The Dragon Man's Decree - Translated by GILY

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Author: Unknown
Type: Action and Adventure
Posted : 07 October 2023
Status: Ongoing

John White is furious that someone has tried to make an advance on his girlfriend. In the end, he ends up behind bars after his attempt to protect her. Three years later, he is a free man but finds out that that girlfriend of his has married the man who hit on her back then. John will not let things slide. Thankfully, he has learned Focus Technique during his time in prison. At that, he embarks on the journey of cultivation and is accompanied by a gorgeous Miranda. Who would have thought this would enrage his ex-girlfriend?


Top level Tribulator - Master of Pervert Sect
Feb 3, 2024
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Chapter 4030 Flame Vortex

When it came to the flaming energy surrounding him, what John felt was no longer the scorching heat but a sensation of utmost comfort!

At that moment, John emanated a radiant glow, surrounded by a ring of crimson flames. He looked like an immortal descending upon the earth.

With that, John truly grasped the essence of the True Fire Spiritual body.

The True Fire Spiritual body, to put it simply, was a spiritual body formed from internal flames. This spiritual body possessed absolute immunity to any type of flame.

So, when John merged with his spiritual body, Antoine’s internal flame attack felt like a mere tickle to him.

“I’m not sure if the True Fire Spiritual body has any vulnerabilities. Moreover, since it hasn’t fully developed yet, I have no idea about the limits of internal flames it can withstand. That said, if Violet Flame Sect possesses the True Fire Spiritual body, does this mean other martial arts sects have their own unique spiritual body techniques as well?” John wondered out loud in the midst of his shock.

His understanding of the True Fire Spiritual body was still too limited.

“What… What kind of technique is this?”

Antoine saw John in his new state and realized the latter was unafraid of his internal flame attacks.

It left Antoine utterly baffled, his mind filled with confusion.

He genuinely couldn’t understand how John, a Fourth Level Tribulator, could pull off such tricks all the time.

He had never even seen these techniques before, let alone understood them.

Initially, he thought John was a mouse in a trap where doom was inevitable, but now, the situation was anything but that.

The red flame that enveloped John seemed to be much stronger than his own internal flame.

“I’m an Ultimate Realm Tribulator, how could I possibly fear a mere Fourth Level Tribulator like you? No matter what extraordinary abilities you possess, they are futile in the face of the vast chasm between our cultivation level. I refuse to believe that you can defeat me.”

Antoine simply couldn’t believe that John had any chance of defeating him.

Although John’s skills were surprisingly Impressive, the power of Antoine’s cultivation level was still undeniable.

Such a vast difference in their cultivation levels couldn’t possibly be bridged by one or two techniques.

Antoine roared in fury, his palms coming together. Simultaneously, dozens of ghost masks appeared on his body, their mouths gaping open. Streams of dark spiritual light surged forth, all converging toward John.

At this moment, John looked at Antoine, no longer filled with the panic he felt earlier.

After he had merged with the True Fire Spiritual body, he was in his element within the flame vortex.

It was as if this body was born for the flames, only in such a place could it find comfort and unleash its full strength.

John felt as though he was the master of this river of lava.

Just as the attack was about to hit John, who had previously moved sluggishly, he suddenly vanished from sight.

Antoine was taken aback and quickly glanced around.

“I’m right here…” John’s voice suddenly emanated from behind Antoine.

The latter shuddered, finding it hard to believe that John had appeared behind him.

One should know that within the flame vortex, even the simplest movement was challenging, let alone moving around at the speed John h]ad shown.

This is impossible. The flame vortex has warped the void, and its massive centrifugal force is hindering all movement. How could John simply ignore all this?

“How… How on earth did you manage to do it?” Antoine asked, an incredulous look in his eyes.

“My strength is far greater than what you’ve seen. Do you really think the hundred-year offering of the Demon Seal Alliance was easy to obtain? Many cultivators from the Ethereal Realm have been targeting me, yet none of them have succeeded. You wouldn’t think it was down to luck, would you? Everyone who wanted me dead is now nothing but ashes, and you will not be an exception!”

John stared icily at Antoine, slowly lifting his hand. A pulsating ball of crimson flame was dancing atop his palm.
Immortal @Gily Appreciate all the hardwork inspite of being sick..


Top level Tribulator - Master of Pervert Sect
Feb 3, 2024
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Thanks a lot immortal @Gily for the resources. This Antoine is damn irritating i wish John could grand him speedy death and then proceed to help Bobby to meet his end in that way....I will leave the rest of the speculations for masters @King, @emeka and @xavier to complete.
Antoine is living overtime.. Annoying..


Demon Lord
Sep 11, 2023
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Chapter 4030 Flame Vortex

When it came to the flaming energy surrounding him, what John felt was no longer the scorching heat but a sensation of utmost comfort!

At that moment, John emanated a radiant glow, surrounded by a ring of crimson flames. He looked like an immortal descending upon the earth.

With that, John truly grasped the essence of the True Fire Spiritual body.

The True Fire Spiritual body, to put it simply, was a spiritual body formed from internal flames. This spiritual body possessed absolute immunity to any type of flame.

So, when John merged with his spiritual body, Antoine’s internal flame attack felt like a mere tickle to him.

“I’m not sure if the True Fire Spiritual body has any vulnerabilities. Moreover, since it hasn’t fully developed yet, I have no idea about the limits of internal flames it can withstand. That said, if Violet Flame Sect possesses the True Fire Spiritual body, does this mean other martial arts sects have their own unique spiritual body techniques as well?” John wondered out loud in the midst of his shock.

His understanding of the True Fire Spiritual body was still too limited.

“What… What kind of technique is this?”

Antoine saw John in his new state and realized the latter was unafraid of his internal flame attacks.

It left Antoine utterly baffled, his mind filled with confusion.

He genuinely couldn’t understand how John, a Fourth Level Tribulator, could pull off such tricks all the time.

He had never even seen these techniques before, let alone understood them.

Initially, he thought John was a mouse in a trap where doom was inevitable, but now, the situation was anything but that.

The red flame that enveloped John seemed to be much stronger than his own internal flame.

“I’m an Ultimate Realm Tribulator, how could I possibly fear a mere Fourth Level Tribulator like you? No matter what extraordinary abilities you possess, they are futile in the face of the vast chasm between our cultivation level. I refuse to believe that you can defeat me.”

Antoine simply couldn’t believe that John had any chance of defeating him.

Although John’s skills were surprisingly Impressive, the power of Antoine’s cultivation level was still undeniable.

Such a vast difference in their cultivation levels couldn’t possibly be bridged by one or two techniques.

Antoine roared in fury, his palms coming together. Simultaneously, dozens of ghost masks appeared on his body, their mouths gaping open. Streams of dark spiritual light surged forth, all converging toward John.

At this moment, John looked at Antoine, no longer filled with the panic he felt earlier.

After he had merged with the True Fire Spiritual body, he was in his element within the flame vortex.

It was as if this body was born for the flames, only in such a place could it find comfort and unleash its full strength.

John felt as though he was the master of this river of lava.

Just as the attack was about to hit John, who had previously moved sluggishly, he suddenly vanished from sight.

Antoine was taken aback and quickly glanced around.

“I’m right here…” John’s voice suddenly emanated from behind Antoine.

The latter shuddered, finding it hard to believe that John had appeared behind him.

One should know that within the flame vortex, even the simplest movement was challenging, let alone moving around at the speed John h]ad shown.

This is impossible. The flame vortex has warped the void, and its massive centrifugal force is hindering all movement. How could John simply ignore all this?

“How… How on earth did you manage to do it?” Antoine asked, an incredulous look in his eyes.

“My strength is far greater than what you’ve seen. Do you really think the hundred-year offering of the Demon Seal Alliance was easy to obtain? Many cultivators from the Ethereal Realm have been targeting me, yet none of them have succeeded. You wouldn’t think it was down to luck, would you? Everyone who wanted me dead is now nothing but ashes, and you will not be an exception!”

John stared icily at Antoine, slowly lifting his hand. A pulsating ball of crimson flame was dancing atop his palm.
Thanks for the good work so far. I pray for more spiritual energy in your life


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4031 Flame Vortex’s Void

Endless flames around him were fervently absorbed by John, then integrated into this crimson blaze.

“Die!” A murderous intent suddenly flashed in John’s eyes as the crimson flames burst forth abruptly.

The moment the crimson flames were unleashed, John simultaneously executed time nascence. Although John’s time nascence could not halt the space-time continuum, he managed to slow down the passage of time within this particular area.

With that, it was practically impossible for Antoine to evade John’s attack.

John knew he had to land a successful hit with the first strike when dealing with an Ultimate Realm expert like Antoine. Only then would he have a chance to escape.

John had no intention of killing Antoine because he was well aware that an Ultimate Realm expert wouldn’t be so easily defeated.

Antoine was different from Selma. Selma used a secret technique to enhance his strength and attain the Ultimate Realm forcibly, while Antoine had already been an Ultimate Realm expert for many years.

In that fleeting moment, Antoine felt a peculiar sluggishness overtake his body as if the passage of time around him had gradually slowed down.

Yet, it seemed that the attacks launched by John were not affected by the flow of time.

Taken aback, Antoine gazed at John in disbelief.

Nevertheless, he chuckled the next second. “I never expected this from you. You’re just a Fourth Level Tribulator, yet you mastered the time nascence. This is something that even many Ultimate Realm experts couldn’t manage. Still, even if you’ve grasped the time nascence, you can forget about killing me. That’s simply because you’re nowhere near strong enough.”

After all, the gap in strength was immense. Moreover, Antoine had employed a secret technique, allowing the ghost masks to possess him. Even if John could manipulate time and initiate an attack, Antoine was unfazed.

That was because Antoine was absolutely confident that John’s attacks couldn’t harm him.

John looked at the confident Antoine, fully aware that his attacks couldn’t harm the latter.

Putting aside Antoine’s formidable abilities as an Ultimate Realm expert, the ghost masks surrounding him acted like an impenetrable wall of iron and copper, providing him with a solid layer of protection.

Deep within this lava river, the flaring energy surrounding them did Antoine no harm, and that was all due to those ghost masks.

If it weren’t for the Fire Spirit Lord’s demonic fire soul essence in John’s possession, he would have been done for long ago.

However, a smirk played at the corners of John’s mouth. The ball of crimson flame he had just conjured was not intended to defeat Antoine.

What John truly intended to utilize was this flame vortex. At that moment, the duo was caught up in the flame vortex and completely unaffected by the flaming energy.

However, there was one thing that both John and Antoine feared, and that was the void fracture caused by the flame vortex.

If they were to be sucked into the void fracture that seemed to lead to nowhere, they might never be able to return.

That was the reason behind John’s intention to use time nascence to slow down the passage of time.

And that burst of crimson flames was meant to open a void fracture within the flame vortex.

The void fracture was not affected by the flow of time. After all, the time within this void fracture belonged to another unknown world, which remained unaffected by Ethereal Realm’s temporal pace.

From the beginning, John had everything planned to catch Antoine off guard.

Indeed, Antoine had been quite careless at that time. He believed that John’s blazing red flames would cause him no harm. So he didn’t worry.

However, as John’s cluster of crimson flames erupted, it caused a sudden distortion within the flame vortex’s void.

Immediately after, a void fracture emerged at the heart of the vortex, and it continued to grow larger.

Within the void fracture was nothing but darkness, akin to an unfathomable abyss.

The void fracture even emanated a tremendous suction force. Antoine, who was closest to the void fracture, started to panic as he felt the immense suction power.


Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
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Chapter 4031 Flame Vortex’s Void

Endless flames around him were fervently absorbed by John, then integrated into this crimson blaze.

“Die!” A murderous intent suddenly flashed in John’s eyes as the crimson flames burst forth abruptly.

The moment the crimson flames were unleashed, John simultaneously executed time nascence. Although John’s time nascence could not halt the space-time continuum, he managed to slow down the passage of time within this particular area.

With that, it was practically impossible for Antoine to evade John’s attack.

John knew he had to land a successful hit with the first strike when dealing with an Ultimate Realm expert like Antoine. Only then would he have a chance to escape.

John had no intention of killing Antoine because he was well aware that an Ultimate Realm expert wouldn’t be so easily defeated.

Antoine was different from Selma. Selma used a secret technique to enhance his strength and attain the Ultimate Realm forcibly, while Antoine had already been an Ultimate Realm expert for many years.

In that fleeting moment, Antoine felt a peculiar sluggishness overtake his body as if the passage of time around him had gradually slowed down.

Yet, it seemed that the attacks launched by John were not affected by the flow of time.

Taken aback, Antoine gazed at John in disbelief.

Nevertheless, he chuckled the next second. “I never expected this from you. You’re just a Fourth Level Tribulator, yet you mastered the time nascence. This is something that even many Ultimate Realm experts couldn’t manage. Still, even if you’ve grasped the time nascence, you can forget about killing me. That’s simply because you’re nowhere near strong enough.”

After all, the gap in strength was immense. Moreover, Antoine had employed a secret technique, allowing the ghost masks to possess him. Even if John could manipulate time and initiate an attack, Antoine was unfazed.

That was because Antoine was absolutely confident that John’s attacks couldn’t harm him.

John looked at the confident Antoine, fully aware that his attacks couldn’t harm the latter.

Putting aside Antoine’s formidable abilities as an Ultimate Realm expert, the ghost masks surrounding him acted like an impenetrable wall of iron and copper, providing him with a solid layer of protection.

Deep within this lava river, the flaring energy surrounding them did Antoine no harm, and that was all due to those ghost masks.

If it weren’t for the Fire Spirit Lord’s demonic fire soul essence in John’s possession, he would have been done for long ago.

However, a smirk played at the corners of John’s mouth. The ball of crimson flame he had just conjured was not intended to defeat Antoine.

What John truly intended to utilize was this flame vortex. At that moment, the duo was caught up in the flame vortex and completely unaffected by the flaming energy.

However, there was one thing that both John and Antoine feared, and that was the void fracture caused by the flame vortex.

If they were to be sucked into the void fracture that seemed to lead to nowhere, they might never be able to return.

That was the reason behind John’s intention to use time nascence to slow down the passage of time.

And that burst of crimson flames was meant to open a void fracture within the flame vortex.

The void fracture was not affected by the flow of time. After all, the time within this void fracture belonged to another unknown world, which remained unaffected by Ethereal Realm’s temporal pace.

From the beginning, John had everything planned to catch Antoine off guard.

Indeed, Antoine had been quite careless at that time. He believed that John’s blazing red flames would cause him no harm. So he didn’t worry.

However, as John’s cluster of crimson flames erupted, it caused a sudden distortion within the flame vortex’s void.

Immediately after, a void fracture emerged at the heart of the vortex, and it continued to grow larger.

Within the void fracture was nothing but darkness, akin to an unfathomable abyss.

The void fracture even emanated a tremendous suction force. Antoine, who was closest to the void fracture, started to panic as he felt the immense suction power.


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
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Chapter 4031 Flame Vortex’s Void

Endless flames around him were fervently absorbed by John, then integrated into this crimson blaze.

“Die!” A murderous intent suddenly flashed in John’s eyes as the crimson flames burst forth abruptly.

The moment the crimson flames were unleashed, John simultaneously executed time nascence. Although John’s time nascence could not halt the space-time continuum, he managed to slow down the passage of time within this particular area.

With that, it was practically impossible for Antoine to evade John’s attack.

John knew he had to land a successful hit with the first strike when dealing with an Ultimate Realm expert like Antoine. Only then would he have a chance to escape.

John had no intention of killing Antoine because he was well aware that an Ultimate Realm expert wouldn’t be so easily defeated.

Antoine was different from Selma. Selma used a secret technique to enhance his strength and attain the Ultimate Realm forcibly, while Antoine had already been an Ultimate Realm expert for many years.

In that fleeting moment, Antoine felt a peculiar sluggishness overtake his body as if the passage of time around him had gradually slowed down.

Yet, it seemed that the attacks launched by John were not affected by the flow of time.

Taken aback, Antoine gazed at John in disbelief.

Nevertheless, he chuckled the next second. “I never expected this from you. You’re just a Fourth Level Tribulator, yet you mastered the time nascence. This is something that even many Ultimate Realm experts couldn’t manage. Still, even if you’ve grasped the time nascence, you can forget about killing me. That’s simply because you’re nowhere near strong enough.”

After all, the gap in strength was immense. Moreover, Antoine had employed a secret technique, allowing the ghost masks to possess him. Even if John could manipulate time and initiate an attack, Antoine was unfazed.

That was because Antoine was absolutely confident that John’s attacks couldn’t harm him.

John looked at the confident Antoine, fully aware that his attacks couldn’t harm the latter.

Putting aside Antoine’s formidable abilities as an Ultimate Realm expert, the ghost masks surrounding him acted like an impenetrable wall of iron and copper, providing him with a solid layer of protection.

Deep within this lava river, the flaring energy surrounding them did Antoine no harm, and that was all due to those ghost masks.

If it weren’t for the Fire Spirit Lord’s demonic fire soul essence in John’s possession, he would have been done for long ago.

However, a smirk played at the corners of John’s mouth. The ball of crimson flame he had just conjured was not intended to defeat Antoine.

What John truly intended to utilize was this flame vortex. At that moment, the duo was caught up in the flame vortex and completely unaffected by the flaming energy.

However, there was one thing that both John and Antoine feared, and that was the void fracture caused by the flame vortex.

If they were to be sucked into the void fracture that seemed to lead to nowhere, they might never be able to return.

That was the reason behind John’s intention to use time nascence to slow down the passage of time.

And that burst of crimson flames was meant to open a void fracture within the flame vortex.

The void fracture was not affected by the flow of time. After all, the time within this void fracture belonged to another unknown world, which remained unaffected by Ethereal Realm’s temporal pace.

From the beginning, John had everything planned to catch Antoine off guard.

Indeed, Antoine had been quite careless at that time. He believed that John’s blazing red flames would cause him no harm. So he didn’t worry.

However, as John’s cluster of crimson flames erupted, it caused a sudden distortion within the flame vortex’s void.

Immediately after, a void fracture emerged at the heart of the vortex, and it continued to grow larger.

Within the void fracture was nothing but darkness, akin to an unfathomable abyss.

The void fracture even emanated a tremendous suction force. Antoine, who was closest to the void fracture, started to panic as he felt the immense suction power.
Sorry Antoine 😂😂😂


Martial Arts Master
Jul 21, 2024
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Chapter 4031 Flame Vortex’s Void

Endless flames around him were fervently absorbed by John, then integrated into this crimson blaze.

“Die!” A murderous intent suddenly flashed in John’s eyes as the crimson flames burst forth abruptly.

The moment the crimson flames were unleashed, John simultaneously executed time nascence. Although John’s time nascence could not halt the space-time continuum, he managed to slow down the passage of time within this particular area.

With that, it was practically impossible for Antoine to evade John’s attack.

John knew he had to land a successful hit with the first strike when dealing with an Ultimate Realm expert like Antoine. Only then would he have a chance to escape.

John had no intention of killing Antoine because he was well aware that an Ultimate Realm expert wouldn’t be so easily defeated.

Antoine was different from Selma. Selma used a secret technique to enhance his strength and attain the Ultimate Realm forcibly, while Antoine had already been an Ultimate Realm expert for many years.

In that fleeting moment, Antoine felt a peculiar sluggishness overtake his body as if the passage of time around him had gradually slowed down.

Yet, it seemed that the attacks launched by John were not affected by the flow of time.

Taken aback, Antoine gazed at John in disbelief.

Nevertheless, he chuckled the next second. “I never expected this from you. You’re just a Fourth Level Tribulator, yet you mastered the time nascence. This is something that even many Ultimate Realm experts couldn’t manage. Still, even if you’ve grasped the time nascence, you can forget about killing me. That’s simply because you’re nowhere near strong enough.”

After all, the gap in strength was immense. Moreover, Antoine had employed a secret technique, allowing the ghost masks to possess him. Even if John could manipulate time and initiate an attack, Antoine was unfazed.

That was because Antoine was absolutely confident that John’s attacks couldn’t harm him.

John looked at the confident Antoine, fully aware that his attacks couldn’t harm the latter.

Putting aside Antoine’s formidable abilities as an Ultimate Realm expert, the ghost masks surrounding him acted like an impenetrable wall of iron and copper, providing him with a solid layer of protection.

Deep within this lava river, the flaring energy surrounding them did Antoine no harm, and that was all due to those ghost masks.

If it weren’t for the Fire Spirit Lord’s demonic fire soul essence in John’s possession, he would have been done for long ago.

However, a smirk played at the corners of John’s mouth. The ball of crimson flame he had just conjured was not intended to defeat Antoine.

What John truly intended to utilize was this flame vortex. At that moment, the duo was caught up in the flame vortex and completely unaffected by the flaming energy.

However, there was one thing that both John and Antoine feared, and that was the void fracture caused by the flame vortex.

If they were to be sucked into the void fracture that seemed to lead to nowhere, they might never be able to return.

That was the reason behind John’s intention to use time nascence to slow down the passage of time.

And that burst of crimson flames was meant to open a void fracture within the flame vortex.

The void fracture was not affected by the flow of time. After all, the time within this void fracture belonged to another unknown world, which remained unaffected by Ethereal Realm’s temporal pace.

From the beginning, John had everything planned to catch Antoine off guard.

Indeed, Antoine had been quite careless at that time. He believed that John’s blazing red flames would cause him no harm. So he didn’t worry.

However, as John’s cluster of crimson flames erupted, it caused a sudden distortion within the flame vortex’s void.

Immediately after, a void fracture emerged at the heart of the vortex, and it continued to grow larger.

Within the void fracture was nothing but darkness, akin to an unfathomable abyss.

The void fracture even emanated a tremendous suction force. Antoine, who was closest to the void fracture, started to panic as he felt the immense suction power.
Thanks for your hard work immortal


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4032 Brat, you tricked me!

He wanted to dodge, but the flow of time impeded his movements. At that moment, Antoine realized he had walked into a trap.

Glaring at John, Antoine bellowed, “Brat, you tricked me! If you’re brave enough, confront me directly. Why resolve to trickeries?”

At that moment, Antoine realized that John didn’t intend to kill him, but rather, the latter planned to draw him into the void fracture.

By then, John wouldn’t be concerned with Antoine’s survival in the slightest.

“Ah!” Antoine roared in fury.

At that critical juncture between life and death, the ghost masks surrounding Antoine’s body all took on a terrifying appearance.

Moreover, a substantial amount of blood essence was continuously seeping out of Antoine’s forehead and absorbed by those ghost masks.

John’s body jolted, feeling a surge of discomfort coursing wildly within him. Suddenly, he spat out a mouthful of fresh blood. Mr. Castro’s struggle while on the verge of his death is truly impressive

As John spat out a mouthful of fresh blood, the time nascence he had unleashed abruptly ceased, returning the flow of time to its usual pace.

Feeling a sudden ease in his body, Antoine was ready to escape the pull of the void fracture.

However, it was already too late. The void fracture, akin to the gaping maw of a colossal beast, had begun to swallow Antoine.

Antoine trembled all over, feeling like he had fallen into a bottomless abyss. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn’t break free from the void fracture.

Watching John’s smug expression from a short distance away, Antoine was beside himself with rage.

He roared hysterically as grievances brewed within him. I’m the Ultimate Realm expert! I’m supposed to be the hunter, yet now, John, the prey, is smugly watching as I’m consumed by the void fracture! I used a secret technique to let the ghost masks possess me and even used my blood essence to feed them to become immune to the flaming energy. Even so, I’m still facing this outcome.

Antoine was truly unable to accept the turns of events. Why? Why did things end up like this?

He couldn’t wrap his mind around the situation. I haven’t done anything wrong, yet this is the outcome.

“Ah!” Antoine roared in frustration, his heart filled with resentment.

To John’s surprise, the dozens of ghost masks emerged from Antoine’s body and sped toward John.

Antoine seemed to have planned to drag John with him to the grave.

The dozens of ghost masks intended to ensnare John, aiming to drag him into the void fracture with Antoine.

Upon seeing the situation, John instinctively retreated. However, the dozens of ghost masks were incredibly fast. They instantly enveloped John, then rushed toward the void fracture with all their might.

“Fuck! Let me go!” John, wielding Dragonslayer Sword, attacked those ghost masks in desperation.

However, he had no idea what those faces were made of. Despite the relentless hacking with his sword, they remained utterly unscathed.

Once again, John unleashed his demonic fire, hoping to burn away those ghost masks. However, those ghost masks were unafraid of demonic fire as well.

“Hahaha! Quit putting up a fight. It’s pointless.” Upon witnessing the situation, Antoine burst into laughter.

He had given up the struggle. Without the ghost masks’ protection, Antoine’s body was rapidly sucked into the void fracture.

At the same time, the flaming energy subjected Antoine to incredibly agonizing torment.

Even so, he still put on a defiant face, ready to perish together with John.

John’s brows furrowed tightly as he was pulled toward the void fracture.

In no time, John and Antoine were swallowed by the void fracture, plummeting into the endless darkness.

Within the void fracture, space-time blades were omnipresent, and these space-time blades could sever anything in their path.

Surprisingly, the void fracture didn’t lead to a single dimension but opened up to countless dimensions.

Every dimension had its unique aura, and where those dimensions intersected, a razor-sharp space-time blade was present.

Within the void fracture, the dozens of ghost masks on John’s body seemed like they had been drained of life and fell off one after the other.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4033 Space- Time Blades

Then, they plunged into different dimensions, while others were cleaved in half by the space- time blades.

John held his breath, concentrating intently. Suddenly, One-Eyed appeared on his forehead. The endless blackness morphed into a hazy grey before him, and he could see the space- time blades.

The activation of Nethersky Eye had allowed John to effortlessly seize those space-time blades. Upon seeing the sudden appearance of an eye on John’s forehead, Antoine was utterly taken aback.

Immediately following a horrific scream, Antoine’s legs were abruptly severed by the space-time blades.

At that moment, Antoine’s legs had already been severed from his body, disappearing into different dimensions of time and space.

Although John could now detect the space- time blades, he was still uncertain which dimension would provide the best escape route.

Not every void fracture would lead to another world. In some instances, some void fractures might transport them to a deadland, devoid of any signs of life.

Anyone landing in such a barren place would meet a fate as final as death, destined to die a lonely demise.

John certainly didn’t want to go to such a place.

“Mr. Vermilion, could you help me figure out which of these void fractures is our way out?” Left with no choice, John could only seek advice from Vermilion Demon Lord.

“What a stupid question. How has someone like you managed to survive until now?” Vermilion Demon Lord cast a disdainful glance at John before continuing, “Each void fracture emits a unique aura. If you wish to stay here, seek out the one with an aura most similar to this place. That’s your safest option. Different spaces and worlds carry distinct auras-unless they originate from the same world!”

His remark instantly jolted John, sparking a moment of enlightenment!

Had Vermilion Demon Lord not mentioned it, John would not have realized this at all.

“Thanks for the enlightenment, Mr. Vermilion.” John expressed his gratitude.

“Once you reach my level and become familiar with the auras of different worlds, you can easily tear through the void to get to any destination you desire,” Vermilion Demon Lord exclaimed. “But first, you must master the aura of the desired world. Only then will you be able to tear through the void and reach it.”

John was taken aback. He had initially thought that someone like Vermilion Demon Lord could go wherever he wished without any restrictions. Unexpectedly, there were still skills that needed to be mastered. So it’s essential to master the world’s aura before I can transport myself there through the void fracture.

“Mr. Vermilion, does that mean I won’t be able to get to the world I wish to go if I’m not familiar with its aura?” John inquired.

His question rendered Vermilion Demon Lord speechless. “You’re so dumb! Just because you don’t know, doesn’t mean others don’t. Why not just let someone help you tear through the void to create the void fracture?”

His reply made John feel embarrassed. Why didn’t I think of that? It’s like when I’m lost and disoriented trying to reach a destination. I can always find a knowledgeable driver to take me there. The logic is as simple as that! I can’t believe I just asked that stupid question.

Feeling awkward, John fell silent, hastily investigating the aura emanating from each void fracture.

After a while, John noticed a void fracture emitting a faintly familiar aura.

The only realms that John was familiar with now were the mundane world and the Ethereal Realm! If this void fracture doesn’t lead to the Ethereal Realm, I’m sure it’ll still lead to the mundane world!

If John could enter the mundane world, he could return home and see how things were there.

In fact, he was getting a little homesick.

Whether it was the mundane world or the Ethereal Realm, John was willing to accept either. Without hesitation, he plunged into the void fracture.

Accompanied by a surge of immense power, John began to tumble. His mind went completely blank, and he lost consciousness in an instant!


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Chapter 4034 Ethereal Realm?

After an indeterminate amount of time, John opened his eyes and found himself unexpectedly in a massive cave.

The entire cave looked expansive, and the sound of running water echoed from within. John shook his head to relieve his dizziness. At that point, he had no idea where the void fracture had taken him.

“Mr. Vermilion, where are we? Are we still in the Ethereal Realm?” John asked, turning to Vermilion Demon Lord.

“You should know I could only sense the outside world through you, right? How am I supposed to know anything when you were unconscious just now? Besides, I’m just a soul remnant in the void fracture. What could I possibly know?” Vermilion Demon Lord replied with a glare.

“You could have just told me you didn’t know nicely instead of losing your temper,” John muttered to himself. He must be mad because I refused to let the Vermilion Demon Lord control my body. But I’m the master of my body. How can I simply let him take over as he pleases?

As John scrutinized the cave, he was consumed by an indescribable feeling.

He hoped to be transported back to the mundane world, yet he was also filled with apprehension about returning to it.

After all, there were still many things waiting for him to accomplish in the Ethereal Realm.

In addition to those awaiting him in the mundane world, there were also others waiting for him in the Ethereal Realm.

John scanned his surroundings, surprised to discover Antoine, who had been at death’s door, now in the same cave as him. Apparently, they had been transported to the same destination.

At this moment, Antoine did not appear to be the expert from the Ultimate Realm that he was known to be. Instead, he seemed more like an elderly man nearing the end of his life.

The ghost mask on his face had disappeared, and his aura became extremely weak. It was evident that he had lost his formidable power as an Ultimate Realm expert.

It was a miracle that Antoine was still alive despite executing the secret technique earlier and having his legs severed by the space-time blades.

John stepped forward and nudged Antoine, who remained motionless. It seemed he had passed out.

Upon seeing the situation, John slowly crouched down.

“Hey, what are you planning to do? You want to save him?” asked Vermilion Demon Lord.

“Of course not. This guy’s been trying to kill me all along, even wanting to drag me down with him. How could I possibly save him?” John replied indifferently. “I only noticed he had an item pouch, which I thought might contain something valuable. I just want to take a look at it.”

John was no heroic saint who could easily forgive and forget. Save him? Those who wish to kill me deserve death.

Just as John reached out to remove the item pouch from Antoine’s body, Antoine suddenly opened his eyes.

“Go to hell!” Suddenly, Antoine reached out his claws and fiercely aimed for John’s neck.

Antoine’s swift strike carried a sharp aura. If it had landed on John, his neck would have been severed.

Upon realizing Antoine was feigning unconsciousness and attempting a sneak attack, John remained perfectly still.

Antoine became utterly thrilled when he seized John by the neck. He burst into laughter and exclaimed, “Finally! I’m still going to kill you after all!”

After speaking, Antoine exerted great force.

Yet, despite his best efforts, he couldn’t break John’s neck.

In the end, Antoine grew so frustrated that his face turned red, but his attempt still proved futile.

The moment he looked up at John, he realized John was looking at him as if he was staring at a fool.

John’s body had endured countless trials and tribulations. If Antoine were still an expert in the Ultimate Realm, he would undoubtedly have been able to snap John’s neck.

However, Antoine, in his extremely frail state, could even hardly muster the strength of an expert from the Body Fusion Realm.

With his current weakened state, his attempt to snap John’s neck was nothing but a joke.

“Do you even realize your condition right now? What makes you think you can break my neck? I bet you can’t even crush a regular stone at this moment,” John remarked. He grasped Antoine’s wrist, applying a bit of force, and twisted it.


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Chapter 4035 Kill Me.

Before Antoine could retaliate, John exerted force, broke his arm in the blink of an eye, and pulled it right off


“Ah!” Antoine cried out in agony.

Not only did he lose his legs, but he also lost an arm as well.

“Do you really think you’re still an expert of the Ultimate Realm?” John spat out forcefully.

“I’ll kill you…” Antoine, with his remaining arm, wildly gesticulated, yelling at the top of his lungs.

Even at this point, he was still hell-bent on killing John. Upon seeing the situation, John swiftly delivered a kick, instantly shattering Antoine’s shoulder blade and causing his entire arm to fly off.

At that moment, the incapacitated Antoine was rendered completely helpless. All he could do was roar in anger incessantly.

John stepped directly onto Antoine’s head, causing him to whimper and choke, unable to utter a sound anymore. “Can’t keep your mouth shut, huh, can you?”

John looked at Antoine with a mocking gaze.

Antoine’s face contorted, but he refused to stop bellowing, expressing his resentment.

As someone from the Ultimate Realm, Antoine had never taken John seriously. He believed he could easily wipe John off the face of the earth with a simple wave of his hand.

Yet, the turn of events proved otherwise. Antoine found himself pinned to the ground by John, grunting helplessly.

The feeling of falling from the pedestal made Antoine wish he could just drop dead.

“Kill me. Just kill me…” Antoine struggled to utter these few words.

At that moment, he felt that death would have been more bearable than the pain and humiliation that he was going through right now.

“You yearn to die, huh?” John laughed. “Well, I’m not going to let you off that easily. You hunted me like an animal and forced me to escape to this godforsaken cave in the middle of nowhere. Now, I’ll do everything to torture you and make you beg for mercy.”

Initially, John intended to kill Antoine, but now, he decided to keep him alive to torment him.

John lifted his foot, careful not to stomp Antoine to death.

“You will not humiliate me like this!” Antoine roared, his body suddenly swelling up.

It was clear that he was ready to self-explode.

John acted swiftly, landing a kick on Antoine’s back. Antoine spat out a mouthful of fresh blood, his previously bloated body instantly deflating.

“You think you can self-destruct? That’s wishful thinking. I’ll destroy your elixir field. Let’s see if you’re still capable of self-destructing then!” John looked at Antoine with a cold, mocking smirk.

“You better kill me right now. If you don’t, I’ll surely kill you later. The Ghost Mask Sect will never let you off the hook too!” Antoine bellowed in despair.

“I won’t kill you. You said you want to make my life a living hell, right? Let’s see who’ll end up in that state!” John laughed haughtily before proceeding to open Antoine’s item pouch.

The item pouch was filled with numerous treasures like pills and various cultivation resources. As expected of a Ghost Mask Sect elder, he truly had a wealth of possessions.

Yet, there wasn’t anything of particular value.

It was not difficult to understand that the Ghost Mask Sect, being a demon sect, had always been in hiding, so even as an elder of the sect, it was unlikely for Antoine to possess anything of significant value.

After browsing through his item pouch, John turned to Antoine. “I can’t believe how the hell you, being so fucking poor, managed to reach the Ultimate Realm.”

Antoine was left speechless, his face turning red with anger and frustration, unable to respond to John’s question.

He could only shoot daggers at John. “We’ve been transported to an unknown area. This place seems like a deadland. You can torture me but don’t expect to escape from here yourself. You’ll plunge into an endless solitude and eventually die alone.”

“Is this a deadland?” John was momentarily taken aback, then immediately cast his spiritual sense toward the depths of the cave to investigate. However, an inexplicable force seemed to obstruct his spiritual sense.


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Chapter 4036 Pure Demon Bloodline

Upon hearing this, John knitted his brows. “Is this really a deadland?”

“Do you actually believe the rubbish he uttered? A deadland doesn’t look like this at all. But I must say, there’s something special about this place.” Suddenly, a figure appeared beside John.

Surprisingly, the soul remnant of Vermilion Demon Lord detached itself from John’s consciousness field.

Antoine was taken aback when he suddenly noticed an extra figure appearing next to John.

However, his face filled with shock the moment he took a closer look at the figure. He exclaimed, “A demonic soul? Is he the one that resides in your consciousness field? Is he the one who destroyed a few of my demonic souls?”

“Oh, shut the hell up. What makes you think they’re qualified to be called demonic souls? Are you even qualified to be called a demon in the first place? I am a true demon; you all are at best Demon Cultivators since you don’t possess the pure demon bloodline. And I can tell you’re a mixed breed between a demon and a human,” Vermilion Demon Lord said, looking at Antoine with disdain.

Antoine had always claimed to be a demon, but few demons actually came from a pure demon bloodline. Many were humans who had mastered demonic techniques and became Demonic Cultivators.

These individuals then developed their own sects and sometimes identified themselves as demon spirits. But they’re not true demons!

People like these would find it increasingly difficult to keep up with their cultivation as their power developed. This was because top-notch demonic cultivation methods were simply unattainable for those who didn’t come from a pure demonic lineage.

“Who do you think you are? How dare you speak to me like this?” Antoine glared furiously at Vermilion Demon Lord.

He could withstand physical attacks and tolerate humiliations, but being called not a demon and a fake, he just couldn’t accept it.

“Who am I?” Vermilion Demon Lord paused, then burst into hearty laughter. “I am Vermilion Demon Lord of the celestial realm, on par with Fire Spirit Lord. This Divine Flame Mountain was formed from an item that Fire Spirit Lord dropped. Do you still think I’m not qualified to make that remark about you?”

The words of Vermilion Demon Lord left Antoine completely dumbfounded.

He wasn’t familiar with Vermilion Demon Lord, but he had heard about Fire Spirit Lord. Legend had it that Divine Flame Mountain was formed from an object that Fire Spirit Lord had dropped.

An ordinary item dropped by Fire Spirit Lord had given rise to Divine Flame Mountain, which in turn birthed the powerful Violet Flame Sect.

These were unmistakable signs of Fire Spirit Lord’s immense identity and power in the realm of legends. And the Demon Lord before me is on par with Fire Spirit Lord himself?

Antoine was scared out of his wits. He finally understood why dealing with John, despite being a Fourth Level Tribulator, was so challenging.

“Mr. Vermilion, does the fact that your soul remnant can leave my consciousness field mean that this cave is similar to Demon Devouring Cave where you resided?” John turned to ask Vermilion Demon Lord.

Vermilion Demon Lord replied with a nod, explaining, “That’s right. They do share some similarities. Otherwise, I wouldn’t dare to expose my soul remnant. By the way, this also proves that this place is not a deadland.”

“I see!” John nodded in acknowledgment.

Casually, he grabbed his Demon Flogger and lashed out at Antoine without hesitation.

When the Demon Flogger struck, designed to target the spiritual sense of demons, Antoine let out a horrifying scream.

He could endure the physical pain, but this kind of spiritual torment was something Antoine could not bear.

“Remember what I said earlier? I won’t stop until you cry out for mercy,” John said as he whipped Antoine again. “Enjoy the torture.”

However, Antoine remained stubborn and refused to beg for mercy.

Before long, Antoine had been beaten unconscious. Antoine’s trembling torso was all that remained, devoid of strength in his limbs.

Upon seeing the situation, John used his Demon Flogger to bind Antoine. Leading him by hand, he began to search for a way out of the cave.

Every step John took left a haunting trail of blood.

When Antoine woke up, he realized he was being dragged around by John like a lifeless ragdoll. At that moment, he completely lost his composure.


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Chapter 4037 Demon Beast’s Belly

Regardless of Antoine’s howling complaints, John was constantly searching for an exit within the cave. Luckily, with Vermillion Demon Lord by his side, he didn’t feel alone.

The cave was immense, shrouded in utter darkness. Even John could only make out as far as a hundred meters!

Moreover, he was unable to project his spiritual sense. Every time he tried, an inexplicable force would block him.

Inside the cave, there was a significant pressure, and waves of heat would occasionally roll in.

“Why am I getting the feeling that this isn’t a cave, but rather the inside of some large demon beast’s belly?” John observed his surroundings before speaking.

Back then, the intermittent waves of heat were like the breaths of some colossal demon beast.

“Stop talking nonsense. What kind of beast could possibly have such a huge belly? In a place like the Ethereal Realm, there’s no way such a massive creature could exist. Even though countless possibilities exist in this vast universe, where anything can happen and anything can appear, there are still certain rules that must be followed. The laws of nature have their own set limits. In this small Ethereal Realm, if such a massive demon beast were to appear, wouldn’t it be a catastrophe?” Vermilion Demon Lord asked.

John was taken aback, then looked at Vermilion Demon Lord in surprise, “How do you know this is the Ethereal Realm? Couldn’t it be another world? Could we be in some other unknown world?”

Upon seeing the situation, Vermilion Demon Lord was immediately left with an awkward expression. He then chuckled and said, “I intended to scare you, lad, but I didn’t expect to let the cat out of the bag. This place is the Ethereal Realm. It’s just that you, lad, haven’t been observing properly. Even though you have a decent amount of talent, sometimes you can be as dense as a pig! Haven’t you noticed the flame filaments on the stone walls around that cave? Although these flame filaments were incredibly faint, and you couldn’t detect any aura from them, try merging them together and see what happens.”

John carefully surveyed the surrounding stone walls. Indeed, he found numerous extremely subtle flame filaments.

These wisps of flame had clearly seeped into the cave from outside, bit by bit. They were so subtle that John had not noticed them at all.

John tried, gradually drawing the thin strands of flame filaments from the stone wall toward himself.

It took John quite some time to gather flames that resembled candlelight. However, even this small flame was enough for John to discern the aura of the fire.

When John encountered the scent of the flames, he instantly widened his eyes, a look of disbelief etched in his gaze.

“This… this…”

John appeared utterly astonished.

“How about now? Are you feeling anything yet?”

With a slight smile playing on his lips, Vermilion Demon Lord asked.

“Is this… the flame aura of the Divine Flame Mountain? Have we never left the Divine Flame Mountain? Are we actually inside it?” John turned to Vermilion Demon Lord and asked.

At that moment, he simply couldn’t be certain, so all he could do was wait for the response from Vermillion Demon Lord.

It was clear that Vermilion Demon Lord knew everything, yet he chose not to reveal anything to John. Perhaps he was just toying with John, seeking revenge because John wouldn’t let him take control of his body.

“Indeed, we are inside the cavern of the Divine Flame Mountain. We never left it. The void fracture we encountered earlier merely transported us to its interior!” Vermilion Demon Lord chuckled and gave a nod.

“Damn, you knew all along and you didn’t even bother to tell me?” John glared at Vermilion Demon Lord, seething with anger.

“Why should I tell you anything if you won’t even let me have a bit of fun!”

Infuriated, Vermilion Demon Lord turned his head away. The might Vermilion Demon Lord, at this moment, oddly resembled a grumpy old man.

Upon witnessing the situation, John was momentarily speechless. Were all these old- timers from the Ethereal Realm always so full of character?

Antoine was practically half-dead as he listened to the conversation between John and Vermilion Demon Lord. He was utterly bewildered.


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Chapter 4038 Secret Technique

Is this really the Demon Lord? Is this how John reacts?

“All right, I admit my mistake,” John said. “I’ll help you restore your physical body as soon as possible. Isn’t that enough? Now, can you tell me how to get out of this cave?”

John could only apologize.

It had to be admitted that even if Vermilion Demon Lord was left with only a strand of his remaining soul, his strength still far surpassed his own.

John had completely missed the flame filament, whereas Vermilion Demon Lord not only noticed it but also managed to detect its unique aura.

This was the disparity, the difference in strength.

“I don’t know…” said Vermilion Demon Lord.

“Why are you still upset? Isn’t my apology enough?” John said, at a loss for words.

“I honestly don’t know why you’re apologizing a hundred times. It’s pointless. I’ve never been here before. If I had a physical body right now, I could have leveled the entire Divine Flame Mountain, wouldn’t that mean we’ll get out of here? So, won’t you lend me your physical body?” Vermilion Demon Lord suggested

Upon hearing this, John quickly waved his hands and hurriedly walked forward.

By the time Vermilion Demon Lord had leveled the Divine Flame Mountain, he feared his own body would have already been reduced to ashes.

John was persistently leading Antoine forward, undeterred by the elder’s body constantly bumping and scraping against the uneven surfaces within the mountain cave.

No matter how Antoine called out, John pretended not to hear.

Quickly, John and his group arrived at a crossroads. There were four paths in total. Trusting his instincts, John chose one of them.

Having realized that he was in the Ethereal Realm, specifically inside the Divine Flame Mountain, John no longer felt panicked.

No matter which way one took, in the end, they could always find a way out of Divine Flame Mountain.

However, not long after they set off, another fork in the road appeared, John decided to continue on one of the paths.

Although the cave had an oppressive atmosphere, it was nothing to John.

Vermilion Demon Lord, being a soul remnant, feared no oppression whatsoever.

However, Antoine, although reduced to a mere shell, still had to endure the oppressive force. Furthermore, he had to bear the humiliation of being dragged around like a lifeless object, constantly colliding with rocks.

What Antoine desired most at that moment was the sweet release of death!

He yearned for death so much, but unfortunately, John wouldn’t allow him to die.

“Do you really think you can find your way out, blindly choosing paths and ignoring all rules?”

Seeing John wandering aimlessly, the frustrated Vermilion Demon Lord finally asked.

“I was simply following my instincts. If I couldn’t find a way out, I’d just keep going. I couldn’t really discern any rules. Why don’t you tell me, which path should I take?” John asked casually.

Vermilion Demon Lord looked at John. He knew that John was doing this on purpose, deliberately forcing him to lead the way.

And so, John had come to understand the nature of Vermillion Demon Lord. If he were to ask directly, he was certain he would receive no answer.

And so, John decided to just randomly walk around. When Vermilion Demon Lord himself felt bored, he would initiate the conversation.

And now, Vermilion Demon Lord took the initiative to speak.

“I wasn’t sure how to get out of here either. But with so many forks in the road, if you just follow your instincts, you’re bound to get lost. Plus, you can’t exactly rely on any spiritual sense in this place. However, I can teach you a method to find the right path!” Vermilion Demon Lord said.

“What’s the plan?” John’s eyes lit up, for he had been waiting for Vermilion Demon Lord’s strategy all along.

“Of course, it’s about scouting the way. With so many forks in the road, it’s impossible that each path leads somewhere. So, you could scout ahead…”

“Scout the way? How am I supposed to do that by myself? With all these forks in the road, it would take me forever to cover them all!” Upon hearing Vermilion Demon Lord’s method, John immediately deflated, exclaiming in dismay.

“Dummy, who asked you to scout ahead? You could have used something else in your place!” Vermilion Demon Lord gave John a glance and said.

“Other things?”

John glanced around, then shifted his gaze onto Antoine.

How was this guy supposed to find his way around without his limbs?

Seeing that John had not yet grasped his meaning, Vermilion Demon Lord had no choice but to explain, “I’ll teach you a secret technique. First, gather up the flame filaments within this cave, and when the time comes, you’ll have something to guide your way!”


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Chapter 4039 Breed Of Crimson Mouse

Upon hearing this, John was instantly overjoyed. He was certain that anything taught by Vermilion Demon Lord would be exceptional.

John was fervently gathering the flame filaments within the cave. Only after he had amassed a palm-sized bundle of fire did John finally cease his efforts.

“Drop your blood essence into this flame!” Vermilion Demon Lord exclaimed.

In haste, John did as instructed. The moment a drop of his blood essence fell into the flame, the fire seemed to come alive. It danced with an apparent joy.

Upon witnessing this scene, John hastily turned his gaze to Vermillion Demon Lord, eager to know what to do next.

The enigmatic Vermilion Demon Lord leaned in close to John, whispering a cryptic verse into his ear.

John, on the other hand, was murmuring an incantation. As he did so, a beam of spiritual light emerged, causing the ball of fire to suddenly split apart. In an instant, it transformed into over a dozen small mice, all ablaze with flames.

The fur was a vibrant shade of red, reminiscent of a blazing fire, and the little mice were squeaking adorably.

Upon witnessing this scene, John was utterly dumbstruck, because he could distinctly sense the presence of each and every tiny mouse, and every little mouse’s vision would also appear in his mind.

“Don’t be surprised, this is just a small token. Once you help me restore my physical body, I can teach you so much more!”

“This breed of crimson mouse was created using flames and contains your blood essence. Therefore, their actions are all under your control. You can now send these crimson mice ahead to scout the path. However, they can only be used for reconnaissance. After all, they’re merely imbued with a drop of your blood essence, which doesn’t grant them any combat abilities. Once your blood essence is depleted, these crimson mice will vanish too.”

Vermilion Demon Lord addressed John!

John nodded, finding those crimson mice exceptionally adorable.

Because these crimson mice were formed from the transmogrification condensed from the flame filaments within the cave, they didn’t experience any discomfort in the cave environment.

This was also why Vermilion Demon Lord had asked John to gather the flame filaments.

Shortly, John started directing the crimson mice toward different junctions, while he himself waited patiently at the original spot.

Every movement of the crimson mice, John could accurately sense. Even the places seen by these rats could manifest within John’s mind.

Luckily, John’s knowledge was as vast as the sea. Otherwise, the influx of information brought by the dozen crimson mice would have overwhelmed his mind.

Numerous crimson mice moved at an astonishing speed, constantly scurrying within the cave.

“Just wait. I doubt we’ll see any results anytime soon. While we’re waiting, I suggest you set up a defensive array around us. It’ll help ward off any beasts lurking in this cave!” After those crimson mice had left, Vermilion Demon Lord spoke to John.

John stared blankly at Vermillion Demon Lord. He had this persistent feeling that this guy must know something, yet he just wouldn’t spill it.

John didn’t say anything. Instead, he drew a simple defensive array around them.

After all, the cave was incredibly quiet. There wasn’t a single trace of any demon beasts.

Drawing up a defensive array was merely an act of seeking psychological comfort.

After completing all his tasks, John found himself idly waiting for the results from the crimson mice. He casually held the Demon Flogger, occasionally lashing out at Antoine. Each strike elicited a loud cry from Antoine.

At this point, Antoine couldn’t express how much he regretted his actions. Why on earth had he provoked John?

This guy was nothing short of a devil, capable of tormenting himself to such an extent.

Vermilion Demon Lord couldn’t help but laugh as he watched John amusingly chastising Antoine.

It seemed that this fellow was also rather petty, which only further matched the temperament of Vermillion Demon Lord!

As John was in the midst of chastising Antoine, he abruptly halted, his brow furrowing immediately after.

“Did you bump into something?”

Vermilion Demon Lord looked at John, casually inquiring.


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Chapter 4040 Red Bugs

John glared at Vermillion Demon Lord, his eyes filled with anger. “Damn, you definitely knew, but you deliberately kept it from me…”

No sooner had John finished speaking, than a series of grating noises filled the air, the sharp sounds of stones scraping against each other even discernible among them.

The sound was incredibly unsettling, giving John goosebumps all over his body.

At that point, John had lost the aura and perspective of those crimson mice, signifying that they were no longer present.

The sound kept drawing nearer, and John was anxiously looking around as if the sound was coming from all directions.

The defensive array that had just been depicted was now activated by John.

Now, John was feeling some regret. Why hadn’t he formed a more complex defensive array earlier?

Upon seeing John’s nervous demeanor, even Vermilion Demon Lord unexpectedly burst into laughter.

“You’re still laughing, but once we’re out. I won’t let you into my consciousness field. I’ll leave you here forever!”

John, somewhat irritated, spoke to Vermillion Demon Lord who was still laughing out loud.

“Don’t worry, what must be, must be. There’s no escaping it. Worst comes to worst, you’ll end up as a soul remnant. Either way, we’ll face it together. “Moreover, now that you possess a spiritual body, even if only a shred of your soul remains, you can gradually recover!” Vermilion Demon Lord exclaimed.

John had no intention of paying attention to Vermillion Demon Lord. Instead, he was cautiously observing his surroundings.


Suddenly, Antoine let out a horrifying scream.

When John looked over, he found that Antoine was surprisingly covered in dark red bugs. crawling all over him.

These insects appeared to be tiny flickers of flame. However, when many of them gathered together, they took on the form of a raging fire.

With a swift flick of his Demon Flogger, John ensnared Antoine, drawing him into the defensive array.

Upon contact with the protective barrier, all the insects scattered, falling off Antoine’s body. At this moment, Antoine was completely covered in bites from the bug, with not a single spot spared.

John wouldn’t possibly feel pity for Antoine. The reason he saved him was not to allow him a quick and painless death.

Before long, the swarm of insects multiplied, their sheer number illuminating the dark cave.

These insects swarmed around John and his group, but they couldn’t break through the defensive array.

John observed, it seemed as though they were completely surrounded by rising flames, and there was a distinct sensation of intense heat.

“What kind of bugs are these?” John asked with a slight furrow in his brow.

These bugs didn’t appear particularly formidable at first glance, yet when they converged, the intense heat they radiated was on par with, if not surpassing, the fire of the Earth’s core.

“These are flame bugs, creatures that feed off the flaming energy. The flaming energy they emit when they gather is far more intense than any demonic fire,” Vermilion Demon Lord explained.

Upon hearing the words of Vermilion Demon Lord, John gave him a sidelong glance. It was quite clear that this guy knew everything, yet he chose not to share with him.

John unsheathed his Dragonslayer Sword, the blade shimmering with every movement. He swung the sword in a swift motion, sending waves of sword energy toward the swarm of flame bugs.


Accompanied by several explosions, a vast swarm of flame bugs was sent flying, leaving a large gap around John and his companions.

However, these startled flame bugs immediately regrouped, as if John’s earlier light hadn’t inflicted much damage on them.

Upon witnessing this scene, John couldn’t help but exclaim in shock, “Damn, such a tiny bug, yet it’s so tough. I can’t kill it?”

John could hardly believe it; the few strikes he had just made had not inflicted any damage on the flame bugs at all.

“This is outrageous!” he exclaimed. If this continued, wouldn’t they all meet their ends in this cave?

After all, John’s rudimentary defensive array couldn’t possibly hold out for long!


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Chapter 4041 Spiritual Intelligence

“Try another way if you can’t kill it. Besides, don’t you need the flaming energy for your training anyway? Back then, you were on that cliff, absorbing the flaming energy. Now, with so much of it readily available, what are you waiting for?” said Vermilion Demon Lord to John.

John’s eyes lit upon realizing that the flame bugs fed on the flaming energy. With that, their bodies undoubtedly contained a significant amount of it.

When these flame bugs gathered together, their combined power was even more formidable than the any regular internal flame!

Moreover, John possessed the demonic fire soul essence and had cultivated the True Fire Spiritual Body, making him immune to any internal flame attacks!

Therefore, the flame bugs were not able to harm John. Instead, he was able to absorb the flaming energy from their bodies.

Upon reflection, John suddenly understood Vermilion Demon Lord’s intentions.

John felt he had wronged Vermilion Demon Lord. The latter knew about the flame bug in the cave but chose not to tell John about it, intending for the bugs to be attracted so John could absorb them!

“Mr. Vermilion, I’m truly sorry for misunderstanding you,” John apologized, feeling embarrassed.

“Hurry up and get out! Stop dawdling around in the arcane array meant to protect me.”

Vermilion Demon Lord then kicked John, thrusting him out of the arcane array.

Upon seeing the situation, the swarm of flame bugs rushed forward, enveloping John and launching relentless attacks on him!

However, the flame bugs could not harm John at all!

John utilized his nascence star to fervently absorb the flaming energy from within the flame bugs.

He witnessed flames reaching for the sky, one after another, as the flame bugs advanced relentlessly.

Soon, the flame bugs around John, now infused with flaming energy, turned black, devoid of any remaining signs of life.

In no time at all, it was densely covered in a thick layer!

John was elated as he fervently absorbed everything!

The flame bugs had no spiritual intelligence, advancing relentlessly in waves. Their sole purpose was to unleash their flaming energy, determined to burn John to death!

Nonetheless, it was exactly what John wanted. As the flame bugs unleashed their fiery energy, he absorbed it with all his strength.

After what felt like an eternity, the ground was strewn with the carcasses of the flame bugs!

In the end, the flame bugs finally came to their senses, quickly turning away and scurrying off, no longer attacking John.

Anyhow, John did not give chase. After all, it was easy to lose one’s way inside the cave.

As the glow of the flame bugs faded, John’s nascence star shone brilliantly.

Thereafter, a peculiar aura of fire gradually took shape within John.

When the fire aura condensed into a wisp of internal flame, John was astonished to realize that it was a completely different type of internal flame.

John had already harnessed four types of internal flames within him. Initially, he had thought that those flame bugs, which fed on the flaming energy, also absorbed the aura of the fire of the Earth’s core.

Therefore, absorbing the flaming energy of those flame bugs was simply a way to enhance the strength of his own fire of the Earth’s core.

Surprisingly, the flaming energy from the flame bugs had transformed into a distinctive internal flame.

It seemed to possess a certain spirituality, even more so than the others.

John conjured a ball of internal flame and then dripped a drop of blood essence into it, all the while mumbling to himself.

Instantly, the internal flame transformed into a dozen crimson mice.

However, this time, the crimson mice were noticeably smarter, displaying a hint of spiritual intelligence!

Although not true demon beasts but transmogrified from internal flame, they possessed spiritual intelligence.

That was because the flaming energy John absorbed from the flame bugs had fully forged the internal flame, imbuing it with a certain level of spirituality.

The flame bugs, lacking any spiritual wisdom, followed aimlessly like fools. Yet, unexpectedly, the resulting internal flame possessed spirituality.

More than ten crimson mice surrounded John, squeaking incessantly at him!

“Find the exit, all of you. You must locate it, understood?” commanded John.

A dozen crimson mice nodded in unison, quickly dividing their tasks before dashing off toward various burrow entrances.

While the crimson mice were busy searching for an escape, John nonchalantly continued to thrash Antoine!

Since he was feeling bored staying inside the cave, John amused himself by teasing Antoine.


Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 4041 Spiritual Intelligence

“Try another way if you can’t kill it. Besides, don’t you need the flaming energy for your training anyway? Back then, you were on that cliff, absorbing the flaming energy. Now, with so much of it readily available, what are you waiting for?” said Vermilion Demon Lord to John.

John’s eyes lit upon realizing that the flame bugs fed on the flaming energy. With that, their bodies undoubtedly contained a significant amount of it.

When these flame bugs gathered together, their combined power was even more formidable than the any regular internal flame!

Moreover, John possessed the demonic fire soul essence and had cultivated the True Fire Spiritual Body, making him immune to any internal flame attacks!

Therefore, the flame bugs were not able to harm John. Instead, he was able to absorb the flaming energy from their bodies.

Upon reflection, John suddenly understood Vermilion Demon Lord’s intentions.

John felt he had wronged Vermilion Demon Lord. The latter knew about the flame bug in the cave but chose not to tell John about it, intending for the bugs to be attracted so John could absorb them!

“Mr. Vermilion, I’m truly sorry for misunderstanding you,” John apologized, feeling embarrassed.

“Hurry up and get out! Stop dawdling around in the arcane array meant to protect me.”

Vermilion Demon Lord then kicked John, thrusting him out of the arcane array.

Upon seeing the situation, the swarm of flame bugs rushed forward, enveloping John and launching relentless attacks on him!

However, the flame bugs could not harm John at all!

John utilized his nascence star to fervently absorb the flaming energy from within the flame bugs.

He witnessed flames reaching for the sky, one after another, as the flame bugs advanced relentlessly.

Soon, the flame bugs around John, now infused with flaming energy, turned black, devoid of any remaining signs of life.

In no time at all, it was densely covered in a thick layer!

John was elated as he fervently absorbed everything!

The flame bugs had no spiritual intelligence, advancing relentlessly in waves. Their sole purpose was to unleash their flaming energy, determined to burn John to death!

Nonetheless, it was exactly what John wanted. As the flame bugs unleashed their fiery energy, he absorbed it with all his strength.

After what felt like an eternity, the ground was strewn with the carcasses of the flame bugs!

In the end, the flame bugs finally came to their senses, quickly turning away and scurrying off, no longer attacking John.

Anyhow, John did not give chase. After all, it was easy to lose one’s way inside the cave.

As the glow of the flame bugs faded, John’s nascence star shone brilliantly.

Thereafter, a peculiar aura of fire gradually took shape within John.

When the fire aura condensed into a wisp of internal flame, John was astonished to realize that it was a completely different type of internal flame.

John had already harnessed four types of internal flames within him. Initially, he had thought that those flame bugs, which fed on the flaming energy, also absorbed the aura of the fire of the Earth’s core.

Therefore, absorbing the flaming energy of those flame bugs was simply a way to enhance the strength of his own fire of the Earth’s core.

Surprisingly, the flaming energy from the flame bugs had transformed into a distinctive internal flame.

It seemed to possess a certain spirituality, even more so than the others.

John conjured a ball of internal flame and then dripped a drop of blood essence into it, all the while mumbling to himself.

Instantly, the internal flame transformed into a dozen crimson mice.

However, this time, the crimson mice were noticeably smarter, displaying a hint of spiritual intelligence!

Although not true demon beasts but transmogrified from internal flame, they possessed spiritual intelligence.

That was because the flaming energy John absorbed from the flame bugs had fully forged the internal flame, imbuing it with a certain level of spirituality.

The flame bugs, lacking any spiritual wisdom, followed aimlessly like fools. Yet, unexpectedly, the resulting internal flame possessed spirituality.

More than ten crimson mice surrounded John, squeaking incessantly at him!

“Find the exit, all of you. You must locate it, understood?” commanded John.

A dozen crimson mice nodded in unison, quickly dividing their tasks before dashing off toward various burrow entrances.

While the crimson mice were busy searching for an escape, John nonchalantly continued to thrash Antoine!

Since he was feeling bored staying inside the cave, John amused himself by teasing Antoine.
Immortal Gily 🙌 thanks alot for the your hard work 👍👍👍🥰🥰🥰


Top Level Tribulator - Master of Virgin Sect
Sep 17, 2023
Reaction score
Thanks a lot immortal @Gily for the abundant resources. Just as the vermilion lord called John that he is a fool. It is true in many way. Other than being ultimate pervert and sex master, he lacks many other things. Even now, rather than just looking for the exit, he can also look for the sect seal since he is already inside the cave.


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Jun 22, 2024
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Chapter 4038 Secret Technique

Is this really the Demon Lord? Is this how John reacts?

“All right, I admit my mistake,” John said. “I’ll help you restore your physical body as soon as possible. Isn’t that enough? Now, can you tell me how to get out of this cave?”

John could only apologize.

It had to be admitted that even if Vermilion Demon Lord was left with only a strand of his remaining soul, his strength still far surpassed his own.

John had completely missed the flame filament, whereas Vermilion Demon Lord not only noticed it but also managed to detect its unique aura.

This was the disparity, the difference in strength.

“I don’t know…” said Vermilion Demon Lord.

“Why are you still upset? Isn’t my apology enough?” John said, at a loss for words.

“I honestly don’t know why you’re apologizing a hundred times. It’s pointless. I’ve never been here before. If I had a physical body right now, I could have leveled the entire Divine Flame Mountain, wouldn’t that mean we’ll get out of here? So, won’t you lend me your physical body?” Vermilion Demon Lord suggested

Upon hearing this, John quickly waved his hands and hurriedly walked forward.

By the time Vermilion Demon Lord had leveled the Divine Flame Mountain, he feared his own body would have already been reduced to ashes.

John was persistently leading Antoine forward, undeterred by the elder’s body constantly bumping and scraping against the uneven surfaces within the mountain cave.

No matter how Antoine called out, John pretended not to hear.

Quickly, John and his group arrived at a crossroads. There were four paths in total. Trusting his instincts, John chose one of them.

Having realized that he was in the Ethereal Realm, specifically inside the Divine Flame Mountain, John no longer felt panicked.

No matter which way one took, in the end, they could always find a way out of Divine Flame Mountain.

However, not long after they set off, another fork in the road appeared, John decided to continue on one of the paths.

Although the cave had an oppressive atmosphere, it was nothing to John.

Vermilion Demon Lord, being a soul remnant, feared no oppression whatsoever.

However, Antoine, although reduced to a mere shell, still had to endure the oppressive force. Furthermore, he had to bear the humiliation of being dragged around like a lifeless object, constantly colliding with rocks.

What Antoine desired most at that moment was the sweet release of death!

He yearned for death so much, but unfortunately, John wouldn’t allow him to die.

“Do you really think you can find your way out, blindly choosing paths and ignoring all rules?”

Seeing John wandering aimlessly, the frustrated Vermilion Demon Lord finally asked.

“I was simply following my instincts. If I couldn’t find a way out, I’d just keep going. I couldn’t really discern any rules. Why don’t you tell me, which path should I take?” John asked casually.

Vermilion Demon Lord looked at John. He knew that John was doing this on purpose, deliberately forcing him to lead the way.

And so, John had come to understand the nature of Vermillion Demon Lord. If he were to ask directly, he was certain he would receive no answer.

And so, John decided to just randomly walk around. When Vermilion Demon Lord himself felt bored, he would initiate the conversation.

And now, Vermilion Demon Lord took the initiative to speak.

“I wasn’t sure how to get out of here either. But with so many forks in the road, if you just follow your instincts, you’re bound to get lost. Plus, you can’t exactly rely on any spiritual sense in this place. However, I can teach you a method to find the right path!” Vermilion Demon Lord said.

“What’s the plan?” John’s eyes lit up, for he had been waiting for Vermilion Demon Lord’s strategy all along.

“Of course, it’s about scouting the way. With so many forks in the road, it’s impossible that each path leads somewhere. So, you could scout ahead…”

“Scout the way? How am I supposed to do that by myself? With all these forks in the road, it would take me forever to cover them all!” Upon hearing Vermilion Demon Lord’s method, John immediately deflated, exclaiming in dismay.

“Dummy, who asked you to scout ahead? You could have used something else in your place!” Vermilion Demon Lord gave John a glance and said.

“Other things?”

John glanced around, then shifted his gaze onto Antoine.

How was this guy supposed to find his way around without his limbs?

Seeing that John had not yet grasped his meaning, Vermilion Demon Lord had no choice but to explain, “I’ll teach you a secret technique. First, gather up the flame filaments within this cave, and when the time comes, you’ll have something to guide your way!”
Vermilion Demon Lord is some kind of necessary evil. Very annoying yet very helpful


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
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Chapter 4041 Spiritual Intelligence

“Try another way if you can’t kill it. Besides, don’t you need the flaming energy for your training anyway? Back then, you were on that cliff, absorbing the flaming energy. Now, with so much of it readily available, what are you waiting for?” said Vermilion Demon Lord to John.

John’s eyes lit upon realizing that the flame bugs fed on the flaming energy. With that, their bodies undoubtedly contained a significant amount of it.

When these flame bugs gathered together, their combined power was even more formidable than the any regular internal flame!

Moreover, John possessed the demonic fire soul essence and had cultivated the True Fire Spiritual Body, making him immune to any internal flame attacks!

Therefore, the flame bugs were not able to harm John. Instead, he was able to absorb the flaming energy from their bodies.

Upon reflection, John suddenly understood Vermilion Demon Lord’s intentions.

John felt he had wronged Vermilion Demon Lord. The latter knew about the flame bug in the cave but chose not to tell John about it, intending for the bugs to be attracted so John could absorb them!

“Mr. Vermilion, I’m truly sorry for misunderstanding you,” John apologized, feeling embarrassed.

“Hurry up and get out! Stop dawdling around in the arcane array meant to protect me.”

Vermilion Demon Lord then kicked John, thrusting him out of the arcane array.

Upon seeing the situation, the swarm of flame bugs rushed forward, enveloping John and launching relentless attacks on him!

However, the flame bugs could not harm John at all!

John utilized his nascence star to fervently absorb the flaming energy from within the flame bugs.

He witnessed flames reaching for the sky, one after another, as the flame bugs advanced relentlessly.

Soon, the flame bugs around John, now infused with flaming energy, turned black, devoid of any remaining signs of life.

In no time at all, it was densely covered in a thick layer!

John was elated as he fervently absorbed everything!

The flame bugs had no spiritual intelligence, advancing relentlessly in waves. Their sole purpose was to unleash their flaming energy, determined to burn John to death!

Nonetheless, it was exactly what John wanted. As the flame bugs unleashed their fiery energy, he absorbed it with all his strength.

After what felt like an eternity, the ground was strewn with the carcasses of the flame bugs!

In the end, the flame bugs finally came to their senses, quickly turning away and scurrying off, no longer attacking John.

Anyhow, John did not give chase. After all, it was easy to lose one’s way inside the cave.

As the glow of the flame bugs faded, John’s nascence star shone brilliantly.

Thereafter, a peculiar aura of fire gradually took shape within John.

When the fire aura condensed into a wisp of internal flame, John was astonished to realize that it was a completely different type of internal flame.

John had already harnessed four types of internal flames within him. Initially, he had thought that those flame bugs, which fed on the flaming energy, also absorbed the aura of the fire of the Earth’s core.

Therefore, absorbing the flaming energy of those flame bugs was simply a way to enhance the strength of his own fire of the Earth’s core.

Surprisingly, the flaming energy from the flame bugs had transformed into a distinctive internal flame.

It seemed to possess a certain spirituality, even more so than the others.

John conjured a ball of internal flame and then dripped a drop of blood essence into it, all the while mumbling to himself.

Instantly, the internal flame transformed into a dozen crimson mice.

However, this time, the crimson mice were noticeably smarter, displaying a hint of spiritual intelligence!

Although not true demon beasts but transmogrified from internal flame, they possessed spiritual intelligence.

That was because the flaming energy John absorbed from the flame bugs had fully forged the internal flame, imbuing it with a certain level of spirituality.

The flame bugs, lacking any spiritual wisdom, followed aimlessly like fools. Yet, unexpectedly, the resulting internal flame possessed spirituality.

More than ten crimson mice surrounded John, squeaking incessantly at him!

“Find the exit, all of you. You must locate it, understood?” commanded John.

A dozen crimson mice nodded in unison, quickly dividing their tasks before dashing off toward various burrow entrances.

While the crimson mice were busy searching for an escape, John nonchalantly continued to thrash Antoine!

Since he was feeling bored staying inside the cave, John amused himself by teasing Antoine.
Immortal Gily you do all. 🤝🤝🤝🙌🙌🙌


Top level Tribulator - Master of Pervert Sect
Feb 3, 2024
Reaction score
Chapter 4041 Spiritual Intelligence

“Try another way if you can’t kill it. Besides, don’t you need the flaming energy for your training anyway? Back then, you were on that cliff, absorbing the flaming energy. Now, with so much of it readily available, what are you waiting for?” said Vermilion Demon Lord to John.

John’s eyes lit upon realizing that the flame bugs fed on the flaming energy. With that, their bodies undoubtedly contained a significant amount of it.

When these flame bugs gathered together, their combined power was even more formidable than the any regular internal flame!

Moreover, John possessed the demonic fire soul essence and had cultivated the True Fire Spiritual Body, making him immune to any internal flame attacks!

Therefore, the flame bugs were not able to harm John. Instead, he was able to absorb the flaming energy from their bodies.

Upon reflection, John suddenly understood Vermilion Demon Lord’s intentions.

John felt he had wronged Vermilion Demon Lord. The latter knew about the flame bug in the cave but chose not to tell John about it, intending for the bugs to be attracted so John could absorb them!

“Mr. Vermilion, I’m truly sorry for misunderstanding you,” John apologized, feeling embarrassed.

“Hurry up and get out! Stop dawdling around in the arcane array meant to protect me.”

Vermilion Demon Lord then kicked John, thrusting him out of the arcane array.

Upon seeing the situation, the swarm of flame bugs rushed forward, enveloping John and launching relentless attacks on him!

However, the flame bugs could not harm John at all!

John utilized his nascence star to fervently absorb the flaming energy from within the flame bugs.

He witnessed flames reaching for the sky, one after another, as the flame bugs advanced relentlessly.

Soon, the flame bugs around John, now infused with flaming energy, turned black, devoid of any remaining signs of life.

In no time at all, it was densely covered in a thick layer!

John was elated as he fervently absorbed everything!

The flame bugs had no spiritual intelligence, advancing relentlessly in waves. Their sole purpose was to unleash their flaming energy, determined to burn John to death!

Nonetheless, it was exactly what John wanted. As the flame bugs unleashed their fiery energy, he absorbed it with all his strength.

After what felt like an eternity, the ground was strewn with the carcasses of the flame bugs!

In the end, the flame bugs finally came to their senses, quickly turning away and scurrying off, no longer attacking John.

Anyhow, John did not give chase. After all, it was easy to lose one’s way inside the cave.

As the glow of the flame bugs faded, John’s nascence star shone brilliantly.

Thereafter, a peculiar aura of fire gradually took shape within John.

When the fire aura condensed into a wisp of internal flame, John was astonished to realize that it was a completely different type of internal flame.

John had already harnessed four types of internal flames within him. Initially, he had thought that those flame bugs, which fed on the flaming energy, also absorbed the aura of the fire of the Earth’s core.

Therefore, absorbing the flaming energy of those flame bugs was simply a way to enhance the strength of his own fire of the Earth’s core.

Surprisingly, the flaming energy from the flame bugs had transformed into a distinctive internal flame.

It seemed to possess a certain spirituality, even more so than the others.

John conjured a ball of internal flame and then dripped a drop of blood essence into it, all the while mumbling to himself.

Instantly, the internal flame transformed into a dozen crimson mice.

However, this time, the crimson mice were noticeably smarter, displaying a hint of spiritual intelligence!

Although not true demon beasts but transmogrified from internal flame, they possessed spiritual intelligence.

That was because the flaming energy John absorbed from the flame bugs had fully forged the internal flame, imbuing it with a certain level of spirituality.

The flame bugs, lacking any spiritual wisdom, followed aimlessly like fools. Yet, unexpectedly, the resulting internal flame possessed spirituality.

More than ten crimson mice surrounded John, squeaking incessantly at him!

“Find the exit, all of you. You must locate it, understood?” commanded John.

A dozen crimson mice nodded in unison, quickly dividing their tasks before dashing off toward various burrow entrances.

While the crimson mice were busy searching for an escape, John nonchalantly continued to thrash Antoine!

Since he was feeling bored staying inside the cave, John amused himself by teasing Antoine.
it's been ages since John leveled up.. Becoming monotonous of knowing he just hardening his body without moving high.. 🙃


Demon Lord
Sep 11, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 4041 Spiritual Intelligence

“Try another way if you can’t kill it. Besides, don’t you need the flaming energy for your training anyway? Back then, you were on that cliff, absorbing the flaming energy. Now, with so much of it readily available, what are you waiting for?” said Vermilion Demon Lord to John.

John’s eyes lit upon realizing that the flame bugs fed on the flaming energy. With that, their bodies undoubtedly contained a significant amount of it.

When these flame bugs gathered together, their combined power was even more formidable than the any regular internal flame!

Moreover, John possessed the demonic fire soul essence and had cultivated the True Fire Spiritual Body, making him immune to any internal flame attacks!

Therefore, the flame bugs were not able to harm John. Instead, he was able to absorb the flaming energy from their bodies.

Upon reflection, John suddenly understood Vermilion Demon Lord’s intentions.

John felt he had wronged Vermilion Demon Lord. The latter knew about the flame bug in the cave but chose not to tell John about it, intending for the bugs to be attracted so John could absorb them!

“Mr. Vermilion, I’m truly sorry for misunderstanding you,” John apologized, feeling embarrassed.

“Hurry up and get out! Stop dawdling around in the arcane array meant to protect me.”

Vermilion Demon Lord then kicked John, thrusting him out of the arcane array.

Upon seeing the situation, the swarm of flame bugs rushed forward, enveloping John and launching relentless attacks on him!

However, the flame bugs could not harm John at all!

John utilized his nascence star to fervently absorb the flaming energy from within the flame bugs.

He witnessed flames reaching for the sky, one after another, as the flame bugs advanced relentlessly.

Soon, the flame bugs around John, now infused with flaming energy, turned black, devoid of any remaining signs of life.

In no time at all, it was densely covered in a thick layer!

John was elated as he fervently absorbed everything!

The flame bugs had no spiritual intelligence, advancing relentlessly in waves. Their sole purpose was to unleash their flaming energy, determined to burn John to death!

Nonetheless, it was exactly what John wanted. As the flame bugs unleashed their fiery energy, he absorbed it with all his strength.

After what felt like an eternity, the ground was strewn with the carcasses of the flame bugs!

In the end, the flame bugs finally came to their senses, quickly turning away and scurrying off, no longer attacking John.

Anyhow, John did not give chase. After all, it was easy to lose one’s way inside the cave.

As the glow of the flame bugs faded, John’s nascence star shone brilliantly.

Thereafter, a peculiar aura of fire gradually took shape within John.

When the fire aura condensed into a wisp of internal flame, John was astonished to realize that it was a completely different type of internal flame.

John had already harnessed four types of internal flames within him. Initially, he had thought that those flame bugs, which fed on the flaming energy, also absorbed the aura of the fire of the Earth’s core.

Therefore, absorbing the flaming energy of those flame bugs was simply a way to enhance the strength of his own fire of the Earth’s core.

Surprisingly, the flaming energy from the flame bugs had transformed into a distinctive internal flame.

It seemed to possess a certain spirituality, even more so than the others.

John conjured a ball of internal flame and then dripped a drop of blood essence into it, all the while mumbling to himself.

Instantly, the internal flame transformed into a dozen crimson mice.

However, this time, the crimson mice were noticeably smarter, displaying a hint of spiritual intelligence!

Although not true demon beasts but transmogrified from internal flame, they possessed spiritual intelligence.

That was because the flaming energy John absorbed from the flame bugs had fully forged the internal flame, imbuing it with a certain level of spirituality.

The flame bugs, lacking any spiritual wisdom, followed aimlessly like fools. Yet, unexpectedly, the resulting internal flame possessed spirituality.

More than ten crimson mice surrounded John, squeaking incessantly at him!

“Find the exit, all of you. You must locate it, understood?” commanded John.

A dozen crimson mice nodded in unison, quickly dividing their tasks before dashing off toward various burrow entrances.

While the crimson mice were busy searching for an escape, John nonchalantly continued to thrash Antoine!

Since he was feeling bored staying inside the cave, John amused himself by teasing Antoine.
Thanks so much Gily.


Demon Lord
Sep 11, 2023
Reaction score
Honestly speaking, I think the author is dragging the story to a no end. He himself has lost track of some of the characters he introduced along the way. Characters like John's foster parents have been forgotten even when in the mundane world. He made us believe that there are 13 Regiments of Dragon Sect that John needs to encounter before he can find the truth about his identity. But all this while, the he was able to introduce only 7.
He introduced 6 in the Mundane world and 1 in Ethereal Realm. And every Regiment John encounters appeared to be stronger than his current strength. But since this author introduced the Imperial Beast City as one of the Regiments and at time, John was still below Body Fusion Cultivator if I'm not mistaking. Looking at the current strength of John, at least another Regiment should have been introduced long ago but the author keeps dragging as if he has forgotten about that important aspect of the story.
It's already 4k plus chapters and we are still at 7 Regiments and I wonder when this story will end though.

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score
Honestly speaking, I think the author is dragging the story to a no end. He himself has lost track of some of the characters he introduced along the way. Characters like John's foster parents have been forgotten even when in the mundane world. He made us believe that there are 13 Regiments of Dragon Sect that John needs to encounter before he can find the truth about his identity. But all this while, the he was able to introduce only 7.
He introduced 6 in the Mundane world and 1 in Ethereal Realm. And every Regiment John encounters appeared to be stronger than his current strength. But since this author introduced the Imperial Beast City as one of the Regiments and at time, John was still below Body Fusion Cultivator if I'm not mistaking. Looking at the current strength of John, at least another Regiment should have been introduced long ago but the author keeps dragging as if he has forgotten about that important aspect of the story.
It's already 4k plus chapters and we are still at 7 Regiments and I wonder when this story will end though.
I love the story and I simply hope it will never end.. ☺️


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4042 Crimson Mouse…

Soon, John noticed that a crimson mouse had unexpectedly returned. It squeaked incessantly at him and even nibbled on the hem of his trousers!

John understood that the crimson mouse must have found something significant to behave in such a manner. But it has only been a short while. Could the crimson mouse have already discovered an exit?

John followed it, heading toward a fork in the path, with Demon Flogger dragging Antoine along behind him.

There was a crucial reason why John spared Antoine. He wanted to demonstrate to Garry that conspiring with the Ghost Mask Sect would lead to the same fate for them all.

After following the crimson mouse for a short distance, John encountered a wall blocking his path.

“A dead end?”

John furrowed his brows, asking, “Why have you brought me to this dead end?”

He was somewhat irritated. No wonder the crimson mouse had returned so quickly. It had run into a dead end! But why was it leading me here, even though it’s a dead end?

“Man, even with some spiritual intelligence, you’re still as foolish as ever!” John sighed, ready to turn around and walk away.

However, the crimson mouse stopped John, squeaking desperately and occasionally biting at the hem of his pants!

That left John annoyed and irritated.

“Is it possible that our way out lies beyond that wall?” asked Vermilion Demon Lord all of a sudden.

Upon hearing that, John was stunned for a second. He then walked over to the wall and gently placed his hand on it.

At that moment, John’s eyes widened as he sensed that something was amiss.

As John projected his spiritual sense into the wall, he astonishingly discovered that behind it, strands of flame aura were surging. Moreover, the aura was incredibly pure and intense, bearing a striking resemblance to the flaming energy found within the flame bugs.

If this were truly a dead end, it would be impossible for such a strong flame aura to emerge from beyond the wall. Considering the current circumstances, there must be a path behind the wall. Perhaps, this could be our way out!

“I’m sorry for misunderstanding you,” John was rather embarrassed and apologized to the crimson mouse.

It seemed as though the crimson mouse understood John’s words, as it began to squeak excitedly. John then swung his hand, delivering a fierce blow to the wall in front of him.


Despite the thunderous noise echoing, the wall before them surprisingly remained steadfast, refusing to budge an inch, much to John’s utter astonishment.

To John, destroying a mountain or smashing down a wall was an incredibly simple task. However, the wall in front of him remained entirely undamaged!

“What kind of rock is this? It’s exceptionally hard!”

As John spoke, he drew forth his Dragonslayer Sword, then with all his might, he swung it down forcefully.

He swung his sword over a dozen times, yet there was no damage done to the wall whatsoever.

Meanwhile, John was breaking out in a cold sweat, gasping heavily for air!

The situation left John dumbfounded. Knowing that the way out lay behind the wall was of little use if he could not overcome the obstacle right in front of him!

“Perhaps this wall can’t be smashed open by force?”

John began to scrutinize it carefully. If there’s any kind of arcane array here, it would need to be deciphered first. There’s no way to forcefully open it!

John had inspected for quite a while, but it turned out there were no arcane arrays or array runes to be found.

John knitted his brows, completely lost in his thoughts.

“Fuck, this is really strange! Why won’t it open?”

John was rendered speechless.

Upon witnessing the situation, Vermilion Demon Lord gradually vanished, retreating back into John’s consciousness field.

As John returned to his consciousness field, he suggested, “Try using the Nethersky Eye. Perhaps it might help us get to the bottom of things.”

John could not use the Nethersky Eye on his own, for it required the presence of the Vermilion Demon Lord.

John nodded, and as one of his eyes slowly opened, he was shocked to discover that the wall in front of him had completely vanished!

In its place, there was a door emanating a radiant white light.

“A Teleportation Array? Can this teleport us out of here?”

Upon discovering the door, John was instantly filled with immense joy!

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Has anyone read a novel names " A man like none other " Available on Joyread, I am looking for reviews


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