The Dragon Man's Decree - Translated by GILY

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Author: Unknown
Type: Action and Adventure
Posted : 07 October 2023
Status: Ongoing

John White is furious that someone has tried to make an advance on his girlfriend. In the end, he ends up behind bars after his attempt to protect her. Three years later, he is a free man but finds out that that girlfriend of his has married the man who hit on her back then. John will not let things slide. Thankfully, he has learned Focus Technique during his time in prison. At that, he embarks on the journey of cultivation and is accompanied by a gorgeous Miranda. Who would have thought this would enrage his ex-girlfriend?


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4043 Dead End

After taking a few deep breaths, John slowly walked toward the illuminated door. Since John had no idea what lay beyond it, he had to tread cautiously.

He steadied himself, preparing to fight in case danger emerged.

Yet, as he slowly stepped through the door, he realized it wasn’t the exit he had expected. Instead, what greeted him was a seemingly bottomless cavern.

“Damn it…” John cussed under his breath.

Just when he thought he could finally leave, he found himself still stuck inside the cave. “Why would anyone install a light door in a fucking cave and design the rock wall like this? Crazy!”

When John planned to turn around and retreat, he discovered that the light portal had disappeared. What truly stood behind him was a solid rock wall.

This implied that John could no longer return even if he wanted to.

This left John utterly bewildered, his entire body breaking out in cold sweat, his expression incredibly tense.

It was clear both the light door and the rock wall were man-made. Did they set this as a trap to lure people in?

John’s unease grew; the mystery of what lay within the cave filled him with a creeping fear.

It was uncertain if he could find his way out.

With no option to retreat, John could only forge ahead.

Antoine burst out laughing. “This is a dead end. It’s a dead end for sure! There might be wild beasts waiting to devour you. You’ll pay the price for tormenting me like this!”

The more anxious John became, the more excited Antoine grew.

John gave Antoine a murderous glare, his voice laced with dismissive amusement. “If we encounter a beast, I’ll throw you out as bait first.”

After speaking, John gave Antoine two more lashes before continuing further into the cave’s interior.

Since there were no more diverging paths, John continued walking deeper into the natural void.

After an indeterminate amount of time, a shimmering barrier of light unexpectedly appeared ahead. However, this barrier was a formation set up by someone, designed to keep people within the cave.

Upon seeing the sudden appearance of a light screen before him, John realized that there might be people around. But who could reside here if it’s within Divine Flame Mountain?

John stepped forward, meticulously observing his surroundings. He noticed that the array runes on the formation were incredibly ancient, suggesting that it had been set up many years ago-likely centuries! I wonder who has dwelled here for hundreds of years.

Within this cave, the only source of energy that could be utilized was the extremely faint flame filament. There was absolutely no spiritual energy present. Without spiritual energy, what else could one use for cultivation? Anyone who goes into seclusion wouldn’t have chosen this place either!

John tried to project his spiritual sense, as he was curious to see who was behind the light curtain. However, his spiritual sense failed to penetrate through it.

At that moment, John wasn’t sure if someone was behind that dazzling light or if it was just the light portal he had passed through, which might eventually lead back to the same cave.

“Sir, I don’t mean to intrude, but I don’t know how to get out of here. Please forgive me if I’ve caused any inconvenience,” John shouted toward the light curtain.

If there were people behind that light curtain, they would have undoubtedly heard John’s voice.

John waited for a brief moment before he began to meticulously examine the arcane array.

This arcane array wasn’t particularly challenging. For John, it could be considered a rather rudimentary defensive array.

After just a couple of glances, John had already discovered the core of the arcane array.

With a flick of his fingers, several streaks of spiritual light shot out, striking precisely at the core of the formation.


The light curtain began to quiver intensely before it vanished in an instant. As the light screen disappeared, beams of radiance lit up the entire cave, Within the gloomy cave, the radiant display of colors was truly a dazzling sight to behold.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4044 Intense Fiery Aura

John hurriedly shielded his eyes before gradually looking ahead. Soon, he realized he had already reached the end of the cave.

At the cave’s end was a distinct stone door adorned with various artworks that even he couldn’t decipher. “There are indeed people who live here…”

Upon seeing the stone door, John was certain that someone had been living there.

Treading cautiously, John approached and placed his hand on the stone door. Then, he channeled a surge of spiritual energy into it.

John wanted to check for traps inside the stone door. It would be too risky to recklessly push it open.

After realizing there were no traps behind it, John pushed the door open forcefully.

Beyond the stone door, there surprisingly lay a modest stone chamber brimming with all sorts of magical items. These items shimmered vibrantly, casting their radiance in all directions.

Moreover, they were imbued with an incredibly intense fiery aura.

John was utterly stunned upon seeing these treasures. He wasn’t sure if these objects had acquired their fiery aura from being in this place for years or if they had possessed it from the very beginning of their existence.

Among these treasures, John spotted an elderly man sitting on a square green stone platform measuring one meter on each side.

This person was clad in green, their frail body barely recognizable. Strands of grey hair hung down to their shoulders, their presence faint yet discernible.

However, John immediately realized that the elderly figure before him, with its faint aura, was not a living being but a soul remnant.

Under the radiant glow of these treasures, it seemed as though a living, breathing person was seated there.

John turned to the old man and asked, “Who are you?”

The elderly man slowly lifted his head. Despite his frailty and thin frame, his eyes shone with a piercing intensity.

“I should be asking you this question. Who are you, and how did you end up here?” The elderly man questioned John.

John replied, “I’m John White, a disciple of the Violet Flame Sect.”

John didn’t see the need to conceal his identity since the elderly man had no idea who he was.

He claimed to be a disciple of the Violet Flame Sect because he sensed that the elderly man before him was connected to the sect in some way.

After John revealed that he was a disciple of the Violet Flame Sect, the sharp gaze of the elder softened significantly.

The elderly man asked, “Who is the sect leader of the Violet Flame Sect now?”

“Garry Morrilo is the acting sect leader!” exclaimed John.

“Garry Morrilo?” The man frowned before shaking his head. “I don’t remember him. I’ve been here for too long…”

After speaking, the elder’s gaze shifted to Antoine, who was standing behind John.

At that moment, Antoine was nothing more than a shell of his former self, his condition too horrific to behold.

The moment he saw Antoine, his eyes filled with anger. “Why is there a man from the Ghost Mask Sect here? How did he end up in this cave?”

“Garry was in cahoots with the members of the Ghost Mask Sect, and they aimed to acquire the Divine Flame Seal to strengthen his position as the sect leader,” John explained.

“Bastard…” The elderly man instantly roared out in anger upon hearing that.

The roar was so intense that the elderly man’s frail body nearly shattered.

He was nothing more than a soul remnant masquerading as a living person. The moment he lost his temper, the remnants of his soul nearly dispersed. If that had happened, he would have vanished from existence.

Upon sensing his fury, John hurriedly asked, “Sir, who exactly are you? And why are you here?”

“Me?” The elderly man paused for a moment, then let out a bitter laugh. “I’m Hubert =, the founder of the Violet Flame Sect.”

“The founder of the Violet Flame Sect?” John exclaimed in surprise.

Never in a million years did he expect to encounter the founder of the Violet Flame Sect there.

John had once considered the possibility that this elderly man might have been a former leader of the Violet Flame Sect, who had inadvertently been swept into the void fracture and ended up here. He turned out to be the founder of the sect! His name seems a little less illustrious, though…


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4045 Soul Remnant

“Mr. House, since you were the founder of Violet Flame Sect, did you already harbor a deep-seated hatred toward Ghost Mask Sect then?”

John couldn’t comprehend. Was there already a grudge between Ghost Mask Sect and Violet Flame Sect all those years ago? Otherwise, Hubert wouldn’t have been so infuriated at the mention of Ghost Mask Sect.

“After discovering Divine Flame Mountain years ago, I found myself in a tug of war over this place with the Ghost Mask Sect’s elder. Ultimately, I emerged victorious, and Divine Flame Mountain became my territory. I established Violet Flame Sect here, investing significant resources to hire dozens of array masters to conceal Divine Flame Mountain using arcane arrays. Later, during one of my outings, I was ambushed by Ghost Mask Sect. They destroyed my physical body. With this soul remnant, I managed to escape into the heart of Divine Flame Mountain. I’ve been here all these years, quietly waiting for someone to find this place,” Hubert uttered slowly.

“Is this really the inside of Divine Flame Mountain? It seems I’m not mistaken!” Upon hearing Hubert’s words, John was instantly filled with excitement. Since this is Divine Flame Mountain’s interior, I’ll certainly be able to leave Vermilion Demon Lord didn’t lie to me.

“Leaving this place isn’t hard, but I’ve been waiting here for so many years. Finally, a disciple from Violet Flame Sect has arrived. My soul remnant won’t last much longer, so while I’m still here and have not completely faded away, I want to pass on everything I’ve learned in my lifetime to you. You’re also a disciple of Violet Flame Sect. After you’ve mastered all that I’ve learned in my lifetime, you’ll be able to defeat Garry and take over as the leader of the Violet Flame Sect,” Hubert said to John.

“Are you going to pass on all your cultivation techniques to me? That’s fantastic!” Upon hearing that, John burst into laughter.

“Right now, I’m no more than a soul remnant, so I need you to open up your consciousness field and let me enter. I’ll pass on to you all that I’ve learned, which includes not just my cultivation techniques but also some of my experiences,” Hubert uttered.

“No problem. I’ll open up my consciousness field immediately. Feel free to enter, Mr. House.” With that, John opened up his consciousness field at once.

Hubert’s divine soul instantly entered John’s consciousness field.

“You’re a mere Fourth Level Tribulator, yet your consciousness field is surprisingly vast. Still, you’re too naive and trusting of others. Do you think I would believe you were a disciple of Violet Flame Sect just because you said so? There’s a demonic aura about you, so you’re clearly not from Violet Flame Sect. Who exactly are you? Speak the truth.” With a stern expression, Hubert directly seized control of John’s consciousness field and spoke.

“You’re merely a soul remnant now, yet you can still sense the demonic aura on me. You truly are remarkable. Even though I’m not a disciple of Violet Flame Sect, I didn’t deceive you in other matters. I’ve been assisting the Violet Flame Sect all along,” John replied.

“Hmph! Nonsense. Do you take me for a three- year-old child? If you don’t come clean, I’ll take control of your body or wreak havoc on your consciousness field, reducing you to a fool, a mindless walking corpse.” Hubert huffed, entirely unconvinced of John’s words.

“Brat, I told you so, didn’t I? I knew this old guy would see through your lie. Why on earth did you insist on claiming you were a disciple of Violet Flame Sect?” At that moment, Vermilion Demon Lord’s voice echoed in John’s consciousness field.

Hubert paused, quickly scanning his surroundings. “Who’s there? Who is it? Could there be another soul remnant within this consciousness field?”

The next second, the Golden Tome was revealed as a flash of golden brilliance erupted within John’s consciousness field.

At the same time, Vermilion Demon Lord’s figure materialized, and John’s consciousness field expanded by more than tenfold.

Hubert had only seen a small part of John’s vast consciousness field just now, as the latter had yet to fully open up his consciousness field.

Vermilion Demon Lord’s reminder had prompted John to act in that manner. Vermilion Demon Lord had figured out early on that Hubert was entering John’s consciousness field with ulterior motives.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Chapter 4046 Legacy Of Violet Flame Sect

Looking at the Golden Tome and Vermilion Demon Lord before him, Hubert was dumbfounded.

He had never imagined that a Fourth Level Tribulator would possess such a vast consciousness field and even a miraculous tome.

Most importantly, as Hubert felt Vermilion Demon Lord’s aura, his legs trembled with fear.

As the creator of Violet Flame Sect, Hubert was a powerful cultivator close to attaining Immortal Realm.

Even though he was a mere soul remnant now, he had met his fair share of people and gained broad experience.

Yet, when faced with Vermilion Demon Lord, Hubert felt a deep-seated fear surge within him. The fear was so intense that it was impossible to conceal.

“Brat, this geezer is about to wet his pants in fear. If you have anything to say to him, go ahead. I’ll step away for a bit. I wouldn’t want to scare him to death,” Vermilion Demon Lord said to John after noticing Hubert’s shaking legs.

John could sense the fear radiating from Hubert. After all, anyone would be terrified at the sight of a celestial realm great demon lord like Vermilion Demon Lord.

“Mr. House, don’t be scared. I won’t harm you. I did deceive you. However, even though I’m not a disciple of Violet Flame Sect, I’m genuinely helping them. I was helping Violet Flame Sect’s Mr. Barclay and the others to stop Garry from acquiring Divine Flame Seal, so I was pursued by people from Ghost Mask Sect. As a result, I entered the lava river, fell into a void fracture, and ended up here,” John explained to Hubert with utmost sincerity.

“How come there’s a hint of demonic aura about you, then?” asked Hubert.

Hubert hated the demons to his guts, which was why Violet Flame Sect had been at daggers drawn with the demons for so many years.

“Not only do I possess the demonic aura, but I also have the aura of the beast race on me.” After speaking, John slowly unleashed the Power of Three within him, allowing Hubert to sense it.

When Hubert sensed that John surprisingly embodied the auras of three races, his eyes widened in astonishment. An expression of utter shock spread across his face. One person with the auras of three races on him. This is something I’ve never heard of or seen.

“How peculiar. You’re such a peculiar person,” Hubert exclaimed in surprise.

“Mr. House, since you’re reduced to only a soul remnant now, why not stay within my consciousness field? I can take you with me. Perhaps we can find a chance to revive you,” John said to Hubert.

With a bitter smile, Hubert said, “I’m beyond resurrection. Even my soul remnant is sustained by the flame aura of the magical items around me. I know I’m on the brink of fading away, so I’ll impart all my knowledge to you before I do. I hope you will carry on and magnify the legacy of Violet Flame Sect.”

“Mr. House, what are you…” John was taken aback. How am I supposed to do that? I’m not even a disciple of Violet Flame Sect.

Before John could even speak, Hubert had already formed a spiritual soul in the palm of his hand. In an instant, it merged into John’s consciousness field.

Subsequently, a flurry of complex and detailed information began to sweep across John’s consciousness field.

Before John could react, Hubert had turned deathly pale, trembling violently. Yet, a faint smile graced his face as if he had just resolved a significant matter.

John didn’t have time to process the information fully. Instead, he quickly turned to Hubert and asked, “Mr. House, are you all right?”

“I’m fine. Even if I were to die now, I could do so in peace. Because of the sudden mishap that befell me, I didn’t leave much of my true teachings at Violet Flame Sect, so it has been growing weaker. Also, I didn’t even have the chance to tell my disciples about the secrets of the Divine Flame Seal. I presume over the years, they only allowed the Divine Flame Seal to recognize a master and used it for cultivation,” Hubert uttered with a look of helplessness and guilt.

“Mr. House, isn’t the Divine Flame Seal meant for cultivation? I heard that once the Divine Flame Seal recognizes its master, it can enable the fire fusion technique,” John asked Hubert in surprise.

Hubert, however, shook his head and said, “The Divine Flame Seal can indeed aid in cultivation, but right now, it is nothing more than an empty shell.”


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4047 Divine Flame Seal

After he finished speaking, Hubert braced himself to leave John’s consciousness field, finding himself once again on the iolite platform.

Hubert’s complexion significantly improved as he felt the flame aura of the magical items around him.

However, as Hubert raised his hand and gave a light pat, the surrounding colorful, magical items surprisingly slowly dissipated, eventually transforming into a single illusory seal.

“Divine Flame Seal. Is this the Divine Flame Seal?” Upon seeing the object in front of him, John was immediately taken aback.

He hadn’t expected the Divine Flame Seal to be there, of all places.

However, this Divine Flame Seal appeared rather ethereal, as if it was merely a projection, not a physical entity.

“This is the Divine Flame Seal, yet it’s not the Divine Flame Seal.” Hubert spoke slowly.

Upon hearing that, John was instantly baffled, having no idea what Hubert was talking about. If it is, then it is. If it isn’t, then it isn’t. What’s with it being it yet not it? What’s with these riddles?

If it weren’t for Hubert having just passed on his lifelong cultivation techniques to John, John would probably be cursing him.

Sensing the anger surging within John, Hubert hurriedly explained, “This is Divine Flame Seal’s seal soul. That was why I said the Divine Flame Seal was no longer the Divine Flame Seal.”

Upon hearing that, John instantly gained clarity. Some items worn by cultivators all the while will eventually develop weapon soul over time. Just like my Dragonslayer Sword, it also possesses a sword spirit. This Divine Flame Seal is the Fire Spirit Lord’s relic. With his capabilities, it’s only normal for his Divine Flame Seal to possess a seal soul and develop intelligence. In this case, the seal soul has always been here, while the Divine Flame Seal that Garry and his group have been searching for is nothing more than an empty shell. Still, despite being just an empty shell, it can assist in cultivation and enable the fire fusion technique. I must say, the relics left behind by Fire Spirit Lord are all great treasures!

When John was reminded that Vermilion Demon Lord and Fire Spirit Lord were of the same status and cultivation level, he said to Vermilion Demon Lord excitedly, “Demon Lord, this Fire Spirit Lord left so many magical items here in Ethereal Realm, each one more impressive than the other. Didn’t you leave any magical items behind? Why don’t you tell me now? I’ll go look for them and compare if your magical items are stronger than Fire Spirit Lord’s.”

Upon hearing John’s demand for his magical item, Vermilion Demon Lord couldn’t help but roll his eyes and said, “I lost my life in Ethereal Realm. Isn’t that enough? What other magical item are you expecting? Are you saying my divine soul is inferior to that Fire Spirit Lord’s bullshit magical items? If that’s the case, I might as well leave you. After all, this place allows me the freedom to move about without any constraints. I’ll just wait here quietly for fate to bring the right person to me.”

With that, Vermilion Demon Lord surprisingly threw a tantrum like a child, intending to leave John’s consciousness field.

Upon noticing the situation, John quickly apologized, “Mr. Vermilion, I was merely asking casually. Why are you so flustered? You can just stay in my consciousness field. I won’t charge you anything. Moreover, I assure you I’ll gather all your remains so you can be resurrected. I’m confident I can make it happen.”

John would never let Vermilion Demon Lord leave him. Having the latter in his consciousness was like having an extra encyclopedia, considering Vermilion Demon Lord knew everything about matters of Ethereal Realm and other magical items John wasn’t familiar with.

Moreover, with Vermilion Demon Lord around, John could use Nethersky Eye anytime, anywhere, a perk that John found utterly enjoyable.

“You and your insatiable greed, brat. Be careful not to bite off more than you can chew. Even if you were to obtain all those magical items, are you sure you can handle them?”

After finishing his sentence, Vermilion Demon Lord turned his head away, paying no further attention to John.

John was momentarily speechless. He’s an old demon lord who has lived for thousands of years, yet he’s acting like a child, throwing a tantrum…

What John failed to notice was that while he was conversing with Vermilion Demon Lord, Hubert had gradually shut his eyes with a faint smile on his face.

His soul remnant was slowly dissipating.

Without the sustenance of the flame aura, and given that Hubert had imparted all his cultivation techniques to John, his soul remnant couldn’t possibly exist any further.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4048 Divine Flame Seal…

“Mr. House! Mr. House!” Upon seeing the situation, John hurriedly stepped forward, channeling strands of flame aura into Hubert’s body.

Regardless, John had now inherited all of Hubert’s cultivation techniques. This essentially made him a disciple of the Violet Flame Sect.

Whether John admitted it or not, that was the outcome.

“Stop wasting time. Even if a deity were to descend to earth, bringing me back to life wouldn’t be possible. I’m content knowing that in my final moments, I was able to pass on all the knowledge I’ve acquired throughout my lifetime.” Hubert smiled, showing not a hint of fear.

With the dissipation of his soul remnant, Hubert would effectively vanish from this world forever.

John tried desperately to keep Hubert around for a little longer but to no avail. In the end, Hubert’s soul remnant still completely dissipated.

As he watched Hubert gradually fade away, a wave of regret surged in John’s heart.

Regardless, he was a Grandmaster who founded Violet Flame Sect. Yet, in the end, he died without anyone noticing.

“Alas…” After a soft sigh, John shifted his gaze onto the seal soul.

“Taming this thing is even tougher than mastering the Divine Flame Seal. Let’s hope I can subdue it.” After John finished speaking, he swiftly waved his hand.

In an instant, several streams of demonic fire enveloped the seal soul.

The seal soul desperately struggled and radiated a fierce flame aura in resistance.

The temperature in the entire room instantly soared, reaching thousands of degrees.

However, John, with his True Fire Spiritual body and demonic fire soul essence, was unfazed.

Then, he sat calmly in the room, beginning to tame the seal soul.

As John was taming seal soul, columns of fire surged skyward from the Divine Flame Mountain atop him.

The Divine Flame Seal gradually levitated, causing the flames of the entire Divine Fire Mountain to intensify.

“Hahaha. The Divine Flame Seal has appeared. I’ve finally found the Divine Flame Seal. The odds are in my favor. I’ve found it so soon!” Garry gazed at the levitating Divine Flame Seal and burst into wild, uncontrolled laughter.

After searching for two days, he finally found the Divine Flame Seal.

Everyone watched the Divine Flame Seal, their faces lit up with excitement. Bobby was no exception. He licked his lips, his eyes gleaming with greed.

With the Divine Flame Seal, Garry could truly become the sect leader.

More importantly, with the Divine Flame Seal, Bobby could utilize it to break through the Top Level Tribulator Realm and attain Ultimate Realm.

“Congratulations, Mr. Morrilo. With this, no one in the entire Violet Flame Sect would dare defy you.” Carlos stepped forward, lavishing praise on Garry.

Garry was extremely pleased, a smug smile playing on his lips. With a swift movement, he headed straight toward the Divine Flame Seal.

However, when Garry approached the Divine Flame Seal and was about to grab it, he suddenly let out a shriek.

All of a sudden, Garry’s face turned deathly pale, and his body dropped abruptly. Wisps of white smoke began to rise from his palms.

“Such a fierce flame. I can’t believe I couldn’t withstand the Divine Flame Seal’s flame aura.”

Garry stared at his own palm, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.

“Dad, this Divine Flame Seal needs to recognize his master. Without that, it’s hard to withstand the Divine Flame Seal’s flame aura,” Bobby hastily reminded Garry.

Garry quickly nodded. He was so thrilled that he had completely forgotten about that matter.

Soon, Garry forced a drop of blood essence out from between his eyebrows. Subsequently, that drop of blood drifted toward the Divine Flame Seal.

Once the Divine Flame Seal absorbed that drop of blood essence, it would signify a successful ownership claim.

“Garry, I won’t let you get your hands on the Divine Flame Seal!” Just as the drop of blood essence was about to be absorbed by the Divine Flame Seal, a sudden icy voice echoed through the air.

Following that, several figures emerged. Garry’s drop of blood essence was instantly dispersed by a ray of white light.

It turned out that Dario and his group had arrived just in time, successfully preventing the Divine Flame Seal from acknowledging a master.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4049 Divine Flame Seal….

Upon seeing Dario and his company arrive, Garry didn’t show the slightest hint of panic. Instead, he scoffed coldly and said, “You really think you can stop me from getting the Divine Flame Seal? Don’t delude yourselves. Bobby, block their way with your men. Mr. Gomez, help me set up the arcane array. We can’t let them interrupt me while I claim the Divine Flame Seal!”

Garry issued commands loudly.

Bobby led a multitude of their faction’s disciples, charging straight toward Dario and his group.

The battle erupted in an instant. Carlos was quick to react, forming unique seals with his hands. Subsequently, a series of array runes formed around Garry, engulfing both Garry and the Divine Flame Seal in their midst.

Wielding her long sword, Joy exclaimed, “Mr. Barclay, we absolutely cannot let Garry get his hands on the Divine Flame Seal. Stop him!”

Dario nodded, transforming into a blazing meteor and shooting straight toward Garry.

It seemed as though Dario planned to take down Garry with him, refusing to let the latter get his hands on the Divine Flame Seal.


However, Dario was instantly repelled by the arcane array with a thunderous crash.

Dario had no way to break through the arcane array Carlos had set up.

At that moment, none of them understood array craft. Their only option was to break through by force. However, the arcane array set up by Carlos, the elder of Duad Formation Sect, couldn’t be broken that easily.

Upon witnessing Dario exerting all his strength yet unable to break through the formation, Garry burst into hearty laughter. Then, without any rush, he casually approached the Divine Flame Seal.

As a drop of blood essence fell onto the Divine Flame Seal, the seal emitted a burst of crimson radiance.

Upon seeing the situation, Garry swiftly reached out and held the Divine Flame Seal in his hand.

“Hahaha, this is the Divine Flame Seal. This is the Divine Flame Seal!” Garry guffawed.

Upon seeing Garry obtain the Divine Flame Seal, the expressions of everyone present, be it Dario, Joy, or Judd, changed dramatically instantly.

If Garry obtained the Divine Flame Seal and was recognized as its master, the position of the Violet Flame Sect’s leader would be completely his.

Holding the Divine Flame Seal, Garry roared excitedly, “With the Divine Flame Seal in my hand, disciples of the Violet Flame Sect, heed my command!”

Upon seeing the situation, Bobby quickly led the disciples from Garry’s faction to kneel and pay their respects.

Dario and his party stared blankly, seemingly at a loss for what to do next.

With a cold gaze, Garry asked Dario and his party, “What’s this? Are you ignoring orders, planning to rebel?”

“Hmph! Who knows if this Divine Flame Seal is real or not.” Dario scoffed, promptly raising his hand to unleash a tempest of flames that filled the sky.

Now, his only option was to cast doubt on the authenticity of the Divine Flame Seal as a stalling tactic.

“How audacious of you to strike the sect leader. According to the sect rules, you should be executed.”

Upon seeing the situation, an elder from Garry’s faction bellowed and was about to stop Dario.

“Don’t mind him. I’ll show him whether this Divine Flame Seal is real or fake,” Garry sneered.

The next second, Dario unleashed a sky full of flames. Countless columns of fire merged into a series of fiery tornadoes, all heading toward Garry.

Seeing that, Joy knew that Dario was no match for Garry, so she, too, struck out with her palm.

With that strike, flames soared high. A bird, ablaze with fire, took to the skies, heading straight for Garry.

The two of them joined forces to launch an attack on Garry.

However, a slight smile played at the corners of Garry’s mouth. He was not flustered in the slightest. Instead, he held the Divine Flame Seal high in his hand.

The Divine Flame Seal suddenly emitted countless streams of fire. All the flames from Dario and Joy’s attacks instantly dissipated in the face of the Divine Flame Seal, causing no harm to Garry.

Upon witnessing that scene, both Dario and Joy were utterly taken aback.

However, the two individuals attacked once more, relentlessly directing a barrage of intense flames toward Garry.

Regrettably, all those attacks vanished in the face of the Divine Flame Seal.

Dario and Joy’s auras were in disarray, their foreheads drenched in cold sweat.


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
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Chapter 4049 Divine Flame Seal….

Upon seeing Dario and his company arrive, Garry didn’t show the slightest hint of panic. Instead, he scoffed coldly and said, “You really think you can stop me from getting the Divine Flame Seal? Don’t delude yourselves. Bobby, block their way with your men. Mr. Gomez, help me set up the arcane array. We can’t let them interrupt me while I claim the Divine Flame Seal!”

Garry issued commands loudly.

Bobby led a multitude of their faction’s disciples, charging straight toward Dario and his group.

The battle erupted in an instant. Carlos was quick to react, forming unique seals with his hands. Subsequently, a series of array runes formed around Garry, engulfing both Garry and the Divine Flame Seal in their midst.

Wielding her long sword, Joy exclaimed, “Mr. Barclay, we absolutely cannot let Garry get his hands on the Divine Flame Seal. Stop him!”

Dario nodded, transforming into a blazing meteor and shooting straight toward Garry.

It seemed as though Dario planned to take down Garry with him, refusing to let the latter get his hands on the Divine Flame Seal.


However, Dario was instantly repelled by the arcane array with a thunderous crash.

Dario had no way to break through the arcane array Carlos had set up.

At that moment, none of them understood array craft. Their only option was to break through by force. However, the arcane array set up by Carlos, the elder of Duad Formation Sect, couldn’t be broken that easily.

Upon witnessing Dario exerting all his strength yet unable to break through the formation, Garry burst into hearty laughter. Then, without any rush, he casually approached the Divine Flame Seal.

As a drop of blood essence fell onto the Divine Flame Seal, the seal emitted a burst of crimson radiance.

Upon seeing the situation, Garry swiftly reached out and held the Divine Flame Seal in his hand.

“Hahaha, this is the Divine Flame Seal. This is the Divine Flame Seal!” Garry guffawed.

Upon seeing Garry obtain the Divine Flame Seal, the expressions of everyone present, be it Dario, Joy, or Judd, changed dramatically instantly.

If Garry obtained the Divine Flame Seal and was recognized as its master, the position of the Violet Flame Sect’s leader would be completely his.

Holding the Divine Flame Seal, Garry roared excitedly, “With the Divine Flame Seal in my hand, disciples of the Violet Flame Sect, heed my command!”

Upon seeing the situation, Bobby quickly led the disciples from Garry’s faction to kneel and pay their respects.

Dario and his party stared blankly, seemingly at a loss for what to do next.

With a cold gaze, Garry asked Dario and his party, “What’s this? Are you ignoring orders, planning to rebel?”

“Hmph! Who knows if this Divine Flame Seal is real or not.” Dario scoffed, promptly raising his hand to unleash a tempest of flames that filled the sky.

Now, his only option was to cast doubt on the authenticity of the Divine Flame Seal as a stalling tactic.

“How audacious of you to strike the sect leader. According to the sect rules, you should be executed.”

Upon seeing the situation, an elder from Garry’s faction bellowed and was about to stop Dario.

“Don’t mind him. I’ll show him whether this Divine Flame Seal is real or fake,” Garry sneered.

The next second, Dario unleashed a sky full of flames. Countless columns of fire merged into a series of fiery tornadoes, all heading toward Garry.

Seeing that, Joy knew that Dario was no match for Garry, so she, too, struck out with her palm.

With that strike, flames soared high. A bird, ablaze with fire, took to the skies, heading straight for Garry.

The two of them joined forces to launch an attack on Garry.

However, a slight smile played at the corners of Garry’s mouth. He was not flustered in the slightest. Instead, he held the Divine Flame Seal high in his hand.

The Divine Flame Seal suddenly emitted countless streams of fire. All the flames from Dario and Joy’s attacks instantly dissipated in the face of the Divine Flame Seal, causing no harm to Garry.

Upon witnessing that scene, both Dario and Joy were utterly taken aback.

However, the two individuals attacked once more, relentlessly directing a barrage of intense flames toward Garry.

Regrettably, all those attacks vanished in the face of the Divine Flame Seal.

Dario and Joy’s auras were in disarray, their foreheads drenched in cold sweat
Can't wait to see de disappointment on Garry's face when John appears as de right master of de true Divine Flame Seal.
Thank you Immortal Gilly


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 4, 2023
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Immortal Gily, it's been long John had Dual cultivation. That's the reason his level hasn't improved in a while.😆😆😆
Since when masturbating increases one's cultivation.

That's why master of masturbating sect @IMMORTAL RABBI cultivation is made up. See he is master in mundane world, and he believes he is grandmaster in celestial world


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Jun 22, 2024
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Since when masturbating increases one's cultivation.

That's why master of masturbating sect @IMMORTAL RABBI cultivation is made up. See he is master in mundane world, and he believes he is grandmaster in celestial world
I'm already in the celestial world waiting to show John around.😀😀😀


Top Level Tribulator - Master of Virgin Sect
Sep 17, 2023
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Thanks Master Durani for work. Masters like King, Xavier, Prosper and Emeka might be waiting for your work when John and Joy agree to cultivate together. As of now, we have no clue which sect you belong, only immortal @Gily can answer that. However with your capabilities you will do very well in virgin sect and don't be tempted especially by Emeka and Xavier.


Top level Tribulator - Master of Pervert Sect
Feb 3, 2024
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Thanks Master Durani for work. Masters like King, Xavier, Prosper and Emeka might be waiting for your work when John and Joy agree to cultivate together. As of now, we have no clue which sect you belong, only immortal @Gily can answer that. However with your capabilities you will do very well in virgin sect and don't be tempted especially by Emeka and Xavier.
Mr. Durrani speaks 2 languages. One is English and another is Sex. Pity to see you pleading him to be Virigin.. 😂


Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
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I don't know what you're saying whatsoever you are doing don't forget I don't force people to join sex sect people force themselves to join 😋🥴🥴🥴😂
Mr. Durrani speaks 2 languages. One is English and another is Sex. Pity to see you pleading him to be Virigin.. 😂


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
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Thanks Master Durani for work. Masters like King, Xavier, Prosper and Emeka might be waiting for your work when John and Joy agree to cultivate together. As of now, we have no clue which sect you belong, only immortal @Gily can answer that. However with your capabilities you will do very well in virgin sect and don't be tempted especially by Emeka and Xavier.
His aura is full of sex so don't jubilate over him else all your maidens will fall under Emeka's sect

M. W. Durrani

First Level Body Fusion Realm
Dec 20, 2023
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I have my own Sect, that enjoys watching with a thousand eyes and listening with a million ears. So do be careful. 😄


Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
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I don't know what you're saying whatsoever you are doing don't forget I don't force people to join sex sect people force themselves to join 😋🥴🥴🥴😂
Mr. Durrani speaks 2 languages. One is English and another is Sex. Pity to see you pleading him to be Virigin.. 😂

Thanks Master Durani for work. Masters like King, Xavier, Prosper and Emeka might be waiting for your work when John and Joy agree to cultivate together. As of now, we have no clue which sect you belong, only immortal @Gily can answer that. However with your capabilities you will do very well in virgin sect and don't be tempted especially by Emeka and Xavier.
😋😂😂🥴🥴 Don't worry about that his is already a member of sex sect


Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
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His aura is full of sex so don't jubilate over him else all your maidens will fall under Emeka's sect
Cunning master prosper I know you're eyeing my position but I won't allow you 😋😋😋😋😋😂


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
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Cunning master prosper I know you're eyeing my position but I won't allow you 😋😋😋😋😋😂
I don't like your position. I prefer to roam about in the various realms. The reason I get a lot of information around. 😆😆😆


Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
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I don't like your position. I prefer to roam about in the various realms. The reason I get a lot of information around. 😆😆😆
You have been taking some bribe I know 😂😂😋


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4050 Preparing For the Inauguration

On the other hand, Garry, holding the Divine Flame Seal, wore a smug expression.

“I’m holding the Divine Flame Seal in my hand, yet you dare to act recklessly. How ignorant!” Garry sneered.

Dario and Joy were infuriated beyond measure in his heart, yet there was nothing they could do.

At that moment, an elder under Garry’s faction bellowed at Joy and her group, “Mr. Morrilo has issued an order, yet you’re not on your knees. Are you planning to get expelled from Violet Flame Sect?”

Left with no choice, Dario and Joy exchanged a glance before kneeling, too.

After the two of them knelt, the other disciples followed suit.

Now that Garry had obtained the Divine Flame Seal and was recognized as its master, that signified Garry was no longer the acting sect leader but the real sect leader.

If Dario and Joy hadn’t knelt, Garry had every right to expel them all from the sect according to the Violet Flame Sect’s rules.

Upon seeing Dario and Joy submit, Garry immediately burst into exhilarated laughter.

“Hahaha! Let’s return to the Violet Flame Sect and prepare for the official inauguration!” With a hearty laugh, Garry, holding the Divine Flame Seal, strolled leisurely past the kneeling crowd.

Subsequently, Dario and the others began their journey back to Violet Flame Sect.

However, the disciples of Gael’s faction felt heavy-hearted. Now that Garry had obtained the Divine Flame Seal and became the genuine sect leader, they were certain their days of peace were over.

However, after returning to the Violet Flame Sect, Garry did not seek out Dario and the others for trouble. It was unclear if he was too preoccupied with affairs of the inauguration, leaving him no time to bother with them.

“Alas. We’re done for now. I wonder how Red is doing.” Carla had been worried about John for several days, with no news or updates about the latter.

“I reckon Red is unlikely to be alive. Your Ghost Mask Sect is too powerful. With so many people targeting him, he won’t be able to get away.” Judd had long believed that John was already dead.

After all, even though John was formidable, there was no way he could escape when faced with so many people from Ghost Mask Sect.

“Judd, how could you possibly curse Red? I believe he’s definitely going to be fine.” Upon hearing Judd’s words, Carla was somewhat displeased.

Many other disciples were also discussing John, uncertain if he was still alive.

Inside the room, Dario gathered several other elders in Gael’s faction to discuss strategies with Joy.

Now, Garry had obtained the Divine Flame Seal, holding immense power. Certainly, those of them from Gael’s faction would face retaliation and suppression.

“Alas. Now that Garry is in power and has obtained the Divine Flame Seal, I’m afraid we won’t have any good days ahead.” An elder sighed heavily as he spoke.

“If this Garry dares to retaliate against us, we’ll fight to the bitter end.” Dario clenched his teeth, speaking in a tone filled with resentment.

He would rather die than ever yield to Garry.

Dario was known for his avarice, yet he was still reliable in matters of great importance.

“Let’s not be too impulsive, everyone. For now, Garry hasn’t shown any unusual actions toward us. Let’s sit back and watch how things unfold,” Joy said to the others.

Now that Garry had obtained the Divine Fire Command, his power had significantly increased. They were simply no match for members from Garry’s faction.

“I notice Garry has been busy preparing for the inauguration. I suspect he might make a move against us during the event,” Dario said.

He never dared to hope that Garry would let them off the hook as if nothing had ever happened.

“Perhaps Garry places the importance of Violet Flame Sect first and chooses to hold back. After all, there are quite a number of us,” an elder suggested.

“Hmph! He would place the masses first? He dared to collaborate with Ghost Mask Sect, so what’s with this talk about placing the importance of Violet Flame Sect first?” Dario scoffed.

He didn’t believe for a second that Garry would consider Violet Flame Sect’s greater good.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4051 Gael Arrived

“That’s enough. Regardless of whether Garry decides to trouble us or not, the real issue is that he has now obtained the Divine Flame Seal.” Joy furrowed her brows.

Garry had acquired the Divine Flame Seal and was acknowledged as its master.

If the inauguration ceremony commenced, he would truly become Violet Flame Sect’s sect leader.

Even if Joy’s father had shown up, he wouldn’t have been able to stop it. After all, those were the rules of Violet Flame Sect.

“Should we devise a plan to steal the Divine Flame Seal, then?” an elder suggested.

“No way. Garry would definitely carry it on him, and he would have people guarding it. Moreover, Carlos from Duad Formation Sect is also present. He can set up an arcane array to protect the Divine Flame Seal. Who among us could possibly break the arcane array?” Dario said.

Upon hearing those words, everyone fell silent. After all, no one possessed such ability.

“It would be great if Red is here. He could break the arcane array. I wonder how he’s doing now, standing alone against so many from the Ghost Mask Sect. He must be unlikely to be alive” Joy was reminded of John.

At the mention of John, Dario was also somewhat worried.

Regardless, John had to face the Ghost Mask Sect members alone for the sake of helping them escape.

“Let’s take things one step at a time for now. Everyone should be extra cautious these next few days and try not to provoke any disciples from Garry’s faction,” Joy reminded before dismissing everyone.

Two days later, three massive booms echoed above the gate of the Violet Flame Sect.

All disciples from Violet Flame Sect were summoned to the square in front of the main hall. Even the outer circle disciples were exceptionally gathered there.

Following Winston’s announcement, Garry, dressed in his finest, swiftly made his way to the center of the square. Holding the Divine Flame Seal in his hand, he scanned the area with an excited expression.

At that moment, Garry was brimming with confidence and vigor.

After demonstrating the Divine Flame Seal, Garry soared up and took his seat on the throne of the main hall.

From that position, he could overlook the entire expanse of Violet Flame Sect’s square.

All of Violet Flame Sect’s disciples, including Dario and his faction, were kneeling before him.

Winston, following protocol, praised Garry and recounted the latter’s contributions to Violet Flame Sect.

Dario and the others listened with gritted teeth, yet there was nothing they could do.

“In line with the will of the heavens and the people’s wishes, Mr. Morrilo will ascend to the position of the sect leader in accordance with Violet Flame Sect’s traditions. Starting today, Mr. Morrilo is Violet Flame Sect’s real sect leader. All disciples must obey his commands. The ceremony commences. All the disciples can begin to extend your congratulations!” Winston announced loudly.

Just as Garry was blissfully awaiting the congratulations from numerous disciples, an icy voice suddenly echoed. “Hold on. Who acknowledged Garry as the sect leader?”

At that moment, a figure slowly emerged, continually making their way toward the center of the square.


“Mr. Orlando!”

Upon seeing the newcomer, both Joy and Dario were taken aback.

It turned out that Gael had arrived. Many of the disciples were still unaware that Gael had already recovered.

Upon seeing Gael showing up, the disciples from Gael’s faction scrambled up from the ground, cheering incessantly.

When Garry saw Gael, his expression instantly turned grim. Mr. Orlando is currently under the demonic soul’s control, so how could he be here? Moreover, it seems he’s no longer affected by the condition and has fully recovered.

“Mr. Orlando, how come you’re here?” Garry hastily stood up before politely asking Gael.

“Why am I here? If I don’t show up, you’ll become Violet Flame Sect’s sect leader, won’t you?” Gael scrutinized Garry with an indifferent expression.

With a furrowed brow, Garry uttered coldly, “Mr. Orlando, what do you mean by that? I became the official sect leader after obtaining the Divine Flame Seal and gaining recognition. You’re a bit late. I’m now the leader of the Violet Flame Sect.”


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4052 Fiery Energy

After Garry finished speaking, the Divine Flame Seal in his hand radiated waves of fiery energy. A terrifying heat wave swept toward everyone present.

Feeling the heat wave ermitted by the Divine Flame Seal, every member of Gael’s faction revealed a serious expression.

Gael was also slightly furrowing his brows, as his aura subtly radiated from him.

Originally, the Divine Flame Seal had recognized him as its master. It was precisely because he discovered that Garry harbored rebellious intentions that Gael placed the Divine Flame Seal in the Divine Flame Mountain.

The reason was that even if Garry became the sect leader, it would only be temporary. After all, without the Divine Flame Seal, he couldn’t possibly be recognized as the true sect leader.

However, he now discovered that the Divine Flame Seal no longer had any connection to him. It seemed that Garry had truly become the master of the Divine Flame Seal Sensing Gael’s aura, Garry suddenly burst into laughter.

“Hahaha. Mr. Orlando, even though you’re not insane now, it’s clear that your spiritual sense has suffered severe damage. It’s not fully recovered yet. Do you think that with your current abilities, you are fit to be the sect leader?”

Holding the Divine Flame Seal in his hand, Garry questioned Gael.

Gael remained silent, retracting his aura completely.

He hadn’t fully recovered yet. If he truly got into a conflict with Garry, they wouldn’t stand a chance.

“Garry, since you’ve already claimed the Divine Flame Seal, it’s only fitting that you become the sect leader of Violet Flame Sect.” Gael compromised.

Upon hearing Gael’s words, Garry smirked coldly. He glanced at Dario and the others, saying, “Did you hear that? I am now the rightful sect leader. Kneel…”

Left with no other choice, Dario and the rest knelt.

If Gael had admitted it already, there was nothing else they could do.

Upon seeing Dario and the others kneeling before him, Garry immediately burst into laughter.

“Today, I officially took over as the sect leader of the Violet Flame Sect. Thus, it’s time to establish new rules and reform the traditions of the Violet Flame Sect.”

“Dario and his associates colluded with the Ghost Mask Sect to undermine the Violet Flame Sect. Furthermore, they accepted bribes and used their influence within the Violet Flame Sect to secure positions for outsiders. I hereby declare that Dario and his followers are to be expelled from the Violet Flame Sect and stripped of all their ranks. From this point forward, they are no longer disciples of the Violet Flame Sect. Joy, having been deceived, will be confined for ten years as a form of punishment.”

As soon as Garry spoke, the place instantly erupted into a commotion.

Even Gael hadn’t expected that Garry, having just assumed his position, would immediately turn against his own people.

It was so fast that Garry seemed almost impatient.

It was clear that Garry was targeting him.

Garry even directly accused Dario and the rest of conspiring with the Ghost Mask Sect. Clearly, it was Garry who was in cahoots with the Ghost Mask Sect.

Gael would admit it if he was accused of bribery and bringing people into the Violet Flame Sect. He would also willingly accept the punishment.

However, he would rather die than admit that he colluded with Demonic Cultivators.

“Garry, you’re making a groundless accusation. It was clearly you who colluded with the Ghost Mask Sect, yet you have the audacity to frame us.” retorted Dario in a fit of anger.

“Dario, is this how you talk to the sect leader? You’re so impudent. Your punishment will be harsher accordingly.” Winston immediately reprimanded Dario.

Dario gritted his teeth, his face flushing red.

It would have been tolerable if they accused him alone and drove him out of the Violet Flame Sect. Yet, they were planning to chase all the disciples from Gael’s faction out.

Apart from Gael and Joy, everyone else was being driven away.

Since Garry took over as the acting sect leader, the resources allocated to the disciples from Gael’s faction had significantly decreased. Nevertheless, as they were still affiliated with the Violet Flame Sect, they still received a share of resources.

The pills, mystical herbs, and Divine Flame Mountain were useful for their cultivation. But if they were driven out of the Violet Flame Sect, there was nowhere else they could go.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 4053 Philip Siding With Gael

In the entire Ethereal Realm, self-interest was paramount. No one would take them in, so there was nowhere for them to obtain the resources.

Without resources, cultivation would be impossible, and one’s strength would remain stagnant. In this way, they would gradually be eliminated.

“Garry, I’ve already acknowledged you as the sect leader. Are you still determined to wipe us all out?” asked Gael, his eyes widening.

“Mr. Orlando, you’re accusing me. Didn’t I spare both you and your daughter? As for the others, they conspired with the Demonic Cultivators. The Violet Flame Sect simply cannot tolerate such actions. Moreover, this rule has been established since the inception of the Violet Flame Sect. Our ancestors from the Violet Flame Sect were known for being the greatest hater of the Demonic Cultivators. I didn’t do anything wrong by acting this way, did I?” replied Garry nonchalantly.

At this point, Gael found himself at a loss for words. After all, he didn’t know what was going on.

Although he trusted that Dario and his group wouldn’t possibly conspire with the Ghost Mask Sect, Garry had slandered them. They were unable to prove their innocence.

“Garry, the truth is as clear as day and night. Who exactly colluded with the Ghost Mask Sect? Do you dare to swear on it?” scolded an elder from Gael’s faction furiously.

Garry’s expression turned cold. The Divine Flame Seal in his hand suddenly erupted with a fiery aura.

“Such an impudent little thing…”

After he finished speaking, the flame aura surged directly toward the elder.

In just a fleeting moment, the elder was sent flying backward, blood spilling from his mouth. His body was covered in scorch marks.


Gael’s eyes were filled with fury and laden with murderous intent. His fists were clenched tight, yet he refrained from striking, constantly holding himself back.

“Garry, now that you’re the sect leader, you can certainly give orders and make decisions. However, you must be reasonable and act with evidence. You accused Dario and the others of conspiring with the Ghost Mask Sect. What evidence do you have?” questioned Gael loudly.


Garry gave a cold laugh. “The Divine Flame Seal in my hand is the proof. If I say that they’re conspiring with the Ghost Mask Sect, then it must be true.”

Upon seeing Garry brandishing the Divine Flame Seal with such arrogance, Gael knew that they would definitely be chased out of the Violet Flame Sect that day.

It was a shame that his spiritual sense never fully recovered. Otherwise, he might have a chance at winning.

However, he knew that if both sides were to clash, the Violet Flame Sect would be doomed.

It would be a lose-lose situation. Other sects would certainly take advantage of the weakness and replace the Violet Flame Sect.

“Mr. Orlando, Garry has gone too far with his bullying. We should just go all in fighting him.” roared Dario furiously, his eyes red.

It was clear that Garry was bullying them. This was an affront they couldn’t just swallow.

“Haha. You think you can compete with me? You’re not even in my league…”

Garry burst into hearty laughter. With a casual wave of his hand, Bobby, Winston, and the rest immediately encircled the Gael and his faction.

Moreover, Carlos was showing off his skills. Arcane arrays appeared on both sides constantly.

As they watched the arcane arrays continuously light up, Gael’s’ faction felt utterly despondent.

If a real fight broke out, they were likely to be trapped in this area, with no chance of escape.

“The Duad Formation Sect does not need to intervene in the internal affairs of the Violet Flame Sect.”

Philip, who had always maintained neutrality, suddenly sprang up. As he made some hand seals, streaks of white light flashed by. The arcane arrays set up by Carlos were broken in an instant.

Upon seeing Philip siding with Gael, Garry frowned and said, “Mr. Cunningham, you’re only responsible for the Violet Flame Sect’s assessments and the sect defense formation. You’ve never meddled in other affairs. Are you opposing me today?”

Although Garry had obtained the Divine Flame Seal, he certainly did not want to offend Philip. After all, Philip was the only array master in the Violet Flame Sect. They relied on him for many things.

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