"Dragon Son-in-law" a.k.a. Millionaire Son-in-law, Charlie Wade Story. Translated by Junlee (aka Jungal2000)

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Charlie Wade is a househusband son-in-law whom everyone looks down upon. However, unknown to them, his true identity is that of the young master from a top-tier family. Those who once belittled him will eventually kneel before him, trembling with fear and calling him "Master!" ...

The MC is Charlie Wade, and there's this girl Claire Wilson. They're in this savage clapback novel called "Ultimate Dragon Honcho", penned by this dude Ye Gongzi. Everyone knew Charlie Wade was the son-in-law of the Wilson family. Like, Grandpa Wilson legit pulled this broke boy outta nowhere and made him marry his grand daughter/princess, Claire. But bro's got no skills, no dough 💸, and Claire had to deal with so much BS 'cause of him. He even had the nerve to ask for money during Grandma Wilson's big party, making Claire hella embarrassed 😳. They kicked Charlie Wade out, but then plot twist! 🌀 Some butler dude shows up. Turns out, Charlie Wade's actually from the uber-rich Wade clan. The butler's like, "Come home, fam." But since his parents were, like, done dirty by the Wade fam, he's like "Nah." But he did take his grandpa’s black card loaded with 10 billion. 💳💰 #MicDrop

Author: Charlie Wade
Category: Urban Fiction
Status: Ongoing
Last Updated: October 18, 2023
Last edited:


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 821: The Detention Center Drama

Verity's fiery words lit a spark of fury among her fellow detainees, igniting an uproar of collective indignation.

Now, mind you, these weren't a bunch of hardened criminals in that detention center. Most of them had committed minor offenses, and they had a soft spot for the underdog.

As they listened to Old Madam Wilson's heart-wrenching tale and gazed upon her snowy white hair, their empathy kicked into overdrive. The result? A cacophony of righteous anger.

"Can you believe they're treating such a frail elderly lady like this? It's downright inhuman!"

"No kidding! Living in a fancy mansion worth a gazillion bucks and not even sparing a room for the poor lady? Talk about heartless."

"Don't you worry, Old Madam. Someone with such a wicked daughter-in-law is bound to meet karma head-on!"

Old Madam Wilson, tears cascading down her cheeks, choked out, "Thank you, thank you all for your kindness and support. Who would've thought I'd find such a bunch of caring souls in this grim place?"

Verity, her voice tinged with sorrow, chimed in, "Madam, your situation reminds me of my own dear mother, who tragically passed away from poisoning. The elderly have it tough, especially with ungrateful daughter-in-laws."

Old Madam Wilson, her eyes brimming with tears, nodded and said, "Ah, it's true. I'm stuck here for a measly fifteen days. Once I'm out, I won't have a roof over my head or a meal to eat. And who knows, in a few months, I might even be facing a court case."

Quick as a flash, Verity offered some bleak wisdom, "Madam, you might have it better here. Three square meals and a place to lay your head—it's almost an upgrade from homelessness."

Those words, though well-intentioned, sent Old Madam Wilson spiraling into despair. Was this her life now? Dependent on a detention center for her basic needs?

But within her, a resolute voice screamed, "No! I am the matriarch of the Wilson clan. I won't let my legacy be tarnished in my twilight years!"

She had to find a way out of this predicament.


And just then, a police car rolled up to the detention center's entrance, turning all heads.

Two officers escorted a disheveled woman inside, and that woman was none other than Elaine.

Elaine, disarrayed and handcuffed, couldn't have fathomed that her little escapade involving Charlie's bank card would lead her to these grim confines.

The officers hinted at a seemingly never-ending detention, citing the ongoing investigation into a colossal international crime ring. The more they uncovered, the heavier her sentence would be.

Panicking, Elaine inquired about the possible duration of her confinement. The chilling reply? Attempted embezzlement of a staggering 21.9 billion $, one of the biggest frauds in recent history, could land her a life sentence or even the death penalty if more evidence or accomplices emerged.

Terror gripped Elaine as she cursed Charlie under her breath, fervently wishing she could call her daughter Claire and implore her to divorce that conniving swindler Charlie ASAP. 😡

Chapter 822: Locked Up with a Bitter Surprise

Things are heating up! Elaine finds herself in one heck of a situation. The officer drops a bombshell: she's suspected of being involved in a major case. Can you believe it? Until the trial kicks off, she's cut off from her family and can't even snag herself a lawyer. Talk about a plot twist!

Elaine's got anger boiling inside her, but there's no outlet for all that fury. It's like shaking up a soda can and not being able to pop the top! 😤

Once she steps into the daunting detention center, it's a whirlwind of procedures. They snap photos, check IDs, and strip her of her personal belongings. It's all standard protocol, but it's still super unsettling.

And then, the kicker – they make her trade her threads for a snazzy prison uniform. The officers who escorted her make a quick exit, leaving her to fend for herself in this new world.

Now, here comes the introduction to her new digs. A no-nonsense female prison guard gives her the lowdown. Elaine's going to be living with twenty roommates, and they're on a strict schedule. Wake up at six, lights out at ten, and three square meals are served right in your cell. But hold up, there's a catch – the portions might not fill up a grown-up like Elaine. If she wants extra grub or some essentials, it's time to call in the family reinforcements with some cash.

Elaine, all hopeful, asks about contacting her family, but the prison guard lays down the law – no contact with the outside world for her. Ouch! 😩

Poor Elaine feels like she's spiraling into despair, and honestly, who can blame her?

But then, she gets to thinking about Mrs. Wilson and little Wendy, and she's torn. Part of her hopes she won't cross paths with them, but then again, she's not too worried. After all, Mrs. Wilson is a pushover and Wendy? Well, she's about as tough as a marshmallow in hot cocoa. Elaine figures she can handle whatever comes her way.

Just when she's getting used to the idea of her new life, the guard points to a nearby cell and says, "Hey, Elaine, that's your new crib, cell number 025."

Elaine nods, ready to face whatever comes next.

Meanwhile, in cell 025, Mrs. Wilson is starting to find some solace among her fellow inmates. Surprise, surprise, she's getting some sympathy! Who would've thought?

Even Wendy's feeling better about her situation. She thought it'd be all drama and danger, like in the movies, but it turns out her cellmates are a pretty decent bunch.

And then, just when things seem to be calming down, someone yells, "Newbie alert!"

The iron door swings open, and in walks Elaine, pushed in by the guard. The door slams shut behind her, and she looks around at her new roomies. They're all gathered around like they're at storytime or something!

And guess what? Mrs. Wilson spots her instantly and goes ballistic. "Elaine! You no-good troublemaker! Karma's finally caught up with you!"

Looks like we're in for some juicy drama in this detention center! 😱😠🍿

Chapter 823: Trouble Behind Bars

Elaine jumped out of her skin at the sudden shout that shattered the silence in the cell.

But as her eyes focused, it was none other than Mrs. Wilson, sitting cross-legged on the prison bunk, spewing colorful curses in her direction.

Mrs. Wilson was as surprised as Elaine to find her here in the detention center, dressed head to toe in the same dreary prison garb that screamed, "I messed up big time."

And for Elaine, seeing both Mrs. Wilson and Wendy in this gloomy cell sent her heart racing with panic. She hadn't seen that twist coming.

Just moments ago, she'd been silently praying to the universe, "Please, not these two." But fate had a wicked sense of humor.

So, in a fluster, she beckoned the jailer, who conveniently wasn't far away, and through the tiny window on the iron door, she pleaded, "Hey, officer, any chance I could switch cells? I'd prefer not to bunk with them."

The jailer, with an expression as cold as the cell bars, fired back, "You think this detention center is like a hotel with room service? You don't get to pick your neighbors, sweetheart. If you didn't want to be in a cell, you should've thought twice before getting into trouble."

Elaine, with desperation in her eyes, hastily defended herself, "Look, I've been telling everyone this whole mess is my good-for-nothing son-in-law's fault. I'm innocent! Go arrest him and set me free!"

But the jailer wasn't having it. He brushed her off, saying, "Quit your blabbering. With your charges, you can kiss the idea of getting out anytime soon goodbye."

As the jailer walked away, Elaine's heart sank like a stone. She was stuck.

Now, Wendy couldn't resist a sneer, "Well, well, Elaine! You barely had time to enjoy your fancy Thomson Elite Villa before landing here. You must've outdone yourself to earn such an illustrious stay. The officer seemed quite impressed."

Elaine turned back, cursing her rotten luck, but her resolve returned swiftly.

An old woman and a young girl? What was there to fear?

With a haughty chuckle, Elaine retorted, "What's the matter now, you two vagabonds? Trying to get a rise out of me? Even in this prison, I still have a villa waiting for me outside. But what about you? Any plans for a roof over your heads, or are you planning to become professional beggars? I don't want to sound harsh, but, seriously, you're one step away from homelessness!"

Mrs. Wilson couldn't contain her rage, "Elaine, do you even recognize your name anymore? Acting high and mighty in a place like this!"

Elaine shot back, "Yeah, and what's it to you? I've been high and mighty for ages. Got a problem with that?"

And then, with a wicked twist of her tongue, she added, "Once you two are out, that old hag there probably won't last three days without starving. As for Wendy, well, let's just say she's got some unique career prospects. She could always try her luck on the streets."

Wendy exploded, "Elaine, what the heck did you just say?!"

Elaine smirked, "Oh, I just suggested a career option for you, sweetheart. Don't tell me you've never considered it? Given your circumstances, it's practically a survival skill. Just think of Joaquin Wilson and Ricky Weigard as your role models."

Mrs. Wilson trembled with anger, casting a deliberate glance at Verity, and then, pointing at Elaine, she declared, "Elaine! Having you as a daughter-in-law is a stain on the Wilson family's honor!"

Verity, not one to hold back, shot up from her seat, pointed at Elaine, and turned to Mrs. Wilson, "Is this the gem you call your daughter-in-law?"

Chapter 824: Drama Unleashed in the Prison Yard

Madam Wilson, finally achieving her twisted goal, couldn't contain her emotions any longer. She broke down into a torrent of heart-wrenching sobs, vigorously smacking her legs and letting out a piercing wail. "My fate is beyond bitter! Misfortune has visited my family in the form of this daughter-in-law. Even as death stares me in the face, she dares to curse me openly!"

Madam Wilson's outpouring of grief prompted Verity to let her own tears flow freely.

In that moment, Verity couldn't help but recall the tragic sight of her mother, rushed to the hospital after ingesting pesticide. Her mother had not yet passed away, but the doctors had grimly informed her that the massive pesticide consumption had caused irreversible fibrosis in her lungs—no amount of divine intervention could save her.

Her mother's cries echoed in her mind just as Madam Wilson wailed now. Whenever Verity revisited that memory, it ignited a storm of tears within her.

Watching Elaine push Madam Wilson to such depths of despair, behaving even worse than her despicable sister-in-law, Verity's anger surged uncontrollably.

She stormed toward Elaine, her tone icy as she declared, "You despicable creature! Weren't you taught to respect your in-laws before you got married?"

Elaine, oblivious to Verity's impending attack, responded with disdain, "Respect for in-laws? Are you kidding me? With a mother-in-law like this, anyone would have gone insane by now."

The venom in Elaine's words fanned the flames of Verity's hatred. She yearned to strike Elaine down with every fiber of her being.

Without hesitation, Verity closed the distance and landed a powerful punch squarely on Elaine's nose.

Elaine cried out in agony, momentarily stunned by the force of the blow. She stumbled to the ground as Verity, a robust woman, took control, straddling her and yanking her hair with one hand while delivering fierce slaps with the other. Her curses were relentless, "You disrespectful wretch! Abusing your mother-in-law warrants nothing less than death! Today, I shall serve justice!"

Elaine, bewildered and battered, shrieked in pain, pleading, "Who are you? Why are you attacking me? What have I done to you?"

Verity didn't relent, raining blows upon her and snarling, "You shameless creature! For your disrespect towards your mother-in-law, you deserve nothing but punishment! I am the harbinger of justice today!"

Madam Wilson, thrilled by Elaine's suffering, implored for assistance, trembling as she attempted to rise. Wendy and another woman rushed to her side, supporting her towards Elaine's location.

With a twisted mix of excitement and malice etched on her face, Madam Wilson drew closer to Elaine, unleashing a barrage of furious curses, "You monster! You scoundrel! Today, I'll claw you to shreds!"

She extended her hand and ruthlessly scratched Elaine's face, leaving behind a trail of bloody marks.

Elaine, writhing in agony, screamed at the top of her lungs, "Help! Guards, help! Murder!"

The prison guards had conveniently moved out of earshot, leaving the scene to escalate. Verity, holding clumps of Elaine's hair, continued her assault while wickedly chuckling, "The guards have completed their rounds, and they won't be back for an hour. Let's see how you fare, you ungrateful wretch!"

Wendy, burning with rage, joined the brutal onslaught by delivering swift and vicious kicks to Elaine, all while berating her, "You think you're so high and mighty? Living in that posh Thomson Elite villa? Do you even realize that the villa belonged to my ex-fiancé's family? You heartless wretch, you've left me homeless! I'll kick you to oblivion!"

Elaine had experienced beatings before, but none as brutal as this.

Each of the three assailants harbored their grudges and hatred, resulting in a merciless beating that showed no mercy.

Soon, other prisoners couldn't resist joining in, seizing the opportunity to unleash their cruelty upon Elaine.

Elaine was quickly reduced to a bruised and battered mess, her desperate cries filling the air, "Please stop! I can't take it anymore!"

Verity responded with another resounding slap, taunting, "You can still talk, so you're not dead yet! You won't be leaving this world anytime soon. Keep going!"

Chapter 825: The Detention Center Dilemma 😱📞

In the heart-pounding confines of the detention center, Elaine was enduring a brutal beating. However, amidst the chaos, Charlie's phone buzzed with an incoming call from Isaac, their trusted accomplice in this unsettling situation.

Isaac initiated the conversation, "Young Master, I've successfully placed Elaine, the old lady from the Wilson family, and Wendy Wilson in the same cell, just as you instructed."

Charlie, with a touch of coldness in his tone, inquired, "Have you made the necessary arrangements with the prison guards?"

Isaac responded with determination, "Indeed, I've ensured that no one will interfere with Elaine's suffering within those walls."

Satisfaction dripped from Charlie's voice as he remarked, "Excellent. Let her endure every bit of her ordeal."

Quickly, Isaac proposed, "Young Master, should I arrange for some individuals to finish her? That way, she won't ever pose a threat to you again."

Charlie paused briefly, contemplating, and replied, "Hold off on that for now. Let's see how the situation develops."

For Charlie, his deepest desire was to see Elaine vanish forever from both his and Claire's lives. Furthermore, he was confident that Jacob wouldn't just accept this but would also feel an immense sense of relief.

Yet, the matter concerning Claire remained unpredictable.

Understanding her well, Charlie knew she was a woman of unwavering loyalty and filial devotion. If her mother were to suddenly disappear from this world, the pain might haunt her for a lifetime.

Thus, Charlie chose to carefully observe Claire's reaction before taking any drastic steps.

To prevent any suspicion from arising, he had purchased groceries for four earlier in the day, even including some of Elaine's favorite dishes.

However, fate had different plans. Elaine wouldn't have the chance to taste those delicacies.

Verity Baxter, leading a group of inmates, subjected Elaine to a savage beating, leaving her in a pitiful state. Eventually, they backed off for the time being, issuing a menacing threat, "Keep your mouth shut when the guard comes for inspection, or we'll make your life even more miserable! Got it?"

Fearfully nodding, Elaine conceded, "I understand, I won't utter a word..."

Deep down, she harbored a plan to cry out for help the moment the guard appeared, intending to expose these tormentors to the authorities. She was well aware that prison fights often led to harsher consequences.

When Charlie returned home to prepare a meal, it was already dinnertime at the detention center.

Within the rigid routine of the detention center, meal times, bedtimes, and wake-up times were strictly enforced. Dinner was served early.

As the guard reached Elaine's cell, she had just been subjected to a brutal assault. Huddled in a corner, she lacked the strength to sit up, appearing pitiable from head to toe.

The guard unlocked the cell door, addressing the inmates with indifference, "It's dinner time. Two of you will go and collect the food."

Spotting the bruised Elaine, she crawled towards the guard, her voice trembling with tears, "Guard, please save me! They're hurting me! They want to kill me! You have to punish them severely!"

The guard, unmoved by her plight, remembered the instructions from above and simply disregarded her, continuing to address Verity and the others, "Two of you from this cell, come with me to get the food."

Relieved that the guard seemed unfazed by Elaine's pleas, Verity hastily directed two women, "You two, go with the guard to get the food!"

"Sure," they responded quickly, getting up to follow the guard.

As they departed, Elaine, clutching her aching limbs, let out a desperate cry, "Please, move me to a different cell! They'll kill me if I stay here!" 😥🔒🍽️
I'm really happy Elaine is receiving that treatment. Next time she won't messed up again 😃😃😃


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Charlie Wade I know is head coach. He likes it when people call him coach

Even though he looks harmless to Claire. Think againView attachment 2308
He indeed command a great power. Power of free speech
View attachment 2309
Very calculated, keen observation View attachment 2310
He can take a beating, doesn't give up easilyView attachment 2311
Look at how calm he is, very reserved..View attachment 2312

What a coincidence this guy having the exactly same name like our character Master Wade..I find it very interesting.
But that Charlie Wade don’t have baby like this coach


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 821: The Detention Center Drama

Verity's fiery words lit a spark of fury among her fellow detainees, igniting an uproar of collective indignation.

Now, mind you, these weren't a bunch of hardened criminals in that detention center. Most of them had committed minor offenses, and they had a soft spot for the underdog.

As they listened to Old Madam Wilson's heart-wrenching tale and gazed upon her snowy white hair, their empathy kicked into overdrive. The result? A cacophony of righteous anger.

"Can you believe they're treating such a frail elderly lady like this? It's downright inhuman!"

"No kidding! Living in a fancy mansion worth a gazillion bucks and not even sparing a room for the poor lady? Talk about heartless."

"Don't you worry, Old Madam. Someone with such a wicked daughter-in-law is bound to meet karma head-on!"

Old Madam Wilson, tears cascading down her cheeks, choked out, "Thank you, thank you all for your kindness and support. Who would've thought I'd find such a bunch of caring souls in this grim place?"

Verity, her voice tinged with sorrow, chimed in, "Madam, your situation reminds me of my own dear mother, who tragically passed away from poisoning. The elderly have it tough, especially with ungrateful daughter-in-laws."

Old Madam Wilson, her eyes brimming with tears, nodded and said, "Ah, it's true. I'm stuck here for a measly fifteen days. Once I'm out, I won't have a roof over my head or a meal to eat. And who knows, in a few months, I might even be facing a court case."

Quick as a flash, Verity offered some bleak wisdom, "Madam, you might have it better here. Three square meals and a place to lay your head—it's almost an upgrade from homelessness."

Those words, though well-intentioned, sent Old Madam Wilson spiraling into despair. Was this her life now? Dependent on a detention center for her basic needs?

But within her, a resolute voice screamed, "No! I am the matriarch of the Wilson clan. I won't let my legacy be tarnished in my twilight years!"

She had to find a way out of this predicament.


And just then, a police car rolled up to the detention center's entrance, turning all heads.

Two officers escorted a disheveled woman inside, and that woman was none other than Elaine.

Elaine, disarrayed and handcuffed, couldn't have fathomed that her little escapade involving Charlie's bank card would lead her to these grim confines.

The officers hinted at a seemingly never-ending detention, citing the ongoing investigation into a colossal international crime ring. The more they uncovered, the heavier her sentence would be.

Panicking, Elaine inquired about the possible duration of her confinement. The chilling reply? Attempted embezzlement of a staggering 21.9 billion $, one of the biggest frauds in recent history, could land her a life sentence or even the death penalty if more evidence or accomplices emerged.

Terror gripped Elaine as she cursed Charlie under her breath, fervently wishing she could call her daughter Claire and implore her to divorce that conniving swindler Charlie ASAP. 😡

Chapter 822: Locked Up with a Bitter Surprise

Things are heating up! Elaine finds herself in one heck of a situation. The officer drops a bombshell: she's suspected of being involved in a major case. Can you believe it? Until the trial kicks off, she's cut off from her family and can't even snag herself a lawyer. Talk about a plot twist!

Elaine's got anger boiling inside her, but there's no outlet for all that fury. It's like shaking up a soda can and not being able to pop the top! 😤

Once she steps into the daunting detention center, it's a whirlwind of procedures. They snap photos, check IDs, and strip her of her personal belongings. It's all standard protocol, but it's still super unsettling.

And then, the kicker – they make her trade her threads for a snazzy prison uniform. The officers who escorted her make a quick exit, leaving her to fend for herself in this new world.

Now, here comes the introduction to her new digs. A no-nonsense female prison guard gives her the lowdown. Elaine's going to be living with twenty roommates, and they're on a strict schedule. Wake up at six, lights out at ten, and three square meals are served right in your cell. But hold up, there's a catch – the portions might not fill up a grown-up like Elaine. If she wants extra grub or some essentials, it's time to call in the family reinforcements with some cash.

Elaine, all hopeful, asks about contacting her family, but the prison guard lays down the law – no contact with the outside world for her. Ouch! 😩

Poor Elaine feels like she's spiraling into despair, and honestly, who can blame her?

But then, she gets to thinking about Mrs. Wilson and little Wendy, and she's torn. Part of her hopes she won't cross paths with them, but then again, she's not too worried. After all, Mrs. Wilson is a pushover and Wendy? Well, she's about as tough as a marshmallow in hot cocoa. Elaine figures she can handle whatever comes her way.

Just when she's getting used to the idea of her new life, the guard points to a nearby cell and says, "Hey, Elaine, that's your new crib, cell number 025."

Elaine nods, ready to face whatever comes next.

Meanwhile, in cell 025, Mrs. Wilson is starting to find some solace among her fellow inmates. Surprise, surprise, she's getting some sympathy! Who would've thought?

Even Wendy's feeling better about her situation. She thought it'd be all drama and danger, like in the movies, but it turns out her cellmates are a pretty decent bunch.

And then, just when things seem to be calming down, someone yells, "Newbie alert!"

The iron door swings open, and in walks Elaine, pushed in by the guard. The door slams shut behind her, and she looks around at her new roomies. They're all gathered around like they're at storytime or something!

And guess what? Mrs. Wilson spots her instantly and goes ballistic. "Elaine! You no-good troublemaker! Karma's finally caught up with you!"

Looks like we're in for some juicy drama in this detention center! 😱😠🍿

Chapter 823: Trouble Behind Bars

Elaine jumped out of her skin at the sudden shout that shattered the silence in the cell.

But as her eyes focused, it was none other than Mrs. Wilson, sitting cross-legged on the prison bunk, spewing colorful curses in her direction.

Mrs. Wilson was as surprised as Elaine to find her here in the detention center, dressed head to toe in the same dreary prison garb that screamed, "I messed up big time."

And for Elaine, seeing both Mrs. Wilson and Wendy in this gloomy cell sent her heart racing with panic. She hadn't seen that twist coming.

Just moments ago, she'd been silently praying to the universe, "Please, not these two." But fate had a wicked sense of humor.

So, in a fluster, she beckoned the jailer, who conveniently wasn't far away, and through the tiny window on the iron door, she pleaded, "Hey, officer, any chance I could switch cells? I'd prefer not to bunk with them."

The jailer, with an expression as cold as the cell bars, fired back, "You think this detention center is like a hotel with room service? You don't get to pick your neighbors, sweetheart. If you didn't want to be in a cell, you should've thought twice before getting into trouble."

Elaine, with desperation in her eyes, hastily defended herself, "Look, I've been telling everyone this whole mess is my good-for-nothing son-in-law's fault. I'm innocent! Go arrest him and set me free!"

But the jailer wasn't having it. He brushed her off, saying, "Quit your blabbering. With your charges, you can kiss the idea of getting out anytime soon goodbye."

As the jailer walked away, Elaine's heart sank like a stone. She was stuck.

Now, Wendy couldn't resist a sneer, "Well, well, Elaine! You barely had time to enjoy your fancy Thomson Elite Villa before landing here. You must've outdone yourself to earn such an illustrious stay. The officer seemed quite impressed."

Elaine turned back, cursing her rotten luck, but her resolve returned swiftly.

An old woman and a young girl? What was there to fear?

With a haughty chuckle, Elaine retorted, "What's the matter now, you two vagabonds? Trying to get a rise out of me? Even in this prison, I still have a villa waiting for me outside. But what about you? Any plans for a roof over your heads, or are you planning to become professional beggars? I don't want to sound harsh, but, seriously, you're one step away from homelessness!"

Mrs. Wilson couldn't contain her rage, "Elaine, do you even recognize your name anymore? Acting high and mighty in a place like this!"

Elaine shot back, "Yeah, and what's it to you? I've been high and mighty for ages. Got a problem with that?"

And then, with a wicked twist of her tongue, she added, "Once you two are out, that old hag there probably won't last three days without starving. As for Wendy, well, let's just say she's got some unique career prospects. She could always try her luck on the streets."

Wendy exploded, "Elaine, what the heck did you just say?!"

Elaine smirked, "Oh, I just suggested a career option for you, sweetheart. Don't tell me you've never considered it? Given your circumstances, it's practically a survival skill. Just think of Joaquin Wilson and Ricky Weigard as your role models."

Mrs. Wilson trembled with anger, casting a deliberate glance at Verity, and then, pointing at Elaine, she declared, "Elaine! Having you as a daughter-in-law is a stain on the Wilson family's honor!"

Verity, not one to hold back, shot up from her seat, pointed at Elaine, and turned to Mrs. Wilson, "Is this the gem you call your daughter-in-law?"

Chapter 824: Drama Unleashed in the Prison Yard

Madam Wilson, finally achieving her twisted goal, couldn't contain her emotions any longer. She broke down into a torrent of heart-wrenching sobs, vigorously smacking her legs and letting out a piercing wail. "My fate is beyond bitter! Misfortune has visited my family in the form of this daughter-in-law. Even as death stares me in the face, she dares to curse me openly!"

Madam Wilson's outpouring of grief prompted Verity to let her own tears flow freely.

In that moment, Verity couldn't help but recall the tragic sight of her mother, rushed to the hospital after ingesting pesticide. Her mother had not yet passed away, but the doctors had grimly informed her that the massive pesticide consumption had caused irreversible fibrosis in her lungs—no amount of divine intervention could save her.

Her mother's cries echoed in her mind just as Madam Wilson wailed now. Whenever Verity revisited that memory, it ignited a storm of tears within her.

Watching Elaine push Madam Wilson to such depths of despair, behaving even worse than her despicable sister-in-law, Verity's anger surged uncontrollably.

She stormed toward Elaine, her tone icy as she declared, "You despicable creature! Weren't you taught to respect your in-laws before you got married?"

Elaine, oblivious to Verity's impending attack, responded with disdain, "Respect for in-laws? Are you kidding me? With a mother-in-law like this, anyone would have gone insane by now."

The venom in Elaine's words fanned the flames of Verity's hatred. She yearned to strike Elaine down with every fiber of her being.

Without hesitation, Verity closed the distance and landed a powerful punch squarely on Elaine's nose.

Elaine cried out in agony, momentarily stunned by the force of the blow. She stumbled to the ground as Verity, a robust woman, took control, straddling her and yanking her hair with one hand while delivering fierce slaps with the other. Her curses were relentless, "You disrespectful wretch! Abusing your mother-in-law warrants nothing less than death! Today, I shall serve justice!"

Elaine, bewildered and battered, shrieked in pain, pleading, "Who are you? Why are you attacking me? What have I done to you?"

Verity didn't relent, raining blows upon her and snarling, "You shameless creature! For your disrespect towards your mother-in-law, you deserve nothing but punishment! I am the harbinger of justice today!"

Madam Wilson, thrilled by Elaine's suffering, implored for assistance, trembling as she attempted to rise. Wendy and another woman rushed to her side, supporting her towards Elaine's location.

With a twisted mix of excitement and malice etched on her face, Madam Wilson drew closer to Elaine, unleashing a barrage of furious curses, "You monster! You scoundrel! Today, I'll claw you to shreds!"

She extended her hand and ruthlessly scratched Elaine's face, leaving behind a trail of bloody marks.

Elaine, writhing in agony, screamed at the top of her lungs, "Help! Guards, help! Murder!"

The prison guards had conveniently moved out of earshot, leaving the scene to escalate. Verity, holding clumps of Elaine's hair, continued her assault while wickedly chuckling, "The guards have completed their rounds, and they won't be back for an hour. Let's see how you fare, you ungrateful wretch!"

Wendy, burning with rage, joined the brutal onslaught by delivering swift and vicious kicks to Elaine, all while berating her, "You think you're so high and mighty? Living in that posh Thomson Elite villa? Do you even realize that the villa belonged to my ex-fiancé's family? You heartless wretch, you've left me homeless! I'll kick you to oblivion!"

Elaine had experienced beatings before, but none as brutal as this.

Each of the three assailants harbored their grudges and hatred, resulting in a merciless beating that showed no mercy.

Soon, other prisoners couldn't resist joining in, seizing the opportunity to unleash their cruelty upon Elaine.

Elaine was quickly reduced to a bruised and battered mess, her desperate cries filling the air, "Please stop! I can't take it anymore!"

Verity responded with another resounding slap, taunting, "You can still talk, so you're not dead yet! You won't be leaving this world anytime soon. Keep going!"

Chapter 825: The Detention Center Dilemma 😱📞

In the heart-pounding confines of the detention center, Elaine was enduring a brutal beating. However, amidst the chaos, Charlie's phone buzzed with an incoming call from Isaac, their trusted accomplice in this unsettling situation.

Isaac initiated the conversation, "Young Master, I've successfully placed Elaine, the old lady from the Wilson family, and Wendy Wilson in the same cell, just as you instructed."

Charlie, with a touch of coldness in his tone, inquired, "Have you made the necessary arrangements with the prison guards?"

Isaac responded with determination, "Indeed, I've ensured that no one will interfere with Elaine's suffering within those walls."

Satisfaction dripped from Charlie's voice as he remarked, "Excellent. Let her endure every bit of her ordeal."

Quickly, Isaac proposed, "Young Master, should I arrange for some individuals to finish her? That way, she won't ever pose a threat to you again."

Charlie paused briefly, contemplating, and replied, "Hold off on that for now. Let's see how the situation develops."

For Charlie, his deepest desire was to see Elaine vanish forever from both his and Claire's lives. Furthermore, he was confident that Jacob wouldn't just accept this but would also feel an immense sense of relief.

Yet, the matter concerning Claire remained unpredictable.

Understanding her well, Charlie knew she was a woman of unwavering loyalty and filial devotion. If her mother were to suddenly disappear from this world, the pain might haunt her for a lifetime.

Thus, Charlie chose to carefully observe Claire's reaction before taking any drastic steps.

To prevent any suspicion from arising, he had purchased groceries for four earlier in the day, even including some of Elaine's favorite dishes.

However, fate had different plans. Elaine wouldn't have the chance to taste those delicacies.

Verity Baxter, leading a group of inmates, subjected Elaine to a savage beating, leaving her in a pitiful state. Eventually, they backed off for the time being, issuing a menacing threat, "Keep your mouth shut when the guard comes for inspection, or we'll make your life even more miserable! Got it?"

Fearfully nodding, Elaine conceded, "I understand, I won't utter a word..."

Deep down, she harbored a plan to cry out for help the moment the guard appeared, intending to expose these tormentors to the authorities. She was well aware that prison fights often led to harsher consequences.

When Charlie returned home to prepare a meal, it was already dinnertime at the detention center.

Within the rigid routine of the detention center, meal times, bedtimes, and wake-up times were strictly enforced. Dinner was served early.

As the guard reached Elaine's cell, she had just been subjected to a brutal assault. Huddled in a corner, she lacked the strength to sit up, appearing pitiable from head to toe.

The guard unlocked the cell door, addressing the inmates with indifference, "It's dinner time. Two of you will go and collect the food."

Spotting the bruised Elaine, she crawled towards the guard, her voice trembling with tears, "Guard, please save me! They're hurting me! They want to kill me! You have to punish them severely!"

The guard, unmoved by her plight, remembered the instructions from above and simply disregarded her, continuing to address Verity and the others, "Two of you from this cell, come with me to get the food."

Relieved that the guard seemed unfazed by Elaine's pleas, Verity hastily directed two women, "You two, go with the guard to get the food!"

"Sure," they responded quickly, getting up to follow the guard.

As they departed, Elaine, clutching her aching limbs, let out a desperate cry, "Please, move me to a different cell! They'll kill me if I stay here!" 😥🔒🍽️
That sounds great

When should we be expecting next chapters

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 826: The Prison Plot Unfolds

The prison guard took a cautious step back, freeing his leg from a precarious situation. He turned to the two folks on food duty and urged, "C'mon, chop-chop, let's move!"

The two hurriedly approached and followed the guard out of the room.

Inside the cell, Elaine's heart was a tumultuous sea of despair.

As soon as the iron door clanged shut, Verity crept menacingly toward Elaine, her face a thunderstorm of anger, teeth clenched, and a menacing glare. "Elaine, you've got guts, ratting me out like that?!"

Elaine, teetering on the edge of collapse, pleaded, her voice trembling, "I'm so sorry, I was confused! Please, just this once, forgive me!"

"Forgive you?" Verity's arm swung with the force of a brewing tempest, slapping Elaine so hard her world spun.

Old Lady Wilson, trembling with her fury, approached. She bit her lip, stepped on Elaine's fingers, and spat curses while applying pressure. "You vile creature! It seems you haven't had enough yet! Mark my words, I've got fifteen more days in this delightful establishment, and you're going to suffer!"

Verity quickly chimed in, her tone as dark as a storm cloud, "Hey, Old Lady, we finally lucked into sharing a cell with this ungrateful wretch. If I were you, I'd aim to stay a while longer than fifteen days! Maybe beat her five or six times a day to feel satisfied!"

Old Lady Wilson nodded vigorously, her eyes gleaming with a wicked glint. "Honestly, if I could wallop her every single day, I wouldn't mind staying here longer!"

Amidst her despair, Elaine blurted out, "Mom, please spare me. If you stop beating me and don't let this woman have a go at me, I'll secure a room for you in Thomson Elite, alright?"

Old Lady Wilson snorted, her anger still smoldering. "You think I'm a pushover? You don't even know how long you'll rot in here. How can you arrange anything?"

Elaine insisted, "Once you're out, I'll pen a letter for you to give to Claire. She'll handle everything, and she'll welcome you into Thomson Elite!"

Old Lady Wilson's brow furrowed as she considered her options. She harbored an unyielding, profound hatred for Elaine.

Yet, the prospect of residing in the opulent villa at Thomson Elite without Elaine's meddling was alluring. Plus, with Elaine potentially locked up for an extended period, the dream seemed tantalizingly close.

After a moment of hesitation, Old Lady Wilson cautiously inquired, "Is that true?"

"Absolutely!" Elaine nodded emphatically, tears streaming down her face. "You know Claire—she's the most dutiful child. If I ask, she'll agree!"

Old Lady Wilson hesitated but leaned towards an agreement.

She loathed Elaine with every fiber of her being, but the allure of a lavish villa in Thomson Elite was undeniable. And with Elaine behind bars for the foreseeable future, the prospect of living in luxury without her seemed too tempting to resist.

Thus, she uttered, "Elaine, write the letter now, and I'll spare you. No more beatings."

Sly as a fox, Elaine quickly responded, "Mom, if you promise not to hurt me anymore, I'll write it for you the day you get released!"

Old Lady Wilson, wise to Elaine's tricks, maintained her stern tone. "You think I'm easily fooled? What if I get out and you refuse to write? Then I'll be the one played for a fool!"

Elaine hastily assured, "I swear to the heavens, I'll write it for you!"

Old Lady Wilson scoffed, her suspicion unwavering. "I don't trust your oaths!"

At this moment, Verity chimed in with a sinister grin. "Old Lady, it's simple. If she writes it now, all is well. But if she refuses, we'll make her write it, even if it takes ten or twenty beatings a day!"

Elaine shrieked, "You can't do this! It could kill someone! And if someone dies, it won't end well for any of us!"

Verity sneered, her eyes gleaming with malice. "Don't fret, my dear. If someone meets their maker, we'll just tie your bedsheets to the beam and make it look like you committed suicide out of guilt!" 😈💀

Chapter 827: The Detention Center Drama

Things took a wild turn! Verity unleashed a storm of terror upon poor Elaine, making her quiver like a leaf in the wind. And believe me, she didn't doubt Verity's words for a nanosecond, not after the epic showdown that had left her emotionally scarred.

With Verity's mighty backup, even the elderly Mrs. Wilson jumped into the fray, giving Elaine a piece of her mind and a swift kick for good measure. "Are you going to write it or not?" she scolded, not holding back.

In agony, Elaine wailed, tears flowing like a river, "I'll write... I'll write, okay..."

But Verity wasn't done. She smacked Elaine yet again, her words dripping with frustration, "You're just so stubborn! Why can't you cooperate without a beating?"

Elaine, feeling thoroughly wronged, mustered the courage to speak out, "But you didn't have to be so rough... you just started hitting me out of nowhere..."

Verity, her patience running thin, slapped her even harder, snapping, "How dare you talk back?"

And that slap? Oh boy, it knocked two of Elaine's already-loose front teeth right out! It was like a dental disaster. Elaine's upper lip crumpled, and a metallic taste of blood swirled in her mouth. Those teeth? Well, they ended up as unwanted passengers inside her mouth for a moment, but she quickly spat them out, looking at the bloody bits with heart-wrenching sobs. "Just end it! I can't take this anymore!"

Verity, undeterred, continued the onslaught, scolding, "Quit the theatrics! Do you think you're the queen of noise here in the slammer?"

Elaine, her face a wreck, sobbed in despair, while Mrs. Wilson, thrilled by the drama, went full WWE on her hair, yanking and shouting, "Why the waterworks now? You acted like a tough cookie back at Thomson Elite! Show these fellow inmates how the 'No. 1 Aurous Hill Shrew' rolls!"

Enter Wendy, the voice of reason (and gossip), urgently chiming in, "Don't be fooled by her act, folks! She's colder than an ice cube! She treated her poor mother-in-law like dirt, living it up in a swanky Thomson Elite villa while her mom-in-law suffered. And guess what? She didn't even buy that villa herself; her son-in-law pulled off some shady business to get it!"

The crowd gasped. "Wait, what's the son-in-law's deal? How did he swindle a villa?"

Wendy was quick with the comeback, "Who cares how he did it? Any sane person would be grateful for such a pad, no matter how it landed in their lap. But not her. She dissed her son-in-law, and pushed her daughter to divorce him... Is a lady like that asking for a beatdown, or what?"

The crowd nodded in agreement, thinking Elaine had it coming.

Meanwhile, Elaine was still on the floor, face in her hands, too terrified to speak.

Verity, ever the antagonist, tossed her a piece of paper and a pen, ordering coldly, "Start writing, or you'll get more of my special treatment!"

Elaine, swallowing her pride, tremblingly took the pen and started scribbling.

Once she finished, Mrs. Wilson snatched the letter, gave it a read, and couldn't hide her smirk. "In fifteen days, we'll be living it up in that Thomson Elite villa, while you rot in here!"

Fearing she might spend her life behind bars, Elaine's tears flowed once more.

Verity, clearly irritated, kicked her again, growling, "Quit the waterworks! Your sobbing's getting on my nerves!"

Elaine, nursing her kicked side, protested, "You said you wouldn't hit me!"

Verity, with a cold grin, nodded, "I did, but I changed my mind. Any issues with that?"

Hearing this, Elaine fumed with anger, turning to her mother for support, "Mom, you promised! You said she wouldn't hit me once I wrote the letter!"

Mrs. Wilson, giving her daughter the stink eye, pinched her arm viciously and retorted, "You're so naive. Did you really think a letter would save you from a good beating? You might be stuck here forever, and I've got just fifteen days to give you a piece of my mind. I won't miss this golden opportunity!" 😈

Chapter 828: A Slap and a Dinner Dilemma

As soon as she finished her words, she didn't hold back anymore and raised her hand, delivering a resounding slap to Elaine. Her voice, cold as ice, pierced the air, "I've found you utterly repulsive ever since the day Jacob decided to tie the knot with you. Your presence has been a thorn in my side for years, and I'm determined to ensure you reap what you've sown!"

Elaine was utterly shattered!

She never anticipated that Mrs. Wilson could be so audacious!

Her own words, just like that, were thrown back at her!

Yet, she found herself defenseless in this situation!

Especially with Verity in the room, she dared not voice her discontent!

With these thoughts racing through her mind, Elaine was overwhelmed by sorrow, hoping against hope that this was all a dreadful nightmare and that she would soon awaken.

After some time, the two individuals who had gone out to fetch the meal returned, each carrying a large plastic basket.

Inside, uniform aluminum alloy lunch boxes and utensils were neatly arranged, one for each person.

As they entered, someone excitedly exclaimed, "Dinner's served, let's dig in!"

With that, they rushed forward, eagerly grabbing a lunch box and starting their meal with great enthusiasm.

Verity too had an empty stomach and decided to temporarily put Elaine aside in favor of satisfying her own hunger.

Mrs. Wilson and Wendy, both equally famished, made their way to retrieve a lunch box as well.

Upon opening it, Wendy discovered that the lunch box had two compartments, one for vegetables and the other for rice.

What caught her attention was the familiarity of those vegetables.

Someone chimed in gleefully, "Tonight, we're feasting on duck bones stewed with cabbage! Yum!"

It suddenly dawned on Wendy why the vegetables seemed so recognizable.

They had just had them for lunch.

The thought left her feeling queasy. Her once-ravenous stomach now seemed oddly full.

However, the old lady, undeterred, inquired between bites, "Wendy, why aren't you eating?"

Wendy, her mood gloomy, replied, "Grandma, it's almost the same as what we had for lunch..."

Mrs. Wilson countered, "It's even tastier than what I made. Give it a try, and you'll see."

Wendy let out a deep sigh and lamented, "I've had enough of this taste."

Verity gently reminded her, "Young lady, this meal is more than adequate. If you skip it now, you'll have to wait until 7 a.m. tomorrow. And should hunger strike tonight, there won't be any snacks to save you."

Anxiously, Wendy inquired, "Can I skip this one and eat when I get hungry later?"

Verity explained, "Mealtime lasts half an hour. After that, they'll come around to collect the utensils for inventory. If you don't eat now, they'll take it away, unless you hide it in your washbasin and sneak a bite when you're hungry at night."

For Wendy, who had been pampered for so long, the idea was unbearable. The mere thought of eating from a washbasin made her gag, so she reluctantly conceded, "Alright, I'll have a few bites..." 😅🍽️

Chapter 829: Starving Hearts and Unexpected Company

Elaine, her body bearing the marks of a fierce struggle, found herself in a dire predicament. Hunger gnawed at her insides, a sensation so intense that it felt like her stomach was clinging to her spine for dear life.

Noontime arrived, and Charlie, having just finished whipping up a meal, awaited a hungry Elaine. But fate had other plans; the police arrived, and Elaine was whisked away before even a morsel could touch her lips.

The ensuing afternoon brought chaos and turmoil, coupled with the physical and emotional toll of the day's events, leaving her even more ravenous. With great effort, she crawled over to a corner, her eyes on a lunchbox nestled in a plastic basket. Her trembling hands reached for it, hope in her eyes.

Suddenly, a sharp voice sliced through the air. It was Verity, demanding, "Elaine, what are you doing?"

Elaine stammered, "B-Big sister, I just wanted to eat something..."

"Eat?" Verity's tone was frosty, her displeasure evident. "You, an ungrateful wretch, have the nerve to eat?"

"I... I..." Elaine was lost for words, trapped in a dilemma.

Verity's scolding continued, "What's with the 'I'? Come here!"

Elaine, her strength waning, obeyed, bowing and scraping. "Big sister, what do you need?"

Verity snatched the lunchbox from her trembling hand, her voice icy. "People like you don't deserve to eat. Get lost."

Elaine's eyes welled up with tears. "Sister, I only had a small bite this morning, and I'm on the verge of fainting from hunger. Please have mercy and let me eat a little..."

"Eat?" Verity chuckled with a hint of scorn. "You live in the luxurious Thomson Elite, and you're reduced to this kind of food?"

Elaine sobbed, "Sister, I'm truly starving. Please, show some compassion. Let me have just a little. You can't bear to see me starve to death, can you?"

Verity's voice remained cold. "Don't fret; you won't die from a few days without food."

Elaine pleaded, "But I'm so hungry..."

With a disgusted look, Verity interrupted, "Are you done yet? You'd better disappear. Say another word, and I might just decide to end you right here."

Terrified of another beating, Elaine retreated into a corner, tears streaming down her face, her stomach aching as she watched Verity devour her meal, spoonful by spoonful...

At that very moment, Charlie was in the spacious kitchen of Thomson Elite, crafting a delectable dinner.

Claire and Elsa had returned home together. Elsa wasted no time, heading straight for the kitchen. She exclaimed, "Oh, I've been staying here, causing you trouble. Let me lend a hand with household chores!"

Without waiting for permission, she dove into the kitchen, blushing as she asked Charlie, "Is there anything I can assist you with?"

Charlie, sensing her intentions, responded swiftly, "No need for help. Why don't you go relax and watch TV with Claire?"

Elsa pouted playfully. "But I don't want to watch TV! I just want to be your little helper."

Charlie chuckled and insisted, "Honestly, no need. I'm used to cooking alone. Please, just go and take a seat, and dinner will be served shortly."

Just then, Claire entered the kitchen, inquiring, "Charlie, have you seen my mom?"

Chapter 830 - "Mystery of the Vanishing Mom 💫"

"No way, seriously?" Charlie acted surprised, throwing a playful grin her way. "What's up? Mom hasn't made it back yet?"

"Nope," Claire replied, a hint of worry in her eyes. "I thought she was just hanging out with her friends, but one of them called me a while ago. They haven't heard from her since the afternoon. They were supposed to confirm dinner plans, but she's MIA. I asked Dad, and he's clueless too, so I thought I'd check with you."

Charlie adopted a nonchalant tone, "Honestly, I've got no clue where Mom's gone. She hit me up for some cash around noon, and said she was meeting friends for a meal. But now that Dad's the money manager, I told her she needed his green light. Dad shut down the cash flow, and Mom wasn't exactly thrilled."

Claire nodded thoughtfully, murmuring to herself, "This is weird. She's not home, and didn't meet up with friends. Where could she be..."

Charlie raised an eyebrow, tossing out a playful idea, "Maybe she's off somewhere playing mahjong?"

Claire shook her head, frowning, "Nah, she wouldn't just ditch her phone like that. She's never been this unreachable."

"What if her phone's battery died?" Charlie suggested, trying to keep the mood light. "Don't stress too much. Mom's a grown-up; she can handle herself."

Claire let out a sigh, "Even though she's all grown up, sometimes her behavior's more childish than ours. I'm genuinely worried she might get into some trouble."

Elsa chimed in, surprised, "Is Auntie really missing?"

"Yeah," Claire said, a worried look in her eyes. "Can't reach her on her phone, and no one seems to have seen her."

Just then, Jacob popped in, looking baffled, "Why'd you all head straight for the kitchen? I was hoping for some company while having tea."

Claire got straight to the point, "Dad, did Mom get in touch with you? She's not back yet, and it's late."

At the mention of Elaine, Jacob snorted, irritation clear in his voice, "Who knows? Don't bother with her. She's probably causing trouble somewhere."

Ever since he found out about Elaine squandering their savings, Jacob's discontent with her had been hard to miss.

Lately, every time he saw her, the memory of their lost money surfaced, and he just wished she'd leave him in peace.

Claire sighed, feeling somewhat helpless, "Dad, I get it, Mom messed up big time. But she's apologized and realized her mistake. Can't you forgive her? What if she leaves home because of you?"

"Leave home?" Jacob scoffed disdainfully. "If she really goes, I'll head to Luohan Temple tonight, light some incense, and thank the heavens. I'd be relieved if she disappeared from my life like Zoraida!"

Hearing this, Claire felt a deep sense of powerlessness. Her parents' relationship had hit an all-time low, and she didn't know what to do.

After a moment of silence, she said, "Dad, regardless of what Mom did, you've been together for over two decades. Can't you find it in your heart to forgive each other?"

Jacob waved her off, his tone resolute, "Forgive her? Impossible. I'll never forgive her in this lifetime!"

With that, Jacob strolled away, hands clasped behind his back.

Claire sighed deeply, hesitating before turning to Charlie, "Charlie, you've got a lot of connections in Aurous Hill, and you're tight with Orvel Heller. Can you ask him to help us find Mom?"

Charlie responded, "Babe, even kids sometimes stay out late. Mom's only been gone since the afternoon. No need to stress. Remember how she'd sit at the mahjong table for hours, never leaving before eight rounds? Even if she's playing cards at a friend's place, we might not find her even if we turned Aurous Hill upside down."

After some thought, Claire said, "Okay, let's wait a little longer. If she doesn't show up by ten o'clock, I'm heading to the police."

"The police?" Charlie couldn't help but cringe a bit. "Isn't that a bit extreme? The police are swamped with important stuff. We shouldn't bother them with this."

"But we have to," Claire insisted firmly. "Great Aunt went missing and hasn't been found yet. What if the same thing happens to Mom? If she's not back or reachable by ten, you're coming with me to the police station!" 😕🚨


Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 15, 2023
Honestly just tell Claire that Elaine tried to steal 22 billion. When they ask how Charlie got it, tell them that when Weavers came to Aurous Hill to cause trouble the Wards, Walkers, Simon and Orvel entrusted Charlie with money for protection against retaliating (because of the tik-tok videos, knowing that Weavers are Walkers' guests) , because he's the most low-key and most skilled in martial arts.
Your story now holds up.
1. Family has seen Charlie's fighting power.
2. Family knows Elaine's greed.
3. Charlie has the notifications that show attempted transfer of funds.
4. Elaine has been caught lying multiple times, Jacob won't believe her no way, Elsa is too infatuated with Charlie to protest and when it's 3 against 1 even Claire will doubt her mother.
5. Charlie can even push the bullshit further, saying that in exchange for money, favors and protection, he now has to do odd jobs for them. Wouldn't be too suspicious since he only has to make one phone call for everyone to confirm the story.

But that would require some thinking from author, along with neatly tying loose ends for the time being. But so far we're stuck with a writer who only has thirst for endless drama. Just like with the divorce so far everything will be swept under the rug. Only Elaine will be much more hostile towards Charlie once she gets out.
Go on author, prove me wrong. I dream of it 🙏 😄


Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 15, 2023
Master Junlee how about we write our own book :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Dustin has chosen the life of a desert nomad. Charlie can't make a decission because he's too far in love with Claire.
They're both wimps and given how low the bar is set, not only for these two stories, I reckon we wouldn't do a bad job ;)
But I can't write, I only have ideas :LOL:

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 831 - "The Search for Elaine"

During dinner, Claire's appetite seemed nonexistent. She played with her chopsticks, more absorbed in her phone, repeatedly calling Elaine and sending WeChat videos. But it was as if her efforts were met with silence, like dropping a stone into a bottomless ocean.

Jacob, on the other hand, sat at ease, seemingly unperturbed. In his eyes, it might have been for the best if Elaine had vanished, much like Zoraida had. That way, he could finally find relief from his burdens.

Anxious and restless, Claire kept mentioning going to the police station. In response, Jacob casually remarked, "Claire, your mother's a grown woman. Maybe she's got her things to do. Why stress about it? What if she's decided to leave this home? You can't expect the police to bring her back, can you?"

"How could that be?" Claire earnestly replied, "Mom has dreamt of living at Thomson Elite for so long, and now that we've finally moved in, it's not like her to leave now. Dad, you've been with her for so long, don't you understand her?"

Jacob fell into deep thought. His daughter's words struck a chord with him.

Who was Elaine, really? She was someone with an insatiable appetite for luxury, almost to the point of obsession. And she had always yearned for a life of opulence. It didn't seem like her style to leave the family on the very day they moved into Thomson Elite.

This realization made him frown and wonder if something unfortunate had befallen Elaine. Though he often found her irritating, the thought of something happening to her after all these years together left him with an uneasy feeling. Staying home and sipping tea suddenly didn't seem quite right.

So, he sighed and said, "Let's eat first, and afterward, I'll go out with you to search for her."

Seeing her father's softened stance, Claire felt somewhat relieved and quickly suggested, "Dad, how about we split up? I'll go to the police station, and you can check the mahjong parlors Mom frequents."

"Alright, I'll have a look around," agreed Jacob.

Charlie chimed in, "Wife, I'll go with you to the police station."

Claire hurriedly replied, "Reporting to the police is a simple task; one person is enough. You better go with Dad and search for her."

"Okay," Charlie nodded, but he couldn't help but worry about Claire. He turned to Elsa, saying, "Elsa, please accompany Claire."

Elsa promptly responded, "No problem, I'll go with Claire."

After a hasty meal, the four of them split into two cars and left Thomson Elite, heading in different directions.

Claire drove Elsa to the police station, while Charlie drove Jacob to the various mahjong parlors.

Before getting into the car, though, Charlie sent a WeChat message to Isaac: "My wife is going to report to the police. Please talk to the police station and make sure they don't reveal any information about my mother-in-law."

Isaac swiftly replied, "Don't worry, young master. I've got it all sorted. Your wife won't find any information about Elaine."

"That's a relief," Charlie said with a sigh of relief.

As they drove, he asked Jacob, "Dad, where should we start looking?"

Jacob sighed, "I'm not sure where she likes to play mahjong. Let's just drive around the neighborhood and see if we spot any mahjong parlors. If we do, we can go in and take a look."

Charlie couldn't help but chuckle internally, realizing that Jacob was merely going through the motions, putting on a show for Claire.

After checking several mahjong parlors without finding any trace of Elaine, Jacob didn't seem overly concerned. His primary aim was to appear as if he was making an effort, partly to ease his conscience. As for Elaine's actual whereabouts and well-being, it seemed he wasn't overly troubled by it.

Chapter 832: "Grilled Skewers and Family Secrets"

After their fruitless search, Jacob proposed, "Charlie, how about we call it a day and grab some skewers? Dinner felt so rushed and tense; I barely got to eat."

Charlie grinned, replying, "Sure thing, Dad. I know a great roadside barbecue spot."

Jacob smacked his thigh with enthusiasm, exclaiming, "Perfect! Let's go for some grilled kidneys and have a couple of beers while we're at it."

Charlie jumped in, "I'm driving, Dad. I can't drink."

Jacob waved it off, saying, "No worries, I'll call a designated driver. It's not every day we get to enjoy a drink together. Your mom is always buzzing around us, driving me crazy. Now that she's not here, why not savor a few drinks?"

Charlie shrugged, grinning, "You got it, let's have a drink!"

With that settled, he drove them to the barbecue stand.

They ordered an array of skewers and a handful of beer bottles, happily settling by the roadside to enjoy their meal.

With Elaine conspicuously absent, Charlie, the puppeteer behind the scenes, couldn't have been happier.

Jacob, who'd endured Elaine's torment for so long, felt a sense of relief and was in high spirits.

Just as they began to dig in, Claire dialed Charlie's number.

Charlie quickly signaled to Jacob and answered the call with concern, "Hello, Claire, did you report this to the police?"

Claire's voice carried a touch of dejection, "Yes, I did. But the police said they couldn't launch an immediate search since Mom is an adult and hasn't been missing for long enough. However, they've registered her as a missing person and promised to notify me if there's any news."

Charlie reassured, "That's a good step. The police are right; they can't mobilize a full-scale operation for a few hours. They have other important matters to attend to."

"Ahh..." Claire sighed, "I just have this uneasy feeling. I can't shake the feeling that something might happen to Mom... Knowing her temperament, she could easily get into trouble if she clashes with someone outside..."

Charlie thought to himself, 'Like mother, like daughter.' Claire knew Elaine's character inside out.

Silently, he admired her even more. After being with Claire for over three years and marrying into the Wilson family, he had come to value her not just for her beauty but for her kindness and good nature, particularly in a family as challenging as the Wilsons. From Elaine to the old lady, and even the entire Noah clan, not one of them could be considered good.

Jacob was passable but timid and easily frightened.

In such a family, Claire's virtues shone brilliantly in Charlie's eyes.

He also contemplated Elaine's predicament.

If he kept her locked away indefinitely, Claire would never find peace.

It meant, for the sake of his wife, he would eventually need to release his troublesome mother-in-law.

Releasing her was an option, but he had to ensure that Elaine endured enough suffering first.

Yet, he had other pressing concerns.

For instance, once Elaine was freed, she would undoubtedly confront him about a certain bank card, suspecting his involvement in a fraud scheme.

She would almost certainly spill the beans to Claire.

Thus, he needed to find a way to keep Elaine quiet! 😬🤐

Chapter 833 - "Spirits High, Clues Low"

Charlie sat there, lost in thought, as Claire couldn't contain her impatience any longer. "So, how's it going with Dad? Any progress?"

Charlie, eyeing a stack of kebabs and a cold beer, let out a reluctant sigh. "Well," he began, "we're on a relentless quest, scouring every mahjong parlor in town. But so far, no leads."

With a heavy heart, Claire sighed, "Keep searching. Elsa and I will continue our efforts too."

"Absolutely," Charlie assured her quickly. "Don't worry, Dad and I won't give up!"

"Great," Claire replied. "I'll hang up now. Let's keep in touch if anything comes up."

"Sure thing!"

After ending the call, Jacob, already enthusiastically devouring the kebabs, took a hearty gulp of beer and poured one for Charlie. "Son-in-law, no one's going to rain on our parade today. Let's raise a toast to a fresh start."

Charlie couldn't help but chuckle to himself. With Elaine out of the picture, it seemed like his father-in-law had finally found a bit of freedom. He nodded in agreement but added a word of caution, "Remember, you should drink in moderation; it's not great for your health."

Jacob laughed heartily. "Happiness does wonders for the soul! Honestly, I'm secretly hoping that your mom got roped into some pyramid scheme. A little hardship won't hurt her, and it might keep her occupied for three to five years, giving us some peace."

Charlie nodded, deep in thought. "That would be nice, but I'm worried Claire wouldn't accept it."

Jacob sighed, "You're right, Claire is incredibly filial, sometimes to a fault. Does your mom deserve all this devotion? After all, you're not even blood-related. But if it were your mother, would you still be so devoted?"

Charlie felt a mix of discomfort and nostalgia. "If my mom were still alive, even if she were worse than my mother-in-law, I'd still willingly care for her."

"Fair point," Jacob admitted, feeling a bit sheepish. "My apologies for bringing it up. Take me, for instance. Claire's grandma and her mom are so similar – both strong-willed, one older, one younger."

He continued, taking another sip of his drink and speaking earnestly, "That's why I don't blindly follow tradition. If my mother messes up, she can't stay in my house. Why? We need to have a sense of right and wrong. You can't protect someone just because they're your mother, right?"

Charlie nodded thoughtfully. "You make a valid point."

Jacob sighed, "Your life is better than mine. Marrying a wonderful girl like Claire means that even if you stumble, she won't divorce you. If you had married someone as difficult as me, your life would have been far from easy."

Charlie, seeing the melancholy in Jacob's eyes, couldn't help but feel empathy. His father-in-law had faced many challenges in life. He had once had a sweet first love, a mutual affection, only to have it taken away by Elaine.

Intrigued, Charlie asked, "Dad, can you share more about your first love? At the class reunion, some of the uncles mentioned it, and it sounded like quite a story."

"Legendary? Hardly," Jacob sighed. "Merit Hanley and I planned to get married after graduation. Going abroad was a dream, but her family had connections. We were set to marry and pursue our studies together in the U.S....."

With frustration in his voice, he continued, "But just before graduation, at a party, I got a bit too tipsy! When I regained my senses, your mother-in-law and I had already..."

Covering his face with a heavy sigh, Jacob continued, "Elaine was cunning. She manipulated Merit and got her upset. Merit wasn't like Elaine, who loved making a scene. She simply wrote me a breakup letter and left for the U.S. alone. I haven't seen her since."

Curious, Charlie inquired, "Didn't you try to explain things to her back then?"

Chapter 834: "Unexpected Reunion"

"Can you believe this?" Jacob exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of bewilderment and nostalgia. "No matter how I try to make sense of it, what went down between Elaine and me is a cold, hard fact. Merit, well, she's got this cleanliness obsession that goes beyond just tidying up – it extends to her emotions too. She knows I got played by Elaine and ended up plastered, but she decided she couldn't be with someone like me anymore. That's why she bravely ended things and jetted off to the United States."

Charlie, with a twinkle in his eye, prodded further, "Do you still think about her?"

Jacob sighed, his guard down, "Of course, I do. How could I not? She was my first love, the only woman who ever held my heart. I mean, why else would I have her birthday as my phone's password..."

Charlie nodded, his expression understanding, and pressed on, "Have you tried finding out how she's been lately?"

Jacob nodded in response, saying, "I have. But there's not much to dig up. Word on the street is that a few years back, she tied the knot with an American and became a mom. Her family's pretty well-to-do, but that's about the extent of it. You know how it is, our old gang kinda lost touch with her over time, and eventually, she slipped off the radar."

Charlie thought to himself that if Merit had any inkling of the transformation Jacob had undergone, things might have taken a different turn for them.

Seeing Charlie abstain from the drink, Jacob, with a hint of annoyance, teased, "Come on, good son-in-law, why so sober? It's just me, drowning my sorrows!"

Charlie grinned, raising his glass, "Alright, alright, I'll join you for a drink."

Just then, Jacob's phone interrupted the moment.

An unfamiliar number lit up the screen, causing Jacob to furrow his brow, "Who on earth would be calling me at this hour?"

Without thinking, he answered the call.

A soft, feminine voice inquired, "Is this Jacob Wilson?"

Jacob froze, his nerves tingling, "Who... who's this...?"

The woman on the other end chuckled gently, "It's Hanley, Merit."

Jacob was struck speechless as if struck by lightning!

After a brief stunned silence, he exclaimed with excitement, "Merit? Is it you?!"

"It's me," she replied with a warm laugh, "Has my voice changed so much that you couldn't recognize it? But your voice, it's still as familiar as ever."

Jacob, a tad flustered, stammered, "I... you... It's been years since we last spoke, why are you calling me all of a sudden? I... I was just chatting about you with my son-in-law..."

"Really?" Her curiosity piqued, she inquired further, "Why were you discussing me with your son-in-law? You didn't spill all those old stories, did you?"

"No, no," Jacob hastily reassured her, clearly caught off guard, "I was just having a drink with my son-in-law, got a bit tipsy, and got lost in memories."

With eagerness in his voice, Jacob couldn't help but ask, "Merit... what prompted you to reach out to me?"

Merit's voice softened, "My son and I are planning to move back to our homeland, so I thought about reconnecting with you and some other old classmates. Once I return to Aurous Hill, I'd love to treat you all to a meal. After all, it's been over two decades since we last saw each other..."

Chapter 835: Unexpected Reunion

Jacob couldn't have imagined in a million years that he'd receive a call from Merit in this lifetime. It was a bolt from the blue, but what truly took him by surprise was the news that Merit was planning to return to China!

After university, she had hopped straight across the pond to the United States, and since then, she'd vanished from everyone's radar for over two decades.

But even after two long decades of separation, just hearing her voice stirred something deep within Jacob's heart.

With excitement, he blurted out, "Merit, you're coming back? When will you be here?!"

Merit replied with a warm smile, "I'm boarding the plane as we speak. I should land in Aurous Hill around eleven o'clock tomorrow morning. If all goes well, we can have a reunion dinner with our old classmates the day after tomorrow!"

Jacob practically leaped with joy. "So, you're arriving in Aurous Hill tomorrow? Where will you be staying?"

Merit shared, "My son has already booked a room at the Shangri-La Hotel. We'll stay there for a few days before hunting for a suitable home in Aurous Hill."

Jacob cautiously asked, "And your husband, is he coming back with you?"

"No," Merit replied with a hint of sorrow in her voice. "My husband passed away, which is why I've decided to return to China with my son, leaving behind the somber memories in the United States."

Jacob couldn't contain his happiness.

He enthusiastically suggested, "How about we grab a meal together once you land? I'll pick you up and give you a warm welcome!"

Merit hesitated for a moment, then voiced her concern, "Oh, but if Elaine finds out, she might not be too thrilled about you dining with me, right?"

Upon hearing this, Jacob almost burst out laughing.


She had disappeared!

Haha! Just as she vanished, Merit was making her triumphant return. This was destiny at work!

Jacob, beaming, stood up from his seat at the barbecue stall and paced around. "Don't worry about Elaine. Our relationship has taken a nosedive, and we're currently separated. She doesn't meddle in my affairs anymore."

Merit exclaimed in surprise, "You two are separated?"

Jacob let out a sigh. "It's a long story, like a child without a mother."

He quickly added, "Merit, let me pick you up at the airport tomorrow. You're staying at the Shangri-La, right? Let's have lunch together there!"

After some thought, Merit agreed, "Well, I'm bringing my son along. Is that alright?"

Jacob reassured her, "Absolutely no problem! I'll bring my son-in-law; he's about your son's age. Let the young ones chat, and we can catch up."

"Sounds good," Merit said with a smile. "See you at the airport tomorrow. It's been over twenty years, so don't forget to make a sign; we might not recognize each other!"

Jacob replied enthusiastically, "Of course, I'll make a sign for tomorrow!"

Merit added, "Jacob I should go now; I'm boarding the flight. It's a long one, over twelve hours. I'll touch down in Aurous Hill at around ten tomorrow morning."

"Perfect!" Jacob exclaimed with a silly grin. "See you at the airport tomorrow!"

After hanging up the phone, Jacob jumped around with excitement, feeling like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy.

Charlie watched, highly amused, and couldn't help but inquire, "Dad, is your first love coming back?" 😄❤️

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Master Junlee how about we write our own book :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Dustin has chosen the life of a desert nomad. Charlie can't make a decission because he's too far in love with Claire.
They're both wimps and given how low the bar is set, not only for these two stories, I reckon we wouldn't do a bad job ;)
But I can't write, I only have ideas :LOL:
I think Gily can write something like that. Ill suggest a title"The Pervert Dragon Son-in-law Millionaire" the one that will ravish Sarah Walker, Dianne, Abby, Elsa, Doris, and all the girls that will come his way.


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 831 - "The Search for Elaine"

During dinner, Claire's appetite seemed nonexistent. She played with her chopsticks, more absorbed in her phone, repeatedly calling Elaine and sending WeChat videos. But it was as if her efforts were met with silence, like dropping a stone into a bottomless ocean.

Jacob, on the other hand, sat at ease, seemingly unperturbed. In his eyes, it might have been for the best if Elaine had vanished, much like Zoraida had. That way, he could finally find relief from his burdens.

Anxious and restless, Claire kept mentioning going to the police station. In response, Jacob casually remarked, "Claire, your mother's a grown woman. Maybe she's got her things to do. Why stress about it? What if she's decided to leave this home? You can't expect the police to bring her back, can you?"

"How could that be?" Claire earnestly replied, "Mom has dreamt of living at Thomson Elite for so long, and now that we've finally moved in, it's not like her to leave now. Dad, you've been with her for so long, don't you understand her?"

Jacob fell into deep thought. His daughter's words struck a chord with him.

Who was Elaine, really? She was someone with an insatiable appetite for luxury, almost to the point of obsession. And she had always yearned for a life of opulence. It didn't seem like her style to leave the family on the very day they moved into Thomson Elite.

This realization made him frown and wonder if something unfortunate had befallen Elaine. Though he often found her irritating, the thought of something happening to her after all these years together left him with an uneasy feeling. Staying home and sipping tea suddenly didn't seem quite right.

So, he sighed and said, "Let's eat first, and afterward, I'll go out with you to search for her."

Seeing her father's softened stance, Claire felt somewhat relieved and quickly suggested, "Dad, how about we split up? I'll go to the police station, and you can check the mahjong parlors Mom frequents."

"Alright, I'll have a look around," agreed Jacob.

Charlie chimed in, "Wife, I'll go with you to the police station."

Claire hurriedly replied, "Reporting to the police is a simple task; one person is enough. You better go with Dad and search for her."

"Okay," Charlie nodded, but he couldn't help but worry about Claire. He turned to Elsa, saying, "Elsa, please accompany Claire."

Elsa promptly responded, "No problem, I'll go with Claire."

After a hasty meal, the four of them split into two cars and left Thomson Elite, heading in different directions.

Claire drove Elsa to the police station, while Charlie drove Jacob to the various mahjong parlors.

Before getting into the car, though, Charlie sent a WeChat message to Isaac: "My wife is going to report to the police. Please talk to the police station and make sure they don't reveal any information about my mother-in-law."

Isaac swiftly replied, "Don't worry, young master. I've got it all sorted. Your wife won't find any information about Elaine."

"That's a relief," Charlie said with a sigh of relief.

As they drove, he asked Jacob, "Dad, where should we start looking?"

Jacob sighed, "I'm not sure where she likes to play mahjong. Let's just drive around the neighborhood and see if we spot any mahjong parlors. If we do, we can go in and take a look."

Charlie couldn't help but chuckle internally, realizing that Jacob was merely going through the motions, putting on a show for Claire.

After checking several mahjong parlors without finding any trace of Elaine, Jacob didn't seem overly concerned. His primary aim was to appear as if he was making an effort, partly to ease his conscience. As for Elaine's actual whereabouts and well-being, it seemed he wasn't overly troubled by it.

Chapter 832: "Grilled Skewers and Family Secrets"

After their fruitless search, Jacob proposed, "Charlie, how about we call it a day and grab some skewers? Dinner felt so rushed and tense; I barely got to eat."

Charlie grinned, replying, "Sure thing, Dad. I know a great roadside barbecue spot."

Jacob smacked his thigh with enthusiasm, exclaiming, "Perfect! Let's go for some grilled kidneys and have a couple of beers while we're at it."

Charlie jumped in, "I'm driving, Dad. I can't drink."

Jacob waved it off, saying, "No worries, I'll call a designated driver. It's not every day we get to enjoy a drink together. Your mom is always buzzing around us, driving me crazy. Now that she's not here, why not savor a few drinks?"

Charlie shrugged, grinning, "You got it, let's have a drink!"

With that settled, he drove them to the barbecue stand.

They ordered an array of skewers and a handful of beer bottles, happily settling by the roadside to enjoy their meal.

With Elaine conspicuously absent, Charlie, the puppeteer behind the scenes, couldn't have been happier.

Jacob, who'd endured Elaine's torment for so long, felt a sense of relief and was in high spirits.

Just as they began to dig in, Claire dialed Charlie's number.

Charlie quickly signaled to Jacob and answered the call with concern, "Hello, Claire, did you report this to the police?"

Claire's voice carried a touch of dejection, "Yes, I did. But the police said they couldn't launch an immediate search since Mom is an adult and hasn't been missing for long enough. However, they've registered her as a missing person and promised to notify me if there's any news."

Charlie reassured, "That's a good step. The police are right; they can't mobilize a full-scale operation for a few hours. They have other important matters to attend to."

"Ahh..." Claire sighed, "I just have this uneasy feeling. I can't shake the feeling that something might happen to Mom... Knowing her temperament, she could easily get into trouble if she clashes with someone outside..."

Charlie thought to himself, 'Like mother, like daughter.' Claire knew Elaine's character inside out.

Silently, he admired her even more. After being with Claire for over three years and marrying into the Wilson family, he had come to value her not just for her beauty but for her kindness and good nature, particularly in a family as challenging as the Wilsons. From Elaine to the old lady, and even the entire Noah clan, not one of them could be considered good.

Jacob was passable but timid and easily frightened.

In such a family, Claire's virtues shone brilliantly in Charlie's eyes.

He also contemplated Elaine's predicament.

If he kept her locked away indefinitely, Claire would never find peace.

It meant, for the sake of his wife, he would eventually need to release his troublesome mother-in-law.

Releasing her was an option, but he had to ensure that Elaine endured enough suffering first.

Yet, he had other pressing concerns.

For instance, once Elaine was freed, she would undoubtedly confront him about a certain bank card, suspecting his involvement in a fraud scheme.

She would almost certainly spill the beans to Claire.

Thus, he needed to find a way to keep Elaine quiet! 😬🤐

Chapter 833 - "Spirits High, Clues Low"

Charlie sat there, lost in thought, as Claire couldn't contain her impatience any longer. "So, how's it going with Dad? Any progress?"

Charlie, eyeing a stack of kebabs and a cold beer, let out a reluctant sigh. "Well," he began, "we're on a relentless quest, scouring every mahjong parlor in town. But so far, no leads."

With a heavy heart, Claire sighed, "Keep searching. Elsa and I will continue our efforts too."

"Absolutely," Charlie assured her quickly. "Don't worry, Dad and I won't give up!"

"Great," Claire replied. "I'll hang up now. Let's keep in touch if anything comes up."

"Sure thing!"

After ending the call, Jacob, already enthusiastically devouring the kebabs, took a hearty gulp of beer and poured one for Charlie. "Son-in-law, no one's going to rain on our parade today. Let's raise a toast to a fresh start."

Charlie couldn't help but chuckle to himself. With Elaine out of the picture, it seemed like his father-in-law had finally found a bit of freedom. He nodded in agreement but added a word of caution, "Remember, you should drink in moderation; it's not great for your health."

Jacob laughed heartily. "Happiness does wonders for the soul! Honestly, I'm secretly hoping that your mom got roped into some pyramid scheme. A little hardship won't hurt her, and it might keep her occupied for three to five years, giving us some peace."

Charlie nodded, deep in thought. "That would be nice, but I'm worried Claire wouldn't accept it."

Jacob sighed, "You're right, Claire is incredibly filial, sometimes to a fault. Does your mom deserve all this devotion? After all, you're not even blood-related. But if it were your mother, would you still be so devoted?"

Charlie felt a mix of discomfort and nostalgia. "If my mom were still alive, even if she were worse than my mother-in-law, I'd still willingly care for her."

"Fair point," Jacob admitted, feeling a bit sheepish. "My apologies for bringing it up. Take me, for instance. Claire's grandma and her mom are so similar – both strong-willed, one older, one younger."

He continued, taking another sip of his drink and speaking earnestly, "That's why I don't blindly follow tradition. If my mother messes up, she can't stay in my house. Why? We need to have a sense of right and wrong. You can't protect someone just because they're your mother, right?"

Charlie nodded thoughtfully. "You make a valid point."

Jacob sighed, "Your life is better than mine. Marrying a wonderful girl like Claire means that even if you stumble, she won't divorce you. If you had married someone as difficult as me, your life would have been far from easy."

Charlie, seeing the melancholy in Jacob's eyes, couldn't help but feel empathy. His father-in-law had faced many challenges in life. He had once had a sweet first love, a mutual affection, only to have it taken away by Elaine.

Intrigued, Charlie asked, "Dad, can you share more about your first love? At the class reunion, some of the uncles mentioned it, and it sounded like quite a story."

"Legendary? Hardly," Jacob sighed. "Merit Hanley and I planned to get married after graduation. Going abroad was a dream, but her family had connections. We were set to marry and pursue our studies together in the U.S....."

With frustration in his voice, he continued, "But just before graduation, at a party, I got a bit too tipsy! When I regained my senses, your mother-in-law and I had already..."

Covering his face with a heavy sigh, Jacob continued, "Elaine was cunning. She manipulated Merit and got her upset. Merit wasn't like Elaine, who loved making a scene. She simply wrote me a breakup letter and left for the U.S. alone. I haven't seen her since."

Curious, Charlie inquired, "Didn't you try to explain things to her back then?"

Chapter 834: "Unexpected Reunion"

"Can you believe this?" Jacob exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of bewilderment and nostalgia. "No matter how I try to make sense of it, what went down between Elaine and me is a cold, hard fact. Merit, well, she's got this cleanliness obsession that goes beyond just tidying up – it extends to her emotions too. She knows I got played by Elaine and ended up plastered, but she decided she couldn't be with someone like me anymore. That's why she bravely ended things and jetted off to the United States."

Charlie, with a twinkle in his eye, prodded further, "Do you still think about her?"

Jacob sighed, his guard down, "Of course, I do. How could I not? She was my first love, the only woman who ever held my heart. I mean, why else would I have her birthday as my phone's password..."

Charlie nodded, his expression understanding, and pressed on, "Have you tried finding out how she's been lately?"

Jacob nodded in response, saying, "I have. But there's not much to dig up. Word on the street is that a few years back, she tied the knot with an American and became a mom. Her family's pretty well-to-do, but that's about the extent of it. You know how it is, our old gang kinda lost touch with her over time, and eventually, she slipped off the radar."

Charlie thought to himself that if Merit had any inkling of the transformation Jacob had undergone, things might have taken a different turn for them.

Seeing Charlie abstain from the drink, Jacob, with a hint of annoyance, teased, "Come on, good son-in-law, why so sober? It's just me, drowning my sorrows!"

Charlie grinned, raising his glass, "Alright, alright, I'll join you for a drink."

Just then, Jacob's phone interrupted the moment.

An unfamiliar number lit up the screen, causing Jacob to furrow his brow, "Who on earth would be calling me at this hour?"

Without thinking, he answered the call.

A soft, feminine voice inquired, "Is this Jacob Wilson?"

Jacob froze, his nerves tingling, "Who... who's this...?"

The woman on the other end chuckled gently, "It's Hanley, Merit."

Jacob was struck speechless as if struck by lightning!

After a brief stunned silence, he exclaimed with excitement, "Merit? Is it you?!"

"It's me," she replied with a warm laugh, "Has my voice changed so much that you couldn't recognize it? But your voice, it's still as familiar as ever."

Jacob, a tad flustered, stammered, "I... you... It's been years since we last spoke, why are you calling me all of a sudden? I... I was just chatting about you with my son-in-law..."

"Really?" Her curiosity piqued, she inquired further, "Why were you discussing me with your son-in-law? You didn't spill all those old stories, did you?"

"No, no," Jacob hastily reassured her, clearly caught off guard, "I was just having a drink with my son-in-law, got a bit tipsy, and got lost in memories."

With eagerness in his voice, Jacob couldn't help but ask, "Merit... what prompted you to reach out to me?"

Merit's voice softened, "My son and I are planning to move back to our homeland, so I thought about reconnecting with you and some other old classmates. Once I return to Aurous Hill, I'd love to treat you all to a meal. After all, it's been over two decades since we last saw each other..."

Chapter 835: Unexpected Reunion

Jacob couldn't have imagined in a million years that he'd receive a call from Merit in this lifetime. It was a bolt from the blue, but what truly took him by surprise was the news that Merit was planning to return to China!

After university, she had hopped straight across the pond to the United States, and since then, she'd vanished from everyone's radar for over two decades.

But even after two long decades of separation, just hearing her voice stirred something deep within Jacob's heart.

With excitement, he blurted out, "Merit, you're coming back? When will you be here?!"

Merit replied with a warm smile, "I'm boarding the plane as we speak. I should land in Aurous Hill around eleven o'clock tomorrow morning. If all goes well, we can have a reunion dinner with our old classmates the day after tomorrow!"

Jacob practically leaped with joy. "So, you're arriving in Aurous Hill tomorrow? Where will you be staying?"

Merit shared, "My son has already booked a room at the Shangri-La Hotel. We'll stay there for a few days before hunting for a suitable home in Aurous Hill."

Jacob cautiously asked, "And your husband, is he coming back with you?"

"No," Merit replied with a hint of sorrow in her voice. "My husband passed away, which is why I've decided to return to China with my son, leaving behind the somber memories in the United States."

Jacob couldn't contain his happiness.

He enthusiastically suggested, "How about we grab a meal together once you land? I'll pick you up and give you a warm welcome!"

Merit hesitated for a moment, then voiced her concern, "Oh, but if Elaine finds out, she might not be too thrilled about you dining with me, right?"

Upon hearing this, Jacob almost burst out laughing.


She had disappeared!

Haha! Just as she vanished, Merit was making her triumphant return. This was destiny at work!

Jacob, beaming, stood up from his seat at the barbecue stall and paced around. "Don't worry about Elaine. Our relationship has taken a nosedive, and we're currently separated. She doesn't meddle in my affairs anymore."

Merit exclaimed in surprise, "You two are separated?"

Jacob let out a sigh. "It's a long story, like a child without a mother."

He quickly added, "Merit, let me pick you up at the airport tomorrow. You're staying at the Shangri-La, right? Let's have lunch together there!"

After some thought, Merit agreed, "Well, I'm bringing my son along. Is that alright?"

Jacob reassured her, "Absolutely no problem! I'll bring my son-in-law; he's about your son's age. Let the young ones chat, and we can catch up."

"Sounds good," Merit said with a smile. "See you at the airport tomorrow. It's been over twenty years, so don't forget to make a sign; we might not recognize each other!"

Jacob replied enthusiastically, "Of course, I'll make a sign for tomorrow!"

Merit added, "Jacob I should go now; I'm boarding the flight. It's a long one, over twelve hours. I'll touch down in Aurous Hill at around ten tomorrow morning."

"Perfect!" Jacob exclaimed with a silly grin. "See you at the airport tomorrow!"

After hanging up the phone, Jacob jumped around with excitement, feeling like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy.

Charlie watched, highly amused, and couldn't help but inquire, "Dad, is your first love coming back?" 😄❤️
I'm really happy for Jacob


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
I think Gily can write something like that. Ill suggest a title"The Pervert Dragon Son-in-law Millionaire" the one that will ravish Sarah Walker, Dianne, Abby, Elsa, Doris, and all the girls that will come his way.
Hahaha 😆 I could write one chapter and others could write remaining chapters


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 831 - "The Search for Elaine"

During dinner, Claire's appetite seemed nonexistent. She played with her chopsticks, more absorbed in her phone, repeatedly calling Elaine and sending WeChat videos. But it was as if her efforts were met with silence, like dropping a stone into a bottomless ocean.

Jacob, on the other hand, sat at ease, seemingly unperturbed. In his eyes, it might have been for the best if Elaine had vanished, much like Zoraida had. That way, he could finally find relief from his burdens.

Anxious and restless, Claire kept mentioning going to the police station. In response, Jacob casually remarked, "Claire, your mother's a grown woman. Maybe she's got her things to do. Why stress about it? What if she's decided to leave this home? You can't expect the police to bring her back, can you?"

"How could that be?" Claire earnestly replied, "Mom has dreamt of living at Thomson Elite for so long, and now that we've finally moved in, it's not like her to leave now. Dad, you've been with her for so long, don't you understand her?"

Jacob fell into deep thought. His daughter's words struck a chord with him.

Who was Elaine, really? She was someone with an insatiable appetite for luxury, almost to the point of obsession. And she had always yearned for a life of opulence. It didn't seem like her style to leave the family on the very day they moved into Thomson Elite.

This realization made him frown and wonder if something unfortunate had befallen Elaine. Though he often found her irritating, the thought of something happening to her after all these years together left him with an uneasy feeling. Staying home and sipping tea suddenly didn't seem quite right.

So, he sighed and said, "Let's eat first, and afterward, I'll go out with you to search for her."

Seeing her father's softened stance, Claire felt somewhat relieved and quickly suggested, "Dad, how about we split up? I'll go to the police station, and you can check the mahjong parlors Mom frequents."

"Alright, I'll have a look around," agreed Jacob.

Charlie chimed in, "Wife, I'll go with you to the police station."

Claire hurriedly replied, "Reporting to the police is a simple task; one person is enough. You better go with Dad and search for her."

"Okay," Charlie nodded, but he couldn't help but worry about Claire. He turned to Elsa, saying, "Elsa, please accompany Claire."

Elsa promptly responded, "No problem, I'll go with Claire."

After a hasty meal, the four of them split into two cars and left Thomson Elite, heading in different directions.

Claire drove Elsa to the police station, while Charlie drove Jacob to the various mahjong parlors.

Before getting into the car, though, Charlie sent a WeChat message to Isaac: "My wife is going to report to the police. Please talk to the police station and make sure they don't reveal any information about my mother-in-law."

Isaac swiftly replied, "Don't worry, young master. I've got it all sorted. Your wife won't find any information about Elaine."

"That's a relief," Charlie said with a sigh of relief.

As they drove, he asked Jacob, "Dad, where should we start looking?"

Jacob sighed, "I'm not sure where she likes to play mahjong. Let's just drive around the neighborhood and see if we spot any mahjong parlors. If we do, we can go in and take a look."

Charlie couldn't help but chuckle internally, realizing that Jacob was merely going through the motions, putting on a show for Claire.

After checking several mahjong parlors without finding any trace of Elaine, Jacob didn't seem overly concerned. His primary aim was to appear as if he was making an effort, partly to ease his conscience. As for Elaine's actual whereabouts and well-being, it seemed he wasn't overly troubled by it.

Chapter 832: "Grilled Skewers and Family Secrets"

After their fruitless search, Jacob proposed, "Charlie, how about we call it a day and grab some skewers? Dinner felt so rushed and tense; I barely got to eat."

Charlie grinned, replying, "Sure thing, Dad. I know a great roadside barbecue spot."

Jacob smacked his thigh with enthusiasm, exclaiming, "Perfect! Let's go for some grilled kidneys and have a couple of beers while we're at it."

Charlie jumped in, "I'm driving, Dad. I can't drink."

Jacob waved it off, saying, "No worries, I'll call a designated driver. It's not every day we get to enjoy a drink together. Your mom is always buzzing around us, driving me crazy. Now that she's not here, why not savor a few drinks?"

Charlie shrugged, grinning, "You got it, let's have a drink!"

With that settled, he drove them to the barbecue stand.

They ordered an array of skewers and a handful of beer bottles, happily settling by the roadside to enjoy their meal.

With Elaine conspicuously absent, Charlie, the puppeteer behind the scenes, couldn't have been happier.

Jacob, who'd endured Elaine's torment for so long, felt a sense of relief and was in high spirits.

Just as they began to dig in, Claire dialed Charlie's number.

Charlie quickly signaled to Jacob and answered the call with concern, "Hello, Claire, did you report this to the police?"

Claire's voice carried a touch of dejection, "Yes, I did. But the police said they couldn't launch an immediate search since Mom is an adult and hasn't been missing for long enough. However, they've registered her as a missing person and promised to notify me if there's any news."

Charlie reassured, "That's a good step. The police are right; they can't mobilize a full-scale operation for a few hours. They have other important matters to attend to."

"Ahh..." Claire sighed, "I just have this uneasy feeling. I can't shake the feeling that something might happen to Mom... Knowing her temperament, she could easily get into trouble if she clashes with someone outside..."

Charlie thought to himself, 'Like mother, like daughter.' Claire knew Elaine's character inside out.

Silently, he admired her even more. After being with Claire for over three years and marrying into the Wilson family, he had come to value her not just for her beauty but for her kindness and good nature, particularly in a family as challenging as the Wilsons. From Elaine to the old lady, and even the entire Noah clan, not one of them could be considered good.

Jacob was passable but timid and easily frightened.

In such a family, Claire's virtues shone brilliantly in Charlie's eyes.

He also contemplated Elaine's predicament.

If he kept her locked away indefinitely, Claire would never find peace.

It meant, for the sake of his wife, he would eventually need to release his troublesome mother-in-law.

Releasing her was an option, but he had to ensure that Elaine endured enough suffering first.

Yet, he had other pressing concerns.

For instance, once Elaine was freed, she would undoubtedly confront him about a certain bank card, suspecting his involvement in a fraud scheme.

She would almost certainly spill the beans to Claire.

Thus, he needed to find a way to keep Elaine quiet! 😬🤐

Chapter 833 - "Spirits High, Clues Low"

Charlie sat there, lost in thought, as Claire couldn't contain her impatience any longer. "So, how's it going with Dad? Any progress?"

Charlie, eyeing a stack of kebabs and a cold beer, let out a reluctant sigh. "Well," he began, "we're on a relentless quest, scouring every mahjong parlor in town. But so far, no leads."

With a heavy heart, Claire sighed, "Keep searching. Elsa and I will continue our efforts too."

"Absolutely," Charlie assured her quickly. "Don't worry, Dad and I won't give up!"

"Great," Claire replied. "I'll hang up now. Let's keep in touch if anything comes up."

"Sure thing!"

After ending the call, Jacob, already enthusiastically devouring the kebabs, took a hearty gulp of beer and poured one for Charlie. "Son-in-law, no one's going to rain on our parade today. Let's raise a toast to a fresh start."

Charlie couldn't help but chuckle to himself. With Elaine out of the picture, it seemed like his father-in-law had finally found a bit of freedom. He nodded in agreement but added a word of caution, "Remember, you should drink in moderation; it's not great for your health."

Jacob laughed heartily. "Happiness does wonders for the soul! Honestly, I'm secretly hoping that your mom got roped into some pyramid scheme. A little hardship won't hurt her, and it might keep her occupied for three to five years, giving us some peace."

Charlie nodded, deep in thought. "That would be nice, but I'm worried Claire wouldn't accept it."

Jacob sighed, "You're right, Claire is incredibly filial, sometimes to a fault. Does your mom deserve all this devotion? After all, you're not even blood-related. But if it were your mother, would you still be so devoted?"

Charlie felt a mix of discomfort and nostalgia. "If my mom were still alive, even if she were worse than my mother-in-law, I'd still willingly care for her."

"Fair point," Jacob admitted, feeling a bit sheepish. "My apologies for bringing it up. Take me, for instance. Claire's grandma and her mom are so similar – both strong-willed, one older, one younger."

He continued, taking another sip of his drink and speaking earnestly, "That's why I don't blindly follow tradition. If my mother messes up, she can't stay in my house. Why? We need to have a sense of right and wrong. You can't protect someone just because they're your mother, right?"

Charlie nodded thoughtfully. "You make a valid point."

Jacob sighed, "Your life is better than mine. Marrying a wonderful girl like Claire means that even if you stumble, she won't divorce you. If you had married someone as difficult as me, your life would have been far from easy."

Charlie, seeing the melancholy in Jacob's eyes, couldn't help but feel empathy. His father-in-law had faced many challenges in life. He had once had a sweet first love, a mutual affection, only to have it taken away by Elaine.

Intrigued, Charlie asked, "Dad, can you share more about your first love? At the class reunion, some of the uncles mentioned it, and it sounded like quite a story."

"Legendary? Hardly," Jacob sighed. "Merit Hanley and I planned to get married after graduation. Going abroad was a dream, but her family had connections. We were set to marry and pursue our studies together in the U.S....."

With frustration in his voice, he continued, "But just before graduation, at a party, I got a bit too tipsy! When I regained my senses, your mother-in-law and I had already..."

Covering his face with a heavy sigh, Jacob continued, "Elaine was cunning. She manipulated Merit and got her upset. Merit wasn't like Elaine, who loved making a scene. She simply wrote me a breakup letter and left for the U.S. alone. I haven't seen her since."

Curious, Charlie inquired, "Didn't you try to explain things to her back then?"

Chapter 834: "Unexpected Reunion"

"Can you believe this?" Jacob exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of bewilderment and nostalgia. "No matter how I try to make sense of it, what went down between Elaine and me is a cold, hard fact. Merit, well, she's got this cleanliness obsession that goes beyond just tidying up – it extends to her emotions too. She knows I got played by Elaine and ended up plastered, but she decided she couldn't be with someone like me anymore. That's why she bravely ended things and jetted off to the United States."

Charlie, with a twinkle in his eye, prodded further, "Do you still think about her?"

Jacob sighed, his guard down, "Of course, I do. How could I not? She was my first love, the only woman who ever held my heart. I mean, why else would I have her birthday as my phone's password..."

Charlie nodded, his expression understanding, and pressed on, "Have you tried finding out how she's been lately?"

Jacob nodded in response, saying, "I have. But there's not much to dig up. Word on the street is that a few years back, she tied the knot with an American and became a mom. Her family's pretty well-to-do, but that's about the extent of it. You know how it is, our old gang kinda lost touch with her over time, and eventually, she slipped off the radar."

Charlie thought to himself that if Merit had any inkling of the transformation Jacob had undergone, things might have taken a different turn for them.

Seeing Charlie abstain from the drink, Jacob, with a hint of annoyance, teased, "Come on, good son-in-law, why so sober? It's just me, drowning my sorrows!"

Charlie grinned, raising his glass, "Alright, alright, I'll join you for a drink."

Just then, Jacob's phone interrupted the moment.

An unfamiliar number lit up the screen, causing Jacob to furrow his brow, "Who on earth would be calling me at this hour?"

Without thinking, he answered the call.

A soft, feminine voice inquired, "Is this Jacob Wilson?"

Jacob froze, his nerves tingling, "Who... who's this...?"

The woman on the other end chuckled gently, "It's Hanley, Merit."

Jacob was struck speechless as if struck by lightning!

After a brief stunned silence, he exclaimed with excitement, "Merit? Is it you?!"

"It's me," she replied with a warm laugh, "Has my voice changed so much that you couldn't recognize it? But your voice, it's still as familiar as ever."

Jacob, a tad flustered, stammered, "I... you... It's been years since we last spoke, why are you calling me all of a sudden? I... I was just chatting about you with my son-in-law..."

"Really?" Her curiosity piqued, she inquired further, "Why were you discussing me with your son-in-law? You didn't spill all those old stories, did you?"

"No, no," Jacob hastily reassured her, clearly caught off guard, "I was just having a drink with my son-in-law, got a bit tipsy, and got lost in memories."

With eagerness in his voice, Jacob couldn't help but ask, "Merit... what prompted you to reach out to me?"

Merit's voice softened, "My son and I are planning to move back to our homeland, so I thought about reconnecting with you and some other old classmates. Once I return to Aurous Hill, I'd love to treat you all to a meal. After all, it's been over two decades since we last saw each other..."

Chapter 835: Unexpected Reunion

Jacob couldn't have imagined in a million years that he'd receive a call from Merit in this lifetime. It was a bolt from the blue, but what truly took him by surprise was the news that Merit was planning to return to China!

After university, she had hopped straight across the pond to the United States, and since then, she'd vanished from everyone's radar for over two decades.

But even after two long decades of separation, just hearing her voice stirred something deep within Jacob's heart.

With excitement, he blurted out, "Merit, you're coming back? When will you be here?!"

Merit replied with a warm smile, "I'm boarding the plane as we speak. I should land in Aurous Hill around eleven o'clock tomorrow morning. If all goes well, we can have a reunion dinner with our old classmates the day after tomorrow!"

Jacob practically leaped with joy. "So, you're arriving in Aurous Hill tomorrow? Where will you be staying?"

Merit shared, "My son has already booked a room at the Shangri-La Hotel. We'll stay there for a few days before hunting for a suitable home in Aurous Hill."

Jacob cautiously asked, "And your husband, is he coming back with you?"

"No," Merit replied with a hint of sorrow in her voice. "My husband passed away, which is why I've decided to return to China with my son, leaving behind the somber memories in the United States."

Jacob couldn't contain his happiness.

He enthusiastically suggested, "How about we grab a meal together once you land? I'll pick you up and give you a warm welcome!"

Merit hesitated for a moment, then voiced her concern, "Oh, but if Elaine finds out, she might not be too thrilled about you dining with me, right?"

Upon hearing this, Jacob almost burst out laughing.


She had disappeared!

Haha! Just as she vanished, Merit was making her triumphant return. This was destiny at work!

Jacob, beaming, stood up from his seat at the barbecue stall and paced around. "Don't worry about Elaine. Our relationship has taken a nosedive, and we're currently separated. She doesn't meddle in my affairs anymore."

Merit exclaimed in surprise, "You two are separated?"

Jacob let out a sigh. "It's a long story, like a child without a mother."

He quickly added, "Merit, let me pick you up at the airport tomorrow. You're staying at the Shangri-La, right? Let's have lunch together there!"

After some thought, Merit agreed, "Well, I'm bringing my son along. Is that alright?"

Jacob reassured her, "Absolutely no problem! I'll bring my son-in-law; he's about your son's age. Let the young ones chat, and we can catch up."

"Sounds good," Merit said with a smile. "See you at the airport tomorrow. It's been over twenty years, so don't forget to make a sign; we might not recognize each other!"

Jacob replied enthusiastically, "Of course, I'll make a sign for tomorrow!"

Merit added, "Jacob I should go now; I'm boarding the flight. It's a long one, over twelve hours. I'll touch down in Aurous Hill at around ten tomorrow morning."

"Perfect!" Jacob exclaimed with a silly grin. "See you at the airport tomorrow!"

After hanging up the phone, Jacob jumped around with excitement, feeling like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy.

Charlie watched, highly amused, and couldn't help but inquire, "Dad, is your first love coming back?" 😄❤️
Jacob: Can't you see how happy I am and you are still asking that kind of question
Afterall you heard our conversation

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 836: "Dad's Dilemma and Charlie's Night Out"

Jacob couldn't contain his excitement as he exclaimed, "Exactly!" He leaned in closer, adding a touch of playfulness, "The real kicker is that her husband is out of the picture now, haha! It's like the universe is giving me a hand, you know?"

Charlie, nodding in agreement, chimed in, "Dad, but remember, Mom's still very much alive..."

Jacob's expression shifted, and he hastily clarified, "Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not wishing any harm to her."

With a sigh, Jacob continued, "It'd just be nice if she, like Zoraida, ran off with someone else..."

Charlie shook his head, understanding his father's newfound infatuation with Merit, who was about to return to the country. Any lingering feelings for Elaine seemed to have vanished.

Charlie couldn't help but mull over the situation, "I just wish Claire could see Mom's disappearance the same way you do."

If Claire felt the way Jacob did, he'd make Elaine disappear in a heartbeat.

For someone like Elaine, being taken care of with food and shelter was too good. Sending her to a dark coal mine to dig coal and spend time with Zoraida seemed like a more fitting fate.

Zoraida's group probably detested Elaine to the core. If Elaine ended up there, she might find herself getting beaten dozens of times a day.

Unfortunately, Claire was too kind and too forgiving towards Elaine.

Jacob was in high spirits, savoring his food and drinks. He kept encouraging Charlie to drink with him, but Charlie would discreetly pour the drink away when his father wasn't looking. After all, it was his first night sharing a bed with Claire, and he didn't want to spoil it with the smell of alcohol.

By the time Jacob had his fill, it was well past ten o'clock at night. Claire called Charlie to inquire about the search. Charlie had to break the news, "We haven't found her yet. It seems she didn't go out to play mahjong. How about you?"

Worry laced Claire's voice as she replied, "I've reached out to Mom's old friends, but no one seems to have any leads."

Charlie suggested, "Let's not keep running around aimlessly tonight. We'll head home and wait. We've already reported her disappearance to the police; they'll be on the lookout, right?"

With a sigh, Claire agreed, "You're right. That's all we can do for now. Elsa and I are heading back. You and Dad should come home too."

"Alright," Charlie agreed, ending the call, and then turned to Jacob, "Dad, let's go."

Jacob slapped his thigh in delight, his playful demeanor returning, "Let's do it! We'll head back, take a relaxing bath, get a good night's sleep, and tomorrow morning, you'll join me at the airport."

Charlie was surprised, "You want me to come along?"

"Of course," Jacob grinned. "Merit will bring her son, and I don't want him to be a third wheel. You can keep him entertained while Merit and I catch up."

"Sounds good," Charlie agreed, adding, "I'll come with you tomorrow."

"Oh, by the way," Jacob said with a hint of embarrassment, "My dear son-in-law, I'm completely broke. I've returned all the money I had left from buying furniture. How about you arrange a table for me tomorrow at Shangri-La?"

Charlie reassured him, "I'll take care of it." He genuinely had no ulterior motives towards his father-in-law; Jacob had been decent to him.

Charlie sent a WeChat message to Isaac, requesting a reservation for a private room at Shangri-La for the following day. He made sure not to book the best one, as that would raise questions. A moderately upscale room would suffice.

Isaac promptly instructed the Shangri-La lobby manager to make the reservation.

Meanwhile, in the detention center.

With the lights off, Elaine lay on her uncomfortable wooden bed, her stomach growling loudly.

Verity, lying nearby, couldn't hold back her annoyance, "Elaine, if your stomach keeps making that noise, you might as well sleep in the toilet!" 😒🚽

Chapter 837: Elaine's Unfortunate Night

Lying there on the bed, Elaine couldn't help but feel utterly wronged. It had been over twelve hours since she had last eaten, and on top of that, she had endured a brutal beating. Her stomach was in agony, growling loudly despite her best efforts to ignore it.

But she dared not provoke Verity. That woman was viciously violent, and Elaine knew it all too well.

As she considered just burying her head and trying to sleep, her rebellious stomach growled again.

This time, Verity jumped up and stormed over to Elaine in just a few strides, delivering a stinging slap to her already bruised face. The pain was excruciating, and Elaine could only plead in a pitiful tone, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it wasn't on purpose..."

With two front teeth missing, Elaine's speech was severely impaired, making it hard to understand her.

Verity slapped her once more, scolding, "What's wrong with your tongue? Can't you speak up? Louder and clearer!"

Elaine quickly raised her voice, "It wasn't on purpose! I'm sorry!"

With that shout, a spray of saliva from the gaps where her teeth used to be landed directly on Verity's face.

Enraged, Verity grabbed Elaine's hair and dragged her off the bed, pulling her by the hair into the bathroom.

Elaine struggled and screamed all the way, but no one offered any sympathy; instead, they watched with morbid fascination.

Old Mrs. Wilson, unsteadily, reached the bathroom door and observed as Verity pressed Elaine against the damp floor, beating her relentlessly. She spoke with a sinister smile, "Verity, make her spend the night in the bathroom!"

Verity nodded, slapped Elaine again, and issued a menacing threat, "If you dare leave the bathroom tonight, I'll beat you to a pulp!"

Elaine's face swelled even further from the slap, and in excruciating pain, she could only nod repeatedly and whimper unclearly, "I'll sleep in the bathroom! I'll sleep in the bathroom! Please, don't hit me anymore, I'll do anything, please!"

Verity snorted coldly and retorted, "On the brink of death? Let me tell you, your worst days are still ahead. Just you wait!"

With those words, she kicked Elaine one more time before making her exit.

Old Mrs. Wilson didn't leave; instead, she leaned against the door frame, gazing at Elaine lying on the ground, crying bitterly, and sneering, "Elaine, the heavens see everything. You ungrateful wretch, did you think that by keeping me out of Thomson Elite, you could have it all to yourself? Look at you now! You haven't even spent one night there, and you've fallen to this state. Do you know what this proves? It proves you were never meant to live in Thomson Elite!"

Through her tears, Elaine pleaded, "Mom, I admit everything in the past was my fault, but you've already hit and scolded me. Please, ask Verity to stop beating me. I truly understand my mistakes now!"

"Understanding your mistakes?" Old Mrs. Wilson scoffed, "Do you think I don't see through your tricks? You prey on the weak and cower before the strong. If it weren't for Verity and the others backing me up here, you would have turned on me long ago. Are people like you realizing your mistakes? That's like expecting the sun to rise in the west!"

In their twisted way, both Old Mrs. Wilson and Elaine were well-versed in each other's games. The old lady knew that neither of them would truly submit unless forced by circumstances. If Elaine ever had the upper hand, she would become even more ruthless.

Chapter 838: "Trouble Brewing and the Inebriated Dad"

"Isn't this a mirror image of my situation?" she pondered.

So, she didn't have any plans to go easy on Elaine.

Furthermore, the humiliation she endured at Thomson Elite still burned deep within her. With an icy tone, she declared, "You're sipping on the bitter tea you brewed for yourself. Savor the misery you've concocted! And guess what? This is just day one; we've got a delightful two-week journey ahead!"

With a final disdainful huff, Madame Wilson sauntered out of the bathroom, leaving Elaine all alone on the cold bathroom floor, aching from hunger and consumed by despair. The urge to let out a loud wail tugged at her heart, but the fear of Verity's wrath made her swiftly clamp her hand over her mouth.

Unable to hold it in any longer, she curled up, hugging her knees tightly, and buried her face between her legs, sobbing uncontrollably.

Never in her life had Elaine experienced such anguish. The torment of this single day surpassed the sum of her entire existence. The thought of enduring another fourteen days in this prison-like room with Madame Wilson sent shivers down her spine, and the prospect of indefinite detention plunged her even deeper into the abyss of despair, nearly drying up her tears.


While Elaine wept in the bathroom of the detention center, Charlie and his father-in-law had just pulled up to the lavish villa in Thomson Elite.

His father-in-law, clearly in high spirits, was humming a tune and sporting an ear-to-ear grin.

Claire and Elsa had already returned earlier.

As Charlie and Jacob entered the house, they found Claire pacing anxiously in the living room.

Upon spotting them, Claire immediately inquired, "Dad, Charlie, how many mahjong parlors did you guys visit?"

Jacob, with a touch of guilt, responded, "We lost count, honestly. We just kept bouncing from one mahjong parlor to another, asking everyone we met."

Claire pressed on, "And you didn't find any leads?"

"Absolutely nothing," Jacob waved his hand dismissively. "Come on, Claire, your mom is a grown-up; she won't get into serious trouble. Worst case scenario, she's fallen for some pyramid scheme. Don't overthink it."

"How can I not worry..." Claire's eyes welled up with tears. "What if something terrible has happened to her? Without any news, anything could have gone wrong. The longer it drags on, the more dangerous it becomes. Just look at all those missing person cases online – how many end happily? Most of them end up in terrible situations, encountering malicious individuals. It's always the worst-case scenario."

Jacob, slightly tipsy and preoccupied with Merit, downplayed Elaine's situation. He casually remarked, "It's not as dire as you're imagining. What does your mom have that would attract trouble? As for theft, is she wealthy? We've lost all our money already. And as for kidnapping, does she look like a target? For a criminal to risk imprisonment or worse for one abduction, and to choose someone like her as a victim – wouldn't that be a terrible trade?"

"Dad!" Claire's frustration was palpable. "How can you say such things?!"

Jacob, his mind fogged by Merit's presence and a few drinks, continued, "Brutally honest, my dear. She's neither rolling in wealth nor a beauty queen. What's the worst that can happen?"

"Besides, you know your mom's temper. Who'd dare cross her? She used to shout out of our old apartment window, and all the neighborhood dogs would fall silent. Are you seriously concerned about her getting into trouble?"

Claire was left speechless, her anger bubbling up as she sniffed indignantly. Then, with a pointed accusation, she asked, "Dad! Have you been hitting the bottle?!" 🍷🙄

Chapter 839 - "A Boozy Surprise and a Culprit Revealed!"

Claire had no clue that Jacob had been hitting the bottle. But as she drew nearer, she suddenly caught a whiff of the strong alcohol emanating from him, and boy, did she flip her lid!

Now, she wasn't fussy about her old man having a drink now and then. The real kicker here was that he'd sworn on the mahjong table that he was off to hunt down her mom. But what's this? He waltzed back reeking of booze!

I mean, come on! That was a dead giveaway that he hadn't gone searching for her mom – he'd gone searching for a different kind of "spirit"!

When Jacob got a whiff of Claire's interrogations about his little drinking escapade, he got all flustered. He clapped his hand over his mouth, took a few cautious steps back, and stammered, "Hold on, don't jump to conclusions, I swear I didn't touch a drop!"

Claire wasn't having any of it. She huffed and puffed, and her foot came down hard in frustration. "You're the one who's talking nonsense! I can smell that alcohol a mile away. You weren't reeking of it when you left, and now you're a walking distillery! You must've guzzled down some in between!"

As she ranted, her eyes fixated on Jacob's shirt collar, and she spotted a couple of greasy stains. Her eyes welled up with fury. "Mom's missing, and instead of being on the hunt, you're out wining and dining. How can you be so darn carefree!"

Jacob tried to explain, "Uh, you see... I really..."

Claire, not in the mood for excuses, cut him off. "Dad, do you think I'm buying this?"

Seeing the futility of his protest, Jacob turned to Charlie, eyes pleading for a little support. He signaled Charlie with a subtle glance, conveying the message: "Hey, you're my son-in-law; be a sport and take the heat for me."

Charlie, sharp as a tack, immediately nodded and chimed in, "Absolutely, it was all my idea to have a drink."

In truth, Charlie knew well that since he hadn't sipped a drop while Jacob was a bit sloshed, the more he claimed responsibility, the less Claire would swallow it.

No surprise, Claire stamped her foot in frustration. "Dad, you're still trying to blame Charlie now? Can't you take some responsibility?"

Jacob sighed, resigned. "I'm telling the truth, but if you don't believe me, what can I do?"

With that, he added, "You know, I'm getting up there in years, and after ten o'clock, I start feeling drowsy. I'm off to my room for some shut-eye."

Claire wanted to stop him, but he was already gone, not looking back.

Helplessly, she turned to Charlie and said, "And you, when I called, you said you were looking for the mahjong parlor, but in reality, you took my dad out for food and drinks!"

Charlie cleared his throat and said, "Well, Dad was famished, and I couldn't just let him wander around on an empty stomach, right? What if he fainted from low blood sugar? That would've been dangerous."

Claire wasn't impressed. "Still, you shouldn't have fibbed to me. You could've just said you two were grabbing a bite."

Charlie found himself in a tricky spot and couldn't help but apologize, "Babe, I'm sorry, I didn't think this through. Your dad asked me not to spill the beans, so I didn't mention it on the phone."

As he spoke, Charlie didn't feel a shred of guilt. After all, in a blame game, the ball gets tossed back and forth. With her dad out of sight, it made sense to shift the blame in his direction.

Claire bought Charlie's explanation, thinking her old man had put him up to it, and that Charlie, feeling the heat, had concealed the truth.

Though she was less irritated, she still felt wronged and sighed, her emotions unraveling, "Charlie, my mom's gone missing, and neither my dad nor you seem to care. How am I supposed to search for her all on my own? What if something dreadful happens? How can I live with that guilt for the rest of my life?"

Charlie was quick to console her, "Hey, don't jump to conclusions. Your mom will be just fine." 😌🌟

Chapter 840 - "Turbulent Emotions and Unspoken Desires"

Claire had had enough and couldn't bear to hear more. She waved her hand and said, "You know what, let's not talk about this anymore. I need to retreat to my room and gather my thoughts."

With that, she began ascending the staircase.

Charlie watched her disappear around the staircase corner and couldn't help but release a deep sigh.

Dealing with Elaine was proving to be quite the challenge, indeed.

He couldn't eliminate her, and he couldn't make her vanish into thin air. Eventually, after she'd suffered enough, he'd have to bring her back.

However, bringing her back presented its own set of problems. How could he ensure her silence without her blurting out sensitive information?

Psychological suggestion?

Not reliable!

The downside of psychological suggestion was that once a person acted on the suggestion, they lost consciousness. Like Quintin Weaver, who had suggested to himself that he needed an extra meal every hour. As he ate, he followed that suggestion, completely forgetting himself, consumed by the thought of eating more and more.

But when he was full and the suggestion ended, he'd regain his consciousness. He'd still be Quintin.

This made the situation tricky. If he gave Elaine a psychological suggestion not to speak recklessly, it had to be continuously effective. If it were, Elaine wouldn't be herself anymore; she'd become either a madwoman or entirely devoid of free will.

So, he needed Elaine to willingly keep quiet about his bank card. The technical difficulty of this task was undeniably high.

After Claire departed, the spacious living room was left with only Charlie and Elsa, who had been quiet throughout.

Elsa had been waiting for an opportunity to be alone with Charlie, and now that it had come, she quickly said, "Charlie, please don't be upset with Claire. She didn't mean to lash out. It's just that her aunt has gone missing and now her mom, and she's extremely anxious..."

Charlie nodded, replying, "I understand, and I won't hold it against her. After all, she's my wife."

Upon hearing this, a trace of envy flitted across Elsa's lovely eyes.

She couldn't comprehend why Charlie showed such genuine affection for Claire, even though their marriage was a sham. Did he not realize it was all an act?

With these thoughts, she felt a pang of sadness.

In terms of beauty, she didn't consider herself inferior to Claire.

Regarding family background, she hailed from the prestigious Dewey family of Eastcliff, a far superior lineage to Claire's.

Moreover, she had already confessed her feelings to him and genuinely loved him, yearning for a future together. So why was he still so protective of a woman who didn't reciprocate his love?

Unable to contain her emotions, she asked Charlie, her gaze filled with melancholy, "Charlie, you must be aware of my feelings for you. Do you not have any feelings for me at all?"

Charlie, hearing her words, found himself in an uncomfortable situation and responded, "Elsa, you are Claire's best friend, and Claire is my wife. Naturally, like Claire, I consider you a dear friend. There are many great men out there, and you don't need to focus on me. I am already married."

Elsa's eyes welled up with teardrops the size of beans. She stubbornly wiped them away and said, "Your marriage isn't real; it's merely a facade that's been going on for over three years. Sooner or later, it will come to an end! What then? Will you remain on the stage alone, continuing the charade?"

Charlie gazed at her, offering a faint smile, and reached out to wipe her tears away. His expression was resolute as he declared, "Trust me, this act will never see its final curtain." 😊💔

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 841: Love's Turbulent Waters

Elsa couldn't help but feel her heartstrings tugged as Charlie tenderly wiped away her tears, even though she knew his heart belonged to Claire. It was a bittersweet moment filled with a mix of emotions.

Her voice trembling, she said, "Charlie, if Claire truly loves you, I won't stand in the way. But you know she's only with you because of her promise to her grandfather. Can a love built on such a foundation truly be fulfilling? Why not explore a different path for both of you?"

With a catch in her throat, she continued, "What does Claire have that I lack? Tell me, and I'll strive to reach her level. Don't reject me so quickly; give me a chance, please?"

Charlie rose from his seat, shaking his head, "Elsa, sometimes you can't fathom a man's heart. Claire owes me a favor, just as you feel indebted to me. That alone is reason enough for me to stand by her side. Whether she loves me or not, I'm in no rush to find out. I have all the time in the world to understand, explore, and perhaps even change things – just as you feel about me. Even though I've repeatedly told you I'm married and have no interest in any woman besides Claire, haven't you continued to express your feelings for me?"

Elsa suddenly saw the parallels in their situations.

Indeed, Charlie's feelings for Claire mirrored her own for him.

With this realization, her heart ached just as intensely as his did.

Just as Charlie refused to give up on Claire, Elsa couldn't bring herself to give up on him.

Wiping away her tears, she looked at Charlie with determination, "If you're not willing to give up on Claire, then I won't give up on you either. If you can wait for Claire, then I can wait for you! No matter how long it takes, I'll keep waiting!"

Charlie sighed, "Alright, since you've made your decision, I'll respect it."

Afterward, Charlie checked the time and said, "It's getting late. You should go back to your room and get some rest."

Elsa nodded slightly, "You go ahead. I want to sit here for a while longer."

Charlie acknowledged her request and headed upstairs.

As Charlie left, Elsa remained on the sofa, her heart a whirlwind of emotions – resentment, determination, heartache, and affection, all battling within her.
She believed that Charlie might be the only man she could ever wholeheartedly love. If she couldn't be with him, she doubted she'd ever find another who could stir her heart in the same way.

The thought of never being with the man she loved most filled her with overwhelming sadness.

Was she destined to never be with Charlie in this lifetime?

No, she couldn't accept that!

She believed that fate, which had brought Charlie into her life twice to save her, wouldn't end their story in silence.

There would be a perfect ending, as long as she persisted with a sincere heart.

She would persevere, and then persevere some more, until victory!


When Charlie quietly opened his room door, he found Claire standing alone on the second-floor balcony.

Bathed in moonlight, her silhouette looked both ethereal and enchanting, stirring Charlie's heart.

Claire might have been naively devoted to her grandfather and Charlie as her husband, but it was precisely this unwavering loyalty that had prevented her from seeking a divorce.

Shortly after their marriage, Elder Wilson passed away.

At that time, the entire Wilson family had pressured Claire to divorce Charlie. After all, she had married him solely because of her grandfather's wishes, against the family's objections.

But her commitment to the marriage and to her legal husband meant that as long as Charlie didn't mention divorce, she wouldn't either. Her loyalty ran deep, and she was determined to honor her marriage vows.

Chapter 842: "A Twist of Fate"

Had Claire not clung to her stubborn "foolishness," she might have heeded the well-meaning advice and embraced a nourishing life much earlier.

The question that lingered, however, was what destiny would have unfolded in such a scenario.

Charlie dared not venture into that unsettling territory.

Before marrying Claire, his life had been a relentless struggle.

Upon turning 18, he had outgrown the orphanage's care. On that day, Aunt Lena, with her modest savings, had bought him a birthday cake, celebrating with teary eyes before reluctantly sending him away from the only home he'd known.

In that moment, Charlie once again found himself a solitary, lost soul in this unforgiving world.

Aunt Lena had wanted to aid him, find him a job, and offer financial support, but his pride had been an insurmountable barrier.

He took it upon himself to find work, and at the tender age of 18, he had been toiling away on a construction site, moving bricks, hauling sand, and wrestling with heavy bags of cement.

Refusing to rent a place, he had resided in a makeshift shelter at the construction site, subsisting on the most budget-friendly meals while engaging in the dirtiest, most grueling labor.

Of the money he earned, he allocated only a meager portion to cover his own expenses, generously donating the rest to the orphanage.

His altruism stemmed from the realization that there were countless other children at the orphanage, much like him—lonely, unsupported, and still far from adulthood, in desperate need of care and affection.

The orphanage, constrained by limited resources, could ensure these children were fed and clothed, but it couldn't guarantee that they ate well, enjoyed good meals, or wore nice clothing.

Hence, Charlie spared no effort in channeling the funds he had saved toward enhancing the lives of these younger children, even purchasing textbooks to encourage them to pursue education with diligence.

In his fourth year at the construction site, fate took a remarkable turn when his team secured a project from the prestigious Wilson family.

During a visit to the construction site, the elder Mr. Wilson noticed an uncanny resemblance between Charlie and his grandfather in his youth.

This connection ran deep in the annals of history, for a century ago, the Wilson family had served as loyal servants to the Wade family!

Mr. Wilson's grandfather had sought refuge in Eastcliff, nearly succumbing to starvation until the benevolent Wade family took him in. In gratitude, the Wilson family willingly bound themselves as lifelong servants to the Wade family, living harmoniously, marrying, and raising families within the Wade household.

Mr. Wilson's father had been born and raised under the Wade family's care and had subsequently chosen to pledge his life in service as well. Mr. Wilson himself came into the world within the auspices of the Wade family.

Thus, he grew up within the Wade household, serving as a devoted servant alongside the patriarch of the Wade family. They had grown up together, albeit with vastly different statuses—Mr. Wilson knew him, but the patriarch remained unaware of Mr. Wilson's existence.

As tumultuous times descended with the outbreak of war, the Wade family prepared to relocate to escape the conflict. Unable to take so many servants with them, they provided generous settlements and released most of them.

It was at this juncture that Mr. Wilson had departed with the settlement funds, returning to his hometown.

Hence, when he laid eyes on Charlie, he held a steadfast belief that this young man must be a descendant of the Wade family.

After a thorough inquiry, Charlie disclosed his family history.

Without hesitation, Mr. Wilson knelt down, delivering three profound kowtows to Charlie, expressing boundless gratitude for the kindness the Wade family had shown to the Wilson family in days long past.

With unwavering determination, Mr. Wilson ushered Charlie into the Wilson family, staunchly advocating for a union between his granddaughter, Claire, and the young man.

At that juncture, Mr. Wilson remained uncertain about Charlie's future trajectory, but he steadfastly believed that a descendant of the esteemed Wade family should not languish in the despair of a construction site.

The Wilson family, bound by generations of servitude to the Wade family, carried both a duty and a solemn obligation to provide sanctuary for this lost scion of the Wade lineage, bestowing upon him the comforts of a stable home! 😊🏡🌟

Chapter 843: "The Bumpy Road to Leveling Up"

As Charlie gazed into the abyss of his memories, he found himself drowning in a sea of emotions. 😔

In the vast Wilson family, only two souls had shown him true kindness. The late Elder Wilson had been one, and the other was none other than Claire, his wife.

With Elder Wilson now resting in the afterlife, the burden of caring for him fell solely on Claire's shoulders. 🌟

Watching Claire on the balcony, her worried expression tugging at his heartstrings, Charlie approached her with deliberate steps. "Claire, don't fret too much. I'm sure Mom will return safely," he said, attempting to reassure her.

Claire, still somewhat miffed, realized he had entered and shot him a glance. "You may not care deeply for her, so of course you think nothing will happen. Even if it does, you won't feel it in your bones."

Charlie sensed her lingering frustration and let out a soft sigh. He drew nearer, hoping to offer some comfort. "Wife, I understand your concern about Mom facing hardships or even danger, but consider this: adversity can sometimes be the catalyst for personal growth."

Claire replied, "I see your point, but the crucial thing is that the hardships should be within manageable bounds. If they escalate into genuine danger, then everything spirals out of control..."

Charlie nodded and suggested, "Let's get some rest for now. Tomorrow morning, we'll resume our search, okay?"

After a brief hesitation, Claire nodded. "Alright, let's get some sleep. Tomorrow, I'll head to the police station to inquire about their progress. They mentioned that if she's not found by tomorrow, they'll contact the Blue Sky Rescue Team for assistance."

"Exactly," Charlie agreed, trying to soothe her concerns. "The Blue Sky Rescue Team can mobilize substantial resources. Finding a person shouldn't be an issue."

"Hopefully..." Claire murmured before turning and heading back to their room.

Charlie followed closely, his excitement bubbling beneath the surface.

After all, this night could be a golden opportunity for him to level up and finally share a bed with his wife!

If things went according to plan, they might even accomplish their long-overdue wedding night!

With these thoughts, Charlie rushed into the room, eager to sweep Claire off her feet and onto the bed. However, she bypassed the bed and retrieved a set of bedding from the wardrobe, her annoyance evident. She scolded Charlie, "Here, you'll be sleeping on the floor tonight!"

Charlie blinked in surprise. "Huh?! But darling, didn't you say I could level up? I've been stuck at this level for over three years; it's high time I made progress!"

Claire, a mix of bashfulness and anger, stamped her foot. "That was before. The circumstances have changed, so let's postpone the leveling up!"

Charlie grumbled, "Postpone until when?"

Claire retorted with irritation, "Postpone until Mom comes back!"

Charlie sighed in resignation. "Alright, my dear. No leveling up for now. We'll wait until Mom returns."

That night, frustration gnawed at Charlie.

Simultaneously, he felt a growing irritation toward Elaine.

Oh, Elaine, your interference is relentless!

As this crossed his mind, Claire had already settled on the bed, her irritation palpable. "No sneaking in! Otherwise, I'll exile you to the bedroom downstairs!"

Charlie reluctantly agreed, saying, "Okay, dear. No leveling up for now. We'll wait until Mom returns."

That night, Charlie's emotions swirled in turmoil.

Simultaneously, his vexation with Elaine deepened.

This mother-in-law of his needed a lesson in manners. If only she hadn't swiped his black card, things might have taken a different course!

If only she had behaved herself, she would be occupying the grand upstairs bedroom, and he would be sharing a bed with Claire.

It seemed that some discipline was in order for this woman!

He resolved to give Isaac a nudge, ensuring that a few individuals would teach her a lesson. At the very least, she needed to learn not to pilfer from others or snatch their bank cards! 😡💳

Chapter 844: "The Reunion That Turned Back Time"

In stark contrast to Charlie's calm demeanor, Jacob upstairs was a ball of uncontainable excitement. His heart raced with anticipation, and sleep was a distant dream for him that night. In the quiet hours, he wandered down memory lane, relishing every moment spent with Merit. Those cherished memories became his solace, and with each mental replay, his eagerness for their upcoming reunion grew stronger.

Morning broke, and although he hadn't slept a wink, Jacob was surprisingly vibrant. A surge of energy pulsed through him, and a perpetual grin adorned his face. He rose early, meticulously groomed himself, eradicating even the tiniest hint of stubble. He combed his salt-and-pepper hair and styled it with precision. His closet yielded a high-end suit, a relic from the days when the Wilson family's fortunes were at their zenith, and he was the pampered second son. The suit, tailored in Hong Kong, miraculously still fit him like a glove.

Standing before the mirror, Jacob marveled at his rejuvenated appearance, seemingly a decade younger. As the saying goes, "Happiness brings a youthful glow," and he embodied it fully. The mere thought of reuniting with Merit sent shivers of excitement down his spine, making him wish he could teleport to the airport instantly to greet her.

But reality dictated otherwise; Merit's flight wouldn't touch down until after ten. With time to spare, Jacob descended to the dining room, where Claire and Elsa were sipping milk at the table. Meanwhile, Charlie was busy in the kitchen, concocting a breakfast of eggs and bacon. Elsa, with her keen eye for detail, was the first to spot Jacob's transformation and exclaimed, "Uncle, you look incredibly dashing today!"

"Really?" Jacob chuckled, his modesty showing as he inquired, "Do you think so?"

Elsa gave an enthusiastic thumbs-up and declared, "Absolutely!"

At that moment, Claire, glancing up from her milk, couldn't help but comment on her father's unusual attire, asking, "Dad, what's with the fancy outfit? What's going on?"

Jacob hastened to explain, "I have plans today. An old friend is returning from abroad, and I'm meeting her for a meal."

He added with a smile, "Oh, and Charlie will be joining us for lunch, so you don't have to worry about cooking. Just order something for yourself at the office."

"Dad!" Claire retorted with a hint of frustration, "Mom is still missing! I thought you and Charlie were going to help me search for her today. How can you go for lunch now?"

Jacob replied, his tone softening, "Sweetie, they've already arrived. I can't just cancel on them."

Claire, fuming with anger, questioned, "But Mom is missing! Shouldn't you be more concerned about her? How can you be in the mood for lunch? Are you and Mom even a couple?"

With unwavering determination, Jacob nodded and affirmed, "Yes, we are."

He then confided, "But we're separated."

Claire was rendered speechless, realizing that her father was preparing to meet his first love. The dissonance between her missing mother and her father's sartorial transformation left her seething with frustration.

In a firm tone, Jacob explained, "We can find your mother anytime, but I can't miss this lunch. I promise, after our meal, Charlie and I will dedicate ourselves to finding her."

Claire countered, "You can go on your own. Charlie will accompany me!"

Jacob persisted, "That won't do, sweetheart. They're bringing their son, and it wouldn't be appropriate for me to go alone. Why don't you let Charlie help search for your mom, and you come with me?" 😊

Chapter 845 - "Family Clash and Detention Drama"

When Claire's father, Jacob, dropped the bombshell of inviting her to meet his first love, her initial response was an emphatic, "I won't go!"

Jacob, the master of diplomacy, shrugged and retorted, "Well then, don't stop Charlie from joining me. One of you two has to be my partner in crime."

The flames of anger sparked within Claire, and she fired back, "Dad, seriously? You think having lunch with an old classmate takes precedence over finding Mom? Can't you see the difference?"

With a blunt and unexpected response, Jacob declared, "Of course, I can! Lunch with an old classmate is top-tier!"

A stunned Claire struggled to find words, her good-natured demeanor crumbling under the weight of her frustration.

But Jacob, as cool as a cucumber, continued, "Claire, you need to grasp a simple fact. The world doesn't orbit around your mom. There are four people in this family, and we all have our own needs. You can orbit around your mom, but you can't force me or Charlie to do the same. Don't we deserve our own lives and desires?"

With a hint of agitation, he added, "If your mom isn't found in a day, does that mean I can't do anything else but search for her? If she's never found, should I dedicate my entire life to the quest until I expire? If that's the case, I'd rather run away from home. Why deal with all this?"

Claire found herself momentarily silenced.

She couldn't deny that her father's reasoning had a flaw, yet it held a kernel of truth she couldn't ignore.

After a moment of reflection, she compromised, "Fine, you can meet your classmates. I won't object, but after that, you must help me search for Mom!"

"Deal, deal," Jacob agreed enthusiastically, flashing a grin. "You can trust me, I'll give it my all when the time comes."

As they discussed, Charlie emerged with a plate of fried eggs and bacon, taken aback by Jacob's dapper attire. He couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow, Dad, you're looking sharp today!"

Jacob chuckled, beaming with pride. "How about that? Impressive, right?"

Charlie nodded, grinning. "Absolutely impressive."

With the compromise settled, Claire instructed Charlie, "You'll accompany Dad for the lunch meetup with his classmate. Afterward, make a quick detour to places like mahjong parlors to inquire if anyone's seen Mom."

Charlie readily agreed, playfully adding, "Sure thing, wifey. After lunch, I'm on the case with Dad."


Meanwhile, at the detention center, breakfast was underway.

Elaine, shivering and famished after a night in the chilly toilet, anxiously awaited her chance to replenish herself. She feared she might collapse from hunger at any moment.

The meal distributors returned with a plastic basket, and a frenzy of inmates rushed to secure their portions. Elaine, hesitant to take directly, approached Verity with a pitiful look. "Sister Baxter, could I possibly have something to eat? I haven't had a bite in a whole day and night..."

Verity Baxter, engrossed in her porridge and steamed buns, raised an eyebrow and retorted, "What's it got to do with me whether you eat or not? Did I stop you before?"

With a mournful expression, Elaine pleaded, "I'm just afraid that if I eat, you might beat me again..."

Verity's smirk was merciless. "At least you understand that much. Eat if you want; a full stomach makes taking a beating easier." 😏🍽️

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 846: The Battle of Wills

In the stark prison environment, Elaine found herself in a perilous predicament. She knew all too well that reaching for the food before her could spell disaster - a potential beating awaited her if she dared to eat.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she made a heartfelt plea to Verity Baxter. "Sister Baxter, you've already scolded and punished me yesterday. Please, show mercy and spare me..."

Verity's eyes bore into Elaine, her voice filled with bitterness. "Spare you? But who can bring my mother back to life? Do you know the agony she endured, lying in that hospital bed, struggling for breath, suffocating after drinking that poisonous pesticide?"

Elaine, tears streaming down her face, protested, "Sister Baxter... I swear, I never harmed your mother..."

Verity's anger flared. "Still defending yourself? Let me tell you, it's because of an unfilial daughter-in-law like you that my mother suffered. Your presence disgusts me! Count yourself lucky this isn't ancient times, or you'd face dire consequences."

Elder Mrs. Wilson chimed in with a wicked grin, "Verity, you're absolutely right! Women like her in the olden days would've been drowned in a pig cage – a bamboo enclosure, locking her inside, weighted down with heavy stones, and tossed into the river to meet her fate!"

Terror gripped Elaine, rendering her mute and immobile. She stood before Verity, her head bowed, like a repentant child.

Verity finished her meal, scraping every last bit from her bowl and bun. Then, she sighed, "Oh, it feels like I haven't eaten enough."

A fellow prisoner pointed to a plastic basket, suggesting, "Sister Ver, there's one more portion left. Why don't you have that too?"

With a sly smile, Verity playfully looked at Elaine and inquired, "Elaine, you wouldn't mind if I finish your breakfast, would you?"

Elaine dared not object. She nodded vigorously, her voice trembling. "No objections, none at all!"

Verity chuckled, "Good, no objections then. I expend a lot of energy, you know, especially after yesterday's exertion. I really need to refuel."

She strolled over to the plastic basket, retrieved the lunchbox within, and began devouring the contents, holding a bun in one hand and the lunchbox in the other.

With a mischievous grin, she taunted Elaine, slurping her porridge loudly. Elaine's stomach twisted with hunger, and envy gnawed at her as she watched.

Verity devoured all the buns and most of the porridge, leaving behind a meager third. Deliberately, she pretended to drop the lunchbox, spilling the remaining porridge onto the floor.

Annoyed, she lamented, "What a waste..."

Then, she commanded Elaine, "Go to the bathroom, fetch a mop, and clean this up."

Elaine, who had never truly appreciated food before, suddenly felt a pang of regret watching the spilled porridge on the floor.

Seeing her longing gaze, Verity mocked her cruelly. "If you're hungry, you can kneel and lick it off the floor."

Elaine's heart ached at the thought. Kneel and lick porridge off a dirty, trodden floor? The mop itself had turned black from repeated use. She couldn't bear to consider such a degrading act, even if it meant going hungry.

Resolutely, she responded, "I'll clean it up."

Verity sneered, "As you wish, but mark my words, sooner or later, you'll be licking it off the floor. Just you wait and see!"

Chapter 847: A Reunion of Hearts

The clock had just struck eight in the morning, and Charlie found himself behind the wheel, with his father-in-law, Jacob chatting away in a state of heightened excitement.

Even though their destination was still a couple of hours away by plane, Jacob was positively brimming with anticipation.

As they drove away from the Thomson Elite complex, Jacob couldn't contain his enthusiasm and asked Charlie, "Hey, my good son-in-law, do you happen to know where we can get some flowers? I'd love to pick up a bouquet of roses."

Charlie considered the situation and replied, "Dad, remember that the person you're meeting has her son with her. Offering roses might not be entirely appropriate in front of the child, don't you think?"

After giving it some thought, Jacob agreed, "You have a point there. In that case, a regular bouquet should suffice."

Charlie suggested, "I know a nearby florist. Let's swing by and grab some flowers."

At the florist, Charlie spent 500 dollars on a bouquet symbolizing friendship, and they soon returned to the car with the fragrant blooms in hand.

Jacob held the bouquet with delight, a broad smile on his face. "The florist did a splendid job! These flowers look so elegant! I'm certain Hanley will adore them!"

Charlie couldn't help but smile, noting that his father-in-law seemed to have rekindled his youthfulness. If Merit Hanley still harbored feelings for him, there might be a chance for them to rekindle their romance.

He felt a pang of sympathy for Jacob. He couldn't allow Elaine to vanish from their lives just because of his wife's return. This meant that after this joyous reunion, Jacob would have to navigate the hardships that lay ahead when Elaine inevitably returned.

Charlie couldn't help but envision the chaos that would ensue if Elaine discovered Merit's comeback. Jacob's life would likely become even more complicated.

However, he kept these thoughts to himself, allowing his father-in-law to relish his newfound freedom and the presence of his first love while it lasted.

Suddenly, Jacob inquired, "Oh, Charlie, did you make all the arrangements at the Shangri-La?"

"Everything is taken care of," Charlie assured him. "No need to worry. I've handled everything to ensure that today is perfect for you and Aunt Hanley."

"That's fantastic!" Jacob sighed with relief, once again admiring the flowers and even taking a moment to inhale the sweet fragrance of the single rose in the bouquet. "What a delightful scent! It's truly refreshing!"

He began to hum an old tune, "Rose, rose, I love you; rose, rose, so deeply meaningful..."

Charlie chuckled, amused by his father-in-law's unexpected romantic side.


As they arrived at the airport, they waited expectantly in the arrivals hall. Jacob eagerly monitored the flight information, eventually spotting Merit's flight.

The plane was scheduled to land at 10:20 AM, and considering the usual procedures for international arrivals, it would likely be around 11 AM before Merit made her appearance.

Jacob undeterred by the wait, stood vigil for over an hour.

Just five minutes before 11 AM, as more passengers began to disembark, Jacob clutching his bouquet, eagerly kept his eyes peeled. Then, he spotted a middle-aged woman dressed elegantly in a black gown and waved ecstatically, "Hanley!"

She looked initially surprised, but her face soon lit up with joy. "Jacob!"

She rushed toward him.

Charlie, equally curious, hurried to catch a glimpse of his father-in-law's first love.

To his amazement, Merit was simply stunning!

Despite being the same age as Jacob both at 48, she appeared ageless. Tall, slender, with impeccably maintained skin and dressed elegantly in a black gown, she exuded an undeniable air of sophistication, her hair flawlessly styled.

Chapter 848: Reunion and Resurfacing Beauty

When it came to her appearance, it was nothing short of perfection. She exuded stunning beauty, grace, and that timeless air of wisdom often associated with the elder intellectuals of her generation.

In this era, a shining star by the name of Carmella Rose had claimed the title of one of the most captivating and charming women. But standing right before them, Merit outshone even Carmella Rose herself!

Carmella Rose, now in her early fifties, still possessed a captivating allure. Meanwhile, Merit Hanley, three years her junior, looked as if she had effortlessly shaved off another six or seven years from her age.

She didn't appear anywhere close to fifty; rather, she resembled a woman in her late thirties!

Charlie was utterly flabbergasted. He had never fathomed that his father-in-law's first love would be such a paragon of beauty and elegance. It was easy to envision just how breathtaking she must have been in her youth!

Oh my goodness!

Charlie couldn't help but feel a pang of envy toward Jacob his seemingly unremarkable father-in-law. What sort of charm or wizardry had he wielded to have courted such an extraordinary beauty back in the day?

Simultaneously, Charlie's heart brimmed with sympathy for Jacob.

Due to Elaine, he had let go of such an exceptionally beautiful and poised woman. It was akin to trading a sesame seed for an entire watermelon patch!

At that very moment, Jacob gazing at the still astonishingly beautiful Merit, found himself drowning in self-pity.

Why, after more than two decades, had Merit's face shown barely a hint of aging?

Why, after all these years, did she remain so breathtakingly beautiful that merely a glance rendered him spellbound?

Why did her gentle smile and faint dimples still hold him captive, making it impossible for him to move?

Merit gracefully approached Jacob paused before him, and with a gentle smile said, "Jacob who would have thought it's been over twenty years since we last met!"

Jacob his nerves a bit rattled, stumbled over his words, "Uh, yes, Hanley, it's been... it's been quite a long time!"

Seeing his father-in-law still clutching the bouquet, Charlie, from behind, chimed in, "Dad, don't just clutch those flowers, give them to her!"

Startled, Jacob quickly snapped to attention and extended the bouquet to Merit, his voice trembling with nervousness. "Hanley, these... these flowers are for you, a warm welcome back to Aurous Hill!"

Merit accepted the flowers with a joyful twinkle in her eyes and gazed deeply at Jacob. She murmured, "Jacob thank you."

With the flowers no longer in his hands, Jacob awkwardly rubbed them together, trying to hide his unease. He forced a stiff smile and added, "Hanley, after all these years, you don't need to be so formal with me..."

Just then, a tall, handsome, blond young man made his way over, dragging his luggage behind him.

This young man, with his porcelain-like fair skin that could rival a Caucasian's, still bore dark pupils and subtly Asian features. He shared a striking resemblance to Merit, unmistakably a mixed-race individual.

Approaching Merit, he cheerfully inquired, "Mom, is this your college friend?"

Merit promptly pulled him closer and introduced him to Jacob "Jacob allow me to introduce you. This is my son, Paul."

Jacob extended his hand with a warm smile, "Hello, Paul! Your Chinese is impeccable!"

Paul reciprocated the gesture with a smile, "Thank you, Uncle. Although I have American citizenship, and my father is American, I still carry Chinese blood in my veins. My mom made sure I learned Chinese from a young age and never let me slack off."

Jacob nodded approvingly and went on to introduce Charlie, saying, "Hanley, Paul, let me introduce you to my son-in-law, Charlie Wade."

Paul extended his hand to Charlie, grinning, "Hello, Mr. Wade!" 😄🤝

Chapter 849: The Multilingual Marvel

Paul's mastery of the Chinese language was nothing short of impressive. If you closed your eyes and just listened, you'd swear you were conversing with a native rather than an American. Charlie couldn't help but be astonished when he shook Paul's hand and exclaimed, "Mr. Paul, your Chinese is absolutely flawless!"

With modesty dancing across his face, Paul replied, "Mr. Wade, you're too kind!"

Standing nearby, Jacob swiftly chimed in, "Absolutely, Hanley! I've booked a private room at the Shangri-La Hotel for us. Let's kick things off with a meal there to warmly welcome you and your son."

Merit graciously smiled and replied, "Thank you both so much for making the long journey to meet us and treating us to a meal..."

Jacob with an eager grin, added, "It's the least we can do! We drove here, so why don't we head straight there?"

"Sounds good," Merit nodded, then turned to Paul, saying, "Son, let your driver know we won't need the company car; we'll ride with your Uncle Wilson."

Paul beamed and said, "Sure thing, Mom. I'll have the driver take our luggage directly to the hotel room."


Politeness radiated from Paul as he addressed Jacob and Charlie, saying, "Uncle Wilson, Charlie, please excuse me for a moment. I need to make a quick phone call. I apologize for any inconvenience!"

Jacob quickly responded, "Oh, Paul, you're too formal. No need for that with your uncle!"

Paul smiled and insisted, "It's only proper."

With that, he retrieved his phone and stepped aside to make the call.

Curiosity piqued, Jacob asked Merit, "Hanley, are you and your son planning to settle back in the country? You even arranged for a driver?"

Merit nodded affirmatively, revealing, "Ever since Paul's father passed away, I've wanted to return to our homeland. But his father left behind a company, and Paul believed we shouldn't let go of his lifelong endeavor, so we began transferring the business to China six months ago."

Jacob clearly taken aback, inquired, "You've already moved your assets back to China?"

"Yes," Merit confirmed. "However, I'm not heavily involved in these matters anymore; Paul manages everything."

Jacob nodded, his confidence slightly shaken.

The fact that Merit and her son were returning to the country and even relocating their business here hinted at the significant scale of their enterprise. In contrast, Jacob couldn't help but feel a pang of inadequacy. The Wilson family had fallen on hard times, leaving him without any source of income and virtually penniless. The only thing he could boast about was the Thomson Elite villa, which, truth be told, belonged to Charlie.

In this moment, Jacob couldn't help but feel a twinge of distress.

Would Merit look down on him given his current circumstances?

For most middle-aged individuals, they typically possess some form of career, property, and family assets. Yet here he was, with nothing to his name, a situation that was undeniably embarrassing!

Charlie, perceptive as ever, noticed the unease in his father-in-law's expression. He understood that Jacob likely felt inferior to Merit but chose not to bring attention to it.

Just as the thought crossed his mind, Paul wrapped up his phone call with a friendly smile and announced, "Mom, Uncle Wilson, Brother Charlie, I've spoken with the driver. We're all set to go."

"Fantastic," Charlie chimed in with a grin. "Let's hit the road."

The quartet left the airport, greeted by a gleaming Rolls-Royce Phantom parked before them. The chauffeur, a foreigner, stepped out and respectfully addressed Paul in English, "Good day, General Manager!"

Paul nodded in acknowledgment.

Turning to Merit, the driver continued, "Good day, Chairwoman."

Merit greeted him with a warm smile, saying, "Mike, kindly take our luggage to the Shangri-La and arrange for the front desk to deliver it to our rooms, both mine and Paul's."

Chapter 850: The Car Dilemma

The foreign driver flashed a quick nod and chimed in, “You got it, Chairman! I'll jump on that task pronto!” With brisk efficiency, he popped open the trunk of the magnificent Rolls-Royce Phantom and gracefully relieved Paul of his suitcases, deftly tucking them away.

With the task accomplished, he turned to Merit, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. “Chairman, you and the General Manager riding in this beauty?”

Merit nodded affirmatively and replied, “I'll ride with my old classmate. You go ahead.”

Jacob cast a nervous glance at the opulent Rolls-Royce, his unease mounting. He had a keen sense of the car's worth – the base model alone could set you back eight to nine million dollars, and this one had a custom-made gold Spirit of Ecstasy emblem, adding another two hundred grand to the tally.

His own car suddenly seemed woefully inadequate, and he couldn't help but stammer, “Hanley, why don't you take the Rolls-Royce? My car isn't quite in the same league, and I'm afraid it won't be comfortable for you. I don't want to inconvenience you.”

Merit responded earnestly, “Jacob we've been friends for so many years. Do you think I'm the type to be fazed by appearances?”

Jacob felt a pang of embarrassment. He mumbled, “My car is just a regular BMW 5 Series. I worry it might not be up to your comfort standards...”

Slightly annoyed, Merit retorted, “Jacob why are you fretting about this now? Whether it's a Rolls-Royce, a BMW 5 Series, or even the trusty old bicycle from our school days, aren't they all just modes of transportation? Even if you came to pick me up on a bicycle, I'd still be delighted to ride with you.”

She continued with a playful grin, “Although, considering your age now, biking with me might be a tad challenging, right?”

At her remark, Jacob couldn't help but relax. He had been genuinely concerned that Merit Hanley, accustomed to luxury, might feel out of place in his humble BMW 5 Series, which would have been an uncomfortable situation for him.

However, just as the tension was easing, Paul leaned in to whisper something to Merit in English. “Mom, maybe you should take this car. The BMW 5 Series isn't the comfiest, and I'm worried you won't find it suitable.”

Merit waved away the suggestion and whispered back, “Let's avoid using such flashy cars when we meet my old classmates in the future. Check if your company has any basic business cars, like a Buick GL8, something in the two to three hundred thousand dollars range. I don't want to create a sense of distance after more than twenty years away.”

Paul sighed somewhat helplessly. “The company doesn't have anything that inexpensive. Our most basic business car is the Toyota Alphard, which costs over a million...”

Merit insisted, “Then we'll buy a car in that two to three hundred thousand range.”

Paul reluctantly nodded, conceding, “Alright, since you're instructing, I'll make it happen.” He then sauntered over to the driver and murmured, “Get a Buick GL8 later.”

The driver seemed taken aback, hesitating briefly before responding, “General Manager, we don't stock cars that are that low-end.”

Paul shrugged, “No worries, just get one.”


Charlie, with his exceptional hearing, couldn't help but admire Merit even more. This aunt of his was not only stunning and poised but possessed remarkable emotional intelligence. To a middle-aged man like Jacob she was more of a goddess than he could ever dream of. In fact, Charlie could sense that his father-in-law was on the brink of being utterly captivated... 🚗💨😄

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 851: The Unexpected Reunion

The Rolls-Royce Phantom glided away gracefully as Charlie Wade prepared to take the wheel of his father-in-law's BMW 5 Series.

The car pulled up smoothly in front of the trio, and Merit's father-in-law gallantly opened the back door, extending an invitation to Merit, "Hanley, after you, please!"

Merit responded with a gracious smile and took her seat with elegance.

Meanwhile, Paul appeared to be heading for the back seat as well, but Jacob had a different idea. He suggested to Paul, "Paul, you and Charlie are both young chaps; I bet you'd have a lot to talk about. Why don't you take the front passenger seat and have a good chat with him?"

Without waiting for Paul's response, Jacob had already reached for the other back door, opened it, and settled in.

Paul, with little choice, found himself in the front passenger seat.

As Charlie navigated the route towards the city center, Jacob slightly embarrassed, turned to Merit Hanley in the back seat, saying, "Hanley, I hope you don't mind the simplicity of this car."

Merit replied with a hint of helplessness, "Jacob I've told you before, I don't pay much attention to these things. No need to keep mentioning it."

Jacob quickly reassured her, "Of course, of course. I know you're not one to be swayed by material possessions. I just can't help but think this car doesn't quite match your elegance. Look at you, you don't seem like you're in your fifties—more like you're in your forties! A woman of your grace should be cruising in a top-tier luxury car like a Rolls-Royce."

Merit's face tinged with a blush as she smiled, "You still have a way with compliments after all these years."

Jacob chuckled, "I speak from the heart."

Curiosity got the better of Merit, and she inquired, "By the way, how have you been all these years?"

Jacob sighed, a trace of discontent creeping into his voice, "Honestly, just getting by. Things haven't exactly been smooth sailing since my university days."

In a hushed tone, Merit probed further, "Are you happy with Elaine?"

"Happy?" Jacob let out a bitter laugh, "In the twenty-plus years with her, happiness has been a rare commodity."

Seeing the bitterness in Jacob's smile, which failed to conceal his deep sorrow, a flicker of pity and regret crossed Merit's captivating eyes.

It reminded her of an unforgettable incident just before her college graduation.

On that fateful day, her dormmate had returned in tears, revealing that her boyfriend had taken advantage of her while intoxicated.

This revelation had hit Merit like a bolt from the blue, pushing her to the brink of despair.

She had been joyously planning her post-graduation life, with her family arranging for her and her boyfriend to study abroad together. They had envisioned a future where they both pursued higher degrees and returned as successful, patriotic individuals.

But who could have foreseen such a shocking turn of events?

Her dormmate, amidst sobs and apologies, explained that it had been an accident spurred by her boyfriend's drunken state and begged Merit not to disclose the incident to anyone.

But how could she possibly overlook such a betrayal?

Her boyfriend had been involved with her dormmate; how could she ignore that?

Especially given her character—she treasured love over material gain and was willing to endure hardships for the sake of love but could never tolerate betrayal or imperfections in a relationship.

Unable to accept the situation, she had chosen to leave, her heart shattered, departing from Aurous Hill and China alone.

Even after she had moved abroad, learning of her ex-boyfriend's marriage to her dormmate had inflicted even more anguish upon her already wounded heart.

Chapter 852: A Rollercoaster of Regrets

In the hustle and bustle of life, there was a young American man passionately pursuing her, like a whirlwind of excitement in her otherwise mundane existence. Driven by a moment of defiance and an urgency to escape her past, she yielded to his advances.

Soon after, they tied the knot in a whirlwind of romance, and a tiny bundle of joy soon graced their lives.

The American treated her like a queen, his devotion unwavering throughout their years together. Yet, for more than two decades, her heart remained captive to memories of her ex-boyfriend.

In retrospect, she saw that she had rushed into the arms of another, unknowingly ensnared in a web of deceit spun by her roommate.

Her roommate hadn't confessed her own feelings or wished her to forget the past genuinely; instead, she had plotted to claim her ex-boyfriend.

In her youthful pride, her unwavering sense of morals, and her idealistic view of love, she had let go of the man she truly loved, unknowingly playing right into her roommate's hands.

Despite her husband's unwavering love and her diligent commitment to her wifely duties, she couldn't help but feel an emptiness where love should have been.

Over two decades of a loveless marriage, her husband succumbed to cancer. She dutifully cared for him until the end, fulfilling her role as a wife to the fullest.

But after his funeral, her heart felt hollow.

She had fulfilled her obligations, been loyal, and played her part in maintaining the family's honor. Now, she realized it was time to live for herself.

With determination, she decided to return to her homeland. The person she longed to see most was Jacob the man she had hastily handed over to Elaine.

To her shock, she found Jacob and Elaine living in misery. Jacob confessed he hadn't known happiness in over two decades. Those years had been a torturous ordeal.

Though she hadn't experienced true love, her husband had been kind to her. In the absence of love, there had still been happiness.

Jacob on the other hand, was weighed down by regret that had lingered for more than two decades. He regretted the night he drowned his sorrows in alcohol, sealing his fate.

He hadn't loved Elaine or found happiness in their family life.

For more than two decades, he had carried the memory of Merit, and seeing her radiant grace once more only intensified his regret.

He should have chosen to spend his life with that perfect, humble, intelligent, and compassionate woman.

Why had he missed out on her, only to be entangled with someone like Elaine?

In that poignant moment, Jacob felt like he had missed out on an entire world of love and happiness. 🌟💔

Chapter 853: A Storm of Emotions

Jacob's heart became a whirlwind of memories, his eyes misting up as tears cascaded down his cheeks, a torrent of emotions flooding his soul.

The catalyst for this emotional tempest was the sheer, breathtaking perfection of the present Merit. Even Charlie, who was no stranger to her charms, couldn't help but think she was leagues beyond Elaine. For Jacob who had spent over two decades with someone who couldn't hold a candle to his former flame, witnessing Merit's radiance was an agonizing reminder of what he had lost.

Seeing Jacob's tears, Merit's heart ached even more, a pang of guilt piercing through her.

Regret gnawed at her. She regretted her impulsive decision to leave him all those years ago.

For the past two decades, neither of them had truly known happiness or love. Instead, they had endured the same relentless torment.

But why had they separated in the first place?

She had known all along that he could never truly love Elaine.

She understood that he must have been utterly oblivious for Elaine to manipulate him so.

Deep down, she even suspected that Elaine's scheming hand was at play in all of this.

But at the time, her pride had taken precedence over her wisdom.

The result? Over two decades of happiness denied.

Contemplating this, Merit too felt the weight of sorrow pressing upon her.

Silently, she retrieved a tissue from her bag and extended it to Jacob.

Jacob who had turned his gaze towards the window in an attempt to conceal his tears, was taken aback when a tissue materialized before him. Turning to Merit, he was met with her own glistening eyes, brimming with emotions.

In that moment, Jacob couldn't help but question himself. Did Hanley still harbor feelings for him?

If she did, was it possible for them to rekindle the flames of their past love?

The thought filled him with excitement and trepidation.

His mind raced, anxiety mounting about Elaine's whereabouts. Would she ever return?

A part of him hoped fervently that she wouldn't.

Without her in the picture, he could wholeheartedly pursue Merit, unburdened by guilt or hesitation.

At the age of fifty, if he didn't seize the opportunity to chase his one true love now, he might never experience love's embrace again.

But what if Elaine did return...

The mere idea sent shivers down his spine. The shrewish woman would undoubtedly go to great lengths to keep him away from Merit. She would cling to him, making sure there was no chance for them to reconnect.

And the impact of seeing the current Merit on Elaine would be nothing short of catastrophic.

In every conceivable aspect—beauty, grace, intellect, wealth, and manners—Merit outshone Elaine by light-years.

Compared to Merit, Elaine seemed utterly insignificant and pitiable. 😳

Chapter 854: Love, Longing, and a Delicious Reunion

Jacob found himself in a contemplative mood, secretly sending out a wish to the universe: "May Elaine's absence be eternal." Over two decades of enduring her had taken its toll, and he yearned for a taste of freedom.

With Elaine out of the picture, he envisioned rekindling his romance with Merit, a love that had withstood the test of time. He even saw a potential stepfather role in the cards for himself with Merit's agreeable son.

His own daughter, Wilson Claire, was a sensible and dutiful young lady. Surely, she'd understand that her father deserved a chance at happiness after her mother's mysterious disappearance.

But the looming question remained – would Elaine ever return? His fate hung in the balance, and all he could do was offer silent prayers to the heavens.

Little did he know that the power to shape his destiny rested not with the cosmos but in the hands of his son-in-law, Charlie.


As they arrived at Shangri-La, Charlie graciously handed over the car to the valet, and the hotel staff swarmed around to greet them.

Turning to his father-in-law and his first love, Merit, Charlie began with a touch of charm, "Shangri-La is renowned for its hospitality and local delicacies. I've arranged a private dining room for us, although I hope it meets your discerning tastes."

Merit, with enthusiasm, replied, "Wade, you're too kind. I'm not one to fuss over food. After being away from Aurous Hill for so long, I'm eager to savor its local flavors."

Charlie grinned, "Then coming here was a wise choice."

Addressing Paul, he inquired, "Mr. Paul, how do you find Chinese cuisine? Is it to your liking?"

Paul, sporting a smile, responded, "Mr. Wade, don't forget, I'm half Chinese. I actually prefer Chinese food over American fast food or Western dishes."

He added with pride, "And just so you know, my mother is a culinary wizard, a true master of Chinese cuisine."

Charlie couldn't help but exclaim, "I had no idea Aunt Hanley possessed such grace and culinary skills!"

Modestly, Merit deflected the praise, "Don't let his words mislead you. He's exaggerating."

Jacob interjected with a hint of nostalgia, "Back in our school days, she always promised to cook for me, but circumstances never allowed it. It's been over two decades, and I've yet to taste her cooking..."

Merit's gentle smile persisted, "If the opportunity arises, I'd be happy to cook for you. But I must warn you, I may not be as skilled as Paul claims. Don't set your expectations too high."

Jacob's excitement was palpable as he asked, "Is that a promise? When are you available?"

With eagerness, he proposed, "If you have the time, we could meet at my place! Just let me know what you'd like to cook, and I'll arrange all the ingredients. You and Paul can come over, and while you cook, I'll be your sous-chef. The kids can enjoy a delicious meal."

However, Merit hesitated, "Is that appropriate? What if Elaine comes back and sees me?"

Unbeknownst to her, Jacob had merely informed her of his and Elaine's separation without revealing the full extent of Elaine's mysterious absence. Hence, she believed they were living separately under the same roof and wanted to avoid a potential confrontation.

Jacob swiftly dismissed her concerns, assuring her, "Don't worry about her. She's not around, and who knows when she'll return. It won't be anytime soon."

To wrap it up, Jacob proposed, "Why wait? We'll enjoy lunch at Shangri-La, and afterward, you can relax at the hotel. In the afternoon, join us at my home. We'll cook, dine, and take this opportunity for you to meet my daughter!" 😄🍽️

Chapter 855: Cooking Up Memories and Blushing Secrets

Jacob was facing a delightful dilemma: the fear that Elaine might make an unexpected return home in the next couple of days. If she did, it would certainly ruin his plans. Inviting Merit over for dinner while Elaine was still in the picture? He might as well light a fuse and wait for the fireworks. So, he understood the urgency of seizing this golden opportunity ASAP – the sooner, the better!

As they chatted, Merit couldn't help but drift down memory lane. Back in the day, her hometown was a world away in Suzhou and Hangzhou. When she was studying in Aurous Hill, dorm life was the norm. Dating was a discreet affair, something to be kept under wraps from family. She had always dreamed of cooking a meal for Jacob but those chances were rarer than a unicorn.

Times were different, and convenience was a luxury. Nowadays, lovebirds could easily rent a cozy hotel apartment or a short-term family apartment, complete with a kitchen and all the culinary gear. But back then, those luxuries were scarce as hen's teeth.

Even securing a room in a regular guest house was an ordeal, requiring a workplace endorsement – an insurmountable barrier for young lovers. The school's guest house didn't demand such formalities, only a student ID, but it was too risky for ordinary students, fearing prying eyes of teachers and classmates.

Merit and Jacob's first intimate rendezvous took place at Wilson's empty house, a rushed affair. Opportunities for intimacy were sparse; Wilson's elder brother, Noah, was away in another city, and their father's projects were mostly local. Their grandmother rarely ventured far, leaving precious moments of solitude at home.

For a while, when they yearned for togetherness, they had to hunt for quiet corners in the school's woods, Aurous Hill parks, abandoned buildings, or even construction sites – the typical dating landscape for university students of that era, a necessity born from limited choices.

In hindsight, it seemed wild, but it was the norm for their time. Youthful passions had to find an outlet, and the options were few. The school's woods were particularly popular, a dimly lit haven where couples lurked every few steps, aware of each other's presence yet respecting each other's privacy.

Since no one could see or identify each other clearly, embarrassment was a distant concern. Occasionally, teachers would venture into the woods with flashlights, expecting to catch a few couples but stumbling upon a bustling rendezvous of epic proportions – like startling a flock of ducks.

Now, as they reminisced about those times, especially the crazy, romantic, and occasionally mortifying moments, their hearts stirred with an unexpected nostalgia.

Charlie couldn't help but notice Merit's cheeks turning a delightful shade of crimson, as if she were reliving some shy memory. He couldn't help but wonder why the mere mention of cooking at home had his Aunt Hanley blushing like a schoolgirl.

Turning his gaze to his father-in-law, he discovered that Jacob's face had undergone a similar transformation – a match of scarlet hues that raised more questions than answers. 😳😂

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 856: "Sparks Fly as Memories Ignite"

In this chapter, we witness a scene that practically screams tension and nostalgia. The individual in question, with their fidgety fingers and unsure gestures, had a storm of emotions brewing inside them.

Charlie, sharp as ever, couldn't help but connect the dots. These middle-aged folks seemed to harbor some unconventional memories about "cooking" and "going home" with him.

Paul, the observant soul that he was, sensed something was off but wisely chose not to prod. Instead, he smoothly suggested to Charlie, "Mr. Wade, let's catch a breath in the private room."

He then turned to Merit and added, "Mom, after being in the air for a dozen hours, you must be exhausted. We can sit down and have a good chat in the private room, you and Uncle Wilson."

Suddenly snapping back to reality, Merit's cheeks turned even redder as she readily agreed, "Absolutely! You're spot on! Look at us, getting a bit senile in our old age. Let's scoot over to the private room for some quality catch-up."

Jacob chimed in, "Absolutely, let's head to the private room. My bad, I got carried away with our conversation."

Charlie couldn't help but shake his head, even offering a silent sigh. It seemed these two were like parched kindling meeting a blazing inferno. A fire, twenty years in the making, ready to roar into existence...


Our story continues as Charlie Wade leads the way to Shangri-La's dining quarters.

The manager, well-informed of Charlie's impending arrival, greeted him with utmost respect, inquiring, "Hello, sir, are you a member of our Shangri-La?"

Charlie shook his head lightly and responded, "I'm not a member, but a friend has reserved a private room for me."

The manager then inquired further, "May I have your last name, and do you know the room number for your reservation?"

Charlie shared, "My name is Wade. I'm not sure about the room number; it was arranged through your General Manager Craven."

The manager bowed deeply, saying, "Ah, Mr. Wade, I see. Your private room is ready. Please follow me."

Charlie smiled appreciatively and nodded, "Thank you."

As they were escorted to the private room, Paul couldn't help but quip, "Mr. Wade, it seems you know General Manager Craven here quite well."

Charlie, with a sly smile, acknowledged, "I'm acquainted with him, though not on intimate terms."

Paul, showing impressive knowledge, remarked, "Shangri-La appears to be under the umbrella of the Eastcliff Wade family. General Manager Craven represents the family's interests here."

Charlie raised an eyebrow, surprised at Paul's familiarity with the establishment. He inquired, "Mr. Paul, have you done extensive research on Aurous Hill before relocating your company here?"

Paul modestly admitted, "Before deciding to move my company to Aurous Hill, I made it a point to study the area. My father has poured his heart into this business, and I couldn't undertake such a move unprepared."

Charlie couldn't help but compliment, "Mr. Paul, your meticulous approach is truly admirable. I have no doubt you'll thrive in Aurous Hill."

Paul grinned humbly, "You're too kind, Mr. Wade."

Then, with a spark of curiosity, he turned to Charlie and asked, "Speaking of which, Mr. Wade, with the Wade surname and your connection to the General Manager here, are you by any chance part of the Eastcliff Wade family?" 😄🔥

Chapter 857: A Twist of Fate at Shangri-La

Charlie was genuinely taken aback by how quickly Paul had managed to piece together his true identity. Yet, deep down, he understood that Paul's conclusion was nothing more than a speculative shot in the dark. This was a secret he could never openly acknowledge.

Just as Charlie was about to deny any affiliation with the prestigious Wade family of Eastcliff, his father-in-law chimed in with a playful chuckle, "Oh, Paul, you're letting your imagination run wild! Our son-in-law here is a part of our family, living under our roof. If he were from the illustrious Eastcliff Wade family, our status would have skyrocketed by now."

Jacob although not particularly ambitious and not deeply involved in significant endeavors, had a keen awareness of the Eastcliff Wade family's formidable reputation. In fact, the fame of the Eastcliff Wade family was so widespread that it was almost a household name throughout China.

This was precisely why Jacob found it hard to believe that Charlie could be connected to that influential family. He knew Charlie's background very well - raised in an orphanage, working on a construction site at 18, and taken in by their family at the age of 20, ultimately becoming their live-in son-in-law.

How could such a person possibly be a member of the Eastcliff Wade family? If Charlie were indeed a scion of that renowned family, wouldn't he be some lost young master from a wealthy clan?

When Paul heard about Charlie's live-in son-in-law status, he quickly realized his mistake. After all, the Eastcliff Wade family was of a different league altogether. They would never allow their young master to become a live-in son-in-law elsewhere. Even the President of the United States wouldn't meet such a fate.

With an apologetic tone, Paul addressed Charlie, "It appears I made an incorrect assumption, and for that, I'm genuinely sorry. Your surname being Wade, combined with us being at the Eastcliff Wade family-owned Shangri-La, led me to jump to conclusions. I hope you can forgive my hasty judgment."

Charlie responded with a gentle smile, "No need for such formalities, Mr. Paul."

While they were conversing, the catering department manager ushered them to the private room's entrance, showing the utmost respect. He addressed them, saying, "Mr. Wade and esteemed guests, please come inside!"

Entering the private room, Charlie gestured for his father-in-law to take the central seat. Turning to Merit, his father-in-law's first love, he suggested, "Aunt Hanley, why don't you sit beside my father-in-law? After all, it's been many years since you've seen each other, and there must be so much catching up to do."

Merit agreed with a warm smile, "Little Wade, that sounds like a great idea. You sit with Paul; it seems you two have hit it off."

Charlie readily agreed but made a mental note to be more guarded in his conversation with Paul, as he had a hunch that this man was not as straightforward as he seemed.

Seated comfortably, Charlie passed the menu to the two elders, allowing them to order dishes to their liking.

Jacob eagerly offered, "Oh, Hanley, I still remember your favorite dishes from back in the day. Shall I take charge of the ordering?"

Merit looked pleasantly surprised, "Really? You remember what I used to enjoy all those years ago?"

With a warm smile, Jacob replied, "Of course, I could never forget that."

As Jacob began placing orders from memory, Merit's astonishment grew with each dish he selected. By the time he had ordered several dishes, she was utterly flabbergasted because every single one was a nostalgic favorite from her younger days.

Chapter 858 - WeChat Connections and Lifestyle Choices

"Wow," Merit exclaimed, her voice filled with surprise and excitement. "I really didn't expect you to remember all these dishes. Honestly, I can't even recall some of them myself."

With enthusiasm, she continued, "You know, the dishes from my hometown in Suzhou and Hangzhou are also pretty darn good. But for some reason, after coming to Aurous Hill for university, I've developed a strong preference for the local cuisine here."

Jacob wore a playful grin as he replied, "I remember you always saying you wanted to whip up some Suzhou-Hangzhou delights for me to savor, but alas..."

He paused momentarily, then eagerly asked, "By the way, Hanley, what about our earlier idea of cooking dinner at my place? I've been waiting for that dream to come true for so many years!"

Merit was deeply touched by his words and responded warmly, "I'm absolutely up for it. I'll just check with Paul if he's free tonight."

Turning to her son Paul, she asked, "Hey, Paul, any other plans for tonight? If not, how about we head to your Uncle Wilson's for dinner? We can also meet his daughter."

Paul's nod was emphatic, accompanied by a beaming smile. "I'd love that," he declared.

Jacob couldn't contain his excitement!

He exclaimed, "That settles it then! Hanley, what delicious creations do you plan to whip up tonight?"

Merit chuckled, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "Hmm, you're asking me now, and I'm drawing a blank..."

After a brief pause, a brilliant idea lit up her face. "Here's the plan: let's exchange WeChat contacts. When I decide on the menu, I'll send you a message. You can pick up the ingredients at the market. Oh, and don't forget to share your address. My son and I will be there around 5:30 PM."

Jacob eagerly fished out his phone, launched the WeChat scanning function, and declared, "Hanley, let's make it official!"

For over two decades, they hadn't been in touch, not even through phone numbers. In this digital age, WeChat was the key to closer connections.

Phone numbers were out in the wild, known to couriers, telemarketers, and all sorts of random people, but WeChat contacts were precious, reserved for friends and acquaintances.

Adding someone on WeChat meant something deeper. It granted a sneak peek into their lives through Moments, photos, and videos.

In this moment, Jacob and Merit's thoughts were remarkably synchronized.

As they exchanged WeChat IDs, Paul, not wanting to be left out, retrieved his phone and suggested to Charlie, "Mr. Wade, how about we exchange WeChat too? Staying in touch sounds like a great idea."

Charlie wasn't particularly keen on adding strangers, but Paul's proactive approach left him with no choice. He activated the scan function on his phone and said with a nod, "Alright, let's connect."

After their WeChat exchange, Paul curiously inquired about Charlie's occupation.

With a modest smile, Charlie replied, "I don't have a fancy job. I handle the household chores—cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, and cooking."

Paul was momentarily surprised but didn't display any judgment. Instead, he smiled and remarked, "Mr. Wade, your lifestyle has its own laid-back charm. Frankly, I envy it quite a bit!" 😄🏡

Chapter 859: The World of Witty Wisdom

Paul, being born into a family of brainiacs, oozed sophistication. Unlike the rest, he didn't bat an eye when it came to Charlie's role as the "live-in son-in-law."

Charlie, on the other hand, rocked that live-in son-in-law status with panache. He'd been in the game for a while, knew all the ins and outs, and was practically a live-in son-in-law ninja.

In the heat of the moment, Paul turned to Charlie and said, "Hey, Mr. Wade, since you're pals with Mr. Craven from Shangri-La, think you could do me a solid and introduce us? My company just landed back in Aurous Hill, and I need to sprout some local connections. If you can help me out, I'll owe you big time."

Charlie, slyly guarding his secrets, replied, "Oh, Mr. Paul, you know, Mr. Craven and I aren't exactly bosom buddies. We're more like acquaintances. I bumped into one of his pals while dabbling in Feng Shui for someone else, and honestly, I'm no Feng Shui guru. Just dabbled in a bit of reading and got some tips from an old master."

"Feng Shui?" Paul raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Mr. Wade, are you telling me you're a Feng Shui wizard?"

Charlie, playing it cool, said, "Wizard might be pushing it. Let's just say I'm on page two of a 'Feng Shui for Dummies' book. It's all about smoke and mirrors, really."

Jacob sensing a chance to smooth things over, jumped in, "Hey Paul, what's your company all about? Moving from the U.S. to Aurous Hill, it must be something big, right?"

Paul grinned, "Uncle Wilson, we're in the law business, an international law firm. We serve up high-end legal support to the Fortune 500 elite."

Jacob surprised, asked, "Paul, are you a lawyer yourself?"

Paul nodded, "Yep, Uncle Wilson, both my dad and I are legal eagles. Following in the old man's footsteps."

Jacob pondered, "Must be a heavy load to become a lawyer in the U.S., right? I hear it's a doctorate-level gig?"

Paul chuckled, "You're spot on, Uncle Wilson. In the U.S., being a lawyer is like being a surgeon. You need at least a master's degree from law school to step into the ring."

Jacob nodded, intrigued, "What's your academic pedigree then?"

Paul, ever so humble, said, "I snagged my doctorate from Yale Law School."

Jacob was duly impressed, "Yale, the big league! Earning a doctorate from there is no joke!"

Paul, keeping it real, added, "Uncle, even with a doctorate, it's just the start. A good lawyer needs a decade or two in the trenches and a rap sheet of wins. So, in many ways, I'm still a rookie."

And then, with a warm glance at his mother, Merit, Paul confessed, "Honestly, I only just graduated recently. If it weren't for my mom pulling the strings behind the scenes, our law firm would probably crumble under my watch." 😅👨‍⚖️📜

Chapter 860

Jacob couldn't hide his astonishment as he turned to Merit, exclaiming, "Well, Hanley, have you also mastered the art of legal matters and law firms?"

Paul chimed in with a laugh from the sidelines, saying, "Uncle Wilson, you shouldn't underestimate my mom. In fact, she was a doctoral student at Yale Law School. She and my dad met and tied the knot while they were both pursuing their master's degrees at Yale. Ever since my dad established our family's law firm, Mom has been his right-hand woman. Without her wise guidance, my dad's career wouldn't have reached such heights."

Then, with a touch of self-deprecating humor, Paul added, "I'm just not there yet, which is why Mom still worries about me."

Merit flashed a warm smile and remarked, "Son, you're already doing exceptionally well. I sincerely hope that you can take the reins of the company soon, so I won't have to toil as much."

With a sigh, Merit continued, "Now that I'm back in China, back in Aurous Hill, my greatest aspiration isn't to expand our family business here. Instead, it's to savor the retirement of an elderly Chinese lady."

Glancing over at Jacob she reflected to herself. After years of striving in the U.S., the world of business had left her feeling weary.

Furthermore, having never truly experienced love, she now longed to return to her homeland, leave her past behind, and embrace a simpler life. If possible, she hoped to rekindle the flame of her first love with Jacob making amends for the regrets that had accumulated over the years.

She knew that in the U.S., the legal profession could be incredibly lucrative. The settlements in many lawsuits reached astronomical figures, often in the tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars.

She recalled reading about a lawsuit where someone had sued the renowned tobacco brand Marlboro for promoting smoking and causing death. The U.S. court had awarded a jaw-dropping sum in damages.

There was also the case of an Asian man who had been assaulted by airline security on an American airline, causing substantial negative publicity for the airline. Eventually, the man's legal team secured tens of millions of dollars in compensation.

For lawyers, they could claim a significant portion, anywhere from 30% to 50%, or sometimes even more, of these compensation amounts.

This was precisely why American lawyers were so relentless and professional in court, employing every available tactic.

Given the high stakes involved, winning a major lawsuit could translate into millions, or even tens of millions, in fees – a feat far easier than what most people could achieve.

As a result, lawyers in the U.S. occupied a lofty status, considered part of the elite.

Especially the renowned super lawyers; they could amass vast fortunes and were often esteemed guests among celebrities, tycoons, and influential figures in America.

Therefore, Jacob couldn't help but feel somewhat inadequate, suspecting that Merit's family possessed immense wealth, enough to propel her and her son into the upper echelons of Aurous Hill society.

In comparison, he felt he had relatively little to offer...

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 861: "Hearts Aflame: A Day at Shangri-La"

My dear readers, hold onto your hats, because this chapter is about to take you on an emotional rollercoaster! 🎢

The Shangri-La lunch was not your run-of-the-mill meal; it was a joyful celebration that lit up the night. Charlie's father-in-law couldn't contain his elation, and even Merit, who had been carrying the weight of recent sorrow, seemed to find a glimmer of hope after the storm. 😄

But that's not all – Paul, witnessing his mother's newfound happiness, wore a look of contentment that would make your heart melt. ❤️

As for Charlie, he couldn't help but empathize with his father-in-law's situation. Merit was a remarkable woman, and he knew that once she returned to Aurous Hill, she'd have a legion of admirers vying for her attention. Charlie couldn't help but imagine his father-in-law's troubles multiplying rather than diminishing. 😅

After enduring a long flight, both mother and son were weary, so Jacob and Charlie escorted them to their luxurious executive suites at Shangri-La, allowing them to rest undisturbed. 😴

Now, here's where it gets interesting. In the guest room section, Jacob was absolutely flabbergasted to discover that both Merit and her son had booked ultra-luxurious executive suites, just one step below the presidential suite. These suites could accommodate four people and cost a small fortune per night. It was crystal clear that Merit's family was financially well-endowed! 💰

After bidding their guests farewell, Charlie and his father-in-law left the opulent hotel behind.

Stepping out into the night, Jacob took a deep breath and sighed, his thoughts churning.

Charlie, ever perceptive, inquired, "Dad, what's weighing on your mind?"

With a troubled expression, Jacob confessed, “I never imagined that Merit would be so successful in America. I had no idea she owned her own law firm. Compared to her, I feel utterly insignificant…”

A reassuring smile played on Charlie's lips as he comforted his father, “Dad, don't underestimate yourself. Auntie Hanley doesn't judge people by their material possessions. She's humble and unpretentious. You shouldn't worry too much about these superficial differences.”

Jacob sighed, his pride still stinging, “I understand what you're saying, but it's a blow to my ego as a man.”

Charlie's smile widened as he offered some perspective, “Dad, you're overthinking it. Look at me. When I married Claire, I had nothing – no money, status, skills, or social standing. Our gap was far greater than yours and Auntie Hanley's, but Claire and I are still incredibly happy, aren't we?”

Jacob paused to reflect, realizing the truth in his son's words.

As he mulled over it, he realized his worries were unfounded. With his current capabilities and financial situation, he couldn't compete with Merit.

But did that mean they could never be together?

Absolutely not!

Jacob could sense that even after all these years, Merit still held a flame for him. She had even mentioned at the airport that she wouldn't mind if he picked her up on an old bicycle.

This revelation made it abundantly clear that Merit wasn't driven by materialism.

With this newfound understanding, Jacob finally let go of his anxieties.

But, as fate would have it, a new predicament lay ahead. 😮

Chapter 862: "Charlie's Dilemma: Caught Between Family Ties"

Picture this scene, folks: tension simmering in the air as Jacob couldn't help but blurt out his deepest fears to Charlie. 😬 "Charlie, do you think your mother will ever come back in this lifetime?"

Charlie, feeling a bit caught off guard, responded with a hint of humor, "Should I say she can, or she can’t?"

Jacob, clearly flustered, admitted, "Ah, actually, I know that, deep down, you and I share the same big concerns about your mother, right?"

Quick as a wink, Charlie retorted, "Dad, I never said that!"

Jacob, realizing he might need an ally, urged Charlie to open up, saying, "Come on, just between the two of us, you don’t have to hide anything. After all, Claire isn’t here, can’t we speak our minds?"

The stage was set for a family drama. One wanted their mother-in-law to stay away, while the other yearned for her return. The scales were balanced, and Charlie was the impartial referee. His father-in-law desperately needed his support to tip the emotional scales in his favor.

With a sincere look in his eyes, Jacob tried to sway Charlie's opinion further, saying, "Charlie, these past few years, your mother has been berating you daily, even repeatedly pushing Claire to divorce you. I’ve seen it all. Honestly, as your father-in-law, I feel heartbroken for you. There’s a saying, ‘A son-in-law is half a son.’ Has your mother ever treated you even as half a son? In her eyes, you’re less than an outsider!"

Charlie, meeting Jacob's earnest gaze, replied candidly, "Dad, whether mom comes back or not isn’t up to us. Even if we both don’t want her back, she might just suddenly return home tonight. She might even barge into the kitchen while Auntie Hanley is cooking and start a fight. Her legs are on her body; if she really wants to come back, we can’t stop her."

In truth, Charlie held all the cards regarding Elaine's return, but he couldn't reveal that to Jacob.

Jacob, terrified by the thought, stammered, "You don’t think it’ll be such a coincidence, do you? Tonight, I invited Auntie Hanley over for dinner. If your mother suddenly returns at this time, the house will surely erupt into chaos. Given her temperament, she might even become violent…"

Seeing Jacob’s genuine concern, Charlie reassured him, "Dad, I think mom won’t come back tonight. Go ahead and invite Auntie Hanley over for dinner without worry."

Jacob, shaken by the idea, exclaimed, "How can you be so sure she won’t come back? Like you said, she has her own legs. What if she really does return?"

Charlie, masking his own inner turmoil, flashed a confident smile and quipped, "Dad, rest assured, I promise you, mom definitely won’t come back tonight. If she does, I’ll let you use my head as a football."

Jacob hastily replied, "Oh, I don’t want your head; I just want Auntie Hanley to have a peaceful and worry-free dinner at our house."

With a glint of determination, Jacob revealed his master plan, saying, "I’ve thought of a good solution, and you, my dear son-in-law, must help me!"

Charlie grinned and inquired, "What’s your plan, Dad? What do you need me to do?"

Jacob leaned in, whispering conspiratorially, "When Auntie Hanley arrives this afternoon, I’ll lock the villa's main gate from the inside. If your mother comes back in the meantime, you go out and cover for me. You're strong; even if it means carrying her away, do it. If that fails, knock her out! No matter what, she must not enter the house and meet Auntie Hanley!" 😅💡

Chapter Title: "A Father's Plan, A Wife's Worries"

Charlie couldn't believe how mischievous his father-in-law had turned out to be. 🤨 But deep down, he understood the man's sentiments perfectly.

It was, after all, about a long-lost love from over two decades ago—a love that still sparkled like a diamond. If he were in the same shoes, he wouldn't risk anything going wrong either. 💎

And Elaine's temperament? Oh boy, that was like a ticking time bomb. When she got mad, it was like unleashing nuclear-level fury. So, playing it safe was not just a choice but a survival strategy.

But what Charlie didn't realize was that Elaine was enduring an excruciating ordeal in the detention center, and her only way out was through his consent.

As father-in-law and son-in-law drove back home, they found Claire had just returned.

Charlie, eager for any news, inquired, "Wife, did you visit the police station? What did they say? Any word on Mom?"

Claire's face held a hint of worry as she replied, "The police informed me that they've issued a citywide alert and even contacted the Blue Sky Rescue Team leader. But there's been no sign of Mom, and they're stumped."

Elaine had been apprehended while at the bank, and Isaac Craven was well-prepared to keep any clues under wraps.

Trying to soothe her, Charlie said, "Don't fret too much, Clay. It's only been less than a day. Let's give it some time."

Jacob chimed in, "Right, Clay. Your mom left just yesterday afternoon. It's too early to be too worried."

Determined, Claire shook her head and insisted, "No, I must search for her myself. I won't rest easy otherwise."

Then she turned to Charlie and urged, "Charlie, please help me look around this afternoon, especially places like mahjong parlors and chess rooms. Mom has a soft spot for those."

Charlie promptly agreed, saying, "I'm on it. I'll scour every mahjong parlor and chess room in Aurous Hill!"

Claire added, "And make sure to take pictures of each place you check!"

Remembering how he had claimed to search for her mother but ended up dining and drinking with his father-in-law the night before, Claire couldn't help but feel a bit disheartened.

Though she understood that it was likely her father's doing, disappointment still lingered. 😔💔

Chapter Title: "Family Feasting vs. Searching for Mom"

Now, let's spice things up a bit, shall we? Picture this dramatic scene: Charlie, with his heart in his throat, shoots a lightning-quick question to his beloved wife, Claire, "Hey there, darling, where's your adventure compass pointing this fine afternoon?"

And in a delightful twist of events, Claire responds with a twinkle in her eye, "Well, I've got a rendezvous with my mom's social circle, and we're hitting the beauty salon for some glamorous facials and then strutting our stuff at the spa club!"

Hold onto your hats, folks! Just when you think you've got it all figured out, enter the wise patriarch, Jacob, stage left! With a flourish, he jumps into the conversation, "Hold the phone, Clay! I've got a dinner date with an old buddy this evening, and he's planning to cook us a storm. The house needs a bit of a makeover, and I've got to fetch some groceries."

Intrigued by this sudden twist, Claire can't help but ask, "Dad, didn't you just break bread with your old pal at lunch? Why the encore performance at dinner?"

Now, here's where it gets good! Jacob, with a glint of mischief in his eyes, counters with, "Lunch, my dear, is a whole different ballgame from dinner. Lunch was a casual affair, but dinner, ah, dinner calls for the grandest show of hospitality! Bringing him home is the true way to honor a friendship."

But wait, folks, there's a plot twist within the plot twist! Claire, her patience wearing thin, questions, "Dad, I get it, but can't you see the bigger picture? Mom's gone missing, and you're thinking of throwing a soirée at home? Why not wait until she's back? She's your old classmate too. Wouldn't it be more fitting for all of us to reunite?"

And here's where Jacob's inner monologue takes a hilarious turn: "Gosh, it's precisely because your mom is MIA that I have the audacity to invite my classmate over! But I can't spill those beans now, can I?"

So, he opts for diplomacy instead, replying with a sly grin, "Ah, my dear, you're not seeing the full picture. My buddy just jetted back from the States after two decades! We must welcome her back in style. We can't delay our grand reunion for days on end; it wouldn't be proper."

Still, Claire ain't having it. She retorts, "I don't see the big deal, Dad. I'm not interested in meeting your pal or her offspring. All I want is to find Mom pronto and bring her home."

Oh, the drama! Jacob's frustration bubbles over, and he scolds, "Why are you being so obstinate? It's just dinner! Does that mean you'll stop looking for her or skip dinner? Are you doing this to oppose me intentionally?"

Panic mode activated! Claire swiftly defends herself, "No, no, Dad! I just can't muster the enthusiasm to entertain strangers right now."

Jacob's temper flares, and he grumbles, "She's my old school buddy, for heaven's sake! Can't you at least consider my feelings?"

Deep down, Jacob harbors an unspoken thought: "What if your mom never returns, and my old pal becomes your new stepmom? Her kid might end up your bro! Best to get acquainted, right?"

Enter the hero of the hour, Charlie, the peacemaker! With charm oozing from every pore, he suggests, "Hear me out, dear wife. Let's search for Mom this afternoon. Since Aunt Hanley's the designated chef, Dad can run the grocery errand, and we'll have the feast at home. After we finish our manhunt, we can dine and keep searching. A win-win, no?"

A sigh of relief washes over Jacob, and he shoots Charlie a look of gratitude. Crisis averted! 🙌🍽️

Chapter 865: "Lunchtime Showdown"

Now, let's spice things up a bit! 😄 Picture this: We're in the Aurous Hill Detention Center, and the tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Elaine is on the edge, and Verity is playing the villain role to perfection.

Elaine, looking like she's seen a ghost, watches everyone wolf down their lunches while her stomach grumbles with hunger. She's been through hell – 24 hours without a morsel of food, a few punches in the face, and a night in a chilly toilet. She's basically running on fumes.

But guess what? She's walking on eggshells because she knows Verity is just waiting for an excuse to unleash another round of beatings! 😬

Now, here's the twist! Mrs. Wilson, the elderly lady with a less-than-enthusiastic appetite, has half her lunch left. And what does she do? She sashays over to Elaine with a grin, offering her leftovers like a fairy godmother. "You must be starving, right? Want some?"

Elaine can't believe her eyes! "Mom, are you for real?" she cautiously asks.

Mrs. Wilson nods and says, "Seeing you this hungry, I can't help but feel a twinge of guilt. Go ahead, don't let my age stop you."

The detention center's lunch isn't five-star cuisine, but the aroma makes Elaine's mouth water. She couldn't care less if Mrs. Wilson rolled in mud at this point – if it's edible and not from the floor, it's a feast!

With gratitude oozing, Elaine says, "Thank you, Mom, thank you!" As she reaches for the lunchbox, Mrs. Wilson flips it over, drenching Elaine in leftovers and soup!

Then, Mrs. Wilson gives her the cold shoulder, saying, "You don't mind my 'filth,' but I mind yours. You, a shameless woman, don't deserve my leftovers. I'd rather toss them to the dogs!"

Elaine realizes she's been played, and with food in her hair, she breaks down, sobbing, "When will this torment end? I'm already miserable! Haven't I ever spared you, despite our differences? Have I ever laid a finger on you? But look at how you treat me! Do you want me to die?"

Mrs. Wilson snorts, "Do I need to wait for you to attack me before I retaliate? If you'd welcomed me politely into Thomson Elite villa, would things have come to this?"

Elaine, tears streaming, pleads, "I know I was wrong. If I get out of here, I'll carry you back to Thomson Elite villa on a golden sedan chair and give you the fanciest room!"

She adds, "I've written you a letter! After your 15-day stint, take it to Claire, and she'll arrange everything at Thomson Elite. Why make things harder now?"

Mrs. Wilson clenches her teeth and slams the lunchbox onto Elaine's head, snarling, "Why make things hard? I wish I could kill you! I'd do more than just beat you – I'd flay your skin! Thanks to you, I've never tasted such humiliation. Do you think I'll let you off the hook?" 😡💢

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 866: "Chill-Inducing Retribution"

Picture this, my friends! Elder Mrs. Wilson wasted no time and immediately hatched a plan that would send chills down anyone's spine. 😨 She called upon the fearless Wendy and issued an order that would make even the bravest shudder. "Wen, come here. Let's drag her to the bathroom and rinse the food off her head with cold water! Otherwise, if she secretly eats it later, it would be too easy on her!" 😱

Elaine, with terror in her voice, cried out, "It's almost winter now! You want to douse my head with cold water, are you trying to kill me?" 🥶

But that's not all, folks! Verity, who had been reveling in the spectacle, decided to add her own icy twist. She chimed in coldly, "Stop your damn nonsense, or not only will the old lady rinse your head with cold water, but I'll also give you a cold shower!" ❄️

Terrified beyond belief, Elaine was dragged into the bathroom by this formidable grandmother-granddaughter duo, and her fate took a chilling turn. 😬

With no hesitation whatsoever, Wendy positioned her head under the tap of the mop sink and turned it on full blast. The icy tap water hit Elaine's head, leaving her mind blank, followed by bone-chilling cold, making her shiver uncontrollably. 🚿❄️

Desperation in her eyes, Elaine pleaded, "Mom, please, give me a towel, or I'll really freeze to death!" 🥺

Elder Mrs. Wilson, with a sinister grin, sneered, "You want a towel? Do you deserve one? If you actually freeze to death, it would be a relief. You'd be free of your misery, and I'd be rid of my anger!" 😈

Then, she delivered the ultimate blow, mocking, "Why don't you just cooperate and die? It would solve everything!" 😡

In utter despair, Elaine collapsed on the floor, tears streaming down her face. Elder Mrs. Wilson, disgusted, glanced at her and said to Wendy, "Let this wretch cry here by herself. Let's go!" 😒

Wendy, sharing her satisfaction, chimed in, "Wretch! Your bad days are just beginning! Now it's your turn, and when I'm done with you, I'll find a way to deal with Claire, that little wretch!" 😠


Meanwhile, in a twist of fate, Claire had no idea that her mother was enduring such a bizarre ordeal at the hands of her grandmother and cousin. With her father, Jacob Wilson, unwilling to help, she had to take matters into her own hands. She teamed up with Charlie to search for her mother, and the journey was bound to be filled with surprises and revelations. 😲

As Charlie prepared to embark on his mission, Claire stopped him with a curious inquiry, "Charlie, spill the beans! What's the deal with Dad's old classmate?" 😏

Charlie, intrigued, responded, "Wife, what do you want to know?" 😄

Claire, determined, replied, "I want all the juicy details: her appearance, demeanor, personality, her family, love life, and her plans after returning to the country." 😉😉

Charlie, always the honest one, spilled the tea, "Auntie Hanley is an absolute stunner, with a demeanor that'll make your jaw drop. She's humble and low-profile, incredibly friendly. As for her family, it's a straightforward story: her husband has passed away, leaving just her and her son. They're quite the powerhouse; they run a big law firm that caters to Fortune 500 companies. They've relocated their business to Aurous Hill, possibly planning to retire here." 😎💼

Chapter 867: "A Shocker!"

"Whoa!" Claire's jaw dropped, and she exclaimed, "Stunning, charming, perfect personality, and on top of that, a wealthy widow... Doesn't this sound like the diamond of eligible bachelors among middle-aged women?"

Charlie nodded enthusiastically and said with seriousness, "Absolutely a diamond bachelor, but Auntie Hanley doesn't look like an auntie at all, she's more like an older sister."

Claire asked, her eyes widened in amazement, "Is it really that extreme? How old does she appear?"

Charlie replied with assurance, "She looks around thirty-seven or thirty-eight, maybe forty at most."

"Seriously?!" Claire's face displayed sheer disbelief. She had rarely encountered a fifty-year-old woman who could pass for being in her late thirties.

"Even movie stars don't look this exceptional, do they?"

Charlie maintained his earnest tone and said, "I'm not kidding at all. Auntie Hanley genuinely looks incredibly youthful. You know the movie star Carmella Rose, right? Auntie Merit Hanley appears even younger and more stunning than her."

Claire exclaimed, "That's hard to fathom!"

Charlie grinned lightly and added, "She's coming over for dinner tonight. You'll see for yourself when you meet her."

Claire no longer harbored doubts about Charlie's words. She said with concern, "This woman used to be Dad's first love, and now she's a widow with such amazing qualifications. Especially since Mom and Dad's relationship is on shaky ground, and what's more infuriating is that Mom has vanished right now. Isn't this giving this woman an opportunity to step in?!"

Charlie scratched his head awkwardly and said, "Darling, we can't control what our parents do. They have their own freedom. All we can do is respect their choices; it's not wise to oppose them."

Claire grew increasingly agitated. While she acknowledged that her mother, Elaine, wasn't exactly virtuous or righteous, she was still her mother. How could she stand by and watch her mother being forsaken by her father?

With these thoughts swirling in her mind, she became even more determined to locate her mother and bring her back home.

Thus, she urged Charlie, "Time is ticking. Let's split up and commence the search. This afternoon, you must visit as many chess and card rooms as possible. Take Mom's photo with you and inquire carefully with every owner and patron."

Charlie hesitated, saying, "I don't have a picture of Mom."

He wanted nothing to do with Elaine, let alone keep any of her photos on his phone.

Quickly, Claire assured him, "I'll send you a recent ID photo of Mom right away!"


Once Charlie hit the road, he began shuttling between various chess and card rooms in the vicinity.

At each location, he snapped a photo of the entrance and another one from inside, promptly forwarding both images to his wife to prove he had visited.

Whenever Claire inquired about the progress, his response remained consistent: "The owner hasn't spotted her, and the customers claim they haven't seen her either."

Although he didn't explicitly ask, he had a hunch that the outcome would remain unchanged.

Observing the repetitive updates, Claire understood that, on one hand, Charlie was genuinely trying to find her mother, but on the other, their inability to uncover any leads was steadily driving her into a state of heightened anxiety.

They say that the first 24 hours after a person goes missing are the most crucial for solving the case. If any clues surface within this timeframe, the chances of finding the missing person are significantly higher. However, if no leads emerge within the first 24 hours, the odds of success often dwindle.

Chapter 868: "The Mysterious Disappearance"

Now, let's dive into the latest happenings, folks! Brace yourselves for a rollercoaster of emotions as we unravel the mystery of Elaine's vanishing act! 😱🕵️‍♀️

So, it had been a whopping 24 hours since Elaine mysteriously vanished into thin air. Talk about a suspenseful plot twist, right? 😬

Claire, bless her heart, was absolutely beside herself with worry and anxiety. She was on a mission and wasn't about to sit around twiddling her thumbs! She dashed over to all those fancy beauty salons and clubs where her dear old Elaine used to hang out.

Now, picture this: Claire, determined as ever, storms into one of those ritzy beauty salons like a whirlwind. She whips out a photo of her missing mom and goes, "Hey there, have you seen this woman in the photo?"

And guess what, folks? The owner, totally taken aback, goes all wide-eyed and exclaims, "Oh my stars, isn't this Sister Elaine?"

Claire, her heart doing a happy dance, can't help but gush, "You know my mom?"

The owner, with a knowing grin, goes, "Well, well, well, so you're Sister Elaine's offspring, huh? Your mom used to be a regular here, but lately, she's been as elusive as a unicorn. She used to strut in with her squad for facials and whatnot. But let me tell ya, Sister Elaine's been MIA lately. You think she's gone missing?"

Claire nods fervently and pleads, "You know her friends, right? Can you hook me up with their digits?"

Then, a light bulb moment! The owner, with a sly grin, blurts out, "Hold on a sec! One of your mom's pals is right here getting her facial done. How 'bout I give her a holler?"

Claire, all gratitude and smiles, chirps, "Oh, you're a lifesaver! Thanks a million!"

"No sweat, it's all in a day's work."

The owner, with a cheeky wink, grabs the intercom and announces, "Lili, do us a solid and summon Sister Esther. Sister Elaine's daughter's got some burning questions!"

Moments later, in walks Sister Esther, a plump, hearty lady wearing a face mask that looks like it's wrestling her chubby cheeks for supremacy. It's almost comical, but Claire's too focused on her mission to chuckle.

She gazes at Sister Esther with anticipation, hoping to uncover some juicy tidbits about her elusive mother.

Sister Esther strides over, sizes up Claire, and asks bluntly, "You're Old Elaine's kid, ain't ya?"

Claire, quick to respond, offers a respectful nod and says, "Aunt Esther, hi there! Yup, I'm Elaine's daughter. Have you seen my mom since yesterday?"

Sister Esther, her anger palpable, scoffs, "Your mom, that one! We can't even afford to breathe the same air as her!"

Claire leans in, her curiosity piqued, and inquires, "Aunt Esther, what do you mean? Did something happen between her and you?"

Sister Esther lets out a scornful snicker, "Hah! Me and Old Elaine, having conflicts? You won't believe what she said to me yesterday when I invited her for a facial!"

Claire, her eyes practically sparkling with curiosity, implores, "Aunt Esther, what did my mom say?"

Sister Esther, brimming with indignation, retorts, "Your mom had the audacity to claim that someone of her stature couldn't possibly grace my salon with her presence. She straight-up dissed us regular folks, saying that places like this are beneath her, and she'd rather buy the whole salon just to keep her distance! She insulted me, mocked me, called me poor, and boasted about her wealth like she was the queen of the universe! Is she looking down on us because she's swimming in riches now? If she wants nothing to do with us, why stoop so low as to ridicule us? I've done nothing to her, so why the heck is she belittling me? It's enough to make my blood boil!" 😡💥

Chapter 869: "The Vanishing Act"

Esther, sporting a mask that clung to her face like a battle-worn soldier, couldn't hide her irritation. Her facial muscles were in turmoil as she scowled.

The face mask, now a tattered casualty of her contorted expressions, lay discarded on the floor, a physical manifestation of her vexation.

Regret clouded her gaze as she stared at the fallen mask, a silent witness to her outburst.

Reflecting on the incident from the previous day only deepened her melancholy. Elaine and she weren't inseparable friends, but their camaraderie was solid. They frequented each other's company, shared beauty treatments, and engaged in card games together.

These friendships were a dime a dozen, characterized by polite exchanges and a shared aversion to embarrassment. Yet, out of nowhere, Elaine had verbally lashed out at her during a phone call yesterday, leaving her fuming and sleepless all night.

Claire, perplexed by the situation, listened intently. Why had her mother spoken to Esther in such a manner? Elaine had been keeping a low profile recently due to financial constraints. Had she suddenly stumbled upon unexpected wealth? The notion of purchasing a beauty salon for her personal use hinted at a substantial windfall.

On the other hand, even if she had experienced a sudden change in fortune, was there any reason for her to vanish without a trace?

Claire's thoughts grew increasingly convoluted.

In the midst of her frustration, Esther interjected indignantly, "What? Your mom has disappeared?"

Claire nodded hastily, her voice tinged with anxiety, "Yes! She left yesterday at noon and hasn't returned since. Her phone is off, she's not responding on WeChat, and she's ignoring video calls. It's been a whole day and night!"

Esther paused, then scoffed with a hint of bitterness, "Maybe, with newfound wealth, your mom has decided to look down not only on old friends but even on you and your dad, choosing to vanish from our world."

Sighing, Esther added with resignation, "Now that I think about it, I feel somewhat relieved. If Elaine can disregard her own husband and daughter, it's no surprise she'd look down on us, her less affluent friends."

Claire's heart clenched with unease.

Her thoughts shifted to her aunt, Zoraida, who had vanished with over 15 million, rumored to be living extravagantly with a younger lover. Could her mother be following a similar path if she had indeed struck it rich? The possibility left Claire increasingly anxious.

She anxiously inquired of Esther, "Auntie Esther, do you have any other leads or information?"

Esther shook her head, her face a mixture of concern and uncertainty. "I only had that one phone call with your mom. Since then, I haven't heard from her or about her."

Claire expressed her heartfelt gratitude, "Thank you, Auntie Esther."

Esther waved it off, her demeanor softening, "Don't mention it. In fact, I should be thanking you. My heart felt heavy, but talking to you lightened the load."

Claire offered a sincere apology on her mother's behalf, "Auntie Esther, I'm truly sorry. I apologize for my mom's behavior."

Esther dismissed the apology with a wave of her hand, speaking earnestly, "No need to apologize. If your mom remains elusive, so be it. But if she ever returns, tell her to never show her face in front of me again. No matter how wealthy she becomes, I won't hesitate to confront her."

With an awkward nod and one final thank you, Claire swiftly exited the beauty salon.

Outside, she mulled over the perplexing situation.

Considering her mother's character, if she had indeed spoken so boldly to Esther on the phone, it suggested that she had come into money. Otherwise, she wouldn't have dared to act so brashly.

But Claire couldn't shake the memory that just yesterday at noon, her mother had asked her father for money to visit the beauty salon and then turned to Charlie, who had declined her request.

Chapter 870: "Unraveling the Riddle of Mom's Sudden Change"

So, let's rewind a bit, folks! Here we were, thinking Mom was as broke as a church mouse, but then out of the blue, she's on the phone, trash-talking Aunt Esther like she's the latest member of the elite club. 📞💰

Hold your horses, though! Could it be that Mom hit the jackpot in record time? But where did this cash bonanza come from?

And even if she did strike gold, why did she decide to pull a vanishing act?

I mean, seriously, did she start looking down on Dad and herself just because she had some extra zeroes in her bank account?

Knowing Mom, it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility. But remember, she'd been dreaming of that swanky Thomspn Elite villa for ages!

So, logically, if she'd struck it rich, she'd want to keep it hush-hush and bask in the luxury of her dream villa, right? 🤔

Instead, she's gone in a flash, not even spending a single night there!

Claire is scratching her head over this bizarre twist, feeling like she's caught in a web of contradictions and creepy vibes.

But alas, the trail goes cold with Aunt Esther, and for now, she can't Sherlock Holmes her way any further.

To solve this tangled web of mysteries, she'll need more clues. 🔍🕵️

Only then can she unravel the enigma and find out where in the world Mom has vanished to. Or else, it might just be mission impossible!


Meanwhile, Charlie is cruising through Aurous Hill City, racking his brain over his mother-in-law's predicament.

Seeing his wife's anxiety skyrocket breaks his heart, and he's determined to find a way to free Elaine. 💔

But cracking this puzzle isn't a walk in the park.

As he's driving, a huge billboard catches his eye: "Crackdown on Pyramid Schemes and Create a Safe, Harmonious Aurous Hill!"

An idea suddenly lights up in Charlie's head.

He quickly dials Isaac Craven and asks, "How's my mother-in-law holding up in the slammer?"

Isaac responds with respect, "Young Master, she's facing some tough times in there. Seems like no one's rolling out the welcome mat, and they're giving her a real rough time."

Charlie smirks, "Well, she did give Mrs. Wilson a hard time before, and that lady never forgets. It's just karma paying her a visit."

Isaac inquires, "Young Master, do you have a plan in mind? Forgive me for being blunt, but your mother-in-law's been through a lot. If you release her, she might come after you first."

Charlie chuckles, "Don't sweat it. I've got a rough plan in the works, and I'll need your backup. When the time's right, we'll put on a show she won't forget."

Isaac eagerly pledges, "Young Master, just give the word."

Charlie grins, "I'm not letting her off the hook just yet. I'll give you the signal when it's time to roll out the red carpet."

"Got it, Young Master!" 📞🤝
Last edited:


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 841: Love's Turbulent Waters

Elsa couldn't help but feel her heartstrings tugged as Charlie tenderly wiped away her tears, even though she knew his heart belonged to Claire. It was a bittersweet moment filled with a mix of emotions.

Her voice trembling, she said, "Charlie, if Claire truly loves you, I won't stand in the way. But you know she's only with you because of her promise to her grandfather. Can a love built on such a foundation truly be fulfilling? Why not explore a different path for both of you?"

With a catch in her throat, she continued, "What does Claire have that I lack? Tell me, and I'll strive to reach her level. Don't reject me so quickly; give me a chance, please?"

Charlie rose from his seat, shaking his head, "Elsa, sometimes you can't fathom a man's heart. Claire owes me a favor, just as you feel indebted to me. That alone is reason enough for me to stand by her side. Whether she loves me or not, I'm in no rush to find out. I have all the time in the world to understand, explore, and perhaps even change things – just as you feel about me. Even though I've repeatedly told you I'm married and have no interest in any woman besides Claire, haven't you continued to express your feelings for me?"

Elsa suddenly saw the parallels in their situations.

Indeed, Charlie's feelings for Claire mirrored her own for him.

With this realization, her heart ached just as intensely as his did.

Just as Charlie refused to give up on Claire, Elsa couldn't bring herself to give up on him.

Wiping away her tears, she looked at Charlie with determination, "If you're not willing to give up on Claire, then I won't give up on you either. If you can wait for Claire, then I can wait for you! No matter how long it takes, I'll keep waiting!"

Charlie sighed, "Alright, since you've made your decision, I'll respect it."

Afterward, Charlie checked the time and said, "It's getting late. You should go back to your room and get some rest."

Elsa nodded slightly, "You go ahead. I want to sit here for a while longer."

Charlie acknowledged her request and headed upstairs.

As Charlie left, Elsa remained on the sofa, her heart a whirlwind of emotions – resentment, determination, heartache, and affection, all battling within her.
She believed that Charlie might be the only man she could ever wholeheartedly love. If she couldn't be with him, she doubted she'd ever find another who could stir her heart in the same way.

The thought of never being with the man she loved most filled her with overwhelming sadness.

Was she destined to never be with Charlie in this lifetime?

No, she couldn't accept that!

She believed that fate, which had brought Charlie into her life twice to save her, wouldn't end their story in silence.

There would be a perfect ending, as long as she persisted with a sincere heart.

She would persevere, and then persevere some more, until victory!


When Charlie quietly opened his room door, he found Claire standing alone on the second-floor balcony.

Bathed in moonlight, her silhouette looked both ethereal and enchanting, stirring Charlie's heart.

Claire might have been naively devoted to her grandfather and Charlie as her husband, but it was precisely this unwavering loyalty that had prevented her from seeking a divorce.

Shortly after their marriage, Elder Wilson passed away.

At that time, the entire Wilson family had pressured Claire to divorce Charlie. After all, she had married him solely because of her grandfather's wishes, against the family's objections.

But her commitment to the marriage and to her legal husband meant that as long as Charlie didn't mention divorce, she wouldn't either. Her loyalty ran deep, and she was determined to honor her marriage vows.

Chapter 842: "A Twist of Fate"

Had Claire not clung to her stubborn "foolishness," she might have heeded the well-meaning advice and embraced a nourishing life much earlier.

The question that lingered, however, was what destiny would have unfolded in such a scenario.

Charlie dared not venture into that unsettling territory.

Before marrying Claire, his life had been a relentless struggle.

Upon turning 18, he had outgrown the orphanage's care. On that day, Aunt Lena, with her modest savings, had bought him a birthday cake, celebrating with teary eyes before reluctantly sending him away from the only home he'd known.

In that moment, Charlie once again found himself a solitary, lost soul in this unforgiving world.

Aunt Lena had wanted to aid him, find him a job, and offer financial support, but his pride had been an insurmountable barrier.

He took it upon himself to find work, and at the tender age of 18, he had been toiling away on a construction site, moving bricks, hauling sand, and wrestling with heavy bags of cement.

Refusing to rent a place, he had resided in a makeshift shelter at the construction site, subsisting on the most budget-friendly meals while engaging in the dirtiest, most grueling labor.

Of the money he earned, he allocated only a meager portion to cover his own expenses, generously donating the rest to the orphanage.

His altruism stemmed from the realization that there were countless other children at the orphanage, much like him—lonely, unsupported, and still far from adulthood, in desperate need of care and affection.

The orphanage, constrained by limited resources, could ensure these children were fed and clothed, but it couldn't guarantee that they ate well, enjoyed good meals, or wore nice clothing.

Hence, Charlie spared no effort in channeling the funds he had saved toward enhancing the lives of these younger children, even purchasing textbooks to encourage them to pursue education with diligence.

In his fourth year at the construction site, fate took a remarkable turn when his team secured a project from the prestigious Wilson family.

During a visit to the construction site, the elder Mr. Wilson noticed an uncanny resemblance between Charlie and his grandfather in his youth.

This connection ran deep in the annals of history, for a century ago, the Wilson family had served as loyal servants to the Wade family!

Mr. Wilson's grandfather had sought refuge in Eastcliff, nearly succumbing to starvation until the benevolent Wade family took him in. In gratitude, the Wilson family willingly bound themselves as lifelong servants to the Wade family, living harmoniously, marrying, and raising families within the Wade household.

Mr. Wilson's father had been born and raised under the Wade family's care and had subsequently chosen to pledge his life in service as well. Mr. Wilson himself came into the world within the auspices of the Wade family.

Thus, he grew up within the Wade household, serving as a devoted servant alongside the patriarch of the Wade family. They had grown up together, albeit with vastly different statuses—Mr. Wilson knew him, but the patriarch remained unaware of Mr. Wilson's existence.

As tumultuous times descended with the outbreak of war, the Wade family prepared to relocate to escape the conflict. Unable to take so many servants with them, they provided generous settlements and released most of them.

It was at this juncture that Mr. Wilson had departed with the settlement funds, returning to his hometown.

Hence, when he laid eyes on Charlie, he held a steadfast belief that this young man must be a descendant of the Wade family.

After a thorough inquiry, Charlie disclosed his family history.

Without hesitation, Mr. Wilson knelt down, delivering three profound kowtows to Charlie, expressing boundless gratitude for the kindness the Wade family had shown to the Wilson family in days long past.

With unwavering determination, Mr. Wilson ushered Charlie into the Wilson family, staunchly advocating for a union between his granddaughter, Claire, and the young man.

At that juncture, Mr. Wilson remained uncertain about Charlie's future trajectory, but he steadfastly believed that a descendant of the esteemed Wade family should not languish in the despair of a construction site.

The Wilson family, bound by generations of servitude to the Wade family, carried both a duty and a solemn obligation to provide sanctuary for this lost scion of the Wade lineage, bestowing upon him the comforts of a stable home! 😊🏡🌟

Chapter 843: "The Bumpy Road to Leveling Up"

As Charlie gazed into the abyss of his memories, he found himself drowning in a sea of emotions. 😔

In the vast Wilson family, only two souls had shown him true kindness. The late Elder Wilson had been one, and the other was none other than Claire, his wife.

With Elder Wilson now resting in the afterlife, the burden of caring for him fell solely on Claire's shoulders. 🌟

Watching Claire on the balcony, her worried expression tugging at his heartstrings, Charlie approached her with deliberate steps. "Claire, don't fret too much. I'm sure Mom will return safely," he said, attempting to reassure her.

Claire, still somewhat miffed, realized he had entered and shot him a glance. "You may not care deeply for her, so of course you think nothing will happen. Even if it does, you won't feel it in your bones."

Charlie sensed her lingering frustration and let out a soft sigh. He drew nearer, hoping to offer some comfort. "Wife, I understand your concern about Mom facing hardships or even danger, but consider this: adversity can sometimes be the catalyst for personal growth."

Claire replied, "I see your point, but the crucial thing is that the hardships should be within manageable bounds. If they escalate into genuine danger, then everything spirals out of control..."

Charlie nodded and suggested, "Let's get some rest for now. Tomorrow morning, we'll resume our search, okay?"

After a brief hesitation, Claire nodded. "Alright, let's get some sleep. Tomorrow, I'll head to the police station to inquire about their progress. They mentioned that if she's not found by tomorrow, they'll contact the Blue Sky Rescue Team for assistance."

"Exactly," Charlie agreed, trying to soothe her concerns. "The Blue Sky Rescue Team can mobilize substantial resources. Finding a person shouldn't be an issue."

"Hopefully..." Claire murmured before turning and heading back to their room.

Charlie followed closely, his excitement bubbling beneath the surface.

After all, this night could be a golden opportunity for him to level up and finally share a bed with his wife!

If things went according to plan, they might even accomplish their long-overdue wedding night!

With these thoughts, Charlie rushed into the room, eager to sweep Claire off her feet and onto the bed. However, she bypassed the bed and retrieved a set of bedding from the wardrobe, her annoyance evident. She scolded Charlie, "Here, you'll be sleeping on the floor tonight!"

Charlie blinked in surprise. "Huh?! But darling, didn't you say I could level up? I've been stuck at this level for over three years; it's high time I made progress!"

Claire, a mix of bashfulness and anger, stamped her foot. "That was before. The circumstances have changed, so let's postpone the leveling up!"

Charlie grumbled, "Postpone until when?"

Claire retorted with irritation, "Postpone until Mom comes back!"

Charlie sighed in resignation. "Alright, my dear. No leveling up for now. We'll wait until Mom returns."

That night, frustration gnawed at Charlie.

Simultaneously, he felt a growing irritation toward Elaine.

Oh, Elaine, your interference is relentless!

As this crossed his mind, Claire had already settled on the bed, her irritation palpable. "No sneaking in! Otherwise, I'll exile you to the bedroom downstairs!"

Charlie reluctantly agreed, saying, "Okay, dear. No leveling up for now. We'll wait until Mom returns."

That night, Charlie's emotions swirled in turmoil.

Simultaneously, his vexation with Elaine deepened.

This mother-in-law of his needed a lesson in manners. If only she hadn't swiped his black card, things might have taken a different course!

If only she had behaved herself, she would be occupying the grand upstairs bedroom, and he would be sharing a bed with Claire.

It seemed that some discipline was in order for this woman!

He resolved to give Isaac a nudge, ensuring that a few individuals would teach her a lesson. At the very least, she needed to learn not to pilfer from others or snatch their bank cards! 😡💳

Chapter 844: "The Reunion That Turned Back Time"

In stark contrast to Charlie's calm demeanor, Jacob upstairs was a ball of uncontainable excitement. His heart raced with anticipation, and sleep was a distant dream for him that night. In the quiet hours, he wandered down memory lane, relishing every moment spent with Merit. Those cherished memories became his solace, and with each mental replay, his eagerness for their upcoming reunion grew stronger.

Morning broke, and although he hadn't slept a wink, Jacob was surprisingly vibrant. A surge of energy pulsed through him, and a perpetual grin adorned his face. He rose early, meticulously groomed himself, eradicating even the tiniest hint of stubble. He combed his salt-and-pepper hair and styled it with precision. His closet yielded a high-end suit, a relic from the days when the Wilson family's fortunes were at their zenith, and he was the pampered second son. The suit, tailored in Hong Kong, miraculously still fit him like a glove.

Standing before the mirror, Jacob marveled at his rejuvenated appearance, seemingly a decade younger. As the saying goes, "Happiness brings a youthful glow," and he embodied it fully. The mere thought of reuniting with Merit sent shivers of excitement down his spine, making him wish he could teleport to the airport instantly to greet her.

But reality dictated otherwise; Merit's flight wouldn't touch down until after ten. With time to spare, Jacob descended to the dining room, where Claire and Elsa were sipping milk at the table. Meanwhile, Charlie was busy in the kitchen, concocting a breakfast of eggs and bacon. Elsa, with her keen eye for detail, was the first to spot Jacob's transformation and exclaimed, "Uncle, you look incredibly dashing today!"

"Really?" Jacob chuckled, his modesty showing as he inquired, "Do you think so?"

Elsa gave an enthusiastic thumbs-up and declared, "Absolutely!"

At that moment, Claire, glancing up from her milk, couldn't help but comment on her father's unusual attire, asking, "Dad, what's with the fancy outfit? What's going on?"

Jacob hastened to explain, "I have plans today. An old friend is returning from abroad, and I'm meeting her for a meal."

He added with a smile, "Oh, and Charlie will be joining us for lunch, so you don't have to worry about cooking. Just order something for yourself at the office."

"Dad!" Claire retorted with a hint of frustration, "Mom is still missing! I thought you and Charlie were going to help me search for her today. How can you go for lunch now?"

Jacob replied, his tone softening, "Sweetie, they've already arrived. I can't just cancel on them."

Claire, fuming with anger, questioned, "But Mom is missing! Shouldn't you be more concerned about her? How can you be in the mood for lunch? Are you and Mom even a couple?"

With unwavering determination, Jacob nodded and affirmed, "Yes, we are."

He then confided, "But we're separated."

Claire was rendered speechless, realizing that her father was preparing to meet his first love. The dissonance between her missing mother and her father's sartorial transformation left her seething with frustration.

In a firm tone, Jacob explained, "We can find your mother anytime, but I can't miss this lunch. I promise, after our meal, Charlie and I will dedicate ourselves to finding her."

Claire countered, "You can go on your own. Charlie will accompany me!"

Jacob persisted, "That won't do, sweetheart. They're bringing their son, and it wouldn't be appropriate for me to go alone. Why don't you let Charlie help search for your mom, and you come with me?" 😊

Chapter 845 - "Family Clash and Detention Drama"

When Claire's father, Jacob, dropped the bombshell of inviting her to meet his first love, her initial response was an emphatic, "I won't go!"

Jacob, the master of diplomacy, shrugged and retorted, "Well then, don't stop Charlie from joining me. One of you two has to be my partner in crime."

The flames of anger sparked within Claire, and she fired back, "Dad, seriously? You think having lunch with an old classmate takes precedence over finding Mom? Can't you see the difference?"

With a blunt and unexpected response, Jacob declared, "Of course, I can! Lunch with an old classmate is top-tier!"

A stunned Claire struggled to find words, her good-natured demeanor crumbling under the weight of her frustration.

But Jacob, as cool as a cucumber, continued, "Claire, you need to grasp a simple fact. The world doesn't orbit around your mom. There are four people in this family, and we all have our own needs. You can orbit around your mom, but you can't force me or Charlie to do the same. Don't we deserve our own lives and desires?"

With a hint of agitation, he added, "If your mom isn't found in a day, does that mean I can't do anything else but search for her? If she's never found, should I dedicate my entire life to the quest until I expire? If that's the case, I'd rather run away from home. Why deal with all this?"

Claire found herself momentarily silenced.

She couldn't deny that her father's reasoning had a flaw, yet it held a kernel of truth she couldn't ignore.

After a moment of reflection, she compromised, "Fine, you can meet your classmates. I won't object, but after that, you must help me search for Mom!"

"Deal, deal," Jacob agreed enthusiastically, flashing a grin. "You can trust me, I'll give it my all when the time comes."

As they discussed, Charlie emerged with a plate of fried eggs and bacon, taken aback by Jacob's dapper attire. He couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow, Dad, you're looking sharp today!"

Jacob chuckled, beaming with pride. "How about that? Impressive, right?"

Charlie nodded, grinning. "Absolutely impressive."

With the compromise settled, Claire instructed Charlie, "You'll accompany Dad for the lunch meetup with his classmate. Afterward, make a quick detour to places like mahjong parlors to inquire if anyone's seen Mom."

Charlie readily agreed, playfully adding, "Sure thing, wifey. After lunch, I'm on the case with Dad."


Meanwhile, at the detention center, breakfast was underway.

Elaine, shivering and famished after a night in the chilly toilet, anxiously awaited her chance to replenish herself. She feared she might collapse from hunger at any moment.

The meal distributors returned with a plastic basket, and a frenzy of inmates rushed to secure their portions. Elaine, hesitant to take directly, approached Verity with a pitiful look. "Sister Baxter, could I possibly have something to eat? I haven't had a bite in a whole day and night..."

Verity Baxter, engrossed in her porridge and steamed buns, raised an eyebrow and retorted, "What's it got to do with me whether you eat or not? Did I stop you before?"

With a mournful expression, Elaine pleaded, "I'm just afraid that if I eat, you might beat me again..."

Verity's smirk was merciless. "At least you understand that much. Eat if you want; a full stomach makes taking a beating easier." 😏🍽️
Finish eating and go for your beatings


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 866: "Chill-Inducing Retribution"

Picture this, my friends! Elder Mrs. Wilson wasted no time and immediately hatched a plan that would send chills down anyone's spine. 😨 She called upon the fearless Wendy and issued an order that would make even the bravest shudder. "Wen, come here. Let's drag her to the bathroom and rinse the food off her head with cold water! Otherwise, if she secretly eats it later, it would be too easy on her!" 😱

Elaine, with terror in her voice, cried out, "It's almost winter now! You want to douse my head with cold water, are you trying to kill me?" 🥶

But that's not all, folks! Verity, who had been reveling in the spectacle, decided to add her own icy twist. She chimed in coldly, "Stop your damn nonsense, or not only will the old lady rinse your head with cold water, but I'll also give you a cold shower!" ❄️

Terrified beyond belief, Elaine was dragged into the bathroom by this formidable grandmother-granddaughter duo, and her fate took a chilling turn. 😬

With no hesitation whatsoever, Wendy positioned her head under the tap of the mop sink and turned it on full blast. The icy tap water hit Elaine's head, leaving her mind blank, followed by bone-chilling cold, making her shiver uncontrollably. 🚿❄️

Desperation in her eyes, Elaine pleaded, "Mom, please, give me a towel, or I'll really freeze to death!" 🥺

Elder Mrs. Wilson, with a sinister grin, sneered, "You want a towel? Do you deserve one? If you actually freeze to death, it would be a relief. You'd be free of your misery, and I'd be rid of my anger!" 😈

Then, she delivered the ultimate blow, mocking, "Why don't you just cooperate and die? It would solve everything!" 😡

In utter despair, Elaine collapsed on the floor, tears streaming down her face. Elder Mrs. Wilson, disgusted, glanced at her and said to Wendy, "Let this wretch cry here by herself. Let's go!" 😒

Wendy, sharing her satisfaction, chimed in, "Wretch! Your bad days are just beginning! Now it's your turn, and when I'm done with you, I'll find a way to deal with Claire, that little wretch!" 😠


Meanwhile, in a twist of fate, Claire had no idea that her mother was enduring such a bizarre ordeal at the hands of her grandmother and cousin. With her father, Jacob Wilson, unwilling to help, she had to take matters into her own hands. She teamed up with Charlie to search for her mother, and the journey was bound to be filled with surprises and revelations. 😲

As Charlie prepared to embark on his mission, Claire stopped him with a curious inquiry, "Charlie, spill the beans! What's the deal with Dad's old classmate?" 😏

Charlie, intrigued, responded, "Wife, what do you want to know?" 😄

Claire, determined, replied, "I want all the juicy details: her appearance, demeanor, personality, her family, love life, and her plans after returning to the country." 😉😉

Charlie, always the honest one, spilled the tea, "Auntie Hanley is an absolute stunner, with a demeanor that'll make your jaw drop. She's humble and low-profile, incredibly friendly. As for her family, it's a straightforward story: her husband has passed away, leaving just her and her son. They're quite the powerhouse; they run a big law firm that caters to Fortune 500 companies. They've relocated their business to Aurous Hill, possibly planning to retire here." 😎💼

Chapter 867: "A Shocker!"

"Whoa!" Claire's jaw dropped, and she exclaimed, "Stunning, charming, perfect personality, and on top of that, a wealthy widow... Doesn't this sound like the diamond of eligible bachelors among middle-aged women?"

Charlie nodded enthusiastically and said with seriousness, "Absolutely a diamond bachelor, but Auntie Hanley doesn't look like an auntie at all, she's more like an older sister."

Claire asked, her eyes widened in amazement, "Is it really that extreme? How old does she appear?"

Charlie replied with assurance, "She looks around thirty-seven or thirty-eight, maybe forty at most."

"Seriously?!" Claire's face displayed sheer disbelief. She had rarely encountered a fifty-year-old woman who could pass for being in her late thirties.

"Even movie stars don't look this exceptional, do they?"

Charlie maintained his earnest tone and said, "I'm not kidding at all. Auntie Hanley genuinely looks incredibly youthful. You know the movie star Carmella Rose, right? Auntie Merit Hanley appears even younger and more stunning than her."

Claire exclaimed, "That's hard to fathom!"

Charlie grinned lightly and added, "She's coming over for dinner tonight. You'll see for yourself when you meet her."

Claire no longer harbored doubts about Charlie's words. She said with concern, "This woman used to be Dad's first love, and now she's a widow with such amazing qualifications. Especially since Mom and Dad's relationship is on shaky ground, and what's more infuriating is that Mom has vanished right now. Isn't this giving this woman an opportunity to step in?!"

Charlie scratched his head awkwardly and said, "Darling, we can't control what our parents do. They have their own freedom. All we can do is respect their choices; it's not wise to oppose them."

Claire grew increasingly agitated. While she acknowledged that her mother, Elaine, wasn't exactly virtuous or righteous, she was still her mother. How could she stand by and watch her mother being forsaken by her father?

With these thoughts swirling in her mind, she became even more determined to locate her mother and bring her back home.

Thus, she urged Charlie, "Time is ticking. Let's split up and commence the search. This afternoon, you must visit as many chess and card rooms as possible. Take Mom's photo with you and inquire carefully with every owner and patron."

Charlie hesitated, saying, "I don't have a picture of Mom."

He wanted nothing to do with Elaine, let alone keep any of her photos on his phone.

Quickly, Claire assured him, "I'll send you a recent ID photo of Mom right away!"


Once Charlie hit the road, he began shuttling between various chess and card rooms in the vicinity.

At each location, he snapped a photo of the entrance and another one from inside, promptly forwarding both images to his wife to prove he had visited.

Whenever Claire inquired about the progress, his response remained consistent: "The owner hasn't spotted her, and the customers claim they haven't seen her either."

Although he didn't explicitly ask, he had a hunch that the outcome would remain unchanged.

Observing the repetitive updates, Claire understood that, on one hand, Charlie was genuinely trying to find her mother, but on the other, their inability to uncover any leads was steadily driving her into a state of heightened anxiety.

They say that the first 24 hours after a person goes missing are the most crucial for solving the case. If any clues surface within this timeframe, the chances of finding the missing person are significantly higher. However, if no leads emerge within the first 24 hours, the odds of success often dwindle.

Chapter 868: "The Mysterious Disappearance"

Now, let's dive into the latest happenings, folks! Brace yourselves for a rollercoaster of emotions as we unravel the mystery of Elaine's vanishing act! 😱🕵️‍♀️

So, it had been a whopping 24 hours since Elaine mysteriously vanished into thin air. Talk about a suspenseful plot twist, right? 😬

Claire, bless her heart, was absolutely beside herself with worry and anxiety. She was on a mission and wasn't about to sit around twiddling her thumbs! She dashed over to all those fancy beauty salons and clubs where her dear old Elaine used to hang out.

Now, picture this: Claire, determined as ever, storms into one of those ritzy beauty salons like a whirlwind. She whips out a photo of her missing mom and goes, "Hey there, have you seen this woman in the photo?"

And guess what, folks? The owner, totally taken aback, goes all wide-eyed and exclaims, "Oh my stars, isn't this Sister Elaine?"

Claire, her heart doing a happy dance, can't help but gush, "You know my mom?"

The owner, with a knowing grin, goes, "Well, well, well, so you're Sister Elaine's offspring, huh? Your mom used to be a regular here, but lately, she's been as elusive as a unicorn. She used to strut in with her squad for facials and whatnot. But let me tell ya, Sister Elaine's been MIA lately. You think she's gone missing?"

Claire nods fervently and pleads, "You know her friends, right? Can you hook me up with their digits?"

Then, a light bulb moment! The owner, with a sly grin, blurts out, "Hold on a sec! One of your mom's pals is right here getting her facial done. How 'bout I give her a holler?"

Claire, all gratitude and smiles, chirps, "Oh, you're a lifesaver! Thanks a million!"

"No sweat, it's all in a day's work."

The owner, with a cheeky wink, grabs the intercom and announces, "Lili, do us a solid and summon Sister Esther. Sister Elaine's daughter's got some burning questions!"

Moments later, in walks Sister Esther, a plump, hearty lady wearing a face mask that looks like it's wrestling her chubby cheeks for supremacy. It's almost comical, but Claire's too focused on her mission to chuckle.

She gazes at Sister Esther with anticipation, hoping to uncover some juicy tidbits about her elusive mother.

Sister Esther strides over, sizes up Claire, and asks bluntly, "You're Old Elaine's kid, ain't ya?"

Claire, quick to respond, offers a respectful nod and says, "Aunt Esther, hi there! Yup, I'm Elaine's daughter. Have you seen my mom since yesterday?"

Sister Esther, her anger palpable, scoffs, "Your mom, that one! We can't even afford to breathe the same air as her!"

Claire leans in, her curiosity piqued, and inquires, "Aunt Esther, what do you mean? Did something happen between her and you?"

Sister Esther lets out a scornful snicker, "Hah! Me and Old Elaine, having conflicts? You won't believe what she said to me yesterday when I invited her for a facial!"

Claire, her eyes practically sparkling with curiosity, implores, "Aunt Esther, what did my mom say?"

Sister Esther, brimming with indignation, retorts, "Your mom had the audacity to claim that someone of her stature couldn't possibly grace my salon with her presence. She straight-up dissed us regular folks, saying that places like this are beneath her, and she'd rather buy the whole salon just to keep her distance! She insulted me, mocked me, called me poor, and boasted about her wealth like she was the queen of the universe! Is she looking down on us because she's swimming in riches now? If she wants nothing to do with us, why stoop so low as to ridicule us? I've done nothing to her, so why the heck is she belittling me? It's enough to make my blood boil!" 😡💥

Chapter 869: "The Vanishing Act"

Esther, sporting a mask that clung to her face like a battle-worn soldier, couldn't hide her irritation. Her facial muscles were in turmoil as she scowled.

The face mask, now a tattered casualty of her contorted expressions, lay discarded on the floor, a physical manifestation of her vexation.

Regret clouded her gaze as she stared at the fallen mask, a silent witness to her outburst.

Reflecting on the incident from the previous day only deepened her melancholy. Elaine and she weren't inseparable friends, but their camaraderie was solid. They frequented each other's company, shared beauty treatments, and engaged in card games together.

These friendships were a dime a dozen, characterized by polite exchanges and a shared aversion to embarrassment. Yet, out of nowhere, Elaine had verbally lashed out at her during a phone call yesterday, leaving her fuming and sleepless all night.

Claire, perplexed by the situation, listened intently. Why had her mother spoken to Esther in such a manner? Elaine had been keeping a low profile recently due to financial constraints. Had she suddenly stumbled upon unexpected wealth? The notion of purchasing a beauty salon for her personal use hinted at a substantial windfall.

On the other hand, even if she had experienced a sudden change in fortune, was there any reason for her to vanish without a trace?

Claire's thoughts grew increasingly convoluted.

In the midst of her frustration, Esther interjected indignantly, "What? Your mom has disappeared?"

Claire nodded hastily, her voice tinged with anxiety, "Yes! She left yesterday at noon and hasn't returned since. Her phone is off, she's not responding on WeChat, and she's ignoring video calls. It's been a whole day and night!"

Esther paused, then scoffed with a hint of bitterness, "Maybe, with newfound wealth, your mom has decided to look down not only on old friends but even on you and your dad, choosing to vanish from our world."

Sighing, Esther added with resignation, "Now that I think about it, I feel somewhat relieved. If Elaine can disregard her own husband and daughter, it's no surprise she'd look down on us, her less affluent friends."

Claire's heart clenched with unease.

Her thoughts shifted to her aunt, Zoraida, who had vanished with over 15 million, rumored to be living extravagantly with a younger lover. Could her mother be following a similar path if she had indeed struck it rich? The possibility left Claire increasingly anxious.

She anxiously inquired of Esther, "Auntie Esther, do you have any other leads or information?"

Esther shook her head, her face a mixture of concern and uncertainty. "I only had that one phone call with your mom. Since then, I haven't heard from her or about her."

Claire expressed her heartfelt gratitude, "Thank you, Auntie Esther."

Esther waved it off, her demeanor softening, "Don't mention it. In fact, I should be thanking you. My heart felt heavy, but talking to you lightened the load."

Claire offered a sincere apology on her mother's behalf, "Auntie Esther, I'm truly sorry. I apologize for my mom's behavior."

Esther dismissed the apology with a wave of her hand, speaking earnestly, "No need to apologize. If your mom remains elusive, so be it. But if she ever returns, tell her to never show her face in front of me again. No matter how wealthy she becomes, I won't hesitate to confront her."

With an awkward nod and one final thank you, Claire swiftly exited the beauty salon.

Outside, she mulled over the perplexing situation.

Considering her mother's character, if she had indeed spoken so boldly to Esther on the phone, it suggested that she had come into money. Otherwise, she wouldn't have dared to act so brashly.

But Claire couldn't shake the memory that just yesterday at noon, her mother had asked her father for money to visit the beauty salon and then turned to Charlie, who had declined her request.

Chapter 870: "Unraveling the Riddle of Mom's Sudden Change"

So, let's rewind a bit, folks! Here we were, thinking Mom was as broke as a church mouse, but then out of the blue, she's on the phone, trash-talking Aunt Esther like she's the latest member of the elite club. 📞💰

Hold your horses, though! Could it be that Mom hit the jackpot in record time? But where did this cash bonanza come from?

And even if she did strike gold, why did she decide to pull a vanishing act?

I mean, seriously, did she start looking down on Dad and herself just because she had some extra zeroes in her bank account?

Knowing Mom, it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility. But remember, she'd been dreaming of that swanky Thomspn Elite villa for ages!

So, logically, if she'd struck it rich, she'd want to keep it hush-hush and bask in the luxury of her dream villa, right? 🤔

Instead, she's gone in a flash, not even spending a single night there!

Claire is scratching her head over this bizarre twist, feeling like she's caught in a web of contradictions and creepy vibes.

But alas, the trail goes cold with Aunt Esther, and for now, she can't Sherlock Holmes her way any further.

To solve this tangled web of mysteries, she'll need more clues. 🔍🕵️

Only then can she unravel the enigma and find out where in the world Mom has vanished to. Or else, it might just be mission impossible!


Meanwhile, Charlie is cruising through Aurous Hill City, racking his brain over his mother-in-law's predicament.

Seeing his wife's anxiety skyrocket breaks his heart, and he's determined to find a way to free Elaine. 💔

But cracking this puzzle isn't a walk in the park.

As he's driving, a huge billboard catches his eye: "Crackdown on Pyramid Schemes and Create a Safe, Harmonious Aurous Hill!"

An idea suddenly lights up in Charlie's head.

He quickly dials Isaac Craven and asks, "How's my mother-in-law holding up in the slammer?"

Isaac responds with respect, "Young Master, she's facing some tough times in there. Seems like no one's rolling out the welcome mat, and they're giving her a real rough time."

Charlie smirks, "Well, she did give Mrs. Wilson a hard time before, and that lady never forgets. It's just karma paying her a visit."

Isaac inquires, "Young Master, do you have a plan in mind? Forgive me for being blunt, but your mother-in-law's been through a lot. If you release her, she might come after you first."

Charlie chuckles, "Don't sweat it. I've got a rough plan in the works, and I'll need your backup. When the time's right, we'll put on a show she won't forget."

Isaac eagerly pledges, "Young Master, just give the word."

Charlie grins, "I'm not letting her off the hook just yet. I'll give you the signal when it's time to roll out the red carpet."

"Got it, Young Master!" 📞
Leave her to continue enjoying her punishment. She deserves it

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
this Paul guy I hope his not going to be cunning Charlie wife claire 😏😏😏

I hope Paul ends up to be an ally of Charlie. Sounds like a smart guy and well-mannered, just like his mom. Total contrast to Elaine... I wonder how Elaine raised up a very nice daughter in Claire despite her greedy attitude.


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 866: "Chill-Inducing Retribution"

Picture this, my friends! Elder Mrs. Wilson wasted no time and immediately hatched a plan that would send chills down anyone's spine. 😨 She called upon the fearless Wendy and issued an order that would make even the bravest shudder. "Wen, come here. Let's drag her to the bathroom and rinse the food off her head with cold water! Otherwise, if she secretly eats it later, it would be too easy on her!" 😱

Elaine, with terror in her voice, cried out, "It's almost winter now! You want to douse my head with cold water, are you trying to kill me?" 🥶

But that's not all, folks! Verity, who had been reveling in the spectacle, decided to add her own icy twist. She chimed in coldly, "Stop your damn nonsense, or not only will the old lady rinse your head with cold water, but I'll also give you a cold shower!" ❄️

Terrified beyond belief, Elaine was dragged into the bathroom by this formidable grandmother-granddaughter duo, and her fate took a chilling turn. 😬

With no hesitation whatsoever, Wendy positioned her head under the tap of the mop sink and turned it on full blast. The icy tap water hit Elaine's head, leaving her mind blank, followed by bone-chilling cold, making her shiver uncontrollably. 🚿❄️

Desperation in her eyes, Elaine pleaded, "Mom, please, give me a towel, or I'll really freeze to death!" 🥺

Elder Mrs. Wilson, with a sinister grin, sneered, "You want a towel? Do you deserve one? If you actually freeze to death, it would be a relief. You'd be free of your misery, and I'd be rid of my anger!" 😈

Then, she delivered the ultimate blow, mocking, "Why don't you just cooperate and die? It would solve everything!" 😡

In utter despair, Elaine collapsed on the floor, tears streaming down her face. Elder Mrs. Wilson, disgusted, glanced at her and said to Wendy, "Let this wretch cry here by herself. Let's go!" 😒

Wendy, sharing her satisfaction, chimed in, "Wretch! Your bad days are just beginning! Now it's your turn, and when I'm done with you, I'll find a way to deal with Claire, that little wretch!" 😠


Meanwhile, in a twist of fate, Claire had no idea that her mother was enduring such a bizarre ordeal at the hands of her grandmother and cousin. With her father, Jacob Wilson, unwilling to help, she had to take matters into her own hands. She teamed up with Charlie to search for her mother, and the journey was bound to be filled with surprises and revelations. 😲

As Charlie prepared to embark on his mission, Claire stopped him with a curious inquiry, "Charlie, spill the beans! What's the deal with Dad's old classmate?" 😏

Charlie, intrigued, responded, "Wife, what do you want to know?" 😄

Claire, determined, replied, "I want all the juicy details: her appearance, demeanor, personality, her family, love life, and her plans after returning to the country." 😉😉

Charlie, always the honest one, spilled the tea, "Auntie Hanley is an absolute stunner, with a demeanor that'll make your jaw drop. She's humble and low-profile, incredibly friendly. As for her family, it's a straightforward story: her husband has passed away, leaving just her and her son. They're quite the powerhouse; they run a big law firm that caters to Fortune 500 companies. They've relocated their business to Aurous Hill, possibly planning to retire here." 😎💼

Chapter 867: "A Shocker!"

"Whoa!" Claire's jaw dropped, and she exclaimed, "Stunning, charming, perfect personality, and on top of that, a wealthy widow... Doesn't this sound like the diamond of eligible bachelors among middle-aged women?"

Charlie nodded enthusiastically and said with seriousness, "Absolutely a diamond bachelor, but Auntie Hanley doesn't look like an auntie at all, she's more like an older sister."

Claire asked, her eyes widened in amazement, "Is it really that extreme? How old does she appear?"

Charlie replied with assurance, "She looks around thirty-seven or thirty-eight, maybe forty at most."

"Seriously?!" Claire's face displayed sheer disbelief. She had rarely encountered a fifty-year-old woman who could pass for being in her late thirties.

"Even movie stars don't look this exceptional, do they?"

Charlie maintained his earnest tone and said, "I'm not kidding at all. Auntie Hanley genuinely looks incredibly youthful. You know the movie star Carmella Rose, right? Auntie Merit Hanley appears even younger and more stunning than her."

Claire exclaimed, "That's hard to fathom!"

Charlie grinned lightly and added, "She's coming over for dinner tonight. You'll see for yourself when you meet her."

Claire no longer harbored doubts about Charlie's words. She said with concern, "This woman used to be Dad's first love, and now she's a widow with such amazing qualifications. Especially since Mom and Dad's relationship is on shaky ground, and what's more infuriating is that Mom has vanished right now. Isn't this giving this woman an opportunity to step in?!"

Charlie scratched his head awkwardly and said, "Darling, we can't control what our parents do. They have their own freedom. All we can do is respect their choices; it's not wise to oppose them."

Claire grew increasingly agitated. While she acknowledged that her mother, Elaine, wasn't exactly virtuous or righteous, she was still her mother. How could she stand by and watch her mother being forsaken by her father?

With these thoughts swirling in her mind, she became even more determined to locate her mother and bring her back home.

Thus, she urged Charlie, "Time is ticking. Let's split up and commence the search. This afternoon, you must visit as many chess and card rooms as possible. Take Mom's photo with you and inquire carefully with every owner and patron."

Charlie hesitated, saying, "I don't have a picture of Mom."

He wanted nothing to do with Elaine, let alone keep any of her photos on his phone.

Quickly, Claire assured him, "I'll send you a recent ID photo of Mom right away!"


Once Charlie hit the road, he began shuttling between various chess and card rooms in the vicinity.

At each location, he snapped a photo of the entrance and another one from inside, promptly forwarding both images to his wife to prove he had visited.

Whenever Claire inquired about the progress, his response remained consistent: "The owner hasn't spotted her, and the customers claim they haven't seen her either."

Although he didn't explicitly ask, he had a hunch that the outcome would remain unchanged.

Observing the repetitive updates, Claire understood that, on one hand, Charlie was genuinely trying to find her mother, but on the other, their inability to uncover any leads was steadily driving her into a state of heightened anxiety.

They say that the first 24 hours after a person goes missing are the most crucial for solving the case. If any clues surface within this timeframe, the chances of finding the missing person are significantly higher. However, if no leads emerge within the first 24 hours, the odds of success often dwindle.

Chapter 868: "The Mysterious Disappearance"

Now, let's dive into the latest happenings, folks! Brace yourselves for a rollercoaster of emotions as we unravel the mystery of Elaine's vanishing act! 😱🕵️‍♀️

So, it had been a whopping 24 hours since Elaine mysteriously vanished into thin air. Talk about a suspenseful plot twist, right? 😬

Claire, bless her heart, was absolutely beside herself with worry and anxiety. She was on a mission and wasn't about to sit around twiddling her thumbs! She dashed over to all those fancy beauty salons and clubs where her dear old Elaine used to hang out.

Now, picture this: Claire, determined as ever, storms into one of those ritzy beauty salons like a whirlwind. She whips out a photo of her missing mom and goes, "Hey there, have you seen this woman in the photo?"

And guess what, folks? The owner, totally taken aback, goes all wide-eyed and exclaims, "Oh my stars, isn't this Sister Elaine?"

Claire, her heart doing a happy dance, can't help but gush, "You know my mom?"

The owner, with a knowing grin, goes, "Well, well, well, so you're Sister Elaine's offspring, huh? Your mom used to be a regular here, but lately, she's been as elusive as a unicorn. She used to strut in with her squad for facials and whatnot. But let me tell ya, Sister Elaine's been MIA lately. You think she's gone missing?"

Claire nods fervently and pleads, "You know her friends, right? Can you hook me up with their digits?"

Then, a light bulb moment! The owner, with a sly grin, blurts out, "Hold on a sec! One of your mom's pals is right here getting her facial done. How 'bout I give her a holler?"

Claire, all gratitude and smiles, chirps, "Oh, you're a lifesaver! Thanks a million!"

"No sweat, it's all in a day's work."

The owner, with a cheeky wink, grabs the intercom and announces, "Lili, do us a solid and summon Sister Esther. Sister Elaine's daughter's got some burning questions!"

Moments later, in walks Sister Esther, a plump, hearty lady wearing a face mask that looks like it's wrestling her chubby cheeks for supremacy. It's almost comical, but Claire's too focused on her mission to chuckle.

She gazes at Sister Esther with anticipation, hoping to uncover some juicy tidbits about her elusive mother.

Sister Esther strides over, sizes up Claire, and asks bluntly, "You're Old Elaine's kid, ain't ya?"

Claire, quick to respond, offers a respectful nod and says, "Aunt Esther, hi there! Yup, I'm Elaine's daughter. Have you seen my mom since yesterday?"

Sister Esther, her anger palpable, scoffs, "Your mom, that one! We can't even afford to breathe the same air as her!"

Claire leans in, her curiosity piqued, and inquires, "Aunt Esther, what do you mean? Did something happen between her and you?"

Sister Esther lets out a scornful snicker, "Hah! Me and Old Elaine, having conflicts? You won't believe what she said to me yesterday when I invited her for a facial!"

Claire, her eyes practically sparkling with curiosity, implores, "Aunt Esther, what did my mom say?"

Sister Esther, brimming with indignation, retorts, "Your mom had the audacity to claim that someone of her stature couldn't possibly grace my salon with her presence. She straight-up dissed us regular folks, saying that places like this are beneath her, and she'd rather buy the whole salon just to keep her distance! She insulted me, mocked me, called me poor, and boasted about her wealth like she was the queen of the universe! Is she looking down on us because she's swimming in riches now? If she wants nothing to do with us, why stoop so low as to ridicule us? I've done nothing to her, so why the heck is she belittling me? It's enough to make my blood boil!" 😡💥

Chapter 869: "The Vanishing Act"

Esther, sporting a mask that clung to her face like a battle-worn soldier, couldn't hide her irritation. Her facial muscles were in turmoil as she scowled.

The face mask, now a tattered casualty of her contorted expressions, lay discarded on the floor, a physical manifestation of her vexation.

Regret clouded her gaze as she stared at the fallen mask, a silent witness to her outburst.

Reflecting on the incident from the previous day only deepened her melancholy. Elaine and she weren't inseparable friends, but their camaraderie was solid. They frequented each other's company, shared beauty treatments, and engaged in card games together.

These friendships were a dime a dozen, characterized by polite exchanges and a shared aversion to embarrassment. Yet, out of nowhere, Elaine had verbally lashed out at her during a phone call yesterday, leaving her fuming and sleepless all night.

Claire, perplexed by the situation, listened intently. Why had her mother spoken to Esther in such a manner? Elaine had been keeping a low profile recently due to financial constraints. Had she suddenly stumbled upon unexpected wealth? The notion of purchasing a beauty salon for her personal use hinted at a substantial windfall.

On the other hand, even if she had experienced a sudden change in fortune, was there any reason for her to vanish without a trace?

Claire's thoughts grew increasingly convoluted.

In the midst of her frustration, Esther interjected indignantly, "What? Your mom has disappeared?"

Claire nodded hastily, her voice tinged with anxiety, "Yes! She left yesterday at noon and hasn't returned since. Her phone is off, she's not responding on WeChat, and she's ignoring video calls. It's been a whole day and night!"

Esther paused, then scoffed with a hint of bitterness, "Maybe, with newfound wealth, your mom has decided to look down not only on old friends but even on you and your dad, choosing to vanish from our world."

Sighing, Esther added with resignation, "Now that I think about it, I feel somewhat relieved. If Elaine can disregard her own husband and daughter, it's no surprise she'd look down on us, her less affluent friends."

Claire's heart clenched with unease.

Her thoughts shifted to her aunt, Zoraida, who had vanished with over 15 million, rumored to be living extravagantly with a younger lover. Could her mother be following a similar path if she had indeed struck it rich? The possibility left Claire increasingly anxious.

She anxiously inquired of Esther, "Auntie Esther, do you have any other leads or information?"

Esther shook her head, her face a mixture of concern and uncertainty. "I only had that one phone call with your mom. Since then, I haven't heard from her or about her."

Claire expressed her heartfelt gratitude, "Thank you, Auntie Esther."

Esther waved it off, her demeanor softening, "Don't mention it. In fact, I should be thanking you. My heart felt heavy, but talking to you lightened the load."

Claire offered a sincere apology on her mother's behalf, "Auntie Esther, I'm truly sorry. I apologize for my mom's behavior."

Esther dismissed the apology with a wave of her hand, speaking earnestly, "No need to apologize. If your mom remains elusive, so be it. But if she ever returns, tell her to never show her face in front of me again. No matter how wealthy she becomes, I won't hesitate to confront her."

With an awkward nod and one final thank you, Claire swiftly exited the beauty salon.

Outside, she mulled over the perplexing situation.

Considering her mother's character, if she had indeed spoken so boldly to Esther on the phone, it suggested that she had come into money. Otherwise, she wouldn't have dared to act so brashly.

But Claire couldn't shake the memory that just yesterday at noon, her mother had asked her father for money to visit the beauty salon and then turned to Charlie, who had declined her request.

Chapter 870: "Unraveling the Riddle of Mom's Sudden Change"

So, let's rewind a bit, folks! Here we were, thinking Mom was as broke as a church mouse, but then out of the blue, she's on the phone, trash-talking Aunt Esther like she's the latest member of the elite club. 📞💰

Hold your horses, though! Could it be that Mom hit the jackpot in record time? But where did this cash bonanza come from?

And even if she did strike gold, why did she decide to pull a vanishing act?

I mean, seriously, did she start looking down on Dad and herself just because she had some extra zeroes in her bank account?

Knowing Mom, it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility. But remember, she'd been dreaming of that swanky Thomspn Elite villa for ages!

So, logically, if she'd struck it rich, she'd want to keep it hush-hush and bask in the luxury of her dream villa, right? 🤔

Instead, she's gone in a flash, not even spending a single night there!

Claire is scratching her head over this bizarre twist, feeling like she's caught in a web of contradictions and creepy vibes.

But alas, the trail goes cold with Aunt Esther, and for now, she can't Sherlock Holmes her way any further.

To solve this tangled web of mysteries, she'll need more clues. 🔍🕵️

Only then can she unravel the enigma and find out where in the world Mom has vanished to. Or else, it might just be mission impossible!


Meanwhile, Charlie is cruising through Aurous Hill City, racking his brain over his mother-in-law's predicament.

Seeing his wife's anxiety skyrocket breaks his heart, and he's determined to find a way to free Elaine. 💔

But cracking this puzzle isn't a walk in the park.

As he's driving, a huge billboard catches his eye: "Crackdown on Pyramid Schemes and Create a Safe, Harmonious Aurous Hill!"

An idea suddenly lights up in Charlie's head.

He quickly dials Isaac Craven and asks, "How's my mother-in-law holding up in the slammer?"

Isaac responds with respect, "Young Master, she's facing some tough times in there. Seems like no one's rolling out the welcome mat, and they're giving her a real rough time."

Charlie smirks, "Well, she did give Mrs. Wilson a hard time before, and that lady never forgets. It's just karma paying her a visit."

Isaac inquires, "Young Master, do you have a plan in mind? Forgive me for being blunt, but your mother-in-law's been through a lot. If you release her, she might come after you first."

Charlie chuckles, "Don't sweat it. I've got a rough plan in the works, and I'll need your backup. When the time's right, we'll put on a show she won't forget."

Isaac eagerly pledges, "Young Master, just give the word."

Charlie grins, "I'm not letting her off the hook just yet. I'll give you the signal when it's time to roll out the red carpet."

"Got it, Young Master!" 📞🤝
Thank you author for this piece
My heartfelt gratitude for your time and effort in keeping us satisfied
I really didn't expect any updates yesterday,I had thought the two days ago update was the end of this week update.
You are one in a million 💯💯💯
Wishing you happy and blessed weekend with your family


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
I hope Paul ends up to be an ally of Charlie. Sounds like a smart guy and well-mannered, just like his mom. Total contrast to Elaine... I wonder how Elaine raised up a very nice daughter in Claire despite her greedy attitude.
Yes, they are two different entity,I now see reason why Elder Wilson chooses to give his granddaughter to the Wade family.Cos she s an embodiment of good character . He also thought they deserve the best as per the favour given to them by the Wade family.
He thought Claire's marriage to one of their offspring would be better as reciprocating their favour


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Do you have what it takes to enquire from the Grandmaster? Or you're tired of living. Better apologize before you are sent to be with Elaine 😃😃😃
You dare to run that mouth of yours at me
Seems you haven't been taught how to make use of it.
I will effectively help you do that ASAP without it disappearing but not function anymore 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 871: "When Past and Present Collide"

Alright, folks, it's about to get interesting! Charlie, in a classic 'pretending to be busy' move, spent the entire afternoon on a wild search mission. But guess what? Life had some surprises up its sleeve! 🕵️‍♂️

A call from his father-in-law set the wheels in motion. Aunt Hanley was on her way to their abode, and it was time to hit the road!

Not to be outdone, Claire got the same call. She might've hesitated a bit, but the call of home was irresistible. She too geared up for the impending encounter.

Meanwhile, Elsa had other plans. She caught wind of the guest situation and decided, "Nope, not going home tonight!" 🙅

Claire had hopes of recruiting Elsa as her partner in crime to tackle the potential awkwardness. But guess what? Life's plot twists kept on coming! Elsa had her own agenda, claiming overtime as her savior and opting for a solo dining adventure.

Claire, being the considerate soul she is, couldn't push it any further and made a heartfelt request to her dear old dad, "Dad, when your buddy shows up, can we keep it light on the 'me' topics? I'm just not feeling it today, you know?"

Jacob, with a nod of understanding, knew that his daughter's presence itself was a win, so he agreed with a smile. 😊

And then, the moment of truth! The doorbell chimed with anticipation, and Jacob couldn't wait any longer. He rushed to the video intercom, excitement levels through the roof, and yelled back to Charlie and Claire, "They're here! I'm going in for the big reveal!"

Now, folks, let's talk about that age-old question: Is there still something sizzling between Jacob and Aunt Hanley? 🌡

Charlie, with a hint of mischief, waved off the thought, "Nah, it's been over two decades. Ain't no flames left there."

But our dear Claire, she had her doubts, bless her heart! 😅 She fretted, "Charlie, you know the backstory. After all, it's their past."

Charlie, with a chuckle, teased, "You make it sound like your dad's in some secret love affair. Relax, it's just a blast from the past."

Claire, with a sigh, admitted, "I'm just being cautious. I'm not saying anything's cooking...yet."

Meanwhile, Aunt Hanley, standing in awe of the grandeur that is Thomson Elite, couldn't believe her eyes!

You see, she'd been away for so long, she'd lost touch with the domestic real estate scene. The name "Thomson Elite" meant zilch to her.

But as she waited for Jacob to open the door, her son Paul, ever the curious one, decided to Google some numbers. "These houses," he said, "are valued at around 80 million to over 100 million dollars. The Type A villas? They go for several hundred million dollars, give or take!"

Hold onto your seats, folks, because things are about to get pretty intriguing in this reunion of hearts and wealth!

Chapter 872: "The Mysterious Mansion"

Merit Hanley gave a knowing nod and quipped, "Over a hundred million? Not exactly chump change, but I'm genuinely curious, how on earth did Uncle Wilson land himself a villa in this posh neighborhood?"

Paul flashed a sly smile and retorted, "Well, mom, if you figure that out, please let me know too."

Merit chuckled mischievously, "Maybe he's just a master of understatement."

Paul pondered for a moment and confessed, "Honestly, I think Uncle Wilson is a great guy, but he's not exactly the type to hide his achievements under a bushel."

Intrigued, Merit probed, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Paul shrugged playfully, "Oh, just a hunch, really."

Merit laughed heartily, "Alright, let's drop the detective act. Having an old classmate living in a swanky villa like this should make us jump for joy. The rest? Well, let's not go digging where we shouldn't."

Paul nodded in agreement, "You're absolutely right, Mom."

Just then, Jacob swung open the villa's door. With uncontainable excitement, he exclaimed, "Ah, Merit, Paul, you're here! Come on in!"

Merit beamed and complimented, "Jacob, your house is absolutely stunning! The moment I set foot in this neighborhood, I knew it was the pinnacle of opulence in Aurous Hill, am I right?"

Jacob modestly replied, "Whether it's the best or not, I'm not sure. We only moved in a few days ago."

With Paul and Merit following, they entered the villa.

As Merit marveled at the lavish decor in the yard, she couldn't help but gush, "It's evident you've put so much thought into decorating this place. Did you hire a top-notch designer for this?"

Jacob explained, "Actually, we didn't decorate the villa ourselves. It was a gift from a friend of my son-in-law."

Paul, thoroughly intrigued, blurted out, "Uncle Wilson, this villa must be worth well over a hundred million, right? Mr. Wade's friend just handed him such an extravagant gift?"

Jacob nodded, confirming, "Indeed, the villa and all its furnishings were gifts. We only had to buy some furniture, nothing too extravagant."

Paul couldn't resist probing further, "Did Mr. Wade earn this villa through his Feng Shui consultations?"

Jacob burst into hearty laughter, "You've hit the nail on the head. This villa was his reward for his Feng Shui expertise. Let me tell you, my son-in-law might not come across as serious or accomplished, but his Feng Shui skills are renowned in Aurous Hill's upper echelons!"

Paul found it rather peculiar. Even the most renowned Feng Shui masters wouldn't command such a steep price for a consultation.

The gift of this splendid villa and its luxurious furnishings hinted at something beyond ordinary Feng Shui services.

Mr. Wade must be no ordinary individual!

With these thoughts swirling, Paul exclaimed, "You know, I've always believed in Feng Shui, but I've never encountered a truly exceptional practitioner. Since Mr. Wade is so exceptional, I'll definitely have to invite him to assess the Feng Shui of my new company."

Jacob beamed and assured, "Just talk to him later. Charlie is an exceedingly generous person. I'm sure he won't turn you down!" 😄🏡🌟

Chapter 873: "When Beauty and Grace Collide"

Picture this scene: Jacob, Merit, and her son, Paul, strolling through the courtyard, and the atmosphere charged with anticipation.

Now, let me tell you, when Claire laid eyes on Merit, her jaw hit the floor! She'd heard about Merit's elegance and beauty, but seeing it in the flesh was a game-changer. Envy crept in, just a tad, as Claire marveled at the sheer grace and allure exuding from Merit. Maintaining such a ravishing appearance at the age of 50? Impressive, to say the least!

On the flip side, Merit couldn't have predicted Jacob and Ma Lan's daughter to be such a stunning, statuesque beauty. It took her by surprise! Paul, the observer in this whirlwind of aesthetics, was equally captivated by Claire's charm and presence.

With introductions underway, Jacob beamed, "Merit, meet my daughter, Claire." He then turned to Claire, adding, "Clay, this is my old classmate, Merit. You can call her Auntie Hanley."

Amidst her astonishment over Merit's charisma, Claire couldn't help but feel a growing concern about her father's relationship with this formidable rival. Compared to Merit, her own mother seemed to pale in comparison, and with her parents' rocky relationship, this new presence only seemed to make things more fragile.

Nevertheless, she extended a polite handshake, saying, "Hello, Auntie Hanley."

Merit, her warmth as genuine as her smile, exclaimed, "Clay, you're truly beautiful!"

Claire modestly replied, "Auntie Hanley, you're too kind. I can't hold a candle to you."

"Oh, no, no, no," Merit protested. "When I was your age, I was nowhere near as beautiful as you."

Glancing at Charlie, she added, "Charlie is truly blessed to have married such an amazing wife."

Charlie grinned and nodded in agreement, "You're absolutely right, Auntie Hanley. I'm a lucky man."

Merit then introduced her son, saying, "Clay, this is my son, Paul. He's about a year younger than you, so he should call you 'sister.'"

Paul extended his hand towards Claire, saying earnestly, "Hello, Miss Wilson. I'm Paul, full name Paul Smith. Pleasure to meet you."

Claire hesitated for a moment, prompting Merit to intervene, "Paul, remember, Clay is a married woman. It's good to maintain a little distance with the opposite sex."

Realizing his slip-up, Paul withdrew his hand, laughing awkwardly, "I'm so sorry, that was thoughtless of me."

Claire acknowledged his apology with a slight nod and smile. Charlie couldn't help but admire the way Merit had raised her son.

Eager to get the cooking underway, Jacob suggested, "Merit, I've got all the ingredients and seasonings in the kitchen. How about we start now? Let the young ones chat outside while we whip up a feast. Sound good?"

Merit agreed wholeheartedly, saying, "That sounds fantastic! Let's treat the kids to a delicious meal today."

Turning to Paul, she encouraged him, "Son, enjoy a good chat with Charlie and his lovely wife. Building connections with young people is essential for your long-term growth. Communication and expanding your social circle are key."

Paul nodded quickly, assuring, "Don't worry, Mom, I understand."

As Jacob led Merit toward the kitchen, he turned back to Charlie and playfully instructed, "Good son-in-law, there are some fine tea leaves on the coffee table. Brew a cup for Paul to try, will you?" 😉🍵

Chapter 874: "Tea, Wood, and a Suspiciously Similar Son"

Charlie gave his father-in-law, Jacob, a knowing nod and said, "No worries, Dad, I've got it covered."

With a sly wink, Jacob chimed in, "And remember, that little detail I mentioned earlier? It's crucial!"

Charlie couldn't help but grin. He knew exactly what Jacob meant - they couldn't afford any slip-ups, especially if Elaine returned unexpectedly.

"I promise, Dad," Charlie replied, "We'll be as discreet as a secret agent on a mission."

Jacob flashed a thumbs-up and praised, "You're a true son-in-law superhero! I have complete faith in you."

As Jacob and Merit disappeared into the kitchen, Claire quizzically looked at Charlie. "What's with you and Dad? You two are acting all mysterious, like you're hatching a plot."

Charlie couldn't spill the beans about guarding against her mother, even if it meant resorting to drastic measures. So, he chuckled and said, "Oh, just some secret code language between us, honey. Dad wants me to make sure Paul feels at home, you know."

"Really?" Claire remained skeptical.

Charlie nodded earnestly. "Absolutely. Didn't you hear him asking me to prepare some tea for Paul?"

With that, he called out to Paul, "Hey, Paul, come over here. You've got to try this amazing tea my father-in-law got from a top-notch WeChat tea seller."

Charlie figured that Paul, being an American with only partial Chinese heritage, might not be a tea connoisseur. So, the mediocre tea his father-in-law had unwittingly purchased might just do the trick.

To his surprise, Paul responded with a warm smile, "I actually love tea. If Uncle Wilson has good tea here, I'd be thrilled to try it."

Charlie was slightly taken aback and quipped, "Well, if you're a tea aficionado, you might find it a tad disappointing."

As he prepared to make tea, Claire, uninterested in conversing with her father's first love's son, excused herself, saying, "You guys chat. I'm not much of a tea person, and I've got a bit of a headache. I'll go lie down in my room, hope you don't mind."

Paul stood up politely and said, "Of course, Miss Wilson, please take care."

Once Claire had left, Charlie gestured for Paul to sit down and remarked, "Please, have a seat. No need to stand on ceremony."

As Paul settled onto the sofa, he couldn't help but express his surprise, "This sofa is made of exquisite material! It's definitely aged Hainan yellow pear wood. The patina really enhances the wood's natural beauty. It's a magnificent piece!"

Charlie was genuinely taken aback. He hadn't expected Paul, despite his mixed heritage, to possess such deep knowledge of Chinese culture.

Fluency in Chinese, a keen appreciation for tea and wood, and an understanding of patina—Paul's knowledge seemed to defy his typical Caucasian appearance. Charlie couldn't help but wonder if his American side was just a facade, and if he shared more than just interests with his father-in-law.

Could Paul be a hidden offspring of Jacob?

Chapter 875: "Of Tea, Tradition, and Favorable Feng Shui"

Charlie shot a curious glance at Paul, his eyebrows arched inquisitively. "Hey Paul, did you ever used to frequent China?"

Paul, his lips curling into a friendly smile, shook his head gently. "Nah, my trips here were more like sporadic business stints, always lasting a mere week or so."

Charlie, his curiosity piqued, probed further, "So, how come you're such a connoisseur of tea, Chinese-style furniture, and timber?"

With a hearty laugh, Paul spilled the beans, "Well, that's mainly due to my mom's influence. She's the one who introduced me to these things since my childhood."

And then, with an air of revelation, he continued, "You might look at me and think I'm more of a mixed-race or a typical Caucasian, but deep down, I've got my Asian roots. Thanks to my mom's influence, I've developed a genuine fondness for all things Chinese – the culture, the cuisine, the quirks, you name it!"

Charlie nodded in understanding as he began to set the kettle on the stove, preparing to brew the tea leaves he'd purchased via WeChat.

As the tea steeped, Charlie filled two cups, his smile growing wider. "Here, give my father-in-law's tea a try."

Paul expressed his gratitude with a nod and took a sip, but his facial expression quickly took a peculiar turn.

After a careful taste, he couldn't help but awkwardly remark, "Your father-in-law's got quite the unique taste in tea. Honestly, I can't find anything particularly special about this brew. Why does he hold it in such high regard?"

Inwardly, Charlie marveled at Paul's discerning palate, realizing that he might even surpass his father-in-law in tea knowledge.

For the longest time, his father-in-law had relished this tea without ever suspecting its quality, seemingly growing fonder of it with each cup. If Charlie hadn't stepped in, his father-in-law would have likely continued making purchases from that WeChat swindler.

With a knowing smile, Charlie explained, "Well, you see, this tea was actually bought by my father-in-law from a scammer on WeChat. It cost a pretty penny, but it's really nothing out of the ordinary."

Paul comprehended the situation and offered a good-natured response, "Ah, I see. Well, I've got some exquisite Jin Jun Mei tea back home, sourced from the south. One day, I'll bring some over for you and your father-in-law to savor. It's top-grade tea, handpicked and masterfully roasted."

Charlie politely expressed his thanks, "You know, my father-in-law isn't exactly a tea connoisseur, but he certainly enjoys his tea. So, if you do decide to bring some, I'm sure he'd appreciate it. Let him relish what he likes."

Unbeknownst to Paul, Charlie was thinking, "I'm his son-in-law, and I haven't even given him any fine tea yet. It might be a bit awkward for an outsider like you to do so."

Unfazed, Paul remembered what Jacob had mentioned earlier about Charlie's villa and inquired, "Mr. Wade, Uncle Wilson mentioned that you obtained this villa through feng shui consultations. Is that true?"

Charlie's lips curled into a slight smile as he responded, "Well, you could say that. It wasn't just feng shui; I also resolved some significant issues for others using it."

Paul, his tone earnest, admitted, "Mr. Wade, I've dabbled a bit in I Ching (ancient Chinese divination text) and Bagua (concept representing Yin-Yang forces) myself, but I've never had the privilege of a proper mentor. My free time is quite limited, so my understanding remains somewhat superficial."

He then added, "By the way, Mr. Wade, my new company is gearing up for its official opening in Aurous Hill. Would you mind lending your expertise for a feng shui assessment?"

Impressed by Paul's friendly demeanor and his ability to read the room, Charlie decided to reciprocate in kind. He flashed a warm smile and replied, "When's your company's grand opening? I'll make sure to squeeze in a visit before the big day."

Paul's excitement was palpable as he eagerly replied, "The company opens its doors the day after tomorrow. Would it be possible for you to swing by tomorrow?" 😃🏢

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