"Dragon Son-in-law" a.k.a. Millionaire Son-in-law, Charlie Wade Story. Translated by Junlee (aka Jungal2000)

Charlie Wade is a househusband son-in-law whom everyone looks down upon. However, unknown to them, his true identity is that of the young master from a top-tier family. Those who once belittled him will eventually kneel before him, trembling with fear and calling him "Master!" ...

The MC is Charlie Wade, and there's this girl Claire Wilson. They're in this savage clapback novel called "Ultimate Dragon Honcho", penned by this dude Ye Gongzi. Everyone knew Charlie Wade was the son-in-law of the Wilson family. Like, Grandpa Wilson legit pulled this broke boy outta nowhere and made him marry his grand daughter/princess, Claire. But bro's got no skills, no dough 💸, and Claire had to deal with so much BS 'cause of him. He even had the nerve to ask for money during Grandma Wilson's big party, making Claire hella embarrassed 😳. They kicked Charlie Wade out, but then plot twist! 🌀 Some butler dude shows up. Turns out, Charlie Wade's actually from the uber-rich Wade clan. The butler's like, "Come home, fam." But since his parents were, like, done dirty by the Wade fam, he's like "Nah." But he did take his grandpa’s black card loaded with 10 billion. 💳💰 #MicDrop

Author: Charlie Wade
Category: Urban Fiction
Status: Ongoing
Last Updated: October 18, 2023
Last edited:

As Marina left, Isaac hurriedly asked three employees, "What exactly happened just now?"

Lily choked up and said, "Boss Craven, Miss got angry and flipped the table. sister Nan brought us over to clean up the broken glass, then Miss suddenly turned on us, even kicked sister Nan's stomach. sister Nan is pregnant, I was about to call an ambulance, but Miss smashed my phone."

Sister Nan, sitting on the ground in pain, spoke up, "Boss Craven, this is all my fault. Please don't blame them. If the company needs to punish someone, please punish me alone!"

Isaac sighed and said, "This is on me, I didn't protect everyone well. I'll arrange for someone to take you to the hospital immediately, give you at least a month off, and compensate each of you two hundred thousand."

After that, he looked at the forewoman sitting on the ground and said seriously, "Sister Nan, I'll contact the best gynaecologist in Aurous Hill to help you protect the baby at all costs. If the baby can be saved, I'll give you an additional two hundred thousand for prenatal care. If not, I'll compensate you five hundred thousand, give you a year of paid leave to rest and prepare for another pregnancy!"

With Isaac's words, everyone instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

They were worried that Isaac would follow Marina's orders and punish them severely.

Unexpectedly, Isaac took such good care of everyone, a boss so caring and loyal, truly rare!

Seeing the three women crying and thanking him, Isaac didn't have time to comfort them, he quickly called the security team to urgently take them to the hospital.

After sending all three to the hospital, he sat alone in the office, sighing repeatedly, "Ah, I really don't know when this Miss Marina will stop causing trouble in Aurous Hill, and I have no idea what outrageous things she might do. Unfortunately, I am just a servant of the Wade family, and no matter how you look at it, I can't control her. If she really stirs up trouble in Aurous Hill, I have no way to handle it, looks like I can only hope for the young master!"

Charlie didn't care about his aunt, Marina, after returning home, he started preparing for the Chinese New Year with his family.

Since it was their first Spring Festival at the Thomson Elite Villa, the family of four paid great attention to the festive atmosphere this year.

Claire bought many decorative items such as window flowers, stickers, and large red lanterns, planning to decorate the house festively by herself.

Although Elaine was lazy, she was very vain and wanted to quickly decorate the house and then take many photos to show off on social media. So, she joined Claire in the preparations.

After Charlie returned, he also joined in.

From a large cardboard box she bought online, Claire took out a pile of beautifully crafted large red lanterns and said to Elaine, "Mum, I want to decorate the third and second-floor terraces. I'll hang these red lanterns on the railings, turn on the lights after dark, it will look really nice."

Elaine agreed without hesitation, "Sure! It's Chinese New Year, we should make it festive. I'll go hang them up later!"

Claire then said, "Mum, I have something to discuss with you."

Elaine smiled and said, "Sure! What is it?"

Claire hesitated and said, "There are so many different green hats hanging on your third-floor terrace. It's not quite appropriate to have so many green hats during the New Year. Should we take them down?"

Elaine immediately responded without hesitation, "Absolutely not! Those green hats are all prepared for that old man, Noah. It's to make him wake up every morning, see this pile of green hats, and feel miserable all day. If I take them down, wouldn't I be letting him off too easily?"

Claire sighed, "Mum! It's Chinese New Year, everyone is decorating their homes. If we still have so many green hats hanging, it won't look good!"


"Sorry, that won't work!" Elaine stubbornly declared, "Those green hats are my secret weapon against the Wilson family. I want them to be constantly reminded of the fact that Zoraida is pregnant with an illegitimate child!"

Suddenly, Elaine had another idea and chuckled, "Hehe! I'll hang these lanterns with those green hats one by one. When the lanterns are lit, the red ones against the green hats will definitely stand out! It will surely infuriate the Wilson family!"

Claire advised, "Mum, it's the New Year, let's be forgiving."

Elaine coldly snorted, "Don't try to persuade me. No one can. Do you know that your grandmother broke my leg? And those two front teeth of mine, she's to thank for that too. I will never forgive her for this!"

Seeing her mother's determined expression, Claire felt powerless.

It seemed unlikely that she could change her mother's mind.

Elaine then carried a bunch of red lanterns and headed towards the elevator, saying as she walked, "I'll go hang the lanterns up with those green hats!"

Half an hour later.

Under the organization of Madam Wilson, the Wilson family was busy decorating their villa, creating a lively atmosphere.

The current Wilson family was in a much better position than before. After the Wilson Group received investment from Donald Weaver and repaid all debts, they also secured a small project from him, turning their losses into profits.

Madam Wilson also reclaimed the villa, antiques, and calligraphy that were previously seized by the bank.

With the company revived and assets back in their hands, Madam Wilson was full of vigour.

The Wilson family knew that their future happiness depended largely on Madam Wilson, so they treated her like an Empress.

Noah was on cloud nine as the Wilson Group made a comeback. He, along with his children Harold and Wendy, held important positions in the company, enjoying a prestigious status.

Harold and Wendy were back to living the life of rich heirs, filled with joy.

The only one suffering was Zoraida, receiving cold treatment from everyone.

Noah and Madam Wilson harboured deep hatred towards her but couldn't kick her out due to Donald's influence, so they treated her like a thorn in their side.

Harold and Wendy found their mother's past disgrace of getting pregnant with an illegitimate child and contracting a disease embarrassing, hence they ignored her.

Being rejected by the family left Zoraida deeply hurt.

Seeing the Wilson family of four smiling every day while she was left doing household chores like a servant, she felt even more miserable.

At this moment, as she observed them preparing for the Lunar New Year decorations, Zoraida approached and insincerely said, "Mum, shall I help out too? Don't forget, back when we lived in the old villa, I was the one in charge of decorating for the New Year!"

Madam Wilson glared at her with disgust and said coldly, "What business is it of yours? Go clean the windows! Let me remind you, today is almost over, and in three days, it will be the New Year. You must ensure all the windows in the villa are spotless!"


Upon hearing the old lady's request to clean all the windows of the entire villa, Zoraida felt overwhelmed.

She couldn't help but blurt out, "Mum! Our villa is so large, with so many rooms and windows. Even if I clean non-stop from now until after the Lunar New Year, I still won't finish!"

Madam Wilson sneered, "You want to drag it out past the Lunar New Year? Let me tell you! If you haven't cleaned all the windows by the evening of New Year's Eve, I'll make you eat your New Year's Eve dinner in the yard!"

Upon hearing this, Zoraida was seething with anger!

If it weren't for Noah, Harold, and Wendy being present, she would have rushed over, kicked the old lady to the ground, sat on her stomach, and slapped her old face.

Unfortunately, she didn't have the chance to act.

Zoraida felt extremely helpless. Despite having countless grievances, she had to swallow them all and reluctantly said, "Alright Mum, I understand. I will do my best to clean them."

Madam Wilson snorted, "You better behave! You've already tarnished the family's reputation. If you don't start behaving properly, not even Donald can save you!"

Facing Madam Wilson's domineering attitude, Zoraida was beyond annoyed.

However, at that moment, she dared not retort and could only nod repeatedly, humiliated, "Mum, you're right. I will definitely follow your instructions!"

Noah then said, "Mum, I'll go upstairs to hang some decorations."

Madam Wilson nodded and said to Zoraida, "You go and clean the windows now, quickly!"

Zoraida had no choice but to comply.

Meanwhile, Noah went upstairs to his room, intending to put up some window decorations. Suddenly, he saw from his window that on the balcony of the opposite Charlie's house, Elaine's balcony was lit up with a row of red lanterns.

What irritated him was that these glowing red lanterns were all placed next to various green hats. The red light against the green hats emitted a strange colour, making it unsettling to look at.

Noah was instantly furious!

He couldn't help but curse, "Bloody hell, Elaine is going too far. She even paired red lanterns with green hats. Isn't there an old saying that red and green clash like a dog's fart? This is really pissing me off!"

Thinking that Elaine was disturbing him even during the New Year, Noah felt uncomfortable. Gritting his teeth, he went downstairs and said to Harold, who was decorating in the living room, "Harold, come with me! Let's go settle the score with Elaine!"

Madam Wilson frowned and asked, "Why are you going to find Elaine at this time?"

Noah, in a fit of anger, retorted, "Mum, that stinky woman Elaine has gone too far. She hung so many green hats on the balcony for so long, and now she's even placed a big red lantern next to each green hat. Is she trying to drive me crazy during the New Year? I have to go and settle the score with her!"

Madam Wilson sternly shouted, "Stop right there! Going to confront Elaine, can the two of you handle Charlie? Do you both want to spend the New Year lying in the hospital?"

Noah, who was just full of momentum, suddenly fell silent.


Charlie's strength is insane. If he were at home, confronting him would be like courting death for oneself.

With gritted teeth, he muttered, "Mum! I might not go looking for trouble today, but under no circumstances can Elaine be left placing those green hats over the New Year!"

Disdainfully, Madam Wilson retorted, "Let her wear them if she wants! For our family now, what does face matter? Money is what really counts!"

Angrily, Noah exclaimed, "So, I have to keep enduring that bastard Elaine? When will this end?"

Harold, with a dark expression, said, "Dad! Haven't you always talked about seizing the opportunity to deal with Elaine? In my opinion, if we're going to do it, let's do it quickly! It'd be best to give her a hard time before the New Year, make Charlie's family have a tough year, if we keep hesitating to act against them, Weaver will soon lose patience with us!"

Noah's expression turned serious as he blurted out, "Yes! Before, that wretched Elaine had her leg in a cast and stayed cooped up at home all day. There was no chance to get at her. But now that I see she seems to have removed the cast, and these days she's preparing for the New Year. I reckon Elaine will definitely go out. Why not seize the opportunity to give her a harsh lesson, let her learn thoroughly!"

Finishing his thoughts, he looked at Madam Wilson and asked, "Mum, what do you think?"

After pondering for a moment, Madam Wilson nodded, "Indeed, we do need to teach Elaine a lesson, at least cause a bit of trouble for Charlie's family. Otherwise, Donald might not feel comfortable."

Then, something struck Madam Wilson, and she excitedly exclaimed, "Donald is scheduled to inspect a few projects in Aurous Hill tomorrow and will probably stay overnight!"

Upon hearing this, Noah quickly chimed in, "Mum, isn't this the perfect opportunity to repay Weaver? Why did Weaver offer us to stay in this villa and invest in our Wilson Group? Essentially, it's to annoy Charlie's family right in front of them, right? If we take the money and do nothing, if Weaver ever points fingers at us, we'll be in trouble too!"

Madam Wilson agreed with a sound, "Alright, Noah, I leave this matter to you to figure out. My only request is to handle it carefully, never let it escalate to fatalities, or else even Donald might not be able to protect us."

Noah nodded, a cold smile forming, "Mum, rest assured, I've planned it out. I'll have Elaine tied up, then take some scandalous photos of her, maybe even get someone to make her pregnant, to shame their whole family!"

Madam Wilson frowned, cautioning, "Noah, if you want to involve others, that's fine, but please don't do it yourself!"

Noah nodded, "Mum, I understand!"

Harold, on the side, hurriedly asked, "Dad, are you planning to make a move tomorrow?"

"Yes!" Noah grinned wickedly, "Tomorrow, we'll tie her up, then put on a show for Donald in the evening!"

Harold interjected, "Dad, I know some reliable friends from before, they can help out when the time comes!"

Noah agreed, "Good! You go find a few strong young men and arrange for a van. I have a friend with an empty warehouse in the suburbs. We'll take Elaine there!"

Wendy, on the side, asked, "Dad, what if Elaine doesn't leave the house tomorrow?"

Harold also nodded, "Yeah, Dad, what if Elaine doesn't go out?"

Noah replied confidently, "If Elaine doesn't come out, we'll create an opportunity for her to do so! I've been observing her daily routine these days. Trust me, I have a way to lure her out of the house!"


Early the next day.

Claire and Jacob left home early to attend to their own matters.

Claire's studio follows the national holiday schedule, starting from New Year's Eve until the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, a total of seven days off.

As for Jacob's calligraphy and painting association, being a hobby group, there is no concept of taking time off; it's up to each individual's mood whether to go or not.

Since Jacob doesn't get along with Elaine at home, he wishes he could spend New Year's Day at the calligraphy and painting association.

Elaine, on the other hand, is busy preparing ingredients for the New Year's Eve dinner at home.

As for Charlie, after getting up early, he checked Lorden's report on the operation of Mystical Labs on his phone.

Currently, the production lines of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals in Japan have smoothly transitioned to producing Mystical Gastric Remedy, and there is already a large amount of stock available.

Charlie plans to launch Mystical Gastric Remedy nationwide in Japan on the first day of the Lunar New Year. At that time, major TV stations in Japan will also air advertisements featuring Haidee Snow endorsing Mystical Gastric Remedy.

As one of the most well-known actresses in Asia, Haidee's influence in Japan is significant.

Coupled with the superior efficacy of Mystical Gastric Remedy compared to similar products, Charlie believes that Mystical Gastric Remedy will surely become popular in Japan.

While Elaine is preparing ingredients downstairs, the doorbell rings.

She steps out into the yard and sees a courier standing outside, so she opens the gate.

The courier asks, "Is this Ms. Elaine Wilson's residence?"

Elaine nods, "Yes, that's me. What's up?"

The courier hands her a small package and says, "Hello, Msiss, this is your local express delivery. Please sign for it."

"For me?!"

Elaine is surprised as she doesn't shop online much and hasn't made any recent purchases. She signs for the delivery and then curiously opens it.

Inside, she finds a set of high-end body care essential oils samples, a beautifully crafted card, and a printed letter.

She opens the letter and reads aloud, "Dear valued guest, congratulations on winning a high-end beauty and wellness spa package worth $8888 at Lizi Beauty Salon. With this package, you can enjoy a full spa service for free at any time without an appointment!"

Excitedly, Elaine exclaims, "Oh my goodness! A free full-body spa treatment?! How can this be real?"

The thought of lying on a beauty bed at the salon, receiving meticulous massages from therapists, makes Elaine feel incredibly itchy all over!

She thinks to herself, "I've been resting my legs at home for a while now. It's been a long time since I've enjoyed a high-end spa treatment. Unexpectedly, a free high-end spa session has landed in front of me. If this was sent to me by mistake, I'd be at a loss if I don't experience it soon before they realize and take it back!"

With this in mind, Elaine quickly tucks the spa package card into her pocket, excitedly rushes into the house, goes straight to her room on the third floor, changes into suitable attire, and plans to head out immediately for the spa.

Thinking that Charlie hasn't come downstairs yet, she goes to the door of Charlie and Claire's room on the second floor, gently knocks, and asks with a smile, "Good son-in-law, are you up yet?"

Charlie opens the door and asks, "Mum, do you need anything?"

Elaine smiles awkwardly, "Um, I have something to do and will be out for a while. Breakfast is ready in the kitchen, still warm, so go down and eat while it's hot!"
I wish the wilson will do the extreme this time and seriously damage this horrible mother in law, cripple her and mentally traumatize her . . . This scheming bitch
Elaine is evil. But some people will feel sorry for her. Poor Jacob

Charlie nodded and said, "Alright, Mom, you go take care of your business first."

Elaine hurriedly smiled and said, "Okay, okay! I'll go out first, and if anything happens, you can call me!"


Charlie didn't think much of it, after all, Elaine was a grown adult, and it was normal for her to go out.


Noah was watching Charlie's house from his own room's balcony, his eyes fixed intently on the door.

When he saw Elaine rushing out, he couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth in a cold smile.

He quickly went downstairs and told Harold, "Harold, Elaine has left! How's the preparation going with your friends?"

Harold smiled and said, "Dad, don't worry, I've got everything ready. I'll make sure Elaine has no way to come back!"

Noah hurriedly said, "Come on, let's go over the entire plan again, and see if there are any loopholes!"

Wendy and Madam Wilson also gathered around, their faces filled with anticipation, waiting for Harold to continue.

Harold proudly said, "Firstly, the beauty salon card that was sent to Elaine earlier, the salon is called Lizi Beauty Salon, and the owner is an old friend of mine. He's been having trouble with the business and wants to sell it, but due to the current economic situation, he can't find a buyer."

Noah waved his hand, "Get to the point!"

Harold hurriedly said, "Don't rush, Dad! I need to explain the entire plan to you!"

Noah nodded, "Okay, go on."

Harold continued, "My friend is struggling to keep the business afloat and wants to take advantage of the New Year's holiday when people are busy with family gatherings to abscond with the funds. I told him that if he cooperates with me, I'll give him 200,000 yuan. He's willing to do it since he's going to run away anyway, and he can earn some extra money before he leaves."

Wendy asked anxiously, "Brother, are you planning to trap Elaine at the beauty salon?"

Harold nodded, "Yes! The salon has a back door, and when Elaine goes in for her spa treatment, I'll arrange for the technician to put a sedative in her water. Once she falls asleep, we'll drive to the back door, tie her up, and take her away without anyone noticing!"

Zoraida asked, "Harold, what do you plan to do with Elaine after you're done with her?"

Harold said, "I haven't thought that far, what do you guys think?"

Zoraida immediately gritted her teeth and said, "Find a coal mine and send her to dig coal!"

Harold awkwardly said, "I don't know anyone who runs a coal mine!"

Wendy blurted out, "Then send her to Africa to grow sugarcane! I heard there are many illegal immigrants there who are stuck in the sugarcane fields for life!"

Harold coughed awkwardly, "Wendy, that's illegal human trafficking, I don't have those connections!"

Zoraida got anxious and blurted out, "Harold, are you just going to find someone to sleep with Elaine, take some photos, and then let her go? That's too easy on her!"

Noah, despite his dislike for Zoraida, nodded in agreement, "Yes! Just finding someone to sleep with Elaine might even let her get away with it!"

Madam Wilson thought for a moment and said, "We're doing this to help Donald vent his anger. Why don't you call Donald and ask if he has any friends who run a coal mine? We can arrange for Elaine to go dig coal!"


Donald's recent life has been a complete mess.

His eldest son, Xander, is still recovering from his injuries at home, and his second son, Quintin, has shown no signs of improvement, with his treatment almost given up.

To make matters worse, Donald's wife, Alison, is now seeking a divorce from him.

The main reason for the divorce is still the death of Kobi and his wife.

Alison feels that Donald failed to protect his brother and didn't even bother to find out who killed him.

In Alison's eyes, what's even more unforgivable is that Donald not only didn't avenge his brother's death but also constantly insults him at home, as if he's still alive.

Donald, of course, is furious with Kobi.

In his opinion, it was Kobi who completely ruined the Weaver family's reputation, causing their business value to plummet due to the damage to their reputation.

From being the top family in South Laverton, they can't even make it to the top ten now.

What's even more unbearable for him is that his wife doesn't appreciate his efforts and instead blames him for everything!

She's still not satisfied with his brother's excessive pampering, which led to the Weaver family's downfall, and now she's blaming him, which is simply unreasonable!

As a result, the couple has been stuck in a long-term cold war.

Originally, Donald was very fond of his wife, but now he doesn't even bother to talk to her, pouring all his energy into his business instead.

The current Donald has only one thought in his mind: to find a way to restore the Weaver family's glory!

Coincidentally, he's been working on a real estate project in Aurous Hill, so he came to Aurous Hill early in the morning to inspect the site.

Just as he arrived at the project site, he received a call from Noah.

Over the phone, Noah spoke in a flattering tone, saying, "Hello, Mr. Weaver! It's been a long time since we last met!"

Donald replied indifferently, "Noah, what's the purpose of your call?"

Noah laughed nervously and said, "Mr. Weaver, with the New Year approaching, our family is thinking of taking action against Charlie's mother-in-law, Elaine. We plan to find someone to take care of her first and then release some compromising photos and videos online to humiliate Charlie's family!"

Donald's interest was piqued, and his voice rose slightly, "Oh? Noah, did I hear that right? Your family is finally taking action against Charlie?"

Noah spoke awkwardly, "Mr. Weaver, we didn't have a solid plan before, so we didn't take any action. But don't worry, we'll make sure to handle this matter perfectly this time!"

With a hint of resentment in his tone, Noah added, "I heard Charlie has a nickname, 'True Heavenly Dragon Among Men,' in Aurous Hill. I'd love to see if he can still hold his head high after his mother-in-law is taken care of!"

Donald chuckled and said, "Not bad, not bad! If you can pull this off, I won't disappoint you."

Noah's heart skipped a beat with excitement, and he quickly asked, "By the way, Mr. Weaver, do you know the owner of the Black Coal Kiln? If you do, that would be great. After we take care of Elaine, we can send her directly to the Black Coal Kiln!"


Donald thought for a moment and said, "There aren't many coal mines in the south, so I don't really know anyone who opens a coal kiln."

As he said this, he suddenly remembered something and laughed, "However, I do have a childhood friend whose family runs a brick factory. The work at the brick factory is just as tough as, if not tougher than, the coal kiln. It's perfect for sending Charlie's mother-in-law there to toil away!"

Noah immediately burst out laughing and said, "Ah, Mr. Weaver, this is fantastic! A woman like her deserves to be sent to a brick factory to suffer!"

After saying this, he quickly asked, "Mr. Weaver, would you be willing to share your friend's address with me? I'll make sure to send her there after we're done with Elaine."

Donald coldly laughed and said, "I have a deep grudge against Charlie, and now that I've just arrived in Aurous Hill, I wouldn't miss this opportunity for the world. You go ahead and bind her, and then give me the address. I'll go there to witness it myself!"

Noah hastily agreed, "Don't worry, Mr. Weaver, I'll make sure to get it done perfectly. I'll call you when it's time for you to come and witness it!"

Donald nodded and said, "Alright, I have other things to attend to. You can call me when you're done."

"Okay, Mr. Weaver!"

As soon as Noah hung up the phone, he excitedly told his family, "Mr. Weaver said he has a friend who runs a brick factory. After we're done with Elaine, we can send her there to toil away for the rest of her life!"

Zoraida felt a pang of jealousy upon hearing this and said, "I was sent to a coal kiln, so why should Elaine get to go to a brick factory? That's too good for her!"

Noah glared at her and said, "You don't understand anything! The brick factory is even more brutal than the coal kiln. The coal kiln may be dirty and tiring, but at least it's warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The brick factory, on the other hand, is a year-round furnace, and the physical labor is much more demanding. Overall, the brick factory is a much harsher place than the coal kiln!"

Zoraida felt a bit better after hearing this.

However, she still had a question she wanted to ask, but she swallowed her words.

She could only think to herself, "I wonder if Elaine will meet a lecherous supervisor at the brick factory. If she does, that would be perfect. Maybe she'll even get sick and pregnant!"


At this moment, in the presidential suite of the Shangri-La Hotel.

Marina was on the phone, reporting to her father, Claudius.

On the phone, she described Charlie as a person with a bad temper, low moral character, and no education, constantly emphasizing to Claudius, "Dad, Charlie has never received any education, and his moral character is extremely low. You can't let him come back to the Wade family, or else our family's reputation will be ruined!"

Claudius listened to her exaggerated report, and calmly said, "Marina, I thought you were smart, but it seems you're easily swayed by emotions. I'm really disappointed in you!"

Marina immediately became anxious and asked, "Dad, what did I do wrong?"

Claudius coldly said, "You still don't understand why I want Charlie to come back, do you?"

Marina awkwardly said, "Dad, I really don't understand. If Charlie's moral character is so low, shouldn't we be distancing ourselves from him instead?"

Claudius snorted and said, "What I want now is for any one of my grandsons to go and marry Camilla from the Salvador family or Haidee from the Snow family. It seems that only Charlie has the best chance of doing so!"


"How is that possible!"

Marina blurted out, "Dad, you haven't seen Charlie for many years, so you're thinking too highly of him. Let me tell you the truth, Charlie is now just a poor, insignificant guy in a rural area! Whether it's Camilla or Haidee, they're both renowned beauties in Eastcliff, how could they possibly look up to him?"

Claudius spoke coldly, "Yesterday, I met Geraldo at the Chamber of Commerce, and I asked him if he still remembered the marriage agreement between his daughter and Charlie. He told me straight away that as long as they could find Charlie, he would definitely let his daughter marry him without hesitation!"

"Moreover, Geraldo also said that no matter what identity Charlie has now, even if he's just a beggar on the streets, he's still the future son-in-law of the Snow family, and this has been a family consensus for a long time!"

Marina's eyes widened in shock, "What era are we living in? Has Geraldo gone mad?"

Claudius's tone turned stern, "I don't care if Geraldo has gone mad or not, you shouldn't worry about it either. Your task now is to think of every possible way to get Charlie to come back for the New Year!"

Marina had no choice but to reluctantly say, "Dad, to be honest, Charlie was too much yesterday, so I lost my temper and had a big fight with him. He didn't even eat dinner and just stormed off."

"Rubbish!" Claudius shouted, "Don't think I don't understand you, with your way of doing things, who knows who was in the wrong?"

After that, Claudius continued, "I don't care about anything else, just make sure to bring Charlie back to me! If he's not willing to come back, then think of other ways to get him to!"

Marina hastily asked, "Other ways? What ways?"

Claudius said, "He has a wife in Aurous Hill, doesn't he? You can try to find a breakthrough through his wife or his in-laws."

Marina immediately said, "Then I'll go find his wife and give her some money to get her to divorce Charlie!"

Claudius said, "Don't go find his wife, you can try to work on his mother-in-law first. I heard she's very greedy and loves money."

Marina hurriedly said, "Dad, then I'll think of a way to find a breakthrough through his mother-in-law!"

"Okay!" Claudius reminded him, "When you meet his mother-in-law, don't reveal your true identity, or else if those cunning people find out that Charlie is from the Wade family in Eastcliff, they won't let their daughter divorce him even if you kill them."

"Got it, Dad!"

Marina quickly agreed and then immediately took out his phone to call his bodyguard, instructing him to find out where Charlie's mother-in-law was and to arrange a meeting.

Elaine rushed to the beauty salon, feeling a bit uneasy as she showed her coupon card, worried that others might think it was fake or couldn't be used.

But she didn't expect the staff to be very polite, saying, "Welcome, ma'am! Your coupon card can be used at any time, and you don't need to make an appointment. Do you want to experience it now?"

Elaine was thrilled, saying, "Of course! I came all the way here, I wouldn't just ask you a question, would I? Hurry up and arrange a technician for me, I want to fully experience it now!"

The staff nodded and respectfully said, "Ma'am, our full-body SPA requires a bath first, I'll take you to the bathroom to change, and then arrange a technician to give you a massage."

Elaine was overjoyed, knowing the process of high-end SPA services. First, she would soak in a flower petal and milk bath, then change into the disposable underwear provided by the salon, and finally receive a full-body massage from the technician.

Elaine happily followed the staff to the bathroom, finding that the water was already prepared, with milk, flower petals, and bath salts added. She laughed and said, "Wow, your service is really top-notch! You've even prepared the water before I arrived!"


The shop assistant thought Elaine had noticed something unusual and hastily explained, "Ah, yes, well, we originally had a customer booked for a spa treatment, but they suddenly said they couldn't make it due to an emergency, so you're in luck and can take advantage of the prepared bath."

Elaine laughed and said, "Wow, what a coincidence! It seems like fate is on my side, letting me indulge in some relaxation!"

After finishing her sentence, she waved her hand at the shop assistant, saying, "That's all, you can go now. I'll take care of my bath, and let the technician prepare everything for me."


As soon as the shop assistant left, they rushed to report to the boss.

The boss, upon hearing that Elaine had arrived, quickly called Harold and said, "Harold, the person is already here, taking a bath. When are you coming over?"

Harold exclaimed excitedly, "That's great! Old friend, you must keep her occupied, don't let her notice anything suspicious. I'll get ready and head over right away!"

The beauty salon's boss chuckled and said, "Harold, we're old buddies, and since I've promised you, I'll definitely make sure this goes smoothly!"

"Okay!" Harold laughed and said, "I'll be there in half an hour!"

After that, Harold added, "Old friend, make sure your shop doesn't take any other customers in the morning, just in case something goes wrong."

"Don't worry, we won't take any other customers in the morning. We'll only serve you!"

Just as Elaine was comfortably soaking in the bathtub, a Rolls-Royce pulled up in front of the beauty salon.

A tall, muscular bodyguard stepped out of the passenger seat, opened the rear door, and out came Marina, dressed in luxurious attire.

She glanced at the beauty salon's facade and sneered, "What a rundown beauty salon! It looks so shabby and low-class!"

In reality, the beauty salon's decor was quite decent, although not exactly high-end. However, in Aurous Hill, it was still a luxury that not every ordinary housewife could afford.

But for someone like Marina, a top-tier rich second-generation heir, this place was indeed beneath her.

The money she spent on a single beauty treatment at a high-end salon could buy this entire beauty salon.

The bodyguard whispered, "Miss, the woman you're looking for is inside, getting a beauty treatment. She arrived about ten minutes ago."

Marina nodded, her expression filled with disdain, and said, "Let's go in."


The bodyguard led the way, pushing open the beauty salon's door.

The shop assistant rushed over, apologetically saying, "I'm sorry, we're not taking customers in the morning."

Marina frowned, her tone laced with disgust, "Not taking customers? But didn't a woman named Elaine just come in for a spa treatment? How can you suddenly stop serving customers when I arrive?"


Charlie nodded and said, "Alright, Mom, you go take care of your business first."

Elaine hurriedly smiled and said, "Okay, okay! I'll go out first, and if anything happens, you can call me!"


Charlie didn't think much of it, after all, Elaine was a grown adult, and it was normal for her to go out.


Noah was watching Charlie's house from his own room's balcony, his eyes fixed intently on the door.

When he saw Elaine rushing out, he couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth in a cold smile.

He quickly went downstairs and told Harold, "Harold, Elaine has left! How's the preparation going with your friends?"

Harold smiled and said, "Dad, don't worry, I've got everything ready. I'll make sure Elaine has no way to come back!"

Noah hurriedly said, "Come on, let's go over the entire plan again, and see if there are any loopholes!"

Wendy and Madam Wilson also gathered around, their faces filled with anticipation, waiting for Harold to continue.

Harold proudly said, "Firstly, the beauty salon card that was sent to Elaine earlier, the salon is called Lizi Beauty Salon, and the owner is an old friend of mine. He's been having trouble with the business and wants to sell it, but due to the current economic situation, he can't find a buyer."

Noah waved his hand, "Get to the point!"

Harold hurriedly said, "Don't rush, Dad! I need to explain the entire plan to you!"

Noah nodded, "Okay, go on."

Harold continued, "My friend is struggling to keep the business afloat and wants to take advantage of the New Year's holiday when people are busy with family gatherings to abscond with the funds. I told him that if he cooperates with me, I'll give him 200,000 yuan. He's willing to do it since he's going to run away anyway, and he can earn some extra money before he leaves."

Wendy asked anxiously, "Brother, are you planning to trap Elaine at the beauty salon?"

Harold nodded, "Yes! The salon has a back door, and when Elaine goes in for her spa treatment, I'll arrange for the technician to put a sedative in her water. Once she falls asleep, we'll drive to the back door, tie her up, and take her away without anyone noticing!"

Zoraida asked, "Harold, what do you plan to do with Elaine after you're done with her?"

Harold said, "I haven't thought that far, what do you guys think?"

Zoraida immediately gritted her teeth and said, "Find a coal mine and send her to dig coal!"

Harold awkwardly said, "I don't know anyone who runs a coal mine!"

Wendy blurted out, "Then send her to Africa to grow sugarcane! I heard there are many illegal immigrants there who are stuck in the sugarcane fields for life!"

Harold coughed awkwardly, "Wendy, that's illegal human trafficking, I don't have those connections!"

Zoraida got anxious and blurted out, "Harold, are you just going to find someone to sleep with Elaine, take some photos, and then let her go? That's too easy on her!"

Noah, despite his dislike for Zoraida, nodded in agreement, "Yes! Just finding someone to sleep with Elaine might even let her get away with it!"

Madam Wilson thought for a moment and said, "We're doing this to help Donald vent his anger. Why don't you call Donald and ask if he has any friends who run a coal mine? We can arrange for Elaine to go dig coal!"


Donald's recent life has been a complete mess.

His eldest son, Xander, is still recovering from his injuries at home, and his second son, Quintin, has shown no signs of improvement, with his treatment almost given up.

To make matters worse, Donald's wife, Alison, is now seeking a divorce from him.

The main reason for the divorce is still the death of Kobi and his wife.

Alison feels that Donald failed to protect his brother and didn't even bother to find out who killed him.

In Alison's eyes, what's even more unforgivable is that Donald not only didn't avenge his brother's death but also constantly insults him at home, as if he's still alive.

Donald, of course, is furious with Kobi.

In his opinion, it was Kobi who completely ruined the Weaver family's reputation, causing their business value to plummet due to the damage to their reputation.

From being the top family in South Laverton, they can't even make it to the top ten now.

What's even more unbearable for him is that his wife doesn't appreciate his efforts and instead blames him for everything!

She's still not satisfied with his brother's excessive pampering, which led to the Weaver family's downfall, and now she's blaming him, which is simply unreasonable!

As a result, the couple has been stuck in a long-term cold war.

Originally, Donald was very fond of his wife, but now he doesn't even bother to talk to her, pouring all his energy into his business instead.

The current Donald has only one thought in his mind: to find a way to restore the Weaver family's glory!

Coincidentally, he's been working on a real estate project in Aurous Hill, so he came to Aurous Hill early in the morning to inspect the site.

Just as he arrived at the project site, he received a call from Noah.

Over the phone, Noah spoke in a flattering tone, saying, "Hello, Mr. Weaver! It's been a long time since we last met!"

Donald replied indifferently, "Noah, what's the purpose of your call?"

Noah laughed nervously and said, "Mr. Weaver, with the New Year approaching, our family is thinking of taking action against Charlie's mother-in-law, Elaine. We plan to find someone to take care of her first and then release some compromising photos and videos online to humiliate Charlie's family!"

Donald's interest was piqued, and his voice rose slightly, "Oh? Noah, did I hear that right? Your family is finally taking action against Charlie?"

Noah spoke awkwardly, "Mr. Weaver, we didn't have a solid plan before, so we didn't take any action. But don't worry, we'll make sure to handle this matter perfectly this time!"

With a hint of resentment in his tone, Noah added, "I heard Charlie has a nickname, 'True Heavenly Dragon Among Men,' in Aurous Hill. I'd love to see if he can still hold his head high after his mother-in-law is taken care of!"

Donald chuckled and said, "Not bad, not bad! If you can pull this off, I won't disappoint you."

Noah's heart skipped a beat with excitement, and he quickly asked, "By the way, Mr. Weaver, do you know the owner of the Black Coal Kiln? If you do, that would be great. After we take care of Elaine, we can send her directly to the Black Coal Kiln!"


Donald thought for a moment and said, "There aren't many coal mines in the south, so I don't really know anyone who opens a coal kiln."

As he said this, he suddenly remembered something and laughed, "However, I do have a childhood friend whose family runs a brick factory. The work at the brick factory is just as tough as, if not tougher than, the coal kiln. It's perfect for sending Charlie's mother-in-law there to toil away!"

Noah immediately burst out laughing and said, "Ah, Mr. Weaver, this is fantastic! A woman like her deserves to be sent to a brick factory to suffer!"

After saying this, he quickly asked, "Mr. Weaver, would you be willing to share your friend's address with me? I'll make sure to send her there after we're done with Elaine."

Donald coldly laughed and said, "I have a deep grudge against Charlie, and now that I've just arrived in Aurous Hill, I wouldn't miss this opportunity for the world. You go ahead and bind her, and then give me the address. I'll go there to witness it myself!"

Noah hastily agreed, "Don't worry, Mr. Weaver, I'll make sure to get it done perfectly. I'll call you when it's time for you to come and witness it!"

Donald nodded and said, "Alright, I have other things to attend to. You can call me when you're done."

"Okay, Mr. Weaver!"

As soon as Noah hung up the phone, he excitedly told his family, "Mr. Weaver said he has a friend who runs a brick factory. After we're done with Elaine, we can send her there to toil away for the rest of her life!"

Zoraida felt a pang of jealousy upon hearing this and said, "I was sent to a coal kiln, so why should Elaine get to go to a brick factory? That's too good for her!"

Noah glared at her and said, "You don't understand anything! The brick factory is even more brutal than the coal kiln. The coal kiln may be dirty and tiring, but at least it's warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The brick factory, on the other hand, is a year-round furnace, and the physical labor is much more demanding. Overall, the brick factory is a much harsher place than the coal kiln!"

Zoraida felt a bit better after hearing this.

However, she still had a question she wanted to ask, but she swallowed her words.

She could only think to herself, "I wonder if Elaine will meet a lecherous supervisor at the brick factory. If she does, that would be perfect. Maybe she'll even get sick and pregnant!"


At this moment, in the presidential suite of the Shangri-La Hotel.

Marina was on the phone, reporting to her father, Claudius.

On the phone, she described Charlie as a person with a bad temper, low moral character, and no education, constantly emphasizing to Claudius, "Dad, Charlie has never received any education, and his moral character is extremely low. You can't let him come back to the Wade family, or else our family's reputation will be ruined!"

Claudius listened to her exaggerated report, and calmly said, "Marina, I thought you were smart, but it seems you're easily swayed by emotions. I'm really disappointed in you!"

Marina immediately became anxious and asked, "Dad, what did I do wrong?"

Claudius coldly said, "You still don't understand why I want Charlie to come back, do you?"

Marina awkwardly said, "Dad, I really don't understand. If Charlie's moral character is so low, shouldn't we be distancing ourselves from him instead?"

Claudius snorted and said, "What I want now is for any one of my grandsons to go and marry Camilla from the Salvador family or Haidee from the Snow family. It seems that only Charlie has the best chance of doing so!"


"How is that possible!"

Marina blurted out, "Dad, you haven't seen Charlie for many years, so you're thinking too highly of him. Let me tell you the truth, Charlie is now just a poor, insignificant guy in a rural area! Whether it's Camilla or Haidee, they're both renowned beauties in Eastcliff, how could they possibly look up to him?"

Claudius spoke coldly, "Yesterday, I met Geraldo at the Chamber of Commerce, and I asked him if he still remembered the marriage agreement between his daughter and Charlie. He told me straight away that as long as they could find Charlie, he would definitely let his daughter marry him without hesitation!"

"Moreover, Geraldo also said that no matter what identity Charlie has now, even if he's just a beggar on the streets, he's still the future son-in-law of the Snow family, and this has been a family consensus for a long time!"

Marina's eyes widened in shock, "What era are we living in? Has Geraldo gone mad?"

Claudius's tone turned stern, "I don't care if Geraldo has gone mad or not, you shouldn't worry about it either. Your task now is to think of every possible way to get Charlie to come back for the New Year!"

Marina had no choice but to reluctantly say, "Dad, to be honest, Charlie was too much yesterday, so I lost my temper and had a big fight with him. He didn't even eat dinner and just stormed off."

"Rubbish!" Claudius shouted, "Don't think I don't understand you, with your way of doing things, who knows who was in the wrong?"

After that, Claudius continued, "I don't care about anything else, just make sure to bring Charlie back to me! If he's not willing to come back, then think of other ways to get him to!"

Marina hastily asked, "Other ways? What ways?"

Claudius said, "He has a wife in Aurous Hill, doesn't he? You can try to find a breakthrough through his wife or his in-laws."

Marina immediately said, "Then I'll go find his wife and give her some money to get her to divorce Charlie!"

Claudius said, "Don't go find his wife, you can try to work on his mother-in-law first. I heard she's very greedy and loves money."

Marina hurriedly said, "Dad, then I'll think of a way to find a breakthrough through his mother-in-law!"

"Okay!" Claudius reminded him, "When you meet his mother-in-law, don't reveal your true identity, or else if those cunning people find out that Charlie is from the Wade family in Eastcliff, they won't let their daughter divorce him even if you kill them."

"Got it, Dad!"

Marina quickly agreed and then immediately took out his phone to call his bodyguard, instructing him to find out where Charlie's mother-in-law was and to arrange a meeting.

Elaine rushed to the beauty salon, feeling a bit uneasy as she showed her coupon card, worried that others might think it was fake or couldn't be used.

But she didn't expect the staff to be very polite, saying, "Welcome, ma'am! Your coupon card can be used at any time, and you don't need to make an appointment. Do you want to experience it now?"

Elaine was thrilled, saying, "Of course! I came all the way here, I wouldn't just ask you a question, would I? Hurry up and arrange a technician for me, I want to fully experience it now!"

The staff nodded and respectfully said, "Ma'am, our full-body SPA requires a bath first, I'll take you to the bathroom to change, and then arrange a technician to give you a massage."

Elaine was overjoyed, knowing the process of high-end SPA services. First, she would soak in a flower petal and milk bath, then change into the disposable underwear provided by the salon, and finally receive a full-body massage from the technician.

Elaine happily followed the staff to the bathroom, finding that the water was already prepared, with milk, flower petals, and bath salts added. She laughed and said, "Wow, your service is really top-notch! You've even prepared the water before I arrived!"


The shop assistant thought Elaine had noticed something unusual and hastily explained, "Ah, yes, well, we originally had a customer booked for a spa treatment, but they suddenly said they couldn't make it due to an emergency, so you're in luck and can take advantage of the prepared bath."

Elaine laughed and said, "Wow, what a coincidence! It seems like fate is on my side, letting me indulge in some relaxation!"

After finishing her sentence, she waved her hand at the shop assistant, saying, "That's all, you can go now. I'll take care of my bath, and let the technician prepare everything for me."


As soon as the shop assistant left, they rushed to report to the boss.

The boss, upon hearing that Elaine had arrived, quickly called Harold and said, "Harold, the person is already here, taking a bath. When are you coming over?"

Harold exclaimed excitedly, "That's great! Old friend, you must keep her occupied, don't let her notice anything suspicious. I'll get ready and head over right away!"

The beauty salon's boss chuckled and said, "Harold, we're old buddies, and since I've promised you, I'll definitely make sure this goes smoothly!"

"Okay!" Harold laughed and said, "I'll be there in half an hour!"

After that, Harold added, "Old friend, make sure your shop doesn't take any other customers in the morning, just in case something goes wrong."

"Don't worry, we won't take any other customers in the morning. We'll only serve you!"

Just as Elaine was comfortably soaking in the bathtub, a Rolls-Royce pulled up in front of the beauty salon.

A tall, muscular bodyguard stepped out of the passenger seat, opened the rear door, and out came Marina, dressed in luxurious attire.

She glanced at the beauty salon's facade and sneered, "What a rundown beauty salon! It looks so shabby and low-class!"

In reality, the beauty salon's decor was quite decent, although not exactly high-end. However, in Aurous Hill, it was still a luxury that not every ordinary housewife could afford.

But for someone like Marina, a top-tier rich second-generation heir, this place was indeed beneath her.

The money she spent on a single beauty treatment at a high-end salon could buy this entire beauty salon.

The bodyguard whispered, "Miss, the woman you're looking for is inside, getting a beauty treatment. She arrived about ten minutes ago."

Marina nodded, her expression filled with disdain, and said, "Let's go in."


The bodyguard led the way, pushing open the beauty salon's door.

The shop assistant rushed over, apologetically saying, "I'm sorry, we're not taking customers in the morning."

Marina frowned, her tone laced with disgust, "Not taking customers? But didn't a woman named Elaine just come in for a spa treatment? How can you suddenly stop serving customers when I arrive?"

This Marina will definitely not let that greedy woman be captured 🤦🤦🤦

Charlie nodded and said, "Alright, Mom, you go take care of your business first."

Elaine hurriedly smiled and said, "Okay, okay! I'll go out first, and if anything happens, you can call me!"


Charlie didn't think much of it, after all, Elaine was a grown adult, and it was normal for her to go out.


Noah was watching Charlie's house from his own room's balcony, his eyes fixed intently on the door.

When he saw Elaine rushing out, he couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth in a cold smile.

He quickly went downstairs and told Harold, "Harold, Elaine has left! How's the preparation going with your friends?"

Harold smiled and said, "Dad, don't worry, I've got everything ready. I'll make sure Elaine has no way to come back!"

Noah hurriedly said, "Come on, let's go over the entire plan again, and see if there are any loopholes!"

Wendy and Madam Wilson also gathered around, their faces filled with anticipation, waiting for Harold to continue.

Harold proudly said, "Firstly, the beauty salon card that was sent to Elaine earlier, the salon is called Lizi Beauty Salon, and the owner is an old friend of mine. He's been having trouble with the business and wants to sell it, but due to the current economic situation, he can't find a buyer."

Noah waved his hand, "Get to the point!"

Harold hurriedly said, "Don't rush, Dad! I need to explain the entire plan to you!"

Noah nodded, "Okay, go on."

Harold continued, "My friend is struggling to keep the business afloat and wants to take advantage of the New Year's holiday when people are busy with family gatherings to abscond with the funds. I told him that if he cooperates with me, I'll give him 200,000 yuan. He's willing to do it since he's going to run away anyway, and he can earn some extra money before he leaves."

Wendy asked anxiously, "Brother, are you planning to trap Elaine at the beauty salon?"

Harold nodded, "Yes! The salon has a back door, and when Elaine goes in for her spa treatment, I'll arrange for the technician to put a sedative in her water. Once she falls asleep, we'll drive to the back door, tie her up, and take her away without anyone noticing!"

Zoraida asked, "Harold, what do you plan to do with Elaine after you're done with her?"

Harold said, "I haven't thought that far, what do you guys think?"

Zoraida immediately gritted her teeth and said, "Find a coal mine and send her to dig coal!"

Harold awkwardly said, "I don't know anyone who runs a coal mine!"

Wendy blurted out, "Then send her to Africa to grow sugarcane! I heard there are many illegal immigrants there who are stuck in the sugarcane fields for life!"

Harold coughed awkwardly, "Wendy, that's illegal human trafficking, I don't have those connections!"

Zoraida got anxious and blurted out, "Harold, are you just going to find someone to sleep with Elaine, take some photos, and then let her go? That's too easy on her!"

Noah, despite his dislike for Zoraida, nodded in agreement, "Yes! Just finding someone to sleep with Elaine might even let her get away with it!"

Madam Wilson thought for a moment and said, "We're doing this to help Donald vent his anger. Why don't you call Donald and ask if he has any friends who run a coal mine? We can arrange for Elaine to go dig coal!"


Donald's recent life has been a complete mess.

His eldest son, Xander, is still recovering from his injuries at home, and his second son, Quintin, has shown no signs of improvement, with his treatment almost given up.

To make matters worse, Donald's wife, Alison, is now seeking a divorce from him.

The main reason for the divorce is still the death of Kobi and his wife.

Alison feels that Donald failed to protect his brother and didn't even bother to find out who killed him.

In Alison's eyes, what's even more unforgivable is that Donald not only didn't avenge his brother's death but also constantly insults him at home, as if he's still alive.

Donald, of course, is furious with Kobi.

In his opinion, it was Kobi who completely ruined the Weaver family's reputation, causing their business value to plummet due to the damage to their reputation.

From being the top family in South Laverton, they can't even make it to the top ten now.

What's even more unbearable for him is that his wife doesn't appreciate his efforts and instead blames him for everything!

She's still not satisfied with his brother's excessive pampering, which led to the Weaver family's downfall, and now she's blaming him, which is simply unreasonable!

As a result, the couple has been stuck in a long-term cold war.

Originally, Donald was very fond of his wife, but now he doesn't even bother to talk to her, pouring all his energy into his business instead.

The current Donald has only one thought in his mind: to find a way to restore the Weaver family's glory!

Coincidentally, he's been working on a real estate project in Aurous Hill, so he came to Aurous Hill early in the morning to inspect the site.

Just as he arrived at the project site, he received a call from Noah.

Over the phone, Noah spoke in a flattering tone, saying, "Hello, Mr. Weaver! It's been a long time since we last met!"

Donald replied indifferently, "Noah, what's the purpose of your call?"

Noah laughed nervously and said, "Mr. Weaver, with the New Year approaching, our family is thinking of taking action against Charlie's mother-in-law, Elaine. We plan to find someone to take care of her first and then release some compromising photos and videos online to humiliate Charlie's family!"

Donald's interest was piqued, and his voice rose slightly, "Oh? Noah, did I hear that right? Your family is finally taking action against Charlie?"

Noah spoke awkwardly, "Mr. Weaver, we didn't have a solid plan before, so we didn't take any action. But don't worry, we'll make sure to handle this matter perfectly this time!"

With a hint of resentment in his tone, Noah added, "I heard Charlie has a nickname, 'True Heavenly Dragon Among Men,' in Aurous Hill. I'd love to see if he can still hold his head high after his mother-in-law is taken care of!"

Donald chuckled and said, "Not bad, not bad! If you can pull this off, I won't disappoint you."

Noah's heart skipped a beat with excitement, and he quickly asked, "By the way, Mr. Weaver, do you know the owner of the Black Coal Kiln? If you do, that would be great. After we take care of Elaine, we can send her directly to the Black Coal Kiln!"


Donald thought for a moment and said, "There aren't many coal mines in the south, so I don't really know anyone who opens a coal kiln."

As he said this, he suddenly remembered something and laughed, "However, I do have a childhood friend whose family runs a brick factory. The work at the brick factory is just as tough as, if not tougher than, the coal kiln. It's perfect for sending Charlie's mother-in-law there to toil away!"

Noah immediately burst out laughing and said, "Ah, Mr. Weaver, this is fantastic! A woman like her deserves to be sent to a brick factory to suffer!"

After saying this, he quickly asked, "Mr. Weaver, would you be willing to share your friend's address with me? I'll make sure to send her there after we're done with Elaine."

Donald coldly laughed and said, "I have a deep grudge against Charlie, and now that I've just arrived in Aurous Hill, I wouldn't miss this opportunity for the world. You go ahead and bind her, and then give me the address. I'll go there to witness it myself!"

Noah hastily agreed, "Don't worry, Mr. Weaver, I'll make sure to get it done perfectly. I'll call you when it's time for you to come and witness it!"

Donald nodded and said, "Alright, I have other things to attend to. You can call me when you're done."

"Okay, Mr. Weaver!"

As soon as Noah hung up the phone, he excitedly told his family, "Mr. Weaver said he has a friend who runs a brick factory. After we're done with Elaine, we can send her there to toil away for the rest of her life!"

Zoraida felt a pang of jealousy upon hearing this and said, "I was sent to a coal kiln, so why should Elaine get to go to a brick factory? That's too good for her!"

Noah glared at her and said, "You don't understand anything! The brick factory is even more brutal than the coal kiln. The coal kiln may be dirty and tiring, but at least it's warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The brick factory, on the other hand, is a year-round furnace, and the physical labor is much more demanding. Overall, the brick factory is a much harsher place than the coal kiln!"

Zoraida felt a bit better after hearing this.

However, she still had a question she wanted to ask, but she swallowed her words.

She could only think to herself, "I wonder if Elaine will meet a lecherous supervisor at the brick factory. If she does, that would be perfect. Maybe she'll even get sick and pregnant!"


At this moment, in the presidential suite of the Shangri-La Hotel.

Marina was on the phone, reporting to her father, Claudius.

On the phone, she described Charlie as a person with a bad temper, low moral character, and no education, constantly emphasizing to Claudius, "Dad, Charlie has never received any education, and his moral character is extremely low. You can't let him come back to the Wade family, or else our family's reputation will be ruined!"

Claudius listened to her exaggerated report, and calmly said, "Marina, I thought you were smart, but it seems you're easily swayed by emotions. I'm really disappointed in you!"

Marina immediately became anxious and asked, "Dad, what did I do wrong?"

Claudius coldly said, "You still don't understand why I want Charlie to come back, do you?"

Marina awkwardly said, "Dad, I really don't understand. If Charlie's moral character is so low, shouldn't we be distancing ourselves from him instead?"

Claudius snorted and said, "What I want now is for any one of my grandsons to go and marry Camilla from the Salvador family or Haidee from the Snow family. It seems that only Charlie has the best chance of doing so!"


"How is that possible!"

Marina blurted out, "Dad, you haven't seen Charlie for many years, so you're thinking too highly of him. Let me tell you the truth, Charlie is now just a poor, insignificant guy in a rural area! Whether it's Camilla or Haidee, they're both renowned beauties in Eastcliff, how could they possibly look up to him?"

Claudius spoke coldly, "Yesterday, I met Geraldo at the Chamber of Commerce, and I asked him if he still remembered the marriage agreement between his daughter and Charlie. He told me straight away that as long as they could find Charlie, he would definitely let his daughter marry him without hesitation!"

"Moreover, Geraldo also said that no matter what identity Charlie has now, even if he's just a beggar on the streets, he's still the future son-in-law of the Snow family, and this has been a family consensus for a long time!"

Marina's eyes widened in shock, "What era are we living in? Has Geraldo gone mad?"

Claudius's tone turned stern, "I don't care if Geraldo has gone mad or not, you shouldn't worry about it either. Your task now is to think of every possible way to get Charlie to come back for the New Year!"

Marina had no choice but to reluctantly say, "Dad, to be honest, Charlie was too much yesterday, so I lost my temper and had a big fight with him. He didn't even eat dinner and just stormed off."

"Rubbish!" Claudius shouted, "Don't think I don't understand you, with your way of doing things, who knows who was in the wrong?"

After that, Claudius continued, "I don't care about anything else, just make sure to bring Charlie back to me! If he's not willing to come back, then think of other ways to get him to!"

Marina hastily asked, "Other ways? What ways?"

Claudius said, "He has a wife in Aurous Hill, doesn't he? You can try to find a breakthrough through his wife or his in-laws."

Marina immediately said, "Then I'll go find his wife and give her some money to get her to divorce Charlie!"

Claudius said, "Don't go find his wife, you can try to work on his mother-in-law first. I heard she's very greedy and loves money."

Marina hurriedly said, "Dad, then I'll think of a way to find a breakthrough through his mother-in-law!"

"Okay!" Claudius reminded him, "When you meet his mother-in-law, don't reveal your true identity, or else if those cunning people find out that Charlie is from the Wade family in Eastcliff, they won't let their daughter divorce him even if you kill them."

"Got it, Dad!"

Marina quickly agreed and then immediately took out his phone to call his bodyguard, instructing him to find out where Charlie's mother-in-law was and to arrange a meeting.

Elaine rushed to the beauty salon, feeling a bit uneasy as she showed her coupon card, worried that others might think it was fake or couldn't be used.

But she didn't expect the staff to be very polite, saying, "Welcome, ma'am! Your coupon card can be used at any time, and you don't need to make an appointment. Do you want to experience it now?"

Elaine was thrilled, saying, "Of course! I came all the way here, I wouldn't just ask you a question, would I? Hurry up and arrange a technician for me, I want to fully experience it now!"

The staff nodded and respectfully said, "Ma'am, our full-body SPA requires a bath first, I'll take you to the bathroom to change, and then arrange a technician to give you a massage."

Elaine was overjoyed, knowing the process of high-end SPA services. First, she would soak in a flower petal and milk bath, then change into the disposable underwear provided by the salon, and finally receive a full-body massage from the technician.

Elaine happily followed the staff to the bathroom, finding that the water was already prepared, with milk, flower petals, and bath salts added. She laughed and said, "Wow, your service is really top-notch! You've even prepared the water before I arrived!"


The shop assistant thought Elaine had noticed something unusual and hastily explained, "Ah, yes, well, we originally had a customer booked for a spa treatment, but they suddenly said they couldn't make it due to an emergency, so you're in luck and can take advantage of the prepared bath."

Elaine laughed and said, "Wow, what a coincidence! It seems like fate is on my side, letting me indulge in some relaxation!"

After finishing her sentence, she waved her hand at the shop assistant, saying, "That's all, you can go now. I'll take care of my bath, and let the technician prepare everything for me."


As soon as the shop assistant left, they rushed to report to the boss.

The boss, upon hearing that Elaine had arrived, quickly called Harold and said, "Harold, the person is already here, taking a bath. When are you coming over?"

Harold exclaimed excitedly, "That's great! Old friend, you must keep her occupied, don't let her notice anything suspicious. I'll get ready and head over right away!"

The beauty salon's boss chuckled and said, "Harold, we're old buddies, and since I've promised you, I'll definitely make sure this goes smoothly!"

"Okay!" Harold laughed and said, "I'll be there in half an hour!"

After that, Harold added, "Old friend, make sure your shop doesn't take any other customers in the morning, just in case something goes wrong."

"Don't worry, we won't take any other customers in the morning. We'll only serve you!"

Just as Elaine was comfortably soaking in the bathtub, a Rolls-Royce pulled up in front of the beauty salon.

A tall, muscular bodyguard stepped out of the passenger seat, opened the rear door, and out came Marina, dressed in luxurious attire.

She glanced at the beauty salon's facade and sneered, "What a rundown beauty salon! It looks so shabby and low-class!"

In reality, the beauty salon's decor was quite decent, although not exactly high-end. However, in Aurous Hill, it was still a luxury that not every ordinary housewife could afford.

But for someone like Marina, a top-tier rich second-generation heir, this place was indeed beneath her.

The money she spent on a single beauty treatment at a high-end salon could buy this entire beauty salon.

The bodyguard whispered, "Miss, the woman you're looking for is inside, getting a beauty treatment. She arrived about ten minutes ago."

Marina nodded, her expression filled with disdain, and said, "Let's go in."


The bodyguard led the way, pushing open the beauty salon's door.

The shop assistant rushed over, apologetically saying, "I'm sorry, we're not taking customers in the morning."

Marina frowned, her tone laced with disgust, "Not taking customers? But didn't a woman named Elaine just come in for a spa treatment? How can you suddenly stop serving customers when I arrive?"

This is unexpected development, i didn't see it coming. . . . Seems like Elaine will be okay for the time being . . . . How disappointing
Let the showdown begins...
Let me see what and types of stuff Marina is made of,
And how the DRAGON MAN will react,
But am sure,hell is about to be let loose 😂😂😂😂
If you lives in a glass house, please don't throw stones.

The shop assistant was taken aback by Marina's sudden questioning and didn't know how to respond.

She was well aware that the boss's intention was to not receive customers that morning, so no matter what she said, she couldn't let the person in.

So, she hastily replied, "I'm sorry, ma'am, we're not receiving customers this morning. Ms. Elaine has a prior appointment, so I apologize."

Marina was on the verge of exploding.

She had graciously condescended to visit this rundown beauty salon, which was like a phoenix entering a chicken coop. How could this chicken coop not even let her in?!

She indignantly exclaimed, "You won't let me in? Do you believe that your shop will be out of business soon?!"

The shop assistant was at a loss for what to do.

She could see that Marina's attire and demeanor were not ordinary, and if she were to offend her, it could lead to trouble.

So, she could only politely say, "I'm sorry, ma'am. Please wait for a moment, and I'll go ask our boss."

Marina disdainfully waved her hand, saying, "Hurry up, I don't have much patience!"

The shop assistant quickly ran to the boss's office, where the boss was already packing up valuable items.

He planned to help Harold this one time, earn the 200,000 yuan from Harold, and then immediately prepare to abscond. He would empty the shop tonight, so when the members came tomorrow, they would find the beauty salon deserted.

This was a common tactic used by most gyms and beauty salons when they absconded, taking advantage of people's unawareness and leaving all the members who had purchased stored-value cards in a state of panic.

The shop assistant entered the office and hastily said, "Boss, there's another woman outside who insists on coming in! I couldn't stop her, so you'd better go take a look!"

The boss's expression changed upon hearing this, and he asked, "What woman? Didn't you tell her we're not receiving customers this morning?"

"I did!" the shop assistant replied, "I told her several times, but she kept saying that Ms. Elaine's was allowed in, so why couldn't she..."

The boss's expression turned anxious, "Could it be that she knows Elaine?"

"I don't know..."

The boss thought for a moment before saying, "Alright, I'll go deal with her and see what she wants."

After saying that, he got up from his office and headed to the front desk.

Upon seeing Marina, the boss also sensed that this woman was not ordinary, and his anxiety grew.

So, he hastily approached her and asked, "What can I do for you, ma'am?"

Marina coldly replied, "Your shop is open, but you won't let me in? What's the meaning of saying you're not receiving customers this morning?"

The boss forced a smile and said, "To be honest, we have a customer booking the entire facility for a full-day treatment, so we can't receive other customers. If you come in the afternoon or tomorrow, I'll arrange the best technician to serve you!"

Marina disdainfully said, "Don't try to fool me. I didn't come to this dump to consume anything!"

The boss frowned, "If you're not here to consume, then what are you here for?"


Marina said, "I'm here to find Elaine, who came to provide services earlier. I have some private matters to discuss with her."

The boss's face darkened upon hearing that she wasn't there to spend money, and he gruffly replied, "If you're not here to consume, then please leave. Even talking to someone requires a specific area, and I don't provide such services."

Marina gave a subtle signal to her bodyguard, who immediately pulled out 50,000 yuan in cash from a small leather box and slapped it onto the counter.

The boss's attitude changed instantly upon seeing the money, and he smiled, asking, "What service would you like me to provide, ma'am?"

Marina spoke in a cold tone, "Take me to see Elaine. I want to have a private chat with her for half an hour, and during that time, no one is allowed to disturb us. If you can do that, this 50,000 yuan is your reward. Do you understand?"

The boss thought to himself, "Harold wants me to give Elaine some sleeping pills, and then Harold will sneak her out after she falls asleep. Now, this woman wants to chat with Elaine for half an hour and is willing to pay 50,000 yuan. That sounds like a good deal. As long as I let Harold wait for another half hour, I can give Elaine the sleeping pills after this woman finishes her chat and leaves."

Thinking this, he immediately smiled and agreed, "Alright, alright! It's just half an hour of private time, no problem. Elaine is taking a bath, and you can wait in the sauna room first."

Marina nodded and told her bodyguard, "Follow me."

The boss hastily added, "Wait, wait! This is a female-only club, and our members dress very casually, sometimes not even wearing clothes. Even I, as the boss, can't enter the private service area. You can't bring this gentleman inside!"

Marina didn't think a ordinary beauty salon would be dangerous, so she told her bodyguard, "You wait outside."

The bodyguard nodded lightly.

Today, Marina's actions were impromptu, and she hadn't been followed by any suspicious individuals, so in this situation, it was unlikely she would encounter any danger. She didn't worry too much about it.

The bodyguard waited at the door, and Marina asked the boss, "Can you take me in now?"

The boss smiled and said, "Let our staff take you in. I also can't enter the private area."

"Okay," Marina nodded and followed the staff into the beauty salon.

The salon's layout was quite deep, with a front desk and a large hall, followed by a long corridor leading to the bathing area, and further in, the sauna room.

The reason the sauna room was placed at the deepest part of the salon was that customers who came for spa treatments wanted to fully relax and were very sensitive to noise. If it were too close to the highway, the vibrations and horn sounds from passing cars would be very noticeable.

Marina followed the staff through the dimly lit corridor and arrived at one of the sauna rooms.

The staff respectfully said, "Ma'am, please wait for a moment. I'll bring Elaine over soon."

Marina nodded and took out 10,000 yuan in cash from her limited-edition Hermès backpack, handing it to the staff and instructing, "Don't tell Elaine I'm waiting for her. Just bring her in directly, got it?"

The staff happily accepted the money and excitedly said, "Don't worry, I won't say a word!"

"Okay," Marina nodded. "You can go now."

"Alright, ma'am."

After the staff left, Marina frowned, looking around the room with some disgust.

She took out a pre-written check from her bag, with an amount of 1 billion yuan. This was her plan to buy Elaine's cooperation.

However, the more she looked at the low-end environment of the beauty salon, the more she thought to herself, "Elaine would actually come to a place like this for a spa treatment? She must be a country bumpkin who's never seen money. Giving her 1 billion yuan might be too much!"


Marina thought about it and put the 1 billion yuan check back into her wallet. She felt that trying to buy off Elaine, a cheap woman, with 1 billion yuan was a waste, and 1 billion yuan would be enough.

So, she took out her checkbook and wrote a new check for 100 million yuan on the spot. She planned to use this check to lure Elaine, forcing her to go home and persuade her daughter to divorce Charlie, which would mean completing half of her mission in Aurous Hill.

After writing the check, Marina pulled out a Hermès silk scarf from her bag and placed it on the sofa before sitting down.

At this time, Elaine was still soaking in the bathtub, enjoying the milk and flower petal bath. Although she had finished washing, she didn't want to get out yet, mainly because she felt the bath would have a great nourishing effect on her skin, so she decided to soak for a while longer.

Meanwhile, Harold and Noah had arrived at the beauty salon's back door with a few fashionable young people, driving a large van. Harold took out his phone and called the boss, asking, "Old friend, how's the preparation going? Have you drugged Elaine yet? I'm waiting at the back door!"

The boss thought to himself, "I still haven't earned that 50,000 yuan extra income, so I'll wait until I get it safely before making a move!"

So, he told Harold, "Harold, wait a bit. Elaine is taking a bath, and it's a bit messy. But don't worry, I've prepared the drugged water. Once she finishes her bath, I'll find an opportunity to get her to drink it. You just wait patiently, and I'll notify you as soon as she falls asleep. Then you can come in and take her away!"

Harold smiled upon hearing this and said, "Old friend, you're always reliable! Alright, I'll wait a bit longer. Once it's done, notify me immediately."

"Okay, got it!" the boss replied.


Elaine soaked for another 10 minutes, feeling her skin getting whiter and whiter. She finally got out of the bathtub, reluctant to leave the warm water.

After she got out, she pressed the service bell, and the attendant who had received her earlier hurried in, holding a clean towel.

The attendant helped Elaine wrap the towel around her and asked politely, "Do you need to wear disposable underwear, ma'am? If so, I can help you open the package."

She added, "All our technicians and service staff are female, so it's not a problem if you don't wear it."

Elaine thought for a moment and said, "I'll wear it anyway. This isn't a public bathhouse, and I'd feel awkward being naked alone."

The attendant nodded and quickly opened the package to help Elaine put on the disposable underwear. She then prepared a bathrobe for Elaine, leading her to the spa room after she had changed.

As they opened the door, the attendant said to Elaine, "Please come in, ma'am."

Elaine nodded and stepped inside, only to find a flashy woman sitting on the sofa in the room. She felt a bit displeased and asked the attendant, "Is this your technician? She's dressed too flashily, and all those accessories make her look like a jewelry store model. What if she accidentally hurts me?"

Marina was furious upon hearing this. She thought to herself, "This country bumpkin is criticizing my dressing as flashy and excessive?!"


The salesperson was also very embarrassed, looking at Marina, unsure of how to introduce Elaine.

Marina's eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and she spoke in a haughty tone, saying to the salesperson, "That's enough, you can leave now. I'll chat with her."

The salesperson was overjoyed, hastily exiting the room and even closing the door behind them.

Elaine looked at Marina warily, asking in a cold tone, "Hey, who are you?"

Marina replied calmly, "You're not worthy of knowing who I am."

Elaine suddenly spat, "Pfft! You're just a stinky old lady, trying to act like a big shot in front of me? You're wearing a colorful outfit, like you're from the United Nations, and you're carrying a fake Hermès bag. You think you're impressive?"

Marina's face turned red with anger as she retorted, "What did you say?! This is a bespoke Chanel coat, designed specifically for me by a top-tier designer! And my Hermès bag is a limited edition, worth at least 50 million!"

Elaine sneered, "Don't try to impress me, old lady. You think I've never seen the world? Your broken Hermès bag is just a fake, and you dare to say it's limited edition? Let me tell you, I'm the one who truly knows what Hermès is!"

As she spoke, she quickly retrieved her own Hermès bag from the storage cabinet, hung it on her arm, and stretched it out in front of Marina, saying, "Take a good look, this is what a real Hermès looks like – simple, elegant, and classy!"

Marina glanced at Elaine's Hermès bag and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Elaine saw her laughing and couldn't help but mock her, "What? You can't even pretend to be impressive when you see the real deal?"

Marina sighed, smiling coldly, "I've finally seen what it means to be poor and arrogant. You're the perfect example!"

With a look of disdain in her eyes, she said, "You're carrying a basic, entry-level Hermès bag, and you dare to show off in front of me?"

Immediately, Marina lifted her own Hermès bag, smiling coldly, "Take a good look, this Hermès bag of mine can buy over a hundred of yours!"

Elaine cursed, "Shut up, you old hag! You're full of hot air, and you think your Hermès bag is worth 15 million?"

Marina smiled coldly, "15 million, exactly."

Elaine rolled her eyes, "I don't know where this old lady came from, but if I chopped her up and sold her by the pound, she wouldn't even be worth 15 million! And she's still trying to show off in front of me? Get out of here, don't waste my time, I have a spa appointment!"

Marina's body trembled with anger, and she wanted to give Elaine a good slap, but she thought better of it, remembering why she came here today.

So, she gritted her teeth and waved her hand, "Forget it, Elaine. I won't bother arguing with you. I came to discuss a business deal with you."

"A business deal?" Elaine raised an eyebrow. "I don't do business with someone like you who carries a fake Hermès bag. Get out of here!"

Marina suppressed her anger, speaking calmly, "You might want to listen to what I have to say. I came to propose a deal to you – if you agree to let your daughter divorce Charlie, this check is yours."

As she spoke, she handed Elaine a check worth 100 million, saying proudly, "This check is worth 100 million, and you can take it now!"

Seeing Elaine's expression change, Marina smiled coldly, using a condescending tone, "However, Elaine, listen carefully – if you take my money, you have to do what I tell you. Otherwise, not only will I take back the money, but I'll also make you pay a huge price!"


Elaine's entire face was frozen in shock as she stared at Marina, her eyes wide with disbelief. "What did you say? This check is worth 100 million?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Marina saw the astonishment on Elaine's face and let out a cold laugh. "Look at you, you've never seen anything like this before. This is a cash check from Citibank! You've never seen one, have you? I doubt someone like you would ever have the chance to see a check of this magnitude in your lifetime!"

Elaine's expression immediately turned gloomy.

Marina thought she had completely intimidated Elaine and smiled in satisfaction.

Elaine took the check and waved it in the air, laughing arrogantly. "Do you want this check? If you do, then listen to me and advise your daughter to leave Charlie!"

Elaine's expression suddenly turned angry.

Marina was taken aback, unsure why Elaine's expression had changed so quickly.

Elaine suddenly reached out and snatched the check, examining it carefully before tearing it into shreds in a fit of rage!

Marina was stunned, watching as Elaine tore her 100 million check into pieces. She thought to herself, "It seems I underestimated this woman, Elaine. She's not afraid to tear up a 100 million check, and her appetite is not small!"

At this moment, Marina saw Elaine's furious gaze and gritted her teeth. "Fine! If 100 million is not enough, then I'll give you 200 million! Just listen to me and let your daughter divorce Charlie!"

As she spoke, Marina pulled out her checkbook from her Hermès bag, opened it, and said coldly, "Think carefully, and if you agree, I'll write the check for you right now!"

Marina thought to herself, "Elaine is just a country bumpkin, and even though she lives in a luxurious villa, she's probably never seen a large sum of money. I don't believe she'll refuse 200 million!"

Just as she thought this, Marina's left cheek suddenly felt a sharp pain!


It turned out that Elaine had directly slapped Marina across the face!

Marina had never been hit before and never thought she'd be slapped by a country bumpkin like Elaine at the age of 40!

She felt a surge of anger and glared at Elaine, shouting, "Elaine, are you crazy?! You dare to hit me?! Do you know who I am?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Elaine kicked her in the chest, sending her flying from the sofa!

Marina, although not a good person, was an intellectual.

She had always been arrogant and bullied people, but she rarely did it herself.

So when Elaine suddenly attacked her, Marina was completely caught off guard!

As she struggled to get up from the floor, her hair disheveled, she cursed, "Elaine, are you sick?! I offered you money, and even if you didn't want it, there was no need to fight me! Don't you know the principle of 'a gentleman uses his mouth, not his fists'?"

Elaine gritted her teeth and retorted, "What gentleman uses his mouth, not his fists? You dared to use a worthless check to deceive me, and I can't hit you, a dog? Today, I'll not only hit you but also make you pay the price!"

Marina was almost stunned.

She shouted, "What are you doing?! I gave you a cash check from Citibank! You should at least have some basic knowledge, even if you're not worldly!"

The shop assistant was taken aback by Marina's sudden questioning and didn't know how to respond.

She was well aware that the boss's intention was to not receive customers that morning, so no matter what she said, she couldn't let the person in.

So, she hastily replied, "I'm sorry, ma'am, we're not receiving customers this morning. Ms. Elaine has a prior appointment, so I apologize."

Marina was on the verge of exploding.

She had graciously condescended to visit this rundown beauty salon, which was like a phoenix entering a chicken coop. How could this chicken coop not even let her in?!

She indignantly exclaimed, "You won't let me in? Do you believe that your shop will be out of business soon?!"

The shop assistant was at a loss for what to do.

She could see that Marina's attire and demeanor were not ordinary, and if she were to offend her, it could lead to trouble.

So, she could only politely say, "I'm sorry, ma'am. Please wait for a moment, and I'll go ask our boss."

Marina disdainfully waved her hand, saying, "Hurry up, I don't have much patience!"

The shop assistant quickly ran to the boss's office, where the boss was already packing up valuable items.

He planned to help Harold this one time, earn the 200,000 yuan from Harold, and then immediately prepare to abscond. He would empty the shop tonight, so when the members came tomorrow, they would find the beauty salon deserted.

This was a common tactic used by most gyms and beauty salons when they absconded, taking advantage of people's unawareness and leaving all the members who had purchased stored-value cards in a state of panic.

The shop assistant entered the office and hastily said, "Boss, there's another woman outside who insists on coming in! I couldn't stop her, so you'd better go take a look!"

The boss's expression changed upon hearing this, and he asked, "What woman? Didn't you tell her we're not receiving customers this morning?"

"I did!" the shop assistant replied, "I told her several times, but she kept saying that Ms. Elaine's was allowed in, so why couldn't she..."

The boss's expression turned anxious, "Could it be that she knows Elaine?"

"I don't know..."

The boss thought for a moment before saying, "Alright, I'll go deal with her and see what she wants."

After saying that, he got up from his office and headed to the front desk.

Upon seeing Marina, the boss also sensed that this woman was not ordinary, and his anxiety grew.

So, he hastily approached her and asked, "What can I do for you, ma'am?"

Marina coldly replied, "Your shop is open, but you won't let me in? What's the meaning of saying you're not receiving customers this morning?"

The boss forced a smile and said, "To be honest, we have a customer booking the entire facility for a full-day treatment, so we can't receive other customers. If you come in the afternoon or tomorrow, I'll arrange the best technician to serve you!"

Marina disdainfully said, "Don't try to fool me. I didn't come to this dump to consume anything!"

The boss frowned, "If you're not here to consume, then what are you here for?"


Marina said, "I'm here to find Elaine, who came to provide services earlier. I have some private matters to discuss with her."

The boss's face darkened upon hearing that she wasn't there to spend money, and he gruffly replied, "If you're not here to consume, then please leave. Even talking to someone requires a specific area, and I don't provide such services."

Marina gave a subtle signal to her bodyguard, who immediately pulled out 50,000 yuan in cash from a small leather box and slapped it onto the counter.

The boss's attitude changed instantly upon seeing the money, and he smiled, asking, "What service would you like me to provide, ma'am?"

Marina spoke in a cold tone, "Take me to see Elaine. I want to have a private chat with her for half an hour, and during that time, no one is allowed to disturb us. If you can do that, this 50,000 yuan is your reward. Do you understand?"

The boss thought to himself, "Harold wants me to give Elaine some sleeping pills, and then Harold will sneak her out after she falls asleep. Now, this woman wants to chat with Elaine for half an hour and is willing to pay 50,000 yuan. That sounds like a good deal. As long as I let Harold wait for another half hour, I can give Elaine the sleeping pills after this woman finishes her chat and leaves."

Thinking this, he immediately smiled and agreed, "Alright, alright! It's just half an hour of private time, no problem. Elaine is taking a bath, and you can wait in the sauna room first."

Marina nodded and told her bodyguard, "Follow me."

The boss hastily added, "Wait, wait! This is a female-only club, and our members dress very casually, sometimes not even wearing clothes. Even I, as the boss, can't enter the private service area. You can't bring this gentleman inside!"

Marina didn't think a ordinary beauty salon would be dangerous, so she told her bodyguard, "You wait outside."

The bodyguard nodded lightly.

Today, Marina's actions were impromptu, and she hadn't been followed by any suspicious individuals, so in this situation, it was unlikely she would encounter any danger. She didn't worry too much about it.

The bodyguard waited at the door, and Marina asked the boss, "Can you take me in now?"

The boss smiled and said, "Let our staff take you in. I also can't enter the private area."

"Okay," Marina nodded and followed the staff into the beauty salon.

The salon's layout was quite deep, with a front desk and a large hall, followed by a long corridor leading to the bathing area, and further in, the sauna room.

The reason the sauna room was placed at the deepest part of the salon was that customers who came for spa treatments wanted to fully relax and were very sensitive to noise. If it were too close to the highway, the vibrations and horn sounds from passing cars would be very noticeable.

Marina followed the staff through the dimly lit corridor and arrived at one of the sauna rooms.

The staff respectfully said, "Ma'am, please wait for a moment. I'll bring Elaine over soon."

Marina nodded and took out 10,000 yuan in cash from her limited-edition Hermès backpack, handing it to the staff and instructing, "Don't tell Elaine I'm waiting for her. Just bring her in directly, got it?"

The staff happily accepted the money and excitedly said, "Don't worry, I won't say a word!"

"Okay," Marina nodded. "You can go now."

"Alright, ma'am."

After the staff left, Marina frowned, looking around the room with some disgust.

She took out a pre-written check from her bag, with an amount of 1 billion yuan. This was her plan to buy Elaine's cooperation.

However, the more she looked at the low-end environment of the beauty salon, the more she thought to herself, "Elaine would actually come to a place like this for a spa treatment? She must be a country bumpkin who's never seen money. Giving her 1 billion yuan might be too much!"


Marina thought about it and put the 1 billion yuan check back into her wallet. She felt that trying to buy off Elaine, a cheap woman, with 1 billion yuan was a waste, and 1 billion yuan would be enough.

So, she took out her checkbook and wrote a new check for 100 million yuan on the spot. She planned to use this check to lure Elaine, forcing her to go home and persuade her daughter to divorce Charlie, which would mean completing half of her mission in Aurous Hill.

After writing the check, Marina pulled out a Hermès silk scarf from her bag and placed it on the sofa before sitting down.

At this time, Elaine was still soaking in the bathtub, enjoying the milk and flower petal bath. Although she had finished washing, she didn't want to get out yet, mainly because she felt the bath would have a great nourishing effect on her skin, so she decided to soak for a while longer.

Meanwhile, Harold and Noah had arrived at the beauty salon's back door with a few fashionable young people, driving a large van. Harold took out his phone and called the boss, asking, "Old friend, how's the preparation going? Have you drugged Elaine yet? I'm waiting at the back door!"

The boss thought to himself, "I still haven't earned that 50,000 yuan extra income, so I'll wait until I get it safely before making a move!"

So, he told Harold, "Harold, wait a bit. Elaine is taking a bath, and it's a bit messy. But don't worry, I've prepared the drugged water. Once she finishes her bath, I'll find an opportunity to get her to drink it. You just wait patiently, and I'll notify you as soon as she falls asleep. Then you can come in and take her away!"

Harold smiled upon hearing this and said, "Old friend, you're always reliable! Alright, I'll wait a bit longer. Once it's done, notify me immediately."

"Okay, got it!" the boss replied.


Elaine soaked for another 10 minutes, feeling her skin getting whiter and whiter. She finally got out of the bathtub, reluctant to leave the warm water.

After she got out, she pressed the service bell, and the attendant who had received her earlier hurried in, holding a clean towel.

The attendant helped Elaine wrap the towel around her and asked politely, "Do you need to wear disposable underwear, ma'am? If so, I can help you open the package."

She added, "All our technicians and service staff are female, so it's not a problem if you don't wear it."

Elaine thought for a moment and said, "I'll wear it anyway. This isn't a public bathhouse, and I'd feel awkward being naked alone."

The attendant nodded and quickly opened the package to help Elaine put on the disposable underwear. She then prepared a bathrobe for Elaine, leading her to the spa room after she had changed.

As they opened the door, the attendant said to Elaine, "Please come in, ma'am."

Elaine nodded and stepped inside, only to find a flashy woman sitting on the sofa in the room. She felt a bit displeased and asked the attendant, "Is this your technician? She's dressed too flashily, and all those accessories make her look like a jewelry store model. What if she accidentally hurts me?"

Marina was furious upon hearing this. She thought to herself, "This country bumpkin is criticizing my dressing as flashy and excessive?!"


The salesperson was also very embarrassed, looking at Marina, unsure of how to introduce Elaine.

Marina's eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and she spoke in a haughty tone, saying to the salesperson, "That's enough, you can leave now. I'll chat with her."

The salesperson was overjoyed, hastily exiting the room and even closing the door behind them.

Elaine looked at Marina warily, asking in a cold tone, "Hey, who are you?"

Marina replied calmly, "You're not worthy of knowing who I am."

Elaine suddenly spat, "Pfft! You're just a stinky old lady, trying to act like a big shot in front of me? You're wearing a colorful outfit, like you're from the United Nations, and you're carrying a fake Hermès bag. You think you're impressive?"

Marina's face turned red with anger as she retorted, "What did you say?! This is a bespoke Chanel coat, designed specifically for me by a top-tier designer! And my Hermès bag is a limited edition, worth at least 50 million!"

Elaine sneered, "Don't try to impress me, old lady. You think I've never seen the world? Your broken Hermès bag is just a fake, and you dare to say it's limited edition? Let me tell you, I'm the one who truly knows what Hermès is!"

As she spoke, she quickly retrieved her own Hermès bag from the storage cabinet, hung it on her arm, and stretched it out in front of Marina, saying, "Take a good look, this is what a real Hermès looks like – simple, elegant, and classy!"

Marina glanced at Elaine's Hermès bag and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Elaine saw her laughing and couldn't help but mock her, "What? You can't even pretend to be impressive when you see the real deal?"

Marina sighed, smiling coldly, "I've finally seen what it means to be poor and arrogant. You're the perfect example!"

With a look of disdain in her eyes, she said, "You're carrying a basic, entry-level Hermès bag, and you dare to show off in front of me?"

Immediately, Marina lifted her own Hermès bag, smiling coldly, "Take a good look, this Hermès bag of mine can buy over a hundred of yours!"

Elaine cursed, "Shut up, you old hag! You're full of hot air, and you think your Hermès bag is worth 15 million?"

Marina smiled coldly, "15 million, exactly."

Elaine rolled her eyes, "I don't know where this old lady came from, but if I chopped her up and sold her by the pound, she wouldn't even be worth 15 million! And she's still trying to show off in front of me? Get out of here, don't waste my time, I have a spa appointment!"

Marina's body trembled with anger, and she wanted to give Elaine a good slap, but she thought better of it, remembering why she came here today.

So, she gritted her teeth and waved her hand, "Forget it, Elaine. I won't bother arguing with you. I came to discuss a business deal with you."

"A business deal?" Elaine raised an eyebrow. "I don't do business with someone like you who carries a fake Hermès bag. Get out of here!"

Marina suppressed her anger, speaking calmly, "You might want to listen to what I have to say. I came to propose a deal to you – if you agree to let your daughter divorce Charlie, this check is yours."

As she spoke, she handed Elaine a check worth 100 million, saying proudly, "This check is worth 100 million, and you can take it now!"

Seeing Elaine's expression change, Marina smiled coldly, using a condescending tone, "However, Elaine, listen carefully – if you take my money, you have to do what I tell you. Otherwise, not only will I take back the money, but I'll also make you pay a huge price!"


Elaine's entire face was frozen in shock as she stared at Marina, her eyes wide with disbelief. "What did you say? This check is worth 100 million?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Marina saw the astonishment on Elaine's face and let out a cold laugh. "Look at you, you've never seen anything like this before. This is a cash check from Citibank! You've never seen one, have you? I doubt someone like you would ever have the chance to see a check of this magnitude in your lifetime!"

Elaine's expression immediately turned gloomy.

Marina thought she had completely intimidated Elaine and smiled in satisfaction.

Elaine took the check and waved it in the air, laughing arrogantly. "Do you want this check? If you do, then listen to me and advise your daughter to leave Charlie!"

Elaine's expression suddenly turned angry.

Marina was taken aback, unsure why Elaine's expression had changed so quickly.

Elaine suddenly reached out and snatched the check, examining it carefully before tearing it into shreds in a fit of rage!

Marina was stunned, watching as Elaine tore her 100 million check into pieces. She thought to herself, "It seems I underestimated this woman, Elaine. She's not afraid to tear up a 100 million check, and her appetite is not small!"

At this moment, Marina saw Elaine's furious gaze and gritted her teeth. "Fine! If 100 million is not enough, then I'll give you 200 million! Just listen to me and let your daughter divorce Charlie!"

As she spoke, Marina pulled out her checkbook from her Hermès bag, opened it, and said coldly, "Think carefully, and if you agree, I'll write the check for you right now!"

Marina thought to herself, "Elaine is just a country bumpkin, and even though she lives in a luxurious villa, she's probably never seen a large sum of money. I don't believe she'll refuse 200 million!"

Just as she thought this, Marina's left cheek suddenly felt a sharp pain!


It turned out that Elaine had directly slapped Marina across the face!

Marina had never been hit before and never thought she'd be slapped by a country bumpkin like Elaine at the age of 40!

She felt a surge of anger and glared at Elaine, shouting, "Elaine, are you crazy?! You dare to hit me?! Do you know who I am?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Elaine kicked her in the chest, sending her flying from the sofa!

Marina, although not a good person, was an intellectual.

She had always been arrogant and bullied people, but she rarely did it herself.

So when Elaine suddenly attacked her, Marina was completely caught off guard!

As she struggled to get up from the floor, her hair disheveled, she cursed, "Elaine, are you sick?! I offered you money, and even if you didn't want it, there was no need to fight me! Don't you know the principle of 'a gentleman uses his mouth, not his fists'?"

Elaine gritted her teeth and retorted, "What gentleman uses his mouth, not his fists? You dared to use a worthless check to deceive me, and I can't hit you, a dog? Today, I'll not only hit you but also make you pay the price!"

Marina was almost stunned.

She shouted, "What are you doing?! I gave you a cash check from Citibank! You should at least have some basic knowledge, even if you're not worldly!"
This Elaine is something else 😂😂😂
This is getting interesting, let me see how this pan out, the DRAGON MAN, will be the ultimate decision maker here,all the schemes and tricks will still need to get his approval 🤣🤣🤣
Once Elaine understands the check is true, she may start blabbering again asking Claire to divorce Charlie. Else she may be moved out to the brick factory, or Claire get to know real Charlie....need to see the story where it heads ...very interesting.

The shop assistant was taken aback by Marina's sudden questioning and didn't know how to respond.

She was well aware that the boss's intention was to not receive customers that morning, so no matter what she said, she couldn't let the person in.

So, she hastily replied, "I'm sorry, ma'am, we're not receiving customers this morning. Ms. Elaine has a prior appointment, so I apologize."

Marina was on the verge of exploding.

She had graciously condescended to visit this rundown beauty salon, which was like a phoenix entering a chicken coop. How could this chicken coop not even let her in?!

She indignantly exclaimed, "You won't let me in? Do you believe that your shop will be out of business soon?!"

The shop assistant was at a loss for what to do.

She could see that Marina's attire and demeanor were not ordinary, and if she were to offend her, it could lead to trouble.

So, she could only politely say, "I'm sorry, ma'am. Please wait for a moment, and I'll go ask our boss."

Marina disdainfully waved her hand, saying, "Hurry up, I don't have much patience!"

The shop assistant quickly ran to the boss's office, where the boss was already packing up valuable items.

He planned to help Harold this one time, earn the 200,000 yuan from Harold, and then immediately prepare to abscond. He would empty the shop tonight, so when the members came tomorrow, they would find the beauty salon deserted.

This was a common tactic used by most gyms and beauty salons when they absconded, taking advantage of people's unawareness and leaving all the members who had purchased stored-value cards in a state of panic.

The shop assistant entered the office and hastily said, "Boss, there's another woman outside who insists on coming in! I couldn't stop her, so you'd better go take a look!"

The boss's expression changed upon hearing this, and he asked, "What woman? Didn't you tell her we're not receiving customers this morning?"

"I did!" the shop assistant replied, "I told her several times, but she kept saying that Ms. Elaine's was allowed in, so why couldn't she..."

The boss's expression turned anxious, "Could it be that she knows Elaine?"

"I don't know..."

The boss thought for a moment before saying, "Alright, I'll go deal with her and see what she wants."

After saying that, he got up from his office and headed to the front desk.

Upon seeing Marina, the boss also sensed that this woman was not ordinary, and his anxiety grew.

So, he hastily approached her and asked, "What can I do for you, ma'am?"

Marina coldly replied, "Your shop is open, but you won't let me in? What's the meaning of saying you're not receiving customers this morning?"

The boss forced a smile and said, "To be honest, we have a customer booking the entire facility for a full-day treatment, so we can't receive other customers. If you come in the afternoon or tomorrow, I'll arrange the best technician to serve you!"

Marina disdainfully said, "Don't try to fool me. I didn't come to this dump to consume anything!"

The boss frowned, "If you're not here to consume, then what are you here for?"


Marina said, "I'm here to find Elaine, who came to provide services earlier. I have some private matters to discuss with her."

The boss's face darkened upon hearing that she wasn't there to spend money, and he gruffly replied, "If you're not here to consume, then please leave. Even talking to someone requires a specific area, and I don't provide such services."

Marina gave a subtle signal to her bodyguard, who immediately pulled out 50,000 yuan in cash from a small leather box and slapped it onto the counter.

The boss's attitude changed instantly upon seeing the money, and he smiled, asking, "What service would you like me to provide, ma'am?"

Marina spoke in a cold tone, "Take me to see Elaine. I want to have a private chat with her for half an hour, and during that time, no one is allowed to disturb us. If you can do that, this 50,000 yuan is your reward. Do you understand?"

The boss thought to himself, "Harold wants me to give Elaine some sleeping pills, and then Harold will sneak her out after she falls asleep. Now, this woman wants to chat with Elaine for half an hour and is willing to pay 50,000 yuan. That sounds like a good deal. As long as I let Harold wait for another half hour, I can give Elaine the sleeping pills after this woman finishes her chat and leaves."

Thinking this, he immediately smiled and agreed, "Alright, alright! It's just half an hour of private time, no problem. Elaine is taking a bath, and you can wait in the sauna room first."

Marina nodded and told her bodyguard, "Follow me."

The boss hastily added, "Wait, wait! This is a female-only club, and our members dress very casually, sometimes not even wearing clothes. Even I, as the boss, can't enter the private service area. You can't bring this gentleman inside!"

Marina didn't think a ordinary beauty salon would be dangerous, so she told her bodyguard, "You wait outside."

The bodyguard nodded lightly.

Today, Marina's actions were impromptu, and she hadn't been followed by any suspicious individuals, so in this situation, it was unlikely she would encounter any danger. She didn't worry too much about it.

The bodyguard waited at the door, and Marina asked the boss, "Can you take me in now?"

The boss smiled and said, "Let our staff take you in. I also can't enter the private area."

"Okay," Marina nodded and followed the staff into the beauty salon.

The salon's layout was quite deep, with a front desk and a large hall, followed by a long corridor leading to the bathing area, and further in, the sauna room.

The reason the sauna room was placed at the deepest part of the salon was that customers who came for spa treatments wanted to fully relax and were very sensitive to noise. If it were too close to the highway, the vibrations and horn sounds from passing cars would be very noticeable.

Marina followed the staff through the dimly lit corridor and arrived at one of the sauna rooms.

The staff respectfully said, "Ma'am, please wait for a moment. I'll bring Elaine over soon."

Marina nodded and took out 10,000 yuan in cash from her limited-edition Hermès backpack, handing it to the staff and instructing, "Don't tell Elaine I'm waiting for her. Just bring her in directly, got it?"

The staff happily accepted the money and excitedly said, "Don't worry, I won't say a word!"

"Okay," Marina nodded. "You can go now."

"Alright, ma'am."

After the staff left, Marina frowned, looking around the room with some disgust.

She took out a pre-written check from her bag, with an amount of 1 billion yuan. This was her plan to buy Elaine's cooperation.

However, the more she looked at the low-end environment of the beauty salon, the more she thought to herself, "Elaine would actually come to a place like this for a spa treatment? She must be a country bumpkin who's never seen money. Giving her 1 billion yuan might be too much!"


Marina thought about it and put the 1 billion yuan check back into her wallet. She felt that trying to buy off Elaine, a cheap woman, with 1 billion yuan was a waste, and 1 billion yuan would be enough.

So, she took out her checkbook and wrote a new check for 100 million yuan on the spot. She planned to use this check to lure Elaine, forcing her to go home and persuade her daughter to divorce Charlie, which would mean completing half of her mission in Aurous Hill.

After writing the check, Marina pulled out a Hermès silk scarf from her bag and placed it on the sofa before sitting down.

At this time, Elaine was still soaking in the bathtub, enjoying the milk and flower petal bath. Although she had finished washing, she didn't want to get out yet, mainly because she felt the bath would have a great nourishing effect on her skin, so she decided to soak for a while longer.

Meanwhile, Harold and Noah had arrived at the beauty salon's back door with a few fashionable young people, driving a large van. Harold took out his phone and called the boss, asking, "Old friend, how's the preparation going? Have you drugged Elaine yet? I'm waiting at the back door!"

The boss thought to himself, "I still haven't earned that 50,000 yuan extra income, so I'll wait until I get it safely before making a move!"

So, he told Harold, "Harold, wait a bit. Elaine is taking a bath, and it's a bit messy. But don't worry, I've prepared the drugged water. Once she finishes her bath, I'll find an opportunity to get her to drink it. You just wait patiently, and I'll notify you as soon as she falls asleep. Then you can come in and take her away!"

Harold smiled upon hearing this and said, "Old friend, you're always reliable! Alright, I'll wait a bit longer. Once it's done, notify me immediately."

"Okay, got it!" the boss replied.


Elaine soaked for another 10 minutes, feeling her skin getting whiter and whiter. She finally got out of the bathtub, reluctant to leave the warm water.

After she got out, she pressed the service bell, and the attendant who had received her earlier hurried in, holding a clean towel.

The attendant helped Elaine wrap the towel around her and asked politely, "Do you need to wear disposable underwear, ma'am? If so, I can help you open the package."

She added, "All our technicians and service staff are female, so it's not a problem if you don't wear it."

Elaine thought for a moment and said, "I'll wear it anyway. This isn't a public bathhouse, and I'd feel awkward being naked alone."

The attendant nodded and quickly opened the package to help Elaine put on the disposable underwear. She then prepared a bathrobe for Elaine, leading her to the spa room after she had changed.

As they opened the door, the attendant said to Elaine, "Please come in, ma'am."

Elaine nodded and stepped inside, only to find a flashy woman sitting on the sofa in the room. She felt a bit displeased and asked the attendant, "Is this your technician? She's dressed too flashily, and all those accessories make her look like a jewelry store model. What if she accidentally hurts me?"

Marina was furious upon hearing this. She thought to herself, "This country bumpkin is criticizing my dressing as flashy and excessive?!"


The salesperson was also very embarrassed, looking at Marina, unsure of how to introduce Elaine.

Marina's eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and she spoke in a haughty tone, saying to the salesperson, "That's enough, you can leave now. I'll chat with her."

The salesperson was overjoyed, hastily exiting the room and even closing the door behind them.

Elaine looked at Marina warily, asking in a cold tone, "Hey, who are you?"

Marina replied calmly, "You're not worthy of knowing who I am."

Elaine suddenly spat, "Pfft! You're just a stinky old lady, trying to act like a big shot in front of me? You're wearing a colorful outfit, like you're from the United Nations, and you're carrying a fake Hermès bag. You think you're impressive?"

Marina's face turned red with anger as she retorted, "What did you say?! This is a bespoke Chanel coat, designed specifically for me by a top-tier designer! And my Hermès bag is a limited edition, worth at least 50 million!"

Elaine sneered, "Don't try to impress me, old lady. You think I've never seen the world? Your broken Hermès bag is just a fake, and you dare to say it's limited edition? Let me tell you, I'm the one who truly knows what Hermès is!"

As she spoke, she quickly retrieved her own Hermès bag from the storage cabinet, hung it on her arm, and stretched it out in front of Marina, saying, "Take a good look, this is what a real Hermès looks like – simple, elegant, and classy!"

Marina glanced at Elaine's Hermès bag and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Elaine saw her laughing and couldn't help but mock her, "What? You can't even pretend to be impressive when you see the real deal?"

Marina sighed, smiling coldly, "I've finally seen what it means to be poor and arrogant. You're the perfect example!"

With a look of disdain in her eyes, she said, "You're carrying a basic, entry-level Hermès bag, and you dare to show off in front of me?"

Immediately, Marina lifted her own Hermès bag, smiling coldly, "Take a good look, this Hermès bag of mine can buy over a hundred of yours!"

Elaine cursed, "Shut up, you old hag! You're full of hot air, and you think your Hermès bag is worth 15 million?"

Marina smiled coldly, "15 million, exactly."

Elaine rolled her eyes, "I don't know where this old lady came from, but if I chopped her up and sold her by the pound, she wouldn't even be worth 15 million! And she's still trying to show off in front of me? Get out of here, don't waste my time, I have a spa appointment!"

Marina's body trembled with anger, and she wanted to give Elaine a good slap, but she thought better of it, remembering why she came here today.

So, she gritted her teeth and waved her hand, "Forget it, Elaine. I won't bother arguing with you. I came to discuss a business deal with you."

"A business deal?" Elaine raised an eyebrow. "I don't do business with someone like you who carries a fake Hermès bag. Get out of here!"

Marina suppressed her anger, speaking calmly, "You might want to listen to what I have to say. I came to propose a deal to you – if you agree to let your daughter divorce Charlie, this check is yours."

As she spoke, she handed Elaine a check worth 100 million, saying proudly, "This check is worth 100 million, and you can take it now!"

Seeing Elaine's expression change, Marina smiled coldly, using a condescending tone, "However, Elaine, listen carefully – if you take my money, you have to do what I tell you. Otherwise, not only will I take back the money, but I'll also make you pay a huge price!"


Elaine's entire face was frozen in shock as she stared at Marina, her eyes wide with disbelief. "What did you say? This check is worth 100 million?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Marina saw the astonishment on Elaine's face and let out a cold laugh. "Look at you, you've never seen anything like this before. This is a cash check from Citibank! You've never seen one, have you? I doubt someone like you would ever have the chance to see a check of this magnitude in your lifetime!"

Elaine's expression immediately turned gloomy.

Marina thought she had completely intimidated Elaine and smiled in satisfaction.

Elaine took the check and waved it in the air, laughing arrogantly. "Do you want this check? If you do, then listen to me and advise your daughter to leave Charlie!"

Elaine's expression suddenly turned angry.

Marina was taken aback, unsure why Elaine's expression had changed so quickly.

Elaine suddenly reached out and snatched the check, examining it carefully before tearing it into shreds in a fit of rage!

Marina was stunned, watching as Elaine tore her 100 million check into pieces. She thought to herself, "It seems I underestimated this woman, Elaine. She's not afraid to tear up a 100 million check, and her appetite is not small!"

At this moment, Marina saw Elaine's furious gaze and gritted her teeth. "Fine! If 100 million is not enough, then I'll give you 200 million! Just listen to me and let your daughter divorce Charlie!"

As she spoke, Marina pulled out her checkbook from her Hermès bag, opened it, and said coldly, "Think carefully, and if you agree, I'll write the check for you right now!"

Marina thought to herself, "Elaine is just a country bumpkin, and even though she lives in a luxurious villa, she's probably never seen a large sum of money. I don't believe she'll refuse 200 million!"

Just as she thought this, Marina's left cheek suddenly felt a sharp pain!


It turned out that Elaine had directly slapped Marina across the face!

Marina had never been hit before and never thought she'd be slapped by a country bumpkin like Elaine at the age of 40!

She felt a surge of anger and glared at Elaine, shouting, "Elaine, are you crazy?! You dare to hit me?! Do you know who I am?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Elaine kicked her in the chest, sending her flying from the sofa!

Marina, although not a good person, was an intellectual.

She had always been arrogant and bullied people, but she rarely did it herself.

So when Elaine suddenly attacked her, Marina was completely caught off guard!

As she struggled to get up from the floor, her hair disheveled, she cursed, "Elaine, are you sick?! I offered you money, and even if you didn't want it, there was no need to fight me! Don't you know the principle of 'a gentleman uses his mouth, not his fists'?"

Elaine gritted her teeth and retorted, "What gentleman uses his mouth, not his fists? You dared to use a worthless check to deceive me, and I can't hit you, a dog? Today, I'll not only hit you but also make you pay the price!"

Marina was almost stunned.

She shouted, "What are you doing?! I gave you a cash check from Citibank! You should at least have some basic knowledge, even if you're not worldly!"
Today’s update pls

"Get lost!" Elaine was furious, storming over to Marina, sitting on her stomach, and slapping her left and right, her face red with rage. "Do you think I'm an idiot? You're still trying to deceive me after what happened last time?"

At that moment, Elaine's mind flashed back to when Jacob was hospitalized, and she wanted her daughter Claire to refund the rent. Charlie handed her a cheque, which she took to pay the hospital bill. But to her surprise, the cheque was for 100 million yuan!

The hospital cashier ridiculed her, even threatening to call the police. Elaine was furious, storming back to confront Charlie, only to discover that the cheque was bought from a funeral home, intended to be burned as an offering to his deceased parents.

Now, Marina was pulling out a 100 million yuan cheque, almost identical to the one Charlie had given her. Elaine was beyond furious!

What made it even more infuriating was that this despicable Marina kept emphasizing the Flower Flag Bank in front of her. Elaine had a deep-seated hatred for that bank, as it had caused her the most painful experience in her life – the counterfeit black gold card incident.

As a result, she was locked up in a detention center, where she was brutally tortured by Madam Wilson, Wendy, and that burly Verity for several days. Those few days were the darkest period of Elaine's life.

So, when she saw Marina trying to deceive her with a 100 million yuan cheque and daring to mention the Flower Flag Bank, her anger reached new heights!

Marina was beaten to a pulp, his face red and swollen, the pain unbearable. Elaine's bodyguards were outside, unable to hear the commotion, and therefore couldn't help her.

Although Marina was badly beaten, she knew it was futile to call for help, so she decided to fight back. She suddenly reached out to grab Elaine's hair, pulling it with all his might.

Elaine didn't expect Marina to counterattack, and the sudden pain in her scalp made her scream. She retaliated by punching Marina, shouting, "You dare to pull my hair? I'll fight you to the death!"

Marina refused to back down, using the hair in her hand to pull and tug, eventually yanking out a clump of Elaine's hair. Elaine was in agony, covering her head and screaming.

Seizing the opportunity, Marina pushed Elaine to the ground and climbed on top of her, slapping her face repeatedly. "I'll kill you, you vicious woman!"

At that moment, Marina was consumed by hatred, and if she had a knife, she would have killed Elaine on the spot.

Just then, the service staff outside heard the commotion and rushed in, opening the door to find the two women fighting. They were shocked, quickly running to the boss's room to report, "Boss, it's terrible! The two women are fighting in the room!"


The beauty salon owner's face turned pale as soon as he heard that two women were fighting. "What the hell, aren't they just friends chatting? How did it escalate into a fight?!"

The staff member hastily explained, "I don't know either, but it's getting out of hand. If you don't intervene soon, it might lead to serious consequences!"

The beauty salon owner was on edge, thinking to himself, "I haven't escaped yet, and if something goes wrong now, the police will be involved, and that'll be a huge headache."

He rushed to the scene to investigate and heard the two women fighting viciously inside. Elaine was yelling loudly through the door, "You stinky woman, I can't even handle Verity, that big fat pig, and now you think you can take me on?"

While Marina was clearly at a disadvantage, she gritted her teeth and cursed, "You just wait! I'll make sure you don't get away with this! I won't let you live to see tomorrow's sunrise!"

The beauty salon owner pushed open the door, took one look, and was shocked by the two women covered in blood. He quickly closed the door again, muttering anxiously, "This can't go on! It'll end in tragedy if it continues!"

He immediately ran to the back door, pushed it open, and saw a van parked with its rear door facing the back door. He hastily tapped on the passenger window, and Harold rolled it down, asking excitedly, "Old friend, did that stinky woman Elaine pass out?"

The beauty salon owner replied urgently, "Pass out? She's fighting with another woman inside, and it's getting out of hand! You need to go in and take her away before it's too late!"

Harold was shocked, asking, "What's going on? Who's she fighting with?"

The beauty salon owner was hesitant, not mentioning that he had taken money to let Marina in, and said, "I don't know who it is, but you need to take her away quickly. If something happens, we'll both be in trouble!"

Harold quickly got out of the van with a few young men. Under the beauty salon owner's guidance, they rushed to the spa room door. Before they even opened the door, they could hear the intense fighting inside.

Harold kicked open the door and saw Elaine riding on top of a blood-covered woman, punching her mercilessly. He immediately instructed the people beside him, "Get that woman up there and take her away!"

Elaine turned around, saw Harold, and panicked, shouting, "Harold, what do you want to do?"

Harold sneered, saying, "Auntie, you've been causing trouble for our family for so long, and you even sent my mom to the black coal mine. Now it's time for you to pay the price!"

After saying that, he waved his hand, and the people beside him quickly subdued Elaine.

Marina didn't know what was happening, but seeing someone intervene and take away the woman who had been beating her, she finally relaxed, cursing angrily, "You Elaine, I'll tear you apart! You just wait!"

As Marina spoke, she reached into her Hermès bag to grab her phone.

Harold saw this and hastily shouted, "What, you still want to make a call? Put the phone down! Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Marina looked at him, saying, "This is a personal vendetta between me and Elaine. You don't need to get involved. Hand Elaine over to me, and I'll give you a satisfactory reward!"

Harold's anger flared up instantly.


He thought to himself, "Does this woman think I'm brainless? Hand over Elaine to you? How are we going to explain this to Weaver's family? Besides, I don't care how you ended up here today, but since you're with Elaine, to avoid any problems with kidnapping Elaine, I'll have to take you away too!"

He then ignored Marina and told the young men, "Tie this old woman up and take her away!"

Marina was furious upon hearing this and shouted, "Tie me up? Do you know who I am?"

Harold sneered, "I couldn't care less who you are. You can tell Elaine all about it when you're making bricks together at the kiln!"

After that, he told the others, "Gag them both!"

Marina was about to say something, but her mouth was quickly stuffed with a towel.

Elaine suffered the same fate, and Harold immediately told them, "Hurry up and get them in the car!"

The men quickly carried Elaine and Marina out the back door and shoved them into the vehicle.

Harold then turned to the beauty salon owner and said, "Old friend, I advise you to leave quickly too. Don't linger here."

The owner replied, "I can't leave yet. I still have some second-hand equipment and furniture to deal with."

Harold asked him, "How much can you get for that junk?"

"It's not worth much, but there's a lot of it. I can at least sell it for 10,000 to 20,000 yuan."

Harold urged him, "Just forget about it! Is it worth wasting your time for that little money? What if you get stuck and can't leave? You'll be in big trouble! So I'm telling you, leave now! I'll leave first, and you can follow me out the back door."

The owner thought carefully and realized, "That's right... the woman who came looking for Elaine earlier had a companion, who's still waiting outside. Now that Harold has taken them away, they'll definitely come looking for them soon. If they don't find them, they'll be in big trouble!"

Thinking this, he decided to cut his losses. He had already earned 200,000 yuan from Harold and 50,000 yuan from Marina, which was a decent sum. If he didn't leave now, he might not be able to escape later, and he'd have no one to blame but himself.

So he hastily told the shop assistant, "Go tell the technician to pack up and leave within five minutes!"

The assistant nodded quickly and said, "Okay, boss!"

Soon, Harold's van, carrying the bound Elaine and Marina, sped away from the beauty salon's back door.

A few minutes later, the salon owner, accompanied by the shop assistant and a technician, quietly slipped out the back door with their luggage.

At that moment, Marina's bodyguard was still standing by the Rolls-Royce, waiting for Marina to come out.

He had no idea that Marina had been kidnapped in this ordinary beauty salon...

Twenty minutes passed, and Marina still hadn't emerged. The bodyguard took out his phone, intending to call Marina to ask what was going on.

Meanwhile, in the van heading out of town, Harold sat smugly in the backseat, with the bound Elaine lying at his feet.

He deliberately used his feet to trample Elaine's face, sneering, "Elaine, didn't expect this, did you? You're finally in this state!"

Elaine couldn't speak, only managing to let out a few muffled cries.

Just then, Marina's phone in her bag suddenly rang!


Marina's phone rang, startling Harold.

He hastily reached into Marina's bag and pulled out an iPhone.

Seeing that someone was calling her, he immediately turned off the phone and tossed it back into Marina's bag without a second thought.

Marina was furious, but she had no choice; she was already regretful, her intestines turning green with anxiety.

She thought to herself, "Isn't this just my bad luck? Why did I have to chat with that useless Elaine for so long? If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have been kidnapped by these people!"

However, regret was pointless now. Although she was the esteemed daughter of Wade Patriarch, at this moment, she was helpless, crying out to the heavens without response, and calling out to the earth without an echo.

Meanwhile, at the entrance of the Lizi Beauty Salon, Marina's bodyguard discovered that his master had rejected his call.

His initial thought wasn't to overthink it, as he knew Marina was there to discuss matters with Elaine, and might be in a critical moment of negotiation, making it inconvenient to answer his call.

However, to ensure absolute safety, he decided to call Marina again. Unexpectedly, the call went through, but the phone was turned off!

This immediately put Marina's bodyguard on high alert!

In today's society, a phone is extremely important to anyone, so Marina's phone rarely, if ever, turned off during the day.

He instantly sensed something was off and told the driver, "Let's go take a look!"

The driver, also one of Marina's bodyguards, quickly got out of the Rolls-Royce and, along with the other bodyguard, rushed into the beauty salon.

As they entered, they found the situation was not right!

The staff were nowhere to be found, and the interior was in disarray, with clear signs of a hasty search.

They searched room by room, eventually finding the spa room where Marina and Elaine had fought earlier.

When they saw the room in shambles, with bloodstains and a long strand of hair on the floor, the two bodyguards felt a chill run down their spines, exchanging a desperate glance, with despair and collapse evident in each other's eyes!

On the sofa, they found Marina's silk handkerchief!

From the scene, it was clear that Marina had been kidnapped!

The two bodyguards felt as if they had been struck by lightning!

They were responsible for protecting Marina's safety, and were supposed to use their lives to defend her, but they had failed to do so, and Marina had been kidnapped right under their noses!

One of them despairingly said, "It's over! This is a death sentence! We failed to protect our master; this is a capital offense!"

The other bodyguard was equally desperate, lamenting, "This shouldn't be happening! The young mistress decided to meet Elaine on short notice, so it's impossible that anyone could have leaked her itinerary. We also didn't notice anyone tailing us; who could have done this? It defies logic!"

"Ah, stop worrying about what's logical or not; our priority now is to find the young mistress as soon as possible! Let's quickly call Isaac! This is his turf, and he's bound to have a way to handle it!"

"That makes sense!"

The bodyguard said, immediately pulling out his phone to call Isaac.

Isaac was currently at the hospital, visiting the employee who had miscarried due to Marina's actions.

Marina's kick not only caused the employee to miscarry but also triggered a massive hemorrhage. Fortunately, timely rescue efforts saved her life, albeit temporarily.

Thinking about Marina's arrogance, Isaac felt both hatred and anger. However, as a member of the Wade household staff, he had no right to point fingers at Marina, no matter what.


So, Isaac could only comfort his female employee, telling her to focus on her recovery.

As he left the hospital room, Isaac let out a sigh, wondering when Marina would finally be able to leave. Suddenly, his phone rang.

The caller was Marina's personal bodyguard.

Isaac answered the call: "Hello, this is Isaac Craven."

The person on the other end was on the verge of tears, stuttering: "Mr. Craven, something big has happened! Mr. Craven!"

Isaac furrowed his brow, asking: "What's going on? Why are you so panicked?"

The other person's voice was shaking as they said: "Mr. Craven... Mr. Craven, the young mistress... she's been kidnapped!"

Isaac's mind went blank.

What did this mean?

Marina had been kidnapped in Aurous Hill?

Who was bold enough to kidnap someone from the Wade family?

He quickly asked: "Don't panic, tell me exactly what happened from start to finish!"

The other person hastily explained: "Today, the young mistress wanted to meet with a woman named Elaine to discuss something, so we accompanied her to a beauty salon... and that's where they disappeared, along with the salon's employees and owner..."

In the next instant, Isaac thought of Charlie.

He knew that Charlie had a huge fight with Marina at the Sky Garden, and they definitely didn't get along, so it was possible that Charlie was behind this.

He quickly called Charlie, asking: "Young Master, where are you?"

Charlie replied calmly: "I'm at home, what's going on?"

Isaac anxiously asked: "Young Master, did you kidnap your aunt?"

Charlie furrowed his brow: "No, I don't even want to see her, why would I kidnap her? What's going on, has she been kidnapped?"

Isaac was shocked: "Ah? This isn't your doing?! That's terrible! This is going to be a huge mess!"

Charlie asked: "What exactly happened?"

Isaac blurted out: "Your aunt went to the beauty salon to meet your mother-in-law, saying she wanted to have a face-to-face talk, but she disappeared without a trace!"

Charlie was shocked, quickly asking: "And what about my mother-in-law? Has she disappeared too?! Do you know what they talked about?"

Charlie was most afraid that Marina would reveal his identity in front of Elaine.

Right now, the Su family was his arch-nemesis, and the Wade family was still an unknown quantity, possibly an enemy as well. If his identity was exposed, it would put the people around him in grave danger.

Before resolving these issues, he wasn't planning to reveal his identity to Claire.

But if Marina spilled the beans to Elaine, he wouldn't be able to keep it hidden...

Isaac also sensed Charlie's anxiety about this matter, so he quickly said: "Young Master, I still don't know the exact situation, and I don't know what your aunt and mother-in-law discussed. The priority is to find them first!"

Charlie nodded, saying: "Call Orvel, he has connections all over Aurous Hill and many informants. He should be able to dig up some leads on this!"
Last edited:

"Get lost!" Elaine was furious, storming over to Marina, sitting on his stomach, and slapping him left and right, her face red with rage. "Do you think I'm an idiot? You're still trying to deceive me after what happened last time?"

At that moment, Elaine's mind flashed back to when Jacob was hospitalized, and she wanted her daughter Claire to refund the rent. Charlie handed her a cheque, which she took to pay the hospital bill. But to her surprise, the cheque was for 100 million yuan!

The hospital cashier ridiculed her, even threatening to call the police. Elaine was furious, storming back to confront Charlie, only to discover that the cheque was bought from a funeral home, intended to be burned as an offering to his deceased parents.

Now, Marina was pulling out a 100 million yuan cheque, almost identical to the one Charlie had given her. Elaine was beyond furious!

What made it even more infuriating was that this despicable Marina kept emphasizing the Flower Flag Bank in front of her. Elaine had a deep-seated hatred for that bank, as it had caused her the most painful experience in her life – the counterfeit black gold card incident.

As a result, she was locked up in a detention center, where she was brutally tortured by Madam Wilson, Wendy, and that burly Verity for several days. Those few days were the darkest period of Elaine's life.

So, when she saw Marina trying to deceive her with a 100 million yuan cheque and daring to mention the Flower Flag Bank, her anger reached new heights!

Marina was beaten to a pulp, his face red and swollen, the pain unbearable. Elaine's bodyguards were outside, unable to hear the commotion, and therefore couldn't help her.

Although Marina was badly beaten, he knew it was futile to call for help, so he decided to fight back. He suddenly reached out to grab Elaine's hair, pulling it with all his might.

Elaine didn't expect Marina to counterattack, and the sudden pain in her scalp made her scream. She retaliated by punching Marina, shouting, "You dare to pull my hair? I'll fight you to the death!"

Marina refused to back down, using the hair in his hand to pull and tug, eventually yanking out a clump of Elaine's hair. Elaine was in agony, covering her head and screaming.

Seizing the opportunity, Marina pushed Elaine to the ground and climbed on top of her, slapping her face repeatedly. "I'll kill you, you vicious woman!"

At that moment, Marina was consumed by hatred, and if she had a knife, she would have killed Elaine on the spot.

Just then, the service staff outside heard the commotion and rushed in, opening the door to find the two women fighting. They were shocked, quickly running to the boss's room to report, "Boss, it's terrible! The two women are fighting in the room!"


The beauty salon owner's face turned pale as soon as he heard that two women were fighting. "What the hell, aren't they just friends chatting? How did it escalate into a fight?!"

The staff member hastily explained, "I don't know either, but it's getting out of hand. If you don't intervene soon, it might lead to serious consequences!"

The beauty salon owner was on edge, thinking to himself, "I haven't escaped yet, and if something goes wrong now, the police will be involved, and that'll be a huge headache."

He rushed to the scene to investigate and heard the two women fighting viciously inside. Elaine was yelling loudly through the door, "You stinky woman, I can't even handle Verity, that big fat pig, and now you think you can take me on?"

While Marina was clearly at a disadvantage, she gritted her teeth and cursed, "You just wait! I'll make sure you don't get away with this! I won't let you live to see tomorrow's sunrise!"

The beauty salon owner pushed open the door, took one look, and was shocked by the two women covered in blood. He quickly closed the door again, muttering anxiously, "This can't go on! It'll end in tragedy if it continues!"

He immediately ran to the back door, pushed it open, and saw a van parked with its rear door facing the back door. He hastily tapped on the passenger window, and Harold rolled it down, asking excitedly, "Old friend, did that stinky woman Elaine pass out?"

The beauty salon owner replied urgently, "Pass out? She's fighting with another woman inside, and it's getting out of hand! You need to go in and take her away before it's too late!"

Harold was shocked, asking, "What's going on? Who's she fighting with?"

The beauty salon owner was hesitant, not mentioning that he had taken money to let Marina in, and said, "I don't know who it is, but you need to take her away quickly. If something happens, we'll both be in trouble!"

Harold quickly got out of the van with a few young men. Under the beauty salon owner's guidance, they rushed to the spa room door. Before they even opened the door, they could hear the intense fighting inside.

Harold kicked open the door and saw Elaine riding on top of a blood-covered woman, punching her mercilessly. He immediately instructed the people beside him, "Get that woman up there and take her away!"

Elaine turned around, saw Harold, and panicked, shouting, "Harold, what do you want to do?"

Harold sneered, saying, "Auntie, you've been causing trouble for our family for so long, and you even sent my mom to the black coal mine. Now it's time for you to pay the price!"

After saying that, he waved his hand, and the people beside him quickly subdued Elaine.

Marina didn't know what was happening, but seeing someone intervene and take away the woman who had been beating her, she finally relaxed, cursing angrily, "You Elaine, I'll tear you apart! You just wait!"

As Marina spoke, she reached into her Hermès bag to grab her phone.

Harold saw this and hastily shouted, "What, you still want to make a call? Put the phone down! Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Marina looked at him, saying, "This is a personal vendetta between me and Elaine. You don't need to get involved. Hand Elaine over to me, and I'll give you a satisfactory reward!"

Harold's anger flared up instantly.


He thought to himself, "Does this woman think I'm brainless? Hand over Elaine to you? How are we going to explain this to Weaver's family? Besides, I don't care how you ended up here today, but since you're with Elaine, to avoid any problems with kidnapping Elaine, I'll have to take you away too!"

He then ignored Marina and told the young men, "Tie this old woman up and take her away!"

Marina was furious upon hearing this and shouted, "Tie me up? Do you know who I am?"

Harold sneered, "I couldn't care less who you are. You can tell Elaine all about it when you're making bricks together at the kiln!"

After that, he told the others, "Gag them both!"

Marina was about to say something, but her mouth was quickly stuffed with a towel.

Elaine suffered the same fate, and Harold immediately told them, "Hurry up and get them in the car!"

The men quickly carried Elaine and Marina out the back door and shoved them into the vehicle.

Harold then turned to the beauty salon owner and said, "Old friend, I advise you to leave quickly too. Don't linger here."

The owner replied, "I can't leave yet. I still have some second-hand equipment and furniture to deal with."

Harold asked him, "How much can you get for that junk?"

"It's not worth much, but there's a lot of it. I can at least sell it for 10,000 to 20,000 yuan."

Harold urged him, "Just forget about it! Is it worth wasting your time for that little money? What if you get stuck and can't leave? You'll be in big trouble! So I'm telling you, leave now! I'll leave first, and you can follow me out the back door."

The owner thought carefully and realized, "That's right... the woman who came looking for Elaine earlier had a companion, who's still waiting outside. Now that Harold has taken them away, they'll definitely come looking for them soon. If they don't find them, they'll be in big trouble!"

Thinking this, he decided to cut his losses. He had already earned 200,000 yuan from Harold and 50,000 yuan from Marina, which was a decent sum. If he didn't leave now, he might not be able to escape later, and he'd have no one to blame but himself.

So he hastily told the shop assistant, "Go tell the technician to pack up and leave within five minutes!"

The assistant nodded quickly and said, "Okay, boss!"

Soon, Harold's van, carrying the bound Elaine and Marina, sped away from the beauty salon's back door.

A few minutes later, the salon owner, accompanied by the shop assistant and a technician, quietly slipped out the back door with their luggage.

At that moment, Marina's bodyguard was still standing by the Rolls-Royce, waiting for Marina to come out.

He had no idea that Marina had been kidnapped in this ordinary beauty salon...

Twenty minutes passed, and Marina still hadn't emerged. The bodyguard took out his phone, intending to call Marina to ask what was going on.

Meanwhile, in the van heading out of town, Harold sat smugly in the backseat, with the bound Elaine lying at his feet.

He deliberately used his feet to trample Elaine's face, sneering, "Elaine, didn't expect this, did you? You're finally in this state!"

Elaine couldn't speak, only managing to let out a few muffled cries.

Just then, Marina's phone in her bag suddenly rang!


Marina's phone rang, startling Harold.

He hastily reached into Marina's bag and pulled out an iPhone.

Seeing that someone was calling her, he immediately turned off the phone and tossed it back into Marina's bag without a second thought.

Marina was furious, but she had no choice; she was already regretful, her intestines turning green with anxiety.

She thought to herself, "Isn't this just my bad luck? Why did I have to chat with that useless Elaine for so long? If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have been kidnapped by these people!"

However, regret was pointless now. Although she was the esteemed daughter of Wade Patriarch, at this moment, she was helpless, crying out to the heavens without response, and calling out to the earth without an echo.

Meanwhile, at the entrance of the Lizi Beauty Salon, Marina's bodyguard discovered that his master had rejected his call.

His initial thought wasn't to overthink it, as he knew Marina was there to discuss matters with Elaine, and might be in a critical moment of negotiation, making it inconvenient to answer his call.

However, to ensure absolute safety, he decided to call Marina again. Unexpectedly, the call went through, but the phone was turned off!

This immediately put Marina's bodyguard on high alert!

In today's society, a phone is extremely important to anyone, so Marina's phone rarely, if ever, turned off during the day.

He instantly sensed something was off and told the driver, "Let's go take a look!"

The driver, also one of Marina's bodyguards, quickly got out of the Rolls-Royce and, along with the other bodyguard, rushed into the beauty salon.

As they entered, they found the situation was not right!

The staff were nowhere to be found, and the interior was in disarray, with clear signs of a hasty search.

They searched room by room, eventually finding the spa room where Marina and Elaine had fought earlier.

When they saw the room in shambles, with bloodstains and a long strand of hair on the floor, the two bodyguards felt a chill run down their spines, exchanging a desperate glance, with despair and collapse evident in each other's eyes!

On the sofa, they found Marina's silk handkerchief!

From the scene, it was clear that Marina had been kidnapped!

The two bodyguards felt as if they had been struck by lightning!

They were responsible for protecting Marina's safety, and were supposed to use their lives to defend her, but they had failed to do so, and Marina had been kidnapped right under their noses!

One of them despairingly said, "It's over! This is a death sentence! We failed to protect our master; this is a capital offense!"

The other bodyguard was equally desperate, lamenting, "This shouldn't be happening! The young mistress decided to meet Elaine on short notice, so it's impossible that anyone could have leaked her itinerary. We also didn't notice anyone tailing us; who could have done this? It defies logic!"

"Ah, stop worrying about what's logical or not; our priority now is to find the young mistress as soon as possible! Let's quickly call Isaac! This is his turf, and he's bound to have a way to handle it!"

"That makes sense!"

The bodyguard said, immediately pulling out his phone to call Isaac.

Isaac was currently at the hospital, visiting the employee who had miscarried due to Marina's actions.

Marina's kick not only caused the employee to miscarry but also triggered a massive hemorrhage. Fortunately, timely rescue efforts saved her life, albeit temporarily.

Thinking about Marina's arrogance, Isaac felt both hatred and anger. However, as a member of the Wade household staff, he had no right to point fingers at Marina, no matter what.


So, Isaac could only comfort his female employee, telling her to focus on her recovery.

As he left the hospital room, Isaac let out a sigh, wondering when Marina would finally be able to leave. Suddenly, his phone rang.

The caller was Marina's personal bodyguard.

Isaac answered the call: "Hello, this is Isaac Craven."

The person on the other end was on the verge of tears, stuttering: "Mr. Craven, something big has happened! Mr. Craven!"

Isaac furrowed his brow, asking: "What's going on? Why are you so panicked?"

The other person's voice was shaking as they said: "Mr. Craven... Mr. Craven, the young mistress... she's been kidnapped!"

Isaac's mind went blank.

What did this mean?

Marina had been kidnapped in Aurous Hill?

Who was bold enough to kidnap someone from the Wade family?

He quickly asked: "Don't panic, tell me exactly what happened from start to finish!"

The other person hastily explained: "Today, the young mistress wanted to meet with a woman named Elaine to discuss something, so we accompanied her to a beauty salon... and that's where they disappeared, along with the salon's employees and owner..."

In the next instant, Isaac thought of Charlie.

He knew that Charlie had a huge fight with Marina at the Sky Garden, and they definitely didn't get along, so it was possible that Charlie was behind this.

He quickly called Charlie, asking: "Young Master, where are you?"

Charlie replied calmly: "I'm at home, what's going on?"

Isaac anxiously asked: "Young Master, did you kidnap your aunt?"

Charlie furrowed his brow: "No, I don't even want to see her, why would I kidnap her? What's going on, has she been kidnapped?"

Isaac was shocked: "Ah? This isn't your doing?! That's terrible! This is going to be a huge mess!"

Charlie asked: "What exactly happened?"

Isaac blurted out: "Your aunt went to the beauty salon to meet your mother-in-law, saying she wanted to have a face-to-face talk, but she disappeared without a trace!"

Charlie was shocked, quickly asking: "And what about my mother-in-law? Has she disappeared too?! Do you know what they talked about?"

Charlie was most afraid that Marina would reveal his identity in front of Elaine.

Right now, the Su family was his arch-nemesis, and the Wade family was still an unknown quantity, possibly an enemy as well. If his identity was exposed, it would put the people around him in grave danger.

Before resolving these issues, he wasn't planning to reveal his identity to Claire.

But if Marina spilled the beans to Elaine, he wouldn't be able to keep it hidden...

Isaac also sensed Charlie's anxiety about this matter, so he quickly said: "Young Master, I still don't know the exact situation, and I don't know what your aunt and mother-in-law discussed. The priority is to find them first!"

Charlie nodded, saying: "Call Orvel, he has connections all over Aurous Hill and many informants. He should be able to dig up some leads on this!"
This Story never disappoint.

"Get lost!" Elaine was furious, storming over to Marina, sitting on her stomach, and slapping her left and right, her face red with rage. "Do you think I'm an idiot? You're still trying to deceive me after what happened last time?"

At that moment, Elaine's mind flashed back to when Jacob was hospitalized, and she wanted her daughter Claire to refund the rent. Charlie handed her a cheque, which she took to pay the hospital bill. But to her surprise, the cheque was for 100 million yuan!

The hospital cashier ridiculed her, even threatening to call the police. Elaine was furious, storming back to confront Charlie, only to discover that the cheque was bought from a funeral home, intended to be burned as an offering to his deceased parents.

Now, Marina was pulling out a 100 million yuan cheque, almost identical to the one Charlie had given her. Elaine was beyond furious!

What made it even more infuriating was that this despicable Marina kept emphasizing the Flower Flag Bank in front of her. Elaine had a deep-seated hatred for that bank, as it had caused her the most painful experience in her life – the counterfeit black gold card incident.

As a result, she was locked up in a detention center, where she was brutally tortured by Madam Wilson, Wendy, and that burly Verity for several days. Those few days were the darkest period of Elaine's life.

So, when she saw Marina trying to deceive her with a 100 million yuan cheque and daring to mention the Flower Flag Bank, her anger reached new heights!

Marina was beaten to a pulp, his face red and swollen, the pain unbearable. Elaine's bodyguards were outside, unable to hear the commotion, and therefore couldn't help her.

Although Marina was badly beaten, she knew it was futile to call for help, so she decided to fight back. She suddenly reached out to grab Elaine's hair, pulling it with all his might.

Elaine didn't expect Marina to counterattack, and the sudden pain in her scalp made her scream. She retaliated by punching Marina, shouting, "You dare to pull my hair? I'll fight you to the death!"

Marina refused to back down, using the hair in her hand to pull and tug, eventually yanking out a clump of Elaine's hair. Elaine was in agony, covering her head and screaming.

Seizing the opportunity, Marina pushed Elaine to the ground and climbed on top of her, slapping her face repeatedly. "I'll kill you, you vicious woman!"

At that moment, Marina was consumed by hatred, and if she had a knife, she would have killed Elaine on the spot.

Just then, the service staff outside heard the commotion and rushed in, opening the door to find the two women fighting. They were shocked, quickly running to the boss's room to report, "Boss, it's terrible! The two women are fighting in the room!"


The beauty salon owner's face turned pale as soon as he heard that two women were fighting. "What the hell, aren't they just friends chatting? How did it escalate into a fight?!"

The staff member hastily explained, "I don't know either, but it's getting out of hand. If you don't intervene soon, it might lead to serious consequences!"

The beauty salon owner was on edge, thinking to himself, "I haven't escaped yet, and if something goes wrong now, the police will be involved, and that'll be a huge headache."

He rushed to the scene to investigate and heard the two women fighting viciously inside. Elaine was yelling loudly through the door, "You stinky woman, I can't even handle Verity, that big fat pig, and now you think you can take me on?"

While Marina was clearly at a disadvantage, she gritted her teeth and cursed, "You just wait! I'll make sure you don't get away with this! I won't let you live to see tomorrow's sunrise!"

The beauty salon owner pushed open the door, took one look, and was shocked by the two women covered in blood. He quickly closed the door again, muttering anxiously, "This can't go on! It'll end in tragedy if it continues!"

He immediately ran to the back door, pushed it open, and saw a van parked with its rear door facing the back door. He hastily tapped on the passenger window, and Harold rolled it down, asking excitedly, "Old friend, did that stinky woman Elaine pass out?"

The beauty salon owner replied urgently, "Pass out? She's fighting with another woman inside, and it's getting out of hand! You need to go in and take her away before it's too late!"

Harold was shocked, asking, "What's going on? Who's she fighting with?"

The beauty salon owner was hesitant, not mentioning that he had taken money to let Marina in, and said, "I don't know who it is, but you need to take her away quickly. If something happens, we'll both be in trouble!"

Harold quickly got out of the van with a few young men. Under the beauty salon owner's guidance, they rushed to the spa room door. Before they even opened the door, they could hear the intense fighting inside.

Harold kicked open the door and saw Elaine riding on top of a blood-covered woman, punching her mercilessly. He immediately instructed the people beside him, "Get that woman up there and take her away!"

Elaine turned around, saw Harold, and panicked, shouting, "Harold, what do you want to do?"

Harold sneered, saying, "Auntie, you've been causing trouble for our family for so long, and you even sent my mom to the black coal mine. Now it's time for you to pay the price!"

After saying that, he waved his hand, and the people beside him quickly subdued Elaine.

Marina didn't know what was happening, but seeing someone intervene and take away the woman who had been beating her, she finally relaxed, cursing angrily, "You Elaine, I'll tear you apart! You just wait!"

As Marina spoke, she reached into her Hermès bag to grab her phone.

Harold saw this and hastily shouted, "What, you still want to make a call? Put the phone down! Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Marina looked at him, saying, "This is a personal vendetta between me and Elaine. You don't need to get involved. Hand Elaine over to me, and I'll give you a satisfactory reward!"

Harold's anger flared up instantly.


He thought to himself, "Does this woman think I'm brainless? Hand over Elaine to you? How are we going to explain this to Weaver's family? Besides, I don't care how you ended up here today, but since you're with Elaine, to avoid any problems with kidnapping Elaine, I'll have to take you away too!"

He then ignored Marina and told the young men, "Tie this old woman up and take her away!"

Marina was furious upon hearing this and shouted, "Tie me up? Do you know who I am?"

Harold sneered, "I couldn't care less who you are. You can tell Elaine all about it when you're making bricks together at the kiln!"

After that, he told the others, "Gag them both!"

Marina was about to say something, but her mouth was quickly stuffed with a towel.

Elaine suffered the same fate, and Harold immediately told them, "Hurry up and get them in the car!"

The men quickly carried Elaine and Marina out the back door and shoved them into the vehicle.

Harold then turned to the beauty salon owner and said, "Old friend, I advise you to leave quickly too. Don't linger here."

The owner replied, "I can't leave yet. I still have some second-hand equipment and furniture to deal with."

Harold asked him, "How much can you get for that junk?"

"It's not worth much, but there's a lot of it. I can at least sell it for 10,000 to 20,000 yuan."

Harold urged him, "Just forget about it! Is it worth wasting your time for that little money? What if you get stuck and can't leave? You'll be in big trouble! So I'm telling you, leave now! I'll leave first, and you can follow me out the back door."

The owner thought carefully and realized, "That's right... the woman who came looking for Elaine earlier had a companion, who's still waiting outside. Now that Harold has taken them away, they'll definitely come looking for them soon. If they don't find them, they'll be in big trouble!"

Thinking this, he decided to cut his losses. He had already earned 200,000 yuan from Harold and 50,000 yuan from Marina, which was a decent sum. If he didn't leave now, he might not be able to escape later, and he'd have no one to blame but himself.

So he hastily told the shop assistant, "Go tell the technician to pack up and leave within five minutes!"

The assistant nodded quickly and said, "Okay, boss!"

Soon, Harold's van, carrying the bound Elaine and Marina, sped away from the beauty salon's back door.

A few minutes later, the salon owner, accompanied by the shop assistant and a technician, quietly slipped out the back door with their luggage.

At that moment, Marina's bodyguard was still standing by the Rolls-Royce, waiting for Marina to come out.

He had no idea that Marina had been kidnapped in this ordinary beauty salon...

Twenty minutes passed, and Marina still hadn't emerged. The bodyguard took out his phone, intending to call Marina to ask what was going on.

Meanwhile, in the van heading out of town, Harold sat smugly in the backseat, with the bound Elaine lying at his feet.

He deliberately used his feet to trample Elaine's face, sneering, "Elaine, didn't expect this, did you? You're finally in this state!"

Elaine couldn't speak, only managing to let out a few muffled cries.

Just then, Marina's phone in her bag suddenly rang!


Marina's phone rang, startling Harold.

He hastily reached into Marina's bag and pulled out an iPhone.

Seeing that someone was calling her, he immediately turned off the phone and tossed it back into Marina's bag without a second thought.

Marina was furious, but she had no choice; she was already regretful, her intestines turning green with anxiety.

She thought to herself, "Isn't this just my bad luck? Why did I have to chat with that useless Elaine for so long? If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have been kidnapped by these people!"

However, regret was pointless now. Although she was the esteemed daughter of Wade Patriarch, at this moment, she was helpless, crying out to the heavens without response, and calling out to the earth without an echo.

Meanwhile, at the entrance of the Lizi Beauty Salon, Marina's bodyguard discovered that his master had rejected his call.

His initial thought wasn't to overthink it, as he knew Marina was there to discuss matters with Elaine, and might be in a critical moment of negotiation, making it inconvenient to answer his call.

However, to ensure absolute safety, he decided to call Marina again. Unexpectedly, the call went through, but the phone was turned off!

This immediately put Marina's bodyguard on high alert!

In today's society, a phone is extremely important to anyone, so Marina's phone rarely, if ever, turned off during the day.

He instantly sensed something was off and told the driver, "Let's go take a look!"

The driver, also one of Marina's bodyguards, quickly got out of the Rolls-Royce and, along with the other bodyguard, rushed into the beauty salon.

As they entered, they found the situation was not right!

The staff were nowhere to be found, and the interior was in disarray, with clear signs of a hasty search.

They searched room by room, eventually finding the spa room where Marina and Elaine had fought earlier.

When they saw the room in shambles, with bloodstains and a long strand of hair on the floor, the two bodyguards felt a chill run down their spines, exchanging a desperate glance, with despair and collapse evident in each other's eyes!

On the sofa, they found Marina's silk handkerchief!

From the scene, it was clear that Marina had been kidnapped!

The two bodyguards felt as if they had been struck by lightning!

They were responsible for protecting Marina's safety, and were supposed to use their lives to defend her, but they had failed to do so, and Marina had been kidnapped right under their noses!

One of them despairingly said, "It's over! This is a death sentence! We failed to protect our master; this is a capital offense!"

The other bodyguard was equally desperate, lamenting, "This shouldn't be happening! The young mistress decided to meet Elaine on short notice, so it's impossible that anyone could have leaked her itinerary. We also didn't notice anyone tailing us; who could have done this? It defies logic!"

"Ah, stop worrying about what's logical or not; our priority now is to find the young mistress as soon as possible! Let's quickly call Isaac! This is his turf, and he's bound to have a way to handle it!"

"That makes sense!"

The bodyguard said, immediately pulling out his phone to call Isaac.

Isaac was currently at the hospital, visiting the employee who had miscarried due to Marina's actions.

Marina's kick not only caused the employee to miscarry but also triggered a massive hemorrhage. Fortunately, timely rescue efforts saved her life, albeit temporarily.

Thinking about Marina's arrogance, Isaac felt both hatred and anger. However, as a member of the Wade household staff, he had no right to point fingers at Marina, no matter what.


So, Isaac could only comfort his female employee, telling her to focus on her recovery.

As he left the hospital room, Isaac let out a sigh, wondering when Marina would finally be able to leave. Suddenly, his phone rang.

The caller was Marina's personal bodyguard.

Isaac answered the call: "Hello, this is Isaac Craven."

The person on the other end was on the verge of tears, stuttering: "Mr. Craven, something big has happened! Mr. Craven!"

Isaac furrowed his brow, asking: "What's going on? Why are you so panicked?"

The other person's voice was shaking as they said: "Mr. Craven... Mr. Craven, the young mistress... she's been kidnapped!"

Isaac's mind went blank.

What did this mean?

Marina had been kidnapped in Aurous Hill?

Who was bold enough to kidnap someone from the Wade family?

He quickly asked: "Don't panic, tell me exactly what happened from start to finish!"

The other person hastily explained: "Today, the young mistress wanted to meet with a woman named Elaine to discuss something, so we accompanied her to a beauty salon... and that's where they disappeared, along with the salon's employees and owner..."

In the next instant, Isaac thought of Charlie.

He knew that Charlie had a huge fight with Marina at the Sky Garden, and they definitely didn't get along, so it was possible that Charlie was behind this.

He quickly called Charlie, asking: "Young Master, where are you?"

Charlie replied calmly: "I'm at home, what's going on?"

Isaac anxiously asked: "Young Master, did you kidnap your aunt?"

Charlie furrowed his brow: "No, I don't even want to see her, why would I kidnap her? What's going on, has she been kidnapped?"

Isaac was shocked: "Ah? This isn't your doing?! That's terrible! This is going to be a huge mess!"

Charlie asked: "What exactly happened?"

Isaac blurted out: "Your aunt went to the beauty salon to meet your mother-in-law, saying she wanted to have a face-to-face talk, but she disappeared without a trace!"

Charlie was shocked, quickly asking: "And what about my mother-in-law? Has she disappeared too?! Do you know what they talked about?"

Charlie was most afraid that Marina would reveal his identity in front of Elaine.

Right now, the Su family was his arch-nemesis, and the Wade family was still an unknown quantity, possibly an enemy as well. If his identity was exposed, it would put the people around him in grave danger.

Before resolving these issues, he wasn't planning to reveal his identity to Claire.

But if Marina spilled the beans to Elaine, he wouldn't be able to keep it hidden...

Isaac also sensed Charlie's anxiety about this matter, so he quickly said: "Young Master, I still don't know the exact situation, and I don't know what your aunt and mother-in-law discussed. The priority is to find them first!"

Charlie nodded, saying: "Call Orvel, he has connections all over Aurous Hill and many informants. He should be able to dig up some leads on this!"
Huge mess up indeed, let me see how the DRAGON MAN will weave himself out of his mazes.

Upon Charlie's command, everyone in the underground world of Aurous Hill mobilised almost instantly.

Orvel even took to the streets himself, searching for clues to Elaine with his men.

At this moment, Harold was unaware of these events.

His only focus was on seeking revenge on Elaine, sending her to work in the coal kiln for a lifetime. This not only served to suppress Charlie and Claire but also to avenge himself and his mother.

Noah was equally filled with excitement.

His hatred towards Elaine had already reached its peak.

Out of the entire Charlie family of four, Elaine was the one he detested the most!

The main reason for his intense hatred towards Elaine was due to Zoraida being sent to the coal kiln because of her, which resulted in Zoraida getting pregnant and infecting him with a venereal disease.

That alone was bad enough, but Elaine took it further by humiliating him with dozens of green hats on the wall, making him unable to forget the harm Zoraida caused him, always feeling the shame on his head. This grudge, escalating over time, had become irreconcilable!

At this moment, the father and son, along with their accomplices, brought Elaine and Marina to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts.

Due to the warehouse's size, the van could drive directly inside.

As soon as the car stopped, Harold was the first to jump out of the car and then dragged Elaine out.

Noah looked at Elaine on the ground with a smirk and said, "Elaine, Elaine, did you ever dream of this day?"

Elaine was terrified but unable to speak as her mouth was covered, only able to sob loudly.

Noah ripped the towel from her mouth.

Elaine immediately exclaimed, "Noah! You've gone too far, daring to kidnap me?! Believe me, my son-in-law Charlie can crush your dog head at any time!"

Noah raised his hand and slapped Elaine, angrily saying, "At a time like this, you still want to act tough? Do you think you're on your terrace at home?"

Elaine couldn't stand losing and, seeing him dare to hit her, erupted, "Noah, just you wait! My son-in-law knows many influential people in Aurous Hill. They will definitely teach you a lesson!"

Noah sneered, "You expect Charlie to teach us a lesson? Let me tell you, the reason we brought you here today has two main purposes: first, to let some young people have fun with you, film it, and spread it online, ruining your reputation and that of your family; second, to send you to the brick factory to work for the rest of your life! I will now exact revenge for what you did to Zoraida a hundredfold!"

Upon hearing this, Elaine was petrified!

She never expected Noah to come up with such a cruel plan!

She immediately became submissive, choking out, "Brother, you shouldn't hate me this much. It wasn't just me who wanted to harm your sister-in-law. Your family was also trying to cheat me out of money and my son-in-law's villa. I had to fight back!"

Noah raised his hand and slapped her again, angrily scolding, "Then how do you explain hanging so many green hats on your terrace?"

Elaine hurriedly said, "I admit I was wrong in that matter. Brother, please forgive me this once for the sake of our relationship. I promise to remove all the green hats when I return, leaving not a single one!"

Noah coldly snorted, "Realizing your mistake now? I'm telling you, it's too late! Even if you were a deity, you couldn't save yourself this time!"

Harold approached quietly and asked, "Dad, when do we make our move?"

Noah replied, "Not yet, we'll wait for Weaver to arrive. He must witness this himself!"


Harold asked again, "What about the woman in the car? We had no choice but to bring her along when we couldn't leave her behind, but we don't even know her."

Noah sneered, "No rush for now. Let's deal with Elaine first. If necessary, we can just send that woman to the brick kiln as well!"

At this moment, the Wade family received news of Marina's kidnapping.

Upon hearing this, Wade Patriarch was instantly furious!

He angrily smashed a beloved antique blue and white plum vase in the living room, shouting, "With the power and status of the Wade family nationwide, how dare someone kidnap a direct relative of the Wade family? That takes some nerve!"

Ciprian, Emil, and Finnian, the three brothers, exchanged glances but remained silent.

The sudden kidnapping of Marina was not a cause for concern for them.

On the contrary, it was something they looked forward to with excitement.

None of the three brothers liked Marina.

The root cause was simply self-interest.

If Marina, like the youngest daughter of the Wade family, Darlene, had married and lived peacefully with her husband's family, they wouldn't have harbored any resentment towards her.

However, because Marina, despite being married, couldn't stay content with her husband's family and instead chose to separate and return to the Wade family to claim a share of the inheritance, this made the Wade family brothers despise Marina.

Moreover, Marina was inherently cunning.

She never cared about her three brothers' feelings, only focusing on pleasing their father.

Therefore, she often intentionally caused trouble for the three brothers to gain their father's favor.

Now that she had been kidnapped, wasn't this a gift from heaven for the three of them?

Although they hadn't communicated with each other, they all shared the same wish in their hearts.

They hoped the kidnappers would just get rid of Marina and never bring her back.

Patriarch Claudius was extremely angry. During this time, he increasingly felt that his eldest daughter, Marina, not only had the ability but also listened to him more than his three sons did. Compared to the sons' deceitful actions, Marina was more obedient to him.

Now, with his daughter following his orders to go to Aurous Hill to find Charlie, only to be kidnapped there, it not only threatened her life but also severely embarrassed him. Therefore, he couldn't accept it at all.

He immediately called Isaac to inquire about the situation.

Isaac could only truthfully explain the details of Marina going to find Elaine and getting kidnapped with her to Patriarch Wade.

After listening, Patriarch Wade asked, "Isaac, do you think they targeted Marina or Elaine?"

Isaac replied, "Sir, I can't determine the specifics at the moment. Miss's high status may attract desperate criminals looking to kidnap her for ransom, while Young Master Charlie's mother-in-law has a fiery temper and has offended many people. It's possible they're seeking revenge on her. We'll only know the truth after further information-gathering."

Patriarch Wade immediately said coldly, "Isaac, I have two demands! First, you must rescue Marina at all costs, or you will be held accountable. Second, immediately apprehend Marina's personal bodyguard, punish him according to family rules, then send him back to the Wade family for further punishment!"


Isaac was well aware that if anything happened to Marina on his turf, he would have to bear some responsibility.

If Marina managed to come out unscathed in the end, things would be fine, but if she faced any mishaps, his good days would be over.

Furthermore, Wade's mother-in-law was also missing along with Marina.

Therefore, he intensified the search efforts, even mobilising all the security guards in Shangri-La to quickly locate Marina and Elaine.

However, the clues had to start from the beauty salon, requiring a thorough and time-consuming search.

Meanwhile, Charlie had left home to meet with Isaac at the beauty salon.

He was worried about two things: Marina revealing her identity to Elaine, and Elaine falling into the hands of the kidnappers.

He still had no emotional attachment to Elaine.

After all, Elaine had been bullying and humiliating him for over three years, only recently showing some improvement.

If given a choice, Charlie would prefer Elaine to disappear.

However, the thought of his wife, Claire, made him hesitate.

Claire was very kind, and she had been very filial to Elaine. If Elaine disappeared for no reason, it would greatly affect her.

Last time Elaine was in custody and missing for a few days, Claire was almost driven to madness with worry. If something happened to Elaine this time, she would be even more anxious.

With the Lunar New Year approaching in just a couple of days, a mishap involving Elaine would ruin the festive season for the family.

Therefore, Charlie hoped to find Elaine and rescue her safely as soon as possible.

At this moment, in an abandoned warehouse in the outskirts...

Elaine and Marina were tied together. The reason why the Wilson family had not harmed Elaine yet was mainly to wait for Donald to inspect the situation.

After all, it's better to be safe than sorry.

The Wilson family had received many benefits from Donald but had not followed his instructions to create chaos for the Charlie Wade family. This lack of compliance made Donald feel insecure.

This was mainly because the villa they were living in, Tang Chen Yipin, was not theirs but loaned to them by Donald.

Moreover, Donald's investment in the Wilson Group had conditions attached. He could withdraw all the money at any time, leaving the Wilson family with nothing.

Hence, they were eager to please Donald to secure their position and gain more benefits from him.

As Donald sat in the car heading to the warehouse, he was feeling extremely excited.

Although he had been busy trying to rebuild the Weaver family and hadn't been focused on competing with Charlie, his hatred towards Charlie had never diminished.


Upon hearing that Noah was going to target Charlie's mother-in-law first, Donald was naturally delighted, afraid of missing out on the action, so he had his men drive him over to watch the event live on site.

Upon arrival, Harold personally came to open the warehouse door for Donald's Rolls-Royce to enter.

Noah was excited and walked out to open the rear door of the car for Donald.

As the door opened, Noah humbly bowed and said, "Mr. Weaver, you're here!"

Donald nodded, then coldly looked at Elaine, tied back to back with Marina on the ground, and sneered, "This is Charlie's mother-in-law, right?"

"Exactly!" Noah said with a hint of resentment, "This woman, the universe's number one troublemaker, despicable to the core! We'll take care of her later to entertain you, Mr. Weaver!"

Upon hearing this, Elaine panicked and pleaded, "Please spare me, I have no grudge with you, why are you doing this to me?"

Donald sternly said, "No grudge with me? Do you know that your son-in-law Charlie is my mortal enemy? Today, you've fallen into my hands, don't blame me for being ruthless, blame yourself for having such a son-in-law!"

Feeling desperate, Elaine cried out, "I'm innocent! Charlie is not a son-in-law I chose for myself, it was Noah's father who arranged for him to marry into the Wilson family. I strongly opposed it at first, but the old man didn't listen to me!"

Disdainfully, Donald said, "Don't give me this nonsense, anyone around Charlie is a thorn in my side!"

With a mix of excitement and regret, Donald continued, "Unfortunately, you're just Charlie's mother-in-law, not a direct relative. If only we could find a direct relative of Charlie, then I could have her killed in front of Charlie!"

At this revelation, Elaine felt the woman tied to her tremble violently.

Meanwhile, Marina was on the verge of collapse.

She initially thought she was unlucky to encounter Elaine, the enemy of Charlie.

But now she realized that she wasn't facing Elaine's enemy but Charlie's enemy!

And to her dismay, the enemy was regretting not having the chance to kill a direct relative of Charlie.

A direct relative of Charlie? Wasn't she a direct relative of Charlie? She was Charlie's aunt!

At this moment, Donald turned to Noah and asked, "Old Wilson, when will you capture Charlie's wife?"

Noah, feeling somewhat embarrassed, replied, "Mr. Weaver, Claire is my niece, I can't do that."

Donald waved his hand, "I don't want to kill his wife! She will be kept for later, just before killing Charlie, I'll have her killed in front of him!"

He paused slightly and added, "What I mean is, let's kill a blood relative of Charlie first for fun. He doesn't have parents, but doesn't he have aunts or uncles?"

After careful thought, Noah said, "Charlie has always been an orphan, I've never heard of any direct relatives. They should have died out long ago!"

Donald sighed, "That's truly a pity!"

At this moment, Elaine suddenly had a revelation and blurted out, "I know, I know! Charlie has a direct relative! The stinky woman tied to me is Charlie's aunt! If you hate Charlie, just kill her, killing her would be much more effective than killing me!"

Marina was almost having a heart attack!

In her despair, she cried out in her mind, "When I left, Dad warned me not to let Elaine know my identity as a member of the Wade family, fearing that she would take advantage of it. How did Elaine find out that I am Charlie's aunt?!"


Elaine actually had no idea who Marina really was.

She didn't even know Marina's last name, first name, or where she came from.

Elaine's claim that Marina was Charlie's aunt was completely made up.

She said this because she was completely terrified by Donald's words just now.

Elaine was afraid that Donald would take her life, so she thought to herself, "Since Donald wants to kill a close relative of Charlie to vent his anger, why not set up this despicable woman behind me! Not only can it make me safer, but it can also avenge the humiliation and fight this woman had with me!"

"This damn woman, inexplicably came to show off to me! She even used a fake cheque to deceive me, and asked me to persuade my daughter to divorce Charlie. Just based on this, my accusation that she is Charlie's aunt is completely justified!"

So, Elaine never expected that she would hit the nail on the head!

Donald never expected that the woman behind Elaine was actually Charlie's aunt. He asked in surprise, "Elaine, are you sure she is Charlie's aunt and not just fooling me?"

"Of course not!" Elaine immediately blurted out, "This woman is indeed Charlie's aunt. She just came to the beauty salon looking for me, saying she wanted to give me a hundred-dollar cheque and asked my daughter to leave Charlie!"

After listening, Donald walked up to Marina, scrutinising her from top to bottom.

Although he could tell that Marina was well-dressed and didn't look like an ordinary person, he had no impression of her face at all.

This was not entirely his fault for being ignorant, mainly because although the Wade family in Eastcliff was famous, the direct members of the Wade family rarely appeared in public for their own safety.

Apart from the upper echelons of Eastcliff society, ordinary people had no chance to see anyone from the Wade family.

The media also dared not report any personal information about the Wade family members.

Therefore, although Donald was familiar with the Wade family in Eastcliff, even to the point of being well-known, he truly did not know any member of the Wade family.

Naturally, he couldn't recognize Marina in front of him.

So, he directly grabbed the towel from Marina's mouth and asked coldly, "You are Charlie's aunt?"

Marina was so frightened that she trembled all over, hastily shaking her head and denying, "No! I am not Charlie's aunt! I have no relationship with Charlie!"

Elaine shouted, "Bullshit! If you have no relationship with Charlie, why did you want my daughter to divorce Charlie?!"

Marina, nervous and at a loss for words, heard Donald say he would kill Charlie's close relatives. If he knew she was Charlie's aunt, he would definitely kill her without hesitation.

Therefore, she knew she must not admit to this relationship.

She didn't even dare to reveal her identity as a member of the Wade family because if the other party knew she was from the Wade family, they might take extreme measures and eliminate her to prevent future troubles.

Seeing her remain silent for a while, Donald stepped forward and slapped Marina's face hard, angrily saying, "You won't talk, huh?! Fine! I'll just kill you! Better to kill by mistake than to let you go!"

Marina's face turned extremely pale as she cried out, "Actually, I'm not related to Charlie at all. I just think Charlie is a good-looking and capable young man, so I wanted him to be my son-in-law..."

Upon Charlie's command, everyone in the underground world of Aurous Hill mobilised almost instantly.

Orvel even took to the streets himself, searching for clues to Elaine with his men.

At this moment, Harold was unaware of these events.

His only focus was on seeking revenge on Elaine, sending her to work in the coal kiln for a lifetime. This not only served to suppress Charlie and Claire but also to avenge himself and his mother.

Noah was equally filled with excitement.

His hatred towards Elaine had already reached its peak.

Out of the entire Charlie family of four, Elaine was the one he detested the most!

The main reason for his intense hatred towards Elaine was due to Zoraida being sent to the coal kiln because of her, which resulted in Zoraida getting pregnant and infecting him with a venereal disease.

That alone was bad enough, but Elaine took it further by humiliating him with dozens of green hats on the wall, making him unable to forget the harm Zoraida caused him, always feeling the shame on his head. This grudge, escalating over time, had become irreconcilable!

At this moment, the father and son, along with their accomplices, brought Elaine and Marina to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts.

Due to the warehouse's size, the van could drive directly inside.

As soon as the car stopped, Harold was the first to jump out of the car and then dragged Elaine out.

Noah looked at Elaine on the ground with a smirk and said, "Elaine, Elaine, did you ever dream of this day?"

Elaine was terrified but unable to speak as her mouth was covered, only able to sob loudly.

Noah ripped the towel from her mouth.

Elaine immediately exclaimed, "Noah! You've gone too far, daring to kidnap me?! Believe me, my son-in-law Charlie can crush your dog head at any time!"

Noah raised his hand and slapped Elaine, angrily saying, "At a time like this, you still want to act tough? Do you think you're on your terrace at home?"

Elaine couldn't stand losing and, seeing him dare to hit her, erupted, "Noah, just you wait! My son-in-law knows many influential people in Aurous Hill. They will definitely teach you a lesson!"

Noah sneered, "You expect Charlie to teach us a lesson? Let me tell you, the reason we brought you here today has two main purposes: first, to let some young people have fun with you, film it, and spread it online, ruining your reputation and that of your family; second, to send you to the brick factory to work for the rest of your life! I will now exact revenge for what you did to Zoraida a hundredfold!"

Upon hearing this, Elaine was petrified!

She never expected Noah to come up with such a cruel plan!

She immediately became submissive, choking out, "Brother, you shouldn't hate me this much. It wasn't just me who wanted to harm your sister-in-law. Your family was also trying to cheat me out of money and my son-in-law's villa. I had to fight back!"

Noah raised his hand and slapped her again, angrily scolding, "Then how do you explain hanging so many green hats on your terrace?"

Elaine hurriedly said, "I admit I was wrong in that matter. Brother, please forgive me this once for the sake of our relationship. I promise to remove all the green hats when I return, leaving not a single one!"

Noah coldly snorted, "Realizing your mistake now? I'm telling you, it's too late! Even if you were a deity, you couldn't save yourself this time!"

Harold approached quietly and asked, "Dad, when do we make our move?"

Noah replied, "Not yet, we'll wait for Weaver to arrive. He must witness this himself!"


Harold asked again, "What about the woman in the car? We had no choice but to bring her along when we couldn't leave her behind, but we don't even know her."

Noah sneered, "No rush for now. Let's deal with Elaine first. If necessary, we can just send that woman to the brick kiln as well!"

At this moment, the Wade family received news of Marina's kidnapping.

Upon hearing this, Wade Patriarch was instantly furious!

He angrily smashed a beloved antique blue and white plum vase in the living room, shouting, "With the power and status of the Wade family nationwide, how dare someone kidnap a direct relative of the Wade family? That takes some nerve!"

Ciprian, Emil, and Finnian, the three brothers, exchanged glances but remained silent.

The sudden kidnapping of Marina was not a cause for concern for them.

On the contrary, it was something they looked forward to with excitement.

None of the three brothers liked Marina.

The root cause was simply self-interest.

If Marina, like the youngest daughter of the Wade family, Darlene, had married and lived peacefully with her husband's family, they wouldn't have harbored any resentment towards her.

However, because Marina, despite being married, couldn't stay content with her husband's family and instead chose to separate and return to the Wade family to claim a share of the inheritance, this made the Wade family brothers despise Marina.

Moreover, Marina was inherently cunning.

She never cared about her three brothers' feelings, only focusing on pleasing their father.

Therefore, she often intentionally caused trouble for the three brothers to gain their father's favor.

Now that she had been kidnapped, wasn't this a gift from heaven for the three of them?

Although they hadn't communicated with each other, they all shared the same wish in their hearts.

They hoped the kidnappers would just get rid of Marina and never bring her back.

Patriarch Claudius was extremely angry. During this time, he increasingly felt that his eldest daughter, Marina, not only had the ability but also listened to him more than his three sons did. Compared to the sons' deceitful actions, Marina was more obedient to him.

Now, with his daughter following his orders to go to Aurous Hill to find Charlie, only to be kidnapped there, it not only threatened her life but also severely embarrassed him. Therefore, he couldn't accept it at all.

He immediately called Isaac to inquire about the situation.

Isaac could only truthfully explain the details of Marina going to find Elaine and getting kidnapped with her to Patriarch Wade.

After listening, Patriarch Wade asked, "Isaac, do you think they targeted Marina or Elaine?"

Isaac replied, "Sir, I can't determine the specifics at the moment. Miss's high status may attract desperate criminals looking to kidnap her for ransom, while Young Master Charlie's mother-in-law has a fiery temper and has offended many people. It's possible they're seeking revenge on her. We'll only know the truth after further information-gathering."

Patriarch Wade immediately said coldly, "Isaac, I have two demands! First, you must rescue Marina at all costs, or you will be held accountable. Second, immediately apprehend Marina's personal bodyguard, punish him according to family rules, then send him back to the Wade family for further punishment!"


Isaac was well aware that if anything happened to Marina on his turf, he would have to bear some responsibility.

If Marina managed to come out unscathed in the end, things would be fine, but if she faced any mishaps, his good days would be over.

Furthermore, Wade's mother-in-law was also missing along with Marina.

Therefore, he intensified the search efforts, even mobilising all the security guards in Shangri-La to quickly locate Marina and Elaine.

However, the clues had to start from the beauty salon, requiring a thorough and time-consuming search.

Meanwhile, Charlie had left home to meet with Isaac at the beauty salon.

He was worried about two things: Marina revealing her identity to Elaine, and Elaine falling into the hands of the kidnappers.

He still had no emotional attachment to Elaine.

After all, Elaine had been bullying and humiliating him for over three years, only recently showing some improvement.

If given a choice, Charlie would prefer Elaine to disappear.

However, the thought of his wife, Claire, made him hesitate.

Claire was very kind, and she had been very filial to Elaine. If Elaine disappeared for no reason, it would greatly affect her.

Last time Elaine was in custody and missing for a few days, Claire was almost driven to madness with worry. If something happened to Elaine this time, she would be even more anxious.

With the Lunar New Year approaching in just a couple of days, a mishap involving Elaine would ruin the festive season for the family.

Therefore, Charlie hoped to find Elaine and rescue her safely as soon as possible.

At this moment, in an abandoned warehouse in the outskirts...

Elaine and Marina were tied together. The reason why the Wilson family had not harmed Elaine yet was mainly to wait for Donald to inspect the situation.

After all, it's better to be safe than sorry.

The Wilson family had received many benefits from Donald but had not followed his instructions to create chaos for the Charlie Wade family. This lack of compliance made Donald feel insecure.

This was mainly because the villa they were living in, Tang Chen Yipin, was not theirs but loaned to them by Donald.

Moreover, Donald's investment in the Wilson Group had conditions attached. He could withdraw all the money at any time, leaving the Wilson family with nothing.

Hence, they were eager to please Donald to secure their position and gain more benefits from him.

As Donald sat in the car heading to the warehouse, he was feeling extremely excited.

Although he had been busy trying to rebuild the Weaver family and hadn't been focused on competing with Charlie, his hatred towards Charlie had never diminished.


Upon hearing that Noah was going to target Charlie's mother-in-law first, Donald was naturally delighted, afraid of missing out on the action, so he had his men drive him over to watch the event live on site.

Upon arrival, Harold personally came to open the warehouse door for Donald's Rolls-Royce to enter.

Noah was excited and walked out to open the rear door of the car for Donald.

As the door opened, Noah humbly bowed and said, "Mr. Weaver, you're here!"

Donald nodded, then coldly looked at Elaine, tied back to back with Marina on the ground, and sneered, "This is Charlie's mother-in-law, right?"

"Exactly!" Noah said with a hint of resentment, "This woman, the universe's number one troublemaker, despicable to the core! We'll take care of her later to entertain you, Mr. Weaver!"

Upon hearing this, Elaine panicked and pleaded, "Please spare me, I have no grudge with you, why are you doing this to me?"

Donald sternly said, "No grudge with me? Do you know that your son-in-law Charlie is my mortal enemy? Today, you've fallen into my hands, don't blame me for being ruthless, blame yourself for having such a son-in-law!"

Feeling desperate, Elaine cried out, "I'm innocent! Charlie is not a son-in-law I chose for myself, it was Noah's father who arranged for him to marry into the Wilson family. I strongly opposed it at first, but the old man didn't listen to me!"

Disdainfully, Donald said, "Don't give me this nonsense, anyone around Charlie is a thorn in my side!"

With a mix of excitement and regret, Donald continued, "Unfortunately, you're just Charlie's mother-in-law, not a direct relative. If only we could find a direct relative of Charlie, then I could have her killed in front of Charlie!"

At this revelation, Elaine felt the woman tied to her tremble violently.

Meanwhile, Marina was on the verge of collapse.

She initially thought she was unlucky to encounter Elaine, the enemy of Charlie.

But now she realized that she wasn't facing Elaine's enemy but Charlie's enemy!

And to her dismay, the enemy was regretting not having the chance to kill a direct relative of Charlie.

A direct relative of Charlie? Wasn't she a direct relative of Charlie? She was Charlie's aunt!

At this moment, Donald turned to Noah and asked, "Old Wilson, when will you capture Charlie's wife?"

Noah, feeling somewhat embarrassed, replied, "Mr. Weaver, Claire is my niece, I can't do that."

Donald waved his hand, "I don't want to kill his wife! She will be kept for later, just before killing Charlie, I'll have her killed in front of him!"

He paused slightly and added, "What I mean is, let's kill a blood relative of Charlie first for fun. He doesn't have parents, but doesn't he have aunts or uncles?"

After careful thought, Noah said, "Charlie has always been an orphan, I've never heard of any direct relatives. They should have died out long ago!"

Donald sighed, "That's truly a pity!"

At this moment, Elaine suddenly had a revelation and blurted out, "I know, I know! Charlie has a direct relative! The stinky woman tied to me is Charlie's aunt! If you hate Charlie, just kill her, killing her would be much more effective than killing me!"

Marina was almost having a heart attack!

In her despair, she cried out in her mind, "When I left, Dad warned me not to let Elaine know my identity as a member of the Wade family, fearing that she would take advantage of it. How did Elaine find out that I am Charlie's aunt?!"


Elaine actually had no idea who Marina really was.

She didn't even know Marina's last name, first name, or where she came from.

Elaine's claim that Marina was Charlie's aunt was completely made up.

She said this because she was completely terrified by Donald's words just now.

Elaine was afraid that Donald would take her life, so she thought to herself, "Since Donald wants to kill a close relative of Charlie to vent his anger, why not set up this despicable woman behind me! Not only can it make me safer, but it can also avenge the humiliation and fight this woman had with me!"

"This damn woman, inexplicably came to show off to me! She even used a fake cheque to deceive me, and asked me to persuade my daughter to divorce Charlie. Just based on this, my accusation that she is Charlie's aunt is completely justified!"

So, Elaine never expected that she would hit the nail on the head!

Donald never expected that the woman behind Elaine was actually Charlie's aunt. He asked in surprise, "Elaine, are you sure she is Charlie's aunt and not just fooling me?"

"Of course not!" Elaine immediately blurted out, "This woman is indeed Charlie's aunt. She just came to the beauty salon looking for me, saying she wanted to give me a hundred-dollar cheque and asked my daughter to leave Charlie!"

After listening, Donald walked up to Marina, scrutinising her from top to bottom.

Although he could tell that Marina was well-dressed and didn't look like an ordinary person, he had no impression of her face at all.

This was not entirely his fault for being ignorant, mainly because although the Wade family in Eastcliff was famous, the direct members of the Wade family rarely appeared in public for their own safety.

Apart from the upper echelons of Eastcliff society, ordinary people had no chance to see anyone from the Wade family.

The media also dared not report any personal information about the Wade family members.

Therefore, although Donald was familiar with the Wade family in Eastcliff, even to the point of being well-known, he truly did not know any member of the Wade family.

Naturally, he couldn't recognize Marina in front of him.

So, he directly grabbed the towel from Marina's mouth and asked coldly, "You are Charlie's aunt?"

Marina was so frightened that she trembled all over, hastily shaking her head and denying, "No! I am not Charlie's aunt! I have no relationship with Charlie!"

Elaine shouted, "Bullshit! If you have no relationship with Charlie, why did you want my daughter to divorce Charlie?!"

Marina, nervous and at a loss for words, heard Donald say he would kill Charlie's close relatives. If he knew she was Charlie's aunt, he would definitely kill her without hesitation.

Therefore, she knew she must not admit to this relationship.

She didn't even dare to reveal her identity as a member of the Wade family because if the other party knew she was from the Wade family, they might take extreme measures and eliminate her to prevent future troubles.

Seeing her remain silent for a while, Donald stepped forward and slapped Marina's face hard, angrily saying, "You won't talk, huh?! Fine! I'll just kill you! Better to kill by mistake than to let you go!"

Marina's face turned extremely pale as she cried out, "Actually, I'm not related to Charlie at all. I just think Charlie is a good-looking and capable young man, so I wanted him to be my son-in-law..."
This Elaine is something else. How I wish that impotent guy leave that despicable family.

"Rubbish!" Before Elaine could speak, Donald cursed at Marina, followed by a hard slap across her face, saying, "Do you think I'm a three-year-old? Don't you know Charlie is already married?"

"I know..." Marina cried, "It's because I know that I had to resort to this plan, to break up Charlie and Claire first, so that my daughter would have a chance!"

Donald sneered, "You, woman, are clearly dishonest. I can see it in your eyes, you haven't been truthful with me!"

Marina felt extremely nervous.

In reality, she didn't have strong mental resilience. She had always been arrogant not because of her mental strength but due to the prestige of the Wade family, which allowed her to act recklessly without fear of repercussions.

However, this was not Eastcliff after all.

She had underestimated Donald's hatred towards Charlie.

At this moment, Donald only wanted to teach Charlie a lesson and then find an opportunity to get rid of him as well.

Therefore, Donald was not going to reason with Marina.

If Marina couldn't convincingly prove that she wasn't Charlie's aunt, Donald would rather make a mistake and not let her go!

Hence, Marina could only choke out, "Sir, since you hate Charlie so much, you must know that Charlie grew up as an orphan in a welfare institution. How could I possibly be his aunt? If I really were his aunt, how could I have let my nephew live in a welfare institution for so many years? Don't you think so?"

Donald coldly snorted, gritted his teeth, "What's impossible about that? When my damn little nephew died, he left behind a little girl, who is my wife's niece. My wife wanted to bring her up, but I disagreed. So that little girl is still living in a welfare institution until now. Isn't that exactly like your situation?"

Marina was stunned, completely at a loss.

At this moment, Harold, who was beside her, rummaged through Marina's bag and pulled out an identification card from her wallet. He handed it to Donald with a flattering expression, saying, "Mr. Weaver, look, this woman is Marina, she's from Eastcliff!"

Donald furrowed his brows immediately.

Although the surname Wade wasn't rare, it wasn't common either, so he hadn't connected Marina with the Wade family from Eastcliff.

On the contrary, he realized that this woman also had the surname Wade, almost instantly concluding that she must be Charlie's aunt!

With this thought, he grabbed Marina by her hair, landing several hard slaps on her face, causing her mouth to bleed. He then coldly said, "You have the guts to deceive me, do you really think I'm someone who can be fooled around with?"

Marina was beaten badly, almost on the verge of collapse, crying, "Mr. Weaver, I beg you to spare me. I have no grudge against you, why do you keep tormenting me... Everyone has their own fate, if Charlie offended you, then go and kill him, don't make it hard for a woman like me, please..."

Unless absolutely necessary, Marina dared not reveal her true identity, as it might only strengthen Donald's resolve to silence her.

So, she intended to hold on till the end!

If there was truly no other way, she would resort to using her identity as a last resort.

At this moment, Donald smirked, "You say you have no grudge against me? Let me tell you, anyone related to Charlie is an enemy of mine! Both of you, one is Charlie's aunt, the other is Charlie's mother-in-law, so neither of you can escape!"

With that, he immediately ordered one of his bodyguards beside him, "Amao! Drag Charlie's aunt out for me and shoot her on the spot!"


Donald's thunderous shout sent Marina trembling in fear.

Due to extreme tension, Marina lost control and wet herself on the spot.

Bound back to back with Elaine, her urine pooled beneath her as she couldn't hold it.

Elaine suddenly felt the seat becoming damp and a foul smell in the air, making her struggle to move away while cursing, "You disgusting woman! Why did you have to wet yourself now, making a mess of me!"

Marina was completely shattered, her decades of upbringing as a wealthy young lady vanished in an instant.

Looking at Donald, she cried out, "Mr. Weaver, please don't kill me. I am the eldest daughter of the Wade family in Eastcliff, my name is Marina. If you spare me this time, I can give you a lot of money, and my father Claudius will also give you a lot of money!"

Donald was taken aback, looking at Marina in disbelief, "You say you are the eldest daughter of the Wade family in Eastcliff?!"

Marina cried, "Yes, I am! I really am!"

Donald had never heard of Marina before.

But the name Claudius, he had heard of.

After all, Claudius was the head of the Wade family and had a high reputation nationwide.

When Marina claimed to be Claudius's daughter, Donald's first thought was, "Impossible!"

He stared at Marina, coldly mocking, "Aren't you the one who just wet yourself? Take a good look at yourself, do you really look like someone from the Wade family?"

Marina, in despair, pleaded from the bottom of her heart, "Big brother, I really am from the Wade family!"

Donald sneered, "Alright, even if you are really from the Wade family, then tell me, as the eldest daughter of the Wade family, what are you doing in Aurous Hill with nothing to do?"

Marina choked out, "I-I came to find Charlie."

Donald scoffed even more, "Charlie is just a son-in-law who knows a bit about Feng Shui, don't tell me he's also from the Wade family in Eastcliff!"

Marina cried, "It's true! Charlie is really from our Wade family, he is the biological son of my second brother, and the grandson of my father."

Elaine, dumbfounded, forgot that she was already soaked in Marina's urine and blurted out, "What did you say?! You're saying Charlie is the grandson of the Wade family in Eastcliff?!"

"Yes," Marina said earnestly, "Charlie grew up in Eastcliff, but later, due to some special circumstances, he followed his parents to Aurous Hill. After his parents passed away, he was sent to an orphanage in Aurous Hill."

"Impossible!" Elaine retorted, "If Charlie is really the young master of the Wade family in Eastcliff, how could he have grown up in an orphanage? And how could he be laying bricks on a construction site as an adult, only to be picked up by my father-in-law from the site? You're telling me he's the young master of the Wade family in Eastcliff? I might as well say I'm a goddess descended from heaven!"

Donald also coldly remarked, "What you're saying is completely illogical. If Charlie really has such a prestigious background, how could he have married into such a lowly family?"

Noah touched his nose awkwardly and said, "Mr. Weaver, is it appropriate to say that?"

"Exactly, Mr. Weaver," Harold also felt indignant, "Our Wilson family in Aurous Hill is considered a decent family, with some status!"

Donald glared at him, cursing, "Your family has status? If your sister goes to kneel and fawn over that old scumbag Joaquin Wilson, does that show status? If your mother sleeps with the supervisor in a coal mine, does that show status?"

Noah blushed with embarrassment upon hearing this, wishing to disappear on the spot.

Beside him, Harold felt equally embarrassed.


Donald seems to still hold a grudge, cursing furiously, "Bloody hell, your whole family sneaked and sold the TVs from my villa, and you still have the face to tell me your family has status? Does having status mean your grandma went to Charlie's house to steal water lily dumplings? How much does it cost you to buy two pounds of leeks at the market?! Your whole family is a bunch of idiots, even giving face to your lowly actions!"

Noah and Harold were left speechless.

What Donald said was true. After the decline of the Wilson family, they indeed did many disgraceful, despicable, and ridiculous things. If each one was brought to light, it would completely tarnish the reputation of the Wilson family ancestors.

Marina felt like dying.

She was initially confessing her identity and Charlie's background to Donald, but somehow it turned into Donald berating the other two.

So, she looked at Donald with a sincere expression and said, "Brother, every word I said is true. I can swear to the heavens. Please, for the sake of being part of the Wade family, spare me!"

At this moment.

Charlie was sitting in Isaac's helicopter, speeding towards the outskirts.

The methods used by Noah and Harold were not that sophisticated. To track their movements, it wasn't difficult for Isaac and his men based on surveillance footage.

Soon, they located the van through the surveillance cameras and traced their route using traffic monitoring.

Upon learning that the other party was currently at an abandoned warehouse in the suburbs, Isaac immediately organized a large group to rescue them.

Naturally, Charlie accompanied him.

As the helicopter flew, Charlie sat in the cabin with a worried look on his face.

Seeing this, Isaac hurriedly reassured, "Young Master, we'll be there in a few minutes. Your mother-in-law and aunt should not be in any life-threatening danger."

Charlie rubbed his nose and sighed, "Noah and Harold are most likely working for Donald. I can guess how they might treat Elaine. They will probably abuse her, then lock her up in a place similar to a coal mine to suffer. So, I'm not worried about them taking Elaine's life."

Isaac nodded, "Your aunt is the eldest daughter of the Wade family. If it's indeed Donald pulling the strings, she should not dare to act recklessly if your aunt reveals her identity. So, the chances of your aunt being in danger are low."

Charlie pursed his lips, "I'm worried that my aunt will reveal her identity! If she does, it will likely expose my identity, and I don't want anyone to know about my connection to the Wade family in Eastcliff!"

Isaac asked anxiously, "What if your aunt has already revealed it?"

Charlie replied coldly, "If she has, then she will have to endure some hardship at that time!"


In the abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city at this moment.

Marina, who was initially hesitant to reveal her identity, now had no choice but to do so.

She saw that Donald still didn't believe her, so she hurriedly blurted out, "Mr. Weaver, I am indeed the eldest daughter of the Wade family in Eastcliff. As for what you mentioned about Charlie growing up in a welfare institution, I do not deny this. It is mainly because Charlie's situation is very special. His father was the renowned Drake Wade of Eastcliff. You must have heard of him, right?"

Donald's heart skipped a beat.

He thought to himself, "Drake?! He was my idol when I was young! Back then, Drake single-handedly elevated the Wade family to the top of the country, even suppressing the arrogance of the Rothschild family from Europe and America. That man was like a god in the domestic business world! It's just a pity that Drake passed away young, otherwise, his future would have been limitless."

With this in mind, he frowned and looked at Marina, asking, "You say Charlie is Drake's son?! What evidence do you have?"

Marina replied, "Don't you think they look alike? They are like two peas in a pod. Do you really need more evidence?"

Donald coldly said, "What you're saying is nonsense! I have no idea what Drake looked like!"

When Drake passed away eighteen years ago, the internet in the country was just starting to develop. Information was mostly obtained through television and newspapers.

However, families like the Wade family were not directly covered by television or newspapers. Therefore, information about these prominent families was mostly spread through word of mouth in the upper-class society.

At that time, Donald was in Suzhou and Hangzhou, so he never had the chance to see Drake in person, only hearing about his many achievements.

Therefore, he had no idea whether Charlie really resembled Drake or not.

Marina had to say, "You have seen my ID card. My name is Marina Wade, from Eastcliff. 'Wade' is my surname. I have two older brothers, Ciprian and Drake, a younger brother Finnian, and a sister named Darlene. These are all true! I am indeed from the Wade family!"

Donald furrowed his brow.

He had heard of Drake and Ciprian a long time ago.

He couldn't help but mutter to himself, "Could what this woman is saying be true?! If it is, then I might have brought a disaster upon myself! If the Wade family comes after me, the Weaver family might be ruined!"

Seeing Donald's changing expression and his obvious nervousness, Harold beside him was taken aback.

He whispered to Noah, "Dad, do you think that loser Charlie could really be from the Wade family?"

Noah frowned and replied seriously, "I don't know either. At first, it seems unlikely, but on second thought, it doesn't seem fake. Otherwise, where did this woman come from? Even if she's not Charlie's aunt, she must have some connection to him!"

Harold nodded repeatedly, "That makes sense!"

Elaine was also feeling puzzled at this moment.

Initially, she had dismissed everything Marina said, but the more Marina talked, the more it seemed real to her.

She couldn't help but think, "Oh my, could my son-in-law really be a fallen young master from a top family? If this is true, then won't I have a bright future ahead?"

Elaine suddenly felt excited.

However, shortly after, her excitement was immediately replaced by overwhelming despair.

She looked at the cunning and malicious people around her and lamented in her heart, "Oh, why is my fate so bitter? Just when my son-in-law has some potential, I get caught by these bastards. If they really send me to a dark brick kiln, what will I do? Will Charlie come to save me?"


Realizing this, Elaine suddenly became aware of how poorly she treated Charlie in the past.

Recalling her past behavior of bossing Charlie around, treating him like a servant, and even bullying and insulting him, she deeply regretted her actions.

Internally, she couldn't help but think, "What if Charlie still holds a grudge against me? What if my disappearance is exactly what he wanted, and if he never intended to let me come back, then he wouldn't come to rescue me. Does this mean I'll have to spend the rest of my life burning bricks and moving them in a dark brick kiln?"

With these thoughts, Elaine burst into tears.

At that moment, Donald looked at Marina and asked, "Since you claim to be from the Wade family, what evidence do you have to prove it?"

Marina hurriedly replied, "I have my checkbook and my personal seal in my bag, you can take a look!"

Donald turned to Harold and asked, "Where is her bag?"

Harold immediately went back to the van and took out Marina's top-notch Hermès bag.

Upon seeing the bag, Donald felt a jolt in his heart.

Elaine didn't recognize its value, but he did.

Initially, his wife Alison also attended Hermès' spring show, where this bag was the highlight.

According to Hermès' official introduction at the time, this bag was crafted by their top artisans, handmade, unique, and of extremely high value.

Alison instantly fell in love with this bag at first sight and insisted on buying it. Unfortunately, Hermès had already reserved it for a socialite from Eastcliff, so it was not for sale to anyone else.

Alison was persistent and even tried to persuade Donald to help her buy the bag.

After several attempts, Donald was unsuccessful in persuading Hermès to sell it.

Later, a senior Hermès official advised Donald that the bag had been ordered by a prominent family in Eastcliff, suggesting he give up.

Upon hearing that it was ordered by a prominent family in Eastcliff, Donald immediately understood that he couldn't compete with them.

So, he spent a fortune buying a bunch of other Hermès items for his wife to make her give up on the idea of owning that bag.

Now, seeing the bag again, he almost immediately confirmed Marina's identity in his heart!

At that moment, Donald felt a sense of despair!

"This is unbelievable! Today, the Wilson family came to flatter me, claiming they wanted to deal with Elaine because of my hatred towards Charlie, so I came to watch the show."

"Who would have thought that the Wilson family would actually bring the eldest daughter of the Wade family here!"

"She's from the Wade family! Leaving aside the audacity of this useless father and son, the question is, how could such a prominent figure be captured by them? Does Marina not have any bodyguards around her?"

As he pondered, Harold handed Marina's bag over. He respectfully presented the bag to Donald, saying, "Boss Weaver, I suggest you don't believe a word this woman says. When we went to capture Elaine, this woman was in a fight with that shrew from Elaine, and she was even being beaten up by Elaine. If she were a person of status, wouldn't she have a bodyguard with her?"

Marina interjected, "I had them! I had two bodyguards and an assistant with me. I just wanted to go to the beauty salon to talk to Elaine about Charlie, but I didn't want Elaine to know my identity and then extort the Wade family, so I had the bodyguards wait at the door."

At this point, Marina said with sorrow and indignation, "But I never expected that the owner of that beauty salon was actually in cahoots with you all!"

"Rubbish!" Before Elaine could speak, Donald cursed at Marina, followed by a hard slap across her face, saying, "Do you think I'm a three-year-old? Don't you know Charlie is already married?"

"I know..." Marina cried, "It's because I know that I had to resort to this plan, to break up Charlie and Claire first, so that my daughter would have a chance!"

Donald sneered, "You, woman, are clearly dishonest. I can see it in your eyes, you haven't been truthful with me!"

Marina felt extremely nervous.

In reality, she didn't have strong mental resilience. She had always been arrogant not because of her mental strength but due to the prestige of the Wade family, which allowed her to act recklessly without fear of repercussions.

However, this was not Eastcliff after all.

She had underestimated Donald's hatred towards Charlie.

At this moment, Donald only wanted to teach Charlie a lesson and then find an opportunity to get rid of him as well.

Therefore, Donald was not going to reason with Marina.

If Marina couldn't convincingly prove that she wasn't Charlie's aunt, Donald would rather make a mistake and not let her go!

Hence, Marina could only choke out, "Sir, since you hate Charlie so much, you must know that Charlie grew up as an orphan in a welfare institution. How could I possibly be his aunt? If I really were his aunt, how could I have let my nephew live in a welfare institution for so many years? Don't you think so?"

Donald coldly snorted, gritted his teeth, "What's impossible about that? When my damn little nephew died, he left behind a little girl, who is my wife's niece. My wife wanted to bring her up, but I disagreed. So that little girl is still living in a welfare institution until now. Isn't that exactly like your situation?"

Marina was stunned, completely at a loss.

At this moment, Harold, who was beside her, rummaged through Marina's bag and pulled out an identification card from her wallet. He handed it to Donald with a flattering expression, saying, "Mr. Weaver, look, this woman is Marina, she's from Eastcliff!"

Donald furrowed his brows immediately.

Although the surname Wade wasn't rare, it wasn't common either, so he hadn't connected Marina with the Wade family from Eastcliff.

On the contrary, he realized that this woman also had the surname Wade, almost instantly concluding that she must be Charlie's aunt!

With this thought, he grabbed Marina by her hair, landing several hard slaps on her face, causing her mouth to bleed. He then coldly said, "You have the guts to deceive me, do you really think I'm someone who can be fooled around with?"

Marina was beaten badly, almost on the verge of collapse, crying, "Mr. Weaver, I beg you to spare me. I have no grudge against you, why do you keep tormenting me... Everyone has their own fate, if Charlie offended you, then go and kill him, don't make it hard for a woman like me, please..."

Unless absolutely necessary, Marina dared not reveal her true identity, as it might only strengthen Donald's resolve to silence her.

So, she intended to hold on till the end!

If there was truly no other way, she would resort to using her identity as a last resort.

At this moment, Donald smirked, "You say you have no grudge against me? Let me tell you, anyone related to Charlie is an enemy of mine! Both of you, one is Charlie's aunt, the other is Charlie's mother-in-law, so neither of you can escape!"

With that, he immediately ordered one of his bodyguards beside him, "Amao! Drag Charlie's aunt out for me and shoot her on the spot!"


Donald's thunderous shout sent Marina trembling in fear.

Due to extreme tension, Marina lost control and wet herself on the spot.

Bound back to back with Elaine, her urine pooled beneath her as she couldn't hold it.

Elaine suddenly felt the seat becoming damp and a foul smell in the air, making her struggle to move away while cursing, "You disgusting woman! Why did you have to wet yourself now, making a mess of me!"

Marina was completely shattered, her decades of upbringing as a wealthy young lady vanished in an instant.

Looking at Donald, she cried out, "Mr. Weaver, please don't kill me. I am the eldest daughter of the Wade family in Eastcliff, my name is Marina. If you spare me this time, I can give you a lot of money, and my father Claudius will also give you a lot of money!"

Donald was taken aback, looking at Marina in disbelief, "You say you are the eldest daughter of the Wade family in Eastcliff?!"

Marina cried, "Yes, I am! I really am!"

Donald had never heard of Marina before.

But the name Claudius, he had heard of.

After all, Claudius was the head of the Wade family and had a high reputation nationwide.

When Marina claimed to be Claudius's daughter, Donald's first thought was, "Impossible!"

He stared at Marina, coldly mocking, "Aren't you the one who just wet yourself? Take a good look at yourself, do you really look like someone from the Wade family?"

Marina, in despair, pleaded from the bottom of her heart, "Big brother, I really am from the Wade family!"

Donald sneered, "Alright, even if you are really from the Wade family, then tell me, as the eldest daughter of the Wade family, what are you doing in Aurous Hill with nothing to do?"

Marina choked out, "I-I came to find Charlie."

Donald scoffed even more, "Charlie is just a son-in-law who knows a bit about Feng Shui, don't tell me he's also from the Wade family in Eastcliff!"

Marina cried, "It's true! Charlie is really from our Wade family, he is the biological son of my second brother, and the grandson of my father."

Elaine, dumbfounded, forgot that she was already soaked in Marina's urine and blurted out, "What did you say?! You're saying Charlie is the grandson of the Wade family in Eastcliff?!"

"Yes," Marina said earnestly, "Charlie grew up in Eastcliff, but later, due to some special circumstances, he followed his parents to Aurous Hill. After his parents passed away, he was sent to an orphanage in Aurous Hill."

"Impossible!" Elaine retorted, "If Charlie is really the young master of the Wade family in Eastcliff, how could he have grown up in an orphanage? And how could he be laying bricks on a construction site as an adult, only to be picked up by my father-in-law from the site? You're telling me he's the young master of the Wade family in Eastcliff? I might as well say I'm a goddess descended from heaven!"

Donald also coldly remarked, "What you're saying is completely illogical. If Charlie really has such a prestigious background, how could he have married into such a lowly family?"

Noah touched his nose awkwardly and said, "Mr. Weaver, is it appropriate to say that?"

"Exactly, Mr. Weaver," Harold also felt indignant, "Our Wilson family in Aurous Hill is considered a decent family, with some status!"

Donald glared at him, cursing, "Your family has status? If your sister goes to kneel and fawn over that old scumbag Joaquin Wilson, does that show status? If your mother sleeps with the supervisor in a coal mine, does that show status?"

Noah blushed with embarrassment upon hearing this, wishing to disappear on the spot.

Beside him, Harold felt equally embarrassed.


Donald seems to still hold a grudge, cursing furiously, "Bloody hell, your whole family sneaked and sold the TVs from my villa, and you still have the face to tell me your family has status? Does having status mean your grandma went to Charlie's house to steal water lily dumplings? How much does it cost you to buy two pounds of leeks at the market?! Your whole family is a bunch of idiots, even giving face to your lowly actions!"

Noah and Harold were left speechless.

What Donald said was true. After the decline of the Wilson family, they indeed did many disgraceful, despicable, and ridiculous things. If each one was brought to light, it would completely tarnish the reputation of the Wilson family ancestors.

Marina felt like dying.

She was initially confessing her identity and Charlie's background to Donald, but somehow it turned into Donald berating the other two.

So, she looked at Donald with a sincere expression and said, "Brother, every word I said is true. I can swear to the heavens. Please, for the sake of being part of the Wade family, spare me!"

At this moment.

Charlie was sitting in Isaac's helicopter, speeding towards the outskirts.

The methods used by Noah and Harold were not that sophisticated. To track their movements, it wasn't difficult for Isaac and his men based on surveillance footage.

Soon, they located the van through the surveillance cameras and traced their route using traffic monitoring.

Upon learning that the other party was currently at an abandoned warehouse in the suburbs, Isaac immediately organized a large group to rescue them.

Naturally, Charlie accompanied him.

As the helicopter flew, Charlie sat in the cabin with a worried look on his face.

Seeing this, Isaac hurriedly reassured, "Young Master, we'll be there in a few minutes. Your mother-in-law and aunt should not be in any life-threatening danger."

Charlie rubbed his nose and sighed, "Noah and Harold are most likely working for Donald. I can guess how they might treat Elaine. They will probably abuse her, then lock her up in a place similar to a coal mine to suffer. So, I'm not worried about them taking Elaine's life."

Isaac nodded, "Your aunt is the eldest daughter of the Wade family. If it's indeed Donald pulling the strings, she should not dare to act recklessly if your aunt reveals her identity. So, the chances of your aunt being in danger are low."

Charlie pursed his lips, "I'm worried that my aunt will reveal her identity! If she does, it will likely expose my identity, and I don't want anyone to know about my connection to the Wade family in Eastcliff!"

Isaac asked anxiously, "What if your aunt has already revealed it?"

Charlie replied coldly, "If she has, then she will have to endure some hardship at that time!"


In the abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city at this moment.

Marina, who was initially hesitant to reveal her identity, now had no choice but to do so.

She saw that Donald still didn't believe her, so she hurriedly blurted out, "Mr. Weaver, I am indeed the eldest daughter of the Wade family in Eastcliff. As for what you mentioned about Charlie growing up in a welfare institution, I do not deny this. It is mainly because Charlie's situation is very special. His father was the renowned Drake Wade of Eastcliff. You must have heard of him, right?"

Donald's heart skipped a beat.

He thought to himself, "Drake?! He was my idol when I was young! Back then, Drake single-handedly elevated the Wade family to the top of the country, even suppressing the arrogance of the Rothschild family from Europe and America. That man was like a god in the domestic business world! It's just a pity that Drake passed away young, otherwise, his future would have been limitless."

With this in mind, he frowned and looked at Marina, asking, "You say Charlie is Drake's son?! What evidence do you have?"

Marina replied, "Don't you think they look alike? They are like two peas in a pod. Do you really need more evidence?"

Donald coldly said, "What you're saying is nonsense! I have no idea what Drake looked like!"

When Drake passed away eighteen years ago, the internet in the country was just starting to develop. Information was mostly obtained through television and newspapers.

However, families like the Wade family were not directly covered by television or newspapers. Therefore, information about these prominent families was mostly spread through word of mouth in the upper-class society.

At that time, Donald was in Suzhou and Hangzhou, so he never had the chance to see Drake in person, only hearing about his many achievements.

Therefore, he had no idea whether Charlie really resembled Drake or not.

Marina had to say, "You have seen my ID card. My name is Marina Wade, from Eastcliff. 'Wade' is my surname. I have two older brothers, Ciprian and Drake, a younger brother Finnian, and a sister named Darlene. These are all true! I am indeed from the Wade family!"

Donald furrowed his brow.

He had heard of Drake and Ciprian a long time ago.

He couldn't help but mutter to himself, "Could what this woman is saying be true?! If it is, then I might have brought a disaster upon myself! If the Wade family comes after me, the Weaver family might be ruined!"

Seeing Donald's changing expression and his obvious nervousness, Harold beside him was taken aback.

He whispered to Noah, "Dad, do you think that loser Charlie could really be from the Wade family?"

Noah frowned and replied seriously, "I don't know either. At first, it seems unlikely, but on second thought, it doesn't seem fake. Otherwise, where did this woman come from? Even if she's not Charlie's aunt, she must have some connection to him!"

Harold nodded repeatedly, "That makes sense!"

Elaine was also feeling puzzled at this moment.

Initially, she had dismissed everything Marina said, but the more Marina talked, the more it seemed real to her.

She couldn't help but think, "Oh my, could my son-in-law really be a fallen young master from a top family? If this is true, then won't I have a bright future ahead?"

Elaine suddenly felt excited.

However, shortly after, her excitement was immediately replaced by overwhelming despair.

She looked at the cunning and malicious people around her and lamented in her heart, "Oh, why is my fate so bitter? Just when my son-in-law has some potential, I get caught by these bastards. If they really send me to a dark brick kiln, what will I do? Will Charlie come to save me?"


Realizing this, Elaine suddenly became aware of how poorly she treated Charlie in the past.

Recalling her past behavior of bossing Charlie around, treating him like a servant, and even bullying and insulting him, she deeply regretted her actions.

Internally, she couldn't help but think, "What if Charlie still holds a grudge against me? What if my disappearance is exactly what he wanted, and if he never intended to let me come back, then he wouldn't come to rescue me. Does this mean I'll have to spend the rest of my life burning bricks and moving them in a dark brick kiln?"

With these thoughts, Elaine burst into tears.

At that moment, Donald looked at Marina and asked, "Since you claim to be from the Wade family, what evidence do you have to prove it?"

Marina hurriedly replied, "I have my checkbook and my personal seal in my bag, you can take a look!"

Donald turned to Harold and asked, "Where is her bag?"

Harold immediately went back to the van and took out Marina's top-notch Hermès bag.

Upon seeing the bag, Donald felt a jolt in his heart.

Elaine didn't recognize its value, but he did.

Initially, his wife Alison also attended Hermès' spring show, where this bag was the highlight.

According to Hermès' official introduction at the time, this bag was crafted by their top artisans, handmade, unique, and of extremely high value.

Alison instantly fell in love with this bag at first sight and insisted on buying it. Unfortunately, Hermès had already reserved it for a socialite from Eastcliff, so it was not for sale to anyone else.

Alison was persistent and even tried to persuade Donald to help her buy the bag.

After several attempts, Donald was unsuccessful in persuading Hermès to sell it.

Later, a senior Hermès official advised Donald that the bag had been ordered by a prominent family in Eastcliff, suggesting he give up.

Upon hearing that it was ordered by a prominent family in Eastcliff, Donald immediately understood that he couldn't compete with them.

So, he spent a fortune buying a bunch of other Hermès items for his wife to make her give up on the idea of owning that bag.

Now, seeing the bag again, he almost immediately confirmed Marina's identity in his heart!

At that moment, Donald felt a sense of despair!

"This is unbelievable! Today, the Wilson family came to flatter me, claiming they wanted to deal with Elaine because of my hatred towards Charlie, so I came to watch the show."

"Who would have thought that the Wilson family would actually bring the eldest daughter of the Wade family here!"

"She's from the Wade family! Leaving aside the audacity of this useless father and son, the question is, how could such a prominent figure be captured by them? Does Marina not have any bodyguards around her?"

As he pondered, Harold handed Marina's bag over. He respectfully presented the bag to Donald, saying, "Boss Weaver, I suggest you don't believe a word this woman says. When we went to capture Elaine, this woman was in a fight with that shrew from Elaine, and she was even being beaten up by Elaine. If she were a person of status, wouldn't she have a bodyguard with her?"

Marina interjected, "I had them! I had two bodyguards and an assistant with me. I just wanted to go to the beauty salon to talk to Elaine about Charlie, but I didn't want Elaine to know my identity and then extort the Wade family, so I had the bodyguards wait at the door."

At this point, Marina said with sorrow and indignation, "But I never expected that the owner of that beauty salon was actually in cahoots with you all!"
This story is simply amazing. I can’t wait for more. I wonder what will Charlie do about his exposed identity.

"Rubbish!" Before Elaine could speak, Donald cursed at Marina, followed by a hard slap across her face, saying, "Do you think I'm a three-year-old? Don't you know Charlie is already married?"

"I know..." Marina cried, "It's because I know that I had to resort to this plan, to break up Charlie and Claire first, so that my daughter would have a chance!"

Donald sneered, "You, woman, are clearly dishonest. I can see it in your eyes, you haven't been truthful with me!"

Marina felt extremely nervous.

In reality, she didn't have strong mental resilience. She had always been arrogant not because of her mental strength but due to the prestige of the Wade family, which allowed her to act recklessly without fear of repercussions.

However, this was not Eastcliff after all.

She had underestimated Donald's hatred towards Charlie.

At this moment, Donald only wanted to teach Charlie a lesson and then find an opportunity to get rid of him as well.

Therefore, Donald was not going to reason with Marina.

If Marina couldn't convincingly prove that she wasn't Charlie's aunt, Donald would rather make a mistake and not let her go!

Hence, Marina could only choke out, "Sir, since you hate Charlie so much, you must know that Charlie grew up as an orphan in a welfare institution. How could I possibly be his aunt? If I really were his aunt, how could I have let my nephew live in a welfare institution for so many years? Don't you think so?"

Donald coldly snorted, gritted his teeth, "What's impossible about that? When my damn little nephew died, he left behind a little girl, who is my wife's niece. My wife wanted to bring her up, but I disagreed. So that little girl is still living in a welfare institution until now. Isn't that exactly like your situation?"

Marina was stunned, completely at a loss.

At this moment, Harold, who was beside her, rummaged through Marina's bag and pulled out an identification card from her wallet. He handed it to Donald with a flattering expression, saying, "Mr. Weaver, look, this woman is Marina, she's from Eastcliff!"

Donald furrowed his brows immediately.

Although the surname Wade wasn't rare, it wasn't common either, so he hadn't connected Marina with the Wade family from Eastcliff.

On the contrary, he realized that this woman also had the surname Wade, almost instantly concluding that she must be Charlie's aunt!

With this thought, he grabbed Marina by her hair, landing several hard slaps on her face, causing her mouth to bleed. He then coldly said, "You have the guts to deceive me, do you really think I'm someone who can be fooled around with?"

Marina was beaten badly, almost on the verge of collapse, crying, "Mr. Weaver, I beg you to spare me. I have no grudge against you, why do you keep tormenting me... Everyone has their own fate, if Charlie offended you, then go and kill him, don't make it hard for a woman like me, please..."

Unless absolutely necessary, Marina dared not reveal her true identity, as it might only strengthen Donald's resolve to silence her.

So, she intended to hold on till the end!

If there was truly no other way, she would resort to using her identity as a last resort.

At this moment, Donald smirked, "You say you have no grudge against me? Let me tell you, anyone related to Charlie is an enemy of mine! Both of you, one is Charlie's aunt, the other is Charlie's mother-in-law, so neither of you can escape!"

With that, he immediately ordered one of his bodyguards beside him, "Amao! Drag Charlie's aunt out for me and shoot her on the spot!"


Donald's thunderous shout sent Marina trembling in fear.

Due to extreme tension, Marina lost control and wet herself on the spot.

Bound back to back with Elaine, her urine pooled beneath her as she couldn't hold it.

Elaine suddenly felt the seat becoming damp and a foul smell in the air, making her struggle to move away while cursing, "You disgusting woman! Why did you have to wet yourself now, making a mess of me!"

Marina was completely shattered, her decades of upbringing as a wealthy young lady vanished in an instant.

Looking at Donald, she cried out, "Mr. Weaver, please don't kill me. I am the eldest daughter of the Wade family in Eastcliff, my name is Marina. If you spare me this time, I can give you a lot of money, and my father Claudius will also give you a lot of money!"

Donald was taken aback, looking at Marina in disbelief, "You say you are the eldest daughter of the Wade family in Eastcliff?!"

Marina cried, "Yes, I am! I really am!"

Donald had never heard of Marina before.

But the name Claudius, he had heard of.

After all, Claudius was the head of the Wade family and had a high reputation nationwide.

When Marina claimed to be Claudius's daughter, Donald's first thought was, "Impossible!"

He stared at Marina, coldly mocking, "Aren't you the one who just wet yourself? Take a good look at yourself, do you really look like someone from the Wade family?"

Marina, in despair, pleaded from the bottom of her heart, "Big brother, I really am from the Wade family!"

Donald sneered, "Alright, even if you are really from the Wade family, then tell me, as the eldest daughter of the Wade family, what are you doing in Aurous Hill with nothing to do?"

Marina choked out, "I-I came to find Charlie."

Donald scoffed even more, "Charlie is just a son-in-law who knows a bit about Feng Shui, don't tell me he's also from the Wade family in Eastcliff!"

Marina cried, "It's true! Charlie is really from our Wade family, he is the biological son of my second brother, and the grandson of my father."

Elaine, dumbfounded, forgot that she was already soaked in Marina's urine and blurted out, "What did you say?! You're saying Charlie is the grandson of the Wade family in Eastcliff?!"

"Yes," Marina said earnestly, "Charlie grew up in Eastcliff, but later, due to some special circumstances, he followed his parents to Aurous Hill. After his parents passed away, he was sent to an orphanage in Aurous Hill."

"Impossible!" Elaine retorted, "If Charlie is really the young master of the Wade family in Eastcliff, how could he have grown up in an orphanage? And how could he be laying bricks on a construction site as an adult, only to be picked up by my father-in-law from the site? You're telling me he's the young master of the Wade family in Eastcliff? I might as well say I'm a goddess descended from heaven!"

Donald also coldly remarked, "What you're saying is completely illogical. If Charlie really has such a prestigious background, how could he have married into such a lowly family?"

Noah touched his nose awkwardly and said, "Mr. Weaver, is it appropriate to say that?"

"Exactly, Mr. Weaver," Harold also felt indignant, "Our Wilson family in Aurous Hill is considered a decent family, with some status!"

Donald glared at him, cursing, "Your family has status? If your sister goes to kneel and fawn over that old scumbag Joaquin Wilson, does that show status? If your mother sleeps with the supervisor in a coal mine, does that show status?"

Noah blushed with embarrassment upon hearing this, wishing to disappear on the spot.

Beside him, Harold felt equally embarrassed.


Donald seems to still hold a grudge, cursing furiously, "Bloody hell, your whole family sneaked and sold the TVs from my villa, and you still have the face to tell me your family has status? Does having status mean your grandma went to Charlie's house to steal water lily dumplings? How much does it cost you to buy two pounds of leeks at the market?! Your whole family is a bunch of idiots, even giving face to your lowly actions!"

Noah and Harold were left speechless.

What Donald said was true. After the decline of the Wilson family, they indeed did many disgraceful, despicable, and ridiculous things. If each one was brought to light, it would completely tarnish the reputation of the Wilson family ancestors.

Marina felt like dying.

She was initially confessing her identity and Charlie's background to Donald, but somehow it turned into Donald berating the other two.

So, she looked at Donald with a sincere expression and said, "Brother, every word I said is true. I can swear to the heavens. Please, for the sake of being part of the Wade family, spare me!"

At this moment.

Charlie was sitting in Isaac's helicopter, speeding towards the outskirts.

The methods used by Noah and Harold were not that sophisticated. To track their movements, it wasn't difficult for Isaac and his men based on surveillance footage.

Soon, they located the van through the surveillance cameras and traced their route using traffic monitoring.

Upon learning that the other party was currently at an abandoned warehouse in the suburbs, Isaac immediately organized a large group to rescue them.

Naturally, Charlie accompanied him.

As the helicopter flew, Charlie sat in the cabin with a worried look on his face.

Seeing this, Isaac hurriedly reassured, "Young Master, we'll be there in a few minutes. Your mother-in-law and aunt should not be in any life-threatening danger."

Charlie rubbed his nose and sighed, "Noah and Harold are most likely working for Donald. I can guess how they might treat Elaine. They will probably abuse her, then lock her up in a place similar to a coal mine to suffer. So, I'm not worried about them taking Elaine's life."

Isaac nodded, "Your aunt is the eldest daughter of the Wade family. If it's indeed Donald pulling the strings, she should not dare to act recklessly if your aunt reveals her identity. So, the chances of your aunt being in danger are low."

Charlie pursed his lips, "I'm worried that my aunt will reveal her identity! If she does, it will likely expose my identity, and I don't want anyone to know about my connection to the Wade family in Eastcliff!"

Isaac asked anxiously, "What if your aunt has already revealed it?"

Charlie replied coldly, "If she has, then she will have to endure some hardship at that time!"


In the abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city at this moment.

Marina, who was initially hesitant to reveal her identity, now had no choice but to do so.

She saw that Donald still didn't believe her, so she hurriedly blurted out, "Mr. Weaver, I am indeed the eldest daughter of the Wade family in Eastcliff. As for what you mentioned about Charlie growing up in a welfare institution, I do not deny this. It is mainly because Charlie's situation is very special. His father was the renowned Drake Wade of Eastcliff. You must have heard of him, right?"

Donald's heart skipped a beat.

He thought to himself, "Drake?! He was my idol when I was young! Back then, Drake single-handedly elevated the Wade family to the top of the country, even suppressing the arrogance of the Rothschild family from Europe and America. That man was like a god in the domestic business world! It's just a pity that Drake passed away young, otherwise, his future would have been limitless."

With this in mind, he frowned and looked at Marina, asking, "You say Charlie is Drake's son?! What evidence do you have?"

Marina replied, "Don't you think they look alike? They are like two peas in a pod. Do you really need more evidence?"

Donald coldly said, "What you're saying is nonsense! I have no idea what Drake looked like!"

When Drake passed away eighteen years ago, the internet in the country was just starting to develop. Information was mostly obtained through television and newspapers.

However, families like the Wade family were not directly covered by television or newspapers. Therefore, information about these prominent families was mostly spread through word of mouth in the upper-class society.

At that time, Donald was in Suzhou and Hangzhou, so he never had the chance to see Drake in person, only hearing about his many achievements.

Therefore, he had no idea whether Charlie really resembled Drake or not.

Marina had to say, "You have seen my ID card. My name is Marina Wade, from Eastcliff. 'Wade' is my surname. I have two older brothers, Ciprian and Drake, a younger brother Finnian, and a sister named Darlene. These are all true! I am indeed from the Wade family!"

Donald furrowed his brow.

He had heard of Drake and Ciprian a long time ago.

He couldn't help but mutter to himself, "Could what this woman is saying be true?! If it is, then I might have brought a disaster upon myself! If the Wade family comes after me, the Weaver family might be ruined!"

Seeing Donald's changing expression and his obvious nervousness, Harold beside him was taken aback.

He whispered to Noah, "Dad, do you think that loser Charlie could really be from the Wade family?"

Noah frowned and replied seriously, "I don't know either. At first, it seems unlikely, but on second thought, it doesn't seem fake. Otherwise, where did this woman come from? Even if she's not Charlie's aunt, she must have some connection to him!"

Harold nodded repeatedly, "That makes sense!"

Elaine was also feeling puzzled at this moment.

Initially, she had dismissed everything Marina said, but the more Marina talked, the more it seemed real to her.

She couldn't help but think, "Oh my, could my son-in-law really be a fallen young master from a top family? If this is true, then won't I have a bright future ahead?"

Elaine suddenly felt excited.

However, shortly after, her excitement was immediately replaced by overwhelming despair.

She looked at the cunning and malicious people around her and lamented in her heart, "Oh, why is my fate so bitter? Just when my son-in-law has some potential, I get caught by these bastards. If they really send me to a dark brick kiln, what will I do? Will Charlie come to save me?"


Realizing this, Elaine suddenly became aware of how poorly she treated Charlie in the past.

Recalling her past behavior of bossing Charlie around, treating him like a servant, and even bullying and insulting him, she deeply regretted her actions.

Internally, she couldn't help but think, "What if Charlie still holds a grudge against me? What if my disappearance is exactly what he wanted, and if he never intended to let me come back, then he wouldn't come to rescue me. Does this mean I'll have to spend the rest of my life burning bricks and moving them in a dark brick kiln?"

With these thoughts, Elaine burst into tears.

At that moment, Donald looked at Marina and asked, "Since you claim to be from the Wade family, what evidence do you have to prove it?"

Marina hurriedly replied, "I have my checkbook and my personal seal in my bag, you can take a look!"

Donald turned to Harold and asked, "Where is her bag?"

Harold immediately went back to the van and took out Marina's top-notch Hermès bag.

Upon seeing the bag, Donald felt a jolt in his heart.

Elaine didn't recognize its value, but he did.

Initially, his wife Alison also attended Hermès' spring show, where this bag was the highlight.

According to Hermès' official introduction at the time, this bag was crafted by their top artisans, handmade, unique, and of extremely high value.

Alison instantly fell in love with this bag at first sight and insisted on buying it. Unfortunately, Hermès had already reserved it for a socialite from Eastcliff, so it was not for sale to anyone else.

Alison was persistent and even tried to persuade Donald to help her buy the bag.

After several attempts, Donald was unsuccessful in persuading Hermès to sell it.

Later, a senior Hermès official advised Donald that the bag had been ordered by a prominent family in Eastcliff, suggesting he give up.

Upon hearing that it was ordered by a prominent family in Eastcliff, Donald immediately understood that he couldn't compete with them.

So, he spent a fortune buying a bunch of other Hermès items for his wife to make her give up on the idea of owning that bag.

Now, seeing the bag again, he almost immediately confirmed Marina's identity in his heart!

At that moment, Donald felt a sense of despair!

"This is unbelievable! Today, the Wilson family came to flatter me, claiming they wanted to deal with Elaine because of my hatred towards Charlie, so I came to watch the show."

"Who would have thought that the Wilson family would actually bring the eldest daughter of the Wade family here!"

"She's from the Wade family! Leaving aside the audacity of this useless father and son, the question is, how could such a prominent figure be captured by them? Does Marina not have any bodyguards around her?"

As he pondered, Harold handed Marina's bag over. He respectfully presented the bag to Donald, saying, "Boss Weaver, I suggest you don't believe a word this woman says. When we went to capture Elaine, this woman was in a fight with that shrew from Elaine, and she was even being beaten up by Elaine. If she were a person of status, wouldn't she have a bodyguard with her?"

Marina interjected, "I had them! I had two bodyguards and an assistant with me. I just wanted to go to the beauty salon to talk to Elaine about Charlie, but I didn't want Elaine to know my identity and then extort the Wade family, so I had the bodyguards wait at the door."

At this point, Marina said with sorrow and indignation, "But I never expected that the owner of that beauty salon was actually in cahoots with you all!"
Finally the impotent dragons identity is out. I can't wait to see his reaction.

Donald nervously opened Marina's Hermès, revealing not just a checkbook but also Marina's personal name seal.

Name seals are not commonly used or engraved by ordinary individuals, but they are almost essential for company executives and senior management.

Many financial transactions require a personal name seal, especially for cashing cheques. Donald could clearly see that the seal was engraved with "Marina Wade's Seal."

Seeing Marina's name seal, Donald's blood pressure skyrocketed, almost causing him to lose his balance.

In that moment, he even felt like he wanted to die.

It was like sending the Wilson family father and son to catch a dog, only for them to unknowingly bring back a tiger.

What made it worse was that behind this tiger was an extremely powerful family.

Fuming inside, Donald thought to himself, "What the hell is going on! I just wanted to teach Elaine a lesson, how did Wade Family's young miss end up here? If I had known, I wouldn't have come near this mess! Now, it looks like Noah and Harold did a good deed, but the moment I arrived, Marina pinned it all on me."

Seeing Donald's complex expression, Marina, understanding that he believed in his identity, hurriedly said, "Mr. Weaver, I know you intended to target Elaine, not me. It's just a misunderstanding between us. If you release me, I won't pursue today's events, and I will facilitate cooperation between the Wade Family and the Weaver Family in the future. What do you think?"

Upon hearing this, Donald felt somewhat swayed.

Simply put, he had two choices based on today's events.

The first option was to go all out and get rid of Marina.

The second was to reconsider and maybe give Wade Family a chance to spare him.

If he chose the first option, the premise was to ensure that after dealing with Marina, he wouldn't be found by the Wade Family.

So, he gestured to Noah, his face cold as he said, "Old Wilson, come, let's have a word."

Noah hurriedly followed him.

Leading him to the warehouse entrance, Noah lowered his voice and questioned, "Did you deliberately avoid surveillance on the way here with these two women?"

"No," Noah shook his head, "After abducting them from the beauty salon, the driver navigated directly here following the planned route."

Donald's legs went weak, almost losing his balance.

Noah quickly supported him, asking, "Mr. Weaver, what's wrong with you?"

Donald pushed his hand away, angrily asking, "Did you not find a secluded spot to change vehicles on your way here?"

"Change vehicles?" Noah asked in surprise, "Mr. Weaver, I don't think it was necessary. Aren't they just two women? We could have just stuffed them in the car and brought them over, right?"

Then, Noah added, "Mr. Weaver, that woman Marina seems a bit off to me. She's good with words, almost had me convinced earlier, but upon reflection, something doesn't seem right!"


Pausing for a moment, Noah continued to talk expansively, "Boss Weaver, think about it, how could this Marina Wade, if she really is the top lady of the Eastcliff family, end up in Aurous Hill? Moreover, what she said about Charlie's background is simply unreliable! Charlie, that loser, before marrying into our family, was just a poor laborer living on construction sites, broke as hell! Let me tell you bluntly, he probably couldn't even afford toilet paper back then, how could he possibly be a young master of a wealthy family? Which wealthy family would bear to let their own child suffer outside for so many years?"

Donald remained expressionless, ignoring his words.

Although Noah's words sounded somewhat reasonable at first, they lacked any real evidence.

However, Donald had just seen Marina's chequebook and signature with his own eyes.

The chequebook was genuine, and the signature was definitely not forged.

Coupled with her limited edition Hermes bag, it was almost certain that she was indeed Marina.

The current dilemma troubling Donald was what to do with Marina.

He didn't believe a word Marina said. He understood the mentality of these upper-class people very well.

While he could say they could let bygones be bygones, granting her freedom would probably lead to her trying to hunt him for vengance.

However, if they were to kill her now, it would be too risky.

Because Noah and Harold had been far from cautious in handling this matter. They had brought her here directly after abducting her, without even changing vehicles. By closely monitoring the road surveillance, it would be easy to track the route of the car.

It was very likely that they would be traced back here soon!

Thinking about this, Donald felt his scalp tighten with nervousness.

Then, he thought to himself, "Since we can't kill Marina, we must find a way to salvage the situation!"

Making up his mind, he immediately said to Noah, "Let's go, follow me inside."

Noah nodded quickly and followed him eagerly back into the warehouse.

As soon as Donald entered the warehouse, he walked briskly towards Marina. Before reaching her, he felt extremely ashamed and said, "Oh, Miss Wade, today's events were truly a misunderstanding. Noah and Harold, this father and son, wanted to teach a lesson to Charlie's mother-in-law, Elaine, the shrew behind you. They didn't expect those two bastards to actually bring you here. I'm truly sorry!"

Upon hearing this, Marina breathed a sigh of relief.

At that moment, she was so excited internally that she almost wanted to cry out loud!

Harold, who was standing beside them, heard this and asked in surprise, "Boss Weaver, what drama are you playing now?"

"What drama?" Donald grabbed Harold by the collar, slapped him hard across the face, and scolded, "Do you still have the face to speak? This whole thing started because of you two! If it weren't for you two messing with Elaine, Miss Wade wouldn't have been involved!"

After the slap, Donald sternly scolded, "Luckily, I came to check today. If I hadn't come to check, and if you had done anything inappropriate to Miss Wade, I would have killed you two bastards without any hesitation!"

Harold looked puzzled and said, "Boss Weaver, what do you mean? We abducted Elaine all for your sake!"

"For my sake?!" Donald angrily retorted, "Stop talking rubbish! What does that have to do with me!"

Then, he furiously instructed the bodyguards beside him, "Get over here, break this bastard's two arms for me!"


Harold was devastated after hearing these words!

He saw Donald's bodyguards stepping towards him, causing him to retreat in fear while nervously shouting, "Boss Weaver, what are you doing! We are all here for you. Even if you don't appreciate it, why do you want to disable my arms?"

Donald exploded in anger, cursing, "If you dare to say it's for me again, I'll break your legs too!"

Terrified, Harold hadn't run far before several burly bodyguards pinned him to the ground.

Donald's bodyguards were not to be trifled with, following their boss's orders without hesitation.

Therefore, as soon as Harold was pinned down, someone picked up a brick from the ground and smashed it fiercely onto his shoulder.

With a painful cry, before he could finish, the other shoulder also throbbed with agony, almost causing him to faint.

Seeing his own son in such a pitiful state, Noah hurriedly pleaded, "Boss Weaver, my son was just trying to help, even if he did wrong, you don't have to treat him like this."

Through gritted teeth, Donald cursed, "Both of you are full of nonsense! Someone, disable his arms too!"

At this moment, Donald knew this matter couldn't be hidden, so he had to fully support Marina.

He was determined to prove his innocence to Marina.

Therefore, when Noah dared to say they were acting out of goodwill, wasn't he just shifting the blame onto himself?

If that's the case, then he shouldn't blame himself for being ruthless!

Disabling them would be a declaration of loyalty to Marina.

If Marina could vent her anger, his troubles would be greatly reduced.

Noah could never have imagined that this damn Donald not only turned on him in an instant but also disabled his son, and then aimed to disable him too!

Watching his son rolling on the ground in agony, his first thought was to escape quickly.

However, being an old man, he was no match for Donald's sturdy middle-aged bodyguards.

So, he was immediately pinned to the ground after a few steps.

Subsequently, with the same brick, Noah was also pounded twice, resembling a pig waiting to be slaughtered, thrown beside his son, and the cries of father and son echoed throughout the warehouse.

The cries were so loud that even the helicopter approaching from a distance couldn't drown them out.

This blood-soaked father and son, both covered in blood, presented a gruesome sight.

Seeing the father and son both disabled, Donald obsequiously approached Marina and said, "Ms. Wade, I have disciplined these two beasts. I hope you're not angry."

Marina breathed a sigh of relief but couldn't help complaining, "You should untie me first!"

"Oh, yes, yes!" Donald hurried to untie the ropes from Marina.

As soon as Marina regained her freedom, she immediately jumped up from the ground, disregarding the urine all over her, and her first thought was to grab Elaine's hair and rain down a series of punches on her face!


"Wanker, you hit me! You dare hit me! You bloody country bumpkin, daring to hit even me, you've really lost it!"

Elaine was still tied up, so she had no resistance at all and could only endure Marina's crazed onslaught on her face and head.

In the midst of being beaten, Elaine howled and begged, "Oh please, sister, please stop hitting me, can't I admit my mistake?"

"Admit your mistake?" Marina was even more furious upon hearing this, continuing to pound Elaine relentlessly, shouting angrily, "You've caused me to end up like this, and all you have to say is that you admit your mistake?! Today, I not only want to hit you, but I also want your life!"

Terrified, Elaine stammered, "Have mercy, sister! Don't forget, you are Charlie's aunt, I am Charlie's mother-in-law, we are relatives! How can you be so ruthless to relatives! If my son-in-law turns against you because of this, you won't be able to face it!"

Marina coldly snorted, "Bullshit! How could I be related to a poor wretch like you! If Charlie dares to bring your family back to the Wade family, I won't spare him either!"

Hearing this, Donald perked up and eagerly said, "Miss Wade, just say the word, and I'll have this bitch slaughtered!"

Panicked, Elaine looked at Marina, pleading, "Sister, please spare my life. At most, you can beat me up like Noah and Harold, that should be enough, right?"

Marina also wished to see Elaine suffer.

However, she suddenly remembered the instructions given by the old man, feeling a bit hesitant.

She knew that if she let Donald kill Elaine, Charlie might not forgive her.

In that case, if Charlie developed resentment towards the Wade family, the old man would definitely blame her for not handling things properly.

With this in mind, she abandoned the idea of killing Elaine, stared at her intently, and gritted her teeth, "Stop the nonsense! Today, I can spare your life for Charlie's sake, but you can't escape punishment!"

After speaking, she turned to Donald and ordered sternly, "Break her hands and legs for me!"

Upon hearing this, Donald assured, "Miss Wade, leave it to me!"

He immediately commanded his men, "Come, break her hands and legs!"

As the words fell, several men rushed forward.

Elaine was terrified and cried uncontrollably, but she was held down, and without a word, a brick was raised and smashed down on her right knee.

In that moment, Elaine was in excruciating pain, almost passing out on the spot.

Her right knee had been broken by Madam Wilson in the detention center, and after being in a cast for a while, it had just been removed and started to recover. Now, it was shattered again, the unbearable pain making her wish for death.

Elaine wailed in agony, "Please spare me, my leg has been broken once, and now it's broken again, are you trying to kill me?"

Donald scolded harshly, "Stop the nonsense. Miss Wade wants to break both your hands and legs!"

In a frenzy, Elaine shouted, "Then just kill me! If you kill me, I'll be free, I won't have to endure this suffering anymore!"

Disgusted, Donald cursed, "Such a foul-mouthed woman! All of you, finish her off quickly!"

As the person with the brick prepared to target Elaine's other leg, the warehouse door was suddenly kicked open, and a dozen armed men swiftly entered, pointing their guns at the people inside.

The leader of the group, holding a gun, coldly stated, "No one is to move. In my line of sight, if anyone dares to move, beware that my bullets have no eyes!"


A group of armed men in black suddenly rushed in, leaving everyone stunned.

Nervously, Donald questioned, "Who are you people?!"

The leader, wearing a black mask, coldly declared, "We are Interpol! Tasked with investigating a major international fraud case!"

The speaker was none other than Orvel, the most loyal subordinate of Charlie Wade.

At that moment, Charlie was still in the helicopter outside, choosing not to intervene directly in today's events to avoid having to explain to his mother-in-law, Elaine.

Donald was utterly puzzled by the mention of Interpol and international fraud investigation. What did it have to do with him?

He had only kidnapped Elaine and Marina!

Elaine felt like she had been struck by lightning, recalling the dreadful experience of being sent to prison for stealing Charlie's bank card.

However, after a moment, she regained her composure and cried out for help, "Interpol comrades, help me! These people kidnapped me and they want to kill me!"

The lead man in black approached her, checked her injuries, and ordered his men, "Protect the injured!"

"Yes!" Several men in black responded in unison, quickly moving to drag Elaine, who had a broken leg, to safety.

Seeing Elaine being protected by armed men, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and burst into tears.

Donald, seeing Elaine being taken care of, became anxious!

Elaine was the guarantee he had given to Marina. If she was being protected by Interpol, how could he satisfy Marina?!

He immediately questioned, "Hey! Have you got the wrong person? There are no suspects of international fraud here! Release that woman now!"

Orvel walked up to him, kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying, then pointed a gun at his head, coldly saying, "What? Are you trying to tell me what to do?!"

Feeling the cold barrel against his head, Donald was terrified and quickly raised his hands, "I-I just wanted to confirm..."

Orvel sneered, "Enough talk. Keep it up, and we'll take you back to our headquarters in Vienna for questioning!"

At that moment, Marina, looking somewhat disheveled, approached Orvel and said, "Interpol, right? I know the head of your Vienna headquarters. I don't care why you're here, but I demand to be taken to the hospital first, then protected until my family takes over!"

Without a word, Orvel slapped her hard across the face!

Before Marina could question him, Orvel sternly said, "Deborah Holiday, we've been investigating you for a long time! It was you who created fake Citibank black cards, deceiving people nationwide. Elaine was arrested for bank fraud because of your cards. You, under the alias Marina Wade, have been scamming people worldwide. We have all the evidence! How dare you try to argue here?!"

Marina was left dumbfounded by his words.

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