as her fingers curled into fists. Currently, hate flashed in her eyes.

Since Grace had grabbed a few strands of Aiden’s hair for a paternity test, then she knew the relationship between Aiden and Elias. That was why she hired someone to kidnap Aiden.

That meant Grace would continue to target Amanda and Aiden.

She was certainly capable of anything and everything just so she could marry into the Winters Family to gain Elias’ love.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 100 Tearing Into the “Innocent” Manipulator

“Mommy, I don’t want to look at that evil woman’s face anymore!” Aiden cried, shaking Amanda’s arn and snapping her back to reality.

Amanda glanced down at her precious son. If Elias had not found him in time, then Aiden would have been lost forever. He might even have died.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she felt.

The only thought in her mind was the urge to immediately charge over to confront Grace.

She was able to accept the de-escalation of a situation through talk, but she could never tolerate anyone hurting Aiden.

Just then, breakfast was done. Selina placed the dishes on the table and called out to them, “Let’s eat. Aiden, bring your mother over for breakfast.”

Amanda calmed herself down and carried Aiden over to the dining room.

“How about you go with Miss Selina to the theme park after breakfast, Aiden?” she suggested.

“Didn’t you say we were going shopping for my present? You lied to me!” He was very unhappy upon realizing she had lied to him once more.

She ruffled his hair. “I didn’t. I would never lie to you. We’ll be going shopping in the afternoon. I have something to do in the morning”

Selina chimed in to help argue Amanda’s case. “Let’s watch a movie after going to the theme park, Aiden. The cartoon you love has released a movie.

“Yeah! You’re the best, Miss Selina!” He grinned and obediently began to eat his breakfast.

Amanda could not resist smiling as well. “You’re better with kids than I am. Is that a talent of yours?”

“It means there’s a connection between Aiden and me. We are destined to get along.” Selina proudly stated.

After shooting her another smile, Amanda turned her attention to her breakfast and distractedly picked at it while her mind continued to ponder on the conversation she overheard. Her entire being was seething with anger at Grace.

After breakfast, Amanda headed to Grace’s home at Regal Gardens.

Apparently, Regal Gardens was an area so luxurious that every unit was worth tens of millions. There was no way Grace could have afforded a unit there. Hence, Elias must have paid for it.

Due to how high-end the neighborhood was, the security of the area was very strict. Amanda was only allowed in after Grace had been notified several times by the security guard.

From the moment she arrived, she had been prepared for a battle. There was a stormy look on her face.


She stepped up to the door to Grace’s home and rang the doorbell.

Past the door, Grace was confused by her unexpected visitor. When she saw Amanda standing outside her door, her face twisted into an extremely fierce and ugly look.

She hesitated for a few seconds before opening the door. She wanted to know why Amanda was there.

“Amanda, why…” she spoke as soon as the door swung open.

A loud noise echoed through the air as Amanda slapped Grace across the face.

The force of the slap forced Grace’s face to turn to the side. She was shocked. What had she done wrong? Her cheek was burning hot, and she could even feel it swelling up.

“What are you doing? Why did you hit me?” Grace shrieked as she held a hand up to her stinging cheek.

Instead of responding to Grace, Amanda entered Grace’s home and closed the door behind her. She then slapped Grace across the other cheek in one hard swing.

“Ouch! Have you gone mad? What are you doing?”

Grace stumbled backward as both her cheeks turned red from the pain. There was even a speck of blood on the corner of her lips. Still, she did not know what she had done to deserve the slaps.

“This is your last warning, Amanda! One more slap and I’ll call the police! What right do you have to hit me? Why have you come all the way here to attack me for no reason?” Grace screeched.

Amanda flung her bag to the side and rolled up her sleeves as though she was about to attack

Grace once more.

“Call the police then! Tell them how you kidnapped my son, Grace Murphy!” she roared.

Grace’s mind went blank.

The air seemed to have exploded. Grace’s eyes widened in shock as fear was painted all over her face. She was rendered speechless,

“Well? Cat got your tongue? Are you wondering how I found out? I could never have imagined how evil you could be. After you found out about Aiden, the first thing you did was try to leave him in a remote mountain so that I could never find him instead of telling Elias about Aiden and exposing my lie. Do you think that’s all you need to do to keep Elias ignorant of Aiden’s existence?”

As Amanda shouted and screamed at Grace, she slowly stepped closer as her entire being radiated with the urge to tear Grace into pieces.

Grace’s face was deathly pale as she stumbled backward until she fell onto the couch. Thinking to put up one last struggle, she put on a face of innocence. “I don’t know what you’re saying. When did you have a child with Elias? I didn’t know about that. I know nothing. Why are you going after me?”

Amanda let out a spine-chilling laugh as she slapped Grace once more.

“You don’t know about him? If you didn’t know about Aiden, would you have gone all the way to his kindergarten just to steal a few strands of his hair? Must I spell it all out for you? You had a paternity test done, right? If you didn’t know about him, would you have hired someone to kidnap him? I heard every word you said in the phone call this morning. You disgust me. Grace Murphy. Are you too afraid to own up to what you’ve done? What’s the point of putting on an act now?”

Amanda pulled Grace up by the hair and angrily slapped her once more.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she was. If Aiden had not been found, he might have died all alone in the middle of the mountain.

Grace’s eyes went wide. “You bugged my phone!”

“What if I did? Could I have heard something so interesting if I hadn’t? You act as innocent as a baby rabbit when Elias is watching. Who could have known you’re secretly a snake?”

“You have no right to monitor my calls. This is an invasion of my privacy! I’ll sue you! I’ll report you to the police!”

Grace felt like she was going mad. Amanda had listened in on her calls. That meant Amanda also knew of the car accident she had arranged for Elias.

If Amanda told the truth about the car crash to Elias. his impression of her would be absolutely destroyed.

“Go on! I’ll be waiting for your police report. I’m warning you; if you dare target Aiden once more, I’ll kill you! Also, if anything ever happens to my son, I’ll definitely go after you first.”

Grace roared back, “What? Are you going to come after me if he’s hit while crossing the road?
Where’s the logic in it?”

“Yes! That’s right! No matter what happens to him, I’ll suspect you first, so stay far away from him!

Amanda let go of Grace’s hair. Strands of long hair were left behind between her fingers. With a look of disdain, she dusted them off her hands.

She then picked up her bag and got ready to leave. Every moment spent in this home revolted her.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 101 Twisting the Facts

Amanda had only taken a few steps toward the door before turning over to look at Grace who was sprawled out on the floor. I thought you loved Elias, but it seems like you don’t really love him. You would actually hire someone to sabotage his car. Is his life worth nothing to you?”

“You’re lying! Elias would never believe you! I love him. I would never hurt him!” Grace’s face was white with fear, afraid that Amanda might actually tell Elias all about this.

“Love him? Did you try to kill him because you love him? Did you know that if the accident was any worse, he might have died right then and there?!” Amanda shot back.

Amanda pulled open the door and got ready to leave.

Suddenly, Grace called out from where she was on the ground. “Why didn’t you tell Elias about the boy? What are you afraid of? Since the boy is his, why won’t you tell him?”

As there was no way to salvage the situation, it was time for her to just ask all the questions in her mind.

She had always wondered about it. The boy was clearly a trump car Amanda could use to remarry into the Winters Family. Why did she refuse to use it? She even went through so much effort to hide the boy’s existence.

“I never planned on telling him. After all, I don’t want to remarry him, nor do I want to give him the child. It looks like I have no choice now. With an evil snake like you around, only Elias can protect his child. That won’t be all I’ll be telling him. I’ll also tell him about how accident. I want him to know just how evil you are!”

Amanda had made up her mind. She would rather tell Elias the truth than constantly worry about ñGrace.

While she knew that meant the Winters Family would try to steal her son away from her, nothing was more important than Aiden’s life.

She wanted Aiden to live a good life. That was all.

If she kept Aiden a secret, Grace would find another chance to target him in the future. However, the next time it happened, Aiden might actually die.

After shooting Grace an icy look of warning, Amanda walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

The moment the door clicked shut, Grace’s face was deathly pale like a huge boulder was pressing down on her heart, making it impossible for her to catch her breath.

If Elias were told about everything that had happened, she would be doomed.

No!! can’t allow that to happen!

She glanced at her phone. Then, as swift as an exploding bomb, she flung it out of the window.

She had not noticed her phone was bugged.

She then turned to look at the fruit knife on the coffee table….

A sinister idea struck her. Perhaps that was her only way to salvage the situation.

She could not hold back any longer. She was willing to do anything as long as it meant she could avoid ruining Elias’ impression of her.

She walked over to the couch and picked up the knife. In one cruel swoop, she stabbed it into her arm, causing blood to drip onto the carpet.

No… This was not bad enough. It would not make him pity her.

She pulled out the knife and stumbled through the pain into the bathroom. She stared at herself in the mirror as she struggled with what she was about to do. Finally, she raised the knife and slit. a deep gash below her chin.

The sight of blood made tears flow down her checks as she caved into the urge to sob.

After all, no one was willing to ruin their own beautiful face with ugly scars. Still, she had no other choice.

She had to harden her heart if she wanted to get what she desired.

Meanwhile, at the Winters Estate, bored of resting at home, Elias languidly sprawled out on the rattan lounge seat in the garden as he sipped on a cup of coffee,

Howard hobbled over and snatched away his cup of coffee. “How can you drink coffee during this time? Do you want to ruin your sleep schedule? You need to focus on eating and sleeping well so that you can get back to full health soon.”

Elias frowned in annoyance. “I know, Grandpa.”

“Do you? Also, keep this on. It’s a good health charm I got just for you. You must have it with you. all the time and not lose it. You also can’t let it get wet. Got it?”

Howard held out a good health charm.

Elias was rendered speechless. He had been wondering why Howard had been missing for a few days. It seemed like Howard had gone off to pray.

While Elias did not believe in charms, he would never turn down a gesture of kindness from Howard. Hence, he dismissively replied, “Okay.”

“What kind of attitude is that? Put it away now! Remember to keep it with you every single day! I’ve ordered Yacob to keep a close eye on you,” Howard admonished.

Elias stared back in silence.

Just then, Yacob walked over to them with a look so grave that it was as if something bad had happened.

“Mr. Winters, Sir,” he greeted.

After greeting the two men, Yacob stood behind Elias as though he had something urgent to say. However, he did not speak as Howard was there.

“Just tell me,” Elias eventually said.

Yacob leaned in and whispered into Elias’ ear. Elias’ face blanched with horror.

The sudden change in expression caught Howard’s attention. While he knew that meant something bad had happened, he did not say a word. Since the company was now in Elias’ har he would not worry about it anymore.

Still, he could not resist saying, “Is it the company? Don’t panic. Remain calm.”

“It’s not that, Grandpa. It’s something personal. I have to go deal with it now,” Elias said.

Elias shot to his feet and strolled out of the garden at an urgent pace.

“What on earth happened? Why would Amanda slash Grace’s face? How did they get into a fight?” Elias immediately demanded as he stomped toward the car.

Yacob, who was following close behind, replied, “I don’t know that either. I only know what Miss Murphy said over the phone. She is now in the hospital. I’ve also had someone look into the surveillance footage. Miss Bailey did willingly go into Miss Murphy’s home and slapped Miss Murphy while they were standing in the doorway. Soon after, Miss Bailey left while Miss Murphy was injured.”

“Show me the surveillance footage now!”

Elias did not believe what Yacob had told him. Amanda was never an impulsive woman. Why would she go after Grace for no reason?

He had already broken up with Grace and reduced his interactions with her. Why would Amanda do this then? What happened?

“Yes, Sir

Sitting in the back of the car, Elias waited with a severe look on his face.

A few minutes later, Yacob handed him a tablet with the surveillance footage displayed on it.

Elias’ face turned uglier and uglier as he watched the footage.

It was true that Amanda had visited Grace unprompted, and that Amanda had slapped Grace. When Grace eventually walked out of her home, her entire body was covered in blood and there was a bleeding gash on her face,

His hands clenched into fists as he pursed his lips.

“Let’s go to the hospital first.”

“Yes, sir!”

He would first check out the situation at the hospital. There was no way he could wholeheartedly believe Amanda could be that cruel.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 102 Why Is She Suddenly Like This?

On the contrary, the atmosphere inside the car was tense throughout the journey.

Yacob was too terrified to speak up as Elias repeatedly played the surveillance footage in the backseat. Then, Elias carefully observed every subtle expression on Amanda’s face before she entered the house. She seems angry. Why is she so furious?

In the meantime, he went directly to the ward upon his arrival at the hospital. After the wound was attended to, Grace was admitted for observation. He could hear her sobbing as he approached the door. “Doctor, can I recover from this? If I don’t get better soon, my career is over. I don’t want that-”

“Miss Murphy, please calm down. Your agitation could cause the wound to reopen. We will do everything possible to improve the follow-up treatment plan, but you will unlikely recover completely.”

“What? How can this be? Isn’t your hospital the best at treating scars? Are those advertisements an elaborate hoax?”

“Miss Murphy, please calm down. Look, your wound has already reopened. It will affect your recovery.

Soon, the room’s noise volume rose sharply, and the door swung open. Grace’s sobbing stopped as she stared at Elias, who had just entered the ward.

“You can leave first,” he said to the doctor.

After hearing this, the doctor quickly exited the ward, and Yacob quietly closed the door from outside.

After that, Elias walked to the bedside and was shocked by her appearance. How did she get injured like this? He saw a deep wound on her fair arm and a long scar on her cheek covered with blood- stained gauze. He knew the wound on her cheek would inevitably leave a scar and likely end her career in the entertainment industry. After all, the entertainment industry was heavily reliant on appearances.

“Elias… I don’t want to be like this. I want to be my old self. I don’t want this- She grabbed the man’s arm, crying in pain. Her suffering wasn’t feigned, but rather, it was genuine. After all, she had ruined her own face. Aside from being concerned about her future in the entertainment industry, she was also concerned that he would dislike her. She was well aware that all men were naturally lustful about appearances….

Grace started to regret her impulsiveness. Why did I slash my cheek so ruthlessly? Even so, I know Elias won’t care if I’ve hurt other parts of my body. Then, she clung desperately to his arm, crying and screaming in agony. She eventually kept wailing for a while until he became impatient.

“What happened? Why did Amanda hurt your face like this? What happened between you two?” he asked. Why would Amanda commit such an act? I find it hard to believe she would be so vicious. Furthermore, as a lawyer, wouldn’t she be aware of the consequences of such actions, especially with surveillance cameras present? Such a malicious act could result in imprisonment.

Then, she stifled her voice and sobbed through her words. “I don’t know why she did this. As soon as she entered, she started hitting me. I feel like she has gone crazy! She has been blaming me for your divorce, and she even claimed that her child wouldn’t have died four years ago if it weren’t for me! Then, she kept hitting me and accused me of seducing you and bewitching your mind. She accused me of being a vixen and said she planned to disfigure me so I could no longer seduce you…” She displayed exceptional acting skills while fabricating a story about Amanda’s mental instability. Moreover, all that mattered to her was establishing herself firmly in Elias” affections.

Elias’ dark eyes were filled with astonishment upon hearing this. How could Amanda do this? Then. he asked, “Why did she suddenly act like this?” Nevertheless, it’s true that four years ago, Grace was the reason I divorced Amanda and cruelly abandoned her, leading to the death of her unborn child, but….

“I don’t know either, Elias. I’m so scared. I feel like she has truly gone insane. She has gone as saying she wants to tell you that the child is alive, but she won’t tell you where the child is that you’ll be tortured forever without ever being able to find the child-While Grace was talking, her eyes darted nervously as if she were afraid he would catch on to her fibbing.

“That’s impossible! The child was aborted four years ago. She has already told me!” he said, pushing the woman on the hospital bed away. The Amanda she describes sounds like someone who has completely lost their mind. From what I saw yesterday. Amanda seems fine and completely normal. How did she have a mental breakdown out of the blue and start acting so irrationally?

After hearing his remark, she hysterically shouted at the man. Then, why did she treat me like this? Do you think I’m lying to you? Didn’t Yacob show you the surveillance footage? She came to my house on her own accord, and as soon as she entered, she started hitting me, cursing at me, and eventually using a fruit knife to ruin my face! Do you think I’m stupid enough to slash my own face? I’m still a celebrity! How can I survive in the entertainment industry like this?” After speaking, she broke down mentally and cried out loudly, filling the entire hospital room with her pitiful wails.

Elias remained silent upon hearing this. I had viewed the surveillance footage and can confirm that Amanda struck Grace in the face when the door opened. Still, I don’t get why Amanda would do this or why she would have such a sudden and intense dislike for Grace. Even if Amanda’s suffering from those years ago was directly attributable to Grace, I am no longer in a relationship with her. So, why…

Then, Grace grabbed his arm tightly and said, “Amanda also stated that she wishes to sully your memory of me. She wants to tell you that the car accident was also caused by me. Elias, don’t believe her. Please don’t believe her… How could I harm you? How could I cause a car accident to kill you? This woman has truly gone insane!”

However, he took one look at the bloodied bandage on her cheek, frowned, and then walked away.

“Elias! I beg you not to believe her words. I had no idea what happened four years ago, nor was 1 aware that you had a child together. If I had known, I wouldn’t have let you divorce her- She knew this was her last chance, so she wailed at the man’s indifferent back. As soon as Elias was out of sight, her sobbing stopped, and she wiped away her tears. Ha… I’ve already inoculated him against Amanda’s words, so I don’t think her words would affect him. I don’t think he’ll just brush this off because he’s always felt bad about me and my brother, especially note that my face is ruined. Then, she looked at the tightly closed door and whispered, “Yelan, please watch over me through this trial. Otherwise, I won’t have another chance anymore. I can’t lose Elias…

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 103 Slapped by Elias.

In the meantime, Amanda agreed to accompany Aiden to the shopping mall in the afternoon, so she took Selina and the child there and bought a lot of gifts. After shopping, she asked Selina to take her son home while she went to the law firm. Despite her resolve to be honest with Elias, she struggled to put her thoughts into words.

She had just arrived at the law firm and was walking to her office when her secretary noticed her and immediately stood up. “Miss Bailey.”

She nodded with a smile, but unexpectedly, the secretary said. “Miss Bailey, Mr. Winters from Winters Enterprise is waiting for you in the office. He doesn’t look too happy. It seems like something important is going on.”

Elias? How come he showed up so quickly? Is he seeking revenge on behalf of Grace? Ha…. Amanda sneered inwardly. Doesn’t he claim not to love that woman? Yet, he couldn’t bear to see a single scratch on her. He know better than to put faith in a man’s word. Let’s see how he plans to avenge Grace. Then, she glanced at her secretary and said, “I understand. Don’t let anyone disturb us without my permission.”


Afterward, she composed herself and headed in the direction of her office. She hesitated briefly, then opened the door, stepped inside, and closed it behind her. As she entered her office, her eyes. fell upon the man sitting on the couch in the reception area with his back facing her. However, his overpowering aura made the entire office feel suffocating. He exuded such a strong sense of animosity that it appeared he had come to settle accounts with her.

Tsk tsk….. There’s no doubt that she holds a special place in this vile man’s heart. Amanda walked toward the reception area, approaching the man. Looking at his dark expression, she spoke disdainfully. “What’s the matter? Are you so eager to come and settle scores with me? Didn’t you say you don’t love Grace? Can’t you handle it when she gets a few slaps from me?”

After hearing this, Elias stood up, his tall figure enveloping her delicate frame. “A few slaps? How dare you say it was just a few slaps? Do you not, as a woman, feel like you’ve crossed the line here?” His volume increased as he roared at her. Grace has suffered facial disfigurement. So, where does she go from here? She couldn’t stay in the entertainment industry, and it would be difficult for her to find a man, but Amanda treats these with apparent indifference. Initially, I hesitated to believe Grace’s assertions, but note Amanda admits it and does not even regret her malicious actions. I’m still baffled as to how she’s suddenly turned into this…..

She was stunned by his outburst, and it took her a second to gather her thoughts before she retorted, “Crossed the line? Were her actions not excessive, considering she is a woman? Am I going too far by slapping her? Do you even know what she has done? You know nothing!”

“I don’t need to know! I know you admitted to physically assaulting Grace and causing facial disfigurement! Do you know how important her face is to her?” Elias shouted angrily and even kicked over the coffee table before him.

Amanda looked at the overturned table and then at the man’s raging expression. She almost doubted her own eyes. “Elias, are you sure you don’t love Grace like you said? You’ve already reached this level of indignation simply because I gave her a few slaps. How can a few slaps possibly disfigure her? Is her face made of paper? I think her face is thicker than a city wall! After all the shameless things she has done-

However, her words were interrupted by cold laughter from the man. “Amanda! In addition to slapping her, you slash her face with a knife! She’s scarred for life. She’s a celebrity, and do you know what it means for her future if her face is scarred? I know I wronged you four years ago, but you didn’t have to disfigure her. This will bind me to her for the rest of my life, as I will have to care for her, and I also find it extremely annoying!”

Amanda glanced at Elias, perplexed by his words. What does he mean that I slashed her face with a knife? When did I use a knife? When did I give her a scar? Then, she asked, “What are you talking about? Don’t falsely accuse me. I didn’t slash her face! Besides, she has done so many disgraceful things, so what does she need her face for?” Her anger clouded her judgment, and she spoke without thinking.

Soon, he became irritated by her response and developed a severe headache. “Are you trying say that my accident was caused by her? Let me tell you, that’s impossible. She couldn’t have targeted me.” Since I am the person who knows Grace the best, I can say that she is a timid and shy woman who, after the passing of her brother, is trying to find solace in my company by clinging to me.

“Did you find out? How can you say it wasn’t her? Do you have evidence? Besides, she didn’t just do that. What she did is enough for me to strangle her!” She couldn’t believe he trusted Grace so much and had no doubts about her.

After hearing this, his expression darkened as his eyes lingered over her delicate face, and his hands tightened around her slim shoulders. “Amanda, it’s all my fault. You’ve been through so much pain because I didn’t believe your words four years ago, but Grace has no idea what I did. So, you took revenge on the wrong person. You should have targeted me!”

Amanda pushed away Elias’ hand upon hearing his explanation. “What if she harmed our child? What if our child is alive? Would you still defend her if she tries to murder our child?”

The man was taken aback as he stared at her. Grace’s earlier comments stuck with me: Amanda does indeed bring up the prospect of our child still being alive. Is she going crazy” “Amanda, there’s no ‘what if Stop making these hypothetical scenarios up, okay? Our child is dead because you aborted it four years ago! Why can’t you move on?” After uttering those words, he felt a severe headache approaching. The head trauma he had sustained in the car accident had already caused him to have a concussion, and additional mental labor and emotional stress would only worsen the condition.

Nonetheless, she had completely lost control of her emotions and yelled at the man. “I never thought Grace held such a high position in your heart! Well, let me tell you, she’s the one who caused your car accident. She almost killed your son and nearly denied you the chance to see with him! Do you hear me? After all of the nefarious things that she did, there was nothing wrong me slapping her a few times. So, how can a few slaps disfigure her face? Even if she dies, it won’t relieve the hatred in my heart!”

Suddenly, the man’s hand struck Amanda’s face with a loud slap, and he shouted, “Shut up! Stop talking!”

Due to the impact of the slap, her face cocked to the side, and the silence that followed lasted long enough to hear a pin drop.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 104 She Was Too Dumb

This man actually laid his hands on her-because of Grace. Even though his attitude toward her was so terrible four years ago, he had never laid a hand on her.

Amanda’s emotions erupted in an instant. Tears welled up in her eyes, and her fists were clenched tightly at her sides.

After Elias slapped her, he immediately regretted it. I actually hit Amanda…

“Amanda… I’m sorry. The man reached out to touch her cheek, but Amanda slapped his hand away. “Don’t touch me!”

Elias had a severe headache. He slumped on the couch, his breathing becoming rapid. The figure of the woman in front of him seemed blurred.

“Amanda, I’m sorry… But you really shouldn’t have ruined Grace’s face. You know how important looks are to a woman…”

Before the man could finish his sentence, Amanda interrupted him again, “Elias! From now on, we’re done! Neither of us should bother each other anymore! Since you don’t believe me, then never come to find me again! I don’t need you! I never want to see you again! I hate you! I loathe you!”

After saying that, Amanda turned around and left her office, slamming the door heavily.

The sound of the door slamming was like a heavy stone crashing into the man’s chest, suffocating him and leaving his face as white as a sheet.

Elias leaned against the couch, wanting to get up and chase after her, but he had no strength at all. He felt heavy and his head felt like it was about to explode.

Amanda walked out of the office in tears. The secretary, who was making a phone call, immediately stood up upon seeing her. “Miss Bailey, what happened? What’s going on?”

The secretary had also noticed the red handprint on Amanda’s cheek. Was she slapped? Did Mr. Winters do it?No way? How could that be?

The secretary’s heart burned with curiosity, and as Amanda headed toward the elevator, she turned around and whispered to another secretary.

“What’s going on? How could Mr. Winters lay his hands on a woman? Did you see it? Miss Bailey has a handprint on her face.

“I saw it, definitely. Miss Bailey came out crying too. These wealthy people are so despicable. Did he make some inappropriate demands that Miss Bailey rejected?”

Just then, Simon walked over with a folder, preparing to discuss a case with Amanda.

Unexpectedly, he encountered the two secretaries gossiping.

Simon tapped the table with the folder. “Gossiping during work hours? Should I give you both a day’s leave so you can find a cafe to chat?”

The two secretaries immediately straightened up, and one of them reported to Simon, “Mr. Nicholson, it seems like Miss Bailey has been bullied.”

“What? Who dares to bully her? What happened?” Simon’s expression immediately changed.

“Mr. Winters from Winters Enterprise came here. Miss Bailey went in for a while and then came out crying. It seems she was slapped. We don’t know exactly what happened….”

“What?! Where is Amanda?” Simon couldn’t believe his ears. Elias actually laid his hands on Amanda?

“I don’t know. She didn’t say anything when we asked her. She just left crying. On the other hand, Mr. Winters is still in the office. He hasn’t come out yet”

As soon as the secretary finished speaking, Simon, full of anger, rushed into the office. How could a man lay his hands on a woman?

Simon kicked open the office door and indeed saw the man sitting on the couch in the reception

He charged forward, his voice filled with anger. “Elias! What do you think you’re doing laying your hands on a woman? You…”

Simon approached the couch but was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Elias was slumped on the couch, unconscious. He had a pale face and a large pool of blood around him…

How could this happen?

Simon truly hadn’t expected to witness such a scene. Could it be that his internal injuries from the car accident hadn’t healed at all?

He tried to calm down for a few seconds, then immediately took out his phone and called emergency services. If Elias continued to be unconscious here, his situation could really be life- threatening.

As for what happened between him and Amanda, it would have to wait until Elias had received emergency treatment at the hospital.

Meanwhile, Amanda cried all the way as she walked to the underground parking lot, which was empty. She opened the car door, sat in the driver’s seat, and sobbed against the steering wheel, overwhelmed with grievances.

I was wrong; I was truly wrong. I shouldn’t have harbored any illusions about that scumbag. I even wanted to tell him about the child. I had been truly insane… Completely insane.

Amanda changed her mind then, she would never, ever tell Elias about the existence of the child.

A man like Elias, who couldn’t distinguish right from wrong, wasn’t worthy of having custody of the child.

As long as Elias still believed in Grace, the child wouldn’t have a good life in the Winters Family. She wouldn’t allow her child to face the risk of being killed by Grace every day.

She no longer wanted any connection with Elias. She had been dumb during this time. To be frank, she had been pitifully dumb to believe in someone like Elias!

From now on, she would keep a clear mind and never fall into Elias’ deceitful traps again.

Amanda hated herself the most! Every time Elias showed even a little kindness, she couldn’t help but give the scumbag a chance in her heart. She was always thinking he might really change for the better.


Reality had proven that she was just being delusional, to begin with!

A scumbag would always be a scumbag! Even if he faced all sorts of difficulties, he was still complete scumbag who was not worthy of sympathy!

She didn’t know how long she had been in the parking lot until her car window was suddenly knocked upon. At that moment, she snapped out of her messy thoughts.

Amanda rolled down the window and found that it was Simon.

She wiped away the tears on her face, not wanting Simon to see her in such a miserable state.

Simon opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat, handing her a bottle of chilled mineral water to apply on her face. “Apply this to your face; it’s not good for your child to see you like this.

Amanda paused for a moment, then took the bottle and pressed it against her cheek, quickly reducing the swelling and relieving the pain.

She had forgotten that Aiden was smart and could immediately notice the handprint on her face.

He would definitely ask incessant questions.

“I won’t ask what happened between you two. I know you don’t want to talk about it. However, I want to tell you that when I went to your office just now, I saw him in a coma and blood was all around him. I’ve already had him sent to the hospital.”

Although Simon couldn’t stand everything Elias did, he still truthfully reported the situation.

A flicker of astonishment flashed in Amanda’s teary eyes, and then she spat out a harsh curse, “Serves him right!”

“Does it still hurt?” Simon looked at her swollen cheeks and asked softly.

“It’s fine…”

Amanda looked at Simon’s mature and composed demeanor, realizing how much stronger he was compared to the emotionally volatile Elias.

Chapter 105 Blacklisted
Suddenly, Amanda remembered Simon’s proposal of a “marriage without love, and thought that it Inight be a good idea. She had always pursued so-called love, but it had only left her battered and bruised. Perhaps, it was better to try a marriage without love. A loveless marriage should be much more comfortable. She wouldn’t have to care so much or feel so exhausted.

Amanda stared at Simon for a long time. Under her gaze, he felt puzzled. “Why are you staring at me like that? Is there something on my face?”

“Simon, does your proposition of a marriage without love still stand? Do you still want it?” she asked. As she was met with endless silence, she thought that he was going to refuse. She withdrew her gaze and smiled, saying. “Forget it, let’s just pretend I didn’t say anything”

Some things were just like that. Once an opportunity was missed, there would be no second chance again. Moreover, Simon was so outstanding and handsome, so he deserved a better woman.

Suddenly, he spoke up. “Of course, it still stands, but have you thought it through? If you really agree to it, you can’t go back on your word. Otherwise, I don’t know what I might do. I’m also a man; I also have my own brand of possessiveness and desire to win.”

Amanda looked up at the man’s eyes with a blank expression. She didn’t know if her decision was right or wrong. However, Elias had disappointed her so much today, and she didn’t want to have anything to do with him anymore.

She had to find a man quickly to end her single life; otherwise, Elias would never give up on her. Even if she escaped abroad. Elias would surely find her.

“Well, then… Let me think about it,” she hesitated. In truth, she hadn’t made up her mind. She just wanted to escape from her current predicament as soon as possible.

Seeing Amanda’s indecisive expression, Simon didn’t say anything more. He sat with her for a while and said, “Let me take you back. Your face looks better now, and Aiden probably won’t be able to tell.”

“I can manage on my own. Aren’t you attending a banquet tonight? Don’t worry about me. I can handle it myself,” Amanda replied. She didn’t want to waste any more of Simon’s time as she had already wasted enough.

Simon didn’t insist anymore. “All right then, if you need anything, call me. Don’t struggle on your own. Remember, you still have Aiden, so you have to stay positive.”

“What are you talking about? Why would I not stay positive? I was just in a bad mood for a moment. I’m fine now.” She couldn’t help but laugh. Did Simon think she would become so depressed that she would contemplate suicide?

“Alright then. After you’ve arrived home, send me a message so that I’ll know you’re safe.”


Simon pushed open the car door and got out, watching her drive away before sighing deeply.

“Did I say too much to you just now? You finally agreed, so why did I end up scaring you away?”

At that moment, Simon’s phone rang. It was a call from his ex-girlfriend, Lunabelle. Since Lunabelle found out that he wasn’t married, she aggressively pursued him, hoping to rekindle their past relationship. Despite her efforts, some things were meant to be left in the past and couldn’t be brought back.

Simon hesitated for a few seconds before answering the call. Lunabelle’s voice sounded from the other end. “Simon, can we have dinner together tonight? Your mother’s birthday is coming up and I bought her a gift. Can you give it to her?”

“Sure. You decide the time and place.”

After some emergency treatment at the hospital, Elias was taken to a hospital room. He slept for four hours and gradually regained consciousness. The first person he saw when he opened his eyes was his grandfather, followed by Grace, who had a worried look on her face, and his mother.

He didn’t expect so many people to be gathered around his hospital bed, but the one person he wanted to see the most was conspicuously absent.

“Elias, you’re awake! Are you okay?” Grace was the first to speak with tears shimmering in her eyes.

Howard couldn’t hold back his tears either. “You disobedient boy! I told you to rest at home, but you were running around everywhere. Look at you; you’re coughing up blood! Do you really not care about your life? Do you want our Winters Family to end with you? You unruly brat!”

Jennifer grabbed Elias’ hand, crying, “Elias, take care of yourself. How could you be so reckless? I can’t live without you…”

With all the crying voices around him, Elias felt a headache coming on. He didn’t want to say a word; he just wanted to rest quietly for a while. It would be better to close his eyes and pretend to sleep because at least he could have some peace and quiet.

Grace broke down in tears in front of his hospital bed. “Elias, I’m sorry. It’s all because of me that you ended up like this…. I’m so sorry…”

She knew that Elias had gone to settle the score with Amanda, but she didn’t expect it to turn out like this… Did Amanda make Elias cough up blood? Were they completely at odds with each other now?

Looking at Elias” current state, it was evident that they had a big fight and an irreconcilable misunderstanding had arisen between them.

He felt annoyed, so, in a voice low and hoarse, he growled, “Everyone, leave. I want some peace and quiet.”

“Okay, sure; we’ll leave. Rest well. The doctor said you mustn’t get agitated. Your internal injuries from the car accident haven’t healed yet. You have to stay in the hospital and cooperate with the treatment. Elias, please, don’t push your body to the limit again, Jennifer cried, turning into a sobbing mess. However, she didn’t want to disturb her son’s rest, so she covered her mouth and left the hospital ward.

Howard also added, “Rest well. If there’s anything wrong, call someone. Don’t get angry again, and don’t run around recklessly. Otherwise, we’ll tie you to the bed this time!”

Elias had suffered quite serious injuries in the car accident, and if he didn’t receive proper care and rest, there might be long-term consequences.

After everyone left the hospital ward, Grace was the only one left. She didn’t want to leave. “Elias, can I stay here with you? I won’t say anything; I’ll just stay quiet…”

“Leave, please.” The man closed his eyes and seemed unwilling to talk.

She had no choice but to stand up and wipe away her tears. “If you need anything, make sure to call us. Get some good rest. Reluctantly, she left the hospital ward and closed the door.

Once everyone had left the room, Elias struggled to sit up. He leaned against the bed, looking at the night sky outside the window. Looked like it was already dark….

His memory went back to before he lost consciousness. He remembered slapping Amanda across the face as well as Amanda running away in tears. After that, he didn’t remember anything.

There was a tinge of heartache in his pitch-black eyes as he picked up his phone and dialed Amanda’s number, but he couldn’t get through no matter how many times he tried.

Elias’ handsome face tightened as he realized that he had most likely been blacklisted by Amanda this time. He threw off the blanket and tried to get off the bed. Right now, he wanted to look for her to explain himself, but as soon as he got out of bed, he couldn’t help but cough up blood again.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 106 We’re Through, I Guess

A fit of dizziness forced Elias to lie down again. As he leaned back on his sickbed, panting, he sank into deep regret. Why was I so impulsive back then… Staring at his phone’s screen, he couldn’t help but dial Amanda’s number again and again, but he couldn’t get through to her at all. Blood stained his chin red, making him look even paler.

In the Galaxy Bay villa area, Amanda was bathing Aiden in the bathroom.

Aiden, on the other hand, had been studying her expression. He couldn’t help feeling that something was odd about his mother, for she spoke very little today. “Mommy, are you unhappy today?”

After hearing her son call her, she returned to her senses and summoned up a smile. “Hmm? No, I’m not. I’m just a bit tired from work, probably.”

“Oh… You should go to bed early, then. You don’t have to tell me bedtime stories tonight, Mommy. I can go to sleep by myself.”

Seeing how sensible her baby boy was, Amanda broke into a grateful smile. “What a good boy you are, Baby! Come on, stand up and dry yourself before we blow your hair dry.”

He stood up to let her towel him dry. After that, she wrapped him in his own little bathrobe and lifted him up in front of the bathroom sink.

Looking at her son’s little face, which resembled a certain man’s more and more, Amanda got a bit worried again deep down. Tentatively, she asked, “Baby, do you really want a father?” She knew how the father played a crucial role in the upbringing of a little boy, but she got thoroughly disappointed with Elias after today’s incident at her office. There was no way she would let her son return to the Winters Family.

Aiden fixed her with those adorable puppy eyes of his. For a long while, he didn’t say a word, as if there was something on his mind.

“What’s the matter? Just go ahead and say it.”

“Mommy, do you want me to tell the truth?”

“That’s of course. I don’t like kids who lie, so you have to tell the truth.” Amanda wiped the water droplets from Aiden’s hair.

Aiden pondered for a while. “I do wish to have a father, but if you don’t like it, then I don’t like it either. I just want you to be happy. Mommy.”

Amanda was at a loss for words. Although these words had been relayed to her by Selina before her heart still melted into a puddle when she heard her son say so himself. She sometimes thought it was a burden for a child so little to be this mature. Aren’t kids supposed to live a carefree life doing whatever they like? “Aiden Bailey”

“Huh?” Aiden was taken aback at suddenly hearing Amanda call him by his full name. Did I say something wrong?

She looked dead serious. She promised her son, “Don’t worry, I’ll find you a reliable father, okay?”

He looked at her with a deep frown, though. “Mommy, you’ve said this a million times before. You’re lying to me again, aren’t you?”

“No, I’m not! I’m absolutely not lying to you this time. I’m gonna start getting serious about getting you a father.” Amanda used to still have a bit of fantasy about Elias before, but now, she wouldn’t anymore. She would never choose this man again, even if all the other men in the world. were dead.

Aiden was skeptical, though. “Is that so? Well then, I’ll believe you one more time. By the way. Mommy, you know Tina from my kindergarten? Her dad is great, and he’s single, too. Would you like to meet him?”

All at once, Amanda was rendered speechless. So, this little brat has been looking for a new father in kindergarten already, huh? He really wants a father more than I thought. Sigh… It’s understandable, though. Baby has never had a father to keep him company since he was born. He keeps calling Simon Daddy,” this poor thing. “Alright, let’s go to sleep. I’ll take care of looking for a daddy for you, so don’t worry about it. Just have fun with the kids in kindergarten.”

She picked up her son-who smelled good like a baby-and carried him to bed in his bedroom, putting the bottle of reconstituted powdered milk in his hand while she was at it. “Be good and finish your milk before you go to sleep. I won’t be telling you bedtime stories tonight. Now that you’ve grown up, you have to learn to sleep by yourself, him

“Alright, Mommy, I got it. Stop nagging already. Good night.” Aiden lay in bed holding his milk bottle, drinking from it with his legs crossed in a comfortable posture.

At the sight of this, Amanda couldn’t help but laugh. He’s so good at enjoying himself. Leaving his bedroom, she came downstairs to find Selina still busy in the kitchen. She entered the kitchen and looked at the woman, who was washing the kitchen utensils. “It’s so late already. Why don’t you go to bed early and leave them until tomorrow?” she urged with a smile.

Selina looked back at her. “It’s okay, I’ll be done in a second. I overheard your conversation with Baby when I passed by his room just now. What’s the matter? You’ve come around and decided to go to your ex-husband?” She thought Amanda had realized the lack of fatherly love for her child and might want to go to her ex-husband to get remarried.

Amanda was startled for a moment. “No, that’s not it. I’m planning to get a new father for Baby, actually. My ex-husband and I… We’re through, I guess. Recalling the scene at her office today. she just felt that she and Elias were growing further and further apart. Maybe they weren’t suitable for each other at all. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have ended up getting divorced. Perhaps divorce is the best ending for us. I shouldn’t get entangled with him anymore.

Selina replied with a faint smile, I don’t know what happened between the two of you, but you must have your own reasons for making such a decision.”

Amanda smiled. “Thanks for your understanding. It really means a lot to me.”

Selina said, “You’ve got to keep your eyes open this time. A woman can never be too careful when it comes to choosing her second husband. Don’t worry about your kid; I’ll take good care of him for you. Just go to work and look for a husband with peace of mind.”

“Thank you so much, Selina.” Amanda felt really relieved leaving Aiden in Selina’s care, which felt like leaving her child in the care of her own sister.

For the next few days, everything seemed to return to normal. Amanda went to work at the law firm as usual, and Elias didn’t come after her again. He was probably still recuperating in the hospital.

The elevator door slowly opened with a Ding!

Amanda stepped out of the elevator and was about to turn toward her office. Unexpectedly, the door of the elevator next to hers opened as well, and Lunabelle stepped out of it. “Amanda!” she called out to Amanda.

Amanda looked back at the woman before her, whom she recognized after a few seconds as Lunabelle Gowen, Simon’s ex-girlfriend. “Hi, Miss Gowen.”

Lunabelle walked up to her with a smile. She apologized, I’m really sorry for what happened last time. I didn’t know anything, and it was all a misunderstanding. Simon told me everything. afterward, so I know everything now.”

Only then did Amanda realize that Lunabelle was referring to the previous incident where Lunabelle had caught her and Simon ‘cheating

She replied. That’s okay. It wasn’t your fault, actually; it was Simon’s fault for not telling you the truth and making you get the wrong idea.” In fact, she could tell that Simon and Lunabelle obviously still cared about each other. It was just that Simon was unable to put the past behind him.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 107 Is She That Thirsty for Men

Lunabelle took her hand. “That’s very kind of you to think so. I’m really sorry for being so presumptuous by embarrassing you and Simon last time. Can you apologize to him for me?” God knew how pleased she felt when she learned that there was nothing romantic between Simon and Amanda and that the child wasn’t theirs. She had cruelly broken his heart back then, choosing to abandon him-her long-time love-to marry a wealthy foreigner. She honestly never expected. the man to be still single when she got divorced and returned to her home country. This was simply a second chance given to her, so she had to get hold of it.

Amanda shook her head with a smile. “It’s okay, but I could tell that Simon still cares about you deep down. He nearly got into a fight with Elias for your sake at the hospital last time, you know.”

Lunabelle’s face had a look of disbelief. “Is that so? But he’s been rejecting me so far…. I don’t understand.” She thought Simon’s feelings for her had already cooled off. Otherwise, why would he keep distancing himself from her?

Amanda let out a soft sigh. “Perhaps he has his own issues that are plaguing him. After all, your breakup with him back then wasn’t an amicable one.”

“You’re right. I’m the one who has let him down…” The light in Lunabelle’s eyes dimmed as she recalled the past.

Just then, Amanda’s phone rang, interrupting their conversation. “Excuse me, I’ve got to answer the phone.

“Oh, sure! Please go ahead.”

Amanda answered the phone. “Hi, this is Amanda speaking. What can I do for you?”

On the other end of the line was the dating agency. “Hi, Miss Bailey, we’re calling from Eternal Love, the dating agency. We’ve arranged a meeting for you this evening with a gentleman who meets your requirements. Are you free to meet him then?”

“Oh, okay. I’ll be there on time this evening, replied Amanda. After hanging up the phone, she turned to look at Lunabelle. “I have to get ready for work now. You’re looking for Simon, right? His office is over there. Just go straight that way and you’ll find him.”

“Okay, I won’t keep you then. Just go ahead with your work.”

“Alright, let’s chat again some other time.” Amanda nodded with a polite smile before turning to leave.

The moment she turned around, however, Lunabelle’s face screwed up into a puzzled expression. I think I just heard the caller say something about them calling from a dating agency. Is Amanda looking for a boyfriend? Doesn’t she already have Mr. Winters? That’s Elias Winters, the fabulously rich president of Winters Enterprise! Is he not good enough for her requirements? Why would she go to a dating agency instead?

Puzzled, she turned toward Simon’s office, knocking on the door when she arrived outside. Seeing the man in there buried in his work, she instantly smiled with satisfaction.

“Come in,” said Simon without even looking up.

Lunabelle walked in and sat down across his desk. You’re so busy, huh? Mr. Nicholson?”

Hearing the woman’s voice, Simon looked up with a slight frown. “What brings you here?”

“Can’t I come here to see you? I just want to see how busy you are at work. You keep turning me down when I ask you out. Since I can never get a date with you, I have no choice but to come to you at your law firm, thought Lunabelle.

Simon put away the few documents before him. “It’s true that I’ve been kind of busy.”

“By the way, I saw Amanda just now. Is she going on blind dates lately?” asked Lunabelle.

Simon frowned slightly. “What do you mean?” Amanda is going on blind dates? Why would she do that?

Seeing the man’s clueless expression, Lunabelle recounted to him what she had seen and heard a while ago. “I saw her on the phone with a dating agency just now, and she said she’d be there on time in the evening. Doesn’t that mean she’s going on a blind date?”

Simon fell silent for a long time. Amanda is hesitant about me courting her, and yet she goes to a dating agency to look for blind dates? Just what is going on in her head?

Elias had been recuperating in the hospital over the past few days. He couldn’t go anywhere; his grandfather and mother had been taking turns keeping a close watch over him 24/7. Not only that, he had been unable to get through to Amanda on her phone. He tried calling her using a different number, but once she answered the phone and heard his voice, she would immediately hang up on him. If this were to continue, she might detest him more and more, thus driving them further and further apart.

Leaning back on his sickbed, he looked out the window at the gray, cloudy sky outside. It had been cloudy and drizzly these days, just like how his mood had been nothing but gloomy.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Looking back toward the sound, he said, “Come in. However, the moment the door opened, a hint of disappointment flickered across his ink-black eyes. It wasn’t the person he wanted to see.

Yacob came in. “Mr. Winters

“What is she doing?” Elias sounded quite downcast, perhaps because of his long stay in the hospital. Anyone would become gloomy in such a dreary environment.

“Uh, Miss Bailey… She… Yacob was having a hard time telling the truth. He feared that this news would be too much for his boss to handle, but he couldn’t lie either.

“Just what the hell is she doing?! Spill it! Cough…” Elias couldn’t help getting angry again, which tore at his insides and sent him into an involuntary coughing fit.

Seeing him get so emotional, Yacob had no choice but to admit, “Miss Bailey is going on blind dates-

“What?!” Elias had a look of disbelief on his face. Then, flying into a rage, he knocked over the glass next to him, causing it to shatter into pieces on the floor. Blind dates! She’s actually going on blind dates! She’s ignoring me, not answering my phone calls, or coming to visit me in the hospital. And she’s going on blind dates! This woman is an absolute ingrate! Feeling a surge of anger, he decided that he had had enough; he threw back the covers and was about to get out of his sickbed.

However, Yacob stopped him. “Mr. Winters, your health is of greater importance right now! Please stay here and recuperate until your injuries are healed. And besides, it’s not like Miss Bailey will find a good match anytime soon…” That was his opinion. Even blind dates take time; there’s no way she’ll get lucky on her first blind date, no?

“Get out of my way! Who gave her permission to go on blind dates?! Is she that thirsty for men?!” Pushing Yacob away, Elias pulled the door open and was about to storm out of the ward violently.

At this moment, however, his mother Jennifer Morales and Grace happened to come in unexpectedly and were startled to see the man looking so furious. “What are you doing. Elias?! You’re not well yet! Where are you going? Go back and lie down on your bed!” Jennifer quickly. grabbed hold of him.

“Get lost! Leave me alone!” Elias had already lost his head at this very moment. All he thought about was that Amanda was going on blind dates with other men, and not even his mother could stop him.

Grace burst into tears while looking on anxiously. “Please, Elias, I’m begging you, please go back and lie down, okay? Your health will fall apart if you keep on like this. Did you forget how you’d coughed up blood? Please. With that, both she and Jennifer started crying.

In an instant, Elias felt that his head was going to split. It annoyed him most when women cried in front of him, and now, there were two of them crying in front of him at the same time! That’s enough! Stop crying! I’m not dead yet!” Furiously, he turned back and lay down in bed, looking like he didn’t want to talk to anyone.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 108 The Blind Date

The instant he yelled, Jennifer and Grace quieted down. Jennifer shot a look at Yacob, ordering. “You go outside for a moment.”

Yacob nodded. With that, he stepped out of the ward and guarded the door.

Jennifer came in front of her son’s sickbed. After tucking him in, she began persuading him earnestly, saying, “Elias, stop acting like a child already, will you? The Winterses are depending on you, so it’s important to take care of your health, not only for yourself but also for the whole Winters Family! Your dad’s already-

“Cut it out! Enough of it already!” Feeling thoroughly annoyed deep down, Elias was in no mood to listen to those words anymore.

Tears sparkling in her eyes, Jennifer swallowed her grievance. “I’m going out to let Grace keep you company for a while. Don’t let her down anymore. She’s been taking care of you all this time- she said, only to be silenced mid-sentence again by the impatient look in the man’s eyes. Without saying another word, she turned around and left the ward.

Grace had already had the gauze removed from her face. The doctor said her wound needed to breathe to heal better, but this made the gash left by the fruit knife all the more conspicuous, which was too much for any woman to cope with As her tears slowly ran past the scar..

Elias frowned in displeasure. “What are you crying for?! Do you not want your face anymore?”

Grace hurriedly wiped her tears away, saying. “Elias, I don’t know what happened, but I know must’ve gone to Amanda for what happened to me. Please. I’m begging you, don’t go to her anymore. I’m really scared. She’s already insane, and I don’t want to lose you. It really freaked me out to see you coughing up blood last time. Despite her concern for Elias’ well-being, she was happy that he and Amanda had finally broken up for good.

“She said she didn’t gash your face,” replied Elias in a grim voice devoid of emotion.

Upon hearing this, Grace was startled for a moment. What does that mean? Does that mean he’s still going to believe Amanda’s words? She protested with a look of disbelief, “What do you mean by that, Elias? Are you suspecting me? Would I hurt myself like this? Do you think I’m insane? I work in the entertainment industry for a living! How am I gonna work in showbiz with a face like this?!”

Elias didn’t say a word. He simply didn’t want to believe this was Amanda’s doing; he couldn’t help feeling that she wasn’t such a wicked woman.

Tears instantly sprang to Grace’s eyes. “Elias Winters! I know you neither love nor care a damn about me, but you shouldn’t think of me that way either! Do you think I’m smearing Amanda? Would I pay the price of having my face disfigured just to sling mud at her? That’s so insulting of you!” she wept. With that, she turned around and ran out of the ward in tears, leaving Elias to lie alone on his sickbed in an endless silence.

He let out a self-deprecating sneer. Yeah, she’s right. Would any woman want to pay the price of having her face disfigured just to smear someone? Moreover, Grace is a celebrity.

In the evening, Amanda arrived at the dating agency as she had promised. This was an upper- class dating agency; not only did it rigorously fact-check the profiles of the blind dates of their clients, but it also provided a venue for dates.

She came to a private room on the third floor. When she came in, her blind date had already arrived. She only asked for a cup of coffee and sat down across from him.

She eyed the man in front of her. Her first impression of him was pretty good; he looked gentle and refined in a suit and tie. From what she had read in his profile, he seemed to be in the field of finance and was divorced with kids, which made him quite compatible with her. “Nice to meet you. I’m Amanda Bailey. I’m sure you’ve read my profile, so I’m not going to introduce myself.” She extended her hand.

The man reached out and shook her hand gently. “Nice to meet you, Miss Bailey. I’m Nathan Abney, and I’ve read through your profile. You’re a remarkable woman.”

“Thank you.” Amanda thanked the man awkwardly. This was the first time she ever went on a blind date, and for some reason, she thought something was strange about it. The man before her was pretty good, but she didn’t feel anything about him, nor did she feel any desire to spend the rest of her life with him. She had never had a blind date before, so she didn’t know if blind dates were all like this and if they were supposed to bond over time.

After chatting with her for over half an hour at the dating agency, Nathan suggested that they go out to dinner. At first, she was going to refuse, but then, she decided to have a go at it, recalling how much her son yearned for a father’s love.

As a result, she ended up having dinner with the man. They had a fairly pleasant conversation, but it felt awkward and distant. In the end, Nathan suggested. “It’s getting late, Miss Bailey. Where do you live? Let me give you a ride home.”

“No, it’s not necessary. I drove here, so I’ll just drive home by myself. I suppose you also drove here, Mr. Abney?” said Amanda.

Nathan nodded. “Yes, I did.”

“In that case, let’s drive home separately. We have kids waiting for us at home, after all.”

“Okay, let’s stay in touch on WhatsApp, then.”

With that, they drove home separately.

After getting back in her car, Amanda instantly heaved a sigh of relief. Blind dates really aren’t for ordinary people. It’s so formal and suffocating. It was Selina who had suggested that she go on a blind date, saying this was the fastest way for her to get into a relationship. After all, she was only looking for a good father for Aiden. She had agreed to it for some reason that she couldn’t fathom, but now that she had really gone on a blind date, she thought it wasn’t what she had thought it to be. Can a marriage really be this casual?

When she returned to the villa in Galaxy Bay, Selina had coaxed Aiden to sleep and was watching TV in the living room while waiting for her to come home. Seeing her come in through the door, she couldn’t help but ask inquisitively. “So, how did it go? Did it work? Did you hit it off with the guy?”

Amanda broke into a helpless smile. After changing into her slippers, she slumped onto the couch with a sigh. “How should I put it? It didn’t really work, but it’s not otherwise either. Perhaps that’s the way blind dates are. Maybe we need to take time to get along?”

“Sounds like you’ve got no feelings for him. It’s okay, just go on to the next one. Men are plenty. anyway.” Selina said to comfort her.

Amanda replied with a shrug. There’s nothing wrong with this guy, but I can’t help feeling that he doesn’t seem like the one whom I can spend the rest of my life with.” The man didn’t give her a sense of belonging, so she couldn’t help but think that he was a stranger. Back when she first laid- eyes on Elias, she had been hit by a feeling of déjà vu. For some reason, she felt very close to the man, as though she had met him in their previous lives. Is that what’s called a heart-fluttering moment? Well, perhaps now that I’ve been through a lot, I don’t have that kind of feeling anymore, which is why I feel so dull.

“Which means there’s no chemistry between you two. Just go for the next one, then. There’s no hurry, anyway. By the way, have you eaten? Would you like me to fix some supper for you? I’ll go make some pasta for you, Selina said while getting up to go to the kitchen.

Amanda was just about to stop her, but her phone rang before she could do so. She glanced at the caller ID, which was a phone number she didn’t know. Who is this? Don’t tell me it’s Elias again? She answered the phone, upon which Yacob’s anxious voice rang. “Miss Bailey, did Mr. Winters go to see you? He’s gone missing from the hospital again, and we’re going around looking for him.”

Huh? He’s gone missing again?

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 109 It’s Me, Don’t Hang Up Yet

Why is this guy always as troublesome as a child? thought Amanda. However, recalling the slap she had received across her face, she instantly boiled with anger. She retorted sharply, “Just call the police if he’s missing! What’s the use of calling me? He didn’t come to me, and even if he did, I wouldn’t see him either! Then, she hung up the phone right away. Standing up to take a look at Selina in the kitchen, she said, “Selina, you don’t have to fix it. I’m not very hungry.”

“I’ve started cooking already. Just eat a little, okay? Or you’ll get hungry after midnight.”

“Alright then, I’m going upstairs to take a shower.” Since Selina had started cooking, she had no choice but to eat it in order not to waste the food.

She headed upstairs to take a quick shower and get changed. After entering her bedroom, she was going to pick up the remote control and close the curtains. Inadvertently, however, she caught sight of what seemed to be a black car parked under a tree out there. She walked over to take a closer look, but as she was unable to make it out in the darkness, she thought she was only seeing things. After closing the curtains, she entered the bathroom to take a bath, soon after which the splashing of the shower could be heard.


A black luxury car was lurking in a dark corner outside the villa. The man in the car was smoking one cigarette after another, his eyes fixed steadily on Amanda’s bedroom window upstairs until he saw the curtains being closed.

He had been sitting here for two hours, though even he had no idea what he had been sitting here for. After getting out of the hospital, he drove straight to Galaxy Bay. Since then, he had been here waiting for Amanda’s car to return. But now that she was finally back, he wasn’t happy at all. Is she back from her blind date? The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. He felt as though his lungs were going to explode, and the most ridiculous thing was that he didn’t even have the right to be angry right now.

He called her using another number that she didn’t know. This time, nobody answered the phone for a long time. He couldn’t help but look up at the second-floor window. The light was still on. which meant she wasn’t asleep. Why isn’t she answering the phone?

At last, the phone was answered, and the sound of running water could be heard. Is she in the bathroom?

“Hello? Who am I speaking to?” Amanda’s voice rang through the phone.

Elias was somewhat afraid to speak at this very moment, though. He knew that he might get cut. off as soon as he spoke.

“Speak, or I’m gonna hang up.”

“It’s me. Don’t hang up yet.”

Amanda fell silent for a long time on the other end. After that, she finally spoke. “What’s the point. of you doing this? Why are you running around instead of staying in the hospital? Yacob even called me to ask about you, you know? Can’t you spare all of us the headache? Do you think the whole world has to revolve around you?”

It had been a long time since Elias last heard her voice, let alone heard her speak so much. He found it rather curious, even though she was scolding him. “I was bored to death in the hospital, so I came out to get some fresh air.

“Do whatever you like. That’s none of my business. We’ll have nothing more to do with each other, anyway.”

Elias let out a snort of laughter. “You just accepted me a couple of days ago, and now you want nothing more to do with me? Is that why you’ve started going on blind dates? You want to marry yourself off as soon as possible to cut off my feelings for you?”

Amanda was obviously startled for a moment on the other end. “You’re quite well-informed, ch? You even know that I went on a blind date. Yeah, I did go on a blind date. Only then did I realize there are so many good guys on Earth. It was really blind of me to have been crazy about you back then!”

“Why you!” Infuriated, Elias started coughing violently. This woman really goes all out to piss me off?

Amanda replied, “What about me? You know what, that slap from you brought me to my senses. I shouldn’t have had any expectations of you, let alone accepted your courtship! A leopard never changes its spots, and you’ll always be the high and mighty Elias. We never belong to the same world.”

We never belong to the same world? Elias nearly laughed in anger. “It was my fault for raising my hand against you last time. But you and I don’t belong to the same world? What do you mean? Don’t tell me you’re an alien?”

Amanda said, “Say what you will. In any case, let’s not stay in touch anymore. We’ll go our separate ways and mind our own business. Also, go back to the hospital and rest, will you? Or 1 won’t shed a tear if you die from getting pissed off.” With that, she hung up right away, not wanting to argue with the man anymore.

Looking at the disconnected phone, Elias started coughing again in anger, and his face turned pale as a result. He dialed her number again, but this time, he couldn’t get through to her at all. “Cough Cough…” Getting agitated, he began coughing nonstop. He wiped his mouth with a tissue, only to realize that he had coughed up blood again. This is bad. I have to get back to the hospital. Otherwise, won’t Amanda get off easily if I really end up dying from getting pissed off? Am I gonna watch her marry another guy and live a life of happiness?


Chapter 109 It’s Me, Don’t…

+10 pearls

Feeling some difficulty breathing, he willed himself to start the car and drive out of Galaxy Bay toward the hospital.

Amanda came out of the bathroom. She was going to the balcony to let the wind blow her hair dry, but she happened to see a car slowly drive away. Hmm? I didn’t see this car just now. Where did it come from?

Just then, Selina came upstairs and called out to her. “Amanda, the pasta’s ready to eat!”

“I’m coming!” replied Amanda before she turned back in puzzlement. The car looked familiar. She seemed to have seen it before, but for a time, she couldn’t remember when.

Elias didn’t know how long it had taken him to drive back to the hospital. When he finally arrived, he was in a cold sweat and exhausted. After returning to the ward, he instantly threw himself down on his sickbed.

Everyone thought he was missing and was still out there searching around for him.

Just then, the nurse on duty passed by the ward and found him lying on his sickbed. Immediately. she ran to tell the doctor on duty and called his family.

Soon after that, Yacob and Howard arrived at the ward together. Seeing the man dozing in bed. they both heaved a sigh of relief. No matter how long he has disappeared, it’s fine as long as he knows to come back on his own. They were afraid that he would go missing, his fate unknown, like he had during the previous car accident. “Alright. Yacob, you keep watch outside and stay close. Don’t let him take a step out of the ward again,” said Howard.

“Roger that, Old Mr. Winters.” Yacob stepped out of the ward in silence.

Howard looked at the man on his sickbed before letting out a sigh. “I know you’re suffering inwardly. You have too much responsibility on your shoulders, and you have no choice but to take it upon yourself… Sometimes, he felt really sorry for his grandson, especially now that all the burden was placed on him after his father’s death. That was why he had done everything he could to keep Amanda by his side.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 110 Getting Closer to the Truth

Letting out a deep sigh. Howard sat in a chair and began talking to himself, thinking that the man was already asleep on his sickbed. “I wonder if I was wrong to make the decision for you. Four years ago, I coerced you into marrying Amanda. You seemingly consented to it, but I could tell that you were inwardly seething with resentment. I thought you would come to like Amanda over time, for she was such a good girl… Now that I think about it. I’m the one to blame for what’s happening right now. That astrologer matched your birth date with Amanda’s, saying that she could ensure your safety. Even now, I’m still convinced of this, but… Sigh, he mumbled to himself, immersed in his own world.

Unbeknownst to the old man, Elias slowly opened his ink-black eyes while lying on his sickbed with his back to him… Turns out Grandpa actually coerced me into marrying Amanda back then for such an absurd reason. It’s just because an astrologer matched our birth dates? How ridiculous! If Amanda learns about this, she’ll probably get even angrier so that she won’t talk to Grandpa anymore.

After sitting in front of his grandson’s sickbed for a long time, Howard stood up and left the ward. As soon as the door closed, Elias sat up on his sickbed with a sullen expression. The thought of Amanda going on a blind date pissed him off. What sort of man is worth her going on a blind date with?

Just then, there was a knock on the door, followed by Yacob’s voice. “Are you up, Mr. Winters?”

“Come in Elias had fretfulness written all over his brow.

After entering the ward, Yacob came straight to the point. “Mr. Winters, I tracked down the staff involved at the celebration party in Flimwood back then, including some who have retired or resigned after that.”

Elias looked up at him. Impatiently, he asked, “Where are they?

Yacob explained, “I tracked them down in secret, so I have all of them gathered at the Winters Estate. I’d suggest that we go back and interrogate them now, which shouldn’t take you too long.” After all, it would be unrealistic to call all of them to the hospital.

Immediately, Elias threw back his blanket and got out of his sickbed. As he strode out of the ward, he ordered, “Remember, don’t let anyone know about this.”

“Roger that.”

The two tall men walked down the hallway of the hospital. It was deep in the night now, and only their muffled footsteps could be heard.

Meanwhile, after pondering for a long time, Grace decided she should go to Elias again to explain herself. She mustn’t arouse his suspicion. Although it was ruthless enough of her to cut her own face with a knife, she could never be too cautious.

As soon as she reached the ward, however, she saw Elias in the hallway. Where is he going this time? She couldn’t help but go after him, shouting. “Elias! Where are you going?! You can’t run around anymore!”

At the sound of her voice, Elias shut his eyes irritably. He shot a look at Yacob. “You take care of her in ten minutes. Don’t let her follow us.”

“Roger that.”

Grace wanted to go after Elias, but Yacob stretched out his arms and blocked her path. “What are you doing? Step aside!” She looked at the arms before her before turning to gaze anxiously at the man’s receding figure.

However, Yacob stopped her again and dragged her back to the ward. “Miss Murphy, please stay in the ward and don’t go anywhere else.”

Grace answered back, “What right have you to order me around?! I have to go after Elias! Where is he going? He just returned to the hospital, so why is he going out again right now? Doesn’t he know that he needs to recuperate in his condition?” She tried to rush out of the ward.

Yacob held her down on her sickbed by force, though. “Miss Murphy, Mr. Winters knows what he is doing. And besides, I’m going with him this time. I’ll get him back to the hospital on time, so please rest assured,” he said before leaving the ward. Not only that, he instructed two of his men to stand guard outside to keep her from leaving-

“Yacob Mills! What right have you to lock me up in here?!” Grace tried to walk out of the ward, only to be stopped by the outstretched arms of the two bodyguards.

The car slowed to a stop in front of the Winters Estate, upon which Mr. Jones, the butler, came out to greet them. Getting out of the car. Yacob opened the door for Elias, who stepped out with a black overcoat draped around his shoulders. He strode straight into the house, asking. “Is everyone in there?”

Mr. Jones followed behind him. “Yes, and they’ve been waiting for two hours now. Many of them wanted to leave in advance, but I stopped them.”

Elias walked into the living room to find a group of various people sitting in a circle. All of them looked worried, not knowing what was going on. They had all been gathered here for a couple of hours now, but they had yet to see the young boss of the Winters Enterprise. One of them asked, “We’re not being held captive, are we? Why did they call us all the way over here?”

Another replied. “I hear that they seem to be looking into what happened at the celebration party back then. But what’s there to look into? I think I’ve forgotten almost all about it.”

“Who knows? I wonder when this guy’s going to arrive. I’m getting sleepy already.”

The conversations went on as those gathered here whispered among themselves.

Suddenly. Elias stepped into the living room.

Hearing his footsteps, everyone looked up at him simultaneously.

Following behind the man, Yacob said. “This is my boss, and today he’s got something to ask all of you about. All you have to do is answer truthfully, after which you can go to Mr. Jones over there to receive a cash payment.

All at once, everyone perked up at the words “cash payment.” At least we didn’t come here for nothing! We’ll get paid as long as we answer some questions.

Elias observed these people before him. He, too, had forgotten almost all about the celebration party in Flimwood four years ago, so he didn’t remember these people at all. Just tell me as much as you remember about the celebration party four years ago and answer my questions truthfully.”

One of them-a man-bowed and scraped to him in a deferential manner. “Yes, yes, yes! Mr. Winters, please go ahead and ask us questions. We’ll answer if we know anything.”

Elias narrowed his eyes and eyed the man before him with scrutiny. “You are?”

The man replied, “Mr. Winters, I was the manager of the hotel where you stayed back then. Well, I’m not anymore, but I was there at the celebration party back then.

Elias asked. “In that case, do you remember who accompanied me when I left at the time?” He just wanted to know how he had gotten back to his hotel room back then. Who had helped him back into his room, and why would both Amanda and Grace show up there?

The ex-hotel manager answered, “I don’t remember much about this, but I remember that you were very drunk at the time, and it seemed that a man helped you out of the party. Yeah, that’s right. It was your bodyguard.”

A bodyguard helped me out of the party? “Where is that bodyguard?” Elias looked around the room. If the bodyguard from back then was here, all the truth would come out.

Much to his dismay, Yacob whispered in his ear. “The bodyguard who was on duty back then quit afterward to work as someone else’s bodyguard. Unfortunately, he then died from a gunshot.”

Speechless, Elias then asked, “Did any of you pass by my room that night and see anyone enter my room?”

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 111 You’re Still Lying to Me Even Now

Suddenly, a middle-aged woman spoke up. T… I think I saw a girl enter your room. I was one of the hotel’s janitors back then.”

This woman instantly caught Elias’ attention. He took out his phone, found Amanda and Grace’s photos, and showed them to the woman. “Was she one of these two?”

The middle-aged woman studied the photos for a long time before identifying Amanda. She pointed to Amanda’s photo, saying. “I think it was this girl. I remember that she seemed very anxious at the time.”

Amanda Elias’ heart clenched for a moment. It really was Amanda! So, she did enter my room after all. He then asked, “Do you still remember when it was?”

The middle-aged woman thought about this for a long time. “Well, I don’t quite remember this anymore, but it was probably just after 10.00PM. It was normally around this time when I got to cleaning the 16th floor.”

10.00PM, huh… That was when the celebration party ended. So, Amanda came after I got escorted back to my room? Elias handed the phone to Yacob before looking at everyone in the room. “Does any of you still remember this lady? Does anyone remember having seen her that night?”

Everyone looked at Amanda’s photo and began searching their minds for any memory of her. After all, she and Elias had married in secret, so no one even knew that she had been his wife. Even if she had shown up at the celebration party back then, no one would have recognized her.

At last, someone recognized Amandla. All of a sudden, a female ex-employee of the hotel said, “I think I’ve seen this lady before. Yes, I do remember her. She came looking for you at the celebration party at the time, but I told her you were drunk and had gone back to your hotel room, so she left. I thought she was the new secretary or something”

Light sparkled in Elias’ eyes. So, Amanda really was in Flimwood when the celebration party took place? Doesn’t this along with the ex-janitor’s testimony-mean that she did enter my room that night? But why was Grace sleeping next to me when I woke up? Who can explain it?

Just when he was confused, the ex-hotel manager spoke again. “Mr. Winters, I wonder if I should tell you something about the other girl…”

The other girl? Elias took the phone and swiped to Grace’s photo before showing it to the man. “You mean her? What do you want to say about her! Spill it!”

The ex-hotel manager tried to remember that particular night’s situation. He replied, “I don’t know if this will be of any use to you, but at around 6.00AM on the next day, I went up to the 16th floor to deal with something-a guest who checked into their hotel room and found that the sheets were dirty, I think. When I passed by your room, I noticed that the door to your room was ajar. Just when I was wondering why, I saw this girl enter your room.”

Alerted, Elias and Yacob immediately exchanged a brief look. This is a key piece of information! “Are you sure this girl was the one you saw? Could you be mistaken?” Elias asked. After all, Amanda and Grace looked totally different from each other.

The ex-hotel manager studied Grace’s photo several more times before he replied, “No, there’s no mistake about it. I’m sure this was the girl I saw. She looked so sweet and gentle, I despised her in my heart at the time, thinking it disgraceful of her to start prostituting herself at such a young age.”

Elias fell silent. So, Grace entered my room at around 6.00AM, while Amanda did so at around 10.00PM the night before. Did Amanda leave early in the middle of this? Was that how Grace took advantage of the opportunity? This seems to be the only way to explain how they had both entered my room back then, which means that I did sleep with Amanda that night. As for Grice….. He was almost half awake at around 6.00AM that day. If he had done anything to Grace, he would surely have some memory of it, but he didn’t. He remembered that it was 7.00AM when he opened his eyes.. And row, these testimonies were enough to prove that Grace was lying.

He sat on the couch, his arm resting on the armrest as he propped up his forehead with slender fingers. Finally, he closed his eyes and said impassively, “All of you may leave now.”

Seeing that he had spoken, Yacob said, “Alright, everyone, that’s all about it. All of you may now go to Mr. Jones to get your payment. Our chauffeur will send all of you home.”

Everyone thus slowly left the living room.

Standing beside the man, Yacob ventured after everyone else was gone, “Mr. Winters, Miss Murphy has probably lied.”

“Mm-hmm…” Elias honestly never expected Grace to have lied. He had been inclined to believe Amanda until now; however, now that he had found out that Grace might actually be lying, he had mixed feelings about it. I slept with Amanda on the night of the celebration party, so the positive result on the pregnancy test strip in her hand was real then I asked for a divorce. She was really pregnant back then… Resentment swelled in him at the thought that he had lost his own child.

Grace was on tenterhooks tonight. She was confined in the ward, unable to take even one step out of it. She didn’t know where Elias had gone or what he was doing, but she felt an inexplicable feeling of panic, as though something was going to happen. And now, it was already close to midnight. She didn’t know if the man had returned, nor was she able to get through to him on the phone.

Just then, the door to the ward was suddenly kicked open in a fit of deep, murderous rage.

Grace swung around to look at the door. Seeing that it was Elias, she immediately wore a look of delight. “You’re back at last, Elias! Where have you been? I was really worried about you—”

Before she could finish her sentence, Elias shut the door and interrupted her in a grim, icy voice,

“You better explain to me what happened at the celebration party four years ago. It’s not too late if you tell the truth right now.”

Grace freeze. “What are you talking about? I don’t understand what you’re saying. Why are you mectomie tie party all of a sudden? What do you want me to explain?” Inwardly, she was panicking zat is notment. Could he have found out something? No, I have to stand my ground and deny inosaurrari wont be able to explain myself.

The next staat, however, the man kicked over the chair next to him, yelling furiously. “You’re still lie to me even now!

Grace trembled over with fright. She asked with a sheepish smile. “What did I lie to you about? Are you sure about you did deep with me that night? Why—”

“You only entered my room at about 6.00AM the next day, didn’t you? I was already half awake at the time no way I could’ve done anything to you, or I would’ve felt it!” the man prowled funousives center the anger and resentment he had been repressing over the last few years.

Grace was stupened. How cute that? Who told him that? There’s no security footage from that night anymore, and it’s bom person then! How can he still manage to find out about that? Who told you that She was getting agitated as well.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 112 Do You Need Me to Call the Witness Over to Say It to Your Face?

However, what Grace felt more than anything was guilt. What exactly did Elias find out?

There’s no way he found out what happened during the night of the celebration party, she comforted herself. I have to stay calm. Don’t panic now.

“How can you slander me like that, Elias? When did I lie to you? Wasn’t I the woman you saw after you opened your eyes? How is that a lie?”

Elias was filled with disappointment by her bullheaded behavior. He never would’ve thought that girl who once seemed so innocent in his eyes would lie to him.

“Do you need me to call the witness over to say it to your face? Grace, you better tell me the truth! If not, I won’t forgive you, not even for your brother’s sake!”

Elias was at his limit. All these years, he was filled with guilt toward Yelan, and that feeling of guilt only intensified when he assumed that he had mistakenly slept with Grace four years ago and even lost his son. However, even though the truth had already been unveiled, Grace was still digging her heels in the ground and refusing to admit to her wrongdoings. How could he remain calm in a situation like this especially when he never had a good temper?

Grace widened her eyes in horror. Witness? He found a witness? Did someone see me that night? Why can’t I remember? I only know that there wasn’t anyone in the hallway when I went into Elias room at 6.004M!

All of a sudden. Grace’s eyes bulged as a memory surfaced in her mind. When she entered his hotel room that day, she could faintly recall a staff member walking past. Did Elias manage to find that person? No, it’s impossible. It can’t be that easy to find them when it’s been so long.

However, from how furious he looked, it didn’t seem like he was making things up without any evidence.

Even so, she continued to insist. “Couldn’t you feel whether you slept with someone that night? The person you saw after you woke up was me, and were those blood stains on the bed fake? Can’t you tell for yourself?”

The blood stains on the bed sheets were the real deal and couldn’t be faked. However, she had no idea who Elias had slept with before she entered his room.

Elias laughed, his tone full of mockery. His eyes bore into Grace’s as he said. “Someone saw you entering my room at around 6.00AM. In that case, do you know who was in my room before you went in?”

Grace fell silent, meeting his gaze. An ill premonition rose in her at his question, and her heart began to drum in her chest.

“It was Amanda! And, our child that died was from that night! If you hadn’t interfered, that child would’ve been three years old now! Grace, do you think I can forgive you?!”

Elias grabbed her neck in a vice-like grip, wanting nothing more than to choke the life out of her. Whenever he thought of the child he had lost, he was filled to the bone with resentment and hatred. After all, his child wouldn’t have died if it weren’t for Grace’s little tricks.

Meanwhile, Grace was dumbfounded as if she had been struck by lightning, leaving him to strangle her neck until she began to cough from losing her breath.

“Cough, cough… Let go of me! Let go of me now! My brother will be devastated if he knows you’re doing this to me! Did you forget what you promised him? Cough…”

Grace’s face turned red, and it seemed that she was about to give in. Meanwhile, Elias, who had completely lost all his sense and reason, recalled the tragic state that Yelan was in before his death, as well as his final request.

In an instant, he released his grip, but the rage in his dark eyes remained as he gritted out, “Don’t let me see you again, or I won’t hold back next time!”

Upon saying that, Elias left the ward without taking a single glance behind, leaving her neck and coughing violently on the ground.

“Cough, cough…”

Her brain was still filled with Elias’ words. So, the woman who went inside before me was could that be? How?!

Grace was still unable to accept the reality of the situation, and that the crimson blood on sheets had belonged to Amanda. Weren’t they married for a long time by then? Why was she still a virgin?

A barrage of questions flooded her mind, but the worst of them all was the fact that not only had her lies been exposed, it was Elias who had personally done so. Was she about to lose all of the love and affection she gained from him by taking advantage of the incident during the night of the celebration party? Now, no matter what she said, he would never believe her again.

Elias returned to his ward, frustrated and restless. He couldn’t wait to go to Amanda so that he could apologize to her and plead for her forgiveness, but he knew that she wouldn’t be willing to meet him.

The slap in the law firm must’ve thoroughly hurt her, and now she felt nothing but resentment toward him, so nothing he did would be right in her eyes.

His towering figure collapsed on the bed heavily as he stared at the white ceiling. Memories from four years ago filled his mind, including Amanda’s face when she held the pregnancy test strip before him, telling him that she was pregnant. She must’ve felt hopeless from his behavior, and that was why she went to the hospital to abort the baby alone.

He closed his eyes, but he couldn’t stop himself from imagining what Amanda had looked like as she got rid of their child. His handsome features were pulled tight, and his strong hands clenched tightly into fists. Alas, time would not turn back for him no matter how much he regretted the past.

“I’m sorry…” His low and hoarse voice reverberated in the dark ward.

And yet, he couldn’t tell if he was apologizing to Amanda or his child.

At the same time. Amanda was just about to head to bed when she suddenly sneezed. Is someone talking about me?

Shaking her head with a smile, she peeled the covers back and lay on the bed, taking a book to read before retiring for the night.

Just then, her phone vibrated on the nightstand. She usually put her phone to vibrate mode before sleeping. After taking a look and seeing that it was a call from Simon, she answered the call while her other hand continued to flip through the book.

“Why are you calling me at this hour, Boss? Don’t tell me you’re going to make me work overtime at this hour,” she asked teasingly.

However, the man on the other end sounded solemn. “I heard you went on a blind date today, and you even signed up with a dating agency?”

I just went on a blind date, so why do so many people knote about this? Who exactly couldn’t keep their mouth shut?

All of a sudden, she remembered that she had seen Lunabelle earlier that day and wondered if she had heard her talking to the dating agency on the phone. She never thought that Lunabelle would have a nosy side to her.

She continued to flip through the book. “Did your ex-girlfriend tell you that? I didn’t think that she’d be so worried about me. Tell her not to worry. I won’t take you from her.”

Just from her womanly instincts, she could sense that Lunabelle viewed her as a rival, most likely afraid that she would steal Simon away.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 113 I Did It on Purpose

“Amanda, do you have to do this? I’ve explained to you many times that there’s nothing between Lunabelle and me anymore. Why won’t you believe me?” Simon demanded through the phone, clearly sounding a little peeved.

Strange, why is he angry? Amanda wondered, perplexed.

“What does me going on a blind date have to do with whether I believe you or not? Regardless of your relationship with Lamabelle, I’m still going to go on blind dates.”

This should make things clear enough, right? She had already completely abandoned any thought of considering Simon’s idea of a loveless marriage, and she would much rather marry a stranger she had no feelings for than consider him as a candidate.

There was a long pause on the other end before he said, “Are you implying that you won’t consider me no matter what? That you’d rather marry an untrustworthy stranger than try things out with me? Am I really that unworthy of you just because I have an ex-girlfriend?”

Simon had no idea where he had gone wrong to make Amanda so against marrying him. However, Amanda laughed. She closed her book, planning to make things clear with him.

“Simon, it’s not what you think. I just think that the two of us know each other too well, so we aren’t suited for marriage. Besides, you and Lunabelle clearly still haven’t let go of each other, so why are you tormenting each other like this? It isn’t easy to find true love in life, so don’t let your happiness go just for a moment of spite. I’m telling you this as someone who’s been through this before.”

“What do you mean, know each other too well? Isn’t that the point of marriage? Can you marry someone you don’t know at all?”

Simon had no idea what she was thinking, or how her mind worked.

“No, well… I can’t explain everything to you in such a short amount of time. Anyway, don’t think about only marrying me when you don’t love me. I’ve had a divorce and a child, while you, on the other hand, have a chance at finding happiness, so why would you sabotage yourself like that?”

Deep down, this was a fact that displeased her. Simon’s suggestion of a loveless marriage was just like telling her he was planning to give up on himself, and he settled for her just so the people around him would stop urging him to get married.

However, why should she be the target of his self-sabotage? Was it because she was a divorced woman with a child? Despite that, she was still a person with self-respect, and she refused to bow down.

Hearing that, Simon finally understood what was going on.

“Amanda, you misunderstood. I never thought of settling for you….”

“None of that is important anymore. Let’s just be colleagues; I think that this is what suits us the most. All right, I’m tired, so I’m going to bed. I have a court case tomorrow.”

At that, Amanda immediately hung up.

Simon looked at his phone, feeling both helpless and frustrated. If Lunabelle hadn’t returned, would Amanda still think this way?

Amanda wasn’t wrong. He still had feelings for Lunabelle, but he was hesitant to drop everything and marry her. It wasn’t because they had divorced in the past, but rather the fact that too many things had changed since four years ago. Although he couldn’t find the right words for it, he couldn’t shake off the feeling that his relationship with Lunabelle felt strange and lacked the passion they used to have.

In the next few days, Amanda went to the law firm to work as usual. Elias never showed up to bother her, and Simon did not mention their previous conversation to her either.

Meanwhile, the dating agency continued to introduce candidates that were of high quality to her, and while she had no interest in blind dates, she was still willing to work hard for Aiden. After all, he was a young boy who deeply craved fatherly love.

As Selina was on leave today, she went to pick Aiden up from school before returning to the law firm to continue working overtime.

“Baby, stay here and watch your cartoons. I’ll take you home and make you something yummy to eat once I’m done with work, okay?”

“Don’t work too hard, Mommy. I’m not in a rush. There are a lot of episodes in this show,” Aiden chirped obediently.

Amanda couldn’t help but laugh, caressing his fuzzy hair. Although he was usually quite a frustrating child, he was still filial toward her, so all of her love and affection hadn’t been in vain.

“Okay! There are fruits and drinks over there, and you can have them if you want. Remember, don’t drink too much fruit juice, or I’ll spank your butt,” she warned teasingly, raising her hand as a threat.

However, Aiden fearlessly declared in his high voice, “Mommies who hit little kids are wrong. The police are going to catch you.”

“Okay, smarty-pants. Just be a good boy and stay quiet. I’ll be done soon.”

With that, Amanda devoted herself to her work while Aiden obediently watched a cartoon on his tablet, and neither of them bothered the other.

Just then, Amanda’s phone began to vibrate.

Tapping on the keyboard with one hand, she picked up her phone with the other and placed it by her car. “Amanda speaking. Who is this?”

Helean’s voice sounded from the other end. “Are you still at work? Do you have to work that hard!”

“Cut the crap. What do you want?” She had no time to be chit-chatting with him, for all the wanted was to quickly hurry home to make dinner for Aiden.

“I heard on the grapevine that Winters Enterprise is planning to hire you as their legal advisor Are you going to accept it?”

The sound of Amanda typing on the keyboard came to a sudden halt, and she leaned back on the chair. “Legal advisor? Why would they look for me? Wouldn’t Simon be a better fit for a job like this? It hasn’t been long since I came back.”

An international corporation like Winters Enterprise had no reason to pick her, someone who had just returned from abroad, as their legal advisor. Besides, she had no experience in this area of expertise either.

“Who knows? Either way, that’s what the rumors are saying. It seems like that rich guy asked for you specifically. Okay, tell me the truth. Does that man like you? Are you two secretly dating

“You’re going too far with the gossip. I need to make a call, so I don’t have time to waste with you. I’m hanging up.

After ending the call, Amanda was just about to call Elias for an explanation when she realized that his number was still blocked. Hence, she first unblocked his number before giving him a call.

It took a long time before the call went through, and a familiar yet self-deprecating voice sounded from the other end. “Finally willing to unblock my number?”

Expressionless, Amanda demanded coldly, “What are you doing? Didn’t I tell you that we’re through? Why would you hire me as your legal advisor? Are you doing this on purpose?”

“You can say that. Yes, I did it on purpose.”

“Why?” His unabashed attitude gave Amanda the urge to head over and punch him, even if she was no match for him in a fight.

“Because this is the only way you’ll call me on your own.” His low and sultry voice carried a trace of brazenness.

“Elias, do you have no shame?”

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 114 Just You Wait, Elias!

Elias let out a chortle. “What does a man need shame for? Achieving our goals is what’s important.”

Amanda was thoroughly rendered speechless. Knowing that there was no way for her to communicate with him nor was she bothered to waste her time with him, she decided to hang up on him.

However, the man on the other end suddenly piped up, “If you don’t want to be my legal advisor, come and reject the offer to my face or I’ll insist on my decision.”

“Just you wait, Elias!”

“What time are you coming over? I’m working overtime at the office, so I can wait a little longer for you.”

“Wait until I’m free. It may even be midnight. If you can wait for me in the office until midnight, I’ll definitely go over to see you.”

At that, Amanda immediately hung up. She didn’t believe for a second that Elias would wait for her in the company until it was midnight, and she resumed her work after hanging up.

Sitting opposite her, Aiden blinked his large eyes at the sight of her fuming appearance. “Mommy, who are you angry at?”

“I’m not angry. I’ll be done after you finish one more episode, and then we can go home.”


Amanda couldn’t help but smile at his adorable voice. At the end of the day, only this young boy was capable of drawing out a smile from her in an instant.

Hence, she had to keep him firmly by her side, and she would never give up his custody to a deadbeat father like Elias. He didn’t deserve it! In fact, he could go back to a fake b*tch like Grace all he wanted!

After finishing her work for the day, Amanda took Aiden back to Galaxy Bay. Then, she made a simple meal and helped him take a shower once they were done with their meal. By the time she coaxed him to bed, it was nearly 10.00PM.

Amanda headed downstairs to get a bottle of water to drink from the fridge, and it was then that she heard a sound from the door, most likely signaling Selina’s return..

Twisting the cap open and taking two sips of water, she walked toward the living room and called out, “Selina, you’re back-

However, before she could finish, she was met with the sight of Selina’s face covered in wounds. She hurriedly strode over and asked, “What happened to your face? Did someone hit you?”

She looked at Selina’s bruise-covered face and her swollen forehead, and it appeared as if she had been abused by someone. Then, Amanda recalled that Selina had said that she was married. Could it be a case of domestic violence?

Selina subconsciously covered the injuries on her face with her hands, wanting to return to her room immediately. “It’s no big deal. I just bumped into something by accident. I’ll be fine after I put some ice on it. You should go to sleep soon.”

Amanda tugged her hand downward and inspected her wounds. She was quite badly hurt, and it seemed that the culprit was planning to end her life.

“Tell me, what exactly happened? Did you run into a robber on the way back, or is it… domestic violence?” Despite her questioning tone, Amanda could tell at a glance that Selina’s wounds were a result of domestic violence.

Upon hearing her final question, Selina couldn’t help but let out a wail and jumped into Amanda’s arms. “Amanda, you’re the only one who brought up domestic violence with me. They all | say! that it’s just a couple’s dispute, that it’s normal for a husband and wife to fight and things will be fine soon, but I really can’t take it anymore…

“What kind of couple’s dispute would put you in this state? You can file a case with this! Tell me what exactly happened. Don’t forget what I do for a living. I can help you!”

Amanda led her to the couch and sat her down so that she could give her a thorough examination. She noticed that Selina’s body was covered in bruises as well, and it was clear that it was a classic case of domestic violence. Not only that, she could tell that Selina’s husband wasn’t planning to spare her life at all.

“Amanda, I wanted to stay there for a night, but I just couldn’t spend another second in that place, so I came back… I don’t feel like saying anything now. Don’t ask.”

“Okay, okay, you don’t have to tell me anything right now. I’ll go get the first aid kit to treat your injury. It looks quite serious.”

Then, she left to look for the first aid kit, only to realize that its contents were incomplete as it hadn’t been long since she moved houses, so there was no way for her to treat Selina’s wound.

“Wait here. I’ll go out and get some medicine. Aiden is sleeping upstairs, so help me take care of him.”

With that, Amanda was just about to leave when Selina hurriedly shot to her feet and stopped her. “You don’t have to. I’ll be fine in no time after I put some ice on it.”

“What do you mean, you’ll be fine? Look at how bad your injury is. This isn’t something that can be solved with ice alone. It’s going to get inflamed. Wait for me at home.”

With a frown, Amanda turned around and left the house. She had always assumed that Selina had married a good man, but she never expected him to be someone who would hurt his wife, and it disgusted her.

Amanda drove away from Galaxy Bay and had just started to look for a 24-hour pharmacy when her phone began to ring.

The call was from Elias, but she immediately picked up and placed her phone to her ear without taking a look. “Who is this?”

“How long are you planning to make me wait in the office?”

All of a sudden, Amanda remembered telling Elias that if he waited for her until it was midnight, she would go to see him.

She probed tentatively. “Are you still in the office?”

If the president of Winters Enterprise was staying in his office at this hour, would the other staff dare to leave work before him? The company must be brightly lit that night.

“So, you’re trying to back out of your promise?” His voice carried a trace of displeasure, and it seemed that he was peeved.

Coincidentally, Amanda just so happened to be driving past Winters Enterprise, and the building was brightly lit as she had expected. Did that mean that many innocent staff members were forced to work overtime just because of something she said in passing? At that thought, Amanda was instantly filled with guilt.

“Who said I’m going to back out? I’m already parking my car now. I’m coming up soon, so wait for me.”

Upon saying that, she ended the call, filled with guilt. She genuinely had not expected Elias to have the patience to wait for her at the office for such a long time.

After parking her car, Amanda walked into the large building and took an elevator to the 19th floor, where she headed straight in the direction of Elias” office.

As she walked past the secretary department, she noticed that the secretaries were yawning one after the other, each of them seeming listless. After all, how would they have the nerve to get off work when Elias was still in his office?

When she arrived at the president’s office, Amanda knocked on the door, and a male voice sounded from inside. “Come in.”

Hearing that, she pushed the door open and headed inside. The office was pitch-black, with only a lonely beam of moonlight streaming in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, as well as the heavy stench of tobacco that lingered in the air.

Elias was sprawled on his office chair in a black button-down shirt, his tie loosely hanging under.his collar, but his disheveled appearance did not take away his sultriness at all. In front of him, an ashtray was piled full of cigarette butts. It seemed like he really had waited for an extremely long time, and he only called her because he was growing impatient.

In an attempt to alleviate the tense atmosphere, Amanda coughed lightly. “Ahem…. I didn’t think you’d wait this long. It seems like you’re quite sincere about hiring me to be your legal advisor.”

“So, are you going to take the job?” Elias’ striking features were further accentuated under the moonlight, as perfect as a sculpture.

Amanda scoffed coldly. “I won’t! I already told you. I don’t want anything to do with you anymore!”

hares were unclear in the darkness, but anyone could clearly feet the air around him cot the picked up another cigarette and placed it between his lips before lighting it the red glow from the fame tickering in the air as a cloud of smoke swirled around the room

Amanda disliked the smell of cigarettes and couldn’t help but wave a hand before her man The Cup Can you stop smoking? I hate it

He smocked for a moment before putting the cigarette out in the ashtray. Then, he slowly got to his Reet and walked out from behind the desk, coming to a stop before her. “Then, how can I make you accept a

I will never accept it no matter what you do, but you can force me if you want. After all, I can’t win over you, so I have no choice but to follow your orders obediently

Though the two seemed to be discussing work-related matters, there were many underlying connotations behind their words

Ehas picked up a remote and pressed a button, and in the next second, all of the lights in the office turned on. Having not adapted to the sudden brightness, Amanda placed a hand over her eyes when she suddenly jolted upon seeing his handsome features in clear view

“I can force you, but I want you to be willing

He stared deeply into her clear eyes. It had been days since he last saw Amanda, and it took all of his self-restraint to stop himself from pulling her into his embrace

She scoffed. “You’ve already slapped me back to my senses that day. There are no more second chances between us anymore.”

I'm sorry. Does it still hurt?”

Elias raised his left arm, his slender fingers reaching out to caress her face. Because his head was bursting with pain that day and he was extremely frustrated, he must have failed to hold back his strength. It must be hurt….

However, Amanda slapped his hand away. “Don’t touch me?”

He fell silent

“Don’t you think you’re being really phony? You clearly care more about Grace, so why are you acting like a Casanova now? Elias, don’t tell me you want to keep two women by your side. Do you think you’re a king choosing his concubines?”

Whenever Amanda recalled how Elias had lost his temper for Grace’s sake, she felt a wave of anger surging within her

“Amanda! I’ve told you that I don’t like Grace, not one bit! I just owe her too much. Besides, you

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 115 Do You Believe…ruined her face this time…”

Although it was true that Grace had lied on the night of the celebration party, it did appear that Amanda was the one who ruined Grace’s face.

Meanwhile, Amanda stared at him in perplexity. When did she ruin Grace’s face! She couldn’t understand how a few slaps would ruin her face. Surely her slaps weren’t that heavy?

“If you feel bad for your little girlfriend, just say it to my face! I only slapped her a few times, so how did I ruin her face? Is her face made of gold? I even got a slap from you, but is my face ruined?”

She couldn’t stand how Elias would always firmly protect Grace no matter the situation and even believe her words without a single doubt.

Elias fell silent for a moment before he said, “Didn’t you hurt her with a knife? She has long wounds on her face and arms from a kitchen knife, and her face is ruined. She might sue you and make this incident public because of that.”

Amanda’s eyes widened in shock. “Since when did I harm Grace with a knife? Do you think I won’t know how bad it is to use a knife when I’m a lawyer?”

He furrowed his brows slightly. After Grace lied on the night of the celebration party, he no longer believed her as much as he used to. However, the surveillance footage clearly showed that not long after Amanda left Grace’s house, she walked out with a face covered in blood. What other explanation was there?

Elias slowly explained, “But the cameras outside Grace’s house showed that not long after you left, she walked out with a face full of blood… Besides, the footage shows that you’ve already laid your hands on her before going inside. If she posts this video online, it’ll be bad for you. Moreover, her status as a celebrity could very well ruin your reputation and prevent you from making a living in the country.

Amanda couldn’t help but laugh, her voice filled with mockery.

She couldn’t believe that Grace would pull off such a cruel and dramatic feat, willingly ruining her face just so that she could frame her. How could a woman as vicious as her exist? Not only was she hard on others, but she refused to let herself off easy as well.

She looked at the man in front of her and asked, “Then, do you believe her or me?”

Elias pursed his lips tightly and stared at her, but he did not reply. Men were rational beings, and they were unable to form their judgment just by relying on their intuition. Hence, he could only speak according to the evidence, and now the footage showed that there was a bigger possibility that Amanda had been the one to hurt Grace. However…

At the sight of seeing him struggle to make a decision, Amanda felt her heart turn cold. Although they had not spent much time with each other, did he have no idea what kind of person she was? Did he genuinely think that she was capable of committing such a vile act?

“All right, enough of this. It seems that you still believe in Grace more, and you think that I ruined her face.”

“Amanda!” Elias reached out and grabbed her thin wrist with a solemn expression. “No matter whether you did it or not, I will cover for you. I won’t let her ruin your life.”

At that, Amanda froze in shock for a moment. What on earth was he saying? Wasn’t he simply implying that she was the one who ruined Grace’s face? Where did he get the nerve to think that way?

“Do you think I’ll be touched by that? I don’t need you to cover for me because I believe that the truth will always prevail. Why should I be scared of something I haven’t done?”

Besides, she could look for evidence to prove that she was innocent instead of using the Winters Family’s influence to bury this incident from the public eye.

Just as Amanda was about to leave, he forcefully grabbed her hand. “I didn’t mean it like that. I just don’t want to see you…”

“Stop talking. I can handle my own matters. I don’t need you to pretend to be a saint!” Amanda shook his hand off viciously and turned around to leave the office.

As soon as she stepped out of his office, Elias was just about to stand up and chase after her when his phone rang. When he picked up, a voice on the other end reported, “Mr. Winters, Grace has made her move. She’s posted pictures of her in the hospital and even the surveillance footage, and people are already talking about it now.”

“Cover it up! Cover it all up!”

Elias returned to his desk. He had been staying back in the office just for this moment-he knew that Grace would not give up so easily.

Meanwhile, Grace watched as the candid photos of her receiving treatment in the hospital were deleted instantaneously, and all of the rumors they had prepared were silenced. She angrily threw her phone on the ground.

She knew that this was Elias’ doing. If she wasn’t able to drive Amanda completely out of the country, wouldn’t her face have been ruined for nothing? How could she let Amanda off so easily after paying such a hefty price? She would never allow it! This time, she swore to chase Amanda out of the country, or she would never have a chance to be with Elias.

At that thought, she picked up her phone and made a call, roaring furiously, “Don’t stop! Keep posting, and don’t stop even if they delete the posts! Post it on that forum! That’s where news spreads the fastest on the Internet!”

The next day, Amanda woke up early in the morning before washing up and getting dressed. Not even having time for breakfast, she hurried downstairs and was ready to go to the law firm.

At the sight of Selina and Aiden eating breakfast downstairs, she put on her shoes while saying, “I’m gonna skip breakfast, so go ahead and eat without me. By the way, Selina, stay home and don’t go out. If your husband comes to you again, just call the police and then call me!” Although she had a lot on her plate these days, she had to care about Selina’s domestic violence situation. which was also pretty important.

Selina was looking at her phone in the dining room. Then, she stood up and walked up to Amanda. “Amanda, is that you in this video?”

“Hmm? What is it?” Amanda looked puzzled. Totally unaware of what was happening, she took Selina’s phone and saw a piece of security footage, which was none other than the security footage of her going to Grace’s place that night. It captured her raising her hand as soon as she entered the house, and shortly after she had left, Grace came out with a bloodied face.

It went without saying that this security footage caused a public uproar. Everyone was led to believe that Amanda had stormed into Grace’s house like a shrew and disfigured her face before leaving.

In an instant, Amanda’s eyes widened in astonishment. She tapped on the comment section below the video, and all the comments were generally cursing her. One of them read, ‘Rumor has it that this woman is the new lover of the Winters Enterprise’s young boss. Look at this! She wasn’t even afraid to disfigure an actress right away. She really thinks she can do whatever she wants with Elias Winters covering her back!”

Another read, This video shows how this woman disfigured Grace Murphy’s face in such a short time. How cruel!

The third comment read, Just what the heck is wrong with Elias Winters’ taste in women? Why would he fall for such a shrew instead of Grace Murphy? Grace is an actress, after all. Are actresses so worthless nowadays?”

Another comment read, ‘Here’s a little tidbit: this new lover is a lawyer. She has deliberately violated the law! Grace Murphy, please go ahead and sue her so that she goes to jail!

Amanda’s hand trembled while holding the phone as she read the comments. Why would things turn out like this in the eyes of these netizens? She looked at Grace’s bloodied face in the footage. She honestly never expected this woman to be so ruthless as to actually hurt herself!

“Mommy, what are you looking at?” Having eaten half of his breakfast, Aiden jumped out of his chair and walked up to her, wanting to snatch the phone to take a look.

Only then did Amanda come to her senses and hand the phone back to Selina. “Just finish your breakfast before going to kindergarten. I’ve got work to do, so I’m going to work now,” she replied. Then, she took Selina aside, saying, “Don’t let the kid see these things. I can’t explain it to you

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