The Dragon Man's Decree - Translated by GILY

Author: Unknown
Type: Action and Adventure
Posted : 07 October 2023
Status: Ongoing

John White is furious that someone has tried to make an advance on his girlfriend. In the end, he ends up behind bars after his attempt to protect her. Three years later, he is a free man but finds out that that girlfriend of his has married the man who hit on her back then. John will not let things slide. Thankfully, he has learned Focus Technique during his time in prison. At that, he embarks on the journey of cultivation and is accompanied by a gorgeous Miranda. Who would have thought this would enrage his ex-girlfriend?
I wonder what level is phoenix when she was still in her former glory 🤔
She must have been a Tribulator. She was a celestial mount if not wrong, like hat small rabbit of yours

In Africa we eat those rabbits, but for white people they make them pets. Be careful of Julia_Natasha and King of Dragonmarsh even though these are white people they seems to be your enemy haha

be careful of Prosper, emeka and those many other guys from Nigeria
One thing you people are not thinking, John was not affected by forces of mundane world. Many who came to mundane world were affected except for Mr Sanders, none talk about his power

He might also be a dragonian.
..or maybe it's just because Sanders that we saw in the mundane was just a shadow clone?
Chapter 3531 – 3540 Family’s Internal Strife

Upon seeing the communication device in Old-Geezer’s hand, John couldn’t help but feel a mix of amusement and frustration. It appeared that the charm masters in the Ethereal Realm were severely lacking in skill. Even these supposedly powerful charm masters couldn’t create simple charms.

John took out numerous communication devices from his storage ring and said, “Mr. Old-Geezer, you should keep this one for yourself. I have plenty more here. I’ll give them all to you. You can use them whenever you want to reach me. I can easily craft hundreds of these in no time…”

Old-Geezer muttered in surprise as he saw John holding dozens of communication devices. Without hesitation, Old-Geezer accepted the communication devices and left. As Old-Geezer’s figure disappeared, Miles Spicer found himself in a state of disbelief. He hadn’t expected to actually encounter Old-Geezer.

After Old-Geezer departed, John turned to Denzel and Miles Spicer, saying, “I encountered some people from the Soulless Hall on the way and brought them here.”

“People from the Soulless Hall? Weren’t they trying to kill you? These people are all minions of the Demon Seal Alliance!” Denzel asked, confused.

“The people from the Soulless Hall now wish to break away from the Demon Seal Alliance, so l brought them here. Blood Spirit Valley is large enough to accommodate them temporarily. I doubt the Demon Seal Alliance would anticipate this, John explained.

“If these people weren’t targeting Mr. White, I wouldn’t object to them staying in Blood Spirit Valley, Denzel replied.

“Very well, then. I’ll take you guys to meet them.” After John finished speaking, he led Denzel and Miles Spicer to meet Hanes of the Soulless Hall. Being fellow demons, they quickly became acquainted with each other. After the Soulless Hall sought refuge in Blood Spirit Valley, allowing them to temporarily evade the Demon Seal Alliance, John instructed Phoenix to take the telepathic beasts and familiarize themselves with the aura of Blood Spirit Valley first, while he himself remained engrossed in studying the timepiece.

Three days later, the telepathic beast had become completely familiar with the aura of Blood Spirit Valley, and its bond with Phoenix had grown even stronger. During this time, Denzel grew increasingly impatient. He was desperate to know who was responsible for the complete massacre of Blood Spirit Valley.

“Phoenix, how did it go?” John inquired.

“No problem at all,” Phoenix confidently declared.

“Very well. Let the telepathic beast find out who was present in Blood Spirit Valley before we arrived. I want to know whose aura lingers in this place. Then, we’ll have the telepathic beast track the scent while we follow it to discover the true culprit,” John instructed Phoenix.

Phoenix nodded and proceeded to give the telepathic beast some instructions. Although the telepathic beast had only recently been born, it possessed an extraordinary sensitivity to the presence of others. The telepathic beast circled around Blood Spirit Valley and eventually lingered near the entrance of the valley.

After a quarter of an hour, the telepathic beast let out a roar towards the southeast and began to run swiftly. Upon seeing this, John and his companions quickly followed suit. Dalton and Rose remained behind. They were tasked with guarding Blood Spirit Valley.

Additionally, the members of the Soulless Hall had just arrived and were still unfamiliar with many areas of the valley.

Meanwhile, at the Orlando residence in Orlando City, Harvey and Elias sat in the grand hall, waiting. Three days had passed, yet there was still no news from the Soulless Hall.

“Mr. Orlando, it appears that the individuals from Soulless Hall have truly betrayed us. It has been three days, and we have not received any news from them,” Harvey said with a serious expression. This time, he had brought Bill to Demonia Mountain, but unfortunately, Bill had died. The members of Soulless Hall had all rebelled, and Harvey was unsure of how to explain this to Benji.

Elias reassured Harvey, saying, “Do not worry, Harvey. As long as these individuals from Soulless Hall remain on Demonia Mountain, we will eventually find them.”

“Mr. Orlando, what happened with the Summers family of Forlisle? Mr. Havoc has personally invited the Summers family numerous times to join the Demon Seal Alliance, but they have consistently made excuses to avoid it. If the Summers family were to join the Demon Seal Alliance, we would have our own master of arrays. Then, we could freely utilize various charms and spells!” Harvey exclaimed.

After all, the Summers family was widely known as a prestigious household skilled in the art of magecraft. Everyone desired to gain their favor.

“Do not worry, Harvey. It won’t be long before the Summers family will be eager to join the Demon Seal Alliance.” A slight smile appeared on the corners of Elias’ mouth, his face radiating confidence

John and the others continued their pursuit of the telepathic beast. Despite running for an entire day, the telepathic beast showed no signs of stopping. Catlin glanced at the telepathic beast running ahead and asked, “Does this telepathic beast know where it’s going? Where is it headed?”

“We are nearing the borders of Forlisle. Beyond this point lie the territories of the Five Great Sects. Once we pass through their territories, we will be leaving Demonia Mountain,” Denzel explained. Denzel was also puzzled as to why the telepathic beast had led them all the way here.

“Forlisle? Is that where the Summers family resides?” John inquired.

Denzel confirmed, “Yes, the Summers family resides in Forlisle.”

“Could it be that the people of Forlisle are the ones who attacked Blood Spirit Valley?” John asked, confused.

“It’s impossible. Apart from the Summers family, the rest of Forlisle’s residents are only Body Fusion Realm cultivators. They couldn’t have annihilated Blood Spirit Valley. Even if the entire Summers family mobilized, it wouldn’t be easy to destroy Blood Spirit Valley. Their strength lies in magecraft, not physical combat. Besides, Blood Spirit Valley has no grudges or debts with the Summers family. They have no reason to act this way, Denzel dismissed John’s theory.

“Then it is indeed strange that the telepathic beast is running in this direction. Besides Forlisle, what else is in this direction?” John asked.

“There’s also a place called Orlando City, not far from Forlisle. The Orlando family is considered the most prominent family in Orlando City,” Miles Spicer replied.

“Orlando City? I’ve never heard of it. Mr. Washington, does Blood Spirit Valley have any conflicts with the Orlando family?” John turned to Denzel for clarification.

Denzel shook his head. “No, the Orlando family is very mysterious. They rarely interact with sects like Demonia Mountain. They didn’t even participate in the opening of the Celestial Battlefield this time.”

“For now, let’s not worry about anything else. We’ve been running all day, it’s time to find a place to rest!” Catlin said irritably.

“You’re right, we should take a break. The telepathic beast has remembered the scent, so we can continue the search tomorrow. It’s a small creature, we don’t want to exhaust it,” Phoenix expressed concern for the telepathic beast. It must be exhausted after running for so long! It started working shortly after it was born!

After hearing Catlin and Phoenix, John agreed. “Alright, let’s rest in Forlisle. It’s also a good opportunity to visit the head of the Summers family.” Chase had invited John after they left the Celestial Battlefield, and John wanted to take him up on the offer.

Upon hearing John’s plan to go to Forlisle, Denzel and Miles Spicer exchanged glances. With a hint of embarrassment, Denzel said, “Mr. White, as Demonic Cultivators, we can’t casually enter human cities. We can rest here and wait for you. It doesn’t matter where we rest as cultivators.”

“I won’t be going to Forlisle either. I intend to bring the telepathic creature with me and hunt for some game in these woods,” Phoenix declared, expressing his disinterest in visiting the Summers residence in Forlisle.

“Alright, then the three of us will proceed ahead. We will return early tomorrow morning and rendezvous with you,” John suggested, leading Polar and Catlin towards Forlisle. Forlisle, a rather small town, boasted a gate that exuded an antiquated charm.

Upon entering Forlisle, John and his companions encountered no resistance. Surprisingly, not a single guard was present at the city gate. John inquired about the Summers family and discovered that practically everyone in Forlisle was familiar with them. With the help of passersby, John swiftly located the Summers residence

Upon arriving at the Summers residence, they noticed that the doors were tightly shut. Observing the closed doors, Catlin expressed her confusion, “The Summers family is considered prominent in Forlisle, so why have they gone to bed and closed their doors so early?”

Polar also found it extremely strange. “It’s rather odd for such a prominent household to close its doors so early. It shouldn’t be the case.” It wasn’t that late, but the doors of the Summers residence were tightly shut. This was somewhat unusual.

“Polar, go knock on the door and see.” John furrowed his brows and instructed Polar to knock on the door. He wanted to find out why the Summers family had closed their doors so early. Did something happen? Polar stepped forward to knock on the door. He knocked for quite a while before someone finally opened it from the inside.

“What’s all this knocking about? Who are you people, banging on the door of the Summers residence so recklessly?” a young man bellowed angrily.

Upon seeing the other party open the door with anger and speaking inappropriately, Polar instantly became furious.

“What’s the issue with knocking on the door? Is it forbidden to knock on the doors of the Summers residence?” Polar retorted with a cold expression. The young man was taken aback, about to yell, but John quickly stepped forward with a faint smile.

“My friend,” he said, “we are here to see the head of the family. My name is John, would you mind informing him?” John believed that as long as the gatekeeper revealed his name to Chase, Chase would undoubtedly come to greet him personally.

To his surprise, the young man waved his hand and said, “The head of the family is in seclusion. He’s not seeing anyone…”

“Seclusion?” John’s face was full of surprise. He had only just left the Celestial Battlefield not long ago, so how could he be in seclusion so soon?

“Then I’ll look for Mack. Jenny will do as well…”

Although Chase had retreated from the world, Mack and Jenny were always around. “They have also gone into seclusion,” the young man said impatiently.

“They’ve gone into seclusion as well?” John’s face was filled with surprise. How could those two possibly have gone into seclusion? At that moment, John’s brows were already furrowed.

“Where is Mr. Freddie? I’m fine with seeking Mr. Freddie,” he pressed on. He refused to believe that all the people he knew had gone into seclusion.

“Mr. Freddie isn’t in seclusion, but he is occupied with other matters and isn’t present at the moment. You should leave for now and come back later,” the young man said with a wave. Then, showing signs of impatience, he was about to close the door. However, John held the door open, not allowing the young man to close it.

“What are you planning to do? I already told you to come back later. If you refuse to leave, don’t blame me for using force!” the young man said with a gloomy expression.

“What the heck? Who do you think you are threatening? You’re nothing but a mere watchdog! How dare you speak to Mr. White in such a manner? You must have a death wish or something!” Polar shouted as he stepped forward and knocked the young man to the ground with a single kick. Having spent some time with John, Polar had indeed changed a lot. However, this young man’s attitude was truly more than Polar could bear.

John didn’t blame Polar either. The young man did indeed need to be taught a lesson. The young man quickly stood up, glaring angrily at Polar and John.

“How dare you touch me? I am a member of the Summers family! You have truly crossed the line! Guards! We have intruders breaking in!” With the young man’s loud shouts, an elderly man swiftly arrived, followed closely by a dozen cultivators.

“What is happening? Who dares to enter the Summers residence?” the elderly man asked, his face filled with anger.

The young man pointed at John and Polar, saying, “It’s them, Mr. Chad. I already told them that the head of the family is in seclusion, but they insisted on entering!”

Chad Summers looked at John and Polar with disdain in his eyes. Polar was a cultivator in the Body Fusion Realm, while John was a First Level Tribulator. Although the Summers family was knowledgeable in the study of magecraft, they were still far more advanced in terms of cultivation levels compared to Polar and John.

“Who are you people? Why did you break into the Summers residence? If you cannot provide a convincing reason, do not blame me for using force!” Chad said with a cold snort.

“We were friends of the head of the Summers family, specifically visiting to pay our respects, not to cause trouble,” John said calmly and peacefully.

“Friends of the head of the family?” Chad glanced at John, then sneered, “How could the head of the Summers family possibly have a friend like you? Are you trying to infiltrate the Summers family, hoping to obtain some charms? I’ve encountered plenty of people like you. Regardless of whose friend you are, if you want to acquire the arcane arrays and charms, you must pay with spirit coins.”

“I truly am a friend of the head of the Summers family. If you don’t believe me, you can ask the head of the family himself,” John said, furrowing his brow.

“The head of the family is in seclusion, so there is no way for us to ask him,” Chad said, rolling his eyes in exasperation.

“You could ask Mack and his sister, Jenny. They know me as well,” John suggested.

“I won’t ask anyone. You all had better leave immediately, or I will use force!” Chad waved his hand, and a dozen cultivators surrounded John and Polar. John’s brow furrowed, his expression turning ominously cold and fearsome. He had simply come to visit the Summers family. He hadn’t expected the members of the Summers family to be so unreasonable.

Although John couldn’t quite articulate what had specifically happened, he had a vague feeling that something seemed to have gone wrong with the Summers family.

“I won’t leave until I have seen the head of the Summers family today,” John said coldly.

“Very well, if you won’t leave, then I’ll have to drive you away!”

With a subtle signal from Chad, over a dozen cultivators simultaneously launched their attacks toward John and Polar. Those cultivators included First Level Tribulators, Second Level Tribulators, as well as Body Fusion Realm cultivators. It was evident that the overall strength of the Summers family was still relatively weak.

“I really didn’t want to resort to this, but since you insist on forcing my hand, don’t blame me for what happens next!”

John’s aura erupted in an instant. No one saw how John moved, but more than a dozen cultivators from the Summers family were all sent flying in the blink of an eye. John couldn’t care less about the First Level Tribulators and Second Level Tribulators, let alone the Body Fusion Realm cultivators, who couldn’t even get close to John. They were blown away by the aura that John exuded. Upon seeing what was before him,

Chad’s expression instantly turned to shock. He shouted angrily, “You audacious brat! How dare you pretend to be weak to deceive us? Do you think those in the Summers family are pushovers? Set up the arcane array! Neither of these two people shall leave today!”

The Summers family was renowned as a lineage of magecraft experts, hence they were the most proficient in setting up arcane arrays. No sooner had Chad finished speaking, than a terrifying aura suddenly swept over them. Chad was forced to back away again and again, while the other cultivators all fell flat on the ground.

“Is this how the Summers family treats their guests? The head of the family personally invited us, and now he’s avoiding us?” Catlin slowly walked in from outside.

The aura of Catlin, who was a Seventh Level Tribulator, made Chad’s expression incredibly unpleasant. At first, he had no respect for the abilities of John and Polar. But now that Catlin has shown up, Chad dared not underestimate them anymore.

“You must be the Fox Queen from the three kings and four archons, right? My apologies for any disrespect…” Chad recognized Catlin and quickly approached to ingratiate himself.

Catlin gave Chad a cold glance, snorted dismissively, and said, “Summon the head of your family. I don’t have time to waste with you.”

“Fox Queen, the leader of our family, has indeed retreated from public life…” Chad found himself in a difficult situation.

“What about his two children?” Catlin inquired.

“Um…” Chad hesitated, unsure of how to answer.

“Mr. Chad, as they are Chase’s long-time friends, please invite them inside and ask Jenny to join us. They have traveled a great distance, after all.” Just then, a middle-aged man wearing a blue robe approached and spoke.

“Mr. Oscar, they…” Chad began to say something, but the middle-aged man interrupted him.

“Alright. Enough talk, bring Jenny out. Since we’re friends, we should show some hospitality,” the middle-aged man exclaimed.

“Understood. I will personally go and invite Ms. Jenny, Chad nodded and left. The middle-aged man then approached John with a slight smile.

“I’m truly sorry. These servants don’t understand proper etiquette. My name is Oscar Summers, and my brother is Chase Summers. Since you know my brother, you are our guest. May I know how to address you?” John’s initial doubts were somewhat dispelled by Oscar’s enthusiasm and politeness.

“My name is John White, and this is my friend Polar Max. And this is Catlin,” John introduced. Oscar laughed heartily.

“No introduction is needed for her. She’s the renowned Fox Queen. I’ve heard of her long ago.” While John engaged in sporadic conversation with Oscar, Jenny arrived.

“Mr. White, how come you’re here?” Jenny was surprised when she saw John.

“I was passing by and thought I’d pay a visit to Mr. Summers,” John explained.

After hearing John mention visiting her father, Jenny’s expression subtly changed, but quickly returned to a smile after glancing at Oscar.

“Jenny, since they’ve come to visit Chase, you should entertain them. Remember to be a good host,” Oscar advised before leaving with his people

Shortly after Oscar left, John turned to Jenny and asked, “Ms. Summers, has something happened to your family?” Jenny was momentarily taken aback, then shook her head.

“No, nothing, Mr. White. Please, come with me.” Jenny led John and the others to her chambers. However, John had already noticed the changes in Jenny’s facial expression. Upon arriving at her quarters, Jenny invited John and the others to sit down and personally attended to each of them. As John watched Jenny bustling about, his brows slightly furrowed.

“Mr. White, is there no one to attend to Ms. Summers? Does she have to do everything herself?” Polar asked curiously, recalling his own experience as a young master.

Catlin also found it odd. “I find this Jenny somewhat strange.”

However, John remained silent, continuously observing Jenny. After brewing coffee for John and the others, Jenny brought it over.

“Mr. White, please have some coffee,” Jenny spoke politely.

John nodded, took a sip of his coffee, and then asked, “Ms. Summers, is it true that the head of the Summers family is in seclusion?”

Jenny let out a sigh and nodded. “Yes, he is.”

“Since the head of the Summers family is in seclusion, then we…” John wanted to excuse himself and leave. After all, Chase was in seclusion, and Jenny’s demeanor seemed off. John didn’t want to stay any longer!

Before John could finish his sentence, Jenny interjected, “Mr. White, are you all planning to leave? Since my father is in seclusion, I won’t keep you any longer.”

To John’s surprise, Jenny was actually driving them out. Regardless, John had been a great help to the Summers family during the Celestial Battlefield, and he had even saved Jenny. No matter what, it was impossible for Jenny to send John away. However, now she had done just that, leading John to believe there must be a reason behind it.

“Ms. Summers, I didn’t say I’m leaving. I meant I want to stay here for the night and get some good rest!” John changed his mind and decided to stay at the Summers residence.

Mr. White,” she said, “my father is in seclusion. As a young lady, it’s not really appropriate for me to host you overnight. I think it’s best if you leave.” To everyone’s surprise, Jenny, with an urgent expression, took the initiative to drive John away.

John’s brow furrowed slightly as he asked, “Ms. Summers, is something wrong? If there’s an issue, please let me know. Maybe I can help…”

“No, there’s nothing wrong!” Jenny shook her head, but her eyes kept darting towards the window. John glanced out the window, then exchanged a meaningful look with Catlin. Catlin, understanding the signal, quickly dashed out of the room. Following that were two faint screams of agony, audible only to John and his group. Shortly after, Catlin returned, carrying two lifeless bodies.

Upon seeing the corpses, Jenny panicked. “Mr. White, how could you have killed someone? You must leave immediately, or it will be too late…” Jenny anxiously urged John.

“Ms. Summers, what exactly happened to your family? If you don’t explain clearly, I won’t leave.” John declared firmly.

Seeing the determination on John’s face, Jenny sighed and said, “Ah, I must admit, Mr. White. A major crisis has befallen our Summers family! My father and brother have been taken captive, and the eldest elder was killed by them. Now, Uncle Oscar has taken control of the entire Summers family. When we went to the Celestial Battlefield, Uncle Oscar had already set his sights on becoming the family head. That’s why he stayed behind in the Summers residence, conspiring with several other elders to rebel. As soon as we returned, they took action. Fortunately, my father refused to reveal what we had obtained from the Celestial Battlefield. Uncle Oscar hasn’t made a lethal move yet, as he is curious about the treasures we acquired!”

Tears welled up in Jenny’s eyes, but she quickly wiped them away and continued, “I asked Mr. White to leave for his own safety. I hope you understand my predicament. You should leave quickly before Uncle Oscar decides to harm you. Otherwise, it might be too late…”

Listening to Jenny’s account, John shook his head and said, “I can’t leave now. If your second uncle let us in, it means he intends to harm us. Leaving is not an option!”

“No, this is still a private matter within our Summers family. Uncle Oscar wouldn’t easily harm you.” Jenny didn’t believe what John had said.

“Since you don’t believe me, I’ll have to show you… After speaking, John led Jenny out of the room. No sooner had they stepped out than a faint glow began to flicker, enveloping the entire room in its radiance.

“See for yourself. A magical arcane array has been set up here. It’s clear they don’t want us to leave.” John informed Jenny.

“Mr. White, your arcane array skills are indeed powerful. Such a minor array can’t restrain you. It would be best if you leave!” Jenny knew that John’s array skills were far beyond what their Summers family possessed. With their limited skills, it was almost impossible for them to control John.

“I was planning to leave, but not before rescuing Mr. Summers and helping the Summers family resolve this situation!” John spoke calmly and indifferently.

“Mr. White, I appreciate your kind intentions, but you should leave. If anything were to happen to you here, my father would be consumed with guilt, and I would blame myself too!” Jenny still didn’t want John to get involved. After all, this place was filled with members of the Summers family. With only three of them, including John, Jenny felt uneasy.

“Don’t blame yourself. Even if I wanted to leave now, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to…”

After John finished speaking, he coldly stared straight ahead. As John waved his hand, the glow in the room completely dimmed. However, once the light faded, it became apparent that several individuals were standing nearby. It was revealed that this mysterious formation not only had the ability to obstruct, but it could also enable one to conceal themselves.

Upon witnessing Chad’s presence, Jenny’s eyes revealed a trace of fear.

“Brat, it seems you have some understanding of the arcane array. You’ve even seen through the array I didn’t want to reveal. However, what you just said was quite true. Even if you want to leave, you can’t…” Chad’s mouth curled slightly.

At that moment, four cultivators followed behind him, their auras soaring to the heavens. Each of them possessed the strength of a Fifth Level Tribulator. Thanks to Catlin’s presence, he was able to guide the Fifth Level Tribulator cultivators.

“Fox Queen, Mr. Oscar has spoken. This matter has nothing to do with you, so we can let you go,” Chad said softly to Catlin. After all, with Catlin’s strength at the Seventh level of Tribulator, no one wanted to provoke her.

“Damn it. How could I possibly abandon John? He’s my precious little one now. Whoever dares to touch him will be declaring war on me directly,” Catlin angrily admonished Chad. After being scolded by Catlin, Chad’s face turned extremely unsightly.

“Mr. Chad, this is an internal matter of our Summers family, and it has nothing to do with Mr. White. If you let him go, I can persuade my father to surrender the treasure he obtained from the Celestial Battlefield,” Jenny took a step forward and addressed Chad.

“Ms. Jenny, I was merely following orders. All of this was Mr. Oscar’s idea. If you could persuade them to surrender, perhaps they might have a chance to spare their lives,” Chad displayed an expression of helplessness.

Jenny looked at Chad’s expression, seething with anger, grinding her teeth. Chad was simply too wicked. Even at this point, he could lie without a hint of embarrassment!

“Do you really think we would surrender just because of a few trashes like you? Have you lost your mind?” John spoke disdainfully toward Chad.

“Hmph, don’t underestimate us just because our level isn’t high, Don’t forget. We’re a prestigious magecraft family. Soon, you’ll get a taste of our fierce flames,” Chad finished speaking and casually waved his hand, commanding, “Set up the arcane array and burn them all to death…”

Upon seeing the situation, the four cultivators swiftly began to set up their arcane array. Beams of light emerged from all directions, and then, right before John and his companions, they transformed into a cage. John and his companions were directly detained within a cage, around which intermittent flashes of lightning could be seen. Immediately following that, flames began to rise around the cage, growing more and more fierce!

Jenny’s face turned pale, her expression tense as she said, “Mr. White, this is the Fire Prison. They’re trying to burn us alive…”

Observing Jenny’s anxious expression, John, however, reassured her with a calm demeanor, “Don’t be afraid. Those who play with fire will get burned. In this game of fire, they are still too naive…”

After John finished speaking, he gently waved his hands, and a flame began to flicker from the center of his palms! The cluster of flames, as if possessing a life of its own, leaped directly from John’s palm, plunging into the roaring inferno!

As soon as the small spark leaped into the roaring flames, the blazing fire began to flicker and dodge as if it were a mouse encountering a cat. In the end, it was completely extinguished. This sudden turn of events left Chad and several cultivators completely dumbfounded. Several cultivators became somewhat alarmed. After all, this was the Fire Prison, considered the most prestigious arcane array of their Summers family. Yet now, the flames had been effortlessly extinguished by John.

“Don’t be afraid. Even without the flames, they can’t escape this cage,” Chad quickly spoke up to soothe them. No sooner had Chad’s words fallen than John lightly touched with his finger. The seemingly solid cage directly transformed into specks of light and disappeared without a trace.

“Uh…” Chad was astonished. He had never witnessed someone effortlessly dismantle an arcane array like this before. Observing the expressions on Chad’s and the others’ faces, John offered a faint smile.

“I neglected to mention that I possess considerable knowledge regarding arcane arrays. Therefore, if you were considering employing arcane arrays against me, I regret to inform you that it would be futile…”

Upon witnessing John effortlessly break the arcane array, Jenny felt a wave of relief wash over her.

“Catlin, I’m entrusting these individuals to you. However, make sure to keep this old man alive. He still has his uses!” John glanced at Catlin and instructed.

“Don’t worry. I assure you the task will be completed…” Catlin’s lips curled up in a smile. Having reached the Seventh level of Tribulator, Catlin could easily annihilate these members of the Summers family if she wished. They were all merely at the Fifth level of Tribulator. Even if they joined forces, what could they possibly achieve? When Chad saw Catlin leaping towards him, his eyes narrowed slightly.

“If we were to join forces, what does it matter if we face a Seventh Level Tribulator…” Chad roared. Catlin gazed at the few people before her, scoffing coldly.

“In all my life, I’ve despised people like you the most those who bite the hand that feeds them. Today, dying under my divine whip could be considered your fate…”

Suddenly, Catlin lashed out with her whip, causing a flash of radiant light to shimmer into existence instantaneously! Swoosh! The whip moved as swiftly as lightning, emitting a crisp sound. Chad and his companions only saw a blur before their eyes. Before they could react, Catlin’s whip had already arrived. With a single lash, all four cultivators let out a horrific scream, their bodies instantly torn and bleeding.

Everyone was covered in blood. Even though Catlin had only whipped them once, these people reacted as if they had been subjected to severe torture, as if they had been whipped countless times. The intense pain had the four individuals writhing on the ground incessantly. The sight was so dreadful that it sent shivers down Chad’s spine.

On the other hand, Catlin gave a cold laugh and once again drew out the whip in her hand. Smack! Another crisp sound rang out. The four screaming cultivators abruptly ceased their cries. Their eyes were wide open as they were already dead. Upon witnessing this scene, Jenny couldn’t help but feel pity for them.

“Ms. Summers, there’s no need to pity these traitors anymore. They will only lead your Summers family to irreversible ruin!” John tried to persuade Jenny.

Jenny nodded in agreement. She was well aware that under the current circumstances, the only way forward was to employ a forceful approach to intimidate the other members of the Summers family. By preventing them from causing trouble with Oscar, he alone wouldn’t be able to stir up any significant turmoil.

“Do you want to give it a try?” Catlin glanced at Chad and asked.

Chad was dumbfounded. This wasn’t what he had anticipated. Initially, he had planned to trick these four individuals into stalling Catlin while he made his escape to call for reinforcements. However, unexpectedly, when Catlin made her move, the four individuals didn’t even have the ability to retaliate. Chad fell silent, slowly lowering his head.

Upon seeing the situation, Jenny stepped forward and said, “Mr. Chad, where are my father and brother being held? Please take me there so I can free them. You’ve been with my father for so many years, so why would you help Uncle Oscar do such a thing? Do you realize the extent of the damage your scheme has caused to our Summers family? It’s not too late to turn back now. I will plead with my father to spare your life.” Jenny tried to persuade Chad.

Jenny didn’t want to continue this self- destructive conflict any longer. Otherwise, the strength of the Summers family would be greatly diminished. Upon hearing Jenny’s words, Chad slowly raised his head. However, there was no regret in his eyes, only a hint of frostiness.

“If your father were to continue as the head of the family, do you think our Summers family would still have a future?” he asked.

“I must inform you, Mr. Oscar has taken over as the head of the family and has already established contact with the Demon Seal Alliance. The Summers family is on the verge of becoming a subsidiary of the Demon Seal Alliance. By becoming a subsidiary, the Summers family would gain access to unlimited resources, as well as status and influence. No one would dare to disrespect the Demon Seal Alliance throughout the entire Celestial Realm. However, your father has repeatedly refused to cooperate with the Demon Seal Alliance. If we want the Summers family to thrive and succeed, we have no other option but to proceed in this manner!”

Chad displayed no remorse whatsoever. He believed that his actions were justified, all in the interest of the Summers family’s prosperity.

Upon hearing Chad’s words, Jenny was seething with anger, gritting her teeth.

John even delivered a resounding slap. Smack! Chad’s face swelled from the impact.

“Are you out of your mind? Do you think the Demon Seal Alliance is like your father, aiding your growth? All they’re doing is using you as their pawn. Under the guise of eradicating evil to maintain peace, the Demon Seal Alliance recruited countless cultivators. In reality, their aim was not to eradicate the Demon Cultivators, but to control and collaborate with them. What capabilities does your Summers family possess? Apart from some proficiency in magecraft and charms, what else about the Summers family could possibly attract the attention of the Demon Seal Alliance? Once you, the Summers family, have handed over everything you know to the Demon Seal Alliance, see how they will treat you. How foolish…”

John wished he could slap these two elders to death. How could there be such ignorant people in this world? If the Summers family truly joined the Demon Seal Alliance and became a branch, they would have no autonomy whatsoever. They would be mere puppets. After Chad was slapped by John, his eyes filled with a menacing glare.

“Hmph, who do you think you are meddling in the affairs of our Summers family? Now that you have us in your hands, do as you wish. Kill or torture, it’s up to you. However, I am willing to die for the prosperity and flourishing of the Summers family. My death is honorable, and it’s worth it. Sooner or later, the Summers family will remember this day.” Chad snorted coldly, speaking without a trace of fear.

Seeing Chad’s stubborn demeanor, John instantly lost the desire to continue questioning. “Catlin, kill this stubborn old fool for me. Kill him and crack open his skull. I want to see if it’s filled with rubbish,” John ordered indignantly. If it weren’t for his somewhat cordial relationship with Chase, John would have had no interest in meddling with the Summers family’s affairs.

Upon hearing this, Catlin nodded and prepared to strike Chad’s head. “Don’t…”

Upon witnessing the situation, Jenny hurriedly stopped Catlin, then turned to John and said, “Mr. White, Mr. Chad has always been loyal to the Summers family. He was merely led astray. I still hope that his life can be spared. I believe he can come to his senses.”

Jenny didn’t want to witness Chad being killed. Freddie had already died in the family’s internal strife. If Chad were to be killed as well, the strength of the Summers family would gradually diminish in the ongoing internal conflicts. By the time Chase regained control of the Summers family, she was afraid the family’s former strength would have significantly diminished.

“Alright, reveal the location where the head of the Summers family is being held captive, and I can spare your life,” John turned to Chad.

“It’s impossible. I won’t let you prevent the Summers family from joining the Demon Seal Alliance. Mr. Oscar has already begun negotiations with the Demon Seal Alliance. In just a few days, our Summers family will be able to officially join the Demon Seal Alliance. Mr. Oscar once said that as long as the Summers family joined the Demon Seal Alliance, Mr. Chase could be released. By then, it would be set in stone, and Mr. Chase wouldn’t be able to change anything,” the Second Elder spoke with an air of righteousness.

John, seeing Chad’s self-righteous demeanor, was so infuriated that he couldn’t help but slap him. The slap was so forceful that Chad passed out.

“Mr. White…” Jenny was quite taken aback, thinking that John had killed Chad!

“He’s fine. He just fainted,” John explained, then turned to Polar and said, “Lock this stubborn old man up. It seems I need to personally seek out Oscar for a chat.”

John knew that all of this had arisen because of Oscar. In order to find a solution, he needed to address Oscar first. Polar nodded and promptly restrained Chad. To ensure that Chad couldn’t escape, John established an arcane array around the room. While the Summers family was well-known for their expertise in arcane arrays, breaking the one set up by John was nearly impossible for Chad.

“Mr. Oscar, it’s terrible, truly terrible. Mr. Chad took some men to control those intruders, but they ended up being captured. All four of our array masters were also killed.”

Oscar was in his room, preparing to sleep, when suddenly he heard someone reporting. Upon hearing this, his brows furrowed, and he quickly rose to his feet. “What’s going on? Wasn’t Jenny’s room surrounded by an arcane array? How did those people manage to escape?” Oscar asked in surprise!

“That John, he turns out to be a master of arcane arrays. We thought the arcane array was invincible, but he broke through it effortlessly. Moreover, there was the Fox Queen, who had reached the Seventh level of Tribulator. Neither Mr. Chad nor the four array masters were a match for her. Right now, Jenny is heading this way with those few people. What should we do?” the subordinate asked in a somewhat panicked tone.

“Don’t panic. The situation is already under control. Even if they try, they won’t be able to change anything. I am now entrusting you with the Summers family’s token. You must immediately head to Orlando City and deliver this item to Elias. Tell him that the Summers family has agreed to join the Demon Seal Alliance as a branch. Furthermore, have him bring someone to visit the Summers family personally. Inform him that our Summers family’s resources are willing to be shared with the Orlando family!”

Oscar took out an item pouch and handed it to his subordinate, instructing him carefully. His subordinate glanced over, then promptly nodded, quickly making his exit. After his subordinates had left, Oscar was not idle. Instead, he took out a small porcelain bottle from the head of the bed and poured out some red powder. Using this red powder, he drew a charm directly on the yellow paper. After finishing the drawing, Oscar tucked the charm into his pocket and then left the room. He addressed a member of the Summers family, “Gather all the Summers family members in the main hall for a meeting…”

“Mr. Oscar, has something serious happened? Why have you gathered everyone so late?” the member of the Summers family asked with some confusion.

“Why all the unnecessary chatter? If I tell you to go, just go…”

With a furrowed brow, Oscar glared and bellowed. The member of the Summers family was so frightened that he nodded repeatedly, not daring to delay even a bit. He gathered all the Summers family members in the grand hall.

Oscar was seated at the head of the table, silently waiting without uttering a word. He was waiting for Jenny to bring John and the others to him.

“What’s going on today? They have gathered us together in the middle of the night.”

“Mr. Chase has been in seclusion for a few days, and Mr. Oscar seems rather mysterious.”

“Something significant must have happened. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have summoned us all in the middle of the night.”

The members of the Summers family were all whispering among themselves, uncertain of what was about to happen. Regarding the misfortune that befell the Summers family, many were unaware. Only a select few at the top knew that Chase, Jenny, and Mack were imprisoned. The rest of the Summers family members thought they were in seclusion. After all, it was impossible for Oscar to let everyone in the Summers family know about such a matter. If mishandled, it could potentially throw the Summers family into chaos!

The imprisonment of Chase and others was carried out in secret, outwardly proclaimed as seclusion. On the other side, Jenny led John and the others to Oscar’s chambers, only to find that Oscar was not there. Upon inquiry, they found out that Oscar had summoned all the Summers family members to the grand hall. Jenny felt that this was a golden opportunity to expose Oscar’s true face in front of the many members of the Summers family. So, she hurriedly led John and the others to the main hall. Upon seeing Jenny arrive with John, Oscar appeared remarkably composed.

“Jenny, this is a private matter within the Summers family. Why have you brought someone from outside here?” Oscar was the first to question, directing his inquiry towards Jenny.

Upon realizing that Jenny had indeed brought a stranger into the grand hall of the Summers family, the other family members were quick to express their disapproval.

“Ms. Jenny, this grand hall belongs to the Summers family, and outsiders are not allowed to enter. How could you behave in such a way?”

“Indeed, if Mr. Chase were to find out, you would undoubtedly face consequences.”

“Please ask them to leave promptly. This is not a place for outsiders to stay.” The members of the Summers family insisted that John and the other outsiders depart.
Guy you're really amazing!!.. couldn't have thought of reading more today.. I need to come back for this!
She must have been a Tribulator. She was a celestial mount if not wrong, like hat small rabbit of yours

In Africa we eat those rabbits, but for white people they make them pets. Be careful of Julia_Natasha and King of Dragonmarsh even though these are white people they seems to be your enemy haha

be careful of Prosper, emeka and those many other guys from Nigeria
I think she had even surpassed the tribulator level, because all the kings and archons of the beast race are scared of her. Celestial beasts are usually immortals, even the celestial devourer is a baby but yet possesses terrific powers even john can't comprehend yet.
She must have been a Tribulator. She was a celestial mount if not wrong, like hat small rabbit of yours

In Africa we eat those rabbits, but for white people they make them pets. Be careful of Julia_Natasha and King of Dragonmarsh even though these are white people they seems to be your enemy haha

be careful of Prosper, emeka and those many other guys from Nigeria
Thank you for your reminder Gily 🙇🏼‍♂️ nonetheless I care less abt them, they are still insignificant to me. White or brown skin none are special they are the same.
One thing you people are not thinking, John was not affected by forces of mundane world. Many who came to mundane world were affected except for Mr Sanders, none talk about his power

He might also be a dragonian.
I think he is the secretary of John's father
Sanders has no shadow clones.
He looks like he was either John Father butler or something
The mundane Arthur was his shadow clone according to the last chapter were he was mentioned to have lost a shadow clone of his and has managed to recovered his lost strength.
If i remember correctly phoenix is a governor of one of those territory in the realm so she must be quiet something in her cultivation level.
Nope she is not a governor but a governor's celestial mount or working for a governor. As far as I am concerned the governors are immortals because no matter the internal wars they are not concerned they will only intervene when it is a realm threat level that is the whole realm collapsing and going into non-existence.
She must have been a Tribulator. She was a celestial mount if not wrong, like hat small rabbit of yours

In Africa we eat those rabbits, but for white people they make them pets. Be careful of Julia_Natasha and King of Dragonmarsh even though these are white people they seems to be your enemy haha

be careful of Prosper, emeka and those many other guys from Nigeria
😂 hahaha son of a dragon don't make such a comment about me sex sect have been in low key we don't like danger and we don't harm others we only have some fun just only fun that can't be a reason someone should be afraid of 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
😂 hahaha son of a dragon don't make such a comment about me sex sect have been in low key we don't like danger and we don't harm others we only have some fun just only fun that can't be a reason someone should be afraid of 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
Master Emeka busily cultivatingFB_IMG_1712423427209.jpg
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you're sping me right ?
I was just going through my spiritual senses and I saw you cultivating. You know whatever happens in the ethereal Realm I have it in my palm 😀😀😀
Chapter 3541 - 3550 Blood Dispersion

As Jenny listened to the crowd’s discussion, her expression turned icy. Suddenly, she spoke out loudly.

“Everyone, please be quiet. Today, I have brought everyone here to have a serious discussion with Uncle Oscar about the future direction of our Summers family.” Upon hearing Jenny’s furious rebuke, everyone promptly fell silent.

“Jenny, what would you like to discuss? Feel free to speak your mind in front of the entire Summers family…” Oscar said calmly.

“Alright. Uncle Oscar, I want to ask you this. Why did you imprison my father and brother? Why did you kill Mr. Freddie? Are you trying to get our Summers family to join the Demon Seal Alliance? Are you plotting to take over as the head of the Summers family?” Jenny fired off a series of sharp questions.

Upon hearing Jenny’s words, everyone in the Summers family was taken aback. “What? Mr. Chase was arrested? Isn’t he in seclusion?”

“What’s going on?”

“Could it be that Mr. Oscar is planning a rebellion?” The members of the Summers family quietly discussed among themselves.

Listening to Jenny’s interrogation, Oscar responded with a faint smile, “Jenny, I can tell you now. I locked up your father and brother solely for the development of the Summers family! Our Summers family relied on magecraft to establish ourselves, yet our overall strength is not particularly formidable. Not even within the entire southern region do we hold much significance. If we want the Summers family to grow and prosper, we must seek alliances. What’s wrong with cooperating with the Demon Seal Alliance? I believe that a significant number of us in the Summers family are interested in collaborating with the Demon Seal Alliance.”

Jenny was stunned. She hadn’t expected Oscar to drop all pretenses and admit it outright. This was beyond her expectations.

“Even if we were to cooperate with the Demon Seal Alliance, it would require the consensus of our entire Summers family, not your forced confinement of my father and brother, or your reason for killing Mr. Freddie. Release my father and brother now! If the majority of the Summers family wishes to join the Demon Seal Alliance, we will not stand in their way.”

Jenny’s current demand was for Oscar to first release her father and brother. As for joining the Demon Seal Alliance, once her father was released, there would naturally be a way to handle it.

“Hahaha, I can hear the little schemes you’re concocting in your mind from here!” Suddenly, Oscar burst into hearty laughter. Then, he turned to the members of the Summers family and asked, “I intend to lead the Summers family to join the Demon Seal Alliance. Are you willing to support me?”

The members of the Summers family exchanged glances, none daring to utter a word. The situation was unclear, and the members of the Summers family were uncertain about whom to support. However, at that moment, a somewhat hunched, thin-framed old man walked in from outside.

“I disagree with joining the Demon Seal Alliance. As the second master of the Summers family, you should have supported Mr. Chase’s decision. Yet, unexpectedly, you secretly imprisoned him, intending to join the Demon Seal Alliance on your own. This is the home of all of us, the Summers family, not just your personal domain, Oscar…”

The elder’s voice was strong, his eyes filled with anger. The elder was the chief butler of the Summers family. Although he was not technically a member of the Summers family, he had served several generations of the family’s masters.

“Mr. Rowland…” Upon seeing the elderly man, Jenny felt her heart immediately fill with joy, and her eyes began to well up with tears.

“Ms. Jenny, rest assured. I was unaware that such a significant event had occurred in the Summers family. As long as I’m alive, I won’t allow the Summers family to cooperate with the Demon Seal Alliance. This is a rule set by the family head, and no one can break it!”

Codd Rowland comforted Jenny. When Oscar caught sight of the elderly man entering, his previously calm demeanor vanished from his face, replaced by an unattractive expression.

“I, too, am opposed to collaborating with the Demon Seal Alliance. We should prioritize the release of Mr. Chase before delving into any further discussions.”

“Absolutely, let’s release Mr. Chase first and then address other issues!”

“Release Mr. Chase!” As soon as Codd appeared, the entire Summers family rallied behind Jenny, offering their overwhelming support. It was clear that Codd held a prominent position within the Summers family.

Oscar stood up slowly, observing the crowd demanding Chase’s release. He nodded and said, “Very well, I will release my elder brother before making a decision on this matter.” With that, Oscar got up from his seat and made his way towards the hall’s entrance. As Oscar reached the entrance, a cold glint appeared in his eyes and he reached into his pocket. In an instant, he pulled out a charm and shouted, “Explode!”

Boom! Suddenly, a large amount of red smoke filled the hall. Taking advantage of the chaos, Oscar rushed out and quickly closed the door behind him.

“That was a despicable act of Blood Dispersion!” someone shouted angrily. The door was forcefully kicked open and members of the Summers family poured out of the hall. However, their expressions were grim and they were drenched in cold sweat. Their inner spiritual energy was rapidly depleting, and even standing felt incredibly exhausting.

Instead of fleeing, Oscar stood quietly in the courtyard, waiting for everyone. Since everyone had been affected by the Blood- Red Scatter, their spiritual energy was completely drained, leaving them with nothing to fear.

Furious, Codd glared at Oscar, gritting his teeth as he yelled, “Oscar, you are despicable for using such poisonous means against your own family!”

“Hahaha! In this world, might makes right. Now that you are all in my grasp, surrender to me and support me. I can provide you with the antidote. I have already contacted the Demon Seal Alliance, and they will soon send someone to the Summers family. If you come to your senses now, you might still be able to save your lives. If the people from the Demon Seal Alliance arrive, don’t blame me for not giving you a chance to live.”

Oscar laughed heartily without restraint. Upon hearing Oscar’s words, everyone in the Summers family gritted their teeth in anger, but they were utterly helpless. They were so drained that they couldn’t even move, let alone keep up with Oscar.

“This guy actually managed to get his hands on Blood Dispersion! It seems he has been colluding with the Demon Seal Alliance for a long time!” Catlin said angrily

“What is Blood Dispersion?” John asked, observing the weakened state of everyone around him, while he himself seemed unaffected.

Catlin followed John and explained, “Blood Dispersion is a type of poison used by demons. Even the strongest individuals, once afflicted by Blood Dispersion, would instantly lose their spiritual energy and become incredibly weak. However, if the antidote is administered promptly, there wouldn’t be any significant harm. If the antidote isn’t given in time, the body could suffer damage, and it might become impossible to practice cultivation in the future. In severe cases, it could even result in loss of life.”

John couldn’t help but exclaim, “This fellow is truly a monster, resorting to using such poison on his own family!”

With a face full of shame, Jenny apologized, “I’m sorry, Mr. White. It was my fault that you all got involved in this…” If it hadn’t been for the Summers family’s affairs, John and his group wouldn’t have ended up in such a dire situation.

“Ms. Summers, it’s just Blood Dispersion. There’s no need to be overly anxious, John said with a slight smile.

Upon hearing this, Jenny looked at John with a puzzled expression. She noticed that John seemed very relaxed, as if he hadn’t been poisoned at all. Catlin also wore a surprised expression.

“John, are you not affected by the poison?”

Polar, who was standing nearby, said, “Mr. White is immune to all poisons, so how could he possibly be affected?” Upon realizing that John had not been poisoned, Jenny felt relieved.

Oscar glanced at the members of the Summers family and stated, “You have ten minutes to think it over. Those who are willing to submit and support me can come forward now.”

Despite their frustration, not one member of the Summers family approached Oscar. Nevertheless, Oscar remained patient, wearing a cold smile on his face.

“May I offer my support?” In that instant, John emerged from the crowd and made his way towards Oscar.

Oscar glanced at John, his eyes filled with disdain as he said, “You’re not even a member of the Summers family, so your support is completely useless to me. Since you wanted to stand out, prepare yourself to become a cripple!” Oscar had no respect for John whatsoever. Even if John were to compromise, there was no way Oscar would give him the antidote.

“Worthless, huh? How about this?” With a casual smile, John suddenly attacked Oscar. John simply swung his hand, and in an instant, Oscar was sent flying, his face swelling up like a pig’s head.

“H-How are you still able to fight?” Oscar covered his face, his eyes filled with disbelief.

“Did you really think a mere dose of poison could strip me of all my powers? What a joke!” John smirked and continued, “Now, hand over the antidote, release the head of the Summers family, and then kneel down to sincerely repent. Perhaps then, you might still have a chance to live.”

In Oscar’s eyes, there was nothing but ferocity. He scoffed coldly, “Are you spouting nonsense, you brat? Do you even dare to kill me? I assure you, no one but me can neutralize the poison in their bodies. If you kill me, they will all be left crippled.” Oscar knew that John didn’t dare to kill him, which was precisely why he acted the way he did.

“You seem quite confident. Who said that only you have the antidote for this poison? Don’t you think that if I can avoid being poisoned, I could also find a cure?” John retorted with a cold laugh.

“Brat, there’s no need for pretense here. I may not know how you managed to avoid being poisoned, but if you think you can cure these people of their poison, that’s nothing more than a foolish fantasy.” Oscar was no fool. Although John had not been poisoned, it didn’t mean that John could neutralize the poison.

“Since you don’t believe, then let me show you.” After John finished speaking, he looked at Polar and said, “Polar, come here…”

Polar nodded, dragging his extremely exhausted body as he slowly walked up to John. At first glance, Polar was clearly poisoned. However, John quickly pressed a few acupoints on Polar’s body. To their surprise, Polar spat out a mouthful of black blood, and his overall condition seemed to improve significantly.

Upon witnessing this scene, the expression on Oscar’s face instantly turned extremely unpleasant. He hadn’t expected that John could actually neutralize the poison. However, it didn’t take long for Oscar to seemingly realize something, and he suddenly burst into laughter.

“There’s no need to deceive me, you brat. If you could neutralize the poison, you would have killed me by now. You’re merely using your own spiritual energy to temporarily suppress the toxins in his body. I refuse to believe that with so many people, you could suppress them all with that little spiritual energy you possess. Even if you know how to concoct antidotes, there are no mystical herbs here, so you’re completely helpless. All you can do is kneel before me and beg for mercy, surrendering to my will. Otherwise, it won’t be long before you become crippled, even if you were to consume an antidote.”

Listening to Oscar’s words, John couldn’t help but express his admiration.

“Impressive. I originally thought all villains like you were stupid, but I didn’t expect you to be so clever.”

“Hmph, if it weren’t for my father’s favoritism, the position of the head of the Summers family should have been mine. With my intelligence and wisdom, I could have definitely led the Summers family to great heights!” After receiving praise from John, Oscar began to boast about himself.

“I gave you an inch, and you took a mile. Well, let me show you if I can concoct a remedy.” After John finished speaking, he effortlessly summoned the Divine Cauldron into the courtyard. Subsequently, he retrieved a substantial quantity of mystical herbs from his Storage Ring During his time in Yellow Blue City, John had managed to acquire a generous supply of mystical herbs from the Supreme Alchemist.

As Oscar gazed upon the Divine Cauldron and the plentiful mystical herbs before him, he was left in a state of bewilderment. He simply couldn’t comprehend it. Who exactly is this individual? It was one thing to possess mastery in magecraft, but how did he acquire knowledge in alchemy as well?

Upon witnessing John bring out the cauldron and the mystical herbs, excitement filled everyone in the Summers family. This confirmed that John was indeed capable of concocting the antidote, which meant they no longer had to accept their fate of being crippled or submit to Oscar.

“Mr. White is truly an enigmatic individual!” Jenny looked at John, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions.

“Do you have feelings for John?” Catlin asked.

Jenny blushed and exclaimed, “No, not at all! Besides, Mr. White already has a woman by his side…”

“What does it matter if he has other women? For a man like him, it’s normal to have multiple partners. If you like him, you have to pursue him yourself, and tonight is a great opportunity!” Catlin teased Jenny playfully.

Blushing, Jenny lowered her head, not daring to say another word. Meanwhile, John had already placed all the necessary mystical herbs into the Divine Cauldron.

“Even if you possess the mystical herb and know how to concoct pills, it’s futile. You simply cannot create the antidote. Blood Dispersion is one of the top ten poisons within the demon race. To concoct an antidote, you must use demonic fire!” Oscar exclaimed loudly. He knew that only demonic fire could be used to create the antidote. However, John was not a member of the demon race, making it impossible for him to possess demonic fire.

John feigned surprise and exclaimed, “I have to use demonic fire?”

“Hmph, in the end, you all still had to beg me obediently…”

Upon seeing John in that state, hope was reignited in Oscar. But what happened next completely caught Oscar off guard. John snapped his fingers, and a ball of flame instantly danced at his fingertips. The flames blazed a fiery red, and John hurled it into the air. The flames erupted suddenly, spreading intense heat throughout the entire Summers family estate.

John looked at Oscar with a smile and asked, “Is this the Demonic Flame you mentioned?”

Oscar’s eyes widened in disbelief as he pointed at John and stammered, “You… How could you possess demonic fire? Are you a Demonic Cultivator?”

“Whether I am a Demonic Cultivator or not is none of your concern. Now, I will concoct the antidote!” After John finished speaking, he threw the demonic fire directly into the Divine Cauldron. The mystical herbs ignited instantly. Accompanied by waves of medicinal fragrance, crystal-clear pills began to appear one by one in the Divine Cauldron.

In just one hour, John had successfully concocted the antidote. After distributing the antidote, every member of the Summers family received and consumed it. Upon taking the antidote, the discomfort among the crowd vanished instantly, filling everyone with immense gratitude towards John.

Codd looked at John with deep gratitude and said, “You saved our lives today. We, the Summers family, are eternally grateful…”

“Thank you, Mr. White!” Jenny approached John to express her gratitude. However, as she looked at John, her face turned a deep shade of red. John was still somewhat puzzled, wondering what was going on with Jenny. Little did he know that Catlin had just teased Jenny, causing her heart to flutter with affection in that very moment.

John turned to Oscar and asked, “Have you given up?” Oscar’s face was clouded with uncertainty, and he did not respond to John’s words. While John was momentarily distracted, Oscar suddenly turned and ran.

“Planning to run away?” Upon seeing the situation, Catlin let out a cold huff. In an instant, she was by Oscar’s side. Before Oscar could react, he felt his legs give way, and he fell to his knees on the ground. Catlin had broken Oscar’s legs with a kick. John followed Jenny and the others in pursuit.

“Uncle Oscar, where are my father and brother? Where have you hidden them?” Jenny inquired.

“Hmph! Feel free to kill me if you wish! I won’t utter a single word!” Oscar understood that his only hope lay in keeping the location of their confinement a secret. If he were to reveal it, he would undoubtedly meet his demise.

“You…” Jenny was seething with anger, but since Oscar was her uncle, she couldn’t bring herself to lay a hand on him.

“You monster!” Jenny hesitated to raise her hand in conflict, but Codd did not. As the butler of the Summers family, having looked after several generations of family heads, he was not at all intimidated by Oscar. He directly slapped Oscar across the face.

“I will make you talk,”

John said and turned to Jenny as he continued, “Ms. Summers, please restrain your uncle first. Then, prepare the place. I believe it won’t be long before the members of the Demon Seal Alliance arrive.”

Since Oscar had sent someone to invite the members of the Demon Seal Alliance, John knew for sure that they would come. Originally, John had planned to stay for just one night and then leave. However, if the Demon Seal Alliance were to come after the Summers family now, he feared the Summers family wouldn’t be able to withstand them.

“Alright; I’ll go set it up right away.” Jenny had someone lock up Oscar, and then began to set up arcane arrays around the Summers family’s premises. Meanwhile, in Orlando City, Elias was engaged in a discussion with Harvey in the grand hall of the Orlando residence.

A servant walked in and told Elias, “Mr. Orlando, representatives from the Summers family of Forlisle have arrived…”

Upon hearing this, Elias immediately burst into laughter. “Let him in! It seems the matter has been settled!”

“What happened?” Harvey asked in confusion. He was still unaware of the fact that Elias was collaborating with Oscar. “Mr. Watkins, as I’ve said before, the Summers family will surely take the initiative to join the Demon Seal Alliance. Well, they’ve just sent someone over to our doorstep! In fact, I’ve been in touch with Oscar of the Summers family for quite some time now. Oscar was also willing to bring the Summers family to join the Demon Seal Alliance. Given that they are sending someone over at this hour, they must have succeeded!”

Elias replied with great satisfaction. While Elias was explaining things to Harvey, Oscar’s subordinate had already entered, carrying an item pouch. The subordinate handed the item pouch over to Elias and said, “Mr. Orlando, Mr. Oscar sent me to deliver this item to you. Additionally, he hopes that Mr. Orlando could dispatch someone to the Summers family and assist him in gaining control over the Summers family.”

Elias didn’t speak; instead, he opened his item pouch. Inside, there were tokens from the Summers family, along with several secret scrolls of magecraft from the Summers family. The most significant item was a map, which depicted the secret location of the Summers family. Chase and Mack were confined in this secret land.

Originally, this secret place was intended to serve as a refuge for the Summers family in times of catastrophic disaster. Moreover, very few people knew about this place; it was the most closely guarded secret of the Summers family. Now, Oscar had willingly handed it over to Elias.

“Hahaha, it seems that Oscar is indeed trustworthy!” Looking at the object in his hand, Elias burst into triumphant laughter. After laughing, Elias waved his hand and said, “Grand Elder, take the Orlando family’s men and follow him to the Summers family. If you find any stubborn individuals in the Summers family who refuse to join the Demon Seal Alliance, they are to be killed without question.”

“As you wish…” The Grand Elder of the Orlando family nodded, then led his people to follow Oscar’s subordinate to the Summers family. Regarding the strength of the Summers family, Elias felt quite assured sending the Grand Elder. After all, the Summers family primarily focused on the study of magecraft and charms, and they still lacked a bit in terms of their cultivation level. This was also why there were so few prestigious families and sects in the Ethereal Realm practicing the art of magecraft.

The impact of magecraft on the speed and progress of one’s cultivation level was significant. After all, a person’s energy was limited. Engaging in the practice of magecraft would reduce the time required to increase one’s cultivation level. Individuals as versatile as John were truly rare. Not only in the mortal realm, but also throughout the entire universe, there were very few who could match the genius of someone like John.

After the departure of the Grand Elder, Elias held a map in his hands, a smile spreading across his face as he said, “Mr. Watkins, I will now take you to meet the head of the Summers family. He is currently nothing more than a prisoner.”

“I will go meet this master of magecraft and charms as well,” Harvey agreed with a nod. Just as Harvey was about to leave with Elias, a member of the Orlando family rushed in hurriedly and exclaimed, “Mr. Orlando, a letter has arrived from Mr. Havoc, requesting Mr. Watkins to return to the Demon Seal Alliance headquarters immediately!”

Upon hearing this, Harvey’s expression instantly turned unsightly, his brows furrowing tightly. Elias waved his hand, signaling the member of the Orlando family to leave.

“I’m surprised Mr. Havoc received the news so quickly,” Harvey sighed. Elias looked at Harvey and asked, “Mr. Watkins, what do you plan to do?”

“What else could I do? Mr. Havoc already knows and has summoned me back. I have no choice but to return,” Harvey said helplessly.

“Mr. Watkins, you could attribute the young master’s death to Soulless Hall. It is clear now that Soulless Hall has turned traitorous. If you shift the blame onto them, you might still have a chance to survive,” Elias suggested to Harvey.

“That is the only way. Whether I survive or not is up to fate.” After Harvey finished speaking, he turned to Elias and gave a respectful bow, saying, “Mr. Orlando, I entrust you with these matters in the southern region.”

Elias thumped his chest and declared, “Mr. Watkins, please rest assured. As long as John remains in the southern region, I am determined to tear him to pieces. And as for Soulless Hall, I won’t let them escape the southern region.”

“Thank you very much. I must take my leave now…” Harvey bid farewell to Elias and hurried back to the headquarters of the Demon Seal Alliance overnight. Elias, along with a few of his subordinates, followed the directions on the map and found the place where Chase was being held captive. This was a small hill that, at first glance, appeared unremarkable. However, after Elias followed the method on the map and stomped on the ground three times, a secret door surprisingly appeared in the small hill.

A faint glow pulsed around the secret door, indicating the presence of an arcane array. Following the method indicated on the map. Elias deactivated the arcane array and opened the secret door. After Elias and his companions stepped through the secret door, they found themselves in a surprisingly vast space. The entire hill had been hollowed out, revealing numerous rooms. There was even an incredibly spacious hall.

Elias looked at the massive fortress and exclaimed in astonishment, “It seems that the Summers family had been prepared for this all along. Truly, forewarned is forearmed.”

A member of the Orlando family asked, “Mr. Orlando, there are so many rooms here. Do we have to search them one by one?”

“No need; Oscar has already marked it for us,” Elias said and led his men into the deepest part of the fortress. There was a room.

Upon opening it, they found Chase imprisoned within. To prevent Chase from escaping, his hands and feet were bound by thick, sturdy steel chains. Chase’s face looked terrible, appearing extremely aged. With his eyes slightly closed, not a hint of emotion could be discerned.

Upon hearing the sound of the door opening, Chase did not open his eyes. He simply said slowly, “There’s no need to pretend to persuade me anymore. The moment you laid your hands on me, our brotherhood ended. You may kill me if you want, but you can never persuade me to join the Demon Seal Alliance.”

Chase initially thought it was his younger brother, Oscar, who had arrived, so he didn’t bother to open his eyes. He didn’t want to see his younger brother. Looking at Chase, Elias remarked, “Mr. Summers, even now, you persist in being obstinate…”

Upon hearing Elias’s words, Chase was startled, his eyes widening in surprise as he stared at Elias. “How did you discover this location?” Chase asked, feeling puzzled about how Elias had found out about it.

With a cold smirk on his face, Elias looked at Chase, his voice tinged with amusement as he asked, “What do you think?” Chase’s face showed utter surprise. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t have guessed it. Chase scoffed disdainfully.

“Do you think I’m a child? Why are you asking me to guess?”

Elias laughed and replied, “Since you’re not guessing, I’ll tell you. The reason I found this place is because your brother Oscar told me.”

“Nonsense! That’s impossible! This can’t be…” Chase shook his head.

“Even though Oscar has always wanted to join the Demon Seal Alliance, he would never reveal such a confidential location of the Summers family to you!” He simply couldn’t believe it. This place is the Summers family’s sanctuary! How could Oscar possibly reveal it so casually to others? Even though Oscar held political views that clashed with mine, it was impossible for him to do anything that would harm the entire Summers family!

“You don’t believe me?” Elias asked. Chase shook his head.

“No, of course I don’t. It’s impossible for Oscar to do such a thing.”

“Since you don’t believe me, then I’ll show you who your brother really is.”

Elias pulled out a map, clearly marking the location. He even brought out the secret scrolls of the Summers family and laid them all out before Chase. Looking at everything before him, Chase wanted to disbelieve, yet he had no choice but to believe.

“That monster!” Chase yelled furiously. He hadn’t expected that Oscar would actually betray the entire Summers family. If it was merely a contest for the position of family head, for the sake of the family’s development, Chase was willing to relinquish his position. But now, Oscar had crossed a line by betraying the entire Summers family. This is absolutely heinous and unforgivable.

Spurt! Overwhelmed, Chase spat out a mouthful of fresh blood, and in his fury, he passed out. Elias ordered his men to lift up Chase and, along with Mack, he directly brought the two back to the Orlando residence.

A member of the Orlando family asked in confusion, “Mr. Orlando, why haven’t we killed this guy yet? What are we keeping him for?”

“He is still useful, so he can’t die yet,” Elias replied. He then glanced at the Orlando family’s backyard and asked, “How is Mr. Rueben doing?”

“Mr. Rueben has been falling ill less frequently lately. However, his meridians have been damaged. It might be quite difficult for him to cultivate in the future,” said the member of the Orlando family.

With a disappointed expression, Elias nodded and said, “I understand. You must keep a close watch on Chase. He absolutely cannot be allowed to escape, and most importantly, he must not be allowed to die.”

“Understood!” The member of the Orlando family turned around and left

After the Orlando family members left, Elias leaped forward, his body disappearing in an instant. Quickly, Elias appeared beside a pond. This massive pond was filled entirely with ink-green water. A few men were seated hundreds of meters away from the pool.

Upon seeing Elias arrive, several men promptly stood up. A man walked up to Elias and whispered, “Mr. Orlando, we have already disabled a portion of the arcane array around the Holy Pond. We believe that in about a year and a half, we could have completely disabled it.”

“Starting from tomorrow, you won’t need to disable the arcane array anymore. I’ve found others to do it. You all should rest instead,” Elias said expressionlessly. Elias had invested a significant amount of money in hiring these experts who were knowledgeable in the art of arcane arrays. However, even after several months, they had only managed to partially disable a small portion of the arcane array.

The reason Elias wanted to disable the arcane arrays was because this Holy Pond had the ability to reshape one’s bones and restore their meridians. Elias intended for his son to benefit from this Holy Pond. The only problem was that the Holy Pond was protected by a complex arcane array. In order to soak in the Holy Pond, one would first need to break through this protective barrier. It was unfortunate that there were very few individuals in the Ethereal Realm who possessed a deep understanding of arcane arrays.

Furthermore, those who claimed to be experts were actually amateurs with no real skills. The array masters that Elias had invited were no exception. Although Elias was dissatisfied, he did not dare to voice his complaints. This was also the reason why Elias had been trying hard to persuade the Summers family to join the Demon Seal Alliance. By doing so, he could take advantage of the Summers family’s assistance. When it came to the art of magecraft and charms, the Summers family was truly impressive. Now that Chase had been captured, Elias no longer had any use for these so-called masters of arcane arrays who lacked genuine skills.

Meanwhile, in the Summers residence in Forlisle, Jenny, guided by Codd, began arranging the magical arcane arrays around the entire Summers family estate, along with the other members of the Summers family. They repeated this process to ensure every corner was covered. This was to protect against a sudden attack from the Orlando family.

John was not idle either. He sent Polar to inform Denzel and Miles Spicer. Now, the strength of the Miles Spicer was enough to assist John. Suddenly, Jenny rushed over and told John, “Mr. White, you should go check quickly. Uncle Oscar might not make it!”

“What happened?” John asked.

“I’m not entirely sure either. The person watching over Uncle Oscar reported that he suddenly started foaming at the mouth, his expression filled with intense pain. If he were to die, then my father and brother’s whereabouts would remain unknown!” Jenny exclaimed anxiously. U

pon hearing this, John burst into laughter and said, “Don’t worry, he won’t die. I simply gave him some medicine secretly to make him experience hardship. Otherwise, he would never willingly reveal the whereabouts of the head of the Summers family.”

It turned out that when John was locking Oscar up, he had already drugged him. As soon as Oscar became frightened and couldn’t bear it anymore, he would confess. John followed Jenny to the place where Oscar was being held. At that moment, Oscar was screaming in agony, his forehead covered in cold sweat. He was in so much pain that he wished for death.

“Kill me, kill me, I beg you, please kill me quickly…” In agony, Oscar writhed, pleading for someone to end his life. His legs were broken, and he was severely poisoned. He simply couldn’t free himself.

“Do you want to die?” John walked in at that moment, looking at the agonized Oscar with a smirk on his lips.

“I’m just giving you a taste of your own medicine. When you poisoned us just now, did you ever consider the consequences for yourself?”

“It was you? What kind of poison did you give me? Kill me, just kill me already…”

Oscar glared furiously at John, wishing he could kill him with just a look.

“I won’t let you die, not until you reveal where the head of the Summers family and the others are being held captive. I’ll make you experience a fate worse than death every day until you obediently confess,” John said playfully.

Oscar trembled all over. He was on the verge of collapse. “Jenny, I beg you, please, end my suffering… Help me, please…” Oscar certainly didn’t want to be tormented like this forever. Jenny couldn’t bear to look directly at Oscar. She didn’t even glance at him. Seeing the situation, Oscar could only respond resignedly.

“Fine, I’ll tell you. I’ll take you to the place where Chase is being held captive. Now, you must immediately alleviate my pain…” Oscar had agreed to compromise.

“No problem…” John took out a medicinal pill and had Oscar swallow it. After swallowing it, Oscar immediately felt relief in his body. Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Oscar slowly got up.

“I want you to know that this is only to alleviate your condition. Don’t think about playing tricks. Only I can cure the poison inside you,” John advised Oscar earnestly.

“I understand.” At that moment, Oscar also realized John’s prowess. Emerging from the place of confinement, Oscar, accompanied by John and Jenny, headed towards the most secluded house in the Summers family estate.

“Uncle Oscar, isn’t that the ancestral home of the Summers family? Could it be that you’ve confined my father and brother in the ancestral home?” Jenny asked in surprise. Oscar shook his head.

“Of course not. That ancestral home is filled with the forefathers of my Summers family. How could I possibly enter casually?”

As the trio neared the house, Oscar gently turned the stone lion that stood at its entrance. As the stone lion started to rotate, a soft glow gradually emanated from the ground.

“A Teleportation Array? Did the Summers family really install a Teleportation Array?” As the glowing halo appeared, John instantly identified it as a Teleportation Array.

“Teleportation array? Does the Summers family really have a Teleportation Array?” Jenny was also surprised. After all, the Teleportation Array was considered a high-level magical arcane array. No one in the Summers family had the capability to set up a Teleportation Array, so she couldn’t understand how there was one in the ancestral home of the Summers family.

Oscar remained silent and stepped directly into the Teleportation Array. John followed suit after a quick glance. Jenny closely followed behind. As the Teleportation Array activated, a flash of light streaked across, and to their surprise, John and his companions found themselves in a massive hall.

“This is a secret sanctuary of the Summers family, designed for us to seek refuge in times of peril,” Oscar explained.

After finishing his words, Oscar headed towards the house on one side. John gazed at the shelter before him, filled with admiration for the ancestors of the Summers family. It seemed that they had long since planned for a secure future for their descendants.

Just as Oscar led John and the others to a room, the sight of the open door instantly changed Oscar’s expression. Jenny glanced around and asked in surprise, “Uncle Oscar, where’s my dad? Did he run away?” Oscar shook his head.

“It must have been Elias who came. Chase was taken away by Elias…” Jenny wore a confused expression.

“How did the Orlando family find out about this place?” John glanced at Oscar. “Did you tell Elias?”

Oscar didn’t say a word, but his expression made it clear that he was the one who had spoken. Jenny panicked.

“I have to save my father! I have to rescue him!” Jenny wasn’t particularly worried if Chase was merely detained by Oscar. After all, she knew that Oscar couldn’t possibly harm Chase. However, if Chase was with the Orlando family, things became uncertain. The Orlando family had repeatedly tried to persuade Chase to join the Demon Seal Alliance, but Chase had always refused.

John stopped Jenny and said, “Ms. Summers, please don’t act impulsively.”

“Don’t do anything rash, Jenny. Even if you go to the Orlando family, you won’t be able to save Chase. You’ll only end up getting caught yourself. The Orlando family is not like the Summers family. As a branch of the Demon Seal Alliance, the Orlando family has numerous experts who have transcended tribulations. I heard that Elias has become a Ninth Level Tribulator, and even achieved Top Level. Going there would be no different from courting death,” Oscar pleaded.

With anger in her eyes, Jenny glared at Oscar, her teeth clenched tightly as she yelled, “I hate you! I hate you!” Feeling the anger in his niece’s eyes, Oscar couldn’t help but shudder slightly.

“Don’t worry, Jenny. Chase will be fine. The Orlando family only wants us to join the Demon Seal Alliance. They won’t harm Chase. Tomorrow, I can personally visit the Orlando family and have Elias release Chase.”

Back then, Oscar still had quite a bit of trust in the Orlando family. There was no animosity between the two families, The Orlando family, being a branch of the Demon Seal Alliance, had urged the Summers family to join the Demon Seal Alliance as well. It was, after all, within the scope of their duties. Even if Chase disagreed with joining the Demon Seal Alliance, it wouldn’t have led to his demise.

“Let’s go back first, Ms. Summers. Then, we can make our plans…” John, holding onto Jenny, returned to the Summers family home through the Teleportation Array. Jenny’s expression was extremely downcast, her face filled with worry.

At that moment, Codd hurriedly arrived and reported, “Ms. Jenny, the people from the Orlando family have arrived. Should we take action?”

Upon hearing that the Orlando family had arrived, Jenny’s eyes filled with rage. We’ve been preparing for half a day for the Orlando family! Now is the perfect opportunity to apprehend them and exchange them for my father!

“Perfect timing. I plan to apprehend all the members of the Orlando family.” Seething with anger, Jenny clenched her teeth, ready to storm out.

“Ms. Summers, we absolutely cannot afford to take action against the Orlando family at this moment,” John said as he hurriedly intervened to stop Jenny. Jenny was taken aback.

“Why not, Mr. White? Didn’t you initially encourage us to actively prepare for the confrontation?

John explained to Jenny, “If we were to act against the Orlando family now, I’m afraid your father and brother would be in danger. Let’s not provoke conflicts with the Orlando family for now. They are unaware of the current situation in the Summers family. As long as your Uncle Oscar cooperates with us, we have a chance to rescue your father and brother.”

Surprised, Oscar exclaimed, “Cooperate with you? How could he possibly cooperate with John?”

“You can choose not to cooperate, but the consequence of such a decision will be enduring extreme pain and gradually succumbing to death. Do you want to continue experiencing what you just went through?” John asked Oscar. Recalling the recent agonizing experience, Oscar felt his body shiver slightly, then he shook his head.

“What do you want me to do?”

“You just need to divert the attention of the Orlando family. Tomorrow morning, I will accompany you to the Orlando family and find a way to rescue Mr. Summers,” said John.

Surprised, Oscar asked, “You’re coming with me? I can handle that myself. The Orlando family only asked us to join the Demon Seal Alliance. They won’t give me trouble.”

Seeing Oscar’s naivety, John flashed a cold smile. “You’re too naive. If the Demon Seal Alliance had no ulterior motives, why would they take away Mr. Summers?”

Oscar remained silent. He didn’t know why Elias had taken away his older brother. Oscar had disclosed the location of the Summers family sanctuary to express his determination to join the Demon Seal Alliance to Elias. By doing so, the Summers family and the Orlando family would become one.

John said, “Trick the Orlando family and get them out of the way. If a real fight breaks out, casualties are inevitable. Do you really want to see the Summers family suffering numerous injuries and deaths?”

“I’ll go,” Oscar said and walked toward the front yard. John followed closely, while Jenny stayed in the courtyard.

At that moment, the exterior of the Summers residence had already been fortified as if facing a formidable enemy. Various arcane arrays were activated, and streams of light enveloped the Summers residence!

“Deactivate the arcane arrays!” After Oscar arrived, he hurriedly instructed the Summers family members to deactivate the arcane arrays. However, no one paid him any heed. They knew Oscar had become a traitor and was no longer the second in command in the Summers family.

Seeing this, Codd spoke. “Deactivate the arcane arrays.” Hearing Codd’s words, the Summers family members finally deactivated the arcane arrays. Soon, Oscar’s confidant, along with the elders of the Orlando family, arrived at the entrance. Oscar’s confidant was a bit surprised to see Oscar standing at the door with all members of the Summers family present, including Codd.

“Mr. Oscar, this…” The confidant walked up to Oscar, puzzled.

“Have you arranged everything as I instructed?” Oscar asked.

The confidant replied, “Yes. It was handed over to Mr. Orlando, who sent the elders here.”

Reed Floyd, the grand elder of the Orlando family, approached Oscar and greeted, “Mr. Oscar.”

“Mr. Floyd, it’s really trouble for you to make this trip. Initially, I was afraid of opposition from the Summers family, so I specially sent someone to seek help from the Orlando family leader. Now, all members of the Summers family support me, and they all want to join the Demon Seal Alliance. So, Elder, this trip was unnecessary. I’m sorry about this. To express my apologies, I would like to invite you to rest at my residence tonight. Tomorrow, I will host you properly,” Oscar said apologetically.

Upon hearing this, Reed smiled faintly and glanced at the members of the Summers family. “Mr. Oscar, there’s no need to be overly polite. As there are no problems within the Summers family, I will return and inform Mr. Orlando.”

“That’s great. Please inform Mr. Orlando that I will personally visit tomorrow to discuss the possibility of joining the Demon Seal Alliance,” Oscar replied.

“Absolutely!” Reed nodded and departed with his group.
Chapter 3541 - 3550 Blood Dispersion

As Jenny listened to the crowd’s discussion, her expression turned icy. Suddenly, she spoke out loudly.

“Everyone, please be quiet. Today, I have brought everyone here to have a serious discussion with Uncle Oscar about the future direction of our Summers family.” Upon hearing Jenny’s furious rebuke, everyone promptly fell silent.

“Jenny, what would you like to discuss? Feel free to speak your mind in front of the entire Summers family…” Oscar said calmly.

“Alright. Uncle Oscar, I want to ask you this. Why did you imprison my father and brother? Why did you kill Mr. Freddie? Are you trying to get our Summers family to join the Demon Seal Alliance? Are you plotting to take over as the head of the Summers family?” Jenny fired off a series of sharp questions.

Upon hearing Jenny’s words, everyone in the Summers family was taken aback. “What? Mr. Chase was arrested? Isn’t he in seclusion?”

“What’s going on?”

“Could it be that Mr. Oscar is planning a rebellion?” The members of the Summers family quietly discussed among themselves.

Listening to Jenny’s interrogation, Oscar responded with a faint smile, “Jenny, I can tell you now. I locked up your father and brother solely for the development of the Summers family! Our Summers family relied on magecraft to establish ourselves, yet our overall strength is not particularly formidable. Not even within the entire southern region do we hold much significance. If we want the Summers family to grow and prosper, we must seek alliances. What’s wrong with cooperating with the Demon Seal Alliance? I believe that a significant number of us in the Summers family are interested in collaborating with the Demon Seal Alliance.”

Jenny was stunned. She hadn’t expected Oscar to drop all pretenses and admit it outright. This was beyond her expectations.

“Even if we were to cooperate with the Demon Seal Alliance, it would require the consensus of our entire Summers family, not your forced confinement of my father and brother, or your reason for killing Mr. Freddie. Release my father and brother now! If the majority of the Summers family wishes to join the Demon Seal Alliance, we will not stand in their way.”

Jenny’s current demand was for Oscar to first release her father and brother. As for joining the Demon Seal Alliance, once her father was released, there would naturally be a way to handle it.

“Hahaha, I can hear the little schemes you’re concocting in your mind from here!” Suddenly, Oscar burst into hearty laughter. Then, he turned to the members of the Summers family and asked, “I intend to lead the Summers family to join the Demon Seal Alliance. Are you willing to support me?”

The members of the Summers family exchanged glances, none daring to utter a word. The situation was unclear, and the members of the Summers family were uncertain about whom to support. However, at that moment, a somewhat hunched, thin-framed old man walked in from outside.

“I disagree with joining the Demon Seal Alliance. As the second master of the Summers family, you should have supported Mr. Chase’s decision. Yet, unexpectedly, you secretly imprisoned him, intending to join the Demon Seal Alliance on your own. This is the home of all of us, the Summers family, not just your personal domain, Oscar…”

The elder’s voice was strong, his eyes filled with anger. The elder was the chief butler of the Summers family. Although he was not technically a member of the Summers family, he had served several generations of the family’s masters.

“Mr. Rowland…” Upon seeing the elderly man, Jenny felt her heart immediately fill with joy, and her eyes began to well up with tears.

“Ms. Jenny, rest assured. I was unaware that such a significant event had occurred in the Summers family. As long as I’m alive, I won’t allow the Summers family to cooperate with the Demon Seal Alliance. This is a rule set by the family head, and no one can break it!”

Codd Rowland comforted Jenny. When Oscar caught sight of the elderly man entering, his previously calm demeanor vanished from his face, replaced by an unattractive expression.

“I, too, am opposed to collaborating with the Demon Seal Alliance. We should prioritize the release of Mr. Chase before delving into any further discussions.”

“Absolutely, let’s release Mr. Chase first and then address other issues!”

“Release Mr. Chase!” As soon as Codd appeared, the entire Summers family rallied behind Jenny, offering their overwhelming support. It was clear that Codd held a prominent position within the Summers family.

Oscar stood up slowly, observing the crowd demanding Chase’s release. He nodded and said, “Very well, I will release my elder brother before making a decision on this matter.” With that, Oscar got up from his seat and made his way towards the hall’s entrance. As Oscar reached the entrance, a cold glint appeared in his eyes and he reached into his pocket. In an instant, he pulled out a charm and shouted, “Explode!”

Boom! Suddenly, a large amount of red smoke filled the hall. Taking advantage of the chaos, Oscar rushed out and quickly closed the door behind him.

“That was a despicable act of Blood Dispersion!” someone shouted angrily. The door was forcefully kicked open and members of the Summers family poured out of the hall. However, their expressions were grim and they were drenched in cold sweat. Their inner spiritual energy was rapidly depleting, and even standing felt incredibly exhausting.

Instead of fleeing, Oscar stood quietly in the courtyard, waiting for everyone. Since everyone had been affected by the Blood- Red Scatter, their spiritual energy was completely drained, leaving them with nothing to fear.

Furious, Codd glared at Oscar, gritting his teeth as he yelled, “Oscar, you are despicable for using such poisonous means against your own family!”

“Hahaha! In this world, might makes right. Now that you are all in my grasp, surrender to me and support me. I can provide you with the antidote. I have already contacted the Demon Seal Alliance, and they will soon send someone to the Summers family. If you come to your senses now, you might still be able to save your lives. If the people from the Demon Seal Alliance arrive, don’t blame me for not giving you a chance to live.”

Oscar laughed heartily without restraint. Upon hearing Oscar’s words, everyone in the Summers family gritted their teeth in anger, but they were utterly helpless. They were so drained that they couldn’t even move, let alone keep up with Oscar.

“This guy actually managed to get his hands on Blood Dispersion! It seems he has been colluding with the Demon Seal Alliance for a long time!” Catlin said angrily

“What is Blood Dispersion?” John asked, observing the weakened state of everyone around him, while he himself seemed unaffected.

Catlin followed John and explained, “Blood Dispersion is a type of poison used by demons. Even the strongest individuals, once afflicted by Blood Dispersion, would instantly lose their spiritual energy and become incredibly weak. However, if the antidote is administered promptly, there wouldn’t be any significant harm. If the antidote isn’t given in time, the body could suffer damage, and it might become impossible to practice cultivation in the future. In severe cases, it could even result in loss of life.”

John couldn’t help but exclaim, “This fellow is truly a monster, resorting to using such poison on his own family!”

With a face full of shame, Jenny apologized, “I’m sorry, Mr. White. It was my fault that you all got involved in this…” If it hadn’t been for the Summers family’s affairs, John and his group wouldn’t have ended up in such a dire situation.

“Ms. Summers, it’s just Blood Dispersion. There’s no need to be overly anxious, John said with a slight smile.

Upon hearing this, Jenny looked at John with a puzzled expression. She noticed that John seemed very relaxed, as if he hadn’t been poisoned at all. Catlin also wore a surprised expression.

“John, are you not affected by the poison?”

Polar, who was standing nearby, said, “Mr. White is immune to all poisons, so how could he possibly be affected?” Upon realizing that John had not been poisoned, Jenny felt relieved.

Oscar glanced at the members of the Summers family and stated, “You have ten minutes to think it over. Those who are willing to submit and support me can come forward now.”

Despite their frustration, not one member of the Summers family approached Oscar. Nevertheless, Oscar remained patient, wearing a cold smile on his face.

“May I offer my support?” In that instant, John emerged from the crowd and made his way towards Oscar.

Oscar glanced at John, his eyes filled with disdain as he said, “You’re not even a member of the Summers family, so your support is completely useless to me. Since you wanted to stand out, prepare yourself to become a cripple!” Oscar had no respect for John whatsoever. Even if John were to compromise, there was no way Oscar would give him the antidote.

“Worthless, huh? How about this?” With a casual smile, John suddenly attacked Oscar. John simply swung his hand, and in an instant, Oscar was sent flying, his face swelling up like a pig’s head.

“H-How are you still able to fight?” Oscar covered his face, his eyes filled with disbelief.

“Did you really think a mere dose of poison could strip me of all my powers? What a joke!” John smirked and continued, “Now, hand over the antidote, release the head of the Summers family, and then kneel down to sincerely repent. Perhaps then, you might still have a chance to live.”

In Oscar’s eyes, there was nothing but ferocity. He scoffed coldly, “Are you spouting nonsense, you brat? Do you even dare to kill me? I assure you, no one but me can neutralize the poison in their bodies. If you kill me, they will all be left crippled.” Oscar knew that John didn’t dare to kill him, which was precisely why he acted the way he did.

“You seem quite confident. Who said that only you have the antidote for this poison? Don’t you think that if I can avoid being poisoned, I could also find a cure?” John retorted with a cold laugh.

“Brat, there’s no need for pretense here. I may not know how you managed to avoid being poisoned, but if you think you can cure these people of their poison, that’s nothing more than a foolish fantasy.” Oscar was no fool. Although John had not been poisoned, it didn’t mean that John could neutralize the poison.

“Since you don’t believe, then let me show you.” After John finished speaking, he looked at Polar and said, “Polar, come here…”

Polar nodded, dragging his extremely exhausted body as he slowly walked up to John. At first glance, Polar was clearly poisoned. However, John quickly pressed a few acupoints on Polar’s body. To their surprise, Polar spat out a mouthful of black blood, and his overall condition seemed to improve significantly.

Upon witnessing this scene, the expression on Oscar’s face instantly turned extremely unpleasant. He hadn’t expected that John could actually neutralize the poison. However, it didn’t take long for Oscar to seemingly realize something, and he suddenly burst into laughter.

“There’s no need to deceive me, you brat. If you could neutralize the poison, you would have killed me by now. You’re merely using your own spiritual energy to temporarily suppress the toxins in his body. I refuse to believe that with so many people, you could suppress them all with that little spiritual energy you possess. Even if you know how to concoct antidotes, there are no mystical herbs here, so you’re completely helpless. All you can do is kneel before me and beg for mercy, surrendering to my will. Otherwise, it won’t be long before you become crippled, even if you were to consume an antidote.”

Listening to Oscar’s words, John couldn’t help but express his admiration.

“Impressive. I originally thought all villains like you were stupid, but I didn’t expect you to be so clever.”

“Hmph, if it weren’t for my father’s favoritism, the position of the head of the Summers family should have been mine. With my intelligence and wisdom, I could have definitely led the Summers family to great heights!” After receiving praise from John, Oscar began to boast about himself.

“I gave you an inch, and you took a mile. Well, let me show you if I can concoct a remedy.” After John finished speaking, he effortlessly summoned the Divine Cauldron into the courtyard. Subsequently, he retrieved a substantial quantity of mystical herbs from his Storage Ring During his time in Yellow Blue City, John had managed to acquire a generous supply of mystical herbs from the Supreme Alchemist.

As Oscar gazed upon the Divine Cauldron and the plentiful mystical herbs before him, he was left in a state of bewilderment. He simply couldn’t comprehend it. Who exactly is this individual? It was one thing to possess mastery in magecraft, but how did he acquire knowledge in alchemy as well?

Upon witnessing John bring out the cauldron and the mystical herbs, excitement filled everyone in the Summers family. This confirmed that John was indeed capable of concocting the antidote, which meant they no longer had to accept their fate of being crippled or submit to Oscar.

“Mr. White is truly an enigmatic individual!” Jenny looked at John, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions.

“Do you have feelings for John?” Catlin asked.

Jenny blushed and exclaimed, “No, not at all! Besides, Mr. White already has a woman by his side…”

“What does it matter if he has other women? For a man like him, it’s normal to have multiple partners. If you like him, you have to pursue him yourself, and tonight is a great opportunity!” Catlin teased Jenny playfully.

Blushing, Jenny lowered her head, not daring to say another word. Meanwhile, John had already placed all the necessary mystical herbs into the Divine Cauldron.

“Even if you possess the mystical herb and know how to concoct pills, it’s futile. You simply cannot create the antidote. Blood Dispersion is one of the top ten poisons within the demon race. To concoct an antidote, you must use demonic fire!” Oscar exclaimed loudly. He knew that only demonic fire could be used to create the antidote. However, John was not a member of the demon race, making it impossible for him to possess demonic fire.

John feigned surprise and exclaimed, “I have to use demonic fire?”

“Hmph, in the end, you all still had to beg me obediently…”

Upon seeing John in that state, hope was reignited in Oscar. But what happened next completely caught Oscar off guard. John snapped his fingers, and a ball of flame instantly danced at his fingertips. The flames blazed a fiery red, and John hurled it into the air. The flames erupted suddenly, spreading intense heat throughout the entire Summers family estate.

John looked at Oscar with a smile and asked, “Is this the Demonic Flame you mentioned?”

Oscar’s eyes widened in disbelief as he pointed at John and stammered, “You… How could you possess demonic fire? Are you a Demonic Cultivator?”

“Whether I am a Demonic Cultivator or not is none of your concern. Now, I will concoct the antidote!” After John finished speaking, he threw the demonic fire directly into the Divine Cauldron. The mystical herbs ignited instantly. Accompanied by waves of medicinal fragrance, crystal-clear pills began to appear one by one in the Divine Cauldron.

In just one hour, John had successfully concocted the antidote. After distributing the antidote, every member of the Summers family received and consumed it. Upon taking the antidote, the discomfort among the crowd vanished instantly, filling everyone with immense gratitude towards John.

Codd looked at John with deep gratitude and said, “You saved our lives today. We, the Summers family, are eternally grateful…”

“Thank you, Mr. White!” Jenny approached John to express her gratitude. However, as she looked at John, her face turned a deep shade of red. John was still somewhat puzzled, wondering what was going on with Jenny. Little did he know that Catlin had just teased Jenny, causing her heart to flutter with affection in that very moment.

John turned to Oscar and asked, “Have you given up?” Oscar’s face was clouded with uncertainty, and he did not respond to John’s words. While John was momentarily distracted, Oscar suddenly turned and ran.

“Planning to run away?” Upon seeing the situation, Catlin let out a cold huff. In an instant, she was by Oscar’s side. Before Oscar could react, he felt his legs give way, and he fell to his knees on the ground. Catlin had broken Oscar’s legs with a kick. John followed Jenny and the others in pursuit.

“Uncle Oscar, where are my father and brother? Where have you hidden them?” Jenny inquired.

“Hmph! Feel free to kill me if you wish! I won’t utter a single word!” Oscar understood that his only hope lay in keeping the location of their confinement a secret. If he were to reveal it, he would undoubtedly meet his demise.

“You…” Jenny was seething with anger, but since Oscar was her uncle, she couldn’t bring herself to lay a hand on him.

“You monster!” Jenny hesitated to raise her hand in conflict, but Codd did not. As the butler of the Summers family, having looked after several generations of family heads, he was not at all intimidated by Oscar. He directly slapped Oscar across the face.

“I will make you talk,”

John said and turned to Jenny as he continued, “Ms. Summers, please restrain your uncle first. Then, prepare the place. I believe it won’t be long before the members of the Demon Seal Alliance arrive.”

Since Oscar had sent someone to invite the members of the Demon Seal Alliance, John knew for sure that they would come. Originally, John had planned to stay for just one night and then leave. However, if the Demon Seal Alliance were to come after the Summers family now, he feared the Summers family wouldn’t be able to withstand them.

“Alright; I’ll go set it up right away.” Jenny had someone lock up Oscar, and then began to set up arcane arrays around the Summers family’s premises. Meanwhile, in Orlando City, Elias was engaged in a discussion with Harvey in the grand hall of the Orlando residence.

A servant walked in and told Elias, “Mr. Orlando, representatives from the Summers family of Forlisle have arrived…”

Upon hearing this, Elias immediately burst into laughter. “Let him in! It seems the matter has been settled!”

“What happened?” Harvey asked in confusion. He was still unaware of the fact that Elias was collaborating with Oscar. “Mr. Watkins, as I’ve said before, the Summers family will surely take the initiative to join the Demon Seal Alliance. Well, they’ve just sent someone over to our doorstep! In fact, I’ve been in touch with Oscar of the Summers family for quite some time now. Oscar was also willing to bring the Summers family to join the Demon Seal Alliance. Given that they are sending someone over at this hour, they must have succeeded!”

Elias replied with great satisfaction. While Elias was explaining things to Harvey, Oscar’s subordinate had already entered, carrying an item pouch. The subordinate handed the item pouch over to Elias and said, “Mr. Orlando, Mr. Oscar sent me to deliver this item to you. Additionally, he hopes that Mr. Orlando could dispatch someone to the Summers family and assist him in gaining control over the Summers family.”

Elias didn’t speak; instead, he opened his item pouch. Inside, there were tokens from the Summers family, along with several secret scrolls of magecraft from the Summers family. The most significant item was a map, which depicted the secret location of the Summers family. Chase and Mack were confined in this secret land.

Originally, this secret place was intended to serve as a refuge for the Summers family in times of catastrophic disaster. Moreover, very few people knew about this place; it was the most closely guarded secret of the Summers family. Now, Oscar had willingly handed it over to Elias.

“Hahaha, it seems that Oscar is indeed trustworthy!” Looking at the object in his hand, Elias burst into triumphant laughter. After laughing, Elias waved his hand and said, “Grand Elder, take the Orlando family’s men and follow him to the Summers family. If you find any stubborn individuals in the Summers family who refuse to join the Demon Seal Alliance, they are to be killed without question.”

“As you wish…” The Grand Elder of the Orlando family nodded, then led his people to follow Oscar’s subordinate to the Summers family. Regarding the strength of the Summers family, Elias felt quite assured sending the Grand Elder. After all, the Summers family primarily focused on the study of magecraft and charms, and they still lacked a bit in terms of their cultivation level. This was also why there were so few prestigious families and sects in the Ethereal Realm practicing the art of magecraft.

The impact of magecraft on the speed and progress of one’s cultivation level was significant. After all, a person’s energy was limited. Engaging in the practice of magecraft would reduce the time required to increase one’s cultivation level. Individuals as versatile as John were truly rare. Not only in the mortal realm, but also throughout the entire universe, there were very few who could match the genius of someone like John.

After the departure of the Grand Elder, Elias held a map in his hands, a smile spreading across his face as he said, “Mr. Watkins, I will now take you to meet the head of the Summers family. He is currently nothing more than a prisoner.”

“I will go meet this master of magecraft and charms as well,” Harvey agreed with a nod. Just as Harvey was about to leave with Elias, a member of the Orlando family rushed in hurriedly and exclaimed, “Mr. Orlando, a letter has arrived from Mr. Havoc, requesting Mr. Watkins to return to the Demon Seal Alliance headquarters immediately!”

Upon hearing this, Harvey’s expression instantly turned unsightly, his brows furrowing tightly. Elias waved his hand, signaling the member of the Orlando family to leave.

“I’m surprised Mr. Havoc received the news so quickly,” Harvey sighed. Elias looked at Harvey and asked, “Mr. Watkins, what do you plan to do?”

“What else could I do? Mr. Havoc already knows and has summoned me back. I have no choice but to return,” Harvey said helplessly.

“Mr. Watkins, you could attribute the young master’s death to Soulless Hall. It is clear now that Soulless Hall has turned traitorous. If you shift the blame onto them, you might still have a chance to survive,” Elias suggested to Harvey.

“That is the only way. Whether I survive or not is up to fate.” After Harvey finished speaking, he turned to Elias and gave a respectful bow, saying, “Mr. Orlando, I entrust you with these matters in the southern region.”

Elias thumped his chest and declared, “Mr. Watkins, please rest assured. As long as John remains in the southern region, I am determined to tear him to pieces. And as for Soulless Hall, I won’t let them escape the southern region.”

“Thank you very much. I must take my leave now…” Harvey bid farewell to Elias and hurried back to the headquarters of the Demon Seal Alliance overnight. Elias, along with a few of his subordinates, followed the directions on the map and found the place where Chase was being held captive. This was a small hill that, at first glance, appeared unremarkable. However, after Elias followed the method on the map and stomped on the ground three times, a secret door surprisingly appeared in the small hill.

A faint glow pulsed around the secret door, indicating the presence of an arcane array. Following the method indicated on the map. Elias deactivated the arcane array and opened the secret door. After Elias and his companions stepped through the secret door, they found themselves in a surprisingly vast space. The entire hill had been hollowed out, revealing numerous rooms. There was even an incredibly spacious hall.

Elias looked at the massive fortress and exclaimed in astonishment, “It seems that the Summers family had been prepared for this all along. Truly, forewarned is forearmed.”

A member of the Orlando family asked, “Mr. Orlando, there are so many rooms here. Do we have to search them one by one?”

“No need; Oscar has already marked it for us,” Elias said and led his men into the deepest part of the fortress. There was a room.

Upon opening it, they found Chase imprisoned within. To prevent Chase from escaping, his hands and feet were bound by thick, sturdy steel chains. Chase’s face looked terrible, appearing extremely aged. With his eyes slightly closed, not a hint of emotion could be discerned.

Upon hearing the sound of the door opening, Chase did not open his eyes. He simply said slowly, “There’s no need to pretend to persuade me anymore. The moment you laid your hands on me, our brotherhood ended. You may kill me if you want, but you can never persuade me to join the Demon Seal Alliance.”

Chase initially thought it was his younger brother, Oscar, who had arrived, so he didn’t bother to open his eyes. He didn’t want to see his younger brother. Looking at Chase, Elias remarked, “Mr. Summers, even now, you persist in being obstinate…”

Upon hearing Elias’s words, Chase was startled, his eyes widening in surprise as he stared at Elias. “How did you discover this location?” Chase asked, feeling puzzled about how Elias had found out about it.

With a cold smirk on his face, Elias looked at Chase, his voice tinged with amusement as he asked, “What do you think?” Chase’s face showed utter surprise. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t have guessed it. Chase scoffed disdainfully.

“Do you think I’m a child? Why are you asking me to guess?”

Elias laughed and replied, “Since you’re not guessing, I’ll tell you. The reason I found this place is because your brother Oscar told me.”

“Nonsense! That’s impossible! This can’t be…” Chase shook his head.

“Even though Oscar has always wanted to join the Demon Seal Alliance, he would never reveal such a confidential location of the Summers family to you!” He simply couldn’t believe it. This place is the Summers family’s sanctuary! How could Oscar possibly reveal it so casually to others? Even though Oscar held political views that clashed with mine, it was impossible for him to do anything that would harm the entire Summers family!

“You don’t believe me?” Elias asked. Chase shook his head.

“No, of course I don’t. It’s impossible for Oscar to do such a thing.”

“Since you don’t believe me, then I’ll show you who your brother really is.”

Elias pulled out a map, clearly marking the location. He even brought out the secret scrolls of the Summers family and laid them all out before Chase. Looking at everything before him, Chase wanted to disbelieve, yet he had no choice but to believe.

“That monster!” Chase yelled furiously. He hadn’t expected that Oscar would actually betray the entire Summers family. If it was merely a contest for the position of family head, for the sake of the family’s development, Chase was willing to relinquish his position. But now, Oscar had crossed a line by betraying the entire Summers family. This is absolutely heinous and unforgivable.

Spurt! Overwhelmed, Chase spat out a mouthful of fresh blood, and in his fury, he passed out. Elias ordered his men to lift up Chase and, along with Mack, he directly brought the two back to the Orlando residence.

A member of the Orlando family asked in confusion, “Mr. Orlando, why haven’t we killed this guy yet? What are we keeping him for?”

“He is still useful, so he can’t die yet,” Elias replied. He then glanced at the Orlando family’s backyard and asked, “How is Mr. Rueben doing?”

“Mr. Rueben has been falling ill less frequently lately. However, his meridians have been damaged. It might be quite difficult for him to cultivate in the future,” said the member of the Orlando family.

With a disappointed expression, Elias nodded and said, “I understand. You must keep a close watch on Chase. He absolutely cannot be allowed to escape, and most importantly, he must not be allowed to die.”

“Understood!” The member of the Orlando family turned around and left

After the Orlando family members left, Elias leaped forward, his body disappearing in an instant. Quickly, Elias appeared beside a pond. This massive pond was filled entirely with ink-green water. A few men were seated hundreds of meters away from the pool.

Upon seeing Elias arrive, several men promptly stood up. A man walked up to Elias and whispered, “Mr. Orlando, we have already disabled a portion of the arcane array around the Holy Pond. We believe that in about a year and a half, we could have completely disabled it.”

“Starting from tomorrow, you won’t need to disable the arcane array anymore. I’ve found others to do it. You all should rest instead,” Elias said expressionlessly. Elias had invested a significant amount of money in hiring these experts who were knowledgeable in the art of arcane arrays. However, even after several months, they had only managed to partially disable a small portion of the arcane array.

The reason Elias wanted to disable the arcane arrays was because this Holy Pond had the ability to reshape one’s bones and restore their meridians. Elias intended for his son to benefit from this Holy Pond. The only problem was that the Holy Pond was protected by a complex arcane array. In order to soak in the Holy Pond, one would first need to break through this protective barrier. It was unfortunate that there were very few individuals in the Ethereal Realm who possessed a deep understanding of arcane arrays.

Furthermore, those who claimed to be experts were actually amateurs with no real skills. The array masters that Elias had invited were no exception. Although Elias was dissatisfied, he did not dare to voice his complaints. This was also the reason why Elias had been trying hard to persuade the Summers family to join the Demon Seal Alliance. By doing so, he could take advantage of the Summers family’s assistance. When it came to the art of magecraft and charms, the Summers family was truly impressive. Now that Chase had been captured, Elias no longer had any use for these so-called masters of arcane arrays who lacked genuine skills.

Meanwhile, in the Summers residence in Forlisle, Jenny, guided by Codd, began arranging the magical arcane arrays around the entire Summers family estate, along with the other members of the Summers family. They repeated this process to ensure every corner was covered. This was to protect against a sudden attack from the Orlando family.

John was not idle either. He sent Polar to inform Denzel and Miles Spicer. Now, the strength of the Miles Spicer was enough to assist John. Suddenly, Jenny rushed over and told John, “Mr. White, you should go check quickly. Uncle Oscar might not make it!”

“What happened?” John asked.

“I’m not entirely sure either. The person watching over Uncle Oscar reported that he suddenly started foaming at the mouth, his expression filled with intense pain. If he were to die, then my father and brother’s whereabouts would remain unknown!” Jenny exclaimed anxiously. U

pon hearing this, John burst into laughter and said, “Don’t worry, he won’t die. I simply gave him some medicine secretly to make him experience hardship. Otherwise, he would never willingly reveal the whereabouts of the head of the Summers family.”

It turned out that when John was locking Oscar up, he had already drugged him. As soon as Oscar became frightened and couldn’t bear it anymore, he would confess. John followed Jenny to the place where Oscar was being held. At that moment, Oscar was screaming in agony, his forehead covered in cold sweat. He was in so much pain that he wished for death.

“Kill me, kill me, I beg you, please kill me quickly…” In agony, Oscar writhed, pleading for someone to end his life. His legs were broken, and he was severely poisoned. He simply couldn’t free himself.

“Do you want to die?” John walked in at that moment, looking at the agonized Oscar with a smirk on his lips.

“I’m just giving you a taste of your own medicine. When you poisoned us just now, did you ever consider the consequences for yourself?”

“It was you? What kind of poison did you give me? Kill me, just kill me already…”

Oscar glared furiously at John, wishing he could kill him with just a look.

“I won’t let you die, not until you reveal where the head of the Summers family and the others are being held captive. I’ll make you experience a fate worse than death every day until you obediently confess,” John said playfully.

Oscar trembled all over. He was on the verge of collapse. “Jenny, I beg you, please, end my suffering… Help me, please…” Oscar certainly didn’t want to be tormented like this forever. Jenny couldn’t bear to look directly at Oscar. She didn’t even glance at him. Seeing the situation, Oscar could only respond resignedly.

“Fine, I’ll tell you. I’ll take you to the place where Chase is being held captive. Now, you must immediately alleviate my pain…” Oscar had agreed to compromise.

“No problem…” John took out a medicinal pill and had Oscar swallow it. After swallowing it, Oscar immediately felt relief in his body. Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Oscar slowly got up.

“I want you to know that this is only to alleviate your condition. Don’t think about playing tricks. Only I can cure the poison inside you,” John advised Oscar earnestly.

“I understand.” At that moment, Oscar also realized John’s prowess. Emerging from the place of confinement, Oscar, accompanied by John and Jenny, headed towards the most secluded house in the Summers family estate.

“Uncle Oscar, isn’t that the ancestral home of the Summers family? Could it be that you’ve confined my father and brother in the ancestral home?” Jenny asked in surprise. Oscar shook his head.

“Of course not. That ancestral home is filled with the forefathers of my Summers family. How could I possibly enter casually?”

As the trio neared the house, Oscar gently turned the stone lion that stood at its entrance. As the stone lion started to rotate, a soft glow gradually emanated from the ground.

“A Teleportation Array? Did the Summers family really install a Teleportation Array?” As the glowing halo appeared, John instantly identified it as a Teleportation Array.

“Teleportation array? Does the Summers family really have a Teleportation Array?” Jenny was also surprised. After all, the Teleportation Array was considered a high-level magical arcane array. No one in the Summers family had the capability to set up a Teleportation Array, so she couldn’t understand how there was one in the ancestral home of the Summers family.

Oscar remained silent and stepped directly into the Teleportation Array. John followed suit after a quick glance. Jenny closely followed behind. As the Teleportation Array activated, a flash of light streaked across, and to their surprise, John and his companions found themselves in a massive hall.

“This is a secret sanctuary of the Summers family, designed for us to seek refuge in times of peril,” Oscar explained.

After finishing his words, Oscar headed towards the house on one side. John gazed at the shelter before him, filled with admiration for the ancestors of the Summers family. It seemed that they had long since planned for a secure future for their descendants.

Just as Oscar led John and the others to a room, the sight of the open door instantly changed Oscar’s expression. Jenny glanced around and asked in surprise, “Uncle Oscar, where’s my dad? Did he run away?” Oscar shook his head.

“It must have been Elias who came. Chase was taken away by Elias…” Jenny wore a confused expression.

“How did the Orlando family find out about this place?” John glanced at Oscar. “Did you tell Elias?”

Oscar didn’t say a word, but his expression made it clear that he was the one who had spoken. Jenny panicked.

“I have to save my father! I have to rescue him!” Jenny wasn’t particularly worried if Chase was merely detained by Oscar. After all, she knew that Oscar couldn’t possibly harm Chase. However, if Chase was with the Orlando family, things became uncertain. The Orlando family had repeatedly tried to persuade Chase to join the Demon Seal Alliance, but Chase had always refused.

John stopped Jenny and said, “Ms. Summers, please don’t act impulsively.”

“Don’t do anything rash, Jenny. Even if you go to the Orlando family, you won’t be able to save Chase. You’ll only end up getting caught yourself. The Orlando family is not like the Summers family. As a branch of the Demon Seal Alliance, the Orlando family has numerous experts who have transcended tribulations. I heard that Elias has become a Ninth Level Tribulator, and even achieved Top Level. Going there would be no different from courting death,” Oscar pleaded.

With anger in her eyes, Jenny glared at Oscar, her teeth clenched tightly as she yelled, “I hate you! I hate you!” Feeling the anger in his niece’s eyes, Oscar couldn’t help but shudder slightly.

“Don’t worry, Jenny. Chase will be fine. The Orlando family only wants us to join the Demon Seal Alliance. They won’t harm Chase. Tomorrow, I can personally visit the Orlando family and have Elias release Chase.”

Back then, Oscar still had quite a bit of trust in the Orlando family. There was no animosity between the two families, The Orlando family, being a branch of the Demon Seal Alliance, had urged the Summers family to join the Demon Seal Alliance as well. It was, after all, within the scope of their duties. Even if Chase disagreed with joining the Demon Seal Alliance, it wouldn’t have led to his demise.

“Let’s go back first, Ms. Summers. Then, we can make our plans…” John, holding onto Jenny, returned to the Summers family home through the Teleportation Array. Jenny’s expression was extremely downcast, her face filled with worry.

At that moment, Codd hurriedly arrived and reported, “Ms. Jenny, the people from the Orlando family have arrived. Should we take action?”

Upon hearing that the Orlando family had arrived, Jenny’s eyes filled with rage. We’ve been preparing for half a day for the Orlando family! Now is the perfect opportunity to apprehend them and exchange them for my father!

“Perfect timing. I plan to apprehend all the members of the Orlando family.” Seething with anger, Jenny clenched her teeth, ready to storm out.

“Ms. Summers, we absolutely cannot afford to take action against the Orlando family at this moment,” John said as he hurriedly intervened to stop Jenny. Jenny was taken aback.

“Why not, Mr. White? Didn’t you initially encourage us to actively prepare for the confrontation?

John explained to Jenny, “If we were to act against the Orlando family now, I’m afraid your father and brother would be in danger. Let’s not provoke conflicts with the Orlando family for now. They are unaware of the current situation in the Summers family. As long as your Uncle Oscar cooperates with us, we have a chance to rescue your father and brother.”

Surprised, Oscar exclaimed, “Cooperate with you? How could he possibly cooperate with John?”

“You can choose not to cooperate, but the consequence of such a decision will be enduring extreme pain and gradually succumbing to death. Do you want to continue experiencing what you just went through?” John asked Oscar. Recalling the recent agonizing experience, Oscar felt his body shiver slightly, then he shook his head.

“What do you want me to do?”

“You just need to divert the attention of the Orlando family. Tomorrow morning, I will accompany you to the Orlando family and find a way to rescue Mr. Summers,” said John.

Surprised, Oscar asked, “You’re coming with me? I can handle that myself. The Orlando family only asked us to join the Demon Seal Alliance. They won’t give me trouble.”

Seeing Oscar’s naivety, John flashed a cold smile. “You’re too naive. If the Demon Seal Alliance had no ulterior motives, why would they take away Mr. Summers?”

Oscar remained silent. He didn’t know why Elias had taken away his older brother. Oscar had disclosed the location of the Summers family sanctuary to express his determination to join the Demon Seal Alliance to Elias. By doing so, the Summers family and the Orlando family would become one.

John said, “Trick the Orlando family and get them out of the way. If a real fight breaks out, casualties are inevitable. Do you really want to see the Summers family suffering numerous injuries and deaths?”

“I’ll go,” Oscar said and walked toward the front yard. John followed closely, while Jenny stayed in the courtyard.

At that moment, the exterior of the Summers residence had already been fortified as if facing a formidable enemy. Various arcane arrays were activated, and streams of light enveloped the Summers residence!

“Deactivate the arcane arrays!” After Oscar arrived, he hurriedly instructed the Summers family members to deactivate the arcane arrays. However, no one paid him any heed. They knew Oscar had become a traitor and was no longer the second in command in the Summers family.

Seeing this, Codd spoke. “Deactivate the arcane arrays.” Hearing Codd’s words, the Summers family members finally deactivated the arcane arrays. Soon, Oscar’s confidant, along with the elders of the Orlando family, arrived at the entrance. Oscar’s confidant was a bit surprised to see Oscar standing at the door with all members of the Summers family present, including Codd.

“Mr. Oscar, this…” The confidant walked up to Oscar, puzzled.

“Have you arranged everything as I instructed?” Oscar asked.

The confidant replied, “Yes. It was handed over to Mr. Orlando, who sent the elders here.”

Reed Floyd, the grand elder of the Orlando family, approached Oscar and greeted, “Mr. Oscar.”

“Mr. Floyd, it’s really trouble for you to make this trip. Initially, I was afraid of opposition from the Summers family, so I specially sent someone to seek help from the Orlando family leader. Now, all members of the Summers family support me, and they all want to join the Demon Seal Alliance. So, Elder, this trip was unnecessary. I’m sorry about this. To express my apologies, I would like to invite you to rest at my residence tonight. Tomorrow, I will host you properly,” Oscar said apologetically.

Upon hearing this, Reed smiled faintly and glanced at the members of the Summers family. “Mr. Oscar, there’s no need to be overly polite. As there are no problems within the Summers family, I will return and inform Mr. Orlando.”

“That’s great. Please inform Mr. Orlando that I will personally visit tomorrow to discuss the possibility of joining the Demon Seal Alliance,” Oscar replied.

“Absolutely!” Reed nodded and departed with his group.
Thank you Immortal Gily. Take this special giftFB_IMG_1712436965557.jpg
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From the look of things, John's mission is solely to destroy all the powerful Alliance in the various realms.
Exactly.... I believe he'll sooner or later destroy them till he gets entangled with the "fire incinerate sect" having more of enlightenment from Author again as the father figure.......
then go to celestial realm for the same mission.
From the look of things, John's mission is solely to destroy all the powerful Alliance in the various realms.
Yh, I think all the alliances in different realms are evil. They always have selfish interests
Man you giving excuses that don't hold water. I have posted more than 500 chapters in a week no one in this forum has reached that level of Grandmaster 😂
True ! I started this reading just few days back (less than a week ). It’s interesting. I will catch up soon ‘coz I am a voracious reader

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