The Dragon Man's Decree - Translated by GILY

Author: Unknown
Type: Action and Adventure
Posted : 07 October 2023
Status: Ongoing

John White is furious that someone has tried to make an advance on his girlfriend. In the end, he ends up behind bars after his attempt to protect her. Three years later, he is a free man but finds out that that girlfriend of his has married the man who hit on her back then. John will not let things slide. Thankfully, he has learned Focus Technique during his time in prison. At that, he embarks on the journey of cultivation and is accompanied by a gorgeous Miranda. Who would have thought this would enrage his ex-girlfriend?
Chapter 3956 Scream More!

“Red, mind your manners! How can you speak to Mr. Nielsen like that?” Judd quickly reprimanded.

Meanwhile, Arnold’s temper spiked at the insult. “You ungrateful bastard! Continue then if you want to compete!” Arnold got off the arena, reactivating the array.

At that point, Judd and Carla were thrown into a panic.

Titus’s lips curved into a sneer.

“You’re digging your own grave, brat! Since you’re so eager to meet your maker, I’ll be more than happy to oblige!” His hands moved ceaselessly. Wave after wave of intense flames engulfed the entire arena.

John was thrilled, standing still while the flames engulfed him. The more intense this fire source burns, the more of that pale purple flame there seems to be! That way, I can seize the opportunity to try refining this violet fire source.

John let out a cry of agony, yet he was smiling and continuously absorbed the violet flames from the fire source. When his screams carried into Titus’s ears, it sent him into a frenzy of exhilaration.

“Scream more! The louder you scream, the more excited I am!” Glee crossed Titus’s face as he continually stoked the fire source. Judd and Carla were beside themselves with worry as they listened to John’s distressing screams.

“Man, Red really dug his own grave. He’s a rich kid, but why is he so stupid?” Carla sighed. What a pity of a wealthy, young man who captures my interest! It’s unfortunate that he isn’t too bright. With his stubbornness to boot, he’s nothing short of a fool!

With a sigh, Judd started thinking of an explanation to Dario. What was supposed to be a challenge of the inner court disciples had shockingly escalated into a death match. Everyone watched dumbfounded as the fire source engulfed John. Moreover, John’s screams were chilling to the bone. Thirty minutes passed. Then, an hour passed.

An hour and a half later, sweat started to bead on Titus’s forehead, and the flames from the demonic black lotus began to weaken. Yet, John’s agonized cry persisted. So much time had passed, yet he still wouldn’t die and just kept on screaming. Though his cries were heart-wrenching, there wasn’t the slightest hint of it becoming weaker. It was as resonant as ever.

“Ah, I’m dying! It’s too hot! Stop the fire! I’m dying! If this goes on, I’ll turn to ashes!” The only difference was that John’s cries grew more desperate, but astonishingly, Titus’s fire source had weakened. He wished Titus could hold on a little longer so that the fire source didn’t extinguish so quickly.

Titus gritted his teeth, feeling like he was on the verge of losing his sanity. However, at that moment, he didn’t want to give up, for John was clearly on the brink of death. If he gave up then, wouldn’t all his previous efforts be wasted? Thus, Titus gritted his teeth and persevered, but the fire source within him couldn’t hold out much longer. Especially, the violaceus flame. He hadn’t had much time to refine and master it.

The faint purple fire source was nearly extinguished, and the demonic black lotus couldn’t hold on any longer. It was important to note that unleashing the demonic black lotus had a significant backlash on Titus’s body! Such a long time had passed, and Titus’s body had already suffered severe damage by then. After that battle, he would likely need a considerable amount of time to recover. Fuck! This guy’s already half-dead anyway. Even if the fire doesn’t kill him, I can just beat him to death! Titus withdrew his fire source at the thought.

Meanwhile, John still screamed in agony, not noticing that Titus had withdrawn his fire source. Everyone watched as John’s body remained unscathed yet he was writhing and pretending to cry out in agony.

“I’m dying! This fire source is too much! My arm is gone!” John shouted. Titus was utterly dumbfounded at the sight. What’s going on? Despite the risk, I’ve suffered a backlash and even revealed the violaceus flame, but why did Red seem unscathed? Moreover, judging by his behavior, it was clear that he was just putting on an act!
It's good to listen to advice. John is now making me proud 😀😀😀. Thank you Immortal Gily
Chapter 3957 – 3958 Boss! Boss! Boss!

Everyone else was also taken aback, not understanding what was going on. Even if John didn’t burn to death, he should at least be horribly disfigured from the fire, his body covered in countless burns.

Yet, looking at John then, there wasn’t a single injury on him. Even his clothes were perfectly intact. There was not a trace of being scorched.

“Huh? Where did the fire source go?” It took a moment for John to register what was happening. He noticed that the surrounding fire source had died down, waved at Titus, and said, “Don’t stop now. I was almost burnt to a crisp, so keep it coming! Come on! Burn me!”

John challenged Titus provocatively. “Haha! Red is really impressive!” Carla couldn’t help but burst into laughter upon seeing John’s antics. Everyone else couldn’t help but burst into laughter as well. Their gazes fell onto Titus, curious to see what Titus would do next.

“This young man actually showed no fear toward the fire source, no wonder he was so stubborn earlier. Could he be a prodigy in mastering fire cultivation technique?”

Upon seeing that John had been engulfed in flames for quite some time yet remained unscathed, Arnold couldn’t help but express his astonishment. Titus was so infuriated that he spat out a mouthful of blood from John’s provocation. He truly couldn’t comprehend why John was unharmed after using the violaceus flame and even unleashing the demonic black lotus.

“Since you’re not afraid of the fire source, then I’ll use the most primal method to kill you!” Titus leaped and charged at John, his entire being like a sharp sword.

Since John wasn’t afraid of the fire source, there was no need for Titus to use it anymore. Instead, he decided to confront John with the strength of his physical body. He didn’t think John’s physique could withstand his overwhelming strength. It was important to understand that the higher one’s cultivation level, the more tough one’s physical body was. Otherwise, their bodies wouldn’t be able to endure the high cultivation level.

Titus was an Eighth Level Tribulator, naturally, his physical body’s toughness was superior to John, who was only a Fourth Level Tribulator. John’s ability allowed him to compensate with a variety of cultivation techniques. However, the robustness of the physical body was something cultivation techniques couldn’t remedy.

“You want to engage in melee combat with me?” John smirk.

“Since you’re not using the fire source anymore, you don’t need to be standing any longer!” John only let Titus stay in the arena to absorb the violet fire source.

Since Titus was no longer using the fire source, there was no reason to let him show off anymore. Defeating Titus was a cakewalk for John. Facing the rapidly approaching Titus, John stood still until Titus was right before him when he suddenly threw a punch. John’s fist, enveloped in a golden glow, fiercely collided with Titus’s fist.

Boom! A terrifying wave of energy surged in every direction. It was a good thing the array was in place, otherwise, everyone in the vicinity would’ve been in serious trouble. Titus’s body flew backward from the punch, and his arm hung limply by his side. His body hit the ground with a thud, and a gush of blood spurted from his mouth. Everyone was in disbelief over the event that had transpired.

Initially, Titus was trampled under John’s feet, claiming John was being opportunistic by using an illusion spell. Later on, Titus unleashed the violaceus flame yet still couldn’t harm John, thinking that John’s body was impervious to the fire source. Despite his physical body’s raw and primal strength, Titus was still sent flying with a single punch from John. What excuse could he come up with after all that?

Being dominated, time and again, only indicated that John’s abilities far surpassed Titus’s. Although John appeared to be a Fourth Level Tribulator, his true power was terrifyingly formidable. He walked up to Titus and abruptly hoisted him up as if handling a tiny chick. Titus stared at John in shock, his body trembling from fear.

Titus couldn’t defeat John no matter what he did and finally understood that he was never John’s match to begin with and John had never viewed him as a threat the entire time. John’s screams amid the fire source were merely teasing him. At that time, Titus was still oblivious that John had already absorbed the violaceus flame.

“Do you think I have what it takes to become an inner court disciple with my ability?” John asked.

“Absolutely! I’m certain you can! I’ve lost. You’re now an inner court disciple!” Titus fervently nodded, his eyes filled with fear.

“Since I’ve won, isn’t it time to fulfill our bet?” John asked.

“B-Bet? What bet?” Titus feigned ignorance, playing dumb. He didn’t want to call John, Boss in front of so many people. Doing so would shame him. How would the other disciples perceive him after?

John’s brows furrowed, he didn’t utter a word. Instead, he seized Titus by the throat, applying slight pressure. In an instant, Titus felt as if his life was hanging by a thread.

“I got it! I remember now! Please don’t kill me! Please!” Titus pleaded urgently, genuinely afraid that the hotheaded John might kill him.

John released Titus. A faint smile graced his face as he said, “Go ahead.”

“Boss…” Titus gently called out.

“I can’t hear you. You’re too soft.” John shook his head.

“Boss!” Titus raised his voice, but only John could hear him. John’s brow knitted once more, his gaze sharp.

Titus’s body shuddered, and he immediately cried out, “Boss! Boss! Boss!”

Titus’s voice was so loud that the entire Violet Flame Sect could hear him. Judd and the others burst into laughter hearing Titus calling John, Boss. It felt like they had paid Titus back for all they had suffered.

Meanwhile, Adam and his companions wore grim expressions, displeased. John simply chuckled as he gazed at the judges calmly.

“Can we proceed with the verdict now, Mr. Nielsen?” Arnold finally realized what had happened, deactivated the array, and leaped onto the arena.

“The spar has concluded, with the outer court disciple, Red Bone, emerging victorious. He has earned the status of an inner court disciple!” Arnold announced.

“Woo hoo! You’re awesome, Red!”

“Truly impressive! Red. I’m head over heels for you.”

“You’re the greatest of all time, Red!” Disciples of Gael’s faction cheered, rushed onto the arena, lifted John, and tossed him high into the air.

Adam, leading his group, assisted Titus down the arena. Titus didn’t look so good, his aura was unstable as well. It seemed like he would need a substantial amount of time to recover.

When the spar between John and Titus ended, nearly all the elders were gathered in the council meeting room of the Violet Flame Sect. The newly appointed sect leader, Garry Morrilo, sat at the head of the table.

The council meeting was held primarily due to the issue concerning Carla’s mentor, Velez. Velez had always been at odds with Garry in the past. After Garry assumed the position of the sect leader, Velez never complied with his commands, leading to Garry punishing him per the sect’s rules.

Garry had summoned the elders for a council meeting to prevent disobedience and transgressions from happening again. The most significant point of the meeting was that Garry intended to reform the recruitment criteria for the disciples of the Violet Flame Sect. All in all, Garry simply wanted every disciple who joined the inner court in the future to become part of his faction and gradually undermine the influence of Gael’s faction. When the time came, he alone would dominate the entire Violet Flame Sect.

“Mr. Morrilo, Mr. Mateo had indeed overstepped his authority, but his actions weren’t too out of line. Doling out a punishment that lasts a few years will suffice. Isn’t it a bit too harsh to place him on house arrest for thirty years?” An elder with a white beard stood up, turning to address Garry. “That’s right. I agree that it’s too harsh to confine Velez for thirty years.” Dario stood up, voicing his displeasure on behalf of Velez.
Chapter 3957 – 3958 Boss! Boss! Boss!

Everyone else was also taken aback, not understanding what was going on. Even if John didn’t burn to death, he should at least be horribly disfigured from the fire, his body covered in countless burns.

Yet, looking at John then, there wasn’t a single injury on him. Even his clothes were perfectly intact. There was not a trace of being scorched.

“Huh? Where did the fire source go?” It took a moment for John to register what was happening. He noticed that the surrounding fire source had died down, waved at Titus, and said, “Don’t stop now. I was almost burnt to a crisp, so keep it coming! Come on! Burn me!”

John challenged Titus provocatively. “Haha! Red is really impressive!” Carla couldn’t help but burst into laughter upon seeing John’s antics. Everyone else couldn’t help but burst into laughter as well. Their gazes fell onto Titus, curious to see what Titus would do next.

“This young man actually showed no fear toward the fire source, no wonder he was so stubborn earlier. Could he be a prodigy in mastering fire cultivation technique?”

Upon seeing that John had been engulfed in flames for quite some time yet remained unscathed, Arnold couldn’t help but express his astonishment. Titus was so infuriated that he spat out a mouthful of blood from John’s provocation. He truly couldn’t comprehend why John was unharmed after using the violaceus flame and even unleashing the demonic black lotus.

“Since you’re not afraid of the fire source, then I’ll use the most primal method to kill you!” Titus leaped and charged at John, his entire being like a sharp sword.

Since John wasn’t afraid of the fire source, there was no need for Titus to use it anymore. Instead, he decided to confront John with the strength of his physical body. He didn’t think John’s physique could withstand his overwhelming strength. It was important to understand that the higher one’s cultivation level, the more tough one’s physical body was. Otherwise, their bodies wouldn’t be able to endure the high cultivation level.

Titus was an Eighth Level Tribulator, naturally, his physical body’s toughness was superior to John, who was only a Fourth Level Tribulator. John’s ability allowed him to compensate with a variety of cultivation techniques. However, the robustness of the physical body was something cultivation techniques couldn’t remedy.

“You want to engage in melee combat with me?” John smirk.

“Since you’re not using the fire source anymore, you don’t need to be standing any longer!” John only let Titus stay in the arena to absorb the violet fire source.

Since Titus was no longer using the fire source, there was no reason to let him show off anymore. Defeating Titus was a cakewalk for John. Facing the rapidly approaching Titus, John stood still until Titus was right before him when he suddenly threw a punch. John’s fist, enveloped in a golden glow, fiercely collided with Titus’s fist.

Boom! A terrifying wave of energy surged in every direction. It was a good thing the array was in place, otherwise, everyone in the vicinity would’ve been in serious trouble. Titus’s body flew backward from the punch, and his arm hung limply by his side. His body hit the ground with a thud, and a gush of blood spurted from his mouth. Everyone was in disbelief over the event that had transpired.

Initially, Titus was trampled under John’s feet, claiming John was being opportunistic by using an illusion spell. Later on, Titus unleashed the violaceus flame yet still couldn’t harm John, thinking that John’s body was impervious to the fire source. Despite his physical body’s raw and primal strength, Titus was still sent flying with a single punch from John. What excuse could he come up with after all that?

Being dominated, time and again, only indicated that John’s abilities far surpassed Titus’s. Although John appeared to be a Fourth Level Tribulator, his true power was terrifyingly formidable. He walked up to Titus and abruptly hoisted him up as if handling a tiny chick. Titus stared at John in shock, his body trembling from fear.

Titus couldn’t defeat John no matter what he did and finally understood that he was never John’s match to begin with and John had never viewed him as a threat the entire time. John’s screams amid the fire source were merely teasing him. At that time, Titus was still oblivious that John had already absorbed the violaceus flame.

“Do you think I have what it takes to become an inner court disciple with my ability?” John asked.

“Absolutely! I’m certain you can! I’ve lost. You’re now an inner court disciple!” Titus fervently nodded, his eyes filled with fear.

“Since I’ve won, isn’t it time to fulfill our bet?” John asked.

“B-Bet? What bet?” Titus feigned ignorance, playing dumb. He didn’t want to call John, Boss in front of so many people. Doing so would shame him. How would the other disciples perceive him after?

John’s brows furrowed, he didn’t utter a word. Instead, he seized Titus by the throat, applying slight pressure. In an instant, Titus felt as if his life was hanging by a thread.

“I got it! I remember now! Please don’t kill me! Please!” Titus pleaded urgently, genuinely afraid that the hotheaded John might kill him.

John released Titus. A faint smile graced his face as he said, “Go ahead.”

“Boss…” Titus gently called out.

“I can’t hear you. You’re too soft.” John shook his head.

“Boss!” Titus raised his voice, but only John could hear him. John’s brow knitted once more, his gaze sharp.

Titus’s body shuddered, and he immediately cried out, “Boss! Boss! Boss!”

Titus’s voice was so loud that the entire Violet Flame Sect could hear him. Judd and the others burst into laughter hearing Titus calling John, Boss. It felt like they had paid Titus back for all they had suffered.

Meanwhile, Adam and his companions wore grim expressions, displeased. John simply chuckled as he gazed at the judges calmly.

“Can we proceed with the verdict now, Mr. Nielsen?” Arnold finally realized what had happened, deactivated the array, and leaped onto the arena.

“The spar has concluded, with the outer court disciple, Red Bone, emerging victorious. He has earned the status of an inner court disciple!” Arnold announced.

“Woo hoo! You’re awesome, Red!”

“Truly impressive! Red. I’m head over heels for you.”

“You’re the greatest of all time, Red!” Disciples of Gael’s faction cheered, rushed onto the arena, lifted John, and tossed him high into the air.

Adam, leading his group, assisted Titus down the arena. Titus didn’t look so good, his aura was unstable as well. It seemed like he would need a substantial amount of time to recover.

When the spar between John and Titus ended, nearly all the elders were gathered in the council meeting room of the Violet Flame Sect. The newly appointed sect leader, Garry Morrilo, sat at the head of the table.

The council meeting was held primarily due to the issue concerning Carla’s mentor, Velez. Velez had always been at odds with Garry in the past. After Garry assumed the position of the sect leader, Velez never complied with his commands, leading to Garry punishing him per the sect’s rules.

Garry had summoned the elders for a council meeting to prevent disobedience and transgressions from happening again. The most significant point of the meeting was that Garry intended to reform the recruitment criteria for the disciples of the Violet Flame Sect. All in all, Garry simply wanted every disciple who joined the inner court in the future to become part of his faction and gradually undermine the influence of Gael’s faction. When the time came, he alone would dominate the entire Violet Flame Sect.

“Mr. Morrilo, Mr. Mateo had indeed overstepped his authority, but his actions weren’t too out of line. Doling out a punishment that lasts a few years will suffice. Isn’t it a bit too harsh to place him on house arrest for thirty years?” An elder with a white beard stood up, turning to address Garry. “That’s right. I agree that it’s too harsh to confine Velez for thirty years.” Dario stood up, voicing his displeasure on behalf of Velez.
This Garry should be careful because the Golden Dragon will destroy him if he continues to disrespect his members
Thanks a immortal @Gily for the hard work and resources. Out of all of our protagonists Dustin, John, Levi and others, John seems be more playful, cunning, pervert, wicked and sex addict. Now, i have a question are all sex addicts, naturally cunning, wicked, playful and pervert or is it otherwise. While master Emeka is a sex addict, i don't see him as cunning or wicked. While master Xavier is pervert, i don't see him as sex addict. While master King may be playful and sex addict, I don't see him as cunning or wicked as well. I am not able to categorise Prosper under any category. Please enlighten me. Because of my low level cultivation I am not able to probe the above mentioned people's sexual aura. But I have always advised my sect members to be wary of them.
Hahaha cunning master prosper your intention is needed 😂😂
Chapter 3957 – 3958 Boss! Boss! Boss!

Everyone else was also taken aback, not understanding what was going on. Even if John didn’t burn to death, he should at least be horribly disfigured from the fire, his body covered in countless burns.

Yet, looking at John then, there wasn’t a single injury on him. Even his clothes were perfectly intact. There was not a trace of being scorched.

“Huh? Where did the fire source go?” It took a moment for John to register what was happening. He noticed that the surrounding fire source had died down, waved at Titus, and said, “Don’t stop now. I was almost burnt to a crisp, so keep it coming! Come on! Burn me!”

John challenged Titus provocatively. “Haha! Red is really impressive!” Carla couldn’t help but burst into laughter upon seeing John’s antics. Everyone else couldn’t help but burst into laughter as well. Their gazes fell onto Titus, curious to see what Titus would do next.

“This young man actually showed no fear toward the fire source, no wonder he was so stubborn earlier. Could he be a prodigy in mastering fire cultivation technique?”

Upon seeing that John had been engulfed in flames for quite some time yet remained unscathed, Arnold couldn’t help but express his astonishment. Titus was so infuriated that he spat out a mouthful of blood from John’s provocation. He truly couldn’t comprehend why John was unharmed after using the violaceus flame and even unleashing the demonic black lotus.

“Since you’re not afraid of the fire source, then I’ll use the most primal method to kill you!” Titus leaped and charged at John, his entire being like a sharp sword.

Since John wasn’t afraid of the fire source, there was no need for Titus to use it anymore. Instead, he decided to confront John with the strength of his physical body. He didn’t think John’s physique could withstand his overwhelming strength. It was important to understand that the higher one’s cultivation level, the more tough one’s physical body was. Otherwise, their bodies wouldn’t be able to endure the high cultivation level.

Titus was an Eighth Level Tribulator, naturally, his physical body’s toughness was superior to John, who was only a Fourth Level Tribulator. John’s ability allowed him to compensate with a variety of cultivation techniques. However, the robustness of the physical body was something cultivation techniques couldn’t remedy.

“You want to engage in melee combat with me?” John smirk.

“Since you’re not using the fire source anymore, you don’t need to be standing any longer!” John only let Titus stay in the arena to absorb the violet fire source.

Since Titus was no longer using the fire source, there was no reason to let him show off anymore. Defeating Titus was a cakewalk for John. Facing the rapidly approaching Titus, John stood still until Titus was right before him when he suddenly threw a punch. John’s fist, enveloped in a golden glow, fiercely collided with Titus’s fist.

Boom! A terrifying wave of energy surged in every direction. It was a good thing the array was in place, otherwise, everyone in the vicinity would’ve been in serious trouble. Titus’s body flew backward from the punch, and his arm hung limply by his side. His body hit the ground with a thud, and a gush of blood spurted from his mouth. Everyone was in disbelief over the event that had transpired.

Initially, Titus was trampled under John’s feet, claiming John was being opportunistic by using an illusion spell. Later on, Titus unleashed the violaceus flame yet still couldn’t harm John, thinking that John’s body was impervious to the fire source. Despite his physical body’s raw and primal strength, Titus was still sent flying with a single punch from John. What excuse could he come up with after all that?

Being dominated, time and again, only indicated that John’s abilities far surpassed Titus’s. Although John appeared to be a Fourth Level Tribulator, his true power was terrifyingly formidable. He walked up to Titus and abruptly hoisted him up as if handling a tiny chick. Titus stared at John in shock, his body trembling from fear.

Titus couldn’t defeat John no matter what he did and finally understood that he was never John’s match to begin with and John had never viewed him as a threat the entire time. John’s screams amid the fire source were merely teasing him. At that time, Titus was still oblivious that John had already absorbed the violaceus flame.

“Do you think I have what it takes to become an inner court disciple with my ability?” John asked.

“Absolutely! I’m certain you can! I’ve lost. You’re now an inner court disciple!” Titus fervently nodded, his eyes filled with fear.

“Since I’ve won, isn’t it time to fulfill our bet?” John asked.

“B-Bet? What bet?” Titus feigned ignorance, playing dumb. He didn’t want to call John, Boss in front of so many people. Doing so would shame him. How would the other disciples perceive him after?

John’s brows furrowed, he didn’t utter a word. Instead, he seized Titus by the throat, applying slight pressure. In an instant, Titus felt as if his life was hanging by a thread.

“I got it! I remember now! Please don’t kill me! Please!” Titus pleaded urgently, genuinely afraid that the hotheaded John might kill him.

John released Titus. A faint smile graced his face as he said, “Go ahead.”

“Boss…” Titus gently called out.

“I can’t hear you. You’re too soft.” John shook his head.

“Boss!” Titus raised his voice, but only John could hear him. John’s brow knitted once more, his gaze sharp.

Titus’s body shuddered, and he immediately cried out, “Boss! Boss! Boss!”

Titus’s voice was so loud that the entire Violet Flame Sect could hear him. Judd and the others burst into laughter hearing Titus calling John, Boss. It felt like they had paid Titus back for all they had suffered.

Meanwhile, Adam and his companions wore grim expressions, displeased. John simply chuckled as he gazed at the judges calmly.

“Can we proceed with the verdict now, Mr. Nielsen?” Arnold finally realized what had happened, deactivated the array, and leaped onto the arena.

“The spar has concluded, with the outer court disciple, Red Bone, emerging victorious. He has earned the status of an inner court disciple!” Arnold announced.

“Woo hoo! You’re awesome, Red!”

“Truly impressive! Red. I’m head over heels for you.”

“You’re the greatest of all time, Red!” Disciples of Gael’s faction cheered, rushed onto the arena, lifted John, and tossed him high into the air.

Adam, leading his group, assisted Titus down the arena. Titus didn’t look so good, his aura was unstable as well. It seemed like he would need a substantial amount of time to recover.

When the spar between John and Titus ended, nearly all the elders were gathered in the council meeting room of the Violet Flame Sect. The newly appointed sect leader, Garry Morrilo, sat at the head of the table.

The council meeting was held primarily due to the issue concerning Carla’s mentor, Velez. Velez had always been at odds with Garry in the past. After Garry assumed the position of the sect leader, Velez never complied with his commands, leading to Garry punishing him per the sect’s rules.

Garry had summoned the elders for a council meeting to prevent disobedience and transgressions from happening again. The most significant point of the meeting was that Garry intended to reform the recruitment criteria for the disciples of the Violet Flame Sect. All in all, Garry simply wanted every disciple who joined the inner court in the future to become part of his faction and gradually undermine the influence of Gael’s faction. When the time came, he alone would dominate the entire Violet Flame Sect.

“Mr. Morrilo, Mr. Mateo had indeed overstepped his authority, but his actions weren’t too out of line. Doling out a punishment that lasts a few years will suffice. Isn’t it a bit too harsh to place him on house arrest for thirty years?” An elder with a white beard stood up, turning to address Garry. “That’s right. I agree that it’s too harsh to confine Velez for thirty years.” Dario stood up, voicing his displeasure on behalf of Velez.
Chapter 3957 – 3958 Boss! Boss! Boss!

Everyone else was also taken aback, not understanding what was going on. Even if John didn’t burn to death, he should at least be horribly disfigured from the fire, his body covered in countless burns.

Yet, looking at John then, there wasn’t a single injury on him. Even his clothes were perfectly intact. There was not a trace of being scorched.

“Huh? Where did the fire source go?” It took a moment for John to register what was happening. He noticed that the surrounding fire source had died down, waved at Titus, and said, “Don’t stop now. I was almost burnt to a crisp, so keep it coming! Come on! Burn me!”

John challenged Titus provocatively. “Haha! Red is really impressive!” Carla couldn’t help but burst into laughter upon seeing John’s antics. Everyone else couldn’t help but burst into laughter as well. Their gazes fell onto Titus, curious to see what Titus would do next.

“This young man actually showed no fear toward the fire source, no wonder he was so stubborn earlier. Could he be a prodigy in mastering fire cultivation technique?”

Upon seeing that John had been engulfed in flames for quite some time yet remained unscathed, Arnold couldn’t help but express his astonishment. Titus was so infuriated that he spat out a mouthful of blood from John’s provocation. He truly couldn’t comprehend why John was unharmed after using the violaceus flame and even unleashing the demonic black lotus.

“Since you’re not afraid of the fire source, then I’ll use the most primal method to kill you!” Titus leaped and charged at John, his entire being like a sharp sword.

Since John wasn’t afraid of the fire source, there was no need for Titus to use it anymore. Instead, he decided to confront John with the strength of his physical body. He didn’t think John’s physique could withstand his overwhelming strength. It was important to understand that the higher one’s cultivation level, the more tough one’s physical body was. Otherwise, their bodies wouldn’t be able to endure the high cultivation level.

Titus was an Eighth Level Tribulator, naturally, his physical body’s toughness was superior to John, who was only a Fourth Level Tribulator. John’s ability allowed him to compensate with a variety of cultivation techniques. However, the robustness of the physical body was something cultivation techniques couldn’t remedy.

“You want to engage in melee combat with me?” John smirk.

“Since you’re not using the fire source anymore, you don’t need to be standing any longer!” John only let Titus stay in the arena to absorb the violet fire source.

Since Titus was no longer using the fire source, there was no reason to let him show off anymore. Defeating Titus was a cakewalk for John. Facing the rapidly approaching Titus, John stood still until Titus was right before him when he suddenly threw a punch. John’s fist, enveloped in a golden glow, fiercely collided with Titus’s fist.

Boom! A terrifying wave of energy surged in every direction. It was a good thing the array was in place, otherwise, everyone in the vicinity would’ve been in serious trouble. Titus’s body flew backward from the punch, and his arm hung limply by his side. His body hit the ground with a thud, and a gush of blood spurted from his mouth. Everyone was in disbelief over the event that had transpired.

Initially, Titus was trampled under John’s feet, claiming John was being opportunistic by using an illusion spell. Later on, Titus unleashed the violaceus flame yet still couldn’t harm John, thinking that John’s body was impervious to the fire source. Despite his physical body’s raw and primal strength, Titus was still sent flying with a single punch from John. What excuse could he come up with after all that?

Being dominated, time and again, only indicated that John’s abilities far surpassed Titus’s. Although John appeared to be a Fourth Level Tribulator, his true power was terrifyingly formidable. He walked up to Titus and abruptly hoisted him up as if handling a tiny chick. Titus stared at John in shock, his body trembling from fear.

Titus couldn’t defeat John no matter what he did and finally understood that he was never John’s match to begin with and John had never viewed him as a threat the entire time. John’s screams amid the fire source were merely teasing him. At that time, Titus was still oblivious that John had already absorbed the violaceus flame.

“Do you think I have what it takes to become an inner court disciple with my ability?” John asked.

“Absolutely! I’m certain you can! I’ve lost. You’re now an inner court disciple!” Titus fervently nodded, his eyes filled with fear.

“Since I’ve won, isn’t it time to fulfill our bet?” John asked.

“B-Bet? What bet?” Titus feigned ignorance, playing dumb. He didn’t want to call John, Boss in front of so many people. Doing so would shame him. How would the other disciples perceive him after?

John’s brows furrowed, he didn’t utter a word. Instead, he seized Titus by the throat, applying slight pressure. In an instant, Titus felt as if his life was hanging by a thread.

“I got it! I remember now! Please don’t kill me! Please!” Titus pleaded urgently, genuinely afraid that the hotheaded John might kill him.

John released Titus. A faint smile graced his face as he said, “Go ahead.”

“Boss…” Titus gently called out.

“I can’t hear you. You’re too soft.” John shook his head.

“Boss!” Titus raised his voice, but only John could hear him. John’s brow knitted once more, his gaze sharp.

Titus’s body shuddered, and he immediately cried out, “Boss! Boss! Boss!”

Titus’s voice was so loud that the entire Violet Flame Sect could hear him. Judd and the others burst into laughter hearing Titus calling John, Boss. It felt like they had paid Titus back for all they had suffered.

Meanwhile, Adam and his companions wore grim expressions, displeased. John simply chuckled as he gazed at the judges calmly.

“Can we proceed with the verdict now, Mr. Nielsen?” Arnold finally realized what had happened, deactivated the array, and leaped onto the arena.

“The spar has concluded, with the outer court disciple, Red Bone, emerging victorious. He has earned the status of an inner court disciple!” Arnold announced.

“Woo hoo! You’re awesome, Red!”

“Truly impressive! Red. I’m head over heels for you.”

“You’re the greatest of all time, Red!” Disciples of Gael’s faction cheered, rushed onto the arena, lifted John, and tossed him high into the air.

Adam, leading his group, assisted Titus down the arena. Titus didn’t look so good, his aura was unstable as well. It seemed like he would need a substantial amount of time to recover.

When the spar between John and Titus ended, nearly all the elders were gathered in the council meeting room of the Violet Flame Sect. The newly appointed sect leader, Garry Morrilo, sat at the head of the table.

The council meeting was held primarily due to the issue concerning Carla’s mentor, Velez. Velez had always been at odds with Garry in the past. After Garry assumed the position of the sect leader, Velez never complied with his commands, leading to Garry punishing him per the sect’s rules.

Garry had summoned the elders for a council meeting to prevent disobedience and transgressions from happening again. The most significant point of the meeting was that Garry intended to reform the recruitment criteria for the disciples of the Violet Flame Sect. All in all, Garry simply wanted every disciple who joined the inner court in the future to become part of his faction and gradually undermine the influence of Gael’s faction. When the time came, he alone would dominate the entire Violet Flame Sect.

“Mr. Morrilo, Mr. Mateo had indeed overstepped his authority, but his actions weren’t too out of line. Doling out a punishment that lasts a few years will suffice. Isn’t it a bit too harsh to place him on house arrest for thirty years?” An elder with a white beard stood up, turning to address Garry. “That’s right. I agree that it’s too harsh to confine Velez for thirty years.” Dario stood up, voicing his displeasure on behalf of Velez.
Immortal Gily 🙌🙌🙌🙌 you repeat this chapter 🙌🙌🙌
Thanks a immortal @Gily for the hard work and resources. Out of all of our protagonists Dustin, John, Levi and others, John seems be more playful, cunning, pervert, wicked and sex addict. Now, i have a question are all sex addicts, naturally cunning, wicked, playful and pervert or is it otherwise. While master Emeka is a sex addict, i don't see him as cunning or wicked. While master Xavier is pervert, i don't see him as sex addict. While master King may be playful and sex addict, I don't see him as cunning or wicked as well. I am not able to categorise Prosper under any category. Please enlighten me. Because of my low level cultivation I am not able to probe the above mentioned people's sexual aura. But I have always advised my sect members to be wary of them.
Master @brits, have you started with Dominic story? There's a lot of sex there as well.. perhaps you will find some answers to your question.
Chapter 3959 - 3960 Must Be Punished

Garry gazed at the elders who spoke up for Velez coldly. His expression indifferent, when he said, “Mr. Mateo’s punishment has been decided. There will be no changes to this. Furthermore, today is the inner court disciple assessment. Disciples who pass must spend a month training intensively at Repentance Hill. This is also one of the sect’s rules, so pass on the command to your disciples.” Garry’s tone didn’t allow for any argument.

As the sect leader, even though he had been newly elected, he didn’t want the elders to oppose him. The elders exchanged glances, none of them uttering a word. They all knew the one-month intensive training at Repentance Hill was a mere ruse. The true intention was to brainwash the disciples who had passed the assessments. Even though they were all aware, there was nothing they could do. After all, Garry was the sect leader.

Seeing no one spoke, Garry smiled with satisfaction: After glancing outside, he then asked, “It’s already this late. Hasn’t the assessment ended yet?”

At that moment, a disciple hurried in from outside and reported, “The assessment has already concluded, Mr. Morrilo, but it had led to the explosion of a fire source and damage to the array due to a cheating incident. Mr. Cunningham is fixing the array, so it’ll take a few days to complete the repair.”

“What? Someone cheated and caused a fire source explosion? How audacious! Who is it?” Garry asked with a scowl. Dario’s heart clenched immediately at the report. If John is behind this, I’ll be doomed. Once an investigation begins, I’ll surely be exposed for accepting bribery to allow outsiders to enter the sect indiscriminately.

Anxiety filled Dario, when the disciple explained, “It was Adam, an outer court disciple. He tried to enhance the fire source’s power by using the one in the bronze breastplate, but he lost control, leading to an explosion.” Dario breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing it was Adam.

Garry frowned. Adam is from my faction. Even though he’s merely an outer court disciple, he’s already a Sixth Level Tribulator. His strength has surpassed even some of the inner court disciples. As for using the bronze breastplate to cheat, I’m sure it was Titus’s idea. After all, that bronze breastplate belongs to Titus.

“Mr. Morrilo, cheating during the challenge has led to the destruction of the array. This is a serious offense, punishment must be meted out!” Dario said.

At that moment, his sole intention was to make things difficult for Garry. Since Velez had been punished to thirty years of imprisonment, it was time to see how he’d punish disciples of his own faction when they erred.

“Yes, they must be punished!” Garry nodded but was already scheming of ways to absolve Adam.

“Mr. Barclay, Mr. Morrilo, Mr. Cunningham has already punished Adam,” the disciple revealed.

Garry immediately breathed a sigh of relief. “Since Mr. Cunningham has already penalized Adam, let’s follow his decision. After all, Mr. Cunningham is known for his impartiality. Since some mishaps happened in this round of challenges, did anyone even pass the test?”

“Only one disciple managed to pass the challenge through a spar,” answered the disciple.

“Pass through a spar? Who’s the challenger, and who was challenged?” “A disciple named Red Chadwick challenged Titus,” the disciple replied.

“What?” Garry shot to his feet, disbelief written across his face. Titus is my prided disciple. How can an outer court disciple possibly defeat him? Dario was taken aback upon hearing Red Chadwick, not expecting it to be someone he had brought in. He was even more surprised to discover that John possessed such abilities. After calming down, Garry slowly sat back down and ordered, “Inform Mr. Nielsen to bring me the documentation device of the spar!”

“Right away!” The disciple turned and left in search of Arnold. The other elders were engaged in hushed discussions.

“Whose disciple is he? To actually defeat Titus!”

“He’s modest about his abilities, isn’t he? But, the name Red Bone feels completely unfamiliar.”

“Isn’t Adam the most capable among the outer court disciples of the Violet Flame Sect? Why is Red only known now?”

Several elders discussed fervently, yet Dario remained silent throughout. John is famous now. I hope he doesn’t reveal anything about me taking bribes.

“Mr. Barclay, do you know this Red Bone? Whose disciple is he?” an elder inquired.

Dario hesitated for a moment before answering with a hint of embarrassment, “He’s a disciple I just took under my wing!”

“What? A disciple you just took in?” All the elders erupted in chaos at the news. A newly taken-in disciple has already defeated Titus. That disciple is impressive!

At that time, Arnold hurriedly brought the documentation device. After the elder infused a trace of spiritual energy into the documentation device, a wisp of white mist gradually materialized in the void.

Soon after, John’s and Titus’s spar appeared on the white mist. Even their voices were crystal clear. The spar was recorded in the interest of fairness. The other elders could review the recording for judgment if the juridical elder was unjust.

As everyone watched John spar with Titus, astonishment crossed their faces, especially when the fire source burned John. The fire source’s power was so immense that even they, the elders, might not be able to withstand it. However, the scenes where Titus used the violaceus flame and unleashed the demonic black lotus were all exposed.

Garry’s features twisted into an ugly mask at the sight. After all, the violaceus flame was something even the elders weren’t qualified to learn. Yet, Titus, a mere deacon disciple, knew how to use it. It went without saying that Garry must have taught him in secret.

Even though Titus didn’t learn demonic techniques, the demonic black lotus was indeed an object for Demonic Cultivators. It was a disgrace to the human race for a human race cultivator to secretly nurture an object of the demon spirit. As they watched the unfolding scene, everyone’s expressions grew increasingly conflicted until the very end, when Titus was sent flying by a punch and began to plead for mercy, calling John, Boss.

Garry could no longer sit still by that point. He destroyed the documentation device with a casual wave, causing the image to vanish instantly.

“Good-for-nothing! Just utterly useless!” Garry was furious. To his disbelief, his prided disciple was beaten to the point of pleading for mercy, even going so far as calling his opponent, Boss, repeatedly. After the initial shock, the other elders couldn’t help but stifle their laughter.

Dario hid his astonishment, then turned to Garry and said, “Mr. Morrilo, your prided disciple is truly impressive. He even learned the violaceus flame. I remember our sect’s rule dictates that disciples beneath the level of elder aren’t allowed to practice the violaceus flame. Your disciple is merely a deacon as of now, so how did he manage to refine the violaceus flame?” Dario made a preemptive strike, aiming to wear Garry down so that he’d forget to ask about John. Otherwise, he would be in deep trouble if an investigation was launched.

Another elder rose to his feet and asked, “Right, how did Titus learn the violaceus flame? Also, he has something that belongs to the demon spirits within him. Could it be possible that Titus is secretly conspiring with the demon spirits?”

Cold sweat beaded on Garry’s forehead. Even though he was the sect leader, he wasn’t above the sect’s rules.

“Titus probably learned it while I was training. I’ll make sure to look into this matter. If there’s nothing else, everyone may leave now!” After waving dismissively, Garry swiftly stood up and hurriedly took his leave.

Seeing Garry depart, Dario breathed a sigh of relief. It appeared that Garry wouldn’t pursue matters regarding John for the time being.

“Dario, where did you find this impressive disciple of yours?”

“He’s amazing to have Titus beaten to the point of calling him, Boss.”

“If we had more disciples like him, Garry wouldn’t have ousted Mr. Orlando!” Several elders gathered around Dario, bombarding him with questions.
Chapter 3961 – 3963 Joy Is Rare Beauty

This disciple of mine, whom I took under my wing in Imperial Fox City, turned out to be incredibly talented,” Dario exclaimed before hastily departing. He was merely there to handle matters in exchange for money and had no idea John was this formidable.

However, being too outstanding wasn’t always a good thing, as the tallest tree often catches the wind. John’s exceptional abilities could attract unwanted attention.

Meanwhile, at Dario’s mansion, John was surrounded by Judd, Carla, and others, who were treating him like a hero.

“Hey, you’re truly impressive! As your senior, I feel humbled in your presence,” Judd admitted.

“These are the spirit coins we won from Titus. Check and see if the amount is correct,” he added, placing two large bags of spirit coins before John. These coins were part of the wager that Titus had lost to John. John didn’t even glance at the bags. He simply took one bag of spirit coins for himself and handed the other to Judd.

“Judd, please distribute these spirit coins among our fellow apprentices. They were all worried about me during the spar.” The bag contained over a hundred spirit coins. It was a generous sum that would be significant even for a larger sect. Judd accepted the coins with trembling hands, nodding.

“All right, I’ll distribute them right away!” The other fellow apprentices were visibly thrilled, showering John with praises. Some were even ready to bow to John. Many of them were disciples of the outer circle, holding lowly positions, and had never seen so many spirit coins before. It was like going from rags to riches overnight. John’s gesture was strategic, aimed at winning hearts and ensuring he could navigate Violet Flame Sect with ease.

“You’re the first man I’ve seen who’s both powerful and generous, yet still humble. You don’t know how worried I was during the sparring. I thought you might not make it,” Carla said, holding John’s hand with apparent concern.

Carla’s soft, delicate hand continued to caress John. Upon seeing this, Judd felt a twinge of jealousy but could only watch in silence. Despite his secret feelings for Carla, he knew better than to confront John, especially since it was Carla making the move. After all, Judd valued wealth more than romance. There was no way he would offend John for the sake of Carla, especially considering it was Carla making the move.

Meanwhile, John gently withdrew his hand and said, “Carla, I’ll be counting on your guidance in Violet Flame Sect.”

“Rest assured. If you ever need anything, just come to me. If I can’t handle it, Judd will step in. No one will dare to bully you with us around,” Carla declared, patting her chest confidently.

“That’s right! We’ll have your back from now on,” everyone chimed in in unison.

“Thank you!” John smiled, pleased with their unified support.

“You probably don’t have a place to stay yet. Mr. Barclay’s mansion is full of his disciples, so there might not be any empty rooms. If you don’t mind, you can stay at my place. My master is currently detained, so I’m in charge of the entire mansion. Plus, we could have some heart-to-heart talks anytime…” Carla’s offer was a blatant invitation extended to John to stay with her, but none of the others mocked her for it. Given a man like John, they would have done the same if they were in her shoes.

“Carla, I can vacate my room for him. There’s no need to trouble you,” Judd interjected.

“Besides, our master will likely return soon and will want to speak with him. It wouldn’t be convenient for him to stay at your place.” This was Judd’s attempt to stop John from moving in with Carla

“Hmph, how petty…” Carla shot Judd a disdainful look.

Just then, Dario returned. Upon seeing him, Carla hurried forward and asked, “Mr. Barclay, did the council discuss my master’s situation this time? He only exchanged a few words with Mr. Morrilo, yet he’s being punished with thirty years of confinement. That’s way too harsh!”

“There’s not much we can do. Garry is very adamant about it. However, some of us will continue to plead for Mr. Mateo’s case. You all should head back for now,” Dario responded. Carla nodded and led the other disciples away. Once she had left, Dario dismissed Judd and the others as well, leaving only him and John in the hall.

“You’ve caused quite a stir. People will take notice of you. Learn to keep a low profile. That way, you won’t attract unwanted attention,” Dario warned John.

“Don’t worry, I know my limits,” John assured and nodded. Dario didn’t question John’s identity or strength. Having accepted payment, Dario knew what to ask and what not to ask. This was a matter of principle. Accepting money to solve problems meant adhering to certain rules. Only by doing so could future cooperation be ensured. With internal conflicts and Garry eliminating dissenters, Dario was uncertain how much longer he could remain in Violet Flame Sect. Seizing the opportunity to make money was his primary concern now.

“It’s good you know your limits, but be cautious of Titus. He’s not known for his forgiveness. There’s also news that inner court disciples are now required to undergo a month of harsh training at Reflection Cliff. This was just announced. I’m not sure if you will be exempt from this. I will do my best to exempt you from it. Reflection Cliff is said to be a place for rigorous training, but it’s more like a brainwashing site. Some come out of there mentally impaired,” Dario warned.

“A month of harsh training?” John was taken aback. He couldn’t afford to waste a month here, especially with his ongoing bet with Aiden. Staying in Violet Flame Sect for a month was out of the question.

“Mr. Barclay, since I’m now an inner court disciple, I’d appreciate it if you could arrange a meeting with Mr. Orlando as soon as possible,” John requested.

“I will arrange it. However, Garry has tightened security around Mr. Orlando. Even his family members struggle to see him. If possible, I’ll arrange for you to meet Mr. Orlando’s daughter first. If she knows fire tribulation, you might not need to see Mr. Orlando. Finish your business quickly and leave Violet Flame Sect. Being here too long will draw attention and trouble,” Dario advised. He didn’t want John to linger in Violet Flame Sect for too long. After all, he had accepted money to bring John in. If someone investigated, it could be troublesome for him.

“Very well, I’ll follow your arrangements, Mr. Barclay.” John nodded. Having reached this point, John had no choice but to follow Dario’s guidance. After all, even if he did meet Gael, he wouldn’t recognize the latter. After Dario left, Judd entered the room, curiosity written all over his face.

“What did Master tell you?”

“Nothing much,” John replied with a smile. “Не just advised me to keep a low profile and mentioned that he wants me to meet Mr. Orlando’s daughter.”

“What? Master wants you to meet Joy?” Judd’s eyes were wide with astonishment.

“You have no idea. Joy is a rare beauty, and she lives a very secluded life. Even among the disciples of Violet Flame Sect, few have ever seen her. I’ve heard that one look from her is enough to steal a man’s soul. I’ve never had the chance to see her myself. I can’t believe that you, having just entered the inner court, get to meet her. I wish I could see her too!”

“Joy? Is she Mr. Orlando’s daughter?” John asked with a hint of curiosity.

“Indeed she is! She’s Mr. Orlando’s only daughter and has inherited his profound teachings. Many sects and prestigious families from the central region have come to seek her hand in marriage, but Joy has turned them all down. There are even rumors that she doesn’t fancy men at all, suggesting she might prefer women…” Judd explained, lowering his voice conspiratorially.

John chuckled at that. It seemed that her aloof demeanor had led to such wild speculations. How ridiculous!

“Judd, I’m feeling a bit tired. I’d like to rest now. Could you show me to my room?” John said, uninterested in more gossip from Judd. As for whether Joy Orlando was a lesbian, John didn’t care in the least as it had nothing to do with him.

“Sure, I’ll take you to my place. You can stay in my room,” Judd agreed and nodded. Judd led John to his small courtyard. Being a deacon, Judd enjoyed better accommodations compared to regular inner court disciples.

The courtyard, though modest in size, was meticulously designed and filled with various spiritual plants, creating a rich spiritual energy. Additionally, the courtyard was surrounded by array runes circuit, indicating that Judd, as a deacon, enjoyed privileges far beyond those of ordinary disciples.

“While my courtyard may not be as luxurious as Titus’s, it’s considered good among the other deacons of Violet Flame Sect. You should stay here. I’ll go stay with other juniors,” Judd said.

“Judd, there are several rooms here, more than enough for both of us. Why go through the trouble of finding another place? Let’s share this courtyard,” John replied.

“Even though there are enough rooms, living together might cause disturbances that could affect your cultivation. I’ll be fine staying with the other disciples,” Judd said with a smile before leaving.

John, seeing no reason to argue further, closed the door and prepared to rest. Once settled, John began to refine the two types of fire sources he had recently absorbed. Particularly, the violaceus flame of the Violet Flame Sect, which he had absorbed from Titus. It was weak because Titus himself didn’t have much of it, and John had to absorb it discreetly.

John slowly nurtured and refined the two types of fire sources, gradually strengthening them. The presence of these five fire sources made John’s fire nascence star especially radiant. With a gentle wave of his hand, John summoned five types of fire sources, each leaping around him in vibrant hues. The different fire sources flickered brilliantly, casting a spectrum of lights that danced across his body.

From the outside, it seemed as though his room was illuminated by a colorful, radiant glow. John circulated the fire sources through his body, allowing them to flow through every part of him. Relaxing his mind, he let the flames scorch his flesh. He intended to use these fire sources to temper his physical body. During his spar with Titus, John had been able to withstand the fire source because of his extremus frost flame, which had prevented him from being burned. However, his physical body wasn’t naturally immune to fire sources, and he aimed to change that by tempering his physical body with fire sources. If he could achieve a physical body that was truly impervious to fire sources, it would be an incredible feat.

However, as soon as John let his guard down and allowed the fire sources to sear his body, the intense pain almost made him cry out. This process of using fire sources to temper his body offered no protection. It was like throwing an ordinary person into a blazing furnace. John couldn’t use his spiritual energy as a shield, nor could he deploy any cultivation techniques to lessen the fire sources’ power. He needed to endure the raw, unfiltered agony. Only through enduring the most brutal refinement could his physical body become truly impervious to fire sources. Gritting his teeth, John felt as though his body was being charred.
Chapter 3961 – 3963 Joy Is Rare Beauty

This disciple of mine, whom I took under my wing in Imperial Fox City, turned out to be incredibly talented,” Dario exclaimed before hastily departing. He was merely there to handle matters in exchange for money and had no idea John was this formidable.

However, being too outstanding wasn’t always a good thing, as the tallest tree often catches the wind. John’s exceptional abilities could attract unwanted attention.

Meanwhile, at Dario’s mansion, John was surrounded by Judd, Carla, and others, who were treating him like a hero.

“Hey, you’re truly impressive! As your senior, I feel humbled in your presence,” Judd admitted.

“These are the spirit coins we won from Titus. Check and see if the amount is correct,” he added, placing two large bags of spirit coins before John. These coins were part of the wager that Titus had lost to John. John didn’t even glance at the bags. He simply took one bag of spirit coins for himself and handed the other to Judd.

“Judd, please distribute these spirit coins among our fellow apprentices. They were all worried about me during the spar.” The bag contained over a hundred spirit coins. It was a generous sum that would be significant even for a larger sect. Judd accepted the coins with trembling hands, nodding.

“All right, I’ll distribute them right away!” The other fellow apprentices were visibly thrilled, showering John with praises. Some were even ready to bow to John. Many of them were disciples of the outer circle, holding lowly positions, and had never seen so many spirit coins before. It was like going from rags to riches overnight. John’s gesture was strategic, aimed at winning hearts and ensuring he could navigate Violet Flame Sect with ease.

“You’re the first man I’ve seen who’s both powerful and generous, yet still humble. You don’t know how worried I was during the sparring. I thought you might not make it,” Carla said, holding John’s hand with apparent concern.

Carla’s soft, delicate hand continued to caress John. Upon seeing this, Judd felt a twinge of jealousy but could only watch in silence. Despite his secret feelings for Carla, he knew better than to confront John, especially since it was Carla making the move. After all, Judd valued wealth more than romance. There was no way he would offend John for the sake of Carla, especially considering it was Carla making the move.

Meanwhile, John gently withdrew his hand and said, “Carla, I’ll be counting on your guidance in Violet Flame Sect.”

“Rest assured. If you ever need anything, just come to me. If I can’t handle it, Judd will step in. No one will dare to bully you with us around,” Carla declared, patting her chest confidently.

“That’s right! We’ll have your back from now on,” everyone chimed in in unison.

“Thank you!” John smiled, pleased with their unified support.

“You probably don’t have a place to stay yet. Mr. Barclay’s mansion is full of his disciples, so there might not be any empty rooms. If you don’t mind, you can stay at my place. My master is currently detained, so I’m in charge of the entire mansion. Plus, we could have some heart-to-heart talks anytime…” Carla’s offer was a blatant invitation extended to John to stay with her, but none of the others mocked her for it. Given a man like John, they would have done the same if they were in her shoes.

“Carla, I can vacate my room for him. There’s no need to trouble you,” Judd interjected.

“Besides, our master will likely return soon and will want to speak with him. It wouldn’t be convenient for him to stay at your place.” This was Judd’s attempt to stop John from moving in with Carla

“Hmph, how petty…” Carla shot Judd a disdainful look.

Just then, Dario returned. Upon seeing him, Carla hurried forward and asked, “Mr. Barclay, did the council discuss my master’s situation this time? He only exchanged a few words with Mr. Morrilo, yet he’s being punished with thirty years of confinement. That’s way too harsh!”

“There’s not much we can do. Garry is very adamant about it. However, some of us will continue to plead for Mr. Mateo’s case. You all should head back for now,” Dario responded. Carla nodded and led the other disciples away. Once she had left, Dario dismissed Judd and the others as well, leaving only him and John in the hall.

“You’ve caused quite a stir. People will take notice of you. Learn to keep a low profile. That way, you won’t attract unwanted attention,” Dario warned John.

“Don’t worry, I know my limits,” John assured and nodded. Dario didn’t question John’s identity or strength. Having accepted payment, Dario knew what to ask and what not to ask. This was a matter of principle. Accepting money to solve problems meant adhering to certain rules. Only by doing so could future cooperation be ensured. With internal conflicts and Garry eliminating dissenters, Dario was uncertain how much longer he could remain in Violet Flame Sect. Seizing the opportunity to make money was his primary concern now.

“It’s good you know your limits, but be cautious of Titus. He’s not known for his forgiveness. There’s also news that inner court disciples are now required to undergo a month of harsh training at Reflection Cliff. This was just announced. I’m not sure if you will be exempt from this. I will do my best to exempt you from it. Reflection Cliff is said to be a place for rigorous training, but it’s more like a brainwashing site. Some come out of there mentally impaired,” Dario warned.

“A month of harsh training?” John was taken aback. He couldn’t afford to waste a month here, especially with his ongoing bet with Aiden. Staying in Violet Flame Sect for a month was out of the question.

“Mr. Barclay, since I’m now an inner court disciple, I’d appreciate it if you could arrange a meeting with Mr. Orlando as soon as possible,” John requested.

“I will arrange it. However, Garry has tightened security around Mr. Orlando. Even his family members struggle to see him. If possible, I’ll arrange for you to meet Mr. Orlando’s daughter first. If she knows fire tribulation, you might not need to see Mr. Orlando. Finish your business quickly and leave Violet Flame Sect. Being here too long will draw attention and trouble,” Dario advised. He didn’t want John to linger in Violet Flame Sect for too long. After all, he had accepted money to bring John in. If someone investigated, it could be troublesome for him.

“Very well, I’ll follow your arrangements, Mr. Barclay.” John nodded. Having reached this point, John had no choice but to follow Dario’s guidance. After all, even if he did meet Gael, he wouldn’t recognize the latter. After Dario left, Judd entered the room, curiosity written all over his face.

“What did Master tell you?”

“Nothing much,” John replied with a smile. “Не just advised me to keep a low profile and mentioned that he wants me to meet Mr. Orlando’s daughter.”

“What? Master wants you to meet Joy?” Judd’s eyes were wide with astonishment.

“You have no idea. Joy is a rare beauty, and she lives a very secluded life. Even among the disciples of Violet Flame Sect, few have ever seen her. I’ve heard that one look from her is enough to steal a man’s soul. I’ve never had the chance to see her myself. I can’t believe that you, having just entered the inner court, get to meet her. I wish I could see her too!”

“Joy? Is she Mr. Orlando’s daughter?” John asked with a hint of curiosity.

“Indeed she is! She’s Mr. Orlando’s only daughter and has inherited his profound teachings. Many sects and prestigious families from the central region have come to seek her hand in marriage, but Joy has turned them all down. There are even rumors that she doesn’t fancy men at all, suggesting she might prefer women…” Judd explained, lowering his voice conspiratorially.

John chuckled at that. It seemed that her aloof demeanor had led to such wild speculations. How ridiculous!

“Judd, I’m feeling a bit tired. I’d like to rest now. Could you show me to my room?” John said, uninterested in more gossip from Judd. As for whether Joy Orlando was a lesbian, John didn’t care in the least as it had nothing to do with him.

“Sure, I’ll take you to my place. You can stay in my room,” Judd agreed and nodded. Judd led John to his small courtyard. Being a deacon, Judd enjoyed better accommodations compared to regular inner court disciples.

The courtyard, though modest in size, was meticulously designed and filled with various spiritual plants, creating a rich spiritual energy. Additionally, the courtyard was surrounded by array runes circuit, indicating that Judd, as a deacon, enjoyed privileges far beyond those of ordinary disciples.

“While my courtyard may not be as luxurious as Titus’s, it’s considered good among the other deacons of Violet Flame Sect. You should stay here. I’ll go stay with other juniors,” Judd said.

“Judd, there are several rooms here, more than enough for both of us. Why go through the trouble of finding another place? Let’s share this courtyard,” John replied.

“Even though there are enough rooms, living together might cause disturbances that could affect your cultivation. I’ll be fine staying with the other disciples,” Judd said with a smile before leaving.

John, seeing no reason to argue further, closed the door and prepared to rest. Once settled, John began to refine the two types of fire sources he had recently absorbed. Particularly, the violaceus flame of the Violet Flame Sect, which he had absorbed from Titus. It was weak because Titus himself didn’t have much of it, and John had to absorb it discreetly.

John slowly nurtured and refined the two types of fire sources, gradually strengthening them. The presence of these five fire sources made John’s fire nascence star especially radiant. With a gentle wave of his hand, John summoned five types of fire sources, each leaping around him in vibrant hues. The different fire sources flickered brilliantly, casting a spectrum of lights that danced across his body.

From the outside, it seemed as though his room was illuminated by a colorful, radiant glow. John circulated the fire sources through his body, allowing them to flow through every part of him. Relaxing his mind, he let the flames scorch his flesh. He intended to use these fire sources to temper his physical body. During his spar with Titus, John had been able to withstand the fire source because of his extremus frost flame, which had prevented him from being burned. However, his physical body wasn’t naturally immune to fire sources, and he aimed to change that by tempering his physical body with fire sources. If he could achieve a physical body that was truly impervious to fire sources, it would be an incredible feat.

However, as soon as John let his guard down and allowed the fire sources to sear his body, the intense pain almost made him cry out. This process of using fire sources to temper his body offered no protection. It was like throwing an ordinary person into a blazing furnace. John couldn’t use his spiritual energy as a shield, nor could he deploy any cultivation techniques to lessen the fire sources’ power. He needed to endure the raw, unfiltered agony. Only through enduring the most brutal refinement could his physical body become truly impervious to fire sources. Gritting his teeth, John felt as though his body was being charred.
I foresee Joy joining John's numerous women soon
Chapter 3961 – 3963 Joy Is Rare Beauty

This disciple of mine, whom I took under my wing in Imperial Fox City, turned out to be incredibly talented,” Dario exclaimed before hastily departing. He was merely there to handle matters in exchange for money and had no idea John was this formidable.

However, being too outstanding wasn’t always a good thing, as the tallest tree often catches the wind. John’s exceptional abilities could attract unwanted attention.

Meanwhile, at Dario’s mansion, John was surrounded by Judd, Carla, and others, who were treating him like a hero.

“Hey, you’re truly impressive! As your senior, I feel humbled in your presence,” Judd admitted.

“These are the spirit coins we won from Titus. Check and see if the amount is correct,” he added, placing two large bags of spirit coins before John. These coins were part of the wager that Titus had lost to John. John didn’t even glance at the bags. He simply took one bag of spirit coins for himself and handed the other to Judd.

“Judd, please distribute these spirit coins among our fellow apprentices. They were all worried about me during the spar.” The bag contained over a hundred spirit coins. It was a generous sum that would be significant even for a larger sect. Judd accepted the coins with trembling hands, nodding.

“All right, I’ll distribute them right away!” The other fellow apprentices were visibly thrilled, showering John with praises. Some were even ready to bow to John. Many of them were disciples of the outer circle, holding lowly positions, and had never seen so many spirit coins before. It was like going from rags to riches overnight. John’s gesture was strategic, aimed at winning hearts and ensuring he could navigate Violet Flame Sect with ease.

“You’re the first man I’ve seen who’s both powerful and generous, yet still humble. You don’t know how worried I was during the sparring. I thought you might not make it,” Carla said, holding John’s hand with apparent concern.

Carla’s soft, delicate hand continued to caress John. Upon seeing this, Judd felt a twinge of jealousy but could only watch in silence. Despite his secret feelings for Carla, he knew better than to confront John, especially since it was Carla making the move. After all, Judd valued wealth more than romance. There was no way he would offend John for the sake of Carla, especially considering it was Carla making the move.

Meanwhile, John gently withdrew his hand and said, “Carla, I’ll be counting on your guidance in Violet Flame Sect.”

“Rest assured. If you ever need anything, just come to me. If I can’t handle it, Judd will step in. No one will dare to bully you with us around,” Carla declared, patting her chest confidently.

“That’s right! We’ll have your back from now on,” everyone chimed in in unison.

“Thank you!” John smiled, pleased with their unified support.

“You probably don’t have a place to stay yet. Mr. Barclay’s mansion is full of his disciples, so there might not be any empty rooms. If you don’t mind, you can stay at my place. My master is currently detained, so I’m in charge of the entire mansion. Plus, we could have some heart-to-heart talks anytime…” Carla’s offer was a blatant invitation extended to John to stay with her, but none of the others mocked her for it. Given a man like John, they would have done the same if they were in her shoes.

“Carla, I can vacate my room for him. There’s no need to trouble you,” Judd interjected.

“Besides, our master will likely return soon and will want to speak with him. It wouldn’t be convenient for him to stay at your place.” This was Judd’s attempt to stop John from moving in with Carla

“Hmph, how petty…” Carla shot Judd a disdainful look.

Just then, Dario returned. Upon seeing him, Carla hurried forward and asked, “Mr. Barclay, did the council discuss my master’s situation this time? He only exchanged a few words with Mr. Morrilo, yet he’s being punished with thirty years of confinement. That’s way too harsh!”

“There’s not much we can do. Garry is very adamant about it. However, some of us will continue to plead for Mr. Mateo’s case. You all should head back for now,” Dario responded. Carla nodded and led the other disciples away. Once she had left, Dario dismissed Judd and the others as well, leaving only him and John in the hall.

“You’ve caused quite a stir. People will take notice of you. Learn to keep a low profile. That way, you won’t attract unwanted attention,” Dario warned John.

“Don’t worry, I know my limits,” John assured and nodded. Dario didn’t question John’s identity or strength. Having accepted payment, Dario knew what to ask and what not to ask. This was a matter of principle. Accepting money to solve problems meant adhering to certain rules. Only by doing so could future cooperation be ensured. With internal conflicts and Garry eliminating dissenters, Dario was uncertain how much longer he could remain in Violet Flame Sect. Seizing the opportunity to make money was his primary concern now.

“It’s good you know your limits, but be cautious of Titus. He’s not known for his forgiveness. There’s also news that inner court disciples are now required to undergo a month of harsh training at Reflection Cliff. This was just announced. I’m not sure if you will be exempt from this. I will do my best to exempt you from it. Reflection Cliff is said to be a place for rigorous training, but it’s more like a brainwashing site. Some come out of there mentally impaired,” Dario warned.

“A month of harsh training?” John was taken aback. He couldn’t afford to waste a month here, especially with his ongoing bet with Aiden. Staying in Violet Flame Sect for a month was out of the question.

“Mr. Barclay, since I’m now an inner court disciple, I’d appreciate it if you could arrange a meeting with Mr. Orlando as soon as possible,” John requested.

“I will arrange it. However, Garry has tightened security around Mr. Orlando. Even his family members struggle to see him. If possible, I’ll arrange for you to meet Mr. Orlando’s daughter first. If she knows fire tribulation, you might not need to see Mr. Orlando. Finish your business quickly and leave Violet Flame Sect. Being here too long will draw attention and trouble,” Dario advised. He didn’t want John to linger in Violet Flame Sect for too long. After all, he had accepted money to bring John in. If someone investigated, it could be troublesome for him.

“Very well, I’ll follow your arrangements, Mr. Barclay.” John nodded. Having reached this point, John had no choice but to follow Dario’s guidance. After all, even if he did meet Gael, he wouldn’t recognize the latter. After Dario left, Judd entered the room, curiosity written all over his face.

“What did Master tell you?”

“Nothing much,” John replied with a smile. “Не just advised me to keep a low profile and mentioned that he wants me to meet Mr. Orlando’s daughter.”

“What? Master wants you to meet Joy?” Judd’s eyes were wide with astonishment.

“You have no idea. Joy is a rare beauty, and she lives a very secluded life. Even among the disciples of Violet Flame Sect, few have ever seen her. I’ve heard that one look from her is enough to steal a man’s soul. I’ve never had the chance to see her myself. I can’t believe that you, having just entered the inner court, get to meet her. I wish I could see her too!”

“Joy? Is she Mr. Orlando’s daughter?” John asked with a hint of curiosity.

“Indeed she is! She’s Mr. Orlando’s only daughter and has inherited his profound teachings. Many sects and prestigious families from the central region have come to seek her hand in marriage, but Joy has turned them all down. There are even rumors that she doesn’t fancy men at all, suggesting she might prefer women…” Judd explained, lowering his voice conspiratorially.

John chuckled at that. It seemed that her aloof demeanor had led to such wild speculations. How ridiculous!

“Judd, I’m feeling a bit tired. I’d like to rest now. Could you show me to my room?” John said, uninterested in more gossip from Judd. As for whether Joy Orlando was a lesbian, John didn’t care in the least as it had nothing to do with him.

“Sure, I’ll take you to my place. You can stay in my room,” Judd agreed and nodded. Judd led John to his small courtyard. Being a deacon, Judd enjoyed better accommodations compared to regular inner court disciples.

The courtyard, though modest in size, was meticulously designed and filled with various spiritual plants, creating a rich spiritual energy. Additionally, the courtyard was surrounded by array runes circuit, indicating that Judd, as a deacon, enjoyed privileges far beyond those of ordinary disciples.

“While my courtyard may not be as luxurious as Titus’s, it’s considered good among the other deacons of Violet Flame Sect. You should stay here. I’ll go stay with other juniors,” Judd said.

“Judd, there are several rooms here, more than enough for both of us. Why go through the trouble of finding another place? Let’s share this courtyard,” John replied.

“Even though there are enough rooms, living together might cause disturbances that could affect your cultivation. I’ll be fine staying with the other disciples,” Judd said with a smile before leaving.

John, seeing no reason to argue further, closed the door and prepared to rest. Once settled, John began to refine the two types of fire sources he had recently absorbed. Particularly, the violaceus flame of the Violet Flame Sect, which he had absorbed from Titus. It was weak because Titus himself didn’t have much of it, and John had to absorb it discreetly.

John slowly nurtured and refined the two types of fire sources, gradually strengthening them. The presence of these five fire sources made John’s fire nascence star especially radiant. With a gentle wave of his hand, John summoned five types of fire sources, each leaping around him in vibrant hues. The different fire sources flickered brilliantly, casting a spectrum of lights that danced across his body.

From the outside, it seemed as though his room was illuminated by a colorful, radiant glow. John circulated the fire sources through his body, allowing them to flow through every part of him. Relaxing his mind, he let the flames scorch his flesh. He intended to use these fire sources to temper his physical body. During his spar with Titus, John had been able to withstand the fire source because of his extremus frost flame, which had prevented him from being burned. However, his physical body wasn’t naturally immune to fire sources, and he aimed to change that by tempering his physical body with fire sources. If he could achieve a physical body that was truly impervious to fire sources, it would be an incredible feat.

However, as soon as John let his guard down and allowed the fire sources to sear his body, the intense pain almost made him cry out. This process of using fire sources to temper his body offered no protection. It was like throwing an ordinary person into a blazing furnace. John couldn’t use his spiritual energy as a shield, nor could he deploy any cultivation techniques to lessen the fire sources’ power. He needed to endure the raw, unfiltered agony. Only through enduring the most brutal refinement could his physical body become truly impervious to fire sources. Gritting his teeth, John felt as though his body was being charred.
Thank you very much Immortal Gily. Joy will be added to the list very soon..
Was away from my cultivation due to some mortal duties in mundane world.

"John and Joy" - What a treat for perv sect. 🫢
I can only immagine what mortal duties were you up to.. we will be happy in here if you would share some pictures from that 'duties' of the mundane. Have you brought back some for Emeka to have his hands on?
Chapter 3964 Spiritual Energy Pool

Sweat poured from every pore of John’s body, and his vision was awash with the fiery hue. Despite the excruciating pain, he remained silent. Tempering the physical body was an agonizing process, so much so that many cultivators, regardless of their cultivation levels, often focused solely on refining their cultivation techniques. Their physical bodies remained fragile, for few were willing to undergo the torment of physical body tempering.

John, however, was different. From the very beginning, he had committed to tempering his physical body. As his cultivation level rose, so did the intensity of his physical refinement. Each session was excruciating, but the rewards were immense.

With an indestructible physical body, John wouldn’t need to resort to physical body reconstruction or soul transfer like other cultivators. He lost track of time, eventually growing numb to the intense heat. At that moment, John’s bones had transformed, now crystalline and emerald-like, radiating an aura of ancient nobility.

“You reckless fool, this is not how one should cultivate! Whether you’re tempering your physical body or practicing cultivation techniques, it must be done gradually, you used fire sources to refine your physical body for an entire day and night. If not for your extraordinary physical resilience, your physical body would have been incinerated, and your divine soul could have been utterly obliterated! If that had happened, what would become of me? You’ve kept me on edge for an entire day and night,” Vermilion Demon Lord scolded, his tone a mix of anger and concern.

“A whole day and night?” John was taken aback as he hadn’t realized he had been tempering his physical body for that long.

“Did anyone come by while I was tempering my physical body?” he asked anxiously. If anyone discovered that he possessed five types of fire sources, especially the violaceus flame of Violet Flame Sect, it would spell trouble. The consequences would be dire.

“Rest assured, no one came. They probably think you’ll need several days to recover,” Vermilion Demon Lord reassured.

Upon hearing that, John breathed a sigh of relief. “Good.”

Stepping out of his room, he noted that night had fallen. The moonlight bathed John, giving his skin a faint, ethereal glow. It was the outcome of the fire sources’ tempering.

“The desert of the central region is scorching by day, yet surprisingly pleasant at night,” John mused, enjoying the moonlight and gentle breeze that brought a sense of indescribable comfort.

With a relaxed demeanor, he decided to explore Violet Flame Sect, now that he was an inner court disciple with access to various restricted areas. At the inner court, he strolled and encountered no disciples guarding, allowing him to wander freely.

Soon, John found himself in a tranquil courtyard where an extraordinary amount of spiritual energy, laced with traces of celestial energy, wafted through the air.

“This courtyard is far superior to Judd’s courtyard,” John muttered, pushing open the gate and stepping inside. In the serene courtyard, a plethora of celestial flora flourished, surrounding a spiritual energy pool brimming with spiritual water, emitting a luminous mist that danced in the air.

The mist, infused with spiritual energy, revealed the spiritual energy pool’s abundance, enriched further by celestial energies. Whose courtyard is this? To possess such a spiritual energy pool is truly opulent!

John pondered inwardly, surveying his surroundings. Yet, no one seemed to inhabit the space. Not even a trace of another’s presence lingered.

“Since no soul dwells here, I shall indulge in a bath within this sacred spiritual energy pool,” John declared, shedding his garments before gracefully descending into the spiritual energy pool. Enveloped by the billowing mist, John experienced a profound sense of tranquility. Without hesitation, he initiated Focus Technique, absorbing the copious spiritual and celestial energies. Having stumbled upon this spiritual energy pool, John harbored no reservations in utilizing its gifts. The ascension to even a minor cultivation level demanded vast resources. Hence, John was resolved to seize every opportunity available.
Chapter 3965 Pervert! Jerk

John lay peacefully in the middle of the spiritual energy pool. The moonlight shone over him, making his body seem almost translucent. Countless tiny whirlpools formed around John, ceaselessly drawing in the spiritual energy from the spiritual energy pool. The dense spiritual fog was visibly diminishing. If anyone were to witness the rate at which John was absorbing the spiritual energy, they would undoubtedly be astounded! John gently closed his eyes, his body floating in the spiritual energy pool.

Just when he was absorbing the spiritual energy, feeling completely relaxed, a few bubbles surfaced from the water. Soon, a girl with long hair cascading over her shoulders emerged from the depths! The girl’s skin was as flawless as pearl, without a single blemish.

“How did the spiritual energy in this spiritual energy pond dissipate so quickly?” Looking confused, the girl emerged from the water and glanced around. When her gaze landed on John, she was instantly stunned. Her mouth fell open and her eyes widened in astonishment.

At that moment, John was floating bare-bodied in the spiritual energy pool, his body radiating a faint white glow under the moonlight. John’s naked body was completely exposed in front of the girl! Yet, John had no idea at all. He was still blissfully enjoying himself with his eyes closed.

“Ah!” Hearing the girl’s sudden shriek, John opened his eyes in shock.

Raising his head, he glanced over and saw a completely naked girl as well. The two individuals locked eyes with each other. These two strangers, a man and a woman, found themselves in an unexpectedly candid encounter. The atmosphere was both awkward and intriguing.

As John gazed upon the girl’s flawless skin and enchanting figure, his heart began to pound. It should be noted that John was never short of women in his life, and certainly not of beautiful ones. John could remain completely calm and composed when faced with women. Yet, at this moment, John’s heart began to race. His breathing became increasingly labored as well. The girl’s skin was simply too flawless. Even her face seemed to have been meticulously sculpted.

Among the women in John’s life, perhaps only Amelia could compare to this girl in terms of beauty! However, as Amelia was in the mundane world, he hadn’t seen her in a few months.

“Pervert! Jerk!”

After locking eyes for a brief moment, the girl suddenly plunged into the water and aimed a slap at John. He jumped directly onto the shore. As he ran, he hastily grabbed his clothes and started dressing on the move. At this stage, there was no way he could explain himself. He had the audacity to sneak into someone’s yard at night and bathe in the spiritual energy pool, all the while being completely naked. Everything he said would be futile.

Even though John had run away, the girl didn’t chase after him. It was only after he returned to his courtyard that he finally let out a sigh of relief. Thankfully, no one had seen him. If anyone had mistaken him for a lecher, it would have been utterly embarrassing! He would probably not be able to stay in the Violet Flame Sect any longer, let alone learn the fire fusion technique. However, as he recalled the girl’s figure and complexion, a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. Although it was unintentional, he still saw everything.

“Red, you’re still awake at this hour. Were you also woken up by the noise?” At that moment, Judd walked over and asked John this question. When John heard that, he immediately caught on and answered with a nod, “Yes. I thought I heard something, so I came out to check!”

“Who’s causing such a ruckus in the middle of the night? I’ll definitely find out tomorrow. They won’t go unpunished!” said Judd indignantly.

“Judd, perhaps the person was just letting out his repressed emotions at night. I don’t think there’s a need to be so harsh,” coaxed John quickly. He didn’t want Judd to investigate this tomorrow. If the truth came out, he would have to leave.

“Red, you’re not only wealthy and capable, but you are also kind-hearted! Men like you are truly a rare find!” Judd praised John.
Chapter 3966 Bobby Returned

“Men like you are few and far between in the Ethereal Realm!”

At that moment, Carla entered. Shocked to see Carla, Judd asked, “Carla, why are you here instead of your mansion so late at night?”

“I’m here to check on our Red’s recovery. I also brought him some fruits!” As she spoke, Carla pulled out some red spiritual fruits from her pocket. Finding fruits was a nearly impossible task in a barren place like the Violet Flame Sect, let alone finding a spiritual fruit!

“Carla, did you steal Mr. Mateo’s spiritual fruits?” exclaimed Judd in shock as he looked at those spiritual fruits.

“How can it be considered stealing? My master has been imprisoned for thirty years now. I’m in charge of the entire mansion, so it’s up to me to distribute these items. I was worried about Red’s recovery, so I brought these over for him!”

“Red, eat quickly! Only elders have access to things like these,” urged Carla as she handed a few spiritual fruits to John. John didn’t stand on ceremony.

“Thank you, Carla!”

“Why are you being so formal with me? Just tell me whatever you want. I’ll make sure you get it!” said Carla with a smile.

Judd was overcome with jealousy. Even John was left speechless for a moment. He could tell that Carla was trying to seduce him. However, he didn’t really have any feelings for her. Although Carla was undoubtedly attractive, she fell short when compared to the women around John. Compared to the girl he had just seen in the spiritual energy pool, the difference was even more pronounced.

“Judd, did you know? Bobby returned today,” said Carla

“What? How did he manage to return? Wasn’t he expelled from the sect?” asked Judd, feeling puzzled.

“Who knows? Now that his father has become the sect leader, he must have been summoned back. Moreover, Titus was nearly crippled by Red. Naturally, Mr. Morrilo would need a capable assistant,” replied Carla.

“Judd, who exactly is Bobby?” asked John curiously.

“Bobby is Mr. Morrilo’s son. After he was exiled from the sect, no one knew where he went. Who would’ve expected him to return now?” explained Judd.

“Why was he expelled from the sect?” John didn’t understand. After all, Garry was an elder. It was impossible for an elder’s son to be chased out of the sect.

“You might not know this, Red, but Bobby is quite the pervert. Back in the day, many female disciples had been sexually assaulted by him. As such, there were fewer female disciples in the Violet Flame Sect. As his father was an elder, no one interfered with his actions. However, this guy had the audacity to lay his hands on Joy. He nearly had his way with her. Thankfully, someone discovered him in time.”

Judd continued, “When Gael found out that his daughter was almost violated, he was so furious that he was ready to kill Bobby on the spot. However, after several elders pleaded on Bobby’s behalf, he merely expelled Bobby from the sect! Now that Gael had stepped down and Garry took over, he unexpectedly summoned his son back. This time, the female disciples in the sect are in for trouble again.” Judd sighed lightly.

After Judd finished speaking, John couldn’t help but glance at Carla. After all, she was also a female disciple. Upon noticing John’s gaze, Carla quickly clarified, “I assure you, Bobby has never laid a hand on me. I’m still a virgin!”

“Carla wasn’t touched. Mr. Mateo was keeping a close eye on her, so Bobby simply had no chance to make a move,” added Judd hastily.

“Carla, now that Bobby has returned, you need to be careful. With Mr. Mateo now locked away, there’s no one to stand up for you. If Bobby does something crazy, do you think you can defeat him?” John cautioned Carla.
Chapter 3967 - 3968 Open Divine Flame Mountain

Carla shook her head when she heard that. “When Bobby left, he was already an Eighth Level Tribulator. I don’t know how much he’s progressed. If he were to do something crazy, I’d rather end my own life. Even if I die, I must not let him tarnish me.” When Carla spoke these words, her face was full of determination. It was clear that if it came to that moment, she was truly ready to take her own life!

“Carla, even if you were to commit suicide, Bobby might still be interested in your corpse. Won’t that be…” John didn’t finish his sentence, confident that Carla understood what he was trying to say. A grimace appeared on Carla’s face. She had not considered that at all. Bobby can’t be that perverted, right? However, no one could be certain. Carla found herself in a tough spot.

“Carla, if Bobby gives you any trouble, let me know. I’ll protect you!” assured Judd hastily when he saw the distressed look on Carla’s face.

“Judd, can you defeat Bobby?” asked Carla. Judd was momentarily speechless. Naturally, he couldn’t win Bobby.

“Carla, how about you stay at my place? If he dares to come here to bother you, I won’t let him leave this door,” suggested John to Carla.

Upon hearing this, she instantly perked up and nodded enthusiastically. “Sure! I’ll sleep with you. I’ll grab my blanket right now…” After saying that, Carla dashed off to fetch her blanket!

John could only muster a wry smile when he saw her eagerness. He asked her to sleep over solely for her safety. There was certainly no other intention, but Carla probably didn’t see it that way. Judd looked at John with a hint of envy.

“Red, you may not realize this, but Carla is usually quite aloof. However, she turns into a smitten fangirl in front of you! You’re in for a treat tonight. Enjoy yourself! I won’t bother you any longer!”

“Judd, you’ve misunderstood. I’m genuinely just concerned for Carla’s safety. I have no ulterior motives, I wouldn’t lay a finger on her,” John hastily tried to explain to Judd.

“Enough. There’s no need for explanations. Even if you have no intentions, can you guarantee that Carla doesn’t feel the same? Judging from the way she’s looking at you, she’s going to eat you clean tonight. Take care!” With that, Judd turned around and left.

Soon, Carla arrived with her blanket. Without a word, she dragged John into the room. John rushed into the room and promptly shut the door behind him.

“Carla, there’s a room next door. You should sleep there. I’m used to sleeping alone!” John refused to let Carla into his room.

Carla spent a long trying to persuade John. However, seeing that he remained unmoved, she had no choice but to storm off to the room next door. Once he saw Carla heading to the adjacent room, John lay on his bed and drifted off to sleep.

Meanwhile, at Mr. Morrilo’s mansion, there were a few disciples from the Violet Flame Sect standing in front of a towering building. Inside this building, Garry was seated at the main seat in the hall. A few elders were also seated in front of him, all of them belonging to his faction. These elders were all his followers, which was why Garry had summoned them so late into the night.

However, these few elders didn’t hold as much influence in the Violet Flame Sect as Dario and Velez. After all, Dario, Velez, and the others were highly respected elders of the Violet Flame Sect, groomed during Gael’s era.

Furthermore, Dario and Velez previously held the same position in the Violet Flame Sect as Garry. Garry only became the sect leader after making Gael step down through sly manipulations. Hence, his status was only a rank higher than Dario and Velez. This was precisely why Velez dared to defy him, showing no respect for his status as the sect leader.

Today, Garry had gathered several of the elders to discuss how he could solidify his current status.

Behind Garry stood Bobby, who had long been expelled from the sect. At this moment, Bobby was dressed in a black brocade robe, wearing a crown. His eyes were deep and his face bore an expression of arrogance. Even though he had been expelled from the sect, even in the presence of these elders, Bobby remained expressionless

“Mr. Morrilo, now that you hold the reins of power and have welcomed back Mr. Bobby, anyone who disobeys should be directly imprisoned. As for Mr. Mateo, lock him up for thirty years,” suggested a slender elder, flattering Garry.

“Exactly, now the entire Violet Flame Sect follows your orders. Even if Mr. Barclay and the rest are unhappy, they wouldn’t dare to do anything. Are they bold enough to rebel?” echoed another elder. After hearing this, Garry didn’t utter a word. Instead, his gaze shifted toward the last elder. The man was portly, and his eyes were slightly closed.

“Mr. Sindbad, do you have any opinions?” Garry inquired.

Winston slowly opened his eyes and said, “As long as the Divine Flame Seal is not in our hands, your position remains unstable. Although Mr. Orlando retired due to illness, he still has a daughter. If the Divine Flame Seal falls into Joy’s hands, I fear there won’t be many in the Violet Flame Sect who will obey you, Mr. Morrilo. Moreover, after Mr. Bobby was expelled from the clan, you’ve now brought him back. Naturally, this will lead to some resentment among many. This pent-up resentment is bound to erupt at some point.” Winston’s words silenced everyone.

Garry’s expression grew serious. He knew well how he had obtained his position as the sect leader. He had secretly poisoned Gael, causing bouts of madness, which led to his forced retirement. Although Garry now held the position of sect leader, it was only as an acting sect leader. He had not truly secured his position. To solidify his position as the sect leader, he needed the Divine Flame Seal to command the Violet Flame Sect. The Divine Flame Seal was akin to the signet ring-only by possessing it could one be the rightful ruler.

“Gael placed the Divine Flame Seal on Divine Flame Mountain years ago, likely to prevent anyone from coveting the position of the sect leader.” Garry sighed and continued, “Now that he often lapses into madness, there’s no way to open Divine Flame Mountain. How can we retrieve the Divine Flame Seal?”

“Mr. Morrilo, Mr. Cunningham can use an array disk to open Divine Flame Mountain, but that fellow is stubborn and unyielding, unlikely to cooperate with us,” said the slender elder.

“No need to plead with Mr. Cunningham. As long as Mr. Morrilo convenes a meeting of the elders and all elders agree to open Divine Flame Mountain, Mr. Cunningham will have no choice but to comply. Does he dare defy sect rules?” suggested another elder.

“Easier said than done. How could Mr. Barclay and the others agree? They’re probably thinking of ways to get Joy into power,” retorted the slender elder.

“Enough, stop arguing. We’ll discuss the elders’ resolution in a few days. But regarding my son Bobby’s return to the sect, you all must unanimously agree.” Garry knocked on the table as he spoke. “As for others who oppose, I’ll pretend not to see them. There’s no room for negotiation on this matter.”

“Dad, I’m returning to the sect only to help you secure your position. I have no intention of staying in the sect. The outside world is far more exciting. And this time, I must deal with Joy. It was because of her that I was expelled from the sect. Once Joy becomes mine, no one in the Violet Flame Sect will threaten you,” Bobby said, a slight smile playing on his lips and his eyes narrowing.

“Mr. Bobby, please don’t be impulsive. I heard that Joy has been in seclusion to cultivate continuously. She is likely a Ninth Level Tribulator now,” the slender elder hurriedly advised Bobby.
Chapter 3967 - 3968 Open Divine Flame Mountain

Carla shook her head when she heard that. “When Bobby left, he was already an Eighth Level Tribulator. I don’t know how much he’s progressed. If he were to do something crazy, I’d rather end my own life. Even if I die, I must not let him tarnish me.” When Carla spoke these words, her face was full of determination. It was clear that if it came to that moment, she was truly ready to take her own life!

“Carla, even if you were to commit suicide, Bobby might still be interested in your corpse. Won’t that be…” John didn’t finish his sentence, confident that Carla understood what he was trying to say. A grimace appeared on Carla’s face. She had not considered that at all. Bobby can’t be that perverted, right? However, no one could be certain. Carla found herself in a tough spot.

“Carla, if Bobby gives you any trouble, let me know. I’ll protect you!” assured Judd hastily when he saw the distressed look on Carla’s face.

“Judd, can you defeat Bobby?” asked Carla. Judd was momentarily speechless. Naturally, he couldn’t win Bobby.

“Carla, how about you stay at my place? If he dares to come here to bother you, I won’t let him leave this door,” suggested John to Carla.

Upon hearing this, she instantly perked up and nodded enthusiastically. “Sure! I’ll sleep with you. I’ll grab my blanket right now…” After saying that, Carla dashed off to fetch her blanket!

John could only muster a wry smile when he saw her eagerness. He asked her to sleep over solely for her safety. There was certainly no other intention, but Carla probably didn’t see it that way. Judd looked at John with a hint of envy.

“Red, you may not realize this, but Carla is usually quite aloof. However, she turns into a smitten fangirl in front of you! You’re in for a treat tonight. Enjoy yourself! I won’t bother you any longer!”

“Judd, you’ve misunderstood. I’m genuinely just concerned for Carla’s safety. I have no ulterior motives, I wouldn’t lay a finger on her,” John hastily tried to explain to Judd.

“Enough. There’s no need for explanations. Even if you have no intentions, can you guarantee that Carla doesn’t feel the same? Judging from the way she’s looking at you, she’s going to eat you clean tonight. Take care!” With that, Judd turned around and left.

Soon, Carla arrived with her blanket. Without a word, she dragged John into the room. John rushed into the room and promptly shut the door behind him.

“Carla, there’s a room next door. You should sleep there. I’m used to sleeping alone!” John refused to let Carla into his room.

Carla spent a long trying to persuade John. However, seeing that he remained unmoved, she had no choice but to storm off to the room next door. Once he saw Carla heading to the adjacent room, John lay on his bed and drifted off to sleep.

Meanwhile, at Mr. Morrilo’s mansion, there were a few disciples from the Violet Flame Sect standing in front of a towering building. Inside this building, Garry was seated at the main seat in the hall. A few elders were also seated in front of him, all of them belonging to his faction. These elders were all his followers, which was why Garry had summoned them so late into the night.

However, these few elders didn’t hold as much influence in the Violet Flame Sect as Dario and Velez. After all, Dario, Velez, and the others were highly respected elders of the Violet Flame Sect, groomed during Gael’s era.

Furthermore, Dario and Velez previously held the same position in the Violet Flame Sect as Garry. Garry only became the sect leader after making Gael step down through sly manipulations. Hence, his status was only a rank higher than Dario and Velez. This was precisely why Velez dared to defy him, showing no respect for his status as the sect leader.

Today, Garry had gathered several of the elders to discuss how he could solidify his current status.

Behind Garry stood Bobby, who had long been expelled from the sect. At this moment, Bobby was dressed in a black brocade robe, wearing a crown. His eyes were deep and his face bore an expression of arrogance. Even though he had been expelled from the sect, even in the presence of these elders, Bobby remained expressionless

“Mr. Morrilo, now that you hold the reins of power and have welcomed back Mr. Bobby, anyone who disobeys should be directly imprisoned. As for Mr. Mateo, lock him up for thirty years,” suggested a slender elder, flattering Garry.

“Exactly, now the entire Violet Flame Sect follows your orders. Even if Mr. Barclay and the rest are unhappy, they wouldn’t dare to do anything. Are they bold enough to rebel?” echoed another elder. After hearing this, Garry didn’t utter a word. Instead, his gaze shifted toward the last elder. The man was portly, and his eyes were slightly closed.

“Mr. Sindbad, do you have any opinions?” Garry inquired.

Winston slowly opened his eyes and said, “As long as the Divine Flame Seal is not in our hands, your position remains unstable. Although Mr. Orlando retired due to illness, he still has a daughter. If the Divine Flame Seal falls into Joy’s hands, I fear there won’t be many in the Violet Flame Sect who will obey you, Mr. Morrilo. Moreover, after Mr. Bobby was expelled from the clan, you’ve now brought him back. Naturally, this will lead to some resentment among many. This pent-up resentment is bound to erupt at some point.” Winston’s words silenced everyone.

Garry’s expression grew serious. He knew well how he had obtained his position as the sect leader. He had secretly poisoned Gael, causing bouts of madness, which led to his forced retirement. Although Garry now held the position of sect leader, it was only as an acting sect leader. He had not truly secured his position. To solidify his position as the sect leader, he needed the Divine Flame Seal to command the Violet Flame Sect. The Divine Flame Seal was akin to the signet ring-only by possessing it could one be the rightful ruler.

“Gael placed the Divine Flame Seal on Divine Flame Mountain years ago, likely to prevent anyone from coveting the position of the sect leader.” Garry sighed and continued, “Now that he often lapses into madness, there’s no way to open Divine Flame Mountain. How can we retrieve the Divine Flame Seal?”

“Mr. Morrilo, Mr. Cunningham can use an array disk to open Divine Flame Mountain, but that fellow is stubborn and unyielding, unlikely to cooperate with us,” said the slender elder.

“No need to plead with Mr. Cunningham. As long as Mr. Morrilo convenes a meeting of the elders and all elders agree to open Divine Flame Mountain, Mr. Cunningham will have no choice but to comply. Does he dare defy sect rules?” suggested another elder.

“Easier said than done. How could Mr. Barclay and the others agree? They’re probably thinking of ways to get Joy into power,” retorted the slender elder.

“Enough, stop arguing. We’ll discuss the elders’ resolution in a few days. But regarding my son Bobby’s return to the sect, you all must unanimously agree.” Garry knocked on the table as he spoke. “As for others who oppose, I’ll pretend not to see them. There’s no room for negotiation on this matter.”

“Dad, I’m returning to the sect only to help you secure your position. I have no intention of staying in the sect. The outside world is far more exciting. And this time, I must deal with Joy. It was because of her that I was expelled from the sect. Once Joy becomes mine, no one in the Violet Flame Sect will threaten you,” Bobby said, a slight smile playing on his lips and his eyes narrowing.

“Mr. Bobby, please don’t be impulsive. I heard that Joy has been in seclusion to cultivate continuously. She is likely a Ninth Level Tribulator now,” the slender elder hurriedly advised Bobby.
Bobby is a member of prvt sect
It looks like I will have to be prepared to lose a couple more of my sect members to John, especially Joy. Even though there might be other method, he might use sex as a means to merge all the various fire sources. Emeka must be making all the necessary arrangements.
It looks like I will have to be prepared to lose a couple more of my sect members to John, especially Joy. Even though there might be other method, he might use sex as a means to merge all the various fire sources. Emeka must be making all the necessary arrangements.
What do you expect 😎😋😋😋😋
I can only immagine what mortal duties were you up to.. we will be happy in here if you would share some pictures from that 'duties' of the mundane. Have you brought back some for Emeka to have his hands on?
Those who think of sex 69 hours a day are only eligible to see those pics. Only 3 here in the forum qualify to see them. Any guesses??

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