The Dragon Man's Decree - Translated by GILY

Author: Unknown
Type: Action and Adventure
Posted : 07 October 2023
Status: Ongoing

John White is furious that someone has tried to make an advance on his girlfriend. In the end, he ends up behind bars after his attempt to protect her. Three years later, he is a free man but finds out that that girlfriend of his has married the man who hit on her back then. John will not let things slide. Thankfully, he has learned Focus Technique during his time in prison. At that, he embarks on the journey of cultivation and is accompanied by a gorgeous Miranda. Who would have thought this would enrage his ex-girlfriend?
Yes those who reside in John’s consciousness all have seen and experienced John banging his woman. How they might feel when he was banging those girls ?
I think they all feel the same.. like they themselves who are the one banging all the girls..
Chapter 3651 - 3657 Demonia Stone

John’s eyes gradually lost their luster, his entire body starting to be controlled by the old man! Just as it seemed that the old man was about to take over John’s consciousness field, there was a sudden explosion!

A brilliant burst of light erupted from John’s consciousness field, instantly shattering the elder’s pale blue aura! The elder was engulfed by the radiance, his eyes filled with sheer terror!

“What… What is this?” The elder stared in astonishment at the radiance before his eyes! As the glow gradually faded, the elder discovered that within John’s possession was a book. On it were two gilded characters: Golden Tome!

“How… How is this possible? How could there be a heavenly tome in your consciousness field?” The elder was suddenly thrown into a state of panic!

Although he had lost his memory, the radiance emitted by Golden Tome was incredibly familiar to him. It was a power that only existed in the celestial realm.

Upon seeing the elderly man’s fear of the Golden Tome, John manipulated his spiritual sense, causing the Golden Tome to open slowly! As Golden Tome was opened, beams of light shone upon the elderly man! The elder let out a cry of surprise, and then the strength in his body vanished instantly. He curled up into a ball!

“Don’t kill me, don’t kill me, I will never dare to seize your body again…” the old man began to plead for mercy! His soul remnant had endured for thousands of years, all in the hope that one day it could see the light of day again! Unexpectedly, after such a long time, he finally found a body that could carry his own, only to encounter a tough nut to crack! He could never have imagined that within the consciousness field of a Tribulator cultivator, there would actually be a heavenly tome!

Upon seeing the elderly man’s condition, John closed the Golden Tome. As the golden light disappeared, the old man finally let out a long sigh of relief.

“Who exactly are you, you rascal? Why is there a heavenly tome in your consciousness field?” the elder asked in disbelief.

“You dared to seize my body without even knowing who I am. Isn’t that a bit reckless of you?” John asked.

“Indeed, it was a bit reckless. You were merely a Tribulator cultivator, yet you possessed such a formidable physical body, which in itself was unreasonable. It’s just a pity that I’ve lost most of my memory. Otherwise, I would certainly know who you are. Today, I have indeed met my downfall. However, I am grateful for your mercy in sparing my life. Once I am able to see the light of day again, I will surely repay you…”

After the old man finished speaking, he surprisingly intended to leave John’s consciousness field! However, as a thought crossed the old man’s mind, John’s consciousness field once again erupted with streaks of golden light! That radiance directly obstructed the old man’s lingering spirit, preventing him from leaving!

“What… What are you going to do?” the elder asked in alarm.

“You wanted to leave this decrepit cave, didn’t you? I can take you out to see the world beyond, but you can only reside within my consciousness field. Perhaps I have a way to help you regain your memory. Once your memory is restored, you’ll have to do some things for me before I can let you go!”

John had no intention of letting the old man go. After all, that fellow came from the celestial realm. Even though he had lost his memory, the things he knew were definitely beyond the comprehension of the people in Ethereal Realm!

“You will truly take me away?” the elder asked in surprise!

“Of course, I’m not like you. I’m a guy who keeps his word!” John said coldly! The words left the old man flushed with shame, silencing him completely!

“Mr. White, Mr. White…” Suddenly, the voice of Fitz echoed in John’s ear!

John’s expression momentarily glazed over, then he saw Fitz right beside him, and the techniques etched on the stone wall! Trent and Tessa, on the other hand, used the stones within the cave to construct graves for their deceased fellow disciples! Even within the cave, they didn’t want to leave their fellow disciples’ bodies exposed!

John gazed at the cave, restored to its original state, a slight frown creasing his brow.

“Fitz, did I leave this cave just a moment ago?”

“No, not at all. You’ve been standing here. without moving an inch. I found it a bit odd, so I called you out a couple of times!” Fitz exclaimed!

“Could it all have been an illusion?” John furrowed his brows, then his consciousness instantly plunged into the consciousness field! When he saw the old man, he realized that what he had experienced was not an illusion at all.

“Mr. White, what do you mean by illusion? I just practiced the techniques inscribed on this stone wall, and I feel that these techniques are very unique. Some parts seem to make no sense at all. Could you please explain it to me, Mr. White?” Fitz turned to John, seeking advice.

“First, make copies of these techniques. I’ll explain them to you later!” John instructed Fitz to make an imprint of the techniques from the stone wall!

Then he glanced at Tessa and Trent, who were building a tomb for their deceased fellow disciples. He addressed them, “Once a person is dead, they cannot be revived. Since they are already gone, building a tomb won’t serve any purpose. It would be better to cremate them, to prevent their bodies from becoming food for wild beasts!”

Upon hearing John’s words, both Trent and Tessa came to a halt! If all the dozen or so disciples of Soul Demon Sect were to have their graves built out of stones, it would indeed take a considerable amount of time! The two individuals remained silent.

John, on the other hand, conjured a demonic fire, setting ablaze the corpses of Soul Demon Sect’s disciples! Even Cameron’s corpse was set ablaze by John. Rather than letting it slowly decay, it was better to end it swiftly with a burst of flame!

After all was done, Fitz also made rubbings of the techniques around the stone wall! John led them away from the Demon Devouring Cave! Just as John and his companions had barely stepped out of the Demon Devouring Cave, the entire cave astonishingly collapsed with a thunderous crash! In an instant, the Demon Devouring Cave was engulfed, vanishing without a trace!

As Tessa and the others gazed upon the collapsed Demon Devouring Cave, they were all utterly dumbfounded! Fitz turned to John and asked, “Mr. White, did you discover anything within the Demon Devouring Cave? Apart from the techniques on the stone wall, there doesn’t seem to be any treasures.”

“This journey was not in vain…” John gave a faint smile. He had obtained the old man’s soul remnant, a treasure far more valuable than any other! If it were possible to restore the old man’s memory, that would be even better! John, along with Fitz, hurried back to Soul Demon Sect.

All along the way, Tessa was affectionately clinging to Fitz, much to Trent’s frustration and annoyance!

Upon returning to Soul Demon Sect, John immediately sought out Stanlee. He hoped that Stanlee could help the old man regain his memory! Additionally, it was to see if Stanlee could remove the shackles from the old man’s soul remnant! After all, Stanlee’s research on the soul was far superior to that of John!

Stanlee turned to John and asked, “Mr. White, I heard your recent journey to the Demon Devouring Cave was quite fruitful, wasn’t it?”

“There wasn’t much to gain, really. The few techniques inscribed on the stone wall held no significance for me!” John gave a faint smile. His own Focus Technique was far superior to any other methods, so he didn’t think much of the Demon Devouring Cave’s technique at all!

However, John shifted the conversation, saying, “Even though we didn’t obtain any treasures, the journey was not in vain…”

Observing the smile on John’s face, Stanlee also responded with a slight smile, “Mr. White, are you referring to the soul remnant that suddenly appeared in your consciousness field?”

John was taken aback, looking at Stanlee with a hint of surprise! He hadn’t brought up the matter of the shattered soul with Stanlee, yet unexpectedly, he was seen right through! Indeed, Stanlee’s research on the soul had truly reached its pinnacle!

John gave an awkward smile and said, “Mr. Stark, I won’t hide it from you. Indeed, I rescued a soul remnant from the Demon Devouring Cave, and it now resides within my consciousness field.”

Upon seeing John’s acknowledgment, Stanlee curiously asked, “Mr. White, the Demon Devouring Cave is so formidable. I presume the soul remnant inside must be no ordinary being. Do you know which Demon Lord’s soul remnant it might be?”

“I’m not sure either. This soul remnant has lost its memory, not even knowing who it is anymore. Therefore, I would like to ask Mr. Stark for assistance, to see if he could help this fragmented soul regain its memory. Once its memories are restored, perhaps we can learn many unheard things from this soul remnant.” John wanted to help Stanlee restore the memory of the old man soul remnant.

“I’ll give it a try, but I’ve never helped a soul remnant regain its memory before, so I can’t guarantee full success!” Even Stanlee couldn’t guarantee it. After all, he had never done something like that before!

“All right, thank you very much, Mr. Stark!” John nodded in agreement! Since he had to help the old man recover his memory, John decided to stay temporarily at Soul Demon Sect. Fitz was also in Soul Demon Sect, closely following Tessa with affection! That made the anger in Trent’s heart grow increasingly intense!

Three days after John arrived at Soul Demon Sect, it was only then that Stanlee led John into an underground chamber! Within that secluded chamber, four crucibles were emitting wisps of blue smoke, filling the entire room with their ethereal haze.

Although the room was filled with a blue haze, John didn’t feel choked at all. On the contrary, this blue smoke had a faint fragrance, which was very soothing to the senses!

“Mr. White, please release the soul remnant within you. I’ll try to see if I can help it regain its memory!” Stanlee spoke to John!

“Do we need to let it out now?” John was taken aback!

The elderly man’s soul remnant had always wanted to leave John’s consciousness field. Since he couldn’t control John, he certainly didn’t want to stay in John’s consciousness field and become John’s puppet! It was merely because John had the Golden Tome in his consciousness field that the soul remnant couldn’t escape! If the soul remnant were to be released at that moment, and it didn’t return to John’s body, all of John’s efforts have been in vain!

Stanlee noticed John’s apprehension and thus said, “Mr. White, the soul is incredibly mysterious. If it’s within you, I can’t manipulate it. However, rest assured, even if that soul remnant leaves your body, it cannot escape this place. Within these four crucibles, the substance being burned was none other than soul flower pollen. It took over a thousand years to gather this amount. The lingering soul, steeped in the fumes of soul flower pollen, might just be able to regain some of its memories. Should you leave this room, the soul remnant will quickly dissipate, so Mr. White, you can rest assured.”

Upon hearing Stanlee speak in that manner, John finally felt a bit more at ease!

“Young man,” the elder said.

“Since I have agreed to reside within you, I will not flee. If you truly assist me in regaining my memory, I will also bestow upon you a great opportunity.” The elderly spirit spoke within John’s consciousness field!

“All right, you’ve just heard it yourself. Don’t even think about escaping from here, or else your soul remnant will dissipate, and you will truly vanish forever.” John spoke to the old man!

“Don’t worry, even though I’ve lost my memory, I’m not foolish.” The elder was growing somewhat impatient! He too wished to regain his memory quickly so he could understand why he was trapped in a decrepit cave!

John released his spiritual awareness, allowing the elder’s soul remnant to depart from the body! Upon seeing the appearance of the soul remnant, Stanlee was taken aback, his face full of disbelief!

“This… How does this soul remnant still bear shackles? Are there still chains in this world that can bind a spirit?” Stanlee was utterly perplexed. After all, the soul was a spiritual entity, and aside from arcane arrays, there was no way to trap it!

“Mr. Stark, could you please unlock these shackles for him first?” John asked!

“Let me give it a try. I’ve never encountered this before, a soul remnant bound in chains. It seemed that whoever sealed him intended to ensure he could never be reincarnated and even wanted him to endure endless torment. What kind of deep-seated hatred could lead someone to shackle even a soul?” Stanlee exclaimed with deep emotion.

“Once I regain my memory and find out who tormented me, I will make sure they pay back a hundredfold!” the elder scoffed coldly!

“Even if you’ve regained your memory, you’re still nothing more than a mere soul. Since they were able to kill you and even shackle your soul, it proves that they are more powerful than you. You should focus on how you’re going to repay me in the future!” John couldn’t help but give the old man a disdainful glance! In such a state, the soul remnant was still contemplating revenge.

“Rest assured, even though I’ve lost my memory, my strength is not something a minor Tribulator cultivator like you can compare to. As long as I regain my memory, helping you advance to Ultimate Realm will not be a problem!” The elder spoke with great confidence!

“Upon ascending to Ultimate Realm, what need would I have for you? What I require is your assistance in the celestial realm. Once we reach there, you can serve as my advisor.” If John was only focused on advancing to Ultimate Realm, he didn’t need to pay any attention to the old man! As long as there were sufficient resources, John could definitely ascend to Ultimate Realm!

Upon hearing John’s somewhat exaggerated claims, the elder scoffed, “What’s this? You’ve just achieved Tribulator cultivation level, and you’re already thinking about the celestial realm? Do you really believe you can ascend to immortality? Even though I have lost my memory, I know that among the mortal cultivators, even if they practiced for thousands of years, only a handful could ascend to the celestial realm. Even though you, young man, indeed possess an extraordinary and incredibly robust physique, are you so certain that you can ascend to the celestial realm?”

John threatened the old man, saying, “Whether I can ascend or not, it’s no longer your concern. Don’t forget, you are now my captive. If you displease me, I can scatter your soul to the winds, making you disappear forever…”

“You…” Although the old man was dissatisfied, he dared not say anything more. After all, what John said was true! At that moment, he was merely a soul remnant. John could obliterate him at any moment, causing him to vanish forever!

Seeing that John was about to start arguing with the old man, Stanlee quickly intervened, “Perhaps I should first remove the shackles from this elder!”

Observing the faintly discernible soul remnant, Stanlee dared not to be the slightest bit careless. Subsequently, with a wave of his hand, a large amount of green smoke swirled around the old man’s soul remnant! The figure of the elder gradually became clear, and on his withered face, two large eyes shone with exceptional brightness!

As the green smoke grew thicker, the old man’s soul remnant began to struggle fiercely. His once distinct form gradually became more and more blurred!

Upon seeing the situation, John hurriedly asked, “Mr. Stark, what’s going on? Please, don’t let him die.”

“Mr. White, the shackles on this soul remnant are not tangible, but rather, they are illusory. They confine the soul remnant, preventing it from breaking free. Therefore, if you wish to remove these shackles, you must strike directly at the heart of the soul remnant!” Stanlee explained to John.

“Are you suggesting that this shackle never existed, but was merely a figment of imagination?” John exclaimed with a face full of shock!

“Yes, it should be like this, just as if someone was suffering from delusions, imagining that they were being pursued. As a result, they were caught in an endless flight, even though in reality, no one was after them. However, in their world, the pursuit was a genuine existence. It’s only through my careful observation just now that I made the discovery!”

Stanlee was meticulously explaining things to John! In an instant, John had a moment of realization. After all, a soul remnant was a spiritual entity, and to think of binding it with physical shackles was clearly somewhat impossible!

During the time John was conversing with Stanlee, a sudden flash of green light sparkled amidst the dense green smoke! Accompanied by streaks of green light piercing through the old man’s soul remnant, the elder let out a series of low growls! Quickly, the shackles on the old man’s soul remnant began to fade away. Along with the disappearance of those shackles, an aura began to emanate and rise from the old man’s body! Even if it was just a wisp of a soul remnant, the aura emanating from the old man left John and Stanlee in utter shock!

“Which grand demon lord from the celestial realm is this?” Stanlee exclaimed with a face full of shock. After all, a soul remnant that emanated such an aura could not possibly be a fallen cultivator from the celestial realm!

Just as John and Stanlee were astounded by the aura of the old man’s soul remnant, a sudden beastly roar echoed out!

Stanlee was taken aback. “Where did that sound come from?”

John was taken aback. He hadn’t even reacted when, astonishingly, the Celestial Devourer had escaped from his storage ring on its own! Only the Celestial Devourer could freely enter and exit the storage ring without John’s mental summoning!

“What… What kind of monster is this?”

Upon seeing the Celestial Devourer, Stanlee was instantly taken aback! He was still unaware that it was precisely because of the Celestial Devourer that he had survived the lightning tribulation, thereby extending his lifespan!

“Mr. Stark, don’t be afraid, this is the Celestial Devourer, it won’t harm you!” John hurriedly explained, but he was also quite curious. Why did the Celestial Devourer suddenly come out?

John was taken aback as he saw the Devouring Beast heading toward the old man’s soul remnant. The Celestial Devourer had the ability to consume everything. If it were to swallow the old man’s soul remnant, it would be the end!

“Little one, come back!” John roared, but it seemed as though the Devouring Beast was completely ignoring his words!

Upon seeing the Celestial Devourer, the old man’s soul remnant was momentarily taken aback. He then extended his hand, astonishingly caressing the Celestial Devourer! The Celestial Devourer lay docile on the ground, making no move to attack the old man’s soul remnant! That scene left John utterly dumbfounded!

“Such a familiar scent. This beast’s aura is so familiar…” the old man muttered to himself! Celestial Devourer extended its tongue, ready to lick the elder. However, it found that it couldn’t touch him at all. The elder was a soul remnant. Although visible, he was untouchable!

Stanlee also noticed that the Celestial Devourer seemed very familiar with the old man, so he curiously asked, “Mr. White, it seems like your spirit beast is quite familiar with this elder!”

John didn’t utter a word. Instead, he was intently watching the Celestial Devourer following the old man! Suddenly, it seemed as if John had thought of something, his face filled with shock as he exclaimed, “Could it be that you are the Vermilion Demon Lord from level nine celestial realm? The Celestial Devourer is your mount, which is why you found it familiar. Moreover, the Celestial Devourer is also accustomed to your aura, which is why it emerged from the storage ring after your aura burst forth!”

John recalled the time when he was in the Celestial Battlefield when he encountered Fire Spirit Lord. Fire Spirit Lord had mentioned that the Celestial Devourer was the mount of Vermilion Demon Lord. However, there had been no signs of Vermilion Demon Lord ever visiting Ethereal Realm. Thus, how could the beast core of the Celestial Devourer appear in Ethereal Realm? It seemed that Vermilion Demon Lord had been slain by someone. His residual spirit was suppressed and trapped within Demonia Mountain, specifically in a cave. It was safe to assume that his mount, the Celestial Devourer, must have also met its end!

The beast egg that John received was likely laid by the Celestial Devourer just before its death. By a stroke of fate, it ended up in John’s possession! It was clear that Vermilion Demon Lord had been suppressed beneath Demonia Mountain, likely before the Celestial Battle had taken place. From that perspective, it seemed that the legend of Demonia Mountain must indeed be true.

Vermilion Demon Lord must be the great demon who, according to legend, was suppressed under Demonia Mountain! As for the true extent of Vermilion Demon Lord’s power, John had no idea as Fire Spirit Lord had never mentioned it to him! However, living in the level nine celestial realm, one’s strength would certainly not be weak!

“Vermilion Demon Lord? What kind of demon is this, Mr. White? I’ve never heard of it before…” Curiously, Stanlee asked! The old man himself looked utterly bewildered.

“You say I am the Vermilion Demon Lord, living in the level nine celestial realm? How did you know?” The elder couldn’t recall who he was. Upon hearing the name “Vermilion Demon Lord,” he found it utterly unfamiliar!

“It was during the Celestial Battlefield when I heard a person named Fire Spirit Lord say that the Celestial Devourer was your mount. Since the Celestial Devourer is so close to you, you must be Vermilion Demon Lord!” John recounted the events he had heard to the elder!

The elder pondered for a moment, but it seemed as if he couldn’t recall anything. Consequently, he shook his head and said, “I don’t know who Fire Spirit Lord is, nor do I know who I am!”

After he finished speaking, his aura gradually receded. The Celestial Devourer circled around the old man’s soul remnant once, then swiftly returned to the storage ring of John!

“Mr. Stark, you should restore his memory first. Once his memory is restored, everything will be understood!” John was growing rather impatient! If the old man was indeed Vermilion Demon Lord, a great demon living in the level nine celestial realm, then for John, it was indeed a cause for great joy! In the consciousness field, there lived a formidable demon. Would John still fear that he wouldn’t be able to make his way into the celestial realm in the future?

“All right, I’ll give it a try…” Stanlee nodded, but at that moment, he had absolutely no idea what was going on! Knowing that the other party was a great demon lord descended from the celestial realm, even if it was just a soul remnant, helping them regain their memory was not an easy task!

“Sir, I’m going to help you regain your memory. The process might be a bit uncomfortable, so I hope you can bear with it. Please, whatever you do, don’t lose your temper!”

Upon learning the identity of the old man, Stanlee became even more humble. After all, the old man was a great demon lord from the celestial realm! If he truly offended the old man, then his Soul Demon Sect would be gone!

“Come at me if you wish. I’m not as delicate as you think.” Vermilion Demon Lord nodded and spoke!

The sight of Stanlee was one of solemnity, his hands forming numerous complex incantations. Subsequently, the surrounding green smoke transformed into thin threads. As Stanlee’s hand fell, countless threads began to burrow toward the head of Vermilion Demon Lord! The soul remnant of Vermilion Demon Lord trembled gently, as a series of eerie cries echoed! Immediately following, a faint blue aura formed at the fingertips of Stanlee.

As this light blue aura entered the soul remnant of Vermilion Demon Lord, the trembling of the Demon Lord intensified! Quickly, cold sweat filled the forehead of Stanlee, his eyes bulging out like alarm bells!

Boom! Suddenly, the soul remnant of the Vermilion Demon Lord erupted in a golden radiance, instantly shattering all of Stanlee’s aura. The immense force sent Stanlee flying backwards!

“Mr. Stark!” Seeing the situation, John hurriedly stepped forward to help Stanlee up!

At that moment, Stanlee’s face was pale, his body weak as he said, “His power is too terrifying. Even if only a soul remnant remains, he still possesses the ability to counterattack automatically. I’m afraid my cultivation level is insufficient to help him regain his memory! If we could find someone stronger, someone who understands the soul, perhaps they could help him regain his memory…”

Upon hearing that, John was momentarily at a loss for words. Where on earth could he find someone more powerful than Vermilion Demon Lord? Even if he ascended to the celestial realm at that moment, it was likely that he wouldn’t encounter someone as powerful as the Vermilion Demon Lord for quite some time. After all, that was a person who lived in the level nine of celestial realm.

“It seemed that all there was left to do was to wait patiently.” With a sense of helplessness, John glanced at Vermilion Demon Lord. Originally, John had hoped to help Vermilion Demon Lord recover lost memory as it would have been a great assistance to him! However, it seemed there was no one to rely on, only himself!

Seeing the look on John’s face, Vermilion Demon Lord knew what he was thinking. Thus, he said, “Even if I don’t regain my memory, there are some things that are innate to me, enough for you to learn, young man. I won’t be living in your consciousness field for nothing. Look at your disappointed face!”

“Now that you’re free from your shackles, perhaps you’ll gradually recall some things. Just stay at ease within my consciousness field!” After John finished speaking, his spiritual sense enveloped the soul remnant of Vermilion

Demon Lord, and then once again, he returned it to his own consciousness field! “Mr. White, I’m truly sorry that I wasn’t able to assist you…” Stanlee spoke to John with a hint of embarrassment!

“Mr. Stark, you’ve already helped me a great deal. I’ve been a bother at Soul Demon Sect for many days. It’s time for me to leave!” Since the memory of the Vermilion Demon Lord could not be restored, there was no need for John to stay in Soul Demon Sect any longer. He had to find the Demonia Stone to help Old-Geezer with physical body restoration.

“Mr. White, the depths of Demonia Mountain are fraught with danger and utterly lawless. Moreover, you are currently under a Decree of Execution from the Demon Sealing Alliance. I suspect many people are out to take your life! My Soul Demon Sect is still relatively safe. Why not stay a bit longer, Mr. White?” Stanlee spoke to John!

“Mr. Stark, the reason I ventured deep into the heart of Demonia Mountain was not only to investigate the Demon Devouring Cave but also to accomplish a task of greater importance to search for the Demonia Stone.” John revealed his purpose!

“Demonia Stone?” Stanlee was taken aback. “Mr. White, the Demonia Stone is used for reconstructing the physical body. I’m not sure what you need it for? Didn’t I already help your friend reconstruct his physical body? Besides, your friend’s cultivation level is too low. He doesn’t even need the Demonia Stone. Only cultivators who have reached the Tribulator cultivation level or above need to use the Demonia Stone to reconstruct their physical bodies. This allows them to maintain the robustness of their bodies to the greatest extent, preventing their physical bodies from becoming too weak and mismatched with their cultivation level, which could lead to a decrease in power or damage to their physical bodies.” Stanlee was explaining the use of the Demonia Stone to John, under the impression that John was unaware of it!

John followed up with Stanlee, ‘saying, “Mr. Stark, I understand. I’m seeking the Demonia Stone for another friend. He has now taken over a body, but it has limited his power. Therefore, he wishes to rebuild his physical form and must find the Demonia Stone. My friend must certainly be at a level beyond Tribulator. As for the exact level he could reach, I’m not quite sure…”

Upon hearing that, Stanlee couldn’t help but give a bitter smile. “Mr. White, just how many friends do you have who are left with nothing but their soul bodies? And each one is of a higher realm than the last…”

John was also helpless. Both Daddy-O and Old-Geezer were only soul remnants. Only Baal had his body. However, John had no idea where Baal had disappeared to! John bowed respectfully toward Stanlee and spoke!

“Mr. Stark, it is my duty to fulfill the tasks entrusted to me by others. Since my friend has asked me to find the Demonia Stone, I must go and search for it. Therefore, I must take my leave!”

“Mr. White,” Stanlee said. “The Demonia Stone from that day is an extremely precious item. Moreover, in the entire celestial realm, only in the depths of Demonia Mountain can one find such a stone. It is very hard to locate.”

“I know it won’t be easy, but I have to search nonetheless. I firmly believed that as long as I put in the effort, I would eventually find it.” John spoke with great confidence!

Upon seeing John’s determination to find the Demonia Stone, Stanlee fell silent for a moment before saying, “Mr. White, I know where the Demonia Stone is.”

Upon hearing that, John immediately exclaimed excitedly, “Mr. Stark, where can we find the Demonia Stone?”

“Hundreds of kilometers to the southwest from here, there existed a place known as Demonia Sect. Rumor has it that ever since Demonia Mountain came into existence, Demonia Sect had always thrived there. Therefore, it was certain that within Demonia Sect, one would find the Demonia Stone. I have some connections with Demonia Sect. There were times when people from Demonia Sect asked us in Soul Demon Sect to rebuild a few disciples, so we’ve always maintained contact. I could give it a try, see if I can obtain a piece of Demonia Stone for you, Mr. White. However, the Demonia Stone is incredibly precious, so I can’t be sure that Demonia Sect will definitely give it up. All we can do is try our luck,” Stanlee said!

“Mr. Stark, I truly cannot thank you enough. I can accompany you to Demonia Sect. When the time comes, I can exchange spirit coins, resources, or other treasures.” John was extremely pleased.

As long as he knew where the Demonia Stone was, that was all he needed! With that, John no longer needed to search aimlessly. Regardless of the cost, John was determined to get his hands on the Demonia Stone!

“Mr. White, given your current status, it’s not suitable for you to show up in public. I think it’s best for you to wait at my Soul Demon Sect!” suggested Stanlee. John was a walking repository of resources. Among those who had received the Decree of Execution from Demon Seal Alliance, there were hardly a few who could resist being tempted upon seeing John!

“Mr. Stark, there’s no need to worry,” John reassured. “I have the Impersonation Technique. A simple change of appearance will suffice!”

As John spoke, his figure rapidly transformed, quickly morphing into a middle-aged man with a beard! Upon seeing the situation, Stanlee could only nod in agreement with John!
Chapter 3658 Demonia Stone....

Stanlee briefly arranged the affairs of the sect, then, accompanied by John, he prepared to head toward Demonia Sect! Trent, Tessa, and Fitz had also followed along on the journey!

“Master, Demonia Sect has always kept its distance from other sects. Won’t we meet with a rebuff if we try to demand the Demonia Stone from them?” Trent hadn’t even set off yet, and he was already speaking in such a disheartened manner! In truth, Stanlee knew he wasn’t certain, but even if there was a sliver of hope, he had to give it a try. It was far better than John aimlessly searching for the Demonia Stone

“Even if there’s a one in ten thousand chance, we should still give it a try!” said Stanlee.

“If Demonia Sect refuses to give it, I can exchange it with something else!” John also began to speak! John would never take something for nothing. In his storage ring, he still had plenty of mystical herbs and spiritual stones among other resources. He could trade those!

“Exchange? Do you know how precious that Demonic Stone is? It isn’t something that could be traded for just any item,” Trent coldly huffed!

Ever since Fitz reshaped his physical form and started to act affectionately with Tessa, Trent’s attitude toward John had been undergoing changes! Deep within him, resentment toward John began to grow. If it hadn’t been for John bringing Fitz’s soul remnant, he and Tessa would still be childhood friends. He had already decided to propose to Tessa, envisioning a wonderful future where they would cultivate together. However, with John’s arrival, all of that turned into mere illusions!

John was still unaware that due to the issues between Fitz and Tessa, Trent had surprisingly begun to harbor resentment toward him!

At that moment, Tessa began to speak! “Master, do you still remember the promise made by Demonia Sect? They vowed that whoever could obtain their cultivation technique secret scrolls would be rewarded with the Demonia Stone, didn’t they?”

Stanlee waved his hand and said, “Of course I remember, but that was an impossible task. Over the past six months, countless experts have tried and failed. It’s simply unachievable, so don’t dwell on it anymore.”

John asked curiously, “Stanlee, what’s the story behind Demonia Sect promising the Demonia Stone?”

“Mr. White, half a year ago, a highly skilled individual was wronged by Demonia Sect. It was said that this individual went to Demonia Sect in search of the Demonia Stone. However, not only did the sect refuse to give it, but they also attacked this individual! As a result, he provoked a master, who punished him severely. The master directly threw Demonia Sect’s cultivation technique secret scrolls into a mountain cave and even set up a prohibition. He also took away a Demonia Stone. Demonia Sect had exhausted all their efforts, but they were unable to extract the cultivation technique secret scrolls. Eventually, they had no choice but to offer Demonia Stone as a reward to any expert who could help them retrieve the cultivation technique secret scrolls. At first, many people tried their luck, including some top-tier experts who had transcended tribulations. However, all of them returned in failure. Now, half a year has passed, and no one even mentions it anymore. Our Soul Demon Sect established contact with Demonia Sect around that time. The expert had slain several disciples of Demonia Sect, but he did not annihilate them completely. Instead, he left their souls intact. Demonia Sect then found us and asked us to reconstruct physical bodies for their disciples, enabling several of them to be reborn. Mr. White, it’s best not to dwell on the matter of Demonia Sect granting the Demonia Stone. If Demonia Sect truly disrespects us, I can have the disciples of Soul Demon Sect assist Mr. White in finding the Demonia Stone!” Stanlee followed up with a detailed explanation for John!

“Thank you,” John said with a slight smile! If Top Level Tribulator cultivators couldn’t handle it, John didn’t dwell on it. His strength at that moment was still not on par with those people, after all. When John was accompanying Stanlee and his group to Demonia Sect, hundreds of kilometers away on a mountain ridge, Tyler and Pablo were in search of the Demonia Stone! The two individuals had been searching painstakingly for several days, yet they still hadn’t found a trace of the Demonia Stone. That was causing Tyler to lose his patience!
Chapter 3659 Demonia Stone....

Tyler’s face was filled with anger as he looked at Pablo and asked, “Damn it, Demonia Mountain is so vast. Where on earth are we supposed to find the Demonia Stone? Do you even know where the Demonia Stone is located?”

Pablo wore a mournful expression, cautiously saying, “I… I only know the general direction. It should be around here…”

Previously, Pablo was nothing more than an obscure, independent cultivator, with limited knowledge about Demonia Mountain! How could he possibly know the exact location of the Demonia Stone?

Tyler waited for Pablo and asked sternly, “We’ve been searching for so many days, yet we haven’t even found a trace of the Demonia Stone. Could it be that you made up this Demonia Stone just to deceive me?”

Tyler was completely ignorant about Demonia Mountain, let alone the existence of the Demonia Stone. All of that information came from Pablo! It was not entirely impossible that Pablo had fabricated the existence of the Demonia Stone for his own protection!

“No, I would never lie to you, I swear. Everything I’ve said is true. The Demonia Stone really exists!” Upon seeing Tyler’s fierce glare directed at him, Pablo was so frightened that he was on the verge of tears!

“Regardless of whether it’s true or not, I no longer wish to search. My breakthrough is imminent. As long as I absorb the death energy within you, I can advance to Ultimate Realm. After I break through to Ultimate Realm, I’ll find an opportunity to reconstruct my physical body. For now, I’ll make do with this old man’s body!”

Tyler had lost his patience and no longer wished to search. After he finished speaking, his gaze, filled with murderous intent, turned toward Pablo! Pablo was panicked. He could distinctly feel Tyler’s murderous intent!

Pablo’s face was as pale as a sheet, pleading loudly, “Please, don’t kill me, I… I know where the Demonia Stone is!”

“I don’t want to know anymore…” After Tyler finished speaking, the aura around him gradually intensified, beginning to envelop Pablo! Suddenly, Pablo remembered Demonia Sect, and so he exclaimed loudly!

“I truly know! Demonia Sect! There must be a Demonia Stone within Demonia Sect. We could go to Demonia Sect to find it!”

“Demonia Sect?” Tyler was taken aback!

Pablo seemed to have grasped at a lifeline, exclaiming loudly, “Indeed, Demonia Sect. This sect has existed since the time of Demonia Mountain, making it the oldest sect on the mountain. They surely possess the Demonia Stone.”

“Even if the Demonia Stone lies in Demonia Sect, would they really give it to me?” Tyler was incredulous. The Demonia Stone was so precious. Why would anyone give it to him? Moreover, Tyler really didn’t want to fight at that time. Even though he had already reached Top Level Tribulator, he was on the verge of breaking through to Ultimate Realm! However, his physical body was truly too frail. If a real fight were to break out and his body were to be destroyed, it would be a real problem! Moreover, Tyler had no idea about the actual strength of the Demonia Sect.

“Indeed, Demonia Sect has always been eager to obtain their cultivation technique secret scrolls. As long as you can help Demonia Sect acquire it, they would not only reward you with one Demonia Stone, but I suspect they would even give ten.” Pablo thoroughly recounted the affairs of Demonia Sect to Tyler!

After hearing everything, Tyler pondered for a brief moment before nodding and saying, “All right, we’ll go to Demonia Sect. However, you better not be deceiving me, or I won’t let you off easily!”

“I dare not, absolutely dare not!” Pablo wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, letting out a long sigh of relief. His life, at least for that period, was finally safe! Demonia Sect was a sect that had been established for thousands of years. Ever since the existence of Demonia Mountain, Demonia Sect had always resided deep within it!

Although the disciples of Demonia Sect were all Demonic Cultivators, they were not affected by the Celestial Battle! The Demonic Sect never formed alliances. They always resided in the deepest, most treacherous part of the Demonic Mountain. The entire sect depended on the resources of the Demonic Mountain for their cultivation! With the onset of the Celestial Battle, the demons suffered heavy losses. Following that, Demonia Mountain became a sanctuary for the demon clan!
Chapter 3660 Demonia Sect

Therefore, numerous demonic cultivators flocked to Demonia Mountain for survival. Unbeknownst to them, this began to squeeze the living space of Demonia Sect! Especially in recent centuries, the periphery of Demonia Mountain had been occupied by various major demon clans and human families, forming a certain alliance. That caused the resources of Demonia Sect to become increasingly scarce. Coupled with the fact that the sect’s secret techniques were thrown into the mountain cave and could not be retrieved, Demonia Sect was plunged into a great crisis! If things continued in this manner, Demonia Sect would gradually fade away. Perhaps, in the future, there would be no trace of Demonia Sect left in Ethereal Realm!

“Alas, could this be fate? Is heaven seeking to annihilate my Demonia Sect?”

At the entrance of the mountain cave, Nolan, the master of Demonia Sect, had once roared toward the heavens! In front of Nolan, more than a dozen people lay scattered haphazardly. All of them were disciples of Demonia Sect, who had entered the cave to retrieve the cultivation technique secret scrolls! However many entered, in the end, they were all sent flying out, each one severely injured!

Nolan had no idea how many disciples he had sent to try, but the results were always the same! In the past, experts who had rushed over from various places ended up being directly knocked out.

An elder approached, advising Nolan in earnest, “Mr. Zhang, we should give up. Our disciples within the sect are all injured now. We can’t try any further.”

A look of melancholy filled Nolan’s eyes as two lines of clear tears slowly trickled down. “I have failed our ancestors. I have failed the forefathers of our Demonia Sect. Our sect has withstood thousands of years, yet I never imagined it would crumble under my watch. You asked why I was so foolish back then, insisting on challenging that master. If I had given him a Demonia Stone at that time, things wouldn’t have turned out this way. Today, I’m determined to retrieve the cultivation technique secret scrolls personally. If I can’t succeed, then let my death serve as my apology…”

After Nolan finished speaking, he was about to rush into the cave! “Mr. Zhang, please don’t do anything foolish. If anything were to happen to you, our Demonia Sect would truly be finished.” The elder clung tightly to Nolan, pleading loudly!

The other disciples from Demonia Sect also rushed over, subsequently escorting Nolan back into the grand hall of the sect!

At that moment, a disciple from Demonia Sect stepped forward to report, “Mr. Zhang, two individuals have arrived outside, claiming they are here to help us retrieve the cultivation technique secret scrolls.”

Nolan remained silent, his eyes slightly closed. For the past six months, people had been coming to Demonia Sect from time to time, attempting to reclaim the cultivation technique secret scrolls. However, all had ended in failure! Thus, by then Nolan had already given up all hope!

The elder waved his hand and said, “Why bother reporting such trivial matters? Just take them directly to the cave and tell them their fate is in their own hands. It has nothing to do with us, Demonia Sect!”

At that moment, Nolan was in a bad mood, so there was no need to bother him with such trivial matters!

“As you command!” The disciple from Demonia Sect turned and left!

At that moment, outside the grand entrance of Demonia Sect, Pablo was accompanying Tyler, waiting to report!

Quickly, the disciple from Demonia Sect returned, addressing the two of them, “Come with me.” Pablo and Tyler followed the disciple of Demonia Sect toward the cave!

The disciple from Demonia Sect explained, “The cultivation technique secret scrolls of our Demonia Sect are contained within this mountain cave. You all are welcome to venture in and try them out. However, any issues that arise are not the responsibility of our Demonia Sect!”

Pablo and Tyler stared at the dark cave in front of them, then began to scrutinize it carefully! Tyler was even more so, releasing his spiritual sense, wanting to explore the situation within the mountain cave. However, as soon as his spiritual sense reached the entrance of the cave, it seemed as if it was blocked by a force!

“It seems there are some things in this cave. I’ll go in and take a look. You wait outside…” Tyler spoke to Pablo, then proceeded to enter the cave! Accompanied by a flash of light, Tyler’s figure vanished within the cave, leaving not even a whisper of sound behind!
Chapter 3660 Demonia Sect

Therefore, numerous demonic cultivators flocked to Demonia Mountain for survival. Unbeknownst to them, this began to squeeze the living space of Demonia Sect! Especially in recent centuries, the periphery of Demonia Mountain had been occupied by various major demon clans and human families, forming a certain alliance. That caused the resources of Demonia Sect to become increasingly scarce. Coupled with the fact that the sect’s secret techniques were thrown into the mountain cave and could not be retrieved, Demonia Sect was plunged into a great crisis! If things continued in this manner, Demonia Sect would gradually fade away. Perhaps, in the future, there would be no trace of Demonia Sect left in Ethereal Realm!

“Alas, could this be fate? Is heaven seeking to annihilate my Demonia Sect?”

At the entrance of the mountain cave, Nolan, the master of Demonia Sect, had once roared toward the heavens! In front of Nolan, more than a dozen people lay scattered haphazardly. All of them were disciples of Demonia Sect, who had entered the cave to retrieve the cultivation technique secret scrolls! However many entered, in the end, they were all sent flying out, each one severely injured!

Nolan had no idea how many disciples he had sent to try, but the results were always the same! In the past, experts who had rushed over from various places ended up being directly knocked out.

An elder approached, advising Nolan in earnest, “Mr. Zhang, we should give up. Our disciples within the sect are all injured now. We can’t try any further.”

A look of melancholy filled Nolan’s eyes as two lines of clear tears slowly trickled down. “I have failed our ancestors. I have failed the forefathers of our Demonia Sect. Our sect has withstood thousands of years, yet I never imagined it would crumble under my watch. You asked why I was so foolish back then, insisting on challenging that master. If I had given him a Demonia Stone at that time, things wouldn’t have turned out this way. Today, I’m determined to retrieve the cultivation technique secret scrolls personally. If I can’t succeed, then let my death serve as my apology…”

After Nolan finished speaking, he was about to rush into the cave! “Mr. Zhang, please don’t do anything foolish. If anything were to happen to you, our Demonia Sect would truly be finished.” The elder clung tightly to Nolan, pleading loudly!

The other disciples from Demonia Sect also rushed over, subsequently escorting Nolan back into the grand hall of the sect!

At that moment, a disciple from Demonia Sect stepped forward to report, “Mr. Zhang, two individuals have arrived outside, claiming they are here to help us retrieve the cultivation technique secret scrolls.”

Nolan remained silent, his eyes slightly closed. For the past six months, people had been coming to Demonia Sect from time to time, attempting to reclaim the cultivation technique secret scrolls. However, all had ended in failure! Thus, by then Nolan had already given up all hope!

The elder waved his hand and said, “Why bother reporting such trivial matters? Just take them directly to the cave and tell them their fate is in their own hands. It has nothing to do with us, Demonia Sect!”

At that moment, Nolan was in a bad mood, so there was no need to bother him with such trivial matters!

“As you command!” The disciple from Demonia Sect turned and left!

At that moment, outside the grand entrance of Demonia Sect, Pablo was accompanying Tyler, waiting to report!

Quickly, the disciple from Demonia Sect returned, addressing the two of them, “Come with me.” Pablo and Tyler followed the disciple of Demonia Sect toward the cave!

The disciple from Demonia Sect explained, “The cultivation technique secret scrolls of our Demonia Sect are contained within this mountain cave. You all are welcome to venture in and try them out. However, any issues that arise are not the responsibility of our Demonia Sect!”

Pablo and Tyler stared at the dark cave in front of them, then began to scrutinize it carefully! Tyler was even more so, releasing his spiritual sense, wanting to explore the situation within the mountain cave. However, as soon as his spiritual sense reached the entrance of the cave, it seemed as if it was blocked by a force!

“It seems there are some things in this cave. I’ll go in and take a look. You wait outside…” Tyler spoke to Pablo, then proceeded to enter the cave! Accompanied by a flash of light, Tyler’s figure vanished within the cave, leaving not even a whisper of sound behind!
John is late everytime
Chapter 3661......

Deep within Demonia Mountain, Stanlee reminded John, “Mr. White, we will reach Demonia Sect after a short walk from here. Once we get there, try your best not to reveal your aura. I fear that if someone recognizes your identity, it might cause unnecessary trouble!”

“Okay!” John nodded in agreement!

In reality, John knew that even if he revealed his aura, no one from Demonia Sect would be able to recognize his true identity. After all, he had never interacted with anyone from the sect, so no one was familiar with his aura! Only those familiar with him could discern his identity from his aura. Since John had altered his appearance, those unfamiliar with him couldn’t recognize him at all!

At that moment, Fitz suddenly reminded, “Mr. White, it seemed like there was someone ahead?” Upon hearing that, John tilted his head to listen more closely. Indeed, he could hear the sound of people conversing not far ahead!

Throughout this journey, John refrained from using his spiritual sense in order to avoid detection, which resulted in him not realizing there were people ahead of time!

“What should we do? Should we take a detour?” Tessa asked.

Stanlee waved his hand and said, “No need. Our Soul Demon Sect has no grudges or grievances with others. Even if we encounter people, it won’t be a problem.”

John had altered his appearance. As long as he didn’t reveal his aura, he wouldn’t be recognized! After they had walked a bit further, they could clearly see five people approaching them, all talking and laughing! After the two parties met, they were all momentarily taken aback! It turned out that the leader of the opposing side was none other than Stephen, who had deceitfully taken Demonia Dragon Ginseng from Soul Demon Sect!

Upon seeing Stephen, the expression on Stanlee’s face instantly turned grim, and Tessa’s eyes widened in anger! Even Stephen hadn’t expected to encounter Stanlee here. After a moment of surprise, he quickly smiled and said, “So it’s Stanlee! It seems you’ve fully recovered. Congratulations! I didn’t expect to run into you here…”

Stanlee stared at Stephen, his heart already ablaze with rage. He wished he could stride forward and slap Stephen to death with a single blow! However, upon seeing the four Tribulator cultivators behind Stephen, Stanlee still managed to suppress his rage!

“Dr. Livingstone, what a coincidence indeed. My recovery, isn’t it all thanks to your skilled hands?”

Stanlee managed to squeeze out a faint smile as he spoke! A hint of skepticism was clearly visible in the eyes of Stephen when he heard that. He knew that Stanlee was essentially on the verge of death and recovery was simply impossible. However, it appeared that Stanlee was indeed all right, which left him utterly perplexed!

Although puzzled, Stephen nevertheless smiled and said, “It’s my honor to be able to assist Stanlee. I have other matters to attend to, so I won’t disturb you any longer, Stanlee.”

After Stephen finished speaking, he left with his people. It was clear to see that guy was feeling quite guilty at the moment! Stanlee watched as Stephen led his people away, making no move to stop them!

Upon seeing Stephen leaving with someone, and the fact that Stanlee did not stop them, Tessa expressed her confusion.

“Master, this guy is a big fraudster. He deceived us all. How could you let him go? We should have exposed him on the spot!”

“Our top priority is to assist Mr. White in finding the Demonia Stone. That is the main task. Besides, that guy is accompanied by four Sixth Level Tribulator cultivators. If a fight were to break out, it’s hard to say who would be at a disadvantage.” Stanlee spoke to Tessa!

Upon seeing the situation, Tessa ceased to speak. However, it was clear that she was still upset inside! If it hadn’t been for the deceitful Stephen luring them into digging up Demonia Dragon Ginseng, they wouldn’t have lost over a dozen of their fellow disciples in vain!

Stanlee patted Tessa’s head, saying, “All right, don’t be angry anymore. Given the chance, I’ll definitely seek revenge against Stephen. Let’s hurry up and leave!” Tessa nodded, and then the group continued on their journey!

Throughout, John had remained silent, knowing that was a time for him to keep a low profile!
Chapter 3662 Trent....

“Master, I have a bit of a stomachache. You all go ahead, I’ll catch up soon!” He had barely taken two steps when Trent suddenly clutched his stomach and spoke.

Stanlee slightly furrowed his brows and said, “Stomachache? Why are you having a sudden stomachache?”

John stepped forward and asked, “Mr. Fowler, do you need me to take a look?”

Trent waved his hand and said, “There’s no need to trouble you, Mr. White. It’s probably just an upset stomach. I’ll be fine after using the restroom. You all go ahead. Don’t worry about me. I’ll catch up shortly.”

Upon seeing that Trent’s condition wasn’t serious, John nodded and said, “Alright then, just remember to catch up with us quickly.” As soon as John and the others left, Trent instantly straightened his body, then turned and chased in the direction Stephen and his group had departed.

After pursuing Stephen and the others, Trent shouted out loud, “Dr. Livingstone, wait a moment…”

Stephen was taken aback, casting a puzzled look at Trent. With a cautious expression, he asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Dr. Livingstone, I have some good news to share with you. I wonder if you would be interested?” Trent said.

“What good news?” Stephen inquired.

“Dr. Livingstone, do you know of a person named John White?” Trent asked.

“John White?” Stephen was momentarily taken aback, then he shook his head.

Behind Stephen, a bearded monk, Marcus Blakovich, hurriedly asked, “Are you referring to John, the one who was sentenced to death by Demon Seal Alliance?”

“Exactly, it’s him!” Trent quickly nodded in agreement.

“What’s going on?” asked Stephen. Marcus hastily recounted the matter of Demon Seal Alliance trying to kill John with its century- long offering to Stephen.

After hearing this, Stephen’s eyes immediately lit up and he exclaimed, “The hundred years offering of Demon Seal Alliance? That’s an enormous resource…”

“Stephen, I presume many people are currently searching everywhere for John. However, I now know where John is,” Trent said.

“Do you?” Stephen gave Trent a glance, then cautiously asked, “Since you know, why didn’t you tell your master and take the hundred-year offering on behalf of Soul Demon Sect, but instead came looking for me? Are you trying to pull some kind of trick? Let me tell you, I am not easily fooled…”

“Dr. Livingstone, you’ve misunderstood, I didn’t come to deceive you. I truly know where John is.”

Subsequently, Trent recounted John’s affairs in meticulous detail. Upon hearing that Stanlee had been aided by John to survive the lightning tribulation and elevate his cultivation level, leading to his recovery, Stephen finally understood. The only way to extend one’s lifespan during the period of decline was to break through one’s cultivation level, for no elixir or special herb would be of any use.

“Why did you feel the need to tell me about this? What benefit does it bring you?” Stephen still hadn’t let down his guard against Trent. After all, for Trent, there was absolutely no benefit in doing so.

“Stephen, I only hope that when you kill John, you would also eliminate that fellow called Fitz who is always by my junior’s side. Once he’s dead, she will no longer think of him.” Trent spoke, his eyes filled with hatred.

Seeing Trent’s expression, Stephen suddenly burst into hearty laughter. “Haha, I understand now. Rest easy. I will kill the man by your junior’s side.”

Stephen laughed heartily and gave Trent a pat on the shoulder. “Stephen, you must never reveal that it was I who told you this. Otherwise, my master will not spare me,” Trent earnestly reminded Stephen.

“Rest assured, how could I possibly betray you after receiving such a generous gift from you?” Stephen said with a laugh.

Upon receiving Stephen’s reassurances, Trent felt at ease. Consequently, he quickly turned around and ran after John and the others. And so, Stephen, accompanied by four cultivators, set off to intercept John and his companions up ahead.
Chapter 3663 Trent stomach upset

After a good while, when Stanlee saw that Trent had finally caught up, he loudly reprimanded him, “What took you so long? Why did it take you half a day to catch up?”

“Master, I’m feeling a bit of a stomach upset,” Trent nervously explained, his eyes constantly darting around the surroundings. He wanted to see if Stephen and his team had managed to catch up! However, after walking for a while, Trent did not spot any sign of Stephen and his companions, which inevitably led to his growing frustration.

At that moment, on the path that John and his companions had to take, Stephen was setting up an arcane array with those four cultivators.

“To ensure our plan is successful, I have no choice but to utilize the expensive arcane array charm I purchased. However, capturing John will make these losses worthwhile.”

Stephen held the arcane array charm in his hand. Despite the reluctance in his heart, he still channeled a stream of spiritual energy into it, beginning to set it up.

“Stephen, we’re talking about Demon Seal Alliance’s hundred year offering. What’s a mere arcane array charm compared to it? However, we must still be cautious. If that young man managed to provoke Demon Seal Alliance into issuing a Decree of Execution, he must certainly be strong,” Marcus said to Stephen.

“Once we lure John into the arcane array, he won’t be able to escape, so don’t worry.” Stephen’s eyes were filled with confidence. He had purchased this array charm at an extremely high price and had always used it as a protective charm. This is more than enough to deal with John!

Just as Stephen and the others had finished setting up the arcane array, John and his group arrived!

“Huh, how did you all end up here?”

Upon seeing Stephen and his companions, Stanlee was instantly stunned. Dr. Livingstone had left in a direction earlier, so could he suddenly appear before us now?

Upon seeing Stephen and his companions, a subtle smile spread across Trent’s face.

Upon seeing Stanlee, Stephen gave a faint smile and said, “Mr. Stark, it truly is fate. I didn’t expect to run into you again!” However, as he spoke, Stephen’s gaze would inadvertently drift toward John. Even the other four cultivators were subtly casting glances at John.

Upon seeing the situation, John’s brows slightly furrowed. Subsequently, his consciousness gradually expanded, and in an instant, he detected spiritual energy fluctuations ahead of them!

“An arcane array had been laid out ahead?” After John expanded his consciousness, he immediately sensed that someone had set up an arcane array ahead, bringing him to alertness.

“Dr. Livingstone, I wonder if you were intentionally waiting for us here, or did we just happen to run into you again?” Stanlee also felt something amiss, as if Stephen had deliberately led his men to wait for them up ahead.

“Why would I purposely wait for you? We were merely chasing a demon beast just now, which is why we ended up here.”

“If you have matters to attend to, feel free to leave. I’m not stopping you,” Stephen said with a smile. Although Stanlee felt that something was amiss, he didn’t say anything more after hearing Stephen’s words. Instead, he continued to lead John and the others forward.

John didn’t utter a word. Instead, he walked straight ahead, leading the way. As they passed by Stephen and his companions, Trent cast a somewhat puzzled glance at Stephen. He couldn’t understand why Stephen wasn’t taking any action.

Just as Trent was confused, a blistering white flash suddenly streaked across. Following that, John, who was right in front of them, vanished in an instant. When the radiance faded, John’s figure reappeared. However, by this time, John’s figure was already within a massive transparent barrier.

“Mr. White…” Upon witnessing this scene, Fitz was taken aback and immediately rushed forward, but he was instantly propelled away by an immense force.

“Mr. White…” Both Stanlee and Tessa were taken aback. The two instinctively wanted to run toward John but were stopped by him.

“Don’t come over,” he warned.

“I’m trapped in an arcane array. If you come over, you’ll be repelled!”

“How did this happen?” Stanlee wore a face full of confusion, unable to comprehend how an arcane array could suddenly appear in such a desolate and wild area.
Chapter 3664......

“Hahaha… I’ve struck it rich, I’ve struck it rich.” Suddenly, Stephen burst into hearty laughter. Even those four Tribulators joined in the hearty laughter, their faces full of elation. The Demon Seal Alliance’s hundred-year offering was a resource so vast it was beyond one’s wildest dreams.

“How lucky are me to manage to get the hundred-year offering of Demon Seal Alliance?” Marcus at John with the same gaze of a predator toward its prey.

Stanlee slightly furrowed his brows, then turned to ask Stephen, “Dr. Livingstone, what is the meaning of this?”

“Stanlee, matters have come to this point, I won’t beat around the bush with you anymore. You’re saying you want to abandon the hundred-year tribute of the Demon-Sealing Alliance, are you out of your mind?”

“No wonder Soul Demon Sect has always been weak. With your rigid mindset, your sect will never be able to prosper,” Stephen mocked Stanlee.

“What is this hundred-year offering of Demon Seal Alliance you’re talking about? I don’t understand what you’re saying.” Stanlee’s heart was filled with tension, but on the surface, he pretended to be completely unaware.

“Hahaha, stop pretending. Isn’t the one trapped in the arcane array now the John White whom Demon Seal Alliance had issued a Decree of Execution on, issuing the hundred- year offering as a reward? Now that we’ve captured him, the hundred-year offering is ours!” Stephen laughed heartily as he spoke.

“You must be mistaken. I heard that John is just over twenty, but this Mr. White is clearly not of the same age!” Stanlee hurriedly explained, hoping he could deceive Stephen and the others.

“Appearances can be altered at will. Do you think I can’t tell as a miracle doctor? John is our only target, so you should take your disciple and leave quickly. I won’t make things difficult for you. But if you intend to stand up for John, don’t blame us for showing no mercy. The few of you are no match for us at all,” Stephen threatened Stanlee.

Stanlee furrowed his brows, glancing at John. He desperately wanted to save John, but their strength simply didn’t allow it. Nevertheless, he couldn’t bear to leave John behind just like that.

At this point, the Stanlee found himself in a dilemma.

“Master, we should leave. Even if we stay, we simply don’t have the ability to rescue Mr. White.” Trent stepped forward, persuading Stanlee. Stanlee glanced at Trent, yet he remained silent.

“Mr. Stark, you should take them and leave. Don’t worry about me, I’ll catch up with you soon.” Upon seeing the situation, John also urged Stanlee to leave with Tessa and the others. Even if they had stayed, they wouldn’t have been much help. In the end, they might even get in John’s way by forcing him to protect them!

“Mr. White, it was you who saved my life. How could I possibly stand by and watch you die without doing anything?” Stanlee said with a furrowed brow.

“Stanlee, I can’t be so easily killed. If I could die that easily, why would the Demon Seal Alliance have issued a Decree of Execution on me?” John gave a faint smile, his face showing no sign of panic.

“Stanlee, we should heed Mr. White’s advice and leave first.” Fitz also began to speak.

Fitz had been with John for such a long time, so he knew John’s capabilities. If they stayed, they might even end up being a burden to the latter.

Upon hearing Fitz’s remarks, Stanlee felt reassured that John would be safe, and thus, he nodded in agreement. After giving Stephen a fierce glare, Stanlee continued to move forward with Tessa and the others.

Fitz followed closely behind, but surprisingly, Stephen and his companions did not attempt to stop him. This left Trent slightly taken aback, he looked at Stephen in confusion, desperately trying to catch Stephen’s attention with his eyes. However, it was as if Stephen hadn’t noticed at all as he completely ignored Trent. Trent was so furious he felt like he was going to burst a vessel, but he dared not show it at that moment.
John will be able to easily overcome this struggle, now he also has vermillion demon lord in his consciousness field. But it might not be easy to deal with Tyler and Pablo combined. Can't wait to see how John is going to deal with them. Even though it is the vermilion demon Lord who helped both Tyler and Pablo to elevate their cultivation level, will be help John to eliminate any one of them or help John to elevate his cultivation leve. Just curious also to know how Stanlee will deal with Trent if he came to know that trent is the one who betrayed John.
John will be able to easily overcome this struggle, now he also has vermillion demon lord in his consciousness field. But it might not be easy to deal with Tyler and Pablo combined. Can't wait to see how John is going to deal with them. Even though it is the vermilion demon Lord who helped both Tyler and Pablo to elevate their cultivation level, will be help John to eliminate any one of them or help John to elevate his cultivation leve. Just curious also to know how Stanlee will deal with Trent if he came to know that trent is the one who betrayed John.
brits.. I started to think that you are actually Tyler 🤔.. you have gone very quiet in a silent mode when Tyler is not actively mentioned in the story but here you are now that Tyler becoming alive again. Is it because you love Tyler so much that he's also a virgin? For me Tyler is more of a pervert than a virgin.. since he took naked photos of Astrid without even touched her a bit 😅. xavier must be happy at that.

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