"Dragon Son-in-law" a.k.a. Millionaire Son-in-law, Charlie Wade Story. Translated by Junlee (aka Jungal2000)

Charlie Wade is a househusband son-in-law whom everyone looks down upon. However, unknown to them, his true identity is that of the young master from a top-tier family. Those who once belittled him will eventually kneel before him, trembling with fear and calling him "Master!" ...

The MC is Charlie Wade, and there's this girl Claire Wilson. They're in this savage clapback novel called "Ultimate Dragon Honcho", penned by this dude Ye Gongzi. Everyone knew Charlie Wade was the son-in-law of the Wilson family. Like, Grandpa Wilson legit pulled this broke boy outta nowhere and made him marry his grand daughter/princess, Claire. But bro's got no skills, no dough 💸, and Claire had to deal with so much BS 'cause of him. He even had the nerve to ask for money during Grandma Wilson's big party, making Claire hella embarrassed 😳. They kicked Charlie Wade out, but then plot twist! 🌀 Some butler dude shows up. Turns out, Charlie Wade's actually from the uber-rich Wade clan. The butler's like, "Come home, fam." But since his parents were, like, done dirty by the Wade fam, he's like "Nah." But he did take his grandpa’s black card loaded with 10 billion. 💳💰 #MicDrop

Author: Charlie Wade
Category: Urban Fiction
Status: Ongoing
Last Updated: October 18, 2023
Last edited:

"Come on! Surrender!"

On the phone, Virtuoso let out a long sigh and said to Raven, "Raven, surrender. I will do everything I can to negotiate with the Japanese side, no matter what, I will get you out..."

The tension in Raven's mind finally eased. Though still reluctant, she nodded and said, "Master, I understand... Take care of yourself. Raven can no longer serve you..."

Virtuoso felt immense pain but could only say, "Trust me, I will get you out!"

"Yes! Raven believes in you!"

With a mix of sadness and anger, Raven spoke, then hung up the phone and told the flight attendants, "Alright, open the cabin doors!"

The flight attendants immediately nodded and opened all four cabin doors.

Soon, voices from outside shouted, "Everyone, hands on your heads, line up and walk down the stairs. Anyone who tries anything funny will be shot on the spot!"

Raven sighed, stood up, and solemnly said to everyone, "It was fate that we worked together. I hope you all take care of yourselves!"

With that, she raised her hands above her head and took the first step out of the cabin door.

Outside the cabin, helicopters roared overhead, blowing Raven's long hair and clothes with strong gusts of wind.

Below, numerous gun barrels were aimed at her, with someone yelling, "Walk down slowly, hands on your head where we can see them!"

Raven had no choice but to comply.

As she descended the stairs, she couldn't help but feel anxious about her unknown future.

Because she didn't know what fate awaited her.

As the mastermind, once the others were captured, they would surely reveal her identity.

Most likely, the death penalty awaited her unless Virtuoso truly had a way to save her. Otherwise, her fate was sealed.

As she descended the stairs, several heavily armed self-defense force members rushed forward, pushed her to the ground, pressed her hands firmly behind her back, and handcuffed her.

Subsequently, the remaining fifty or so people gradually disembarked from the plane, all handcuffed, squatting in unison on the ground with assault rifle barrels against the back of their heads.

Even the crew members were not spared, all considered accomplices and apprehended.

Charlie stood in the cockpit of the plane behind, watching as the Salvador family members were captured, his heart filled with a cold and bitter amusement.

These fifty-plus people were the claws and fangs of the Salvador family.

Now that they had all fallen into the hands of the Japanese government, the Salvador family's vitality was greatly diminished.

Salvador family, I, Charlie Wade, will make you pay for the Anti-Wade Alliance of the past!


As the members of the Salvador family on the plane were all under control, the Japanese Self-Defense Force began to clear the scene and gradually restore order at the airport.

They first brought in three buses with reinforced steel mesh covering the windows, where everyone including Raven was escorted by the Self-Defense Force members and boarded the bus one by one.

To prevent any chance of escape, each person was not only handcuffed twice but also had leg restraints applied.

Furthermore, they were separated and individually guarded by the Self-Defense Force.

Inside the bus, there were two seats on each side.

Therefore, every member of the Salvador family with handcuffs and leg restraints was seated by the window, accompanied by an armed Self-Defense Force member beside them to prevent any escape attempts.

In addition, ten armed Self-Defense Force members were stationed in the aisle of the bus, responsible for monitoring all suspects on board, ready to shoot at any sign of trouble.

Raven sat by the window, looking outside through the reinforced steel mesh, her face ashen.

The airport was brightly lit at this moment.

For Raven, she should have been on a plane heading back home by now, but she never imagined she would end up as a prisoner.

She couldn't understand where things had gone wrong.

But she knew this time, there was no way out for her!

Shortly after, all of Salvador's subordinates were escorted onto the bus by the Self-Defense Force members.

Subsequently, under the escort of ten armored vehicles, the three buses slowly started to leave the airport.

To ensure no mishaps, the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism planned to relocate the fifty-plus members of the Salvador family to the Self-Defense Force base in Osaka.

There, they would be guarded by thousands of soldiers, making it impossible for anyone to rescue them.

As the buses departed, they passed by the plane where Charlie was seated.

Charlie was on a Gulfstream jet, a small aircraft with around ten seats and a relatively low body.

With Raven inside the bus, the height difference between them was further reduced.

As they passed by the Gulfstream jet, Raven, leaning against the window in despair, caught a glimpse of a familiar man standing in the cockpit.

At that moment, she was on the verge of exploding with anger!

She recognized the man on the plane, who was now looking at her with a mocking gaze, as the loser who sat beside her on the flight from Tokyo to Osaka!

"Why is he on a private jet?"

"And why is he behind our plane?"

"Why does he look at me with a hint of mockery?!"

"And why is he pretending to be a lecherous ordinary person on the plane?!"

Numerous questions flooded Raven's mind all at once.

She suddenly realized that the person who likely leaked her whereabouts was this Chinese man who had flown with her all the way to Osaka!

Raven couldn't help but ask herself, "Who is he, really?!"

Charlie, unfazed by the possibility of being exposed by Raven, continued to gaze at her from the bus with a mocking expression.


As the other person approached closer, Charlie's mouth curved into a smug smile as he looked at Raven. Waving at her, he loudly exclaimed, "Hey, beautiful!"

Raven stared at him with eyes that could pierce through a person.

Although she couldn't hear what Charlie was saying, she could easily recognize the words "Hey, beautiful" from his lip movements.

From Charlie's playful and mocking expressions, Raven realized that she had fallen into this man's trap.

She glared at Charlie with resentment, her teeth almost grinding together!

Just as the car and plane were about to pass each other, Charlie made a throat-slitting gesture with his right hand.

This gesture immediately enraged Raven!

She suddenly jumped up from her seat, shouting hoarsely, "You bastard! I will personally kill you!"

Charlie's hearing was much sharper than the average person, so he heard the woman's angry shout clearly.

Flores then smiled at Raven and said, "I'll be waiting for you!"

Seeing this lip movement, Raven became even more certain that Charlie was the mastermind behind her own and over fifty subordinates' misfortune.

At that moment, she wished she could devour Charlie alive!

However, reality did not give her any chance for revenge.

The convoy had already started to accelerate, passing by Charlie quickly. After leaving the airport, they headed towards the Self-Defense Force base.

Meanwhile, airport staff had already towed away the Salvador family's plane with a tow truck, and the control tower was directing the airport to resume normal operations.

The captain next to Charlie said, "The control tower has approved our departure from the runway!"

"Great!" Charlie smiled slightly and said satisfactorily, "After being out for so long, it's time to go back!"

The plane quickly taxied to the end of the runway, then accelerated on the runway, eventually taking off and leaving Japan.

Although Charlie had left Japan, the country was in turmoil!

All national television stations were urgently broadcasting breaking news at this time. The news anchors excitedly introduced to the audience the shocking Tokyo Matsumoto family massacre case, where all fifty-seven suspects had been captured!

The news even showed real footage of the arrest scene.

With multiple armed helicopters, armored vehicles, and Self-Defense Force members surrounding the entire plane, the scene was truly jaw-dropping.

Soon, this news spread throughout Japan.

At that moment, Virtuoso was in a hot spring hotel in Aomori Prefecture. After watching this news, he angrily smashed everything in the hotel room that could be smashed, including the TV hanging on the wall!

This time, the Salvador family not only suffered heavy losses but also lost all dignity!


Harrison Salvador, who was in Eastcliff, had received the news immediately.

Flores called and immediately questioned, "What's going on?! What exactly happened?! More than fifty people were all captured by the Japanese Self-Defense Force?! How did you lead the team?! You haven't fully taken over this family, and you've caused such a huge disaster, are you trying to kill me?!"

Virtuoso suppressed his anger, and painfully said, "Dad! I also don't know what exactly happened, how the news leaked, but you should know, I'm the last person who wants to see this happen!"

With one hand tightly gripping his hair, gritting his teeth, he continued, "Although Raven's identity is not honorable, she is still my flesh and blood. Now that even she has been captured, she might be sentenced to death by the Japanese government. As a father, how do you think I feel? Can you understand?"


Raven, at the young age of 21 this year, is actually a year younger than Camilla.

From the moment she was born until she turned eighteen, Virtuoso had no idea of her existence.

Raven's birth mother, whose real name is Rosaria Flores, is the eldest daughter of the Flores family, one of the four major martial arts families in China, and was also one of Virtuoso's personal bodyguards back then.

Rosaria not only possessed beauty but also exceptional strength, standing out among the bodyguards of the Salvador family at that time.

Three years older than Virtuoso, Rosaria was brought over by the Flores family to be Virtuoso's personal bodyguard when Virtuoso went abroad for studies at the age of fifteen, for his safety.

That year, Rosaria was eighteen, just coming of age.

From that year onwards, she stayed by Virtuoso's side.

Accompanying him in his studies, supporting his career development, helping him hone his skills in the family business, and travelling with him far and wide.

Even during Virtuoso's relentless pursuit of his current wife, Marissa Klein, Rosaria was silently guarding him.

From a young age, Rosaria dedicated herself to protecting Virtuoso, having little understanding of other men, naturally developing feelings for the familiar Virtuoso.

However, due to their differences in status, age, and family background, Rosaria kept these feelings hidden in her heart.

It wasn't until Virtuoso married Marissa, and Rosaria, nearing thirty, still didn't reveal her feelings for him.

In the second year after Camilla was born, Virtuoso was thirty, Rosaria was thirty-three. When Virtuoso was ambushed overseas, Rosaria risked her life to save him, losing an arm in the process.

Becoming disabled, Rosaria's combat abilities declined sharply, leading Virtuoso to retire her early and send her back to the Flores family.

As Rosaria left, Virtuoso was filled with reluctance.

After all, to him at thirty, Rosaria had been by his side almost his entire life.

So, he asked Rosaria if there was anything he could do for her.

After much hesitation, Rosaria finally revealed the feelings she had buried for many years.

Even the usually stoic Virtuoso was moved by Rosaria's confession.

That night, under the pretense of going out, he spent a passionate night with Rosaria.

Following that night, Rosaria left Virtuoso and returned to her hometown in the northeast.

Nine months later, Raven was born.

Initially not surnamed Salvador but taking her mother's surname, her name was Raven Flores.

The name Raven signifies a sense of being both near and far.

It also represents the special emotions Rosaria held for Virtuoso deep in her heart.

Raven was cherished by the Flores family from a young age, never having attended school. From the age of two until she turned eighteen, she focused on practising ancient martial arts.

By the time she reached eighteen, her skills surpassed her mother's at the same age, making her the strongest young individual in the Flores family.

Upon coming of age, Rosaria revealed her origins to Raven.

In Rosaria's account, Virtuoso was portrayed as a father of strong morals and emotions, unaware of Raven's existence.

Thus, Rosaria presented Raven with two choices.

Stay with the Flores family to continue martial arts training or leave home to serve her biological father.


After much consideration, Raven chose the latter path.

She faintly sensed that this was the path her mother hoped she would choose.

Thus, Rosaria renamed her Raven Salvador and had her recommended to Virtuoso.

At first, Virtuoso was unaware of Raven's background. Flores simply thought this girl was exceptionally talented, a promising individual, and bore a striking resemblance to Rosaria in her younger days.

Raven also followed her mother's teachings, not wanting Virtuoso to know the truth. However, the cunning Harrison noticed something amiss about Raven.

Flores couldn't shake the feeling that this young girl was looking at Virtuoso in a peculiar way.

This unease made him vigilant.

Flores was afraid that Raven might be a spy sent by his enemies. Therefore, he had her background thoroughly investigated.

Step by step, they traced her origins back to Rosaria.

Upon learning that Raven might be Virtuoso's daughter, the old man ordered a discreet DNA test using hair samples from both individuals.

After receiving confirmation of the results, he informed Virtuoso.

Virtuoso's initial reaction was shock, followed by deep gratitude.

Flores was truly moved by Rosaria's feelings towards him.

That night, she not only gave birth to their daughter but also raised her into a capable individual before quietly sending her back to protect his safety.

However, he also felt worried about Raven's identity.

After all, Raven was the illegitimate daughter born from his extramarital affair.

If his wife, children, and others were to find out about Raven's true identity, his image in their eyes would be severely tarnished.

Moreover, knowing his wife's personality, she would undoubtedly choose to divorce him without hesitation.

Even though this mistake had happened almost twenty years ago.

After discussing with the old man, they came up with a solution – to act as if they were unaware.

Since Raven had no intention of revealing her identity or acknowledging him as her father, there was no need for him to actively claim her as his daughter.

By keeping the secret to themselves, their lives would remain unaffected.

In recent years, Virtuoso had taken special care of Raven, even grooming her to become the leader of the Salvador family's elite team.

Flores believed that even if he couldn't openly show fatherly love to Raven, he must ensure her future was secure within the Salvador family, allowing her to fulfil her own potential, become successful, and live without worries.

However, he never expected that a trip to Japan would ruin all of Raven's prospects, even endangering her life.

Therefore, how could he not feel anguish at this moment!

Harrison could understand his feelings at this moment. After a moment of silence, he sighed and said, "The current situation is very unfavourable for the Salvador family. We have suffered significant losses, and this news will spread nationwide by dawn. We are like a tiger with a broken tooth, and I fear the Wade family will be the first to take advantage of this! So, you must not be distracted by this matter. It's best to return to the country immediately so we can discuss what to do next!"

Virtuoso choked up and said, "Dad, I have a request, and I hope you can agree!"

Harrison nodded, "Go ahead, let me hear it!"

With tear-filled eyes, Virtuoso said, "At all costs, I must save Raven!"

Harrison sighed, "Virtuoso, what Raven did was indeed too harsh! It's like slapping the Japanese government in the face in front of the whole world. They will surely handle this matter strictly. The cost of saving Raven may be higher than you can imagine!"

Virtuoso earnestly replied, "Raven acted on my orders, so the fault lies with me!"

Flores added, "The Japanese government simply wants to capture the culprit and bring them to justice to satisfy the public. They have arrested over fifty of our people. Releasing just one won't affect their core purpose. It's merely a face-saving gesture, isn't it?"

"Come on! Surrender!"

On the phone, Virtuoso let out a long sigh and said to Raven, "Raven, surrender. I will do everything I can to negotiate with the Japanese side, no matter what, I will get you out..."

The tension in Raven's mind finally eased. Though still reluctant, she nodded and said, "Master, I understand... Take care of yourself. Raven can no longer serve you..."

Virtuoso felt immense pain but could only say, "Trust me, I will get you out!"

"Yes! Raven believes in you!"

With a mix of sadness and anger, Raven spoke, then hung up the phone and told the flight attendants, "Alright, open the cabin doors!"

The flight attendants immediately nodded and opened all four cabin doors.

Soon, voices from outside shouted, "Everyone, hands on your heads, line up and walk down the stairs. Anyone who tries anything funny will be shot on the spot!"

Raven sighed, stood up, and solemnly said to everyone, "It was fate that we worked together. I hope you all take care of yourselves!"

With that, she raised her hands above her head and took the first step out of the cabin door.

Outside the cabin, helicopters roared overhead, blowing Raven's long hair and clothes with strong gusts of wind.

Below, numerous gun barrels were aimed at her, with someone yelling, "Walk down slowly, hands on your head where we can see them!"

Raven had no choice but to comply.

As she descended the stairs, she couldn't help but feel anxious about her unknown future.

Because she didn't know what fate awaited her.

As the mastermind, once the others were captured, they would surely reveal her identity.

Most likely, the death penalty awaited her unless Virtuoso truly had a way to save her. Otherwise, her fate was sealed.

As she descended the stairs, several heavily armed self-defense force members rushed forward, pushed her to the ground, pressed her hands firmly behind her back, and handcuffed her.

Subsequently, the remaining fifty or so people gradually disembarked from the plane, all handcuffed, squatting in unison on the ground with assault rifle barrels against the back of their heads.

Even the crew members were not spared, all considered accomplices and apprehended.

Charlie stood in the cockpit of the plane behind, watching as the Salvador family members were captured, his heart filled with a cold and bitter amusement.

These fifty-plus people were the claws and fangs of the Salvador family.

Now that they had all fallen into the hands of the Japanese government, the Salvador family's vitality was greatly diminished.

Salvador family, I, Charlie Wade, will make you pay for the Anti-Wade Alliance of the past!


As the members of the Salvador family on the plane were all under control, the Japanese Self-Defense Force began to clear the scene and gradually restore order at the airport.

They first brought in three buses with reinforced steel mesh covering the windows, where everyone including Raven was escorted by the Self-Defense Force members and boarded the bus one by one.

To prevent any chance of escape, each person was not only handcuffed twice but also had leg restraints applied.

Furthermore, they were separated and individually guarded by the Self-Defense Force.

Inside the bus, there were two seats on each side.

Therefore, every member of the Salvador family with handcuffs and leg restraints was seated by the window, accompanied by an armed Self-Defense Force member beside them to prevent any escape attempts.

In addition, ten armed Self-Defense Force members were stationed in the aisle of the bus, responsible for monitoring all suspects on board, ready to shoot at any sign of trouble.

Raven sat by the window, looking outside through the reinforced steel mesh, her face ashen.

The airport was brightly lit at this moment.

For Raven, she should have been on a plane heading back home by now, but she never imagined she would end up as a prisoner.

She couldn't understand where things had gone wrong.

But she knew this time, there was no way out for her!

Shortly after, all of Salvador's subordinates were escorted onto the bus by the Self-Defense Force members.

Subsequently, under the escort of ten armored vehicles, the three buses slowly started to leave the airport.

To ensure no mishaps, the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism planned to relocate the fifty-plus members of the Salvador family to the Self-Defense Force base in Osaka.

There, they would be guarded by thousands of soldiers, making it impossible for anyone to rescue them.

As the buses departed, they passed by the plane where Charlie was seated.

Charlie was on a Gulfstream jet, a small aircraft with around ten seats and a relatively low body.

With Raven inside the bus, the height difference between them was further reduced.

As they passed by the Gulfstream jet, Raven, leaning against the window in despair, caught a glimpse of a familiar man standing in the cockpit.

At that moment, she was on the verge of exploding with anger!

She recognized the man on the plane, who was now looking at her with a mocking gaze, as the loser who sat beside her on the flight from Tokyo to Osaka!

"Why is he on a private jet?"

"And why is he behind our plane?"

"Why does he look at me with a hint of mockery?!"

"And why is he pretending to be a lecherous ordinary person on the plane?!"

Numerous questions flooded Raven's mind all at once.

She suddenly realized that the person who likely leaked her whereabouts was this Chinese man who had flown with her all the way to Osaka!

Raven couldn't help but ask herself, "Who is he, really?!"

Charlie, unfazed by the possibility of being exposed by Raven, continued to gaze at her from the bus with a mocking expression.


As the other person approached closer, Charlie's mouth curved into a smug smile as he looked at Raven. Waving at her, he loudly exclaimed, "Hey, beautiful!"

Raven stared at him with eyes that could pierce through a person.

Although she couldn't hear what Charlie was saying, she could easily recognize the words "Hey, beautiful" from his lip movements.

From Charlie's playful and mocking expressions, Raven realized that she had fallen into this man's trap.

She glared at Charlie with resentment, her teeth almost grinding together!

Just as the car and plane were about to pass each other, Charlie made a throat-slitting gesture with his right hand.

This gesture immediately enraged Raven!

She suddenly jumped up from her seat, shouting hoarsely, "You bastard! I will personally kill you!"

Charlie's hearing was much sharper than the average person, so he heard the woman's angry shout clearly.

Flores then smiled at Raven and said, "I'll be waiting for you!"

Seeing this lip movement, Raven became even more certain that Charlie was the mastermind behind her own and over fifty subordinates' misfortune.

At that moment, she wished she could devour Charlie alive!

However, reality did not give her any chance for revenge.

The convoy had already started to accelerate, passing by Charlie quickly. After leaving the airport, they headed towards the Self-Defense Force base.

Meanwhile, airport staff had already towed away the Salvador family's plane with a tow truck, and the control tower was directing the airport to resume normal operations.

The captain next to Charlie said, "The control tower has approved our departure from the runway!"

"Great!" Charlie smiled slightly and said satisfactorily, "After being out for so long, it's time to go back!"

The plane quickly taxied to the end of the runway, then accelerated on the runway, eventually taking off and leaving Japan.

Although Charlie had left Japan, the country was in turmoil!

All national television stations were urgently broadcasting breaking news at this time. The news anchors excitedly introduced to the audience the shocking Tokyo Matsumoto family massacre case, where all fifty-seven suspects had been captured!

The news even showed real footage of the arrest scene.

With multiple armed helicopters, armored vehicles, and Self-Defense Force members surrounding the entire plane, the scene was truly jaw-dropping.

Soon, this news spread throughout Japan.

At that moment, Virtuoso was in a hot spring hotel in Aomori Prefecture. After watching this news, he angrily smashed everything in the hotel room that could be smashed, including the TV hanging on the wall!

This time, the Salvador family not only suffered heavy losses but also lost all dignity!


Harrison Salvador, who was in Eastcliff, had received the news immediately.

Flores called and immediately questioned, "What's going on?! What exactly happened?! More than fifty people were all captured by the Japanese Self-Defense Force?! How did you lead the team?! You haven't fully taken over this family, and you've caused such a huge disaster, are you trying to kill me?!"

Virtuoso suppressed his anger, and painfully said, "Dad! I also don't know what exactly happened, how the news leaked, but you should know, I'm the last person who wants to see this happen!"

With one hand tightly gripping his hair, gritting his teeth, he continued, "Although Raven's identity is not honorable, she is still my flesh and blood. Now that even she has been captured, she might be sentenced to death by the Japanese government. As a father, how do you think I feel? Can you understand?"


Raven, at the young age of 21 this year, is actually a year younger than Camilla.

From the moment she was born until she turned eighteen, Virtuoso had no idea of her existence.

Raven's birth mother, whose real name is Rosaria Flores, is the eldest daughter of the Flores family, one of the four major martial arts families in China, and was also one of Virtuoso's personal bodyguards back then.

Rosaria not only possessed beauty but also exceptional strength, standing out among the bodyguards of the Salvador family at that time.

Three years older than Virtuoso, Rosaria was brought over by the Flores family to be Virtuoso's personal bodyguard when Virtuoso went abroad for studies at the age of fifteen, for his safety.

That year, Rosaria was eighteen, just coming of age.

From that year onwards, she stayed by Virtuoso's side.

Accompanying him in his studies, supporting his career development, helping him hone his skills in the family business, and travelling with him far and wide.

Even during Virtuoso's relentless pursuit of his current wife, Marissa Klein, Rosaria was silently guarding him.

From a young age, Rosaria dedicated herself to protecting Virtuoso, having little understanding of other men, naturally developing feelings for the familiar Virtuoso.

However, due to their differences in status, age, and family background, Rosaria kept these feelings hidden in her heart.

It wasn't until Virtuoso married Marissa, and Rosaria, nearing thirty, still didn't reveal her feelings for him.

In the second year after Camilla was born, Virtuoso was thirty, Rosaria was thirty-three. When Virtuoso was ambushed overseas, Rosaria risked her life to save him, losing an arm in the process.

Becoming disabled, Rosaria's combat abilities declined sharply, leading Virtuoso to retire her early and send her back to the Flores family.

As Rosaria left, Virtuoso was filled with reluctance.

After all, to him at thirty, Rosaria had been by his side almost his entire life.

So, he asked Rosaria if there was anything he could do for her.

After much hesitation, Rosaria finally revealed the feelings she had buried for many years.

Even the usually stoic Virtuoso was moved by Rosaria's confession.

That night, under the pretense of going out, he spent a passionate night with Rosaria.

Following that night, Rosaria left Virtuoso and returned to her hometown in the northeast.

Nine months later, Raven was born.

Initially not surnamed Salvador but taking her mother's surname, her name was Raven Flores.

The name Raven signifies a sense of being both near and far.

It also represents the special emotions Rosaria held for Virtuoso deep in her heart.

Raven was cherished by the Flores family from a young age, never having attended school. From the age of two until she turned eighteen, she focused on practising ancient martial arts.

By the time she reached eighteen, her skills surpassed her mother's at the same age, making her the strongest young individual in the Flores family.

Upon coming of age, Rosaria revealed her origins to Raven.

In Rosaria's account, Virtuoso was portrayed as a father of strong morals and emotions, unaware of Raven's existence.

Thus, Rosaria presented Raven with two choices.

Stay with the Flores family to continue martial arts training or leave home to serve her biological father.


After much consideration, Raven chose the latter path.

She faintly sensed that this was the path her mother hoped she would choose.

Thus, Rosaria renamed her Raven Salvador and had her recommended to Virtuoso.

At first, Virtuoso was unaware of Raven's background. Flores simply thought this girl was exceptionally talented, a promising individual, and bore a striking resemblance to Rosaria in her younger days.

Raven also followed her mother's teachings, not wanting Virtuoso to know the truth. However, the cunning Harrison noticed something amiss about Raven.

Flores couldn't shake the feeling that this young girl was looking at Virtuoso in a peculiar way.

This unease made him vigilant.

Flores was afraid that Raven might be a spy sent by his enemies. Therefore, he had her background thoroughly investigated.

Step by step, they traced her origins back to Rosaria.

Upon learning that Raven might be Virtuoso's daughter, the old man ordered a discreet DNA test using hair samples from both individuals.

After receiving confirmation of the results, he informed Virtuoso.

Virtuoso's initial reaction was shock, followed by deep gratitude.

Flores was truly moved by Rosaria's feelings towards him.

That night, she not only gave birth to their daughter but also raised her into a capable individual before quietly sending her back to protect his safety.

However, he also felt worried about Raven's identity.

After all, Raven was the illegitimate daughter born from his extramarital affair.

If his wife, children, and others were to find out about Raven's true identity, his image in their eyes would be severely tarnished.

Moreover, knowing his wife's personality, she would undoubtedly choose to divorce him without hesitation.

Even though this mistake had happened almost twenty years ago.

After discussing with the old man, they came up with a solution – to act as if they were unaware.

Since Raven had no intention of revealing her identity or acknowledging him as her father, there was no need for him to actively claim her as his daughter.

By keeping the secret to themselves, their lives would remain unaffected.

In recent years, Virtuoso had taken special care of Raven, even grooming her to become the leader of the Salvador family's elite team.

Flores believed that even if he couldn't openly show fatherly love to Raven, he must ensure her future was secure within the Salvador family, allowing her to fulfil her own potential, become successful, and live without worries.

However, he never expected that a trip to Japan would ruin all of Raven's prospects, even endangering her life.

Therefore, how could he not feel anguish at this moment!

Harrison could understand his feelings at this moment. After a moment of silence, he sighed and said, "The current situation is very unfavourable for the Salvador family. We have suffered significant losses, and this news will spread nationwide by dawn. We are like a tiger with a broken tooth, and I fear the Wade family will be the first to take advantage of this! So, you must not be distracted by this matter. It's best to return to the country immediately so we can discuss what to do next!"

Virtuoso choked up and said, "Dad, I have a request, and I hope you can agree!"

Harrison nodded, "Go ahead, let me hear it!"

With tear-filled eyes, Virtuoso said, "At all costs, I must save Raven!"

Harrison sighed, "Virtuoso, what Raven did was indeed too harsh! It's like slapping the Japanese government in the face in front of the whole world. They will surely handle this matter strictly. The cost of saving Raven may be higher than you can imagine!"

Virtuoso earnestly replied, "Raven acted on my orders, so the fault lies with me!"

Flores added, "The Japanese government simply wants to capture the culprit and bring them to justice to satisfy the public. They have arrested over fifty of our people. Releasing just one won't affect their core purpose. It's merely a face-saving gesture, isn't it?"
Charlie the Executioner 😀😀😀

When Harrison heard these words, he spoke with a hint of emotion, "In this world, everything can actually be priced. People say the hatred of killing one's father is greater than the sky, but if you offer him a billion, ten billion, or even a hundred billion, there will always be a price that can move him."

Then he changed the subject, "But! The key is how much money it will cost to buy this favor. If it really takes ten billion, or even a hundred billion, would you still buy it?"

Virtuoso fell into silence for a moment.

He really wanted to save Raven.

Emotionally, she was his flesh and blood, and he couldn't just stand by and watch her die.

Logically, she was a top expert of the Salvador family, and still young. If he could save her, she could make significant contributions to the Salvador family in the future.

However, whether it was emotional or logical, one must always weigh the cost and then consider the execution plan.

If it really required paying hundreds of billions or trillions, the entire Salvador family might not agree.

After all, except for him and the old master, no one in the Salvador family knew that Raven was his daughter; they all thought she was just a subordinate of the Salvador family.

For a subordinate, spending tens of millions was acceptable, but for a top expert like Raven, spending billions would be reluctantly accepted.

But if it required even more money, this matter would be obviously imbalanced in the eyes of outsiders. At that time, even if everyone reluctantly accepted, they would definitely speculate whether there were any hidden motives behind it.

Seeing him fall silent, Harrison comforted, "Virtuoso, Raven is the flesh and blood of the Salvador family, your daughter, my granddaughter. Of course, I also hope she can be safe. But in business, one must weigh the pros and cons. If the pros outweigh the cons, or if they are equal, then it can be done. But if the cons outweigh the pros, it's better not to push it further."

Virtuoso asked in agony, "Dad, how much cost and price is the Salvador family willing to bear for Raven? We paid a great price to rescue Cameron and Camilla this time..."

After some thought, Harrison said, "Raven is a bastard after all, with a tarnished identity, so I can't equate her with Camilla. Let's set it at billion or less. This way, it's easier to cover up on the books. If the cost is too high, it will cause trouble if others or your wife ask about it."

Virtuoso hesitated for a moment and said, "Alright, I'll give it a try first. I'll fly to Osaka soon and see if I can find a key person to mediate."

Harrison advised, "Don't go. The Japanese government has long known that you were behind the scenes, but they don't want to fall out with the Salvador family for now. They have arrested the perpetrators and stopped investigating further. But if you don't behave sensibly and leave Japan soon, in case there are any changes in this matter, if someone among us exposes you, I'm afraid the Japanese government will change their minds and come after you!"

Virtuoso thought for a moment and agreed with his father's reasoning.

In the current situation, the Japanese government had somewhat saved face for the Salvador family. As long as they bring the culprits to justice, they wouldn't hold the Salvador family accountable.

But if he didn't keep a low profile at this time and instead went to Osaka, trying every means to mediate the rescue, it might be seen as disrespectful by the Japanese government.

In that case, the Japanese government might turn hostile.

With this in mind, he sighed and said, "I understand, Dad. Tomorrow morning, I'll fly back from Aomori."


"Yep," Harrison said, "You need to balance things out for yourself. Don't focus all your attention on Raven. The troubles facing the Salvador family are greater now. When you return, we need to have a meeting to discuss viable solutions at this stage. If we don't quickly make up for the losses, some families might start to make moves!"

"Alright, I understand!"


At this moment.

In Eastcliff, at the Wade residence.

The major news about the Salvador family in Japan has instantly ignited public opinion in Eastcliff.

All the families were shocked by this news because no one had expected that the Salvador family, as one of the top families in the country, would suffer such a huge loss and encounter such a massive failure in Japan.

However, while this news was a huge disaster for the Salvador family, for other families, it was nothing short of excellent news!

The Salvador family's strength in Eastcliff is indeed formidable, with only the Wade family barely able to compete with them, while the gap between them and other families is like night and day.

With the significant damage to the Salvador family's strength now, the gap between them and other families naturally narrows slightly. So, everyone is naturally delighted to see the Salvador family's misfortune.

Among them, the Wade family is undoubtedly the most excited, without a doubt.

Claudius paced back and forth excitedly in the living room of the villa, muttering to himself, "The experts from the Salvador family have always been a thorn in my side, especially Raven Salvador. Young, incredibly powerful, and exceptionally capable, her execution skills are off the charts. She has always been a thorn in my side, but this time, they all failed in Japan! It's just too good!"

"Yeah," Ciprian, beside him, was also excited, "The Salvador family has really suffered a huge loss this time. The top experts were all taken down in one fell swoop by Japan. For a long time to come, they'll have to tread carefully!"

Claudius nodded and asked him, "How did Florin's conversation with Takehiko go?"

Ciprian shrugged, "Florin met with Takehiko at the hospital, but it seems that Takehiko is currently not very interested in continuing this business. He doesn't seem too invested at the moment."

Claudius remarked, "It's understandable. Losing both legs is something that even ordinary people might struggle to accept, let alone someone like Takehiko, a top Japanese tycoon. It's understandable for him to feel down for a while."

Ciprian then asked, "Should I ask Florin to come back, or should I let him stay in Tokyo a bit longer?"

After some thought, Claudius said, "Let him stay in Tokyo for now. In a couple of days, go see Takehiko again. Perhaps his attitude will soften. It's still a few days until the New Year, so let Florin stay in Tokyo until the twenty-ninth of the twelfth month."

"Alright," Ciprian nodded and said, "Tomorrow morning, Marina will go to Aurous Hill. It would be great if Little Charlie is willing to come back for the New Year!"

Ciprian chuckled and added casually, "If Little Charlie is willing to come back, that's great. If not, we can't force it..."

Claudius said seriously, "The Wade family's population is not exactly thriving. If Little Charlie is willing to come back, not only can they provide assistance to the Wade family, but it can also help us secure a marriage alliance in advance. I can't guarantee that he can handle Camilla from the Salvador family, but at least Haidee from the Snow family is within reach for an alliance. Joining forces with the Snow family is not bad. At least, with both families united, we can overpower the Salvador family!"


Upon landing safely at Aurous Hill Airport on that late evening, Charlie, without informing Claire, wanted to surprise her by his return tonight.

Isaac had already arranged a fleet of cars to pick them up, so once they got off the plane, they split up into several cars and headed home.

Orvel and Lorden left separately, while Isaac took the initiative to drive Charlie back to Thomson Elite Villa. Charlie naturally didn't refuse.

While driving, Isaac smiled and said to Charlie, "Young Master, we've hit the Salvador family hard this time. If the Salvador family finds out, they might come after us..."

"It doesn't matter," Charlie chuckled. "The Salvador family is struggling to survive right now, losing so many people. It will take them years to recover. They will be preoccupied for sure."

"That's true," Isaac sighed. "Even Raven Salvador, who terrifies everyone in Eastcliff, was taken down by you. The Salvador family has suffered greatly this time."

"Raven?" Charlie frowned. "Who is Raven Salvador?"

"She's the woman you greeted on the plane, that's Raven Salvador. She is one of the strongest experts in the Salvador family," Isaac explained.

"Oh?" Charlie asked curiously. "Is she a descendant of the Salvador family?"

"Not really," Isaac replied. "Just happens to have the surname Salvador. She joined the Salvador family at eighteen and it's only been three years, but in these three years, she has caused quite a stir. Her strength is indeed remarkable."

Charlie nodded lightly and said, "It's a pity I didn't have the chance to spar with her."

Isaac laughed, "Young Master, she's just a skilled individual among ordinary people. How could she compare to you? A casual strike from you would turn Raven to dust!"

Charlie calmly remarked, "The Thunder Command can't be used too frequently. I hope to have the opportunity to spar with real martial arts experts in the future."

Isaac added, "Most of the martial arts experts in the country are in Eastcliff, serving either as bodyguards for the nobility or top families."

Charlie smiled, "If I have the chance, I'll visit Eastcliff again."

Just then, Isaac's phone rang suddenly.

Glancing down at the phone mounted on the car holder, he exclaimed, "Young Master, it's your aunt calling..."

"My aunt?" Charlie furrowed his brows, recalling the image of a young woman.

He did remember his aunt, Auntie Marina, who was two years younger than his father. Their relationship was not very close in the past, and naturally not with the whole family of three.

In his memory, his aunt was somewhat materialistic, always favoring his uncle because he was the eldest son. Due to the somewhat strained relationship between his uncle and father, his aunt sided with his uncle, always finding ways to undermine his father, which Charlie found quite annoying.

Isaac was also puzzled, "I haven't had much contact with your aunt. I wonder why she suddenly called me. Let me answer it."

"Alright," Charlie instructed, "Don't reveal any information related to me."

"Understood, Young Master!"

With that, Isaac pressed the answer button respectfully and greeted, "Miss, hello! Isaac is a servant of the Wade family, addressing the young master and miss."


In the current generation, individuals like Charlie are usually addressed as "young master" or "miss".

During the phone call, Marina spoke with a somewhat condescending tone, saying, "Isaac, are you currently in Aurous Hill?"

Isaac hurriedly replied respectfully, "Yes, Miss, I am in Aurous Hill."

Marina acknowledged with a sound, "Clear out the Presidential Suite at the Aurous Hill Shangri-La Hotel tomorrow, then arrange a convoy to pick me up at the airport. I'll probably fly over in the morning."

When Marina travels, it's usually by private plane, so there's no specific departure time.

If she wakes up early, she leaves early; if she wakes up late, she leaves later.

After listening, Isaac asked in surprise, "Miss, are you coming to Aurous Hill?! Is there anything I should prepare?"

Marina inquired, "What has Charlie been busy with lately?"

"Young master Charlie..." Isaac glanced at the expressionless Charlie in the rearview mirror and replied, "Young master Charlie hasn't been busy, probably just staying at home with his wife."

Marina's tone was somewhat disdainful as she remarked, "The distinguished young master of the Wade family, marrying into a third-rate family in a third-rate city, given the Emgrand Group, yet he doesn't manage it properly. Instead, he stays at home every day, accompanying his wife and doing housework. How improper!"

Feeling awkward, Isaac didn't know how to respond initially. After a moment of thought, he asked, "Miss, are you coming this time to see Young master Charlie?"

"Yes." Marina replied, "Tomorrow night, have Charlie come to Shangri-La to meet me, tell him I'm inviting him for dinner."

Isaac agreed, "Alright, I'll inform Young master Charlie shortly."

"Good." Marina added, "Also, I'm particular about beds. What brand of bed is in the master bedroom of the Presidential Suite?"

After considering, Isaac replied, "It seems to be the Black Label series from American Simmons, all imported."

Marina immediately said, "Change it! Replace it with a bed from Hästens in Sweden, their high-end series."

Hästens beds are considered the most expensive beds in the world. Even an entry-level mattress costs tens of thousands, and a high-end series mattress alone costs over a million. If including the bed frame, it would be at least two million or more.

Even five-star hotels wouldn't use such expensive beds.

Despite the extravagance, Isaac had to agree and said, "Miss, there are no Hästens stores in Aurous Hill. I'll arrange for someone to buy it from Shanghai tomorrow morning and have it delivered to replace it."

"Okay." Marina's voice sounded somewhat satisfied, then she continued, "Also, I want an Icelandic eiderdown quilt, so please buy that for me as well."

Icelandic eiderdown is the most premium, rare, and precious type of top-grade feather in the world, made from the soft down of Icelandic eider ducks' chests and armpits. Crafting a quilt from this material costs at least a million.

In other words, just preparing the bed and quilt for Marina's one-night stay would cost at least three million.

Isaac dared not question and promptly responded, "Understood, Miss. I will make all the arrangements tomorrow."

Marina acknowledged with a sound, "Alright, that's all. Goodbye."

With that, she hung up the phone.

Charlie, furrowing his brows, asked, "What kind of medicine is my aunt selling by suddenly coming to see me out of the blue?"


Upon hearing Charlie's question, Isaac also looked puzzled, "Young Master, to be honest, I don't really know much about your aunt. Given my status, it's quite difficult for me to have direct contact with the core members of the Wade family. Stephen Thompson, the butler, has more daily interactions with them. Why don't you give him a call?"

Charlie waved his hand dismissively, saying, "Forget it, calling won't make a difference. Let's see what she's up to first."

Isaac inquired again, "Are you going to have dinner with your aunt tomorrow?"

Charlie nodded, "Yes, if the time is set, just let me know directly. No need to pick me up, I'll go by myself."

"Alright!" First release

Charlie recalled how his aunt used to be, remembering her as a rather difficult and sharp-tongued woman. She got married to a prominent young master from a nearly first-tier family in Eastcliff when he was five years old. After giving birth to a son, Charlie lost track of what happened next.

Charlie then asked Isaac, "Elder Isaac, what's the current status of my aunt in the Wade family? Technically, since she's married, shouldn't she stay out of her natal family's affairs?"

Isaac truthfully replied, "Young Master, your aunt has been separated from her husband for a while now. Ever since the separation, she moved back to the Wade family."

Furrowing his brows, Charlie asked, "Separated? What happened?"

With a wry smile, Isaac explained, "It's not really appropriate for us servants to discuss such matters, but since you asked, I'll tell you... When your aunt married into the Sun family, although they were not as powerful as the Wade family, they were still a prominent family in Eastcliff with considerable strength. However, about six or seven years ago, the Sun family invested heavily in the steel industry, creating a steel conglomerate. Unfortunately, the steel industry crashed soon after, causing significant losses for the Sun family, with at least half of their family assets gone."

Continuing, Isaac sighed, "Since the Sun family faced difficulties, your aunt has been wanting a divorce. However, the patriarch felt that a divorce would damage their reputation, so he didn't allow it. Fortunately, your aunt moved back to the Wade family after leaving the Sun family and started working there again."

Charlie nodded lightly and chuckled, "Seems like my aunt is quite a character."

Isaac agreed, "Your aunt does have a difficult temper, quite renowned in Eastcliff. So, when you meet her tomorrow, if things get tricky, try not to be too impulsive."

"Got it, I understand," Charlie replied calmly. "I can probably guess without thinking that she most likely wants me to return to the Wade family."

"Exactly," Isaac affirmed, "I believe so too. Stephen, the butler, mentioned that the patriarch indeed wishes for your return. Considering that you might initially resist, he hasn't explicitly raised this matter."

Charlie remarked, "With the recent trouble in the Salvador family, the Wade family should be quite pleased, right?"

Isaac also smiled, "You did indeed help the Wade family greatly. The Salvador family hasn't suffered such a big loss in many years, so the patriarch should be quite pleased."

Charlie's smile faded, and with determination in his eyes, he said, "Both these families, by targeting one, benefit the other. One day, when I can have them both under my feet, that will be true success!"


When Isaac arrived at the entrance of Thomson Elite, it was already eleven o'clock at night.

Carrying his luggage, Charlie walked into Thomson Elite and directly entered his villa by swiping his fingerprint at the gate.

Inside, the lights were still on, indicating his wife and in-laws were not asleep yet. Charlie used his fingerprint to unlock the main door.

At that moment, Claire, Jacob, and Elaine were all sitting in the living room, engrossed in watching TV.

Claire heard the door creak and turned to see that it was unexpectedly Charlie who had returned. Overjoyed, she ran towards him and excitedly exclaimed, "Darling, why are you back today? Didn't you say during the video call yesterday that you might have to wait another two days?"

Charlie chuckled, "I wanted to surprise you!"

Claire had been missing him every day and night during his trip to Japan.

Before this, she had rarely experienced such feelings.

Even when Charlie went to Eastcliff, she missed him but not as intensely.

So, when she saw Charlie suddenly back, she couldn't contain her excitement and directly embraced him.

Charlie was surprised that his wife, in front of her parents, hugged him so openly, feeling a mix of joy and embarrassment.

He then said to Claire, "Darling, if you want to hug, let's do it when we get back to our room. After all, Mum and Dad are watching."

Claire snapped back to reality, blushing instantly.

Feeling a bit shy and scared, she said, "We were just watching TV, and it turns out there was a mass murder in Japan a few days ago, with over thirty people dead. It's so terrifying!"

Charlie asked in amazement, "Has it been reported in China?"

"Yes!" Claire nodded repeatedly, saying earnestly, "Several TV stations are broadcasting it, and it seems like the military has been mobilised at the airport to catch the suspects. They've already caught three buses of suspects. The security situation in Japan is really scary. If I had known it was so chaotic there, I wouldn't have let you go!"

Charlie smiled and said, "I had no idea it was that chaotic over there. But it's probably just an isolated incident."

At that moment, Elaine ran over joyfully, saying, "Oh, my good son-in-law, you're finally back! You have no idea how much your Mum missed you while you were in Japan!"

Jacob immediately interjected, trying to stir up trouble, "You weren't missing Charlie, you were just thinking about the things he brought back for you!"

Elaine glared at Jacob and scolded, "Jacob, stop talking nonsense! I genuinely missed Charlie. Even if he didn't bring me anything, I would still miss him!"

After Elaine finished scolding, she turned to Charlie with a smile and asked, "Good son-in-law, did you bring a gift for Mum this time you're back?"

Charlie nodded, "Yes, I brought some gifts."

He then took out the gifts he had bought.

First, he presented the ring he bought for Claire, handing it to his wife and saying, "Darling, this is for you. Open it and take a look!"

Excitedly, Claire asked, "What is it?"

Charlie smiled, "You'll find out once you unwrap it."

Elaine eagerly urged, "Claire, hurry up and open it. Let Mum see what a great son-in-law you have and what gifts he prepared for you!"


As Elaine's excitement was palpable, Charlie placed the suitcase on the ground, ready to open it.

Unable to contain her eagerness, Elaine squatted down and flattered, "Oh, dear son-in-law, how can I let you handle this? Let me help you carry it!"

Charlie smiled helplessly and didn't object.

Elaine opened the suitcase and saw a large boss suit bag on top, couldn't help but comment, "Hmm, this boss must be men's clothing, right?"

Charlie nodded, saying, "This is the suit I picked for Dad. He's now a standing director of the Calligraphy and Painting Association, often attending social events. As a leader, he needs to have a bit of style when going out!"

Jacob was thrilled, "Oh Charlie, you're truly a great son-in-law to Dad! Dad has always wanted a suit he can wear out for tea, but he never took action. I didn't expect you to handle it for him! Dad is so grateful to you!"

Elaine sneered and disdainfully took out the suit bag, tossing it at Jacob's feet, saying, "Do you, this old man, even deserve to wear such a nice suit? Look at your old face, do you even match it?"

Jacob retorted, "Why wouldn't I deserve it? I'm in my fifties and haven't put on weight like you. Unlike you, who's already lost your figure!"

"What did you say?!" Elaine exploded, cursing, "How dare you say I've lost my figure?! Are you tired of living?"

Jacob quickly backed down, saying sheepishly, "I was just joking..."

Elaine glared at him fiercely, then turned to Charlie and said, "Good son-in-law, buying him a boss suit is already generous for this old man. I must say, the fake Rolex you helped him get last time suits this old man just fine!"

Charlie chuckled, "Mum, Dad's suit wasn't expensive, it was on sale. The gift I got for you is much more valuable."

Upon hearing this, Elaine's face lit up, saying joyfully, "Really? Oh! My thoughtful son-in-law! What gift did you get for Mum? Show me!"

Charlie took out two Tiffany boxes and handed the slightly larger one to Elaine.

"Mum, this is for you."

Seeing the Tiffany logo on the packaging, Elaine couldn't contain her excitement and eagerly tore it open.

Inside, she found a gold bracelet encrusted with diamonds, causing her to dance with joy!

"Oh my! I know this bracelet! It sells for tens of thousands domestically! It must be expensive in Japan too, right?"

Charlie replied with a smile, "As long as Mum likes it, the price doesn't matter."

Elaine beamed, "That's why I have the best son-in-law! Your words make my heart flutter with joy!"

She quickly put on the bracelet, admiring it under the light from various angles, exclaiming, "Tiffany's items are truly exquisite! The craftsmanship is impeccable, I can't find any flaws! It complements my style perfectly when worn on my wrist."

Although Jacob sneaked a smirk, he dared not make any sarcastic remarks.

At that moment, Charlie took out another slightly smaller gift box from the suitcase and handed it to his wife, Claire.


"Honey, this is for you. Open it and see if you like it!"

Claire was surprised and said, "You bought something for me too? Darling, you work hard for your money, I never see you spend on yourself, yet whenever we go out, you always buy things for me..."

Beside them, Elaine hurriedly interjected, "Silly girl, Charlie is showing his love, care, and spoiling you. He's the epitome of a good husband! Look at your dad, always so stingy, when has he ever given me something valuable?"

Jacob replied grumpily, "You've always been in charge of the finances at home, I don't even have pocket money, how can I buy you things?"

Elaine scoffed, "Bah! Even if one doesn't have money, a good husband will find ways to give gifts to his wife. What about you? Always making excuses about not having money. After all these years, you never saved any secret money?"

Jacob picked up the suit Charlie had given him, grumbling, "I won't argue with you about these useless things. I'll go try on the suit my good son-in-law bought for me in the room! There's an event at the Calligraphy and Painting Association tomorrow, I'll wear this new suit then!"

Meanwhile, Claire carefully unwrapped the gift box.

When she saw a dazzling diamond ring lying in the jewelry box, she was shocked and covered her mouth in surprise!

Elaine beside her immediately widened her eyes several times and exclaimed, "Oh my goodness! Such a huge diamond?! Must be at least three carats, right?!"

Charlie smiled and said, "You do have a good eye, the main diamond on this ring is 3.2 carats!"

"Wow!!!" Elaine felt a tingling sensation on her scalp and exclaimed, "So big?! This must cost hundreds of thousands?!"

Charlie chuckled, "It's around eighty-something thousand in Chinese Yuan!"

"Just eighty-something thousand?!" Elaine touched her chest and sighed, "Oh my goodness! My son-in-law is really something! An eighty-something thousand diamond ring, and it's just eighty-something thousand, truly generous! Remarkable! Remarkable!"

Claire, by her side, was also astonished and said, "Charlie, you work so hard every day to earn money, why would you still buy such an expensive thing for me... This ring is so precious, I can't even wear it out, isn't that a waste of money..."

Charlie earnestly replied, "Darling, we've been married for so long, and I've never bought you a ring. Consider this ring as my belated wedding ring for you!"

Claire was moved to tears instantly.

She looked at Charlie, choked up, "If you really wanted to buy a wedding ring, a two to three thousand one would have sufficed, you didn't have to buy something this expensive..."

Wiping her tears, she continued, "And look at you... always buying things for me, for your parents, but never for yourself. How can I be at peace with that in my heart..."

Charlie smiled faintly, took out the ring, held his wife's right hand, and said seriously, "Claire, marrying you is my blessing, thank you for standing by me all these years. This ring is my overdue gift to you as a husband, you must accept it!"

"That's right!" Elaine chimed in, "Daughter, look at how good Charlie is, how caring he is towards you! You must live well with Charlie, and having a child soon is the most important!"

Claire, initially touched by Charlie's heartfelt confession, blushed upon hearing this.

At that moment, Charlie carefully placed the ring on her ring finger of the right hand and said with a smile, "Darling, companionship is the most enduring confession of love. Thank you for being by my side all these years!"


At this moment, Claire was moved to tears.

Reflecting on the years married to Charlie, she also felt a myriad of emotions deep within.

Back then, her grandfather insisted on her marrying Charlie. She didn't understand, her family strongly opposed it, but her grandfather's authority made her compromise.

However, this forced marriage led her to have a wrong perception of marriage from the start.

After marrying Charlie, she believed that marriage, as per her grandfather's request, meant being Charlie's wife, living together whether it was suitable or not, whether they liked each other or not.

So, for a long time, they treated each other with respect like guests. Despite being married on paper, they were essentially strangers living under the same roof.

Especially in the early days of marriage, Claire faced immense pressure from all sides due to Charlie's status.

At that time, everyone around her kept telling her: Charlie is worthless, a loser, trash. She shouldn't be with him, she should divorce him immediately.

But for her at that time, since she chose to marry him, whether willingly or not, she didn't want to walk the path of divorce.

After all, Charlie had never done anything wrong.

Later on, in their married life, she gradually saw the shining aspects of Charlie and developed some affection.

However, she never quite understood the difference between liking someone and loving them.

Claire had never been in love before, so she was relatively naive and clueless about matters of the heart, leading them to stumble through their relationship till today.

Now, facing Charlie's heartfelt confession, she suddenly felt her heart racing, making her breathless, dizzy, and moved to tears.

Watching this scene, Elaine was genuinely happy.

She now truly believed that Charlie was indeed a good son-in-law who could withstand tests.

Compared to the rich second generations who liked Claire before, hardly any of them could match up to Charlie.

Looking back, despite her mistreatment and insults towards Charlie, he still showed respect to his mother-in-law, always addressing her as mum. Just from this aspect, Charlie was a young man who repaid kindness with kindness.

Moreover, despite her repeatedly causing trouble, Charlie always helped her out, even saving her life more than once, truly embodying repaying kindness with kindness!

Most importantly, Charlie had finally made something of himself.

With a villa worth over a hundred million, two BMW cars that Charlie worked hard to earn, and every time he went out to see Feng Shui for others, he would buy her many expensive gifts.

A son-in-law like him is truly hard to come by, to be honest.

Furthermore, he was genuinely good to their daughter, which was even more rare.

Hence, Elaine hurriedly said to Claire, "Claire, Charlie must be tired from the late flight, both of you hurry back to the room, take a shower together and get some rest!"

"Ah?" Claire was taken aback, her face blushing instantly, and she awkwardly said, "Mum... you... what are you talking about... taking a shower together..."

Elaine earnestly replied, "Isn't it normal for a married couple to shower together? Besides, our mansion has a luxurious bathtub in the bathroom, perfect for two people, you can help Charlie wash his back, isn't that nice..."

Claire was so embarrassed she wished she could disappear into the ground.

Although she was already in her twenties, she was still a young girl who had never experienced a proper romantic relationship. Elaine suddenly suggesting that she bathe with Charlie and help him wash his back caught her completely off guard, leaving her feeling both shy and embarrassed.


Charlie knew his wife was a woman easily embarrassed and lacking experience in that department, so she couldn't handle Elaine's teasing.

In a rush, he said, "Mum, Claire is shy, so please don't tease her."

Elaine chuckled, "Claire, see that? Charlie is really considerate of you!"

With a lazy stretch, she added, "I'm done chatting with you guys. I need to go back and take some good photos of my bracelet. You should rest early too!"

Just then, Jacob emerged from the elevator in a brand new boss suit.

Upon seeing the three, he proudly strutted around the elevator entrance, saying, "Look, Old Jacob still has some style, this suit fits me like it's tailor-made. My physique at fifty is still in good shape, quite rare!"

Charlie knew deep down that Father-in-law Jacob was actually quite lazy and hardly exercised. His good physique was all thanks to Elaine's nagging over the years.

Although Elaine had toned down a lot now, in the past, she was a real she-devil. Anyone with such a wife would be constantly frustrated and uninterested in everything, even losing their appetite and struggling to gain weight.

So, Charlie praised, "Dad, with this look, you seem like you're in your forties, really classy!"

"Right? Hehehe!" Jacob chuckled proudly, "Back in university, Jacob was quite the heartthrob, not inferior to those young idols nowadays!"

Helpless, Claire shook her head, "Dad, when will you be modest? If you say such things, people will laugh at you!"

Jacob smirked, "What's there to fear? Among the old folks, I'm definitely one of the best. To put it in idiom, I stand out from the crowd!"

Watching the stylish Jacob, Elaine couldn't help but feel uneasy.

She thought to herself, "This guy, does clean up quite nicely! As for me, I've been gaining weight over the years, especially during this leg injury recovery period at home, lacking exercise, resulting in continuous weight gain! No, I must lose weight and get back in shape! I can't let Jacob outshine me!"

With a glare at Jacob, Elaine didn't speak to him but told Charlie and Claire, "I'm going back to my room, you two should rest early too."

Blushing, Claire replied, "Okay Mum, you rest first!"

Jacob also said, "Charlie, go back to your room early and rest. After all these tiring days, you must be exhausted. Let Claire prepare a hot bath for you to relax!"

Thinking about her mother's words earlier, Claire couldn't help but feel embarrassed. However, she knew her husband had been working hard, and a bath would help him relax and relieve fatigue.

So, she said to Charlie, "Charlie, chat with dad for a while. I'll go up and prepare the bath for you. You can come up in ten minutes."

Charlie nodded.

After Claire and Elaine took the elevator upstairs, Jacob wanted to make tea for Charlie to refresh him.

As Charlie sat down, his phone buzzed.

Looking down, it was an unfamiliar number from Eastcliff. He stood up and told Jacob, "Dad, I need to take this call."

Jacob suggested, "Why not take the call here instead of going out?"

Charlie nodded, "It's a client's call."

With that, he stepped out of the door.

In the courtyard, Charlie answered the phone, "Hello, who is this?"

A warm female voice came through, "Oh, Little Charlie, it's your aunt! I've missed you so much over the years!"

Claire heard the door creak and turned to see that it was unexpectedly Charlie who had returned. Overjoyed, she ran towards him and excitedly exclaimed, "Darling, why are you back today? Didn't you say during the video call yesterday that you might have to wait another two days?"

Charlie chuckled, "I wanted to surprise you!"

Claire had been missing him every day and night during his trip to Japan.

Before this, she had rarely experienced such feelings.

Even when Charlie went to Eastcliff, she missed him but not as intensely.

So, when she saw Charlie suddenly back, she couldn't contain her excitement and directly embraced him.

Charlie was surprised that his wife, in front of her parents, hugged him so openly, feeling a mix of joy and embarrassment.

He then said to Claire, "Darling, if you want to hug, let's do it when we get back to our room. After all, Mum and Dad are watching."

Claire snapped back to reality, blushing instantly.

Feeling a bit shy and scared, she said, "We were just watching TV, and it turns out there was a mass murder in Japan a few days ago, with over thirty people dead. It's so terrifying!"

Charlie asked in amazement, "Has it been reported in China?"

"Yes!" Claire nodded repeatedly, saying earnestly, "Several TV stations are broadcasting it, and it seems like the military has been mobilised at the airport to catch the suspects. They've already caught three buses of suspects. The security situation in Japan is really scary. If I had known it was so chaotic there, I wouldn't have let you go!"

Charlie smiled and said, "I had no idea it was that chaotic over there. But it's probably just an isolated incident."

At that moment, Elaine ran over joyfully, saying, "Oh, my good son-in-law, you're finally back! You have no idea how much your Mum missed you while you were in Japan!"

Jacob immediately interjected, trying to stir up trouble, "You weren't missing Charlie, you were just thinking about the things he brought back for you!"

Elaine glared at Jacob and scolded, "Jacob, stop talking nonsense! I genuinely missed Charlie. Even if he didn't bring me anything, I would still miss him!"

After Elaine finished scolding, she turned to Charlie with a smile and asked, "Good son-in-law, did you bring a gift for Mum this time you're back?"

Charlie nodded, "Yes, I brought some gifts."

He then took out the gifts he had bought.

First, he presented the ring he bought for Claire, handing it to his wife and saying, "Darling, this is for you. Open it and take a look!"

Excitedly, Claire asked, "What is it?"

Charlie smiled, "You'll find out once you unwrap it."

Elaine eagerly urged, "Claire, hurry up and open it. Let Mum see what a great son-in-law you have and what gifts he prepared for you!"


As Elaine's excitement was palpable, Charlie placed the suitcase on the ground, ready to open it.

Unable to contain her eagerness, Elaine squatted down and flattered, "Oh, dear son-in-law, how can I let you handle this? Let me help you carry it!"

Charlie smiled helplessly and didn't object.

Elaine opened the suitcase and saw a large boss suit bag on top, couldn't help but comment, "Hmm, this boss must be men's clothing, right?"

Charlie nodded, saying, "This is the suit I picked for Dad. He's now a standing director of the Calligraphy and Painting Association, often attending social events. As a leader, he needs to have a bit of style when going out!"

Jacob was thrilled, "Oh Charlie, you're truly a great son-in-law to Dad! Dad has always wanted a suit he can wear out for tea, but he never took action. I didn't expect you to handle it for him! Dad is so grateful to you!"

Elaine sneered and disdainfully took out the suit bag, tossing it at Jacob's feet, saying, "Do you, this old man, even deserve to wear such a nice suit? Look at your old face, do you even match it?"

Jacob retorted, "Why wouldn't I deserve it? I'm in my fifties and haven't put on weight like you. Unlike you, who's already lost your figure!"

"What did you say?!" Elaine exploded, cursing, "How dare you say I've lost my figure?! Are you tired of living?"

Jacob quickly backed down, saying sheepishly, "I was just joking..."

Elaine glared at him fiercely, then turned to Charlie and said, "Good son-in-law, buying him a boss suit is already generous for this old man. I must say, the fake Rolex you helped him get last time suits this old man just fine!"

Charlie chuckled, "Mum, Dad's suit wasn't expensive, it was on sale. The gift I got for you is much more valuable."

Upon hearing this, Elaine's face lit up, saying joyfully, "Really? Oh! My thoughtful son-in-law! What gift did you get for Mum? Show me!"

Charlie took out two Tiffany boxes and handed the slightly larger one to Elaine.

"Mum, this is for you."

Seeing the Tiffany logo on the packaging, Elaine couldn't contain her excitement and eagerly tore it open.

Inside, she found a gold bracelet encrusted with diamonds, causing her to dance with joy!

"Oh my! I know this bracelet! It sells for tens of thousands domestically! It must be expensive in Japan too, right?"

Charlie replied with a smile, "As long as Mum likes it, the price doesn't matter."

Elaine beamed, "That's why I have the best son-in-law! Your words make my heart flutter with joy!"

She quickly put on the bracelet, admiring it under the light from various angles, exclaiming, "Tiffany's items are truly exquisite! The craftsmanship is impeccable, I can't find any flaws! It complements my style perfectly when worn on my wrist."

Although Jacob sneaked a smirk, he dared not make any sarcastic remarks.

At that moment, Charlie took out another slightly smaller gift box from the suitcase and handed it to his wife, Claire.


"Honey, this is for you. Open it and see if you like it!"

Claire was surprised and said, "You bought something for me too? Darling, you work hard for your money, I never see you spend on yourself, yet whenever we go out, you always buy things for me..."

Beside them, Elaine hurriedly interjected, "Silly girl, Charlie is showing his love, care, and spoiling you. He's the epitome of a good husband! Look at your dad, always so stingy, when has he ever given me something valuable?"

Jacob replied grumpily, "You've always been in charge of the finances at home, I don't even have pocket money, how can I buy you things?"

Elaine scoffed, "Bah! Even if one doesn't have money, a good husband will find ways to give gifts to his wife. What about you? Always making excuses about not having money. After all these years, you never saved any secret money?"

Jacob picked up the suit Charlie had given him, grumbling, "I won't argue with you about these useless things. I'll go try on the suit my good son-in-law bought for me in the room! There's an event at the Calligraphy and Painting Association tomorrow, I'll wear this new suit then!"

Meanwhile, Claire carefully unwrapped the gift box.

When she saw a dazzling diamond ring lying in the jewelry box, she was shocked and covered her mouth in surprise!

Elaine beside her immediately widened her eyes several times and exclaimed, "Oh my goodness! Such a huge diamond?! Must be at least three carats, right?!"

Charlie smiled and said, "You do have a good eye, the main diamond on this ring is 3.2 carats!"

"Wow!!!" Elaine felt a tingling sensation on her scalp and exclaimed, "So big?! This must cost hundreds of thousands?!"

Charlie chuckled, "It's around eighty-something thousand in Chinese Yuan!"

"Just eighty-something thousand?!" Elaine touched her chest and sighed, "Oh my goodness! My son-in-law is really something! An eighty-something thousand diamond ring, and it's just eighty-something thousand, truly generous! Remarkable! Remarkable!"

Claire, by her side, was also astonished and said, "Charlie, you work so hard every day to earn money, why would you still buy such an expensive thing for me... This ring is so precious, I can't even wear it out, isn't that a waste of money..."

Charlie earnestly replied, "Darling, we've been married for so long, and I've never bought you a ring. Consider this ring as my belated wedding ring for you!"

Claire was moved to tears instantly.

She looked at Charlie, choked up, "If you really wanted to buy a wedding ring, a two to three thousand one would have sufficed, you didn't have to buy something this expensive..."

Wiping her tears, she continued, "And look at you... always buying things for me, for your parents, but never for yourself. How can I be at peace with that in my heart..."

Charlie smiled faintly, took out the ring, held his wife's right hand, and said seriously, "Claire, marrying you is my blessing, thank you for standing by me all these years. This ring is my overdue gift to you as a husband, you must accept it!"

"That's right!" Elaine chimed in, "Daughter, look at how good Charlie is, how caring he is towards you! You must live well with Charlie, and having a child soon is the most important!"

Claire, initially touched by Charlie's heartfelt confession, blushed upon hearing this.

At that moment, Charlie carefully placed the ring on her ring finger of the right hand and said with a smile, "Darling, companionship is the most enduring confession of love. Thank you for being by my side all these years!"


At this moment, Claire was moved to tears.

Reflecting on the years married to Charlie, she also felt a myriad of emotions deep within.

Back then, her grandfather insisted on her marrying Charlie. She didn't understand, her family strongly opposed it, but her grandfather's authority made her compromise.

However, this forced marriage led her to have a wrong perception of marriage from the start.

After marrying Charlie, she believed that marriage, as per her grandfather's request, meant being Charlie's wife, living together whether it was suitable or not, whether they liked each other or not.

So, for a long time, they treated each other with respect like guests. Despite being married on paper, they were essentially strangers living under the same roof.

Especially in the early days of marriage, Claire faced immense pressure from all sides due to Charlie's status.

At that time, everyone around her kept telling her: Charlie is worthless, a loser, trash. She shouldn't be with him, she should divorce him immediately.

But for her at that time, since she chose to marry him, whether willingly or not, she didn't want to walk the path of divorce.

After all, Charlie had never done anything wrong.

Later on, in their married life, she gradually saw the shining aspects of Charlie and developed some affection.

However, she never quite understood the difference between liking someone and loving them.

Claire had never been in love before, so she was relatively naive and clueless about matters of the heart, leading them to stumble through their relationship till today.

Now, facing Charlie's heartfelt confession, she suddenly felt her heart racing, making her breathless, dizzy, and moved to tears.

Watching this scene, Elaine was genuinely happy.

She now truly believed that Charlie was indeed a good son-in-law who could withstand tests.

Compared to the rich second generations who liked Claire before, hardly any of them could match up to Charlie.

Looking back, despite her mistreatment and insults towards Charlie, he still showed respect to his mother-in-law, always addressing her as mum. Just from this aspect, Charlie was a young man who repaid kindness with kindness.

Moreover, despite her repeatedly causing trouble, Charlie always helped her out, even saving her life more than once, truly embodying repaying kindness with kindness!

Most importantly, Charlie had finally made something of himself.

With a villa worth over a hundred million, two BMW cars that Charlie worked hard to earn, and every time he went out to see Feng Shui for others, he would buy her many expensive gifts.

A son-in-law like him is truly hard to come by, to be honest.

Furthermore, he was genuinely good to their daughter, which was even more rare.

Hence, Elaine hurriedly said to Claire, "Claire, Charlie must be tired from the late flight, both of you hurry back to the room, take a shower together and get some rest!"

"Ah?" Claire was taken aback, her face blushing instantly, and she awkwardly said, "Mum... you... what are you talking about... taking a shower together..."

Elaine earnestly replied, "Isn't it normal for a married couple to shower together? Besides, our mansion has a luxurious bathtub in the bathroom, perfect for two people, you can help Charlie wash his back, isn't that nice..."

Claire was so embarrassed she wished she could disappear into the ground.

Although she was already in her twenties, she was still a young girl who had never experienced a proper romantic relationship. Elaine suddenly suggesting that she bathe with Charlie and help him wash his back caught her completely off guard, leaving her feeling both shy and embarrassed.


Charlie knew his wife was a woman easily embarrassed and lacking experience in that department, so she couldn't handle Elaine's teasing.

In a rush, he said, "Mum, Claire is shy, so please don't tease her."

Elaine chuckled, "Claire, see that? Charlie is really considerate of you!"

With a lazy stretch, she added, "I'm done chatting with you guys. I need to go back and take some good photos of my bracelet. You should rest early too!"

Just then, Jacob emerged from the elevator in a brand new boss suit.

Upon seeing the three, he proudly strutted around the elevator entrance, saying, "Look, Old Jacob still has some style, this suit fits me like it's tailor-made. My physique at fifty is still in good shape, quite rare!"

Charlie knew deep down that Father-in-law Jacob was actually quite lazy and hardly exercised. His good physique was all thanks to Elaine's nagging over the years.

Although Elaine had toned down a lot now, in the past, she was a real she-devil. Anyone with such a wife would be constantly frustrated and uninterested in everything, even losing their appetite and struggling to gain weight.

So, Charlie praised, "Dad, with this look, you seem like you're in your forties, really classy!"

"Right? Hehehe!" Jacob chuckled proudly, "Back in university, Jacob was quite the heartthrob, not inferior to those young idols nowadays!"

Helpless, Claire shook her head, "Dad, when will you be modest? If you say such things, people will laugh at you!"

Jacob smirked, "What's there to fear? Among the old folks, I'm definitely one of the best. To put it in idiom, I stand out from the crowd!"

Watching the stylish Jacob, Elaine couldn't help but feel uneasy.

She thought to herself, "This guy, does clean up quite nicely! As for me, I've been gaining weight over the years, especially during this leg injury recovery period at home, lacking exercise, resulting in continuous weight gain! No, I must lose weight and get back in shape! I can't let Jacob outshine me!"

With a glare at Jacob, Elaine didn't speak to him but told Charlie and Claire, "I'm going back to my room, you two should rest early too."

Blushing, Claire replied, "Okay Mum, you rest first!"

Jacob also said, "Charlie, go back to your room early and rest. After all these tiring days, you must be exhausted. Let Claire prepare a hot bath for you to relax!"

Thinking about her mother's words earlier, Claire couldn't help but feel embarrassed. However, she knew her husband had been working hard, and a bath would help him relax and relieve fatigue.

So, she said to Charlie, "Charlie, chat with dad for a while. I'll go up and prepare the bath for you. You can come up in ten minutes."

Charlie nodded.

After Claire and Elaine took the elevator upstairs, Jacob wanted to make tea for Charlie to refresh him.

As Charlie sat down, his phone buzzed.

Looking down, it was an unfamiliar number from Eastcliff. He stood up and told Jacob, "Dad, I need to take this call."

Jacob suggested, "Why not take the call here instead of going out?"

Charlie nodded, "It's a client's call."

With that, he stepped out of the door.

In the courtyard, Charlie answered the phone, "Hello, who is this?"

A warm female voice came through, "Oh, Little Charlie, it's your aunt! I've missed you so much over the years!"
haha Charlie we at sex sect await your return

If it hadn't been for the phone call between Aunt Marina and Isaac on the way home, Charlie at this moment might have truly believed in the sincerity of the woman on the other end of the phone call.

So, he decided to act surprised as well, smiling and saying, "Aunt, is that really you? How did you think of calling me?"

Aunt Marina actually didn't intend to call Charlie.

She had already instructed Isaac to inform Charlie to meet at Shangri-La for dinner tomorrow.

However, Grandpa Wade had just come to see her and insisted that she personally call Charlie.

This would show more sincerity on her part. Besides, it had been many years since she had seen Charlie, so making a call in advance to reconnect was like warming up early. It would also help with the plan to persuade Charlie to come home.

With a caring tone, she smiled and asked, "Little Charlie, how have you been all these years?"

Charlie felt somewhat disgusted, but still politely replied, "I've been doing well, thank you for your concern, Aunt."

Aunt Marina breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "If you're doing well, Aunt will be very relieved!"

Then she added, "By the way, Little Charlie, the main reason I called you is because I want to visit you in Aurous Hill tomorrow and invite you out for a meal. Do you have time?"

Surprised, Charlie asked, "You're coming to Aurous Hill tomorrow?"

"Yes!" Aunt Marina said, "Actually, I wanted Isaac to inform you, but then I thought, since we haven't seen each other for so many years, it's better to call you personally."

Charlie smiled and said, "Sure, what time will you arrive tomorrow? I'll treat you to dinner!"

Aunt Marina chuckled, "Let's have dinner at Shangri-La tomorrow night. I've already arranged it with Isaac."

"Okay." Charlie didn't hesitate and agreed readily, saying, "Then I'll see you at Shangri-La tomorrow night."

Aunt Marina smiled and said, "Great, let's meet tomorrow then!"

After hanging up the call with Aunt Marina, the smile gradually faded from Charlie's face.

He didn't have a good impression of anyone with the surname Wade, whether it was his grandfather, his uncle, or his aunt.

Until he investigated the cause of his parents' death, the Wade family members were the prime suspects in his eyes.

Back in the room, Claire had already prepared a bath for him.

After soaking in the bath, Charlie returned to bed and cuddled with Claire.

Claire was like a child waiting to hear a story, asking if he had encountered anything interesting in Japan.

Charlie then elaborated on the events between the three major families in Tokyo, embellishing the story for Claire.

However, he deliberately omitted his deep involvement in these events, not daring to let Claire know.

He simply told Claire that his clients in Japan happened to have some connections with these families, so he got some firsthand insider information.

Claire was amazed to hear Charlie recount these unbelievable events, unable to close her mouth in astonishment.

The elements of major families, ninjas, and assassinations sounded not only unbelievable but also quite intriguing.

So, Claire listened with great enthusiasm, keeping Charlie engaged in conversation until late into the night.


The next day, Claire got up early to go to work at the company.

After having breakfast made by Elaine, Charlie spent the whole day pondering about the matter of Marina.

Since Stephen found him, Wade's family had never directly appeared in his life.

For Charlie, he quite enjoyed not having to deal with Wade's family.

However, this time, Marina broke the silence between him and Wade's family, indicating that Wade's family had begun to try to win him over. Regardless of their intentions, they did not want him to stay in Aurous Hill.

Even if he met his aunt today and rejected her request, Wade's family would definitely not give up easily.

It seemed that Wade's family would become a long-term trouble for him in the future.

In the afternoon at half past five, Charlie greeted his mother-in-law Elaine, informing her that he had plans for the evening and wouldn't be home for dinner.

After that, he left alone, taking a taxi to Shangri-La.

Isaac had intended to pick him up by car, but Charlie declined.

Wade's family always thought Isaac was on their side. If Isaac showed too much enthusiasm towards him, it might raise suspicions from Wade's family.

When Charlie arrived at the entrance of the Shangri-La dining department, Isaac was already waiting there.

Seeing Charlie, Isaac approached respectfully and said, "Young Master, you're here."

Charlie nodded and asked, "Where's my aunt? Has she arrived?"

"She has." Isaac wiped the sweat from his forehead and whispered, "Your aunt said she's feeling a bit tired, so I arranged for a spa technician to go to her room to provide services. It will take about half an hour to finish."

Charlie smiled faintly, "Alright, then take me to the private room first."

Isaac hurriedly said, "Tonight, both of you will dine in the Sky Garden."

Charlie couldn't help but furrow his brows. He remembered the Sky Garden, where he had held Claire's wedding ceremony. It was a large banquet hall without private rooms, surrounded by semi-transparent glass. It was usually where Shangri-La's top members dined. Choosing to eat there might attract attention from other guests.

So Charlie asked, "Are there many guests tonight? If many people see us having dinner together and recognize her, it might expose my identity."

Isaac shrugged and said with a smile, "Don't worry, tonight Shangri-La has completely cleared the dining department. Whether it's the private rooms outside or the Sky Garden, there are no other guests tonight."

Charlie asked in surprise, "Just clearing the Sky Garden isn't enough? Are the private rooms, Chinese restaurant, and Western restaurant also cleared?"

"Yes," Isaac replied, "The dining department is only serving you and your aunt tonight."

Charlie felt embarrassed and said, "There's no need to go to such lengths, can't we just find a more upscale private room?"

Isaac lowered his voice and said to Charlie, "Young Master, you may not understand your aunt very well. This has always been her way."

He continued, "Your aunt has always been snobbish, looking down on third-tier cities like Aurous Hill. In her eyes, dining with locals in a third-tier city restaurant is an insult to her..."

Charlie, somewhat disgusted, said, "What's with all the pretense? No matter how high and mighty one acts, don't they still have to eat, drink, sleep, and use the loo like everyone else? What's the point of making everything so special?"


As Charlie stepped into the dining department of Shangri-La.

The vast dining area was completely empty today.

Many waiters had been withdrawn, as Isaac mentioned, to prevent too many waiters from flowing in, which would bother Marina.

Charlie walked through the outer restaurant of the dining department and headed straight to the central sky garden. The banquet hall in the sky garden, with eighty-eight banquet tables, had been completely removed, leaving only one exquisitely crafted Western dining table in the center.

Charlie knew without thinking that removing the eighty-eight banquet tables and chairs must have been at his aunt's command.

So, he couldn't help but feel somewhat annoyed.

Even though Charlie hadn't met this aunt yet, her almost ancient royal and noble demeanor made Charlie quite repulsed.

Despite Charlie now having nearly sixty billion RMB in his bank account, he still had no airs.

Not to mention the hassle and expense of having a meal, even if he were to eat a bowl of beef noodles for ten dollars at a roadside noodle shop, he wouldn't find anything inappropriate.

Moreover, clearing out the entire Shangri-La and the entire sky garden just for a meal couldn't make Charlie feel any sense of superiority.

On the contrary, it made him feel greatly resistant and opposed.

Accompanied by Isaac, Charlie arrived at the only dining table.

The table was about two meters long and one meter wide, with two chairs placed at each end.

Isaac personally pulled out one of the chairs for Charlie and said, "Young Master, please wait a moment."

Charlie nodded slightly and said, "It's okay, you can go busy yourself, I'll play with my phone while waiting for her."

Isaac hurriedly asked, "Young Master, would you like something to drink first? I'll have someone prepare it for you."

Charlie replied, "Just bring me a glass of water."

"Of course, Young Master."

Sitting alone at the dining table, Charlie absentmindedly played with his phone and happened to receive a message from Nanako: "What are you doing, Charlie-kun?"

Seeing her message, Charlie smiled and replied, "Preparing to have a meal outside, what about you?"

Nanako replied, "I just got back from the hospital, I was with my father there."

Then, Nanako sent another message, "Charlie-kun, does your wife like the ring you gave her? Is the ring size suitable?"

Charlie replied, "She likes it, thank you for helping me try the ring, the size is perfect."

Nanako sent a smiling emoji and said, "That's great! The Chinese New Year is in four days, Nanako wishes Charlie-kun an early Happy New Year!"

Charlie smiled and typed back, "Thank you! How is Mr. Ito's recovery going?"

Nanako replied, "The doctor said he can be discharged after a few more days of rest."

"Good to hear." Just as Charlie sent these three words, a luxurious woman entered the entrance of the sky garden.

This woman appeared to be around forty years old, wearing a limited edition Chanel outfit, with short dyed blonde hair. Her face was not particularly beautiful, with a somewhat cold and harsh expression.

This woman was Charlie's aunt, Marina.


Marina walked quickly, striding towards the table where Charlie was seated.

Meanwhile, Isaac followed beside her, showing great respect.

As Marina approached Charlie, she smiled and said, "Oh Little Charlie, it's been so many years, and you've grown into a handsome young man!"

Charlie looked at Marina, reminiscing some childhood memories from her face.

With a self-deprecating smile, he replied, "I'm turning 27 soon, no longer a young man."

Marina, affectionate in her tone, remarked, "Oh, you really resemble your father! It's like you were carved from the same mould!"

Charlie nodded with a smile, "Auntie, you don't seem to have changed much compared to before."

Marina chuckled, "In the blink of an eye, over a decade has passed. I'm almost fifty now, impossible to be the same as before."

At this moment, Isaac carefully pulled out a chair for Marina.

As Marina sat down and noticed Charlie still seated, not bothering to rise before her, she felt a tinge of displeasure.

Traditionally, when elders arrive at the dining table, the juniors should stand respectfully.

If the elder speaks, the juniors must listen attentively with a bowed head;

When the elder takes a seat, the juniors must wait until the elder signals them to sit.

However, Charlie seemed glued to his chair, not even making an effort to stand up.

This irked Marina.

She never held much fondness for Charlie.

If Charlie had remained missing and never resurfaced, it would have been the best scenario for her.

Yet, unexpectedly, after disappearing for so many years, he suddenly emerged to claim a share of the Wade family's assets.

What she found even more unacceptable was that besides receiving Emgrand Group and ten billion in cash, the old man still wanted him to return to the Wade family.

Observing the casually dressed, easy-going, and somewhat ignorant Charlie, she thought to herself, "What qualifications does someone like him have to return to the Wade family? Every direct member of the Wade family has received aristocratic education from a young age, then gone abroad for further studies. Compared to Charlie, who only spent a year in Aurous Hill, it's like night and day. Allowing such a semi-literate person back to the Wade family would surely tarnish its reputation!"

However, despite her dislike for Charlie, she dared not disobey the old man's instructions.

After all, since her complete separation from her husband, her plan had been to return to the Wade family and secure a share of the family's vast wealth.

Being a divorced woman seeking a share of the family assets was already met with resistance from the brothers Ciprian and Emil.

In such circumstances, if Marina wanted to secure a portion of the assets, she needed the full support of the old man.

Hence, she always held the old man in high regard within the Wade family.

Normally aloof, looking down on everyone and never backing down, she would never dare to defy the old man's wishes.

Moreover, whenever the old man entrusted her with something, she would go all out to make him happy.

Therefore, she reminded herself, "This time, I must handle the old man's arrangements flawlessly! Even if I can't convince Charlie to return to the Wade family, at least I must make sure he agrees to come back for the Lunar New Year to spend time with the old man!"

With these thoughts in mind, she suppressed her discontent towards Charlie and smilingly asked, "Little Charlie, you've endured a lot in Aurous Hill these years. Your family members have missed you dearly. Have you ever thought about coming home for a visit?"


"Going home to visit?"

Upon hearing those words, Charlie couldn't help but smile.

Seeing his somewhat forced smile, Marina spoke up, "Little Charlie, they say one should return home when they grow up. You're not a child anymore, and it's been many years since you left home. It's indeed time to go back and have a look."

Charlie nodded in agreement, "You're right. After being away for so long, it's time to make time to go back and visit."

With a smile, he suggested, "How about this, I'll arrange some time in the near future, and if I have the opportunity, I'll go back to visit."

Although it seemed like Charlie agreed to Marina's proposal, in reality, it was just a way to delay.

Arranging time in the near future basically meant it would be indefinite. His only thought was to get through today.

Of course, Marina knew Charlie's intentions and immediately said, "Little Charlie, don't have any resistance towards your family. They have always cared a lot about you. Don't forget, as soon as your grandfather heard you were in Aurous Hill, he had Stephen send you the Emgrand Group and 10 billion in cash. It's only right for you to go back and see him, don't you think?"

Charlie retorted, "Aunt, so if I just go back to visit, everything will be settled between us?"

Marina's dissatisfaction grew stronger.

In her opinion, Charlie was truly ungrateful.

The Wade family had gone through the trouble of inviting him back, which was already giving him face. If he had a bit of sense, he should have agreed immediately and flown back with her for the New Year.

Unexpectedly, he decided to play games with her here and even mentioned settling things.

So, with a slightly displeased expression, she said to Charlie, "Little Charlie, your grandfather has invested 111 billion yuan in you. Although it may not be much for the Wade family, in terms of quantity, it's still a huge sum. Can it be that after investing so much in you, all they get is a glimpse of you?"

Charlie looked at Marina and asked seriously, "Aunt, what does the Wade family really want from me? There's no need to beat around the bush. Let's be straightforward."

After a moment of hesitation, Marina nodded and said, "Alright, since you put it that way, I won't beat around the bush."

Straightening up, Marina's expression turned serious as she said, "Your grandfather's intention is for you to come back to the Wade family for the Lunar New Year and then deal with the matters in Aurous Hill promptly."

Charlie raised his eyebrows with interest, "Deal with matters? What kind of matters?"

Marina replied, "In Aurous Hill, it's all about the Emgrand Group and your current in-laws."

As he spoke, Marina extended a finger and imperiously said, "Firstly, regarding the matters of the Emgrand Group, you can continue to let Doris York handle it for you. We have investigated her and confirmed her capability. Moreover, the Emgrand Group has been developing well under her leadership, so you can trust her with it."

Then, Marina extended another finger and continued, "Secondly, it's about your current wife, Claire's family. We've looked into the Wilson family, and to be frank, in front of the Wade family, they are insignificant. What qualifications do they have to be related to the Wade family?"

At this point, Marina's expression turned disdainful as she sneered, "So, I advise you to divorce Claire as soon as possible and cut ties with her family. It would be best to give them a sum of money and make them leave China forever, to prevent any future scandal that might mock the Wade family for being indiscriminate in choosing spouses."

Upon hearing this, Charlie's face immediately turned grim, and his voice became increasingly icy as he said, "Aunt, my marriage is my own business and has nothing to do with you or the Wade family. Therefore, I kindly request that you and the Wade family refrain from interfering in any way."

Marina sighed and advised, "Little Charlie, don't be so impulsive. You must remember that you are a descendant of the Wade family! Among the wealthy second generation nationwide, there will definitely be a place for you with the highest status. How could that girl surnamed Wilson possibly be worthy of you? She is not even qualified to be your maid in ancient times!"

Charlie's tone carried a hint of anger as he retorted, "Aunt, Claire is my wife, and she married me at the lowest point of my life. I will never divorce her, so there's no need for you to say any more on this matter!"

With a regretful expression, Marina said, "Little Charlie! Don't let your emotions cloud your judgment!"

Charlie's voice turned cold as he stated, "When it comes to matters of the heart, emotions must be considered!"

Marina blurted out, "As a descendant of a prestigious family, emotions count for nothing! Do you remember your uncle? He seemed talented and treated me well for so many years, but so what? Once his family's strength couldn't match up to mine, I had to part ways with him! If it weren't for your grandfather's concern about my reputation as a woman initiating a divorce, he would have allowed me to break all ties with him long ago! As a male, you don't need to worry about divorce affecting your reputation. Just divorce that girl surnamed Wilson, return to Eastcliff, and marry a young lady from a suitable family. Your future will be limitless!"

Charlie sneered and said, "I'm sorry, but I place a lot of importance on my feelings. What you're suggesting is something I cannot do!"

Seeing that Charlie refused to accept her advice, Marina immediately spoke up, "Little Charlie! You must understand, the Wade family holds a prominent position among all the families in the country! Any woman who wants to marry into the Wade family must have a background that matches the Wade family's. Otherwise, it would be a burden on the Wade family and bring shame upon us! The reputation of the Wade family cannot be ruined by you or that lowly Wilson family!"

Charlie coldly responded, "I may bear the Wade surname, but I am not someone you can control or dictate. I make my own decisions about my marriage, and no one else has the right to interfere, including you!"

"You!" Marina immediately became furious, slammed the table, and stood up, angrily saying, "Charlie! Do you think I'm speaking nicely to you to discuss this with you?!"

"What?" Charlie asked in a cold voice, "Are you trying to force me to divorce?"

Marina scolded, "You are a descendant of the Wade family! You must obey the arrangements of the Wade family. Besides, do you think the Emgrand Group and the 10 billion cash were given to you for nothing? If you don't obey, the Wade family can raise you up, but they can also bring you down!"

Charlie also erupted in anger, and he said in a cold voice, "Don't bring up the Emgrand Group and the 10 billion cash! The reason why the Wade family was able to rise rapidly and stand at the pinnacle of the country in the past was due to my father's hard work and strategic decisions! In terms of inheritance, my father is entitled to at least a quarter of the Wade family's assets. If we talk about assets, even if it's 100 trillion, it's rightfully mine!"

With a more severe tone, Charlie continued, "My father did so much for the Wade family, but how did you repay him? You forced our family of three out of Eastcliff! In the end, it led to the tragic deaths of my parents! I haven't settled this score with you yet!"


Marina never expected that Charlie would dare to speak to her like this!

And when Charlie mentioned that he should inherit a quarter of the Wade family's assets, she was immediately furious!

She directly scolded him, "Nonsense! Who do you think you are to inherit a quarter of the Wade family's assets?!"

Charlie coldly replied, "Just because I am Charlie Wade! Just because my father is Drake Wade!"

Marina rebuked him, "Your father has been dead for many years. What makes you think you can still inherit the Wade family's assets?! I'm telling you, you're not worthy!"

The phrase "a married daughter is like spilled water" was the most hated sentence in Marina's life. Even though she had been married for a long time, she had always coveted the family property of the Wade family.

Now, after separating from her husband and cutting off all ties, she pinned all her hopes for the future on the Wade family's assets!

However, the eldest son Ciprian, the third son Emil, and the fourth son Finnian had always been hostile to Marina. They often reminded her, both openly and subtly, not to covet the family assets because she had already married out and was no longer part of the Wade family, unworthy of inheriting the family assets!

Naturally, Marina was deeply resentful!

She felt that she couldn't rely on her husband's family, and the only one she could rely on was the patriarch of the Wade family!

So, no matter what, she had to please the patriarch to ensure that he would leave her with enough inheritance to live comfortably for the rest of her life. This was her current desperate goal.

But what she didn't expect was that Charlie, who had been away from home for nearly twenty years, dared to speak such words in front of her. It was like stepping on her tail, making her immediately furious!

So, she gritted her teeth and scolded Charlie, "Charlie! Let me tell you! If you show some sense and obey all the orders of the Wade family, the Wade family will naturally not mistreat you in the future and will ensure you a lifetime of comfort!"

Then, her tone turned threatening, "But if you don't show some sense! Let me tell you, the Wade family can raise you up, but they can also bring you down! At that time, the Emgrand Group and that one billion will all leave you! In the end, you will still be looked down upon by everyone, including your wife's family!"

In her out-of-control state, Marina's voice even carried a hint of hoarseness.

In the entire sky garden, her desperate voice echoed.

Isaac quickly had all the staff leave and stepped out of the sky garden banquet hall himself, standing outside the door.

At a time like this, anything that even slightly displeased Marina could further escalate her emotions.

Seeing Marina's expression filled with intense resentment, Charlie couldn't help but smirk and ask her, "So ruthless? Then I'd like to ask, what orders does the Wade family have for me if I show some sense?"


Marina thought that his threats had softened Charlie, so she immediately sneered, "First divorce your lowly-born wife, then return to the Wade family to serve your grandfather. Now Geraldo has unified the Snow family, reaching an unprecedented peak of control over the entire Snow family. His daughter is engaged to you, marrying her would greatly benefit the Wade family."

With that said, Marina continued, "Alternatively, you could also try the eldest granddaughter of the Salvador family, who is Virtuoso's daughter. She is highly favoured in the Salvador family, and her mother was once one of your father's pursuers. If you can win her over, it would be even more beneficial for the Wade family!"

"So, after divorcing that woman, make an effort to develop a relationship with the Salvador family's eldest granddaughter. If you can win her over, marry her. If not, fulfill the engagement with Geraldo's daughter!"

Charlie chuckled lightly, "So the Wade family wants me to sell myself for their benefit, huh?"

Marina coldly replied, "It's not exactly selling yourself. After all, marriage alliances are quite common in high society. It's not only beneficial for the Wade family but also for you!"

Charlie sarcastically smiled, "Auntie, if marriage alliances have so many benefits, why don't you just divorce and try to get involved with either Geraldo or Virtuoso? If you could get involved with either of them, wouldn't it also greatly benefit the Wade family?!"

Upon hearing this, Marina felt like she had been repeatedly slapped in the face by Charlie, realizing that he seemed to be softening just to humiliate her!

Thinking this, she suddenly became furious, gritting her teeth and cursing, "You beast! I am your aunt! How dare you insult me?!"

Charlie coldly retorted, "Insult you? Insulting you would be giving you face. If you were a man, I would have punched you eight times by now!"

Marina was almost overwhelmed with anger, clutching her chest with a fierce expression.

At this point, Charlie was no longer interested in staying, stood up, and disdainfully said to Marina, "Go back and tell the patriarch, if he wants the Emgrand Group and that one ten billion back, I can return it anytime!"

With a stern expression, he continued, "But!"

"I will settle the score with my parents in the future!"

"At that time, everyone responsible for this matter will have to pay me back with interest! No one can escape, not even him!"

"You... you..." Marina trembled with anger, pointing at Charlie and angrily exclaimed, "You scoundrel! Relying on being the heir of the Wade family, you dare to disrespect your grandfather like this! This is outrageous!"

Charlie coldly replied, "So what if I disrespect him? If you're not satisfied, you can go and complain to him!"

Gritting her teeth, Marina said, "Fine! I will report every word you said today to your grandfather truthfully. If you revert to your old self, don't blame me, your aunt, for not giving you a chance!"

"Give me a chance?" Charlie sneered, "You don't even deserve to give me any chance! But if in the future I find out that you were involved in the deaths of my parents, don't expect me to give you a chance either!"

"You've crossed the line! You've crossed the line!" Marina was completely provoked by Charlie, grabbing a delicate empty wine glass from the table and smashing it on the ground, hysterically shouting, "I will make you regret this!"

Charlie nodded, disdainfully sneering, "Use whatever means you have, I'll be waiting!"

With that, he walked straight towards the door without looking back.


Witnessing Charlie leaving, his aunt Marina couldn't help but angrily shout, "Charlie! I haven't left yet, who gave you the right to leave first! I am your elder, your aunt! If you dare to show such disrespect towards me, I will make you pay for it!"

Charlie paid no attention to her.

In his eyes, this aunt of his was nothing but a fool who had been spoiled by the family's prestige.

Always carrying herself with airs and graces, clearly sent by the patriarch to handle official matters, but only concerned about her own pride and face. Such a person, even in the Wade family, would not amount to much.

Therefore, Charlie couldn't be bothered to waste any more time with her.

Upon leaving the house, Charlie directly departed from the Sky Garden.

Isaac hurriedly approached him, nervously saying, "Young Master, why put yourself in such a predicament? What if Miss Wade complains to the patriarch, then your situation will become passive!"

"And so what?" Charlie chuckled, "Despite her being part of the Wade family, she's just the patriarch's lapdog. If she wants to bite me, she still needs to consider the patriarch's opinion! If the patriarch truly wants to come after me, let him come at me with all he's got!"

With that, Charlie added, "The reason I'm only scolding her now and not hitting or killing her is out of consideration for our blood relation. If they strike first, I won't even care about that bit of blood ties! Anyone from the Wade family who dares to bark arrogantly in front of me, I'll cripple them on the spot! If anyone dares to lay a hand on me or my people, I'll demand their life!"

At that moment, a strong sense of killing intent emanated from Charlie!

Beside him, Isaac sighed helplessly.

At this moment, his concern was not about how the Wade family would treat Charlie in the future, but rather, he worried that if the Wade family members angered Charlie, he might not spare them.

If they really came to blows, the Wade family might not be a match for Charlie.

He escorted Charlie to the entrance of Shangri-La, respectfully saying, "Young Master, where are you headed? Let me drive you."

Charlie waved his hand, "No need, if you were to send me now, the Wade family would become suspicious. Go check on Marina, and see what her next move is."

Isaac nodded gently, "Young Master, I'll go check on your aunt."

Charlie reminded him, "Find out Marina's return plan, see when she's leaving, and make sure she doesn't go to see my wife, understood?"

Isaac straightened up, respectfully saying, "Young Master, rest assured, I understand!"

Charlie indeed didn't regard Marina highly, but he also worried that she might try other indirect methods.

She wanted him to take the initiative to divorce Claire, then return to the Wade family. He directly rejected her, but if she went to find his wife, that would be a bit tricky for him.

After all, Claire still didn't know his true identity.

And he wasn't ready to let her know yet.

At least, until he uncovered the truth behind his parents' deaths and avenged them, he didn't want his wife to know his identity.

After Charlie left, Isaac turned back towards the Sky Garden.

At that moment, Marina was already fuming with rage in the same spot.


The elegantly set Western dining table lay in disarray after she overturned it, leaving a mess on the floor.

Concerned about the shards of broken glass on the ground, the female head waitress from the Sky Garden hurried over with two servers to clean up, fearing that Marina might accidentally get hurt by the glass.

Marina, filled with rage and nowhere to vent it, exploded upon seeing the head waitress and two servers approaching. She grabbed one of the girls, raising her hand to slap her face repeatedly while muttering angrily, "Did I ask you to come? Did I ask you to come?!"

The girl endured several slaps and tearfully pleaded, "Miss, please calm down. I was only trying to prevent you from getting hurt by the glass, so we hurried to clean it up..."

Despite the girl's explanation, Marina's anger only intensified, increasing the force of her blows. She continued to scold, "You dare to come out only when I allow it? If I don't permit it, you'd better not even show me your face!"

Witnessing this, the head waitress hurriedly pleaded, "Miss, please don't be angry. It was my decision to act on my own, leading to this confrontation..."

Marina, with eyes blazing, kicked the head waitress in the stomach, coldly commanding, "You fools! All three of you are fired, now get out!"

The head waitress, after being kicked by Marina, let out a cry of pain and sat on the ground.

With glass shards scattered on the floor, she immediately felt a few pieces piercing into her skin.

Despite the sharp pain, she couldn't focus on the glass shards. Pale-faced, she clutched her stomach, in agony, saying, "My stomach hurts so much... Lily, please call an ambulance for me..."

Lily, the other server, who was a bit further away from Marina, was spared from the physical assault.

Seeing the head waitress in pain, Lily quickly asked with concern, "Nan, are you okay? Hang in there, I'll call for help right away!"

Marina scornfully looked at the head waitress, saying disdainfully, "Why pretend to be pitiful in front of me? Do you want me to compensate you?"

The girl who was dialling the emergency number retorted angrily, "How can you be like this! Nan is three months pregnant! You kicked her in the stomach. If anything happens to the baby, no amount of money can fix it!"

Marina furrowed her brows, coldly responding, "Who do you think you are to talk to me like that?"

The girl stood her ground, saying defiantly, "We are human beings! Not objects! Even if our status isn't as high as yours, our bodies are also given by our parents! Why do you have the right to lay a hand on us?!"

Marina was on the verge of exploding!

Throughout her life, apart from acting submissive in front of her father, no one had ever dared to defy her or speak to her in such a tone!

Today, she had been repeatedly challenged by Charlie and a few servers, fueling her growing anger.

Ignoring the head waitress's pregnancy, she stepped forward, snatched the phone from the girl who had defied her, waiting to connect the emergency line, and forcefully smashed it to pieces on the ground.

Immediately, she raised her hand and delivered a hard slap to the girl's face, gritting her teeth as she scolded, "You have no shame! Still daring to confront me here, looking for trouble, aren't you?!"

Just then, Isaac entered, witnessing the scene. He quickly inquired, "Miss, what's going on?"

Seeing Isaac, Marina coldly stated, "You're just in time! How do you usually manage your staff? They dare to defy even me! Are they trying to rebel?!"

Understanding that Marina had vented her anger on the three employees, Isaac immediately assured, "Miss, rest assured, I will deal with these three insubordinate individuals seriously! Please don't let anger affect your health. Shall I have someone escort you back to your room for a rest?"

Frustrated, Marina glared at Isaac, commanding coldly, "Completely ban these three despicable people!"

With that, she slapped Lily in the face, then swaggered away.

As he spoke, Marina extended a finger and imperiously said, "Firstly, regarding the matters of the Emgrand Group, you can continue to let Doris York handle it for you. We have investigated her and confirmed her capability. Moreover, the Emgrand Group has been developing well under her leadership, so you can trust her with it."

Then, Marina extended another finger and continued, "Secondly, it's about your current wife, Claire's family. We've looked into the Wilson family, and to be frank, in front of the Wade family, they are insignificant. What qualifications do they have to be related to the Wade family?"

At this point, Marina's expression turned disdainful as she sneered, "So, I advise you to divorce Claire as soon as possible and cut ties with her family. It would be best to give them a sum of money and make them leave China forever, to prevent any future scandal that might mock the Wade family for being indiscriminate in choosing spouses."

Upon hearing this, Charlie's face immediately turned grim, and his voice became increasingly icy as he said, "Aunt, my marriage is my own business and has nothing to do with you or the Wade family. Therefore, I kindly request that you and the Wade family refrain from interfering in any way."

Marina sighed and advised, "Little Charlie, don't be so impulsive. You must remember that you are a descendant of the Wade family! Among the wealthy second generation nationwide, there will definitely be a place for you with the highest status. How could that girl surnamed Wilson possibly be worthy of you? She is not even qualified to be your maid in ancient times!"

Charlie's tone carried a hint of anger as he retorted, "Aunt, Claire is my wife, and she married me at the lowest point of my life. I will never divorce her, so there's no need for you to say any more on this matter!"

With a regretful expression, Marina said, "Little Charlie! Don't let your emotions cloud your judgment!"

Charlie's voice turned cold as he stated, "When it comes to matters of the heart, emotions must be considered!"

Marina blurted out, "As a descendant of a prestigious family, emotions count for nothing! Do you remember your uncle? He seemed talented and treated me well for so many years, but so what? Once his family's strength couldn't match up to mine, I had to part ways with him! If it weren't for your grandfather's concern about my reputation as a woman initiating a divorce, he would have allowed me to break all ties with him long ago! As a male, you don't need to worry about divorce affecting your reputation. Just divorce that girl surnamed Wilson, return to Eastcliff, and marry a young lady from a suitable family. Your future will be limitless!"

Charlie sneered and said, "I'm sorry, but I place a lot of importance on my feelings. What you're suggesting is something I cannot do!"

Seeing that Charlie refused to accept her advice, Marina immediately spoke up, "Little Charlie! You must understand, the Wade family holds a prominent position among all the families in the country! Any woman who wants to marry into the Wade family must have a background that matches the Wade family's. Otherwise, it would be a burden on the Wade family and bring shame upon us! The reputation of the Wade family cannot be ruined by you or that lowly Wilson family!"

Charlie coldly responded, "I may bear the Wade surname, but I am not someone you can control or dictate. I make my own decisions about my marriage, and no one else has the right to interfere, including you!"

"You!" Marina immediately became furious, slammed the table, and stood up, angrily saying, "Charlie! Do you think I'm speaking nicely to you to discuss this with you?!"

"What?" Charlie asked in a cold voice, "Are you trying to force me to divorce?"

Marina scolded, "You are a descendant of the Wade family! You must obey the arrangements of the Wade family. Besides, do you think the Emgrand Group and the 10 billion cash were given to you for nothing? If you don't obey, the Wade family can raise you up, but they can also bring you down!"

Charlie also erupted in anger, and he said in a cold voice, "Don't bring up the Emgrand Group and the 10 billion cash! The reason why the Wade family was able to rise rapidly and stand at the pinnacle of the country in the past was due to my father's hard work and strategic decisions! In terms of inheritance, my father is entitled to at least a quarter of the Wade family's assets. If we talk about assets, even if it's 100 trillion, it's rightfully mine!"

With a more severe tone, Charlie continued, "My father did so much for the Wade family, but how did you repay him? You forced our family of three out of Eastcliff! In the end, it led to the tragic deaths of my parents! I haven't settled this score with you yet!"


Marina never expected that Charlie would dare to speak to her like this!

And when Charlie mentioned that he should inherit a quarter of the Wade family's assets, she was immediately furious!

She directly scolded him, "Nonsense! Who do you think you are to inherit a quarter of the Wade family's assets?!"

Charlie coldly replied, "Just because I am Charlie Wade! Just because my father is Drake Wade!"

Marina rebuked him, "Your father has been dead for many years. What makes you think you can still inherit the Wade family's assets?! I'm telling you, you're not worthy!"

The phrase "a married daughter is like spilled water" was the most hated sentence in Marina's life. Even though she had been married for a long time, she had always coveted the family property of the Wade family.

Now, after separating from her husband and cutting off all ties, she pinned all her hopes for the future on the Wade family's assets!

However, the eldest son Ciprian, the third son Emil, and the fourth son Finnian had always been hostile to Marina. They often reminded her, both openly and subtly, not to covet the family assets because she had already married out and was no longer part of the Wade family, unworthy of inheriting the family assets!

Naturally, Marina was deeply resentful!

She felt that she couldn't rely on her husband's family, and the only one she could rely on was the patriarch of the Wade family!

So, no matter what, she had to please the patriarch to ensure that he would leave her with enough inheritance to live comfortably for the rest of her life. This was her current desperate goal.

But what she didn't expect was that Charlie, who had been away from home for nearly twenty years, dared to speak such words in front of her. It was like stepping on her tail, making her immediately furious!

So, she gritted her teeth and scolded Charlie, "Charlie! Let me tell you! If you show some sense and obey all the orders of the Wade family, the Wade family will naturally not mistreat you in the future and will ensure you a lifetime of comfort!"

Then, her tone turned threatening, "But if you don't show some sense! Let me tell you, the Wade family can raise you up, but they can also bring you down! At that time, the Emgrand Group and that one billion will all leave you! In the end, you will still be looked down upon by everyone, including your wife's family!"

In her out-of-control state, Marina's voice even carried a hint of hoarseness.

In the entire sky garden, her desperate voice echoed.

Isaac quickly had all the staff leave and stepped out of the sky garden banquet hall himself, standing outside the door.

At a time like this, anything that even slightly displeased Marina could further escalate her emotions.

Seeing Marina's expression filled with intense resentment, Charlie couldn't help but smirk and ask her, "So ruthless? Then I'd like to ask, what orders does the Wade family have for me if I show some sense?"


Marina thought that his threats had softened Charlie, so she immediately sneered, "First divorce your lowly-born wife, then return to the Wade family to serve your grandfather. Now Geraldo has unified the Snow family, reaching an unprecedented peak of control over the entire Snow family. His daughter is engaged to you, marrying her would greatly benefit the Wade family."

With that said, Marina continued, "Alternatively, you could also try the eldest granddaughter of the Salvador family, who is Virtuoso's daughter. She is highly favoured in the Salvador family, and her mother was once one of your father's pursuers. If you can win her over, it would be even more beneficial for the Wade family!"

"So, after divorcing that woman, make an effort to develop a relationship with the Salvador family's eldest granddaughter. If you can win her over, marry her. If not, fulfill the engagement with Geraldo's daughter!"

Charlie chuckled lightly, "So the Wade family wants me to sell myself for their benefit, huh?"

Marina coldly replied, "It's not exactly selling yourself. After all, marriage alliances are quite common in high society. It's not only beneficial for the Wade family but also for you!"

Charlie sarcastically smiled, "Auntie, if marriage alliances have so many benefits, why don't you just divorce and try to get involved with either Geraldo or Virtuoso? If you could get involved with either of them, wouldn't it also greatly benefit the Wade family?!"

Upon hearing this, Marina felt like she had been repeatedly slapped in the face by Charlie, realizing that he seemed to be softening just to humiliate her!

Thinking this, she suddenly became furious, gritting her teeth and cursing, "You beast! I am your aunt! How dare you insult me?!"

Charlie coldly retorted, "Insult you? Insulting you would be giving you face. If you were a man, I would have punched you eight times by now!"

Marina was almost overwhelmed with anger, clutching her chest with a fierce expression.

At this point, Charlie was no longer interested in staying, stood up, and disdainfully said to Marina, "Go back and tell the patriarch, if he wants the Emgrand Group and that one ten billion back, I can return it anytime!"

With a stern expression, he continued, "But!"

"I will settle the score with my parents in the future!"

"At that time, everyone responsible for this matter will have to pay me back with interest! No one can escape, not even him!"

"You... you..." Marina trembled with anger, pointing at Charlie and angrily exclaimed, "You scoundrel! Relying on being the heir of the Wade family, you dare to disrespect your grandfather like this! This is outrageous!"

Charlie coldly replied, "So what if I disrespect him? If you're not satisfied, you can go and complain to him!"

Gritting her teeth, Marina said, "Fine! I will report every word you said today to your grandfather truthfully. If you revert to your old self, don't blame me, your aunt, for not giving you a chance!"

"Give me a chance?" Charlie sneered, "You don't even deserve to give me any chance! But if in the future I find out that you were involved in the deaths of my parents, don't expect me to give you a chance either!"

"You've crossed the line! You've crossed the line!" Marina was completely provoked by Charlie, grabbing a delicate empty wine glass from the table and smashing it on the ground, hysterically shouting, "I will make you regret this!"

Charlie nodded, disdainfully sneering, "Use whatever means you have, I'll be waiting!"

With that, he walked straight towards the door without looking back.


Witnessing Charlie leaving, his aunt Marina couldn't help but angrily shout, "Charlie! I haven't left yet, who gave you the right to leave first! I am your elder, your aunt! If you dare to show such disrespect towards me, I will make you pay for it!"

Charlie paid no attention to her.

In his eyes, this aunt of his was nothing but a fool who had been spoiled by the family's prestige.

Always carrying herself with airs and graces, clearly sent by the patriarch to handle official matters, but only concerned about her own pride and face. Such a person, even in the Wade family, would not amount to much.

Therefore, Charlie couldn't be bothered to waste any more time with her.

Upon leaving the house, Charlie directly departed from the Sky Garden.

Isaac hurriedly approached him, nervously saying, "Young Master, why put yourself in such a predicament? What if Miss Wade complains to the patriarch, then your situation will become passive!"

"And so what?" Charlie chuckled, "Despite her being part of the Wade family, she's just the patriarch's lapdog. If she wants to bite me, she still needs to consider the patriarch's opinion! If the patriarch truly wants to come after me, let him come at me with all he's got!"

With that, Charlie added, "The reason I'm only scolding her now and not hitting or killing her is out of consideration for our blood relation. If they strike first, I won't even care about that bit of blood ties! Anyone from the Wade family who dares to bark arrogantly in front of me, I'll cripple them on the spot! If anyone dares to lay a hand on me or my people, I'll demand their life!"

At that moment, a strong sense of killing intent emanated from Charlie!

Beside him, Isaac sighed helplessly.

At this moment, his concern was not about how the Wade family would treat Charlie in the future, but rather, he worried that if the Wade family members angered Charlie, he might not spare them.

If they really came to blows, the Wade family might not be a match for Charlie.

He escorted Charlie to the entrance of Shangri-La, respectfully saying, "Young Master, where are you headed? Let me drive you."

Charlie waved his hand, "No need, if you were to send me now, the Wade family would become suspicious. Go check on Marina, and see what her next move is."

Isaac nodded gently, "Young Master, I'll go check on your aunt."

Charlie reminded him, "Find out Marina's return plan, see when she's leaving, and make sure she doesn't go to see my wife, understood?"

Isaac straightened up, respectfully saying, "Young Master, rest assured, I understand!"

Charlie indeed didn't regard Marina highly, but he also worried that she might try other indirect methods.

She wanted him to take the initiative to divorce Claire, then return to the Wade family. He directly rejected her, but if she went to find his wife, that would be a bit tricky for him.

After all, Claire still didn't know his true identity.

And he wasn't ready to let her know yet.

At least, until he uncovered the truth behind his parents' deaths and avenged them, he didn't want his wife to know his identity.

After Charlie left, Isaac turned back towards the Sky Garden.

At that moment, Marina was already fuming with rage in the same spot.


The elegantly set Western dining table lay in disarray after she overturned it, leaving a mess on the floor.

Concerned about the shards of broken glass on the ground, the female head waitress from the Sky Garden hurried over with two servers to clean up, fearing that Marina might accidentally get hurt by the glass.

Marina, filled with rage and nowhere to vent it, exploded upon seeing the head waitress and two servers approaching. She grabbed one of the girls, raising her hand to slap her face repeatedly while muttering angrily, "Did I ask you to come? Did I ask you to come?!"

The girl endured several slaps and tearfully pleaded, "Miss, please calm down. I was only trying to prevent you from getting hurt by the glass, so we hurried to clean it up..."

Despite the girl's explanation, Marina's anger only intensified, increasing the force of her blows. She continued to scold, "You dare to come out only when I allow it? If I don't permit it, you'd better not even show me your face!"

Witnessing this, the head waitress hurriedly pleaded, "Miss, please don't be angry. It was my decision to act on my own, leading to this confrontation..."

Marina, with eyes blazing, kicked the head waitress in the stomach, coldly commanding, "You fools! All three of you are fired, now get out!"

The head waitress, after being kicked by Marina, let out a cry of pain and sat on the ground.

With glass shards scattered on the floor, she immediately felt a few pieces piercing into her skin.

Despite the sharp pain, she couldn't focus on the glass shards. Pale-faced, she clutched her stomach, in agony, saying, "My stomach hurts so much... Lily, please call an ambulance for me..."

Lily, the other server, who was a bit further away from Marina, was spared from the physical assault.

Seeing the head waitress in pain, Lily quickly asked with concern, "Nan, are you okay? Hang in there, I'll call for help right away!"

Marina scornfully looked at the head waitress, saying disdainfully, "Why pretend to be pitiful in front of me? Do you want me to compensate you?"

The girl who was dialling the emergency number retorted angrily, "How can you be like this! Nan is three months pregnant! You kicked her in the stomach. If anything happens to the baby, no amount of money can fix it!"

Marina furrowed her brows, coldly responding, "Who do you think you are to talk to me like that?"

The girl stood her ground, saying defiantly, "We are human beings! Not objects! Even if our status isn't as high as yours, our bodies are also given by our parents! Why do you have the right to lay a hand on us?!"

Marina was on the verge of exploding!

Throughout her life, apart from acting submissive in front of her father, no one had ever dared to defy her or speak to her in such a tone!

Today, she had been repeatedly challenged by Charlie and a few servers, fueling her growing anger.

Ignoring the head waitress's pregnancy, she stepped forward, snatched the phone from the girl who had defied her, waiting to connect the emergency line, and forcefully smashed it to pieces on the ground.

Immediately, she raised her hand and delivered a hard slap to the girl's face, gritting her teeth as she scolded, "You have no shame! Still daring to confront me here, looking for trouble, aren't you?!"

Just then, Isaac entered, witnessing the scene. He quickly inquired, "Miss, what's going on?"

Seeing Isaac, Marina coldly stated, "You're just in time! How do you usually manage your staff? They dare to defy even me! Are they trying to rebel?!"

Understanding that Marina had vented her anger on the three employees, Isaac immediately assured, "Miss, rest assured, I will deal with these three insubordinate individuals seriously! Please don't let anger affect your health. Shall I have someone escort you back to your room for a rest?"

Frustrated, Marina glared at Isaac, commanding coldly, "Completely ban these three despicable people!"

With that, she slapped Lily in the face, then swaggered away.
This Marina is truly despicable

As he spoke, Marina extended a finger and imperiously said, "Firstly, regarding the matters of the Emgrand Group, you can continue to let Doris York handle it for you. We have investigated her and confirmed her capability. Moreover, the Emgrand Group has been developing well under her leadership, so you can trust her with it."

Then, Marina extended another finger and continued, "Secondly, it's about your current wife, Claire's family. We've looked into the Wilson family, and to be frank, in front of the Wade family, they are insignificant. What qualifications do they have to be related to the Wade family?"

At this point, Marina's expression turned disdainful as she sneered, "So, I advise you to divorce Claire as soon as possible and cut ties with her family. It would be best to give them a sum of money and make them leave China forever, to prevent any future scandal that might mock the Wade family for being indiscriminate in choosing spouses."

Upon hearing this, Charlie's face immediately turned grim, and his voice became increasingly icy as he said, "Aunt, my marriage is my own business and has nothing to do with you or the Wade family. Therefore, I kindly request that you and the Wade family refrain from interfering in any way."

Marina sighed and advised, "Little Charlie, don't be so impulsive. You must remember that you are a descendant of the Wade family! Among the wealthy second generation nationwide, there will definitely be a place for you with the highest status. How could that girl surnamed Wilson possibly be worthy of you? She is not even qualified to be your maid in ancient times!"

Charlie's tone carried a hint of anger as he retorted, "Aunt, Claire is my wife, and she married me at the lowest point of my life. I will never divorce her, so there's no need for you to say any more on this matter!"

With a regretful expression, Marina said, "Little Charlie! Don't let your emotions cloud your judgment!"

Charlie's voice turned cold as he stated, "When it comes to matters of the heart, emotions must be considered!"

Marina blurted out, "As a descendant of a prestigious family, emotions count for nothing! Do you remember your uncle? He seemed talented and treated me well for so many years, but so what? Once his family's strength couldn't match up to mine, I had to part ways with him! If it weren't for your grandfather's concern about my reputation as a woman initiating a divorce, he would have allowed me to break all ties with him long ago! As a male, you don't need to worry about divorce affecting your reputation. Just divorce that girl surnamed Wilson, return to Eastcliff, and marry a young lady from a suitable family. Your future will be limitless!"

Charlie sneered and said, "I'm sorry, but I place a lot of importance on my feelings. What you're suggesting is something I cannot do!"

Seeing that Charlie refused to accept her advice, Marina immediately spoke up, "Little Charlie! You must understand, the Wade family holds a prominent position among all the families in the country! Any woman who wants to marry into the Wade family must have a background that matches the Wade family's. Otherwise, it would be a burden on the Wade family and bring shame upon us! The reputation of the Wade family cannot be ruined by you or that lowly Wilson family!"

Charlie coldly responded, "I may bear the Wade surname, but I am not someone you can control or dictate. I make my own decisions about my marriage, and no one else has the right to interfere, including you!"

"You!" Marina immediately became furious, slammed the table, and stood up, angrily saying, "Charlie! Do you think I'm speaking nicely to you to discuss this with you?!"

"What?" Charlie asked in a cold voice, "Are you trying to force me to divorce?"

Marina scolded, "You are a descendant of the Wade family! You must obey the arrangements of the Wade family. Besides, do you think the Emgrand Group and the 10 billion cash were given to you for nothing? If you don't obey, the Wade family can raise you up, but they can also bring you down!"

Charlie also erupted in anger, and he said in a cold voice, "Don't bring up the Emgrand Group and the 10 billion cash! The reason why the Wade family was able to rise rapidly and stand at the pinnacle of the country in the past was due to my father's hard work and strategic decisions! In terms of inheritance, my father is entitled to at least a quarter of the Wade family's assets. If we talk about assets, even if it's 100 trillion, it's rightfully mine!"

With a more severe tone, Charlie continued, "My father did so much for the Wade family, but how did you repay him? You forced our family of three out of Eastcliff! In the end, it led to the tragic deaths of my parents! I haven't settled this score with you yet!"


Marina never expected that Charlie would dare to speak to her like this!

And when Charlie mentioned that he should inherit a quarter of the Wade family's assets, she was immediately furious!

She directly scolded him, "Nonsense! Who do you think you are to inherit a quarter of the Wade family's assets?!"

Charlie coldly replied, "Just because I am Charlie Wade! Just because my father is Drake Wade!"

Marina rebuked him, "Your father has been dead for many years. What makes you think you can still inherit the Wade family's assets?! I'm telling you, you're not worthy!"

The phrase "a married daughter is like spilled water" was the most hated sentence in Marina's life. Even though she had been married for a long time, she had always coveted the family property of the Wade family.

Now, after separating from her husband and cutting off all ties, she pinned all her hopes for the future on the Wade family's assets!

However, the eldest son Ciprian, the third son Emil, and the fourth son Finnian had always been hostile to Marina. They often reminded her, both openly and subtly, not to covet the family assets because she had already married out and was no longer part of the Wade family, unworthy of inheriting the family assets!

Naturally, Marina was deeply resentful!

She felt that she couldn't rely on her husband's family, and the only one she could rely on was the patriarch of the Wade family!

So, no matter what, she had to please the patriarch to ensure that he would leave her with enough inheritance to live comfortably for the rest of her life. This was her current desperate goal.

But what she didn't expect was that Charlie, who had been away from home for nearly twenty years, dared to speak such words in front of her. It was like stepping on her tail, making her immediately furious!

So, she gritted her teeth and scolded Charlie, "Charlie! Let me tell you! If you show some sense and obey all the orders of the Wade family, the Wade family will naturally not mistreat you in the future and will ensure you a lifetime of comfort!"

Then, her tone turned threatening, "But if you don't show some sense! Let me tell you, the Wade family can raise you up, but they can also bring you down! At that time, the Emgrand Group and that one billion will all leave you! In the end, you will still be looked down upon by everyone, including your wife's family!"

In her out-of-control state, Marina's voice even carried a hint of hoarseness.

In the entire sky garden, her desperate voice echoed.

Isaac quickly had all the staff leave and stepped out of the sky garden banquet hall himself, standing outside the door.

At a time like this, anything that even slightly displeased Marina could further escalate her emotions.

Seeing Marina's expression filled with intense resentment, Charlie couldn't help but smirk and ask her, "So ruthless? Then I'd like to ask, what orders does the Wade family have for me if I show some sense?"


Marina thought that his threats had softened Charlie, so she immediately sneered, "First divorce your lowly-born wife, then return to the Wade family to serve your grandfather. Now Geraldo has unified the Snow family, reaching an unprecedented peak of control over the entire Snow family. His daughter is engaged to you, marrying her would greatly benefit the Wade family."

With that said, Marina continued, "Alternatively, you could also try the eldest granddaughter of the Salvador family, who is Virtuoso's daughter. She is highly favoured in the Salvador family, and her mother was once one of your father's pursuers. If you can win her over, it would be even more beneficial for the Wade family!"

"So, after divorcing that woman, make an effort to develop a relationship with the Salvador family's eldest granddaughter. If you can win her over, marry her. If not, fulfill the engagement with Geraldo's daughter!"

Charlie chuckled lightly, "So the Wade family wants me to sell myself for their benefit, huh?"

Marina coldly replied, "It's not exactly selling yourself. After all, marriage alliances are quite common in high society. It's not only beneficial for the Wade family but also for you!"

Charlie sarcastically smiled, "Auntie, if marriage alliances have so many benefits, why don't you just divorce and try to get involved with either Geraldo or Virtuoso? If you could get involved with either of them, wouldn't it also greatly benefit the Wade family?!"

Upon hearing this, Marina felt like she had been repeatedly slapped in the face by Charlie, realizing that he seemed to be softening just to humiliate her!

Thinking this, she suddenly became furious, gritting her teeth and cursing, "You beast! I am your aunt! How dare you insult me?!"

Charlie coldly retorted, "Insult you? Insulting you would be giving you face. If you were a man, I would have punched you eight times by now!"

Marina was almost overwhelmed with anger, clutching her chest with a fierce expression.

At this point, Charlie was no longer interested in staying, stood up, and disdainfully said to Marina, "Go back and tell the patriarch, if he wants the Emgrand Group and that one ten billion back, I can return it anytime!"

With a stern expression, he continued, "But!"

"I will settle the score with my parents in the future!"

"At that time, everyone responsible for this matter will have to pay me back with interest! No one can escape, not even him!"

"You... you..." Marina trembled with anger, pointing at Charlie and angrily exclaimed, "You scoundrel! Relying on being the heir of the Wade family, you dare to disrespect your grandfather like this! This is outrageous!"

Charlie coldly replied, "So what if I disrespect him? If you're not satisfied, you can go and complain to him!"

Gritting her teeth, Marina said, "Fine! I will report every word you said today to your grandfather truthfully. If you revert to your old self, don't blame me, your aunt, for not giving you a chance!"

"Give me a chance?" Charlie sneered, "You don't even deserve to give me any chance! But if in the future I find out that you were involved in the deaths of my parents, don't expect me to give you a chance either!"

"You've crossed the line! You've crossed the line!" Marina was completely provoked by Charlie, grabbing a delicate empty wine glass from the table and smashing it on the ground, hysterically shouting, "I will make you regret this!"

Charlie nodded, disdainfully sneering, "Use whatever means you have, I'll be waiting!"

With that, he walked straight towards the door without looking back.


Witnessing Charlie leaving, his aunt Marina couldn't help but angrily shout, "Charlie! I haven't left yet, who gave you the right to leave first! I am your elder, your aunt! If you dare to show such disrespect towards me, I will make you pay for it!"

Charlie paid no attention to her.

In his eyes, this aunt of his was nothing but a fool who had been spoiled by the family's prestige.

Always carrying herself with airs and graces, clearly sent by the patriarch to handle official matters, but only concerned about her own pride and face. Such a person, even in the Wade family, would not amount to much.

Therefore, Charlie couldn't be bothered to waste any more time with her.

Upon leaving the house, Charlie directly departed from the Sky Garden.

Isaac hurriedly approached him, nervously saying, "Young Master, why put yourself in such a predicament? What if Miss Wade complains to the patriarch, then your situation will become passive!"

"And so what?" Charlie chuckled, "Despite her being part of the Wade family, she's just the patriarch's lapdog. If she wants to bite me, she still needs to consider the patriarch's opinion! If the patriarch truly wants to come after me, let him come at me with all he's got!"

With that, Charlie added, "The reason I'm only scolding her now and not hitting or killing her is out of consideration for our blood relation. If they strike first, I won't even care about that bit of blood ties! Anyone from the Wade family who dares to bark arrogantly in front of me, I'll cripple them on the spot! If anyone dares to lay a hand on me or my people, I'll demand their life!"

At that moment, a strong sense of killing intent emanated from Charlie!

Beside him, Isaac sighed helplessly.

At this moment, his concern was not about how the Wade family would treat Charlie in the future, but rather, he worried that if the Wade family members angered Charlie, he might not spare them.

If they really came to blows, the Wade family might not be a match for Charlie.

He escorted Charlie to the entrance of Shangri-La, respectfully saying, "Young Master, where are you headed? Let me drive you."

Charlie waved his hand, "No need, if you were to send me now, the Wade family would become suspicious. Go check on Marina, and see what her next move is."

Isaac nodded gently, "Young Master, I'll go check on your aunt."

Charlie reminded him, "Find out Marina's return plan, see when she's leaving, and make sure she doesn't go to see my wife, understood?"

Isaac straightened up, respectfully saying, "Young Master, rest assured, I understand!"

Charlie indeed didn't regard Marina highly, but he also worried that she might try other indirect methods.

She wanted him to take the initiative to divorce Claire, then return to the Wade family. He directly rejected her, but if she went to find his wife, that would be a bit tricky for him.

After all, Claire still didn't know his true identity.

And he wasn't ready to let her know yet.

At least, until he uncovered the truth behind his parents' deaths and avenged them, he didn't want his wife to know his identity.

After Charlie left, Isaac turned back towards the Sky Garden.

At that moment, Marina was already fuming with rage in the same spot.


The elegantly set Western dining table lay in disarray after she overturned it, leaving a mess on the floor.

Concerned about the shards of broken glass on the ground, the female head waitress from the Sky Garden hurried over with two servers to clean up, fearing that Marina might accidentally get hurt by the glass.

Marina, filled with rage and nowhere to vent it, exploded upon seeing the head waitress and two servers approaching. She grabbed one of the girls, raising her hand to slap her face repeatedly while muttering angrily, "Did I ask you to come? Did I ask you to come?!"

The girl endured several slaps and tearfully pleaded, "Miss, please calm down. I was only trying to prevent you from getting hurt by the glass, so we hurried to clean it up..."

Despite the girl's explanation, Marina's anger only intensified, increasing the force of her blows. She continued to scold, "You dare to come out only when I allow it? If I don't permit it, you'd better not even show me your face!"

Witnessing this, the head waitress hurriedly pleaded, "Miss, please don't be angry. It was my decision to act on my own, leading to this confrontation..."

Marina, with eyes blazing, kicked the head waitress in the stomach, coldly commanding, "You fools! All three of you are fired, now get out!"

The head waitress, after being kicked by Marina, let out a cry of pain and sat on the ground.

With glass shards scattered on the floor, she immediately felt a few pieces piercing into her skin.

Despite the sharp pain, she couldn't focus on the glass shards. Pale-faced, she clutched her stomach, in agony, saying, "My stomach hurts so much... Lily, please call an ambulance for me..."

Lily, the other server, who was a bit further away from Marina, was spared from the physical assault.

Seeing the head waitress in pain, Lily quickly asked with concern, "Nan, are you okay? Hang in there, I'll call for help right away!"

Marina scornfully looked at the head waitress, saying disdainfully, "Why pretend to be pitiful in front of me? Do you want me to compensate you?"

The girl who was dialling the emergency number retorted angrily, "How can you be like this! Nan is three months pregnant! You kicked her in the stomach. If anything happens to the baby, no amount of money can fix it!"

Marina furrowed her brows, coldly responding, "Who do you think you are to talk to me like that?"

The girl stood her ground, saying defiantly, "We are human beings! Not objects! Even if our status isn't as high as yours, our bodies are also given by our parents! Why do you have the right to lay a hand on us?!"

Marina was on the verge of exploding!

Throughout her life, apart from acting submissive in front of her father, no one had ever dared to defy her or speak to her in such a tone!

Today, she had been repeatedly challenged by Charlie and a few servers, fueling her growing anger.

Ignoring the head waitress's pregnancy, she stepped forward, snatched the phone from the girl who had defied her, waiting to connect the emergency line, and forcefully smashed it to pieces on the ground.

Immediately, she raised her hand and delivered a hard slap to the girl's face, gritting her teeth as she scolded, "You have no shame! Still daring to confront me here, looking for trouble, aren't you?!"

Just then, Isaac entered, witnessing the scene. He quickly inquired, "Miss, what's going on?"

Seeing Isaac, Marina coldly stated, "You're just in time! How do you usually manage your staff? They dare to defy even me! Are they trying to rebel?!"

Understanding that Marina had vented her anger on the three employees, Isaac immediately assured, "Miss, rest assured, I will deal with these three insubordinate individuals seriously! Please don't let anger affect your health. Shall I have someone escort you back to your room for a rest?"

Frustrated, Marina glared at Isaac, commanding coldly, "Completely ban these three despicable people!"

With that, she slapped Lily in the face, then swaggered away.
Marina, you are sitting on a time bomb. You'll regret confronting that impotent Charlie.

As he spoke, Marina extended a finger and imperiously said, "Firstly, regarding the matters of the Emgrand Group, you can continue to let Doris York handle it for you. We have investigated her and confirmed her capability. Moreover, the Emgrand Group has been developing well under her leadership, so you can trust her with it."

Then, Marina extended another finger and continued, "Secondly, it's about your current wife, Claire's family. We've looked into the Wilson family, and to be frank, in front of the Wade family, they are insignificant. What qualifications do they have to be related to the Wade family?"

At this point, Marina's expression turned disdainful as she sneered, "So, I advise you to divorce Claire as soon as possible and cut ties with her family. It would be best to give them a sum of money and make them leave China forever, to prevent any future scandal that might mock the Wade family for being indiscriminate in choosing spouses."

Upon hearing this, Charlie's face immediately turned grim, and his voice became increasingly icy as he said, "Aunt, my marriage is my own business and has nothing to do with you or the Wade family. Therefore, I kindly request that you and the Wade family refrain from interfering in any way."

Marina sighed and advised, "Little Charlie, don't be so impulsive. You must remember that you are a descendant of the Wade family! Among the wealthy second generation nationwide, there will definitely be a place for you with the highest status. How could that girl surnamed Wilson possibly be worthy of you? She is not even qualified to be your maid in ancient times!"

Charlie's tone carried a hint of anger as he retorted, "Aunt, Claire is my wife, and she married me at the lowest point of my life. I will never divorce her, so there's no need for you to say any more on this matter!"

With a regretful expression, Marina said, "Little Charlie! Don't let your emotions cloud your judgment!"

Charlie's voice turned cold as he stated, "When it comes to matters of the heart, emotions must be considered!"

Marina blurted out, "As a descendant of a prestigious family, emotions count for nothing! Do you remember your uncle? He seemed talented and treated me well for so many years, but so what? Once his family's strength couldn't match up to mine, I had to part ways with him! If it weren't for your grandfather's concern about my reputation as a woman initiating a divorce, he would have allowed me to break all ties with him long ago! As a male, you don't need to worry about divorce affecting your reputation. Just divorce that girl surnamed Wilson, return to Eastcliff, and marry a young lady from a suitable family. Your future will be limitless!"

Charlie sneered and said, "I'm sorry, but I place a lot of importance on my feelings. What you're suggesting is something I cannot do!"

Seeing that Charlie refused to accept her advice, Marina immediately spoke up, "Little Charlie! You must understand, the Wade family holds a prominent position among all the families in the country! Any woman who wants to marry into the Wade family must have a background that matches the Wade family's. Otherwise, it would be a burden on the Wade family and bring shame upon us! The reputation of the Wade family cannot be ruined by you or that lowly Wilson family!"

Charlie coldly responded, "I may bear the Wade surname, but I am not someone you can control or dictate. I make my own decisions about my marriage, and no one else has the right to interfere, including you!"

"You!" Marina immediately became furious, slammed the table, and stood up, angrily saying, "Charlie! Do you think I'm speaking nicely to you to discuss this with you?!"

"What?" Charlie asked in a cold voice, "Are you trying to force me to divorce?"

Marina scolded, "You are a descendant of the Wade family! You must obey the arrangements of the Wade family. Besides, do you think the Emgrand Group and the 10 billion cash were given to you for nothing? If you don't obey, the Wade family can raise you up, but they can also bring you down!"

Charlie also erupted in anger, and he said in a cold voice, "Don't bring up the Emgrand Group and the 10 billion cash! The reason why the Wade family was able to rise rapidly and stand at the pinnacle of the country in the past was due to my father's hard work and strategic decisions! In terms of inheritance, my father is entitled to at least a quarter of the Wade family's assets. If we talk about assets, even if it's 100 trillion, it's rightfully mine!"

With a more severe tone, Charlie continued, "My father did so much for the Wade family, but how did you repay him? You forced our family of three out of Eastcliff! In the end, it led to the tragic deaths of my parents! I haven't settled this score with you yet!"


Marina never expected that Charlie would dare to speak to her like this!

And when Charlie mentioned that he should inherit a quarter of the Wade family's assets, she was immediately furious!

She directly scolded him, "Nonsense! Who do you think you are to inherit a quarter of the Wade family's assets?!"

Charlie coldly replied, "Just because I am Charlie Wade! Just because my father is Drake Wade!"

Marina rebuked him, "Your father has been dead for many years. What makes you think you can still inherit the Wade family's assets?! I'm telling you, you're not worthy!"

The phrase "a married daughter is like spilled water" was the most hated sentence in Marina's life. Even though she had been married for a long time, she had always coveted the family property of the Wade family.

Now, after separating from her husband and cutting off all ties, she pinned all her hopes for the future on the Wade family's assets!

However, the eldest son Ciprian, the third son Emil, and the fourth son Finnian had always been hostile to Marina. They often reminded her, both openly and subtly, not to covet the family assets because she had already married out and was no longer part of the Wade family, unworthy of inheriting the family assets!

Naturally, Marina was deeply resentful!

She felt that she couldn't rely on her husband's family, and the only one she could rely on was the patriarch of the Wade family!

So, no matter what, she had to please the patriarch to ensure that he would leave her with enough inheritance to live comfortably for the rest of her life. This was her current desperate goal.

But what she didn't expect was that Charlie, who had been away from home for nearly twenty years, dared to speak such words in front of her. It was like stepping on her tail, making her immediately furious!

So, she gritted her teeth and scolded Charlie, "Charlie! Let me tell you! If you show some sense and obey all the orders of the Wade family, the Wade family will naturally not mistreat you in the future and will ensure you a lifetime of comfort!"

Then, her tone turned threatening, "But if you don't show some sense! Let me tell you, the Wade family can raise you up, but they can also bring you down! At that time, the Emgrand Group and that one billion will all leave you! In the end, you will still be looked down upon by everyone, including your wife's family!"

In her out-of-control state, Marina's voice even carried a hint of hoarseness.

In the entire sky garden, her desperate voice echoed.

Isaac quickly had all the staff leave and stepped out of the sky garden banquet hall himself, standing outside the door.

At a time like this, anything that even slightly displeased Marina could further escalate her emotions.

Seeing Marina's expression filled with intense resentment, Charlie couldn't help but smirk and ask her, "So ruthless? Then I'd like to ask, what orders does the Wade family have for me if I show some sense?"


Marina thought that his threats had softened Charlie, so she immediately sneered, "First divorce your lowly-born wife, then return to the Wade family to serve your grandfather. Now Geraldo has unified the Snow family, reaching an unprecedented peak of control over the entire Snow family. His daughter is engaged to you, marrying her would greatly benefit the Wade family."

With that said, Marina continued, "Alternatively, you could also try the eldest granddaughter of the Salvador family, who is Virtuoso's daughter. She is highly favoured in the Salvador family, and her mother was once one of your father's pursuers. If you can win her over, it would be even more beneficial for the Wade family!"

"So, after divorcing that woman, make an effort to develop a relationship with the Salvador family's eldest granddaughter. If you can win her over, marry her. If not, fulfill the engagement with Geraldo's daughter!"

Charlie chuckled lightly, "So the Wade family wants me to sell myself for their benefit, huh?"

Marina coldly replied, "It's not exactly selling yourself. After all, marriage alliances are quite common in high society. It's not only beneficial for the Wade family but also for you!"

Charlie sarcastically smiled, "Auntie, if marriage alliances have so many benefits, why don't you just divorce and try to get involved with either Geraldo or Virtuoso? If you could get involved with either of them, wouldn't it also greatly benefit the Wade family?!"

Upon hearing this, Marina felt like she had been repeatedly slapped in the face by Charlie, realizing that he seemed to be softening just to humiliate her!

Thinking this, she suddenly became furious, gritting her teeth and cursing, "You beast! I am your aunt! How dare you insult me?!"

Charlie coldly retorted, "Insult you? Insulting you would be giving you face. If you were a man, I would have punched you eight times by now!"

Marina was almost overwhelmed with anger, clutching her chest with a fierce expression.

At this point, Charlie was no longer interested in staying, stood up, and disdainfully said to Marina, "Go back and tell the patriarch, if he wants the Emgrand Group and that one ten billion back, I can return it anytime!"

With a stern expression, he continued, "But!"

"I will settle the score with my parents in the future!"

"At that time, everyone responsible for this matter will have to pay me back with interest! No one can escape, not even him!"

"You... you..." Marina trembled with anger, pointing at Charlie and angrily exclaimed, "You scoundrel! Relying on being the heir of the Wade family, you dare to disrespect your grandfather like this! This is outrageous!"

Charlie coldly replied, "So what if I disrespect him? If you're not satisfied, you can go and complain to him!"

Gritting her teeth, Marina said, "Fine! I will report every word you said today to your grandfather truthfully. If you revert to your old self, don't blame me, your aunt, for not giving you a chance!"

"Give me a chance?" Charlie sneered, "You don't even deserve to give me any chance! But if in the future I find out that you were involved in the deaths of my parents, don't expect me to give you a chance either!"

"You've crossed the line! You've crossed the line!" Marina was completely provoked by Charlie, grabbing a delicate empty wine glass from the table and smashing it on the ground, hysterically shouting, "I will make you regret this!"

Charlie nodded, disdainfully sneering, "Use whatever means you have, I'll be waiting!"

With that, he walked straight towards the door without looking back.


Witnessing Charlie leaving, his aunt Marina couldn't help but angrily shout, "Charlie! I haven't left yet, who gave you the right to leave first! I am your elder, your aunt! If you dare to show such disrespect towards me, I will make you pay for it!"

Charlie paid no attention to her.

In his eyes, this aunt of his was nothing but a fool who had been spoiled by the family's prestige.

Always carrying herself with airs and graces, clearly sent by the patriarch to handle official matters, but only concerned about her own pride and face. Such a person, even in the Wade family, would not amount to much.

Therefore, Charlie couldn't be bothered to waste any more time with her.

Upon leaving the house, Charlie directly departed from the Sky Garden.

Isaac hurriedly approached him, nervously saying, "Young Master, why put yourself in such a predicament? What if Miss Wade complains to the patriarch, then your situation will become passive!"

"And so what?" Charlie chuckled, "Despite her being part of the Wade family, she's just the patriarch's lapdog. If she wants to bite me, she still needs to consider the patriarch's opinion! If the patriarch truly wants to come after me, let him come at me with all he's got!"

With that, Charlie added, "The reason I'm only scolding her now and not hitting or killing her is out of consideration for our blood relation. If they strike first, I won't even care about that bit of blood ties! Anyone from the Wade family who dares to bark arrogantly in front of me, I'll cripple them on the spot! If anyone dares to lay a hand on me or my people, I'll demand their life!"

At that moment, a strong sense of killing intent emanated from Charlie!

Beside him, Isaac sighed helplessly.

At this moment, his concern was not about how the Wade family would treat Charlie in the future, but rather, he worried that if the Wade family members angered Charlie, he might not spare them.

If they really came to blows, the Wade family might not be a match for Charlie.

He escorted Charlie to the entrance of Shangri-La, respectfully saying, "Young Master, where are you headed? Let me drive you."

Charlie waved his hand, "No need, if you were to send me now, the Wade family would become suspicious. Go check on Marina, and see what her next move is."

Isaac nodded gently, "Young Master, I'll go check on your aunt."

Charlie reminded him, "Find out Marina's return plan, see when she's leaving, and make sure she doesn't go to see my wife, understood?"

Isaac straightened up, respectfully saying, "Young Master, rest assured, I understand!"

Charlie indeed didn't regard Marina highly, but he also worried that she might try other indirect methods.

She wanted him to take the initiative to divorce Claire, then return to the Wade family. He directly rejected her, but if she went to find his wife, that would be a bit tricky for him.

After all, Claire still didn't know his true identity.

And he wasn't ready to let her know yet.

At least, until he uncovered the truth behind his parents' deaths and avenged them, he didn't want his wife to know his identity.

After Charlie left, Isaac turned back towards the Sky Garden.

At that moment, Marina was already fuming with rage in the same spot.


The elegantly set Western dining table lay in disarray after she overturned it, leaving a mess on the floor.

Concerned about the shards of broken glass on the ground, the female head waitress from the Sky Garden hurried over with two servers to clean up, fearing that Marina might accidentally get hurt by the glass.

Marina, filled with rage and nowhere to vent it, exploded upon seeing the head waitress and two servers approaching. She grabbed one of the girls, raising her hand to slap her face repeatedly while muttering angrily, "Did I ask you to come? Did I ask you to come?!"

The girl endured several slaps and tearfully pleaded, "Miss, please calm down. I was only trying to prevent you from getting hurt by the glass, so we hurried to clean it up..."

Despite the girl's explanation, Marina's anger only intensified, increasing the force of her blows. She continued to scold, "You dare to come out only when I allow it? If I don't permit it, you'd better not even show me your face!"

Witnessing this, the head waitress hurriedly pleaded, "Miss, please don't be angry. It was my decision to act on my own, leading to this confrontation..."

Marina, with eyes blazing, kicked the head waitress in the stomach, coldly commanding, "You fools! All three of you are fired, now get out!"

The head waitress, after being kicked by Marina, let out a cry of pain and sat on the ground.

With glass shards scattered on the floor, she immediately felt a few pieces piercing into her skin.

Despite the sharp pain, she couldn't focus on the glass shards. Pale-faced, she clutched her stomach, in agony, saying, "My stomach hurts so much... Lily, please call an ambulance for me..."

Lily, the other server, who was a bit further away from Marina, was spared from the physical assault.

Seeing the head waitress in pain, Lily quickly asked with concern, "Nan, are you okay? Hang in there, I'll call for help right away!"

Marina scornfully looked at the head waitress, saying disdainfully, "Why pretend to be pitiful in front of me? Do you want me to compensate you?"

The girl who was dialling the emergency number retorted angrily, "How can you be like this! Nan is three months pregnant! You kicked her in the stomach. If anything happens to the baby, no amount of money can fix it!"

Marina furrowed her brows, coldly responding, "Who do you think you are to talk to me like that?"

The girl stood her ground, saying defiantly, "We are human beings! Not objects! Even if our status isn't as high as yours, our bodies are also given by our parents! Why do you have the right to lay a hand on us?!"

Marina was on the verge of exploding!

Throughout her life, apart from acting submissive in front of her father, no one had ever dared to defy her or speak to her in such a tone!

Today, she had been repeatedly challenged by Charlie and a few servers, fueling her growing anger.

Ignoring the head waitress's pregnancy, she stepped forward, snatched the phone from the girl who had defied her, waiting to connect the emergency line, and forcefully smashed it to pieces on the ground.

Immediately, she raised her hand and delivered a hard slap to the girl's face, gritting her teeth as she scolded, "You have no shame! Still daring to confront me here, looking for trouble, aren't you?!"

Just then, Isaac entered, witnessing the scene. He quickly inquired, "Miss, what's going on?"

Seeing Isaac, Marina coldly stated, "You're just in time! How do you usually manage your staff? They dare to defy even me! Are they trying to rebel?!"

Understanding that Marina had vented her anger on the three employees, Isaac immediately assured, "Miss, rest assured, I will deal with these three insubordinate individuals seriously! Please don't let anger affect your health. Shall I have someone escort you back to your room for a rest?"

Frustrated, Marina glared at Isaac, commanding coldly, "Completely ban these three despicable people!"

With that, she slapped Lily in the face, then swaggered away.
I strongly pity Marina, she will soon find out that kaaki no be leather
Chapter 1381: "A Bond of Understanding: Charlie and Haidee's Heartfelt Exchange"

Upon hearing Charlie's affirmative response, Haidee's mood improved slightly.

She held back her tears and carefully wiped away the remaining tears at the corners of her eyes with her fingers, laughing self-deprecatingly, "Ah, letting Brother Charlie see me like this. Actually, I haven't cried for many years. But since my dad got sick until now, it's like I've gone back to childhood, tears just flow uncontrollably. It's really pathetic."

Charlie smiled faintly, comforting her, "Don't think like that. People have seven emotions and six desires. They laugh, they cry, they feel happy, they feel sad. There's nothing wrong with that."

Haidee nodded gently and asked, "Brother Charlie, do you still cry now?"

Charlie smiled bitterly, "I cried too much when I was 8 years old, as if I had shed all the tears of my life."

Haidee held onto his arm with both hands, her eyes reddening as she said, "Brother Charlie, you've suffered so much over the years..."

Charlie smiled calmly, "People say suffering brings blessings. I didn't believe it before, but later I did."

Charlie felt that the greatest encounter in his life wasn't being found again by Stephen Thompson, but unexpectedly obtaining the Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture.

Without the Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture, even if he was the young master of the Wade Family, he might not have possessed such top-notch strength as he did now.

Moreover, all the respect he had won now wasn't just because of being the Wade Family's young master; it was earned through his own strength, which was crucial!

Looking across the country, there were countless wealthy and powerful families and numerous second-generation rich with lofty status. But among these second-generation rich, how many could earn the respect of everyone through their own abilities?

There was the son of a real estate developer who packaged himself as an internet celebrity, even as the national sweetheart. When the economy was good, he made some investments and achieved decent results, so he was hailed as an investment genius by everyone.

However, when the economy took a nosedive, his company immediately went bankrupt, accumulating debts of hundreds of millions, even billions, becoming a laughingstock nationwide.

The reason for this was simply because his original abilities were lacking. Once the halo was gone, numerous shortcomings were immediately exposed.

But now, even if Charlie returned the 10 billion yuan given to him by the Emgrand Group and the Wade Family, he would still be the respected Master Wade, a true dragon among men, in everyone's eyes.

Leaving aside everything else, with just a few Resurrection Pill, he could amass billions or even trillions in wealth and make countless top families' big shots bow down to him.

And all of this was thanks to the opportunity given to him by the Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture.

If he hadn't suffered in his childhood, how could he have coincidentally obtained the Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture in Sarah Walker's auspicious hall?

So, Charlie believed that heaven was fair.

Just like Mencius said, "When heaven is about to place a great responsibility on a man, it always first frustrates his spirit and will, exhausts his muscles and bones, starves his body and skin."

At this moment, Lorden sent a WeChat message to Charlie, saying, "Master Wade, Miss Mavis and I have finished sorting out the contract. When would you like to go to Shangri-La for dinner?"

Charlie replied, "You and Miss Mavis wait a moment."

Then, he put away his phone and said to Haidee, "Maria, Lorden and Miss Mavis have almost finished their business. We'll go to Shangri-La for dinner soon, but I have one more thing to ask for your help with."

Haidee quickly said, "Brother Charlie, why are you being so polite to me?"

Charlie nodded seriously and said, "My wife is your fan and has always liked you very much. I'm planning to invite her to dinner tonight. Do you have any problem with that?"

Chapter 1382: "A Pact of Silence: Haidee and Charlie's Unspoken Agreement"

Haidee's mood was somewhat complicated as she looked into his eyes and asked stubbornly, "Aren't you afraid that I'll tell her I'm your fiancée and she's the third party meddling in?"

Charlie felt embarrassed: "That's why I have an additional request."

Haidee snorted lightly and said grumpily, "Are you asking me to conceal our relationship from your wife?"

Charlie said, "She thinks I'm an orphan and doesn't know about my identity and family background, and I don't intend to let her know."

Haidee asked puzzledly, "She's your wife, and you're not even planning to tell her your true identity, intending to keep it hidden from her forever?"

Charlie said, "Not telling her is not about wanting to keep it hidden forever, but the timing isn't right yet. Let's wait until the time is ripe."

Haidee wrinkled her nose and said, "I'm curious though, how will you explain to my father when you meet him that you're already married?"

Charlie said seriously, "I'll personally visit him and apologize."

Haidee felt somewhat resentful and deliberately stopped talking to him.

Charlie continued, "By the way, Maria, when you meet my wife, don't reveal that I'm the boss of this company. I usually tell her that I'm a Feng Shui consultant for people. So, at the dinner table, you can tell her that your family's Feng Shui isn't good and you want me to help. That way, I'll agree in front of her, and then we can prepare for the matter in Eastcliff."

Haidee asked back, "Do you really have feelings for your wife?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"If you have feelings for her, then why are you hiding everything from her? Isn't it just because you don't have feelings anymore if you can't even tell her the truth?"

Charlie shook his head, "You don't understand. It's precisely because of the feelings that many things need to be gradual. That's the best way to protect her. Otherwise, think about it, when she married me, she thought I was a parentless orphan. Three years later, if I suddenly tell her that I'm the young master of the Wade family in Eastcliff, would she accept it?"

"Why wouldn't she accept it? Which woman doesn't want her husband to have status and ability? Does she really prefer you to be a poor nobody?"

"My wife is different from other women."

Haidee said discontentedly, "Every time you talk about your wife, have you ever considered my feelings? Do you know that I've always felt like I would marry you in this lifetime, even when you disappeared for over a decade, I had this feeling, and now that I've finally found you, all you talk about is your wife. Do you know how I feel?"

Charlie felt ashamed, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

Haidee saw genuine remorse on his face and softened her heart, considering the years of hardship he had endured.

So, she sighed and said softly, "I'm sorry, Brother Charlie, I didn't mean to be unreasonable. I just couldn't control my emotions for a moment. Please don't mind."

Charlie quickly said, "Why would I mind? I won't."

"That's good."

Haidee paused slightly and asked him again, "Brother Charlie, do you have children now?"

"Um..." Charlie felt embarrassed, "Not yet..."

Haidee breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. After all, I am the young lady of the Snow family and a somewhat famous star. It would be somewhat embarrassing to marry a divorced man, and if I had to be a stepmother, I would be laughed at by those bastards in Eastcliff!"

Chapter 1383: "Echoes of Rivalry: Charlie and Haidee's Unspoken Competition"

Charlie was startled by Haidee's words.

Marry a divorced man, was she referring to herself?

This Snow family young lady is too naive, isn't she? It's just a verbal agreement between childhood parents. In this day and age, who cares about these things?

Looking at her young and beautiful, cold and aloof, she was definitely the type of girl with strong opinions. Why would her thoughts be so conservative?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but say, "Maria, our childhood matters really shouldn't be taken seriously. Please don't dwell on it and delay your own happiness!"

Haidee said seriously, "Charlie! You heartless scoundrel, I've waited for over a decade, and now you tell me it shouldn't be taken seriously? Do you believe I'll hold a press conference tomorrow and announce our engagement directly?"

With a threatening look, Haidee wrinkled her nose at him, "Let me tell you, I have countless fans. Don't blame me for inciting them against you! I'll make you the most unfaithful man in the world, subject to public criticism!"

Charlie surrendered.

He knew Haidee must be serious, otherwise, she wouldn't have been searching for him with her father for so many years.

If he continued with such non-serious remarks, it would negate and disrespect her perseverance and efforts over the years.

So, out of respect for Haidee, he said seriously, "Maria, we've just reunited after so many years apart. Many things should be considered carefully. Just give your big brother some face. Let's deal with our cooperation and the matter of having dinner with my wife and your sister-in-law first!"

"As for the rest, we can talk slowly and discuss slowly. Besides, didn't I promise you that I'll visit Uncle Snow in Eastcliff in a few days?"

Haidee's expression softened a bit at this, muttering, "Fine! I'll give you this face! As for your marriage, wait until you go to Eastcliff and explain it to my dad in person! See if my dad won't scold you then!"

After saying that, she deliberately glared at Charlie fiercely and then said, "Alright, let's go, hurry up and arrange for me to eat. I'm starving."

In fact, Haidee wasn't really hungry. The reason she wanted to eat quickly was to see Charlie's current wife sooner.

Unexpectedly, Charlie's wife turned out to be her fan. This situation was truly ironic.

Charlie reminded her, "It's not even five o'clock yet. You want to eat already?"

Haidee huffed, "Is it not allowed for me to be hungry?"

Charlie said, "I still have some things to attend to. After that, I'll go pick up your sister-in-law. If you're hungry, I'll have Lorden take you both to Shangri-La first. You can eat something there to fill up, and then when I'm done with my business and pick up your sister-in-law, we can meet up. But you must remember what I told you, don't let slip in front of my wife."

"Ugh, I know!" Haidee's expression was somewhat impatient. She didn't want to admit that Charlie's wife; she should be her rival!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Charlie said, "Come in," and Lorden pushed the door open, respectfully saying, "Master Wade, Miss Mavis and I have finished the contract."

Charlie nodded, "Lorden, arrange a car to accompany the two of them to Shangri-La. Miss Mavis will handle the arrangements over there. You can sit for a moment, and wait for me. I have something to take care of."

Lorden respectfully said, "Yes, Master Wade!"


After Lorden took Haidee and Lilah to Shangri-La, Charlie rode his electric bike alone to Aurous Hill Orphanage.

At this moment, there were too many questions in his heart that needed to be answered.

He felt that the first person he needed to find now was Aunt Lena from the welfare institute.

Since someone deliberately concealed his identity from the welfare institute, Aunt Lena should know some details.

Arriving at the welfare institute, Charlie went directly to Aunt Lena's office.

Chapter 1384: "Shadows of the Past: Charlie's Search for Truth"

Just as he arrived at the office door, Charlie coincidentally ran into his childhood friend Natasha coming out from the office. Upon seeing Charlie, she exclaimed happily, "Brother Charlie, what brings you here?"

Charlie smiled faintly and replied, "I have some matters to discuss with Aunt Lena. Is she here?"

"She's inside," Natasha giggled, approaching and hugging Charlie's arm affectionately, saying, "Brother Charlie, you haven't visited for days. I've missed you so much!"

Charlie chuckled, "If you missed me, why didn't you give me a call?"

"I was afraid you might be busy!" Natasha pouted, "I didn't want to disturb your important matters."

"Alright, I'll treat you to dinner another day. If you're busy, go ahead. I'll go in to find Aunt Lena," Charlie said.

"Okay, Brother Charlie. You go find Aunt Lena first. I'll go check if the kids' dinner has started in the kitchen. Don't rush to leave later; I'll come find you after I'm done," Natasha replied.


After Natasha left, Charlie knocked on the door and heard Aunt Lena's kindly voice from inside, "Is that Charlie? Come in!"

Charlie pushed the door open and saw Aunt Lena sitting at a simple desk, sorting through a pile of documents.

Aunt Lena looked up at him, pushed her glasses up, and smiled, "What brings you here? You didn't even give me a heads-up."

Charlie forced a smile, "Aunt Lena, I'm here to ask you about some details from the time you took me to the orphanage."

A faint hint of surprise flickered across Aunt Lena's face, but she quickly composed herself and said with a smile, "That was over ten years ago, and I may not remember all the details clearly, but feel free to ask, and I'll tell you what I can."

Charlie wasn't naive; he didn't overlook Aunt Lena's subtle change in expression.

On the contrary, he discerned some issues from that slight change.

If Aunt Lena didn't have anything to hide from him, she shouldn't have that expression at all.

She must have something on her mind, which made her seem less natural on the surface.

So, he looked at Aunt Lena and asked seriously, "Actually, I want to know if anyone came to the orphanage looking for me during the ten years I was there before I left?"

Without hesitation, Aunt Lena replied, "No, nobody ever came."

Charlie furrowed his brows and pressed on, "Are you sure?"

Aunt Lena affirmed confidently, "Absolutely."

"That doesn't seem right." Charlie looked at Aunt Lena and couldn't help but sigh, "Aunt Lena, you've watched me grow up. I'll always remember your kindness, so I won't lie to you. Whatever it is, I'll tell you straight."

As Charlie said this, Aunt Lena's expression grew somewhat flustered.

She realized that Charlie must have learned something this time.

However, she didn't dare to speak, so she felt particularly nervous.

At this moment, Charlie continued, "Aunt Lena, I heard that my late father's close friend had come to Aurous Hill several times to look for me, and he even visited our Aurous Hill orphanage more than once, didn't he?"

Chapter 1385: "Revelations Unveiled: Charlie's Startling Discovery"

Charlie's question made Aunt Lena's expression change suddenly!

She became restless all of a sudden!

She never dreamed that Charlie would ask her this question.

So she panicked and said, "Um... Um... Um, I haven't heard of this. If someone really came looking for you, we would definitely not hide it. Is there some misunderstanding?"

Charlie shook his head, "It's impossible that this is a misunderstanding. From my inner feelings, I can't quite accept the explanation of a misunderstanding."

Saying this, he said devoutly, "Aunt Lena, I came to find you not to blame you. In any case, you saved my life and raised me for ten years. Even if there's something hidden from me, I, Charlie, would never resent you."

When Aunt Lena heard this, her expression became extremely ashamed.

Charlie continued, "I just want to know why, when he came looking for me back then, the orphanage told him there was no one like me here? If I remember correctly, what our orphanage has always hoped for is for the child's relatives to come and take the child away. My father's close friend came to find me. Why couldn't even my information be obtained? Who was hiding my information from him?"

Aunt Lena pursed her lips, her eyes darting around anxiously.

She dared not look into Charlie's eyes, nor did she dare to answer Charlie's questions.

Charlie saw through her behavior.

He knew Aunt Lena must know the hidden truth.

So, he looked at Aunt Lena and asked seriously, "Aunt Lena, if I'm not mistaken, then you should know that I am the young master of the Wade family in Eastcliff, right?"

As soon as he said this, the pen in Aunt Lena's hand dropped to the ground with a snap.

Charlie thought she was going to pick up the pen, but to his surprise, she bent over from behind the table and then knelt down in front of him with a thud.

Charlie exclaimed, "Aunt Lena, what are you doing..."

Aunt Lena knocked her head on the ground, crying bitterly, "Young Master, I... I'm sorry..."

The word "Young Master" struck Charlie like a thunderbolt!

He felt as if at that moment, a tremendous force struck his heart, and he subconsciously took two steps back, his face full of shock as he asked, "Aunt Lena... You..."

Aunt Lena cried, "Young Master, I have indeed known your identity all along. I won't hide it from you. I'm actually a servant of the Wade family, but my status is low. I had no chance to serve the main branch of the Wade family in Eastcliff, so I could only do odd jobs at the Wade family branch in South Laverton region. That's why you never saw me before you were eight..."

Charlie forced himself to steady his breathing and asked, "Aunt Lena, back then, was it someone from the Wade family who asked you to bring me here?"

Aunt Lena raised her head, choked with tears, and said, "Young Master, it was indeed Steward Thompson who asked me to come..."

Charlie was shocked and blurted out, "Steward Stephen Thompson?!"
I am shocked as everyone here 😳 during the chapters of their reunion even the story says Aunt Lena didn't know about his identity right or am I mistaken? this is shocking 😂😂
One more person facing wrath from Charlie. She needs to be taken to psychiatric.

As Marina left, Isaac hurriedly asked three employees, "What exactly happened just now?"

Lily choked up and said, "Boss Craven, Miss got angry and flipped the table. sister Nan brought us over to clean up the broken glass, then Miss suddenly turned on us, even kicked sister Nan's stomach. sister Nan is pregnant, I was about to call an ambulance, but Miss smashed my phone."

Sister Nan, sitting on the ground in pain, spoke up, "Boss Craven, this is all my fault. Please don't blame them. If the company needs to punish someone, please punish me alone!"

Isaac sighed and said, "This is on me, I didn't protect everyone well. I'll arrange for someone to take you to the hospital immediately, give you at least a month off, and compensate each of you two hundred thousand."

After that, he looked at the forewoman sitting on the ground and said seriously, "Sister Nan, I'll contact the best gynaecologist in Aurous Hill to help you protect the baby at all costs. If the baby can be saved, I'll give you an additional two hundred thousand for prenatal care. If not, I'll compensate you five hundred thousand, give you a year of paid leave to rest and prepare for another pregnancy!"

With Isaac's words, everyone instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

They were worried that Isaac would follow Marina's orders and punish them severely.

Unexpectedly, Isaac took such good care of everyone, a boss so caring and loyal, truly rare!

Seeing the three women crying and thanking him, Isaac didn't have time to comfort them, he quickly called the security team to urgently take them to the hospital.

After sending all three to the hospital, he sat alone in the office, sighing repeatedly, "Ah, I really don't know when this Miss Marina will stop causing trouble in Aurous Hill, and I have no idea what outrageous things she might do. Unfortunately, I am just a servant of the Wade family, and no matter how you look at it, I can't control her. If she really stirs up trouble in Aurous Hill, I have no way to handle it, looks like I can only hope for the young master!"

Charlie didn't care about his aunt, Marina, after returning home, he started preparing for the Chinese New Year with his family.

Since it was their first Spring Festival at the Thomson Elite Villa, the family of four paid great attention to the festive atmosphere this year.

Claire bought many decorative items such as window flowers, stickers, and large red lanterns, planning to decorate the house festively by herself.

Although Elaine was lazy, she was very vain and wanted to quickly decorate the house and then take many photos to show off on social media. So, she joined Claire in the preparations.

After Charlie returned, he also joined in.

From a large cardboard box she bought online, Claire took out a pile of beautifully crafted large red lanterns and said to Elaine, "Mum, I want to decorate the third and second-floor terraces. I'll hang these red lanterns on the railings, turn on the lights after dark, it will look really nice."

Elaine agreed without hesitation, "Sure! It's Chinese New Year, we should make it festive. I'll go hang them up later!"

Claire then said, "Mum, I have something to discuss with you."

Elaine smiled and said, "Sure! What is it?"

Claire hesitated and said, "There are so many different green hats hanging on your third-floor terrace. It's not quite appropriate to have so many green hats during the New Year. Should we take them down?"

Elaine immediately responded without hesitation, "Absolutely not! Those green hats are all prepared for that old man, Noah. It's to make him wake up every morning, see this pile of green hats, and feel miserable all day. If I take them down, wouldn't I be letting him off too easily?"

Claire sighed, "Mum! It's Chinese New Year, everyone is decorating their homes. If we still have so many green hats hanging, it won't look good!"


"Sorry, that won't work!" Elaine stubbornly declared, "Those green hats are my secret weapon against the Wilson family. I want them to be constantly reminded of the fact that Zoraida is pregnant with an illegitimate child!"

Suddenly, Elaine had another idea and chuckled, "Hehe! I'll hang these lanterns with those green hats one by one. When the lanterns are lit, the red ones against the green hats will definitely stand out! It will surely infuriate the Wilson family!"

Claire advised, "Mum, it's the New Year, let's be forgiving."

Elaine coldly snorted, "Don't try to persuade me. No one can. Do you know that your grandmother broke my leg? And those two front teeth of mine, she's to thank for that too. I will never forgive her for this!"

Seeing her mother's determined expression, Claire felt powerless.

It seemed unlikely that she could change her mother's mind.

Elaine then carried a bunch of red lanterns and headed towards the elevator, saying as she walked, "I'll go hang the lanterns up with those green hats!"

Half an hour later.

Under the organization of Madam Wilson, the Wilson family was busy decorating their villa, creating a lively atmosphere.

The current Wilson family was in a much better position than before. After the Wilson Group received investment from Donald Weaver and repaid all debts, they also secured a small project from him, turning their losses into profits.

Madam Wilson also reclaimed the villa, antiques, and calligraphy that were previously seized by the bank.

With the company revived and assets back in their hands, Madam Wilson was full of vigour.

The Wilson family knew that their future happiness depended largely on Madam Wilson, so they treated her like an Empress.

Noah was on cloud nine as the Wilson Group made a comeback. He, along with his children Harold and Wendy, held important positions in the company, enjoying a prestigious status.

Harold and Wendy were back to living the life of rich heirs, filled with joy.

The only one suffering was Zoraida, receiving cold treatment from everyone.

Noah and Madam Wilson harboured deep hatred towards her but couldn't kick her out due to Donald's influence, so they treated her like a thorn in their side.

Harold and Wendy found their mother's past disgrace of getting pregnant with an illegitimate child and contracting a disease embarrassing, hence they ignored her.

Being rejected by the family left Zoraida deeply hurt.

Seeing the Wilson family of four smiling every day while she was left doing household chores like a servant, she felt even more miserable.

At this moment, as she observed them preparing for the Lunar New Year decorations, Zoraida approached and insincerely said, "Mum, shall I help out too? Don't forget, back when we lived in the old villa, I was the one in charge of decorating for the New Year!"

Madam Wilson glared at her with disgust and said coldly, "What business is it of yours? Go clean the windows! Let me remind you, today is almost over, and in three days, it will be the New Year. You must ensure all the windows in the villa are spotless!"


Upon hearing the old lady's request to clean all the windows of the entire villa, Zoraida felt overwhelmed.

She couldn't help but blurt out, "Mum! Our villa is so large, with so many rooms and windows. Even if I clean non-stop from now until after the Lunar New Year, I still won't finish!"

Madam Wilson sneered, "You want to drag it out past the Lunar New Year? Let me tell you! If you haven't cleaned all the windows by the evening of New Year's Eve, I'll make you eat your New Year's Eve dinner in the yard!"

Upon hearing this, Zoraida was seething with anger!

If it weren't for Noah, Harold, and Wendy being present, she would have rushed over, kicked the old lady to the ground, sat on her stomach, and slapped her old face.

Unfortunately, she didn't have the chance to act.

Zoraida felt extremely helpless. Despite having countless grievances, she had to swallow them all and reluctantly said, "Alright Mum, I understand. I will do my best to clean them."

Madam Wilson snorted, "You better behave! You've already tarnished the family's reputation. If you don't start behaving properly, not even Donald can save you!"

Facing Madam Wilson's domineering attitude, Zoraida was beyond annoyed.

However, at that moment, she dared not retort and could only nod repeatedly, humiliated, "Mum, you're right. I will definitely follow your instructions!"

Noah then said, "Mum, I'll go upstairs to hang some decorations."

Madam Wilson nodded and said to Zoraida, "You go and clean the windows now, quickly!"

Zoraida had no choice but to comply.

Meanwhile, Noah went upstairs to his room, intending to put up some window decorations. Suddenly, he saw from his window that on the balcony of the opposite Charlie's house, Elaine's balcony was lit up with a row of red lanterns.

What irritated him was that these glowing red lanterns were all placed next to various green hats. The red light against the green hats emitted a strange colour, making it unsettling to look at.

Noah was instantly furious!

He couldn't help but curse, "Bloody hell, Elaine is going too far. She even paired red lanterns with green hats. Isn't there an old saying that red and green clash like a dog's fart? This is really pissing me off!"

Thinking that Elaine was disturbing him even during the New Year, Noah felt uncomfortable. Gritting his teeth, he went downstairs and said to Harold, who was decorating in the living room, "Harold, come with me! Let's go settle the score with Elaine!"

Madam Wilson frowned and asked, "Why are you going to find Elaine at this time?"

Noah, in a fit of anger, retorted, "Mum, that stinky woman Elaine has gone too far. She hung so many green hats on the balcony for so long, and now she's even placed a big red lantern next to each green hat. Is she trying to drive me crazy during the New Year? I have to go and settle the score with her!"

Madam Wilson sternly shouted, "Stop right there! Going to confront Elaine, can the two of you handle Charlie? Do you both want to spend the New Year lying in the hospital?"

Noah, who was just full of momentum, suddenly fell silent.


Charlie's strength is insane. If he were at home, confronting him would be like courting death for oneself.

With gritted teeth, he muttered, "Mum! I might not go looking for trouble today, but under no circumstances can Elaine be left placing those green hats over the New Year!"

Disdainfully, Madam Wilson retorted, "Let her wear them if she wants! For our family now, what does face matter? Money is what really counts!"

Angrily, Noah exclaimed, "So, I have to keep enduring that bastard Elaine? When will this end?"

Harold, with a dark expression, said, "Dad! Haven't you always talked about seizing the opportunity to deal with Elaine? In my opinion, if we're going to do it, let's do it quickly! It'd be best to give her a hard time before the New Year, make Charlie's family have a tough year, if we keep hesitating to act against them, Weaver will soon lose patience with us!"

Noah's expression turned serious as he blurted out, "Yes! Before, that wretched Elaine had her leg in a cast and stayed cooped up at home all day. There was no chance to get at her. But now that I see she seems to have removed the cast, and these days she's preparing for the New Year. I reckon Elaine will definitely go out. Why not seize the opportunity to give her a harsh lesson, let her learn thoroughly!"

Finishing his thoughts, he looked at Madam Wilson and asked, "Mum, what do you think?"

After pondering for a moment, Madam Wilson nodded, "Indeed, we do need to teach Elaine a lesson, at least cause a bit of trouble for Charlie's family. Otherwise, Donald might not feel comfortable."

Then, something struck Madam Wilson, and she excitedly exclaimed, "Donald is scheduled to inspect a few projects in Aurous Hill tomorrow and will probably stay overnight!"

Upon hearing this, Noah quickly chimed in, "Mum, isn't this the perfect opportunity to repay Weaver? Why did Weaver offer us to stay in this villa and invest in our Wilson Group? Essentially, it's to annoy Charlie's family right in front of them, right? If we take the money and do nothing, if Weaver ever points fingers at us, we'll be in trouble too!"

Madam Wilson agreed with a sound, "Alright, Noah, I leave this matter to you to figure out. My only request is to handle it carefully, never let it escalate to fatalities, or else even Donald might not be able to protect us."

Noah nodded, a cold smile forming, "Mum, rest assured, I've planned it out. I'll have Elaine tied up, then take some scandalous photos of her, maybe even get someone to make her pregnant, to shame their whole family!"

Madam Wilson frowned, cautioning, "Noah, if you want to involve others, that's fine, but please don't do it yourself!"

Noah nodded, "Mum, I understand!"

Harold, on the side, hurriedly asked, "Dad, are you planning to make a move tomorrow?"

"Yes!" Noah grinned wickedly, "Tomorrow, we'll tie her up, then put on a show for Donald in the evening!"

Harold interjected, "Dad, I know some reliable friends from before, they can help out when the time comes!"

Noah agreed, "Good! You go find a few strong young men and arrange for a van. I have a friend with an empty warehouse in the suburbs. We'll take Elaine there!"

Wendy, on the side, asked, "Dad, what if Elaine doesn't leave the house tomorrow?"

Harold also nodded, "Yeah, Dad, what if Elaine doesn't go out?"

Noah replied confidently, "If Elaine doesn't come out, we'll create an opportunity for her to do so! I've been observing her daily routine these days. Trust me, I have a way to lure her out of the house!"


Early the next day.

Claire and Jacob left home early to attend to their own matters.

Claire's studio follows the national holiday schedule, starting from New Year's Eve until the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, a total of seven days off.

As for Jacob's calligraphy and painting association, being a hobby group, there is no concept of taking time off; it's up to each individual's mood whether to go or not.

Since Jacob doesn't get along with Elaine at home, he wishes he could spend New Year's Day at the calligraphy and painting association.

Elaine, on the other hand, is busy preparing ingredients for the New Year's Eve dinner at home.

As for Charlie, after getting up early, he checked Lorden's report on the operation of Mystical Labs on his phone.

Currently, the production lines of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals in Japan have smoothly transitioned to producing Mystical Gastric Remedy, and there is already a large amount of stock available.

Charlie plans to launch Mystical Gastric Remedy nationwide in Japan on the first day of the Lunar New Year. At that time, major TV stations in Japan will also air advertisements featuring Haidee Snow endorsing Mystical Gastric Remedy.

As one of the most well-known actresses in Asia, Haidee's influence in Japan is significant.

Coupled with the superior efficacy of Mystical Gastric Remedy compared to similar products, Charlie believes that Mystical Gastric Remedy will surely become popular in Japan.

While Elaine is preparing ingredients downstairs, the doorbell rings.

She steps out into the yard and sees a courier standing outside, so she opens the gate.

The courier asks, "Is this Ms. Elaine Wilson's residence?"

Elaine nods, "Yes, that's me. What's up?"

The courier hands her a small package and says, "Hello, Msiss, this is your local express delivery. Please sign for it."

"For me?!"

Elaine is surprised as she doesn't shop online much and hasn't made any recent purchases. She signs for the delivery and then curiously opens it.

Inside, she finds a set of high-end body care essential oils samples, a beautifully crafted card, and a printed letter.

She opens the letter and reads aloud, "Dear valued guest, congratulations on winning a high-end beauty and wellness spa package worth $8888 at Lizi Beauty Salon. With this package, you can enjoy a full spa service for free at any time without an appointment!"

Excitedly, Elaine exclaims, "Oh my goodness! A free full-body spa treatment?! How can this be real?"

The thought of lying on a beauty bed at the salon, receiving meticulous massages from therapists, makes Elaine feel incredibly itchy all over!

She thinks to herself, "I've been resting my legs at home for a while now. It's been a long time since I've enjoyed a high-end spa treatment. Unexpectedly, a free high-end spa session has landed in front of me. If this was sent to me by mistake, I'd be at a loss if I don't experience it soon before they realize and take it back!"

With this in mind, Elaine quickly tucks the spa package card into her pocket, excitedly rushes into the house, goes straight to her room on the third floor, changes into suitable attire, and plans to head out immediately for the spa.

Thinking that Charlie hasn't come downstairs yet, she goes to the door of Charlie and Claire's room on the second floor, gently knocks, and asks with a smile, "Good son-in-law, are you up yet?"

Charlie opens the door and asks, "Mum, do you need anything?"

Elaine smiles awkwardly, "Um, I have something to do and will be out for a while. Breakfast is ready in the kitchen, still warm, so go down and eat while it's hot!"

As Marina left, Isaac hurriedly asked three employees, "What exactly happened just now?"

Lily choked up and said, "Boss Craven, Miss got angry and flipped the table. sister Nan brought us over to clean up the broken glass, then Miss suddenly turned on us, even kicked sister Nan's stomach. sister Nan is pregnant, I was about to call an ambulance, but Miss smashed my phone."

Sister Nan, sitting on the ground in pain, spoke up, "Boss Craven, this is all my fault. Please don't blame them. If the company needs to punish someone, please punish me alone!"

Isaac sighed and said, "This is on me, I didn't protect everyone well. I'll arrange for someone to take you to the hospital immediately, give you at least a month off, and compensate each of you two hundred thousand."

After that, he looked at the forewoman sitting on the ground and said seriously, "Sister Nan, I'll contact the best gynaecologist in Aurous Hill to help you protect the baby at all costs. If the baby can be saved, I'll give you an additional two hundred thousand for prenatal care. If not, I'll compensate you five hundred thousand, give you a year of paid leave to rest and prepare for another pregnancy!"

With Isaac's words, everyone instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

They were worried that Isaac would follow Marina's orders and punish them severely.

Unexpectedly, Isaac took such good care of everyone, a boss so caring and loyal, truly rare!

Seeing the three women crying and thanking him, Isaac didn't have time to comfort them, he quickly called the security team to urgently take them to the hospital.

After sending all three to the hospital, he sat alone in the office, sighing repeatedly, "Ah, I really don't know when this Miss Marina will stop causing trouble in Aurous Hill, and I have no idea what outrageous things she might do. Unfortunately, I am just a servant of the Wade family, and no matter how you look at it, I can't control her. If she really stirs up trouble in Aurous Hill, I have no way to handle it, looks like I can only hope for the young master!"

Charlie didn't care about his aunt, Marina, after returning home, he started preparing for the Chinese New Year with his family.

Since it was their first Spring Festival at the Thomson Elite Villa, the family of four paid great attention to the festive atmosphere this year.

Claire bought many decorative items such as window flowers, stickers, and large red lanterns, planning to decorate the house festively by herself.

Although Elaine was lazy, she was very vain and wanted to quickly decorate the house and then take many photos to show off on social media. So, she joined Claire in the preparations.

After Charlie returned, he also joined in.

From a large cardboard box she bought online, Claire took out a pile of beautifully crafted large red lanterns and said to Elaine, "Mum, I want to decorate the third and second-floor terraces. I'll hang these red lanterns on the railings, turn on the lights after dark, it will look really nice."

Elaine agreed without hesitation, "Sure! It's Chinese New Year, we should make it festive. I'll go hang them up later!"

Claire then said, "Mum, I have something to discuss with you."

Elaine smiled and said, "Sure! What is it?"

Claire hesitated and said, "There are so many different green hats hanging on your third-floor terrace. It's not quite appropriate to have so many green hats during the New Year. Should we take them down?"

Elaine immediately responded without hesitation, "Absolutely not! Those green hats are all prepared for that old man, Noah. It's to make him wake up every morning, see this pile of green hats, and feel miserable all day. If I take them down, wouldn't I be letting him off too easily?"

Claire sighed, "Mum! It's Chinese New Year, everyone is decorating their homes. If we still have so many green hats hanging, it won't look good!"


"Sorry, that won't work!" Elaine stubbornly declared, "Those green hats are my secret weapon against the Wilson family. I want them to be constantly reminded of the fact that Zoraida is pregnant with an illegitimate child!"

Suddenly, Elaine had another idea and chuckled, "Hehe! I'll hang these lanterns with those green hats one by one. When the lanterns are lit, the red ones against the green hats will definitely stand out! It will surely infuriate the Wilson family!"

Claire advised, "Mum, it's the New Year, let's be forgiving."

Elaine coldly snorted, "Don't try to persuade me. No one can. Do you know that your grandmother broke my leg? And those two front teeth of mine, she's to thank for that too. I will never forgive her for this!"

Seeing her mother's determined expression, Claire felt powerless.

It seemed unlikely that she could change her mother's mind.

Elaine then carried a bunch of red lanterns and headed towards the elevator, saying as she walked, "I'll go hang the lanterns up with those green hats!"

Half an hour later.

Under the organization of Madam Wilson, the Wilson family was busy decorating their villa, creating a lively atmosphere.

The current Wilson family was in a much better position than before. After the Wilson Group received investment from Donald Weaver and repaid all debts, they also secured a small project from him, turning their losses into profits.

Madam Wilson also reclaimed the villa, antiques, and calligraphy that were previously seized by the bank.

With the company revived and assets back in their hands, Madam Wilson was full of vigour.

The Wilson family knew that their future happiness depended largely on Madam Wilson, so they treated her like an Empress.

Noah was on cloud nine as the Wilson Group made a comeback. He, along with his children Harold and Wendy, held important positions in the company, enjoying a prestigious status.

Harold and Wendy were back to living the life of rich heirs, filled with joy.

The only one suffering was Zoraida, receiving cold treatment from everyone.

Noah and Madam Wilson harboured deep hatred towards her but couldn't kick her out due to Donald's influence, so they treated her like a thorn in their side.

Harold and Wendy found their mother's past disgrace of getting pregnant with an illegitimate child and contracting a disease embarrassing, hence they ignored her.

Being rejected by the family left Zoraida deeply hurt.

Seeing the Wilson family of four smiling every day while she was left doing household chores like a servant, she felt even more miserable.

At this moment, as she observed them preparing for the Lunar New Year decorations, Zoraida approached and insincerely said, "Mum, shall I help out too? Don't forget, back when we lived in the old villa, I was the one in charge of decorating for the New Year!"

Madam Wilson glared at her with disgust and said coldly, "What business is it of yours? Go clean the windows! Let me remind you, today is almost over, and in three days, it will be the New Year. You must ensure all the windows in the villa are spotless!"


Upon hearing the old lady's request to clean all the windows of the entire villa, Zoraida felt overwhelmed.

She couldn't help but blurt out, "Mum! Our villa is so large, with so many rooms and windows. Even if I clean non-stop from now until after the Lunar New Year, I still won't finish!"

Madam Wilson sneered, "You want to drag it out past the Lunar New Year? Let me tell you! If you haven't cleaned all the windows by the evening of New Year's Eve, I'll make you eat your New Year's Eve dinner in the yard!"

Upon hearing this, Zoraida was seething with anger!

If it weren't for Noah, Harold, and Wendy being present, she would have rushed over, kicked the old lady to the ground, sat on her stomach, and slapped her old face.

Unfortunately, she didn't have the chance to act.

Zoraida felt extremely helpless. Despite having countless grievances, she had to swallow them all and reluctantly said, "Alright Mum, I understand. I will do my best to clean them."

Madam Wilson snorted, "You better behave! You've already tarnished the family's reputation. If you don't start behaving properly, not even Donald can save you!"

Facing Madam Wilson's domineering attitude, Zoraida was beyond annoyed.

However, at that moment, she dared not retort and could only nod repeatedly, humiliated, "Mum, you're right. I will definitely follow your instructions!"

Noah then said, "Mum, I'll go upstairs to hang some decorations."

Madam Wilson nodded and said to Zoraida, "You go and clean the windows now, quickly!"

Zoraida had no choice but to comply.

Meanwhile, Noah went upstairs to his room, intending to put up some window decorations. Suddenly, he saw from his window that on the balcony of the opposite Charlie's house, Elaine's balcony was lit up with a row of red lanterns.

What irritated him was that these glowing red lanterns were all placed next to various green hats. The red light against the green hats emitted a strange colour, making it unsettling to look at.

Noah was instantly furious!

He couldn't help but curse, "Bloody hell, Elaine is going too far. She even paired red lanterns with green hats. Isn't there an old saying that red and green clash like a dog's fart? This is really pissing me off!"

Thinking that Elaine was disturbing him even during the New Year, Noah felt uncomfortable. Gritting his teeth, he went downstairs and said to Harold, who was decorating in the living room, "Harold, come with me! Let's go settle the score with Elaine!"

Madam Wilson frowned and asked, "Why are you going to find Elaine at this time?"

Noah, in a fit of anger, retorted, "Mum, that stinky woman Elaine has gone too far. She hung so many green hats on the balcony for so long, and now she's even placed a big red lantern next to each green hat. Is she trying to drive me crazy during the New Year? I have to go and settle the score with her!"

Madam Wilson sternly shouted, "Stop right there! Going to confront Elaine, can the two of you handle Charlie? Do you both want to spend the New Year lying in the hospital?"

Noah, who was just full of momentum, suddenly fell silent.


Charlie's strength is insane. If he were at home, confronting him would be like courting death for oneself.

With gritted teeth, he muttered, "Mum! I might not go looking for trouble today, but under no circumstances can Elaine be left placing those green hats over the New Year!"

Disdainfully, Madam Wilson retorted, "Let her wear them if she wants! For our family now, what does face matter? Money is what really counts!"

Angrily, Noah exclaimed, "So, I have to keep enduring that bastard Elaine? When will this end?"

Harold, with a dark expression, said, "Dad! Haven't you always talked about seizing the opportunity to deal with Elaine? In my opinion, if we're going to do it, let's do it quickly! It'd be best to give her a hard time before the New Year, make Charlie's family have a tough year, if we keep hesitating to act against them, Weaver will soon lose patience with us!"

Noah's expression turned serious as he blurted out, "Yes! Before, that wretched Elaine had her leg in a cast and stayed cooped up at home all day. There was no chance to get at her. But now that I see she seems to have removed the cast, and these days she's preparing for the New Year. I reckon Elaine will definitely go out. Why not seize the opportunity to give her a harsh lesson, let her learn thoroughly!"

Finishing his thoughts, he looked at Madam Wilson and asked, "Mum, what do you think?"

After pondering for a moment, Madam Wilson nodded, "Indeed, we do need to teach Elaine a lesson, at least cause a bit of trouble for Charlie's family. Otherwise, Donald might not feel comfortable."

Then, something struck Madam Wilson, and she excitedly exclaimed, "Donald is scheduled to inspect a few projects in Aurous Hill tomorrow and will probably stay overnight!"

Upon hearing this, Noah quickly chimed in, "Mum, isn't this the perfect opportunity to repay Weaver? Why did Weaver offer us to stay in this villa and invest in our Wilson Group? Essentially, it's to annoy Charlie's family right in front of them, right? If we take the money and do nothing, if Weaver ever points fingers at us, we'll be in trouble too!"

Madam Wilson agreed with a sound, "Alright, Noah, I leave this matter to you to figure out. My only request is to handle it carefully, never let it escalate to fatalities, or else even Donald might not be able to protect us."

Noah nodded, a cold smile forming, "Mum, rest assured, I've planned it out. I'll have Elaine tied up, then take some scandalous photos of her, maybe even get someone to make her pregnant, to shame their whole family!"

Madam Wilson frowned, cautioning, "Noah, if you want to involve others, that's fine, but please don't do it yourself!"

Noah nodded, "Mum, I understand!"

Harold, on the side, hurriedly asked, "Dad, are you planning to make a move tomorrow?"

"Yes!" Noah grinned wickedly, "Tomorrow, we'll tie her up, then put on a show for Donald in the evening!"

Harold interjected, "Dad, I know some reliable friends from before, they can help out when the time comes!"

Noah agreed, "Good! You go find a few strong young men and arrange for a van. I have a friend with an empty warehouse in the suburbs. We'll take Elaine there!"

Wendy, on the side, asked, "Dad, what if Elaine doesn't leave the house tomorrow?"

Harold also nodded, "Yeah, Dad, what if Elaine doesn't go out?"

Noah replied confidently, "If Elaine doesn't come out, we'll create an opportunity for her to do so! I've been observing her daily routine these days. Trust me, I have a way to lure her out of the house!"


Early the next day.

Claire and Jacob left home early to attend to their own matters.

Claire's studio follows the national holiday schedule, starting from New Year's Eve until the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, a total of seven days off.

As for Jacob's calligraphy and painting association, being a hobby group, there is no concept of taking time off; it's up to each individual's mood whether to go or not.

Since Jacob doesn't get along with Elaine at home, he wishes he could spend New Year's Day at the calligraphy and painting association.

Elaine, on the other hand, is busy preparing ingredients for the New Year's Eve dinner at home.

As for Charlie, after getting up early, he checked Lorden's report on the operation of Mystical Labs on his phone.

Currently, the production lines of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals in Japan have smoothly transitioned to producing Mystical Gastric Remedy, and there is already a large amount of stock available.

Charlie plans to launch Mystical Gastric Remedy nationwide in Japan on the first day of the Lunar New Year. At that time, major TV stations in Japan will also air advertisements featuring Haidee Snow endorsing Mystical Gastric Remedy.

As one of the most well-known actresses in Asia, Haidee's influence in Japan is significant.

Coupled with the superior efficacy of Mystical Gastric Remedy compared to similar products, Charlie believes that Mystical Gastric Remedy will surely become popular in Japan.

While Elaine is preparing ingredients downstairs, the doorbell rings.

She steps out into the yard and sees a courier standing outside, so she opens the gate.

The courier asks, "Is this Ms. Elaine Wilson's residence?"

Elaine nods, "Yes, that's me. What's up?"

The courier hands her a small package and says, "Hello, Msiss, this is your local express delivery. Please sign for it."

"For me?!"

Elaine is surprised as she doesn't shop online much and hasn't made any recent purchases. She signs for the delivery and then curiously opens it.

Inside, she finds a set of high-end body care essential oils samples, a beautifully crafted card, and a printed letter.

She opens the letter and reads aloud, "Dear valued guest, congratulations on winning a high-end beauty and wellness spa package worth $8888 at Lizi Beauty Salon. With this package, you can enjoy a full spa service for free at any time without an appointment!"

Excitedly, Elaine exclaims, "Oh my goodness! A free full-body spa treatment?! How can this be real?"

The thought of lying on a beauty bed at the salon, receiving meticulous massages from therapists, makes Elaine feel incredibly itchy all over!

She thinks to herself, "I've been resting my legs at home for a while now. It's been a long time since I've enjoyed a high-end spa treatment. Unexpectedly, a free high-end spa session has landed in front of me. If this was sent to me by mistake, I'd be at a loss if I don't experience it soon before they realize and take it back!"

With this in mind, Elaine quickly tucks the spa package card into her pocket, excitedly rushes into the house, goes straight to her room on the third floor, changes into suitable attire, and plans to head out immediately for the spa.

Thinking that Charlie hasn't come downstairs yet, she goes to the door of Charlie and Claire's room on the second floor, gently knocks, and asks with a smile, "Good son-in-law, are you up yet?"

Charlie opens the door and asks, "Mum, do you need anything?"

Elaine smiles awkwardly, "Um, I have something to do and will be out for a while. Breakfast is ready in the kitchen, still warm, so go down and eat while it's hot!"
Elaine with greed, it's high time she learn another bitter lesson

As Marina left, Isaac hurriedly asked three employees, "What exactly happened just now?"

Lily choked up and said, "Boss Craven, Miss got angry and flipped the table. sister Nan brought us over to clean up the broken glass, then Miss suddenly turned on us, even kicked sister Nan's stomach. sister Nan is pregnant, I was about to call an ambulance, but Miss smashed my phone."

Sister Nan, sitting on the ground in pain, spoke up, "Boss Craven, this is all my fault. Please don't blame them. If the company needs to punish someone, please punish me alone!"

Isaac sighed and said, "This is on me, I didn't protect everyone well. I'll arrange for someone to take you to the hospital immediately, give you at least a month off, and compensate each of you two hundred thousand."

After that, he looked at the forewoman sitting on the ground and said seriously, "Sister Nan, I'll contact the best gynaecologist in Aurous Hill to help you protect the baby at all costs. If the baby can be saved, I'll give you an additional two hundred thousand for prenatal care. If not, I'll compensate you five hundred thousand, give you a year of paid leave to rest and prepare for another pregnancy!"

With Isaac's words, everyone instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

They were worried that Isaac would follow Marina's orders and punish them severely.

Unexpectedly, Isaac took such good care of everyone, a boss so caring and loyal, truly rare!

Seeing the three women crying and thanking him, Isaac didn't have time to comfort them, he quickly called the security team to urgently take them to the hospital.

After sending all three to the hospital, he sat alone in the office, sighing repeatedly, "Ah, I really don't know when this Miss Marina will stop causing trouble in Aurous Hill, and I have no idea what outrageous things she might do. Unfortunately, I am just a servant of the Wade family, and no matter how you look at it, I can't control her. If she really stirs up trouble in Aurous Hill, I have no way to handle it, looks like I can only hope for the young master!"

Charlie didn't care about his aunt, Marina, after returning home, he started preparing for the Chinese New Year with his family.

Since it was their first Spring Festival at the Thomson Elite Villa, the family of four paid great attention to the festive atmosphere this year.

Claire bought many decorative items such as window flowers, stickers, and large red lanterns, planning to decorate the house festively by herself.

Although Elaine was lazy, she was very vain and wanted to quickly decorate the house and then take many photos to show off on social media. So, she joined Claire in the preparations.

After Charlie returned, he also joined in.

From a large cardboard box she bought online, Claire took out a pile of beautifully crafted large red lanterns and said to Elaine, "Mum, I want to decorate the third and second-floor terraces. I'll hang these red lanterns on the railings, turn on the lights after dark, it will look really nice."

Elaine agreed without hesitation, "Sure! It's Chinese New Year, we should make it festive. I'll go hang them up later!"

Claire then said, "Mum, I have something to discuss with you."

Elaine smiled and said, "Sure! What is it?"

Claire hesitated and said, "There are so many different green hats hanging on your third-floor terrace. It's not quite appropriate to have so many green hats during the New Year. Should we take them down?"

Elaine immediately responded without hesitation, "Absolutely not! Those green hats are all prepared for that old man, Noah. It's to make him wake up every morning, see this pile of green hats, and feel miserable all day. If I take them down, wouldn't I be letting him off too easily?"

Claire sighed, "Mum! It's Chinese New Year, everyone is decorating their homes. If we still have so many green hats hanging, it won't look good!"


"Sorry, that won't work!" Elaine stubbornly declared, "Those green hats are my secret weapon against the Wilson family. I want them to be constantly reminded of the fact that Zoraida is pregnant with an illegitimate child!"

Suddenly, Elaine had another idea and chuckled, "Hehe! I'll hang these lanterns with those green hats one by one. When the lanterns are lit, the red ones against the green hats will definitely stand out! It will surely infuriate the Wilson family!"

Claire advised, "Mum, it's the New Year, let's be forgiving."

Elaine coldly snorted, "Don't try to persuade me. No one can. Do you know that your grandmother broke my leg? And those two front teeth of mine, she's to thank for that too. I will never forgive her for this!"

Seeing her mother's determined expression, Claire felt powerless.

It seemed unlikely that she could change her mother's mind.

Elaine then carried a bunch of red lanterns and headed towards the elevator, saying as she walked, "I'll go hang the lanterns up with those green hats!"

Half an hour later.

Under the organization of Madam Wilson, the Wilson family was busy decorating their villa, creating a lively atmosphere.

The current Wilson family was in a much better position than before. After the Wilson Group received investment from Donald Weaver and repaid all debts, they also secured a small project from him, turning their losses into profits.

Madam Wilson also reclaimed the villa, antiques, and calligraphy that were previously seized by the bank.

With the company revived and assets back in their hands, Madam Wilson was full of vigour.

The Wilson family knew that their future happiness depended largely on Madam Wilson, so they treated her like an Empress.

Noah was on cloud nine as the Wilson Group made a comeback. He, along with his children Harold and Wendy, held important positions in the company, enjoying a prestigious status.

Harold and Wendy were back to living the life of rich heirs, filled with joy.

The only one suffering was Zoraida, receiving cold treatment from everyone.

Noah and Madam Wilson harboured deep hatred towards her but couldn't kick her out due to Donald's influence, so they treated her like a thorn in their side.

Harold and Wendy found their mother's past disgrace of getting pregnant with an illegitimate child and contracting a disease embarrassing, hence they ignored her.

Being rejected by the family left Zoraida deeply hurt.

Seeing the Wilson family of four smiling every day while she was left doing household chores like a servant, she felt even more miserable.

At this moment, as she observed them preparing for the Lunar New Year decorations, Zoraida approached and insincerely said, "Mum, shall I help out too? Don't forget, back when we lived in the old villa, I was the one in charge of decorating for the New Year!"

Madam Wilson glared at her with disgust and said coldly, "What business is it of yours? Go clean the windows! Let me remind you, today is almost over, and in three days, it will be the New Year. You must ensure all the windows in the villa are spotless!"


Upon hearing the old lady's request to clean all the windows of the entire villa, Zoraida felt overwhelmed.

She couldn't help but blurt out, "Mum! Our villa is so large, with so many rooms and windows. Even if I clean non-stop from now until after the Lunar New Year, I still won't finish!"

Madam Wilson sneered, "You want to drag it out past the Lunar New Year? Let me tell you! If you haven't cleaned all the windows by the evening of New Year's Eve, I'll make you eat your New Year's Eve dinner in the yard!"

Upon hearing this, Zoraida was seething with anger!

If it weren't for Noah, Harold, and Wendy being present, she would have rushed over, kicked the old lady to the ground, sat on her stomach, and slapped her old face.

Unfortunately, she didn't have the chance to act.

Zoraida felt extremely helpless. Despite having countless grievances, she had to swallow them all and reluctantly said, "Alright Mum, I understand. I will do my best to clean them."

Madam Wilson snorted, "You better behave! You've already tarnished the family's reputation. If you don't start behaving properly, not even Donald can save you!"

Facing Madam Wilson's domineering attitude, Zoraida was beyond annoyed.

However, at that moment, she dared not retort and could only nod repeatedly, humiliated, "Mum, you're right. I will definitely follow your instructions!"

Noah then said, "Mum, I'll go upstairs to hang some decorations."

Madam Wilson nodded and said to Zoraida, "You go and clean the windows now, quickly!"

Zoraida had no choice but to comply.

Meanwhile, Noah went upstairs to his room, intending to put up some window decorations. Suddenly, he saw from his window that on the balcony of the opposite Charlie's house, Elaine's balcony was lit up with a row of red lanterns.

What irritated him was that these glowing red lanterns were all placed next to various green hats. The red light against the green hats emitted a strange colour, making it unsettling to look at.

Noah was instantly furious!

He couldn't help but curse, "Bloody hell, Elaine is going too far. She even paired red lanterns with green hats. Isn't there an old saying that red and green clash like a dog's fart? This is really pissing me off!"

Thinking that Elaine was disturbing him even during the New Year, Noah felt uncomfortable. Gritting his teeth, he went downstairs and said to Harold, who was decorating in the living room, "Harold, come with me! Let's go settle the score with Elaine!"

Madam Wilson frowned and asked, "Why are you going to find Elaine at this time?"

Noah, in a fit of anger, retorted, "Mum, that stinky woman Elaine has gone too far. She hung so many green hats on the balcony for so long, and now she's even placed a big red lantern next to each green hat. Is she trying to drive me crazy during the New Year? I have to go and settle the score with her!"

Madam Wilson sternly shouted, "Stop right there! Going to confront Elaine, can the two of you handle Charlie? Do you both want to spend the New Year lying in the hospital?"

Noah, who was just full of momentum, suddenly fell silent.


Charlie's strength is insane. If he were at home, confronting him would be like courting death for oneself.

With gritted teeth, he muttered, "Mum! I might not go looking for trouble today, but under no circumstances can Elaine be left placing those green hats over the New Year!"

Disdainfully, Madam Wilson retorted, "Let her wear them if she wants! For our family now, what does face matter? Money is what really counts!"

Angrily, Noah exclaimed, "So, I have to keep enduring that bastard Elaine? When will this end?"

Harold, with a dark expression, said, "Dad! Haven't you always talked about seizing the opportunity to deal with Elaine? In my opinion, if we're going to do it, let's do it quickly! It'd be best to give her a hard time before the New Year, make Charlie's family have a tough year, if we keep hesitating to act against them, Weaver will soon lose patience with us!"

Noah's expression turned serious as he blurted out, "Yes! Before, that wretched Elaine had her leg in a cast and stayed cooped up at home all day. There was no chance to get at her. But now that I see she seems to have removed the cast, and these days she's preparing for the New Year. I reckon Elaine will definitely go out. Why not seize the opportunity to give her a harsh lesson, let her learn thoroughly!"

Finishing his thoughts, he looked at Madam Wilson and asked, "Mum, what do you think?"

After pondering for a moment, Madam Wilson nodded, "Indeed, we do need to teach Elaine a lesson, at least cause a bit of trouble for Charlie's family. Otherwise, Donald might not feel comfortable."

Then, something struck Madam Wilson, and she excitedly exclaimed, "Donald is scheduled to inspect a few projects in Aurous Hill tomorrow and will probably stay overnight!"

Upon hearing this, Noah quickly chimed in, "Mum, isn't this the perfect opportunity to repay Weaver? Why did Weaver offer us to stay in this villa and invest in our Wilson Group? Essentially, it's to annoy Charlie's family right in front of them, right? If we take the money and do nothing, if Weaver ever points fingers at us, we'll be in trouble too!"

Madam Wilson agreed with a sound, "Alright, Noah, I leave this matter to you to figure out. My only request is to handle it carefully, never let it escalate to fatalities, or else even Donald might not be able to protect us."

Noah nodded, a cold smile forming, "Mum, rest assured, I've planned it out. I'll have Elaine tied up, then take some scandalous photos of her, maybe even get someone to make her pregnant, to shame their whole family!"

Madam Wilson frowned, cautioning, "Noah, if you want to involve others, that's fine, but please don't do it yourself!"

Noah nodded, "Mum, I understand!"

Harold, on the side, hurriedly asked, "Dad, are you planning to make a move tomorrow?"

"Yes!" Noah grinned wickedly, "Tomorrow, we'll tie her up, then put on a show for Donald in the evening!"

Harold interjected, "Dad, I know some reliable friends from before, they can help out when the time comes!"

Noah agreed, "Good! You go find a few strong young men and arrange for a van. I have a friend with an empty warehouse in the suburbs. We'll take Elaine there!"

Wendy, on the side, asked, "Dad, what if Elaine doesn't leave the house tomorrow?"

Harold also nodded, "Yeah, Dad, what if Elaine doesn't go out?"

Noah replied confidently, "If Elaine doesn't come out, we'll create an opportunity for her to do so! I've been observing her daily routine these days. Trust me, I have a way to lure her out of the house!"


Early the next day.

Claire and Jacob left home early to attend to their own matters.

Claire's studio follows the national holiday schedule, starting from New Year's Eve until the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, a total of seven days off.

As for Jacob's calligraphy and painting association, being a hobby group, there is no concept of taking time off; it's up to each individual's mood whether to go or not.

Since Jacob doesn't get along with Elaine at home, he wishes he could spend New Year's Day at the calligraphy and painting association.

Elaine, on the other hand, is busy preparing ingredients for the New Year's Eve dinner at home.

As for Charlie, after getting up early, he checked Lorden's report on the operation of Mystical Labs on his phone.

Currently, the production lines of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals in Japan have smoothly transitioned to producing Mystical Gastric Remedy, and there is already a large amount of stock available.

Charlie plans to launch Mystical Gastric Remedy nationwide in Japan on the first day of the Lunar New Year. At that time, major TV stations in Japan will also air advertisements featuring Haidee Snow endorsing Mystical Gastric Remedy.

As one of the most well-known actresses in Asia, Haidee's influence in Japan is significant.

Coupled with the superior efficacy of Mystical Gastric Remedy compared to similar products, Charlie believes that Mystical Gastric Remedy will surely become popular in Japan.

While Elaine is preparing ingredients downstairs, the doorbell rings.

She steps out into the yard and sees a courier standing outside, so she opens the gate.

The courier asks, "Is this Ms. Elaine Wilson's residence?"

Elaine nods, "Yes, that's me. What's up?"

The courier hands her a small package and says, "Hello, Msiss, this is your local express delivery. Please sign for it."

"For me?!"

Elaine is surprised as she doesn't shop online much and hasn't made any recent purchases. She signs for the delivery and then curiously opens it.

Inside, she finds a set of high-end body care essential oils samples, a beautifully crafted card, and a printed letter.

She opens the letter and reads aloud, "Dear valued guest, congratulations on winning a high-end beauty and wellness spa package worth $8888 at Lizi Beauty Salon. With this package, you can enjoy a full spa service for free at any time without an appointment!"

Excitedly, Elaine exclaims, "Oh my goodness! A free full-body spa treatment?! How can this be real?"

The thought of lying on a beauty bed at the salon, receiving meticulous massages from therapists, makes Elaine feel incredibly itchy all over!

She thinks to herself, "I've been resting my legs at home for a while now. It's been a long time since I've enjoyed a high-end spa treatment. Unexpectedly, a free high-end spa session has landed in front of me. If this was sent to me by mistake, I'd be at a loss if I don't experience it soon before they realize and take it back!"

With this in mind, Elaine quickly tucks the spa package card into her pocket, excitedly rushes into the house, goes straight to her room on the third floor, changes into suitable attire, and plans to head out immediately for the spa.

Thinking that Charlie hasn't come downstairs yet, she goes to the door of Charlie and Claire's room on the second floor, gently knocks, and asks with a smile, "Good son-in-law, are you up yet?"

Charlie opens the door and asks, "Mum, do you need anything?"

Elaine smiles awkwardly, "Um, I have something to do and will be out for a while. Breakfast is ready in the kitchen, still warm, so go down and eat while it's hot!"
It's good the greedy Mother-in-law of the impotent is going to suffer😀😀😀

As Marina left, Isaac hurriedly asked three employees, "What exactly happened just now?"

Lily choked up and said, "Boss Craven, Miss got angry and flipped the table. sister Nan brought us over to clean up the broken glass, then Miss suddenly turned on us, even kicked sister Nan's stomach. sister Nan is pregnant, I was about to call an ambulance, but Miss smashed my phone."

Sister Nan, sitting on the ground in pain, spoke up, "Boss Craven, this is all my fault. Please don't blame them. If the company needs to punish someone, please punish me alone!"

Isaac sighed and said, "This is on me, I didn't protect everyone well. I'll arrange for someone to take you to the hospital immediately, give you at least a month off, and compensate each of you two hundred thousand."

After that, he looked at the forewoman sitting on the ground and said seriously, "Sister Nan, I'll contact the best gynaecologist in Aurous Hill to help you protect the baby at all costs. If the baby can be saved, I'll give you an additional two hundred thousand for prenatal care. If not, I'll compensate you five hundred thousand, give you a year of paid leave to rest and prepare for another pregnancy!"

With Isaac's words, everyone instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

They were worried that Isaac would follow Marina's orders and punish them severely.

Unexpectedly, Isaac took such good care of everyone, a boss so caring and loyal, truly rare!

Seeing the three women crying and thanking him, Isaac didn't have time to comfort them, he quickly called the security team to urgently take them to the hospital.

After sending all three to the hospital, he sat alone in the office, sighing repeatedly, "Ah, I really don't know when this Miss Marina will stop causing trouble in Aurous Hill, and I have no idea what outrageous things she might do. Unfortunately, I am just a servant of the Wade family, and no matter how you look at it, I can't control her. If she really stirs up trouble in Aurous Hill, I have no way to handle it, looks like I can only hope for the young master!"

Charlie didn't care about his aunt, Marina, after returning home, he started preparing for the Chinese New Year with his family.

Since it was their first Spring Festival at the Thomson Elite Villa, the family of four paid great attention to the festive atmosphere this year.

Claire bought many decorative items such as window flowers, stickers, and large red lanterns, planning to decorate the house festively by herself.

Although Elaine was lazy, she was very vain and wanted to quickly decorate the house and then take many photos to show off on social media. So, she joined Claire in the preparations.

After Charlie returned, he also joined in.

From a large cardboard box she bought online, Claire took out a pile of beautifully crafted large red lanterns and said to Elaine, "Mum, I want to decorate the third and second-floor terraces. I'll hang these red lanterns on the railings, turn on the lights after dark, it will look really nice."

Elaine agreed without hesitation, "Sure! It's Chinese New Year, we should make it festive. I'll go hang them up later!"

Claire then said, "Mum, I have something to discuss with you."

Elaine smiled and said, "Sure! What is it?"

Claire hesitated and said, "There are so many different green hats hanging on your third-floor terrace. It's not quite appropriate to have so many green hats during the New Year. Should we take them down?"

Elaine immediately responded without hesitation, "Absolutely not! Those green hats are all prepared for that old man, Noah. It's to make him wake up every morning, see this pile of green hats, and feel miserable all day. If I take them down, wouldn't I be letting him off too easily?"

Claire sighed, "Mum! It's Chinese New Year, everyone is decorating their homes. If we still have so many green hats hanging, it won't look good!"


"Sorry, that won't work!" Elaine stubbornly declared, "Those green hats are my secret weapon against the Wilson family. I want them to be constantly reminded of the fact that Zoraida is pregnant with an illegitimate child!"

Suddenly, Elaine had another idea and chuckled, "Hehe! I'll hang these lanterns with those green hats one by one. When the lanterns are lit, the red ones against the green hats will definitely stand out! It will surely infuriate the Wilson family!"

Claire advised, "Mum, it's the New Year, let's be forgiving."

Elaine coldly snorted, "Don't try to persuade me. No one can. Do you know that your grandmother broke my leg? And those two front teeth of mine, she's to thank for that too. I will never forgive her for this!"

Seeing her mother's determined expression, Claire felt powerless.

It seemed unlikely that she could change her mother's mind.

Elaine then carried a bunch of red lanterns and headed towards the elevator, saying as she walked, "I'll go hang the lanterns up with those green hats!"

Half an hour later.

Under the organization of Madam Wilson, the Wilson family was busy decorating their villa, creating a lively atmosphere.

The current Wilson family was in a much better position than before. After the Wilson Group received investment from Donald Weaver and repaid all debts, they also secured a small project from him, turning their losses into profits.

Madam Wilson also reclaimed the villa, antiques, and calligraphy that were previously seized by the bank.

With the company revived and assets back in their hands, Madam Wilson was full of vigour.

The Wilson family knew that their future happiness depended largely on Madam Wilson, so they treated her like an Empress.

Noah was on cloud nine as the Wilson Group made a comeback. He, along with his children Harold and Wendy, held important positions in the company, enjoying a prestigious status.

Harold and Wendy were back to living the life of rich heirs, filled with joy.

The only one suffering was Zoraida, receiving cold treatment from everyone.

Noah and Madam Wilson harboured deep hatred towards her but couldn't kick her out due to Donald's influence, so they treated her like a thorn in their side.

Harold and Wendy found their mother's past disgrace of getting pregnant with an illegitimate child and contracting a disease embarrassing, hence they ignored her.

Being rejected by the family left Zoraida deeply hurt.

Seeing the Wilson family of four smiling every day while she was left doing household chores like a servant, she felt even more miserable.

At this moment, as she observed them preparing for the Lunar New Year decorations, Zoraida approached and insincerely said, "Mum, shall I help out too? Don't forget, back when we lived in the old villa, I was the one in charge of decorating for the New Year!"

Madam Wilson glared at her with disgust and said coldly, "What business is it of yours? Go clean the windows! Let me remind you, today is almost over, and in three days, it will be the New Year. You must ensure all the windows in the villa are spotless!"


Upon hearing the old lady's request to clean all the windows of the entire villa, Zoraida felt overwhelmed.

She couldn't help but blurt out, "Mum! Our villa is so large, with so many rooms and windows. Even if I clean non-stop from now until after the Lunar New Year, I still won't finish!"

Madam Wilson sneered, "You want to drag it out past the Lunar New Year? Let me tell you! If you haven't cleaned all the windows by the evening of New Year's Eve, I'll make you eat your New Year's Eve dinner in the yard!"

Upon hearing this, Zoraida was seething with anger!

If it weren't for Noah, Harold, and Wendy being present, she would have rushed over, kicked the old lady to the ground, sat on her stomach, and slapped her old face.

Unfortunately, she didn't have the chance to act.

Zoraida felt extremely helpless. Despite having countless grievances, she had to swallow them all and reluctantly said, "Alright Mum, I understand. I will do my best to clean them."

Madam Wilson snorted, "You better behave! You've already tarnished the family's reputation. If you don't start behaving properly, not even Donald can save you!"

Facing Madam Wilson's domineering attitude, Zoraida was beyond annoyed.

However, at that moment, she dared not retort and could only nod repeatedly, humiliated, "Mum, you're right. I will definitely follow your instructions!"

Noah then said, "Mum, I'll go upstairs to hang some decorations."

Madam Wilson nodded and said to Zoraida, "You go and clean the windows now, quickly!"

Zoraida had no choice but to comply.

Meanwhile, Noah went upstairs to his room, intending to put up some window decorations. Suddenly, he saw from his window that on the balcony of the opposite Charlie's house, Elaine's balcony was lit up with a row of red lanterns.

What irritated him was that these glowing red lanterns were all placed next to various green hats. The red light against the green hats emitted a strange colour, making it unsettling to look at.

Noah was instantly furious!

He couldn't help but curse, "Bloody hell, Elaine is going too far. She even paired red lanterns with green hats. Isn't there an old saying that red and green clash like a dog's fart? This is really pissing me off!"

Thinking that Elaine was disturbing him even during the New Year, Noah felt uncomfortable. Gritting his teeth, he went downstairs and said to Harold, who was decorating in the living room, "Harold, come with me! Let's go settle the score with Elaine!"

Madam Wilson frowned and asked, "Why are you going to find Elaine at this time?"

Noah, in a fit of anger, retorted, "Mum, that stinky woman Elaine has gone too far. She hung so many green hats on the balcony for so long, and now she's even placed a big red lantern next to each green hat. Is she trying to drive me crazy during the New Year? I have to go and settle the score with her!"

Madam Wilson sternly shouted, "Stop right there! Going to confront Elaine, can the two of you handle Charlie? Do you both want to spend the New Year lying in the hospital?"

Noah, who was just full of momentum, suddenly fell silent.


Charlie's strength is insane. If he were at home, confronting him would be like courting death for oneself.

With gritted teeth, he muttered, "Mum! I might not go looking for trouble today, but under no circumstances can Elaine be left placing those green hats over the New Year!"

Disdainfully, Madam Wilson retorted, "Let her wear them if she wants! For our family now, what does face matter? Money is what really counts!"

Angrily, Noah exclaimed, "So, I have to keep enduring that bastard Elaine? When will this end?"

Harold, with a dark expression, said, "Dad! Haven't you always talked about seizing the opportunity to deal with Elaine? In my opinion, if we're going to do it, let's do it quickly! It'd be best to give her a hard time before the New Year, make Charlie's family have a tough year, if we keep hesitating to act against them, Weaver will soon lose patience with us!"

Noah's expression turned serious as he blurted out, "Yes! Before, that wretched Elaine had her leg in a cast and stayed cooped up at home all day. There was no chance to get at her. But now that I see she seems to have removed the cast, and these days she's preparing for the New Year. I reckon Elaine will definitely go out. Why not seize the opportunity to give her a harsh lesson, let her learn thoroughly!"

Finishing his thoughts, he looked at Madam Wilson and asked, "Mum, what do you think?"

After pondering for a moment, Madam Wilson nodded, "Indeed, we do need to teach Elaine a lesson, at least cause a bit of trouble for Charlie's family. Otherwise, Donald might not feel comfortable."

Then, something struck Madam Wilson, and she excitedly exclaimed, "Donald is scheduled to inspect a few projects in Aurous Hill tomorrow and will probably stay overnight!"

Upon hearing this, Noah quickly chimed in, "Mum, isn't this the perfect opportunity to repay Weaver? Why did Weaver offer us to stay in this villa and invest in our Wilson Group? Essentially, it's to annoy Charlie's family right in front of them, right? If we take the money and do nothing, if Weaver ever points fingers at us, we'll be in trouble too!"

Madam Wilson agreed with a sound, "Alright, Noah, I leave this matter to you to figure out. My only request is to handle it carefully, never let it escalate to fatalities, or else even Donald might not be able to protect us."

Noah nodded, a cold smile forming, "Mum, rest assured, I've planned it out. I'll have Elaine tied up, then take some scandalous photos of her, maybe even get someone to make her pregnant, to shame their whole family!"

Madam Wilson frowned, cautioning, "Noah, if you want to involve others, that's fine, but please don't do it yourself!"

Noah nodded, "Mum, I understand!"

Harold, on the side, hurriedly asked, "Dad, are you planning to make a move tomorrow?"

"Yes!" Noah grinned wickedly, "Tomorrow, we'll tie her up, then put on a show for Donald in the evening!"

Harold interjected, "Dad, I know some reliable friends from before, they can help out when the time comes!"

Noah agreed, "Good! You go find a few strong young men and arrange for a van. I have a friend with an empty warehouse in the suburbs. We'll take Elaine there!"

Wendy, on the side, asked, "Dad, what if Elaine doesn't leave the house tomorrow?"

Harold also nodded, "Yeah, Dad, what if Elaine doesn't go out?"

Noah replied confidently, "If Elaine doesn't come out, we'll create an opportunity for her to do so! I've been observing her daily routine these days. Trust me, I have a way to lure her out of the house!"


Early the next day.

Claire and Jacob left home early to attend to their own matters.

Claire's studio follows the national holiday schedule, starting from New Year's Eve until the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, a total of seven days off.

As for Jacob's calligraphy and painting association, being a hobby group, there is no concept of taking time off; it's up to each individual's mood whether to go or not.

Since Jacob doesn't get along with Elaine at home, he wishes he could spend New Year's Day at the calligraphy and painting association.

Elaine, on the other hand, is busy preparing ingredients for the New Year's Eve dinner at home.

As for Charlie, after getting up early, he checked Lorden's report on the operation of Mystical Labs on his phone.

Currently, the production lines of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals in Japan have smoothly transitioned to producing Mystical Gastric Remedy, and there is already a large amount of stock available.

Charlie plans to launch Mystical Gastric Remedy nationwide in Japan on the first day of the Lunar New Year. At that time, major TV stations in Japan will also air advertisements featuring Haidee Snow endorsing Mystical Gastric Remedy.

As one of the most well-known actresses in Asia, Haidee's influence in Japan is significant.

Coupled with the superior efficacy of Mystical Gastric Remedy compared to similar products, Charlie believes that Mystical Gastric Remedy will surely become popular in Japan.

While Elaine is preparing ingredients downstairs, the doorbell rings.

She steps out into the yard and sees a courier standing outside, so she opens the gate.

The courier asks, "Is this Ms. Elaine Wilson's residence?"

Elaine nods, "Yes, that's me. What's up?"

The courier hands her a small package and says, "Hello, Msiss, this is your local express delivery. Please sign for it."

"For me?!"

Elaine is surprised as she doesn't shop online much and hasn't made any recent purchases. She signs for the delivery and then curiously opens it.

Inside, she finds a set of high-end body care essential oils samples, a beautifully crafted card, and a printed letter.

She opens the letter and reads aloud, "Dear valued guest, congratulations on winning a high-end beauty and wellness spa package worth $8888 at Lizi Beauty Salon. With this package, you can enjoy a full spa service for free at any time without an appointment!"

Excitedly, Elaine exclaims, "Oh my goodness! A free full-body spa treatment?! How can this be real?"

The thought of lying on a beauty bed at the salon, receiving meticulous massages from therapists, makes Elaine feel incredibly itchy all over!

She thinks to herself, "I've been resting my legs at home for a while now. It's been a long time since I've enjoyed a high-end spa treatment. Unexpectedly, a free high-end spa session has landed in front of me. If this was sent to me by mistake, I'd be at a loss if I don't experience it soon before they realize and take it back!"

With this in mind, Elaine quickly tucks the spa package card into her pocket, excitedly rushes into the house, goes straight to her room on the third floor, changes into suitable attire, and plans to head out immediately for the spa.

Thinking that Charlie hasn't come downstairs yet, she goes to the door of Charlie and Claire's room on the second floor, gently knocks, and asks with a smile, "Good son-in-law, are you up yet?"

Charlie opens the door and asks, "Mum, do you need anything?"

Elaine smiles awkwardly, "Um, I have something to do and will be out for a while. Breakfast is ready in the kitchen, still warm, so go down and eat while it's hot!"
this Wilson family p.. me off 😔

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