The Dragon Man's Decree - Translated by GILY

Author: Unknown
Type: Action and Adventure
Posted : 07 October 2023
Status: Ongoing

John White is furious that someone has tried to make an advance on his girlfriend. In the end, he ends up behind bars after his attempt to protect her. Three years later, he is a free man but finds out that that girlfriend of his has married the man who hit on her back then. John will not let things slide. Thankfully, he has learned Focus Technique during his time in prison. At that, he embarks on the journey of cultivation and is accompanied by a gorgeous Miranda. Who would have thought this would enrage his ex-girlfriend?
Gilly m brother Don't be sad its part of life. Well this year had been the worse for me I had not been working since January no family Has supported me since my mum passed so I have not paid my rent or anything I just get by each day. Reading these novels and stuff helps me get by.

Just need prayers might not have a home soon also.

I remember how my mum would prepare meals for eid before but now life is such where there are days I don't even eat.

Aah such is life 😥💔

Life will bring sorrow and challenges. But you must continue to leverage family and friends to land on your feet again! You can and will succeed to anything you put your mind to.

It is the great promise from God. That .....

"Man gets whatever he strives for"​

You should start a Whatsapp group also soon Gily and other founders of this story forum! It would be great to know the diverse culture across continents...
If u starting a whatsapp group can I forward my number?
These stories offer me a refuge as well of new insight from my regular life of responsibilities and challenges! Both for this world and Hereafter...

Life will bring sorrow and challenges. But you must continue to leverage family and friends to land on your feet again! You can and will succeed to anything you put your mind to.

It is the great promise from God. That .....

"Man gets whatever he strives for"​

Allahumma aameen ya rab

But we are human akhi and there's only so much we can take in life.
Life is a gift mandated by God to preserve and carry on. No one has right to end it by force.

Talk to near and dear local community to find your way back. It will take time... BUT DO NOT GIVE UP!
I tried speaking to a sheikh who is a friend of mine only to be given the cold shoulder.

So yeah in life everyone is for themselves as Muslims we forgot the importance helping one another and guiding
Chapter 3591 – 3594 Liberating the Dragonians

John’s expression was a complex tapestry of concern and resolve as he cast a worried glance at Catlin, who was moments away from being imprisoned within a crystalline coffin of ice. He then shifted his gaze to the grievously wounded Polar and Phoenix. Clenching his teeth with fierce determination, he hoisted them up, setting his sights on a desperate charge through the safeguarded territory of the Five Great Sects.

The sects’ sanctuary was shielded by an intricate arcane array, one that John could only circumvent by exiting through the designated entrance. Time was a luxury he didn’t possess, the notion of dismantling the formation was an impossibility in such dire straits.

“Stop them!” came the stern command from Edward, prompting a flood of Celestial Sun Sect disciples to descend upon John like a swarm of vengeful spirits. It was during this siege that an unexpected salvation manifested-a cascade of light poured from the heavens, forming a barrier that ensnared the cultivators.

“Mr. White, make haste and depart,” echoed a voice from above. The savior was Chase, who had been drawn to the scene by the uproar. Recognizing the imminent threat to John, he conjured a temporary arcane array to impede the attackers. Given the fleeting nature of Chase’s hastily constructed defense, John knew he must penetrate the Five Great Sects’ territory posthaste.

Once he left, the fate of those remaining would be sealed; no further escape from the Five Great Sects would be possible. The grim realization set in-there was no alternative route for departure.

“You can forget about leaving…” The path to freedom was abruptly obstructed by a cluster of figures. Before him stood Stuart of Celestial Moon Sect, flanked by his disciples. Their presence was an ominous sign, no doubt drawn by the longstanding bounty placed by the Demon Seal Alliance. Confronted by Celestial Moon Sect, a sense of utter helplessness washed over John.

With Polar and Phoenix incapacitated in his arms, the odds of breaching Celestial Moon Sect’s defenses were non-existent. Within the turmoil, John’s mind was besieged by relentless visions of Arthur-a mentor who had always been his beacon of safety in the mundane world. However, the grim reality that Arthur might never again come to his aid was clawing at his resolve, for John was under the impression that Arthur had perished ages ago.

That very instant, far removed from the chaos, Arthur sat in solitude within his mountain retreat, his pen dancing across the parchment. A sudden premonition drew his gaze toward the window, as if the winds themselves whispered of the turmoil afar. With a thoughtful stride, Arthur approached the window, his eyes searching the horizon, riddled with contemplation.

“Mr. Sanders, the Demon Seal Alliance has proclaimed a bounty via distant telepathy. The one who ends John’s defiance will be graced with a century of the Alliance’s offerings,” an announcement broke the silence.

“Restlessness has taken hold among the sects and prestigious families. John finds himself ensnared within the grip of the southern region’s Five Great Sects, and I fear for his well- being,” a girl stated, entering the room. Her silhouette was as elegant as her demeanor, and she queried Arthur with a question that hung heavy in the air.

“What’s his current cultivation level?” inquired Arthur, his voice carrying a weight of expectation.

“He has only just ascended to the second level of Tribulator,” the girl reported, a hint of concern lacing her words.

“Second-Level Tribulator…” Arthur exhaled softly, a tinge of disappointment in his tone.

“That’s painfully slow, excruciatingly so. Despite outpacing his peers, he’s still not where he needs to be.”

“We shall not intervene. Let him navigate the perilous dance of mortality. It may well serve his growth. If he cannot stand against the Demon Seal Alliance, what hope does he have of liberating the Dragonians?” Arthur’s voice was firm, a testament to a harsh but necessary truth.

“But Mr. Sanders, I’m afraid…” The girl’s words faltered, teetering on the edge of her resolve.

“Don’t worry, he won’t die. I have already seen the tribulation in his life.” With the conversation at its end, Arthur signaled for her to leave. As solitude reclaimed the room, a shadow of concern momentarily flitted across his eyes.

“John, have the burdens we placed upon you been too onerous?” Arthur pondered aloud, his solitude filled with introspection.

“The fatigue must be unbearable. Yet, there is no other path. The legacy of the Golden Dragon lies with you.”

“It’s a heavy load, your mission, your fate. I hope you don’t hold it against us, this seeming coldness. I wish it were within my power to lift you up to the skies, to grant you the immortality you so deserve in a single bound. Yet I cannot. So many are depending on you, John. They’re waiting for you to come through, to solve the riddles, to be their salvation. How long can I stand between you and the world, I wonder? My only wish is for your quickening, for your power to burgeon swiftly…” he lamented. Lost in his own ruminations, Arthur’s voice trailed off, his thoughts a tumultuous sea where waves of concern and hope clashed endlessly.

Meanwhile, John and his beleaguered companions were ensnared within the clutches of the Five Great Sects. Their allies, Miles Spicer, Denzel, the valiant Catlin, and the resourceful Chase, all bore the brunt of grievous wounds. They were ringed by the covetous eyes of the Celestial Blackman Sect, Celestial Moon Sect, and Celestial Sun Sect, whose disciples encircled them with avarice gleaming in their eyes.

The Demon Seal Alliance’s century-long promises were a lure too seductive to ignore. Neil, Edward, and Stuart couldn’t help but exchange knowing looks and burst into mirthful laughter. Despite Logan’s express prohibition, the temptation of the Demon Seal Alliance’s offerings was too strong to resist. Everyone had their schemes, their secret desires, and now, they were all here, with John unwittingly cast as their prey, a fish laid bare upon the board, awaiting their will to carve.

“Will you surrender your life willingly, or must we wrest it from you ourselves?” Neil asked, his smirk playfully cruel.

John’s response was silence, but the relentless fire in his eyes was a silent testament to his unyielding spirit. Inside John’s nascence, the nascence star seemed to stir, twinkling with defiance. Facing the inevitable, John’s resolve hardened; he would go down fighting, determined to drag as many as he could with him into the abyss.

Neil and his cohort scoffed at John’s tenacity, their sneers thick with contempt. “You overestimate yourself, boy. Since you’ve chosen defiance over surrender, we’ll show no mercy. Your end is nigh…” Neil had barely unleashed his formidable aura when a sudden, icy rebuke sliced through the air, a powerful presence that quashed Neil’s burgeoning force with ruthless efficiency.

“Mr. Blackman, did you just disregard my words?” It was Logan, emerging alongside Elvis, leading a cadre of their own swiftly to the scene. Logan’s visage twisted with distaste. Neil’s face contorted subtly upon laying eyes on Logan.

“Mr. Ortiz, surely even you cannot disdain the Demon Seal Alliance’s century of offerings. You won’t stop us, will you?” With the support of sect leaders Edward and Stuart, and the collective might of three of the Five Great Sects behind him, Neil’s confidence swelled.

“You’d have to strike me down first to get to him,” Logan declared, his voice seething with fury.

“And what, pray tell, is your stake in this young man’s fate?” Edward inquired, his tone laced with irritation.

“He owes nothing to anyone. Should he step beyond our sects’ bounds, his fate is his own to meet. But within the Five Great Sects, such wanton violence will not stand. Our forebears founded these sects on principles of justice, to combat evil. Even in these degraded times, should we not honor their memory? Should we not hold fast to the last vestiges of our integrity? We are not butchers, to kill at whim for personal gain. And let’s not forget, the Demon Sealing Alliance has their own dark history. Have we forgotten their attempts to consume even us?”

Logan’s voice thundered with righteous indignation. Yet his words seemed to fall on deaf ears, the allure of the Demon Seal Alliance’s promises too potent for some, like Neil.

Sensing their unyielding stance, Logan turned to John. “You and your friends should make your escape now…”

John exchanged a look with Logan, then, with mutual support, led his group toward the exit of the Five Great Sects. Neil and the others made to intercept them but were halted by the sheer force of Logan’s commanding palm strike. His voice thundered a stern caution, “Don’t push me to the brink of killing my own, gentlemen,” he warned with grim resolve.

“Should you seek death so fervently, then let it be known that the existence of our venerable Five Great Sects is utterly pointless.”

The warning hung heavy in the air, and Neil, along with his cohorts, could do nothing but simmer in their stifled rage. They were acutely aware of Logan’s formidable presence, a force not to be recklessly challenged.

Meanwhile, John ushered his beleaguered group away from the Five Great Sects. As they made their escape, John cast a final, piercing look over his shoulder. With every step he took away from that place, the resolve hardened within him. He would return; this he silently vowed. The sacrifices of Polar and Phoenix, the pain they endured, would not be in vain.

“Mr. Blackman, what should we do?” Edward asked in a low voice.

“What else could be done…” Neil glanced apprehensively at Logan not far away, his face full of helplessness. However, deep within Neil’s eyes, a strong dissatisfaction had already taken root. At that moment, the rift among the Five Great Sects had already emerged.

“Are we just standing by and watching John leave? These are Demon Seal Alliance’s hundredyear worth offerings!” Edward said discontentedly.

“Don’t worry. He won’t get away. Since we can’t take action ourselves, let’s have someone else do the job. We’ll get our share of the benefits when the time comes!”

After Neil finished speaking, he directly pulled out a communication device and crushed it. Neil spread the news of John’s recent departure from the Five Great Sects. At that moment, John, who was on the road, was still unaware that his whereabouts had been leaked.

Miles Spicer said to John, “Mr. White, you should go on your own. Don’t worry about us for now. We’ll take our time.” They were all injured, so their movements were sluggish. They knew John’s speed would be slowed down if he were to lead them. If they were to encounter anyone who were vying after Demon Seal Alliance’s hundred-year worth offerings, they would be done for!

“Indeed, Mr. White. You should go ahead. Don’t worry about us anymore,” Denzel also said to John.

John said, “That’s enough. Stop talking. I won’t leave any of you behind. Demonia Mountain is vast but sparsely populated, so we won’t easily encounter others. Once we reach Forlisle, I’ll tend to your injuries.”

It was impossible for John to leave on his own. After John had led the group some distance, dozens of figures suddenly and rapidly closed in from the side. Upon seeing the situation, John and his companions all became tense.

“Mr. White, you go ahead. If the worst comes to worst, I’ll sacrifice myself to hold these people back.”

Upon seeing those people heading straight toward them, Miles Spicer knew they were up to no good. They were all severely injured at that moment. There was no way John could handle the crowd alone.

“Mr. Spicer, there’s no need to be so pessimistic. Perhaps these people aren’t really after me,” John comforted Miles Spicer. Although he said so, deep down, John was extremely nervous. Soon, those dozens of figures had already blocked John’s path. Each of those individuals wore a gloomy expression, and their bodies were shrouded in black, negative energy. At a glance, one could tell they were Demonic Cultivators.

In front of those people, there were two individuals dressed in black cloaks. They looked exactly alike. Clearly, they were twins. The two individuals exuded the aura of a Sixth Level Tribulator.

“Maverick, Brody, what brings you here? This territory belongs to Demonia Mountain.” Upon seeing the newcomers, Denzel stepped forward with an icy expression and spoke.

Maverick Hoover stepped forward, respectfully addressing Denzel with a bow, “So, it’s you, Mr. Washington. My apologies for the disrespect. We are merely here to look for someone.”

“Who are you looking for?” asked Denzel.

Maverick’s gaze fell upon John, and with a cold smile, he said, “Of course, I’m looking for him. With Demon Seal Alliance’s hundred-year worth offerings on him, he’s practically a walking treasury!”

Denzel’s brow furrowed, his expression turning extremely unpleasant. He hadn’t expected that those guys were really after John.

Upon seeing the situation, Miles Spicer hurried forward, his eyes filled with disdain as he said, “You think you’re capable? Have you ever taken a good look at yourselves? If you don’t want to die, get lost! Don’t provoke me.” Given Miles Spicer’s reputation in the vicinity of Demonia Mountain, he naturally looked down on those people.

“So, you’re also here, Mr. Spicer!” Maverick laughed heartily, seemingly unafraid of Miles Spicer.

“Since you know who I am, why aren’t you leaving quickly? Do you really want me to take action?” Suppressing his own disarrayed aura due to injury, Miles Spicer feigned calmness as he spoke.

With a teasing expression, Maverick said, “Mr. Spicer, you seem a bit off-color. Are you injured? And it seems like it’s not a minor one, right? Stop putting on a brave front. If I had the courage to come here, do you really think I would be afraid of you?

“You!” Miles Spicer grew furious, spewing out a mouthful of fresh blood.

Upon seeing Miles Spicer’s condition, Maverick burst into laughter, saying, “We’re only here today to capture John. Anyone who doesn’t wish to die better scram quickly!”

“You dare…” Denzel’s eyes widened in fury.

With a cold laugh, Maverick said, “Denzel, stop pretending. You’re seriously injured, too. I can kill you with a single slap right now.”

Denzel trembled with anger, but there was nothing he could do. It was quite evident that the Five Great Sects had relayed news about their injuries to those people.

“Do you really think you, a bunch of small fries are worthy enough to capture me?” John took a step forward, a murderous intent swirling in his eyes. When dealing with the Five Great Sects, John was already feeling quite stifled, with a surge of bloodlust constantly welling up in his chest. At that moment, that party showed up, and the highest ranked among them was merely a Sixth Level Tribulator. John figured he could conveniently vent his anger on them.

“Hmph, you, a mere Second Level Tribulator, dare to talk big?” Maverick snorted.

“Maverick, don’t be careless. Remember what Mr. Blackman instructed us. Don’t underestimate this guy. Even though he’s a Second Level Tribulator, the power he can demonstrate is not inferior to ours. Let’s join forces to capture him and then trade him to Demon Seal Alliance for the hundred-year worth of offerings,” Brody reminded Maverick.

“All right. Let’s do it together!” Maverick nodded, then swiftly unleashed a palm strike.

In an instant, dark clouds obscured the sky, casting a shadow over the sun. A surge of dark energy erupted from Maverick’s hand, transforming into a colossal black python, lunging directly at John.

At the same time, Brody also made his move. The dark aura around him surprisingly flickered with streaks of light, transforming into countless thunderbolts, all aimed directly at John. The two individuals joined forces to strike against John. Their coordination was incredibly seamless.

Upon seeing the situation, Phoenix and the others were all worried for John. However, they were all severely injured at the moment and were completely incapable of lending a hand. All they could do was pray for John. Even when John faced the simultaneous attacks of the two individuals, there wasn’t a trace of fear in his eyes. Instead, his murderous intent grew increasingly intense.

John wielded Dragonslayer Sword and enveloped his figure with Golem Body. In the blink of an eye, he deftly dodged Maverick’s attack. Then, with a casual swing of Dragonslayer Sword, the myriad of radiant lights from Brody were directly shattered. Immediately after, John’s Dragonslayer Sword was filled with lightning nascence. Accompanied by deafening sounds, John pointed his Dragonslayer Sword toward the sky! Several bolts of lightning thunderously fell from the dense, black clouds, heading straight for Brody.

“It’d be rude for me not to retaliate!” Since Brody had used a lightning-based attack against him, John retaliated in kind.

“I didn’t expect you, a mere Second Level Tribulator, to comprehend lightning nascence as well. You truly possess some talent.” After Brody finished speaking, a sudden surge of lightning enveloped his body, forming a protective shield directly from the electricity. That successfully blocked John’s lightning attack.

John’s eyebrows furrowed slightly. He said with a trace of surprise, “You’ve actually grasped the lightning nascence.”

“Haha! My lightning nascence is far superior to yours. Moreover, I can directly transmogrify into thunder and lightning. You, a mere Second Level Tribulator, dare to compare yourself with me? You’re delusional!”

A smirk played at the corner of Brody’s mouth, and with a swift movement of his hand, the surrounding lightning instantly coalesced into a long spear. John, on the other hand, was wielding the Dragonslayer Sword, from which lightning power was continuously emanating. Bolts of lightning power were constantly clashing!

Maverick stirred the dense black clouds in mid- air with his hand, which transformed into enormous, continuously roaring pythons. John looked at Maverick and Brody without a trace of panic in his eyes. Although Brody had also grasped lightning nascence, compared to John, he was simply a nobody. John’s nascence space was a cosmos. His single lightning nascence was probably larger than Brody’s entire nascence space If Brody had known that John’s nascence space was the cosmos, he probably wouldn’t have been so arrogant.
I don't understand how John used to absorb people's martial arts energy but can't absorb spiritual energy but it's been said that his focus technique can refine any form of energy. Not just that even demonic cultivators he doesn't absorb their powers here in ethereal realm. And not only that even all this black mist, that these demonic cultivators do conjure, John used to devour them and refine them thereby replenishing his strength. But somehow things are different in the ethereal realm. I haven't seen him absorb anyone's spiritual energy.
I don't understand how John used to absorb people's martial arts energy but can't absorb spiritual energy but it's been said that his focus technique can refine any form of energy. Not just that even demonic cultivators he doesn't absorb their powers here in ethereal realm. And not only that even all this black mist, that these demonic cultivators do conjure, John used to devour them and refine them thereby replenishing his strength. But somehow things are different in the ethereal realm. I haven't seen him absorb anyone's spiritual energy.
You hit the nail on the head
I don't understand how John used to absorb people's martial arts energy but can't absorb spiritual energy but it's been said that his focus technique can refine any form of energy. Not just that even demonic cultivators he doesn't absorb their powers here in ethereal realm. And not only that even all this black mist, that these demonic cultivators do conjure, John used to devour them and refine them thereby replenishing his strength. But somehow things are different in the ethereal realm. I haven't seen him absorb anyone's spiritual energy.
John body needs more energy than eating ghosts or devour low level powers which wouldn't mean anything to him.
I understand but I do not mean for him to use to cultivate, I mean while some demonic cultivators want to fight him using this black mist, he is not supposed to be at a disadvantage
John body needs more energy than eating ghosts or devour low level powers which wouldn't mean anything to him.
But we have seen John absorb energy of those one to two levels higher than him. So I don't see him absorbing like two levels or three levels tribulator , he might need large resources to cultivate but a tribulator elixir field is no small amount of energy packed in there. A tribulator can wipe out all of the mundane world cultivators because the highest level in the mundane world is a manifestor. And in the ethereal realm body fusion realm is regarded as a low level cultivation level. Which is higher than a manifestor. We shouldn't even mention Tribulators
Any new update today immortal gily?
Is immortal Gily upset? Or perhaps someone offended him? Who dares?
Chapter 3595 – 3600 Sacrificial Blood Array

Moreover, John didn’t only possess lightning nascence. He could also integrate other nascences to augment lightning nascence’s attack power. As for Maverick’s tactics, John held them in even greater contempt. With Golem Body’s protection, it was impossible for Maverick to harm John. However, Miles Spicer and the others didn’t know that, so they were still worried about John.

John stood alone, single-handedly battling against Maverick and Brody. After exchanging a dozen or so moves, he remarkably didn’t end up at a disadvantage. At that point, both Maverick and Brody became somewhat anxious, and cold sweat started to form on their foreheads. They felt utterly embarrassed for being powerless when matched up against a Second Level Tribulator as two Sixth Level Tribulators themselves. The two of them joined forces, yet they were unable to take down John. That outcome was beyond their expectations.

“I’m done playing with you all.”

Suddenly, a sharp glint flashed across John’s eyes, and in the next moment, Demon Flogger appeared in his hand. Subsequently, John lashed the whip at Maverick. Demon Flogger, imbued with demonic fire, gave Maverick quite a scare. He swiftly recoiled backward, the whip barely grazing past his chest. He was almost hit.

Even though he didn’t get hit, the aura emanating from Demon Flogger still left Maverick in a state of bewilderment. In the midst of Maverick’s daze, John swung his sword toward Brody! Surprisingly, John could use both whip and sword simultaneously.

Upon seeing the situation, Brody snorted coldly. He then swung the lightning spear in his hand, instantly unleashing countless thunderbolts. Immediately after, those thunderbolts hurtled toward John. A continuous onslaught of thunder and lightning was also unleashed from Brody’s spear. Each bolt of lightning carried a terrifying force, tearing through the void and creating black holes of varying sizes in its wake.

Upon seeing the situation, John immediately formed a sphere of lightning around his body. Without any hesitation or evasion, he charged straight toward Brody.

“You still want to compete with me in lightning power? That’s like a kick against the pricks!” Brody looked disdainful when he saw that John had also resorted to using lightning power to fight against him. Lightning nascence was his forte, not something just anyone could comprehend.

Countless bolts of lightning filled the void, forming a massive cage that enveloped John. Then, it began to constrict unceasingly. The cage of thunder and lightning shrank, eventually binding John tightly.

Boom! As the cage of thunder and lightning closed in, it let out a deafening explosion. A plume of white smoke rose up, and amidst the thunder and lightning, John’s figure vanished.

“Haha! How dare you resist with your limited capabilities? However, now that his physical body has completely disintegrated, I’ll have to explain this to the Demon Seal Alliance!” Brody assumed John was directly obliterated by his terrifying lightning power.

“Brody, be careful!” Just as Brody wore a face of triumph, Maverick suddenly let out a shout. Immediately following that, Brody felt a terrifying presence descending upon him from above his head. Brody hastily looked up, only to find John, his body enveloped in lightning, gazing down at him.

“You actually managed to escape?” Brody was taken aback, and immediately pointed his thunderbolt spear. From the spear, a beam of lightning power struck directly at John. However, John did not dodge. Instead, he let the lightning power strike him. The lightning surrounding John became entwined with Brody’s lightning. Soon, Brody was astonished to discover that the lightning nascence within his body was being rapidly absorbed by someone else.

“You’re actually absorbing my nascence power?” Brody was astonished.

“What’s the matter? Can’t I do that?” John asked with an indifferent gaze.

“You should know that my nascence space is a lake. If you still want to absorb my nascence power, it’ll cause your body to burst.” Brody, however, was not bothered at all. After all, he possessed a vast nascence space, storing a multitude of lightning nascences. The idea that John could absorb them all was simply a pipe dream.

John merely sneered, not uttering a word. The nascence star within him was rapidly flickering, while the lightning nascence within Brody was quickly dissipating. When a third of his nascence power had been drained away, Brody still wore a cold smirk on his face, acting as if nothing had happened. Unflinching and unyielding, the thunderbolt spear continued to unleash streaks of lightning, all aimed toward John.

Surrounded by thunder and lightning, John continuously generated electric arcs, absorbing Brody’s nascence power. When half of Brody’s lightning nascence had drained away, he began to panic.

“How could this be possible? Just how vast is your nascence space?” With disbelief written all over his face, Brody looked at John. Ever since he had comprehended the lightning nascence, he had never encountered anyone with such an immense nascence space.

“Hmph! My nascence space is a cosmos with endless capacity. You think you can make me explode with that limited nascence power of yours?” John let out a cold laugh.

“Pfft! Keep bragging. I bet you’re at your limit now.” Brody simply didn’t believe what John had said. He had never seen a cosmic nascence space before. Therefore, he assumed John was bragging. Brody’s lightning nascence surged even more wildly toward John.

Upon seeing that, John was overjoyed. If this guy doesn’t believe me, it’s the perfect opportunity to absorb all of his nascence power and turn it into mine! Seeing his lightning nascence dwindling, Brody finally panicked. He looked at John in disbelief, his thunderbolt spear gradually fading away.

“Y-You!” Brody pointed at John, his face full of astonishment. “Do you believe me now?”

With a cold laugh, John transformed into a shooting star, swiftly descending toward Brody from above. Immediately following that, he tossed out a punch.

“Sacred Light Fist!” Countless golden fists shone brilliantly across the entire land. Countless bolts of lightning, like serpents of electricity, thundered down. The terrifying thunder and lightning had already engulfed Brody. A look of horror filled Brody’s eyes. He wanted to resist, but the lightning nascence within him had already dwindled to almost nothing.

“Brody!” Reacting swiftly, Maverick waved his hands, sending a massive black python charging straight toward John. Maverick was determined to save his younger brother.

Ignoring the massive black python, John landed a punch on Brody’s body. His punch, much like a meteor, crashed into Brody’s body.

Boom! Following a thunderous roar, the earth trembled, countless grains of sand and pebbles were flung about, and a massive pit, seemingly bottomless, appeared on the ground.


Upon seeing the situation, Maverick let out a furious roar. Immediately after, a black fog enveloped his body. Even the dark clouds in mid-air began to churn incessantly as if doomsday had arrived. The dark aura surrounding Maverick directly coalesced into a hundred-meter behemoth in midair. That hundred-meter behemoth was incredibly ferocious.

With just a slight stomp of its foot, the entire earth trembled incessantly. The terrifying aura emanating from the hundred-meter behemoth had the telepathic beast trembling uncontrollably in fear. Upon seeing the situation, Phoenix hurriedly held the telepathic beast tightly in her arms, comforting it, “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid…”

Controlling the hundred-meter beast, Maverick stomped one foot toward John. A glint of icy coldness flashed in John’s eyes. The next second, thunderclouds covered the sky. Immediately after, John leaped up, swiftly delivering a palm strike. A bolt of lightning flickered in the palm of John’s hand.

“Thunder Palm!” With a thunderous roar, John unleashed a palm strike so powerful it seemed to eclipse the sun. Within the imprint of his palm, countless bolts of lightning rained down with a deafening crash. A colossal palm imprint struck directly toward the hundred-meter behemoth. Countless bolts of lightning caused the massive creature to explosively disperse, transforming once again into clusters of black mist.

Still, the momentum of the Thunder Palm didn’t diminish as it continued toward Maverick. Maverick’s eyes were wide open, his face filled with shock. Instinctively, he wanted to dodge, but he found that the Thunder Palm was boundless, impossible to avoid no matter what.

Under the onslaught of Thunder Palm, Maverick clenched his teeth tightly. The black mist around his body continuously solidified, forming a sturdy shield.

Boom! With a fierce blow, the strike landed squarely on Maverick. In an instant, Maverick’s body sank deeply into the ground, swallowed up by the resulting crater. Upon seeing John unexpectedly defeat both Maverick and Brody, Denzel and the others were also extremely astonished. One should know that John’s enemies were Sixth Level Tribulators. Moreover, Brody was someone who had even comprehended lightning nascence. Compared to them, John was merely a Second Level Tribulator.

At that moment, Maverick’s and Brody’s subordinates were staring ahead, filled with disbelief. Everyone was gaping as they watched in silence, forgetting even to flee! Two Sixth Level Tribulators were directly defeated by a Second Level Tribulator. Moreover, the victory was achieved with ease, a result that blew everyone’s mind. No one could believe their own eyes. After all, these Demonic Cultivators had never witnessed such a situation before.

When Maverick and Brody joined forces and went against a Seventh Level Tribulator, they could likely put up a good fight. However, they were quickly defeated by John, a Second Level Tribulator.

“Mr. White, you’re amazing!” Polar exclaimed excitedly. They hadn’t expected that John could so effortlessly defeat two Sixth Level Tribulators. They initially thought there would be a fierce battle.

“Do you really think you’re tough? Do you really think that we brothers would be defeated so easily?”

Maverick’s voice echoed from the depths of the pit, and then, his figure flew out from the pit. Although he seemed somewhat disheveled, he appeared to not have sustained any serious Injuries. Upon seeing Maverick in that state, John’s brow furrowed slightly. He hadn’t expected Maverick to survive the Thunder Palm attack. It seems a Sixth Level Tribulator isn’t easy to kill!

“The fact that a Second Level Tribulator can beat the two of us this badly means this guy truly has some skills!”

At that moment, from another deep pit, Brody also leapt up, He was covered in blood, clearly more severely injured than Maverick. The lightning nascence on Brody had almost depleted. However, at that moment, Brody was shrouded in a black mist, seemingly recovering rapidly.

When he saw that Brody was not dead, John’s demeanor became even more solemn. That feeling of powerlessness in the territories of the Five Great Sects due to his lack of strength emerged once again. If he had elevated his cultivation level further, the two brothers would have been long killed.

At this moment, John felt an intense sense of urgency. He wanted to grow stronger as quickly as possible. As for Maverick and Brody’s Demonic Cultivator subordinates, they all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the brothers were not dead. If the two of them were to be killed by John, a Second Level Tribulator, with just a single palm strike and a punch, it would have been utterly humiliating.

“Brody, we should just wear him out, as he can’t afford to do so. We must avoid a direct confrontation at all costs.”

Maverick could tell that John was eager to secure a quick victory and leave. After all, if the fight continued and others rushed over, John would truly be left without a shred of hope. At that moment, it was unknown how many people were tracking John down. A walking repository of resources was a treasure everyone desired.

“Alright…” Brody nodded, and then the two of them leaped up into the air. This time, the two of them attempted to launch their attacks on John from a distance, streams of black mist erupting from their bodies.

Upon seeing the situation, John’s brows furrowed slightly. He knew that those two were simply trying to wear him down. Hence, he wielded Demon Flogger, which was ablaze with demonic fire. With a single lash, the black mist was completely dispersed. Subsequently, John used Blazing Stride to steadily bear down upon the two individuals

In response, Maverick and Brody instinctively backed away, intending to put some distance between themselves and John. A thunderous crack echoed as John cracked Demon Flogger abruptly. This thunderous noise caused the two brothers to freeze momentarily, their actions noticeably slowing down. Seizing the perfect moment, John mercilessly lashed the two individuals with Demon Flogger.

Both of them fell heavily to the ground, grimacing from the unbearable pain. The demonic fire on Demon Flogger left a series of wounds on the two of them which looked incredibly gruesome. At that moment, the Demonic Cultivators who had initially breathed a sigh of relief became anxious once again.

Brody and Maverick rose to their feet, looking at their own disheveled appearances. They then glanced at Demon Flogger in John’s hand, a hint of apprehension flickering in their eyes. After all, when Demon Flogger struck others, it merely caused pain. However, when it hit Demonic Cultivators, it was a spiritual sense attack, causing unbearable agony and leaving them in a state of utter disarray.

“Maverick, for the sake of Demon Seal Alliance’s hundred-year offering, we have to give it our all…” Brody looked at Maverick, gritting his teeth as he spoke. It seemed they both still had tricks up their sleeves.

“This is our last trump card. It seems we must use it today…” After Maverick finished speaking, he reached into his robe. Following this, he brought out a formation plate filled with flickering array runes. Following that, Maverick forced out a drop of blood essence, which fell onto the formation plate. The formation plate emitted a series of buzzes before rapidly expanding. In their surroundings, streaks of crimson patterns began to emerge.

“Retreat, Retreat! This is the Sacrificial Blood Array…” In response, Chase was terrified, his face full of panic as he hurriedly called for everyone else to retreat. If they were trapped within this arcane array, none of them would have been able to escape. The group then retreated desperately into the distance.

At the same time, Chase shouting at John, “Mr. White, leave quickly! This is the Sacrificial Blood Array, a formation plate left behind from the Celestial Battle. This formation is incredibly powerful. We must escape quickly…” He urged John to flee. However, before John could react, the formation had already encircled him.

The surrounding blood-red array runes were already flickering mysteriously. Moreover, the arcane array was extremely intricate, making it difficult to locate its core in a short time. The surroundings began to fill with a pungent stench of blood, followed by waves of chilling wails.

The wails were not an illusion and sounded incredibly real. John couldn’t help but look toward the source of the sound, and to his surprise, he discovered that the Demonic Cultivators brought by Maverick and Brody were now enveloped in a mist of blood. The fresh blood from each individual was continuously gushing out in all directions.

The blood of these Demonic Cultivators made the Sacrificial Blood Array dazzle with greater brilliance. Meanwhile, within the arcane array, clusters of blood mist swirled like sharp blades, drifting aimlessly. The fresh blood of the Demonic Cultivators that wafted into the air was swiftly absorbed by the blood mist.

John was taken aback. He hadn’t expected that Maverick and Brody, in their quest to kill him and wait for the hundred-year offering of the Demon Seal Alliance, would not spare anyone from their own ranks. In a short while, the Demonic Cultivators were drained of every drop of blood by the Sacrificial Blood Array, turning them into shriveled corpses.

After exchanging glances, Maverick and Brody surprisingly plunged themselves into the arcane array, allowing the surrounding blood mist to absorb the fresh blood from their bodies. Crimson blood incessantly seeped out of the skin of the two individuals, making the blood mist even more dense.

John was taken aback. He didn’t understand what was going on with Maverick and Brody. Are they really planning to sacrifice their own lives? If both of them were to be drained of their blood and killed by the Sacrificial Blood Array, there would be no point in them trying to kill John because they would become irrelevant to the hundred-year offering of the Demon Seal Alliance.

Nothing mattered once one was dead. However, John knew that these two fellows couldn’t possibly be foolish enough to sacrifice their own lives for the grand formation.

Indeed, after a portion of their blood was absorbed by the surrounding blood mist, it seemed to have reached a certain concentration. The blood mist astonishingly began to fall like rain, pouring down in torrents.

In an instant, John’s body was dyed red by this rain of blood. Moreover, the blood that had fallen on the ground began to flow along the patterns etched into the ground.

“What are they doing?” Denzel was utterly perplexed. Chase was frowning deeply, his expression serious as he said, “These two brothers are ruthless. In order to defeat Mr. White, they even sacrificed their own subordinates. They were using fresh blood to fuel this grand arcane array, only in this way could they unleash the true power of the Sacrificial Blood Array!”

“Have they gone mad? If they continue like this, they’ll both end up dead,” Polar asked, utterly perplexed. Chase exclaimed in surprise, “Neither of them would die, for their blood is the key to activate the Sacrificial Blood Array. It was beyond imagination that the Sacrificial Blood Array formation plate was in their hands. They had hidden it very well.”

“These two fellows have managed to hide the fact that they are of blood demon descent. We had no idea how they managed to conceal their presence so effectively. Prior to his, none of us were able to notice it,” Miles Spicer exclaimed in surprise.

“This Sacrificial Blood Array, it seems, can only be activated by those of us from blood demon descent. Even if others were to get their hands on it, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be of much use to them. However, these two fellows never revealed they were part of blood demon descent, which was truly impressive!” Denzel said with a serious expression.

Denzel’s Blood Spirit Valley was also of blood demon descent. Initially, he surprisingly couldn’t recognize that these two were of the same lineage as himself, which showed just how deeply those two fellows had managed to conceal themselves. Lost artifacts like the formation plate from the Celestial Battle were coveted treasures in both the Immortal and Demonic realms. Everyone wanted to get their hands on them.

Given that Maverick and Brody were Sixth Level Tribulators, they simply lacked the ability to protect the formation plate of Sacrificial Blood Array. However, these two fellows managed to keep their cool and kept the formation plate hidden, never revealing it to anyone. Thus, no one knew that they were in possession of it. Moreover, the fact that the two individuals were of blood demon descent was also well concealed. If it hadn’t been for John’s relentless pressure and the allure of Demon Seal Alliance’s hundred year offerings, they would not have brought out the formation plate.

At that moment, the Sacrificial Blood Array was emitting a red glow. Its radiance was becoming increasingly intense, and the scent of blood was spreading out, enveloping dozens of miles around with its stench. John was hovering in mid-air, looking down at the blood soaking his clothes. When he shifted his attention to the strange arcane array beneath his feet, his brows furrowed in concern. After engaging the two individuals in combat, he could discern that they were unlike any other Demonic Cultivators he had encountered before.

“Mr. White, these two fellows are of blood demon descent. It seems they’ve been concealing their identities all along, only revealing themselves today out of necessity. Since they dared to expose themselves, they must be confident in their ability to eliminate everyone. That way, their identities would not be leaked out,” Fitz said to John.

“No wonder I felt that the aura of these two fellows were different from other Demonic Cultivators. Turns out, they’ve been deliberately concealing their identities all along. But why would they want to conceal their blood demon descent identity?” John couldn’t understand.

While others only concealed their identities as Demonic Cultivators, no one ever hid the lineage they belonged to. Yet, it was strange that Maverick and Brody were not afraid of people discovering their identities as Demonic Cultivators. However, they concealed the fact that they were of blood demon descent, which was indeed strange

“I’m not certain about that. It might be related to the Sacrificial Blood Array. It’s quite clear that only the blood essence from one of blood demon descent can activate the array. They must have concealed their identities because they feared others would discover they possessed the formation plate and try to seize it. After all, they are only Sixth Level Tribulators, who aren’t considered particularly powerful in Ethereal Realm. If someone truly intended to rob them, they would have a hard time defending themselves,” Fitz explained to John.

“That’s highly likely. These two fellows are quite cunning. The fact that have completely revealed their identities and brought out their formation plate means they’re prepared for a showdown.” John’s eyes narrowed slightly, his hands tightly gripping Demon Flogger and Dragonslayer Sword. Since Maverick and Brody had revealed their trump cards, John could not afford to be careless.

“Maverick, Brody, you and I are of the same blood demon descent. I urge you both to stand down,” Denzel loudly addressed Maverick and Brody.

“Denzel, spare me your emotional appeals. Once we’ve dealt with John, you’ll be next. The trump cards we brothers hold close to our chest can never be revealed to anyone.”

At this point, there was no way Maverick possibly back down. Suddenly, a faint white light emerged from within Maverick’s body. Following this, his soul was seen separating from his physical body. The same was happening to Brody. His soul instantly separated from his physical body, subsequently merging with the red mist of blood within the formation.

The two individuals’ physical bodies. However, the two beams of white light were continuously colliding with the crimson mist, causing the void to tremble. Swiftly, two crimson figures materialized, their power increasing exponentially. The blood mist within the formation seemed to be continuously supplying power to the two individuals.

John’s brows were deeply furrowed. He had never before encountered a method that involved discarding the physical body and using only the soul to absorb energy to enhance one’s cultivation

Thus, he dared not hesitate any longer, for he had no idea to what extent the two enemies could enhance their abilities. John simultaneously attacked with Dragonslayer Sword and Demon Flogger. Thousands of sword lights fell like a torrential downpour, while the demonic fire on Demon Flogger transformed into clusters of fireballs that flew forward in attack.

Boom, boom, boom… This time, John dared not be careless at all, giving it his all from the very first move. However, the myriad of sword lights and clusters of fireballs astonishingly passed through the bodies of Maverick and Brody, striking the ground with a thunderous impact.

“This…” John’s brow furrowed, as he was left dumbfounded.

“Mr. White, they have taken spirit form. I’m afraid that physical attacks may not cause them much harm,” Fitz reminded anxiously.

John nodded in acknowledgment. Subsequently, within John’s consciousness field, a light flickered. Waves of spiritual sense attacks began to emanate from all around him. Faced with John’s spiritual sense attacks, the blood-red spirits of Maverick and Brody astonishingly merged into one.

Countless blood mists swirled around the two spirits like a whirlwind. Every attack was then thwarted by this blood mist. As the blood mist thickened at an increasing pace, a whirlwind formed within the formation, shrouding the entire formation in a veil of blood mist! John’s body, which was suspended in mid-air, was also shrouded by the crimson mist. Those outside simply couldn’t make out John’s figure.

At this point, Phoenix and the others began to worry about him. After all, the Sacrificial Blood Array was extremely powerful, and both Maverick and Brody were Sixth Level Tribulators who were not easy to deal with. Now that his enemies had the support of the arcane array, they all feared that John simply couldn’t defeat the two. However, before long, the crimson mist gradually dissipated, and subsequently, John’s figure slowly emerged!

At this moment, aside from his gloomy expression, it seemed as if there were no other changes to John. However, when the blood mist had completely dissipated, everyone was astonished to discover that the spirits of Maverick and Brody had disappeared. On the ground, a figure appeared. It was over two meters tall, its entire body was blood-red, and its eyes were filled with ferocity.
None of you Master dare to come and send me internent bundle huh? 😀
Chapter 3595 – 3600 Sacrificial Blood Array

Moreover, John didn’t only possess lightning nascence. He could also integrate other nascences to augment lightning nascence’s attack power. As for Maverick’s tactics, John held them in even greater contempt. With Golem Body’s protection, it was impossible for Maverick to harm John. However, Miles Spicer and the others didn’t know that, so they were still worried about John.

John stood alone, single-handedly battling against Maverick and Brody. After exchanging a dozen or so moves, he remarkably didn’t end up at a disadvantage. At that point, both Maverick and Brody became somewhat anxious, and cold sweat started to form on their foreheads. They felt utterly embarrassed for being powerless when matched up against a Second Level Tribulator as two Sixth Level Tribulators themselves. The two of them joined forces, yet they were unable to take down John. That outcome was beyond their expectations.

“I’m done playing with you all.”

Suddenly, a sharp glint flashed across John’s eyes, and in the next moment, Demon Flogger appeared in his hand. Subsequently, John lashed the whip at Maverick. Demon Flogger, imbued with demonic fire, gave Maverick quite a scare. He swiftly recoiled backward, the whip barely grazing past his chest. He was almost hit.

Even though he didn’t get hit, the aura emanating from Demon Flogger still left Maverick in a state of bewilderment. In the midst of Maverick’s daze, John swung his sword toward Brody! Surprisingly, John could use both whip and sword simultaneously.

Upon seeing the situation, Brody snorted coldly. He then swung the lightning spear in his hand, instantly unleashing countless thunderbolts. Immediately after, those thunderbolts hurtled toward John. A continuous onslaught of thunder and lightning was also unleashed from Brody’s spear. Each bolt of lightning carried a terrifying force, tearing through the void and creating black holes of varying sizes in its wake.

Upon seeing the situation, John immediately formed a sphere of lightning around his body. Without any hesitation or evasion, he charged straight toward Brody.

“You still want to compete with me in lightning power? That’s like a kick against the pricks!” Brody looked disdainful when he saw that John had also resorted to using lightning power to fight against him. Lightning nascence was his forte, not something just anyone could comprehend.

Countless bolts of lightning filled the void, forming a massive cage that enveloped John. Then, it began to constrict unceasingly. The cage of thunder and lightning shrank, eventually binding John tightly.

Boom! As the cage of thunder and lightning closed in, it let out a deafening explosion. A plume of white smoke rose up, and amidst the thunder and lightning, John’s figure vanished.

“Haha! How dare you resist with your limited capabilities? However, now that his physical body has completely disintegrated, I’ll have to explain this to the Demon Seal Alliance!” Brody assumed John was directly obliterated by his terrifying lightning power.

“Brody, be careful!” Just as Brody wore a face of triumph, Maverick suddenly let out a shout. Immediately following that, Brody felt a terrifying presence descending upon him from above his head. Brody hastily looked up, only to find John, his body enveloped in lightning, gazing down at him.

“You actually managed to escape?” Brody was taken aback, and immediately pointed his thunderbolt spear. From the spear, a beam of lightning power struck directly at John. However, John did not dodge. Instead, he let the lightning power strike him. The lightning surrounding John became entwined with Brody’s lightning. Soon, Brody was astonished to discover that the lightning nascence within his body was being rapidly absorbed by someone else.

“You’re actually absorbing my nascence power?” Brody was astonished.

“What’s the matter? Can’t I do that?” John asked with an indifferent gaze.

“You should know that my nascence space is a lake. If you still want to absorb my nascence power, it’ll cause your body to burst.” Brody, however, was not bothered at all. After all, he possessed a vast nascence space, storing a multitude of lightning nascences. The idea that John could absorb them all was simply a pipe dream.

John merely sneered, not uttering a word. The nascence star within him was rapidly flickering, while the lightning nascence within Brody was quickly dissipating. When a third of his nascence power had been drained away, Brody still wore a cold smirk on his face, acting as if nothing had happened. Unflinching and unyielding, the thunderbolt spear continued to unleash streaks of lightning, all aimed toward John.

Surrounded by thunder and lightning, John continuously generated electric arcs, absorbing Brody’s nascence power. When half of Brody’s lightning nascence had drained away, he began to panic.

“How could this be possible? Just how vast is your nascence space?” With disbelief written all over his face, Brody looked at John. Ever since he had comprehended the lightning nascence, he had never encountered anyone with such an immense nascence space.

“Hmph! My nascence space is a cosmos with endless capacity. You think you can make me explode with that limited nascence power of yours?” John let out a cold laugh.

“Pfft! Keep bragging. I bet you’re at your limit now.” Brody simply didn’t believe what John had said. He had never seen a cosmic nascence space before. Therefore, he assumed John was bragging. Brody’s lightning nascence surged even more wildly toward John.

Upon seeing that, John was overjoyed. If this guy doesn’t believe me, it’s the perfect opportunity to absorb all of his nascence power and turn it into mine! Seeing his lightning nascence dwindling, Brody finally panicked. He looked at John in disbelief, his thunderbolt spear gradually fading away.

“Y-You!” Brody pointed at John, his face full of astonishment. “Do you believe me now?”

With a cold laugh, John transformed into a shooting star, swiftly descending toward Brody from above. Immediately following that, he tossed out a punch.

“Sacred Light Fist!” Countless golden fists shone brilliantly across the entire land. Countless bolts of lightning, like serpents of electricity, thundered down. The terrifying thunder and lightning had already engulfed Brody. A look of horror filled Brody’s eyes. He wanted to resist, but the lightning nascence within him had already dwindled to almost nothing.

“Brody!” Reacting swiftly, Maverick waved his hands, sending a massive black python charging straight toward John. Maverick was determined to save his younger brother.

Ignoring the massive black python, John landed a punch on Brody’s body. His punch, much like a meteor, crashed into Brody’s body.

Boom! Following a thunderous roar, the earth trembled, countless grains of sand and pebbles were flung about, and a massive pit, seemingly bottomless, appeared on the ground.


Upon seeing the situation, Maverick let out a furious roar. Immediately after, a black fog enveloped his body. Even the dark clouds in mid-air began to churn incessantly as if doomsday had arrived. The dark aura surrounding Maverick directly coalesced into a hundred-meter behemoth in midair. That hundred-meter behemoth was incredibly ferocious.

With just a slight stomp of its foot, the entire earth trembled incessantly. The terrifying aura emanating from the hundred-meter behemoth had the telepathic beast trembling uncontrollably in fear. Upon seeing the situation, Phoenix hurriedly held the telepathic beast tightly in her arms, comforting it, “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid…”

Controlling the hundred-meter beast, Maverick stomped one foot toward John. A glint of icy coldness flashed in John’s eyes. The next second, thunderclouds covered the sky. Immediately after, John leaped up, swiftly delivering a palm strike. A bolt of lightning flickered in the palm of John’s hand.

“Thunder Palm!” With a thunderous roar, John unleashed a palm strike so powerful it seemed to eclipse the sun. Within the imprint of his palm, countless bolts of lightning rained down with a deafening crash. A colossal palm imprint struck directly toward the hundred-meter behemoth. Countless bolts of lightning caused the massive creature to explosively disperse, transforming once again into clusters of black mist.

Still, the momentum of the Thunder Palm didn’t diminish as it continued toward Maverick. Maverick’s eyes were wide open, his face filled with shock. Instinctively, he wanted to dodge, but he found that the Thunder Palm was boundless, impossible to avoid no matter what.

Under the onslaught of Thunder Palm, Maverick clenched his teeth tightly. The black mist around his body continuously solidified, forming a sturdy shield.

Boom! With a fierce blow, the strike landed squarely on Maverick. In an instant, Maverick’s body sank deeply into the ground, swallowed up by the resulting crater. Upon seeing John unexpectedly defeat both Maverick and Brody, Denzel and the others were also extremely astonished. One should know that John’s enemies were Sixth Level Tribulators. Moreover, Brody was someone who had even comprehended lightning nascence. Compared to them, John was merely a Second Level Tribulator.

At that moment, Maverick’s and Brody’s subordinates were staring ahead, filled with disbelief. Everyone was gaping as they watched in silence, forgetting even to flee! Two Sixth Level Tribulators were directly defeated by a Second Level Tribulator. Moreover, the victory was achieved with ease, a result that blew everyone’s mind. No one could believe their own eyes. After all, these Demonic Cultivators had never witnessed such a situation before.

When Maverick and Brody joined forces and went against a Seventh Level Tribulator, they could likely put up a good fight. However, they were quickly defeated by John, a Second Level Tribulator.

“Mr. White, you’re amazing!” Polar exclaimed excitedly. They hadn’t expected that John could so effortlessly defeat two Sixth Level Tribulators. They initially thought there would be a fierce battle.

“Do you really think you’re tough? Do you really think that we brothers would be defeated so easily?”

Maverick’s voice echoed from the depths of the pit, and then, his figure flew out from the pit. Although he seemed somewhat disheveled, he appeared to not have sustained any serious Injuries. Upon seeing Maverick in that state, John’s brow furrowed slightly. He hadn’t expected Maverick to survive the Thunder Palm attack. It seems a Sixth Level Tribulator isn’t easy to kill!

“The fact that a Second Level Tribulator can beat the two of us this badly means this guy truly has some skills!”

At that moment, from another deep pit, Brody also leapt up, He was covered in blood, clearly more severely injured than Maverick. The lightning nascence on Brody had almost depleted. However, at that moment, Brody was shrouded in a black mist, seemingly recovering rapidly.

When he saw that Brody was not dead, John’s demeanor became even more solemn. That feeling of powerlessness in the territories of the Five Great Sects due to his lack of strength emerged once again. If he had elevated his cultivation level further, the two brothers would have been long killed.

At this moment, John felt an intense sense of urgency. He wanted to grow stronger as quickly as possible. As for Maverick and Brody’s Demonic Cultivator subordinates, they all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the brothers were not dead. If the two of them were to be killed by John, a Second Level Tribulator, with just a single palm strike and a punch, it would have been utterly humiliating.

“Brody, we should just wear him out, as he can’t afford to do so. We must avoid a direct confrontation at all costs.”

Maverick could tell that John was eager to secure a quick victory and leave. After all, if the fight continued and others rushed over, John would truly be left without a shred of hope. At that moment, it was unknown how many people were tracking John down. A walking repository of resources was a treasure everyone desired.

“Alright…” Brody nodded, and then the two of them leaped up into the air. This time, the two of them attempted to launch their attacks on John from a distance, streams of black mist erupting from their bodies.

Upon seeing the situation, John’s brows furrowed slightly. He knew that those two were simply trying to wear him down. Hence, he wielded Demon Flogger, which was ablaze with demonic fire. With a single lash, the black mist was completely dispersed. Subsequently, John used Blazing Stride to steadily bear down upon the two individuals

In response, Maverick and Brody instinctively backed away, intending to put some distance between themselves and John. A thunderous crack echoed as John cracked Demon Flogger abruptly. This thunderous noise caused the two brothers to freeze momentarily, their actions noticeably slowing down. Seizing the perfect moment, John mercilessly lashed the two individuals with Demon Flogger.

Both of them fell heavily to the ground, grimacing from the unbearable pain. The demonic fire on Demon Flogger left a series of wounds on the two of them which looked incredibly gruesome. At that moment, the Demonic Cultivators who had initially breathed a sigh of relief became anxious once again.

Brody and Maverick rose to their feet, looking at their own disheveled appearances. They then glanced at Demon Flogger in John’s hand, a hint of apprehension flickering in their eyes. After all, when Demon Flogger struck others, it merely caused pain. However, when it hit Demonic Cultivators, it was a spiritual sense attack, causing unbearable agony and leaving them in a state of utter disarray.

“Maverick, for the sake of Demon Seal Alliance’s hundred-year offering, we have to give it our all…” Brody looked at Maverick, gritting his teeth as he spoke. It seemed they both still had tricks up their sleeves.

“This is our last trump card. It seems we must use it today…” After Maverick finished speaking, he reached into his robe. Following this, he brought out a formation plate filled with flickering array runes. Following that, Maverick forced out a drop of blood essence, which fell onto the formation plate. The formation plate emitted a series of buzzes before rapidly expanding. In their surroundings, streaks of crimson patterns began to emerge.

“Retreat, Retreat! This is the Sacrificial Blood Array…” In response, Chase was terrified, his face full of panic as he hurriedly called for everyone else to retreat. If they were trapped within this arcane array, none of them would have been able to escape. The group then retreated desperately into the distance.

At the same time, Chase shouting at John, “Mr. White, leave quickly! This is the Sacrificial Blood Array, a formation plate left behind from the Celestial Battle. This formation is incredibly powerful. We must escape quickly…” He urged John to flee. However, before John could react, the formation had already encircled him.

The surrounding blood-red array runes were already flickering mysteriously. Moreover, the arcane array was extremely intricate, making it difficult to locate its core in a short time. The surroundings began to fill with a pungent stench of blood, followed by waves of chilling wails.

The wails were not an illusion and sounded incredibly real. John couldn’t help but look toward the source of the sound, and to his surprise, he discovered that the Demonic Cultivators brought by Maverick and Brody were now enveloped in a mist of blood. The fresh blood from each individual was continuously gushing out in all directions.

The blood of these Demonic Cultivators made the Sacrificial Blood Array dazzle with greater brilliance. Meanwhile, within the arcane array, clusters of blood mist swirled like sharp blades, drifting aimlessly. The fresh blood of the Demonic Cultivators that wafted into the air was swiftly absorbed by the blood mist.

John was taken aback. He hadn’t expected that Maverick and Brody, in their quest to kill him and wait for the hundred-year offering of the Demon Seal Alliance, would not spare anyone from their own ranks. In a short while, the Demonic Cultivators were drained of every drop of blood by the Sacrificial Blood Array, turning them into shriveled corpses.

After exchanging glances, Maverick and Brody surprisingly plunged themselves into the arcane array, allowing the surrounding blood mist to absorb the fresh blood from their bodies. Crimson blood incessantly seeped out of the skin of the two individuals, making the blood mist even more dense.

John was taken aback. He didn’t understand what was going on with Maverick and Brody. Are they really planning to sacrifice their own lives? If both of them were to be drained of their blood and killed by the Sacrificial Blood Array, there would be no point in them trying to kill John because they would become irrelevant to the hundred-year offering of the Demon Seal Alliance.

Nothing mattered once one was dead. However, John knew that these two fellows couldn’t possibly be foolish enough to sacrifice their own lives for the grand formation.

Indeed, after a portion of their blood was absorbed by the surrounding blood mist, it seemed to have reached a certain concentration. The blood mist astonishingly began to fall like rain, pouring down in torrents.

In an instant, John’s body was dyed red by this rain of blood. Moreover, the blood that had fallen on the ground began to flow along the patterns etched into the ground.

“What are they doing?” Denzel was utterly perplexed. Chase was frowning deeply, his expression serious as he said, “These two brothers are ruthless. In order to defeat Mr. White, they even sacrificed their own subordinates. They were using fresh blood to fuel this grand arcane array, only in this way could they unleash the true power of the Sacrificial Blood Array!”

“Have they gone mad? If they continue like this, they’ll both end up dead,” Polar asked, utterly perplexed. Chase exclaimed in surprise, “Neither of them would die, for their blood is the key to activate the Sacrificial Blood Array. It was beyond imagination that the Sacrificial Blood Array formation plate was in their hands. They had hidden it very well.”

“These two fellows have managed to hide the fact that they are of blood demon descent. We had no idea how they managed to conceal their presence so effectively. Prior to his, none of us were able to notice it,” Miles Spicer exclaimed in surprise.

“This Sacrificial Blood Array, it seems, can only be activated by those of us from blood demon descent. Even if others were to get their hands on it, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be of much use to them. However, these two fellows never revealed they were part of blood demon descent, which was truly impressive!” Denzel said with a serious expression.

Denzel’s Blood Spirit Valley was also of blood demon descent. Initially, he surprisingly couldn’t recognize that these two were of the same lineage as himself, which showed just how deeply those two fellows had managed to conceal themselves. Lost artifacts like the formation plate from the Celestial Battle were coveted treasures in both the Immortal and Demonic realms. Everyone wanted to get their hands on them.

Given that Maverick and Brody were Sixth Level Tribulators, they simply lacked the ability to protect the formation plate of Sacrificial Blood Array. However, these two fellows managed to keep their cool and kept the formation plate hidden, never revealing it to anyone. Thus, no one knew that they were in possession of it. Moreover, the fact that the two individuals were of blood demon descent was also well concealed. If it hadn’t been for John’s relentless pressure and the allure of Demon Seal Alliance’s hundred year offerings, they would not have brought out the formation plate.

At that moment, the Sacrificial Blood Array was emitting a red glow. Its radiance was becoming increasingly intense, and the scent of blood was spreading out, enveloping dozens of miles around with its stench. John was hovering in mid-air, looking down at the blood soaking his clothes. When he shifted his attention to the strange arcane array beneath his feet, his brows furrowed in concern. After engaging the two individuals in combat, he could discern that they were unlike any other Demonic Cultivators he had encountered before.

“Mr. White, these two fellows are of blood demon descent. It seems they’ve been concealing their identities all along, only revealing themselves today out of necessity. Since they dared to expose themselves, they must be confident in their ability to eliminate everyone. That way, their identities would not be leaked out,” Fitz said to John.

“No wonder I felt that the aura of these two fellows were different from other Demonic Cultivators. Turns out, they’ve been deliberately concealing their identities all along. But why would they want to conceal their blood demon descent identity?” John couldn’t understand.

While others only concealed their identities as Demonic Cultivators, no one ever hid the lineage they belonged to. Yet, it was strange that Maverick and Brody were not afraid of people discovering their identities as Demonic Cultivators. However, they concealed the fact that they were of blood demon descent, which was indeed strange

“I’m not certain about that. It might be related to the Sacrificial Blood Array. It’s quite clear that only the blood essence from one of blood demon descent can activate the array. They must have concealed their identities because they feared others would discover they possessed the formation plate and try to seize it. After all, they are only Sixth Level Tribulators, who aren’t considered particularly powerful in Ethereal Realm. If someone truly intended to rob them, they would have a hard time defending themselves,” Fitz explained to John.

“That’s highly likely. These two fellows are quite cunning. The fact that have completely revealed their identities and brought out their formation plate means they’re prepared for a showdown.” John’s eyes narrowed slightly, his hands tightly gripping Demon Flogger and Dragonslayer Sword. Since Maverick and Brody had revealed their trump cards, John could not afford to be careless.

“Maverick, Brody, you and I are of the same blood demon descent. I urge you both to stand down,” Denzel loudly addressed Maverick and Brody.

“Denzel, spare me your emotional appeals. Once we’ve dealt with John, you’ll be next. The trump cards we brothers hold close to our chest can never be revealed to anyone.”

At this point, there was no way Maverick possibly back down. Suddenly, a faint white light emerged from within Maverick’s body. Following this, his soul was seen separating from his physical body. The same was happening to Brody. His soul instantly separated from his physical body, subsequently merging with the red mist of blood within the formation.

The two individuals’ physical bodies. However, the two beams of white light were continuously colliding with the crimson mist, causing the void to tremble. Swiftly, two crimson figures materialized, their power increasing exponentially. The blood mist within the formation seemed to be continuously supplying power to the two individuals.

John’s brows were deeply furrowed. He had never before encountered a method that involved discarding the physical body and using only the soul to absorb energy to enhance one’s cultivation

Thus, he dared not hesitate any longer, for he had no idea to what extent the two enemies could enhance their abilities. John simultaneously attacked with Dragonslayer Sword and Demon Flogger. Thousands of sword lights fell like a torrential downpour, while the demonic fire on Demon Flogger transformed into clusters of fireballs that flew forward in attack.

Boom, boom, boom… This time, John dared not be careless at all, giving it his all from the very first move. However, the myriad of sword lights and clusters of fireballs astonishingly passed through the bodies of Maverick and Brody, striking the ground with a thunderous impact.

“This…” John’s brow furrowed, as he was left dumbfounded.

“Mr. White, they have taken spirit form. I’m afraid that physical attacks may not cause them much harm,” Fitz reminded anxiously.

John nodded in acknowledgment. Subsequently, within John’s consciousness field, a light flickered. Waves of spiritual sense attacks began to emanate from all around him. Faced with John’s spiritual sense attacks, the blood-red spirits of Maverick and Brody astonishingly merged into one.

Countless blood mists swirled around the two spirits like a whirlwind. Every attack was then thwarted by this blood mist. As the blood mist thickened at an increasing pace, a whirlwind formed within the formation, shrouding the entire formation in a veil of blood mist! John’s body, which was suspended in mid-air, was also shrouded by the crimson mist. Those outside simply couldn’t make out John’s figure.

At this point, Phoenix and the others began to worry about him. After all, the Sacrificial Blood Array was extremely powerful, and both Maverick and Brody were Sixth Level Tribulators who were not easy to deal with. Now that his enemies had the support of the arcane array, they all feared that John simply couldn’t defeat the two. However, before long, the crimson mist gradually dissipated, and subsequently, John’s figure slowly emerged!

At this moment, aside from his gloomy expression, it seemed as if there were no other changes to John. However, when the blood mist had completely dissipated, everyone was astonished to discover that the spirits of Maverick and Brody had disappeared. On the ground, a figure appeared. It was over two meters tall, its entire body was blood-red, and its eyes were filled with ferocity.
Thank you very much Immortal. All these money belongs to youFB_IMG_1712740546923.jpg
I don't see john fighting Tyler for now but that fight will be epic as both would have reached martial arts holy or even half way to becoming immortal. But john will surely decimate him that time. One important thing to learn from this story is that the more popular you become with ladies, you face problems much bigger than you can handle and that also every single day. I wonder how do the masters in sex sect manage problems as such.
On a lighter note, these are our new warriors recruits from my virgin sect. They are ready to initiated with more combat skills.View attachment 2802
All of them are absolutely gorgeous. Top notch quality.
Finally, I have successfully completed my studies and graduated. Now, ready to venture into the world of work and more responsibilities. I have a couple of good offers and I am going to take a couple of days to choose what I want to do next with my life. Sorry to all the masters here that I had been very passive here as I was silently cultivating. Now, I am going to be more free and will hope to be very active. I am also thinking of starting to read another story, may be Charlie Wade. I also see another story with John. May be I will also read that as well.
Finally, I have successfully completed my studies and graduated. Now, ready to venture into the world of work and more responsibilities. I have a couple of good offers and I am going to take a couple of days to choose what I want to do next with my life. Sorry to all the masters here that I had been very passive here as I was silently cultivating. Now, I am going to be more free and will hope to be very active. I am also thinking of starting to read another story, may be Charlie Wade. I also see another story with John. May be I will also read that as well.
Anything today for cultivation immortal gily?
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Finally, I have successfully completed my studies and graduated. Now, ready to venture into the world of work and more responsibilities. I have a couple of good offers and I am going to take a couple of days to choose what I want to do next with my life. Sorry to all the masters here that I had been very passive here as I was silently cultivating. Now, I am going to be more free and will hope to be very active. I am also thinking of starting to read another story, may be Charlie Wade. I also see another story with John. May be I will also read that as well.
Congratulations Brother, keep Soaring 💪
Finally, I have successfully completed my studies and graduated. Now, ready to venture into the world of work and more responsibilities. I have a couple of good offers and I am going to take a couple of days to choose what I want to do next with my life. Sorry to all the masters here that I had been very passive here as I was silently cultivating. Now, I am going to be more free and will hope to be very active. I am also thinking of starting to read another story, may be Charlie Wade. I also see another story with John. May be I will also read that as well.
Congrats on completing your Studies.

Hope you join Perv Sect and start learning life lessons.

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