The Lawyer’s Romance in Law

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The Lawyer’s Romance in Law

Novel The Lawyer’s Romance in Law is an amazing story about a young woman Elias Winters and rich people Amanda Bailey. After being secretly married for a year, Elias Winters brought his mistress home but was confronted by his wife, Amanda Bailey, who presented him with a positive pregnancy test. Falsely accusing her of infidelity, he vowed never to see her again. Four years later, Amanda returned to the country as a successful barrister, causing Elias to cling to her and beg for reconciliation. He even went as far as kneeling in the rain, seeking her forgiveness. However, Amanda remained unmoved. It was then that their child rushed out and asked about Elias. He was shocked because he had always believed that she had aborted the child. To his surprise, the little one standing before him was a spitting image of himself!
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Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 116 You’re Just Jealous That Grace Is Prettier Than You

right now, but the only thing I can tell you is that I didn’t disfigure her face.”

Selina nodded. “I believe you. The Amanda I know isn’t such a person.”

Amanda replied, “Thank you.” At a time like this when she was coming under attack by the public,

it was really touching to have someone who trusted her unconditionally. She turned around and left the villa, intending to make a trip straight to the hospital.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, Grace’s wound was still in the healing stage. Thanks to the ugly scar, she loathed looking in the mirror every single day.

The doctor instructed her, “Remember, don’t let the wound come into contact with water-

Grace couldn’t stand it anymore, though. “Just when can I get this scar fixed? How much longer do I have to go around with a face like this?!” She began to regret having wounded her own face so badly back then.

“Uh…” The doctor hesitated to reply. “It’ll take at least two months for the wound on your face to heal. It’s rather deep, after all.”

Two months! Unwilling to give up, Grace asked again, “Just tell me the truth-to what extent can this scar get fixed in the end?” Of course, she hoped that her face would be restored back to its beauty, but…

In a professional attitude, the doctor replied truthfully, “To be honest, I can’t say it for sure. It also depends on the individual’s healing ability and the effects of treatment. But what I can tell you is that there’s no way your face can be restored back to its original state. At best, it’ll heal to about 60 to 70 percent and that’s the best-case scenario.”

“What… only 60 to 70 percent?” Grace stared at the doctor in disbelief with shock written all over her face. Just 60 to 70 percent? “What a lousy hospital this is! I’m going to seek treatment abroad! I’m going to another hospital…” She turned around and left the doctor’s consultation room in tears. She didn’t want this to happen; she still wanted to be Elias’ beautiful bride. At this very moment, she was overwhelmed with regret. Why would I make such a stupid decision that night? Why would I disfigure my own face…

Tearfully, she returned to her ward, only to find Amanda there.

As soon as she heard Grace’s footsteps, Amanda turned around and saw Grace as expected. However, she was really startled to see Grace’s face at this very moment. She had to admit that this girl was really ruthless.

“Amanda! What are you doing here?” Grace was angered to see Amanda at this moment. I wouldn’t have become like this had it not been for her!

Looking at the deep scar on Grace’s face, Amanda said, “I really never thought you’d be so cruel to yourself just to frame me. How could you do this to yourself? Do you really not want your face anymore?”

Grace retorted, “You’re the one who caused my face to end up like this! How dare you come in front of me and mock me right now?! What gave you the cheek to do that, you wicked woman?!”

Amanda replied, “You know full well in your heart whether I’m the one who caused that scar on your face. I’m here to tell you that I won’t take the fall for you for no reason. I’ll find evidence to prove my innocence!” With that, she turned around and left the ward.

Grace sobbed behind her, “You b*tch! Had it not been for you, my face wouldn’t have ended up like this! How could you be so wicked?! I’ll make you pay for it! Amanda Bailey, I hate you forever!” Raising her voice on purpose, she drew the attention of many doctors, nurses, and patients. She wanted everyone to see this so that they would capture this on their phones and upload this to the internet.

Amanda saw those people pointing fingers at her as she walked down the hallway. Having noticed Grace’s intentions, she put on her sunglasses and quickened her pace toward the elevator. She had to admit that Grace was truly an actor whose acting was really perfect.

Upon entering the elevator, she heaved a sigh of relief, but how was she supposed to find evidence to prove her innocence? It was obvious in that night’s security footage that Grace’s face was bloodied after she had left. Normally, people wouldn’t suspect that Grace had disfigured her own face, so they would take it for granted that it must be her doing. What should I do about this?

The elevator door slowly opened with a ding!

Amanda stepped out of the elevator and was about to go to the parking lot. But suddenly, a group of Grace’s fans swarmed around her and threw things like eggs and rotten vegetables at her. One of them yelled, “How could a wicked woman like you exist on earth? You actually disfigured Grace’s face! You’re just jealous that she’s prettier than you!”

“Come on, everyone, check out what this shrew looks like!”

“We have to seek justice for Grace Murphy!”

All at once, Amanda was nearly smothered by the clamor and the rain of rotten eggs and vegetables. Not expecting to be faced with these things one day, she was at a complete loss for what to do.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 117 Elias Shows Up

These brainless fans don’t even have a clue about what really happened! thought Amanda. At this very moment, however, she had no way to explain herself. She couldn’t even produce any evidence to prove her innocence.

Suddenly, someone picked up a rock and flung it at her.

Amanda simply wasn’t able to get out of the crowd surrounding her. “Ah!” she cried out in pain. After all, it hurt to get hit by a rock. “That’s enough, all of you! You all are throwing false accusations at someone here without knowing anything!” Unable to put up with this anymore, she tried to defend herself. Only then did she realize how feeble her words were.

The mob of fans swore at her at the same time. One of them swore, “How dare you cry foul despite the concrete evidence, you shameless slut! I wonder how someone like you got into the legal profession!”

Another yelled, “Only you entered Grace’s house in that security footage. Who else could it be if not you? Would Grace be so insane as to disfigure her own face?”

A third fan chimed in, “That’s right! You’re really wicked. Does Elias Winters know you’re so cruel? Isn’t he afraid that you might poison him to death?”

Amanda thought this was all going to push her over the edge. It wasn’t like she was a public figure. Her mind went into a whirl, what with the verbal abuse by these obsessive fans and the wall of phones continuously aiming at her. And now, she couldn’t leave at all. Like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, she had no choice but to let these fans insult her and hurl things at her. She had never felt so aggrieved before-not even when Elias had bullied and humiliated her four years ago.

Just then, a path was suddenly cleared through the crowd, upon which she heard Yacob bellow furiously, “Get out of the way, all of you, or we’re going to call the police! What you’re doing now already constitutes a crime!”

Is that Yacob’s voice? Amanda’s head was dizzy at this moment. She watched Yacob push those fans out of the way before Elias emerged from behind him.

In just a few steps, the man strode up to her with long, attractive legs, and his tall figure enveloped her completely in his shadow. He was clad in a black shirt with two buttons undone at the collar, and his sleeves were rolled up casually to reveal a silver watch he was wearing. Not only that, he exuded such a noble air through his every pore that one couldn’t help but feel humbled in his presence. Striding up to her, he took her hand and said in a deep voice, “Let’s go.”

Amanda subconsciously retracted her hand, though. It was dirty, with the rotten eggs that had been thrown at her just now… Even she was somewhat disgusted with how disheveled she looked at this very moment.

Elias frowned slightly. After darting a glance at her hand, he took it again, clasping it tightly while taking her out of here.

Recognizing Elias, those fans instantly went into a bigger frenzy. Putting themselves completely in Grace’s shoes, they cried and screamed bitterly. One of them screamed, ‘Mr. Winters! What’s the matter with your judgment?! Why would you fall for this kind of shrew instead of the simple and kindhearted Grace?”

Another cried, “Elias Winters, you’re being blinded by this shrew! Are you still going to defend her now that she’s disfigured Grace’s face? Just what the hell is possessing you?!”

A third person threatened. “You’re gonna get murdered by this woman sooner or later if you keep being with her!”

Another person swore, “Just what has Grace done to you to deserve this?! In any case, you two have been together before! Do you have to be so heartless to her?! How could you still protect this shrew at a time like this?!”

Someone cursed, “They’re simply a pair of cheaters, a perfect match! However rich you are. you’re not good enough for Grace, who is so kindhearted. You’re loaded, but you’ve got sh*t for brains! You deserve getting fooled by a shrew!”

Their insults sounded more and more offensive. Even Amanda couldn’t stand listening to them anymore, but Elias acted as if he hadn’t heard them. He quickly dragged her away from this scene of trouble, leaving it to Yacob and others to stop the mob. After pushing her into the back seat of his car, he ordered the chauffeur in a cold voice, “Drive home.”

“Roger that!” The chauffeur immediately started the car before slowly driving out of the hospital.

Elias handed her a towel. “Here, use this to wipe yourself. Take a shower when we get home.”

Amanda was too mentally and physically exhausted to say anything right now. Without saying a word, she merely wiped the foul-smelling egg liquid from herself; there was even some of it on her hair. She dared not imagine how awful she must look at this moment. I probably look like a scavenger right now. Then, she saw Elias make a phone call. He ordered in a harsh voice, “Get all those things deleted from the internet at once! Also, sue every website that made a buzz out of this! Don’t give me that f*cking crap! I’m not going to listen to a word of them. All I want to see are the results!” With that, he hung up the phone right away.

This guy has a hot temper, and everyone knows it. But… Just when Amanda wanted to say something, Elias dialed Grace’s number and said in an emotionless voice, “Grace Murphy, stop it already.”

Grace yelled hysterically on the other end, “What do you mean, telling me to stop it? Do I deserve to get my face disfigured like that?! I want Amanda to pay for this, and I won’t stop until I get my justice! She’s the one who made me like this! Elias, you can’t be so unfair! My brother would be upset if he were to learn about this! And besides, you promised him that you’d take good care of me. Is this how you’re taking care of me?!”

Thanks to the silence in the car, Amanda heard Grace’s voice very clearly through the phone. She looked up at the man’s tautened face in profile. After falling silent for a few seconds, he hung up the phone without saying a word.

He’s probably in a dilemma right now. On one hand, he feels that he has betrayed Grace, but on the other
hand, he wants to save me. Even Amanda found it exhausting for him. Why bother? “Don’t you feel tired doing this?” she asked suddenly.

Elias looked at her. “This is my business, and besides, I don’t feel tired doing this.” To tell the truth, he didn’t feel tired at all, though it would be better if Amanda could accept his courtship. At least whatever he did wouldn’t be in vain. Right now, he was the only one making an effort, whereas Amanda ignored him completely.

The car slowly entered the Winters Estate. After Mr. Jones opened the car door, Amanda stepped out of the car, followed closely by the man. He said to her from behind, “Go take a shower and get changed. Don’t go to the law firm in the next few days. Just stay home and leave this to me.”

“No, it’s not necessary. I think I can find evidence to prove my innocence. I didn’t do it, so I’m not gonna take the fall for this.” Amanda sounded very certain.

Elias fell silent for a moment. Then, he replied, “I understand that you don’t want to admit it. After all, everyone has times when they get emotional and lose control of themselves. That being said… Amanda, no one’s going to believe that it was Grace who disfigured her own face with a knife.”

Amanda was lost for words. Indeed, no one would believe such an absurd fact. And yet, only she knew that this was the truth-that it was Grace who had disfigured her own face. “You don’t believe me either. You also think it was my doing.”

Speechless, Elias frowned with a conflicted look in his eyes. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to believe Amanda. But being an actress who relied on her looks to make a living, how could Grace possibly ruin her own future?

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 118 Unless You Kneel Down in Front of Me

Seeing that he said nothing, Amanda let out a sneer and turned toward the guest room. I’ll just take a shower, get changed, and get out of here as soon as possible.

While she was showering and getting changed, Elias stood outside the room, smoking one cigarette after another. In reality, he wasn’t entirely skeptical about what she said. He did seriously ponder if she was telling the truth.

The door opened with a click. Amanda came out of the room, having changed into clean clothes. “Thanks,” she said to him expressionlessly before walking to the elevator without even looking back. She didn’t want to stay here even for a second.

Catching up with her, the man suddenly said, “You couldn’t resist hitting Grace when you went to her that day. I can understand that.” After all, had it not been for Grace, Amanda wouldn’t have lost her baby for no reason back then.

Amanda replied, “No, you don’t understand. To this day, you still don’t understand why I hate Grace so much. But now, I don’t want your understanding anymore.” Standing before the elevator, she looked at the man next to her, who looked so much like Aiden. They’re truly father and son. She had to admit that the idea of reuniting Aiden with this guy had sprung up in her mind many times during this period, but now, she had abandoned this idea altogether. I’d better let Aiden grow up by my side. It goes without saying that he can enjoy a life of wealth and high society once he returns to the Winters Family, but countless women are eyeing the position of the wife of the future head of the Winters Family. It’s hard to imagine what they’ll do to Aiden in order to get this position, and besides, Elias can’t even tell when a woman is only pretending to be pure and innocent. This is too dangerous. I’ve brought Baby up well over the last four years; surely, I can raise him to adulthood in the future.

Elias replied, “In that case, you should tell me about it. How am I supposed to know if you’re not saying anything?” He was getting more and more puzzled as to what this woman was trying to say. She always spoke ambiguously, as though there was more to it than what she said.

The elevator door opened with a Ding! However, Amanda ignored the man completely and was about to get into the elevator.

Elias took her hand at once. He couldn’t help but say, “Stop going on blind dates, okay? You won’t fall for those men, so stop wasting your time. It’ll only make me fret, I know you’re sincerely trying to get on my nerves, and you’ve achieved your purpose. You don’t have to go on blind dates anymore.” Knowing that Amanda had gone on a blind date with a man, he felt so awful as though his heart were being gnawed at by thousands of ants.

Amanda’s voice was chilly, as if she didn’t give a damn about this guy. “You had no right to ask that of me before giving me that slap across the face, nor do you have the right to ask me after that. Please understand your present circumstances, Mr. Winters.”

Elias’ good-looking face turned sullen. He asked in a stern voice, “Amanda, what do you want so that you’ll give me a chance?” He honestly wanted to know what it would take to get her to open up and accept him. Right now, she chose to ignore him no matter what he did. She wouldn’t accept him at all, which put him at a loss for what to do.

Looking sideways at him, Amanda replied with a calm expression, “You want to know how?”

Elias waited for her answer, his eyes fixed on her fine features.

“Unless you kneel in front of me.”

Kneel down… A hint of shock flickered across Elias’ pitch-black eyes. He had never knelt down in front of anyone before-not even his own grandfather and father. And now, Amanda was asking him to kneel down before a woman…

Amanda removed his hand from hers and entered the elevator, upon which the elevator door slowly closed. Needless to say, she knew there was no way Elias could do so. How could a proud golden boy like him easily kneel down in front of a woman? Even if he were to be reduced to poverty, he probably wouldn’t kneel down in front of anyone either. That was exactly why she asked him to do such a thing that he couldn’t possibly do-to embarrass him and make things difficult for him so that he would give up. He’d rather be dead than kneel down in front of someone. She knew this man very well. There’s no way he can do it; he wouldn’t be caught dead doing that.

Standing in front of the French window upstairs, Elias watched Amanda get in the car before the chauffeur drove her out of the estate. His pitch-black eyes had vexation written all over them. This woman is determined to cut all ties with me. She’s asking me to kneel down… There’s no way I can do that! I am Elias Winters! Did I ever kneel in front of anyone? No, no one has ever deserved to have me kneeling before them!

Just then, his phone began vibrating. He darted a look at it; it was a phone call from Grace. He had no desire to answer the phone whatsoever, but the phone kept ringing, as if she were going to keep calling until he answered the phone. In the end, he answered the phone with an irritable expression, asking. “What else do you want to say?”

Grace screamed, “Elias, you’ve gone too far! You actually had all those comments in favor of me deleted from the internet, and you even sued those tabloid magazines and entertainment news websites that helped me set the record straight! Do you hate me that much, or do you love Amanda that much? Are you still gonna defend her like this even after she did something wrong? Didn’t you see my face? The doctor said there’s no way for it to be restored to the way it was! What should I do?! What’s going to become of me?!” She sounded very devastated over the phone. She was almost mad with rage; none of her elaborate plans could be carried out because of the man’s suppression!

Elias replied in a grim voice, “Had it not been for you, she wouldn’t have lost her baby four years ago. Had it not been for you, she wouldn’t have had to lead a wandering life over the past four years!”

Stupefied, Grace was startled for a long time on the other end. “So, you mean that I deserve to get my face disfigured? Do I deserve to end up like this now? Elias Winters, are you even talking sense?!”

In an instant, Elias felt a headache coming on. He pinched the space between his eyebrows with slender fingers, saying, “I’ve contacted medical specialists from abroad to hold a consultation to remove your scar as much as possible. All you have to do now is stay cheerful and wait for them to arrive.”

Grace retorted, “It’s useless! It’s impossible; there’s no such technology to remove scars 100 percent yet! With a face like this, no man would want to marry me. What am I going to do for the rest of my life? Amanda ruined the rest of my life! All I wanted was to set the record straight for the public, and yet you stopped me in every possible way! You simply can’t tell right from wrong. and you’re so unfair! Elias, I’m so disappointed with you!” With that, she hung up the phone right away.

Looking at the disconnected phone, Elias couldn’t help but laugh sorrowfully. He repeated, “Unfair, huh…” Just who am I being unfair to? Amanda thinks I’m biased in favor of Grace, while Grace thinks I’m biased in favor of Amanda.

After returning to the villa in Galaxy Bay, Amanda found the house empty. Hmm? This is odd. Why aren’t Selina and Baby home? Didn’t I tell her to stay put here lest her wife-beater of a husband comes to pick on her? Why is there no sign of them? “Selina? Aiden? Where are you?” she shouted around the house, but she didn’t find the two. Sitting on the couch, she dialed Selina’s number, which was answered almost immediately. “Where are you, Selina? Didn’t I tell you to stay home?”

“Amanda, I’m taking the kid out to the movies. Aiden’s been asking to see a movie, saying that other kids have seen it.”

“Oh, is that so? Well then, I’ll come and pick you up. Which movie theater are you at?” She took a look at the time. I’d better pick them up myself, or else I’ll get really worried.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 119 I Only Believe You, Mommy

Amanda waited outside after driving to the movie theater where Selina and Aiden were. Supposedly, the movie would end in about 15 minutes. Feeling a little thirsty, she decided to buy a bottle of drink from the automatic vending machine nearby. She got out of the car, walked up to the automatic vending machine, and paid for the drink with her cell phone, after which she waited for her drink to come out.

Just then, several young girls walked past her. First, they stared at her peculiarly; then they started whispering among themselves. One of them asked, “Is that the wornan who disfigured Grace Murphy’s face? She looks very much like the woman in the video.”

Her friend replied, “Yeah, she seems to be that woman. She looks just like the woman in that security footage!”

Consequently, more and more people stopped to look on, and all of them were talking about Amanda behind her back.

Amanda had just uncapped her drink and taken a sip from it when she noticed a large crowd gathered behind her. These people were of all ages and both genders; one who had no clue what was going on would think they were watching some actors in the middle of shooting a film. She looked back at these people with a confused expression, feeling puzzled as she couldn’t make out what they were talking about. Just when she wanted to walk away, a middle-aged woman suddenly stopped her, saying, “Hey, are you the woman who disfigured Grace Murphy’s face? How could you be so cruel at such a young age? Don’t you know how important the face of an actress is? Is it worth doing that for a man?”

Amanda changed color instantly. It’s really the age of information now. After the security footage got uploaded to the internet, almost everyone in the country could watch it on their phone, and they could even recognize me on the street! She didn’t say a word since it was pointless to say anything in such a situation. She walked toward her car, wanting to leave as quickly as possible.

Much to her dismay, these people surrounded her completely, preventing her exit. One of them shouted, “It’s her! She looks just like the woman in that security footage!”

Another yelled, “We must condemn this kind of people! This woman must be brought to justice, or else there’ll be more and more of this kind of thing in the future!”

Just then, someone commented, “What a shameless woman who would do anything for the sake of a man! What’s more, it’s rumored that she seems to be a lawyer herself.”

Another replied, “Doesn’t that mean she’s good at exploiting legal loopholes? All hell’s gonna break loose if she gets away easily this time!”

Amanda felt her head was going to explode as she listened to their clamor. Perhaps I really shouldn’t go out these days, I should hole up at home instead and wait until I find evidence to prove my innocence. She had Elias to help her out back in the hospital, but now, there was no way the man would show up, so she had only herself to depend on. Suddenly, she pointed in a direction and shouted, “There’s the police!”

All at once, everyone’s eyes looked in the other direction. Seizing the opportunity, Amanda quickly slipped out of the crowd, spraining her ankle as she walked in high heels. Despite the acute pain, she ran toward her car.

Realizing what had happened, those people even ran after her while swearing angrily along the way. One of them yelled, “Stop right there, you wicked and vicious mistress! Not only did you steal someone’s boyfriend, you even disfigured her face! You’re an absolute disgrace to all women!”

Another chimed in, “That’s right! You should get condemned in public, you shameless mistress!”

Running up to her car, Amanda opened the car door just in time to see Selina come over while holding Aiden’s hand. She shouted, “Get in now!”

Selina instantly understood what was going on. Picking up the boy, she quickly opened the car door and got in the car.

Amanda started the car and swiftly drove out of this crowded shopping mall. Watching those people gradually disappear in the rearview mirror, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The tension in the car slowly eased. Suddenly, Aiden clung to the back of her seat and asked in a whisper, “Mommy, what is a mistress? Why did they call you a mistress?”

Amanda’s heart did a complete somersault. Baby heard what they said just now… She was lost for words. For a while, she didn’t even know how to explain it to the boy.

Luckily, Selina smoothed things over by pulling the boy into her arms. “Aiden, will you be good and sit tight? Your mom can’t get distracted while driving, or she’ll be fined by the traffic police.”

“Oh, okay…” Aiden obediently shut up and said nothing else.

For some reason, however, Amanda felt a wave of the blues. If she couldn’t find evidence to prove her innocence, even Aiden might get affected in kindergarten. But how was she supposed to prove her innocence? She wouldn’t be able to clear her name unless Grace also had security cameras installed inside her home.

After they returned to the villa in Galaxy Bay, Selina went to make dinner, whereas Amanda stayed in the living room with Aiden.

Aiden had been watching cartoons obediently. He didn’t make a fuss, nor did he ask again why those people had called her a “mistress” just now.

Amanda stared at him for a long time before stroking his head. “Baby, if someone says bad things about me in front of you, will you believe them?”

Aiden’s eyes were still glued to the cartoon, but he replied earnestly, “Of course not. I spend every single day with you, and I know you better than anyone else.”

Once again, Amanda was moved by his reply. As expected of my own son! She swept him into her arms and kissed his tender little face. “I’m gonna reward you for this. Well, you’ll get to eat a lollipop tonight.”

Aiden pouted his lips, though. “Mommy. I’ve stopped liking lollipops ages ago

“Hmm? What do you like, then? I remember that you liked orange-flavored lollipops very much,” asked Amanda. Am I not caring enough about my son lately? I don’t even know that his preferences have changed. All of a sudden, she felt somewhat guilty.

Suddenly, Aiden turned to look at her and replied in a childlike voice, “I don’t like lollipops anymore these days. Mommy, I want you to be happy.”


“Because I think you’ve been unhappy these days.” Aiden’s puppy-dog eyes had sincerity written all over them, and only his mother was reflected in the eyes of this currently three-year-old boy.

Amanda was stunned. The world of adults was full of daily troubles, but the world of a three-year- old kid only consisted of their parents, whose every move they observed every single day. She let out a chuckle, saying, “I’m not unhappy. It’s just some problems at work, so don’t worry, okay?”

Aiden climbed up onto the couch, jumped into Amanda’s arms, and clung tightly to her. “You’re lying; you’re not unhappy when you’re working. Mommy, is it really hard to find a daddy? If it is, then I don’t want a daddy anymore. I just want you.”

Amanda replied, “What are you thinking about? Aren’t you tired of worrying so much as a little kid? Your only duty is to have fun at kindergarten every day.” Sometimes, she really thought Aiden and Elias had many similarities in their characters. Both of them were hot-tempered worrywarts with a great sense of responsibility.

Aiden wrapped his fleshy little arms around her neck while whispering in her ear, “Mommy, I love you. I won’t believe anyone if they say bad things about you. I only believe you, Mommy.”

Tsk, tsk… What a sweet little boy! That’s totally different from his jerk of a father. Elias is just an insensitive dunce who doesn’t know how to please women, but Aiden, this little brat, is very sweet and very good at making women happy.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 120 I Want to Tell You a Secret

Besides, this little brat is handsome. He’s sure to get girls when he’s older.



“Everyone has a dad when they are born, right?” Aiden blinked his huge eyes as if he was asking a serious question.

Even though Amanda didn’t want to answer that question, she had to admit it. “Yes.”

“Then, where’s my dad? Do you have his picture, Mommy? Can I see?”

Amanda’s heart constricted as she looked at the anticipation on Aiden’s face.

“Why do you suddenly want to see your dad’s picture? Don’t you hate him?”

For some reason, Aiden had always hated his father. It might be due to her telling him that his dad didn’t want them anymore.

Aiden jumped down from her embrace and said, “Today at kindergarten, the teacher told us that everyone was born because Daddy loved Mommy. But Mommy said Daddy didn’t want us anymore. If Daddy didn’t love Mommy, how did you give birth to me?”

Amanda was speechless and didn’t know what to say.

Did Elias love her? At least he didn’t even when she was pregnant with Aiden.

“Baby, Daddy… he…” She wanted to explain but didn’t know how to.

Aiden stared at her and got impatient as she was hesitating for a long time. “Mommy, I just want to see Daddy’s picture. Just let me take a look, please?”

“Then, can you tell Mommy why you must see his picture?” Aiden had never asked for this. This was out of the blue.

“Erm… because the teacher said I don’t look like Mommy. So, I probably look like Daddy. I want to see what Daddy looks like to see if I look like him or not.”

His answer made Amanda fall silent once again. She was at a loss as to what to do. Could she really let Aiden see Elias’ picture?

Aiden looked very much alike to Elias; it was as if he was replicated. But she didn’t want Aiden to return to the Winters Family. So, there was no point in letting Aiden see Elias’ picture.

So, she lied, “Baby, I’m sorry. I don’t have your father’s picture. So, I can’t let you see it.”

Disappointment painted Aiden’s small face after he listened to her words. His bright eyes lost their light as he pursed his lips. “Fine. I won’t see it.. Daddy doesn’t love us at all. He didn’t even leave a picture behind. I hate him more!”

Then, Selina walked into the living room and called, “Aiden. Amanda. It’s time to eat. Come over.”

Aiden pursed his lips as he stormed off into the dining hall but turned around to call for Amanda after a few steps. “Mommy, let’s eat.”

Suddenly, Amanda’s heart ached even more as she looked at Aiden’s somber back. He only wanted to see his father’s picture, yet she couldn’t fulfill such a simple request.

She got up and went to the dining hall. It felt like something was stuck in her throat as she saw Aiden sitting obediently on the dining chair.

“What’s wrong? Why do you look so pale?” Selina served the last dish onto the table and realized something was off with both Amanda and Aiden.

Amanda smiled and shook her head in response. “Let’s eat.”

After eating, Selina showered Aiden and put him to sleep while Amanda went to the balcony for some fresh air..

Many things had happened this couple of days and her mind was in a whirlwind. The only thought in her mind now was to prove her innocence. But how was she going to do that? It was impossible.

Suddenly, her phone rang. Amanda took a look and saw that it was a call from Simon. I didn’t go to the law firm today.

She composed herself and answered the call. “Hi, Simon.”

“Are you okay?” Simon didn’t ask why she didn’t go to the law firm or what happened.

“I’m alright…”

“You weren’t the one behind Grace Murphy’s incident, right? You’re not that dumb in my eyes. You won’t do something like that no matter how much you hate her.”

Amanda laughed. “Of course, it wasn’t me. I will find the evidence to prove my innocence.”

Simon on the other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds then said. “That surveillance footage is the best evidence. You can’t find anything else reliable enough now.”

The smile on Amanda’s face gradually disappeared. She knew that.

Then, Simon’s voice came through again. “If you’re willing, I can help you.”

“How?” Things were like a dead game in chess. How was he going to help her? She was just asking for too much.

“Don’t worry about that. I have my ways. If I helped you prove the truth, can you promise me one thing?

Amanda looked up at the sky. She couldn’t figure out what Simon wanted. But she desperately needed to clarify this incident before it dragged on as it would affect her.

“Okay. I’ll promise you if you help me find the truth.”

“Then, wait for my good news. Good night.”

After hanging up the phone, she fell into deep thought about what Simon would do.

On the other hand, Simon was sitting in the car downstairs. After getting Amanda’s confirmation, he stepped on the gas and went to the hospital.

At the hospital, Simon hid a recording device on his body before walking toward the inpatient department.

He walked to Grace’s ward and knocked before hearing her voice calling, “Come in.”

He pushed the door and entered. Grace was in a low mood because of her face. She had not perked up once since she was hospitalized.

“Why are you here? To help Amanda? You want me to let her go?” Grace looked up to see Simon and turned spiteful.

However, Simon acted very professionally and entered before sitting on a chair by the side. “I’m here to talk and to see you.”

He placed the bouquet of fresh flowers in his arms on the side.

Grace just harrumphed, “I don’t need your fake kindness. You’re just here to talk for Amanda. I’m telling you, don’t even think of trying to frame me or record anything. I know you lawyers like doing that a lot. She destroyed my face. How dare she send you here?!”

Simon raised a brow. “You seem to know a lot about lawyers, Miss Murphy.”

“That’s because I’ve played a lawyer role and experienced what it’s like being one. What else do you have to say? I know all your tricks, so don’t even think about it.” Grace only wanted to be alone now. She didn’t want anyone to see her face.

Then, Simon cleared his throat before saying, “I actually wanted to tell you a secret.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 121 Simon’s Plan

Simon’s words successfully caught Grace’s attention as she looked up at him. “What secret”

As a lawyer, Simon was well-versed in the art of speaking. He was planning to use psychological tricks to get Grace to speak, but she was way more alert than he expected.

“Do you know why Amanda was so sure she could find the evidence to prove her innocence, Miss Murphy!”

Grace was momentarily stunned but snickered soon after. “You’re just using your lawyer tricks to make me talk. She won’t find any evidence because she did this! The footage proved it!”

The ward was silent, and they could hear each other’s breathing.

He gave a small smile. “Miss Murphy, I’m just here to tell you the news because I got to know some insider news. That’s the whole reason I came looking for you.”

She couldn’t figure out Simon’s intentions. So, she was careful to not let her guard down and harrumphed, “Everyone knows you are close with Amanda. You work in the same law firm. So, you must want to protect her name because it’ll protect your law firm too. I won’t believe anything you say. Leave now.”

It seems like Miss Murphy’s very vigilant. Simon smiled softly and explained to her slowly with patience, “Actually, my aim is the same as yours. I don’t want Elias and Amanda together. That’s what I’m here for.”

Grace didn’t speak and quietly regarded the man before her because she couldn’t tell if he was being sincere.

However, it seemed like she started to believe him as Simon continued, “I know Amanda has proof that you’re lying. That’s why I’m here. If she took out the evidence, I don’t suppose you can continue living in the country. Besides, Elias will lose all trust in you.”

At this point, Grace started to feel her heart beat quicker because Simon didn’t look like he was lying, but she still tried to act calm. “I have nothing to be afraid of. I didn’t lie. The footage got it all down clearly!”

Simon had sensed her panic as his lips curved up slightly. “But are you going to bet on it? Amanda’s planning to take out the evidence tomorrow night. By then, the tables will be turned. You’ll never be able to have Elias and your career will be over. You won’t have anything left except that scar on your face. Do you dare bet on that?”

Grace was scared but still wanted to appear tough. “Why won’t I dare to? She destroyed my face. Why would I be afraid of her? Can she show evidence that I destroyed my own face?”


Grace’s heart skipped a beat as she stared at Simon. What is the meaning of that?

Simon explained, “You probably don’t know this. We, lawyers, have a habit of carrying recording devices and a pinhole camera to take evidence. When Amanda went to you that day, she just so happened to have visited a crime scene with those on her body. So..”

Grace’s eyes widened as she grasped the blanket tightly. So, Amanda recorded everything with the camera that night?

If that was true, she would be done for once Amanda posted the footage online. She wouldn’t be able to stay in the country and Elias would never look at her again!

Simon caught on the panic in her eyes and sort of guessed the truth.

“So what? She filmed what happened that night? Make her take out the evidence, then. I’m not scared! I didn’t lie!”

Despite being in a panicked state, Grace still stood her stance.

Then, he took out his name card and placed it aside. “Amanda’s going to post the evidence tomorrow night. We can still stop it. Call me once you’ve made up your mind. I’m telling you that we must work together to destroy the evidence in her hands.”

I’m confused. Don’t you like her? Why don’t you want her to prove her innocence?” She couldn’t figure Simon out.

Simon looked at her seriously. “Because I don’t want her to get back with Elias. Even if her name is ruined, I can still take care of her. Then, she’ll be all mine and no one will take another gander at her.”

Once he finished, he turned around to leave the ward.

Grace stared at his leaving back as a chill coursed through her at his scary intentions. He was willing to destroy Amanda just to have her.

She picked up the name card with her lips pursed tightly.

To be honest, she started to feel nervous. If Amanda really posted the evidence tomorrow night, she would be done for. She would have nothing left except a face of scars.

Outside the hospital, Simon smiled at the inpatient department sign.

If everything went well, Grace would call him in the morning because she had started to believe his words.

Suddenly, his phone rang with a call from Lunabelle.

Simon had been entangled with her for quite some time and he had made up his mind.

After he picked up the phone, Lunabelle’s sweet voice rang, “Simon, can we have dinner tonight?

You’ve been rejecting me a few times now.”

“Lunabelle, don’t you get why I’ve been saying no? I don’t want to get back together. Stop wasting time on me. Sorry” Then, he hung up the phone without letting her speak.

He wanted to use this opportunity to make Amanda his because Elias wouldn’t give her up. Coincidentally, he didn’t want to either.

Amanda was fidgeting at home. She didn’t dare go to the law firm and was afraid of bumping into angry citizens on the streets.

She actually looked forward to seeing how Simon was going to clarify this incident. It seemed like she really had no other option.

Tonight was destined to be a sleepless night for her, as well as Elias, who was far away in the Winters Estate,

He was smoking cigarette after cigarette as Amanda’s cruel words filled his mind. Unless you kneel down in front of me.

Elias would do anything except kneel before her. However, Amanda just had to make it hard for him with that demand.

The room was pitch-black and Elias sat on the single couch with a cigarette hanging off his lips as he stared at the moon with solemn eyes.

He couldn’t help but laugh mockingly at himself. I brought this onto myself.

However, he couldn’t let Amanda go at this point, but it was also tough for him to disregard Grace since Yelan died a horrible death because of him.

The man picked up his phone and tried to search for the security footage of Amanda online. After searching numerous sites, he finally relaxed when he couldn’t find any as he confirmed that the videos were all deleted.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 122 Let’s Get Married, Amanda

It was 4.00PM when Simon was sitting on his bed waiting for a phone call. He had not slept at a wink throughout the night.

Suddenly, his phone rang, and a confident smile crept up his face. At expected, Grace was probably feeling utterly tormented throughout the night before she finally decided to call him

So, he picked up the phone and started the recording Miss Murphy”

The other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds. “How did you know it me

“Because I feel the same way as you do and couldn’t rest until I’ve received the answer I want. Im afraid that Amanda and Elias will mend their relationship. Then, all my hard work for the past four years will go down the drain.”

“Fine. Tell me, then. How are we going to destroy the evidence in her hands?

She finally admits to her wrongdoings. Simon felt his smile widen. “You’re going to pretend to apologize to Amanda and beg her to not post the evidence online. I’ll act as if I was going to ask her about work while you start a fight with her. Then, I’ll pull Amanda away and you can run upstairs to look for the thumb drive. I remember that she hid it in the study. I’ll try my best to stall for time. Once you find it, destroy it immediately. She might have a copy somewhere as well. So, you need to find that and delete any evidence Amanda might have.”

“Okay. Sure. I’ll head over in the morning. You should get ready, then.

“Miss Murphy, remember that you are an actor. So, you have to stay in character and can’t let Amanda see through your schemes. She’s very vigilant now and nobody can go near her study, especially during such a crucial point of time. Also. I don’t have to remind you that no one else can know about our little arrangement, do I?”

On the other end of the phone, Grace wholeheartedly believed Simon. “Of course, I know that. But have you seen that video? Is it bad for me?”

I got you. Simon tried to suppress the glee in his voice as he explained, “Yes. I’ve seen it. It’s not looking good for you. She’s only seen slapping you in the video and she isn’t anywhere near the knife. The timestamp is also pretty clear that your face was fine before she left. But your face was cut 10 minutes after she was gone. So, if this video was leaked, it’s enough to refute your claims.”

Then, get on with it. We’ll move when the sun rises. I can’t wait any longer. That video can’t be posted, or else my life will be utterly ruined!”

“Okay. Give me a call before you head out. I’ll make sure to cooperate with you.”

After Simon ended the call, he checked the phone call recording and got up to walk to the study.

The two foxes that had their schemes to execute weren’t the only ones unable to sleep as Amanda was also unable to fall into slumber. Regardless, she started to feel sleepy when it was close to sunrise and slept for two hours before Selina’s shout caused her to jolt awake from her impromptu nap.

Amanda! Amanda!”

Selina’s hurried footsteps could be heard thumping up the stairs as she started frantically knocking on Amanda’s bedroom door.

Amanda, who was still groggy, heard the knock and slowly rolled herself off her bed. After a few moments, she went to open the door with her mind still in a daze.

So, it was with half-lidded eyes that she grumbled wearily. “What’s wrong? Is Aiden refusing to wake up again?”

“No! Look at this! You’re proven innocent!” Selina was excited as she shoved the phone toward Amanda’s face, eager to show Amanda the good news.

Amanda took the phone with a confused expression and saw that it was a piece of news about Grace’s injured face.

The title wrote. The truth behind Grace Murphy’s injured face. She did it herself!’

Amanda immediately felt sober by that astounding title. She widened her eyes at it before she had the sense to scroll down to read the article.

The content of the article stated that Grace was possibly the one who cut her face and blamed it on someone else. There was even a recording of a phone call in the article.

Amanda played the recording and was dumbfounded when she heard Simon and Grace’s conversation. Huh. Would you look at that? Simon actually did it?

Now that they had the recording as proof, Grace’s words could be considered as her admitting that she deliberately disfigured herself and that she was lying. Therefore, she placed the entire blame on Amanda to ruin Amanda’s reputation.

Then, Amanda eventually arrived at the comment sections below. The comments were heated, to say the least.

‘Oh, my God…. what have I heard? This recording is such a bombshell. So, it means that after Amanda left, Grace’s face was still fine, but ten minutes later, her face was all cut up. If nobody was at home at that time, does that mean that Grace cut up her own face? I can’t believe that someone would go so far as to mutilate themselves to appear like the victim?”

This recording is clear as day. Grace is guilty. That’s why she’s so flustered! So, she wanted to look for the evidence in that woman’s home because she knew that lawyer was innocent!’

I’m totally shocked at the turn of events. I have to say that Grace is really brutal, even to herself. She ruined her face just to accuse someone else!”

This… This…. is such a shocking revelation. I didn’t expect Grace to be this kind of person

Amanda saw how the comments were condemning Grace for her brutality. It was apparent that the people were starting to side with her.

Simon really did her a big favor this time.

She didn’t expect him to do this as his efforts would be to no avail if Grace didn’t fall into his trap.

Nonetheless, Simon had years of experience as a lawyer. So, his skill at making people talk was top-notch. Coupled with his great acting skills, she honestly had no reason to worry. Still, she had to admit that she didn’t think that he could trick Grace with his acting.

Well, as for the mice caught in the trap… Grace was probably in a breakdown right now as her plans were falling all over her like a house of cards.

Selina looked at Amanda who was in a daze and called out to her, “Amanda? Amanda!”

“Huh? What?”

“This is great. Who is this person? He’s so good at making Grace talk!” Selina listened to the whole conversation in awe. Simon was truly amazing as every word he said made it seem as though he was truly siding with the person he was fishing for information from.

“He’s my friend and my boss. He is pretty good.” Amanda sighed to herself. Simon really helped me out this time. I don’t even know how to thank him…..

She never wanted to trouble him, but things kept cropping up and she had no choice but to keep asking him for help when she landed herself in trouble.

Suddenly, her phone rang.

Amanda returned Selina’s phone to her. “I have a call to answer.”

“Go ahead. I’ll wake Aiden up for kindergarten.” Selina was in a good mood as she went down the stairs humming a jaunty tune.

Amanda returned to her room and saw that it was none other than Simon calling her phone. She answered the call, saying gratefully, “Thank you so much, Simon! I really don’t know how to thank you.”

She was a little worked up and she was touched as he helped her in her hour of need.

Simon, who was on the other end of the phone, simply smiled. “Do you remember saying that you’ll owe me a favor? It’s time for you to repay me now.”

“I’ll agree to anything you want!” Amanda was still immersed in the joy of the truth coming to light.

“My request is-let’s get married, Amanda.”

Suddenly, the smile on her face froze as she held the phone, rooted in place. She didn’t expect Simon to make such a request.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 123 As Humble as a Lamb

When the silence stretched on, Simon couldn’t help but ask from the other end of the line, “Why! Do you regret it now?”

Amanda was sitting on the bed as she agitatedly ran a hand through her hair. “It’s not about that, but why are you coming up with such a request? I don’t remember you as-”

“A dominant and bossy man, right? But I want to be dominant and bossy just this once, only then can we get married as soon as possible.” This time, Simon was determined and didn’t want to miss his chance anymore.

The situation was getting better now, and he was worried that he would not have even a sliver of a chance if this dragged on. He feared that Elias would win Amanda over with time; after all, they had a child to bridge the gap between them.

“Simon, you and Lunabelle__”

Still, Amanda had a feeling that Lunabelle wouldn’t let go of her relationship with Simon so easily. Furthermore, she had just ended her marriage and it was obvious that the reason she returned to the country this time was to patch things up with Simon.

“Amanda, I’ll tell you one last time. It’s impossible between me and Lu. It was over between us the day when she chose to marry another man. Besides, try looking out for yourself for a change. Isn’t it better that you marry me instead of some other man? At least we know each other and I have a good rapport with Aiden. Will another man dote on him as I do?”

Amanda fell silent. His words rang true as she was indeed afraid that her future partner, if she ever decided to re-marry, couldn’t find it in his heart to take in Aiden as his own. That was precisely why she was so cautious.

“Amanda, just say yes and marry me.”

She couldn’t find the words to describe the struggle between her emotions and her pragmatism. Since I’m not pinning any hopes on Elias, why don’t I choose Simon instead?

“Okay, I’ll marry you.” Whenever she recalled how Aiden longed for fatherly love, she couldn’t stop herself from impulsively agreeing to his proposal. I can’t allow my son to feel abandoned and be deprived of fatherly love his whole life, right?

From the other end, she heard Simon laughing heartily. “That’s great! Thank you. I’ll see you at the office later!”

After she hung up, she felt not a single trace of joy. Instead, she felt odd-even a little disappointed-but she couldn’t fathom why.

After she freshened up, she changed and went downstairs for breakfast. She found Selina and Aiden having breakfast together in the dining room.

“Good morning, Mommy.”

“Good morning.” She caressed Aiden’s cheek tenderly as she slipped into a seat next to him and picked up a sandwich. After she took a bite, she turned to him, saying, “Baby, are you going to be happy if Mr. Simon becomes your father?”

“Really? Of course, I am! Mr. Simon is an amazing guy!” Aiden exclaimed in surprise and delight.

Although she had already expected his reaction, she was still startled by his gleeful shrieks. “Yeah, if everything goes as planned, Mr. Simon will be your future father.” Then, she took another bite of the sandwich and wolfed it down with a sip of milk.

Simon is quite competent as a father, I guess. Plus, he’s been getting along well with Aiden for the past four years; even though they aren’t blood-related, their relationship is better than true father and son, she mused.

“Amanda, have you found Aiden a father so quickly?” Selina asked, unable to suppress her curiosity.

“Yeah, he’s the guy you were singing praises about.”

“Huh? That guy who helped you find the evidence and who’s also your superior? That’s fantastic! I’m sure he’ll treat you well in the future if he’s willing to spend all that effort on you.”

Amanda smiled. “Yeah, he’s a good man and has treated me well in the past, too.

There was denying that Simon was a responsible and good man. In addition, he was calm and committed, which made him the perfect husband material.

At Winters Estate, just when the man, who had been plagued by insomnia, planned to take a short nap, he received a call from Yacob. So, he picked up the call with a frown, rightfully annoyed by the interruption. “Mr. Winters, check out the news I just sent you. There’s new evidence for Miss Murphy’s case!”

Elias ended the call without another word and checked his WhatsApp. He immediately saw that Yacob had sent him a link to a piece of tabloid news. After he skimmed through the contents and listened to the voice recording available online, the look on his face twisted into a snarl.

Did Grace make up the story about herself getting disfigured when the truth was she had disfigured herself? This woman had been lying to him since the beginning, playing him like a fiddle. Now that he thought about it, she deliberately caused a misunderstanding back at the celebration party. This time, she even lied to his face about getting disfigured! Why does a person as upright as Yelan have such a malicious sister who is nothing but lies?

Meanwhile, in the hospital, Grace was on the verge of insanity, howling with rage, “Ah! B*tch! Scumbag! They’re all in cahoots!”

She was utterly hysterical as she thrashed everything in the hospital ward, and the doctors and nurses who rushed over at the sound of the commotion couldn’t stop her no matter how hard they tried. “Miss Murphy, calm down or you’ll aggravate your injuries. This is bad for your recovery.

A nurse went and attempted to calm her down, trying to stop her. Alas, she was brutally shoved aside. “Get off me! All of you are working together. You’re all se*ms!”

The phone call with Simon kept replaying in her mind, and when she read the overwhelming comments and reports on the Internet calling her a crazy, malicious woman, she felt that she had fallen into the depths of Hell.

This news is spreading like wildfire. So, has Elias already seen it as well? That thought popped into her mind and caused her to screech like a banshee. My life is over!

She had nothing left except this disfigured face. She had nothing! Simon and Amanda had completely ruined her life. How did this happen? Why did she choose to trust Simon when she knew that he was carrying a torch for Amanda? Why did I believe him?

She wished that she could go back in time more than ever, but unfortunately, there was nothing she could do.

“Where’s my cell phone? Where is it?!” She started searching for her phone frantically like a madwoman because she wanted to call Elias. She had to smooth things over. If she didn’t, there was a high chance that he would despise her as well.

The nurse picked up her cell phone from the floor and gingerly passed it to her. “It’s here. Here you go. Please calm down, Miss Murphy. The stitches on your face have opened up and we’ll have to re-do your stitches later.”

But Grace couldn’t care less about anything else right now as she snatched the phone from her and dialed Elias. Alas, the line remained busy no matter how many times she called, and her calls couldn’t get through at all.

After that, she tried Yacob’s number, which he picked up surprisingly quickly. “Yacob, pass the phone to Elias. I want to speak with him. Why didn’t he answer my calls? Why is his line busy all the time?” she demanded, clutching the phone tightly.

“Miss Murphy, Mr. Winters has no intention of answering your calls and will not be doing so in the foreseeable future. I suggest that you cease and desist.”

“Please, I can explain. I’m begging you, please pass the phone to him.” Tears fell down her cheeks in her panic and her tone was so humble. It was vastly different from her previous attitude; it made it seem as though she had no dignity left.

“Miss Murphy, Mr. Winters is furious right now. Why would he bother accepting your calls when he’s so close to killing you? Just give it up,” he said and hung up on her without further ado

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 124 Elias Went Down on His Knees?!

Grace slumped onto the bed, her face pallid as tears flowed down her cheeks. He saw it and heard that recording, too. That’s why he wants to kill me now…

Her entire being seemed to have fallen into a deep abyss, and she could no longer hear the medical staff around her who were urging her not to cry because it would cause inflammation to her wound.

A loud boom echoed; a bolt of lightning flashed outside the window followed by thunder. The sky was covered in dark clouds and looked like it was about to rain soon. Grace shook out of her stupor as her eyes darted to the window, where she caught sight of the cloudy sky which reflected her current mood.

Even if she had her brother as a trump card, Elias would never place his trust in her after this. She was also certain that he would do everything in his power to avoid her like the plague unless he could personally send her to Hades himself.

It started pouring a few minutes after Amanda arrived at work at the law firm.

“Why did it rain all of a sudden…” she muttered as she stepped out of the elevator and stared at the pea-sized raindrops pelting the windows.

Suddenly, Simon’s voice came from behind her, saying, “Maybe the skies are celebrating my successful proposal. It’s crying tears of joy.”

Amanda jumped in surprise and spun around. When she saw that it was only Simon, she sighed in relief. “You didn’t even make a sound when you walked.”

“You were too focused. That’s why you didn’t notice me.” He had a cup of coffee in his hand that. he had just bought. Then, he passed it to her.

She accepted the coffee with a quirk of her lips. Thanks.”

“You don’t have to thank your future husband for this. His tone was amorous, as though they were already married. Yet, for some unknown reason, the more he acted this way, the more uncomfortable it made her feel, and the more she wanted to flee from him.

When she didn’t answer, Simon thought that she was just shy and said with a smile, “Let’s pick up Aiden together in the afternoon and take him out for dinner. I haven’t seen him in a while and kinda miss him. We can also discuss the wedding in the meantime.”

“What? Wedding?” Amanda gasped loudly and quickly covered her mouth when she realized that she was being too loud.

He chuckled and couldn’t help but find her astonished reaction utterly adorable. “Why are you shocked? You didn’t have a proper wedding in the past because it was a secret marriage. This time we’ll have a grand wedding so you can have a taste of the happiness of being a bride.”

Amanda’s heart wrenched at the mention of this. Back then, she hoped day after day that Elias would hold a wedding for her. She would be content even if it was just a simple ceremony because she merely wanted to experience a blissful wedding with him. Sadly, Elias kept putting it off with various excuses until she was pregnant and presented her with a divorce settlement instead.

“Isn’t it too early to discuss the wedding now? Are your parents aware of this? Have they given their blessings?”

Her gut feeling told her that his parents wouldn’t agree to this wedding. Their son was outstanding and good-looking, so whyever would he marry a divorcee with a child?

He took her hand in his. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of my parents and bring you to meet them once we’ve settled our wedding-related matters. They’ll like you, and Aiden as well.”

There was nothing she could say, and she simply smiled in reply. Her chest felt stuffy, but she couldn’t describe the strange emotions swirling within her heart. Just then, thunder boomed through the sky outside, and she looked outside. Why does it sound like the thunder is warning me against my sudden marriage to Simon? Or am I overthinking things?

Regardless, they had their careers to get back to. So, they were both busy with their work for the rest of the day, and the rain didn’t stop throughout the day. After work, they went to the kindergarten to pick up Aiden and planned to take him to the amusement park. Unfortunately, it was still raining cats and dogs and Simon had no choice but to send the mother and son home.

“Let me drop you off. I’ll leave the car here and come back for it tomorrow,” he suggested. The rain was so heavy that he didn’t feel assured to let Amanda drive home herself.

Nevertheless, she insisted on driving. “I can drive home by myself. I just bought this car less than two months ago and I can’t possibly leave it here. It’s fine, I’ll just drive slowly.”

Right then, Simon’s cell phone started ringing, and he picked up the call. She had no idea what the person on the phone said, but he looked troubled.

“It’s fine. Go ahead and get your stuff done. I’ll be fine driving home by myself. Furthermore, the rain is probably stopping soon. Look,” she said.

He raised his head and noticed that the rain had indeed turned into a drizzle. He glanced at his cell phone. It was Lunabelle who had called him earlier. Then, he turned to Amanda and Aiden. “Then, please be careful when you’re driving. Aiden, remind your mother not to speed, okay? And give me a call once you’re home,” he said in resignation.

Aiden nodded obediently. “Okay!”

“Okay, we’d better stop talking. Let’s go before it starts pouring again.” Amanda picked Aiden up and placed him in the child seat in the backseat before getting into the driver’s seat. Then, she rolled down the window, bid her goodbyes to Simon, and slowly drove away.

Simon’s phone rang again, and he picked it up with a sigh. “Lunabelle, it’s impossible between us I’ve already proposed to Amanda, and she said yes

“Simon, if you don’t come over today. I’ll keep waiting here until you show up.”

Suddenly, thunder struck again, and the rain started to get heavier.

Amanda drove back to Galaxy Bay with Aiden. “This is annoying… Why did it start raining again? And it’s so heavy…” she grumbled to herself.

She steered the car into the porch next to the garden and was shocked to find the view that greeted her—a man was kneeling in the rain, drenched to the bones while Selina stood under an umbrella in a corner and did not dare to approach him.

The wipers swept across the windscreen nonstop, which made it hard for her to identify the person kneeling in the rain.

“Mommy!” Aiden called out suddenly.

She turned around at him. “What’s wrong?”

“I would like some water.

“Okay, we’ll be home soon, and I’ll ask Miss Selina to get you some water,” she said, opening the car door. Then, she saw the man kneeling in the rain, and her eyes widened in shock. The next second, she slammed the door shut.

Is that Elias Winters? Why is he on his knees? And he’s even kneeling in the garden. That proud man actually went down on his knees? This is unbelievable. It’s a miracle! No. Wait. Rewind. He’ll run right into Aiden if I get out of the car with him now.

So, she hastily turned her attention to Aiden, who was still in the backseat, and said gently, “Be good and stay in the car, Aiden. Don’t get out without me. I’m just going down for an umbrella and we’ll be home in a minute, okay?”


“Remember, you can’t get out until I open the door for you,” she reminded him again.

“I got it, Mommy. You’re such a nag. Hurry up and go,” Aiden grumbled as he played with his game console while he remained seated in the child’s seat.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 125 Unless You Die Kneeling Here

Amanda inhaled deeply and got out of the car. Selina hastily rushed to her side with an umbrella Amanda… I’ve persuaded him for a long time, but he refuses to get up: Who’s this guy?”

When Elias saw her while kneeling in the rain, his dark eyes lit up.

She simply stared at him as she said expressionlessly, “He’s my ex-husband.”

“What? Is he your ex-husband? I thought he was one of your admirers. But he’s really cute…”

This was Selina’s first and only impression of this man. The man was undeniably tall and handsome and his entire being exuded an extraordinary elegance. Frankly, it was the first time she had seen such a beautiful man in real life.

Amanda could help but roll her eyes. “He’s not that cute. You only think that because you haven’t seen that many cute guys.” She didn’t want to admit that Elias was a gorgeous man even though he was definitely stunning. If he wasn’t born into a rich family, he would be discovered by a scout and debuted as a celebrity.

“So, what are we going to do now?” When Selina caught sight of the affectionate expression on Elias’ face as rain poured down on him, she felt a little sorry for him.

Amanda took the umbrella from her hands. “Run along now. Let me handle this.”

“Okay. Is Aiden in the car? I’ll bring him into the house since it’s raining so heavily.”

She twirled around and started toward the car when Amanda grabbed her. “No, I’ll bring him back in a few minutes. Go home and wait for us in the house.”

Although Selina didn’t understand why Amanda was behaving so strangely, she nodded and turned into the villa. The rain fell like a deluge of water, and it was extremely terrifying as thunder roared and lightning cut across the night sky in frightening flashes of light.

Amanda held the umbrella firmly as she came to a stop in front of Elias and looked at his beautiful face. Even though he was soaked, he was still as sexy as ever.

“What on Earth are you doing? How is this behavior worthy of your status as the young master of the Winters Family? Get up.”

In all honesty, it was a rather shocking sight to see this man kneeling in front of her. Moreover, this guy was none other than Elias Winters, and he actually hung his head, set aside his arrogant pride, and prostrated himself before her. Although he was clearly on his knees, his aura was still so powerful that no one would dare to suggest that he was down and out.

“Why are you silent? Do you plan to kneel here forever?” Raindrops pelted on the umbrella that she was holding unforgivingly, causing their conversation to be somewhat disrupted by the heavy droplets.

Elias raised his head and gazed at her beautiful face. Then, he said in his husky voice, “You said that you’ll forgive me and give me a chance if I kneel before you. I’ve done it. What about you

Amanda was at a loss for words as her ears were filled with the pitter-patter of the heavy rain Her heart was in a mess as she thought, What should I do? I’ve already agreed to Simon’s proposal, but Elias is doing this now… Even if Elias finally knows the truth, it’s already too late. Everything’s too late

“You don’t have to do this, Elias, Go home. It doesn’t matter whether I forgive you or not, and neither do I want to forgive you because I’ve already agreed to Simon’s proposal.”

After the words left her lips, Elias’ head snapped up and his eyes were filled with shock as he shouted angrily, “What did you say? Who allowed you to agree to that?”

Amanda jumped in bewilderment in the face of his furious reaction. Even though this man was kneeling before her and utterly humbled, his aura was still as terrifying as ever. “Why can’t I say yes to him? I’m just your er-wife. If we’re going to be specific about it, I’m an ex-wife that you had never once favored before today. Don’t you think that you’re stepping out of line?” She immediately lost her temper when he started being all bossy and demanding. Does he think that he’s the center of the universe!

“Turn down his proposal,” he growled.

“Why should I reject him? Go home, Elias. You can get any type of woman you want. Now that you’ve seen Grace for who she is, your tastes should be marginally better.” She felt that she should draw a clear line with him now. After all that she had been through-the disappointments that happened time and again-the last thing she wanted was to repeat the same mistakes.

“Don’t make decisions for me. I know what I want!” Elias held his fists so tightly that his knuckles were crackling loudly. How dare that scumbag get ahead of me and propose to her? Does he think that he’s good enough? If he wasn’t kneeling right here trying to get into Amanda’s good graces again, he might actually beat Simon up. Proposing to my ex-wife… How dare he!

“What do you want, then? You just can’t stand to see others doing well, can you? I begged you to love me in the past, but you wouldn’t even take a look at me. Now that we’re already divorced and therefore, not related to each other, you want me back so desperately. What do you take me for? I’m a human with opinions and feelings of my own!”

“I know that you still hold a grudge against me for that slap. I’ll stay on my knees until you forgive me. You should head in. Don’t catch a cold. You don’t have to be bothered with my existence here.”

His voice sounded so determined even though the sound of rain falling on the asphalt interspersed his declaration, as though he really planned to kneel here until the end of time.

“What’s the point of you doing this, Elias? I’ve already agreed to someone else’s proposal. Why will I ever forgive you? Do you think that that slap was the only wrong you did to me? There are so many more things listed on that list!” Frankly, she was close to losing her mind at this rate. If this man spent the night here, he would definitely fall sick tomorrow. Why is he so obstinate? she thought in frustration. Suddenly, her lips twitched into a cold sneer as she hissed, “Unless you kneel to your death here, neither I nor my dead baby will ever forgive you!”

Baby… Instantly, Elias felt that he had fallen into a bottomless abyss. The baby was the only topic he had no courage to bring up because he was the one who caused its death. If only I had trusted her back then and brought her to the hospital for a blood test. If only. Then, the child is probably three years old

He could plead for her forgiveness for everything else, but he couldn’t lift his head high when it came to the baby. He had no right to ask for her forgiveness. So, he gradually lowered his head. and stared at the ripples on the ground caused by the splattering rain. His jaw tightened, and his fist balled up tightly.

Meanwhile, in the car, Aiden was becoming unsettled because he really needed to use the bathroom urgently. Unfortunately for him, his mother was off doing something and still hadn’t picked him up after such a long time. Eventually, due to his desperation, he decided to toss caution to the wind and unlocked his seatbelt. After he maneuvered himself out of the child’s seat, he immediately opened the door.

While the air between the two adults slipped into a dead silence and all they could hear from this world was the sound of the rain, a baby voice broke the silence in Elias’ dark world, remarking in confusion, “Mommy, why is this man kneeling here?”

A stupefied Amanda widened her eyes, looked down, and saw her son wrapping his arms around her legs. Why Why did he come out? She instinctively snapped her head toward Elias, trying to gauge his reaction.

Elias jerked his head up the instant he heard a child’s voice. When he saw the scene before him, especially the little boy standing before him, his eyes were filled with unspeakable shock.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 126 You’re Amazing, Amanda Bailey

W-What’s going on? Mommy? Didn’t she say that she had aborted the baby! Then, whose child is this? Elias stared at the boy’s face for a few seconds. His body turned rigid and time seemed to have stopped moving. This brut looks exactly like a mini version of me!

Aiden hugged Amanda’s legs tighter when he caught sight of the shock in Elias eyes and said in his baby voice, “I need to pee. Mommy. I can’t hold it anymore. I can’t possibly wait in the car forever! I really can’t hold it in anymore.”

Right now, no words could describe how awkward Amanda felt, but the first thing she had to do was to take care of her son’s situation. “Do you need to pee? Go in quickly and look for Miss Selina. Don’t pee in your pants.”

She shoved him gently toward the steps, and he glanced at her. “What are you playing with this man here? Aren’t you coming in together? Who’s this man? He looks so familiar-

“Oh, for goodness’ sake, child. Aren’t you in a rush for the toilet? Run along now. If you wet your pants, I’ll tell your teacher about it tomorrow.” When she saw the stunned and dazed look on Elias face, all she wanted to do was get Aiden into the house as quickly as possible. Alas, her son was clearly the human form of the question mark with his endless nattering. My god, this is so embarrassing…

“Okay!” Aiden took a look at Elias on the ground and dashed up the steps leading into the house.

Elias sprang to his feet, his eyes never leaving the child’s retreating figure. However, he staggered because his legs were numb from kneeling too long. Amanda instinctively reached out and helped him steady himself.

He raised his head and met her guilty eyes. “Amanda, you’d better fucking explain to me what’s going on! Don’t tell me that’s Simon’s child because he looks exactly like me!”

Regardless, she had no intention of allowing Elias into her home as she jerked her head to the side and stopped him from barging into the house. “Don’t go in. You’ll scare him.”

“Then, tell me what’s going on! Whose child is he?” Although he already knew the answer, he still wanted to hear it from her lips.

“Well… It’s just as you saw,” she mumbled. “I didn’t abort the baby back then and gave birth to him.”

He was so furious that he glared at her so fiercely that he was about to swallow her whole with his eyes alone. A mix of emotions swelled in his chest-excitement, surprise, and most of all, rage.

This woman actually fooled him for such a long time, and after her return to the country, she even lied to him that she had aborted the baby, making him so sad that he set up a tombstone for his unborn child. But now, it hit him that Amanda was a heartless woman, and it was all he could do to stop himself from crushing her to pieces.

You’re amazing. Amanda Bailey. How can you lie to me for such a long time, telling me that you’ve aborted the baby? Are you worried that I’ll fight for his custody from you! You made me look like an idiot setting up an empty tombstone for my child! How did you manage to visit your child’s tombstone with me and still feel nothing?” He had the urge to choke her to death, thinking How can this woman be so heartless?

At the mention of that empty tombstone, Amanda felt her temper flare as she snarled, “The checks of you to bring that up! Get that tombstone removed right away! You’re just cursing my son with it, aren’t you? I told you not to set up the tombstone, but you refused to listen to me. Whom are you blaming now? Just the thought that the tombstone was still standing in the cemetery made her uneasy because her beloved son was hale and hearty.

Meanwhile, he simply chuckled and shouted in frustration, “Blame? Should I be the one to blame, then? Would I have set up that tombstone if you had told me that the child is alive? You’d better come clean right this instant. How long do you plan to keep me in the dark if I haven’t seen him with my own two eyes today?”

Ive never wanted you to find out about hi-

Then, he cut her off mid-sentence as he couldn’t suppress his ire any longer, “Amanda! Do you plan to let my son acknowledge Simon as his father? So, the child you asked me to look for during those days isn’t his child but mine, actually. You still refused to tell me that he’s mine even when you begged me to save the child! How many times have I missed meeting my child? How could you be so evil?”

Evil? Did he just call me evil? she thought and laughed out loud; her laughter was anything but mirthful. “I’m the evil one, huh? You’ve definitely lost all your conscience by accusing me of such claims, Elias Winters! You’re the one who didn’t want this baby back then, and I did plan to abort him, but I regretted it right before the surgery and kept him instead. Furthermore, I went to the checkups, gave birth, and raised him alone for the past four years. How is he related to you? What gives you the right to take him from me so easily?”

She was filled with nothing but grievances whenever the topic of how she waded through life as a single mother for the past four years. There was no way she could accept it if she returned Aiden to the Winters Family just like that when she had gone through all those trials and tribulations just to raise her son alone.

Suddenly, Elias calmed down and seemed a little heartbroken to see how mad and aggrieved she was. Time passed by, and the rain gradually lightened, which rendered the umbrella useless.

“Thank you for keeping this child,” he said solemnly.

When he saw that brat earlier, he thought that he was dreaming. How could a little boy look just like me?This is how my child will look if I have one, he thought. All of a sudden, he thought that he was hallucinating until he saw that brat hugging Amanda’s legs and calling her ‘Mommy. His heart was galloping so fast in his chest that he could hardly breathe.

The affectionate expression he was wearing made her soft-hearted again. I’ve been soft-hearted toward him too many times in the past. Not anymore! she warned herself. “Stop apologizing because you won’t be able to change my mind. I won’t ever allow you to have custody of my child, so you can stop dreaming about & Also, I’ve already agreed to Simon’s propod and my baby is very fond of him and wants Simon to be his father. So, ngh-

She wanted him to give up completely, but halfway through, he suddenly pulled her into his arms forcefully and took her lips into his own, stopping her from finishing her sentence

As she was not expecting that he would kiss her forcibly, she widened her eyes in shock and stared at his gorgeous face, which was just inches away from hers, slapping his chest with her palms “Eliss Winters, let me go! What are you doing? Get off me!”

Unfortunately, he merely deepened the kiss, and it got more passionate over time, as though he wanted to make her part of him. He eventually released her when they were both breathless and panting from the kiss. Then, he rested his forehead against hers, uttering each word seriously. “You should be the one who should stop dreaming. Amanda. I won’t let another man have my woman and my child. You know how I am”

Ive already given him my word and there’s no other choice now. Everything is too late!” Although her cheeks were flushed and she was still gasping for air after the kiss, she tried to shove him away. Alas, her strength was nothing in the face of his as he merely tightened his arms around her.

“It’s useless. You can forget about marrying Simon as long as I’m alive. Try me if you don’t believe me.” He held the back of her head with his palm, forcing her to stare into his resolute yet domineering eyes.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 127 Who Are You, Sir?

“Did you forget that we’re already divorced, Elias Winters? You have no right to control me!”

“I do, and I’ve made up my mind that I will! You lied to me for such a long time and I haven’t decided what I’m going to do with you yet.” Elias’ heart was filled with excitement at knowing that his son was alive, but also fury that he had been denied access to his son for so long. Although he wanted to dash into the house and tell Aiden that he was his father, he stopped himself because he was worried about frightening .him.

His words stunned her. “You? Punishing me? Who do you think you are? If I hadn’t kept the child, he would already be dead because of your heartlessness!”

Meanwhile, in the house, Selina and Aiden stuck themselves to the window, watching the argument happening outside.

“Miss Selina, why do you think Mommy is arguing with that man? Is he bullying her?” Although Aiden didn’t understand the complicated relationship that existed between adults, he could sense that Elias was far from a nice man.

That man? Selina repeated in her head, turning to him in confusion. So, he doesn’t know his father. “Don’t you know this man, Aiden? Haven’t you seen him before?” she asked inquisitively as she had no idea what had happened between Amanda and Elias. Did they have a grudge so deep that Aiden has never met his father?

Aiden shook his head. “No, I’ve never seen him before, Oh no, he’s bullying Mommy! I have to save her!” he exclaimed and turned around, heading toward the hallway to save his mother.

“Hey, Aiden! Come back here!” Selina immediately rushed ahead, grabbed him, and patiently explained to him. “He’s not bullying your mommy. They’re just having a rather… heated discussion, that’s all. Why don’t we finish up the jigsaw puzzle upstairs while we wait?”

Meanwhile, Amanda was exhausted from arguing with Elias and had set the umbrella aside since it had stopped raining. “Just go home. It’s not appropriate for you to meet him now because you’ll just scare him. Furthermore, he doesn’t know that you exist and doesn’t know you, either.” She knew that this man wanted to barge in and meet his son, but that would only frighten the little brat.

The muscles on the handsome man’s face turned stiff as he tried to suppress his fury at the fact that he missed out on four years of spending time with his child. “I know that, so I won’t act recklessly, but I won’t be able to sleep tonight. Go home and sleep with him tonight. I’ll stand guard outside.” He planned to stay here in his car tonight because he couldn’t sleep even if he went home, anyway.

She blinked at him dumbly before blurting, “Hold on a minute. What on Earth are you thinking? Standing guard? Do you think you’re on guard duty?”

“That goes without saying! My son was kidnapped from this place, wasn’t he? Of course, I’ll have to stay here in case something like that happens again!” When he recalled that his child had been abducted from his very home, Elias wanted to move Amanda and Aiden to another house with better and more rigid security policies right away. The security measure of this place is shit. Any Tom, Dick, and Harry can just come and go as they please.

“Will you stop cursing my son? Since you have all the time in the world, why don’t you get that tombstone removed? Just the thought of it makes my blood boil.” After Amanda said her piece, she twirled around and marched into the house, ignoring him.

Elias immediately whisked out his phone and called a number, ordering sternly, “Remove that tombstone right now!

Cut the crap! It’s raining and dark?

Do I sound like I care about your problems? Stop quibbling and just do as I say!”

On the other hand, Selina and Aiden turned their heads toward the creaking door at the same time. “Mommy! That man-

Before he could finish his sentence, Amanda held his hand, interjecting, “We’re just discussing some issues regarding work. It’s late. So, it’s time to stop playing and go to bed.”

Selina could roughly guess what had happened and didn’t say anything as she kept the toys away silently.

“But Mommy, I saw that man biting you earlier. Did he bully you?”

Amanda’s face instantly turned bright red, and she shot a look at Selina, who failed to stifle her laughter. Then, she cleared her throat awkwardly as she patted Aiden’s head. “What does a boy like you know? Hurry up and shower before going off to bed. You have an early day tomorrow. Did you forget that you’re going to the museum with your teacher tomorrow?”

“Oh, that’s right! I almost forgot about it.”

Hence, she took her boy upstairs, leaving Selina behind to put away the toys into their boxes. However, Selina couldn’t help but sneak a peek outside through the window. When she did, she noticed that Elias was no longer kneeling in the rain, but neither did he leave as he was in his car.

After a while, Amanda came downstairs. “Why aren’t you retiring for the night, Selina?”

“Amanda, your ex-husband is still in the car outside. Is he planning to stay?”

“Ignore him. He can do whatever he wants. That crazy, obstinate man. She glanced at the car which was parked in the garden outside. Does he really plan to stay here the whole night?

Initially, Selina wanted to bombard Amanda with more questions to sate her curiosity, but she quickly. stopped the words from tumbling out of her mouth. I’d better not try my luck since it’s clearly a private matter. All I can say is, each family has their own set of problems. “I’m turning in for the night, then. Call me if you need anything.”


After Selina went upstairs, Amanda paced to the window and stared at the white Bentley parked outside, looking thoughtful. A few minutes later, she, too, went to bed upstairs and all the lights in the house went out.

Elias was sitting in the car as he watched the lights slowly fade one after another. He didn’t know how he could possibly describe his feelings tonight, but it was as exciting as a roller-coaster ride.

He found his son by chance! The son whom he thought was aborted a long time ago actually survived and was already four.

He had imagined what his child would look like countless times if it had survived, and now that he had seen it for himself, he couldn’t stop the adrenaline rush coursing through his veins. So, he shakily lit a cigarette and held it between his lips as he recalled the way Aiden addressed him earlier and couldn’t help but smile. Even he himself had never once imagined that he could put on such a tender smile.

Early the next morning, Aiden changed into his uniform, ate his breakfast, and was ready for kindergarten. Nonetheless, Amanda was still washing up and Selina was busy in the kitchen, so he secretly slipped into the garden to take a look at that strange car parked outside his home.

A sports car was perhaps the dream of every little boy, and Aiden was excited when he caught a glimpse of it. Thus, he dashed to the front of the car and saw that the front window was rolled down. When he moved closer to get a better look, he saw that the weird uncle from yesterday had fallen asleep on the seat.

The man felt something stroking his face while he was sleeping and frowned, thinking that he was dreaming. But soon enough, he felt a tiny finger poking his face and groggily opened his eyes.

What entered his view was a tiny face that greatly resembled his. A pair of dark, bright eyes blinked as the boy poked his face with his finger. Elias was still rather bleary although his eyes were open and thought. that he was still dreaming.

Aiden giggled adorably when he saw that the strange man was finally awake. “Who are you, sir? Why are you sleeping out here?”

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 128 Doting Father


Elias just realized Aiden was referring to him and that it wasn’t a dream. Even though he was a little angry. he also understood that Aiden didn’t know who he was. Besides, he was already shaping up to be a polite boy by calling him, ‘sir’ rather than, ‘Hey, you!

“I am… your mother’s friend. You can call me Mr. Winters if you’d like.” Elias slowly straightened his spine and answered him seriously as he regarded Aiden, carefully observing his features. Aiden was indeed his child as he looked exactly as he was when he was little.

“Oh… Mr. Winters, is that your car? It’s so cool. It’s different from the presents Mommy buys for me. The ones Mommy buys are so small.”

Aiden was curiously checking out the sports car before him and really wanted to climb inside to have a look.

Elias smiled at his excited eyes, finding it amusing that Aiden was as interested in sports cars as he was.

“You like it? Come in and have a closer look,” Elias lured the little boy before him.

Aiden’s eyes immediately lit up. “Can I really? But Mommy said I can’t touch people’s stuff without asking. permission.”

“You didn’t. I’m inviting you to take a quick peek. So, it’s all right.”

The car door opened as the man got out of the car. He glanced at Aiden before inviting the child in a low voice, “Get in.”

Aiden immediately had an excited smile painted on his lips. Thank you, Mr. Winters. But don’t tell Mommy. She’ll nag me.”

Then, he hopped onto the car and used his arms in order to climb onto the driver’s seat. His face was filled with delight as he grabbed onto the steering wheel with his chubby hands. “Wow! Your car’s so cool. I want to buy the same car when I grow up.”

A smile graced Elias’ face as he looked at the enthusiasm on Aiden’s face and couldn’t help but touch his head. “What’s your name?”

“My name’s Aiden Bailey.”

Aiden Bailey… Elias repeated his name in his heart. So, his name is Aiden and we’ve crossed paths so many times before this.

The last time, when he bumped into Amanda and Simon eating, the little boy in Simon’s arms was his son. Yet, he only saw the back of his child’s head.

Another time was when Amanda begged him to save Aiden. He succeeded but didn’t even spare Aiden a look. If only he had set aside his prejudice and taken a look at Aiden, he probably could have recognized that Aiden was his child with just a glance.

Regret filled his heart as he recalled the chances that he had allowed to slip past his fingers, but luckily, he finally saw Aiden’s face last night. They resembled each other so greatly that no one could say that Aiden wasn’t his!

Suddenly, Amanda’s voice rang. “Aiden Bailey! You’re going to be late for school and you’re still playing!”

Elias’ thoughts were instantly pulled back to reality.

Amanda walked to the car with a frown as Aiden obediently got down from the car with his lips puckered while muttering, “Mommy’s so fierce. Hmph!”

“What are you muttering now? Hurry up! You’re such a slow poke. You’re not three anymore. Amanda grabbed his hands.

However, Aiden had no qualms in retorting hotly, “It doesn’t matter that I’m four because I’m still not a grown-up.”

Elias couldn’t help but laugh at them bickering. It was a heartwarming yet adorable scene. However, he had missed many such moments for four years.

As Amanda was about to carry Aiden to her own car, he grabbed onto her wrist.

“What?” Amanda looked at him in confusion.

Elias offered, “Let me send you both.”

“It’s fine. I can—”

Unfortunately, Aiden shouted before she could finish her sentence, “Mommy! Let Mr. Winters send us! I want to sit in his car. It’s very cool!”

This little brat is surely fond of the fancy stuff. How could he be bribed so easily? By a car no less! I couldn’t help but feel like an idiot for assuming that he would spurn Elias instead….

Aiden grabbed her hand and swung it around as he pleaded cutely, “Mommy. Mommy. I want to sit in that car. Just one time, please?”

Then, Elias picked up him and said, “That’s decided, then. You’re going to school in this car today.

“Awesome!” Aiden jumped with joy as he immediately clambered onto the backseat, clearly fearing that his mother might say no if he didn’t take a stand now.

Amanda was quite speechless. This was her son whom she had raised for four years. The little boy who warmed her heart numerous times was bought over by Elias, the scumbag father’s car.


“What? Didn’t you say you were running late? Hop in.” Elias got in the driver’s seat and put on the seat belt.

Both he and Aiden looked up at Amanda at the same time waiting for her to get in.

Is this their father-and-son telepathy? They even look so alike….

She was left without a choice and begrudgingly made herself comfortable in the passenger seat. After she wore her seat belt, she glanced at Aiden in the back and said, “Aiden, you’d better behave. Otherwise, we’re getting out of this car this instant.”

“Okay. Okay” Aiden immediately sat down obediently and stopped moving around.

Elias had a doting smile on his face throughout the whole interaction as he started the car and slowly drove out of Galaxy Bay.

Aiden suddenly leaned against Elias’ car seat and asked in his childlike voice, “Mr. Winters, what’s the price tag for this car? I’m going to buy this. It’s too cool.”

“You like this? I’ll just give this to you.” Elias looked at Aiden’s innocent face through the rearview mirror.

“Really? Will you, really? You’re so generous, Mr. Winters!” Aiden almost vibrated off his seat with joy. I’m so lucky. Mr. Winters is an angel!

Alas, Amanda frowned unhappily as she glared at Elias’ side profile. “What are you doing, Elias? You’re teaching Aiden that it’s okay to take something without working for it. You can’t spoil him like this.”

Elias glanced at her with a doting smile. “I like it.”

“I don’t! I worked hard to raise him in the past four years and ensure that he’ll cultivate good habits, but he’s going to forget them all with you spoiling him rotten like this!”

Amanda didn’t agree with Elias’ parenting style one bit. Aiden would become a spoiled brat at the rate Elias was doting on him.

“It’s not that serious. He’s still young. We can still teach him.” Elias wasn’t concerned. It might be due to the sudden discovery that he had a child, so he couldn’t help himself from showering all the love he had for his surprise baby.

She didn’t reply as she didn’t want to argue with him in front of Aiden.

After they dropped Aiden off at the kindergarten, they watched as he entered the door as if they were a pair of loving parents who were not divorced.

Then, Amanda turned toward Elias and snapped, “I don’t plan on letting Aiden know you’re his father. So, don’t even dream about it.”

Elias simply curled his lips into a cold smirk as he said tauntingly, “I won’t need to dream because he is my son.”

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 129 Otherwise, I’ll Jump Out of the Car Right Now

“Whatever. It’s useless to try and communicate with you. I don’t even know why I still bother. Just do whatever you want.”

Amanda was about to leave when she suddenly recalled something and turned around to point at him. “Did you remove that empty tombstone? Stop cursing my son!”

A hint of embarrassment flashed across Elias’ face. “It was removed a long time ago.” That was probably the dumbest thing he has done since he was born.

Then, Amanda turned around to hail a cab. Unfortunately, before she could even start waving, he grabbed her arm. “Let me. It’s the rush hour right now. You won’t be able to get a cab.”

She was well aware of that, but she didn’t know how to face him as she was uncomfortable after Elias found out about Aiden’s existence.

Suddenly, she received a call from Simon. He was probably wondering why she wasn’t at the law firm yet.

Amanda glanced at Elias before walking to the side to answer the call, “Hello, I’m on my way. I’m just stuck in traffic at the moment. I’ll be there soon. Don’t wait for me. You guys should start the meeting without me.”

Elias knew immediately who she was talking to and a hint of jealousy filled his eyes.

After Amanda hung up the phone, she got in his car and urged, “Can you drive faster? I’m going to be late for work. I have an important meeting to get to.”

Elias didn’t speak. Instead, he silently got in and started the car, departing from the kindergarten.

After he left the residential area, he deliberately drove slowly and took the longer route.

Amanda didn’t notice it at first but when she felt they were getting farther from the law firm, she inquired. “Why did you take a longer route?”

“Because of the jam.” Elias kept his gaze forward like a focused driver.

Yet, he kept detouring. It was obvious he didn’t want her to go to work.

Then, Amanda narrowed her eyes as she looked at his side profile before demanding. “Elias, are you doing this on purpose? You don’t want me to see Simon at work, right?”

“So what if I don’t?” He didn’t deny it.

“You can’t interfere with my job. Send me to work right this instant! My career is at stake. She took a look. at the time. The meeting had already begun, and she wasn’t even there yet.

“I won’t drive you to the law firm unless you give me your word that you’ll reject Simon’s proposal. Besides, if you really want to be a lawyer, I can open a law firm tailored to suit your needs.

His nonchalant statement made Amanda’s blood boil as she retorted hotly. “Are you threatening me? Is this how you’re begging for forgiveness? Don’t think that I’ll get back together with you just because we have a child.”

“I know.”

He knew that Amanda wouldn’t return to his side so easily. But he just couldn’t stand the thought of her working with Simon in the same law firm.

“Send me to the law firm since you’re aware that nothing has changed between us. If you don’t, I’ll jump out of the car right now.”

“How dare you?!” Elias furrowed his brow. Is this woman crazy? How could she say that?

However, Amanda simply snorted, “Try me!”

He was rendered speechless by her remarks. Even though he knew it probably wouldn’t happen, he still drove toward the law firm. He couldn’t bet on her life, especially since they had a son.

Soon, the car came to a stop before the office building.

Amanda undid the seat belt and pushed open the door. She was really going to be late.

However, before she could scurry into the lobby, Elias said, “I can pick Aiden up if you’re busy this afternoon

“No. I hired a nanny. She’ll pick him up from school. Amanda shot him a glance before striding into the building without another word.

Elias watched as she hurriedly entered the building before driving off.

In the CEO’s office of the Winters Enterprise, a man sat in the office chair with his long legs gracefully crossed on the table. The smoke wafting from a cigarette hanging on his lips blurred his handsome features.

At that moment, a knock could be heard, and he said, “Come in.”

The secretary entered and saw the man’s relaxed composure before asking. “Mr. Winters, will you join the morning meeting? It’s going to start in ten minutes.”

Elias didn’t have the heart to work as he just found out about Aiden’s existence.

He removed his legs from the table and snuffed out the cigarette. “No. Ask Mr. Briggs to attend in my stead.”

“Yes, sir.”

Then, the secretary exited the office and closed the door behind him.

Suddenly, Elias’ phone rang, and it was a call from Grace. She had been calling him nonstop from the day before, but he didn’t want to answer her call at all.

He didn’t want to look or speak to this serial liar anymore as he just realized she had been playing him like a fiddle all these years.

So, he hung up the phone and blocked her number immediately.

Then, he immersed himself in the joy of discovering he had a son as a smile crept up his face when he recalled Aiden’s clever face.

Soon, it was time for the kids to return home from kindergarten. Even though Amanda told him that he wasn’t needed, he still wanted to see Aiden being picked up with his own two eyes. The worry in his heart wouldn’t cease until he was certain that his son made his way home safely.

Thus, Elias parked his car under a tree by the roadside and rolled down the window. He watched the main entrance of the kindergarten as children were being picked up by their parents one after another.

At the same time, Selina arrived promptly at the entrance and saw Aiden, who was making his way to the entrance, calling out, “Aiden! Here!”

“Miss Selina!” Aiden dashed toward her happily.

She held his hand and walked in the other direction.

Elias, who was sitting in the car, witnessed the scene and a content smile appeared on his face. This kid smiles like me too.

Just when he was feeling bemused, he noticed that Aiden had his eyes set on the cotton candy stall and was begging Selina to buy one for him. Elias was fascinated by the adorable look on his face. He was just like any other parent that would find their children the cutest little creatures in the entire world.

Suddenly, a man appeared before Selina and Aiden. To make matters worse, it didn’t seem as though he was here for a friendly conversation.

The warm smile on Elias’ face vanished immediately as he shoved the car door open and decided to go over to them just in case.

On the other hand, Selina eventually caved to Aiden’s puppy eyes and bought the cotton candy for him. The child held the sweet treat like a prize and was munching on it joyfully, probably ruining his appetite later that day. Suddenly, a burly tall man appeared before them.

“Selina Yaleman, how dare you cheat on me?! You even have a child!”

Selina saw the man and immediately carried Aiden in her arms while taking a step back in panic. “Why are you here?!”

“I’ve fucking looked for you for so many days, but you won’t leave that stupid house. Now, I’ve finally got you. Who’s this child? You cheated on me and even have a kid with your lover?!”

The man roughly grabbed onto Selina’s arm to prevent her from running away.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 130 Am I Not a Person

“Let go of me! The child’s not mine! I’m just a nanny for someone living around this area. This is my employer’s child!” Selina struggled, wanting to leave but could not escape the man’s grasp.

Although she was a great mixed martial artist, her husband was a kickboxer who was no weaker than her. They first got together because they shared similar hobbies, but who would have guessed their relationship would be the beginning of her suffering. Who would have thought that she would receive beatings from her husband almost every day after her marriage?

“Miss Selina, he’s a bad guy. We need to call the police. Aiden looked at the angry man before him, feeling scared. After all, there was a tremendous height difference between them.

When the man heard Aiden’s words, he immediately barked, “Whom are you calling a bad guy, brat? How am a bad guy? Do the children living in this residential area have no manners? How can you simply accuse someone of being a bad guy?”

Aiden was clearly frightened by the tall, burly man, so he hugged Selina’s neck tightly. “Miss Selina, I’m scared.

There, there, Aiden. Don’t be scared. Selina gently patted Aiden’s back to comfort him. Then, she looked at her husband. “Come at me if you have anything to say, but don’t vent your anger on a child. This is my employer’s child. He has nothing to do with us, so let me send him home.”

“Get on with it, then. I’ll send the brat home with you. He’s such a nuisance. The man shoved Selina. It was clear that he would keep badgering her until he received what he was looking for and wouldn’t leave a second before that happened.

Meanwhile, Selina felt the blood draining from her face, and her eyes seemed horrified as she wracked her mind to devise a plan to get rid of her abusive husband.

Aiden threw his cotton candy at the man, angrily chastising. “Don’t you dare bully Miss Selina, you bad guy!”

“Shut up, brat, or I’ll beat you up! What an ill-mannered brat. Do you think you’re better than everyone else because you get to live in a villa?” The man kept cursing, utterly uncouth.

At that moment, Elias’ tall figure suddenly appeared like a knight in shining armor as he threatened coldly, “I dare you to lay your hands on that child. Whom are you calling ill-mannered?”

That voice! Selina turned around, and her eyes lit up with relief when she discovered it was Elias! Isn’t that Amanda’s ex-husband, Aiden’s father?

“Mr. Winters?” Aiden was so shocked to see Elias that his eyes widened as he exclaimed in surprise.

As Selina did not want to implicate the child in her personal matters, she handed the child to Elias. “Sir, please take Aiden away. This is my family affairs. I can handle it myself.

But Elias did not take the child. Instead, he glanced at her and instructed, “My car is over there. Bring Aiden to the car and leave this to me.”

Then, he tossed Selina the keys before turning his attention back to the burly man before him.

Selina was slightly hesitant because this was, after all, her private affairs, so how could she trouble someone else to help her? Moreover, this man was also Amanda’s ex-husband!

The man was extremely annoyed when he saw Elias trying to play the hero, so he growled, “Who the fuck are you? Trying to be the hero? What? Are you that butch’s new boyfriend? That’s great. You brought this on yourself!”

“Sir, I think it’s best if you leave with Aiden. I don’t want to bring you into this, or Aiden either… Amanda has been so nice to me, so I can’t let you guys get in harm’s way.” Selina still insisted that Elias take Aiden away and let her deal with this matter alone because this had absolutely nothing to do with them.

On the other hand, Elias was clearly annoyed by the man and repeated his order, “Wait in the car and leave this to me. Your responsibility is to protect the child.”

Once he finished, he swung his fist at the man’s face.

That seemingly tall and burly man fell to the ground with just a punch. Even Selina did not see that coming, and she looked at Elias with admiration.

The child in her hands could not help but gasp in astonishment, “Mr. Winters is awesome!”

“Wait in the car. Don’t make me repeat myself the third time!” Elias demanded sternly.

Selina finally reacted and clutched the keys with a desperate grip before hastily bringing Aiden to the car.

The eman on the ground was stupefied by the blow. He had never assumed that a seemingly nobleman like Elias would behave so violently and even dare to punch him! “You’re fucking dead! How dare you punch

The man wanted to get up and return Elias’ attack with a blow of his own. Alas, he did not expect that Elias would kick his chest and send him sprawling to the ground.

“It’s really your unlucky day today. I’ve been in a bad mood and have no place to vent it. Since you’ve delivered me your entire self as a punching bag, how could I let such an opportunity slip through my fingers?” Elias snarled as he stepped on the man and loosened his tie. His actions made it seem as though he was about to truly deliver a violent beatdown to the man that had dared to threaten his son.

Meanwhile, Selina quickly hid in the car with Aiden. After she ensured that Aiden was no longer scared and fully settled, she intended to call the police but felt dumbfounded when she turned around and saw the scene playing before her eyes….

Her husband had always been the one beating someone else up for some imagined slight, but now, he was pinned down by Elias’ foot, unable to move. She almost thought that her eyes were playing tricks on her when she noticed such a bizarre scene.

Aiden had his face squished against the window as he watched the fight and even applauded, “Good luck, Mr. Winters! Beat up the bad guy!”

Suddenly, Selina’s phone began ringing as a call from Amanda came in. She couldn’t stop gaping in utter bewilderment while her husband was being severely beaten by someone half his size. Still, she answered the call, where she heard Amanda’s voice, inquiring, “Selina, is Aiden with you? Why aren’t you back yet?”

“Huh? Oh, right. Amanda, you need to come over right now! I bumped into my husband while I was picking up Aiden!”

“What?! That abusive dumpster fire? Where are you? I’ll come over immediately!” Amanda’s tone immediately changed when she heard that Selina’s se’mbag of a husband had made an appearance.

Selina was so focused on the situation that she almost forgot she was speaking to Amanda on the phone.

When she noticed that her husband wasn’t about to make a nuisance of himself, especially now that he was in a very one-sided fight and losing, she assured Amanda, saying. “You don’t have to rush. Fortunately, we encountered your ex-husband. He has helped us out of that situation, so we’re fine now. Don’t worry. Drive safely.”

“Elias? He’s there as well?”

Strangely enough, Amanda instantly felt assured after hearing Selina mention her ex-husband. It seemed like Selina and Aiden were safe because Elias was there.

Selina nodded. “Yes. He’s amazing. I have to say that I did not expect him to be so capable of fighting since he looks like such a gentleman.”

“Send me your location. I’m heading over right now!”


Not long after that, Elias returned to the parking lot, leaving the man all battered and bruised and unable to get up without assistance.

Selina and Aiden were both flabbergasted as they did not expect the scene to be so… violent.

At that moment, Amanda raced her way here and parked her car in the parking spot behind them. Then, she anxiously got out of the car and approached them. “Selina! Aiden! Are you alright?”

Amanda instantly felt relieved when seeing the two were safe and sound inside Elias’ car.

Meanwhile, Elias stood to the side with a few drops of blood staining his white shirt. Yet, he couldn’t help but lose his temper when Amanda refused to pay a single attention to him.

“Am I invisible to you?” Elias grumbled through gritted teeth.

Amanda replied, “Uhm. What about you? Are you alright?”

Honestly, she had almost forgotten about this devil in her panic. Then again, when she recalled Elias’ glorious fighting streak, she was certain that he was fine. Everyone in this place could be dead but Elias would definitely remain standing.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 131 Mommy, Mr Winters Saved Us

Elias snorted. “Yes, I’m hurt.”

Why is this man so childish? He’s even acting up in front of his own son. This is ridiculous! Amanda still patiently asked, “Where are you hurt? Do you need me to send you to the hospital?”

She decided to give him a break since he did save Aiden this time. Besides, he was a noble young master, after all.

Yet, Elias shamelessly demanded, “I’m tired from fighting and hungry. Buy me something to eat.”

Amanda’s eyes just about popped out from her eye sockets as she rebuked, “Are you kidding me? Go home if you’re tired and hungry. You have so many professional chefs at your estate. Can’t they satisfy your stomach?”

At that moment, Aiden, who was leaning on the window, suddenly suggested, “Mommy, Mr. Winters saved us. Don’t you think we should at least treat him to a meal in thanks?”

Amanda was at a loss for words. Oh, Baby, please keep your words at a minimum.

However, the child paid no heed to her silent pleadings as he added, “Mommy, didn’t you tell me I should repay other people’s kindness? If Mr. Winters hadn’t saved us, the bad guy might have taken us away?

With no other option, she forced a smile as she said in resignation, “Right, we have to repay other people’s kindness, but… Mr. Winters has other things to do. We’ll treat him to a meal some other day, okay?”

She patted her son’s head gently as she turned to hint at Elias with her gaze to play along with her. Unfortunately, Elias refused to comply. Instead, he smiled and drawled blandly, “I’m not busy. Do you want to buy me something to eat? I’m always available.”

“Sure. I’ll treat you to a meal. Why don’t you come to our house? Miss Selina is a great cook,” Aiden offered excitedly.

The smile on Elias’ face brightened further. “Sure. I’m famished.”

Amanda was rendered wholly speechless. Was this the tacit understanding between father and son? Never would she have guessed these two would get so familiar with each other so quickly and get along so well. Could this be what they call the magic of being blood-related?

“You lead the way.” Elias looked at her.

Amanda could not hold back her urge to roll her eyes in exasperation. Then, she faked a smile. “Would you settle for excrement?”

A smile appeared on his face. “I would if you offered it to me.”

Amanda scoffed before looking at her baby inside the sports car. “Baby, how about you and Selina get in my car?”

“Mommy, I want to sit in Mr. Winter’s car. It’s so cool. Aiden had no intention of getting out of the car and even looked like he wanted to live in it.

Elias offered, “I can send them home. You drive your car.”

She felt like biting the man’s head off. Why do I suddenly feel like I’m not Aiden’s favorite anymore? My child only has eyes for a godforsaken sports car! What an ungrateful kid

Selina suddenly chimed in, “About that… Why don’t you guys head over without me? I need to buy some ingredients because we’re running out of groceries.”

“Let’s go together,” Amanda proposed.

“I have no objections,” Elias remarked.

In the back seat, Aiden yelled enthusiastically. “I have no objections too!”

Therefore, the bunch drove to a grocery store where Selina and Amanda were responsible for buying groceries while Elias and Aiden shopped in front of them. Their figures seemed so harmonious that any discerning person could tell they were father and son because they looked very similar.

In the meantime, Selina and Amanda were behind the two while pushing the shopping cart. Amanda looked at the two with slight jealousy.

“Amanda, has Aiden never met his father?” Selina asked.

Amanda retracted her gaze and seemed conflicted as she answered, “Yes. We got a divorce while I was pregnant, so the father and son have never seen each other.”

“But your ex doesn’t look like an irresponsible man, so why did you get a divorce? He can’t be a violent. b”stard like that husband of mine, right?” Selina continued pressing for answers.

“No, he’s not. Though he has a temper, he would never beat a woman. What kind of man would he be if he did that?”

Selina’s expression turned slightly bitter. “You’re right. What kind of man would beat up their wife?”

“That’s why I keep persuading you to make a report. I can be your defense attorney, so don’t worry.” Fury overcame Amanda when she thought about Selina being a victim of domestic violence.

Meanwhile, Selina looked at Elias’ back and then thought about her wimpy yet violent husband. It was true that sometimes comparisons shouldn’t be made unless you want to face hard truths that one wouldn’t come close to the other. “Okay! I want a divorce. I’m fed up with being beaten all the time!” She finally mustered her courage to file for a divorce.

Amanda could not hold back her laughter. “Atta girl. Domestic abuse is not a small issue. It’s also illegal.”


Suddenly, a man’s voice interrupted their conversation.

Simon pushed his cart over to them, smiling gently. “It’s such a coincidence. Are you here to buy groceries. as well? I was just about to buy some fresh produce and bring them to Galaxy Bay to have dinner with you guys.

A shocked Amanda’s eyes widened as she screamed silently, Oh, my God! This has to be some sort of punishment!

“Simon, tonight might not be…” Amanda muttered, not knowing how she would reject him and suddenly feeling like she had betrayed him.

However, at that moment, Aiden came running with a box of chocolate, cutely exclaiming, “Mommy, I want to buy this chocolate!”

Following behind Aiden was none other than Elias.

Simon was still smiling when he saw Aiden, but his smile instantly disappeared from his face when he saw Elias slowly approaching them.

The two men met each other’s cold gazes.

Amanda couldn’t help but panic inwardly as she caught sight of the two men staring daggers at each other. This is not good. Not good….

She thought she could even hear lightning zapping between them. So, she gulped and put on a stiff smile. “Baby, do you have anything else you’d like to buy? Go and grab some.”

It was better not to let her child see what might happen next as it was unsuitable for children.

“Can I really? Why are you being so nice today, Mommy? Something’s not right.” Aiden looked at his mother curiously. She was a firm advocate for team no junk food, but why was she suddenly being so generous?

It was then that he finally noticed Simon’s presence and excitedly screamed. “Uncle Simon!”

Uncle Simon? That scream caused everyone’s expression to change slightly.

Of course, Simon was smiling at that form of address as it was also a kind of declaration of his identity.

Meanwhile, Elias turned gloomy after hearing that. Uncle Simon? Aiden refers to me by my last name, but he’s on a first-name basis with that trash? –

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 132 Simon Is Called Uncle Simon, and I’m Mr Winters?

Elias’ gaze was as sharp as a sword when he stared at Amanda. The fierce look in his eyes seemed to say, “Amanda! Is this how you’re teaching my son?!”

At this moment, Amanda just wanted to find a hole to hide in. How could she resolve this awkward situation?

“Uncle Simon, what a coincidence to see you here.” Aiden approached Simon as if they were old. acquaintances.

On the other hand, Simon ignored Elias” angry gaze and smiled as he patted Baby’s head.

“Well, I plan to buy groceries and come over to have dinner with you and your Mommy tonight. I’ll be making a fish dish for you, alright?”

“Yayyy! Mr. Winters will also be having dinner at our house tonight. The more, the merrier!” Aiden’s round eyes sparkled, and he looked adorable with his joyful smile.

Elias will be joining as well? Simon smiled meaningfully. Is that so? Mr. Winters is also freeloading tonight.


“Mind your own fucking business!” Elias couldn’t bear it anymore. If it weren’t for being in front of the child, he would have thrown a punch long ago.

She glared angrily at him. “You’re swearing in front of the child! Do you want him to learn that from you? It’s not easy for him to learn good things, but it’s definitely too easy for him to learn bad things!”

Elias was at a loss for words upon hearing that.

Selina chuckled and couldn’t hold back her laughter. From what she could tell, Amanda and her ex- husband seemed more suitable for each other, especially considering they already had a child together.

By the time they had returned to Galaxy Bay, the sky had turned dark. Selina and Simon were busy cooking dinner in the kitchen, while Amanda assisted on the side. Since Elias had never been skilled in cooking, having relied on the guidance of the Winters Family’s chef in the past, he had no idea how to cook. So, he could only accompany Aiden in the living room, playing with toys.

“Mr. Winters, what’s your full name? I’m Aiden, Baby asked curiously.

Elias answered earnestly, “Remember, my name is Elias Winters. Also, why do you call him Uncle Simon?”

He really wanted to know where he had lost to Simon. Why would Aiden call Simon “Uncle Simon” but refer to him as Mr. Winters instead?

“Because he is Uncle Simon. He will be my daddy and Mommy’s husband in the future,” Baby answered while playing with a puzzle. Although Mr. Winters was a nice person and had saved him, Uncle Simon’s position was unshakable. He was the most suitable man for Mommy.

Elias’ expression changed drastically. “What? Daddy?” He really wanted to yell at the little brat, I am your dad!” But he couldn’t. How could this kid recognize a random dude as his own father?

“Yeah, Uncle Simon is the best. He’s most suitable to be Mommy’s husband,” Aiden said without even looking up, as he was busy playing with the puzzle.

At that moment, Elias felt antsy, anxious, and agitated. It seemed that Aiden had been completely brainwashed by Simon. If this little brat didn’t take his side, what hope did he have of pursuing Amanda?

“Aiden, aren’t you afraid of hurting your dad’s feelings by saying that? Don’t you want to go back to your daddy’s side with Mommy?”

He knew Aiden had never seen his biological father since childhood, and there might be some resistance. So, he had to take things slowly. He wasn’t in a rush, but he absolutely couldn’t let Simon have a chance to get ahead.

Aiden immediately looked up at Elias upon hearing his words, and his little face was filled with grievances. “Daddy won’t be sad. He doesn’t love Mommy or me. Mommy said he didn’t want us, so I don’t want him either. I want to find a good man and a good husband for Mommy.”

“Nonsense! Who told you that?” Elias instantly became angry. Who taught Aiden all this nonsense? When did he not want Amanda or the child? No wonder the child affectionately called Simon “Uncle Simon. It turned out he resented his biological father.

Aiden set aside the puzzle he was holding, took a quick glance at his mommy, who was busy kitchen, stood up, and approached Elias. He whispered, “Mr. Winters, I’ll let you in on a little secret. I asked Mommy for Daddy’s picture, but Mommy said she didn’t have any, so Daddy definitely hates us. Otherwise, why wouldn’t he leave a single picture for us?”

Once again, Elias was at a loss for words.

Indeed, he failed to fulfill his role as a father. It had been four years, and only now did he discover the existence of his son. And during these four years… it was unfathomable how greatly Amanda despised him, to the point where she never mentioned him to Aiden or even showed Aiden a picture of him. The mere thought of it ached his heart.

Elias scooped up Baby and settled him on his own lap, patiently explaining. “Aiden, maybe your dad has his reasons. Because why wouldn’t he want you? He has been searching for you all this time, but he just couldn’t find you.”

“Why couldn’t Daddy find us?” Aiden’s eyes widened with curiosity.

How should he explain this? Elias fell silent for a moment, sighed, and replied, “Because he didn’t know you were born. If he had known, he would definitely have found you and Mommy. Daddy is yours and Mommy’s, alright?”

“Mr. Winters, how do you know all of this? Do you know Daddy?” Baby suddenly became alert. He found Mr. Winters quite strange because Mr. Winters seemed to know many things.

“Well, yeah.”

“Do you really know Daddy? Can you take me to meet him? I’ve never seen Daddy before, and I want to meet him.” Aiden instantly became excited. He had always been curious about what Daddy looked like, but he couldn’t tell that Mr. Winters and he looked alike.

Elias felt a pang of regret for claiming to know the father. “Well, your daddy is currently away on a business trip. Let’s wait until he finishes his work,” he responded, realizing it wasn’t the ideal moment to disclose the truth and acknowledge Aiden since he needed to give Aiden some time to adjust.

“Oh… then, Mr. Winters, does Daddy really love Mommy? My teacher said Daddy loves Mommy, and that’s why I was born.”

Elias let out a soft chuckle. “Absolutely, he does. That’s indeed why you were born.”

“So, what the teacher said is true…” Aiden seemed to be lost in thoughts.

Selina briefly stepped out of the kitchen to retrieve something, leaving only Amanda and Simon behind. The atmosphere became incredibly awkward, and Amanda couldn’t even bring herself to meet his gaze.

After Simon finished cleaning the fish he was holding, he turned toward her. “Amanda?”

“W-What’s the matter?” She seemed flustered as if she had done something wrong.

“What were you thinking? The water is boiling.” He glanced at the pot of boiling water and walked over to turn off the stove.

Only then did she snap back to reality. “Sorry, I was lost in thought just now.”

“Be more careful next time. It can be dangerous.”


Then, he tried to ask in a relaxed tone, “Are you considering giving Elias another chance? It seems like he already knows that Aiden is his son.”

“I’m not! He’s the one who keeps bothering me!” she denied firmly.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 133 Elias! Why Are You So Childish?

When Simon saw the way Amanda reacted, he smiled. “What do you have in mind, then? Elias certainly won’t let Aiden go once he learns Aiden is his son.”

Sure enough, Amanda knew that Simon was right. However, there was nothing she could do to stop fate from doing its work. Just like last night, she wasn’t expecting Elias to be right in the garden and bump straight into Aiden.

Simon felt slightly sorry for Amanda when he saw her in a dilemma. “Amanda, I want you to be truthful with me. Do you still love Elias? Do you have the intention to return to his side with Aiden?” Now that Elias is avidly courting Amanda, what’s the point of me proposing to her if she harbors any thoughts of remarrying Elias? After all, the two already had a child together.

“To be honest, no.. After going through so many things, I feel Elias and I really aren’t a good fit for each other. Although we have cleared the air this time, and Elias realized that he had wrongly accused me, what about in the future? Frankly speaking. I bet Elias would still doubt me and not believe me if such an incident happened again.

Simon breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing her reply. At least Amanda’s words proved he still had a chance to be with her, and if truth be told, he felt that he was sure to lose when he witnessed the scene of Elias and Aiden standing together in the supermarket tonight.

“Is my proposal still valid, then?” Simon asked. He pretended to sound relaxed to cover his uneasiness,

Amanda instantly coughed awkwardly as she muttered, What other choices do I have when I have already said yes?”

He smiled and said nothing. He could finally set his mind at rest now that he heard her words of assurance. Leastwise, it was clear to him that Amanda didn’t intend to return to Elias’ side.

Dinner was served half an hour later. This moment, at the dining table, was where the real battle took place. Elias and Simon sat opposite each other. Their gazes clashed, wittingly or unwittingly, especially Elias, whose gaze was full of murderous intent. Meanwhile, Aiden sat next to Elias. There was undoubtedly an inexplicable contrast between the two despite having the same facial features, especially when one looked as malicious as a devil while another resembled an innocent angel,

“Mr. Winters, I want to eat that fish. Serve some to me!” Aiden requested as he lay on the dining table, trying to reach the fish with his petite arm but failing in every attempt he made.

Elias only withdrew his murderous gaze when he heard his son’s voice. His glacial eyes instantly turned gentle. Then, he picked up his cutleries and said, “Okay.”

However, as soon as he did so, Simon swiftly placed a piece of fish on the plate in front of Aiden.

“Thank you, Uncle Simon,” Aiden thanked him politely.

-As for Elias, even though his jealousy was mounting up, he still cut a piece of the fish, picked it up with the fork, brought it near to Aiden’s mouth, and instructed. “Open your mouth.”

Aiden didn’t have a chance to reject Elias at all. He obediently opened his mouth and ate the fish that was fed to him.

At the same time, Elias was mindful of grabbing the opportunity to indoctrinate Aiden. “Tell me—Aiden, is Simon related to your mommy by blood? He isn’t, is he? So, why is he Uncle Simon while I’m Mr. Winters? Also, we are both your mommy’s friends, so you can’t give him special treatment. You can only give your special treatment to the man who has registered as your mommy’s legal spouse in the marriage
certificate. Got it?”

As soon as these words escaped Elias’ lips, the facial expression of those present at the dining table took a turn.

Amanda was utterly exasperated. What the hell is this sembag teaching Aiden!?

Meanwhile, Simon remained silent. Nonetheless, one could notice that he was somewhat holding back his temper through his gaze and his somewhat tightened grip on his fork and knife.

Only Selina couldn’t help but laugh when she saw Elias brainwashing Aiden. What an interesting father-and- son duo.

Meanwhile, Aiden looked at Elias with curiosity written on his face as he asked, “What does it mean by a man who has registered as Mommy’s legal spouse in the marriage certificate?”

“It means the man who officially marries your mommy. In short, your rightful Daddy. Only he deserves. your utmost special treatment, okay?” Elias explained with a serious demeanor while Aiden listened attentively.

“Oh.. I get it. So, that’s what it means. Aiden nodded and continued to enjoy his dinner.

When Amanda saw this, he couldn’t help but glare at Elias. “Elias! Why are you so childish? Why are you telling Baby these things? He’s so young. Do you think he can understand your words?” Plus, Aiden is already far more mature than he should be. Yet, Elias is teaching him such nonsense!

“It’s because he doesn’t understand that I decided to explain things to him, giving him a general idea in his head.” Elias answered solemnly. His attitude almost made Amanda blow her top right in front of her precious son.

At this moment, Selina interrupted, “Amanda, I want to take a few days off to go through my divorce settlement. I don’t want to live with that man who abuses me any longer!

“Sure, go ahead. It’s just that-will you be fine by yourself, though? Will that man go easy on you?” Amanda was a little worried about Selina’s safety. After all, judging by the way the man showed up in front of their doorstep today, Amanda could tell that he didn’t seem like a person who would say yes to divorce without making a huge racket about it.

Selina hesitated for a moment upon hearing her concerns. Then, she smiled and replied, “I will try to talk things out first. And if it doesn’t work, I can only seek your help.

“Sure, no problem,” Amanda agreed readily.

Just when Amanda and Selina thought that the matter was solved, Simon raised the most critical question, “Who will take care of Aiden if you take a few days off?”

“That is precisely what I want to discuss with you. Who will look after Aiden while I’m gone these few days?” Selina looked at Amanda and asked.

Likewise, Amanda was caught in a dilemma. I would have to bring Baby to work with me if Selina took a few days off. I will never allow some stranger to look after him.

“Leave Aiden to me.” Suddenly, Elias put down his tableware and looked up at the conflicted Amanda. “Don’t even think about taking him to work with you. It’s troublesome.”

“But will it not be troublesome to leave Aiden with you? Aren’t you busy every day?” As the president of Winters Enterprise, how is it possible that Elias’ days are more relaxed than mine? I was his wife. So, I am well aware of how hectic his daily schedule is.

Elias turned his attention to the little guy beside him as his lips pulled into a doting smile and said, “I can take a few days off. Come to think of it-I haven’t taken any days off this year yet. I can use this as an opportunity to rest. Plus, I want to make time for him. He was absent from Aiden’s life for the past four years, so he naturally wanted to make up for it.

Amanda couldn’t bring herself to say anything. Honestly, I really don’t want Elias to get in touch with Baby too often, especially now that Aiden is quick in accepting Elias’ presence. In fact, he has already barreled past unfamiliarity phase and treats Elias like an old acquaintance. Yet, last night was clearly his first time seeing Elias… Such is the charm of kinship, I suppose. Although it would be endearing if it were any other father and son, Elias in the picture just makes it seem all the more frightening, I guess?

“Still, we have to ask if Aiden is willing to have you as his babysitter. Amanda placed her entire hope on Aiden as she shouted in her heart, Say no to him, son! I can accompany you!

At the same time, Elias looked at the little guy beside him. “Aiden, why don’t you pay me a visit? I have a playground at my house, so… Do you want to go?”

“Really!? Okay! Mr. Winters, do you have lots of cars at your house? I want to have a ride!” Aiden exclaimed, still remembering the fabulous Bentley outside.

Elias felt his smile deepen when he saw just how excited Aiden was. “Of course. I have plenty of cars. In fact, I have an entire garage filled with cars. Just take your pick. You can choose whichever car you like, and I will take you to school in it, okay?”

“Okay! Mommy, don’t worry! I will behave myself and play nicely with Mr. Winters. You can pick me up again after Miss Selina returns from her days off!” Delight was written all over Aiden’s face as he looked forward to touring the garage full of sports cars.

Simon’s facial expression was a little somber, and he clenched his fists under the dining table. As for Amanda, there was more heartache and less relief in her heart when she heard Aiden agree to follow Elias back to the Winters Estate. I can’t believe this is the son whom I raised for four years! How can he easily be bribed with a garage of sports cars? Then again, Aiden is still a child, after all I can’t really expect him to understand the grudge between me and Elias.

After dinner, Selina was in charge of washing the dishes. Meanwhile, Simon and Elias sat in the living room. Neither of them had any intention of leaving.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 134 Stay Away From My Woman and Child

Amanda glanced at the time. It’s already late, yet what are these two still doing here? Are they planning to sleep here tonight?

“Are you two not getting ready to go home? It’s late. Baby is already asleep. Are you guys planning to watch TV here all night?” Then again, neither of them seemed to be watching TV.

Elias had his arms crossed as he looked at Simon and said indifferently, “Why are you still not leaving? Only two women and a child are in this house. As a grown man, do you not feel awkward staying here if I leave?” There is absolutely no way I will allow Simon and Amanda to be in the same living area!

Simon smiled. “What about you? Why aren’t you leaving? Besides, this is my villa. So, I can stay for as long as I like.”

“Your villa?” Elias questioned. His tone was filled with nothing but suspicion as he looked at Amanda.

“It’s his house. I’m merely a tenant,” Amanda answered truthfully.

The atmosphere in the room turned tense once more as Elias’ jealousy roused from its slumber. What are my woman and child doing living in Simon’s house!?

As soon as this thought crossed Elias’ mind, he turned to look at Amanda and ordered, “Move out Tomorrow. You can choose to live in any house owned under my name or live with me in the Winters Estate.”

Amanda was stunned by Elias’ commanding tone as she retorted, “Do you still take me as your wife? Please! We’re divorced, so why should I listen to you? Hurry up, go home, and get some sleep. I’m so sleepy that I can barely keep my eyes open.”

After that, Amanda involuntarily yawned and continued waiting until the two left. Oh! I should take a warm shower and head straight to bed immediately after they leave.

Elias stood up and looked at Simon when he noticed that she was genuinely tired. “Let’s leave together. I have something I want to say to you.”

“Sure. I happened to want to have a chat with you too.

A gleam of joy surfaced in Amanda’s eyes. Finally, these tivo bosses are leaving! Otherwise, they would have stayed until dawn.

“Goodbye, and take care. I’ll go back to my room. I’m exhausted.” With that, Amanda got up, preparing to see Elias and Simon off.

Elias and Simon left Galaxy Bay on their respective ride. Shortly afterward, both cars gradually stopped on the road with their windows lowered.

Elias stared straight into Simon’s eyes as he threatened in a deep voice, “I’m warning you. Stay away from my woman and child.

“Funny. I seem to recall that Amanda is no longer your woman. And as for your child, does Aiden even know you are his biological father?” Simon said with a bland look, successfully igniting Elias’ fury with his words.

Elias clenched his fists tightly, cracking his knuckles. Then, he retorted through his teeth, “Is stealing another man’s wife your fetish? Why are you so fond of stealing what belongs to others?”

“Tch… As far as I know, you were the one who abandoned your wife and child back then. Yet now, you speak as though you are innocent of the wrongdoings you have committed. Get your facts straight! It’s Amanda who has struck you off her list of suitors. It’s pointless to keep talking about this with me, no? You’re the one who wronged her, so own it.”

With that, Simon flashed Elias a contemptuous smile, started his car, and drove away.

Only Elias was left sitting in his car. Every muscle on his handsome face stiffened as his mind kept replaying Simon’s parting words. He smacked the steering wheel, fuming mad. This fucking lowlife!

Meanwhile, inside the villa, Amanda came downstairs to pour herself a glass of water after taking her shower and happened to bump into Selina, who was cleaning up the kitchen.

“Selina, why don’t you continue doing the chores tomorrow? It’s late, so get some rest. Please don’t wear yourself out.” Amanda couldn’t help but say.

Selina raised her head and smiled when she saw Amanda. “I was thinking-since I will be off for few days. I should complete more chores. By the way, have Mr. Nicholson and Mr. Winters left yet?”

“Yeah. How else are we supposed to get our sleep when those two grown-up men stick around and waste the rest of their evening here?” she grumbled softly.

Selina dropped the chores on her hands and walked up to her. Tell me the truth, Amanda. Do you still have feelings for your ex-husband?”

Amanda, who was pouring the glass of water, paused for a moment. “Of course, I don’t.”

“Oh… As I see it, the three of you seem to get along quite harmoniously, though.”

“Harmonious? In what sense do you think we get along harmoniously? Elias hasn’t even seen Aiden since he was born. Do you honestly think he will be a good father? If it were you, would you leave Aiden with him unsupervised?” Amanda couldn’t restrain her agitation at the mention of Elias and what happened tonight.

As for Selina, she gave Amanda’s words a thought. Then, she expressed her view, “Well… from what I’ve seen tonight, he’s pretty patient when it comes to Aiden. Besides, Aiden should have his biological father as his daddy if you want to find him one. After all, they are blood-related.”

Amanda was momentarily tongue-tied. It’s exactly because Aiden is Elias” kin that he seems quick to accept Elias into his life. Otherwise, he is usually very wary of strangers.

Still, she snapped out of her thoughts and asked, “Selina, if it were you, would you still choose to remarry your ex-husband even if he abandoned you and your child?”

Selina furrowed her brows and fell into a dilemma. This is pretty bothersome, indeed… Or you can test your ex-husband before making a decision.”

“Do you not think that Simon is good husband material? He is highly conscientious and never dodges his responsibility.” Amanda couldn’t help but ask for Selina’s opinion again.

Selina smiled and shook her head. “He does look like a perfect fit for a husband now. But Mr. Nicholson
has never been married and never had a child of his own. So, you will face many challenges if you want to start a family with him. For example-his parents. I think it’s pretty hard to get his parents’ blessings. And knowing Mr. Nicholson, I presume he does come from a well-off family. Am I right?”

Amanda also was aware that she would have to face many obstacles if she wanted to marry Simon. Still, she really didn’t intend to return to Elias’ side and repeat the same mistake she had made in the past.

Suddenly, Amanda’s phone rang. It was Simon calling. She picked up the phone, and Simon’s voice sounded from the phone, saying, “Amanda, can you free some time from your schedule tomorrow or the day after tomorrow and have a meal with my parents? They would like to meet you.”

It’s true when they say worrying about things that might never happen increases their chances of happening in reality. Selina and I were just touching on the topic regarding Simon’s parents, and now Simon is calling, informing me that we are going to his parents. No way! That’s too soon!! Amanda froze upon hearing his words. Then, she hesitated for a few seconds and answered, “Uh… Is it not too soon to meet your parents now? I’m not ready yet.”

“It’s fine. My parents are relatively open-minded. It’s just a simple meal. They are more determined in urging me to get hitched.”

“Okay. I will leave you to make the arrangements.”

“Okay. Get some sleep. Goodnight.”

After she ended the call, she looked helpless. “What should I do? Simon’s parents want to have a meal with. me. Now I’m nervous….”

“There’s no need to be afraid since Mr. Nicholson will be there with you. Relax. His parents won’t embarrass you on the spot. Selina disapproved of what Amanda said.

Selina is right. With Simon around, I have nothing to be afraid of. But it is going to be so awkward. Amanda gave Selina’s words a thought.

“Stop thinking about it. Go and have your beauty sleep. That way you don’t have to worry about looking bloated when you meet Mr. Nicholson’s parents, Selina said as she patted Amanda on the shoulder, attempting to cease Amanda’s anxiety.

Amanda smiled and said nothing.

A white Aston Martin unexpectedly stopped in front of Amanda and Selina just when they planned to drive Aiden to his kindergarten early morning the next day.

Aiden was the first to scream with excitement. He sneaked out of the car and exclaimed, “Wow! It’s so cool! Mommy, look! This car is so cool!”

The door of the Aston Martin gradually swung open, revealing none other than Elias. “Aiden, get in the car. I will take you to school today.”

“Hooray! Mr. Winters, this car is amazing! Do you have more cars in your garage? Can I visit your garage?” Aiden bounced up and down with glee. He couldn’t wait to visit Elias’ garage and feast his eyes on all the awesome rides.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 135 Elias Instantly Blew a Fuse

“Sure, but after you finish school.” The corner of Elias’ mouth curled into a doting smile. As expected, everything my son does is lovable in my eyes.

Aiden immediately bounced on the spot with excitement upon hearing Elias’ agreement. “Yahoo! Fantastic! I want to go to school. I need to go to school right now and visit your garage later!”

Meanwhile, Amanda couldn’t help but close her eyes in exasperation when she caught sight of Aiden’s reaction. Then, she could only watch helplessly as her beloved son completely ignored her and bounded. straight into the passenger seat of Elias’ car. In fact, she even suspected that Aiden would jump sky high and immediately acknowledge Elias as his Daddy if she told him that Elias was his biological father.

“Aiden, how can you get in Mr. Winters’ car so easily? Don’t you have anything you want to say to me?” Amanda came near the car window with her arms crossed as she stared at her mischievous son in the car.

“Goodbye, Mommy. I will behave and play nicely with my friends in the kindergarten. Aiden was completely attracted to Elias’ sports car to the point that he didn’t even look up at Amanda when he said these words.

This made Amanda even more frustrated.

Selina, who was on the side, could tell Amanda was a little angry. “It’s just children’s nature, especially boys. It’s a universal law that all male species love sports cars,” she said, attempting to calm Amanda down.

In the meantime, Elias walked up to Amanda. “I will take charge of picking up Aiden to and fro these few days. I will also drive him over to your place once you get home from work. Of course, if circumstances allowed, Elias wanted to make Aiden stay in the Winters Estate for a few days. However, he knew Amanda would certainly not agree to it. Thus, he decided to take things slow.

Amanda shot him a disgruntled glare as she warned, “Elias, I’m warning you. Do not drill strange ideas into Baby’s mind these few days. Otherwise, I won’t spare you from my wrath!” I wouldn’t have agreed to let Elias look after Aiden if I wasn’t swamped with cases recently.

“What do you mean by strange ideas?” Elias raised his eyebrows slightly.

Amanda harrumphed and elaborated, “Do not feed Baby’s ego, and do not spoil him. On top of that, do not talk about those strange things such as getting a marriage certificate with him.

Elias’ smile intensified as he listened to Amanda while Ins gaze constantly followed the little guy in the car. “Okay, got it,” he agreed with a laid-back voice.

Then, Elias got into the car, closed the door, started the engine, and drove off slowly.

On the other hand, Amanda stood in place as she watched Elias’ car leave her sight. Her heart ached dully, and she involuntarily breathed out a sigh. “Why do I feel that Baby is growing more and more apart from me? I shouldn’t have let Elias learn of Baby’s existence. Yet, this is something that’s beyond my control” Just like that night-everything was so coincidental that it looked as if it was God’s arrangement.

“Stop overthinking things. You were the one who raised Aiden, so I’m sure you’ll forever be his favorite parent,” Selina comforted her.

Later that day, Amanda was busy with her work in the law firm and even met several clients in between for the whole day.

Night fell in the blink of an eye. By the time Amanda had the mind to glance at the time, she noticed that it was just in time for her to clock off. Since I’m done with everything, I might as well head straight to the Winters Estate and pick up Baby. Amanda couldn’t help being jealous at the thought of letting Aiden spend a second longer with Elias.

Just as she finished packing her stuff, picked up her bag, and was about to leave the office, Simon unexpectedly was just about to knock on the door.

“Hey, all done with your work?”

“Yeah. I have just finished and am now getting ready to get off work, Amanda replied.

Simon smiled. “Just in time to follow me to have dinner with my parents, then. They have made a reservation tonight. Plus, I’m done with my work too.”

“Huh? Tonight? But I am unprepared. Plus, I don’t even have a decent dress to change into. Amanda glanced at her formal wear. Can this attire even be passed off as an appropriate dress to meet his parents?

“It’s okay. My parents aren’t overly fastidious about these things. They understand the nature of our work. Plus, it’s just a simple dinner.”

Amanda was slightly conflicted. Honestly, her heart wasn’t entirely set on the idea of meeting Simon’s parents. She didn’t want to go but…..

“Okay… Then, I will call Baby and tell him I will be home late.” I should check in with that little brat in case he throws tantrums at Elias’ place.

“Sure.” To be honest, Simon didn’t want to stop Elias from taking this opportunity to bond with Aiden. I don’t mind Elias fighting for Aiden’s custody. In fact, it would be best if Elias won. After all, Aiden is his biological son. Not to mention, Amanda and I will have our own children once we get married in the future. Still, I can’t possibly let Amanda know I have such thoughts. Because if she does find out, she will definitely hesitate to marry me.

At the same time, in the Winters Estate, Elias was taking Aiden to check out the cars in his garage. The little guy was so thrilled that he ran around the garage like a wild horse. Elias couldn’t get hold of him at all.

“Wow! Mr. Winters! Your garage is so cool! There are so many cars here. Will I have cars like these too when I grow up?”

Well, one couldn’t blame Aiden for getting an adrenaline rush upon setting his sights on so many sports cars at once. After all, Elias’ garage was literally every man’s dream. Even a three-year-old toddler was no exception.

“Of course. All these cars will be yours in the future.” Elias leaned against the front hood of one of the sports cars. He felt an inexplicable sense of contentment as he watched the little guy’s figure running around in the garage. This is probably what fatherhood feels like.

Suddenly, his phone started vibrating. Elias glanced at the screen and saw that it was Amanda who was calling. Is she really this worried about me looking after Aiden?

He answered the call. “What’s wrong? Are you doubtful of my capability to take care of Aiden?”

Amanda’s voice sounded from the phone, “Of course, I am. You have no experience in looking after a child. Do you know when to feed him? Do you know what’s the time to take him to the bathroom? Do you know what time he goes to bed?”

Elias furrowed his brows slightly in the face of those sharp questions. I seriously have no idea about all of those! So, he coughed slightly to hide his embarrassment and added, “Do tell, then. I’m all ears.

“Forget it. You won’t understand even after I told you about it. Just leave it to the nanny. She will know what to do. Alright. Pass the phone to Baby. I want to say a few words to him.”

Elias let out a snort and then began to call out to the little monster that couldn’t stop running around, “Aiden, come here! Your mommy is asking for you.”

Aiden immediately stopped running around the instant he heard the word ‘Mommy. Then, he dashed toward Elias and snatched his phone away.

“Mommy! There are so many cars in Mr. Winters’ garage! They are all so cool! I’m having a lot of fun!” He eagerly shared what he saw with Amanda the instant he had a firm grip on Elias’ phone.

As for Elias, he leaned on the car hood and watched as the little guy chatted with Amanda on the phone. After approximately a few minutes, Aiden handed him the phone and said, “Here you go, Mr. Winters.”

Elias took the phone and realized that the call had ended. What? Amanda hung up just like that?

“What did your mommy tell you?” Elias inquired.

Aiden was touching the rearview mirror of a sports car when he answered absent-mindedly. “Mommy asked me to behave myself and said that she will come home late because she is going to have dinner with Uncle Simon’s father…”

“What?!” Elias instantly blew a fuse. F*ck!! How dare you, Amanda! Asking me to look after Aiden while you and Simon are going to meet Simon’s parents!?

Aiden was startled by Elias’ wrath. His voice turned meek as he repeated, “Mommy said she’s going to have dinner with Uncle Simon’s father. So, she will come home late.”

Only then did Elias realize that he might have scared Aiden. Therefore, he composed himself and bent down on one knee, asking, “Are you hungry? Let’s go have our dinner, okay?”

“Okay! Can we come back to your garage and play after dinner?”

“Sure,” Elias promised. Why is this kid so obsessed with cars? He’s definitely my son.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 136 Causing Trouble With His Son

In the dining hall, Elias asked the kitchen staff to prepare a children’s meal for tonight, so all the food served tonight catered to most children’s tastes.

“Wow… It’s so yummy! Mr. Winters, your chef is so amazing.” Aiden’s mouth was full as he spoke. He was elated, for the food tasted different from those in restaurants.

When Elias sat at the side to watch the little guy cat, he couldn’t help but smile. “Help yourself.”

“Mr. Winters, your house is so big. Can you show me around your house tonight?

Aiden thought that Elias’ home just had a theme park, but he never thought that it was a whole manor. It was so huge…

“Sure, but I don’t have time tonight. Maybe tomorrow. I’ll be picking you up from school these days, anyway.”

Elias had something more important to attend that evening. If Aiden hadn’t gotten hungry, Elias would’ve headed straight toward the restaurant Amanda and Simon were dining at.

Aiden looked up, his mouth smeared with cream as he asked curiously, “Why can’t we do it tonight? Are you busy?”

“Your mom called. She wants me to send you back as early as possible. She’s worried, so you should eat faster

When Aiden finished his meal, Elias would stir up some trouble with him in tow. Elias would never allow Amanda to get married to Simon.

Aiden frowned, confused. “But Mommy said over the phone that she’ll be going home late tonight because she’s having dinner with Uncle Simon. She told me to be good and listen to you-”

“Really? She called me just now and said that she’s done and that she wants to see you as soon as possible.” The man lied to his son without batting an eye.

Children were easily fooled. Aiden believed him and nodded obediently. “Oh. All right, then. I’ll come back to tour your house tomorrow, Mr. Winters.”

“Good boy.” Elias couldn’t help but pat his son’s little head.

Elias himself wasn’t as obedient when he was a child. He remembered his grandfather saying that he was extremely naughty in his childhood, and his antics would get out of hand if no one lectured him.

As he was having a trip down memory lane, his phone’s vibration brought him back to reality. He wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, then took his phone and answered the call.

Yacob’s voice sounded over the phone. “Mr. Winters, Miss Bailey is dining at Red House on South Street tonight.”

“Red House?” Elias frowned.

“Yes, the location they settled on was Red House. It’s quite the coincidence.”

“All right, got it.” Then, Elias ended the call.

Red House was a specialty restaurant that was also part of the Winterses’ property. Elias never thought that such coincidences could occur. Not many people knew about this, but Red House was his grandmother’s favorite restaurant when she was alive, so Elias purchased the restaurant later on.

A wry smile crept onto the man’s lips. Meeting with a parent, huh? I guess I can cause the ruckus of the century tonight!

Anyone who dared to snatch his wife from him deserved death!

“Mr. Winters, I’m done!” Aiden picked up a small bowl of soup and downed every last drop. However, his tiny face was specked with bits of food.

Elias looked at the small empty bowl, nodding in satisfaction. Amanda had taught the child well.

“Good. Follow Mrs. Colette to the bathroom, wash your hands and face, and then I’ll take you to see Mommy.”


At the side, Colette carried Aiden off the seat and then walked toward the bathroom.

Just then, Elias’ phone rang again. This time, it was a call from Howard.

Elias answered the call. “Grandpa—”

The man had just greeted his grandfather when the old man shouted over the phone, “You brat! I heard you took the child home, is that right? You’re kidnapping children now? If you want a child so much, go and have one of your own!”

Elias glanced coldly at Rylan, who was standing at the side. That blabbermouth must have reported it to Howard.

Rylan lowered his head guiltily, not daring to look Elias in the eye.

Elias said, “Grandpa, I only like my child.”

“Then, why did you bring someone else’s child home?”

“Rylan wasn’t telling the whole truth. Did he not tell you that this child looked a lot like me?”

On the other end of the line, Howard was furious as he said, “What? What do you mean, he looks a lot like you? Do you have illegitimate children now? I’m telling you, I’m not acknowledging any child that didn’t come from Amanda!”

Elias was a little exasperated, and he was tempted to laugh amid the anger. “The child’s mother is Amanda, and I’m the father. Do you understand now? I don’t have time to chat right now; I have to take care of the child”

The other end of the line fell silent for a while. Then, Howard suddenly said in a calm voice, “Are you seriously out of your mind? Do you believe what you’re saying right now?”

“If you don’t believe me, just come over tomorrow and take a look for yourself.”

With that, Elias ended the call. He didn’t have time to waste on Howard, because the caretaker was already
taking Aiden out of the bathroom.

“I’m done, Mr. Winters.”

“Let’s set out and find your mommy.”

Forty minutes later, Elias’ car pulled up in the parking lot of Red House.

He had just stepped through the main entrance with Aiden when the manager of the restaurant walked up to him. Yacob had already informed the restaurant of Elias’ arrival beforehand.

“You’re here, Mr. Winters. I’ve been waiting for you.”

“Yacob told you everything, right? Which private room are they in?” Elias cut to the chase.

The manager bowed and answered respectfully, “Oh, yes, Mr. Mills told me about it. Miss Bailey and Mr. Nicholson had booked the Elegance Room”

Elias thought for a few seconds, then gestured for the manager to come nearer.

The manager instantly understood as he leaned in to listen. Elias said something to him, and the manager looked a little troubled, but he still nodded.

Standing at the side, Aiden had no idea what the adults were doing.

After the manager left, Aiden asked in his adorable voice, “Mr. Winters, aren’t we going to see Mommy? Why are we here?”

“Your mommy is here, and she wants us to wait for her a bit. Let’s play at the children’s corner, shall we?”

Elias had noticed that there was a children’s corner at the restaurant. Even though it wasn’t as grand as the theme park in the manor, it should still be enough to keep boredom at bay.

“No, that’s so childish. It’s for babies. Can you lend me your phone? I want to play games. Aiden glanced at the children’s corner with a look of disdain.

Elias silently looked at his son.

Did this kid know what he was talking about? How mature could a three-year-old be? He even said those things were childish!

He quietly took out his phone and passed it to Aiden. “Do you know how to play games on the phone?”

Elias regretted asking the question right away. As soon as Aiden got his hands on the phone, he skillfully downloaded a game, his chubby fingers tapping swiftly on the screen.

Elias was speechless. Just as expected of his biological son.

Aiden uttered, “I secretly play on Mommy’s phone every day. Don’t tell her; she’ll hit me if she finds out. She’ll nag at me forever.”

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 137 Humiliated


In the Elegance Room, Amanda and Simon waited at the dining table for a long while, but Simon’s parents still hadn’t arrived.

Amanda couldn’t help feeling a little nervous as she constantly picked up her cup to drink tea.

“Don’t worry, my parents are quite easygoing. They’re the ones who wanted to dine with you, after all.” Of course, Simon noticed Amanda’s nervousness,

“I know.” Amanda smiled awkwardly.

Just then, the door to the private room was pushed open. A middle-aged couple walked in, and Amanda stood up without thinking.

They must be Simon’s parents!

“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson. In her nervousness, Amanda accidentally knocked over the cup in front of her. As the tea spilled onto her clothes, the awkwardness she felt skyrocketed.

Amanda’s face was burning. She wished she could just disappear.

Simon, however, was calm as he got some tissues and wiped the mess for her, saying, “Look how nervous you are! Relax, my parents aren’t monsters”

Simon’s parents couldn’t help chuckling when they saw the scene.

Im so sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson. I was too nervous.” Amanda hastily took the tissues from Simon and wiped herself dry.

“You don’t have to be so nervous, Miss Bailey. Have a seat. We’re just going to eat. Simon’s father, Frederick Nicholson, spoke up to case the atmosphere.

Amanda sat on the chair, smiling stiffly. She looked subconsciously at Simon beside her.

Simon made the introductions. “Dad, Mom, this is Amanda Bailey, my girlfriend. She’s also an outstanding lawyer.”

With that, he turned to Amanda. “Amanda, meet my mom and dad. They’re lawyers too.”

Ah! So, they’re both in the legal field. No wonder Simon’s parents look so stern, yet elegant as well.

“Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson.” Amanda smiled as she greeted them again.

Frederick looked at the time. “It’s getting late, so everyone’s probably hungry. Let’s call the waiter here to take our orders.”

Just then, the waiter came in with two menus. Unbeknownst to them, Elias’ pranks were already underway.

Frederick flipped through the menu, then ordered a fish dish for a start. The waiter, however, replied with a troubled look, I’m sorry, but it’s not available.”

“What?” Frederick was slightly surprised. They frequented this restaurant, and they knew that any guests. who made reservations could order whatever dishes they wanted.

Amanda felt even more awkward, so she focused on drinking even more tea.

Simon ordered another dish. “We’ll take a steamed grouper, then.”

The waiter said, “I’m sorry, sir, but we’re out of groupers too. We received more reservations than usual today, so-

“More reservations than usual? Are you kidding me? Red House only accepts reservations for 15 tables every day, and I reserved the seventh one. What do you mean, you’re out of ingredients?”

Simon felt that something was off, so he stood up and said to his parents, “Dad, Mom, stay put. I’ll talk to the manager and see what’s up.”

“Go ahead.”

“I’m going too.” Amanda didn’t want to be alone with Simon’s parents, for she didn’t know what to talk about.

She had just stood up when Simon’s mother, Isabelle Thompson, said, “You should wait here instead of running around with him; the weather is so hot today. Or are you scared that we might eat you up?”

Amanda smiled awkwardly. “No, that’s not it.”

“Stay here with my parents. I’ll be right back.” Simon stood up and left the private room.

Amanda was left alone with Simon’s parents in the private room, and the atmosphere turned extremely awkward.

“Have some tea, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson.” Amanda kept pouring tea for the two.


Elias sat in another private room, listening to all the goings on via the listening-in device attached to the waiter. He couldn’t help but put on a wry smile.

Aiden was enjoying himself, playing games on Elias” phone.

Elias swore that he would ruin Amanda’s relationship with Simon.

He poured out a cup of tea and swirled it in his hand, muttering, “Count yourself unlucky to have run into me.”

It was Simon’s fault for picking this restaurant out of all the restaurants in the area.

However, the next conversation Elias heard through the listening-in device made him clench his fists, for Amanda was being bullied.

In the private room, before the waiter left, he hid the listening-in device behind a vase on purpose.

Isabelle studied Amanda for a while, then said, “I heard that you got divorced and even had a child, Miss. Bailey.”

In an instant, the atmosphere in the private room turned cold.

Amanda’s smile froze on her lips. She knew that she would face this situation, but she didn’t expect Isabelle to be so straightforward about it.


Frederick asked her in the tone lawyers always used in court, “Can you tell us the reason? Did he cheat on you, or was your relationship broken?”

Amanda felt as if she were being interrogated.

Still, she would have to face this sooner or later. She could only grit her teeth and reply, “Our relationship was broken…”

Isabelle queried, “Did the father not fight for the child’s custody? You have to know that if a lone woman raises a child and a young boy at that, it’ll be very difficult for her to start another family. She’ll also face a lot of pressure.”

“I… want the child to stay with me.”

Frederick and Isabelle exchanged glances. He chose to drink his tea and stay silent, leaving the rest to Isabelle.

Isabelle advised Amanda in a very logical tone, “You’re very pretty and outstanding, Miss Bailey. I heard that your mother passed away early, and your father is a gambler. Our family has always been in the legal field, and we’re always just and pure. We may not be able to accept a gambler as our in-law.”

The few simple sentences brought Amanda’s self-esteem to an all-time low. She subconsciously lowered her head, not willing to say another word.

Tears even started pooling in her eyes. This is the naked truth.

She was far too inferior to Simon, so it was reasonable for the Nicholsons to look down on her. But did they have to be so blunt about it?

Seeing that Amanda had fallen silent, Isabelle said slowly, “Our son has always been innocent in love, and he hasn’t been in many relationships. He never got married before, but now that he has to be someone’s stepfather, it saddens us a little.”

By the looks of it, the meal wasn’t as simple as it seemed.

Simon’s parents were here to turn her away.

Amanda suddenly raised her head and looked at the man and woman sitting opposite her. “Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson, I’m very sorry. Indeed, I’m not quite on par with Simon, but I cannot choose my life experiences. Since you cannot accept me, I won’t bother you any longer. Simon is an outstanding man, and I believe he’ll find someone better. Forgive me, for I’m not in the best of moods right now. I’ll have to excuse myself from the meal. Please inform Simon for me. I’ll be leaving now.”

With that, she got up and took her purse, then turned to leave the private room without a care for the tea stains on her clothes.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 138 Why Are You Here?

Amanda had just opened the door when she was startled by the person standing in front of her. Her eyes. were filled with surprise as she asked. “Why are you here?”

In the private room, Simon’s parents were also shocked when they saw the man standing at the door.

Elias glanced at Simon’s parents in the room, then took Amanda’s hand as he said coldly, “Serves you right to be given the cold shoulder.”


What is this bastard here for? And what’s with the insults?

“Mr. Winters, fancy seeing you here!” Frederick recognized Elias first, and he stood up to greet the latter.

However, Elias simply ignored him and dragged Amanda out of there.

eyes were

In the corridor, they bumped into Simon who had just returned. When Simon saw them, his instantly filled with confusion and rage. “What’s going on? Elias, are you causing trouble on purpose?”

Simon interrogated the manager with some tactics and learned that this was all Elias’ idea.

“Get your ‘ss back there and eat with your parents. I’ll pay for everything you order today.”

Elias turned to leave with Amanda in tow. Amanda’s mind was in a mess, and she didn’t want to say anything. She just wanted to leave the place as soon as possible. She might need a few days to digest the humiliation she endured in the private room just now.

“Are you leaving with him, Amanda? Why would you do this?” Simon couldn’t understand. He was furious at first, but when he saw the scene, his heart froze.

“I’m not feeling well today, Simon, so I’ll leave first. Enjoy your meal with your parents.” Amanda lowered her head, not willing to look up at Simon.

Simon was mad at Amanda’s behavior.

“Do you have to be like this, Amanda? You promised me, and you told me yourself that you don’t want to return to Elias. What do you mean by this? You know my parents took time off to dine with you, and this is how you treat them? You… Do you enjoy toying with men like this? I don’t want to think of you as a flirty woman.”

Simon couldn’t bear it anymore, and he spoke harshly. However, he was clueless about what had transpired in the private room.

His words were so mean that Amanda burst into tears.

However, before Amanda could say anything. Elias suppressed the fury in his heart as he spoke up next to her. “You should ask your parents what they did before you say these things. Amanda isn’t at fault for getting divorced and having a child, but you’re humiliating her right after your parents did the same thing.”

With that, he pulled Amanda along as he walked to the end of the corridor without looking back.

This time, Amanda neither struggled nor retorted. Instead, she followed him obediently and never spared Simon another look.

Simon was left standing where he was, confused.


Did Mom and Dad say something to Amanda while I was away?

Simon turned around and quickly went back to the private room, noticing his parents discussing something with odd looks on their faces.

“Dad, Mom, what did you say to Amanda just now? Didn’t you promise to respect my choice in a partner. and that you won’t cause her trouble?”

Frederick was upset to hear his son talking in that tone. “You shouldn’t talk to your parents like that. We didn’t say anything mean; we just asked her some simple questions about her family background. She’s raising a child alone after going through a divorce, her mother passed away early, and her father is a gambler. Who could endure having such a woman in their home? We raised you to be an outstanding man, and this is the sort of daughter-in-law you come back with? Are we not allowed to say no?”

When Frederick finished speaking. Simon instantly realized why Amanda would leave just now. He never thought that his parents would be so cruel and say such horrible things while he was gone.

“Dad! Mom! Since when have you become so vulgar and mean? Do you feel proud for bullying a woman while I was gone?”

Isabelle couldn’t hold it in any longer. “Simon, why did you turn out like this for a woman’s sake? We worked so hard to raise you, but now we’re even lesser than some woman? How could you talk to us in that tone?”

Simon was sick of moral blackmail from his family. They always behaved like this ever since he was young.

“Mom. I’ve explained the situation to you before. If you can’t accept her, why did you agree to this dinner? Did you come here just to humiliate Amanda in person?”

He regretted leaving them alone just now. He should’ve brought Amanda with him.

He never thought that his so-called noble parents would do such a thing.

Frederick was shocked. “Did the girl tell you that we humiliated her? That’s too serious a term; we were just getting her to back off. No one humiliated her!”

Isabelle agreed. “Yes, that’s right. Also, why is the young master from the Winters Family here? They seem to know each other. What’s going on, Simon?”

Simon was utterly disappointed in his parents. They didn’t come here to have a meal in earnest; instead, they came just to make things difficult for Amanda.

Without another word, Simon turned around and left the private room.

In the car, Aiden sat in the backseat, wholly focused on playing games. He didn’t even notice his mother coming. She instantly felt much calmer when she saw her son in the car. That was how she pulled through all those years. Every time she encountered trouble, she would feel much better as soon as she saw her precious son.

She looked at Elias and said. “You took the kid here on purpose, didn’t you?”

She wouldn’t believe it if he told her it was just a coincidence.

The man didn’t deny it, which meant he admitted to it. He leaned against the car door of the front seat, asking in a lazy voice, “Do you still want to get married after his parents talked to you like that?”

“They have a reason to behave like that. If your son comes back with a divorced woman who even has a child, will you be able to accept that?”

Amanda could understand Frederick’s and Isabelle’s feelings, but she still felt quite self-conscious when she heard those words.

Elias was nonchalant. “He’s the one who’s going to live with his wife, not me. I’m fine as long as he’s happy. I won’t nitpick that much.”

The man’s words changed Amanda’s impression of him. “You’re quite open-minded.”

Elias scoffed proudly. “That’s a given.”


Something isn’t right.

How did Elias know about my conversation with Simon’s parents? We were in a private room, after all…

Amanda walked up to the man. “Elias, how did you know what Simon’s parents said to me? You know so many details as if you were hiding under the table or something.”

An awkward look flashed across Elias’ dark eyes as he coughed twice. This place is part of the Winterses property. It’s too easy for me to find out what you’re talking about.”

Amanda was speechless. What sort of coincidence is this?

Of all the restaurants in the area, they had picked one the Winterses owned. Amanda remembered something. “So, when we were ordering food just now, you made it so that they’ll say they’re out of ingredients? You’re here just to cause trouble?”

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 139 Elias the Tyrant

Elias sneered contemptuously, “So, those sarcastic and derogatory words spoken by Simon’s parents were my instruction?” Amanda remained speechless as Simon’s parents’ words made it clear that they looked down on her, deeming her unworthy of their son. In that case, regardless of whether Elias caused trouble tonight, this dinner would end on a sour note because Simon’s parents didn’t come to have a meal with her, but they came to make her back down.

“Take me home, Amanda said as she headed straight to the passenger seat and got in. Noticing her, Aiden looked up and said, “Mommy, why did you come so late? Mr. Winters and I have waited for a long time.”

“Sorry, Mommy got held up with something. Let’s go home, alright? Did you have dinner at Mr. Winters house? Are you hungry?” Since she hadn’t eaten anything either, she could cook a simple meal at home.

But Aiden’s face lit up with excitement as he said, “Mommy, the cook at Mr. Winters’ house makes really delicious food. I ate a lot! Can I go to Mr. Winters’ house for dinner every day?” Amanda was speechless upon hearing that and thought that this little brat must have been won over by Elia’s cook.

At this moment, Elias got into the car and sat in the driver’s seat before responding. “Of course, you can. Come to my house for dinner every day from now on. Our family cook can make a lot of tasty dishes.”

“Baby, Mommy has been busy these past few days, and Miss Selina is on leave. So, Mr. Winters will take care of you at his house. You have to be well-behaved and not cause any trouble or mischief, okay?” Amanda looked at her son and spoke up.

“Ok, Mommy. You’ve nagged about it so many times,” Aiden replied before lowering his head and immersing himself in the fun of playing with his phone as his little palms tapped on the screen skillfully. Elias smiled upon seeing that as Elias temper was quite similar to his when he was young. He had always been impatient. Soon, the car engine was started, and the car was driven away. Just then, Simon happened to catch up, but all he saw was the back of the car. So, he drove directly to Galaxy Bay

Meanwhile, at Galaxy Bay, Elias accompanied the mother and son back home, but Amanda had no intention of inviting him in for a cup of tea. “Well, you should go back now. You’ve had a long day taking care of the child,” she said. With that, she picked up Aiden and swiftly retrieved the phone from Aiden before handing it back to Elias.

Seeing that, Elias accepted the phone with a light chuckle. “You truly are heartless. Do I look like a free chauffeur and nanny to you?”

“What else do you want to do? It’s late already, and we need to go to bed,” she replied. She was so exhausted that all she wanted was to return, put the child to sleep, take a relaxing bath, and rest.

However, Elias disregarded Amanda and turned his attention to Aiden. “Little rascal, since I’ve invited you over to dinner, can you please get me a glass of water?”

“Mommy bought me some juice. Mr. Winters, would you like some? It’s really delicious. Aiden blinked his doe eyes and looked at him innocently.

“Sure, I’m a little thirsty.”

“Mommy, Mr. Winters invited me to dinner, and I want to offer him some juice too. Aiden hugged Amanda’s neck and requested. Hearing that made Amanda speechless. Consequently, Elias entered their house, and Amanda had to go and pour some juice for him. Aiden, on the other hand, quickly fell asleep due to exhaustion.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Amanda walked over and saw Simon standing outside. However, Simon was the last person she wanted to see at that moment, not because of what his parents said, but because she didn’t know how to face him or know what to say. Simon continued to ring the doorbell persistently as he knew that Amanda was home.

Elias had just taken a sip of the juice, but it was excessively sweet that he furrowed his brow. He wondered why children liked such sugary stuff. Noticing that she hesitated to open the door, he stood up and walked over. “Why aren’t you opening the door? Is your foe standing outside?” After glancing at Simon standing outside the doorbell camera, Elias instantly grasped the situation. “Do you want me to help you get rid of him?”

“This is his house. How could I bring myself to chase him away?” Amanda shook her head.

"I’ll help you find a new place to live. It had always bothered Elias that his wife and child were living in Simon’s villa. It just didn’t sit right with him. The more he thought about it, the more irritated he became. In the past, she would have definitely refused, but now

Amanda nodded. “Just to make things clear, I don’t need you to buy me a house. Help me find a place, and I’ll pay the rent.” After all, Simon’s parents had made their stance clear. There was no point in entangling herself further. Even if she didn’t want to return to Elias side, it was unlikely for her to be with Simon.

“Up to you,” he answered. In reality, he desired for Amanda and the child to stay at the estate together, but he knew Amanda would undoubtedly refuse. However, the persistent Simon kept ringing the doorbell as he was determined to see her today. If he continued pressing it, he might wake the slumbering Aiden upstairs. With that thought in mind, Amanda grabbed her phone and dialed Simon’s number. It connected swiftly, and the doorbell abruptly ceased.

“Amanda, I’m sorry. I genuinely had no knowledge of what my parents said to you. I apologize on their behalf. I… Simon sounded anxious over the phone.

Amanda took a moment to calm her emotions and replied, “It’s alright. Their actions were justifiable. They were thinking about your best interests. I understand.”

“Can you please open the door? I want to explain. You haven’t eaten anything tonight, have you? Are you. hungry? Let me prepare supper for you.”

“No need, it’s very late. You should go back, and please refrain from ringing the doorbell. Aiden is already asleep. After conveying her message, she intended to end the call, but Elias swiftly snatched the phone away.

After taking hold of the phone, he spoke with a commanding and overbearing tone, “Stop being concerned. I’ll take her out for supper if she’s hungry. Don’t ring the doorbell again and disturb my son. Understood?”

Following that, he abruptly ended the call. Amanda was dumbfounded. How could this despicable man be so unreasonable?

“Why are you staring at me like that?” Elias gazed calmly at her, seemingly unaware that his words were inappropriate.

Amanda couldn’t help but erupt in anger, yelling. “How can you behave like this?! You’re currently in his house, yet you treat them so rudely. Are you planning to become a tyrant?!”

“Haven’t you paid the rent? So, it’s legal,” Elias snapped back with a sneer.

Hearing that made Amanda speechless. Despite being a lawyer, conversations with Elias always left her speechless. “Have you finished your juice? If you’re done, go home. I want to sleep. I’m tired!”

“Are you sure you want me to leave? What if that scum barges in after I left? I’m responsible to ensure my son’s safety.” Elias narrowed his gaze slightly,

“So, you intend to stay here tonight and not leave?”

“It’s not about staying here; it’s about protecting my son.” Elias defended himself confidently before returning to the couch and having the sickeningly sweet juice.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 140 An Inappropriate Scene

Meanwhile, Simon stared at his phone furiously after the call was cut off as he stood outside the villa. So. everything that his parents did last night had eventually pushed Amanda into Elias’ arms? Otherwise, why would Elias be inside the house when he couldn’t even enter? At that moment, Simon’s mother called again.

“Can’t you leave me alone? Must you make me detest you?” Simon impatiently answered the phone. After speaking, he hung up the phone. This was probably the first time he had ever been angry at his mother, and it was because of Amanda. His parents must have been shocked and angry.

The next morning, when Amanda woke up and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, she discovered Elias lying on the couch. She had gone to sleep upstairs after failing to get through to him last night. Hadn’t he left last night?

Amanda walked up to the couch and called out, “Hey! Wake up!” The man lying on the couch didn’t respond, and he seemed to be in a deep sleep. With her arms crossed, she then nudged Elias’ arm with her knee, and there was a cold expression on her face. “Elias, wake up! Stop sleeping!”

The next moment, he abruptly opened his eyes and grabbed her slender right leg. Amanda couldn’t help but let out a scream.

“Ah!” She then fell onto the couch and into his embrace. Fortunately, Elias reacted quickly enough and managed to hold on to her body tightly. Just like that, the two of them embraced intimately.

Elias lowered his head and looked at the woman in his arms with a mischievous smile. His voice was lazy and seductive. “You’re already throwing yourself into my arms so early in the morning. Are you that impatient?” Hearing that, Amanda quickly pushed him away and tried to get up, but he held onto her waist so tightly that she couldn’t move.

“Let go of me! Don’t be so presumptuous. Who said I was throwing myself at you? I came to check if you had fallen into a deep sleep!”

Elias, who was embracing her tenderly, leaned in close to her ear and whispered, “Not only did I not fall into a deep sleep. I even had an erotic dream, but you woke me up, and now I’m a little annoyed. Her face flushed instantly. This despicable man is teasing me! Amanda struggled to get up, but Elias held onto her waist, which stopped her from doing so. “You’ve disturbed my sweet dream, and now you want to leave just like that?” He spoke in an ambiguous tone.

“What else do you have in mind?”

Just at that moment, footsteps suddenly sounded from upstairs, and Aiden’s cute voice was heard. “Mommy, I want some water. I’m so thirsty…” With that, Aiden ran downstairs and witnessed this inappropriate scene.

“Mommy, what are you guys doing?” he asked while blinking his eyes.

At this moment, Amanda, who was lying in Elias’ arms, turned her head and looked at her bewildered son –for a moment before quickly getting up from the couch. This time. Elias didn’t try to stop her and also sat up. The most awkward thing was letting the child see this scene. Amanda even had the thought of killing Elias since it was all his fault.

“Baby, are you thirsty? Mommy will take you to get some water. Let’s go.” Amanda forced a stiff smile and walked over to hold Aiden’s hand as she led him toward the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Aiden asked curiously, “Mommy, what were you and Mr. Winters doing? Why were you lying
together on the couch? Did you sleep on the couch last night?”

“No, Mommy slept in the room last night. I accidentally fell when I tried to wake Mr. Winters just now. You shouldn’t concern yourself with this.” Amanda realized that the more she explained, the more confusing it became. She poured a glass of water and handed it to him before saying, “Drink your water quickly. You talk too much.”

“Oh… I thought Mr. Winters was mistreating you. If he dares to do that, I’ll help you get revenge,” Aiden said while clutching the mug. Amanda was once again deeply touched when she heard that he still cared about her. Unexpectedly. Aiden’s next words nearly made her explode with anger.

“If Mr. Winters lets me drive his cars when I grow up. I’ll forgive him. There was a look of anticipation on his face, and his mind was filled with images of the sports cars in the garage. If only he could drive them for fun.

Amanda was speechless when she realized that Aiden was captivated by those sports cars in the garage and that his devotion was unwavering.

With that, Amanda lightly tapped his head and said, “Go wash up by yourself today. Mommy will make breakfast for you. Hurry up.” Hearing that, Aiden touched his own forehead and replied, “Oh… okay.” Aiden then hurried off to the living room and saw Elias sitting on the couch, seemingly on the phone. When Elias noticed him, he ended the call.

“Mr. Winters, will you take me to school later?”

“Yes,” Elias replied.

“Can I sit next to you? I want to sit next to you!” Aiden looked expectant.

“Your Mommy won’t agree. You need to sit in the back with the child’s car seat.” Elias didn’t want to indulge the child in this matter.

However, Aiden pouted and started whining. “Please, Mr. Winters, just don’t tell Mommy. She won’t find out.” Neither Amanda nor Elias was the whiny type, so it made Elias wonder where Aiden learned such skills. Is it innate to children?

Soon, Elias came up with a solution. “Alright, how about this? When I pick you up from school today, we’ll go to my house, and you can sit in the front seat. How does that sound?”

“Yay! Mr. Winters, are we going to drive the red car from the garage today? That’s so cool.”


“Wow, Mr. Winters, you’re the best!” Aiden happily ran upstairs to wash up.

After finishing breakfast, Elias drove and took Aiden to school while Amanda drove to the law firm.

As soon as Amanda arrived at the law firm, she felt unprecedented pressure. She knew Simon would come to talk to her, especially after the unpleasant dinner they had last night. Sure enough, as soon as she entered the office, she saw Simon holding a tray with a big breakfast while sitting on the couch in the waiting area.

“Amanda, have you had breakfast? I bought some for you,” Simon turned around when he heard the door open and stood up. Seeing Simon now reminded her of what his parents said last night, and she really didn’t want to continue getting involved with him.

“I’ve already eaten. Do you have something to discuss with me? I have a court hearing today.” Amanda didn’t dare to look into Simon’s eyes and went straight to her desk as she pretended to search for documents.

Simon could tell she was avoiding him. “Amanda, I want to talk to you.”

“Let’s do it another day. I’m busy these days. I have a court hearing and need to meet with clients…” Amanda didn’t want to avoid him but didn’t know how to approach the conversation with him.

Before she could finish her sentence, he interrupted, saying, “About the hurtful things my parents said to you yesterday… I’m sorry, I didn’t expect them to behave that way. I thought they genuinely invited you to dinner.”

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 141 I Have Boundaries.

“It’s alright, I understand how your parents feel. Actually, I think they have valid concerns. I just didn’t give enough thought to the situation… Hearing this, Simon felt a tinge of disappointment. “So, are you giving up then? I’ll talk to my parents and persuade them. You don’t need to worry about that. All you have to do is just stand firmly by my side.”

“Simon, a relationship without the blessings of parents won’t lead to happiness. I advise you to heed your parents’ advice. I thought about it last night, and we truly aren’t suited for each other. She believed that Simon’s parents wouldn’t change their minds, and she didn’t want to face such difficult in-laws, so it would be better to let it go.

With that, Amanda gathered a few file folders and glanced at Simon who was standing there. “I have to attend a court hearing now. We can talk later if you have time.” Following that, she turned and left the office. Simon felt powerless as he stood there and wondered why Amanda couldn’t be more resolute about their relationship.

Soon, the sun began to set. In order to pick up his son, Elias abruptly left a high-level meeting, which left a group of executives dumbfounded. He brought Elias back to the estate and carried him out of the car. He was preparing to take him for dinner. As he entered the villa, he spotted Howard, who was sitting in the living room.

Howard, who initially had a stern expression, was about to scold him when he looked over and saw the child in Elias’ arms, which surprised him. Aiden exclaimed upon seeing Howard, ‘Grandpa, what a coincidence! Why are you here too?”

Howard was even more shocked and approached with his cane. This… This child… How is he here? Don’t tell me he’s from our family?”

“What? Have you met him before?” Elias furrowed his brow as he asked.

At that, the bodyguard standing nearby explained, “Mr. Elias, Old Mr. Winters used to visit the kindergarten frequently to see the children, and he saw this child. He even thought the child resembles your younger self.”

Elias was momentarily stunned, then chuckled lightly, “Grandpa, this little guy not only looks like me, but he’s also my biological son.”

“W-What? This child is really yours? Howard couldn’t have imagined that the child he casually encountered at the kindergarten would turn out to be his great-grandchild.

“Yes, he’s Amanda’s child. She was pregnant four years ago, but I didn’t believe her and chose to divorce her. Later, she gave birth to the child on her own, and I only found out recently.” Elias briefly explained the child’s background, fearing that Howard might faint right then and there if he provided too many details.

“You scoundrel!” As expected, Howard’s blood pressure rose, and he swung his cane at Elias. “You didn’t believe your wife when she said she was pregnant! Instead, you believed those seductresses! You even let my great-grandson wander around for four years! I’ll beat you to death, you worthless thing!”

Elias didn’t dodge as he believed he deserved to be hit. How could he have let his biological son wander around abroad for four years?

Meanwhile, Aiden, who was in his arms, was clearly frightened and pouted. His eyes were welling up with
tears. “I want Mommy…”

Seeing him cry instantly made Howard stop. “Don’t cry, don’t cry. Great-Grandpa was wrong. Did I scare you?”

“Grandpa, he hasn’t eaten yet. Let me take him for a meal first. Would you like to join us?”

“Alright, alright. I’ll have a meal with my little great-grandson.” Howard beamed. Despite being angry and shocked, he considered it a blessing from heaven to have a great-grandson suddenly appear out of nowhere.

In the restaurant, Aiden sat obediently on the dining chair, but his eating habits were adorable, as he was a messy eater with food on his face. Elias and Howard sat on the side while watching the little one cat.

Howard, who grew fonder of Aiden the more he watched, said, “Oh, this kid really knows how to eat. He looks so much like you when you were little. The more I look, the more he resembles you. But you weren’t this well-behaved when you were young. You were quite mischievous.”

A smile appeared on Elias’ face as he looked at his son, who was completely engrossed in his meal. At that moment, the butler approached, seemingly having something to say. “If you have something to say, speak up. There are no outsiders here,” Elias said while scooping a bowl of soup for his son.

The butler reported truthfully, “Recently, the sanatorium informed us that Madam’s condition has improved significantly, and they suggest she returns home for recuperation as it will be more beneficial to her recovery. Madam insists on coming back and wants Miss Murphy to accompany her. Elias paused his action of feeding Aiden the soup. “Grace? How dare she show up in front of me?”

“Miss Murphy has been trying every means to see you. I believe she has also influenced Madam’s thoughts. Madam has a great deal of trust in her and insists on having her stay together. I have accommodated them in the Southview Villa,” the butler replied.

At that, Elias responded indifferently, “Fine, do as you wish. Just don’t let me see her. Then, he asked again, “How’s the injury on her face?”

“It’s not recovering well, and it’s likely to leave a scar. Foreign experts have also consulted on the matter, stating they can help with scar restoration, but it can only recover to about sixty to seventy percent. Miss Murphy may not be able to return to the entertainment industry in the future, the butler answered truthfully.

“Understood. You may leave and attend to your duties.” Elias’ expression turned grave after hearing that.

After the butler left, Howard spoke up. “Are you still planning to get involved with Grace? If you continue like this, even if you have a child together, you have no chance with Amanda.”

Howard had long figured it out. As long as there was a glimmer of hope for Grace, she would surely obstruct the remarriage of Amanda and Elias.

Grandpa, I have my boundaries. I will fulfill my responsibilities but won’t have any personal feelings for
her. Besides, there was never much affection between us, to begin with,” he said. He didn’t have much attachment to Grace, as he was only being nice to her out of respect for Kennedy. Moreover, he now understood that he hadn’t slept with Grace as he had mistakenly believed before, so there was no need to feel guilty anymore. Grace’s true nature was quite different from the innocent and pure image he had imagined. Moreover, he never expected her to be so scheming.

“You better handle it properly. Otherwise, if you anger Amanda to the point where she leaves again, you won’t be able to find her anymore, and no one can help you.” Howard snorted coldly.

Elias remained silent and continued to feed Aiden his meal. The little one was truly obedient when it came to eating as he had one mouthful after another. Of course, Elias knew all of this. This time, he would never disappoint Amanda. No matter what happens, he will firmly choose to believe in her. Howard looked at Aiden again and couldn’t help but exclaim, “My great-grandson looks so handsome. He looks much better than you did when you were little. And he eats so obediently. You weren’t this well-behaved when you were young. A nanny had to chase after you during every meal.”

Hearing that made Elias speechless. Just how naughty was he when he was little? Why did he remember his grandpa always praising him back then?

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 142 Aiden Freaked Out

In the meantime, at Southview Villa, Jennifer was having dinner with Grace. In reality. Jennifer was never crazy. She hid herself at the nursing home because she couldn’t accept the harsh reality. “I heard that Old Mr. Winters is here too. He is having dinner with Mr. Winters and a child,” Rosanne said out of the blue.

“A child? What child?” asked Jennifer as she put down her utensils, looking confused.

On the other hand, Grace’s heart almost stopped. After all, she was the only one who knew where the child came from. She had tried everything to stop Elias from knowing the child’s existence, yet he still found out. Thinking about it, she gripped her utensils tightly and frowned. If Elias knew about the child’s existence, he wouldn’t give up on Amanda.

“I’m not sure. I heard that it was Mr. Winters who brought the child back,” added Rosanne.

“What is he doing? Why did he bring a child back?” Jennifer mumbled.

Grace slowly drank the soup and said, “I dreamed about Yelan last night, Mrs. Winters.”

Jennifer’s expression changed drastically when she heard Grace mention Yelan, causing her to sit up straight instantly. “What was the dream about?”

“He was lying in a puddle of blood while mumbling something. Unfortunately, I didn’t hear what he was talking about… Grace lied without batting an eyelash. She knew this was the only way to control Jennifer, which was also the only person she could use.

In the meantime, Jennifer’s face was pale. She put a hand over her chest and said, “No wonder I feel unsettled for the past few days. Elias’ car accident is already a lesson. I won’t let anything happen to him again.

“I think there is something wrong with what happened back then. After all, everything seems too perfectly inclined.” Grace feigned innocence, seemingly as if she knew nothing about it.

Jennifer looked at Rosanne and said, “The priests are coming soon. Hurry up and tell them to do the exorcism. I feel like Yelan’s ghost is following me.” Jennifer wanted to stay with Grace because she felt that it would be safer.

Rosanne looked at the time and replied, “They are almost here. You can see them after finishing your meal”

“No. Let’s go now. I don’t feel like eating anymore.” Jennifer stood up and left with a crazed look.

On the other hand, Grace smirked viciously and followed her.

In the meantime, Aiden had finished dinner and wanted to play with cars in the garage. With that. Elias could only oblige.

Howard had already left since he had errands to run. However, he was reluctant to leave Aiden’s side. “Bring the kid to the manor tomorrow. I’ll be waiting for you guys. If you dare not to come, I will teach you a lesson” As Howard spoke, he looked at Aiden adoringly. It felt unbelievable since he had never expected a grandson to appear out of nowhere suddenly.

Elias had already had enough of it. After all, Howard had mentioned it multiple times. Old people are love to nag he thought while saying, “Okay. I will”

After watching Howard enter the car and leave, Elias carried Aiden and walked toward the garage.

“Are you going to drive the car, Mr. Winters? I want to play.” Aiden looked at him with bright eyes.


“Yeah! You are the best, Mr. Winters.

Hearing his words, Elias chuckled. Up until now, he had not yet returned to his senses that Aiden was his son. He couldn’t believe that he was a father.

Suddenly, Aiden noticed a spark not far away. “Look! Fireworks!” he exclaimed..

Confused, Elias looked over and saw sparks coming from Southview Villa. What is Mom doing again? He frowned. Next, he heard chanting coming from there.

“What’s that noise, Mr. Winters? It’s so noisy…” Aiden covered his ears. He didn’t know what the chanting was about and felt it was noisy.

Elias looked at him and said, “Why don’t we go and take a look?” Initially, he could tell the servants to take Aiden away. However, he didn’t want to leave Aiden’s side even for a second.

“Okay.” Aiden nodded.

Thus, Elias carried Aiden and walked toward Southview Villa. As they walked closer to the villa, Elias could hear the chanting clearer. His expression turned grim when he realized what was happening. As soon as he entered the house, he saw Jennifer and Grace kneeling while a group of priests was performing an

“What are you guys doing?!” Elias barked.

Immediately, Jennifer and Grace turned to look at him.

“Be quiet now, Elias. They are performing a ritual,” replied Jennifer as she prayed wholeheartedly.

Grace stood up and smiled happily. “Elias” It had been a long time since she had last seen him. She couldn’t get a hold of him, nor could she see him in the office. Now, she could finally meet him

This is ridiculous! Get out!” Elias scowled at the priests. He could tell that they were imposters at first glance. He never expected someone to be bold enough to trick his family.

At this moment, Aiden was frightened by Elias’ sudden outrage. He cried aloud through the room.

In the meantime, Jennifer noticed Aiden and approached them. “Who is this child? How could you simply bring a child back?”

“Hey, it’s alright now. I’m sorry I scared you?” Elias gently patted Aiden’s back when he realized he had frightened the latter. As he walked out of the villa, he said to the butler, “Get those imposters out of here!”


Aiden was still crying nonstop. After all, this was his first time seeing such an angry Elias.

Elias took Aiden to the garden and put him on the chair. Then, he comforted him, saying, “Stop crying now, Aiden. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been so fierce.”

Aiden Freaked Out

Aiden cried miserably and said, “I want Mommy. I want to go home.”

“Didn’t you say you want to play in the garage? I’ll send you back to Mommy later, okay?” Elias looked at the time and saw that it was still early, which meant that Amanda hadn’t got off work yet.

Hearing his words, Aiden pouted and said sadly, “No! I want Mommy now. I want her… Give me the phone. I want to call Mommy!”

Elias was speechless and didn’t know how to comfort Aiden. After all, he wasn’t used to it.

Just as he was about to call Amanda, a servant approached him and said, “Miss Bailey is here, Mr. Winters. She said she had returned from work early and was here to pick up Aiden.”

“Mommy!” Aiden saw Amanda’s figure and immediately stopped crying. He jumped off the chair and rushed toward her.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 143 The Ex-Daughter-In-Law That You Never Met

Elias stood up and looked at Amanda, who was approaching them. Seeing that Aiden had flung himself into Amanda’s embrace, one would assume he was torturing the kid.

“Mommy Aiden cried.

Amanda hugged him and panicked when she heard him crying, wondering what had happened.

“What’s wrong? Did Mr. Winters hurt you? Why are you crying?”

Aiden wrapped his arms around her neck and cried. “No, it’s not Mr. Winters. I am afraid of those weird people. They were wearing very strange clothes,”

Huh? Weird people that wore strange clothes?

Thinking about it, she hugged him and said softly. “It’s alright now. I’m here. Don’t cry”

After some time, Aiden fell asleep on her shoulder. Amanda knew that he must have played happily to be so worn out.

“Let’s put him on the couch,” said Elias when he saw Amanda wearing high heels. Her legs would hurt if she carried Aiden in those heels.

“It’s fine. I can carry him.”

“Are you trying to hurt your legs?” Elias said mercilessly.

Hearing his words, Amanda lowered her head and looked at her high heels. To be honest, it was tiring for her since Aiden was getting heavier as he grew older. Thus, she gently placed Aiden on the couch.

At this moment, Jennifer’s voice rang behind them. “Why did you throw them out of the house. Elias? They are the priests I hired for the exorcism. Recently, I’ve felt like Yelan’s ghost is following me. Did you forget about the car incident? Yelan is avenging himself! He even chose to kill himself on your birthday! Don’t you learn from your mistakes?!”

“This is outrageous, Mom!” Elias felt his heart throbbing as he looked at Jennifer.

Amanda turned around and saw Jennifer for the first time. When she and Elias secretly married, she never saw Jennifer, only ever meeting Howard. This was the first time she had seen her mother-in-law. Although it was already in the past, she still eyed Jennifer up and down. Although she dresses like a rich person….

Thinking about this, she cleared her throat and said, “The car accident was not a coincidence, Mrs. Winters. Relax, this doesn’t have anything to do with ghosts. Then, she saw a group of priests leave Southview Villa. Are they the people Aiden is talking about? she thought. To be honest, any child would get scared if they saw such a thing. Moreover, Aiden had been living abroad since he was little and had never seen anyone dressed as such.

“And you are?” Jennifer looked at the beautiful woman who seemed to be a lawyer.

Amanda smiled and said, I'm the ex-daughter-in-law you haven’t met before.”

In that split second, Jennifer’s eyes widened. Is this Elias’er-wifer

“Are you the poor woman Old Mr. Winters forced Elias to marry?”

The Ex-Daughter-In-Law That You Never Met

Poor woman? Pffi… I can’t believe how harshly she addresses me, thought Amanda. However, I was indeed poor when I got married to Elias. Moreover, I had a father who was a gambler, as well as a mother who was severely ill.

“Yes. However, I am now his ex-wife, so you don’t have to worry about me ruining your son’s future,” Amanda said calmly with a stoic expression.

Hearing Jennifer’s harsh words, Elias frowned and said. “You are the mistress of the Winters Family. How can you be so rude?”

“The truth hurts the most, Elias. Although I have never seen your ex-wife, I have heard things about her. She has a father who gambles and a severely ill mother who also needs your money. Plus, she had been relying on you when you guys got married. Thus, there’s nothing wrong with calling her a poor woman.”

Amanda smiled bitterly and realized she used to be so pitiful. No wonder Elias used to despise me. I guess he is impressed with me now since I’m able to earn money without relying on others, thought Amanda. She felt that women should be financially independent. That way, only others would not underestimate them.

“It’s fine,” replied Amanda.

Elias frowned and looked at Jennifer. “Go home!”

However, Jennifer suddenly remembered Amanda’s words. “What do you mean the car accident was not a coincidence? Do you have any proof?”

At this moment, Grace approached them. She was surprised to see Amanda since she didn’t expect the latter to be here. “Let’s go back, Mrs. Winters. I’m sure Elias knows his limits.” Even then, she pretended to be kind and tried to drag Jennifer away

Jennifer swatted Grace’s hand away and looked at Amanda. “Is there anything to prove that the car accident was man-made?” She still believed that this was revenge from Yelan.

Looking at Grace’s innocent appearance, Amanda smirked coldly and said. “Why don’t you ask Grace about it? She knows exactly what happened. After all, she was the one behind it.”

“Nonsense! You don’t have any evidence!” Grace barked.

Hearing their conversation, Elias kept quiet. After all, he couldn’t trust Grace anymore after everything she had done. He recalled how Amanda had always accused Grace of being the culprit when they fought in the office. Could it really be… Grace!

“You’ve done so many horrible things in the past, so there’s nothing strange if you were the one behind it. Plus, I have evidence. I heard your conversation entirely, but I didn’t record it. Also, do you think Elias would still believe you? I feel pity for you, Grace. What else can you do other than ruining your face?” Amanda chuckled and carried Aiden from the couch. Then, she looked at Elias and said, “I'Il be heading back. I can’t stand here any longer.”

Elias didn’t stop her since he didn’t want Aiden to be frightened again. I’ll send you back. Get in the backseat with Aiden. You need to take care of him.”

Amanda’ didn’t refuse and nodded her head. Then, she carried Aiden and walked the other way.

In the meantime, Jennifer was confused. She stepped forward and grabbed Elias’ arm, asking. “What does she mean by that, Elias? What does this have to do with Grace? What is going on?”

“You have to trust me, Mrs. Winters. I would never do anything to hurt Elias. Never!” Grace cried.

Hearing her words, Elias glared at her coldly and said, “I will look into this matter. Before the truth is out, stay here and don’t try to leave. I don’t want to see you.”

“Elias! Don’t tell me you believe her. How could I hurt you when I love you so much?” Grace panicked. Never did she expect that Elias wouldn’t believe her at all.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 144 There Is Still a Long Road Ahead Before Elias Can Win Amanda’s Heart

Elias ignored her and followed Amanda.

Grace’s heart dropped when she saw Elias ignoring her. Do I really not stand a chance?

Jennifer looked at Grace suspiciously, still thinking about what Amanda had said.

“Why are you looking at me like that? Do you believe her too?” Tears fell from the corner of Grace’s eyes as she spoke.

“Impossible.” Jennifer quickly denied it. “You’re the only one I trust, Grace. I believe that you are the one who truly loves Elias. I will never believe that poor woman’s words.”

Hearing her words, Grace hugged Jennifer as she cried helplessly. “I love Elias so much, Mrs. Winters. I would never do anything to hurt him.”

Amanda sat in the backseat with Aiden while Elias drove the car. On their way home, none of them said anything, seemingly as if they were afraid of disturbing Aiden’s slumber.

Still, Amanda couldn’t help but ask, “You refused to listen to me when I told you that Grace was behind the accident. You even slapped me. Yet, why are you so calm now? Why didn’t you say anything?” She wondered if Elias truly believed her.

Elias looked at her through the rear mirror and said, “Although I don’t have solid evidence, Grace can’t be trusted either.”

Hearing his words, Amanda didn’t know what to say.

The duo stayed quiet as they drove back to Galaxy Bay. When they arrived, Elias exited the car and opened the door for Amanda. Then, he carried Aiden from Amanda’s arms. In that split second, Amanda thought as if they were still married; it was as if they had a happy life and a cute child.

Elias carried Aiden to the bedroom upstairs and put him to bed, covering the little one with a blanket before leaving the room.

Downstairs, Amanda had brewed him a cup of tea.

Elias sat on the couch and asked, “When will you be moving out? I have already prepared a new place for you. You can pay as much rent as you want. I don’t mind.” After all, he didn’t need the money, nor did he need it for a living. However, he knew Amanda wouldn’t leave if he gave her the place for free.

Amanda thought momentarily before saying. “In another two days, perhaps. I need to be at the court tomorrow, and I have a party to attend. Also, I need you to help take care of Aiden tomorrow.”

“You don’t have to ask. Aiden is also my son. It is my responsibility to take care of him,” Elias replied in a low voice. Although he also had to be at a party tomorrow, he wouldn’t mind taking Aiden with him. After all, he didn’t want to miss any more time with Aiden when he had already lost four years with his son.

Amanda said nothing more.

“I’ll ask someone to help you with your stuff when you move,” said Elias.

There Is Still a Long Road Ahead Before Elias Can Win

“It’s fine. There’s nothing much to take since I only have a suitcase with me.”

“I see… I’ll be leaving, then.” Elias stood up and acted as if he was about to leave.

Amanda stood up with him and said, “I’ll walk you to the door.”

Looking at her, Elias said nothing. How heartless of her. I’m worried about her and Aiden, yet she doesn’t seem to want me to stay.

Elias walked to the entrance and turned to look at Amanda. “Will you and the kid be safe tonight? Should I accompany you two?” he asked.

“You think too much. We are safer if there are only two of us. Hurry up and leave. Thank you for taking care of Aiden. Goodbye.” Amanda opened the door and gestured for him to leave.

Elias had a grim expression as he turned and exited.

With a loud bang, the door was closed shut.

Looking at the closed door, Elias was upset. It seems like Amanda still isn’t giving me a second chance. How will I be able to get back with her if she refuses to let me be near her? As he thought about it, he felt that he still had a long way to go before being able to win Amanda’s heart.

The next day, since Elias had a party to attend, he brought Aiden to have dinner before taking him to the party.

“Stay here with Mr. Mills. I’ll be back real quick. We’ll play with your cars at home after this, okay?” Elias decided to leave after being there for mere formality since tonight’s organizer was his friend.

“Okay. Be back soon, Mr. Winters.” Aiden nodded his head.

Elias ruffled his head and smiled at him adoringly. However, when he raised his head and looked at Yacob, his expression had turned cold.

Looking at his expression, Yacob couldn’t help but mumble inwardly that Elias was quick to change his mood. After all, he looked at Aiden affectionately while looking at others as if they were his nemesis.

“You can take him around. However, do not let him leave your side even for a second. Call me if anything happens.”


Elias looked at A one last time before entering the party. He felt assured since Aiden was with Yacob.

Initially, Amanda didn’t want to join the party tonight. However, one of her clients had organized it, so it would be inappropriate for her to be absent. However, she never thought she would encounter Simon’s mother.

It can’t be such a coincidence, can it? Amanda thought as she quickly turned around. She knew it would be awkward if she went to greet Isabelle, but the latter had already seen her. Thus, she didn’t know what to do

Just as she was thinking about how to leave, her client approached her with a smile. There you are, Miss Bailey. I have been looking for you. I thought you wouldn’t be here.”

“Mrs. Anderson, Amanda greeted with a smile.

She had helped Mrs. Anderson, also known as Donia Reese, to win a massive sum after the divorce. Thus, Donia treated her as a benefactor and wanted to befriend her.

At this moment, Isabelle was approaching their way, seemingly as if she had seen Amanda,

“I was just going to look for you, Mrs. Nicholson. I must say, your son’s law firm has a wonderful lawyer.. She helped me win my court case. Say, isn’t Simon single? Miss Bailey is single too. Why not think of getting them together?”

Isabelle’s expression changed drastically upon hearing Donia’s words. After all, she wanted to separate them, yet Donia was trying to hook them up.

Just as Amanda was about to say something, Isabelle beat her to it. “Although Miss Bailey is indeed an
outstanding woman, I don’t think she is suitable for my son. Plus, it would be troublesome if they work together while dating”

“What’s wrong with that? After all, first come, first serve.” Donia smiled.

Seeing that she couldn’t refuse Donia’s proposal, Isabelle said, “Don’t you know? Miss Bailey is divorced and has a son. I don’t think her child would be happy if Simon becomes his stepdad.”

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Chapter 145 Who Do You Think You Are?!

As soon as Isabelle’s words fell, the atmosphere became tense.

Donia’s smile stiffened, for she didn’t expect Amanda to have started a family at such a young age.

On the other hand, Amanda had a grim expression. She couldn’t stand it anymore and said to Isabelle coldly, “I don’t like your son anymore, Mrs. Nicholson. Do you think it’s necessary to spread around the fact that I’ve been through a divorce and have a child?”

“I’m not spreading stuff around. I’m just explaining it to Mrs. Anderson. After all, she knows nothing about this.” Isabelle didn’t think what she did was wrong. Donia would keep insisting Amanda and Simon get together if she didn’t explain clearly.

While suppressing her anger, Amanda looked at Donia and said, “Please excuse me, Mrs. Anderson. I still have some places to be. Goodbye.” Since she didn’t know anyone at the party, she felt it was enough since she had already arrived.

Thus, she immediately walked away after informing Donia. Donia chased after her and apologized, saying, “I’m sorry, Miss Bailey. I didn’t know you had gone through that. I..

“It’s fine, Mrs. Anderson. I get it.” Amanda smiled. “I wouldn’t want to ruin the mood when it’s getting nice. I’ll be going home, then.”

Just as she turned around, she saw Simon. Why is he here? thought Amanda. The people she hated were all at today’s party.

“Amanda!” Simon approached her as soon as he saw her.

However, Amanda walked past him and said, “I still have some things to do. I’m leaving.”

“Hang on, Amanda. I need to talk to you about something.”

Before Simon could chase after her, Isabelle grabbed his arm and said, “Where are you going? Can’t you see that she doesn’t want to talk to you?”

“Can you please leave me alone? Also, why does Amanda look like she’s in a bad mood? Did you say anything to her?” Simon looked at her impatiently.

“How can you talk to your mother like this? Everything I do is for your own good. I can’t see why you’re in love with her when she’s a divorcee and has a child. Why can’t you choose someone else instead?”

Simon looked at her with disdain and said, “When did you become so vulgar and cruel?” With that, he swatted her hand away and left the party.

Isabelle wanted to chase after Simon, but Donia stopped her. “It’s best if we let them be, Mrs. Nicholson Plus, being divorced isn’t a big deal. It’s nothing if they truly love each other.”

Isabelle was furious when she heard that “Look who’s talking. Would you be happy if your son is in love with a woman who has a child? Stop sticking your nose in my business when you know nothing”

She turned around and left, leaving Donia standing there upsettingly. “How rude of her!” Donia scolded.

Amanda took the elevator to the first floor. As soon as the door opened, so did the other elevator. She was startled when she saw Elias.

What a coincidence. Why is everyone here?

The door slowly opened, and Elias walked out. He was also surprised to see Amanda in the other elevator. “Are you attending a party here?”

Amanda nodded as she exited the elevator.

“I see. I have a party on the fourth floor,” replied Elias.

Suddenly, Amanda thought of something and asked, “If you are here, where’s Aiden? Did you leave him at the villa? If I had known this sooner, I would have brought him with me. I asked you to take care of Aiden because I didn’t want you to leave him! Don’t you understand?!” At this moment, her heart was racing wildly since Grace was now staying at Southview Villa. She couldn’t imagine what would happen if Grace decided to hurt Aiden again.

On the other hand, Elias was dissatisfied with Amanda’s attitude. After all, she acted as if he was an irresponsible father who would abandon his child without reason. “Do I look like that kind of person? I was just going to greet them and leave. Yacob is staying with Aiden,” replied Elias grimly.

Amanda breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that. After all, Yacob was a skillful bodyguard. Thus, she would be reassured if he was by Aiden’s side.

“Okay. Just don’t let him stay with Grace,” Amanda reminded once again.

Elias frowned and asked, “Does that mean Grace long knew about my son and didn’t tell me about it?” He could understand that Amanda didn’t want to tell him about Aiden’s existence since she was afraid he would take Aiden away. However, Grace had always confessed her love to him, yet she never told him about Aiden’s existence. At that moment, Elias was disappointed in Grace. After she had accused Amanda of ruining her face, he had lost trust in her.

Amanda huffed coldly and said, “You can never tell who is a bitch. I can’t believe you kept her by your side and treated her like a gem.”

Elias said nothing since Amanda was right.

Ding, dong!

Suddenly, the elevator opened again and out came Simon.


Hearing Simon’s call, Amanda and Elias turned their heads toward him simultaneously.

Only then did Simon notice that Elias was there too. He wondered why, but he had no time to think any further. He approached them and said. “Amanda, please don’t listen to my mom if she said anything hurtful. Her words aren’t mine.”

Elias snorted. “What are you? A mommy’s boy? You only talk about her”

Simon ignored him and looked at Amanda. “Do you have some spare time? I need to talk to you. I have been meaning to talk to you, but you keep saying that you’re busy.”

“I don’t have time tonight. Speaking of which, I’m moving out. I’m not going to stay at Galaxy Bay anymore"

Who Do You Think You Are?!

“You’re moving out?” Simon’s expression changed drastically. “Where will you be staying? Do you really want to end things between us?” At this moment, he suddenly realized how serious this was. If Amanda started to distance herself from him, they would be strangers the next time they met.

Elias couldn’t stand it and stood in front of Amanda. “This has nothing to do with you. She’s just informing you that she is leaving”

“Come. Let’s go and find Aiden.” With that, he grabbed Amanda’s hand and left.

Simon gripped his knuckles tightly and bellowed, “Who do you think you are, Elias?! Why are you pretending to be a good husband when you previously abandoned them?!” Simon couldn’t understand why Amanda would easily forgive Elias when he was the one who took care of her for four years. He wondered if Amanda was a fool and wanted to make the same mistake again.

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