"Dragon Son-in-law" a.k.a. Millionaire Son-in-law, Charlie Wade Story. Translated by Junlee (aka Jungal2000)

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Charlie Wade is a househusband son-in-law whom everyone looks down upon. However, unknown to them, his true identity is that of the young master from a top-tier family. Those who once belittled him will eventually kneel before him, trembling with fear and calling him "Master!" ...

The MC is Charlie Wade, and there's this girl Claire Wilson. They're in this savage clapback novel called "Ultimate Dragon Honcho", penned by this dude Ye Gongzi. Everyone knew Charlie Wade was the son-in-law of the Wilson family. Like, Grandpa Wilson legit pulled this broke boy outta nowhere and made him marry his grand daughter/princess, Claire. But bro's got no skills, no dough 💸, and Claire had to deal with so much BS 'cause of him. He even had the nerve to ask for money during Grandma Wilson's big party, making Claire hella embarrassed 😳. They kicked Charlie Wade out, but then plot twist! 🌀 Some butler dude shows up. Turns out, Charlie Wade's actually from the uber-rich Wade clan. The butler's like, "Come home, fam." But since his parents were, like, done dirty by the Wade fam, he's like "Nah." But he did take his grandpa’s black card loaded with 10 billion. 💳💰 #MicDrop

Author: Charlie Wade
Category: Urban Fiction
Status: Ongoing
Last Updated: October 18, 2023
Last edited:

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 911 - "When Respect Trumps Mockery"

Just when you thought Grayson had it all figured out and was brushing off Jacob, BAM! A sudden twist of fate hit him like a ton of bricks! 😲

It turns out, Jacob's son-in-law, the guy Grayson had been snubbing, was suddenly hotter than hotcakes! Yup, Dondie himself couldn't get enough of the guy!

So, what did Grayson do? He couldn't resist but gossip a bit and found out that this son-in-law might just be a professional couch potato. 😂 A full-time househusband with a hidden profession, or maybe none at all!

But here's the kicker - Grayson, the savvy businessman that he was, sensed something big from Dondie's body language. It was clear as day, don't underestimate Jacob's son-in-law!

Grayson's regret meter shot through the roof for mocking Jacob earlier! And he realized one thing – if he ever crossed swords with Jacob, Dondie wouldn't be on his team! 😬

With beads of sweat forming, Grayson had a change of heart and started doing the apology dance, "Jacob, buddy, I'm sorry for talking out of turn. We're old pals, right? Let's bury the hatchet, shall we?"

Jacob wasn't born yesterday. He saw right through it. Grayson's newfound politeness was all thanks to Dondie's respect.

Merit played peacemaker, "Let's not dwell on the past, Jacob."

So, Jacob decided to be the bigger person, "Fine, Merit has spoken. No more grudges, but remember, I only retaliate when provoked. If you let me be, we'll all get along just fine."

Normally, Grayson would've thrown a tantrum, but not in the Walker family's territory, and certainly not when Dondie was all Team Jacob.

Grayson bit his lip and gave in, "Jacob, you're generous. I'll toast to you later."

The classmates around them noticed this shift in Grayson's attitude, and it had everyone's eyebrows raised. Was Jacob's son-in-law some sort of secret superstar to warrant such respect from the Walker clan?

In that moment, Jacob swelled with pride. Even without his son-in-law present, the dude had done wonders for his reputation!

Meanwhile, on the other side of Aurous Hill, Paul was strutting his stuff, heading to "Smith Law Firm."

See, in China, folks tend to keep it low-key with company names. No "John Doe & Co." stuff – modesty's the name of the game!

But Americans? They go all out! They'll slap their names on businesses like they're putting up billboards!

So, here's Paul, living the American dream in China!

Chapter 912 - "Prestige and Feng Shui: Paul's Grand Office Reveal"

Well, let's dive into the fascinating world of company names, shall we?

Take the illustrious Boeing Company, for instance. This colossal aerospace powerhouse crafts everything from commercial jets to military aircraft and even spaceships! It's like an aerospace superhero. But the thrilling part? It's not called Boeing because it's, well, boomin' – nope! The brilliant founder, William Edward Boeing, decided to keep it simple and named it after himself. Yep, it's all in the name!

And then there's the Hilton Group, known worldwide for its luxurious hotels. Conrad Hilton, the genius behind it all, decided to name it after his own family name – the Hiltons!

Now, let's talk about our main man, Paul. Full name: Paul Smith. Paul's dad founded the Smith Law Firm, and guess what? He named it after their family name. It's been cultivated for years and has this epic international reputation. So, when Paul moved the firm to Aurous Hill, he went all out and picked the swankiest spot in town – the CBD area!

But that's not all. He set up shop in the Jindi Tower, the granddaddy of all office buildings, with a jaw-dropping 58 floors! It's not just top-tier in Aurous Hill, it's top-tier everywhere!

Now, Smith Law Firm, with its Fortune 500 clientele, knows a thing or two about looking good. They're all about that image, baby!

Fun fact alert: Charlie's family owns the Emgrand Group, the behemoth of all conglomerates in Aurous Hill. They're all about real estate and own some swanky office buildings in town. And guess what? Jindi Tower is one of their babies! Talk about coincidence!

But seriously, Jindi Tower is like the golden ticket for a law firm looking for prestige.

After a cozy home lunch, Charlie hopped into a taxi and made his way to Jindi Tower, all on his own. He took the elevator straight to the 27th floor, where Paul was eagerly waiting.

When Paul spotted Charlie, he was all smiles and couldn't contain his excitement. "Ah, Mr. Wade, thanks for making the trek!"

Charlie, cool as a cucumber, brushed it off. "No biggie, Paul. Let's drop the formalities, shall we?"

Paul led Charlie in and got straight to the point. "Mr. Wade, I snagged the 27th floor of Jindi Tower a few months back and have been sprucing it up. It's almost done now. Could you take a look at the Feng Shui? Tell me if anything's amiss and how to jazz it up?"

Well, Charlie didn't need a magnifying glass to spot Paul's Feng Shui wizardry. He chuckled, "Paul, it looks like you've already consulted a Feng Shui Jedi! You've got wealth-gathering vibes at the entrance and disaster-avoidance mojo in the main hall. Perfect for keeping legal skirmishes at bay. Impressive stuff, my friend."

Paul was left stunned. "Mr. Wade, you've got the Feng Shui eagle eye! I'm amazed."

Charlie, ever the calm and collected guy, spilled the tea. "Paul, your mom and my father-in-law go way back. No need for formalities here. But, I've got to ask, if you've already had the Feng Shui checked, why'd you call me in?"

Paul, being real, confessed, "Honestly, I asked you to check the Feng Shui just to see if you were the real deal. Seems I was selling you short, and I hope you can forgive me!" 🙈😄

Chapter 913: "Feng Shui Face-Off: Charlie's Million-Dollar Insight

Intrigued by Charlie, Paul's curiosity knew no bounds. Initially, he had pegged Charlie as a member of the illustrious Wade family from Eastcliff. Although Charlie had debunked that theory, the title "Master Wade" still raised Paul's eyebrows, planting fresh seeds of doubt in his mind.

The invitation extended to Charlie to assess the Feng Shui of his office was, in reality, a test devised by Paul. He had already hired a professional Feng Shui expert to evaluate the space. Paul's objective was clear: if Charlie failed to discern that the Feng Shui arrangement had been expertly set up before his arrival, it would question his worthiness of the title "Master Wade." However, if Charlie immediately spotted the intricacies of the Feng Shui, it would be a testament to his extraordinary skills.

Paul couldn't have foreseen that Charlie would unveil all the Feng Shui arrangements at a mere glance. The previous Feng Shui master had dedicated a considerable amount of time and effort to craft them.

Rather than taking offense at Paul's skepticism, Charlie admired his candor. In a world where people often concealed their true thoughts, Paul's frankness stood out as a rare quality.

With a genial smile, Charlie addressed Paul, "It's only natural for you to want to validate my knowledge and expertise. However, since I'm here, I must charge a fee for the Feng Shui consultation. It's standard practice."

Initially, Charlie hadn't intended to request payment, considering Paul's familial connection through his father-in-law's old flame. He wanted to maintain a sense of respect. But Paul's open and honest demeanor prompted Charlie to reciprocate the transparency.

Paul wasted no time in responding, exclaiming, "Absolutely! Since I've invited Mr. Wade, how could I not offer compensation?" With that, he swiftly produced his checkbook, scribbled a few words, tore off a check, and handed it to Charlie. "Mr. Wade, consider this 1 million a small token of my gratitude. Please accept it."

Charlie's smile widened as he accepted the check, replying, "Then I gratefully accept."

After a brief pause, Charlie surveyed the surroundings and continued, "This demonstrates that indeed, an expert assessed this place. Nevertheless, even experts can overlook certain aspects. For instance, the Feng Shui arrangement at your entrance, designed to attract wealth, is impeccable. Money flows into your company through the entrance, a promising start. However, for your company to retain wealth…"

Charlie gestured toward the back of the establishment, explaining, "Take a look at this section – all glass windows from floor to ceiling. In Feng Shui terms, transparent glass equates to nothingness. Wealth may enter from the front but exits swiftly from the back. Do you know what this signifies?"

Paul, eager for enlightenment, eagerly sought clarification.

With a knowing grin, Charlie replied, "There's an ancient Chinese saying, 'like drawing water with a bamboo basket' – it's an exercise in futility. The reason being, although water can enter the basket, it cannot be retained due to the large gaps. If your company cannot retain wealth, it's likely to experience high income and high expenditure, ultimately resulting in minimal financial substance."

Paul exclaimed in astonishment, pressing for a solution. "Master Wade, how can this issue be rectified?"

Charlie responded calmly, "First and foremost, all glass must be tinted. As I mentioned earlier, transparent glass is akin to nothingness. However, once it acquires a hue, even a subtle one like tea-colored, it transforms the glass into an effective barrier." 🪄

Chapter 914: "Feng Shui's Golden Touch: Paul's Prosperity Pact

Paul couldn't contain his excitement and blurted out, "Mr. Wade, you're a lifesaver! I'll get right on it!"

Charlie responded with a mischievous smile, "Hold on, we're not done yet."

Paul, eager to hear more, respectfully replied, "Please, go on, Mr. Wade."

Charlie shared his wisdom, "When you're applying the film to the glass, make sure to place a pair of golden Pixius on each side. They must be pure gold for maximum fortune enhancement. Pixius are famous for their knack for attracting wealth and never letting it slip away. This creates a Feng Shui arrangement that locks in prosperity. Money that flows in stays put, and your business will naturally flourish."

Paul, overwhelmed with gratitude, clasped his hands in a respectful gesture and declared, "Mr. Wade, you truly deserve the title of Master Wade. From now on, I'll address you with the utmost respect as Master Wade!"

Charlie playfully waved his hand, "No need for that, Paul. I wouldn't know how to explain it to my father-in-law or your mother if you called me that in front of them."

Paul quickly reassured him, "Alright, in front of them, I'll stick with Mr. Wade. But behind closed doors, I insist on calling you Master Wade!"

With unwavering determination, Paul retrieved his checkbook, scribbled down an amount without hesitation, tore out the check, and presented it to Charlie with reverence. He said, "Master Wade, please accept this as a token of my appreciation. It's for your guidance and assistance."

Charlie glanced at the check, which amounted to 4 million, and replied to Paul, "One million is already generous. You don't have to be so formal. I'll accept one million, but you should keep the rest."

Paul stood firm, saying, "No, Mr. Wade, without you, my future in Aurous Hill might have been doomed."

Charlie chuckled and remarked, "I just offered some Feng Shui advice. Even without me, you might have succeeded. After all, your family's law firm has a long-standing reputation."

Paul shared a heartfelt story, "To be honest, when my father started the law firm, he faced a series of losses in the beginning, and the reasons were quite baffling. My mother used to say that my father's luck was so terrible that even drinking cold water got stuck in his teeth."

He continued, "Later, my mother brought in a Feng Shui master from Chinatown to assess the Feng Shui of my father's law firm. At first, my father resisted this Eastern superstition, but when the Feng Shui master accurately predicted the challenges he was facing, he became a firm believer in Feng Shui."

Paul recounted, "That Feng Shui master rearranged the layout of my father's law firm and established a new Feng Shui arrangement. Since then, the law firm has thrived."

Emotionally, Paul concluded, "If it weren't for that Feng Shui master, my father's business might have crumbled initially, and the Smith Law Firm wouldn't be what it is today. That's why I have unwavering faith in Feng Shui."

Charlie hadn't anticipated that Paul's family business owed its survival to a Feng Shui master.

Feng Shui, at times, could be truly magical. When everything seems to be in place but a vital element is missing, success might remain elusive. No matter how well you prepare, prosperity could still slip through your fingers. Feng Shui, in its subtlety, provides that missing piece to the puzzle! 🌟

Chapter 915: "Fortunes, Feng Shui, and a Check with a Twist"

Paul held Charlie in the highest regard, almost to the point of pure admiration.

As an American with a profound appreciation for Chinese culture and a fascination with the mysteries of Feng Shui, Paul was captivated by everything Charlie had just explained. To him, Charlie's mastery of Feng Shui seemed both profound and beyond comprehension.

So, he couldn't fathom why someone would willingly gift Charlie a luxurious villa worth over a hundred million dollars.

Paul was well aware of the importance of a Feng Shui master. A skilled one could not only improve one's fortunes and accumulate wealth but also potentially alter one's destiny against the odds.

As a result, the better the Feng Shui master, the higher their fees and overall worth. For example, Hong Kong's Li Jiacheng reportedly paid his Feng Shui master over a hundred million Hong Kong dollars per consultation.

In light of this, Paul even thought that the 4 million-dollar check he had offered initially might be somewhat inadequate.

He wished he had written a check for 10 million instead.

With this notion in mind, he tore up the 4 million-dollar check and hastily penned a new one for 9 million, which he respectfully handed to Charlie, saying, "Master Wade, please accept this as a token of my sincerity."

Charlie responded seriously, "Paul, 1 million would suffice. There's no need to give me more."

However, Paul was insistent, saying earnestly, "Master Wade, Feng Shui is all about sincerity, and in a way, money represents that sincerity. So, I hope you'll accept it. Otherwise, it might seem like my heart isn't entirely sincere."

Charlie was not lacking in wealth; his account held nearly 22 billion dollars, and he was uncertain how to spend it all.

Whether Paul gave him 1 million or 10 million wouldn't significantly impact him.

Charlie had no intention of asking for a large sum from Paul. The actual amount wasn't important to him, but receiving too much felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Nevertheless, Paul was determined not to take the money back and continued to urge Charlie to accept it.

Seeing Paul's unwavering determination, Charlie finally relented and said, "Since you insist on giving me the money, I'll accept it for now. But if I ever require your legal services in the future, you must charge me accordingly."

Paul chuckled, "How could that be? You're Master Wade. It would be an honor for me to assist you."

Charlie replied, "In that case, I won't dare to approach you for legal matters in the future."

Only then did Paul hastily add, "Master Wade, if you ever need legal assistance, please don't hesitate to come to me. I'll charge you at regular rates, alright?"

Charlie nodded and smiled, saying, "That's more like it."

With that settled, he checked the time and said, "Paul, if you have no further business, I won't keep you any longer today."

Paul quickly extended an invitation, "Master Wade, if you're available, I'd like to invite you to dinner tonight?"

Charlie waved his hand and replied, "Dinner is unnecessary; I have some matters to attend to and must take my leave."

Upon hearing this, Paul immediately nodded and said, "Since Master Wade has other commitments, I won't detain you any longer. Allow me to escort you out, please, Master Wade."

Charlie greatly appreciated Paul's straightforwardness.

Most Chinese individuals tend to engage in formalities. If it were someone else inviting him to dinner and he declined due to prior commitments, they would likely persistently extend the invitation several times until he explicitly declined. Occasionally, even if they didn't genuinely intend to invite someone for a meal, they would still engage in pleasantries.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 916: The Great Bill Battle: Where Fates and Flowers Converge

It was like a scene from a comedy movie, where several people sat around a table, all trying to outdo each other in a race to pay the bill. It was a hilarious mix of eagerness and politeness, with no one wanting to be the inconsiderate one who didn't offer to foot the bill.

So, at the restaurant's bar, debates over who should take the financial hit were as common as spilled salt, with everyone persistently trying to outdo the others in offering to pay.

Charlie, having seen this spectacle many times before, had a deep appreciation for people like Paul – those who were perceptive, decisive, and refreshingly straightforward.

Paul, in his usual no-nonsense style, simply mentioned that he had some business to attend to and immediately offered to escort Charlie out, setting a perfect example of efficient communication between sharp minds.

Soon, Paul guided Charlie through the bustling company corridors to the elevator. With a courteous press of the elevator button, he took a step back. When the doors opened on their floor, Paul was quick to usher Charlie inside.

Just as he was about to say something, the elevator doors revealed an enchanting sight – a stunningly beautiful woman, tall and impeccably dressed in a sharp business suit and pencil skirt. She embodied both charm and sensuality, a vision that could melt the heart of any man.

Paul, caught off guard yet delighted, exclaimed, "Miss Walker, what brings you here?"

The woman, on the verge of answering, noticed Charlie's presence and her elegant demeanor transformed into one of pure joy, as she cried out, "Master Wade, what are you doing here?"

Charlie, equally surprised by the unexpected encounter, couldn't help but smile as he replied, "I came to assist a friend with some feng shui evaluation of this place."

Recalling Paul's recognition of the stunning woman, Charlie realized that they were acquainted.

Sarah explained, "It seems, Master Wade, that you also know Mr. Paul. I'm here on my grandfather's behalf to deliver these flower baskets, congratulating Mr. Paul on the grand opening of his company."

Realizing she hadn't greeted Paul yet, she added with a hint of embarrassment, "Mr. Paul, it's been quite a while."

Paul, the sharp and perceptive legal expert, was quick to read the expressions and gazes of people effectively, a skill he had honed during his studies in the United States. He had even delved into the intricacies of interpreting facial expressions, a valuable skill in the legal profession.

With his unique background, he could tell from Sarah's expressions and her gaze that she held a special fondness for Charlie.

Admiring Charlie for capturing the attention of such a remarkable beauty as Sarah, Paul couldn't help but marvel at Charlie's extraordinary allure. It was clear that Charlie had managed to captivate the heart of the Walker family's young mistress.

Most notably, the fact that Sarah, a member of a prestigious family, had developed feelings for a married man like Charlie was truly a sensation-worthy revelation! 😲💘

Chapter 917: "When Fate Comes Knocking: Love, Feng Shui, and Business Bonds"

In this electrifying moment, the elegant Sarah glided out of the elevator with the grace of a swan.

Though her purpose was to deliver a flower basket to Paul, her eyes never strayed from Charlie. Every time her gaze met his, it was as if she had stumbled upon the fountain of youth, transported back to the tender age of 18 when love had first fluttered within her heart.

As a woman of her stature, she had matured and learned the ways of the world at an early age, including the art of wearing a protective mask. Yet, in Charlie's presence, her mask seemed powerless.

With eyes filled with admiration and affection, Sarah couldn't help but ask, "Master Wade, how did you come to know Mr. Paul? He must have just arrived in China, correct?"

Charlie's smile was like a glint of mischief in his eyes as he replied, "My father-in-law and Mr. Paul's mother were university classmates, so that's how our paths crossed."

Surprised, Sarah exclaimed, "What a twist of fate!"

Meanwhile, Paul, standing nearby, chuckled and added, "Indeed, fate has a funny way of bringing people together. I had no idea, Miss Walker, that you and Master Wade were acquainted."

Sarah gazed deeply at Charlie and confided in Paul, "Master Wade once saved my life. Remember when our exported goods faced a lawsuit in the United States as soon as they arrived, demanding a hefty compensation?"

Paul nodded vigorously, recalling the incident. "Of course, I remember. You urgently sent me from the East Coast to the West Coast to resolve the dispute, but by the time I got there, the issue had miraculously vanished."

Sarah, still affected by the memory, continued, "That was the time when I accidentally disrupted the feng shui of our home. It not only affected our business but also brought a series of personal misfortunes, including car troubles and accidents."

With a sentimental touch, she raised her wrist, revealing a bracelet given to her by her mother. "I lost this bracelet during that period. Without Master Wade, I would never have found it again."

Paul's eyes widened in realization. "So, the incredible feng shui master you mentioned back then was Master Wade!"

Sarah affirmed, "Yes, it was Master Wade."

Paul turned to Charlie, admiration evident in his gaze, and exclaimed, "Master Wade, I had no idea you were the feng shui master Miss Sarah held in such high regard!"

Charlie downplayed his skills with a modest smile. "It was a minor matter, really, nothing to make a fuss about."

Paul hurriedly expressed his gratitude. "Master Wade, you're too modest. Your guidance just now was invaluable in addressing the feng shui concerns here. I'm sincerely grateful."

Although Charlie remained humble, Paul's respect for him had deepened considerably. Seeing the high regard Sarah held for Charlie, Paul knew he had to show the utmost respect as well.

Charlie finally interjected, "I have some matters to attend to. You two go ahead and catch up; I'll take my leave now."

Sarah, eager to be of assistance, inquired, "Master Wade, are you driving? If not, allow me to give you a lift!"

Charlie smiled and asked playfully, "Don't you need to spend time catching up with Paul?"

Without hesitation, Sarah responded, "Paul and I go way back. He's planning to expand his business in Aurous Hill, so we'll have ample time to reconnect later. If you didn't drive here, please let me give you a ride!"

Paul observed this exchange and realized that Sarah's feelings for Charlie were more than just a passing fancy—they held a special place in her heart.

With grace, Paul thanked Sarah for the flower basket and conveyed his regards to Old Master Walker. "I'll definitely visit him when I get the chance. If you have matters to attend to, please go ahead. I have some business matters to handle myself."

Chapter 918

With a grateful glance, Sarah turned her attention to Paul, expressing her understanding, "Alright then, since you're occupied, I won't impose any longer. Let's plan to meet up again when the opportunity arises!"

Paul, possessing both high emotional intelligence and intellect, could sense that Sarah's thoughts were completely focused on Charlie. It was clear that she was offering to drive him out of her genuine concern for him. So, why not go along with the flow and give her a hand?

Turning towards Charlie, Sarah suggested with a smile, "Master Wade, how about I drive you?"

Charlie responded with a nod and a grateful smile, "That would be wonderful, thank you."

Sarah blushed and earnestly added, "Master Wade, please don't be so formal with me."


Leaving her bodyguard to assist Paul with the flower baskets, Sarah pressed the elevator button and, holding the door, courteously gestured to Charlie, "After you, Master Wade!"

Charlie acknowledged the gesture with a slight nod and entered the elevator first, with Sarah following him inside.

As the elevator doors closed, a delicate and sophisticated fragrance emanated from Sarah, gently tickling Charlie's senses.

It must be said, Sarah had impeccable taste. Her perfume's scent was subtle yet enduring, offering both comfort and freshness. It possessed an alluring sophistication without a hint of coarseness.

Standing beside her, Charlie felt a stirring in his heart.

There was no denying that Sarah was exceptionally beautiful and exuded a noble aura. More importantly, she displayed a remarkable gentleness in his presence, devoid of the usual haughtiness associated with young ladies.

Together, they left the Jindi Building. Sarah personally opened the door to her Rolls-Royce and invited Charlie to enter.

Once inside the car, Sarah respectfully inquired, "Master Wade, where would you like to go? I'll be your chauffeur."

Charlie smiled faintly, "Please take me back to Thomson Elite."

A look of surprise crossed Sarah's face as she asked, "Mr. Wade, weren't you planning to run some errands? Why the sudden change of heart to head home?"

Charlie replied with a smile, "The timing for my errands isn't quite right yet. I'll return home and wait for a while."

Though puzzled, Sarah nodded gracefully and ventured to ask with anticipation, "Master Wade, when will you be free? I'd like to invite you for a meal..."

After a moment of contemplation, Charlie responded, "Perhaps in a couple of days. I've been rather busy lately, especially today."

He had already informed Isaac that once it was time to release Elaine, the detention center would arrange for her to contact him.

At that point, he would personally go to pick up Elaine.

The primary reason for his personal involvement was to witness firsthand just how much she had suffered.

A woman who had dared to embezzle 21.9 billion needed to endure hardship and learn a lesson behind bars.

21.9 billion – if he hadn't been concerned about revealing his identity and had reported the theft to the police directly, such a massive sum involved in the case could have led to Elaine facing execution, or at the very least, a suspended death sentence.

Releasing her after just a few days of suffering was already a lenient approach!

Chapter 919: "Behind Bars, Behind Slaps: Elaine's Misfortune Multiplied"

When Elaine returned to the detention center after her visit to the police station, she was teetering on the edge of her seat, her heart racing with anxiety. The uncertainty gnawed at her, leaving her with no option but to engage in an endless internal prayer session.

During her harrowing two-day confinement, Elaine endured hardships she had never fathomed. The experience felt like a relentless assault on her spirit, pushing her to the brink of despair. She couldn't help but fear that if she wasn't released soon, she might not make it out alive.

Meanwhile, the wise old Mrs. Wilson couldn't help but fret when she learned about Elaine's morning trip to the police station for questioning. Her concerns were twofold: first, she worried that Elaine might spill the beans about the abuse and torment she and Verity had subjected her to. Second, she feared that Elaine might request a change of cell, a prospect that sent shivers down Mrs. Wilson's spine.

You see, Elaine's presence had injected a newfound thrill into Mrs. Wilson's otherwise gloomy life. Over the years, the Wilson family had been through more hardships than they could count, leaving Mrs. Wilson in a perpetual state of melancholy. But having Elaine locked up in the same cell had breathed life back into her world.

As Mrs. Wilson contemplated the possibility that Elaine could be looking at a hefty ten to twenty-year sentence, her excitement grew exponentially. She imagined herself strolling out of prison in just over ten days, while Elaine would be locked away for what seemed like an eternity.

Spotting Elaine curled up in a corner of the cell, Mrs. Wilson, in one of her mischievous moods, decided to have a little chat. With a sly grin, she quizzed, "So, the grapevine tells me you had a cozy chat with the police, eh?"

Elaine, trembling, responded, "Yes, Mom, they had some questions about the case."

Mrs. Wilson adopted a stern tone, "You didn't spill the beans, did you? You didn't snitch on us, right?"

Elaine hastily waved her hands and assured, "No worries, Mom. I didn't breathe a word about our 'cell secrets.' They were mostly interested in the case details."

Mrs. Wilson, visibly relieved, chuckled and teased, "Elaine, have you started consulting lawyers about your impending sentence? Ten years? Fifteen years? Is that what they told you?"

Elaine shook her head vigorously, muttering, "I haven't had a chance to talk to a lawyer yet, so I'm in the dark about the duration."

Elaine wasn't about to let on that her release might be imminent. She knew they were going to make her suffer as much as possible before they let her go. Her strategy was to endure the torment in silence until the police finally came to set her free.

Mrs. Wilson smirked triumphantly, "I've heard that you could be looking at a minimum of fifteen years!"

She sighed dramatically but with a certain glee, "Oh, Elaine, fifteen long years! I, an old lady, can't even stand fifteen days. How on earth will you survive it? Just the thought sends shivers down my spine!"

Elaine could only nod meekly, "I have no idea, Mom! Just contemplating over a decade behind bars sends a chill down my spine."

Just when things couldn't get worse, Verity approached Elaine and delivered a swift double-slap to her cheeks. She then leaned in and declared, "For a woman like you, who steals husbands and sends innocent souls like Merit off to the States, even a lifetime in prison wouldn't be enough. Every time I think of what you did to her, I feel the urge to exact revenge!"

With that, Verity grabbed Elaine's hair and administered several more stinging slaps. Blood soon dribbled from the corner of Elaine's mouth. Just as Verity stopped, Elaine had no inkling that Mrs. Wilson was eagerly waiting to join in on the punishment.

In an unexpected twist, as soon as Verity ceased her assault, Mrs. Wilson pounced on Elaine's ear, yanking it mercilessly. Elaine couldn't help but cry out in agony.

Wincing, Elaine questioned, "Mom, why are you pulling my ear? What did I do to deserve this?" 🤔

Chapter 920: "From Dreams to Despair: A Shocking Turn of Events"

Elder Madame Wilson didn't hold back her icy scorn as she rebuked, "You've got some nerve asking me what you did wrong, huh? Well, I'll spell it out for you: folks like you, simply by being alive and breathing, are nature's little oopsie-daisies. The best favor you can do the world is to make a swift exit and stop hogging all the air!"

Elaine's ears felt like they were on fire, the pain drilling into her very soul, but she dared not even flinch. She had to swallow her grievances, telling herself to hang in there just a bit longer, and then she'd be free at last!

Once she was out, in a mere couple of weeks, this miserable old hag would also be out on the streets, with no roof, no food, and no drink. That's when Elaine's moment for revenge would come!

Did this wretched woman really think she'd be stuck in this place for a decade?

Did she actually believe she could snatch the letter Elaine had written and waltz into her fancy Thomson Elite villa? What a laugh!

She had no clue that Elaine's incarceration wouldn't drag on for years. Soon enough, she'd be set free!

When the prison guard finally opened that cell door, Elaine imagined the old woman's jaw dropping to the floor, her eyes popping out, drowning in frustration, anger, and despair.

Heck, she might even keel over from sheer fury!

Elder Madame Wilson had never even entertained the thought of Elaine walking out of that prison. She assumed Elaine's life would be spent behind bars.

That's why she held onto that letter from Elaine like it was the Holy Grail. With that, she'd stroll out in a few days, right into the lap of luxury at Thomson Elite.

Thomson Elite, for heaven's sake! She'd never dreamed of it!

Once she moved in there, she wouldn't budge, not even in the afterlife. She'd prefer to meet her maker in that opulent mansion.

A bit superstitious, she thought that dying there would guarantee a prosperous reincarnation.

But at that moment, a prison guard approached their cell.

Mrs. Wilson reluctantly released Elaine's ear, which she had nearly mangled into a swollen, bleeding mess.

Tears streamed down Elaine's face from the excruciating pain, but the sight of the guard nearly drove her to madness with joy.

The guard was here to set her free!

Finally, freedom was within her grasp!

She could return to her splendid Thomson Elite mansion, feast on a lavish meal, and sleep soundly!

For the past couple of days, she'd barely had a few spoonfuls of porridge off the filthy floor, and her sleep had been plagued by fever and torment.

So, Elaine was desperate to leave this place, to never return.

The guard approached the cell, swung the door open, and announced, "Time for some fresh air, folks! Line up for the yard!"

"Fresh air?!"

Elaine's heart, bursting with anticipation, crashed down like a lead balloon.

The guard was here for their daily yard time? Wasn't she going to be released? Hadn't the authorities made a decision yet? 🙄


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 916: The Great Bill Battle: Where Fates and Flowers Converge

It was like a scene from a comedy movie, where several people sat around a table, all trying to outdo each other in a race to pay the bill. It was a hilarious mix of eagerness and politeness, with no one wanting to be the inconsiderate one who didn't offer to foot the bill.

So, at the restaurant's bar, debates over who should take the financial hit were as common as spilled salt, with everyone persistently trying to outdo the others in offering to pay.

Charlie, having seen this spectacle many times before, had a deep appreciation for people like Paul – those who were perceptive, decisive, and refreshingly straightforward.

Paul, in his usual no-nonsense style, simply mentioned that he had some business to attend to and immediately offered to escort Charlie out, setting a perfect example of efficient communication between sharp minds.

Soon, Paul guided Charlie through the bustling company corridors to the elevator. With a courteous press of the elevator button, he took a step back. When the doors opened on their floor, Paul was quick to usher Charlie inside.

Just as he was about to say something, the elevator doors revealed an enchanting sight – a stunningly beautiful woman, tall and impeccably dressed in a sharp business suit and pencil skirt. She embodied both charm and sensuality, a vision that could melt the heart of any man.

Paul, caught off guard yet delighted, exclaimed, "Miss Walker, what brings you here?"

The woman, on the verge of answering, noticed Charlie's presence and her elegant demeanor transformed into one of pure joy, as she cried out, "Master Wade, what are you doing here?"

Charlie, equally surprised by the unexpected encounter, couldn't help but smile as he replied, "I came to assist a friend with some feng shui evaluation of this place."

Recalling Paul's recognition of the stunning woman, Charlie realized that they were acquainted.

Sarah explained, "It seems, Master Wade, that you also know Mr. Paul. I'm here on my grandfather's behalf to deliver these flower baskets, congratulating Mr. Paul on the grand opening of his company."

Realizing she hadn't greeted Paul yet, she added with a hint of embarrassment, "Mr. Paul, it's been quite a while."

Paul, the sharp and perceptive legal expert, was quick to read the expressions and gazes of people effectively, a skill he had honed during his studies in the United States. He had even delved into the intricacies of interpreting facial expressions, a valuable skill in the legal profession.

With his unique background, he could tell from Sarah's expressions and her gaze that she held a special fondness for Charlie.

Admiring Charlie for capturing the attention of such a remarkable beauty as Sarah, Paul couldn't help but marvel at Charlie's extraordinary allure. It was clear that Charlie had managed to captivate the heart of the Walker family's young mistress.

Most notably, the fact that Sarah, a member of a prestigious family, had developed feelings for a married man like Charlie was truly a sensation-worthy revelation! 😲💘

Chapter 917: "When Fate Comes Knocking: Love, Feng Shui, and Business Bonds"

In this electrifying moment, the elegant Sarah glided out of the elevator with the grace of a swan.

Though her purpose was to deliver a flower basket to Paul, her eyes never strayed from Charlie. Every time her gaze met his, it was as if she had stumbled upon the fountain of youth, transported back to the tender age of 18 when love had first fluttered within her heart.

As a woman of her stature, she had matured and learned the ways of the world at an early age, including the art of wearing a protective mask. Yet, in Charlie's presence, her mask seemed powerless.

With eyes filled with admiration and affection, Sarah couldn't help but ask, "Master Wade, how did you come to know Mr. Paul? He must have just arrived in China, correct?"

Charlie's smile was like a glint of mischief in his eyes as he replied, "My father-in-law and Mr. Paul's mother were university classmates, so that's how our paths crossed."

Surprised, Sarah exclaimed, "What a twist of fate!"

Meanwhile, Paul, standing nearby, chuckled and added, "Indeed, fate has a funny way of bringing people together. I had no idea, Miss Walker, that you and Master Wade were acquainted."

Sarah gazed deeply at Charlie and confided in Paul, "Master Wade once saved my life. Remember when our exported goods faced a lawsuit in the United States as soon as they arrived, demanding a hefty compensation?"

Paul nodded vigorously, recalling the incident. "Of course, I remember. You urgently sent me from the East Coast to the West Coast to resolve the dispute, but by the time I got there, the issue had miraculously vanished."

Sarah, still affected by the memory, continued, "That was the time when I accidentally disrupted the feng shui of our home. It not only affected our business but also brought a series of personal misfortunes, including car troubles and accidents."

With a sentimental touch, she raised her wrist, revealing a bracelet given to her by her mother. "I lost this bracelet during that period. Without Master Wade, I would never have found it again."

Paul's eyes widened in realization. "So, the incredible feng shui master you mentioned back then was Master Wade!"

Sarah affirmed, "Yes, it was Master Wade."

Paul turned to Charlie, admiration evident in his gaze, and exclaimed, "Master Wade, I had no idea you were the feng shui master Miss Sarah held in such high regard!"

Charlie downplayed his skills with a modest smile. "It was a minor matter, really, nothing to make a fuss about."

Paul hurriedly expressed his gratitude. "Master Wade, you're too modest. Your guidance just now was invaluable in addressing the feng shui concerns here. I'm sincerely grateful."

Although Charlie remained humble, Paul's respect for him had deepened considerably. Seeing the high regard Sarah held for Charlie, Paul knew he had to show the utmost respect as well.

Charlie finally interjected, "I have some matters to attend to. You two go ahead and catch up; I'll take my leave now."

Sarah, eager to be of assistance, inquired, "Master Wade, are you driving? If not, allow me to give you a lift!"

Charlie smiled and asked playfully, "Don't you need to spend time catching up with Paul?"

Without hesitation, Sarah responded, "Paul and I go way back. He's planning to expand his business in Aurous Hill, so we'll have ample time to reconnect later. If you didn't drive here, please let me give you a ride!"

Paul observed this exchange and realized that Sarah's feelings for Charlie were more than just a passing fancy—they held a special place in her heart.

With grace, Paul thanked Sarah for the flower basket and conveyed his regards to Old Master Walker. "I'll definitely visit him when I get the chance. If you have matters to attend to, please go ahead. I have some business matters to handle myself."

Chapter 918

With a grateful glance, Sarah turned her attention to Paul, expressing her understanding, "Alright then, since you're occupied, I won't impose any longer. Let's plan to meet up again when the opportunity arises!"

Paul, possessing both high emotional intelligence and intellect, could sense that Sarah's thoughts were completely focused on Charlie. It was clear that she was offering to drive him out of her genuine concern for him. So, why not go along with the flow and give her a hand?

Turning towards Charlie, Sarah suggested with a smile, "Master Wade, how about I drive you?"

Charlie responded with a nod and a grateful smile, "That would be wonderful, thank you."

Sarah blushed and earnestly added, "Master Wade, please don't be so formal with me."


Leaving her bodyguard to assist Paul with the flower baskets, Sarah pressed the elevator button and, holding the door, courteously gestured to Charlie, "After you, Master Wade!"

Charlie acknowledged the gesture with a slight nod and entered the elevator first, with Sarah following him inside.

As the elevator doors closed, a delicate and sophisticated fragrance emanated from Sarah, gently tickling Charlie's senses.

It must be said, Sarah had impeccable taste. Her perfume's scent was subtle yet enduring, offering both comfort and freshness. It possessed an alluring sophistication without a hint of coarseness.

Standing beside her, Charlie felt a stirring in his heart.

There was no denying that Sarah was exceptionally beautiful and exuded a noble aura. More importantly, she displayed a remarkable gentleness in his presence, devoid of the usual haughtiness associated with young ladies.

Together, they left the Jindi Building. Sarah personally opened the door to her Rolls-Royce and invited Charlie to enter.

Once inside the car, Sarah respectfully inquired, "Master Wade, where would you like to go? I'll be your chauffeur."

Charlie smiled faintly, "Please take me back to Thomson Elite."

A look of surprise crossed Sarah's face as she asked, "Mr. Wade, weren't you planning to run some errands? Why the sudden change of heart to head home?"

Charlie replied with a smile, "The timing for my errands isn't quite right yet. I'll return home and wait for a while."

Though puzzled, Sarah nodded gracefully and ventured to ask with anticipation, "Master Wade, when will you be free? I'd like to invite you for a meal..."

After a moment of contemplation, Charlie responded, "Perhaps in a couple of days. I've been rather busy lately, especially today."

He had already informed Isaac that once it was time to release Elaine, the detention center would arrange for her to contact him.

At that point, he would personally go to pick up Elaine.

The primary reason for his personal involvement was to witness firsthand just how much she had suffered.

A woman who had dared to embezzle 21.9 billion needed to endure hardship and learn a lesson behind bars.

21.9 billion – if he hadn't been concerned about revealing his identity and had reported the theft to the police directly, such a massive sum involved in the case could have led to Elaine facing execution, or at the very least, a suspended death sentence.

Releasing her after just a few days of suffering was already a lenient approach!

Chapter 919: "Behind Bars, Behind Slaps: Elaine's Misfortune Multiplied"

When Elaine returned to the detention center after her visit to the police station, she was teetering on the edge of her seat, her heart racing with anxiety. The uncertainty gnawed at her, leaving her with no option but to engage in an endless internal prayer session.

During her harrowing two-day confinement, Elaine endured hardships she had never fathomed. The experience felt like a relentless assault on her spirit, pushing her to the brink of despair. She couldn't help but fear that if she wasn't released soon, she might not make it out alive.

Meanwhile, the wise old Mrs. Wilson couldn't help but fret when she learned about Elaine's morning trip to the police station for questioning. Her concerns were twofold: first, she worried that Elaine might spill the beans about the abuse and torment she and Verity had subjected her to. Second, she feared that Elaine might request a change of cell, a prospect that sent shivers down Mrs. Wilson's spine.

You see, Elaine's presence had injected a newfound thrill into Mrs. Wilson's otherwise gloomy life. Over the years, the Wilson family had been through more hardships than they could count, leaving Mrs. Wilson in a perpetual state of melancholy. But having Elaine locked up in the same cell had breathed life back into her world.

As Mrs. Wilson contemplated the possibility that Elaine could be looking at a hefty ten to twenty-year sentence, her excitement grew exponentially. She imagined herself strolling out of prison in just over ten days, while Elaine would be locked away for what seemed like an eternity.

Spotting Elaine curled up in a corner of the cell, Mrs. Wilson, in one of her mischievous moods, decided to have a little chat. With a sly grin, she quizzed, "So, the grapevine tells me you had a cozy chat with the police, eh?"

Elaine, trembling, responded, "Yes, Mom, they had some questions about the case."

Mrs. Wilson adopted a stern tone, "You didn't spill the beans, did you? You didn't snitch on us, right?"

Elaine hastily waved her hands and assured, "No worries, Mom. I didn't breathe a word about our 'cell secrets.' They were mostly interested in the case details."

Mrs. Wilson, visibly relieved, chuckled and teased, "Elaine, have you started consulting lawyers about your impending sentence? Ten years? Fifteen years? Is that what they told you?"

Elaine shook her head vigorously, muttering, "I haven't had a chance to talk to a lawyer yet, so I'm in the dark about the duration."

Elaine wasn't about to let on that her release might be imminent. She knew they were going to make her suffer as much as possible before they let her go. Her strategy was to endure the torment in silence until the police finally came to set her free.

Mrs. Wilson smirked triumphantly, "I've heard that you could be looking at a minimum of fifteen years!"

She sighed dramatically but with a certain glee, "Oh, Elaine, fifteen long years! I, an old lady, can't even stand fifteen days. How on earth will you survive it? Just the thought sends shivers down my spine!"

Elaine could only nod meekly, "I have no idea, Mom! Just contemplating over a decade behind bars sends a chill down my spine."

Just when things couldn't get worse, Verity approached Elaine and delivered a swift double-slap to her cheeks. She then leaned in and declared, "For a woman like you, who steals husbands and sends innocent souls like Merit off to the States, even a lifetime in prison wouldn't be enough. Every time I think of what you did to her, I feel the urge to exact revenge!"

With that, Verity grabbed Elaine's hair and administered several more stinging slaps. Blood soon dribbled from the corner of Elaine's mouth. Just as Verity stopped, Elaine had no inkling that Mrs. Wilson was eagerly waiting to join in on the punishment.

In an unexpected twist, as soon as Verity ceased her assault, Mrs. Wilson pounced on Elaine's ear, yanking it mercilessly. Elaine couldn't help but cry out in agony.

Wincing, Elaine questioned, "Mom, why are you pulling my ear? What did I do to deserve this?" 🤔

Chapter 920: "From Dreams to Despair: A Shocking Turn of Events"

Elder Madame Wilson didn't hold back her icy scorn as she rebuked, "You've got some nerve asking me what you did wrong, huh? Well, I'll spell it out for you: folks like you, simply by being alive and breathing, are nature's little oopsie-daisies. The best favor you can do the world is to make a swift exit and stop hogging all the air!"

Elaine's ears felt like they were on fire, the pain drilling into her very soul, but she dared not even flinch. She had to swallow her grievances, telling herself to hang in there just a bit longer, and then she'd be free at last!

Once she was out, in a mere couple of weeks, this miserable old hag would also be out on the streets, with no roof, no food, and no drink. That's when Elaine's moment for revenge would come!

Did this wretched woman really think she'd be stuck in this place for a decade?

Did she actually believe she could snatch the letter Elaine had written and waltz into her fancy Thomson Elite villa? What a laugh!

She had no clue that Elaine's incarceration wouldn't drag on for years. Soon enough, she'd be set free!

When the prison guard finally opened that cell door, Elaine imagined the old woman's jaw dropping to the floor, her eyes popping out, drowning in frustration, anger, and despair.

Heck, she might even keel over from sheer fury!

Elder Madame Wilson had never even entertained the thought of Elaine walking out of that prison. She assumed Elaine's life would be spent behind bars.

That's why she held onto that letter from Elaine like it was the Holy Grail. With that, she'd stroll out in a few days, right into the lap of luxury at Thomson Elite.

Thomson Elite, for heaven's sake! She'd never dreamed of it!

Once she moved in there, she wouldn't budge, not even in the afterlife. She'd prefer to meet her maker in that opulent mansion.

A bit superstitious, she thought that dying there would guarantee a prosperous reincarnation.

But at that moment, a prison guard approached their cell.

Mrs. Wilson reluctantly released Elaine's ear, which she had nearly mangled into a swollen, bleeding mess.

Tears streamed down Elaine's face from the excruciating pain, but the sight of the guard nearly drove her to madness with joy.

The guard was here to set her free!

Finally, freedom was within her grasp!

She could return to her splendid Thomson Elite mansion, feast on a lavish meal, and sleep soundly!

For the past couple of days, she'd barely had a few spoonfuls of porridge off the filthy floor, and her sleep had been plagued by fever and torment.

So, Elaine was desperate to leave this place, to never return.

The guard approached the cell, swung the door open, and announced, "Time for some fresh air, folks! Line up for the yard!"

"Fresh air?!"

Elaine's heart, bursting with anticipation, crashed down like a lead balloon.

The guard was here for their daily yard time? Wasn't she going to be released? Hadn't the authorities made a decision yet? 🙄
This woman needed life imprisonment.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 921: A Storm Brews in the Playground

In the gloomy world of the detention center, Elaine reluctantly complied with the stern prison guards, trudging out of her cell along with the other inmates. The prison playground awaited them, an arena for both freedom and humiliation.

Once they reached the playground, a guard barked orders, "Three laps around, then thirty minutes of respite. Assemble at the entrance afterward!"

The prisoners swiftly formed a line, and Verity, their cell's unofficial leader, took control. Her eyes bore into Elaine as she issued her commands, "You, up front. Everyone, keep an eye on her. If she slacks, she'll pay for it!"

Addressing the rest, she added, "Be gentle with the elderly, help them if needed."

Elder Wilson chuckled, breaking the tension, "Verity, you're considerate. I may be old, but I can still hold my own. No need for help; I'll go at my own pace."

With Verity's approval, she announced, "Ready, set, go!"

At the head of the pack, Elaine began to run, her body aching and weakened from two days of inadequate food. Just a few steps in, her legs threatened to give way, nearly sending her tumbling.

A fellow inmate behind her delivered a swift kick to her side, jeering, "You, homewrecker, can't even run straight. What good are you?"

Another chimed in with cruel laughter, "She's an expert at sneaking into beds, even if she can't run!"

The group erupted in mockery, but Elaine, swallowing her pride, clenched her teeth and pressed on.

Then, she spotted three formidable women lurking at a corner of the track, their eyes fixed on her like hawks.

As she passed by them, one of the women reached out and seized her shoulder.

The entire group halted as Elaine was apprehended. Verity approached, demanding, "What's going on?"

The trio of women exuded an aura of danger. The one who had gripped Elaine sported a scar that slashed across her face from eye to jaw, a menacing sight.

Verity, despite her authority in the cell, was, at heart, a simple rural woman. She might dare to confront Elaine, but she wouldn't dare to challenge someone like this scarred stranger.

The scarred woman spoke, her voice dripping with intimidation, "I'm looking for someone named Elaine. Is she in your cell? Point her out."

Panicking, Elaine shook her head vehemently, stammering, "I don’t know any Elaine... I've never heard of her..."

But Elder Wilson, betraying her, pointed directly at Elaine, stating, "Don't listen to this shameless woman's lies. She's Elaine!"

Wendy chimed in, "That's right! She's Elaine, a swindler!"

Without a word, the scarred woman turned to Elaine and delivered a resounding slap to her face.

This woman was clearly no amateur; her body was muscular, and her slap packed a ferocious punch, far surpassing the force of Verity's blows.

The slap sent Elaine tumbling to the ground, hitting the cold, unforgiving pavement with a pitiful thud. A single molar was expelled from her mouth, marking a moment of true helplessness. ⚡😡

Chapter 922: The Unwelcome Reunion

In the dimly lit cell, tension hung heavy in the air as a scar-faced woman with a fierce demeanor struck fear into everyone present. But amidst the trepidation, there were a couple of hidden emotions brewing—glee and vindication.

Old Lady Wilson, sitting in the corner, couldn't help but smirk discreetly. She had a peculiar taste for watching Elaine receive her comeuppance, and this confrontation promised to be a delight.

Wendy, on the other hand, couldn't suppress a sense of satisfaction as Elaine tasted the sting of a powerful slap that sent her sprawling. It was a hit that packed more punch than a prizefighter's jab.

Elaine was visibly shaken, her confidence crumbling.

Being on the receiving end of a beating wasn't an alien concept to her, given her recent days in confinement. However, this time, the motive was unclear, and that made her anxious. Was this scar-faced woman somehow connected to the international fraud syndicate, here to settle old scores?

Fear began to clutch at Elaine's heart, and she nervously wondered about the true identity of her assailant.

Verity, adopting an outwardly submissive demeanor, chimed in, "Big sister, we have no ties to this woman. You're welcome to teach her a lesson. If things take a darker turn, and she meets her demise, it's no concern of ours. But, we still have our daily exercise to complete. Can we proceed?"

The scar-faced woman issued a disdainful snort, "All irrelevant parties, scram! Or you'll find out just how rude I can be!"

Verity urgently signaled to the others, and they chanted "121" in unison as they made their exit, leaving only the trio and Elaine behind.

A trembling Elaine couldn't help but blurt out, "Big sister, what have I done to wrong you? Please, at least tell me..."

The scar-faced woman's response was swift and brutal—a vicious kick to Elaine's abdomen, sending her writhing in agony on the grimy floor.

Next, she produced a black bank card, ominously demanding, "Elaine, look closely. Does this card jog your memory?"

Elaine's heart raced as she recognized the card instantly—it was the very one she had stolen from Charlie!

Could it be? Were these three women her accomplices from the fraudulent ring?

Her mind raced with confusion. Earlier that morning, the police had assured her they had no leads. How had these women been apprehended?

Could it be that they were seeking revenge because she had unwittingly landed them in prison?

The situation was growing dire. Were they here to exact retribution, possibly even taking her life in anger? Her impending release was tantalizingly close, and the thought of dying now seemed tragically ironic.

Desperation welled up as she sobbed, "I truly don't recognize this bank card. There must be a mistake..."

"Mistake? You've got to be kidding me!"

The scar-faced woman seized Elaine's hair, delivering another punishing slap across her face. She spat out her words with rage, "Do you comprehend why we're all locked up? It's because of you! You brought the heat and got us nabbed. We're staring at potential life sentences, all thanks to you!"

Elaine's cries of pain echoed in the cold cell, as the scar-faced woman commanded her comrades, "Damn it, beat her soundly! Let's give her a taste of near-death. She's looking at a decade or two behind bars anyway. We'll make sure she suffers twice a day until she meets her maker!" 😬👊

Chapter 923: A Brutal Ballet of Justice

Upon hearing those fateful words, two other ladies sprung into action without skipping a beat, joining the "Elaine Bop"—a dance of fists and kicks raining down on none other than Elaine herself.

Their limbs swung like pendulums, as if they were auditioning for a martial arts film, all the while Elaine played the tragic star, wailing her heart out under the spotlight of their relentless performance.

In reality, this trio had been dispatched by none other than Isaac himself, sent on a mission to ensure that Elaine grasped the gravity of her situation. They aimed to engrave the lesson so deep that it would echo through her nightmares.

Their hope? That once released, Elaine would be too traumatized to brag to Charlie ever again.

As the merciless blows continued to fall, Elaine tumbled across the ground like a poorly executed somersault, her screams composing a sorrowful symphony that seemed destined never to reach its final note.

Meanwhile, onlookers who had initially been strolling by came to an abrupt halt, eyes wide, jaws dropping in disbelief at the spectacle unfolding before them.

Verity, who had previously dished out her own version of justice to Elaine, looked on in astonishment. She might have had a beef with Elaine, but this trio was serving up a buffet of brutality that even she couldn't stomach.

"This is beyond dreadful, beyond dreadful indeed!" Verity muttered, shaking her head. "Elaine is truly getting a taste of everyone's fists... I'm almost starting to pity her..."

Old Lady Wilson, witnessing Elaine's misery, couldn't contain her glee, bellowing with laughter, "Bravo! Beat that shrew black and blue! Make her face a masterpiece of misery!"

Even Wendy chimed in, applauding vigorously, her laughter echoing, "Hit her harder! Harder! Slap her face silly! Paint her face with the colors of regret!"

Finally, the scar-faced woman, satisfied that Elaine had suffered enough, declared, "Alright, leave her a semblance of life. If she kicks the bucket now, what will we do for the next two decades when we crave some good old-fashioned venting?"

With that, they ceased their barrage.

Elaine lay on the floor, her face resembling a grotesque Picasso painting, whimpering like a wounded animal, wondering if she was on the brink of the great beyond.

The scar-faced woman strolled over and delivered an icy ultimatum, "Listen closely, your suffering has only just begun. This is the price of meddling. Brace yourself, because I promise you'll wish you were pushing up daisies!"

Terrified out of her wits, Elaine erupted into a fresh chorus of sobbing.

The torment inflicted upon her by Charlie's black card was shaping up to be an epic tragedy, rivaling the arduous journey of Tang Sanzang to the West, complete with its eighty-one tribulations.

Ever since she had filched that ill-fated card, her life had spiraled into a never-ending loop of thrashings, hunger, bone-chilling cold, cold water dousings, and the luxurious privilege of sleeping in the restroom...

A true Shakespearean tragedy, indeed.

Upon seeing Elaine's ceaseless tears, the scar-faced woman delivered a final, chilling warning, "One more whimper, and I'll turn your dental history into an epic saga!"

Elaine clamped her mouth shut, unwilling to risk the fate of her remaining teeth. Having already lost two front teeth and a molar, she couldn't fathom enduring life as a toothless wonder.

With Elaine silenced, the scar-faced woman issued her parting decree, "Now, scurry off."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Elaine, though unable to stand, crawled away with the speed of a startled centipede, eager to put distance between herself and her merciless tormentors.

As the three enforcers departed, two prison guards appeared on the scene, summoning Verity to escort Elaine back to her cell.

Despite her disdain for Elaine, witnessing her pitiful state, Verity couldn't help but be touched by a twinge of compassion.

And so, the robust Verity extended a helping hand, raising Elaine from the floor, while the others followed in tow, each carrying their own heavy thoughts.

Chapter 924: Elaine's Melodrama

In the wake of Elaine's latest dramatic escapade, the public reaction was as varied as a box of assorted chocolates. Some folks felt sympathy for her, some savored the juicy drama like it was prime-time television, and others were left with a lingering sense of dread.

Back in her cold cell, as Elaine contemplated her misfortune, Charlie's phone rang, and it was none other than Isaac Craven, his trusted aide.

Isaac's voice crackled over the line, "Young Master, I've taken care of Elaine as you instructed. She won't dare cross you again once she's out."

Charlie responded nonchalantly, "You did well, Isaac."

But Isaac couldn't help but voice his concerns, "Young Master, if I may be so bold, isn't it time to let the law handle your mother-in-law? She's swindled so much of your wealth; she could get a suspended death sentence. Why bother setting her free?"

Charlie chuckled dryly, "You see, Isaac, my mother-in-law is like a golden ticket."

Perplexed, Isaac probed further, "A ticket? Young Master, what exactly do you mean?"

Charlie couldn't exactly reveal that Elaine was his gateway to his wife's affections. So, he offered a cryptic response, "Enough questions, Isaac. Just make sure she's released."

"Of course!" Isaac nodded briskly. "I'll take care of it."


Meanwhile, in her dreary cell, Elaine lay on her bunk, sobbing uncontrollably. This was the first semblance of comfort she had experienced since her incarceration, thanks to a momentary lapse of compassion from a fellow inmate.

Verity, feeling a twinge of pity for Elaine's battered state, had helped her back to her cell and allowed her to rest on her bunk.

Suddenly, Wendy, Wilson's grandmother's granddaughter, entered the room, eyeing Elaine with a hint of malice. "Elaine," she sneered, "you've certainly made quite a few enemies. It seems like everyone wants a piece of you. Your future doesn't look too rosy, does it?"

Elaine teetered on the edge of despair. She wondered if the police had decided to keep her locked up indefinitely, subjecting her to a life of misery.

In jail, out of jail, and being beaten both inside and outside—how much more could she endure in a single day?

Wendy chimed in, "Grandma, I don't think this despicable woman will last another ten or twenty years. With the way she's getting thrashed, she might not see the next few months."

Wilson's grandmother laughed heartily, "Exactly! She's getting what she deserves!"

Taking a seat in front of Elaine, she gloated, "Oh, Elaine, you never imagined your fate would come to this, did you? Now you can rot in prison while Wendy and I enjoy the luxuries of Thomson Elite!"

Elaine pleaded desperately, "Even if you're moving to Thomson Elite, you don't have to wish for my death. After all, I'm still the daughter-in-law of the Wilson family, your son's wife, and your granddaughter's mother. How can you be so heartless?"

Wilson's grandmother sneered, "Heartless? Of course, I can be heartless toward you! I never considered you a true daughter-in-law of the Wilson family. Someone like you could never be worthy of our name. Once I move to Thomson Elite, my son will find a new daughter-in-law, and our family will finally know happiness. You can rot in prison for all I care!"

Elaine seethed with rage upon hearing these words. What? Noah finding a new wife and experiencing family bliss? That delusional old woman! Just you wait! I'll get out of here, and then we'll see who gets the last laugh!

As Elaine simmered with fury, a prison guard swung open the cell door and announced, "Elaine, you're being released. Gather your belongings and complete the necessary procedures; your family is coming to pick you up."

Chapter 925: Unveiling the Shocking Twist

The prison cell echoed with disbelief at the bombshell dropped.

Madam Wilson and Wendy couldn't trust their own ears!

What in the world was happening here?

Weren't they all convinced that Elaine was going to rot in jail for a decade or two? Why the sudden twist?

And what would become of their grand plans to move into Thomson Elite once they were free?

Madam Wilson felt a wave of panic wash over her.

In that very moment, Elaine, who had appeared beaten down just moments ago, sprang to life with sheer excitement upon hearing the news.

The pain from her recent thrashing vanished as if it had been whisked away by magic.

"Thank the heavens, I'm finally getting out!" Elaine exclaimed, her joy contagious. "Haha, this is fantastic! I'm headed back to my Thomson Elite!"

Without skipping a beat, she turned to Madam Wilson and delivered a biting taunt. "Hahaha, you old hag! Did you ever imagine I'd be walking out of here? Hahaha!"

"And you, Wendy," she sneered, "you poor thing, just get comfortable in your prison cell! Enjoy your time here because once you're out, you won't even have a cardboard box to call home!"

"Thomson Elite is nothing but a distant dream for you penniless fools! In fact, when you're out, I might just go dig up your ancestors' graves to see if they were worthy of a place there, let alone you two!"

Madam Wilson quivered with anger, wishing she could tear Elaine apart.

She even regretted not persuading Verity to deal with Elaine sooner. The sudden release of this wicked woman felt like an affront to the heavens!

Furious, Wendy fired back, "Don't be too smug, you wretch. Maybe the court is preparing to sentence you to life imprisonment! You might never see the light of day again!"

Elaine didn't hold back, shouting, "Shut your mouth! I've been cleared of these false accusations, and my freedom is in sight. You two homeless vagabonds better start praying for yourselves!"

Then, she turned her venomous gaze on Verity. "Verity, you ugly, country bumpkin pig! How dare you lay a finger on me and make me lick porridge off the ground! Just wait, once you're out, I'll have someone teach you a lesson you won't forget. You claim to be filial, right? Well, just wait until I find out where your mother is buried. I'll dig up her grave and scatter her ashes!"

Verity trembled with fury, ready to take on the world.

Just as she was about to retaliate, a stern voice came from behind, "Elaine, are you leaving or not?"

Elaine quickly responded, "Yes, yes, I'm leaving. I don't want to spend another second in this dump."

The guard interjected, "Then pack your things and let's go."

In the presence of the guard, the others held back their impulses to attack Elaine, leaving them seething with frustration.

Verity harbored the deepest of grudges; she loathed anyone who dared to insult her mother. Elaine's threat to desecrate her mother's memory was beyond forgiveness!


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Chapter 921: A Storm Brews in the Playground

In the gloomy world of the detention center, Elaine reluctantly complied with the stern prison guards, trudging out of her cell along with the other inmates. The prison playground awaited them, an arena for both freedom and humiliation.

Once they reached the playground, a guard barked orders, "Three laps around, then thirty minutes of respite. Assemble at the entrance afterward!"

The prisoners swiftly formed a line, and Verity, their cell's unofficial leader, took control. Her eyes bore into Elaine as she issued her commands, "You, up front. Everyone, keep an eye on her. If she slacks, she'll pay for it!"

Addressing the rest, she added, "Be gentle with the elderly, help them if needed."

Elder Wilson chuckled, breaking the tension, "Verity, you're considerate. I may be old, but I can still hold my own. No need for help; I'll go at my own pace."

With Verity's approval, she announced, "Ready, set, go!"

At the head of the pack, Elaine began to run, her body aching and weakened from two days of inadequate food. Just a few steps in, her legs threatened to give way, nearly sending her tumbling.

A fellow inmate behind her delivered a swift kick to her side, jeering, "You, homewrecker, can't even run straight. What good are you?"

Another chimed in with cruel laughter, "She's an expert at sneaking into beds, even if she can't run!"

The group erupted in mockery, but Elaine, swallowing her pride, clenched her teeth and pressed on.

Then, she spotted three formidable women lurking at a corner of the track, their eyes fixed on her like hawks.

As she passed by them, one of the women reached out and seized her shoulder.

The entire group halted as Elaine was apprehended. Verity approached, demanding, "What's going on?"

The trio of women exuded an aura of danger. The one who had gripped Elaine sported a scar that slashed across her face from eye to jaw, a menacing sight.

Verity, despite her authority in the cell, was, at heart, a simple rural woman. She might dare to confront Elaine, but she wouldn't dare to challenge someone like this scarred stranger.

The scarred woman spoke, her voice dripping with intimidation, "I'm looking for someone named Elaine. Is she in your cell? Point her out."

Panicking, Elaine shook her head vehemently, stammering, "I don’t know any Elaine... I've never heard of her..."

But Elder Wilson, betraying her, pointed directly at Elaine, stating, "Don't listen to this shameless woman's lies. She's Elaine!"

Wendy chimed in, "That's right! She's Elaine, a swindler!"

Without a word, the scarred woman turned to Elaine and delivered a resounding slap to her face.

This woman was clearly no amateur; her body was muscular, and her slap packed a ferocious punch, far surpassing the force of Verity's blows.

The slap sent Elaine tumbling to the ground, hitting the cold, unforgiving pavement with a pitiful thud. A single molar was expelled from her mouth, marking a moment of true helplessness. ⚡😡

Chapter 922: The Unwelcome Reunion

In the dimly lit cell, tension hung heavy in the air as a scar-faced woman with a fierce demeanor struck fear into everyone present. But amidst the trepidation, there were a couple of hidden emotions brewing—glee and vindication.

Old Lady Wilson, sitting in the corner, couldn't help but smirk discreetly. She had a peculiar taste for watching Elaine receive her comeuppance, and this confrontation promised to be a delight.

Wendy, on the other hand, couldn't suppress a sense of satisfaction as Elaine tasted the sting of a powerful slap that sent her sprawling. It was a hit that packed more punch than a prizefighter's jab.

Elaine was visibly shaken, her confidence crumbling.

Being on the receiving end of a beating wasn't an alien concept to her, given her recent days in confinement. However, this time, the motive was unclear, and that made her anxious. Was this scar-faced woman somehow connected to the international fraud syndicate, here to settle old scores?

Fear began to clutch at Elaine's heart, and she nervously wondered about the true identity of her assailant.

Verity, adopting an outwardly submissive demeanor, chimed in, "Big sister, we have no ties to this woman. You're welcome to teach her a lesson. If things take a darker turn, and she meets her demise, it's no concern of ours. But, we still have our daily exercise to complete. Can we proceed?"

The scar-faced woman issued a disdainful snort, "All irrelevant parties, scram! Or you'll find out just how rude I can be!"

Verity urgently signaled to the others, and they chanted "121" in unison as they made their exit, leaving only the trio and Elaine behind.

A trembling Elaine couldn't help but blurt out, "Big sister, what have I done to wrong you? Please, at least tell me..."

The scar-faced woman's response was swift and brutal—a vicious kick to Elaine's abdomen, sending her writhing in agony on the grimy floor.

Next, she produced a black bank card, ominously demanding, "Elaine, look closely. Does this card jog your memory?"

Elaine's heart raced as she recognized the card instantly—it was the very one she had stolen from Charlie!

Could it be? Were these three women her accomplices from the fraudulent ring?

Her mind raced with confusion. Earlier that morning, the police had assured her they had no leads. How had these women been apprehended?

Could it be that they were seeking revenge because she had unwittingly landed them in prison?

The situation was growing dire. Were they here to exact retribution, possibly even taking her life in anger? Her impending release was tantalizingly close, and the thought of dying now seemed tragically ironic.

Desperation welled up as she sobbed, "I truly don't recognize this bank card. There must be a mistake..."

"Mistake? You've got to be kidding me!"

The scar-faced woman seized Elaine's hair, delivering another punishing slap across her face. She spat out her words with rage, "Do you comprehend why we're all locked up? It's because of you! You brought the heat and got us nabbed. We're staring at potential life sentences, all thanks to you!"

Elaine's cries of pain echoed in the cold cell, as the scar-faced woman commanded her comrades, "Damn it, beat her soundly! Let's give her a taste of near-death. She's looking at a decade or two behind bars anyway. We'll make sure she suffers twice a day until she meets her maker!" 😬👊

Chapter 923: A Brutal Ballet of Justice

Upon hearing those fateful words, two other ladies sprung into action without skipping a beat, joining the "Elaine Bop"—a dance of fists and kicks raining down on none other than Elaine herself.

Their limbs swung like pendulums, as if they were auditioning for a martial arts film, all the while Elaine played the tragic star, wailing her heart out under the spotlight of their relentless performance.

In reality, this trio had been dispatched by none other than Isaac himself, sent on a mission to ensure that Elaine grasped the gravity of her situation. They aimed to engrave the lesson so deep that it would echo through her nightmares.

Their hope? That once released, Elaine would be too traumatized to brag to Charlie ever again.

As the merciless blows continued to fall, Elaine tumbled across the ground like a poorly executed somersault, her screams composing a sorrowful symphony that seemed destined never to reach its final note.

Meanwhile, onlookers who had initially been strolling by came to an abrupt halt, eyes wide, jaws dropping in disbelief at the spectacle unfolding before them.

Verity, who had previously dished out her own version of justice to Elaine, looked on in astonishment. She might have had a beef with Elaine, but this trio was serving up a buffet of brutality that even she couldn't stomach.

"This is beyond dreadful, beyond dreadful indeed!" Verity muttered, shaking her head. "Elaine is truly getting a taste of everyone's fists... I'm almost starting to pity her..."

Old Lady Wilson, witnessing Elaine's misery, couldn't contain her glee, bellowing with laughter, "Bravo! Beat that shrew black and blue! Make her face a masterpiece of misery!"

Even Wendy chimed in, applauding vigorously, her laughter echoing, "Hit her harder! Harder! Slap her face silly! Paint her face with the colors of regret!"

Finally, the scar-faced woman, satisfied that Elaine had suffered enough, declared, "Alright, leave her a semblance of life. If she kicks the bucket now, what will we do for the next two decades when we crave some good old-fashioned venting?"

With that, they ceased their barrage.

Elaine lay on the floor, her face resembling a grotesque Picasso painting, whimpering like a wounded animal, wondering if she was on the brink of the great beyond.

The scar-faced woman strolled over and delivered an icy ultimatum, "Listen closely, your suffering has only just begun. This is the price of meddling. Brace yourself, because I promise you'll wish you were pushing up daisies!"

Terrified out of her wits, Elaine erupted into a fresh chorus of sobbing.

The torment inflicted upon her by Charlie's black card was shaping up to be an epic tragedy, rivaling the arduous journey of Tang Sanzang to the West, complete with its eighty-one tribulations.

Ever since she had filched that ill-fated card, her life had spiraled into a never-ending loop of thrashings, hunger, bone-chilling cold, cold water dousings, and the luxurious privilege of sleeping in the restroom...

A true Shakespearean tragedy, indeed.

Upon seeing Elaine's ceaseless tears, the scar-faced woman delivered a final, chilling warning, "One more whimper, and I'll turn your dental history into an epic saga!"

Elaine clamped her mouth shut, unwilling to risk the fate of her remaining teeth. Having already lost two front teeth and a molar, she couldn't fathom enduring life as a toothless wonder.

With Elaine silenced, the scar-faced woman issued her parting decree, "Now, scurry off."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Elaine, though unable to stand, crawled away with the speed of a startled centipede, eager to put distance between herself and her merciless tormentors.

As the three enforcers departed, two prison guards appeared on the scene, summoning Verity to escort Elaine back to her cell.

Despite her disdain for Elaine, witnessing her pitiful state, Verity couldn't help but be touched by a twinge of compassion.

And so, the robust Verity extended a helping hand, raising Elaine from the floor, while the others followed in tow, each carrying their own heavy thoughts.

Chapter 924: Elaine's Melodrama

In the wake of Elaine's latest dramatic escapade, the public reaction was as varied as a box of assorted chocolates. Some folks felt sympathy for her, some savored the juicy drama like it was prime-time television, and others were left with a lingering sense of dread.

Back in her cold cell, as Elaine contemplated her misfortune, Charlie's phone rang, and it was none other than Isaac Craven, his trusted aide.

Isaac's voice crackled over the line, "Young Master, I've taken care of Elaine as you instructed. She won't dare cross you again once she's out."

Charlie responded nonchalantly, "You did well, Isaac."

But Isaac couldn't help but voice his concerns, "Young Master, if I may be so bold, isn't it time to let the law handle your mother-in-law? She's swindled so much of your wealth; she could get a suspended death sentence. Why bother setting her free?"

Charlie chuckled dryly, "You see, Isaac, my mother-in-law is like a golden ticket."

Perplexed, Isaac probed further, "A ticket? Young Master, what exactly do you mean?"

Charlie couldn't exactly reveal that Elaine was his gateway to his wife's affections. So, he offered a cryptic response, "Enough questions, Isaac. Just make sure she's released."

"Of course!" Isaac nodded briskly. "I'll take care of it."


Meanwhile, in her dreary cell, Elaine lay on her bunk, sobbing uncontrollably. This was the first semblance of comfort she had experienced since her incarceration, thanks to a momentary lapse of compassion from a fellow inmate.

Verity, feeling a twinge of pity for Elaine's battered state, had helped her back to her cell and allowed her to rest on her bunk.

Suddenly, Wendy, Wilson's grandmother's granddaughter, entered the room, eyeing Elaine with a hint of malice. "Elaine," she sneered, "you've certainly made quite a few enemies. It seems like everyone wants a piece of you. Your future doesn't look too rosy, does it?"

Elaine teetered on the edge of despair. She wondered if the police had decided to keep her locked up indefinitely, subjecting her to a life of misery.

In jail, out of jail, and being beaten both inside and outside—how much more could she endure in a single day?

Wendy chimed in, "Grandma, I don't think this despicable woman will last another ten or twenty years. With the way she's getting thrashed, she might not see the next few months."

Wilson's grandmother laughed heartily, "Exactly! She's getting what she deserves!"

Taking a seat in front of Elaine, she gloated, "Oh, Elaine, you never imagined your fate would come to this, did you? Now you can rot in prison while Wendy and I enjoy the luxuries of Thomson Elite!"

Elaine pleaded desperately, "Even if you're moving to Thomson Elite, you don't have to wish for my death. After all, I'm still the daughter-in-law of the Wilson family, your son's wife, and your granddaughter's mother. How can you be so heartless?"

Wilson's grandmother sneered, "Heartless? Of course, I can be heartless toward you! I never considered you a true daughter-in-law of the Wilson family. Someone like you could never be worthy of our name. Once I move to Thomson Elite, my son will find a new daughter-in-law, and our family will finally know happiness. You can rot in prison for all I care!"

Elaine seethed with rage upon hearing these words. What? Noah finding a new wife and experiencing family bliss? That delusional old woman! Just you wait! I'll get out of here, and then we'll see who gets the last laugh!

As Elaine simmered with fury, a prison guard swung open the cell door and announced, "Elaine, you're being released. Gather your belongings and complete the necessary procedures; your family is coming to pick you up."

Chapter 925: Unveiling the Shocking Twist

The prison cell echoed with disbelief at the bombshell dropped.

Madam Wilson and Wendy couldn't trust their own ears!

What in the world was happening here?

Weren't they all convinced that Elaine was going to rot in jail for a decade or two? Why the sudden twist?

And what would become of their grand plans to move into Thomson Elite once they were free?

Madam Wilson felt a wave of panic wash over her.

In that very moment, Elaine, who had appeared beaten down just moments ago, sprang to life with sheer excitement upon hearing the news.

The pain from her recent thrashing vanished as if it had been whisked away by magic.

"Thank the heavens, I'm finally getting out!" Elaine exclaimed, her joy contagious. "Haha, this is fantastic! I'm headed back to my Thomson Elite!"

Without skipping a beat, she turned to Madam Wilson and delivered a biting taunt. "Hahaha, you old hag! Did you ever imagine I'd be walking out of here? Hahaha!"

"And you, Wendy," she sneered, "you poor thing, just get comfortable in your prison cell! Enjoy your time here because once you're out, you won't even have a cardboard box to call home!"

"Thomson Elite is nothing but a distant dream for you penniless fools! In fact, when you're out, I might just go dig up your ancestors' graves to see if they were worthy of a place there, let alone you two!"

Madam Wilson quivered with anger, wishing she could tear Elaine apart.

She even regretted not persuading Verity to deal with Elaine sooner. The sudden release of this wicked woman felt like an affront to the heavens!

Furious, Wendy fired back, "Don't be too smug, you wretch. Maybe the court is preparing to sentence you to life imprisonment! You might never see the light of day again!"

Elaine didn't hold back, shouting, "Shut your mouth! I've been cleared of these false accusations, and my freedom is in sight. You two homeless vagabonds better start praying for yourselves!"

Then, she turned her venomous gaze on Verity. "Verity, you ugly, country bumpkin pig! How dare you lay a finger on me and make me lick porridge off the ground! Just wait, once you're out, I'll have someone teach you a lesson you won't forget. You claim to be filial, right? Well, just wait until I find out where your mother is buried. I'll dig up her grave and scatter her ashes!"

Verity trembled with fury, ready to take on the world.

Just as she was about to retaliate, a stern voice came from behind, "Elaine, are you leaving or not?"

Elaine quickly responded, "Yes, yes, I'm leaving. I don't want to spend another second in this dump."

The guard interjected, "Then pack your things and let's go."

In the presence of the guard, the others held back their impulses to attack Elaine, leaving them seething with frustration.

Verity harbored the deepest of grudges; she loathed anyone who dared to insult her mother. Elaine's threat to desecrate her mother's memory was beyond forgiveness!
How did they release her so soon. Charlie prepare because I don't see her changing

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 926: The Showdown in the Restroom

In this gripping moment, Elaine stood her ground without a hint of fear. As she neatly packed her belongings, she shot an icy glare at those surrounding her, her words slicing through the tension like a cold breeze on a hot summer day. "And as for those who thought they could lay a hand on me, don't imagine you can just slip away! Let me inform you, I've got connections beyond these walls. From this day forth, I'll be watching each and every one of you. Whoever dares to cross my path will taste the wrath they deserve!"

Elaine's scolding reverberated through the cell, painting faces with shades of anger and humiliation.

Once she'd had her say, Elaine felt an overwhelming sense of relief. But just as she was about to leave in the company of a prison guard, an unexpected urge struck her. Grumbling under her breath, she muttered, "Why now, of all times, do I need to pee..."

Then, with a wicked smirk, she added, "But no way! This cell has 'bad vibes' written all over it, and I won't carry bad luck with me. I must relieve myself before I go!"

Turning to Old Lady Wilson and Verity, she sneered, "Well, ladies, I've got a spare pee for you two poor souls!"

With that, she jauntily hummed a tune, swaying her hips as she made her way to the restroom.

Outside, the crowd fell into a tense silence, their anger at Elaine's provocations simmering beneath the surface.

Old Lady Wilson clutched her chest, overcome by frustration. She exclaimed, "This is unbearable, truly unbearable! It must be my spineless son who bailed her out!"

Verity chimed in, "Your son bails her out, but not you? What a scoundrel!"

Old Lady Wilson lamented, "My son is a feeble-minded fool, entirely under the thumb of that shrew. They're just out to torment me, an old woman..."

And with a sly twist of fate, she sowed the seeds of discord, whispering to Verity, "Verity, that woman is pure malice. She threatened to desecrate your mother's resting place. I believe she'd stoop to such lows. You must be prepared!"

Verity, her anger reaching a boiling point, trembled with fury. Grinding her teeth, she sprang to her feet and charged into the restroom!

This was her golden opportunity to teach Elaine a lesson, one she couldn't afford to miss. If she did, the wily woman would be gone for good.

Witnessing Verity's furious dash, Old Lady Wilson followed suit, albeit more unsteadily.

Wendy and a handful of others, who had all tasted Elaine's sharp tongue, didn't hesitate. They swiftly joined the fray!

Inside the restroom, Elaine was caught off guard as the door swung open with a resounding kick. Verity's foot connected with her, sending her crashing onto the toilet seat. Her legs dangled helplessly over the edge, causing intense pain that made standing up impossible.

Recalling Elaine's vile threat about her mother's grave, Verity's rage boiled over. Baring her teeth, she urged the others, "Beat her mercilessly! Teach this wicked woman a lesson she won't forget!"

Without missing a beat, the crowd unleashed a flurry of blows upon Elaine's helpless figure. She cried out in pain, her futile attempts to shield herself met with fists and feet raining down.

Meanwhile, Wendy's eyes glittered with icy determination. She'd been itching to confront Elaine for a long time, and now, her moment had arrived. As the others focused on Elaine's upper body, her legs protruding awkwardly, Wendy seized her opportunity. With swift precision, she grabbed one of Elaine's legs and signaled Old Lady Wilson, declaring, "Grandma, let's break this vile woman's leg! This chance might not come again!"

Old Lady Wilson nodded in fierce agreement, ready to deliver their ultimate message to Elaine.

Chapter 927: The Bittersweet Tango of Revenge 💥

Old Madam Wilson's dreams of a luxurious life at the Thomson Elite Mansion had just crumbled like a stack of delicate china. Blame it on Elaine, the nemesis of her golden years. Her heart simmered with a bubbling cauldron of loathing towards her.

To make matters worse, Elaine had been flaunting her audacity lately, and her cheeky remarks had become the old lady's daily dose of irritation.

The thought of Elaine escaping her clutches was nothing short of infuriating for Old Madam Wilson. Could this really be happening? Was Elaine about to walk free, leaving her fuming in frustration?

This was her last shot at giving Elaine a dose of her own medicine. Miss it, and it might as well be lost forever!

In a bold move, Old Madam Wilson, disregarding her frail and aged frame, decided to give Elaine's knee a firm stomp. There it was, a crisp crack, followed by Elaine's agonizing shriek.

Her leg was clearly broken!

Old Madam Wilson had a moment of triumphant exhilaration, but her victory was short-lived. Her unsteady balance led her to an undignified tumble right on her tailbone, causing her to cry out in pain.

But Elaine's plight was far worse. She witnessed her right leg's knee bending in a most unnatural direction, inflicting unbearable torment. Her screams of "Ah... my leg! My leg is broken!" echoed through the room.

Outside, a vigilant prison guard, drawn by the commotion, demanded answers, "What's going on in there? What are you people up to?"

Everyone froze, and Old Madam Wilson had to think on her feet, summoning a cunning grin. "Would you believe it, this wretched Elaine was moments away from leaving us, but she attempted to kick me. Alas, it backfired, and her leg took the hit!"

Verity chimed in, suppressing a chuckle. "Witnessed it with my own eyes, sir. The old lady here just wanted to use the restroom, and Elaine decided to launch a kick that sent her sprawling."

Old Madam Wilson, fighting through the pain, added her two cents. "This beast tried to kick me, dear guard, and now my tailbone is in ruins. The agony is unbearable…"

But Elaine wasn't going down without a fight. She wailed loudly, "Guard, please, save me! My leg is broken!"

The guard, now inside the restroom, surveyed the chaotic scene and couldn't help but knit his brows. He turned to the others, seeking an explanation. "What in the world happened here?"

Verity stepped forward, adopting an innocent expression. "Honestly, sir, we're just as baffled. The old lady came in for a restroom break, and Elaine, well, she aimed to kick her but ended up in this mess."

Old Madam Wilson, enduring her pain, played her part to perfection. "Indeed, it was this beast who initiated the attack. My tailbone feels like it's been run over by a herd of elephants."

Elaine, amidst her sobs, pointed an accusing finger. "You're all lying! These cowards ganged up on me and broke my leg!"

Verity sneered, "Proof, Elaine? We all saw you attempting to kick the old lady. Denying it won't change the facts."

The guard, sensing that this was no ordinary bathroom mishap, sighed. "Alright, Elaine, if you keep this up, you won't be leaving today. Investigating this will take time, and you might just regret making it drag on."

And so, in the prison's twisted tango of revenge, the music played on, and the dancers waltzed deeper into the web of intrigue and deceit. ️

Chapter 928: The Escape Plan and Ominous Warnings

Tears streamed down Elaine's face as she sobbed, "But can they really just get away with breaking my leg like that?"

The prison guard, with a heart as cold as ice, replied with a nonchalant shrug, "You can report them if you want. I'll follow the standard procedure and call the police for an interrogation. However, you might have to visit the police station too, to give your statement. But, honestly, it's your word against theirs – you're just one person, and they number over twenty. If they decide to accuse you in return, alleging that you harmed the old lady, well, you'd only be digging your own grave."

Elaine's heart sank like a stone.

She knew these female inmates were a tough crowd, and under the unyielding leadership of Verity, they were a force to be reckoned with. Furthermore, by provoking their anger earlier, taking this matter to the police might lead to them uniting against her.

In that case, her situation would go from bad to worse.

The only way out was to make a hasty retreat!

With that in mind, Elaine reluctantly nodded and uttered, "I want to leave, right now!"

The prison guard nodded, assisting Elaine out of the restroom, guiding her away from the cell.

As she exited the cell, Elaine couldn't resist one last spiteful jab at Old Lady Wilson, "You old hag, just wait, I'll break your legs someday!"

Old Lady Wilson's retort was icy, "You wicked woman, your reckoning will come."

Ignoring the old lady's words, Elaine turned her gaze towards Verity and hollered, "Verity, mark my words, your mother's grave won't remain untouched!"

Verity seethed with fury, "You dare say that, and I'll make you pay!"

Supported by the prison guard, Elaine hobbled away, not looking back, but shouting over her shoulder, "Just wait and watch if I dare. When you're out, go visit your mother's grave and check if her ashes are still resting there!"

With those final words, she left the detention center's cell behind without glancing back.

Elaine arrived at the detention center's administrative area, where the prison guard ushered her into an office. Inside, two police officers responsible for her case awaited her.

The officers were taken aback, seeing Elaine limping in, leaning on the guard for support.

The prison guard explained, "She had a little run-in with her cellmates in the restroom, and it resulted in a leg injury."

Elaine, still fuming, interjected, "Leg injury? It's broken, can't you see?"

The prison guard shot back, her tone unwavering, "Didn't you hear what I said earlier? Do you want me to summon everyone and have us all head to the police station for a thorough investigation? Don't even think about getting out without a three to five-day ordeal!"

One of the officers chimed in, "Enough, Elaine. Consider yourself fortunate to be going home today. Your leg can be treated in a hospital after your release. It'll mend in three to five months."

Reluctantly, Elaine nodded, beseeching, "Officer, when can I leave?"

The officer asked, "Do you remember everything we discussed earlier?"

Elaine replied, a sense of urgency in her voice, "Of course, I remember everything clearly. I won't breathe a word about this matter to anyone after I'm out!"

Content with her response, the officer returned her phone, remarking, "Alright, call your son-in-law now and have him come pick you up."

That afternoon, after enduring the merciless beatings and threats from those formidable women, Elaine was trembling with fear, acutely aware of the impending danger that lurked behind this incident.

All she wanted now was to escape. She couldn't fathom the thought of reopening this Pandora's box.

Satisfied with her commitment to silence, the officer handed back her phone, saying, "Fine, call your son-in-law and get him to fetch you."

Chapter 929: Texts, Troubles, and Taxis

With a mix of anticipation and apprehension, Elaine finally regained possession of her long-lost smartphone. Two days in the twilight zone of her secret mission had kept her estranged from her cherished device, and her yearning to connect with her husband and daughter was undeniable.

As she powered up her phone, a deluge of messages inundated her screen, most notably from her daughter, the ever-concerned Claire. Reading through her daughter's frantic texts provided solace to her weary heart. Yet, there was a nagging thought that gnawed at her mind like an unshakable earworm.

Why hadn't her husband sent a single message? Was he genuinely oblivious to her plight?

This vexing question lingered, brewing a sense of discontent within her. Elaine resolved to address this with her husband, Jacob, and demand an explanation for his apparent indifference.

Just as she was engrossed in this internal debate, a police officer interjected, his stern tone disrupting her contemplation. "Enough with WeChat, ma'am. Call your son-in-law."

Elaine, grappling with a maelstrom of emotions, pleaded, "Officer, could my daughter pick me up instead? The mere thought of dealing with him is enough to drive me bonkers."

The officer's patience wore thin, and he slammed his palm onto the table, delivering a sobering warning. "We need you to contact your son-in-law because we need to ensure his safety. Releasing you without taking precautions could put you in grave danger. Remember, don't blame us if things take a turn for the worse tonight!"

Frightened by the prospect of peril, Elaine reluctantly agreed to call her son-in-law, fervently hoping that he wouldn't be the target of any malicious intent.

The officer nodded, his expression grave, and Elaine vowed to follow their directives diligently. She assured them that she knew how to handle the conversation with her son-in-law, intending to reveal her innocence in the pyramid scheme debacle.

Meanwhile, Charlie was patiently biding his time at home, anxiously awaiting Elaine's call. His heart raced as his phone suddenly chimed with her name, and he hurriedly answered, relief washing over him at the sound of her voice. "Mom? Where are you? We've been searching for you like crazy for the past two days!"

Elaine, brimming with pent-up resentment yet unable to let it spill, replied icily, "I'm at the city detention center. Get over here and pick me up, pronto!"

Charlie, eager to make amends, inquired, "Mom, all the cars are gone. Should I grab a taxi to reach you?"

Seething with frustration, Elaine snapped, "Both cars?!"

Charlie confirmed, explaining, "Claire went to the company, and dad is out at a get-together."

Chapter 930: A Rollercoaster of Drama 🎢

"Get-Together?" Elaine fumed, her temper bubbling like a pot of hot stew. "Is that Jacob still in the mood for socializing? And who on earth is he meeting with?"

Charlie, trying to keep his cool amidst the storm, calmly replied, "Perhaps it's just some old classmates, Mom. I'm not entirely certain. Shall I give him a call?"

Annoyed to the core, Elaine snapped, "First things first, come and pick me up! I'm injured, and I need to get to the hospital!"

Charlie, concern flooding his voice, inquired, "Mom, what happened? Is it serious?"

Her patience running thin, Elaine barked back, "My leg is broken, Charlie! Enough with the questions, just hurry up and come!"

Without wasting a second, Charlie hung up and rushed out of the house, hailing a taxi to make a beeline for the Aurous Hill Detention Center.

En route to the detention center, he decided to give his wife, Claire, a ring. "Honey," he said, "Mom just called me, and I'm on my way to pick her up."

An eager and worried Claire responded, "Really? She called you? Where is she, and is she okay?"

Charlie explained, "Mom mentioned she's at the Aurous Hill Detention Center. When I asked her why, she told me she got ensnared in a pyramid scheme a few days back, got arrested by the police, and has just been released after clearing the air."

Claire's eyes widened in realization.

She had suspected that her mother had fallen prey to a pyramid scheme, but the police arresting her? That was unexpected!

She silently vowed that once her mother returned home, she'd have a serious chat about avoiding those get-rich-quick traps.

Determined, she said, "Alright, I'm coming too. Let's meet at the detention center."

Charlie, however, swiftly intervened, "No need, love. Mom mentioned she's hurt, so I'm taking her straight to the hospital. You can meet us there!"

Claire, her heart pounding, asked with anxiety, "What happened? Where is Mom hurt? Is it bad?"

Charlie replied, concern lacing his voice, "On the phone, Mom said her leg is broken. I don't know the extent of it yet. We'll have to wait for the doctor's assessment."

Tears welled up in Claire's eyes, and she choked out, "In that case, after picking up Mom, head straight to the People's Hospital's emergency department. I'm on my way there now!"


When Charlie arrived at the detention center and laid eyes on Elaine, he was met with a sight that would haunt his dreams.

Her once-comely face was now a tapestry of torment, battered and bruised. Her missing front teeth and tattered hair spoke of brutal violence.

Over the two days she'd spent in custody, she had hardly eaten or drunk anything, transforming her from plump to haggard.

Worst of all, her right leg jutted out at a grotesque angle, the unmistakable result of savage torture.

Charlie, feigning surprise, gasped, "Mom, what on earth happened to you? How did you end up like this?"

Elaine, gritting her teeth in anger and pain, snapped back, "Enough chit-chat! Just get me to the hospital!"

A stern police officer cast a cold gaze at Elaine and admonished, "Elaine! I warned you just now. If you keep this up, you might as well stay right here!"

Terrified, Elaine quickly turned to Charlie, her tone now honey-sweet. "My dear son-in-law, I was terribly wrong to raise my voice earlier..."

The officer's warning echoed in her ears, a constant reminder of the precarious tightrope she now walked.
Last edited by a moderator:


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Chapter 926: The Showdown in the Restroom

In this gripping moment, Elaine stood her ground without a hint of fear. As she neatly packed her belongings, she shot an icy glare at those surrounding her, her words slicing through the tension like a cold breeze on a hot summer day. "And as for those who thought they could lay a hand on me, don't imagine you can just slip away! Let me inform you, I've got connections beyond these walls. From this day forth, I'll be watching each and every one of you. Whoever dares to cross my path will taste the wrath they deserve!"

Elaine's scolding reverberated through the cell, painting faces with shades of anger and humiliation.

Once she'd had her say, Elaine felt an overwhelming sense of relief. But just as she was about to leave in the company of a prison guard, an unexpected urge struck her. Grumbling under her breath, she muttered, "Why now, of all times, do I need to pee..."

Then, with a wicked smirk, she added, "But no way! This cell has 'bad vibes' written all over it, and I won't carry bad luck with me. I must relieve myself before I go!"

Turning to Old Lady Wilson and Verity, she sneered, "Well, ladies, I've got a spare pee for you two poor souls!"

With that, she jauntily hummed a tune, swaying her hips as she made her way to the restroom.

Outside, the crowd fell into a tense silence, their anger at Elaine's provocations simmering beneath the surface.

Old Lady Wilson clutched her chest, overcome by frustration. She exclaimed, "This is unbearable, truly unbearable! It must be my spineless son who bailed her out!"

Verity chimed in, "Your son bails her out, but not you? What a scoundrel!"

Old Lady Wilson lamented, "My son is a feeble-minded fool, entirely under the thumb of that shrew. They're just out to torment me, an old woman..."

And with a sly twist of fate, she sowed the seeds of discord, whispering to Verity, "Verity, that woman is pure malice. She threatened to desecrate your mother's resting place. I believe she'd stoop to such lows. You must be prepared!"

Verity, her anger reaching a boiling point, trembled with fury. Grinding her teeth, she sprang to her feet and charged into the restroom!

This was her golden opportunity to teach Elaine a lesson, one she couldn't afford to miss. If she did, the wily woman would be gone for good.

Witnessing Verity's furious dash, Old Lady Wilson followed suit, albeit more unsteadily.

Wendy and a handful of others, who had all tasted Elaine's sharp tongue, didn't hesitate. They swiftly joined the fray!

Inside the restroom, Elaine was caught off guard as the door swung open with a resounding kick. Verity's foot connected with her, sending her crashing onto the toilet seat. Her legs dangled helplessly over the edge, causing intense pain that made standing up impossible.

Recalling Elaine's vile threat about her mother's grave, Verity's rage boiled over. Baring her teeth, she urged the others, "Beat her mercilessly! Teach this wicked woman a lesson she won't forget!"

Without missing a beat, the crowd unleashed a flurry of blows upon Elaine's helpless figure. She cried out in pain, her futile attempts to shield herself met with fists and feet raining down.

Meanwhile, Wendy's eyes glittered with icy determination. She'd been itching to confront Elaine for a long time, and now, her moment had arrived. As the others focused on Elaine's upper body, her legs protruding awkwardly, Wendy seized her opportunity. With swift precision, she grabbed one of Elaine's legs and signaled Old Lady Wilson, declaring, "Grandma, let's break this vile woman's leg! This chance might not come again!"

Old Lady Wilson nodded in fierce agreement, ready to deliver their ultimate message to Elaine.

Chapter 927: The Bittersweet Tango of Revenge 💥

Old Madam Wilson's dreams of a luxurious life at the Thomson Elite Mansion had just crumbled like a stack of delicate china. Blame it on Elaine, the nemesis of her golden years. Her heart simmered with a bubbling cauldron of loathing towards her.

To make matters worse, Elaine had been flaunting her audacity lately, and her cheeky remarks had become the old lady's daily dose of irritation.

The thought of Elaine escaping her clutches was nothing short of infuriating for Old Madam Wilson. Could this really be happening? Was Elaine about to walk free, leaving her fuming in frustration?

This was her last shot at giving Elaine a dose of her own medicine. Miss it, and it might as well be lost forever!

In a bold move, Old Madam Wilson, disregarding her frail and aged frame, decided to give Elaine's knee a firm stomp. There it was, a crisp crack, followed by Elaine's agonizing shriek.

Her leg was clearly broken!

Old Madam Wilson had a moment of triumphant exhilaration, but her victory was short-lived. Her unsteady balance led her to an undignified tumble right on her tailbone, causing her to cry out in pain.

But Elaine's plight was far worse. She witnessed her right leg's knee bending in a most unnatural direction, inflicting unbearable torment. Her screams of "Ah... my leg! My leg is broken!" echoed through the room.

Outside, a vigilant prison guard, drawn by the commotion, demanded answers, "What's going on in there? What are you people up to?"

Everyone froze, and Old Madam Wilson had to think on her feet, summoning a cunning grin. "Would you believe it, this wretched Elaine was moments away from leaving us, but she attempted to kick me. Alas, it backfired, and her leg took the hit!"

Verity chimed in, suppressing a chuckle. "Witnessed it with my own eyes, sir. The old lady here just wanted to use the restroom, and Elaine decided to launch a kick that sent her sprawling."

Old Madam Wilson, fighting through the pain, added her two cents. "This beast tried to kick me, dear guard, and now my tailbone is in ruins. The agony is unbearable…"

But Elaine wasn't going down without a fight. She wailed loudly, "Guard, please, save me! My leg is broken!"

The guard, now inside the restroom, surveyed the chaotic scene and couldn't help but knit his brows. He turned to the others, seeking an explanation. "What in the world happened here?"

Verity stepped forward, adopting an innocent expression. "Honestly, sir, we're just as baffled. The old lady came in for a restroom break, and Elaine, well, she aimed to kick her but ended up in this mess."

Old Madam Wilson, enduring her pain, played her part to perfection. "Indeed, it was this beast who initiated the attack. My tailbone feels like it's been run over by a herd of elephants."

Elaine, amidst her sobs, pointed an accusing finger. "You're all lying! These cowards ganged up on me and broke my leg!"

Verity sneered, "Proof, Elaine? We all saw you attempting to kick the old lady. Denying it won't change the facts."

The guard, sensing that this was no ordinary bathroom mishap, sighed. "Alright, Elaine, if you keep this up, you won't be leaving today. Investigating this will take time, and you might just regret making it drag on."

And so, in the prison's twisted tango of revenge, the music played on, and the dancers waltzed deeper into the web of intrigue and deceit. ️

Chapter 928: The Escape Plan and Ominous Warnings

Tears streamed down Elaine's face as she sobbed, "But can they really just get away with breaking my leg like that?"

The prison guard, with a heart as cold as ice, replied with a nonchalant shrug, "You can report them if you want. I'll follow the standard procedure and call the police for an interrogation. However, you might have to visit the police station too, to give your statement. But, honestly, it's your word against theirs – you're just one person, and they number over twenty. If they decide to accuse you in return, alleging that you harmed the old lady, well, you'd only be digging your own grave."

Elaine's heart sank like a stone.

She knew these female inmates were a tough crowd, and under the unyielding leadership of Verity, they were a force to be reckoned with. Furthermore, by provoking their anger earlier, taking this matter to the police might lead to them uniting against her.

In that case, her situation would go from bad to worse.

The only way out was to make a hasty retreat!

With that in mind, Elaine reluctantly nodded and uttered, "I want to leave, right now!"

The prison guard nodded, assisting Elaine out of the restroom, guiding her away from the cell.

As she exited the cell, Elaine couldn't resist one last spiteful jab at Old Lady Wilson, "You old hag, just wait, I'll break your legs someday!"

Old Lady Wilson's retort was icy, "You wicked woman, your reckoning will come."

Ignoring the old lady's words, Elaine turned her gaze towards Verity and hollered, "Verity, mark my words, your mother's grave won't remain untouched!"

Verity seethed with fury, "You dare say that, and I'll make you pay!"

Supported by the prison guard, Elaine hobbled away, not looking back, but shouting over her shoulder, "Just wait and watch if I dare. When you're out, go visit your mother's grave and check if her ashes are still resting there!"

With those final words, she left the detention center's cell behind without glancing back.

Elaine arrived at the detention center's administrative area, where the prison guard ushered her into an office. Inside, two police officers responsible for her case awaited her.

The officers were taken aback, seeing Elaine limping in, leaning on the guard for support.

The prison guard explained, "She had a little run-in with her cellmates in the restroom, and it resulted in a leg injury."

Elaine, still fuming, interjected, "Leg injury? It's broken, can't you see?"

The prison guard shot back, her tone unwavering, "Didn't you hear what I said earlier? Do you want me to summon everyone and have us all head to the police station for a thorough investigation? Don't even think about getting out without a three to five-day ordeal!"

One of the officers chimed in, "Enough, Elaine. Consider yourself fortunate to be going home today. Your leg can be treated in a hospital after your release. It'll mend in three to five months."

Reluctantly, Elaine nodded, beseeching, "Officer, when can I leave?"

The officer asked, "Do you remember everything we discussed earlier?"

Elaine replied, a sense of urgency in her voice, "Of course, I remember everything clearly. I won't breathe a word about this matter to anyone after I'm out!"

Content with her response, the officer returned her phone, remarking, "Alright, call your son-in-law now and have him come pick you up."

That afternoon, after enduring the merciless beatings and threats from those formidable women, Elaine was trembling with fear, acutely aware of the impending danger that lurked behind this incident.

All she wanted now was to escape. She couldn't fathom the thought of reopening this Pandora's box.

Satisfied with her commitment to silence, the officer handed back her phone, saying, "Fine, call your son-in-law and get him to fetch you."

Chapter 929: Texts, Troubles, and Taxis

With a mix of anticipation and apprehension, Elaine finally regained possession of her long-lost smartphone. Two days in the twilight zone of her secret mission had kept her estranged from her cherished device, and her yearning to connect with her husband and daughter was undeniable.

As she powered up her phone, a deluge of messages inundated her screen, most notably from her daughter, the ever-concerned Claire. Reading through her daughter's frantic texts provided solace to her weary heart. Yet, there was a nagging thought that gnawed at her mind like an unshakable earworm.

Why hadn't her husband sent a single message? Was he genuinely oblivious to her plight?

This vexing question lingered, brewing a sense of discontent within her. Elaine resolved to address this with her husband, Jacob, and demand an explanation for his apparent indifference.

Just as she was engrossed in this internal debate, a police officer interjected, his stern tone disrupting her contemplation. "Enough with WeChat, ma'am. Call your son-in-law."

Elaine, grappling with a maelstrom of emotions, pleaded, "Officer, could my daughter pick me up instead? The mere thought of dealing with him is enough to drive me bonkers."

The officer's patience wore thin, and he slammed his palm onto the table, delivering a sobering warning. "We need you to contact your son-in-law because we need to ensure his safety. Releasing you without taking precautions could put you in grave danger. Remember, don't blame us if things take a turn for the worse tonight!"

Frightened by the prospect of peril, Elaine reluctantly agreed to call her son-in-law, fervently hoping that he wouldn't be the target of any malicious intent.

The officer nodded, his expression grave, and Elaine vowed to follow their directives diligently. She assured them that she knew how to handle the conversation with her son-in-law, intending to reveal her innocence in the pyramid scheme debacle.

Meanwhile, Charlie was patiently biding his time at home, anxiously awaiting Elaine's call. His heart raced as his phone suddenly chimed with her name, and he hurriedly answered, relief washing over him at the sound of her voice. "Mom? Where are you? We've been searching for you like crazy for the past two days!"

Elaine, brimming with pent-up resentment yet unable to let it spill, replied icily, "I'm at the city detention center. Get over here and pick me up, pronto!"

Charlie, eager to make amends, inquired, "Mom, all the cars are gone. Should I grab a taxi to reach you?"

Seething with frustration, Elaine snapped, "Both cars?!"

Charlie confirmed, explaining, "Claire went to the company, and dad is out at a get-together."

Chapter 930: A Rollercoaster of Drama 🎢

"Get-Together?" Elaine fumed, her temper bubbling like a pot of hot stew. "Is that Jacob still in the mood for socializing? And who on earth is he meeting with?"

Charlie, trying to keep his cool amidst the storm, calmly replied, "Perhaps it's just some old classmates, Mom. I'm not entirely certain. Shall I give him a call?"

Annoyed to the core, Elaine snapped, "First things first, come and pick me up! I'm injured, and I need to get to the hospital!"

Charlie, concern flooding his voice, inquired, "Mom, what happened? Is it serious?"

Her patience running thin, Elaine barked back, "My leg is broken, Charlie! Enough with the questions, just hurry up and come!"

Without wasting a second, Charlie hung up and rushed out of the house, hailing a taxi to make a beeline for the Aurous Hill Detention Center.

En route to the detention center, he decided to give his wife, Claire, a ring. "Honey," he said, "Mom just called me, and I'm on my way to pick her up."

An eager and worried Claire responded, "Really? She called you? Where is she, and is she okay?"

Charlie explained, "Mom mentioned she's at the Aurous Hill Detention Center. When I asked her why, she told me she got ensnared in a pyramid scheme a few days back, got arrested by the police, and has just been released after clearing the air."

Claire's eyes widened in realization.

She had suspected that her mother had fallen prey to a pyramid scheme, but the police arresting her? That was unexpected!

She silently vowed that once her mother returned home, she'd have a serious chat about avoiding those get-rich-quick traps.

Determined, she said, "Alright, I'm coming too. Let's meet at the detention center."

Charlie, however, swiftly intervened, "No need, love. Mom mentioned she's hurt, so I'm taking her straight to the hospital. You can meet us there!"

Claire, her heart pounding, asked with anxiety, "What happened? Where is Mom hurt? Is it bad?"

Charlie replied, concern lacing his voice, "On the phone, Mom said her leg is broken. I don't know the extent of it yet. We'll have to wait for the doctor's assessment."

Tears welled up in Claire's eyes, and she choked out, "In that case, after picking up Mom, head straight to the People's Hospital's emergency department. I'm on my way there now!"


When Charlie arrived at the detention center and laid eyes on Elaine, he was met with a sight that would haunt his dreams.

Her once-comely face was now a tapestry of torment, battered and bruised. Her missing front teeth and tattered hair spoke of brutal violence.

Over the two days she'd spent in custody, she had hardly eaten or drunk anything, transforming her from plump to haggard.

Worst of all, her right leg jutted out at a grotesque angle, the unmistakable result of savage torture.

Charlie, feigning surprise, gasped, "Mom, what on earth happened to you? How did you end up like this?"

Elaine, gritting her teeth in anger and pain, snapped back, "Enough chit-chat! Just get me to the hospital!"

A stern police officer cast a cold gaze at Elaine and admonished, "Elaine! I warned you just now. If you keep this up, you might as well stay right here!"

Terrified, Elaine quickly turned to Charlie, her tone now honey-sweet. "My dear son-in-law, I was terribly wrong to raise my voice earlier..."

The officer's warning echoed in her ears, a constant reminder of the precarious tightrope she now walked.
Damn this Elaine. She hasn't suffered enough

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 931: The Unwanted Taxi Tango 🚖

As Charlie appeared before her, Elaine's heart did a cha-cha of pure loathing. Her disdain for him was akin to that feeling when you reach for a glass of orange juice and realize it's milk – a mix of surprise and disappointment.

Sure, she had begrudgingly accepted the police's explanation that Charlie was just an unwitting pawn in some international crime caper. But guess what? The Pandora's box of her misery was opened with the swiping of his card. If it weren't for his cursed piece of plastic, she wouldn't be caught in this whirlpool of indignity.

Naturally, in her eyes, Charlie was the mastermind behind all her misfortunes. So, you can bet your last penny, she wasn't about to dish out smiles and pleasantries.

Just when she thought things couldn't get any worse, a police officer piped up with a shout that jolted her like a defibrillator. The ever-watchful eyes of the law had her feeling more uncomfortable than a cat at a dog show.

Caught in this chaotic hurricane of events, she had no choice but to swallow her hatred and play nice.

Seeing her begrudging cooperation, the officer turned to Charlie and quizzed, "You must be her son-in-law, right?"

Charlie, unflinchingly, gave a nod and replied, "You got it."

The officer, cutting to the chase, added, "Alright, then follow me to ink your name on a paper, confirming you're taking her off our hands."

Charlie trailed the officer to scribble his signature on that dreaded document and then, eager to escape this nightmare, asked, "Can we bail now?"

The officer's nod was his ticket out of this peculiar circus. "You're free to go."

With that assurance, Charlie turned to his mother-in-law and offered, "Mom, we're in the clear. I'll whisk you off to the hospital."

Elaine, fuming inside like a pressure cooker about to burst, but careful not to let the steam escape in front of the officer, turned on the theatrical charm, saying, "Oh, my dear son-in-law, lend me your arm. This leg of mine is acting up something fierce."

Charlie dutifully went over, enduring the less-than-rosy scent, and helped her rise. Elaine's right leg was in agony, but compared to the torture she'd endured in the slammer, it was like being poked by a feather.

In her mind, breaking a leg was a small price to pay for a one-way ticket out of that jailhouse hell.

As they exited the detention center, a rusty old Jetta taxi awaited them – the same relic Charlie had ridden in earlier. He said to Elaine, "Mom, let's hop into the car."

Elaine, her spirits in the gutter at the sight of this rickety taxi, felt the urge to unleash a tempest of curses upon Jacob and, most certainly, Charlie.

The worst part? Even though she was fuming, she couldn't vent her spleen at Charlie. The fury about the bank card and this sorry excuse for a taxi would have to remain bottled up, ready to blow at any moment.

And so, Elaine begrudgingly climbed into the ramshackle taxi, assisted by Charlie.

Once they were settled in, Charlie leaned forward and informed the taxi driver, "Hey, buddy, head on over to the emergency department of the People's Hospital, if you please."

Chapter 932: A Karaoke Catastrophe

The taxi sped towards the People's Hospital, leaving Charlie and his mother-in-law, Elaine, in a tense silence. Charlie decided to break the ice, shifting the focus from their current predicament.

"Mom," he began, "I've already given Claire a call. She's on her way to the People's Hospital. Once we get there, we'll have your leg checked out first."

Elaine, still simmering with anger, huffed and turned her face away to gaze out of the window. She muttered bitterly, "What good is a son-in-law like you? You just bring trouble!"

Charlie couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Mom, trouble? When have I ever caused you any trouble?"

Elaine shot him a cold glance through the rearview mirror, her frustration palpable. "Don't ask! Figure it out yourself. I won't tell you even if you beg me!"

The police had warned Elaine multiple times, so she was now tiptoeing around expressing her anger, opting for subtler forms of resentment.

Charlie, well-versed in his mother-in-law's quirky behavior, decided to play the oblivious card. "I'm genuinely sorry, but I can't recall causing you any trouble," he replied with faux innocence.

Elaine was seething, feeling like she had a bone stuck in her throat. She tried to change the subject, diverting her attention to Noah. "Where did your father go and who did he meet? When did he leave?"

Charlie, aware that revealing the truth about Noah's rendezvous with his first love would set off a storm, replied evasively, "He left in the morning, but I didn't inquire about his plans."

He chose to let her find out the juicy details from Jacob himself, rather than getting embroiled in their trifecta of troubles.

Elaine was fuming. She muttered, "Didn't he just have a reunion recently? Why another one? It seems he's been having quite the time while I was in detention these past few days!"

With her blood boiling, Elaine pulled out her phone and dialed Jacob's number.

Unbeknownst to her, Jacob was living it up at the Splendid Club with Merit and a bunch of old school buddies.

Jacob was on cloud nine because none of his classmates, including Grayson Joyce, dared to poke fun at him anymore. Dondie Edwards, out of respect for Charlie Wade, personally attended to him and his classmates, bestowing them with a rare level of honor in Aurous Hill.

Their lavish lunch at the clubhouse left everyone in high spirits, and Merit decided to book a private karaoke room for some musical revelry.

The KTV setup at the Splendid Club was top-notch, and despite the sizable gathering, the room felt spacious, thanks to its luxurious decor and state-of-the-art facilities.

The only downside was the long wait for their turn to sing, as they had queued up quite a few songs.

Jacob, after waiting for more than half an hour, finally grabbed the microphone and handed another to Merit, inviting her warmly, "Merit, let's sing this song together."

The chosen song? "Intimate Lover," a beloved duet that had a special place in the hearts of the older generation.

What's more, the original singers of the song were a real-life couple, adding an extra layer of sweetness to it.

As Jacob prepared to sing, his classmates couldn't resist teasing him. One quipped, "Ah, Jacob, choosing such a song and inviting the lovely Merit to sing with you... What's your hidden agenda?"

Another chimed in, "Come on, isn't it crystal clear? His intentions are as plain as day."

Yet another classmate showered Jacob with flattery, saying, "Jacob and Merit were meant to be. After not seeing each other for over 20 years, singing this song together is pure destiny!"

Little did Jacob know that his blissful evening was about to take a hairpin turn, spiraling into a nightmare he could never have predicted!

Chapter 933: When Love Sings and Fate Rings

Merit Hanley, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue, seized the microphone with confidence and a charming smile. "Don't misunderstand, dear classmates, we're just sharing a song together. If anyone else wants to join in, I'm all for it."

Grayson felt a tad uncomfortable. He couldn't help but think, "How can Jacobmarried man, openly invite his crush for a love song duet?" Yet, he swallowed his words, reminded of Noah's son-in-law status, respected by none other than Dondie himself.

Jacob, his face brimming with excitement, couldn't resist sneaking glances at Merit. His heart raced with anticipation.

Merit, catching Jacob gaze filled with unabashed adoration, felt her cheeks flush with warmth.

At that very moment, the song's intro started to play.

Merit held the microphone, her gaze locked on the screen.

As the intro concluded, she began singing the female part of the song.

"Let my love be with you, forevermore..."

"Can you feel my concerns, my darling?"

Merit's singing was pure enchantment, a heavenly melody to the ears of these seasoned gentlemen, leaving them utterly spellbound.

Jacob was so entranced that he felt goosebumps. Merit's voice, he thought, could rival that of a professional singer.

Their classmates erupted in thunderous applause.

Merit had just wrapped up her part, and now it was Jacobs's turn to sing his portion.

Just as Jacob prepared to sing with all his heart, his phone resting on the KTV table suddenly buzzed.

Instinctively, he glanced down and was startled by the name on the screen.

"Wife" was flashing as the caller ID...

What on earth?!

Jacob mood plummeted instantly!

Elaine had been missing for a full two days and nights, her phone completely off the grid. Why was she calling now?

Could it be...

Could it be that she had returned?

In the next instant, Jacob's suspicion was confirmed.

Elaine's phone had been unreachable for days, and now she was calling out of the blue, meaning she must have returned...

Panic seized Jacob!

With Elaine back, what was he going to do?

Were his good days over?

The phone continued to vibrate on the table, and his part of the song had long passed.

Classmates began to tease him, saying, "Jacob, are you too nervous to sing with Merit? It's your turn, don't you know?"

Even Merit couldn't resist a playful remark, "Jacob, why aren't you singing your part?"

Jacob wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead and glanced at his phone once more. He knew, with Elaine's fiery temper, if he didn't answer her call, she'd unleash her wrath.

Chapter 934: "Sing or Suffer"

In a mad dash, he blurted out, "Apologies, apologies, urgent call! I'll be back for another serenade, promise!"

With that, he snatched his phone and bolted from the private chamber.

Spotting this, Grayson wasted no time seizing the abandoned mic, a smirk playing on his lips as he declared, "Come on, Merit, let's duet!"

Jacob stepped out into the corridor with his phone, jabbing the answer button in haste. The moment the line connected, Elaine's signature bellow thundered through, "Jacob, are you trying to earn a one-way ticket to the doghouse? I've been MIA for two days, not a peep from you, and now you're partying it up?!"

Jacob's elation crumbled like a sandcastle hit by a wave. Oh, bother! That aggravating woman is back!

Life was so unjust, he thought. He'd only just begun to relish the party, enjoying the harmonious duet with Merit. Nothing was set in stone yet, and now this bothersome woman had reared her head?

Was this the end of his fleeting bliss?

He felt so forlorn that he might as well have embraced despair, but on the other end of the line, Elaine was seething, "Jacob, are you suddenly mute? Speak up!"

Jacob scrambled to explain, "Darling, hear me out, please! I've been on the hunt for you these past two days. If you don't believe me, ask our daughter or Charlie. We scoured every mahjong den in Aurous Hill, trying to locate you!"

Elaine retorted, "Spare me your tall tales. I just want to know who you're carousing with. I can hear singing. Are you at a KTV? Shame on you! I could have been dead or kidnapped, and you're crooning away?"

Noah clarified, "I'm just at a gathering with old school chums. They twisted my arm to be here."

Elaine snapped, "Listen up, Jacob, I've broken my leg and I'm en route to the People's Hospital ER. You better drop everything and come here this instant, or we're done!"

Jacob was trembling with dread. In such dire straits, he couldn't afford to decline. He rushed out of the private chamber and there, his beloved Merit was entwined in a duet with Grayson. Gripped by jealousy, he hurriedly told Merit, "Merit, I'm terribly sorry, but I must take off."

Perplexed, Merit inquired, "Why leave so soon? Is something amiss?"

"It's just a minor family matter," Jacob replied with a strained grin. "I need to head home."

Merit nodded with understanding and asked, "Is everything alright? Do you require assistance?"

Jacob frantically shook his head, "No, no need, I've got it under control."

Although disappointed, Merit nodded empathetically, "If you require any help, don't hesitate to reach out."

"Absolutely!" Jacob ncurred before swiftly addressing the others, "Folks, I've got some family business to attend to, I must be off. Please continue to enjoy yourselves."

The others couldn't resist commenting, "Jacob, we just kicked off the singing session. Why the hasty exit? We haven't even had the pleasure of hearing your vocals."

Jacob had no recourse but to say, "I'm genuinely in a bind. Perhaps next time."

With Grayson smirking in the background, he added, "Grayson, mind your own business! Why are you always lurking around?"

Casting a wistful glance at Merit, he spun on his heel and departed the private chamber.

Once outside, Jacob was seething.

What kind of a mess was this? Why had Elaine returned so abruptly? Why couldn't she take a leaf out of Zoraida's book?

Speaking of Zoraida, she had vanished into thin air, a bona fide Houdini. If only Elaine could follow suit, what a blessing that would be.

Jacob raced out of the Splendid Club, speeding towards the People's Hospital in his trusty BMW.

Chapter 935: A Fiery Taxi Tango

Claire was on a mission, racing towards the People's Hospital, her heart pounding like a drum 🏥.

News of her mother's broken leg had her fretting like a hen guarding her chicks, and the mystery surrounding her mother's recent escapades only added fuel to the fire 🔥.

Elaine, clutching her aching leg with a grimace that could rival a lemon 🍋, was stuck in a cab that seemed to be powered by molasses. She couldn't help but let her discomfort fuel her impatience, barking at the driver, "Is this rust bucket of yours capable of going any faster? I'm in agony here, do you realize that?"

The cabby, as cool as a cucumber 🥒, responded, "Madam, we've got speed limits in this city, you know? Rules and all that jazz. Speeding not only lands us fines but also puts innocent pedestrians at risk."

"Pedestrian's safety, my foot!" Elaine snapped, losing her cool. "Step on it! Do you think I'm enjoying this pain? If I end up disabled because of your sluggish driving, I'll make your life a living hell!"

The driver, now exasperated, retorted, "Lady, I'm pushing this hunk of metal as fast as it'll go. If you want lightning speed, you can hop out and chase a thunderstorm."

Without missing a beat, Elaine fired back, "What kind of attitude is that? Do you think I can't get you canned with a single complaint?"

The driver, unimpressed, scoffed, "Complain away. I'm driving by the book. What are you gonna say? 'He refused to break the speed limit'?"

Elaine, teeth gritted, threatened, "I'll accuse you of sexual harassment!"

The driver let out an incredulous laugh, side-eyeing her in the rearview mirror like he'd just witnessed a stand-up comedy act. "Look at yourself! You're missing teeth, lady! Accuse me of harassment? I'd be flattered if you didn't scare away my other passengers!"

Elaine's blood was boiling, and the driver's mockery of her appearance was the final straw. In a chilling tone, she demanded, "Tell me your name and your company. I'm filing that complaint right now."

Frustrated beyond belief, the driver pulled over and sneered, "Fine, I won't take your fare. Get out."

Elaine, red-faced with rage, shot back, "You think you can kick me out? Who do you think you are? Start this cab right now, do you hear me? If my leg isn't treated because of your delay, I'll haunt you in your dreams!"

The driver switched off the engine and lit up a cigarette, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "Sorry, lady, my taxi's on strike. If you don't wanna leave, stay."

Unprepared for the driver's complete defiance, Elaine was about to launch into another tirade when the driver calmly exited the vehicle and lit up a smoke.

Meanwhile, Charlie, perched in the front seat, couldn't help but find the whole situation rather comical.

His mother-in-law, he realized, had a knack for missing the point entirely.

It was her leg that needed urgent attention, not the driver's ego. Why was she busy acting like the Queen of Sheba with him? And now, thanks to her antics, they were stuck in the middle of nowhere.

However, Charlie had no intention of playing referee in this taxi tango. Instead, he casually asked, "Mom, what's our next move? We can't sit here forever, can we?"

Elaine, her fury simmering, knew she had no choice. She gritted her teeth and instructed Charlie, "Hail another taxi, quick!"

Charlie nodded, stepped out, and with a wave of his hand, summoned another cab, putting an end to this fiery taxi tango. 🚖💃
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Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 936: A Mother's Tale of Woe

Afterward, he returned to the car they had come in and assisted Elaine, who had suffered a broken leg, in exiting the vehicle.

Elaine, bravely enduring the agony in her leg, painstakingly made her way out of the car. Despite her pain, Charlie provided a supportive hand, helping her into another car.

As the car began to move, she rolled down the window and unleashed a torrent of anger at the driver, who was leisurely puffing away on a cigarette by the roadside. "You rascal! You're going to meet your maker in a car accident today!"

The driver, incensed by her words, shot back, "You ugly hag! You'll kick the bucket before I do!"

Elaine was seething and wanted to lean out further to continue the argument, but the car had already distanced itself, leaving her fuming and powerless.

Charlie, who had maintained his silence throughout, couldn't help but think to himself: His mother-in-law must have had a rough go of it in the detention center; otherwise, she wouldn't be this irritable.

He couldn't help but sympathize with his father-in-law, Jacob. If Elaine ever found out that he had been busy going on dates with Merit these past few days, she would explode with fury.


The taxi eventually arrived at the emergency department of Aurous Hill People's Hospital.

Claire had been anxiously waiting there.

When she saw her mother not only with a broken leg but also sporting a battered face and missing two front teeth, Claire's eyes welled up with tears. She rushed forward, exclaiming, "Mom, how did you get hurt so badly?"

Elaine, upon seeing her daughter, was overcome with sorrow. All the grievances she had suffered over the past few days came pouring out, and she clung to Claire, sobbing, "My dearest daughter, my life has been so miserable. You can't even imagine... I almost lost my life these past few days. You could have lost your mother!"

After uttering these words, Elaine completely broke down, crying uncontrollably.

Seeing her mother in such a state, Claire felt a deep sense of distress. While supporting her mother, she tearfully inquired, "Mom, what exactly happened to you these past few days? Please, tell me!"

Elaine wiped away her tears, feeling an overwhelming urge to reveal the truth to her daughter. However, as the words reached her lips, she held them back, fully aware that she couldn't speak carelessly, as it might bring catastrophe or even imprisonment upon her.

So, she fabricated a story, "Oh dear, don't even mention it! I was ensnared by some folks involved in a pyramid scheme. Once they roped me into their web, they started beating me, coercing me into buying their products with money I didn't have. The relentless beatings and deprivation of food eventually cost me my front teeth."

Claire, with mounting concern, asked, "Mom, did you report this to the police? They should arrest those criminals!"

Elaine replied, "Later on, the police cracked down on the pyramid scheme, and I got caught up in it. Unexpectedly, I ran into your grandmother and Wendy in the detention center. Those two ganged up on me while I was there!"

Claire, taken aback, questioned, "Grandmother and Wendy?! How did you end up with them?"

Elaine, sobbing intermittently, explained, "I don't know, dear. It's just my rotten luck. I crossed paths with those two scoundrels. They wouldn't let me rest or eat, and they even doused me with cold water. You can't even begin to imagine the ordeal I've been through these past days... It was like a living nightmare..."

Hearing this, Claire's heart ached, and she couldn't hold back her tears.

After venting her emotions for a while, Elaine's mood lightened slightly. Then, a thought crossed her mind, and she turned to Claire, demanding, "Claire, be honest with me. Who was your dad meeting up with?"

Chapter 937: A Stormy Reunion

Claire knew she was treading on thin ice. The situation at home was already a tempest, and any added revelations would be like throwing dynamite into the mix.

With her mother's emotional barometer hovering at hurricane levels, Claire wisely chose her words, "Dad might just be catching up with his old school buddies, the same ones from the last gathering, but I can't say for sure."

Elaine, her face shadowed with suspicion, retorted darkly, "That's rather peculiar! His old classmates don't seem to assemble that frequently, and it's highly unlikely they'd arrange another reunion so soon. There's got to be more to this."

Reluctantly, Claire fabricated a story, "Honestly, I'm not entirely in the loop about this."

Elaine, teeth clenched in frustration, spat out bitterly, "That wretched man! While I've been suffering, he's gallivanting at a gathering. Heartless!"

Trying to defend her father, Claire intervened, "Mom, dad was beside himself with worry during the past two days when you were missing. He only attended today's gathering because he couldn't get out of it."

"I don't buy it!" Elaine exclaimed, her tone sharp as a knife, "That despicable man even mentioned divorce just the other day! If I hadn't been locked up, he'd probably be throwing a party by now."

Claire, struggling to mitigate the situation, implored, "Mom, please don't jump to conclusions about dad..."

In the midst of their heated exchange, a sleek BMW 530 pulled up to the hospital. It was none other than Jacob, making a grand entrance.

Witnessing Elaine's pitiful state, Jacob was taken aback. Though he had long lost affection for Elaine, her oppressive presence still filled him with dread.

It was this apprehension that propelled him to rush back the moment Elaine had called for him.

But as soon as Jacob arrived, Elaine's fury blazed even more intensely.

She couldn't help but be suspicious of Jacob's meticulously groomed appearance: the pristine suit, the immaculate tie, the perfectly combed hair - all signs pointed to this being a serious event, and it certainly wasn't for her.

Elaine was no fool. She immediately discerned that Jacob's careful dressing was not about her at all; it was all about this mysterious gathering.

This realization made her even more guarded.

She wondered what could possibly be so important at this gathering to prompt Jacob meticulous preparation, something he hadn't done since their wedding day.

As Jacob approached, he inquired anxiously, "Where have you been? How did you end up like this?"

Elaine glared at him, her suspicion bubbling over, "Jacob, tell me the truth. Who were you really meeting with?"

Jacob face contorted uncomfortably, and he stammered, "Uh, just some old school buddies, you know them."

Elaine probed further, "Didn't you meet them just a few days ago? Why another gathering so soon?"

Jacob hesitated before responding, "Well, last time, only around 20 folks showed up. Today, there were more."

Elaine raised an eyebrow and questioned with a sharp edge, "Hmm? Jacob, tell me, did Merit Hanley attend?"

Jacob felt a jolt of panic.

He hadn't anticipated Elaine bringing up Merit so quickly. How could her intuition be so uncannily spot on?

But he couldn't reveal anything about Merit, so he fibbed, "No, she hasn't been back in over 20 years."

Chapter 938: "A Fractured Reality"

Elaine's icy tone cut through the air like a winter chill, "You're absolutely certain about this?"

Jacob, in a haste, responded, "Oh, without a doubt! Why on earth would I deceive you? Besides, aren't we perhaps focusing on the wrong thing here? The most pressing matter is to tend to your injury, dear. Your leg, it's broken, isn't it?"

Lost in her attempts to clarify Jacob's affairs, Elaine had overlooked her own plight—her leg, in fact, was fractured. Jacob's reminder instantly jolted her memory, and the sharp pain in her right leg flooded back.

Swiftly, she implored her daughter, Claire, "My dearest daughter, please rush me to a doctor immediately. We cannot have me ending up with any disabilities!"


After checking in for emergency care and consulting a doctor who recommended an X-ray, Claire was fraught with worry, "Doctor, how is my mother's condition?"

Equally anxious about the outcome, Elaine inquired with urgency, "Yes, Doctor, what do the results show? Will I be left crippled?"

The doctor began, "The X-ray indicates that your lower leg bone is fractured in multiple places, which is a rather severe condition. However, with proper recovery and care, you should be able to avoid any lasting limp. I recommend we start with a plaster cast and have you remain in the hospital for observation for roughly two weeks to ensure a full recovery."

The relief that came from the prospect of not being crippled washed over Elaine, but the mention of hospitalization triggered her anxiety, "What? I have to stay in the hospital? Can't I just rest at home once the plaster cast is on?"

The thought of not yet enjoying the luxurious comforts of the Thomson Elite villa was an unbearable prospect for Elaine.

After enduring two days of what felt like inhumane treatment, she longed to return to the villa, lie on a soft bed, and truly savor the joys of residing at Thomson Elite.

The doctor shook his head, "The first two weeks post-plaster are critical for your overall recovery. Returning home could expose you to potential complications."

Elaine's expression darkened upon hearing this.

Meanwhile, Jacob couldn't help but harbor a faint sense of relief within!

Elaine's abrupt return had already become an irreversible reality, but if she stayed in the hospital, he could buy himself a few extra days of respite.

Therefore, he strategically suggested to Elaine, "Dear, heed the doctor's advice and convalesce here peacefully. This way, we can prevent any future complications."

Elaine scowled at Jacob, questioning, "You don't want me to come home, do you?"

Jacob hastily waved his hands, "No, that's not what I meant."

Elaine huffed coldly, then turned to Charlie, "Aren't you acquainted with the miraculous Doctor Simon Thorpe? Call him immediately and have him treat my leg."

Charlie furrowed his brow at his mother-in-law's demanding tone.

Did Elaine, of all people, expect Simon to come to her aid?

Internally, Charlie couldn't help but smirk and responded coolly, "Doctor Simon is currently out of town, in Eastcliff, tending to a patient."

Upon hearing this, Elaine inquired, "Well, then I'll just wait for his return, won't I?"

Charlie replied, "He might not be back for another ten days, maybe even two weeks."

The doctor interjected, "You should really have the plaster cast done today."

Elaine promptly asserted, "Fine! Then I'll have the plaster cast done and convalesce at home!"

Recognizing Elaine's unwavering stance, Jacob understood that hospitalization was no longer on the table. He knew that keeping Elaine in the dark about Merit's return was only a temporary solution. If she discovered Merit's presence later, and he then broached the topic of divorce, she would undoubtedly put up fierce resistance.

With this in mind, he resolved to bring up the subject of divorce at the earliest opportunity that evening, hoping to settle it as swiftly as possible.

Chapter 939: The Web of Intrigue

As Elaine sat in the car with a freshly applied plaster cast from her hospital visit, she couldn't resist the urge to give Jacob an earful. Her tongue was as sharp as a surgeon's scalpel, dissecting every aspect of his existence. She also made subtle attempts to uncover the mystery behind his unusually glamorous attire for the day's gathering.

Jacob, on the other hand, was as tight-lipped as Fort Knox. He had a plan brewing in his mind, one that involved discussing the dreaded "D-word" (divorce) with Elaine that evening. His secret rendezvous with Merit Hanley remained a locked vault for now, and he intended to keep it that way.

Meanwhile, in another vehicle trailing behind, Charlie was calmly driving with Claire, whose eyes were still moist from shedding tears. Her heart ached for her mother, and witnessing her suffering firsthand was enough to bring tears to anyone's eyes. On top of that, the brewing storm of her parents' marital discord weighed heavily on her.

Claire knew that her father had a soft spot for Merit. In comparison to the glamorous Merit, her mother seemed to pale in comparison. She couldn't shake off the nagging fear that her father might choose to chase his own happiness at the cost of their family's stability.

Just when Charlie was about to offer a comforting word to his distressed wife, his phone buzzed with an incoming call from none other than Isaac.

On the phone, Isaac inquired, "Young Master, have you picked up your mother-in-law?"

With Claire by his side, Charlie couldn't speak too openly. So, he replied with a hint of vagueness, "Indeed, I have."

Isaac nodded approvingly, "Excellent."

And then, the bombshell dropped, "By the way, Young Master, I've got some news for you."

Charlie leaned in, his curiosity piqued, "What's the scoop?"

Isaac revealed, "It appears that the Weaver family from Suzhou and Hangzhou has started making moves. They're actively seeking out your archenemy, Joaquin Wilson. Furthermore, they've dispatched individuals to Eastcliff to track down Joaquin and sent a party to Evergreen Mountain in pursuit of Yorick and his son Ricky Weigard. Fortunately, they were tipped off by the contacts Orvel had planted, so they managed to slip away in the nick of time."

Charlie's brow furrowed deeply.

For the Weaver family to suddenly reengage with Joaquin Wilson and reach out to the Weigard family duo meant one thing—conspiracy. It seemed they were conspiring to unite several of Charlie's adversaries in a formidable alliance against him.

With Donald and his son Xander licking their wounds and retreating to Suzhou and Hangzhou, Charlie had assumed the Weaver family had learned their lesson. Little did he know they were secretly plotting a grand comeback.

Curiosity got the better of him, and Charlie probed further, "Have they made contact with anyone else?"

Isaac responded, "They've attempted to reach out to some minor players who've crossed paths with you before, but these are small fries, unlikely to pose a significant threat. Remember that couple who once bullied your classmate Darren and their father? They're part of the mix too."

Then, Isaac inquired, "Young Master, should I notify the family and take decisive action against the Weaver family, or would you prefer to give them a friendly warning?"

Charlie, sporting a wry smile, replied, "No need, my friend. Some things are just more thrilling when you take matters into your own hands. Relying on others not only lacks the thrill but also the satisfaction."

Isaac tried to reason, "But Young Master, the Weaver family is a heavyweight presence in the entire South Laverton region. If they're genuinely plotting against you, handling them alone might be too much to handle."

To be continued... 🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️

Chapter 940: The Unwanted Alliance

Charlie Wade couldn't help but smile, a glint of determination in his eyes as he responded to Isaac, "You can bet your bottom dollar on it. I may not be the world's greatest success story, but I'm no pushover."

Isaac let out a heavy sigh and offered a word of caution, "Young master, while I admire your spirit, you must tread carefully. The Weaver family is a formidable adversary, and they've placed a three-billion-dollar bounty on Gary and Jeffrey Lambert. People all over the world are hunting them down, and if their location gets exposed, it could turn into a frenzied mob seeking their blood."

Curiosity piqued, Charlie inquired, "Does anyone have any leads on their whereabouts?"

Isaac replied, "Rumor has it that they've fled abroad, but the exact destination remains a mystery. It seems they used fake passports to make their escape."

Charlie nodded knowingly, fully aware of why the Weaver family was so hell-bent on eliminating this father and son duo. It all came down to a certain viral video on Tiktok.

The Weaver family had been desperate to erase that video from the platform, but ever since Stephen Thompson had taken over, their hands were tied.

Thanks to that video, they had lost face and couldn't remove it. Their only recourse was to eliminate Gary and his son, a public display of power to remind the world that the Weaver family would not tolerate insults.

Isaac continued, "Young master, the Weaver family is willing to shell out three billion dollar, or perhaps even more, to deal with Gary and his son. If they set their sights on you, I have no doubt they'd offer an even heftier sum. So, you must remain vigilant."

Charlie responded calmly, "Understood, I'll be careful."

Isaac added, "Young master, if you ever need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out."

With a thoughtful hum, Charlie cast a sidelong glance at his wife and said to Isaac, "I'm heading home now. We can discuss this further later."

"Very well."

Once Charlie ended the call, Claire's curiosity got the better of her, and she asked, "Who were you talking to? It sounded like they were trying to bully you into something. Is someone causing trouble?"

Charlie chuckled and replied, "Oh, nothing like that. Remember how mom got caught up in that pyramid scheme? I was just thinking of getting a friend to help her deal with it."

Claire quickly interjected, "Please don't do that!"

Expanding on her point, she continued, "Honestly, as much as it pains me to see my mom suffer, I must admit that she brought it upon herself. She's overly obsessed with money, always searching for shortcuts, and blinded by greed. Even if she hadn't fallen for this scam, she would have fallen for another."

Charlie nodded in agreement. He hadn't expected Claire to see through her mother's true nature despite her filial piety towards Elaine.

He had brought up helping Elaine merely as an excuse, but seeing Claire's response, he dropped the subject.

At that moment, Charlie's thoughts were consumed by the Weaver family in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Their lingering grudges meant they would undoubtedly seek revenge against him.

However, one aspect caught him off guard—the Weaver family, typically arrogant, was now seeking allies to exact their vengeance.

They were reaching out to Joaquin and others who held grievances against him, possibly plotting to unite several adversaries against him.

This was an unexpected turn of events for Charlie.

Enemies were easiest to handle when they were arrogant, but once they shed their arrogance, they became craftier and more formidable foes.

The Weaver family, already a potent force, was now forging alliances against him, indicating their growing strength and warranting his utmost attention.
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New member
Sep 14, 2023
Chapter 931: The Unwanted Taxi Tango 🚖

As Charlie appeared before her, Elaine's heart did a cha-cha of pure loathing. Her disdain for him was akin to that feeling when you reach for a glass of orange juice and realize it's milk – a mix of surprise and disappointment.

Sure, she had begrudgingly accepted the police's explanation that Charlie was just an unwitting pawn in some international crime caper. But guess what? The Pandora's box of her misery was opened with the swiping of his card. If it weren't for his cursed piece of plastic, she wouldn't be caught in this whirlpool of indignity.

Naturally, in her eyes, Charlie was the mastermind behind all her misfortunes. So, you can bet your last penny, she wasn't about to dish out smiles and pleasantries.

Just when she thought things couldn't get any worse, a police officer piped up with a shout that jolted her like a defibrillator. The ever-watchful eyes of the law had her feeling more uncomfortable than a cat at a dog show.

Caught in this chaotic hurricane of events, she had no choice but to swallow her hatred and play nice.

Seeing her begrudging cooperation, the officer turned to Charlie and quizzed, "You must be her son-in-law, right?"

Charlie, unflinchingly, gave a nod and replied, "You got it."

The officer, cutting to the chase, added, "Alright, then follow me to ink your name on a paper, confirming you're taking her off our hands."

Charlie trailed the officer to scribble his signature on that dreaded document and then, eager to escape this nightmare, asked, "Can we bail now?"

The officer's nod was his ticket out of this peculiar circus. "You're free to go."

With that assurance, Charlie turned to his mother-in-law and offered, "Mom, we're in the clear. I'll whisk you off to the hospital."

Elaine, fuming inside like a pressure cooker about to burst, but careful not to let the steam escape in front of the officer, turned on the theatrical charm, saying, "Oh, my dear son-in-law, lend me your arm. This leg of mine is acting up something fierce."

Charlie dutifully went over, enduring the less-than-rosy scent, and helped her rise. Elaine's right leg was in agony, but compared to the torture she'd endured in the slammer, it was like being poked by a feather.

In her mind, breaking a leg was a small price to pay for a one-way ticket out of that jailhouse hell.

As they exited the detention center, a rusty old Jetta taxi awaited them – the same relic Charlie had ridden in earlier. He said to Elaine, "Mom, let's hop into the car."

Elaine, her spirits in the gutter at the sight of this rickety taxi, felt the urge to unleash a tempest of curses upon Noah and, most certainly, Charlie.

The worst part? Even though she was fuming, she couldn't vent her spleen at Charlie. The fury about the bank card and this sorry excuse for a taxi would have to remain bottled up, ready to blow at any moment.

And so, Elaine begrudgingly climbed into the ramshackle taxi, assisted by Charlie.

Once they were settled in, Charlie leaned forward and informed the taxi driver, "Hey, buddy, head on over to the emergency department of the People's Hospital, if you please."

Chapter 932: A Karaoke Catastrophe

The taxi sped towards the People's Hospital, leaving Charlie and his mother-in-law, Elaine, in a tense silence. Charlie decided to break the ice, shifting the focus from their current predicament.

"Mom," he began, "I've already given Claire a call. She's on her way to the People's Hospital. Once we get there, we'll have your leg checked out first."

Elaine, still simmering with anger, huffed and turned her face away to gaze out of the window. She muttered bitterly, "What good is a son-in-law like you? You just bring trouble!"

Charlie couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Mom, trouble? When have I ever caused you any trouble?"

Elaine shot him a cold glance through the rearview mirror, her frustration palpable. "Don't ask! Figure it out yourself. I won't tell you even if you beg me!"

The police had warned Elaine multiple times, so she was now tiptoeing around expressing her anger, opting for subtler forms of resentment.

Charlie, well-versed in his mother-in-law's quirky behavior, decided to play the oblivious card. "I'm genuinely sorry, but I can't recall causing you any trouble," he replied with faux innocence.

Elaine was seething, feeling like she had a bone stuck in her throat. She tried to change the subject, diverting her attention to Noah. "Where did your father go and who did he meet? When did he leave?"

Charlie, aware that revealing the truth about Noah's rendezvous with his first love would set off a storm, replied evasively, "He left in the morning, but I didn't inquire about his plans."

He chose to let her find out the juicy details from Noah himself, rather than getting embroiled in their trifecta of troubles.

Elaine was fuming. She muttered, "Didn't he just have a reunion recently? Why another one? It seems he's been having quite the time while I was in detention these past few days!"

With her blood boiling, Elaine pulled out her phone and dialed Noah's number.

Unbeknownst to her, Noah was living it up at the Splendid Club with Merit and a bunch of old school buddies.

Noah was on cloud nine because none of his classmates, including Grayson Joyce, dared to poke fun at him anymore. Dondie Edwards, out of respect for Charlie Wade, personally attended to him and his classmates, bestowing them with a rare level of honor in Aurous Hill.

Their lavish lunch at the clubhouse left everyone in high spirits, and Merit decided to book a private karaoke room for some musical revelry.

The KTV setup at the Splendid Club was top-notch, and despite the sizable gathering, the room felt spacious, thanks to its luxurious decor and state-of-the-art facilities.

The only downside was the long wait for their turn to sing, as they had queued up quite a few songs.

Noah, after waiting for more than half an hour, finally grabbed the microphone and handed another to Merit, inviting her warmly, "Merit, let's sing this song together."

The chosen song? "Intimate Lover," a beloved duet that had a special place in the hearts of the older generation.

What's more, the original singers of the song were a real-life couple, adding an extra layer of sweetness to it.

As Noah prepared to sing, his classmates couldn't resist teasing him. One quipped, "Ah, Noah, choosing such a song and inviting the lovely Merit to sing with you... What's your hidden agenda?"

Another chimed in, "Come on, isn't it crystal clear? His intentions are as plain as day."

Yet another classmate showered Noah with flattery, saying, "Noah and Merit were meant to be. After not seeing each other for over 20 years, singing this song together is pure destiny!"

Little did Noah know that his blissful evening was about to take a hairpin turn, spiraling into a nightmare he could never have predicted!

Chapter 933: When Love Sings and Fate Rings

Merit Hanley, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue, seized the microphone with confidence and a charming smile. "Don't misunderstand, dear classmates, we're just sharing a song together. If anyone else wants to join in, I'm all for it."

Grayson felt a tad uncomfortable. He couldn't help but think, "How can Noah, a married man, openly invite his crush for a love song duet?" Yet, he swallowed his words, reminded of Noah's son-in-law status, respected by none other than Dondie himself.

Noah, his face brimming with excitement, couldn't resist sneaking glances at Merit. His heart raced with anticipation.

Merit, catching Noah's gaze filled with unabashed adoration, felt her cheeks flush with warmth.

At that very moment, the song's intro started to play.

Merit held the microphone, her gaze locked on the screen.

As the intro concluded, she began singing the female part of the song.

"Let my love be with you, forevermore..."

"Can you feel my concerns, my darling?"

Merit's singing was pure enchantment, a heavenly melody to the ears of these seasoned gentlemen, leaving them utterly spellbound.

Noah was so entranced that he felt goosebumps. Merit's voice, he thought, could rival that of a professional singer.

Their classmates erupted in thunderous applause.

Merit had just wrapped up her part, and now it was Noah's turn to sing his portion.

Just as Noah prepared to sing with all his heart, his phone resting on the KTV table suddenly buzzed.

Instinctively, he glanced down and was startled by the name on the screen.

"Wife" was flashing as the caller ID...

What on earth?!

Noah's mood plummeted instantly!

Elaine had been missing for a full two days and nights, her phone completely off the grid. Why was she calling now?

Could it be...

Could it be that she had returned?

In the next instant, Noah's suspicion was confirmed.

Elaine's phone had been unreachable for days, and now she was calling out of the blue, meaning she must have returned...

Panic seized Noah!

With Elaine back, what was he going to do?

Were his good days over?

The phone continued to vibrate on the table, and his part of the song had long passed.

Classmates began to tease him, saying, "Noah, are you too nervous to sing with Merit? It's your turn, don't you know?"

Even Merit couldn't resist a playful remark, "Noah, why aren't you singing your part?"

Noah wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead and glanced at his phone once more. He knew, with Elaine's fiery temper, if he didn't answer her call, she'd unleash her wrath.

Chapter 934: "Sing or Suffer"

In a mad dash, he blurted out, "Apologies, apologies, urgent call! I'll be back for another serenade, promise!"

With that, he snatched his phone and bolted from the private chamber.

Spotting this, Grayson wasted no time seizing the abandoned mic, a smirk playing on his lips as he declared, "Come on, Merit, let's duet!"

Noah stepped out into the corridor with his phone, jabbing the answer button in haste. The moment the line connected, Elaine's signature bellow thundered through, "Noah, are you trying to earn a one-way ticket to the doghouse? I've been MIA for two days, not a peep from you, and now you're partying it up?!"

Noah's elation crumbled like a sandcastle hit by a wave. Oh, bother! That aggravating woman is back!

Life was so unjust, he thought. He'd only just begun to relish the party, enjoying the harmonious duet with Merit. Nothing was set in stone yet, and now this bothersome woman had reared her head?

Was this the end of his fleeting bliss?

He felt so forlorn that he might as well have embraced despair, but on the other end of the line, Elaine was seething, "Noah, are you suddenly mute? Speak up!"

Noah scrambled to explain, "Darling, hear me out, please! I've been on the hunt for you these past two days. If you don't believe me, ask our daughter or Charlie. We scoured every mahjong den in Aurous Hill, trying to locate you!"

Elaine retorted, "Spare me your tall tales. I just want to know who you're carousing with. I can hear singing. Are you at a KTV? Shame on you! I could have been dead or kidnapped, and you're crooning away?"

Noah clarified, "I'm just at a gathering with old school chums. They twisted my arm to be here."

Elaine snapped, "Listen up, Noah, I've broken my leg and I'm en route to the People's Hospital ER. You better drop everything and come here this instant, or we're done!"

Noah was trembling with dread. In such dire straits, he couldn't afford to decline. He rushed out of the private chamber and there, his beloved Merit was entwined in a duet with Grayson. Gripped by jealousy, he hurriedly told Merit, "Merit, I'm terribly sorry, but I must take off."

Perplexed, Merit inquired, "Why leave so soon? Is something amiss?"

"It's just a minor family matter," Noah replied with a strained grin. "I need to head home."

Merit nodded with understanding and asked, "Is everything alright? Do you require assistance?"

Noah frantically shook his head, "No, no need, I've got it under control."

Although disappointed, Merit nodded empathetically, "If you require any help, don't hesitate to reach out."

"Absolutely!" Noah concurred before swiftly addressing the others, "Folks, I've got some family business to attend to, I must be off. Please continue to enjoy yourselves."

The others couldn't resist commenting, "Noah, we just kicked off the singing session. Why the hasty exit? We haven't even had the pleasure of hearing your vocals."

Noah had no recourse but to say, "I'm genuinely in a bind. Perhaps next time."

With Grayson smirking in the background, he added, "Grayson, mind your own business! Why are you always lurking around?"

Casting a wistful glance at Merit, he spun on his heel and departed the private chamber.

Once outside, Noah was seething.

What kind of a mess was this? Why had Elaine returned so abruptly? Why couldn't she take a leaf out of Zoraida's book?

Speaking of Zoraida, she had vanished into thin air, a bona fide Houdini. If only Elaine could follow suit, what a blessing that would be.

Noah raced out of the Splendid Club, speeding towards the People's Hospital in his trusty BMW.

Chapter 935: A Fiery Taxi Tango

Claire was on a mission, racing towards the People's Hospital, her heart pounding like a drum 🏥.

News of her mother's broken leg had her fretting like a hen guarding her chicks, and the mystery surrounding her mother's recent escapades only added fuel to the fire 🔥.

Elaine, clutching her aching leg with a grimace that could rival a lemon 🍋, was stuck in a cab that seemed to be powered by molasses. She couldn't help but let her discomfort fuel her impatience, barking at the driver, "Is this rust bucket of yours capable of going any faster? I'm in agony here, do you realize that?"

The cabby, as cool as a cucumber 🥒, responded, "Madam, we've got speed limits in this city, you know? Rules and all that jazz. Speeding not only lands us fines but also puts innocent pedestrians at risk."

"Pedestrian's safety, my foot!" Elaine snapped, losing her cool. "Step on it! Do you think I'm enjoying this pain? If I end up disabled because of your sluggish driving, I'll make your life a living hell!"

The driver, now exasperated, retorted, "Lady, I'm pushing this hunk of metal as fast as it'll go. If you want lightning speed, you can hop out and chase a thunderstorm."

Without missing a beat, Elaine fired back, "What kind of attitude is that? Do you think I can't get you canned with a single complaint?"

The driver, unimpressed, scoffed, "Complain away. I'm driving by the book. What are you gonna say? 'He refused to break the speed limit'?"

Elaine, teeth gritted, threatened, "I'll accuse you of sexual harassment!"

The driver let out an incredulous laugh, side-eyeing her in the rearview mirror like he'd just witnessed a stand-up comedy act. "Look at yourself! You're missing teeth, lady! Accuse me of harassment? I'd be flattered if you didn't scare away my other passengers!"

Elaine's blood was boiling, and the driver's mockery of her appearance was the final straw. In a chilling tone, she demanded, "Tell me your name and your company. I'm filing that complaint right now."

Frustrated beyond belief, the driver pulled over and sneered, "Fine, I won't take your fare. Get out."

Elaine, red-faced with rage, shot back, "You think you can kick me out? Who do you think you are? Start this cab right now, do you hear me? If my leg isn't treated because of your delay, I'll haunt you in your dreams!"

The driver switched off the engine and lit up a cigarette, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "Sorry, lady, my taxi's on strike. If you don't wanna leave, stay."

Unprepared for the driver's complete defiance, Elaine was about to launch into another tirade when the driver calmly exited the vehicle and lit up a smoke.

Meanwhile, Charlie, perched in the front seat, couldn't help but find the whole situation rather comical.

His mother-in-law, he realized, had a knack for missing the point entirely.

It was her leg that needed urgent attention, not the driver's ego. Why was she busy acting like the Queen of Sheba with him? And now, thanks to her antics, they were stuck in the middle of nowhere.

However, Charlie had no intention of playing referee in this taxi tango. Instead, he casually asked, "Mom, what's our next move? We can't sit here forever, can we?"

Elaine, her fury simmering, knew she had no choice. She gritted her teeth and instructed Charlie, "Hail another taxi, quick!"

Charlie nodded, stepped out, and with a wave of his hand, summoned another cab, putting an end to this fiery taxi tango. 🚖💃
The father-in-law's name is Jacob here it's Noah


New member
Sep 18, 2023
Chapter 931: The Unwanted Taxi Tango 🚖

As Charlie appeared before her, Elaine's heart did a cha-cha of pure loathing. Her disdain for him was akin to that feeling when you reach for a glass of orange juice and realize it's milk – a mix of surprise and disappointment.

Sure, she had begrudgingly accepted the police's explanation that Charlie was just an unwitting pawn in some international crime caper. But guess what? The Pandora's box of her misery was opened with the swiping of his card. If it weren't for his cursed piece of plastic, she wouldn't be caught in this whirlpool of indignity.

Naturally, in her eyes, Charlie was the mastermind behind all her misfortunes. So, you can bet your last penny, she wasn't about to dish out smiles and pleasantries.

Just when she thought things couldn't get any worse, a police officer piped up with a shout that jolted her like a defibrillator. The ever-watchful eyes of the law had her feeling more uncomfortable than a cat at a dog show.

Caught in this chaotic hurricane of events, she had no choice but to swallow her hatred and play nice.

Seeing her begrudging cooperation, the officer turned to Charlie and quizzed, "You must be her son-in-law, right?"

Charlie, unflinchingly, gave a nod and replied, "You got it."

The officer, cutting to the chase, added, "Alright, then follow me to ink your name on a paper, confirming you're taking her off our hands."

Charlie trailed the officer to scribble his signature on that dreaded document and then, eager to escape this nightmare, asked, "Can we bail now?"

The officer's nod was his ticket out of this peculiar circus. "You're free to go."

With that assurance, Charlie turned to his mother-in-law and offered, "Mom, we're in the clear. I'll whisk you off to the hospital."

Elaine, fuming inside like a pressure cooker about to burst, but careful not to let the steam escape in front of the officer, turned on the theatrical charm, saying, "Oh, my dear son-in-law, lend me your arm. This leg of mine is acting up something fierce."

Charlie dutifully went over, enduring the less-than-rosy scent, and helped her rise. Elaine's right leg was in agony, but compared to the torture she'd endured in the slammer, it was like being poked by a feather.

In her mind, breaking a leg was a small price to pay for a one-way ticket out of that jailhouse hell.

As they exited the detention center, a rusty old Jetta taxi awaited them – the same relic Charlie had ridden in earlier. He said to Elaine, "Mom, let's hop into the car."

Elaine, her spirits in the gutter at the sight of this rickety taxi, felt the urge to unleash a tempest of curses upon Noah and, most certainly, Charlie.

The worst part? Even though she was fuming, she couldn't vent her spleen at Charlie. The fury about the bank card and this sorry excuse for a taxi would have to remain bottled up, ready to blow at any moment.

And so, Elaine begrudgingly climbed into the ramshackle taxi, assisted by Charlie.

Once they were settled in, Charlie leaned forward and informed the taxi driver, "Hey, buddy, head on over to the emergency department of the People's Hospital, if you please."

Chapter 932: A Karaoke Catastrophe

The taxi sped towards the People's Hospital, leaving Charlie and his mother-in-law, Elaine, in a tense silence. Charlie decided to break the ice, shifting the focus from their current predicament.

"Mom," he began, "I've already given Claire a call. She's on her way to the People's Hospital. Once we get there, we'll have your leg checked out first."

Elaine, still simmering with anger, huffed and turned her face away to gaze out of the window. She muttered bitterly, "What good is a son-in-law like you? You just bring trouble!"

Charlie couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Mom, trouble? When have I ever caused you any trouble?"

Elaine shot him a cold glance through the rearview mirror, her frustration palpable. "Don't ask! Figure it out yourself. I won't tell you even if you beg me!"

The police had warned Elaine multiple times, so she was now tiptoeing around expressing her anger, opting for subtler forms of resentment.

Charlie, well-versed in his mother-in-law's quirky behavior, decided to play the oblivious card. "I'm genuinely sorry, but I can't recall causing you any trouble," he replied with faux innocence.

Elaine was seething, feeling like she had a bone stuck in her throat. She tried to change the subject, diverting her attention to Noah. "Where did your father go and who did he meet? When did he leave?"

Charlie, aware that revealing the truth about Noah's rendezvous with his first love would set off a storm, replied evasively, "He left in the morning, but I didn't inquire about his plans."

He chose to let her find out the juicy details from Noah himself, rather than getting embroiled in their trifecta of troubles.

Elaine was fuming. She muttered, "Didn't he just have a reunion recently? Why another one? It seems he's been having quite the time while I was in detention these past few days!"

With her blood boiling, Elaine pulled out her phone and dialed Noah's number.

Unbeknownst to her, Noah was living it up at the Splendid Club with Merit and a bunch of old school buddies.

Noah was on cloud nine because none of his classmates, including Grayson Joyce, dared to poke fun at him anymore. Dondie Edwards, out of respect for Charlie Wade, personally attended to him and his classmates, bestowing them with a rare level of honor in Aurous Hill.

Their lavish lunch at the clubhouse left everyone in high spirits, and Merit decided to book a private karaoke room for some musical revelry.

The KTV setup at the Splendid Club was top-notch, and despite the sizable gathering, the room felt spacious, thanks to its luxurious decor and state-of-the-art facilities.

The only downside was the long wait for their turn to sing, as they had queued up quite a few songs.

Noah, after waiting for more than half an hour, finally grabbed the microphone and handed another to Merit, inviting her warmly, "Merit, let's sing this song together."

The chosen song? "Intimate Lover," a beloved duet that had a special place in the hearts of the older generation.

What's more, the original singers of the song were a real-life couple, adding an extra layer of sweetness to it.

As Noah prepared to sing, his classmates couldn't resist teasing him. One quipped, "Ah, Noah, choosing such a song and inviting the lovely Merit to sing with you... What's your hidden agenda?"

Another chimed in, "Come on, isn't it crystal clear? His intentions are as plain as day."

Yet another classmate showered Noah with flattery, saying, "Noah and Merit were meant to be. After not seeing each other for over 20 years, singing this song together is pure destiny!"

Little did Noah know that his blissful evening was about to take a hairpin turn, spiraling into a nightmare he could never have predicted!

Chapter 933: When Love Sings and Fate Rings

Merit Hanley, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue, seized the microphone with confidence and a charming smile. "Don't misunderstand, dear classmates, we're just sharing a song together. If anyone else wants to join in, I'm all for it."

Grayson felt a tad uncomfortable. He couldn't help but think, "How can Noah, a married man, openly invite his crush for a love song duet?" Yet, he swallowed his words, reminded of Noah's son-in-law status, respected by none other than Dondie himself.

Noah, his face brimming with excitement, couldn't resist sneaking glances at Merit. His heart raced with anticipation.

Merit, catching Noah's gaze filled with unabashed adoration, felt her cheeks flush with warmth.

At that very moment, the song's intro started to play.

Merit held the microphone, her gaze locked on the screen.

As the intro concluded, she began singing the female part of the song.

"Let my love be with you, forevermore..."

"Can you feel my concerns, my darling?"

Merit's singing was pure enchantment, a heavenly melody to the ears of these seasoned gentlemen, leaving them utterly spellbound.

Noah was so entranced that he felt goosebumps. Merit's voice, he thought, could rival that of a professional singer.

Their classmates erupted in thunderous applause.

Merit had just wrapped up her part, and now it was Noah's turn to sing his portion.

Just as Noah prepared to sing with all his heart, his phone resting on the KTV table suddenly buzzed.

Instinctively, he glanced down and was startled by the name on the screen.

"Wife" was flashing as the caller ID...

What on earth?!

Noah's mood plummeted instantly!

Elaine had been missing for a full two days and nights, her phone completely off the grid. Why was she calling now?

Could it be...

Could it be that she had returned?

In the next instant, Noah's suspicion was confirmed.

Elaine's phone had been unreachable for days, and now she was calling out of the blue, meaning she must have returned...

Panic seized Noah!

With Elaine back, what was he going to do?

Were his good days over?

The phone continued to vibrate on the table, and his part of the song had long passed.

Classmates began to tease him, saying, "Noah, are you too nervous to sing with Merit? It's your turn, don't you know?"

Even Merit couldn't resist a playful remark, "Noah, why aren't you singing your part?"

Noah wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead and glanced at his phone once more. He knew, with Elaine's fiery temper, if he didn't answer her call, she'd unleash her wrath.

Chapter 934: "Sing or Suffer"

In a mad dash, he blurted out, "Apologies, apologies, urgent call! I'll be back for another serenade, promise!"

With that, he snatched his phone and bolted from the private chamber.

Spotting this, Grayson wasted no time seizing the abandoned mic, a smirk playing on his lips as he declared, "Come on, Merit, let's duet!"

Noah stepped out into the corridor with his phone, jabbing the answer button in haste. The moment the line connected, Elaine's signature bellow thundered through, "Noah, are you trying to earn a one-way ticket to the doghouse? I've been MIA for two days, not a peep from you, and now you're partying it up?!"

Noah's elation crumbled like a sandcastle hit by a wave. Oh, bother! That aggravating woman is back!

Life was so unjust, he thought. He'd only just begun to relish the party, enjoying the harmonious duet with Merit. Nothing was set in stone yet, and now this bothersome woman had reared her head?

Was this the end of his fleeting bliss?

He felt so forlorn that he might as well have embraced despair, but on the other end of the line, Elaine was seething, "Noah, are you suddenly mute? Speak up!"

Noah scrambled to explain, "Darling, hear me out, please! I've been on the hunt for you these past two days. If you don't believe me, ask our daughter or Charlie. We scoured every mahjong den in Aurous Hill, trying to locate you!"

Elaine retorted, "Spare me your tall tales. I just want to know who you're carousing with. I can hear singing. Are you at a KTV? Shame on you! I could have been dead or kidnapped, and you're crooning away?"

Noah clarified, "I'm just at a gathering with old school chums. They twisted my arm to be here."

Elaine snapped, "Listen up, Noah, I've broken my leg and I'm en route to the People's Hospital ER. You better drop everything and come here this instant, or we're done!"

Noah was trembling with dread. In such dire straits, he couldn't afford to decline. He rushed out of the private chamber and there, his beloved Merit was entwined in a duet with Grayson. Gripped by jealousy, he hurriedly told Merit, "Merit, I'm terribly sorry, but I must take off."

Perplexed, Merit inquired, "Why leave so soon? Is something amiss?"

"It's just a minor family matter," Noah replied with a strained grin. "I need to head home."

Merit nodded with understanding and asked, "Is everything alright? Do you require assistance?"

Noah frantically shook his head, "No, no need, I've got it under control."

Although disappointed, Merit nodded empathetically, "If you require any help, don't hesitate to reach out."

"Absolutely!" Noah concurred before swiftly addressing the others, "Folks, I've got some family business to attend to, I must be off. Please continue to enjoy yourselves."

The others couldn't resist commenting, "Noah, we just kicked off the singing session. Why the hasty exit? We haven't even had the pleasure of hearing your vocals."

Noah had no recourse but to say, "I'm genuinely in a bind. Perhaps next time."

With Grayson smirking in the background, he added, "Grayson, mind your own business! Why are you always lurking around?"

Casting a wistful glance at Merit, he spun on his heel and departed the private chamber.

Once outside, Noah was seething.

What kind of a mess was this? Why had Elaine returned so abruptly? Why couldn't she take a leaf out of Zoraida's book?

Speaking of Zoraida, she had vanished into thin air, a bona fide Houdini. If only Elaine could follow suit, what a blessing that would be.

Noah raced out of the Splendid Club, speeding towards the People's Hospital in his trusty BMW.

Chapter 935: A Fiery Taxi Tango

Claire was on a mission, racing towards the People's Hospital, her heart pounding like a drum 🏥.

News of her mother's broken leg had her fretting like a hen guarding her chicks, and the mystery surrounding her mother's recent escapades only added fuel to the fire 🔥.

Elaine, clutching her aching leg with a grimace that could rival a lemon 🍋, was stuck in a cab that seemed to be powered by molasses. She couldn't help but let her discomfort fuel her impatience, barking at the driver, "Is this rust bucket of yours capable of going any faster? I'm in agony here, do you realize that?"

The cabby, as cool as a cucumber 🥒, responded, "Madam, we've got speed limits in this city, you know? Rules and all that jazz. Speeding not only lands us fines but also puts innocent pedestrians at risk."

"Pedestrian's safety, my foot!" Elaine snapped, losing her cool. "Step on it! Do you think I'm enjoying this pain? If I end up disabled because of your sluggish driving, I'll make your life a living hell!"

The driver, now exasperated, retorted, "Lady, I'm pushing this hunk of metal as fast as it'll go. If you want lightning speed, you can hop out and chase a thunderstorm."

Without missing a beat, Elaine fired back, "What kind of attitude is that? Do you think I can't get you canned with a single complaint?"

The driver, unimpressed, scoffed, "Complain away. I'm driving by the book. What are you gonna say? 'He refused to break the speed limit'?"

Elaine, teeth gritted, threatened, "I'll accuse you of sexual harassment!"

The driver let out an incredulous laugh, side-eyeing her in the rearview mirror like he'd just witnessed a stand-up comedy act. "Look at yourself! You're missing teeth, lady! Accuse me of harassment? I'd be flattered if you didn't scare away my other passengers!"

Elaine's blood was boiling, and the driver's mockery of her appearance was the final straw. In a chilling tone, she demanded, "Tell me your name and your company. I'm filing that complaint right now."

Frustrated beyond belief, the driver pulled over and sneered, "Fine, I won't take your fare. Get out."

Elaine, red-faced with rage, shot back, "You think you can kick me out? Who do you think you are? Start this cab right now, do you hear me? If my leg isn't treated because of your delay, I'll haunt you in your dreams!"

The driver switched off the engine and lit up a cigarette, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "Sorry, lady, my taxi's on strike. If you don't wanna leave, stay."

Unprepared for the driver's complete defiance, Elaine was about to launch into another tirade when the driver calmly exited the vehicle and lit up a smoke.

Meanwhile, Charlie, perched in the front seat, couldn't help but find the whole situation rather comical.

His mother-in-law, he realized, had a knack for missing the point entirely.

It was her leg that needed urgent attention, not the driver's ego. Why was she busy acting like the Queen of Sheba with him? And now, thanks to her antics, they were stuck in the middle of nowhere.

However, Charlie had no intention of playing referee in this taxi tango. Instead, he casually asked, "Mom, what's our next move? We can't sit here forever, can we?"

Elaine, her fury simmering, knew she had no choice. She gritted her teeth and instructed Charlie, "Hail another taxi, quick!"

Charlie nodded, stepped out, and with a wave of his hand, summoned another cab, putting an end to this fiery taxi tango. 🚖💃
'Jacob' became 'Noah'.


New member
Sep 18, 2023
Never seen you any where Mr member, today you just appeared.

Where are you from?
I've been lurking around here for the past 3 months, mostly reading Dustin's novel translated by GM Junlee and rarely post comments. :)Hailed from the same homeland of our GM Junlee and currently residing at the land of the rising sun.
Happy Holidays greetings from here. ;)

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 941: The Noodle Standoff

Two BMWs rolled up one after the other, pulling up to the lavish villa at Thomson Elite.

Jacob, the unwilling passenger of Elaine's verbal tirade during the entire ride, felt his irritation growing by the minute.

When Elaine's call first interrupted his love song serenade with his first crush, he felt guilty as charged. Her anger propelled him to the hospital in a frenzied panic. But as the dust of his emotions settled, he was increasingly convinced that Elaine was a lost cause.

So, Jacob's resolve to divorce her grew even firmer.

Stepping out of the car, he handed over the crutches he had fetched from the hospital to Elaine, as if passing a torch in a relay race.

Elaine, anticipating his assistance to get into the house, or perhaps even a heroic piggyback ride, was utterly bewildered when she was handed a pair of crutches instead.

Gripping the crutches, she erupted in anger, "Jacob, you old rascal! My leg is broken, and all you bring me are these crutches?"

Jacob, with a stoic expression, responded, "You're going to have to get used to them sooner or later, or else how are you going to handle necessities like going to the bathroom?"

"How dare you!" Elaine retorted indignantly. "Does this mean I can't rely on you anymore?"

With a stern visage, Jacob shot back, "Don't forget, we're already living separate lives!"

Elaine was about to unleash a torrent of choice words when, fortuitously, Charlie arrived, parking his car nearby.

The moment Claire emerged from the car, Elaine seized the opportunity to vent her frustrations to her. Claire, in damage control mode, quickly supported her and tried to soothe her, saying, "Oh mom, don't be angry with dad. Your health isn't great, and getting upset won't help."

Elaine was all set to continue her rant when a wave of dizziness washed over her. She soon realized that her hunger had pushed her to the brink of fainting from low blood sugar.

Weakly, she pleaded, "Ah, I can't take it anymore, I'm starving! Where's Charlie? Get him to whip up something for me! I'm craving braised pork and beef stew."

Charlie replied, his expression unchanged, "I didn't have time to do groceries today, so we've only got noodles at home. How about I make you a bowl of noodles?"

Elaine blurted out, "I've been starving for two whole days and nights! What good are noodles?"

Charlie nonchalantly responded, "Well, I can head out to buy groceries right now."

Elaine anxiously replied, "By the time you return, I'll have passed out from hunger!"

Charlie inquired, "How about I order some takeout for you?"

Elaine blurted out, "Takeout will take at least half an hour, maybe even forty minutes. Just make me some noodles and throw in a couple of eggs!"

Charlie casually noted, "We're fresh out of eggs; I haven't had the chance to buy any yet."

Elaine pleaded, "Could you at least add some broth? Toss in some greens too, I haven't had a veggie in days, and my mouth feels like it's been through a desert."

Charlie shrugged, "All we've got at home is noodles. If you want to eat, I can only whip up a plain noodle soup."

Elaine, fuming, stomped her foot and pointed accusingly at Charlie, turning to Claire, "Clay, is this good-for-nothing trying to spite me on purpose? Why is our kitchen barren?"

Claire appeared mortified.

In that moment, Charlie interjected, "I've been tirelessly searching for you these past few days, so I haven't had a chance to cook at home, let alone buy groceries."

Elaine seethed with anger, but her strength was rapidly fading, leaving her unable to spar any longer. Thus, she implored Charlie, "Fine, just hurry up and make me those noodles!" 🍜😡

Chapter 942: Aunt Lena's Return

With a nonchalant response to Elaine, Charlie ambled toward the kitchen, his mind occupied with more pressing matters. In the fridge, a batch of eggs awaited him, but he had no intention of sharing them with Elaine. So, without much hesitation, he cracked every last one and sent them swirling down the drain. A tad extravagant, perhaps, but far less wasteful than seeing those eggs land in Elaine's stomach.

Soon, a pot of water bubbled to life, and Charlie tossed in a handful of noodles with an air of indifference. His culinary skills weren't at the forefront of his mind at the moment.

Just as he half-heartedly played the role of a home cook, a WeChat message on his phone announced its presence with a cheerful chime.

Charlie tapped the screen to discover a message from the "Aurous Hill Orphanage Friends" chat group. This group consisted of around twenty to thirty members, all once orphans lovingly raised by Aunt Lena. Over the years, they'd scattered far and wide, making their interactions rather sporadic.

His curiosity piqued, Charlie opened the group chat, and there it was—a message @everyone. The sender, a familiar face named Natasha from the Orphanage, delivered the news: "I have some exciting news to share with everyone in secret – Aunt Lena is back in Aurous Hill!"

Natasha was a little girl Charlie had known from their time in the orphanage. Abandoned by her parents shortly after birth, Aunt Lena had taken her under her wing. She was a couple of years younger than Charlie and felt like a younger sister to him.

Since Aunt Lena didn't know her actual surname, she had chosen to bear Aunt Lena's last name and become Natasha Gil.

Growing up, Natasha had chosen to work at the Orphanage alongside Aunt Lena. She was the only one among their group of friends who had stayed behind.

Upon reading Natasha's message about Aunt Lena's return, Charlie promptly inquired in the group chat, "Why didn't Aunt Lena inform us she was coming back? We would've loved to give her a warm welcome."

Natasha replied, "Brother Charlie, Aunt Lena didn't want to impose on anyone, so she kept it a secret. I only found out when she arrived back this afternoon."

Concerned for Aunt Lena's well-being, Charlie pressed further, "How's Aunt Lena's health? Does she look like she's fully recovered? She shouldn't be back to work at the Orphanage just yet, right?"

Natasha replied with enthusiasm, "You know Aunt Lena better than anyone, Brother Charlie. How could she sit around idly? She's been fretting about the children at the institute and nearly going bonkers."

She added, "But seriously, looking at Aunt Lena, you wouldn't think she was ever seriously ill. She must have made a remarkable recovery!"

Charlie breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Stephen Thompson had seen to it that Aunt Lena received top-notch medical care in Eastcliff and had even footed a two-million-dollar bill for her treatment, which included top-tier post-operative care.

The group chat soon became a chorus of joy:

"Ah, Aunt Lena's been discharged? That's fantastic news!"

"I had a feeling it would turn out this way. Good people like Aunt Lena always find a way to bounce back!"

Just then, a group member named Nestor @everyone and proposed, "Now that Aunt Lena has made a full recovery and been discharged, why don't those of us in Aurous Hill visit the Orphanage to see her and then go out to a nice restaurant to welcome her back? What do you all think?"

"Absolutely, Nestor, you're onto something there! I'm just wrapping up work and can head over anytime!"

"Definitely, Aunt Lena's recovery is a cause for celebration. We must visit her!"

Natasha couldn't help but sprinkle a cheerful emoji into the conversation and chimed in, "That's exactly why I sent the message. We haven't seen Aunt Lena in such a long time, and it's been ages since we've all been together. Let's seize this opportunity to reunite and treat Aunt Lena to a special meal. I'm sure it would mean the world to her!"

"Aw, can't you folks in Aurous Hill wait a day or two? Let those of us who are out of town return first. I'm buying a ticket right now, and I'll be back tomorrow!"

Nestor countered, "A welcoming committee like this should happen on the day of her return, for the full ceremonial experience!" 😄

Chapter 943: The Aunt Lena Reunion

"Absolutely!" Gian, one of our buddies, chimed in, "Aunt Lena's back on her feet after that major health scare. We can't let her down now, can we?"

Nestor, always the one with big ideas, suggested, "Let's go all out and book a swanky five-star hotel to welcome Aunt Lena back in style."

Natasha, however, had a different take on it. "Hold on, Nestor," she interjected, "Let's not get too extravagant. Aunt Lena's never been one for luxury. She'd feel more at home in that cozy homestyle restaurant near the Orphanage. It's been around for ages."

Charlie, overcome by a wave of nostalgia, couldn't help but think of that humble eatery that had stood the test of time.

He remembered his 18th birthday when Aunt Lena had taken him and a few friends there, dipping into her meager savings. She even bought him a cake. That birthday celebration marked the end of his time at the Orphanage, and he embarked on his journey into the world alone.

Now, looking back, that simple meal had been the warmest and most heartfelt celebration he'd ever experienced.

So, he spoke up enthusiastically, "I can't believe that restaurant is still open! Tash's idea is perfect. Let's meet there!"

Nestor, always ready to spend a dime, countered, "Charlie, we've all been working for years now and have some savings. There's no need to be so tightfisted, especially when it's for Aunt Lena."

Charlie, ever the pragmatist, replied, "It's not about being stingy. It's about respecting Aunt Lena's preferences. Taking her to a five-star hotel might not make her happy; she might even find it excessive."

Nestor didn't hold back, saying, "Come on, Charlie. We all know your situation, being a live-in son-in-law and all. It's no surprise you're low on cash. But Aunt Lena raised you, and for that immense favor, even if it pinches your wallet a bit, what's wrong with treating her to a fancy meal?"

Charlie's brows furrowed.

He and Nestor had never seen eye to eye during their time at the Orphanage. Nestor, bigger and stronger than most, had a knack for forming cliques and bullying the other kids.

Charlie had been a target as well, but his martial arts training from the Eastcliff Wade family made him a formidable opponent. When Nestor and his gang tried to pick on him, they invariably ended up nursing their wounds on the ground.

Since that time, Nestor, never one to let grudges die, had harbored resentment towards Charlie and continually opposed and harassed him.

Furthermore, Nestor had always been a troublemaker, causing headaches for the Orphanage during their childhood.

He had a knack for getting caught stealing, and it was Aunt Lena who repeatedly had to pay fines and apologize to bail him out.

Years had passed, but Charlie suspected Nestor hadn't changed a bit.

Yet, Charlie had no intention of sinking to his level. He simply said, "Think what you want, but I still think Tash's restaurant suggestion is the most fitting."

Natasha swiftly added her support, "I agree with Charlie, too. Aunt Lena has lived modestly her whole life. She wouldn't be comfortable in a fancy hotel."

Childhood friend Gian joined in, saying, "I'm with Charlie on this one!"

The others followed suit, expressing their agreement, prompting Natasha to conclude, "Alright, it's settled then. There'll be ten of us tonight, and nine of us are in favor of the old restaurant. Majority rules. I'll go ahead and book a private room there. Hurry over, everyone!"

"Sounds good!" Everyone chimed in with cheerful agreement.

Chapter 944: Meeting Aunt Lena

Charlie was buzzing with anticipation at the thought of reuniting with Aunt Lena. Since that infamous incident at Elder Mrs. Wilson's birthday bash where he got a tongue-lashing for borrowing money, he hadn't had a chance to see Aunt Lena. She had been whisked away to Eastcliff by Stephen.

Aunt Lena held a special place in Charlie's heart, almost like a second mother to him. When she had fallen ill, Charlie had gone to great lengths to gather funds for her treatment. He'd even gone so far as to discreetly sell his blood and borrow a significant sum from Claire to ensure Aunt Lena's recovery.

His determination to raise money had quite literally saved her life. Without his efforts, she might not have made it until Stephen intervened.

Yet, Charlie viewed his actions as nothing more than fulfilling his duty and repaying a fraction of the kindness Aunt Lena had shown him. His father had instilled in him the values of gratitude and reciprocation, adhering to the ancient adage, "A small favor should be returned with a spring-like generosity." Charlie lived by these principles.

So, without a second thought, he abandoned the pot of noodles simmering for Elaine and swiftly shed his apron, announcing to Claire, who was keeping her mother company, "Wife, I've got an urgent matter to attend to at the Orphanage!"

Elaine was quick to question him, her voice dripping with irritation, "Did you even finish cooking my noodles? I haven't taken a single bite, and you're already running off?"

Charlie shot her a disdainful glance, his impatience clear. "The noodles are boiling away in the pot. Help yourself when you're ready. Aunt Lena is back, and I need to be there to welcome her."

This provoked a fiery retort from Elaine. "Wade, you ungrateful brat! How dare you speak to me like this? It's just some old lady from a Orphanage. Have you forgotten your role as a son-in-law? Do you even remember who provides for you?"

She added with a hint of sarcasm, "What does it matter to you if that old lady lives or dies?"

Charlie had endured Elaine's antics for quite some time, hoping that her brief stint in jail might bring about a change. But she remained unchanged, even daring to insult Aunt Lena, who had been his benefactor.

He glared at Elaine with fury in his eyes. "I'm self-sufficient now. Don't forget, this house was a gift to me, and everything in it was purchased with the money I earned from my Feng Shui consultations. I have every right to speak my mind. If you're not happy, you can pack up and go back to our old house."

Elaine was left speechless by his words.

She wanted to unleash her anger at Charlie, but upon reflection, she realized he had a point.

Times had changed. In the past, Charlie had lived under her roof, unable to earn his own income, allowing her to scold him at will.

But now, he had come into his own, receiving a valuable villa as a gift and earning millions through his Feng Shui consultations.

In the meantime, she was financially strained. If Charlie decided to cut ties and refuse her residency, what options would she have?

Confronted with this unsettling reality, Elaine grew anxious. Seeing the anger in Charlie's eyes, she felt a mix of nerves and fear.

Still, she attempted to salvage the situation and turned to Claire with a sorrowful tone, her voice quivering, "Clay, your husband has crossed a line. Is there any son-in-law in the world who talks to his mother-in-law like this? Aren't you going to do something? If this keeps up, he'll turn everything upside down!"

Unexpectedly, Claire responded earnestly, "Mom, I think Charlie is right. We're living in a villa that he received as a gift. Without him, we wouldn't have the chance to live in such a lovely place. So, we can't treat him the same way as before; it wouldn't be fair."

Chapter 945: "Drama in the Household"

When Elaine returned home after just a short two-day absence, it felt like she'd walked into an alternate dimension. The family dynamics had shifted like tectonic plates.

Her husband, once the stoic figure of the house, had become utterly indifferent and had even lost his temper. Her son-in-law, formerly easygoing, now had a spine and demanded she return to her old house with an air of righteous anger.

Even her beloved daughter, her rock of support, had jumped ship, siding with Charlie of all people.

Elaine, always ready for some theatrics, sensed her influence in the family slipping away, and she unleashed her emotional arsenal.

With quivering lips and melodramatic sobs, she declared, "I'm officially obsolete in this family. Your father pays me no mind, your husband wants to kick me out, and even you, my own flesh and blood, are not on my side..."

Her eyes flooded with tears, and she let them flow, a performance worthy of an Oscar nomination.

Claire, her heart heavy, sighed and replied, "Mom, you were in the wrong earlier, and I can't always take your side."

While she sympathized with her mother's past hardships, it was no justification for mistreating Charlie or insulting Aunt Lena. Claire knew how important Aunt Lena was to her husband, given his difficult childhood and the scarcity of genuine family in his life.

Apart from herself, Aunt Lena was perhaps the only one.

Charlie had gone to great lengths to gather money for Aunt Lena's treatment not long ago, highlighting his deep love and gratitude.

Claire admired Charlie's unwavering loyalty, which was why she had contributed her own savings to help Aunt Lena receive medical care. She simply couldn't side with her mother at this moment.

Meanwhile, Elaine continued her sobbing act, lamenting, "My life is filled with misery. Do I even have a place left in this house?"

Charlie, unwilling to tolerate any more drama, decided to ignore her and turned to Claire, stating matter-of-factly, "Wife, I need to make a trip to the welfare home. I won't be back for dinner."

Claire promptly stood up and volunteered, "I'll come with you. It's been a while since I last saw Aunt Lena. I miss her dearly."

Indeed, Claire had been a supportive and devoted wife. She not only contributed to Aunt Lena's medical expenses but also frequently accompanied Charlie to the hospital, showing her the same respect as Charlie did.

Aunt Lena had grown fond of her, almost treating her as a daughter-in-law.

Seeing Claire insist on accompanying him to visit Aunt Lena, Charlie nodded with gratitude, "Alright, let's go together. Aunt Lena mentioned you during her last call; she must miss you as well."

Claire agreed, "Then we should head out now."

Upon hearing that Claire was leaving with Charlie, Elaine resorted to playing the sympathy card once more, "My dearest daughter, are you angry with your own mother? Are you planning to forsake me too?"

Claire fixed her gaze on her mother and delivered a sincere message, "Mom, I truly hope you can reflect on your actions and change your ways. Otherwise, you're destined for more suffering down the road."

This time, Claire resisted her mother's dramatics, recognizing that indulging her would only perpetuate this behavior, leading to more hardships in the future.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 946: "A Trip Down Memory Lane"

"So," she said to Elaine, "Mom, take your time to mull it over. Charlie and I are hitting the road. Oh, and don't forget to dig into the noodles he whipped up for you."

With that, she turned to Charlie and quipped, "Ready, partner in crime?"

Charlie gave a nod, escorting Claire out of the house and steering the wheels towards the orphanage.

On their way, Charlie snagged a bouquet of flowers and a fruit basket, along with a handwritten greeting card, all set to present to Aunt Lena.

When they reached the entrance of Aurous Hill Orphanage, Charlie parked the car by the curb. As he gazed upon the somewhat timeworn gate, a sense of déjà vu washed over him, like he'd just stepped into a time warp.

Standing there, it was as though he'd been instantly whisked back to a montage of his memories, those fleeting moments that were the softest, happiest, and most cherished in his heart.

Charlie could still vividly recall his very first visit to the orphanage.

At the tender age of eight, after losing his parents and roaming the streets, it was Aunt Lena who, like a guardian angel, had led him here. She held his hand and, with affection in her voice, pointed at the gate, saying, "Child, no need to be scared; this is your new home."

Even after so many years, Charlie clung to that heartwarming scene in his memory.

With these thoughts in mind, a rare expression of joy crept onto Charlie's face, causing him to break into a smile.

Noticing his grin, Claire couldn't help but remark, "You're looking pretty darn cheerful today."

Charlie nodded, his voice carrying a touch of nostalgia. "Yeah, you know, ever since Aunt Lena got sick, I've been a bundle of nerves. I used to scrounge for cash everywhere, trying to scrape together enough for her kidney transplant. If it weren't for a twist of fate, Aunt Lena might have left me for good."

Claire remembered vividly how Charlie had implored his grandma to loan him money for Aunt Lena's medical bills.

Back then, her heart had ached for the man who'd faced such hardship from a young age.

Regrettably, she hadn't had the means to assist him back then.

Thankfully, someone had stepped in to cover all of Aunt Lena's medical expenses and had her transferred to the finest hospital in the country, Xiehe Hospital, for treatment.

These thoughts prompted Claire to inquire further, "By the way, you mentioned that someone footed Aunt Lena's entire medical bill. Who could've been so generous? I heard Xiehe Hospital costs at least two to three million!"

Charlie nodded and responded, "You're spot on; it was a whopping three million. But as for the generous soul who paid, I can't say for sure. Word has it, it was someone Aunt Lena had lent a helping hand to before."

Charlie, naturally, couldn't reveal that he was the benefactor who had covered Aunt Lena's medical expenses. Back then, he'd been a struggling individual who couldn't possibly afford three million, making it an explanation he simply couldn't provide.

So, he let out a sigh and remarked, "If only I had known fortune-telling could be this lucrative, I might've given it a whirl when Auntie was sick."

Just as they were chatting away, a delighted voice rang out nearby, "Brother Charlie!"

Turning around, they saw a slender, statuesque figure emerging from the orphanage.

It was Natasha.

After several years, Natasha had blossomed into a young woman!

Now in her early twenties, she stood tall at over 1.7 meters, boasting a figure that could rival that of a runway model.

Despite her unassuming attire and her fresh-faced look, she exuded an aura of pure, unblemished charm.

Charlie couldn't help but be taken aback. It was true what they said about women transforming when they hit eighteen. Could this really be the same little girl who used to trail behind him at the orphanage?!

Chapter 947: The Orphanage Reunion

As Charlie made his grand entrance, Natasha couldn't contain her sheer delight and astonishment. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree 🎄, and she dashed towards him as if her feet were on fire. Just like old times, she seized his arms with a playful yet loving flair, and with a hint of coquettishness, she chirped, "Brother Charlie, why on earth haven't you graced us with your presence at the orphanage lately?"

Charlie, feeling perfectly at ease with her arm-grabbing antics, responded like the caring elder brother he was, "Well, you see, after I left, life was throwing me curveballs left and right. I just didn't feel right about showing up when things were so topsy-turvy."

Natasha, her eyes brimming with tears, choked up, "Aunt Lena told us everything, you know? Since you left, you've been toiling away on construction sites, sending every hard-earned penny back to Aunt Lena to ensure we had books, clothes, and a good meal. But you never once returned to see me. It's been years, and I've missed you terribly..."

Tears flowed like a river down Natasha's cheeks as she continued, "When Aunt Lena was unwell, I heard you visited her often, but it always seemed to be when we were away. You intentionally avoided us, and it hurt, Brother Charlie, it really did..."

Charlie couldn't help but let out a heartfelt sigh.

He knew that since he'd left the orphanage, life had been anything but a cakewalk. Working tirelessly on construction sites year-round, he had sent every dime he could spare back to Aunt Lena.

The reason for his absence from the orphanage was simple: he was struggling, and he didn't want his younger siblings, who were still finding their way in the world, to see him in such a state. He didn't want to set a discouraging example for them.

Later, after marrying into the Wilson family and becoming quite the influential figure in Aurous Hill, he felt even more awkward about returning to the orphanage.

But when he learned about Aunt Lena's illness, his worries and concerns skyrocketed. Still, the unease about facing his orphanage pals lingered.

Even though he had become quite wealthy, thanks to a ten-billion-dollar windfall from the Wade family and the acquisition of the Emgrand Group, he hadn't made a return trip as Aunt Lena had been away during this time.

Now, with his newfound wealth, he had been itching to donate to the orphanage. His main obstacle was Aunt Lena's absence, as he needed a suitable pretext to make a significant contribution without arousing suspicion.

Participating in this welcome committee for Aunt Lena was not only a heartfelt reunion with her but also a clever way to determine how to make a discreet donation.

Claire, who was visiting the orphanage for the first time with Charlie, was equally taken aback when she met Natasha.

She was impressed by Natasha's youthful charm and beauty but couldn't help but feel a tad uneasy about how familiar she was with her husband.

Nonetheless, she quickly reassured herself, reasoning that Natasha had grown up with Charlie and probably regarded him as a big brother. So, a touch of familiarity wasn't out of the ordinary.

Observing Natasha's tearful display, Charlie gently spoke, "Tash, over the past few years, I just didn't want you all to see me struggling. But things have turned around, and I finally have the courage to come back and see everyone."

With a warm smile, he took Claire's hand and proudly introduced, "Let me introduce you to your sister-in-law. What do you think? Isn't she absolutely stunning?"

Claire, feeling a flutter in her stomach as Charlie held her hand, was momentarily taken aback. Despite being married for over three years, their intimacy hadn't quite reached this level.

Yet, she didn't pull away; instead, she allowed him to hold her hand, signaling a new chapter in their relationship.

Natasha, watching the exchange, couldn't help but feel a pang of envy, even as her heart swelled with happiness for her long-lost brother. 🥰

Chapter 948: The Admirable Sister-in-law

Comparing herself to the stunning Claire, she couldn't help but feel a tad outmatched. Not that she wasn't attractive, but standing next to Claire was like comparing a firefly to a supernova.

On top of that, she was an orphan with no parents or financial support. Her gig at the welfare home was part job, part charity, and it didn't exactly make her a millionaire.

Even the meager savings she had, like Charlie, had been donated to the welfare home, which made her the poster child for "humble and financially challenged."

Given these circumstances, she felt like a minnow in a sea of sharks when compared to a career powerhouse like Claire.

With a touch of nervousness, she stammered, "Sister-in-law, hi there! It's our first encounter, I'm Natasha."

Claire greeted her with a warm smile, "Hello Tash, I'm Claire."

Natasha, gazing at Claire, couldn't help but exclaim, "Sister-in-law, I have the utmost admiration for you!"

With a side-eye glance at Charlie, she continued, "I mean, really, you snagged a catch like my brother Charlie!"

Charlie found himself in an awkward spot.

He had anticipated that Natasha might admire Claire for her looks, elegance, or poise. But her admiration for Claire because she was with him? That was unexpected.

Natasha, being the little sister who'd grown up trailing behind him, knew all about Charlie's tough upbringing and modest beginnings. Yet, she held him in the highest regard.

This revelation left Claire both amused and bewildered.

Natasha earnestly continued, "Sister-in-law, let me tell you, my brother Charlie is the most outstanding man I've ever come across. He's always been responsible and looked after us younger siblings. When he left the welfare home at eighteen, he worked tirelessly on construction sites, funneling all his earnings into improving our lives and supporting our education. Among all the kids who grew up at the welfare home, only my brother Charlie has shown such gratitude and given back so generously. Sister-in-law, don't you think my brother Charlie is the most remarkable man in the world?"

Claire was taken aback.

She knew Charlie had faced hardships before their marriage, that his grandfather had found him working on a construction site. But she had no idea that at the tender age of eighteen, he had already begun laboring on construction sites, let alone donating all his earnings to the welfare home.

This revelation explained why, when they had tied the knot, Charlie had little to his name, even borrowing money from his grandfather just to get a haircut before their wedding.

As Claire processed this newfound information, she couldn't help but ask Charlie, "Why have you never mentioned any of this to me?"

Charlie replied with a nonchalant shrug, "Ah, those days of poverty and struggle don't make for great dinner conversation."

Eager to steer the conversation away from his past hardships, Charlie redirected his focus and inquired of Natasha, "Speaking of which, Tash, where's Aunt Lena?"

Natasha responded, "Aunt Lena is in a meeting with the director, discussing some work matters. She asked me to keep you company for now; she'll be joining us shortly."

With a glint of hope in her eyes, Natasha added, "Brother Charlie, would you like to visit the welfare home? It's been ages since you last came back!"

Chapter 949: A Heartfelt Return 🏠❤️

Charlie, whose roots had been firmly planted in the orphanage's soil from the tender age of eight until he turned eighteen, possessed a profound emotional bond with the place.

But for years, the weight of his humble beginnings and a sense of embarrassment had kept him from revisiting.

Now, with newfound prosperity in his pocket, he had decided it was time to return, to lend a hand wherever he could.

With a nod and a smile, he declared, "Well, let's take a stroll down memory lane, shall we?"

Natasha, practically bursting with joy, latched onto Charlie's arm and led him inside.

Charlie allowed her to guide him, all the while holding tightly onto his wife, Claire's hand.

Claire's heart raced like it was competing in a sprint, yet she willingly followed him into the orphanage.

The Aurous Hill Orphanage, a relic from the previous century, bore witness to several decades of history. Its aged brick structures, each boasting nearly thirty years of existence, stood stoically.

Observing that the place had changed little since his childhood, Charlie couldn't help but inquire of Natasha, "Hasn't the orphanage undergone any expansions or renovations in all these years?"

Natasha responded, "We've certainly wanted to expand, but funding has always been an uphill battle. The number of children has swelled over time. Both the director and Aunt Lena believe in putting the children's needs first, even if it means scrimping on the facilities."

Charlie surveyed the rusty slides, seesaws, and merry-go-rounds in the yard, his heart caught in a whirlwind of nostalgia and sorrow.

These were the very toys that had filled his childhood days, which meant they were pushing at least two decades in age.

The younger generation of siblings at the orphanage still frolicked with these limited and antiquated playthings.

Charlie couldn't help but harbor a pang of guilt. Prior to Stephen's intervention, his focus had been Aunt Lena's health, exhausting every resource to improve it. Post-Stephen, he was preoccupied with re-establishing his honor. Yet during all this, he hadn't once contemplated extending a helping hand to the orphanage, to better the living conditions of these children. It was an omission he found truly unforgivable!

With a determined heart, Charlie resolved to donate tens of millions to the orphanage, setting the stage for a complete overhaul. His vision included providing the children with the finest toys, modern learning spaces, and top-notch educational equipment, including computers and iPads.

Meanwhile, Claire, blissfully unaware of Charlie's complex and self-critical inner thoughts, carefully observed the orphanage's surroundings. This marked her inaugural visit, but a profound connection to the place had already taken root, perhaps because her husband had spent his formative years here.

In Claire's heart, Charlie was never merely a contractual partner. To her, he was her one and only true and rightful husband. 💑💞

Chapter 950: A Heartfelt Reunion 🏫

Natasha guided Charlie through the familiar paths of the Orphanage, leading him to the dormitory that held memories of his past.

Peering through the window, they spotted a group of energetic one to two-year-old children, supervised by the diligent caregivers of the institute.

Charlie couldn't help but express his surprise, "Tash, why are there so many young children in the Orphanage these days?"

Natasha explained, her tone carrying a mixture of empathy and frustration, "Many parents, regrettably, abandon their infants at our doorstep right after birth. Some of these little ones bear the weight of congenital disabilities or illnesses, while others, like myself, were forsaken simply because they happened to be girls."

Sighing, Natasha continued, her voice tinged with indignation, "Among these children, some have been victims of ruthless traffickers but were fortunately rescued by the police. Since their parents remain untraceable, they find temporary shelter here, at the Orphanage."

Observing several disabled children among the group, Charlie inquired, "Tash, what about the children with disabilities? Were they born with their conditions?"

Natasha's reply held a spark of righteous anger, "No, these are the innocent victims of trafficking rings. Originally healthy, they were deliberately maimed by these criminals to exploit them for begging. These children's lives have been forever marred, turned into tools for the heartless traffickers."

Claire, incensed by this revelation, couldn't contain her outrage, "These villains are beyond redemption! How could they transform healthy children into disabled ones?"

Natasha added, "These malevolent individuals are willing to stoop to any depth for their gains. They feign disability for begging, but when they saw it was lucrative, they started kidnapping healthy children and disabling them to ensure a more pitiable facade."

Claire seethed, "Monsters like them deserve nothing less than the harshest punishment!"

Charlie sighed, sharing a grim insight, "Back when I worked at the construction site, I heard tales of beggar syndicates. Often, these groups comprised relatives or fellow villagers who banded together to beg in bustling cities. Some of them can be incredibly cruel, especially towards minors."

He reminisced, "Do you recall that Indian film we watched a couple of years ago, 'Slumdog Millionaire'? It featured a beggar gang led by a ruthless figure who blinded a talented child to compel him to beg by singing on the streets. Such horrors may seem distant, but they lurk closer to our lives than we might realize."

Claire fumed, "I can't fathom these demons dwelling among us. Had I known, I might have pursued a career in the police force to bring these malefactors to justice."

Natasha sighed, "Sister-in-law, the crux of the issue lies in the immense profits at stake. Many individuals are willing to risk even execution for the allure of such ill-gotten gains."

Shifting the conversation, she continued, "But let's not dwell on these dark matters any longer. It's getting late, and the others should be at the restaurant by now."

Charlie nodded in agreement, saying, "You're right, let's head to the restaurant."

As the trio departed from the Orphanage, Charlie casually inquired, "By the way, Tash, has the institute been facing any recent challenges?"

Natasha offered a warm smile, "There are always challenges, but we persevere. The living conditions for the children have improved significantly compared to our own time. However, our classrooms, dormitories, and cafeteria are showing their age. The director has been tirelessly seeking funds for renovations, but the higher-ups keep citing budget constraints, delaying the much-needed upgrades."

Charlie absorbed her words thoughtfully, recognizing the importance of her insight.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 951: "Reunion Rendezvous!" 🤝🍔

As our fearless trio, Charlie, Natasha, and their trusty sidekick, Borgie the stuffed bear, strolled out of the orphanage, they were about to embark on a daring culinary adventure at a nearby restaurant. But lo and behold, out of the blue, a voice filled with surprise suddenly echoed through the air, practically making Borgie's fluff stand on end! 😲

With a dramatic spin, they turned to see a merry band of familiar faces drawing closer. These were none other than the pals who had shared in the joys and tribulations of orphanage life with Charlie.

For Charlie, though, many of these folks were like rare Pokémon cards - he hadn't caught sight of them since leaving the orphanage! The one exception was his lifelong compadre, Gian, the Kingpin of Fun during their orphanage days.

In the early days, right after Charlie's parents tragically bid adieu to this world, our hero became the Sherlock Holmes of solitude, rarely uttering a peep to anyone. His mysterious aura led to him being cast as the lone wolf by the other kiddos.

Yet, whenever Charlie found himself in the undesirable position of a social outcast, the gallant Gian, who was a smidge older, would dash in like a caped crusader and extend an invitation to join in the fun and games. 🦸‍♂️

Through the years, their friendship solidified like a concrete wall. Gian and Charlie were two peas in a pod, the Mario and Luigi of the orphanage. They left those hallowed halls in succession and decided to tackle the grueling world of construction work together, like true brothers in arms.

But unlike Charlie, who funneled his earnings back into the orphanage, Gian squirreled away a tidy sum and eventually decided to take a leap of faith into the entrepreneurial jungle of Sea City.

Charlie, ever the understanding comrade, held no grudges against Gian for his choices. After all, they were both orphans, and most fresh out of the orphanage found themselves like ships without anchors.

Everyone yearned to stack some coins to build their own foundation because, let's face it, orphans didn't have the luxury of parents, relatives, or cozy family hearths to lean on. Without moolah, they might as well have been stuck in a desert without a canteen.

Charlie's benevolent heart post-orphanage was largely influenced by his dear old dad's teachings and his classical Confucian upbringing, making him an old soul in a young body. This moral compass set him apart from the rest of the orphanage squad.

Now, fast forward to the present! As Gian bounded over with excitement, he exclaimed, "Charlie, my main man, it's been a dog's age!" 🐕

These two had fought side by side in the trenches, sleeping in the same concrete bunker on construction sites, lifting more bricks than you can shake a stick at.

Years had passed, and Gian had amassed a small fortune, found himself a special someone at the construction site, and followed her heart all the way to Sea City.

After years apart, Charlie couldn't help but get a little misty-eyed. He inquired with genuine curiosity, "Gian, it's been what, three or four trips around the sun? How's life been treating you in Sea City?"

Gian, with a hearty chuckle, responded, "Not too shabby, managing to keep my head above water!"

Charlie, ever the detective, dug deeper. "And what about that sweetheart you met on the construction site? Did you two tie the knot?"

Gian's face momentarily clouded with melancholy, but he quickly brushed it aside and replied, "Tying the knot? We dated for a good two or three years, but alas, the wedding bells never rang. I couldn't rustle up enough gold coins for a lavish dowry or a fancy house. Her folks looked down on me, constantly whispering in her ear, and eventually, she lost interest in our love quest, and we parted ways."

"When did this epic love story end?" Charlie inquired, his brows furrowing like a confused emoji.

Gian let out a wistful sigh and replied, "Just last month."

With a nod of understanding, Charlie consoled his friend, "Her loss for not picking you, my amigo!" 🤷‍♂️💔

Chapter 952: "The Marvelous Reunion and a Restaurant Rescue"

After serving his sentence, he chimed in, "Hey, by the way, I haven't asked you yet. Weren't you in Sea City? How did you manage to zip over to Aurous Hill in a flash?"

Gian chuckled heartily, exclaiming, "Talk about coincidence! My workplace tossed me on a business rollercoaster to this very place. I literally landed here this afternoon. Soon as I hopped off that bus, I spotted you all chatting away in the group, so I dashed over like a superhero in a hurry!"

Charlie, filled with curiosity, queried, "Aren't you the boss of your own show? What's with the office grind?"

Gian gave a wry emoji-laden smile and lamented, "My business dreams took a nosedive. Running a business these days? It's like trying to paddle upstream in a stormy sea for the past couple of years!"

After sharing that sobering reality, he glanced at Claire with heart-eyes and grinned like the Cheshire Cat, remarking, "Charlie, is this our sister-in-law?" 😍

Charlie gave an enthusiastic nod, saying, "Indeed, this is my partner-in-crime, my ride-or-die, my partner in the grand adventure of life, Claire!"

With grand gestures, he introduced her to Claire, declaring, "Clay, meet Gian, my partner-in-crime from the good ol' orphanage days."

Gian couldn't help but gush, "Charlie, you've hit the jackpot, my friend! Our sister-in-law is a stunner!"

Claire responded with a sweet, "Thank you," and a blush on her cheeks. 🙈

Gian then donned his playful cap and chided Charlie, "Charlie, you're really not playing fair! You've been ghosting us for years. I heard from Aunt Lena that you were all heart when it came to visiting her after she got sick. But you kept avoiding us, your brothers and sisters. What's the deal?"

Charlie chuckled, but underneath that joviality, a hint of nostalgia seeped through as he confessed, "These years have been quite the rollercoaster for me, and I didn't want to be the dark cloud on your sunny day."

Charlie had his pride, you see. Ever since he tied the knot with Claire, he had been called every name in the book, from 'Mr. Underachiever' to 'King of the Henpecked Husbands.' He couldn't care less about the haters, but he didn't want his childhood crew to witness his journey through the storm.

Gian, with a twinkle in his eye, responded, "Buddy, we've shared a rickety construction site shack, split a measly steamed bun, and weathered life's typhoons together. What's there to be bashful about in front of me? Besides, these last few years haven't exactly been a cakewalk for me either. Look at me, still cheesin' every day."

Charlie gave a subtle nod, feeling the camaraderie in his heart.

Just then, Natasha turned her gaze toward Gian with a gleeful grin and teased, "Brother Gi, ain't you gonna say hi to me?"

Gian, caught off guard, locked eyes with Natasha, and then, like a surprise twist in a thrilling plot, he exclaimed, "You... You're Tash?!"

Just like Charlie, Gian had been MIA from the orphanage since he turned eighteen.

Back in the day, Natasha was just a sprightly teenager, a far cry from her current elegant, dazzling self.

Natasha playfully confirmed, "It's me! What's with the jaw drop?"

Gian couldn't help but crack a grin, admitting, "Gosh, it's like magic! Back then, you were this twiggy tomboy, always rough and tumble. Who could've guessed you'd blossom into this stunning swan?"

Natasha blushed and downplayed the praise, jesting, "Brother Gi, don't lay it on so thick. With sister-in-law here, I'm just background scenery."

With an affectionate glance at Claire, Natasha couldn't help but show her admiration on her face.

Gian laughed and praised, "Don't sell yourself short, kid! You're a real gem."

But just as Natasha was blushing her way through the conversation, a phone call sent her emotions plummeting. Her face shifted from gleeful to anxious as she announced, "The restaurant owner rang. Turns out, the electrical wiring in the restaurant is as old as a dinosaur and caused a power outage. They won't be open for business today..."

Gian reacted with a gasp, exclaiming, "Oh no! We need to find another ride, pronto!"

Natasha, her brows furrowed with worry, added, "It's dinner rush hour right now. Snagging a last-minute private booth might be as tricky as finding a needle in a haystack..."

Just as Charlie was about to speed-dial Orvel to check if Chef Legenda Mansion still had some secret hideaway, a sleek black Mercedes-Benz pulled up alongside them, reviving their hopes. 🚗💨

Chapter 953: The Flashy Mercedes Showdown

The window of the Mercedes-Benz rolled down, and Charlie took a peek. Lo and behold, it was none other than Nestor, the mastermind behind today's shindig. But Charlie and Nestor? Well, they weren't exactly BFFs.

Nestor, looking all dapper in his suit and carrying a tad more weight than the last time they met, pulled the car to a stop and leaned out, oozing apologies. "Hey, folks, sorry for the delay! Got caught up in a bit of traffic."

With a dash of smugness, he couldn't resist adding, "You see, I just got this beauty a few days ago."

Someone in the group chimed in, eyebrows raised, "Nestor, is that a Mercedes-Benz? When did you hit the jackpot?"

Nestor chuckled, enjoying his moment in the spotlight, "Oh, just a little ride I picked up, the Mercedes-Benz E300L. Nothing too flashy, it only set me back about 500,000 dollars."

Gasps of amazement filled the air.

One guy quipped, "Nestor, you're something else! You've only been out in the real world for a few years, and you're cruising in a luxury car!"

"Yeah, we're still riding buses, and you're on cloud nine with your fancy wheels. It's like comparing apples to oranges!"

"That's more like 'comparing people makes you despair, comparing goods makes you throw them away'!"

"Same difference!"

Speaking of roots, most kids who grew up in an orphanage started life with a pretty tough hand. Their starting point? Way below average. If others began at zero, these guys began in the negative.

To this day, most of the gang who left the orphanage together were still grappling to make ends meet. They didn't have high-paying gigs or golden opportunities. Life was a bit of a struggle.

Except for Charlie and Nestor, no one else was rolling in a car. So, needless to say, everyone was seeing green with envy and admiration for Nestor and his Mercedes-Benz.

Nestor beamed with pride, waving off their compliments. "Ah, don't mention it, guys, just some loose change for me!"

But just as he uttered those words, he spotted Charlie standing amidst the crowd, and his demeanor shifted a tad.

He never imagined that his long-standing rival, Charlie, would show up even before him.

Back at the orphanage, he had looked down on Charlie, tried to teach him some lessons, and got his own butt handed to him repeatedly. Charlie had proven to be a formidable foe.

After a string of those incidents, Charlie had become a mental scar for Nestor, one he couldn't shake off.

He had always thought that once they entered the real world, tough guys like Charlie would crumble. But as he eyed Charlie's attire, he couldn't help but sneer inwardly. Charlie wasn't exactly decked out in designer duds, that was clear.

However, when Nestor laid eyes on Claire, his expression morphed entirely. He was utterly entranced. Never had he seen such a stunning beauty in the flesh before. 😍

Chapter 954: The Reunion Rumble

Deep within the recesses of Nestor's mind, a thought flickered like a distant memory—could this stunning beauty be one of his childhood comrades from the orphanage?

Despite his best efforts, no recollection surfaced to connect him with this enchanting stranger.

With these musings, Nestor sported a perpetual smile, audaciously greeting Charlie, "Hey there, isn't this Charlie? It's been a dog's age!"

Charlie replied with a grin, "Big Fart Pocket?"

Ah, yes, "Big Fart Pocket" – that moniker was a relic of their orphanage days, bestowed upon Nestor for his rotund frame and the cacophonous flatulence he was infamous for.

You see, Nestor had a peculiar knack for emitting gas at the most inopportune moments—during lessons, while gaming, at meals, and yes, even in his slumber.

His youthful cohorts had been so beleaguered by his untimely toots that they had no recourse but to christen him with this unforgettable nickname.

Nestor hadn't quite anticipated Charlie's immediate revival of this long-lost moniker, which left him feeling somewhat chagrined.

Before he could react, a young man behind him, sporting a hint of annoyance, chimed in, "Hey, Charlie, isn't it a tad disrespectful to address Nestor, the manager of a listed company, by his old moniker? Show some decorum!"

Charlie cast a glance at the speaker, dimly recalling him as Joss, one of Nestor's allies from the bygone days, still tagging along with him after all these years.

Charlie raised an eyebrow and responded coolly, "My apologies, but I've been calling him Big Fart Pocket since we were knee-high to a grasshopper. Old habits die hard."

Nestor caught a glimpse of Claire, who was trying to stifle her laughter at his childhood nickname. He felt a twinge of irritation and retorted, "Charlie, it seems like you've been doing rather well for yourself. What kind of wheels did you roll in on?"

Joss couldn't resist adding with a chuckle, "Manager Nestor, you're being too direct! I've heard Charlie's now a live-in son-in-law, fully dependent on his wife. As long as he gets a warm meal, that's a win for him. Asking about his ride is just rubbing salt in the wound."

Nestor quickly slapped his forehead in mock contrition, saying, "My bad, Charlie, I sometimes speak without thinking. Hope you can forgive me."

Although he made the apology, inwardly he was gloating. Charlie, Charlie, let's see you wriggle out of this one!

However, Charlie countered with a grin, "Big Fart Pocket, I always thought your penchant for flatulence was due to your straightforward intestines. Little did I know, your way with words is just as straight, much like your intestines. Both pipes run pretty darn straight!"

Laughter erupted all around at Charlie's witty rejoinder.

Nestor's face soured considerably.

He hadn't expected his own words about being straightforward to be turned against him in such a biting fashion by Charlie.

Nestor's displeasure deepened.

Now, he was less concerned about being infuriated and more worried that Claire might develop a negative opinion of him due to Charlie's cutting remarks.

Hastily, he turned to Claire, his smile forced and inquired, "You look oddly familiar. It's probably because I haven't been back to the orphanage in years. I can't quite place you. Would you mind sharing your name?"

Natasha, standing nearby, interjected with a touch of irritation, "Nestor, seriously? Don't you know who she is? She's my sister-in-law, Charlie's wife!"


Nestor was struck dumb, as if hit by a bolt of lightning. He couldn't fathom that this exquisite woman, who had captured his immediate attention, was indeed married to Charlie, the man he perceived as a failure.

His gaze shifted to Charlie, noting that his attire paled in comparison to his own designer Armani jacket. The cost of his jacket alone could likely cover Charlie's entire ensemble with change to spare!

Then, he beheld the alluring and graceful Claire by Charlie's side, and a surge of bitterness welled up within him.

Blast it all!

Claire was the epitome of beauty, a vision of elegance that outshone any woman he had ever encountered.

And yet, she was wed to Charlie, the hapless underachiever. It was as if destiny had turned a blind eye to him! 😡🌟

Chapter 955: The Battle of Wits and Words

Nestor couldn't help but marvel at Charlie's incredible luck in landing such a stunning wife. It made him feel like he was on a rollercoaster ride of envy and resentment. With a grin as sly as a fox 🦊, he couldn't resist taking a shot at Charlie.

"Charlie, my oh my, what a transformation you've undergone in just a few years! You've become quite the dashing young man, with a charm that could rival a Hollywood heartthrob! Are you living the dream, sponging off your wife's riches now?"

Nestor's words were laced with sarcasm, and he couldn't resist a little self-deprecation. "If I had known that marrying into a wealthy family was this easy, I wouldn't have toiled away for years. Look at me, working myself to the bone to become a director. Compared to you, the master of the freeloader art, I'm feeling rather inadequate!"

Nestor aimed to flaunt his own status and achievements while subtly poking fun at Charlie. His eyes, however, betrayed his ulterior motive as they drifted toward the young and alluring Natasha.

Since he had no chance with the ethereal beauty that was Claire, he figured Natasha, a tender young lady, might be more within his reach. He hadn't realized her true beauty back in the orphanage.

Oh, how he regretted not pursuing her sooner!

Those behind him chuckled in agreement with Nestor's taunts. Even those who remained silent conveyed their contempt and disdain through their expressions.

Meanwhile, Charlie maintained his composure, not a hint of anger on his face. Claire, however, couldn't contain her indignation and retorted icily, "Sir, my husband has neither provoked nor offended you. Why are you being so disrespectful and mocking? Besides, whether he's a freeloader or not, what concern is it of yours? Has he ever eaten a single grain of rice from your table?"

Nestor was taken aback by Claire's staunch defense of her husband. He felt even more disheartened. Why couldn't he, with all his excellence and hard work, have a wife who supported him like that? Was it true what they said, "A good man never finds a good wife, and vice versa"?

His bitterness deepened, and he sneered, "My dear lady, I'm not mocking your husband. I'm merely stating a fact. A beauty like you, marrying a guy like him, is like a delicate flower blooming in a pile of dung!"

Claire shot back with a cold retort, "Our relationship is none of your concern. Focus on your own life!"

Nestor was left momentarily speechless by her response. Claire's beauty was matched only by her loyalty to her husband, intensifying Nestor's envy.

But Natasha had had enough. She couldn't hold back her anger any longer and confronted Nestor head-on. "Nestor, what's gotten into you? Did my brother Charlie offend you? Why are you here, being sarcastic and disrespectful to him? You haven't changed a bit!"

Nestor was growing increasingly irritated. Why was Natasha also defending Charlie? What was so special about this "loser" that all these beautiful women were taking his side?

Furthermore, the more Nestor gazed at Natasha, the more captivated he became. In her early twenties, she possessed a tall and curvaceous figure, as alluring as a siren 🧜‍♀️. Her pout of anger only added to her allure, making him yearn to hold her and steal a kiss.

If he could have such a young beauty, it would be nothing short of exhilarating!

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 956: Aunt Lena's Joyful Return 🏥🎉

In a rush, he flashed a grin at Natasha and quipped, "Oh, Tash, don't get it twisted! I was just pulling Charlie's leg. You know how we roll – always clowning around. But in reality, we're tighter than a pair of socks on a rooster!"

Natasha snorted and turned her head, pretending not to hear him.

Just then, a middle-aged lady, her hair showing a few hints of silver but radiating kindness, strolled out of the orphanage's main entrance. Spotting the gathering, she couldn't resist asking, "Hey there, weren't y'all heading to the restaurant? Why y'all still loitering here at the gate?"

Everyone spun around in pleasant surprise, greeted by the sight of Aunt Lena, who had returned from her recovery.

Aunt Lena wore a warm smile on her face. As she looked around, her heart swelled with joy, especially when her gaze landed on Charlie. She felt not just relieved but also profoundly grateful.

For a fleeting moment, all eyes turned toward Aunt Lena, brimming with anticipation and excitement.

Empowered by the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture," Charlie could see that Aunt Lena's illness had been completely eradicated, and her health had taken a monumental turn for the better.

Inside, he felt an overwhelming sense of comfort. He couldn't help but think that if he had stumbled upon the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture" sooner, Aunt Lena might not have needed a kidney transplant. A single elixir of rejuvenation could have worked its magic, curing all her ailments and even rolling back the years, making her look a dozen or more years younger.

Aunt Lena shared similar sentiments. To her, every child before her was as precious as her own, and she had dedicated her life to the orphanage.

While she never expected gratitude or filial piety from the children, seeing them come to visit filled her heart with immense contentment and appreciation.

The orphanage's children approached one after another, inquiring warmly about Aunt Lena's health.

Some were genuinely concerned, while others were merely going through the motions.

Regardless, Aunt Lena was deeply moved, satisfied that these children still remembered her.

In this moment, Charlie stepped forward and beamed, "Aunt Lena, congratulations on your recovery and discharge from the hospital!"

Standing nearby, Claire flashed a sweet smile and chimed in, "Aunt Lena, congrats on regaining your health!"

Upon seeing Charlie and Claire, Aunt Lena's face lit up with a delighted smile. "Charlie, Clay, my dearest children, I've missed you so much these past few months. How have you two been?"

Truth be told, there were numerous children in the orphanage, and she cherished them all like her own. But if she had to pick her favorites, Charlie would undoubtedly top the list.

During his time at the orphanage, Charlie had been the most obedient, thoughtful, and considerate child.

Moreover, while other children who had left the orphanage occasionally visited and made donations, none had been as consistently helpful as Charlie.

Especially during her illness, the colossal medical bills had scared even her own family away, but Charlie had bravely stepped up to the plate.

Without him, she might not be standing there today.

The fortunate transfer to Eastcliff Hospital for treatment had also been made possible through Charlie's fundraising efforts. Thus, Aunt Lena held a profound debt of gratitude toward him.

Her feelings for Claire mirrored those for Charlie. Without Claire's assistance in raising funds alongside Charlie, she might not have survived.

So, as she gazed at Claire, Aunt Lena regarded her as her own daughter-in-law, complimenting her warmly, "Clay, you've become even more radiant than before. Has Charlie been giving you a hard time lately? You two are a couple I deeply admire. Show each other respect and get along well, and don't let anyone stir the pot." 😊❤️

Chapter 957: Baby Talks and Resentful Glances

When Aunt Lena dropped her heartfelt words, Claire was quick to respond with a spirited tone, "Aunt Lena, don't sweat it! Charlie and I are tight as peanut butter and jelly! 🥜🍇"

She went on, her expression all apologetic, "Aunt Lena, ever since you jet-setted off to Eastcliff for your health tune-up, I've been on a treadmill of busyness, and I'm not just spinning my wheels here. I haven't been able to swing by Eastcliff to check on you, and that's my bad. If it weren't for Charlie, I'd be in the dark about your return to Aurous Hill. So, I'm laying it out there—I'm really sorry..."

Aunt Lena, her heart all aflutter, responded with a touch of emotion, "Clay, ever since I took that detour to the sick bay, you and Charlie have been hitting the hospital scene like it's a full-time gig. Without your hustle, I might have checked out early from the land of the living."

With tearful eyes, she choked up, "Especially you, Clay. You had the Wilson family chaos on one side and my health on the other. I've been filled to the brim with gratitude and guilt for all the weight you two carried. If anyone should be wearing the 'Sorry' badge, it's me!"

Quick to offer solace, Claire was all, "Aunt Lena, don't forget, I'm Charlie's better half, and since you're Charlie's guardian angel, you're mine too!"

Aunt Lena gazed at Claire, deeply touched.

This time around, seeing Claire had her thinking. Something about her seemed different from the past.

Back then, though Claire and Charlie paid visits, there was a sort of invisible wall between them, like two cars on parallel tracks that never seemed to cross.

But now? They were all hand-holding lovebirds, a clear upgrade in the lovey-dovey department.

Aunt Lena used to have worries about their marriage because of all the neighborhood grapevine chatter. She feared Charlie might hit the eject button on his marriage to Claire and find himself out in the cold.

But seeing their newfound harmony, Aunt Lena felt peace bubbling up within her.

The other folks in the room were caught off guard by this emotional exchange.

It was only now that they grasped just how much Charlie and his wifey had done for Aunt Lena during her health ordeal.

But Charlie, humble as ever, tended to Aunt Lena without any fanfare. He was all about settling his debt of gratitude, never making a big hullabaloo out of it.

Nestor, however, was a simmering pot of vexation!

He'd organized this whole shindig, all the Aunt Lena fanfare, with dreams of lapping up praise and adoration. Maybe even cozying up to young Natasha along the way.

But then Charlie had to come and hog the spotlight, leaving Nestor feeling like a sad, forgotten sidekick.

As he sent daggers at Charlie with his glare, Aunt Lena, hand in hand with Claire, wore a contented smile, "Clay, time's a-ticking! You and Charlie better get a move on with the baby-making. Among all the orphanage alumni, only Charlie's hitched, and the others are still single as Pringles. As your dear aunt, I'm itching for grandbaby cuddles!"

A bashful flush swept over Claire's cheeks. No one had ever pestered her about having kids before. See, her relatives weren't exactly Team Charlie, and they'd probably prefer she waved goodbye to him than wave hello to a bundle of joy.

Yet, Aunt Lena, out of the blue, was all like, "Go on, get your baby-making on!" Claire felt her cheeks glow with embarrassment and a tad bit of excitement.

She was nearing twenty-six, the age when baby fever could hit like a freight train. Sometimes, when she saw other mommas with their bundles of joy, her heart did a little dance.

However, with the entire family circus to manage and her entrepreneurial ventures taking flight, she'd put baby thoughts on the back burner for now.

So, she stammered out, "Aunt Lena, babies aren't exactly on our radar at the moment. I'm just kickstarting my business, and things are starting to pick up. It's a full house of hustle for me right now."

Chapter 958: The Lavish Liaison

Natasha cast a glance at Claire, a glint of envy twinkling in her eyes, while a tinge of melancholy settled in her heart.

Ever since her childhood, Natasha had harbored a deep affection for Charlie. She had dreamt of becoming his bride, holding onto that hope until this very moment. But it appeared her dream was fading like a shooting star, lost in the vast night sky.

Her envy toward Claire had grown even more pronounced. In her eyes, Claire had captured the heart of the most remarkable man on the planet, transforming herself into the happiest woman alive. 💔😔

Aunt Lena bestowed a gentle smile upon them and offered, "Career is undoubtedly important, but family also holds its own significance. We, as women, should remember not to delay starting our families for too long, as it can impact our health."

Claire blushed and nodded in agreement.

Natasha, feeling somewhat embarrassed, hesitated before saying, "Aunt Lena, the owner of the old restaurant just called. There's an electrical problem, and they won't be able to open today. We'll need to find an alternative place to dine."

Aunt Lena smiled warmly and responded, "Actually, the meal is not the most important thing. I'm already overjoyed to be in everyone's company. It's been ages since I've seen many of you."

Nestor, who had been largely unnoticed, suddenly beamed with enthusiasm. He stepped forward and blurted out, "Aunt Lena, allow me to arrange dinner for everyone tonight."

After a brief phone call, he announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, I've secured a reservation at the prestigious five-star Grand Hyatt Hotel in Aurous Hill. Let's head there right away."

The news of Nestor's reservation at the Grand Hyatt, a luxurious five-star establishment, left everyone utterly flabbergasted! 😲🌟

One person tentatively remarked, "Isn't the Grand Hyatt a bit too extravagant? Dining there could cost a small fortune, with bills in the tens of thousands!"

"Exactly! If we divide the bill, it might still come out to a thousand or two per person. Given our incomes, this is way out of our league."

Others nodded in agreement.

Dining at a five-star hotel was typically reserved for the upper echelons of society, those who could afford such opulence without hesitation. Most of the individuals present were orphans with limited education and few influential connections. They were not considered successful in their careers and held jobs toward the lower end of the spectrum. Many struggled to make ends meet, constantly plagued by financial worries.

Therefore, the prospect of dining at the Grand Hyatt sent ripples of anxiety through the group, as they pondered the financial strain it might impose.

Nestor, however, sported a confident smile and generously declared, "Fear not, my friends! I'll cover half of the bill, and the rest can be evenly divided among us. It'll only amount to a few hundred per person. How does that sound?"

Upon hearing this, a collective sigh of relief swept through the group.

With Nestor footing half of the bill, the financial burden lightened considerably.

Someone couldn't help but murmur, "Nestor, it's rather embarrassing to let you shoulder half of it alone!"

But Nestor casually waved his hand and grinned, "It's primarily a gesture to welcome Aunt Lena, so I don't mind splurging a bit!"

What the others remained unaware of was Nestor's ulterior motive. He had an allocated budget for entertaining clients at his company. His plan was to spend twenty or thirty thousand on the dinner, covering half himself while having the others contribute the remaining portion.

Subsequently, he would submit the entire expense as a company claim. Not only would he be reimbursed for his share, but he would also pocket the contributions from the others. In essence, a dinner costing thirty thousand would yield him a personal gain of fifteen thousand, all while enhancing his reputation and goodwill in front of everyone.

Why would he pass up such a golden opportunity? 💰🤑

Chapter 959: The Luxurious Dinner Dilemma

Aunt Lena, upon hearing the plan to dine at the Hyatt Hotel, chimed in with an air of urgency, "Nestor, your kindness warms my heart, but really, the Hyatt Hotel is a bit too posh for my welcome meal. It's a tad on the pricey side, you know?"

She continued, "Honestly, the location doesn't matter to me. How about I whip up a scrumptious meal at the orphanage? It'll save you youngsters a bundle, and we can put that extra cash to better use. Splurging on my welcome meal just doesn't seem worth it..."

Aunt Lena had always been thrifty, and high-end places were uncharted territory for her. The thought of a meal that could cost tens of thousands was a bit overwhelming.

Nestor, however, grinned ear to ear, countering her reservations. "Aunt Lena, please reconsider. We've all grown up under your care, and it's about time we return the favor. Plus, remember, it's not just on me; I'll cover half, and the rest will be divided among the others!"

Seeing Aunt Lena's hesitance, he pressed on, "Don't fret, Auntie. It won't break the bank. We have a deal with the Hyatt, thanks to our company's partnership, so we get a discount. Once we split the bill, it'll only be a few hundred dollars per person!"

This assurance put everyone at ease. A few hundred dollars per person was certainly manageable, and the allure of experiencing the luxury of a five-star hotel at such a steal was too tempting to pass up.

Still, Aunt Lena hesitated. Nestor checked the time and added some urgency, "Aunt Lena, it's already past 6 o'clock. We risk missing out on a spot if we dilly-dally."

Aunt Lena didn't want her guests to be disappointed, so she finally relented and nodded, saying, "Alright then, let's go to the Hyatt."

Nestor was thrilled and wasted no time, "Aunt Lena, let's not waste any more time."

Someone inquired, "How are we going to get there with so many of us?"

Nestor flashed a sly smile, "My car seats four. Aunt Lena and Tash can ride with me, and there's space for two more."

He then glanced at Charlie with a raised eyebrow and teased, "Charlie, you and your lovely wife want to hop in my car? I can give you a lift. She's a real beauty; she deserves a ride in a Mercedes or BMW, not a bus!"

Charlie calmly responded, "Thanks for the offer, but I drove here too."

"Really?" Nestor's astonishment was palpable. "You have a car? You're a live-in son-in-law! How do you afford one? Is it an Alto or a Xiali?"

Charlie wordlessly produced his BMW car key, pressed the unlock button, and the nearby BMW 760 flashed its lights, revealing its presence.

The onlookers directed their attention to Charlie's remote control, and their jaws collectively dropped as they witnessed Charlie unlocking a BMW.

This group had seen their fair share of success, and witnessing Nestor's 500,000-dollars Mercedes had already been mind-boggling. But now, they discovered that Charlie drove a BMW, and their surprise levels skyrocketed.

Nestor's expression darkened slightly. BMW and Mercedes were considered equals, which dented his pride a bit. He had anticipated being the only orphanage friend to own a BMW or Mercedes, but fate had other plans.

To soothe his ego, he scrutinized Charlie's BMW and noticed the number 520 on the back, which lifted his spirits a tad.

Chapter 960: The Battle of Wheels 🚗🔥

Well, let's dive into this vehicular showdown in the world of four-wheeled wonders! 🚗💨

You see, in the mystical realm of automobiles, there was this legendary rivalry between the BMW 5 Series and the Mercedes-Benz E-Class. 🏎️🌟 These cars were like two knights of the road, and today, our valiant knights are none other than Nestor and Charlie!

Nestor, sitting in his majestic Mercedes-Benz E300L, was grinning like a Cheshire cat 🐱 as he sized up Charlie's humble BMW 520. Oh yes, he knew the deal – his ride was top-tier E-Class, while Charlie's was the "beggar" version of the 5 Series! 😏

With mischief twinkling in his eyes, Nestor couldn't resist a little jab at Charlie. "Charlie, buddy, no hard feelings, but you've got a real taste for the 'beggar' life! Why opt for the lowest-end BMW 5 Series when you could've cruised in a mid-to-high-end BMW 3 Series? You're making quite the statement, my friend."

Curiosity sparked among the onlookers as someone asked, "What's a 'beggar' version, Nestor?"

Nestor chuckled, "Well, dear friend, the 'beggar' version is like the bottom rung of the ladder, the bare-bones edition. It's where the car's mojo hits rock bottom."

Aha! Understanding dawned upon the crowd.

But here's where the plot thickens! Charlie, cunning as a fox, remembered the time Tony Weigard tried to outshine him with his BMW 540. Oh, the rivalry was real! 🏁

Charlie decided it was payback time, and with a smirk, he threw his own shade at Nestor. "Nestor, ever heard the saying, 'It's not the car, it's the driver'? Basically, it means you can turn any car into a speed demon with the right skills. But without those skills, even an F1 racer wouldn't help."

With a dash of snark, Charlie continued, "Not to brag, but my driving skills are top-notch. They call me the 'Schumacher of Aurous Hill'!"

Nestor, not one to back down, sneered, "Schumacher of Aurous Hill? Do you even know what Schumacher looks like?"

Charlie shrugged, "Well, that's up for debate."

Nestor retorted, "Talk is cheap, my friend. I don't buy for a second that you, behind the wheel of a BMW 520, are the 'Schumacher of Aurous Hill'. My car could leave you in the dust with a flick of the accelerator!"

With an air of confidence, he challenged, "How about a race?"

Charlie, reveling in the moment, chuckled, "Really, again? You know, I recently showed a BMW 540 who's boss, and it's way mightier than your Mercedes-Benz E300L."

Nestor scoffed, "Charlie, you're just full of hot air. Your clunker beating a BMW 540? No way! Forget the 540; if you can outdo my Mercedes-Benz E300L today, I'll change my last name!"

Charlie, playing it coy, asked, "How much horsepower does your ride pack?"

Nestor, puffing out his chest, boasted, "A whopping 258 horsepower!"

Charlie nodded, giving a thumbs up, "Wow, that's impressive! Mine's a humble 184 horsepower, miles away from your beast. You're the real deal, Nestor!"

Nestor, seizing the moment, taunted, "Chicken out already? No more races? What happened to beating a 340-horsepower BMW 540? Scared of my 258-horsepower Mercedes-Benz E300L, are you? Not feeling macho enough?"

Charlie played the part, "Ah, I said I can't beat you. Racing's off the table. You win, my friend, you win without a fight. Isn't that satisfying enough?" 🐔😉

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 961: The Roaring Showdown 🚗

"No way!" Nestor exclaimed, refusing to back down, his determination growing.

He raised his voice with a touch of excitement and declared, "Everyone heard it, Charlie! You said it yourself, it's not the car, it's the driver. Well then, let's settle this in front of our classmates, with a competition!"

Charlie waved his hand dismissively and spoke earnestly, "Oh, come on, Nestor. Let's not get into this. We're not on the same level here, it wouldn't be a fair match."

It was the truth. Pitting a BMW 760 against a Mercedes E300L was like asking a wolf to race a husky.

Nestor misinterpreted Charlie's words as fear and taunted even louder, "Charlie, you were just boasting, weren't you? Why are you backing out now? Can't you stand tall in front of your wife?"

Charlie pretended to be irritated and retorted, "Oh, Nestor, this is pointless. We've all grown up together. Why do you have to be so aggressive? Yes, you have a nice car, but what's the big deal? Do you really think that just because your car is slightly better than mine, you can beat me?"

Nestor thought he had Charlie cornered, but little did he know, he was the one stepping into a trap. He hastily continued, "It's not about whether I can beat you, it's about whether you have the guts to compete with me. If you're too scared and not man enough, then there's nothing more to say."

Charlie instantly fired back, his anger palpable, "Fine! Let's compete, I'm not afraid of you."

Nestor grinned triumphantly and proposed, "Excellent! Let's have a proper race to the Hyatt Hotel. Whoever gets there first wins. How does that sound?"

Charlie nodded, "That works, but there has to be a wager, right?"

"Bring it on!" Nestor exclaimed confidently. "You name the stakes, and I'll accept anything you say!"

Charlie pondered for a moment before saying, "Well, I heard from Natasha today that the orphanage is facing financial difficulties. How about this, whoever loses donates their car to the orphanage for them to use as they see fit, no backing out. What do you say?"

At that moment, Gian, an old friend of Charlie, pulled him aside urgently and warned, "Charlie, don't fall for his trap! He's up to no good!"

Charlie smiled reassuringly and replied, but in his heart, he thought, "My dear friend, actually, I want him to fall for my trap because I'm the one who's truly up to no good."

Of course, he couldn't voice these thoughts out loud.

Nestor then chuckled and questioned, "Charlie, is this BMW 520 registered in your name? Didn't you just marry into your wife's family? Isn't this technically her car? How can you bet with someone else's property? What if you lose, and your wife refuses to donate the car to the orphanage?"

Claire, irritated by Nestor's arrogance, declared firmly, "Even though the car is registered in my name, rest assured, I pledge on my honor that if my husband loses, I will donate the car to the orphanage. If you lose to my husband, then you must donate your car to the orphanage. There are so many witnesses here; do you agree?"

Nestor felt relieved upon hearing this.

He thought, "How could my Mercedes E300L not beat a BMW 520? If you're seeking humiliation, prepare to part ways with your car!"

With confidence, Nestor replied, "Since the lady has spoken, I have no objections. With so many friends here as witnesses, including Aunt Lena, let's settle it this way. Whoever loses donates their car to the orphanage."

Aunt Lena chimed in, "Oh, you two! Why are you doing this? You've grown up together. Can't you resolve your differences amicably? Listen to me; don't make such bets. Let's enjoy a peaceful meal, catch up, and strengthen our bonds." 🍽️💬🤝

Chapter 962: The Grand Showdown 🚗🏁

Nestor wasted no time and chimed in, "Aunt Lena, don't fret a bit! This here's a personal showdown between me and Charlie. And no matter who clinches the victory, those orphans are in for a treat! My trusty old car could rake in a whopping 400,000 dollars if we sell it second-hand, and even Charlie's ride, though on the modest side, could fetch a cool 200,000 to 300,000 dollars. Every dime from the sale will be going straight to the orphanage, giving those little rascals a shot at a brighter tomorrow." 🚗💰🏞️

Charlie, flashing a confident grin, addressed Aunt Lena, "Aunt Lena, no need to worry yourself over this. Nestor and I will handle it privately."

Aunt Lena's main concern had been that Charlie might be at a disadvantage. But witnessing Charlie's unshakable resolve, she started to sense that there was more to this showdown than met the eye.

In fact, during her recent medical journey to Eastcliff, Aunt Lena had picked up on some peculiarities.

First off, she couldn't help but notice the hospital staff treating her with the utmost politeness, as if she were royalty. And while she was convalescing, a famous local celebrity had been admitted to the same hospital. Surprisingly, her own primary physician was also the one tending to the celebrity. Yet, she couldn't help but notice that the doctor's demeanor was far less respectful towards the celebrity. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

Then, during a brief moment of consciousness just after the anesthesiologist administered her anesthesia, she overheard her surgeon whispering to his assistant, "This patient is the young master's benefactor. We must exercise the utmost care."

She couldn't quite place who this 'young master' was or whether she had imagined it in her hazy state.

But whenever she pondered upon that moment, her thoughts inevitably led her back to Charlie Wade.

For some inexplicable reason, she began to believe that the boy she had watched grow up had a far more intricate story than she'd ever imagined.

And what's more, the several million dollars in medical expenses she had incurred at the hospital had miraculously been taken care of by Charlie himself. How in the world had he managed to arrange such a colossal sum in such a short span?

This was the question that baffled her the most.

Seeing Charlie now, she couldn't help but notice the dramatic transformation he had undergone since their last encounter, especially in the newfound confidence that radiated from him.

It warmed Aunt Lena's heart immensely. For years, she had yearned for Charlie to become more self-assured, and at last, he had conquered that hurdle.

With all these thoughts swimming in her mind, she decided not to meddle in the bet between Charlie and Nestor.

In the midst of this intense showdown, Nestor, wearing an ear-to-ear grin, suggested, "To keep things square, let's each take five passengers in our cars. We'll have our dear friends, Aunt Lena, and the gang as witnesses to ensure no funny business!"

Charlie readily agreed, saying, "Sounds like a plan! Aunt Lena, Natasha, and Gian can ride shotgun in my car."

"Alright!" Nestor chuckled triumphantly. "The rest of us, the good old pals who've shared countless adventures, will hop into my ride!"

Chapter 963: The Turbo Tango Showdown

In the bustling world of fast cars and adrenaline-pumping races, our hero, Charlie, was about to embark on a heart-pounding race that would have even a cheetah 🐆 quaking in its spots!

The gang of buddies, buzzing with excitement like bees in a honey jar, couldn't contain their cheers when they saw the sleek cars revving up. But alas! The car was smaller than a clown car at a circus, and a few of them had to hop into a taxi like it was a magic carpet.

Charlie, the man with the need for speed, climbed into his trusty BMW 760, a gift for his lovely wife, Claire, who rode shotgun like a co-pilot. Aunt Lena, Natasha, and Gian squeezed into the back, preparing for the ride of their lives.

Charlie grinned like a kid in a candy store as he gave his pals the lowdown, "Strap in, folks! Once we hit that straight stretch of road ahead, I'm about to unleash the beast 🦁 with a single stomp on the gas pedal."

With laser focus, he turned to Aunt Lena and shared his grand plan, "Aunt Lena, hold on tight! With one swift press of the pedal, I'm bringing home a brand new Mercedes for our beloved orphanage! We'll turn that ride into over three hundred thousand big ones 💰💰, and the kids will be swimming in toys!"

Aunt Lena beamed with gratitude, her heart doing a happy dance 💃. "Charlie, you're a real blessing for our little ones at the orphanage!"

Meanwhile, Nestor and his posse were packed into a Mercedes that was ready to tear up the asphalt.

Nestor pulled up next to Charlie's BMW, rolled down his window, and flashed a cheeky grin 😁. "Charlie, prepare to eat my dust! I'm giving you a generous three-second head start."

Charlie, ever the humble speedster, waved it off, "Nah, we're buds, no need for a head start. Let's hit the gas together!"

Laughter erupted from the Mercedes crew. Nestor chuckled, "Charlie, you're a real hoot! Alright, I'll do the countdown."

Nestor couldn't contain his excitement, "Here we go, folks! One, two, three, GO!"

In the blink of an eye, Nestor floored the accelerator like a rocket 🚀.

Charlie, playing the part of the gracious host, gave Nestor a one-second lead before slamming the pedal to the metal, catapulting his BMW 760 like a bullet from a slingshot.

In the span of a heartbeat, Charlie had already left Nestor choking on his exhaust fumes. The straight road ahead resembled a runaway race track, and with just a smidge more speed, Nestor was out of sight like a shooting star 🌠.

Nestor, in utter disbelief, couldn't even fathom the blur that was Charlie's BMW. He muttered, "Where did he... How could he be... this fast?"

A backseat navigator piped up, "Seems like Charlie's got some serious horsepower under that hood!"

Nestor, drenched in sweat, blurted out, "It's not about skill, it's about sheer power! That rascal tricked me!"

Curious minds in the car quizzed, "Tricked? What do you mean?"

Nestor, gnashing his teeth, exclaimed, "My pedal was to the metal, and he still smoked me. It's crystal clear, his car's got at least 400 horsepower more than mine!"

In a sudden epiphany, Nestor realized his dire situation and lamented, "This is a catastrophe! Charlie played me like a fiddle..."

A concerned voice chimed in, "What now, Brother Nestor? Can't you win?"

Nestor, near tears, declared, "Win? Forget it... His ride is in a league of its own. Even if I turn my car into scrap, I can't catch up. We're barely two or three kilometers from Hyatt Hotel, how do I close this gap? I've got a one-way ticket to Loserville this time!"

"Gasp!" A passenger in the back exclaimed, "Brother Nestor, does that mean we're giving away this car to the orphanage?"

Nestor's eyes blazed with determination as he uttered through clenched teeth, "Over my dead body! Do you have any idea how hard I worked to snag this ride? I'd sooner go to the moon than hand it over to the orphanage!"

"But you've got that public bet with Charlie. It won't look good if you back out now."

Nestor had to face the music, no matter how sour it sounded.

Chapter 964: The Fender-Bender Fiasco 😱

Nestor found himself at a crossroads, torn between his word and his beloved new car. Oh, the conundrum! Would he be the butt of his friends' jokes if he backed out now?

But sacrificing his shiny new set of wheels to the orphanage felt like too much to bear! 🙅‍♂️

In a split second, he contemplated the unthinkable: fleeing the scene, skipping dinner, and ghosting the orphanage folks altogether! 👻

As these wild thoughts swirled in his mind, a stroke of genius struck him like a bolt of lightning!

Without batting an eyelid, he veered into the right lane and sped up, tailgating the car in front of him. Nestor had a plan – he'd engineer a traffic accident, cancel the competition via "force majeure," and emerge unscathed from this mess, saving face all the way! 🤯

He was determined to rear-end the next car he encountered.

But then, a kid in the passenger seat of the car in front screamed, "Nestor Brother, we're about to crash!"

Nestor's response? An internal smirk: "That's precisely the idea!" 😈

Yet, as he closed in on the car ahead, a troubling realization struck him like a tidal wave. It wasn't just any car; it was a sleek black Porsche Cayenne worth a cool million bucks! 💰

His own insurance? Barely covered half that amount! 😱

Panic mode: activated! 🚨

Thankfully, there was a Volkswagen Passat cruising beside him. Nestor swerved and crashed into its rear end, creating a cacophonous collision that echoed through the streets. His Mercedes was now a mangled mess.

Airbags inflated, everyone in the cars emerged physically unharmed. Phew! 😅

Nestor swiftly hopped out of his wrecked car, smartphone in hand, ready for action.

With the damaged cars in the frame, he recorded a video message for the orphanage group chat: "Hey, everyone, just had a tiny mishap here. Accidentally kissed a Passat's rear end, so our race for today's off. We'll pick things up once my ride's back in shape, cool? 😅"

Message sent, Nestor patted himself on the back, basking in his cunning genius. 🤓

If he had gone to Hyatt Hotel as planned, he'd be in for an epic humiliation. But he couldn't afford that, not when Natasha was waiting in the wings, inspiring new dreams.

He had his sights set on Natasha, and failing to deliver on his promise today would be the kiss of death for his romantic aspirations.

As he reveled in his cleverness, an irate middle-aged man stormed over, unleashing a tirade: "Are you blind, buddy? Who on Earth told you this was a Passat? This is a top-notch, imported Volkswagen Phaeton, worth over two million! Did a donkey kick your head?"

Nestor's jaw dropped. A Phaeton? Not a Passat? 😳

The man, red-faced and infuriated, dragged Nestor closer, pointing at the car's rear, and roared, "Read it with me, 'Phaeton,' translated as 'Huíténg' in Chinese!"

Nestor's heart plummeted. How could he have confused the humble Passat with the inconspicuous Volkswagen Phaeton? 😅

Chapter 965: The Million-Dollar Mayhem

In the bustling streets of the city, where luxury cars roamed like majestic beasts, Nestor found himself in a whirlwind of misfortune. 🌪️

Now, you might think that owning a Porsche Cayenne was the epitome of luxury. But hold onto your hats, because even in the world of high-end automobiles, there are some surprises waiting around the corner!

A standard Cayenne? Just a little over a million dollars! 🤑

But wait, there's more!

Enter the Volkswagen Phaeton, the dark horse of the luxury car world!

This unassuming sedan, despite its common brand, had a price tag that would make your jaw drop. A top-tier Phaeton cost over two million dollars, competing neck and neck with the Audi A8, Mercedes-Benz S-Class, and the BMW 7 Series!

Nestor, initially taken aback by the Porsche Cayenne's emblem, decided to aim for a cheaper target. But fate had other plans for him. When he laid eyes on the Phaeton, he thought it was just another Volkswagen Passat look-alike. So, without much thought, he plowed right into it.

Little did he know, this was no ordinary Volkswagen. This was a Phaeton! 😱

Realization hit him like a ton of bricks. This seemingly humble sedan was worth over two million dollars!

The prospect of shelling out big bucks for repairs left him feeling like he'd rather be anywhere else but here. 🙈

Now, here's a fun fact about cars – the sum of their parts can sometimes cost two or even three times more than the car itself!

The crash had wreaked havoc on both vehicles. The Phaeton's taillights, trunk, and bumper were in tatters. Since it was an import, fixing it would cost a pretty penny, easily running into hundreds of thousands of dollars. 💸💸

Nestor's beloved Mercedes didn't escape unscathed either. Its parts were worth a small fortune!

In fact, just the automatic headlights alone could set you back over 60,000 dollars! Add in the hood, radiator, bumper, and airbags, and you're looking at a repair bill of at least 200,000 dollars. 😱💰

If only he had collided with a Passat, the damage would've been peanuts in comparison! The insurance company would've covered everything, and he'd be as happy as a clam.

But no, he had to choose the Phaeton! 😩

Now, the damage on both cars was nearing a million dollars!

Insurance would only foot the bill for half of that, leaving Nestor in a financial nightmare.

Feeling utterly defeated, he turned to the middle-aged man in the Phaeton and said, with a mournful face, "Brother, are you secretly running a racket with this car?"

"Me, running a racket?!" The middle-aged man was furious, giving Nestor a sound slap and firing back, "You smashed into my car, and you're talking about me running a racket?! I could make a call right now and have you chopped into pieces!"

Nestor, clutching his face in shock, took a step back and stuttered, "How... how can you talk about chopping people up?!"

"I can't?" the Phaeton driver asked coldly. "Do you have any idea who I am?"

Nestor shook his head, feeling utterly intimidated.

The driver grabbed him by the collar, pulled him closer, and said, "Take a good look, I'm Marion Molino. Ever heard of me?"

Nestor's face drained of color upon hearing that name.

Oh, he had most definitely heard of Marion Molino, one of the top dogs in Orvel Heller's gang, a trusted lieutenant of the notorious crime lord. 😨

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
Chapter 966: The Crash Chronicles

In the bustling city of Aurous Hill, the Four Heavenly Kings were the undisputed champions of their respective domains, and the most illustrious among them was none other than Marion, fondly known as Brother Mar in martial arts circles.

Little did Nestor ever imagine that while trying to dodge a Porsche Cayenne, he'd end up colliding with Marion's prized Phaeton. Regret coursed through him like a lightning bolt ⚡, and he wished he could rewind time. If he'd known this would happen, he'd have smashed into that Porsche instead!

But let's not forget, it was all Charlie's fault – that devious trickster. BMW 520 had some serious horsepower under the hood, obviously a souped-up ride. If Charlie hadn't lured him into this ridiculous race, he wouldn't have been in this mess in the first place!

With righteous indignation bubbling inside him, Nestor shot Charlie a withering glare 👀. That scoundrel had some nerve!

Seeing Nestor's ashen face, Marion let out an icy snort ❄️ and commanded, "Get your driver's license, vehicle license, and ID card – now!"

Nestor didn't dare defy him and rushed back to his car to retrieve the requested documents. He presented them to Marion with all the reverence of a humble servant.

After scrutinizing the documents, Marion pocketed them with an air of finality. Then, he fixed Nestor with a steely gaze and declared, "Nestor, huh? I've been around the block in the underworld for quite some time, and I don't have the patience for squabbles with a kid like you. I just got this car less than a month ago, and now you've turned it into a wreck. Even if you repair it, it won't be the same."

Marion's tone grew graver as he continued, "So here's my proposition: you can have this Phaeton. But you better buy me a brand-new one, exactly the same, down to every last detail. If you do that, I won't pursue this any further. Consider yourself lucky I'm feeling merciful today. Otherwise, for ruining my car, I would've broken your legs right here and now!"

Nestor stood there, stunned and utterly baffled by Marion's offer. Give him the Phaeton? Impossible, right?

Marion pressed on, his expression unyielding. "You take this car and fork out the cash for a new one. It has to be identical, down to the last bolt. If you can't deliver within a week, well, let's just say I have creative ways to make you regret it."

Nestor felt his world crumbling around him. How could he possibly come up with over 2 million dollars for a new car? And what good was this damaged vehicle to him? Repairs would cost a small fortune, and selling it would only mean a hefty loss. In total, he was looking at a loss of over a million dollars – and that didn't even account for the damage to his own car!

His insurance would only cover half a million dollars, leaving him with a financial abyss too deep to climb out of. Nestor had purchased his Mercedes on a hefty loan, with monthly installments north of ten thousand dollars, and three long years of payments still ahead. His savings had gone into the down payment, and his monthly salary barely scraped twenty thousand dollars. The thought of losing over a million dollars was a nightmare he couldn't wake up from.

In a voice choked with tears, Nestor implored Marion, "Brother Mar, I take full responsibility for today's mess, but I honestly can't afford such an expensive car to compensate you. I don't have that kind of money!"

"I don't care," Marion growled, anger seething beneath his facade. "You smashed my car, so you better find a way to make it right. You're broke? Figure it out. You've got one week. If I don't see my new Phaeton in a week, I'll have someone pay you a visit."

And then, with a chilling undertone, Marion added, "I've got other fish to fry. Consider this car yours for now. But remember, one week. If you think of running away, think again – I'll make sure you never get far!" 🚗💥💰😢🔪

Chapter 967: The Mysterious Collision Caper

Nestor found himself in quite the pickle, trembling like a leaf 🍃 and scratching his head in utter bewilderment.

Marion, not one for small talk, strolled back to his Phaeton car, fetched his personal items, and casually tossed the car keys over to Nestor.

"Here's a spare key for ya," he nonchalantly declared. "When you return the car, I'll hand over the other one. You can bet your bottom dollar, even though I'm a man of the underworld, I ain't into squeezing folks dry. What's mine is mine, and what ain't ain't. We Aurous Hill folks live by a simple code: principles!"

"But remember, pal, if you play fast and loose with me, don't go crying foul when I show my ruthless side!"

With those cryptic words, Marion hailed a taxi and vanished into the cityscape.

Nestor's pals were flabbergasted.

Each one secretly marveled at Marion's swagger – a true underworld big shot with a flair for the dramatic. Abandoning a car worth over 2 million right there and walking away, now that was some next-level coolness.

Meanwhile, Nestor, still kneeling on the ground, sobbed uncontrollably.

How on earth could he ever afford a new Phaeton, let alone two? Even if he sold both the banged-up cars, he'd still be miles away from covering the cost!

But the other party was influential, and without settling this, Nestor might find himself swimming with the fishes within a week.

Nestor was drowning in despair, clueless about his next move. With both cars staring him down, he wished the ground would swallow him whole.

His loyal friends, who had always looked up to him, stepped closer, concern etched on their faces. "Brother Nestor, what's the plan now?"

Nestor, tugging at his hair in desperation, muttered, "Do I look like I have a plan? Who could've known that driving would lead to wrecking a Phaeton? And why in the world would someone blow 2 million on a car that looks like a Passat?"

His words dissolved into tears.

Meanwhile, the orphanage's WeChat group was ablaze.

Ever since Nestor posted that video, inquiries about his safety and wellbeing flooded in. Despite the spectacle, their genuine worry for Nestor's accident shone through.

But Charlie, keenly aware of the game afoot, knew this was all part of the opponent's strategy.

His BMW 760 had left the rival's Mercedes in the dust with a mere tap of the gas pedal. Everyone understood that Nestor stood no chance in this race.

Nestor himself likely realized this, too.

He didn't want to hand his Mercedes over to the orphanage, so he used this accident as a convenient excuse to bow out.

By the terms of their agreement, regardless of what happened on the drive, if Nestor arrived after Charlie, he'd be the loser.

And losers had to face the consequences of their bets.

But Charlie grasped that now, after the accident, he couldn't push too hard.

Continuing to press Nestor after this incident would make him look heartless in front of their friends.

Inside the BMW, Aunt Lena anxiously urged, "Quick, call Nestor and check if he's okay. His safety is our top priority."

Natasha, however, wore a skeptical grin. "Aunt Lena, I've got a hunch Nestor staged that rear-end collision on purpose! He knew his car couldn't beat Brother Charlie's, and he didn't want to give up his ride as per the bet, so he cooked up this scheme!"

Aunt Lena chimed in with a measured tone, "Tash, let's not jump to conclusions about others' intentions. What if it's all just a misunderstanding? Besides, a traffic accident is a grave matter; nothing trumps human safety." 🚗💥😨

Chapter 968: The Accidental Collision Caper

"Alrighty then," Natasha said, giving a reluctant nod, her curiosity piqued 🤔.

So, Natasha punched in the digits of her friend, who was chilling in the passenger seat of Nestor's ride.

Once the call connected, Natasha inquired, "Hey, why'd Nestor go all drama queen in our group chat, claiming you folks had a rendezvous with a car accident? Spill the beans, is everyone in one piece? Aunt Lena's practically rocking in anxiety!"

The voice on the other end stammered awkwardly, "Well... Nestor-bro here bumped into a... a Phae..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Nestor suddenly sprang to life, swiped the phone, and blurted out, "Tash, don't fret, I'm A-OK. Just had a little bumper-to-bumper with a Passat. I'm smoothing things out with the car owner and should wrap it up pronto. No need to worry, I'll hustle over ASAP."

Natasha responded with a nonchalant "Mm-hmm," quipping, "Cool beans, we'll be twiddling our thumbs at the hotel gate. Been here since forever."

Nestor chimed back in, "Great, do me a solid, let Charlie know I'm majorly sorry for bailing on the race. Here's the scoop: I'll challenge him again in a few days when I'm free!"

Natasha agreed and hung up the horn 📞.

Meanwhile, the friend who first picked up the call from Natasha couldn't help but grill Nestor, "Brother Nestor, after this fender-bender fiasco, you still going for dinner tonight?"

"Absolutely, gotta keep my promise!" Nestor declared without hesitation. "Tonight, I'm taking Aunt Lena out for dinner, no backing out on that. It's the least I can do."

Little did anyone know, Nestor was secretly plotting how to dig himself out of his one-million-dollar debt 🤑. This dinner was his golden ticket, the key to at least halving his debt. If he ordered a truckload of dishes, he could jack up the bill to a whopping forty or fifty grand, easily pocketing over twenty grand in the process. That wasn't chump change, and he'd figure out the rest of his financial woes later.

With these thoughts brewing in his mind, Nestor whispered to his buddies, "Shhh, don't spill the beans about what went down, got it?"

They all nodded, urgency in their eyes.

Nestor, sporting a somber facade, continued, "My car's got all its airbags puffing out, so it's toast. Let's push it to the roadside and leave it be. We'll hop in this Phaeton, which only had a slight run-in, and should still be purring like a kitten."

"Sounds like a plan!"


Nestor, now behind the wheel of the Phaeton, rolled up to the Hyatt Hotel. His pals gawked at the plush interior, touching and ogling every inch of it.

One chap in the backseat couldn't help but exclaim, "Dang, this is a Phaeton, classy yet understated. Sitting here is like bathing in luxury, like we're suddenly worth millions!"

Nestor felt even worse at that comment. What a situation he'd landed himself in...

A few minutes later, Nestor, sporting a gloomy disposition, arrived at the Hyatt Hotel in Marion's swanky Phaeton.

He didn't dare park it at the hotel entrance, opting for a secluded spot in the parking lot. Then, he and his crew sauntered over to the gathering.

At that moment, Charlie and their pals, anticipation in their eyes, awaited at the Hyatt Hotel entrance.

As they saw Nestor approaching, a horde of concerned friends rushed over to inquire about the car crash.

Nestor, though bubbling with inner frustration, played it cool, waving his hand dismissively, "No biggie, just a little tail-kiss. Insurance will handle it."

Everyone heaved a collective sigh of relief.

Charlie, wearing an amused grin, quipped to Nestor, "Nestor, you sure picked the perfect moment for a rear-end rendezvous. We were a mere two or three kilometers from victory! How on earth did you manage to stage this accidental act of drama?" 😄🚗💥

Chapter 969: The Grand Dining Deception 🍽️🤨

Nestor, with a faux scowl on his face, shot a sideways glance at Charlie and slyly quipped, "You think I'm trembling in my boots because of you? If my car hadn't been tailing yours, I would've outpaced you effortlessly!"

Natasha, playfully sticking her tongue out, countered, "Oh, quit the boasting, Nestor! The instant Charlie hit the gas pedal, you were just a dot in the rearview mirror. Tailing or not, you were destined for defeat."

Chuckling, Nestor quickly backtracked, "Just kidding, folks! The reason Charlie zoomed ahead at the start was that I forgot to switch my car to sports mode."

In an attempt to divert the conversation, he added, "Ah, there's no point discussing cars with someone who's not a gearhead like me. Let's move on, shall we? I've already snagged us a spot."

Charlie, not one to bicker, followed the group into the Grand Hyatt Hotel.

The Grand Hyatt Hotel, a one-stop destination for dining, entertainment, and relaxation, might have been a tad out of the way and not as ritzy as the Shangri-La or Splendid Club, but it had its charm.

Nestor led the procession into the hotel, where a courteous waiter approached them and asked, "Good day, sir. Do you have a reservation?"

Suppressing his inner bitterness, Nestor proudly declared, "I'm Mr. Nestor Charton. I've reserved table number 03 in the lobby."

He turned to the group and explained, "Sorry, folks, we booked a bit late, so they could only accommodate us in the lobby today."

Everyone nodded understandingly, most of them dining in a five-star hotel for the first time and already feeling quite content with the arrangement.

With the reservation confirmed, the waiter beamed and said, "Certainly, Mr. Nestor, your table is ready. Please follow me."

As the waiter led them to their dining spot, Nestor couldn't resist taking a playful jab at Charlie, "Charlie, this must be your first time in such an upscale joint, right? You're fortunate to have me as your guide today. Otherwise, with your, well, average appearance, you might never get a taste of this luxury in your lifetime."

Hearing this, Charlie couldn't help but chuckle on the inside.

The top-tier Shangri-La Hotel in Aurous Hill belonged to him, and he could probably purchase the entire Grand Hyatt Hotel with the change in his pocket. There was no need for him to engage in a war of words with someone like Nestor.

Seeing Charlie's nonchalant demeanor, Nestor's frustration only grew.

Charlie had never taken him seriously, then or now!

And here he was, just a son-in-law who had married into a family, daring to underestimate Nestor!

Nestor was determined to find a way to put Charlie in his place today.

He concocted a plan that would serve two purposes: embarrass Charlie and gain admiration from his pals. He intended to leverage their connections to resolve his own issue with the car accident involving Marion's Phaeton sedan.

The more he thought about it, the more brilliant his plan seemed.

With renewed confidence, Nestor forged ahead.

Upon reaching their reserved table, Nestor courteously invited Aunt Lena to sit at the head.

Once Aunt Lena was seated, Nestor claimed the seat to her left, while Joss and the others, who had been showering Nestor with praise, took their seats in sequence, eager to curry favor.

Chapter 970: The Reunion Rumble

Charlie and Claire, following Aunt Lena's polite summons, gracefully plopped themselves beside her. The rest of the gang, with a certain youthful flair, took their designated seats, forming a ring around the table.

Aunt Lena beamed at these grown-up kids, her eyes twinkling with nostalgia. She chimed in, "You lovely rascals, bless your hearts for dropping by and making this old lady's day!"

The gang quickly retorted, "Aunt Lena, you've got it all wrong! It's our pleasure to be here, and we wouldn't miss it for the world!"

Aunt Lena, curious and concerned, probed further, "How's life been treating you all these years?"

In unison, they replied with grins, "You've always had us in your thoughts, Aunt Lena. We're doing just fine."

Though they had departed from the orphanage eons ago, life had shuffled them down diverse avenues. To put it plainly, most of them had settled into the groove of everyday life. Despite their grand aspirations in their youth, the stark realities of adulthood had left their mark, and not all of it was sunshine and rainbows.

Everyone had their stories to share, stories tainted with the muted hues of realism. The silence that followed each tale spoke volumes, revealing that many had fallen short of their dreams.

In the midst of the conversation, one of them quizzed Nestor, "Hey, Nestor, they say you're a big shot director at a listed company in Aurous Hill now?"

Nestor's chest swelled with pride as he declared, "You heard right! I've held that director's seat for almost six months!"

This proclamation prompted a collective gasp. "Good gracious! A director at a listed company must rake in a small fortune! Nestor, you're the real deal. No wonder you're cruising in a Mercedes!"

Nestor waved it off with feigned modesty, "Ah, it's no biggie. A few hundred thousand a year is pocket change."

He paused dramatically before sighing, "But the real moolah comes from those sweet commissions and bonuses."

Nestor, not one to hold back, continued, "Listen up, folks. I'm currently heading up a major project for the company. Once that baby's wrapped up, I'm looking at a bonus north of a million!"

The gang sat agog, their eyes as wide as saucers. Eagerly, they chimed in, "Nestor, or should we say Director Nestor, which company is this? A million-dollar bonuses sound like a fantasy!"

Nestor, feeling on top of the world, spilled the beans, "Prepare to be dazzled—it's none other than the renowned White Group in Aurous Hill. Elevate Group? That's just a cog in White's colossal wheel. We're talking tens of millions in profits from a single project, and I'm just scraping the surface!"

Charlie couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. The White Group? Wasn't that the empire of the George White clan?

This was getting interesting.

Seeing Charlie maintain his silence, Nestor decided to take another jab, "Hey, Charlie, what's your gig these days? You haven't transformed into a househusband, have you?"

His posse erupted into laughter, reveling in the banter.

Even Charlie, known for his unflinching composure, felt the prick of irritation at Nestor's relentless taunts. He responded coolly, "Indeed, I've been mastering the culinary arts, conquering the laundry, and reigning supreme over household chores. Life's pretty cushy. I simply can't squeeze in the time for a job."

While Charlie spoke the truth, to Nestor, it sounded like a colossal jest.

He guffawed with mock sincerity, "Come on, Charlie, we're old pals. No need to put on an act. You really find joy in being a househusband?"

He then dished out another juicy tidbit, "By the way, since we go way back, here's a little insider scoop. I'm currently hunting for an assistant. How about joining forces with Joss and me?"


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Sep 19, 2023
Why would they hire a taxi when they already bought a bmw. Well if it for the privacy, the taxi driver would be also aware of the situation at the hotel. Then Charlie's identity will be exposed even so
Not likely... The taxi driver will not wait to see if his passengers will he .. he'll definitely take off after being payed and no certain can he tell that the couple were his previous passengers... Moreover the pictures/views outside is just a silhouette and no clear view

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