"Dragon Son-in-law" a.k.a. Millionaire Son-in-law, Charlie Wade Story. Translated by Junlee (aka Jungal2000)

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Charlie Wade is a househusband son-in-law whom everyone looks down upon. However, unknown to them, his true identity is that of the young master from a top-tier family. Those who once belittled him will eventually kneel before him, trembling with fear and calling him "Master!" ...

The MC is Charlie Wade, and there's this girl Claire Wilson. They're in this savage clapback novel called "Ultimate Dragon Honcho", penned by this dude Ye Gongzi. Everyone knew Charlie Wade was the son-in-law of the Wilson family. Like, Grandpa Wilson legit pulled this broke boy outta nowhere and made him marry his grand daughter/princess, Claire. But bro's got no skills, no dough 💸, and Claire had to deal with so much BS 'cause of him. He even had the nerve to ask for money during Grandma Wilson's big party, making Claire hella embarrassed 😳. They kicked Charlie Wade out, but then plot twist! 🌀 Some butler dude shows up. Turns out, Charlie Wade's actually from the uber-rich Wade clan. The butler's like, "Come home, fam." But since his parents were, like, done dirty by the Wade fam, he's like "Nah." But he did take his grandpa’s black card loaded with 10 billion. 💳💰 #MicDrop

Author: Charlie Wade
Category: Urban Fiction
Status: Ongoing
Last Updated: October 18, 2023
Last edited:


Supreme Alchemist
Sep 19, 2023

Donald nervously opened Marina's Hermès, revealing not just a checkbook but also Marina's personal name seal.

Name seals are not commonly used or engraved by ordinary individuals, but they are almost essential for company executives and senior management.

Many financial transactions require a personal name seal, especially for cashing cheques. Donald could clearly see that the seal was engraved with "Marina Wade's Seal."

Seeing Marina's name seal, Donald's blood pressure skyrocketed, almost causing him to lose his balance.

In that moment, he even felt like he wanted to die.

It was like sending the Wilson family father and son to catch a dog, only for them to unknowingly bring back a tiger.

What made it worse was that behind this tiger was an extremely powerful family.

Fuming inside, Donald thought to himself, "What the hell is going on! I just wanted to teach Elaine a lesson, how did Wade Family's young miss end up here? If I had known, I wouldn't have come near this mess! Now, it looks like Noah and Harold did a good deed, but the moment I arrived, Marina pinned it all on me."

Seeing Donald's complex expression, Marina, understanding that he believed in his identity, hurriedly said, "Mr. Weaver, I know you intended to target Elaine, not me. It's just a misunderstanding between us. If you release me, I won't pursue today's events, and I will facilitate cooperation between the Wade Family and the Weaver Family in the future. What do you think?"

Upon hearing this, Donald felt somewhat swayed.

Simply put, he had two choices based on today's events.

The first option was to go all out and get rid of Marina.

The second was to reconsider and maybe give Wade Family a chance to spare him.

If he chose the first option, the premise was to ensure that after dealing with Marina, he wouldn't be found by the Wade Family.

So, he gestured to Noah, his face cold as he said, "Old Wilson, come, let's have a word."

Noah hurriedly followed him.

Leading him to the warehouse entrance, Noah lowered his voice and questioned, "Did you deliberately avoid surveillance on the way here with these two women?"

"No," Noah shook his head, "After abducting them from the beauty salon, the driver navigated directly here following the planned route."

Donald's legs went weak, almost losing his balance.

Noah quickly supported him, asking, "Mr. Weaver, what's wrong with you?"

Donald pushed his hand away, angrily asking, "Did you not find a secluded spot to change vehicles on your way here?"

"Change vehicles?" Noah asked in surprise, "Mr. Weaver, I don't think it was necessary. Aren't they just two women? We could have just stuffed them in the car and brought them over, right?"

Then, Noah added, "Mr. Weaver, that woman Marina seems a bit off to me. She's good with words, almost had me convinced earlier, but upon reflection, something doesn't seem right!"


Pausing for a moment, Noah continued to talk expansively, "Boss Weaver, think about it, how could this Marina Wade, if she really is the top lady of the Eastcliff family, end up in Aurous Hill? Moreover, what she said about Charlie's background is simply unreliable! Charlie, that loser, before marrying into our family, was just a poor laborer living on construction sites, broke as hell! Let me tell you bluntly, he probably couldn't even afford toilet paper back then, how could he possibly be a young master of a wealthy family? Which wealthy family would bear to let their own child suffer outside for so many years?"

Donald remained expressionless, ignoring his words.

Although Noah's words sounded somewhat reasonable at first, they lacked any real evidence.

However, Donald had just seen Marina's chequebook and signature with his own eyes.

The chequebook was genuine, and the signature was definitely not forged.

Coupled with her limited edition Hermes bag, it was almost certain that she was indeed Marina.

The current dilemma troubling Donald was what to do with Marina.

He didn't believe a word Marina said. He understood the mentality of these upper-class people very well.

While he could say they could let bygones be bygones, granting her freedom would probably lead to her trying to hunt him for vengance.

However, if they were to kill her now, it would be too risky.

Because Noah and Harold had been far from cautious in handling this matter. They had brought her here directly after abducting her, without even changing vehicles. By closely monitoring the road surveillance, it would be easy to track the route of the car.

It was very likely that they would be traced back here soon!

Thinking about this, Donald felt his scalp tighten with nervousness.

Then, he thought to himself, "Since we can't kill Marina, we must find a way to salvage the situation!"

Making up his mind, he immediately said to Noah, "Let's go, follow me inside."

Noah nodded quickly and followed him eagerly back into the warehouse.

As soon as Donald entered the warehouse, he walked briskly towards Marina. Before reaching her, he felt extremely ashamed and said, "Oh, Miss Wade, today's events were truly a misunderstanding. Noah and Harold, this father and son, wanted to teach a lesson to Charlie's mother-in-law, Elaine, the shrew behind you. They didn't expect those two bastards to actually bring you here. I'm truly sorry!"

Upon hearing this, Marina breathed a sigh of relief.

At that moment, she was so excited internally that she almost wanted to cry out loud!

Harold, who was standing beside them, heard this and asked in surprise, "Boss Weaver, what drama are you playing now?"

"What drama?" Donald grabbed Harold by the collar, slapped him hard across the face, and scolded, "Do you still have the face to speak? This whole thing started because of you two! If it weren't for you two messing with Elaine, Miss Wade wouldn't have been involved!"

After the slap, Donald sternly scolded, "Luckily, I came to check today. If I hadn't come to check, and if you had done anything inappropriate to Miss Wade, I would have killed you two bastards without any hesitation!"

Harold looked puzzled and said, "Boss Weaver, what do you mean? We abducted Elaine all for your sake!"

"For my sake?!" Donald angrily retorted, "Stop talking rubbish! What does that have to do with me!"

Then, he furiously instructed the bodyguards beside him, "Get over here, break this bastard's two arms for me!"


Harold was devastated after hearing these words!

He saw Donald's bodyguards stepping towards him, causing him to retreat in fear while nervously shouting, "Boss Weaver, what are you doing! We are all here for you. Even if you don't appreciate it, why do you want to disable my arms?"

Donald exploded in anger, cursing, "If you dare to say it's for me again, I'll break your legs too!"

Terrified, Harold hadn't run far before several burly bodyguards pinned him to the ground.

Donald's bodyguards were not to be trifled with, following their boss's orders without hesitation.

Therefore, as soon as Harold was pinned down, someone picked up a brick from the ground and smashed it fiercely onto his shoulder.

With a painful cry, before he could finish, the other shoulder also throbbed with agony, almost causing him to faint.

Seeing his own son in such a pitiful state, Noah hurriedly pleaded, "Boss Weaver, my son was just trying to help, even if he did wrong, you don't have to treat him like this."

Through gritted teeth, Donald cursed, "Both of you are full of nonsense! Someone, disable his arms too!"

At this moment, Donald knew this matter couldn't be hidden, so he had to fully support Marina.

He was determined to prove his innocence to Marina.

Therefore, when Noah dared to say they were acting out of goodwill, wasn't he just shifting the blame onto himself?

If that's the case, then he shouldn't blame himself for being ruthless!

Disabling them would be a declaration of loyalty to Marina.

If Marina could vent her anger, his troubles would be greatly reduced.

Noah could never have imagined that this damn Donald not only turned on him in an instant but also disabled his son, and then aimed to disable him too!

Watching his son rolling on the ground in agony, his first thought was to escape quickly.

However, being an old man, he was no match for Donald's sturdy middle-aged bodyguards.

So, he was immediately pinned to the ground after a few steps.

Subsequently, with the same brick, Noah was also pounded twice, resembling a pig waiting to be slaughtered, thrown beside his son, and the cries of father and son echoed throughout the warehouse.

The cries were so loud that even the helicopter approaching from a distance couldn't drown them out.

This blood-soaked father and son, both covered in blood, presented a gruesome sight.

Seeing the father and son both disabled, Donald obsequiously approached Marina and said, "Ms. Wade, I have disciplined these two beasts. I hope you're not angry."

Marina breathed a sigh of relief but couldn't help complaining, "You should untie me first!"

"Oh, yes, yes!" Donald hurried to untie the ropes from Marina.

As soon as Marina regained her freedom, she immediately jumped up from the ground, disregarding the urine all over her, and her first thought was to grab Elaine's hair and rain down a series of punches on her face!


"Wanker, you hit me! You dare hit me! You bloody country bumpkin, daring to hit even me, you've really lost it!"

Elaine was still tied up, so she had no resistance at all and could only endure Marina's crazed onslaught on her face and head.

In the midst of being beaten, Elaine howled and begged, "Oh please, sister, please stop hitting me, can't I admit my mistake?"

"Admit your mistake?" Marina was even more furious upon hearing this, continuing to pound Elaine relentlessly, shouting angrily, "You've caused me to end up like this, and all you have to say is that you admit your mistake?! Today, I not only want to hit you, but I also want your life!"

Terrified, Elaine stammered, "Have mercy, sister! Don't forget, you are Charlie's aunt, I am Charlie's mother-in-law, we are relatives! How can you be so ruthless to relatives! If my son-in-law turns against you because of this, you won't be able to face it!"

Marina coldly snorted, "Bullshit! How could I be related to a poor wretch like you! If Charlie dares to bring your family back to the Wade family, I won't spare him either!"

Hearing this, Donald perked up and eagerly said, "Miss Wade, just say the word, and I'll have this bitch slaughtered!"

Panicked, Elaine looked at Marina, pleading, "Sister, please spare my life. At most, you can beat me up like Noah and Harold, that should be enough, right?"

Marina also wished to see Elaine suffer.

However, she suddenly remembered the instructions given by the old man, feeling a bit hesitant.

She knew that if she let Donald kill Elaine, Charlie might not forgive her.

In that case, if Charlie developed resentment towards the Wade family, the old man would definitely blame her for not handling things properly.

With this in mind, she abandoned the idea of killing Elaine, stared at her intently, and gritted her teeth, "Stop the nonsense! Today, I can spare your life for Charlie's sake, but you can't escape punishment!"

After speaking, she turned to Donald and ordered sternly, "Break her hands and legs for me!"

Upon hearing this, Donald assured, "Miss Wade, leave it to me!"

He immediately commanded his men, "Come, break her hands and legs!"

As the words fell, several men rushed forward.

Elaine was terrified and cried uncontrollably, but she was held down, and without a word, a brick was raised and smashed down on her right knee.

In that moment, Elaine was in excruciating pain, almost passing out on the spot.

Her right knee had been broken by Madam Wilson in the detention center, and after being in a cast for a while, it had just been removed and started to recover. Now, it was shattered again, the unbearable pain making her wish for death.

Elaine wailed in agony, "Please spare me, my leg has been broken once, and now it's broken again, are you trying to kill me?"

Donald scolded harshly, "Stop the nonsense. Miss Wade wants to break both your hands and legs!"

In a frenzy, Elaine shouted, "Then just kill me! If you kill me, I'll be free, I won't have to endure this suffering anymore!"

Disgusted, Donald cursed, "Such a foul-mouthed woman! All of you, finish her off quickly!"

As the person with the brick prepared to target Elaine's other leg, the warehouse door was suddenly kicked open, and a dozen armed men swiftly entered, pointing their guns at the people inside.

The leader of the group, holding a gun, coldly stated, "No one is to move. In my line of sight, if anyone dares to move, beware that my bullets have no eyes!"


A group of armed men in black suddenly rushed in, leaving everyone stunned.

Nervously, Donald questioned, "Who are you people?!"

The leader, wearing a black mask, coldly declared, "We are Interpol! Tasked with investigating a major international fraud case!"

The speaker was none other than Orvel, the most loyal subordinate of Charlie Wade.

At that moment, Charlie was still in the helicopter outside, choosing not to intervene directly in today's events to avoid having to explain to his mother-in-law, Elaine.

Donald was utterly puzzled by the mention of Interpol and international fraud investigation. What did it have to do with him?

He had only kidnapped Elaine and Marina!

Elaine felt like she had been struck by lightning, recalling the dreadful experience of being sent to prison for stealing Charlie's bank card.

However, after a moment, she regained her composure and cried out for help, "Interpol comrades, help me! These people kidnapped me and they want to kill me!"

The lead man in black approached her, checked her injuries, and ordered his men, "Protect the injured!"

"Yes!" Several men in black responded in unison, quickly moving to drag Elaine, who had a broken leg, to safety.

Seeing Elaine being protected by armed men, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and burst into tears.

Donald, seeing Elaine being taken care of, became anxious!

Elaine was the guarantee he had given to Marina. If she was being protected by Interpol, how could he satisfy Marina?!

He immediately questioned, "Hey! Have you got the wrong person? There are no suspects of international fraud here! Release that woman now!"

Orvel walked up to him, kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying, then pointed a gun at his head, coldly saying, "What? Are you trying to tell me what to do?!"

Feeling the cold barrel against his head, Donald was terrified and quickly raised his hands, "I-I just wanted to confirm..."

Orvel sneered, "Enough talk. Keep it up, and we'll take you back to our headquarters in Vienna for questioning!"

At that moment, Marina, looking somewhat disheveled, approached Orvel and said, "Interpol, right? I know the head of your Vienna headquarters. I don't care why you're here, but I demand to be taken to the hospital first, then protected until my family takes over!"

Without a word, Orvel slapped her hard across the face!

Before Marina could question him, Orvel sternly said, "Deborah Holiday, we've been investigating you for a long time! It was you who created fake Citibank black cards, deceiving people nationwide. Elaine was arrested for bank fraud because of your cards. You, under the alias Marina Wade, have been scamming people worldwide. We have all the evidence! How dare you try to argue here?!"

Marina was left dumbfounded by his words.
The author is very creative. He always knows how to cover Charlie's identity.


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023

Donald nervously opened Marina's Hermès, revealing not just a checkbook but also Marina's personal name seal.

Name seals are not commonly used or engraved by ordinary individuals, but they are almost essential for company executives and senior management.

Many financial transactions require a personal name seal, especially for cashing cheques. Donald could clearly see that the seal was engraved with "Marina Wade's Seal."

Seeing Marina's name seal, Donald's blood pressure skyrocketed, almost causing him to lose his balance.

In that moment, he even felt like he wanted to die.

It was like sending the Wilson family father and son to catch a dog, only for them to unknowingly bring back a tiger.

What made it worse was that behind this tiger was an extremely powerful family.

Fuming inside, Donald thought to himself, "What the hell is going on! I just wanted to teach Elaine a lesson, how did Wade Family's young miss end up here? If I had known, I wouldn't have come near this mess! Now, it looks like Noah and Harold did a good deed, but the moment I arrived, Marina pinned it all on me."

Seeing Donald's complex expression, Marina, understanding that he believed in his identity, hurriedly said, "Mr. Weaver, I know you intended to target Elaine, not me. It's just a misunderstanding between us. If you release me, I won't pursue today's events, and I will facilitate cooperation between the Wade Family and the Weaver Family in the future. What do you think?"

Upon hearing this, Donald felt somewhat swayed.

Simply put, he had two choices based on today's events.

The first option was to go all out and get rid of Marina.

The second was to reconsider and maybe give Wade Family a chance to spare him.

If he chose the first option, the premise was to ensure that after dealing with Marina, he wouldn't be found by the Wade Family.

So, he gestured to Noah, his face cold as he said, "Old Wilson, come, let's have a word."

Noah hurriedly followed him.

Leading him to the warehouse entrance, Noah lowered his voice and questioned, "Did you deliberately avoid surveillance on the way here with these two women?"

"No," Noah shook his head, "After abducting them from the beauty salon, the driver navigated directly here following the planned route."

Donald's legs went weak, almost losing his balance.

Noah quickly supported him, asking, "Mr. Weaver, what's wrong with you?"

Donald pushed his hand away, angrily asking, "Did you not find a secluded spot to change vehicles on your way here?"

"Change vehicles?" Noah asked in surprise, "Mr. Weaver, I don't think it was necessary. Aren't they just two women? We could have just stuffed them in the car and brought them over, right?"

Then, Noah added, "Mr. Weaver, that woman Marina seems a bit off to me. She's good with words, almost had me convinced earlier, but upon reflection, something doesn't seem right!"


Pausing for a moment, Noah continued to talk expansively, "Boss Weaver, think about it, how could this Marina Wade, if she really is the top lady of the Eastcliff family, end up in Aurous Hill? Moreover, what she said about Charlie's background is simply unreliable! Charlie, that loser, before marrying into our family, was just a poor laborer living on construction sites, broke as hell! Let me tell you bluntly, he probably couldn't even afford toilet paper back then, how could he possibly be a young master of a wealthy family? Which wealthy family would bear to let their own child suffer outside for so many years?"

Donald remained expressionless, ignoring his words.

Although Noah's words sounded somewhat reasonable at first, they lacked any real evidence.

However, Donald had just seen Marina's chequebook and signature with his own eyes.

The chequebook was genuine, and the signature was definitely not forged.

Coupled with her limited edition Hermes bag, it was almost certain that she was indeed Marina.

The current dilemma troubling Donald was what to do with Marina.

He didn't believe a word Marina said. He understood the mentality of these upper-class people very well.

While he could say they could let bygones be bygones, granting her freedom would probably lead to her trying to hunt him for vengance.

However, if they were to kill her now, it would be too risky.

Because Noah and Harold had been far from cautious in handling this matter. They had brought her here directly after abducting her, without even changing vehicles. By closely monitoring the road surveillance, it would be easy to track the route of the car.

It was very likely that they would be traced back here soon!

Thinking about this, Donald felt his scalp tighten with nervousness.

Then, he thought to himself, "Since we can't kill Marina, we must find a way to salvage the situation!"

Making up his mind, he immediately said to Noah, "Let's go, follow me inside."

Noah nodded quickly and followed him eagerly back into the warehouse.

As soon as Donald entered the warehouse, he walked briskly towards Marina. Before reaching her, he felt extremely ashamed and said, "Oh, Miss Wade, today's events were truly a misunderstanding. Noah and Harold, this father and son, wanted to teach a lesson to Charlie's mother-in-law, Elaine, the shrew behind you. They didn't expect those two bastards to actually bring you here. I'm truly sorry!"

Upon hearing this, Marina breathed a sigh of relief.

At that moment, she was so excited internally that she almost wanted to cry out loud!

Harold, who was standing beside them, heard this and asked in surprise, "Boss Weaver, what drama are you playing now?"

"What drama?" Donald grabbed Harold by the collar, slapped him hard across the face, and scolded, "Do you still have the face to speak? This whole thing started because of you two! If it weren't for you two messing with Elaine, Miss Wade wouldn't have been involved!"

After the slap, Donald sternly scolded, "Luckily, I came to check today. If I hadn't come to check, and if you had done anything inappropriate to Miss Wade, I would have killed you two bastards without any hesitation!"

Harold looked puzzled and said, "Boss Weaver, what do you mean? We abducted Elaine all for your sake!"

"For my sake?!" Donald angrily retorted, "Stop talking rubbish! What does that have to do with me!"

Then, he furiously instructed the bodyguards beside him, "Get over here, break this bastard's two arms for me!"


Harold was devastated after hearing these words!

He saw Donald's bodyguards stepping towards him, causing him to retreat in fear while nervously shouting, "Boss Weaver, what are you doing! We are all here for you. Even if you don't appreciate it, why do you want to disable my arms?"

Donald exploded in anger, cursing, "If you dare to say it's for me again, I'll break your legs too!"

Terrified, Harold hadn't run far before several burly bodyguards pinned him to the ground.

Donald's bodyguards were not to be trifled with, following their boss's orders without hesitation.

Therefore, as soon as Harold was pinned down, someone picked up a brick from the ground and smashed it fiercely onto his shoulder.

With a painful cry, before he could finish, the other shoulder also throbbed with agony, almost causing him to faint.

Seeing his own son in such a pitiful state, Noah hurriedly pleaded, "Boss Weaver, my son was just trying to help, even if he did wrong, you don't have to treat him like this."

Through gritted teeth, Donald cursed, "Both of you are full of nonsense! Someone, disable his arms too!"

At this moment, Donald knew this matter couldn't be hidden, so he had to fully support Marina.

He was determined to prove his innocence to Marina.

Therefore, when Noah dared to say they were acting out of goodwill, wasn't he just shifting the blame onto himself?

If that's the case, then he shouldn't blame himself for being ruthless!

Disabling them would be a declaration of loyalty to Marina.

If Marina could vent her anger, his troubles would be greatly reduced.

Noah could never have imagined that this damn Donald not only turned on him in an instant but also disabled his son, and then aimed to disable him too!

Watching his son rolling on the ground in agony, his first thought was to escape quickly.

However, being an old man, he was no match for Donald's sturdy middle-aged bodyguards.

So, he was immediately pinned to the ground after a few steps.

Subsequently, with the same brick, Noah was also pounded twice, resembling a pig waiting to be slaughtered, thrown beside his son, and the cries of father and son echoed throughout the warehouse.

The cries were so loud that even the helicopter approaching from a distance couldn't drown them out.

This blood-soaked father and son, both covered in blood, presented a gruesome sight.

Seeing the father and son both disabled, Donald obsequiously approached Marina and said, "Ms. Wade, I have disciplined these two beasts. I hope you're not angry."

Marina breathed a sigh of relief but couldn't help complaining, "You should untie me first!"

"Oh, yes, yes!" Donald hurried to untie the ropes from Marina.

As soon as Marina regained her freedom, she immediately jumped up from the ground, disregarding the urine all over her, and her first thought was to grab Elaine's hair and rain down a series of punches on her face!


"Wanker, you hit me! You dare hit me! You bloody country bumpkin, daring to hit even me, you've really lost it!"

Elaine was still tied up, so she had no resistance at all and could only endure Marina's crazed onslaught on her face and head.

In the midst of being beaten, Elaine howled and begged, "Oh please, sister, please stop hitting me, can't I admit my mistake?"

"Admit your mistake?" Marina was even more furious upon hearing this, continuing to pound Elaine relentlessly, shouting angrily, "You've caused me to end up like this, and all you have to say is that you admit your mistake?! Today, I not only want to hit you, but I also want your life!"

Terrified, Elaine stammered, "Have mercy, sister! Don't forget, you are Charlie's aunt, I am Charlie's mother-in-law, we are relatives! How can you be so ruthless to relatives! If my son-in-law turns against you because of this, you won't be able to face it!"

Marina coldly snorted, "Bullshit! How could I be related to a poor wretch like you! If Charlie dares to bring your family back to the Wade family, I won't spare him either!"

Hearing this, Donald perked up and eagerly said, "Miss Wade, just say the word, and I'll have this bitch slaughtered!"

Panicked, Elaine looked at Marina, pleading, "Sister, please spare my life. At most, you can beat me up like Noah and Harold, that should be enough, right?"

Marina also wished to see Elaine suffer.

However, she suddenly remembered the instructions given by the old man, feeling a bit hesitant.

She knew that if she let Donald kill Elaine, Charlie might not forgive her.

In that case, if Charlie developed resentment towards the Wade family, the old man would definitely blame her for not handling things properly.

With this in mind, she abandoned the idea of killing Elaine, stared at her intently, and gritted her teeth, "Stop the nonsense! Today, I can spare your life for Charlie's sake, but you can't escape punishment!"

After speaking, she turned to Donald and ordered sternly, "Break her hands and legs for me!"

Upon hearing this, Donald assured, "Miss Wade, leave it to me!"

He immediately commanded his men, "Come, break her hands and legs!"

As the words fell, several men rushed forward.

Elaine was terrified and cried uncontrollably, but she was held down, and without a word, a brick was raised and smashed down on her right knee.

In that moment, Elaine was in excruciating pain, almost passing out on the spot.

Her right knee had been broken by Madam Wilson in the detention center, and after being in a cast for a while, it had just been removed and started to recover. Now, it was shattered again, the unbearable pain making her wish for death.

Elaine wailed in agony, "Please spare me, my leg has been broken once, and now it's broken again, are you trying to kill me?"

Donald scolded harshly, "Stop the nonsense. Miss Wade wants to break both your hands and legs!"

In a frenzy, Elaine shouted, "Then just kill me! If you kill me, I'll be free, I won't have to endure this suffering anymore!"

Disgusted, Donald cursed, "Such a foul-mouthed woman! All of you, finish her off quickly!"

As the person with the brick prepared to target Elaine's other leg, the warehouse door was suddenly kicked open, and a dozen armed men swiftly entered, pointing their guns at the people inside.

The leader of the group, holding a gun, coldly stated, "No one is to move. In my line of sight, if anyone dares to move, beware that my bullets have no eyes!"


A group of armed men in black suddenly rushed in, leaving everyone stunned.

Nervously, Donald questioned, "Who are you people?!"

The leader, wearing a black mask, coldly declared, "We are Interpol! Tasked with investigating a major international fraud case!"

The speaker was none other than Orvel, the most loyal subordinate of Charlie Wade.

At that moment, Charlie was still in the helicopter outside, choosing not to intervene directly in today's events to avoid having to explain to his mother-in-law, Elaine.

Donald was utterly puzzled by the mention of Interpol and international fraud investigation. What did it have to do with him?

He had only kidnapped Elaine and Marina!

Elaine felt like she had been struck by lightning, recalling the dreadful experience of being sent to prison for stealing Charlie's bank card.

However, after a moment, she regained her composure and cried out for help, "Interpol comrades, help me! These people kidnapped me and they want to kill me!"

The lead man in black approached her, checked her injuries, and ordered his men, "Protect the injured!"

"Yes!" Several men in black responded in unison, quickly moving to drag Elaine, who had a broken leg, to safety.

Seeing Elaine being protected by armed men, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and burst into tears.

Donald, seeing Elaine being taken care of, became anxious!

Elaine was the guarantee he had given to Marina. If she was being protected by Interpol, how could he satisfy Marina?!

He immediately questioned, "Hey! Have you got the wrong person? There are no suspects of international fraud here! Release that woman now!"

Orvel walked up to him, kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying, then pointed a gun at his head, coldly saying, "What? Are you trying to tell me what to do?!"

Feeling the cold barrel against his head, Donald was terrified and quickly raised his hands, "I-I just wanted to confirm..."

Orvel sneered, "Enough talk. Keep it up, and we'll take you back to our headquarters in Vienna for questioning!"

At that moment, Marina, looking somewhat disheveled, approached Orvel and said, "Interpol, right? I know the head of your Vienna headquarters. I don't care why you're here, but I demand to be taken to the hospital first, then protected until my family takes over!"

Without a word, Orvel slapped her hard across the face!

Before Marina could question him, Orvel sternly said, "Deborah Holiday, we've been investigating you for a long time! It was you who created fake Citibank black cards, deceiving people nationwide. Elaine was arrested for bank fraud because of your cards. You, under the alias Marina Wade, have been scamming people worldwide. We have all the evidence! How dare you try to argue here?!"

Marina was left dumbfounded by his words.
They have twisted the story. 🤦🤦🤦


Dragon Among Men
Sep 11, 2023

Donald nervously opened Marina's Hermès, revealing not just a checkbook but also Marina's personal name seal.

Name seals are not commonly used or engraved by ordinary individuals, but they are almost essential for company executives and senior management.

Many financial transactions require a personal name seal, especially for cashing cheques. Donald could clearly see that the seal was engraved with "Marina Wade's Seal."

Seeing Marina's name seal, Donald's blood pressure skyrocketed, almost causing him to lose his balance.

In that moment, he even felt like he wanted to die.

It was like sending the Wilson family father and son to catch a dog, only for them to unknowingly bring back a tiger.

What made it worse was that behind this tiger was an extremely powerful family.

Fuming inside, Donald thought to himself, "What the hell is going on! I just wanted to teach Elaine a lesson, how did Wade Family's young miss end up here? If I had known, I wouldn't have come near this mess! Now, it looks like Noah and Harold did a good deed, but the moment I arrived, Marina pinned it all on me."

Seeing Donald's complex expression, Marina, understanding that he believed in his identity, hurriedly said, "Mr. Weaver, I know you intended to target Elaine, not me. It's just a misunderstanding between us. If you release me, I won't pursue today's events, and I will facilitate cooperation between the Wade Family and the Weaver Family in the future. What do you think?"

Upon hearing this, Donald felt somewhat swayed.

Simply put, he had two choices based on today's events.

The first option was to go all out and get rid of Marina.

The second was to reconsider and maybe give Wade Family a chance to spare him.

If he chose the first option, the premise was to ensure that after dealing with Marina, he wouldn't be found by the Wade Family.

So, he gestured to Noah, his face cold as he said, "Old Wilson, come, let's have a word."

Noah hurriedly followed him.

Leading him to the warehouse entrance, Noah lowered his voice and questioned, "Did you deliberately avoid surveillance on the way here with these two women?"

"No," Noah shook his head, "After abducting them from the beauty salon, the driver navigated directly here following the planned route."

Donald's legs went weak, almost losing his balance.

Noah quickly supported him, asking, "Mr. Weaver, what's wrong with you?"

Donald pushed his hand away, angrily asking, "Did you not find a secluded spot to change vehicles on your way here?"

"Change vehicles?" Noah asked in surprise, "Mr. Weaver, I don't think it was necessary. Aren't they just two women? We could have just stuffed them in the car and brought them over, right?"

Then, Noah added, "Mr. Weaver, that woman Marina seems a bit off to me. She's good with words, almost had me convinced earlier, but upon reflection, something doesn't seem right!"


Pausing for a moment, Noah continued to talk expansively, "Boss Weaver, think about it, how could this Marina Wade, if she really is the top lady of the Eastcliff family, end up in Aurous Hill? Moreover, what she said about Charlie's background is simply unreliable! Charlie, that loser, before marrying into our family, was just a poor laborer living on construction sites, broke as hell! Let me tell you bluntly, he probably couldn't even afford toilet paper back then, how could he possibly be a young master of a wealthy family? Which wealthy family would bear to let their own child suffer outside for so many years?"

Donald remained expressionless, ignoring his words.

Although Noah's words sounded somewhat reasonable at first, they lacked any real evidence.

However, Donald had just seen Marina's chequebook and signature with his own eyes.

The chequebook was genuine, and the signature was definitely not forged.

Coupled with her limited edition Hermes bag, it was almost certain that she was indeed Marina.

The current dilemma troubling Donald was what to do with Marina.

He didn't believe a word Marina said. He understood the mentality of these upper-class people very well.

While he could say they could let bygones be bygones, granting her freedom would probably lead to her trying to hunt him for vengance.

However, if they were to kill her now, it would be too risky.

Because Noah and Harold had been far from cautious in handling this matter. They had brought her here directly after abducting her, without even changing vehicles. By closely monitoring the road surveillance, it would be easy to track the route of the car.

It was very likely that they would be traced back here soon!

Thinking about this, Donald felt his scalp tighten with nervousness.

Then, he thought to himself, "Since we can't kill Marina, we must find a way to salvage the situation!"

Making up his mind, he immediately said to Noah, "Let's go, follow me inside."

Noah nodded quickly and followed him eagerly back into the warehouse.

As soon as Donald entered the warehouse, he walked briskly towards Marina. Before reaching her, he felt extremely ashamed and said, "Oh, Miss Wade, today's events were truly a misunderstanding. Noah and Harold, this father and son, wanted to teach a lesson to Charlie's mother-in-law, Elaine, the shrew behind you. They didn't expect those two bastards to actually bring you here. I'm truly sorry!"

Upon hearing this, Marina breathed a sigh of relief.

At that moment, she was so excited internally that she almost wanted to cry out loud!

Harold, who was standing beside them, heard this and asked in surprise, "Boss Weaver, what drama are you playing now?"

"What drama?" Donald grabbed Harold by the collar, slapped him hard across the face, and scolded, "Do you still have the face to speak? This whole thing started because of you two! If it weren't for you two messing with Elaine, Miss Wade wouldn't have been involved!"

After the slap, Donald sternly scolded, "Luckily, I came to check today. If I hadn't come to check, and if you had done anything inappropriate to Miss Wade, I would have killed you two bastards without any hesitation!"

Harold looked puzzled and said, "Boss Weaver, what do you mean? We abducted Elaine all for your sake!"

"For my sake?!" Donald angrily retorted, "Stop talking rubbish! What does that have to do with me!"

Then, he furiously instructed the bodyguards beside him, "Get over here, break this bastard's two arms for me!"


Harold was devastated after hearing these words!

He saw Donald's bodyguards stepping towards him, causing him to retreat in fear while nervously shouting, "Boss Weaver, what are you doing! We are all here for you. Even if you don't appreciate it, why do you want to disable my arms?"

Donald exploded in anger, cursing, "If you dare to say it's for me again, I'll break your legs too!"

Terrified, Harold hadn't run far before several burly bodyguards pinned him to the ground.

Donald's bodyguards were not to be trifled with, following their boss's orders without hesitation.

Therefore, as soon as Harold was pinned down, someone picked up a brick from the ground and smashed it fiercely onto his shoulder.

With a painful cry, before he could finish, the other shoulder also throbbed with agony, almost causing him to faint.

Seeing his own son in such a pitiful state, Noah hurriedly pleaded, "Boss Weaver, my son was just trying to help, even if he did wrong, you don't have to treat him like this."

Through gritted teeth, Donald cursed, "Both of you are full of nonsense! Someone, disable his arms too!"

At this moment, Donald knew this matter couldn't be hidden, so he had to fully support Marina.

He was determined to prove his innocence to Marina.

Therefore, when Noah dared to say they were acting out of goodwill, wasn't he just shifting the blame onto himself?

If that's the case, then he shouldn't blame himself for being ruthless!

Disabling them would be a declaration of loyalty to Marina.

If Marina could vent her anger, his troubles would be greatly reduced.

Noah could never have imagined that this damn Donald not only turned on him in an instant but also disabled his son, and then aimed to disable him too!

Watching his son rolling on the ground in agony, his first thought was to escape quickly.

However, being an old man, he was no match for Donald's sturdy middle-aged bodyguards.

So, he was immediately pinned to the ground after a few steps.

Subsequently, with the same brick, Noah was also pounded twice, resembling a pig waiting to be slaughtered, thrown beside his son, and the cries of father and son echoed throughout the warehouse.

The cries were so loud that even the helicopter approaching from a distance couldn't drown them out.

This blood-soaked father and son, both covered in blood, presented a gruesome sight.

Seeing the father and son both disabled, Donald obsequiously approached Marina and said, "Ms. Wade, I have disciplined these two beasts. I hope you're not angry."

Marina breathed a sigh of relief but couldn't help complaining, "You should untie me first!"

"Oh, yes, yes!" Donald hurried to untie the ropes from Marina.

As soon as Marina regained her freedom, she immediately jumped up from the ground, disregarding the urine all over her, and her first thought was to grab Elaine's hair and rain down a series of punches on her face!


"Wanker, you hit me! You dare hit me! You bloody country bumpkin, daring to hit even me, you've really lost it!"

Elaine was still tied up, so she had no resistance at all and could only endure Marina's crazed onslaught on her face and head.

In the midst of being beaten, Elaine howled and begged, "Oh please, sister, please stop hitting me, can't I admit my mistake?"

"Admit your mistake?" Marina was even more furious upon hearing this, continuing to pound Elaine relentlessly, shouting angrily, "You've caused me to end up like this, and all you have to say is that you admit your mistake?! Today, I not only want to hit you, but I also want your life!"

Terrified, Elaine stammered, "Have mercy, sister! Don't forget, you are Charlie's aunt, I am Charlie's mother-in-law, we are relatives! How can you be so ruthless to relatives! If my son-in-law turns against you because of this, you won't be able to face it!"

Marina coldly snorted, "Bullshit! How could I be related to a poor wretch like you! If Charlie dares to bring your family back to the Wade family, I won't spare him either!"

Hearing this, Donald perked up and eagerly said, "Miss Wade, just say the word, and I'll have this bitch slaughtered!"

Panicked, Elaine looked at Marina, pleading, "Sister, please spare my life. At most, you can beat me up like Noah and Harold, that should be enough, right?"

Marina also wished to see Elaine suffer.

However, she suddenly remembered the instructions given by the old man, feeling a bit hesitant.

She knew that if she let Donald kill Elaine, Charlie might not forgive her.

In that case, if Charlie developed resentment towards the Wade family, the old man would definitely blame her for not handling things properly.

With this in mind, she abandoned the idea of killing Elaine, stared at her intently, and gritted her teeth, "Stop the nonsense! Today, I can spare your life for Charlie's sake, but you can't escape punishment!"

After speaking, she turned to Donald and ordered sternly, "Break her hands and legs for me!"

Upon hearing this, Donald assured, "Miss Wade, leave it to me!"

He immediately commanded his men, "Come, break her hands and legs!"

As the words fell, several men rushed forward.

Elaine was terrified and cried uncontrollably, but she was held down, and without a word, a brick was raised and smashed down on her right knee.

In that moment, Elaine was in excruciating pain, almost passing out on the spot.

Her right knee had been broken by Madam Wilson in the detention center, and after being in a cast for a while, it had just been removed and started to recover. Now, it was shattered again, the unbearable pain making her wish for death.

Elaine wailed in agony, "Please spare me, my leg has been broken once, and now it's broken again, are you trying to kill me?"

Donald scolded harshly, "Stop the nonsense. Miss Wade wants to break both your hands and legs!"

In a frenzy, Elaine shouted, "Then just kill me! If you kill me, I'll be free, I won't have to endure this suffering anymore!"

Disgusted, Donald cursed, "Such a foul-mouthed woman! All of you, finish her off quickly!"

As the person with the brick prepared to target Elaine's other leg, the warehouse door was suddenly kicked open, and a dozen armed men swiftly entered, pointing their guns at the people inside.

The leader of the group, holding a gun, coldly stated, "No one is to move. In my line of sight, if anyone dares to move, beware that my bullets have no eyes!"


A group of armed men in black suddenly rushed in, leaving everyone stunned.

Nervously, Donald questioned, "Who are you people?!"

The leader, wearing a black mask, coldly declared, "We are Interpol! Tasked with investigating a major international fraud case!"

The speaker was none other than Orvel, the most loyal subordinate of Charlie Wade.

At that moment, Charlie was still in the helicopter outside, choosing not to intervene directly in today's events to avoid having to explain to his mother-in-law, Elaine.

Donald was utterly puzzled by the mention of Interpol and international fraud investigation. What did it have to do with him?

He had only kidnapped Elaine and Marina!

Elaine felt like she had been struck by lightning, recalling the dreadful experience of being sent to prison for stealing Charlie's bank card.

However, after a moment, she regained her composure and cried out for help, "Interpol comrades, help me! These people kidnapped me and they want to kill me!"

The lead man in black approached her, checked her injuries, and ordered his men, "Protect the injured!"

"Yes!" Several men in black responded in unison, quickly moving to drag Elaine, who had a broken leg, to safety.

Seeing Elaine being protected by armed men, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and burst into tears.

Donald, seeing Elaine being taken care of, became anxious!

Elaine was the guarantee he had given to Marina. If she was being protected by Interpol, how could he satisfy Marina?!

He immediately questioned, "Hey! Have you got the wrong person? There are no suspects of international fraud here! Release that woman now!"

Orvel walked up to him, kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying, then pointed a gun at his head, coldly saying, "What? Are you trying to tell me what to do?!"

Feeling the cold barrel against his head, Donald was terrified and quickly raised his hands, "I-I just wanted to confirm..."

Orvel sneered, "Enough talk. Keep it up, and we'll take you back to our headquarters in Vienna for questioning!"

At that moment, Marina, looking somewhat disheveled, approached Orvel and said, "Interpol, right? I know the head of your Vienna headquarters. I don't care why you're here, but I demand to be taken to the hospital first, then protected until my family takes over!"

Without a word, Orvel slapped her hard across the face!

Before Marina could question him, Orvel sternly said, "Deborah Holiday, we've been investigating you for a long time! It was you who created fake Citibank black cards, deceiving people nationwide. Elaine was arrested for bank fraud because of your cards. You, under the alias Marina Wade, have been scamming people worldwide. We have all the evidence! How dare you try to argue here?!"

Marina was left dumbfounded by his words.
A round of applause for Charlie Wade,aka THE DRAGON MAN, he's witty, cunning, wicked at times, but always JUST,, in his judgement, very smart guy indeed, all his secrets will still be intact,

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023

She instinctively questioned, "Who are you calling Deborah Holiday?! How could I have such a tacky name! I am the eldest daughter of the Wade family! I am the genuine Marina Wade!"

Orvel sternly rebuked, "Still pretending? Over the years, how many families have you destroyed, how many businesses and individuals have you ruined? Don't you have an ounce of self-awareness?"

Elaine was also bewildered.

In her mind, a thousand voices echoed, "What is going on? Who is this woman? Is she really Charlie's aunt, or an international scammer?!"

"If she is Charlie's aunt, then what about these Interpol officers? They accurately recalled being arrested back then, it seems like they have valid reasons."

"If she is an international scammer, why did she find me, wanting my daughter to divorce Charlie? And even big shots like Donald believe she is truly the eldest daughter of the Wade family?!"

"These two scenarios seem to make sense independently, each standing on its own."

At that moment, Orvel continued to berate, "Deborah Holiday, we have thoroughly investigated your actions, we know your purpose for coming to Elaine, isn't it to seek revenge for your three henchmen sentenced to life imprisonment? To bring ruin upon Elaine's family, isn't that right?"

Upon hearing this, Elaine immediately thought of the three women in prison who had caused trouble for her and wanted to harm her!

One of them, a middle-aged woman with a scarred face, had explicitly blamed Elaine for their arrest.

With this in mind, Elaine's perception had shifted!

She began to think that the possibility of Marina being a fraudster was more likely!

At this moment, Marina was dumbfounded, "What are you talking about! I am not Deborah Holiday at all! I am Marina Wade!"

Orvel sneered, "Still pretending? It seems like you scammers have immersed yourselves too deeply, sometimes even forgetting who you are, brainwashing yourselves, right? Fine, since that's the case, I won't leave any room for you. We have already anticipated your plan! You intend to deceive Elaine with empty promises, persuade her to convince her daughter to divorce Charlie, isn't that right?!"

Marina blurted out, "What nonsense are you talking! The cheque I gave her is real!!! It's a genuine cheque!!!"

A faint smile crossed Orvel's lips, but hidden behind the black mask, Marina couldn't see it.

Charlie had long suspected that his aunt would try to bribe Elaine, so he deliberately had Orvel accuse Marina.

Elaine, having experienced prison, would be extremely sensitive to fake cheques and bank cards.

Charlie's speculation about Elaine was spot on!

Upon hearing this, Elaine immediately realised, "International police comrades, she gave me a fake cheque worth a hundred million before!"

Orvel nodded, speaking coldly, "Her intention was to lure you, make you disrupt your daughter's marriage first, then have you try to cash the fake cheque at the bank. The bank would definitely report it to the police, and you would end up back in prison for fraud."

Pausing for a moment, Orvel added, "However, you were lucky to be released last time. If you go back in this time, you won't be as fortunate, you might end up like her three henchmen, serving life sentences!"

Upon hearing this, Elaine felt a chill run down her spine! Inside, she screamed, "Oh my god! Thank goodness I've become sharp, the moment Deborah Holiday, that wretched woman, handed me the cheque, I had a hunch she was trying to deceive me. If I had foolishly believed her, I would have become a prisoner in no time!"


Orvel's mention of several key points quickly convinced Elaine of his words.

Recalling the encounter with those three fierce and wicked women in prison, she still felt lingering fear, as if it had become a psychological shadow.

Orvel looked at her and said seriously, "Ms. Elaine, this time you didn't fall for the tricks of this scammer, which is indeed a significant progress. Otherwise, if you were sentenced to life imprisonment, you would end up becoming a punching bag for those three women like Deborah Holiday."

Upon hearing this, Elaine couldn't help but shudder!

"Goodness gracious! This is truly dangerous! Thankfully, I have strong self-control and high vigilance. Otherwise, if I were really tricked into prison, wouldn't I be at the mercy of those three women for decades?!"

Orvel turned to Marina and coldly said, "Deborah Holiday, now over twenty countries' Interpol have requested your extradition for investigation back to your home country. You could be considered the biggest scammer in human history! We will transport you back to Interpol headquarters in Vienna overnight for trial. The country responsible for your extradition and trial will depend on where your crimes have the highest value!"

At this moment, Marina's entire will and spirit were on the verge of collapsing!

She felt like she had suddenly plunged into a magical world where no one believed her words.

In this magical world, she inexplicably bore the name Deborah Holiday.

Moreover, she had become an international scammer!

The biggest scammer in human history!

This was simply absurd!

Marina immediately felt that there was a huge conspiracy behind all this and shouted loudly, "I seriously doubt your identity now, whether you are truly Interpol! Show me your relevant documents!"

Orvel sneered, "What? Realized there's no escape and want to bite back? Let me tell you, Deborah Holiday, this time you have no chance of escape!"

With that, he immediately ordered his men, "Cuff her and get her on the helicopter!"


Several men in black swiftly approached, handcuffing Marina's hands behind her back and escorting her outside.

Orvel coldly ordered, "Deborah Holiday is a serious criminal, put a black hood on her!"


One of the men in black immediately covered Marina's head with a black cloth.

Elaine, who was sitting on the ground due to her broken leg, blurted out, "Comrade Interpol, you must sentence her to death! Don't let this wicked woman harm anyone again!"

Orvel calmly stated, "Rest assured, we will ensure a fair trial!"

After that, he commanded his subordinates, "Take this Weaver guy away too. We highly suspect his involvement in cross-border money laundering. We've been wanting to catch him for a while, and now we've got him!"

Donald panicked, "When did I become a suspect of cross-border money laundering?! I've always conducted my business honestly and lawfully, never involved in any illegal activities!"

Orvel slapped him directly, "You dare talk back to me?! How many dirty deeds has your nephew done over the years, don't you know?"

Donald retorted, "Those were all done by my nephew, what does it have to do with me?"


Orvel delivered another slap to his face, cursing, "If it weren't for you backing him up behind the scenes, how could he have done so many outrageous things? Do you think you can get away with it just because you didn't directly do it? Don't forget those invaders' commanders, each one a Class-A war criminal!"

Donald blurted out, "But I didn't launder money across borders!"

Orvel sneered, "Whether you did or not, you know it, and so do we! When the evidence is all laid out in front of you, let's see how stubborn you can be!"

After that, he gestured to the people beside him, "Take this guy away for me!"

The person Orvel hated most in his life was Donald.

Staring at Donald, he cursed inwardly, "Donald, this old dog, sent Gordon and others to storm Chef Legenda Mansion back then, nearly getting me killed! If it weren't for Master Wade arriving in time and giving me a rejuvenation pill, I might have reported to the King of Hell long ago. Now that you've fallen into my hands, watch me make you suffer!"

As Donald was being escorted out, Elaine pointed at Noah and Harold lying on the ground like dead dogs, and asked Orvel, "Comrade from Interpol, they tried to kidnap me, how should we deal with them?"

Orvel calmly replied, "We are, after all, part of the Interpol organisation, subordinate to the Interpol headquarters in Vienna, focusing on transnational crimes. For local criminals like them, let's hand them over directly to the local units!"

Elaine nodded repeatedly, agreeing, "That works! Give them both life sentences!"

Orvel nodded and said, "You can rest assured about that. I'll arrange for someone to take you to the hospital first. Then you can inform your family, and we'll notify the local units about these two, so you don't need to worry."

Elaine, overwhelmed with emotion, tears streaming down her face, cried, "Comrade from Interpol, please take me to the hospital. My leg just broke again a few days ago. Oh, Heavens, why is my life so unlucky!"

After exchanging a few words with the people around him, Orvel said, "You, drive Miss Elaine to the hospital."

"Understood, Captain!"

Subsequently, Elaine was supported by two people out of the warehouse.

As soon as she stepped out of the warehouse, she was stunned by the sight before her!

Three helicopters were parked on the empty ground outside the warehouse, along with a dozen black cars.

She couldn't help but exclaim, "Goodness me! Interpol is impressive! Several helicopters! Today, thanks to Interpol, otherwise, would I have been killed by that Deborah Holiday and Donald Weaver?!"

With that in mind, she cursed inwardly again, "That Donald is a complete idiot! Claiming to be a billionaire, yet couldn't even see through a fraudster like Deborah Holiday, calling her 'Miss Wade' so affectionately! Utterly foolish!"

Later, Elaine was taken in a Rolls-Royce, the driver swiftly driving away from the scene towards Aurous Hill People's Hospital.

At this moment, Marina was sitting nervously on the helicopter.

Her head was covered with a black cloth, unable to see her surroundings, intensifying her anxiety.

Suddenly, her head covering was removed, and to her surprise, sitting in front of her was her nephew, Charlie Wade!

At that moment, Marina finally realised that these Interpol agents were all imposters, they must all be working for Charlie!

The so-called Deborah Holiday, international fraudster, was all just a script he used to deceive her!

Realising she had been played by Charlie, she sternly reprimanded, "Charlie! Have you gone mad?! I'm your aunt, and you dare to deceive me?!"


Facing the furious Marina, Charlie just smiled calmly and asked her, "It's New Year's, why aren't you staying in Eastcliff to prepare for the festival? Instead, you came all the way to Aurous Hill to bother me, meddle with my mother-in-law, and persuade my wife to divorce me. You're capable of such despicable acts, so why can't I mess with you a bit?"

Marina's expression showed a hint of embarrassment, then she gritted her teeth and said, "I did it all for your own good! Look at your wife, coming from such a poor background, how could she possibly be worthy of you?"

In a cold tone, Charlie stated, "Whether my wife is worthy of me or not, I don't need your interference. Today's incident is just a small lesson for you. If you have any sense, go back to Eastcliff now. Otherwise, I'll have you stay in Aurous Hill for the New Year."

Marina instantly flew into a rage!

She struggled to stand up, but was pushed back down by the black-clothed men beside her. Through gritted teeth, she exclaimed, "Charlie! How dare you threaten me?!"

Charlie nodded, his expression emotionless, and said, "For now, it's just a threat. If you really provoke me, I might just end up hitting you."

"You dare!" Marina said through clenched teeth, "If you lay a finger on me, I'll fight back!"

Charlie smirked and said, "Even my men can slap you. Whay can't I? I simply choose not to dirty my hands by touching you."

Marina roared like a furious ghost, "Touch the person who helps me, and I'll kill him sooner or later! And your mother-in-law! That shrew dared to hit me! I'll make sure she ends up in pieces!"

Charlie furrowed his brows slightly, raising an eyebrow, "Still feeling so arrogant? Fine, then don't bother going back. Spend the New Year in Aurous Hill!"

Marina questioned, "You want to detain me?!"

"Yes," Charlie nodded, "You used that term quite appropriately, indeed detaining you!"

Marina went mad, shouting, "Give me the courage!"

Charlie calmly replied, "You don't need to give it to me. I've already decided. If you're not convinced, then stay until you are!"

Marina hysterically yelled, "Charlie! I am your elder after all! I am your aunt! You can't treat me like this!"

"Elder?" Charlie coldly questioned, "You keep saying you're my elder, my aunt. Then let me ask you, where were you when I was abandoned at the welfare home?"

Marina was left speechless.

Charlie continued, "And when I was working at construction sites as an adult, where were you then?"

Marina remained silent.

Charlie pressed on, "Furthermore, where were you, my aunt, when I got married?"

Marina's expression darkened, wanting to argue but unsure where to start.

At this moment, Charlie spoke, "You, as my aunt, have never cared for me, never helped me. That's fine, life works that way, relying on oneself. But not only have you not helped me, you've also tried to sabotage my relationship with my wife. What are your intentions?"

"I-I," Marina argued, "I tried to make Claire divorce you for your own good! That kind of woman is not worthy of you!"

Charlie nodded and said, "So, I'll keep you in Aurous Hill to temper your temper. It's also for your own good. With your temperament, if not restrained, who knows what trouble you might cause in the future. You might even end up ruining your own life!"

Gritting her teeth, Marina said, "You dare! Give me a phone, I want to call your grandfather!"

Charlie nonchalantly handed her the phone, saying, "Here, use mine. Call now if you want!"

After that, he instructed the black-clothed men next to her, "Unlock her handcuffs."

The black-clothed men immediately complied.

With her hands free, Marina quickly snatched the phone from Charlie, dialed a number, and made the call.

After a few rings, an elderly yet sturdy voice answered, "Hello, who is this?"

Upon hearing her grandfather's voice, Marina cried out, "Dad, it's me, Dad!"


"Marina?!" exclaimed old man Claudius on the phone, "How are you?! Have you encountered any danger?!"

Marina cried, "I was detained by Charlie. He said I can't return to Eastcliff for Chinese New Year! Dad, this guy is disrespectful and arrogant, you have to help me vent my anger!"

Claudius was shocked, "What happened?! How did you end up in conflict with Little Charlie?"

At this moment, Charlie took the phone directly and said coldly, "She went behind my back, found my mother-in-law, and paid her to persuade my wife to divorce me. Is this the way the Wade family operates?"

Claudius hesitated for a moment, then sighed, "Little Charlie, after all, she is your aunt."

Charlie retorted, "So what? What right does she have to interfere in my marital freedom? Even you don't have that right!"

Claudius sighed, "You're right, she shouldn't have done that. I apologize on her behalf. Just let her come back."

Charlie coldly stated, "I said, let her stay in Aurous Hill for Chinese New Year. After the New Year, I will let her go back. But before that, no one can make her leave Aurous Hill, not even the heavens!"

After a moment of hesitation, Claudius reluctantly said, "Fine, it's up to you!"

Upon hearing this, Marina looked desperate and pleaded, "Dad! I want to go back to Eastcliff to spend Chinese New Year with you, Dad!"

Claudius earnestly advised, "Marina, your temper is indeed too fiery. Take this as a lesson, calm down, don't be almost fifty years old and still causing trouble like a young person all the time!"

Marina was at a loss for words.

Claudius continued, "Little Charlie, come home when you have time. Grandpa misses you..."

Before Claudius could finish his sentence, Charlie hung up the phone.

He had no emotional attachment to Claudius, especially considering his responsibility for his parents' deaths. Therefore, Charlie had even less patience with him.

As the call ended, Marina choked up and asked, "Charlie! I can stay in Aurous Hill for Chinese New Year, but I want to spend it alone in the presidential suite at Shangri-La!"

Charlie chuckled, "The presidential suite at Shangri-La? Seems like you've lost your mind. I'll rent a room for you in the urban village and let you live there for a week."

"What?!" Marina collapsed, "You want me to live in the urban village?! You're so heartless!"

Charlie smirked, then remembered that Shelby, who was cycling to Aurous Hill, hadn't arrived yet.

He immediately called Elsa.

She cheerfully answered, "Charlie, what made you call me?"

Charlie asked, "Elsa, where is your cousin Shelby?"

She replied, "He told me this morning that he's almost crossing the Yangtze River, so he should arrive in Aurous Hill tonight."

Charlie frowned, "Why is he so slow?"

Elsa helplessly explained, "He had a minor accident on the road, injured his arm, so his speed has slowed down."

Charlie inquired, "Have you found a house for him in the urban village as per my request?"

Elsa confirmed, "Yes, I found one according to your requirements, five hundred dollars a month."

Charlie acknowledged, "Good, I'll inspect it tomorrow."

After hanging up, Orvel approached with a man wearing a black cloth over his head.

Charlie immediately instructed, "Arrange for someone to rent the worst single room in the urban village for Mrs. Wade to stay for seven nights. She is not allowed to leave during these seven days. Provide her with basic food and necessities, only purchasing the most ordinary items. Understood?"

Orvel nodded, "Got it, Master Wade, I'll make the arrangements!"


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023

She instinctively questioned, "Who are you calling Deborah Holiday?! How could I have such a tacky name! I am the eldest daughter of the Wade family! I am the genuine Marina Wade!"

Orvel sternly rebuked, "Still pretending? Over the years, how many families have you destroyed, how many businesses and individuals have you ruined? Don't you have an ounce of self-awareness?"

Elaine was also bewildered.

In her mind, a thousand voices echoed, "What is going on? Who is this woman? Is she really Charlie's aunt, or an international scammer?!"

"If she is Charlie's aunt, then what about these Interpol officers? They accurately recalled being arrested back then, it seems like they have valid reasons."

"If she is an international scammer, why did she find me, wanting my daughter to divorce Charlie? And even big shots like Donald believe she is truly the eldest daughter of the Wade family?!"

"These two scenarios seem to make sense independently, each standing on its own."

At that moment, Orvel continued to berate, "Deborah Holiday, we have thoroughly investigated your actions, we know your purpose for coming to Elaine, isn't it to seek revenge for your three henchmen sentenced to life imprisonment? To bring ruin upon Elaine's family, isn't that right?"

Upon hearing this, Elaine immediately thought of the three women in prison who had caused trouble for her and wanted to harm her!

One of them, a middle-aged woman with a scarred face, had explicitly blamed Elaine for their arrest.

With this in mind, Elaine's perception had shifted!

She began to think that the possibility of Marina being a fraudster was more likely!

At this moment, Marina was dumbfounded, "What are you talking about! I am not Deborah Holiday at all! I am Marina Wade!"

Orvel sneered, "Still pretending? It seems like you scammers have immersed yourselves too deeply, sometimes even forgetting who you are, brainwashing yourselves, right? Fine, since that's the case, I won't leave any room for you. We have already anticipated your plan! You intend to deceive Elaine with empty promises, persuade her to convince her daughter to divorce Charlie, isn't that right?!"

Marina blurted out, "What nonsense are you talking! The cheque I gave her is real!!! It's a genuine cheque!!!"

A faint smile crossed Orvel's lips, but hidden behind the black mask, Marina couldn't see it.

Charlie had long suspected that his aunt would try to bribe Elaine, so he deliberately had Orvel accuse Marina.

Elaine, having experienced prison, would be extremely sensitive to fake cheques and bank cards.

Charlie's speculation about Elaine was spot on!

Upon hearing this, Elaine immediately realised, "International police comrades, she gave me a fake cheque worth a hundred million before!"

Orvel nodded, speaking coldly, "Her intention was to lure you, make you disrupt your daughter's marriage first, then have you try to cash the fake cheque at the bank. The bank would definitely report it to the police, and you would end up back in prison for fraud."

Pausing for a moment, Orvel added, "However, you were lucky to be released last time. If you go back in this time, you won't be as fortunate, you might end up like her three henchmen, serving life sentences!"

Upon hearing this, Elaine felt a chill run down her spine! Inside, she screamed, "Oh my god! Thank goodness I've become sharp, the moment Deborah Holiday, that wretched woman, handed me the cheque, I had a hunch she was trying to deceive me. If I had foolishly believed her, I would have become a prisoner in no time!"


Orvel's mention of several key points quickly convinced Elaine of his words.

Recalling the encounter with those three fierce and wicked women in prison, she still felt lingering fear, as if it had become a psychological shadow.

Orvel looked at her and said seriously, "Ms. Elaine, this time you didn't fall for the tricks of this scammer, which is indeed a significant progress. Otherwise, if you were sentenced to life imprisonment, you would end up becoming a punching bag for those three women like Deborah Holiday."

Upon hearing this, Elaine couldn't help but shudder!

"Goodness gracious! This is truly dangerous! Thankfully, I have strong self-control and high vigilance. Otherwise, if I were really tricked into prison, wouldn't I be at the mercy of those three women for decades?!"

Orvel turned to Marina and coldly said, "Deborah Holiday, now over twenty countries' Interpol have requested your extradition for investigation back to your home country. You could be considered the biggest scammer in human history! We will transport you back to Interpol headquarters in Vienna overnight for trial. The country responsible for your extradition and trial will depend on where your crimes have the highest value!"

At this moment, Marina's entire will and spirit were on the verge of collapsing!

She felt like she had suddenly plunged into a magical world where no one believed her words.

In this magical world, she inexplicably bore the name Deborah Holiday.

Moreover, she had become an international scammer!

The biggest scammer in human history!

This was simply absurd!

Marina immediately felt that there was a huge conspiracy behind all this and shouted loudly, "I seriously doubt your identity now, whether you are truly Interpol! Show me your relevant documents!"

Orvel sneered, "What? Realized there's no escape and want to bite back? Let me tell you, Deborah Holiday, this time you have no chance of escape!"

With that, he immediately ordered his men, "Cuff her and get her on the helicopter!"


Several men in black swiftly approached, handcuffing Marina's hands behind her back and escorting her outside.

Orvel coldly ordered, "Deborah Holiday is a serious criminal, put a black hood on her!"


One of the men in black immediately covered Marina's head with a black cloth.

Elaine, who was sitting on the ground due to her broken leg, blurted out, "Comrade Interpol, you must sentence her to death! Don't let this wicked woman harm anyone again!"

Orvel calmly stated, "Rest assured, we will ensure a fair trial!"

After that, he commanded his subordinates, "Take this Weaver guy away too. We highly suspect his involvement in cross-border money laundering. We've been wanting to catch him for a while, and now we've got him!"

Donald panicked, "When did I become a suspect of cross-border money laundering?! I've always conducted my business honestly and lawfully, never involved in any illegal activities!"

Orvel slapped him directly, "You dare talk back to me?! How many dirty deeds has your nephew done over the years, don't you know?"

Donald retorted, "Those were all done by my nephew, what does it have to do with me?"


Orvel delivered another slap to his face, cursing, "If it weren't for you backing him up behind the scenes, how could he have done so many outrageous things? Do you think you can get away with it just because you didn't directly do it? Don't forget those invaders' commanders, each one a Class-A war criminal!"

Donald blurted out, "But I didn't launder money across borders!"

Orvel sneered, "Whether you did or not, you know it, and so do we! When the evidence is all laid out in front of you, let's see how stubborn you can be!"

After that, he gestured to the people beside him, "Take this guy away for me!"

The person Orvel hated most in his life was Donald.

Staring at Donald, he cursed inwardly, "Donald, this old dog, sent Gordon and others to storm Chef Legenda Mansion back then, nearly getting me killed! If it weren't for Master Wade arriving in time and giving me a rejuvenation pill, I might have reported to the King of Hell long ago. Now that you've fallen into my hands, watch me make you suffer!"

As Donald was being escorted out, Elaine pointed at Noah and Harold lying on the ground like dead dogs, and asked Orvel, "Comrade from Interpol, they tried to kidnap me, how should we deal with them?"

Orvel calmly replied, "We are, after all, part of the Interpol organisation, subordinate to the Interpol headquarters in Vienna, focusing on transnational crimes. For local criminals like them, let's hand them over directly to the local units!"

Elaine nodded repeatedly, agreeing, "That works! Give them both life sentences!"

Orvel nodded and said, "You can rest assured about that. I'll arrange for someone to take you to the hospital first. Then you can inform your family, and we'll notify the local units about these two, so you don't need to worry."

Elaine, overwhelmed with emotion, tears streaming down her face, cried, "Comrade from Interpol, please take me to the hospital. My leg just broke again a few days ago. Oh, Heavens, why is my life so unlucky!"

After exchanging a few words with the people around him, Orvel said, "You, drive Miss Elaine to the hospital."

"Understood, Captain!"

Subsequently, Elaine was supported by two people out of the warehouse.

As soon as she stepped out of the warehouse, she was stunned by the sight before her!

Three helicopters were parked on the empty ground outside the warehouse, along with a dozen black cars.

She couldn't help but exclaim, "Goodness me! Interpol is impressive! Several helicopters! Today, thanks to Interpol, otherwise, would I have been killed by that Deborah Holiday and Donald Weaver?!"

With that in mind, she cursed inwardly again, "That Donald is a complete idiot! Claiming to be a billionaire, yet couldn't even see through a fraudster like Deborah Holiday, calling her 'Miss Wade' so affectionately! Utterly foolish!"

Later, Elaine was taken in a Rolls-Royce, the driver swiftly driving away from the scene towards Aurous Hill People's Hospital.

At this moment, Marina was sitting nervously on the helicopter.

Her head was covered with a black cloth, unable to see her surroundings, intensifying her anxiety.

Suddenly, her head covering was removed, and to her surprise, sitting in front of her was her nephew, Charlie Wade!

At that moment, Marina finally realised that these Interpol agents were all imposters, they must all be working for Charlie!

The so-called Deborah Holiday, international fraudster, was all just a script he used to deceive her!

Realising she had been played by Charlie, she sternly reprimanded, "Charlie! Have you gone mad?! I'm your aunt, and you dare to deceive me?!"


Facing the furious Marina, Charlie just smiled calmly and asked her, "It's New Year's, why aren't you staying in Eastcliff to prepare for the festival? Instead, you came all the way to Aurous Hill to bother me, meddle with my mother-in-law, and persuade my wife to divorce me. You're capable of such despicable acts, so why can't I mess with you a bit?"

Marina's expression showed a hint of embarrassment, then she gritted her teeth and said, "I did it all for your own good! Look at your wife, coming from such a poor background, how could she possibly be worthy of you?"

In a cold tone, Charlie stated, "Whether my wife is worthy of me or not, I don't need your interference. Today's incident is just a small lesson for you. If you have any sense, go back to Eastcliff now. Otherwise, I'll have you stay in Aurous Hill for the New Year."

Marina instantly flew into a rage!

She struggled to stand up, but was pushed back down by the black-clothed men beside her. Through gritted teeth, she exclaimed, "Charlie! How dare you threaten me?!"

Charlie nodded, his expression emotionless, and said, "For now, it's just a threat. If you really provoke me, I might just end up hitting you."

"You dare!" Marina said through clenched teeth, "If you lay a finger on me, I'll fight back!"

Charlie smirked and said, "Even my men can slap you. Whay can't I? I simply choose not to dirty my hands by touching you."

Marina roared like a furious ghost, "Touch the person who helps me, and I'll kill him sooner or later! And your mother-in-law! That shrew dared to hit me! I'll make sure she ends up in pieces!"

Charlie furrowed his brows slightly, raising an eyebrow, "Still feeling so arrogant? Fine, then don't bother going back. Spend the New Year in Aurous Hill!"

Marina questioned, "You want to detain me?!"

"Yes," Charlie nodded, "You used that term quite appropriately, indeed detaining you!"

Marina went mad, shouting, "Give me the courage!"

Charlie calmly replied, "You don't need to give it to me. I've already decided. If you're not convinced, then stay until you are!"

Marina hysterically yelled, "Charlie! I am your elder after all! I am your aunt! You can't treat me like this!"

"Elder?" Charlie coldly questioned, "You keep saying you're my elder, my aunt. Then let me ask you, where were you when I was abandoned at the welfare home?"

Marina was left speechless.

Charlie continued, "And when I was working at construction sites as an adult, where were you then?"

Marina remained silent.

Charlie pressed on, "Furthermore, where were you, my aunt, when I got married?"

Marina's expression darkened, wanting to argue but unsure where to start.

At this moment, Charlie spoke, "You, as my aunt, have never cared for me, never helped me. That's fine, life works that way, relying on oneself. But not only have you not helped me, you've also tried to sabotage my relationship with my wife. What are your intentions?"

"I-I," Marina argued, "I tried to make Claire divorce you for your own good! That kind of woman is not worthy of you!"

Charlie nodded and said, "So, I'll keep you in Aurous Hill to temper your temper. It's also for your own good. With your temperament, if not restrained, who knows what trouble you might cause in the future. You might even end up ruining your own life!"

Gritting her teeth, Marina said, "You dare! Give me a phone, I want to call your grandfather!"

Charlie nonchalantly handed her the phone, saying, "Here, use mine. Call now if you want!"

After that, he instructed the black-clothed men next to her, "Unlock her handcuffs."

The black-clothed men immediately complied.

With her hands free, Marina quickly snatched the phone from Charlie, dialed a number, and made the call.

After a few rings, an elderly yet sturdy voice answered, "Hello, who is this?"

Upon hearing her grandfather's voice, Marina cried out, "Dad, it's me, Dad!"


"Marina?!" exclaimed old man Claudius on the phone, "How are you?! Have you encountered any danger?!"

Marina cried, "I was detained by Charlie. He said I can't return to Eastcliff for Chinese New Year! Dad, this guy is disrespectful and arrogant, you have to help me vent my anger!"

Claudius was shocked, "What happened?! How did you end up in conflict with Little Charlie?"

At this moment, Charlie took the phone directly and said coldly, "She went behind my back, found my mother-in-law, and paid her to persuade my wife to divorce me. Is this the way the Wade family operates?"

Claudius hesitated for a moment, then sighed, "Little Charlie, after all, she is your aunt."

Charlie retorted, "So what? What right does she have to interfere in my marital freedom? Even you don't have that right!"

Claudius sighed, "You're right, she shouldn't have done that. I apologize on her behalf. Just let her come back."

Charlie coldly stated, "I said, let her stay in Aurous Hill for Chinese New Year. After the New Year, I will let her go back. But before that, no one can make her leave Aurous Hill, not even the heavens!"

After a moment of hesitation, Claudius reluctantly said, "Fine, it's up to you!"

Upon hearing this, Marina looked desperate and pleaded, "Dad! I want to go back to Eastcliff to spend Chinese New Year with you, Dad!"

Claudius earnestly advised, "Marina, your temper is indeed too fiery. Take this as a lesson, calm down, don't be almost fifty years old and still causing trouble like a young person all the time!"

Marina was at a loss for words.

Claudius continued, "Little Charlie, come home when you have time. Grandpa misses you..."

Before Claudius could finish his sentence, Charlie hung up the phone.

He had no emotional attachment to Claudius, especially considering his responsibility for his parents' deaths. Therefore, Charlie had even less patience with him.

As the call ended, Marina choked up and asked, "Charlie! I can stay in Aurous Hill for Chinese New Year, but I want to spend it alone in the presidential suite at Shangri-La!"

Charlie chuckled, "The presidential suite at Shangri-La? Seems like you've lost your mind. I'll rent a room for you in the urban village and let you live there for a week."

"What?!" Marina collapsed, "You want me to live in the urban village?! You're so heartless!"

Charlie smirked, then remembered that Shelby, who was cycling to Aurous Hill, hadn't arrived yet.

He immediately called Elsa.

She cheerfully answered, "Charlie, what made you call me?"

Charlie asked, "Elsa, where is your cousin Shelby?"

She replied, "He told me this morning that he's almost crossing the Yangtze River, so he should arrive in Aurous Hill tonight."

Charlie frowned, "Why is he so slow?"

Elsa helplessly explained, "He had a minor accident on the road, injured his arm, so his speed has slowed down."

Charlie inquired, "Have you found a house for him in the urban village as per my request?"

Elsa confirmed, "Yes, I found one according to your requirements, five hundred dollars a month."

Charlie acknowledged, "Good, I'll inspect it tomorrow."

After hanging up, Orvel approached with a man wearing a black cloth over his head.

Charlie immediately instructed, "Arrange for someone to rent the worst single room in the urban village for Mrs. Wade to stay for seven nights. She is not allowed to leave during these seven days. Provide her with basic food and necessities, only purchasing the most ordinary items. Understood?"

Orvel nodded, "Got it, Master Wade, I'll make the arrangements!"
All he does best is Mafia tactics instead of thinking of how to cultivate the various ladies coming his way. Impotent Dragon 🤦🤦🤦


Dragon Among Men
Sep 11, 2023
All he does best is Mafia tactics instead of thinking of how to cultivate the various ladies coming his way. Impotent Dragon 🤦🤦🤦
I strongly disagree with you on this, the DRAGON MAN is bidding his time for intimacy actions., More so,sex and intimacy may slow down his power and makes him loose focus because of the sweetness of woman body,he can do that after dealing with his enemies


First level Tribulator
Sep 19, 2023

She instinctively questioned, "Who are you calling Deborah Holiday?! How could I have such a tacky name! I am the eldest daughter of the Wade family! I am the genuine Marina Wade!"

Orvel sternly rebuked, "Still pretending? Over the years, how many families have you destroyed, how many businesses and individuals have you ruined? Don't you have an ounce of self-awareness?"

Elaine was also bewildered.

In her mind, a thousand voices echoed, "What is going on? Who is this woman? Is she really Charlie's aunt, or an international scammer?!"

"If she is Charlie's aunt, then what about these Interpol officers? They accurately recalled being arrested back then, it seems like they have valid reasons."

"If she is an international scammer, why did she find me, wanting my daughter to divorce Charlie? And even big shots like Donald believe she is truly the eldest daughter of the Wade family?!"

"These two scenarios seem to make sense independently, each standing on its own."

At that moment, Orvel continued to berate, "Deborah Holiday, we have thoroughly investigated your actions, we know your purpose for coming to Elaine, isn't it to seek revenge for your three henchmen sentenced to life imprisonment? To bring ruin upon Elaine's family, isn't that right?"

Upon hearing this, Elaine immediately thought of the three women in prison who had caused trouble for her and wanted to harm her!

One of them, a middle-aged woman with a scarred face, had explicitly blamed Elaine for their arrest.

With this in mind, Elaine's perception had shifted!

She began to think that the possibility of Marina being a fraudster was more likely!

At this moment, Marina was dumbfounded, "What are you talking about! I am not Deborah Holiday at all! I am Marina Wade!"

Orvel sneered, "Still pretending? It seems like you scammers have immersed yourselves too deeply, sometimes even forgetting who you are, brainwashing yourselves, right? Fine, since that's the case, I won't leave any room for you. We have already anticipated your plan! You intend to deceive Elaine with empty promises, persuade her to convince her daughter to divorce Charlie, isn't that right?!"

Marina blurted out, "What nonsense are you talking! The cheque I gave her is real!!! It's a genuine cheque!!!"

A faint smile crossed Orvel's lips, but hidden behind the black mask, Marina couldn't see it.

Charlie had long suspected that his aunt would try to bribe Elaine, so he deliberately had Orvel accuse Marina.

Elaine, having experienced prison, would be extremely sensitive to fake cheques and bank cards.

Charlie's speculation about Elaine was spot on!

Upon hearing this, Elaine immediately realised, "International police comrades, she gave me a fake cheque worth a hundred million before!"

Orvel nodded, speaking coldly, "Her intention was to lure you, make you disrupt your daughter's marriage first, then have you try to cash the fake cheque at the bank. The bank would definitely report it to the police, and you would end up back in prison for fraud."

Pausing for a moment, Orvel added, "However, you were lucky to be released last time. If you go back in this time, you won't be as fortunate, you might end up like her three henchmen, serving life sentences!"

Upon hearing this, Elaine felt a chill run down her spine! Inside, she screamed, "Oh my god! Thank goodness I've become sharp, the moment Deborah Holiday, that wretched woman, handed me the cheque, I had a hunch she was trying to deceive me. If I had foolishly believed her, I would have become a prisoner in no time!"


Orvel's mention of several key points quickly convinced Elaine of his words.

Recalling the encounter with those three fierce and wicked women in prison, she still felt lingering fear, as if it had become a psychological shadow.

Orvel looked at her and said seriously, "Ms. Elaine, this time you didn't fall for the tricks of this scammer, which is indeed a significant progress. Otherwise, if you were sentenced to life imprisonment, you would end up becoming a punching bag for those three women like Deborah Holiday."

Upon hearing this, Elaine couldn't help but shudder!

"Goodness gracious! This is truly dangerous! Thankfully, I have strong self-control and high vigilance. Otherwise, if I were really tricked into prison, wouldn't I be at the mercy of those three women for decades?!"

Orvel turned to Marina and coldly said, "Deborah Holiday, now over twenty countries' Interpol have requested your extradition for investigation back to your home country. You could be considered the biggest scammer in human history! We will transport you back to Interpol headquarters in Vienna overnight for trial. The country responsible for your extradition and trial will depend on where your crimes have the highest value!"

At this moment, Marina's entire will and spirit were on the verge of collapsing!

She felt like she had suddenly plunged into a magical world where no one believed her words.

In this magical world, she inexplicably bore the name Deborah Holiday.

Moreover, she had become an international scammer!

The biggest scammer in human history!

This was simply absurd!

Marina immediately felt that there was a huge conspiracy behind all this and shouted loudly, "I seriously doubt your identity now, whether you are truly Interpol! Show me your relevant documents!"

Orvel sneered, "What? Realized there's no escape and want to bite back? Let me tell you, Deborah Holiday, this time you have no chance of escape!"

With that, he immediately ordered his men, "Cuff her and get her on the helicopter!"


Several men in black swiftly approached, handcuffing Marina's hands behind her back and escorting her outside.

Orvel coldly ordered, "Deborah Holiday is a serious criminal, put a black hood on her!"


One of the men in black immediately covered Marina's head with a black cloth.

Elaine, who was sitting on the ground due to her broken leg, blurted out, "Comrade Interpol, you must sentence her to death! Don't let this wicked woman harm anyone again!"

Orvel calmly stated, "Rest assured, we will ensure a fair trial!"

After that, he commanded his subordinates, "Take this Weaver guy away too. We highly suspect his involvement in cross-border money laundering. We've been wanting to catch him for a while, and now we've got him!"

Donald panicked, "When did I become a suspect of cross-border money laundering?! I've always conducted my business honestly and lawfully, never involved in any illegal activities!"

Orvel slapped him directly, "You dare talk back to me?! How many dirty deeds has your nephew done over the years, don't you know?"

Donald retorted, "Those were all done by my nephew, what does it have to do with me?"


Orvel delivered another slap to his face, cursing, "If it weren't for you backing him up behind the scenes, how could he have done so many outrageous things? Do you think you can get away with it just because you didn't directly do it? Don't forget those invaders' commanders, each one a Class-A war criminal!"

Donald blurted out, "But I didn't launder money across borders!"

Orvel sneered, "Whether you did or not, you know it, and so do we! When the evidence is all laid out in front of you, let's see how stubborn you can be!"

After that, he gestured to the people beside him, "Take this guy away for me!"

The person Orvel hated most in his life was Donald.

Staring at Donald, he cursed inwardly, "Donald, this old dog, sent Gordon and others to storm Chef Legenda Mansion back then, nearly getting me killed! If it weren't for Master Wade arriving in time and giving me a rejuvenation pill, I might have reported to the King of Hell long ago. Now that you've fallen into my hands, watch me make you suffer!"

As Donald was being escorted out, Elaine pointed at Noah and Harold lying on the ground like dead dogs, and asked Orvel, "Comrade from Interpol, they tried to kidnap me, how should we deal with them?"

Orvel calmly replied, "We are, after all, part of the Interpol organisation, subordinate to the Interpol headquarters in Vienna, focusing on transnational crimes. For local criminals like them, let's hand them over directly to the local units!"

Elaine nodded repeatedly, agreeing, "That works! Give them both life sentences!"

Orvel nodded and said, "You can rest assured about that. I'll arrange for someone to take you to the hospital first. Then you can inform your family, and we'll notify the local units about these two, so you don't need to worry."

Elaine, overwhelmed with emotion, tears streaming down her face, cried, "Comrade from Interpol, please take me to the hospital. My leg just broke again a few days ago. Oh, Heavens, why is my life so unlucky!"

After exchanging a few words with the people around him, Orvel said, "You, drive Miss Elaine to the hospital."

"Understood, Captain!"

Subsequently, Elaine was supported by two people out of the warehouse.

As soon as she stepped out of the warehouse, she was stunned by the sight before her!

Three helicopters were parked on the empty ground outside the warehouse, along with a dozen black cars.

She couldn't help but exclaim, "Goodness me! Interpol is impressive! Several helicopters! Today, thanks to Interpol, otherwise, would I have been killed by that Deborah Holiday and Donald Weaver?!"

With that in mind, she cursed inwardly again, "That Donald is a complete idiot! Claiming to be a billionaire, yet couldn't even see through a fraudster like Deborah Holiday, calling her 'Miss Wade' so affectionately! Utterly foolish!"

Later, Elaine was taken in a Rolls-Royce, the driver swiftly driving away from the scene towards Aurous Hill People's Hospital.

At this moment, Marina was sitting nervously on the helicopter.

Her head was covered with a black cloth, unable to see her surroundings, intensifying her anxiety.

Suddenly, her head covering was removed, and to her surprise, sitting in front of her was her nephew, Charlie Wade!

At that moment, Marina finally realised that these Interpol agents were all imposters, they must all be working for Charlie!

The so-called Deborah Holiday, international fraudster, was all just a script he used to deceive her!

Realising she had been played by Charlie, she sternly reprimanded, "Charlie! Have you gone mad?! I'm your aunt, and you dare to deceive me?!"


Facing the furious Marina, Charlie just smiled calmly and asked her, "It's New Year's, why aren't you staying in Eastcliff to prepare for the festival? Instead, you came all the way to Aurous Hill to bother me, meddle with my mother-in-law, and persuade my wife to divorce me. You're capable of such despicable acts, so why can't I mess with you a bit?"

Marina's expression showed a hint of embarrassment, then she gritted her teeth and said, "I did it all for your own good! Look at your wife, coming from such a poor background, how could she possibly be worthy of you?"

In a cold tone, Charlie stated, "Whether my wife is worthy of me or not, I don't need your interference. Today's incident is just a small lesson for you. If you have any sense, go back to Eastcliff now. Otherwise, I'll have you stay in Aurous Hill for the New Year."

Marina instantly flew into a rage!

She struggled to stand up, but was pushed back down by the black-clothed men beside her. Through gritted teeth, she exclaimed, "Charlie! How dare you threaten me?!"

Charlie nodded, his expression emotionless, and said, "For now, it's just a threat. If you really provoke me, I might just end up hitting you."

"You dare!" Marina said through clenched teeth, "If you lay a finger on me, I'll fight back!"

Charlie smirked and said, "Even my men can slap you. Whay can't I? I simply choose not to dirty my hands by touching you."

Marina roared like a furious ghost, "Touch the person who helps me, and I'll kill him sooner or later! And your mother-in-law! That shrew dared to hit me! I'll make sure she ends up in pieces!"

Charlie furrowed his brows slightly, raising an eyebrow, "Still feeling so arrogant? Fine, then don't bother going back. Spend the New Year in Aurous Hill!"

Marina questioned, "You want to detain me?!"

"Yes," Charlie nodded, "You used that term quite appropriately, indeed detaining you!"

Marina went mad, shouting, "Give me the courage!"

Charlie calmly replied, "You don't need to give it to me. I've already decided. If you're not convinced, then stay until you are!"

Marina hysterically yelled, "Charlie! I am your elder after all! I am your aunt! You can't treat me like this!"

"Elder?" Charlie coldly questioned, "You keep saying you're my elder, my aunt. Then let me ask you, where were you when I was abandoned at the welfare home?"

Marina was left speechless.

Charlie continued, "And when I was working at construction sites as an adult, where were you then?"

Marina remained silent.

Charlie pressed on, "Furthermore, where were you, my aunt, when I got married?"

Marina's expression darkened, wanting to argue but unsure where to start.

At this moment, Charlie spoke, "You, as my aunt, have never cared for me, never helped me. That's fine, life works that way, relying on oneself. But not only have you not helped me, you've also tried to sabotage my relationship with my wife. What are your intentions?"

"I-I," Marina argued, "I tried to make Claire divorce you for your own good! That kind of woman is not worthy of you!"

Charlie nodded and said, "So, I'll keep you in Aurous Hill to temper your temper. It's also for your own good. With your temperament, if not restrained, who knows what trouble you might cause in the future. You might even end up ruining your own life!"

Gritting her teeth, Marina said, "You dare! Give me a phone, I want to call your grandfather!"

Charlie nonchalantly handed her the phone, saying, "Here, use mine. Call now if you want!"

After that, he instructed the black-clothed men next to her, "Unlock her handcuffs."

The black-clothed men immediately complied.

With her hands free, Marina quickly snatched the phone from Charlie, dialed a number, and made the call.

After a few rings, an elderly yet sturdy voice answered, "Hello, who is this?"

Upon hearing her grandfather's voice, Marina cried out, "Dad, it's me, Dad!"


"Marina?!" exclaimed old man Claudius on the phone, "How are you?! Have you encountered any danger?!"

Marina cried, "I was detained by Charlie. He said I can't return to Eastcliff for Chinese New Year! Dad, this guy is disrespectful and arrogant, you have to help me vent my anger!"

Claudius was shocked, "What happened?! How did you end up in conflict with Little Charlie?"

At this moment, Charlie took the phone directly and said coldly, "She went behind my back, found my mother-in-law, and paid her to persuade my wife to divorce me. Is this the way the Wade family operates?"

Claudius hesitated for a moment, then sighed, "Little Charlie, after all, she is your aunt."

Charlie retorted, "So what? What right does she have to interfere in my marital freedom? Even you don't have that right!"

Claudius sighed, "You're right, she shouldn't have done that. I apologize on her behalf. Just let her come back."

Charlie coldly stated, "I said, let her stay in Aurous Hill for Chinese New Year. After the New Year, I will let her go back. But before that, no one can make her leave Aurous Hill, not even the heavens!"

After a moment of hesitation, Claudius reluctantly said, "Fine, it's up to you!"

Upon hearing this, Marina looked desperate and pleaded, "Dad! I want to go back to Eastcliff to spend Chinese New Year with you, Dad!"

Claudius earnestly advised, "Marina, your temper is indeed too fiery. Take this as a lesson, calm down, don't be almost fifty years old and still causing trouble like a young person all the time!"

Marina was at a loss for words.

Claudius continued, "Little Charlie, come home when you have time. Grandpa misses you..."

Before Claudius could finish his sentence, Charlie hung up the phone.

He had no emotional attachment to Claudius, especially considering his responsibility for his parents' deaths. Therefore, Charlie had even less patience with him.

As the call ended, Marina choked up and asked, "Charlie! I can stay in Aurous Hill for Chinese New Year, but I want to spend it alone in the presidential suite at Shangri-La!"

Charlie chuckled, "The presidential suite at Shangri-La? Seems like you've lost your mind. I'll rent a room for you in the urban village and let you live there for a week."

"What?!" Marina collapsed, "You want me to live in the urban village?! You're so heartless!"

Charlie smirked, then remembered that Shelby, who was cycling to Aurous Hill, hadn't arrived yet.

He immediately called Elsa.

She cheerfully answered, "Charlie, what made you call me?"

Charlie asked, "Elsa, where is your cousin Shelby?"

She replied, "He told me this morning that he's almost crossing the Yangtze River, so he should arrive in Aurous Hill tonight."

Charlie frowned, "Why is he so slow?"

Elsa helplessly explained, "He had a minor accident on the road, injured his arm, so his speed has slowed down."

Charlie inquired, "Have you found a house for him in the urban village as per my request?"

Elsa confirmed, "Yes, I found one according to your requirements, five hundred dollars a month."

Charlie acknowledged, "Good, I'll inspect it tomorrow."

After hanging up, Orvel approached with a man wearing a black cloth over his head.

Charlie immediately instructed, "Arrange for someone to rent the worst single room in the urban village for Mrs. Wade to stay for seven nights. She is not allowed to leave during these seven days. Provide her with basic food and necessities, only purchasing the most ordinary items. Understood?"

Orvel nodded, "Got it, Master Wade, I'll make the arrangements!"

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023

Marina was furious.

She gritted her teeth and shouted, "Charlie! Don't think I, Marina Wade, can be easily manipulated. In the Wade family, my status is much higher than yours! You better show me some respect!"

Ignoring her, Charlie turned to Orvel and gestured towards the empty seat next to Marina.

Understanding his signal, Orvel immediately brought Donald to stand beside Marina.

Then, Charlie reached out, took off Donald's helmet, and looked at him with a slight smile, "Mr. Weaver, nice to see you again."

"C-Charlie Wade?!"

In that moment, Donald felt like he was struck by lightning from the outside in!

He never expected Charlie to appear before him!

Could it be that everything today was orchestrated by him behind the scenes?!

How could he have such great influence?!

Seeing his shocked expression, Charlie said with a smile, "Mr. Weaver, long time no see. But first, let me introduce you to the lady beside you."

Marina glared at Charlie, her eyes full of anger, and through gritted teeth said, "Charlie! You've gone too far!"

Ignoring her, Charlie continued, "This lady's real name is not Deborah Holiday, but Marina Wade. She is the eldest daughter of the Wade family in Eastcliff, my father's sister, my aunt."

"What?!" Donald felt like a nuclear bomb exploded in his mind!

Trembling, he said in a shaky voice, "Y- You, are you really a member of the Wade family?"

Charlie chuckled, "Indeed, I am part of the Wade family, but it's nothing extraordinary."

Cold sweat ran down Donald's back as he stammered, "Young Master Wade, why didn't you just reveal your identity? If I knew you were the young master of the Wade family, I would have shown you the utmost respect. Even if you gave me ten thousand guts, I wouldn't dare go against you!"

Charlie laughed, "Mr. Weaver, don't be so scared. Look at you, all pale. The people from the Wade family aren't as terrifying as you think."

Pointing at Marina, he added, "See, even the eldest daughter of the Wade family was tied up by you."

Donald was petrified, waving his hands repeatedly, "Young Master Wade, please don't say that! This was all Noah and Harold's doing. They told me to tie up Elaine, not Mrs. Wade. I only found out after I arrived that they had the audacity to tie up Mrs. Wade too!"

Charlie pointed at Marina, asking Donald, "Did you hit her just now?"

Donald looked as if he had seen a ghost, choking out, "I was wrong, I truly didn't know Mrs. Wade's true identity at that time."

Charlie smiled and asked, "Is it satisfying to hit the young lady from the Wade family?"

Donald shook his head vigorously, looking like a drum being beaten.

Marina, on the side, had an extremely unpleasant expression.

Terrified, Donald choked out, "Young Master Wade, I really didn't know your and Mrs. Wade's identities. Otherwise, I wouldn't have harboured any ill intentions towards you both."

At that moment, Charlie looked at Donald and asked, "Mr. Weaver, have you ever thought about the fate of the Weaver family after today?"


How could Donald not know what was in store for the Weaver family?

Marina would definitely fight to the death with him.

And the Wade family would certainly stand up for her and take revenge.

At the height of their power, the Weaver family wasn't even worthy of the Wade family's attention. Now, with their strength halved by Charlie, they were no better than an ant in the Wade family's eyes.

Donald even felt that the Wade family might torment him to the point of family destruction.

Thinking of this, he immediately knelt down and begged: "Young Master Wade, Lady Wade, I was blind to your greatness and offended you. Please forgive me."

Marina was furious with Charlie, but she didn't dare to express it too much. Instead, she directed all her anger at Donald, cursing him with clenched teeth: "You Weaver family, I, Marina Marina, will never let you off! You just wait, I'll make sure you die without a burial site!"

Donald almost collapsed upon hearing this.

Damage to the family's reputation, loss of assets – he could still accept those.

But if the Wade family really wanted to go all out against him, how could he withstand it?

If it came to family destruction, that would be the end of everything!

Thinking of this, he looked at Charlie with tearful eyes and begged: "Young Master Wade, please help me. This is all a misunderstanding. If the Wade family can forgive me, I'll give you 20% of all my industries' shares. Just please spare me!"

Marina sneered: "Don't even mention 20% of your shares. Even if it's 50% or 100%, it's nothing in my eyes!"

Charlie waved his hand: "No, it may be nothing in your eyes, but it's still worth something in mine."

He then turned to Donald and said: "Weaver, you not only kidnapped my mother-in-law but also my aunt. I'm the double victim of your actions today. So, let's adjust the 20% to 40%. From now on, you'll listen to my orders, and I'll guarantee the Wade family won't bother you."

Donald's heart was filled with both joy and sorrow.

He was happy that Charlie had proposed a solution, giving him and the Weaver family a chance to survive.

But he was sad that Charlie's proposal was like a knife to his throat – 40% of the shares would almost cut the Weaver family in half.

Marina was unwilling to back down.

She had suffered too much humiliation and hardship today.

And she couldn't take it out on Charlie, so her only target was Donald.

If Charlie took away her only outlet, wouldn't she have to go after the parents who kidnapped her instead?

But what could she do even if she killed them all?

Thinking of this, she angrily shouted: "Charlie! It's not up to you to decide whether to bother Donald or not. It's up to me and your Grandfather!"

Charlie replied calmly: "I've already given Donald a solution. As long as he agrees, none of you can oppose it."

He then looked at Marina, his voice suddenly rising eight degrees, cold and ruthless: "And don't think that just because I haven't been involved in the Wade family for many years, you can manipulate me. Don't even think about using me as a marriage partner to climb the social ladder. I won't give the Wade family that opportunity!"

"So, if you dare to plot against me again, don't blame me for not showing mercy. I won't spare any of you, whether it's you or other members of the Wade family!"

Marina was intimidated by Charlie's gaze and tone, but she still shouted angrily: "Charlie! Do you think you have the power to challenge the Wade family now? Your Emgrand Group, your 10 billion in cash – weren't they all given to you by the Wade family? The Wade family can raise you up or bring you down! Without the Wade family, you're just a nobody, a useless piece of trash! With the Wade family's power, destroying you would be ten, a hundred times easier than destroying Donald!"

Charlie looked at her furious expression, raised an eyebrow, and asked with a hint of amusement: "Oh? Is that so?"


Marina's dignity was deeply hurt by Charlie's teasing gaze.

She gritted her teeth and roared, "Of course! Do you think I'm joking with you?! If you continue to be so arrogant and disrespect me, I guarantee you'll meet your demise! Not just you, but your wife, your mother-in-law, and everyone around you will suffer the same fate!"

As she spoke, Marina's anger reached its peak, and she shouted like a shrew, "I'm telling you, your parents were lucky to have died and been able to return to the Wade family ancestral tomb! If you die, you won't even have the qualifications to enter the Wade family ancestral tomb!"

Charlie's expression turned extremely gloomy.

He looked at Marina and said calmly, "You're my father's sister, so I can't hit you."

Marina sneered, "You still remember that I'm your father's sister?! You should be grateful and respectful towards me!"

Before Marina could finish, Charlie immediately ordered Orvel, "Orvel, you have no blood relation with her, so slap her for me!"

Orvel immediately responded, "Yes, Master Wade!"

He rushed over and grabbed Marina's collar.

Marina was shocked and threatened, "If you dare to hit me, I'll make sure you pay with your life!"

Orvel slapped her twice, knocking out two of her back teeth, and said coldly, "My life was given to me by Master Wade, and even if Master Wade asked me to kill the King of Heaven, I wouldn't bat an eye, let alone you, a rude and uncultured woman!"

Marina was stunned and furious, shouting, "You'll all die! Every single one of you will die!!"

Charlie looked at her and said calmly, "If you had investigated me thoroughly, you should know why I'm respected as Master Wade in Aurous Hill."

"If you had investigated me, you should also know why Donald's Eight Great Kings were annihilated by me at the foot of Evergreen Mountain!"

As he spoke, Charlie smiled and continued, "If you had investigated me, you should know that I recently went to Japan, and about the incidents that occurred in Japan during that time, I think you have an idea!"

Marina's face turned pale with terror, her expression changing drastically.

Charlie stared at her and asked again, "Didn't you want me to marry Haidee Snow? Then didn't you think about how my father's old friend, Geraldo, who was critically ill, suddenly recovered? Is there really some kind of medical miracle?"

After finishing, Charlie pointed at Orvel and continued to question, "Do you know how Orvel, who was almost killed by Donald's men at the Chef Legenda Mansion, managed to survive with his last breath?"

Marina's expression turned deathly pale.

At this moment, Charlie's aura was unbridled, his spirit energy overflowing, and his voice was extremely intimidating as he roared, "Think about these questions, and if you didn't think about them before, then think about them now! After you've thought it through, come and tell me, who can eliminate who between us?"

Marina was shocked by Charlie's aura and his words, her eyes wide with fear.

The Wade family had indeed investigated Charlie's many deeds in Aurous Hill.

However, the clues they obtained were not sufficient.

For example, they knew Charlie seemed to be very powerful, but they didn't have a clear understanding of his true strength.

They also knew about Donald Weaver's Eight Great Kings being killed at the foot of Evergreen Mountain, but they weren't clear about who did it.

And there was Geraldo!


Geraldo Snow, who was terminally ill with pancreatic cancer, suddenly recovered and seemed to have turned back the clock by ten years. The entire upper echelon of Eastcliff's society was eager to know the reason behind his miraculous recovery. They wanted to know what kind of extraordinary encounter Geraldo had experienced that allowed him to defy death.

However, despite their investigations, no one was able to uncover any concrete information.

Now, Charlie suddenly spoke up, and Marina's eyes widened in shock as he asked, "Do you have any relation to these events?"

Charlie let out a cold snort: "What do you mean by 'relation'? I'm the one who made it all happen!"

This revelation left even Donald stunned.

The death of the Eight Great Heavenly Kings had dealt a significant blow to the Weaver family, but they still didn't know how they had died. Now, Donald finally understood.

It turned out that the Eight Great Heavenly Kings had all died at Charlie's hands!

Donald couldn't help but ask himself, "Just how powerful is Charlie Wade?"

Marina was also shocked beyond words.

Donald didn't understand the implications of Charlie's mention of "the incident that occurred in Japan," but Marina did.

The three major Japanese families had been reshuffled overnight, with one being completely wiped out, another losing half its members, and only the Ito family remaining, with its patriarch, Takehiko Ito, losing both legs.

Behind this was an extremely powerful expert who had slaughtered countless ninjas and even saved the Salvador siblings. Could it be Charlie?

Charlie pointed at Donald and asked Marina, "Do you know that Donald has a son named Quintin, who, some time ago in Aurous Hill, was possessed by some kind of dark energy, forcing him to eat feces every hour?"

Donald's expression turned deathly pale in an instant!

Marina was also left stunned.

Although the Weaver family wasn't well-known in Eastcliff, Donald's second son, Quintin, was infamous throughout the city.

This was mainly due to the short video platforms that had been promoting Quintin's related videos nationwide.

Everyone knew about it.

At the time, top experts from several major families had analyzed the incident, concluding that Quintin must have been subjected to extremely powerful psychological manipulation by a mastermind.

Marina wondered to himself, "Could it be that Charlie was behind that incident as well?"

Donald had already collapsed, his anger and despair palpable.

He forced himself to calm down, his voice trembling as he said, "Young Master Wade, my son is a good kid! He's been studying diligently in Aurous Hill, never doing anything wrong. Why would you harm him so?"

Charlie glared at Donald, slapping him fiercely across the face before berating him, "Your son is a scoundrel who takes pleasure in tormenting girls, manipulating them with his dirty tricks!"

"He's not only played with girls but also used his despicable psychological manipulation to brainwash them, driving them to suicide!"

"Such heinous acts deserve to be punished by all!"

"You're now trying to tell me that your beastly son has always been well-behaved and never done anything wrong?"

"Who gave you the audacity to say that?"


Donald was scolded by Charlie, and he didn't dare to lift his head.

Quintin's matters, he naturally knew about.

But he originally thought that those were just his son's affairs with other girls, and even if he had indeed harmed several girls, he hadn't harmed Charlie or anyone around him. So, why did Charlie have to hurt him?

However, seeing Charlie's furious expression, he realized that Charlie's sense of justice was far beyond his imagination!

Charlie stared at Donald coldly and said, "Donald, I was going to spare your life, but you turned out to be so unscrupulous! Since that's the case, I don't want the 40% share anymore. From now on, let the Wade family handle you as they see fit!"

Donald burst into loud wails.

He still had his hands behind his back, but his body immediately leaned forward, and he knelt on the ground, kowtowing heavily while crying and begging, "Young Master Wade, I was wrong! I know I was wrong! My son indeed deserves to die, but you're showing great mercy by sparing his life. I'm blind and foolish, and I failed to teach him properly. Please have mercy on me and spare me once!"

Charlie said coldly, "You failed to teach him properly, and that's not the only thing!"

Then, Charlie asked, "What about your nephew, Kobi Reynolds? His crimes are countless! As the head of the South Laverton region's first family, you knew about his actions, but you didn't stop him. Why didn't you guide him onto the right path? If you had, he wouldn't have harmed so many people, and I wouldn't have let him sink into the river!"

Donald was shocked.

He suddenly realized that Charlie was behind the downfall of his nephew, Kobi, and the entire beggar gang.

So, Donald didn't dare to show his shock and cried, "I'm sorry, Young Master Wade! I indeed have an inescapable responsibility. I knew about his actions, but I wanted to stop him. However, my wife cried and begged me, and I softened. I thought that since I wasn't involved, I would let him do as he pleased. I didn't expect that would lead to such a huge mistake!"

Charlie gritted his teeth and said, "You indeed made a huge mistake! Kobi ruined many children and families. Each of those debts will be counted against you, Donald! Even if I kill you now, the gods above will make you pay for your sins in your next life, and you'll suffer for nine lifetimes!"

Donald cried so hard that his nose and eyes were streaming with tears, and his voice trembled, "Young Master Wade, I really know I was wrong! Please give me a chance to reform, and I'll hand over 60% of the Weaver family's assets. I'll do anything, just please give me a chance to start anew!"

Charlie waved his hand, "It's not just about money anymore. If you really want to reform, I can give you a chance. Let's see if you can accept it."

Donald hastily kowtowed and said, "Young Master Wade, please tell me! I'll definitely seize this opportunity with all my might!"

Charlie said coldly, "Change 40% of your family's assets to Orvel's name, and then take out 20% for charity to make up for your nephew's evil deeds over the years."

Orvel exclaimed, "Master Wade, how can this be? My life was given to me by you, and these assets should be given to you, not me."

Charlie said calmly, "If Weaver agrees to this solution, then you can take the 40%."

Donald didn't dare to say no, and he hastily nodded, "Young Master Wade, you can rest assured that I'll take care of this today!"

Charlie said again, "Donald, from today on, you're Orvel's dog. If Orvel tells you to go east, you must go east. If you deviate even slightly, I'll make the Weaver family disappear from South Laverton region. Do you understand?"

Donald didn't dare to say no, and he hastily nodded, "Young Master Wade, you can rest assured that I'll be Orvel's dog from now on."

Charlie told Orvel, "Orvel, take good care of him. If he dares to disobey, tell me immediately!"

Orvel hastily agreed, "Master Wade, I understand! As for Donald's shares, I'll temporarily hold them for you."

Charlie nodded slightly.

Then, he looked at Marina, whose face was swollen from Orvel's beating, and said calmly, "Aunt, since you're here, stay in Aurous Hill for a week. We'll talk about going back after the New Year. I'm quite busy lately, so I won't be visiting you during the New Year. I'll wish you a happy new year in advance."


Martial Arts Master
Oct 8, 2023
I want benign immortal great grandmaster Junlee to show mercy on members of this village and give us 10 chapter everyday. I assure IGGM junlee that we will not catch original even in 1 year even if we get 10 chapters everyday


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
Very soon, there will be a reshuffle of power in eastcliff city, with Charlie setting his eyes upon them. Woe to those in eastcliff city as they had caught the attention of Charlie Wade 😂


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023

Marina was furious.

She gritted her teeth and shouted, "Charlie! Don't think I, Marina Wade, can be easily manipulated. In the Wade family, my status is much higher than yours! You better show me some respect!"

Ignoring her, Charlie turned to Orvel and gestured towards the empty seat next to Marina.

Understanding his signal, Orvel immediately brought Donald to stand beside Marina.

Then, Charlie reached out, took off Donald's helmet, and looked at him with a slight smile, "Mr. Weaver, nice to see you again."

"C-Charlie Wade?!"

In that moment, Donald felt like he was struck by lightning from the outside in!

He never expected Charlie to appear before him!

Could it be that everything today was orchestrated by him behind the scenes?!

How could he have such great influence?!

Seeing his shocked expression, Charlie said with a smile, "Mr. Weaver, long time no see. But first, let me introduce you to the lady beside you."

Marina glared at Charlie, her eyes full of anger, and through gritted teeth said, "Charlie! You've gone too far!"

Ignoring her, Charlie continued, "This lady's real name is not Deborah Holiday, but Marina Wade. She is the eldest daughter of the Wade family in Eastcliff, my father's sister, my aunt."

"What?!" Donald felt like a nuclear bomb exploded in his mind!

Trembling, he said in a shaky voice, "Y- You, are you really a member of the Wade family?"

Charlie chuckled, "Indeed, I am part of the Wade family, but it's nothing extraordinary."

Cold sweat ran down Donald's back as he stammered, "Young Master Wade, why didn't you just reveal your identity? If I knew you were the young master of the Wade family, I would have shown you the utmost respect. Even if you gave me ten thousand guts, I wouldn't dare go against you!"

Charlie laughed, "Mr. Weaver, don't be so scared. Look at you, all pale. The people from the Wade family aren't as terrifying as you think."

Pointing at Marina, he added, "See, even the eldest daughter of the Wade family was tied up by you."

Donald was petrified, waving his hands repeatedly, "Young Master Wade, please don't say that! This was all Noah and Harold's doing. They told me to tie up Elaine, not Mrs. Wade. I only found out after I arrived that they had the audacity to tie up Mrs. Wade too!"

Charlie pointed at Marina, asking Donald, "Did you hit her just now?"

Donald looked as if he had seen a ghost, choking out, "I was wrong, I truly didn't know Mrs. Wade's true identity at that time."

Charlie smiled and asked, "Is it satisfying to hit the young lady from the Wade family?"

Donald shook his head vigorously, looking like a drum being beaten.

Marina, on the side, had an extremely unpleasant expression.

Terrified, Donald choked out, "Young Master Wade, I really didn't know your and Mrs. Wade's identities. Otherwise, I wouldn't have harboured any ill intentions towards you both."

At that moment, Charlie looked at Donald and asked, "Mr. Weaver, have you ever thought about the fate of the Weaver family after today?"


How could Donald not know what was in store for the Weaver family?

Marina would definitely fight to the death with him.

And the Wade family would certainly stand up for her and take revenge.

At the height of their power, the Weaver family wasn't even worthy of the Wade family's attention. Now, with their strength halved by Charlie, they were no better than an ant in the Wade family's eyes.

Donald even felt that the Wade family might torment him to the point of family destruction.

Thinking of this, he immediately knelt down and begged: "Young Master Wade, Lady Wade, I was blind to your greatness and offended you. Please forgive me."

Marina was furious with Charlie, but she didn't dare to express it too much. Instead, she directed all her anger at Donald, cursing him with clenched teeth: "You Weaver family, I, Marina Marina, will never let you off! You just wait, I'll make sure you die without a burial site!"

Donald almost collapsed upon hearing this.

Damage to the family's reputation, loss of assets – he could still accept those.

But if the Wade family really wanted to go all out against him, how could he withstand it?

If it came to family destruction, that would be the end of everything!

Thinking of this, he looked at Charlie with tearful eyes and begged: "Young Master Wade, please help me. This is all a misunderstanding. If the Wade family can forgive me, I'll give you 20% of all my industries' shares. Just please spare me!"

Marina sneered: "Don't even mention 20% of your shares. Even if it's 50% or 100%, it's nothing in my eyes!"

Charlie waved his hand: "No, it may be nothing in your eyes, but it's still worth something in mine."

He then turned to Donald and said: "Weaver, you not only kidnapped my mother-in-law but also my aunt. I'm the double victim of your actions today. So, let's adjust the 20% to 40%. From now on, you'll listen to my orders, and I'll guarantee the Wade family won't bother you."

Donald's heart was filled with both joy and sorrow.

He was happy that Charlie had proposed a solution, giving him and the Weaver family a chance to survive.

But he was sad that Charlie's proposal was like a knife to his throat – 40% of the shares would almost cut the Weaver family in half.

Marina was unwilling to back down.

She had suffered too much humiliation and hardship today.

And she couldn't take it out on Charlie, so her only target was Donald.

If Charlie took away her only outlet, wouldn't she have to go after the parents who kidnapped her instead?

But what could she do even if she killed them all?

Thinking of this, she angrily shouted: "Charlie! It's not up to you to decide whether to bother Donald or not. It's up to me and your Grandfather!"

Charlie replied calmly: "I've already given Donald a solution. As long as he agrees, none of you can oppose it."

He then looked at Marina, his voice suddenly rising eight degrees, cold and ruthless: "And don't think that just because I haven't been involved in the Wade family for many years, you can manipulate me. Don't even think about using me as a marriage partner to climb the social ladder. I won't give the Wade family that opportunity!"

"So, if you dare to plot against me again, don't blame me for not showing mercy. I won't spare any of you, whether it's you or other members of the Wade family!"

Marina was intimidated by Charlie's gaze and tone, but she still shouted angrily: "Charlie! Do you think you have the power to challenge the Wade family now? Your Emgrand Group, your 10 billion in cash – weren't they all given to you by the Wade family? The Wade family can raise you up or bring you down! Without the Wade family, you're just a nobody, a useless piece of trash! With the Wade family's power, destroying you would be ten, a hundred times easier than destroying Donald!"

Charlie looked at her furious expression, raised an eyebrow, and asked with a hint of amusement: "Oh? Is that so?"


Marina's dignity was deeply hurt by Charlie's teasing gaze.

She gritted her teeth and roared, "Of course! Do you think I'm joking with you?! If you continue to be so arrogant and disrespect me, I guarantee you'll meet your demise! Not just you, but your wife, your mother-in-law, and everyone around you will suffer the same fate!"

As she spoke, Marina's anger reached its peak, and she shouted like a shrew, "I'm telling you, your parents were lucky to have died and been able to return to the Wade family ancestral tomb! If you die, you won't even have the qualifications to enter the Wade family ancestral tomb!"

Charlie's expression turned extremely gloomy.

He looked at Marina and said calmly, "You're my father's sister, so I can't hit you."

Marina sneered, "You still remember that I'm your father's sister?! You should be grateful and respectful towards me!"

Before Marina could finish, Charlie immediately ordered Orvel, "Orvel, you have no blood relation with her, so slap her for me!"

Orvel immediately responded, "Yes, Master Wade!"

He rushed over and grabbed Marina's collar.

Marina was shocked and threatened, "If you dare to hit me, I'll make sure you pay with your life!"

Orvel slapped her twice, knocking out two of her back teeth, and said coldly, "My life was given to me by Master Wade, and even if Master Wade asked me to kill the King of Heaven, I wouldn't bat an eye, let alone you, a rude and uncultured woman!"

Marina was stunned and furious, shouting, "You'll all die! Every single one of you will die!!"

Charlie looked at her and said calmly, "If you had investigated me thoroughly, you should know why I'm respected as Master Wade in Aurous Hill."

"If you had investigated me, you should also know why Donald's Eight Great Kings were annihilated by me at the foot of Evergreen Mountain!"

As he spoke, Charlie smiled and continued, "If you had investigated me, you should know that I recently went to Japan, and about the incidents that occurred in Japan during that time, I think you have an idea!"

Marina's face turned pale with terror, her expression changing drastically.

Charlie stared at her and asked again, "Didn't you want me to marry Haidee Snow? Then didn't you think about how my father's old friend, Geraldo, who was critically ill, suddenly recovered? Is there really some kind of medical miracle?"

After finishing, Charlie pointed at Orvel and continued to question, "Do you know how Orvel, who was almost killed by Donald's men at the Chef Legenda Mansion, managed to survive with his last breath?"

Marina's expression turned deathly pale.

At this moment, Charlie's aura was unbridled, his spirit energy overflowing, and his voice was extremely intimidating as he roared, "Think about these questions, and if you didn't think about them before, then think about them now! After you've thought it through, come and tell me, who can eliminate who between us?"

Marina was shocked by Charlie's aura and his words, her eyes wide with fear.

The Wade family had indeed investigated Charlie's many deeds in Aurous Hill.

However, the clues they obtained were not sufficient.

For example, they knew Charlie seemed to be very powerful, but they didn't have a clear understanding of his true strength.

They also knew about Donald Weaver's Eight Great Kings being killed at the foot of Evergreen Mountain, but they weren't clear about who did it.

And there was Geraldo!


Geraldo Snow, who was terminally ill with pancreatic cancer, suddenly recovered and seemed to have turned back the clock by ten years. The entire upper echelon of Eastcliff's society was eager to know the reason behind his miraculous recovery. They wanted to know what kind of extraordinary encounter Geraldo had experienced that allowed him to defy death.

However, despite their investigations, no one was able to uncover any concrete information.

Now, Charlie suddenly spoke up, and Marina's eyes widened in shock as he asked, "Do you have any relation to these events?"

Charlie let out a cold snort: "What do you mean by 'relation'? I'm the one who made it all happen!"

This revelation left even Donald stunned.

The death of the Eight Great Heavenly Kings had dealt a significant blow to the Weaver family, but they still didn't know how they had died. Now, Donald finally understood.

It turned out that the Eight Great Heavenly Kings had all died at Charlie's hands!

Donald couldn't help but ask himself, "Just how powerful is Charlie Wade?"

Marina was also shocked beyond words.

Donald didn't understand the implications of Charlie's mention of "the incident that occurred in Japan," but Marina did.

The three major Japanese families had been reshuffled overnight, with one being completely wiped out, another losing half its members, and only the Ito family remaining, with its patriarch, Takehiko Ito, losing both legs.

Behind this was an extremely powerful expert who had slaughtered countless ninjas and even saved the Salvador siblings. Could it be Charlie?

Charlie pointed at Donald and asked Marina, "Do you know that Donald has a son named Quintin, who, some time ago in Aurous Hill, was possessed by some kind of dark energy, forcing him to eat feces every hour?"

Donald's expression turned deathly pale in an instant!

Marina was also left stunned.

Although the Weaver family wasn't well-known in Eastcliff, Donald's second son, Quintin, was infamous throughout the city.

This was mainly due to the short video platforms that had been promoting Quintin's related videos nationwide.

Everyone knew about it.

At the time, top experts from several major families had analyzed the incident, concluding that Quintin must have been subjected to extremely powerful psychological manipulation by a mastermind.

Marina wondered to himself, "Could it be that Charlie was behind that incident as well?"

Donald had already collapsed, his anger and despair palpable.

He forced himself to calm down, his voice trembling as he said, "Young Master Wade, my son is a good kid! He's been studying diligently in Aurous Hill, never doing anything wrong. Why would you harm him so?"

Charlie glared at Donald, slapping him fiercely across the face before berating him, "Your son is a scoundrel who takes pleasure in tormenting girls, manipulating them with his dirty tricks!"

"He's not only played with girls but also used his despicable psychological manipulation to brainwash them, driving them to suicide!"

"Such heinous acts deserve to be punished by all!"

"You're now trying to tell me that your beastly son has always been well-behaved and never done anything wrong?"

"Who gave you the audacity to say that?"


Donald was scolded by Charlie, and he didn't dare to lift his head.

Quintin's matters, he naturally knew about.

But he originally thought that those were just his son's affairs with other girls, and even if he had indeed harmed several girls, he hadn't harmed Charlie or anyone around him. So, why did Charlie have to hurt him?

However, seeing Charlie's furious expression, he realized that Charlie's sense of justice was far beyond his imagination!

Charlie stared at Donald coldly and said, "Donald, I was going to spare your life, but you turned out to be so unscrupulous! Since that's the case, I don't want the 40% share anymore. From now on, let the Wade family handle you as they see fit!"

Donald burst into loud wails.

He still had his hands behind his back, but his body immediately leaned forward, and he knelt on the ground, kowtowing heavily while crying and begging, "Young Master Wade, I was wrong! I know I was wrong! My son indeed deserves to die, but you're showing great mercy by sparing his life. I'm blind and foolish, and I failed to teach him properly. Please have mercy on me and spare me once!"

Charlie said coldly, "You failed to teach him properly, and that's not the only thing!"

Then, Charlie asked, "What about your nephew, Kobi Reynolds? His crimes are countless! As the head of the South Laverton region's first family, you knew about his actions, but you didn't stop him. Why didn't you guide him onto the right path? If you had, he wouldn't have harmed so many people, and I wouldn't have let him sink into the river!"

Donald was shocked.

He suddenly realized that Charlie was behind the downfall of his nephew, Kobi, and the entire beggar gang.

So, Donald didn't dare to show his shock and cried, "I'm sorry, Young Master Wade! I indeed have an inescapable responsibility. I knew about his actions, but I wanted to stop him. However, my wife cried and begged me, and I softened. I thought that since I wasn't involved, I would let him do as he pleased. I didn't expect that would lead to such a huge mistake!"

Charlie gritted his teeth and said, "You indeed made a huge mistake! Kobi ruined many children and families. Each of those debts will be counted against you, Donald! Even if I kill you now, the gods above will make you pay for your sins in your next life, and you'll suffer for nine lifetimes!"

Donald cried so hard that his nose and eyes were streaming with tears, and his voice trembled, "Young Master Wade, I really know I was wrong! Please give me a chance to reform, and I'll hand over 60% of the Weaver family's assets. I'll do anything, just please give me a chance to start anew!"

Charlie waved his hand, "It's not just about money anymore. If you really want to reform, I can give you a chance. Let's see if you can accept it."

Donald hastily kowtowed and said, "Young Master Wade, please tell me! I'll definitely seize this opportunity with all my might!"

Charlie said coldly, "Change 40% of your family's assets to Orvel's name, and then take out 20% for charity to make up for your nephew's evil deeds over the years."

Orvel exclaimed, "Master Wade, how can this be? My life was given to me by you, and these assets should be given to you, not me."

Charlie said calmly, "If Weaver agrees to this solution, then you can take the 40%."

Donald didn't dare to say no, and he hastily nodded, "Young Master Wade, you can rest assured that I'll take care of this today!"

Charlie said again, "Donald, from today on, you're Orvel's dog. If Orvel tells you to go east, you must go east. If you deviate even slightly, I'll make the Weaver family disappear from South Laverton region. Do you understand?"

Donald didn't dare to say no, and he hastily nodded, "Young Master Wade, you can rest assured that I'll be Orvel's dog from now on."

Charlie told Orvel, "Orvel, take good care of him. If he dares to disobey, tell me immediately!"

Orvel hastily agreed, "Master Wade, I understand! As for Donald's shares, I'll temporarily hold them for you."

Charlie nodded slightly.

Then, he looked at Marina, whose face was swollen from Orvel's beating, and said calmly, "Aunt, since you're here, stay in Aurous Hill for a week. We'll talk about going back after the New Year. I'm quite busy lately, so I won't be visiting you during the New Year. I'll wish you a happy new year in advance."
This impotent Dragon is too much🙌🙌🙌

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
I want benign immortal great grandmaster Junlee to show mercy on members of this village and give us 10 chapter everyday. I assure IGGM junlee that we will not catch original even in 1 year even if we get 10 chapters everyday

Much as i would love to, I have a life as well. I need to balance things between family work study and leisure, that list mentioned was top priority to least. Just relax and read different books as well so u can feed ur hunger in reading.


Dragon Among Men
Sep 11, 2023
I want benign immortal great grandmaster Junlee to show mercy on members of this village and give us 10 chapter everyday. I assure IGGM junlee that we will not catch original even in 1 year even if we get 10 chapters everyday
I support you my brother,we beg Grandmaster Junlee to give us more pages.More cultivation for your power


Martial Arts Master
Oct 8, 2023
Much as i would love to, I have a life as well. I need to balance things between family work study and leisure, that list mentioned was top priority to least. Just relax and read different books as well so u can feed ur hunger in reading.
What are other books you are translating or reading? Please suggest


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
What are other books you are translating or reading? Please suggest
You could go read the Bilble or Quran. There is Hindu, Buddha and many other books on insight of the spiritual world

Now Charlie summoned lightning 🌩 and you find it interesting. When Jesus walked on water you find it un interesting. Could you walk on water? The Man fed 5000 people just using five fish and two loaves of bread 🍞

Prophet Muhammad’s on other hand, he had split the moon into two. Unlike Charlie or Jesus who didn't marry at all. He had handful of women at his feet. Did you know the prophet split the moon into two? Do you know that Quran promises us on 72 virgins ? Once the time for prayer approached but the companions could not find any water to perform ablution and this matter came to the knowledge of the Prophet. The Prophet asked for a bowl and put his hand in the bowl and the water began to squirt out of his fingers and the water sufficed for the companions to perform ablution

I haven't had time to get to Hinduism and Buddhism books since I am stuck into the two Holy Books😀 .

Do you require more suggestions?


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Sep 19, 2023
Much as i would love to, I have a life as well. I need to balance things between family work study and leisure, that list mentioned was top priority to least. Just relax and read different books as well so u can feed ur hunger in reading.
You're already doing so generous Boss


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Sep 19, 2023
You could go read the Bilble or Quran. There is Hindu, Buddha and many other books on insight of the spiritual world

Now Charlie summoned lightning 🌩 and you find it interesting. When Jesus walked on water you find it un interesting. Could you walk on water? The Man fed 5000 people just using five fish and two loaves of bread 🍞

Prophet Muhammad’s on other hand, he had split the moon into two. Unlike Charlie or Jesus who didn't marry at all. He had handful of women at his feet. Did you know the prophet split the moon into two? Do you know that Quran promises us on 72 virgins ? Once the time for prayer approached but the companions could not find any water to perform ablution and this matter came to the knowledge of the Prophet. The Prophet asked for a bowl and put his hand in the bowl and the water began to squirt out of his fingers and the water sufficed for the companions to perform ablution

I haven't had time to get to Hinduism and Buddhism books since I am stuck into the two Holy Books😀 .

Do you require more suggestions?
Grandmaster Gilly is just too much 😂😂😂


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Sep 19, 2023
What are other books you are translating or reading? Please suggest
Hey buddy......
Just scroll to the bottom of the page, you'll see an option that says "see popular Novels" click on under it and you'll see other novels
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Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Mar 24, 2024
You could go read the Bilble or Quran. There is Hindu, Buddha and many other books on insight of the spiritual world

Now Charlie summoned lightning 🌩 and you find it interesting. When Jesus walked on water you find it un interesting. Could you walk on water? The Man fed 5000 people just using five fish and two loaves of bread 🍞

Prophet Muhammad’s on other hand, he had split the moon into two. Unlike Charlie or Jesus who didn't marry at all. He had handful of women at his feet. Did you know the prophet split the moon into two? Do you know that Quran promises us on 72 virgins ? Once the time for prayer approached but the companions could not find any water to perform ablution and this matter came to the knowledge of the Prophet. The Prophet asked for a bowl and put his hand in the bowl and the water began to squirt out of his fingers and the water sufficed for the companions to perform ablution

I haven't had time to get to Hinduism and Buddhism books since I am stuck into the two Holy Books😀 .

Do you require more suggestions?
Prophet Muhammed had no such miracles

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