"Dragon Son-in-law" a.k.a. Millionaire Son-in-law, Charlie Wade Story. Translated by Junlee (aka Jungal2000)

Charlie Wade is a househusband son-in-law whom everyone looks down upon. However, unknown to them, his true identity is that of the young master from a top-tier family. Those who once belittled him will eventually kneel before him, trembling with fear and calling him "Master!" ...

The MC is Charlie Wade, and there's this girl Claire Wilson. They're in this savage clapback novel called "Ultimate Dragon Honcho", penned by this dude Ye Gongzi. Everyone knew Charlie Wade was the son-in-law of the Wilson family. Like, Grandpa Wilson legit pulled this broke boy outta nowhere and made him marry his grand daughter/princess, Claire. But bro's got no skills, no dough 💸, and Claire had to deal with so much BS 'cause of him. He even had the nerve to ask for money during Grandma Wilson's big party, making Claire hella embarrassed 😳. They kicked Charlie Wade out, but then plot twist! 🌀 Some butler dude shows up. Turns out, Charlie Wade's actually from the uber-rich Wade clan. The butler's like, "Come home, fam." But since his parents were, like, done dirty by the Wade fam, he's like "Nah." But he did take his grandpa’s black card loaded with 10 billion. 💳💰 #MicDrop

Author: Charlie Wade
Category: Urban Fiction
Status: Ongoing
Last Updated: October 18, 2023
Last edited:
Chapter 1831 - "A Question of Justice"

Upon hearing this, Virtuoso furrowed his brows slightly.

Naturally, he was dissatisfied with Takehiko's proposal.

However, he also understood that Takehiko had just undergone an amputation. To put it bluntly, the scabs on the wound were still fresh. It wasn't very realistic to push forward such a large collaboration at this time.

Moreover, Takehiko's daughter seemed to be quite young, similar in age to Camilla, his own daughter.

In this situation, it was indeed difficult for him to make an immediate decision and push forward.

So, Virtuoso earnestly said, "Mr. Ito, you really need to rest during this period. As for the specific collaboration matters, I will visit your mansion again after you are discharged from the hospital. We can discuss the details of our cooperation then. How does that sound to you?"

Takehiko readily nodded and said, "When I recover a bit, Mr. Salvador, if you come to Tokyo, I will definitely host a banquet for you!"

Virtuoso smiled slightly and said, "Then I will be troubling Mr. Ito at that time."

He then added, "By the way, Mr. Ito, there is one more thing I would like to kindly remind you of."

Takehiko hurriedly replied, "Please go ahead, Mr. Salvador."

Virtuoso said, "From what I know, the Wade family in Eastcliff also wants to follow our footsteps and venture into international shipping development. If I'm not mistaken, they might also be interested in contacting you for discussions on project collaboration."

Pausing for a moment, Virtuoso continued, "However, the Wade family's strength is still far behind ours. So, I suggest that Mr. Ito doesn't need to consider them. Just focus on recovering your health. After you are well, collaborating comprehensively with our Salvador family will definitely be the best choice."

Takehiko nodded with a smile and said, "To be honest, Mr. Salvador, I have some understanding of the Wade family. Their international shipping business has not really taken off; they are just trying to catch up with the progress of the Salvador family. In my opinion, they will find it very difficult to achieve great success. Therefore, the Salvador family is my top priority."

Virtuoso expressed great satisfaction, saying, "Mr. Ito, you truly have a discerning eye! The Wade family is merely trying to ride the wave, but they lack any substantial resources in this field! Not to mention collaborating with the Ito family, even in terms of domestic port resources in China, we would suppress them to the point of having no room to stand!"

Takehiko chuckled and said, "Mr. Salvador, rest assured, I will absolutely not collaborate with the Wade family. If I had to choose between the Salvador family and the Wade family, I would definitely choose you, Mr. Salvador!"

Virtuoso laughed heartily, "Oh, Mr. Ito, with your words, I can now return to China with peace of mind."

Takehiko asked, "When do you plan to return to your country, Mr. Salvador?"

Virtuoso replied, "In the next couple of days. The private aircraft takeoff is restricted here in Tokyo, so I'll wait for a couple of days. If the takeoff permission is not granted within two days, I will buy a ticket and take a commercial flight back."

Takehiko nodded, feeling nostalgic, "As far as I know, Mr. Salvador, your previous actions have caused some discontent among the authorities here in Tokyo."

Virtuoso waved it off nonchalantly, "The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism are like barking dogs. People like Yoshito, who are cunning and ruthless, keeping him alive would lead to the deaths of many! By eliminating him, I'm not only upholding justice but also safeguarding Tokyo's security!"

After saying this, he looked at Takehiko and said seriously, "Mr. Ito, you are a direct victim of Yoshito, aren't you? If I hadn't taken him out, he might have already sent someone to the hospital to kill you. Who knows how many more people he would have killed in Tokyo?"

Seeing Virtuoso speak so confidently, Takehiko couldn't help but be amazed by the man's audacity.

In his heart, Takehiko cursed silently, "Virtuoso, oh Virtuoso, you shameless person. Killing Yoshito, his right-hand man, and even all his henchmen can be understood, but wiping out his entire family, men, women, and children, without leaving anyone? What kind of mess is this? The saying goes that the sins of the father should not fall upon the children. Even your Chinese ancestors spoke of this basic code of conduct in the martial world. How come you disregard even the most fundamental principles of the underworld?"

"Now, with your words, by wiping out Yoshito's entire family, are you indirectly protecting me? Should I thank you for killing off Yoshito's entire family? What a bloody illogical reasoning!"

However, on the surface, Takehiko still expressed deep gratitude, "Oh! This matter is truly thanks to Mr. Salvador. Otherwise, I might have faced countless dangers and threats..."

Chapter 1832 - "Parting Words, Lingering Doubts"

Virtuoso nodded, with a somewhat proud expression, saying, "I hope the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and the Japanese Ministry of Land and Infrastructure can understand this truth. Sometimes, necessary surgery must be performed. Keeping cancerous tissues in the body will only burden the entire city. As for me, I just flew here to perform a precise surgical operation on Tokyo!"

Takehiko nodded in agreement on the surface, but muttered to himself, "Damn, this Virtuoso is really shameless, the more he speaks, the more shameless he becomes!"

Virtuoso glanced at the time and smiled, "Mr. Ito, you still have injuries, so I won't bother you any longer. These nutritional supplements I brought for you are all very good natural medicinal herbs and ingredients. When you get back, have your servants prepare them for you. It will help speed up your recovery."

With that, Virtuoso extended his right hand, "Since we both have the intention of deep cooperation, I will wait for your recovery, and then we can move forward together!"

Takehiko earnestly said, "No problem! Let's keep in touch at all times!"

"Great!" Virtuoso laughed and said, "In that case, I'll take my leave now!"

Takehiko nodded, "Mr. Salvador, please take care. I won't accompany you."

Virtuoso hurriedly patted his shoulder, "Mr. Ito, no need to be polite. Rest well and take care of your injuries!"

Takehiko said to Emi, "Emi, please see Virtuoso off for me!"

"Yes, big brother!"

Virtuoso stood up and shook hands with Takehiko, then accompanied by Emi, he left the ward.

At this time, Charlie and Nanako had just arrived at the hospital and were waiting at the elevator.

Emi escorted Virtuoso and his confidant to the elevator, apologizing, "Mr. Salvador, I still need to take care of my big brother, so I won't accompany you downstairs."

Virtuoso smiled and said, "Ms. Ito, please go back quickly and take care of Mr. Ito!"

Emi nodded and bowed ninety degrees, "Mr. Salvador, take care!"

Virtuoso waved his hand and stepped into the elevator.

After the elevator door closed, Virtuoso asked the confidant, who had been silent, "What do you think Takehiko is really thinking?"

The confidant pondered for a moment and said seriously, "Master, I think although Takehiko disguises it well, he still has some fear of you in his heart..."

"Hmm." Virtuoso nodded, "It should be because of the incident with the Matsumoto family. Now that I think about it, I may have gone a little overboard."

After saying that, he waved his hand again, indifferent, "Regardless, I wiped out the Matsumoto family because they wanted to harm my son and daughter, wanted to end my family line. If I didn't end theirs, others would think that I, Virtuoso, am a pushover, that anyone can take advantage of!"

the confidant asked, "Will Takehiko be afraid to cooperate with us because of this?"

Virtuoso snorted and said, "Give him some time to recover from his injuries first, and then we'll come find him. By then, there will be a way to carry out the cooperation if he's willing, and a solution if he's not willing to cooperate!"

At this time, the elevator made a ding sound and stopped on the first floor.

The confidant quickly stepped forward and respectfully said, "Master, after you!"

Chapter 1833 - "Past Lives, Present Confrontations"

As the elevator doors opened, Virtuoso took the lead.

Meanwhile, when Charlie saw the elevator arriving, he was about to gesture for the girl next to him, Nanako, to go in first. At that moment, Virtuoso had already stepped out.

Upon stepping out of the elevator, Virtuoso locked eyes directly with Charlie.

In that moment, Virtuoso unconsciously furrowed his brows slightly, feeling a familiar yet unfamiliar aura, causing an unexpected tension in his heart.

Though Charlie didn't recognize the man in front of him, seeing the vigilance and surprise in his eyes made him take a closer look.

The man in front, in his fifties, with an average appearance and stature, dressed quite elegantly with a hint of hostility in his demeanor, giving off an air of ruthlessness.

A mere glance was like a spark in the dark.

With Nanako by his side, Charlie didn't pay too much attention to the man and walked past him, entering the elevator with Nanako.

As the elevator doors closed, Virtuoso suddenly stopped in his tracks, turned back to look in the direction of the elevator, appearing somewhat distracted.

Beside him, the confidant asked, "Sir, what's wrong?"

Virtuoso clicked his tongue, "Strange... that kid who got in the elevator just now, I felt a sense of familiarity..."

Curiously, the confidant asked, "Do you have acquaintances in Japan?"

Virtuoso replied, "I do have some acquaintances, but not someone that young. That kid who just got in, he looked about twenty-six or twenty-seven, similar in age to Cameron, maybe a year or two older."

The confidant nodded, "Similar in age to the Young Master... Do you know him?"

"I don't."

Virtuoso bit his lip, his face darkening as he said, "But he does bear a resemblance to someone I knew in the past!"

"Someone you knew?" the confidant asked curiously, "Sir, who is this person you knew?"

Virtuoso's expression turned cold as he asked, "Have you heard of Drake Wade from anyone?"

The confidant was relatively young, not yet forty.

When Charlie's father, Drake, passed away, he was studying abroad and was unaware of the events that occurred in Eastcliff at that time.

So, he couldn't help but ask, "Sir, when you mention Drake Wade, are you referring to someone from the Eastcliff's Wade family?"


Virtuoso couldn't help but recall the heroic figure of Drake from the past.

Back then, Drake was truly a super-rich young master who made waves in Eastcliff.

Handsome, charming, and exceptionally capable, he stood out prominently in all of Eastcliff.

In the presence of Drake back then, Virtuoso could be said to pale in comparison.

The elite daughters of Eastcliff were all vying to marry Drake, willing to go to great lengths for him.

Virtuoso's wife, Marissa Klein, the mother of Cameron and Camilla, was also deeply infatuated with Drake Wade back then.

Virtuoso had gone all out, passionately pursuing Marissa, but she paid him no attention, solely focused on marrying Drake.

Despite Drake already having a fiancée, Marissa was determined to sacrifice everything for him.

Even though Virtuoso went to great lengths, orchestrating a grand proposal that shook Eastcliff, Marissa still refused.

In front of countless people, Marissa said only two sentences to Virtuoso.

The first sentence was: "I'm sorry, I can't marry you."

The second sentence was: "Because Drake hasn't married yet!"

Chapter 1834 - "Nightmares and Nameless Fears"

Because Drake had a fiancée, but they hadn't married yet, Marissa still felt a glimmer of hope, still unwilling to give up.

Proposing to a woman, only for her to publicly declare she's waiting for someone else, this humiliation was etched in Virtuoso's memory.

From that moment on, he harboured a deep hatred towards Drake.

Later, Drake had a grand wedding in Eastcliff.

That night, Marissa cried all her tears, shutting herself in for a month.

Virtuoso went to Klein's house every day with fresh flowers, persisting for thirty-nine days, using thirty-nine bouquets of roses before finally opening Marissa's heart.

Marissa, who had lost nearly twenty pounds, stepped out of her room and out of her house, saying one thing to Virtuoso holding flowers outside.

She asked Virtuoso if he would still marry her if she could never forget Drake.

Through gritted teeth, Virtuoso agreed.

Afterwards, Marissa and Virtuoso quickly got engaged and married within a month.

Initially, Virtuoso felt restless and anxious every night after getting married.

He dreaded the possibility of his wife suddenly calling out Drake's name in her sleep.

His fears soon became reality.

Not long after their marriage, Virtuoso began hearing Marissa mumble Drake's name in her sleep every night, leaving him on the verge of a breakdown.

It was only when their eldest son, Cameron, was born that Marissa finally shifted her focus from Drake to their son.

From then on, Virtuoso could finally sleep soundly.

The loud cries of his son at night even became a soothing lullaby for him.

He could fall asleep peacefully to his son's cries, but couldn't bear to hear his wife whisper Drake's name in her sleep, as those three words were his nightmare!

Thinking of past humiliations, Virtuoso felt an overwhelming anger in his heart.

Even though more than twenty years had passed and Drake had long passed away, he still couldn't swallow his pride.

Seeing Virtuoso's cold expression, clenched fists, and trembling jaw, the confidant was greatly surprised.

Having served by Virtuoso's side for many years, the confidant knew that this demeanor usually indicated extreme anger.

When he heard that Yoshito was the mastermind behind the kidnapping of Cameron and Camilla, his reaction was similar to now.

The confidant couldn't help but wonder, "What did this Drake do to make the master so furious?"

With this in mind, he couldn't help but ask, "Master, does that man just now resemble Drake?"

"Yes," Virtuoso nodded and said, "However, his demeanor is a bit more low-key, perhaps due to his casual attire. The Drake of the past was quite majestic, walking with an air of greatness, truly remarkable!"

The confidant then asked, "Could that young man just now be a descendant of Drake?"

"It's unlikely," Virtuoso said coldly, "Drake's descendants have long been missing, their fate unknown. The Wade family couldn't even find them, they probably died outside long ago."

With a sardonic smile, Virtuoso lit a cigarette and remarked, "Although that young man bears a resemblance, I believe he's most likely Japanese, just a mere resemblance."

Nodding lightly, the confidant asked, "Master, where do we go next? Back to the hotel?"

"No, we're not going back to the hotel," Virtuoso said coldly, "The Tokyo Metropolitan Police will surely cause trouble for me if they can't catch Raven. It's better for me to leave Tokyo early!"

Concluding, Virtuoso instructed him, "Forget about the hotel room, let's drive up north directly to Aomori Prefecture, the northernmost part of Honshu in Japan, soak in hot springs for a couple of days, relax, then move on."

Chapter 1835 - "Close Encounters, Missed Connections"

As he rode the elevator up, Charlie was still thinking about the man he had encountered when he got off the elevator.

He was certain he didn't know the man, so why did the man look at him with hostility the moment their eyes met?

He wondered if the man might also be a hidden master, sensing something unusual about him.

But upon closer thought, it didn't make sense because the man didn't exude the aura of a strong individual; from his own perspective, he appeared to be just an ordinary person.

However, he didn't dwell on it too much. After getting off the elevator, Nanako promptly took him to the ward where Takehiko was.

At that moment, Takehiko was cursing up a storm in his hospital bed.

He vented to Emi, "That Virtuoso is a cunning bastard. Just spending an extra second with such a person makes me feel uneasy all over!"

Emi nodded in agreement, "That Virtuoso does give off a sinister vibe, and the friendlier he smiles, the more chilling it feels. Especially when thinking about what he did to the Matsumoto family, it sends shivers down my spine!"

Upon hearing this, Charlie burst out, "Was that man just now Virtuoso from the Salvador family?!"

Both Takehiko and Emi were taken aback, realizing that Charlie and Nanako had entered.

Curious, Takehiko asked, "Do you also know Virtuoso, sir?"

Charlie furrowed his brow, his voice turning colder as he exclaimed, "The man who got off the elevator just now, was that Virtuoso?!"

Takehiko replied, "I don't know who you encountered in the elevator, but Virtuoso did indeed leave just now."

Upon hearing this, Charlie immediately turned and ran out!

Virtuoso Salvador!

The initiator and leader of the anti-Wade Alliance!

The thought of this filled Charlie with hatred!

He only wanted to chase after him, even if it meant confronting Virtuoso's bodyguards and entourage in broad daylight, to catch that bastard and ask why he targeted his parents.

And make him taste the fate of dying a miserable death on the street!

Unfortunately, when Charlie rushed out, there was no trace of Virtuoso at the hospital entrance.

Virtuoso had already boarded a car heading to Aomori Prefecture.

Charlie couldn't help but pound his chest in frustration at the hospital entrance!

Since his parents' deaths, this was the closest he had been to his enemy!

Yet, he failed to recognise him!

This left him feeling deeply regretful!

The Wade family had a long-standing feud with the Salvador family, so even when Charlie was younger, he rarely saw Virtuoso.

Furthermore, both the Salvador and Wade families were top-tier clans, never appearing on wealth rankings or in the media, so Charlie had no idea what Virtuoso looked like.

Charlie was extremely frustrated at this moment.

On this trip to Japan, he had unexpectedly come into close contact with members of the Salvador family one after another.

First, he inadvertently saved Cameron and Camilla, and now he had just missed Virtuoso!

Charlie gritted his teeth, wishing he could turn back time a few minutes and smash that bastard's head in the moment he saw Virtuoso!
Junlee, it is wonderful writing from you. Story is shaping up very well. I love every bit of words you are using. I can feel the Charlie's agony in your writing. You are awesome
This story might be going to a very complex situation, Nanako loves Charlie, Camilla has also fallen for Charlie, Charlie wants to kill virtuoso and destroy the Salvador, 😂😂😂😂
Chapter 1836 - "A Promise of Retribution"

Unfortunately, even with all his skills, he couldn't turn back time.

So, he could only hope for the next opportunity.

Deep in his heart, he vowed, "Virtuoso, if I ever have a chance to face you again, I won't let it slip away!"

When Charlie returned to the ward, Takehiko looked at him with surprise and asked, "Mr. Wade, do you know Virtuoso? Is there some connection between you two? Why are you so sensitive towards him?"

Emi and Nanako also looked puzzled at Charlie, eagerly awaiting his response.

Seeing this, Charlie chuckled self-deprecatingly and said in annoyance, "Have you forgotten? I accidentally saved his children, and with his wealth, he should've at least given me a symbolic gesture of a billion US dollars. But unexpectedly, he managed to escape..."

Takehiko was speechless.

He didn't doubt Charlie's words at all because in his eyes, Charlie was good in every way except for his love of money. For money, he could shamelessly extort and maliciously seize things.

Therefore, unintentionally saving Cameron and Camilla, with Charlie's character, not thinking about money would be out of character for him.

Upon hearing this, Nanako couldn't help but laugh and said, "Mr. Charlie, you are so obsessed with money. Do you know, when you heard the name Virtuoso earlier, you acted as if he was your archenemy, only to find out he's just a debtor in your heart..."

Charlie smiled wryly and casually remarked, "Well, it's a shame he got away, but it's alright. Sooner or later, there will be a chance to settle this debt. He may evade today, but not forever."

Nanako nodded, then turned to Takehiko and said, "Otousan, I brought two sets of patient meals today, one for you and the other for Tanaka-san. Can I go check on him?"

Takehiko nodded, "Tanaka is in the next ward, go ahead and see him."

Nanako turned to Charlie and asked, "Mr. Charlie, would you like to come along?"

Charlie had a good impression of Tanaka, who was indeed a rare loyal servant, so he nodded and said, "Sure, let's go together."

At that moment, Koichi was half-lying in the neighboring ward, reading a book.

Upon seeing Nanako and Charlie enter, he quickly put down the book and respectfully greeted, "Miss Nanako, Mr. Wade, hello!"

Nanako smiled gently, approached with the meal box, and said, "Tanaka-san, I brought you a patient meal from home, specially made by our chef. Please enjoy it while it's hot."

Koichi was pleasantly surprised, "Miss, how can I let you bring me food, I can't accept..."

Nanako sincerely said, "Tanaka-san, you saved my father's life, I am deeply grateful. A meal is nothing, just a small token of appreciation!"

Koichi sincerely replied, "Miss, with your words, even if I die a thousand times, it's worth it..."

Nanako said, "Tanaka-san, if you need anything, just tell Auntie, she will find a way to help you. Stay strong, recover well, and get discharged soon!"

Koichi nodded repeatedly, gratefully saying, "I understand, Miss, thank you for your care!"

After that, he tentatively asked, "I went to the chairman's ward this morning in a wheelchair, and the chairman said Mr. Wade cured your injury?"

Nanako nodded and said, "Mr. Wade not only healed my injury but also saved my life..."

Koichi looked at Charlie and thanked him, "Mr. Wade, I am truly... very grateful!"

Due to missing the chance for revenge against Virtuoso, Charlie felt somewhat frustrated. When Tanaka spoke to him, he couldn't help but respond in a somewhat perfunctory manner, "No need to be polite."

Surprised, Koichi asked, "Is there something bothering Mr. Wade?"

Nanako giggled and said, "Oh, he just missed out on a hundred billion US dollars, so he's sulking..."

Chapter 1837 - "Nanako Plays Pretend"

Upon hearing Nanako's words, Charlie simply smiled faintly without elaborating further.

After chatting with Koichi for a while, Nanako expressed her apologies to him, "Tanaka-san, Charlie will be returning to Aurous Hill tonight, I need to accompany him to buy some things, so I'll take my leave for now and come to see you later tonight!"

Koichi hurriedly replied, "Miss, you and Mr. Wade go ahead, you don't need to worry about me, there's no need for you to come specially to visit me, it would trouble you too much!"

Nanako smiled and said, "It's not a bother, we've known each other for so many years, why be so polite."

Koichi nodded gratefully, then turned to Charlie and earnestly said, "Mr. Wade, since you're returning to your country tonight, I won't be able to see you off, I wish you a safe journey!"

Charlie smiled faintly, "Thank you, Tanaka, we'll meet again in the future."

"Alright, Mr. Wade, until we meet again!"

Leaving Koichi's ward, Nanako accompanied Charlie to Ginza in Tokyo.

It had been several days since they arrived in Japan, and this was Charlie's first time going out shopping.

Since he had bought a set of Hermès for his wife Claire the last time they went to Eastcliff, Charlie decided to skip luxury bags this time.

While browsing in the jewelry area, Charlie was captivated by a heart-shaped diamond ring from Tiffany's.

The main diamond of this ring weighed three carats, with very high clarity. It wasn't very large, but exquisitely beautiful with its heart-shaped cut, instantly catching his eye.

Reflecting on the time from their marriage till now, realizing he hadn't given Claire a true wedding ring yet, Charlie decided to buy this diamond ring to gift to her.

After inquiring with the salesperson, he learned that the price of this ring was around eight hundred thousand RMB, which wasn't too expensive.

So, Charlie decided to purchase this ring.

Nanako, standing beside him, couldn't hide her envy and asked softly, "Charlie, are you buying this ring to give to your wife?"

"Yes," Charlie nodded, saying, "She's been with me for so many years, and I haven't given her a ring yet."

Nanako sighed and said, "Charlie, you're really good to your wife..."

Charlie smiled faintly, about to modestly respond, when the Tiffany salesperson politely asked, "Sir, may I ask about the ring size for your wife's ring finger?"

This question caught Charlie off guard.

"The ring size? I really don't know about that..."

The salesperson explained, "If you're unsure about the ring size, it might be a bit troublesome to buy one too big or too small. I suggest you make a call to ask your wife about it, confirm the ring size, and we can adjust it to the most suitable state here."

Charlie hesitated slightly.

He wanted to surprise Claire, and if he called her now to ask, wouldn't the surprise be ruined?

Just then, Nanako softly interjected, "Um... Charlie, look at my hand, how different is it from your wife's?"

Saying this, Nanako opened her hands, fingers spread out in front of Charlie.

After careful observation, Charlie excitedly said, "Nanako, your hand feels similar to my wife's fingers! How about you help me try it on!"

Nanako nodded without hesitation.

The salesperson then handed the ring to Charlie, saying, "Sir, could you please let this young lady help with the fitting?"

Without much thought, Charlie took the ring in one hand, gently holding Nanako's right wrist with the other, carefully sliding the ring onto her ring finger.

At that moment, Nanako felt as if she were in a dream.

Though she knew she was just helping Charlie's wife try on a ring, the thought of Charlie putting a diamond ring on her ring finger made her inexplicably excited.

In her mind, she thought, "If this is a dream, I wish I could sleep here forever and never wake up..."

Chapter 1838 - Nanako's Bittersweet Moment

The ring slid over the knuckle of her ring finger, and as it settled on her hand, tears welled up in Nanako's eyes.

She quickly lowered her head, not wanting Charlie to see her current state.

She truly cared for Charlie, but she didn't want to burden him with overwhelming emotions.

Deep down, she knew that Charlie's visit to Kyoto, Japan, to see her was not solely driven by romantic feelings, but rather by sympathy and regret for her situation.

Nanako understood Charlie's empathy, a connection born from their shared passion for martial arts.

Empathy is about understanding others' perspectives, connecting emotionally, and putting oneself in their shoes.

Just like a racing driver witnessing a fellow racer's accident and feeling a stronger empathy than an onlooker.

Similarly, a soldier seeing a comrade injured in battle would also experience such empathy.

Charlie was no different towards her.

Seeing her ignore advice, getting injured in the competition, and being taken away in an ambulance, he must have felt more sympathy towards her.

Moreover, he had the means to heal her, which was why he took the time to come to Japan, visit her in Kyoto, save her, and treat her injuries.

Nanako knew deep down that Charlie's kindness towards her was mostly driven by empathy and sympathy, rather than genuine romantic feelings.

For a girl deeply infatuated, the last thing she wanted was pity from the one she loved.

Apart from love, nothing else mattered to her.

At this moment, Charlie couldn't see Nanako's expression; his attention was solely on her fingers. Seeing the ring a bit loose on Nanako's hand, he gently took it off and asked the salesperson to adjust its size.

Nanako felt a strong sense of loss at that moment, knowing that the ring would eventually leave her finger.

When Charlie removed the ring, her heart ached as if cut by a knife.

She couldn't bear for Charlie to see her vulnerable, so she quickly excused herself to the restroom while he was preoccupied with the salesperson.

Tears filled her eyes to the brim, and she had to leave before they overflowed.

She didn't want Charlie to witness her in tears, as she didn't want to distract him from his focus.

She never intended to interfere with Charlie's life or marriage, considering the immense kindness he had shown her.

As she walked away, she silently recited in her heart:

"Tonight, Charlie will leave Japan, returning to his family, to his wife..."

"Who knows when he will return..."

"The next few hours will be the last I spend by Charlie's side..."

"I must control my emotions and not add to his mental burden..."

Chapter 1839 ""Perfect Fit"

When Nanako returned from the bathroom, her face showed no traces of tears, only a slight redness around her eyes.

She deliberately splashed cold water on her face, making it look much more natural.

Back in the store, Nanako took the initiative to smile and ask Charlie, "Charlie, have you adjusted it? Do you want me to try again?"

Charlie smiled and nodded, "Thank you!"

Nanako smiled gently, "Charlie, you don't need to be so polite."

With that, she extended her right hand again, saying cheerfully, "Come on! Let's try again!"

Without much thought, Charlie picked up the adjusted ring and once again placed it on her ring finger.

This time, the ring fit perfectly, neither too tight nor too loose, looking simply impeccable on her hand.

Nanako couldn't help but change the direction of her right hand, carefully observing the not-so-expensive diamond ring under the light.

Although this ring was not as extravagant as the ones worth hundreds of thousands or even millions in the hands of socialites, it had its own unique charm.

Simple, elegant, beautiful, and captivating.

Charlie looked at the ring on Nanako's finger and found himself liking it more and more.

He knew his wife didn't pursue luxurious jewelry, and this ring happened to complement her serene demeanor perfectly.

Thinking of her serene demeanor, he couldn't help but shift his focus from the ring to Nanako's face.

Honestly, if serenity was to be rated, Claire might score eighty or even ninety, but Nanako was a definite one hundred.

So, in a way, it seemed like this ring and Nanako's aura were a perfect match.

However, Charlie didn't dwell too much on this matter.

Nanako wore the ring with a mix of joy and melancholy, observing it for a while before reluctantly taking it off and handing it to Charlie.

She said, "Charlie, if it fits well, let the salesperson wrap it up for you!"

"Sure!" Charlie, seeing that the ring fit well, smiled and said to the salesperson, "Hello, could you please wrap up this ring for me?"

"Of course, sir!"

The salesperson was also very happy.

Although Tiffany was a well-known brand, most diamond rings were priced between $10,000 and $20,000, with very few exceeding $20,000 and sometimes not even selling one in a week.

Rings like the one Charlie chose, priced at over $100,000, generally only sold a limited number in a year.

Therefore, she regarded Charlie as a distinguished VIP client, very carefully packaging the ring for him and then saying, "Sir, if you don't have any other requests, please come with me to the cashier to settle the payment."

Charlie said, "No rush, I'd like to see some bracelets."

Since the ring was a token of love between partners, he naturally couldn't buy the same thing for his mother-in-law.

So, Charlie planned to show Elaine a bracelet, not too expensive, around 200,000 to 300,000 RMB would already be quite impressive.

For Elaine, a bracelet worth 200,000 to 300,000 RMB would be enough to keep her up all night with joy.

When the salesperson heard that Charlie wanted to buy a bracelet, she immediately said, "Sir, please wait a moment. Let me get the person in charge of bracelets to show you some options."

In their store, each salesperson had their own exclusive counter, with this salesperson in charge of diamond rings, so someone else would assist Charlie with selecting a bracelet.

Chapter 1840 - Nanako's Silent Splurge

Charlie readily agreed, and soon, the salesperson called another girl over and said to her, "Sis, this VIP wants to see some bracelets, can you help recommend some?"

The girl knew Charlie was wealthy, so she immediately smiled and said, "Sir, please follow me."

Nanako hurriedly asked him, "Charlie, do you still need me to try on the bracelet for you?"

Charlie chuckled, "I'm buying the bracelet for my mother-in-law, who is a bit plump, so I won't trouble you."

Nanako then smiled and said, "In that case, Charlie, you go ahead and look at the bracelets, I'd like to see some rings, is that okay?"

Charlie nodded, "Of course, you go ahead, I'll go check out the bracelets over there."

As Charlie headed to the bracelet section, Nanako quietly asked the girl who had shown her the rings earlier, "Excuse me, is the ring I tried on earlier still available?"

The salesperson nodded gently and said, "Yes, we had three of that ring in stock, sold two, and now only one is left. Would you like it now?"

Nanako was delighted and whispered, "I can't make the payment right now, could you please hold it for me quietly? I'll have someone come over later to pay, and could you also adjust the ring size to the one I tried on earlier, please?"

The salesperson politely replied, "Of course, miss. Please tell me your name, and when your arranged person comes, they can just mention your name."

Nanako smiled happily, "My surname is Ito, and the person coming will inform you that they are buying for Miss Ito."

The salesperson nodded gently, "Alright, Miss Ito."

Nanako blinked, lowered her voice, and said, "Please don't tell the gentleman who came with me, keep it a secret for me."

Though puzzled, the salesperson nodded professionally, "You can trust me, I won't disclose it to anyone."

"That's great!"

Meanwhile, Charlie was by the bracelet counter, casually browsing through the selection.

The store had a variety of bracelet styles, mostly understated and simple, but there was one rose gold and diamond-studded bracelet that looked particularly luxurious.

Charlie knew Elaine well; his mother-in-law had a penchant for things that screamed luxury at first glance.

The gold colour and full diamonds, something sparkly at a glance, would surely match her taste.

Despite being fully studded with diamonds, the price wasn't too high due to the smaller size of the stones.

After Charlie made his selection, he had the salesperson package the bracelet and paid for it along with the ring.

By this time, Nanako had also sorted out the ring purchase with the previous salesperson and sent a message for her assistant to come and make the payment.

Once everything was arranged, she happily approached Charlie and asked, "Charlie, have you made your choices?"

Charlie nodded, "I've paid for everything. By the way, Nanako, why are you so happy?"

Charlie could tell that Nanako seemed much happier now than before, almost like she was in higher spirits.

Nanako playfully stuck out her tongue and winked, saying, "It's a secret, can't tell you, Charlie, or you'll tease me."

Charlie smiled gently, "Why would I do that?"

Nanako blushed, "I can't tell you, it's too embarrassing."

Charlie shrugged helplessly, "Since you don't want to say, I won't ask..."
Chapter 1836 - "A Promise of Retribution"

Unfortunately, even with all his skills, he couldn't turn back time.

So, he could only hope for the next opportunity.

Deep in his heart, he vowed, "Virtuoso, if I ever have a chance to face you again, I won't let it slip away!"

When Charlie returned to the ward, Takehiko looked at him with surprise and asked, "Mr. Wade, do you know Virtuoso? Is there some connection between you two? Why are you so sensitive towards him?"

Emi and Nanako also looked puzzled at Charlie, eagerly awaiting his response.

Seeing this, Charlie chuckled self-deprecatingly and said in annoyance, "Have you forgotten? I accidentally saved his children, and with his wealth, he should've at least given me a symbolic gesture of a billion US dollars. But unexpectedly, he managed to escape..."

Takehiko was speechless.

He didn't doubt Charlie's words at all because in his eyes, Charlie was good in every way except for his love of money. For money, he could shamelessly extort and maliciously seize things.

Therefore, unintentionally saving Cameron and Camilla, with Charlie's character, not thinking about money would be out of character for him.

Upon hearing this, Nanako couldn't help but laugh and said, "Mr. Charlie, you are so obsessed with money. Do you know, when you heard the name Virtuoso earlier, you acted as if he was your archenemy, only to find out he's just a debtor in your heart..."

Charlie smiled wryly and casually remarked, "Well, it's a shame he got away, but it's alright. Sooner or later, there will be a chance to settle this debt. He may evade today, but not forever."

Nanako nodded, then turned to Takehiko and said, "Otousan, I brought two sets of patient meals today, one for you and the other for Tanaka-san. Can I go check on him?"

Takehiko nodded, "Tanaka is in the next ward, go ahead and see him."

Nanako turned to Charlie and asked, "Mr. Charlie, would you like to come along?"

Charlie had a good impression of Tanaka, who was indeed a rare loyal servant, so he nodded and said, "Sure, let's go together."

At that moment, Koichi was half-lying in the neighboring ward, reading a book.

Upon seeing Nanako and Charlie enter, he quickly put down the book and respectfully greeted, "Miss Nanako, Mr. Wade, hello!"

Nanako smiled gently, approached with the meal box, and said, "Tanaka-san, I brought you a patient meal from home, specially made by our chef. Please enjoy it while it's hot."

Koichi was pleasantly surprised, "Miss, how can I let you bring me food, I can't accept..."

Nanako sincerely said, "Tanaka-san, you saved my father's life, I am deeply grateful. A meal is nothing, just a small token of appreciation!"

Koichi sincerely replied, "Miss, with your words, even if I die a thousand times, it's worth it..."

Nanako said, "Tanaka-san, if you need anything, just tell Auntie, she will find a way to help you. Stay strong, recover well, and get discharged soon!"

Koichi nodded repeatedly, gratefully saying, "I understand, Miss, thank you for your care!"

After that, he tentatively asked, "I went to the chairman's ward this morning in a wheelchair, and the chairman said Mr. Wade cured your injury?"

Nanako nodded and said, "Mr. Wade not only healed my injury but also saved my life..."

Koichi looked at Charlie and thanked him, "Mr. Wade, I am truly... very grateful!"

Due to missing the chance for revenge against Virtuoso, Charlie felt somewhat frustrated. When Tanaka spoke to him, he couldn't help but respond in a somewhat perfunctory manner, "No need to be polite."

Surprised, Koichi asked, "Is there something bothering Mr. Wade?"

Nanako giggled and said, "Oh, he just missed out on a hundred billion US dollars, so he's sulking..."

Chapter 1837 - "Nanako Plays Pretend"

Upon hearing Nanako's words, Charlie simply smiled faintly without elaborating further.

After chatting with Koichi for a while, Nanako expressed her apologies to him, "Tanaka-san, Charlie will be returning to Aurous Hill tonight, I need to accompany him to buy some things, so I'll take my leave for now and come to see you later tonight!"

Koichi hurriedly replied, "Miss, you and Mr. Wade go ahead, you don't need to worry about me, there's no need for you to come specially to visit me, it would trouble you too much!"

Nanako smiled and said, "It's not a bother, we've known each other for so many years, why be so polite."

Koichi nodded gratefully, then turned to Charlie and earnestly said, "Mr. Wade, since you're returning to your country tonight, I won't be able to see you off, I wish you a safe journey!"

Charlie smiled faintly, "Thank you, Tanaka, we'll meet again in the future."

"Alright, Mr. Wade, until we meet again!"

Leaving Koichi's ward, Nanako accompanied Charlie to Ginza in Tokyo.

It had been several days since they arrived in Japan, and this was Charlie's first time going out shopping.

Since he had bought a set of Hermès for his wife Claire the last time they went to Eastcliff, Charlie decided to skip luxury bags this time.

While browsing in the jewelry area, Charlie was captivated by a heart-shaped diamond ring from Tiffany's.

The main diamond of this ring weighed three carats, with very high clarity. It wasn't very large, but exquisitely beautiful with its heart-shaped cut, instantly catching his eye.

Reflecting on the time from their marriage till now, realizing he hadn't given Claire a true wedding ring yet, Charlie decided to buy this diamond ring to gift to her.

After inquiring with the salesperson, he learned that the price of this ring was around eight hundred thousand RMB, which wasn't too expensive.

So, Charlie decided to purchase this ring.

Nanako, standing beside him, couldn't hide her envy and asked softly, "Charlie, are you buying this ring to give to your wife?"

"Yes," Charlie nodded, saying, "She's been with me for so many years, and I haven't given her a ring yet."

Nanako sighed and said, "Charlie, you're really good to your wife..."

Charlie smiled faintly, about to modestly respond, when the Tiffany salesperson politely asked, "Sir, may I ask about the ring size for your wife's ring finger?"

This question caught Charlie off guard.

"The ring size? I really don't know about that..."

The salesperson explained, "If you're unsure about the ring size, it might be a bit troublesome to buy one too big or too small. I suggest you make a call to ask your wife about it, confirm the ring size, and we can adjust it to the most suitable state here."

Charlie hesitated slightly.

He wanted to surprise Claire, and if he called her now to ask, wouldn't the surprise be ruined?

Just then, Nanako softly interjected, "Um... Charlie, look at my hand, how different is it from your wife's?"

Saying this, Nanako opened her hands, fingers spread out in front of Charlie.

After careful observation, Charlie excitedly said, "Nanako, your hand feels similar to my wife's fingers! How about you help me try it on!"

Nanako nodded without hesitation.

The salesperson then handed the ring to Charlie, saying, "Sir, could you please let this young lady help with the fitting?"

Without much thought, Charlie took the ring in one hand, gently holding Nanako's right wrist with the other, carefully sliding the ring onto her ring finger.

At that moment, Nanako felt as if she were in a dream.

Though she knew she was just helping Charlie's wife try on a ring, the thought of Charlie putting a diamond ring on her ring finger made her inexplicably excited.

In her mind, she thought, "If this is a dream, I wish I could sleep here forever and never wake up..."

Chapter 1838 - Nanako's Bittersweet Moment

The ring slid over the knuckle of her ring finger, and as it settled on her hand, tears welled up in Nanako's eyes.

She quickly lowered her head, not wanting Charlie to see her current state.

She truly cared for Charlie, but she didn't want to burden him with overwhelming emotions.

Deep down, she knew that Charlie's visit to Kyoto, Japan, to see her was not solely driven by romantic feelings, but rather by sympathy and regret for her situation.

Nanako understood Charlie's empathy, a connection born from their shared passion for martial arts.

Empathy is about understanding others' perspectives, connecting emotionally, and putting oneself in their shoes.

Just like a racing driver witnessing a fellow racer's accident and feeling a stronger empathy than an onlooker.

Similarly, a soldier seeing a comrade injured in battle would also experience such empathy.

Charlie was no different towards her.

Seeing her ignore advice, getting injured in the competition, and being taken away in an ambulance, he must have felt more sympathy towards her.

Moreover, he had the means to heal her, which was why he took the time to come to Japan, visit her in Kyoto, save her, and treat her injuries.

Nanako knew deep down that Charlie's kindness towards her was mostly driven by empathy and sympathy, rather than genuine romantic feelings.

For a girl deeply infatuated, the last thing she wanted was pity from the one she loved.

Apart from love, nothing else mattered to her.

At this moment, Charlie couldn't see Nanako's expression; his attention was solely on her fingers. Seeing the ring a bit loose on Nanako's hand, he gently took it off and asked the salesperson to adjust its size.

Nanako felt a strong sense of loss at that moment, knowing that the ring would eventually leave her finger.

When Charlie removed the ring, her heart ached as if cut by a knife.

She couldn't bear for Charlie to see her vulnerable, so she quickly excused herself to the restroom while he was preoccupied with the salesperson.

Tears filled her eyes to the brim, and she had to leave before they overflowed.

She didn't want Charlie to witness her in tears, as she didn't want to distract him from his focus.

She never intended to interfere with Charlie's life or marriage, considering the immense kindness he had shown her.

As she walked away, she silently recited in her heart:

"Tonight, Charlie will leave Japan, returning to his family, to his wife..."

"Who knows when he will return..."

"The next few hours will be the last I spend by Charlie's side..."

"I must control my emotions and not add to his mental burden..."

Chapter 1839 ""Perfect Fit"

When Nanako returned from the bathroom, her face showed no traces of tears, only a slight redness around her eyes.

She deliberately splashed cold water on her face, making it look much more natural.

Back in the store, Nanako took the initiative to smile and ask Charlie, "Charlie, have you adjusted it? Do you want me to try again?"

Charlie smiled and nodded, "Thank you!"

Nanako smiled gently, "Charlie, you don't need to be so polite."

With that, she extended her right hand again, saying cheerfully, "Come on! Let's try again!"

Without much thought, Charlie picked up the adjusted ring and once again placed it on her ring finger.

This time, the ring fit perfectly, neither too tight nor too loose, looking simply impeccable on her hand.

Nanako couldn't help but change the direction of her right hand, carefully observing the not-so-expensive diamond ring under the light.

Although this ring was not as extravagant as the ones worth hundreds of thousands or even millions in the hands of socialites, it had its own unique charm.

Simple, elegant, beautiful, and captivating.

Charlie looked at the ring on Nanako's finger and found himself liking it more and more.

He knew his wife didn't pursue luxurious jewelry, and this ring happened to complement her serene demeanor perfectly.

Thinking of her serene demeanor, he couldn't help but shift his focus from the ring to Nanako's face.

Honestly, if serenity was to be rated, Claire might score eighty or even ninety, but Nanako was a definite one hundred.

So, in a way, it seemed like this ring and Nanako's aura were a perfect match.

However, Charlie didn't dwell too much on this matter.

Nanako wore the ring with a mix of joy and melancholy, observing it for a while before reluctantly taking it off and handing it to Charlie.

She said, "Charlie, if it fits well, let the salesperson wrap it up for you!"

"Sure!" Charlie, seeing that the ring fit well, smiled and said to the salesperson, "Hello, could you please wrap up this ring for me?"

"Of course, sir!"

The salesperson was also very happy.

Although Tiffany was a well-known brand, most diamond rings were priced between $10,000 and $20,000, with very few exceeding $20,000 and sometimes not even selling one in a week.

Rings like the one Charlie chose, priced at over $100,000, generally only sold a limited number in a year.

Therefore, she regarded Charlie as a distinguished VIP client, very carefully packaging the ring for him and then saying, "Sir, if you don't have any other requests, please come with me to the cashier to settle the payment."

Charlie said, "No rush, I'd like to see some bracelets."

Since the ring was a token of love between partners, he naturally couldn't buy the same thing for his mother-in-law.

So, Charlie planned to show Elaine a bracelet, not too expensive, around 200,000 to 300,000 RMB would already be quite impressive.

For Elaine, a bracelet worth 200,000 to 300,000 RMB would be enough to keep her up all night with joy.

When the salesperson heard that Charlie wanted to buy a bracelet, she immediately said, "Sir, please wait a moment. Let me get the person in charge of bracelets to show you some options."

In their store, each salesperson had their own exclusive counter, with this salesperson in charge of diamond rings, so someone else would assist Charlie with selecting a bracelet.

Chapter 1840 - Nanako's Silent Splurge

Charlie readily agreed, and soon, the salesperson called another girl over and said to her, "Sis, this VIP wants to see some bracelets, can you help recommend some?"

The girl knew Charlie was wealthy, so she immediately smiled and said, "Sir, please follow me."

Nanako hurriedly asked him, "Charlie, do you still need me to try on the bracelet for you?"

Charlie chuckled, "I'm buying the bracelet for my mother-in-law, who is a bit plump, so I won't trouble you."

Nanako then smiled and said, "In that case, Charlie, you go ahead and look at the bracelets, I'd like to see some rings, is that okay?"

Charlie nodded, "Of course, you go ahead, I'll go check out the bracelets over there."

As Charlie headed to the bracelet section, Nanako quietly asked the girl who had shown her the rings earlier, "Excuse me, is the ring I tried on earlier still available?"

The salesperson nodded gently and said, "Yes, we had three of that ring in stock, sold two, and now only one is left. Would you like it now?"

Nanako was delighted and whispered, "I can't make the payment right now, could you please hold it for me quietly? I'll have someone come over later to pay, and could you also adjust the ring size to the one I tried on earlier, please?"

The salesperson politely replied, "Of course, miss. Please tell me your name, and when your arranged person comes, they can just mention your name."

Nanako smiled happily, "My surname is Ito, and the person coming will inform you that they are buying for Miss Ito."

The salesperson nodded gently, "Alright, Miss Ito."

Nanako blinked, lowered her voice, and said, "Please don't tell the gentleman who came with me, keep it a secret for me."

Though puzzled, the salesperson nodded professionally, "You can trust me, I won't disclose it to anyone."

"That's great!"

Meanwhile, Charlie was by the bracelet counter, casually browsing through the selection.

The store had a variety of bracelet styles, mostly understated and simple, but there was one rose gold and diamond-studded bracelet that looked particularly luxurious.

Charlie knew Elaine well; his mother-in-law had a penchant for things that screamed luxury at first glance.

The gold colour and full diamonds, something sparkly at a glance, would surely match her taste.

Despite being fully studded with diamonds, the price wasn't too high due to the smaller size of the stones.

After Charlie made his selection, he had the salesperson package the bracelet and paid for it along with the ring.

By this time, Nanako had also sorted out the ring purchase with the previous salesperson and sent a message for her assistant to come and make the payment.

Once everything was arranged, she happily approached Charlie and asked, "Charlie, have you made your choices?"

Charlie nodded, "I've paid for everything. By the way, Nanako, why are you so happy?"

Charlie could tell that Nanako seemed much happier now than before, almost like she was in higher spirits.

Nanako playfully stuck out her tongue and winked, saying, "It's a secret, can't tell you, Charlie, or you'll tease me."

Charlie smiled gently, "Why would I do that?"

Nanako blushed, "I can't tell you, it's too embarrassing."

Charlie shrugged helplessly, "Since you don't want to say, I won't ask..."
Many thanks for the updates master Junlee
This jewellery store is like the eighth heaven for Nanako. So close and so far at the same time. Thank you very much Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000'). Go and cultivate with your soul mate Mrs junlee . Don't think I will encourage you with any maiden here
Chapter 1836 - "A Promise of Retribution"

Unfortunately, even with all his skills, he couldn't turn back time.

So, he could only hope for the next opportunity.

Deep in his heart, he vowed, "Virtuoso, if I ever have a chance to face you again, I won't let it slip away!"

When Charlie returned to the ward, Takehiko looked at him with surprise and asked, "Mr. Wade, do you know Virtuoso? Is there some connection between you two? Why are you so sensitive towards him?"

Emi and Nanako also looked puzzled at Charlie, eagerly awaiting his response.

Seeing this, Charlie chuckled self-deprecatingly and said in annoyance, "Have you forgotten? I accidentally saved his children, and with his wealth, he should've at least given me a symbolic gesture of a billion US dollars. But unexpectedly, he managed to escape..."

Takehiko was speechless.

He didn't doubt Charlie's words at all because in his eyes, Charlie was good in every way except for his love of money. For money, he could shamelessly extort and maliciously seize things.

Therefore, unintentionally saving Cameron and Camilla, with Charlie's character, not thinking about money would be out of character for him.

Upon hearing this, Nanako couldn't help but laugh and said, "Mr. Charlie, you are so obsessed with money. Do you know, when you heard the name Virtuoso earlier, you acted as if he was your archenemy, only to find out he's just a debtor in your heart..."

Charlie smiled wryly and casually remarked, "Well, it's a shame he got away, but it's alright. Sooner or later, there will be a chance to settle this debt. He may evade today, but not forever."

Nanako nodded, then turned to Takehiko and said, "Otousan, I brought two sets of patient meals today, one for you and the other for Tanaka-san. Can I go check on him?"

Takehiko nodded, "Tanaka is in the next ward, go ahead and see him."

Nanako turned to Charlie and asked, "Mr. Charlie, would you like to come along?"

Charlie had a good impression of Tanaka, who was indeed a rare loyal servant, so he nodded and said, "Sure, let's go together."

At that moment, Koichi was half-lying in the neighboring ward, reading a book.

Upon seeing Nanako and Charlie enter, he quickly put down the book and respectfully greeted, "Miss Nanako, Mr. Wade, hello!"

Nanako smiled gently, approached with the meal box, and said, "Tanaka-san, I brought you a patient meal from home, specially made by our chef. Please enjoy it while it's hot."

Koichi was pleasantly surprised, "Miss, how can I let you bring me food, I can't accept..."

Nanako sincerely said, "Tanaka-san, you saved my father's life, I am deeply grateful. A meal is nothing, just a small token of appreciation!"

Koichi sincerely replied, "Miss, with your words, even if I die a thousand times, it's worth it..."

Nanako said, "Tanaka-san, if you need anything, just tell Auntie, she will find a way to help you. Stay strong, recover well, and get discharged soon!"

Koichi nodded repeatedly, gratefully saying, "I understand, Miss, thank you for your care!"

After that, he tentatively asked, "I went to the chairman's ward this morning in a wheelchair, and the chairman said Mr. Wade cured your injury?"

Nanako nodded and said, "Mr. Wade not only healed my injury but also saved my life..."

Koichi looked at Charlie and thanked him, "Mr. Wade, I am truly... very grateful!"

Due to missing the chance for revenge against Virtuoso, Charlie felt somewhat frustrated. When Tanaka spoke to him, he couldn't help but respond in a somewhat perfunctory manner, "No need to be polite."

Surprised, Koichi asked, "Is there something bothering Mr. Wade?"

Nanako giggled and said, "Oh, he just missed out on a hundred billion US dollars, so he's sulking..."

Chapter 1837 - "Nanako Plays Pretend"

Upon hearing Nanako's words, Charlie simply smiled faintly without elaborating further.

After chatting with Koichi for a while, Nanako expressed her apologies to him, "Tanaka-san, Charlie will be returning to Aurous Hill tonight, I need to accompany him to buy some things, so I'll take my leave for now and come to see you later tonight!"

Koichi hurriedly replied, "Miss, you and Mr. Wade go ahead, you don't need to worry about me, there's no need for you to come specially to visit me, it would trouble you too much!"

Nanako smiled and said, "It's not a bother, we've known each other for so many years, why be so polite."

Koichi nodded gratefully, then turned to Charlie and earnestly said, "Mr. Wade, since you're returning to your country tonight, I won't be able to see you off, I wish you a safe journey!"

Charlie smiled faintly, "Thank you, Tanaka, we'll meet again in the future."

"Alright, Mr. Wade, until we meet again!"

Leaving Koichi's ward, Nanako accompanied Charlie to Ginza in Tokyo.

It had been several days since they arrived in Japan, and this was Charlie's first time going out shopping.

Since he had bought a set of Hermès for his wife Claire the last time they went to Eastcliff, Charlie decided to skip luxury bags this time.

While browsing in the jewelry area, Charlie was captivated by a heart-shaped diamond ring from Tiffany's.

The main diamond of this ring weighed three carats, with very high clarity. It wasn't very large, but exquisitely beautiful with its heart-shaped cut, instantly catching his eye.

Reflecting on the time from their marriage till now, realizing he hadn't given Claire a true wedding ring yet, Charlie decided to buy this diamond ring to gift to her.

After inquiring with the salesperson, he learned that the price of this ring was around eight hundred thousand RMB, which wasn't too expensive.

So, Charlie decided to purchase this ring.

Nanako, standing beside him, couldn't hide her envy and asked softly, "Charlie, are you buying this ring to give to your wife?"

"Yes," Charlie nodded, saying, "She's been with me for so many years, and I haven't given her a ring yet."

Nanako sighed and said, "Charlie, you're really good to your wife..."

Charlie smiled faintly, about to modestly respond, when the Tiffany salesperson politely asked, "Sir, may I ask about the ring size for your wife's ring finger?"

This question caught Charlie off guard.

"The ring size? I really don't know about that..."

The salesperson explained, "If you're unsure about the ring size, it might be a bit troublesome to buy one too big or too small. I suggest you make a call to ask your wife about it, confirm the ring size, and we can adjust it to the most suitable state here."

Charlie hesitated slightly.

He wanted to surprise Claire, and if he called her now to ask, wouldn't the surprise be ruined?

Just then, Nanako softly interjected, "Um... Charlie, look at my hand, how different is it from your wife's?"

Saying this, Nanako opened her hands, fingers spread out in front of Charlie.

After careful observation, Charlie excitedly said, "Nanako, your hand feels similar to my wife's fingers! How about you help me try it on!"

Nanako nodded without hesitation.

The salesperson then handed the ring to Charlie, saying, "Sir, could you please let this young lady help with the fitting?"

Without much thought, Charlie took the ring in one hand, gently holding Nanako's right wrist with the other, carefully sliding the ring onto her ring finger.

At that moment, Nanako felt as if she were in a dream.

Though she knew she was just helping Charlie's wife try on a ring, the thought of Charlie putting a diamond ring on her ring finger made her inexplicably excited.

In her mind, she thought, "If this is a dream, I wish I could sleep here forever and never wake up..."

Chapter 1838 - Nanako's Bittersweet Moment

The ring slid over the knuckle of her ring finger, and as it settled on her hand, tears welled up in Nanako's eyes.

She quickly lowered her head, not wanting Charlie to see her current state.

She truly cared for Charlie, but she didn't want to burden him with overwhelming emotions.

Deep down, she knew that Charlie's visit to Kyoto, Japan, to see her was not solely driven by romantic feelings, but rather by sympathy and regret for her situation.

Nanako understood Charlie's empathy, a connection born from their shared passion for martial arts.

Empathy is about understanding others' perspectives, connecting emotionally, and putting oneself in their shoes.

Just like a racing driver witnessing a fellow racer's accident and feeling a stronger empathy than an onlooker.

Similarly, a soldier seeing a comrade injured in battle would also experience such empathy.

Charlie was no different towards her.

Seeing her ignore advice, getting injured in the competition, and being taken away in an ambulance, he must have felt more sympathy towards her.

Moreover, he had the means to heal her, which was why he took the time to come to Japan, visit her in Kyoto, save her, and treat her injuries.

Nanako knew deep down that Charlie's kindness towards her was mostly driven by empathy and sympathy, rather than genuine romantic feelings.

For a girl deeply infatuated, the last thing she wanted was pity from the one she loved.

Apart from love, nothing else mattered to her.

At this moment, Charlie couldn't see Nanako's expression; his attention was solely on her fingers. Seeing the ring a bit loose on Nanako's hand, he gently took it off and asked the salesperson to adjust its size.

Nanako felt a strong sense of loss at that moment, knowing that the ring would eventually leave her finger.

When Charlie removed the ring, her heart ached as if cut by a knife.

She couldn't bear for Charlie to see her vulnerable, so she quickly excused herself to the restroom while he was preoccupied with the salesperson.

Tears filled her eyes to the brim, and she had to leave before they overflowed.

She didn't want Charlie to witness her in tears, as she didn't want to distract him from his focus.

She never intended to interfere with Charlie's life or marriage, considering the immense kindness he had shown her.

As she walked away, she silently recited in her heart:

"Tonight, Charlie will leave Japan, returning to his family, to his wife..."

"Who knows when he will return..."

"The next few hours will be the last I spend by Charlie's side..."

"I must control my emotions and not add to his mental burden..."

Chapter 1839 ""Perfect Fit"

When Nanako returned from the bathroom, her face showed no traces of tears, only a slight redness around her eyes.

She deliberately splashed cold water on her face, making it look much more natural.

Back in the store, Nanako took the initiative to smile and ask Charlie, "Charlie, have you adjusted it? Do you want me to try again?"

Charlie smiled and nodded, "Thank you!"

Nanako smiled gently, "Charlie, you don't need to be so polite."

With that, she extended her right hand again, saying cheerfully, "Come on! Let's try again!"

Without much thought, Charlie picked up the adjusted ring and once again placed it on her ring finger.

This time, the ring fit perfectly, neither too tight nor too loose, looking simply impeccable on her hand.

Nanako couldn't help but change the direction of her right hand, carefully observing the not-so-expensive diamond ring under the light.

Although this ring was not as extravagant as the ones worth hundreds of thousands or even millions in the hands of socialites, it had its own unique charm.

Simple, elegant, beautiful, and captivating.

Charlie looked at the ring on Nanako's finger and found himself liking it more and more.

He knew his wife didn't pursue luxurious jewelry, and this ring happened to complement her serene demeanor perfectly.

Thinking of her serene demeanor, he couldn't help but shift his focus from the ring to Nanako's face.

Honestly, if serenity was to be rated, Claire might score eighty or even ninety, but Nanako was a definite one hundred.

So, in a way, it seemed like this ring and Nanako's aura were a perfect match.

However, Charlie didn't dwell too much on this matter.

Nanako wore the ring with a mix of joy and melancholy, observing it for a while before reluctantly taking it off and handing it to Charlie.

She said, "Charlie, if it fits well, let the salesperson wrap it up for you!"

"Sure!" Charlie, seeing that the ring fit well, smiled and said to the salesperson, "Hello, could you please wrap up this ring for me?"

"Of course, sir!"

The salesperson was also very happy.

Although Tiffany was a well-known brand, most diamond rings were priced between $10,000 and $20,000, with very few exceeding $20,000 and sometimes not even selling one in a week.

Rings like the one Charlie chose, priced at over $100,000, generally only sold a limited number in a year.

Therefore, she regarded Charlie as a distinguished VIP client, very carefully packaging the ring for him and then saying, "Sir, if you don't have any other requests, please come with me to the cashier to settle the payment."

Charlie said, "No rush, I'd like to see some bracelets."

Since the ring was a token of love between partners, he naturally couldn't buy the same thing for his mother-in-law.

So, Charlie planned to show Elaine a bracelet, not too expensive, around 200,000 to 300,000 RMB would already be quite impressive.

For Elaine, a bracelet worth 200,000 to 300,000 RMB would be enough to keep her up all night with joy.

When the salesperson heard that Charlie wanted to buy a bracelet, she immediately said, "Sir, please wait a moment. Let me get the person in charge of bracelets to show you some options."

In their store, each salesperson had their own exclusive counter, with this salesperson in charge of diamond rings, so someone else would assist Charlie with selecting a bracelet.

Chapter 1840 - Nanako's Silent Splurge

Charlie readily agreed, and soon, the salesperson called another girl over and said to her, "Sis, this VIP wants to see some bracelets, can you help recommend some?"

The girl knew Charlie was wealthy, so she immediately smiled and said, "Sir, please follow me."

Nanako hurriedly asked him, "Charlie, do you still need me to try on the bracelet for you?"

Charlie chuckled, "I'm buying the bracelet for my mother-in-law, who is a bit plump, so I won't trouble you."

Nanako then smiled and said, "In that case, Charlie, you go ahead and look at the bracelets, I'd like to see some rings, is that okay?"

Charlie nodded, "Of course, you go ahead, I'll go check out the bracelets over there."

As Charlie headed to the bracelet section, Nanako quietly asked the girl who had shown her the rings earlier, "Excuse me, is the ring I tried on earlier still available?"

The salesperson nodded gently and said, "Yes, we had three of that ring in stock, sold two, and now only one is left. Would you like it now?"

Nanako was delighted and whispered, "I can't make the payment right now, could you please hold it for me quietly? I'll have someone come over later to pay, and could you also adjust the ring size to the one I tried on earlier, please?"

The salesperson politely replied, "Of course, miss. Please tell me your name, and when your arranged person comes, they can just mention your name."

Nanako smiled happily, "My surname is Ito, and the person coming will inform you that they are buying for Miss Ito."

The salesperson nodded gently, "Alright, Miss Ito."

Nanako blinked, lowered her voice, and said, "Please don't tell the gentleman who came with me, keep it a secret for me."

Though puzzled, the salesperson nodded professionally, "You can trust me, I won't disclose it to anyone."

"That's great!"

Meanwhile, Charlie was by the bracelet counter, casually browsing through the selection.

The store had a variety of bracelet styles, mostly understated and simple, but there was one rose gold and diamond-studded bracelet that looked particularly luxurious.

Charlie knew Elaine well; his mother-in-law had a penchant for things that screamed luxury at first glance.

The gold colour and full diamonds, something sparkly at a glance, would surely match her taste.

Despite being fully studded with diamonds, the price wasn't too high due to the smaller size of the stones.

After Charlie made his selection, he had the salesperson package the bracelet and paid for it along with the ring.

By this time, Nanako had also sorted out the ring purchase with the previous salesperson and sent a message for her assistant to come and make the payment.

Once everything was arranged, she happily approached Charlie and asked, "Charlie, have you made your choices?"

Charlie nodded, "I've paid for everything. By the way, Nanako, why are you so happy?"

Charlie could tell that Nanako seemed much happier now than before, almost like she was in higher spirits.

Nanako playfully stuck out her tongue and winked, saying, "It's a secret, can't tell you, Charlie, or you'll tease me."

Charlie smiled gently, "Why would I do that?"

Nanako blushed, "I can't tell you, it's too embarrassing."

Charlie shrugged helplessly, "Since you don't want to say, I won't ask..."
Chapter 1841 - Parting Paths

After leaving Tiffany, Nanako accompanied Charlie to stroll around the major stores in Ginza.

To avoid appearing too extravagant, Charlie specifically bought a high-end boss suit for his father-in-law, Jacob.

His father-in-law now frequents the Calligraphy and Painting Association every day and has become the second most prominent figure in the association, earning quite a reputation.

Moreover, the association he is in often interacts with the senior university where Han Meiqing is, so Charlie buying a suit for his father-in-law is also to help him freshen up a bit, making him look more spirited and respectable.

In addition, Charlie also bought some other miscellaneous accessories and items.

At half past three in the afternoon, with about two hours before Charlie's flight to Osaka, considering the distance between Tokyo Airport and the city, Charlie said to Nanako, "Nanako, it's about time for me to go to the airport."

Without hesitation, Nanako said, "Charlie, I'll take you there!"

Charlie replied, "I have to drive there and leave the car at the airport. If you come with me, how will you get back?"

"No worries," Nanako blurted out, "I can have someone drive to the airport to pick me up, so Charlie, don't worry!"

Charlie subconsciously asked, "Isn't that too much trouble for you?"

"Not at all, not at all!" Nanako's expression was pleading, "Charlie, Nanako wants to take you to the airport, even to Osaka, even back to Aurous Hill. But due to the current situation at home, it's not suitable for me to leave, so please give Nanako a chance to take you to the airport..."

Hearing this, Charlie couldn't help but feel touched and said, "Then let's go to the airport together. You can also call your family and arrange for them to send a car to pick you up at the airport."

"Okay!" Nanako nodded repeatedly, joyfully saying, "Charlie, you don't need to worry, I'll take care of it!"


Upon hearing this, Charlie no longer insisted, and the two got into the car and headed towards Tokyo Airport.

This journey marked the first leg of Charlie's return trip.

During the drive, Nanako was deeply lost in thought.

She kept stealing glances at Charlie beside her, feeling extremely reluctant to part with him.

Back in Aurous Hill, Nanako had already developed feelings for Charlie.

And after meeting Charlie again in Japan, Nanako completely fell in love with him.

Now that she was separated from Charlie, she didn't know if she would have another chance to meet him.

Because she could sense that Charlie had let go of the burden in his heart regarding her.

Nanako was a very clever girl.

She could see that Charlie must have come to Japan because of her injury, so there was a sense of sympathy towards her in his heart.

And he happened to have the medicine that could cure her, which was why he brought that medicine to Kyoto to find her and heal her.

At this moment, she couldn't help but think sadly to herself, "My injury has healed, so Charlie will probably be able to let go of me in the future, right?"

With these thoughts, Nanako felt deeply melancholic.

In her heart, she was willing to give up some things in exchange for Charlie staying in Japan.

But she also knew deep down that this was not realistic.

Chapter 1842 - Charlie's Fiscal Philosophy

As Nanako's thoughts swirled, Charlie had already driven to the airport.

After parking the car at the airport's parking lot, they both got out of the car together.

Instead of rushing off, Charlie bent down and placed the car keys on top of the front tire.

Curiously, Nanako asked, "Charlie, what are you doing?"

Charlie chuckled, "I'm leaving the keys here for a friend, otherwise, I'd have to take these keys back to China."

Nanako puzzled, "Won't they get lost like this? What if someone finds them and drives the car away?"

Charlie smiled, "They're safe here, no one will notice them among all these cars. Who would bend down to check someone else's tire among so many cars here?"

He continued, "I'll inform the owner of the key's location. Once they know, it'll be convenient for them to pick up the car."

Nanako nodded with a smile, "Charlie, you're clever. I would never have thought of such a method in my lifetime."

Charlie grinned, "I'm just trying to save some money. Sending it back to him after I return to China would cost quite a bit."

Nanako burst into laughter, "Charlie, with your situation, you surely won't be short of money... Your father alone has contributed 4.5 billion US dollars, and your Mystical Labs is rapidly expanding. Why bother saving money like this?"

Charlie smirked, "It's not about saving money, it's about living within means. We strive not to skimp on what's necessary and not to waste on what's unnecessary."

Nanako nodded earnestly, "Thank you, Charlie. I've learned from you."

Charlie waved it off, "Oh, I'm no mentor, just expressing my personal views. They're just some rough personal opinions."

Nanako sincerely said, "Though the reasoning is simple and clear, I've never considered it. If I were still in my previous position, spending a bit more, wasting a bit more wouldn't matter. But now, my father hopes I can take over Ito Corporation. I must change my previous careless attitude towards money. Only by being like Charlie can we possibly expand and strengthen the family business!"

Seeing Nanako's serious expression, Charlie smiled helplessly and said, "I believe Ito Corporation will only grow stronger in your hands!"

Nanako nodded gently, "Thank you for your blessings, I hope to live up to expectations..."

Charlie looked at her, encouragingly smiled, and said, "Alright, it's almost time. I need to go through the registration procedures. How will you get back?"

Nanako replied, "I've asked the family assistant to come pick me up."

Glancing at the time, she hurriedly added, "She might take a while to arrive. How about I escort you to the security checkpoint?"

Charlie nodded, and the two left the parking lot, heading straight to the airport departure hall.

At that moment, a woman with delicate features and a hint of elegance and coldness stepped into the departure hall.

She stood about 175 cm tall with long slender legs.

Dressed in a black fitted leather jacket, black stretch leather pants, black high-top leather boots, her long black hair tied in a ponytail cascading down to her waist.

The woman exuded beauty, yet her face was icy cold.

Walking into the airport, she headed directly for the VIP security checkpoint.

The male staff responsible for verifying boarding information couldn't help but stare as she approached.

After a few seconds of silence in front of him, he finally regained his composure, blushing as he said, "Miss, please show your ID and boarding pass."

The woman expressionless handed over her identification, and with a glance, the passport displayed three Chinese characters: Raven Salvador!

Chapter 1843 - A Queen's Aura

Currently, Tokyo Airport has strengthened its outbound inspections to identify the culprit behind the murder of the Matsumoto family.

However, due to understaffing, they are unable to thoroughly monitor all passengers.

Even though Raven holds a Chinese passport, the fact that her boarding pass was for Osaka, not leaving Japan, led the staff not to report to their superiors.

He quietly repeated Raven's name in his mind, finding it pleasing to the ear, though he couldn't quite pinpoint why.

As Raven saw the staff staring at her passport in confusion, her initial thought was whether her identity had been compromised.

After a quick analysis, Raven concluded that the staff member was likely just momentarily stunned by her appearance, rather than suspecting her.

With a poker face, she asked the staff member, "Is my passport pretty?"

He instinctively nodded, "Very pretty."

Realizing his slip of the tongue, he hastily returned her passport, apologising, "Miss Salvador, I'm truly sorry! It was unintentional!"

Ignoring his apology, Raven coldly asked, "Can I go now?"

"Of course!" Overwhelmed by Raven's icy demeanor, the staff member quickly stamped her boarding pass and handed it to her respectfully.

Taking the boarding pass, Raven turned and left, leaving the staff member mesmerised by her presence, murmuring to himself, "She exudes the aura of a queen. I've never seen such a powerful woman before, except in TV dramas and anime."

Though the staff member couldn't get Raven out of his mind, she had already dismissed him from her thoughts, heading towards the security checkpoint.

With all skilled members of the Salvador family dispersed in Tokyo, unable to leave, they scattered as tourists, purchasing regular flight tickets to fly to Osaka individually.

Raven chose the 5:40 flight.

Upon arrival in Osaka, she would join the other Salvador family members and board a private plane borrowed from the Mediterranean to return home.

At this moment, Charlie also arrived at the VIP security checkpoint.

Before entering the security gate, he turned to the side and said to the nearby Nanako, "Nanako, thank you for accompanying me this far. I'm going through security now, you should head back."

Reluctantly, Nanako nodded and earnestly said, "Wishing you a safe journey, Charlie-kun. Remember to let me know once you land safely."

"Alright!" Charlie smiled slightly, "Take care of yourself too!"

With teary eyes, Nanako said, "Thank you for your concern. I'll make sure to take care of myself!"

Charlie nodded and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

This sigh held a mix of reluctance and acceptance.

The reluctance stemmed from the fact that Nanako was indeed a rare gem of a girl, flawless in every aspect except nationality.

Parting ways today meant they would likely never meet again, hence Charlie naturally felt a sense of reluctance.

As for acceptance, it was mainly because his trip to Japan had finally removed the thorn from his heart.

That thorn being Nanako.

Chapter 1844 - Bittersweet Farewell

Initially, Nanako was determined to compete with Dianne Ward. Dianne's strength skyrocketed due to her Resurrection Pill. Ultimately, Dianne severely injured Nanako on the stage, leaving a thorn in Charlie's heart.

Charlie felt a mix of emotions towards Nanako - he was torn between compassion for her and admiration for her unwavering and daring personality. He also felt a sense of guilt towards her, as he had single-handedly propelled Dianne from a level far below Nanako to a position far surpassing her.

Now that he had healed her wounds and significantly boosted her strength, the feelings of compassion and guilt began to fade. What remained was a deep appreciation for Nanako.

Thus, Charlie gave her a heartfelt smile, revealing a row of gleaming white teeth, and said, "Well then, I'll take my leave for now!"

"Alright!" Nanako nodded heavily, feeling deeply saddened inside but still managed to sweetly say with a smile, "Charlie, may you have great success in your martial pursuits and be safe and healthy!"

"Wishing for great success in martial pursuits" originates from China and is upheld in Japan. In ancient Japan, martial prowess was highly esteemed. Therefore, in Japanese tradition, wishing someone great success in martial pursuits carries profound meanings, not just wishing for good luck but also for unbeatable victories in battles and triumph in all pursuits.

Charlie was taken aback when Nanako expressed this wish for his success. He paused for a moment, then solemnly clasped his hands together and replied, "Thank you, Miss Nanako. Until we meet again!"

After saying this, Charlie glanced deeply at Nanako and then turned towards the security checkpoint.

As Charlie turned away, tears streamed down Nanako's face. She watched his departing figure, crying uncontrollably. She longed to call out to him, to make him turn back so she could look at him again.

However, she restrained herself from calling out to him, fearing that if he saw her tear-stained face, he might misunderstand her intentions. So, she stood there, watching him disappear through the doorway before turning away herself.

At that moment, Charlie couldn't resist the urge and instinctively glanced back at her. That one look struck him like lightning, leaving him stunned in place.

Initially intending to turn back and wave goodbye out of courtesy, Charlie was taken aback to see Nanako, who was smiling moments ago, now in tears.

In that moment, Charlie felt a pang of heartache, as if the softest part of his heart had been struck. This feeling could be summed up in just a word: heartache.

Nanako was equally surprised that Charlie looked back at her. As the eldest daughter of the Ito family and having been raised with traditional Japanese values, she completely lost control of her emotions.

In that moment, she abandoned all reason, ran towards Charlie, and threw herself into his arms, tightly embracing him. Before Charlie could react, she stood on her tiptoes, took the initiative, and tenderly offered her first kiss. Her lips, slightly salty and cold from tears, pressed against Charlie's without hesitation.

Chapter 1845 - A Heartfelt Goodbye

Initially, Charlie felt the soft, tender, and icy touch of Nanako's lips, followed by a slightly bitter taste in his mouth.

He was well aware that it was the taste of Nanako's tears.

At that moment, he felt a mix of reluctance and helplessness in his heart.

After a few seconds, their lips parted, and Nanako lifted her head, looking at Charlie with teary, red eyes, and choked out, "Charlie-kun, please don't forget me..."

Charlie nodded earnestly, "Don't worry, I won't!"

Nanako then solemnly said, "If you ever need my help in the future, please be sure to let me know, Charlie-kun!"

Charlie nodded, "Alright, same goes for you!"

Only then did Nanako smile through her tears, "Well, Charlie-kun, you better go now, or you'll miss your flight!"

Charlie looked at her and softly said, "Nanako, until we meet again."

"Yes, until we meet again, Charlie-kun!"

This time, Charlie turned around without looking back.

He didn't want to turn back and see Nanako in tears again like before.

So, he made up his mind and walked through the security checkpoint.

The surrounding passengers watched the enchanting Nanako at the security checkpoint, covering her face with her hands, tears flowing, and eyes fixed on Charlie's disappearing figure, feeling deeply moved in their hearts.

Most men, at that moment, envied the man who had just disappeared through the security checkpoint.

"What did that guy do to deserve such a beautiful woman looking at him so affectionately and tearfully?!"

"The key is... he didn't even look back! That's just too much!"

Nanako remained oblivious to everything around her.

Long after Charlie had disappeared, she remained immersed in that overwhelming feeling of unplaced emotion.

Until her phone rang.

She answered the call, and a woman's voice came through, "Miss, I'm at the airport entrance, where are you?"

Nanako quickly wiped away her tears and said, "Just wait a moment, I'll be there soon!"

After saying that, she hurriedly glanced back at the security checkpoint, made sure she couldn't see Charlie's figure, and then reluctantly turned away from the airport.

Outside the airport at that moment, three black Rolls-Royces were waiting side by side.

As Nanako exited the airport gate, a young woman stepped out of the front passenger seat of the middle Rolls-Royce and respectfully greeted her, "Miss, I'm here!"

Nanako nodded, and before she could reach her, the woman had already opened the rear door for her.

Once Nanako sat in the car, the woman closed the door and returned to the front passenger seat.

Seated in the car, Nanako couldn't contain her excitement and asked, "Kuanai, did you manage to buy the ring I wanted?"

"I did!" The woman, known as Kuanai, full name Kuanai Kurei, was a senior assistant of the Ito family. She immediately handed over a beautifully crafted Tiffany jewelry box from the front passenger seat.

Nanako excitedly received the jewelry box and carefully unwrapped it.

As she opened the box, she found the exact same diamond ring that Charlie had asked her to try on, lying silently inside.
Chapter 1841 - Parting Paths

After leaving Tiffany, Nanako accompanied Charlie to stroll around the major stores in Ginza.

To avoid appearing too extravagant, Charlie specifically bought a high-end boss suit for his father-in-law, Jacob.

His father-in-law now frequents the Calligraphy and Painting Association every day and has become the second most prominent figure in the association, earning quite a reputation.

Moreover, the association he is in often interacts with the senior university where Han Meiqing is, so Charlie buying a suit for his father-in-law is also to help him freshen up a bit, making him look more spirited and respectable.

In addition, Charlie also bought some other miscellaneous accessories and items.

At half past three in the afternoon, with about two hours before Charlie's flight to Osaka, considering the distance between Tokyo Airport and the city, Charlie said to Nanako, "Nanako, it's about time for me to go to the airport."

Without hesitation, Nanako said, "Charlie, I'll take you there!"

Charlie replied, "I have to drive there and leave the car at the airport. If you come with me, how will you get back?"

"No worries," Nanako blurted out, "I can have someone drive to the airport to pick me up, so Charlie, don't worry!"

Charlie subconsciously asked, "Isn't that too much trouble for you?"

"Not at all, not at all!" Nanako's expression was pleading, "Charlie, Nanako wants to take you to the airport, even to Osaka, even back to Aurous Hill. But due to the current situation at home, it's not suitable for me to leave, so please give Nanako a chance to take you to the airport..."

Hearing this, Charlie couldn't help but feel touched and said, "Then let's go to the airport together. You can also call your family and arrange for them to send a car to pick you up at the airport."

"Okay!" Nanako nodded repeatedly, joyfully saying, "Charlie, you don't need to worry, I'll take care of it!"


Upon hearing this, Charlie no longer insisted, and the two got into the car and headed towards Tokyo Airport.

This journey marked the first leg of Charlie's return trip.

During the drive, Nanako was deeply lost in thought.

She kept stealing glances at Charlie beside her, feeling extremely reluctant to part with him.

Back in Aurous Hill, Nanako had already developed feelings for Charlie.

And after meeting Charlie again in Japan, Nanako completely fell in love with him.

Now that she was separated from Charlie, she didn't know if she would have another chance to meet him.

Because she could sense that Charlie had let go of the burden in his heart regarding her.

Nanako was a very clever girl.

She could see that Charlie must have come to Japan because of her injury, so there was a sense of sympathy towards her in his heart.

And he happened to have the medicine that could cure her, which was why he brought that medicine to Kyoto to find her and heal her.

At this moment, she couldn't help but think sadly to herself, "My injury has healed, so Charlie will probably be able to let go of me in the future, right?"

With these thoughts, Nanako felt deeply melancholic.

In her heart, she was willing to give up some things in exchange for Charlie staying in Japan.

But she also knew deep down that this was not realistic.

Chapter 1842 - Charlie's Fiscal Philosophy

As Nanako's thoughts swirled, Charlie had already driven to the airport.

After parking the car at the airport's parking lot, they both got out of the car together.

Instead of rushing off, Charlie bent down and placed the car keys on top of the front tire.

Curiously, Nanako asked, "Charlie, what are you doing?"

Charlie chuckled, "I'm leaving the keys here for a friend, otherwise, I'd have to take these keys back to China."

Nanako puzzled, "Won't they get lost like this? What if someone finds them and drives the car away?"

Charlie smiled, "They're safe here, no one will notice them among all these cars. Who would bend down to check someone else's tire among so many cars here?"

He continued, "I'll inform the owner of the key's location. Once they know, it'll be convenient for them to pick up the car."

Nanako nodded with a smile, "Charlie, you're clever. I would never have thought of such a method in my lifetime."

Charlie grinned, "I'm just trying to save some money. Sending it back to him after I return to China would cost quite a bit."

Nanako burst into laughter, "Charlie, with your situation, you surely won't be short of money... Your father alone has contributed 4.5 billion US dollars, and your Mystical Labs is rapidly expanding. Why bother saving money like this?"

Charlie smirked, "It's not about saving money, it's about living within means. We strive not to skimp on what's necessary and not to waste on what's unnecessary."

Nanako nodded earnestly, "Thank you, Charlie. I've learned from you."

Charlie waved it off, "Oh, I'm no mentor, just expressing my personal views. They're just some rough personal opinions."

Nanako sincerely said, "Though the reasoning is simple and clear, I've never considered it. If I were still in my previous position, spending a bit more, wasting a bit more wouldn't matter. But now, my father hopes I can take over Ito Corporation. I must change my previous careless attitude towards money. Only by being like Charlie can we possibly expand and strengthen the family business!"

Seeing Nanako's serious expression, Charlie smiled helplessly and said, "I believe Ito Corporation will only grow stronger in your hands!"

Nanako nodded gently, "Thank you for your blessings, I hope to live up to expectations..."

Charlie looked at her, encouragingly smiled, and said, "Alright, it's almost time. I need to go through the registration procedures. How will you get back?"

Nanako replied, "I've asked the family assistant to come pick me up."

Glancing at the time, she hurriedly added, "She might take a while to arrive. How about I escort you to the security checkpoint?"

Charlie nodded, and the two left the parking lot, heading straight to the airport departure hall.

At that moment, a woman with delicate features and a hint of elegance and coldness stepped into the departure hall.

She stood about 175 cm tall with long slender legs.

Dressed in a black fitted leather jacket, black stretch leather pants, black high-top leather boots, her long black hair tied in a ponytail cascading down to her waist.

The woman exuded beauty, yet her face was icy cold.

Walking into the airport, she headed directly for the VIP security checkpoint.

The male staff responsible for verifying boarding information couldn't help but stare as she approached.

After a few seconds of silence in front of him, he finally regained his composure, blushing as he said, "Miss, please show your ID and boarding pass."

The woman expressionless handed over her identification, and with a glance, the passport displayed three Chinese characters: Raven Salvador!

Chapter 1843 - A Queen's Aura

Currently, Tokyo Airport has strengthened its outbound inspections to identify the culprit behind the murder of the Matsumoto family.

However, due to understaffing, they are unable to thoroughly monitor all passengers.

Even though Raven holds a Chinese passport, the fact that her boarding pass was for Osaka, not leaving Japan, led the staff not to report to their superiors.

He quietly repeated Raven's name in his mind, finding it pleasing to the ear, though he couldn't quite pinpoint why.

As Raven saw the staff staring at her passport in confusion, her initial thought was whether her identity had been compromised.

After a quick analysis, Raven concluded that the staff member was likely just momentarily stunned by her appearance, rather than suspecting her.

With a poker face, she asked the staff member, "Is my passport pretty?"

He instinctively nodded, "Very pretty."

Realizing his slip of the tongue, he hastily returned her passport, apologising, "Miss Salvador, I'm truly sorry! It was unintentional!"

Ignoring his apology, Raven coldly asked, "Can I go now?"

"Of course!" Overwhelmed by Raven's icy demeanor, the staff member quickly stamped her boarding pass and handed it to her respectfully.

Taking the boarding pass, Raven turned and left, leaving the staff member mesmerised by her presence, murmuring to himself, "She exudes the aura of a queen. I've never seen such a powerful woman before, except in TV dramas and anime."

Though the staff member couldn't get Raven out of his mind, she had already dismissed him from her thoughts, heading towards the security checkpoint.

With all skilled members of the Salvador family dispersed in Tokyo, unable to leave, they scattered as tourists, purchasing regular flight tickets to fly to Osaka individually.

Raven chose the 5:40 flight.

Upon arrival in Osaka, she would join the other Salvador family members and board a private plane borrowed from the Mediterranean to return home.

At this moment, Charlie also arrived at the VIP security checkpoint.

Before entering the security gate, he turned to the side and said to the nearby Nanako, "Nanako, thank you for accompanying me this far. I'm going through security now, you should head back."

Reluctantly, Nanako nodded and earnestly said, "Wishing you a safe journey, Charlie-kun. Remember to let me know once you land safely."

"Alright!" Charlie smiled slightly, "Take care of yourself too!"

With teary eyes, Nanako said, "Thank you for your concern. I'll make sure to take care of myself!"

Charlie nodded and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

This sigh held a mix of reluctance and acceptance.

The reluctance stemmed from the fact that Nanako was indeed a rare gem of a girl, flawless in every aspect except nationality.

Parting ways today meant they would likely never meet again, hence Charlie naturally felt a sense of reluctance.

As for acceptance, it was mainly because his trip to Japan had finally removed the thorn from his heart.

That thorn being Nanako.

Chapter 1844 - Bittersweet Farewell

Initially, Nanako was determined to compete with Dianne Ward. Dianne's strength skyrocketed due to her Resurrection Pill. Ultimately, Dianne severely injured Nanako on the stage, leaving a thorn in Charlie's heart.

Charlie felt a mix of emotions towards Nanako - he was torn between compassion for her and admiration for her unwavering and daring personality. He also felt a sense of guilt towards her, as he had single-handedly propelled Dianne from a level far below Nanako to a position far surpassing her.

Now that he had healed her wounds and significantly boosted her strength, the feelings of compassion and guilt began to fade. What remained was a deep appreciation for Nanako.

Thus, Charlie gave her a heartfelt smile, revealing a row of gleaming white teeth, and said, "Well then, I'll take my leave for now!"

"Alright!" Nanako nodded heavily, feeling deeply saddened inside but still managed to sweetly say with a smile, "Charlie, may you have great success in your martial pursuits and be safe and healthy!"

"Wishing for great success in martial pursuits" originates from China and is upheld in Japan. In ancient Japan, martial prowess was highly esteemed. Therefore, in Japanese tradition, wishing someone great success in martial pursuits carries profound meanings, not just wishing for good luck but also for unbeatable victories in battles and triumph in all pursuits.

Charlie was taken aback when Nanako expressed this wish for his success. He paused for a moment, then solemnly clasped his hands together and replied, "Thank you, Miss Nanako. Until we meet again!"

After saying this, Charlie glanced deeply at Nanako and then turned towards the security checkpoint.

As Charlie turned away, tears streamed down Nanako's face. She watched his departing figure, crying uncontrollably. She longed to call out to him, to make him turn back so she could look at him again.

However, she restrained herself from calling out to him, fearing that if he saw her tear-stained face, he might misunderstand her intentions. So, she stood there, watching him disappear through the doorway before turning away herself.

At that moment, Charlie couldn't resist the urge and instinctively glanced back at her. That one look struck him like lightning, leaving him stunned in place.

Initially intending to turn back and wave goodbye out of courtesy, Charlie was taken aback to see Nanako, who was smiling moments ago, now in tears.

In that moment, Charlie felt a pang of heartache, as if the softest part of his heart had been struck. This feeling could be summed up in just a word: heartache.

Nanako was equally surprised that Charlie looked back at her. As the eldest daughter of the Ito family and having been raised with traditional Japanese values, she completely lost control of her emotions.

In that moment, she abandoned all reason, ran towards Charlie, and threw herself into his arms, tightly embracing him. Before Charlie could react, she stood on her tiptoes, took the initiative, and tenderly offered her first kiss. Her lips, slightly salty and cold from tears, pressed against Charlie's without hesitation.

Chapter 1845 - A Heartfelt Goodbye

Initially, Charlie felt the soft, tender, and icy touch of Nanako's lips, followed by a slightly bitter taste in his mouth.

He was well aware that it was the taste of Nanako's tears.

At that moment, he felt a mix of reluctance and helplessness in his heart.

After a few seconds, their lips parted, and Nanako lifted her head, looking at Charlie with teary, red eyes, and choked out, "Charlie-kun, please don't forget me..."

Charlie nodded earnestly, "Don't worry, I won't!"

Nanako then solemnly said, "If you ever need my help in the future, please be sure to let me know, Charlie-kun!"

Charlie nodded, "Alright, same goes for you!"

Only then did Nanako smile through her tears, "Well, Charlie-kun, you better go now, or you'll miss your flight!"

Charlie looked at her and softly said, "Nanako, until we meet again."

"Yes, until we meet again, Charlie-kun!"

This time, Charlie turned around without looking back.

He didn't want to turn back and see Nanako in tears again like before.

So, he made up his mind and walked through the security checkpoint.

The surrounding passengers watched the enchanting Nanako at the security checkpoint, covering her face with her hands, tears flowing, and eyes fixed on Charlie's disappearing figure, feeling deeply moved in their hearts.

Most men, at that moment, envied the man who had just disappeared through the security checkpoint.

"What did that guy do to deserve such a beautiful woman looking at him so affectionately and tearfully?!"

"The key is... he didn't even look back! That's just too much!"

Nanako remained oblivious to everything around her.

Long after Charlie had disappeared, she remained immersed in that overwhelming feeling of unplaced emotion.

Until her phone rang.

She answered the call, and a woman's voice came through, "Miss, I'm at the airport entrance, where are you?"

Nanako quickly wiped away her tears and said, "Just wait a moment, I'll be there soon!"

After saying that, she hurriedly glanced back at the security checkpoint, made sure she couldn't see Charlie's figure, and then reluctantly turned away from the airport.

Outside the airport at that moment, three black Rolls-Royces were waiting side by side.

As Nanako exited the airport gate, a young woman stepped out of the front passenger seat of the middle Rolls-Royce and respectfully greeted her, "Miss, I'm here!"

Nanako nodded, and before she could reach her, the woman had already opened the rear door for her.

Once Nanako sat in the car, the woman closed the door and returned to the front passenger seat.

Seated in the car, Nanako couldn't contain her excitement and asked, "Kuanai, did you manage to buy the ring I wanted?"

"I did!" The woman, known as Kuanai, full name Kuanai Kurei, was a senior assistant of the Ito family. She immediately handed over a beautifully crafted Tiffany jewelry box from the front passenger seat.

Nanako excitedly received the jewelry box and carefully unwrapped it.

As she opened the box, she found the exact same diamond ring that Charlie had asked her to try on, lying silently inside.
What a shame
What is that soap opera
Almost all Charlie's Japan journey looks like that except 4-5 chapters
Chapter 1841 - Parting Paths

After leaving Tiffany, Nanako accompanied Charlie to stroll around the major stores in Ginza.

To avoid appearing too extravagant, Charlie specifically bought a high-end boss suit for his father-in-law, Jacob.

His father-in-law now frequents the Calligraphy and Painting Association every day and has become the second most prominent figure in the association, earning quite a reputation.

Moreover, the association he is in often interacts with the senior university where Han Meiqing is, so Charlie buying a suit for his father-in-law is also to help him freshen up a bit, making him look more spirited and respectable.

In addition, Charlie also bought some other miscellaneous accessories and items.

At half past three in the afternoon, with about two hours before Charlie's flight to Osaka, considering the distance between Tokyo Airport and the city, Charlie said to Nanako, "Nanako, it's about time for me to go to the airport."

Without hesitation, Nanako said, "Charlie, I'll take you there!"

Charlie replied, "I have to drive there and leave the car at the airport. If you come with me, how will you get back?"

"No worries," Nanako blurted out, "I can have someone drive to the airport to pick me up, so Charlie, don't worry!"

Charlie subconsciously asked, "Isn't that too much trouble for you?"

"Not at all, not at all!" Nanako's expression was pleading, "Charlie, Nanako wants to take you to the airport, even to Osaka, even back to Aurous Hill. But due to the current situation at home, it's not suitable for me to leave, so please give Nanako a chance to take you to the airport..."

Hearing this, Charlie couldn't help but feel touched and said, "Then let's go to the airport together. You can also call your family and arrange for them to send a car to pick you up at the airport."

"Okay!" Nanako nodded repeatedly, joyfully saying, "Charlie, you don't need to worry, I'll take care of it!"


Upon hearing this, Charlie no longer insisted, and the two got into the car and headed towards Tokyo Airport.

This journey marked the first leg of Charlie's return trip.

During the drive, Nanako was deeply lost in thought.

She kept stealing glances at Charlie beside her, feeling extremely reluctant to part with him.

Back in Aurous Hill, Nanako had already developed feelings for Charlie.

And after meeting Charlie again in Japan, Nanako completely fell in love with him.

Now that she was separated from Charlie, she didn't know if she would have another chance to meet him.

Because she could sense that Charlie had let go of the burden in his heart regarding her.

Nanako was a very clever girl.

She could see that Charlie must have come to Japan because of her injury, so there was a sense of sympathy towards her in his heart.

And he happened to have the medicine that could cure her, which was why he brought that medicine to Kyoto to find her and heal her.

At this moment, she couldn't help but think sadly to herself, "My injury has healed, so Charlie will probably be able to let go of me in the future, right?"

With these thoughts, Nanako felt deeply melancholic.

In her heart, she was willing to give up some things in exchange for Charlie staying in Japan.

But she also knew deep down that this was not realistic.

Chapter 1842 - Charlie's Fiscal Philosophy

As Nanako's thoughts swirled, Charlie had already driven to the airport.

After parking the car at the airport's parking lot, they both got out of the car together.

Instead of rushing off, Charlie bent down and placed the car keys on top of the front tire.

Curiously, Nanako asked, "Charlie, what are you doing?"

Charlie chuckled, "I'm leaving the keys here for a friend, otherwise, I'd have to take these keys back to China."

Nanako puzzled, "Won't they get lost like this? What if someone finds them and drives the car away?"

Charlie smiled, "They're safe here, no one will notice them among all these cars. Who would bend down to check someone else's tire among so many cars here?"

He continued, "I'll inform the owner of the key's location. Once they know, it'll be convenient for them to pick up the car."

Nanako nodded with a smile, "Charlie, you're clever. I would never have thought of such a method in my lifetime."

Charlie grinned, "I'm just trying to save some money. Sending it back to him after I return to China would cost quite a bit."

Nanako burst into laughter, "Charlie, with your situation, you surely won't be short of money... Your father alone has contributed 4.5 billion US dollars, and your Mystical Labs is rapidly expanding. Why bother saving money like this?"

Charlie smirked, "It's not about saving money, it's about living within means. We strive not to skimp on what's necessary and not to waste on what's unnecessary."

Nanako nodded earnestly, "Thank you, Charlie. I've learned from you."

Charlie waved it off, "Oh, I'm no mentor, just expressing my personal views. They're just some rough personal opinions."

Nanako sincerely said, "Though the reasoning is simple and clear, I've never considered it. If I were still in my previous position, spending a bit more, wasting a bit more wouldn't matter. But now, my father hopes I can take over Ito Corporation. I must change my previous careless attitude towards money. Only by being like Charlie can we possibly expand and strengthen the family business!"

Seeing Nanako's serious expression, Charlie smiled helplessly and said, "I believe Ito Corporation will only grow stronger in your hands!"

Nanako nodded gently, "Thank you for your blessings, I hope to live up to expectations..."

Charlie looked at her, encouragingly smiled, and said, "Alright, it's almost time. I need to go through the registration procedures. How will you get back?"

Nanako replied, "I've asked the family assistant to come pick me up."

Glancing at the time, she hurriedly added, "She might take a while to arrive. How about I escort you to the security checkpoint?"

Charlie nodded, and the two left the parking lot, heading straight to the airport departure hall.

At that moment, a woman with delicate features and a hint of elegance and coldness stepped into the departure hall.

She stood about 175 cm tall with long slender legs.

Dressed in a black fitted leather jacket, black stretch leather pants, black high-top leather boots, her long black hair tied in a ponytail cascading down to her waist.

The woman exuded beauty, yet her face was icy cold.

Walking into the airport, she headed directly for the VIP security checkpoint.

The male staff responsible for verifying boarding information couldn't help but stare as she approached.

After a few seconds of silence in front of him, he finally regained his composure, blushing as he said, "Miss, please show your ID and boarding pass."

The woman expressionless handed over her identification, and with a glance, the passport displayed three Chinese characters: Raven Salvador!

Chapter 1843 - A Queen's Aura

Currently, Tokyo Airport has strengthened its outbound inspections to identify the culprit behind the murder of the Matsumoto family.

However, due to understaffing, they are unable to thoroughly monitor all passengers.

Even though Raven holds a Chinese passport, the fact that her boarding pass was for Osaka, not leaving Japan, led the staff not to report to their superiors.

He quietly repeated Raven's name in his mind, finding it pleasing to the ear, though he couldn't quite pinpoint why.

As Raven saw the staff staring at her passport in confusion, her initial thought was whether her identity had been compromised.

After a quick analysis, Raven concluded that the staff member was likely just momentarily stunned by her appearance, rather than suspecting her.

With a poker face, she asked the staff member, "Is my passport pretty?"

He instinctively nodded, "Very pretty."

Realizing his slip of the tongue, he hastily returned her passport, apologising, "Miss Salvador, I'm truly sorry! It was unintentional!"

Ignoring his apology, Raven coldly asked, "Can I go now?"

"Of course!" Overwhelmed by Raven's icy demeanor, the staff member quickly stamped her boarding pass and handed it to her respectfully.

Taking the boarding pass, Raven turned and left, leaving the staff member mesmerised by her presence, murmuring to himself, "She exudes the aura of a queen. I've never seen such a powerful woman before, except in TV dramas and anime."

Though the staff member couldn't get Raven out of his mind, she had already dismissed him from her thoughts, heading towards the security checkpoint.

With all skilled members of the Salvador family dispersed in Tokyo, unable to leave, they scattered as tourists, purchasing regular flight tickets to fly to Osaka individually.

Raven chose the 5:40 flight.

Upon arrival in Osaka, she would join the other Salvador family members and board a private plane borrowed from the Mediterranean to return home.

At this moment, Charlie also arrived at the VIP security checkpoint.

Before entering the security gate, he turned to the side and said to the nearby Nanako, "Nanako, thank you for accompanying me this far. I'm going through security now, you should head back."

Reluctantly, Nanako nodded and earnestly said, "Wishing you a safe journey, Charlie-kun. Remember to let me know once you land safely."

"Alright!" Charlie smiled slightly, "Take care of yourself too!"

With teary eyes, Nanako said, "Thank you for your concern. I'll make sure to take care of myself!"

Charlie nodded and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

This sigh held a mix of reluctance and acceptance.

The reluctance stemmed from the fact that Nanako was indeed a rare gem of a girl, flawless in every aspect except nationality.

Parting ways today meant they would likely never meet again, hence Charlie naturally felt a sense of reluctance.

As for acceptance, it was mainly because his trip to Japan had finally removed the thorn from his heart.

That thorn being Nanako.

Chapter 1844 - Bittersweet Farewell

Initially, Nanako was determined to compete with Dianne Ward. Dianne's strength skyrocketed due to her Resurrection Pill. Ultimately, Dianne severely injured Nanako on the stage, leaving a thorn in Charlie's heart.

Charlie felt a mix of emotions towards Nanako - he was torn between compassion for her and admiration for her unwavering and daring personality. He also felt a sense of guilt towards her, as he had single-handedly propelled Dianne from a level far below Nanako to a position far surpassing her.

Now that he had healed her wounds and significantly boosted her strength, the feelings of compassion and guilt began to fade. What remained was a deep appreciation for Nanako.

Thus, Charlie gave her a heartfelt smile, revealing a row of gleaming white teeth, and said, "Well then, I'll take my leave for now!"

"Alright!" Nanako nodded heavily, feeling deeply saddened inside but still managed to sweetly say with a smile, "Charlie, may you have great success in your martial pursuits and be safe and healthy!"

"Wishing for great success in martial pursuits" originates from China and is upheld in Japan. In ancient Japan, martial prowess was highly esteemed. Therefore, in Japanese tradition, wishing someone great success in martial pursuits carries profound meanings, not just wishing for good luck but also for unbeatable victories in battles and triumph in all pursuits.

Charlie was taken aback when Nanako expressed this wish for his success. He paused for a moment, then solemnly clasped his hands together and replied, "Thank you, Miss Nanako. Until we meet again!"

After saying this, Charlie glanced deeply at Nanako and then turned towards the security checkpoint.

As Charlie turned away, tears streamed down Nanako's face. She watched his departing figure, crying uncontrollably. She longed to call out to him, to make him turn back so she could look at him again.

However, she restrained herself from calling out to him, fearing that if he saw her tear-stained face, he might misunderstand her intentions. So, she stood there, watching him disappear through the doorway before turning away herself.

At that moment, Charlie couldn't resist the urge and instinctively glanced back at her. That one look struck him like lightning, leaving him stunned in place.

Initially intending to turn back and wave goodbye out of courtesy, Charlie was taken aback to see Nanako, who was smiling moments ago, now in tears.

In that moment, Charlie felt a pang of heartache, as if the softest part of his heart had been struck. This feeling could be summed up in just a word: heartache.

Nanako was equally surprised that Charlie looked back at her. As the eldest daughter of the Ito family and having been raised with traditional Japanese values, she completely lost control of her emotions.

In that moment, she abandoned all reason, ran towards Charlie, and threw herself into his arms, tightly embracing him. Before Charlie could react, she stood on her tiptoes, took the initiative, and tenderly offered her first kiss. Her lips, slightly salty and cold from tears, pressed against Charlie's without hesitation.

Chapter 1845 - A Heartfelt Goodbye

Initially, Charlie felt the soft, tender, and icy touch of Nanako's lips, followed by a slightly bitter taste in his mouth.

He was well aware that it was the taste of Nanako's tears.

At that moment, he felt a mix of reluctance and helplessness in his heart.

After a few seconds, their lips parted, and Nanako lifted her head, looking at Charlie with teary, red eyes, and choked out, "Charlie-kun, please don't forget me..."

Charlie nodded earnestly, "Don't worry, I won't!"

Nanako then solemnly said, "If you ever need my help in the future, please be sure to let me know, Charlie-kun!"

Charlie nodded, "Alright, same goes for you!"

Only then did Nanako smile through her tears, "Well, Charlie-kun, you better go now, or you'll miss your flight!"

Charlie looked at her and softly said, "Nanako, until we meet again."

"Yes, until we meet again, Charlie-kun!"

This time, Charlie turned around without looking back.

He didn't want to turn back and see Nanako in tears again like before.

So, he made up his mind and walked through the security checkpoint.

The surrounding passengers watched the enchanting Nanako at the security checkpoint, covering her face with her hands, tears flowing, and eyes fixed on Charlie's disappearing figure, feeling deeply moved in their hearts.

Most men, at that moment, envied the man who had just disappeared through the security checkpoint.

"What did that guy do to deserve such a beautiful woman looking at him so affectionately and tearfully?!"

"The key is... he didn't even look back! That's just too much!"

Nanako remained oblivious to everything around her.

Long after Charlie had disappeared, she remained immersed in that overwhelming feeling of unplaced emotion.

Until her phone rang.

She answered the call, and a woman's voice came through, "Miss, I'm at the airport entrance, where are you?"

Nanako quickly wiped away her tears and said, "Just wait a moment, I'll be there soon!"

After saying that, she hurriedly glanced back at the security checkpoint, made sure she couldn't see Charlie's figure, and then reluctantly turned away from the airport.

Outside the airport at that moment, three black Rolls-Royces were waiting side by side.

As Nanako exited the airport gate, a young woman stepped out of the front passenger seat of the middle Rolls-Royce and respectfully greeted her, "Miss, I'm here!"

Nanako nodded, and before she could reach her, the woman had already opened the rear door for her.

Once Nanako sat in the car, the woman closed the door and returned to the front passenger seat.

Seated in the car, Nanako couldn't contain her excitement and asked, "Kuanai, did you manage to buy the ring I wanted?"

"I did!" The woman, known as Kuanai, full name Kuanai Kurei, was a senior assistant of the Ito family. She immediately handed over a beautifully crafted Tiffany jewelry box from the front passenger seat.

Nanako excitedly received the jewelry box and carefully unwrapped it.

As she opened the box, she found the exact same diamond ring that Charlie had asked her to try on, lying silently inside.
Charlie is really something else. Can't he be a man for once 🤦🤦🤦
Chapter 1846 - Nanako's Ring of Love

The ring was identical in style, size, and even the ring size.

Upon seeing this ring, Nanako felt incredibly happy and joyful, as if this ring was truly a gift from Charlie to herself.

Seeing her gaze at the ring with joy, Kuanai asked in surprise, "Miss, why are you interested in a brand like Tiffany? It's just an ordinary jewelry brand, and this ring is too cheap, the diamonds are really not impressive..."

Kuanai was right.

This diamond ring, priced at around 1 million RMB, was simply for ordinary wealthy individuals.

True billionaires wouldn't even consider wearing such a ring.

In Europe, America, and Japan and South Korea, billionaires prefer diamonds, some with extremely high clarity and top-notch cutting techniques, valued at millions for just one.

Real wealthy individuals buy these diamonds and have them custom-made into diamond rings.

Therefore, for top billionaires, wearing a diamond ring worth over tens of millions is just a common occurrence.

Chinese wealthy individuals have a more diverse taste, not only liking diamonds but also various gemstones, especially jadeite.

Genuine top-grade imperial green jadeite is astonishingly expensive.

A bracelet worth tens of millions or even hundreds of millions is no big deal.

For the wealthy, these jewels not only showcase status but also have great potential for appreciation.

The Ito family itself is one of Japan's top wealthy families, and Nanako, as the only daughter of the family head, liking such an ordinary diamond ring truly exceeded Kuanai's understanding of her.

Nanako held the diamond ring lovingly and shyly said, "Kuanai, some things cannot be measured by value. This ring may not hold much value in your eyes, but to me, it is priceless."

With that, she couldn't wait and put the ring on her ring finger.

Looking at the ring, a happy smile involuntarily appeared on her face.

Kuanai exclaimed, "Miss, the ring finger is specifically for wearing wedding rings. You can't wear a ring on the ring finger, or others might think you're already married!"

Upon hearing this, Nanako suddenly realized that as a single woman, she shouldn't wear a ring on her ring finger, as it could lead to misunderstandings from those around her.

However, this didn't diminish her love for the ring at all. She quickly took it off, carefully placed it back, and stuck her tongue out at Kuanai, "It's okay, I just tried it on. I definitely won't wear it outside."

Kuanai nodded and asked, "Miss, where are we going now?"

Nanako replied, "Let's go to the hospital, I'll accompany Father!"


At this moment, Charlie had successfully passed security and arrived at the VIP lounge with his passport and boarding pass.

Currently, there was about an hour until the flight took off and approximately half an hour until boarding.

The VIP lounge wasn't too crowded, so Charlie casually found a seat and sat down.

As soon as he sat down, a beautiful female attendant approached and asked, "Sir, would you like something to drink?"

For some reason, Charlie's mind was still filled with Nanako's image, so he absentmindedly waved his hand and said, "No, thank you."

The attendant nodded and politely said, "If you need anything, please feel free to let me know."


After speaking, Charlie was about to take out his phone to contact Isaac when his sharp hearing caught a woman not far away speaking in a hushed tone on the phone, "To avoid unnecessary trouble, inform the crew that tonight we fly to the Mediterranean. We'll rest there for the night and return to Eastcliff tomorrow!"

Chapter 1847 - Raven's Covert Arrangement

Initially, Raven's retreat plan was for everyone to disperse to Osaka and then charter a private plane from the Mediterranean to directly bring everyone back to Eastcliff.

However, considering that if the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department fails to catch herself and other members of the Salvador family, they would definitely re-examine previous departure records. Therefore, a direct flight from Osaka to Eastcliff would undoubtedly become the most suspicious target in the eyes of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Hence, Raven decided that everyone should first fly to the Mediterranean from Osaka.

From the Japanese side, they only have the right to view flight information related to their own country. Theoretically, Japan has the right to access all information about flights departing from Japan.

However, if everyone flies from the Mediterranean to Eastcliff afterwards, it would be considered a purely domestic flight with no connection to Japan at all.

This way, the clues from the Japanese side would be cut off.

In principle, Raven would not make such a low-level mistake of making a phone call that could be overheard. She deliberately chose a corner in the VIP lounge where there was no one within 5 meters.

Moreover, when she made the call just now, she deliberately lowered her voice to the minimum.

Based on her experience, with the volume she used to speak just now, even if someone was within three meters, they wouldn't be able to hear.

Unless that person was only about a meter away from her.

Furthermore, she did not disclose any sensitive information during the call, just mentioned changing the plan to fly to the Mediterranean first and then to Eastcliff.

However, she did not expect that by speaking in such a low voice, she would be heard by Charlie several meters away.

Upon hearing her words, Charlie immediately realised that this woman must be a member of the Salvador family.

The reason is simple.

The strict exit control in Tokyo is all because of the Salvador family wiping out the Matsumoto family.

Someone who is meticulously planning to leave Japan at this time and deliberately concealing their whereabouts is highly likely to be a member of the Salvador family.

Moreover, the fact that this woman just said on the phone that they would first fly to the Mediterranean and then return to Eastcliff proves that her destination is actually Eastcliff.

Eastcliff also happens to be the headquarters of the Salvador family, so this woman must be working for the Salvador family.

After instructing everything, Raven put her phone back in her pocket and closed her eyes to rest on her seat.

Charlie quietly observed this woman from a distance. His first impression of her was that she was very beautiful, but his second impression was that her features gave off a very cold and ruthless vibe.

The Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture had heightened Charlie's perception, allowing him to sense deeper nuances from a person.

Raven gave him a feeling of a faint bloody scent all around her.

This kind of feeling is rarely encountered in ordinary people, so he could be certain that this woman's hands must have been stained with blood. It seemed likely that she was an assassin for the Salvador family.

Moreover, from the implications in her words, the expert sent by the Salvador family to Japan should be preparing to leave Japan by chartering a private plane from Osaka, just like himself.

Thinking of this, he immediately took out his phone and sent a WeChat message to Isaac: "Elder Isaac, immediately check for me how many private planes are flying from Osaka to the Mediterranean tonight."

Isaac did not ask for the reason and immediately began investigating.

Although he did not have much influence in Japan, gathering some intelligence and solving basic questions like this was still within his capabilities.

Chapter 1848 - Subtle Charades

Airline information itself is not considered highly confidential, even the flight routes of private jets cannot be hidden from airport staff and the airport's scheduling system.

Therefore, Isaac quickly found some information and compiled it to pass on to Charlie.

The information Isaac provided to Charlie indicated that tonight, there are a total of four private planes flying from Osaka to the Mediterranean Sea.

Among them, two are small executive jets with very limited passenger capacity, each carrying around 10 people. Considering the presence of many skilled individuals from the Salvador family in Japan, it is unlikely that they would choose to travel on these planes back. Therefore, Charlie filtered out these two planes directly.

The remaining two planes are private jets modified from Airbus A320s, with a seating capacity of around forty to fifty passengers each.

Therefore, Charlie speculated that one of these two A320 planes is the one carrying the Salvador family members leaving Japan tonight.

He then instructed Isaac to thoroughly investigate the information about these two planes.

Both of these planes are registered in China. One is affiliated with a domestic private airline but actually serves a high-end travel agency, specializing in high-end chartered outbound tours. This plane just brought a forty-person high-end travel group from the south to Shenzhen yesterday and plans to take another group back to Shenzhen today.

The other plane is registered under a real estate company in the Mediterranean. This plane flew empty from the Mediterranean to Osaka today. Its original flight plan was from Osaka to Eastcliff, but it just recently changed its flight plan and applied for permission to fly from Osaka to the Mediterranean.

Upon seeing this, Charlie knew that this last plane must have been arranged by the Salvador family.

With this analysis, Charlie suddenly had a mischievous idea.

So, with a hint of a cold smile on his lips, after instructing Isaac, he sat back in his seat with a smile, closed his eyes as if dozing off.

Twenty minutes later, a gentle voice sounded in his ear, "Dear first-class passengers, your flight has begun priority boarding. If you wish to board early, please proceed to the boarding gate."

Charlie nodded, glanced at the position of Raven with the corner of his eye, seeing that Raven also stood up. He thought to himself, "To think that the female assassin from the Salvador family is on the same flight as me."

He then stretched lazily, took his small carry-on luggage, and left the VIP lounge ahead of Raven.

Charlie made his way to the boarding gate, showed his boarding pass, and boarded through the VIP channel before all the economy class passengers.

Since this plane was flying a short one-hour route from Tokyo to Osaka, there were very few first-class seats, only eight in total. Charlie's seat was by the window on the right side of the second row.

A delicate flight attendant offered to help him with his luggage, but Charlie politely declined and handled it himself, placing the luggage in the overhead compartment.

Just as he sat down, Raven entered with a few other first-class passengers.

Upon seeing her come in, Charlie's initial instinct was to turn his head away to avoid looking at her, so as not to raise any suspicion.

However, in a split second, he realized a problem.

A female assassin like Raven, with her strength and perception abilities, might not necessarily be stronger than himself, but definitely superior to the average person.

Moreover, she was so beautiful, she must have received a lot of attention from ordinary men on a regular basis.

If he deliberately avoided looking at her, it was highly likely that she would sense something unusual.

Therefore, Charlie intentionally looked at Raven with a face of surprise and excitement, as if he was astonished by her beauty and thrilled to be on the same flight as her.

Sensing Charlie's intense gaze, Raven casually glanced at him and felt a wave of disdain.

In her mind, she thought, "Ah, another loser who can't help but stare at a beautiful woman!"

Chapter 1849 - Strategic Deception

Although Raven sneered at Charlie's demeanor, it was precisely Charlie's superficial appearance that made her relax her guard a bit towards him.

Subsequently, she walked over to Charlie and sat down directly beside him.

As soon as she sat down, Raven discreetly assessed Charlie with her peripheral vision.

It wasn't that she had any suspicions about Charlie, but rather it was her usual cautious habit.

Whenever she entered a new environment, her first priority was to gain a relatively deep understanding of the surroundings, in order to gather potentially useful information.

She first observed Charlie and found that this man was indeed quite handsome, quite pleasing to the eye.

However, occasionally when he looked directly at her, his piercing gaze was somewhat off-putting.

So, Raven turned her face towards Charlie and proactively asked with a smile, "Are you Chinese, sir?"

Charlie didn't expect the assassin from the Salvador family to turn her face and speak to him. Feigning surprise, he asked with a hint of amazement, "How did the beauty figure out that I am Chinese? This isn't a flight to China, after all."

Raven smiled slightly and replied earnestly, "The difference between Japanese and Chinese men is quite significant. For example, Japanese men usually groom their eyebrows, and their hairstyles and dressing styles are different."

Charlie chuckled, "The beauty is indeed observant."

Raven nodded and asked him, "Where in China are you from, sir?"

Charlie casually replied, "I'm from Suzhou."

"Oh?" Raven raised an eyebrow and said with a smile, "Suzhou is a great place. As the saying goes, 'Heaven above, Suzhou and Hangzhou below,' the land and water there are very nurturing."

With that, Raven asked him again, "By the way, since you are from Suzhou, you should know about the Weaver family in Suzhou, right?"

Being a seasoned expert with plenty of experience, Raven's first thought upon hearing Charlie introduce himself as being from Suzhou was to confirm whether he was lying or not.

She thought that if this man beside her wasn't lying, he could probably be a useful pawn. In case of any unexpected events during the upcoming journey, she could use him as a shield, making herself safer.

Upon hearing the woman mention the Weaver family, Charlie knew she was trying to test whether he was truly from Suzhou. So, he smiled and said, "Who doesn't know about the Weaver family? The current head is Donald, who has two sons, Xander and Quintin. The latter, Quintin, is quite famous for some peculiar habits, like reportedly eating feces from time to time. Quite bizarre, isn't it?"

Raven chuckled and said, "I didn't expect you to be so familiar with the Weaver family."

Charlie smirked mischievously, "Of course, who in Suzhou doesn't know about the Weaver family?"

With that, Charlie lowered his voice and said, "Let me tell you some even juicier gossip!"

Raven nodded, "I'm all ears."

Charlie motioned for her to come closer and whispered, "Come closer, I'll tell you."

Raven couldn't help but furrow her brows slightly, her tone somewhat cold as she said, "Just say it like this."

Charlie put on a serious face, "How can such a secret be casually revealed in front of so many people? If you want to hear, come closer, if not, then forget it."

Raven's temper flared up instantly, seeing Charlie trying to take advantage of the situation so seriously that she felt like giving him a good slap.

Chapter 1850 - Evasive Responses

However, Raven was really curious to know what explosive information Charlie knew. So, she suppressed the disgust in her heart and leaned towards him, coldly saying, "Spit it out!"

Charlie leaned in towards her, whispering in her ear with hot breath, "Some time ago, that Donald's nephew, who is Suzhou's beggar gang leader Kobi Reynolds, got taken out, along with his wife and a bunch of big shots from the gang!"

Raven immediately moved her body away from Charlie, keeping a certain distance, and coldly said, "Is that it? This was all over short video hot topics back then. Who doesn't know about it?"

Charlie shrugged, "I thought you didn't know."

Feeling repulsed, Raven glared at him. In her eyes, Charlie was just using this incident to get closer and take advantage of her.

Luckily, he didn't gain anything, so Raven didn't react.

After this incident, Raven's guard against Charlie decreased slightly.

Seeing Raven silent, Charlie leaned in and asked, "Hey beautiful, where are you from? I told you about me, how about you tell me something?"

Raven, expressionless, replied, "Just because you told me doesn't mean I have to tell you."

Charlie chuckled, "Beautiful, don't be so cold! A gorgeous lady like you should smile more, it suits you!"

Raven rubbed her temples, somewhat annoyed, "Sorry, I need to rest for a bit."

With that, she simply closed her eyes.

Charlie continued to ask, "Beauty, what are you doing in Osaka? Are you visiting Osaka or heading back to your country from there?"

Raven opened her eyes, frowned at him, and asked, "How did you know I was going back to my country from Osaka?"

"Tokyo won't let me leave!" Charlie sighed, "I don't know what's wrong with Tokyo, implementing exit controls. My family is waiting for me to return for the New Year, so I had to choose to leave from Osaka..."

Raven nodded lightly, thinking to herself, "Seems like I was too sensitive. People wanting to return from the Tokyo area mostly have to leave from Osaka or other airports in northeastern Japan. It's quite normal for this guy to return from Osaka."

Thus, Raven completely lost interest in chatting with Charlie and said, "I'll rest for a while. If there's nothing urgent, let's not chat."

Charlie, not taking the hint, continued, "By the way, beauty, your accent sounds a bit like someone from Eastcliff!"

Raven's brows relaxed momentarily but quickly furrowed again as she denied, "I'm not from Eastcliff, I'm from Shanghai."

With Japan restricting exits and conducting investigations on all foreign tourists, the most significant focus was on tourists of Chinese Eastcliff descent. So, Raven, being cautious, claimed to be from Shanghai.

Charlie then exclaimed in surprise, "Oh, come on, beauty, we're all Chinese. It's fate to meet on a plane in Japan. You don't need to hide from your compatriots. Your accent clearly gives away your Eastcliff roots, not from Shanghai."

Raven was getting increasingly annoyed by Charlie.

She was now more convinced that Charlie was harmless, just a bit sleazy, talkative, and annoying. So, while she was irritated to the extreme, she also completely relaxed her guard against him.

At this point, she closed her eyes to rest, ignoring Charlie.

Meanwhile, Charlie was already instructing Isaac on WeChat to prepare according to his plan...
Chapter 1846 - Nanako's Ring of Love

The ring was identical in style, size, and even the ring size.

Upon seeing this ring, Nanako felt incredibly happy and joyful, as if this ring was truly a gift from Charlie to herself.

Seeing her gaze at the ring with joy, Kuanai asked in surprise, "Miss, why are you interested in a brand like Tiffany? It's just an ordinary jewelry brand, and this ring is too cheap, the diamonds are really not impressive..."

Kuanai was right.

This diamond ring, priced at around 1 million RMB, was simply for ordinary wealthy individuals.

True billionaires wouldn't even consider wearing such a ring.

In Europe, America, and Japan and South Korea, billionaires prefer diamonds, some with extremely high clarity and top-notch cutting techniques, valued at millions for just one.

Real wealthy individuals buy these diamonds and have them custom-made into diamond rings.

Therefore, for top billionaires, wearing a diamond ring worth over tens of millions is just a common occurrence.

Chinese wealthy individuals have a more diverse taste, not only liking diamonds but also various gemstones, especially jadeite.

Genuine top-grade imperial green jadeite is astonishingly expensive.

A bracelet worth tens of millions or even hundreds of millions is no big deal.

For the wealthy, these jewels not only showcase status but also have great potential for appreciation.

The Ito family itself is one of Japan's top wealthy families, and Nanako, as the only daughter of the family head, liking such an ordinary diamond ring truly exceeded Kuanai's understanding of her.

Nanako held the diamond ring lovingly and shyly said, "Kuanai, some things cannot be measured by value. This ring may not hold much value in your eyes, but to me, it is priceless."

With that, she couldn't wait and put the ring on her ring finger.

Looking at the ring, a happy smile involuntarily appeared on her face.

Kuanai exclaimed, "Miss, the ring finger is specifically for wearing wedding rings. You can't wear a ring on the ring finger, or others might think you're already married!"

Upon hearing this, Nanako suddenly realized that as a single woman, she shouldn't wear a ring on her ring finger, as it could lead to misunderstandings from those around her.

However, this didn't diminish her love for the ring at all. She quickly took it off, carefully placed it back, and stuck her tongue out at Kuanai, "It's okay, I just tried it on. I definitely won't wear it outside."

Kuanai nodded and asked, "Miss, where are we going now?"

Nanako replied, "Let's go to the hospital, I'll accompany Father!"


At this moment, Charlie had successfully passed security and arrived at the VIP lounge with his passport and boarding pass.

Currently, there was about an hour until the flight took off and approximately half an hour until boarding.

The VIP lounge wasn't too crowded, so Charlie casually found a seat and sat down.

As soon as he sat down, a beautiful female attendant approached and asked, "Sir, would you like something to drink?"

For some reason, Charlie's mind was still filled with Nanako's image, so he absentmindedly waved his hand and said, "No, thank you."

The attendant nodded and politely said, "If you need anything, please feel free to let me know."


After speaking, Charlie was about to take out his phone to contact Isaac when his sharp hearing caught a woman not far away speaking in a hushed tone on the phone, "To avoid unnecessary trouble, inform the crew that tonight we fly to the Mediterranean. We'll rest there for the night and return to Eastcliff tomorrow!"

Chapter 1847 - Raven's Covert Arrangement

Initially, Raven's retreat plan was for everyone to disperse to Osaka and then charter a private plane from the Mediterranean to directly bring everyone back to Eastcliff.

However, considering that if the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department fails to catch herself and other members of the Salvador family, they would definitely re-examine previous departure records. Therefore, a direct flight from Osaka to Eastcliff would undoubtedly become the most suspicious target in the eyes of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Hence, Raven decided that everyone should first fly to the Mediterranean from Osaka.

From the Japanese side, they only have the right to view flight information related to their own country. Theoretically, Japan has the right to access all information about flights departing from Japan.

However, if everyone flies from the Mediterranean to Eastcliff afterwards, it would be considered a purely domestic flight with no connection to Japan at all.

This way, the clues from the Japanese side would be cut off.

In principle, Raven would not make such a low-level mistake of making a phone call that could be overheard. She deliberately chose a corner in the VIP lounge where there was no one within 5 meters.

Moreover, when she made the call just now, she deliberately lowered her voice to the minimum.

Based on her experience, with the volume she used to speak just now, even if someone was within three meters, they wouldn't be able to hear.

Unless that person was only about a meter away from her.

Furthermore, she did not disclose any sensitive information during the call, just mentioned changing the plan to fly to the Mediterranean first and then to Eastcliff.

However, she did not expect that by speaking in such a low voice, she would be heard by Charlie several meters away.

Upon hearing her words, Charlie immediately realised that this woman must be a member of the Salvador family.

The reason is simple.

The strict exit control in Tokyo is all because of the Salvador family wiping out the Matsumoto family.

Someone who is meticulously planning to leave Japan at this time and deliberately concealing their whereabouts is highly likely to be a member of the Salvador family.

Moreover, the fact that this woman just said on the phone that they would first fly to the Mediterranean and then return to Eastcliff proves that her destination is actually Eastcliff.

Eastcliff also happens to be the headquarters of the Salvador family, so this woman must be working for the Salvador family.

After instructing everything, Raven put her phone back in her pocket and closed her eyes to rest on her seat.

Charlie quietly observed this woman from a distance. His first impression of her was that she was very beautiful, but his second impression was that her features gave off a very cold and ruthless vibe.

The Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture had heightened Charlie's perception, allowing him to sense deeper nuances from a person.

Raven gave him a feeling of a faint bloody scent all around her.

This kind of feeling is rarely encountered in ordinary people, so he could be certain that this woman's hands must have been stained with blood. It seemed likely that she was an assassin for the Salvador family.

Moreover, from the implications in her words, the expert sent by the Salvador family to Japan should be preparing to leave Japan by chartering a private plane from Osaka, just like himself.

Thinking of this, he immediately took out his phone and sent a WeChat message to Isaac: "Elder Isaac, immediately check for me how many private planes are flying from Osaka to the Mediterranean tonight."

Isaac did not ask for the reason and immediately began investigating.

Although he did not have much influence in Japan, gathering some intelligence and solving basic questions like this was still within his capabilities.

Chapter 1848 - Subtle Charades

Airline information itself is not considered highly confidential, even the flight routes of private jets cannot be hidden from airport staff and the airport's scheduling system.

Therefore, Isaac quickly found some information and compiled it to pass on to Charlie.

The information Isaac provided to Charlie indicated that tonight, there are a total of four private planes flying from Osaka to the Mediterranean Sea.

Among them, two are small executive jets with very limited passenger capacity, each carrying around 10 people. Considering the presence of many skilled individuals from the Salvador family in Japan, it is unlikely that they would choose to travel on these planes back. Therefore, Charlie filtered out these two planes directly.

The remaining two planes are private jets modified from Airbus A320s, with a seating capacity of around forty to fifty passengers each.

Therefore, Charlie speculated that one of these two A320 planes is the one carrying the Salvador family members leaving Japan tonight.

He then instructed Isaac to thoroughly investigate the information about these two planes.

Both of these planes are registered in China. One is affiliated with a domestic private airline but actually serves a high-end travel agency, specializing in high-end chartered outbound tours. This plane just brought a forty-person high-end travel group from the south to Shenzhen yesterday and plans to take another group back to Shenzhen today.

The other plane is registered under a real estate company in the Mediterranean. This plane flew empty from the Mediterranean to Osaka today. Its original flight plan was from Osaka to Eastcliff, but it just recently changed its flight plan and applied for permission to fly from Osaka to the Mediterranean.

Upon seeing this, Charlie knew that this last plane must have been arranged by the Salvador family.

With this analysis, Charlie suddenly had a mischievous idea.

So, with a hint of a cold smile on his lips, after instructing Isaac, he sat back in his seat with a smile, closed his eyes as if dozing off.

Twenty minutes later, a gentle voice sounded in his ear, "Dear first-class passengers, your flight has begun priority boarding. If you wish to board early, please proceed to the boarding gate."

Charlie nodded, glanced at the position of Raven with the corner of his eye, seeing that Raven also stood up. He thought to himself, "To think that the female assassin from the Salvador family is on the same flight as me."

He then stretched lazily, took his small carry-on luggage, and left the VIP lounge ahead of Raven.

Charlie made his way to the boarding gate, showed his boarding pass, and boarded through the VIP channel before all the economy class passengers.

Since this plane was flying a short one-hour route from Tokyo to Osaka, there were very few first-class seats, only eight in total. Charlie's seat was by the window on the right side of the second row.

A delicate flight attendant offered to help him with his luggage, but Charlie politely declined and handled it himself, placing the luggage in the overhead compartment.

Just as he sat down, Raven entered with a few other first-class passengers.

Upon seeing her come in, Charlie's initial instinct was to turn his head away to avoid looking at her, so as not to raise any suspicion.

However, in a split second, he realized a problem.

A female assassin like Raven, with her strength and perception abilities, might not necessarily be stronger than himself, but definitely superior to the average person.

Moreover, she was so beautiful, she must have received a lot of attention from ordinary men on a regular basis.

If he deliberately avoided looking at her, it was highly likely that she would sense something unusual.

Therefore, Charlie intentionally looked at Raven with a face of surprise and excitement, as if he was astonished by her beauty and thrilled to be on the same flight as her.

Sensing Charlie's intense gaze, Raven casually glanced at him and felt a wave of disdain.

In her mind, she thought, "Ah, another loser who can't help but stare at a beautiful woman!"

Chapter 1849 - Strategic Deception

Although Raven sneered at Charlie's demeanor, it was precisely Charlie's superficial appearance that made her relax her guard a bit towards him.

Subsequently, she walked over to Charlie and sat down directly beside him.

As soon as she sat down, Raven discreetly assessed Charlie with her peripheral vision.

It wasn't that she had any suspicions about Charlie, but rather it was her usual cautious habit.

Whenever she entered a new environment, her first priority was to gain a relatively deep understanding of the surroundings, in order to gather potentially useful information.

She first observed Charlie and found that this man was indeed quite handsome, quite pleasing to the eye.

However, occasionally when he looked directly at her, his piercing gaze was somewhat off-putting.

So, Raven turned her face towards Charlie and proactively asked with a smile, "Are you Chinese, sir?"

Charlie didn't expect the assassin from the Salvador family to turn her face and speak to him. Feigning surprise, he asked with a hint of amazement, "How did the beauty figure out that I am Chinese? This isn't a flight to China, after all."

Raven smiled slightly and replied earnestly, "The difference between Japanese and Chinese men is quite significant. For example, Japanese men usually groom their eyebrows, and their hairstyles and dressing styles are different."

Charlie chuckled, "The beauty is indeed observant."

Raven nodded and asked him, "Where in China are you from, sir?"

Charlie casually replied, "I'm from Suzhou."

"Oh?" Raven raised an eyebrow and said with a smile, "Suzhou is a great place. As the saying goes, 'Heaven above, Suzhou and Hangzhou below,' the land and water there are very nurturing."

With that, Raven asked him again, "By the way, since you are from Suzhou, you should know about the Weaver family in Suzhou, right?"

Being a seasoned expert with plenty of experience, Raven's first thought upon hearing Charlie introduce himself as being from Suzhou was to confirm whether he was lying or not.

She thought that if this man beside her wasn't lying, he could probably be a useful pawn. In case of any unexpected events during the upcoming journey, she could use him as a shield, making herself safer.

Upon hearing the woman mention the Weaver family, Charlie knew she was trying to test whether he was truly from Suzhou. So, he smiled and said, "Who doesn't know about the Weaver family? The current head is Donald, who has two sons, Xander and Quintin. The latter, Quintin, is quite famous for some peculiar habits, like reportedly eating feces from time to time. Quite bizarre, isn't it?"

Raven chuckled and said, "I didn't expect you to be so familiar with the Weaver family."

Charlie smirked mischievously, "Of course, who in Suzhou doesn't know about the Weaver family?"

With that, Charlie lowered his voice and said, "Let me tell you some even juicier gossip!"

Raven nodded, "I'm all ears."

Charlie motioned for her to come closer and whispered, "Come closer, I'll tell you."

Raven couldn't help but furrow her brows slightly, her tone somewhat cold as she said, "Just say it like this."

Charlie put on a serious face, "How can such a secret be casually revealed in front of so many people? If you want to hear, come closer, if not, then forget it."

Raven's temper flared up instantly, seeing Charlie trying to take advantage of the situation so seriously that she felt like giving him a good slap.

Chapter 1850 - Evasive Responses

However, Raven was really curious to know what explosive information Charlie knew. So, she suppressed the disgust in her heart and leaned towards him, coldly saying, "Spit it out!"

Charlie leaned in towards her, whispering in her ear with hot breath, "Some time ago, that Donald's nephew, who is Suzhou's beggar gang leader Kobi Reynolds, got taken out, along with his wife and a bunch of big shots from the gang!"

Raven immediately moved her body away from Charlie, keeping a certain distance, and coldly said, "Is that it? This was all over short video hot topics back then. Who doesn't know about it?"

Charlie shrugged, "I thought you didn't know."

Feeling repulsed, Raven glared at him. In her eyes, Charlie was just using this incident to get closer and take advantage of her.

Luckily, he didn't gain anything, so Raven didn't react.

After this incident, Raven's guard against Charlie decreased slightly.

Seeing Raven silent, Charlie leaned in and asked, "Hey beautiful, where are you from? I told you about me, how about you tell me something?"

Raven, expressionless, replied, "Just because you told me doesn't mean I have to tell you."

Charlie chuckled, "Beautiful, don't be so cold! A gorgeous lady like you should smile more, it suits you!"

Raven rubbed her temples, somewhat annoyed, "Sorry, I need to rest for a bit."

With that, she simply closed her eyes.

Charlie continued to ask, "Beauty, what are you doing in Osaka? Are you visiting Osaka or heading back to your country from there?"

Raven opened her eyes, frowned at him, and asked, "How did you know I was going back to my country from Osaka?"

"Tokyo won't let me leave!" Charlie sighed, "I don't know what's wrong with Tokyo, implementing exit controls. My family is waiting for me to return for the New Year, so I had to choose to leave from Osaka..."

Raven nodded lightly, thinking to herself, "Seems like I was too sensitive. People wanting to return from the Tokyo area mostly have to leave from Osaka or other airports in northeastern Japan. It's quite normal for this guy to return from Osaka."

Thus, Raven completely lost interest in chatting with Charlie and said, "I'll rest for a while. If there's nothing urgent, let's not chat."

Charlie, not taking the hint, continued, "By the way, beauty, your accent sounds a bit like someone from Eastcliff!"

Raven's brows relaxed momentarily but quickly furrowed again as she denied, "I'm not from Eastcliff, I'm from Shanghai."

With Japan restricting exits and conducting investigations on all foreign tourists, the most significant focus was on tourists of Chinese Eastcliff descent. So, Raven, being cautious, claimed to be from Shanghai.

Charlie then exclaimed in surprise, "Oh, come on, beauty, we're all Chinese. It's fate to meet on a plane in Japan. You don't need to hide from your compatriots. Your accent clearly gives away your Eastcliff roots, not from Shanghai."

Raven was getting increasingly annoyed by Charlie.

She was now more convinced that Charlie was harmless, just a bit sleazy, talkative, and annoying. So, while she was irritated to the extreme, she also completely relaxed her guard against him.

At this point, she closed her eyes to rest, ignoring Charlie.

Meanwhile, Charlie was already instructing Isaac on WeChat to prepare according to his plan...
Instead of thinking of how to bang the ladies, he's rather planning of destroying them. It's good he's going to challenge the Salvador family.
Now Raven will kiss Charlie 😘. He only accepts kisses not more than that. All these guys Dustin, John and Charlie, not good in bed. I want to start writing a story where hero only job is to satisfy girls in bed. Day and night story surrounds around it. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Now Raven will kiss Charlie 😘. He only accepts kisses not more than that. All these guys Dustin, John and Charlie, not good in bed. I want to start writing a story where hero only job is to satisfy girls in bed. Day and night story surrounds around it. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
John has a harem of girls and he has done even 3some and multiplesome too. Which chapter you are reading in case of John White ?
Now Raven will kiss Charlie 😘. He only accepts kisses not more than that. All these guys Dustin, John and Charlie, not good in bed. I want to start writing a story where hero only job is to satisfy girls in bed. Day and night story surrounds around it. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Do you really follow John's story, don't let Emeka see this comment else he'll come after you 😃😃😃. Only Dustin and Charlie are impotent 🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 1846 - Nanako's Ring of Love

The ring was identical in style, size, and even the ring size.

Upon seeing this ring, Nanako felt incredibly happy and joyful, as if this ring was truly a gift from Charlie to herself.

Seeing her gaze at the ring with joy, Kuanai asked in surprise, "Miss, why are you interested in a brand like Tiffany? It's just an ordinary jewelry brand, and this ring is too cheap, the diamonds are really not impressive..."

Kuanai was right.

This diamond ring, priced at around 1 million RMB, was simply for ordinary wealthy individuals.

True billionaires wouldn't even consider wearing such a ring.

In Europe, America, and Japan and South Korea, billionaires prefer diamonds, some with extremely high clarity and top-notch cutting techniques, valued at millions for just one.

Real wealthy individuals buy these diamonds and have them custom-made into diamond rings.

Therefore, for top billionaires, wearing a diamond ring worth over tens of millions is just a common occurrence.

Chinese wealthy individuals have a more diverse taste, not only liking diamonds but also various gemstones, especially jadeite.

Genuine top-grade imperial green jadeite is astonishingly expensive.

A bracelet worth tens of millions or even hundreds of millions is no big deal.

For the wealthy, these jewels not only showcase status but also have great potential for appreciation.

The Ito family itself is one of Japan's top wealthy families, and Nanako, as the only daughter of the family head, liking such an ordinary diamond ring truly exceeded Kuanai's understanding of her.

Nanako held the diamond ring lovingly and shyly said, "Kuanai, some things cannot be measured by value. This ring may not hold much value in your eyes, but to me, it is priceless."

With that, she couldn't wait and put the ring on her ring finger.

Looking at the ring, a happy smile involuntarily appeared on her face.

Kuanai exclaimed, "Miss, the ring finger is specifically for wearing wedding rings. You can't wear a ring on the ring finger, or others might think you're already married!"

Upon hearing this, Nanako suddenly realized that as a single woman, she shouldn't wear a ring on her ring finger, as it could lead to misunderstandings from those around her.

However, this didn't diminish her love for the ring at all. She quickly took it off, carefully placed it back, and stuck her tongue out at Kuanai, "It's okay, I just tried it on. I definitely won't wear it outside."

Kuanai nodded and asked, "Miss, where are we going now?"

Nanako replied, "Let's go to the hospital, I'll accompany Father!"


At this moment, Charlie had successfully passed security and arrived at the VIP lounge with his passport and boarding pass.

Currently, there was about an hour until the flight took off and approximately half an hour until boarding.

The VIP lounge wasn't too crowded, so Charlie casually found a seat and sat down.

As soon as he sat down, a beautiful female attendant approached and asked, "Sir, would you like something to drink?"

For some reason, Charlie's mind was still filled with Nanako's image, so he absentmindedly waved his hand and said, "No, thank you."

The attendant nodded and politely said, "If you need anything, please feel free to let me know."


After speaking, Charlie was about to take out his phone to contact Isaac when his sharp hearing caught a woman not far away speaking in a hushed tone on the phone, "To avoid unnecessary trouble, inform the crew that tonight we fly to the Mediterranean. We'll rest there for the night and return to Eastcliff tomorrow!"

Chapter 1847 - Raven's Covert Arrangement

Initially, Raven's retreat plan was for everyone to disperse to Osaka and then charter a private plane from the Mediterranean to directly bring everyone back to Eastcliff.

However, considering that if the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department fails to catch herself and other members of the Salvador family, they would definitely re-examine previous departure records. Therefore, a direct flight from Osaka to Eastcliff would undoubtedly become the most suspicious target in the eyes of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Hence, Raven decided that everyone should first fly to the Mediterranean from Osaka.

From the Japanese side, they only have the right to view flight information related to their own country. Theoretically, Japan has the right to access all information about flights departing from Japan.

However, if everyone flies from the Mediterranean to Eastcliff afterwards, it would be considered a purely domestic flight with no connection to Japan at all.

This way, the clues from the Japanese side would be cut off.

In principle, Raven would not make such a low-level mistake of making a phone call that could be overheard. She deliberately chose a corner in the VIP lounge where there was no one within 5 meters.

Moreover, when she made the call just now, she deliberately lowered her voice to the minimum.

Based on her experience, with the volume she used to speak just now, even if someone was within three meters, they wouldn't be able to hear.

Unless that person was only about a meter away from her.

Furthermore, she did not disclose any sensitive information during the call, just mentioned changing the plan to fly to the Mediterranean first and then to Eastcliff.

However, she did not expect that by speaking in such a low voice, she would be heard by Charlie several meters away.

Upon hearing her words, Charlie immediately realised that this woman must be a member of the Salvador family.

The reason is simple.

The strict exit control in Tokyo is all because of the Salvador family wiping out the Matsumoto family.

Someone who is meticulously planning to leave Japan at this time and deliberately concealing their whereabouts is highly likely to be a member of the Salvador family.

Moreover, the fact that this woman just said on the phone that they would first fly to the Mediterranean and then return to Eastcliff proves that her destination is actually Eastcliff.

Eastcliff also happens to be the headquarters of the Salvador family, so this woman must be working for the Salvador family.

After instructing everything, Raven put her phone back in her pocket and closed her eyes to rest on her seat.

Charlie quietly observed this woman from a distance. His first impression of her was that she was very beautiful, but his second impression was that her features gave off a very cold and ruthless vibe.

The Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture had heightened Charlie's perception, allowing him to sense deeper nuances from a person.

Raven gave him a feeling of a faint bloody scent all around her.

This kind of feeling is rarely encountered in ordinary people, so he could be certain that this woman's hands must have been stained with blood. It seemed likely that she was an assassin for the Salvador family.

Moreover, from the implications in her words, the expert sent by the Salvador family to Japan should be preparing to leave Japan by chartering a private plane from Osaka, just like himself.

Thinking of this, he immediately took out his phone and sent a WeChat message to Isaac: "Elder Isaac, immediately check for me how many private planes are flying from Osaka to the Mediterranean tonight."

Isaac did not ask for the reason and immediately began investigating.

Although he did not have much influence in Japan, gathering some intelligence and solving basic questions like this was still within his capabilities.

Chapter 1848 - Subtle Charades

Airline information itself is not considered highly confidential, even the flight routes of private jets cannot be hidden from airport staff and the airport's scheduling system.

Therefore, Isaac quickly found some information and compiled it to pass on to Charlie.

The information Isaac provided to Charlie indicated that tonight, there are a total of four private planes flying from Osaka to the Mediterranean Sea.

Among them, two are small executive jets with very limited passenger capacity, each carrying around 10 people. Considering the presence of many skilled individuals from the Salvador family in Japan, it is unlikely that they would choose to travel on these planes back. Therefore, Charlie filtered out these two planes directly.

The remaining two planes are private jets modified from Airbus A320s, with a seating capacity of around forty to fifty passengers each.

Therefore, Charlie speculated that one of these two A320 planes is the one carrying the Salvador family members leaving Japan tonight.

He then instructed Isaac to thoroughly investigate the information about these two planes.

Both of these planes are registered in China. One is affiliated with a domestic private airline but actually serves a high-end travel agency, specializing in high-end chartered outbound tours. This plane just brought a forty-person high-end travel group from the south to Shenzhen yesterday and plans to take another group back to Shenzhen today.

The other plane is registered under a real estate company in the Mediterranean. This plane flew empty from the Mediterranean to Osaka today. Its original flight plan was from Osaka to Eastcliff, but it just recently changed its flight plan and applied for permission to fly from Osaka to the Mediterranean.

Upon seeing this, Charlie knew that this last plane must have been arranged by the Salvador family.

With this analysis, Charlie suddenly had a mischievous idea.

So, with a hint of a cold smile on his lips, after instructing Isaac, he sat back in his seat with a smile, closed his eyes as if dozing off.

Twenty minutes later, a gentle voice sounded in his ear, "Dear first-class passengers, your flight has begun priority boarding. If you wish to board early, please proceed to the boarding gate."

Charlie nodded, glanced at the position of Raven with the corner of his eye, seeing that Raven also stood up. He thought to himself, "To think that the female assassin from the Salvador family is on the same flight as me."

He then stretched lazily, took his small carry-on luggage, and left the VIP lounge ahead of Raven.

Charlie made his way to the boarding gate, showed his boarding pass, and boarded through the VIP channel before all the economy class passengers.

Since this plane was flying a short one-hour route from Tokyo to Osaka, there were very few first-class seats, only eight in total. Charlie's seat was by the window on the right side of the second row.

A delicate flight attendant offered to help him with his luggage, but Charlie politely declined and handled it himself, placing the luggage in the overhead compartment.

Just as he sat down, Raven entered with a few other first-class passengers.

Upon seeing her come in, Charlie's initial instinct was to turn his head away to avoid looking at her, so as not to raise any suspicion.

However, in a split second, he realized a problem.

A female assassin like Raven, with her strength and perception abilities, might not necessarily be stronger than himself, but definitely superior to the average person.

Moreover, she was so beautiful, she must have received a lot of attention from ordinary men on a regular basis.

If he deliberately avoided looking at her, it was highly likely that she would sense something unusual.

Therefore, Charlie intentionally looked at Raven with a face of surprise and excitement, as if he was astonished by her beauty and thrilled to be on the same flight as her.

Sensing Charlie's intense gaze, Raven casually glanced at him and felt a wave of disdain.

In her mind, she thought, "Ah, another loser who can't help but stare at a beautiful woman!"

Chapter 1849 - Strategic Deception

Although Raven sneered at Charlie's demeanor, it was precisely Charlie's superficial appearance that made her relax her guard a bit towards him.

Subsequently, she walked over to Charlie and sat down directly beside him.

As soon as she sat down, Raven discreetly assessed Charlie with her peripheral vision.

It wasn't that she had any suspicions about Charlie, but rather it was her usual cautious habit.

Whenever she entered a new environment, her first priority was to gain a relatively deep understanding of the surroundings, in order to gather potentially useful information.

She first observed Charlie and found that this man was indeed quite handsome, quite pleasing to the eye.

However, occasionally when he looked directly at her, his piercing gaze was somewhat off-putting.

So, Raven turned her face towards Charlie and proactively asked with a smile, "Are you Chinese, sir?"

Charlie didn't expect the assassin from the Salvador family to turn her face and speak to him. Feigning surprise, he asked with a hint of amazement, "How did the beauty figure out that I am Chinese? This isn't a flight to China, after all."

Raven smiled slightly and replied earnestly, "The difference between Japanese and Chinese men is quite significant. For example, Japanese men usually groom their eyebrows, and their hairstyles and dressing styles are different."

Charlie chuckled, "The beauty is indeed observant."

Raven nodded and asked him, "Where in China are you from, sir?"

Charlie casually replied, "I'm from Suzhou."

"Oh?" Raven raised an eyebrow and said with a smile, "Suzhou is a great place. As the saying goes, 'Heaven above, Suzhou and Hangzhou below,' the land and water there are very nurturing."

With that, Raven asked him again, "By the way, since you are from Suzhou, you should know about the Weaver family in Suzhou, right?"

Being a seasoned expert with plenty of experience, Raven's first thought upon hearing Charlie introduce himself as being from Suzhou was to confirm whether he was lying or not.

She thought that if this man beside her wasn't lying, he could probably be a useful pawn. In case of any unexpected events during the upcoming journey, she could use him as a shield, making herself safer.

Upon hearing the woman mention the Weaver family, Charlie knew she was trying to test whether he was truly from Suzhou. So, he smiled and said, "Who doesn't know about the Weaver family? The current head is Donald, who has two sons, Xander and Quintin. The latter, Quintin, is quite famous for some peculiar habits, like reportedly eating feces from time to time. Quite bizarre, isn't it?"

Raven chuckled and said, "I didn't expect you to be so familiar with the Weaver family."

Charlie smirked mischievously, "Of course, who in Suzhou doesn't know about the Weaver family?"

With that, Charlie lowered his voice and said, "Let me tell you some even juicier gossip!"

Raven nodded, "I'm all ears."

Charlie motioned for her to come closer and whispered, "Come closer, I'll tell you."

Raven couldn't help but furrow her brows slightly, her tone somewhat cold as she said, "Just say it like this."

Charlie put on a serious face, "How can such a secret be casually revealed in front of so many people? If you want to hear, come closer, if not, then forget it."

Raven's temper flared up instantly, seeing Charlie trying to take advantage of the situation so seriously that she felt like giving him a good slap.

Chapter 1850 - Evasive Responses

However, Raven was really curious to know what explosive information Charlie knew. So, she suppressed the disgust in her heart and leaned towards him, coldly saying, "Spit it out!"

Charlie leaned in towards her, whispering in her ear with hot breath, "Some time ago, that Donald's nephew, who is Suzhou's beggar gang leader Kobi Reynolds, got taken out, along with his wife and a bunch of big shots from the gang!"

Raven immediately moved her body away from Charlie, keeping a certain distance, and coldly said, "Is that it? This was all over short video hot topics back then. Who doesn't know about it?"

Charlie shrugged, "I thought you didn't know."

Feeling repulsed, Raven glared at him. In her eyes, Charlie was just using this incident to get closer and take advantage of her.

Luckily, he didn't gain anything, so Raven didn't react.

After this incident, Raven's guard against Charlie decreased slightly.

Seeing Raven silent, Charlie leaned in and asked, "Hey beautiful, where are you from? I told you about me, how about you tell me something?"

Raven, expressionless, replied, "Just because you told me doesn't mean I have to tell you."

Charlie chuckled, "Beautiful, don't be so cold! A gorgeous lady like you should smile more, it suits you!"

Raven rubbed her temples, somewhat annoyed, "Sorry, I need to rest for a bit."

With that, she simply closed her eyes.

Charlie continued to ask, "Beauty, what are you doing in Osaka? Are you visiting Osaka or heading back to your country from there?"

Raven opened her eyes, frowned at him, and asked, "How did you know I was going back to my country from Osaka?"

"Tokyo won't let me leave!" Charlie sighed, "I don't know what's wrong with Tokyo, implementing exit controls. My family is waiting for me to return for the New Year, so I had to choose to leave from Osaka..."

Raven nodded lightly, thinking to herself, "Seems like I was too sensitive. People wanting to return from the Tokyo area mostly have to leave from Osaka or other airports in northeastern Japan. It's quite normal for this guy to return from Osaka."

Thus, Raven completely lost interest in chatting with Charlie and said, "I'll rest for a while. If there's nothing urgent, let's not chat."

Charlie, not taking the hint, continued, "By the way, beauty, your accent sounds a bit like someone from Eastcliff!"

Raven's brows relaxed momentarily but quickly furrowed again as she denied, "I'm not from Eastcliff, I'm from Shanghai."

With Japan restricting exits and conducting investigations on all foreign tourists, the most significant focus was on tourists of Chinese Eastcliff descent. So, Raven, being cautious, claimed to be from Shanghai.

Charlie then exclaimed in surprise, "Oh, come on, beauty, we're all Chinese. It's fate to meet on a plane in Japan. You don't need to hide from your compatriots. Your accent clearly gives away your Eastcliff roots, not from Shanghai."

Raven was getting increasingly annoyed by Charlie.

She was now more convinced that Charlie was harmless, just a bit sleazy, talkative, and annoying. So, while she was irritated to the extreme, she also completely relaxed her guard against him.

At this point, she closed her eyes to rest, ignoring Charlie.

Meanwhile, Charlie was already instructing Isaac on WeChat to prepare according to his plan...
Getting hotter and hotter, the Raven didn't know that the Dragon is more closer to her to devour, it's only a matter of time before Raven realise this, but by that time, it will be too late.
The master planner is already setting the wheel on motions , just a matter of time
John has a harem of girls and he has done even 3some and multiplesome too. Which chapter you are reading in case of John White ?

John has a harem of girls and he has done even 3some and multiplesome too. Which chapter you are reading in case of John White ?
I'm still at John becoming head of medicine sect. Hopefully day will come where I can see him in bed.
You need to cultivate faster. Your technique is too slow. John has finished all the ladies and now cultivating trees, rivers, demons and animals.
Haha John leaves no leaves unturned.

English is hard, I was wondering if my sentence is correct, there came two leaves with different meaning🤣
I hope I am right the plural of leaf is leaves

John fucked everything from human, animals, demons 🤣 - there is no doubt this author watches a lot of porns, he must be a sex addict.

John has people in his mind giving him their cultivation techniques for sex and they are watching and taking control of John bodies to satsfy these girls

John fucked 10 girls in one night, in the morning they all couldn't walk and his mother was outside waiting to congratulate his boy for great work🤣

Soon, the plane took off from Tokyo Airport.

An hour later, it landed on time at Osaka Airport.

As per usual, the first-class passengers were allowed to disembark first.

With no luggage, Raven sat towards the front, ready to leave as soon as the plane stopped. To avoid any delays, her family arranged for another plane to depart half an hour later. She needed to quickly make her way to the private jet terminal for a security check before reaching the private jet hangar.

The process for private jets differed from regular commercial flights, with a separate terminal for private jet passengers.

As Charlie walked out with his luggage, Raven was nowhere to be seen in the long arrival hallway.

Charlie chuckled to himself, thinking, "In such a rush to go back? The more you want to leave, the less I want you to."

With that in mind, he leisurely made his way to the private jet terminal, pulling out his phone to ask Isaac, "Elder Isaac, have you arranged everything as instructed?"

Isaac replied with a smile, "Master, rest assured, everything has been prepared as per your instructions."

Charlie acknowledged and said, "Keep an eye on the situation, I'll be there shortly."

"Understood, Master!"

When Charlie arrived at the private jet terminal and passed through security smoothly, Isaac had been waiting inside for some time.

Upon seeing Charlie, he approached and whispered, "Master, everyone else has boarded. I saw the woman in black clothes you mentioned on WeChat. She went to hangar 12 by shuttle as soon as she cleared security. The plane parked there is the one you identified!"

He added, "Oh, by the way, our plane is in hangar 13, right next to theirs. And our departure time is just after theirs, so their plane will take off before ours."

"Great!" Charlie chuckled, "Let's go to the hangar first and enjoy the show later!"

Subsequently, Charlie and Isaac boarded a VIP shuttle to hangar 13.

As the shuttle drove into the hangar, the Gulfstream jet they arrived in Japan with was already waiting there.

This plane had flown to Tokyo first before heading straight to Osaka to wait, without leaving Osaka during this time.

Upon Charlie's arrival, Orvel, Lorden, and others hurried down from the plane, respectfully waiting outside the cabin door.

After Charlie disembarked, they all called out "Master Wade" in unison and bowed deeply.

Charlie waved them off, saying, "Skip the formalities, board quickly. I'm eager to watch the show!"

With that, he took the lead and boarded the plane.

Seeing this, the others followed suit promptly.

After everyone boarded, the flight attendants closed the cabin door and turned to Isaac for approval, "Elder Isaac, can we push back now?"

Isaac glanced at Charlie, who nodded, and immediately instructed the flight attendants, "Yes, you can push back now!"

Subsequently, the plane was slowly pushed out of the hangar by ground vehicles.

The captain reported to the control tower and requested clearance for takeoff. The tower replied, informing the captain of a private plane heading to the Mediterranean in front of them, instructing the captain to queue up behind them to proceed to the runway.


The captain immediately grabbed the intercom and made a cabin announcement, "Elder Isaac, we have received clearance from the control tower to queue up. The tower instructed us to line up behind the China Southern Airlines plane at Gate 12. There are quite a few planes ahead of us in the queue for takeoff at Osaka Airport, so it will take about forty minutes before we can depart."

Upon hearing that the plane he was on was lined up behind the Salvador family's plane, Charlie turned to Isaac and said, "Let's go to the cockpit!"

Isaac hurriedly followed Charlie and squeezed into the somewhat narrow cockpit.

As soon as Isaac entered, he asked the captain, "Where is the China Southern Airlines plane?"

The captain pointed to the plane that had just been pushed out of the hangar and was turning around on the spot, saying, "Elder Isaac, that's the one."

Isaac nodded, and as he saw the plane turning towards the runway, he quickly said to the captain, "Hurry, follow them!"

The captain immediately increased the engine thrust, and the plane followed behind the Salvador family's aircraft, moving steadily forward.

Watching the plane ahead with its wings trembling slightly, a smile spread across Charlie's face.

At this moment, inside the Airbus A320 sent by the Salvador family, over fifty top experts from the Salvador family sat neatly.

A middle-aged man looked at Raven, who was sitting in the front without smiling, and approached her with a smile, saying, "Miss Raven, this operation was truly successful under your command. We wiped out the Matsumoto family, none of us died, and we are about to successfully evacuate. Once our planes take off, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department will never find us again!"

Upon hearing this, the others quickly chimed in, "Yes, Miss Raven, your leadership was exceptional this time. When we return, Mr. Salvador will definitely promote you. Please don't forget us then!"

Raven calmly replied, "I am just like all of you, servants of the Salvador family. As long as everyone does their job well, the family head will surely not mistreat anyone."

She continued, "After we return this time, I will report truthfully to the family head. Rest assured, I will acknowledge everyone's efforts!"

Upon hearing this, everyone smiled apologetically and thanked her.

Although all of them were martial arts experts, deep down they were completely immersed in the secular world, serving the Salvador family solely for money.

Upon hearing Raven's intention to acknowledge everyone's efforts, they naturally understood that the Salvador family would definitely reward them generously.

As a result, everyone enthusiastically applauded and cheered, with the sound of whistles filling the air.

At that moment, Raven's phone vibrated.

She picked up the phone, seeing it was a call from Virtuoso, she quickly answered, respectfully saying, "Master!"

Virtuoso's voice came through, "Raven, how are things on your end? Are you about to take off soon? Haven't encountered any unexpected incidents or obstacles in between, right?"

Raven hurriedly replied, "Master, our plane has started queuing for takeoff, and we estimate we will be able to take off in no more than half an hour!"

"Very good!" Virtuoso said with a smile, "You handled this matter excellently! When we return to Eastcliff, you will be greatly rewarded!"

Raven sincerely responded, "Master, being able to share your burdens for the Salvador family is Raven's blessing..."

Virtuoso chuckled, "Raven, with a fierce warrior like you, I am truly fortunate! You've always wanted to visit your hometown, right? After we return this time, I will give you a good break. Rest and recuperate in your hometown, you can rest until after the Lantern Festival before returning!"

Gratefully, Raven said, "Thank you, Master! I have always wanted to go back home, so being able to rest is truly a blessing!"

Virtuoso added, "You handled this matter so brilliantly, I will make sure you have a good rest when we return!"

Just as Raven was about to express her gratitude, a loud rumbling sound of helicopters came from all directions, and outside the window, many armored vehicles roared in, surrounding the plane completely!

In the sky, helicopters blared through high-powered speakers, "Listen down there, we are the Japan Self-Defense Forces! You are now surrounded!"


In this moment, over fifty elite members of the Salvador family on the plane were struck with fear!

The plane was about to take off, everyone was on the verge of escaping, leaving Japan behind and returning home to receive commendations.

Raven had even received a series of praises from Virtuoso over the phone. Who could have predicted that at this very moment, the situation suddenly took a drastic turn!

Dozens of Japanese Self-Defense Force helicopters, over thirty ground armored vehicles, and the plane carrying Raven and others were completely surrounded!

The Japanese Self-Defense Force, essentially Japan's military, had to adapt to the regulations after Japan's defeat in the war, hence the formation of the Self-Defense Force.

Although named as a Self-Defense Force, their equipment and training standards were on par with regular military forces.

While the Salvador family's elites were undoubtedly powerful, their martial arts skills were no match for the firearms of a regular army.

Moreover, the Japanese Self-Defense Force deployed specially trained counter-terrorism special forces this time, numbering at least six to seven hundred personnel in total, both in the air and on the ground.

These six to seven hundred personnel were among the elite of the Japanese Self-Defense Force!

Coupled with their excellent equipment and the meticulously laid out trap, the Salvador family's elites had no chance of escape!

Even the usually composed Raven couldn't help but panic.

She anxiously asked those around her, "What's going on?! How did the Japanese Self-Defense Force find us?! Who leaked the information?!"

Everyone was filled with fear, unaware of who had leaked the information.

But they knew they were in deep trouble this time!

Their recent activities in Tokyo had caused quite a stir, leading the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and even the entire Japanese government to pursue them at all costs.

Tokyo and surrounding cities had implemented exit controls to capture them as soon as possible.

Now, captured by the Japanese Self-Defense Force, they knew trouble awaited them!

At that moment, Virtuoso's call was still connected.

Hearing the commotion on the other end, he immediately asked, "Raven, what's happening?!"

With a trembling voice, Raven replied, "Master... our plane is surrounded by the Japanese Self-Defense Force..."

"What?!" Virtuoso felt a wave of dizziness upon hearing this!

In his mind, he thought, "It's over! This is bad! The Salvador family sent nearly a hundred people to Japan this time, among them, aside from some support staff, the real core experts are all on that plane!"

"It can be said that the over fifty people on that plane represent at least eighty percent of the Salvador family's combat strength!"

"Especially Raven, a commander who can stand against a hundred!"

"If these people fall into the hands of the Japanese government, according to Japanese law, the main culprit will definitely face the death penalty, and the accomplices will likely get life imprisonment..."

Thinking of this, Virtuoso was close to losing control, trembling as he asked, "Raven, what exactly is going on?! Did you leak the information, or is there a traitor among us?!"

Nervously, Raven replied, "Master, I'm not sure about that right now..."

Meanwhile, the broadcast outside the plane continued, "This is the Japanese Self-Defense Force. You are ordered to immediately shut down the plane's engines, open the doors for inspection, or we will resort to force!"

The captain and co-pilot in the cockpit were the first to panic.

They could see the armed helicopters in the sky ahead, their heavy machine guns already aimed at them.

A civilian aircraft stood no chance against military weapons like these. Without hesitation, they shut down the plane's engines, without consulting Raven.


Outside, the broadcast continued, "This is the Japan Self-Defense Forces. We demand that you immediately open all doors! Otherwise, our special forces will resort to aggressive measures!"

The captain rushed out of the cockpit, visibly nervous, and exclaimed, "They are asking us to open the doors, or they will attack!"

Inside the cabin, chaos ensued. The so-called super experts were now completely panicked, some restless individuals pacing back and forth like headless flies, desperately seeking a way out.

With over fifty people confined like roaches in a glass jar, fear gripped them all.

Even Raven was in a state of panic. However, she knew deep down that opening the doors would mean surrendering.

The massacre at the Matsumoto family had enraged Japan. If she surrendered with the others, the Japanese government would surely not spare them and would likely punish them with the utmost severity.

Yet, if they didn't surrender, the consequences would likely be even more dire. Special forces worldwide typically followed a similar approach in counter-terrorism situations.

They would first use directional explosives to blow open the cabin doors and windows, then release flashbangs and tear gas inside.

The flashbangs emitted intensely blinding light, rendering individuals temporarily blind. Once sight was lost, they were at the mercy of their captors.

Tear gas was a double-edged sword, causing incessant coughing, loss of combat capability, and severe eye irritation leading to excessive tear production, further impairing vision.

After several rounds of flashbangs and tear gas, before the special forces even stormed in, those inside would likely be unable to withstand it and would surrender or flee.

In her desperation, Raven turned to Virtuoso on the phone and asked, "Master... What do you think we should do?"

"What to do..." Virtuoso murmured weakly, his heart aching.

The core elite of the Salvador family was about to be wiped out entirely! The impact on the Salvador family was immense, and rebuilding such a team in the coming years was nearly impossible.

Even if it were possible, the costs would be exorbitant. The expenses of recruiting a top expert sometimes surpassed that of a hundred ordinary individuals.

The costs behind these top experts were astronomical. Furthermore, if these over fifty individuals fell into the hands of the Japanese government, whether sentenced to death or life imprisonment, the Salvador family would have to provide substantial financial support to their relatives annually.

This was a core tactic the Salvador family used to retain these experts. Their loyalty was secured by promising high salaries and ensuring that in case of any mishap, the Salvador family would provide over a million yuan per month to their families.

It was this willingness to spend lavishly that had attracted such a large group of top experts to the Salvador family.

But now, if these fifty individuals were captured by the Japanese government, their families would immediately become burdens on the Salvador family.

The Salvador family could not afford to abandon these dependents, as it would jeopardize future loyalty and dedication to the Salvador family.

Hence, this time, they were truly facing significant losses.


During the standoff, the head of Japan's Ministry of Land Security arrived at Osaka Airport by a special plane. Accompanying him was the Director of the Tokyo Police Department.

Originally, they faced immense pressure to conduct a thorough search in Tokyo to catch a group of criminals, hoping to provide an explanation to the citizens and the higher-ups. However, these criminals proved to be more cunning than foxes, leaving no useful clues behind.

Just as they were considering expanding the search, they received a tip-off from a mysterious source that the criminals had arrived in Osaka and were planning to board a flight back to China. This revelation shocked the Land Security Bureau!

If these individuals managed to escape, the notorious mass murder case that had shaken the nation might never be solved. The reputations of the Tokyo Police Department and the Ministry of Land Security would be tarnished, facing public outrage.

As a result, the Ministry of Land Security made a swift decision to take over the case from the police department and instructed the Osaka Self-Defense Force to intervene at all costs to prevent the plane from taking off.

With tens of thousands of troops stationed in Osaka, the Self-Defense Force immediately dispatched their elite special forces to Osaka Airport upon receiving orders from the Land Security Bureau. Additionally, emergency plans were made, with a squadron of fighter jets on standby.

If the special forces failed to intercept the private plane and it took off, F35 fighter jets would be scrambled to force it to return to Osaka before leaving Japanese airspace.

As the Ministry of Land Security's plane landed, the head immediately picked up the phone and inquired, "What's the situation on the ground? Has the enemy's plane been contained?"

The commanding officer on the other end responded, "The enemy's plane has been surrounded by our armored vehicles, making escape impossible. However, they are not surrendering yet, so we are preparing for a direct assault!"

"Good!" the head of the Land Security Bureau gritted his teeth. "Give them one more minute. If they don't surrender, initiate a live ammunition assault immediately! This time, we must capture these ruthless fugitives and bring them to justice for the people of Japan!"

With his command, four boarding vehicles with ladders slowly approached the plane. Four fully armed combat teams assembled below the aircraft. Once the boarding vehicles aligned with the cabin door, they would swiftly charge in, blast open the door, and launch the first wave of attack with flashbangs and tear gas.

Their firearms were checked and loaded, all equipped with powerful American assault rifles. In a firefight, Raven's subordinates would have no chance against them.

Observing the approaching boarding vehicles through the window, Raven was extremely tense, unsure of what to do. Amid the chaos, someone suggested, "Let's just open the cabin door and surrender. Bullets have no eyes, and if they forcefully enter, it's certain death!"

"Surrender?!" Another person exclaimed angrily, "I single-handedly killed four members of the Matsumoto family. Surrendering means death! We'll definitely be sentenced to death!."

"Death sentence isn't a big deal!" another interjected. "The execution process in Japan is lengthy. Do you know about Aum Shinrikyo, the cult that carried out the terror attack in the Tokyo subway? Their leader, Shoko Asahara, used sarin gas to attack the subway in 1995, shocking the world. It took until 2018 for his execution. Even if we're sentenced to death, we could survive in prison for over a decade, better than being gunned down now, right?"

"Exactly!" someone stood up, clenching their fist. "With our strength, we could become a force to be reckoned with in prison. No one would dare mess with us. We could live comfortably in prison, so why not think long-term?"

This conversation persuaded the majority. No one was willing to give up on the hope of survival. Even surviving in prison seemed far better than immediate death.

They turned to Raven and said, "Miss Raven, let's surrender!"
You need to cultivate faster. Your technique is too slow. John has finished all the ladies and now cultivating trees, rivers, demons and animals.
And next resource for cultivating will be Xavier
Haha John leaves no leaves unturned.

English is hard, I was wondering if my sentence is correct, there came two leaves with different meaning🤣
I hope I am right the plural of leaf is leaves

John fucked everything from human, animals, demons 🤣 - there is no doubt this author watches a lot of porns, he must be a sex addict.

John has people in his mind giving him their cultivation techniques for sex and they are watching and taking control of John bodies to satsfy these girls

John fucked 10 girls in one night, in the morning they all couldn't walk and his mother was outside waiting to congratulate his boy for great work🤣
Daddy's boy 💪
Do you really follow John's story, don't let Emeka see this comment else he'll come after you 😃😃😃. Only Dustin and Charlie are impotent 🤣🤣🤣
his still at the first stage of John story that's why his make that comment

Soon, the plane took off from Tokyo Airport.

An hour later, it landed on time at Osaka Airport.

As per usual, the first-class passengers were allowed to disembark first.

With no luggage, Raven sat towards the front, ready to leave as soon as the plane stopped. To avoid any delays, her family arranged for another plane to depart half an hour later. She needed to quickly make her way to the private jet terminal for a security check before reaching the private jet hangar.

The process for private jets differed from regular commercial flights, with a separate terminal for private jet passengers.

As Charlie walked out with his luggage, Raven was nowhere to be seen in the long arrival hallway.

Charlie chuckled to himself, thinking, "In such a rush to go back? The more you want to leave, the less I want you to."

With that in mind, he leisurely made his way to the private jet terminal, pulling out his phone to ask Isaac, "Elder Isaac, have you arranged everything as instructed?"

Isaac replied with a smile, "Master, rest assured, everything has been prepared as per your instructions."

Charlie acknowledged and said, "Keep an eye on the situation, I'll be there shortly."

"Understood, Master!"

When Charlie arrived at the private jet terminal and passed through security smoothly, Isaac had been waiting inside for some time.

Upon seeing Charlie, he approached and whispered, "Master, everyone else has boarded. I saw the woman in black clothes you mentioned on WeChat. She went to hangar 12 by shuttle as soon as she cleared security. The plane parked there is the one you identified!"

He added, "Oh, by the way, our plane is in hangar 13, right next to theirs. And our departure time is just after theirs, so their plane will take off before ours."

"Great!" Charlie chuckled, "Let's go to the hangar first and enjoy the show later!"

Subsequently, Charlie and Isaac boarded a VIP shuttle to hangar 13.

As the shuttle drove into the hangar, the Gulfstream jet they arrived in Japan with was already waiting there.

This plane had flown to Tokyo first before heading straight to Osaka to wait, without leaving Osaka during this time.

Upon Charlie's arrival, Orvel, Lorden, and others hurried down from the plane, respectfully waiting outside the cabin door.

After Charlie disembarked, they all called out "Master Wade" in unison and bowed deeply.

Charlie waved them off, saying, "Skip the formalities, board quickly. I'm eager to watch the show!"

With that, he took the lead and boarded the plane.

Seeing this, the others followed suit promptly.

After everyone boarded, the flight attendants closed the cabin door and turned to Isaac for approval, "Elder Isaac, can we push back now?"

Isaac glanced at Charlie, who nodded, and immediately instructed the flight attendants, "Yes, you can push back now!"

Subsequently, the plane was slowly pushed out of the hangar by ground vehicles.

The captain reported to the control tower and requested clearance for takeoff. The tower replied, informing the captain of a private plane heading to the Mediterranean in front of them, instructing the captain to queue up behind them to proceed to the runway.


The captain immediately grabbed the intercom and made a cabin announcement, "Elder Isaac, we have received clearance from the control tower to queue up. The tower instructed us to line up behind the China Southern Airlines plane at Gate 12. There are quite a few planes ahead of us in the queue for takeoff at Osaka Airport, so it will take about forty minutes before we can depart."

Upon hearing that the plane he was on was lined up behind the Salvador family's plane, Charlie turned to Isaac and said, "Let's go to the cockpit!"

Isaac hurriedly followed Charlie and squeezed into the somewhat narrow cockpit.

As soon as Isaac entered, he asked the captain, "Where is the China Southern Airlines plane?"

The captain pointed to the plane that had just been pushed out of the hangar and was turning around on the spot, saying, "Elder Isaac, that's the one."

Isaac nodded, and as he saw the plane turning towards the runway, he quickly said to the captain, "Hurry, follow them!"

The captain immediately increased the engine thrust, and the plane followed behind the Salvador family's aircraft, moving steadily forward.

Watching the plane ahead with its wings trembling slightly, a smile spread across Charlie's face.

At this moment, inside the Airbus A320 sent by the Salvador family, over fifty top experts from the Salvador family sat neatly.

A middle-aged man looked at Raven, who was sitting in the front without smiling, and approached her with a smile, saying, "Miss Raven, this operation was truly successful under your command. We wiped out the Matsumoto family, none of us died, and we are about to successfully evacuate. Once our planes take off, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department will never find us again!"

Upon hearing this, the others quickly chimed in, "Yes, Miss Raven, your leadership was exceptional this time. When we return, Mr. Salvador will definitely promote you. Please don't forget us then!"

Raven calmly replied, "I am just like all of you, servants of the Salvador family. As long as everyone does their job well, the family head will surely not mistreat anyone."

She continued, "After we return this time, I will report truthfully to the family head. Rest assured, I will acknowledge everyone's efforts!"

Upon hearing this, everyone smiled apologetically and thanked her.

Although all of them were martial arts experts, deep down they were completely immersed in the secular world, serving the Salvador family solely for money.

Upon hearing Raven's intention to acknowledge everyone's efforts, they naturally understood that the Salvador family would definitely reward them generously.

As a result, everyone enthusiastically applauded and cheered, with the sound of whistles filling the air.

At that moment, Raven's phone vibrated.

She picked up the phone, seeing it was a call from Virtuoso, she quickly answered, respectfully saying, "Master!"

Virtuoso's voice came through, "Raven, how are things on your end? Are you about to take off soon? Haven't encountered any unexpected incidents or obstacles in between, right?"

Raven hurriedly replied, "Master, our plane has started queuing for takeoff, and we estimate we will be able to take off in no more than half an hour!"

"Very good!" Virtuoso said with a smile, "You handled this matter excellently! When we return to Eastcliff, you will be greatly rewarded!"

Raven sincerely responded, "Master, being able to share your burdens for the Salvador family is Raven's blessing..."

Virtuoso chuckled, "Raven, with a fierce warrior like you, I am truly fortunate! You've always wanted to visit your hometown, right? After we return this time, I will give you a good break. Rest and recuperate in your hometown, you can rest until after the Lantern Festival before returning!"

Gratefully, Raven said, "Thank you, Master! I have always wanted to go back home, so being able to rest is truly a blessing!"

Virtuoso added, "You handled this matter so brilliantly, I will make sure you have a good rest when we return!"

Just as Raven was about to express her gratitude, a loud rumbling sound of helicopters came from all directions, and outside the window, many armored vehicles roared in, surrounding the plane completely!

In the sky, helicopters blared through high-powered speakers, "Listen down there, we are the Japan Self-Defense Forces! You are now surrounded!"


In this moment, over fifty elite members of the Salvador family on the plane were struck with fear!

The plane was about to take off, everyone was on the verge of escaping, leaving Japan behind and returning home to receive commendations.

Raven had even received a series of praises from Virtuoso over the phone. Who could have predicted that at this very moment, the situation suddenly took a drastic turn!

Dozens of Japanese Self-Defense Force helicopters, over thirty ground armored vehicles, and the plane carrying Raven and others were completely surrounded!

The Japanese Self-Defense Force, essentially Japan's military, had to adapt to the regulations after Japan's defeat in the war, hence the formation of the Self-Defense Force.

Although named as a Self-Defense Force, their equipment and training standards were on par with regular military forces.

While the Salvador family's elites were undoubtedly powerful, their martial arts skills were no match for the firearms of a regular army.

Moreover, the Japanese Self-Defense Force deployed specially trained counter-terrorism special forces this time, numbering at least six to seven hundred personnel in total, both in the air and on the ground.

These six to seven hundred personnel were among the elite of the Japanese Self-Defense Force!

Coupled with their excellent equipment and the meticulously laid out trap, the Salvador family's elites had no chance of escape!

Even the usually composed Raven couldn't help but panic.

She anxiously asked those around her, "What's going on?! How did the Japanese Self-Defense Force find us?! Who leaked the information?!"

Everyone was filled with fear, unaware of who had leaked the information.

But they knew they were in deep trouble this time!

Their recent activities in Tokyo had caused quite a stir, leading the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and even the entire Japanese government to pursue them at all costs.

Tokyo and surrounding cities had implemented exit controls to capture them as soon as possible.

Now, captured by the Japanese Self-Defense Force, they knew trouble awaited them!

At that moment, Virtuoso's call was still connected.

Hearing the commotion on the other end, he immediately asked, "Raven, what's happening?!"

With a trembling voice, Raven replied, "Master... our plane is surrounded by the Japanese Self-Defense Force..."

"What?!" Virtuoso felt a wave of dizziness upon hearing this!

In his mind, he thought, "It's over! This is bad! The Salvador family sent nearly a hundred people to Japan this time, among them, aside from some support staff, the real core experts are all on that plane!"

"It can be said that the over fifty people on that plane represent at least eighty percent of the Salvador family's combat strength!"

"Especially Raven, a commander who can stand against a hundred!"

"If these people fall into the hands of the Japanese government, according to Japanese law, the main culprit will definitely face the death penalty, and the accomplices will likely get life imprisonment..."

Thinking of this, Virtuoso was close to losing control, trembling as he asked, "Raven, what exactly is going on?! Did you leak the information, or is there a traitor among us?!"

Nervously, Raven replied, "Master, I'm not sure about that right now..."

Meanwhile, the broadcast outside the plane continued, "This is the Japanese Self-Defense Force. You are ordered to immediately shut down the plane's engines, open the doors for inspection, or we will resort to force!"

The captain and co-pilot in the cockpit were the first to panic.

They could see the armed helicopters in the sky ahead, their heavy machine guns already aimed at them.

A civilian aircraft stood no chance against military weapons like these. Without hesitation, they shut down the plane's engines, without consulting Raven.


Outside, the broadcast continued, "This is the Japan Self-Defense Forces. We demand that you immediately open all doors! Otherwise, our special forces will resort to aggressive measures!"

The captain rushed out of the cockpit, visibly nervous, and exclaimed, "They are asking us to open the doors, or they will attack!"

Inside the cabin, chaos ensued. The so-called super experts were now completely panicked, some restless individuals pacing back and forth like headless flies, desperately seeking a way out.

With over fifty people confined like roaches in a glass jar, fear gripped them all.

Even Raven was in a state of panic. However, she knew deep down that opening the doors would mean surrendering.

The massacre at the Matsumoto family had enraged Japan. If she surrendered with the others, the Japanese government would surely not spare them and would likely punish them with the utmost severity.

Yet, if they didn't surrender, the consequences would likely be even more dire. Special forces worldwide typically followed a similar approach in counter-terrorism situations.

They would first use directional explosives to blow open the cabin doors and windows, then release flashbangs and tear gas inside.

The flashbangs emitted intensely blinding light, rendering individuals temporarily blind. Once sight was lost, they were at the mercy of their captors.

Tear gas was a double-edged sword, causing incessant coughing, loss of combat capability, and severe eye irritation leading to excessive tear production, further impairing vision.

After several rounds of flashbangs and tear gas, before the special forces even stormed in, those inside would likely be unable to withstand it and would surrender or flee.

In her desperation, Raven turned to Virtuoso on the phone and asked, "Master... What do you think we should do?"

"What to do..." Virtuoso murmured weakly, his heart aching.

The core elite of the Salvador family was about to be wiped out entirely! The impact on the Salvador family was immense, and rebuilding such a team in the coming years was nearly impossible.

Even if it were possible, the costs would be exorbitant. The expenses of recruiting a top expert sometimes surpassed that of a hundred ordinary individuals.

The costs behind these top experts were astronomical. Furthermore, if these over fifty individuals fell into the hands of the Japanese government, whether sentenced to death or life imprisonment, the Salvador family would have to provide substantial financial support to their relatives annually.

This was a core tactic the Salvador family used to retain these experts. Their loyalty was secured by promising high salaries and ensuring that in case of any mishap, the Salvador family would provide over a million yuan per month to their families.

It was this willingness to spend lavishly that had attracted such a large group of top experts to the Salvador family.

But now, if these fifty individuals were captured by the Japanese government, their families would immediately become burdens on the Salvador family.

The Salvador family could not afford to abandon these dependents, as it would jeopardize future loyalty and dedication to the Salvador family.

Hence, this time, they were truly facing significant losses.


During the standoff, the head of Japan's Ministry of Land Security arrived at Osaka Airport by a special plane. Accompanying him was the Director of the Tokyo Police Department.

Originally, they faced immense pressure to conduct a thorough search in Tokyo to catch a group of criminals, hoping to provide an explanation to the citizens and the higher-ups. However, these criminals proved to be more cunning than foxes, leaving no useful clues behind.

Just as they were considering expanding the search, they received a tip-off from a mysterious source that the criminals had arrived in Osaka and were planning to board a flight back to China. This revelation shocked the Land Security Bureau!

If these individuals managed to escape, the notorious mass murder case that had shaken the nation might never be solved. The reputations of the Tokyo Police Department and the Ministry of Land Security would be tarnished, facing public outrage.

As a result, the Ministry of Land Security made a swift decision to take over the case from the police department and instructed the Osaka Self-Defense Force to intervene at all costs to prevent the plane from taking off.

With tens of thousands of troops stationed in Osaka, the Self-Defense Force immediately dispatched their elite special forces to Osaka Airport upon receiving orders from the Land Security Bureau. Additionally, emergency plans were made, with a squadron of fighter jets on standby.

If the special forces failed to intercept the private plane and it took off, F35 fighter jets would be scrambled to force it to return to Osaka before leaving Japanese airspace.

As the Ministry of Land Security's plane landed, the head immediately picked up the phone and inquired, "What's the situation on the ground? Has the enemy's plane been contained?"

The commanding officer on the other end responded, "The enemy's plane has been surrounded by our armored vehicles, making escape impossible. However, they are not surrendering yet, so we are preparing for a direct assault!"

"Good!" the head of the Land Security Bureau gritted his teeth. "Give them one more minute. If they don't surrender, initiate a live ammunition assault immediately! This time, we must capture these ruthless fugitives and bring them to justice for the people of Japan!"

With his command, four boarding vehicles with ladders slowly approached the plane. Four fully armed combat teams assembled below the aircraft. Once the boarding vehicles aligned with the cabin door, they would swiftly charge in, blast open the door, and launch the first wave of attack with flashbangs and tear gas.

Their firearms were checked and loaded, all equipped with powerful American assault rifles. In a firefight, Raven's subordinates would have no chance against them.

Observing the approaching boarding vehicles through the window, Raven was extremely tense, unsure of what to do. Amid the chaos, someone suggested, "Let's just open the cabin door and surrender. Bullets have no eyes, and if they forcefully enter, it's certain death!"

"Surrender?!" Another person exclaimed angrily, "I single-handedly killed four members of the Matsumoto family. Surrendering means death! We'll definitely be sentenced to death!."

"Death sentence isn't a big deal!" another interjected. "The execution process in Japan is lengthy. Do you know about Aum Shinrikyo, the cult that carried out the terror attack in the Tokyo subway? Their leader, Shoko Asahara, used sarin gas to attack the subway in 1995, shocking the world. It took until 2018 for his execution. Even if we're sentenced to death, we could survive in prison for over a decade, better than being gunned down now, right?"

"Exactly!" someone stood up, clenching their fist. "With our strength, we could become a force to be reckoned with in prison. No one would dare mess with us. We could live comfortably in prison, so why not think long-term?"

This conversation persuaded the majority. No one was willing to give up on the hope of survival. Even surviving in prison seemed far better than immediate death.

They turned to Raven and said, "Miss Raven, let's surrender!"
Charlie is surely the one who reported them 😂😂😂

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