"Dragon Son-in-law" a.k.a. Millionaire Son-in-law, Charlie Wade Story. Translated by Junlee (aka Jungal2000)

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Charlie Wade is a househusband son-in-law whom everyone looks down upon. However, unknown to them, his true identity is that of the young master from a top-tier family. Those who once belittled him will eventually kneel before him, trembling with fear and calling him "Master!" ...

The MC is Charlie Wade, and there's this girl Claire Wilson. They're in this savage clapback novel called "Ultimate Dragon Honcho", penned by this dude Ye Gongzi. Everyone knew Charlie Wade was the son-in-law of the Wilson family. Like, Grandpa Wilson legit pulled this broke boy outta nowhere and made him marry his grand daughter/princess, Claire. But bro's got no skills, no dough 💸, and Claire had to deal with so much BS 'cause of him. He even had the nerve to ask for money during Grandma Wilson's big party, making Claire hella embarrassed 😳. They kicked Charlie Wade out, but then plot twist! 🌀 Some butler dude shows up. Turns out, Charlie Wade's actually from the uber-rich Wade clan. The butler's like, "Come home, fam." But since his parents were, like, done dirty by the Wade fam, he's like "Nah." But he did take his grandpa’s black card loaded with 10 billion. 💳💰 #MicDrop

Author: Charlie Wade
Category: Urban Fiction
Status: Ongoing
Last Updated: October 18, 2023
Last edited:


Martial Arts Master
Oct 8, 2023
You could go read the Bilble or Quran. There is Hindu, Buddha and many other books on insight of the spiritual world

Now Charlie summoned lightning 🌩 and you find it interesting. When Jesus walked on water you find it un interesting. Could you walk on water? The Man fed 5000 people just using five fish and two loaves of bread 🍞

Prophet Muhammad’s on other hand, he had split the moon into two. Unlike Charlie or Jesus who didn't marry at all. He had handful of women at his feet. Did you know the prophet split the moon into two? Do you know that Quran promises us on 72 virgins ? Once the time for prayer approached but the companions could not find any water to perform ablution and this matter came to the knowledge of the Prophet. The Prophet asked for a bowl and put his hand in the bowl and the water began to squirt out of his fingers and the water sufficed for the companions to perform ablution

I haven't had time to get to Hinduism and Buddhism books since I am stuck into the two Holy Books😀 .

Do you require more suggestions?
Then I would suggest you try reading Gita(hindu text) once


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Prophet Muhammed had no such miracles

أن أهل مكة سألوا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أن يريهم آية فأراهم القمر شقتين حتى رأوا حراء بينهما

The people of Mecca requested Prophet ﷺ to show them a miracle, and so he showed them the moon split in two halves between which they saw the Hira’ mountain.

Narrated in Saheeh Al-Bukhari, #3637, and Saheeh Muslim, #2802


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Prophet Muhammed had no such miracles
Another miracle was the flowing of water through Muhammad’s fingers when his companions got thirsty and had no water except a little in a vessel. They came to him and told him that they had no water to make ablution nor to drink except for what was in the vessel. So, Muhammad put his hand in the vessel, and the water started gushing out between his fingers. So, they drank and made ablution. They were one thousand five hundred companions

Narrated in Saheeh Al-Bukhari, #3576, and Saheeh Muslim, #1856


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Then I would suggest you try reading Gita(hindu text) once
Yes. I will get to read that, it's on my planning. I want to reach Enlightenment. I see my self being a spiritual master in my later years. I need all these knowledges.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023

With a serious tone, Charlie warned, "Today's matter ends here. If I find out you're up to no good behind my back, don't blame me for not being polite to you!"

Marina stared at Charlie, wanting to say something to save face, but couldn't bring herself to speak.

She noticed that Charlie's personality was strikingly similar to his father, her second brother Drake.

Why was Drake so famous back then?

He appeared to be a scholarly and delicate man, yet he could stand firm in the face of adversity.

Whatever he set out to do, there was never a notion of giving up or failing.

Even if the whole world stood in his way, he would carve out a path with determination.

Hence, in the upper echelons of Eastcliff's society, there was a saying that circulated: "The Wade family produces dragons!"

Mentioning Drake, even his opponents would secretly admire him.

At that time, he was the most dazzling star of the Wade family.

Now, Marina discovered a hint of that same momentum in Charlie that she saw in her second brother.

So, at that moment, she felt a sense of awe towards Charlie deep in her heart.

It was also at that moment that she realized she couldn't afford to offend this nephew whom she hadn't seen in years, as she wondered if he would truly turn against his own family.

Therefore, she had to swallow her pride and reluctantly said, "Charlie, I'll listen to you regarding today's matter. I won't pursue your mother-in-law or Donald."

Almost pleadingly, she continued, "But, you can't continue to protect the father and son who kidnapped me, can you? Auntie has suffered so much today, you have to give me an explanation."

After saying this, Marina thought about the series of tragic events she had faced today, her nose tingling as tears welled up.

She had truly had a miserable day.

She had intended to show off to Elaine and perhaps bribe her, but unexpectedly, Elaine had turned the tables on her.

Then she was captured by Harold and Noah, and their men;

followed by Donald coming in, beating her up and almost shooting her, causing her to wet herself.

She had never experienced such hardships in her life, but today she had tasted the bitterness of the world.

What's more infuriating was that she had never had a conflict with Elaine before, yet she was ruthlessly beaten by her. She had wanted to retaliate but couldn't because Elaine was Charlie's mother-in-law.

Now, Donald had offered up most of his family's wealth and was willing to be Charlie's lackey.

With that, only the Wilson father and son remained as targets for revenge.

Upon hearing this, Charlie furrowed his brows and asked Orvel, "What's the situation with Noah and Harold now?"

Orvel replied, "Those two had their arms and legs smashed by Donald's men, rendering them disabled. How to deal with them next will be up to you, Master Wade!"


There is no doubt that Charlie has no good feelings towards the father and son, Noah and Harold.

However, upon hearing that they have already had their limbs broken, Charlie's anger subsided significantly.

No one understands the Wilson family better than him.

Although each of them is repulsive in appearance, they cannot be considered irredeemable villains.

A considerable part of the reason why Zoraida set up a trap for Elaine was that Elaine encountered Zoraida and Noah when playing cards at a friend's house. The two ridiculed Elaine, leading to Zoraida losing her composure and deciding to trick Elaine out of her money.

Now that Noah and Harold have kidnapped Elaine with the intention of sending her to a dark brick kiln, it is also to avenge Zoraida being sent to a coal kiln by Charlie previously. To be honest, Elaine is to some extent protecting herself.

Ultimately, the Wilson family members are truly bad, but it is not yet necessary to eliminate them.

Moreover, Charlie really doesn't like his troublemaking and arrogant aunt. Allowing her to vent her frustration by killing Noah and Harold would be doing her a favour. Instead, letting her bottle up that anger may serve as a lesson to her unpleasant personality.

So, Charlie spoke up: "Noah and Harold are my wife's close uncle and cousin, as well as my father-in-law's brother and nephew. If you kill them, with such a major funeral, how can our family celebrate the New Year?"

Marina anxiously suggested: "Then can we wait until after the New Year to deal with them?"

Charlie waved his hand: "My wife is soft-hearted. If they really die, my wife will be devastated. It's better to let them live."

Feeling restless, Marina blurted out: "They've ruined me, you have to let me retaliate!"

Charlie frowned: "How would you retaliate? They can't move with their limbs disabled. They'll be stuck in bed for months. Can't you find satisfaction in that?"

Unable to let go of her resentment, Marina exclaimed in frustration: "Without killing them, I can't release this pent-up anger!"

Angrily, Charlie retorted: "If you can't release it, then keep it bottled up!"

This rebuke shook Marina to the core!

Charlie glared at her sternly and asked coldly: "You initiated this trouble yourself, always trying to harm others. Who taught you these bad habits?"

Marina looked bitter and choked up: "I've never suffered such a big loss in all my life."

Charlie coldly remarked: "Well, consider this a lesson, and it's just the beginning. With your attitude, you will face many more losses in the future if you don't change."

Growing impatient, Charlie waved his hand: "I don't want to waste more words on you. In short, this matter ends here today. I will not allow you to spread it any further in any direction. Otherwise, you'll have to answer to me! Got it?"

Seeing Charlie's serious expression, Marina couldn't help but feel uneasy.

She realized that she might not be able to salvage the situation after today.

Otherwise, with Charlie's personality, he would never let her off the hook.

So, she could only dejectedly say: "Okay, I understand."

Charlie nodded, then instructed Orvel: "Orvel, quickly arrange a self-built house in the city village for my aunt who has come from afar. Keep her under surveillance 24/7, forbid her from stepping out for the next seven days. After a week, directly escort her to the airport and send her back!"

Orvel immediately agreed: "Master Wade, rest assured, Orvel will take care of it!"


Charlie looked at Donald again, "From now on, report everything to Orvel, no funny business, got it?"

Donald hurriedly nodded, "Master Wade, rest assured, starting today, I will strictly follow your and Master Orvel's orders."

Charlie continued, "By the way, the villa at Thomson Elite A06, did you buy it?"

Embarrassed, Donald replied, "Yes, I bought it."

Charlie asked him, "Did you buy the villa for the Wilson family to stay in just to spite me?"

"Yes," Donald nervously admitted, "Master Wade, I was wrong. I will take back the villa and kick the Wilson family out!"

"Stop!" Charlie waved his hand, "Kicking them out is too easy. Instead, shut down all business of the Wilson Group, withdraw all investments you made with them. I want them to go back to their previous state of living in Thomson Elite A06 but actually owning nothing."

Without hesitation, Donald promised, "Alright, Master Wade, I will arrange it today!"

Charlie nodded in satisfaction, "Okay, Orvel, take care of my aunt, Donald, handle the Wilson Group's affairs. As for Noah and Harold, don't send them to the relevant departments, take them straight to the hospital."

Both men quickly agreed respectfully.

Marina, on the side, looked extremely displeased.

Despite her feelings, she dared not show any resistance now.

So, reluctantly, she said, "Charlie, since Auntie is injured and lost two teeth, could you arrange for me to go to the hospital too?"

Charlie nodded, "Going to the hospital is fine, but don't try anything funny. Otherwise, it won't be as simple as letting you live in Aurous Hill for a week; you might end up spending a year or more there."

Upon hearing this, Marina shuddered involuntarily.

Charlie had her confined in a village in the city, which was essentially house arrest with terrible conditions. A day there was unbearable, a week was almost unbearable, and a year would be worse than death.

So, she obediently said, "Don't worry, since Auntie said she would obey your orders, I won't do anything else."

Charlie acknowledged with a grunt and instructed Orvel, "Arrange for my aunt to go to the hospital first. As for her teeth, don't have them fixed in Aurous Hill; let her get them fixed in Eastcliff."

Orvel immediately agreed, "Sure thing, Master Wade!"

Following that, Orvel had Marina and Donald taken away in separate vehicles, and he also had people prepare to carry out Noah and Harold, who had lost their limbs, from the warehouse.

At this moment, the father and son lay on the cold cement floor, completely broken. They had cried for half a day in the warehouse, almost running out of tears.

Harold was feeling extremely frustrated, thinking to himself, "I wanted to teach Elaine a lesson and please Donald, but I never expected that the woman they brought with Elaine turned out to be an international scammer!"

"And this scammer is so good at fabricating stories, she even made up a fake identity as a wealthy young master for Charlie, and both Dad and I believed it!"

"Even Donald fell for that woman's lies!"

"Donald, you old dog, fine if you believed her, but there was no need to cripple us just to please him. We were both serving you, you shouldn't have treated us like this! What kind of mess is this!"


In Harold's heart, regret had long turned his guts green.

Being crippled by Donald's men wasn't the worst part; after all, injuries could heal in just a few months.

The worst was when the Interpol officers who arrived said they would hand them over to the local authorities. If they were really transferred, the father and son duo wouldn't escape the kidnapping charges.

That charge was serious! Sentencing started at ten years!

The thought of possibly spending a decade in jail already had Harold emotionally shattered.

As he was carried out by Orvel's men, Harold choked back sobs, "May I ask, dear Interpol comrades, are you really going to send us to prison? We were both acting under orders, the real mastermind is Donald Waever."

Noah also wept, "Although we made mistakes, we've already paid a painful price. Can you please spare us, give us a chance at life?"

Struggling, Harold turned to his tearful father, crying out, "Dad, I don't want to go to jail, Dad."

With tears streaming down his face, Noah choked out, "Blame everything on me when the time comes, say it was all my idea, that you knew nothing, try to get a lighter sentence from the judge."

Upon hearing this, Harold burst into loud sobs.

The father and son wailed and pleaded, causing a scene that was becoming too much.

Orvel walked over, coldly telling them, "Stop bloody crying! Keep it up and I'll really send you to prison!"

Harold, in disbelief, asked, "Comrades from Interpol, does this mean you're not sending us to jail?"

Orvel coldly replied, "Consider yourselves lucky this time. We must keep the capture of Deborah Holiday strictly confidential, so we can't let other departments know about it for now. Therefore, we won't report today's kidnapping of Elaine and Deborah Holiday to the local authorities!"

"Really?!" Harold, upon hearing this, trembled with excitement.

However, the excitement triggered intense pain in his limbs, causing him to wail even louder.

Despite his outward cries of pain, Harold's heart was ecstatic.

At this moment, in the Thomson Elite villa.

Madam Wilson lay on the sofa in Villa A06, checking the time and asking Wendy, seated beside her, "Why haven't your father and brother sorted things out yet? It's been so long without any news."

Wendy replied, "They might be too busy, after all, there's a lot to do. Not only do they have to deal with Elaine, but they also have to film videos and deliver them to the brick factory. They probably won't finish until late at night."

Nodding slightly, Madam Wilson smirked mischievously, "This Elaine, she's really been flying high lately, always floating in the clouds, a bit out of touch with reality. It's time she experiences some grassroots suffering!"

Wendy chuckled, "That's right, Grandma. I've despised that vile woman Elaine for a long time, especially with her recent arrogance. I wish I could break her leg again!"

She reminisced, "It was quite entertaining when she was in prison, that rough and tough Verity, she wanted to slap the crap out of Elaine so bad. During that time, Elaine was truly miserable, just thinking about it excites me!"

Madam Wilson nodded in agreement, gleefully saying, "Oh yes! Verity, that rural woman, indeed had the strength of two men. That woman, strong as an ox, dealing with someone like Elaine, she could take on three of her and still have energy to spare!"


Wendy sighed beside, "It's a pity, Elaine will soon be sent to the brick kiln to make bricks, and Verity hasn't come out yet. After she comes out, she may never see Elaine again in this lifetime."

"Isn't that the truth!" the old lady also lamented, "But it doesn't matter. When Elaine arrives at the brick kiln, there's plenty of hardship waiting for her that she can't finish!"

At that moment, in the Aurous Hill Women's Prison.

Verity, who was out for fresh air, suddenly sneezed.

Several attendants hurried over, asking politely, "Verity, what's wrong? Are you catching a cold?"

Verity rubbed her nose, "I don't know, maybe someone's thinking about me."

The person next to her chuckled, "As prisoners without any relatives or friends, who would think of us!"

"That's true," another person chimed in, "It's almost Chinese New Year, and no one in my family has come to see me. It really leaves me feeling lonely!"

After speaking, she looked at Verity and asked, "Verity, how much longer do you have until you are released?"

Verity pursed her lips, "Oh, still five or six months!"

"That's almost here, I have eight more months."

"I have four more months."

"Oh, this year we can't spend New Year at home, but next year should be fine!"

Verity sighed, "My mum passed away, my husband ran away with another woman, my younger brother and his family are unreliable, I don't have any family left in this world."

Thinking of this, Verity's eyes welled up with tears, choking up, "Oh! The New Year is approaching, and I couldn't even burn some paper money for my mother. I don't know how she's doing over there, if she has enough money, and it's getting cold, I don't know if she and my dad have enough for the New Year."

"Verity, stop thinking about this. When you get out, there will be plenty of opportunities to burn paper for your parents!"

Verity nodded gently and couldn't help but sigh, "Honestly, I still miss that Madam Wilson. Seeing her being bullied reminds me of when my mum was alive and being mistreated by my sister-in-law. This feeling, it's like a sharp pain in my heart."

After that, she asked the others, "How do you think Madam Wilson is doing now? When she came in, she didn't even have a place to sleep. How is she living now? Could she still be wandering the streets?"

As they were speaking, a prison guard suddenly approached them and said, "Verity Baxter, Liya Maine, Jill Montez, pack up, you're getting released!"

The three of them were stunned!

Verity asked in surprise, "Getting released?! It's not time yet, is it?"

The guard said, "Someone has arranged for you to be released on bail, you can leave today!"

"What?!" Verity exclaimed in disbelief, "I don't know anyone, who would arrange bail for me?"

The guard replied casually, "It was your old acquaintance, Madam Wilson, who arranged it for you. She has paid a hefty sum as a surety for the three of you!"

Verity was even more stunned and speechless. She thought for a long time with wide eyes before incredulously asking, "Madam Wilson?! Isn't she in a tough spot? Where did she get the money to arrange bail for us?!"

The guard chuckled, "Now Madam Wilson is quite powerful. The family business is said to have revived miraculously, and they've even moved into a luxurious villa in Thomson Elite. It seems she bailed you out to have a good life at Thomson Elite!"


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023

With a serious tone, Charlie warned, "Today's matter ends here. If I find out you're up to no good behind my back, don't blame me for not being polite to you!"

Marina stared at Charlie, wanting to say something to save face, but couldn't bring herself to speak.

She noticed that Charlie's personality was strikingly similar to his father, her second brother Drake.

Why was Drake so famous back then?

He appeared to be a scholarly and delicate man, yet he could stand firm in the face of adversity.

Whatever he set out to do, there was never a notion of giving up or failing.

Even if the whole world stood in his way, he would carve out a path with determination.

Hence, in the upper echelons of Eastcliff's society, there was a saying that circulated: "The Wade family produces dragons!"

Mentioning Drake, even his opponents would secretly admire him.

At that time, he was the most dazzling star of the Wade family.

Now, Marina discovered a hint of that same momentum in Charlie that she saw in her second brother.

So, at that moment, she felt a sense of awe towards Charlie deep in her heart.

It was also at that moment that she realized she couldn't afford to offend this nephew whom she hadn't seen in years, as she wondered if he would truly turn against his own family.

Therefore, she had to swallow her pride and reluctantly said, "Charlie, I'll listen to you regarding today's matter. I won't pursue your mother-in-law or Donald."

Almost pleadingly, she continued, "But, you can't continue to protect the father and son who kidnapped me, can you? Auntie has suffered so much today, you have to give me an explanation."

After saying this, Marina thought about the series of tragic events she had faced today, her nose tingling as tears welled up.

She had truly had a miserable day.

She had intended to show off to Elaine and perhaps bribe her, but unexpectedly, Elaine had turned the tables on her.

Then she was captured by Harold and Noah, and their men;

followed by Donald coming in, beating her up and almost shooting her, causing her to wet herself.

She had never experienced such hardships in her life, but today she had tasted the bitterness of the world.

What's more infuriating was that she had never had a conflict with Elaine before, yet she was ruthlessly beaten by her. She had wanted to retaliate but couldn't because Elaine was Charlie's mother-in-law.

Now, Donald had offered up most of his family's wealth and was willing to be Charlie's lackey.

With that, only the Wilson father and son remained as targets for revenge.

Upon hearing this, Charlie furrowed his brows and asked Orvel, "What's the situation with Noah and Harold now?"

Orvel replied, "Those two had their arms and legs smashed by Donald's men, rendering them disabled. How to deal with them next will be up to you, Master Wade!"


There is no doubt that Charlie has no good feelings towards the father and son, Noah and Harold.

However, upon hearing that they have already had their limbs broken, Charlie's anger subsided significantly.

No one understands the Wilson family better than him.

Although each of them is repulsive in appearance, they cannot be considered irredeemable villains.

A considerable part of the reason why Zoraida set up a trap for Elaine was that Elaine encountered Zoraida and Noah when playing cards at a friend's house. The two ridiculed Elaine, leading to Zoraida losing her composure and deciding to trick Elaine out of her money.

Now that Noah and Harold have kidnapped Elaine with the intention of sending her to a dark brick kiln, it is also to avenge Zoraida being sent to a coal kiln by Charlie previously. To be honest, Elaine is to some extent protecting herself.

Ultimately, the Wilson family members are truly bad, but it is not yet necessary to eliminate them.

Moreover, Charlie really doesn't like his troublemaking and arrogant aunt. Allowing her to vent her frustration by killing Noah and Harold would be doing her a favour. Instead, letting her bottle up that anger may serve as a lesson to her unpleasant personality.

So, Charlie spoke up: "Noah and Harold are my wife's close uncle and cousin, as well as my father-in-law's brother and nephew. If you kill them, with such a major funeral, how can our family celebrate the New Year?"

Marina anxiously suggested: "Then can we wait until after the New Year to deal with them?"

Charlie waved his hand: "My wife is soft-hearted. If they really die, my wife will be devastated. It's better to let them live."

Feeling restless, Marina blurted out: "They've ruined me, you have to let me retaliate!"

Charlie frowned: "How would you retaliate? They can't move with their limbs disabled. They'll be stuck in bed for months. Can't you find satisfaction in that?"

Unable to let go of her resentment, Marina exclaimed in frustration: "Without killing them, I can't release this pent-up anger!"

Angrily, Charlie retorted: "If you can't release it, then keep it bottled up!"

This rebuke shook Marina to the core!

Charlie glared at her sternly and asked coldly: "You initiated this trouble yourself, always trying to harm others. Who taught you these bad habits?"

Marina looked bitter and choked up: "I've never suffered such a big loss in all my life."

Charlie coldly remarked: "Well, consider this a lesson, and it's just the beginning. With your attitude, you will face many more losses in the future if you don't change."

Growing impatient, Charlie waved his hand: "I don't want to waste more words on you. In short, this matter ends here today. I will not allow you to spread it any further in any direction. Otherwise, you'll have to answer to me! Got it?"

Seeing Charlie's serious expression, Marina couldn't help but feel uneasy.

She realized that she might not be able to salvage the situation after today.

Otherwise, with Charlie's personality, he would never let her off the hook.

So, she could only dejectedly say: "Okay, I understand."

Charlie nodded, then instructed Orvel: "Orvel, quickly arrange a self-built house in the city village for my aunt who has come from afar. Keep her under surveillance 24/7, forbid her from stepping out for the next seven days. After a week, directly escort her to the airport and send her back!"

Orvel immediately agreed: "Master Wade, rest assured, Orvel will take care of it!"


Charlie looked at Donald again, "From now on, report everything to Orvel, no funny business, got it?"

Donald hurriedly nodded, "Master Wade, rest assured, starting today, I will strictly follow your and Master Orvel's orders."

Charlie continued, "By the way, the villa at Thomson Elite A06, did you buy it?"

Embarrassed, Donald replied, "Yes, I bought it."

Charlie asked him, "Did you buy the villa for the Wilson family to stay in just to spite me?"

"Yes," Donald nervously admitted, "Master Wade, I was wrong. I will take back the villa and kick the Wilson family out!"

"Stop!" Charlie waved his hand, "Kicking them out is too easy. Instead, shut down all business of the Wilson Group, withdraw all investments you made with them. I want them to go back to their previous state of living in Thomson Elite A06 but actually owning nothing."

Without hesitation, Donald promised, "Alright, Master Wade, I will arrange it today!"

Charlie nodded in satisfaction, "Okay, Orvel, take care of my aunt, Donald, handle the Wilson Group's affairs. As for Noah and Harold, don't send them to the relevant departments, take them straight to the hospital."

Both men quickly agreed respectfully.

Marina, on the side, looked extremely displeased.

Despite her feelings, she dared not show any resistance now.

So, reluctantly, she said, "Charlie, since Auntie is injured and lost two teeth, could you arrange for me to go to the hospital too?"

Charlie nodded, "Going to the hospital is fine, but don't try anything funny. Otherwise, it won't be as simple as letting you live in Aurous Hill for a week; you might end up spending a year or more there."

Upon hearing this, Marina shuddered involuntarily.

Charlie had her confined in a village in the city, which was essentially house arrest with terrible conditions. A day there was unbearable, a week was almost unbearable, and a year would be worse than death.

So, she obediently said, "Don't worry, since Auntie said she would obey your orders, I won't do anything else."

Charlie acknowledged with a grunt and instructed Orvel, "Arrange for my aunt to go to the hospital first. As for her teeth, don't have them fixed in Aurous Hill; let her get them fixed in Eastcliff."

Orvel immediately agreed, "Sure thing, Master Wade!"

Following that, Orvel had Marina and Donald taken away in separate vehicles, and he also had people prepare to carry out Noah and Harold, who had lost their limbs, from the warehouse.

At this moment, the father and son lay on the cold cement floor, completely broken. They had cried for half a day in the warehouse, almost running out of tears.

Harold was feeling extremely frustrated, thinking to himself, "I wanted to teach Elaine a lesson and please Donald, but I never expected that the woman they brought with Elaine turned out to be an international scammer!"

"And this scammer is so good at fabricating stories, she even made up a fake identity as a wealthy young master for Charlie, and both Dad and I believed it!"

"Even Donald fell for that woman's lies!"

"Donald, you old dog, fine if you believed her, but there was no need to cripple us just to please him. We were both serving you, you shouldn't have treated us like this! What kind of mess is this!"


In Harold's heart, regret had long turned his guts green.

Being crippled by Donald's men wasn't the worst part; after all, injuries could heal in just a few months.

The worst was when the Interpol officers who arrived said they would hand them over to the local authorities. If they were really transferred, the father and son duo wouldn't escape the kidnapping charges.

That charge was serious! Sentencing started at ten years!

The thought of possibly spending a decade in jail already had Harold emotionally shattered.

As he was carried out by Orvel's men, Harold choked back sobs, "May I ask, dear Interpol comrades, are you really going to send us to prison? We were both acting under orders, the real mastermind is Donald Waever."

Noah also wept, "Although we made mistakes, we've already paid a painful price. Can you please spare us, give us a chance at life?"

Struggling, Harold turned to his tearful father, crying out, "Dad, I don't want to go to jail, Dad."

With tears streaming down his face, Noah choked out, "Blame everything on me when the time comes, say it was all my idea, that you knew nothing, try to get a lighter sentence from the judge."

Upon hearing this, Harold burst into loud sobs.

The father and son wailed and pleaded, causing a scene that was becoming too much.

Orvel walked over, coldly telling them, "Stop bloody crying! Keep it up and I'll really send you to prison!"

Harold, in disbelief, asked, "Comrades from Interpol, does this mean you're not sending us to jail?"

Orvel coldly replied, "Consider yourselves lucky this time. We must keep the capture of Deborah Holiday strictly confidential, so we can't let other departments know about it for now. Therefore, we won't report today's kidnapping of Elaine and Deborah Holiday to the local authorities!"

"Really?!" Harold, upon hearing this, trembled with excitement.

However, the excitement triggered intense pain in his limbs, causing him to wail even louder.

Despite his outward cries of pain, Harold's heart was ecstatic.

At this moment, in the Thomson Elite villa.

Madam Wilson lay on the sofa in Villa A06, checking the time and asking Wendy, seated beside her, "Why haven't your father and brother sorted things out yet? It's been so long without any news."

Wendy replied, "They might be too busy, after all, there's a lot to do. Not only do they have to deal with Elaine, but they also have to film videos and deliver them to the brick factory. They probably won't finish until late at night."

Nodding slightly, Madam Wilson smirked mischievously, "This Elaine, she's really been flying high lately, always floating in the clouds, a bit out of touch with reality. It's time she experiences some grassroots suffering!"

Wendy chuckled, "That's right, Grandma. I've despised that vile woman Elaine for a long time, especially with her recent arrogance. I wish I could break her leg again!"

She reminisced, "It was quite entertaining when she was in prison, that rough and tough Verity, she wanted to slap the crap out of Elaine so bad. During that time, Elaine was truly miserable, just thinking about it excites me!"

Madam Wilson nodded in agreement, gleefully saying, "Oh yes! Verity, that rural woman, indeed had the strength of two men. That woman, strong as an ox, dealing with someone like Elaine, she could take on three of her and still have energy to spare!"


Wendy sighed beside, "It's a pity, Elaine will soon be sent to the brick kiln to make bricks, and Verity hasn't come out yet. After she comes out, she may never see Elaine again in this lifetime."

"Isn't that the truth!" the old lady also lamented, "But it doesn't matter. When Elaine arrives at the brick kiln, there's plenty of hardship waiting for her that she can't finish!"

At that moment, in the Aurous Hill Women's Prison.

Verity, who was out for fresh air, suddenly sneezed.

Several attendants hurried over, asking politely, "Verity, what's wrong? Are you catching a cold?"

Verity rubbed her nose, "I don't know, maybe someone's thinking about me."

The person next to her chuckled, "As prisoners without any relatives or friends, who would think of us!"

"That's true," another person chimed in, "It's almost Chinese New Year, and no one in my family has come to see me. It really leaves me feeling lonely!"

After speaking, she looked at Verity and asked, "Verity, how much longer do you have until you are released?"

Verity pursed her lips, "Oh, still five or six months!"

"That's almost here, I have eight more months."

"I have four more months."

"Oh, this year we can't spend New Year at home, but next year should be fine!"

Verity sighed, "My mum passed away, my husband ran away with another woman, my younger brother and his family are unreliable, I don't have any family left in this world."

Thinking of this, Verity's eyes welled up with tears, choking up, "Oh! The New Year is approaching, and I couldn't even burn some paper money for my mother. I don't know how she's doing over there, if she has enough money, and it's getting cold, I don't know if she and my dad have enough for the New Year."

"Verity, stop thinking about this. When you get out, there will be plenty of opportunities to burn paper for your parents!"

Verity nodded gently and couldn't help but sigh, "Honestly, I still miss that Madam Wilson. Seeing her being bullied reminds me of when my mum was alive and being mistreated by my sister-in-law. This feeling, it's like a sharp pain in my heart."

After that, she asked the others, "How do you think Madam Wilson is doing now? When she came in, she didn't even have a place to sleep. How is she living now? Could she still be wandering the streets?"

As they were speaking, a prison guard suddenly approached them and said, "Verity Baxter, Liya Maine, Jill Montez, pack up, you're getting released!"

The three of them were stunned!

Verity asked in surprise, "Getting released?! It's not time yet, is it?"

The guard said, "Someone has arranged for you to be released on bail, you can leave today!"

"What?!" Verity exclaimed in disbelief, "I don't know anyone, who would arrange bail for me?"

The guard replied casually, "It was your old acquaintance, Madam Wilson, who arranged it for you. She has paid a hefty sum as a surety for the three of you!"

Verity was even more stunned and speechless. She thought for a long time with wide eyes before incredulously asking, "Madam Wilson?! Isn't she in a tough spot? Where did she get the money to arrange bail for us?!"

The guard chuckled, "Now Madam Wilson is quite powerful. The family business is said to have revived miraculously, and they've even moved into a luxurious villa in Thomson Elite. It seems she bailed you out to have a good life at Thomson Elite!"
The impotent with tactical mind.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023

As Verity and the others heard this, they were all shocked and speechless!

At the same time, they were extremely excited and thrilled!

She asked eagerly, "Mrs. Wilson has got the Villa at Thomson Elite from her daughter-in-law?"

The prison guard replied calmly, "She bought another one."

"Oh my goodness!" Verity said in disbelief, "A villa worth over a hundred million, just like that?"

The prison guard chuckled, "Of course, they not only paid a million-plus bail to have you three released on bail, but also because they remembered the kindness you showed them before, so they want to have you out and live a luxurious life at Thomson Elite!"

Touched by tears, Verity wiped her eyes and choked up, "Mrs. Wilson treats me almost like her own mother..."

The other two also looked excited, with one of them saying, "That's right, Sister Verity, you helped them in the past, and Mrs. Wilson is someone who repays kindness, ultimately, these are all the fruits of your kindness!"

Feeling a surge of righteousness, Verity said solemnly, "That scoundrel, Elaine, so unfilial to her own mother-in-law, it's only right for me to teach her a lesson, it's my duty! If she dares to bully Mrs. Wilson again, I won't spare her!"

The prison guard hurriedly reminded, "Verity, this opportunity for bail is rare, you must reform yourself well when you're out there, absolutely, never engage in any illegal activities again! If you end up getting arrested again for fighting, not only will you have to serve the remaining sentence, but you'll also face stricter penalties as a habitual offender!"

"What? It's that serious?" Verity exclaimed.

"Absolutely!" the prison guard said sternly, "You must be a law-abiding citizen, don't even think about fighting with others. Even littering or spitting in public could lead to administrative penalties!"

Furthermore, the prison guard added, "Once you're out, even if you have a criminal record, our law enforcement officials, as well as the community, will keep a close eye on you, if you misbehave, the law won't show you any mercy!"

Shocked, Verity quickly assured, "Don't worry! I will definitely turn over a new leaf and start fresh when I get out!"

"That's more like it!"

The prison guard nodded with satisfaction, saying, "Also, when you go to Mrs. Wilson's house and live in the Villa at Thomson Elite, it's the best house in all of Aurous Hill, living there will be like living a heavenly life, so you must treasure it, or else you'll end up back here sleeping in the common hall, understood?"

"Understood, understood!"

Verity nodded vigorously, already envisioning the luxurious life in the Thomson Elite Villa.

Originally just a rural woman, her family's conditions had always been poor. Just a few years ago, she managed to renovate their old tile-roofed house of over 20 years, but living conditions were not much better than a cell.

Her lifelong dream was to move to the city and live in a two-bedroom apartment, but the housing prices in Aurous Hill were expensive, far beyond what she could afford, so it remained a distant dream.

But now, she unexpectedly had the opportunity to live in the luxurious Villa at Thomson Elite, a leap from the bottom to the top!

The three of them were so excited they almost wanted to cry.

At this moment, the prison guard reminded, "Don't get too excited yet, we still have a lot of procedures to go through, cooperate well, and you should be out soon!"

"Alright, we will definitely cooperate fully!"


While Verity and the others were processing the bail procedures, Mrs. Wilson, who had been waiting at home for a long time, received a call from the hospital.

The doctor on the phone asked urgently, "Hello, are you the family of Noah and Harold Wilson?"

Mrs. Wilson replied, "Yes, I am, what's going on?"


The other party hurriedly said, "Noah and Harold are seriously injured and are currently being treated in the emergency department of our Aurous Hill People's Hospital. You family members should come over as soon as possible!"


Madam Wilson was extremely surprised and said, "They are both injured?! What on earth happened?!"

The other party said, "They have had their limbs broken by someone. Although there is no life-threatening danger, the injuries are quite severe and they need care. You should come over as soon as possible!"

Madam Wilson immediately panicked!

Wendy beside her asked, "Grandma, what's going on?"

Madam Wilson said in a grieving voice, "The hospital called and said your dad and brother are injured! They are in the hospital now! Let's hurry over!"

"Ah?!" Wendy stood up in shock and asked nervously, "Grandma, what really happened? Didn't dad and brother go to teach that shrew Elaine a lesson? How come they ended up getting injured and hospitalized?"

Madam Wilson urgently said, "Oh dear! I don't know either! Hurry and get ready to go to the hospital!"

At this moment, Zoraida, who was preparing ingredients in the kitchen, heard the commotion and came out asking, "Mum, what's wrong? What's happening?"

Madam Wilson glared at her, angrily said, "Go and change your clothes, come with us to the hospital! Noah and Harold are injured and in the hospital!"

"Ah?!" Zoraida was also stunned, and blurted out, "What's going on... it's understandable for Elaine to end up in the hospital, but how did they end up there?"

Madam Wilson sternly said, "Why do you talk too much? Hurry and change your clothes and come help us!"

Zoraida didn't dare to be disobedient and quickly wiped her hands on her apron, saying anxiously, "I will go change my clothes now..."

The three generations of Wilson's family women hurriedly left the house and headed straight to Aurous Hill People's Hospital.

Meanwhile, at the entrance of the Aurous Hill Women's Detention Centre, Verity, Liya, and Jill walked out carrying their bedding and clothes from the iron gate next to the high wall.

As soon as they stepped out, Verity immediately said to the other two, "Liya, Jill, they said that after we come out, we must not look back, otherwise we will eventually have to come back. Do you understand?"

The other two nodded repeatedly, "We understand, Sister Verity!"

At this moment, Liya asked her, "Sister Verity, why hasn't Madam Wilson come to pick us up even though she has arranged for our release?"

"Yeah," Jill chimed in, "She has arranged for a car to pick us up, isn't it easy and effortless for her to do so with such a big event?"

Verity hurriedly said, "Don't think like that! She has arranged for our release and treats us to a luxurious meal at Thomson Elite; this is already a huge favor. How can we demand everything to be done perfectly? People should learn to be content and grateful!"

The other two shrugged, "Alright... You're right, Sister Verity. We will know better in the future."

Verity said, "Let's take a taxi to Thomson Elite. It's almost mealtime now, maybe Madam Wilson has arranged a banquet at home to welcome us and give us a break from the dust!"

Upon hearing this, the other two were overjoyed and said, "Then let's quickly take a taxi there!"

At that moment, a Mercedes-Benz stopped in front of the three of them. After the driver got out, he asked them, "Excuse me, are you the three ladies, Verity Baxter, Liya Maine, and Jill Montez?"

Verity hurriedly nodded, "Yes, we are. Who are you?"

The driver smiled and said, "I am the driver sent by Madam Wilson, specifically to take you to Thomson Elite! Please get in, the three of you!"


As the driver finished speaking, Verity couldn't contain her excitement at the sight of the luxurious Mercedes car and exclaimed, "Oh my goodness, Mrs. Wilson is so good to us! I've never ridden in a Mercedes sedan in my whole life!"

Beside her, Liya couldn't help but sigh, "The best car I've ever ridden was when I was taken away, in the police car driven by the officer."

Jill nodded in agreement, "Liya, I feel the same way!"

Upon hearing their conversation, the driver chuckled and said, "Come on, ladies, hop in the car!"

"Alright, alright!" Verity was the first to react, quickly opening the back door and getting in.

The other two tried to squeeze in, but the driver intervened, "We only have two seats in the back, so one of you will have to sit in the front!"

As Liya opened the other back door to get in, Jill, who was a step behind, muttered, "This car is so big, yet there are only two seats in the back? The police officer's Santana can fit three people in the back!"

Inside the car, Verity retorted, "You don't understand. There really are only two seats in here, with a particularly large armrest in the middle that feels like genuine leather! Oh, resting your arm on it is so comfortable!"

Hastily, Liya sat down and jokingly said, "Really? Let me touch and feel it too!"

Meanwhile, Jill, looking at the spacious and luxurious back seat from outside and the large centre armrest with a touchscreen and control knob, expressed her envy, "I also want to feel it!"

Liya waved her off, saying, "Oh, you can feel it next time! Hurry and sit in the front, Mrs. Wilson is waiting for us!"

With a sigh, Jill reluctantly made her way to the front passenger seat.

Although this Mercedes car was not considered luxurious, just a Mercedes S-Class sedan costing a little over a million, less than one-fifth of a Rolls-Royce.

However, for Verity and her friends, this car was the epitome of luxury they could imagine.

If a Rolls-Royce was presented to them, they might not even recognize it.

After all, for the average person, Mercedes is the most well-known car brand!

As Verity sat in the back of the luxurious Mercedes sedan, her heart raced with excitement!

She couldn't help but think to herself, "Riding in luxury cars, living in mansions, is my life finally taking off? Mrs. Wilson is truly my benefactor!"

With this thought, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride, thinking, "Mrs. Wilson has been so good to me, I must treat her even better in the future. From now on, I'll treat her like my own mother!"

The Mercedes car drove fast and steady.

With the Thomson Elite pass, the car took them directly to the entrance of Villa A06.

Subsequently, the driver used the administrator password to open the villa's main gate, then helped Verity and her friends register their fingerprints, saying, "Once your fingerprints are registered, you can come and go from the main gate without keys."

Looking at the vast courtyard of the villa, Verity shivered with excitement and asked, "Excuse me, can we use the fingerprint scanner to access the doors inside the house too?"

"Yes," the driver nodded, "Both the main gate of the courtyard and the front door of the villa are part of the smart home system, so once your fingerprint is registered, it can be used for both. You can go in now and treat this place like your own home, never be shy about anything!"

Inquisitively, Verity asked, "What about Mrs. Wilson? Why isn't she here?"

The driver smiled, "Mrs. Wilson had to attend to something urgently, so she asked me to pick you up first. You can go in, choose a room first. There are still plenty of vacant rooms in the villa."

"Oh, that's great!"

Upon hearing they could choose rooms, Verity eagerly grabbed her bedding and rushed ahead.

The other two followed suit, rushing to the door.

Verity tried scanning her fingerprint on the doorknob, and the door obediently opened!

Excitedly pushing the door open, she was stunned by the incredibly luxurious interior!


This luxurious villa situated within the city limits of Aurous Hill was the finest and largest in the area, boasting extravagant and ostentatious décor that exuded extreme materialism.

Upon glimpsing it, Verity and her friends were completely mesmerised!

Before coming, they had imagined what the interior of Madam Wilson's villa might look like.

However, even their boldest guesses fell short of the reality of this villa!

Jill exclaimed, "Is this even a villa anymore? It's more like a palace, right?!"

"Nonsense!" Liya blurted out, "This is way more luxurious than a palace! Oh my, look at that sofa, it's stunning! I need to lie down on it!"

With that, she dashed over.

"I want to go too!" Seeing Liya go, Jill, unwilling to be left behind, quickly abandoned her belongings and ran after her.

This sofa was an imported, top-class Italian sofa exclusively for the European royal families. The previous owner of the villa had imported it directly from overseas for over a million dollars.

Unlike rosewood furniture, which is costly due to the wood itself but not particularly comfortable – like sleeping on gold bricks – this European-style furniture was different.

Its value lay in the brand, craftsmanship, luxurious appearance, and unparalleled comfort.

Therefore, this sofa was truly a high-end luxury item.

As they flopped onto the sofa, they forgot to take off their shoes and propped their feet up, searching for the most comfortable positions.

Verity hastily interjected, "Hey, slow down, don't ruin the sofa! And your shoe soles are dirtying it."

Jill laughed and said, "Oh, it's fine. Didn't they say to make ourselves at home? Back at my place, I wear shoes on the bed too!"

Excitedly, Liya said, "Verity, come and feel this, the sofa is incredibly comfy! I reckon even the Jade Emperor in heaven wouldn't have a chair this comfortable!"

"Really?" Verity smiled and said, "Indeed, this sofa is quite impressive. Let me try!"

After a few steps, she reached the single sofa and sat down.

"Oh, so soft!" Verity lay back on the sofa, sinking into the soft leather, gleefully moving around.

Lying next to her, Jill quickly said, "Oh, Verity, you haven't tried lying down yet; it's even more comfortable lying on it!"

She then hurriedly got up to help Verity lie down, coaxing, "Verity, you have to try lying down. Once you do, you won't want to get up!"

After trying it, Verity exclaimed joyfully, "Oh, this is amazing! I might consider sleeping on the sofa in the future!"

Jill chuckled, "If the sofa is this comfortable, the bed must be even more so!"

Liya asked eagerly, "Should we go and check out the bedrooms? This villa is huge, the three of us can each have a room, right?"

Verity suggested, "Let's wait for the old lady to return and have her assign rooms for us."

Jill pouted, "I can't wait. There must be rooms of different sizes and orientations in this villa. I want one facing south, a spacious one where I can sunbathe every day!"

Liya added, "I want one facing south too!"

Upon hearing this, Verity immediately jumped off the sofa and ran towards the stairs, saying, "No way! Let me choose first!"


Mrs. Wilson had no idea that when she went to the hospital, her home had already been taken over by Verity and her two companions.

In a state of urgency, Mrs. Wilson and Wendy rushed to the hospital to find Noah and Harold, the father-son duo wrapped in gypsum resembling half-mummies.

Although they were not in a life-threatening situation, both had all limbs fractured, rendering them completely immobile and in agonizing pain, lying helplessly in bed.

Upon seeing them in such a state, Mrs. Wilson was both shocked and distressed, hastening to approach them and inquire, "Noah! Harold! What on earth happened to you two?!"

Seeing Mrs. Wilson's arrival, both Noah and Harold couldn't contain their tears, bursting into loud sobs.

Especially Harold, crying intensely.

Wendy couldn't help but cry too, pitifully asking, "Dad, brother, how did you end up like this..."

With red eyes, Harold sobbed, "Grandma! Dad and I were crippled by Donald’s men! Grandma, I'm so wronged! I helped Donald with good intentions, but instead of gratitude, he turned around and had us beaten into this state, he's nothing but a beast!"

Noah also sighed, "Mother... they say one should be cautious in choosing friends, today I finally understand! We can't afford to associate with people like Donald, we must keep our distance from him in the future!"

Mrs. Wilson urgently demanded, "What exactly happened?! Tell me everything clearly!"

Only then did Noah narrate the whole incident truthfully.

Mrs. Wilson then realised that they accidentally captured an international fraudster while kidnapping Elaine.

What infuriated her the most was that Donald, such a cunning person, was also deceived by the fraudster. In order to please them, he broke his own son and grandson's limbs...

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Wilson burst into tears, pounding her thigh in frustration, exclaiming, "Heavens have no eyes! If you hadn't gone to trouble Elaine today, that fraudster would have ruined Elaine's family, but you intervened, solved Elaine's problem, and brought the trouble upon yourselves. Elaine would have gone to hell today, but it turned out well, you directly assisted Interpol, captured that fraudster and ultimately liberated Elaine..."

Upon hearing this, Harold realized the situation, cried even louder, saying almost hysterically, "I never thought we would end up benefiting that scoundrel Elaine, what a loss... I’ve never suffered such a huge loss in my life! And it was a loss I walked right into willingly! Wendy, please slap me twice! I'm feeling unbearable..."

Wendy could only console, "Brother, since the incident has happened, there’s no use dwelling on it. The key now is how severe your and dad's injuries are, and if they can recover..."

Choking up, Harold said, "Recovery is possible, but it will take time. The doctors said we might be incapacitated for several months, needing help with daily tasks in bed, possibly staying in the hospital for a while, with constant nursing care..."

Mrs. Wilson anxiously asked, "Harold, where did Mr. Weaver go? He was fooled by the fraudster, which led to your injuries. After the fraudster's identity was exposed, didn't he compensate you or explain to you?"

"Compensate my foot!" Noah interjected angrily, "That old dog Donald was also directly arrested by Interpol! He's probably in big trouble too!"

Mrs. Wilson exclaimed, "What?! So, you two suffered in vain?"

Naturally understanding Mrs. Wilson's intention, Noah thought to himself, "Mother's only concerned about money in the end!"

Realising this, Noah felt frustrated and said, "Mother, go pay for our hospitalisation first and arrange for us to be transferred to the inpatient department! As for Donald, if he comes out later, we’ll demand an explanation!"

"Alright!" Mrs. Wilson nodded, saying, "I’ll go to make the payment!"


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Mrs Wilson, if you know what's coming, you wouldn't worry to bring Verity and her gang to your borrowed villa. You'll never mess with an impotent Dragon again

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023

Madam Wilson turned and left the ward.

Approaching the payment counter, she said, "I'm here to pay the hospital fees for Noah and Harold Wilson."

After a brief check, the staff stated, "The treatment fees amount to twenty-six thousand seven, in addition to an eighty thousand yuan hospital deposit, making a total of one hundred and six thousand seven hundred yuan."

Madam Wilson couldn't help but feel a pinch.

"Though not a large sum, one hundred thousand shouldn't be underestimated. If this money isn't compensated back by Donald a hundredfold, I wouldn't be able to sleep a wink!"

With this in mind, Madam Wilson took out a bank card from her wallet and handed it over, saying, "Here, swipe the card."

After swiping the card and entering the amount, the staff requested, "Please enter the PIN."

Madam Wilson promptly entered the required details, but the POS machine failed to generate a receipt automatically.

The cashier glanced and suggested, "Your card has been frozen, please use another one."

"What? Frozen?!" Madam Wilson frowned. "How is that possible! I have millions in this card!"

Initially, after Donald helped settle Wilson's debts and the bank released the previously frozen assets, Madam Wilson received a portion of her savings back. Later, with Donald's investments in the Wilson family, she managed to redirect funds into her account through some financial companies. Currently, she had over twenty million in cash, her retirement fund.

Now, being informed about the frozen card, Madam Wilson felt anxious.

The staff, unaware of her substantial savings, impatiently said, "I can't confirm the amount in your card, but the POS feedback indicates this card is frozen. If you have any issues, please contact the bank!"

Madam Wilson, shocked, quickly called the bank.

After a long wait for customer service, she urgently asked, "Why did you freeze my card?! What right do you have to do this?!"

Patiently, the representative explained, "I apologise, our records show your card is indeed frozen. It's due to a creditor filing for property preservation with the court."

"F**k off!" Madam Wilson angrily retorted. "I've settled all debts long ago, who's this creditor?!"

The representative, slightly irritated, replied, "Ma'am, please refrain from using inappropriate language! Our records indicate that Donald Weaver, your creditor, initiated property preservation. He had previously settled tens of millions of debts on your behalf and invested millions in your company. Now, he's retracting all loans and investments, resulting in the freeze on your card."


Madam Wilson felt thunderstruck!

Donald pulling out capital?!

Does this mean the Wilson family is back to having nothing and being heavily in debt again?!


Madam Wilson stood dumbfounded as the hospital cashier asked, "Will you still make payment? If not, we may have to discharge two patients due to outstanding fees."

Quickly, Madam Wilson took out another bank card, handed it over, and said, "Try this one!"

After swiping the card and Madam Wilson entered the password, the cashier shook his head, "This one is frozen too."

"How about this one then!"

Madam Wilson handed over all her cards, but each one was already frozen, leaving her utterly defeated!

Feeling lost, a phone call came through. Frantic, she answered, only to hear, "Hello madam, I am calling to inform you that all your properties - companies, villas, vehicles, antiques, and artworks - have been sealed by our court. Please repay Mr. Donald's investment promptly, otherwise, all your assets will go up for auction!"

In tears, Madam Wilson exclaimed, "Are you trying to push me to my death?!"

With a matter-of-fact tone, the caller replied, "Sorry, we are just following procedures. The debt claimed by your creditor far exceeds your assets. If you don't repay on time, we will proceed with legal action!"

Choking with emotion, Madam Wilson pleaded, "My son and grandson are in the hospital. I need to pay their medical bills, right?"

"Sorry, you are now in a negative asset situation. Even if you had money, you need to repay Mr. Donald Weaver first."

"That's nonsense!" Madam Wilson angrily retorted, "How is this any different from draining blood out of people?!"

"Sorry, it is only right to repay debts. It's common sense."

Madam Wilson yelled furiously, "The hell with you, go to hell! Bullying an old lady like me, you won't have a good ending!"

With that, she angrily hung up the phone.

The cashier awkwardly said, "Madam, are you going to pay or not? If not, could you please step aside as others need to pay behind you."

Madam Wilson, with a stern expression, replied, "No! Can't afford to eat, why bother paying for anything at all!"

She then immediately called Donald.

Though unsure of his current situation, she dialed his number with a sense of uncertainty.

Unexpectedly, he answered the call promptly.

In a displeased tone, Donald asked, "Old lady, what do you want?"

Hastily, Madam Wilson tried to flatter, "Well, Mr. Weaver, it's like this. Mr. Weaver, I heard you suddenly want to withdraw your investment? Didn't we agree on long-term cooperation? If you suddenly withdraw, what am I supposed to do? Could there be some misunderstanding?"


Donald's stern voice cut through, "There's no misunderstanding. I have completely lost faith in your family, so I don't expect any help from you. In that case, why delay pulling out your investment?"

Madam Wilson immediately pleaded pitifully, "Mr. Weaver, is it because of what my son and grandson did today that you're feeling dissatisfied? If they haven't done well enough, just say so. I will make sure they improve next time. Please, give our family another chance!"

Impatiently, Donald replied, "I have given you chances, but the problem is you are all incompetent! So, don't come running to ask for my help anymore."

Deeply desperate, Madam Wilson suddenly thought of the villa and hurriedly inquired, "Mr. Weaver, about the villa, we signed an agreement before. You agreed to let us stay there for 10 years. You can't go back on your word! Otherwise, my whole family will be homeless!"

Donald sneered, "You can see the villa again, stay for a while, but you must make it clear to your son. If he dares to divorce Zoraida, then I will immediately kick your whole family out!"

Filled with sorrow and rage, Madam Wilson said, "Mr. Weaver, you no longer need us to deal with Charlie. So why insist on my son continuing to be with that dirty woman, Zoraida? You know, men detest nothing more than being cuckolded by their women. As long as Zoraida is around, my son will never overcome this hurdle."

Disdainfully, Donald retorted, "Whether your son can overcome this hurdle is none of my concern. I have guaranteed Zoraida. If you are unwilling, you can move out of Thomson Elite and let Zoraida stay in the villa."

Upon hearing this, Madam Wilson realised that she couldn't say more. Continuing the discussion with Donald might even jeopardise their right to live in the villa.

Having experienced homelessness before, she had no desire to endure such hardships again.

She thought to herself, "As long as I can secure the right to live in the Thomson Elite villa, even if my son wears a cuckoo's hat, I can accept it. At my age, with limited years left, I don't want to suffer like that anymore!"

Hence, she reluctantly agreed, "Mr. Weaver, rest assured! I will make sure Zoraida stays in the Wilson family."

Donald snorted coldly, "You have some sense. Don't bother me with calls in the future."

Anxiously, Madam Wilson asked, "Mr. Weaver, please don't hang up hastily. I have one more thing to ask for your help."

"Go on."

Busily, Madam Wilson said, "My son and grandson are severely injured and we have no money for treatment. Could you please lend us hundreds of thousands to help in this urgent situation?"

"Lend you hundreds of thousands?" Donald scoffed, "Don't forget, the Wilson Group still owes me millions. Asking for money with such thick skin when you owe such a huge sum. How shameless can you be?"

Tearfully, Madam Wilson said, "But my son and grandson can't just linger like this."

Donald responded, "I heard they are no longer in danger, their casts are on. You can bring them back home for rest."

Choking with emotion, Madam Wilson said, "But they both can't take care of themselves now, we need to hire caregivers, which costs quite a sum."

Donald chuckled, "Don't worry about the treatment costs. I will inform the hospital not to charge you. You can bring them back home anytime. Also, I have arranged three helpers for you. Just wait, these three will assist you well."

At that moment, Madam Wilson felt a glimpse of humanity in Donald and thought, "Regardless, Mr. Weaver is letting us stay in the villa, arranging three helpers. It's not bad. Perhaps he was just really angry this time, which led to the decision to withdraw the investment. Maybe in the future, when his mood improves, he might reinvest in the Wilson family!"

Thinking this, Madam Wilson promptly expressed her gratitude, "Thank you so much!"


Currently, Elaine is going through a tragic situation.

She was first taken to the best orthopedic hospital in Aurous Hill by Orvel's men and urgently underwent knee joint surgery by experts.

For injuries like hers, the best approach is to undergo surgery as quickly as possible, fixing the knee with steel plates and screws, followed by protective plaster wrapping for optimal recovery.

After the surgery, back in the ward, Orvel's men were already waiting for her.

One of them said to Elaine, "Ms. Elaine, your contribution in arresting Deborah Holiday is significant, so all your medical expenses this time will be covered by our Interpol."

Looking at her right leg newly encased in plaster, Elaine felt distressed and tears welled up. She choked, "Comrade from Interpol, you must not let that Deborah Holiday go, no matter what!"

The man nodded, sternly stating, "Ms. Elaine, rest assured, we will ensure she faces justice!"

He then warned, "Ms. Elaine, for the sake of your personal safety, there's something I must remind you."

Elaine, upon hearing it involves her safety, anxiously asked, "Please, tell me!"

The man explained gravely, "Deborah Holiday is an international scammer, behind her is a massive fraud syndicate spanning dozens of countries. Though we've arrested Deborah Holiday this time, many of her accomplices are still at large. Therefore, it's crucial that you do not disclose this to anyone, as you could be at risk of retaliation from this syndicate!"

Elaine burst into tears upon hearing this and lamented her misfortune.

The man rushed to reassure her, "Ms. Elaine, please calm down, this situation is different from the previous one."

Through tears, Elaine asked, "How is it different? You haven't eliminated all of them, right? As long as they have an accomplice out there, there's a possibility of retaliation against me! I've even put their leader Deborah Holiday behind bars this time, they won't let me off! They broke my leg last time, next time they might take my life!"

The man explained, "Ms. Elaine, we are being extremely cautious. The arrest of Deborah Holiday has been kept completely confidential. As long as we and you do not reveal this, no one will associate you with it."

This brought some relief to Elaine, and she hurriedly asked, "But look at me now, with a broken leg, a face swollen like a pig's head, and Deborah Holiday even snatched a lock of my hair. How do I explain this to my family?"

The man replied, "Actually, this can be easily explained. How did you explain last time when you were taken to the detention centre?"

Elaine answered, "I told them I was deceived into a pyramid scheme and mistaken for a member, so they arrested me."

The man nodded and suggested, "Tell your family this time that members of a few pyramid schemes deliberately targeted you for revenge, which led to your injuries. I believe they will understand."

Elaine sighed deeply, "Alas, at this point, this seems to be the only way."

The man handed Elaine her phone, saying, "Ms. Elaine, you can contact your family now. To avoid suspicion, I will leave first."

Elaine nodded, feeling anxious, and implored, "Comrade from Interpol, please ensure strict confidentiality about today's events, especially not letting Deborah Holiday's accomplices know that I was responsible for her arrest. My life will be at risk if they find out. I beg you."

The man earnestly assured her, "Rest assured, we will maintain strict confidentiality!"

With that, he said, "Ms. Elaine, take care of your injury. I'll take my leave."

After he left, Elaine picked up her phone and quickly called Claire.

Through tears, she said on the phone, "Claire, my dear daughter, please come to the hospital to see me! My leg is broken again, why do I have such a hard life?"


Claire was about to finish work when she heard the news, immediately shocked and asked, "Mum, what's wrong?! How did you break your leg again?!"

Elaine cried and said, "Don't mention it, the people from the pyramid scheme came back for revenge. They caught me, beat me up, pulled out my hair, and broke my leg."

"Ah?!" Claire hastily asked, "Did you report it to the police?"

Elaine, crying, replied, "I did, the police have arrested them. Come and see me quickly!"

Claire continued to ask, "Which hospital are you in? I'll come right away!"

Elaine choked up, "I'm at Aurous Hill Orthopedics Hospital, please come quickly."

Claire said, "Okay, Mum, wait for me, I'm on my way!"

Claire hung up on Elaine and drove to the hospital while urgently calling Charlie.

Charlie had already returned home and was casually watching TV in the living room as if nothing had happened.

Father-in-law Jacob had also returned, preparing to make tea and have a chat with Charlie.

Charlie received Claire's call, knowing what had happened, but pretended otherwise, asking, "Wife, have you finished work?"

Claire urgently asked, "Husband, where are you?"

Charlie casually replied, "I'm at home."

Claire then inquired, "And dad?"

Charlie answered, "Dad is also home, just got back."

Claire hurriedly said, "Then both of you hurry and go to the Orthopedics Hospital! Mum is there! I'm on my way there too, let's meet at the hospital!"

Charlie pretended to be surprised, "What? Mum is back in the hospital? What happened?"

Claire, with tears in her eyes, said, "Mum was retaliated against by the pyramid scheme people, they broke her leg. I don't know the details, so I have to go quickly!"

Charlie responded, "Alright! Dad and I will leave right away!"

"Okay, see you at the hospital!"

Jacob, preparing to make tea, heard this and asked in surprise, "Charlie, what happened?"

Charlie explained, "Mum was retaliated against by the pyramid scheme people, her leg is broken, she's in the hospital. Claire asked us to go quickly!"

Jacob asked excitedly, "Elaine's leg is broken again?! Are you serious?!"

Charlie awkwardly replied, "Dad, from the way you sound, it seems like you're quite happy about it."

Jacob sincerely said, "Charlie, technically speaking, I shouldn't take pleasure in someone else's misfortune, but just picturing Elaine with a plaster on her leg and crutches makes me inexplicably want to laugh. It's a bit mean, isn't it? Haha."

Charlie shook his head helplessly, "You're aware it's mean. When you see Mum later, please try not to laugh."

Jacob nodded, "Don't worry, I can control myself."

After that, he quickly set down the tea set and urged, "Good son-in-law, let's depart quickly, I can't wait to see how she's doing now!"


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023

Madam Wilson turned and left the ward.

Approaching the payment counter, she said, "I'm here to pay the hospital fees for Noah and Harold Wilson."

After a brief check, the staff stated, "The treatment fees amount to twenty-six thousand seven, in addition to an eighty thousand yuan hospital deposit, making a total of one hundred and six thousand seven hundred yuan."

Madam Wilson couldn't help but feel a pinch.

"Though not a large sum, one hundred thousand shouldn't be underestimated. If this money isn't compensated back by Donald a hundredfold, I wouldn't be able to sleep a wink!"

With this in mind, Madam Wilson took out a bank card from her wallet and handed it over, saying, "Here, swipe the card."

After swiping the card and entering the amount, the staff requested, "Please enter the PIN."

Madam Wilson promptly entered the required details, but the POS machine failed to generate a receipt automatically.

The cashier glanced and suggested, "Your card has been frozen, please use another one."

"What? Frozen?!" Madam Wilson frowned. "How is that possible! I have millions in this card!"

Initially, after Donald helped settle Wilson's debts and the bank released the previously frozen assets, Madam Wilson received a portion of her savings back. Later, with Donald's investments in the Wilson family, she managed to redirect funds into her account through some financial companies. Currently, she had over twenty million in cash, her retirement fund.

Now, being informed about the frozen card, Madam Wilson felt anxious.

The staff, unaware of her substantial savings, impatiently said, "I can't confirm the amount in your card, but the POS feedback indicates this card is frozen. If you have any issues, please contact the bank!"

Madam Wilson, shocked, quickly called the bank.

After a long wait for customer service, she urgently asked, "Why did you freeze my card?! What right do you have to do this?!"

Patiently, the representative explained, "I apologise, our records show your card is indeed frozen. It's due to a creditor filing for property preservation with the court."

"F**k off!" Madam Wilson angrily retorted. "I've settled all debts long ago, who's this creditor?!"

The representative, slightly irritated, replied, "Ma'am, please refrain from using inappropriate language! Our records indicate that Donald Weaver, your creditor, initiated property preservation. He had previously settled tens of millions of debts on your behalf and invested millions in your company. Now, he's retracting all loans and investments, resulting in the freeze on your card."


Madam Wilson felt thunderstruck!

Donald pulling out capital?!

Does this mean the Wilson family is back to having nothing and being heavily in debt again?!


Madam Wilson stood dumbfounded as the hospital cashier asked, "Will you still make payment? If not, we may have to discharge two patients due to outstanding fees."

Quickly, Madam Wilson took out another bank card, handed it over, and said, "Try this one!"

After swiping the card and Madam Wilson entered the password, the cashier shook his head, "This one is frozen too."

"How about this one then!"

Madam Wilson handed over all her cards, but each one was already frozen, leaving her utterly defeated!

Feeling lost, a phone call came through. Frantic, she answered, only to hear, "Hello madam, I am calling to inform you that all your properties - companies, villas, vehicles, antiques, and artworks - have been sealed by our court. Please repay Mr. Donald's investment promptly, otherwise, all your assets will go up for auction!"

In tears, Madam Wilson exclaimed, "Are you trying to push me to my death?!"

With a matter-of-fact tone, the caller replied, "Sorry, we are just following procedures. The debt claimed by your creditor far exceeds your assets. If you don't repay on time, we will proceed with legal action!"

Choking with emotion, Madam Wilson pleaded, "My son and grandson are in the hospital. I need to pay their medical bills, right?"

"Sorry, you are now in a negative asset situation. Even if you had money, you need to repay Mr. Donald Weaver first."

"That's nonsense!" Madam Wilson angrily retorted, "How is this any different from draining blood out of people?!"

"Sorry, it is only right to repay debts. It's common sense."

Madam Wilson yelled furiously, "The hell with you, go to hell! Bullying an old lady like me, you won't have a good ending!"

With that, she angrily hung up the phone.

The cashier awkwardly said, "Madam, are you going to pay or not? If not, could you please step aside as others need to pay behind you."

Madam Wilson, with a stern expression, replied, "No! Can't afford to eat, why bother paying for anything at all!"

She then immediately called Donald.

Though unsure of his current situation, she dialed his number with a sense of uncertainty.

Unexpectedly, he answered the call promptly.

In a displeased tone, Donald asked, "Old lady, what do you want?"

Hastily, Madam Wilson tried to flatter, "Well, Mr. Weaver, it's like this. Mr. Weaver, I heard you suddenly want to withdraw your investment? Didn't we agree on long-term cooperation? If you suddenly withdraw, what am I supposed to do? Could there be some misunderstanding?"


Donald's stern voice cut through, "There's no misunderstanding. I have completely lost faith in your family, so I don't expect any help from you. In that case, why delay pulling out your investment?"

Madam Wilson immediately pleaded pitifully, "Mr. Weaver, is it because of what my son and grandson did today that you're feeling dissatisfied? If they haven't done well enough, just say so. I will make sure they improve next time. Please, give our family another chance!"

Impatiently, Donald replied, "I have given you chances, but the problem is you are all incompetent! So, don't come running to ask for my help anymore."

Deeply desperate, Madam Wilson suddenly thought of the villa and hurriedly inquired, "Mr. Weaver, about the villa, we signed an agreement before. You agreed to let us stay there for 10 years. You can't go back on your word! Otherwise, my whole family will be homeless!"

Donald sneered, "You can see the villa again, stay for a while, but you must make it clear to your son. If he dares to divorce Zoraida, then I will immediately kick your whole family out!"

Filled with sorrow and rage, Madam Wilson said, "Mr. Weaver, you no longer need us to deal with Charlie. So why insist on my son continuing to be with that dirty woman, Zoraida? You know, men detest nothing more than being cuckolded by their women. As long as Zoraida is around, my son will never overcome this hurdle."

Disdainfully, Donald retorted, "Whether your son can overcome this hurdle is none of my concern. I have guaranteed Zoraida. If you are unwilling, you can move out of Thomson Elite and let Zoraida stay in the villa."

Upon hearing this, Madam Wilson realised that she couldn't say more. Continuing the discussion with Donald might even jeopardise their right to live in the villa.

Having experienced homelessness before, she had no desire to endure such hardships again.

She thought to herself, "As long as I can secure the right to live in the Thomson Elite villa, even if my son wears a cuckoo's hat, I can accept it. At my age, with limited years left, I don't want to suffer like that anymore!"

Hence, she reluctantly agreed, "Mr. Weaver, rest assured! I will make sure Zoraida stays in the Wilson family."

Donald snorted coldly, "You have some sense. Don't bother me with calls in the future."

Anxiously, Madam Wilson asked, "Mr. Weaver, please don't hang up hastily. I have one more thing to ask for your help."

"Go on."

Busily, Madam Wilson said, "My son and grandson are severely injured and we have no money for treatment. Could you please lend us hundreds of thousands to help in this urgent situation?"

"Lend you hundreds of thousands?" Donald scoffed, "Don't forget, the Wilson Group still owes me millions. Asking for money with such thick skin when you owe such a huge sum. How shameless can you be?"

Tearfully, Madam Wilson said, "But my son and grandson can't just linger like this."

Donald responded, "I heard they are no longer in danger, their casts are on. You can bring them back home for rest."

Choking with emotion, Madam Wilson said, "But they both can't take care of themselves now, we need to hire caregivers, which costs quite a sum."

Donald chuckled, "Don't worry about the treatment costs. I will inform the hospital not to charge you. You can bring them back home anytime. Also, I have arranged three helpers for you. Just wait, these three will assist you well."

At that moment, Madam Wilson felt a glimpse of humanity in Donald and thought, "Regardless, Mr. Weaver is letting us stay in the villa, arranging three helpers. It's not bad. Perhaps he was just really angry this time, which led to the decision to withdraw the investment. Maybe in the future, when his mood improves, he might reinvest in the Wilson family!"

Thinking this, Madam Wilson promptly expressed her gratitude, "Thank you so much!"


Currently, Elaine is going through a tragic situation.

She was first taken to the best orthopedic hospital in Aurous Hill by Orvel's men and urgently underwent knee joint surgery by experts.

For injuries like hers, the best approach is to undergo surgery as quickly as possible, fixing the knee with steel plates and screws, followed by protective plaster wrapping for optimal recovery.

After the surgery, back in the ward, Orvel's men were already waiting for her.

One of them said to Elaine, "Ms. Elaine, your contribution in arresting Deborah Holiday is significant, so all your medical expenses this time will be covered by our Interpol."

Looking at her right leg newly encased in plaster, Elaine felt distressed and tears welled up. She choked, "Comrade from Interpol, you must not let that Deborah Holiday go, no matter what!"

The man nodded, sternly stating, "Ms. Elaine, rest assured, we will ensure she faces justice!"

He then warned, "Ms. Elaine, for the sake of your personal safety, there's something I must remind you."

Elaine, upon hearing it involves her safety, anxiously asked, "Please, tell me!"

The man explained gravely, "Deborah Holiday is an international scammer, behind her is a massive fraud syndicate spanning dozens of countries. Though we've arrested Deborah Holiday this time, many of her accomplices are still at large. Therefore, it's crucial that you do not disclose this to anyone, as you could be at risk of retaliation from this syndicate!"

Elaine burst into tears upon hearing this and lamented her misfortune.

The man rushed to reassure her, "Ms. Elaine, please calm down, this situation is different from the previous one."

Through tears, Elaine asked, "How is it different? You haven't eliminated all of them, right? As long as they have an accomplice out there, there's a possibility of retaliation against me! I've even put their leader Deborah Holiday behind bars this time, they won't let me off! They broke my leg last time, next time they might take my life!"

The man explained, "Ms. Elaine, we are being extremely cautious. The arrest of Deborah Holiday has been kept completely confidential. As long as we and you do not reveal this, no one will associate you with it."

This brought some relief to Elaine, and she hurriedly asked, "But look at me now, with a broken leg, a face swollen like a pig's head, and Deborah Holiday even snatched a lock of my hair. How do I explain this to my family?"

The man replied, "Actually, this can be easily explained. How did you explain last time when you were taken to the detention centre?"

Elaine answered, "I told them I was deceived into a pyramid scheme and mistaken for a member, so they arrested me."

The man nodded and suggested, "Tell your family this time that members of a few pyramid schemes deliberately targeted you for revenge, which led to your injuries. I believe they will understand."

Elaine sighed deeply, "Alas, at this point, this seems to be the only way."

The man handed Elaine her phone, saying, "Ms. Elaine, you can contact your family now. To avoid suspicion, I will leave first."

Elaine nodded, feeling anxious, and implored, "Comrade from Interpol, please ensure strict confidentiality about today's events, especially not letting Deborah Holiday's accomplices know that I was responsible for her arrest. My life will be at risk if they find out. I beg you."

The man earnestly assured her, "Rest assured, we will maintain strict confidentiality!"

With that, he said, "Ms. Elaine, take care of your injury. I'll take my leave."

After he left, Elaine picked up her phone and quickly called Claire.

Through tears, she said on the phone, "Claire, my dear daughter, please come to the hospital to see me! My leg is broken again, why do I have such a hard life?"


Claire was about to finish work when she heard the news, immediately shocked and asked, "Mum, what's wrong?! How did you break your leg again?!"

Elaine cried and said, "Don't mention it, the people from the pyramid scheme came back for revenge. They caught me, beat me up, pulled out my hair, and broke my leg."

"Ah?!" Claire hastily asked, "Did you report it to the police?"

Elaine, crying, replied, "I did, the police have arrested them. Come and see me quickly!"

Claire continued to ask, "Which hospital are you in? I'll come right away!"

Elaine choked up, "I'm at Aurous Hill Orthopedics Hospital, please come quickly."

Claire said, "Okay, Mum, wait for me, I'm on my way!"

Claire hung up on Elaine and drove to the hospital while urgently calling Charlie.

Charlie had already returned home and was casually watching TV in the living room as if nothing had happened.

Father-in-law Jacob had also returned, preparing to make tea and have a chat with Charlie.

Charlie received Claire's call, knowing what had happened, but pretended otherwise, asking, "Wife, have you finished work?"

Claire urgently asked, "Husband, where are you?"

Charlie casually replied, "I'm at home."

Claire then inquired, "And dad?"

Charlie answered, "Dad is also home, just got back."

Claire hurriedly said, "Then both of you hurry and go to the Orthopedics Hospital! Mum is there! I'm on my way there too, let's meet at the hospital!"

Charlie pretended to be surprised, "What? Mum is back in the hospital? What happened?"

Claire, with tears in her eyes, said, "Mum was retaliated against by the pyramid scheme people, they broke her leg. I don't know the details, so I have to go quickly!"

Charlie responded, "Alright! Dad and I will leave right away!"

"Okay, see you at the hospital!"

Jacob, preparing to make tea, heard this and asked in surprise, "Charlie, what happened?"

Charlie explained, "Mum was retaliated against by the pyramid scheme people, her leg is broken, she's in the hospital. Claire asked us to go quickly!"

Jacob asked excitedly, "Elaine's leg is broken again?! Are you serious?!"

Charlie awkwardly replied, "Dad, from the way you sound, it seems like you're quite happy about it."

Jacob sincerely said, "Charlie, technically speaking, I shouldn't take pleasure in someone else's misfortune, but just picturing Elaine with a plaster on her leg and crutches makes me inexplicably want to laugh. It's a bit mean, isn't it? Haha."

Charlie shook his head helplessly, "You're aware it's mean. When you see Mum later, please try not to laugh."

Jacob nodded, "Don't worry, I can control myself."

After that, he quickly set down the tea set and urged, "Good son-in-law, let's depart quickly, I can't wait to see how she's doing now!"
Thank you Immortal Junlee.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023

When Charlie and Jacob arrived at the hospital, Claire was already there.

As the father-in-law and son-in-law entered the ward, Elaine was holding Claire's hand, crying with great sorrow.

Claire was also wiping tears, showing signs of distress.

Although Charlie had heard about his mother-in-law's unfortunate situation earlier that day, he had been outside and hadn't seen what had happened inside.

Furthermore, Elaine had been brought straight to the hospital by Orvel's men, so Charlie hadn't seen her before either.

Seeing Elaine with bruises on her face, a piece of hair missing from her forehead, Charlie couldn't help but sigh, "Oh dear, my mother-in-law has really been through a lot. It's truly undeserved for her to suffer like this. Who would have thought Marina would suddenly go find her?"

Upon seeing Charlie, Elaine, filled with grievances, finally found someone to confide in, crying as she said, "Good son-in-law, Mum is really in a miserable state."

Through sobs, Elaine struggled to speak, "It's too painful to mention. Every time I recall it, tears of bitterness flow."

Jacob, seeing her in this state, wanted to laugh but restrained himself, standing still and remaining silent.

Elaine glanced at him and angrily said, "Jacob, what are you doing here?"

Jacob hurriedly responded, "You ask what I'm doing here? Of course, I'm here to see you."

"See me?" Elaine said indignantly, "I bet you're here to laugh at me!"

Jacob thought to himself, "Well, you've hit the nail on the head, but I can't admit it."

Feeling awkward, he continued, "What are you saying? Even if we're separated or divorcing, after spending half a lifetime together, seeing you treated this way, I'm definitely feeling sorry for you!"

Elaine glared at him, "You feeling sorry? Yeah right! I know you're actually hoping I end up crippled for life!"

Jacob was surprised at how accurate Elaine's guess was but dared not respond.

Fortunately, Claire intervened, "Mum, stop arguing with Dad. He came here out of concern for you."

Elaine grumpily replied, "I don't need his concern."

Then, she turned to Charlie and with a distressed face said, "Good son-in-law, this trouble I'm in was caused by the same group involved in the pyramid scheme last time. I've really been unlucky. This time, I'll be in cast for a few months again. Not only can I not cook for you, but I'll also be stuck at home with nothing to do, making the days ahead very dull."

Charlie immediately understood Elaine's meaning.

So, he generously said, "Mum, from now on, I'll cook for you. And here's an extra $100,000 pocket money for you. During this period, if you feel bored, you can go online and buy whatever you like to pass the time."

Elaine was extremely touched by his words!

In truth, she never expected Charlie to give her money.

She just felt that, although Charlie had promised her $30,000 a month for food, plus an additional $10,000 for cooking expenses, she couldn't withhold the food money, but the cooking fee was rightfully hers.

But now, seeing herself injured again and unable to cook, not only was there no one to do the job, she feared she couldn't ask Charlie for that $10,000 cooking fee either.


She pretended to be pitiful in hopes that Charlie wouldn't deduct the ten thousand dollars from her hard-earned money.

To her surprise, Charlie was so generous that he directly offered to give her a hundred thousand instead!

Upon hearing this, Elaine felt refreshed and grateful towards Charlie, exclaiming, "Wow, you truly are a great son-in-law! Having you as my son-in-law is a blessing for generations to come."

Claire, upon hearing this, was astonished.

Her surprise stemmed from the fact that her mother's words seemed genuinely heartfelt, not just polite remarks.

Charlie never expected that a hundred thousand would move Elaine so much. He couldn't help but chuckle inwardly, thinking, "If I knew this excellent mother-in-law could be placated with a meagre sum of money, I would have given her some earlier to save myself the trouble."

Yet upon further contemplation, it wasn't as simple as it seemed.

In the past, Elaine controlled a substantial sum of money in the family finances, at least a couple of hundred thousand. Back then, giving her tens or hundreds of thousands wouldn't have sufficed.

However, going through the experience of being swindled by money Zoraida and enduring days of hardship in the detention centre had significantly humbled her and curbed her appetite.

Charlie acted decisively, swiftly transferring a hundred thousand into Elaine's account. Upon receiving the bank's notification of the deposit, Elaine was overjoyed, saying, "My son-in-law really cares for me!"

At that moment, the doctor walked in to check on Elaine. Claire hastily asked her, "Doctor, could you please update us on my mum's current condition?"

The female doctor explained, "The patient mainly needs rest and recuperation; it will take some time. There's nothing urgent to note. You can either keep her in the hospital for observation or take her home for recovery, both are fine."

Claire suggested, "Mum, how about we bring you home for recovery? It'll be easier for us to take care of you! Besides, Chinese New Year is around the corner, and the hospital feels too desolate."

Elaine nodded repeatedly, "This hospital feels particularly gloomy; I don't want to stay here for another minute. Besides, it's not the first time I've broken my leg; I have plenty of experience. Just wait for this bottle to finish dripping, then take me home directly!"

Meanwhile, at the Aurous Hill People's Hospital.

Noah and Harold were forced to leave the ward due to their inability to pay for hospitalisation.

The father and son lay on a mobile stretcher in the hospital, while Madam Wilson and Wendy pushed them to the parking lot.

On the way here, Wendy drove the new Bentley from their home.

The Bentley wasn't an ambulance, so they couldn't lay down comfortably inside it. They had to find an ambulance to transport them.

However, arranging for an ambulance required money.

None of the family had cash on them, and all their bank cards and electronic payment accounts were frozen. They were truly penniless, unsure how they would even pay for the parking fee when leaving the hospital.

Just as they were at a loss, two middle-aged individuals approached them and said, "You must be Madam Wilson, right?"

Madam Wilson nodded, "Yes, who are you?"

They replied, "Mr. Weaver sympathises with your family's situation and has arranged for an ambulance to take you and your family members back to the villa."

Madam Wilson breathed a sigh of relief and gratefully said, "That's wonderful! Please arrange for an ambulance to take my son and grandson back home; I will drive back with my granddaughter."

They gestured, "Sorry, you'll all have to ride the ambulance back together. Mr. Weaver bought the Bentley with his own money, so he's asked us to take it back."


Madam Wilson was stunned by the other party's words, standing there in shock.

Helplessly, she pleaded, "Gentlemen, please do me a favour and call Mr. Weaver. Tell him that our family is now in dire straits, begging for his mercy to leave us a way out, at the very least, let us keep this Bentley..."

She quickly added, "Even if it's just for us to use for a few years!"

Coldly, the other party responded, "Sorry, Mr. Weaver has made it clear. Families like yours are not fit to be associated with, so he does not want any further dealings with you. Allowing you to stay in the villa is already his greatest kindness. If you do not know how to appreciate it, then I'm sorry, the villa can be taken back at any time."

Madam Wilson felt a pang in her heart, but at that moment, she dared not say anything more rebellious.

Beside her, Wendy couldn't help but choke up, "Please, can you tell Mr. Weaver again? Look at the current situation of my dad and brother. Our family may not have done anything good, but we have suffered, we have toiled..."

Firmly, the other party declared, "If you keep talking nonsense, the villa will truly be gone."

At this point, Madam Wilson quickly interjected, "Wendy, stop talking! Quickly hand over the car keys!"

Deeply angry inside, Wendy couldn't continue to resist stubbornly. She could only cry as she took out the car keys and handed them over to the other party.

Taking the keys, the person said to the Wilson family, "Alright, the ambulance has been arranged for you. The five of you should go back immediately, we will take the car with us."

With that, the two individuals got into the Bentley and drove off without another word.

At that moment, an old ambulance pulled up in front of the family, the driver lowered the window and asked, "Are you heading to Thomson Elite?"

"Yes..." Madam Wilson nodded wearily, saying, "Please take the four of us to Thomson Elite, unit a06."

The driver and a young man from the passenger seat got out of the car, helped lift Noah and Harold onto the ambulance, then said to Madam Wilson and Wendy, "You two squeeze in the back."

Madam Wilson nodded, instructing Wendy, "Wendy, this ambulance is a bit high, support grandma for a moment."

Wiping away her tears, Wendy rubbed her red eyes and choked, "Okay, grandma..."

Zoraida hurriedly came forward, flattering, "Mum, let me help you too!"

Madam Wilson pushed her hand away angrily, scolding, "Go away! Don't touch me!"

Zoraida was surprised by her mother suddenly getting angry at her, and with a hint of grievance, she asked, "Mum, what did I do to upset you this time?"

Madam Wilson gritted her teeth and cursed, "You've upset me in every possible way! Without you, our family wouldn't be in this state today! Without you, Noah wouldn't have lost over 10 million! Without you, Noah wouldn't have been continuously ridiculed and taunted by Elaine! Without you, Noah wouldn't have resorted to violence against Elaine. The miserable state he and Harold are in now, it's all because of you!"

Zoraida burst into tears instantly.


She was deeply aggrieved and tearfully said, "Mother, I know that you have been holding a grudge against me for getting pregnant in the coal mine, but I did it for survival. Otherwise, I might have died a long time ago!"

"Moreover, the incident with the over ten million was not intentional on my part!"

"My intention was to swindle Elaine's money and villa to improve our family's living conditions! Everything I did, all the efforts and sacrifices, were for this family!"

When Madam Wilson heard her mention the pregnancy, she felt as if she had been slapped in the face, angrily scolding, "You shameless and despicable woman! How dare you bring up the pregnancy! You've corrupted our family ethics, morals, and are utterly shameless! If it weren't for Donald protecting you, I would have kicked you out long ago!"

Madam Wilson was so angry that her breathing became erratic, gritting her teeth, "Also! When you came out of the coal mine, you didn't just get pregnant with an illegitimate child! You also caught a sexually transmitted disease and passed it on to my son! Do you think I don't know?!"

Zoraida blushed immediately.

Just as she didn't know how to retaliate, the driver impatiently interrupted, "Are you lot leaving or not? If you want to argue, pull those two patients off the car to argue with you. We're waiting to finish work, no time to waste with you here!"

Upon hearing this, Madam Wilson faltered and hastily said, "Driver, please don't be angry, we'll leave now!"

With that, she gave Zoraida a fierce look, then with the help of Wendy, climbed into the ambulance.

Although Wendy sympathized with her mother, she dared not speak out at this moment, only giving her mother a signal to get on the car first.

Zoraida also knew that besides the Thomson Elite Villa, she had nowhere else to go, so she could only swallow her pride and sit quietly in the corner.

Once the family of five boarded the ambulance, it immediately headed to Thomson Elite.

Inside the vehicle, Noah lay on the mobile hospital bed, looking at Madam Wilson, crying and asking, "Mother, what do we do now? Our family is now penniless..."

Madam Wilson wiped her tears, filled with immense pain and sorrow, "I don't know what to do either. We have no money left, and the two of you are injured. The future treatments, medications, and recoveries will cost a lot of money. It seems like we have reached a dead end..."

Harold cried, "Grandma, why don't we go back to Thomson Elite, see if there's anything valuable we can sell? There are quite a few nice things in our villa, especially the good wine in the cellar, it should fetch a good price!"

Madam Wilson nodded, "We have no other choice but to do that!"

At this moment, Wendy asked, "Grandma, those two men mentioned that Donald arranged three helpers for us. Where are they?"

Madam Wilson looked puzzled, "I don't know either. Perhaps they are arranged but haven't arrived yet?"

"Sigh..." Wendy sighed, "If those three helpers could come over, it shows that Donald still has some conscience left. Otherwise, with dad and brother injured, the three of us would really struggle to take care of them."

"True..." Madam Wilson sighed, "I suppose Donald does have some grievances towards us, but deep down, he might still have some hope for us. It's just that he's upset at the moment. If we have a chance in the future, we must behave well and regain his trust!"

Wendy nodded, lamenting, "I hope those three helpers Donald arranged will arrive soon. It would be best if they're already at Thomson Elite waiting, or else we won't know how to get dad and brother back to the room later..."


In the luxurious villa at Thomson Elite, at this moment.

Verity, Liya, and Jill had just finished eating.

Despite waiting for Madam Wilson's family to return, they couldn't bear their hunger any longer. They discovered ingredients prepared by Zoraida in the kitchen, untouched and uncooked. They took the initiative to use these ingredients to cook a lavish meal.

Before Donald withdrew his investment, the Wilson family's living standard was quite good. With Donald's previous investment in the Wilson Group, the Wilson family's lifestyle improved significantly. Madam Wilson had regained her former elegance, and their living standard had greatly increased.

Zoraida had prepared a sumptuous meal today specifically to celebrate with Noah and Harold after they dealt with Elaine.

Unexpectedly, the Wilson family did not have a chance to enjoy these ingredients, and Verity and her friends took advantage of the situation.

The three of them were now lying on the sofa with full bellies, watching TV.

The TV was moved upstairs from the basement after Harold sold the large one. It was noticeably smaller than the previous one, appearing slightly mismatched in the spacious living room.

While watching TV, Verity commented, "Oh, Madam Wilson's villa is amazing in every aspect. It's just that this TV seems a bit small compared to this huge living room, making it look a bit out of place."

Jill exclaimed, "Goodness me! Isn't this TV at least 50 inches? The TV at the village chief's house isn't even this big, and you call it small?"

Liya chimed in, "Exactly... I've never seen such a big TV before."

Verity waved her hand and explained, "You two don't understand. TVs in wealthy households start at around 70 to 80 inches. Last year when I worked at a household service company in the city, I cleaned homes in wealthy households, and their TVs were way bigger than this!"

Jill pondered, "Why get such a huge TV? Wouldn't it strain your eyes staring at it all the time?"

Verity chuckled, "Look at you, thinking like that. By your logic, people watching a movie in a cinema would end up with their eyeballs on the floor from exhaustion!"

Jill scratched her head, "I've never been to a cinema, so I don't know what it's like in there."

Verity said, "I have, I've even worked as a cleaner in a cinema. Let me tell you, the screen in a cinema is bigger than a whole wall in this living room, just imagine!"

Liya asked, "Bigger than a whole wall? That's quite intimidating!"

Verity said, "You two really haven't seen much. Once Madam Wilson takes us to a cinema to watch a movie, you will understand!"

As they chatted, an ambulance drove into the yard.

However, the volume of their TV was so loud that no one heard the commotion outside.

After the ambulance stopped, the driver and the passenger jumped out. They roughly lifted Noah and Harold from the car, not bringing the mobile sickbed and instead placing them directly on the marble floor in the yard.

Seeing them about to leave without moving the patients inside, Madam Wilson anxiously said, "Aren't you going to help us move them inside?"

The driver impatiently replied, "Our client's request is just to drop you off, it doesn't include bringing them inside. But if you want us to help, it's two hundred dollars each."

Madam Wilson said, "I don't have any money!"

The driver frowned and asked, "You live in such a luxurious villa with no four hundred dollars?"

Madam Wilson urgently explained, "We don't need cash when going out these days, that's why we haven't kept any money at home. Our mobile payments and bank cards are all frozen, we're truly unable to pay!"


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Feb 3, 2024

When Charlie and Jacob arrived at the hospital, Claire was already there.

As the father-in-law and son-in-law entered the ward, Elaine was holding Claire's hand, crying with great sorrow.

Claire was also wiping tears, showing signs of distress.

Although Charlie had heard about his mother-in-law's unfortunate situation earlier that day, he had been outside and hadn't seen what had happened inside.

Furthermore, Elaine had been brought straight to the hospital by Orvel's men, so Charlie hadn't seen her before either.

Seeing Elaine with bruises on her face, a piece of hair missing from her forehead, Charlie couldn't help but sigh, "Oh dear, my mother-in-law has really been through a lot. It's truly undeserved for her to suffer like this. Who would have thought Marina would suddenly go find her?"

Upon seeing Charlie, Elaine, filled with grievances, finally found someone to confide in, crying as she said, "Good son-in-law, Mum is really in a miserable state."

Through sobs, Elaine struggled to speak, "It's too painful to mention. Every time I recall it, tears of bitterness flow."

Jacob, seeing her in this state, wanted to laugh but restrained himself, standing still and remaining silent.

Elaine glanced at him and angrily said, "Jacob, what are you doing here?"

Jacob hurriedly responded, "You ask what I'm doing here? Of course, I'm here to see you."

"See me?" Elaine said indignantly, "I bet you're here to laugh at me!"

Jacob thought to himself, "Well, you've hit the nail on the head, but I can't admit it."

Feeling awkward, he continued, "What are you saying? Even if we're separated or divorcing, after spending half a lifetime together, seeing you treated this way, I'm definitely feeling sorry for you!"

Elaine glared at him, "You feeling sorry? Yeah right! I know you're actually hoping I end up crippled for life!"

Jacob was surprised at how accurate Elaine's guess was but dared not respond.

Fortunately, Claire intervened, "Mum, stop arguing with Dad. He came here out of concern for you."

Elaine grumpily replied, "I don't need his concern."

Then, she turned to Charlie and with a distressed face said, "Good son-in-law, this trouble I'm in was caused by the same group involved in the pyramid scheme last time. I've really been unlucky. This time, I'll be in cast for a few months again. Not only can I not cook for you, but I'll also be stuck at home with nothing to do, making the days ahead very dull."

Charlie immediately understood Elaine's meaning.

So, he generously said, "Mum, from now on, I'll cook for you. And here's an extra $100,000 pocket money for you. During this period, if you feel bored, you can go online and buy whatever you like to pass the time."

Elaine was extremely touched by his words!

In truth, she never expected Charlie to give her money.

She just felt that, although Charlie had promised her $30,000 a month for food, plus an additional $10,000 for cooking expenses, she couldn't withhold the food money, but the cooking fee was rightfully hers.

But now, seeing herself injured again and unable to cook, not only was there no one to do the job, she feared she couldn't ask Charlie for that $10,000 cooking fee either.


She pretended to be pitiful in hopes that Charlie wouldn't deduct the ten thousand dollars from her hard-earned money.

To her surprise, Charlie was so generous that he directly offered to give her a hundred thousand instead!

Upon hearing this, Elaine felt refreshed and grateful towards Charlie, exclaiming, "Wow, you truly are a great son-in-law! Having you as my son-in-law is a blessing for generations to come."

Claire, upon hearing this, was astonished.

Her surprise stemmed from the fact that her mother's words seemed genuinely heartfelt, not just polite remarks.

Charlie never expected that a hundred thousand would move Elaine so much. He couldn't help but chuckle inwardly, thinking, "If I knew this excellent mother-in-law could be placated with a meagre sum of money, I would have given her some earlier to save myself the trouble."

Yet upon further contemplation, it wasn't as simple as it seemed.

In the past, Elaine controlled a substantial sum of money in the family finances, at least a couple of hundred thousand. Back then, giving her tens or hundreds of thousands wouldn't have sufficed.

However, going through the experience of being swindled by money Zoraida and enduring days of hardship in the detention centre had significantly humbled her and curbed her appetite.

Charlie acted decisively, swiftly transferring a hundred thousand into Elaine's account. Upon receiving the bank's notification of the deposit, Elaine was overjoyed, saying, "My son-in-law really cares for me!"

At that moment, the doctor walked in to check on Elaine. Claire hastily asked her, "Doctor, could you please update us on my mum's current condition?"

The female doctor explained, "The patient mainly needs rest and recuperation; it will take some time. There's nothing urgent to note. You can either keep her in the hospital for observation or take her home for recovery, both are fine."

Claire suggested, "Mum, how about we bring you home for recovery? It'll be easier for us to take care of you! Besides, Chinese New Year is around the corner, and the hospital feels too desolate."

Elaine nodded repeatedly, "This hospital feels particularly gloomy; I don't want to stay here for another minute. Besides, it's not the first time I've broken my leg; I have plenty of experience. Just wait for this bottle to finish dripping, then take me home directly!"

Meanwhile, at the Aurous Hill People's Hospital.

Noah and Harold were forced to leave the ward due to their inability to pay for hospitalisation.

The father and son lay on a mobile stretcher in the hospital, while Madam Wilson and Wendy pushed them to the parking lot.

On the way here, Wendy drove the new Bentley from their home.

The Bentley wasn't an ambulance, so they couldn't lay down comfortably inside it. They had to find an ambulance to transport them.

However, arranging for an ambulance required money.

None of the family had cash on them, and all their bank cards and electronic payment accounts were frozen. They were truly penniless, unsure how they would even pay for the parking fee when leaving the hospital.

Just as they were at a loss, two middle-aged individuals approached them and said, "You must be Madam Wilson, right?"

Madam Wilson nodded, "Yes, who are you?"

They replied, "Mr. Weaver sympathises with your family's situation and has arranged for an ambulance to take you and your family members back to the villa."

Madam Wilson breathed a sigh of relief and gratefully said, "That's wonderful! Please arrange for an ambulance to take my son and grandson back home; I will drive back with my granddaughter."

They gestured, "Sorry, you'll all have to ride the ambulance back together. Mr. Weaver bought the Bentley with his own money, so he's asked us to take it back."


Madam Wilson was stunned by the other party's words, standing there in shock.

Helplessly, she pleaded, "Gentlemen, please do me a favour and call Mr. Weaver. Tell him that our family is now in dire straits, begging for his mercy to leave us a way out, at the very least, let us keep this Bentley..."

She quickly added, "Even if it's just for us to use for a few years!"

Coldly, the other party responded, "Sorry, Mr. Weaver has made it clear. Families like yours are not fit to be associated with, so he does not want any further dealings with you. Allowing you to stay in the villa is already his greatest kindness. If you do not know how to appreciate it, then I'm sorry, the villa can be taken back at any time."

Madam Wilson felt a pang in her heart, but at that moment, she dared not say anything more rebellious.

Beside her, Wendy couldn't help but choke up, "Please, can you tell Mr. Weaver again? Look at the current situation of my dad and brother. Our family may not have done anything good, but we have suffered, we have toiled..."

Firmly, the other party declared, "If you keep talking nonsense, the villa will truly be gone."

At this point, Madam Wilson quickly interjected, "Wendy, stop talking! Quickly hand over the car keys!"

Deeply angry inside, Wendy couldn't continue to resist stubbornly. She could only cry as she took out the car keys and handed them over to the other party.

Taking the keys, the person said to the Wilson family, "Alright, the ambulance has been arranged for you. The five of you should go back immediately, we will take the car with us."

With that, the two individuals got into the Bentley and drove off without another word.

At that moment, an old ambulance pulled up in front of the family, the driver lowered the window and asked, "Are you heading to Thomson Elite?"

"Yes..." Madam Wilson nodded wearily, saying, "Please take the four of us to Thomson Elite, unit a06."

The driver and a young man from the passenger seat got out of the car, helped lift Noah and Harold onto the ambulance, then said to Madam Wilson and Wendy, "You two squeeze in the back."

Madam Wilson nodded, instructing Wendy, "Wendy, this ambulance is a bit high, support grandma for a moment."

Wiping away her tears, Wendy rubbed her red eyes and choked, "Okay, grandma..."

Zoraida hurriedly came forward, flattering, "Mum, let me help you too!"

Madam Wilson pushed her hand away angrily, scolding, "Go away! Don't touch me!"

Zoraida was surprised by her mother suddenly getting angry at her, and with a hint of grievance, she asked, "Mum, what did I do to upset you this time?"

Madam Wilson gritted her teeth and cursed, "You've upset me in every possible way! Without you, our family wouldn't be in this state today! Without you, Noah wouldn't have lost over 10 million! Without you, Noah wouldn't have been continuously ridiculed and taunted by Elaine! Without you, Noah wouldn't have resorted to violence against Elaine. The miserable state he and Harold are in now, it's all because of you!"

Zoraida burst into tears instantly.


She was deeply aggrieved and tearfully said, "Mother, I know that you have been holding a grudge against me for getting pregnant in the coal mine, but I did it for survival. Otherwise, I might have died a long time ago!"

"Moreover, the incident with the over ten million was not intentional on my part!"

"My intention was to swindle Elaine's money and villa to improve our family's living conditions! Everything I did, all the efforts and sacrifices, were for this family!"

When Madam Wilson heard her mention the pregnancy, she felt as if she had been slapped in the face, angrily scolding, "You shameless and despicable woman! How dare you bring up the pregnancy! You've corrupted our family ethics, morals, and are utterly shameless! If it weren't for Donald protecting you, I would have kicked you out long ago!"

Madam Wilson was so angry that her breathing became erratic, gritting her teeth, "Also! When you came out of the coal mine, you didn't just get pregnant with an illegitimate child! You also caught a sexually transmitted disease and passed it on to my son! Do you think I don't know?!"

Zoraida blushed immediately.

Just as she didn't know how to retaliate, the driver impatiently interrupted, "Are you lot leaving or not? If you want to argue, pull those two patients off the car to argue with you. We're waiting to finish work, no time to waste with you here!"

Upon hearing this, Madam Wilson faltered and hastily said, "Driver, please don't be angry, we'll leave now!"

With that, she gave Zoraida a fierce look, then with the help of Wendy, climbed into the ambulance.

Although Wendy sympathized with her mother, she dared not speak out at this moment, only giving her mother a signal to get on the car first.

Zoraida also knew that besides the Thomson Elite Villa, she had nowhere else to go, so she could only swallow her pride and sit quietly in the corner.

Once the family of five boarded the ambulance, it immediately headed to Thomson Elite.

Inside the vehicle, Noah lay on the mobile hospital bed, looking at Madam Wilson, crying and asking, "Mother, what do we do now? Our family is now penniless..."

Madam Wilson wiped her tears, filled with immense pain and sorrow, "I don't know what to do either. We have no money left, and the two of you are injured. The future treatments, medications, and recoveries will cost a lot of money. It seems like we have reached a dead end..."

Harold cried, "Grandma, why don't we go back to Thomson Elite, see if there's anything valuable we can sell? There are quite a few nice things in our villa, especially the good wine in the cellar, it should fetch a good price!"

Madam Wilson nodded, "We have no other choice but to do that!"

At this moment, Wendy asked, "Grandma, those two men mentioned that Donald arranged three helpers for us. Where are they?"

Madam Wilson looked puzzled, "I don't know either. Perhaps they are arranged but haven't arrived yet?"

"Sigh..." Wendy sighed, "If those three helpers could come over, it shows that Donald still has some conscience left. Otherwise, with dad and brother injured, the three of us would really struggle to take care of them."

"True..." Madam Wilson sighed, "I suppose Donald does have some grievances towards us, but deep down, he might still have some hope for us. It's just that he's upset at the moment. If we have a chance in the future, we must behave well and regain his trust!"

Wendy nodded, lamenting, "I hope those three helpers Donald arranged will arrive soon. It would be best if they're already at Thomson Elite waiting, or else we won't know how to get dad and brother back to the room later..."


In the luxurious villa at Thomson Elite, at this moment.

Verity, Liya, and Jill had just finished eating.

Despite waiting for Madam Wilson's family to return, they couldn't bear their hunger any longer. They discovered ingredients prepared by Zoraida in the kitchen, untouched and uncooked. They took the initiative to use these ingredients to cook a lavish meal.

Before Donald withdrew his investment, the Wilson family's living standard was quite good. With Donald's previous investment in the Wilson Group, the Wilson family's lifestyle improved significantly. Madam Wilson had regained her former elegance, and their living standard had greatly increased.

Zoraida had prepared a sumptuous meal today specifically to celebrate with Noah and Harold after they dealt with Elaine.

Unexpectedly, the Wilson family did not have a chance to enjoy these ingredients, and Verity and her friends took advantage of the situation.

The three of them were now lying on the sofa with full bellies, watching TV.

The TV was moved upstairs from the basement after Harold sold the large one. It was noticeably smaller than the previous one, appearing slightly mismatched in the spacious living room.

While watching TV, Verity commented, "Oh, Madam Wilson's villa is amazing in every aspect. It's just that this TV seems a bit small compared to this huge living room, making it look a bit out of place."

Jill exclaimed, "Goodness me! Isn't this TV at least 50 inches? The TV at the village chief's house isn't even this big, and you call it small?"

Liya chimed in, "Exactly... I've never seen such a big TV before."

Verity waved her hand and explained, "You two don't understand. TVs in wealthy households start at around 70 to 80 inches. Last year when I worked at a household service company in the city, I cleaned homes in wealthy households, and their TVs were way bigger than this!"

Jill pondered, "Why get such a huge TV? Wouldn't it strain your eyes staring at it all the time?"

Verity chuckled, "Look at you, thinking like that. By your logic, people watching a movie in a cinema would end up with their eyeballs on the floor from exhaustion!"

Jill scratched her head, "I've never been to a cinema, so I don't know what it's like in there."

Verity said, "I have, I've even worked as a cleaner in a cinema. Let me tell you, the screen in a cinema is bigger than a whole wall in this living room, just imagine!"

Liya asked, "Bigger than a whole wall? That's quite intimidating!"

Verity said, "You two really haven't seen much. Once Madam Wilson takes us to a cinema to watch a movie, you will understand!"

As they chatted, an ambulance drove into the yard.

However, the volume of their TV was so loud that no one heard the commotion outside.

After the ambulance stopped, the driver and the passenger jumped out. They roughly lifted Noah and Harold from the car, not bringing the mobile sickbed and instead placing them directly on the marble floor in the yard.

Seeing them about to leave without moving the patients inside, Madam Wilson anxiously said, "Aren't you going to help us move them inside?"

The driver impatiently replied, "Our client's request is just to drop you off, it doesn't include bringing them inside. But if you want us to help, it's two hundred dollars each."

Madam Wilson said, "I don't have any money!"

The driver frowned and asked, "You live in such a luxurious villa with no four hundred dollars?"

Madam Wilson urgently explained, "We don't need cash when going out these days, that's why we haven't kept any money at home. Our mobile payments and bank cards are all frozen, we're truly unable to pay!"
Somebody need to tell Charlie that kissing random girls won't help to grow Drake's lineage..

Seems like the Dragon-Son-in-Law might die without a son. 🙄

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023

The driver waved his hand, "Well, there's nothing we can do."

Wendy, feeling angry, said, "Aren't you doctors supposed to save lives and help the injured?"

The driver looked at her seriously and said, "Young lady, let me make it clear to you. None of us are doctors. This isn't a public hospital's emergency ambulance; it's a privately operated transfer ambulance, just like a taxi. We drive to make money. Understand?"

Wendy was left speechless.

The man sneered, "What kind of person is this, living in such a nice villa but unwilling to pay four hundred bucks!"

After speaking, the two got into the car directly and drove off.

Wendy stamped her foot in frustration, the old lady sighed helplessly, and said to her and Zoraida, "I am unable to lift anything heavy with my old bones. You two carry Noah into the house first, then come back to carry Harold."

Wendy and Zoraida knew they had no other choice. They gritted their teeth and carefully lifted Noah with all their strength.

Noah winced in pain, saying, "Be gentler, it hurts so much..."

Madam Wilson shook her head, sighed, and said, "Noah, there's really no other way now, you'll have to endure!"

Then, she said to Wendy and Zoraida, "You two support Noah, I'll go and open the door first!"

Struggling to carry Noah, Wendy and Zoraida slowly made their way to the door. Madam Wilson was about to scan her fingerprint to open the door when she suddenly heard noise from the TV inside. She asked Wendy in surprise, "Wendy, didn't you turn off the TV when we left?"

Wendy shook her head, "We left in a hurry, I forgot."

"Alright." Madam Wilson didn't think much and directly opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, she saw three people lying on the sofa in the living room!

She shouted in shock, "Who... who are you people?!"

Verity and the other two suddenly turned around at the noise, seeing Madam Wilson and Wendy, they immediately recognised these two old cellmates.

Verity was thrilled and ran over, excitedly saying, "Granny, you're finally back! We've been waiting for you for half a day!"

Madam Wilson was speechless seeing the three barefoot individuals running towards her, she definitely recognized Verity and the others, but she couldn't understand why they were out and even in her house!

Bewildered, she asked, "Verity, what... what are you doing here?!"

Verity excitedly said, "Granny, don't act like you're clueless! Didn't you help us get released on bail and bring us out?"

"Me?!" Madam Wilson looked bewildered, "This... could there be a misunderstanding?"

"No misunderstanding!" Verity hurriedly said, "Granny, I know you're grateful for the help we provided in prison, that's why you wanted to repay us, wanted us to live with you at Thomson Elite and enjoy the good life together!"

Liya chimed in, "That's right, Granny Wilson, you're really considerate! You even sent a limousine to pick us up, first time in my life riding in a limo!"

With a touch of emotion, Verity said, "Granny, speaking from the heart, we are all very grateful to you! So, we've all decided, from now on, we're not leaving, we'll stay here together, take care of you like our own mother until the end!"

Madam Wilson felt a deep sense of despair and blurted anxiously, "Verity, listen to me, there must be a misunderstanding. I didn't get you released, it really wasn't me! And I certainly didn't plan for you to come here and live with me!"


Initially, while in detention, she leaned on Verity for support, treating her exceptionally well, almost like her own daughter.

However, Madam Wilson never truly respected Verity, a coarse and rustic village woman.

Thus, the day she left the detention centre, she completely shoved Verity to the back of her mind.

To her, Verity was merely a tool to be used during a specific period; once that time passed, she wanted no association with her.

Unexpectedly, Verity appeared inexplicably in her house!

Even more surprising, Madam Wilson denied any involvement in their previous actions.

In Verity's view, Madam Wilson was the one who secured their release, arranged for a driver to take them to Thomson Elite, and even had their fingerprints scanned at the entrance. Why then deny it now?

Thinking this, Verity, puzzled, asked, "Madam, what's wrong with you? You did all these good deeds, why deny them now?"

"Exactly!" Liya and Jill chimed in, equally confused, "Madam, you did all these things, why deny them now? What's the reason?"

Madam Wilson found herself encircled by the three, catching a whiff of their strong body odour, making her dizzy and cough.

These three individuals were not big on personal hygiene, especially in winter with thick clothing, neglecting baths and changing clothes; hence, their body odour was quite strong.

With the three surrounding her, the pungent smell intensified.

Covering her nose, Madam Wilson, feeling unfairly treated, said, "Verity, you've got it all wrong, I truly didn't do those things."

Verity chuckled, revealing yellow teeth, "Oh, Madam, I know you have a kind heart. Some things you may not want to admit, but it's alright. The bond between us former cellmates runs deep! Now that we're all out, we'll stay by your side and take care of you!"

Jill added, "Of course, Madam, when you weren't here, we've already arranged the rooms. Luckily, your villa is spacious with plenty of rooms. Moving forward, the three of us will live here, and you will be like a mother to us!"

"What?!" Madam Wilson, upon hearing this, grew furious, blurting out, "You've arranged the rooms? Who gave you that authority?!"

Surprised by Madam Wilson's sudden anger, Jill asked, "What's wrong, Madam? You asked us to come and live with you, so naturally, we need to share the rooms!"

Infuriated, Madam Wilson trembled, saying, "This is my house! I may overlook you barging in, but who gave you the right to divide my bedroom? Get out now!"

Wendy hurriedly approached, whispering, "Grandma, we're short on help now. Why not let them assist until Dad and Brother get better, then they can leave?"

Madam Wilson waved her hand, sternly stating, "I won't let them stay here. Their presence, and stench, shorten my life! Besides, Mr. Weaver will arrange better help for us, far superior to these three hags!"

With a piercing gaze towards Verity, she commanded, "The three of you, get out now!"

Verity stood there, dumbfounded!


She gazed at Madam Wilson incredulously, "Madam, are you kicking us out just like that? That's going too far! Don't forget, back in the detention center, the three of us took care of you, helped you, even dealt with your daughter-in-law, Elaine, on your behalf!”

Madam Wilson retorted maliciously, "Did I ask for your help? When did I ever say you should deal with Elaine for me? It was all because you couldn't stand Elaine that you took matters into your own hands!"

Verity was utterly disappointed, "Madam Wilson, you change your tune faster than flipping a page! We supported you so much in the detention center, never did we expect this outcome!"

Madam Wilson remained expressionless, "I apologize for disappointing you, but this is a lesson for you to understand your place and stop climbing above your station!”

Verity clenched her teeth, “Is that so, Madam? Fine! Then I'm not leaving! Let's see what you can do to me!”

Liya and Jill also chimed in, “That's right! We're not leaving!”

Madam Wilson was taken aback by their refusal to leave and coldly stated, “Don't act out in front of me. Take a good look at yourselves in the mirror. Do you, stinking peasants, deserve to live in this luxury villa complex? If even you can reside in such a lavish place, then it’s truly a ludicrous world!”

With a haughty expression, Madam Wilson continued, “When I was in the detention center, it was like a phoenix in distress landing among chickens, temporarily forced to stay with you for few days. Did you really think I belonged to the same class as you?"

Liya angrily retorted, “Madam Wilson! As the saying goes, a distressed phoenix is not as good as a chicken! You've gone too far! If you provoke us, even though you're old, we won't hesitate to hit back!”

“Exactly!” Jill quickly added, “Just like how we dealt with Elaine back then, we can deal with you now!”

Madam Wilson sneered, “Try hitting me and see what happens. I'll call the police the moment you lay a hand on me! I'll make sure you peasants are taken back!”

Verity, clenching her fists, was on the edge, tempted to rush over and give Madam Wilson a punch.

However, she recalled the instructions from the prison guard before their release, “We are currently on bail pending trial. Despite having temporary freedom, we must abide by the law. Any illegal actions could lead us back to prison, not only serving our remaining sentence but potentially facing harsher penalties.”

Suppressing her anger, she spoke calmly, “Madam Wilson, it seems you're toying with us out of boredom, right? Since you feel we can't measure up to you, may we leave now?”

Madam Wilson nodded, “It's best you leave quickly, or I'll call the police immediately!”

Verity, through gritted teeth, said to the others, “Let's go. Regardless, we were released early, no need to stir up trouble. Pack up, we're leaving!”

Though unwilling, the others dared not defy and reluctantly nodded.

The three, feeling angry and defeated, packed their belongings, ready to depart.

Madam Wilson watched them, fanning the air in front of her nose, a look of disdain on her face, “Ugh, it stinks! Leave quickly, the farther, the better. If you dare return, I'll ensure the police arrests you immediately!”

Verity felt immense humiliation but for fear of trouble, she held back and said to the others, “Let's go!”

Suddenly, seven or eight burly men barged in. Seeing the scene, they questioned, “What's going on? Where are you three headed?”

Assuming these intimidating men were sent by Madam Wilson, Verity nervously replied, “Brothers, no need to rush. We're leaving, right away!”

The leader coldly stated, “Leaving? Our Mr. Weaver said you three can consider this place your own. This house belongs to him, not Madam Wilson. She, like you, is just a temporary resident here. So, as long as Mr. Weaver agrees, even the gods can't force you out!”


Madam Wilson was left in a daze.

The three of them, including Verity, were actually arranged by Donald Weaver?!

What was Donald's true intention?!

Was he really assigning these three as helpers for himself?!

Before Madam Wilson could gather her thoughts, Verity, upon hearing the words of the burly man, eagerly blurted out, "Excuse me, mate, is what you're saying real?! Can we really stay here?"

The man nodded, "Of course! Didn't the driver already scan your fingerprints earlier? From now on, consider this place your own home!"

Desperately, Madam Wilson shouted, "Young man! Please tell Mr. Weaver that we do not want these kinds of helpers! All three of them are peasant women, barely literate, what use could they be to us? Can you arrange for three professional caretakers to come, preferably ones who can also do house chores like laundry and cooking!"

The man coldly retorted, "Old lady, I must say, you might be old and ugly, but you sure have a vivid imagination! Haggling with Mr. Weaver, do you even know your place?"

Red-faced and embarrassed, Madam Wilson stammered, "Can't we just do without helpers? Let them go, and we'll manage on our own, isn't that acceptable?"

"That won't do either! As I mentioned earlier, these three are now considered part of your family, residents of this house just like you, with equal rights. You have no authority to send them away!"

Upon hearing this, Verity glanced at Madam Wilson and sneered, "Well, well, Madam Wilson, I thought you were a phoenix! Didn't take long for you to turn the tables, turns out this mansion isn't really yours! So why pretend otherwise? I actually thought this was your mansion! Didn't expect you, like the three of us, are just lodgers!"

"Exactly!" Liya scornfully added, "You blustered so arrogantly, acting all mighty, turns out it was all a facade!"

Jill chimed in, "I really thought you were a phoenix, living in such a luxurious phoenix nest, now I see, you're just a wild chicken squatting in a phoenix nest!"

Madam Wilson's expression turned even uglier.

Indeed, this mansion wasn't hers.

It belonged to Mr. Donald Weaver.

They could only stay if Mr. Weaver allowed it.

If Mr. Weaver decided one day to kick them out, they would have to leave.

In other words, if Mr. Weaver also wished for Verity and the others to move in, Madam Wilson had no right to stop it.

Verity felt triumphant in an instant!

Excitedly, she told the others, "From now on, we're also residents of this grand mansion! Those phoney old chickens pretending to be phoenixes have no right to evict us anymore!"

"Exactly!" the other two were equally thrilled.

Understanding the underlying interests at play, their moods instantly lifted.

Not only did this deflate Madam Wilson's arrogance, but it also allowed the three of them to rightfully reside in this grand mansion.

At that moment, Verity suddenly thought of something and asked the lead burly man, "Excuse me mate, there's something I'd like to ask you!"


Verity suggested, "When we checked the rooms in this villa earlier, we found that all the large, nice rooms were taken by the Wilson family. The only ones left for us are some small rooms in the corners. Since the three of us have equal rights with them, can we request a redistribution of rooms?"

"Exactly!" Jill chimed in, excitedly adding, "We also want to live in the large south-facing bedroom!"

The onlooker, enjoying the drama, replied with a smile, "Of course, how you allocate among yourselves is not our concern."

"That's great!" Verity immediately claimed, "I've reserved the large bedroom on the third floor! Whose room is that? Hurry up and move out, or else don't blame me for throwing everything out!"

Furious, Madam Wilson retorted, "How dare you! The large bedroom on the third floor is mine! No one can snatch it from me!"

Verity sneered, "You old hag, step back! I already showed you some respect earlier. The three of us came here sincerely to support you, treating you like our own mother! But you, this heartless old woman, turned out to be so ruthless! Now that Mr. Weaver has spoken, let's talk based on strength. I want the third-floor room. If you dare to compete, think twice if you have the capability!"

Madam Wilson felt utterly hopeless!

Not only hopeless but deeply regretful!

She now understood that these three people were actually helpers arranged by Donald!

If she had known earlier, she wouldn't have quarreled with them and tried to drive them away.

Initially, although these three were not prominent, they respected her enough and had the physical strength to carry out tasks if instructed.

But now!

She had offended these three to the core!

And these three were not leaving in the end.

Verity was now trying to take her room.

Wasn't this like lifting a rock and smashing her own foot?!

Thinking of this, Madam Wilson felt extremely distressed.

She could only swallow her pride and say to Verity, "Oh, Verity! It was all a misunderstanding earlier. Please don't treat me like this! I'm old, getting confused, and may not live many more years. Sometimes my brain doesn't work well, and I say things that aren't pleasant. Please don't take it to heart! I've always regarded you as my own daughter!"

With a disgusted expression, Verity retorted, "Trying to get close to me now? I'll be damned! Why didn't you do this earlier? I see through you now! You are a scum! In the future, living under the same roof, you better not mess with me. Otherwise, I'll make your life a living hell!"

Shaken by these words, Madam Wilson trembled and blurted out, "Aren't you afraid of retribution?"

At this moment, the burly man interjected, "Don't worry, Mr. Weaver has a lot of influence. He can easily handle this small matter!"

Upon hearing this, Verity felt empowered and coldly stated, "Well, sorry Madam Wilson, from now on, the big room on the third floor belongs to me!"

Madam Wilson was on the verge of collapse. The large bedroom on the third floor was the best in the entire villa. When she first moved in, she had set her sights on that room, finding it extremely comfortable, incomparable to other rooms.

Moreover, being someone who always sought luxury, she intended to live in that excellent bedroom until her last breath. Now, facing the prospect of being snatched away by Verity, she was naturally anxious and tearfully pleaded, "Verity! I'm getting old, who knows when I might pass away. Let me die in that better room, maybe in my next life, I'll have better luck!"

Verity stepped forward and slapped Madam Wilson, sternly saying, "Stop talking nonsense! When my mother drank pesticide and the hospital declared her hopeless, we brought her back home. She passed away in our old, rundown house in the countryside. According to your logic, would my mother not have a chance for a better next life?!"


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023

The driver waved his hand, "Well, there's nothing we can do."

Wendy, feeling angry, said, "Aren't you doctors supposed to save lives and help the injured?"

The driver looked at her seriously and said, "Young lady, let me make it clear to you. None of us are doctors. This isn't a public hospital's emergency ambulance; it's a privately operated transfer ambulance, just like a taxi. We drive to make money. Understand?"

Wendy was left speechless.

The man sneered, "What kind of person is this, living in such a nice villa but unwilling to pay four hundred bucks!"

After speaking, the two got into the car directly and drove off.

Wendy stamped her foot in frustration, the old lady sighed helplessly, and said to her and Zoraida, "I am unable to lift anything heavy with my old bones. You two carry Noah into the house first, then come back to carry Harold."

Wendy and Zoraida knew they had no other choice. They gritted their teeth and carefully lifted Noah with all their strength.

Noah winced in pain, saying, "Be gentler, it hurts so much..."

Madam Wilson shook her head, sighed, and said, "Noah, there's really no other way now, you'll have to endure!"

Then, she said to Wendy and Zoraida, "You two support Noah, I'll go and open the door first!"

Struggling to carry Noah, Wendy and Zoraida slowly made their way to the door. Madam Wilson was about to scan her fingerprint to open the door when she suddenly heard noise from the TV inside. She asked Wendy in surprise, "Wendy, didn't you turn off the TV when we left?"

Wendy shook her head, "We left in a hurry, I forgot."

"Alright." Madam Wilson didn't think much and directly opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, she saw three people lying on the sofa in the living room!

She shouted in shock, "Who... who are you people?!"

Verity and the other two suddenly turned around at the noise, seeing Madam Wilson and Wendy, they immediately recognised these two old cellmates.

Verity was thrilled and ran over, excitedly saying, "Granny, you're finally back! We've been waiting for you for half a day!"

Madam Wilson was speechless seeing the three barefoot individuals running towards her, she definitely recognized Verity and the others, but she couldn't understand why they were out and even in her house!

Bewildered, she asked, "Verity, what... what are you doing here?!"

Verity excitedly said, "Granny, don't act like you're clueless! Didn't you help us get released on bail and bring us out?"

"Me?!" Madam Wilson looked bewildered, "This... could there be a misunderstanding?"

"No misunderstanding!" Verity hurriedly said, "Granny, I know you're grateful for the help we provided in prison, that's why you wanted to repay us, wanted us to live with you at Thomson Elite and enjoy the good life together!"

Liya chimed in, "That's right, Granny Wilson, you're really considerate! You even sent a limousine to pick us up, first time in my life riding in a limo!"

With a touch of emotion, Verity said, "Granny, speaking from the heart, we are all very grateful to you! So, we've all decided, from now on, we're not leaving, we'll stay here together, take care of you like our own mother until the end!"

Madam Wilson felt a deep sense of despair and blurted anxiously, "Verity, listen to me, there must be a misunderstanding. I didn't get you released, it really wasn't me! And I certainly didn't plan for you to come here and live with me!"


Initially, while in detention, she leaned on Verity for support, treating her exceptionally well, almost like her own daughter.

However, Madam Wilson never truly respected Verity, a coarse and rustic village woman.

Thus, the day she left the detention centre, she completely shoved Verity to the back of her mind.

To her, Verity was merely a tool to be used during a specific period; once that time passed, she wanted no association with her.

Unexpectedly, Verity appeared inexplicably in her house!

Even more surprising, Madam Wilson denied any involvement in their previous actions.

In Verity's view, Madam Wilson was the one who secured their release, arranged for a driver to take them to Thomson Elite, and even had their fingerprints scanned at the entrance. Why then deny it now?

Thinking this, Verity, puzzled, asked, "Madam, what's wrong with you? You did all these good deeds, why deny them now?"

"Exactly!" Liya and Jill chimed in, equally confused, "Madam, you did all these things, why deny them now? What's the reason?"

Madam Wilson found herself encircled by the three, catching a whiff of their strong body odour, making her dizzy and cough.

These three individuals were not big on personal hygiene, especially in winter with thick clothing, neglecting baths and changing clothes; hence, their body odour was quite strong.

With the three surrounding her, the pungent smell intensified.

Covering her nose, Madam Wilson, feeling unfairly treated, said, "Verity, you've got it all wrong, I truly didn't do those things."

Verity chuckled, revealing yellow teeth, "Oh, Madam, I know you have a kind heart. Some things you may not want to admit, but it's alright. The bond between us former cellmates runs deep! Now that we're all out, we'll stay by your side and take care of you!"

Jill added, "Of course, Madam, when you weren't here, we've already arranged the rooms. Luckily, your villa is spacious with plenty of rooms. Moving forward, the three of us will live here, and you will be like a mother to us!"

"What?!" Madam Wilson, upon hearing this, grew furious, blurting out, "You've arranged the rooms? Who gave you that authority?!"

Surprised by Madam Wilson's sudden anger, Jill asked, "What's wrong, Madam? You asked us to come and live with you, so naturally, we need to share the rooms!"

Infuriated, Madam Wilson trembled, saying, "This is my house! I may overlook you barging in, but who gave you the right to divide my bedroom? Get out now!"

Wendy hurriedly approached, whispering, "Grandma, we're short on help now. Why not let them assist until Dad and Brother get better, then they can leave?"

Madam Wilson waved her hand, sternly stating, "I won't let them stay here. Their presence, and stench, shorten my life! Besides, Mr. Weaver will arrange better help for us, far superior to these three hags!"

With a piercing gaze towards Verity, she commanded, "The three of you, get out now!"

Verity stood there, dumbfounded!


She gazed at Madam Wilson incredulously, "Madam, are you kicking us out just like that? That's going too far! Don't forget, back in the detention center, the three of us took care of you, helped you, even dealt with your daughter-in-law, Elaine, on your behalf!”

Madam Wilson retorted maliciously, "Did I ask for your help? When did I ever say you should deal with Elaine for me? It was all because you couldn't stand Elaine that you took matters into your own hands!"

Verity was utterly disappointed, "Madam Wilson, you change your tune faster than flipping a page! We supported you so much in the detention center, never did we expect this outcome!"

Madam Wilson remained expressionless, "I apologize for disappointing you, but this is a lesson for you to understand your place and stop climbing above your station!”

Verity clenched her teeth, “Is that so, Madam? Fine! Then I'm not leaving! Let's see what you can do to me!”

Liya and Jill also chimed in, “That's right! We're not leaving!”

Madam Wilson was taken aback by their refusal to leave and coldly stated, “Don't act out in front of me. Take a good look at yourselves in the mirror. Do you, stinking peasants, deserve to live in this luxury villa complex? If even you can reside in such a lavish place, then it’s truly a ludicrous world!”

With a haughty expression, Madam Wilson continued, “When I was in the detention center, it was like a phoenix in distress landing among chickens, temporarily forced to stay with you for few days. Did you really think I belonged to the same class as you?"

Liya angrily retorted, “Madam Wilson! As the saying goes, a distressed phoenix is not as good as a chicken! You've gone too far! If you provoke us, even though you're old, we won't hesitate to hit back!”

“Exactly!” Jill quickly added, “Just like how we dealt with Elaine back then, we can deal with you now!”

Madam Wilson sneered, “Try hitting me and see what happens. I'll call the police the moment you lay a hand on me! I'll make sure you peasants are taken back!”

Verity, clenching her fists, was on the edge, tempted to rush over and give Madam Wilson a punch.

However, she recalled the instructions from the prison guard before their release, “We are currently on bail pending trial. Despite having temporary freedom, we must abide by the law. Any illegal actions could lead us back to prison, not only serving our remaining sentence but potentially facing harsher penalties.”

Suppressing her anger, she spoke calmly, “Madam Wilson, it seems you're toying with us out of boredom, right? Since you feel we can't measure up to you, may we leave now?”

Madam Wilson nodded, “It's best you leave quickly, or I'll call the police immediately!”

Verity, through gritted teeth, said to the others, “Let's go. Regardless, we were released early, no need to stir up trouble. Pack up, we're leaving!”

Though unwilling, the others dared not defy and reluctantly nodded.

The three, feeling angry and defeated, packed their belongings, ready to depart.

Madam Wilson watched them, fanning the air in front of her nose, a look of disdain on her face, “Ugh, it stinks! Leave quickly, the farther, the better. If you dare return, I'll ensure the police arrests you immediately!”

Verity felt immense humiliation but for fear of trouble, she held back and said to the others, “Let's go!”

Suddenly, seven or eight burly men barged in. Seeing the scene, they questioned, “What's going on? Where are you three headed?”

Assuming these intimidating men were sent by Madam Wilson, Verity nervously replied, “Brothers, no need to rush. We're leaving, right away!”

The leader coldly stated, “Leaving? Our Mr. Weaver said you three can consider this place your own. This house belongs to him, not Madam Wilson. She, like you, is just a temporary resident here. So, as long as Mr. Weaver agrees, even the gods can't force you out!”


Madam Wilson was left in a daze.

The three of them, including Verity, were actually arranged by Donald Weaver?!

What was Donald's true intention?!

Was he really assigning these three as helpers for himself?!

Before Madam Wilson could gather her thoughts, Verity, upon hearing the words of the burly man, eagerly blurted out, "Excuse me, mate, is what you're saying real?! Can we really stay here?"

The man nodded, "Of course! Didn't the driver already scan your fingerprints earlier? From now on, consider this place your own home!"

Desperately, Madam Wilson shouted, "Young man! Please tell Mr. Weaver that we do not want these kinds of helpers! All three of them are peasant women, barely literate, what use could they be to us? Can you arrange for three professional caretakers to come, preferably ones who can also do house chores like laundry and cooking!"

The man coldly retorted, "Old lady, I must say, you might be old and ugly, but you sure have a vivid imagination! Haggling with Mr. Weaver, do you even know your place?"

Red-faced and embarrassed, Madam Wilson stammered, "Can't we just do without helpers? Let them go, and we'll manage on our own, isn't that acceptable?"

"That won't do either! As I mentioned earlier, these three are now considered part of your family, residents of this house just like you, with equal rights. You have no authority to send them away!"

Upon hearing this, Verity glanced at Madam Wilson and sneered, "Well, well, Madam Wilson, I thought you were a phoenix! Didn't take long for you to turn the tables, turns out this mansion isn't really yours! So why pretend otherwise? I actually thought this was your mansion! Didn't expect you, like the three of us, are just lodgers!"

"Exactly!" Liya scornfully added, "You blustered so arrogantly, acting all mighty, turns out it was all a facade!"

Jill chimed in, "I really thought you were a phoenix, living in such a luxurious phoenix nest, now I see, you're just a wild chicken squatting in a phoenix nest!"

Madam Wilson's expression turned even uglier.

Indeed, this mansion wasn't hers.

It belonged to Mr. Donald Weaver.

They could only stay if Mr. Weaver allowed it.

If Mr. Weaver decided one day to kick them out, they would have to leave.

In other words, if Mr. Weaver also wished for Verity and the others to move in, Madam Wilson had no right to stop it.

Verity felt triumphant in an instant!

Excitedly, she told the others, "From now on, we're also residents of this grand mansion! Those phoney old chickens pretending to be phoenixes have no right to evict us anymore!"

"Exactly!" the other two were equally thrilled.

Understanding the underlying interests at play, their moods instantly lifted.

Not only did this deflate Madam Wilson's arrogance, but it also allowed the three of them to rightfully reside in this grand mansion.

At that moment, Verity suddenly thought of something and asked the lead burly man, "Excuse me mate, there's something I'd like to ask you!"


Verity suggested, "When we checked the rooms in this villa earlier, we found that all the large, nice rooms were taken by the Wilson family. The only ones left for us are some small rooms in the corners. Since the three of us have equal rights with them, can we request a redistribution of rooms?"

"Exactly!" Jill chimed in, excitedly adding, "We also want to live in the large south-facing bedroom!"

The onlooker, enjoying the drama, replied with a smile, "Of course, how you allocate among yourselves is not our concern."

"That's great!" Verity immediately claimed, "I've reserved the large bedroom on the third floor! Whose room is that? Hurry up and move out, or else don't blame me for throwing everything out!"

Furious, Madam Wilson retorted, "How dare you! The large bedroom on the third floor is mine! No one can snatch it from me!"

Verity sneered, "You old hag, step back! I already showed you some respect earlier. The three of us came here sincerely to support you, treating you like our own mother! But you, this heartless old woman, turned out to be so ruthless! Now that Mr. Weaver has spoken, let's talk based on strength. I want the third-floor room. If you dare to compete, think twice if you have the capability!"

Madam Wilson felt utterly hopeless!

Not only hopeless but deeply regretful!

She now understood that these three people were actually helpers arranged by Donald!

If she had known earlier, she wouldn't have quarreled with them and tried to drive them away.

Initially, although these three were not prominent, they respected her enough and had the physical strength to carry out tasks if instructed.

But now!

She had offended these three to the core!

And these three were not leaving in the end.

Verity was now trying to take her room.

Wasn't this like lifting a rock and smashing her own foot?!

Thinking of this, Madam Wilson felt extremely distressed.

She could only swallow her pride and say to Verity, "Oh, Verity! It was all a misunderstanding earlier. Please don't treat me like this! I'm old, getting confused, and may not live many more years. Sometimes my brain doesn't work well, and I say things that aren't pleasant. Please don't take it to heart! I've always regarded you as my own daughter!"

With a disgusted expression, Verity retorted, "Trying to get close to me now? I'll be damned! Why didn't you do this earlier? I see through you now! You are a scum! In the future, living under the same roof, you better not mess with me. Otherwise, I'll make your life a living hell!"

Shaken by these words, Madam Wilson trembled and blurted out, "Aren't you afraid of retribution?"

At this moment, the burly man interjected, "Don't worry, Mr. Weaver has a lot of influence. He can easily handle this small matter!"

Upon hearing this, Verity felt empowered and coldly stated, "Well, sorry Madam Wilson, from now on, the big room on the third floor belongs to me!"

Madam Wilson was on the verge of collapse. The large bedroom on the third floor was the best in the entire villa. When she first moved in, she had set her sights on that room, finding it extremely comfortable, incomparable to other rooms.

Moreover, being someone who always sought luxury, she intended to live in that excellent bedroom until her last breath. Now, facing the prospect of being snatched away by Verity, she was naturally anxious and tearfully pleaded, "Verity! I'm getting old, who knows when I might pass away. Let me die in that better room, maybe in my next life, I'll have better luck!"

Verity stepped forward and slapped Madam Wilson, sternly saying, "Stop talking nonsense! When my mother drank pesticide and the hospital declared her hopeless, we brought her back home. She passed away in our old, rundown house in the countryside. According to your logic, would my mother not have a chance for a better next life?!"
Madam Wilson deserves everything. Verity should teach her a lesson. How I wish Elaine too get same treatment


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
The story becomes more interesting, 😂. I anticipate when the Wilson will eventually found out that weavers are now Charlie's dog. That is, he owns them too, and still control their lives. Now they are at his mercy.


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
Now it's as if old Wilson never left the prison rather the prison had come to live with her😂. Following that will be series of torture and frustration to the Wilson family. Charlie's wisdom is ethereal, not of this world 😂.


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
Well, Elaine has actually been troublesome, but it seems she is getting better, if she truly changes her way. Then I won't have any issues with her. But If it's all all pretence then woe before her. I'm not satisfied with her behaviour but I can't wish her bad things since she is Claire's mum. I can only wish for opportunities that will help her reflect on herself and change her for good and for life.
Madam Wilson deserves everything. Verity should teach her a lesson. How I wish Elaine too get same treatment


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Feb 3, 2024
This is not a sex show where you would showcase your sexual abilities all in the name of calling yourself a dragon. If you want to do that , go to the territory of John White , where immortals can be immoral.
Oops.. Immorality is a relative term.
What might seem to be immoral to you might not be to someone..

Its just a comment you could have skipped 🤭
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