The Dragon Man's Decree - Translated by GILY

Author: Unknown
Type: Action and Adventure
Posted : 07 October 2023
Status: Ongoing

John White is furious that someone has tried to make an advance on his girlfriend. In the end, he ends up behind bars after his attempt to protect her. Three years later, he is a free man but finds out that that girlfriend of his has married the man who hit on her back then. John will not let things slide. Thankfully, he has learned Focus Technique during his time in prison. At that, he embarks on the journey of cultivation and is accompanied by a gorgeous Miranda. Who would have thought this would enrage his ex-girlfriend?
Chapter 3814 - 3816 Arthur Sanders

“That’s Polar Mountain, where the true polar stone mine is situated. It’s just that Polar Mountain is usually obscured by a barrier, making it impossible to see. Only when space-time is distorted in the chaos dimension at the border will Polar Mountain reveal itself. Only then will there be a chance to enter Polar Mountain to gather the polar stones. This is something I just found out, which is why I came to the polar region looking for you,” Selma explained.

Marc realized then why Selma had suddenly arrived in the polar region. They had only found scattered pieces of polar stones these past few days and didn’t locate any polar stone mine. It turned out it was hidden by a barrier. Moreover, Polar Mountain was located in the chaos dimension at the border, a place no one dared to approach. That was why no one had discovered it.

“Ms. Selma, you drove the holy maidens of Lunarius Palace into the chaos dimension to distort space-time within, thus creating the conditions to enter Polar Mountain, right?” Marc understood at once.

“Not bad. You’re pretty smart.” Selma gave a faint smile. At that time, Dahlia and the others had reached the edge of the chaos dimension. If they were to move forward, they would be sucked into the turbulent flow of the chaos dimension. Death would be certain, and not even a corpse would be left behind.

“Ladies, let’s hold hands. There’s nothing to fear. Upon entering the chaos dimension, you will be torn apart by the turbulent currents. There won’t be any pain.” Dahlia held everyone’s hands. Then with a resolute look in her eyes, she headed toward the chaos dimension.

“Don’t do anything foolish!” At that moment, John’s voice echoed, and his figure slowly came into view.

“Mr. White…” Dahlia was overjoyed. She hadn’t expected John to find them. With John here, they could be saved. They had personally witnessed John’s capabilities. Just as they halted, anticipating John’s arrival, a sudden, immense force began pulling them toward the chaos dimension. Two holy maidens were swept up high into the air. Fortunately, they were holding hands, which prevented them from being drawn in.

“Hold on tight…” Dahlia gritted her teeth, holding on with all her might. Everyone gave their all, yet the immense suction continued to drag them toward the chaos dimension. Dahlia and the others wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer.

At that moment, John appeared. A massive surge of energy sent Dahlia and the others flying, freeing them from the immense suction force. However, John himself was instantly drawn into the chaos dimension.

“Mr. White!” All the holy maidens were taken aback, yet not one of them could lend a hand. John’s body swayed like a flatboat in the chaos dimension. He activated Golem Body to resist the chaotic currents of the chaos dimension. However, his Golem Body started to crumble as he was pulled deeper into the chaos dimension by a tremendous force.

John unleashed all sorts of power within him, forming layers of protective shields around him. Yet, it was all in vain as the chaotic currents of time and space shattered it in an instant. Blood began to seep continuously from John’s seven orifices.

“Am I really going to die here today?” John gave up on resisting, plunging into the depths of despair. The draconic essence on John’s chest was radiating light, and a golden dragon was continuously circling him. However, in the chaos dimension, even the golden dragon was rapidly vanishing.

At that moment, John discovered that through this chaos dimension, he could see vast snowfields and numerous demon beasts. “What I’m seeing isn’t the polar region. It’s… Bera Plains?” John was instantly dumbstruck. Those were no ordinary white wolves, but demon beasts from Bera Plains.

John hadn’t expected that crossing the polar region at the southern region would actually lead him to the icy plains of the northern region. In that sense, the entire Ethereal Realm was nothing more than a closed loop. It was no wonder that John had discovered the white wolves, demon beasts from the northern region, while in the polar region

Even though John knew that the icefield of the northern region was just across from him, he found himself utterly immobilized. His body seemed to have frozen in place.

In the chaos dimension, space itself began to contort. The turbulent flow of time and space was akin to a razor-sharp blade, stabbing John relentlessly. John’s body was already marred with countless injuries. The golden dragon encircling his body was also gradually vanishing.

John discovered that a towering mountain was becoming increasingly clear. Atop that towering mountain, clusters of polar stones were radiating their lustrous glow.

“The polar stone mine?” John hadn’t expected to find the polar stone mine in the chaos dimension. However, the polar stone mine was not located in the chaos dimension. It was closely linked to it.

“It’s over. It’s really over this time…” John let out a sigh. Finding the polar stone mine now is utterly pointless! I’m about to die! At that moment, John could even feel the chilling breath of death. This was the closest he had ever come to death.

“Perhaps death is a kind of release. But I just can’t bear to part with the women by my side…” John began to get lost in his memories. It was like watching a movie as every moment from the time he was imprisoned to the time after he was released played in his mind.

At that moment, Vermilion Demon Lord was in a state of panic within John’s consciousness field. If John were to die here, he would surely be done for as well. “Don’t give up. Hang in there. You can’t die. If you die, what will I do? Vermilion Demon Lord bellowed. However, John couldn’t seem to hear at all. His will to live had diminished significantly.

Meanwhile, within a mansion nestled in the forested mountains, Arthur suddenly furrowed his brow.

“Why on earth did he venture into the chaos dimension? He’s truly a magnet for trouble!” Arthur muttered, and in an instant, he was nowhere to be seen.

As John’s life was slowly ebbing away, his thoughts too started spiraling into turmoil. Suddenly, a beam of golden light bathed him, followed by a wave of unprecedented comfort that swept across his entire body. Arthur, dressed in plain attire, was quietly observing him. When John opened his eyes and saw Arthur, he was completely stunned.

“Mr. Sanders, is that really you? Am I already dead? Are we in hell or heaven? It must be heaven. Am I seeing you in heaven? Mr. Sanders, do you have any idea how much I’ve missed you?” John burst into tears.

In truth, John had always regarded Arthur as an elder of his own. In the mundane world, John had received Arthur’s meticulous care and attention. Had it not been for Arthur, John might have been assassinated in Jade Venom by those people from the Warriors Alliance.

Upon hearing John’s words, Arthur was momentarily lost for words. “John, don’t forget that you are a cultivator, a true spiritual energy cultivator. Do you even hear yourself when you talk about heaven and hell? Only a mortal would say such things,” Arthur said nonchalantly. As Arthur spoke, John found himself in a daze, but he quickly snapped back to reality.

“Mr. Sanders, I’m not dead. You’re not dead too, right?” In his excitement, John embraced Arthur. Arthur hadn’t died, neither had he. He could distinctly sense Arthur’s presence at that moment.

Arthur radiated a golden aura. Wherever his aura touched, serenity and tranquility prevailed. Even the chaos of time and space couldn’t get the slightest bit closer.

“I was going to leave you alone in the Ethereal Realm. However, you, young man, seemed to have a death wish. You even dared to venture into the chaos dimension. I’m telling you, even though you know I’m alive, I can’t always be there to save you. You’ll have to navigate the road ahead on your own. If you dig your own grave again, I won’t step in to save you anymore…” After he finished speaking, he glanced at John. This single glance made Vermilion Demon Lord shudder in fear.

Immediately following that, Arthur made a sweeping gesture. A flash of golden light streaked by, and in an instant, John was outside the chaos dimension. He was unconscious. Arthur’s figure also disappeared.

“Mr. White! Mr. White!” Upon seeing John emerge from the chaos dimension, Dahlia and Yvonne hurriedly rushed over.

John gradually regained consciousness from his stupor. When he saw Dahlia and the others, his face was full of surprise.

“I’m not dead?” John glanced at himself. He was originally covered in wounds, but now, there wasn’t a single trace of injury on him.

“Mr. White, you’re not dead. You emerged from the chaos dimension. You must be the first person to have survived from the chaos dimension,” Dahlia exclaimed with great excitement. John furrowed his brows. Then suddenly, as if recalling something, he rose to survey his surroundings.

“Mr. Sanders! Mr. Sanders!” John shouted, but there was no sign of Arthur around.

“Mr. White, who is this Mr. Sanders you’re talking about?” Dahlia asked in confusion.

“Did any of you notice anyone else around me?” John hurriedly asked.

“No, we only saw you emerging from the chaos dimension.” Dahlia shook her head.

At that moment, John fell into deep thought. Was it all a dream? John couldn’t discern if it was reality or just a dream. He only remembered that when he was on the brink of death, Arthur had appeared.

“Kid, that wasn’t a dream. Someone really did save you!” Vermilion Demon Lord said.

Upon hearing this, John asked excitedly, “Was it Mr. Sanders? You’ve seen him?”

“I don’t know who he is. I can’t recall his identity, but all I know is that he’s incredibly powerful. One look from him nearly scared the daylights out of me. Who is that person to you? You’ve got such a powerful figure backing you up. What on earth are you still afraid of? If you were to simply stomp your foot in the Ethereal Realm, everyone would bow down and submit to you.” Vermilion Demon Lord couldn’t recall ever meeting Arthur, nor could he recollect any past encounters with him. However, he was distinctly aware of Arthur’s formidable presence.

“He’s…” John fell silent, unsure of how to classify his relationship with Arthur. There seemed to be nothing between them. Yet, Arthur treated him with a fatherly affection. John had once suspected that Arthur must be a Dragonian, just like him. It would only make sense then for Arthur to show him such care and consideration. However, Arthur himself had never admitted it.

“No matter who he is, once I’ve regained my physical body, you’ll have to look out for me.” With that, Vermilion Demon Lord said no more. John was at a loss for words. That wasn’t what Vermilion Demon Lord used to say. He had claimed that he would take care of John. Now, he actually expected John to look out for him.

“Mr. White, are you all right? If you are, we should get going quickly. The Millers are catching up.” Dahlia spoke up upon seeing John standing still in a daze. John was engaged in a conversation with Vermilion Demon Lord. Dahlia and the others couldn’t hear a thing.

“All right, let’s head to Polar Mountain…” John pointed toward the distant mountain. Because of him, the chaos dimension was in turmoil, making the mountain even more prominent. The surrounding halo also became significantly dimmer. Dahlia and her companions gazed at the towering mountain.

“Mr. White, I don’t think we’ve seen this mountain before. Why is it called Polar Mountain?”

“The mountain must have always been within the chaos dimension, hidden by some barrier. Due to some reason, it became visible. The entire mountain is made up of polar stones. It’s most likely the location of the polar stone mine. And the name Polar Mountain is just something I casually came up with,” John explained.

“What? The entire mountain is filled with polar stones?” At that moment, all of their mouths dropped open in shock. If all these polar stones were given to Lunarius Palace, they wouldn’t need much time to dominate the entire Ethereal Realm.
Thanks Immortal Gily for the compensation. Please tell your fellow Immortals not to argue again.
Mr Saunders duty is aiding John to destroy all the powerful Alliance in the various realms after that leads John to his father.
Thanks a lot immortal Gily for the resources. I am so glad that Sanders came for the rescue. It is not going to be easy for John to deal with Selma now. However he is in a better position than the previous time when he had faced her, as now he has another source of fire, the earth's core. Can't wait to see how he is going to overcome the daunting challenge. Curious to see if Silver or anybody else will come to aid him this time.
On another note, hope John gets the remainder that there was once he had a girl friend named Miranda, the matriarch of our virgin sect and that girl endured so much on account of John and yet here is waiting to add some maidens into his harem.
It looks as though master King might be able to meet Natasha and than John meeting Miranda.
Thanks a lot immortal Gily for the resources. I am so glad that Sanders came for the rescue. It is not going to be easy for John to deal with Selma now. However he is in a better position than the previous time when he had faced her, as now he has another source of fire, the earth's core. Can't wait to see how he is going to overcome the daunting challenge. Curious to see if Silver or anybody else will come to aid him this time.
On another note, hope John gets the remainder that there was once he had a girl friend named Miranda, the matriarch of our virgin sect and that girl endured so much on account of John and yet here is waiting to add some maidens into his harem.
It looks as though master King might be able to meet Natasha and than John meeting Miranda.
Yeah.. John's fire is getting stronger and going to get stronger again once he can consume the Fire Spirit Lord's 5 Demonic Fire Soul Essence kept in his storage ring. So now we know he has this fire essence and the stillwind orb, 2 powerful sources of cultivation still in his storage ring. I'm just worried that the little unicorn will one day wake up and devour these 2 items to fill her stomach. If only I can get my hand on this storage ring.. 🤤

By the way master brits, you are widely known as the Patriarch of virgin sect.. and now you single handedly claimed that Miranda is the Matriarch.. isn't it you are claiming Miranda is your partner? Have you quietly had sex with her? Don't you think this will upset John? Are you really that daring? 🤔
Who is Mr Sanders? Was he affected by Heavenly Forces?
Heavenly forces you said? There don't seem to be any force that can affect him. Even Vermilion is afraid of Sanders and asking for John's protection just because of knowing Sanders.. who the hell is this Sanders? He even can arrive to John's location in a flash.. how strong could he be? Sanders has time and again surprised me. I or we can only assume that Sanders is a dragonian and serving for John's father.. I can only imagine the strength of John's father.. no wonder Alonzo03 in the beginning wanted to be a dragon but pity that in the end resigned and happy to become 'just' Levi 😂
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Thanks a lot immortal Gily for the resources. I am so glad that Sanders came for the rescue. It is not going to be easy for John to deal with Selma now. However he is in a better position than the previous time when he had faced her, as now he has another source of fire, the earth's core. Can't wait to see how he is going to overcome the daunting challenge. Curious to see if Silver or anybody else will come to aid him this time.
On another note, hope John gets the remainder that there was once he had a girl friend named Miranda, the matriarch of our virgin sect and that girl endured so much on account of John and yet here is waiting to add some maidens into his harem.
It looks as though master King might be able to meet Natasha and than John meeting Miranda.
The issue of Miranda and John is all I long for, I can't wait for their wedding night and dual cultivation together
Heavenly forces you said? There don't seem to be any force that can affect him. Even if Vermilion is afraid of Sanders and asking for John's protection just because of knowing Sanders.. who the hell is this Sanders? He even can arrive to John's location in a flash.. how strong could he be? Sanders has time and again surprised me. I or we can only assume that Sanders is a dragonian and serving for John's father.. I can only imagine the strength of John's father.. no wonder Alonzo03 in the beginning wanted to be a dragon but pity that in the end resigned and happy to become 'just' Levi 😂
We the Dragonians are always ontop of our games. But I don't want to believe Authur is John's father or Uncle.
Yeah.. John's fire is getting stronger and going to get stronger again once he can consume the Fire Spirit Lord's 5 Demonic Fire Soul Essence kept in his storage ring. So now we know he has this fire essence and the stillwind orb, 2 powerful sources of cultivation still in his storage ring. I'm just worried that the little unicorn will one day wake up and devour these 2 items to fill her stomach. If only I can get my hand on this storage ring.. 🤤

By the way master brits, you are widely known as the Patriarch of virgin sect.. and now you single handedly claimed that Miranda is the Matriarch.. isn't it you are claiming Miranda is your partner? Have you quietly had sex with her? Don't you think this will upset John? Are you really that daring? 🤔
Who is daring me there, I don't joke with my woman lol 😆 😂 🤣
How I wish we can have like ten episodes today.

I will cultivate will seventy-two virgins today, if eventually that happens.

Don't doubt my strength 💪

I'm John White (A True Form and absolutely 💯 lord of the dragons)
How I wish we can have like ten episodes today.

I will cultivate will seventy-two virgins today, if eventually that happens.

Don't doubt my strength 💪

I'm John White (A True Form and absolutely 💯 lord of the dragons)
There's a typo error in your post. "Seventy-two virgins" should read "Seventy-two y.o virgin". emeka & xavier confirmed it was error. Don't worry with the error, we understand the hunger.. and since you can break the resistance that lasted 72 years we don't doubt your strength, we just doubt the strength of that virgin.
I thought we all fell into the crevice.. because it was so dark 😅

By the way talking about crevice, has anyone out there realized while reading that there was a clitoris at the one end of the crevice opening? It was not polar stones as what many might think. Or was it just my imagination? 🤔
Perv thoughts Max.

As soon as I read big crevice 🤭...
There's a typo error in your post. "Seventy-two virgins" should read "Seventy-two y.o virgin". emeka & xavier confirmed it was error. Don't worry with the error, we understand the hunger.. and since you can break the resistance that lasted 72 years we don't doubt your strength, we just doubt the strength of that virgin.
I just can't stop laughing, rolling on the floors right now.

Anyways, it shouldn't be a problem for seventy-two virging to handle just me
I just can't stop laughing, rolling on the floors right now.

Anyways, it shouldn't be a problem for seventy-two virging to handle just me
Please don't tell me that there's still typo error this time.. and it looks intentionally to cover up the previous 🤔
Heavenly forces you said? There don't seem to be any force that can affect him. Even Vermilion is afraid of Sanders and asking for John's protection just because of knowing Sanders.. who the hell is this Sanders? He even can arrive to John's location in a flash.. how strong could he be? Sanders has time and again surprised me. I or we can only assume that Sanders is a dragonian and serving for John's father.. I can only imagine the strength of John's father.. no wonder Alonzo03 in the beginning wanted to be a dragon but pity that in the end resigned and happy to become 'just' Levi 😂
I just want to be me 😔 but mind you levi is still powerful than John.
I see that a new member is also fumbling to be the Golden dragon true form. 😂 You guys having told him yet. It's not an easy role he should carve a path for himself just like Evie Levi's daughter. He makes me remember my days I go about claiming to be the golden dragon true form. But a lot of masters and immortals and senior comrades in this forum didn't even give a concern about me 😂. I discovered I couldn't even will any power or have any great influence in this forum I guess I was still an amateur. A boy with big dreams. 😂. But I'm getting better day by day. And growing in wisdom. True power comes from Humbleness, Courage and Honesty.
I see that a new member is also fumbling to be the Golden dragon true form. 😂 You guys having told him yet. It's not an easy role he should carve a path for himself just like Evie Levi's daughter. He makes me remember my days I go about claiming to be the golden dragon true form. But a lot of masters and immortals and senior comrades in this forum didn't even give a concern about me 😂. I discovered I couldn't even will any power or have any great influence in this forum I guess I was still an amateur. A boy with big dreams. 😂. But I'm getting better day by day. And growing in wisdom. True power comes from Humbleness, Courage and Honesty.
I never thought I'd witness a day like this when Alonzo03 would be this humble. I actually went into seclusion due to self a claimed cultivators who brags and assumed things they are not.
Nice one men. I hope all the self acclaimed cultivators here would humble themselves like you. 👍
I see that a new member is also fumbling to be the Golden dragon true form. 😂 You guys having told him yet. It's not an easy role he should carve a path for himself just like Evie Levi's daughter. He makes me remember my days I go about claiming to be the golden dragon true form. But a lot of masters and immortals and senior comrades in this forum didn't even give a concern about me 😂. I discovered I couldn't even will any power or have any great influence in this forum I guess I was still an amateur. A boy with big dreams. 😂. But I'm getting better day by day. And growing in wisdom. True power comes from Humbleness, Courage and Honesty.
Thank you 😊, I'm loyal and very gentle. But you know dreams are achievable right ✅ ?
I never thought I'd witness a day like this when Alonzo03 would be this humble. I actually went into seclusion due to self a claimed cultivators who brags and assumed things they are not.
Nice one men. I hope all the self acclaimed cultivators here would humble themselves like you. 👍
I never thought I'd witness a day like this when Alonzo03 would be this humble. I actually went into seclusion due to self a claimed cultivators who brags and assumed things they are not.
Nice one men. I hope all the self acclaimed cultivators here would humble themselves like you. 👍
I once told him he belongs to the insect race but he doubted me. It's good he has known his level now.
I see that a new member is also fumbling to be the Golden dragon true form. 😂 You guys having told him yet. It's not an easy role he should carve a path for himself just like Evie Levi's daughter. He makes me remember my days I go about claiming to be the golden dragon true form. But a lot of masters and immortals and senior comrades in this forum didn't even give a concern about me 😂. I discovered I couldn't even will any power or have any great influence in this forum I guess I was still an amateur. A boy with big dreams. 😂. But I'm getting better day by day. And growing in wisdom. True power comes from Humbleness, Courage and Honesty.
I bet you are a last born or only male born in your family. Anyways, how about I present you this gift and we call it even?dankie_mzansi-20240507-0003.jpgnew_girls_with_style-20240507-0013.jpg

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