The Dragon Man's Decree - Translated by GILY

Author: Unknown
Type: Action and Adventure
Posted : 07 October 2023
Status: Ongoing

John White is furious that someone has tried to make an advance on his girlfriend. In the end, he ends up behind bars after his attempt to protect her. Three years later, he is a free man but finds out that that girlfriend of his has married the man who hit on her back then. John will not let things slide. Thankfully, he has learned Focus Technique during his time in prison. At that, he embarks on the journey of cultivation and is accompanied by a gorgeous Miranda. Who would have thought this would enrage his ex-girlfriend?
Chapter 3993 Mere Demonic Soul Can’t Control Me

“Okay, I agree to your terms. But let me make this clear upfront. If you end up possessed by the demonic soul and turn into a mindless fool, don’t blame me for it,” Gael said.

“Don’t worry, there won’t be any repercussions for you.”

After John finished speaking, he extended his hand and released a surge of aura!

When this aura made contact with the dark energy surrounding Gael, the dark energy instantly became menacing!

At that moment, Gael’s eyes went lifeless, and his spiritual sense was completely controlled by the demonic soul!

Gently, John placed his hand atop Gael’s head, intending to draw the ominous dark energy into his own body.

However, the dark energy seemed to know John’s plan. It didn’t invade John’s body or attack his consciousness field. Instead, it emitted a putrid smell and began to corrode John’s body!

The demonic soul intended to erode John’s physical body!

However, John’s physical body had undergone numerous cultivations, including internal flame cultivation!

This vile energy couldn’t even make a dent on John’s physical form!

Upon seeing the situation, John initiated the Focus Technique, emanating an immense force of attraction and absorbing the demonic soul within Gael’s body.

Feeling the immense pull, the demonic soul struggled desperately.

“Are you seeking death, brat? My refusal to invade your body isn’t due to fear of you, but because controlling this old geezer is my duty. If you don’t want to die, get lost immediately. Stop testing my patience!”

Using Gael as its conduit, the demonic soul chillingly threatened John in an icy tone.

“Pah, you’re just scared of me, aren’t you? You’re afraid that once you enter my mind, I’ll trap you there and beat you until you cry for mercy, aren’t you?”

John sneered as he ceaselessly provoked the demonic soul to invade his consciousness field.

“Bullshit! You’re just a Fourth Level Tribulator. How can I possibly be afraid of you?”

The demonic soul was rather furious, its voice tinged with a hint of exasperation and fluster.

“Since you’re not afraid of me, invade my consciousness field. Let’s see who comes out on top. I can see that you don’t have the guts at all. You only know how to bully the elderly, you despicable guy!”

John continued to challenge the demonic soul.

“Ah, you punk, I’ll take you down first and continue to control this old man!”

Enraged, the demonic soul transformed into demonic aura and invaded John’s body like a sharp blade.

As soon as it entered, it headed straight for John’s consciousness field!

Once it seized control of John’s consciousness field, he would be no more than a living dead. It could dictate the manner of John’s death at its whim!

However, the moment the demonic soul entered John’s consciousness field, it instantly regretted it!

Vermilion Demon Lord was seen casually sitting with one leg crossed over the other right in the midst of John’s consciousness field. He wore a smirk on his face, coldly waiting for the demonic soul to enter.

Meanwhile, above John’s consciousness field, a Golden Tome shimmered with a golden glow, sending chills down the spine of the demonic soul!

The demonic soul discovered that although John was only a Fourth Level Tribulator, his consciousness field was incredibly vast. Surprisingly, within this consciousness field, there was even a soul!

The moment the demonic soul left Gael’s body, he instantly regained spiritual sense. Immediately after, he swiftly sealed off his consciousness field to prevent the demonic soul from invading once again!

At the same time, Gael turned to John, his eyes filled with surprise as he asked, “Did you really draw that demonic soul into your own consciousness field?”

“Indeed, that demonic soul is currently within my consciousness field.” John nodded.

“How come you aren’t controlled?” Gael was truly puzzled. How was John not controlled?

With John’s abilities, as soon as the demonic soul entered his consciousness field, it was immediately controlled!

“I’ve said it before, a mere demonic soul can’t control me. Once it enters my consciousness field, it can only beg for mercy and obey me,” John said with a laugh.

Gael was confused, and he still refused to believe John’s words.

Upon seeing that, John said, “Beg me. If I’m happy enough, I might spare you. You still have a chance to restore your physical form and come back to life.”

At that moment, the demonic soul within John’s consciousness field was being held by the collar by Vermilion Demon Lord. It was on the verge of tears!
Chapter 3994 Violet Flame Sect’s internal flame

The demonic soul could sense the aura emanating from Vermilion Demon Lord, an aura that only a Demon Lord could possess!

The concept of being a Demon Lord of the celestial realm was something he had never even contemplated.

He had never imagined that he would encounter a Demon Lord from the celestial realm. What was even more surprising was there was a divine soul of a Demon Lord from the celestial realm residing within the consciousness field of a Fourth Level Tribulator in the Ethereal Realm!

“Did you hear that? He’s commanding you to beg!” Vermilion Demon Lord demanded as he glared at the demonic soul.

“I beg you! Please spare me…”

The demonic soul began to scream with all its might.

At that moment, the demonic soul would do anything John wanted him to do.

Gael listened to the voices emanating from within John. The timbre and aura of the voice sounded exactly like the demonic soul!

Gael had been dealing with the demonic soul in his consciousness field for quite some time, so he was able to recognize it.

Gael wore an expression of astonishment as he looked at John in disbelief.

He really couldn’t figure out how John had managed to pull it off.

Gael could never imagine that within John’s consciousness field, there was a Demon Lord.

“Okay, you can die now!” John said coldly.

No sooner than John finished speaking, a cry of agony was heard!

With a wave of his hand, Vermilion Demon Lord obliterated the demonic soul, turning it into a resource for John’s cultivation!

“Mr. Orlando, isn’t it time to fulfil your promise and teach me the fire fusion technique?” John turned to Gael and asked.

“I’d teach you if I could…” Gael replied with a wry smile.

“Damn, you old geezer. Did you just deceive me?” John grew anxious upon hearing that.

Having endured hardships to reach the Violet Flame Sect, the purpose of his journey was to learn the fire fusion technique. Moreover, he helped Gael eradicate the demonic soul.

Now Gael was telling him that he didn’t know how to teach him?

Why didn’t he say earlier?

Gael quickly comforted John, “My dear son-in- law, don’t be hasty. Why are you resorting to foul language? Just because I don’t know the fire fusion technique doesn’t mean others don’t!”

“Who knows it?” John demanded angrily.

“Actually, the method to merge the internal flames was within our Violet Flame Sect’s Divine Flame Seal. When I first acquired the Divine Flame Seal, I was able to understand the cultivation method, which then allowed me to merge two internal flames. This kind of understanding can’t be taught. If you also want to achieve fire fusion, you must get the Divine Flame Seal. Only by comprehending the technique from within the Divine Flame Seal can you succeed. How many types of internal flame are you planning to merge?”

Upon hearing that, John realized that Gael hadn’t deceived him, which eased his expression. He replied, “I’m thinking of combining at least five kinds of internal flame…”

John had already mastered five types of internal flame. Perhaps he could master even more in the future!

So, at the very least, John now had to ensure the fusion of the five internal flames!


Gael’s eyes widened in surprise. His gaze was filled with astonishment as he exclaimed, “How is it that you possess five kinds of internal flame? Can you perhaps display these flames, so that I may have the privilege of witnessing them?”

Upon hearing that, John felt somewhat embarrassed.

Two of the fires he possessed were stolen from the Violet Flame Sect. If this was revealed, how could he possibly explain it to Gael?

Seeing John’s hesitant demeanor, Gael’s expression turned cold. “If you don’t want me to see, then I won’t. As for how to comprehend the cultivation method through the Divine Flame Seal, I have nothing more to tell you!”

“Mr. Orlando, it’s not that I won’t let you see it. I just fear it might startle you. But since you insist on seeing, I’ll grant you a glimpse!”

After John finished speaking, waves of internal flame began to ignite around his body.

The black demonic fire, the fiery red fire of the Earth’s core, the white extremus frost flame, shades of brown, hues of purple…

Five different hues of internal flame danced around John’s body!

“Fuck, this is our Violet Flame Sect’s internal flame. How the hell did you get it?” Upon seeing the flames, Gael became anxious.
Hi All,
I've been wondering, since Vermillion Lord himself scared of Mr Sanders power, that would make Mr Sanders at least more than 10th level Immortal right? So why was it after the finale battle in mundane world He didn't ascend to Celestial Realm and instead living in Ethereal Realm?
I think it's because he knows John's path and he is looking after John.. just like while John was in the mundane, he was also always there.
Little better today. I will be posting more today.
Immortal @Gily, glad to hear that you are little better today. But I am surprised to know that even immortals like you get sick. The only reason I could think of is that you might have secretly tried to hit on some celestial beings who are more powerful than you and probably it might just be some backlash so you should be alright soon. Get well soon.
Immortal @Gily, glad to hear that you are little better today. But I am surprised to know that even immortals like you get sick. The only reason I could think of is that you might have secretly tried to hit on some celestial beings who are more powerful than you and probably it might just be some backlash so you should be alright soon. Get well soon.
She must be a level 16 of celestial demon lordess 🤣
Chapter 3995 Dear Son-In-Law

Upon seeing the situation, John hurriedly extinguished the flames. With an embarrassed look on his face, he said, “Mr. Orlando, please don’t panic. There’s no need for such harsh words… You were just calling me your dear son-in-law repeatedly. If I am indeed your dear son-in-law, won’t it be normal for me to possess the internal flames of your Violet Flame Sect?”

“That’s true!” Gael gave it a thought and felt that what John said made sense.

If John truly became his son-in-law, it would be perfectly normal for him to have the Violet Flame Sect’s internal flames!

After all, his daughter possessed both types of internal flames from the Violet Flame Sect.

“You rascal, you still dare to claim there’s nothing between you and my daughter? She even gave you our Violet Flame Sect’s violaceus flame. In such a short time, you’ve mastered two of our Violet Flame Sect’s internal flames. Have you and my daughter been cultivating together? That is the only way you can master these two types of internal flame in the shortest possible time.”

Gael regained his composure and turned to question John.

Upon hearing that Gael misunderstood him, John didn’t dare to correct him. After all, he couldn’t possibly admit that he had stolen the Violet Flame Sect’s internal flame!

“Mr. Orlando, it seems there’s nothing that can escape your eyes!”

John let out a sigh and feigned dilemma as he continued, “Joy is quite reserved, so she doesn’t want people to know about our dual cultivation.”

The elder leader wore a face of satisfaction, then turned to John and said, “My daughter has had a tough life, but now that she’s found someone to lean on, I can finally find some peace of mind. Since you and she have already cultivated together, there’s no need to call me ‘Mr. Orlando’. Just call me ‘Father’.”

“No, no, no, I feel embarrassed!” John repeatedly waved his hands.

“What’s there to be embarrassed about? You two have already slept together. But apart from our Violet Flame Sect’s internal flame, the other three internal flames seem to be more powerful. What kind of internal flames are they?” Gael asked John curiously.

“It’s the demonic fire, the fire of the Earth’s core, and the extremus frost flame…”

John told Gael about the various internal flames in detail, Gael, too, was completely fascinated by the flames.

Gael looked at John with admiration. “Indeed, each generation surpasses the last. My daughter is fortunate to be with you. Since you’ve cultivated with my daughter, I believe it will be easier for you to gain the recognition of the Divine Flame Seal. After all, my daughter shares the same bloodline as me, so the Divine Flame Seal wouldn’t resist my bloodline much.”

“Mr. Orlando … Father, does it mean that only your lineage can be acknowledged by the Divine Flame Seal?” John asked in astonishment.

“It’s not entirely that. It’s just that the Divine Flame Seal has already acknowledged me as its master. Therefore, it carries my bloodline’s aura, which makes it more receptive and less resistant to me. If there is a completely new bloodline aura, the Divine Flame Seal will fiercely resist. To have the Divine Flame Seal accept a new master is not as easy as you might think. Back then, it took me half a month to master the Divine Flame Seal, and I nearly died!” Gael explained slowly.

Upon hearing that, John slowly nodded. However, he wasn’t in a romantic relationship with Joy. It was all a ruse to deceive Gael!

Looking back, it seemed that in order to master the fire fusion technique, one first needed to gain the recognition of the Divine Flame Seal. Following that, he could use the Divine Flame Seal to comprehend the fire fusion technique!

In that case, he really needed to cultivate together with Joy. This would make it much easier for him to gain acceptance from the Divine Flame Seal!

John wanted that, but he wasn’t sure if Joy would agree.

“My daughter, come in…” Gael called out to Joy.

Joy pushed open the doors to the main hall and stepped inside. When she saw that the ominous dark aura that once surrounded Gael had vanished, and that he appeared noticeably more spirited, Joy’s face was full of disbelief.

“Dad, are you… are you all right now?” Joy asked, excited.

Gael nodded and said, “It’s all good now. The demonic soul in my consciousness field has been vanquished. I must say, the man you’ve chosen is quite impressive.”
Chapter 3996 Son-in-law

“Man?” Joy blinked in surprise, then turned to look at John. “Father, did he vanquish your demonic soul?” she asked.

“Of course it was him. If I could get rid of it myself, don’t you think I would have done it a long time ago? You really are something, you know. In the future, when something major like this happens, you must let me know first,” Gael grumbled.

“Something major?” Joy was even more bewildered. She thought Gael was referring to her bringing John to see him, so she lowered her head and said, “Father, I understand. I won’t do it again in the future…”

Gael waved his hand and said, “Okay, I didn’t mean to blame you. This was your decision, and as your father, it’s only right that I respect your choices. It’s getting late, you should head back now. If you wait until dawn, you risk being discovered.”

“Father, now that you’re all right, aren’t you coming out with us?” Joy asked, confused.

Since everything was back to normal and his madness had subsided, why not step out? It was the perfect time to reclaim Garry’s position as the acting sect leader!

“Though the demonic soul has been vanquished, my spiritual sense has suffered severe damage. I must recuperate. If I leave now and alert Garry that I’ve already come to my senses, he’ll surely do something out of desperation. Once I’ve recovered, I’ll unlock the Divine Flame Mountain and allow the Divine Flame Seal to see the light of day again. When the time comes, my dear son-in-law will be able to utilize the Divine Flame Seal to comprehend the fire fusion technique!” Gael slowly explained.

“Son-in-law?” Joy looked utterly baffled.

Alarmed, John quickly turned to Joy and urged, “Joy, dawn is breaking. We should hurry up and leave, or we’ll be in trouble…”

John dared not keep Joy there for too long. If the conversation went on, his cover would be blown!

And so, Joy was reluctantly led away by John.

Bewildered, Joy looked at John and asked, “Red, what did my father mean? Did he just refer to you as his son-in-law? What were you two discussing?”

“Oh, we didn’t really talk about much. We were merely discussing the fire fusion technique. You must have misheard earlier. Mr. Orlando was just asking me to come and sit with him when I’m free. We got along quite well.”

John could only offer a haphazard explanation.

“Is that so?” Joy asked, her face full of confusion.

“Of course! Did you really think Mr. Orlando was calling me son-in-law? If that’s the case, doesn’t that mean I’m your husband? If I have a dual cultivation partner as beautiful as you, I’ll wake up laughing even in my dreams,” John said as he chuckled.

“Hmph, as if I’ll be your dual cultivation partner.” Joy rolled her eyes at John, but it was clear that she wasn’t actually mad.

“Joy, haven’t you ever considered finding a dual cultivation partner? Or perhaps, isn’t there a man you admire?” John asked.

John had to gradually persuade Joy. If he could cultivate together with her, it would be more than ideal. At that point, it would be much easier to make the Divine Flame Seal acknowledge him!

“Why are you asking these questions?” Joy looked at John with caution.

“I… I’m just curious, what kind of man can possibly catch your eye?” John replied.

“There is this man who has always piqued my curiosity,” Joy confessed.

“Who?” John asked.

“There’s a guy named John White. I heard he’s just in his early twenties, yet he possesses great strength. Moreover, the Demon Seal Alliance has put out a hundred year offering to eliminate him. However, he manages to escape every time. There’s nothing they can do about him. I’m eager to meet this John. I’m curious about what kind of person he is to warrant such high regard from the Demon Seal Alliance.”

A look of admiration and fascination shone in Joy’s eyes as she spoke.

It appeared that she was quite eager to meet John, the man who sparked her curiosity!
Chapter 3997 Protected By an Arcane Array

At Joy’s words, John inwardly burst into laughter.

“Joy, to be honest with you, I am the John White you’re speaking of,” he said, looking at her solemnly.

Upon hearing that, Joy was momentarily taken aback. On the heels of that, she raised her hand to strike him.

“If you dare spout such nonsense again, I’ll kill you. How could he possibly be like you, a downright pervert? You only know how to take advantage of girls. I haven’t even settled the score with you yet!”

Just as she made her move, the sky suddenly lit up, followed by a resounding roar splitting the air.

The color drained from Joy’s face in an instant. John’s brows also furrowed in worry.

It turned out that Joy had unintentionally made contact with the arcane array earlier. She originally had a formation plate in hand, allowing her to pass through the arcane array effortlessly.

Unfortunately, she was careless. When she lifted her hand, she inadvertently bumped against the arcane array, activating it.

As the arcane array activated, over a dozen presences rapidly headed in their direction.

“Oh, no! Oh, no! I’m going to be caught this time. Red, leave quickly. If they catch you, you’ll be in trouble.” Joy urged John to leave.

“What about you, Joy?” John asked.

“I’ll be fine. They wouldn’t dare do anything to me. But you, being an inner court disciple, will surely be locked up since you came here,” Joy said with great urgency.

“You leave, Joy. I’ll stay here. If they find you, they’ll discover your formation plate as well. Your secret meetings with Mr. Orlando won’t remain a secret either. Worse still, Mr. Orlando’s recovery and his demonic soul having been eradicated might come to light, too. Then, things would be tricky. I was a new disciple, my curiosity led me to wander around. They probably wouldn’t suspect anything,” John analyzed, laying out the pros and cons.

“But Red…”

Joy knew that he was right. However, she still felt somewhat uncomfortable about leaving him to take the blame alone.

“Joy, I’ll definitely be fine. Just leave quickly!” John gave her a shove.

Seeing that, Joy could only nod. She said to him, “Red, be extra careful yourself.”

“Don’t worry, Joy. I’ll be fine.”

After John had said that, he forcefully pushed Joy again.

Meanwhile, Joy went through the arcane array and rushed toward her quarters.

Upon seeing that she had left, John finally let out a sigh of relief. He then feigned a look of panic, fumbling continuously with the arcane array in front of him with both hands.

As the arcane array was activated, waves of defensive auras struck John, sending him flying.

That was exactly the effect he aimed for.

No sooner had he been knocked off his feet by the defensive auras and couldn’t get up than about a dozen figures appeared all at once.

“You’ve got some nerve to trespass on the forbidden ground of the Violet Flame Sect!” Garry roared, hovering in mid-air.

Beside him were Bobby and several other elders.

Dario and Judd were also among them.

When they saw that it was John who had collapsed onto the ground, they were both taken aback.

They never expected him to be there, much less to have triggered the arcane array, causing it to activate.

“Red, it’s you? Why are you here?” Judd asked in surprise.

“Judd, I was up early and felt bored, so I wandered around. How would I know this place was forbidden ground, let alone protected by an arcane array? The arcane array blasted me away, and I’m still aching all over even now… Since this is forbidden ground, they could’ve at least put up a sign to warn people. I nearly got hurt by it,” John huffed.

Not only did he dare trespass on the forbidden ground and activate the arcane array, but he also had the nerve to be displeased.

Upon hearing him speak in such a manner, Dario was both frustrated and amused.
Chapter 3998 Reflection Cliff

“Mr. Barclay, this is the new disciple you’ve taken under your wing, the one who defeated Titus?” Garry turned to Dario and asked.

“Indeed. Due to my lack of guidance, my disciple has caused trouble. I’m willing to accept any punishment, Mr. Morrilo.” Dario had no choice but to shoulder the blame for John.

Garry glanced at John coldly.

Then, he said to Dario, “For trespassing on forbidden ground, the normal course of action would be to strip the person of his cultivation and banish him from the sect. However, considering that it’s his first offense, and it was unintentional, he shall be punished to reflection in Reflection Cliff for three days.”

After he had finished speaking, he blurred and vanished in a blink of an eye.

Bobby gave John a cold glance, then promptly left as well.

Dario and Judd landed in front of John, the former’s eyes brimming with displeasure.

“I’ve told you I would definitely take you to meet Mr. Orlando when the opportunity arose. Yet, you dared come here on your own. Thankfully, Garry has been preoccupied with activating Divine Flame Mountain these past few days.

So, he didn’t take any serious action. Otherwise, you wouldn’t only have been confined to Reflection Cliff for three days.” He knew that John was there on purpose.

“I’ve already met Mr. Orlando, so there’s no need to look for an opportunity anymore!” John declared with a faint smile.

“What?” Dario and Judd were both utterly astonished.

“How could that be? To meet Mr. Orlando, you would have had to pass through several arcane arrays. At the end of it, there are even several kinds of superimposed arcane arrays. On top of that, there’s a killing array among them. Even Mr. Cunningham admitted that he couldn’t get through them. How could you possibly have navigated through all the arcane arrays and met with Mr. Orlando?” Dario clearly didn’t believe John.

“If you don’t believe me, that’s fine. I truly saw Mr. Orlando. His madness is gone. However, his spiritual sense suffered severe damage. He needs some time to recover. Once he has fully recovered, he will resume control over Violet Flame Sect,” John said.

“Are you serious, Red? You’re not lying to us, are you?” Judd asked, his face filled with excitement.

If Mr. Orlando has recovered and will resume control of Violet Flame Sect, we won’t have to put up with Garry anymore!

“How can you prove that you’ve met with Mr. Orlando?”

Dario scrutinized John, for he truly couldn’t believe the latter’s claim. If he’s telling the truth, it’s fantastic news for us!

“I don’t have any proof, but all I’ve said is true. If you don’t believe me, you can see for yourself…”

After John had finished speaking, he gently stepped forward, intending to touch the arcane array in front of him with his hand.

“What are you doing? If you activate the arcane array again, it won’t just be a three-day confinement in Reflection Cliff.” Dario couldn’t tell what exactly he was up to.

Still, John slowly reached out and touched the arcane array. A flash of white light manifested. Surprisingly, the arcane array wasn’t activated. Instead, a massive opening appeared.

Passing through the opening, John went right through the arcane array.

He went back and forth in the same manner for about three or four times.

Then, he waved his hand again, upon which the arcane array was restored as if nothing had ever happened.

Dario and Judd stared at John, both utterly flabbergasted. Neither of them could fathom why the man knew array craft. Could it be that he’s an array master?

“You now believe that I can meet with Mr. Orlando, yes? These so-called arcane arrays are no different than child’s play in my eyes. They can’t stop me at all. However, what I’ve shared with you must remain a secret. We can’t risk Garry finding out and attacking out of desperation,” John said to Dario.

“Don’t worry. No one will find out about it.”

Dario looked at John in astonishment and continued, “However, you still have to spend three days in Reflection Cliff. I’m afraid I can’t plead for you on this matter.”

“Violet Flame Sect doesn’t even have a mountain. Where did this so-called Reflection Cliff come from? Besides, it’s only for three days. It’s the perfect opportunity for me to focus on cultivating!”

Conversely, John didn’t mind spending three days in Reflection Cliff.
Immortal @Gily, glad to hear that you are little better today. But I am surprised to know that even immortals like you get sick. The only reason I could think of is that you might have secretly tried to hit on some celestial beings who are more powerful than you and probably it might just be some backlash so you should be alright soon. Get well soon.
He was trying to have dual cultivation with a powerful maiden and that caused the backlash 🤫🤫🤫
Chapter 3999 Reflection Cliff

“Red, Reflection Cliff is merely a room. But staying in there is no easy task. If one could focus on cultivating by staying in there, everyone would flock to it. There’s an aura within Reflection Cliff that could invade one’s spiritual sense, causing pain to the person in there. Moreover, one’s spiritual sense would have to endure all kinds of suffering as if they were truly happening in reality! You must be careful. Although three days aren’t long and won’t endanger your life, it will undoubtedly take a toll on your body and mind. You’ll need some time to recuperate.”

Judd cautioned John about Reflection Cliff, urging him not to let his guard down.

“However, you don’t have to be overly anxious. With your current capabilities, spending three days in Reflection Cliff won’t put you in danger,” Dario consoled.

John nodded. Then, he followed the two elders to Reflection Cliff.

Reflection Cliff was nothing more than a slightly dilapidated hut. A sign hung from the eaves of it, bearing its name.

Pushing the door open, John stepped in. The interior was almost bare, with nothing but a grimy-looking straw mat.

“This place seems like it hasn’t been occupied for quite some time.” John scanned the surroundings, then settled himself on the straw mat.

Three days were fleeting for a cultivator. Once the cultivator entered the state of cultivation, time ceased to be an issue.

But no sooner had John settled down, closed his eyes, and circulated the spiritual energy within him to cultivate than he abruptly sensed an aura in his consciousness field, and it continually condensed.

It didn’t originate from within his body, and he had no control over it. However, Judd had already forewarned him, so John did not panic.

This must be the aura used by Reflective Cliff of Violet Flame Sect to manipulate the consciousness field. Thus, he did not intentionally resist it.

As the aura flooded his consciousness field, intense heat swamped him.

When he opened his eyes, he was astounded to find an imposing mountain before him. The entire mountain was ablaze in a fiery red hue, reminiscent of a mountain engulfed in flames.

The place he sat faced a sheer cliff. Carved into the cliff were the words Reflection Cliff.

At that moment, John finally understood the origin of Reflection Cliff’s name. It turned out that once a person entered the room, he would be led to the base of a cliff for real.

As he gazed at Reflection Cliff before him, waves of flames suddenly surged forth from the top of the towering mountain like a flood.

He wanted to dodge, but he simply couldn’t avoid them. In no time, he was engulfed by the flames.

For a moment, the intense burning sensation caused him unbearable agony. He hastily used extremus frost flame to counteract the searing heat.

But no matter how much he resisted, it was to no avail. It was as if extremus frost flame had lost its inherent frost energy.

“W-What’s going on here?” John was utterly shocked.

“This is an illusion, so your extremus frost flame is naturally useless. Everything you see and feel now is dominated by your spiritual sense. Since your consciousness field is being controlled, you will experience whatever the other party wants you to experience,” Vermilion Demon Lord explained slowly.

Only then did John understand that he was probably still in the dilapidated hut at that very moment. It was just that his consciousness was being controlled, leading to the sight before him.

Left with no choice, he could only brace himself against the scorching flames. Devoured by the heat, he felt intensely restless. It was as if he was on the verge of losing his sanity.

“Quick, look! Look what’s on the cliff wall!” Vermilion Demon Lord suddenly prompted.

With his brows furrowed, John glanced at the cliff, only to see that the only thing on there was the words Reflection Cliff. There was absolutely nothing else.

“There’s nothing. What did you see?” John asked in confusion.

“A technique! It’s a cultivation technique! Calm down and try looking with your heart,” Vermilion Demon Lord urged.
Chapter 4000 Reflection Cliff………

Upon hearing Vermilion Demon Lord’s words, John promptly took a deep breath. Ignoring the scorching flames, he stopped his mind from wandering. Instead, he recited the calming incantation, striving to keep his spiritual sense sober.

As he gradually calmed down, the burning sensation he had been feeling surprisingly dissipated significantly.

He lifted his gaze to Reflection Cliff before him. Through the blazing flames, words began flickering on and off the cliff.

The calmer his mind became, the clearer his words grew. Soon, the entire Reflection Cliff was filled with inscriptions.

As John looked at the words before his eyes, he was profoundly excited. Nonetheless, he strived to keep his emotions in check since he couldn’t afford to let his feelings fluctuate too much.

“True Fire Spiritual body? It’s a cultivation technique to refine internal flame!”

After perusing the cultivation technique, he slowly closed his eyes and began cultivating according to the cultivation technique on Reflection Cliff.

In no time, a nebulous figure appeared in his consciousness field. Astonishingly, it was a mirror image of John, just like its primordial spirit.

However, one’s primordial spirit wouldn’t typically appear in one’s consciousness field. Even Vermilion Demon Lord, upon seeing the sudden figure, was very much intrigued.

However, he did not interfere but merely watched silently.

The ethereal figure appeared incredibly blurry, devoid of any discernible aura.

But as John cultivated the technique, five balls of internal flame appeared around the figure. They were none other than the five types of internal flames he possessed.

The five types of internal flames swirled around, surprisingly beginning to purify themselves. At first, they were impure due to various reasons during the absorption and refining process. But now, all of them had become incredibly refined.

At that moment, the internal flames became incredibly pure. Their strengths also saw a significant increase.

Following the purification, his body was also tempered. The ethereal figure was, in fact, his True Fire Spiritual body. However, it was still in a state of intangibility as he had just begun cultivating.

As his spiritual form was refined, his physical self likewise seen an improvement.

With that, he could let his spiritual body cultivate in his consciousness field no matter what he did in the future. Consequently, his cultivation would also increase.

Then, he would no longer need to isolate himself to cultivate. Even during a battle, the cultivation of his spiritual body would reflect upon him.

The only downside was that John hadn’t yet to fully grasp True Fire Spiritual body right then.

He had just begun to grasp its cultivation. But as his cultivation deepened, there was no doubt that he would gain a deeper understanding of it.

While John cultivated True Fire Spiritual body at Reflection Cliff, Winston had already gone to Duad Formation Sect and got an expert in arcane array over.

Since the elders objected to activating Divine Flame Mountain, Garry decided to find an expert in arcane array to help him do so.

“Mr. Morrilo, Mr. Gomez from Duad Formation Sect is here, Winston said to Garry, entering the main hall.

“I never expected you to come personally, Mr. Gomez. My apologies to have kept you waiting.”

Garry rose to his feet and greeted Carlosss with utmost respect.

If John laid eyes on Carlosss, he would likely have recognized the latter instantly. It was the very man who had sabotaged Moses’ daughter at Pathfinder Sect.

At that time, he broke Ten Thousand Spirits Array. Alas, Carlosss’s soul remnant escaped. Following the narrow escape, the man vowed to settle the score with him in the future.

“Mr. Morrilo, you flatter me. Violet Flame Sect needs my assistance, so I naturally have to come. Besides, you have always been supportive of Duad Formation Sect,” Carlosss said with a smile.

The killing array Garry had spent a fortune on was actually purchased from Duad Formation Sect. Hence, it could be said that the man had some relationship with Duad Formation Sect.

“Mr. Gomez, we’ve known each other for quite some time now, so I’ll get straight to the point. I sought you out because I hope you can help me activate Divine Flame Mountain,” Garry stated.

Carlosss was taken aback for a moment.

Then, he said, “Mr. Morrilo, Divine Flame Mountain is the sacred mountain of Violet Flame Sect and has always been restricted by an arcane array. To activate Divine Flame Mountain, the arcane array must be broken. Doesn’t Violet Flame Sect have array masters who can activate the formation plate of Divine Flame Mountain? Why would you seek my help?”
Chapter 4001 Activate Divine Flame Mountain

Garry fell silent, unsure of how to answer Carlos’s question. After all, the man wasn’t a disciple of Violet Flame Sect, and that was the sect’s secret. He didn’t want outsiders to find out about it.

If someone were to seize the opportunity during the internal strife to launch a sudden attack, Violet Flame Sect would be in grave danger.

He certainly wasn’t willing to see the fall of Violet Flame Sect.

At Garry’s silence, Carlos smiled and said, “Mr. Morrilo, regardless of the reason, I’m not interested in knowing about it. However, if I were to help you activate Divine Flame Mountain, the fee wouldn’t be low!”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Gomez. Be it spirit coins or resources, name your price. I will certainly meet it,” Garry assured.

“All right, then. Take me there for a look.” Carlos gave a nod.

Garry then led him deep into the sect’s territory. Upon reaching the deepest part of it, he finally stopped at a spot with a massive circular plate.

On the plate, various intricate array runes shimmered. Additionally, five statues of demon beasts stood around the edge of it.

“Mr. Gomez, this is the formation plate to activate Divine Flame Mountain. However, only Mr. Cunningham can crack it and activate Divine Flame Mountain.”

“Could you please take a look now and see if you could help to crack it?” Garry asked Carlos with utmost respect.

Carlos swept his gaze over the massive formation plate. Then, with a swift wave of his hand, all the runes on it were projected into mid-air.

Looking at the chaotic and disorganized array runes, Garry and the others, who had no knowledge about arcane arrays, were utterly bewildered.

“Cracking the formation plate isn’t difficult. It just requires two to three days,” Carlos declared confidently after meticulously reviewing them.

“Okay. Whatever you need, just let me know, Mr. Gomez!”

Upon hearing that he could be crack the formation plate, Garry was instantly filled with excitement.

“No one is allowed to interrupt me in the few days I crack it. Not only would it nullify all my previous efforts, but it would also cause me to suffer a backlash,” Carlos cautioned.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Gomez. Absolutely no one will disrupt you!” Garry promised.

He then turned to Bobby at the side. “Bobby, bring some men over and guard this place personally. If anyone dares approach, show them no mercy.”

“Understood!” Bobby nodded.

Carlos began cracking the formation plate, while Bobby and a few elders stood guard outside.

At the same time, Judd arrived at Dario’s mansion in a rush.

“Master, Garry and Bobby managed to enlist the aid of an arcane array expert from Duad Formation Sect. They intend to forcibly crack the formation plate and activate Divine Flame Mountain, Judd said with a look of anxiety on his face.

“What? Garry actually dare defy sect rules and secretly activate Divine Flame Mountain? Is this news reliable?”

Upon hearing that, Dario instantly paled with shock.

“Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. Garry brought the expert from Duad Formation Sect to the formation plate. Only Garry left. Bobby is personally guarding it with some men,” Judd reported.

“Darn it! It seems like Garry is hell-bent on getting Divine Flame Seal. We absolutely can’t let him activate Divine Flame Mountain. If he gets his hands on it, even if Mr. Orlando recovers and makes a comeback, it’ll do no good.”

Dario’s brow furrowed slightly. Then, he continued, “Contact the other elders and disciples right away. Gather everyone from our faction.”

“What about Joy, Master?” Judd asked.

“Her, too. She must be made aware of this matter. If Garry gets hold of Divine Flame Seal, it likely won’t end well for her and everyone else from our faction.”

Dario decided that even if it meant risking his life, he wouldn’t let Garry activate Divine Flame Mountain and obtain Divine Flame Seal.

After Judd had left, he turned his gaze in the direction of Reflection Cliff.

“I wonder how Red is doing now.”

At that moment, he sincerely hoped that John could end his reflection and come out to lend him a hand.

If so, they would have an extra pair of hands. Although John was only a Fourth Level Tribulator, the strength he demonstrated was almost on par with his.
Chapter 4002 Activate Divine Flame Mountain

In less than thirty minutes, the elders and disciples from Gael’s faction had all gathered. Joy, who hadn’t been seen for a long time, also came to Dario’s mansion.

At the sight of her, a wave of excitement swept over many of the disciples.

“Ms. Orlando, Garry has brought in an array master from Duad Formation Sect, intending to activate Divine Flame Mountain by force to obtain Divine Flame Seal. We absolutely cannot let him succeed. If he gets his hands on Divine Flame Seal, he will surely make a move against you and Mr. Orlando,” Dario said to Joy.

At that moment, Joy’s words held more sway than those of his.

All the people gathered there were from Gael’s faction, so they were more inclined to heed her words.

“When did he start doing so?” Joy asked.

“It happened today, Joy. I saw it with my own eyes,” Judd quickly said.

“Today?” Joy’s brow furrowed slightly. After glancing at the people around her, she turned to Dario and asked, “Mr. Barclay, where is Red?”

“Ms. Orlando, he wandered around without permission and accidentally activated an arcane array. As a punishment, Garry sent him to Reflection Cliff to reflect on his misdeed for three days,” Dario answered.

Joy knew that John took the hit for her.

“How long do you reckon it would take the expert from Duad Formation Sect to crack and activate the formation plate?” Joy asked further.

“Uh…” Dario hesitated, for he didn’t know either.

After all, he wasn’t an array master, so he couldn’t possibly know that.

Everyone else remained silent, unsure of the answer to Joy’s question.

“Joy, I reckon Mr. Cunningham might know. We could ask him,” Judd suggested at that moment.

“Okay. Go and call Mr. Cunningham over, then,” Joy said.

Judd gave a nod and went to ask Philip over immediately. The latter was ultimately part of the neutral faction, so he wasn’t called over earlier.

Before long, Philip arrived with Judd.

Upon seeing that all members of Gael’s faction were present, with even Joy there, he appeared somewhat taken aback.

“Is there something you need from me, Ms. Orlando?” Philip asked Joy.

“Mr. Cunningham, if someone from Duad Formation Sect wants to crack the formation plate forcibly and activate Divine Flame Mountain, how long would it take?” Joy asked.

“What? Is someone trying to activate Divine Flame Mountain forcibly?” Philip questioned, his brows furrowed.

“Yes. Garry has gotten an array master from Duad Formation Sect over, intending to activate Divine Flame Mountain forcibly,” Joy affirmed with a nod.

“He has got some nerve,” Philip hissed, his face flushed with anger.

But he then continued, “If an elder from Duad Formation Sect were here to crack the formation plate and activate Divine Flame Mountain, it would probably take around four to five days. However, I can put some obstacles in his way. That would take him more time. If it were only an ordinary disciple from Duad Formation Sect, he would never be able to crack the formation plate.”

“Four to five days…” Joy began pondering upon the matter.

“Ms. Orlando, there’s no time to lose. We need to rush over and stop Garry. Once Divine Flame Mountain is activated, there will be no stopping him,” Dario said to her anxiously.

After a moment’s contemplation, Joy replied, “There’s no rush. Let’s wait until Red has finished his reflection. Didn’t Mr. Cunningham say that even for an elder from Duad Formation Sect, it would take four to five days to activate Divine Flame Mountain? Besides, Mr. Cunningham will put some obstacles in the way. Who knows, they may not even be able to activate Divine Flame Mountain at all.”

The reason she wanted to wait for John and refused to let Dario and the others engage in a conflict with Garry was to wait for Gael to come out.

She knew that her father’s demonic soul had been eliminated. As long as his spiritual sense had recovered, he could come out to take charge of Violet Flame Sect once again.

All it matter was that Garry couldn’t get his hands on Divine Flame Seal during that period.

Perhaps in four or five days, Gael would have recovered and come out. Even if Divine Flame Mountain were activated, it would no longer be of use.
Chapter 4002 Activate Divine Flame Mountain

In less than thirty minutes, the elders and disciples from Gael’s faction had all gathered. Joy, who hadn’t been seen for a long time, also came to Dario’s mansion.

At the sight of her, a wave of excitement swept over many of the disciples.

“Ms. Orlando, Garry has brought in an array master from Duad Formation Sect, intending to activate Divine Flame Mountain by force to obtain Divine Flame Seal. We absolutely cannot let him succeed. If he gets his hands on Divine Flame Seal, he will surely make a move against you and Mr. Orlando,” Dario said to Joy.

At that moment, Joy’s words held more sway than those of his.

All the people gathered there were from Gael’s faction, so they were more inclined to heed her words.

“When did he start doing so?” Joy asked.

“It happened today, Joy. I saw it with my own eyes,” Judd quickly said.

“Today?” Joy’s brow furrowed slightly. After glancing at the people around her, she turned to Dario and asked, “Mr. Barclay, where is Red?”

“Ms. Orlando, he wandered around without permission and accidentally activated an arcane array. As a punishment, Garry sent him to Reflection Cliff to reflect on his misdeed for three days,” Dario answered.

Joy knew that John took the hit for her.

“How long do you reckon it would take the expert from Duad Formation Sect to crack and activate the formation plate?” Joy asked further.

“Uh…” Dario hesitated, for he didn’t know either.

After all, he wasn’t an array master, so he couldn’t possibly know that.

Everyone else remained silent, unsure of the answer to Joy’s question.

“Joy, I reckon Mr. Cunningham might know. We could ask him,” Judd suggested at that moment.

“Okay. Go and call Mr. Cunningham over, then,” Joy said.

Judd gave a nod and went to ask Philip over immediately. The latter was ultimately part of the neutral faction, so he wasn’t called over earlier.

Before long, Philip arrived with Judd.

Upon seeing that all members of Gael’s faction were present, with even Joy there, he appeared somewhat taken aback.

“Is there something you need from me, Ms. Orlando?” Philip asked Joy.

“Mr. Cunningham, if someone from Duad Formation Sect wants to crack the formation plate forcibly and activate Divine Flame Mountain, how long would it take?” Joy asked.

“What? Is someone trying to activate Divine Flame Mountain forcibly?” Philip questioned, his brows furrowed.

“Yes. Garry has gotten an array master from Duad Formation Sect over, intending to activate Divine Flame Mountain forcibly,” Joy affirmed with a nod.

“He has got some nerve,” Philip hissed, his face flushed with anger.

But he then continued, “If an elder from Duad Formation Sect were here to crack the formation plate and activate Divine Flame Mountain, it would probably take around four to five days. However, I can put some obstacles in his way. That would take him more time. If it were only an ordinary disciple from Duad Formation Sect, he would never be able to crack the formation plate.”

“Four to five days…” Joy began pondering upon the matter.

“Ms. Orlando, there’s no time to lose. We need to rush over and stop Garry. Once Divine Flame Mountain is activated, there will be no stopping him,” Dario said to her anxiously.

After a moment’s contemplation, Joy replied, “There’s no rush. Let’s wait until Red has finished his reflection. Didn’t Mr. Cunningham say that even for an elder from Duad Formation Sect, it would take four to five days to activate Divine Flame Mountain? Besides, Mr. Cunningham will put some obstacles in the way. Who knows, they may not even be able to activate Divine Flame Mountain at all.”

The reason she wanted to wait for John and refused to let Dario and the others engage in a conflict with Garry was to wait for Gael to come out.

She knew that her father’s demonic soul had been eliminated. As long as his spiritual sense had recovered, he could come out to take charge of Violet Flame Sect once again.

All it matter was that Garry couldn’t get his hands on Divine Flame Seal during that period.

Perhaps in four or five days, Gael would have recovered and come out. Even if Divine Flame Mountain were activated, it would no longer be of use.
John is indeed a talent 😋😋😋
Probably due to lack of interest from readers. Today I also by chance saw that there is an anime series based on John brown's story (the mortal's path to immortality) and it also begins with the same story introduction as the first part of novel which accounted from how JB started his journey with no real skills to being enrolled into an academy although I observed that your version is the second part of the story where JB has finally reached immortality only to find himself in a lower realm. I was quite thrilled. Only I wished there could be animation versions for Charlie, Dustin, John white and the rest
Probably due to lack of interest from readers. Today I also by chance saw that there is an anime series based on John brown's story (the mortal's path to immortality) and it also begins with the same story introduction as the first part of novel which accounted from how JB started his journey with no real skills to being enrolled into an academy although I observed that your version is the second part of the story where JB has finally reached immortality only to find himself in a lower realm. I was quite thrilled. Only I wished there could be animation versions for Charlie, Dustin, John white and the rest
What anime and where can I find it
I really like JB story
Probably due to lack of interest from readers. Today I also by chance saw that there is an anime series based on John brown's story (the mortal's path to immortality) and it also begins with the same story introduction as the first part of novel which accounted from how JB started his journey with no real skills to being enrolled into an academy although I observed that your version is the second part of the story where JB has finally reached immortality only to find himself in a lower realm. I was quite thrilled. Only I wished there could be animation versions for Charlie, Dustin, John white and the rest
You have been lost.
Is the version in Chinese or English names. I have hard time following Chinese version. Many people have similar sir names. Very confusing
In English it actually has the same synopsis as yours
You have been lost.
Is the version in Chinese or English names. I have hard time following Chinese version. Many people have similar sir names. Very confusing
Chapter 4003 True Fire Spiritual Body

“Ms. Orlando, would this be too risky? What if-” Dario was about to argue, but Joy interrupted him.

“All right, it’s decided. We’ll wait until Red comes out of Reflection Cliff before we discuss this further. For these few days, pretend that you’re unaware of this matter. Don’t go and pick trouble with Garry.”

“Understood!” At that, Dario could only obey her.

The crowd who had been gathered all dispersed.

Philip also left.

Joy then looked at Dario and said, “Dario, there’s something you’re unaware of. In truth, my father’s madness is gone. He is currently recuperating his spiritual sense. To avoid tipping Garry off, I didn’t tell anyone. It was me who accidentally triggered the formation. I took John with me to see my father. It was to prevent Garry from becoming suspicious that Red decided to stay behind alone and take the blame himself. So, for the next few days, let’s steer clear of Garry first. Once my father fully recovers and comes out, it’ll be pointless even if he manages to activate Divine Flame Mountain forcibly!”

She explained the situation to him, fearing that he wouldn’t be able to resist stopping Garry.

“So, you went with him, Ms. Orlando. He is truly tight-lipped. He didn’t even tell me about it. I’ll go with your plan, Ms. Orlando,” Dario immediately relented with a nod upon learning the reason.

Since then, the entire Violet Flame Sect grew quiet. Gael’s faction acted as if they were unaware without picking trouble with Garry and his men.

Meanwhile, Garry patiently waited for Carlos to crack the formation plate and activate Divine Flame Mountain.

As for the elders, he didn’t care what they did so long as they didn’t cause trouble.

As long as he obtained Divine Flame Seal, he would become the true leader of Violet Flame Sect.

At that time, whoever he wanted to leave Violet Flame Sect would have to leave.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

When John stepped out of Reflection Cliff, he surprisingly exuded an otherworldly aura about him.

“If it weren’t for me having some other matter to attend to, I’d really love to stay a few more days at this Reflection Cliff!”

He was reluctant to leave Reflection Cliff.

Apart from being able to cultivate True Fire Spiritual body, he could also use the flames on the mountain to temper his body.

Such a golden opportunity was rare to come by.

It appeared that Reflection Cliff was meant to be the place where the founder of Violet Flame Sect imparted his cultivation techniques.

However, the disciples of Violet Flame Sect who came to Reflection Cliff were solely focused on leaving as soon as possible and had to endure great pain, so they didn’t even notice the cultivation techniques on Reflection Cliff.

Had it not been for the remainder from Vermilion Demon Lord, it would have likely been difficult for even John to discover the cultivation technique on Reflection Cliff.

Speaking of which, it was quite the coincidence that turned into a blessing in disguise for him.

“Red, you’re finally out. Are you okay?”

Judd knew that John’s time of reflection had ended, so he especially came to fetch him.

“Yes, I’m pretty good. Judd, have you ever been to Reflection Cliff?” John asked.

“Of course, all deacon disciples have to undergo tempering at Reflection Cliff when promoted to deacon. How else would I know the terrifying nature of Reflection Cliff? It’s simply no place for a human to be.”

When Judd mentioned Reflection Cliff, it was clear he was extremely averse to it.

“Didn’t you notice anything special about Reflection Cliff, Judd?” John asked, looking at him.

“Something special? What could possibly be special about it? Did you discover something, Red?” Judd asked in curiosity.

“No. It was just a casual question.” John smiled, then continued, “Judd, in the past three days I’ve been reflecting, Bobby hasn’t caused any trouble again, has he?”

“No. They aren’t in any mood to cause trouble. Now, Garry has brought an array master from Duad Formation Sect over. They’re forcibly trying to activate Divine Flame Mountain. Bobby is personally guarding it with some men!” Judd said with a helpless expression.

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