The Dragon Man's Decree - Translated by GILY

Author: Unknown
Type: Action and Adventure
Posted : 07 October 2023
Status: Ongoing

John White is furious that someone has tried to make an advance on his girlfriend. In the end, he ends up behind bars after his attempt to protect her. Three years later, he is a free man but finds out that that girlfriend of his has married the man who hit on her back then. John will not let things slide. Thankfully, he has learned Focus Technique during his time in prison. At that, he embarks on the journey of cultivation and is accompanied by a gorgeous Miranda. Who would have thought this would enrage his ex-girlfriend?
Chapter 3969 - Chapter 3971 Unafraid of the demonic fire?

Upon his return, he wanted to fool around with Gael’s daughter immediately. That wasn’t a good thing. If things escalate, the internal conflict in the Violet Flame Sect could spiral out of control.

“Hahaha, a Ninth Level Tribulator? What a joke!” Bobby laughed heartily, an intense aura suddenly bursting forth from him. Dark flames danced and flickered relentlessly around his body!

“Demonic Fire of the demon spirits?” Everyone was shocked, except Garry who remained expressionless. He seemed to have long known about Bobby practicing demonic techniques. Then, the demonic fire around Bobby turned from brown to light purple. As it changed, Bobby’s aura continued to rise.

“A Top Level Tribulator?” All the elders were dumbfounded. None had expected Bobby, who was an Eighth Level Tribulator when he left, would come back as a Top Level Tribulator. With just a small opportunity, Bobby could ascend to the Ultimate Realm. It was simply unbelievable, especially the fact that Bobby had somehow mastered three kinds of demonic fires.

“In light of my current strength, is there anyone who dares to oppose me in pursuing Joy?” Bobby asked casually. Everyone fell silent. With this level of power, even Dario would likely be unable to stop him!

“In fact, one of the reasons I came back this time is to use the Divine Flame Seal as a catalyst to break through tribulation and ascend to the ranks of Ultimate Realm. So, in the coming days, I will find a way to open Divine Flame Mountain and expose the Divine Flame Seal,” Garry declared.

Upon hearing this, everyone understood why Garry had suddenly summoned Bobby back. If the Divine Flame Seal could serve as a catalyst for Bobby to break through the Tribulator and ascend to the Ultimate Realm, it would indeed be incredibly valuable.

“Mr. Morrilo, I have an idea that might persuade Mr. Barclay and the others to agree to open Divine Flame Mountain.” Winston spoke up.

“What idea?” Garry asked with interest. Winston had always been Garry’s strategist, which was why Garry had specifically asked for his opinion. Furthermore, the fact that Winston dared to close his eyes to rest in front of Garry was all because of his brain. Winston’s strength wasn’t particularly impressive, but he sure was sharp-witted. In the Ethereal Realm, power was held in the highest esteem. Many devoted themselves to relentless training, often at the expense of their intellectual prowess. Anyone with a bit of brains could be a strategist.

“Mr. Morrilo, Mr. Barclay and others have always held resentment about Mr. Mateo being imprisoned for thirty years. We can use Mr. Mateo as leverage. As long as Mr. Barclay and the others agree to open Divine Flame Mountain, we can release Mr. Mateo instead of keeping him imprisoned for thirty years.” He continued, “If they refuse, we keep him imprisoned indefinitely. The elders of Gael’s faction are quite close, so I believe they would agree just to secure Mr. Mateo’s release.” Winston analyzed carefully.

“Indeed, why didn’t I think of that?” Garry slammed the table, standing up with excitement on his face.

“Let’s use this method. If Mr. Barclay and the others refuse, I’ll extend Mr. Mateo’s imprisonment.”

“Dad, I heard that Mr. Barclay recently took on a new disciple who defeated Titus in the internal competition and even made Titus show respect to that guy?” Bobby asked Garry.

“That’s right, no idea where he found this disciple. Although he seems to be only a Fourth Level Tribulator, he managed to defeat Titus. In the end, Titus used the Demonic Black Lotus and even exposed our Violet Flame Sect’s secret Violaceus Flame, but still couldn’t defeat him. It seems like that guy isn’t afraid of the Violaceus Flame, which is quite strange.” Garry frowned as he mentioned this. His most prized disciple had been defeated and even had to show respect to someone else. His reputation was completely tarnished! The main issue was that John seemed unafraid of the Violaceus Flame, which puzzled Garry greatly!

“Unafraid of the demonic fire?” Bobby frowned.

“Could it be that guy has the true fire endurance?”

“Impossible! True fire endurance requires tempering with ten kinds of demonic fire, and one must be able to endure it to achieve it. That guy clearly can’t have true fire endurance. I suspect he has some treasure that can counter demonic fire,” Garry replied, shaking his head

Garry was right. John didn’t have true fire endurance. He was just using his extreme frost flame to protect himself. If someone with stronger demonic fire came along, they could break through John’s extremus frost flame, and he wouldn’t be able to withstand it.

“I have to meet this guy one day,” Bobby said, clearly interested in John.

“Bobby, you need to keep a low profile these days. If you cause any conflict until Mr. Barclay and the others refuse to agree to open Divine Flame Mountain, it will be troublesome,” Garry reminded.

“I understand!” Bobby nodded. The secret meeting continued until midnight before it was finally adjourned.

Dario and the others had no idea that Garry had held this secret meeting at midnight. The next morning, Judd arrived at John’s courtyard early. He wanted to see if John had slept with Carla. However, when he saw John and Carla coming out of two different rooms, he rejoiced inwardly. It seemed John was a gentleman and hadn’t taken advantage of Carla.

“Judd, why are you here so early?” John asked Judd, puzzled by his early visit. What on earth is Judd doing here so early in the morning?

“Red, our master asked me to come get you. He wants to take you to meet Joy!” Judd said. Hearing this, John was delighted and nodded. If he could learn the method of integrating demonic fire from Joy, he wouldn’t have to stay hidden in the Violet Flame Sect anymore.

“He’s taking Red to see Joy?” Carla exclaimed in surprise.

“Yes, Master is taking him. This kind of opportunity isn’t available to everyone. I’m so envious of you, Red,” Judd said.

Carla remained silent, but it was clear that she wasn’t happy. She knew that compared to Joy, she was much less impressive. If there was no comparison, she could slowly win John over. But if John saw Joy, he might only have eyes for Joy and would no longer look at Carla.

John noticed Carla’s feelings but didn’t say anything. He wasn’t interested in her. He couldn’t just sleep with her to please her, especially since she was still a maiden. That wouldn’t be responsible.

John followed Judd to see Dario. After they met with Dario, he said, “I’ve already informed them. Today, I’ll take you to see Joy.” He turned to Judd.

“Judd, you can come along too. I don’t think you’ve met Joy yet, have you?”

“What? I can also see Joy? That’s great!” Judd shouted excitedly.

Seeing Judd’s excited outburst, Dario quickly coughed twice to remind him to calm down. That was embarrassing. Judd then tried hard to control his excitement. The two of them followed Dario out of the mansion to the depths of Violet Flame Sect.

The deeper they went, the stricter the security became. Moreover, the disciples they encountered were not of a weak caliber!

“Red, even inner court disciples can’t easily enter this area,” Judd whispered to John.

John was a bit puzzled because he felt like he had walked this path before. The surrounding buildings also seemed familiar, as if he had seen them last night while wandering around.

“Master, after meeting Joy, can we also meet Mr. Morrilo?” John asked. If Joy doesn’t know the fire fusion technique, I’ll have to see Gael! Dario took my money, so he has to help me!

“In fact, if I want to, I can arrange for you to see Mr. Orlando. However, Mr. Orlando is seriously ill and often mad, so even if you see him, it won’t be useful if he’s not lucid.” Dario glanced at John and revealed the truth.

“What? Mr. Orlando has gone mad?” John was shocked. Isn’t this setting me up? If he’d told me Mr. Orlando was mad earlier, I might not have come! I also wasted so many resources and money!

“Don’t worry, Mr. Orlando isn’t always delirious. It’s only occasionally. No one knows why he suddenly became like this. Because of this, he was forced to retire and let Garry become the acting sect leader,” Dario explained hurriedly when he saw John’s expression.

Standing nearby, Judd was puzzled. Why is Master explaining things to Red? Could it be… After glancing at Dario and John, Judd could roughly guess what was going on. Judging from John’s generous behavior, it seemed he had spent a lot of money on Dario to be brought into the Violet Flame Sect.

“Acting sect leader? So Garry isn’t the true sect leader?” John asked curiously.

“Of course not. The true sect leader needs to be recognized by the Divine Flame Seal. Garry doesn’t have it yet. Before Mr. Orlando went mad, he showed signs of it. So, he placed the Divine Flame Seal into Divine Flame Mountain. Now, without opening Divine Flame Mountain, Garry can’t get the Divine Flame Seal. We’ve always suspected that Mr. Orlando’s illness is related to Garry, but without evidence, we can’t say anything,” Dario explained thoroughly

“Divine Flame Seal? Divine Flame Mountain? What are these things? And there’s no mountain around here. It’s just barren all around, right?” John asked, puzzled. Dario chuckled.

“You’ll understand when Divine Flame Mountain is opened. After Mr. Orlando went mad, only Mr. Cunningham could open Divine Flame Mountain with the formation plate. Mг. Cunningham is impartial and upright, so he won’t open it easily. Otherwise, Garry would have already had him open it to seize the Divine Flame Seal.”

John was surprised by how many secrets the Violet Flame Sect held. “So anyone who gets the Divine Flame Seal can become the sect leader?” John asked.

“Not exactly. The Divine Flame Seal must recognize its master. To become the sect leader of the Violet Flame Sect, one must possess two kinds of demonic fire, which already disqualifies many. Many elders don’t even have the violaceus flame. Even with two types of demonic flames, you still need to make the Divine Flame Seal recognize you as its master. As for the method of recognition, that’s top secret. I don’t even know it, so what use would it be for someone else to get their hands on the Divine Flame Seal?” Dario revealed.

Listening to their conversation, Judd was shocked. Even as a deacon, he was oblivious of many things. These were secrets of the Violet Flame Sect, and now Dario was telling them all to John! It showed how much Dario had benefited from John.

“So, only Garry can become the sect leader if he gets the Divine Flame Seal?” After all, Garry was now the head of the house, and he also had the violaceus flame. It was believed that he knew how to make the Divine Flame Seal recognize him as its master.

“Not necessarily. Joy, Mr. Orlando’s daughter, is also eligible. However, Joy lacks the strength now and has been training hard, rarely seen. Since Mr. Orlando went mad, Joy has been even more diligent, spending all her time in the spiritual energy pool. If it weren’t for my position, you wouldn’t even dream of seeing her,” Dario said
Chapter 3969 - Chapter 3971 Unafraid of the demonic fire?

Upon his return, he wanted to fool around with Gael’s daughter immediately. That wasn’t a good thing. If things escalate, the internal conflict in the Violet Flame Sect could spiral out of control.

“Hahaha, a Ninth Level Tribulator? What a joke!” Bobby laughed heartily, an intense aura suddenly bursting forth from him. Dark flames danced and flickered relentlessly around his body!

“Demonic Fire of the demon spirits?” Everyone was shocked, except Garry who remained expressionless. He seemed to have long known about Bobby practicing demonic techniques. Then, the demonic fire around Bobby turned from brown to light purple. As it changed, Bobby’s aura continued to rise.

“A Top Level Tribulator?” All the elders were dumbfounded. None had expected Bobby, who was an Eighth Level Tribulator when he left, would come back as a Top Level Tribulator. With just a small opportunity, Bobby could ascend to the Ultimate Realm. It was simply unbelievable, especially the fact that Bobby had somehow mastered three kinds of demonic fires.

“In light of my current strength, is there anyone who dares to oppose me in pursuing Joy?” Bobby asked casually. Everyone fell silent. With this level of power, even Dario would likely be unable to stop him!

“In fact, one of the reasons I came back this time is to use the Divine Flame Seal as a catalyst to break through tribulation and ascend to the ranks of Ultimate Realm. So, in the coming days, I will find a way to open Divine Flame Mountain and expose the Divine Flame Seal,” Garry declared.

Upon hearing this, everyone understood why Garry had suddenly summoned Bobby back. If the Divine Flame Seal could serve as a catalyst for Bobby to break through the Tribulator and ascend to the Ultimate Realm, it would indeed be incredibly valuable.

“Mr. Morrilo, I have an idea that might persuade Mr. Barclay and the others to agree to open Divine Flame Mountain.” Winston spoke up.

“What idea?” Garry asked with interest. Winston had always been Garry’s strategist, which was why Garry had specifically asked for his opinion. Furthermore, the fact that Winston dared to close his eyes to rest in front of Garry was all because of his brain. Winston’s strength wasn’t particularly impressive, but he sure was sharp-witted. In the Ethereal Realm, power was held in the highest esteem. Many devoted themselves to relentless training, often at the expense of their intellectual prowess. Anyone with a bit of brains could be a strategist.

“Mr. Morrilo, Mr. Barclay and others have always held resentment about Mr. Mateo being imprisoned for thirty years. We can use Mr. Mateo as leverage. As long as Mr. Barclay and the others agree to open Divine Flame Mountain, we can release Mr. Mateo instead of keeping him imprisoned for thirty years.” He continued, “If they refuse, we keep him imprisoned indefinitely. The elders of Gael’s faction are quite close, so I believe they would agree just to secure Mr. Mateo’s release.” Winston analyzed carefully.

“Indeed, why didn’t I think of that?” Garry slammed the table, standing up with excitement on his face.

“Let’s use this method. If Mr. Barclay and the others refuse, I’ll extend Mr. Mateo’s imprisonment.”

“Dad, I heard that Mr. Barclay recently took on a new disciple who defeated Titus in the internal competition and even made Titus show respect to that guy?” Bobby asked Garry.

“That’s right, no idea where he found this disciple. Although he seems to be only a Fourth Level Tribulator, he managed to defeat Titus. In the end, Titus used the Demonic Black Lotus and even exposed our Violet Flame Sect’s secret Violaceus Flame, but still couldn’t defeat him. It seems like that guy isn’t afraid of the Violaceus Flame, which is quite strange.” Garry frowned as he mentioned this. His most prized disciple had been defeated and even had to show respect to someone else. His reputation was completely tarnished! The main issue was that John seemed unafraid of the Violaceus Flame, which puzzled Garry greatly!

“Unafraid of the demonic fire?” Bobby frowned.

“Could it be that guy has the true fire endurance?”

“Impossible! True fire endurance requires tempering with ten kinds of demonic fire, and one must be able to endure it to achieve it. That guy clearly can’t have true fire endurance. I suspect he has some treasure that can counter demonic fire,” Garry replied, shaking his head

Garry was right. John didn’t have true fire endurance. He was just using his extreme frost flame to protect himself. If someone with stronger demonic fire came along, they could break through John’s extremus frost flame, and he wouldn’t be able to withstand it.

“I have to meet this guy one day,” Bobby said, clearly interested in John.

“Bobby, you need to keep a low profile these days. If you cause any conflict until Mr. Barclay and the others refuse to agree to open Divine Flame Mountain, it will be troublesome,” Garry reminded.

“I understand!” Bobby nodded. The secret meeting continued until midnight before it was finally adjourned.

Dario and the others had no idea that Garry had held this secret meeting at midnight. The next morning, Judd arrived at John’s courtyard early. He wanted to see if John had slept with Carla. However, when he saw John and Carla coming out of two different rooms, he rejoiced inwardly. It seemed John was a gentleman and hadn’t taken advantage of Carla.

“Judd, why are you here so early?” John asked Judd, puzzled by his early visit. What on earth is Judd doing here so early in the morning?

“Red, our master asked me to come get you. He wants to take you to meet Joy!” Judd said. Hearing this, John was delighted and nodded. If he could learn the method of integrating demonic fire from Joy, he wouldn’t have to stay hidden in the Violet Flame Sect anymore.

“He’s taking Red to see Joy?” Carla exclaimed in surprise.

“Yes, Master is taking him. This kind of opportunity isn’t available to everyone. I’m so envious of you, Red,” Judd said.

Carla remained silent, but it was clear that she wasn’t happy. She knew that compared to Joy, she was much less impressive. If there was no comparison, she could slowly win John over. But if John saw Joy, he might only have eyes for Joy and would no longer look at Carla.

John noticed Carla’s feelings but didn’t say anything. He wasn’t interested in her. He couldn’t just sleep with her to please her, especially since she was still a maiden. That wouldn’t be responsible.

John followed Judd to see Dario. After they met with Dario, he said, “I’ve already informed them. Today, I’ll take you to see Joy.” He turned to Judd.

“Judd, you can come along too. I don’t think you’ve met Joy yet, have you?”

“What? I can also see Joy? That’s great!” Judd shouted excitedly.

Seeing Judd’s excited outburst, Dario quickly coughed twice to remind him to calm down. That was embarrassing. Judd then tried hard to control his excitement. The two of them followed Dario out of the mansion to the depths of Violet Flame Sect.

The deeper they went, the stricter the security became. Moreover, the disciples they encountered were not of a weak caliber!

“Red, even inner court disciples can’t easily enter this area,” Judd whispered to John.

John was a bit puzzled because he felt like he had walked this path before. The surrounding buildings also seemed familiar, as if he had seen them last night while wandering around.

“Master, after meeting Joy, can we also meet Mr. Morrilo?” John asked. If Joy doesn’t know the fire fusion technique, I’ll have to see Gael! Dario took my money, so he has to help me!

“In fact, if I want to, I can arrange for you to see Mr. Orlando. However, Mr. Orlando is seriously ill and often mad, so even if you see him, it won’t be useful if he’s not lucid.” Dario glanced at John and revealed the truth.

“What? Mr. Orlando has gone mad?” John was shocked. Isn’t this setting me up? If he’d told me Mr. Orlando was mad earlier, I might not have come! I also wasted so many resources and money!

“Don’t worry, Mr. Orlando isn’t always delirious. It’s only occasionally. No one knows why he suddenly became like this. Because of this, he was forced to retire and let Garry become the acting sect leader,” Dario explained hurriedly when he saw John’s expression.

Standing nearby, Judd was puzzled. Why is Master explaining things to Red? Could it be… After glancing at Dario and John, Judd could roughly guess what was going on. Judging from John’s generous behavior, it seemed he had spent a lot of money on Dario to be brought into the Violet Flame Sect.

“Acting sect leader? So Garry isn’t the true sect leader?” John asked curiously.

“Of course not. The true sect leader needs to be recognized by the Divine Flame Seal. Garry doesn’t have it yet. Before Mr. Orlando went mad, he showed signs of it. So, he placed the Divine Flame Seal into Divine Flame Mountain. Now, without opening Divine Flame Mountain, Garry can’t get the Divine Flame Seal. We’ve always suspected that Mr. Orlando’s illness is related to Garry, but without evidence, we can’t say anything,” Dario explained thoroughly

“Divine Flame Seal? Divine Flame Mountain? What are these things? And there’s no mountain around here. It’s just barren all around, right?” John asked, puzzled. Dario chuckled.

“You’ll understand when Divine Flame Mountain is opened. After Mr. Orlando went mad, only Mr. Cunningham could open Divine Flame Mountain with the formation plate. Mг. Cunningham is impartial and upright, so he won’t open it easily. Otherwise, Garry would have already had him open it to seize the Divine Flame Seal.”

John was surprised by how many secrets the Violet Flame Sect held. “So anyone who gets the Divine Flame Seal can become the sect leader?” John asked.

“Not exactly. The Divine Flame Seal must recognize its master. To become the sect leader of the Violet Flame Sect, one must possess two kinds of demonic fire, which already disqualifies many. Many elders don’t even have the violaceus flame. Even with two types of demonic flames, you still need to make the Divine Flame Seal recognize you as its master. As for the method of recognition, that’s top secret. I don’t even know it, so what use would it be for someone else to get their hands on the Divine Flame Seal?” Dario revealed.

Listening to their conversation, Judd was shocked. Even as a deacon, he was oblivious of many things. These were secrets of the Violet Flame Sect, and now Dario was telling them all to John! It showed how much Dario had benefited from John.

“So, only Garry can become the sect leader if he gets the Divine Flame Seal?” After all, Garry was now the head of the house, and he also had the violaceus flame. It was believed that he knew how to make the Divine Flame Seal recognize him as its master.

“Not necessarily. Joy, Mr. Orlando’s daughter, is also eligible. However, Joy lacks the strength now and has been training hard, rarely seen. Since Mr. Orlando went mad, Joy has been even more diligent, spending all her time in the spiritual energy pool. If it weren’t for my position, you wouldn’t even dream of seeing her,” Dario said
Chapter 3969 - Chapter 3971 Unafraid of the demonic fire?

Upon his return, he wanted to fool around with Gael’s daughter immediately. That wasn’t a good thing. If things escalate, the internal conflict in the Violet Flame Sect could spiral out of control.

“Hahaha, a Ninth Level Tribulator? What a joke!” Bobby laughed heartily, an intense aura suddenly bursting forth from him. Dark flames danced and flickered relentlessly around his body!

“Demonic Fire of the demon spirits?” Everyone was shocked, except Garry who remained expressionless. He seemed to have long known about Bobby practicing demonic techniques. Then, the demonic fire around Bobby turned from brown to light purple. As it changed, Bobby’s aura continued to rise.

“A Top Level Tribulator?” All the elders were dumbfounded. None had expected Bobby, who was an Eighth Level Tribulator when he left, would come back as a Top Level Tribulator. With just a small opportunity, Bobby could ascend to the Ultimate Realm. It was simply unbelievable, especially the fact that Bobby had somehow mastered three kinds of demonic fires.

“In light of my current strength, is there anyone who dares to oppose me in pursuing Joy?” Bobby asked casually. Everyone fell silent. With this level of power, even Dario would likely be unable to stop him!

“In fact, one of the reasons I came back this time is to use the Divine Flame Seal as a catalyst to break through tribulation and ascend to the ranks of Ultimate Realm. So, in the coming days, I will find a way to open Divine Flame Mountain and expose the Divine Flame Seal,” Garry declared.

Upon hearing this, everyone understood why Garry had suddenly summoned Bobby back. If the Divine Flame Seal could serve as a catalyst for Bobby to break through the Tribulator and ascend to the Ultimate Realm, it would indeed be incredibly valuable.

“Mr. Morrilo, I have an idea that might persuade Mr. Barclay and the others to agree to open Divine Flame Mountain.” Winston spoke up.

“What idea?” Garry asked with interest. Winston had always been Garry’s strategist, which was why Garry had specifically asked for his opinion. Furthermore, the fact that Winston dared to close his eyes to rest in front of Garry was all because of his brain. Winston’s strength wasn’t particularly impressive, but he sure was sharp-witted. In the Ethereal Realm, power was held in the highest esteem. Many devoted themselves to relentless training, often at the expense of their intellectual prowess. Anyone with a bit of brains could be a strategist.

“Mr. Morrilo, Mr. Barclay and others have always held resentment about Mr. Mateo being imprisoned for thirty years. We can use Mr. Mateo as leverage. As long as Mr. Barclay and the others agree to open Divine Flame Mountain, we can release Mr. Mateo instead of keeping him imprisoned for thirty years.” He continued, “If they refuse, we keep him imprisoned indefinitely. The elders of Gael’s faction are quite close, so I believe they would agree just to secure Mr. Mateo’s release.” Winston analyzed carefully.

“Indeed, why didn’t I think of that?” Garry slammed the table, standing up with excitement on his face.

“Let’s use this method. If Mr. Barclay and the others refuse, I’ll extend Mr. Mateo’s imprisonment.”

“Dad, I heard that Mr. Barclay recently took on a new disciple who defeated Titus in the internal competition and even made Titus show respect to that guy?” Bobby asked Garry.

“That’s right, no idea where he found this disciple. Although he seems to be only a Fourth Level Tribulator, he managed to defeat Titus. In the end, Titus used the Demonic Black Lotus and even exposed our Violet Flame Sect’s secret Violaceus Flame, but still couldn’t defeat him. It seems like that guy isn’t afraid of the Violaceus Flame, which is quite strange.” Garry frowned as he mentioned this. His most prized disciple had been defeated and even had to show respect to someone else. His reputation was completely tarnished! The main issue was that John seemed unafraid of the Violaceus Flame, which puzzled Garry greatly!

“Unafraid of the demonic fire?” Bobby frowned.

“Could it be that guy has the true fire endurance?”

“Impossible! True fire endurance requires tempering with ten kinds of demonic fire, and one must be able to endure it to achieve it. That guy clearly can’t have true fire endurance. I suspect he has some treasure that can counter demonic fire,” Garry replied, shaking his head

Garry was right. John didn’t have true fire endurance. He was just using his extreme frost flame to protect himself. If someone with stronger demonic fire came along, they could break through John’s extremus frost flame, and he wouldn’t be able to withstand it.

“I have to meet this guy one day,” Bobby said, clearly interested in John.

“Bobby, you need to keep a low profile these days. If you cause any conflict until Mr. Barclay and the others refuse to agree to open Divine Flame Mountain, it will be troublesome,” Garry reminded.

“I understand!” Bobby nodded. The secret meeting continued until midnight before it was finally adjourned.

Dario and the others had no idea that Garry had held this secret meeting at midnight. The next morning, Judd arrived at John’s courtyard early. He wanted to see if John had slept with Carla. However, when he saw John and Carla coming out of two different rooms, he rejoiced inwardly. It seemed John was a gentleman and hadn’t taken advantage of Carla.

“Judd, why are you here so early?” John asked Judd, puzzled by his early visit. What on earth is Judd doing here so early in the morning?

“Red, our master asked me to come get you. He wants to take you to meet Joy!” Judd said. Hearing this, John was delighted and nodded. If he could learn the method of integrating demonic fire from Joy, he wouldn’t have to stay hidden in the Violet Flame Sect anymore.

“He’s taking Red to see Joy?” Carla exclaimed in surprise.

“Yes, Master is taking him. This kind of opportunity isn’t available to everyone. I’m so envious of you, Red,” Judd said.

Carla remained silent, but it was clear that she wasn’t happy. She knew that compared to Joy, she was much less impressive. If there was no comparison, she could slowly win John over. But if John saw Joy, he might only have eyes for Joy and would no longer look at Carla.

John noticed Carla’s feelings but didn’t say anything. He wasn’t interested in her. He couldn’t just sleep with her to please her, especially since she was still a maiden. That wouldn’t be responsible.

John followed Judd to see Dario. After they met with Dario, he said, “I’ve already informed them. Today, I’ll take you to see Joy.” He turned to Judd.

“Judd, you can come along too. I don’t think you’ve met Joy yet, have you?”

“What? I can also see Joy? That’s great!” Judd shouted excitedly.

Seeing Judd’s excited outburst, Dario quickly coughed twice to remind him to calm down. That was embarrassing. Judd then tried hard to control his excitement. The two of them followed Dario out of the mansion to the depths of Violet Flame Sect.

The deeper they went, the stricter the security became. Moreover, the disciples they encountered were not of a weak caliber!

“Red, even inner court disciples can’t easily enter this area,” Judd whispered to John.

John was a bit puzzled because he felt like he had walked this path before. The surrounding buildings also seemed familiar, as if he had seen them last night while wandering around.

“Master, after meeting Joy, can we also meet Mr. Morrilo?” John asked. If Joy doesn’t know the fire fusion technique, I’ll have to see Gael! Dario took my money, so he has to help me!

“In fact, if I want to, I can arrange for you to see Mr. Orlando. However, Mr. Orlando is seriously ill and often mad, so even if you see him, it won’t be useful if he’s not lucid.” Dario glanced at John and revealed the truth.

“What? Mr. Orlando has gone mad?” John was shocked. Isn’t this setting me up? If he’d told me Mr. Orlando was mad earlier, I might not have come! I also wasted so many resources and money!

“Don’t worry, Mr. Orlando isn’t always delirious. It’s only occasionally. No one knows why he suddenly became like this. Because of this, he was forced to retire and let Garry become the acting sect leader,” Dario explained hurriedly when he saw John’s expression.

Standing nearby, Judd was puzzled. Why is Master explaining things to Red? Could it be… After glancing at Dario and John, Judd could roughly guess what was going on. Judging from John’s generous behavior, it seemed he had spent a lot of money on Dario to be brought into the Violet Flame Sect.

“Acting sect leader? So Garry isn’t the true sect leader?” John asked curiously.

“Of course not. The true sect leader needs to be recognized by the Divine Flame Seal. Garry doesn’t have it yet. Before Mr. Orlando went mad, he showed signs of it. So, he placed the Divine Flame Seal into Divine Flame Mountain. Now, without opening Divine Flame Mountain, Garry can’t get the Divine Flame Seal. We’ve always suspected that Mr. Orlando’s illness is related to Garry, but without evidence, we can’t say anything,” Dario explained thoroughly

“Divine Flame Seal? Divine Flame Mountain? What are these things? And there’s no mountain around here. It’s just barren all around, right?” John asked, puzzled. Dario chuckled.

“You’ll understand when Divine Flame Mountain is opened. After Mr. Orlando went mad, only Mr. Cunningham could open Divine Flame Mountain with the formation plate. Mг. Cunningham is impartial and upright, so he won’t open it easily. Otherwise, Garry would have already had him open it to seize the Divine Flame Seal.”

John was surprised by how many secrets the Violet Flame Sect held. “So anyone who gets the Divine Flame Seal can become the sect leader?” John asked.

“Not exactly. The Divine Flame Seal must recognize its master. To become the sect leader of the Violet Flame Sect, one must possess two kinds of demonic fire, which already disqualifies many. Many elders don’t even have the violaceus flame. Even with two types of demonic flames, you still need to make the Divine Flame Seal recognize you as its master. As for the method of recognition, that’s top secret. I don’t even know it, so what use would it be for someone else to get their hands on the Divine Flame Seal?” Dario revealed.

Listening to their conversation, Judd was shocked. Even as a deacon, he was oblivious of many things. These were secrets of the Violet Flame Sect, and now Dario was telling them all to John! It showed how much Dario had benefited from John.

“So, only Garry can become the sect leader if he gets the Divine Flame Seal?” After all, Garry was now the head of the house, and he also had the violaceus flame. It was believed that he knew how to make the Divine Flame Seal recognize him as its master.

“Not necessarily. Joy, Mr. Orlando’s daughter, is also eligible. However, Joy lacks the strength now and has been training hard, rarely seen. Since Mr. Orlando went mad, Joy has been even more diligent, spending all her time in the spiritual energy pool. If it weren’t for my position, you wouldn’t even dream of seeing her,” Dario said
There's a repeat Immortal Gily
Chapter 3969 - Chapter 3971 Unafraid of the demonic fire?

Upon his return, he wanted to fool around with Gael’s daughter immediately. That wasn’t a good thing. If things escalate, the internal conflict in the Violet Flame Sect could spiral out of control.

“Hahaha, a Ninth Level Tribulator? What a joke!” Bobby laughed heartily, an intense aura suddenly bursting forth from him. Dark flames danced and flickered relentlessly around his body!

“Demonic Fire of the demon spirits?” Everyone was shocked, except Garry who remained expressionless. He seemed to have long known about Bobby practicing demonic techniques. Then, the demonic fire around Bobby turned from brown to light purple. As it changed, Bobby’s aura continued to rise.

“A Top Level Tribulator?” All the elders were dumbfounded. None had expected Bobby, who was an Eighth Level Tribulator when he left, would come back as a Top Level Tribulator. With just a small opportunity, Bobby could ascend to the Ultimate Realm. It was simply unbelievable, especially the fact that Bobby had somehow mastered three kinds of demonic fires.

“In light of my current strength, is there anyone who dares to oppose me in pursuing Joy?” Bobby asked casually. Everyone fell silent. With this level of power, even Dario would likely be unable to stop him!

“In fact, one of the reasons I came back this time is to use the Divine Flame Seal as a catalyst to break through tribulation and ascend to the ranks of Ultimate Realm. So, in the coming days, I will find a way to open Divine Flame Mountain and expose the Divine Flame Seal,” Garry declared.

Upon hearing this, everyone understood why Garry had suddenly summoned Bobby back. If the Divine Flame Seal could serve as a catalyst for Bobby to break through the Tribulator and ascend to the Ultimate Realm, it would indeed be incredibly valuable.

“Mr. Morrilo, I have an idea that might persuade Mr. Barclay and the others to agree to open Divine Flame Mountain.” Winston spoke up.

“What idea?” Garry asked with interest. Winston had always been Garry’s strategist, which was why Garry had specifically asked for his opinion. Furthermore, the fact that Winston dared to close his eyes to rest in front of Garry was all because of his brain. Winston’s strength wasn’t particularly impressive, but he sure was sharp-witted. In the Ethereal Realm, power was held in the highest esteem. Many devoted themselves to relentless training, often at the expense of their intellectual prowess. Anyone with a bit of brains could be a strategist.

“Mr. Morrilo, Mr. Barclay and others have always held resentment about Mr. Mateo being imprisoned for thirty years. We can use Mr. Mateo as leverage. As long as Mr. Barclay and the others agree to open Divine Flame Mountain, we can release Mr. Mateo instead of keeping him imprisoned for thirty years.” He continued, “If they refuse, we keep him imprisoned indefinitely. The elders of Gael’s faction are quite close, so I believe they would agree just to secure Mr. Mateo’s release.” Winston analyzed carefully.

“Indeed, why didn’t I think of that?” Garry slammed the table, standing up with excitement on his face.

“Let’s use this method. If Mr. Barclay and the others refuse, I’ll extend Mr. Mateo’s imprisonment.”

“Dad, I heard that Mr. Barclay recently took on a new disciple who defeated Titus in the internal competition and even made Titus show respect to that guy?” Bobby asked Garry.

“That’s right, no idea where he found this disciple. Although he seems to be only a Fourth Level Tribulator, he managed to defeat Titus. In the end, Titus used the Demonic Black Lotus and even exposed our Violet Flame Sect’s secret Violaceus Flame, but still couldn’t defeat him. It seems like that guy isn’t afraid of the Violaceus Flame, which is quite strange.” Garry frowned as he mentioned this. His most prized disciple had been defeated and even had to show respect to someone else. His reputation was completely tarnished! The main issue was that John seemed unafraid of the Violaceus Flame, which puzzled Garry greatly!

“Unafraid of the demonic fire?” Bobby frowned.

“Could it be that guy has the true fire endurance?”

“Impossible! True fire endurance requires tempering with ten kinds of demonic fire, and one must be able to endure it to achieve it. That guy clearly can’t have true fire endurance. I suspect he has some treasure that can counter demonic fire,” Garry replied, shaking his head

Garry was right. John didn’t have true fire endurance. He was just using his extreme frost flame to protect himself. If someone with stronger demonic fire came along, they could break through John’s extremus frost flame, and he wouldn’t be able to withstand it.

“I have to meet this guy one day,” Bobby said, clearly interested in John.

“Bobby, you need to keep a low profile these days. If you cause any conflict until Mr. Barclay and the others refuse to agree to open Divine Flame Mountain, it will be troublesome,” Garry reminded.

“I understand!” Bobby nodded. The secret meeting continued until midnight before it was finally adjourned.

Dario and the others had no idea that Garry had held this secret meeting at midnight. The next morning, Judd arrived at John’s courtyard early. He wanted to see if John had slept with Carla. However, when he saw John and Carla coming out of two different rooms, he rejoiced inwardly. It seemed John was a gentleman and hadn’t taken advantage of Carla.

“Judd, why are you here so early?” John asked Judd, puzzled by his early visit. What on earth is Judd doing here so early in the morning?

“Red, our master asked me to come get you. He wants to take you to meet Joy!” Judd said. Hearing this, John was delighted and nodded. If he could learn the method of integrating demonic fire from Joy, he wouldn’t have to stay hidden in the Violet Flame Sect anymore.

“He’s taking Red to see Joy?” Carla exclaimed in surprise.

“Yes, Master is taking him. This kind of opportunity isn’t available to everyone. I’m so envious of you, Red,” Judd said.

Carla remained silent, but it was clear that she wasn’t happy. She knew that compared to Joy, she was much less impressive. If there was no comparison, she could slowly win John over. But if John saw Joy, he might only have eyes for Joy and would no longer look at Carla.

John noticed Carla’s feelings but didn’t say anything. He wasn’t interested in her. He couldn’t just sleep with her to please her, especially since she was still a maiden. That wouldn’t be responsible.

John followed Judd to see Dario. After they met with Dario, he said, “I’ve already informed them. Today, I’ll take you to see Joy.” He turned to Judd.

“Judd, you can come along too. I don’t think you’ve met Joy yet, have you?”

“What? I can also see Joy? That’s great!” Judd shouted excitedly.

Seeing Judd’s excited outburst, Dario quickly coughed twice to remind him to calm down. That was embarrassing. Judd then tried hard to control his excitement. The two of them followed Dario out of the mansion to the depths of Violet Flame Sect.

The deeper they went, the stricter the security became. Moreover, the disciples they encountered were not of a weak caliber!

“Red, even inner court disciples can’t easily enter this area,” Judd whispered to John.

John was a bit puzzled because he felt like he had walked this path before. The surrounding buildings also seemed familiar, as if he had seen them last night while wandering around.

“Master, after meeting Joy, can we also meet Mr. Morrilo?” John asked. If Joy doesn’t know the fire fusion technique, I’ll have to see Gael! Dario took my money, so he has to help me!

“In fact, if I want to, I can arrange for you to see Mr. Orlando. However, Mr. Orlando is seriously ill and often mad, so even if you see him, it won’t be useful if he’s not lucid.” Dario glanced at John and revealed the truth.

“What? Mr. Orlando has gone mad?” John was shocked. Isn’t this setting me up? If he’d told me Mr. Orlando was mad earlier, I might not have come! I also wasted so many resources and money!

“Don’t worry, Mr. Orlando isn’t always delirious. It’s only occasionally. No one knows why he suddenly became like this. Because of this, he was forced to retire and let Garry become the acting sect leader,” Dario explained hurriedly when he saw John’s expression.

Standing nearby, Judd was puzzled. Why is Master explaining things to Red? Could it be… After glancing at Dario and John, Judd could roughly guess what was going on. Judging from John’s generous behavior, it seemed he had spent a lot of money on Dario to be brought into the Violet Flame Sect.

“Acting sect leader? So Garry isn’t the true sect leader?” John asked curiously.

“Of course not. The true sect leader needs to be recognized by the Divine Flame Seal. Garry doesn’t have it yet. Before Mr. Orlando went mad, he showed signs of it. So, he placed the Divine Flame Seal into Divine Flame Mountain. Now, without opening Divine Flame Mountain, Garry can’t get the Divine Flame Seal. We’ve always suspected that Mr. Orlando’s illness is related to Garry, but without evidence, we can’t say anything,” Dario explained thoroughly

“Divine Flame Seal? Divine Flame Mountain? What are these things? And there’s no mountain around here. It’s just barren all around, right?” John asked, puzzled. Dario chuckled.

“You’ll understand when Divine Flame Mountain is opened. After Mr. Orlando went mad, only Mr. Cunningham could open Divine Flame Mountain with the formation plate. Mг. Cunningham is impartial and upright, so he won’t open it easily. Otherwise, Garry would have already had him open it to seize the Divine Flame Seal.”

John was surprised by how many secrets the Violet Flame Sect held. “So anyone who gets the Divine Flame Seal can become the sect leader?” John asked.

“Not exactly. The Divine Flame Seal must recognize its master. To become the sect leader of the Violet Flame Sect, one must possess two kinds of demonic fire, which already disqualifies many. Many elders don’t even have the violaceus flame. Even with two types of demonic flames, you still need to make the Divine Flame Seal recognize you as its master. As for the method of recognition, that’s top secret. I don’t even know it, so what use would it be for someone else to get their hands on the Divine Flame Seal?” Dario revealed.

Listening to their conversation, Judd was shocked. Even as a deacon, he was oblivious of many things. These were secrets of the Violet Flame Sect, and now Dario was telling them all to John! It showed how much Dario had benefited from John.

“So, only Garry can become the sect leader if he gets the Divine Flame Seal?” After all, Garry was now the head of the house, and he also had the violaceus flame. It was believed that he knew how to make the Divine Flame Seal recognize him as its master.

“Not necessarily. Joy, Mr. Orlando’s daughter, is also eligible. However, Joy lacks the strength now and has been training hard, rarely seen. Since Mr. Orlando went mad, Joy has been even more diligent, spending all her time in the spiritual energy pool. If it weren’t for my position, you wouldn’t even dream of seeing her,” Dario said
John is going to be caught by Joy for sneaking into her yard. Always getting trouble wherever he goes 🤣 🤣 🤣
Haha! I am enjoying the discussion and let me add my two cents here. Being immortals @Gily and @Junlee, they are above the list. As immortals they can increase their sexual aura and rile about may be 10 or more, imagine when John was just ultimate grandmaster, he did it with 4 to 5 at a time. Being immortals they have power even to turn trees or beasts into woman. If I remember correctly, a few months ago immortal Gily was posting some trees. That time it did not make much sense to me but now I can see it clearly. So, if we leave these two then the slots are automatically taken by Master Emeka and Master King obviously. The third slot may be for Prosper or somebody is disguised and only Master Xavier know about their identity or who knows it might be @Natasha, impersonating like Xavier or Prosper in this regard.
Haha! I am enjoying the discussion and let me add my two cents here. Being immortals @Gily and @Junlee, they are above the list. As immortals they can increase their sexual aura and rile about may be 10 or more, imagine when John was just ultimate grandmaster, he did it with 4 to 5 at a time. Being immortals they have power even to turn trees or beasts into woman. If I remember correctly, a few months ago immortal Gily was posting some trees. That time it did not make much sense to me but now I can see it clearly. So, if we leave these two then the slots are automatically taken by Master Emeka and Master King obviously. The third slot may be for Prosper or somebody is disguised and only Master Xavier know about their identity or who knows it might be @Natasha, impersonating like Xavier or Prosper in this regard.

In this thread, comments are killing. Usually the story might take a slumb but the comments are killing
Bobby is one biggest pervert. I'm pervert sex we have different categories like demon perverts, beast perverts and human perverts
Thanks for gracing our sect with so muny varieties of resources 🙏 Immo Gily
Last edited:
Haha! I am enjoying the discussion and let me add my two cents here. Being immortals @Gily and @Junlee, they are above the list. As immortals they can increase their sexual aura and rile about may be 10 or more, imagine when John was just ultimate grandmaster, he did it with 4 to 5 at a time. Being immortals they have power even to turn trees or beasts into woman. If I remember correctly, a few months ago immortal Gily was posting some trees. That time it did not make much sense to me but now I can see it clearly. So, if we leave these two then the slots are automatically taken by Master Emeka and Master King obviously. The third slot may be for Prosper or somebody is disguised and only Master Xavier know about their identity or who knows it might be @Natasha, impersonating like Xavier or Prosper in this regard.
I'm just waiting for the day you will join my sect because I know you can't up with virginity I know you want to explode I'll be willing to offer you 3 sexy girls for welcoming you into the sect
Haha! I am enjoying the discussion and let me add my two cents here. Being immortals @Gily and @Junlee, they are above the list. As immortals they can increase their sexual aura and rile about may be 10 or more, imagine when John was just ultimate grandmaster, he did it with 4 to 5 at a time. Being immortals they have power even to turn trees or beasts into woman. If I remember correctly, a few months ago immortal Gily was posting some trees. That time it did not make much sense to me but now I can see it clearly. So, if we leave these two then the slots are automatically taken by Master Emeka and Master King obviously. The third slot may be for Prosper or somebody is disguised and only Master Xavier know about their identity or who knows it might be @Natasha, impersonating like Xavier or Prosper in this regard.
Wow @brits, Got to agree on the Immortals. The third on the list is Master @Prosper. His footprints are everywhere across all realm like Charlie, Dustin, Dominic and their girls friends. Long live Master @Prosper 🙏
I'm just waiting for the day you will join my sect because I know you can't up with virginity I know you want to explode I'll be willing to offer you 3 sexy girls for welcoming you into the sect
The day this day comes, I will celebrate like there is no tomorrow. But listening to Metallica's song The Day That Never Comes makes me skeptical a bit. Come on Master @brits.. give us some reasons to celebrate please.
So my seclusion time is almost come to an end! You are closer to 4000 chapter immortal Dragon brother @Gily 🤔
Cunning master prosper what do you mean by that. 😂😂😂😂😋
The fact is you hold PHD in sex so if he's now guessing if you can do that, isn't he downgrading your capabilities
Chapter 3972 Spiritual Energy Pool?

“Spiritual energy pool?” John frowned, feeling a sudden sense of unease.

“What’s wrong?” Dario asked, noticing John’s expression.

“Oh, it’s nothing.” John quickly shook his head. However, as he looked at the familiar buildings and felt the increasingly dense spiritual energy, he began to feel more and more uneasy. Could it really be such a coincidence?

John prayed inwardly, hoping that this Joy wasn’t the girl he had seen naked last night. Soon, Dario led John and Judd to Joy’s courtyard. Looking at the courtyard, John was speechless.

“Master, is this really Joy’s courtyard?” John asked.

“Yes. Only Joy’s courtyard has a spiritual energy pool in the entire Violet Flame Sect,” Dario confirmed with a nod.

“Uh…” John was stunned and didn’t know what to do. How am I supposed to explain to Joy that I had bathed in her courtyard in the middle of the night and seen her naked? Why wasn’t there any guard? And why was the door open? As John was lost in thought, the courtyard door opened. Two identical female cultivators stepped out.

“Ladies, we have an appointment with Ms. Joy to see her today,” Dario spoke politely to the guards of Joy’s courtyard.

“Ah, Mr. Barclay, please come in. Joy has been waiting for a while.” The two of them promptly ushered Dario and his party inside. Looking at the arrangement of the courtyard and the spiritual energy pool, John felt even more nervous.

“Red, prepare yourself. Joy is very beautiful. Many male cultivators get nosebleeds the first time they see her,” Judd warned John.

“Really? Nosebleeds?” John felt it was exaggerated. He had seen Joy naked last night. Although he had felt excited and a bit restless, it hadn’t made him have a nosebleed!

“Just wait and see. When you see her, you’ll know what a fairy looks like,” Judd said, rubbing his hands in excitement. John smiled faintly. If he told Judd that he had seen Joy naked, he wondered what Judd’s reaction would be!

John followed Dario with his head down. After they entered a room, the two guards thoughtfully closed the door. Joy was seen seated on a chair, clad in a white dress. Her skin was as smooth and fair.

Seeing Dario, Joy hurriedly stood up and greeted, “Greetings, Mr. Barclay.”

“Ms. Joy, you must not do this. You’re embarrassing me,” Dario said hastily.

“Mr. Barclay, my father has retired and is no longer the sect leader, so you don’t need to stand on formality. Just call me Joy,” she said.

“I will always be loyal to Mr. Orlando, whether he is the sect leader of the Violet Flame Sect or not,” Dario said seriously.

Joy was very moved. She agreed to meet Dario because of his unwavering loyalty.

“Mr. Barclay, who are the two people behind you?” Joy looked at John and Judd. John kept his head down, so she didn’t get to see his face.

“This is my eldest disciple, Judd Trump. He is now a deacon,” Dario said, pointing to Judd.

“Greetings, Joy!” Judd stepped forward quickly.

Seeing Joy’s stunning beauty, Judd became flustered and didn’t know where to look. As he spoke, his nose suddenly started bleeding! Joy covered her mouth and laughed at Judd’s reaction.
Chapter 3973 – 3975 Nose Bleeding

Judd hurriedly covered his nose, looking extremely embarrassed.

Equally ashamed, Dario said, “Useless boy, go out and clean yourself up…” Judd quickly ran out to clean up.

“This is my new disciple, Red Bone,” Dario said, pointing at John. Joy looked at John, noticing that he kept his head down, making it impossible to see his face.

“Why is Red so shy? He doesn’t even dare to lift his head,” Joy asked curiously.

“Lift your head! How are you going to talk to Ms. Joy like this?” Dario nudged John. John had no choice but to grit his teeth and lift his head.

“Hello, Joy,” he said with a smile.

Upon seeing John, Joy was momentarily stunned. She then erupted in anger.

“So, it’s you, you pervert! I’ll kill you…” she shouted, slapping John. John was startled and quickly ran outside. Dario hadn’t even realized what was going on when Joy chased after John.

“Don’t run! I will kill you!” Joy shouted angrily.

Outside, Judd was still cleaning up and had no idea what was happening. He saw John running out, followed closely by Joy. At that moment, Dario finally reacted and hurriedly stopped Joy in her tracks.

“Ms. Joy, what is going on? Do you two know each other?” Dario asked.

“Mr. Barclay, this new disciple of yours has poor character. Ask him what he did,” Joy barked.

Utterly confused, Dario looked at John and asked, “What did you do to upset her?”

Embarrassed, John could only tell the truth, “Last night, I accidentally saw Joy bathing…”

“What?” Dario and Judd exclaimed simultaneously. Judd, in particular, was shocked and envious. Seeing Joy bathing was a sight so enticing, he’d willingly trade a hundred years of his life for it!

“You’d better tell the truth. Did you just see me bathing, or did you have other intentions?” Joy glared at John.

“It was definitely a misunderstanding!” John said, sounding distressed. “I was just wandering around last night and happened to come here. The spiritual energy here had a hint of celestial energy, so I came in on a whim. There were no guards, and the door was open. I saw the spiritual energy pool and thought it looked nice. Since no one was there, I took off my clothes and jumped in. How could I have known that Joy was also inside the spiritual pool? But Joy, you saw me naked too, so it’s mutual. You didn’t really lose out.”

Hearing John’s explanation, Joy was furious. Judd’s eyes widened, trembling with envy. “Red, you… you were naked in the same spiritual energy pool as Joy?”

“Oh my god, if it were me, I would gladly die…” Judd said before belatedly realizing that he had said the wrong thing. He quickly shut his mouth.

Dario was helpless. He believed John was telling the truth. After all, John had come to learn the fire fusion technique, not to peep at Joy bathing in the middle of the night!

“Ms. Joy, I think this must be a misunderstanding. My disciple is not that kind of person. Moreover, if you kill him now, the story of you being seen naked will spread, which won’t be good for your reputation. My disciple has gained some notoriety in the Violet Flame Sect after defeating Titus in the inner competition as even Titus had to show him respect. If he suddenly dies, people will investigate.” Dario appealed to Joy’s sense of reputation. After all, John had only seen her once and hadn’t done anything more.

“What? He defeated Titus?” Joy was stunned. After all, John was only a Fourth Level Tribulator, so how could he defeat Titus?

“Yes, he defeated Titus in the promotion match yesterday. He’s now an inner court disciple,” Dario said with a nod.

“I don’t believe it. He’s just a Fourth Level Tribulator. How could he defeat Titus? Mг. Barclay, are you making excuses to cover for your disciple? This pervert doesn’t deserve to stay in our Violet Flame Sect.” Joy refused to believe Dario’s words.

“Ms. Joy, there’s no need for me to lie to you. I believe there must be some misunderstanding,” Dario continued to explain, but Joy didn’t believe a word of it.

“If you want me to believe it, then let him compete with me. If this guy can defeat Titus, he should be on par with me,” Joy demanded. She wanted to challenge John.

Dario knew that Joy wanted to use a competition as an excuse to teach John a lesson. After all, it was infuriating to be seen naked while bathing. Moreover, Joy was widely acknowledged as a great beauty, and many people found it difficult to even catch a glimpse of her. Yet John had seen everything.

“But you’re already a Ninth Level Tribulator, about to reach the Top Level. Competing with him is too unfair,” Darto protested. Dario wasn’t sure if John could defeat Joy, but he was unwilling to let them fight. Regardless of who got hurt, it wouldn’t be good.

“If there’s no competition, then you must gouge out his eyes and expel him from the Violet Flame Sect,” Joy said aggressively.

Feeling helpless, Dario could only look at John. He could only help this much. After all, John had no business wandering around and peeping at someone bathing in the middle of the night. The turn of events had even taken Dario by surprise.

“Competing is fine, but I don’t compete without stakes. I had a wager with Titus,” John said with a slight smile.

“Not only are you a pervert, but you’re also a gambler. People like you don’t deserve to stay in the Violet Flame Sect. Today, I’ll clean up for Mr. Barclay. If you can beat me, you can name any condition. If you lose, you’ll gouge out your eyes and get out of the Violet Flame Sect.” Joy’s aura was pulsating, her eyes filled with rage.

Without waiting for John’s response, Joy attacked, fearing he would refuse or that Dario might intervene. She stretched out her hand, and a flame spiritual sword appeared. Dozens of sword lights immediately shot toward John. Seeing this, John sneered, casually breaking off a tree branch and infusing it with spiritual energy. The ordinary tree branch began to glow with white light.

Seeing John using a tree branch to counter her, Joy became even more furious. Swish, swish, swish… Joy swung her sword again, sending another wave of sword lights toward John. Wave after wave of sword lights crashed toward John like a tide, giving him no time to breathe. However, John swung his tree branch, accurately shattering each sword light. He seemed less like he was fighting and more like he was exercising with a tree branch. None of the sword lights could escape John’s strikes. His body never moved from its original position.

Both Judd and Dario were stunned by this display. Even though Joy’s sword lights weren’t meant to kill John, it shouldn’t have been so easy for him to fend them off. When the final sword light was shattered, John pointed the tree branch at Joy. A beam of white light shot out. Joy was startled and hurriedly retreated, but the beam still pierced the corner of her clothing. Seeing the hole in her clothes, Joy narrowed her gaze while her aura surged even more intensely.

“You do have some skill. It seems Titus didn’t lose unfairly. But if you think you can beat me. It won’t be that easy!” Joy snorted coldly, releasing her full aura. The flame spiritual sword in Joy’s hand turned into two colors. One was the obvious violet flame of the Violet Flame Sect’s secret violaceus flame, which was much more powerful than Titus’s. The vibrant purple hue was striking.

As Joy swung her spiritual sword, sword lights flew toward John again. This time, the sword lights burned with flames of varying colors-brown and purple-swirling around and charging at John.

Judd watched the terrifying sword lights with a grim expression. He knew he would be utterly defeated if he faced such an onslaught. Dario also frowned, ready to intervene at any moment. It seemed Joy was determined to kill John.

“Ms. Joy, please show mercy. Do not cause any fatal harm,” Dario loudly reminded her.

Joy coldly replied, “Once my peerless spiritual sword is drawn, it cannot stop. This guy is too arrogant, using a tree branch to fight me. He’s looking down on me. I’ll show him my strength!”

Dario felt helpless. Faced with a Ninth Level Tribulator, John was using a tree branch as a weapon. It seemed he wasn’t taking the fight seriously.

“Red, be careful. Don’t be careless and take this seriously. If you don’t have a weapon, you can use my magic sword for now,” Judd said, preparing to toss his sword to John. To everyone’s surprise, John shook his head.

“Thank you Judd, but I find the tree branch more suitable.” John refused Judd’s offer, continuing to use the tree branch to defend against Joy’s attacks.


Joy’s eyes widened in rage as countless flaming sword lights spun toward John. The dual-colored sword lights twisted together, forming spirit snakes with gaping maws. The endless flames caused the entire courtyard to radiate with a brilliant glow!

As John observed Joy’s sword technique and violaceus flame, a smile crept onto his lips. Whether it was the sword technique or the violaceus flame, Joy was far behind John. John’s Nine Shadows sword technique was an ancient technique, and he had yet to master all nine shadow clones.

As for the violaceus flame, Joy’s understanding was even more lacking. John had the fire nascence and possessed five types of demonic fire, while Joy only knew two. Holding the tree branch, John infused it with a touch of extremus frost flame, instantly chilling the surrounding air. He then used the branch to strike at the spirit snake lights. Each time a flaming spirit snake touched John’s branch, the surrounding flames froze and shattered, disappearing without a trace.

Seeing this, Judd, Dario, and Joy were all stunned. They couldn’t understand how John was countering Joy’s fierce attacks with just a tree branch. They were even more perplexed by the sudden cold air around John. It was clear that John had mastered demonic fire, as only those with fire techniques could join the Violet Flame Sect. Otherwise, John wouldn’t have sought Gael to learn the fire fusion technique.

However, someone skilled in demonic fire should not be able to produce such intense cold. This defied their understanding. Only cultivators of frost techniques should be able to emit such chilling energy. They were unaware of the extremus frost flame and its existence, which explained their confusion.
Chapter 3973 – 3975 Nose Bleeding

Judd hurriedly covered his nose, looking extremely embarrassed.

Equally ashamed, Dario said, “Useless boy, go out and clean yourself up…” Judd quickly ran out to clean up.

“This is my new disciple, Red Bone,” Dario said, pointing at John. Joy looked at John, noticing that he kept his head down, making it impossible to see his face.

“Why is Red so shy? He doesn’t even dare to lift his head,” Joy asked curiously.

“Lift your head! How are you going to talk to Ms. Joy like this?” Dario nudged John. John had no choice but to grit his teeth and lift his head.

“Hello, Joy,” he said with a smile.

Upon seeing John, Joy was momentarily stunned. She then erupted in anger.

“So, it’s you, you pervert! I’ll kill you…” she shouted, slapping John. John was startled and quickly ran outside. Dario hadn’t even realized what was going on when Joy chased after John.

“Don’t run! I will kill you!” Joy shouted angrily.

Outside, Judd was still cleaning up and had no idea what was happening. He saw John running out, followed closely by Joy. At that moment, Dario finally reacted and hurriedly stopped Joy in her tracks.

“Ms. Joy, what is going on? Do you two know each other?” Dario asked.

“Mr. Barclay, this new disciple of yours has poor character. Ask him what he did,” Joy barked.

Utterly confused, Dario looked at John and asked, “What did you do to upset her?”

Embarrassed, John could only tell the truth, “Last night, I accidentally saw Joy bathing…”

“What?” Dario and Judd exclaimed simultaneously. Judd, in particular, was shocked and envious. Seeing Joy bathing was a sight so enticing, he’d willingly trade a hundred years of his life for it!

“You’d better tell the truth. Did you just see me bathing, or did you have other intentions?” Joy glared at John.

“It was definitely a misunderstanding!” John said, sounding distressed. “I was just wandering around last night and happened to come here. The spiritual energy here had a hint of celestial energy, so I came in on a whim. There were no guards, and the door was open. I saw the spiritual energy pool and thought it looked nice. Since no one was there, I took off my clothes and jumped in. How could I have known that Joy was also inside the spiritual pool? But Joy, you saw me naked too, so it’s mutual. You didn’t really lose out.”

Hearing John’s explanation, Joy was furious. Judd’s eyes widened, trembling with envy. “Red, you… you were naked in the same spiritual energy pool as Joy?”

“Oh my god, if it were me, I would gladly die…” Judd said before belatedly realizing that he had said the wrong thing. He quickly shut his mouth.

Dario was helpless. He believed John was telling the truth. After all, John had come to learn the fire fusion technique, not to peep at Joy bathing in the middle of the night!

“Ms. Joy, I think this must be a misunderstanding. My disciple is not that kind of person. Moreover, if you kill him now, the story of you being seen naked will spread, which won’t be good for your reputation. My disciple has gained some notoriety in the Violet Flame Sect after defeating Titus in the inner competition as even Titus had to show him respect. If he suddenly dies, people will investigate.” Dario appealed to Joy’s sense of reputation. After all, John had only seen her once and hadn’t done anything more.

“What? He defeated Titus?” Joy was stunned. After all, John was only a Fourth Level Tribulator, so how could he defeat Titus?

“Yes, he defeated Titus in the promotion match yesterday. He’s now an inner court disciple,” Dario said with a nod.

“I don’t believe it. He’s just a Fourth Level Tribulator. How could he defeat Titus? Mг. Barclay, are you making excuses to cover for your disciple? This pervert doesn’t deserve to stay in our Violet Flame Sect.” Joy refused to believe Dario’s words.

“Ms. Joy, there’s no need for me to lie to you. I believe there must be some misunderstanding,” Dario continued to explain, but Joy didn’t believe a word of it.

“If you want me to believe it, then let him compete with me. If this guy can defeat Titus, he should be on par with me,” Joy demanded. She wanted to challenge John.

Dario knew that Joy wanted to use a competition as an excuse to teach John a lesson. After all, it was infuriating to be seen naked while bathing. Moreover, Joy was widely acknowledged as a great beauty, and many people found it difficult to even catch a glimpse of her. Yet John had seen everything.

“But you’re already a Ninth Level Tribulator, about to reach the Top Level. Competing with him is too unfair,” Darto protested. Dario wasn’t sure if John could defeat Joy, but he was unwilling to let them fight. Regardless of who got hurt, it wouldn’t be good.

“If there’s no competition, then you must gouge out his eyes and expel him from the Violet Flame Sect,” Joy said aggressively.

Feeling helpless, Dario could only look at John. He could only help this much. After all, John had no business wandering around and peeping at someone bathing in the middle of the night. The turn of events had even taken Dario by surprise.

“Competing is fine, but I don’t compete without stakes. I had a wager with Titus,” John said with a slight smile.

“Not only are you a pervert, but you’re also a gambler. People like you don’t deserve to stay in the Violet Flame Sect. Today, I’ll clean up for Mr. Barclay. If you can beat me, you can name any condition. If you lose, you’ll gouge out your eyes and get out of the Violet Flame Sect.” Joy’s aura was pulsating, her eyes filled with rage.

Without waiting for John’s response, Joy attacked, fearing he would refuse or that Dario might intervene. She stretched out her hand, and a flame spiritual sword appeared. Dozens of sword lights immediately shot toward John. Seeing this, John sneered, casually breaking off a tree branch and infusing it with spiritual energy. The ordinary tree branch began to glow with white light.

Seeing John using a tree branch to counter her, Joy became even more furious. Swish, swish, swish… Joy swung her sword again, sending another wave of sword lights toward John. Wave after wave of sword lights crashed toward John like a tide, giving him no time to breathe. However, John swung his tree branch, accurately shattering each sword light. He seemed less like he was fighting and more like he was exercising with a tree branch. None of the sword lights could escape John’s strikes. His body never moved from its original position.

Both Judd and Dario were stunned by this display. Even though Joy’s sword lights weren’t meant to kill John, it shouldn’t have been so easy for him to fend them off. When the final sword light was shattered, John pointed the tree branch at Joy. A beam of white light shot out. Joy was startled and hurriedly retreated, but the beam still pierced the corner of her clothing. Seeing the hole in her clothes, Joy narrowed her gaze while her aura surged even more intensely.

“You do have some skill. It seems Titus didn’t lose unfairly. But if you think you can beat me. It won’t be that easy!” Joy snorted coldly, releasing her full aura. The flame spiritual sword in Joy’s hand turned into two colors. One was the obvious violet flame of the Violet Flame Sect’s secret violaceus flame, which was much more powerful than Titus’s. The vibrant purple hue was striking.

As Joy swung her spiritual sword, sword lights flew toward John again. This time, the sword lights burned with flames of varying colors-brown and purple-swirling around and charging at John.

Judd watched the terrifying sword lights with a grim expression. He knew he would be utterly defeated if he faced such an onslaught. Dario also frowned, ready to intervene at any moment. It seemed Joy was determined to kill John.

“Ms. Joy, please show mercy. Do not cause any fatal harm,” Dario loudly reminded her.

Joy coldly replied, “Once my peerless spiritual sword is drawn, it cannot stop. This guy is too arrogant, using a tree branch to fight me. He’s looking down on me. I’ll show him my strength!”

Dario felt helpless. Faced with a Ninth Level Tribulator, John was using a tree branch as a weapon. It seemed he wasn’t taking the fight seriously.

“Red, be careful. Don’t be careless and take this seriously. If you don’t have a weapon, you can use my magic sword for now,” Judd said, preparing to toss his sword to John. To everyone’s surprise, John shook his head.

“Thank you Judd, but I find the tree branch more suitable.” John refused Judd’s offer, continuing to use the tree branch to defend against Joy’s attacks.


Joy’s eyes widened in rage as countless flaming sword lights spun toward John. The dual-colored sword lights twisted together, forming spirit snakes with gaping maws. The endless flames caused the entire courtyard to radiate with a brilliant glow!

As John observed Joy’s sword technique and violaceus flame, a smile crept onto his lips. Whether it was the sword technique or the violaceus flame, Joy was far behind John. John’s Nine Shadows sword technique was an ancient technique, and he had yet to master all nine shadow clones.

As for the violaceus flame, Joy’s understanding was even more lacking. John had the fire nascence and possessed five types of demonic fire, while Joy only knew two. Holding the tree branch, John infused it with a touch of extremus frost flame, instantly chilling the surrounding air. He then used the branch to strike at the spirit snake lights. Each time a flaming spirit snake touched John’s branch, the surrounding flames froze and shattered, disappearing without a trace.

Seeing this, Judd, Dario, and Joy were all stunned. They couldn’t understand how John was countering Joy’s fierce attacks with just a tree branch. They were even more perplexed by the sudden cold air around John. It was clear that John had mastered demonic fire, as only those with fire techniques could join the Violet Flame Sect. Otherwise, John wouldn’t have sought Gael to learn the fire fusion technique.

However, someone skilled in demonic fire should not be able to produce such intense cold. This defied their understanding. Only cultivators of frost techniques should be able to emit such chilling energy. They were unaware of the extremus frost flame and its existence, which explained their confusion.
Poor Joy, you are going to be added to the list soon so humble yourself. Your father will be healed by the Golden Dragon so stop showing off. This Small thing John did and you making it look like he raped you.

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