"Dragon Son-in-law" a.k.a. Millionaire Son-in-law, Charlie Wade Story. Translated by Junlee (aka Jungal2000)

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Charlie Wade is a househusband son-in-law whom everyone looks down upon. However, unknown to them, his true identity is that of the young master from a top-tier family. Those who once belittled him will eventually kneel before him, trembling with fear and calling him "Master!" ...

The MC is Charlie Wade, and there's this girl Claire Wilson. They're in this savage clapback novel called "Ultimate Dragon Honcho", penned by this dude Ye Gongzi. Everyone knew Charlie Wade was the son-in-law of the Wilson family. Like, Grandpa Wilson legit pulled this broke boy outta nowhere and made him marry his grand daughter/princess, Claire. But bro's got no skills, no dough 💸, and Claire had to deal with so much BS 'cause of him. He even had the nerve to ask for money during Grandma Wilson's big party, making Claire hella embarrassed 😳. They kicked Charlie Wade out, but then plot twist! 🌀 Some butler dude shows up. Turns out, Charlie Wade's actually from the uber-rich Wade clan. The butler's like, "Come home, fam." But since his parents were, like, done dirty by the Wade fam, he's like "Nah." But he did take his grandpa’s black card loaded with 10 billion. 💳💰 #MicDrop

Author: Charlie Wade
Category: Urban Fiction
Status: Ongoing
Last Updated: October 18, 2023
Last edited:

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 876: "Kitchen Confessions"

Now, picture this scene, my dear readers! In the heart of the kitchen, Merit had donned an apron, ready to embark on a culinary adventure. With the ever-helpful Jacob by her side, they began the delightful dance of preparing ingredients and whipping up a scrumptious meal.

Jacob's dedication to the task at hand was nothing short of remarkable, and you could practically see the twinkle of excitement in his eyes. For him, this moment had been a long-held dream, one that involved creating a delectable feast side by side with his beloved Merit.

Little did he know that this dream would take over two decades to come to fruition, a deliciously slow-cooked masterpiece of anticipation.

For Merit, the flood of emotions was simply overwhelming. She and her husband had spent over two decades in the United States, where they often shared kitchen duties. Yet, the feeling coursing through her now was something she had never quite experienced before.

With him by her side, she felt an infinite sense of closeness, a comforting warmth that she hadn't known in years. Cooking together, sharing the culinary journey, brought her immense joy and satisfaction.

As they worked side by side, their hands brushed against each other, their fingers danced in synchrony, and soon, their cheeks were tinged with a rosy hue, reminiscent of a perfectly ripe emoji peach! 🍑

Both of them had their own individual histories and were each other's first love. They had shared those initial moments of romance that left an indelible mark on their hearts.

So, after all these years apart, their hearts couldn't help but be pulled back into the magnetic field of their shared memories, like two magnets irresistibly drawn to each other.

Assisting Merit, Jacob found himself in close proximity to her, his heart urging him to hold her close. However, the timidity that had always been a part of him kept those urges in check.

Meanwhile, Merit, usually a proficient multitasker in the kitchen, was surprisingly distracted by the presence of her first love. She even had a few close calls with her knife while chopping, lost in thoughts of yesteryears.

Jacob was similarly preoccupied. His attention wasn't on the vegetables or washing the dishes; it was on Merit herself.

In that moment, he couldn't help but regret moving into the spacious villa at Thomson Elite. In their previous, more compact home, accidental brushes and fleeting touches were unavoidable, but now, in this vast kitchen, he had to find ingenious excuses just to get close to her.

It became a self-imposed challenge, a quest to bridge the gap between them in that expansive culinary arena.

And then, as Merit delicately placed the shrimp into the sizzling pan for their Longjing shrimp dish, Jacob, summoned every ounce of courage, and in a burst of exhilaration and nervousness, he couldn't hold back any longer. He embraced her tightly from behind, his voice quivering with emotion as he whispered, "Merit, these twenty-plus years without you have felt like an eternity. I've missed you so much!" 😍💞

Chapter 877: "Love Rediscovered: A Twist of Fate"

In the blink of an eye, Merit found herself wrapped in the warm, familiar arms of Jacob. It was a moment that sent her heart racing and her senses reeling with a mix of emotions.

Deep down, she couldn't help but yearn for this very moment, even after more than two decades had slipped away. Jacob, the man who had captured her heart all those years ago, held her close once more. His hands rested firmly on her lower abdomen, igniting memories of their passionate youth.

Genuine emotions surged within Merit, and her hands instinctively met his. The connection was undeniable.

But as quickly as it began, she pulled away from Jacob's embrace, hastily rearranging her disheveled hair. Her words spilled out, tinged with unease, "Jacob, we can't do this. Remember, you're a married man, and I can't betray Elaine."

Jacob, now in a state of panic, blurted out, "It was her who wronged you first! When we were together, our love was unbreakable. She took advantage of me when I was vulnerable. If not for her deception, we might have been together all these years!"

A soft sigh escaped Merit's lips as she responded, "Even if the past holds her accountable, I was the one who chose to let go. I willingly gave you to her, and I can't stoop to her level. It's a matter of principle, Jacob. I can't become just like her."

Jacob, overwhelmed with desperation, pleaded, "That woman nearly tore us apart forever. Must you stick to your principles when it's our love that's at stake?"

With a heavy heart, Merit earnestly replied, "After what happened, I learned that Elaine was behind it all. I know she's a deceitful person, but I can't compromise my integrity because of her."

She fixed her gaze on Jacob, her expression resolute. "You're her husband now. We can meet and dine as friends or old classmates, but we mustn't cross that line. Not even a little."

Tears welled up in Jacob's eyes as he looked at Merit, his voice choked with emotion. "Isn't there any hope left for us? After all these years, fate has brought us back together. Don't you want to mend our past regrets?"

Merit's eyes reflected her pain. "Of course, I do. Otherwise, I wouldn't have returned from the United States. But, Jacob, a righteous man should uphold his principles in both love and money. If there's ever a chance for us, it must come after your divorce from Elaine."

In a burst of impulse, Jacob declared, "Then I'll divorce her right away!"

Merit responded with unwavering seriousness, "Jacob, don't misinterpret my words. I'm not saying that we can be together immediately after your divorce."

Jacob, bewildered, implored, "Merit, I don't understand. What do you mean? Don't you want to be with me?"

With a sincere gaze, Merit explained, "Jacob, we've spent so many years apart. We can't rush into a decision like this. When we were young, we were students with studies and friends to occupy our time. We never truly lived together. Life and love are different now, especially at our age. We have to consider not just our feelings but also our children and how they perceive us."

Chapter 878: "The Past That Never Fades"

Well, folks, we're diving headfirst into a whirlwind of emotions in this chapter! It's a heart-to-heart talk that's been a long time coming. Let's get into it!

Jacob wasted no time in pouring out his feelings. "Hey, this isn't like the good old days when we were carefree teenagers," he began, a touch of seriousness in his voice. "We've got some grown-up decisions to make, Merit."

But guess what? He wasn't buying it! With unwavering determination, he laid it all out there. "I can't just accept what you're saying," he exclaimed passionately. "I know there's still something between us, and my heart's singing the same tune. If we both feel this way, what's stopping us?"

Jacob didn't stop there, oh no! He pushed on, making it crystal clear that he needed answers. "Merit, cut to the chase, do you still feel the same about me?"

Now, Merit found herself in a tight spot. She admitted, "How do I even begin to answer that? We were a force to be reckoned with back then, our love was like a blazing fire. Plus, we were each other's first love, and that's a scar we've carried for over two decades. To say it's all gone would be a lie."

But, hold on, there's a twist! Merit wanted to make it clear that this wasn't just about their feelings. Nope, it's a whole lot more complicated than that.

And cue the waterworks! Jacob, usually so composed, had tears streaming down his face. He looked like a lost child, finding solace in Merit's presence.

He'd suffered through years of heartache, and seeing Merit again was like a balm for his soul. It made him realize just how much he'd struggled all these years.

And he was determined not to keep living that way.

Seeing Jacob's raw emotions, Merit couldn't hold back her tears either. She approached him and gently wiped away his tears, her voice filled with empathy.

"Jacob, you've been through so much," she said softly. "If only we could turn back the clock to our graduation days, even if you were with Elaine, I wouldn't have given up on you."

With a heavy sigh, she continued, "But, you know, time marches on, and there's no turning back the hands of time. We're all grown up now."

Jacob, overwhelmed with passion, couldn't contain himself any longer. He got down on one knee, his heart pounding, and declared, "Merit, I want to be with you!"

Merit was taken aback, panic in her eyes. She hastily pulled him up, her voice filled with urgency. "Jacob, get up, what are you doing?"

But Jacob was having none of it. He stood his ground, his eyes shining with determination. "If you don't agree, I'll stay right here on my knees!"

Merit glanced anxiously at the kitchen door, worried that the kids might walk in and see them. She urged him, "Please, get up! What if the children catch us like this?"

Jacob, unwavering in his commitment, responded firmly, "If Paul walks in, I'll tell him I love his mother and want her blessing. If Clay happens to see, I'll tell her I love you, and I want to be with you, even if it means divorcing her mom!"

Whew, talk about a rollercoaster of emotions and unexpected twists! 😅💕

Chapter 879 - "Hearts in Turmoil"

Now, let's dive into the juicy drama! 🍿 In this chapter, our dear Jacob finds himself in a whirlwind of emotions so intense, it's like a rollercoaster ride for the heart! 😮💓

He gazes deeply into Merit's eyes, and with all the passion in the world, he declares, "Merit, I'm not kidding around here. Every word I'm saying right now is coming straight from the depths of my soul. It's been over two decades since you left, and not a single day has passed without me yearning for you. We're not kids anymore; why can't we cast aside our reservations and chase after true love with all we've got?"

Merit lets out a deep sigh and responds, "Jacob, I've pondered your words, and I'll admit, I've let my mind wander down that path too. But things are different now. I despise nothing more than being the 'other woman,' so I won't become one myself. Let's not rush into this. Give me some time, and I'll give you some as well."

An anxious Jacob blurts out, "So, does that mean you'll be with me once I divorce Elaine?"

Merit, with her eyes reflecting a lifetime of experiences, looks straight at Jacob and says earnestly, "Jacob, I confess, one of the main reasons I returned to our homeland was to see you again and possibly rekindle our past flame. But we're no longer those young teenagers of 18 or 20. We need to think long and hard about all of this. Right now, I can't give you a definite answer about being with you. After you're genuinely single, and we've spent some time together, then, and only then, will I give you a solid response."

Without a moment's hesitation, Jacob passionately declares, "I'm in, a thousand times in, a million times in!"

Merit responds with gravity, "Jacob, I want you to sincerely consider your relationship with Elaine. Reflect on whether there's still love between you two. If there is, I'll bless your union, just like before. But if love has faded, you need to sort things out with her soon. I know you well; any hesitation will only lead to chaos."

At this point, Merit had triumphed in almost every aspect of her life, except for one crucial matter—true love. She had her heart set on Jacob.

We all carry a deep longing in our hearts, an unquenchable thirst for something or someone. For Merit, it was Jacob. She knew that if she couldn't have him, regret would haunt her forever.

So, her return to the homeland was solely driven by the desire to rekindle her long-lost love during this twilight phase of her life.

With determination in his eyes, Jacob utters, "Merit, as long as you don't despise me and are willing to be with me, I will absolutely divorce Elaine!"

A soft sigh escapes Merit's lips as she says, "Whether it was intentional or not, whether you were manipulated by others, the fact remains that our love was betrayed. If you genuinely seek redemption, I'm willing to give you a chance."

And in a moment that echoes the past, Jacob rises to his feet and envelops Merit in a tight embrace once more.

Holding her close, he murmurs, "Merit, I've regretted what happened for over two decades. I won't allow myself to feel that regret again. You must wait for me!"

Merit nods, her voice a whisper, "Alright, I'll wait for you. But you can't hold me like this anymore. It's not right."

Stubbornly, Jacob retorts, "What does right or wrong matter? All I want right now is to hold you!"

But Merit is torn. She longs to convey her feelings about being in his embrace, but she has lived a life of dignity and can't accept such intimacy with a married man.

She stammers, "Ah, let me go. This isn't right, and I still have to cook..."

With resolve, Jacob asserts, "You're in my heart, and I'm in yours. What's wrong with that?"

And then, in a bold move, he leans in, attempting to steal a kiss from Merit.

Quick as lightning, Merit dodges and says firmly, "Have you not understood anything I've said all this time?" 😘🙅‍♀️

Chapter 880: "Kitchen Catastrophe and Sizzling Secrets"

As they chatted away, a peculiar scent started wafting through the kitchen. 🤭

Merit couldn't hold back her surprise, exclaiming, "Oh my goodness! My precious Longjing Shrimp!"

In a whirlwind of emotions, she shoved Jacob aside and dashed to the stove, her cheeks flushed. Peering into the pan, she wailed, "Disaster! The shrimp are utterly charred!"

Jacob, feeling a pang of guilt, hastily advised, "Quick, turn off the heat before it becomes charcoal!"

With haste, Merit Hanley killed the flames on the gas stove. Gazing at the charred shrimp with despair, she sighed, "This is all your doing. It was supposed to be my pièce de résistance, and now it's reduced to ashes..."

Jacob, his face painted with remorse, offered, "Should I run out and grab another batch of shrimp for you?"

Meanwhile, Charlie and Paul, sipping tea outside, caught a whiff of the kitchen disaster. Charlie, with his instincts on high alert, remarked, "Do you smell something burning?"

Paul furrowed his brows, commenting, "My mom is a culinary pro. It's odd for her to let something burn like that..."

Charlie sprang up and said, "Paul, hang tight. I'll go investigate to ensure everything's in one piece."

Paul began to rise but found Charlie's hand gently pushing him back down, a mischievous grin on his face. "You relax and savor your tea. I've got this."

Little did Paul know, Charlie had ulterior motives – he imagined a scenario where his father-in-law and Paul's mom were getting carried away in the kitchen, completely oblivious to the pot boiling over. How awkward would it be for Paul to walk in on that?

He mused to himself, "I'm not related by blood to either of them. For me, it's just front-row seats to a drama."

Unbeknownst to Paul, he didn't insist any further as Charlie strolled towards the kitchen.

Charlie discreetly peeked inside.

Seeing the two individuals feverishly scrubbing the burnt pot, both appearing composed and free of any mischief, Charlie couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment.

He had hoped for some juicy gossip, but there was no hint of it whatsoever.

Yet, noticing the rosy cheeks of his father-in-law and his first love, he couldn't shake the feeling that something intimate might have unfolded just moments earlier.

Pretending surprise, Charlie inquired, "Dad, Auntie Hanley, what's cooking? Is everything okay?"

Jacob, slightly flustered, replied, "Oh, it's nothing, just a minor kitchen mishap. Auntie Hanley and I are handling it. No need to fret."

Charlie couldn't help but wonder what led them to burn the pot. With guilt evident on Jacob's face, he suggested, "Charlie, why don't you go back and keep Paul company with some tea? Auntie Hanley and I can manage things here..." 😏🔥


Oct 31, 2023
Charlie, John and Dustin all have similar lifestyle. They all prefer living lowlife
John and Charlie aren't leaving lowlife... Charlie doesn't want to go back yet cause he already has the Emgrand and 10 billion dollar Black card as the writer emphasized and he doesn't want to be bound under the Wade family. There are places that clearly states that he wishes to tell his wife that he own the Emgrand company but because she doesn't want all bogus lifestyle and she'll also ask series of questions that's why he's keeping mute about that for now, while John hasn't gotten all the 13 regiments yet, if he does probably in the next 100 chapters then we'll know if he truly wants a low-key life. Dustin otherwise left home, got married as a live-in-son-inlaw and got divorced without having any strand of cash on him, all he does are from his brains and strength 😁 and he doesn't take any credit for em.

This Charlie guy is quite heartless to outsiders and stupid in while with his wife 🤪 cause I've gone past two scenes where he should be on bed with his wife but he foolishly asked questions which are irritating DAMN!

John here is in a love triangle but he is slow witted like 'F*ck him' cause your girlfriend has been kidnapped for past a month or so and your decision is just to find a way to save him while you can do that without breaking a sweat.

Dustin here takes everything he does seriously even if he isn't up to par with his opponent he still tries his best.

While John is being helped by his (Dragon ring, storage ring, pentacama tower and the image changing frame), and Charlie always mentioning his existence as a Wadean which also is aided by the Nine book shit that has everything in the world(how's that even possible 🤔) while also the write talks too much he doesn't show any real fights which is tiring to read 🤦🏿‍♂️, Dustin here uses his name and calls his subordinates to intervene when he doesn't want to kill although he's family is much stronger that both John and Charlie combined still he doesn't use his family influence on anyone, the only problem I have with this story tho is that the write exaggerates the chapter alot, just imagine seeing your fiance around 500 chapters back 🤦🏿‍♂️ without call or nothing.


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 871: "When Past and Present Collide"

Alright, folks, it's about to get interesting! Charlie, in a classic 'pretending to be busy' move, spent the entire afternoon on a wild search mission. But guess what? Life had some surprises up its sleeve! 🕵️‍♂️

A call from his father-in-law set the wheels in motion. Aunt Hanley was on her way to their abode, and it was time to hit the road!

Not to be outdone, Claire got the same call. She might've hesitated a bit, but the call of home was irresistible. She too geared up for the impending encounter.

Meanwhile, Elsa had other plans. She caught wind of the guest situation and decided, "Nope, not going home tonight!" 🙅

Claire had hopes of recruiting Elsa as her partner in crime to tackle the potential awkwardness. But guess what? Life's plot twists kept on coming! Elsa had her own agenda, claiming overtime as her savior and opting for a solo dining adventure.

Claire, being the considerate soul she is, couldn't push it any further and made a heartfelt request to her dear old dad, "Dad, when your buddy shows up, can we keep it light on the 'me' topics? I'm just not feeling it today, you know?"

Jacob, with a nod of understanding, knew that his daughter's presence itself was a win, so he agreed with a smile. 😊

And then, the moment of truth! The doorbell chimed with anticipation, and Jacob couldn't wait any longer. He rushed to the video intercom, excitement levels through the roof, and yelled back to Charlie and Claire, "They're here! I'm going in for the big reveal!"

Now, folks, let's talk about that age-old question: Is there still something sizzling between Jacob and Aunt Hanley? 🌡

Charlie, with a hint of mischief, waved off the thought, "Nah, it's been over two decades. Ain't no flames left there."

But our dear Claire, she had her doubts, bless her heart! 😅 She fretted, "Charlie, you know the backstory. After all, it's their past."

Charlie, with a chuckle, teased, "You make it sound like your dad's in some secret love affair. Relax, it's just a blast from the past."

Claire, with a sigh, admitted, "I'm just being cautious. I'm not saying anything's cooking...yet."

Meanwhile, Aunt Hanley, standing in awe of the grandeur that is Thomson Elite, couldn't believe her eyes!

You see, she'd been away for so long, she'd lost touch with the domestic real estate scene. The name "Thomson Elite" meant zilch to her.

But as she waited for Jacob to open the door, her son Paul, ever the curious one, decided to Google some numbers. "These houses," he said, "are valued at around 80 million to over 100 million dollars. The Type A villas? They go for several hundred million dollars, give or take!"

Hold onto your seats, folks, because things are about to get pretty intriguing in this reunion of hearts and wealth!

Chapter 872: "The Mysterious Mansion"

Merit Hanley gave a knowing nod and quipped, "Over a hundred million? Not exactly chump change, but I'm genuinely curious, how on earth did Uncle Wilson land himself a villa in this posh neighborhood?"

Paul flashed a sly smile and retorted, "Well, mom, if you figure that out, please let me know too."

Merit chuckled mischievously, "Maybe he's just a master of understatement."

Paul pondered for a moment and confessed, "Honestly, I think Uncle Wilson is a great guy, but he's not exactly the type to hide his achievements under a bushel."

Intrigued, Merit probed, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Paul shrugged playfully, "Oh, just a hunch, really."

Merit laughed heartily, "Alright, let's drop the detective act. Having an old classmate living in a swanky villa like this should make us jump for joy. The rest? Well, let's not go digging where we shouldn't."

Paul nodded in agreement, "You're absolutely right, Mom."

Just then, Jacob swung open the villa's door. With uncontainable excitement, he exclaimed, "Ah, Merit, Paul, you're here! Come on in!"

Merit beamed and complimented, "Jacob, your house is absolutely stunning! The moment I set foot in this neighborhood, I knew it was the pinnacle of opulence in Aurous Hill, am I right?"

Jacob modestly replied, "Whether it's the best or not, I'm not sure. We only moved in a few days ago."

With Paul and Merit following, they entered the villa.

As Merit marveled at the lavish decor in the yard, she couldn't help but gush, "It's evident you've put so much thought into decorating this place. Did you hire a top-notch designer for this?"

Jacob explained, "Actually, we didn't decorate the villa ourselves. It was a gift from a friend of my son-in-law."

Paul, thoroughly intrigued, blurted out, "Uncle Wilson, this villa must be worth well over a hundred million, right? Mr. Wade's friend just handed him such an extravagant gift?"

Jacob nodded, confirming, "Indeed, the villa and all its furnishings were gifts. We only had to buy some furniture, nothing too extravagant."

Paul couldn't resist probing further, "Did Mr. Wade earn this villa through his Feng Shui consultations?"

Jacob burst into hearty laughter, "You've hit the nail on the head. This villa was his reward for his Feng Shui expertise. Let me tell you, my son-in-law might not come across as serious or accomplished, but his Feng Shui skills are renowned in Aurous Hill's upper echelons!"

Paul found it rather peculiar. Even the most renowned Feng Shui masters wouldn't command such a steep price for a consultation.

The gift of this splendid villa and its luxurious furnishings hinted at something beyond ordinary Feng Shui services.

Mr. Wade must be no ordinary individual!

With these thoughts swirling, Paul exclaimed, "You know, I've always believed in Feng Shui, but I've never encountered a truly exceptional practitioner. Since Mr. Wade is so exceptional, I'll definitely have to invite him to assess the Feng Shui of my new company."

Jacob beamed and assured, "Just talk to him later. Charlie is an exceedingly generous person. I'm sure he won't turn you down!" 😄🏡🌟

Chapter 873: "When Beauty and Grace Collide"

Picture this scene: Jacob, Merit, and her son, Paul, strolling through the courtyard, and the atmosphere charged with anticipation.

Now, let me tell you, when Claire laid eyes on Merit, her jaw hit the floor! She'd heard about Merit's elegance and beauty, but seeing it in the flesh was a game-changer. Envy crept in, just a tad, as Claire marveled at the sheer grace and allure exuding from Merit. Maintaining such a ravishing appearance at the age of 50? Impressive, to say the least!

On the flip side, Merit couldn't have predicted Jacob and Ma Lan's daughter to be such a stunning, statuesque beauty. It took her by surprise! Paul, the observer in this whirlwind of aesthetics, was equally captivated by Claire's charm and presence.

With introductions underway, Jacob beamed, "Merit, meet my daughter, Claire." He then turned to Claire, adding, "Clay, this is my old classmate, Merit. You can call her Auntie Hanley."

Amidst her astonishment over Merit's charisma, Claire couldn't help but feel a growing concern about her father's relationship with this formidable rival. Compared to Merit, her own mother seemed to pale in comparison, and with her parents' rocky relationship, this new presence only seemed to make things more fragile.

Nevertheless, she extended a polite handshake, saying, "Hello, Auntie Hanley."

Merit, her warmth as genuine as her smile, exclaimed, "Clay, you're truly beautiful!"

Claire modestly replied, "Auntie Hanley, you're too kind. I can't hold a candle to you."

"Oh, no, no, no," Merit protested. "When I was your age, I was nowhere near as beautiful as you."

Glancing at Charlie, she added, "Charlie is truly blessed to have married such an amazing wife."

Charlie grinned and nodded in agreement, "You're absolutely right, Auntie Hanley. I'm a lucky man."

Merit then introduced her son, saying, "Clay, this is my son, Paul. He's about a year younger than you, so he should call you 'sister.'"

Paul extended his hand towards Claire, saying earnestly, "Hello, Miss Wilson. I'm Paul, full name Paul Smith. Pleasure to meet you."

Claire hesitated for a moment, prompting Merit to intervene, "Paul, remember, Clay is a married woman. It's good to maintain a little distance with the opposite sex."

Realizing his slip-up, Paul withdrew his hand, laughing awkwardly, "I'm so sorry, that was thoughtless of me."

Claire acknowledged his apology with a slight nod and smile. Charlie couldn't help but admire the way Merit had raised her son.

Eager to get the cooking underway, Jacob suggested, "Merit, I've got all the ingredients and seasonings in the kitchen. How about we start now? Let the young ones chat outside while we whip up a feast. Sound good?"

Merit agreed wholeheartedly, saying, "That sounds fantastic! Let's treat the kids to a delicious meal today."

Turning to Paul, she encouraged him, "Son, enjoy a good chat with Charlie and his lovely wife. Building connections with young people is essential for your long-term growth. Communication and expanding your social circle are key."

Paul nodded quickly, assuring, "Don't worry, Mom, I understand."

As Jacob led Merit toward the kitchen, he turned back to Charlie and playfully instructed, "Good son-in-law, there are some fine tea leaves on the coffee table. Brew a cup for Paul to try, will you?" 😉🍵

Chapter 874: "Tea, Wood, and a Suspiciously Similar Son"

Charlie gave his father-in-law, Jacob, a knowing nod and said, "No worries, Dad, I've got it covered."

With a sly wink, Jacob chimed in, "And remember, that little detail I mentioned earlier? It's crucial!"

Charlie couldn't help but grin. He knew exactly what Jacob meant - they couldn't afford any slip-ups, especially if Elaine returned unexpectedly.

"I promise, Dad," Charlie replied, "We'll be as discreet as a secret agent on a mission."

Jacob flashed a thumbs-up and praised, "You're a true son-in-law superhero! I have complete faith in you."

As Jacob and Merit disappeared into the kitchen, Claire quizzically looked at Charlie. "What's with you and Dad? You two are acting all mysterious, like you're hatching a plot."

Charlie couldn't spill the beans about guarding against her mother, even if it meant resorting to drastic measures. So, he chuckled and said, "Oh, just some secret code language between us, honey. Dad wants me to make sure Paul feels at home, you know."

"Really?" Claire remained skeptical.

Charlie nodded earnestly. "Absolutely. Didn't you hear him asking me to prepare some tea for Paul?"

With that, he called out to Paul, "Hey, Paul, come over here. You've got to try this amazing tea my father-in-law got from a top-notch WeChat tea seller."

Charlie figured that Paul, being an American with only partial Chinese heritage, might not be a tea connoisseur. So, the mediocre tea his father-in-law had unwittingly purchased might just do the trick.

To his surprise, Paul responded with a warm smile, "I actually love tea. If Uncle Wilson has good tea here, I'd be thrilled to try it."

Charlie was slightly taken aback and quipped, "Well, if you're a tea aficionado, you might find it a tad disappointing."

As he prepared to make tea, Claire, uninterested in conversing with her father's first love's son, excused herself, saying, "You guys chat. I'm not much of a tea person, and I've got a bit of a headache. I'll go lie down in my room, hope you don't mind."

Paul stood up politely and said, "Of course, Miss Wilson, please take care."

Once Claire had left, Charlie gestured for Paul to sit down and remarked, "Please, have a seat. No need to stand on ceremony."

As Paul settled onto the sofa, he couldn't help but express his surprise, "This sofa is made of exquisite material! It's definitely aged Hainan yellow pear wood. The patina really enhances the wood's natural beauty. It's a magnificent piece!"

Charlie was genuinely taken aback. He hadn't expected Paul, despite his mixed heritage, to possess such deep knowledge of Chinese culture.

Fluency in Chinese, a keen appreciation for tea and wood, and an understanding of patina—Paul's knowledge seemed to defy his typical Caucasian appearance. Charlie couldn't help but wonder if his American side was just a facade, and if he shared more than just interests with his father-in-law.

Could Paul be a hidden offspring of Jacob?

Chapter 875: "Of Tea, Tradition, and Favorable Feng Shui"

Charlie shot a curious glance at Paul, his eyebrows arched inquisitively. "Hey Paul, did you ever used to frequent China?"

Paul, his lips curling into a friendly smile, shook his head gently. "Nah, my trips here were more like sporadic business stints, always lasting a mere week or so."

Charlie, his curiosity piqued, probed further, "So, how come you're such a connoisseur of tea, Chinese-style furniture, and timber?"

With a hearty laugh, Paul spilled the beans, "Well, that's mainly due to my mom's influence. She's the one who introduced me to these things since my childhood."

And then, with an air of revelation, he continued, "You might look at me and think I'm more of a mixed-race or a typical Caucasian, but deep down, I've got my Asian roots. Thanks to my mom's influence, I've developed a genuine fondness for all things Chinese – the culture, the cuisine, the quirks, you name it!"

Charlie nodded in understanding as he began to set the kettle on the stove, preparing to brew the tea leaves he'd purchased via WeChat.

As the tea steeped, Charlie filled two cups, his smile growing wider. "Here, give my father-in-law's tea a try."

Paul expressed his gratitude with a nod and took a sip, but his facial expression quickly took a peculiar turn.

After a careful taste, he couldn't help but awkwardly remark, "Your father-in-law's got quite the unique taste in tea. Honestly, I can't find anything particularly special about this brew. Why does he hold it in such high regard?"

Inwardly, Charlie marveled at Paul's discerning palate, realizing that he might even surpass his father-in-law in tea knowledge.

For the longest time, his father-in-law had relished this tea without ever suspecting its quality, seemingly growing fonder of it with each cup. If Charlie hadn't stepped in, his father-in-law would have likely continued making purchases from that WeChat swindler.

With a knowing smile, Charlie explained, "Well, you see, this tea was actually bought by my father-in-law from a scammer on WeChat. It cost a pretty penny, but it's really nothing out of the ordinary."

Paul comprehended the situation and offered a good-natured response, "Ah, I see. Well, I've got some exquisite Jin Jun Mei tea back home, sourced from the south. One day, I'll bring some over for you and your father-in-law to savor. It's top-grade tea, handpicked and masterfully roasted."

Charlie politely expressed his thanks, "You know, my father-in-law isn't exactly a tea connoisseur, but he certainly enjoys his tea. So, if you do decide to bring some, I'm sure he'd appreciate it. Let him relish what he likes."

Unbeknownst to Paul, Charlie was thinking, "I'm his son-in-law, and I haven't even given him any fine tea yet. It might be a bit awkward for an outsider like you to do so."

Unfazed, Paul remembered what Jacob had mentioned earlier about Charlie's villa and inquired, "Mr. Wade, Uncle Wilson mentioned that you obtained this villa through feng shui consultations. Is that true?"

Charlie's lips curled into a slight smile as he responded, "Well, you could say that. It wasn't just feng shui; I also resolved some significant issues for others using it."

Paul, his tone earnest, admitted, "Mr. Wade, I've dabbled a bit in I Ching (ancient Chinese divination text) and Bagua (concept representing Yin-Yang forces) myself, but I've never had the privilege of a proper mentor. My free time is quite limited, so my understanding remains somewhat superficial."

He then added, "By the way, Mr. Wade, my new company is gearing up for its official opening in Aurous Hill. Would you mind lending your expertise for a feng shui assessment?"

Impressed by Paul's friendly demeanor and his ability to read the room, Charlie decided to reciprocate in kind. He flashed a warm smile and replied, "When's your company's grand opening? I'll make sure to squeeze in a visit before the big day."

Paul's excitement was palpable as he eagerly replied, "The company opens its doors the day after tomorrow. Would it be possible for you to swing by tomorrow?" 😃🏢
This guy wants to witness the unparalleled power of Charlie in Feng Shui

Bladeheart Ronin

Shogun - Samurai
Sep 18, 2023
Chapter 666: A Grand Gesture

As the three sons of the Walker family showcased their tokens of affection, Sarah and Ryan couldn't wait any longer. Rising from their seats with a shared sense of purpose, they approached the venerable Elder Master Walker, kneeling in unison, ready to unveil their special birthday presents.

On the sidelines, Dondie enthusiastically relayed their offerings:

"Ryan, our esteemed elder grandson, now presents an ice-type jadeite ornament, an exquisite relic of antiquity worth a staggering 80 million dollars! He extends his heartfelt wishes for Elder Master Walker to swim in a sea of boundless fortune and stand as strong as the Southern Mountains themselves."

"Sarah, the cherished elder granddaughter, graces us with a masterpiece titled 'Phoenix Perching on Wutong Trees' by the renowned Wu Daozi (a renowned Chinese artist), a work of art valued at a remarkable 70 million dollars! Her profound hope is for Elder Master Walker to savor a life of eternal longevity, unimaginable prosperity, and unending luck."

Meanwhile, the guests around them began to step forward, one by one, presenting their opulent tokens of admiration. While not quite reaching the grandeur of the Walker family's gifts, these offerings still carried substantial value, ranging from 10 to 30 million dollars each.

Next in line were Donald and Xander Weaver, two figures radiating an air of anticipation. Xander clutched an awe-inspiring present, clearly aiming to outshine Charlie Wade, and his demeanor left no room for subtlety.

With unwavering confidence, Xander held the priceless original painting by Tang Bohu aloft and, accompanied by Donald, approached Elder Master Walker. A smug smile danced upon his lips as he spoke, "Grandfather Walker, behold my offering! Fully aware of your profound appreciation for Tang Bohu's masterpieces, I orchestrated the overnight delivery of the 'Moon Spring Scroll,' an original masterpiece valued at over a hundred million dollars. May it resonate with your heart."

Dondie Edwards burst forth with infectious enthusiasm, announcing, "The Weaver family's eldest son presents an authentic Tang Bohu masterpiece, the 'Moon Spring Scroll,' valued at over a hundred million dollars!"

The guests collectively turned their heads, their expressions a mix of awe and astonishment.

Tang Bohu's art was a rarity on the market, deemed utterly priceless. Even his most common works commanded starting prices of 30 to 40 million dollars, with some skyrocketing to even greater heights. For example, 'Lushan Waterfall' by Tang Bohu had fetched an astonishing 3.6 billion dollars at a foreign auction.

As for the 'Moon Spring Scroll' in question, its last known transaction had been shrouded in mystery five years ago when an enigmatic tycoon had acquired it for nearly two hundred million dollars. Its whereabouts have remained undisclosed since. In today's art market, it could easily command three to four hundred million dollars or even more under favorable conditions.

Elder Master Walker's eyes glittered with an unexpected thrill. He had never envisioned such boundless generosity from the Weaver family, who had bestowed upon him the 'Moon Spring Scroll,' a treasure valued at three to four hundred million dollars, as a simple birthday gift.

His well-known passion for Tang Bohu's work had made him a venerable figure in Aurous Hill, a fact that the Weaver family must have been well aware of. Their gift was a perfect reflection of his tastes, seemingly bestowed without a second thought.

Elder Master Walker could hardly contain his gratitude as he exclaimed, "Young Master Weaver, your benevolence knows no bounds! I have long held this painting in the highest regard, and I am profoundly moved by your offering."

Xander, witnessing the elder's enraptured gaze, felt an immense sense of triumph. As he had predicted, the 'Moon Spring Scroll' had indeed enchanted the elderly gentleman, capturing his unwavering attention.

With graceful humility, he responded, "Grandfather Walker, there is no need for such formality; it is my privilege as a junior to present this gift."

Xander couldn't resist a knowing glance at Charlie, who was yet to reveal his offering. With his most priceless gift already unveiled, Xander was confident that Charlie's presentation would be utterly eclipsed.

A wry smile graced his lips as he turned to Charlie, teasingly remarking, "Brother Wade, I'm eagerly awaiting the unveiling of your gift for Grandfather Walker. Given his profound regard for you, I do not doubt that you'll leave an indelible mark." 😄🎁🖼️

Chapter 667: "The Gifted Showdown"

In Xander Weaver's eyes, having his very own "Moon Spring Scroll" by Tang Bohu proudly showcased here gave him a sense of superiority over Charlie Wade, who was, after all, just a son-in-law. How could Charlie even hope to compete?

Determination ignited within him; he was poised to outshine Charlie this time and secure his place as the most captivating and adored guest, particularly in the eyes of Elder Walker.

For Xander, Charlie was nothing more than an insignificant, penniless son-in-law—a mere bystander incapable of offering a gift of any real consequence. So, no matter what Charlie had up his sleeve, it surely couldn't hold a candle to Xander's cherished "Moon Spring Scroll."

With this mindset, he decided to tease deliberately, "Elder Walker, I've heard the rumors about Master Wade's deep involvement in the enigmatic realms of Feng Shui and sorcery for many years. He must have amassed a fortune in precious items, so I'm quite certain that the gift he's presenting to you must be worth hundred millions, if not billions, am I right?"

Xander couldn't help but cast a derisive glance at Charlie, continuing with a sneer, "The gift I've offered is valued at a mere three or four million. I'd wager that Master Wade's gift must far surpass my own!"

Elder Walker's expression grew noticeably colder, and his dissatisfaction with Xander deepened as he replied firmly, "Whatever Master Wade bestows upon me is beyond measure in my eyes!"

Xander was caught off guard.

What sort of enchantment had Charlie woven around Elder Walker?

At that very moment, Charlie rose from his seat, sporting a confident grin.

All eyes were now trained on him, pulsing with curiosity regarding the gift he intended to present.

But Charlie seemed to approach empty-handed, creating an impression that he had arrived unprepared.

Many began to doubt if Charlie had prepared anything at all. And even if he had, surely it couldn't compare to the value of Xander's treasured "Moon Spring Scroll."

Elder Walker himself was growing restless, anxiously anticipating Charlie's offering. His gaze remained unwavering, and he quivered with eagerness.

More than anything, what he desired wasn't a scroll or a painting; it was a Rejuvenation Pill.

While the "Moon Spring Scroll" held an undeniable allure, it was essentially a matter of preference. What Elder Walker longed for above all else was a longer and healthier life.

At that moment, Charlie approached Elder Walker with a calm demeanor.

Before Charlie could utter a word, Xander couldn't resist taunting, "Brother Wade, isn't your modesty a bit excessive? It's Elder Walker's grand 80th birthday celebration, and you arrive empty-handed to such a lavish gathering?"

Charlie responded with an enigmatic smile, saying, "Who said I've come empty-handed?"

Xander, seizing the opportunity to challenge him, sneered, "Then where is your gift? Show it! Surely it's not some trinket you randomly picked up on your way here, is it? Can't you see that every gift on display here today is worth at least tens of millions?" 😏🎁

Chapter 668: The Astonishing Gift

Charlie couldn't help but cast a disdainful scoff in Xander's direction, his eyes twinkling with mischief before he theatrically produced a small wooden box from his pocket. This unassuming box, a humble purchase from a street stall for a mere five dollars, held far more than met the eye. Charlie had acquired it with a purpose, to give the rejuvenation pill the grand presentation it deserved, instead of languishing in his pocket or being wrapped in a simple tissue.

Xander, not one to miss a chance to mock, shot a scornful glance and quipped, "What's this, Charlie? Did you scoop this up for ten bucks from a street vendor?"

Charlie, wearing a sly grin, replied, "Close, but not quite, my friend. It did come from a street stall, but it's only worth five."

The crowd was left utterly dumbfounded by Charlie's revelation!

Was Charlie making light of Old Master Walker's eightieth birthday?

Could he seriously be gifting a five-dollar wooden box on such a significant occasion?

Even if there was something concealed inside, what possible value could it hold?

Surely, anything genuinely valuable wouldn't be hidden within such an ordinary container.

Whispers and disapproving hisses began to ripple through the gathering, like a clandestine wave of dissent.

Even Ryan Walker couldn't resist a stifled chuckle, his hand playfully concealing his smirk.

Seeing the opportunity, Xander seized it, directing his anger at Charlie, "Charlie Wade, have you no respect for Elder Walker? Are you deliberately stirring trouble with such trash?"

But Charlie, unfazed by the negativity swirling around him, calmly opened the small wooden box, unveiling the dark, spherical rejuvenation pill nestled within. With a theatrical flourish, he turned to address Old Master Walker, saying, "Old Master Walker, this is the birthday gift I've prepared for you! It's a rejuvenation pill, a rare treasure I stumbled upon. I hope it suits your taste."

He mentioned its rarity mainly to avoid unnecessary complications.

Upon glimpsing the pill, Old Master Walker's excitement surged to unprecedented heights!

A burst of vitality coursed through him, propelling him to his feet in an exhilarated frenzy.

As he stood, his body trembled with an intensity that mirrored his excitement.

For him, it had always been a cherished, secret dream to receive a chance akin to the one Master Wade had bestowed upon Simon Thorpe. However, it was a dream he had only dared to nurture in the deepest recesses of his heart.

In his wildest fantasies, he had never dared hope that this dream would become reality!

Master Wade had genuinely gifted him this extraordinary opportunity!

As Old Master Walker approached Charlie Wade, quivering with emotion, all eyes in the room remained locked on him.

For those unfamiliar with Charlie, the sight of the elderly master trembling as he approached might have suggested anger or humiliation. Some might have thought he was preparing to reprimand Charlie or banish him from the gathering.

However, Xander, blinded by his skepticism, could only see an unremarkable pill in the box, failing to recognize its extraordinary potential.

Unable to contain himself, he mocked, "Charlie, are you presenting this run-of-the-mill pill as a gift for Elder Walker's eightieth birthday? Isn't this just a typical vitality pill you might find on the street? Are you trying to poison ordinary folks with your so-called medicine?"

Charlie brushed off Xander's skepticism and turned his attention back to Old Master Walker, explaining, "Old Walker, this rejuvenation pill has the power to extend life and enhance health. Its consumption can make you appear at least ten years younger and add a minimum of ten years to your lifespan."

Xander, unable to stifle his laughter, shook his head in derision, remarking, "Charlie, do you truly expect Elder Walker, with his discerning eyes, to fall for your ruse? A vitality pill that can turn back the clock by ten years? What an international joke! Do you think we, the elite, are all gullible fools?"

Many guests who were unfamiliar with Charlie nodded in agreement.

Reversing aging by a decade? It sounded preposterous, almost comical. Who in their right mind would believe such an outlandish claim?

Yet, to their collective astonishment, at that very moment, Old Master Walker, trembling with excitement, approached Charlie and dropped to his knees!

The entire room was left thunderstruck as if struck by a bolt of lightning. An uproar of astonishment swept through the hall! 🎉🎁👴🎊

Chapter 669: The Astonishing Act of Reverence

No one could have predicted that Old Master Walker, already in his eighties, would kneel before Charlie, a scenario that defied all expectations.

In most cases, an individual who had lived for eighty years would have surpassed their parents and elders. Even the arrival of a highly esteemed figure wouldn't typically justify such a humble act as kneeling.

But here was Old Master Walker, the esteemed head of the illustrious Walker family, the largest and most influential clan in Aurous Hill, on his knees before a man in his twenties! The surreal sight left everyone in absolute disbelief!

Xander was equally baffled, muttering, "What on earth is happening here?!"

For just a single potent pill, Old Master Walker had knelt? Why had this not been mentioned earlier? Xander would have gladly traded his three or four-hundred-million-dollar painting for this miraculous pill, enough to secure a long and healthy life well beyond his two-hundredth birthday! And he wouldn't have asked for Old Master Walker to kneel before him; a simple betrothal of Sarah to him would have sufficed!

Emotions within the Walker family ranged from elation to complexity.

Sarah Walker, unable to contain her joy and excitement, had lost her parents at a young age and had been raised by her grandfather. She shared a deep bond with Old Master Walker and had heard countless tales about the legendary healer Simon Thorpe and his quest for the rejuvenating pill. She had fervently hoped for her grandfather to have the opportunity to live another decade or more in good health.

However, the sentiments of other Walker family members were far more intricate.

The most frustrated among them was Ryan, the eldest grandson of the Walker family. As long as Old Master Walker remained alive, he hadn't fully relinquished control of the family to Ryan's father, making it difficult for Ryan to ascend as the sole heir. With the inheritance still undistributed, Ryan's prospects looked increasingly dim as his father struggled for control over the entire Walker family. Thus, he held no desire for Old Master Walker to extend his life.

In this profound moment, as Old Master Walker knelt before Charlie, tears of joy streamed down his face. Charlie, wearing a serene smile, handed the wooden box containing the rejuvenating pill to him and advised, "This medicine is exceedingly rare and has vanished from the world. I strongly recommend you take it as soon as possible to avoid any unforeseen complications."

Overwhelmed with emotion, Old Master Walker accepted the wooden box. Then, in a move that left everyone present astounded, he bowed deeply, lowering his forehead to the ground. With his palms upturned and the backs of his hands pressed to the earth, he spoke with deep reverence, "I, Jim Walker, extend my deepest gratitude to Master Wade for bestowing upon me this extraordinary opportunity! Master Wade's kindness is beyond any recompense I could offer. Here and now, I pledge to the heavens that I shall dedicate the remaining years of my life to serving Master Wade with unwavering loyalty!"

The unfolding scene was nothing short of astonishing! Who could have imagined that Old Master Walker would kneel and prostrate himself before a young man, uttering such heartfelt and devoted words?!

Xander, in particular, was utterly confounded! 😲🙌

Chapter 670: The Mysterious Pill's Power Play

Xander found himself utterly baffled by the situation. It was beyond his comprehension. Had Elder Walker lost his marbles, or was there more than met the eye? Could a blow to the head be the only explanation for him bowing and kowtowing to Charlie?

In terms of seniority and respect, Elder Walker stood at the pinnacle of the gathering. Even though the Weaver family held considerable power, Xander's father's assets still fell short of those controlled by Elder Walker. Moreover, Elder Walker was a venerable elder deserving of utmost respect.

Surveying the other guests, Xander noticed that many came from ordinary second-tier families, yet they all possessed fortunes exceeding a hundred million. In this assembly, Charlie Wade was the lone apparent underdog.

And yet, Elder Walker had chosen to kneel and even kowtow to this man whom Xander considered a pitiable loser.


What made Charlie so extraordinary?

Could this mean he was willing to part with his granddaughter so easily?

As these thoughts swirled in Xander's mind, his frustration grew.

If Charlie's reputation remained untarnished, could it be that Elder Walker would offer Sarah to him as a concubine?

Unable to contain his frustration any longer, Xander blurted out, "Elder Walker! How can you place your trust in such a pitiful loser? This pill he's hawking is surely concocted by some dubious street-side quack. The box probably costs five dollars, and the pill may not be worth more than ten. You can't fall for his scam! It might deceive not only you but also jeopardize your health!"

Elder Walker fixed a cold gaze on Xander Weaver and replied in a stern tone, "Master Weaver, while you are a guest in the Walker family's residence, Master Wade is a lifesaver and benefactor to me. If you dare to show disrespect to Master Wade again, do not blame me for being impolite."

Infuriated, Xander retorted, "Elder Walker, have you lost your senses? Do you truly believe in such a charlatan?"

Just then, Sarah stood up and scolded Xander, saying, "Xander! Mind your words! Do not be so insolent!"

Frowning, Xander questioned Sarah, "Has Elder Walker also lost his faculties? This worthless pill, apart from deceiving senile elderly individuals, what possible purpose could it serve? You, at the very least, are a top student who studied at a prestigious university in the United States. Do you genuinely believe in Charlie's nonsense?"

"Absolutely," Sarah replied without hesitation. "I never doubt anything Master Wade says. But if you continue to target Master Wade and mock my grandfather, I will have you removed from here immediately!"

Xander was on the verge of exploding.

What kind of situation was this?

One pill and both of them were taken in?

This worthless item didn't even deserve a second glance!

Why were they treating it like a precious treasure?

I presented a painting worth three or four hundred million, and Elder Walker merely said thank you!

Someone gives a pill, and Elder Walker kneels?

Damn it, in terms of value, Elder Walker should be showing me the same respect!

Fuming, Xander exclaimed, "Let's have the others present judge! Where is the value in this pill? Is it more valuable than the 'Moon Spring Scroll' I presented? Why is your Walker family being so deferential to this loser while showing no respect to me?"

Donald Weaver, witnessing his son being insulted despite offering such an expensive gift, could not tolerate it any longer.

He stood up, snorted in anger, and declared, "Uncle Walker, even though the Walker family is the top family in Aurous Hill, you should not treat the Weaver family's children this way. Why are you bowing to someone else after receiving a piece of trash? My son gave the 'Moon Spring Scroll,' yet you treat us with indifference."

"Today, if you do not provide a reasonable explanation, we will assume that your Walker family is deliberately targeting our Weaver family!"

Holding the rejuvenation pill, Elder Walker retorted, "Donald, as the eldest son of the Weaver family, you are astonishingly narrow-minded! Do you genuinely believe this pill is worthless? Let me tell you, if you knew the pill's effects, you would also kneel before Master Wade, begging for one!"

Donald retorted coldly, "Me? What a joke! I am not even sixty years old. Do you think I have lost my marbles like you?"

Charlie gazed at Donald, who appeared resolute yet somewhat scornful. He smiled faintly and addressed Elder Walker, "Elder Walker, summer insects cannot discuss ice; insects that do not live to see winter can never understand its beauty." 🦋❄️
Just take the pill and let them see for themselves...

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 881: "Whispers of Love and Worry"

Picture this, dear readers! Our young characters, Charlie and Paul, have spent an entire hour laboring away in the kitchen, conjuring a feast fit for royalty. 😅🍽️

Enter Jacob, the bearer of great news: "Dinner's served, folks!"

But wait, there's a twist! Uncle Wilson has a question for Paul, one that promises to add a dash of excitement to the evening. 🍷

"Paul, my man," he inquires, "how 'bout a drink tonight?"

Cue Paul's mischievous grin as he unveils his secret weapon—a portable gift box housing two bottles of 30-year-old Maotai liquor. Not just any Maotai, mind you, but an export version from two decades back, originally destined for the United States. 🎁🥃

Jacob can hardly contain his surprise, exclaiming, "A 30-year-old brew that's aged over 20 years? That's got to be over 50 years old now!"

With a wink, Paul confirms, "You've got it! I'd say it's about 56 years old."

Uncle Wilson, feeling a tad overwhelmed by the extravagance, tries to bow out gracefully: "Such precious liquor... it's wasted on me, really."

But Paul won't have it, insisting, "No need to be so formal, Uncle Wilson. It's a gift for you. We can crack one open tonight, or if you prefer, we can explore other libations."

Grinning from ear to ear, Jacob finally relents, "Alright then, thank you. Let's pop one bottle tonight!"

Now, as the scene shifts to Charlie and the task of fetching Claire for dinner, we find ourselves in a more emotional corner of this tale. 💔

Charlie ascends the stairs and reaches the bedroom where he discovers his wife, Claire, in a rather tearful state. 😢

With utmost tenderness, he coaxes, "Wife, it's dinner time. Come join us downstairs."

But Claire, with her back turned, pleads, "Don't come in just yet."

Turning towards her, he notices her reddened eyes and, in playful disbelief, remarks, "Wife, you're denying it again? Those eyes are practically neon signs for tears!"

Then, Charlie, with genuine concern, probes, "Is this about your mom's situation?"

In a moment of vulnerability, Claire nods and sighs, "It's been nearly 30 hours with no word. I'm terrified something's happened."

And just when you thought the emotional rollercoaster had reached its peak, her heartache spills over, and she breaks into sobs. 😭

Charlie, ever the comforting presence, enfolds her in his embrace, murmuring, "Don't cry, love. I promise your mom will be okay."

But Claire's fears persist: "How can you be so sure? You don't know where she is, what she's facing, or if she's in danger..."

With unwavering determination, Charlie declares, "Worry not, my dear. If I've given you my word, I'll ensure her safety. I have some capable friends up my sleeve."

Anxiously, Claire inquires, "Really? Will they be willing to help?" 😌💫

Chapter 882: "Dinner Delights and a Burning Desire"

Charlie couldn't help but chuckle as he made a daring proposition, "Why not take the plunge and give it a shot? You never know, they might just surprise us. Their talents are way beyond ours, and their network is vast. Who's to say they won't help us uncover the truth?"

Claire breathed a sigh of relief, her gratitude evident, "Charlie, I can't thank you enough!"

With a warm smile, Charlie playfully chided her, "Come on now, silly girl, I'm your husband, remember? No need for all the formalities."

He affectionately patted her shoulder and continued, "Let's grab a bite first. After dinner, I'll reach out to my pals and see if they're up for the challenge. If they're not, well, I'll persuade them. Either way, I promise you, your mom will be back safe and sound!"

Claire nodded vigorously, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. Until now, it seemed she had been the sole worrywart in the family about her mother's disappearance. Witnessing Charlie's unwavering support and determination brought her immense comfort.

Charlie couldn't help but empathize with Claire. Elaine's absence had taken a heavy toll on her, and if she didn't return soon, the situation at the detention center could spiral out of control, pushing his wife to her limits.

He had already made up his mind to put his plan into motion the next day. He had thought it through, and Elaine should be back by the day after tomorrow.

After reassuring Claire, Charlie led her downstairs.

In the downstairs restaurant, Jacob and Merit had prepared a sumptuous feast.

Paul, who was sitting nearby, uncorked a bottle of exquisite Maotai aged liquor. Upon spotting Charlie and Claire descending the stairs, he wore a friendly smile and extended an invitation, "Mr. Wade, care for a couple of drinks?"

Charlie grinned and accepted, "Why not? I'll join you for a round or two."

Claire, however, gave a subtle reminder, "Aren't you meeting your friends after dinner? You probably shouldn't drink too much if you're not planning to drive."

Charlie assured her, "No worries, I'll take a taxi later. Besides, it's Paul's first visit to our home, and it would be impolite not to share a drink with him."

Satisfied with his response, Claire nodded, "Alright, as long as you're not behind the wheel."

At that moment, Jacob emerged from the kitchen with a steaming pot of West Lake Beef Soup. He beamed at Claire and said, "Clay, you must taste Auntie Hanley's cooking. I snuck a few bites earlier, and trust me, it's nothing short of incredible!"

Despite her lack of appetite, especially considering the meal was prepared by her mother's longtime rival, Claire forced herself to sit at the table for the sake of appearances.

Merit, now wearing an apron-less smile, emerged from the kitchen carrying bowls and chopsticks. Seeing Charlie and Claire already seated, she said with genuine concern, "I'm sorry for the wait, but we can finally dig in."

She then turned her attention to Charlie and Claire, her face radiating warmth, "You both must be famished, right? Well then, let's not waste any more time—let's eat!"

The table was adorned with an array of Merit's homemade Suzhou-Hangzhou style dishes.

There was West Lake Vinegar Fish, Braised Prawns, Dongpo Pork, Fish Head with Tofu, and Exploding Eel Pieces, among other delectable delights.

These dishes were cooked to perfection, rivaling those found in top-notch restaurants.

With a tinge of regret, Merit confessed, "I had prepared a special dish, Longjing Shrimp, but I got carried away in the kitchen and accidentally overcooked it. I'll have to whip it up for you next time."

As she mentioned the burnt Longjing Shrimp, Merit couldn't help but reminisce about the unexpected moment in the kitchen when Jacob had suddenly pulled her into his embrace, causing her cheeks to flush with a delightful warmth... 😳💕

Chapter 883: "Culinary Wonders and Unspoken Tensions"

This chapter was quite the rollercoaster of emotions and culinary delight! 😄

Picture this: Charlie, the man with an appetite of a thousand lions, faced a meal so tantalizing that his hunger surged like a stormy sea. Yet, he resisted the temptation, channeling his inner gentleman to pour drinks for the lovely ladies in the room.

With a charming smile, Charlie toasted, "Auntie Hanley, Paul, welcome back to China, welcome back to Aurous Hill, and welcome to our humble abode. Let's all raise our glasses for a hearty welcome!"

Jacob chimed in, "Absolutely! Let's toast to wash away the travel fatigue and embrace the warmth of our reunion!" 🥂

Merit, gracious and sincere, responded, "Your hospitality is truly heartwarming. I never expected to enjoy a homemade meal on my first day back in Aurous Hill. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

Jacob, ever the cheerful classmate, reassured her, "Merit, we've been friends for ages, no need for formalities over a simple meal!"

He went on, "Besides, today's culinary masterpiece is all thanks to your efforts. I just played sous-chef. To be honest, it's a bit embarrassing – it's not every day that a classmate comes over and ends up cooking for us."

Laughter filled the room as Merit responded, "No need to feel embarrassed. It was a mutual agreement that I'd take on the kitchen today."

Charlie, keeping the mood light, suggested, "Well then, let's down this first drink!"

Glasses clinked, and drinks flowed. The gentlemen downed their wine in one fell swoop, while the ladies sipped their beverages with grace.

Now, here's where things get interesting. 😏

Claire couldn't help but feel a slight chill in the air, though it wasn't her fault! She had done her best to extend a warm welcome to Merit.

But remember, there's history between them. Merit was once her father's first love, and now she was dishing out food in her own home. Talk about a unique situation! 😬

However, she mustered up her best manners and accepted Merit's kind gesture with a polite, "Thank you, Auntie Hanley," before savoring the prawn.

Lo and behold, it was a taste explosion!

Sure, Claire had eaten braised prawns before, but this was a whole new level of culinary wizardry. Merit's prawns were a symphony of flavors, with a perfect balance of sweetness and saltiness, a fragrance that could make your taste buds dance, and an exquisite flavor that even five-star restaurants would envy.

Claire was flabbergasted. Auntie Hanley was no ordinary woman! Not only was she elegant and beautiful, but her culinary skills were out of this world.

She couldn't help but recall her mother's less-than-stellar cooking, which had remained unchanged for decades. Since Charlie took over the kitchen, her life had improved significantly.

But let's be real, even Charlie Wade's culinary prowess paled in comparison to Merit's culinary enchantments.

They had it all – tantalizing dishes, unspoken tensions, and a dash of culinary magic that left everyone in awe! 🪄✨

Chapter 884: "A Culinary Delight and Unspoken Words"

Right at this very moment, Merit, wearing a heartwarming smile, plated a generous serving of West Lake Vinegar Fish and served it up to her. Her voice oozed with warmth as she said, “Clay, do give this fish a try. It's one of my specialties, though it's been a while since I last made it. I wonder if it still tickles your taste buds.”

Observing the eager Merit placing the fish in his bowl, Claire, wanting to spare her feelings, gave a grateful nod and replied, “Thank you, Aunt Hanley, but you really don't have to keep serving me. Please, go ahead and enjoy your meal.”

Merit nodded cheerfully and chimed in, “Make sure you load up on those veggies. If you need help with anything, just call on Charlie.”

Claire agreed and then took a bite of the fish Merit had lovingly prepared for her. With that one mouthful, she was taken aback.

Merit's culinary prowess was nothing short of astonishing. The fish was tender, bouncy, and the flavors danced in perfect harmony.

Even Jacob was left speechless.

In his entire existence, he had never savored such heavenly home-cooked food. He understood that a delightful meal at home, as opposed to dining out, offered an entirely different experience.

The comfort of home amplified the meal, turning it into a memory men would cherish.

It's no wonder they say, "To win a man's heart, you must first conquer his stomach."

Jacob felt his taste buds surrender to Merit's culinary artistry in that very moment.

He couldn't help but envy Paul, saying, “Paul, your mother's cooking is absolutely divine. You're truly blessed.”

Paul responded modestly with a serious tone, “Uncle Wilson, it's a double-edged sword, you know. When I was in college, I felt miserable because I longed for my mother's cooking. No matter what I ate at school, it just didn't hit the spot.”

“Later, with the hectic pace of the law firm, I had to travel extensively, often within the U.S. and occasionally worldwide, leaving no chance to savor my mother's cooking.”

“My palate became so accustomed to her culinary delights that I found it nearly impossible to appreciate food anywhere else, which, honestly, was quite distressing.”

Jacob sighed and reflected, “You're absolutely right. It's easy to move from luxury to simplicity, but the reverse is a real challenge. With your mom's cooking being this incredible, if I were you, I'd lose interest in any other cuisine.”

As Elaine's absence hung in the air, Claire started feeling a tad uneasy. She lifted her drink and proposed a toast to Merit, saying, “Aunt Hanley, let me raise a glass to you. After such a long journey from the U.S., you must be exhausted. This drink is to wash away the dust of your travels.”

Merit promptly raised her glass, her smile unwavering as she suggested, “Thank you, Clay. Let's have a toast with our drinks instead of wine.”

Claire clinked her glass lightly against Merit's and couldn't help but sigh, “Oh, if only my mom were here too. She's missed you all these years. She'd be over the moon to know you've returned.”

At the mention of Elaine, both Jacob and Merit's expressions grew slightly awkward. They were well aware that Claire was subtly reminding them not to forget that, even in her mother's absence, she remained the lady of the house.

Merit's dignified demeanor shifted slightly, and she managed a forced smile, saying, “It's been so many years since I've seen your mother. I really do want to catch up with her as well.”

Then, she turned her gaze toward Jacob and inquired, “By the way, Jacob, where's Elaine? Why isn't she at home?”

Jacob responded quickly, “She's visiting her parents for a couple of days. She should be back soon.” 😊🍲🏡

Chapter 885: "Love and Food: A Hearty Combination"

Now, picture this, folks! We've got a delightful tale for you in this chapter. Merit, the culinary wizard of the century, graced our presence with a meal that left us all in a food coma!

Claire, who usually played it cool, couldn't resist the siren call of Merit's dishes. She tossed her diet out the window and devoured three times her usual portion. 😋

But the real stars of the show were Charlie and his father-in-law, Jacob. These two ate like there was no tomorrow, practically licking their plates clean!

After the feast, Jacob, feeling like he had just conquered Mount Everest, discreetly loosened his belt under the table. His thoughts? Well, let's just say he was dreaming of a life with Merit, free from the clutches of his current wife, Elaine. 😅

Charlie, too, let his imagination run wild. He couldn't help but picture a world where his father-in-law and Merit were an item, making his own life a breeze. A mother-in-law who cooked like a dream? What more could a guy ask for? Sadly, he couldn't make Elaine disappear into thin air.

Post-dinner, Charlie had some detective work on his agenda. He was determined to chat with Isaac Craven and hatch a plan to bust Elaine out of that pesky detention center. 🔍

After the culinary spectacle, Merit, our superstar chef, decided to play the gracious guest. She took charge of cleaning up the dining room and kitchen, refusing Charlie's offer to help because, well, she believed kitchen duties were for the ladies.

When the kitchen sparkled like new, Merit addressed the family with a heartwarming speech. "It's getting late, and Paul and I don't want to overstay our welcome. Thank you all for your wonderful hospitality today. I truly relished this meal!"

Jacob, ever the charmer, responded promptly. "Oh, Merit, it's us who should be thanking you for this sumptuous Suzhou and Hangzhou feast. You've also fulfilled a wish of mine that's been dormant for over two decades."

Merit's smile conveyed volumes. She had her own unspoken wishes, but in the presence of Claire, some things were better left unsaid. "Alright, we won't trouble you any longer. No need to see us off; we'll make our exit discreetly."

Jacob inquired about their transportation arrangements. "How did you folks get here?"

Merit replied with a knowing smile, "Paul drove, but don't fret, I stayed sober. No drinks for me tonight."

Jacob, slightly embarrassed, chuckled. "I forgot about that. Let me escort you to your car."

Without awaiting her response, he swung the door open and led the way, gesturing for them to follow suit.

Merit graciously expressed her gratitude, saying, "Thank you, Jacob."

Charlie and Claire accompanied them to the exit, offering their heartfelt farewells. Jacob gallantly saw them off, marking the end of a truly unforgettable evening.


Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 15, 2023
Guess today/tomorrow we'll find out how author plans to handle Elaine. Judging from Charlie's attitude nothing groundbreaking will happen. Author probably wants to tease us with divorce and Merit for the next 600 chapters.
(Just like Dustin and his god-damned desert)

The worst part is, that after reading about this feast at 3AM, now I'm both hungry and prepared to be disappointed about next chapters 😭😭

Grandmaster Junlee got some food to spare? 🥺

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Guess today/tomorrow we'll find out how author plans to handle Elaine. Judging from Charlie's attitude nothing groundbreaking will happen. Author probably wants to tease us with divorce and Merit for the next 600 chapters.
(Just like Dustin and his god-damned desert)

The worst part is, that after reading about this feast at 3AM, now I'm both hungry and prepared to be disappointed about next chapters 😭😭

Grandmaster Junlee got some food to spare? 🥺

No food to eat and share until we move to our own swanky villa..

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 886: "A Heartfelt Conversation"

Claire stood there, silently watching as they walked away, gently closing the door behind them. Turning to Charlie, she couldn't contain her concern any longer, and with a hint of frustration in her voice, she asked, "Do you really believe there's something between Aunt Hanley and my dad? Could he be cheating?"

Charlie, adopting a serious tone, replied earnestly, "I have faith in Aunt Hanley's integrity. She's a principled person. Even if she has feelings for your dad, she would wait until he's divorced from your mom before pursuing anything further."

Claire's anger simmered beneath the surface as she retorted, "Nonsense! How could my dad ever divorce my mom?"

Recognizing that Claire needed time to process, Charlie wisely chose not to press further. Glancing at the clock, he suggested, "Honey, why don't you stay home and rest? Don't worry about looking for your mom. I'll reach out to a friend who might have some leads."

Claire nodded, concern etched on her face. "Do you want me to come with you?"

With a reassuring smile, Charlie said, "No need, I'll take a taxi. You've been under a lot of stress lately; it's better for you to get some rest in your own space."

Reluctantly, Claire sighed, "Alright, then. I won't accompany you. Please promise to keep me updated if anything comes up, and let me know immediately if you find any clues."

Charlie made the promise, opened the door, and said, "Okay, I'm off."

After bidding farewell to his wife, Charlie exited the Thomson Elite and reached the entrance of the villa community, just as Jacob had seen off Merit and her son.

Spotting Charlie preparing to leave, Jacob hurriedly inquired, "Charlie, it's so late, are you heading out?"

Charlie nodded, explaining, "I'm planning to reach out to some friends to see if they can provide any information about mom."

This news made Jacob visibly anxious, and he pulled Charlie aside, his concern evident. "Who are you planning to ask for help? Will you contact Mr. Orvel Heller or Miss Sarah Walker?"

Charlie replied, "I intend to inquire with both of them. They have extensive connections; perhaps they can assist in finding mom."

Jacob, his expression pained, touched his chest and pleaded, "Dear son-in-law, must it be done so urgently? Can't we wait a bit? We've had a good day, and now you're about to disrupt it."

Charlie understood his father-in-law's sentiment, knowing that the last person Jacob wished to see at this moment was probably Elaine. However, he prioritized his wife's happiness over everything else.

Regrettably, he stated, "I'm sorry, Dad. Clay has been going through a rough time recently. If we can't locate mom, it might greatly affect her. So, I must find a way to bring her back as soon as possible."

Jacob's expression darkened, and he earnestly said, "Good son-in-law, Clay is an adult. Adults need to endure hardships. Consider this as strengthening her character. Allow her to wait a few more days, please, I'm begging you..."

Charlie offered a small smile, attempting to ease the tension. "Dad, don't worry too much for now. Even if I seek assistance from my friends, there's no guarantee that we'll bring mom back right away."

Jacob couldn't contain his anxiety. He exclaimed, "How can I not be anxious? Whether it's Mr. Orvel or Miss Sarah, they both hold significant influence in Aurous Hill. Locating one person for them is a trivial matter. Maybe your mom will return tonight!"

Charlie, observing the almost tearful expression on Jacob's face, sympathetically said, "Dad, these circumstances are beyond our control. Rather than hoping for a delayed or uncertain return, it's better to hope for her swift return."

He added, "Once mom is back, you can have a heart-to-heart conversation with her and formally initiate the divorce proceedings. That way, you can pursue your own happiness without any lingering concerns." 😌🙏

Chapter 887: "Epiphany Strikes Like Lightning"

In this chapter, hold onto your hats, folks, because Charlie's words hit his father-in-law like a bolt of lightning! ⚡️ The realization smacked him right in the face, leaving him utterly transformed. He suddenly grasped that running away from problems was as effective as trying to catch a tornado with a butterfly net; it just wouldn't cut it. To be with Merit, there was only one path to follow: divorce Elaine, clear the decks, and sail off into the sunset with his true love.

With this newfound clarity, he beamed at Charlie, "Alright, you've got my blessing. Reach out to your friend for assistance, and I'll handle the divorce discussion with your mom when she's back."

After this heart-to-heart with his father-in-law, Charlie hailed a taxi and sped off to the Shangri-La Hotel.

Waiting for him with a courteous smile was none other than Isaac Craven himself.

The hotel manager ushered Charlie to Isaac's office, and as soon as that door clicked shut, Isaac couldn't hide his respect. "Young Master, I owe you an apology for the inconvenience. It should've been me visiting you."

Charlie waved it off with a casual air and quipped, "Nah, this way's more discreet. Hard to explain if you'd come knocking on my door."

Then, curiosity got the best of him, and he asked, "So, how's my dear mother-in-law, the daring thief of over 20 billion dollars, holding up in the slammer?"

Isaac didn't hold back. "Not great, Young Master. She's become the talk of the cell block, and rumor has it she hasn't touched a morsel since she arrived."

Charlie nodded, his face an unreadable mask. "Well, she brought this upon herself. No one else to blame."

Isaac chimed in solemnly, "Honestly, Young Master, who would've thought a woman, faced with 20 billion in her bank account, wouldn't break a sweat or wonder about the source, and just go ahead and transfer it all? She's got nerves of steel."

Charlie couldn't help but crack a smile. "My mother-in-law's always been a money-chaser. Remember how she meddled with my father-in-law's first love just because he was loaded? But little did she know that their fortunes would take a nosedive after tying the knot. Always chasing the dough, never catching it, it's gnawed at her all this time."

Isaac suggested thoughtfully, "Young Master, if I may, perhaps your mother-in-law could use a bit of a lesson behind bars for, say, three to five years, or even a year and a half. She's barely dipped her toes in there, and we're talking about a release already?"

Charlie nodded, his eyes hardening. "We're letting her off easy, mostly for the sake of my wife. But if she doesn't mend her ways after her release, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve."

He leaned in, conspiratorially. "By the way, set up a meeting with the police for tomorrow morning. Have the actors and props ready, just as we discussed. It's time to stage a blockbuster for her."

Isaac nodded, his determination unwavering. "Consider it done, Young Master. Everything will be perfectly orchestrated."

Charlie maintained his composure. "I came here to go over the plan with you. No room for slip-ups this time."

Isaac affirmed confidently, "You've got my word, Young Master. Let's dive into the details."

Chapter 888: "In the Depths of Despair"

In the wake of Charlie's relaxed discussion with Isaac Craven about the plans for the upcoming day, he decided to take it easy and catch a taxi ride back home.

But, elsewhere, within the walls of the Aurous Hill Detention Center, Elaine's nightmare showed no signs of ending.

Ever since her entrance into the detention center, she had been enduring a relentless onslaught of torment and physical abuse. The cruel hands of Elder Mrs. Wilson had subjected her to chilling cold-water drenchings, various forms of torture, and relentless beatings. Adding to her misery, she hadn't consumed a morsel of food for a full two days and nights, pushing her to the brink of despair.

A high fever had now taken hold, scorching her body to the point of near-collapse. Despite her condition, she was forbidden from resting in a bed, forcing her to curl up in a cold, dark corner of her cell, her frail form trembling uncontrollably.

The fever-induced heat burned through her, her body yearning for relief, but all she could do was to plead in a feeble voice, "Please, have a heart, give me a blanket...I'm freezing...so, so cold..."

Elder Mrs. Wilson responded with a heartless sneer, "What's all this fuss about? Do you really think someone like you deserves a blanket? Tonight, you'll be lucky if you get to sleep in the restroom!"

Wendy chimed in, her tone dripping with cruelty, "Grandma, how about we treat her to a cold shower later in the restroom? It might just help her cool off!"

With tears streaming down her face, Elaine implored desperately, "Mom, I can't take it anymore. If you make me sleep in the restroom and give me a cold bath tonight, I'll surely meet my end here. Please, find it in your heart to show some mercy!"

Elder Mrs. Wilson's words cut like a knife, "You still hope for my pity at this point? I wish you'd meet your end sooner! In fact, don't wait until tonight; just die right now!"

Elaine's wails of despair grew louder, "Mom, our disagreements are merely the usual strife between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. I've endured your temper for over two decades. Why are you so determined to see me dead? Even if you're upset about not living in the villa, isn't this too extreme?"

She turned to the cell boss, Verity, her voice trembling, "Sister Verity, I understand your disdain for disrespectful daughters-in-law, but not allowing her to live in my villa was simply a way to establish some boundaries with my mother-in-law!"

"During my more than twenty years in the Wilson family, I've never struck her, rarely even raised my voice against her, and always endured her bullying. Only recently, as the Wilson family's fortunes waned, did I resort to mockery and taunting. But those were just words, not actions."

"But you've witnessed how she's treated me these past two days—beating, berating, torturing, and bullying me—she's trying to end my life!"

"As someone who can distinguish right from wrong, can't you see who the real antagonist is in our feud?"

"If I were truly as wicked as she claims, do you think she'd still be breathing?"

"If I were truly as sinister as she says, how could she remain healthy enough to physically assault me? This proves that I'm not as malicious as she paints me, and she's the true malefactor!"

At that moment, Elaine sobbed uncontrollably, her anguish making her seem as wronged as the legendary Dou E (means they have experienced significant injustice and suffering in their life, similar to the character Dou E from famous Chinese literature).

Seeing her audacity to speak out against herself, an infuriated Elder Mrs. Wilson approached her, striking her across the face with a forceful slap. She then seized her by the hair and forcefully smashed her head against the cold, unforgiving wall while hurling curses, "You shameless creature, daring to sow discord here! I'll beat you to a pulp!" 😠

Chapter 889: "A Storm of Accusations and a Glimpse of Regret"

As Elaine's tears flowed, Verity couldn't help but sense a grain of truth in her heartfelt accusations. The drama unfolding before them was akin to a soap opera on steroids, and the emotions were running hotter than a sizzling wok!

You see, despite Mrs. Wilson's endless gripes about Elaine's unfilial behavior, which even led to heated arguments and physical confrontations, the old lady herself didn't appear worn down by long-term torment. She was surprisingly hale, hearty, and quite assertive when it came to making her point, even if it meant using her fists.

So, if we rated Elaine's unfilial actions as a solid 10 on the scale, Mrs. Wilson's seething resentment and thirst for revenge seemed to score an astronomical 100.

But as Mrs. Wilson continued her physical onslaught on Elaine, Verity couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right.

Jumping into the fray with her own dose of wisdom, Verity chimed in, "Mrs. Wilson, let's ease up on the punches, shall we? Your blows are like a summer thunderstorm, and it's not right to push her to the brink like this, don't you think?"

Elaine breathed a sigh of relief; she knew that in this detention center, Verity was her lifeline. With Verity's support, Mrs. Wilson felt emboldened to berate and beat Elaine without restraint.

But if Verity were to withdraw her support or, even better, extend her sympathy and explicitly forbid Mrs. Wilson from laying a finger on Elaine, the future might just look a tad brighter for our beleaguered protagonist.

With this hope in mind, Elaine continued her tearful plea, turning on the waterworks for good measure. "Sister Verity, you've got a keen eye for this situation! Can't you see that Mrs. Wilson wants me six feet under more than I want her gone? She's been pushing me towards the edge of the abyss for years! Without your intervention, I fear I might actually be tortured to death by this ruthless old lady!"

Mrs. Wilson, now frantic, protested, "Verity, don't let her deceitful words sway you! She's never uttered an honest sentence in her life!"

Verity responded earnestly, "Whether she's speaking the gospel or not, I can't say. But I'm not blind, Mrs. Wilson. It's high time to call off the dogs. You haven't suffered any physical harm or torture, so why escalate it to such extremes?"

Mrs. Wilson felt a pang of regret in her heart; perhaps she had crossed a line.

Though her heart remained unyielding, her actions had disrupted Verity's delicate balance, making her ponder whether Elaine might be onto something.

If Mrs. Wilson didn't hatch a plan soon, Verity's empathy might just tip in favor of Elaine, and that would put Mrs. Wilson in a precarious position.

With these musings, Mrs. Wilson tearfully pointed an accusatory finger at Elaine and declared, "Verity, you mustn't fall for this wicked woman's charades!"

Trembling with fury, she continued, "Do you think she's an angel just because she hasn't thrown a punch at me? Do you know what she did to our family?"

"Years ago, my son had an enchanting first love, the dream daughter-in-law I'd always wanted. She was a true gem, beautiful and humble, a world apart from this shameless woman!"

"My son had planned to marry her after graduation, but can you guess what happened just before the big day?"

Verity leaned in, intrigued. "What happened?"

With an accusing finger aimed squarely at Elaine, Mrs. Wilson spat out her revelation, "This shameless woman, knowing our family was living the high life back then, had her eyes set on a life of luxury. She seized the opportunity when my son was inebriated, took advantage of him, and then audaciously spilled the beans to his girlfriend! She forced that girl to break up with my son and flee abroad!"

"My son was left with no choice but to marry this woman he couldn't stand! For over two decades, he hasn't had a single day of happiness!"

"All the misery in my son's marriage is solely because of this despicable woman!" 😡😭

Chapter 890: "Unmasking Elaine's Dark Secrets"

"Did she just ruin my son's life?! Do you think a few punches will make up for a lifetime of misery?"

The cell was buzzing with shock and disbelief. No one had anticipated the depths of Elaine's shamelessness!

What stirs women's wrath most? It's men who cheat and women who willingly become the 'other woman.'

Hence, Elder Mrs. Wilson's words skillfully reignited the fiery hatred that everyone felt toward Elaine.

The curses began to fly:

"This wretched woman! To stoop so low at her age, she deserves nothing less than condemnation!"

"Exactly! What kind of self-respecting woman throws herself at a drunken man? That's just plain promiscuous!"

"Disgusting! She didn't just meddle as the third party; she did it with such depravity!"

Elder Mrs. Wilson, satisfied that she had stoked their anger toward Elaine, breathed a sigh of relief. She thought, "Elaine, you conniving schemer! Trying to sow discord and turn the tables? Well, I'll throw you into the deepest abyss!"

She wiped away fake tears and continued, "You don't even know the most repulsive part!"

"This shameless woman was once roommates and best friends with my son's girlfriend!"

"And yet, she turned around and did this vile act – sleeping with her best friend's boyfriend!"

"She not only stole her best friend's boyfriend but also drove her best friend all the way to the United States. I heard she hasn't set foot in this country for over two decades, all thanks to this shameless creature!"

Elder Mrs. Wilson's revelation turned any lingering sympathy for Elaine into raging flames of hatred.

Elaine, trembling with anxiety, had never expected the old lady to bring up the Merit incident. It shattered the fragile support she had been trying to build.

What Elaine had done to Merit and Jacob, a deeply in love couple, was a reprehensible act that disgusted all women.

As a result, any remaining sympathy for her vanished instantly, replaced by even fiercer animosity.

One woman leaped down from the top bunk, grabbed Elaine's plastic slippers, and delivered a resounding slap to her face.

"I'll make you pay, you shameless hussy! You wicked creature! My husband fell for someone like you!"

The other women joined in with enthusiastic cheers, someone shouting, "Bravo! Teach this shameless seductress a lesson!"

Elaine cried out in pain from the blows, but two more women quickly descended upon her, launching a barrage of kicks and punches.

Elder Mrs. Wilson observed the scene with a cold sneer, her thoughts triumphant.

"Elaine, with your feeble abilities, you dare to challenge me? You're practically begging for your own demise!" 😈💥

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 891: "The Unexpected and Intense Reckoning"

Oh, brace yourselves for this wild rollercoaster of Elaine's life! 😲 After more than two decades, she found herself tangled in a web of turmoil triggered by a blast from her past involving Merit. Who would've thought that nostalgia could pack such a punch?

She was this close to convincing Verity to see her side, but then, BAM! The venerable Madame Wilson dropped the bomb from the past, shattering Elaine's hard-earned progress and sending her tumbling into an emotional abyss.

The women who took her to task were no strangers to the sting of infidelity. They let loose their pent-up grievances, old and new alike, on poor Elaine, showing her no mercy, as if they were settling a long-overdue score. 💔👊

Elaine took a brutal beating, her very life hanging by a thread. She teetered on the edge of unconsciousness more times than she could count, only to be rudely awakened by another round of blows.

And just when you thought things couldn't get crazier, Madame Wilson had a brilliant idea: "Let's transport this troublesome soul to the restroom, shall we? She's becoming a tad bit annoying."

"Absolutely!" chimed in the first woman who had laid hands on Elaine. "Madame is spot on—let's throw her in there!"

Summoning another woman, she declared, "Grab a leg, and let's get this show on the road!"

"Roger that!" The other woman nodded, and together they heaved Elaine up and carted her off to the restroom, like something out of a twisted sitcom. 🚽

Wendy was hot on their heels, watching as they unceremoniously deposited Elaine in the restroom. With a malicious grin, she splashed a basin of water on Elaine, taunting her, "Did you ever imagine you'd end up in this pickle, Elaine? You thought you could take on Grandma, didn't you?"

Drenched and trembling, Elaine was consumed by regret. 😔

Regret for trying to sway Verity's sympathy. Regret for speaking out against Madame Wilson, which led to this nightmarish predicament.

She even regretted swiping her son-in-law Charlie's bank card. Little did she know he was an international con artist. If only she hadn't taken his card, he might be the one suffering right now. Her misstep had unleashed this inhuman torment upon her.

That night, Elaine huddled in the corner of the restroom, enduring the darkness until the break of day.

Her fever soared to new heights, and she found herself drifting in and out of delirium, her stomach growling in hunger after nearly 48 agonizing hours without food!

Come morning, as others gathered for their breakfast, a realization dawned on Verity: Elaine was nowhere to be seen. She promptly ordered someone to investigate if the "troublesome woman" had met her end. If not, it was time to haul her out.

The hapless investigator found Elaine, trembling in a corner, and hauled her out by her hair.

When Elaine emerged, Verity was savoring her meal. Just like the day before, she left a tantalizing third of her porridge untouched and provocatively teased Elaine, "Two days and nights must have left you absolutely famished, huh?" 🍲😏

Chapter 892: "A Lick of Humility: Elaine's Gritty Struggle"

Elaine swayed, her world spinning as she pleaded with Sister Verity, "Verity, please, I'm begging you, I need something to eat, or I might really wither away..."

Verity's smirk danced on her lips as she emptied her bowl of porridge onto the unforgiving ground. With a nonchalant flick of her toe and a chilling chuckle, she taunted, "Hungry, are you? Well, if you want to eat, then why not savor it from the floor?"

Yesterday, Elaine had staunchly refused to stoop so low as to lick porridge off the ground at Verity's command. But today, dignity seemed like a frivolous luxury, and survival took precedence. Who cared if it was degrading? If it meant filling her gnawing stomach, why not kneel and embrace humility?

Without a moment's hesitation, she knelt down and began the undignified task of licking cold porridge off the gritty cement floor with her tongue.

Old Lady Wilson, an impassive spectator, couldn't hide the gleam of satisfaction in her eyes. The prospect of Elaine spending decades behind bars thrilled her even more.

As Elaine's tongue scraped against the floor, dirt and all, she was oblivious to her surroundings. In this moment of utter desperation, nothing else mattered.

Suddenly, the cell door swung open, and a prison guard, his demeanor as cold as ice, announced, "Elaine, you're needed at the police station for interrogation!"

Suspects like Elaine, not yet sentenced, were commonly referred to as suspects, and it was routine for them to be summoned for questioning at the police station.

The news didn't faze Elaine in the least. She struggled to her feet, rushing to the door, and implored the guard, "Please, take me away."

Unbeknownst to her, this interrogation was a meticulously orchestrated ruse by her son-in-law, Charlie Wade.

The guard, taken aback by her pitiable appearance—bruised and missing two front teeth—reluctantly conceded.

"Follow me," he gruffly instructed. "The officers are waiting."

These were the same officers who had brought Elaine in just two days earlier. They were dumbfounded by the dramatic transformation they witnessed in her in less than 48 hours.

However, they had received a stern warning not to interfere in Elaine's affairs, and so, they played ignorant, merely stating, "Let's get going. Our vehicle is outside."

With that, they handcuffed Elaine and led her out of the cell.

As they walked, Elaine anxiously inquired, her voice quivering, "Officer, please believe me. I'm innocent. Any progress in my case? When can I clear my name and return home?"

Her sobs were uncontrollable, her emotions in disarray.

The officer, adopting a measured tone, replied, "You're implicated in a transnational fraud case, the largest on record. As the first suspect apprehended, you're pivotal in cracking this case wide open and making arrests."

He added, "If you're wise, you'll cooperate and reveal your accomplices. It'll assist us in unraveling the truth and could lead to a more lenient sentence for you."

In the throes of anguish, Elaine cried out, her voice trembling, "Officer, please, I swear on my life, I know nothing about this. The person you seek is my son-in-law. I can lead you to him. Interrogate him, even prosecute him if necessary, but please, don't unjustly accuse an innocent person!"

Stay tuned for more twists and turns in this gripping tale! 😅📖

Chapter 893: "The Black Card Shockwave: When Greed Meets Deception"

Picture this: Elaine, fresh off her wild ride to the police station, gets thrust into the interrogation hot seat. 🚔 The scene unfolds with officers plopping down in front of her, ready to dive into the nitty-gritty. "Elaine, what have you been pondering these past couple of days? Ready to spill the beans on your part in all of this?"

Elaine, tears welling up, blurts out, "Officer, you've gotta believe me, I'm as pure as a spring breeze..."

But the officer isn't having any of it and retorts, "Still holding out, huh? You think we're greenhorns here? If we don't nab your partner in crime, you'll take the fall for everything. And guess what? That could mean a date with a firing squad!"

Cue Elaine's panic mode: "Officer, I've said it a million times, that card ain't mine!"

And then, the bombshell drops - "That card? I found it in my son-in-law's pocket, and guess what? The PIN is his birthday. So, it's his card, not mine! If this card's tied to some cross-border scam, then it's my rotten son-in-law who's the mastermind. Why aren't you hauling him in instead of me?"

The officer smirks, "Your son-in-law's name is Charlie Wade, right?"

Elaine's all nerves as she rushes, "Did you grill him? Snatch him up for questioning? Squeeze out a confession, perhaps?"

Now, the officer plays their hand, laying a mysterious black card on the table, asking, "Elaine, does this happen to be the bank card you used for that cash grab?"

Elaine's eyes zero in on that card - the one that's been haunting her nightmares. "That's the card! The one I nicked from my son-in-law's pocket! He's the real deal, I tell ya! Catch him quick, grill him, and then line up that firing squad!"

But hold on to your hats, folks! The officer reveals a shocking twist, dumping a bag of identical black cards on the table.

Elaine's jaw drops, "Wait, are these all cards swiped from that scoundrel Charlie?"

The officer spills the beans: "You bet! That international criminal gang cooked up these black gold cards. Crafty as a fox, they bought folks' personal info online, set their PINs to birthdays, and mailed 'em the cards. The trick? They'd trick the cardholders into checking their balances at the bank."

"Guess what? Each of these hundreds of cards packs a hefty 21.9 billion dollars punch!"

"But here's the kicker - once these poor souls couldn't resist temptation and tried to withdraw, they got wrapped up in bank bamboozling and money pilfering. Lucky for you, you got nabbed before you hit the jackpot. Otherwise, the syndicate would've been hot on your heels, kidnapped you, squeezed the PIN from you, nabbed your freshly withdrawn 21.9 billion, and then... let's just say, you'd have vanished off the face of the Earth!"

Elaine's left dumbfounded, "Wait, are you telling me they mailed this card to my son-in-law, Charlie?"

"Spot on!" the officer declares. "And not just him. Word on the street is at least a thousand folks in Aurous Hill received these cards, and tens of thousands nationwide got in on the action!" 😮💰

Chapter 894: "A Twist of Fate: The 21.9 Billion Dollars Gamble"

In the dimly lit interrogation room, the officer's words cut through the tension like a lightning bolt. "Your son-in-law," he emphasized, "is a stand-up guy, the kind with a heart as wide as the ocean, free from the clutches of greed. When he stumbled upon this mysterious card, he didn't skip a beat. He reported it right to us. Initially, we planned for him to play it undercover. But lo and behold, you, in a moment of carelessness, swiped the card and even waltzed into Citibank, thinking you'd hit the jackpot!"

Elaine gasped, her eyes widening in shock and regret. "Oh, if only I'd known the full story! I'd have rather faced the grim reaper than lay my hands on that card!"

Tears flowed uncontrollably as she sobbed, her remorse echoing in the room. Little did she know that she had unwittingly walked straight into a cunningly set trap!

This seemingly ordinary card was nothing but a product of cunning criminals who'd snatched Charlie's personal details and masterfully fabricated it before sending it straight to his doorstep.

Their wicked plan? To bait Charlie, hoping he'd fall for the alluring 21.9 billion balance!

Their endgame was simple: coax Charlie into transferring the money into his own account, essentially doing their dirty work of defrauding the bank. This way, they could wash their hands of the entire scheme, leaving no trace.

Once Charlie took the bait and transferred the cash, these malevolent criminals could pounce, forcing him to surrender the fortune before silencing him forever, leaving him as the fall guy.

The revelation sent shivers down Elaine's spine. She didn't doubt a word the officer said.

It dawned on her that, as she stood there, on the brink of transferring the colossal sum at the bank, she had narrowly escaped the clutches of death.

If not for the officer's timely intervention, whisking her away from the jaws of danger, she might have already met her demise at the hands of the criminal syndicate!

The realization that she had teetered on the precipice of losing her life, yet emerged unscathed, brought an overwhelming sense of relief.

Even the harsh torment she endured in prison suddenly seemed worthwhile.

She couldn't help but feel gratitude towards Madam Wilson and Verity; their cruelty had, in a twisted way, saved her from becoming a wandering spirit.

Tears of relief and gratitude welled up in Elaine's eyes as she implored the officer, her voice trembling. "Comrade officer, now that you know I'm innocent, please, release me!"

The officer's response was stern, "Release you? And risk the possibility of you inadvertently leaking this information, tipping off the criminals? How would we catch them then?"

Desperation filled Elaine's gaze as she made a solemn vow, "I swear, officer, I won't breathe a word of this to anyone if you let me go!"

The officer remained skeptical, "Can you truly keep such a grave secret? Not even to your daughter or husband?"

Elaine nodded with unwavering determination, "I promise, not a word to anyone. I'll take this secret with me to the grave."

Chapter 895: "Elaine's Cry for Freedom"

Elaine had fully bought into the police officer's tale. Her mind was a swirling cauldron of anxiety, with her main concern being the possibility of remaining locked up in that dreary detention center. The last thing she wanted was to inadvertently tip off the suspects and prolong her incarceration indefinitely.

So, with a pair of puppy-dog eyes brimming with tears, she turned to the officer and implored, "Dear Officer, I swear I won't utter a peep. Please, set me free. If I stay cooped up here, I might as well grow old in this dismal place..."

The officer solemnly shook his head, his expression a mix of sternness and skepticism. "Elaine, trust is not something I can hand out lightly. I've seen many like you—promising silence on the surface but blabbering secrets in a heartbeat. The moment we release you, you'll be singing like a canary."

He continued, "I'm not just doing this to solve the case; I'm genuinely concerned for your safety. If you walk out that door and spill the beans, they could silence you. They might even frame you with enough evidence to make a case against you."

"In that scenario, you'd be more wronged than the legendary Dou E herself."

"So, for your own good, it's best you stay right here until we've got all the culprits. It's the safest option for you."

Despair etched across her face, Elaine pleaded, "How long is this going to take? Forever? I beg you, please show some mercy and let me go. I promise, I'll zip my lips tighter than a locked treasure chest. I'll even kneel and kowtow if that's what it takes. Just please, don't lock me up again..."

As her words tumbled out, Elaine was already sobbing uncontrollably.

The officer's tone remained icy. "No chance. We can't afford to take that risk. This case involves international criminal police from twenty-three countries. If it falls apart because of you, the consequences would be dire."

At this point, another officer took on the role of the "good cop," chiming in, "Her sincerity seems genuine. As long as she can keep her mouth sealed, releasing her shouldn't pose a problem."

The stern officer shot back, "But what if the whole investigation goes south because of her? Who will shoulder that responsibility? And if she ends up losing her life over this, who's going to answer for that?"

The kind-hearted officer turned to Elaine and asked, "Elaine, can you truly keep your lips locked? If you can, write a pledge. We'll consider letting you go. But if you slip up even once, the moment we catch wind of it, back in you go until the case is closed!"

Elaine, wiping her tears away and gasping for breath, declared, "Dear Officer, you can trust me completely. I'm someone who's absolutely terrified of death. This is a matter of life and death for me. Even if you beat me black and blue or put a gun to my head, I wouldn't dare utter a single word about it!"

The stern officer shot a final, chilling question, "And what about your son-in-law? Won't you rush straight to him and confront him once you're out?"

Elaine's heart raced. Did this mean she wouldn't even get her chance to settle scores with that scoundrel, Charlie?

Then who on earth would she hold responsible for all the pain and humiliation she endured in that wretched detention center?


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 881: "Whispers of Love and Worry"

Picture this, dear readers! Our young characters, Charlie and Paul, have spent an entire hour laboring away in the kitchen, conjuring a feast fit for royalty. 😅🍽️

Enter Jacob, the bearer of great news: "Dinner's served, folks!"

But wait, there's a twist! Uncle Wilson has a question for Paul, one that promises to add a dash of excitement to the evening. 🍷

"Paul, my man," he inquires, "how 'bout a drink tonight?"

Cue Paul's mischievous grin as he unveils his secret weapon—a portable gift box housing two bottles of 30-year-old Maotai liquor. Not just any Maotai, mind you, but an export version from two decades back, originally destined for the United States. 🎁🥃

Jacob can hardly contain his surprise, exclaiming, "A 30-year-old brew that's aged over 20 years? That's got to be over 50 years old now!"

With a wink, Paul confirms, "You've got it! I'd say it's about 56 years old."

Uncle Wilson, feeling a tad overwhelmed by the extravagance, tries to bow out gracefully: "Such precious liquor... it's wasted on me, really."

But Paul won't have it, insisting, "No need to be so formal, Uncle Wilson. It's a gift for you. We can crack one open tonight, or if you prefer, we can explore other libations."

Grinning from ear to ear, Jacob finally relents, "Alright then, thank you. Let's pop one bottle tonight!"

Now, as the scene shifts to Charlie and the task of fetching Claire for dinner, we find ourselves in a more emotional corner of this tale. 💔

Charlie ascends the stairs and reaches the bedroom where he discovers his wife, Claire, in a rather tearful state. 😢

With utmost tenderness, he coaxes, "Wife, it's dinner time. Come join us downstairs."

But Claire, with her back turned, pleads, "Don't come in just yet."

Turning towards her, he notices her reddened eyes and, in playful disbelief, remarks, "Wife, you're denying it again? Those eyes are practically neon signs for tears!"

Then, Charlie, with genuine concern, probes, "Is this about your mom's situation?"

In a moment of vulnerability, Claire nods and sighs, "It's been nearly 30 hours with no word. I'm terrified something's happened."

And just when you thought the emotional rollercoaster had reached its peak, her heartache spills over, and she breaks into sobs. 😭

Charlie, ever the comforting presence, enfolds her in his embrace, murmuring, "Don't cry, love. I promise your mom will be okay."

But Claire's fears persist: "How can you be so sure? You don't know where she is, what she's facing, or if she's in danger..."

With unwavering determination, Charlie declares, "Worry not, my dear. If I've given you my word, I'll ensure her safety. I have some capable friends up my sleeve."

Anxiously, Claire inquires, "Really? Will they be willing to help?" 😌💫

Chapter 882: "Dinner Delights and a Burning Desire"

Charlie couldn't help but chuckle as he made a daring proposition, "Why not take the plunge and give it a shot? You never know, they might just surprise us. Their talents are way beyond ours, and their network is vast. Who's to say they won't help us uncover the truth?"

Claire breathed a sigh of relief, her gratitude evident, "Charlie, I can't thank you enough!"

With a warm smile, Charlie playfully chided her, "Come on now, silly girl, I'm your husband, remember? No need for all the formalities."

He affectionately patted her shoulder and continued, "Let's grab a bite first. After dinner, I'll reach out to my pals and see if they're up for the challenge. If they're not, well, I'll persuade them. Either way, I promise you, your mom will be back safe and sound!"

Claire nodded vigorously, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. Until now, it seemed she had been the sole worrywart in the family about her mother's disappearance. Witnessing Charlie's unwavering support and determination brought her immense comfort.

Charlie couldn't help but empathize with Claire. Elaine's absence had taken a heavy toll on her, and if she didn't return soon, the situation at the detention center could spiral out of control, pushing his wife to her limits.

He had already made up his mind to put his plan into motion the next day. He had thought it through, and Elaine should be back by the day after tomorrow.

After reassuring Claire, Charlie led her downstairs.

In the downstairs restaurant, Jacob and Merit had prepared a sumptuous feast.

Paul, who was sitting nearby, uncorked a bottle of exquisite Maotai aged liquor. Upon spotting Charlie and Claire descending the stairs, he wore a friendly smile and extended an invitation, "Mr. Wade, care for a couple of drinks?"

Charlie grinned and accepted, "Why not? I'll join you for a round or two."

Claire, however, gave a subtle reminder, "Aren't you meeting your friends after dinner? You probably shouldn't drink too much if you're not planning to drive."

Charlie assured her, "No worries, I'll take a taxi later. Besides, it's Paul's first visit to our home, and it would be impolite not to share a drink with him."

Satisfied with his response, Claire nodded, "Alright, as long as you're not behind the wheel."

At that moment, Jacob emerged from the kitchen with a steaming pot of West Lake Beef Soup. He beamed at Claire and said, "Clay, you must taste Auntie Hanley's cooking. I snuck a few bites earlier, and trust me, it's nothing short of incredible!"

Despite her lack of appetite, especially considering the meal was prepared by her mother's longtime rival, Claire forced herself to sit at the table for the sake of appearances.

Merit, now wearing an apron-less smile, emerged from the kitchen carrying bowls and chopsticks. Seeing Charlie and Claire already seated, she said with genuine concern, "I'm sorry for the wait, but we can finally dig in."

She then turned her attention to Charlie and Claire, her face radiating warmth, "You both must be famished, right? Well then, let's not waste any more time—let's eat!"

The table was adorned with an array of Merit's homemade Suzhou-Hangzhou style dishes.

There was West Lake Vinegar Fish, Braised Prawns, Dongpo Pork, Fish Head with Tofu, and Exploding Eel Pieces, among other delectable delights.

These dishes were cooked to perfection, rivaling those found in top-notch restaurants.

With a tinge of regret, Merit confessed, "I had prepared a special dish, Longjing Shrimp, but I got carried away in the kitchen and accidentally overcooked it. I'll have to whip it up for you next time."

As she mentioned the burnt Longjing Shrimp, Merit couldn't help but reminisce about the unexpected moment in the kitchen when Jacob had suddenly pulled her into his embrace, causing her cheeks to flush with a delightful warmth... 😳💕

Chapter 883: "Culinary Wonders and Unspoken Tensions"

This chapter was quite the rollercoaster of emotions and culinary delight! 😄

Picture this: Charlie, the man with an appetite of a thousand lions, faced a meal so tantalizing that his hunger surged like a stormy sea. Yet, he resisted the temptation, channeling his inner gentleman to pour drinks for the lovely ladies in the room.

With a charming smile, Charlie toasted, "Auntie Hanley, Paul, welcome back to China, welcome back to Aurous Hill, and welcome to our humble abode. Let's all raise our glasses for a hearty welcome!"

Jacob chimed in, "Absolutely! Let's toast to wash away the travel fatigue and embrace the warmth of our reunion!" 🥂

Merit, gracious and sincere, responded, "Your hospitality is truly heartwarming. I never expected to enjoy a homemade meal on my first day back in Aurous Hill. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

Jacob, ever the cheerful classmate, reassured her, "Merit, we've been friends for ages, no need for formalities over a simple meal!"

He went on, "Besides, today's culinary masterpiece is all thanks to your efforts. I just played sous-chef. To be honest, it's a bit embarrassing – it's not every day that a classmate comes over and ends up cooking for us."

Laughter filled the room as Merit responded, "No need to feel embarrassed. It was a mutual agreement that I'd take on the kitchen today."

Charlie, keeping the mood light, suggested, "Well then, let's down this first drink!"

Glasses clinked, and drinks flowed. The gentlemen downed their wine in one fell swoop, while the ladies sipped their beverages with grace.

Now, here's where things get interesting. 😏

Claire couldn't help but feel a slight chill in the air, though it wasn't her fault! She had done her best to extend a warm welcome to Merit.

But remember, there's history between them. Merit was once her father's first love, and now she was dishing out food in her own home. Talk about a unique situation! 😬

However, she mustered up her best manners and accepted Merit's kind gesture with a polite, "Thank you, Auntie Hanley," before savoring the prawn.

Lo and behold, it was a taste explosion!

Sure, Claire had eaten braised prawns before, but this was a whole new level of culinary wizardry. Merit's prawns were a symphony of flavors, with a perfect balance of sweetness and saltiness, a fragrance that could make your taste buds dance, and an exquisite flavor that even five-star restaurants would envy.

Claire was flabbergasted. Auntie Hanley was no ordinary woman! Not only was she elegant and beautiful, but her culinary skills were out of this world.

She couldn't help but recall her mother's less-than-stellar cooking, which had remained unchanged for decades. Since Charlie took over the kitchen, her life had improved significantly.

But let's be real, even Charlie Wade's culinary prowess paled in comparison to Merit's culinary enchantments.

They had it all – tantalizing dishes, unspoken tensions, and a dash of culinary magic that left everyone in awe! 🪄✨

Chapter 884: "A Culinary Delight and Unspoken Words"

Right at this very moment, Merit, wearing a heartwarming smile, plated a generous serving of West Lake Vinegar Fish and served it up to her. Her voice oozed with warmth as she said, “Clay, do give this fish a try. It's one of my specialties, though it's been a while since I last made it. I wonder if it still tickles your taste buds.”

Observing the eager Merit placing the fish in his bowl, Claire, wanting to spare her feelings, gave a grateful nod and replied, “Thank you, Aunt Hanley, but you really don't have to keep serving me. Please, go ahead and enjoy your meal.”

Merit nodded cheerfully and chimed in, “Make sure you load up on those veggies. If you need help with anything, just call on Charlie.”

Claire agreed and then took a bite of the fish Merit had lovingly prepared for her. With that one mouthful, she was taken aback.

Merit's culinary prowess was nothing short of astonishing. The fish was tender, bouncy, and the flavors danced in perfect harmony.

Even Jacob was left speechless.

In his entire existence, he had never savored such heavenly home-cooked food. He understood that a delightful meal at home, as opposed to dining out, offered an entirely different experience.

The comfort of home amplified the meal, turning it into a memory men would cherish.

It's no wonder they say, "To win a man's heart, you must first conquer his stomach."

Jacob felt his taste buds surrender to Merit's culinary artistry in that very moment.

He couldn't help but envy Paul, saying, “Paul, your mother's cooking is absolutely divine. You're truly blessed.”

Paul responded modestly with a serious tone, “Uncle Wilson, it's a double-edged sword, you know. When I was in college, I felt miserable because I longed for my mother's cooking. No matter what I ate at school, it just didn't hit the spot.”

“Later, with the hectic pace of the law firm, I had to travel extensively, often within the U.S. and occasionally worldwide, leaving no chance to savor my mother's cooking.”

“My palate became so accustomed to her culinary delights that I found it nearly impossible to appreciate food anywhere else, which, honestly, was quite distressing.”

Jacob sighed and reflected, “You're absolutely right. It's easy to move from luxury to simplicity, but the reverse is a real challenge. With your mom's cooking being this incredible, if I were you, I'd lose interest in any other cuisine.”

As Elaine's absence hung in the air, Claire started feeling a tad uneasy. She lifted her drink and proposed a toast to Merit, saying, “Aunt Hanley, let me raise a glass to you. After such a long journey from the U.S., you must be exhausted. This drink is to wash away the dust of your travels.”

Merit promptly raised her glass, her smile unwavering as she suggested, “Thank you, Clay. Let's have a toast with our drinks instead of wine.”

Claire clinked her glass lightly against Merit's and couldn't help but sigh, “Oh, if only my mom were here too. She's missed you all these years. She'd be over the moon to know you've returned.”

At the mention of Elaine, both Jacob and Merit's expressions grew slightly awkward. They were well aware that Claire was subtly reminding them not to forget that, even in her mother's absence, she remained the lady of the house.

Merit's dignified demeanor shifted slightly, and she managed a forced smile, saying, “It's been so many years since I've seen your mother. I really do want to catch up with her as well.”

Then, she turned her gaze toward Jacob and inquired, “By the way, Jacob, where's Elaine? Why isn't she at home?”

Jacob responded quickly, “She's visiting her parents for a couple of days. She should be back soon.” 😊🍲🏡

Chapter 885: "Love and Food: A Hearty Combination"

Now, picture this, folks! We've got a delightful tale for you in this chapter. Merit, the culinary wizard of the century, graced our presence with a meal that left us all in a food coma!

Claire, who usually played it cool, couldn't resist the siren call of Merit's dishes. She tossed her diet out the window and devoured three times her usual portion. 😋

But the real stars of the show were Charlie and his father-in-law, Jacob. These two ate like there was no tomorrow, practically licking their plates clean!

After the feast, Jacob, feeling like he had just conquered Mount Everest, discreetly loosened his belt under the table. His thoughts? Well, let's just say he was dreaming of a life with Merit, free from the clutches of his current wife, Elaine. 😅

Charlie, too, let his imagination run wild. He couldn't help but picture a world where his father-in-law and Merit were an item, making his own life a breeze. A mother-in-law who cooked like a dream? What more could a guy ask for? Sadly, he couldn't make Elaine disappear into thin air.

Post-dinner, Charlie had some detective work on his agenda. He was determined to chat with Isaac Craven and hatch a plan to bust Elaine out of that pesky detention center. 🔍

After the culinary spectacle, Merit, our superstar chef, decided to play the gracious guest. She took charge of cleaning up the dining room and kitchen, refusing Charlie's offer to help because, well, she believed kitchen duties were for the ladies.

When the kitchen sparkled like new, Merit addressed the family with a heartwarming speech. "It's getting late, and Paul and I don't want to overstay our welcome. Thank you all for your wonderful hospitality today. I truly relished this meal!"

Jacob, ever the charmer, responded promptly. "Oh, Merit, it's us who should be thanking you for this sumptuous Suzhou and Hangzhou feast. You've also fulfilled a wish of mine that's been dormant for over two decades."

Merit's smile conveyed volumes. She had her own unspoken wishes, but in the presence of Claire, some things were better left unsaid. "Alright, we won't trouble you any longer. No need to see us off; we'll make our exit discreetly."

Jacob inquired about their transportation arrangements. "How did you folks get here?"

Merit replied with a knowing smile, "Paul drove, but don't fret, I stayed sober. No drinks for me tonight."

Jacob, slightly embarrassed, chuckled. "I forgot about that. Let me escort you to your car."

Without awaiting her response, he swung the door open and led the way, gesturing for them to follow suit.

Merit graciously expressed her gratitude, saying, "Thank you, Jacob."

Charlie and Claire accompanied them to the exit, offering their heartfelt farewells. Jacob gallantly saw them off, marking the end of a truly unforgettable evening.
Enjoy the show Jacob while it is at its prime
You might not be chanced to witness something like that again


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 886: "A Heartfelt Conversation"

Claire stood there, silently watching as they walked away, gently closing the door behind them. Turning to Charlie, she couldn't contain her concern any longer, and with a hint of frustration in her voice, she asked, "Do you really believe there's something between Aunt Hanley and my dad? Could he be cheating?"

Charlie, adopting a serious tone, replied earnestly, "I have faith in Aunt Hanley's integrity. She's a principled person. Even if she has feelings for your dad, she would wait until he's divorced from your mom before pursuing anything further."

Claire's anger simmered beneath the surface as she retorted, "Nonsense! How could my dad ever divorce my mom?"

Recognizing that Claire needed time to process, Charlie wisely chose not to press further. Glancing at the clock, he suggested, "Honey, why don't you stay home and rest? Don't worry about looking for your mom. I'll reach out to a friend who might have some leads."

Claire nodded, concern etched on her face. "Do you want me to come with you?"

With a reassuring smile, Charlie said, "No need, I'll take a taxi. You've been under a lot of stress lately; it's better for you to get some rest in your own space."

Reluctantly, Claire sighed, "Alright, then. I won't accompany you. Please promise to keep me updated if anything comes up, and let me know immediately if you find any clues."

Charlie made the promise, opened the door, and said, "Okay, I'm off."

After bidding farewell to his wife, Charlie exited the Thomson Elite and reached the entrance of the villa community, just as Jacob had seen off Merit and her son.

Spotting Charlie preparing to leave, Jacob hurriedly inquired, "Charlie, it's so late, are you heading out?"

Charlie nodded, explaining, "I'm planning to reach out to some friends to see if they can provide any information about mom."

This news made Jacob visibly anxious, and he pulled Charlie aside, his concern evident. "Who are you planning to ask for help? Will you contact Mr. Orvel Heller or Miss Sarah Walker?"

Charlie replied, "I intend to inquire with both of them. They have extensive connections; perhaps they can assist in finding mom."

Jacob, his expression pained, touched his chest and pleaded, "Dear son-in-law, must it be done so urgently? Can't we wait a bit? We've had a good day, and now you're about to disrupt it."

Charlie understood his father-in-law's sentiment, knowing that the last person Jacob wished to see at this moment was probably Elaine. However, he prioritized his wife's happiness over everything else.

Regrettably, he stated, "I'm sorry, Dad. Clay has been going through a rough time recently. If we can't locate mom, it might greatly affect her. So, I must find a way to bring her back as soon as possible."

Jacob's expression darkened, and he earnestly said, "Good son-in-law, Clay is an adult. Adults need to endure hardships. Consider this as strengthening her character. Allow her to wait a few more days, please, I'm begging you..."

Charlie offered a small smile, attempting to ease the tension. "Dad, don't worry too much for now. Even if I seek assistance from my friends, there's no guarantee that we'll bring mom back right away."

Jacob couldn't contain his anxiety. He exclaimed, "How can I not be anxious? Whether it's Mr. Orvel or Miss Sarah, they both hold significant influence in Aurous Hill. Locating one person for them is a trivial matter. Maybe your mom will return tonight!"

Charlie, observing the almost tearful expression on Jacob's face, sympathetically said, "Dad, these circumstances are beyond our control. Rather than hoping for a delayed or uncertain return, it's better to hope for her swift return."

He added, "Once mom is back, you can have a heart-to-heart conversation with her and formally initiate the divorce proceedings. That way, you can pursue your own happiness without any lingering concerns." 😌🙏

Chapter 887: "Epiphany Strikes Like Lightning"

In this chapter, hold onto your hats, folks, because Charlie's words hit his father-in-law like a bolt of lightning! ⚡️ The realization smacked him right in the face, leaving him utterly transformed. He suddenly grasped that running away from problems was as effective as trying to catch a tornado with a butterfly net; it just wouldn't cut it. To be with Merit, there was only one path to follow: divorce Elaine, clear the decks, and sail off into the sunset with his true love.

With this newfound clarity, he beamed at Charlie, "Alright, you've got my blessing. Reach out to your friend for assistance, and I'll handle the divorce discussion with your mom when she's back."

After this heart-to-heart with his father-in-law, Charlie hailed a taxi and sped off to the Shangri-La Hotel.

Waiting for him with a courteous smile was none other than Isaac Craven himself.

The hotel manager ushered Charlie to Isaac's office, and as soon as that door clicked shut, Isaac couldn't hide his respect. "Young Master, I owe you an apology for the inconvenience. It should've been me visiting you."

Charlie waved it off with a casual air and quipped, "Nah, this way's more discreet. Hard to explain if you'd come knocking on my door."

Then, curiosity got the best of him, and he asked, "So, how's my dear mother-in-law, the daring thief of over 20 billion dollars, holding up in the slammer?"

Isaac didn't hold back. "Not great, Young Master. She's become the talk of the cell block, and rumor has it she hasn't touched a morsel since she arrived."

Charlie nodded, his face an unreadable mask. "Well, she brought this upon herself. No one else to blame."

Isaac chimed in solemnly, "Honestly, Young Master, who would've thought a woman, faced with 20 billion in her bank account, wouldn't break a sweat or wonder about the source, and just go ahead and transfer it all? She's got nerves of steel."

Charlie couldn't help but crack a smile. "My mother-in-law's always been a money-chaser. Remember how she meddled with my father-in-law's first love just because he was loaded? But little did she know that their fortunes would take a nosedive after tying the knot. Always chasing the dough, never catching it, it's gnawed at her all this time."

Isaac suggested thoughtfully, "Young Master, if I may, perhaps your mother-in-law could use a bit of a lesson behind bars for, say, three to five years, or even a year and a half. She's barely dipped her toes in there, and we're talking about a release already?"

Charlie nodded, his eyes hardening. "We're letting her off easy, mostly for the sake of my wife. But if she doesn't mend her ways after her release, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve."

He leaned in, conspiratorially. "By the way, set up a meeting with the police for tomorrow morning. Have the actors and props ready, just as we discussed. It's time to stage a blockbuster for her."

Isaac nodded, his determination unwavering. "Consider it done, Young Master. Everything will be perfectly orchestrated."

Charlie maintained his composure. "I came here to go over the plan with you. No room for slip-ups this time."

Isaac affirmed confidently, "You've got my word, Young Master. Let's dive into the details."

Chapter 888: "In the Depths of Despair"

In the wake of Charlie's relaxed discussion with Isaac Craven about the plans for the upcoming day, he decided to take it easy and catch a taxi ride back home.

But, elsewhere, within the walls of the Aurous Hill Detention Center, Elaine's nightmare showed no signs of ending.

Ever since her entrance into the detention center, she had been enduring a relentless onslaught of torment and physical abuse. The cruel hands of Elder Mrs. Wilson had subjected her to chilling cold-water drenchings, various forms of torture, and relentless beatings. Adding to her misery, she hadn't consumed a morsel of food for a full two days and nights, pushing her to the brink of despair.

A high fever had now taken hold, scorching her body to the point of near-collapse. Despite her condition, she was forbidden from resting in a bed, forcing her to curl up in a cold, dark corner of her cell, her frail form trembling uncontrollably.

The fever-induced heat burned through her, her body yearning for relief, but all she could do was to plead in a feeble voice, "Please, have a heart, give me a blanket...I'm freezing...so, so cold..."

Elder Mrs. Wilson responded with a heartless sneer, "What's all this fuss about? Do you really think someone like you deserves a blanket? Tonight, you'll be lucky if you get to sleep in the restroom!"

Wendy chimed in, her tone dripping with cruelty, "Grandma, how about we treat her to a cold shower later in the restroom? It might just help her cool off!"

With tears streaming down her face, Elaine implored desperately, "Mom, I can't take it anymore. If you make me sleep in the restroom and give me a cold bath tonight, I'll surely meet my end here. Please, find it in your heart to show some mercy!"

Elder Mrs. Wilson's words cut like a knife, "You still hope for my pity at this point? I wish you'd meet your end sooner! In fact, don't wait until tonight; just die right now!"

Elaine's wails of despair grew louder, "Mom, our disagreements are merely the usual strife between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. I've endured your temper for over two decades. Why are you so determined to see me dead? Even if you're upset about not living in the villa, isn't this too extreme?"

She turned to the cell boss, Verity, her voice trembling, "Sister Verity, I understand your disdain for disrespectful daughters-in-law, but not allowing her to live in my villa was simply a way to establish some boundaries with my mother-in-law!"

"During my more than twenty years in the Wilson family, I've never struck her, rarely even raised my voice against her, and always endured her bullying. Only recently, as the Wilson family's fortunes waned, did I resort to mockery and taunting. But those were just words, not actions."

"But you've witnessed how she's treated me these past two days—beating, berating, torturing, and bullying me—she's trying to end my life!"

"As someone who can distinguish right from wrong, can't you see who the real antagonist is in our feud?"

"If I were truly as wicked as she claims, do you think she'd still be breathing?"

"If I were truly as sinister as she says, how could she remain healthy enough to physically assault me? This proves that I'm not as malicious as she paints me, and she's the true malefactor!"

At that moment, Elaine sobbed uncontrollably, her anguish making her seem as wronged as the legendary Dou E (means they have experienced significant injustice and suffering in their life, similar to the character Dou E from famous Chinese literature).

Seeing her audacity to speak out against herself, an infuriated Elder Mrs. Wilson approached her, striking her across the face with a forceful slap. She then seized her by the hair and forcefully smashed her head against the cold, unforgiving wall while hurling curses, "You shameless creature, daring to sow discord here! I'll beat you to a pulp!" 😠

Chapter 889: "A Storm of Accusations and a Glimpse of Regret"

As Elaine's tears flowed, Verity couldn't help but sense a grain of truth in her heartfelt accusations. The drama unfolding before them was akin to a soap opera on steroids, and the emotions were running hotter than a sizzling wok!

You see, despite Mrs. Wilson's endless gripes about Elaine's unfilial behavior, which even led to heated arguments and physical confrontations, the old lady herself didn't appear worn down by long-term torment. She was surprisingly hale, hearty, and quite assertive when it came to making her point, even if it meant using her fists.

So, if we rated Elaine's unfilial actions as a solid 10 on the scale, Mrs. Wilson's seething resentment and thirst for revenge seemed to score an astronomical 100.

But as Mrs. Wilson continued her physical onslaught on Elaine, Verity couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right.

Jumping into the fray with her own dose of wisdom, Verity chimed in, "Mrs. Wilson, let's ease up on the punches, shall we? Your blows are like a summer thunderstorm, and it's not right to push her to the brink like this, don't you think?"

Elaine breathed a sigh of relief; she knew that in this detention center, Verity was her lifeline. With Verity's support, Mrs. Wilson felt emboldened to berate and beat Elaine without restraint.

But if Verity were to withdraw her support or, even better, extend her sympathy and explicitly forbid Mrs. Wilson from laying a finger on Elaine, the future might just look a tad brighter for our beleaguered protagonist.

With this hope in mind, Elaine continued her tearful plea, turning on the waterworks for good measure. "Sister Verity, you've got a keen eye for this situation! Can't you see that Mrs. Wilson wants me six feet under more than I want her gone? She's been pushing me towards the edge of the abyss for years! Without your intervention, I fear I might actually be tortured to death by this ruthless old lady!"

Mrs. Wilson, now frantic, protested, "Verity, don't let her deceitful words sway you! She's never uttered an honest sentence in her life!"

Verity responded earnestly, "Whether she's speaking the gospel or not, I can't say. But I'm not blind, Mrs. Wilson. It's high time to call off the dogs. You haven't suffered any physical harm or torture, so why escalate it to such extremes?"

Mrs. Wilson felt a pang of regret in her heart; perhaps she had crossed a line.

Though her heart remained unyielding, her actions had disrupted Verity's delicate balance, making her ponder whether Elaine might be onto something.

If Mrs. Wilson didn't hatch a plan soon, Verity's empathy might just tip in favor of Elaine, and that would put Mrs. Wilson in a precarious position.

With these musings, Mrs. Wilson tearfully pointed an accusatory finger at Elaine and declared, "Verity, you mustn't fall for this wicked woman's charades!"

Trembling with fury, she continued, "Do you think she's an angel just because she hasn't thrown a punch at me? Do you know what she did to our family?"

"Years ago, my son had an enchanting first love, the dream daughter-in-law I'd always wanted. She was a true gem, beautiful and humble, a world apart from this shameless woman!"

"My son had planned to marry her after graduation, but can you guess what happened just before the big day?"

Verity leaned in, intrigued. "What happened?"

With an accusing finger aimed squarely at Elaine, Mrs. Wilson spat out her revelation, "This shameless woman, knowing our family was living the high life back then, had her eyes set on a life of luxury. She seized the opportunity when my son was inebriated, took advantage of him, and then audaciously spilled the beans to his girlfriend! She forced that girl to break up with my son and flee abroad!"

"My son was left with no choice but to marry this woman he couldn't stand! For over two decades, he hasn't had a single day of happiness!"

"All the misery in my son's marriage is solely because of this despicable woman!" 😡😭

Chapter 890: "Unmasking Elaine's Dark Secrets"

"Did she just ruin my son's life?! Do you think a few punches will make up for a lifetime of misery?"

The cell was buzzing with shock and disbelief. No one had anticipated the depths of Elaine's shamelessness!

What stirs women's wrath most? It's men who cheat and women who willingly become the 'other woman.'

Hence, Elder Mrs. Wilson's words skillfully reignited the fiery hatred that everyone felt toward Elaine.

The curses began to fly:

"This wretched woman! To stoop so low at her age, she deserves nothing less than condemnation!"

"Exactly! What kind of self-respecting woman throws herself at a drunken man? That's just plain promiscuous!"

"Disgusting! She didn't just meddle as the third party; she did it with such depravity!"

Elder Mrs. Wilson, satisfied that she had stoked their anger toward Elaine, breathed a sigh of relief. She thought, "Elaine, you conniving schemer! Trying to sow discord and turn the tables? Well, I'll throw you into the deepest abyss!"

She wiped away fake tears and continued, "You don't even know the most repulsive part!"

"This shameless woman was once roommates and best friends with my son's girlfriend!"

"And yet, she turned around and did this vile act – sleeping with her best friend's boyfriend!"

"She not only stole her best friend's boyfriend but also drove her best friend all the way to the United States. I heard she hasn't set foot in this country for over two decades, all thanks to this shameless creature!"

Elder Mrs. Wilson's revelation turned any lingering sympathy for Elaine into raging flames of hatred.

Elaine, trembling with anxiety, had never expected the old lady to bring up the Merit incident. It shattered the fragile support she had been trying to build.

What Elaine had done to Merit and Jacob, a deeply in love couple, was a reprehensible act that disgusted all women.

As a result, any remaining sympathy for her vanished instantly, replaced by even fiercer animosity.

One woman leaped down from the top bunk, grabbed Elaine's plastic slippers, and delivered a resounding slap to her face.

"I'll make you pay, you shameless hussy! You wicked creature! My husband fell for someone like you!"

The other women joined in with enthusiastic cheers, someone shouting, "Bravo! Teach this shameless seductress a lesson!"

Elaine cried out in pain from the blows, but two more women quickly descended upon her, launching a barrage of kicks and punches.

Elder Mrs. Wilson observed the scene with a cold sneer, her thoughts triumphant.

"Elaine, with your feeble abilities, you dare to challenge me? You're practically begging for your own demise!" 😈💥
She truly deserves this beating
Elaine doesn't know her mother in law is an evil dragon while she is just the baby
Last edited:


Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Oct 20, 2023
Chapter 891: "The Unexpected and Intense Reckoning"

Oh, brace yourselves for this wild rollercoaster of Elaine's life! 😲 After more than two decades, she found herself tangled in a web of turmoil triggered by a blast from her past involving Merit. Who would've thought that nostalgia could pack such a punch?

She was this close to convincing Verity to see her side, but then, BAM! The venerable Madame Wilson dropped the bomb from the past, shattering Elaine's hard-earned progress and sending her tumbling into an emotional abyss.

The women who took her to task were no strangers to the sting of infidelity. They let loose their pent-up grievances, old and new alike, on poor Elaine, showing her no mercy, as if they were settling a long-overdue score. 💔👊

Elaine took a brutal beating, her very life hanging by a thread. She teetered on the edge of unconsciousness more times than she could count, only to be rudely awakened by another round of blows.

And just when you thought things couldn't get crazier, Madame Wilson had a brilliant idea: "Let's transport this troublesome soul to the restroom, shall we? She's becoming a tad bit annoying."

"Absolutely!" chimed in the first woman who had laid hands on Elaine. "Madame is spot on—let's throw her in there!"

Summoning another woman, she declared, "Grab a leg, and let's get this show on the road!"

"Roger that!" The other woman nodded, and together they heaved Elaine up and carted her off to the restroom, like something out of a twisted sitcom. 🚽

Wendy was hot on their heels, watching as they unceremoniously deposited Elaine in the restroom. With a malicious grin, she splashed a basin of water on Elaine, taunting her, "Did you ever imagine you'd end up in this pickle, Elaine? You thought you could take on Grandma, didn't you?"

Drenched and trembling, Elaine was consumed by regret. 😔

Regret for trying to sway Verity's sympathy. Regret for speaking out against Madame Wilson, which led to this nightmarish predicament.

She even regretted swiping her son-in-law Charlie's bank card. Little did she know he was an international con artist. If only she hadn't taken his card, he might be the one suffering right now. Her misstep had unleashed this inhuman torment upon her.

That night, Elaine huddled in the corner of the restroom, enduring the darkness until the break of day.

Her fever soared to new heights, and she found herself drifting in and out of delirium, her stomach growling in hunger after nearly 48 agonizing hours without food!

Come morning, as others gathered for their breakfast, a realization dawned on Verity: Elaine was nowhere to be seen. She promptly ordered someone to investigate if the "troublesome woman" had met her end. If not, it was time to haul her out.

The hapless investigator found Elaine, trembling in a corner, and hauled her out by her hair.

When Elaine emerged, Verity was savoring her meal. Just like the day before, she left a tantalizing third of her porridge untouched and provocatively teased Elaine, "Two days and nights must have left you absolutely famished, huh?" 🍲😏

Chapter 892: "A Lick of Humility: Elaine's Gritty Struggle"

Elaine swayed, her world spinning as she pleaded with Sister Verity, "Verity, please, I'm begging you, I need something to eat, or I might really wither away..."

Verity's smirk danced on her lips as she emptied her bowl of porridge onto the unforgiving ground. With a nonchalant flick of her toe and a chilling chuckle, she taunted, "Hungry, are you? Well, if you want to eat, then why not savor it from the floor?"

Yesterday, Elaine had staunchly refused to stoop so low as to lick porridge off the ground at Verity's command. But today, dignity seemed like a frivolous luxury, and survival took precedence. Who cared if it was degrading? If it meant filling her gnawing stomach, why not kneel and embrace humility?

Without a moment's hesitation, she knelt down and began the undignified task of licking cold porridge off the gritty cement floor with her tongue.

Old Lady Wilson, an impassive spectator, couldn't hide the gleam of satisfaction in her eyes. The prospect of Elaine spending decades behind bars thrilled her even more.

As Elaine's tongue scraped against the floor, dirt and all, she was oblivious to her surroundings. In this moment of utter desperation, nothing else mattered.

Suddenly, the cell door swung open, and a prison guard, his demeanor as cold as ice, announced, "Elaine, you're needed at the police station for interrogation!"

Suspects like Elaine, not yet sentenced, were commonly referred to as suspects, and it was routine for them to be summoned for questioning at the police station.

The news didn't faze Elaine in the least. She struggled to her feet, rushing to the door, and implored the guard, "Please, take me away."

Unbeknownst to her, this interrogation was a meticulously orchestrated ruse by her son-in-law, Charlie Wade.

The guard, taken aback by her pitiable appearance—bruised and missing two front teeth—reluctantly conceded.

"Follow me," he gruffly instructed. "The officers are waiting."

These were the same officers who had brought Elaine in just two days earlier. They were dumbfounded by the dramatic transformation they witnessed in her in less than 48 hours.

However, they had received a stern warning not to interfere in Elaine's affairs, and so, they played ignorant, merely stating, "Let's get going. Our vehicle is outside."

With that, they handcuffed Elaine and led her out of the cell.

As they walked, Elaine anxiously inquired, her voice quivering, "Officer, please believe me. I'm innocent. Any progress in my case? When can I clear my name and return home?"

Her sobs were uncontrollable, her emotions in disarray.

The officer, adopting a measured tone, replied, "You're implicated in a transnational fraud case, the largest on record. As the first suspect apprehended, you're pivotal in cracking this case wide open and making arrests."

He added, "If you're wise, you'll cooperate and reveal your accomplices. It'll assist us in unraveling the truth and could lead to a more lenient sentence for you."

In the throes of anguish, Elaine cried out, her voice trembling, "Officer, please, I swear on my life, I know nothing about this. The person you seek is my son-in-law. I can lead you to him. Interrogate him, even prosecute him if necessary, but please, don't unjustly accuse an innocent person!"

Stay tuned for more twists and turns in this gripping tale! 😅📖

Chapter 893: "The Black Card Shockwave: When Greed Meets Deception"

Picture this: Elaine, fresh off her wild ride to the police station, gets thrust into the interrogation hot seat. 🚔 The scene unfolds with officers plopping down in front of her, ready to dive into the nitty-gritty. "Elaine, what have you been pondering these past couple of days? Ready to spill the beans on your part in all of this?"

Elaine, tears welling up, blurts out, "Officer, you've gotta believe me, I'm as pure as a spring breeze..."

But the officer isn't having any of it and retorts, "Still holding out, huh? You think we're greenhorns here? If we don't nab your partner in crime, you'll take the fall for everything. And guess what? That could mean a date with a firing squad!"

Cue Elaine's panic mode: "Officer, I've said it a million times, that card ain't mine!"

And then, the bombshell drops - "That card? I found it in my son-in-law's pocket, and guess what? The PIN is his birthday. So, it's his card, not mine! If this card's tied to some cross-border scam, then it's my rotten son-in-law who's the mastermind. Why aren't you hauling him in instead of me?"

The officer smirks, "Your son-in-law's name is Charlie Wade, right?"

Elaine's all nerves as she rushes, "Did you grill him? Snatch him up for questioning? Squeeze out a confession, perhaps?"

Now, the officer plays their hand, laying a mysterious black card on the table, asking, "Elaine, does this happen to be the bank card you used for that cash grab?"

Elaine's eyes zero in on that card - the one that's been haunting her nightmares. "That's the card! The one I nicked from my son-in-law's pocket! He's the real deal, I tell ya! Catch him quick, grill him, and then line up that firing squad!"

But hold on to your hats, folks! The officer reveals a shocking twist, dumping a bag of identical black cards on the table.

Elaine's jaw drops, "Wait, are these all cards swiped from that scoundrel Charlie?"

The officer spills the beans: "You bet! That international criminal gang cooked up these black gold cards. Crafty as a fox, they bought folks' personal info online, set their PINs to birthdays, and mailed 'em the cards. The trick? They'd trick the cardholders into checking their balances at the bank."

"Guess what? Each of these hundreds of cards packs a hefty 21.9 billion dollars punch!"

"But here's the kicker - once these poor souls couldn't resist temptation and tried to withdraw, they got wrapped up in bank bamboozling and money pilfering. Lucky for you, you got nabbed before you hit the jackpot. Otherwise, the syndicate would've been hot on your heels, kidnapped you, squeezed the PIN from you, nabbed your freshly withdrawn 21.9 billion, and then... let's just say, you'd have vanished off the face of the Earth!"

Elaine's left dumbfounded, "Wait, are you telling me they mailed this card to my son-in-law, Charlie?"

"Spot on!" the officer declares. "And not just him. Word on the street is at least a thousand folks in Aurous Hill received these cards, and tens of thousands nationwide got in on the action!" 😮💰

Chapter 894: "A Twist of Fate: The 21.9 Billion Dollars Gamble"

In the dimly lit interrogation room, the officer's words cut through the tension like a lightning bolt. "Your son-in-law," he emphasized, "is a stand-up guy, the kind with a heart as wide as the ocean, free from the clutches of greed. When he stumbled upon this mysterious card, he didn't skip a beat. He reported it right to us. Initially, we planned for him to play it undercover. But lo and behold, you, in a moment of carelessness, swiped the card and even waltzed into Citibank, thinking you'd hit the jackpot!"

Elaine gasped, her eyes widening in shock and regret. "Oh, if only I'd known the full story! I'd have rather faced the grim reaper than lay my hands on that card!"

Tears flowed uncontrollably as she sobbed, her remorse echoing in the room. Little did she know that she had unwittingly walked straight into a cunningly set trap!

This seemingly ordinary card was nothing but a product of cunning criminals who'd snatched Charlie's personal details and masterfully fabricated it before sending it straight to his doorstep.

Their wicked plan? To bait Charlie, hoping he'd fall for the alluring 21.9 billion balance!

Their endgame was simple: coax Charlie into transferring the money into his own account, essentially doing their dirty work of defrauding the bank. This way, they could wash their hands of the entire scheme, leaving no trace.

Once Charlie took the bait and transferred the cash, these malevolent criminals could pounce, forcing him to surrender the fortune before silencing him forever, leaving him as the fall guy.

The revelation sent shivers down Elaine's spine. She didn't doubt a word the officer said.

It dawned on her that, as she stood there, on the brink of transferring the colossal sum at the bank, she had narrowly escaped the clutches of death.

If not for the officer's timely intervention, whisking her away from the jaws of danger, she might have already met her demise at the hands of the criminal syndicate!

The realization that she had teetered on the precipice of losing her life, yet emerged unscathed, brought an overwhelming sense of relief.

Even the harsh torment she endured in prison suddenly seemed worthwhile.

She couldn't help but feel gratitude towards Madam Wilson and Verity; their cruelty had, in a twisted way, saved her from becoming a wandering spirit.

Tears of relief and gratitude welled up in Elaine's eyes as she implored the officer, her voice trembling. "Comrade officer, now that you know I'm innocent, please, release me!"

The officer's response was stern, "Release you? And risk the possibility of you inadvertently leaking this information, tipping off the criminals? How would we catch them then?"

Desperation filled Elaine's gaze as she made a solemn vow, "I swear, officer, I won't breathe a word of this to anyone if you let me go!"

The officer remained skeptical, "Can you truly keep such a grave secret? Not even to your daughter or husband?"

Elaine nodded with unwavering determination, "I promise, not a word to anyone. I'll take this secret with me to the grave."

Chapter 895: "Elaine's Cry for Freedom"

Elaine had fully bought into the police officer's tale. Her mind was a swirling cauldron of anxiety, with her main concern being the possibility of remaining locked up in that dreary detention center. The last thing she wanted was to inadvertently tip off the suspects and prolong her incarceration indefinitely.

So, with a pair of puppy-dog eyes brimming with tears, she turned to the officer and implored, "Dear Officer, I swear I won't utter a peep. Please, set me free. If I stay cooped up here, I might as well grow old in this dismal place..."

The officer solemnly shook his head, his expression a mix of sternness and skepticism. "Elaine, trust is not something I can hand out lightly. I've seen many like you—promising silence on the surface but blabbering secrets in a heartbeat. The moment we release you, you'll be singing like a canary."

He continued, "I'm not just doing this to solve the case; I'm genuinely concerned for your safety. If you walk out that door and spill the beans, they could silence you. They might even frame you with enough evidence to make a case against you."

"In that scenario, you'd be more wronged than the legendary Dou E herself."

"So, for your own good, it's best you stay right here until we've got all the culprits. It's the safest option for you."

Despair etched across her face, Elaine pleaded, "How long is this going to take? Forever? I beg you, please show some mercy and let me go. I promise, I'll zip my lips tighter than a locked treasure chest. I'll even kneel and kowtow if that's what it takes. Just please, don't lock me up again..."

As her words tumbled out, Elaine was already sobbing uncontrollably.

The officer's tone remained icy. "No chance. We can't afford to take that risk. This case involves international criminal police from twenty-three countries. If it falls apart because of you, the consequences would be dire."

At this point, another officer took on the role of the "good cop," chiming in, "Her sincerity seems genuine. As long as she can keep her mouth sealed, releasing her shouldn't pose a problem."

The stern officer shot back, "But what if the whole investigation goes south because of her? Who will shoulder that responsibility? And if she ends up losing her life over this, who's going to answer for that?"

The kind-hearted officer turned to Elaine and asked, "Elaine, can you truly keep your lips locked? If you can, write a pledge. We'll consider letting you go. But if you slip up even once, the moment we catch wind of it, back in you go until the case is closed!"

Elaine, wiping her tears away and gasping for breath, declared, "Dear Officer, you can trust me completely. I'm someone who's absolutely terrified of death. This is a matter of life and death for me. Even if you beat me black and blue or put a gun to my head, I wouldn't dare utter a single word about it!"

The stern officer shot a final, chilling question, "And what about your son-in-law? Won't you rush straight to him and confront him once you're out?"

Elaine's heart raced. Did this mean she wouldn't even get her chance to settle scores with that scoundrel, Charlie?

Then who on earth would she hold responsible for all the pain and humiliation she endured in that wretched detention center?
Can you see that!!!!
Still intending to confront Charlie and to accuse him for the pains and humiliations she unleashed on herself due to greediness.
She deserves to be sentenced to life imprisonment


First level Tribulator
Sep 19, 2023
Chapter 891: "The Unexpected and Intense Reckoning"

Oh, brace yourselves for this wild rollercoaster of Elaine's life! 😲 After more than two decades, she found herself tangled in a web of turmoil triggered by a blast from her past involving Merit. Who would've thought that nostalgia could pack such a punch?

She was this close to convincing Verity to see her side, but then, BAM! The venerable Madame Wilson dropped the bomb from the past, shattering Elaine's hard-earned progress and sending her tumbling into an emotional abyss.

The women who took her to task were no strangers to the sting of infidelity. They let loose their pent-up grievances, old and new alike, on poor Elaine, showing her no mercy, as if they were settling a long-overdue score. 💔👊

Elaine took a brutal beating, her very life hanging by a thread. She teetered on the edge of unconsciousness more times than she could count, only to be rudely awakened by another round of blows.

And just when you thought things couldn't get crazier, Madame Wilson had a brilliant idea: "Let's transport this troublesome soul to the restroom, shall we? She's becoming a tad bit annoying."

"Absolutely!" chimed in the first woman who had laid hands on Elaine. "Madame is spot on—let's throw her in there!"

Summoning another woman, she declared, "Grab a leg, and let's get this show on the road!"

"Roger that!" The other woman nodded, and together they heaved Elaine up and carted her off to the restroom, like something out of a twisted sitcom. 🚽

Wendy was hot on their heels, watching as they unceremoniously deposited Elaine in the restroom. With a malicious grin, she splashed a basin of water on Elaine, taunting her, "Did you ever imagine you'd end up in this pickle, Elaine? You thought you could take on Grandma, didn't you?"

Drenched and trembling, Elaine was consumed by regret. 😔

Regret for trying to sway Verity's sympathy. Regret for speaking out against Madame Wilson, which led to this nightmarish predicament.

She even regretted swiping her son-in-law Charlie's bank card. Little did she know he was an international con artist. If only she hadn't taken his card, he might be the one suffering right now. Her misstep had unleashed this inhuman torment upon her.

That night, Elaine huddled in the corner of the restroom, enduring the darkness until the break of day.

Her fever soared to new heights, and she found herself drifting in and out of delirium, her stomach growling in hunger after nearly 48 agonizing hours without food!

Come morning, as others gathered for their breakfast, a realization dawned on Verity: Elaine was nowhere to be seen. She promptly ordered someone to investigate if the "troublesome woman" had met her end. If not, it was time to haul her out.

The hapless investigator found Elaine, trembling in a corner, and hauled her out by her hair.

When Elaine emerged, Verity was savoring her meal. Just like the day before, she left a tantalizing third of her porridge untouched and provocatively teased Elaine, "Two days and nights must have left you absolutely famished, huh?" 🍲😏

Chapter 892: "A Lick of Humility: Elaine's Gritty Struggle"

Elaine swayed, her world spinning as she pleaded with Sister Verity, "Verity, please, I'm begging you, I need something to eat, or I might really wither away..."

Verity's smirk danced on her lips as she emptied her bowl of porridge onto the unforgiving ground. With a nonchalant flick of her toe and a chilling chuckle, she taunted, "Hungry, are you? Well, if you want to eat, then why not savor it from the floor?"

Yesterday, Elaine had staunchly refused to stoop so low as to lick porridge off the ground at Verity's command. But today, dignity seemed like a frivolous luxury, and survival took precedence. Who cared if it was degrading? If it meant filling her gnawing stomach, why not kneel and embrace humility?

Without a moment's hesitation, she knelt down and began the undignified task of licking cold porridge off the gritty cement floor with her tongue.

Old Lady Wilson, an impassive spectator, couldn't hide the gleam of satisfaction in her eyes. The prospect of Elaine spending decades behind bars thrilled her even more.

As Elaine's tongue scraped against the floor, dirt and all, she was oblivious to her surroundings. In this moment of utter desperation, nothing else mattered.

Suddenly, the cell door swung open, and a prison guard, his demeanor as cold as ice, announced, "Elaine, you're needed at the police station for interrogation!"

Suspects like Elaine, not yet sentenced, were commonly referred to as suspects, and it was routine for them to be summoned for questioning at the police station.

The news didn't faze Elaine in the least. She struggled to her feet, rushing to the door, and implored the guard, "Please, take me away."

Unbeknownst to her, this interrogation was a meticulously orchestrated ruse by her son-in-law, Charlie Wade.

The guard, taken aback by her pitiable appearance—bruised and missing two front teeth—reluctantly conceded.

"Follow me," he gruffly instructed. "The officers are waiting."

These were the same officers who had brought Elaine in just two days earlier. They were dumbfounded by the dramatic transformation they witnessed in her in less than 48 hours.

However, they had received a stern warning not to interfere in Elaine's affairs, and so, they played ignorant, merely stating, "Let's get going. Our vehicle is outside."

With that, they handcuffed Elaine and led her out of the cell.

As they walked, Elaine anxiously inquired, her voice quivering, "Officer, please believe me. I'm innocent. Any progress in my case? When can I clear my name and return home?"

Her sobs were uncontrollable, her emotions in disarray.

The officer, adopting a measured tone, replied, "You're implicated in a transnational fraud case, the largest on record. As the first suspect apprehended, you're pivotal in cracking this case wide open and making arrests."

He added, "If you're wise, you'll cooperate and reveal your accomplices. It'll assist us in unraveling the truth and could lead to a more lenient sentence for you."

In the throes of anguish, Elaine cried out, her voice trembling, "Officer, please, I swear on my life, I know nothing about this. The person you seek is my son-in-law. I can lead you to him. Interrogate him, even prosecute him if necessary, but please, don't unjustly accuse an innocent person!"

Stay tuned for more twists and turns in this gripping tale! 😅📖

Chapter 893: "The Black Card Shockwave: When Greed Meets Deception"

Picture this: Elaine, fresh off her wild ride to the police station, gets thrust into the interrogation hot seat. 🚔 The scene unfolds with officers plopping down in front of her, ready to dive into the nitty-gritty. "Elaine, what have you been pondering these past couple of days? Ready to spill the beans on your part in all of this?"

Elaine, tears welling up, blurts out, "Officer, you've gotta believe me, I'm as pure as a spring breeze..."

But the officer isn't having any of it and retorts, "Still holding out, huh? You think we're greenhorns here? If we don't nab your partner in crime, you'll take the fall for everything. And guess what? That could mean a date with a firing squad!"

Cue Elaine's panic mode: "Officer, I've said it a million times, that card ain't mine!"

And then, the bombshell drops - "That card? I found it in my son-in-law's pocket, and guess what? The PIN is his birthday. So, it's his card, not mine! If this card's tied to some cross-border scam, then it's my rotten son-in-law who's the mastermind. Why aren't you hauling him in instead of me?"

The officer smirks, "Your son-in-law's name is Charlie Wade, right?"

Elaine's all nerves as she rushes, "Did you grill him? Snatch him up for questioning? Squeeze out a confession, perhaps?"

Now, the officer plays their hand, laying a mysterious black card on the table, asking, "Elaine, does this happen to be the bank card you used for that cash grab?"

Elaine's eyes zero in on that card - the one that's been haunting her nightmares. "That's the card! The one I nicked from my son-in-law's pocket! He's the real deal, I tell ya! Catch him quick, grill him, and then line up that firing squad!"

But hold on to your hats, folks! The officer reveals a shocking twist, dumping a bag of identical black cards on the table.

Elaine's jaw drops, "Wait, are these all cards swiped from that scoundrel Charlie?"

The officer spills the beans: "You bet! That international criminal gang cooked up these black gold cards. Crafty as a fox, they bought folks' personal info online, set their PINs to birthdays, and mailed 'em the cards. The trick? They'd trick the cardholders into checking their balances at the bank."

"Guess what? Each of these hundreds of cards packs a hefty 21.9 billion dollars punch!"

"But here's the kicker - once these poor souls couldn't resist temptation and tried to withdraw, they got wrapped up in bank bamboozling and money pilfering. Lucky for you, you got nabbed before you hit the jackpot. Otherwise, the syndicate would've been hot on your heels, kidnapped you, squeezed the PIN from you, nabbed your freshly withdrawn 21.9 billion, and then... let's just say, you'd have vanished off the face of the Earth!"

Elaine's left dumbfounded, "Wait, are you telling me they mailed this card to my son-in-law, Charlie?"

"Spot on!" the officer declares. "And not just him. Word on the street is at least a thousand folks in Aurous Hill received these cards, and tens of thousands nationwide got in on the action!" 😮💰

Chapter 894: "A Twist of Fate: The 21.9 Billion Dollars Gamble"

In the dimly lit interrogation room, the officer's words cut through the tension like a lightning bolt. "Your son-in-law," he emphasized, "is a stand-up guy, the kind with a heart as wide as the ocean, free from the clutches of greed. When he stumbled upon this mysterious card, he didn't skip a beat. He reported it right to us. Initially, we planned for him to play it undercover. But lo and behold, you, in a moment of carelessness, swiped the card and even waltzed into Citibank, thinking you'd hit the jackpot!"

Elaine gasped, her eyes widening in shock and regret. "Oh, if only I'd known the full story! I'd have rather faced the grim reaper than lay my hands on that card!"

Tears flowed uncontrollably as she sobbed, her remorse echoing in the room. Little did she know that she had unwittingly walked straight into a cunningly set trap!

This seemingly ordinary card was nothing but a product of cunning criminals who'd snatched Charlie's personal details and masterfully fabricated it before sending it straight to his doorstep.

Their wicked plan? To bait Charlie, hoping he'd fall for the alluring 21.9 billion balance!

Their endgame was simple: coax Charlie into transferring the money into his own account, essentially doing their dirty work of defrauding the bank. This way, they could wash their hands of the entire scheme, leaving no trace.

Once Charlie took the bait and transferred the cash, these malevolent criminals could pounce, forcing him to surrender the fortune before silencing him forever, leaving him as the fall guy.

The revelation sent shivers down Elaine's spine. She didn't doubt a word the officer said.

It dawned on her that, as she stood there, on the brink of transferring the colossal sum at the bank, she had narrowly escaped the clutches of death.

If not for the officer's timely intervention, whisking her away from the jaws of danger, she might have already met her demise at the hands of the criminal syndicate!

The realization that she had teetered on the precipice of losing her life, yet emerged unscathed, brought an overwhelming sense of relief.

Even the harsh torment she endured in prison suddenly seemed worthwhile.

She couldn't help but feel gratitude towards Madam Wilson and Verity; their cruelty had, in a twisted way, saved her from becoming a wandering spirit.

Tears of relief and gratitude welled up in Elaine's eyes as she implored the officer, her voice trembling. "Comrade officer, now that you know I'm innocent, please, release me!"

The officer's response was stern, "Release you? And risk the possibility of you inadvertently leaking this information, tipping off the criminals? How would we catch them then?"

Desperation filled Elaine's gaze as she made a solemn vow, "I swear, officer, I won't breathe a word of this to anyone if you let me go!"

The officer remained skeptical, "Can you truly keep such a grave secret? Not even to your daughter or husband?"

Elaine nodded with unwavering determination, "I promise, not a word to anyone. I'll take this secret with me to the grave."

Chapter 895: "Elaine's Cry for Freedom"

Elaine had fully bought into the police officer's tale. Her mind was a swirling cauldron of anxiety, with her main concern being the possibility of remaining locked up in that dreary detention center. The last thing she wanted was to inadvertently tip off the suspects and prolong her incarceration indefinitely.

So, with a pair of puppy-dog eyes brimming with tears, she turned to the officer and implored, "Dear Officer, I swear I won't utter a peep. Please, set me free. If I stay cooped up here, I might as well grow old in this dismal place..."

The officer solemnly shook his head, his expression a mix of sternness and skepticism. "Elaine, trust is not something I can hand out lightly. I've seen many like you—promising silence on the surface but blabbering secrets in a heartbeat. The moment we release you, you'll be singing like a canary."

He continued, "I'm not just doing this to solve the case; I'm genuinely concerned for your safety. If you walk out that door and spill the beans, they could silence you. They might even frame you with enough evidence to make a case against you."

"In that scenario, you'd be more wronged than the legendary Dou E herself."

"So, for your own good, it's best you stay right here until we've got all the culprits. It's the safest option for you."

Despair etched across her face, Elaine pleaded, "How long is this going to take? Forever? I beg you, please show some mercy and let me go. I promise, I'll zip my lips tighter than a locked treasure chest. I'll even kneel and kowtow if that's what it takes. Just please, don't lock me up again..."

As her words tumbled out, Elaine was already sobbing uncontrollably.

The officer's tone remained icy. "No chance. We can't afford to take that risk. This case involves international criminal police from twenty-three countries. If it falls apart because of you, the consequences would be dire."

At this point, another officer took on the role of the "good cop," chiming in, "Her sincerity seems genuine. As long as she can keep her mouth sealed, releasing her shouldn't pose a problem."

The stern officer shot back, "But what if the whole investigation goes south because of her? Who will shoulder that responsibility? And if she ends up losing her life over this, who's going to answer for that?"

The kind-hearted officer turned to Elaine and asked, "Elaine, can you truly keep your lips locked? If you can, write a pledge. We'll consider letting you go. But if you slip up even once, the moment we catch wind of it, back in you go until the case is closed!"

Elaine, wiping her tears away and gasping for breath, declared, "Dear Officer, you can trust me completely. I'm someone who's absolutely terrified of death. This is a matter of life and death for me. Even if you beat me black and blue or put a gun to my head, I wouldn't dare utter a single word about it!"

The stern officer shot a final, chilling question, "And what about your son-in-law? Won't you rush straight to him and confront him once you're out?"

Elaine's heart raced. Did this mean she wouldn't even get her chance to settle scores with that scoundrel, Charlie?

Then who on earth would she hold responsible for all the pain and humiliation she endured in that wretched detention center?
let her hold herself accountable 😂😂


Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 15, 2023
Can you see that!!!!
Still intending to confront Charlie and to accuse him for the pains and humiliations she unleashed on herself due to greediness.
She deserves to be sentenced to life imprisonment
Well yeah... What did you expect? Out of a million possible stories Charlie could have cooked up, he chose one that would have Elaine think that he's still useless.

Her character consists of 2 main tropes:
- like 99% of other characters in stories like these, she bullies the weak and submits to the powerful
- her greed knows no bounds

Charlie is hell-bent on making Elaine think that he's neither powerful nor wealthy, effectively making her disrespect him at every turn. All done just so we can have another 500 chapters of family nonsense, untill Elaine pulls another stunt like this.

Honestly at this point my initial frustration with prolonging the story by any means is waning. However author makes choices that are completely out of character for his own creations. If Charlie and Isaac are supposed to be clever and cunning, why would they leave any possibility of Elaine not understanding that Charlie is someone she shouldn't mess with? They willingly invite trouble just to make Claire temporarily happy.

"Temporary" is the key word for novels that have thousands of chapters. We can't have character development, because that would mean the author has to actively think how to enrich the story. The only way they know how is to introduce the same, useless, reused chumps that change nothing. I mean what's the point of writing a story stretching over 6000 chapters if your MC doesn't learn anything? Hundreds of encounters with arrogant, cunning adversaries, multiple allies and women that fall for Charlie leave him absolutely the same... If character development is non-existent why even bother reading a story like this?

In this arc Claire's transformation could be amaizing. After being disowned by old Ms. Wilson she realizes that despite her blind loyalty towards her family, even they can't be fully trusted. Now she would realize that betrayal can come even from her own mother. But no! Why bother improving your own work, when you're convinced that your characters are flawless smh...


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 891: "The Unexpected and Intense Reckoning"

Oh, brace yourselves for this wild rollercoaster of Elaine's life! 😲 After more than two decades, she found herself tangled in a web of turmoil triggered by a blast from her past involving Merit. Who would've thought that nostalgia could pack such a punch?

She was this close to convincing Verity to see her side, but then, BAM! The venerable Madame Wilson dropped the bomb from the past, shattering Elaine's hard-earned progress and sending her tumbling into an emotional abyss.

The women who took her to task were no strangers to the sting of infidelity. They let loose their pent-up grievances, old and new alike, on poor Elaine, showing her no mercy, as if they were settling a long-overdue score. 💔👊

Elaine took a brutal beating, her very life hanging by a thread. She teetered on the edge of unconsciousness more times than she could count, only to be rudely awakened by another round of blows.

And just when you thought things couldn't get crazier, Madame Wilson had a brilliant idea: "Let's transport this troublesome soul to the restroom, shall we? She's becoming a tad bit annoying."

"Absolutely!" chimed in the first woman who had laid hands on Elaine. "Madame is spot on—let's throw her in there!"

Summoning another woman, she declared, "Grab a leg, and let's get this show on the road!"

"Roger that!" The other woman nodded, and together they heaved Elaine up and carted her off to the restroom, like something out of a twisted sitcom. 🚽

Wendy was hot on their heels, watching as they unceremoniously deposited Elaine in the restroom. With a malicious grin, she splashed a basin of water on Elaine, taunting her, "Did you ever imagine you'd end up in this pickle, Elaine? You thought you could take on Grandma, didn't you?"

Drenched and trembling, Elaine was consumed by regret. 😔

Regret for trying to sway Verity's sympathy. Regret for speaking out against Madame Wilson, which led to this nightmarish predicament.

She even regretted swiping her son-in-law Charlie's bank card. Little did she know he was an international con artist. If only she hadn't taken his card, he might be the one suffering right now. Her misstep had unleashed this inhuman torment upon her.

That night, Elaine huddled in the corner of the restroom, enduring the darkness until the break of day.

Her fever soared to new heights, and she found herself drifting in and out of delirium, her stomach growling in hunger after nearly 48 agonizing hours without food!

Come morning, as others gathered for their breakfast, a realization dawned on Verity: Elaine was nowhere to be seen. She promptly ordered someone to investigate if the "troublesome woman" had met her end. If not, it was time to haul her out.

The hapless investigator found Elaine, trembling in a corner, and hauled her out by her hair.

When Elaine emerged, Verity was savoring her meal. Just like the day before, she left a tantalizing third of her porridge untouched and provocatively teased Elaine, "Two days and nights must have left you absolutely famished, huh?" 🍲😏

Chapter 892: "A Lick of Humility: Elaine's Gritty Struggle"

Elaine swayed, her world spinning as she pleaded with Sister Verity, "Verity, please, I'm begging you, I need something to eat, or I might really wither away..."

Verity's smirk danced on her lips as she emptied her bowl of porridge onto the unforgiving ground. With a nonchalant flick of her toe and a chilling chuckle, she taunted, "Hungry, are you? Well, if you want to eat, then why not savor it from the floor?"

Yesterday, Elaine had staunchly refused to stoop so low as to lick porridge off the ground at Verity's command. But today, dignity seemed like a frivolous luxury, and survival took precedence. Who cared if it was degrading? If it meant filling her gnawing stomach, why not kneel and embrace humility?

Without a moment's hesitation, she knelt down and began the undignified task of licking cold porridge off the gritty cement floor with her tongue.

Old Lady Wilson, an impassive spectator, couldn't hide the gleam of satisfaction in her eyes. The prospect of Elaine spending decades behind bars thrilled her even more.

As Elaine's tongue scraped against the floor, dirt and all, she was oblivious to her surroundings. In this moment of utter desperation, nothing else mattered.

Suddenly, the cell door swung open, and a prison guard, his demeanor as cold as ice, announced, "Elaine, you're needed at the police station for interrogation!"

Suspects like Elaine, not yet sentenced, were commonly referred to as suspects, and it was routine for them to be summoned for questioning at the police station.

The news didn't faze Elaine in the least. She struggled to her feet, rushing to the door, and implored the guard, "Please, take me away."

Unbeknownst to her, this interrogation was a meticulously orchestrated ruse by her son-in-law, Charlie Wade.

The guard, taken aback by her pitiable appearance—bruised and missing two front teeth—reluctantly conceded.

"Follow me," he gruffly instructed. "The officers are waiting."

These were the same officers who had brought Elaine in just two days earlier. They were dumbfounded by the dramatic transformation they witnessed in her in less than 48 hours.

However, they had received a stern warning not to interfere in Elaine's affairs, and so, they played ignorant, merely stating, "Let's get going. Our vehicle is outside."

With that, they handcuffed Elaine and led her out of the cell.

As they walked, Elaine anxiously inquired, her voice quivering, "Officer, please believe me. I'm innocent. Any progress in my case? When can I clear my name and return home?"

Her sobs were uncontrollable, her emotions in disarray.

The officer, adopting a measured tone, replied, "You're implicated in a transnational fraud case, the largest on record. As the first suspect apprehended, you're pivotal in cracking this case wide open and making arrests."

He added, "If you're wise, you'll cooperate and reveal your accomplices. It'll assist us in unraveling the truth and could lead to a more lenient sentence for you."

In the throes of anguish, Elaine cried out, her voice trembling, "Officer, please, I swear on my life, I know nothing about this. The person you seek is my son-in-law. I can lead you to him. Interrogate him, even prosecute him if necessary, but please, don't unjustly accuse an innocent person!"

Stay tuned for more twists and turns in this gripping tale! 😅📖

Chapter 893: "The Black Card Shockwave: When Greed Meets Deception"

Picture this: Elaine, fresh off her wild ride to the police station, gets thrust into the interrogation hot seat. 🚔 The scene unfolds with officers plopping down in front of her, ready to dive into the nitty-gritty. "Elaine, what have you been pondering these past couple of days? Ready to spill the beans on your part in all of this?"

Elaine, tears welling up, blurts out, "Officer, you've gotta believe me, I'm as pure as a spring breeze..."

But the officer isn't having any of it and retorts, "Still holding out, huh? You think we're greenhorns here? If we don't nab your partner in crime, you'll take the fall for everything. And guess what? That could mean a date with a firing squad!"

Cue Elaine's panic mode: "Officer, I've said it a million times, that card ain't mine!"

And then, the bombshell drops - "That card? I found it in my son-in-law's pocket, and guess what? The PIN is his birthday. So, it's his card, not mine! If this card's tied to some cross-border scam, then it's my rotten son-in-law who's the mastermind. Why aren't you hauling him in instead of me?"

The officer smirks, "Your son-in-law's name is Charlie Wade, right?"

Elaine's all nerves as she rushes, "Did you grill him? Snatch him up for questioning? Squeeze out a confession, perhaps?"

Now, the officer plays their hand, laying a mysterious black card on the table, asking, "Elaine, does this happen to be the bank card you used for that cash grab?"

Elaine's eyes zero in on that card - the one that's been haunting her nightmares. "That's the card! The one I nicked from my son-in-law's pocket! He's the real deal, I tell ya! Catch him quick, grill him, and then line up that firing squad!"

But hold on to your hats, folks! The officer reveals a shocking twist, dumping a bag of identical black cards on the table.

Elaine's jaw drops, "Wait, are these all cards swiped from that scoundrel Charlie?"

The officer spills the beans: "You bet! That international criminal gang cooked up these black gold cards. Crafty as a fox, they bought folks' personal info online, set their PINs to birthdays, and mailed 'em the cards. The trick? They'd trick the cardholders into checking their balances at the bank."

"Guess what? Each of these hundreds of cards packs a hefty 21.9 billion dollars punch!"

"But here's the kicker - once these poor souls couldn't resist temptation and tried to withdraw, they got wrapped up in bank bamboozling and money pilfering. Lucky for you, you got nabbed before you hit the jackpot. Otherwise, the syndicate would've been hot on your heels, kidnapped you, squeezed the PIN from you, nabbed your freshly withdrawn 21.9 billion, and then... let's just say, you'd have vanished off the face of the Earth!"

Elaine's left dumbfounded, "Wait, are you telling me they mailed this card to my son-in-law, Charlie?"

"Spot on!" the officer declares. "And not just him. Word on the street is at least a thousand folks in Aurous Hill received these cards, and tens of thousands nationwide got in on the action!" 😮💰

Chapter 894: "A Twist of Fate: The 21.9 Billion Dollars Gamble"

In the dimly lit interrogation room, the officer's words cut through the tension like a lightning bolt. "Your son-in-law," he emphasized, "is a stand-up guy, the kind with a heart as wide as the ocean, free from the clutches of greed. When he stumbled upon this mysterious card, he didn't skip a beat. He reported it right to us. Initially, we planned for him to play it undercover. But lo and behold, you, in a moment of carelessness, swiped the card and even waltzed into Citibank, thinking you'd hit the jackpot!"

Elaine gasped, her eyes widening in shock and regret. "Oh, if only I'd known the full story! I'd have rather faced the grim reaper than lay my hands on that card!"

Tears flowed uncontrollably as she sobbed, her remorse echoing in the room. Little did she know that she had unwittingly walked straight into a cunningly set trap!

This seemingly ordinary card was nothing but a product of cunning criminals who'd snatched Charlie's personal details and masterfully fabricated it before sending it straight to his doorstep.

Their wicked plan? To bait Charlie, hoping he'd fall for the alluring 21.9 billion balance!

Their endgame was simple: coax Charlie into transferring the money into his own account, essentially doing their dirty work of defrauding the bank. This way, they could wash their hands of the entire scheme, leaving no trace.

Once Charlie took the bait and transferred the cash, these malevolent criminals could pounce, forcing him to surrender the fortune before silencing him forever, leaving him as the fall guy.

The revelation sent shivers down Elaine's spine. She didn't doubt a word the officer said.

It dawned on her that, as she stood there, on the brink of transferring the colossal sum at the bank, she had narrowly escaped the clutches of death.

If not for the officer's timely intervention, whisking her away from the jaws of danger, she might have already met her demise at the hands of the criminal syndicate!

The realization that she had teetered on the precipice of losing her life, yet emerged unscathed, brought an overwhelming sense of relief.

Even the harsh torment she endured in prison suddenly seemed worthwhile.

She couldn't help but feel gratitude towards Madam Wilson and Verity; their cruelty had, in a twisted way, saved her from becoming a wandering spirit.

Tears of relief and gratitude welled up in Elaine's eyes as she implored the officer, her voice trembling. "Comrade officer, now that you know I'm innocent, please, release me!"

The officer's response was stern, "Release you? And risk the possibility of you inadvertently leaking this information, tipping off the criminals? How would we catch them then?"

Desperation filled Elaine's gaze as she made a solemn vow, "I swear, officer, I won't breathe a word of this to anyone if you let me go!"

The officer remained skeptical, "Can you truly keep such a grave secret? Not even to your daughter or husband?"

Elaine nodded with unwavering determination, "I promise, not a word to anyone. I'll take this secret with me to the grave."

Chapter 895: "Elaine's Cry for Freedom"

Elaine had fully bought into the police officer's tale. Her mind was a swirling cauldron of anxiety, with her main concern being the possibility of remaining locked up in that dreary detention center. The last thing she wanted was to inadvertently tip off the suspects and prolong her incarceration indefinitely.

So, with a pair of puppy-dog eyes brimming with tears, she turned to the officer and implored, "Dear Officer, I swear I won't utter a peep. Please, set me free. If I stay cooped up here, I might as well grow old in this dismal place..."

The officer solemnly shook his head, his expression a mix of sternness and skepticism. "Elaine, trust is not something I can hand out lightly. I've seen many like you—promising silence on the surface but blabbering secrets in a heartbeat. The moment we release you, you'll be singing like a canary."

He continued, "I'm not just doing this to solve the case; I'm genuinely concerned for your safety. If you walk out that door and spill the beans, they could silence you. They might even frame you with enough evidence to make a case against you."

"In that scenario, you'd be more wronged than the legendary Dou E herself."

"So, for your own good, it's best you stay right here until we've got all the culprits. It's the safest option for you."

Despair etched across her face, Elaine pleaded, "How long is this going to take? Forever? I beg you, please show some mercy and let me go. I promise, I'll zip my lips tighter than a locked treasure chest. I'll even kneel and kowtow if that's what it takes. Just please, don't lock me up again..."

As her words tumbled out, Elaine was already sobbing uncontrollably.

The officer's tone remained icy. "No chance. We can't afford to take that risk. This case involves international criminal police from twenty-three countries. If it falls apart because of you, the consequences would be dire."

At this point, another officer took on the role of the "good cop," chiming in, "Her sincerity seems genuine. As long as she can keep her mouth sealed, releasing her shouldn't pose a problem."

The stern officer shot back, "But what if the whole investigation goes south because of her? Who will shoulder that responsibility? And if she ends up losing her life over this, who's going to answer for that?"

The kind-hearted officer turned to Elaine and asked, "Elaine, can you truly keep your lips locked? If you can, write a pledge. We'll consider letting you go. But if you slip up even once, the moment we catch wind of it, back in you go until the case is closed!"

Elaine, wiping her tears away and gasping for breath, declared, "Dear Officer, you can trust me completely. I'm someone who's absolutely terrified of death. This is a matter of life and death for me. Even if you beat me black and blue or put a gun to my head, I wouldn't dare utter a single word about it!"

The stern officer shot a final, chilling question, "And what about your son-in-law? Won't you rush straight to him and confront him once you're out?"

Elaine's heart raced. Did this mean she wouldn't even get her chance to settle scores with that scoundrel, Charlie?

Then who on earth would she hold responsible for all the pain and humiliation she endured in that wretched detention center?
This woman deserves life imprisonment

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 896: "A Desperate Gamble"

In the dimly lit interrogation room, Elaine found herself teetering on the edge of despair and fear. She leaned in, her voice trembling with apprehension, and dared to question the stern-faced officer, her words a mere whisper, "Officer, is there no way I could discuss this with my son-in-law in the comfort of my home?"

The officer's expression shifted from stern to explosive anger, his fist pounding the table like a thunderclap. He couldn't contain his frustration as he blurted out to his colleague, "I knew we were treading on thin ice with this woman! Releasing her was a mistake. Did you hear what she just said? She wants a private showdown with Charlie! It's like asking for trouble on a silver platter!"

His colleague, face darkening with disappointment, locked eyes with Elaine and delivered his words with a frosty tone, "Elaine, you've let us down. We thought you could keep your silence, but here you are, wanting to confront your son-in-law. Did all our previous conversations fall on deaf ears?"

Panicked and stumbling over her words, Elaine pleaded, "Officer, I swear, my situation is spiraling because of that card from Charlie. Can't I just talk to him about it?"

The exasperated officer shot back, "You don't get it, do you? Charlie is on the radar of the criminal gang with that black card. They're watching his every move, listening to his every word. Your house could be swarming with hidden cameras and bugs. If you utter a single word to him, you're inviting disaster for yourself and your family!"

Trembling in fear, Elaine hastily vowed, "I won't say a word to anyone, I promise!"

The stern-faced officer scoffed, "Now you promise? It's too late for that! We never should have trusted you. Releasing you could jeopardize our entire operation, and it might cost you your life."

He turned to his colleague, resignation in his eyes. "We should lock her up again. She stays put until this case is closed."

His colleague, no longer opposing the idea, agreed with a nod. "It seems like the only safe option."

Listening to their conversation, Elaine's resolve crumbled, and she couldn't hold back her tears. She slapped herself in despair while still in handcuffs. "Officer, I see my mistake now. I won't say anything anymore. Please don't send me back; I won't survive in there!"

The stern-faced officer glared at her, trust utterly shattered. "I can't trust you at all."

As Elaine reflected on her blunder, she couldn't help but regret bringing Charlie into the equation. What had she hoped to achieve by confronting him? The card was clearly planted on him by the criminals themselves. She had given in to temptation, and now her reckless words had potentially sealed her fate.

Furthermore, the shadow of the international criminal gang loomed large. A confrontation could have dire consequences, and she was beginning to understand the gravity of her actions.

Now, her fleeting chance of release seemed to have slipped through her fingers.

In a last-ditch effort, desperation etched across her face, Elaine sobbed uncontrollably and made a dire threat to the officers, "If you don't let me go, I'll take matters into my own hands and hang myself in that detention center!" 😢💔

Chapter 897: "A Twist of Fate"

As Elaine found herself in the depths of despair, a pair of police officers exchanged meaningful glances. The officer with a ruddy complexion, leaning in a bit too casually, asked, "Hey there, Elaine, we're thinking about letting you off the hook, but there's a tiny little detail we'd like to clear up first. Once we spring you from here and you trot back home, how are you planning to spin your mysterious vanishing act over the past two days to your family?"

Elaine, her eyes darting nervously, replied in a jittery manner, "Well, I, I'll just tell them that these two days... these two days..."

She hesitated, stumbling over her words, for she couldn't quite figure out how to explain her bizarre disappearance to her husband and daughter.

After all, she had vanished into thin air for a whopping forty-eight hours, and her body bore the painful evidence of a rough ordeal. To make matters worse, she was now sporting a conspicuous gap in her smile where two front teeth used to be, rendering her situation all the more pitiable.

The officer with the ruddy complexion offered a rather nonchalant suggestion, as if discussing the weather, "Here's a thought: if we decide to cut you loose, you could always spin a yarn about falling victim to a pyramid scheme. Tell 'em these scammers brainwashed you and dragged you to the bank for some grand-scale fraud, and that's when the long arm of the law caught up with you."

Elaine bobbed her head enthusiastically, blurting out, "Officer, you've got it! If you let me go, I'll stick to the script, won't breathe a word about this incident, and won't stand in the way of your pursuit of those international swindlers!"

The officer gave a noncommittal grunt and whispered with a hint of sympathy, "Alright, we'll mull it over. For now, we'll arrange a ride back to the slammer. If we decide to release you, they'll handle the paperwork there."

Elaine, trembling with anxiety, ventured, "Officer, you won't change your mind about releasing me, will you?"

The stern-faced officer pounded the table, his voice sharp, "We're still discussing it! Just head back and wait patiently for our verdict. There's no room for bargaining here!"

Elaine, heeding his words, kept her silence and timidly inquired, "So, officer, I'll just head back and await the news?"

"Exactly!" snapped the stern-faced officer, his tone ice-cold. "We're arranging a police car to whisk you back right now. And remember, the moment you cross that threshold, not a word about this case!"

Elaine nodded resolutely, pledging, "You can count on me; I'll take this secret to the grave!"

With that, Elaine was escorted back to the detention center by her two police companions.

During the journey, a cloud of gloom hung over her.

The situation had taken an unexpected turn, leaving her feeling utterly defeated.

The stakes were now too high, and seeking vengeance against the rogue Charlie was simply out of the question.

For fear of accidentally revealing too much to the police, she bit her tongue and remained tight-lipped, uncertain of when she would finally break free.


Meanwhile, as Elaine's life spiraled into chaos within the walls of the detention center, Jacob was eagerly plotting his next rendezvous with Merit.

After savoring a delectable homemade meal prepared by Merit the previous night, his spirits had been lifted to unprecedented heights.

So, early the next morning, he sent a WeChat message to Merit, proposing a trip down memory lane to their alma mater, Sun Yat-sen University, in search of the good old days.

Merit, upon receiving his alma mater-inspired invitation, responded with a resounding "Yes!" without a moment's hesitation. 😄🎓📱

Chapter 898: "Daddy's Dilemma: Love, Family, and a Little White Lie"

Jacob had a twinkle in his eye as he spruced himself up, abandoning all thoughts of breakfast in his haste to get ready. 🌟

Spotting her father's meticulous grooming, Claire couldn't help but be curious, "Dad, where's the rush? What's got you all spruced up at the crack of dawn?"

Jacob grinned from ear to ear, "I've got a date with your Aunt Merit to revisit our old stomping grounds today. She hasn't set foot there in over two decades!"

Claire, however, couldn't hide her frustration and blurted out, "Mom's been missing for almost two days, and you're planning a casual trip down memory lane with Aunt Merit? Shouldn't we be looking for Mom first?"

Jacob attempted to dodge the question with an awkward chuckle, "Well, you and Charlie are the experts in tracking people down, aren't you? Young blood, far more reliable than this old-timer like me. I'll just sit tight and wait for your good news."

Irritated, Claire retorted, "Dad, I'm seriously getting upset now! How can you not prioritize finding Mom? Is spending time with Aunt Merit more important?"

Realizing his mistake, Jacob decided not to argue further with his daughter. In a rush, he waved his hand and said, "I'm running late. Let's not get into this now; we'll talk later. I have to go. Goodbye!" He hurriedly exited the room.

Claire wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

Her father was already out the door.

Watching him leave, an infuriated Claire turned to Charlie, "Did you see that? Dad didn't even invite you this time. I bet Aunt Merit won't bring her son either. They're clearly planning to have some alone time..."

Charlie tried to calm her down, "Don't jump to conclusions. They're just old buddies catching up. Nothing romantic about it."

With teary eyes, Claire said, "Stop making excuses for them. I can see what's really going on..."

Then she asked Charlie, "By the way, have your friends started searching for Mom? Any updates?"

Charlie reassured her, "They told me they should have some news today. They also mentioned that there haven't been any major incidents in the area recently, so the odds of Mom being in danger are low. We should find her in a day or two."

Hearing this, Claire felt a glimmer of relief. She sighed, "I hope your friends come through. I wish Mom could come back today, or I might just lose it..."

Charlie couldn't help but think to himself that bringing her back was feasible anytime.

But the crucial part was making sure she didn't spill the beans.

Otherwise, her return could be risky.

Perhaps keeping her in custody for a while was the safer option.

So, he sent a WeChat message to Isaac, asking, "Any progress with my mother-in-law's situation?"

Isaac replied promptly, "I've alerted the police to give her a stern warning. She won't dare to speak out of turn!"

Relieved, Charlie added, "Great, now let's arrange for a little theatrical performance to reinforce the message and ensure her silence." 🎭😄

Let's keep the story rolling! 😁📖

Chapter 899: "Reunion and Rediscovery"

Jacob transformed into a dashing, suave figure reminiscent of a returning overseas Chinese, blending the perfect blend of style and elegance. This time, their understanding was spot on - no Charlie tagging along, and no Paul in tow for Merit.

Behind the wheel of his BMW 5 Series, Jacob himself played chauffeur, rolling up to the Shangri-La Hotel to fetch Merit. As she emerged in her long, graceful grey woolen coat, elegance radiated from her every step. Her charm had Jacob instantly entranced.

Exiting the car, he couldn't hold back his admiration. "Merit, you look stunning today!"

Merit smiled demurely, her reply tinged with modesty. "At our age, what's beauty anyway? I simply wanted to look presentable for our alma mater visit, to avoid any embarrassment."

She added with a hint of excitement, "Plus, it's our old classmates' reunion today."

"Ah, right!" Jacob smacked his forehead in mock frustration. "I got so wrapped up in accompanying you to our alma mater that I almost forgot about the reunion. By the way, is the location set yet? If not, I can have my son-in-law lend a hand."

Quick to respond, Merit assured him, "It's all arranged. Paul secured the venue. He chose a local spot called the Splendid Club."

Jacob raised an eyebrow, showing surprise. "The Splendid Club? That place has quite the strict entry requirements. Has Paul already become a member there since arriving in Aurous Hill?"

Amused, Merit chuckled. "I'm not entirely sure about the details, but what I do know is that our law firm has had a longstanding partnership with the Splendid Club's parent company, handling all their international legal affairs."

Jacob was genuinely taken aback.

The parent company of the Splendid Club was none other than the prestigious Walker family of Aurous Hill. He hadn't anticipated that Merit's family law firm had such a significant tie with the Walker family!

Initially, he had intended to enlist his son-in-law, Charlie, to secure a spot at the Splendid Club, aiming to impress others. But now, it appeared that Merit's son had already covered that front, and it was nothing short of remarkable.

With a gracious gesture, Jacob invited her, "Well then, Merit, hop in."

Merit expressed her gratitude and gracefully took her place in the passenger seat of Jacob's BMW 5 Series.

As they drove towards Sun Yat-sen University, nostalgia seeped in, and Jacob couldn't help but reminisce, "It's been over two decades since your last visit, hasn't it?"

Merit's response carried a hint of melancholy, "I've returned to China and explored Suzhou and Hangzhou, but I've never set foot in Aurous Hill."

Curious, Jacob probed gently, "Is it because of what happened back then that you've stayed away from Aurous Hill?"

Merit offered a candid response, "Partly. That incident left me with mixed feelings, making it hard to face those memories. On the other hand, I don't have any family ties in Aurous Hill, and I lost touch with our old classmates, so there was never a compelling reason to return."

Chapter 900: "Love and Laughter: Campus Chronicles of Days Gone By"

As they strolled down memory lane, Jacob couldn't help but chuckle, reminiscing about the raucous class reunion that had unfolded just hours ago. Ah, the good old days when his love life was a tangled web of drama, with Merit and Elaine at the heart of it all. 😅

With a playful wink, he turned to Merit and said, "Merit, you know how our old classmates love to poke fun at our history. But don't let it get under your skin, my dear. They've got a knack for irreverence!"

Merit flashed a mischievous grin and retorted, "Oh, those cheeky rascals! As long as they don't spin wild yarns about us, I can take a bit of ribbing. After all, I organized this reunion, didn't I? It's been two decades since we last crossed paths, and the bonds we formed in our school days are stronger than ever. A little teasing won't ruffle my feathers."


As they pulled up to Sun Yat-sen University, Jacob parked the car by the entrance and linked arms with Merit as they ventured onto the campus grounds.

The once bustling campus now stood in peaceful silence, its students immersed in their studies.

Walking down the well-paved paths, Jacob couldn't help but get sentimental. "You know," he mused to Merit, "this place has undergone so many facelifts over the years. It's a far cry from our time when it was a bit of a fixer-upper."

"Absolutely," Merit replied, her eyes glistening with nostalgia. "I recall we only had one concrete path, the one leading from the main gate. The rest were just dusty roads. Sometimes, we even had to scrounge up coal briquettes from local students to patch things up. Those mud puddles were such a headache back then, but now they're kind of endearing."

"Exactly!" Jacob laughed heartily. "I'd bring home honeycomb briquettes to school. Remember the year we had that sports meet, and the track was in shambles? The school rallied us to source materials for repairs."

Merit smiled, her eyes sparkling. "Of course, I remember. You personally bankrolled and led a troop of boys, collecting briquettes all over town with tricycles."

She playfully added, "You brought in so many loads that half of the track was practically paved by your squad. No wonder the teachers and school adored you, making you the student council president."

Jacob, ever humble, rubbed his hands bashfully. "Well, you know, it was all about that spirit of giving back."

Merit nodded in agreement, her tone wistful. "Ah, you were quite the heartthrob back then, with a fan club of girls that stretched for miles."

Blushing a bit, Jacob couldn't help but reply with a twinkle in his eye, "But you, my dear, had an even longer line of admirers. It was like a never-ending parade!"

Merit smiled gently, her voice filled with nostalgia. "That's all water under the bridge now. Those infatuations came and went in the blink of an eye. They adored you briefly, but soon enough, it all faded."

As they walked, Jacob pointed to a small park on the campus grounds. "Remember when this was a sprawling forest? In the evenings, it was the go-to spot for lovebirds. We used to frequent it too, you know."

Merit, typically composed, blushed at the memory.

How could she ever forget those woods? In their youth, it was their secret sanctuary, a place where love was unbridled and possibilities were endless.

And back then, there weren't many other places to escape to, so everyone flocked there, and it was considered perfectly normal.

But looking back now, the youth of their era had been surprisingly open-minded and, dare we say, even bolder than today's young ones... 😄💘

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 901: "Rediscovering Youthful Sparks"

Jacob, with a sly twinkle in his eye, casually dropped the mention of the quaint little woods into the conversation, fully anticipating the delightful flush that would grace Merit's cheeks. 🌳💫

Even if she tried to play it cool, there was no denying the time machine that was their shared history, filled with those sweet, blush-inducing moments of yore. 🚀❤️

Jacob was on a mission, a quest to rekindle the embers of their passionate past, which had patiently simmered in the depths of Merit's heart for over two decades. 🔥💞

Being the wily fox he was, Merit saw right through his game and swiftly steered the conversation elsewhere. With a shy giggle, she inquired, "Oh, by the way, how's our old class teacher doing these days?"

Jacob couldn't help but chuckle, "Well, he's not leaping tall buildings in a single bound, but he's hanging in there. We even lured him to our alma mater for a lecture during our last reunion."

"Seriously?" Merit sighed, "I'm kicking myself for missing out on that one!"

Jacob grinned mischievously, "Oh, that reunion was just a tiny gathering, mainly attended by our Aurous Hill-area male classmates."

Merit nodded, "But this time, it looks like a real reunion. I reached out to some of my close female classmates from back in the day, and they're all super excited to come."

"Fantastic!" Jacob beamed. "This time, we'll have the grand gathering we deserve."

Then, Merit dropped a bombshell, "You know, I heard Yusuf Patterson got caught up in a corruption scandal. He's currently behind bars, waiting for his day in court."

Jacob's face lit up with satisfaction at the thought of Yusuf's downfall. He remarked gleefully, "Well, Yusuf had it coming. Why dabble in corruption when you can earn an honest living? Our teacher always stressed the importance of integrity, even if we weren't destined for greatness. People like him are just fundamentally flawed."

Merit nodded in agreement. Most of their generation's intellectuals had a strong sense of duty towards their country and society, which had driven them to pursue higher education.

Despite residing in the United States, Merit had never lost touch with her roots and had been generous in her contributions during national crises. Her selflessness remained a secret, even to old friends like Jacob.

Just then, Jacob's phone buzzed with a message from his university's student union WeChat group, which had been dormant for days. Someone tagged everyone, asking, "Hey, classmates, are you going to Merit's reunion today?"

"I'm already in Aurous Hill, gearing up for the feast!"

"I'm en route to Aurous Hill, about 100 kilometers away. Should be there in an hour and a half!"

"Just landed, flew all the way from Eastcliff!"

Then, someone cheekily tagged Jacob, teasing, "Jacob, come out, your first love is back! Did you have any clue?"

Chester Kimball, the old friend who had once come to Jacob's rescue during Yusuf's taunts, chimed in with a message and a laugh, "I totally believe it, buddy! You two were meant to be back in school!"

Grinning, Jacob replied with a voice message, "Chester, you've always been the voice of reason! Haha"

Lilian a classmate who had been close to Merit, joined in with an angry emoji and said, "Jacob, you've got some nerve laughing about this. You were the reason Merit left! I've missed her all these years!"

Jacob winced, recalling the painful episode of his drunken infidelity with Elaine, a notorious incident from their school days that had haunted him ever since.

As he struggled to find the right words, a mysterious member of the group suddenly sent a red envelope. 💰🧧

Chapter 902: "The Red Envelope Extravaganza!"

Jacob's reflex for snagging those enticing red envelopes was spot-on, and he didn't hesitate to rip into this one. To his amazement, it was a generous 200 dollars inside!

But wait, there was more to this red envelope story – it turned out many of his classmates had scored the same 200-dollars surprise.

Hold onto your hats, because it appeared to be raining 200-dollars bills for everyone in this virtual gathering!

Jacob's excitement was through the roof, but a twist of fate awaited him as he spotted the sender's peculiar nickname, "Missing That Beautiful Sunny Day." Uh-oh.

And just like that, the chat group exploded with all the fervor of a popcorn machine at the movies!

"Whoa, Grayson is back and in style!"

"Ain't that the truth! Grayson Joyce, the enigmatic millionaire, is spreading the wealth."

"Rumor has it, Grayson is swimming in money. This is just pocket change for him."

"You got it! Grayson is practically a legend in the Hong Kong business scene. This is just him spreading the love."

The sender even threw in a cheerful emoji and a voice message with a classic Hong Kong twang, gushing, "Ah, I'm over the moon that Merit is back from the USA, so I'm splurging on these red envelopes for everyone's delight!"

And then, another red envelope took flight.

Jacob, despite his irritation at that "Missing That Beautiful Sunny Day" moniker, couldn't resist the allure. He grabbed it.

Lo and behold, it contained another 200 dollars for each recipient!

With two red envelopes already in the bag, this mysterious sender had showered them with over 10,000 dollars! Cue the applause and compliments!

And just when you thought the show was over, the sender chuckled and teased, "Folks, keep your eyes peeled, because round three of red envelopes is on its way!"

And with that declaration, another crimson envelope materialized.

Pandemonium ensued as everyone scrambled to snatch it, including Jacob.

Guess what? This third envelope? Yup, you guessed it—another 200 dollars!

Jacob was flummoxed. Who on Earth was this person? None of their old classmates hailed from Hong Kong or Taiwan. This was becoming quite the enigma.

But then, like clockwork, the fourth red envelope made its entrance.

A rock-solid 200 dollars for each lucky soul.

And right behind it came the fifth red envelope, another 200 dollars...

In the blink of an eye, all the online classmates had bagged red envelopes worth a grand total of 1,000 dollars!

But curiously, Hanley Merit had yet to grab a single red envelope from this sender.

And then, the elusive "Missing That Beautiful Sunny Day" made a move within the group, saying, "I hopped on a plane from Hong Kong to Aurous Hill this morning and am currently kicking it at the Shangri-La Hotel. Word on the street is that Merit is staying here too. Merit, you mind spilling the beans on your room number? If it's cool with you, go ahead and accept my friend request so we can have a private chat. I'd love to catch up!"

And just like that, he tagged Hanley Merit.

Seeing this, Hanley Merit couldn't help but furrow her brow and deliver a casually dismissive remark, "Good old Grayson Joyce, still putting on the same ol' show he did twenty years ago, flaunting his stuff!"

Chapter 903 "The Antagonist"

"Grayson Joyce?!"

When that name rang out, Jacob's heart was instantly set ablaze with a surge of envy.

Grayson Joyce, back in the day, was the big shot leading the charge in the student union's external relations department and had a bankroll that could rival a small kingdom.

Back then, both he and Yusuf had vied for Merit's affection.

But alas, Merit had displayed no interest in either of them, leaving Grayson's relentless pursuit fruitless.

Once Jacob had begun dating Merit, Grayson had consistently played the antagonist, doing his best to outshine Jacob in front of her.

And when Merit and Jacob had broken up, Grayson had seen his golden ticket. He had chased after her with unparalleled determination.

Yet, Merit had remained steadfast, choosing instead to venture across the seas to the United States.

Grayson's family, a gold mine in their own right, had been swimming in wealth. His father had cast his entrepreneurial net as far as Hong Kong even before Grayson began college, establishing himself as one of the earliest titans to thrive in the wake of the nation's economic opening.

With such robust familial backing, Grayson, unyielding and unwavering, had pursued Merit even to the land of stars and stripes.

But fate had other plans, and even in the land of opportunity, Merit had not succumbed to his advances.

Witnessing Merit embark on a romance with an American had led to Grayson's departure from the U.S., his heart heavy with disappointment. He had moved on to make his mark in the bustling world of Hong Kong business.

More than two decades had passed, and Grayson had become a renowned tycoon in Hong Kong.

Jacob couldn't help but taste the bitterness of his own financial shortcomings in comparison to Grayson's abundance.

Who could have predicted that Grayson would, in a nonchalant classmates' group chat, dish out tens of thousands in red envelopes?

The recipients of these red packets within the group couldn't help but lavish him with praise.

"Grayson is a true devotee. The moment he heard Merit was returning, he couldn't sit still."

"Grayson, aren't you worried about making Merit's husband green with envy?"

"Exactly! You're so eager, but what if you find Merit and her husband wrapped up in blissful love? Wouldn't that break the heart that's been throbbing for forty or fifty years?"

"How will you explain this to your wife when you get back home?"

At this point, Merit's dear friend Lilian inserted a quiet emoji into the group chat and somberly announced, "Enough with the idle chatter. Merit's husband passed away a while ago..."

Upon hearing Lilian's words, the classmates quickly sent prayer emojis, tagging Merit and offering their condolences.

But despite their outward expressions, most of the male classmates couldn't suppress a glimmer of hope that flickered within them upon learning of the news.

Especially Grayson, who couldn't have been happier about the passing of Merit's husband.

For him, it was the chance he had been waiting for to truly win Merit's heart.

After all, she was the one woman he had never been able to conquer, no matter how hard he had tried.

Now that her husband was no longer in the picture, wasn't this an even grander opportunity beckoning him forward? 😄💔🎉

Chapter 904: "Love, Laughter, and Red Envelopes"

In the bustling group chat, Grayson wasted no time in hitting back with a witty response: "Well, well, it seems my fate mirrors Merit's in more ways than one."

And then, a curious old classmate couldn't resist but chime in: "Oh, Grayson, you and Merit might just be a heavenly match, don't you think?" 😄

The group echoed with laughter and agreements, even as one added, "Hey, Grayson, both you and Merit are now single. It's practically destiny calling! And we all remember your special fondness for her back in the day. We're rooting for you!"

Grayson, clearly amused by the banter, replied, "Well, I appreciate the early blessings from my dear old classmates. But whether Merit agrees or not, it's all up to her."

He playfully continued, "But regardless, I've made up my mind to make a return to Aurous Hill for good."

"Really?" someone exclaimed with genuine surprise. "Grayson, your family has been in Hong Kong for years! What's made you decide to return to Aurous Hill all of a sudden?"

With a twinkle in his virtual eye, Grayson explained, "Merit has spent years in the United States, and now she's heading back to Aurous Hill too. It appears Aurous Hill has a magnetic pull on us. It's where we shared our youth, sweat, and tears. I plan to retire right here in Aurous Hill!"

At this point, Jacob couldn't resist joining the conversation. He typed with a hint of anxiety, "Grayson, my advice to you is not to get too comfortable in Aurous Hill. Merit didn't have eyes for you back then, and it's unlikely she'll change her mind now. Don't set yourself up for disappointment!"

In reality, Jacob was feeling quite uneasy and self-conscious.

In his eyes, Grayson, now a billionaire businessman, clearly outshone him in every way. The years hadn't been kind to him, and he couldn't help but compare his present self to the lively university student he used to be.

Adding to his discomfort, he was still legally married to Elaine, making him a married man in this context, while Grayson was now widowed.

Merit was also widowed, making a potential pairing with Grayson seem quite fitting.

No matter how he looked at it, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was at a disadvantage.

Having not seen Merit for many years, Jacob had no idea about her current sentiments. What if she grew fond of Grayson during the noon gathering?

As he watched Jacob's message pop up in the chat, Grayson couldn't help but tease, "Ah, I thought our former student union president was just silently snatching red envelopes. I didn't expect you to finally break your silence."

Jacob's face turned beet red at the playful jab. As they say, the one who takes advantage becomes submissive. He had just gleefully snatched several 200-dollars red envelopes from Grayson, and now, being called out, he felt a tad embarrassed.

It was the anxiousness of a financially strapped man.

Jacob had never experienced a life of affluence. Additionally, Elaine had always managed their family finances. So even grabbing a meager five or eight dollars red envelope in WeChat groups could brighten his day.

His habit of greedily snatching every red envelope he came across had been ingrained over the years.

Today, when Grayson Joyce was generously distributing 200-dollars red envelopes in the group, Jacob didn't even bother checking who sent them; he just pounced on them. Little did he know that his actions inadvertently paved the way for Grayson to playfully tease him.

In hindsight, the gains hardly justified the losses.

Seeing him go silent, Grayson continued his playful banter, "Our esteemed president certainly wields authority, doesn't he? After all these years since graduation, you still think you can command me?"

With determination, Jacob responded, "I'm not giving orders, just offering advice for your own good."

To which Grayson swiftly retorted, "Advice, you say? Advising me not to settle in Aurous Hill and join everyone? Me thinks you're still carrying a torch for Merit after all these years. Worried that if I settle in Aurous Hill, I might become your love rival, aren't you?" 😜

Chapter 905: "The Reunion Revelations"

Jacob couldn't help but feel a surge of emotions as he deciphered the hidden meanings in Grayson's words. His heart started to do the cha-cha of unease, and he knew he couldn't just spill his concerns in the alumni group chat, oh no, that would be a can of worms he didn't want to open.

You see, he was now a card-carrying member of the "Married Club," so he had to tread carefully on these turbulent waters.

Summoning every ounce of diplomacy, he reluctantly typed into the group, "I'm just a little concerned, you know? Hong Kong is like a comfy old jacket, and Aurous Hill...well, it's different. Our bodies are not the spry machines they once were. Sudden shifts in climate can be like throwing a curveball at our well-being."

Grayson, caught in the spotlight, responded with a blush-inducing laugh, "Hey, don't worry about me, Jacob!"

Jacob, eager to escape the virtual spotlight, tucked his phone away and turned to Merit with a sly grin, saying, "Merit, let's spice things up and do some more exploring, shall we?"

Merit, the partner in crime, flashed a knowing smile and nodded. They continued their stroll down memory lane, making the past feel like it was just a heartbeat away.

Around 10 o'clock, Merit glanced at the clock and nudged Jacob, "The reunion shindig starts at 11. We better make our grand entrance."

Jacob beamed, "Absolutely!"

He whisked Merit away in his sleek BMW 5 Series, heading for the Splendid Clubhouse, a place that had more luxury than a cat has lives.

Upon arriving, they found out that Paul had reserved not just any floor but the 14th floor – the peak of lavishness that regular members could reach.

Jacob was left flabbergasted!

The last time he even sniffed the 10th floor was thanks to his son-in-law Charlie's connection with Orvel Heller. But now, Paul had orchestrated a direct ticket to the 14th floor, where the opulence knew no bounds!

Word on the street was that the 15th floor was the Walker family's personal kingdom, off-limits to commoners. It was clear that Paul had earned his stripes in the upper echelons.

As they ascended in the elevator, curiosity bubbled within Jacob, and he leaned toward Merit, "Merit, is Paul on first-name terms with the Walker family?"

Merit gave a knowing nod, "Oh, you bet! After years of playing legal superhero for them, the Walker family practically rolls out the red carpet."

Jacob mentally tipped his hat to Paul, thinking, "This young gun really knows how to hit the bullseye!"

Finally, they reached a massive private room on the 14th floor, where a bunch of their old buddies were already waiting.

The room? Picture this: a table for 50, a culinary carousel, and room for a whopping 100 dishes. This was no ordinary feast – it was a culinary rollercoaster.

Rumor had it that this extravaganza cost a minimum of 20,000 bucks per head. Paul's wallet was definitely doing some heavy lifting tonight.

And then, there were over 40 classmates in the room, a crowd larger than last time. This gathering was going to set Paul back a cool million, at least.

Seeing Merit and Jacob stroll in together, the classmates couldn't hide their shock.

One inquisitive soul couldn't help but blurt out, "Merit, did you and Jacob just happen to meet downstairs, or is there some 'undercover operation' going on here?"

In the midst of the crowd, a dapper middle-aged man, exuding charisma with his slicked-back hair and designer suit, fixed his intense gaze on Merit. None other than Grayson Joyce himself. 😏

Let the drama unfold!


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 901: "Rediscovering Youthful Sparks"

Jacob, with a sly twinkle in his eye, casually dropped the mention of the quaint little woods into the conversation, fully anticipating the delightful flush that would grace Merit's cheeks. 🌳💫

Even if she tried to play it cool, there was no denying the time machine that was their shared history, filled with those sweet, blush-inducing moments of yore. 🚀❤️

Jacob was on a mission, a quest to rekindle the embers of their passionate past, which had patiently simmered in the depths of Merit's heart for over two decades. 🔥💞

Being the wily fox he was, Merit saw right through his game and swiftly steered the conversation elsewhere. With a shy giggle, she inquired, "Oh, by the way, how's our old class teacher doing these days?"

Jacob couldn't help but chuckle, "Well, he's not leaping tall buildings in a single bound, but he's hanging in there. We even lured him to our alma mater for a lecture during our last reunion."

"Seriously?" Merit sighed, "I'm kicking myself for missing out on that one!"

Jacob grinned mischievously, "Oh, that reunion was just a tiny gathering, mainly attended by our Aurous Hill-area male classmates."

Merit nodded, "But this time, it looks like a real reunion. I reached out to some of my close female classmates from back in the day, and they're all super excited to come."

"Fantastic!" Jacob beamed. "This time, we'll have the grand gathering we deserve."

Then, Merit dropped a bombshell, "You know, I heard Yusuf Patterson got caught up in a corruption scandal. He's currently behind bars, waiting for his day in court."

Jacob's face lit up with satisfaction at the thought of Yusuf's downfall. He remarked gleefully, "Well, Yusuf had it coming. Why dabble in corruption when you can earn an honest living? Our teacher always stressed the importance of integrity, even if we weren't destined for greatness. People like him are just fundamentally flawed."

Merit nodded in agreement. Most of their generation's intellectuals had a strong sense of duty towards their country and society, which had driven them to pursue higher education.

Despite residing in the United States, Merit had never lost touch with her roots and had been generous in her contributions during national crises. Her selflessness remained a secret, even to old friends like Jacob.

Just then, Jacob's phone buzzed with a message from his university's student union WeChat group, which had been dormant for days. Someone tagged everyone, asking, "Hey, classmates, are you going to Merit's reunion today?"

"I'm already in Aurous Hill, gearing up for the feast!"

"I'm en route to Aurous Hill, about 100 kilometers away. Should be there in an hour and a half!"

"Just landed, flew all the way from Eastcliff!"

Then, someone cheekily tagged Jacob, teasing, "Jacob, come out, your first love is back! Did you have any clue?"

Chester Kimball, the old friend who had once come to Jacob's rescue during Yusuf's taunts, chimed in with a message and a laugh, "I totally believe it, buddy! You two were meant to be back in school!"

Grinning, Jacob replied with a voice message, "Chester, you've always been the voice of reason! Haha"

Lilian a classmate who had been close to Merit, joined in with an angry emoji and said, "Jacob, you've got some nerve laughing about this. You were the reason Merit left! I've missed her all these years!"

Jacob winced, recalling the painful episode of his drunken infidelity with Elaine, a notorious incident from their school days that had haunted him ever since.

As he struggled to find the right words, a mysterious member of the group suddenly sent a red envelope. 💰🧧

Chapter 902: "The Red Envelope Extravaganza!"

Jacob's reflex for snagging those enticing red envelopes was spot-on, and he didn't hesitate to rip into this one. To his amazement, it was a generous 200 dollars inside!

But wait, there was more to this red envelope story – it turned out many of his classmates had scored the same 200-dollars surprise.

Hold onto your hats, because it appeared to be raining 200-dollars bills for everyone in this virtual gathering!

Jacob's excitement was through the roof, but a twist of fate awaited him as he spotted the sender's peculiar nickname, "Missing That Beautiful Sunny Day." Uh-oh.

And just like that, the chat group exploded with all the fervor of a popcorn machine at the movies!

"Whoa, Grayson is back and in style!"

"Ain't that the truth! Grayson Joyce, the enigmatic millionaire, is spreading the wealth."

"Rumor has it, Grayson is swimming in money. This is just pocket change for him."

"You got it! Grayson is practically a legend in the Hong Kong business scene. This is just him spreading the love."

The sender even threw in a cheerful emoji and a voice message with a classic Hong Kong twang, gushing, "Ah, I'm over the moon that Merit is back from the USA, so I'm splurging on these red envelopes for everyone's delight!"

And then, another red envelope took flight.

Jacob, despite his irritation at that "Missing That Beautiful Sunny Day" moniker, couldn't resist the allure. He grabbed it.

Lo and behold, it contained another 200 dollars for each recipient!

With two red envelopes already in the bag, this mysterious sender had showered them with over 10,000 dollars! Cue the applause and compliments!

And just when you thought the show was over, the sender chuckled and teased, "Folks, keep your eyes peeled, because round three of red envelopes is on its way!"

And with that declaration, another crimson envelope materialized.

Pandemonium ensued as everyone scrambled to snatch it, including Jacob.

Guess what? This third envelope? Yup, you guessed it—another 200 dollars!

Jacob was flummoxed. Who on Earth was this person? None of their old classmates hailed from Hong Kong or Taiwan. This was becoming quite the enigma.

But then, like clockwork, the fourth red envelope made its entrance.

A rock-solid 200 dollars for each lucky soul.

And right behind it came the fifth red envelope, another 200 dollars...

In the blink of an eye, all the online classmates had bagged red envelopes worth a grand total of 1,000 dollars!

But curiously, Hanley Merit had yet to grab a single red envelope from this sender.

And then, the elusive "Missing That Beautiful Sunny Day" made a move within the group, saying, "I hopped on a plane from Hong Kong to Aurous Hill this morning and am currently kicking it at the Shangri-La Hotel. Word on the street is that Merit is staying here too. Merit, you mind spilling the beans on your room number? If it's cool with you, go ahead and accept my friend request so we can have a private chat. I'd love to catch up!"

And just like that, he tagged Hanley Merit.

Seeing this, Hanley Merit couldn't help but furrow her brow and deliver a casually dismissive remark, "Good old Grayson Joyce, still putting on the same ol' show he did twenty years ago, flaunting his stuff!"

Chapter 903 "The Antagonist"

"Grayson Joyce?!"

When that name rang out, Jacob's heart was instantly set ablaze with a surge of envy.

Grayson Joyce, back in the day, was the big shot leading the charge in the student union's external relations department and had a bankroll that could rival a small kingdom.

Back then, both he and Yusuf had vied for Merit's affection.

But alas, Merit had displayed no interest in either of them, leaving Grayson's relentless pursuit fruitless.

Once Jacob had begun dating Merit, Grayson had consistently played the antagonist, doing his best to outshine Jacob in front of her.

And when Merit and Jacob had broken up, Grayson had seen his golden ticket. He had chased after her with unparalleled determination.

Yet, Merit had remained steadfast, choosing instead to venture across the seas to the United States.

Grayson's family, a gold mine in their own right, had been swimming in wealth. His father had cast his entrepreneurial net as far as Hong Kong even before Grayson began college, establishing himself as one of the earliest titans to thrive in the wake of the nation's economic opening.

With such robust familial backing, Grayson, unyielding and unwavering, had pursued Merit even to the land of stars and stripes.

But fate had other plans, and even in the land of opportunity, Merit had not succumbed to his advances.

Witnessing Merit embark on a romance with an American had led to Grayson's departure from the U.S., his heart heavy with disappointment. He had moved on to make his mark in the bustling world of Hong Kong business.

More than two decades had passed, and Grayson had become a renowned tycoon in Hong Kong.

Jacob couldn't help but taste the bitterness of his own financial shortcomings in comparison to Grayson's abundance.

Who could have predicted that Grayson would, in a nonchalant classmates' group chat, dish out tens of thousands in red envelopes?

The recipients of these red packets within the group couldn't help but lavish him with praise.

"Grayson is a true devotee. The moment he heard Merit was returning, he couldn't sit still."

"Grayson, aren't you worried about making Merit's husband green with envy?"

"Exactly! You're so eager, but what if you find Merit and her husband wrapped up in blissful love? Wouldn't that break the heart that's been throbbing for forty or fifty years?"

"How will you explain this to your wife when you get back home?"

At this point, Merit's dear friend Lilian inserted a quiet emoji into the group chat and somberly announced, "Enough with the idle chatter. Merit's husband passed away a while ago..."

Upon hearing Lilian's words, the classmates quickly sent prayer emojis, tagging Merit and offering their condolences.

But despite their outward expressions, most of the male classmates couldn't suppress a glimmer of hope that flickered within them upon learning of the news.

Especially Grayson, who couldn't have been happier about the passing of Merit's husband.

For him, it was the chance he had been waiting for to truly win Merit's heart.

After all, she was the one woman he had never been able to conquer, no matter how hard he had tried.

Now that her husband was no longer in the picture, wasn't this an even grander opportunity beckoning him forward? 😄💔🎉

Chapter 904: "Love, Laughter, and Red Envelopes"

In the bustling group chat, Grayson wasted no time in hitting back with a witty response: "Well, well, it seems my fate mirrors Merit's in more ways than one."

And then, a curious old classmate couldn't resist but chime in: "Oh, Grayson, you and Merit might just be a heavenly match, don't you think?" 😄

The group echoed with laughter and agreements, even as one added, "Hey, Grayson, both you and Merit are now single. It's practically destiny calling! And we all remember your special fondness for her back in the day. We're rooting for you!"

Grayson, clearly amused by the banter, replied, "Well, I appreciate the early blessings from my dear old classmates. But whether Merit agrees or not, it's all up to her."

He playfully continued, "But regardless, I've made up my mind to make a return to Aurous Hill for good."

"Really?" someone exclaimed with genuine surprise. "Grayson, your family has been in Hong Kong for years! What's made you decide to return to Aurous Hill all of a sudden?"

With a twinkle in his virtual eye, Grayson explained, "Merit has spent years in the United States, and now she's heading back to Aurous Hill too. It appears Aurous Hill has a magnetic pull on us. It's where we shared our youth, sweat, and tears. I plan to retire right here in Aurous Hill!"

At this point, Jacob couldn't resist joining the conversation. He typed with a hint of anxiety, "Grayson, my advice to you is not to get too comfortable in Aurous Hill. Merit didn't have eyes for you back then, and it's unlikely she'll change her mind now. Don't set yourself up for disappointment!"

In reality, Jacob was feeling quite uneasy and self-conscious.

In his eyes, Grayson, now a billionaire businessman, clearly outshone him in every way. The years hadn't been kind to him, and he couldn't help but compare his present self to the lively university student he used to be.

Adding to his discomfort, he was still legally married to Elaine, making him a married man in this context, while Grayson was now widowed.

Merit was also widowed, making a potential pairing with Grayson seem quite fitting.

No matter how he looked at it, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was at a disadvantage.

Having not seen Merit for many years, Jacob had no idea about her current sentiments. What if she grew fond of Grayson during the noon gathering?

As he watched Jacob's message pop up in the chat, Grayson couldn't help but tease, "Ah, I thought our former student union president was just silently snatching red envelopes. I didn't expect you to finally break your silence."

Jacob's face turned beet red at the playful jab. As they say, the one who takes advantage becomes submissive. He had just gleefully snatched several 200-dollars red envelopes from Grayson, and now, being called out, he felt a tad embarrassed.

It was the anxiousness of a financially strapped man.

Jacob had never experienced a life of affluence. Additionally, Elaine had always managed their family finances. So even grabbing a meager five or eight dollars red envelope in WeChat groups could brighten his day.

His habit of greedily snatching every red envelope he came across had been ingrained over the years.

Today, when Grayson Joyce was generously distributing 200-dollars red envelopes in the group, Jacob didn't even bother checking who sent them; he just pounced on them. Little did he know that his actions inadvertently paved the way for Grayson to playfully tease him.

In hindsight, the gains hardly justified the losses.

Seeing him go silent, Grayson continued his playful banter, "Our esteemed president certainly wields authority, doesn't he? After all these years since graduation, you still think you can command me?"

With determination, Jacob responded, "I'm not giving orders, just offering advice for your own good."

To which Grayson swiftly retorted, "Advice, you say? Advising me not to settle in Aurous Hill and join everyone? Me thinks you're still carrying a torch for Merit after all these years. Worried that if I settle in Aurous Hill, I might become your love rival, aren't you?" 😜

Chapter 905: "The Reunion Revelations"

Jacob couldn't help but feel a surge of emotions as he deciphered the hidden meanings in Grayson's words. His heart started to do the cha-cha of unease, and he knew he couldn't just spill his concerns in the alumni group chat, oh no, that would be a can of worms he didn't want to open.

You see, he was now a card-carrying member of the "Married Club," so he had to tread carefully on these turbulent waters.

Summoning every ounce of diplomacy, he reluctantly typed into the group, "I'm just a little concerned, you know? Hong Kong is like a comfy old jacket, and Aurous Hill...well, it's different. Our bodies are not the spry machines they once were. Sudden shifts in climate can be like throwing a curveball at our well-being."

Grayson, caught in the spotlight, responded with a blush-inducing laugh, "Hey, don't worry about me, Jacob!"

Jacob, eager to escape the virtual spotlight, tucked his phone away and turned to Merit with a sly grin, saying, "Merit, let's spice things up and do some more exploring, shall we?"

Merit, the partner in crime, flashed a knowing smile and nodded. They continued their stroll down memory lane, making the past feel like it was just a heartbeat away.

Around 10 o'clock, Merit glanced at the clock and nudged Jacob, "The reunion shindig starts at 11. We better make our grand entrance."

Jacob beamed, "Absolutely!"

He whisked Merit away in his sleek BMW 5 Series, heading for the Splendid Clubhouse, a place that had more luxury than a cat has lives.

Upon arriving, they found out that Paul had reserved not just any floor but the 14th floor – the peak of lavishness that regular members could reach.

Jacob was left flabbergasted!

The last time he even sniffed the 10th floor was thanks to his son-in-law Charlie's connection with Orvel Heller. But now, Paul had orchestrated a direct ticket to the 14th floor, where the opulence knew no bounds!

Word on the street was that the 15th floor was the Walker family's personal kingdom, off-limits to commoners. It was clear that Paul had earned his stripes in the upper echelons.

As they ascended in the elevator, curiosity bubbled within Jacob, and he leaned toward Merit, "Merit, is Paul on first-name terms with the Walker family?"

Merit gave a knowing nod, "Oh, you bet! After years of playing legal superhero for them, the Walker family practically rolls out the red carpet."

Jacob mentally tipped his hat to Paul, thinking, "This young gun really knows how to hit the bullseye!"

Finally, they reached a massive private room on the 14th floor, where a bunch of their old buddies were already waiting.

The room? Picture this: a table for 50, a culinary carousel, and room for a whopping 100 dishes. This was no ordinary feast – it was a culinary rollercoaster.

Rumor had it that this extravaganza cost a minimum of 20,000 bucks per head. Paul's wallet was definitely doing some heavy lifting tonight.

And then, there were over 40 classmates in the room, a crowd larger than last time. This gathering was going to set Paul back a cool million, at least.

Seeing Merit and Jacob stroll in together, the classmates couldn't hide their shock.

One inquisitive soul couldn't help but blurt out, "Merit, did you and Jacob just happen to meet downstairs, or is there some 'undercover operation' going on here?"

In the midst of the crowd, a dapper middle-aged man, exuding charisma with his slicked-back hair and designer suit, fixed his intense gaze on Merit. None other than Grayson Joyce himself. 😏

Let the drama unfold!
Interesting times ahead


Grandmaster & Disciple of Sex Sect
Sep 16, 2023

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 906: "Love and Jealousy: A Reunion Surprise"

As Grayson impatiently waited for Merit in the private room, his heart raced with anticipation. And when she finally graced him with her presence, he couldn't help but be spellbound.

Merit's timeless beauty and elegance were as mesmerizing as ever, stealing Grayson Jorce's breath away.

To think that even at the age of fifty, Merit radiated such unparalleled grace and allure left him astounded. His determination to win her heart burned brighter than ever.

Yet, what unfolded before him was beyond his wildest expectations. The woman he'd pined for over two decades had walked in with none other than Jacob Wilson, the scoundrel who had once wronged him.

An eruption of anger surged within Grayson, propelling him to his feet as he confronted Jacob, "Jacob, how dare you show up with Merit? We all know what you did to her in the past. If it weren't for you, how could Merit have spent so many years in the United States? Shame on you! If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't have the audacity to show my face here!"

Jacob, equally incensed, shot back, "Grayson, don't push it. Those who truly know the facts understand it wasn't my fault!"

He continued, "Do you think the past twenty years have been a walk in the park for me? I've carried more regret and shame than anyone!"

Grayson stood his ground, unwavering, "Good, you should be ashamed! I suggest you leave this gathering. It's not meant for you."

At this juncture, Merit intervened, attempting to diffuse the tension, "Enough, let's not dwell on the past. We're no longer youngsters prone to gossip. We're all in our forties and fifties, why resurrect old stories?"

After a pause, she addressed the group earnestly, "Each one of you is here by my personal invitation, so please, let's maintain harmony."

Jacob couldn't resist a sly grin directed at Grayson, "Did you hear that, Grayson? Even Merit agrees. Who are you to ask me to leave?"

Then, a recollection struck him, and he added, "Oh, by the way, I should mention that I didn't just accompany Merit. I picked her up from her hotel this morning, and we visited our alma mater, reminiscing about our youth, before joining you here. Any objections?"

Grayson, consumed by jealousy, couldn't find a suitable retort. His affection for Merit had always been one-sided, unlike Jacob's.

Jacob and Merit had a genuine, long-standing history together, a couple recognized as the epitome of elegance during their school days.

Their shared past and visit to their alma mater seemed tinged with ambiguity, leaving Grayson deeply vexed and at a loss for words.

Just as the atmosphere grew more tense, Paul, a young man, entered the room with a smile directed at Merit, "Mom, I've spoken with Mr. Dondie Edwards, the Walker family's butler. He'll handle everything for your reunion today. You don't need to worry about a thing; simply enjoy your time with friends."

Paul's sudden appearance left everyone in awe. A woman exclaimed, "Wow, Merit, is this your son? He's incredibly handsome!"

Merit nodded, introducing him, "Allow me to introduce him. This is my son, Paul Smith."

Another voice chimed in, "Impressive! Merit, your son is mixed-race, born to your American husband, isn't he?"

With a warm smile, Merit replied, "Who else could be his father if not my husband?"

Laughter filled the room.

Curiosity got the best of Grayson, and he asked, "By the way, Merit, Paul must have a Chinese name, right?"

Merit nodded, saying, "Certainly, Paul's Chinese name carries my family name."

Eager voices inquired, "What's Paul's Chinese name?"

Paul was about to answer, but Merit swiftly interjected, "Today is about our reunion, not about my son. Let him excuse himself first; we, the seasoned folks, have our tales to recount!"

Chapter 907: "Unraveling Secrets and Stirring Potions"

As the scene unfolds, Paul noticed a certain mystery about his mother's Chinese name that she preferred to keep under wraps. A sly grin danced on his lips as he decided to liven things up a bit. "Hey, uncles and aunties, don't let me stop you from indulging in this feast," he quipped with an impish smile. "I've got to make my exit."

Jacob, quick on his feet, chimed in, "Hold on, Paul! Why rush off? Stay, share a meal with us!"

His motive was plain as day: he wanted everyone to see that he and Paul went way back, hinting that he had crossed paths with Merit long before this gathering.

By doing so, he hoped to make it crystal clear that their connection was anything but ordinary, serving as a deterrent to anyone eyeing Merit with ulterior motives.

Other guests couldn't help but raise their eyebrows at this exchange. Why was Jacob so chummy with Paul?

With a playful twinkle in his eye, Paul responded, "I'd love to join you, uncles and aunties, but alas, I've got some afternoon business to attend to."

He leaned in, sharing a conspiratorial glance with Jacob. "You see, I've got an appointment with Mr. Wade this afternoon to check out the Feng Shui of my company. I have to be there to host him."

Jacob chuckled and nodded in agreement. "My son-in-law might not have many talents, but he's got Feng Shui skills you can rely on. Let him give your place a good look, and he won't charge you an arm and a leg. Besides, if he doesn't do right by you, what was all that drinking yesterday for, right?"

With a playful smirk, he added, "How about this? I'll give him a call and ask him to waive the fee for you!"

Meanwhile, Grayson, who stood nearby, felt a surge of frustration bubbling within him.

What's happening here? Did Paul and Jacob and his son-in-law share a drink together?

When did this even happen? Yesterday?

Merit had only arrived in Aurous Hill yesterday, right? She had dinner with Jacob on the same day she arrived? This was certainly a special treatment!

Doubts and unease gnawed at Grayson as he wondered if Merit still held a candle for Jacob.

At this juncture, Paul chimed in with a grin, "Uncle Wilson, you really don't have to trouble yourself. If Mr. Wade were to waive the fee for me, I'd feel a bit embarrassed about it."

Beside him, Merit added with a warm smile, "Jacob, let's not get involved in the kids' affairs."

Jacob, catching Grayson's frustrated expression, knew his mission had been accomplished. He didn't press the matter with Paul any further and offered reassuringly, "Go on and handle your business, Paul. I'll take good care of your mother here. You have my word."

Grayson, feeling increasingly disgruntled, couldn't help but wonder, What's going on here? Why does it feel like Jacob is acting as Paul's stepfather?

As these thoughts swirled in Grayson's mind, he nursed a hidden grudge: "Jacob, Jacob, you once stole Merit from me twenty years ago. If you dare to thwart my plans again, you won't get away with it!"

He then decided to stir the pot deliberately, saying aloud, "Oh, by the way, Jacob, where's your wife? The notorious shrew from our college days—what was her name again? Something like Eli, right?"

A former classmate chuckled and replied, "Her name's Elaine!"

"That's it! Elaine!" Grayson couldn't help but chuckle mischievously. "Jacob, word on the street is that you and Elaine are still madly in love. After all these years, your bond must have deepened. Why didn't you bring Elaine along today?"

At the mention of Elaine's name, Jacob's expression fell, and he shot back, "Grayson, why dredge up old history here? Elaine isn't our classmate. What business does she have at this gathering?"

Chapter 908: "A Reunion's Explosive Cocktail of Drama"

Grayson couldn't help but wear a wicked grin as he slyly remarked, "Listen up, buddy! You'd better remember that you're a happily married man. No gallivanting with other ladies, and definitely no wandering thoughts, capisce? Trust me, if someone like Elaine catches a whiff of your shenanigans, she won't be too forgiving."

Well, Jacob wasn't about to let that slide without a fiery retort, "Grayson, what in the world are you babbling about? When have I ever fooled around with other women? When did I harbor malicious thoughts towards anyone else? Let me set the record straight, pal. Just because you've got a bit of dough doesn't mean you can spew nonsense here! Jacob isn't falling for your tricks!"

Meanwhile, Merit, caught in the crossfire, couldn't hide her exasperation, and her voice took on a touch of irritation as she interjected, "Can you two please knock it off? We're here for a class reunion, not to witness a showdown. Keep this up, and I'm outta here!"

Jacob, with his best innocent face, piped up, "Merit, you heard it all. Grayson, old bastard, started it!"

Now, Grayson was no stranger to the finer things in life, being a Hong Kong big shot and all. So naturally, he wasn't thrilled about being labeled an "old bastard" by Jacob.

He slammed the table and sprang to his feet, seething, "Jacob, who the hell are you calling an old bastard?"

Jacob, unfazed, shot back, "I'm talking about you, buddy. Problem?"

With an icy demeanor, Grayson retorted, "Jacob, don't think just because we were classmates back in the day that I won't take you to task. Let me make this crystal clear: If you push my buttons enough, you won't get off lightly. You think you can bully me just because I returned from Hong Kong to Aurous Hill? Have you even considered your own limitations before squaring off with me?"

Suddenly, Jacob was feeling a bit out of his depth. Truth be told, he was pretty powerless these days. He couldn't even scrape together ten thousand dollars if he tried. His swanky villa? That was courtesy of his son-in-law's cunning maneuvering. Compared to Grayson, the savvy businessman, he was peanuts.

The consequences of truly riling up Grayson might be more than he could bear.

Just when he was contemplating his predicament, Paul chimed in, "Uncles, my mom organized this event, and it's meant to be fun, right? Can you please, pretty please, spare us the drama at her party?"

Quick as a flash, Jacob jumped on the opportunity, pledging, "Paul, for your sake, I'll keep the peace."

Grayson, incensed, quipped, "You insult me one minute and back down the next? Do you want me to give you a good slap?"

A frosty silence hung in the air as Merit cut in, her tone icy, "Grayson, what exactly do you want? If you won't heed my words, I won't hesitate to ask you to leave. I won't let you trample over our classmates' good time."

Grayson, boiling with anger, felt betrayed by Merit's lack of support. Why wasn't she taking his side?

Meanwhile, Jacob, fearing he might become the punching bag, pondered his options.

Just as the tension reached its peak, a silver-haired gentleman in his sixties strolled in.

As he spotted Paul, a warm smile crept across his face, "Mr. Paul, the kitchen is all set to serve our delightful feast. Shall we get this party started?"

Paul looked at the newcomer, surprised. "Uncle Dondie, why did you come here personally?"

And the name "Dondie" sent a shockwave through the entire table.

Dondie? Could it be Dondie Edwards, the esteemed steward of the Aurous Hill Walker family?

Everyone present knew that this Dondie Edwards commanded immense respect and influence in Aurous Hill, holding a position of great importance. 😮🍸

Chapter 909: The Astonishing Encounter

When Grayson discovered that the man standing before him was none other than Dondie Edwards, his demeanor underwent a remarkable transformation. It was as if a tidal wave of humility had washed over him, dissolving his haughty facade towards Jacob.

Grayson had always been keenly aware of the formidable Walker family, a presence that had loomed over him since his early days studying in Aurous Hill. Their influence had grown to the extent that they had unquestionably become the city's most dominant family.

Even though Grayson himself was a renowned Hong Kong tycoon with a billion-dollar fortune, he recognized that his wealth was a mere drop in the ocean compared to the Walker family's colossal riches. Their assets soared into the hundreds of billions, dwarfing his own fortune a hundredfold. Consequently, the status and influence of the Walker family's butler, Dondie, far exceeded his own.

In the midst of it all, Paul found himself pleasantly taken aback by Dondie's unexpected presence. He had never imagined that Dondie, representing the mighty Walker family, would personally grace their gathering.

A warm smile lit up Dondie's face as he addressed Paul, "Mr. Paul, our family has shared a longstanding connection with your law firm, dating back to our initial ventures into the American export market. During those times, I accompanied our master, and your father played a pivotal role in resolving various legal matters. In fact, Elder Walker and your father were close friends, although you might not have been aware of it since you were still in school at the time."

With a touch of nostalgia, Dondie continued, "To us, you're not just a client; you're the son of an old friend. Neglecting you would be a breach of our hospitality."

Paul nodded appreciatively and replied, "Dondie, please extend my gratitude to Elder Walker. I've been buried in work recently, but once I've sorted everything out and our company is firmly established in Aurous Hill, I'll make sure to pay him a visit."

Dondie nodded in agreement, adding, "When the time comes, just get in touch with me, and I'll arrange a meeting with our master."

As Dondie prepared to take his leave, Paul suggested, "I was actually about to leave as well. How about we walk out together?"

"Certainly," Dondie agreed.

Just before departing, Grayson hastily rose from his seat and extended a respectful introduction, "Hello, Dondie Edwards, I'm Grayson from Hong Kong's Huisite Trading Company. It's a delight to make your acquaintance."

Dondie, somewhat surprised, inquired, "I'm afraid I'm not familiar with your company. Have you had any prior collaborations with the Walker family?"

Grayson responded enthusiastically, "Dondie, I've always aspired to work with the Walker family, but I haven't had the right opportunity yet. If possible, I would greatly appreciate your introduction."

Dondie, maintaining his politeness, offered a friendly smile and remarked, "I appreciate your interest in the Walker family, but we have stringent criteria for our partners. To be candid, if I haven't heard of a company, it's unlikely that they meet our collaboration standards."

As an experienced butler, Dondie possessed extensive knowledge of the family's business affairs and was well-versed in top-tier companies across the nation. This was an essential part of his professional expertise.

If a company had escaped his notice, it likely held little significance and was, at best, considered second-rate. A family as influential as the Walkers wouldn't entertain the notion of collaborating with a second-tier enterprise.

Grayson couldn't help but feel somewhat awkward, not anticipating such a blunt rejection from Dondie. Though unspoken, the implication was crystal clear.

This setback left a dent in Grayson's pride, but he dared not display any displeasure. He managed to muster a respectful response, saying, "I apologize for my presumption, Dondie."

Resuming his seat, he couldn't help but experience a burning sense of embarrassment. Had he known, he would have spared himself this situation, gaining nothing and losing face in front of his peers.

Dondie acknowledged Grayson's apology with a slight nod, his demeanor bearing a hint of haughtiness, a stance befitting his esteemed status in Aurous Hill's elite circles.

Chapter 910: "The Revelation of a Hidden Powerhouse"

Paul looked around at the lively gathering and decided it was time to make his exit, uttering with a dash of politeness, "Ladies and gentlemen, please continue relishing the festivities here. I shall take my leave."

Turning his attention specifically to Jacob, Paul addressed him with a touch of formality, "Uncle Wilson, I bid you farewell."

Jacob regarded Paul with a fatherly warmth in his eyes and replied, "Certainly, go on and attend to your matters, my boy!"

Just then, a remarkable encounter unfolded before their eyes. Dondie Edwards, the well-known steward of the esteemed Walker family, laid his eyes on Jacob and couldn't conceal his astonishment. He exclaimed, "Ah, might you be Mr. Wilson?"

Jacob, taken aback that someone of Dondie's stature recognized him, inquired with genuine surprise, "You... how do you know me?"

Dondie, with the utmost respect, responded, "Mr. Wilson, I must inform you that Master Wade has extended immeasurable generosity to the Walker family. The entire family holds deep gratitude for his benevolence and shall forever cherish it. As you are Master Wade's father-in-law, it is only natural that I recognize you."

A light bulb moment dawned upon Jacob!

It all clicked into place because of his son-in-law, Charlie Wade...

Charlie was growing increasingly challenging to underestimate. While Jacob was impressed by Charlie's ability to outwit the likes of Orvel Heller and George White, he could never have fathomed that Charlie had so thoroughly beguiled the Walker family, Aurous Hill's most illustrious clan.

Over on the sidelines, Paul was thunderstruck. He was well aware that the "Master Wade" mentioned by Dondie was none other than Charlie.

However, he hadn't quite grasped the extent of Charlie's influence.

Even Dondie, the head steward of the Walker family, accorded him the highest respect, addressing him as "Master Wade." And, by Dondie's account, Charlie had performed significant favors for the entire Walker family. Was it possibly because of Charlie's Feng Shui expertise?

Intrigued by this revelation, Paul's perception of Charlie became even more enigmatic. As he anticipated Charlie's afternoon visit to assess Feng Shui at his company, he contemplated seizing the opportunity to uncover more about him.

In the moment, Dondie respectfully directed his attention back to Jacob, "Mr. Wilson, I hadn't anticipated your presence at this gathering. Consequently, I shall personally oversee your table today. Please do not hesitate to request anything you may require."

Jacob's classmates and friends were dumbfounded. Many of them hailed from Aurous Hill and were well aware of the Walker family's influence. None had imagined that Jacob possessed such sway.

Grayson was equally flabbergasted.

He couldn't fathom why Dondie, who had previously dismissed him, now displayed such courtesy towards Jacob!

Grayson had done some background research on Jacob. Supposedly, Jacob hailed from a family that had fallen from grace long ago, with no substantial assets to their name. Jacob himself was hardly noteworthy, a mere shadow of his former self.

So why, then, was Dondie displaying such reverence for this seemingly unremarkable man? Could it be solely due to his son-in-law, this self-proclaimed "Master Wade"?

Contemplating this, Grayson found himself growing increasingly curious about the enigmatic Charlie Wade, and he discreetly leaned over to inquire of a fellow classmate, "Do you happen to know who Jacob's son-in-law is?" 😮🧐

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